International Classification of Dlseases 9TH REVISION Clinical Modification THIRD EDITION VOLUMES 1 and 2 ‘6 US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AN-WHLIMWHESERVICES Public Health Service 0 Health Care Financing Administration PUBLIC HEAE TH nanny ," LIKHEY‘ . ‘-/‘\ .’l>lw ICD—9—CM Addendum ' Official Authorized Addendum for the I "7“” International Classification of Diseases, 7 l " Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification /" /,u Third Edition KP/ Volumes 1 and 2 Effective Date: October 1, 1990 This addendum for Volumes 1 and 2 of the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification is published with the approval of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for the Classification of Diseases in North America at the National Center for Health Statistics and the Health Care Financing Administration. This addendum has been compiled with the advice and assistance of the American Hos- pital Association, American Medical Record Association, and the Commission on Pro- fessional and Hospital Activities. INSTRUCTIONS The new and revised entries for ICD—9—CM are effective for discharges October 1, 1990, and are to be entered in Volumes 1 and 2. TABULAR LIST, VOLUME 1 The left—hand side of each page identifies the type of entry made, Le, a new category code, added information, or a revision of existing title or information. Material to be deleted is lined through with a continuous rule. ALPHABETIC INDEX, VOLUME 2 1. The terms and code numbers that are underlined indicate the revisions that are to be made. In some instances it was necessary to reprint unaffected entries to maintain continuity and provide for easy insertion in the Alphabetic Index. In other instances where the unaffected text has been omitted in displaying an entry, an ellipsis (. . .) will appear. 2. Changes in the index are designated as Add, Amend, and Delete. The added or amended material may be to text or codes. The added or amended material is underlined. The material to be deleted is lined through with a continuous rule. MEL MVM VOLUME 1, TABULAR LIST OF DISEASES 223 Benign ne0plasm of kidney and other urinary organs 223.8 Other specified sites of urinary organs 223.89 Other Delete Uraehus Delete Exeludefi WW 6754-79 237.7 Neurofibromatosis New code 237.70 Neurofibromatosis, unspecified New code 237.71 Neurofibromatosis, Type 1 [von Recklinghausen’s disease] New code 237.72 Neurofibromatosis, Type 2 [acoustic neurofibromatosis] 250 Diabetes mellitus The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 250: Revise 0 type II [non-insulin dependent type] [NIDDM type] [adult-onset type] or unspecified type Revise 1 type I [insulin dependent type] [IDDM type] [juvenile type] 374.8 Other disorders of eyelid New code 374.87 Dermatochalasis Delete Add New code New code New code Delete New code New code 446.2 493.1 537.8 569.8 Hypersensitivity angiitis Geodpasture’srsyndreme Excludes: antiglomerular basement membrane disease with- out pulmonary hemor- rhage (583.89) 446.20 Hypersensitivity angiitis, unspecified 446.21 Goodpasture’s syndrome Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody— mediated nephritis with pulmonary hemorrhage Use additional code, if desired, to identify renal disease (583.81) 446.29 Other specified hypersensitivity angiitis Intrinsic asthma Asthmaduetointemal immunelogiealfiaroeess Other specified disorders of stomach and duodenum 537.82 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum Other specified disorders of intestine 569.84 Angiodysplasia 583.8 With other specified pathological lesion Add Revise 654.2 Revise 654.9 753.1 New code New code New code New code New code New code New code New code New code in kidney 583.81 Nephritis and nephropathy, not specified as acute or chronic, in diseases classified elsewhere Code also underlying disease, as: Goodpasture’s syndrome (446.21) Previous cesarean section Uterine scar from previous cesarean section Other and unspecified Uterine scar NEC Cystic kidney disease 753.10 Cystic kidney disease, unspecified 753.11 Congenital single renal cyst 753.12 Polycystic kidney, unspecified type 753.13 Polycystic kidney, autosomal dominant 753.14 Polycystic kidney, autosomal recessive 753.15 Renal dysplasia 753.16 Medullary cystic kidney Nephronopthisis 753.17 Medullary sponge kidney 753.19 Other specified cystic kidney