DQE/ER-0543T r BIBLIOGRAPHY: Ethicat Legal & Social Implications of the Human Genome Project May 1992 US. Department of Energy Office of Energy Research “BLIC HEALTH LIBRARY /firn~.:1&“ V \ i LIBRARY 1 ‘1 umveasm 0! j. \ muromrv’ .\ This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and Technical Informa- tion, PO. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831; prices available from (615) 576-8401, FTS 626—8401. Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. DOE/ER-0543T BIBLIOGRAPHY: Ethical Legal & Social Implications of the Human Genome Project May 1992 Compiled by Michael S. Yesley, J.D. Coordinator, DOE ELSl Program US. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research Washington, D.C. 20585 filings. An??? ' PUBLIF HEALTH > 1 0L3 1 1 P06;- FORWARD Acquiring complete knowledge of the organization, structure, and function of the human genome -- the master blueprint of each of us -- is the broad aim of the Human Genome Project. It is a new kind of program in biology, both in its size and focus on a limited set of goals and in its dependence on the development and use of technology. The coordinated U.S. Human Genome project was officially initiated by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Health and Environmental Research and the National Institutes of Health National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR) in FY 1991 with the publication in April 1990 of "Understanding Our Genetic Inheritance; The U.S. Human Genome Project: The First Five Years 1991-1995." The DOE effort, which began very modestly almost four years before, is now more than five years old. Early in the Project, DOE recognized the need for research concerning the complex ethical, legal, and social implications (“ELSI") of the Project and education on all it aspects. This is another way in which the Human Genome Project differs from other science projects: the results of the Genome Project will impact all of us very personally as we learn more about ourselves and our medical futures at a time when interventions, if available, can do the most good. This recognition, that consideration and study of the ELSI issues inevitably must accompany the Genome Project and that the complexity of the problems it raises requires the best and brightest minds to address them, clarifies our thinking and steels our resolve to act carefully and wisely as the science of the Genome Project rapidly advances. The present document is a bibliography of more than 2600 publications, assembled and organized by Michael S. Yesley of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, focused on the ethical, legal, and social aspects, issues and implications of the Human Genome Project. It is meant to serve as a resource for scientists, educators, ethicists, philosophers, journalists, lawyers, and everyone else with an interest in the implications of the Genome Project. It is planned that at periodic intervals, as new publications and resources appear, this bibliography will be updated. In addition, there are plans to provide on-line access in the near future. Identification of the relevant literature will greatly facilitate future research and educational activities in this important field of inquiry, and we are pleased to make this ELSI bibliography and library resource available as a public service. David J. Galas, Associate Director for Health and Environmental Research, Office of Energy Research U.S. Department of Energy INTRODUCTION This Bibliography catalogs more than 2600 books and articles related to the ethical, legal and social implications ("ELSI") of the Human Genome Project. I began identifying and collecting these ELSI materials three years ago for my own research purposes. Somewhere along the line, my research got put on a back