few United States Ww) Department of a V-CTC Human Nutrition Information STETgVTel=) Agriculture Handbook Number 8-21 Composition of Foods: Fast Foods *Raw *Processed *Prepared Agriculture Handbook No. 8 Series Series Food #760 Year Number No. group issued of items 8-1 Dairy and Egg Products.............. 1976 144 8-2 Spices and Herbs.........cccvvivievnnnn 1977 43 83-3 Baby Foods c.vsssunes unnssnnvassnnnnns 1978 217 8-4 Fats and OlScissvussvisvnns snvesnncns 1979 128 8-8 Poultry Products ...cisssaus ivasvaniis 1979 304 8-6 Soups, Sauces, and Gravies .......... 1980 214 8-7 Sausages and Luncheon Meats......... 1980 80 8-8 Breakfast Cereals .........ccocvuuunn. 1982 142 8-9 Fruits and Fruit Julces..cvvvvvsccnees 1982 263 8-10 Pork ProdquctS...ossissssassanenons ans 1983 186 8-11 Vegetables and Vegetable Products ... 1984 470 8-12 Nut and Seed Products............... 1984 117 8-13 Beef Products .......covvveeivnnnnnnns 1986 360 8-14 DBevVerageS...sssvensenesssnnsvansnones 1986 153 8-15 Finfish and Shellfish Products........ 1987 174 8-16 Legumes and Legume Products........ 1986 133 8-17 Lamb, Veal, and Game.......cceeeeene In Preparation 8-18 Baked Products... .rsrsssnrecncsnncnns In Preparation 8-19 Snacks and Sweets ...cevvnsvssnsnvons In Preparation 8-20 Cereal Grains and Pastas ............. In Preparation 8-21 Fast PoodS ..icessssrsisssnsensin snips 1988 166 8-22 Mixed Dishes ......cvivevinnennnnnnns In Preparation United States manne Composition i of Foods: Service Hondoook Fast Foods *Raw *Processed *Prepared By Nutrition Monitoring Division Principal Investigators: Lynn E. Dickey John L. Weihrauch Revised September 1988 Preface Revising the major nutrient tables issued by the U.S. Department of Agri- culture is necessary to provide current nutrient information on foods. This revision of the 1963 edition of Agricul- ture Handbook No. 8 is being issued in sections to expedite the release of data to the public. Each section contains a table of nutrient data for a major food group. The entire series will cover a wide range of food products. To facilitate updating, each section of the handbook is being prepared in loose- leaf form. Each page in the table contains the nutrient profile of a single food item given on the basis of 100 grams of the food, in two common measures, and in the edible portion of 1 pound (453.6 grams) as purchased. This format permits a concise presen- tation of the data and a comparison of values from one unit of measure to another. The scope of the nutrient listing has been enlarged. Values are provided for refuse, energy, proximate composition (water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash), 9 mineral elements (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, and manganese), 9 vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamin, ribo- flavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, folacin, vitamin B-12, and vitamin A), individual fatty acids, cholesterol, total phytosterols, and 18 amino acids. The nutritive values contained in the handbook reflect the increasing informa- tion available on nutrients and food products. Our goal is for the revised and enlarged compilation of data to meet the requirements for reliable food composition values, which are basic to nutritional and dietary evaluation. Acknowledgments LOA 19 84 Publ The principal investigators gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the following staff members: I. Margaret Hoke for amino acid data; David B. Haytowitz for assistance with the Nutri- ent Data Bank Operations; Ruth H. Matthews for her advice and encourage- ment; Caroline Szymanski for general assistance; Jacob Exler for assistance with the page headings and appendix tables; Edward L. Sherman and the Survey Statistics Branch for Computer Systems Operation; Joanne Rosenthal Levine for design assistance and Lois E. Ludka, Alice M. Moscatelli, and Beulah M. Stewart for preparing camera copy; and Johna L. Pierce, Gerald Smith, and Carol Nathan, for editorial and production assistance. Special acknowledgment is given to Benicio Chaves, Sara Iverson, Diane Servetnick, Shanti Bowman, Patty Duchesne, and other students of the University of Maryland who provided technical assistance. Gratitude is also expressed to the individuals in government agencies, academic institutions, and private industry who supplied data and information used in this project. iii Foreword Agriculture Handbook No. 8 repre- sents a traditional function of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The development of the basic food compo- sition tables used in the United States began more than 90 years ago. Data on the nutritive value of foods were first compiled and evaluated in the Department by W. O. Atwater in the 1890's. This nutrition pioneer organized and became the first director of the Office of Experiment Stations in USDA. In 1896, the now-classic USDA Bulletin No. 28, "The Chemical Compo- sition of American Food Materials," by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods, was published. This document was the first in a long series of food composition tables that have been issued by the Department. The scope of succeeding tables has been expanded with the discovery of the presence and role of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary essentials in foods. Values from these tables have been used in many other compil- ations, both in this country and abroad. Nutritionists and scientists working in health-related fields depend on these composition data. Increasing emphasis on food and nutrition in national policies and programs has accelerated the need for comprehensive, up-to-date iv tabulations of the nutrient content of foods. USDA is continuing to expand and improve these food data. This publication is a major revision of the 1963 edition of USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 8, "Composition of Foods ...Raw, Processed, Prepared," currently a basic source of food composition data in this country. Dr. Atwater stated in Bulletin No. 28, "This table is intended to replace previous ones and to serve as a standard reference until it shall in its turn be replaced by a larger and more complete compilation." This revision of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 will, in its turn, also be replaced. The task of deriving representative nutrient values of foods is a historical responsi- bility of USDA. The task is never ending and is essential in providing more complete knowledge so that we can use our food resources wisely. HA For, J Robert L. Rizek, Director Nutrition Monitoring Division Human Nutrition Information Service Contents Page Sources Of AalA.cessscrrsnssrvansssssssssssevasssnssscvssn 1 Explanation of table ........cciiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiitienennness 1 FOrMAl vovcsrscnitisssssniniinmnmen sosnessssnsessssnsesss 1 Weights and measures.........coeeiereeicnccncennncnnns 1 NU PIS. cc snvnnn sss vss emit RE FTAs et P Ere adds REST RE 2 Notes on fast f00d8. caves rvrsnennvnrssscrnsonsassssansns 4 Literature cited .....coissiiinevssssnsnsnnsssossssvonsocey 7 JN 03 0X53 + Ue 1b. J I RE FE FERRE 9 List of abbreviations ....cceveeevrrvessrtesnsttsscrsenes 0 Metric system equivalents for units of measure.......... 9 Specific factors for calculating energy values ........... 10 Conversion factors for fatty acids of fast foods......... 14 Retinol equivalent conversion factors .................. 17 Selected nutrients in condiments and salad dressings ... 22 Guide to fast foOAS. uur ssttisitrennsrnnnssensnsnussnnsnne 23 Table of nutrient data.......ccovieteiiereerceessoseacsnnnes 28 Composition of Foods: Fast Foods *Raw *Processed *Prepared This is number 21 in a series of 22 publications designed to revise and expand the food composition tables published in the 1963 edition of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 (AH-8), "Composition of Foods...Raw, Processed, Prepared" (19). This section serves as a basic reference for data on the nutrients in fast foods. The tables of nutrient values were prepared using the facilities of the Nutrient Data Bank (NDB) (8). Data are presented for 166 fast foods and related products. Most fast-food items are given in the ready- to-eat form as served by fast-food establishments. Most data are from analyses conducted since 1975. When foods were analyzed several times since 1975 and changes in data could be linked to changes in the products, the most recent data were used. Many beverages, vegetables, and juices sold in fast-food establishments have the same nutrient composition as those obtained from other sources. In this section values from previously published sections were used when little or no difference was detect- able between the conventional and the "fast" form of the foods. The nutrient values in this revision supersede values previously. published by USDA (5). Sources of Data The data on fast-food items were compiled from published and unpublished sources. Published sources consist of scientific and technical literature from the United States. Unpublished sources include the fast-food industry, ‘Underlined numbers in parentheses refer to literature cited, p. 7. government agencies, universities, and studies conducted under grant or contract with the Human Nutrition Information Service (HNIS). Explanation of Table Format The fast foods are arranged alpha- betically within seven groupings: Bev- erages, Breakfast items, Desserts, Entrees, Mexican foods, Sandwiches and burgers, and Side dishes. The guide to the table contains the item name, cor- responding item number(s) in the 1963 edition, the unique Nutrient Data Base Number (NDB No.), and the page number. The five-digit NDB number, which also appears in the lower right-hand corner of the table pages, is used for computer access to the data. The first two digits designate the publication section or major food group of the item and the last three digits indicate the specific food. The NDB numbers are not necessarily consec- utive. In this section, the first two digits of the majority of NDB numbers are 21. NDB numbers in which the starting digits are not 21 were pre- viously assigned and are retained in this section to maintain the uniqueness of the NDB numbers. Each page includes the year of prep- aration. When the table is updated or expanded, new pages will be issued with instructions for insertion. Weights and Measures Data are given per 100 grams of edible portion in column B; as the amount per serving or commonly used measure in columns E and F; and as the amount in the edible portion of 1 pound (453.6 grams) of food as purchased in column G. Columns E and F occasionally rep- resent two distinct but related fast- food items that differ in size rather than in nutrient composition. For example, miniburgers and single meat patty ham- burgers have the same nutrient content on the 100-gram basis but are different on the per-item basis. The abbrevia- tions used in the tables and metric system equivalents for commonly used measures are defined in the Appendix. Data in column B are the sample means. The means are not weighted with regard to source because statistical analyses of data of similarly described foods showed an inter-establishment variation that was no greater than the intra-establishment variation. Values in column C are the standard errors of the samples. Column D contains the number of samples on which the values in columns B and C are based. For some foods and nutrients, means are given without standard error and number of samples. These values are footnoted and were calculated from another form of the food, from a similar food, or by recipe from the analytical data on the recipe ingredients. The number of decimal places for some nutrients differ from that in the 1963 handbook. The decimal places given are based on the number of decimal places used in the bulk of the analytical data collected. The number of decimal places does not necessarily reflect the accuracy of the data. Appropriate relationships among the different weights of a food item were preserved by using the same number of decimal places for data on the 100-gram basis and for data for other measures. Values in columns E, F, and G were calculated from the data on the 100-gram basis. Because of rounding, a nutrient value may appear as zero in the 100-gram column, although a value greater than zero appears in the serving size or pound as purchased columns. All items reported in this table have zero refuse except chicken, breaded and fried, light Most of the serving sizes and their weights are averages of actual deter- minations from Government contracts and data from industry. If no information on a specific food was available, serving size values for a similar form of the food were substituted. Nutrients Proximate components--Proximate com- ponents include moisture (water), energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash. Food energy is expressed in terms of both kilocalories and kilojoules. One kilocalorie equals 4.184 Kkilojoules. The data are for physiological energy and represent the energy value remaining after the losses in digestion and metabolism have been deducted from the gross energy. Calorie factors are based on the Atwater system for determining energy values; details of the derivation of the calorie factors are given in Agriculture Handbook No. 74 (7). Specific calorie factors used for fast foods are given in the Appendix. These factors were derived by multiplying the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate by the appropriate specific energy factors for each component. These energy factors are given to two decimal places. Values for protein are calculated from nitrogen (N) by the use of appropriate nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors. For each food the factor used is given in the stub of the table after "protein." Food composition tables have traditionally used the nitrogen-to-protein factors of Jones (3). The factor 6.25 is used to calculate crude protein when a specific factor does not exist. Protein factors for fast foods containing more than one protein source were derived by using the proportion of each source with its appropriate conversion factor. These derived factors are given to two decimal places. { The carbohydrate value is the difference between 100 and the sum of meat; chicken, breaded and fried, dark meat; and corn-on-the-cob with butter (6). the percentages of water, protein, fat, and ash. The value for carbohydrate includes crude fiber. Crude fiber is given in the table. Minerals--Data on nine mineral ele- ments are included in the table. Zinc, copper, and manganese have been added to the minerals that were reported in the 1963 handbook. Most of the mineral data were determined by atomic absorption or emission spectros- copy. The values represent the total amount of each mineral present in the edible portion of the food and include any amounts added to the product in preparation. They are not necessarily the amounts available to the body. Vitamins--Data on the content of nine vitamins are included in the tables. The values represent the total amount of each vitamin present in the edible portion of the food and include any amounts added to the product in prep- aration. They are not necessarily the amounts available to the body. Thiamin was determined chemically by the thiochrome procedure or by micro- biological procedures. Fluorometric and microbiological methods were used to measure riboflavin. Niacin values were obtained by both chemical and microbiological methods. The values for niacin do not include the niacin that could be derived from tryptophan, a niacin precursor. The sum of the preformed niacin and the amount that could be derived from tryptophan is called the "niacin equiv- alent." In estimating the amount of niacin available from foods, a mean value of 60 mg of tryptophan is consid- ered equivalent to 1 mg of niacin (9). Pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, folacin, and vitamin B-12 were determined microbiologically. Values shown for folacin are for total folate activity, in which bound folate is released by enzymatic treatment. Vitamin A activity is expressed both as international units (IU) and as retinol equivalents (RE). One IU is equivalent to 0.3 mcg of retinol or 0.6 mcg of beta-carotene; one RE is equiv- alent to 1 mcg of retinol or 6 mcg of beta-carotene. One RE is equal to 3.33 IU of retinol or 10 IU of beta-carotene. Retinol equivalent conversion factors were calculated for those food items in which the vitamin A activity is derived from several sources. These factors were calculated using the vitamin A activity contributed by carotenoids and preformed vitamin A, proportional to their occurrence in ingredients of a food item. These factors are given in the Appendix. To determine an accu- rate vitamin A value, the active carot- enoids must be separated from each other, identified, measured quantita- tively, and weighted by their biological activities. However, data obtained by separating individual carotenoids are not yet available for most fast food products. Vitamin A values reported in the tables were obtained by the Associ- ation of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) method (1). By this proce- dure, the total carotene is measured and is attributed to beta-carotene. Vitamin E was determined by gas liquid chromatography for some fast foods. The total vitamin E activity was determined in terms of milligram alpha- tocopherol equivalents from the values for the various tocopherols. The values, if available, are reported in footnotes. Lipids--Trivial or scientific names for the fatty acids have not been used because the values for the unsaturated acids may include positional and geo- metric isomers. In the list of fatty acids, the first digit denotes the number of carbon atoms and the second the number of double bonds in the chain. Only data from gas-liquid chromatographic analyses are included. The values shown are for the actual quantity of each fatty acid and do not represent fatty acid triglycerides. Most fatty acid data were obtained as the percentage of fatty acid methyl esters. These data were converted to grams of fatty acid per 100 grams of total lipid by using the conversion factors given in the Appendix. Details of the deriva- tion of lipid conversion factors have been published elsewhere (20). Values for total saturated, monoun- saturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids include individual fatty acids not reported in the table for many foods; therefore, the sum of their values may exceed the sum of the individual fatty acids listed. In rare cases, the sum of the individual fatty acids may exceed the sum of the values given for the total saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. These differences are caused by rounding. Zero values for individual fatty acids should be under- stood to mean that trace amounts of the individual fatty acid may be present. When grams of fatty acids per 100 grams of total lipid are converted to grams of fatty acids per 100 grams of food, converted values of less than 0.0005 are rounded to zero. Cholesterol is only present in foods of animal origin. Many foods are prepared from ingredients of both animal and plant origin. In these foods cholesterol levels depend on the kind and amounts of ingredients of animal origin present. Zero cholesterol signifies a food made entirely of ingredients of plant origin. Cholesterol data were obtained primarily by gas liquid chromatographic methods. Where cholesterol values were not available, they were calculated from recipes using analytical values for the ingredients; these values are footnoted. Amino acids--There are usually several protein sources for amino acids per fast-food item because these foods are composed of more than one ingredient. For each fast-food item, one amino acid pattern on a per-gram-of-nitrogen basis was developed by calculations. The amino acids in each protein-containing ingredient were multiplied by its pro- portion of the total nitrogen in the fast food item. Amino acids in 100 grams of 4 a fast food item were obtained by multiplying the sum of the amino acids for each protein-containing ingredient by the protein content divided by the nitrogen factor given in the table. Comparisons of about 45 of these cal- culations to analytical values obtained from contract studies showed this to be a reliable and practical way to estimate the amino acid content of fast foods. Notes on Fast Foods Fast foods are foods that are vended by limited-menu restaurants and are usually prepared by established routines to serve a maximum number of patrons in minimum time. Many of these restaurants are nationally or regionally franchised chains. Most fast foods are prepared for consumption in-house or for carryout. Carryout is often facilitated by drive-through windows which permit service to - customers in their automobiles. The large variations in nutrient values in the table reflect not only normal sampling and analytical error, but also variation resulting from the grouping of food items that are similar, but not identical, with regard to ingredi- ents and proportions of ingredients; variation among the different franchise chains; and variation associated with the geographical location of a particular establishment. Additional variation in a particular food item will also depend upon the condiments added. Information on selected nutrients of commonly avail- able condiments is given in the Appendix. Beverages have the same nutrient content regardless of the source in the retail market. The data on beverages given here are the same as those pub- lished in AH-8-1 (Dairy and Egg Prod- ucts), AH-8-9 (Fruits and Fruit Juices), and AH-8-14 (Beverages) (15, 12, 17). The unique NDB numbers of these sections were retained. Differently flavored shakes do not differ signif- icantly in their nutrient content. Various fast-food chains offer break- fast services. Some of the breakfast items currently available are included in this handbook. New products are frequently test marketed and their acceptance by the public may require updating this handbook. Most fast-food breakfast items are unique to this food group, but some items--like biscuits, danish pastry, english muffins, and french toast--will also be included in AH-8-18 (Baked Products). For these items, the values given here may be revised when AH-8-18 is published. The data for sausage were taken from AH-8-7 (Sausages and Luncheon Meats) (14). The nutrient content of many fast foods depends largely on the relative amount of ingredients. Data on both the proportional weights of ingredients (recipes) and on the analytical nutrient composition were collated. The reported average nutrient contents of many food items therefore reflect these differences in physical composition. Information on the recipe of the entire food item was used in combination with analytical data of the component ingredients to calcu- late values for nutrients for which analytical values were unavailable. The recipe is given in the footnotes of those items for which any nutrient values were calculated. The desserts include brownies, cookies, fried pies, and frozen dairy products. The data in the tables were based on data for the fast food form. Updated data on some of these items will be included in AH-8-18 (Baked Products). Fast foods can be an important but variable source of dietary fat. Fat is absorbed during deep-fat frying of lowfat foods, such as french-fried potatoes, breaded chicken, finfish, shellfish, and onion rings. Animal fats that were traditionally used for frying because of their stability and flavor are being largely replaced by vegetable frying fats or mixtures of animal and vegetable fats. Additionally, food items which can be produced using different fat sources, such as biscuits and other baked products, may have very differ- ent fatty acid profiles. Where this is the case, the total saturated, monoun- saturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids are reported and the predominant source of fat is provided in the recipe, given as a footnote. Some fast-food establishments use imitation cheese or combinations of imitation cheese and regular dairy cheese in their cheese-containing prod- ucts. Dairy cheese contains cholesterol and has the typical fatty acid pattern of milk fat. Imitation cheeses contain a variety of nonstandardized products which may include sodium caseinate, one of a number of vegetable oils which may or may not have been hydrogenated, and beta-carotene as a coloring agent. The imitation cheese may have little or no cholesterol, and the fatty acid pattern would depend on the kind of added fat. These differences in prod- uct ingredients account for some of the variability in nutrient values, partic- ularly in vitamin A and cholesterol, found in cheese-containing food items. Vegetables contain little fat, usually less than 1 percent, and no cholesterol. Vegetable fats and oils have no chol- esterol, but animal fats do. Vege- tables, including french-fried potatoes and fried onion rings, will absorb some frying fat during deep frying. They will also absorb cholesterol if the frying fat is an animal fat. The vitamin A activity of some fast foods is relatively low and comes from preformed vitamin A in meat, retinol and beta-carotene in dairy ingredients and beta-carotene and other provitamin A carotenoids that are present in most plant products. At these low levels the analytical results are extremely variable and depend on the laboratory and on the analytical method chosen. Only ready-to-eat salads without dressings are included in the table. Information on selected nutrients of salad dressings are included in the Appendix. For more complete information on dressings and on ingre- dients of salad-bar salads, the user of this section is referred to AH-8-4 (Fats and Oils), AH-8-9 (Fruits and Fruit Juices), AH-8-11 (Vegetables), and AH-8-16 (Legumes) (13, 15, 16, 18). Mexican-American fast foods are made of a limited number of ingredients in various combinations and by different methods of preparation. A glossary of names of the Mexican fast foods follows: Burrito: Flour tortilla filled with assorted fillings Chili con carne: Braising steak with chilies Chimichanga: Fried burrito Enchilada: Soft corn tortilla with filling and sauce Enchirito: Enchilada with meat, chilies, beans, and sauce Frijoles: Spanish word for beans Guacamole: Avocado sauce Masa: Dough made from ground corn used to make tortillas, tamales, and nachos Nachos: Fried tortilla chips with cheese Taco: Fried tortilla wrapped or folded around a filling Taco shell: Fried tortilla; may be crisp or soft Tortilla: Thin pancake made of masa or wheat flour baked on a skillet without fat Tostada: Flat, fried tortilla topped with assorted fillings including lettuce A representative sample of sandwiches and burgers available nationwide at this writing are included in the table. The convention for describing various burgers in this section cannot be applied directly to the burgers offered by specific establishments. Whereas a regular hamburger sold by one establish- ment may fit our "regular" designation, the regular burger offered by another establishment may better fit the "large" designation in our table. The designa- tions of the burger items in the table are to be interpreted as follows: 6 Regular, single meat patty: denotes a meat patty weighing about 2 ounces raw on a conventional medium-sized bun weighing about 2-2.5 ounces Regular, double meat patty: denotes 2 meat patties, each weighing about 2 ounces raw, on a conventional medium-sized bun weighing about 2-2.5 ounces Double decker bun: denotes a large, three-piece bun weighing about 3-3.5 ounces Large, single meat patty: denotes a meat patty weighing about 4 ounces (2 1b) raw on a large bun weighing 3-3.5 ounces All large meat patties are served on large buns. The values for the submarine sand- wiches are composites of samples from three different locations. The sub- marine sandwich with cold cuts con- tained ham, salami, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, oil, and vinegar. The roast beef sandwich contained roast beef, mayonnaise, tomato, lettuce, oil, and vinegar. The tuna salad sandwich contained tuna, mayonnaise, lettuce, onion, oil, and vinegar. The submarine sandwiches were from 6 to 8 inches long and weighed 8 to 12 ounces. "Condiments" in the title of a food item indicates that catsup, mustard, salt, and pepper are included and their contribution to the nutrient content is reflected in the table. "Vegetables" in the title of a food item indicates the presence of garnishes for burgers including lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles. When "condiments and vege- tables" is in the title, it is to be understood that a mayonnaise-based sauce and "vegetables" are also included. Information on condiments is footnoted. Condiments and vegetables added by the consumer may have nutrient values different from those in the tables. Selected nutrient values of commonly used condiments are given in the Appendix. Literature Cited (1) Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1984. Official Methods of Anal- ysis. 14th ed., 1,141 pp. Washington, DC. (2) Bowers, J.A., J.A. Craig, T.d. Tucker, J.M. Holden, and L.P. Posati. 1987. Vitamin and Proximate Composition of Fast Food Fried Chicken. J. Amer. Dietet. Assoc. 87:736-739. (3) Jones, D.B. 1941. Factors for Converting Percentages of Nitrogen in Foods and Feeds into Percentages of Protein. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Cir. 183, 22 pp. (SL Rev.). (4) Li, B.W., J.M. Holden, S.G. Brownlee, and S.G. Korth. 1987. A Nationwide Sampling of Fast Food Fried Chicken: Starch and Moisture Content. J. Amer. Dietet. Assoc. 87:740-743. (5) Marsh, A.C. and J.L. Weihrauch. 1984. Provisional Table on The Nutrient Content of Fast Foods. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Human Nutr. Inf. Serv., Washington, DC. (6) Matthews, R.H., and Y.J. Garrison. 1975. Food Yields Summarized by Different Stages of Preparation. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 102, 136 pp. (7) Merrill, A.L., and B.K. Watt. 1973. Energy Value of Foods-- Basis and Derivation. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. , Handb. No. 74, 105 pp. (Sl. rev.). (8) Murphy, E.W., B.K. Watt, and R.L. Rizek. 1974. U.S. Department of Agri- culture Nutrient Data Bank. J. Assoc. Off. Analyt. Chem. 57:1198-1204. (9) National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. 1980. Recommended Dietary Allowances, 9th ed. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 185 pp. (10) Ranhotra, G. 1984. Pizza Products: Nutritional and Dietary Aspects. Cereal Foods World. 29:729-731. (11) Tufts University, Special Report. 1987. Eating Right When You're Eating Out. Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter 5:3-6. (12) U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1976. Composition of Foods: Dairy and Egg Products; Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8-1, 157 pp. (13) U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1979. Composition of Foods: Fats and Oils; Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8-4, 128 pp. (14) U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1980. Composition of Foods: Sausage and Luncheon Meats; Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8-7, 80 pp. (15) U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1982. Composition of Foods: Fruits and Fruit Juices; Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8-9, 283 pp. (16) U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1984. Composition of Foods: Vegetables and Vegetable Products; Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8-11, 502 pp. (17) U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1986. Composition of Foods: Beverages; Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8-14, 153 pp. (18) U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1986. Composition of Foods: Legumes and Legume Products; Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8-16, 133 pp. (19) Watt, B.K., and A.L. Merrill. 1963. Composition of Foods... Raw, Processed, Prepared. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Handb. No. 8, 190 pp.(Rev.). (20) Weihrauch, J.L., L.P. Posati, B.A. Anderson, and J. Exler. 1977. Lipid Conversion Factors for Calculating Fatty Acid Content of Foods. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 54:36-40. List of Abbreviations Metric System Equivalents for Units of Measure Length: Volume: Weight: Appendix .. alpha-tocopherol equivalents .. cup .. diameter .. fluid ounce .. Kkilojoules .. pound .. micrograms .. milligrams .. nitrogen .. number .. Ounce .. packet Nutrient Data Bank retinol equivalents Units of measure Metric system equivalents tablespoonful (3 teaspoons) fluid ounce (2 tablespoons) = 1 gallon (4 quarts) .......... OUNCE Lasvissnsnsenosnsmenss S53 ounces .....vvvtennennnn pound (16 ounces)......... CO = teaspoonful. ccosevnveesenns cup (8 fluid ounces)....... quart (4 cups) .....e.u..s eee 00000000 0 eee 0000000000 25.4 millimeters or 2.54 centimeters 4.9 milliliters 14.8 milliliters 29.57 milliliters 236.6 milliliters 946.6 milliliters or 0.946 liters 3,786 milliliters or 3.786 liters 28.35 grams 100 grams 453.6 grams or 0.454 kilograms Specific Factors for Calculating Energy Values Food Protein Fat Carbohydrate Beverages: koolig Beer .....ccovnvevresnnnrnonnnsnnnns 3.87 8.37 4.12 Carbonsted .ccvnvesnssvnvanasess sip 3.36 8.37 3.87 COLIRB.v cuvunusnmsusansissivnsnnnrany 3.47 8.37 4.07 Hot chocolate................c..... 3.60 8.70 3.60 Juice: Orapefruit or Orange .....scssies. 3.36 8.37 3.92 TOMO wvvnesnin vasnssvssnisssseene 2.44 8.37 3.57 Lemonade. .occicissinssnrenasnnnnens 3.36 8.37 3.80 MIR. uasisirrasnnsorsnsnnmnnnnnnne ve 4.27 8.79 3.87 Orange drink...........cc0veuuunn.. 3.36 8.37 3.90 Shake ...ovvviiiiiiiieninennnnnnnnn. 4.27 8.80 3.90 Tea: Breweh.us vessvivsnnnsnssisrnnemnn 2.44 8.37 3.57 Instant, sugar sweetened, lemon flavor, prepared with water ..... 2.44 8.37 3.90 Breakfast items: Biscuit: Plait conceniinssnnsnssnennnvunnnns 4.10 8.80 4.10 With egg ...covviiiininnnnnnnnnn.. 4.04 8.65 3.95 With egg and bacon .............. 4.18 8.80 3.94 With egg and ham ................ 4.15 8.80 3.94 With egg and sausage ............ 4.13 8.80 3.95 With egg and steak............... 4.23 8.82 3.94 With egg, cheese, and bacon ..... 4.22 8.80 3.94 With Dam cuscsinssnssesssnsnnenens 4.03 8.67 3.95 With sausage ..................... 4.01 8.75 3.95 With steak........i0vvvnvinvnnnne. 4.08 8.74 3.95 Croissant: With egg and cheese.............. 4.22 8.82 3.99 With egg, cheese, and bacon ..... 4.22 8.83 3.99 With egg, cheese, and ham....... 4.23 8.88 3.99 With egg, cheese, and sausage ... 4.22 8.89 3.99 Danish pastry: Cheese «uc vonsnsnsvsssvssisnnnnnay 4.20 8.80 3.90 Cinnamon or fruit ................ 4.00 8.80 3.90 Egg, scrambled. .........covveennn.. 4.35 8.92 3.80 English muffin: With butter.............civuvun... 3.80 8.76 3.95 With cheese and sausage.......... 4.12 8.89 3.94 With egg, cheese, and canadian bacon ........iiiiiiiiiiiiii.. 4.21 8.87 3.94 With egg, cheese, and sausage ... 4.19 8.90 3.94 French toast with butter............ 4.18 8.85 4.07 French toast sticks................. 3.61 8.83 3.92 "Alcohol: 6.93 keal/g Specific Factors for Calculating Energy Values—Con. Food Protein Fat Carbohydrate Breakfast items, con.: keal/g--------"""" Pancakes with butter and syrup.... 4.04 8.80 3.99 Potatoes, hashed-brown ............ 2.80 8.80 4.00 SAUSAGE tov eirttrttrittittntrananns 4.27 9.02 3.87 Desserts: Brownie ...cceeeeeecececccossacennnes 3.71 8.74 3.71 Cookies: Animal crackers .....ccceeeeeecens 4.00 8.40 4.10 Chocolate chip......cceveveeeeeennn 3.80 8.10 3.40 Fried pie, fruit .............cc0.ee. 4.00 8.90 3.90 Ice milk, soft-serve, with cone..... 4.20 8.78 3.88 BUNABE.,.cosinasninsarsssnnnsosnoss ns 4.27 8.79 3.87 Entrees: Chicken, breaded and fried: Dark meat or light meat .......... 4.27 9.02 3.87 Boneless pieces: Plolll cconnnenvesnsssssssaisonnes 4.20 8.89 3.95 With barbecue sauCe€............ 4.19 8.87 3.91 With NONEY cessvsncrenvssnsnnses 4.20 8.89 3.71 With mustard sauce............. 4.20 8.89 3.99 With sweet-and-sour sauce...... 4.20 8.89 3.99 Chili con CaArne.....cceeeeeeceeeacons 3.77 8.96 3.99 Clams, breaded and fried........... 4.25 8.96 4.11 Crab: BakeA.coocooisnsnibnvsnsnmvvsannns 4.27 8.89 4.08 Soft-shell, fried.......cceveeeeen. 4.25 8.95 4.09 Crab CaKe...cceeeecsoscacnsocsocnas 4.27 8.90 3.81 Fish fillet, battered or breaded, fried i icici vsirnnsnnssssn sinner ne 4.10 8.77 3.78 Oysters, battered or breaded, IIA cc vvccnnmnomnnss sss bsivssnes os 4.18 8.94 3.90 PiZZA ....oeeeeeneeeecsoosoesooaannnnnns 4.09 8.84 3.93 Salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing: PIAL ce covnennvanansssbbovanss vos 2.47 8.35 3.67 With cheese and egg...cccvvvveeen 3.87 8.82 3.62 With chicken ....cceeeeeeceeccenes 4.16 8.97 3.59 With pasta and seafood ........... 4.15 8.80 4.00 With shrimp ccvvsvvcccessssennnces 4.18 8.92 3.70 With turkey, ham, and cheese (chef Style) vivsscvvrnnnsresnsses 4.15 8.85 3.62 Scallops, breaded and fried ........ 4.22 8.82 3.86 Shrimp, breaded and fried ......... 4.23 8.89 3.83 11 Specific Factors for Calculating Energy Values—Con. Food Protein Fat Carbohydrate Mexican foods: - - kealig Burrito: With beans ..........ccvvvivnnnnn. 3.68 8.37 3.96 With beans and cheese............ 3.76 8.71 3.98 With beans and chili peppers ..... 3.64 8.37 3.97 With beans and meat.............. 4.02 8.73 3.97 With beans, cheese, and beef..... 3.96 8.72 3.97 With beans, cheese, and chili PEDPErS ccvannnivnesssmesnvnnsss 3.82 8.61 3.97 With beef... cinivuivicvinrencnssns 4.11 8.76 3.95 With beef and chili peppers....... 4.06 8.75 3.93 With beef, cheese, and chili PEPPerS «i iiiiiiiitenennnnnnnnas 4.08 8.76 3.92 With fruit ............c.ivuin.... 4.00 8.90 3.90 Chimichanga: With DEEL cavvuusunnsesssnisibinne 3.94 8.80 4.08 With beef and cheese............. 4.10 8.78 3.94 With beef and red chili peppers .. 3.98 9.02 3.92 With beef, red chili peppers, and CHERBC wu svrssunanusssss rine 4.09 8.79 3.92 Enchilada: With cheese .......covvivivnnnnn. 4.01 8.77 4.07 With cheese and beef............. 3.73 8.79 4.07 Enchirito with cheese, beef, and DOANE vumurrssnsmesnsnns sass shay 3.98 8.81 3.88 Frijoles with cheese ................ 3.80 8.76 3.99 Nachos: With cheese ......civvviiiinnnnnn. 3.73 8.48 4.15 With cheese and jalapeno peppers. 3.90 8.57 4.14 With cheese, beans, ground beef, BNA PePPeIS suv erreevsrernnnnne 3.83 8.53 4.13 With cinnamon and sugar ......... 3.45 8.49 4.13 THEO consssnsrvanssorrvesssss susan 4.05 8.78 3.97 Taco salad ......covviveiinnnnnnnnn. 4.05 8.73 4.07 Taco salad with chili con carne .... 3.83 8.76 4.02 Tostada: With beans and cheese............ 3.58 8.51 3.96 With beans, beef, and cheese..... 4.05 8.73 4.08 With beef and cheese ............. 4.12 8.80 4.08 With guacamole ..uesessonencvevars 3.54 8.44 3.73 Sandwiches and burgers (including roll or bun): Cheeseburger: Regular, single meat patty........ 4.12 8.80 3.95 Regular, double meat patty, OF JAPGC .uniusnsssnsssnossssisvns 4.20 8.92 3.95 Specific Factors for Calculating Energy Values—Con. Food Protein Fat Carbohydrate Sandwiches and burgers yg (including roll or bun), con.: Chicken fillet sandwich: Plain ovo viernes eeeeecennaanssnnnes 4.18 8.88 3.95 With Cheese ccusnsvranssnrstnunnnine 4.20 8.88 3.94 Egg and cheese sandwich........... 4.19 8.86 3.95 Fish sandwich: With tartar sauce......cceveeeeens 4.11 8.79 3.93 With tartar sauce and cheese ..... 4.12 8.81 3.93 Hamburger: Regular, single meat patty........ 4.07 8.81 3.95 Regular or large, double meat patty, or large, triple meat Pally isscisnsivosnnnnsonnrennnsnnr 4.20 8.92 3.95 Large, single meat patty.......... 4.20 8.95 3.95 Ham and cheese sandwich........... 4,13 8.75 3.95 Ham, egg, and cheese sandwich .... 4.21 8.89 3.95 Hot dog: Plodll s svinsnisrniisano as snags pnuusne 4.02 8.89 3.95 With Chill, ve vv eronnu ss isuans bnunen 3.90 8.92 3.97 With corn flour coating (corndog). 4.03 8.92 4.01 Roast beef or steak sandwich....... 4.20 8.95 3.95 Roast beef sandwich with cheese.... 4.22 8.83 3.95 Submarine sandwich: With coldculB ..eevisvsinrsnninnmwen 4.12 8.85 3.94 With roast beef..........cccvvven. 4.20 8.95 3.95 With tuna salad.........ccveennnn 4.09 8.74 3.93 Side dishes: COICEIA Wc rossnatss vss sidassuussning os 2.90 8.70 3.70 Corn-on-the-cob with butter........ 2.47 8.73 3.57 Hush puppies sc veevsvnsvessesssnss 2.73 8.84 4.03 Onion rings, breaded and fried..... 3.70 8.80 4.00 Potato: Baked and topped: With cheese sauce ......cceeveeeonn 3.97 8.82 3.51 With cheese sauce and bacon ..... 3.74 8.76 3.48 With cheese sauce and broccoli ... 3.69 8.82 3.49 With cheese sauce and chili....... 3.97 8.81 3.51 With sour cream and chives....... 3.23 8.82 3.50 French fried in: Beef tallow .ooviveeeeereeennnannns 2.78 9.02 4.03 Beef tallow and vegetable oil ..... 2.78 9.00 4.03 Vegetable oil .........cc00evinene. 2.78 8.84 4.03 Mashed .....cooeeeneeeeoncnccnannns 3.21 8.82 4.02 Potato chipsS....cveveervnnnneneeennn 2.78 8.84 4.03 Potato B18 cove sesssnssrsssnsnns os 3.60 8.90 4.06 13 14 Conversion Factors for Fatty Acids of Fast Foods Food Factor Breakfast items: Biscuit: PLAIIY convnnucnsnnen anurs tnd sib iion sans esse ween 0.95 With 808 vuvvvrsnssstrssssmrensnnnnnnssssnnsnusss «92 With egg and bacon .........coovvvvennnnnnnnnnn. .93 With egg and Dam vuwevsssnnenswrsisrsvssses vanns .92 With egg and sausage .........ovvveeennnnnnnnnn. .93 With egg and steak.......covvvviinnnnnnnnnnnnn.. .92 With egg, cheese, and bacon ........c.ovveuuunnn. .93 With ham oo. iii iii titi ieinenennnnnnnns .94 With SOUSEEE wvrarrinnmass essa trees s tis ns nese une .95 With Bleak. cvinmrnes ssn sata vst sibs Banter senses wes .94 CrOISSANt., covussnmvrsveinenrotrcaseerenmes ne eness ns .93 Danish PaSITY vc uuisitsscrrenvennmncssnssnnansesses .94 Egg, scrambled........ciiiiiiiiiiiiniiinnnnnnnnnn. .87 English muffin: With butter. .....oiiiiiiiiiii tite ieennnnnnnnn. .93 With cheese and sausage........c.vveeeeennnennnn. .94 With egg, cheese, and canadian bacon ........... 91 With egg, cheese, and sausage .................. .93 French toast with butter ..........covvvevnnnnnn. .92 French toast StiCKS ....vieeiiinennrnneenennennnnnns .94 Pancakes with butter and syrup ................... .94 Potatoes, hashed brown ..........covveeevnnennnnnn. .95 Desserts: BROWNIE .cosuunsvrsnnnsrnsvsisarensanonnsesessensns .95 COOKIES .vnuuvuuissnanessstannnesrnensaneonnosnns ces .94 Fried pie, fruit .......ccciiiiiiiiiirinrinernnnnnnn, .95 Ice milk, soft-serve, with cone ........c.ovvuununn.. .94 Sundae: COTA] ocunuunisssusoiosroesesrsnsssmn snssnens os .93 HOt fUAZ8 vuvunucessiitansosssnmunsnssnnvnsrsenss .95 Strawberry «iti ii iii ii ii i it tree, .95 Entrees: Chicken, breaded and fried: Dark meat or light meat ...........covvvuuunnn... 9 Boneless pieces................ PARC RIED EE een .94 Chili CON CAINE... iitit iit tieteeeeenennennennennns .89 Clams, breaded and fried........coveeeeennunnnnnnn .94 Crab: BaRBA. cvessisrnsnnevrnsnnsnensissasssbosstssteress .75 Soft-shell, fried.......coovvivirnunnnnnnnn. eee .95 Cr8D CORE yun un crn ness nossns ts bree sme ne ores snes .93 Fish fillet, battered or breaded, fried....... Geers .95 Conversion Factors for Fatty Acids of Fast Foods—Con. Food Factor Entrees, con.: Oysters, battered or breaded, fried............... 0.90 Pizza: With Cheese... veer eeeessscsssassesssasccnssasnas .94 With cheese, meat, vegetables ........... 3b .93 With pepperoni ......c.cveeeeeieeceecceccescenenns .94 Salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing: Plain civvieeeeeeenenencscssesssasssnsnsssssnsaases .65 With cheese and egg....ccveeeeeercencsccanccnnns .90 With chicken .....cceeeciteerseeccscccsccsasccscnnsse .83 With pasta and seafood .........ccciveenieinnnen .79 With SHEP cus vsscrsevronsonserstsssavessnnmenss .79 With turkey, ham, and cheese (chef style)....... +92 Scallops, breaded and fried ..........cceveiniannnn .93 Shrimp, breaded and fried ............ccvivninnnnn .94 Mexican foods: Burrito: With DANS carers icssvesssssssnsssnsnssassnsossss .95 With beans and cheese€......cceeeeeeeccccacsocans .95 With beans and chili peppers .......cceeeeeeeenns .95 With beans and meat. .....ccieeeeeeeeecceccoccnns .93 With beans, cheese, and beef..........ccoevveens .95 With beans, cheese, and chili peppers........... .91 WIth DEEL. cv cvcennrossnsssssssnssrsvssnnmnnssnssss .90 With beef and chili peppers.......cceeeeeeeccccees .91 With beef, cheese, and chili peppers ............ 91 With fruit (apple or cherry) .......cceceeeeeennns .95 Chimichanga: With beef. .vverireeeeeeeirsssssssessscscssssnsses .90 With beef and cheese .....cvviveeeeeececcnnccnns .91 With beef and red chili peppers ......ccoccveennen. .90 With beef, cheese, and red chili peppers ........ .91 ENCHIBAaS. csv venenssssssssssssssvnsnonsssssssnnes .94 Enchirito with cheese, beef, and beans ............ .92 Frijoles with cheese .......cciiieieineieincnnenns. .95 NACHOS vevssiicsssessvnsssssasosrenssssssssntssssses .95 THOCO « srsvsssesstess ssdtbssasdsissssessassnesssaasnsss .92 Taco Salad ...eeeeeeeeceocasossasnosssossssossassasanes .93 Taco salad with chili con carne ........ccceeeeeeeees .92 Tostada: With beans and Cheese. ..c.cccreeseecenccesccocnns .93 With beans, beef, and cheese........ccceeeeennes .92 With beef and cheese .....ciieeeerrencceccccnnnns .90 With guacamole .......cocvereiencnnennencnncennes .92 15 Conversion Factors for Fatty Acids of Fast Foods—Con. Food Factor Sandwiches and burgers (including roll or bun): ChoeSODULTET covienunversnsnivssississnssnnennenens 0.91 Chicken fillet sandwich .....oviverinrnrnnnnnnennnns .93 Egg and cheese sandwich..............cc0vvuun.... .90 Fish sandwich .......ciiiiiiiiiiirnnnnnnennnnnnnns .93 HambDUPEOr sven vessnsnsisnsenssossnsnsivssnen cece .89 Ham and cheese sandwich.........coveirnnneeeennnn. .94 Ham, egg, and cheese sandwich ..........cc0uu.... 91 Hotdog «coi ii titi ie iiieeennnnns .94 Roast beef sandwich: 2 E:T .88 With cheese .....iiiiitiiinireneenseeneeneaonnnns 90 Steak SanAWICh cu esevvusesisennsrccisssnnnssanrsoesn 89 Submarine sandwich: With cold CutS...cuiiiiiiiiieiireneenennennennnns 93 With roast beef............... BR ER 89 With tuna salad. ......coiviiiiineennennennennnns 93 Side dishes: COlBSIAW, ci sssusnssstssnemrrsnsssunsenanmesessenses .95 Corn-on-the-cob with butter.............covvve.... .94 Hush puppies .....oiieineiininieneneennennnnnennns .94 Onion rings, breaded and fried..........ccovuu.... .92 Potato: Baked and topped .....iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinnennnns .95 French fried ......cviiiiiiiiinnnnneennnns GEES ae. .956 MESHEE cnn suns ann mre eases i ER Ro heb Es er vane. .93 Potato SAlB0 uu eevrnnn sa ohmte sms ss see sess en oeseeen .95 Retinol Equivalent Conversion Factors Food Factor Beverages: Hot chocolate. covvunrv aren snnvnresnnmvanunnmns uunnes 0.100 Juice: Grapefruit or OPBNGE c.civivivesessivennnnsnvnins .100 Tomato «co viiiiieeieteenneeceseseencessaaennnnsas .100 Lemonade... chsvsvsrnmrnsensnrnsnsnesnrsunssmnnrven .100 MUR, WROIB. iu svssssnntrasses snisssesssnessstbisnoss .246 Milk, 2% fat Lo vsvavivorcinninbnsnenssonvsniscnsnes .278 Orange Qrink., cocersnrasrsssnsrusrsnerrnasssvrrannes .100 BRAKE «ccunanmunrnnsnmuvevsnmnrneneninnonesossunneee .246 Breakfast items: Biscuit: PLA wonvununvensnnnvorevany sunnssnrrnesansesansnn .252 WIth QZ sunisssvssnaversnnnvennsnsnsunnssrsunase .274 With egg and DEACON .:ccevusvnvivanmonnsnnonnssnns .274 With egg and Noam ,.covrsirrrsssscisssnnssessnnann .274 With egg and SAUSAGE cevvevrnrrnnsrunsssnrorones .259 With egg and SteAR.c.cessnssnvessnvassssswssnnns «271 With egg, cheese, and bacon .........cc0evvuvens .256 WIEN NOM. sii ett tia snoRtii issaniRicnmpshms invues .256 With SAUSAGE vvvvunsrnrsenrsrrssnsvssssnnevansnny .240 With SteaR..ivvsvnnvinssnsmnunnsssmaaevenms nonevan .246 Croissant: With egg and cheese... ...cvvivssnmessinnmrnonves .255 With egg, cheese, and bacon .....cvvvvevsveesens .255 With egg, cheese, and NOM vovvernvnvrnnmwnronenn .258 With egg, cheese, and SauSage ....vvevveersrness .258 Danish pastry: ChEOBE vvvecvrerrreenenstntsssnsnssssnsennanassene L277 Cinnamon or fruit .........cciiiiiriiinnennnnenans .282 Egg, Scrambled. cece er erence rssecsnsnsssennnsnesssnsn .302 English muffin: WIN DUEL: scussvarssnsnanunsnsssmuennnmsnnnnsns .247 With cheese and sausage........coieeeiieennnennnn .228 With egg, cheese, and canadian bacon........... .266 With egg, cheese, and 85aUSaAZe vc.vvvevrrerrenens .260 French toast with butter ....ocersnsvnvvnnrsnnesn .308 French toast StICKS. ..ovisustivsnsnsevsensssrvnnsns .279 Pancakes with butter and syrup......cccvveeeennn. .246 Potatoes, hashed brown ...........iiiiiiiinnn.. .143 Desserts: Brownie ....ooeeiiiiiiiieeitetieeescacecnnnstcannns .257 Cookies: Animal Crackers ....cccoevsvssesnsscvnssssvrrnsnnn .300 Chocolate Chip...vieeeeeiiieiiiiieeenneneeenennns .291 17 18 Retinol Equivalent Conversion Factors—Con. Food Factor Desserts, con.: Fried pie, fruit .........ciiiiiiiiiiiiriitnnnennnnns 0.225 Ice milk, soft-serve, with cone.................... .245 SUNAAG suns vrrassrnsunsssns ssnsssnn sassnnsesonsasss .260 Entrees: Chicken, breaded and fried: Light meat or Qark meat... ..csvsnnsssssvssnnsssns .303 Boneless pieces: Plain scnvcocnsnninrunansisssussnonsssassonsione .301 With barbecue sauce........ccoivvvnrnenennnnn. .135 With honey ......oiiiiiiiiiiiiiinieneeneennnnnn .301 With mustard sauce..........ciiiiivinrnnnnnnnn .301 With sweet-and-sour sauce.........ceveeveennn. .301 Chill CON CATN@ usvnvsssnssnmsussunns ivvsnsns srisses .100 Clams, breaded and fried. ....ivsevssrrsnsevesvons .300 Crab: Baked .....iiiiiiiiiiiiiii tiie tienen .290 Soft-shell, fried.......coiviiiiiiiiiniinnnennnn. .286 Crab CORE cu usvrsnunsrssrsunnissnsnossnnssnss robes .263 Fish fillet, battered or breaded, fried............. .300 Oysters, battered or breaded, fried............... .300 Pizza... oii iii iii iit .193 Salad, tossed, vegetable, prepared without dressing: PlaiN cocvcov sc isnnnnissnsmssissonsansurasaenns vos .100 With cheese and egg........oiviiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn. «139 With chicken ......ciiiiiiiiinenrnrennnnnnnnns .102 With pasta and Seafood cucususvrsssvssvnnnnnsnies .102 With SHEIMD « coviunnsnissvsnissssmass prnsssnss sss .100 With turkey, ham, and cheese (chef style)....... .129 Scallops, breaded and fried .............c.cvvuvnnn. .300 Shrimp, breaded and fried .vsccissnvenirovsnsni vans .300 Mexican foods: Burrito: With beans ......iiiiiiiiiiininiiiiienenennnnenns .100 With beans and CHEESE .usswsvvrssssssvsensnss ans .190 With beans and chili peppers .........ccevvunn... .100 With beans and meat..........coiiiinennennnnnnnn .101 With beans, cheese, and beef............ccovvu... .189 With beans, cheese, and chili peppers........... .241 With Deel civuvrvusisnussisssinmonsnnnsssnnsnsnsss .100 With beef and chili peppers .......covvvevuvnnnns .100 With beef, cheese, and chili peppers ............ .115 With fruit (apple or cherry) .....cccveenersenneces .091 Retinol Equivalent Conversion Factors—Con. Food Factor Mexican foods, con.: Chimichanga: With beef... oii titi i i iiniennnns 0.101 With eel and CHEESE suucvsvsrsssnnrsnssssnnnvans 235 With beef and red chili peppers ....... FREE RLY 100 With beef, red chili peppers, and cheese ........ 140 Enchilada: With CheESe .uvisnusvarsnnansonssnsnvssnsane sonne .160 With cheese and beef v.. cusisvivsisinssenniscsone .125 Enchirito with cheese, beef,and beans............. .132 Frijoles with cheese .........c iii iiiniennnnennnnn. .155 Nachos: WIth Cheese « vsvvvssssnssnsnsvnsnenssusnsnns nuves .164 With cheese and jalapeno peppers................ 116 With cheese, beans, ground beef, and peppers .. .138 With cinnamon and sugar ..........coeeeeennnnn. .100 THEO vv vrmunsis nrasess CEE eaRs unnEs ng NHL EARE 0 HH 0 L172 Taco SAlAA coun sssnonssnsssnavonsnsnsnssncenns sons .132 Taco salad with chili con carne.................... .136 Tostada: With beans and cheese..........cciiiiinennnnnn. .136 With beans, beef, and - cheest..c.rsvssvevconcns ses .135 With beef and cheese ....csvsivrvsesissonsnnnnses .135 With ZUuACAMOle ..siseivisinnritonassstrssssnnenes 124 Sandwiches and burgers (including roll or bun): Cheeseburger: Regular, single meat patty: PlOlN connuniis cosmos beaded st ss hssas shasnnsnss .240 With condiments ........ciiiiiiiineennnnnnnns .203 With condiments and vegetables................ .163 Regular, double meat patty: Plaifl ; conus vins stm ams nso a sea bs RuRBss hannensns .240 With condiments and vegetables................ .162 Regular, double meat patty, double-decker bun: Plain cu ncusunnnnvnnsnvasssnssnsnvnnonnssnoesesns .240 With condiments and vegetables................ .226 Large, single meat patty: Plain ...cviiiiiiiiiiniiinieneeeneeennnnannnns .240 Large, single meat patty: With bacon and condiments ...sveresvnessvesces .195 With condiments and vegetables................ .209 With ham, condiments, and vegetables ......... .208 Large, double meat patty, with condiments ANA VEZARODIES wu svrinnvirinssanssansnnnsssneess +157 Large, triple meat patty, plain .................. .240 19 20 Retinol Equivalent Conversion Factors—Con. Food Factor Sandwiches and burgers (including roll or bun), con. : Chicken fillet sandwich: Plain vv vvvnrnva visu ann secs ssn snsnssas vassasuies .300 With CHEESE suussrssanessssssvssrvssssssssssnse be .206 Egg and cheese sandwich...........ccivivinnnnn.. L272 Fish sandwich: With {artar SUC csvus susnvanssansssnssnnsvnsse os .267 With tartar sauce and cheese ...........c.cc0vvnnnn .223 Hamburger: Regular, single meat patty: Plolty yo ovenssinrrssnssetrransnses rusnnnsvanssnssys .100 With condiments ........c.iiiiiiiiiinnennnnnnns .100 With condiments and vegetables................ .106 Regular, double meat patty: Plaif ic counoitsiestis tts tsssssnraansersansasans .100 With condiments ..........cciitiiiiiiinenennnn. .100 Large, single meat patty: Plodfl scvvnnnonvorsnsnnsnnssssamssnnnsnmnnsosones .100 With condiments and vegetables................ .105 Large, double meat patty, with condiments and vegetables ..........iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie ean .105 Large, triple meat patty, with condiments ....... .100 Ham and cheese SanAwICh ..vssuvsscessnsnnssssvsnns .240 Ham, egg, and cheese sandwich ................... .264 Hotdog: 20 5 0 .100 With chili ... iit iii iii iii tintin innennnns .100 With corn flour coating (corndog)................ .175 Roast beef sandwich: PION gins ti 450i t erste ats rassanssssnsnemnnssenss .100 With cheese .....ciieiiiiniiernereneenrennenennns .240 Steak saNAWICN uv vssenvssnssessssvsascnnsnsanenie .120 Submarine sandwich: With COlACULS au vs vrveivirronnssrruenssmrrennrsnnn .187 With roast beef..........ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnennnn. .122 With tuna salad.........ccoiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn. .214 Side Dishes: COIERIOW ass sassiinbrasstannnunnnsn rhessssranssnsss .148 Corn-on-the-cob with butter....................... .247 Hush pUpPleS ciuvusssssnvnsnossnse nnsnnnnsonssnons .285 Onion rings, breaded, and fried................... .102 Potato: Baked and topped: With cheese sauce ..........ciiiiinnnnnnnnnn. L272 With cheese sauce and bacon .........ceveueune L277 Retinol Equivalent Conversion Factors—Con. Food Factor Side Dishes, con.: Potato, baked and topped, con.: With cheese sauce and broccoli ..........ccc.... 0.165 With cheese sauce and chili.................... .224 With sour cream and chives .......cce0veeeennn .207 French fried in: Beef tallow coo issvssisssvusitbovssbbasnivsy .100 Beef tallow and vegetable oil .................. .100 Vegetable Oil ......coviiiiienninnnnnrennnenns .100 Mashed ......oeeeeeeeeeeeooecsocascsaoscsssssacnss .252 Potato salad .............. EERE ERASE ER GR .168 21 Selected Nutrients in Condiments and Salad Dressings Amount per serving Food Serving size Carbo- Choles- Calories Fat Protein hydrate Sodium terol kcal [3 g g mg mg Butter 1 pkt (1/2 oz) 100 11.4 0.1 0.0 116 3 Catsup 1 pkt (1/4 oz) 3 .1 1 8 50 0 Half-and-half 1 pkt (1/2 oz) 18 1.6 .4 .6 6 5 Honey 1 pkt (1/2 oz) 43 .0 .0 11.5 1 0 Jelly 1 pkt (3/4 oz) 58 .0 .0 15.0 4 0 Lemon 1 pkt (1/2 oz) 3 .0 .1 1.0 0 0 Lettuce 2 leaves (1/2 oz) 2 .0 | .3 1 0 Mayonnaise 1 pkt (2/5 oz) 81 9.0 .1 .3 64 6 Mustard 1 pkt (1/5 oz) 4 .0 .0 .0 45 0 Nondairy creamer 1 pkt (2/5 oz) 55 3.5 .5 5.5 18 0 Onion 2 slices (2/3 oz) 7 sl .2 1.5 1 0 Pickle 2 slices (1/2 oz) 2 0 1 3 203 0 Salad dressings: Blue cheese 1 pkt (2-1/2 oz) 342 34.4 2.6 5.4 760 31 French 1 pkt (2 oz) 228 20.6 .3 10.0 680 0 Italian 1 pkt (2 oz) 326 34.2 1.0 3.6 502 14 Low-calorie 1 pkt (2 oz) 50 2.3 .8 6.6 300 0 Oriental 1 pkt (2 oz) 102 1.0 1.1 23.8 552 0 Thousand island 1 pkt (2-1/2 oz) 396 39.4 1.1 9.6 600 48 Sugar 1 pkt (6 g) 25 0 0 6 0 0 Sugar substitute 1 pkt (1 g) 4 0 0 1.0 16 0 Syrup 1 pkt (1-1/2 oz) 122 0 0 32.0 19 0 Tartar sauce 1 pkt (1/2 oz) 74 8.1 .2 .6 182 4 Tomato 1 slice (1 oz) 5 .1 .3 1.2 2 0 22 Guide to Fast Foods AH-8 AH-8-21 item (1963) NDB No. Page Beverages: Beer: Regular ....oooiveirentnneneeatnsencssssesesessncsessnnnnnnns 394 14003 29 LAGI cuvnnuns nnvsnsnersrnness sens sass ss dssas iininsnnnovsensnnnne 14006 30 Carbonated: Cola: Regular ....ovviveiriinnentnntneensescnseececsncsnnsnnnnns 404 14400 31 Low-calorie, aspartame-sweetened..............ccoiiuienceannne 14416 32 GINGeEr le ,.iisicsenvnessnenssssssvsrsssssrssavavnenesesnsns 407 14136 33 Lemon-lme SOAR «ccs trenstssvissssnsvnsssnsorssssssrssssnsssss 406 14145 34 Orange SOA. ....coeveeeeeeeoseseacosasetonsosascscssasascnsnsans 14150 35 Pepper type. coe rerrersnnrsnrneratrstssescesencsnsanssnsannans 14153 36 BOOL DEY zu ivevensnnonssnusssnss nw tbresss vustsnss ssspiiasbiny 408 14157 37 Coffee: BOWE ee ivvrennnerrsressssssstitsssisssssvsnntonsnssiosssanssne 14209 38 Instant, decaffeinated, prepared with water .................... 14219 39 HOt Chocolate . vvvunms connnud savasnsssssrssnsvesnnsssssssnssssssnss 14194 40 Juice: Grapefruit......ccoeieeverererenenrntntnsectsesectcsnsnssnsnns 1074 09126 41 OraNEe cu. cvvverertrersanssnrsstestrsesstsstsecsscssnssnvsnses 1425 09215 42 TOMALG con sanransnmsrrnssn HUES IAS CEERI E RS SLSR R TY HEFERRE 4 LTH 2288 11540 43 LeTONAAG. i sis vnrm mtr in sas HESS A SSL Caan s rR EE TIT EE RNa hr 1252 14293 44 Milk : WHOLE «vevvrnsnaersssssss sdbatiassoenses isnsssesnnsssssnvannn 1320 01077 45 LOWEAL (2%) consonrvnanesnessssassbssissssvusssnsssssssesvassnses 01079 46 Orange ArinkK......ceeeveseseteaeccetesececscrsrenssssnssananns 1437 14323 47 Shake: CROCOIAEE .vvnvis rns ssom ss sss sd rasassmenossnsessnessss snasvssnss 14346 48 SLAW DEITY eens rsssassscinssnesssnsens issesssssassssssnensnenns 14428 49 VANS o cvnnnne onsen tns ss sbaia his ARERR AARC OCRE GUAR RD OS RA NRE SD 0 14347 50 Tea: Brewed. ..oeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssossssssssssssssssssasnnnsssasans 14355 51 Instant, sugar-sweetened, lemon flavor, prepared with water ... 14371 52 Breakfast items: Biscuit: Plain ovvvviiiinenetereertessesecnesnsansanssassassasatsansaasns 21001 53 WIth © «ov cveereenrarenrnsnarneartsressescsssssesnesnasnnsasnns 21002 54 With egg and bDaCON.....ovverireeieneeetnsceceseccecscacescnnnns 21003 55 With egg and ham ......citiiiiiiiieitititneiencncenracenanannns 21004 56 With egg and Sausage. .....ocveeerrenrerercecsccacacnsesaacnnnns 21005 57 With egg and steaK......ociiuieiiirerinnnnrenenentncncncnancnns 21006 58 With egg, cheese, and bacon .........ccevieieririenncecnnnnnns 21007 59 WIth NOM vv vvrevennserstssstscsesssnvsnsssssnssssssssstssnsenvrns 21008 60 With SAUSAEZE + vvevveeieererenreneeresseesssssssssnsssssasessnnsns 21009 61 With StO8R cvsssnsnvnssssstarensns rnasne ss heassad sateen s Fee 21010 62 23 AH-8 AH-8-21 item (1963) NDB No. Page Breakfast items, con.: Croissant: With egg and cheese. .....c.oiiiiiiiiiiiiietnrnenrneenennenennens 21011 63 With egg, cheese, and bacon ........coeiititnnnnrneneeneneennnns 21012 64 With egy, Cheese, aNd NAM cucsurusssvmssisionce sorssss orisnsnss 21013 65 With egg, cheese, and sausage .........coviveienrnrnnnnnnennnens 21014 66 Danish pastry: HL SS 21015 67 CINNAMON vermin sir asn sass as ss as rnnsnesissanmts hbsmeasdrsoseess 21016 68 13g + +c A RR 21017 69 BE, SCramble@. iu crviinasonrstsnsrresssmrrnenses ronssannsssss 977 21018 70 English muffin: With butter... iii iii titi titi i tieiienennenenssncnnans 21019 71 With cheese BNA SAUSHGE. uvsssnsrrissnevrssssssssrossnnrrnsvans 21020 72 With egg, cheese, and canadian bacon .............ccovivuvunnn. 