disease Multicystic kidney New code Delete Revise Delete Add Revise 996.8 Complications of transplanted organ 996.85 Bone marrow Graft—versus—host disease (acute) (chronic) SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSIFICATION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING HEALTH STATUS AND CONTACT WITH HEALTH SERVICES (V01—V82) This classification is provided to deal with occasions when circumstances other than a disease or injury classifiable to categories 001—999 (the main part of ICD),—er—t€ythe—E code, are recorded as “diagnoses” or “problems.” This can arise mainly in three ways: a) When a person who is not currently sick encounters the health services for some specific purpose, such as to act as a donor of an organ or tissue, to receive prophylactic vac— cination, or to discuss a problem which is In itself not a dis- ease or injury. This will be a fairly rare occurrence among hospital inpatients, but will be relatively more common among hospital outpatients and patients of family prac— titioners, health clinics, etc. JH—theseeireumstaneesrit—is permissible ferthe V cedete beuseekiaprevidingasmgle eause tabulations. b) When a person with a known disease or injury, whether it is current or resolving, encounters the health care system for a Specific treatment of that disease or injury (e. g, dialysis for renal disease; chemotherapy for malignancy; cast change) c) When some circumstance or problem is present which influences the person’s health Status but is not in itself a current illness or injury. Such factors may be elicited during population surveys, when the person may or may not be currently Sick, or be recorded as an additional factor to be borne in mind when the person is receiving care for some current illness or injury classifiable to categories 001—999. In the latter circumstances the V code should be used only as a supplementary code and Should not be the one selected for use in primary, Single cause tabulations. Examples of these circumstances are a personal history Of certain dis- eases, or a person with an artificial heart valve in situ. V01.7 Other viral diseases Revise Conditions classifiable to 042—078, except as above PERSONS ENCOUNTERING HEALTH SERVICES FOR SPECIFIC PROCEDURES AND AFTERCARE (V50—V59) NOTE: Categories V51—V58 are intended for use to indicate a reason for care in patients who may have already been treated for some disease or Revise note injury not now present, or who are receiving care to consolidate the treatment, to deal with residual states, or to prevent recurrence. V53.3 Cardiac pacemaker Add Reprogramming V54 Other orthopedic aftercare Add Excludes: malfunction of internal ortho— pedic device ( 996. 4) other complication of non- mechanical nature ( 996. 60—996. 79) V54.0 Aftercare involving removal of fracture plate or other internal fixation device Delete Excludefi WWW Revise Add Add Revise Add Revise Delete Add Add Revise Delete Add Revise 10 V56 Encounter for dialysis Use additional code to identify the associated condition Excludes: dialysis preparation — code to condition V58 Encounter for other and unspecified procedures and aftercare Excludes: con valescence (V66) V58.0 Radiotherapy WWW E E l . l‘ E Encounter or admission for radiotherapy Excludes: encounter for radioactive implant — code to condition V58.l Chemotherapy Encounter or admission for chemotherapy V67 Follow-up examination Includes: surveillance only following completed treatment Page 22 28 30 33 35 51 68 74 VOLUME 2, ALPHABETIC INDEX OF DISEASES Add term Amend term Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Delete term Delete term Delete term Delete term Delete term Delete code; add term Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add term Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Add term; amend code Amend code Abdomen . . . convulsive equivalent (_se_e also Epilepsy) 345.5 Adaptation reaction . . . Adhesion(s) . . . iris to corneal graft 996.72 Admission . . . for chemotherapyiESVI Admission . . . for radiotherapy V58.0 reprogramming of cardiac pacemaker V53.3 therapy dialysis . . . épreparatien)». .. Aftercare . . . extracorporeal dialysis . . . (preparation). . . involving dialysis . . . {preparation}. .. peritoneal dialysis . . . (preparation). . . renal dialysis . . . (preparation). . . Air embolism . . . due to implanted device-996.4- — see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, im—pTEnLo—rgmlmeat—oWéD- 996.5 NEC_ Angiitis . . . hypersensitivity 446.20 Gogdpasture‘s syndfime 446.21 specified NEC 1467.29 Angina . . . cflcendo 411.1 §EIPMEC 413.9 Angiodysplasia (intestinalis) (intestine) 569.84 duodenum 537.82 stomach 537.82 Arterionephrosclerosis . . . 