burner, but the Bibliography took on a life of its own - as an ELSI project supported by the Department of Energy - to provide resources for anyone interested in analyzing the social implications of the Human Genome Project. These resources include the Bibliography printed here, computerized search services, and a collection of the listed ELSI materials at the General Law Library, Los Alamos National Laboratory. The ELSI literature has been growing apace with advances in biological science and technology over the past quarter-century. Scholarly attention to eugenics, of course, long preceded the current period. But scientific progress and increasing technological capability since the 1960‘s have fueled the interest of philosophers, lawyers, scientists, journalists and the public in the social and ethical issues raised by the "new biology." The Human Genome Project and the acceleration of genetic discovery recently have raised concerns and the attendant rate of publication to new heights. Scientific advances can generate broad interest based on sheer intellectual curiosity and . no personal consequence, as Stephen Hawking has demonstrated. The field of bioethics, however, has generally presented more proximate issues, potentially impacting all of us at the beginnings and end of life, and some of us, less fortunate perhaps, in the midst of life. The issues raised by advances in genetics are even more pervasive. We are all genetically “affected" in countless ways, some more obvious or portentous than others. In the foreseeable future, we will all have something genetic to learn - or not learn - about ourselves that could substantially alter our lives. Important decisions on the personal and policy levels will need to be made about the significance that should or should not be attached to genetic information. We all sense the importance of this new knowledge and the challenges it will present. We must learn more about the issues and attempt to anticipate and resolve them. The major questions posed by advances in genetics are mixed ones of fact and value. To answer these questions, we require knowledge about the science and technology involved, as well as the social and ethical values that should guide or control the application of the technology. The general and scholarly literature is the most important repository of factual information as well as analysis and opinion of those who have focused on ELSI and related topics. The literature itself can be analyzed to reveal the values and assumptions of the writers. We have provided the ELSI Bibliography as a key to facilitate efficient research in this rich literature. The Bibliography is actually a computer database of information about the ELSI materials we have identified for our collection at LANL’s General Law Library. We present in the following pages a printout of citations to all publications in the database as of May 1, 1992, alphabetically by first author. The database also contains additional information such as keywords, multiple authors and other names mentioned in the documents. Our software enables rapid selection and sorting on a variety of parameters and combinations of parameters. For example, we can easily generate a chronological list of writings on a particular topic (or topics) that have appeared in particular publications (or all publications), or a chronological or alphabetical list of writings by and/or about any individual(s). Such computer magic is available as a public service. We will be happy to respond to requests for sorts and selections, which should be directed to: Michael R. Roth or Michael S. Yesley MS A187 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545 Telephone: (505) 667-3766 (voice); (505) 665—4424 (fax) Email: ROTH_MICHAEL_R@OFVAXLANLGOV