21021 73 With egg, cheese, and sausage .........coueevineennennenennnnns 21022 74 French toast with butter......... citi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiteneennnns 21023 75 French toast sticks .....covuiiiiiiiinininii ii iiii ii iieienenennns 21024 76 Pancakes with butter and SYIUD ceecvessesssrvonssiriosborsnnsenns 21025 77 Potatoes, Mashed DIOWN cucscvssvincsssnnossistnessretotnesresenas 21026 78 BUSA vu vt urs uA A REP AE ANTES A REE mA res 2014 10095 79 Desserts: BOWIE vuurvunnmine no tenan # has st sa aus ss sv ans ads sus nasssns hooves 21027 80 Burrito with fruit (See Mexican foods, Burrito with fruit) Cookies: ADIMA] CPECROYS c.civisnisiritrssssesenasnsrasnsnenvnussnnsanisns 21029 81 Chocolate Chip ..vivieiiiiiinienininreeieneeeenenenennnannnns 818 21030 82 Fried pie, fruit (apple, cherry, or lemon) .........ceeeeeeuenennns 21031 83 Ice milk, vanilla, soft-serve, with cone..........couvuueuunun. 1142 21028 84 Nachos with cinnamon and sugar (See Mexican foods, Nachos with cinnamon and sugar) Sundae: Caramel Li titiiietntneeneneneneeseneneeseseesesesenennanenanenns 21032 85 HOt SHADE vuvurersnns se vsvsnsnussnsss nusri id ne ed F043 Sh nse ei reves 21033 86 Lg, OS ETE 21034 87 Entrees: Chicken, breaded and fried: Dark meat (drumstick or thigh)............ciiiiiiiiiiiininnnn. 21035 88 Light meat (breast or wing) ........ccuiiuiiiiiininnennnnennns 21036 89 Boneless pieces: Plain oii iiit iii tii tit i te tte tte tt tes eae eae. 21037 90 With barbecue SON cue ssc srcsniassivsisctrsvssassassssnsesns 21038 91 WUD BONNEY vc cvinnvisntnnasnesissssssensssss bramerssa nasssns nes 21039 92 With MUSEIrd SoMCe.cceeeicstissrstsvrsssstsrsssssesrnensss ons 21040 93 With sweet-and-SOUr SAUCE. ......vvtitrreernenenenenenenennens 21041 94 24 AH-8 item (1963) Entrees, con.: CHIL COT COTTIC sur vr rtnsnrnossns roast tstnsnssnts saasess bs sisdss Clams, breaded and fried.......c.c.coiiiiiiriieeeeerennncsssonnnnas Crab: Bae. vcncnmrersarsses erst sns bot sisds inv sBas nbNEERNR EOE ob Soft-shell, fried......cctiiiiieiiereereeeseeasssssssscssasocansss CrAD CORE iv vnnnnm inn n sess Oss as RR AES RSE SEERA HEE ARE ENn T en Fish fillet, battered or breaded, and fried Oysters, battered or breaded, and fried...................... 1445 Pizza: WH CREBBE ...coivvsnisssoninessossdosssssmsbrasvussn masons 1628 With cheese, meat, vegetables ........ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnennnnns With pepperoni ......ciiiiiiiiiieiiiieeteeeensseecasonnossseenns Salad, vegetable, tossed, without dressing ............ccivvuinenn With cheese aNd CPD ssvssss uss ssan Ceasar I VURFRR@ A TOBE Wis Kw e With ChiCKeN ..vvevi i sesssa sss issmis ss ins issn muRasvs Hanus ® Hn With pasta and S€af00Q cov rrrrarssrsrssssssssssnsssrinsninsss WIE SHPINPD wovnnnrsmnnsnnnn nennsnns sesossnonnssnee russes sas With turkey, ham, and cheese (chef style)...........ccecvutnn. Scallops, breaded and fried ...civiisisscnessssnsessnnsnnens 2025 Shrimp, breaded and fried ........cciiiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie, 2043 Mexican foods: Beans with cheese (see Frijoles) Burrito: PHI DOONS oi ivicisniinbsRass nusssssd hNusssR auissssa nuns en une With Deans and CHREeBe cis i i tissssshivess is buussdsstonsnbs novus With beans and chili peppers ...vvveeiereeeeereeneenneennnnnnnnns With beans and Meat. coisas vrssssnnvrrsssnvnssesssvossnmessnns With beans, cheese, and Deel...cocivvcsvsssenvussarnnnurrsnnn sees With beans, cheese, and chili peppers ......c.cceeeeeiiiieennnenns With beef ....iiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeensoseesssossssssssssssnssns With beef and chili peppers ......eeiiiereieerenecsnosennssennns With beef, cheese, and chili peppers ......ccceeeeeeereeeeceenees With fruit (apple OF CNErPY) svisrssnssvernssnvsssnnmvassesns nasa Chili con carne (see Entrees, Chili con carne) Chimichanga: With beef ti iiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeneesooseesssssssssssssssnssnns With Deel ANA CREGEE c.vnvsm nurses senssass Cutsem su aneny ays With beef and red chili peppers ....ceeeeieerereneeeeeenennnnnns With beef, cheese, and red chili peppers ......ceeeeeeeeeeeennns Enchilada: With CheeSe vier eeeeeeeeaeeeeessseesscsssscsssssssssssssanes With cheese and beef ...covivivsnsnnvssssnnunoansnmvnnsensnevnne Enchirito with cheese, beef, and beans .......cccitiiiereeersonnns Frijoles with cheese ......c.ciiiiiiririinnitttiiiinnetetiteenneranans AH-8-21 NDB No. Page 21042 95 21043 96 21044 917 21045 98 21046 99 21047 100 21048 101 21049 102 21050 103 21051 104 21052 105 21053 106 21054 107 21055 108 21056 109 21057 110 21058 111 21059 112 21060 113 21061 114 21062 115 21063 116 21064 117 21065 118 21066 119 21067 120 21068 121 21069 122 21070 123 21071 124 21072 125 21073 126 21074 127 21075 128 21076 129 21077 130 25 AH-8 AH-8-21 item (1963) NDB No. Page Mexican foods, con.: Nachos: With Cheese ciciciiivviscisisistvsrressssrensssesrsnnsnnennnnnes 21078 131 With cheese and jalapeno PEPPEerS.....c.eveereereenenneennennnnns 21079 132 With cheese, beans, ground beef, and peppers .........c..couv... 21080 133 With cinnamon SNA SUGATY c.isusenssssssnisrssssssssssiosorsnsnns 21081 134 THOD vuncunarnssenostnist ist sas tai as essa sarssesserrassnssvessnnn 21082 135 Taco salad .....iviiiiiiiiiiiieeeneneeeosoeanenenenconsnsnnnsnnnns 21083 136 Taco salad with chili CON CAINE .uuisissnsssssssosssssnsnsssnnsnms 21084 137 Tostada: With Deans and Cheese... .cccisisisssssstssrsesnrersmanserannnns 21085 138 With beans, beef, and cheese.........oiiiiiennenrnnnnnnnnnens 21086 139 With beef and cheese ......cooiiiiiiiiiiiiniinininrnennnenennnns 21087 140 With Zuacamole «uc vessssninsrssesn sosssanarissnssnsssvsssisnnnnnes 21088 141 Sandwiches and burgers (including roll or bun): Cheeseburger: Regular, single meat patty: Pladh vu cevmenmmennumsns cress sns snssssss nsnsnsnssnnsveionneens 21089 142 With ConAMENtS ccucuanisisrsssnsnssssnds ssassisssrsmsnsrensnne 21090 143 With condiments and vegetables..........coviiiiiiinnnennnnnns 21091 144 Regular, double meat patty: Plain iii ii i i i tt iit tetera eens 21092 145 With condiments and vegetables. ..cvunsvevsnsonsrnsssnssnsnss 21093 146 Regular, double meat patty, double-decker bun: PLEIN conc vnnranrs aroma ss cnuavstis Cntabas bopsrans es soassne seannn 21094 147 With condiments and vegetables.........ccvviiininrnnnnnnnns 21095 148 Large, single meat patty: Fo 21096 149 With bacon and coNAIMENLS ..uuvasvsnsssivssssnseiosssssnrnnns 21097 150 With condiments and vegetables............coviiiinrnrnnennnn. 21098 151 With ham, condiments, and vegetables ............ccovvvnunnn. 21099 152 Large, double meat patty, with condiments and vegetables...... 21100 153 Large, triple meat patty, DION .ucsvsssnsssnsrsnensivaosisisopes 21101 154 Chicken fillet sandwich: PIOIN soenscrvesonns sass ini tssiss uo sssianssstsnsnnnenanernernens 21102 155 WIth CHOSE (ios sstorssnstrresssaserusssnsrasssssssvannvanwvnss 21103 156 Egg and cheese sandwich ........coiiiiiiiiiinininennnnennnnnennns 21104 157 Fish sandwich: With tartar SaUCR cus conrsns tovsssanstnasnntorssbsstisrsnnnn runes 2110% 158 With tartar sauce and cheese ........ciiiiiiirnerennnennnnnnnnss 21106 159 Hamburger: Regular, single meat patty: PION vunnrvnvvnnnnrorsssnn vs cassumusnsnnsnnisssnnsonbsenis cons 21107 160 With CONIMENES ccicivnvuvirissssnsvasasnsssvsssssessbsssirers 21108 161 With condiments and vegetables.........ccoiiiiinenennennnnnnn. 21109 162 26 Sandwiches and burgers (including roll or bun), con.: Hamburger, con. : Regular, double meat patty: PIE. sosnusnss roves runttnn rassnss swans son dn one® ss mak z 854m Large, single meat patty: Plain con sivonmumrnorsui iis iss rrarsssn sasssssranrsesns nis ens With condiments and vegetables............coc...... Large, double meat patty, with condiments and vegetables...... Large, triple meat patty, with condiments ............ Ham and cheese sandwich...........cciiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn. Ham, egg, and cheese sandwich ...............c00u..... Hotdog: AH-8 item (1963) ee coe 0000 eee eo 000 ee PlallY svi nnmovnanmn css rests ns shh s id rast me sae en esr se son &enh en With corn flour coating (corndog)..........ceveueenn.. Roast beef sandwich: PLALIY (vn nnnm san es omnes mos vm ass ab nh doer ens sees sses ss sees esses Submarine sandwich: With ColdCUts ii iiiiiiri titi iit ittnerennononnnennnnees Hush PUPPIES iiasssisuncssisnssisrsnsnsnrussensrnesnses Onion rings, breaded and fried............covvvvvennn.. Potato: Baked and topped: With cheese SAUCE .....vvviiiiiitieeerennonennsnnnes With cheese sauce and bacon .........ceeeveueennnn. With cheese sauce and broccoli .........ceeeeeennnenn With cheese sauce and chili........covvevvnneennnnn. With sour cream and chives. .......ooveeveeennnnnnnn French fried in: Beef tallow .....iiviiininninrienneneeeseeesnannnnnnns Beef tallow and vegetable oil ............co0uvun.n.. Vegetable Oll vovuvurusinsnisnesanosnssvnonsnssinisns Hashed brown (see Breakfast items, Potatoes, hashed brown) MASE 4 sive toss noess bose dos ronneass oressssssesssess sssesss sesh Potato chips Potato salad © © 0 0000000000000 0000000000 0000000000000 ee eee 0000 eee eco ee eee ecco ees 000000 0 eee e000 eee AH-8-21 NDB No. Page 21110 163 21111 164 21112 165 21113 166 21114 167 21115 168 21116 169 21117 170 21118 171 21119 172 21120 173 21121 174 21122 175 21123 176 21124 177 21125 178 21126 179 21127 180 21128 181 21129 182 21130 183 21131 184 21132 185 21133 186 21134 187 21135 188 21136 189 21137 190 21138 191 21139 192 11411 193 21140 194 27 28 Table of Nutrient Data [Blank spaces indicate a lack of data.] BEVERAGES Beer, regular Page 29 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _ Swandard Nuriber Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz 12 f1 oz can 0 =29.7g9g = 356 g (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WRBLBH wcivisinisisivnvviniiisiinvrmssasseveres g 92.3 21 27.4 328.8 418.9 Food kcal 41 12 146 186 00d @NEIGY ouvir KJ 172 51 612 780 Protein (N X6. 25) a 0.3 78 0.1 0.9 Li Total lipid (fat) ...... g 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total.. g 3.7 1.1 13.2 16.9 Crude fiber? g .g 0.1 25 0.0 0.4 0.5 Minerals: Calcium. 5 317 1 18 22 Iron ........ 0.03 229 0.01 0.11 0.14 Magnesium 6 361 2 23 29 Phosphorus . mg 12 28 4 44 56 Potassium. mg 25 268 7 89 114 Sodium .. 5 248 2 19 24 0.02 228 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.009 288 0.003 0.032 0.041 0.012 0.001 80 0.004 0.043 0.054 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 0.010 2 0.0 0,0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.006 13 0.002 0.021 0.027 Riboflavin 0.026 13 0.008 0.093 0.118 Niacin..... 0.453 13 0,135 1.613 2,085 Pantothenic acid.. 0.058 13 0.017 0.206 0.263 Vitamin Bg . 0.050 10 0.015 0.178 0.227 Folacin....... 6.0 60 1.8 21.4 27.3 Vitamin B,, 0.02 0.001 33 0.01 0.06 0.08 Vitamin A g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, Ol .....ccviiinnisse g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4:0 we i 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12:0 .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14:0 9g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total .. .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1811 ovevrsrermncrmsnsmsensenss ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1 wg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:1... .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Polyunsaturated, total. .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 182 sunnue -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:3 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:4 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:4 - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:5 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:5 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:6 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cholesterol . mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.003 0.001 0.011 0.014 THIBONING ..ocismsmnvinmmimmisisinirasisses g 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.023 ISOIUCINE ......ooiiiiiiiiis g 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.023 Leucine . -g 0.006 0.002 0.021 0.027 Lysine ... -g 0.007 0.002 0.025 0.032 Methionine -g 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.005 Cystine.. g 0.003 0.001 0.011 0.014 Phenylala -g 0.006 0.002 0.021 0.027 Tyrosine... -g 0.015 0.004 0.053 0.068 Valine... -g 0.009 0.003 0.032 0.041 Arginine -g 0.009 0.003 0.032 0.041 Histidine... - g 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.023 Alanine......... - 9 0.011 0.003 0.039 0.050 Aspartic acid -g 0.012 0.004 0.043 0.054 Glutamic acid -g 0,031 0.009 0.110 0.141 Glycine. - 9 0.009 0.003 0.032 0.041 Proline .. - 9g 0.030 0.009 0.107 0.136 SONG ....ccnscrinsensuscaserssarssn .g 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.023 ! Alcohol 4.5% by volume (3.6 g per 100 g). 2S8o0luble fiber determined as pectin = 0.2 g per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14003 BEVERAGES Beer, light Page 30 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as pu! rchased Mean Standard NOEs Argproviniats measure and weight: . Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz = 12 £1 oz = 29.5 g 354 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) [(c)] Proximate: * WEIBE cone reonmmsmermsmers spose spssssspme fittest g 95.2 0.168 7 28.1 337.0 431.8 2 kcal 28 8 100 129 Food energy 2... KJ 119 35 420 538 Protein (N X6. 25) .. .g 0.2 4 0.1 0.7 0.9 Total lipid (fat) ....... g 0.0 0.005 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total g 1.3 0.4 4.8 6.1 Crude fiber.. g g 0.1 0.010 4 0.0 0.3 0.4 5 0.532 14 1 18 23 0.04 4 0.01 0,12 0.16 Magnesium. 5 0.149 14 1 17 22 Phosphorus mg 12 3.950 2 4 43 55 Potassium mg 18 1.060 4 5 64 82 Sodium mg 3 0.358 11 1 10 12 Zinc... mg 0.03 0.005 4 0.01 0.11 0.14 Copper. mg 0.024 0.006 4 0.007 0.085 0.109 Manganese... mg 0.016 0.001 4 0.005 0.057 0.073 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.009 0.001 4 0.003 0.032 0.041 Riboflavin 0.030 0.003 2 0.009 0.106 0.136 iaci 0.392 0.035 4 0.116 1.388 1.778 Pantothenic acid 0.036 0.013 4 0.011 0.127 0.163 Vitamin Bg .. 0.034 0.003 4 0.010 0,120 0.154 Folacin.... 4,1 0.097 23 1.2 14.7 18.8 Vitamin By. 0.01 0.001 12 0.00 0.02 0.03 hrm 0 0 0 0 VHAMIN A ccosvimmnsimmnminisciiis tins 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 40..... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6:0. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8:0. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10:0. 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12:0. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14:0. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:0. og 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:0 .... og 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:1 .... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1. - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 221... - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - 9g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cholesterol mg 0 0 0 0 PhytOSIBIOIS css: susinsarvissmvsivrervussasvuses mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... wg 0.003 0.001 0.011 0.014 Threonine .. g 0.004 0.001 0.014 0.018 Isoleucine ..... g 0.004 0.001 0.014 0.018 Leucine... g 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.023 Lysine .... g 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.023 Methionine . g 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.005 Cystine....... 9 0.002 0.001 0.007 0.009 Phenylalanine g 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.023 Tyrosine. g 0.012 0.004 0.042 0.054 Valine. g 0.007 0.002 0.025 0,032 Arginine . 9 0.007 0.002 0.025 0.032 Histidine. g 0.004 0.001 0.014 0.018 Alanine... g 0.008 0.002 0.028 0.036 Aspartic acid. rg 0.010 0.003 0.035 0.045 Glutamic acid ng 0.024 0.007 0.085 0.109 Glycine... g 0.007 0.002 0.025 0.032 Proline 9 0.023 0.007 0.081 0.104 Serine .... -g 0.004 0.001 0.014 0.018 1 Alcohol 4.0% by volume (3.2 g per 100 g). Range is from 2.2 to 4.4 g per 100 g. 2Range is from 22 to 37 kcal per 100 g. Check label for specifics. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14006 BEVERAGES Carbonated, Cola, regular Page 31 Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - = Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: efuse: error of samples 1 fl oz 12 f1 oz can 0 = 30.8 g = 370 g (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: * Water .... g 89.4 16 27.5 330.8 405.5 Food energy 41 13 151 185 or 170 52 630 773 Protein (N X6. 25) 0.0 13 0.0 0.1 0.1 Total lipid (fat) .... g 0.0 11 0.0 0.1 0.2 Carbohydrate, total. g 10.4 3.2 38.5 47.3 Crude fiber g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 g 0.1 10 0.0 0.4 0.5 Calcium. 3 24 1 12 Iron ... 0.03 30 0.01 0.13 0.15 Magnesium .. o 1 23 0 3 Phosphorus . .. mg 12 35 4 46 57 Potassium. .. mg X 66 0 4 5 Sodium . .. mg 4 81 1 14 18 Zinc... .. mg 0.01 0.004 31 0.00 0.05 0.06 Copper. ..mg 0.011 22 0.003 0.041 0.050 Manganese. 0.035 5 0.011 0.130 0.159 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin. 0.000 ¥ 0.000 0.000 0.000 Riboflavin. 7 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Niacin....... “ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Pantothenic acid. _ 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vitamin Bg ... . mg 0.000 x 0.000 0.000 0.000 FOIaCn .........oviiiiiiis mcg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 VHAMIN Bypommmsminimmassismasiin mcg 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 rai 0 1 0 0 0 Vitamin A... 0 1 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 4:0 .. -g 610... vw Ig 8.0. wi IG 100 .. .g 12:0 .. wg 14:0 .. wg 16:0 .. wi 180...... .g Monounsaturated, total . wig 16:1... .g 18:1 w 20:1 .g 221 .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 18:2. a] 18:3 .. - 9g 18:4 .. w g 20:4 .. .g 2035 .. .g 22:5... g 22:6 .. Lg Cholesterol .. - 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols. Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g Threonine I] Isoleucine wg Leucine vo § Lysine .. .g Methionine a Cystine............ wg Phenylalanine. wl Tyrosine... g Valine... g Arginine ... gq Histidine... g Alanine..... g Aspartic acid g9 Glutamic acid.. g Glycine. g Proline . - g g ! Some products contain 10 mg caffeine per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14400 BEVERAGES Carbonated, Cola, low-calorie, aspartame-sweetened Page 32 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nash Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz 12 £1 oz can 0 = 29.6 g = 355 ¢g (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: * JL CR 99.8 1 29.5 354.3 452.7 Food energy : 2 .e Protein (N X6. 25). 0.1 1 0.0 0.2 0.3 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total.. g 9.1 0.0 0.3 0.4 Crude fiber... g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -g 0.0 1 0.0 0.1 0.2 Minerals: Calcium... 4 1 1 12 16 Iron ..... 0.03 1 0.01 0.11 0.14 Magnesium 1 1 0 4 5 Phosphorus . mg 9 1 3 30 39 Potassium. mg 0 0 0 0 Sodium”. mg 6 1 2 21 27 Zinc... 0.08 1 0.02 0.28 0.36 Copper... Manganese... Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.005 1 0.001 0.018 0.023 Riboflavin 0.023 1 0.007 0.082 0.104 Niacin......... 0.000 x 0.000 0.000 0.000 Pantothenic acid. mg 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Folacin....... mcg 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vitamin By... 0 0 0 0 —_— 0 0 0 0 Vitamin Aon 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... eg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 rg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total... ws 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:1 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 221 ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Polyunsaturated, total. .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:2 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:3 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:4 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:4 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:5 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:5 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:6 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cholesterol . mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... Threonine . Isoleucine . Leucine .. Arginine .... Histidine. Alanine... Aspartic acid. Glutamic acid... Glycine... Proline Serine .... Quo uaaa ! Some products contain 14 mg caffeine per 100 g. value for product with aspartame only. Product with aspartame and sodium saccharin contains 9 mg per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14416 BEVERAGES Carbonated, Ginger Ale Page 33 Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 f1 oz 12 f1 oz can 0 = 30.5 ¢g = 366 g (A) (8) ©) (©) (E) (F) (G) Mean Proximate: Food energy Protein (N X6, 25) .. Total lipid (fat) ....... Carbohydrate, total Crude fiber.. 141 43 517 641 oom oo oowNoo NN Minerals: Calcium — © Nn Magnesium. Phosphorus ... Potassium... Sodium coNHOHOW — © oo 02 y Copper .005 0.066 0.082 Manganese. Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. Thiamin... Vitamin Bg . Folacin.... Vitamin By... VHAMIN A ......ooisimmsismiiiviseiomisnsisiess Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . 0 crass he » = 5 g 5 @ 2 a o Q a o o o o oe o o o r= o o o o o o o o 18.0... Monounsaturated, total 16:1 18:1 20:1 224 ov Polyunsaturated, total. 18:2... Queue uueeeeQeQQ 33 QQ Cholesterol ... PhytOSIerOIS..............oooonurinmnmnenininiienes Amino acids: Tryptophan Threonine . Isoleucine .... Leucine. Cystine...... Alanine.. Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Glycine. Proline .. Serine ... uuu eaQaQ AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14136 BEVERAGES Carbonated, Lemon-Lime Soda Page 34 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased -_ Standard NUS! Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz 12 f1 oz can 0 = 30.7 g = 368 g (A) (B) (€) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: WLBT ....cc.oiiiiiiee es 89.5 2 27.5 329.4 406.0 40 12 149 183 Pood energy 169 52 622 767 Protein (N X6, 25) . 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total lipid (fat) .... .g 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total. A] 10.4 83.2 38.4 47.4 i -g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 9 0.1 2 0.0 0.2 0.2 Minerals: Calcium. 2 12 1 9 11 WOR i 0.07 0.006 18 0.02 0,25 0,31 Magnesium... . mg 1 0.069 14 0 2 2 Phosphorus . . mg 0 16 0 1 1 Potassium. 1 0.029 35 0 4 5 Sodium . 11 0.755 35 3 41 51 Zinc... 0.05 0.003 2 0.02 0.18 8,22 Copper. 0.012 0.001 15 0.004 0.044 0.054 Manganese... 0.013 0.000 6 0.004 0.048 0.059 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.015 0.015 2 0.005 0.055 0.068 Pantothenic acid. 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vitamin Bg 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 Folacin...... 0.0 0.000 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 er 0 0 0 0 VIHAR Aisisiiinimsisnmmsrimmsmsmmme 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4:0... - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8:0 - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:0 - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, to - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:1... - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1 .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:1... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Polyunsaturated, total g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:2... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:5 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:6 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cholesterol . 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols.. Amino acids: Tryptophan ... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Threonine . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Isoleucine . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Leucine. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Lysine 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Methionine 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cystine...... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Phenylalanine... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tyrosine 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valine 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Arginine 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Histidine. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Alanine....... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Aspartic acid. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glutamic acid... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glycine.. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Proline 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Serine .... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14145 BEVERAGES Carbonated, Orange Soda Page 35 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _ Standard NGOS Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 f1 oz 12 f1 oz can 0 = 31.0 g = 372g (A) (8) (€) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: WLBT .cinisinsiniscssasvissimmimminss svn saison g 87.6 1 27.2 325.9 397.4 kcal 48 15 177 216 FOO NEIGY wooo KJ 199 62 742 904 Protein (N X6. 25) g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total. -g 12,3 3:8 45.8 55.9 Crude fiber... -g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9g 0:1 0.004 46 0.0 0.3 0.4 Minerals Calcium. 5 6 2 19 23 Iron ....... 0.06 0.011 9 0.02 0.23 0.28 Magnesium. 1 6 0 4 5 Phosphorus . 1 11 0 4 5 Potassium. 2 76 1 9 11 Sodium . 12 30 4 46 57 zinc... 0.10 12 0.03 0.38 0.47 Copper... 0.015 0.008 5 0.005 0.056 0.068 Manganese... Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Riboflavin. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Niacin....... . mg Pantothenic acid. mg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vitamin Bg ... - mg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Folacin..... .. meg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vitamin By. ... mcg 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 Vitamin A 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 40.. ~-g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6:0 .. -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8:0.. - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10:0... ~- 9g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12:0 .. ~ 9g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14:0 .. 4g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:0 .. -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 180 .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:1 cians g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2211. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Polyunsaturated, total g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 h SE, 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:3 .. - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:4. eg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:4 . g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:5. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 225. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 228%..... og 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cholesterol . ... mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . ug 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Threonine . g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Isoleucine wg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Leucine 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Lysine . g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Methionine .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cystine... 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Phenylala g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tyrosine. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valine. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Arginine .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Histidine... 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Alanine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Aspartic aci 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glutamic acid. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glycine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Proline ... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Boring .....consminiiiiiven g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14150 BEVERAGES Carbonated, Pepper Type Page 36 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased "ean Standard ——— Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz 12 f1 oz can 0 = 30.7 g = 368 g (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: * WRBI ..oiiscvisissssmmmmminsiiimssiviiss g 89.4 0.195 3 27.4 328.9 405.4 Food Shei 41 13 151 186 energy 171 53 631 778 Protein (N X6. 25). 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 0.1 0.027 3 0.0 0.4 0.5 Carbohydrate, total g 10.4 3,2 38.2 47.1 Crude fiber. g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 w 0.0 0.000 3 0.0 0.1 0.2 Minerals: Calcium 3 0.173 2 1 12 15 Iron ..... 0.04 0.004 2 0,01 0.14 0.18 Magnesium 0 0.100 2 0 1 2 Phosphorus mg 11 5 3 41 50 Potassium... mg I 0.090 8 0 2 3 Sodium mg 10 1.603 8 3 38 47 ZinG i. mg 0.04 0.005 2 0.01 0.15 0.19 Copper mg 0.006 0.000 2 0.002 0.022 0.027 Manganese... Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. mg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... mg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Riboflavin mg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Niacin...... mg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Pantothenic acid mg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vitamin Bg . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Folacin.... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vitamin By... 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 Vitamin A... 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . .g 40... g 6:0. g 8:0. ag 10:0. 9 120. g 14:0. g 16:0. g 180... .g Monounsaturated, total... wg 16:1... g 18:1. g 20:1. g 22:1 ww Polyunsaturated, total .. wg 18:2 .... g 18:3. gq 18:4. g 20:4. ..g 205. . g 225. g 22:6. g Cholesterol mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Threonine .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Isoleucine .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Leucine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Arginine eg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Histidine... 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Alanine... 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Aspartic acid.. 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glutamic acid. rg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glycine... - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Proline g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Serine ~ 8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 !Some products contain 10 mg caffeine per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14153 BEVERAGES Carbonated, Root Beer Page 37 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Vaan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz 12 fl oz 0 = 30.8 g = 370 a (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: FT g 89.3 2 27.5 330.4 405.1 41 13 152 187 Foog energy 172 53 637 781 Protein (N X6. 25). g 0.0 1 0.0 0,1 0.2 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total. g 10.6 3.3 39.2 48.1 Crude fiber. g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 wg 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 5 10 2 19 23 0.05 0.012 10 0.01 0.18 0.22 Magnesium 1 10 0 4 5 Phosphorus .. mg 0 16 0 2 2 Potassium. mg 1 27 0 3 4 Sodium .. mg 13 27 4 49 61 Zinc... mg 0.07 0.018 11 0.02 0.26 0.32 Copper... mg 0.007 3 0.002 0.026 0.032 Manganese... Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Riboflavin 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Niacin..... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Pantothenic acid. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Vitamin Bg 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Folacin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vitamin By... 0 0 0 0 RR 0 0 0 0 HAMA A... naam sas 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wir 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Ct -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8:0 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10:0 .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12:0 .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14:0 - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:0... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 180... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total .. .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:1... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2211... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Polyunsaturated, total - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:2... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:3 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:4 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:4 ~g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:5 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:5 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:6 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cholesterol .. ..mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols...................... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. «4g Threonine wg Isoleucine .... .g Leucine. .g Lysine wi Methionine . g Cystine..... .g Phenylalanine . w @ Tyrosine ~g Valine... .g Arginine i) Histidine ag Alanine..... wg Aspartic acid 9g Glutamic aci %g Glycine..... g Proline . g Serine .g AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14157 BEVERAGES Coffee, brewed’ Page 3 8 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard NUIDZE Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1- £1 02 6 fl oz 0 =29.6 g = 171 4 (A) (8) (€) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: * 99.3 0.066 2 29.4 178.7 450.4 Food energy 1e : 7s Es Protein (N X 6, 25). 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 Total lipid (fat) ...... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Carbohydrate, total.. 0.4 0.1 0.8 1.9 Crude fiber. 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 Minerals: ° 2 7 1 3 8 0.05 0.012 9 0.01 0.08 0.22 Magnesium... . mg 5 7 2 10 24 Phosphorus 1 5 0 2 6 Potassium 54 7 16 96 246 Sodium 2 7 1 4 11 Zinc...... 0.02 0.001 17 0.00 0.03 0.07 Copper... 0.007 7 0.002 0.012 0.032 Manganese. 0.027 3 0.008 0.048 0.122 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Riboflavin 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Niacin.......... 0.222 0.010 7 0.066 0.393 1.007 Pantothenic acid mg Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Folacin.... meg 0.1 0.012 7 0.0 0.3 0.7 Vitamin B, ,. mcg 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vitamin A... Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ......... g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 4:0 .. g 6:0 .. .g 80... w ig 10:0 .. wf 12:0... wg 14:0 .. wg 16:0 .. -g 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 18:0 .. 9g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total . .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:1 ~g 18:1... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:1; .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 18:2... .g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 18:3 .. -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:4 . g 20:4 .g 20:5 wg 22:5 .g 22:6 wg Cholesterol .. .. mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. - 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Threonine ... - |g 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 Isoleucine . . ig 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 Leucine. - 9g 0.005 0.001 0.009 0.023 Lysine... 9 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 Methionine -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ; - 9g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 Phenylalanine... -g 0.003 0.001 0.005 0.014 Tyrosine... 9 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 Valine... - 9 0.003 0.001 0.005 0.014 Arginine 9 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 HSIANG... g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 Alanine... ee g 0.003 0.001 0.005 0.014 Aspartic ac| -g 0.005 0.001 0.009 0.023 Glutamic acid -g 0.020 0.006 0.035 0.091 Glycine -g 0.004 0.001 0.007 0.018 Proline -g 0.004 0.001 0.007 0.018 Serine... | 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 !See Appendix for nutrient values of added condiments. “Caffeine = 58 mg per 100 g. ’Values presented include minerals in tap water. water are calcium, 2 mg; iron, 0.05 mg; magnesium, 6 mg; and copper, 0.012 mg. AH-8-21 NDB No. Mineral values per 100 g reported for beverage prepared with distilled mg; phosphorus, 1 mg; potassium, 69 mg; sodium, 1 mg; zinc, 0.01 (198 1420 BEVERAGES Coffee, instant, decaffeinated, prepared with water: Page 39 Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - _ Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 0 6 fl oz = 179 g (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WARE cos smi vs EEE visi 99.0 177.2 448.9 Food energy 2 1 : : : Protein (N X6. 25). 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.9 0.1 0.3 0.6 Minerals: Calcium. 3 6 16 WO vas 0.04 0.08 0.20 Magnesium 4 2 18 Phosphorus .. mg 3 5 13 Potassium. mg 35 63 161 Sodium . mg 3 6 14 Zinc... . mg 0.03 0.05 0,12 Copper... . mg 0.007 0.013 0.032 Manganese... mg 0.013 0.023 0.059 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 0.0 0.0 | Thiamin... 0.000 0.000 0.000 Riboflavin . 0.014 0.025 0.064 Niacin........ 0.282 0.505 1.279 Pantothenic acid. 0.001 0.002 0.005 Vitamin Bg ... 0.000 0.000 0.000 Folacin...... 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vitamin Bj... 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 WVHBIMIN Aeron soessssiiissssisin stussisssmmses 0 0 0 | Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... 5 Ig 0.001 0.002 0.005 4:0 .. wig 6:0 .g 8:0 .. .g 10:0 -g 12:0 -g 14:0 .g 16:0 .. .g 0.001 0.002 0.005 18:0 .. .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total. og 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:1 ve .g 18:1. 5.9 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 .. wi 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:1 .g Polyunsaturated, total wg 0.001 0.002 0.005 18:2... wg 0.001 0.002 0.005 18:3... “yg 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:4 .. .g 20:4 ..... wg 20:5... g 22:5. g 22:8... g Cholesterol . mg 0 0 0 Phytosterols....... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 Threonine ... g 0.001 0.002 0.005 Isoleucine g 0.002 0.004 0.009 Leucine g 0.005 0.009 0.023 Lysine .. og 0.001 0.002 0.005 Methionine .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cystine... g 0.002 0.004 0.009 Phenylalanine g 0.003 0.005 0.014 Tyrosine... 9 0.002 0.004 0.009 Valine... g 0.003 0.005 0.014 Arginine .. g 0.001 0.002 0.005 Histidine... g 0.002 0.004 0.009 Alanine... g 0.003 0.005 0.014 Aspartic acid. g 0.005 0.009 0,023 | Glutamic acid. g 0.019 0.034 0.086 Glycine... 9 0.004 0.007 0.018 Proline g 0.003 0.005 0.014 Serine - 9 0.001 0.002 0.005 6 f1 oz water + 1 rounded tsp powder. caffeine = 1 mg per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14219 BEVERAGES Hot Chocolate Page 40 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased en Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Renee error of samples 6 f1 oz = 206 g! (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (©)] Proximate:? ° WRB. cov nis cuss encase 86.4 177.9 391.7 50 103 226 Food energy ..........cccccovveiiiiiiiiin. 208 429 945 Protein (N X5.90).. 1.5 3.1 6.8 Total lipid (fat) ....... 0.6 1.1 2.5 Carbohydrate, total 10.9 22,5 49.5 Crude fiber.. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 1,2 2.7 47 96 212 0.17 0.35 0.76 Magnesium. 12 25 56 Phosphorus mg 43 89 197 Potassium mg 98 203 447 Sodium mg 72 149 327 Zinc. mg 0.22 0.46 1.01 Copper. mg 0.045 0.093 0.204 Manganese... mg 0.038 0.078 0.172 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 0.2 0.5 1.1 Thiamin... 0.013 0.027 0.059 Riboflavin. 0.078 0.161 0.354 0.081 0.167 0.367 Pantothenic acid 0,123 0.253 0.558 Vitamin Bg .. 0.016 0.033 0.073 Folacin..... 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vitamin By. 0.18 0.37 0.83 VHAMIN A oe 0 : 2 2 4 9 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .g 0.332 0.684 1.506 4:0... . g 6:0 .. .g 8:0 .. .g 10:0... wg 120 .. ag 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.0 .. -g 0.001 0.002 0.005 16:0 .. -g 0.141 0.290 0.640 18:0 .. wg 0.185 0.381 0.839 Monounsaturated, total . wi 0.183 0.377 0.830 16:1 ..... wg 0.001 0.002 0.005 18:1... ~g 0.181 0.373 0.821 20:1... .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:0. .cnrsussssnvniss we Polyunsaturated, total wn 0.016 0.033 0.073 18:2... 9g 0.016 0.033 0.073 18:3... 9g 0.001 0.002 0.005 184... ww 20:4 .. .g 20:5... wg 22:5... .g 226 .. 9g Cholesterol .. .. mg PHYIOSIBIONS. .conuienmmrsmusiu ona mising: mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. of 0.021 0.043 0.095 Threonine 9g 0.063 0.130 0.286 Isoleucine 9 0.079 0.163 0.358 Leucine -g 0.127 0.262 0.576 Lysine -g 0.103 0.212 0.467 Methionine -g 0.030 0.062 0.136 Cystine... a] 0.014 0.029 0.064 Phenylalanine . -g 0.069 0.142 0.313 Tyrosine -g 0.065 0.134 0.295 Valine -g 0.093 0.192 0.422 Arginine - 8 0.058 0,119 0.263 Histidine ag 0.035 0.072 0,159 Alanine..... 9g 0.052 0.107 0.236 Aspartic acid - 9g 0.116 0.239 0.526 Glutamic acid.. -g 0.278 0,573 1.261 Glycine... - 9g 0.038 0.078 0.172 Proline . -g 0.119 0.245 0.540 Serine .. g 0.073 0.150 0,331 6 f1 oz water + 3-4 heaping tsp powder. 2 caffeine = 2 mg per 100 g. ’ Theobromine = 33 mg per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14194 BEVERAGES Juice, Grapefruit Page 41 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nad Standard Number Appronimats measure and weight: . Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz = 8 fl oz = 30.9 g 247 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (©) Proximate: WBIBP c.viinivivisisissismisvsssssmvesmsorisissins 89.30 27.59 220.57 405.06 Rodd Gia 41 13 102 187 Yes nsins ss smenssseassememeaisinidy 172 53 125 781 Protein (N X6. 25)... 0.55 0.030 3 0.17 1.37 2.51 Total lipid (fat) .... 0.13 0.013 3 0.04 0,33 0.61 Carbohydrate, total 9.73 3.01 24.04 44.15 0.28 0.036 3 0.09 0.69 1.27 8 0.625 3 2 19 34 0.14 0.059 3 0.04 0.34 0.63 Magnesium. 11 0.391 3 3 26 48 Phosphorus . 14 0.044 3 4 34 62 Potassium 136 2.357 3 42 337 618 Sodium . 1 0,159 3 0 2 4 Zinc...... 0.05 0.002 3 0.02 0.13 0.24 Copper ......... 0,033 0.007 3 0.010 0.082 0.150 Manganese. 0.020 0.001 3 0.006 0.049 0.091 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 33.7 0.211 3 10.4 83.4 153.1 Thiamin... 0.041 0.003 3 0.013 0.101 0.186 Riboflavin. 0.022 0.001 3 0.007 0.054 0.100 Niacin....... 0.217 0.020 3 0.067 0.536 0.984 Pantothenic acid. 0.189 0.004 3 0.058 0.467 0.857 Vitamin Bg .. 0.044 0.002 3 0.014 0.109 0.200 Folacin..... 3.6 1.022 3 1:1 8.9 16,3 Vitamin By,. 0 0 0 0 nssrd 1 0,101 3 0 2 4 Vitamin As. 9 1.005 3 3 22 40 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, 101A) .......cunsvmeininmniine g 0.019 0.006 0.047 0.086 4.0 .. -g 6:0 .. g 80 .. g 10:0... g 12.0.. .g 140 .. wg 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 16:0 .. g 0.017 0.005 0.042 0.077 18:0 .. g 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 Monounsaturated, total. 9 0.018 0.006 0.044 0.082 16:1 .. wg 0.002 0.001 0.005 0.009 18:1. - g 0.016 0.005 0.040 0.073 20:1 .. g 22:1 .. g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.032 0.010 0.079 0.145 1872 susnmunmr serene g 0.025 0.008 0.062 0.113 183... g 0.007 0.002 0.017 0.032 18:4. g 20:4. g 20:5. g 22:5. g 226 ..... g Cholesterol . mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . Threonine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine .. Methionine .. Tyrosine. Valine.. Arginine .. Histidine... Alanine....... Aspartic aci Glutamic acid. Glycine.... Proline .... SOHNE .coune rs ercrsmimsmmrrss uuu aa AH-8-9 (1981) NDB No. 09126 BEVERAGES Juice, Orange Page 42 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number ATE measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz = 8 fl oz = 31.1 g 249 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 88.10 27.40 219.37 399.62 Food energy kcal 45 14 112 204 ’ kJ 188 59 469 854 Protein (N X6. 25). w 0.68 0.003 2 0.21 1.68 3.06 TOLD (al) ......somscsisuinsnsmimesirens g 0.06 0.001 2 0.02 0.14 0.26 Carbohydrate, total. wg 10.78 3.35 26.83 48.88 Crude fiber. .g 0.05 0.001 2 0.02 0.13 0.23 .g 0.39 0.007 2 0.12 0.97 1.76 9 0.063 480 3 22 41 . 0.10 0.003 457 0.03 0.24 0.44 Magnesium . mg 10 0.041 473 3 24 44 Phosphorus . mg 16 0.107 326 5 40 73 Potassium. . mg 190 1.593 413 59 474 863 Sodium . 1 0.078 412 0 2 4 Zinc...... 0.05 0.001 471 0.02 0.13 0.24 Copper. 0.044 0.000 474 0.014 0.110 0.200 Manganese 0.014 0.002 10 0.004 0.035 0.064 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid . 38.9 0,255 426 12.1 96.9 176.5 Thiamin......... 0.079 0.001 298 0.025 0.197 0.358 Riboflavin 0.018 0.000 100 0.006 0.045 0.082 Niacin...... 0.202 0.001 458 0.063 0.503 0.916 Pantothenic acid 0.158 0.001 152 0.049 0.393 0.717 Vitamin Bg 0.044 0.000 215 0.014 0.110 0.200 Folacin.... 43.8 0.404 381 13.6 109.1 198.8 Vitamin By. 0 0 0 0 ol 8 2 19 35 Vitamin AZ... 78 24 194 352 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total oy 0.007 0.002 0.017 0.032 4:0 .. ng 6:0 .. wo 8:0 .. g 10:0... g 720.. a 0 14:0 .. we 16:0 .. g 0.007 0.002 0.017 0.032 18:0... g Monounsaturated, total g 0.010 0.003 0.025 0.045 16:1 g 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 18:1 g 0.009 0.003 0.022 0.041 20:1 gq 22:1. g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.012 0.004 0.030 0.054 18:2... g 0.009 0.003 0.022 0.041 18:3... g 0.003 0.001 0.007 0.014 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 205 .. g 22:5 g 22:6 g Cholesterol .. mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. eg 0.002 0.001 0.005 0.009 Threonine .... -g 0.008 0.002 0.020 0.036 Isoleucine . ng 0.007 0.002 0.017 0.032 Leucine . g 0.013 0.004 0.032 0.059 Lysine ... g 0.009 0.003 0.022 0.041 Methionine - g 0.003 0.001 0.007 0.014 Cystine. wi 0.005 0.002 0.012 0.023 Phenylalanine .. ng 0.008 0.002 0.020 0.036 Tyrosine. wg 0.004 0.001 0.010 0.018 Valine. gg 0.011 0.003 0.027 0.050 Arginine . og 0.045 0.014 0.112 0.204 Histidine. g 0.003 0.001 0.007 0.014 Alanine... g 0.014 0.004 0.035 0.064 Aspartic acid. -g 0.072 0.022 0.179 0.327 Glutamic acid -g 0.032 0.010 0.080 0.145 Glycine... g 0.009 0.003 0.022 0.041 Proline g 0.042 0.013 0.105 0.191 Serine... - 9 0.013 0.004 0.032 0.059 values for chilled orange juice. diluted with 3 parts water by volume, A value of 35 IU per 100 g was re but cryptoxanthin was not included. ported for frozen concentrated orange juice AH-8-9 (1981) NDB No. 09215 BEVERAGES Juice, Tomato Page 43 Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - ; - Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 4 fl oz = 6 fl oz = 122 g 182 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WLBT ....cooiicisee nissan g 93,90 0,139 170 114.56 170.91 425,95 kcal 17 21 32 79 FOO BNBIGY ........comsmvivsisiisssimiinintonss KJ 73 89 133 33] Protein (N X6. 25)... 0.76 0.010 161 0.93 1,383.45 Total lipid (fat) ..... 0.06 0.07 0.11 0.27 Carbohydrate, total. . 4,23 5.16 7.70 19.19 Crude fiber........... y 0.39 0.083 32 0.48 0,72 1.79 1.05 0.009 184 1.28 1.90 4.74 9 0.286 175 10 16 39 0.58 0.046 178 0.71 1.06 2.64 Magnesium. . 11 14 20 51 Phosphorus . . mg 19 23 34 84 Potassium. . mg 220 5,321 149 268 400 997 Sodium * . mg 361 6.629 151 441 658 1,639 Zinc... . mg 0.14 0.013 47 0.18 0.26 0.65 Copper. . mg 0.101 0,123 0.184 0.458 Manganese............. . mg 0.077 6 0.094 0.140 0.349 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 18.3 0.607 244 22.3 33.2 82.8 Thiamin... 0.047 0.003 155 0.057 0.086 0.213 Riboflavin. a 0.031 0.002 154 0.038 0.056 0.141 NBC cin ” 0.673 0.056 149 0.821 1,225 3.053 Pantothenic aci 0.250 0.305 0.455 1,134 Vitamin Bg ... 0.111 0.135 0.202 0.503 Folacin..... 19.9 0.640 3 24.2 36.1 90.1 Vitamin By. 0 0 0 0 Vitamin A ] 56 1.452 215 68 101 252 CR ASTER 556 14.523 215 678 1,012 2,522 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .g 0.008 0.010 0.015 0.036 4:0... .g 6:0 .. w 8:0.. wi @ 10:0... .g 120... wg 14:0 .. -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:0 .. -g 0.006 0.007 0.011 0.027 18:0 .. .g 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.009 Monounsaturated, total. wg 0.009 0.011 0.016 0.041 YO ees nsinsest g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1B ane g 0.009 0.011 0.016 0.041 2011... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.024 0.029 0.044 0.109 18:2... g 0.023 0.028 0.042 0.104 18:3... g 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.005 18:4 .. g 20:4 g 205. g 225. g 22:6. g 0 0 0 0 Cholesterol . mg Phytosterols.... ... mg Amino acids: * 0.005 1 0.006 0.009 0.023 Tryptophan . ng 0.017 4 0.021 0.031 0.077 Threonine ... g 0.015 4 0.018 0.027 0.068 Isoleucine ... g 0.021 4 0.026 0.038 0.095 Leucine g 0.022 8 0.027 0.040 0.100 Lysine .. g 0.004 2 0.005 0.007 0.018 Methionine .. g 0.004 1 0.005 0.007 0.018 Cystine... g 0.016 4 0.020 0.029 0.073 Phenylalanine ng 0.010 4 0.012 0.018 0.045 Tyrosine. ng 0,015 4 0.018 0.027 0.068 Valine. g 0, 015 4 0.018 0.027 0.068 Arginine .. g 0.012 4 0.015 0.022 0.054 Histidine... g 0.024 4 0.029 0.044 0.109 Alanine... og 0.095 4 0.116 0.173 0.431 Aspartic aci wg 0.303 4 0.370 0.551 1.374 Glutamic acid. g 0.012 4 0.015 0.022 0.054 Glycine... g 0.017 4 0.021 0.031 0.077 Proline 9 0.018 4 0.022 0,033 0.082 Serine ..... wg 1values for juice with added salt; if no salt is added, value is 10 mg per 100 g. 2 Alpha-tocopherol = 0.22 mg per 100 g. 3values for product with no ascorbic acid added; if ascorbic acid is added, refer to label declaration. “Amino acid profile includes data for tomato paste and tomato puree. AH-8-11 (1982) NDB No. 11540 BEVERAGES Lemonade Page 44 Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Viean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fl oz 0 = 31.0 g 8 fl oz = 248 g (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WIRE vo unmnnitiomimsimmsmmememmans g 89.3 27.7 221.6 405.3 Food ener kcal 40 13 100 183 BNBIQY. cassis om KJ 169 52 419 766 Protein (N X6. 25) .. 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 10.5 3.2 26.0 47.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 3 1 8 14 0.16 0.05 0.41 0.74 Magnesium. 2 1 5 8 Phosphorus mg 2 1 5 9 Potassium mg 15 5 38 69 Sodium mg 3 1 8 14 Zinc... mg 0.04 0.01 0.09 0.16 0.018 0.006 0.045 0.082 0.005 0.002 0.012 0.023 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 2 3.9 1.2 9.8 17.9 Thiamin... 0.006 0.002 0.015 0.027 Riboflavin. 0.021 0.007 0.052 0.095 NIBCIN....commn . 0.016 0.005 0.040 0.073 Pantothenic acid. Bl] 0.013 0.004 0.032 0.059 Vitamin Bg ... 0.006 0.002 0.015 0.027 Folacin..... 242 0.7 5.5 10.1 Vitamin B,;.. 0 0 0 0 — 2 1 8 10 HBA cvcoresninsmsmsrinamsinisimmavaisis 21 7 53 96 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 0.006 0.002 0.015 0.027 4.0. g 6:0 g 8:0 g 10:0 g 12:0 g 14:0 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16:0 g 0.005 0.002 0.012 0.023 180... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total .. .g 0.002 0.001 0.005 0.009 16:1... . 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1... g 0.002 0.001 0.005 0.009 20:1... g g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.013 0.004 0.032 0,059 g 0.009 0.003 0.022 0.041 g 0.004 0.001 0.010 0.018 g g g -g BB iwsvivineniinmn g Cholesterol ............ccceeueveeiircriiennnn. mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols..............cccccoviiiererinnnn. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan Threonine . Isoleucine . Leucine... Lysine .... Methionine Phenylalanine .. Tyrosine. Valine. Arginine . Histidine. Alanine... Aspartic acid... Glutamic acid Glycine... Proline Serine .... Quo auaeaaeaa ) Soluble fiber determined as pectin = 0.1 g per 100 g. Range is 0.5 to 7.4 mg per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14293 BEVERAGES Milk, whole’ Page 45 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased ar Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 8 fl oz = 244 g l gt =976g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 87.99 + 0.0060 1,242 214.70 858.78 399,12 Food energy 61 150 600 279 Bs 257 627 2, 510 1,166 Protein (N X6. 38) .g 3.29 t .0027 4,209 8.03 32.1 14.92 Total lipid (fat) %... «ig 3.34 t .0056 1,029 8.15 32.60 15, 15 Carbohydrate, total. .g 4.66 £ 11.37 45.48 21.14 Crude fibe .g 0 0 0 0 .g «12 + .0010 710 1.76 7.03 3,27 Minerals: CIO imme mg 119 t .251 1,054 291 1,165 542 Iron ....... mg 05 $ .0009 606 wd . 49 .23 Magnesium... mg 13 x «1D 1,052 33 131 61 Phosphorus . . mg 93 t +20 596 228 912 424 Potassium... .. mg 152 % .352 694 370 1,479 687 Sodium . .. mg 49 + 1.1 53 120 478 222 Zinc... .. mg .38 t .0089 48 «93 3.71 1.72 Copper. Manganese. Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. .. mg .94 + .044 115 2,29 9.17 4.26 Thiamin... .. mg .038 ¢ .0016 43 .093 +371 «172 Riboflavin. mg 162 t .0020 128 «395 1,581 +135 Niacin....... mg .084 .0034 15 .205 .820 .381 Pantothenic acid. mg .314 # .0107 16 .766 3.065 1.424 Vitamin Bg .. mg .042 .0032 42 .102 .410 «191 oii mcg 5 + «5 8 12 49 23 mcg .357 % .0116 75 871 3.484 1.619 31 2,800 76 303 141 126 2,800 307 1,230 572 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. wi 2.08 5.07 20.29 9.43 40. g «11 t .0018 52 .26 1.06 49 6:0. we if .06 + .001 68 .16 +63 29 8:0. gg .04 + .0009 89 .09 .36 +137 10:0. wg .08 + .002 89 .20 .82 .38 12:0. g +09 t .002 89 23 +92 .42 14.0. g .34 + .0042 88 .82 3.28 1,52 16.0. g .88 t .011 88 2.14 8.57 3.98 18:0 ..... wd .40 t . 0055 88 +39 3.95 1.84 Monounsaturated, ws |Y +96 2.35 9.42 4,38 YBN ony g .08 + .002 71 .18 +73 .34 18:1. g .84 t L011 78 2.05 8.20 3.81 20:1. g Trace 22:1 g Trace Polyunsatul g 12 «30 1.21 .56 18:2... g .08 + .003 74 18 .74 .34 18:3 g +05 + .003 65 12 .47 22 18:4 g Trace 20:4 g Trace 20:5 g Trace 22:5 g Trace 22:6. g Trace Cholesterol mg 14 t 17 113 33 133 62 Phytosterols... ..mg Trace Amino acids: Tryptophan .... wn .046 «113 .453 211 Threonine .. g .149 362 1.449 .674 Isoleucine .. g «199 . 486 1.943 +903 Leucine...... g «322 .786 3.146 1.462 Lysine ........ rg .261 +837 2.547 1.184 Methionine . wn ff .083 .201 .805 «374 Cystine....... g .030 .074 +297 +138 Phenylalanine ag «159 .388 1.530 .720 Tyrosine... g .159 .388 1.550 .720 Valine... - g .220 «537 2.149 +939 Arginine . og +119 L291 1.163 .540 Histidine. g .089 .218 «871 . 405 Alanine... g L113 L277 1.107 «515 Aspartic acid. g .250 .609 2.436 1,132 Glutamic acid g .689 1.681 6.724 3.125 Glycine... g .070 .170 +679 .316 Proline g .319 .778 3.110 1.446 Serine .... 4g +179 L437 1.746 .812 If vitamin D 2values based used in dietary *values based is added, each half pint contains 100 IU. on all-market average. Minimum standards for fat vary in different states. calculations may need to be based on information at local level. on data for butter. Selection of values to be AH-8-1 (1976) NDB No. 01077 BEVERAGES Milk, lowfat (2%) ' Page 46 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 8 fl oz = 244 g l gt = 976 ¢g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WARBE ..covvivivevnisnmsmmmsmisnsims arises g 89.21 244 217.67 870.69 404.66 Food Shak kcal 50 121 485 225 QY oe kJ 208 507 2,029 943 Protein (N X6. 38) .g 3.33 + 0.0068 346 8.12 32.50 15.10 Total lipid (fat) ....... .g 1,92 . 0195 259 4.68 18.74 8,71 Carbohydrate, total ww 4.80 11.71 46.85 21.77 Crude fibel .g 0 0 0 0 .g .74 1.81 7.22 3.36 Minerals: Calcium. 122 297 1,187 552 won ...... «05 +12 . 49 «23 Magnesium. 14 33 133 62 Phosphorus . mg 95 232 928 431 Potassium .. mg 154 377 1,507 700 Sodium . .. mg 50 122 487 226 Zinc... .. mg .39 »95 3.81 1,77 Copper. 2 Manganese. Vitamins: Ascorbic acid +35 2,32 9.27 4,31 Thiamin... +039 .095 +381 «177 Riboflavin. 165 .403 1.610 .748 Niacin....... .086 .210 .839 . 390 Pantothenic acid. 320 «781 3.123 1.452 Vitamin Bg mg .043 .105 .420 +195 Folacin...... 5 12 50 23 . .364 .888 3.553 1.651 RE 57 140 561 259 Vitamin AZ... { 205 500 2,000 930 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total ... « ig 1.20 2.92 11.66 5.42 E -g .06 # .001 52 .15 .61 +28 -g .04 # .0009 68 .09 . 36 17 — g 02 .0006 89 +05 «21 oll -g .05 # .0001 89 12 .47 +22 -g .05 .0001 89 .13 «53 .24 - 9g 19 ¢ 0031 88 .47 1.88 .88 -g .50 ¢ .0082 88 1.23 4,93 2.29 -g +23 ¢ .0039 88 «57 2.27 1.06 -g 56 1.35 5.41 2.52 - 9 .04 # .002 71 .10 .42 . 20 - 9g .48 ¢ .0080 78 1.18 4,71 2.19 - 9 -g -g .07 «17 +70 .32 -g .04 # .002 74 11 «42 «20 -g +03 it .002 65 .07 27 #13 -g -g - 9 -g -g Cholesterol . mg 8 18 73 34 Phytosterols.. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... g .047 w1l5 . 458 .213 Threonine . -g .150 +367 1.467 .682 Isoleucine . -g .201 .492 1.966 .914 Leucine... — g .326 .796 3.184 1.480 Lysine .... - g .264 .644 2.578 1.198 Methionine -g .084 .204 .815 .379 Cystine...... -g .031 .075 .301 . 140 Phenylalanine... -g «161 +392 1.569 .729 Tyrosine. 9 .161 +392 1569 L729 Valine. -g +223 .544 2,175 1.011 Arginine . -g +121 .294 1.1.77 .547 Histidine. -g .090 .220 .881 L410 Alanine... -g .115 .280 1.121 .521 Aspartic acid. - 9 +253 .616 2.466 1.146 Glutamic acid -g +697 1.701 6.806 3.163 Glycine... - 9g .070 +172 .688 .320 Proline - 9 +323 . 787 3.148 1.463 Serine... - 9g .181 L442 1.768 +822 VIf vitamin D is added, each half pint contains 100 IU. ’values based on addition of vitamin A to level of 2,000 IU per quart. ’Values based on data for fat extracted from whole milk. AH-8-1 (1976) NDB No. 01079 BEVERAGES Orange Drink Page 47 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Naan Swandard Numer Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 £1 oz 6 f1 oz glass 0 = 31.0 g = 186 g (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: 86.9 1 26.9 161.6 394.2 51 16 94 229 ce 212 66 393 960 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total lipid (fat) ... g 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Carbohydrate, tota g 12.9 4.0 24.0 58.6 Crude fiber.. g .g 0.2 1 0.0 0.3 0.7 Calcium 6 1.880 4 2 12 29 ron ....... 0.28 6 0.09 0.53 1.28 Magnesium. 2 0.642 4 1 3 8 Phosphorus 1 0.104 4 0 3 7 Potassium... 18 8 5 33 79 Sodium ? 16 8 5 31 75 Zinc. 0.09 5 0.03 0.16 0.39 Copper. 0.003 0.002 4 0.001 0.006 0.014 Manganese. 0.015 0.012 4 0.005 0.028 0.068 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid mg 34.1 5 10.6 63.5 154.7 Thiamin... mg 0.006 0.002 0.011 0.027 Riboflavin mg 0.003 0.001 0.006 0.014 Niacin...... mg 0.031 0.010 0.058 0.141 Pantothenic acid mg 0,015 0.005 0.028 0.068 Vitamin Bg .. 