7403.90 Arteriosclerosis . . . cardiorenal . . . 404.90 kidney . . . 403.90 nephrosclerosis . “7 49w renal . . . 403.90 arterioles . . . 403.907 Arteritis . . . allergic (see also Angiitis. hypersensitivity) 446.20 Asthma . . . cardiorenal . . . 404.90 1] Page 75 79 95 96 115 116 121 123 125 132 134 135 137 12 Amend code Add subterm Amend code Add term Amend code Add subtenn Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterrn Add subterm Add subtenn Add subterm Add term; amend code Amend code Amend subterrn Amend subterm Amend code Add subterm Amend code Delete term; amend code Delete subterm Delete subten'n Add subtenn Add subterm Asthma . . . due to internal immunological process 323£_ 1914951 Atrophy . . . kidney . . . with hypertension , . . 403.90 Bravais-Jacksonian epilepsy gsee also Epilepsy) 345.5 Bright’s disease . . . arteriosclerotic . . . 40392 Cardiomyopathy . . . iwiemic 414.8 Carrier . . . AEEEULVQQ HLCWVOZB human immunodeficiency virus V02.9 Change(s) . . . cardiorenal . . . 404.90 Chemotherapy encounter (for) V5 8.1 Cholesterosis . . . with cholecystitis — see Cholecystitis cholelithiasis —sveegolelithifl_ Collagen disease NEC . . . vascular . . . (see also AngiitiLhypersensitivity) 446.20 Collapse . . . cardiorenal . . . 7404.90 Compensation broken — seeflug, heart, gigestive failure -— see fLflugvlfiart, congestive Complex cardiorenal . . . £4.90 Complications v .bfllcflarrow tra_nsp_1ag,29& Complications cardiorenal . . . 4%22 graft . . . bone marrow NEG fag organ . . . bone marrow 93g8_5 Complications reimplant NEC . . . bone marrow 996.85 Page 138 138A 144 152 154 156 157 161 Delete term; add term Add subterm Add term Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add term Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Delete term; amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add term; amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Complications transfusion . . .fbene—mar—rew}. . . NEC . . . bone marrow 996.8_5 hemolysis NEC . . . bone marrow 996.85 Complications transfusion . . . shock . . . bone marrow 996.85 transplant . . . bone marrow 996.85 organ . . . bone marrow 996.85 Contact with AIDS virus V01.7 HIV V01.7_ human immunodeficiency virus V01.7 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 211.3 Curvature spine . . . due to or associated with neurofibromatosis 237.71 . . . poliomyelitis . . . 138 . . . Cyst . . . congenital . . . kidney 753.10 multiple 753.19 sing]: 753.11 Cyst... kidney . . . (multiple) 753.10 multiple 75 3.19 s_imple 593.2 single 753.1 1 Cystic . . . degeneration . . . kidney (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10 disease kidney, congenital 753.10 medullary 75 3.16 multiple 753.19 polycystic — see Polycystic, kidney single 753.11 specified NEC 753.19 kidney, congenital 753.10 medullary 753.16 multiple 753.19 polycystic — see Polycystic, kidney single 753.11 specified NEC 753.19 13 Page 164 166 167 179 181 182 185 14 Amend code Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Add term; amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add term; amend code Add subterm Add term; amend code Add subterm Damage cardiorenal . . . 404.90 Decompensation cardiac . . . failure — see Failure, heart, congestive cardiorenal . . . 404.90 heart . . . failure — see Failure, heart, congestive myocardial . . . failure — see Failure, heart, congestive Defect . . . osteochondral NEC_7_38;8 Degeneration . . . cardiorenal . . . itflfl cardiovascular . . . renal . . . 404.90 Degeneration . . . kidney . . . cyst . . . congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10 fibrocystic . .. 753.19 polycystic . . . £343 adult type (APKD) 753.13 autosomal dominant 7537173 autosoma1 recessive 753.14 Childhood type (CPKD) 753.14 infantile type 753.14 Degeneration . . . renal . . . fibrocystic 753.