*1? D 593 A12 R53 1989 No. 89—2 PUBICI“; _. M CUERENE "WEDGEEES EN MUEDECCENE , - Hlstory of Neurosurgery Prepared by Young K. Rhee Public January 1970 Services é through Division December 1988 Bethesda, Maryland 20894 402 Citations \ .:\‘.‘.I. \\\\ _;; fit”: A "gay 2 f PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY ) blur. e L‘EV { UBRARY UNIVERSITY OF VAUPOMM CBM No. 89-2 History of Neurosurgery January 1970 through December 1988 402 Citations Prepared by Young K. Rhee, M.L.S. History of Medicine Division US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 G.P.O. Stock No. 817-(X)S—0(XX)2-1 SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE, AVLINE, BIOETHICSLINE, CANCERLIT, CATLINE, HEALTH, POPLINE, AND TOXLINE. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: The Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 20402. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1989 (20 bibliographies), send $47.00 ($58.75 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM89. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($2.50, $3.00 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title and the fiPO Stock No. printed on the title page. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Ofi‘ice of Management and Budget through September 30, 1989. RD 5613 AME; £13453 ’ 1733 Page HISTORY OF NEUROSURGERY The National Library of Medicine’s HISTLINE (History of Medicine Online) database was the source of material for this bibliography. It includes references to journal articles, monographs, dissertations, and conference papers, as well as historical chapters in general monographs, which were primarily published between 1970 and 1988. A few citations to literature back to 1968 are also included. Please note that some of the citations from non-medical sources are not in the NLM collection. An Appendix, prepared with the collaboration of Dr. Dale C. Smith, lists a number of classic works in the history of neurosurgery which were published prior to the creation of HISTLINE. This bibliography was issued in conjunction with an exhibit on "Classics in the History of Neurosurgery" held at the National Library of Medicine on April-July, 1989. The exhibit was prepared by the Library’s History of Medicine Division in cooperation with the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Special thanks are due to Drs. Roy Selby and Dale C. Smith for their assistance with the exhibit. SEARCH STRATEGY This bibliography was compiled from NLM’s HISTLINE database. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the search is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = NEUROLOGICAL (KS) "Neurological" is the directly searchable Keyword Subtopic under the Keyword "Surgery" GRATEFUL MED To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 and a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are generally formatted according to the rules established for Indac Medicus. For items written in a foreign language, the original language of the title is given (if available) except for oriental languages. In the latter case, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets and the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. Journal Article: Authors Article Title / \ Bucy PC ; Clark WK. The American Board of Neurological Surgery. A historical summary. Surg Neurol 1977 May;7(5):304-11 \ \ \ Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Author Title / / Walker, Arthur Earl. A history of neurological surgery. Balti70re: Williams & Wilkins, 1951. 