YESLEY_MICHAEL_S@OFVAX.LANL.GOV Researchers are also invited to use our collection of ELSI materials at the LANL General Law Library, by appointment. We are continually updating and expanding the database. The citation list published here is twice the size of versions previously distributed at ELSI conferences, as the result of updating, use of supplementary online databases, review of other, more specialized bibliographies, and the addition of separate references to collected articles (only one entry for an entire collection was formerly included). We have used hundreds of published and unpublished sources; no more than two percent of the database entries were initially identified in any single source, with the exception of the online databases. Special thanks for sharing prepublication bibliographies are due to Robert Cook-Deegan (Institute of Medicine), Robyn Nishimi (Office of Technology Assessment), and Dennis Karjala and Daniel Strouse (College of Law, Arizona State University). David Shapiro (Nuffield Council on Bioethics) was kind to send many of the British entries. A few words on selection: in addition to writings that deal specifically with the ethical, legal and social implications of advances in biology and genetics, we have included materials on a variety of other topics relevant to ELSI research, from both general and scholarly publications. The Bibliography enables reconstruction of relevant events in science and society, as well as a broad range of analysis and opinion from many disciplines and the mass media. The important topics of genetic privacy and discrimination in various settings, and issues related to the provision of genetic diagnosis and therapy are, we believe, well covered. The Bibliography also includes historical and current writings on eugenics; books and articles on genetic issues in reproduction; and much social science literature, particularly regarding genetic counseling. It also includes news accounts of the politics and administration of the Human Genome Project. With the exception of landmarks and surveys, scientific reports in biology and genetics are not included, but journalist accounts ofthe science and technology from newspapers and magazines of record and other news sources are included. Much legal commentary on issues related to genetics (including intellectual property and forensics) is included, but we have temporarily deferred citation of cases and statutes. The entries are mostly limited to English; foreign language entries will be expanded in the future. The entries are generally limited to published materials. Compilation of the Bibliography has been an independent effort. We have attempted to reflect the entire spectrum of opinion about the implications of the Human Genome Project. All errors and omissions may be laid aLmy door, preferably by calling them to my attention, at the address noted above, so they can e corrected in the database and future publications of the Bibliography. Your comments and suggested additions to the Bibliography are solicited, and we would appreciate reprints for our library collection. The ELSl Bibliography and library collection were developed with the generous support of the Department of Energy's Office of Health and Environmental Research, the invaluable assistance of Michael Roth and other staff at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the encouragement of Reggie Hughes, Laboratory Counsel, and Jim Mitchell, Senior Counsel, and a variety of benefactions from Ron Walters, former Program Director for Biological and Environmental Research at LANL. Michael S. Yesley ELSI Bibliography ELSI BIBLIOGRAPHY Aaronson, "Grth Factors and Cancer" Science. 1991 Nov 22; 254: 1146-1153. Abdellah, "The Human Genome Initiative -- Implications for Nurse Researchers" Journal of Professional Nursing. 