-19 polycystic 753.12 adult type (APKD) 753.13 autosomal dominant 753.13 autosomal recessive 753.14 childhood type (CPKD) 753.14 infantile tyfi 753.14 Delivery cesarean (for) previous surgery (to) uterus fl? 654.9 from previous cesarean section 654.2 scar(s) uterus NEC 654.9 from previous cesarean section 654.2 Page 189 190 198 202 204 205 210 211 212 213 215 Add term; amend code Add subterm Add term; amend code Add subterm Add code Add term Amend terms Delete term Amend code Add term Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend code Add term; amend code Add term; amend code Add term; amend code Amend code Delivery complicated (by) NEC previous surgery uterus NEC 654.9 from previous cesarean section 654.2 Delivery complicated (by) NEC scar(s) uterus NEC 654.9 from previous cesarean section 654.2 Derangement cruciate ligament . . . 717.84 Dermatochalasia, dermatoehalasis 374.87 Note — Use the followingfiflh—digit subclassification with category 250: 0 type II [non-insulin dependent type] [NIDDM type] [adult—onset type] or unspecified 1 type I [insulin dependent type] [IDDM type] [juvenile type] Dialysis . .. (preparation)... Disease . . . arteriocardiorenal . . . 404.90 basement membrane NEC . . . w _ ' pulmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture’s syndrome) 446.21 [583.81] Disease . . . Bright’s . . . arteriosclerotic . . . 93.90 Disease . . . cardiorenal . . . 404.90 cardiovascular . . . renal . . . 404.90 Disease . . . collagen . . . vascular . . . (see also Angiitis, hypersensitivity) 446.20 cystic kidney. congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 75 3.10 renal, congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10 Disease . . . Fahr—Volhard . . . _403.00 15 Page 216 219 220 225 226 230 237 16 Add subten'n Add subterm Add subterm Delete term; amend code Add subtenn Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subtenn Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add term; amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subtem1 Add subtenn Add subtenn Add subterm Add subtenn Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Disease . . . graft-versus-host (bone marrow) 996.85 due to organ transplant NEC — see Complications, transplant, organ Disease . . . host-versus-graft . . . bone marrow 996.85 Disease . . . kidney . . . cystic fmultiplfi. .. 753.10 multiple 753.19 single. 753.11 specified NEC 753.19 fibrocystic . . . 753.19 polycystic . . . 753.12_ adult type (APKD) 753.13 autosomal dominant 753.13 autosomal recessive 753.14 childhood type (CPKD) 75w infantile type 753.14 Dlsease . . . polycystic . . . kidney or renal 753.12 adult type (APKD) 753.13 A autosomal dominant 753.13 autosomal recessive 753.14 childhood type (CPKD) 753.14 infantile type 753.14 Disease . . . Recklinghausen’s . . . 237.71 renal . . . basement membrane . . . BEE pulmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture’s syndrome) 446.21 [583.81] cystic, congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10 fibrocystic . . . 753.19 hypertensive . . . 403.90 polycystic . . . 753.12_ adult type (APKD) 753.13 autosomal dominant 753.13 autosomal recessive 753. 14 childhood type (CPKD) 753.14 infantile type 753.14 renovascular . . . 403.90 Disease . . . Volhard—Fahr . . . 403.00 von Recklinghausen’s . . . 237.71 Disorder . . . dysthymic 300.4 Page 251 265 272 286 288 289 290 296 299 301 314 Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add term Add term Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add terms Add subterm Amend subterm Amend subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend subterm Double whammy (syndrome) 360.81 Dropsy . . . cardiorenal . . . 404.90 Dysplasia . . . kidney 753.15 renal 753.15 Dysthymia 300.4 Dysthymic disorder 300.4 Elephantiasis . . . neuromatosa 237.71_ Encounter for . . . chemotherapy V58.1 radiotherapy V58.0 Exposure . . . to AIDS virus V01.7 HIV V01,7 human immunodeficiency virus V01.7 Fahr-Volhard disease . . . 403.00 Failure . . . heart . . . compensated (see also Failure. heart. congestive) 428.0 congestive (compensated) (decompensated) 428.0 Failure . . . heart . . . decompensated (see also Failure, heart, congestive) 428.0 high output NEC 428.9 low output (syndrome) NEC 428.97 Failure . . . transplant . . . bone marrow 996.85 organ . . . bone mEow 996.85 Fibrocystic disease . 1 . kidney . . . £3i9 kidney... 753.19 Findings . . . culture . . . HIV 795.8 human immunodeficiency virus 795.8 viral human immunodeficiency 795 . 