0.009 0.003 0.017 0.041 Folacin... Vitamin Bj. 0 0 0 0 RS 2 1 3 8 VRAIN A ommmasmemimpimiimys 18 5 33 79 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. og 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 4.0. g 6:0. g 8:0. we 00 100. ws IG 12:0. gq 14:0. gq 16:0. g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 18:0 ..... Monounsatu og 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 16:1 voce g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1. g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 20:1. g 22:1 ..... g Polyunsaturated, total. g 0.003 0.001 0.006 0.014 18:2... g 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.009 18:3. g 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.005 18:4. g 20:4... g 20:5 g 22:5. g 22:6. g Cholesterol mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ww g Threonine .. g Isoleucine .. g Leucine... gq Lysine . wi Methionine . — Cystine....... g Phenylalanine g Tyrosine. g9 Valine.. ws: Arginine .. wg Histidine... g Alanine... g Aspartic acid. g Glutamic acid. g Glycine... g Proline g Serine .... .g ‘Source added. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14323 BEVERAGES Shake, Chocolate Page 48 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 10 fl oz 0 = 283 g (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE. ovis rises 71:5 16 202.3 324.2 Food 127 360 576 ood energy 532 1,505 2,412 Protein (N X6. 38) g 3.4 11 9.6 15.4 Total lipid (fat) .g 3.7 14 10.5 16.9 Carbohydrate, total. .g 20.5 57.9 92.8 Crude fiber... .g 0.1 10 0,2 0.3 .g 0.9 10 247 4.3 . mg 113 19 319 512 . mg 0.31 15 0.88 1.41 Magnesium. . mg 17 13 47 76 Phosphorus . . mg 102 11 288 462 Potassium. . mg 200 15 567 908 Sodium . mg 97 20 273 438 zinc... 0.41 18 L.15 1,85 Copper. 0.065 13 0.184 0.295 Manganese. 0.039 13 0.110 0.177 Vitamins: 0.4 5 1.3 2.0 0.058 5 0.164 0.263 0.245 5 0.693 1.111 0.161 5 0.456 0.730 Pantothenic acid.. 0.390 3 1.104 1.769 Vitamin Bg 0.050 3 0.142 0.227 Folacin 3.5 3 9.9 15.9 Vitamin By... 0.34 3 0.97 1,56 ri 23 64 102 VHBMIN Aico iia sisson ernie 93 4 263 422 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 2+313 6.546 10.492 3 .g 0.121 0.342 0.549 .g 0.073 0.207 0,331 « g 0.043 0.122 0,195 .g 0.094 0.266 0.426 .g 0.103 0,291 0.467 -g 0.373 * 1,056 1.692 .g 0.978 2.768 4.436 .g 0.449 1,271 2.037 -g 1.075 3,042 4.876 -g 0.022 0.062 0.100 «ig 0.935 2.646 4.241 -g - 9g g 0.140 0.396 0.635 18:2... g 0.085 0.241 0.386 .g 0.055 0.156 0.249 -g -g g E g ’ vg Cholesterol . mg 13 7 37 59 Phytosterols. Amino acids: Tryptophan ... -g 0.048 0.136 0.218 Threonine . - 9 0.154 0.436 0.699 Isoleucine . - 9g 0.206 0.583 0.934 Leucine. -g 0.334 0.945 1.515 Lysine... -g 0.270 0.764 1,225 Methionine - 9 0.085 0.241 0.386 Cystine....... -g 0.031 0.088 0.141 Phenylalanine .. -g 0.164 0.464 0.744 Tyrosine -g 0.164 0.464 0.744 Valine -g 0,228 0.645 1.034 Arginine -g 0.123 0.348 0.558 Histidine - 9 0.093 0.263 0.422 Alanine - 9 0.117 0.331 0,531 Aspartic acid -g 0.257 0.727 1.166 Glutamic acid -g 0.713 2.018 3.234 Glycine g 0.072 0.204 0.327 Proline .. 9 0,329 0.931 1.492 Serine ... 9 0.185 0.524 0.839 AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14346 BEVERAGES Shake, Strawberry Page 49 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Neon Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 10 £1 oz 0 = 283 g (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: 74,1 6 209.7 336.1 113 319 512 Food energy 472 1,336 2,141 Protein (N X6. 38) wg 3.4 3 9.5 15.2 Total lipid (fat) .g 2.8 6 8.0 12.8 Carbohydrate, total. 18.9 53.4 85.6 Crude fiber .g 0.1 3 0.2 0.3 0.9 3 2.4 3.9 Minerals: Calcium 113 3 320 513 Iron ceva 0.11 3 0.30 0.48 Magnesium mg 13 3 36 57 Phosphorus .. . mg 100 3 283 454 Potassium. . mg 182 3 516 827 SOIUM Lice mg 83 3 234 375 Zinc... 0.36 3 1.00 1,61 Copper... 0.022 3 0.062 0.100 Manganese... 0.015 3 0.042 0.068 Vitamins: ASCOIDIC ACH ....conmuncmmmerniamanv mg 0.8 3 2.1 3.4 THIAMIN mma mg 0.045 3 0.127 0.204 Riboflavin. mg 0.195 3 0.552 0.885 Niacin........ mg 0.175 3 0.495 0.794 Pantothenic acid. mg 0.492 3 1.392 2,232 Vitamin Bg ... 0.044 3 0.125 0.200 3.0 3 8.5 13.6 0.31 3 0.88 1.41 29 83 134 120 2 340 544 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... i 4.0... -g 6:0 .g 8:0 -g 10:0 - 9 12:0 -g 14:0 -g 16:0 -g 18:0... w ig Monounsaturated, total .. .g 16:1 -g 18:1 wig 20:1 .g 221 .. -g Polyunsaturated, total ag 182. .g 18:3 .. .g 18:4 .. ig 20:4 .. wg 20:5 .. .g 225. .g 226... .g Cholesterol .. .. mg 11 5 31 49 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.047 0.133 0.213 Threonine -g 0,152 0.430 0.689 Isoleucine -g 0.204 0.577 0.925 Leucine. -g 0.329 0.931 1.492 Lysine ... -g 0.266 0.753 1.207 Methionine -g 0.084 0.238 0.381 -g 0.031 0.088 0.141 -g 0.162 0.458 0.735 -g 0.162 0.458 0.735 -g 0.225 0.637 1.021 Arginine ... - 9g 0.121 0.342 0.549 Histidine -g 0.092 0.260 0.417 Alanine..... -g 0.116 0.328 0.526 Aspartic acid g 0.254 0,719 1,152 Glutamic acid.. g 0.703 1,989 3.189 Glycine... - 9g 0.072 0.204 0.327 Proline . 9g 0.325 0.920 1.474 Serine -g 0.183 0.518 0.830 AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14428 BEVERAGES Shake, Vanilla Page 50 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased oan Standard I Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 10 f1 oz 0 = 283 g (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water ... 74.7 11 211.5 339.0 111 314 504 Food energy ... 465 1,315 2,108 Protein (N X6, 38).. “g 3.5 6 9.8 15.8 Total lipid (fat) ....... g 3.0 9 8.4 13.5 Carbohydrate, total g 17.9 50.8 81.4 Crude fiber.. g 0.1 6 0.3 0.5 -g 0.9 6 2.5 3.9 122 8 344 551 0.09 8 0.26 0.42 Magnesium... 12 8 35 57 Phosphorus 102 6 289 464 Potassium 174 8 492 789 Sodium 82 8 232 371 Zinc.......... 0.36 8 1.01 1.61 Copper........ 0.051 8 0.144 0.231 Manganese. 0.014 8 0.040 0.064 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 0.8 3 2.2 3.3 Thiamin... 0.045 3 0.127 0.204 Riboflavin. 0.182 3 0.515 0.826 Niacin....... 0.185 3 0.524 0.839 Pantothenic acid. 0.418 3 1.183 1.896 Vitamin Bg ... mg 0.052 3 0.147 0.236 Folacin..... meg 3.3 3 9,2 14.7 Vitamin By ,.. meg 0.36 3 1.01 1.62 — 32 90 145 Vitamin A 130 2 368 590 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. 8 1.858 5.258 8.428 40.. -g 0.098 0.277 0.445 6:0 .. -g 0.056 0.158 0.254 8:0. -g 0.033 0.093 0.150 10:0 .. -g 0.074 0.209 0.336 120 .. ag 0.085 0.241 0.386 14:0 .. -g 0.300 0.849 1.361 16:0 .. .g 0.786 2.224 3,565 18:0 .. -g 0.362 1.024 1.642 Monounsaturated, total . wr 0.862 2.439 3.910 16:1 cin ~g 0.067 0.190 0.304 1891 susan -g 0.751 2,125 3.407 20:1 wg 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 0.111 0.314 0.503 1B cunmnnnsenmmiiiss ag 0.067 0.190 0.304 183... .g 0.043 0.122 0.195 18:4 .. .g 20:4 .. Lg 20:5. wg 22:5... .g 22:6 .. wg Cholesterol .. . mg ii 5 32 51 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. - 9g 0.049 0,139 0.222 Threonine .g 0.158 0.447 0.717 Isoleucine ge 0.211 0.597 0.957 Leucine . .g 0.341 0.965 1.547 Lysine ... -g 0.276 0.781 1.252 Methionine wg 0.087 0.246 0.395 Cystine.. .g 0.032 0.091 0.145 Phenylal .g 0.168 0.475 0.762 Tyrosine -g 0.168 0.475 0.762 Valine... -g 0,233 0.659 1.057 Arginine .g 0.125 0.354 0.567 Histidine... .g 0.095 0.269 0.431 Alanine......... .g 0.120 0.340 0.544 Aspartic acid lg 0.263 0.744 1.193 Glutamic acid . ig 0.729 2.063 3.307 Glycine. -g 0.074 0.209 0.336 - 9 0.336 0.951 1.524 9 0.189 0.535 0.857 AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14347 BEVERAGES Tea, brewed’ Page 51 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 12 fl oz 6 fl oz 0 = 356 g = 178 g (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate:* ° Water... 29.7 4 354.8 177.4 452.2 1 4 2 5 Food energy 2 16 8 20 Protein*(N X6 . 25)... we 0.0 14 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total lipid (fat) . — 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.1 Carbohydrate, total .. g 0.3 0.8 0.4 1.1 Crude fiber... g wg 0.0 6 0.2 0.1 01 Minerals: Calcium. 0 0.049 2 0 0 1 Iron ....... 0.02 1 0.08 0.04 0.10 Magnesium. 3 0.185 2 10 5 13 Phosphorus . .. mg 1 04157 2 2 1 2 Potassium. . mg 37 3.912 2 132 66 168 3 0.463 2 10 5 13 0.02 0.000 2 0.08 0.04 0.09 0.010 0.000 2 0.036 0.018 0.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.014 8 0.050 0.025 0.064 RE 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Pantothenic acid. mg Vitamin Bg ... . mg 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 a 5.2 0.610 7 18.4 9.2 23.4 us 0 0 0 0 MAIN Boronia | oe 2 2 2 2 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total -g 0.002 0.008 0.004 0.009 4.0... wn 6:0 g 8:0 gq 10:0 g 12:0 g 14:0 .. g 16:0 g 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.005 180... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total. RC] 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.005 164... ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1 g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20:1 g 22:0. ae: Polyunsatural wan 0.004 0.014 0.007 0.018 182... g 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.005 g 0.003 0.010 0.005 0.014 og we g g g 226... g Cholesterol .. mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan eg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Threonine .... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Isoleucine . g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Leucine. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Lysine ... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Methionine g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cystine...... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Phenylalanine .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tyrosine g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valine. - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Arginine ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Histidine g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Alanine.. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Aspartic acid - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glutamic acid - g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Glycine. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Proline .. 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Serine -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 } Values do not include ice in iced beverages. , Caffeine = 20 mg per 100 g. , Theobromine = 2 mg per 100 g. Adjusted protein is [N - (g of caffeine per 100 g x 0.289) - (g of theobromine per 100 g x 0.311)] x 6.25. Unadjusted protein (N x 6.25) Values presented include minerals in tap water. distilled water are: calcium, = 0.0 per 100 gq. 0 mg; iron, 0.01 mg; magnesium, 0 mg; zinc, 0.01 mg; and copper, 0.008 mg. Mineral values per 100 g reported for beverage prepared with 1 mg; phosphorus, 1 mg; potassium, 21 mg; sodium, AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14355 BEVERAGES Tea, instant, sugar-sweetened, lemon flavor, prepared with water Page 52 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Maan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 0 12 f1 oz = 389 ¢* (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WALET o.oo g 91.2 354.8 413.8 kcal 34 132 153 Food energy ........cccccceovveiiiiiiiiicinnn kJ 141 548 640 Protein (N X6. 25)... 0.1 0.4 0.2 Total lipid (fat) .... 0.0 0.2 0.1 Carbohydrate, total. 8.5 33.1 38.8 Crude fiber.............. 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0.1 0.4 0.6 Minerals: Calcium. 2 8 10 Onur 0.02 0.08 0.08 Magnesium. s 2 8 39 9 Phosphorus . mg 1 4 26 6 Potassium .. mg 19 74 398 87 Sodium . le] Zinc... .. mg 0.03 0.12 0.66 0.15 Copper... .. mg 0.008 0.031 0.036 Manganese... .. mg 0.260 1.01 1.179 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.000 0.000 0.000 Riboflavin. 0.018 0.070 0.082 Niacin... 0.036 0.140 0.163 Pantothenic acid. . mg Vitamin Bg ... Folacin..... 3.7 14.4 16.9 Vitamin By. 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 Vitamin Ao 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .g 0.003 0.012 0.062 0.014 K wi g -g .g .g wg wr g -g 0.003 0.012 0.014 18:0 .. .g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Monounsaturated, total . wi 0.001 0.004 0.005 16:%cia wg 0.000 0.000 0.000 18:1. .g 0.001 0.004 0.005 20:1 .. wg 221... wg Polyunsaturated, total .g 0.008 0.031 0.036 18:2. .g 0.003 0.012 0.014 18:3. wg 0.005 0.020 0.023 18:4 .. .g 20:4 .. .g 20:5 .. wg 2255 .. w 226. .g Cholesterol . .. mg 0 0 0 0 Phytosterols mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . wo 0.000 0.000 0.000 Threonine ... a] 0.000 0.000 0.000 Isoleucine .. -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Leucine..... -g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Lysine .. g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Methionine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cystine..... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Phenylalanine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Tyrosine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Valine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Arginine g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Histidine g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Alanine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Aspartic acid g 0.002 0.005 0.009 Glutamic aci g 0.003 0.008 0.014 Glycine... g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Proline . g 0.000 0.000 0.000 Serine “wg 0.000 0.000 0.000 Caffeine = 11 mg per 100 *Value for product without added ascorbic acid. Product with added ascorbic acid contains 9 mg per 100 g. AH-8-14 (1985) NDB No. 14371 BREAKFAST ITEMS Page 53 Biscuit, plain Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Wea Standard Number . Soptormate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples biscuit = 74 gq 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: Water ............ “ g 27.00 1 19,98 122,47 kcal 373 276 1,694 Food energy . kJ 1,563 1,157 7,090 Protein (N X6. 04) wg 5.83 0.249 4 4.31 26.44 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 18.04 1,209 4 13,35 81.82 Carbohydrate, total. .g 46.53 34.43 211.07 Crude fiber -g 0.40 1 0.30 1.81 -g 2.60 X 1.92 11.79 Minerals: Calcium 121 21.245 4 90 551 WOW prints : 2.20 0.366 4 1.63 9.99 Magnesium - 12 1 9 54 Phosphorus .. . mg 352 1 260 1,596 Potassium. . mg 117 18.994 3 86 529 789 61.040 4 584 3,571 0.39 1 0,29 1,77 0.047 1 0.035 0.213 0.401 0.021 10 0.297 1.818 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 1 0.0 0,2 Thiamin... 0.36 0.037 4 0.26 1.61 Riboflavin. 0.24 0.038 4 0.17 1.07 Niacin..... 2.19 0.538 4 1.62 9.95 Pantothenic acid. . 0.26 1 0.19 1.18 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.04 1 0.03 0.18 Folacin... . mcg 8 1 6 37 Vitamin B,, . mcg 0.13 1 0.10 0.59 ronmil RE 33 2 25 151 VRAIr Be { 132 78.000 2 98 599 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... 9 11.811 8.740 53,574 4:0 -g 0,131 4 0,097 0.596 6:0 -g 0.076 4 0.056 0.345 8:0 - 9 0.658 4 0.487 2,985 10:0 - 9 0.580 4 0.429 2,632 12:0 -g 4.279 4 3.166 19.409 14:0 -g 1.947 4 1.441 8.832 16:0 -g 2.357 4 1.744 10.689 18:0 ... -g 1.449 4 1.072 6.570 Monounsaturated, total .................... g 4.602 3.405 20.873 16:1 g 0.092 4 0.068 0.417 18:1 -g 4.431 4 3.279 20.098 20:1 -g 0.035 4 0.026 0.159 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total -g 0.699 0.517 3.171 18:2... -g 0.621 4 0.459 2.815 18:3 - 9 0.078 4 0.058 0.355 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 20:5 -g 22:5 -g 22:6... : ig Cholesterol . mg 7 3.550 2 5 33 Phytosterols. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. -g 0.070 0.052 0.320 Threonine . - 8 0.172 0.127 0.779 Isoleucine . .g 0.223 0.165 1.011 Leucine . -g 0.415 0.307 1.883 Lysine ... - g 0.189 0.140 0.858 Methionine .g 0.107 0.079 0.486 Cystine...... .g 0.104 0.077 0.473 Phenylalanine .. «ig 0.277 0.205 1.257 Tyrosine -g 0.188 0.139 0.854 Valine.... .g 0.255 0.189 1.156 Arginine - g 0.221 0.164 1.003 Histidine - 9g 0,131 0.097 0.595 Alanine.. “ig 0.180 0.134 0.819 Aspartic acid .g 0.273 0.202 1.239 Glutamic acid - 9g 1.731 1.281 7.850 Glycine............. -g 0.183 0.136 0.832 Proline .. -g 0.624 0.461 2.828 Serine... -g 0.283 0.209 1,283 ‘Values for biscuits baked from refrigerated plain or buttermilk biscuit dough. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21001 BREAKFAST ITEMS Page 54 Biscuit with Egg Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 biscuit = 136 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: Wale} mms g 51.07 1 69.46 231.67 kcal 232 315 1,051 FOOT BNBIQY. .....cniircisersureressansarcassrsvanse kJ 970 1,319 4,400 Protein (N X5. 95). g 8.18 1.571 2 11.12 37.09 Total lipid (fat) ..... g 14.85 1.205 2 20.20 67.38 Carbohydrate, total.. g 17.77 4.470 2 24.17 80.60 g 0.09 1 0.12 0.41 g 1.89 1 2.57 8.57 Minerals: Calcium. 113 1 154 513 Iron ..... 2.30 1 3.13 10.43 Magnesium 15 1 20 66 Phosphorus mg 136 1 184 615 Potassium. mg 118 1 160 535 481 36.575 2 655 2,184 0.81 1 1.10 3.67 0.062 1 0.084 0.281 0.220 1 0.299 0.996 0.0 1 0.0 0.1 0.25 1 0.34 1.13 0.25 1 0.33 1.12 Niacin..... 0.52 1 0.71 2.36 Pantothenic acid. 0.77 1 1.05 3.52 Vitamin Bg 0.06 1 0.08 0.28 Folacin *. 22 1 29 98 Vitamin B, 0.55 1 0.75 2.50 _— 13) 1 178 593 Vitamin A .....oooiieiiecece ee 177 1 649 2,164 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total og 4.541 6.176 20.598 g g g g g g g g Monounsatura 9 6.024 8.193 27.325 16:1 g 18:1 g g : g Polyunsatu g 3.102 4.219 14.071 18:2 9 g -g we -g -g Cholesterol . mg 171 1.567 2 232 774 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... -g 0.118 0.161 0.536 Threonine . -g 0.339 0.462 1.540 Isoleucine . -g 0.436 0.593 1.976 Leucine... -g 0.676 0.920 3.067 Lysine - 9 0.444 0.604 2.014 Methionine -g 0.219 0.297 0.991 Cystine...... -g 0.173 0.236 0.786 Phenylalanine - 9 0.436 0.593 1.976 Tyrosine. - g 0.316 0.430 1.434 Valine. -g 0.499 0.679 2.263 Arginine . - g 0.433 0.589 1.964 Histidine. -g 0.195 0.265 0.885 Alanine... -g 0.383 0.522 1.739 Aspartic acid. - 9 0.638 0.867 2.893 Glutamic acid wine ff 1.671 2.273 7.581 Glycine... - 9 0.267 0.363 1.209 Proline +9 0.580 0.789 2.631 Serine .... - 4g 0.531 0.722 2.406 2 Values based on data from recipe: Egg, 51%; biscuit 46%; margarine, 3%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21002 BREAKFAST ITEMS Page 55 Biscuit with Egg and Bacon Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Maan error of samples 1 biscuit = 150 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WALT. g 46.67 1 70.01 211.71 kcal 305 457 1,383 FOO ENErgy ........cccoovueiniiiiiinininiinanes kK 1,276 1,914 5.789 Protein (N X6. 12) .. - 11.33 0.087 3 16.99 51.38 Total lipid (fat) ...... 20.73 1.812 3 31.10 94.05 Carbohydrate, total 19.06 3.988 3 28.58 86.44 0.08 1 0,12 0.36 2.40 1 3.60 10.89 126 0.000 2 189 571 2.49 0.001 2 3.73 11.29 Magnesium. i 16 1 23 71 Phosphorus 1. . mg 159 1 238 720 167 1 250 757 666 56.244 3 999 3,019 1.09 1 1.64 4.96 0.075 1 0.112 0.340 0.186 1 0.279 0.844 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 1.8 0.000 2 2.7 B.3 Thiamin... 0.09 0.001 2 0.13 0.40 Riboflavin 0.15 0.002 2 0.22 0.67 iaci — 1.60 0.005 2 2.41 7.28 Pantothenic acid 0.81 1 1.21 3.66 Vitamin By * mg 0.09 1 0.13 0.39 Folacin >. meg 20 1 29 89 Vitamin B,, .. meg 0.69 1 1.03 3,13 orm RE 35 2 52 158 VHB AL cnissmmmnsessammmmmiresmmersasss ww 127 0.000 2 191 576 Lipids: 3 Fatty acids: Saturated, total ........cuerosmmviimn g 6.623 9.934 30.042 4.0... .. g 6:0. g 8:0. g 10:0. g 12:0... g 140... gq 16:0. g 180..... g Monounsaturated, total g 8.855 13.282 40.166 VBL oo vrrsrsemssrivsemsisnianins gq 18:1... g 20:1. g 22: .... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 3.803 5.704 17.250 18:2 .... g 18:3. g 18:4. g 20:4. g 20:5. g 22:5 g 22: .. g Cholestero . mg 235 32.533 3 353 1,066 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan me 0.144 0.217 0.655 Threonine .. og 0.453 0.680 2.057 Isoleucine .. .g 0.548 0.822 2.485 Leucine... g 0.875 1.313 3,971 Lysine .... g 0.683 1.024 3.098 Methionine. g 0.281 0.422 1.276 Cystine....... g 0,196 0.294 0.890 Phenylalanine... g 0.540 0.811 2.451 Tyrosine. g 0.396 0.594 1.796 Valine.. g 0.635 0.952 2.879 Arginine . g 0.624 0.936 2.829 Histidine... g 0.287 0.430 1.301 Alanine....... g 0.559 0.838 2.535 Aspartic aci 9 0.890 1.335 4,038 Glutamic acid g 2.036 3.054 9.234 Glycine... g 0.513 0.769 2,325 Proline g 0.727 1.091 3.299 Serine ........ g 0.624 0.936 2.829 'values based on data from recipe: Egg, 45%; biscuit, 40%; bacon, 12%; margarine, 3%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21003 BREAKFAST ITEMS Biscuit with Egg and Ham Page 56 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approimate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 biscuit = 192 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: LL ——— g 54.66 1 104.95 247.95 kcal 230 442 1,044 Food energy ............cccccceeenniinnnnnn. kJ 964 1,851 4,372 Protein (N X6. 09)... 10.64 0.809 2 20.43 48.26 Total lipid (fat) .... 14.08 0.220 2 27.03 63.87 Carbohydrate, total. 15.79 4.537 2 30.31 71.61 Crude fiber. 0.07 1 0.13 0.32 Ash 2.31 1 4,44 10.48 . 115 xX 221 522 - mg 2.37 1 4.55 10.75 Magnesium } . mg 16 1 30 71 Phosphorus® . mg 165 1 317 749 Potassium. . mg 166 1 319 753 Sodium . - mg 720 141.500 2 1,381 3,264 Zinc}. . mg 1.16 1 2.23 5.27 Coppe ; . mg 0.072 1 0.138 0.327 Manganese 0.159 1 0.304 0.719 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 i 0.1 0.1 Thiamin... . 0.35 1 0.68 1.60 RIDOHAVIN ov cimiiniimsmmsssarnsans mg 0.31 1 0.60 1.41 LT mg 1.04 1 2.00 4,72 mg 0.87 1 1.67 3.95 - mg 0.14 1 0.26 0.62 Folacin 1... ; . mcg 17 1 32 75 Vitamin B,, 0.62 1 1.20 2.83 : RE 125 1. 239 565 Vitamin A... {1 pr : 874 2,064 Lipids: | Fatty acids: Saturated, total og 4.358 8.367 19.768 3 -g - 9 - 9 - 9g -g -g -g - 9g -g 5.896 11.320 26.744 - 9 Re] a] -g Polyunsaturated, total . .g 2.699 5.182 12.243 18:2... gq 18:3 ws 0, 18:4 vw Of 20:4 g 20:5 g 22:5 g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 156 3.500 2 299 705 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... we 0.142 0.272 0.642 Threonine .. g 0.456 0.876 2.068 Isoleucine .. g 0.521 1.000 2.362 Leucine .. g 0.863 1.657 3.915 Lysine .... g 0.722 1.385 3.273 Methionine . g 0.281 0.540 1,276 Cystine....... g 0.196 0.376 0.888 Phenylalanine ... g 0.519 0.996 2.354 Tyrosine sees g 0.383 0.735 1.736 Valine. g 0.564 1.084 2.560 Arginine . 9g 0.620 1.191 2.813 Histidine. g 0.311 0.597 1.411 Alanine.......... a .. g 0.556 1.067 2,520 Aspartic acid. wn ig 0.907 1.741 4.113 Glutamic acid gq 1.974 3.791 8.956 Glycine... g 0.439 0.842 1,989 Proline 9 0.620 1.191 2.813 Serine .... wg 0.575 1.104 2.607 ! Values based on data from recipe: Egg, 38%; biscuit, 34%; ham, 26%; margarine, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21004 BREAKFAST ITEMS Biscuit with Egg and Sausage Page 57 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 biscuit = 180 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WALT... g 42.90 1 77.22 194.59 kcal 323 582 1,467 FOOU 8N8IOY «umimenunpmenimonsiis KJ 1,354 2,437 6,141 Protein (N X6. 06) .. 10.64 0.433 3 19.15 48.26 Total lipid (fat) ....... 21.50 0.765 3 38.69 97.51 Carbohydrate, total 22.86 41.15 103.71 Crude fiber.. 0.10 1 0.18 0.45 2,10 1 3.78 9.53 86 17.980 2 155 390 2.20 0.240 2 3,96 9.98 Magnesium. 14 1 25 62 Phosphorus mg 272 1 490 1,234 Potassium mg 178 0.500 2 319 805 Sodium mg 634 64.091 3 1,142 2,878 Zinc.. mg 1.20 1 2.16 5.44 Copper. mg 0.058 1 0.104 0.263 Manganese: mg 0.175 x 0.316 0.796 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.28 0.024 2 0.50 1,25 0.25 0.026 2 0.46 1,15 2.00 0.199 2 3.60 9.07 0.85 1 1.53 3.86 Vitamin Bg .. 0.11 1 0.20 0.50 Folacin.... mcg 22 1 40 100 Vitamin By. ao 0.76 1 1.37 3.45 romp RE 91 2 165 415 VIAMIN A oes {ww 325 113.000 5 635 1,601 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. -g 8.323 14.981 37.752 4:0. g 6:0. g 8:0. g 0.077 1 0,139 0, 351 10:0. g 0.100 1 0.179 0.451 12:0. g 0.812 I 1.461 3.682 14:0. g 0.544 1 0.979 2.468 16:0. 9 4.049 1 7.288 18.365 180..... 9 2.619 1 4.714 11.878 Monounsaturated, total g 9.110 16.399 41.324 16:1... g 0.465 1 0.837 2.108 18:1. g 8.542 1 15,376 38.747 20:1. g 0.089 1 0.160 0.403 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total .. 9 2.473 4.451 11,217 182... 9 2.261 1 4.070 10.257 18:3. ng 0.136 1 0.245 0.618 18:4. we 20:4. g 0.075 1 0.136 0.342 20:5. g 225. g 228 sn we Cholesterol .... - mg 168 6.538 3 302 762 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . — g 0.137 0.247 0.621 Threonine ... g 0.437 0.787 1.983 Isoleucine .. g 0.513 0.923 2.325 Leucine... g 0.836 1.504 3.791 Lysine ..... g 0.664 1.195 3.010 Methionine . g 0.274 0.493 1.242 Cystine... g 0.186 0.335 0.844 Phenylalanine g 0.500 0.901 2.270 Tyrosine. g 0.377 0.679 1.712 Valine.. 9 0.585 1.052 2.652 Arginine .. g 0.593 1.068 2.692 Histidine... g 0.276 0.496 1.250 Alanine... g 0.539 0.970 2.445 Aspartic aci g 0.855 1.539 3.878 Glutamic acid. g 1.959 3.527 8.888 Glycine... g 0.462 0.831 2,095 Proline g 0.671 1.207 3.042 Serine ..... .g 0.595 1.071 2.700 Values based on data from recipe: Egg, 40%; biscuit, 36%; sausage, 22%; margarine, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21005 BREAKFAST ITEMS Biscuit with Egg and Steak Page 58 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Benrsimats measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 biscuit = 148 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBHBE L...coovvemmininmnsnssnmsss issn mses 1 77.72 238.20 474 1,453 Food energy 1,984 6,081 Protein (N X6. 19) ag 12.12 1 17.94 54.99 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 19,21 1 28.43 87.14 Carbohydrate, total. .g 25.27 1 37.40 114.62 Crude fiber." .g 0.07 1 0.10 0.32 g 1.78 1 2.63 8.07 Minerals: Calcium. 93 1 138 422 Iron .... . 3.58 1 5.30 16.24 Magnesium . mg 17 1 24 75 Phosphorus”. . mg 152 1 225 691 Potassium. 207 1 306 939 600 1 888 2,722 1.89 1 2.80 8.59 0.072 1 0.107 0.327 0.165 1 0.245 0.750 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.1 1 0.1 0.2 Thiamin... 0.24 1 0.36 1,09 Riboflavin... 0, 35 1 0.53 1.61 2.07 1 3.06 9.38 0.73 1 1.08 3.31 0.12 1 0.18 0.55 19 1 28 85 0.95 1 1,41 4,32 129 1 191 585 476 1 704 2,159 Lipids: \ Fatty acids: Saturated, total w 5.815 8.606 26.377 : .g - 9 -g -g -g -g -g - 9g -g 7.910 11.707 35.880 -g -g -g - 9 - 9 3.948 5.843 17.908 -g -g -g 20:4 wg 20:5 .. g 22:5 .g 22:6 .g Cholesterol . mg 184 I 272 835 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... gg 0.155 0.229 0.702 Threonine . g 0.505 0.748 2.292 Isoleucine . g 0.589 0.872 2.674 Leucine .. g 0.965 1.429 4.379 Lysine .... g 0.799 1,183 3.624 Methionine. g 0.311 0.461 1,412 Cystine....... g 0.200 0.296 0.906 Phenylalanine g 0.560 0.829 2.541 Tyrosine. 9 0.433 0.641 1.963 Valine. g 0.662 0.980 3.003 Arginine . g 0.685 1.014 3,109 Histidine. g 0.339 0.501 1.537 Alanine... g 0.629 0.930 2.852 Aspartic acid. g 0.999 1.478 4.530 Glutamic acid... g 2.148 3.180 9.745 Glycine... g 0.503 0.745 2.283 Proline g 0.705 1.043 3.198 Serine .... -g 0.633 0.936 2.869 ‘Values based on data from recipe: Egg, 41%; biscuit, 37%; steak, 18%; margarine, 4%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21006 BREAKFAST ITEMS Biscuit with Egg, Cheese, and Bacon Page 59 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased aan SHERRI Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 biscuit = 144 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 41.20 T 59,33 186.88 kcal 331 477 1,501 Food energy .. kJ 385 1,995 6,284 Protein (N X6.19).. g 11.29 1 16.26 51,21 Total lipid (fat) ... g 21.80 ¥ 31.39 98.88 Carbohydrate, total g 23.21 33.42 105. 28 Crude fiber.. g 0,20 1 0.29 0.91 .g 2.50 z 3.60 11.34 114 1 164 518 1,77 1 2.55 8.03 Magnesium. 14 1 20 62 Phosphorus 319 I 459 1,445 Potassium 160 1 230 726 Sodium 875 1 1,261 3,971 Zinc. 1.07 x 1.54 4.85 Copper 0.052 1 0.075% 0.236 Manganese: 0.177 1 0.255 0.803 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. .. mg 1.1 1 1.6 5.0 Thiamin... mg 0.21 3 0.30 0.95 Riboflavin mg 0.30 1 0.43 1.36 Niacin...... mg 1.60 1 2.30 7.26 Pantothenic acid mg 0.82 I 1.18 3.72 Vitamin Bg .. . mg 0.07 I 0.11 0.33 Folacin.... mcg 26 1 37 118 Vitamin By. - 0.73 1 1.05 3.31 igi RE 115 1 166 523 VHBININ Aiiississnsssnisimmismes {w ano : a3 2,041 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. wg 7.915 11.397 35.902 X g g ng 0.159 1 0.230 0.723 ng 0.235 x 0.338 1.066 g 1.284 1 1.849 5.825 g 1.045 1 1.504 4.738 g 4.678 1 6.736 21,220 eg 0.316 1 0.456 1,435 eg 9.879 14.226 44,811 g 0.474 1 0.682 2.148 9 9.264 1 13.341 42.023 g 0.068 1 0.097 0.307 g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 2.427 3.495 11.010 182..... g 2,236 1 3.220 10,142 18:3. 9 0.101 1 0.145 0.458 18:4. g 20:4 . g 0.091 1 0.130 0.411 205. g 225. g 226. g Cholesterol . mg 181 i 261 821 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . - g 0.148 0.213 0.670 Threonine ... g 0.430 0.620 1,953 Isoleucine g 0.536 0.772 2.432 Leucine g 0.894 1.287 4.054 Lysine .. eg 0.770 1.108 3.491 Methionine .. og 0.281 0.404 1.274 Cystine... g 0.168 0.242 0.761 Phenylalanine g 0.544 0.783 2.466 Tyrosine. g 0.441 0.636 2.002 Valine ws 0.637 0,917 2.888 Arginine .. og 0.584 0.840 2.648 Histidine... 9 0.321 0.462 1.456 Alanine... g 0.492 0.709 2.234 Aspartic acid. g 0.837 1.206 3.798 Glutamic acid. wg 2.090 3.010 9.482 Glycine... wg 0.436 0.628 1.977 Proline . g 0.815 1.174 3.698 - 9g 0.600 0.864 2,722 1 Value based on data from recipe: Egg, 40%; biscuit, 36%; cheese, 12%; bacon, 10%; margarine, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21007 BREAKFAST ITEMS Biscuit with Ham Page 60 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approsmate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 biscuit = 113 g 0 (A) 8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBLBY .....ocininimnitoissmstismns ski stunintas 1 32.09 128.82 387 1,552 FOOU BNBIGY wvcsmissvmmvrssssorsssicivisiinse 1,618 6,497 Protein (N X5. 98) 0.838 4 13,39 53.74 Total lipid (fat) .... 1.265 4 18.42 73.94 Carbohydrate, total. 38.75 43.79 175.78 Crude fiber 0.25 1 0.28 1,13 1 5,31 21,32 4 161 645 4 2,73 10.95 Magnesium....... 1 22 89 Phosphorus . 1 554 2,223 Potassium. 4 197 791 Sodium . 4 1,433 5,753 Zinc... 1 1.65 6.62 Copper ........ 1 0.036 0.145 Manganese... 1 0.362 1.452 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid % 1 0.1 0.2 Thiamin... .. mg 0.45 0.053 4 0.51 2.05 Riboflavin. mg 0.28 0.062 4 0.31 1.26 Niacin....... mg 3.08 0.585 4 3.48 13.96 Pantothenic acid. .. mg 0.36 1 0.41 1.65 Vitamin Bg ... ‘ 0.12 1 0.14 0.57 Folacin..... 7 1 8 34 Vitamin By. 0.03 1 0.03 0.13 orn 30 1 34 137 VHBMIN A coo iniiismoniimisssessisssmreson 118 1 133 535 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total... g 10.096 11.408 45.795 K .g - 9 - 9 0.363 1 0.410 1.645 - 9 0.346 1 0.391 1.570 -g 2,997 1 3.386 13.993 a 1,280 : 1.447 5.807 -g 2.357 1 2.663 10.689 - 9g 2.644 1 2.988 11.994 9 4.277 4.833 19.400 -g 0,182 X 0.205 0.825 -g 4.064 1 4.592 18.432 .g 22:1 .. .g Polyunsaturated, total w g 0.918 1.037 4.162 182...... -g 0.808 1 0.913 3.665 18:3 ~g 0.081 1 0.091 0.366 18:4 .g 20:4 - 9g 0.029 1 0.032 0.130 20:5 wg 22:5 . g 22:6 . g Cholesterol .. ~ mg 22 4.736 3 25 100 Phytosterols.... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. -g 0.147 0.166 0.665 Threonine .... .g 0.481 0.544 2.184 Isoleucine .g 0.513 0.580 2.328 Leucine. ~g 0.937 1.059 4,251 Lysine... - g 0.818 0.925 3.712 Methionine -g 0.289 0.327 1.212 -g 0.196 0.222 0.890 y ~ 9 0.547 0.618 2.480 Tyrosine... 8 0.400 0.452 1,815 Valine... - 0.533 0.602 2.417 Arginine -g 0.680 0.768 3.082 Histidine... "wg 0.382 0.432 1.734 Alanine..... wg 0.604 0.683 2.741 Aspartic aci ws: § 0.957 1.081 4,341 Glutamic acid.. w 2.558 2.890 11.602 Glycine. ~g 0.549 0.620 2.489 Proline .. ~ 9g 0.794 0.898 3.604 Serine .. ~ 9 0.533 0.602 2.417 Values for biscuit with sausage. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21008 BREAKFAST ITEMS Biscuit with Sausage Page 61 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased ew Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 biscuit = 124 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Ta. g 29.30 3.000 2 36.33 132.90 kcal 391 485 1,774 FOO BNRIQY ...covvcsrmmmmmmmmmrersmmsnnse KJ 1,637 2,030 7.425 Protein (N X5, 87)... - 9g 9.71 0.619 4 12,12 44,34 Total lipid (fat) .... w 25.63 1.142 4 31.78 116.27 Carbohydrate, total ws: 32.29 40.04 146.48 Crude fiber... .g 0.25 0.150 2 0.31 1.13 g 3.00 0.400 2 3,72 13.61 Minerals: Calcium 103 17.968 4 128 468 Iron ....... 2.08 0.354 4 2.59 9.46 Magnesium... : 16 1.910 2 20 73 Phosphorus . .. mg 360 68.100 2 446 1,633 Potassium . mg 160 19.385 4 198 725 Sodium . 864 67.493 4 1,071 3,917 Zinc....... 1,25 0,175 2 1.56 5,69 Copper......... 0.040 0.020 2 0.050 0.181 Manganese... 0.290 1 0.360 1.315 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 0.1 1 0.1 0.3 Thiamin........... 0.32 0.055 4 0.40 1,47 Riboflavin. 0.23 0.024 4 0.28 1.04 Niacin....... 2.64 0.274 4 3.28 12.00 Pantothenic acid. 0.29 0.093 2 0.36 1.30 Vitamin Bg ... mg 0.09 0.005 2 0.12 0.42 Folacin......... .. mcg 2 0.200 2 9 32 Vitamin By... -. meg 0.41 0.020 2 0.51 1.86 oo 11 2 13 49 Vemma 45 5.000 2 56 204 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total -g 11.468 14.220 52,019 40. -g 6:0 .. -g 0.115 2 0.143 0.522 80 .. -g 0.223 2 0.277 1:012 100 .. -g 0.206 2 0,255 0,933 12.0. -g 1.951 2 2.419 8.851 14:0... -g 0.901 2 1.117 4.086 16:0 .. ~- 9g 4.477 2 5,552 20.309 18:0 .. -g 3.412 2 4,231 15,477 Monounsaturated, total. w 10.339 12.820 46.898 16:1 .. -g 0.485 2 0.602 2.201 18:1 ~-g 9.699 2 12.027 43.996 20:1 ~g 0.120 2 0.149 0.546 221 .. .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 2.440 3.025 11.066 18:2. -g 2.188 2 2,713 9.925 18:3... -g 0.214 2 0.265 0.969 18:4 .. wg 20:4 .. ~g 0.038 2 0.047 0.173 20:5 .. .g 225... .g 226... .g Cholesterol .. .. mg 28 4.684 4 34 125 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: TrYPIOPNEBN .covsrsrsinsrssssmssmssssrarensasnansonsns g 0.113 0.140 0.514 Threonine .... -g 0.345 0.427 1.564 Isoleucine .g 0.391 0.485 1,775 Leucine. ~g 0.724 0.898 3.286 Lysine ... ~ 9g 0.523 0.648 2.372 Methionine ... -g 0.210 0.260 0.952 Cystine............ ag 0.150 0.186 0.680 Phenylalanine . -g 0.431 0.535 1.956 Tyrosine... -g 0.318 0.394 1.443 Valine... ~-g 0.443 0.549 2.009 Arginine -g 0.483 0.599 2.190 Histidine -g 0.260 0.322 1.178 Alanine. -g 0.430 0.533 1.949 Aspartic acid ~- 8 0.638 0.791 2.893 Glutamic acid.. .g 2.398 2.973 10.877 Glycine.. -g 0.458 0.568 2.077 Proline .. - 9g 0.846 1.049 3.837 Serine .. -g 0.455 0.564 2.062 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21009 BREAKFAST ITEMS Page 62 Biscuit with Steak Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units ; . Refuse: Mean Standard NUBEF Lbs Approsiiste measure and weight: efuse: error of samples iscuit 141 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water .... 32.75 1 46.18 148.57 323 456 1,467 Pood energy 1,353 1,908 6,139 Protein (N X6. 04)... 9,29 0,512 2 13.09 42.13 Total lipid (fat) .... 18.43 1.670 2 25.99 83.60 Carbohydrate, total. 31.48 1.318 2 44.39 142.80 Crude fiber... 0.15 1 0,21 0.68 2,15 1 3.03 9,75 Minerals: Calcium. 5 82 7.970 2 115 371 - mg 3.05 0.365 2 4,31 13.86 Magnesium .. mg 19 1 27 86 Phosphorus * .. mg 145 1 205 659 Potassium .. mg 166 31.500 2 233 751 Sodium . . 564 221,910 2 795 2,558 i 1.89 1 2,66 8, 57 0.084 1 0.118 0.381 Manganese. 0.299 h 0.422 1.356 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 0.1 1 0.1 0.3 Thiamin... w 0.25 0.006 2 0,35 1.12 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.28 0.034 2 0.40 1.29 Niacin....... - mg 2.95 0.530 2 4.16 13.38 Pantothenic acid. .. mg 0.29 1 0.41 1.32 Vitamin Bg... .. mg 0.11 1 0.16 0.50 Folacin *... 8 1 11 35 itamil 0.67 1 0.95 3.06 11 1 16 51 46 I 65 209 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, 1018 ......co naan g 4.918 6.934 22.308 4:0 .. - 6:0 .. .g 8:0 .. wg 10:0... wg 12:0 .. .g 14.0 .. .g 16:0 .. wg 18:0 .. wg Monounsaturated, total. .g 7.855 11.076 35.630 16 cnn wg 18:1... wo i 20:1 .g 22:4 .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 4.551 6.417 20.643 182... w 18:3 .g 18:4 wg 20:4 .g 20:5 .g 22:5 .g 22:6 wg Cholesterol . mg 18 6.825 2 26 82 Phytosterols..... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . - 8 | 0.156 0.502 Threonine ... -g 0.351 0.494 1.590 Isoleucine -g 0.397 0.559 1.799 Leucine g 0.713 1.006 3.236 Lysine .. g 0.563 0.793 2.553 Methionine .. g 0.211 0.297 0.956 -g 0.135 0.191 0.614 Phenylalanine . - 9g 0.407 0.575 1.848 Tyrosine... g 0.312 0.440 1.416 Valine... g 0.438 0.618 1.988 Arginine g 0.484 0.683 24197 Histidine g 0.272 0.384 1.234 Alanine. 9 0.440 0.620 1.995 Aspartic aci 9 0.667 0.941 3.027 Glutamic acid. 9 2.070 2.918 9,388 Glycine... 9 0.412 0.581 1,869 Proline . 9 0.697 0.982 3.159 Serine .. ~ 9 0.407 0.575 1.848 Values based on data from recipe: Biscuit, 74%; steak, 21%; margarine, 5%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21010 BREAKFAST ITEMS Croissant with Egg and Cheese Page 63 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Wear Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 croissant = 127 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 45.47 1 57.75 206. 25 290 369 1,317 Pocd energy 216 1,544 5.515 Protein (N X6., 12) .. 10.07 0.181 2 12.79 45.68 Total lipid (fat) ....... 19,45 2.050 2 24.70 88.23 Carbohydrate, total 19.14 0.775 2 24.31 86.84 Crude fiber! 0.17 3 0.22 0.77 2.56 1 3.25 11.61 Minerals: Calcium 192 1 244 870 Iron .. 1.73 1 2.20 7.86 Magnesium. 17 1 22 78 Phosphorus 274 1 349 1,245 Potassium 137 1 174 621 Sodiym 434 151.160 2 551 1,968 Zinc. 1.38 1 1.76 6.27 Copper. 0.072 1 0.091 0.327 Manganese. 0.178 1 0.226 0.809 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid. 0.1 1 0.2 0.6 0.15 1 0.19 0.68 0.30 1 0.38 1.36 1.19 1 1,51 5.39 Pantothenic acid mg 0.83 1 1.06 3.77 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.08 1 0.10 0.37 Folacin. mcg 29 1 36 129 Vitamin mcg 0.61 1 0.78 2,79 i RE 201 1 255 911 Vitamin A. {wv Jes 1 1,000 3,573 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total .. -g 11.075 14.065 50.236 4:0 .. gq 6:0 .. g 8:0. g 10:0 .. .g 12:0 .. .g 14:0 .. g 16:0 .. g 18:0 .. g Monounsaturated, total . wg 5.938 7.541 26.935 16:1... w 18... gq 20:1... ag 22:1... gq Polyunsaturated, total g 1.076 1.367 4.881 182.. g 18:3 .. 9 184 .. wi g 204... we g 20:5 .. .g 225 .. .g 226... wg Cholesterol . mg 170 53.230 2 216 770 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.145 0.184 0.657 Threonine wg 0.375 0.476 1.702 Isoleucine - 9g 0.499 0.633 2.262 Leucine ~g 0.846 1.074 3.837 Lysine .. -g 0.734 0.932 3.329 Methionine -g 0.262 0.332 1.187 Cystine... ~-g 0.148 0.188 0.672 Phenylalanine . ~-g 0,522 0.663 2.366 Tyrosine... 9g 0.454 0.5717 2.060 -g 0.601 0.763 2.725 w 0.481 0.610 2.180 - g 0.311 0,395 1.411 - 9g 0.375 0.476 1,702 ~g 0.704 0.894 53.195 - 9g 2.065 2.623 9.368 9 0.260 0.330 1.179 Proline . - 9g 0.841 1.068 3.814 Serine .. - 9 0.573 0.727 2.598 "Values based on data from recipe: Croissant, 42%; egg, 35%; cheese, 23%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21011 BREAKFAST ITEMS Page 64 Croissant with Egg, Cheese, and Bacon Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - 5 Ref Mean Standard Number Pppoiimae measure and weight: efuse: error of samples 1 croissant = 129 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WABI... g 43.92 1 56.66 199,22 kcal 320 413 1,453 Food energy .............c.cccccccvviciiicnnn. kJ 1,341 1,730 6,082 Protein (N X6, 13)... iz 12.58 0.686 3 16.23 57.06 Total lipid (fat) .... 21.98 0.715 3 28.35 99.69 Carbohydrate, total 18.33 0.603 3 23.65 83.14 0.16 1 0.21 0.73 2.74 1 3.53 12.43 117 1 151 529 1,70 1 2.19 F171 Magnesium a 18 1 23 80 Phosphorus . .. mg 214 1 276 969 Potassium .. mg 156 1 201 709 Sodigm . .. mg 689 44.899 3 889 3,126 Zinc... .. mg 1.47 1 1.90 6.68 Coppel y mg 0.077 1 0.099 0.349 Manganese.............ccccooeverveireeeiennn mg 0.172 1 0.222 0.779 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid * = 1.7 1 2.2 7.8 Thiamin... .. mg 0.27 1 0,38 1.22 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.26 1 0.34 1,18 Niacin... . 1.70 1 2.19 7.71 Pantothenic acid. . 0.83 1 1.07 3.77 Vitamin Bg". .. mg 0.09 1 0.12 0.41 Folacin®... .. meg 27 1 35 124 Vitamin B,,}. g 0.67 1 0.86 3.03 _ 93 1 120 423 Vitamin A... 366 1 172 1,658 Lipids: . Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 11.963 15,432 54.264 -g -g w I -g wg - 9g . .g 18:0: .g Monounsaturated, total .. -g 7-113 9.176 32.265 16:1... . Gg 18:1 .g 20:1 « 227 ... sig Polyunsaturated, total .g 1.363 1.758 6.183 182... .g 18:3 -g 18:4 .g 20:4 vig 20:5 .g 22:5 -g 226... v ig Cholesterol .. . mg 167 27.940 3 215 756 Phytosterols. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.174 0.225 0.791 Threonine . .g 0.470 0.606 2.132 Isoleucine .... « g 0.610 0.786 2.765 Leucine ..... «ig 1.036 1.337 4,701 Lysine 9 0,919 1.186 4.170 Methionine .g 0.322 0.416 1.462 Cystine... vg 0.179 0.230 0.810 Phenylalanine .. . g 0.632 0.815 2.867 Tyrosine... .g 0.544 0.702 2.467 Valine... .g 0.735 0.948 3.333 Arginine - g 0.620 0.800 2.811 Histidine - 9 0.386 0.498 1.750 Alanine. g 0.497 0.641 2.253 Aspartic acid. ........cnmnneiminiisi g 0.899 1.160 4.077 Glutamic acid -g 2.485 3.206 11.273 Glycine... .g 0.390 0.503 1.769 Proline -g 1.010 1.303 4.580 Serine... g 0.688 0.887 3.119 Values based on data from recipe: Croissant, 40%; egg, 33%; cheese, 22%; bacon 5%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21012 BREAKFAST ITEMS Page 65 Croissant with Egg, Cheese, and Ham Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard NLGSF _AppioKiman measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 croissant = 152 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WLBT... g 51.14 1 77.74 231.98 Food erie kcal 312 475 1,417 GY «risen kJ 1,308 1,988 5.931 Protein (N X6. 16)... . 12.45 0.674 3 18.93 56.48 Total lipid (fat) .... 22.09 4.076 3 33.58 100. 20 15.92 1.344 3 24.20 72,23 0.14 1 0,21 0.64 2.48 1 3.77 11.25 95 1 144 431 1.40 1 2.13 6.35 17 1 26 78 Phosphorus . 221 1 336 1,002 Potassium .. mg 179 1 272 812 Sodium . .. mg 711 10.909 3 1,080 3,224 Zinc... .. mg 1.43 1 2.17 6.47 Copper .. mg 0.083 1 0.126 0.376 Manganese... .. mg 0.145 1 0.221 0.659 Vitamins . Ascorbic acid .. 7.5 1 11.4 34.0 Thiamin... 0.34 1 0.52 1.54 Riboflavin. 0.20 1 0.30 0.91 Niacin... 2,10 1 3,19 9.53 Pantothenic acid. 0.82 1 1.25 3.72 Vitamin Bg 0.15 1 0.23 0.68 Folacin..... 24 1 36 108 Vitamin B, “ 0.66 1 1.01 3.01 — RE 77 1 116 348 VIAMIN A ooo mi 297 1 455 1,347 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. -g 11.497 17.475 52.150 4:0 .. wg 6:0 .. wg 8:0... .g 10:0 .. .g 12:0 .. w 14:0 .. g 16:0 .. .g 18:0 .. .g Monounsaturated, total. ww 7.495 11.392 33.997 16:1 wisi wi 18:1. .g 20:1 .. w g 22:1. .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 1,552 2.359 7.040 18:2... .g 18:3 .. .g 18:4 .. .g 20:4 .. .g 20:5 .. g 225. g 2286... g Cholesterol . mg 140 21.684 3 213 634 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.168 0.255 0.761 Threonine ... g 0.505 0.768 2.292 Isoleucine ~g 0.594 0.903 2.696 Leucine ~g 1.013 1.539 4,594 Lysine .. g 0.904 1,373 4,098 Methionine .. g 0.325 0.495 1.476 Cystine... g 0.202 0.307 0.917 Phenylalanine . .g 0.606 0.922 2,751 Tyrosine... .g 0.481 0.731 2.182 Valine... g 0.665 1.011 3.017 Arginine g 0.685 1.042 3.108 Histidine g 0.386 0.587 1.751 Alanine. 9 0.590 0.897 2.677 Aspartic acid... g 1.003 1.524 4.548 Glutamic acid.. g 2.349 3.570 10.654 g 0.461 0.701 2.090 g 0.811 1,232 3,677 -g 0.651 0.989 2.952 Values based on data from recipe: Croissant, 35%; egg, 29%; ham, 26%; cheese 10%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21013 BREAKFAST ITEMS Croissant with Egg, Cheese, and Sausage Page 66 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nea Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 croissant = 160 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WISI nnn ini irsmm mamma g 45.87 1 73.39 208.05 Food ener kcal 327 524 1,484 BNBIGY wes ensaiss iisnasimmussission binas Kk 1,370 2,191 6.213 Protein (N X6. 15). 12,69 0.546 3 20.30 57.55 Total lipid (fat) 23.85 2.947 3 38.16 108.18 Carbohydrate, total.. 15.45 1.625 3 24.71 70.07 Crude fiber.” 0.14 1 0.22 0.64 Ash} 2.27 1 3.63 10.30 Minerals: Calcium. 90 1 144 408 Iron ........ 1.90 1 3.04 8.62 Magnesium 15 1 25 70 Phosphorus mg 181 1 290 821 Potassium. mg 177 1 283 803 697 49.400 3 1,115 3,161 1.34 1 2.15 6.10 0.068 1 0.109 0.308 0.158 1 0.254 0.719 0.1 1 0.2 0.5 0.62 1 0.99 2.81 0.20 1 0.32 0.91 2.50 1 4.00 11.34 0.82 1 1,32 3.73 Vitamin Bg. mg 0.07 1 0,12 0.34 Folacin®.. meg 24 1 38 109 Vitamin B,, mcg 0.56 1 0.90 2.54 NS 68 1 109 309 NETRA 264 1 422 1,198 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total ................cccococoene.n.n. g 11.391 18.226 51.670 4:0. ver: §f 6:0. gq 8:0. gq 10:0. [] 12:0. . g 14.0. wh 16:0. g 18:0... g Monounsaturated, total g 8.908 14.253 40.407 18:1 5u.s g 18:1 g 20:1 g 22:1 g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.881 3.010 8.532 18:2... g 183... g 18:4 ..... g 20:4. g 20:5. g 2255. g 226..... we ig Cholesterol .... .. mg 135 23.754 3 216 613 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . eg 0.163 0.261 0.739 Threonine ... og 0.493 0.789 2.236 Isoleucine -g 0.592 0.947 2.686 Leucine 9 1.001 1.601 4.538 Lysine .. g 0.881 1.409 3.996 Methionine... g 0.320 0.512 1.450 Cystine... - g 0.188 0.300 0.852 Phenylalanine . ~g 0.592 0.947 2.686 Tyrosine... g 0.487 0.779 2.208 Valine... g 0.691 1.106 3,135 Arginine g 0.673 1.076 3.051 Histidine g 0.363 0.581 1.647 Alanine g 0.584 0.934 2.648 Aspartic 9g 0.965 1.545 4.379 Glutamic acid.. 9 2.360 3.776 10.705 Glycine... g 0.499 0.799 2.265 Proline . g 0.877 1.403 3.977 Serine ...... ~ g 0.670 1.073 3.041 'Values based on data from recipe: Croissant, 35%; egg, 30%; sausage, 25%; cheese, 10%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21014 BREAKFAST ITEMS Danish Pastry, Cheese Page 67 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Nutter Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 pastry = 91 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WEBHBY osssssnsnensnrensm sss mans sasens RESIS 33.80 1 30.76 153,32 Poot Sra 388 353 1,760 OY ip 624 1,478 7.368 Protein (N X6. 10)... 6.41 0.235 3 5.83 29.07 Total lipid (fat) .... 27.06 8.603 3 24.62 122.74 31,53 28.69 143.02 0.20 i 0.18 0.91 1.20 1 1.09 5.44 77 13,822 6 70 348 2,03 0.219 6 1.85 9,21 Magnesium .. 17 1.481 5 16 78 Phosphorus . 88 12.062 5 80 399 Potassium 128 14.050 5 116 580 Sodium . . mg 351 17.769 7 320 1,594 Zinc... .. mg 0.69 0.087 5 0,63 3.12 Copper. . mg 0.095 0.011 5 0.086 0.431 Manganese. .. mg 0.385 0.018 4 0.351 1,747 Vitamins: \ Ascorbic acid .. . 2.9 1 2.6 13.2 Thiamin... .. mg 0.29 0.035 2 0,27 1.34 Riboflavin. . mg 0.23 0.020 2 0.21 1.04 Niacin... . mg 2.80 0.900 2 2.55 12.70 Pantothenic acid: .. mg 0.63 1 0.58 2.88 Vitamin Bg > . mg 0.06 1 0.06 0.29 Folacin’.... mcg 16 1 15 75 Vitamin B,. ; 0.25 1 0.23 1.13 Vitamin A RE 47 1 43 214 eee { w 170 1 155 71 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .g 5.630 5,123 25.538 4:0 .. wg 6:0 .. wg 8:0 .. g 10:0... gq 12:0 .. g 0.025 1 0.023 0.115 14:0 .. -g 0,152 1 0.138 0.690 16:0 .. wg 3.719 1 3.439 17.140 18:0 .. g 1.674 1 1,523 7.592 Monounsaturated, total g 17.144 15.601 77.763 16:1... 9 0.025 1 0.023 0.115 18:1. . g 17.118 1 15.578 77.648 20:1. .. g 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total. g 2.663 2.423 12.079 18:2... g 2.663 1 2.423 12,079 183... g 18:4 .... gq 20:4 . g 205. gq 225. g 226..... g Cholesterol .... mg 22 10.807 3 20 100 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . . g 0.080 0.073 0.362 Threonine .. g 0.227 0.207 1,029 Isoleucine .. .. g 0.291 0.265 1.320 Leucine... ww: 0.501 0.456 2.273 Lysine ..... g 0.304 0.276 1,377 Methionine . g 0.141 0.128 0.639 Cystine....... g 0.106 0.097 0.481 Phenylalanine og 0.316 0.288 1.435 Tyrosine... . g 0.239 0.217 1.082 Valine. g 0.327 0.297 1.482 Arginine .. g 0.309 0.281 1.401 Histidine... g 0.158 0.143 0.1715 Alanine wg 0.261 0.237 1.182 Aspartic aci 9g 0.402 0.366 1.825 Glutamic acid. g 1.550 1.410 7.030 Glycine... g 0.200 0.182 0.906 Proline g 0,582 0.530 2.640 Serine .... -g 0.337 0.307 1.530 Values for cinnamon danish. Values for fruit danish. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21015 BREAKFAST ITEMS Danish Pastry, Cinnamon Page 68 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 pastry = 88 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 20.90 1 18.39 94.80 kcal 397 349 1,799 Food energy ... kJ 1,661 1,461 7,532 Protein (N X5 , 88)... .g 5.46 1 4.80 24.75 Total lipid (fat) ........... wg 19.00 1 16.72 86.18 Carbohydrate, total | 53.24 46.85 241.51 Crude fiber... .g 0.80 1 0.70 3.63 .g 1.40 1 1.23 6.35 Minerals: Calcium. 42 10.600 2 37 192 Iron ... . 2.04 0.405 2 1.80 9.28 Magnesium. .. mg 16 3.200 2 14 72 Phosphorus . . mg 84 12.000 2 74 381 Potassium. . mg 109 1 96 494 Sodium . . mg 371 19.500 2 326 1,681 . 0.55 0.095 2 0.49 2.52 0.085 0.015 2 0.075 0.386 0.420 0.030 2 0.370 1.905 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 2.9 1 2.6 13.2 Thiamin 0.29 1 0.26 1,32 Riboflavin... 0,22 1 0.19 1.00 Niacin........ 2,50 1 2.20 11.34 Pantothenic acid 0.63 1 0.56 2.88 Vitamin Bg 0.06 1 0.06 0.29 Folacin ..... 16 1 14 75 Vitamin B,,.. 0.25 1 0.22 1.13 po a2 6 1 5 26 Vitamin A 20 ] 18 91 Lipids: 3 Fatty acids: Saturated, total a 3.953 3.479 17.931 4.0... -g 6:0 -g 8:0 .g 10:0 wr § 12:0 - g 0.018 1 0.016 0.081 14:0 -g 0.107 1 0.094 0.485 16:0 - g 2,653 1 2.335 12.035 18:0 g 1.175 2 1.034 5.331 Monounsaturated, tota g 12.037 10.593 54.601 16:1... g 0.018 I 0.016 0.081 18 g 12.019 1 10.577 54.520 20:1 gq 22:1 .... g Polyunsaturated, total . g 1.870 1.645 8.481 1812 «ovens ermransessasens g 1.870 l 1.645 8.481 18:3 g 18:4 g 20:4 gq 20:5 g 22: g 226 .... gq Cholesterol mg 31 1 28 142 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.072 0.064 0.328 Threonine .. .. g 0.190 0.167 0.863 Isoleucine .. g 0.243 0.214 1.103 Leucine ... g 0.415 0.365 1.882 Lysine ..... g 0.224 0.197 1.014 Methionine . .. g 0.120 0.105 0.543 Cystine -g 0.110 0.096 0.497 Phenylala g 0.277 0.244 1.259 Tyrosine... 9 0.190 0.167 0.863 Valine... g 0.278 0.245 1.263 Arginine .. 9 0.250 0.220 1.132 Histidine... 9 0.127 0.112 6.577 Alanine........ 9 0.214 0.189 0.972 Aspartic acid 9 0.332 0.292 1.507 Glutamic acid. g 1.437 1.265 6.520 Glycire.... g 0.184 0.162 0.833 g 0.502 0.442 2.277 9 0.306 0.269 1.389 Values for fruit danish. 2Values based on data from recipe: flavorings, 1%. 2Values based on data for cheese danish. Flour, 35%; shortening, 19%; milk, 18%; egg, 11%; sugar, 11%; water, 4%; yeast, 1%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21016 BREAKFAST ITEMS Danish Pastry, Fruit Page 69 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Maan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 pastry = 94 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (@G) Proximate: WVBLBE o.oo HEE EET g 29.00 1.578 4 27.26 131.54 Pood ener kcal 356 335 1,617 GY verve ss kJ 1,492 1,402 6,767 Protein (N X5. 90) g 5.06 0.281 6 4.76 22.96 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 16.95 0.791 7 15.94 76.90 Carbohydrate, total. .g 47.94 45.06 217.45 Crude fiber .g 0.40 0.000 2 0.38 1.81 g 1.04 0.030 4 0.98 4.74 23 4.313 6 22 106 1.49 0.085 7 1.40 6.77 Magnesium. 15 1.327 7 14 68 Phosphorus . . mg 73 12.380 6 69 331 Potassium. . mg 117 22.810 5 110 533 Sodium . . mg 354 18.801 10 333 1,605 Zinc....... mg 0.51 0.041 7 0.48 2.30 Copper...... mg 0.059 0.017 7 0.056 0.269 Manganese. 0.205 0.068 6 0.193 0.932 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 1.7 1.396 10 1.6 7.6 Thiamin... 0.31 0.012 10 0.29 1.42 Riboflavin. 0.22 0.008 10 0.21 1.00 Niacin........ 1.91 0.033 10 1.79 8.65 Pantothenic acid. ; 0.63 0.023 8 0.60 2.88 Vitamin Bg ... . mg 0.06 1 0.06 0.29 Folacin..... . meg 16 1,032 8 15 75 Vitamin By. .. mcg 0.25 1 0.23 i | RE 26 1 24 117 VRamiA {w 91 1 86 414 Lipids: 5 Fatty acids: Saturated, total ..........oumminiin g 3.527 3.316 15.999 4.0 .. «ig 6:0 .. .g 8:0 .. wi 10:0 wg 12:0 -g 0.016 3 0.015 0.072 14:0 4g 0.095 1 0.090 0.432 16:0 9g 2.367 1 2.225 10.738 18.0 ...... -g 1.049 1 0.986 4.756 Monounsaturated, total . wig 10.740 10.096 48.718 16:1 4g 0.016 1 0.015 0.072 18:1 -g 10.724 1 10.081 48.646 20:1 -g 224 . .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 1.668 1.568 7.567 VBI it pear - 9 1.668 x 1.568 7.567 18:3 .. .g 18:4 .. .g 20:4 .. wi 20:5... wr 225. .g 22:6... wl Cholesterol .. .. mg 20 1.683 4 19 93 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.067 0.063 0.304 Threonine wg 0.176 0.165 0.798 Isoleucine - 9g 0.225 0.211 1.020 Leucine 9g 0.384 0.361 1.740 Lysine .. g 0.207 0.194 0.938 Methionine .. g 0.111 0.104 0.502 Cystine. - 9 0.101 0.095 0.459 Phenylala - 9 0,257 0.241 1.164 Tyrosine... g 0.176 0.165 0.798 Valine... g 0.257 0.242 1.168 Arginine g 0.231 0.217 1.047 Histidine g 0.118 0.111 0,533 Alanine..... g 0.198 0.186 0.899 Aspartic aci g 0.309 0.290 1.401 Glutamic acid.. 9 1.327 1.248 6.021 Glycine... 9 0,170 0.160 0.771 Proline .... 9 0.463 0.436 2,102 BONG -...cvinvisivveevivverne .g 0.283 0.266 1.284 values based on data from recipe: Flour, 34%; shortening, 19%; milk, 18%; egg, 11%; sugar, 10%; water, 4%; yeast, 1%; apple, 3%. 2Values based on data for cheese danish. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21017 BREAKFAST ITEMS Egg, scrambled Page 70 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard NUImBer Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 eggs = 94 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WALT ....oooiiiii en 66.70 1.293 5 62.70 302.55 Food ener 212 200 964 00d BNBIGY «.iviiiiin iminium 889 836 4,034 Protein (N X6. 26) .. 13.84 0.515 5 13.01 62.79 Total lipid (fat) g 16.18 1.163 6 15.21 73.41 Carbohydrate, total... ye 1G 2.08 1.95 9,42 Crude fiber.. wor 1) 0.20 0.100 2 0.19 0.91 .g 1.20 0.058 3 1.13 5.44 57 4.222 6 54 258 2.59 0,123 6 2.43 11.73 Magnesium. 14 0.327 4 13 64 Phosphorus 242 10.990 4 228 1,098 Potassium 147 12.172 6 138 665 Sodium 224 27.433 6 211 1,018 Zinc. 1.66 0.082 4 1.56 7.51 Copper. 0.067 0.009 4 0.063 0.305 Manganese. 0.043 0.003 4 0.040 0.195 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 3 3.3 2.755 3 3.1 15.1 Thiamin... mg 0.08 0.006 5 0.08 0.37 Riboflavin. mg 0.52 0.077 5 0.49 2.36 Niacin....... mg 0.21 0.081 5 0.19 0.93 Pantothenic acid mg 0.94 0.286 3 0,89 4,28 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.19 0.011 3 0.18 0.87 Folacin..... mcg 56 10.500 2 52 252 Vitamin By,. .. mcg 1.01 0.045 3 0.95 4.59 bari RE 268 5 252 1,218 Vitamin A... {1 889 142.245 5 835 1.032 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, otal .........coumiiimninns g 6,153 5.784 27.912 4.0 .. wig 6:0 .. g 0.158 1 0.149 0.717 8:0 .. g 0.048 1 0.046 0.220 100 .. g 0.104 1 0.098 0.471 120 .. g 0.134 1 0.126 0.607 140 .. .g 0.085 1 0.080 0.387 16:0 .. .g 3.909 1 3.675 17.733 18:0 .. wg 1.522 1 1.431 6.905 Monounsaturated, total. og 5.889 5.536 26,714 187 ws wg 0.515 1 0.485 2.338 18:1 .. w 5.374 1 5,051 24.376 20:1 .. .g 22:1 .. .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 1.969 1.850 8.929 18:2 oF ¢ 1.649 1 1,550 7.480 18:3 wg 0.118 i 0.111 0.534 18:4 - 4g 20:4 wi 0.202 1 0.190 0.915 20:5 w 22:5 .g 22:6 .g Cholesterol . ..mg 426 26.645 7 400 1,931 Phytosterols.... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.212 0.200 0.963 Threonine ... -g 0.657 0.617 2.979 Isoleucine ... on I 0.836 0.786 3.79) Leucine..... -g 1.185 1.114 5.376 Lysine .. wg 0.913 0.858 4.142 Methionine .. -g 0.427 0.401 1.936 ~g 0.307 0.289 1,394 Phenylalanine. -g 0.750 0.705 3.400 Tyrosine... 9g 0.562 0.528 2.548 Valine... -g 0.960 0.902 4,353 Arginine -g 0.836 0.786 3,791 Histidine -g 0.325 0.306 1.474 Alanine. -g 0.763 0,717 3.460 Aspartic aci -g 1.311 1,233 5.948 Glutamic acid.. wg 1.773 1.667 8.044 Glycine... -g 0.438 0.412 1.986 Proline . 9g 0.577 0.542 2.618 Serine ...... ~ g 1.002 0.942 4.544 *Alpha-tocopherol = 0.96 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21018 BREAKFAST ITEMS English Muffin with Butter Page 71 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Numer Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 muffin = 63 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (©) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBIBI sisi cis ss sasissssmormrmemmmsmsssesmsasrors 32.63 1.440 3 20.56 148.02 300 189 1,360 FOO nergy ........ccooemuieuiinieniinnininnns 255 791 5.693 Protein (N X5, 72). 7.73 0.503 2 4.87 35.08 Total lipid (fat) ..... g 9.14 0.476 3 5.76 41.47 Carbohydrate, total. g 48.19 30.36 218.59 Crude fiber............... g 0.20 0.000 2 0.13 0.91 ABN urs RR .g 2.30 0.200 2 1.45 10.43 Minerals: Calcium. 163 23.000 2 103 739 Iron ........ 2.52 0.120 2 1.59 11.43 Magnesium... 21 0.049 2 13 94 Phosphorus .. - mg 135 16.500 2 85 610 Potassium. . mg 110 2.500 2 69 497 . 613 107.500 2 386 2,718 0.67 0.123 2 0.42 3.03 0,102 0.007 2 0.064 0.463 0.332 0.028 2 0.209 1.506 1.2 0.100 2 0.8 5.4 0.40 0.050 2 0.25 1.81 0.50 0.279 2 0.32 2427 4.15 1 2.61 18.82 Pantothenic acid.. 0.22 1 0.14 1.00 Vitamin Bg 0.06 0.011 2 0.04 0.27 Folacin...... 27 1 17? 122 Vitamin By ,.. 0.03 0.002 2 0.02 0.14 RRL 53 2 34 242 WIAITID A sme {ww oe 44. 000 “ 136 980 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total -g 3.857 2.430 17,495 40... -g 6:0 -9 0.168 4 0.106 0.764 8:0 - 9 0.067 4 0.042 0.306 10:0 -g 0.182 4 0.115 0.825 12:0 -g 0.675 5 0.425 3,063 14:0 - 9g 0.711 4 0.448 3.225 16:0 - 9g 1.387 6 0.874 6.289 18:0... ~-g 0.478 6 0.301 2.166 Monounsaturated, total. .g 2.432 1.532 11.031 16:1 cine - 9 0.222 4 0.140 1.009 18:1 - 9g 2.083 6 1.312 9.447 20:1 .g 22:1. "n Polyunsaturated, total wg 2.140 1.348 9.706 18:2... -g 1.800 6 1.134 8.164 18:3. -g 0,305 5 0.192 1.384 18:4 .. wg 20:4 .. - 9g 0.035 4 0.022 0.158 205 .. .g 225... Tl 226 .. wi Cholesterol .. - mg 20 0.732 4 13 90 Phytosterols. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . - 9 0.095 0.060 0.429 Threonine ... - 8 0.243 0.153 1.104 Isoleucine ... g 0.297 0.187 1.349 Leucine g 0.546 0.344 2.478 Lysine .. g 0.256 0.161 1,159 Methionine .. 9 0,139 0.088 0.632 Cystine... 9 0.151 0.095 0.687 Phenylalanine . w 0.384 0.242 1.742 Tyrosine... - g 0.249 0.157 1.128 Valine... g 0.341 0.215 1,545 Arginine g 0.331 0.209 1.502 Histidine g 0.178 0.112 0.810 Alanine.... wg 0.291 0.183 1.319 Aspartic aci —. g 0.406 0.256 1.840 Glutamic acid. 9 2.340 1.474 10.616 Glycine... 9 0.291 0,183 1.319 Proline . g 0.798 0.503 3.618 Serine .. wf 0.383 0.241 1.736 'Alpha-tocopherol = 0.20 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21019 BREAKFAST ITEMS English Muffin with Cheese and Sausage Page 72 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _ Standard Number iii measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 muffin = 115 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 37.70 1 43.35 171.01 kcal 342 394 1,553 Food energy... KJ 1,434 1,649 6,503 Protein (N X6. 13) g 13.34 1 15,34 60.51 Total lipid (fat) ........... g 21,10 1 24.26 95.71 Carbohydrate, total g 25.36 29.17 115.04 Crude fiber.. g 0.40 0.46 1.81 g 2:50 1 2,87 11.34 CalCium.........ccoooiiiiiiieieeeer, mg 146 1 168 663 Iron ... .. mg 1.96 1 2,25 8.89 Magnesium. . mg 21 1 24 94 Phosphorus . 162 1 186 734 187 1 215 848 901 1 1,036 4,088 1.46 1 1.68 6.62 0.066 1 0.076 0.299 0.191 1 0.220 0.866 1.1 1 1.3 5.0 0.61 1 0.70 2.77 0,22 1 0.25 1.00 3.60 1 4.14 16,33 0.46 1 0.53 2.09 0:13 1 0.15 0.59 16 1 18 73 Vitamin By,.. 5 0.59 1 0.68 2.68 — RE 75 1 87 341 VIATIN Ave fw 330 1 379 1,497 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... ig 8.566 9.850 38.853 : -g - 9 .g 0.063 1 0.073 0.287 g 0.150 1 0.172 0.680 g 0.171 1 0.197 0.776 zg 0,727 1 0.836 3.299 «ig 4.939 1 5.680 22.404 - 9 2.324 1 2.672 10.540 g 8.766 10.081 39,761 g 0.644 1 0.740 2.920 - 9 7.937 1 9.127 36.001 - 9g 0.126 1 0.145 0.570 “ -g Polyunsaturated, total « 2.343 2.694 10.627 18:2... -g 2.022 1 2,325 9.171 18:3 -g 0.133 1 0.153 0.602 18:4 -g 20:4 -g 0.188 1 0,216 0.853 20:5 - 9 225... .g 226....... .g Cholesterol . mg 51 i 58 230 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .........cccccccoeveiennnn. we § 0.163 0.188 0.740 Threonine ..... -g 0.459 0.528 2,083 Isoleucine . -g 0.548 0.631 2.487 Leucine... - 9 1,025 1.179 4,649 Lysine .... 