1991 Nov-Dec; 7(6): 332. Academia Europaea, "Research on the Human Genome in Europe" London: Academia Europaea; 1991 March 20: 23 p. Ackerman, "Taking on the Human Genome" American Scientist. 1988 Jan; 76(1): 17-18. Adams, "Eugenics in Russia, 1900—1940" In: Adams, ed., The Wellborn Science, 1990, 153-216. Adams, "Self-Organisation and Living Systems: Is DNA an Artificial Intelligence" Medical Hypotheses. 1989; 29: 223-229. Adams, "Towards a Comparative History of Eugenics" ln: Adams, ed., The Wellborn Science, 1990, 217-231. Adams, "Validation of the FBI Procedure for DNA Analysis: A Summary" Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime Laboratory Digest Special Reprint Issue: DNA Analysis: A Collection of Articles 1988-1991. Adams, ed., The Wellborn Science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil, and Russia, New York: Oxford University Press; 1990: 242 p. Adams, Kelley et al., "Complementary DNA Sequencing: Expressed Sequence Tags and Human Genome Project" Science. 1991 Jun 21; 252: 1651-1656. Adams, Presley et al., "Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Analysis by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms of Blood and Other Body Fluid Stains Subjected to Contamination and Environmental Insults" Journal of Forensic Sciences. 1991 Jun 21: 1284-1298. Adelman, "The Constitutionality of Mandatory Genetic Screening Statutes" Case Western Reserve Law Review. 1981 ; 31: 897-948. Adler, "Biotechnology as an Intellectual Property" Science. 224: 357. Adler, "Introduction: Evolving and Recombinant Biotechnology Law and Biotechnology Law Issues" AIPLA Quarterly Journal. 1988-1989; 16(3&4): 287-293. Administrative Conference of the United States, "Recommendation 89-7, Federal Regulation of Biotechnology“ 1989. Agich, "Genetic Justice" University of Western Ontario Law Review. 1986; 24: 39-50. Aldhous, "Congress Reviews DNA Testing" Nature. 1991 Jun 27; 351: 684. Aldhous, "Genetic Screening: Closing a Loophole in Discrimination Rules" Nature. 1991 Jun 27; 351: 684. Department of Energy Aldhous, "HUGO Opposes Venter" Nature. 1992 Jan 16: 194. Aldhous, "Human Genome Databases at the Crossroads: Learning to Cope with Avalanche of Data" Nature. 1991 Jul 11; 352(6331): 94. Aldhous, "Human Genome Project: Tit for Tat on Patents?" Nature. 1991 Oct 31; 353: 785. Aldhous, "New Office for HUGO in Soviet Union" Nature. 1991 Jan 1; 351 (6329): 683. Aldhous, "Who Needs a Genome Ethics Treaty?" Nature. 1991 Jun 13; 351: 507. Alexander, Lerer et al., "Ethical Issues in Genetic Linkage Studies of Psychiatric Disorders" British Journal of Psychiatry. 1992 Jan; 160: 98-102. Allen, "Eugenics and American Social History, 1880—1950" Genome. 1989; 31(2): 885-889. Allen, "Genetics, Eugenics and Class Struggle" Genetics. 1975 Jun; 79: 29-45. Allen, "Genetics, Eugenics and Society: lnternalists and Externalists in Contemporary History of Science" Social Studies of Science. 1976; 6: 105-122. Allen, "Genome Project: ‘Source Book for Biology’ or ‘Expensive Tinker Toy’" St. Louis Post Dispatch. 1989 Feb 5: B4. Allen, “Scientists Clash Over the Ethics, Validity of Race Research - Genetic Indexing of Race Groups Is Irresponsible and Unscientific" Scientist. 1990 May 14; 4(10): 17. Allen, "The Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor, 1910- 1940: An Essay in Institutional History“ OSIRIS. 1986; 2: 225-264. Allen, “T he Misuse of Biological Hierarchies: The American Eugenics Movement, 1990-1940" Hist. Philos. Life Sci. 1983; 5: 105-128. Allen, "The Work of Raymond Pearl: From Eugenics to Population Control" Science for the People. 1980 Jul-Aug: 22-28. Allende, "A View from the South" FASEB Journal. 1991 Jan; 5(1): 6-7. Allende, "The Human Genome Project: An Imperative for International Collaboration" Impact of ‘ Science on Society. 