8 Findings . . . serological (for) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 795.8 syphilis — see Findings, serology for syphilis Fracture . . . hip . . . (see also Fracture, femur . . . l7 Page 330 332 336 341 346 347 348 353 354 358 361 369 373 18 Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Add term Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend subterm Add subterm Add term Add subterm Add term Add subterm Amend code Amend code Add term Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Glaucoma . . . in or with neurofibromatosis 237.71 ,. . Glomerulonephritis . . . arteriolar . . . 4220 arteriosclerotic . . . 403.90 basement membrane . . . with _Elmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture’s syndrome) 446.21 25am Goodpasture‘s syndrome . .. 446.21 Graft—versus-host disease (bone marrow) 996.85 due to organ transplant NEC — see Complications, transplant, organ Granuloma . . . abdomen (wall) 568.89 Harkavy’s syndrome 446.0 Hematoma . . . subperiosteal _(syndrome) . . . trauma_tic — see Hematoma, by site Hemoglobinemia . . . due to blood transfusion NEC , . . bone marflw 996.85 Hemolysis transfusion NEC . . . bone marrow 996.85 Hemorrhage . . . pulmonary . . . renal syndrome 446.21 renal . . . pulmonary syndrome 446.21 Hemosiderosis . . . transfusion flEg . . . bone margw 996.85 Hernia . . . incisional . . . with gangrene (obstructed) 551.21 obstruction 552.21 A aflvgangrene 55 L21 High output failure . . . (see also Failure, heart) 428.9 Hygroma . . . subdural — see Hematoma. subdural Hypersensltlve . . . angiitis 446.20 specified NEC 446.29 Page 375 376 377 Amend subterm and codes Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add term: amend codes Add term; amend codes Add term; amend codes Add term; amend codes Add term; amend codes Amend codes Amend codes Add term; amend codes Malig- Unspeci- nant Benign lied Hypertension . . . with renal involvement 403.00 4%10 403.90 with heart involvement — see 7 Hypertension, cardiorenal failuifeanxficl‘erosismee also i 'Eijsim, kicTneyjri 403.01 403.11 403.91 sclerosii without faillfl (see also 7— Hypertension, kidney) 403.00 403.10 403.90 cardiovascular disease . .._'- 7 fi‘ _‘ with renal involvement . . . (see also Hypertension, cardioreEl) 404.00 4%10 404.90 cardiovasaim renal . . . (see alsT _ _ 7 Hypertgsgn, cardiogiai) 404.00 4%) fiflfl Hypertension . . . due to glomerulosclerosis (see 1152 Hypertension, kidney) 403.00 403.10 403.90 heart . 17v “7777 W7. y—li '7 with hypertensive kidney disease . . . (see also Hypertension, 'card-iorHenaT)“ ._.__ 404.00 404.10 404.90 renal—scErEsTvee also Ai '7 _ if 77—»? HypertensEnicaFdiorenal) 404.00 404.10 404.90 kidney 7 if _ i' 3 403.00 4@.£) 403.90 renal... 403.00 403.10 403.90 Hypertension . . . secondary NEC due to glomerulosclerosis (see also HMEB‘E’VLRMJQ’) 7403.00 4&5) 403.90 19 Page 3 86 425 427 431 438 456 457 471 484 532 533 20 Add term Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend subterm Delete terms Add subterm Add subterm Add term Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subtenn Add subterrn Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm 13E asthma 493.0 Insufficiency . . . cardiorenal . . . 404.90 cardiovascular . . . renal . . . 404.90 Insufficiency . . . vascular . . . renal . . . 403.490 Ischemia . . . cardiomyopathy;_4l4.8 Kyphosis . . . due to or associated with neurofibromatosis 237.71 . . . poliomyelitis . . . l3 Lordosis . . . due to or associated with neurofibromatosis gm . . . p'oliomyelitis . . . 118 . . . Low output syndrome . . . (see also Failure, heart) £82 Medullary cystic kidney 753.16 sponge kidney _753. 17 Nephritis . . . acute . . . . hypertensive . . . 493% arteriolar . . .' 403.90 arteriosclerotic T .v‘p} .& basement membrane . . . with pulmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture‘s syndrome) 446. 45832111 ‘ cardiac . 401.92 cardiovascular . . . 4(290 chronic . . . _ arteriosclerotic . . . 40L9Q hypertensive . . . 40_3.%) Nephritis . . . due to arteriosclerosis. . 403. i99 hypertensive. . 403. 90 polycystic 753.12 adult type (APKD) 753.13 autosomal dominant 7_53.13 autosomal recessive 753.14 childhood type (CPKD)— 753.— 14 infantile type 753.14 Page 534 537 592 595 596 606 618 622 Add term Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Delete code; add term Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Delete terms Delete subterm Delete subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add term Add subterm Add term Add subterm Add term Amend subterm Nephronopthisis 75 3.16 Nephropathy . . . arteriolar . . . 