9 0.975 1.121 4,422 Methionine og 0.305 0.350 1.382 Cystine... -g 0.150 0.173 0.681 Phenylalanin: g 0.598 0.688 2.714 Tyrosine. g 0.529 0.608 2.398 Valine. g 0.659 0.758 2.991 Arginine . - g 0.642 0.738 2.912 Histidine. ng 0.426 0.490 1,935 Alanine... g 0.527 0.606 2.389 Aspartic acid. g 0.883 1.016 4,007 Glutamic acid g 2.840 3.266 12.881 Glycine... g 0.509 0.586 2.310 Proline ... g 1.118 1.286 5.073 Serine ~g 0.603 0.693 2.734 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21020 Page 73 BREAKFAST ITEMS English Muffin with Egg, Cheese, and Canadian Bacon Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Nutrient unit Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased utrients and units Mean Standard Number . poproximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples muffin 146 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE imino sis ame g 48.99 0.968 7 71.53 222.24 Food energy 1,601 4375 Protein (N X6.18).. g 13.57 0.228 5 19,81 61.54 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 13,53 1.006 5 19.76 61.39 Carbohydrate, total g 21.54 31.45 97.70 Crude fiber.. g 0.20 0.100 2 6.29 0.91 g 2.37 0.033 3 3.46 10.74 142 6.537 5 207 644 2.25 0.209 5 3.28 10.18 Magnesium. 23 2.979 5 33 104 Phosphorus mg 219 14.094 5 319 991 Potassium mg 146 14.167 4 213 662 Sodium mg 537 73.607 5 785 2,438 Zinc...... mg 1.24 0.119 5 1.80 5.60 Copper. mg 0.090 0.006 5 0.132 0.410 Manganese. 0.181 0.023 5 0.264 0.820 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.9 0.240 3 1.3 3,9 Thiamin... 0.33 0.023 4 0.49 1.52 Riboflavin 0.36 0.033 4 0.53 1.64 Niacin...... 2.69 0.200 4 3.93 12,20 Pantothenic acid 0.61 0,113 4 0.89 2,77 Vitamin Bg .. 0.11 0.016 4 0.16 0.50 Folacin.... 30 4.509 3 44 136 Vitamin By. 3 0.55 0.010 4 0.80 2.50 _— 108 3 158 491 LT {ww 407 72.072 3 594 1,846 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . ng 6.199 9.051 28.120 4:0. g 6:0. . g 0.202 2 0.294 0.915 8:0. ng 0.081 2 0.118 0.366 10:0. g 0.156 2 0.228 0.710 12:0. g 0.199 2 0.291 0.904 14:0. g 0.698 2 1.015 3.164 16:0. wn g 3.288 2 4,801 14.915 18:0 ..... - g 1.374 2 2.006 6,232 Monounsaturated, total g 4,633 6.764 21.014 16:1... g 0.409 2 0.598 1.857 18:1. g 4.104 2 5.991 18.615 20:1. g 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total... g 1.414 2.064 6.412 18:2 iv g 1.210 2 1.7617 5.489 18:3. g 0,102 2 0.149 0.463 184 .... g 204 .... g 0.101 2 0.148 0.460 205. g 22:5. g 22:6. [2] Cholesterol mg 160 6.661 6 234 727 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... wg 0.178 0.260 0.807 Threonine .. g 0.518 0.756 2,350 Isoleucine .. g 0.630 0.920 2,858 Leucine ng 1.071 1.564 4,859 Lysine ..... Gg 0.959 1.401 4,351 Methionine. 9 0.353 0.516 1.603 Cystine....... g 0.206 0.301 0.936 Phenylalanine g 0.637 0,929 2.888 Tyrosine... ng 0.540 0.788 2.450 Valine.. 9g 0.735 1.074 3,336 Arginine .. g 0.685 1.000 3.107 Histidine... g 0.419 0.612 1.902 Alanine... g 0.577 0.843 2.619 Aspartic acid.. g 1.008 1.471 4.570 Glutamic acid. g 2.505 3.657 11.361 Glycine... 9 0.426 0.622 1.932 Proline 9 0.922 1.346 4,182 -g 0.718 1.048 3,256 alpha-tocopherol = 0.41 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21021 BREAKFAST ITEMS English Muffin with Egg, Cheese, and Sausage Page 74 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _ Standard Number ARDRIImate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 muffin = 165 g 0 (A) (8) (€) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 47.40 1 78.21 215,01 295 487 1,340 Food energy ,237 2,040 5,609 Protein (N X6.17) wisi 13.13 1 21.66 59,56 Total lipid (fat) ..... -g 18.70 1 30.85 84.82 Carbohydrate, total. .g 18.77 30.97 85.14 Crude fiber... .g 0.30 1 0.49 1.36 -g 2.00 1 3.30 9.07 119 1 196 539 2.10 1 3.46 9.53 Magnesium... . 18 1 30 82 Phosphorus .. . mg 174 1 288 791 Potassium. mg 178 1 294 807 Sodium .. 688 1 1,135 3,119 Zinc........ 1.43 1 2.36 6.49 Copper....... 0.072 1 0.119 0.327 Manganese 0.181 1 0.298 0.820 Vitamins: 0.9 1 1.4 3.9 0.51 1 0.84 2.31 0.30 1 0.49 1.36 2.70 1 4.45 12.25 Pantothenic aci 0.85 1 1.40 3.86 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.12 1 0.20 0.54 Folacin... mcg 33 1 54 150 Vitamin B,, meg 0.83 1 1.37 3.76 rare 104 1 172 472 Vitamin A 400 i 660 1,814 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... 9 7.525 12.417 34.135 g gq g 0.055 1 0,091 0.249 g 0.127 1 0..209 0.575 g 0.148 1 0.244 0.670 9 0.611 1 1.007 2.770 g 4.469 1 7.375 20.273 g 1.975 1 3.259 8.960 g 7.726 12.748 35.044 - g 0.595 1 0.981 2,697 og 6.974 1 11.506 31.632 9 0.100 1 0.165 0.453 g Polyunsaturated, total... g 2.012 3.320 9.128 18:2... - g 1.856 1 3.062 8.417 18:3. wg 0.068 1 0,112 0.308 18:4 . g 20:4. g 0.089 1 0.147 0.403 20:5. g 22:5. wo 22:6 we Cholesterol . mg 166 1 274 753 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.170 0.281 0.772 Threonine ... g 0.489 0.808 2,220 Isoleucine g 0.596 0.983 2.703 Leucine 9 1.036 1.710 4,701 Lysine .. 9 0.947 1.562 4,295 Methionine .. g 0.323 0.534 1.467 Cystine......... 9 0.179 0.295 0.811 Phenylalanine .... g 0.615 1.015 2.790 Tyrosine... wg 0.526 0.867 2,384 Valine... 9g 0.706 1.166 3.205 Arginine .. 9 0.666 1.099 3.021 Histidine... 9 0.398 0.657 1.805 Alanine......... 9 0.560 0.923 2.539 Aspartic acid g 0.949 1.566 4.305 Glutamic acid.. g 2.543 4.196 11.535 Glycine... g 0.477 0.787 2.162 Proline . wg 0.981 1.619 4.450 SErNe ....c.oviiiiiiiiiiiieeseeeen g 0.668 1.103 3.031 ‘Values for English muffin with egg, cheese and canadian bacon. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21022 BREAKFAST ITEMS French Toast with Butter Page 75 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _ Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 slices = 135 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WALEK ........cocenrcnneserenssssnisiusssinsssnsssinsses g 50.72 2.130 5 68.47 230.07 kcal 264 356 1,196 FOOU BNBIGY -....ocusesimsivivurusmsnsnsniensnss kJ 1,104 1,490 5.007 Protein (N X6,02) sg 7.66 0.092 4 10.34 34.73 Total lipid (fat) ..... . g 13.90 1 18.76 63.05 Carbohydrate, total. «ig 26.70 36.04 121.10 i -g 0.10 1 0.13 0.45 -g 1.02 0.975 2 1.38 4.65 Calcium. . mg 54 12.040 2 73 244 Iron ... - mg 1.40 0.170 2 1.89 6.35 Magnesium... . mg 12 3.755 2 16 54 Phosphorus . . mg 108 3.900 2 146 490 Potassium. .. mg 131 1 177 594 mg 380 251.000 2 513 1,724 . mg 0.44 0.015 2 0.60 2.02 “ 0.048 0.008 2 0.065 0.220 Manganese... 0.155 0.035 2 0.209 0.703 Vitamins: 0.1 1 0.2 0.7 0.43 1 0.58 1.95 0.37 1 0.50 1.68 2.20 1 3.91 13.1% Pantothenic acid. 0.40 0.060 3 0.54 1.82 Vitamin Bg ... . mg 0.04 0.013 3 0.05 0.16 Folacin...... mcg 22 9.018 3 30 100 Vitamin By. ~ eg 0.27 1 0.36 1.22 Wei 108 1 145 489 Vitamin A {ww 350 1 472 1,588 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total ..............ccceeereininnne g 5.738 7.746 26.028 4:0 .. .g 6:0 .. g 8:0 .. g 10:0 .. g 120 .g 14:0 .. ~g 16:0 .. g 18:0 .. g Monounsaturated, total. g 5.236 7.069 23.750 16:1. . g 18:1. wg 20:1. g 22:1. g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.815 2.450 8.233 1812. creer ag 18:3. g 18:4. g 20:4 . g 20:5. g 225... g 226..... g Cholesterol . mg 86 1 117 392 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... wg 0.106 0.143 0.479 Threonine .. wr 0.300 0.405 1.362 Isoleucine ng 0.394 0.532 1.789 Leucine ... g 0.605 0.817 2.746 Lysine...... g 0,375 0.507 1.702 Methionine. g 0.182 0.246 0.825 Cystine... - g 0.148 0, 199 0.669 Phenylalanine g 0.397 0.536 1.800 Tyrosine. g 0.256 0.345 1.160 Valine... g 0.463 0.625 2.100 Arginine .. g 0.384 0.519 1.742 Histidine. g 0.174 0.235 0.790 Alanine... 9 0.346 0.467 1.569 Aspartic aci 9 0.571 0.771 2,591 Glutamic acid g 1.659 2.239 7.524 Glycine g 0.265 0.357 1.200 Proline g 0.572 0.773 2.596 Senne. ..........coruminnnneiiene .g 0.472 0.637 2.141 Values based on data from recipe: French toast, 92%; butter, 8%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21023 BREAKFAST ITEMS French Toast Sticks Page 76 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number AprvoRiniete measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 5 sticks 141 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBRBE ..... cons nsmarisissiimismviseana may 29.96 1 42.24 135.90 339 479 1,540 Foad energy 1,221 2,004 6,446 Protein (N X5. 73) wg 5.87 I 8.27 26.62 Total lipid (fat) .... wg 20.60 1 29.05 93.44 Carbohydrate, total .g 34.79 1 49.05 157.81 Crude fiber.” .g 0.13 1 0.18 0.59 x .g 2.54 1 3.58 11,52 Minerals: Calcium. 55 1 78 249 WO nui 2.10 1 2.96 9, 53 Magnesium . mg 19 1 26 85 Phosphorus . . mg 87 I 123 395 Potassium... .. mg 90 1 126 406 Sodium . 0] 354 1 499 1,606 Zinc’. . mg 0.66 1 0.93 3.01 . 0,192 1 0.271 0.871 0.155 1 0.219 0.703 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.16 1 0.23 0.73 0.18 1 0.25 0.82 onan ) 2.10 1 2.96 9,53 Pantothenic acid. . mg 0.40 1 0,57 1.82 Vitamin Bg?.. . mg 0.18 1 0.26 0.82 Folacin?.... 95 i 134 431 0.05 1 0.06 0.21 WE. | RE 9 1 13 41 Vitamin A... { wv 32 1 45 146 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 3.337 4.705 15.137 40... oF -g -g 9 -g -g -g sn wg 8.974 12.653 40.706 16:1... vg 18:1 .g 20:1 .g 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total. .g 7.054 9.946 31.997 18:2 g 18:3 g 18:4 g 20:4 g 20:5 g 22:5 g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 53 1 74 238 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... rg 0.073 0.103 0.330 Threonine .. g 0.204 0.287 0.924 Isoleucine .. 9 0.242 0.341 1.096 Leucine... 9 0.430 0.606 1.951 Lysine .... - g 0.230 0.325 1.045 Methionine. -g 6.110 0.154 0.497 Cystine....... g 0.112 0.157 0.506 Phenylalanine g 0.291 0.410 1.319 Tyrosine. g 0.198 0.279 0.896 Valine. ng 0.273 0.386 1.240 Arginine . og 0.267 0.377 1,212 Histidine. g 0.139 0.196 0.632 Alanine... g 0.247 0.348 1.119 Aspartic acid. 9 0.347 0.489 1,575 Glutamic acid. 9 1.631 2.300 7.399 Glycine... g 0.227 0.321 1.031 Proline g 0.553 0.780 2.508 Serine eg 0.300 0.423 1,361 Values based on data from recipe: Flour, 40%; water, 24%; vegetable oil, 18%; sugar, 9%; yeast, 4%; salt, 2%; corn flour, 2%; egg yolk, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21024 BREAKFAST ITEMS Pancakes with Butter and Syrup Page 77 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased VER Standard Nuriber Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 3 cakes = 232 g 0 (A) (B) (®) (D) (E) (F) (@G) Proximate: WEBLBE ...cvvivsiissssiab va ps tinta ais oii g 49.72 1.539 6 115.34 225.51 kcal 224 519 1,015 Food energy kJ 937 2,174 4,250 Protein (N X6. 05)... wi gf 3.56 0.187 7 8.26 16.16 Total lipid (fat) .... or 6.03 0.897 5 13.99 27.35 Carbohydrate, total .g 39.18 90.91 177.74 Crude fiber... .g 0.10 0.000 2 0,23 0.45 wg 1.51 0.245 3 3.50 6.83 55 6.473 4 128 251 1.13 0.053 4 2.61 5,10 Magnesium. 21 6.694 3 48 93 Phosphorus .... mg 205 14.621 3 476 931 Potassium mg 108 20.300 2 250 489 Sodium 476 32.157 5 1,103 2,157 Zinc... 0.44 0.125 4 1.03 2.02 Copper. 0.065 0.013 3 0.150 0.293 Manganese. 0.139 0.011 3 0.322 0.631 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 1.5 0.733 3 3.4 6.7 Thiamin... 0.17 0.038 5 0.40 0.77 Riboflavin. 0.24 0.066 5 0.56 1.10 Niacin....... 1.46 0.234 4 3.39 6.63 Pantothenic acid mg 0.29 0.161 3 0.68 1.32 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.05 0.013 5 0,12 0.24 Folacin..... mcg 15 7.860 3 34 67 Vitamin Bj,. . 0.10 0.047 4 0.22 0.43 — 30 3 69 135 WEIN Aros nnn nssbiss oasis {ww 121 1.333 3 281 550 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. wg 2.522 5.852 11.442 WO convents we 620 i. .g 0.068 2 0.157 0.307 8:0. g 0.029 2 0.066 0.130 10:0 g 0.075 2 0,175 0.342 12:0 g 0.104 2 0.242 0.472 140 g 0.163 2 0.3706 0.740 16:0 ..... g 1.114 2 2,585 5.054 18:0 ..... g 0.716 2 1.660 3.246 Monounsaturated, total g 2.271 5.269 10.303 1671 woes g 0.081 2 0.188 0.367 18:1 we g 2.138 2 4.961 9.699 20:1... g 22:1 vw g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.844 1.959 3.831 18:2... g 0.753 2 1.748 3.417 18:3. g 0.064 2 0.148 0.289 18:4 . gq 20:4. . g 0.027 2 0.063 0.124 20:5. g 25. g 226. g Cholesterol . . mg 25 3.560 5 57 111 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.044 0.102 0.200 Threonine .. g 0.131 0.305 0.596 Isoleucine .. g 0.166 0.385 0.753 Leucine... g 0.307 0,713 1,394 Lysine ..... g 0.181 0.419 0.820 Methionine. g 0.075 0.173 0.339 Cystine....... g 0.055 0.127 0.248 Phenylalanine g 0.173 0.402 0.785 Tyrosine. g 0.137 0.318 0.622 Valine. g 0,195 0,452 0.884 Arginine .. g 0,151 0.350 0.684 Histidine .. g 0.089 0.208 0.406 Alanine... g 0.140 0.324 0.633 Aspartic acid. wi | 0,233 0.540 1,055 Glutamic acid. oy 0.868 2.015 3.939 Glycine... g 0.110 0.254 0.497 Proline g 0.340 0.790 1.544 Serine .... -g 0.180 0.418 0.817 alpha-tocopherol = 0.60 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21025 BREAKFAST ITEMS Potatoes, hashed brown Page 78 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1/2 cup = 72 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: 60.14 4.485 3 43.30 272.81 Food energy kcal 210 151 952 kJ 879 633 3,986 Protein (N X6. 25).. g 2.70 1 1.94 12,25 Total lipid (fat) .......... g 12.80 1 9.22 58.06 Carbohydrate, total... g 22.43 16.15 101.75 Crude fiber.. g 0.50 1 0.36 2.27 -g 1.92 0.475 2 1,39 8.73 Calo mmisemieams mg 10 0.431 3 7 46 0.67 0.067 3 0.48 3.05 Magnesium. mg 22 1,923 3 16 101 Phosphorus mg 96 13.283 3 69 433 Potassium mg 371 40.595 3 267 1,684 Sodium . mg 403 159.538 3 290 1,829 1] 0,30 0.018 3 0,22 1,38 Copper. mg 0.097 0.022 3 0.070 0.438 Manganese. 0.153 0.020 3 0.110 0.696 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 7.6 1 5.5 34.7 Thiamin... 0.11 1 0.08 0.50 Riboflavin. 0.02 1 0.01 0.09 Niacin... 1.49 1 1.07 6.76 Pantothenic acid 0.47 1 0.34 2.13 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.23 1 0.17 1.06 Folacin. mcg ll 1 8 50 Vitamin By,. mcg 0.02 L 0.02 0.10 i RE 4 1 3 16 Vitamin A. {1 25 1 18 113 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .g 6.005 4.324 27.240 4:0 ..... g 6:0 .. .g 80 .. wg 0.008 1 0.005 0.034 10:0 wg 0.006 1 0.005 0.029 12:0 .g 0.010 1 0.007 0.044 14:0 .. . g 0.380 1 0,273 1.722 16:0 .. w 3.140 1 2.261 14.242 180... .g 2.21% X 1,595 10.047 Monounsaturated, total . .g 5.359 3.859 24.309 1611 .. “gd 0.501 1 0.361 2.273 18:1. -g 4.731 1 3.406 21.460 20:1 .. wg 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total wg 0.653 0.470 2.961 18:2. w 0.556 1 0.400 2.522 18:3 .. .g 0.095 1 0.068 0.429 18:4 .. “9 20:4 .. -g 0.002 1 0.002 0.010 205 .. wg 225 .. .g 22:6.. . g Cholesterol . .. mg 13 1 9 59 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ...c.ocuninmmmnsmnis g 0.036 0.026 0.165 Threonine ... .g 0.123 0.088 0.557 Isoleucine .g 0.116 0.084 0.527 Leucine -g 0.163 0.117 0.739 Lysine .. .g 0.143 0.103 0.651 Methionine .. g 0.030 0.022 0.137 g 0.017 0.012 0.076 *henylalanine . wg 0.115 0.083 0.523 Iyrosine... -g 0.068 0.049 0.308 Valine... wg 0.137 0.099 0.623 AIGINING .........oonresrernrernsessnresennes g 0.128 0.092 0.580 Histidine -g 0.045 0.033 0.206 Alanine. ag 0.093 0.067 0.423 Aspartic acid .g 0.626 0.450 2.837 Glutamic acid.. wg 0.422 0.304 1.913 Glycine. -g 0.098 0.070 0.443 Proline .. .g 0.087 0.063 0.394 Serine ... .g 0.097 0.070 0.441 1 Alpha-tocopherol = 0.17 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21026 BREAKFAST ITEMS Sausage Page 79 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Apprcrnste measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 patty = 1 link = 27 g* 13 g2 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: WARE... 44.57 1,223 20 12,03 5.79 202,17 100 48 1,673 Pood energy 417 201 7,001 Protein (N X6. 25) wy 19.65 0,735 20 5,31 2.55 89.13 Total lipid (fat) .... wg 31.16 1.248 20 8.41 4,05 141,32 Carbohydrate, total -g 1.03 0.28 0.13 4.66 Crude fiber... 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~g 3.60 0.228 20 0.97 0.47 16.32 Minerals: Calcium. . 32 3.395 15 9 4 143 Iron ....... . mg 1.25 0.072 20 0.34 0.16 5.67 Magnesium. . mg 17 0.473 15 5 2 77 Phosphorus . . mg 184 5.599 15 50 24 833 Potassium . mg 361 10.939 15 97 47 1,637 Sodium . mg 1,294 41.486 15 349 168 5,869 Zinc... 2.50 0.112 20 0.68 0.33 11,35 Copper... 0.14 0.008 20 0.04 0.02 0.64 Manganese... 0.071 6.785 5 0.019 0.009 0.321 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 2 0.270 13 0 0 8 Thiamin... 0.741 0.013 15 0.200 0.096 3,361 Riboflavin. 0.254 0.015 15 0.069 0.033 1.152 Niacin... 4.518 0.214 15 1.220 0.587 20.494 Pantothenic acid. 0.72 0.034 5 0.20 0.09 3.28 Vitamin Bg 0.33 0.013 15 0.09 0.04 1.51 Folacin..... -— —-— —_— —-—— Vitamin By. 1.73 0.102 15 0.47 0.22 7.83 VRAMIN A ccvvoviscisevensmisvimvmminmmsssvsssos Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. ~-g 10.81 2,92 1.40 49.02 4:0... gq 6:0 .. g 8:0... g 10:0 .. g 0,12 0.023 14 0.03 0.02 0,54 120.. g 0.09 0.021 14 0.02 0.01 0.39 14.0 .. g 0.45 0.026 14 0.12 0.06 2.03 16:0 .. -g 6.53 0.243 14 1.76 0.85 29.63 18:0... -g 3.62 0.122 14 0.98 0.47 16.42 Monounsaturated, total. g 13.90 3.75 1.81 63,03 16...... g 1.09 0.058 14 0.29 0.14 4,93 18:1. g 12.81 0.517 14 3.46 1.67 58.10 20:1. g 22:1 .. g Polyunsaturated, total g 3.81 1.03 0.50 17.30 18:2... g 3.28 0.148 14 0.88 0.43 14.86 18:3 .. g 0.54 0.078 14 0.14 0.07 2.43 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g ——— — —_—— i 205 .. g 225. g 22:6. g Cholesterol . mg 83 3.865 15 22 11 376 Phytosterols mg Amino acids: 3 Tryptophan . wg 0.157 3 0.042 0.020 0.712 Threonine ... g 0.777 3 0.210 0.101 3.524 Isoleucine g 0.717 3 0.914 0.093 3.252 Leucine og 1,317 3 0.356 0.171 5.974 Lysine .. og 1.494 3 0.403 0.194 6.777 Methionine .. g 0.478 3 0.129 0.062 2.168 Cystine........ g 0.198 3 0.053 0.026 0.898 Phenylalanine g 0.657 3 0.177 0.085 2.980 Tyrosine... rg 0.566 3 0.153 0.074 2.567 Valine... og 0.789 3 0.213 0.103 3,579 Arginine .. g 1.160 3 0.313 0.151 5.262 Histidine... 9 0.566 3 0.153 0.074 2.567 Alanine... g 1.101 3 0.297 0.143 4,994 Aspartic acid. 9 1.635 3 0.441 0,213 7.416 Glutamic acid. g 2.716 3 0.733 0.353 12.320 Glycine... 9 1.192 3 0.322 0,155 5.407 Proline 9 0.914 3 0.247 0,119 4,146 Serine -g 0.761 3 0.205 0.099 3.452 Yield from raw patty, which is 3-7/8 in diam., 1/4 in thick, and weighs 57g. yield from raw link, which is 4 in long, 7/8 in diam., and weighs 28g. *Includes data for raw, fresh pork sausage. AH-8-7 (1979) NDB No. 10095 DESSERTS Brownie Page 80 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 brownie = 60 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBIBE cummin ee ro Sogn igs g 12.65 0.750 2 7.59 57.38 Food her kcal 405 243 1,837 GY ces kW 1,696 1,017 70691 Protein (N X6. 09). wer 1G 4.57 0.342 3 2.74 20.71 Total lipid (fat) ..... g 16.84 0.733 3 10.10 78,37 Carbohydrate, total.. g 64.95 38.97 294.60 Crude fiber. g 0.90 1 0.54 4.08 ng 1.00 0.100 2 0.60 4.54 42 17.500 2 25 188 2,15 0,250 2 1,29 9.7% Magnesium... 27 11.000 2 16 122 Phosphorus .. mg 146 41.500 2 87 660 Potassium. 139 66.000 2 83 631 Sodium 255 15,790 3 153 1,156 Zing... 0.92 1 0.55 4.17 Copper 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 0.001 Manganese 0.181 0.059 6 0.109 0.821 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 5.3 0.650 2 3.2 24,3 Thiamin... 0,12 0.000 2 0.07 0.54 0.21 0.010 2 0:13 0.95 0.97 0.370 2 0.58 4.40 0.58 1 0.33 2.48 Vitamin Bg. 0.04 1 0.03 0,20 Folacin®... 7 1 4 34 Vitamin By, . 0.26 1 0.15 1.17 A 4 2 3 20 VIaMIN A ooo {1 18 17.500 5 10 79 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . . g 5,220 1 3.132 23.678 80... g 6:0... g 8:0. g 10:0. g 12:0 g 14:0 ..... g 16:0 g 18:05. g Monounsaturated, total g 6.377 1 3.826 28.926 16:1 gq 18:1... .. g 20:1 ..... gg 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total .. we 1 4,398 1 2.639 19.949 18:2... .. g 18:3 wn 18:4 .g 20:4. g 205 .. g 22:5 .. g 226 .. we Cholesterol . .. mg 16 1 9 71 Phytosterols mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . og 0.057 0.034 0.259 Threonine ... g 0.158 0.095 0.718 Isoleucine g 0.199 0.119 0.901 Leucine g 0.339 0.203 1.537 Lysine .. g 0,223 0.134 1.014 Methionine .. .g 0.082 0.049 0.374 Cystine........ .g 0.060 0.036 0.272 Phenylalanine . we 0.207 0.124 0.939 Tyrosine... .g 8.167 0.100 0,759 -g 0.236 0.142 1.071 wf 0.176 0.106 0.799 -g 0.100 0.060 0.452 9g 0,151 0.090 0.684 Aspartic acid... vs @ 0.287 0.172 1.303 Glutamic acid.. 9g 1.038 0.623 4,708 Glycine... -g 0.131 0.079 0,595 Proline . .g 0.396 0.238 1,796 Serine... 9g 0.214 0.128 0.969 ! Values based on data from recipe: Sugar, 29%; flour, 20%; shortening, 19%; cocoa, 12%; corn syrup, 6%; water, 6%; dry milk, 6%; salt 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21027 DESSERTS Cookies, Animal Crackers Page 81 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Vian Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 box = 67 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: re g 3.75 0.277 14 2,82 17.03 —— kcal 446 299 2,025 A. kl 1,869 1,252 8.476 Protein (N X5. 70). g 6.18 0.258 13 4.14 28.02 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 13.43 0.602 14 9.00 60.91 Carbohydrate, total. g 75.433 50.47 841.71 Crude fiber. g 0.25 0.050 2 0.17 1,13 .g 1.31 0.051 12 0.88 5.93 Minerals: Calcium. 17 0.550 2 11 76 Won suas 2.20 0.001 2 1.47 9.98 Magnesium... . 16 0.049 2 11 73 Phosphorus .. . mg 96 15.250 2 64 434 Potassium. . mg 84 6.750 2 57 383 Sodium .. 408 24.412 12 274 1,852 ZG. 0.45 0.054 2 0.30 2.02 Copper... 0.076 0.025 2 0.051 0.347 Manganese... 0.487 0.017 2 0.326 2.209 vitamins: * Ascorbic acid 1.2 0.643 3 0.8 5.4 Thiamin......... 0.37 0.037 3 0.,.25 1.66 Riboflavin. 0.36 0.009 3 0.24 1.65 Niacin........ . 3.67 1.250 3 2.46 16.63 Pantothenic acid.. . mg 0.32 0.115 3 0:22 1.46 Vitamin Bg mg 0.03 0.005 3 0.02 0.15 Folacin...... mcg 33 23.500 2 22 147 Vitamin By... . mcg 0.07 0.022 2 0.05 0.33 Vitamin A 12 1 2 54 40 1 27 181 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ............cccocoeeiriinnnn. g 5.272 3.532 23,915 4:0 .g 6:0 -g 8:0 a] 0.022 1 0.015 0.100 10:0 .g 0.010 1 0.007 0.044 12:0 .g 0.019 1 0.013 0.085 14:0 .g 0,215 1 0.144 0.974 16:0 .g 3.109 1 2.083 14.100 18:0... .g 1.741 1 1.167 7.899 Monounsaturated, total .. .g 5.649 3,785 25.624 16:1 .g 0.409 1 0.274 1,853 18:1 .g 5.200 1 3.484 23,586 20:1 wg 22:1 ... wi Polyunsaturated, total .g 1.558 1.044 7.069 18:2 vei «ig 1.367 1 0.916 6.201 18:3 wig 0.168 i 0.112 0.760 18:4 - g 20:4 .g 0.024 1 0.016 0.107 20:5 off 22:5 ins .g 226 ...... .g Cholesterol .. .. mg 16 1,725 3 11 74 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.081 0.054 0.369 TRIGONING ......ovevnrrrrarnissrsirnrsssnssrnesisnes g 0.202 0.135 0.914 ISOIBUBING «cov smesimmspaasinsimissnas ews icres g 0,261 0.175 1.185 Leucine 9g 0.474 0.317 2.148 Lysine ~g 0.229 0.153 1.037 Methionine “-g 0.127 0.085 0.575 Cystine... 9g 0.120 0.081 0.546 Phenylalanine . ~g 0.315 0.211 1.430 Tyrosine... g 0.216 0.144 0.978 Valine... g 0.299 0.200 1.357 Arginine g 0.259 0.174 1.175 Histidine g 0.148 0.099 0.673 Alanine..... g 0.216 0.144 0.978 Aspartic aci g 0.333 0.223 1.509 Glutamic acid.. g 1.866 1.250 8.464 Glycine..... g 0.207 0.139 0,939 Proline . g 0.670 0.449 3.038 SBING i. ivsinivmsiiiviivsiins .g 0.329 0.221 1.494 alpha tocopherol = 0.47 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21029 DESSERTS Cookies, Chocolate Chip Page 82 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 box = 55 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Lu g 5.36 0.677 7 2.95 24.30 kcal 423 233 1,918 Food energy KI 1,770 973 8,028 Protein (N X5. 84). g 5.25 0.281 6 2.89 23.82 Total lipid (fat) ....... g 22.08 1.181 9 12,15 100.18 Carbohydrate, total g 65.86 36.23 298.76 Crude fiber.. g 0.59 0.123 4 0.32 2.67 .g 1.44 0.082 6 0.79 6.54 36 3.142 15 20 161 2.68 0.224 16 1.47 12.14 Magnesium. 30 1.486 14 17 137 Phosphorus mg 95 5.765 13 52 429 Potassium....... mg 149 10.880 15 82 676 Sodium .... .. mg 342 17.254 16 188 1,552 zinc... » 0.61 0.042 10 0.33 2.75 Copper. 0.335 0.050 14 0.184 1.519 Manganese. 0.431 0.023 14 0.237 1.957 Vitamins:* Ascorbic acid .. 1.0 0.577 8 0.5 4.3 Thiamin... 0.16 0.025 8 0.09 0.74 Riboflavin. 0.35 0.074 8 0.19 1.57 Niacin....... 2.53 0.386 8 1.39 11.48 Pantothenic acid. 0.26 0.047 3 0.14 1.19 Vitamin Bg 0.05 0.008 2 0.03 0.24 Folacin..... 29 20.000 2 16 132 Vitamin B;,.. 0.19 0.082 2 0.11 0.87 I 237 4 15 124 Vitamin A. 94 33.001 4 52 425 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 9.709 5.340 44,042 : -g 4g -g .g 0.006 1 0.003 0.028 -g 0.174 1 0.096 0.790 .g 5.140 1 2.827 23.313 .g 4.333 1 2.383 19.657 « g 9.185 5.052 41.663 .g 0.460 1 0.253 2,087 .g 8,725 1 4.799 39.577 -g - 9 «ig 1.865 1.026 8.461 18:2... .g 1.697 1 0.934 7.699 18:3 .g 0.168 1 0.092 0.761 18:4 vg 2004 ooo g 20:5 g 22:5 .g 22:6 = g Cholesterol . mg 21 4.465 2 12 96 Phytosterols.. Amino acids: Tryptophan ... .g 0.063 0.035 0.286 Threonine . .g 0.146 0.080 0.661 Isoleucine . .g 0,175 0.096 0, 795 Leucine .. .g 0.332 0.183 1.505 Lysine .g 0.137 0.075 0.620 - 9 0.081 0.045 0.367 -g 0.096 0.053 0.436 - 9 0.246 0,135 1.114 .g 0.156 0.086 0.706 -g 0.218 0.120 0.987 Arginine . g 0.215 0.118 0.975 Histidine. g 0.107 0.059 0.485 Alanine... g 0.171 0.094 0.775 Aspartic acid. g 0.261 0.143 1.183 Glutamic acid... g 1.491 0.820 6.763 Glycine... g 0.185 0,102 0.840 Proline g 0.505 0.277 2,288 Serine .... .g 0.240 0.132 1.089 !Alpha-tocopherol = 0.67 mg per 100 gq. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21030 DESSERTS eae Fried Pie, Fruit (apple, cherry, or lemon) Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - " Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: ean error of samples 1 pie = 85 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: Water ... 40.16 1.129 23 34,14 182.17 kcal 313 266 1,422 FOO BNEIGY «senunmumimmmuinssmmivs KJ 1,312 1,115 5.953 Protein (N X5. 74) . 2.84 0.186 18 2.42 12.90 Total lipid (fat) ... 16,91 0.440 25 14.37 76.70 Carbohydrate, total 38.88 33.05 176.36 Crude fiber.. 0.37 0.087 13 0.31 1.67 1.23 0.089 14 1,03 5.48 15 1.053 18 12 66 1.04 0.071 20 0.89 4.73 > - 9 0.987 10 8 40 Phosphorus mg 44 7.516 11 38 202 Potassium 60 8.334 11 51 273 382 25.562 16 325 1,735 0.20 0.024 10 0.17 0.91 0.051 0.003 10 0.043 0.230 Manganese. 0.203 0.038 10 0.173 0.923 Vitamins: ? Ascorbic aci 1.3 0.342 16 1.1 6.0 Thiamin... 0.12 0.017 20 0.10 0.53 0.09 0.011 20 0.08 0.41 1:15 0.135 20 0.98 5:23 Pantothenic acid 0.18 0.036 6 0.15 0.81 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.04 0.008 8 0.03 0.17 Folacin. ... mcg 5 1.175 5 4 23 Vitamin ‘ 0.09 0.035 7 0.08 0.43 varie 39 4 33 178 Vitamin A... 175 59.416 4 148 792 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. - g 7.663 6.514 34.761 40... [¢] 0.016 6 0.013 0.072 6:0. g 8:0. g 0.005 6 0.004 0.023 10:0 ..... g 0.011 6 0.009 0.049 12:0... g 0.014 6 0.012 0.063 14:0. g 0.452 6 0.384 2.049 16:0. g 3.988 6 3.390 18.089 180 ..... g 2,792 6 2,373 12.665 Monounsaturated, total g 6.859 5.830 31.111 16:1 ..... g 0.558 6 0.474 2.531 18:1. g 6.147 6 5.225 27.885 20:1. g 221 ..... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.364 1.159 6.187 18:2. g 1,211 6 1,029 5,493 18:3. g 0.140 6 0.119 0.633 18:4. gq 20:4 . g 0.013 6 0.011 0.061 205. gq 225. wae 22:6. we Cholesterol . mg 15 2.234 17 13 67 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: TIYPIOPNAN cocci iirassmmsesmummismrsisissnn g 0.035 0.029 0.157 Threonine ... - g 0.077 0.065 0.348 Isoleucine g 0.098 0.083 0.445 Leucine... g 0.193 0.164 0.874 Lysine ..... g 0.065 0.055 0.294 Methionine . og 0.050 0.042 0,225 Cystine ng 0.059 0.051 0.270 Phenylalanine g 0.140 0.119 0.636 Tyrosine. g 0.084 0.072 0.382 Valine. 9 0.114 0.097 0.517 Arginine .. g 0.113 0.096 0.514 Histidine... g 0.063 0.054 0.288 Alanine.... g 0.091 0.077 0.411 Aspartic acid.. g 0.139 0.118 0.629 Glutamic acid. g 0.935 0.795 4,242 Glycine....... g 0.101 0.086 0.458 Proline .... 9 0.322 0.274 1.463 Serine -g 0.140 0,119 0.636 *values for apple fried pie. *Alpha-tococopherol = 0.43 mg per 100 g. Average value for apple fried pie = 1.8 mg per 100 g; average value for cherry fried pie = 0.9 mg per 100 g; and average value for lemon fried pie = 0.3 mg per 100 g. Average value for apple fried pie = 40 IU per 100 g; average values for cherry fried pie = 219 IU per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21031 DESSERTS Ice milk, Vanilla, soft-serve, with cone Page 84 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 cone = 103 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WB ivi abs esses AY 65.47 2.449 4 67.44 296.99 — 159 164 720 oy 665 685 3,016 Protein (N X6. 29) , 3.78 0.222 7 3.89 17.13 Total lipid (fat) .... « i 5,94 1.214 6 6.12 26.94 Carbohydrate, total. .g 23.41 24.11 106.19 Crude fiber .g 0.10 0.000 2 0.10 0.45 g 1.40 0.451 3 1.44 6.35 Minerals: Calcium. 149 10.000 2 153 676 WON coins 0.15 0.050 2 0,15 0.68 Magnesium 15 0.300 2 16 69 Phosphorus .. mg 135 4.000 2 139 612 Potassium. mg 164 6.000 2 169 744 Sodium . . mg 89 18.386 3 92 405 ZING... . mg 0.55 0.005 2 0.57 2.52 Copper. e 0.018 1 0.019 0.082 Manganese... 0.020 1 0.021 0.091 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid 1.1 0.100 2 1.1 540 Thiamin 0.05 0.000 2 0.05 0.23 Riboflavin. 0.25 0.060 2 0.26 1.13 Niacin........ 0.30 0.080 2 0.31 1.36 Pantothenic acid.. 0.26 0.081 4 0.26 1.16 Vitamin Bg 0.06 0.009 4 0.06 0.28 Folacin 5 3.055 3 5 23 0.20 0.176 2 0.21 0.92 Vitamin A 50 2 52 228 en { ww 205 15.000 2 211 930 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total e.g 3.429 3.531 15.552 gi gq .g 0.121 2 0.124 0.548 .g 0.046 2 0.047 0.207 .g 0.115 2 0.119 0.523 .g 0.149 2 0.154 0.677 .g 0.501 2 0,516 2.270 wg 1.500 2 1.545 6.805 .g 0.868 2 0.894 3.939 .g 1.763 1.816 7.996 .g 0.15% 2 0.160 0.705 .g 1,516 2 1.561 6.876 -g -g Polyunsaturated, total . .g 0.348 0.358 1.578 18:2 .g 0.249 2 0.257 1.131 18:3 .g 0.074 2 0.076 0.334 18:4 g 20:4 .. g 0.025 2 0.026 0,113 20:5 .. g 225 g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 27 6.883 3 28 124 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... we 0.050 0.051 0.226 Threonine .. g 0,155 0.160 0.703 Isoleucine .. g 0.207 0.213 0.940 Leucine... g 0.340 0.350 1.542 Lysine. g 0.260 0.268 1,179 Methionine . g 0.087 0.090 0.395 Cystine....... g 0.039 0.040 0.177 Phenylalanine g 0.176 0.181 0.798 Tyrosine. g 0.166 0.171 0.754 Valine. g 0,230 0.237 1.043 Arginine . g 0.133 0.137 0.605 Histidine. g 0.097 0.100 0.439 Alanine... g 0.123 0.127 0.558 Aspartic acid. g 0.259 0.267 1.174 Glutamic acid.... g 0.817 0.841 3.704 Glycine... g 0.083 0.085 0.376 Proline g 0.359 0.370 1,629 Serine .... 9g 0.195 0.201 0.885 alpha-tocopherol = 0.37 mg per 100 gq. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21028 DESSERTS page 8 Sundae, Caramel Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mgan error of samples 1 sundae = 155 g 0 (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WBRBY .vcusesssomnsbin i SET EARS g 56.50 1 87.57 256.28 FOO @NBIQY -scmmerssvsumsimmmmmmesrresrsns eel 196 1,000 as Protein (N X6. 38). . 4.71 0.219 2 7.30 21.37 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 5.98 0.120 2 9.27 27.13 Carbohydrate, total. g 31.81) 49.30 144.29 Crude fiber. g g,10 1 0.15 0.45 g 1.00 1 1.55 4,54 Minerals: Calcium. 122 1 189 553 Iron ....... 0.14 1 0.22 0.64 Magnesium 18 1 28 82 Phosphorus .. mg 140 1 217 635 Potassium. mg 205 1 318 930 Sodium .. mg 126 7.120 2 195 572 Zinc........ mg 0.53 1 0.82 2.40 Copper....... mg 0.053 1 0.082 0.240 Manganese... 0.060 :) 0.093 0.272 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid 2.2 1 3.4 10.0 Thiamin. 0.04 1 0.06 0.18 Riboflavin 0.19 1 0,29 0.86 Niacin... 0.61 1 0.95 2.77 Pantothenic aci 0.24 1 0.37 1.09 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.03 1 0.05 0.14 Folacin....... mcg 8 1 12 36 Vitamin B,, mcg 0.39 I 0.60 1.77 — 44 1 69 200 VisavinA 170 1 263 771 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wg 2.910 4.511 13.200 4:0 g 6:0 -g 0.110 1 0.171 0.499 8:0 g 0.037 1 0.058 0.170 10:0 -g 0.100 1 0.156 0.455 12:0 rg 0.131 1 0.202 0.593 14:0 ng 0.420 1 0.651 1.904 16:0 . g 1.355 1 2.100 6.145 18:0 .g 0.639 1 0.990 2.897 Monounsaturated, total .g 1.957 3.033 8.877 16:1 rg 0,129 H 0.201 0.587 18:1 we 1.754 1 2.718 7.955 20:1 ig 22:1 .g Polyunsaturated, total. .g 0.653 1.012 2.963 IBID ssi .g 0.552 1 0.855 2.502 183... .g 0.074 1 0.114 0,335 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 0.028 x 0.043 0.126 20:5 .g 225 .g 22:6 .g Cholesterol . mg 16 0.170 2 25 72 Phytosterols.. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... g 0.063 0.097 0.285 Threonine . g 0.202 0.314 0.918 Isoleucine . g 0.272 0,42) 1.233 Leucine .. g 0.439 0.680 1.990 Lysine. .... g 0.355 0.551 1.611 Methionine gq 0.112 0.174 0.509 CYStNE...ceieieiissreie ns g 0.041 0.064 0.188 Phenylalanine... g 0.217 0.336 0.985 Tyrosine. -g 0.217 0.336 0.985 Valine. -g 0.301 0.466 1,363 Arginine . g 0.162 0.252 0.237 Histidine... g 0.123 0.190 0.556 Alanine g 0.154 0.239 0.700 Aspartic acid. g 0.340 0.528 1.544 Glutamic acid g 0.939 1.455 4,257 Glycine. g 0.095 0.146 0.429 Proline .. -g 0.434 0.673 1.969 SEINE o.oo g 0.244 0.379 1.109 'Alpha-tocopherol = 0.58 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21032 DESSERTS Pass 35 Sundae, Hot Fudge Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Nutr Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased utrients and units Maan Standard NUmDSr . Api renwate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples sundae 158 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) GQ) Proximate: WaLET coon 59.70 1 94,33 270.80 1 Food energy 753 1,150 3,410 Protein (N X6. 38). 3.57 0.343 5 5.64 16.19 Total lipid (fat) ...... 5.46 0.859 5 8.63 24.77 Carbohydrate, total.. 30.17 47.67 136.86 Crude fiber. 0.10 1 0.16 0.45 1.10 1 1.74 4.99 131 1 207 594 0.37 1 0.58 1.68 21 1 34 97 Phosphorus 144 1 228 653 Potassium rhe 250 1 395 1,134 115 8.090 2 182 522 0.60 1 0.95 2.72 0.082 1 0.130 0,372 Manganese 0.080 1 0.126 0.363 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. mg X.5 1 2.4 6.8 Thiamin. mg 0.04 1 0.06 0.18 Riboflavin mg g.19 1 0.30 0.86 Niacin... mg 0.68 1 1.07 3.08 Pantothenic acid mg 0.21 1 0.33 0.95 Vitamin Bg . 0.08 1 0.13 0.37 Folacin... 6 1 9 27 Vitamin B,, - 0.41 1 0.65 1.86 VHAMIN A oo { E25 : ror 108 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . wg 3.179 5,023 14.420 8 g g 0.073 i 0.115 0.331 . g 0.096 1 0.152 0.435 ng 0.124 1 0.196 0.562 g 0.697 1 1.101 3.162 g 0.471 % 0.745 2.138 g 0.993 1 1,570 4.506 - g 0.640 1 1.012 2.904 - g 1.475 2.330 6.690 g 0.081 1 0.127 0.366 g 1.350 1 2,133 6.124 g 4g 0.511 0.808 2.319 g 0.445 I 0.703 2.018 g 0.051 1 0.080 0.231 g g 0.015 1 0.024 0.069 g : g 22:6. g Cholesterol mg 13 2.015 2 21 60 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... .. g 0.045 0.071 0.203 Threonine .. g 0.137 0.217 0.622 Isoleucine .. 9 0.172 0.271 0.779 Leucine... g 0.276 0.436 1.251 g 0.224 0.354 1.015 . g 0.066 0.104 0.299 Cystine...... g 0.032 0.050 0.145 Phenylalanine g 0.152 0.240 0.690 Tyrosine... g 0.143 0,225 0.647 og 0.205 0.323 0,929 Arginine .. - g 0.132 0.209 0.599 Histidine... g 0.077 0.122 0.350 Alanine... g 0.119 0.187 0.538 Aspartic acid. g 0.260 0.411 1.180 Glutamic acid. -g 0.607 0.960 2.75% Glycine... - g 0.087 0.138 0.396 Proline 9 0.257 0.407 1.167 -g 0.162 0,255 0,733 ! Alpha-tocopherol = 0.42 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21033 DESSERTS Sundae, Strawberry Page 87 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sundae = 153 g 0 (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: g 60.90 0.700 2 93,18 276.24 kcal 175 269 796 Food energy ............ kJ 735 1,124 3,332 Protein (N X6, 38). g 4.09 0.003 3 6.25 18.54 Total lipid (fat) ......... g 5.13 0.088 8 7.85 23.28 Carbohydrate, total. g 29.18 44.65 132.36 Crude fiber. g 0.15 0.050 2 0.23 0.68 .g 0.70 0.200 2 1.07 3,18 Minerals: Calcium. . mg 105 0.949 2 161 477 WON sii mg 0,21 0.020 2 0.32 0.95 Magnesium mg 16 1.150 2 25 73 Phosphorus .. . mg 101 9,125 2 154 458 Potassium... . mg 177 0.500 2 270 801 Sodium .. . mg 60 5.101 3 92 273 Zinc... . mg 0.43 0.060 2 0.66 1.95 Copper... . mg 0.050 0.015 2 0.076 0.227 Manganese... .. mg 0.110 1 0.168 0.499 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid . mg 1.3 0.219 3 1:9 5.7 Thiamin... . mg 0.04 0.000 2 0.06 0.18 Riboflavin . mg 0.18 0.005 2 0.28 0.84 Niacin..... . mg 0.59 0.035 2 0.91 2.70 Pantothenic acid.. . mg 0.29 0.045 2 0.45 1.34 Vitamin Bg .... . mg 0.05 0.013 2 0.07 0.21 Folacin...... . mcg 12 0.000 2 18 54 Vitamin By... - 0.42 0.050 2 0.64 1.91 _ RE 38 2 58 171 VHAMIN A ooo {ww oh 5.000 5 227 658 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... 2.444 3.739 11.085 4.0... 60 = 0.072 2 0.110 0.326 8:0 .. 0.025 2 0.039 0.115 10:0 0.087 2 0.133 0.393 12:0 0.106 2 0.162 0.481 14:0 0.354 2 0.541 1.604 16:0 1.152 2 1.762 5.224 18:0 ocean 0.528 2 0.808 2.395 Monounsaturated, 1.739 2.660 7.886 16:1... 0.093 2 0.142 0.421 18:1 1.564 2 2.393 7.094 20:1 0.029 2 0.045 0.132 224 rrnnesnees Polyunsaturated, total 0.667 1.020 3.025 18:2... 0.594 2 0.909 2.694 18:3 0.050 2 0.076 0.225 18:4 20:4 0.023 2 0.036 0.105 20:5 225 2286. Cholesterol .. 14 1.222 3 21 62 Phytosterols. Amino acids: Tryptophan .. -g 0.054 0.083 0.247 Threonine .g 0.174 0.266 0.787 Isoleucine -g 0.230 0.352 1.043 Leucine... 9 0.373 0.571 1.694 Lysine ...... -g 0.302 0.463 1,371 Methionine -g 0.094 0.143 0.424 Cystine... -g 0.036 0.055 0.163 Phenylalanine . ag 0.185 0.283 0.840 -g 0.186 0.284 0.843 -g 0. 255 0.390 1.156 -g 0.142 0.218 0.645 g 0.105 0.161 0.476 g 0.136 0.209 0.619 g 0.321 0.491 1.456 -g 0.805 1,232 3.652 -g 0.085 0.130 0.386 g 0.366 0.561 1.662 -g 0.209 0.320 0.950 * alpha-tocopherol = 0.51 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21034 ENTREES Chicken, breaded and fried, dark meat (drumstick or thigh) Page 88 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Nuribier } Aprotimais measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 pieces = 148 g Bone 23% (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: MVBLBY ccovmnmssmisinmmsvirivm sins esni g 48.99 0.445 50 12,80 171.12 Food ener kcal 291 430 1,015 00! OY sisi AT kK 1,216 1,800 4.248 Protein (N X6. 25) 20.32 0.217 54 30,07 70.96 Total lipid (fat) ..... : 18.04 0.264 54 26,71 63.03 Carbohydrate, total. .g 10.61 15.70 37.05 . .g 0.00 0.000 2 0.00 0.00 en g 2.05 0.050 49 3,03 7.14 Minerals: Calcium. . mg 24 4.081 6 36 86 Iron ........ . mg 1.08 0.030 6 1.60 3.77 Magnesium... . mg 25 1.268 2 37 87 Phosphorus .. . mg 162 1 240 567 Potassium... . mg 301 2,770 2 446 1,053 Sodium ... . mg 510 29.877 9 756 1,783 Zinc. . mg 2.19 0.755 2 3.24 7.64 Copper . mg 0.080 0.000 2 0.118 0.279 Manganese... ..mg 0.086 0.014 2 0.128 0.302 Vitamins: ASCOIDIC BOI <.cvivsvvsisvmmmsivimiisinmsmissssiis mg 0.0 T 0.0 0.0 Thiamin. 0.09 0.004 50 0.14 0.33 Riboflavin 0.29 0.006 51 0.43 1.01 Niacin... 4.87 0.128 51 721 17.01 Pantothenic acid.. mg 1.66 0.031 47 2.46 5.81 Vitamin Bg . 0.22 0.007 47 0.33 0.78 Folacin... 6 0.332 47 10 23 Vitamin By... 0.56 0.035 47 0.83 1.97 ’ 45 1 67 159 VHB A oi siismicnsiismsmsmmmimai sini 150 1 222 524 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... g 4.763 7.049 156.637 4:0 gq 6:0 g 8:0 gq 10:0 gq 12:0 g 0.019 1 0.029 0.067 14.0 g 0.108 1 0.159 0.376 16:0 g 3.231 1 4.782 11.286 18:0... g 1,405 1 2.079 4.908 Monounsaturated, total g 7.385 10.930 25,797 16:1 .... g 0.579 1 0.857 2.023 18:1... g 6.718 1 9.942 23.466 20:1... gq 22:4 g 0.088 1 0,131 0.308 Polyunsaturated, total . g 4.272 6.323 14.922 g 3.890 1 5.756 13.586 .. g 0.206 1 0.305 0.719 ag g 0.108 1 0.159 0.376 g 0.010 1 0.015 0.035 g 0.019 1 0.029 0.067 22:6 ng 0.040 1 0.059 0.138 Cholesterol .... ... Mg 112 10.942 5 165 390 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan we 0.228 0.337 0.795 Threonine .. wer 0.819 1.212 2.861 Isoleucine .. .. g 0.988 1.462 3.452 Leucine gq 1.466 2.170 5.121 Lysine . g 1.570 2.324 5.484 Methionine . g 0.527 0.779 1.839 Cystine........ g 0.283 0.419 0.988 Phenylalanine g 0.800 1.183 2.793 Tyrosine. g 0.650 0.962 2.271 Valine. g 0.975 1.443 3.406 Arginine .. 9 1.245 1.843 4.349 Histidine .. g 0.582 0.861 2,032 Alanine.......... g 1.154 1.708 4.031 Aspartic acid. g 1.749 2.588 6.109 Glutamic acid. g 3.160 4.676 11.036 Glycine... g 1.287 1.905 4.496 Proline 9 1.063 1.573 3.713 -g 0.738 1.092 2.577 1 5 ‘ : 3 . Pieces included in serving are thigh and drumstick. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21035 ENTREES Chicken, breaded and fried, light meat (breast or wing) Page 89 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 pieces’ = 163 g Bone 21% (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WIRIBE. conor innsaps ams senmnsemssgons g 45.70 0.624 51 74.49 163.76 kcal 303 494 1,087 FOOQ energy... ummm kJ 1,270 2,070 4.551 Protein (N X6. 25) .. 21.91 0.315 59 35.71 78.51 Total lipid (fat) ...... 18.11 0.371 57 29,51 64.88 Carbohydrate, total 12,01 19.58 43.04 Crude fiber.. 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 Ash .. 2.27 0.062 48 3.70 8.14 Minerals: Calcium 37 5.666 8 60 132 WOW sis 0,91 0.129 8 1.49 3,27 Magnesium. mg 23 4.544 2 38 84 Phosphorus mg 188 1 307 675 Potassium mg 347 1 566 1,244 Sodium mg 598 35.189 13 975 2,144 Zinc... mg 0.95 0.139 2 1,55 3.40 Copper. mg 0.062 1 0.101 0.222 Manganese. .. mg 0.095 0.014 2 0.156 0.342 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.09 0.004 52 0.14 0.31 0.18 0.006 52 0.30 0.66 7.35 0.174 52 11.98 26,35 1.59 0.026 46 2.58 5.68 Vitamin Bg .. 0.35 0.012 46 0.57 1.26 Folacin.... 5 0.322 45 9 19 Vitamin B,,. 0.41 0.021 46 0.67 1.48 — 36 1 58 128 Vitamin A... 118 1 192 123 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .. g 4.812 7.844 17.245 AIO soveivisviviis wo ff 6:0. vee 8:0. g 10:0. gq 12:0... g 0.012 1 0.020 0.044 14:0 .. ww |g 0.106 1 0.173 0.381 16:0 .. -y. 3,272 1 5.333 11.724 18:0 .. g 1.422 1 2.318 5.096 Monounsaturated, total. g 7.502 12,229 26.884 1624 ies g 0.533 1 0.869 1,910 18:1 ..... .. g 6.863 1 11.186 24,592 20:1 .. .g 22:1... g 0.106 1 0.173 0,381 Polyunsaturated, tota g 4.163 6.785 14,916 18:2... g 3.840 1 6.260 13.762 18:3... g 0.214 1 0.349 0.766 18:4 .. gq 20:4 .. g 0.083 1 0.135 0.298 2055 .. g 0.001 1 0.002 0.004 22:5 .. g 0.001 1 0.002 0.004 22:6 .. 9 0.023 1 0.038 0.084 Cholesterol . mg 91 5.502 9 149 327 Phytosterols.... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . og 0.245 0.400 0.879 Threonine ... g 0.883 1.440 3.166 Isoleucine 1 1.066 1,737 3.819 Leucine “4g 1.581 2.577 5.666 Lysine .. g 1.693 2.760 6.068 Methionine .. g 0.568 0.926 2.035 Cystine..... 9 0.305 0.497 1,093 Phenylalanine . wg 0.862 1.406 3.090 Tyrosine... .g 0.701 1.143 2.512 Valine... g 1.052 1.714 3.769 Arginine g 1.343 2.189 4.811 Histidine g 0.628 1.023 2.249 Alanine... BC) 1.245 2.029 4.460 Aspartic acid... wg 1.886 3.074 6.758 Glutamic acid.. g 3.407 5.554 12.210 Glycine..... g 1.388 2.263 4.975 Proline . g 1.146 1.869 4.108 Serine -g 0.796 1,297 2.852 1. , : : : y Pieces included in serving are wing and breast; side, or center cut. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21036 Page 90 ENTREES Chicken, breaded and fried, boneless pieces, plain Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units ; Mean Standard Ruiter Approvimate measure and Weight Refuse: error of samples 6 pieces = 1 piece = 102 g 17 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 49.30 0.956 15 50.29 8.38 223.64 Food ener kcal 284 290 48 1,288 Big {kv 1,189 1,212 202 5,392 Protein (N X6. 17) .g 16.57 0.680 20 16.90 2.82 75.16 Total lipid (fat) .... g 17.36 0.980 18 17.71 2.95 78.76 Carbohydrate, total. «9 15.19 15.49 2.58 68.90 Crude fiber. . 0.16 0.020 5 0.17 0.03 0.73 g 1.57 0.143 6 1,61 0.27 7.14 . mg 16 4.736 18 16 3 72 . mg 1.25 0.210 18 1.27 0.21 5.65 Magnesium. . mg 20 1.524 13 20 3 89 Phosphorus . . mg 200 13.402 14 204 34 909 Potassium. . mg 246 12.590 16 251 42 1,114 Sodium . . mg 532 44.887 20 542 90 2,411 zinc... 1.04 0.389 13 1.06 0.18 4,73 Copper. 0.166 0.086 10 0.169 0.028 0.752 Manganese. 0.126 0.021 10 0.129 0.021 0.572 Vitamins: ASCOIDIC ACID ov snes mma Loa mg 0.4 0.243 4 0.4 0.1 1.8 Thiamin . 0.09 0.011 9 0.09 0.02 0.42 Riboflavin. . mg 0.14 0.022 9 0,15 0.02 0.65 Niacin........ . mg 6.72 0.333 9 6.86 1.14 30.49 Pantothenic acid. . mg 0.89 0.040 2 0.91 0.15 4.03 " Vitamin Bg . mg 0.31 0.021 4 0,31 0.05 1.38 Folacin . mcg 11 1.360 4 11 2 49 Vitamin By.. . mcg 0.30 0.053 4 0.30 0.05 1.36 _ RE 30 6 31 5 136 Vitamin A. “Aw 100 17.919 6 102 17 453 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 5.438 5.547 0.925 24.669 4:0... . g 6:0 .g 8:0 zg 0.009 4 0.009 0.002 0.041 10:0 «ig 0.006 4 0.006 0.001 0.025 12:0 vg 0.018 4 0.018 0.003 0.080 14:0 « g 0.215 4 0.220 0.037 0.977 16:0 xg 3.108 4 3.170 0.528 14.097 18:0 ... . g 1,735 4 1.769 0.295 7.868 Monounsaturated, total .g 8.527 8.698 1.450 38.678 1871 ... .g 0.559 4 0.570 0,095 2.535 18:1 «ig 7.622 4 7.775 1.296 34.575 20:1 «gg 0.062 4 0.063 0.011 0.281 22:1... -g 0.163 4 0.166 0.028 0.740 Polyunsaturated, total ag 2.203 2.247 0.374 9.991 . g 2.057 4 2.098 0.350 9.332 vg 0.094 4 0.096 0.016 0.428 -g -g 0.051 4 0.052 0.009 0.231 g g - 9 i 60 4.531 5 62 10 274 Phytosterols. Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.199 0.203 0.034 0.901 Threonine . g 0.669 0.682 0.114 3.033 Isoleucine . g 0.838 0.855 0.142 3.800 Leucine. g 1.23% 1.260 0.210 5.603 Lysine ... g 1.243 1.268 0,211 5.640 g 0.438 0.446 0.074 1.985 g 0.242 0.247 0.041 1.096 g 0.696 0.709 0.118 3.155 - 9 0.556 0.567 0.094 2,521 - 9 0.816 0.833 0.139 3.703 -g 0.953 0.972 0.162 4.324 g 0.486 0.496 0.083 24205 Alanine. g 0.851 0.868 0.145 3.861 Aspartic acid 9 1.370 1.397 0.233 6.212 Glutamic acid g 2.898 2.955 0.493 13.143 Glycine g 0.768 0.783 0,131 3.484 Proline .. g 0.854 0.871 0.145 3.874 Serine ... g 0.639 0.652 0.109 2.899 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21037 ENTREES page ot Chicken, breaded and fried, boneless pieces with barbecue sauce’ Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - _n Standard Number 210 Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples pieces = 130 g 0 (A) (8) (€) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water ........... 67.35 235.01 330 1,151 Food energy 1,380 4,816 Protein (N X6. 05) 17.14 59.82 Total lipid (fat) .... 17.96 62.68 Carbohydrate, total. 19.25 25.03 87.32 Crude fiber... 0.19 0.25 0.87 1.93 2.51 8.77 16 21 74 1.12 1.46 5.08 Magnesium. 19 25 88 Phosphorus . mg 165 214 748 Potassium. mg 245 319 1,112 Sodium . 638 830 2,895 Zinc....... 0.86 1.11 3.88 Copper...... 0.133 0.173 0.603 Manganese.. 0.125 0.162 0.566 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.6 0.8 2.7 Thiamin... 0.08 0.10 0.37 Riboflavin. 0.12 0.16 0.56 Niacin........ 5.40 7.02 24.48 Pantothenic acid. 0.74 0497 3.38 Vitamin Bg 0.26 0.33 1.16 Folacin...... 21 28 97 Vitamin By,.. 0.23 0.30 1.06 Vitamin A 36 46 161 RBIIIN Arians a rie Tenses {ww 263 342 1,194 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wg 4.285 5.570 19.435 4:0 g 6:0 g 8:0 g 0.007 0.009 0.032 10:0 g 0.004 0.006 0.020 12:0 g 0.015 0.019 0.067 14:0 g 0.170 0.221 0.771 16:0 g 2.453 ' 3.189 11.126 18:0... g 1.362 1.770 6.178 Monounsaturated, total. g 6.742 8.765 30.583 16:1 ... g 0.440 0.572 1.995 18:1 g 6.033 7.842 27.364 20:1 g 0.048 0.063 0.219 22:1 wg 0.127 0.166 0.578 Polyunsatul , total in 0 1.838 2.389 8.337 g 1.685 2.190 7.643 g 0.113 0.147 0.513 wg wi 1 0.040 0.052 0.181 g g 226 .. .. g Cholesterol ... mg 47 61 214 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan a 0.155 0.201 0.703 Threonine .... g 0.522 0.678 2.366 Isoleucine ag 0.654 0.850 2.964 Leucine. g 0.964 1.253 4.370 Lysine ... g 0.970 1.261 4.399 Methionine g 0.341 0.444 1.549 g 0.189 0.245 0.855 g 0.542 0.705 2.461 g 0.434 0.564 1.967 g 0.637 0.828 2.888 g 0.744 0.967 3.373 g 0.379 0.493 1.720 Alanine. g 0.664 0.863 3.012 Aspartic acid ws ff 1.068 1.389 4.846 Glutamic acid.. gg 2.260 2.938 10.252 Glycine.. g 0.599 0.779 2.717 Proline .. g 0.666 0.866 3.021 Serine wg 0.499 0.648 2.261 Values based on data from recipe: Chicken, 78%; barbecue sauce, 22%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21038 ENTREES Chicken, breaded and fried, boneless pieces with honey* Page 92 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Sindard Number } Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6 pieces = 115g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water .......cccooviiiiiiiiiccccc g 45.39 52.20 205.88 Food ener kcal 286 329 1,299 000 BNBIGY nummer kJ 1,199 1,379 5.438 Protein (N X6.17) i. 14.58 16.77 66.15 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 15.25 17.54 69.17 Carbohydrate, total g 23.37 26.88 106.02 Crude fiber.. g 0.14 0.16 0.65 g 1.41 1.62 6.38 15 17 67 1.15 1.32 5.20 Magnesium. 17? 20 79 Phosphorus ... mg 176 203 800 Potassium... mg 222 255 1,007 Sodium 467 537 2,120 zinc... 0.94 1.09 4.28 Copper. 0.150 0.172 0.680 Manganese. 0.120 0.139 0.546 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.4 0.4 1.6 Thiamin... 0.08 0.09 0.37 Riboflavin 0.13 0.15 0.59 5.92 6.81 26.85 Pantothenic acid... 0.79 0.91 3.58 Vitamin B 0.27 0.31 1.23 Folacin.... 10 11 44 Vitamin By. . 0.26 0.30 1.19 _— 26 30 120 VBmIn Renesas { w 88 101 397 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . ws 4.776 5.493 21.665 4.0..... g 6:0. ag 8:0. g 0.008 0.009 0.036 10:0. g 0.005 0.006 0.022 12.0. g 0.016 0.018 0.070 14.0. g 0.189 0.218 0.858 16:0 or 2.729 3.139 12.381 ABD cuiisiviviviviiivnses . 1.523 1.752 6.910 Monounsaturated, total g 7.489 8.612 33.969 16:1 ..... g 0.491 0.564 2.226 18:1. g 6.694 7.698 30.365 201 ..... on 0.054 0.062 0.247 22:1 cn .. g 0.143 0.165 0.650 Polyunsaturated, total .. gq 1.934 2.225 8.774 1825. g 1.807 2.078 8.195 18:3. g 0.083 0.095 0.376 18:4 .. g 20:4... wi 0.045 0.052 0.203 205. gq 225. g 22:6. .. g Cholesterol . ... mg 53 61 241 PhyloStBrolS.......ccoocumissmsmississssisas visas mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . we 10 0.175 0.201 0.794 Threonine ... ws ig 0.588 0.676 2.666 Isoleucine wo 0.737 0.847 3.342 Leucine g 1.086 1.249 4.926 Lysine .. wi if 1.093 1.257 4.957 Methionine .. wis iY 0.385 0.442 1.744 Cystine........ g 0.213 0.244 0.964 Phenylalanine . g 0.612 0.704 2.777 Tyrosine... g 0.489 0.563 2.219 Valine... g 0.718 0.826 3.257 Arginine g 0.838 0.964 3.800 Histidine g 0.427 0.491 1.937 Alanine... ag 0.748 0.861 3.394 Aspartic acid “g 1.206 1.387 5.470 Glutamic acid.. .g 2.547 2.929 11.553 Glycine... g 0.675 0.777 3.063 Proline . g 0.761 0.875 3.451 Serine wi 0.562 0.646 2.550 Values based on data from recipe: Chicken, 88%; honey, AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21039 ENTREES Pags 93 Chicken, breaded and fried, boneless pieces with mustard sauce’ Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard NUHbSF AppIoKmae measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6 pieces = 130 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE cucisicvsssiniimmsmrersrsvemmsssnsvssms ens g 54.24 70.51 246.04 kcal 248 323 1,127 FOO NEIGY .....ccovrnrrriririniiirireicnnnae KJ 1,040 1,352 4.717 Protein (N X6.17) 13.40 17.42 60.78 Total lipid (fat) ..... g 14.57 18.94 66.08 Carbohydrate, total. .g 16.04 20.85 72.74 Crude fiber.......... vg 0.17 0.22 0.77 .g 1.76 2.28 7.97 19 25 87 1.14 1.48 5.18 Magnesium .. w 20 25 89 Phosphorus . .. mg 168 219 763 Potassium .. mg 215 280 976 Sodium . .. mg 608 791 2,759 Zinc... .. mg 0.88 1.14 3.98 Copper. .. mg 0.129 0.168 0.586 Manganese............... .. mg 0.127 0.165 0.576 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 0.3 0.4 1.4 Thiamin... 0.09 0.11 0.40 Riboflavin. “ 0.12 0.15 0.54 Niacin.............. w 5.34 6.94 24.21 Pantothenic acid. w 0.71 0.92 3.22 Vitamin Bg ... 0.24 0.32 1.10 Folacin..... 9 12 42 Vitamin By. 0.24 0.32 1.11 ssid 25 33 115 VIB A nsisissivnmssismmmesmemmin ss 84 110 383 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. wg 4.397 5.717 19.947 4:0 .. .g 6:0... we 'g 8:0 .. g 0.007 0.009 0.032 10:0. g 0.004 0.006 0.020 12:0. g 0.014 0.018 0.063 14:0. wr 0.168 0.218 0.762 16:0 . wg 2.539 3.301 11.518 18205: g 1.392 1.810 6.316 Monounsaturated, total g 6.947 9.031 31.513 16:1 ..... g 0.441 0.573 2.001 18:1. wg 6.236 8.106 28.285 20:1. .g 0.048 0.063 0.219 22:1... 9 0.127 0.166 0.578 Polyunsaturated, total .. g 2.238 2.910 10.153 18:2... g 2.016 2.620 9.143 18:3. g 0.183 0.238 0.829 18:4. gq 20:4. g 0.040 0.052 0.181 205. g 225. g 226... g Cholesterol .... mg 47 62 215 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.155 0.201 0.703 Threonine .. g 0.522 0.678 2.366 Isoleucine .. wg 0.654 0.850 2.964 Leucine .. w 0.964 1.283 4.370 Lysine. g 0.970 1.261 4.399 Methionine. g 0.341 0.444 1.549 Cystine....... g 0.189 0.245 0.855 Phenylalanine g 0.542 0.705 2.461 Tyrosine. g 0.434 0.564 1.967 Valine. a] 0.637 0.828 2.888 Arginine . .g 0.744 0.967 3.373 Histidine. .g 0.379 0.493 1.720 Alanine... .g 0.664 0.863 3.012 Aspartic ac .g 1.068 1.389 4.846 Glutamic acid -g 2.260 2.938 10.252 Glycine... 9 0.599 0.779 2.717 Proline -g 0.666 0.866 3.021 SOMNE .......coviiiiniinniii ss g 0.499 0.648 2.261 !yalues based on data from recipe: Chicken, 79%; mustard sauce, 21%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21040 Page 94 ENTREES , Chicken, breaded and fried, boneless pieces with sweet-and-sour sauce Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number . Seprosimate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples pleces 130 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: wu 49.21 63.98 223.23 kcal 266 346 1,206 Food energy: Kk 1,113 1,446 5,047 Protein (N X6.17). 13.04 16.96 59.17 Total lipid (fat) 13.81 17.95 62.63 Carbohydrate, total.. 22,27 28.95 101.00 Crude fiber. 0.19 0.25 0.87 1.67 2.17 7.57 Minerals: CABIN. crsvvwrsrmmemermevsimssrvsemimss sve mg 16 20 7A . 1.14 1.48 5.16 Magnesium mg 18 23 79 Phosphorus .. 162 211 736 213 277 968 521 677 2,361 0.84 1.10 3.82 0.131 0.170 0.593 Manganese... 0.116 0.151 0.526 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.6 0.8 2.8 Thiamin. 0.08 0.10 0.35 Riboflavin 0.15 0.20 0.68 Niacin..... 5.28 6.86 23.95 Pantothenic acid.. 0.71 0.93 3.24 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.25 0.32 1.13 Folacin... mcg 9 12 42 Vitamin B,, mcg 0.28 0.36 1.26 Vitamin A RE 56 73 254 {ww 186 242 846 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wg 4.242 5.515 19.242 : g g g 0.007 0.009 0.032 .g 0.004 0.006 0.020 .g 0.014 0.018 0.063 g 0.168 0.218 0.762 g 2.424 3.151 10.996 g 1.353 1.759 6.137 Monounsaturated, total g 6.651 8.646 30.169 g 0.436 0.567 1.977 g 5.945 74729 26.969 20:1 g 0.048 0.063 0.219 220) 1; g 0.127 0.166 0.578 Polyunsaturated, total. g 1.718 2.233 T+293 18:2 g 1.605 2.086 7.279 18:3 g 0.074 0.096 0.334 18:4 g 20:4 g 0.040 0.052 0.181 20:5 g 22:5 g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 47 61 214 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.155 0.201 0.703 Threonine .. Ro] 0.522 0.678 2.366 Isoleucine .. g 0.654 0.850 2.964 Leucine .. g 0.964 1.253 4.370 Lysine .... g 0.970 1.261 4.399 Methionine. wg 0.341 0.444 1.549 ww 0.189 0.245 0.855 Phenylalanine g 0.542 0.705 2.461 Tyrosine. g 0.434 0.564 1.967 Valine. g 0.637 0.828 2.888 Arginine . g 0.744 0.967 3.373 Histidine. g 0.379 0.493 1.720 Alanine... gq 0.664 0.863 3.012 Aspartic aci g 1.068 1.389 4.846 Glutamic acid. g 2.260 2.938 10.252 Glycine... g 0.599 0.779 2.717 Proline g 0.666 0.866 3.021 Serine .... «wg 0.499 0.648 2.261 Values based on data from recipe: Chicken, 79%; sweet-and-sour sauce, 21%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21041 ENTREES Chili Con Carne Page 95 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 8 f1 oz cup = 253 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water. g 76.70 1.742 6 194.04 347.89 Food Snes kcal 101 254 456 9 kJ 421 1,065 1,910 Protein (N X6. 23). 9.73 0.997 6 24.61 44.11 Total lipid (fat) ..... 3.27 0.402 5 8.28 14.84 Carbohydrate, total.. 8.67 21.93 39.33 Crude fiber. 0.73 0.090 3 1.86 3.33 1.64 0.026 3 4.14 7.42 Minerals: Calcium. 27 1.409 6 67 121 Iron . 2,05 0.349 6 5,19 2.31 Magnesiu . 18 1.423 5 45 81 Phosphorus .. . mg 78 9.963 5 198 355 Potassium. 273 10.833 5 691 1,239 398 24.269 6 1,008 1,807 1.41 0.090 6 3.56 6.38 0.235 0.103 3 0.595 1.067 0.157 0.022 3 0.396 0.711 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.6 0.282 4 1.5 2.6 Thiamin. 0.05 0.019 4 0.14 0.25 Riboflavin 0.45 0.155 4 1.13 2,03 Niacin........ 0.98 0.234 4 2.49 4.47 Pantothenic acid. 1.42 1 3.59 6.44 Vitamin Bg mg 0.13 0.017 2 0.32 0.57 Folacin ... 12 3.000 2 30 54 Vitamin By... 0.45 0.035 2 1,1% 2.06 Vitamin A 66 3 166 298 657 95.037 3 1,663 2,982 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .g 1.356 3.430 6.149 4:0... .g - 9 - 9 -g 0.012 1 0.030 0.053 .g 0.008 1 0.019 0.034 .g 0.082 1 0.208 0,373 .g 0.969 1 2.452 4.397 .g 0.285 1 0.721 1.292 .g 1.347 3.409 6,112 -g 0.047 1 0.119 0.214 18:1 -g 1.300 1 3.290 5.898 20:1 .g 22:1 wg Polyunsaturated, total . .g 0.209 0.529 0.948 18:2 .g 0.120 1 0.305 0.546 18:3 .g 0.089 1 0.224 0.402 18:4 -g 20:4 .g 20:5 .g OO oom I g 22:6 oon g Cholesterol . mg 53 42.400 2 133 239 Phytosterols.. Amino acids: 110, 1 —— g 0.116 0.292 0.524 Threonine . — g 0.392 0.991 1.777 Isoleucine . .g 0.403 1.019 1.827 Leucine. .g 0.735 1.860 3,335 Lysine ... -g 0.727 1.840 3.300 Methionine - 9 0.190 0.482 0.864 Cystine............ -g 0.100 0,253 0.453 Phenylalanine .. .g 0.400 1.011 1.813 Tyrosine .g 0.283 0.715 1.282 Valine... -g 0.459 1.161 2.082 Arginine -g 0.610 1.544 2.769 Histidine... -g 0.284 0.719 1,289 Alanine.. -g 0.540 1.367 2.450 Aspartic acid -g 1.007 2.547 4,567 Glutamic acid -g 1.708 4,321 7.747 Glycine. -g 0.582 1,473 2.641 Proline .. -g 0.443 1,122 2.011 Serine... -g 0.406 1.027 1.841 ‘Values for Chili with Beans, canned, NDB No. 16059. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21042 ENTREES Clams, breaded and fried Page 96 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 3/4 cup = 115 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: WWBLBE. onmsnsmmmimimts sm a a g 29.20 1.927 15 33.57 132.43 kcal 392 451 1,777 Food energy Kk 1,640 1,886 7,439 Protein (N X6, 20)... wg 11.15 0.494 16 12.82 50.56 Total lipid (fat) ....... wg 22.96 0.731 13 26.40 104.14 Carbohydrate, total .g 33.75 38.81 153.07 Crude fiber. "| 0.13 1 0,15 0.59 wg 2.95 0.445 2 3.40 13.40 Minerals: Calcium. 18 1.614 13 21 82 WOR iu 2.65 0.599 13 3.04 12.00 Magnesium .. a 27 1.928 13 31 122 Phosphorus . .. mg 207 12,213 13 239 941 Potassium... . mg 231 22,502 12 265 1,046 Sodium . . mg 725 85.204 13 833 3,287 Zinc... mg 1.42 0.164 13 1,63 6.43 Copper... mg 0.083 0.016 13 0.096 0.377 Manganese. 0.268 0.038 13 0.308 1.214 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid’. 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.18 1 0.20 0.80 Riboflayin. 0.23 3 0.27 1.06 Niacin....... 2.49 1 2,87 11,31 Pantothenic acid. 0.26 1 0.30 1.20 Vitamin Bg 0.03 1 0.04 0.15 Folacin..... 8 1 9 36 Vitamin By.. " 0.96 1 1.11 4.37 SE 1 RE 32 1 36 144 Vitamin A oe {ww 106 1 122 480 Lipids: * Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... vg 5.742 6.603 26.046 4:0 .. .g 6:0 wg 8:0 wg 10:0 .g 12:0 wig 14:0 w 16:0 w i 180 ... .g Monounsaturated, total .. wif 9.948 11.440 45,124 16:1 ... oy 18:1 . ig 20:1 .g - 9 - 9 5.890 6.773 26,717 18:2... .g - 9 -g -g -g - 9 - 9 Cholesterol .. . mg 76 1 87 342 Phytosterols mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. 1g 0.131 0.151 0.595 Threonine . .g 0.397 0.457 1.802 Isoleucine . 9 0.466 0.535 2.112 Leucine. - 9g 0.775 0.891 3.515 Lysine ... .g 0.539 0.620 2.446 Methionine .g 0.227 0.260 1.027 Cystine...... .g 0.187 0.215 0.848 Phenylalanine .. .g 0.485 0.558 2.202 Tyrosine... . g 0.331 0.380 1.500 Valine. - 9 0.518 0, 595 2.348 Arginine - 9 0.608 0.699 2.756 Histidine -g 0.227 0.260 1.027 Alanine. .g 0.512 0.589 2.324 Aspartic acid .g 0.793 0.912 3.596 Glutamic acid 2g 2.402 2.762 10.894 Glycine -g 0.505 0.581 2,291 Proline -g 0.795 0.914 3.604 Serine ... g 0.554 0.637 2.812 ‘Values based on data from recipe: Clams, 47%; flour, 21%; bread crumbs, 21%; egg, 10%; salt, 1s. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21043 ENTREES Rese 9 Crab, baked Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 cake = 60 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: . 65.72 1 39.43 298.11 kcal 147 88 665 Food energy ............ kJ 613 368 2,783 Protein (N X6. 25). g 26.19 1 15.71 118.79 Total lipid (fat) ......... g 2.13 1 1.28 9.66 Carbohydrate, total.. g 3.87 2,32 17.57 Crude fiber. g 0.01 1 0.01 0.05 g 2.09 1 1.25 9.48 Minerals: Calcium. 381 1 228 1,726 || J—— 1,27 1 0.76 5.76 Magnesium 75 1 45 342 Phosphorus .. 309 1 185 1,399 Potassium... 548 1 329 2,488 Sodium .. 504 1 303 2,287 Zine... 6.44 1 3.86 29.21 Copper... 0.990 1 0.594 4,491 Manganese... 0.720 1 0.432 3.266 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid mg 2.4 1 1.5 11.1 Thiamin...... mg 0.26 1 0.15 1.17 Riboflavin mg 0.15 1 0.09 0.68 Niacin..... mg 4.12 1 2,47 18.68 Pantothenic acid.. mg 0.38 1 0.23 1.71 Vitamin Bg . 