1989 Fall; 39(156:4): 337-350. ' Altman, “Detecting Gene Is Linked to a Cause of Blindness" New York Times. 1990 Jan 25. Altman, "New Cancer Clue: How Cells Talk to Each Other" New York Times. 1992 Jan 21; 85, B9. . Altman, "New DNA Test Offers Biological ’Fingerprints‘ for Crime Fight" New York Times. 1986 Feb 4; C1. ELSI BIBLIOGRAPHY Altman, "Scientists Say a Specific Gene May Foreshadow Alcoholism" New York Times. 1990 Apr 18: A1 . A9. Altman, "The Doctor‘s World: The Growing Importance of the Family History“ New York Times. 1982 Apr 13: C3. Alwen, "United Kingdom Human Genome Mapping Project: Background, Development, Components, Coordination and Management, and International Links of the Projec " Genomics. 1990 Feb; 6(2): 386-388. Al-Jader, Goodchild et aI., "Attitudes of Parents of Cystic Fibrosis Children Towards Neonatal Screening and Antenatal Diagnosis" Clinical Genetics. 1990; 38: 460-465. Amato, ed. "Genes Score a New Point in Alcoholism" Science. 1991 Jul 26: 379. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Genetics, "Newborn Screening Fact Sheets" Pediatrics. 1989 Mar; 83. American Association for the Advancement of Science, "Genome Issue: Maps & Database" Science. 1991 Oct11; 254: 165-344. American Association for the Advancement of Science, The Genome, Ethics and the Law: Issues In Genetic Testing, Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1991 June 14-16: 124 p. American Council of Life Insurance, Questions and Answers: Genetic Information and Insurance, 1990 Aug 16: 4 p. American Medical Association, Council on Scientific Affairs, "Genetic Testing and the Potential Basis for Job Discrimination" In: Proceedings of the House of Delegates: 44th Interim Meeting. Chicago, Illinois: American Medical Association; 1990: 304-310. American Medical Association, Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, "Use of Genetic Testing by Employers" Journal of the American Medical Association. 1991 Oct 2; 266(13): 1827-1830. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Council Policy Statement on Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome, 1987 Jun 7. American Society of Human Genetics. "ASHG Human Genome Committee Report - The Human Genome Project: Implications for Human Genetics" American Journal of Human Genetics. 1991; 49: 687-691. American Society of Human Genetics, Ad Hoc Committee on DNA Technology, "DNA Banking and DNA Analysis: Points to Consider" American Journal of Human Genetics. 1988; 42: 781 -783. American Society of Human Genetics, Ad Hoc Committee on Individual Identification by DNA Analysis, "Individual Identification by DNA Analysis: Points to Consider" American Journal of Human Genetics. 1990; 46(3): 631 -634. Department of Energy American Society of Human Genetics, "Policy Statement for Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening Programs and Quality Control for Laboratories Performing Maternal Serum and Amniotic Fluid Alpha—Fetoprotein Assays" American Journal of Human Genetics. 1987; 40: 75-82. American Society of Human Genetics, Position Paper on Patenting of Expressed Sequence Tags, 1991 Nov 6: 4 p. American Society of Human Genetics - Human Genome Committee and Board of Directors, "The Human Genome Project and Patents" Science. 1991 Dec 20; 254: 1710-1712. Anderson, "Conflict Concerns Disrupt Panels, Cloud Testimony" Nature. 1992 Feb 27; 355: 753-754. Anderson, "Creation of Linkage Map Falters, Posing Delay for Genome Project.“ The Scientist. 1990 Jan 8; 4: 1. Anderson, "Gene Patents: More Questions Than Answers" Nature. 1991 Nov 21; 254. Anderson, "Genetics and Human Malleability" Hastings Center Report. 1990 Jan-Feb: 21-24. Anderson, "Genetics Information: Evolution of a Gadfly" Nature. 