403.90 arteriosclerotic . . . 403.90 hypertensive . . . 403.90 Nephroselerosis . . . 403.90 hyperplastic . . . 403.90 Nephrosis . . . arteriosclerotic . . . 3.90 Neurofibroma . . . multiple . . . 237.70 Type 1 237.71 Type 2 237.72 Neuroflbromatosis . . . 237.70 acoustic 237.72 Typ_e 1 237.71 :l'yp_e 2 23712 von Recklinghausen’s 237.71 Neuroma . . . multiple 237.70 Type 1 237.71 Iype 2 237.72 Polyeystic . . . degeneration. kidney 453:1— see Polycystic, kidney kidney... 753.12 adult type (APKD) 753.13 autosomal dominant 753.13 autosomal recessive 75 3.14 childhood type (CPKD) 753.14 infantile typj 753E Positive culture . . . AIDS virus 795.8 HIV 795.8 human immunodeficiency virus 795.8 serology Walls—09H false—795:6 AIDS virus 795.8 HIV 795.8 — human immunodeficiency virus 795.8 syphilis 097.1 with signs or symptoms — see Syphilis, by site and stage false 795.6 ) Postperfusion syndrome NEC . . . bone marrow 996.85 Propulsion eyeball 360.81 Pykno-epilepsy . . . (see also Epilepsy) . . . Reaction grafi-versus-host (GVH) 996.85 21 Page 623 Amend code Recklinghausen’s disease . . . 237.71 624 Rejection transplant . . . Add subterm bone marrow 996.85 organ . . . Add subterm bone marrow 996.85 625 Add term Reprogramming Add subterm cardiac pacemaker V53.3 641 Scar . . . uterus . . . Add term; in pregnancy or childbirth NEC 654.9 amend code Add subterm from previous cesarean section 654.2 643 Sclerosis . . . Amend code cardiorenal . . . 404.90 cardiovascular . Amend code renal . . . 404.90 644 Sclerosis . . . renal . . . with Amend code hypertension . . . 403.90 Amend code hypertensive heart disease . . . 404.90 Amend code arteriolar . . . 403.90 Amend code hyperplastic . . . 403.90 645 Scoliosis . . . due to or associated with Amend code neurofibromatosis 237.71 . . . 652 Shock septic . . . due to Add term transfusion NEC . . . Add subterm bone marrow 7 996.85 following Add term transfusion NEC . . . Add subterm bone marrow 996.85 660 Sponge Amend code kidney . . . 753.17 665 Status . . . absence Add term epileptic (see also Epilepsy} . . . Add term convulsivus idiopathicus (see also Epilepsy) . . . 666 Stenosis . . . artery . . . Add subterm renal 440.1 22 Page 677 682 683 684 686 688 692 696 707 708 717 731 738 Add term; amend code Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend subterm Amend subterm Add subterm Amend code Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Add subterm Delete term Add subterm Add subterm Amend code Amend code Amend code Amend code a :AR’V’ U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARI IES 09. I Ill!lllllllflllllllllllllllflll Priviezfizm C037'35'4Hbfi from previous cesarean section 654.2 Sutton and Gull’s disease . . . 403.90 Syndrome . . . cardiorenal . . . 404.90 cardiovascular renal . . . 404.90 Syndrome . . . Cronkhite—Canada 21 1.3 Syndrome . . . double whammy 360.81 Syndrome . . . Goodpasture’s . . . 446.21 Harkavy’s 446.0 Syndrome . . . low output . . . (see also Failure, heart) 428.9 Syndrome . . postperfusion NEC . . . bone marrow 996.85 pulmonary renal . . . 446.21 Syndrome . . . video display tube 723.8 Test(s) AIDS virus V72.6 HIV V72.6 human immunodeficiency virus V72.6 Therapy . . . dialysis . . . (preparation) . . . Transplant(ed) complication . . . bone marrow 996.85 organ . . . bone marrow 996.85 Tumor . . . von Recklinghausen’s . . . 237.71 Uremia . . . with hypertension . . . 403.90 complicating hypertension . . . 403.90 hypertensive . . . 403‘90 23 Peg: 744 745 746 747 750 771 Amend code Add term Amend code Amend code Amend code Delete code Add subterm Delete code Add subterm Delete code Add subterm Delete code Add subterm Amend code Vasculitis . . . retinal 362.10 Video display tube syndrome 723.8 Volhnrd-Fehr disease . . . 403.00 von Reckllngheusen‘s disease or syndrome . . . 237.71 tumor... 237.71 Whooping cough . . . due to Bordetella bronchoseptica. {434-3} with pneumonia 033.8 {484.3[ parapenussis £4343} with pneumonia 033 1 [484. 3[ pertussis H844} with pneumonia 033.0 [484. 3! specified organism NEC. #844} with pneumonia 033.8 (484.37 Therapeutic Substance Use Antiadrenergics . . . E941.3 . . . “US. Government Printing Office: 1990—269-2611/20439