0.42 1 0.25 1.89 Folacin....... 19 1 11 84 Vitamin By... 14.45 1 8.67 65.55 _— 21 1 12 94 Vitamin A ooo 71 ] 13 323 Lipids: * Fatty acids: Saturated, total gg 0,382 0.229 1.733 4:0 .g 6:0 .g 8:0 wg 10:0 -g 12:0 .g 14:0 .g 16:0 .g 18:0..c.cce .g Monounsaturate .g 0.505 0.303 2.291 18:1... .g 18:1 “ g 20:1 -g 22:1. we Polyunsatu wg 0.709 0.425 3.216 18:2... .g 18:3 5g 18:4 .g 2008 oon g 20:5 ii g 22:5 ug 22:6 . Cholesterol 169 1 101 765 Phytosterols.. Amino acids: Tryptophan ... g 0.365 0.219 1.654 Threonine . -g 1.056 0.634 4.789 Isoleucine . .g 1.265 0.759 5.740 Leucine...... -g 2.070 1.242 9+..389 Lysine ....... 9 2.229 1,337 10.111 Methionine -g 0.733 0.440 3.326 Cystine... - 9g 0.306 0.184 1.387 Phenylalanine .. -g 1,115 0.669 5.056 Tyrosine... -g 0.872 0.523 3.953 Valine... -g 1.240 0.744 5.626 Arginine -g 2.246 1.348 10.187 Histidine -g 0.532 0.319 2.414 Alanine. - 9 1.466 0.880 6.652 Aspartic acid -g 2.665 1.599 12.088 Glutamic acid -g 4.521 2.713 20.507 Glycine. 9g 1.550 0.930 7.032 Proline .. -g 0.909 0.546 4,124 Serine... -g 1.052 0.631 4.770 Values based on data from recipe: Crab, 94%; flour, 4%; egg, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21044 Page 98 ENTREES Crab, Soft-Shell, fried Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Niaz Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 crab = 125 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water ..... .g 49.86 1 62.32 226.16 kcal 267 334 1,213 Food ensfoy. kK 1,119 1,399 5,076 Protein (N X6.19). .g 8.79 1 10.99 39.87 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 14,29 1 17.86 64.82 Carbohydrate, total.. .g 24.96 31.20 113.22 Crude fiber? .g 0.16 1 0.20 0.73 .g 2.10 1 2.62 9.53 Minerals: Calcium. 44 l 55 200 Iron .... 1.45 3 1.81 6.58 Magnesium 20 1 25 91 Phosphorus .. mg 105 1 132 478 Potassium.. mg 130 1 163 591 mg 894 I 1,118 4,057 mg 0.85 1 1.06 3.86 mg 0,150 1 0.187 0.680 .. mg 0.250 1 0,312 1.134 sun WG 0.6 1 0.8 2.8 .. mg 0.08 I 0.10 0.35 0.06 X 0.08 0.29 1.40 1 1.75 6.35 Pantothenic acid.. 0.38 1 0.48 1.75 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.12 1 0.15 0.54 Folacin 16 I 20 73 Vitamin By... 3.58 1 4.47 16.24 Vitamin A 1 i 2 12 Lipids: * Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... .. g 3.520 4.400 15.967 4:0 g 6:0 ag 8:0 g 10:0 g 12:0 g 14:0 gq 16:0 g 180 .... g Monounsaturated, total g 6.150 7.687 27.896 16:1 g 18:1 g 20:1 g 22:1 g Polyunsaturated, total . g 3.905 4.881 17.713 18:2 g 18:3 g 18:4 g 20:4 g 20:5 g 22:5 gq 22:6 gq Cholesterol mg 36 1 45 164 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: TIYPIOPHAIN coi isnsinsinimsimimsisns resem iviss sa g 0.114 0.142 0.515 Threonine vers | 0.314 0, 392 1.423 Isoleucine .. g 0.393 0.492 1.784 Leucine... g 0.653 0.816 2.963 Lysine .... g 0; 559 0.699 2.538 Methionine . wg 0.204 0.256 0.928 rg 0.116 0.146 0.528 Phenylalanine g 0.388 0.485 1.758 Tyrosine. g 0,257 0.321 1.166 Valine. g 0.415 0.518 1.881 Arginine . . g 0.606 0.758 2.750 Histidine. - g 0. 179 0.224 0.812 Alanine g 0.423 0.529 1.919 Aspartic aci 9 0.730 0,912 3.311 Glutamic acid g 1.918 2.398 8.702 Glycine... 9 0.453 0.566 2.055 Proline 9g 0.520 0.650 2.357 Serine .... -g 0.376 0.470 1,707 ‘Values based on data from recipe: Crab, 42%; bread crumbs, 52%; salt 6%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21045 ENTREES Page 99 Crab Cake Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard NUmEEF Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of sam 1 crab = ples 109 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WERIBE ...e.ns reererrssssi sir ESR g 53.38 1 58.18 242,13 290 1,207 FOO @NEIGY -......corvrerermsmerirsrnrnenssssares 1,214 5.052 Protein (N X6. 25). 1 20.44 85.05 Total lipid (fat) ..... 1 18.80 78.25 Carbohydrate, total. 9.29 38.65 Crude fiber 1 0.04 0.18 1 2,29 92.53 Minerals: Calcium. 337 1 367 1,527 Iron .... 1.86 1 2.03 8.44 Magnesium... mg 42 I 46 190 Phosphorus .. mg 378 1 412 1,713 Potassium. mg 270 1 295 1,227 Sodium .. mg 819 1 893 3,716 Zi sieves . mg 3,54 1 3.86 16.06 Copper.......... mg 0.610 1 0.665 2.767 Manganese... mg 0.470 1 0.512 2.132 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid 0.3 1 0.4 1:5 Thiamin........ . 0.09 1 0.10 0.42 Riboflavin. 0.12 x 0.14 0,57 Niacin........ 1.94 1 2.12 8.81 Pantothenic acid. 0.45 1 0.49 2.04 Vitamin Bg ... 0,25 1 0.27 1.13 Folacin...... 16 1 17 73 Vitamin By. 7:33 1 7.99 33.24 Vitamin A 137 1 149 622 522 1 568 2,366 Lipids: * Fatty acids: Saturated, total ..........c.coooeinninns g 3.736 4.072 16.946 4:0... w 6:0... .g 8.0... .g 10:0 .. w. 12:0 .. wr 14:0 .. .g 16:0 .. wg 18:0 .. wg Monounsaturated, total. g 7.177 7.823 32.555 18:1 g 18... g 20:1 .. g 22:1. g Polyunsaturated, total g 5.130 5.592 23.270 18:2 ices gq 183. gq 18:4. g 20:4. g 20:5. g 22:5... g 226..... . g Cholesterol . .. mg 137 X 149 620 Phytosterols... . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan gg 0.258 0.281 1.170 Threonine .. we g 0.750 0.817 3.402 Isoleucine .. .g 0.912 0.994 4,137 Leucine... g 1.476 1.609 6.695 Lysine ..... g 1.524 1.661 6.913 Methionine. g 0.513 0.559 2.327 Cystine... g 0.231 0,252 1.048 Phenylalanine g 0.813 0.886 3.688 Tyrosine. g 0.618 0.674 2.803 Valine. g 0.909 0,991 4.123 Arginine . g 1.539 1,678 6.981 Histidine. g 0.384 0.419 1.742 Alanine... g 1.029 1.122 4.668 Aspartic acid. ) 1.854 2,021 8.410 Glutamic acid g 3.294 3.590 14.942 Glycine... g 1.059 1.154 4.804 Proline -g 0.717 0.782 3.252 Serine .... -g 0.792 0.863 3.593 values based on data from recipe: Crab meat, 72%; margarine, 9%; egg, 8%; bread crumbs, 8%; onion, 3%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21046 ENTREES Fish Fillet, battered or breaded, fried Page 100 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard NUE Approxirnste measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 fillet = 91 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WBLBT ...oninimimviimnniismmamrsmssasns ame g 53.57 1.297 12 48,75 243.01 kcal 232 211 1,052 FOO BNBIGY visser consinissiissaiminiiiss KJ 971 884 4405 Protein (NX 6.11]... “g 14.66 1.406 13 13.34 66.48 Total lipid (fat) .... - 9g 12,29 0.798 11 11,18 55.74 -g 16.97 15.45 76.99 a 0.04 I 0.04 0.18 -g 2:51 1 2.28 11.39 Minerals: Calcium. 18 2.487 9 17 83 Iron ....... - 2.11 0.881 9 1.92 9,57 Magnesium... . mg 24 1.835 9 22 107 Phosphorus . 171 18.745 9 156 776 Potassium. 320 29.066 9 292 1,453 Sodium . 532 82.923 8 484 2,415 Zinc... 0.44 0.048 9 0.40 2.00 Copper. 0.045 0.002 8 0.041 0.206 Manganese. 0.185 0.031 9 0.168 0.840 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.0 1 0.0 0.2 Thiamin... . mg 0.11 1 0.10 0.49 Riboflavin... - mg 0.11 1 0.10 0.48 Niacin... . mg 2.10 1 1.91 9.53 Pantothenic acid.. . mg 0.20 0.010 2 0.18 0.90 Vitamin Bg - mg 0.10 0.017 2 0.09 0.46 Folacin...... mcg 56 1 51 254 Vitamin B,, me 1.11 0.636 2 1,01 5.05 | 12 1 10 52 Vitamin A. {ww ro 3 Ae 171 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ww 2.822 2.568 12.801 . gq .. g wa -g -g g 0.128 1 0.117 0.582 og 2.262 1 2.059 10.262 ng 0.431 1 0.393 1.957 9 2.577 2.345 11.690 gq g 24.577 1 2.345 11.690 g g g 6.274 5.709 28.458 g 5.784 1 5.263 26.236 g 0.490 1 0.446 2.222 g 20:4 . g 20:5. gq 22:5. gq 226. g Cholesterol mg 34 1 31 156 Phytosterols... . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... wg 0.168 0.153 0.762 Threonine .. 9 0.626 0.570 2.840 Isoleucine . gq 0.676 0.616 3.068 Leucine... 9 1.190 1.083 5.397 Lysine . ~g 1.247 1.135 5.658 Methionine .. g 0.417 0.380 1.893 Cystine... g 0.175 0.159 0.794 Phenylalanine 9 0.602 0.548 2.731 - g 0.494 0.450 2.241 we 1g 0.760 0.692 3.449 rginine .. g 0.852 0.775 3.863 Histidine... g 0.425 0.386 1.926 Alanine... 9 0.847 0.771 3.841 Aspartic acid. 9 1.422 1.294 6.452 Glutamic acid. 9 2.514 2.288 11.403 Glycine... 9g 0.688 0.626 3.122 Proline . 9 0.664 0.605 3.014 Serine = § 0.628 0.572 2.851 ! values based on data from recipe: egg, 1%. Flat fish, 69%; water, 15%, bread crumbs, 7%; flour, 7%; vegetable oil, 1%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21047 ENTREES ee Oysters, battered or breaded, fried Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6 oysters = 139 g 2 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: VEER coven asmsmssns amish rine CEERI g 47.97 4.368 3 66.68 217.61 Fouad energy kcal 265 368 1,202 Cm kJ 1,109 1,542 5,030 Protein (NX6.17). 9.02 0.957 6 12.54 40.94 Total lipid (fat) ..... g 12.90 0.491 3 17,93 58,51 Carbohydrate, total. g 28.69 39.88 130.12 Crude fiber. g 0.08 1 0.11 0.36 g 1.41 0.395 2 1:97 6.42 Minerals: Calcium... 20 2.134 4 27 89 Iron... 3.21 0.201 4 4.46 14.55 Magnesium....... 17 3.177 4 24 77 Phosphorus .. mg 141 6.566 4 195 637 Potassium. mg 131 0.932 2 182 595 Sodium .. mg 487 185.100 4 677 2,209 i 11.25 4.014 4 15.64 51.05 04573 0.161 3 0.797 2.601 0.305 0.069 4 0.424 1.383 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid * 3.0 x 4.1 13.5 Thiamin * : 0.22 1 0.31 1.01 Riboflayin. . mg 0.25 1 0.35 1.16 Niacin... . mg 3.18 1 4.42 14.41 Pantothenic acid.. . mg 0.76 1 1.05 3.44 Vitamin Bg mg 0.02 1 0.03 0.10 Folacin... 9 1 13 41 Vitamin By... 0.73 1 1.01 3.29 remind 78 1 109 355 ViteminA 261 1 363 1,182 Lipids: * Fatty acids: Saturated, total .g 3.294 4.579 14.942 4:0... -g 6:0 -g 8:0 .g 10:0 ... .g 12:0 .g 14:0 .g 16:0 .g 18.0... .g Monounsaturated, total .. .g 4,979 6.921 22.585 18:1 .g 18:1 .g 20:1 .g 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 3.337 4.638 15.137 FB.2 i ccrrscuncrmmmmerssmnmsmrmns ness sesnsansans g TB. corrnrmmnrsnrensrivusivssnssinitisnssnnssnssny g 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 20:5 .g 22:5 wu 228... -g Cholesterol .. . mg 78 1 109 355 Phytosterols. . mg Amino acids: TIYDIOPHBI couvsversvicmminsimmmmmssrsnasnsssssns g 0.107 0.148 0.484 Threonine . .g 0.338 0.470 1.533 Isoleucine . : \g 0.380 0.529 1.725 Leucine. .g 0.633 0.880 2.873 Lysine... .g 0.490 0.681 2.223 Methionine... ny 0.192 0.266 0.869 Cystine............. wig 0.148 0.205 0.670 Phenylalanine .. .g 0.382 0.331 1.732 Tyrosine wr 0.279 0.388 1.267 Valine .g 0.412 0.573 1.871 Arginine wig 0.532 0.740 2.415 Histidine ~g 0.184 0.256 0.836 Alanine.. .g 0.445 0.618 2,017 Aspartic acid - 9g 0.692 0.962 3.138 -. g 1.803 2.807 8.181 ~g 0.442 0.614 2.004 ~g 0.588 0.817 2.667 g 0.443 0.616 2.010 ‘Values based on data from recipe: Oysters, 65%; flour, 20%; egg, 7%; bread crumbs, 7%, salt, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21048 ENTREES Pizza with Cheese Page 102 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Appiotimase measure and weight Refuse: error of samples 1 slice’ = 1 pizza = 49 g 392 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Waller coining g 47.81 0.556 37 23,43 187.42 216.87 Food energy kcal 223 109 873 1,011 i rence mee kJ 933 457 3,656 4,231 Protein (N X6.14).. .. g 12.19 0.290 37 5.97 47.79 55.30 Total lipid (fat) ....... g 5.10 0.340 35 2.50 20.00 23.14 Carbohydrate, total gq 32.54 15.94 127.55 147.59 Crude fiber g 0.37 0.027 30 0.18 1.44 1.66 .g 2.36 0.072 35 1.16 9.25 10.70 Minerals: Calcium.........ccccovvnrnnnn. ... mg 185 6.673 36 90 724 837 Iron .............. mg 0.92 0.090 37 0.45 3.62 4.19 Magnesium. mg 25 0.712 37 12 97 113 Phosphorus . mg 179 5.143 36 88 701 811 Potassium... mg 174 7.050 34 85 682 789 Sodium . mg 533 16.556 37 261 2,089 2,417 Zinc... mg 1.29 0.042 38 0.63 5.07 5.87 Copper. mg 0.128 0.011 37 0.063 0.504 0.583 Manganese. mg 0.368 0.022 37 0.180 1.443 1.670 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 2.0 1.000 2 1.0 7.8 9.1 Thiamin 0.29 0.065 3 0.14 1.12 1.30 Riboflavin. 0.26 0.007 3 0.13 1.01 1.17 Niacin . 3.94 0.969 3 1.93 15.44 17.87 Pantothenic acid. mg 0.35 0.077 3 0.17 1.37 1:59 Vitamin Bg mg 0.07 0.008 3 0.03 0.27 0.31 Folacin 93 20.045 3 46 366 424 Vitamin By,.. 0.53 0.291 3 0.26 2.07 2.40 i rari 117 4 57 459 531 Vitamin A 607 16.176 a 297 2,377 2,751 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wi 2.445 1.198 9.584 11.090 4:0... g 6:0 g 8:0 g 0.015 2 0.008 0.060 0.070 10:0 g 0.057 2 0.028 0.223 0.258 12:0 g 0.078 2 0.038 0.305 0.353 14:0 wr 0.398 2 0.195 1.561 1.806 16:0 wiv 1.319 2 0.646 5,172 5.985 180... oy 0.561 2 0.275 2.197 2.543 Monounsaturated, total. .. g 1.571 0.770 6.159 7.126 16:1 ... oe g 0.089 2 0.044 0.351 0.406 18:1 w 1.482 2 0.726 5.808 6.721 20:1 g 22:1 ag Polyunsaturated, total g 0.779 0.382 3.053 3.532 : g 0.692 2 0.339 2,712 3.139 g 0.087 2 0.043 0.340 0.394 g g .g .g g 15 1 7 58 67 Phytosterols.. Amino acids: Tryptophan ... wg 0.145 0,071 0.568 0.657 Threonine . g 0.397 0.195 1.557 1.801 Isoleucine .g 0.504 0.247 1.977 2.287 Leucine .. g 0.995 0.487 3.899 4.512 Lysine .... wig 0.868 0.425 3.401 3.936 Methionine . wf 0.276 0.135 1.082 1.252 CYStNG. o.oo g 0.121 0.059 0.475 0.549 Phenylalanine .. w 0 0.582 0.285 2.280 2.639 Tyrosine. “'@ 0.552 0.270 2.164 2.504 Valine.. o 0.635 0.311 2.491 2.882 Arginine . .g 0.478 0.234 1.876 2.170 Histidine . wg 0.373 0.183 1.463 1.693 Alanine... -g 0.361 0.177 1.416 1.639 Aspartic acid. og 0.743 0.364 2.911 3.368 Glutamic acid ag 3.044 1.491 11.931 13.806 Glycine.......... -g 0.280 0.137 1.097 1.270 Proline ... -g 1.197 0.587 4.693 5.431 Serine .... 8 0.625 0.306 2.452 2.837 ) One-eighth of 12-inch-diameter pizza. 12-inch-diameter pizza. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21049 ENTREES rage 107 Pizza with Cheese, Meat, and Vegetables Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - x Naan Standard Number ADPIOHIS measure and Weigh Refuse: error of samples 1 slice’ = 1 pizza®= 65 g 520 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBS voces EE REAR 47.72 0.519 3 31.02 248.13 216.44 233 152 1,213 1,058 Food energy 977 635 5,079 4,431 Protein (N X6.14)... g 16.47 3.800 3 10.71 85.65 74.71 Total lipid (fat) ... g 6.79 0.765 2 4.42 35.33 30.82 Carbohydrate, total g 26.95 17.52 140.12 122.23 Crude fiber.. g 0.98 0.045 2 0.64 5,12 4.47 g 2.07 0.260 3 1.35 10.76 9.39 128 25.736 3 83 664 579 1.94 0.207 3 1.26 10.07 8.78 Magnesium. 23 4.825 3 15 118 103 Phosphorus .... mg 166 10.000 2 108 863 753 Potassium... mg 226 1.490 2 147 1:%73 1,023 Sodium mg 484 101.263 3 315 2,517 2,196 Zinc... mg 1.41 0.090 3 0.92 7.35 6.41 Copper. mg 0.150 1 0.097 0.780 0.680 Manganese. 0.150 1 0.097 0.780 0.680 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 2.0 1.089 3 1,3 10.5 9.1 Thiamin... 0.27 0.030 2 0.18 1.40 1.22 Riboflavin 0.22 0.010 2 0.14 1.14 1.00 Niacin... 2.48 0.422 3 1.61 12.88 11,23 Pantothenic acid 1.05 1 0.68 5.47 4.77 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.12 0.038 3 0.08 0.62 0.54 Folacin.... mcg 34 15.503 3 22 177 154 Vitamin By. - 0.46 0.115 3 0.30 2.40 2,10 SS RE 128 2 83 665 580 WEI A is rs a TS {ww 663 20.999 2 431 3,448 3,007 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . wg 1.943 1.263 10.104 8.814 3:0 00 g 6:0. [] 80. g 10:0. g 0.052 1 0.033 0.268 0.234 12:0. g 0,035 1 0.023 0.183 0.160 14:0. g 0.190 1 0.123 0.987 0.861 16:0. g 1.102 1 0.716 5.732 5.000 18:0 .... g 0.497 1 0.323 2.585 2,255 Monounsaturated, total g 3.219 2.092 16.737 14.600 16:1 .... g 0.421 1 0.274 2.189 1.910 18:1. g 2.798 1 1.819 14.548 12.690 20:1. wei G 29:4... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.158 0.752 6.019 5.251 2... g 1.088 1 0.707 5.660 4.937 g 0.069 1 0.045 0.359 0.314 g g g g g Cholesterol mg 26 1 17 136 119 Phytosterols.................... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan 9 0.199 0.129 1.032 0.900 Threonine .. g 0.571 0.371 2.971 2.592 Isoleucine .. g 0.689 0.448 3.585 3.127 Leucine .. g 1.344 0.874 6.989 6.096 Lysine .... g 1.218 0.792 6,333 5.525 Methionine. g 0.376 0.244 1.953 1.704 Cystine....... g 0.164 0.106 0.851 0.742 Phenylalanine g 0.757 0.492 3.934 3.432 Tyrosine. g 0.700 0.455 3.641 3,176 Valine. g 0.850 0.553 4,422 3.857 Arginine . g 0.746 0.485 3.878 3.383 Histidine. g 0,510 0.331 2.650 2.312 Alanine... g 0.612 0.398 3.181 2,774 Aspartic acid. ng L.111 0.722 Le 5.038 Glutamic acid og 3.812 2.478 19.823 17.291 Glycine... 9 0.555 0.361 2.888 2.519 Proline -g 1.462 0.950 7.603 6.632 Serine .... “g 0.805 0.523 4,185 3.651 1 One-eighth of l2-inch-diameter pizza. 2 12-inch-diameter pizza. 3 Values based on data for pizza with cheese. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21050 ENTREES Pizza with Pepperoni Page 104 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Nufiber Approximate measure and Welghy Refuse: Msn error of samples 1 slice = 1 pizza = 53g 424 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE ......conisismmmmmsmmiminivissiviviiisimnis g 46.54 2.099 5 24.67 197,33 211,11 Food SHaTgy kcal 255 135 1,081 1,156 FRR Ko 1,067 566 4/524 1’ 840 Protein (N X6.14).. 14.26 0.807 6 7.56 60.47 64.69 Total lipid (fat) 9.80 0.635 3 5.19 41.55 44.45 Carbohydrate, total... 27.98 1 14.83 118.62 126.90 Crude fiber. 0.98 1 0.52 4.18 4.47 1.42 0.283 3 0.75 6.03 6.46 91 3.362 3 48 387 414 1.32 0.123 3 0.70 5.60 5:99 Magnesium. 12 0.596 3 6 50 53 Phosphorus . 106 16.204 3 56 448 479 Potassium. 215 1 114 912 976 Sodium . 376 9.615 3 199 1,595 1,706 Zinc... 0.73 0.067 3 0.39 3.08 3.30 Copper. 0.090 0.006 3 0.048 0.382 0.408 Manganese... 0.140 0.006 3 0.074 0.594 0..635 Vitamins: 2:3 1.856 3 1.2 9.9 10.6 0.19 0.077 3 0.10 0.81 0.87 Riboflavin. 0.33 0.092 3 0.17 1.38 1.48 Niacin. mg 4.29 0.795 3 2.28 18.20 19.47 Pantothenic acid. mg 0.35 0.041 3 0.19 1.49 1.59 Vitamin Bg mg 0.08 0.007 3 0.04 0:32 0.35 Folacin...... mcg 74 11.667 3 39 315 337 Vitamin By. mcg 0.26 0.001 3 0.14 1,12 1.20 Vitamin A* RE 77 1 41 325 347 A 397 1 210 1,683 1,800 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .g 3.149 1.669 13.351 14.283 B g g g 0.020 3 0.010 0.083 0.089 g 0.048 3 0.025 0.203 0.217 g 0.050 3 0.026 0.211 0.226 g 0.164 3 0.087 0.694 0.743 wis 1,767 3 0.936 7.492 8.015 : .. g 1.072 3 0.568 4.545 4.863 Monounsaturated, total . wo g 4.422 2.344 18.750 20.059 16:1... wy 0.226 3 0.120 0.960 1.027 18:1 wees G 4.191 3 2,221 17.771 19.012 20:1... .. g 22:1... wg 0.005 3 0.002 0.019 0.021 Polyunsaturated, total a: 1.641 0.870 6.957 7.443 18:2 ..g 1.583 3 0.839 6.710 7.179 18:3... . g 0.058 3 0.031 0.247 0.264 18:4 gq 20:4 g 20:5 .. g 22:5 wi g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 20 1 11 86 92 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... wg 0.167 0.089 0.709 0.759 Threonine . g 0.474 0.251 2.009 2.149 Isoleucine . g 0.595 0.315 2.521 2.697 Leucine... g 1.159 0.614 4.914 5.257 Lysine .... g 1.024 0.543 4.343 4.646 Methionine g 0.325 0.172 1.379 1.475 Cystine...... g 0.144 0.076 0.611 0.653 Phenylalanine .. ag 0.671 0.356 2.846 3.045 Tyrosine. g 0.634 0.336 2.689 2.876 Valine..... g 0.739 0.391 3.132 3.350 Arginine . g 0.588 0.311 2.492 2.666 Histidine. g 0.439 0.233 1.861 1.991 Alanine... g 0.462 0.245 1.960 2.097 Aspartic acid. g 0.904 0.479 3.831 4.098 g 3.463 1.835 14.683 15.709 9g 0.381 0.202 1.618 1.728 Proline ... .g 1.361 0.721 5.771 6.174 Serine .... -g 0.722 0.383 3.063 3.277 1 ‘1 2-inch-diameter pizza. u One-eighth of 12-inch-diameter pizza. Values for pizza with cheese, meat, and vegetables. Values based on data from recipe: onion, 3%; grated parmesan, 2%; shortening and condiments, Wheat flour, 29%; mozzarella, 22%; tomato sauce, 19%; water, 18%; pepperoni, 4%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21051 ENTREES Salad, Vegetable, tossed, without dressing Page 105 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moats Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cup = 3/4 cup = 207 g 104 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: WENGE coro ooo BERR g 95.51 1 197.71 99.33 433.23 kcal 16 32 16 71 Food energy... kJ 65 135 68 295 Protein (N X 6.29... 1.25 0.145 2 2.60 1.31 5.69 Total lipid (fat) .... 0.07 0.041 3 0.16 0.08 0.34 Carbohydrate, total 3.22 0.153 2 6.67 3.35 14.62 Crude fiber. 0.67 1 1.39 0.70 3.04 y 0.53 1 1.10 0.55 2.40 13 12.315 2 26 13 58 0.63 0.070 2 1.30 0.66 2.86 11 1 22 11 49 Phosphorus . 39 1 80 40 175 Potassium mg 172 85.840 2 356 179 781 26 10.200 2 53 27 117 0.21 1 0.43 0.22 0,95 0.050 1 0.103 0.052 0.227 0.147 1 0.305 0,153 0.669 Ascorbic acid .. 23.2 5.225 2 48.0 24.1 105.1 Thiamin... 0.03 0.012 2 0.06 0.03 0,12 Riboflavin. 0.05 0.033 2 0.10 0.05 0.21 Niacin....... 0.55 0.125 2 1.15 0.58 2.52 Pantothenic acid 0.12 1 0.24 0.12 0.53 Vitamin Bg. mg 0.08 1 0.16 0.08 0.35 Folacin®.... mcg 37 1 77 39 168 Vitamin B," mcg 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vitamin A 114 2 235 118 515 or 1,136 67.209 2 2,352 1,182 5,154 Lipids: Fatty acids:* Saturated, total ...........ccccceeeiieiiiins g 0.010 0.021 0.010 0.045 4:0... as 6:0. g 8:0. g 10:0 9 12:0 we IG 14:0 wg 16:0 gq 180 ..... g Monounsaturated, total g 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.018 16:1. wg 18:1. ag 20:1. g 22:1 g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.034 0.070 0.035 0.154 IBD... omrersrommind g 183... g 18:4. [] 20:4. g 20:5. g 22:5. ag 226 .... g Cholesterol mg 0 0.000 2 0 0 0 Phytosterols... Amino acids: Tryptophan we 0.010 0.022 0.011 0.047 Threonine .. svg 0.050 0.104 0.052 0.228 Isoleucine .. oy 0.066 0.137 0.069 0.300 Leucine... g 0.068 0.142 0.071 0.311 Lysine .... g 0.069 0.144 0.072 0.315 Methionine . g 0.014 0.029 0.014 0.063 Cystine g 0.014 0.030 0.015 0.066 Phenylala g 0.046 0.095 0.048 0.209 Tyrosine. g 0.027 0.057 0.028 0.124 Valine. g 0.059 0.121 0.061 0.266 Arginine . g 0.065 0.135 0.068 0.296 Histidine. g 0.022 0.046 0.023 0.100 Alanine... g 0.050 0.104 0.052 0.228 Aspartic acid. g 0.137 0.284 0.143 0.623 Glutamic acid g 0.228 0.471 0.237 1.032 Glycine... -g 0.046 0.096 0.048 0.210 Proline ... .g 0.073 0.152 0.076 0.332 BOTING x omissions A] 0.044 0.091 0.046 0.199 yalues based on data from recipe: Lettuce, 52%; cabbage, 10%; cucumber, 11%; green pepper, 10%; tomatoes, 8%; radishes, 5%; carrots, 4%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21052 ENTREES Salad, Vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with added cheese and egg Page 106 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Haan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cup = 217 g 0 (A) (B) © ©) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water 90.46 1 196.31 410.34 47 102 214 Pood energy. 197 428 894 Protein (N X6.31) . 4.04 1.010 3 8.76 18.32 Total lipid (fat) .g 2.67 0.333 3 5.79 12.10 Carbohydrate, total. ww @ 2.19 0.085 2 4.76 9.96 Crude fiber. wg 0.46 1 1.00 2.09 Ash .g 0.76 1 1.65 3.45 a 46 5.000 2 100 209 _ .. mg 0.31 0.005 2 0.68 1.43 Magnesium .. mg 11 1 24 50 Phosphorus .. mg 61 1 132 275 Potassium. .. mg 171 1 371 775 : 55 11.050 3 119 248 0.46 1 0.99 2.08 0.041 1 0.089 0.186 0.126 1 0.274 0.573 Ascorbic acid. 4.5 0.500 2 9.8 20.4 Thiamin....... . mg 0.04 0.005 2 0.10 0.20 Riboflavin . mg 0.08 0.000 2 0.17 0.36 Niacin...... . mg 0.45 0.050 2 0.98 2.04 Pantothenic acid . mg 0.24 1 0.53 1,11 Vitamin Bg *....... 0.05 1 0.11 0.23 Folacin®... 39 1 85 178 Vitamin B,,. 0.14 1 0.31 0.65 — 53 2 114 239 Vitamin A......oooovoiiii {ww 379 60.000 5 822 1,719 Lipids: z Fatty acids: Saturated, total . ww J 1.371 2.975 6.219 4:0 vo 6:0 .. .g 8:0... .g 10:0... .g 12:0 .. we gf 14:0 .. g 16:0 .. gq 18.0..... g Monounsaturated, total... wo: @ 0.810 1.758 3.674 16:1 .. . g g g we 0 Polyunsaturated, total .. .. g 0.219 0.475 0.993 18:2... g 18:3 .. g 18:4 .. .. g 20:4 .. we i 205... g 22:5... g 226 .. .g Cholesterol .. .. mg 45 9.000 2 98 204 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.047 0.103 0.215 Threonine . wi 0.157 0.340 0.711 Isoleucine . g 0.230 0.500 1.045 Leucine. g 0.318 0.690 1.443 Lysine... g 0.276 0.600 1.254 Methionine g 0.092 0.200 0.418 Cystine...... g 0.047 0.101 0.212 Phenylalanine .. g 0.191 0.415 0.868 Tyrosine g 0.152 0.331 0.691 Valine... g 0.243 0.526 1.100 Arginine .... g 0.185 0.401 0.839 Histidine. g 0.104 0.226 0.473 Alanine... g 0.153 0.332 0.694 Aspartic acid g 0.337 0.732 1.530 Glutamic acid... g 0.760 1.649 3.446 Glycine... g 0.106 0.231 0.482 Proline g 0.272 0.590 1.234 Serine .... wg 0, 215 0.467 0.975 'vValues based on data from recipe: cucumber, 5%; radishes, 5%. Lettuce, 54%; tomato, egg, 7%; cheese, 6%; celery, AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21053 ENTREES Fags 1 Salad, Vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with added chicken Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - aah Standard NUDSr Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cup = 218 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water g 87.05 1 189.76 394.85 48 105 219 Food energy .... 203 142 919 Protein (N X6 . 25) g 8.00 I 17.44 36.29 Total lipid (fat) . g 1.00 1 2.18 4,54 Carbohydrate, total. g 1.71 1 3.73 7.76 Crude fiber. g 0.44 1 0.96 2.00 : g 0.70 1 1.53 3.18 Minerals: CalCiUM........cconrererieinnrerenisis insane mg 17 1 37 77 Iron ...... . mg 0.50 1 1.09 2.27 Magnesiu mg 15 1 33 69 Phosphorus . mg 78 1 169 352 Potassium 205 1 447 930 Sodium 96 1 209 435 Zinc. 0.41 1 0.90 1.88 Copper. 0.043 1 0.094 0.195 Manganese. 0.114 1 0.248 0.516 Vitamins: ASCOMDIC ACH ......cvrivririeieneinienirinans mg 8.0 i 17.4 36.3 Thiamin... . mg 0.05 1 0.11 0,23 Riboflavin 0.06 1 0.13 0.27 Niacin...... 2.70 1 5.89 12.25 Pantothenic acid 0.27 1 0.58 1.21 Vitamin Bg 0.20 1 0.43 0.90 Folacin 31 1 67 139 Vitamin By, i. 0.09 1 0.20 0.42 oo RE 44 1 95 198 VRAIN A... csnsoremmermmminssssiissiasimsimsmses {ww 429 1 935 1,946 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . ng 0.265 0.578 1.202 g g .. g my g g g g Monounsaturated, g 0,311 0.678 1.411 16:1 g 18:1 g 20:1 g 22:1 g Polyuns -g 0.255 0.556 1157 18:2 -g 18:3 .g 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 20:5 .g 22:5 .g 22:6 .g Cholesterol . mg 33 1 72 150 Phytosterols. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.091 0.198 0.412 Threonine . -g 9.337 0.734 1,527 Isoleucine . -g 0.424 0.924 1.922 Leucine. -g 0.589 1.284 2.671 Lysine -g 0.663 1.445 3.008 Methionine - 9g 0.211 0.460 0.958 Cystine... -g 0.102 0.223 0.464 Phenylalanine . -. g 0.316 0.689 1.434 Tyrosine -g 0.264 0.575 1.196 Valine ~g 0.396 0.862 1.794 Arginine 4g 0.475 1,035 2.154 Histidine - 9g 0.239 0.522 1.086 Alanine... - 9g 0.428 0.932 1,939 Aspartic acid - 9 0.732 1.596 3.321 Glutamic acid.. 9 1.208 2.634 5.481 9 0.388 0.845 1.759 g 0.325 0.709 1.475 - 9 0.273 0.594 1.237 lyalues based on data from recipe: Lettuce, 48%; chicken, 27%; celery, 10%; tomato, 9%; green peppers, 5%; carrots, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21054 ENTREES Salad, Vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with added pasta and seafood Page 108 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Siangard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cup = 417 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WaLET oo 80.37 1 335.16 364.58 91 380 413 FOOD BNGIQY ...ovcummumummssmmisiimiin 381 1,589 1,729 Protein (N X6. 16)... 3.94 1 16.44 17.88 Total lipid (fat) ....... 5.00 1 20.85 22.68 Carbohydrate, total 7.67 1 31.98 34.79 Crude fibel 0.39 1 1.63 1.77 Ashl.......... 1.12 1 4.67 5.08 Minerals: Calcium. 2 17 1 73 79 Iron’... . mg 0.76 1 3.16 3.44 Magnesium . mg 12 1 50 55 Phosphorus... .. mg 49 1 204 222 Potassium... .. mg 144 i 600 653 Sodium . . mg 377 1 1,572 1,710 Zinc. ..mg 0.40 1 1.68 1.83 Coppe .. mg 0.087 1 0.363 0.395 Manganes: .. mg 0.160 1 0.668 0.727 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid 9.2 1 38.4 41.7 Thiamin... 0.07 1 0.30 0.33 Riboflavin. 0.05 i 0.21 0.23 Niacin... 0.85 1 3.56 3.87 Pantothenic acid. 0.09 1 0.37 0.40 Vitamin Bg ... 0.08 1 0.35 0.39 Folacin...... 24 1 100 108 Vitamin By,.. 0.41 1 1,73 1.88 orm 153 1 637 693 VHBININ A cocoevevsissinsmmmmmai iin 498 1 6,245 6,793 Lipids: Fatty acids:! Saturated, total ... g 0.616 2.569 2.794 0... -g -g 9g 9g -g -g . g BO ovivnninmnussasivins we - 9 1.156 4.821 5.244 -g -g og .g - 9 2.178 9.082 9.879 -g -g -g -g -g Cholesterol . mg 12 1 50 54 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... wg 0.046 0.192 0.209 Threonine .. g 0.147 0.614 0.668 Isoleucine .. g 0.179 0.745 0.810 Leucine... g 0.287 1.196 1.301 Lysine... g 0.254 1.060 1.153 Methionine . g 0.088 0.366 0.398 Cystine....... g 0.061 0.256 0,279 Phenylalanine g 0.165 0.689 0.749 Tyrosine........ g 0.118 0.494 0,537 Valine......... g 0.187 0.779 0.848 Arginine . g 0.224 0.934 1.016 Histidine. g 0.092 0.382 0.415 Alanine... g 0.186 0.774 0.842 Aspartic acid. g 0.337 1.404 1.527 Glutamic acid g 0.829 3.456 3.759 Glycine... g 0.172 0.715 0.778 Proline g 0.224 0.934 1.016 Serine .... wg 0.161 0.670 0.729 'values based on data from recipe: Lettuce, 34%; macaroni, 29%; salad dressing, 10%; pollock, 5%; carrots, 4%; celery, 4%; crab, 3%; turbot, 3%; olives, 2%; onions, 2%. sweet peppers, 4%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21055 ENTREES Salad, Vegetable, tossed, without dressing, with added shrimp Page 109 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _ Standard NUE Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cup = 236 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WEBB ...cocuiiiissviisninsvssersammminspnssssesspprmss 89.10 1 210.28 404.16 45 107 206 FOO @NEIGY ....ccvvvvmrriiiiiiiiisiiniienes 190 449 863 Protein (N X6. 25). 6.15 0.850 2 14.51 27.90 Total lipid (fat) ..... 1.05 0.050 2 2.48 4.76 Carbohydrate, total. 2.80 6.61 12.70 Crude fiber........... 0.60 1 1.42 2.72 0.90 1 2.12 4,08 25 1.300 2 60 115 0.38 0.055 2 0.91 1.75 Magnesium. . 16 1 38 73 Phosphorus . . mg 68 1 159 306 Potassium. . mg 171 1 404 776 Sodium . . mg 207 9.500 2 487 937 Zinc... . mg 0.54 1 1.27 2.45 Copper. .. mg 0.068 1 0.160 0.308 Mangane mg 0.060 1 0.142 0.273 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 3.9 0.100 2 942 17.7 Thiamin... 0.05 0.000 2 0,12 0.23 Riboflavin. 0.07 0.017 2 0.16 0.30 Niacin.........cccoc.ee. 0.49 0.105 2 1.17 2,29 Pantothenic acid 0.21 1 0.50 0.95 Vitamin Bg .. 0.06 1 0.15 0.29 Folacin...... 37 1 87 168 Vitamin By. - 1.60 1 3.78 7.26 rr 33 2 79 152 VHBMIN A eerie {ww 335 65.000 2 791 1,520 Lipids: ) Fatty acids: Saturated, total “ig 0.276 0.651 1.252 4:0. ag 6:0. we g 8:0. g 10:0. g 12:0. g 14:0..... wig 16:0. ..g 18:0. g Monounsaturated, total g 0.348 0.821 1.579 16:1 iis g 18:1... .. g 20:1 .. g 22:1 won g Polyunsaturated, total. g 0.205 0.484 0.930 18:2... g 18:3 .g 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 20:5 .g 22:5 .g 22:6 «g Cholesterol . mg 76 5.450 2 180 347 Phytosterols. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. - 9 0.084 0.197 0.379 Threonine . .g 0.256 0.604 1.160 Isoleucine . .g 0.311 0.734 1.410 Leucine. 4g 0.476 1.124 2.160 Lysine ... -g 0.487 1.150 2.209 Methionine 9g 0.166 0,392 0.754 Cystine... -g 0.084 0.197 0.379 Phenylalanine. -g 0.270 0.636 1.223 Tyrosine... -g 0.206 0.485 0,933 Valine... .g 0.314 0.741 1.424 Arginine 9g 0.479 1.131 2.174 Histidine... 9g 0.126 0.297 0.571 Alanine..... g 0.337 0.794 1.526 Aspartic aci g 0.635 1.498 2.879 Glutamic acid.. g 1.028 2.427 4.664 Glycine... g 0,321 0.757 1.455 Proline . g 0.207 0.488 0.937 Serine ..... ng 0.277 0,655 1.259 ! values based on data for tossed salad with chicken. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21056 ENTREES Page 110 Salad, tossed, Vegetable, without dressing, with added turkey, ham, and cheese, (chef style) Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nez Standard NUTS } Apieniiate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cup 326 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water ! 82.45 1 268.78 373.98 82 267 372 Food energy .. 343 1,119 1,557 Protein (N X6 , 25). wg 7.98 0.627 3 26.03 36.22 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 4.93 0.070 3 16.07 22.36 Carbohydrate, total.. g 1.45 0.640 2 4.73 6.58 Crude fiber: g 0.35 1 1.14 1.59 9g 1.29 1 4.21 5.85 72 9.025 2 235 326 0.60 0.120 2 1.96 2.72 15 1 48 67 Phosphorus 123 1 401 558 Potassium. mg 123 1 402 559 228 45.549 3 744 1,036 0.96 1 3.15 4.38 0.051 1 0.166 0.231 Manganese... 0.110 1 0.360 0.501 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 5.0 1.950 2 16.5 22.9 Thiamin 0.12 0.005 2 0.41 0.57 Riboflavin 0.12 0.000 2 0.39 0.54 Niacin...... 1.83 0.070 2 5.97 8.30 Pantothenic acid 0.28 1 0.91 1.26 Vitamin Bg... mg 0,13 1 0.43 0.59 Folacin ... mcg 3 1 100 139 Vitamin By, }.. ... mcg 0.26 1 0.84 1.17 are 42 2 136 189 Vigna 323 134.950 2 1,053 1,465 Lipids: Fatty acids: 3 Saturated, total . g 2.508 8.176 11.376 4:0 .... g 6:0. gq 8:0. g 10:0. gq 12:0. gq 14:0. gq 16:0. g 18:0 .... g Monounsaturated, total g 1.585 5.167 7.190 18:1 ciiiias g 18:1. a] 20:1. gq 22:1 wu: gq Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.443 1.444 2.009 18:2 iii, .. g 18:3... .. g 18:4 . gq 20:4 . gq 20:5. g 225... wn, 226... we Cholesterol mg 43 7.191 3 139 194 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan 9 0.093 0.303 0.421 Threonine .. g 0.329 1.074 1.494 Isoleucine g 0.412 1.343 1.869 Leucine ... g 0.641 2.089 2,907 Lysine ..... g 0.657 2.143 2.982 Methionine . g 0.207 0.676 0.940 Cystine.... g 0.088 0.286 0.398 Phenylalanine g 0.348 1.136 1.580 Tyrosine. g 0.303 0.987 1.373 Valine. g 0.426 1.389 1.932 Arginine .. g 0.456 1.488 2.070 Histidine... g 0.248 0.808 1.125 Alanine... 9 0.397 1.293 1.799 Aspartic aci g 0.698 2.276 3.166 Glutamic acid. g 1.420 4.630 6.442 Glycine... g 0.314 1.024 1.425 Proline .... .g 0.456 1.488 2.070 Ty g 0.375 1.223 1,701 'Values based on data from recipe: Lettuce, 41%; tomato, cucumber 3%; radishes, 3%; carrots, 2%. 13%; turkey, 10%; ham, 10%; cheese, 9%; egg, 5%; celery, 4%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21057 ENTREES Scallops, breaded and fried Page 111 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 6 scallops = 144 g 0 (A) (8) (€) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: WaALEE ooo g : 48.01 1.799 3 69.13 217.77 kcal 268 386 1,216 Food energy Kk 1,123 1,616 5,092 Protein (N X6.21) g 10.94 0,753 4 15.75 49.60 Total lipid (fat) ........ccovveriimeiriininnins g 13.47 1.096 4 19.40 61.11 Carbohydrate, total. .g 26.73 38.49 121.26 Crude fiber." .g 0,11 1 0.16 0.50 g 0.85 1 1.22 3.86 Minerals: Calcium. 13 1.165 3 18 57 Iron ....... 1.42 0.280 3 2.04 6.44 Magnesium. 22 3.575 3 32 100 Phosphorus . 203 18.030 3 292 919 Potassium. 204 15.196 2 294 925 Sodium . 638 128.292 3 919 2,896 Zinc... 0.75 0.165 3 1.08 3.42 Copper .. 0.150 0.085 3 0.216 0.680 Manganese... 0.207 0.083 3 0.298 0.937 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.14 1 0.20 0.64 Riboflavin. 0.59 1 0.85 2.68 Niacin....... 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Pantothenic acid. 0.35 1 0.50 1.59 Vitamin Bg ... 0.05 1 0.07 0.24 Folacin..... 28 1 40 127 Vitamin By. 0.30 1 0.43 1.36 Bosroiivn. AX 29 1 42 13 NIBMINA ions nssnnscesemmesemmmmpnsmanesos 96 ] 139 137 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. g 3.391 4.884 15,383 4:0 .. wi g 6:0 .. wg 8:0... wg 10:0 .. .g 120.. .g 14.0 .. -g 0.040 1 0.058 0.182 18:0 0 g 1,739 1 2.504 7.888 1B10....o.conmvsninvevimrassnen g 1.612 il 2.322 7.314 Monounsaturated, total. g 8.718 12.554 39.546 16:1... g 0.202 1 0.290 0.915 18:1 .. g 8.517 1 12.264 38.631 20:7 wisn g 22:1 g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.420 0.604 1.904 18:2. g 0.284 1 0.410 1.290 18:3. g 0.135 1 0,195 0.614 18:4. g 20:4 . .g 20:5. .. g 2255. g 22:6. g Cholesterol . mg 75 1 107 338 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . wg 0,129 0.185 0.583 Threonine ... g 0.423 0.609 1.917 Isoleucine g 0.468 0.675 2,125 Leucine... g 0.770 1.108 3.491 Lysine ..... g 0.636 0.915 2.884 Methionine. g 0.238 0.342 1.078 Cystine....... g 0.174 0.251 0.791 Phenylalanine g 0.453 0.652 2,053 Tyrosine......... g 0.343 0.494 1.558 Valine. g 0.502 0.723 2.2717 Arginine .. g 0.671 0.966 3.043 Histidine .. g 0.220 0.317 0.998 Alanine... g 0.562 0.809 2.548 Aspartic acid. g 0.880 1.268 3.994 Glutamic acid. g 2.027 2.919 9.194 Glycine... g 0.553 0.796 2.508 Proline g 0.653 0.941 2.964 Serine .... ~g 0.535 0.771 2.428 ‘Values for scallops, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried, NDB No. 15173. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21058 ENTREES Shrimp, breaded and fried Page 112 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased aan Standard Number APpISXITae measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6-8 shrimp = 164 gq 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WaLET coos g 47.82 2.779 9 78.42 216.89 kcal 277 454 1,257 Food energy .............. + KJ 1,160 1,902 5.261 Protein (N X6, 22) 11,5) 0.971 1 18.88 52.22 Total lipid (fat) . g 15.18 1.11% 10 24.90 68.86 Carbohydrate, total. g 24,39 40.00 110.64 Crude fiber: g 0.08 1 0.13 0.36 4g 1.10 1 1.80 4.99 Minerals: Calcium. 51 6.993 9 84 231 HOM cians 1.80 0.380 9 2.94 8.14 Magnesium 24 2.098 9 39 107 Phosphorus mg 210 50.814 9 345 955 Potassium 4 112 11.935 8 184 508 Sodium .. 882 121.764 9 1,447 4,001 Zinc... 0.74 0.080 9 1,21 3.35 Copper... 0.088 0.011 9 0.144 0.398 Manganese 0.203 0.046 9 0,333 0.922 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. mg 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin ...... mg 0.13 1 0.21 0.59 Riboflavin mg 0.55 1 0.90 2.49 Niacin... mg 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Pantothenic acid mg 0.29 1 0.48 1.33 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.04 1 0.06 0.16 Folacin..... mcg 29 1 48 132 Vitamin B;, - 0.09 1 0.15 0.41 ctormin A 2 RE 22 1 36 99 VIAMIN AZ. consume { w 73 1 119 330 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... wg 3.280 5.379 14.878 4:0... gq 6:0. g 8:0 .g 10:0 wi 12.0. gq 14:0. g 0.063 1 0.104 0.287 16:0. g 1.628 i 2.671 7.387 180... og 1.588 1 2.605 7.204 Monounsaturated, total wr: 10.597 17.379 48.066 16:1... g 0.310 1 0.509 1.407 18:1. g 10.286 1 16.870 46.659 20:1. g 224... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.393 0.645 1.785 18:2... g 0.368 1 0.603 1.668 18:3. g 0.026 1 0.042 0,117 18:4 . gq 20:4 . gq 20:5. g 22:5. g 226. g Cholesterol mg 122 i 201 555 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . ng 0.154 0.252 0.697 Threonine ... g 0.431 0.707 1.956 Isoleucine g 0.529 0.868 2.401 Leucine ... g 0.874 1.433 3.962 Lysine - 9g 0.774 1.269 3.509 Methionine .. - g 0,291 0.477 1.318 Cystine........ g 0.167 0.273 0.756 Phenylalanine g 0.516 0.847 2.342 Tyrosine. g 0.370 0.607 1.679 Valine...... - g 0.550 0.901 2+493 Arginine .. .g 0.822 1.348 3.727 Histidine... g 0.239 0.392 1.083 Alanine... 9 0.572 0.938 2.594 Aspartic acid... 9 0.992 1.627 4.500 Glutamic acid. g 2.326 3.815 10.552 Glycine 9 0.579 0.950 2.628 Proline . g 0.611 1.002 2.770 Serine - 4g 0.520 0.853 2,359 Values for shrimp, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried, NDB No. 15150. *Values based on data from recipe: Shrimp, 48%; wheat flour, 26%; egg, 13%; bread crumbs, 12%; salt, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21059 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beans Page 113 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Numbst Approrimaie measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 217 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water .. g 52.53 1.681 7 113.99 238.28 EO ane kcal 206 448 936 9y kJ 863 1,874 3,917 Protein (N X5., 88). ws 6.48 0.145 7 14.07 29.41 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 6.22 0.416 7 13.50 28.21 Carbohydrate, total.. g 32.92 71.43 149.31 Crude fiber. g 2.17 0.144 7 4.71 9.85 -g 1.85 0.047 7 4.01 8.38 52 7.447 7 113 236 2.08 0.206 7 4.52 9.45 40 0.732 7 86 179 Phosphorus 45 3.682 7 97 202 Potassium. mg 301 13,129 7 653 1,365 454 38.455 7 986 2,061 0.70 0.053 6 1.53 3.19 0.174 0.013 6 0.378 0.789 0.400 0.049 7 0.869 1.816 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.9 0.337 7 1.9 4.0 0.29 0.049 7 0.62 1.29 0.28 0.022 7 0.62 1.29 1.87 0.072 7 4.06 8.49 0.92 0.089 7 2.00 4.18 0.14 0.018 7 0.31 0.64 mcg 54 1 118 246 meg 0.50 0.111 7 1.09 2.28 pd RE 15 3 33 69 VIB Av {w 153 44.632 3 332 694 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... . g 3.174 6.887 14,397 4: [] g g g9 g g 0.230 1 0.498 1.042 g 1.965 1 4.263 8.911 g 0.980 1 2.126 4.444 g 2.184 4.739 9.907 g g 2.184 1 4.739 9.907 g g wg 0.551 1.196 2.500 -g 0.439 1 0.952 1.991 g 0.112 1 0.244 0.509 g gq g g g Cholesterol mg 2 1 5 10 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.079 0,172 0.360 Threonine .. g 0.244 0.529 1.105 Isoleucine .. g 0.270 0.586 1.225 Leucine g 0.504 1.093 2.286 Lysine . g 0.343 0.744 1.555 Methionine. 9 0.107 0.232 0.485 Cystine....... g 0.098 0,213 0.445 Phenylalanine g 0,351 0.761 1.590 Tyrosine. g 0.192 0.416 0.870 Valine. g 0.319 0.691 1.445 Arginine . ng 0.359 0.780 1,630 Histidine. we 'g 0,172 0.373 0.780 Alanine... g 0.255 0.553 1,155 Aspartic acid. 9 0.610 1.323 2.766 g 1.469 3.187 6.662 eg 0,251 0.546 1.140 Proline ... ng 0.463 1.005 2,101 Serine... 9g 0.351 0.761 1.590 'Values based on data from recipe: Refried beans, 64%; flour tortilla, 36%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21060 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beans and Cheese Page 114 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Ves Sihdard —— Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 186 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBIBIE onvmiimminsvniniinc ins bin comm ia os aes g 53.91 0.950 15 100,27 244,54 203 3717 920 Food energy 849 1,579 3,852 Protein (N X6,11). 8.10 0.311 15 15.07 36.74 Total lipid (fat) 6.29 0.209 15 11.70 28.54 Carbohydrate, total. 29.55 54.96 134.03 Crude fiber 1.10 0.195 15 2.04 4.99 2.15 0.054 15 4.00 9.75 Minerals: Calcium. 115 11.049 15 214 522 ron ........ 1.22 0.214 15 2.27 5.54 Magnesium ' 43 2.727 15 80 195 Phosphorus .. . mg 97 8.336 15 180 438 Potassium 267 16.372 15 496 1,210 Sodium .. 627 40.154 15 1,166 2,843 Zinc... 0.88 0.071 15 1.64 4.00 Copper... 0.189 0.024 14 0.351 0.856 Manganese... 0.232 0.014 15 0.432 1.053 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid . mg 0.9 0.267 5 1.7 4.1 Thiamin...... mg 0.12 0.065 5 0.22 0.54 Riboflavin mg 0.38 0.051 5 0.71 1.74 Niacin... mg 1.92 0.209 5 3.57 8.69 Pantothenic acid.. mg 0.86 0.132 5 1.59 3.88 Vitamin By . 0.13 0.012 5 0.25 0.60 Folacin™.. 44 1 81 197 Vitamin By... 0.48 0.073 5 0.90 2.19 — 128 2 237 579 VIAMIN A oes {1 rtd 134.209 z 1,250 3,048 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. g 3.682 6.849 16.704 : g g ng rg 0.000 2 0.000 0.000 g 0.146 2 0,271 0.660 g 0.372 2 0.692 1.687 g 2.187 2 4,068 9.920 ng 0.978 2 1,819 4.437 Monounsaturated, total ... wg 1.335 2.484 6.058 16:1 g 18:1 g 1.335 2 2.484 6.058 20:1 g9 22:1 gq Polyunsaturated, total. g 0.959 1.783 4.348 18:2 g 0.848 2 1.576 3.845 18:3 g 0,111 2 0.207 0.504 18:4 g9 20:4 g 20:5 g 225 g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 15 12.259 2 27 66 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... ws 0.095 0.178 0.433 Threonine g +272 0.505 1.233 Isoleucine .. g 0.382 0.710 1.732 Leucine .. g 0.634 1.179 2.874 Lysine. g 0.492 0.915 2.231 Methion g 0.156 0.291 0.710 g 0.081 0.150 0.367 g 0.394 0.732 1.786 g 0.289 0.538 1.311 ine ng 0.423 0.787 1.918 Arginine 8 0,355 0.661 1.612 Histidine. g 0.229 0.427 1.040 Alanine... g 0.259 0.481 1.173 Aspartic acid. g 0.612 1.139 2.778 Glutamic acid... wx I 1.971 3.667 8.942 Glycine... wg 0.213 0.397 0.968 Proline g 0.697 1.297 3.163 Serine .... wg 0.416 0.774 1.888 ! Values based on data from recipe: Refried beans, 31%; chili sauce, 25%; flour tortilla, 25%; cheese, 15%; onion 4%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21061 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beans and Chili Peppers Page 115 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Naan Standard Number Appioiimate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 204 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water .. .g 54.37 0.830 17 110.92 246.64 kcal 202 413 918 Food energy. KJ 847 1,729 3,844 Protein (N X5, 92) oe 8.03 0.156 17 16.38 36.43 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 7.19 0.419 17 14.67 32.63 Carbohydrate, total. g 28.47 58.07 129.12 Crude fiber. g 1.52 0.057 17 3.10 6.90 -g 1.94 0.032 17 3.95 8.78 Minerals: Calcium 49 4.154 17 100 222 2.23 0.100 17 4.54 10.10 35 0.642 17 72 160 Phosphorus 56 2.877 17 114 254 Potassium. mg 284 14.916 17 580 1,289 512 14.481 17 1,043 2,320 1.67 0.296 17 3.40 7.56 0.163 0.007 13 0,332 0.738 0.384 0.034 17 0.783 1.742 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.6 0.218 17 1.3 2.9 Thiamin... 0.22 0.030 17 0.45 1.01 Riboflavin 0.35 0.018 17 0.71 1.59 Niacin..... 2.15 0.046 17 4.38 9.74 Pantothenic acid 0.92 0.064 17 1.87 4.17 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.14 0.008 17 0.29 0.64 Folacin®.. mcg 58 1 118 262 Vitamin B,, mcg 0.57 0.054 17 1.16 2+59 Thre RE 10 8 20 46 Vitamin A. {ww 100 20.923 8 205 455 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . wer i 3.729 7.606 16.913 AP ou gq 6:0 g 8:0 g 10:0 g 0.040 4 0.082 0.183 12:0 g 0.090 4 0.183 0.406 14:0 g 0.422 4 0.860 1.913 16:0 g 2.144 4 4.374 9.726 18:0 g 1.033 4 2.107 4.685 Monounsaturated, tota .. g 2.632 5.370 11.940 16:1 wg 18:1 g 2.632 4 5.370 11.940 20:1 g 22:1 gq Polyunsaturated, total . g 0.473 0.964 2.144 18:2 g 0.405 4 0.826 1.837 18:3 g 0.068 4 0,138 0.307 18:4 g 20:4 g 20:5 g 22:5 .g 22:6 «dg Cholesterol . mg 16 6.320 3 33 74 Phytosterols.. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... -g 0.094 0.191 0.425 Threonine .. . ig 0.273 0.556 14237 Isoleucine . .g 0.304 0.620 1.378 Leucine .. .g 0.556 1.135 2.523 Lysine... s 0.362 0.739 1.643 Methionine . (g 0.122 0.246 0.548 Cystine...... -g 0.121 0.246 0.548 Phenylalanine -g 0.391 0.797 1.772 Tyrosine. -g 0.222 0.454 1.009 Valine. -g 0.351 0.717 1.594 Arginine . .. g 0.407 0.830 1.846 Histidine. - g 0.197 0.401 0.892 Alanine... - 9 0.296 0.603 1.342 Aspartic acid. -g 0.715 1.459 3.243 Glutamic acid .g 2.083 4.248 9.446 Glycine... wn 0.288 0.587 1.305 Proline -g 0.573 1.168 2.597 Serine... .g 0.395 0.805 1.791 !vValues based on data from recipe: oil, 2%. Refried beans, 35%; flour tortilla, 31%; chili sauce, 26%; red chili peppers, 6%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21062 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beans and Meat Page 116 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Aprovimats measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 231 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBRBT co sivivisiinsssnmssrmimnisssnmipnisenrsenns 51.89 1.652 7 119.87 235.38 220 508 997 FOOd energy ..........ccccoueueueicciriiennnnnn 920 2,126 4,174 Protein (N X6 14)... 9.73 0.279 7 22.48 44.14 Total lipid (fat) ....... 7,71 0.489 7 17.80 34.95 Carbohydrate, total 28.58 66.02 129.64 Crude fiber.......... 1.58 0.100 7 3.66 7.19 AY inning 2.09 0.037 7 4.84 9.50 Minerals: Calcium... 46 9.617 7 105 207 Iron ...... 2.12 0.270 7 4.89 9.61 Magnesium. ‘ 36 3.421 7 83 163 Phosphorus .... .. mg 61 4.211 7 142 279 Potassium . mg 284 19.880 7 656 1,289 Sodium mg 578 26.833 7 1,335 2,622 Zinc. mg 1.66 0.324 7 3.84 7.55 Copper. mg 0.163 0.024 6 0.376 0.738 Manganese... - mg 0.360 0.008 7 0.831 1.633 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 0.8 0.392 7 1.7 3.4 Thiamin... 0.23 0.034 7 0.53 1,04 Riboflavin. 0.36 0.031 7 0.83 1.64 Niacin... 2.34 0.122 7 5,41 10.63 Pantothe! 0.97 0.076 7 2.24 4.39 Vitamin Bg .. 0.16 0.012 7 0.37 0.73 Folacin ... 32 1 73 143 Vitamin By. 0.75 0.104 7 1.74 3.41 ar 28 3 64 126 Vitamin A... 275 61.265 3 636 1,249 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .. g 3.600 8.316 16.329 A... comin g 60. g 8:0. g 10:0. g 12:0 g 140... g 0,351 l 0.810 1.590 16:0 ..... g 2.248 1 5.193 10.196 180..... g 1.002 ¥ 2.314 4.543 Monounsaturated, total g 3.038 7.018 13.780 16:1 wie g 18:1... g 3.038 1 7.018 13.780 20:1 ..... gq 22:1 iui g Polyunsaturated, total .. gq 0.529 1.221 2.398 182... g 0.490 x 1.131 2.221 18:3. g 0.039 1 0.090 0.177 18:4 . g 20:4. gq 20:5. g 225. g 226. gq Cholesterol . ... mg 21 1 48 95 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan wg 0.117 0,271 0.532 Threonine .. g 0,358 0.827 1.625 Isoleucine .. ng 0.388 0.897 1.761 Leucine... ng 0.727 1.680 3.299 Lysine ..... g 0.594 1.373 2.696 Methionine . g 0.190 0.439 0.863 Cystine....... g 0.127 0.293 0.575 Phenylalanine ws 0.425 0.981 1.926 Tyrosine. ng 0.288 0.666 1.308 Valine.. g 0.445 1.029 2.020 Arginine .. g 0.558 1.289 2.530 Histidine... g 0.269 0.622 1.222 Alanine.... g 0.486 1.124 2.207 Aspartic acid. g 0.802 1.852 3.637 Glutamic acid. g 2.057 4,751 9.330 Glycine... g 0.532 1,230 2.415 Proline g 0.648 1.497 2.940 Serine ww ig 0.428 0.988 1.941 values based on data from recipe: Flour tortilla, 43%; refried beans, 27%; ground beef, 20%; chili sauce, 10%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21063 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beans, Cheese, and Beef Page 117 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Mean Standard Number Appiorimae measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 203 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (@G) Proximate: WaLET oo 64.94 1.040 4 131.83 294.58 163 331 740 FOOD @NBIGY ..ivuianisususinaravsiese 683 1,386 3,098 Protein (N X6.17)... 718 0.425 4 14.58 32,57 Total lipid (fat) 6.55 0.240 4 13,29 29,70 Carbohydrate, total 19.55 3 39.70 88.70 Crude fiber... 1.16 0.060 4 2.36 5.28 1.77 0.089 4 3.60 8.05 Minerals: Calcium. 64 5.825 4 131 292 Iron .... 1.84 0.193 4 3.73 8.33 Magnesium. 25 0.566 4 50 112 Phosphorus . 69 4.259 4 140 313 Potassium. 202 44.924 4 410 915 Sodium . 488 15.267 4 990 2,212 Zinc... 1.16 0.048 4 2.35% 5.26 Copper. i 0.162 0.046 4 0.329 0.734 MBNGANGSO commis visi mmmamms eis mg 0.195 0.014 4 0.397 0.887 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 2.5 0.733 4 541 11,5 Thiamin 0.15 0.026 4 0.30 0.68 Riboflavin... 0.35 0.040 4 0.71 1.59 Niacin... 1.90 0.123 4 3.86 8.63 Pantothenic acid. 0.82 0.143 4 1.66 3.70 Vitamin Bg .......... 0.11 0.008 4 0.23 0.52 Folagint........ 30 i 61 136 Vitamin By. 0.54 0.076 4 1.10 2.47 Vitamin A 7¢ 151 337 Crm 394 0.000 2 799 1,785 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .. g 3.522 7.150 15.978 4:0... g 6:0 g 8:0 g 10:0 g 0.022 I 0.044 0.099 12:0 g 0.145 1 0.295 0.660 14:0 g 0.571 1 1.159 2.589 16:0 g 1.854 1 3.763 8.409 180... g 0,931 1 1.889 4,221 Monounsaturated, total g 2.196 4.457 9.959 16:1 g 18:1 g 2.196 1 4.457 9,959 20:1 g 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.502 1.018 2,275 18:2 wr 0.451 1 0.915 2.045 g 0.051 1 0.103 0.231 g Re] wg g g Cholesterol .. mg 61 1 125 279 PhyIOSIBIONS.....cuumvimmmnimiisiniss .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .. g 0.086 1 0.175 0.391 Threonine g 0.261 x 0.529 1.183 Isoleucine g 0.324 1 0.657 1.468 Leucine. g 0.564 1 1.146 2.560 Lysine... g 0.459 1 0.931 2.080 Methionine g 0.144 1 0.293 0.655 Cystine.. g 0.081 1 0.165 0.370 Phenylalanine . g 0.334 1 0.678 1,515 Tyrosine g 0.241 1 0.489 1.093 Valine g 0.363 1 0.737 1.647 Arginine ws 0.370 1 0.751 1.679 Histidine rg 0.204 1 0.413 0.924 Alanine..... g 0.298 1 0.605 1.351 Aspartic acid g 0.569 1 1.155 2.582 Glutamic acid.. eg 1.536 1 3.119 6.968 Glycine - g 0.296 1 0.600 1.341 Proline .. g 0.547 1 1.110 2.481 Serine ... -g 0.346 1 0.702 1.568 Values based on data from recipe: Refried beans, 25%; flour tortilla, 25%; tomato, 9%; sour cream, 9%; ground beef, 8%; cheese, 7%; lettuce, 7%; onion, 7%; black olives, 3%. AH-8-21 NDB No. (1988) 21064 Page 118 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beans, Cheese, and Chili Peppers Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - : f Mean Standard Number Appraimaty measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 336 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: LL re g 55.77 0.811 8 187.37 252.96 kcal 197 663 895 FOOO BNBIQY «.c.ssmmiscmmsmrsvsmmsscn kJ 826 2,776 3,748 Protein (N X6.13)... . 9.91 0.283 8 833.29 44.94 Total lipid (fat) .... .g 6.84 0.170 8 22.98 31.02 Carbohydrate, total. i 25.35 85.18 114.99 Crude fiber... g 1,51 0.132 8 5.09 6.87 g 2.14 0.051 8 7.18 9,69 Minerals: Calcium. 86 6.451 8 288 389 Iron ....... 2,29 0.080 8 7.68 10.37 Magnesium. 29 1.023 8 99 134 Phosphorus 85 3,933 8 286 387 Potassium. . 241 19.154 8 810 1,093 Sodium . . mg 613 20.166 8 2,060 2,781 Zinc... 1.81 0.516 8 6.07 8,20 Copper. 0,175 0.051 7 0.587 0.793 Manganese. 0.242 0.008 8 0.814 1.099 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 2.0 0.577 8 6.6 8.9 Thiamin... 0.16 0.025 8 0.55 0.75 Riboflavin. 0.36 0.022 8 1,20 1.62 Niacin... 2.29 0.095 8 2.71 10.41 Pantothenic acid. 0.86 0.108 8 2.90 3.91 Vitamin Bg ... 0,12 0.009 8 0.41 0.56 Folacin..... 43 1 146 197 Vitamin By... 3 0.59 0.057 8 1.99 2.69 hr 114 4 385 519 VItaMIN A. {ww 175 162.918 1 1,596 2,155 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 3.332 11.195 15.114 4:0 ... .g 6:0... .g 80... .g 10:0 .g 12:0 .g 14:0 .g 0.247 4 0.831 1.122 16:0 -g 1.932 4 6.491 8.763 18:0 cove -g 1,153 4 3.873 5.229 Monounsatur: .g 2.515 8.452 11.410 16:1 .. : 0 18:1 -g 2.515 4 8.452 11.410 20:1 .g 22:1... : J Polyunsaturate .g 0.377 1.265 1.708 182... . g 0.377 4 1.265 1.708 18:3 .g 18:4 .g 20:4 «'g 20:5 .g 22:5 .g 22:6 .g Cholesterol .. . mg 47 12.720 2 158 213 Phytosterols. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. -g 0.118 0.396 0.535 Threonine . -g 0.330 1.108 1.495 Isoleucine . -g 0.441 1,482 2.001 Leucine -g 0.766 2.574 3,475 Lysine -g 0.537 1.803 2.434 Methionine -g 0.186 0.624 0.843 Cystine...... 9 0.121 0.407 0.550 Phenylalanine .. -g 0.495 1.662 2,243 Tyrosine -g 0.335 1.124 1.517 Valine... -g 0.498 1.672 2.258 Arginine -g 0.443 1.488 2.009 Histidine -g 0.268 0.901 1.217 Alanine.. -g 0.325 1.091 1.473 Aspartic acid -g 0.716 2.405 3.247 Glutamic acid 9 2.400 8.063 10.886 Glycine. - 9g 0.294 0.988 1.334 Proline .. - 9 0.866 2.910 3.929 Serine ... -g 0.512 1.721 2.324 ! Values based on data from recipe: Flour tortilla, 43%; refried beans, 40%; cheese, 11%; chili sauce, 6%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21065 Page 119 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beef Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 220 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WLBT ......oiiiiiieieiscceinien nies 49.61 2.638 7 109.15 225.04 238 523 1,078 FOOD ONBIQY ..roroesn sn sssisisosimmmamininitegs 995 2,188 4,511 Protein (NX 6.09). 12.09 0.745 7 26..59 54.82 Total lipid (fat) ..... 9.46 0.869 7 20.80 42.89 Carbohydrate, total.. 26.60 58.52 120.66 Crude fiber........ 0.78 0.213 7 1.71 3.53 BASH iii 2.24 0.093 7 4.94 10.18 Minerals: Calcium. 38 4.617 7 84 173 Iron ........ 2.77 0.176 7 6.09 12.56 Magnesium... 37 2.047 7 81 167 Phosphorus .. mg 79 5.472 7 175 360 Potassium. mg 336 36.537 7 739 1,523 Sodium .. mg 678 33.132 7 1,492 3,076 Zinc... . mg 2,15 0.220 7 4.73 9.76 Copper... . mg 0.186 0.022 7 0.409 0.843 Manganese................. .. mg 0.357 0.011 7 0.785 1.618 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid we 0.5 0.161 7 1.1 2.2 Thiamin... . g,11 0.032 7 0.23 0.48 Riboflavin . 0.42 0.033 7 0.92 1,90 Niacin........ . 2.93 0.159 7 6.45 13.30 Pantothenic acid.. . 1.36 0.126 7 2.98 6.15 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.14 0.003 7 0.32 0.65 Folacin’.. . mcg 18 1 39 79 0.89 0.126 7 1,97 4.06 irs 13 2 28 57 VIAMIN A Loos im 126 69.164 2 277 572 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wg 4.754 10.459 21.566 4:0 -g 6:0 -g 8:0 -g 10:0 .g 12:0 .g 14:0 -g 0.414 3 0,911 1.878 16:0 -g 2.590 3 5.698 11.748 18:0... -g 1.750 3 3.850 7.939 Monounsaturated, total .. -g 3.368 7.409 15.276 16:1 .g 18:1 -g 3.368 3 7.409 15,276 20:1 .g 221... .g Polyunsaturated, total «ig 0.388 0.854 1.761 18:2... -g 0.350 3 0.769 1.586 18:3 g 0.039 3 0.085 0,175 18:4 .g 20:4 «ig 20:5 .g 22:5 : J 228. vig Cholesterol ...... . mg 29 13.110 3 65 133 Phytosterols. ..mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.147 0.323 0.666 Threonine .... -g 0.449 0.987 2.034 Isoleucine . -g 0.482 1.061 2.187 Leucine. «ig 0.909 2.000 4.123 Lysine ... -g 0.782 1.720 3.547 Methionine .g 0.256 0.563 1.161 Cystine... -g 0.155 0.341 0.702 Phenylalanine .. wr | 0.494 1.087 2.241 Tyrosine... wo 0.367 0.808 1.665 Valine... .g 0.548 1.205 2.485 Arginine “4g 0.712 1.567 3.232 Histidine “g 0.347 0.764 1.575 Alanine.. .g 0.663 1.458 3.007 Aspartic ac -g 0.945 2.078 4.285 Glutamic acid.. SF 2.582 5.680 11,712 Glycine. -g 0.746 1.642 3.385 Proline .. .g 0.824 1.812 3.736 Serine... ~g 0.500 1.100 2.269 ! Values based on data from recipe: Flour tortilla, 52%; ground beef, 31%; chili sauce 16%; salt, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21066 MEXICAN FOODS Page 120 Burrito with Beef and Chili Peppers i Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - ean Sunda NUMBET ApcroNimsis measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 201 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water..........ocooeiiiiiiiiiiici 54.45 0.994 16 109.44 246.96 212 426 962 Food energy 888 1,785 4,028 Protein (N X6, 09)... 10.70 0.304 16 21.51 48.54 Total lipid (fat) 8.23 0.403 16 16.54 37.32 Carbohydrate, total 24.60 49.45 111.60 Crude fiber...... . 0.67 0.048 16 1.34 3.02 ASh ooo, . 2,02 0.048 16 4.06 9.17 Minerals: Calcium... 43 4.976 16 87 197 fron ......... - mg 2.21 0.118 16 4.43 10.00 Magnesium. .. mg 30 1.358 16 60 136 Phosphorus .. mg 70 3.153 16 141 319 Potassium 248 18.287 16 499 1,127 Sodium 555 17.767 16 1,116 2,519 ZING.cnn 2.15 0.210 16 4.32 9,75 Copper. 0.157 0.013 12 0.315 0.710 Manganese 0.371 0.041 16 0.745 1.682 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid ...... .. mg 0.8 0.213 16 1.6 3.6 Thiamin........ .. mg 0.20 0.021 16 0.39 0.89 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.40 0.018 16 0.80 1.81 Niacin.......... .. mg 2.53 0.064 16 5.08 11.47 Pantothenic acid. .. mg 0.93 0.054 16 1.87 4.22 Vitamin Bg .. 0.15 0.006 16 0.29 0.66 Folacin >... 18 1 37 83 Vitamin By. 0.64 0.053 16 1.30 2.92 Emin AZ 23 8 46 104 VIII Asmat {1 aon 66.498 8 463 1,044 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. g 3.980 7.999 18.052 4:0... -g .g -g 9g -g 9g 0.299 4 0.601 1,357 -g 2,293 4 4.609 10.400 18:0 .. 4g 1.388 4 2.789 6,295 Monounsaturated, total . wg 3.022 6.074 13.708 16:1... .g 18:1 .g 3.022 4 6.074 13.708 20:1 wg 22:1. wo Polyunsaturated, total .g 0.485 0.976 2,202 18:2. -g 0.451 4 0.907 2.047 18:3 .. -g 0.034 4 0.069 0.155 18:4 .. wg 20:4 .. .g 205 ...... .g 22:5 ciunin wg 226... . g Cholesterol .. .. mg 27 2.241 4 54 122 Phytosterols. ..mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. -g 0.130 0.261 0.590 Threonine .... sg 0.409 0.823 1.857 Isoleucine .g 0.432 0.869 1.961 Leucine . .g 0.810 1.628 3.675 Lysine -g 0.733 1.473 3.324 Methionine ... .g 0.230 0.463 1.044 Cystine... “ g 0.130 0.261 0.590 Phenylalanine . .g 0.427 0.858 1.937 Tyrosine... .g 0.325 0.653 1.475 Valine... « g 0.490 0.985 2,224 Arginine “4g 0.650 1.307 2.949 Histidine... .g 0.313 0.629 1.419 Alanine - “yg 0.610 1.226 2.766 Aspartic acid “fg 0.886 1.780 4.017 Glutamic acid... .g 2.193 4.408 9.948 Glycine... .g 0.684 1.374 3.101 Proline .. w 0.680 1.367 3.085 Serine ... “il 0.436 0.876 1,977 Values based on data from recipe: Flour tortilla, 37%; ground beef, 32%; chili sauce 21%; chili peppers, 7%; oil, 3%. Average value for product made with green chili peppers = 116 IU per 100 g. Average value for product made with red chili peppers = 299 IU per 100 gq. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21067 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Beef, Cheese, and Chili Peppers Page 121 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Maan Standard Numer Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 burritos = 304 g 0 (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WLBT coos 55.19 0.645 8 167.78 250.34 208 634 946 Food energy 873 2,653 3,959 Protein (N X6, 14) .. 13.46 0.590 8 40.90 61.03 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 8.15 0.193 8 24.79 36.98 Carbohydrate, total g 20.96 63.72 95.08 Crude fiber.. g 0.59 0.059 8 1.79 2.67 -g 2.24 0.053 8 6.81 10.16 73 4.809 8 223 332 2.57 0.090 8 7.481 11.65 Magnesium. 23 0.688 8 69 103 Phosphorus mg 104 4.907 8 316 472 Potassium mg 219 16.341 8 667 9295 Sodium 688 18.242 8 2,091 3,121 ZING. 2.60 0.320 8 7.91 11.80 Copper. 0.119 0.033 8 0.363 0.541 Manganese. 0.200 0.005 8 0.607 0.905 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 1.2 0.383 8 3.6 5.4 Thiamin 0.20 0.041 8 0.62 0.92 Riboflavin 0.41 0.021 8 1.24 1.85 Niacin...... 2,74 0.079 8 8.34 12.44 Pantothenic acid 0.99 0.080 8 3.02 4.50 Vitamin Bg . 0.12 0.010 8 0.38 0.56 Folacin .... 19 1 58 86 Vitamin By. w 0.68 0.054 8 2.07 3.08 iii i 2 37 4 112 167 Vitamin AZ {ww 330 50.154 . 