1991 Oct 24; 353: 686-687. Anderson, "Genome Project Planners Vie for Leadership" Scientist. 1989 Jun 12; 3(12): 7-8. Anderson, "Genome Project Spawns New Research on Ethics" Scientist. 1990 Jan 22; 4(2): 20. Anderson, "Genome Project to Tackle Mass Screening" Nature. 1990 Dec 13; 348(6302): 569. Anderson, "Genome Project: Patents, Round Two" Nature. 1992 Feb 20; 355(6362): 665. Anderson, "Global Warming Meets Genetic Engineering" Nature. 1991 Oct 24; 353: 686. Anderson, "Human Gene Therapy: Scientific and Ethical Considerations" Journal of_Medicine and Philosophy. 1985 Aug; 10(3): 275-291. Anderson, "Human Gene Therapy: Why Draw a Line?" Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 1989 Feb; 14(1): 681 -693. Anderson, "Human Genome Project - The Honeymoon Is Over" Nature. 1990 Jul 26; 346(6282): 309. Anderson, "Massachusetts Spina Bifida Association: An Advocacy Group's Perspective on MSAF P Screening" Genetic Resource. 1985 Autumn/1986 Winter: 13-19. Anderson, "Oncomouse Released" Nature. 1988 Nov 24; 336(6197): 300. Anderson, "Privacy Bill Vetoed" Nature. 1991 Oct 24; 353: 687. Anderson, "Prospects for Human Gene Therapy" Science. 1984 Oct 26; 226: 401-409. ELSI BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, "Roche Cuts Controversial PCR Fees, Testing Limits“ Nature. 1992 Jan 30; 355(6359): 379. Anderson, “U.S. Genome Head Faces Charges of Conflict" Nature. 1992 Apr 9; 356(6369): 463. Anderson, "US. Patent Application Stirs Up Gene Hunters" Nature. 1991 Oct 10; 353: 485-486. = "Anderson, "Watson Resigns, Genome Project Open to Change" Nature. 1992 Apr 16; 356(6370): 549. Anderson, Aidhous, "Genome Project Faces Commercialization Test" Nature. 1992 Feb 6; 355(6360): 483-484. Anderson, Aidhous, “Genome Project: Secrecy and the Bottom Line" Nature. 1991 Nov 14; 354: 96. Anderson, Aidhous, "Human Genome Project: Still Room for HUGO?" Nature. 1992 Jan 2; 255: 4-5. Anderson, Fletcher, "Gene Therapy in Human Beings: When Is It Ethical to Begin?" New England Journal of Medicine. 1980 Nov 27; 303(22): 1293-1297. Andrews, "DNA Testing, Banking and Individual Rights" in: Knoppers, Laberge, eds., Genetic Screening: From Newborns to DNA Typing, 1990: 217-242. Andrews, "Legal Aspects of Genetic Information" Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine. 1991 Jan/Feb; 64(1): 29-40. Andrews, "Making a Difference: Dr. Healy’s Big Push on Patents" New York Times. 1992 Feb 16: 12. Andrews, "Mapping the Human Genome: The Most Important Biological Project in the History of Science" Congressional Record. 1989 Apr 27; 135: E1418-01. Andrews, Medical Genetics: A Legal Frontier, Chicago: American Bar Foundation; 1987: 284 p. Andrews, "Patents Bill Seeks to Protect Gene Work" New York Times. 1990 Feb 10. Andrews, "Proposals on Genetic Technology; US. Panel Urges Easing of Regulation" New York Times. 1991 Feb 19: C1. Andrews, State Laws and Regulations Governing Newborn Screening, Chicago: American Bar Foundation; 1985: 167 p. Andrews, "The Gene Prophets" Vogue. 1990 Jan; 180(1): 198. Andrews, "U.S. Seeks Patent on Genetic Codes, Setting Off Furor" New York Times. 1991 Oct 21: A1. Department of Energy Andrews, ed., Legal Liability and Quality Assurance in Newborn Screening, Chicago: American Bar Foundation; 1985: 242 p. Andrews, Jaeger, "Confidentiality of Genetic information in the Workplace" American Journal of Law & Medicine. 1991; 17: 75-108. Angastiniotis, "Cyprus: Thalassaemia Programme" Lancet. 1990 Nov 3; 336: 1119-1120. Angier, "A Brain Cell Surprise: Genes Don’t Set Function" New York Times. 1992 Jan 28: B5. Angier, "A New Gene Therapy To Fight Cholesterol ls Being Prepared" New York Times. 1991 Oct 29: B6. Angier, "Backwards Genetics Finds a Genetic Flaw, Then a Disease to Match" New York Times. 1991 Oct 1: Be. Angier, "Biologists Seek the Words in DNA's Unbroken Text" New York Times. 1991 Jul 9. Angier, "Cigarettes Trigger Lung Cancer Gene, Researchers Find" New York Times. 1990 Aug 21. Angier, "Crucial Gene is Discovered in Detecting Colon Cancer" New York Times. 1991 Mar 15: A1. Angier, "DNA’s Wrapping Holds Key to Genes at Work" New York Times. 1991 Sep 17: BS. Angier, "Doctors Have Success Treating Blood Disease With Gene injections" New York Times. 1991 Jul 28. Angier, "Doctors Link Gene to Colon Cancer" New York Times. 1991 Aug 9: A8. Angier, "Erroneous Triple Helping of DNA is Implicated in Disease" New York Times. 1991 Aug 6: 86. Angier, "Flawed 2-in-1 Protein Causes Cystic Fibrosis" New York Times. 1991 Feb 26. Angier, "For First Time, Gene Therapy ls Tested on Cancer Patients" New York Times. 1991 Jan 30: A1, A14. Angier, "Foreign Genes inserted in Humans" New York Times. 1990 Aug 30. Angier, "FDA. Approves Radical New Gene Therapy for Advanced Cancer" New York Times. 1990 Nov 14 . Angier, "Gene Causing Common Type of Retardation ls Discovered" New York Times. 1991 May 30: A1, A8. Angier, "Gene Finding Reveals a Secret of Smell" New York Times. 1991 Apr 5: A1, A9. ELSI BIBLIOGRAPHY Angier, "Gene Implant Therapy ls Backed For Children With Flare Disease" New York Times. 1990 Mar 8: A1, A20. Angier, "Gene in a Spinal Disease ls Identified" New York Times. 1990 Apr 5. Angier, "Gene ls Found That Causes Flare Type of Hypertension" New York Times. 1992 Jan 16: A7. Angier, "Gene ls Isolated in Disease Lincoln May Have Suffered" New York Times. 1991 Jul 25: A12. Angier, "Gene That Checks Cell Growth May Be Key to Many Cancers" New York Times. 1991 Apr 23: BS, BS. Angier, “Gene Therapy for a Disease Weighed by National Panel" New York Times. 1990 Mar 31: 8. Angier, "Gene Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis May Be Possible, Flat Test Suggests" New York Times. 1992 Jan 10: A1, A7. Angier, "Gene Therapy May Help Correct a Rare Liver Disorder" New York Times. 1990 Nov 1. Angier, "Gene Treatments For Human Illness May Be Tried Soon" New York Times. 1990 Aug 1: A1, A9. Angier, "Genetic Marker Found for a Heart Disorder that Kills the Young“ New York Times. 1991 May 14: BS“. ' Angier, "Girl, 4, Becomes First Human To Receive Engineered Genes" New York Times. 1990 Sep 15: 1, 9. Angier, "Molecular ’Hot Spot' Hints at a Cause of Liver Cancer" New York Times. 1991 Apr 4: A1, A11. Angier, "New Advances Offer Cystic Fibrosis Victims Heartening Prospects" New York Times. 1990 Aug 28: B7. Angier, "New Debate Over Human Ancestry“ New York Times. 1991 Oct 1: BS, 88. Angier, "New Gene Therapy Given Vote of Confidence" New YOrk Times. 1990 Jun 3: 22. Angier, "New Gene Therapy to Fight Cancer Passes First Human Test" New York Times. 1991 Jul 18. Angier, "Repair Kit for DNA Saves Cells from Chaos" New York Times. 1991 Jun 4: BS, 89. Angier, "Researchers Find Genetic Defect that Plays Role in Some Cancers" New York Times. 1990 Nov 30: A1, D19. Department of Energy Angier, "Scientists Discover the Gene in a Nervous System Disease" New York Times. 1990 Jul 13: A1, A9. Angier, "Some Genetic Pieces Are Falling into Place in Breast Cancer Puzzle" New York Times. 1990 Dec 25: 14. Angier, "Strain of Gene-Altered Mice Holds Hope for Medical Gains" New York Times. 1990 Apr 19: A1, A14. Angier, "Team Cures Cells in Cystic Fibrosis by Gene Insertion" New York Times. 1990 Sep 1: A1, A12. Angier, "The Biology of What It Means to Be Gay: Finding of Brain Difference Causes a Stir" New York Times. 1991 Sep 1: 1, 4. Angier, "The Gene Dream" American Health. 1989 Mar; 8: 102(6). Angier, "Ultraviolet Radiation Tied to Gene Defect Producing Skin Cancer" New York Times. 1991 Nov 19: 36. Angier, "Vast, 15-Year Effort To Decipher Genes Stirs Opposition" New York Times. 