973 1,150 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. ng 3.420 10.397 15.513 4:0. g 6:0. g 8:0. g 10:0. g9 120. g 14.0. gq 16:0 . wi 1810 .ocisinimmsissicniansais my Monounsaturated, total g 3.267 9.932 14.819 16:1. g 18:1. gq 20:1... we 221. .g Polyunsaturated, total g 0.732 2.225 3.320 18:2. g 18:3. g 18:4 .. g 204 .. g 205... g 22:5. g 22:6. g Cholesterol . mg 56 10.400 2 170 254 Phytosterols.... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . og 0.162 0.493 0.736 Threonine ... g 0.495 1.506 2.247 Isoleucine g 0.574 1.745 2.604 Leucine g 1.032 3,138 4.682 Lysine .. g 0.920 2.798 4,175 Methionine .. g 0.289 0.879 1.312 Cystine..... g 0.147 0.446 0.666 Phenylalanine . g 0.554 1.685 2.515% Tyrosine. og 0.436 1.326 1.978 Valine... we 0.642 1,952 2.913 Arginine g 0.756 2.298 3.429 Histidine g 0.397 1.206 1.799 Alanine..... g 0.686 2.085 3.111 Aspartic acid “ g 1.054 3.204 4,781 Glutamic acid. ng 2.851 8.667 12.933 Glycine..... g 0.739 2.245 3.350 Proline . g 0.947 2.878 4.294 Serine - 8 0.574 1.745 2.604 values based on data from recipe: 6%; onion, 6%. ?Average value for product made with green chili peppers = 218 IU per 100 g. chili peppers = 420 IU per 100 g. Flour tortilla, 32%; ground beef, 27%; chili sauce, 22%; cheese, 7%; chili peppers, Average value for product made with red AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21068 Page 122 MEXICAN FOODS Burrito with Fruit (apple or cherry) Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - ” -_ Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 small 1 large burrito = 74 g burrito = 155 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE ionising saws 9 35.63 2.114 10 26,37 55,23 161.63 312 231 484 1,417 Food energy 1,308 968 2,027 5,931 Protein (N X5, 74) .. 3.38 0.275 10 2.50 5,24 15.33 Total lipid (fat) ....... 12.87 1.043 10 9,52 19.94 58.36 Carbohydrate, total 47.27 34.98 73.27 214.42 Crude fiber.. 0.48 0.093 10 0.36 0.75 2.19 0.85 0.025 10 0.63 1,32 8.87 21 3.042 10 15 32 93 1.45 0.099 10 1,07 2.24 6.57 Magnesium. 10 0.729 10 8 16 47 Phosphorus 20 2.218 9 15 30 89 Potassium 141 62.419 10 104 218 639 Sodium 286 29.626 10 211 443 1,296 ac — 0.54 0.171 10 0.40 0.83 2.44 Copper. 0,110 0.014 8 0.081 0.171 0.499 Manganese... 0.175 0.006 10 0.130 0.272 0.796 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 1.0 0.329 10 0.8 1.6 4.6 Thiamin... 0,23 0.046 10 0.17 0.36 1.05 Riboflavin 0.24 0.014 10 0.18 0.37 1.08 Niacin...... 2.51 0.200 10 1.85 3.88 11.37 Pantothenic acid mg 1.28 0.091 10 0.95 1.99 5.81 Vitamin Bg . 0.10 0.048 10 0.07 0.15 0.44 Folacin .... 5 1 4 8 25 Vitamin By. . 0.69 0.090 10 0,51 1.07 3.12 rommin A 2 50 4 37 77 226 Vitamin A 2... {ww 518 165. 508 2 405 849 2,485 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . | 6,175 4.570 9.572 28.011 40... g 6:0. g 80. g 10:0. gq 120. g 14:0. g 0.304 x 0,225 0.472 1.381 16:0. g 3.236 1 2,394 5.015 14.678 18:0 .... og 2.635 1 1.950 4,084 11.953 Monounsatura wg 4.621 3.420 7.163 20.963 16:1 .... g 18:1. g 4,621 1 3.420 7.163 20.963 20:1. g 22:1... ww Polyunsat total. ng 1.426 1,055 2,210 6.467 18:2... g 1.426 1 1.055 2.210 6.467 18:3. g 18:4 . g 204 .... ws 20:5... .g 225. g 226. g Cholesterol mg 5 0.421 2 3 7 21 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... — 0.041 0.030 0.063 0.184 Threonine .. g 0.091 0.068 0.141 0.414 Isoleucine .. g 0.117 0.086 0.181 0.529 Leucine....... g 0.228 0.169 0.354 1.036 Lysine ........ g 0.078 0.058 0,120 0.352 Methionine . g 0.059 0.044 0.091 0.267 Cystine....... g 0.071 0.052 0.109 0.320 Phenylalanine g 0.167 0.123 0.258 0.756 Tyrosine... 9 0.100 0.074 0,155 0.454 Valine... g 0.135 0.100 0.210 0.614 Arginine . 9 0,135 0.100 0.209 0.611 Histidine. g 0.075 0.056 0.117 0,342 Alanine... g 0.108 0.080 0.167 0.489 Aspartic acid. g 0.168 0.124 0.260 0.761 Glutamic acid g 1.109 0.821 1.719 5.031 Glycine... g 0.120 0.089 0.186 0.545 Proline g 0.382 0.283 0.592 1.733 Serine .... -g 0.166 0,123 0.257 0.753 values based on data from recipe: Apples, 42%; flour tortilla, 36%; sugar, 15%; oil, 7%. Average value for product made with apples = 414 IU per 100 g. Average value for product made with cherries = 949 1U | per 100 gq. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21069 MEXICAN FOODS Chimichanga with Beef Page 123 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _— Standard Number } _Bpprorimpe measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 chimichanga = 4 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WaALEN ........oiiiiieee cee g 50.68 3.300 2 88.18 229,88 kcal 244 425 1,108 FOOD BNBIQY «.ovvisivisvivviminmmivisormmiiniss KJ 1,023 1,779 4,639 Protein (N X6, 08)... wg 11,27 0.632 2 19.62 51.14 Total lipid (fat) .... .g 11.31 1.339 2 19.67 51,29 Carbohydrate, total wi 24.60 42.80 111.58 Crude fibe wg 1.29 0.239 2 2:25 5.86 Ash . wg 2.14 0.051 2 3.72 9.70 36 1.390 2 63 163 wi - 2.61 0.111 2 4.55 11.86 Magnesium. .. mg 36 0.245 2 62 161 Phosphorus .. mg 71 7.545 2 12 321 Potassium .. mg 337 31.400 2 587 1,530 Sodium .. mg 523 61.301 2 910 2,372 Zinc . mg 2.85 0.666 2 4.95 12.91 Copper. ..mg 0.243 1 0.423 1.102 Manganese. .. mg 0.320 0.021 2 0.556 1.451 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 2.7 2.551 2 4.7 12.2 Thiamin... mg 0.28 0.117 2 0.48 1.26 Riboflavin. mg 0.37 0.028 2 0.64 1.67 Niacin... mg 3.32 0.062 2 5:71 15.05 Pantothenic acid. mg 1.18 0.130 2 2.05 5.34 Vitamin Bg .. 0.16 0.002 2 0.27 0.72 Folacin 2... 18 1 31 80 Vitamin By. 0.87 0.231 2 1.52 3.97 — 9 1 15 39 Vitamin A. 84 1 147 382 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. -g 4.888 8.505 22.172 4:0 .. .g 6:0 .. ww 80... war 10:0 .. -g 0.027 1 0.046 0,121 12:0 .. -g 0.027 1 0.046 0.121 14:0... -g 0.591 1 1.028 2.681 16:0 .. -g 2.693 1 4.685 12.215 18:0 .. -g 1.551 1 2.698 7.034 Monounsaturated, total . .g 4.635 8.064 21.023 1641 oui wi 18:1. -g 4.635 1 8.064 21.023 20:1 .. .g 22:1. ws Polyunsaturated, total wn: § 0.653 1.137 2.963 18:2. -g 0.604 1 1.052 2.741 18:3. -g 0.049 1 0.085 0.222 18:4 .. 9g 20:4 .. wg 205 .. .g 225 .. .g 226... wg Cholesterol . . mg 5 1 9 22 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.137 0.239 0.622 Threonine -g 0.436 0.758 1:977 Isoleucine -g 0.465 0.810 2.111 Leucine -g 0.870 1.513 3.945 Lysine ~g 0.773 1.346 3.508 Methionine -g 0.247 0.429 1.119 Cystine..... ~g 0.141 0.245 0.639 Phenylalanine . -g 0.464 0.807 2,103 Tyrosine... -g 0.349 0.607 1.581 Valine... -g 0.527 0.916 2.389 -g 0.688 1,197 3.121 -g 0.332 0.578 1.506 - g 0.642 1.116 2.910 - g 0.899 1.565 4.080 g 2.273 3.956 10,313 g 0.727 1.265 3.297 g 0.747 1.300 3.390 - g 0.467 0,813 2.120 'Values based on data from recipe: Flour tortilla, 39%; ground beef, 29%; radishes, 20%; lettuce, 10%; oil, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21070 MEXICAN FOODS Page 124 Chimichanga with Beef and Cheese Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 chimichanga = 183 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WaT... gq 52.70 4.130 2 96.44 239.05 kcal 242 443 1,098 FOO BNBIGY.....mmmsmimvimmomimms kJ 1,013 1,855 4,597 Protein (NX 6.13. 9g 10.96 1.098 2 20.05 49.69 Total lipid (fat) g 12.81 3,215 2 23.45 58.13 Carbohydrate, total wg 21.49 39.33 97.48 Crude fiber.. - 9 1.16 0.164 2 2.12 5,25 g 2.04 0.050 2 3.73 9.25 130 15,301 2 238 591 2.10 0.659 2 3.84 9,51 Magnesium 33 1.750 2 60 148 Phosphorus mg 102 9,815 2 187 464 Potassium mg 111 50.900 2 203 503 Sodium , 523 111.651 2 956 2,370 i 1.84 0.169 2 3.37 8.36 Copper 0.192 0.034 2 0,352 0.873 Manganese. 0.267 0.092 2 0.488 1.210 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. . 1.5 0.571 2 2.7 6.7 Thiamin... mg 0.21 0.021 2 0.39 0.97 Riboflavin. mg 0.47 0.037 2 0.85 2.12 Niacin....... - mg 2.55 0.035 2 4.68 11.59 Pantothenic acid. .. mg 0.98 0.109 2 1.79 4,43 Vitamin Bg mg 0.12 0.002 2 0.22 0.55 Folacin® .. mcg 18 1 34 83 Vitamin By. .. mcg 0.71 0.149 2 1.31 3.24 cr 69 1 127 315 Vitamin A 295 1 540 1,339 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, 1018] osmosis: g 6.108 11.178 27.708 3:0... gq 6:0 .. 1 8:0... wg 10:0 .. “ g 12:0... g 14:0 .. -g 0.459 1 0.840 2.082 16:0 .. -g 3,157 1 5.777 14.319 18:0 .. -g 2.492 i 4,561 11.306 Monounsaturated, total . .g 5.155 9.433 23.382 16:1 .g 1824... wi g 5,155 1 9.433 23.382 20:1... wg 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 0.398 0.729 1.807 -g 0.398 1 0,729 1.807 wg .g .g wg oy .g mg 28 1 51 126 mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. -g 0.132 0.242 0.600 Threonine wg 0.397 0.726 1.800 Isoleucine wg 0.481 0.880 2.181 Leucine. .g 0.858 1.570 3.891 Lysine... .g 0.722 1.321 3.215 Methionine -g 0.239 0.438 1.086 Cystine..... .g 0.127 0.232 0.576 Phenylalanine. a] 0.474 0.867 2.148 Tyrosine... 9 0.366 0.670 1.662 Valine... -g 0.538 0.984 2.440 Arginine -g 0.588 1.076 2.667 Histidine... .g 0.320 0.585 1.451 Alanine .g 0.527 0.965 2.391 Aspartic acid .g 0.790 1.446 3.583 Glutamic acid.. w g 2.375 4.347 10.774 - 4g 0.565 1.033 2.562 - 9g 0.851 1.557 3. 859 9 0.486 0.890 2,205 ! values based on data from recipe: Flour tortilla, 39%; radishes, 22%; ground beef, 20%; lettuce, 10%; cheese, 8%; oil, 1s. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21071 MEXICAN FOODS Chimichanga with Beef and Red Chili Peppers Page 125 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard mn Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 chimichanga = 190 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WALL coin g 54.24 0.232 2 103.06 246.03 kcal 223 424 1,012 Pood energy kJ 934 1,775 4,238 Protein (N X5. 97) og 9,53 0.158 2 18.10 43.22 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 10.07 0.979 2 19.13 45.68 Carbohydrate, total. .g 24.09 45,77 109.28 i : 0.80 0.009 2 1.51 3.61 2.07 0.030 2 3.93 9.39 Minerals: Calcium. 37 1.050 2 71 169 Iron .... 2.20 0.133 2 4.18 9,98 Magnesium 34 0.351 2 65 154 Phosphorus .. mg 59 0.300 2 113 270 Potassium. . mg 323 5.450 2 613 1,463 Sodium . . mg 615 14.055 2 1,169 2,790 Zinc... 1.59 0.041 2 3.03 7.23 Copper. 0.145 0.000 2 0.276 0.660 Manganese... 0.324 0.004 2 0.616 1.471 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.2 0.197 2 0.4 0.9 Thiamin..... 0.15 0.001 2 0.29 0.70 Riboflavin. 0.35 0.001 2 0.66 1,57 Niacin........ 2.81 0.030 2 5.34 12,75 Pantothenic acid.. 1.15 0.171 2 2.19 5.24 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.12 0.004 2 0.24 0, 57 Folacin®..... mcg 18 1 34 80 Vitamin By... 0.57 0.020 2 1.09 2.59 — RE 14 1 26 63 VItamin A ....oooviiieieeeeeeeeees {ww 138 1 262 626 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 4,354 8.272 19.749 4:0... .g 6:0 .g 8:0 .g 10:0 .g 0.024 1 0.045 0.108 12:0 .g 0.024 1 0.045 0.108 14:0 .g 0.526 1 1.000 2.388 16:0 vg 2.399 1 4.557 10.880 180... «g 1.381 1 2,625 6.266 Monounsaturated, total .g 4.128 7.844 18.726 16:1... .g 18:1 5g 4.128 1 7.844 18.726 20:1 .g 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total ug 0.582 1.105 2.639 18:2... . 9 0.538 1 1,023 2.442 .g 0.044 1 0.083 0.197 g g -g Cholesterol . mg 8 1 9 22 PIIOSIBIOIS. cco ussvisersemmmmmmmmmssnrenenensns mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... g 0.118 0.224 0.536 Threonine . vg 0.364 0.691 1.651 Isoleucine . .g 0.388 0.737 1.759 Leucine. .g 0.728 1.383 3.301 Lysine .g 0.637 1.210 2.889 Methionine .'g 0.203 0.385 0.919 Cystine...... .g 0.121 0.230 0.550 Phenylalanine .. .g 0.396 0.752 1.795 Tyrosine .g 0.292 0.355 1.325 Valine .g 0.440 0.837 1.998 Arginine .g 0.576 1.095 2,613 Histidine BN] 0.279 0.531 1.267 Alanine.. vg 0.531 1.010 2.411 Aspartic acid .g 0.796 1,513 3.612 Glutamic acid .g 2.062 3.918 9,353 Glycine.. « g 0.594 1.128 2.693 Proline .. -g 0.632 1.201 2.867 Serine... .g 0.402 0.764 1.824 Values based on data from recipe: beans, 17%. Flour tortilla, 39%; *Values for chimichanga with beef. ground beef, 26%; chili sauce, 18%; chili with meat and AH-8-21 NDB No. (1988) 21072 MEXICAN FOODS Chimichanga with Beef, Cheese, and Red Chili Peppers Page 126 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number i measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 chimichanga = 0g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: LL T—— g 59.19 1.420 2 106.54 268.49 kcal 202 364 918 FOO: BNBIGY sss isnenssssmssncrsmsnssmmmareores kJ 847 1,525 3,843 Protein (N X6, 14) .. an J 8.15 0.069 2 14.67 36.97 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 9.75 0.299 2 17.55 44.24 Carbohydrate, tota g 21.26 38.26 96.42 Crude fiber.. g 0.58 0.001 2 1.05 2.64 -g 1.65 0.059 2 2.97 7.49 Minerals: Calcium 121 4.650 2 218 549 Iron ..... 1.75 0.069 2 3.14 7.92 Magnesium. 23 0.160 2 41 104 Phosphorus 81 5.325 2 146 369 Potassium 183 2.204 2 330 832 Sodium 497 9.548 2 895 2,256 Zine..... 2.517 0.934 2 4.63 11.66 Copper... 0.313 1 0.564 1.421 Manganese 0.217 0.005 2 0.390 0.982 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 1:0 0.055 2 1.7 4.4 Thiamin... 0.13 0.024 2 0.24 0.60 Riboflavin... 0.53 0.009 2 0.96 2.41 . 1.92 0.148 2 3.46 8.73 Pantothenic acid mg 0.82 0.019 2 1.47 3.70 Vitamin Bg . 0.09 0.000 2 0.16 0.39 Folacin™.. 18 1 33 82 Vitamin By... ” 0,71 0.005 2 1.28 3.24 _ RE 55 1 98 248 VIBMIN A oes { Py 390 1 702 1,770 Lipids: * Fatty acids: Saturated, total . - g 4.649 8.367 21.086 4:0... g 6:0. g 8:0. g 10:0. g 12:0. g 14:0. g 0.349 1 0.629 1.585 16:0 . g 2.402 1 4.324 10.897 18:0... g 1,897 1 3.414 8.604 Monounsaturated, total gq 3.923 7.061 17.795 16:1 ... g 18:1. og 3,923 1 7.061 17.795 20:1. .. g 2241 x gq Polyunsaturated, total. g 0.303 0.546 1.375 g 0.303 1 0.546 1.375 - g g g g 22:6 9 Cholesterol .... .... mg 28 1 50 126 Phytosterols... ..mg Amino acids: Tryptophan 9g 0.097 0.174 0.440 Threonine ..... g 0.288 0.518 1.307 Isoleucine .. g 0,332 0.597 1.505 Leucine .. 9 0.605 1.089 2.746 Lysine .... g 0.500 0.90) 2,270 Methionine . g 0.166 0.299 0.753 Cystine....... g 0.100 0.179 0.452 Phenylalanine g 0.342 0.616 1.553 Tyrosine..... g 0.254 0.456 1.150 Valine. g 0.374 0.674 1.698 Arginine . g 0.438 0.788 1.987 Histidine. g 0.228 0.411 1.036 Alanine... g 0.392 0.705 1.776 Aspartic acid. 9 0.619 1.113 2.806 Glutamic acid g 1.840 3.311 8.345 Glycine... g 0.422 0.760 1.915 Proline g 0,593 1.068 2.691 Serine .... 9g 0.350 0.631 1.590 ' Values based on data from recipe: Flour tortilla, 42%; chili with meat and beans, 17%; cheese, 4%. Values for chimichanga with beef and cheese. 19%; chili sauce, 18%; ground beef, AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21073 MEXICAN FOODS Enchilada with Cheese Page 127 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Nulnber Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Moa error of samples 1 enchilada = 163 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 63,23 1.981 7 103.07 286.82 kcal 196 320 891 Food energy ... KJ 822 1,340 3,729 Protein (N X6. 34) g 5,91 0.357 7 9.64 26.82 Total lipid (fat) .... wr 11.56 1.329 7 18.85 52.45 Carbohydrate, tot: .g 17.51 28.54 79.43 Crude fiber.. g 1.67 0.131 7 2.72 2.56 .g 1.78 0.046 7 2.90 8.07 199 8.593 7 324 901 0.81 0.092 7 1.3% 3.65 Magnesium. 31 0.764 7 50 139 Phosphorus mg 82 4.756 7 133 371 Potassium mg 147 4.459 7 240 667 Sodium 481 23.190 7 784 2,181 Zinc... 1.54 0.309 7 2:51 7,00 Copper. 0, 159 0.079 5 0, 259 0.721 Manganese. 0.147 0.009 7 0.240 0.669 Vitamins: ASCOTNG BOI o.oo cer esmersiesessisssisisnsasesss mg 0.6 0.202 7 0.9 2.6 Thiamin... mg 0.05 0.021 7 0.09 0.25 Riboflavin. mg 0.26 0.016 7 0.42 1.17 Niacin....... mg 1.17 0.068 7 1.91 5.31 Pantothenic acid mg 0.93 0.072 7 1.52 4.23 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.24 0.103 7 0.39 1.07 Folacin’... mcg 21 1 34 95 Vitamin By. 0.46 0.052 7 0.74 2.07 A RE 114 3 186 516 VIBININ Airis {ww 712 568.762 3 1,160 3,228 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. wn 6.496 10.589 29.467 4.0. g 6:0. g 8:0. .g 0.925 2 1.508 4.197 10:0. wg 0.264 2 0.430 1.196 12:0. g 0,311 2 0.506 1.409 14:0. g 0.996 2 1.624 4.518 16:0. g 2.547 2 4,151 11,552 18.0. ig 1,454 2 2,370 6.594 Monounsaturated, total |g 3.872 6.311 17.563 18:1 oe. g 18:1. g 3.872 2 6.311 17.563 20:1. g 22:1 .... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.501 0.816 2.271 182... g 0.449 2 0.732 2.038 18:3. g 0.051 2 0.084 0,233 18:4. g 20:4. g 205. gq 2255. g 22:6. g Cholesterol . mg 27 5.276 2 44 121 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . .. g 0.061 0.099 0.275 Threonine ... g 0,199 0.324 0.901 Isoleucine g 0.283 0.461 1.282 Leucine g 0.539 0.879 2.445 Lysine . wn § 0.350 0.570 1.587 Methionine . we @ 0.126 0.205 0.571 vest g 0.051 0.084 0,233 g 0.270 0.441 1,227 g 0.239 0.389 1.083 g 0,323 0.526 1.464 - g 0.233 0.380 1.058 Histidine... g 0.176 0.287 0.800 Alanine... g 0.234 0.382 1.062 Aspartic acid. g 0.404 0.658 1.832 Glutamic acid. g 1.335 2.176 6.055 Glycine.... g 0.138 0.225 0.626 Proline g 0.534 0.871 2.424 .g 0.290 0.473 1.316 1 : Values based on recipe: Corn tortilla, 34%; chili sauce, 30%; cheese, 16%; sour cream, 10%; onion, 5%; oil, 5%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21074 Page 128 MEXICAN FOODS Enchilada with Cheese and Beef - Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Viean Standard Number Aprorite measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 enchilada 192 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 66.89 1.493 8 128.42 303.40 Food Bron 168 324 764 9- 705 1,354 3,199 Protein (N X5. 98). 6.21 0.401 8 11.92 28.17 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 9,19 0.825 8 17.64 41.67 Carbohydrate, total.. g 15.87 30.47 71.98 Crude fiber. g 1.56 0.109 7 3.00 7.10 g 1.85 0.087 8 3.55 8.38 Minerals: Calcium. 119 7.431 7 228 539 1.60 0.460 8 3.08 7.27 43 9.685 8 2 194 Phosphorus .. 87 28.705 8 168 396 Potassium. mg 299 93.283 8 574 1,355 687 179,365 8 1,320 3,118 1.40 0.157 8 2.69 6.36 0.270 0.107 8 0.518 1.223 0.304 0.103 8 0.584 1.380 Ascorbic acid 0.7 0.484 7 1:3 3.1 Thiamin 0.05 0.013 8 0.11 0.25 Riboflavin 0,21 0.020 8 0.40 0.95 Niacin......... 1:31 0.043 7 2.51 5.92 Pantothenic acid 0.75 0.109 8 1.43 3.38 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.14 0.012 8 0.26 0.62 Folacin 100 1 192 453 Vitamin By... 0,53 0.063 8 1.02 2.40 — 74 4 142 335 Viamin A 591 427.793 4 1,135 2,682 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . g 4.712 9.047 21.374 4:0 gq 6: g 8: gq 10: g 0.030 2 0.057 0.134 12: g 0.103 2 0.198 0.468 14: g 0.605 2 1.162 2.744 16:0 g 2.373 2 4.557 10.766 18:0 g 1.601 2 3.074 7.262 Monounsaturated, total g 3.201 6.146 14.519 16:1 .. g 18:1 wi 1G 3.201 2 6.146 14.519 20:1 g 22:1 g Polyunsaturated, total . g 0.723 : 1.388 3.280 rg 0.681 2 1.308 3.091 ng 0.042 2 0.080 0.188 g g g : ws ig 226... .. g Cholesterol mg 21 9.737 3 40 94 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan wn 0.069 0.132 0.311 Threonine .. g 0.239 0.459 1.083 Isoleucine .. 9 0.275 0.528 1.248 Leucine ... g 0.563 1.081 2,553 Lysine ..... g 0.409 0.786 1.856 Methionine . g 0.136 0.261 0.617 Cystine g 0.069 0.132 0.311 Phenylala g 0.269 0.516 1.220 Tyrosine... g 0.226 0.435 1.027 Valine.. g 0.319 0.612 1.446 Arginine .. g 0.349 0.670 1.583 Histidine... g 0.194 0.373 0.881 Alanine... g a.,355 0.682 1.611 Aspartic aci 9 0.527 1.013 2.393 Glutamic acid. g 1.308 2,512 5.935 Glycine... g 0.304 0.584 1.380 Proline .... we g 0.448 0.859 2.030 BOING .....rvimmssmmrmnsissnimmamsssarssssrerereres g 0.279 0.536 1.267 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21075 MEXICAN FOODS Enchirito with Cheese, Beef, and Beans Page 129 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased henn Standard Number Aromat measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 enchirito = 193 ¢g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: WALBE. communism essere g 62.67 0.562 15 120.94 284,25 kcal 178 344 809 FOO @NEIGY ...cisrssrsmmmummrissssensonsnens kJ 746 1,440 3,385 Protein (N X6. 19) z 9,27 0.309 15 17.90 42.06 Total lipid (fat) .... 8.33 0.315 15 16.08 37.79 Carbohydrate, total. 17.51 33.80 79.43 i 1.02 0.147 14 1.97 4,63 2.22 0.057 15 4.28 10.07 113 10.143 15 217 511 1.24 0.105 15 2.39 5.62 Magnesium. v 37 5.047 15 71 166 Phosphorus . . mg 116 3.569 15 224 527 Potassium. . mg 290 9.041 15 560 1,317 . 648 48.812 15 1,251 2,940 es 2 1.43 0.076 14 2.75 6.47 f ” 0.140 0.029 14 0.270 0.635 w w 0.199 0.002 15 0.384 0.903 2.4 0.693 5 4.6 10.7 Thiamin... 0 0.09 0.034 5 0.18 0.42 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.36 0.022 5 0.69 1.63 Niacin....... . mg 1,55 0.042 4 2.99 7.03 Pantothenic acid. PL] 0.95 0.172 5 1.83 4.31 Vitamin Bg ... .. mg 0.11 0.005 5 0.21 0.50 Folacin..... .. mcg 131 3 254 596 Vitamin By.. .. meg 0.84 0.081 5 1:63 3.83 ir 69 2 134 315 Varina 526 271.963 2 1,015 2,386 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ............ccccooeeeiiiniinn g 4.118 7.949 18.681 4:0 .. wg 6:0 .. .g 8:0... .g 10:0 .. 9g 0.057 1 0.111 0.260 12:0 .. -g 0.238 1 0.459 1.079 14:0 .. .g 16:0 .. ~g 2.606 1 5.030 11,822 18:0 .. -g 1.217 1 2.349 5.520 Monounsaturated, total. wi @ 3.377 6.518 15.320 16:1 .. .g 18:1. -g 3,377 1 6.518 15,320 20:1 .. gq 22:1 ie gq Polyunsaturated, total g 0.170 0.327 0.769 18:2 ie g 18:3 .. g 0.170 1 0.327 0.769 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 20:5 .. g 225.. g 226... g Cholesterol . mg 26 17.654 2 49 116 Phytosterols.... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . g 0.102 0.197 0.462 Threonine ... g 0.349 0.674 1.583 Isoleucine g 0.407 0.786 1.848 Leucine 9 0.803 1.550 3.642 Lysine .. g 0.613 1.182 2.779 Methionine .. g 0.195 0.376 0.883 Cystine. ng 0.094 0.182 0.428 Phenylalanine .. g 0.401 0.775 1.821 Tyrosine. g 0.325 0.627 1.474 Valine... g 0.469 0.905 2.127 Arginine .. g 0.506 0.977 2.297 Histidine... . g 0.280 0.541 1,271 Alanine.... wg 0.488 0.943 2.215 Aspartic aci 9 0.788 1.521 3.574 Glutamic acid. g 1.849 3.568 8.385 Glycine.... g 0.425 0.821 1.930 Proline 9g 0.634 1.223 2.874 Serine g 0.418 0.807 1.896 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21076 MEXICAN FOODS Frijoles with Cheese Page 130 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 8 oz cup = 167 g 0 (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WEBB voces soveni ia Ati g 69.11 0.711 22 115.42 313.49 kcal i135 226 614 FOO @Nergy ..........covvveerrerierrre. {4 66 946 2,568 Protein (N X6 , 31).. aus 6.81 0.181 22 11.37 30.87 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 4.66 0.335 22 7.78 21.13 Carbohydrate, total g 17.19 28.71 77.98 Crude fiber..... g 2.33 0.278 22 3.89 10.58 -g 2.23 0.054 22 3.73 10.13 113 5.202 22 188 512 1.34 0.091 22 2.24 6.09 Magnesium. 51 2.560 22 85 232 Phosphorus mg 105 10.060 22 175 474 Potassium mg 362 17.372 22 605 1,643 Sodium mg 528 32.908 22 882 2,397 Zinc...... mg 1.04 0.048 21 1.73 4.71 Copper. mg 0.204 0.006 21 0.341 0.926 Manganese 0.301 0.009 22 0.503 1.367 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 0.9 0.363 12 1.5 4.2 Thiamin... 0.08 0.016 11 0.14 0.38 Riboflavin . mg 0.20 0.020 12 0.33 0.90 Niacin... 0.89 0.105 12 1.48 4.03 Pantothenic aci mg 0.66 0.054 12 ell 3.00 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.12 0.012 12 0.19 0.52 Folacin... mcg 67 1 111 303 Vitamin By. - 0.41 0.043 12 0.68 1.86 pi RE 42 5 71 192 Vitamin A .......o.ovoivieeeeeen {1 273 94.743 : 457 1,240 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. -g 2.440 4.075 11.069 4:0 .. g 6:0 .. gq 8:0 .. g 10:0 .. -g 0.027 3 0.045 0.121 12:0 .. 4g 0.065 3 0.108 0.295 14:0 .. -g 0.241 3 0.403 1.094 16:0 .. -g 1.387 3 2+316 6.290 18:0 .. -g 0.721 3 1,203 3.269 Monounsaturated, total . .g 1.567 2.618 7.110 16:1 oc wg 18:1... -g 1.567 3 2.618 7.110 20:1. we 22:1 . g Polyunsaturated, total wg 0.417 0.697 1,892 18:2. -g 0.344 3 0.575 1.561 18:3 .. 4g 0.073 3 0.122 0.331 18:4 .. . g 20:4 .. 2 g 205 .. .g 2255 .. .g 22:6... .g Cholesterol .. . mg 22 6.341 3 36 98 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.078 0.130 0.352 Threonine -g 0.258 0.430 1.169 Isoleucine - 0.307 0.513 1.394 Leucine. “g 0.523 0.874 2.373 Lysine ... 9g 0.455 0.760 2.065 Methionine “4g 0.111 0.186 0.504 Cystine..... .g 0.061 0.103 0.279 Phenylalanine .. .g 0.337 0.562 1.526 Tyrosine - 9 0.210 0.351 0.954 Valine... -g 0.351 0.585 1.590 Arginine .g 0.359 0.600 1.629 Histidine -g 0.189 0.315 0.856 Alanine. -g 0.250 0.418 1.135 Aspartic . 0.711 1.187 3.224 Glutamic acid .g 1.283 2.143 5.822 Glycine + 0 0.214 0.357 0.969 Proline .g 0.379 0.632 1.717 Serine... - g 0.349 0.584 1.585 ! values based on data from recipe: Refried beans, 69%; chili sauce, 24%; cheese, 6%; oil, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21077 MEXICAN FOODS Page 131 Nachos with Cheese Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - aw Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6-8 nachos = 113 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WEIBE orem si GR ER FRO 2.053 8 45.71 183.49 345 1,387 FOOT BNBIGY.....issmusserssvermmmminirnss 1,446 5.804 Protein (N X6, 30)... 0.395 8 2.09 36.50 Total lipid (fat) .... 0.858 7 18.95 76.09 36.33 145,82 0.189 8 1.95 7.83 0.137 8 2.92 11.71 Minerals: Calcium. 241 15.002 8 272 1,092 ron... 1.13 0.127 8 1.27 5.12 Magnesium. 7 49 1.425 8 55 223 Phosphorus . .. mg 244 27.838 8 276 1,108 Potassium .. mg 152 11.047 8 172 690 Sodium . .. mg 722 37.131 8 816 3,274 Zinc...... - 1.58 0.151 8 1.78 7.17 Copper... - 0.124 0,032 8 0.140 0.561 Manganese. 0.198 0.008 8 0.224 0.900 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 1.1 0.361 8 1,2 5.0 Thiamin... 0.17 0.065 8 g. 19 0.78 Riboflavin. 0,33 0.040 8 0.37 1.49 Niacin....... 1.36 0.063 8 1.53 6.15 Pantothenic acid 1.16 0.108 8 1,31 5.27 Vitamin Bg .. 0.18 0.023 8 0.20 0.82 Folacin *... 9 1 10 40 Vitamin By. 0.73 0.092 8 0.82 3.29 _— 81 3 92 368 VIBRIA B.. 495 76.699 3 559 2,246 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. 9 6.885 7.780 31,229 4:0. ng 6:0. g 8:0. g 100. g 0.165 3 0.187 0,751 12:0. eg 0.214 3 0.241 0.969 14:0. - g 0.893 3 1.009 4.051 16:0. g 3.648 3 4.122 16.548 18:0... g 1.964 3 2.220 8.910 Monounsaturated, total g 7.074 7.994 32.087 16:1 . i. .g 18:1. ng 7.074 3 7.994 32.087 20:1. g 22:1 win g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.976 2,233 8.965 ABD. cnernrersransrsnnestrnsy g 1.803 3 2.037 8.179 183: g 0.173 3 0.196 0.786 184. g 20:4 . g 20:5. gq 22:5 ..v: g 226 ....... g Cholesterol mg 16 7.560 2 18 74 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan eg 0.068 0.076 0.307 Threonine .. wi 0.291 0.329 1.321 Isoleucine .. oni 0.333 0.377 1,512 Leucine .. g 0.902 1.019 4.090 Lysine .... g 0.332 0.375 1.506 Methionine . g 0.174 0.196 0.788 Cystine....... we i 0.114 0.128 0.516 Phenylalanine au 1 0.391 0.442 1.773 Tyrosine. g 0.333 0.377 1.512 Valine.. g 0.429 0.485 1.947 Arginine . g 0.372 0.420 1.686 Histidine. g 0.247 0.279 1.118 Alanine... -g 0.493 0.557 2.236 Aspartic acid. .g 0.540 0.610 2.451 Glutamic acid .g 1.588 1.794 7.201 Glycine... -g 0.278 0.315 1.263 Proline -g 0.733 0.828 3.325% Serine .... .g 0.395 0.446 1.790 values based on data from recipe: Tortilla corn chips, 70%; onion, 15%; cheese, 15%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21078 MEXICAN FOODS Nachos with Cheese and Jalapeno Peppers Page 132 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased aan Standard Runider Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6-8 nachos = 204 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WEEE sims mssemaspessercen g 42.70 0.317 4 87.10 193.68 kcal 298 607 1,350 FOOL BNIGY .... vampires KJ 1,246 2,541 5,650 Protein (N X6.32). w 8.24 0.060 5 16.81 37.38 Total lipid (fat) ..... 16.74 0.240 5 34.15 75.94 Carbohydrate, total.. 29.45 60.08 133.60 Crude fiber.............. 2,32 0.125 4 4.74 10..53 2.87 0.054 4 5.85 13.00 304 10.966 4 620 1,379 1.20 0.041 4 2.45 5.45 Magnesium... . 53 1.029 4 109 242 Phosphorus . mg 193 3.050 4 394 876 Potassium mg 144 4.105 4 293 652 Sodium ....... . mg 851 8.874 5 1,736 3,861 ZinC....:c: . mg 1.42 0.017 4 2.90 6.44 Copper. . mg 0.085 0.002 4 0.173 0.385 Manganese. .. mg 0.215 0.005 4 0.440 0.978 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid . 0.5 0.053 4 0.9 2.1 Thiamin... 0.06 0.001 4 0.13 0.28 0.24 0.009 4 0.49 1.08 1.39 0.017 4 2.84 6.32 Pantothenic acid - 1.20 0.034 4 2.44 5.43 Vitamin Bg .. . mg 0.18 0.004 4 0.38 0.84 Folacin®.... . mcg 9 1 19 42 Vitamin By. mcg 0.50 0.006 4 1.02 2.27 _— RE 231 3 471 1,047 VIamIin A .....ooooviiiiese {1 1,991 151.216 3 4,061 9.030 Lipids: Fatty acids: ? Saturated, total ..... wg 6.872 14.018 31.170 4.0 .. gq 6:0... g 8:0 .. g 10:0-...... g 0.165 3 0.337 0.749 12:0 g 0.213 3 0.435 0.967 14:0 g 0.891 3 1.818 4.043 16:0 g 3.641 3 7.428 16.517 180... g 1.961 3 4.000 8.894 Monounsaturated, total g 7.061 14.404 32.027 16:1... g 18:1 g 7.061 3 14.404 32.027 20:1... g 22, ints mnmramse on g Polyunsaturated, total wg 1.973 4.024 8.948 18:2... ng 1.800 3 3.671 8.163 18:3 wi 0.173 3 0.353 0.784 18:4 g 20:4 g 20:5 gq 22:5 .g 22:6 .g Cholestero mg 41 4.070 2 83 184 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan a] 0.074 0.152 0.337 Threonine .. -g 0.291 0.593 1.319 Isoleucine .. wg 0.365 0.745 1.656 Leucine .. 4g 0.880 1.796 3.993 Lysine. 4g 0.398 0.811 1.804 Methionine . -g 0.181 0.370 0.822 Cystine....... -g 0.102 0.208 0.461 Phenylalanine -g 0.398 0.811 1.804 Tyrosine......... -g 0.344 0.702 1.562 Valine... -g 0.450 0.918 2.041 Arginine .. - 9 0.357 0.729 1.621 Histidine... -g 0.256 0.521 1.159 Alanine... -g 0.443 0.904 2.011 Aspartic acid. -g 0.541 1.104 2.455 Glutamic acid. -g 1.690 3.448 7.666 Glycine... - 9g 0.249 0.508 1.130 Proline .... -g 0.767 1.564 3.478 Serine g 0.409 0.835 1.857 Values based on data from recipe: ?Values for nachos with cheese. Tortilla corn chips, 71%; cheese, 15%; pepper sauce, 14%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21079 MEXICAN FOODS Nachos with Cheese, Beans, Ground Beef, and Peppers Page 133 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased aah Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6-8 nachos = 255 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WABY oncom g 55.96 0.988 4 142.70 293,85 kcal 223 568 1,011 FOOO BNBIGY co. covrvrrvirmmsmsraspmspnsssssssss KJ 933 2,378 4,230 Protein (N X6. 37)... wg 7.76 0.287 5 19.78 35.18 Total lipid (fat) .... vg 12.04 0.343 5 30.69 54.60 Carbohydrate, total .g 21.89 55,82 99.30 Crude fiber w: 1.68 0,155 4 4.30 7.64 g 2.358 0.090 4 6.00 10.67 151 9.197 4 384 684 1.09 0.082 4 2.78 4.95 Magnesium. 38 1.104 4 97 173 Phosphorus mg 152 13.725 4 389 692 Potassium mg 177 20.074 4 451 803 706 25.481 5 1,800 3,202 1,43 0.063 4 3.65 6.49 0,292 0,131 4 0.746 1.327 0.166 0.006 4 0.424 0.753 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 1.9 0.748 4 4.8 8.6 Thiamin... 0.09 0.049 4 0.24 0.42 Riboflavin. 0.27 0.025 4 0.69 1,22 iaci 1.31 0.052 4 3,35 5.96 Pantothenic acid mg 0,99 0.053 4 2,53 4.50 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.16 0.011 4 0.41 0.73 Folacin®... mcg 15 x 39 69 Vitamin B;,. ... mcg 0.40 0.010 4 1.01 1.79 asi RE 184 2 469 835 VHAMIN A ooo {ww 1,334 735.217 5 3,401 6,049 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ng 4.897 12.487 22.213 4:0 ...ov g 6:0. g 8:0. g 10:0. g 0.190 x 0.486 0.864 120 .... g 0.264 1 0.672 1.196 140... g 0.820 1 2.092 3,721 16:0. g 2.612 1 6.661 11.848 18:0 ..... g 1.011 1 2.571 4,584 Monounsaturated, total g 4.306 10.981 19.533 16:1 coven g 1821 ...., g 4.306 1 10.981 19,533 20:1. g 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 2.231 5.690 10.121 18:20 g 2.138 1 5,453 9.700 18:3. wg 0.093 1 0.237 0.421 18:4. ire 1 20:4. g 205. g 22:5. g 226. we Cholesterol .. mg 8 4.628 2 21 38 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan og 0.077 0.196 0.348 Threonine ...... g 0.279 0.711 1.265 Isoleucine .. g 0.347 0.885 1.574 Leucine... g 0.750 1.913 3.402 Lysine ..... g 0.438 1.118 1.988 Methionine . g 0.166 0.422 0.751 Cystine....... 9 0.086 0.220 0.392 Phenylalanine g 0.360 0.919 1,635 Tyrosine. 9 0.301 0.767 1.364 Valine.. g 0.414 1.056 1.878 Arginine .. g 0.358 0.913 1.624 Histidine... 9 0.235 0.599 1.066 Alanine... ng 0.390 0.994 1.767 Aspartic aci I] 0.575 1.465 2.607 Glutamic acid. g 1.523 3.884 6.909 Glycine... g 0.268 0.683 1,215 Proline g 0.640 1.633 2.905 Serine .... 9g 0.374 0.953 1.696 ! Values based on data from recipe: Tortilla corn chips, 40%; tomatoes, 20%; pepper sauce, 15%; cheese, 12%; beans, 9%; ground beef, 4%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21080 MEXICAN FOODS Nachos with Cinnamon and Sugar Page 134 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 6-8 nachos = 109 gq 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: TTI, g 1.01 0.244 4 1:11 4.60 kcal 543 592 2,464 Food energy ..........ccccoevveeiiecin. kJ 2,274 2,478 10,314 Protein (N X6. 25) .. .. g 6.60 0.150 4 7.19 29,92 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 33.01 1.036 4 35.98 149,72 Carbohydrate, tota g 58.16 63.39 263.81 Crude fiber.. g 1.25 0.135 4 1.37 5.69 .g 1.22 0.139 4 1.33 5,55 78 2.012 3 85 354 Iron ...... mg 2.65 0.308 4 2.89 12.02 Magnesium. 18 1.764 4 20 82 Phosphorus ... 30 0.074 4 32 135 Potassium... 72 0.622 3 79 328 Sodium 403 44.924 3 439 1,828 Zing... 0.54 0.010 4 0.58 2.43 Copper. 0.143 0.023 4 0.156 0.648 Manganese. 0.452 0.011 4 0.493 2.050 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 7.3 2.480 4 7.9 32.9 Thiamin... 0.17 0.062 4 0.19 0.79 Riboflavin. 0.41 0.075 4 0.44 1.84 Niacin....... 3.60 0.359 4 3.93 16.34 Pantothenic acid 1.74 0.099 4 1.90 7.91 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.16 0.106 4 0.18 0.74 Folacin®.... 7 1 7 30 i 1.58 0.090 4 1.73 7.19 Vitamin A RE 10 2 1 45 FS {1 99 13.910 2 108 449 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. g 16.707 18.211 75.784 : gq g .g 9g .g .g wg 11.056 1 12,051 50.150 .g 5,651 1 6.160 25,635 .g 10.864 11.842 49.279 .g wg 10.864 1 11,842 49.279 g 22:1 .g Polyunsaturated, wg 3.786 4,127 17.173 18:2... wg 3.786 1 4.127 17.173 18:3 “i 18:4 .g 20:4 : ig 20:5 « i 22:5 .g 226... y iG Cholesterol .. . mg 36 1 39 162 Phytosterols..............cccccceviiinnnnnnnnn. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.047 0.052 0.215 Threonine . .g 0.248 0.270 1.125 Isoleucine . .g 0.236 0.258 1.072 Leucine ..... .g 0.809 0.882 3.671 ove sg 0.186 0.202 0.842 wg 0.138 0.151 0.627 .g 0,119 0.130 0.541 +g 0.324 0.353 1.469 g 0.269 0.293 1.221 g 0.335 0.365 1.517 Arginine . .g 0.329 0.359 1.493 Histidine . .g 0.202 0.220 0.914 Alanine... .g 0.494 0.538 2.240 Aspartic acid. . g 0.459 0.500 2.082 Glutamic acid wg 1.238 1.349 5.615 Glycine... .g 0.271 0.296 1.230 Proline .g 0.576 0.628 2.613 Serine... .g 0,313 0.342 1.422 values based on data from recipe: Tortilla corn chips, 90%; oil, 8%; sugar, 1%; cinnamon, 1s. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21081 MEXICAN FOODS Page 135 Taco Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units _— Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 small taco = 1 large taco = 171 g 263 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: WBE ....vonsrassonsms sisnsserssbissisaiiivsiaiis assess g 58.40 0.872 48 99.86 153.58 264.89 kcal 216 370 569 982 Food energy. kJ 906 1,550 2,383 4,111 Protein (N X 6.29)... g 12.08 0.501 49 20.65 31,77 54.79 Total lipid (fat) ....... 12.02 0.261 48 20.55 31.60 54.50 Carbohydrate, total 15.63 26.74 41..12 70.92 i 1.22 0.074 46 2.09 3.21 5.53 1.87 0.060 46 3.20 4.93 8.50 Minerals: Calcium. .... mg 129 5,031 48 221 339 585 ron... 1.41 0.039 48 2.42 3.72 6.42 Magnesium. mg 41 1.427 48 71 109 188 Phosphorus mg 119 5.199 47 203 313 539 Potassium mg 277 9.556 47 473 728 1,255 Sodium . mg 469 21.369 50 802 1,234 2,128 Zinc... . mg 2.30 0.085 46 3.93 6.05 10.43 Copper........ . mg 0.120 0.010 41 0.205 0,315 0.544 Manganese. ... mg 0.257 0.023 46 0.439 0.675 1.165 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid ............... ... Mg 1.3 0.189 34 2,2 3.4 5.9 Thiamin... . mg 0.09 0.010 37 0.15 0.23 0.40 Riboflavin . mg 0.26 0.017 37 0.45 0.69 1.19 Niacin...... . mg 1.88 0.074 36 3.22 4.96 8.55 Pantothenic acid . mg 0.99 0.051 34 1.69 2.59 4.47 Vitamin Bg .. . mg 0.14 0.008 37 0.24 0.36 0.62 Folacin.... 14 1.355 4 23 36 61 Vitamin Bo 0.61 0.036 36 1.04 1.61 2.77 Vitamin A { 86 19 147 226 390 ee wu 500 51.028 19 855 1,315 2,268 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wg 6.648 11.368 17.484 30.155 4:0. wg 6:0. .g 8:0 .g 0.000 7 0.000 0.000 0.000 100 .... w 0.324 7 0.554 0.852 1.469 12:0 wig 0.799 7 1.366 2.100 3.623 14:0 .g 1.017 7 1.739 2.674 4.612 16:0 wg 2.755 7 4.711 7.246 12.497 18:0 g 1.754 7 2.999 4.612 7.955 Monounsaturated, total . w 3.846 6.576 10.114 17.444 16:1 .g 18:1 g 3.846 7 6.576 10.114 17.444 20:1 g 22:1... g Polyunsaturate .g 0.561 0.959 1.475 2.544 18:2... g 0.512 7 0.875 1.345 2.320 18:3 g 0.049 7 0.084 0.130 0.224 18:4 g 20:4 g 20:5 g 22:5 g 22:6 g Cholesterol .. mg 33 4.178 12 57 87 150 Phytosterols. Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.134 0.230 0.354 0.610 Threonine g 0.447 0.765 1.177 2.030 Isoleucine g 0.565 0.965 1.485 2,561 Leucine. g 1.039 1.776 2.732 4.712 Lysine ... g 0.855 1.461 2,247 3.876 Methionine g 0.269 0.460 0.707 1.219 Cystine... g 0.106 0.181 0.278 0.479 Phenylalanine . g 0.517 0.883 1.359 2.343 Tyrosine.......... g 0.444 0.759 1.167 2.012 Valine....... wi § 0.634 1.084 1.667 2.874 Arginine ng 0.618 1.057 1.626 2.805 Histidine g 0.373 0.637 0.980 1.690 Alanine..... g 0.599 1.025 1,576 2.718 Aspartic acid. g 0.939 1.606 2.470 4.259 Glutamic acid. g 2.383 4.075 6.267 10.810 Glycine... g 0.538 0.919 1.414 2.439 Proline .... . g 0.899 1.537 2.364 4.076 BOING .....rvrurererissssssssisimisssssersssssssssensnes g 0.542 0.926 1.424 2.456 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21082 MEXICAN FOODS Taco Salad Page 136 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Naan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cups = 198 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: g 72.35 2.473 9 143,26 328.19 kcal 141 279 638 Pod energy. kJ 589 1,166 2,671 Protein (N X6.27) «ig 6.68 0.764 10 13,23 30.31 Total lipid (fat) .... " 7.46 0.652 10 14,77 33.83 11.91 23.59 54.04 1.25 0.196 9 2.48 5.68 1.59 0.160 9 3.16 7.23 97 9.379 9 192 441 1,15 0.085 9 2.28 5.22 26 2.146 9 52 120 Phosphorus .. . 72 6,117 9 143 328 Potassium. . mg 210 26.120 9 416 952 Sodium .. . mg 385 44.992 10 763 1,748 Zinc... , 1.36 0.213 9 2.68 6.15 Copper... 0.113 0.023 8 0,223 0.511 Manganese... 0.167 0.015 9 0.331 0.758 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid ...........ccocoeevernnnnn. mg 1.8 0.612 9 3.5 8.0 Thiamin... . mg 0.05 0.009 9 0.10 0.24 Riboflavin . mg 0.18 0.022 9 0.35 0.80 Niacin..... mg 1.24 0.196 9 2.46 5.64 Pantothenic acid.. mg 0.68 0.095 9 1.34 3.08 Vitamin Bg ........... mg 0.11 0.009 9 0.21 0.49 Folacin}..... mcg 20 1 40 91 Vitamin B,, mcg 0.32 0.043 9 0.64 1.46 ris oe RE 39 4 78 178 VIII A cs sinsosimmimiomismiissis ssn {ww 297 66.874 4 589 1,349 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . .. g 3.446 6.824 15.633 4:0 gq 6:0 g 8: .. g 10: - g 0.089 3 0.177 0.405 12: g 0.146 3 0.288 0.660 14.0 g 0.493 3 0.977 2,238 16:0 g 1.898 3 3.759 8.610 18:0... g 0.820 3 1.623 3.719 Monounsaturated, total g 2.606 5.161 11.822 161.... g 18:1. g 2.606 3 5.161 11.822 20:1. g 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.883 1.749 4.006 182 ..... g 0.838 3 1.660 3.803 18:3. g 0.045 3 0.089 0.203 18:4. g 20:4. g 20:5'...... g 225... g 22:6. g Cholesterol . mg 22 5.770 4 44 101 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . wg 0.075 0.148 0.338 Threonine ... g 0.254 0.502 1.150 Isoleucine g 0,311 0.616 1.412 Leucine g 0.549 1.087 2.490 Lysine... i. 0.486 0.962 2.204 Methionine .. eg 0.145 0.287 0.657 Cystine... g 0.060 0.118 0.271 Phenylalanine . g 0.277 0.549 1,257 Tyrosine... g 0.232 0.460 1.054 Valine... g 0.343 0.679 1.557 Arginine g 0.357 0.707 1.619 Histidine g 0.201 0.399 0.914 Alanine..... g 0.339 0.671 1.537 Aspartic acid gq 0.554 1.097 2.514 Glutamic acid.. 9 1.291 2.555 5.854 ~- g 0.326 0.646 1,479 ~g 0.452 0.895 2.050 -g 0.287 0.568 1.300 values based on data from recipe: shell, 7%. Lettuce, 42%; tomato, 17%; chili sauce, 13%; ground beef, 12%; cheese, 9%; taco AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21083 MEXICAN FOODS Taco Salad with Chili Con Carne Page 137 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1-1/2 cups = 261 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: WBIBY ..vmnmniimmmmmmmmmsmsm mms g 76.79 1.609 4 200.42 348.31 kcal 111 288 501 Food energy KJ 463 1,208 2,099 Protein (N X6.28). g 6.67 0.608 4 17.40 30.24 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 5.03 0.729 4 13.13 22.81 Carbohydrate, total.. g 10.18 26,57 46.18 Crude fiber. g 1.98 0.174 4 5.16 8.97 «i 1.33 0.087 4 3.48 6.06 Minerals: Calcium. 94 12.856 4 246 427 ON wire 1.02 0.170 4 2.67 4.64 Magnesium 20 1.572 4 52 90 Phosphorus .. mg 59 7.754 4 153 266 Potassium. mg 150 37.329 4 393 682 Sodium .. mg 339 33,577 4 886 1,540 Zinc... 1.26 0.146 4 3.29 5.71 Copper... 0.115 0.021 4 0.301 0.523 Manganese... 0.129 0.010 4 0.336 0.583 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 1.3 0.725 4 3.3 5.8 Thiamin... 0.06 0.027 4 0.16 0.27 Riboflavin. 0.19 0.026 4 0.49 0.85 Niacin... 0.97 0.074 4 2.54 4.42 Pantothenic acid.. . 0.55 0.055 4 1.44 2.50 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.20 0,127 4 0.53 0.93 Folacin ...... . mcg 24 1 64 111 Vitamin By... 3 0.28 0.008 4 0.73 1.28 Vitamin A jo 82 2 214 372 ERR eee w 603 91.647 2 1,573 2,735 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 2,299 6.001 10.429 A Liisi .g 6:0 ... .g 8:0 .g 10:0 . ig 0.060 3 0.155 0.270 12:0 .g 0.097 3 0.253 0.440 14:0 ag 0.329 3 0.859 1.493 16:0 . g 1.266 3 3.305 5.744 18:0 .. a] 0.547 3 1.427 2.481 Monounsaturated, total . .g 1.739 4.538 7.887 1611 wvunn .g 18:1 .g 1.739 3 4.538 7.887 20:1 .. .g 22:3 .. ag Polyunsaturated, total .g 0.589 1,538 2.672 18:2. .g 0..559 3 1.460 2.537 18:3. .g 0.030 3 0.078 0.135 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 205... g 225.. g 226 .. g Cholesterol . mg 2 1 4 8 Phytosterols.................. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . wg 0.074 0.194 0.337 Threonine ... g 0.248 0.648 1.127 Isoleucine ... g 0.313 0.817 1.420 Leucine... wg 0.555 1.449 2.518 Lysine .. ws 0.466 1.216 2.114 Methionine .. g 0.139 0.363 0.631 Cystine........ g 0.061 0.158 0.274 Phenylalanine g 0,295 0.770 1.339 Tyrosine. ng 0.235 0.612 1.064 Valine.. ng 0.349 0.912 1.584 Arginine .. g 0.338 0.881 1.531 Histidine... g 0,199 0.518 0.900 Alanine... g 0.307 0.801 1.392 Aspartic acid.. wg 0.570 1.488 2.586 Glutamic acid. wg 1.313 3.427 5.956 Glycine... g 0.275 0.718 1.247 Proline g 0.463 1.208 2,099 Serine .... 8g 0.306 0.798 1.387 ! Values based on data from recipe: Chili con carne, 44%; lettuce, 24%; tomato, 15%; cheese, 9%; taco shell, 8%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21084 MEXICAN FOODS Page 138 Tostada with Beans and Cheese Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Niza Standard Nuiiber Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 tostada = 144 g 0 (A) (B) [(®] (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water ...........ccoeeineneeneeene cs 66.24 0.927 13 95.39 300. 48 Food anergy i i ri Protein (N X 6. 29 6.67 0.410 13 9.60 30.23 Total lipid (fat) 6.85 0.287 13 9.86 31.06 Carbohydrate, total. 18.42 26.52 83.54 Crude fiber 2.60 0.193 13 3.75 11.81 1.83 0.083 13 2.63 8.30 Minerals: Calcium. 146 8.321 13 211 664 Iron .... 1.31 0.097 13 1.88 5.93 Magnesium... or 41 1.259 13 59 186 Phosphorus .. . mg 81 4.585 13 116 366 Potassium. . mg 280 27.096 13 403 1,269 Sodium .. . mg 377 30.931 13 543 1,709 1:32 0.202 13 1.90 5.99 0,143 0.012 12 0.205 0.647 Manganese 0.255 0.010 13 0.367 1.156 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.9 0.226 13 1.3 4,1 Thiamin. 0.07 0.011 13 0.10 0.31 Riboflavin mg 0.23 0.024 13 0.33 1.03 Niacin... mg 0.92 0.074 13 1.33 4,18 Pantothenic acid. mg 0.79 0.059 13 1.14 3.58 Vitamin Bg . mg 0. 11 0.008 13 0.17 0.52 Folacin ». mcg 52 1 75 237 Vitamin B,, mcg 0.48 0.034 13 0.68 2,16 or 59 5 85 267 Vitamina 432 142.833 5 622 1,961 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... -g 3,727 5.366 16.904 4:0 g g g g 0.169 3 0.244 0.768 og 0.474 3 0.682 2.148 wg 0,533 3 0.768 2.419 g 1.722 3 2.479 7.810 9 0,829 3 1.193 3.759 Monounsaturated, total g 2.121 3.054 9.619 3 wr. iG wg 2.121 3 3.054 9.619 g g Polyunsaturated, total . g 0.520 0.749 2.359 18:2 og 0.479 3 0.690 2.173 18:3. ng 0.041 3 0.059 0.187 18:4. g 20:4 . g 20:5. g 22:5. wi 226. .g Cholesterol mg 21 2.869 3 30 94 Phytosterols... a ] Amino acids: Tryptophan .... wg 0.070 0.101 0.317 Threonine .. g 0.245 0.352 1.110 Isoleucine .. g 0.301 0.433 1.365 Leucine... g 0.574 0.827 2.605 Lysine ..... g 0.403 0.580 1.827 Methionine . g 0,122 0.175 Q, 553 Cystine g 0.067 0.096 0.303 Phenylala 9 0.323 0.465 1.466 Tyrosine. g 0.231 0.333 1.048 Valine. 9 0.349 0.502 1.581 Arginine .. g 0,323 0.465 1.466 Histidine... 9 0.191 0.275 0.865 Alanine....... g 0.280 0.403 1.269 Aspartic aci g 0.606 0.873 2,749 Glutamic acid. g 1.336 1.924 6.061 Glycine... g 0.203 0.293 0.923 Proline .... g 0.460 0.662 2.086 BBN ic. vssminiversisivimemesm iw ag 0.334 0.481 1.514 ! Values based on data from recipe: Refried beans, 40%; chili sauce, 18%; taco shell, 14%; tomato, 13%; lettuce, 8%; cheese, 7%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21085 MEXICAN FOODS Page 139 Tostada with Beans, Beef, and Cheese Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Maan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 tostada = 225 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: g 70.44 0.633 4 158.48 319.50 kcal 148 334 673 Food energy . Ko 621 1,398 2,819 Protein (N X6, 28) 7.15 0.179 3 16.09 32.44 Total lipid (fat) 7.53 0.216 4 16.94 34.15 Carbohydrate, total. 13.18 29,65 59.78 i 1.59 0.037 4 3,59 7.23 1.70 0.037 4 3.83 7.73 84 3.388 4 190 383 1,09 0.028 4 2.45 4,94 Magnesium. . 30 1.058 4 68 137 Phosphorus . .. mg 77 2.837 4 173 349 Potassium. . mg 218 50.260 4 490 988 Sodium . . mg 387 47.749 4 870 1,753 Zinc .. mg 1.41 0.065 4 3.18 6.42 Copper. . mg 0.140 0.019 4 0.316 0.637 Manganese. 0.160 0.003 4 0.360 0.725 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 1.8 0.550 4 3.9 8.0 Thiamin. 0.04 0.002 4 0.09 0.19 Riboflavin. 0.22 0.007 4 0.50 1.00 1.27 0.035 4 2485 5.74 0.83 0.062 4 1.86 3.15 0.11 0.007 4 0.26 0.52 43 1 97 196 0.50 0.085 4 1,13 2.27 itor 77 2 172 347 iain A... 567 82.330 2 1,275 2,571 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. 9 5.100 11.475 23.133 4:0 .. g 6:0 .. gq 8:0. g 10:0. g 0.556 3 1.251 2.521 12:0. g 1.231 1 2.770 5.585 14:0. g 1.024 1 2.305 4.647 16:0 . g 1.645 1 3.701 7.462 1820 see g 0.643 1 1.447 2.917 Monounsaturated, total g 1.561 3.512 7.081 16:1... g 18:1. g 1.561 1 3.512 7.081 20:1. g 22:1... ag Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.265 0.596 1.202 18:2... og 0.239 1 0.538 1.085 18:3. ng 0.026 1 0.058 0.117 18:4. g 20:4. gq 20:5. g 225. oy 226. yi Cholesterol mg 33 1 75 152 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ..........cccocovmeimniiininnniniins g 0.077 0.174 Gi. 351 Threonine .. g 0.266 0.600 1.209 Isoleucine .. g 0.320 0.720 1.451 Leucine .. g 0.609 1.371 2.764 Lysine .... g 0.466 1.048 2.113 Methionine. g 0.143 0.323 0.651 Cystine... g 0.071 0.159 0.320 Phenylalanine .g 0.321 0.723 1.457 Tyrosine. .g 0.247 0.556 1.121 Valine. - 9 0.367 0.825 1.663 Arginine . - 9 0.369 0.830 1.674 Histidine. .g 0. 211 0.474 0.956 Alanine... - g 0.343 0.771 1.555 Aspartic acid. .g 0.623 1.402 2.826 Glutamic acid .g 1.408 3.167 6.385 Glycine.......... .g 0.290 0.653 1.317 PONG «ovens g 0.484 1.089 2.195 Serine ... g 0.333 0.748 1.508 1 values based on data from recipe: Refried beans, 25%; chili sauce, 20%; tomato, 15%; taco shell, 14%; lettuce, 10%; cheese, 9%; ground beef, 7%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21086 Page 140 MEXICAN FOODS Tostada with Beef and Cheese Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 tostada = 163 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) [(S)] Proximate: WaLET coon g 62.05 2.050 9 101.14 281.45 193 315 877 Fed energy 809 1,319 3,670 Protein (N X6, 27). 11.65 0.905 9 18.99 52,85 Total lipid (fat) ......... g 10.03 0.590 9 16.35 45.50 Carbohydrate, tota g 13.97 22.77 63.36 Crude fiber. g 1.51 0.178 9 2.47 6.86 g 2.30 0.116 9 3.7% 10.44 133 7.938 9 217 603 1.76 0.160 9 2.86 7.96 Magnesium 39 4.747 9 64 179 Phosphorus mg 110 7.040 9 180 501 Potassium ‘ 351 22.575 9 572 1,591 550 38.000 9 896 2,493 2.26 0.264 8 3.68 10.25 wr 0.162 0.017 8 0.264 0.733 Manganese... 0.309 0.011 9 0.504 1.402 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. mg 1.6 0i, 551 9 2.5 7.1 Thiamin... mg 0.06 0.013 9 0.10 0.27 Riboflavin mg 0.34 0.046 9 0.55 1.52 Niacin...... mg 1.93 0.130 9 3.14 8.73 Pantothenic acid mg 1.16 0.085 9 1.90 5.28 Vitamin Bg . 0.14 0.012 9 0.22 0.62 Folacin®.. 9 1 15 41 Vitamin By. . 0.72 0.065 9 1.17 3.27 rd 59 4 96 268 VIRIIN ossnsimmimmimms siaims {ww 427 156.391 : 713 1,984 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . I] 6.377 10.395 28.928 4:0. g 6:0. gq 8:0... .. g 10:0 wg 0.387 3 0.630 1.753 12:0. g 0.583 3 0.951 2.646 14:0. g 0.890 3 1.451 4.038 16:0. g 2.743 3 4.471 12.441 18:0 ..... og 1.774 3 2.892 8.048 Monounsaturated, total we 1G 2.052 3.344 9.307 16:1 ..... gq 18:1. g 2,052 3 3.344 9.307 20:1. g 22:1 co g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.598 0.974 2.711 18:2... g 0.541 3 0.882 2.454 18:3. g 0.057 3 0.092 0.257 184. g 20:4 . g 20:5. g 22:5; wi 3 22:6. Ro] Cholesterol . mg 25 1 41 114 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . ng 0.134 0.218 0.607 Threonine ... g 0.453 0.739 2.057 Isoleucine g 0.511 0.833 2.318 Leucine g 0.970 1.581 4,400 Lysine gg 0.860 1.402 3.903 Methionine .. wn ig 0.260 0.424 1.180 Cystine... g 0.112 0.182 0.506 Phenylalanine . g 0.468 0.763 2.124 Tyrosine 9 0.392 0.639 1.779 -g 0.580 0.945 2.630 wg 0.678 1.106 3.077 g 0.361 0.588 1,635 9 0.667 1.087 3.026 Aspartic acid g 0.991 1.615 4.493 Glutamic acid.. g 2.132 3.474 9.669 Glycine. 9 0.669 1.090 3.038 Proline . 9 0.727 1.184 3.296 wi 0.485 0.791 2.200 values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 33%; chili sauce, 20%; tomato, 14%; taco shell, 14%; lettuce, 10%; cheese, 9%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No, 21087 MEXICAN FOODS Tostada with Guacamole Page 141 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 2 tostadas = 261 g 0 (A) 8)’ (©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: WBIBF coicvissmsis is ramsspamis sesmenssnessonernss g 72.51 0.899 9 189.24 328,89 Food eheh kcal 138 360 625 GY cece KJ 577 1,506 2,618 Protein (N X6. 30). .g 4.78 0.458 9 12.48 21.69 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 8.91 0.437 9 23:25 40.40 Carbohydrate, total. .g 12.27 32.02 55.65 Crude fiber............... . 9 1.55 0.266 9 4.06 7.05 ASN ims .g 1,53 0.091 9 4.00 6.96 Minerals: Calcium. . mg 162 13.210 9 424 737 Iron ........ . mg 0.62 0.037 9 1.63 2.83 Magnesium... . mg 2 1.281 9 73 127 Phosphorus .. . mg 89 7.332 9 233 404 Potassium. . mg 249 11.143 9 649 1,129 Sodium .. . mg 306 31.841 9 798 1,387 zine... . mg 1.56 0.414 9 4.06 7.05 Copper... mg 0.097 0.010 7 0.253 0.440 Manganese.............cccoururrriinnneinineen: mg 0.135 0.006 9 0,353 0.614 Vitamins: 1.4 0.508 9 3.7 6.4 0.05 0.005 9 0.14 0.24 0.22 0.030 9 0.59 1.02 0.76 0.033 9 2.00 3.47 Pantothenic acid.. 0.77 0.043 9 2.02 3.51 Vitamin Bg ... 0.10 0.005 9 0.25 0,43 Folacin®..... 42 1 110 190 Vitamin By,.. : 0.38 0.042 9 0.98 1.71 Vitamin A 83 5 217 377 EA es {ww 671 203.619 5 1,752 3,044 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... . 3,783 9.873 17,158 4:0... .g 6:0 wg 8:0 w 10:0 wig 0,123 2 0.321 0,559 12:0 .g 0,161 2 0.420 0.731 14:0 = 8 0.508 2 1,326 2.304 16:0 wi 2.066 2 5,392 9.370 180 .. wg 0,925 2 2.413 4.194 Monounsaturated, total . .g 3.246 8.471 14.722 16:1 ce ig 18:1... wg 3.246 2 8.471 14.722 20:1 w 1g 224 .. .g Polyunsaturated, total .g 1.167 3.045 5.292 18:2... -g 1,107 2 2.889 5.021 18:3. -g 0.060 2 0.156 0.271 18:4 .. wg 20:4 .. wg 20:5 .. wg 2235... .g 226 .. .g Cholesterol . . mg 15 3.561 2 39 68 Phytosterols .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.047 0.123 0.213 Threonine ... g 0.159 0.416 0.723 Isoleucine ... g 0.213 0.555 0.964 Leucine g 0.411 1.072 1.863 Lysine .. g 0.259 0.676 1.174 Methionine... g 0.096 0.250 0.434 Cystine... g 0.046 0.121 0.210 Phenylalanine . g 0.207 0.541 0.940 Tyrosine... g 0.175 0.458 0.795 Valine... g 0.247 0.646 1,123 Arginine g 0.185 0.483 0.840 Histidine... g 0.129 0.337 0.585 Alanine... ng 0.213 0.555 0.964 Aspartic aci .. g 0.392 1.024 1.780 Glutamic acid. g 1.027 2.681 4.659 Glycine... g 0.131 0.341 0.592 Proline . g 0.378 0.987 1.715 Serine .. -g 0,221 0.577 1.002 Values based on data from recipe: cheese, 9%. Avocado, 33%; chili sauce, 20%; tomato, 14%; taco shell, 14%; lettuce, 10%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21088 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, regular, single meat patty, plain Page 142 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 burger = 102 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBLBE sisson sams g 37.30 0.603 3 38.05 169.19 kcal 313 320 1,421 FOOd energy .........ccccooererrierirnrrenn. Ko1,312 1,338 5,949 Protein (N X6.11). -g 14.48 1 14.77 65.67 Total lipid (fat) ..... . g 14.85 0.904 4 15,15 67.36 Carbohydrate, total... -g 31.13 31.75 141.21 Crude fiber. . 0.12 1 0.12 0.54 3 2.24 1 2.28 10.16 mg 138 1 140 624 Iron... mg 2439 1 2.44 10.84 Magnesium; .... mg 21 1 23 94 Phosphorus .. .. mg 192 i 196 871 Potassium. mg 161 1 165 732 Sodiym .. mg 490 1 500 2,223 Zinc... mg 2,32 1 2.37 10.52 Copper i we Mg 0.092 1 0.094 0.417 Manganese RN mg 0.2231 1 0.225 1.002 Vitamins: 2 Ascorbic acid .. mg 0.0 i 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... mg 0.39 I 0.40 1.79 Riboflavin mg 0.39 1 0.40 1,76 Niacin. mg 3.63 1 3.70 16.46 Pantothenic mg 0.42 1 0.43 1.91 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.09 1 0.10 0.43 Folacin.... mcg 26 1 26 116 Vitamin B,, ... meg 0.95 1 0.97 4,32 mL RE 36 1 37 163 Vitamin A. {ww 10 I 153 682 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . wus: : g 6,339 6.466 28.754 g g g g eg g Monounsaturated, total gq 1821 voces g 5.662 5.775 25.683 18:1... wo 20:1... .. g 221 vx g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 18:2... g 1.512 1,542 6.858 18:3. .. g 184. wig 20:4 . gq 205. ag 22:5. g 226. gq Cholesterol . mg Phytosterols .. mg 49 5.187 4 50 223 Amino acids: Tryptophan . - g 0.182 0.186 0.828 Threonine ... g 0.524 0.534 2.375% Isoleucine ... g 0.618 0.631 2.805 Leucine g 1.135 1.158 5.149 Lysine .. g 0.998 1.018 4,525 Methionine .. g 0.310 0.317 1.408 Cystine... g 0.164 0.167 0.742 enylalanine.. g 0.635 0.648 2.881 yrosine... g 0.483 0.493 2.293 Valine... g 0.739 0.754 3.354 Arginine g 0.787 0.802 3.568 Histidine 9 0.438 0.447 1.988 Alanine -g 0.701 0,715 3.182 Aspartic acid... .g 1.064 1.085 4,826 Glutamic acid.. -g 3.1032 3.164 14.070 Glycine... ~g 0.756 0.771 3.429 Proline . ~ 9 1.128 1.150 5.116 Serine .g 0.592 0.604 2.687 , Alpha-tocopherol = 0.47 mg per 100 g. Values based on data from recipe: Bun, 58%; ground beef, 30%; cheese, 12%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21089 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, regular, single meat patty, with condiments Page 143 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased aon Standard Number = Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples urger 113 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: LL g 47.66 0.623 41 53.86 216.19 261 295 1,184 Food energy 093 1,235 4,957 Protein (N X6. 11) . 14.12 0.325 33 15.96 64.06 Total lipid (fat) .... . 12.52 0.430 26 14.14 56.78 Carbohydrate, total. .g 23.48 26.53 106.48 Crude fiber... - 9 0.23 0.026 13 0.26 1,05 -g 2422 0.082 21 2,51 10.09 Minerals: Calcium. . 98 7.967 23 111 444 Iron ....... . mg 2.15 0.112 23 2.43 9.76 Magnesium... . mg 18 0.992 19 21 83 Phosphorus . . mg 156 7.239 21 177 709 Potassium. . mg 197 7.379 19 223 894 Sodium . . mg 545 32.896 23 616 2,474 Zinc... . mg 1.85 0.100 19 24,09 8.38 Copper. . mg 0.089 0.011 18 0.101 0.405 Manganese. . 0.156 0.018 9 0.177 0.710 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 1.7 0.472 7 2.0 7.49 Thiamin... . mg 0.22 0.018 16 0,.25 0.99 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.20 0.010 16 0.23 0.93 Niacin... .. mg 3.29 0.236 16 3.72 14.93 Pantothenic acid. mg 0.28 0.051 4 0.32 1.27 Vitamin Bg ... . mg 0.10 0.006 4 0.12 0.47 Folacin..... mcg 16 1.086 15 18 73 Vitamin By,.. : 0.83 0.021 4 0.94 3,76 bry 83 8 94 377 VHAMIN A oon {w 400 65. 462 8 462 1,856 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... -g 5.582 6.308 25.320 40... .g 6:0... -g 0.084 3 0.095 0.382 8:0 .. -g 0.042 3 0.047 0.190 10:0... -g 0.098 3 0,111 0.446 12:0 .. -g 0.118 3 0.133 0.535 14:0 .. -g 0.616 3 0.696 2.794 160 .. -g 2.823 3 34190 12.804 18:0 .. -g 1.552 3 1.754 7.041 Monounsaturated, total. .g 4.732 5.347 21.462 16:1. - 9 0.471 3 0.533 2.139 18:1. -g 4,098 3 4.631 18.589 20:1 .. -g 0.037 3 0.042 0.168 22:1 ces wg Polyunsaturated, tota wi 0.965 1.091 4,378 18:2. ~g 0.782 3 0.883 3.546 18:3... - 8g 0.163 3 0.184 0.737 184 .. .g 20:4 .. “g 0.021 3 0.024 0.095 205. .g 225... .g 226 .. .g Cholesterol . mg 33 1.991 7 37 150 Phytosterols mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . -g 0.178 0.201 0.807 Threonine ... g 0.511 0.577 2.317 Isoleucine g 0.601 0.679 2.726 Leucine ww 1.103 1.246 5.001 Lysine .. .g 0.971 1.097 4.404 Methionine .. g 0.303 0.342 1.374 Cystine... g 0.162 0.183 0.734 Phenylalanine . 9 0.617 0.697 2.799 Tyrosine. wg 0.469 0.530 2.128 Valine.. .g 0.719 0.812 3.261 Arginine g 0.765 0.865 3.470 Histidine g 0.425 0.481 1.929 Alanine..... g 0.682 0.771 3.093 Aspartic acid 9 1.040 1,175 4.718 Glutamic acid.. g 3.033 3.427 13,756 Glycine... g 0.735 0.831 3.334 Proline . g 1.096 1.238 4,970 -g 0.576 0.650 2.611 } Condiments include catsup, mustard, pickles, and onions. Alpha-tocopherol = 0.47 mg per 100 g. Proportions may vary. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21090 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, regular, single meat patty, with condiments and vegetables’ Page 144 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Nutnber Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 154 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBLEKo.covmsaiiin viva isis g 55.20 1 85.01 250.39 kcal 233 359 1,057 FOOd @NErgy ...........cccoovvveveererernn, {x 975 1,502 40423 Protein (N X6.11)... 11.58 1.124 2 17.84 52,55 Total lipid (fat) .... 12.85 2.150 2 19.79 58.29 Carbohydrate, total. 18.27 28.13 82.85 Crude fiber...... 0.40 1 0.62 1.81 I Eh. 2.10 1 3.23 9.53 Minerals: Calcium. 118 1 182 535 1.72 1 2.65 7.80 Magnesium... 17 1 26 78 Phosphorus .. mg 140 1 216 635 Potassium. mg 149 1 229 676 . 634 26.000 2 976 2,876 1.70 1 2.62 7.71 0.080 1 0.123 0.363 0.190 1 0.293 0.862 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. mg 1.5 1 2.3 6.8 Thiamin... mg 0.21 1 0.32 0.95 Riboflavin mg 0.15 1 0.23 0.68 Niacin... mg 4.14 1 6.38 18.78 Pantothenic acid.. mg 0.22 1 0.34 1.00 Vitamin Bg 0.10 1 0.15 0.44 Folacin... 14 1 22 64 Vitamin By... 0.80 1 1,23 3.63 ’ 46 3 70 207 Vitamin Ao 280 1 431 1,270 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .................... .g 5.966 9.188 27.062 4 .g -g -g .g .g 0.119 1 0.184 0.541 wg 0.716 1 1.103 3.247 w 2.983 1 4.594 13,531 .g 1.790 1 2.756 8.119 g 4.654 7.166 21.108 1 .g 0.477 1 0,735 2.165 18:1. wg 4.176 1 6.431 18.943 20:1... g : g Polyunsaturated, total. wg 0.955 1.470 4.330 18:2... wg 0.597 1 0.919 2.706 18:3. .g 0.358 1 0.551 1.624 18:4. w 20:4 . wg 20:5 .g 22:5. .g 226. + 9 Cholesterol . mg 34 2.500 2 52 152 Phytosterols... . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... .g 0.146 0.225 0.662 Threonine .. . g 0.419 0.645 1.901 Isoleucine .. .g 0.493 0.759 2.236 Leucine .g 0.901 1.387 4.085 Lysine .. .g 0.794 1.223 3.604 Methionine . .g 0.246 0.380 1.118 Cystine... ig 0.131 0.201 0.593 Phenylalanine « ig 0.506 0.780 2.296 Tyrosine............ «ig 0.383 0.590 1.737 Valine...... .g 0.588 0.905 2.666 Arginine .. .g 0.626 0.964 2.838 Histidine .. .g 0.349 0.837 1.582 Alanine... g 0.557 0.858 2.528 Aspartic acid. g 0.863 1.329 3.913 Glutamic acid. .g 2.503 3.854 11.352 Glycine... « if 0.601 0.926 2.726 Proline .... worn 0.891 1.372 4.042 BBG ..vunminios RR g 0.472 0.727 2.141 ! Condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. Proportions may vary. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21091 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, regular, double meat patty, plain Page 145 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Hash Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 155 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @Q) Proximate: 3 42.37 0.991 3 65.67 192.18 keal 295 457 1,338 Food energy {kw 1,238 1,915 5,603 Protein (N X6 . 20) - 17.85 1 27.66 80.95 Total lipid (fat) 18.37 0.999 4 28.48 83.35 Carbohydrate, total. 14.23 1 22.06 64.55 Crude fiber... 0.07 1 0.11 0.32 2.39 1 3.70 10.84 150 1 232 679 2,20 1 3.41 9.97 Magnesium . mg 21 1 33 95 Phosphorus mg 241 1 374 1,094 Potassium 199 1 308 901 Sodium 410 1 635 1,860 Zinc.1 3.20 1 4.96 14.52 Copper 0.084 1 0.130 0.381 Manganese... 0.151 1 0.234 0.685 Vitamins: * ASCOrbIC ACI .......cooveevieieiireiiiieieeiie mg 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... . mg 0.16 1 0.25 0,72 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.24 1 0,37 1.08 Niacin....... . mg 3.88 1 6.01 17.58 Pantothenic acid. .. mg 0.40 1 0.62 1:81 VHAMIN By imine mg 0.16 1 0.25 0.73 Folacin...... 19 1 29 86 Vitamin By,.. . 1.49 1 2.31 6.76 —— | RE 51 1 80 233 VBI. svosssssnmsessinisssis sais ass { w 214 1 332 971 Lipids: . Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. -g 8.385 12.997 38.034 4:0 .. wg 6:0 .. og 8:0... .g 10:0... zl 12:0; ag 14:0 .. gq 16:0 .. g 180... " Monounsatu , total. wg 7.102 11.008 32.215 1621 wuss gq 8:1... g 20:1 .. g 221 .. g Polyunsaturated, total g 1.235 1.914 5.602 18:2 .. gq 18:3 .. g 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 20:5. we 225. wi i 22:6. g Cholesterol . mg 71 9.588 4 110 321 Phytosterols.... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . ng 0,227 0,352 1.031 Threonine ... g 0.676 1.048 3.068 Isoleucine g 0.769 L191 3.486 Leucine g 1.428 2.213 6.476 Lysine .. —g 1.393 2.159 6.319 Methionine .. | 0.406 0.629 1.841 Cystine........ g 0.178 0.277 0.809 Phenylalanine g 0.754 1.169 3.421 Tyrosine... g 0.627 0.973 2.846 ng 0.910 1.410 4,126 -g 1.028 1.593 4.661 Histidine... g 0.573 0.888 2.598 Alanine... g 0.924 1.432 4.191 Aspartic acid. g 1.405 2.177 6.372 Glutamic acid. g 3.405 5.278 15.446 Glycine... g 1.002 1,553 4.544 Proline g 1.252 1.941 5.680 Serine 9g 0.682 1.057 3.094 ! values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 47%; bun, 35%; cheese, 18%. Alpha-tocopherol = 0.77 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21092 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, regular, double meat patty, with condiments and vegetables Page 146 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units igen Swndard Nutiiser Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 166 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water ........ccooviiiiiiieeceeee 1 84,99 232,24 416 1,138 FOO @NRIQY wocovsimusmmmunmnssinsianiis 1,743 4,762 Protein (N X6, 20).. 1 21,24 58.05 Total lipid (fat) ...... 1 21.08 57.61 Carbohydrate, tota 35.20 96.18 Crude fiber.. 0.30 1 0.50 1.36 2.10 1 3.49 9.53 103 1 171 467 2.06 1 3.42 9.34 Magnesium. 18 1 31 83 Phosphorus ... mg 146 1 242 662 Potassium... mg 202 1 335 916 Sodium mg 633 1 1,051 2,871 Zine...... . mg 2.10 1 3.49 9.53 Copper. mg 0.090 1 0.149 0.408 Manganese. mg 0.180 1 0.299 0.816 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 1.0 1 1.7 4.5 Thiamin... 0.21 1 0.35 0.95 Riboflavin. 0.17 1 0.28 0,77 Niacin....... 4.85 1 8.05 22.00 Pantothenic acid 0.26 1 0.43 1.18 Vitamin By .. 0.11 1 0.18 0.49 Folacin...... 14 1 23 64 Vitamin B,, 1.16 1 1.93 5.26 —— 39 1 65 176 VHEMIN Animism mms ios 220 1 398 1,089 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total .. 9g 5.251 8.717 23.819 ww .g ~-g .g wr g .g .g w 9g 4.704 7.809 21,337 .g .g - .g 22:1 wg Polyunsaturated, total wg 1.601 2,658 7.262 18:2 ...... .g 18:3 .g 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 20:5 sg 22:5 a ig 226 .. .g Cholesterol .. .. mg 36 1 60 163 PHYIOSIBIONS ..cv.iuisisssnisssmsismmivimviessisnm mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. -g 0.161 0.267 0,730 Threonine . sg 0.483 0.802 2.191 Isoleucine . : ig 0.549 0.911 2.490 Leucine . .g 1.013 1.682 4,597 Lysine - 9 0.989 1,641 4,485 Methionine - 9 0.287 0.476 1.301 Cystine...... . 0.128 0.212 0.580 Phenylalanine .. . i 0.539 0.894 2.444 Tyrosine.......... - 8g 0.444 0.737 2.013 Valine........ .g 0.648 1.076 2.940 Arginine .g 0.731 1.213 3.314 Histidine - 9 0.407 0.675 1.844 Alanine -g 0.658 1,093 2.987 Aspartic acid - 9g 1.018 1.689 4.616 Glutamic acid «'g 2.475 4.108 11.225 Glycine... .g 0.710 1.179 3.221 Proline .. .g 0.883 1.466 4.007 Serine ... -g 0.487 0.809 2.210 'Condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, Proportions may vary. Values based on data from recipe: catsup, 3%; mayonnaise, 2%. pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. Ground beef, 34%; roll, 26%; tomato, 13%; cheese, 12%; pickle, 6%; lettuce, 4%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21093 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, regular, double meat patty, double-decker bun, plain Page 147 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Nuniber Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 burger = 160 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) GQ) Proximate: WRIBE. oom ona er rae g 43.40 1 69.44 196.86 kcal 288 461 1,306 FOOO @NeIgY ....cuuvmmmmmvmmiiimmimeres kJ 1,205 1,928 5466 Protein (N X6.20).. .. g 13.83 1 22.12 62.71 Total lipid (fat) ....... g 13.51 1 21.62 61.28 Carbohydrate, total g 27.66 44.26 125.48 Crude fiber?! .g 0.10 1 0.16 0.45 g 1.60 1 2.56 7.26 Minerals Calcium. 140 1 224 636 Iron ... he 2.31 1 3.70 10.50 Magnesium. .. mg 21 1 33 94 Phosphorus 211 1 338 9537 Potassium 178 1 285 809 Sodium 557 1 892 2,528 Zinc. 2.72 1 4.35 12.33 Copper. 0.088 i 0.141 0.399 Manganese. 0.190 1 0.304 0.862 Vitamins:! Ascorbic acid .. 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.21 1 0.33 0.93 Riboflavin. 0.24 1 0.38 1.08 Niacin 3.76 1 6.02 17.07 Pantothenic aci 0.41 1 0.66 1.86 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.14 1 0.22 0.64 Folacin..... . mcg 23 1 36 103 Vitamin By,. 1.20 1 1.92 5.44 VIA RE 41 1 66 188 AEE { w 173 1 276 784 Lipids: Fatty acids:* Saturated, total . ww @ 5.943 9.509 26.957 4:0 .. .g 6:0 .. .g 80.. .. g 10:0 .. wi g 12:0 .. .g 14:0 .. .g 16:0 .. .. g VBL) ovis sirns wi Monounsaturated, total .g 5.208 8.333 23.623 16:1... -g 1811... .. g 20:1 .. an g 22:1. .g Polyunsaturated, total .. .g 1.143 1.829 5.185 IBZ covvivriss .g 183 .. « g 18:4 .. .g 20:4 .. .g 205. vg 225. -g 22:6. .g Cholesterol . . mg 50 1 80 228 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . .. g 0.174 0.278 0.789 Threonine ... .g 0.508 0.814 2,306 Isoleucine «ig 0.589 0.942 2.670 Leucine... ..g 1.086 1.738 4.926 Lysine .. “ g 1.008 1.613 4.572 Methionine .. -g 0.303 0.485 1.376 Cystine........ -g 0.147 0.235 0.668 Phenylalanine g 0.591 0.946 2.681 Tyrosine. g 0.468 0.749 2.124 Valine... -g 0.698 1.117 3.166 Arginine .. -g 0.769 1.231 3.490 Histidine... g 0.426 0.681 1.932 g 0.691 1.106 3.136 -g 1.046 1.673 4.744 Glutamic acid. -g 2.776 4.442 12.594 Glycine........ -g 0.749 1.199 3.399 Proline . -g 1.012 1.620 4.592 Serine .. g 0.542 0.867 2.458 Values based on data from recipe: Bun, 48%; ground beef, 38%; cheese, 14%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21094 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, regular, double meat patty, double-decker bun, with condiments and vegetables’ Page 148 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Naan Standard Number ADpIOITsle measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 228 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WLBT... 0.469 13 106.16 211.20 649 1,292 Fol BHBTIOY ....connisinin isin 2,718 5.407 Protein (N X6 . 20)... 0.252 10 29.74 59.17 Total lipid (fat) .... 0.395 10 35.26 70.16 Carbohydrate, total. 53.12 105.67 i 0.127 8 1.24 2.47 0.099 8 3.72 7.40 7.980 8 169 336 0.176 8 4.71 9.37 Magnesium .. 16 1,579 8 36 72 Phosphorus . . mg 153 11.545 7 350 695 Potassium .. mg 171 16.193 6 389 775 Sodium . .. mg 404 46.710 8 920 1,831 Zinc... .. mg 1.81 0.194 8 4.13 8.22 Copper. .. mg 0.071 0.007 6 0.163 0.324 Manganese. mg 0.120 0.018 5 0.274 0.5345 Vitamins: 2 Ascorbic acid 1.2 0.075 5 2.8 5.6 Thiamin... 0.25 0.022 7 0.57 1.14 Riboflavin. 0.19 0.005 7 0.44 0.88 Niacin... 3.66 0.149 7 8.34 16.60 Pantothenic acid. 0.28 0.094 4 0.65 1.29 Vitamin Bg ... 0.12 0.007 7 0.26 0.53 Folacin..... 15 1.795 9 34 68 Vitamin By,.. . 0.91 0.040 5 2.07 4.13 — 37 5 84 167 WHBININ Asm mimmss am amm {1 163 31.822 5 371 738 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 5.600 12.767 25.400 «4g .g 0.102 5 0.233 0.464 .g 0.028 5 0.064 0.128 w 0 0.040 5 0.092 0.183 .g 0.060 5 0.136 0.271 a] 0.447 5 1.019 2.027 .g 3.034 5 6.918 13.763 .g 1.641 5 3.742 7.445 wg 5.543 12.639 25.145 .g 0.457 5 1.042 2.074 wg 4.931 5 11.242 22.366 .g 0.043 5 0.099 0.196 “ g .g 2.792 6.367 12.666 .g 2.465 5 5.619 11.180 og 0.285 5 0.650 1.294 -g .g 0.043 5 0.097 0.193 -g a . .g Cholesterol .. .. mg 41 0.402 4 94 186 POYIOBIBIONS oimmisiiivmesitisrspiominiini mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.164 0.374 0.744 Threonine .g 0.482 1.099 2.186 Isoleucine .... -g 0.558 1.271 2.529 .g 1.023 2,331 4.638 9 0.949 2.163 4.304 -g 0.286 0.652 1.298 Cystine... -g 0.139 0.317 0.630 Phenylalanine . .g 0.558 1.271 2.529 Tyrosine... -g 0.440 1.003 1.995 Valine... -g 0.661 1.506 2.997 Arginine -g 0.728 1.660 3.302 Histidine .g 0.402 0.916 1.823 Alanine... -g 0.652 1.487 2.959 Aspartic acid wg 0.989 2: 255 4.486 Glutamic acid.. -g 2.615 5.963 11.863 Glycine. -g 0.705 1.607 3.197 Proline . -g 0.949 2.163 4.304 Serine ... .g 0,511 1.166 2.319 'Condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. Proportions may vary. *Alpha-tocopherol = 0.87 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21095 [ SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, large, single meat patty, plain Page 149 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Hen Standard Number Apprcsimets measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger 185 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WRIBY o..onissmsmunmm mmm as vee 0.351 2 71.50 175.32 608 1,491 FOO BNBIGY:...conserssscrmmmcmpemmmmusercrss 2,546 6.242 Protein (N X6. 20)... 0.861 3 30.13 73.87 Total lipid (fat) ....... 1.312 5 32.99 80.89 Carbohydrate, total 47.42 116.26 Crude fiber: 1 0.15 0.36 1 2.96 7.26 4.960 2 91 222 0.455 2 5.47 13.40 Magnesium mg 21 1 38 94 Phosphorus * mg 228 1 423 1,036 Potassium. mg 348 118.100 2 644 1,579 Sodium . mg 859 85.453 3 1,589 3,895 Zincl.. mg 3.00 1 5.54 13.59 Copper * mg 0.085 1 0.157 0.386 Manganese! J] 0.167 1 0.309 0.758 Vitamins: 2 Ascorbic acid 17.3 1 32.1 78.7 Thiamin........ 0.26 0.080 2 0.48 1.18 Riboflavin. mg 0.31 0.010 2 0.57 1.41 Niacin... mg 6.04 1.340 2 11.17 27.40 Pantothenic acid. mg 0.40 1 0.75 1.84 Vitamin Bg 0.15 1 0.28 0.69 Folacin 2 21 1 38 93 Vitamin By. 1.37 1 2.53 6.21 rsigail 80 2 148 362 VIRBINID Assman {ww 333 65.500 5 615 1,508 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total .. ww 8.024 14.844 36.397 4:0 g 6:0 g 8:0 g 10:0 g 12:0 gq 14:0 g 16:0 g 18:0... g Monounsaturated, total . g 6.887 12.741 31.239 16:1 g 18:1 g 20:1 g 22:1. g Polyunsaturated, total van 1.318 2.438 5.978 18:2 g g g - g g g Cholesterol .. ... mg 52 7.741 5 96 235 PHYIOSIBIOIS o.ciiiviiismsimisisissimissisi mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. wu lg 0.205 0.379 0.929 Threonine .... g 0.609 1.127 2.764 Isoleucine g 0.699 1.293 3.169 Leucine. g 1.295 2.396 5.874 Lysine ... g 1.240 2.294 5.624 Methionine g 0.365 0.675 1.656 Cystine.. g 0.168 0.311 0.763 Phenylalanine . g 0.691 1.278 3.134 Tyrosine g 0.565 1.045 2.562 Valine g 0.827 1,531 3.753 Arginine g 0.927 1.715 4.206 Histidine g 0.515 0.952 2.335 Alanine.. g 0.833 1.540 3.777 Aspartic acid g 1.263 2.337 5.731 Glutamic acid.. ..g 3.170 5.865 14.381 Glycine. ng 0.901 1.667 4.087 Proline .. g 1.161 2.148 5.266 Serine ... “'@ 0.628 1.161 2.848 !values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 43%; bun, Alpha-tocopherol = 0.45 mg per 100 g. cheese, 16%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21096 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, large, single meat patty, with bacon and condiments: Page 150 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approving measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 195 ¢ 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBIBE csi tah IIS SR iE g 43.60 1 85.02 197.77 kcal 312 609 1,416 Food BNBIGY .....cnnivissscsinsnminusnsinaisiss kJ 1,307 2,549 5,930 Protein (N X6 . 20). 16.41 0.960 8 32.00 74.45 Total lipid (fat) 18.85 0.835 7 36.76 85.51 Carbohydrate, total. 19.04 37.12 86.35 Crude fiber. 0.40 1 0.78 1.81 2.10 1 4.09 9.53 Minerals: Calcium. 83 10.187 4 162 377 2.43 0.074 4 4.73 11.01 Magnesium... 23 1 44 103 Phosphorus mg 205 3.500 2 399 928 Potassium. mg 170 52.243 4 331 769 Sodium 535 80,113 5 1,044 2,428 i 3.50 1 6.82 15.88 0.081 1 0.158 0.367 0.170 1 0.331 0.771 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 4 1.1 0.095 2 2.1 4.8 Thiamin. mg 0.16 0,052 4 0.32 0.75 Riboflavin mg 0.21 0.023 4 0.42 0.97 Niacin...... mg 3.40 0.295 4 6.63 15.43 Pantothenic aci mg 0.18 1 0.34 0.80 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.16 1 0.31 0.73 Folacin.... mcg 17 1 33 77 Vitamin B,, mcg 1.20 i 2.34 5.44 — 41 4 79 184 iam 208 53.497 4 406 944 Lipids: Fatty acids: ? Saturated, total ..........ommmmimiin g 8.331 16.245 37.789 4:0... . g 6:0. g 8:0. g 100. g 12:0. . g 14:0. se 16:0. g 18:0... g Monounsaturated, total g 7.434 14.496 33.721 16:1 ws g 18:1. g 20:1. g 22:0 ws gq Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.390 2.710 6.305 18.2... g 18:3. g 18:4. g 20:4. g 205. g 225. g 226... we Cholesterol .... ... mg 57 11.530 7 112 260 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . wer 0.199 0.387 0.901 Threonine ... .. g 0.617 1.203 2.798 Isoleucine ... .. g 0.696 1.358 3.158 Leucine g 1.271 2.478 5.764 Lysine . g 1.239 2.416 5.620 Methionine .. g 0.365 0.712 1.657 Cystine... wg 0.169 0.330 0.768 Phenylalanine wg 0.683 1.332 3.098 Tyrosine. g 0.551 1.074 2.498 Valine.. g 0.826 1.611 3.746 Arginine .. g 0.948 1.848 4.299 Histidine... g 0.508 0.991 2.305 Alanine. g 0.852 1.662 3.866 Aspartic acl g 1.292 2.519 5.860 Glutamic acid. g 3.034 5.916 13.761 Glycine... g 0.956 1.864 4.335 Proline . g 1,112 2.168 5.043 Serine .. -g 0.630 1.229 2.858 ! Condiments include catsup, mustard, pickles, and onions. *Values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 39%; roll, Proportions may vary. 32%; cheese, 12%; catsup, 7%; pickle, 6%; mustard, 4%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21097 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Rags 151 Cheeseburger, large, single meat patty, with condiments and vegetables’ Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased } Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 219 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WLBT... 1.027 9 114.97 238.13 Pod nergy ...osourmmmmimsmssing 2,34 yi Protein (N X6.20) 0.513 15 28.19 58.39 0.422 15 32.94 68.23 38.39 79.51 0.020 5 0.83 1,72 0.068 9 4.50 9.33 8.411 14 205 424 0.103 14 4.66 9.65 Magnesium. 20 0.765 8 43 89 Phosphorus . 142 8.446 10 312 645 Potassium 203 6.229 14 445 921 Sodium . 506 22.822 15 1,107 2,293 Zinc... 2.10 0.171 9 4.60 9.52 Copper... . 0.085 0.006 8 0.186 0.386 MANGANESE. ......vveimsemsrmirmimm rors visits mg 0.142 0.019 3 0.311 0.644 Vitamins: 2 Ascorbic acid .. 3.6 1.968 8 7.8 16.2 0.18 0.014 14 0.40 0.82 0.21 0.017 14 0.46 0.95 3.37 0.405 14 7.37 15.27 Pantothenic acid. 0.33 0,022 4 0.73 1.52 Vitamin Bg 0.13 0.011 4 0.29 0.59 Folacin 13 1.202 3 28 57 Vitamin By,.. 1.17 0.033 4 2.56 5.31 — 59 9 128 266 VIt@MIN A oes {ww 280 46.817 9 614 1,272 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .. g 6.867 15.038 31.147 40 ce wt 1G 0.139 3 0.305 0.631 6:0 .. og 0.155 3 0.340 0.705 80... g 0.043 3 0.095 0.196 10:0 .. g 0.105 3 0.230 0.477 12:0. wi ig 0.132 3 0.289 0.599 14:0 .. w 0.731 3 1.601 3.316 16:0 .. g 3.353 3 7.344 15,211 18:0 .. g 1.877 3 4.111 8.514 Monounsaturated, total g 5.758 12.609 26.116 16:1 .. g 0.588 3 1.287 2.666 18:1 g 4.960 3 10.861 22.497 20:1 g 0.042 3 0.093 0.192 22:1 .. gq Polyunsaturated, total .. g 0.925 2.026 4.197 18:2... g 0.716 3 1.567 3.247 18:3 .. g 0.178 3 0.390 0.808 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 0.031 3 0.069 0.142 20:5 .. gq 225... g 228. g Cholesterol . . mg 40 2.643 10 88 183 Phytosterols mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . ny 0.162 0.355 0.735 Threonine .. g 0.480 1.050 2.176 Isoleucine va @ 0.548 1.200 2.486 Leucine g 1.009 2.210 4.577 Lysine .. g 0.968 2.119 4.389 Methionine .. . g 0.284 0.623 1.290 wr 0.133 0.291 0.603 Phenylalanine . 9 0.542 1.187 2.458 Tyrosine... .g 0.440 0.964 1.997 — g 0.648 1.419 2.938 - g 0.725 1.587 3.287 -g 0.401 0.878 1.818 -g 0.652 1.428 2.957 -g 1.013 2,219 4.596 Glutamic acid.. - 9 2.554 5.593 11.584 Glycine... -g 0.702 1,537 3.183 Proline . -g 0.901 1.973 4.087 Serine .. -g 0.494 1.082 2.241 Condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. Proportions may vary. 2Alpha-tocopherol = 0.54 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21098 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, large, single meat patty, with ham, condiments and vegetables’ Page 152 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approve measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 254 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: ET —" 1 127.12 227.01 Food energy 745 1.330 rash ansons sess sa AR 3,117 5.566 Protein (N X6. 20)... 1.667 2 39.51 70.56 Total lipid (fat) .... og 18.97 0.028 2 48.18 86.05 Carbohydrate, total .g 14.83 1.370 2 37.67 67.27 Crude fiber.? .g 0.25 1 0.63 1.13 .g 2.42 1 6.15 10.98 Minerals: Calcium ? 119 1 301 538 fron?... 1.98 1 5.04 9.00 Magnesium 2 20 1 51 92 Phosphorus 2 209 1 530 946 Potassium ? mg 212 1 539 963 Sodium 674 204.441 2 1,713 3,059 Zinc? 2.61 1 6.63 11.83 Coppe 0.097 1 0.246 0.440 Mangane: 0.147 1 0.373 0.667 Vitamins: ? Ascorbic acid .. 2.9 1 7:3 13.0 Thiamin... 0.21 1 0.54 0.96 Riboflavin. 0.22 1 0.56 1.00 : 3.61 1 9.18 16.39 Pantothenic acid. I] 0.41 1 1.05 1.87 Vitamin Bg ... .. mg 0.15 1 0.39 0.69 Folacin ..... . mcg 20 1 50 90 Vitamin By. o 1,13 1 2.88 5.13 Vitamin A RE 41 1 105 187 JRO {1 199 1 505 901 Lipids: Fatty acids: 2 Saturated, total ... .g 8.317 21.125 37.726 AO . g 6:0 .. . g 80.. wg 10:0 .. .g 12:0... .g 14:0 .. .g 16:0 .. .g 18:0 .. .g Monounsaturated, total . .g 7.429 18.870 33.698 1 J wg 18:1... .g 20:1 .. g 221. .g Polyunsaturated, total . g 1.5816 3.851 6.877 18:2 .. .g g .g .g .g -g Cholesterol .. . 48 7.120 2 122 218 Phytosterols. Amino acids: Tryptophan .. “ g 0.196 0.497 0.888 Threonine .g 0.597 1.517 2.708 Isoleucine . wid 0.670 1.701 3.038 Leucine. w 1.232 34129 5.588 Lysine ... wg 1.197 3.040 5.428 Methionine .g 0.354 0.899 1.605 Cystine... wg 0.171 0.433 0.774 Phenylalanine .. «ig 0.662 1.682 3.004 Tyrosine .g 0.532 1.351 2+413 Valine... .g 0.773 1.963 3.505 Arginine -g 0.901 2.288 4.085 Histidine «ig 0.499 1.268 2.265 Alanine .g 0.810 2.058 3.676 Aspartic acid... w 1.244 3.161. 5.644 Glutamic acid “8 2.975 7.558 13.497 Glycine. -g 0.850 2.160 3.858 Proline .. 9g 1.046 2.657 4.745 Serine... -g 0.657 1.670 2.982 !Condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. Proportions may vary. ?Values based on data from recipe: 2%; mustard, 2%. Ground beef, 33%; bun, 32%; cheese, 13%; ham, 9%; lettuce, 5%; pickle, 4%; catsup, AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21099 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, large, double meat patty, with condiments and vegetables: Page 153 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 258 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WLBT coos 0.933 13 131.81 231.73 706 1,240 FOO BNBIGY .....rovovnsorsinsassssasssssssssssrsss 2,953 5.193 Protein (N X6. 20)... 0.381 15 37,99 66.78 Total lipid (fat) ....... 0.319 15 43.65 76.75 Carbohydrate, total 39.65 69.71 Crude fiber... 1 1.03 1.81 0.073 13 4.91 8.63 9.043 14 240 422 0.122 14 5.91 10.39 Magnesium... 20 0.575 12 52 91 Phosphorus . . mg 153 6.382 13 396 696 Potassium .. mg 231 6.471 14 596 1,048 Sodium .. mg 445 19.057 15 1,149 2,020 Zinc. .. mg 2,99 0.100 13 6.68 11,74 Copper. . mg 0.080 0.004 12 0.206 0.363 Manganese ............ccoueueereiiciininins mg 0.123 1 0.317 0.558 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 0.4 0.355 2 0.9 1.6 Thiamin... 0.14 0.008 14 0.37 0.66 Riboflavin. 0.19 0.010 14 0.50 0.87 NIgGIN.........commisrs 2.81 0.123 14 7.24 12.74 Pantothenic acid. 0.33 1 0.86 1.52 Vitamin Bg 0.16 1 0.41 0.72 Folacin 2 19 1 48 84 itami 1.32 1 3.40 5.98 21 1 55 96 135 1 348 612 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total 9g 6.850 17.673 31.072 4.0. g 6:0 .. g 8:0.. g 10:0 .. g 12:0... g 14:0 .. g 16:0 .. g 18:0... g Monounsaturated, total. g 6.726 17.353 30.509 161 ...000n0ree gq 1840 ee g 20:1 .. g 221... g Polyunsaturated, total g 1.821 4.698 8.260 182... g 18:3. .g 184 .. we 20:4 .. g 20:5... g 225.. g 2286 we Cholesterol mg 55 4.028 3 141 248 Phytosterols.... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . - g 0.183 0.472 0.829 Threonine ... g 0.568 1.464 2.574 Isoleucine .. 9 0.627 1.617 2.844 Leucine g 1.159 2.990 5,257 Lysine .. g 1.126 2.904 5.106 Methionine... 9 0.328 0.845 1.486 Cystine... g 0.152 0.392 0.689 Phenylalanine . 9 0.601 1,550 2.725 Tyrosine... 9 0.482 1.244 2.187 Valine... g 0,731 1.887 3.318 Arginine .. g 0.881 2.273 3.996 Histidine... g 0.458 1.182 2.079 Alanine. ng 0.815 2.101 3.695 Aspartic acid.. J] 1.211 3.125 5.494 Glutamic acid. g 2.764 7.132 12,538 Glycine... g 0.900 2.322 4.082 Proline . g 0.950 2.451 4.309 Serine .. a 0.539 1.391 2.445 condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. Proportions may vary. 2values based on data from recipe: lettuce, 3%; mayonnaise, 2%. Ground beef, 43%; bun, 27%; tomato, 9%; cheese, 8%; catsup, 4%; pickle, 4%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21100 Page 154 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Cheeseburger, large, triple meat patty, plain Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units : = Haan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 304 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: . 54.10 1 164.46 245.40 262 796 1,187 Food energy 1,095 3,330 4,969 Protein (N X6 . 20) 18.44 0.674 2 56.06 83.65 Total lipid (fat) . 16.76 0.155 2 50.97 76.05 Carbohydrate, total. 8.78 26.70 39.84 Crude fiber... 0.40 1 1.22 1.81 1.91 1 5.81 8.66 Minerals: Calcium. 93 1 282 421 Iron .... 2.73 1 8.30 12.38 Magnesium 20 1 62 93 Phosphorus . mg 178 1 541 808 Potassium. mg 270 1 821 1,225 Sodium . mg 399 63.500 2 1,211 1,808 Zinc... 3.58 1 10.88 16.24 Copper. 0.085 1 0.258 0.386 Manganese... 0.116 1 0.353 0.526 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.9 1 2.6 3.9 Thiamin 0.20 1 0.61 . 0.91 Riboflavin. 0.21 1 0.64 0.95 Niacin... 3.77 1 11.46 17.10 Pantothenic acid 0.38 1 1.14 1.71 0.20 1 0.60 0.89 17 1 51 76 1.94 1 5.90 8.81 28 1 86 128 118 1 359 535 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total .. .. g 7.140 21.706 32.387 4:0 g 6:0 ag 8:0 g 10:0 g 12:0 g 14:0 g 16:0 g 180... g Monounsaturated, total . ag 7.080 21.523 32.115 16:1 .. ..g wg g 9 gg 1.037 3.152 4.704 18:2 J] g g g g Cholesterol .. ... mg 53 3.000 2 161 240 Phytosterols.................ccoeevueirinuerinianns mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. . g 0.229 0.696 1.039 Threonine .... .. g 0.732 2.224 3.319 Isoleucine wg 0.791 2.405 3.589 Leucine. g 1.469 4.467 6.665 Lysine ... g 1.454 4.422 6.598 Methionine g 0.419 1.275 1.902 Cystine......... g 0.187 0.570 0.850 Phenylalanine. g 0.744 2.261 3.373 Tyrosine... g 0.601 1.827 2.725 Valine... g 0.916 2.785 4.155 Arginine g 1.148 3.490 5.208 Histidine g 0.580 1.763 2.631 Alanine..... g 1.077 3.273 4.884 Aspartic acid g 1.556 4.729 7.056 Glutamic acid.. - g 3.290 10.001 14.922 Glycine. gg 1,202 3.653 5.451 Proline .. g 1.133 3.445 5.140 Serine ... -g 0.753 2.288 3.413 values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 63%; bun, 27%; cheese, 10%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21101 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Chicken Fillet Sandwich, plain Page 155 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 182 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WALT o.oo 47.31 0.772 27 86.11 214.61 283 515 1,284 Food nary 1,185 2,156 5,374 Protein (N X6.15).. 13.25 0.538 20 24,11 60.09 Total lipid (fat) ....... 16.18 0.891 13 29.45 73.39 Carbohydrate, total 21.26 38.70 96.44 i 0.20 1 0.36 0,91 2.00 1 3.64 9.07 33 4.937 11 60 149 2.57 0.441 12 4.68 11.68 19 2.331 12 35 87 Phosphorus . 128 9.120 12 233 580 Potassium 194 15.629 9 353 879 Sodium . 526 50.378 14 957 2,385 Zinc 1,03 0.179 11 1.87 4.66 Copper. 0.127 0.030 9 0.232 0.577 Manganese. 0.260 0.038 10 0.473 1.179 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. ..mg 4.9 I 8.9 22.2 Thiamin... mg 0.18 0.026 3 0.34 0.84 Riboflavin. mg 0.13 0.015 3 0.24 0.59 Niacin....... mg 3.74 0.898 3 6.80 16.95 Pantothenic acid .... Mg 0.33 0.130 2 0.60 1.49 Vitamin Bg .. ... Mg 0.11 0.062 2 0.19 0.48 Folacin...... . mcg 16 1.755 14 28 70 Vitamin By. 0.21 0.039 2 0.38 0.95 ir RE 17 1 30 75 VIAMIN A ooo {1 55 1 100 250 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ........sowmisssrsisans g 4.685 8.527 21.253 4:0 .. .. g 6:0 .. .g 8:0 .. «9 10:0 .. ven 0.003 1 0.005 0.013 12:0 .. gg 0.006 1 0.011 0.027 14:0 .. .g 0.160 1 0.291 0.724 16:0 .. yg 3.018 1 5.493 13.690 180 ..... .g 1.408 1 2.562 6.386 Monounsaturated, total... . g 5.720 10.410 25,945 16:1... .g 0.541 1 0.984 2.452 18:1. .g 5.128 1 9.333 23.260 20:1. .. g 22:1... ee ae Polyunsaturated, total. «lg 4.606 8.383 20.894 182 ..... -g 4.000 1 7.279 18.143 183... rg 0.527 1 0.960 2.392 18:4 ..... we 20:4 . -g 0.079 1 0.144 0.359 205. «Ig 225... i 22%6...... .g Cholesterol . . mg 33 2.339 7 60 150 Phytosterols... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . .g 0.155 0.282 0.703 Threonine .g 0.523 0.953 2.374 Isoleucine -g 0.666 1.211 3.019 Leucine....... -g 0.978 1.780 4.436 Lysine ..... -g 0.958 1.744 4.348 Methionine . -g 0.334 0.608 1.514 Cystine... -g 0.183 0.333 0.830 Phenylalanine .g 0.554 1.007 2.511 Tyrosine... -g 0.418 0.760 1.895 Valine. -g 0.659 1.200 2,990 Arginine .. -g 0.743 1.352 34371 Histidine... .g 0.383 0.698 1.739 Alanine -g 0.670 1.219 3.038 Aspartic aci - 9g 1.077 1.960 4.885 Glutamic acid. -g 2.440 4.441 11.069 Glycine.... -g 0.622 1.133 2.824 Proline -g 0.732 1.333 3.322 Serine g 0.504 0.917 2.286 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21102 Page 156 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Chicken Fillet Sandwich with Cheese Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number . Applasiate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples sanawic 228 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: Water 2... 46.01 L 104.90 208.71 277 632 1,256 Food snergy 1,160 2,644 5,259 Protein (N X6 . 20). 12.90 0.992 2 29.40 58.50 Total lipid (fat) ...... 17.00 1.000 2 38.76 77.11 Carbohydrate, total.. 18.24 3,520 2 41.59 82.74 Crude fiber! 0.14 1 0.32 0.64 2 2.10 1 4.79 9.53 . Mg 113 1 258 513 ws IMG 1.39 1 3.63 7.21 Magnesium. ..mg 19 1 43 86 Phosphorus’ mg 178 1 407 809 mg 146 1 334 664 mg 543 117.000 2 1,238 2,463 ... Mg 1.27 1 2.90 5.77 .. mg 0.075 1 0.171 0.340 0.167 1 0.381 0.758 1.3 1 2.9 5.8 0.18 1 0.42 0.84 0.20 1 0.46 0.91 in... 3.98 1 9.08 18.07 Pantothenic acid mg 0.59 1 1.34 2.67 Vitamin Bg . 0.18 1 0.41 0.82 Folacin... 20 1 46 92 Vitamin B,, 0.20 1 0.46 0.92 Vitamin A 56 1 128 254 or 272 1 620 1,233 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total .... we ig 5.460 12.449 24.767 4:0 g 6: g 8:0. g 10:0. g 12:0. gq 14:0. gq 16:0. g 180 .... g Monounsaturated, total g 5.987 13.650 27.157 16:1 is wg 181... vis 20:1. g 22:1..... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 4.363 9.948 19.791 BR cin we, Of 18:3... .g 184. g 20:4. g 20:5. gq 22:5. g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 34 6.500 2 76 152 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.152 0.346 0.689 Threonine .. g 0.474 1.081 2.151 Isoleucine .. g 0.601 1.371 2.727 Leucine ... g 0.955 24177 4.331 Lysine..... g 0.924 2.106 4.189 Methionine . gq 0.308 0.702 1.396 Cystine g 0.168 0.384 0.764 Phenylala g 0.553 1.261 2,510 Tyrosine. g 0.441 1.005 2.000 Valine.. g 0.647 1.475 2.934 Arginine .. g 0.695 1.584 3.151 Histidine wg 0.376 0.858 1.708 Alanine ng 0.607 1.385 2.755 Aspartic acid g 0.978 2.229 4.434 Glutamic acid. g 2.469 5.629 11.199 Glycine.... g 0.649 1.480 2.944 Proline .... wg 0.903 2.058 4.095 BOI vississasrsasmvmn ss na vis es g 0.526 1.200 2.387 ! Values based on data from recipe: Chicken fillet, 40%; bun, 33%; cheese, 11%; tomato, 7%; lettuce, 5%; mayonnaise, 4%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21103 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Page 157 Egg and Cheese Sandwich Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number Approsimate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 146 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WERE. conocer esse g 56.30 3.400 2 82.20 255.38 kcal 233 340 1,056 Food energy .........ccccceveveenieninennanancns kJ 974 1,423 1.420 Protein (N X6.16). ve 10.69 0.838 2 15.61 48.51 Total lipid (fat) ..... 13.30 1.700 2 19.42 60.33 Carbohydrate, total.. 17.76 25.92 80.54 Crude fiber. 0.15 0.050 2 0.22 0.68 1.95 0.050 2 2.85 8.85 154 12.000 2 225 699 2.04 0.125 2 2.99 9.28 Magnesium a 15 0.450 2 22 69 Phosphorus .. .. mg 207 16.500 2 301 937 Potassium... .. mg 129 4.000 2 188 585 Sodium .. .. mg 551 9.000 2 804 2,499 Zing: .. mg 1.13 0,125 2 1.66 5.15 Copper... .. mg 0.075 0.005 2 0.109 0.340 Manganese... 0.150 0.000 2 0.219 0.680 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 1.0 0.000 2 1.5 4.5 Thiamin...... 0.18 0.015 ¥ 0.27 0.84 Riboflavin... . 0.39 0.015 2 0.58 1.79 Niacin................... 2 1.42 0.090 2 2.07 6.44 Pantothenic acid... » 0.60 0.040 2 0.88 2.372 Vitamin Bg . .. mg 0.09 0.001 2 0.13 0.40 RR . 25 0.500 2 36 111 0.78 0.015 2 1.15 3.56 Vitamin A 124 2 182 564 458 22.500 2 668 2,075 Lipids: Fatty acids:® Saturated, total w 4.538 6.625 20.584 4:0 gq 6:0 g 8:0 .. g 10:0 g 12:0 g 14:0 g 16:0 ... gq 18:0... g Monounsaturated, total . g 5.662 8.267 25.683 16:1... g 18:1... g 20:1 gq 22:1 .. g Polyunsaturated, total we 1.769 2.583 8.024 18:2... wns 18:3 .. g 18:4 vi § 20:4 gq 20:5 gq 22:5 .. g 22:6... g Cholesterol .. mg 199 24.000 2 291 903 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. wg 0.149 0.218 0.677 Threonine . g 0.403 0.588 1.827 Isoleucine .... g 0.535 0.781 2.425 Leucine . g 0.852 1.244 3.866 Lysine ... g 0.635 0.928 2.882 Methionine g 0.262 0.383 1.189 Cystine...... g 0.182 0.266 0.827 Phenylalanine .. g 0.550 0.803 2.496 Tyrosine g 0.401 0.585 1.819 Valine g 0.642 0.938 2.914 Arginine g 0.531 0.776 2.410 Histidine g 0.281 0.411 1.276 Alanine.. g 0.448 0.654 2.032 Aspartic acid g 0.776 1.133 3.520 Glutamic acid.. g 2.180 3.183 9.890 Glycine. —g 0.328 0.479 1.488 Proline .. ng 0.806 1.176 3.654 Serine ... -g 0.635 0.928 2.882 values based on data from recipe: Bun, 48%; egg, 40%; cheese, 12%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21104 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Fish Sandwich with Tartar Sauce Page 158 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number a measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 158 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water .... 47.35 0.694 27 74.81 214.78 273 431 1,237 Food energy... 1,142 1,804 5,179 Protein (N X6.07).. .g 10.72 0.174 27 16.94 48.64 Total lipid (fat) .... g 14.41 0.416 29 22,77 65.37 g 25.96 41.01 117.74 g 0.38 0.093 6 0.60 1.73 .g 1.56 0.124 12 2.46 7.08 Minerals: Calcium. 53 7.339 26 84 241 Iron ....... 1.65 0.111 26 2.60 7.48 Magnesium. 21 0.710 25 33 93 Phosphorus . mg 134 6.609 24 212 608 Potassium mg 215 5.009 25 339 974 Sodium . mg 389 20.254 28 615 1,764 Zinc... 0.63 0.037 24 0.99 2.85 Copper... 0.121 0.027 20 0.191 0.548 Manganese.. 0,231 0.013 17 0.365 1.049 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid. 1.8 1.400 2 2.8 842 Thiamin 0.21 0.021 12 0.33 0.96 Riboflavin. 0.14 0.015 12 0.22 0.64 Niacin... 2.15 0.175 12 3.40 9.77 Pantothenic acid. 0.37 0.182 3 0.58 1.68 Vitamin Bg 0.07 0.008 7 0.11 0.33 Folacin 28 6.422 6 44 125 Vitamin By. a 0.68 0.065 6 1.07 3.07 _ RE 19 6 29 84 VHAMIN A oe {1 69 13.303 6 110 314 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, tof wg 3.313 5.235 15.028 40... wi 6:0 .g 8:0 gq 10:0 g 0.069 2 0.109 0.314 12:0 g 0.042 2 0.066 0.189 14.0 g 0.175 2 0.276 0.793 16:0 g 1.910 2 3.018 8.665 180... g 1.117 2 1.765 5.067 Monounsaturated, total . g 4.869 7.693 22.086 16:1 g 0.567 2 0.896 2.573 18:1 g 4.302 2 6.797 19.513 20:1 ag 221 .. g Polyunsaturated, total wi 5+220 8.248 23.678 18:2... we 4.821 2 7.617 21.867 18:3 a] 0.399 2 0.631 1.811 18:4 tr 20:4 wo g 20:5 we §f 22:5 .. g 22:6 mw 0 Cholesterol .. ... mg 35 4.291 8 55 157 Phytosterols.................ccccceveeieiniicenns mg Amino acids: Tryptophan wg 0.124 0.195 0.561 Threonine g 0.426 0.673 1.931 Isoleucine . wg 0.480 0.759 2.179 Leucine... g 0.837 1,323 3.798 Lysine .... g 0.770 1.217 3.494 og 0.274 0.433 1.242 og 0.140 0.220 0.633 9 0.458 0.723 2.075 g 0.332 0.525 1.506 -g 0.553 0.874 2.508 Arginine .... -g 0.583 0.921 2.644 Histidine. g 0.290 0.458 1.314 Alanine... g 0.569 0.899 2.580 Aspartic acid. -g 0.936 1.479 4.247 Glutamic acid -g 2.143 3.385 9.719 Glycine... g 0.486 0.768 2.203 Proline 9 0.620 0.980 2.812 Serine .... 9g 0.479 0.756 2.171 !Alpha-tocopherol = 0.55 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21105 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Base 10% Fish Sandwich with Tartar Sauce and Cheese Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 A Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard I, Approimais measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 183 g 0 (A) (8B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: WBIBE isis rvs issismvemas sais sve g 45.18 0.825 29 82.69 204.95 524 1,299 FOOd @NErgY .......cocvuivimmiviiinniiiieiiins 2,194 5/437 Protein (N X6.11)... 0.290 23 20.60 51.06 Total lipid (fat) .... 0.627 24 28.60 70.89 47.63 118.06 Gas 0.100 3 0.37 0.91 0.048 2 3.49 8.64 7.291 15 185 458 0.373 16 3.50 8.68 Magnesium. . 20 1.075 14 37 91 Phosphorus . .. mg 170 12.054 14 312 773 Potassium . mg 193 12.901 16 353 875 Sodium . mg 513 33,259 19 939 2,328 Zinc... .. mg 0.64 0.048 12 1.17 2.89 Copper. . mg 0.065 0.009 12 0.118 0.293 Manganese............... . mg 0.198 0.021 9 0.362 0.897 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid .. 1.5 0.405 6 2.7 6.8 Thiamin... 0.25 0.044 12 0.45 1,12 Riboflavin. 0.23 0.048 13 0.42 1.03 Niacin.............. 2,31 0.236 12 4.23 10.49 Pantothenic aci mg 0.24 0.047 5 0.45 1:11 Vitamin Bg .. 0.06 0.010 5 0.12 0.29 Folacin..... 17 2.883 14 32 79 Vitamin By. , 0,59 0.056 5 1.08 2.67 rail 53 5 96 239 VRBIIE Aimee {ww 236 88.146 5 432 1,070 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. wwe 4.448 8.139 20.175 4:0. .. g 6:0. .. g 8:0. g 0.067 5 0,122 0.302 10:0. g 0.045 5 0.082 0.204 12:0. g 0.038 5 0.070 0.174 14:0. we 0.352 5 0.645 1.598 16:0. we 2.430 5 4.447 11.023 18:0 .... g 1.398 5 2.558 6.342 Monounsaturated, total g 4.874 8.919 22.108 16:1 .... g 0.320 5 0.586 1.452 18:1. visi 4.405 5 8.061 19.981 20:1. we 0.039 5 0.071 0.176 22:1... g 0.059 5 0.107 0.266 Polyunsaturated, total .. g 5.154 9.432 23.380 18:2. g 4.602 5 8.421 20.874 18: g 0.524 5 0.960 2.379 18: g 20: g 0.028 5 0.051 05127 20: g 22:5 [] 22:6 g Cholesterol ... mg 37 3.179 11 68 168 Phytosterols.. .... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... wg 0.134 0.246 0.610 Threonine .. g 0.435 0.796 1,972 Isoleucine .. g 0.505 0.924 2.290 Leucine .. .g 0.893 1.635 4.053 Lysine .... -g 0.849 1.554 3.852 Methionine -g 0.287 0.526 1.304 Cystine...... -g 0.134 0.246 0.610 Phenylalanine og 0.492 0.900 2.231 Tyrosine. - g 0.383 0.701 1.738 Valine. -g 0.591 1.082 2.682 Arginine . .g 0.591 1.082 2.682 Histidine. -g 0.324 0.593 1.471 Alanine... -g 0.5853 1,011 2,507 Aspartic acid. -g 0.940 1,719 4.262 Glutamic acid -g 2.257 4.130 10.236 Glycine.. -g 0.464 0.850 2.106 Proline .. -g 0.717 1.311 3.251 SOMNE ......ovvviiiniinnii g 0.507 0.927 2,298 ) ! alpha-tocopherol = 1.00 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21106 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hamburger, regular, single meat patty, plain Page 160 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 90 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBBE ...c.cvcvcimmsismsimssnsmsisistiamn teams 37.55 0.857 4 33.79 170.33 305 275 1,385 Food energy Ko 1,278 1,150 5,797 Protein (N X6. 03) .. 9 13.69 1 22.32 62.10 Total lipid (fat) ....... g 13.13 0.918 5 11.81 59,54 Carbohydrate, total g 33.90 30.51 153.79 Crude fiber g 0.13 1 0.12 0.59 9 1.73 1 1.56 7.85 70 1 63 317 2.67 1 2.41 12.12 21 1 19 94 114 1 102 515 161 x 145 732 430 I 387 1,950 2.22 1 2.00 10.08 0.100 i 0.090 0.454 0.237 1 0,213 1.075 0.0 x 0.0 0.0 0.37 x 0.33 1.69 0.30 1 0.27 1,34 4.13 i 3.72 18.75 Pantothenic acid w 0.41 1 0.37 1.87 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.07 1 0.06 0.31 Folacin?... 28 1 25 128 - 0.99 1 0.89 4.49 VHAMIN AL. od g ! 2 2 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... g 4.601 4.140 20.868 ! g g g g 0.073 2 0.066 0.332 g 0.046 2 0.041 0.209 g 0.375 2 0.337 1.700 g 2.369 2 2.132 10.744 9 1.615 2 1.454 7.327 -g 6.062 5.455 27.496 - 9 0.639 2 0.575 2.900 -g 5.178 2 4.660 23.486 g 9 Polyunsaturated, total g 1.020 0.918 4.626 18:2... g 0.938 2 0.844 4,254 18:3 g 0.082 2 0.074 0.372 18:4 g ROM ..oinnseisssnssiniviviissiaisimaisiiieis g 20:5 Ln g 22:5 g 22:6 .g Cholesterol . mg 39 3.958 6 36 179 Phytosterols.. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... wg 0.168 0.151 0.762 Threonine . .g 0.513 0.462 2.327 Isoleucine . -g 0.579 0.521 2.626 Leucine -g 1.049 0.944 4.758 Lysine -g 0.854 0.768 3.872 Methionin -g 0.282 0.253 1.277 Cystine... - 9g 0.173 0.155 0.783 Phenylalanine 9g 0.583 0.525 2.647 Tyrosine. -g 0.391 0.351 1.771 Valine... -g 0.674 0.607 3.059 Arginine . g 0.790 0.711 3.584 Histidine . g 0.384 0.345 1.740 Alanine... g 0.745 0.670 3.378 Aspartic acid. 9 1.056 0.950 4.789 Glutamic acid... g 2.976 2.679 13.501 Glycine... 9 0.840 0.756 3.810 Proline g 0.997 0.897 4.521 Serine .... -g 0.540 0.486 2.451 ) Values based on data from recipe: Bun, 66%; ground beef, 34%. Alpha-tocopherol = 0.55 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21107 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hamburger, regular, single meat patty, with condiments’ Page 161 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nieah Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 1 small burger = 107 g 47 g 0 (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: WALSH... iii mma g 45.51 0.777 16 48.69 21.39 206.43 kcal 257 275 121 1,164 FOO @NGIGY ........ccoovreremrrrrarnrssrsisninnns KJ 1,074 1,149 505 4.872 Protein (N X6.03) . 12,71 0.287 18 13.60 5.98 57.67 Total lipid (fat) .... .g 9.56 0.542 18 10.23 4.49 43.35 Carbohydrate, total. . g 30.54 32.68 14.36 138.55 . g 0.32 0.039 12 0.34 0.15 1.44 .g 1.68 0.069 13 1.79 0.79 7.60 48 5.606 12 52 23 219 2.30 0.218 12 2.46 1.08 10.44 Magnesium. 21 1.948 8 23 10 97 Phosphorus . 103 5.746 10 110 48 468 Potassium 201 11.227 11 215 95 913 Sodium . 527 33.876 12 564 248 2,393 Zinc... 1.92 0.085 8 2,05 0.90 8.69 Copper. 0,115 0.013 8 0.123 0.054 0.523 Manganese... 0.197 0.016 7 0.211 0.093 0.894 Vitamins: 2 Ascorbic acid... 2.4 0.462 6 2:5 1.1 10.7 Thiamin... 0.24 0.036 9 0.26 0.11 1.11 Riboflavin. 0.30 0.057 9 0.32 0.14 1.37 Niacin....... 4.39 0.282 9 4.70 2.06 19.91 Pantothenic acid 0.35 0.075 4 0.38 0.17 1.60 Vitamin Bg .. 0.12 0.014 4 0.12 0.05 0.53 Folacin..... 16 1.333 3 17 7 71 Vitamin By. 0.78 0.119 4 0.84 0.37 3.54 . 12 6 13 6 53 Visariin A... 118 23.789 6 126 55 534 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . g 3.281 3.510 1.542 14.881 4.0. g 6:0. g 80. g 0.034 3 0.036 0.016 0.154 10:0. g 0,015 3 0.016 0.007 0.070 12:0. g 0.012 3 0.013 0.006 0.056 14:0. g 0.202 3 0.216 0.095 0.918 16:0. g 1.809 3 1.936 0.850 8.205 180..... g 1.044 3 1.117 0.491 4.734 Monounsaturated, total g 3.474 3.717 1.633 15,756 187) ssssvssimnercrcsmnnn g 0.260 3 0.278 0.122 1.179 18:1. g 3.100 3 3.317 1.457 14.060 20:1. g 0.033 3 0.036 0.016 0,152 22 ie g Polyunsaturated, total... g 1.658 1.774 0,779 7.522 18:2. g 1.459 3 1.562 0.686 6.620 18:3 . g 0.182 3 0.195 0.086 0.827 18:4. .. g 20: g 0.017 3 0.018 0.008 0.075 20: g 221 g 226... wg Cholesterol .. mg 40 12.406 7 43 19 182 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.156 0.167 0.073 0.708 Threonine .. g 0.474 0.508 0.223 2.1582 Isoleucine .. g 0.536 0.573 0.252 2.429 Leucine .. .g 0.968 1.036 0.455 4.390 Lysine .... -g 0.789 0.844 0.371 3.577 Methionine .g 0.261 0.280 0.123 1.186 Cystine a] 0.160 0.171 0.075 0.727 Phenylalani .g 0.540 0.578 0.254 2.448 Tyrosine -g 0.361 0.386 0.169 1.635 Valine -g 0.624 0.668 0.293 2.831 Arginine . -g 0.732 0.783 0.344 3.319 Histidine. -g 0.354 0.379 0.166 1.607 Alanine.. -g 0.687 0.735 0.323 3.118 Aspartic acid. .g 0.983 1.051 0.462 4,457 Glutamic acid -g 2,777 2.971 1.305 12.596 Glycine.. -g 0.774 0.828 0.364 3.510 Proline -g 0.919 0.984 0.432 4.170 BOING .....cunminvisiisienss .g 0.552 0.591 0.260 2.506 ! condiments include catsup, mustard, pickles, onions. 2 Alpha-tocopherol = 0.40 mg per 100 g. Proportions may vary. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21108 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hamburger, regular, single meat patty, with condiments and vegetables’ Page 162 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 burger = 110 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) GQ) Proximate: WRI nmin Gimmes sssroes g 49.41 1.288 10 54.35 224.13 kcal 254 279 1,151 FOO BNEIGY.vivusssssiissssimimieresesssin kJ 1,062 1,169 4.819 Protein (N X6.03) or iG 11.74 0.456 11 12.92 53.27 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 12.25 0.577 11 13.48 55.59 Carbohydrate, total. wg 24.81 27.29 112.54 Crude fiber. wu |G 0.30 0.100 2 0.33 1.36 .g 1.78 0.064 10 1.96 8.06 Minerals: Calcium........ccocevirinnnnn. .. mg 57 8.146 10 63 260 Iron .....cce.... . mg 2.39 0.127 10 2.62 10.82 Magnesium . mg 20 0.811 10 22 92 Phosphorus .. .. mg 113 5.418 10 125 514 Potassium... .. mg 206 9.018 10 227 936 Sodium ... .. mg 458 21.438 11 504 2,079 Zinc... .. mg 1.87 0,113 10 2.06 8.49 Copper .. mg 0.093 0.005 10 0.102 0.422 Manganese . mg 0.230 0.020 2 0.253 1.043 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid . 1.5 0.450 2 1:7 7.0 Thiamin... 0.21 0.012 10 0.23 0.95 Riboflavin 0.18 0.036 10 0.20 0.83 Niacin.. 3.35 0.343 10 3.68 15.18 Pantothenic aci 0.27 0.045 2 0.30 1.25 Vitamin B 0.11 0.005 2 012 0.48 Folacin..... 17 1.500 2 18 75 Vitamin By. 0.80 0.055 2 0.89 3.65 Vitamin A .. 2 z 2 26 ” 75 25.000 2 82 340 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . we lg 3.755 4.130 17.033 4.0... “ig 6:0. .g 8:0. .g 10:0 .. vg 12:0 .. .g 14.0 .. .g 16:0 .. .g 18:0 viii, .g Monounsaturated, total .g 4.809 5.290 21.814 18:1. gq 18:1... g 20:1 ..... g 22:1 ..... g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 2.343 2+:577 10.628 18:2 iin g 18:3 .. g 18:4 .. g 20:4 . g 205 .. ws |g 22:5. wg 226... g Cholesterol .. mg 24 1.528 3 26 109 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. a lg 0.142 0.156 0.645 Threonine . g 0.438 0.482 1.988 Isoleucine . wet 0.495 0.544 2.244 Leucine. gg 0.892 0.981 4.046 Lysine g 0.726 0.799 3.295 Methionine g 0.240 0.264 1,087 Cystine...... oy 0.148 0.163 0.671 Phenylalanine .. .. g 0.499 0.548 2.262 Tyrosine... g 0.333 0.366 1.511 Valine. g 0.576 0.634 2.615 Arginine g 0.672 0.739 3.048 Histidine... g 0.325 0.358 1.475 Alanine...... g 0.633 0.696 2.871 Aspartic acid wos: 0.917 1.009 4.161 Glutamic acid .g 2.579 2.837 11.697 Glycine............ —g 0.711 0.782 3.225 Proline g 0.841 0.926 3.816 Serine .... .g 0.510 0.561 2.315 ! Condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, Proportions may vary. *Values based on data from recipe: mayonnaise, 2%. Roll, 51%; ground bee , 26%; tomato, 11%; lettuce, 4%; mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. pickles, 3%; catsup, 3%; AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21109 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hamburger, regular, double meat patty, plain Page 163 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse error of samples 1 burger = 176 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: .g 41.10 0.401 . 72.34 186.43 kcal 309 544 1,402 Food energy... Ko 1,294 2,278 5,871 Protein (N X6 . 20) wg 17.00 1 29.92 77.12 Total lipid (fat) .g 15.85 1.271 3 27.90 71.91 Carbohydrate, total. g 24.39 42.93 110.65 i g 0.09 1 0.16 0.41 i 1.65 1 2.90 7.48 49 1 87 224 2.59 1 4.55 11.74 Magnesium .. 21 1 36 94 Phosphorus * 133 1 234 603 206 1 363 936 315 1 554 1,429 3.25 1 5.71 14.72 Pi 0.095 I 0.167 0.431 Manganese 0.160 1 0.282 0.726 Vitamins:1 2 ASCOMDIC ACH ......cveviviiiieiiiieiicie mg 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin..... we 0.19 1 0.33 0.85 Riboflavin. mg 0.21 1 0.37 0.96 iacil 4.69 1 8.26 21.29 0.38 1 0.67 1.74 0.18 1 0.32 0.81 21 1 38 97 1.66 1 2.92 7.53 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total .............cccoceiviininnns g 5.896 10.377 26.744 j in § g g ..g ..g g g 18:0... .. g Monounsaturated, total. .g 6.879 12.107 31.203 16:1... gq 18:1 g 20:1 ... g R22. isvseeneiins g Polyunsaturated, total g 1.330 2.341 6.033 182... g 18:3 g 18:4 g 20:4 g 20:5 gq 225 g 22:6 g Cholesterol .. mg 56 11.225 3 99 255 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: TIYRIOPNAN ciccevss cosrvruissrmsmmmisssssssssssass g 0.206 0.362 0.933 Threonine . .. g 0.666 1.173 3.023 Isoleucine . g 0.716 1.260 3.247 Leucine. g 1.319 2.322 5.983 Lysine vo 1.226 2157 5.560 .g 0.370 0.652 1.679 g 0.186 0.328 0.846 Phenylalanine . g 0.677 1.192 3.073 Tyrosine wg 0.502 0.883 2.276 Valine... wg 0.823 1.448 3.732 Arginine g 1.053 1.853 4.777 Histidine g 0.505 0.888 2.289 Alanine..... g 1.006 1.771 4.565 Aspartic acid... g 1.415 2.491 6.419 Glutamic acid.. g 3.156 5.555 14.318 Glycine..... g 1.141 2.008 5.175 Proline ..... g 1.039 1.829 4.715 Serine .........cccceeeennnnnns wg 0.694 1.221 3.147 Values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 57%; bun, 43%. 2Alpha-tocopherol = 0.75 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21110 Page 164 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hamburger, regular, double meat patty, with condiments: Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Tas Standard Number Lb Aproiinas measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples urger 215 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 50.51 0.865 8 108.61 229.14 Food. engl kcal 268 576 1,216 00 OY Kk 1,122 2,412 5,089 Protein (N X6 . 20) .g 14.80 0.578 8 31.81 67.11 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 15.10 0.381 8 32.46 68.49 Carbohydrate, total. .g 18.02 38.74 81.74 Crude fiber 2 .g 0.12 1 0.26 0.54 g 1.57 0.054 8 3.38 7:12 43 8.076 8 92 193 2.58 0.165 8 5.5% 11.70 21 0,711 8 44 93 Phosphorus .. . 132 5.744 8 284 600 Potassium. . mg 245 7.994 8 527 1,113 Sodium . . mg 345 12,797 8 742 1,566 Zinc... . mg 2.70 0.133 8 5.80 12.25 Copper. . mg 0.090 0.005 8 0.193 0.408 Manganese mg 0.151 1 0.325 0.685 Vitamins: ASCOrbIC aCid 2 .......ovvvooeeeee mg 0.5 1 1.1 2.3 Thiamin mg 0.16 0.009 8 0.35 0.75 Riboflavin. . mg 0.19 0.010 8 0.42 0.88 Niacin........ . mg 3.13 0.150 8 6.73 14.20 Pantothenic acid? . mg 0.36 1 0.78 1.65 Vitamin Bg we IG 0.17 1 0.37 0.78 Folacin? .. mcg 21 1 45 94 Vitamin B,, 1.55 1 3.33 7.04 eas RE 2 1 5 11 NIMIN AL nme { w 25 1 53 113 Lipids: 2 Fatty acids: Saturated, total wn 5.582 12.001 25.320 4:0 .g 6:0 ws 8:0 .g 10:0 .g 12:0 wg 14:0 .g 16:0 .g 18:0 wg .g 6.571 14.128 29.806 16:1... .g 18:1 .g 20:1 .g 22:1... «Gg Polyunsaturated, total . .g 1.286 2.765 5.833 182. .g -g - 9 -g -g 9 -g . mg 48 1 102 216 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... .. g 0.179 0.385 0.812 Threonine .. .g 0.580 1.247 2.630 Isoleucine .. . 9 0.623 1.339 2.825 Leucine... g 1.143 2.458 5.185 Lysine .... .. g 1.062 2.283 4.817 Methionine . wg 0.320 0.688 1.451 Cystine....... g 0.162 0.349 0.736 ‘henylalanine g 0.589 1.267 2.674 sine. g 0.437 0.939 1.981 valine. g 0.714 1.534 3.237 Arginine . g 0.914 1.965 4.146 Histidine. g 0.437 0.939 1.981 Alanine... g 0.873 1.878 3.962 Aspartic acid. g 1:231 2.647 5.586 Glutamic acid g 2,759 5.931 12.513 Glycine... g 0.988 2.124 4.481 Proline g 0.904 1.945 4.103 Serine... -g 0.601 1.293 2.728 ! Condiments include catsup, mustard, pickles, and onions. Proportions may vary. 2vValues based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 53%; bun, 40%; pickle, 3%; catsup, 2%; mustard, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21111 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Rage los Hamburger, large, single meat patty, plain Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 burger = 137 g 0 (A) (8) © (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE coos inn miasrisnisvsissssarers g 42.10 1.069 3 57.68 190.97 keal 292 400 1,326 FOOd energy .........ccccevvniniennieieiniinns KJ 1,223 1,676 5/549 Protein (N X6. 20). wg 16.43 1 22.50 74.51 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 16.73 1.026 4 22.92 75.90 Carbohydrate, total. g 18.60 1 25.48 84.37 Crude fiber." g 0.10 1 0.14 0.45 g 1.50 1 2.05 6.80 54 1 74 246 2.61 1 3.57 11.83 Magnesium 20 1 28 93 Phosphorus mg 128 1 176 581 Potassium? mg 195 1 268 887 Sodium .. mg 346 1 474 1,570 3.00 1 4.11 13.60 0.095 1 0.130 0.431 0.178 1 0.244 0.807 Vitamins: 2? Ascorbic acid 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin. 0.21 1 0.28 0.94 Riboflavin 0.21 1 0.29 0.98 Niacin..... 4.56 1 6.24 20.67 Pantothenic acid.. 0.39 1 0.53 1.76 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.17 1 0.23 0.76 Folacin....... mcg 23 1 32 104 Vitamin B,, mcg 1.50 1 2.05 6.80 Vitamin A ; 1 : 2 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, tora) uu omnis g 6.122 8.387 27.769 4:0 wg 6:0 .g 8:0 .g 10:0 .g 12:0 wi 1G 14:0 gg 16:0 .g 18:0... .g Monounsaturated, total .. .g 7.211 9.879 32.709 16:1... .. g 18:1 wi 20:1 wg 22:1... .g Polyunsaturated, total . .g 1.559 2.136 7.072 18:2 smn .g 18:3 .g 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 20:5 .g 22:5 -g 228... .g Cholesterol . mg 52 2.694 5 71 234 Phytosterols.. Amino acids: Tryptophan g 0.200 0.274 0.906 TIIOONING ..cvisinnscrmssssesmmensmierinmiin g 0.639 0.875 2.898 ISOIBUCING «.civivunisssmsnmisisissinsmsirasess g 0.692 0.948 3.140 Leucine. .g 1.270 1.740 5.761 Lysine... .g 1.153 1.579 5.229 Methionine .g 0.354 0.485 1.606 es g 0.186 0.255 0.845 atei® g 0.663 0.908 3.007 Tyrosine... .g 0.482 0.660 2.186 Valine... .g 0.799 1.094 3.623 Arginine .g 1.004 1.375 4.553 Histidine... g 0.482 0.660 2.186 Alanine......... « g 0.956 1.309 4.336 Aspartic acid .g 1.347 1.846 6.111 Glutamic acid .g 3.150 4.315 14.287 Glycine.. «ig 1.081 1.481 4.903 Proline .. .g 1.041 1.426 4.722 BOING ...c.iiasserssvrvesmmres .g 0.679 0.930 3.080 } values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 51%; bun 49%. Alpha-tocopherol = 0.50 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21112 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hamburger, large, single meat patty, with condiments and vegetables: Page 166 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Nigar Standard Number Cb AIRES measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples urger 218 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water... g 55.70 0.772 33 121.42 252.63 Food energy W582 2,140 3/453 Protein (N X6.20).. g 11.79 0.601 26 25.70 53.47 Total lipid (fat) ....... g 12.585 0.390 26 27.35 56.91 Carbohydrate, total g 18.41 40.13 83.50 Crude fibe g 0.46 0.068 18 0.99 2.07 Ash .......... “ g 1.56 0.039 22 3.41 7.09 Minerals: Calcium. 44 2.355 28 96 199 Iron ....... 2.26 0.105 29 4.92 10.25 Magnesium .. mg 20 0.753 27 43 89 Phosphorus . mg 107 3.401 27 233 486 Potassium mg 220 4.541 27 479 996 Sodium . 378 13.038 30 825 1,716 Zinc....... 2.24 0.136 28 4.87 10.14 Copper......... 0.091 0.003 21 0.197 0.411 Manganese. 0.160 0.008 16 0.349 0.726 Vitamins: ? Ascorbic acid............ccccooeiiiiiniins mg 1.2 0.366 10 2.5 5.3 Thiamin. : 0.19 0.011 19 0.42 0.87 Riboflavin. mg 0.17 0.009 18 0.38 0.79 Niacin... 3.34 0.228 19 7.28 15.15 0.33 0.040 6 0.71 1.48 0.15 0.008 12 0.33 0.68 17 1.013 19 36 75 1.09 0.076 12 2.38 4.96 Vitamin A 12 iz 33 gs Crm {1 143 17.771 12 311 647 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total an 4.779 10.419 21.678 4.0. gq 6:0 g 8:0 g 10:0 g 0.018 5 0.040 0.083 12:0 wis: 0.011 5 0.024 0.049 14:0 gg 0.300 5 0.653 1.359 16:0 .. g 2.762 5 6.022 12.530 18:0 ... we |g 1.443 5 3.145 6.543 Monounsaturated, total ws 5.242 11.428 23.779 16:3 .. g 0.429 5 0.934 1.944 18:1 g 4.654 5 10.147 21.112 20:1 g 0.037 5 0.080 0.166 22:1... ws § Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.010 2.203 4.583 18:2... g 0.884 5 1.926 4.008 18:3 g 0.107 5 0.233 0.484 18:4 .. g 20:4 ... wg 0.020 5 0.044 0.091 20:5 g 22:5 g 22:6 .g Cholesterol ... .. mg 40 2.788 8 86 179 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... g 0.141 0.308 0.641 Threonine .. g 0.455 0.991 2.063 Isoleucine .. .g 0.491 1.070 2.227 Leucine... .g 0.896 1.953 4.064 Lysine. .... .g 0.814 1.774 3.692 Methionine . wig 0.248 0.541 1.127 Cystine....... v if 0.134 0.292 0.607 Phenylalanine .g 0.472 1.029 2.141 Tyrosine. -g 0.340 0.741 1.543 Valine..... ~g 0.566 1.233 2.565 Arginine . 4g 0.709 1.545 3.215 Histidine. -g 0.340 0.741 1.543 Alanine... a 0.676 1.474 3.068 Aspartic acid. -g 0.982 2.141 4.454 Glutamic acid -g 2.317 5.052 10.512 Glycine... -g 0.760 1.658 3.449 Proline -g 0.732 1.595 3.319 Serine g 0.481 1.050 2.184 !Condiments and vegetables include catsu Proportions may vary. ?Alpha-tocopherol = 0.54 mg per 100 g. p, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21113 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Page 167 Hamburger, large, double meat patty, with condiments and vegetables' Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 } Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 burger = 226 g 0 (A) (8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WERE ovina mncsnsmssmmassmmsmsesmsenes een g 53.74 0.980 10 121.45 243.76 kcal 239 540 1,084 Food energy ............ccceoeeeiniinnininninnns kJ 1,000 2,260 1.537 Protein (N X6. 20) ww ig 15.17 0.768 10 34.27 68.79 Total lipid (fat) ..... og 11.75 1.554 10 26.57 53.32 Carbohydrate, total. .g 17.82 40.27 80.82 Crude fiber. g 0.30 0.100 2 0.68 1.36 g 1.52 0.080 10 3.44 6.90 Minerals: 45 5.859 10 102 205 w 2+.59 0.220 10 5.85 11.73 Magnesium .. mg 22 1.104 9 49 99 Phosphorus .. .. mg 139 6.750 10 314 629 Potassium 252 9.099 10 569 1,142 Sodium .. 350 17.140 10 791 1,588 Zin... 2.51 0.221 10 5.68 11.40 0.097 0.006 9 0.220 0.441 0.110 1 0.249 0.499 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.5 1 1.2 2.4 Thiamin...... 0.16 0.015 10 0.36 0.72 Riboflavin... 0.17 0.009 10 0.39 0.78 NBG, cos visas ne 3.35 0.247 10 7.57 15,19 Pantothenic acid.. 0.24 1 0.55 1.10 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.24 1 0.54 1.09 Folacin...... mcg 12 1 27 54 Vitamin By... mcg 1.80 1 4.07 8.16 Vitamin A > z 3d 21 ” 45 1 102 204 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total wg 4.654 10.518 21.111 4:0 g9 6:0 gq 8:0 g 10:0 g 12:0 gq 14.0 g 16:0 g 180... g Monounsaturated, total. g 4.570 10.328 20.729 CTR — g 18:1... gq 20:1 g 22:1... g Polyunsaturated, total g 1.237 2.796 5.611 18:2... . wer § 18:3 .. g 18:4 wn § 20:4 .g 20:5 .. g 22:5 . g 22:6 og Cholesterol ... mg 54 10.500 2 122 245 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ses 0.183 0.415 0.832 Threonine . g 0.599 1.354 2.718 Isoleucine .... ys 0.638 1.443 2.896 Leucine. .. g 1.172 2.648 5.315 Lysine ... g 1.108 2.504 5.026 Methionine g 0.330 0.746 1.498 Cystine...... g 0.164 0.370 0.743 Phenylalanine .. g 0.599 1.354 2.718 Tyrosine... g 0.448 1,012 2.030 Valine... g 0.729 1.647 3.306 Arginine .... g 0.944 2.134 4.283 Histidine g 0.450 1.017 2.042 Alanine. g 0.903 2.040 4.094 Aspartic acid g 1.289 2.913 5.847 Glutamic acid g 2.803 6.335 12.715 Glycine.. g 1.020 2.305 4.627 Proline .. g 0.898 2.029 4.072 Serine ... -g 0.612 1.382 2.774 ! condiments and vegetables include catsup, mustard, mayonnaise-style dressing, pickles, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes. ) Proportions may vary. 2 Values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 47%; roll, 30%; tomato, 9%; catsup, 5%; pickle, 4%; lettuce, 3%; mayonnaise, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21114 Page 168 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hamburger, large, triple meat patty, with condiments® Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Vian Standard Number Cb Anrosigie measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples urger 259 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WLBT ooo g 52.37 4.470 2 135.64 237.55 kcal 267 693 1,213 FOO GNBIGY coiusiiiniiisinss simian KJ 1,120 2,900 5.078 Protein (N X6. 20).. .g 19.30 1.138 3 49.99 87.55 16.01 0.884 3 41.46 72.61 11.04 28.59 50.07 0.30 0.100 2 0.78 1.36 1.28 0.085 2 3.33 5.83 25 3.950 2 65 113 3.21 0.235 2 8.33 14.58 Magnesium. mg 21 1 55 97 Phosphorus mg 152 6.136 2 393 689 Potassium mg 303 16.000 2 785 1,374 Sodium 275 31.970 3 713 1,249 Zinc... 4.15 0.400 2 10.75 18.82 Copper. 0.076 1 0.197 0.345 Manganese. 0.090 1 0.233 0.408 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. 0.5 1 1.4 2:5 Thiamin... 0.12 0.010 2 0.31 0.54 Riboflavin. 0.21 0.025 2 0.56 0.98 Niacin... 4,23 0.165 2 10.97 19.21 Pantothenic acid 0.26 1 0.68 1.18 Vitamin Bg .. 0.24 1 0.62 1.09 Folacin..... 12 1 31 54 Vitamin B,,. 1.90 1 4.92 8.62 ress 6 1 16 28 VBI A..civiinianiinnsniniasmamisimss 61 1 158 277 Lipids: Fatty acids: 2 Saturated, total .. gg 6.147 15.921 27.883 4:0. g g a] Ro] g g a] -g Monounsaturated, total g 7.040 18.234 31.933 16:1. g 18:1 g 20:1 g 221 .. g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 1.059 2.743 4.804 18:2... ag 18:3 .. g 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 20:5. g 225... gq 22:6 .. g Cholesterol . mg 55 5.100 3 142 249 Phytosterols. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .. g 0.237 0.613 1.073 Threonine g 0.778 2.016 3.530 Isoleucine g 0.822 2.129 3.728 Leucine .... wg 1.522 3.943 6.905 Lysine .g 1.482 3.838 6.722 Methionine g 0.433 1.121 1.963 g 0.202 0.524 0.918 9g 0.756 1.959 3.431 . g 0.585 1.516 2.655 g 0.937 2.427 4.250 g 1.242 3.217 5.634 Histidine... aon J) 0.588 1.524 2.669 Alanine oR 1.192 3.088 5.408 Aspartic acid g 1.672 4.330 7.583 Glutamic acid.. g 3.384 8.764 15.349 Glycine. g 1.351 3.499 6.128 Proline .. g 1.108 2.870 5.027 Serine... -g 0.775 2.008 3.516 > Condiments include catsup, mustard, pickles, and/or onions. Proportions may vary. Values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 70%; roll, 30%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21115 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Ham and Cheese Sandwich Page 1f€° Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Neh Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 146 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE... TE REY g 50.80 2.667 4 74.17 230.43 Food ener kcal 241 353 1,095 IY or rsvnsiami ims rsa er «1,011 1,476 4.586 Protein (N X6.13).. .. g 14.17 1.044 7 20.69 64.28 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 10.60 0.713 6 15.48 48.09 Carbohydrate, total g 22.84 33.34 103.59 Crude fiber: g 0.09 1 0.13 0.41 .g 1.59 0.270 2 2.32 7.21 89 18.245 4 130 405 2,22 0.309 4 3.25 10.09 Magnesium... 11 0.735 2 16 50 Phosphorus mg 104 63.550 2 152 473 Potassium. mg 199 15.500 2 290 900 Sodium 528 97.337 4 772 2,397 Zinc......... 0.94 0.085 2 1.38 4.29 Copper....... 0.125 0.035 2 0.182 0.567 Manganese 0.095 0.005 2 0.139 0.431 Vitamins: 2 Ascorbic acid. 1.9 1.097 4 2.7 8.5 Thiamin.......... 0.21 0,111 3 0.31 0.95 Riboflavin 0.33 0.093 3 0.49 1.52 Niacin...... 