1990 Jun 5: BS, BB. Angier, "With Direct Injections, Gene Therapy Takes a Step Into a New Age" New York Times. 1992 Apr 14: BB. Annas, "Impact of Gene Maps on Law and Society" Trial. 1990 Jul: 42(8). Annas, "Mandatory PKU Screening: The Other Side of the Looking Glass“ American Journal of Public Health. 1982 Dec; 72(12): 1401-1403. Annas, "Mapping the Human Genome and the Meaning of Monster Mythology" Emory Law Journal. 1990 Summer; 39(3): 629-664. Annas, "Problems of Informed Consent and Confidentiality in Genetic Counseling" In: Milunsky, Annas, eds., Genetics and the Law, 1976: 111—122. Annas, "Rules for ‘Gene Banks’: Protecting Privacy in the Genetics Age" 1992 Mar (revised draft). Annas, "T he Human Genome Project as Social Policy: Implications for Clinical Medicine“ Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 1992 Jan-Feb; 68(1): 126-134. Annas, "Who's Afraid of the Human Genome?" Hastings Center Report 1989 Jul-Aug; 19(4): 19-21. Annas, Elias, "Legal and Ethical Implications of Fetal Diagnosis and Gene Therapy" American Journal of Medical Genetics. 1990; 35: 215-218. ELSI BIBLIOGRAPHY Annas, Elias, eds., Gene Mapping: Using Law and Ethics as Guides, New York: Oxford University Press; 1992. Anonymous, "[Special issue on the DOE Human Genome Project]" Trends in Biotechnology. 1992 Jan-Feb. Anonymous, "[Untitled: The French Academy of Sciences has passed a motion concerning the patenting of genetics sequences...]" European Biotechnology Newsletter. 1992 Jan 20; 127: 5. Anonymous, "‘Eurogenome’ Program Suspended" Lancet. 1989 Apr 15; 1989(1): 856. Anonymous, "‘Gold Rush' for Gene Patents is Feared" Daily Telegraph. 1992 Jan 8: 4. Anonymous, "‘Pay-to-Play' James Watson Tells Gene-Mappers, Notably Japanese“ Biotechnology Newswatch. 1989 Dec 4. Anonymous, "A New Shadow" Economist. 1991 Nov 23: 95—96. Anonymous, "A Spectre from the 1940s" New Scientist. 1989 Feb 4; 121: 21. Anonymous, “Agency Refrains from Lead Role in Human Genome Mapping Projec“ Inside Energy with Federal Lands. 1988 May 16: 10. Anonymous, "All in the Genes" Times. 1991 Aug 23. Anonymous, "Are Germ Lines Special? The Conclusion That Genetic Manipulation of the Germ-Line Must Be Outlawed May Be Too Hasty" Nature. 1988 Jan 14; 331 (6152): 100. Anonymous, "Bad Luck Insurance" Nature. 1990 Sep 20; 347: 214. Anonymous, "Banking DNA Sequences“ Nature. 1980 May 8; 285(5760): 59. Anonymous, "Baroness Urges Gene Research Regulation" Daily Telegraph. 1991 Aug 23: 9. Anonymous, "Bioethics Code, Human Genome Mapping“ Marketletter. 1988; 15: 11 Anonymous, "Biotech Competitiveness Act Elicits Opposition from Reagan Administration" Gray Sheet. 1986 Jul 25; 14(30)- Anonymous, "Biotechnology Instruments Viewed as Hot Spots in Tepid US. Market" Biotechnology Newswatch. 1990 Nov 5; 10(21): 6. Anonymous, "Breaking the Human Genetic Codef' Albuquerque Tribune. 1987 Sep 25. Anonymous, "British Parliament Backs Embryo Research Despite Protests" Reuters. 1990 Apr 24. Anonymous, "Business Technology: Biotech Boost - With Safeguards" Daily Telegraph. 1991 May 13: 30. Department of Energy Anonymous, "Caution on Genetic “Fingerprints” Christian Science Monitor. 1989 Aug 21; 81 (186): 20. Anonymous, "Cell Error Pinpointed in Down Syndrome" New York Times. 1991 May 28. Anonymous, "Changing Your Genes" Economist. 1992 Apr 25: 11-12. Anonymous, "Choosing Your Baby’s Sex: The X-Rated Question Genetic Advances Give Huge Potential Power to Doctors and Parents" Daily Telegraph. 1991 Nov 28: 18. Anonymous, "Chromosome Cartography" Wall Street Journal. 1989 Mar 16. Anonymous, "Commercialism Threatens Human Genome Science" European Biotechnology Newsletter. 1991 Dec 31; (126): 2. Anonymous, "Congress Trims Funds for Genome Project for Second Year in a Row" Biotechnology Newswatch. 1991 Jul 15; 11(14): 4. 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