1.84 0.330 4 2.69 8.36 Pantothenic acid mg 0.71 0.269 2 1.04 3.23 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.14 0.049 2 0.20 0.62 Folacin.... mcg 49 15.500 2 71 220 Vitamin B,, mcg 0.37 0.273 2 0.54 1.67 Vitamin A 32 2 77 228 219 98.500 2 319 991 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . wg 4.409 6.438 20.001 B g g g 0.077 2 0.113 0.350 g 0.095 2 0.138 0.430 g 0.085 2 0.124 0.384 g 0.443 2 0.647 2.011 g 2.662 2 3.886 12.074 g 1.048 2 1.529 4,752 g 4.615 6.738 20,933 g 0.516 2 0.753 2.339 g 4.099 2 5.985 18.593 g g g 0.942 1.375 4.271 og 0.890 2 1,299 4.036 ng 0.052 2 0.076 0.235 g g9 g wg we i mg 40 3.930 4 58 181 Phytosterols.. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan wg 0.185 0.270 0.839 Threonine .. g 0.506 0.739 2.296 Isoleucine .. g 0.624 0.911 2.831 Leucine... g 1.142 1.667 5.180 Lysine .... 9 1.077 1,573 4.886 Methionine . g 0.333 0.486 1.510 Cystine....... g 0.171 0.250 0.776 Phenylalanine g 0.680 0.992 3.083 Tyrosine. g 0.562 0.820 2.548 Valine. g 0.735 1.073 3.334 Arginine . g 0.696 1.016 3,156 Histidine. g 0.483 0.705 2.191 Alanine... g 0.552 0.807 2.506 Aspartic acid. g 0.994 1.451 4.509 i g 3.104 4,533 14.082 g 0.481 0.702 2.181 -g 1.184 1.728 5.368 g 0.659 0.962 2.988 1 Values based on data from recipe: 2 Alpha-tocopherol = 0.20 mg per 100 g. Bun, 47%; ham, 27%; cheese, 26%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21116 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Ham, Egg, and Cheese Sandwich Page 170 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Slandard Numios? Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 143 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water 2.650 2 73.14 232.02 Food energy 348 1,104 1,458 4,623 Protein (N X6.17) 0.735 3 19.25 61.05 Total lipid (fat) 1.026 3 16.30 51.71 Carbohydrate, total 30.95 98.16 Crude fiber . 1 0.14 0.45 Ash _— g 2.35 0.350 2 3.36 10.66 Minerals: Calcium 148 2.000 2 212 671 Iron 2.17 0.095 2 3.11 9.87 Magnesium 18 1.700 2 26 83 Phosphorus 242 14.000 2 346 1,098 Potassium 147 10.500 2 209 665 Sodium 703 85.935 3 1,005 3,187 Zinc. 1.39 0.095 2 1.99 6.33 Copper 0.085 0.005 2 0.122 0.386 Manganese 0.170 0.020 2 0.243 0.771 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 1.9 0.900 2 2+7 8.6 Thiamin.............. 0.30 0.040 2 0.43 1.36 Riboflavin... 0.39 0.005 2 0.56 1.79 Niacin........ 2.94 1.225 2 4.21 13.36 Pantothenic acid 0.66 0.090 2 0.94 2.99 Vitamin Bg 0.11 0.007 2 0.16 0.51 Folacin...... mcg 30 2.000 2 43 136 Vitamin Bip... . mcg 0.86 0.035 2 1.24 3.92 Vitamin A RE 104 2 149 471 Homann fw 393 27.500 2 561 1,780 Lipids: Fatty acids:? Saturated, total ... .g 5.175 7.400 23.474 4D: .g 6:0 .g 8:0 .g 10:0 oy 12:0 wig 14:0 g 16:0 g 18:0... gq Monounsaturated, total wg 4.017 5.744 18.221 (E— gq 18:1 g 20:1 g 22:1 .... g Polyunsaturated, total. gq 1.182 1.690 5.362 1812 crim g 18:8 iii: g 18:4 . g 204. g 20:5... g PBs cues gq 22:6... g Cholesterol .. mg 172 16.476 3 245 779 Phytosterols ... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .............. ARR g 0.185 0.265 0.841 Threonine . Re] 0.526 0.752 2.385 Isoleucine Re] 0.654 0.936 2.968 Leucine. _ g 1.099 1.572 4.987 Lysine ........ccccovvnnnnnn g 0.982 1.404 4.453 Methionine .. ..g 0.345 0.493 1.563 Cystine.......... wg 0.203 0.290 0.920 Phenylalanine g 0.670 0.958 3.038 Tyrosine. g 0.534 0.764 2.424 Valine... g 0.763 1.092 3.463 Arginine .. wi 0.709 1.014 3.216 Histidine ....... — 0.419 0.599 1.900 Alanine... g 0.591 0.845 2.681 Aspartic acid. .. g 1.040 1.488 4.720 Glutamic acid.. wi |g 2.585 3.696 11.725 Glycine... we i 0.452 0.646 2.048 Proline ... wg 0.953 1.363 4.324 SBNNG .ccovvisiviivervinion .g 0.726 1.039 3.295 ) Total vitamin E = 1.10 mg per 100 g. Values based on data from recipe: Bun, 32%; egg, 32%; cheese, 18%; ham, 18%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21117 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hotdog, Plain Page 171 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased oe Standard Numbs? Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 hotdog = 98 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) G) Proximate: LL IT g 53.96 2.617 6 52.89 244.78 242 1,121 Pood energy 1,014 4,694 Protein (N X5.97). : 10.60 0.537 12 10.39 48.09 fi fg 14.84 1.301 8 14.54 67.30 . g 18.40 18.03 83.44 .g 0.30 1 0.29 1.36 wg 2.20 0.001 2 2.16 9.98 Minerals: Calcium. 24 4.226 9 24 110 | —— 2.36 0,272 10 2.31 10.70 Magnesium 13 0.568 9 13 59 Phosphorus .. mg 99 2.352 5 97 450 Potassium. mg 146 16.773 7 143 661 Sodium .. . mg 684 42.471 14 671 3,103 Zinc... . mg 2,02 0.336 9 1.98 9.18 Copper... v 0.078 0.017 8 0.077 0.356 Manganese... 0.093 0.026 9 0.091 0.422 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 0.1 0.133 3 0.1 0.6 Thiamin... 0.24 1 0.24 1.09 Riboflavin. 0.28 0.050 3 0.27 1.25 Niacin... mg 3.72 0.282 3 3.65 16.87 Pantothenic acid.. mg 0432 0.110 3 0.51 2.34 Vitamin Bg 0.05 0.003 3 0.05 0.24 Folacin...... 30 3.930 3 30 138 Vitamin B,.. 0.52 0.228 3 0.51 2.38 al 0 1 0 0 VHBININ Ar. oiioivssiimsissimmmsiessiiiiniitisiy 0 1 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... «9 5:213 5.109 23.646 AD mms . 6:0... .g 8:0 .g 10:0 + q 12:0 «1g 14:0 .g 0.487 1 0.477 2.208 160... .g 3.028 1 2.967 13,733 18:0... wt 1.497 1 1.467 6.788 Monounsaturated, total . wg 6.993 6.853 31.720 16:1 .. .g 0.660 1 0.647 2.993 18:1. .g 6.333 1 6.207 28,728 20:1 .. .g 22:1. «g Polyunsaturated, total .g 1.741 1.707 7.899 18:2. 2g 1.310 1 1.284 5.941 18:3. - 0.432 1 0.423 1.957 18:4 .. .g 20:4 .. .g 20:5 .. 2 10 225.. wg 226 .. .g Cholesterol .. 1] 45 2.739 5 44 204 Phytosterols. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.098 0.096 0.443 Threonine .g 0.360 0.353 1.635 Isoleucine .... ww: ff 0.453 0.444 2.054 Leucine .g 0.769 0.754 3.488 Lysine .g 0.641 0.628 2.908 Methionine .g 0.199 0.195 0.902 Cystine..... wg 0.147 0.144 0.669 Phenylalanine . g 0.417 0.409 1.893 Tyrosine... g 0.282 0.277 1.281 Valine... g 0.483 0.473 2.191 g 0.666 0.653 3.021 g 0.295 0.289 1.337 g 0.598 0.586 2.715 g 0.872 0.855 3.955 g 2.385 2.337 10.818 g 0.646 0.633 2.932 g 0.765 0.750 3.472 -g 0.481 0.472 2.183 values based on data from recipe: Bun, 50%; hotdog, 50%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21118 Page 172 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hotdog with Chili Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - y Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 hotdog = 114 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) 47.80 2.600 3 54.49 216.82 kcal 260 297 1,181 kJ 1,090 1,243 4,945 . 11.85 1.449 5 13.51 53.77 11.79 1.762 3 13.44 53.49 27.45 31.30 124.52 0.19 1 0.22 0.86 1.10 1 1.25 4.99 17 4.630 2 19 75 2.88 1.335 2 3.29 13.09 9 1.545 2 10 39 168 4.250 2 192 763 146 1 166 660 421 170.383 3 480 1,912 0.68 0.270 2 0.78 3.08 0.090 0.050 2 0.103 0.408 0.100 0.020 2 0.114 0.454 2.4 1 2.7 10.9 0.19 1 0.21 0.84 0.35 0.010 2 0.40 1.59 - 3.28 1.320 2 3.74 14.88 Pantothenic acid. .. mg 0.48 0.197 2 0.55 2.18 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.04 0.011 2 0.05 0.18 Folacin. .. mcg 44 8.000 2 50 200 Vitamin .. mcg 0.26 0.163 2 0.29 1.17 arr 2 RE 5 1 6 23 Vitamin A%... Aw 51 1 58 229 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. wo: 4.258 4.855 19.316 4.0 .. .g 6:0 .. .g 8:0.. .g 100 .. wg 0.091 2 0.104 0.412 120 ...... .g 0.025 2 0.028 0.113 140 .. 5 9 0.235 2 0.268 1.068 16:0 .. .g 2.486 2 2.834 11.276 18:0 ...... .g 1.322 2 1.508 5.998 Monounsaturated, total . .g 5.785 6.595 26.242 | iq f— .g 0.409 2 0.466 1.855 18:1 w.g 5.376 2 6.129 24.386 20:1 NY 22:1 .. .g Polyunsaturated, total... wg 1.042 1.188 4.727 18:2. wn 0.918 2 1.046 4.163 18:3 w i 0.124 2 0.142 0.564 18:4 .g 20:4 % 20:5 wg 22:5 .g 2 wg Cholesterol .. .. mg 45 1 - 5] 204 Phytosterols. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.113 0.128 0.511 Threonine . .g 0.408 0.465 1.851 Isoleucine . . ig 0.497 0.567 2.257 Leucine. .g 0.853 0.973 3.870 Lysine ... .g 0.729 0.831 3.306 .g 0.222 0.253 1.005 .g 0.157 0.179 0.714 .g 0.463 0.527 2.098 .g 0.315 0.359 1.428 . Gg 0.534 0.609 2.424 .g 0.733 0.835 3.323 -g 0.326 0.372 1.481 -g 0.657 0.749 2.979 - 9g 0.995 1.134 4.513 -g 2.542 2.898 11.530 - 9 0.709 0.809 3.217 - 9 0.797 0.908 3.614 - 9 0.525 0.598 2.380 ! values based on data from recipe: Bun, 41%; hotdog, 41%; chili, 18%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21119 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Hotdog with Corn Flour Coating (corndog) Page 173 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 hotdog = 175 g 0 (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @G) as ig 46.70 1 81.72 211.83 kcal 263 460 1,192 Food energy. kJ 1,100 1,926 4,991 Protein (N X6.06).... lf 9.60 1 16.80 43.54 Total lipid (fat) wis 1 10.80 1 18.90 48.99 Carbohydrate, total.. .. g 31.88 55.79 144.61 Crude fiber. gq 0.17 1 0.30 0.77 wg 1.02 1 1.78 4.63 Minerals: CalCiuM....c.oviiiiciiieeeeeeee eae mg 58 3 101 262 . 3.53 1 6.18 16.01 Magnesium mg 10 1 17 45 Phosphorus .. mg 95 1 166 431 Potassium® 150 1 262 680 556 1 972 2,520 0.75 1 1.31 3.40 0.140 1 0.245 0.635 0.110 1 0,192 0.499 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.16 1 0.29 0,75 0.40 1 0.71 1.84 2.38 1 4.16 10.80 Pantothenic acid 0.77 1 1.35 3.50 Vitamin Bg 0.05 1 0.10 0.25 Folacin 34 1 60 154 Vitamin By, 0.25 1 0.44 1.13 erin EL 21 1 36 93 VBI AZ iiiiiiiianiimarsaniiomiis: 118 1 207 535 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . .g 2.949 5.161 13,377 g9 g g g gq g 0.474 1 ‘0.830 2.151 g 1.913 1 3.347 8.676 0. g 0.562 1 0.984 2.551 Monounsaturated, total g 5.205 9.109 23.610 1650 seo g 0.506 1 0.885 2.293 18:1, g 4.699 1 8.224 21.316 20:1. gq g g 1.998 3.496 9.063 g 1.581 i 2.766 7.170 g 0.417 1 0.730 1.893 g g ..g g Cholesterol mg 45 1 79 204 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... .. g 0.086 0.150 0.388 Threonine .. g 0.363 0.635 1.645 Isoleucine .. g 0.429 0,751 1.947 Leucine... g 0.808 1.414 3.664 Lysine ..... g 0.657 1.150 2.982 Methionine . g 0.208 0.383 0.941 Cystine....... g 0.135 0.236 0.611 Phenylalanine g 0.377 0.660 1:710 Tyrosine. g 0.317 0.554 1.437 Valine.. g 0.458 0.801 2.076 Arginine .. g 0.637 1.114 2.888 Histidine... g 0.290 0.507 1.315 Alanine.... g 0.618 1.081 2.802 Aspartic acid. g 0.865 1.514 3.923 Glutamic acid. g 1.787 3.127 8.105 wi 0.578 1.012 2.623 .g 0.610 1.067 2.766 .g 0.448 0.784 2.033 !values based on data from recipe: Frankfurter, 47%; milk, 20%; cornmeal, 16%; flour, 7%; egg, 4%; shortening, 3%; sugar, 2%; baking powder, 1%. ) 2Values for plain hotdog. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21120 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Roast Beef Sandwich, plain Page 174 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Meh error of samples 1 sandwich = 139 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: 48.64 0.938 9 67.61 220.63 kcal 249 346 1,128 Food energy. Kk 1,041 1,447 4,721 Protein (N X6.17). g 15.47 0.571 17 21.50 70.17 Total lipid (fat) .. g 9.90 0.656 17 13.77 44.92 Carbohydrate, tof g 24.06 33.45 109.15 Crude fiber. g 0.50 0.149 8 0.70 2.29 a] 1.93 0.083 8 2.68 8.74 CalCium........ccooeveeveiiiirnne mg 39 5.492 15 54 177 | Jr mg 3.04 0.196 15 4.23 13.79 Magnesium mg 22 1.768 9 31 101 Phosphorus mg 172 7.986 9 239 781 227 11.223 14 316 1,030 wi 570 42.248 17 792 2,584 2.44 0.317 9 3.39 11.06 0.070 1 0.097 0.318 0.090 1 0.125 0.408 Ascorbic acid. 1.5 0.748 6 2.1 6.9 Thiamin . mg 0427 0.038 16 0.38 1.24 Riboflavin mg 0.22 0.038 16 0.31 1.00 Niacin...... mg 4.22 0.225 15 5.86 19.13 Pantothenic acid mg 0.60 1 0.83 2.71 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.19 0.016 10 0.27 0.88 Folacin mcg 29 4.989 9 40 130 Vitamin mcg 0.88 0.118 8 1.22 3.99 — RE 15 12 21 69 Viraniin A fw 151 32.028 12 210 686 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . g 2.594 3.605 11.764 4:0... g 6:0. g 8:0. g 10:0 we 0.015 I 0.021 0.067 12:0 .. g 0.157 1 0.219 0.714 14:0. g 0.223 1 0.310 1.010 16:0. g 1.469 1 2.041 6.662 18:0. g 0.717 1 0.996 3.252 Monounsaturated, total 4.895 6.804 22,203 16:1. w i 0.635 1 0.883 2.881 18:1. g 4.260 1 5.921 19.322 20:1 ... g 224 .. g Polyunsaturated, total wg 1.227 1.705 5.565 2. -g 1.101 1 1.531 4.996 18:3... g 0.1238 1 0.174 0.568 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 205... g 25. g 226. .g Cholesterol . . mg 37 1.417 7 52 169 Phytosterols 0] Amino acids: Tryptophan ..... .g 0.176 0.244 0.796 Threonine ... -g 0.629 0.875 2.855 Isoleucine .g 0.679 0.944 3.082 Leucine -g 1.191 1.655 5.402 Lysine -g 1.111 1.544 5.038 Methionine... -g 0.366 0.509 1.660 Cystine............ .g 0.191 0.265 0.864 Phenylalanine . -g 0.634 0.882 2.877 Tyrosine... -g 0.489 0.680 2.218 Valine.... .g 0.755 1.049 3.423 Arginine -g 0.908 1.262 4.117 Histidine ~g 0.489 0.680 2.218 Alanine ~g 0.855 1.188 3.878 Aspartic acid -g 1,291 1.795 5.857 Glutamic acid.. .g 2.813 3.910 12.760 Glycine. -g 0.795 1.105 3.605 Proline .. -g 0.875 1.216 3.969 Serine ... 8g 0.629 0.875 2.855 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21121 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Roast Beef Sandwich with Cheese Page 175 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased _— Standard Number Approvimate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 176 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water Li... 43.50 1 76.56 197.32 228 402 1,036 Food energy 956 1,683 4,337 Protein (N X6. 21) g 18.31 0.343 2 32.22 83.04 Total lipid (fat) ..... g 10.23 0.320 2 18.00 46.40 Carbohydrate, total. g 15.1319 1.035 2 27.10 69.83 Crude fiber. g 0.09 1 0.16 0.41 wg 2.18 1 3.84 9.89 104 1 183 472 2.87 1 5.05 13.01 23 1 40 104 228 1 401 1,034 Potassium! 196 1 345 889 Sodium . mg 928 2.500 2 1,634 4,210 Zincl. mg 3.05 x 5.37 13.83 Copper} mg 0.113 1 0.199 0.513 Manganese... .. mg 0.177 1 0,312 0.803 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid... 0.0 X 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... 0.22 1 0.38 0.99 Riboflavin. 0.26 1 0.46 1.18 Niacin....... 3.35 1 5.90 15.20 Pantothenic acid. . 0.39 1 0.69 1.78 Vitamin Bg ... .. mg 0.19 1 0.34 0.88 re 23 1 41 105 1.17 1 2,05 5.29 a RE 26 1 46 119 VIAMIN A eosin {w 110 1 193 497 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total ... wig 5.131 9.031 23.274 40...... g 6:0 .. g 8:0.. g 10:0 .. g 120. g 14:0 .. g 16:0 .. g 180...... g Monounsaturated, total .. g 2.083 3.666 9.448 16:1 ...... g 18:1. g 20:1 .. gq 22:4 nn g Polyunsaturated, total g 1.992 3.506 9.036 18:2... g 183. g 18:4 .. g 20:4 .. g 20:5... g 225.. g 226 .. gq Cholesterol .. mg 44 1.355 2 77 198 Phytosterols.... mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ..... wg 0,212 0.374 0.963 Threonine .... g 0.728 1.282 3.303 Isoleucine g 0.805 1.416 3.651 Leucine .g 1.424 2.506 6.459 Lysine... .g 1,359 2.392 6.165 Methionine .g 0.433 0.763 1.966 Cystine..... .g 0.215 0.379 0.976 Phenylalanine . .g 0.764 1.344 3.463 Tyrosine... .g 0.616 1.084 2.795 Valine... .g 0.908 1.598 4.119 Arginine .g 1.038 1.826 4.707 Histidine .g 0.593 1.043 2.688 Alanine . 9 0.952 1.676 4.319 Aspartic acid .g 1.480 2.605 6.713 Glutamic acid.. xg 3.358 5.910 15.231 Glycine..... . 9 0.873 1.536 3.958 Proline . .g 1.111 1.956 5.041 Serine g 0.755 1.328 3.423 Values based on data from recipe: Bun, 46%; beef, 45%; cheese, 9%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21122 Page 176 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Steak Sandwich Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number Approdimets measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sandwich = 204 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: War ....cooiiiiiiee en 51.07 3.029 6 104.18 231.64 225 459 1,020 Food ensroy 941 1,920 4,269 Protein (N X6.17) ‘ 14.87 0.700 6 30.34 67.45 Total lipid (fat) ........ .g 6.90 0.939 5 14.08 31.30 Carbohydrate, total. .g 25.47 51.95 115.52 0.20 1 0.41 0.91 1.70 0.076 5 3.46 7.69 Minerals: Calcium. 45 9.920 6 91 203 ON 0505 2.53 0.328 6 5.17 11.49 Magnesium 24 1.127 5 49 108 Phosphorus . 146 8.896 6 297 661 Potassium... mg 257 14.420 5 525 1,166 391 17.470 5 798 1,775 2,22 0.150 5 4.54 10.09 0.108 0.004 5 0.220 0.490 0.180 1 0.367 0.816 Ascorbic acid 2.7 1 5.5 12.2 i 0.20 0.016 5 0.40 0.90 0.18 0.008 5 0.37 0.82 3.58 0.240 5 7.30 16.22 0.45 0.222 2 0.92 2.05 0.18 0.078 2 0.37 0.83 44 23.500 2 89 197 0.77 0.392 2 1.57 3.48 22 1 44 98 180 1 367 816 Lipids: Fatty acids: 2 Saturated, total .. g 1.873 3.821 8.496 4.0 .g 6:0 vg 8:0 g 10:0 g 12:0 gq 14.0 g 16:0 g 18:0 .. g Monounsaturated, total... wiv if 2.624 5.353 11.902 16:1 g 18:1 g 20:1 gq 22:1 wi i Polyunsaturated, total . wo 1.644 3.354 7.457 18:2 g 18:3 g 18:4 g 20:4 gq 20:5 g 22:5 g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 36 1 73 163 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... we 0.181 0.369 0.820 Threonine .. g 0.590 1.208 2.678 Isoleucine .. g 0.631 1.288 2.864 Leucine g 1.157 2.360 5.248 Lysine . ] 1.087 2.217 4.930 Methionine g 0.325 0.664 1.476 Cystine....... g 0.164 0.334 0.743 Phenylalanine gq 0.593 1.209 2.689 Tyrosine g 0.443 0.905 2.012 Valine...... g 0.723 1.475 3.280 Arginine .. g 0.928 1.893 4.209 Histidine... g 0.443 0.905 2.012 Alanine.... gq 0.887 1.809 4.023 Aspartic acid.. g 1.263 2.576 5.729 Glutamic acid. iw 2.760 5.630 12.518 Glycine.... eg 1.003 2.045 4.548 Proline g 0.894 1.824 4.056 ~g 0.607 1.239 2.755 , Total vitamin E = 0.30 mg per 100 g. Values based on data from recipe: Ground beef, 39%; roll, 32%; tomato, 15%; lettuce, 7%; mayonnaise, 6%; salt, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21123 Page 177 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS ’ Submarine Sandwich with Coldcuts Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Mean error of samples 1 sub = 228 g 0 (A) (8) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: LO g 57.80 0.236 15 131.78 262.18 kcal 200 456 907 Food energy ..........cccceemveeeinniicicnnnnns kJ 837 1,908 3,797 Protein (N X6.09)... g 9.58 0.750 15 21.85 43.46 Total lipid (fat) .... g 8.17 0.374 15 18.62 37.04 Carbohydrate, total. g 22.39 51.04 101.54 i g 0.30 0.026 15 0.68 1.36 g 2.07 0.100 15 4.71 9.37 83 12.079 15 189 376 1.10 0.074 15 2.51 4.99 30 2.524 15 68 136 126 11.162 15 287 570 173 11.403 15 394 785 724 91.486 15 1,650 3,283 1.13 0.112 15 2.58 5.14 .“ 0.133 0.013 15 0.304 0.605 Manganese ................ccueeeuierieniiiinsninns mg 0.233 0.013 15 0.532 1.058 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid * “ 5.4 1 12.3 24.4 Thiamin... .. mg 0.44 1 1.00 1.99 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.35 1 0.80 1.59 Non ns . mg 2.41 1 5.580 10.95 Pantothenic acid. .. mg 0.39 1 0.89 1.78 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.06 1 0.13 0.27 Folacin 1... .. meg 24 1 54 107 Vitamin B, 5 0.48 1 1.09 2.16 ET RE 35 1 79 158 Vitamin AL... ns { vw 186 1 425 845 Lipids: ? Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. ny 2.986 6.808 13.544 4:0 .. .g 6:0 .. wg 8:0 .. w 10:0... « 120.. .g 14.0 .. .g 16:0 .. “g 18:0... .g Monounsaturated, total . .g 3.608 8.226 16.366 16:1 ie wg 18:1 ovis .g 20:1 .. .g 22:1. .g Polyunsaturated, total ow 1.001 2,282 4.541 18:2. w 183. .g 18:4 .. wg 204 .. ws 205 .. .g 25. .g 22:6 .. wg Cholesterol . ..mg 16 1 35 71 Phytosterols.... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . .g 0.109 0.248 0.492 Threonine ... g 0.326 0.743 1.477 Isoleucine ... g 0.396 0.904 1.798 Leucine g 0.697 1.589 3.162 Lysine .. g 0.565 1.288 2.562 Methionine .. g 0.192 0.438 0.871 Cystine..... g 0.126 0.287 0.571 Phenylalanine . g 0.433 0.986 1.963 Tyrosine... g 0.329 0.750 1.492 Valine... g 0.481 1.098 2.184 Arginine g 0.445 1.015 2.020 Histidine g 0.272 0.621 1.235 Alanine. g 0.379 0.865 1.720 Aspartic aci g 0.640 1.460 2.905 Glutamic acid.. 9 2.327 5.305 10.555 Glycine..... g 0.387 0.882 1.756 Proline . 9 0.839 1.912 3.804 Serine .. g 0.455 1.037 2.062 ! values based on data from recipe: Bread, 50%; lettuce, 9%; cheese, 9%; salami, 8%; ham, 8%; tomato, 7%; onion, 7%; oil, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21124 Page 178 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS Submarine Sandwich with Roast Beef Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: Magn error of samples 1 sub = 216 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water .......coouiiiciiciiee eens 58.97 1.494 15 127.37 267.47 190 411 864 FOOD ONOIGY ...vvisisiinvnnmmivirpimiionss 797 1,722 3,615 Protein (N X6.17)... 13.26 0.896 15 28.64 60.15 Total lipid (fat) .... 6.00 1.111 15 12.96 27:22 20.51 44.29 93.01 0.30 0.014 15 0.65 1.36 Y.27 0.029 15 2.74 5.75 19 1.091 15 41 86 1.30 0.144 15 2.81 5.90 31 3.642 15 67 141 89 6.035 1S 193 405 153 18.396 15 330 694 391 37.697 15 845 1,775 2.03 0.089 15 4.39 9.22 0.167 0.013 15 0.360 0.756 0.200 0.000 15 0.432 0.907 2.6 1 5.7 12,0 0.19 1 0.42 0.88 0.19 1 0.42 0.88 2.76 1 5.97 12.54 0.36 1 0.77 1.62 a 0.15 1 0.32 0.66 . mcg 21 1 45 95 . mcg 0.84 1 1.82 3.81 RE 23 1 50 106 w 191 1 412 865 Lipids: * Fatty acids: Saturated, total wo J 3.281 7.087 14.883 4.0... .g 6:0 .g 8:0 .g 10:0 .g 12:0 .g 14.0 .g 16:0 9 VB wersscrcrmssirns g Monounsaturated, tota g 0.850 1.836 3.856 16:1 g 18:1 g 20:1 g 22:1 cen g Polyunsaturated, total . g 1.209 2.611 5.484 18:2 g 18:3 g 18:4 oy 20:4 iw 20:5 g 22:5 g 22:6 g Cholesterol mg 34 1 73 154 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: . g 0.150 0.325 0.682 g 0.531 1.147 2.408 g 0.578 1.249 2.623 g 1.008 2.177 4.572 g 0.916 1.978 4.153 g 0.305 0.659 1.384 g 0.168 0.362 0.760 g 0.546 1.179 2.476 g 0.411 0.887 1.862 g 0.645 1,393 2.925 g 0.759 1.639 3.442 Histidine... g 0.408 0.882 1.852 Alanine... g 0.716 1.546 3.247 Aspartic acid. g 1.092 2.358 4.953 Glutamic acid. 9 2.502 5.404 11.348 i g 0.666 1.439 3.022 g 0.774 1.671 3.510 -g 0.544 1.175 2.467 1values based on data from recipe: Bread, 39%; beef, 33%; tomato, 14%; lettuce, 7%; and mayonnaise, 7%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21125 X P 17 SANDWICHES AND BURGERS age 179 Submarine Sandwich with Tuna Salad Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 } Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Maan Standard Nurser Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 sub = 256 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: VBE cscs TR REE 54,31 1.174 17 139.02 246.33 228 584 1,034 FOOQBNGIGY \.cvvviivcismmmmmmninvusessansons 954 2,443 4.329 Protein (N X6 . 05) 11.60 0.674 17 29.69 52.61 Total lipid (fat) ..... 10,93 0.509 15 27.99 49.59 Carbohydrate, total. 21.63 55.37 98,11 Crude fiber. 0.23 0.020 15 0.60 1.06 a 1.53 0.045 15 3,93 6.96 29 1.630 15 74 132 1.03 0.111 15 2.65 4.69 Magnesium. . mg 31 3.634 15 79 139 Phosphorus . . mg 86 2.845 15 219 389 Potassium. . mg 131 16.641 15 335 593 Sodium . . 505 28.566 15 1,294 2,292 Zinc... 0.73 0.023 15 1.88 3.33 Copper. 0.167 0.013 15 0.427 0.756 Manganese... 0.200 0.000 15 0.512 0.907 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 1.4 1 3.5 6.2 Thiamin} mg 0.18 1 0.46 0.82 mg 0.13 1 0,35 0.61 mg 4.43 1 ¥1.33 20.08 Pantothenic acid. . mg 0.73 1 1.86 3.29 Vitamin Bg ... mg 0.09 3: 0,23 0.40 Folacin.... mcg 22 1 58 102 Vitamin By,.. . mcg 0.63 1 1.61 2.85 | RE 16 1 40 71 Via A {iw 73 1 188 333 Lipids: ! Fatty acids: Saturated, 10) ...umusummmannig g 2.082 5,330 9.444 4:0 «4g 9 9 9 - 9 9 - 9 9 wig 5,235 13.402 23.746 -g .g -g -g Polyunsaturated, total .g 2.850 7.296 12.928 182. wg 18:3 a 18:4 .g 20:4 .g 20:5 wg 225 .g 226 .. .g Cholesterol .. .. mg 19 1 47 84 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. Wig 0.134 0.344 0.609 Threonine .... wg 0.462 1,183 2.096 Isoleucine w'@ 0,521 1.335 2.365 Leucine. w 0 0.907 2,321 4.113 Lysine ... .g 0.842 24,155 3.818 Methionine oy 0.295 0.756 1,339 Cystine... -g 0.150 0.383 0.678 Phenylalanine . wg 0.495 1.266 2.244 Tyrosine... wg 0.359 0.918 1.626 Valine... .g 0.596 1.526 2.705 Arginine -g 0.633 1.620 2,870 Histidine... wg 0.314 0.805 1.426 Alanine......... .g 0.619 1,585 2.809 Aspartic acid w ig 1.022 2.616 4.635 Glutamic acid.. .g 2.324 5.948 10.540 Glycine.. 4g 0.531 1.360 2.409 Proline .. -g 0.669 1,713 3.035 Serine .. .g 0.512 1.310 2.322 ) 1values based on data from recipe: Tuna salad, 48%; bread, 40%; lettuce, 8%; oil, 4%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21126 SIDE DISHES Coleslaw Page 180 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Maan Standard NUthEer Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 3/4 cup = 99 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: Water... g 74.02 0.536 14 73.28 335.77 kcal 148 147 673 Food energy ............ccccueviiiiicnnn. kJ 621 615 2,816 Protein (N X6. 28). 1.47 0.124 16 1.45 6.65 Total lipid (fat) ..... g 11.08 0.735 15 10.97 50.26 Carbohydrate, total.. g 12.88 12.75 58.40 Crude fiber. wi 0.64 1 0.63 2.90 0.55 0.235 2 0.55 2.52 34 2.636 16 34 155 0.73 0.163 16 0.73 3.33 Magnesium 9 0.687 15 9 41 Phosphorus mg 36 3.383 13 36 164 Potassium. mg 179 5.713 11 177 810 Sodium mg 270 26.160 17 267 1,224 Zing... mg 0.20 0.027 15 0.19 0.89 Copper mg 0.042 0.012 15 0.042 0.191 Manganese... .. mg 0.125 0.015 15 0.124 0.568 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. . 8.4 7.647 3 8.3 38.3 Thiamin. mg 0.04 0.020 3 0.04 0.16 Riboflavin mg 0.03 0.002 3 0.03 0.12 iaci 0.08 0.083 3 0.08 0.38 Pantothenic acid... 0.15 0.006 2 0.15 0.68 Vitamin Bg . 0.11 0.026 3 0.11 0,52 Folacin.... 39 7.234 3 39 177 Vitamin B,, 0.18 0.045 2 0.18 0.81 Tn 50 1 50 229 VHEMIN Aconnnnmmntsiimmiisemsimms 341 1 337 1,545 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . .g 1.622 1.606 7.359 4.0..... g 6:0. g 8:0. g 10:0. g 120. g 14.0. g 0.009 2 0.009 0.039 16:0. g 1.156 2 1.144 5.242 Li S— g 0.458 2 0.453 2.078 Monounsaturated, total g 2.444 2.419 11.085 16:1... g 0.015 2 0.015 0.067 18:1; g 2.429 2 2.405 11,019 201... wt 22:1 wen Polyunsaturated, total .. g 6.459 6.395 29.299 18:2... g 5.678 2 5.621 25,756 18:3. g 0.781 2 0.773 3.543 18:4. wv: § 20:4 . . g 2055. g 225. g 226. g Cholesterol . mg 5 1 5 23 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . .g 0.018 0.017 0.079 Threonine ... g 0.053 0.052 0.240 Isoleucine g 0.069 0.068 0.311 Leucine... g 0.082 0.081 0.371 Lysine .. g 0.072 0.071 0.326 Methionine .. g 0.020 0.020 0.090 Cystine........ g 0.019 0.018 0.085 Phenylalanine g 0.050 0.049 0.227 ww 0.032 0.032 0.145 we ig 0.065 0.065 0.297 Arginine .. g 0.088 0.087 0.397 Histidine g 0.030 0.030 0.138 Alanine... g 0.056 0.055 0.253 Aspartic acid wus A 0.142 0.141 0.644 Glutamic acid.. .. g 0.275 0.272 1.245 Glycine... g 0.041 0.041 0.186 Proline . g 0.196 0.194 0.890 - g 0.081 0.080 0.365 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21127 SIDE DISHES Corn-on-the-Cob with Butter* Page 181 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 ear = 146 g 45% (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: WBIBE conse cnrs ss es sessskesbisiisp IR HS g 72.05 105.20 179.77 Pood ener kcal 106 155 264 energy kJ 444 648 1,107 Protein (N X6. 25) .g 3.06 4.47 7.65 Total lipid (fat) ....... ig 2.35 3.43 5.86 Carbohydrate, total .g 21.88 31,95 54.60 Crude fiber.. ! 0.64 0.93 1.59 0.65 0,95 1.62 3 5 9 0.60 0.88 1,50 MAGNESIUM .......curmranirnnisiiiieisiisine 28 42 71 Phosphorus . mg 74 108 185 Potassium . mg 246 360 615 20 30 51 _— 0.62 0.90 1.54 0.045 0.066 0.112 RAST An 0.139 0.203 0.347 4.7 6.9 11.7 0.17 0.25 0.43 0.07 0.10 0.17 1.49 2.17 3.71 0.25 0.36 0.62 0.22 0.32 0.55 so 30 44 75 Vitamin By... 0.00 0.00 0.01 Vitamin A 56 97 165 enor EE 268 391 669 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . g 1.125 1.643 2.808 4:0 wg 0.050 0.073 0.125 6:0 .g 0.031 0.045 0.076 8:0 .g 0.018 0.027 0.045 10:0 wr i 0.041 0.061 0.103 12:0 .g 0.047 0.068 0.117 14:0 .g 0.169 0.247 0.423 16:0 g 0.555 0.810 1.385 18:0 .... g 0.214 0.312 0.533 Monounsaturated, total g 0.688 1.005 1.717 18:1 wis g 0.038 0.055 0,095 g 0.650 0.949 1.622 g .. g ng 0.419 0.612 1.047 ng 0.384 0.561 0.959 wg 0.035 0.051 0.087 . g ng 0.000 0.000 0.000 .. g .g g mg 4 6 11 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. wg 0.022 0.032 0.054 Threonine . 9 0,123 0.180 0.307 Isoleucine . g 0,123 0.180 0.308 Leucine. g 0.331 0.483 0.825 Lysine ... g 0.131 0.191 0.326 Methionine g 0.064 0.094 0.160 Cystine... g 0.025 0.036 0.061 Phenylalanine .. g 0.143 0.208 0.356 Tyrosine... - g 0.117 0.171 0.293 Valine... - g 0.177 0.258 0.441 Arginine g 0.124 0.181 0.309 Histidine 9 0.085 0.124 0,212 Alanine..... 9 0.280 0.409 0.699 Aspartic acid g 0.232 0.339 0.580 Glutamic acid.. g 0.606 0.885 1.513 Glycine... ng 0.121 0.176 0.301 Proline . 9 0.278 0.406 0.694 - 9 0.146 0.213 0.364 values based on data from recipe: Corn-on-the-cob, 98%; butter, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No, 21128 SIDE DISHES Hush Puppies Page 182 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approvimae measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 5 hush puppies = 8 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) @G) Proximate: WRBRE..ccvivcsnsis issssssmempmmmmimmiiiy 32.29 2.762 4 25,19 146.47 329 256 1,491 Food energy ko 1,376 1,073 6,242 Protein (N X6 . 25) g 6.25 0.426 5 4.88 28.37 Total lipid (fat) ....... = 14.86 2.457 5 11.59 67.40 Carbohydrate, total .g 44.74 34.89 202.93 Crude fiber? .g 0.50 1 0.39 2.27 .g 1.86 0.260 2 1.45 8.44 88 5.423 4 69 400 1.83 0.453 4 1.43 8.30 Magnesium .. 21 2.589 4 16 96 Phosphorus . .. mg 244 49.836 4 190 1,106 Potassium... .. mg 241 12.981 3 188 1,091 Sodium .mg 1,237 261.887 4 965 5,609 Zinc... ; 0.55 0.077 4 0.43 2.51 Copper. 0.262 0.118 4 0.205 1,191 Manganese... 0.342 0.059 4 0.267 1.554 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid .. : 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 Thiamin... .. mg 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Riboflavin. .. mg 0.03 1 0.02 0.14 Niacin....... .. mg 2.60 1 2,03 11.79 Pantothenic acid.................cccccoevrenrnnn.n. mg 0.28 I 0.22 1.29 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.13 1 0.10 0.60 Folacin..... .. mcg 27 1 21 122 0,22 1 0.18 1.02 34 1 27 156 120 1 94 546 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 3.444 2.686 15.623 4:0... .g 6:0 : g 8:0 .g 10:0 .g 0.042 1 0.033 0.191 12:0 .g 0.024 1 0.019 0.108 14:0 .g 0.070 1 0.055 0.319 16:0 «|g 1,761 1 1.374 7.990 18:0... .g 1.508 1 1.176 6.841 Monounsatura . 10.024 7.819 45.470 16:1 .g 0.238 1 0.185 1.079 18:1 .g 9.787 1 7.633 44.392 20:1 .g 22:1 vg Polyunsaturated, total .g 0.498 0.388 2.259 18:2... .g 0.461 1 0.360 2.093 18:3 .g 0.037 1 0.029 0.166 18:4 .g 20:4 wii 20:5 a] 22:5 .g 22:6 wg Cholesterol . mg 173 i 135 785 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... ww. 0.067 0.052 0.304 Threonine . .g 0.258 0.201 1.171 Isoleucine . .g 0.291 0.227 1.321 Leucine .. .g 0.667 0.520 3.023 g 0.290 0.226 1,316 g 0,153 0.119 0.695 g 0.115 0.090 0.522 g 0.314 0,245 1.425 Tyrosine. g 0.258 0.201 1.171 Valine. g 0.363 0.283 1.648 Arginine . g 0.329 0.257 1.494 Histidine. g 0.173 0.135 0.785 Alanine... g 0.395 0.308 1,793 Aspartic acid. g 0.488 0.381 2.215 Glutamic acid... g 1.063 0.829 4.821 Glycine... g 0,223 0.174 1.012 Proline g 0.454 0.354 2.061 Serine .... .g 0.350 0.273 1.589 ! Values based on data from recipe: Cornmeal, 47%; milk, 27%; egg, 17%; onion, 7%; baking powder, 1%; salt, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21129 SIDE DISHES Onion Rings, breaded and fried Page 183 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mesh Standard Number Approviviate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 8-9 onion rings = 83 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 37.09 2,519 9 30.79 168.25 332 275 1,505 1,389 1,153 6,301 Protein (N X6.07). 4.46 0.192 10 3.70 20.22 Total lipid (fat) .. 18.69 1.410 11 15.51 84.76 37.74 31.32 171.17 0.40 1 0.33 1.81 2.03 0.190 6 1.68 9.21 88 13.863 12 73 398 1.02 0.101 13 0.85 4.64 Magnesium 19 0.579 11 15 84 Phosphorus .. mg 104 16.375 10 86 470 Potassium... . mg 156 16.315 11 129 707 Sodium .. . mg 518 59.454 15 430 2,350 Zinc... mg 0.42 0.016 11 0.35 1.92 Coppe mg 0.083 0.004 11 0.069 0.379 Manganese... mg 0.357 0.018 7 0.296 1.617 Vitamins: ! ASCOMDIC ACH ......ovrvineveiiaciiienneeiees mg 0.7 0.700 2 0.6 3.2 Thiamin... mg 0.10 0.032 7 0.09 0.47 Riboflavin. mg 0.12 0.053 7 0.10 0.52 Niacin........ mg 1.11 0,551 7 0.92 5.03 Pantothenic acid. . mg 0.24 0.011 2 0.20 1.09 Vitamin Bg ... mg 0.07 0.003 2 0.06 0.34 eee mcg 14 0.500 2 11 61 0.15 0.150 2 0.12 0.68 1 1 1 5 10 1 8 45 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. ) 8.377 6.953 37.996 4 wg ~-g .g 0.091 1 0.076 0.414 .g 0.034 1 0.029 0.156 g 0.031 1 0.026 0.141 g 0.530 1 0.440 2.406 g 4.897 1 4.064 22,212 g 2.786 1 2.312 12.637 g 8.013 6.651 36.348 g 0,227 1 0.189 1.031 g 7.786 x 6.462 3%.317 g g Polyunsaturated, total... ot iF 0.801 0.665 3.632 1812 ive ww 0.672 1 0.557 3.046 18:3. g 0.129 1 0.107 0.586 18:4. [] 20:4 . g 205. we 2255. a: 22:6. g Cholesterol mg 17 5.154 5 14 75 Phytosterols... we. Mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... g 0.059 0.049 0.266 Threonine .. g 0.126 0.104 0.570 Isoleucine .. g 0.178 0.148 0.809 Leucine... g 0.292 0.243 1.326 Lysine .... .g 0.126 0.105 0.573 Methionine .g 0.068 0.056 0.306 Cystine...... .g 0.090 0.075 0.410 Phenylalanine . ag 0.203 0.168 0.919 Tyrosine. .g 0.131 0.108 0.593 Valine. .g 0.181 0.150 0.819 Arginine .g 0.271 0.225 1.229 Histidine .g 0.091 0.076 0.413 Alanine...... vg 0.144 0.119 0.653 Aspartic acid .g 0.205 0.170 0.929 Glutamic acid... .g 1.375 1.141 6.238 Glycine.. - g 0.164 0.136 0.743 Proline .. .g 0.435 0.361 1.972 Serine ... .g 0.214 0.177 0.969 1 alpha-tocopherol = 0.40 mg per 100 g. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21130 SIDE DISHES Potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce Page 184 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 potato = 296 g 0 (A) 8) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: Water... 65.75 1 194.63 298.26 160 475 728 FOO @NEIGY ......ovvivviinivmmimsmminising 671 1,987 3,045 Protein (N X6.35).. 4.94 1 14.62 22.40 Total lipid (fat) 9.71 1 28.74 44.04 15.71 1 46.50 71.26 0.45 1 1.33 2.04 1.72 1 5.09 7.80 105 1 310 474 1.02 1 3.02 4.62 Magnesium. 22 1 66 101 Phosphorus 108 1 320 490 Potassium 394 1 1,167 1,788 Sodium 129 X 381 583 Zinc! 0.64 1 1.88 2.88 Copper. 0.213 1 0.630 0.966 Manganese. 0.174 1 0.515 0.789 Vitamins:! Ascorbic acid .. 8.8 1 26.0 39.9 Thiamin... 0.08 1 0.22 0.34 Riboflavin. 0.07 1 0.22 0.34 Niacin.............. 1.13 1 3.35 5.14 Pantothenic acid 0.44 1 1.30 2.00 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.24 1 0.72 1.11 Folacin...... mcg 9 1 28 43 Vitamin B,,. .. mcg 0.06 1 0.18 0.28 Vitamin A RE 77 1 227 348 SE { Ww 282 1 834 1,278 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total .. g 3.567 10.558 16.180 4:0 .. .g 6:0 .. .g 8:0 .. wg 10.0 .. w 12:0... ws 14:0 .. .g 16:0 .. .g 18.0....... . g Monounsaturated, total. .g 3.615 10.700 16.398 16:11 oyu .g 18:1 .g 20:1 wo 221... i Polyunsaturated, total wg 2.042 6.044 9.263 18:2. w 18:3 w 18:4 .g 20:4 wg 20:5 “i 22:5 .g 226... .g Cholesterol .. . mg 6 1 19 29 Phytosterols. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. «9 0.064 0.189 0.289 Threonine . «1g 0.167 0.495 0.758 Isoleucine . .g 0.256 0.757 1.160 Leucine. .g 0.391 1.158 1.774 Lysine ... -g 0.353 1.045 1.601 Methionine .g 0.106 0.313 0.480 Cystine...... .g 0.035 0.104 0.159 Phenylalanine .. .g 0.233 0.688 1.055 Tyrosine... xg 0.208 0.615 0.942 Valine... .g 0.295 0.872 1.337 Arginine .g 0.189 0.559 0.857 Histidine og 0.143 0.424 0.649 Alanine.. .g 0.136 0.403 0.617 Aspartic acid..... -g 0.579 1.715 2.628 -g 1.020 3.020 4.628 -g 0.100 0.295 0.451 -g 0.406 1.201 1.841 -g 0.249 0.737 1.129 Values based on data from recipe: Potato, 68%; cheese, water, 12%. oil, 4%; margarine, 3%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21131 SIDE DISHES Page 185 Potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce and bacon Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units NGA Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse error of samples 1 potato = 299 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBHET .siimsonsismmseremmmmmrsmers es asns sn g 65.02 1 194.40 294.92 kcal 151 451 684 FOO @NEIGY ....coovvumineinininiiiiiiniinnes KJ 631 1,888 2,864 Protein (N X6.24). g 6.16 0.734 2 18.40 27.92 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 8.66 0.091 2 25.89 39.28 Carbohydrate, total. iG 14.86 1.430 2 44.43 67.40 Crude fiber: gq 0.45 1 1.34 2.04 g 1.72 1 5.16 7.82 Minerals: Calciym? mg 103 1 309 469 ron eevee 1.08 1 3.15 4.78 Magnesium 23 1 68 103 Phosphorus. mg 116 1 347 526 Potassium... mg 394 1 14179 1,789 Sodium .. mg 325 11.645 2 973 1,476 Zinc. mg 0.72 1 2.16 3.27 Copper. 0.216 1 0.646 0.980 Manganese 0.169 1 0.505 0.767 Vitamins:* Ascorbic acid 9.6 1 28.8 43.8 Thiamin... 0.09 1 0.28 0.43 Riboflavin. 0.08 1 0.24 0.36 Niacin..........cccoeeee 1.33 1 3.96 6.01 Pantothenic acid. 0.43 1 1.29 1.96 Vitamin Bg mg 0.25 1 0.74 1.13 Folacin....... mcg 10 1 28 43 Vitamin By,.. .. mcg 0.11 1 0.33 0.50 rs RE 58 1 174 263 WIBIIN A coisssinonsmisssseresmpnsonmsuosons {ww 210 1 627 e351 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .. g 3.389 10.133 15.372 4:0.. g 6:0 .. g 8:0 .. wes 1G 10:0 .. .. g 12:0... g 14:0 .. g 16:0 .. wee 18:0... .. g Monounsaturated, total .g 3.249 9.715 14.737 16:1... .g 18:1. . g 20:1... 5g 22:1. .g Polyunsaturated, total. ig 1.589 4.751 7.208 1872 ciicivinsminmans .g 18:3. + 1g 18:4. .g 20:4 . .g 20:5... : g 225... . i 22:6. .g Cholesterol . mg 10 3.705 2 30 45 Phytosterols... . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .g 0.078 0.233 0.353 Threonine .. .g 0.216 0.646 0.980 Isoleucine .. w 0.314 0.938 1.423 Leucine... ww 0.486 1.454 2.206 Lysine . 9g 0.450 1.345 2.040 Methionine. .g 05135 0.404 0.613 Cystine... we Gf 0.047 0.142 0.215 Phenylalanine wo 0.286 0.855 1.298 Tyrosine. a] 0.251 0.749 1.136 Valine.. .g 0.363 1.085 1.647 Arginine . g 0.260 0.779 1.181 Histidine. - g 0.181 0.540 0.819 Alanine... .g 0.198 0.593 0.899 Aspartic acid. g 0.701 2.097 3.181 Glutamic acid g 1.227 3.669 5.566 Glycine g 0.174 0.519 0.787 Proline g 0.487 1.457 2.210 i .g 0.304 0.908 1.378 lyalues based on data from recipe: Potato, 68%; cheese, 13%; water, 12%; oil, 3%; bacon bits, 3%; margarine, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21132 SIDE DISHES Potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce and broccoli Page 186 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Moan Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 potato = 339 g 0 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WBE... consis g 70.04 1 237.42 317.68 Fond Srier kcal 119 402 538 GY es "J 497 1,683 2,252 Protein (N X6 . 33) a 4.03 0.420 2 13,65 18.26 Total lipid (fat) ...... g 64:32 0.525 2 21.44 28.69 Carbohydrate, total. g 13.74 1.055 2 46.60 62,35 Crude fiber. g 0.59 1 2.00 2.68 w g 1.61 1 5.46 7.30 99 1 334 447 0.98 1 3,33 4.45 Magnesium mg 23 1 77 102 Phosphorus’... mg 102 1 347 464 Potassium. mg 425 1 1,440 1,926 Sodium mg 143 24.910 2 484 647 Zincl... mg 0.60 1 2.03 2:72 Copper mg 0.191 1 0.647 0.866 Manganese mg 0.237 1 0.803 1.075 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 14,3 1 48.5 65,0 Thiamin... 0.08 1 0.26 0.34 0.08 1 0.26 0.35 1.06 1 3.58 4.79 0.42 1 1.42 1.91 Vitamin Bg .. 0.23 1 0.80 1.07 Folacin.... 18 1 61 82 Vitamin By. 0.10 1 0.33 0.44 VitamiA A 82 1 280 374 tS EE TE 500 1 1,695 2,268 Lipids: Fatty acids: * Saturated, total . . g 2.511 8.512 11.390 40. gq 6:0. g 8:0. sxe 100. .. g 12:0. g 14:0. g 160 ..... g 1810 isin g Monounsaturated, total . g 2.265 7.678 10.274 16:1. ..... g 18:1. g 20:1 0 g 2c LPP g Polyunsaturated, total g 1.232 4.176 5.588 18:2 .. g 18:3 .. g 18:4 .. vo if 20:4 .. wg 20:5 .. .g 22:5... wg 22:6 .. wg Cholesterol . .. mg 6 1 20 27 Phytosterols mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.051 0.172 0.231 Threonine .g 0.136 0.461 0.617 Isoleucine wg 0.203 0.688 0.920 Leucine wg 0.305 1.035% 1.385 Lysine .. .g 0.279 0.947 1.266 Methionine .g 0.083 0.280 0.375 Cystine... .g 0.029 0.097 0.130 henylalanine . .g 0.183 0.619 0.828 Jrosine... .g 0.161 0.545 0.730 Valine ag 0.235 0.796 1.065 Arginine wg 0.160 0.543 0.727 Histidine .g 0.112 0.379 0.508 Alanine..... .g 0.117 0.397 0.531 Aspartic acid 5 1G 0.456 1.546 2.068 Glutamic acid.. “ig 0.801 2.717 3.635 Glycine.. I] 0.087 0.295 0.395 Proline .. w 10 0.314 1.063 1.422 Serine ... g 0.197 0.668 0.894 'values based on data from recipe: Potato, 59%; broccoli, 17%; cheese, 12%; water, 8%; oil, 3%; margarine, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21133 SIDE DISHES Page 187 Potato, baked and topped with cheese sauce and chili Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Mean Standard NUbe? Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 potato = 395 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: Water?...... 70.08 1 276.82 317.89 122 481 552 Food energy . 510 2,013 2,312 Protein (N X6. 35)... 5.88 0.290 2 23.22 26.66 Total lipid (fat) ..... 5.53 0.535 2 21.86 25.11 Carbohydrate, total. 14.14 1.605 2 55.87 64.16 Crude fiber. 0.81 1 3.20 3.67 1.79 1 7.07 8.12 Minerals: Calcium. 104 1 409 470 Iron”... 1.55 1 6.13 7.04 Magnesium mg 28 1 111 128 Phosphorus’. mg 126 1 498 572 Potassium. mg 398 1 1,570 1,803 Sodium .. 177 24.865 2 701 805 i 0.96 1 3.78 4.34 0.209 1 0.826 0.948 0.171 1 0.675 0.776 8.0 1 31.6 36.3 0.07 1 0.30 0.34 0.09 1 0.34 0.39 1.06 1 4.17 4.79 Pantothenic acid. 0.65 1 2.57 2.95 Vitamin Bg .. mg 0.24 1 0.94 1.08 yo - 13 1 50 58 0.06 1 0.22 0.25 TT RE 44 1 172 198 VHBHIA A oven enarsmrmsmmmsrimisssiomnioniss {ww 194 1 768 382 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... a 4 3.300 13.035 14.969 4:0 an 6:0 — 8:0 .g 10:0 .g 12:0 gg 14:0 g 16:0 g 180... g Monounsaturated, total . g 1.731 6.837 7852 16:1... gq 18:1 g 20:1 g 22:1 we gf Polyunsaturated, total... J] 0.227 0.897 1.030 18:2... g 18:3 gq 18:4 g 20:4 g 20:5 g 22:5 g 226... .. g Cholesterol .. ... mg 8 2.405 2 3 36 Phytosterols. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. g 0.074 0.292 0.336 Threonine .... g 0.205 0.812 0.932 Isoleucine . g 0.292 1.155 1.327 Leucine. g 0.461 1.821 2.091 Lysine... g 0.423 1.671 1.919 Methionine g 0.124 0.490 0.563 Cystine...... g 0.045 0.179 0.206 Phenylalanine .. g 0.269 1.064 1.222 Tyrosine g 0.231 0.914 1.050 Valine. g 0.336 1.327 1.524 Arginine g 0.252 0.994 1.142 Histidine g 0.170 0.673 0.773 Alanine.. g 0.193 0.760 0.873 Aspartic acid - g 0.663 2.618 3.006 Glutamic acid wos: J 1.177 4.651 5.341 Glycine. 9 0.163 0.643 0.739 Proline .. g 0.442 1.748 2.007 Serine -g 0.286 1.130 1.297 values based on data from recipe: Potato, 59%; chili with beans, 19%; cheese, 12%; water, 10%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21134 Page 188 SIDE DISHES Potato, baked and topped with sour cream and chives Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - _ Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1 potato = 302 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WIRE oii rmmensrsgesmmenes g 69.45 1 209.73 315.01 130 394 591 FOO @NIQY..: icivuiisiirinessssmimminis 545 1,647 2,474 Protein (N X6. 29) - 2,21 0.262 2 6.69 10.04 Total lipid (fat) .... .g 7.39 0.350 2 22.32 33.52 Carbohydrate, total. .g 16.56 0.535 2 50.03 75.14 Crude fiber 2. .g 0.51 1 1.54 2.31 .g 1.42 1 4.29 6.44 Minerals: Calcium.” 35 1 105 158 “ 1.03 1 3.13 4.69 Magnesium .. . mg 23 1 70 105 Phosphorus ; 61 1 185 278 Potassium. 458 1 1,383 2,078 Sodium . 60 13.870 2 182 274 Zinc.!. 0.30 1 0.90 1.36 Coppel 0.227 1 0.686 1.030 Manganese 0.192 1 0.580 0.871 Vitamins: * Ascorbic acid 11.2 1 33.8 50.8 Thiamin... 0.09 1 0.27 0.40 Riboflavin. 0.06 1 0.18 0.28 Niacin........ 1.23 1 3.70 5.56 Pantothenic acid.. . mg 0.49 1 1.48 2+22 Vitamin Bg 0.26 1 0.79 1.18 Folacin...... 11 1 32 48 0.07 1 0.20 0.30 hss 92 1 279 418 Vitamin A. {ww 4456 1 1,346 2,022 Lipids:’ Fatty acids: Saturated, total .... wg 3.315 10.011 15.037 4:0... .g 6:0 .g 8:0 og 10:0 .g 12:0 . g 14:0 ag 16:0 g 18:0 g Monounsatura g 2.607 7.873 11.825 16:1 g 18:1 g 20:1 g 229 g Polyunsaturated, total ag 1.098 3.316 4,981 18:2 g 18:3 gq 18:4 gq 20:4 g 20:5 g 22: gq 226. gq Cholesterol mg 8 2.800 2 23 35 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .... wr 0.033 0.099 0.148 Threonine .. g 0.085 0.256 0.385 Isoleucine .. g 0.101 0.305 0.458 Leucine... eg 0.155 0.467 0.701 Lysine ..... wg 0.144 0.434 0.651 Methionine. g 0.040 0.121 0.182 Cystine... g 0.026 0.079 0.118 Phenylalanine g 0.099 0.298 0.447 Tyrosine. g 0.087 0.264 0.396 Valine. g 0.129 0.389 0.584 Arginine .. g 0.096 0.289 0.434 Histidine... g 0.051 0.153 0.230 Alanine... g 0.070 0.212 0.318 Aspartic acid... g 0.422 1.274 1.913 Glutamic acid... 9 0.394 1.190 1.787 Glycine... g 0.061 0.184 0.276 Proline . g 0.118 0.355 0.533 -g 0.102 0.307 0.461 Values based on data from recipe: Potato, 73%; sour cream, 21%; margarine, 4%; chives, 2%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21135 SIDE DISHES Potato, french fried, in beef tallow Page 189 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased » Standard NUDE Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: ean nor of samples regular order!= large order’= 6 g 115 g 0 (A) (B) ©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: 39.49 0.755 71 30.02 45.42 179.15 312 237 358 1,413 Pood energy .. 304 991 1,500 5,917 Protein (N X6. 25) .. - 3.99 0.091 64 3.03 4.58 18.08 Total lipid (fat) .......... ai 16.09 0.332 67 12,23 18.50 72.97 Carbohydrate, total... . g 38.57 29,31 44.35 174.94 g 0.82 0.023 39 0.62 0.94 3.72 wg 1.87 0.070 39 1.42 2.15 8.46 Minerals: Calcium 16 1.007 32 12 18 70 Iron ............. 1:35 0.156 33 1.02 1.55 6.11 Magnesium. 33 1.108 29 25 38 15) Phosphorus 133 7.057 31 101 1%3 604 Potassium 712 28.895 32 541 819 3,232 Sodium ....... 163 15.114 59 124 187 738 2IncC...... 0,52 0.073 30 0.39 0.60 2.35 Copper. 0,137 0.032 28 0.104 0.158 0.621 Manganese. 0,255 0.016 25 0.194 0.293 1.157 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid 5.3 0.864 28 4.1 6.1 24.2 Thiamin... 0.14 0.008 13 0.10 0.16 0.62 Riboflavin. mg 0.04 0.003 13 0.03 0.04 0,16 Niacin...... mg 2.26 0,252 13 1.72 2.60 10.27 Pantothenic acid mg 0.43 0.121 5 0.33 0.49 1.95 Vitamin Bg ......... mg 0.26 0.019 5 0.20 0.30 1.18 Folacin........ mcg 33 1.924 16 25 38 151 Vitamin By. meg 0.12 0.085 2 0.09 0.14 0.57 Vitamin A AE 3 2 2 2 13 pe Aw 29 4.000 2 22 33 132 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. we 7.406 5.629 8.517 33.594 4:0. g 6:0. g 8:0. g 0.006 40 0.005 0.007 0.029 10:0. g 0.009 40 0.007 0.010 0.039 12:0. g 0.013 40 0.010 0.015 0.058 14:0. g 0.439 40 0.333 0.505 1.990 16:0. g 3.974 40 3.020 4.570 18.026 18:0. g 2.622 40 1,993 3.015 11.894 Monounsaturated, total g 6.983 5.307 8.030 31.674 16:1 ..... g 0.440 40 0.334 0.506 1.994 18:1. g 6.391 40 4.858 74350 28.992 20:1. g 22:1. g Polyunsaturated, total wag 0.808 0.614 0.929 3.665 18:2. wo 0.684 40 0.520 0.787 3,103 18:3. g 0.120 40 0.091 0.138 0.542 18:4. g 20:4 . g 0.004 40 0.003 0.005 0.019 20:5. wwe if 25, wg 226. g Cholesterol . mg 18 1 13 20 79 Phytosterols.... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan . g 0.054 0.041 0.062 0.243 Threonine ... g 0.181 0.138 0.208 0.822 Isoleucine g 0.172 0.130 0.197 0.778 Leucine g 0.240 0.183 0.276 1.091 Lysine .. g 0.212 0.161 0.243 0.960 Methionine .. g 0.045 0.034 0.051 0.202 Cystine... g 0.025 0.019 0.029 0.113 Phenylalanine . g 0.170 0.129 0.196 0.772 Tyrosine g 0.100 0.076 0.115 0.454 Valine g 0.203 0.154 0.233 0.920 Arginine g 0.189 0.143 0.217 0.856 Histidine g 0.067 0.051 0.077 0.304 Alanine g 0.138 0.105 0.158 0.625 Aspartic acid g 0.923 0.702 1.062 4.189 Glutamic acid.. g 0.622 0.473 0.716 2.823 Glycine. wg 0.144 0.110 0.166 0.654 Proline . ng 0.128 0.097 0.147 0,581 Serine ..... .— g 0.143 0.109 0.165 0.651 Equivalent to 20-25 strips (1-2 inch) Equivalent to 30-40 strips (1-2 inch) AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21136 SIDE DISHES Potato, french fried, in beef tallow and vegetable oil Page 190 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased " Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: gan error of samples regular order! = large order? = 76 g 115 g 0 (A) (B) © (D) (E) F (G) Proximate: I g 39.49 0.755 71 30.02 45.42 179.15 kcal 311 237 358 1,412 FOOD @Nergy .....ocosccrrrvrsrsrrrssnsrrrens kJ 1,303 990 1,499 5,911 Protein (N X6. 25)... w 3.99 0.091 64 3.03 4.58 18.08 Total lipid (fat) .... w 16.09 0.332 67 12,23 18.50 72.97 Carbohydrate, total wg 38.57 29.31 44.35 174.94 Crude fiber .g 0.82 0.023 39 0.62 0.94 3.72 g 1.87 0.070 39 1.42 2,15 8.46 16 1.007 32 12 18 70 1.35 0.156 33 1.02 1.55 6.11 Magnesium. 33 1.108 29 25 38 151 Phosphorus . 133 7.057 31 101 153 604 Potassium 712 28.895 32 541 819 3,232 Sodium . 163 15.114 59 124 187 738 Zing... 0.52 0.073 30 0.39 0.60 2.35 Copper. we 0.137 0.032 28 0.104 0.158 0.621 Manganese................cccvvrieniunirennnes 0.255 0.016 25 0.194 0,293 1,157 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid... 5,3 0.864 28 4.1 6.1 24.2 Thiamin... 0.14 0.008 13 0.10 0.16 0.62 Riboflavin. 0.04 0.003 13 0.03 0.04 0.16 Niacin... 2,26 0.252 13 1.72 2.60 10.27 Pantothenic acid. o 0.43 0.121 5 0.33 0.49 1.95 Vitamin By ... .. mg 0.26 0.019 5 0.20 0.30 1.18 Folacin...... . mcg 33 1.924 16 25 38 151 Vitamin B,,.. 0.12 0.085 2 0.09 0.14 0.57 Vitamin A 2 2 2 2 13 JESU {1 29 4.000 2 22 33 132 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 6.635 5.043 7.631 30.098 0 cir iisnrns .g 9g w g .g .g 0.342 10 0.260 0.393 1,549 g 0.317 10 0.241 0.364 1.436 g 3.772 10 2.867 4.338 17.109 .g 2.205 10 1.676 2.536 10.004 wg 7.154 5.437 8.228 32.452 wg 0.379 10 0.288 0.435 1.717 g 6.706 10 5.096 7.712 30.418 -g 22:1 .. ws ig Polyunsaturated, total w ig 1,733 1.317 1.993 7.863 18:2. .g 1.580 10 1,201 1.817 7.166 18:3 ag 0.154 10 0.117 0.177 0.696 18:4 .g 20:4 wig 20:5 .g 22:5 w 22:6 i Cholesterol .. .. mg 14 1.136 15 11 16 64 Phytosterols. . mg Amino acids: Tryptophan .. .g 0.054 0.041 0.062 0.243 Threonine . .g 0.181 0.138 0.208 0.822 Isoleucine .... .g 0.172 0.130 0.197 0.778 Leucine. . ig 0.240 0.183 0.276 1.091 «ig 0.212 0.161 0.243 0.960 .g 0.045 0.034 0.051 0.202 .g 0.025 0.019 0.029 0.113 «ig 0.170 0.129 0.196 0.772 .g 0.100 0.076 0.115 0.454 .g 0.203 0.154 0.233 0.920 . g 0.189 0.143 0.217 0.856 . ig 0.067 0.051 0.077 0.304 Alanine.. .g 0.138 0.105 0.158 0.625 Aspartic acid : 4g 0.923 0.702 1.062 4.189 Glutamic acid x ig 0.622 0.473 0.716 2.823 Glycine...... . ig 0.144 0.110 0.166 0.654 Proline .. .g 0.128 0.097 0.147 0.581 Serine g 0.143 0.109 0.165 0.651 Equivalent to 20-25 strips (1-2 inch) Equivalent to 30-40 strips (1-2 inch) AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21137 SIDE DISHES Potato, french fried, in vegetable oil Page 191] Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased » Standard Rumper Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: ean aror of samples regular order!= large order?= 6 g 115 g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) @G) 39.49 0.755 71 30.02 45.42 179.15 Food) energy 309 235 355 1,400 - 1,292 982 1,486 5,862 Protein (N X6. 25) .. 3.99 0.091 64 3.03 4.58 18.08 Total lipid (fat) ...... 16.09 0.332 67 12,23 18.50 72.97 Carbohydrate, total 38.57 29.31 44.35 174.94 Crude fiber.. 0.82 0.023 39 0.62 0.94 3.72 1.87 0.070 39 1.42 2,15 8.46 16 1.007 32 12 18 70 1.35 0.156 33 1.02 1455 6.11 Magnesium. mg 33 1.108 29 25 38 151 Phosphorus mg 133 7.057 31 101 153 604 Potassium mg 712 28.895 32 541 819 3,232 Sodium mg 163 15.114 59 124 187 738 Zinc. 0.52 0.073 30 0.39 0.60 2:35 Copper. 0.137 0.032 28 0.104 0.158 0.621 Manganese. 0.255 0.016 25 0.194 0.293 1.157 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid. 5.3 0.864 28 4.1 6.1 24.2 Thiamin 0.14 0.008 13 0.10 0.16 0.62 Riboflavin 0.04 0.003 13 0.03 0.04 0.16 Niacin...... 2.26 0.252 13 1.72 2.60 10.27 Pantothenic acid 0.43 0.121 5 0.33 0.49 1.95 Vitamin Bg 0.26 0.019 5 0.20 0.30 1.18 Folacin. 33 1.924 16 25 38 151 Vitamin 0.12 0.085 2 0.09 0.14 0.57 Vitamin A J 5 2 3 is or 29 4.000 2 22 33 132 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total .. .. g 4.989 3.791 5.737 22,628 4:0. g 6:0. g 8:0. gq 10:0 .. g 12:0 wg 0.399 12 0.304 0.459 1,812 14.0. g 0.102 12 0.077 0.117 0.460 16:0. g 3.392 12 2.578 3.901 15,387 180 ..... g 1.095 12 0.833 1.260 4.969 Monounsaturated, total wi 7.918 6.018 9.106 35.918 16:1 occ. wi 0.160 12 0.122 0.184 0.726 18:1. g 7.897 12 £.358 6.001 34.913 20:1. g 2241 won g Polyunsaturated, total .. g 2.471 1.878 2.842 31.211 18:2. g 2,327 12 1.769 2.676 10.556 183. g 0.144 12 0.110 0.166 0.655 18:4. g 20:4 . g 205. g 225. we Ig 22:6. ws 10 Cholesterol . mg 0 1 0 0 0 Phytosterols... .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ..........ccocevciviiiiiiiiiiicians g 0.054 0.041 0.062 0.243 Threonine ... gg 0.181 0.138 0.208 0.822 Isoleucine g 0,172 0.130 0.197 0.778 Leucine g 0.240 0.183 0.276 1.091 Lysine .. g 0.212 0.161 0.243 0.960 Methionine .. g 0.045 0.034 0.051 0.202 Cystine........... g 0.025 0.019 0.029 0.113 Phenylalanine gq 0.170 0,129 0.196 0.772 Tyrosine. g 0.100 0.076 0.115 0.454 Valine... g 0.203 0.154 0.233 0.920 Arginine .. g 0.189 0.143 0.217 0.856 Histidine... g 0.067 0.051 0.077 0.304 Alanine.... g 0.138 0.105 0.158 0.625 Aspartic aci g 0.923 0.702 1.062 4.189 g 0,622 0.473 0.716 2.823 g 0.144 0.110 0.166 0.654 -g 0.128 0.097 0.147 0.581 g 0.143 0.109 0.165 0.651 Equivalent to 20-25 strips (1-2 inch) Equivalent to 30-40 strips (1-2 inch) AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21138 SIDE DISHES Potato, mashed Page 192 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Mean Swndard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1/3 cup = 80 g 0 (A) (B) (€) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: WaLET oe g 79.21 2.476 6 63..36 359,28 Foca energy kcal 83 66 376 I J 347 278 1,574 Protein (N X6. 29). .g 2.31 0.058 3 1.85 10.50 Total lipid (fat) ..... .g 1.21 0.211 3 0.97 5.47 Carbohydrate, total.. .g 16.12 12.89 73.11 Crude fiber .g 0.83 0.010 2 0.66 3.76 Ash . .g 1,15 0.171 4 0.92 5.24 w 21 1,757 5 17 96 ron... . mg 0.47 0.067 5 0.37 2,12 Magnesium . mg 18 2.841 4 15 83 Phosphorus .. mg 55 0.000 2 44 249 Potassium mg 294 46.256 4 236 1,336 Sodium ...... . mg 227 54.694 7 182 1,032 Zinc... 0.32 0.035 4 0.25 1.43 Copper .. 0.097 0.020 4 0.078 0.441 Manganese......... 0.117 0.011 4 0.094 0.532 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid.................. 0.4 0.125 2 0.3 1.7 Thiamin } 0.09 1 0.07 0.40 Riboflavin 0.05 1 0.04 0.23 Niacir 1 1.20 1 0.96 5.44 Pantothenic acid 0.48 x 0.38 2.16 Vitan 0.23 1 0.19 1.06 Fe 8 1 7 37 Vit — 0.05 1 0.04 0.24 Vitamin A fe 18 1 g ze amin / RS { w 11 1 33 184 Lipids: Fatty acids Saturated, total wi 0.479 0.383 2.173 g g9 gq g g g g .. g Monounsaturated, tota g 0.351 0.281 1.592 18:1 ...cc gq 18:1 ws gq 20:1 ooimiiciins ase | 221 ..g Polyunsaturated, total. g 0.292 0.234 1.325 18:2 gq 18:3 gq 18:4... .g 20:4 g 20:8....csnuiiusnuiis g 22:5 g 228....... gq Cholesterol *. mg 2 1 2 9 Phytosterols.. .. mg Amino acids: Tryptophan ... 1 0.035 0.028 0.157 Threonine .. g 0.088 0.070 0.399 Isoleucine .. g 0.104 0.083 0.472 Leucine... g 0.159 0.127 0.721 Lysine .... g 0.149 0.120 0.678 Methionine. g 0.042 0,033 0.189 Cystine....... ag 0.027 0.022 0.124 Phenylalanine g 0.104 0.083 0.471 Tyrosine ng 0.091 0.073 0.414 Valine . g 0.135 0.108 0.611 Arginine ..... g 0.100 0.080 0.452 Histidine g 0.053 0.042 0.240 Alanine... g 0.072 0.058 0.327 Aspartic acid ..g 0.462 0.370 2.097 Glutamic acid g 0.407 0.326 1.846 Glycine. g 0.063 0.050 0.285 Proline .. g 0.117 0.094 0.531 Serine .............. .g 0.106 0.084 0.479 !Values for mashed potatoes, home-prepared, with whole milk added, NDB No. 11657. “Values based on data from recipe: Potato, 84%; milk, 15%; margarine, 1%. AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21139 SIDE DISHES Potato Chips Page 193 Nutrients and units Amount in 100 grams, edible portion Amount in edible portion of common measures of food Amount in edible portion of 1 pound of food as purchased Isoleucine . Leucine. Alanine..... Aspartic acid Glutamic acid.. Glycine. Proline . Serine .. Mad Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 10 chips = 20 g loz = 28g 0 (A) (B) (©) (D) (E) (F) (G) Proximate: LT A. 2.53 0.109 24 0.51 0.72 11.48 105 148 2,372 Foodienatgy 438 621 9,925 Protein (N X6. 25) 6.42 0.166 24 1,28 1.82 29.12 Total lipid (fat) ....... 35.38 0.720 24 7.08 10.05 160.48 Carbohydrate, total 51.86 10.37 14.73 235.24 Crude fiber.. 1,40 0.038 24 0.28 0.40 6.35 ABN soins 3.81 0.099 24 0.76 1.08 17.28 Minerals: 24 1.477 24 5 7 109 1.19 0.072 24 0.24 0.34 5.40 Magnesium. 59 1.930 24 12 17 268 Phosphorus 153 6.538 24 31 43 694 Potassium 1,298 32.905 24 260 369 5,888 Sodium? 469 23.760 24 94 133 2,127 Zinc..... 1.06 0.086 24 0.21 0.30 4.81 Copper 0.201 0.020 24 0.040 0.057 0.912 Manganese. 0.441 0.087 24 0.088 0,125 2.000 Vitamins: ? Ascorbic acid. 41.6 5.386 24 8.3 11.8 188.7 Thiamin... 0.145 0.006 24 0.029 0.041 0.658 Riboflavin 0.020 0.000 3 0.004 0.006 0.091 4.194 0.133 24 0.839 1.191 19.024 0.402 0.034 12 0.080 0.114 1.823 0.508 0.053 24 0.102 0.144 2.304 45.2 3.600 24 9.0 12.8 205.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total . ..g 3 g 9.067 1.814 2.575 41.129 g g g g g g 0.280 0.056 0.080 1.270 A g 7.947 1.589 2.257 36.049 Monounsaturated, total g 0.805 0.161 0.229 3.653 16:1 «4g 6,232 1.246 1,770 28.267 18:1 « i 0.280 0.056 0.080 1.270 20:1 . 5.952 1,190 1.690 26.998 22:1 .g Polyunsaturated, total . .g 18:2... . 18.171 3.634 5.160 82.422 18:3 .g 18.031 3.606 5.121 81.787 18:4 .g 0.070 0.014 0.020 0.318 20:4 .g 20:5 .g 0.035 0.007 0.010 0,159 22:5 .g 22:6 .g Cholesterol . mg Phytosterols..... . mg 0 0 0 0 Amino acids: Tryptophan .. «gq Threonine . . g -g -g -g - 9g -g - 9g - 9g .g .g wg .g a] .g wi .g .g lyalue is for product with salt added, if no salt is added, sodium = 8 mg per 100 g. ? Alpha-tocopherol = 4.27 mg per 100 g. AH-8-11 (1982) NDB No. 11411 SIDE DISHES Page 194 Potato Salad Amount in edible portion of common Amount in edible portion of 1 Amount in 100 grams, edible portion measures of food pound of food as purchased Nutrients and units - - Nea Standard Number Approximate measure and weight: Refuse: error of samples 1/3 cup = 95 g 0 (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) @) Proximate: ve 78.73 3.740 3 74.79 357.10 Food ener kcal 114 108 518 9. kJ 478 454 2,167 Protein (N X6. 25) 1.53 0.328 3 1.46 6.96 Total lipid (fat) ..... 9 6.03 2.140 3 5.73 27.37 Carbohydrate, total. .g 13.53 12.85 61.36 Crude fiber .g 0.36 1 0.34 1.63 0.18 0.040 2 0.17 0.82 14 2.869 4 13 64 0.73 0.258 4 0.69 3.30 Magnesium. g 8 2.866 3 7 35 Phosphorus . . mg 56 18.100 2 53 253 Potassium. . mg 270 1 256 1,224 Sodium . 328 96.903 4 312 1,488 Zinc... 0.20 0.037 3 0.19 0.89 Copper. 0.079 0.016 3 0.075 0.357 Manganese... 0.074 0.034 3 0.070 0.334 Vitamins: Ascorbic acid a 1.1 0.940 3 1.1 8:1 Thiamin. . mg 0.07 0.007 3 0.06 0.30 Riboflavin. . mg 0.11 0.088 3 0.11 0.51 Niacin... . mg 0.27 0.200 3 0.26 1.22 Pantothenic acid. . mg 0.37 0.005 2 0.35 1.66 Vitamin Bg . mg 0.15 0.031 2 0.14 0.68 Folacin .. .. mcg 25 13.000 2 24 113 VRAIN Big visssssivicissmivivismsssssasisss mcg 0.12 0.123 2 0.12 0.56 Vitamin A 17 ! 19 70 - 100 1 95 454 Lipids: Fatty acids: Saturated, total ... .g 1.027 0.976 4.660 40...... .g 6:0 .. wi g 8:0 .. wg 10:0 .. .g 0.030 2 0.028 0.135 12:0 .. .g 0.013 2 0.013 0.061 14:0 .. .g 0.021 2 0.019 0.093 16:0 .. wg 0.662 2 0.629 3.003 18:0 .. .g 0.284 2 0.270 1.287 Monounsaturated, total. wg 1.688 1.604 7.658 1824 wi 0.115 2 0.110 0.524 181. ww 1.552 2 1.474 7.040 20:1... .g 22:1 .. wg 0.021 2 0.020 0.094 Polyunsaturated, total i 3.016 2.865 13.681 18:2. .g 2.719 2 2.583 12,334 18:3 .. .g 0.297 2 0.282 1.346 18:4 .. wg 20:4 .. .g 205 .. g 225. wg 226. .g Cholesterol . mg 60 47.900 2 57 273 Phytosterols.... .. mg Amino acids: TryPOPhan ......coumismmmmmmmmivissi g 0.017 0.014 0.016 0.075 Threonine ... .g 0.073 0.013 0.069 0.329 Isoleucine g 0.082 0.022 0.078 0.373 Leucine g 0.137 0.047 0.130 0.620 Lysine .. g 0.101 0.001 0.096 0.456 Methionine .. ag 0.036 0.001 0.034 0.164 Cystine............ g 0.023 0.001 0.022 0.103 Phenylalanine . g 0.104 0.002 0.098 0.470 Tyrosine. g 0.069 0.001 0.065 0.312 Valine g 0.090 0.002 0.086 0.410 Arginine .. g 0.086 0.001 0.082 0.390 Histidine... g 0.037 0.000 0.035 0.169 Alanine... g 0.072 0.001 0.068 0.326 Aspartic aci g 0.233 0.004 0.222 1.058 Glutamic acid. g 0.209 0.002 0.199 0.950 Glycine. g 0.059 0.001 0.056 0.267 Proline . .g 0.065 0.001 0.062 0.294 Serine g 0.080 0.001 0.076 0.365 Ww U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:11988-516-000/81087 AH-8-21 (1988) NDB No. 21140 U.C. 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