583p. I \ \ Place of Publisher Date No. of Pages Publication HISTLINE Citations Appendix TABLE OF CONTENTS page 17 Ackerknecht EH. Aus den Anfangen der Neurochirurgie. Schweiz Arch Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr l975;116(2):233-9 Adeloye A. E. Latunde Odeku, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.1.C.S., 1927-1974. An African pioneer neurosurgeon. J Natl Med Assoc 1975 Jul;67(4):319-20 Al-Rodhan NR ; Fox JL. Al-Zahrawi and Arabian neurosurgery, 936-1013 AD. Surg Neurol 1986 Jul;26(l):92-5 Alexander E. Archaeology: the big neurosurgical dig. Clin Neurosurg 1981; 28:323-73 Alexander E. Charles Albert Elsberg, M.D. (1871-1948): father of spinal cord surgery. Neurosurgery 1987 May;20(5): 811-4 Alexander E. Classics in neurosurgery. Fractures of the odontoid. Surg Neurol 1977 Oct;8(4):239-42 Alexander E. Ernest Sachs (1879-1958): the first secretary--the power behind the throne. Neurosurgery 1986 Jan;18(l): 115—7 Alexander E. Kenneth George McKenzie, Canada’s first neurosurgeon. J Neurosurg 1974;41:1-9 Alexander E. A perspective of the 1940s. Surg Neurol 1987 0ct;28(4):319—20 Alexander E. "The profound proclamation of a young man" by Harvey Cushing. Surg Neurol 1988 Jun;29(6):491-3 Alexander E. William Sharpe, M.D.-- neurosurgeon/entrepreneur. Neurosurgery 1988 May;22(5):961-4 Alexander E ; Alexander E (3d). German influences on the work of Harvey Cushing, the pioneer of neurosurgery in America. Neurosurgery 1981 Nov;9(5): 501-5 Arseni C ; Ciurea AV. The history of Romanian neurosurgery. Bucharest: Medical Publishing House, 1981. 21p. Arutiunov AI. Sovetskaia neirokhirurgiia (k 50-letiiu obrazovaniia SSSR). Vopr Neirokhir 1972 Nov-Dec;36:3—8 Aufderhelde AC. The enigma of ancient cranial trepanation. Minn Med 1985 Feb;68(2):l 19-22 Babchin IS. 0 putiakh razvitiia otechestvennoi neirokhirurgii. V0pr Neirokhir 1976 Sep-Oct;(5):53—7 Babchln IS. 25-letie Leningradskogo nauchnogo meditsinskogo obshchestva neirokhirurgov. Vopr Neirokhir 1974 Feb;( 1 ):60-1 Bakay L. The ancient fear of trephining through the cranial sutures. Orvostort Kozl 1982;28(l-3):15-22 Bakay L. The danger of trephining through the cranial sutures. Surg Neurol 1982 Oct; l8(4):284-5 Bakay L. An early history of craniotomy from antiquity to the Napoleonic era. Springfield, 111.: Thomas, 1985. 168p. Bakay L. Francois Quesnay and the birth of brain surgery. Neurosurgery 1985 Sep; 17(3):518-21 Bakay L. Neurosurgeons of the past. Springfield, 111.: Thomas, 1987. 109p. Bakdash H. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Syria. Neurosurgery 1979 Dec;5(6):759-60 Ballantine HT. "Sciatica" and the neurosurgeon: historical perspectives and personal reminiscenses. Clin Neurosurg 1980;27:541—52 Balogh J ; Magyar L. Sikeres trepanatio Pesten l803-ban. Orv Hetil 1985 May 19; 126(20):1238—40, 1243 Barram SA. Manipulating the personality: the value of human life. Patterns Prejudice l973;7(5):1-5 Beatty WK. William T. Bovie, inventor and teacher. Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila 1979 Jun;5(l no 2):138-44 Benaim J. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Argentina. Neurosurgery 1978 May-Jun;2(3):284—6 Berkay F. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Turkey. Neurosurgery 1980 Oct;7(4):419-22 Berman AJ. Leonard I. Malis. Surg Neurol 1985 May;23(5):464-7 Bibliography of Dr. Guy L.Odom. Clin Neurosurg 1975;22:22-8 Bingham WF. The early history of neurosurgical anesthesia. J Neurosurg 1973 Nov;39:568—84 Bingham WF. W. W. Keen and the dawn of American neurosurgery. J Neurosurg 1986 May;64(5):705-12 Biography of Hugo V. Rizzoli, M.D. Clin Neurosurg 1985;32:xiii—xviii Biography of Sidney Goldring, M.D. Clin Neurosurg 1986;33zxvii—xxvi Black DW. Psychosurgery. South Med J 1982 Apr;75(4):453-7 Black SP. Wilfred Trotter. Surg Neurol 1983 Mar; 1 9(3): 1 99—204 Blagoveshchenskaia NS. Dostizheniia v organizatsii i lechenii sochetannykh travm lobnykh pazukh i mozga v Velikuiu Otechestvennuiu voinu. Zh Vopr Neirokhir 1985 Jul-Aug;(3):60-2 Bock WJ ; Boldt-Gath A ; Meschig R. From the beginning of trepanation to modern neurochirurgie. Exhibit at the Dusseldorf Landesmuseum "Volk und Wirtsschaf t," 1986. Dusseldorf: Triltsch, 1986. 18p. Borges LF. Historical development of neural transplantation. Appl Neurophysiol 1988; 51(6):265-77 Bosch Millares .1. Las cauterizaciones craneales en los primitivos probladores de Canarias. Med Hist (Barc) 1972 May;(l3): 8—2 Botterell EH. Kenneth George McKenzie, M.D., F.R.C.S., 1923-1963. Surg Neurol 1982 Feb;l7(2):81-9 Bouchet A. De la trepanation cranienne et des instruments qui lui sont nécessaires. Rev Lyon Med 1968 Apr 15;l71333—42 Breggin P. Lobotomy--it’s coming back. Liberation l972;17(7);15-6, 30-5 Brenot P ; Riquet R. La trepanation néolithique. Archeologia 1977;104:8-17 Brihaye J. Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. Acta Neurochir (Wien) l982;60(1-2):1-6 Brihaye J. History of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. Neurosurgery 1984 Aug;15(2):262-4 Broager B. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Denmark. Neurosurgery 1980 Nov;7(5):529-30 Brongers JA. Ancient old-world trepanning instruments. Ber Rijksdienst Oudheidk Bodemond 1969;19:7—16 Brongers JA. Ancient trepanning instruments (extract). Janus 1970;57: 131-3 Brongers JA. De trepanatie in het spanningsveld van archeoloog en medicus. In: Kerkhoff AH ; Lugendijk—Elshout AM ; Poulissen MJ, editors. De novis Inventis. Amsterdam: APA Holland University Press, 1984. p.45-59 Brongers JA. Evidence for trepanning practice in the Netherlands during pre- and protohistoric times. Ber Rijksdienst Oudheidk Bodemond 1965-66;15—162 221-6 Bucy PC. "Ancora imparo"——"I continue to learn." Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 1981 Ju1;21(7):629-34 Bucy PC. Neurosurgery in darkness. Surg Neurol 1978 Jun;9(6):360 Bucy PC. The pioneers of neurology and neurosurgery in the world and their contributions. A lecture for young Japanese neurosurgeons. No Shinkei Geka 1982 May;10(5):490—8 Bucy PC. Scotland: the birthplace of surgical neurology. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1985 Oct;48(10):965-76 Bucy PC, editor. Modern neurosurgical giants. New York: Elsevier, 1986. 497p. Bucy PC, editor. Neurosurgical giants: feet of clay and iron. New York: Elsevier, 1985. 459p. (Reprinted articles of numerous authors) Bucy PC ; Clark WK. The American Board of Neurological Surgery. A historical summary. Surg Neurol 1977 May;7(5): 304-11 Buzady T. Headlines in the thirties! when a whole nation talked of an operation. (Olivecrona’s brain operation of F. Karinthy). In: Acta Congressus of the 24th International Congress of the History of Medicine; August 25—31, 1974; Budapest. Budapest: Museum, Bibliotheca et Archivum Historiae Artis Medicinae de 1. Ph. Semmelweis Nominata, 1976. p.1587-92 Byrnes DP. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Ireland. Neurosurgery 1983 May;12(5):585-8 Caccialanza E. 11 problema delle cranioplastiche dal punto di vista storico ed etio-patogenetico. Minerva Chir 1983 Jun 30;38(12):815-8 Campan L ; Lazorthes G. Passé et perspectives de la neuro—anesthésiologie. Agressologie 1975;16(l):1-12 Campillo D. Neurosurgical pathology in prehistory. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1984; 70(3-4):275-90 Canalis RF ; Cabieses F ; Hemenway WG ; Aragon R. Prehistoric trephination of the frontal sinus. Ann Otol Phinol Laryngol 1981 Mar-Apr;90(2 pt 1):l86—9 Carini E ; Owens G. Neurological and neurosurgical nursing. 6th ed. Saint Louis: Mosby, 1974. "Historical introduction," p.1—10 Carmel PW. Lewis Hill Weed: early neurosurgical contributor. Neurosurgery 1985 Jul;l7(l):ll4-7 Cerbonnet G. Clovis Vincent 1879-1947. Chirurgie 1988;] 14(1):19-32 Chen BH. Neurosurgery in China. (A report presented in the Italian cities of Turin, Padua and Florence in October, 1981). J Neurosurg Sci 1982 Oct-Dec;26(4):273-7 Chitanondh H. 23 years of stereotaxic neurosurgery. J Med Assoc Thai 1971 Jan; 542415—31 Chou SN. Neurosurgery at the University of Minnesota 1937-1985. Minn Med 1985 Jul;68(7):505—11 Clarke E. Victor Alexander Haden Horsley. In: Gillispie CC, editor. Dictionary of scientific biography, v.6. New York: Scribner, 1972. p.518-9 Cooper IS. Sir Victor Horsley: father of modern neurological surgery. In: Rose FC ; Bynum WF, editors. Historical aspects of the neurosciences. New York: Raven, 1982. p.235-8 Cosnett JE. The first laminectomy. Neurology 1988 Jun;38(6):1000 Couto B. A histérica da neurocirurgia Brasileira. Rev Bras Med 1972 Jan;29:l-4 Coxe WS. Biography of Dr. Henry G. Schwartz. Clin Neurosurg 1974;212xvii- xxri Crisan V. Egas Moniz (1874-1955) creatorul angiografiei cerebrale si a leucotomiel prefrontale. Rev Med Interna [Neurol Psihiatr] 1979 Jan-Mar;24(l):71-3 Crisan V. Herbert Olivecrona (1891-1980). Rev Med Interna [Neurol Psihiatr] 1981 Oct-Dec;26(4):307 - 10 Crisan V. Neurochirurgische Beitrage fiber die Benutzung der keltischen sagen, sOwie die in Galatii Bistritei in Rumanien gefundene sage. In: Actes du Congres of the 26th International Congress of the History of Medicine; August 20-25, 1978; Plovdiv, Bulgaria, v.1. Sofia: Société bulgare d'histoire de la medicine, 1980. p.93-6 Crisan V. Tehnici de neurochirugie din "Cyrurgia" lui Guy de Chauliac (incunabul din 1499, gasit in biblioteca Brukenthal din Sibiu). Neurol Psihiatr Neurochir 1971 Sep—Oct;16:467-71 Crockard HA. Bullet injuries of the brain. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1974 Sep;55(3): 111—23 Curtis JB ; Miller D ; Simpson D. The Neurosurgical society of Australasia: the first forty years. Aust NZ J Surg 1980 Aug;50(4):434-7 Danielsson S. Karl Petter Dahlgren och hans trepanationstang. Nord Medicinhist Arsb 1986:127-35 Dar J. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Kenya. Neurosurgery 1985 Feb;16(2):267-9 Dastugue J. Les cranes trépanés de la vallée du Petit-Morin. Bull Mem Soc Anthrop Paris 1973;Ser 12(10):249—63 Davidoff LM. A tree not for myself. [S.1.]: Leonore Lockwood, 1975. 190p. Davis L. Harvey Cushing, clinical surgeon. AORN J 1970 Mar;11:59-64 Davis L. The philosophy of a neurosurgeon. J Kans Med Soc 1980 May;81(5):252—5 Davis RA. Creativity in neurosurgical publications. Neurosurgery 1987 Apr;20 (4):652-63 De Moulin D. On removing stones from the head. In: Acta Congressus of the 24th International Congress of the History of Medicine; August 25-31, 1974; Budapest. Budapest: Museum, Bibliotheca et Archivum Historiae Artis Medicinae de 1. Ph. Semmelweis Nominata, 1976. p.987-91 De Villiers JC. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in South Africa. Neurosurgery 1983 Nov;l3(5): 609-10 Denny-Brown D. Harvey Cushing: the man. J Neurosurg 1979 Jan;50(l):l7-9 Derums VJ. Extensive trepanation of the skull in ancient Latvia. Bull Hist Med 1979 Fall;53(3):459-64 Derums: VA. Koponyatrepanacio a régi Lettorszagban, régészeti leletek altapjan (orosz nyelven). Orvostort Kozl 1983;29 (2-4):157—66 Desaussure RL. Biography of Dr. Francis Murphey. Clin Neurosurg 1973;20:XVII— XX Dfesche HF. Schedeloperaties in de l8e eeuw. Ned Ti jdschr Geneeskd 1978 Jun l7;122(24):873-6 Diaz CM. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Honduras. Neurosurgery 1982 Feb;10(2):277-8 Diemath HE. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Austria. Neurosurgery 1981 Nov;9(5):604-5 Djhnga S. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Zaire. Neurosurgery 1983 Jul; 1 3( 1 ):95-7 Dohn DF. Neurosurgery at the crossroads: leadership role of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. J Neurosurg 1979 Oct;51(4):429-36 Dohn DF. Wallace B. Hamby: a biographical sketch. Clin Neurosurg 1970;172xv-xx Donaghy RM. The history of microsurgery in neurosurgery. Clin Neurosurg 1979;26: 619-25 Dott N. The history of surgical neurology in the twentieth century. Proc R Soc Med 1971 Oct;64:1051—5 Dott NM. Further reflections on reintegration in specialist medicine. J Neurosurg 1979 Aug;33:ll7-26 Drake CG. Earlier times in aneurysm surgery. Clin Neurosurg 1985;32:41-50 Dvacet let neurochirurgickze kliniky v praze. Cas Lek Cesk 1979 May 4;118(18):574-5 Dzierzykray-Rogalski T, et al. A trepanation of the skull performed in the lOth-llth century in the Sudan. Afr Bull 1975;22: 141-4 Evans JP. Gedanken zur Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunf t der Neurochirurgie in den Vereinigten Staaten. Wien Med Wochenschr 1970 Nov; 120:841-3 Feindel W. Wilder Penfield (1891-1976). A protagonist for functional neurosurgery. Appl Neurophysiol l987;50(1-6):347-54 Feindel W. Wilder Penfield (1891-1976): the man and his work. Neurosurgery 1977 Sep-Oct;l(2):93-100 Flamm ES. The decline of osteology and the rise of surgical neurology in the management of head injuries. In: Rose FC ; Bynum WF, editors. Historical aspects of the neurosciences. New York: Raven, 1982. p.243-53 Fontaine R. Histoire de la sympathectomie lombaire de sa naissance a ce jour. Acta Chir Belg 1977 Jan;76(l):3-16 Ford ME. A history of lobotomy in the United States. Pharos 1987 Summer; 50(3):7-ll Fox WL. Charles Albert Elsberg. In: Garraty JA ; James ET, editors. Dictionary of American Biography: suppl. 4, 1946-1950. New York: Scribner, 1974. p.249-50 Fox WL. Dandy of Johns Hopkins. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1984. 293p. Fox WL. Walter Edward Dandy. In: Garrary JA ; James ET, editors. Dictionary of American Biography: suppl. 4, 1946- 1950. New York, Scribner, 1974. p.213—5 Franco R ; Cruz H. Sociedad Ecuatoriana de NeurologiaNeurocirugia y Ciencias Afines, Quito, Ecuador. Neurosurgery 1979 May;4(5):449-50 French LA. Surgical treatment of arteriovenous malformations: a history. Clin Neurosurg 1976;24:22—33 Galbraith JG. Perspectives in neurosurgery. Ala J Med Sci 1973 Apr;10:125-8 Galera Gimenez R. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Venezuela. Neurosurgery 1979 Apr;4 (4):359-60 Gardner WJ. Half century of neurosurgery. Surg Clin North Am 1978 Oct;58(5):945— 56 Gauger GE. Edwin Barkley Boldrey. Surg Neurol 1986 Sep;26(3):213-7 Geiger 1. Das Leben und Werk von Wilhelm Tennis unter besonderer Berficksichtigung seiner Wfirzburger Zeit. Dissertation, Universitat Wiirzburg, 1981. 109p. Gerlach J. Neurochirurgie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wurzb Medizinhist Mitt 1983;12173-80 Gerlach J. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in West Germany. Neurosurgery 1982 Jun;10 (6 Pt l):785-7 Gifford GE. Cushing at the Countway. J Neurosurg 1979 Jan;50(l):2-4 Gllllngham FJ. The influence of Harvey Cushing on British and European neurosurgery. Surg Neurol 1982 May; l7(5):344-9 Giroire H. Clovis Vincent, 1879-1947; pionnier de la neuro-chirurgie f rancaise. Paris: Perrin, [1971]. 195p. Giroire H. Glovis Vincent et la Guerre de 1914—1918. Hist Med (Paris) 1972 Jan;22: 3-41 Giroire H. Naissance de la neuro—chirurgie f rancaise. Sem Hop Paris 1972 Feb 8;48 (Suppl 3):43-9 Giuffré R. Successful radical removal of an intracranial meningioma in 1835 by Professor Pecchioli of Siena. J Neurosurg 1984 Jan;60(l):47-51 Goldhahn WE. Die interdisziplinaren Verbindungen der Neurochirurgie in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Zentralbl Neurochir l983;44(4):295-301 Goldring S. The need to trace our roots in difficult times. J Neurosurg 1985 Oct;63 (4)2485—91 Gomez Gonzalez J. Albores de la neurocirugia en Colombia. Neurocirugia 1969 Jan-Sep;27:162-8 Gomez JG. Paleoneurosurgery in Colombia. J Neurosurg 1973 Nov 39:585-8 Gordon DS. Advances in the treatment of trauma. Ulster Med J 1987 Aug;56 Suppl: S91-4 Graf HJ. Trepanation bei Byzantinern und Arabern. Sudhoffs Arch 1973;57(3):332 Greenwood J. The evolution of neurosurgery and the neurosurgical nurse. J Neurosurg Nurs 1973 Dec;5:39-48 Gregg JB ; Bass WM. "Bullet hole” in an ancient South Dakota skull, or a trephination? Plains Anthropol 1984;29 (106):321-6 Griffin JD. Trepanation among early Canadian Indians. Can Psychiatr Assoc J 1976 Mar;21(2):123—5 Guerra M. Corino Andrade na histéria da medicina Portuguesa. Acta Med Port 1983 Apr-May;4(4-5):239—43 Guidetti B. European courses of neurosurgery and other training and postgraduate education activities of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1987; 86(3—4):115-28 Guidetti B. Francesco Durante. June 29, 1844 to October 2, 1934. Surg Neurol 1983 Jul;20(1):l-3 Guidetti B ; Giuffre R ; Valente V. Italian contribution to the origin of neurosurgery. Surg Neurol 1983 Oct;20 (4):335-46 Gurdjian ES. The treatment of penetrating wounds of the brain sustained in warfare. A historical review. J Neurosurg 1974 Feb;(40)2157-67 Guthkelch AN. Geoffrey Jefferson (1886-1961), neurosurgeon, physiologist, philosopher. J Neurosurg 1987 May;66(5): 642-7 Guthkelch AN. "Where I came in": a glimpse of the history of neurosurgery to 1940. Ariz Med 1985 Mar;42(3)2156-60 Guzman H. Craneotomias Prehispanicas en Mexico. Gac Med Mex 1973 Dec;106: 489-92 Haddad FS. Osman Sorour. Surg Neurol 1986 Feb;25(2):124-6 Handa H. [Percival Bailey (author’s transl)]. No Shinkei Geka 1981 Mar;9(4): 538-41 [Jpn] Haneveld GT. On hemostasis of the scalp; from prehistoric and Peruvian trepanation to modern cytostatic therapy. In: Kerkhoff AH ; Lugendijk-Elshout AM ; Poulissen MJ, editors. De novis Inventis. Amsterdam: APA Holland University Press, 1984. p.135-9 Hankinson J. Neurosurgery. In: Walton JN ; Beeson PB ; Scott RB ; et al., editors. The Oxford companion to medicine, v.2. Oxford; NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1986. p.855-64 Hardy J. La neurochirurgie en 1972: evolution historique de l’acte opératoire neurochirurgical. Union Med Can 1972 Nov;101:2378-90 Harris P. Francis John Gillingham. Surg Neurol 1985 Apr;23(4):339-41 Harris P ; Ross JC, et al. [Ludwig Guttmann-special issue]. Paraplegia 1979 May; 1 7( 1 ):passim Hart BL. Neurosurgery for behavioral problems. A curiosity or the new wave? Vet Clin North Am [Small Anim Pract] 1982 Nov; 12(4):707-14 Harvey AM. Neurosurgical genius - Walter Edward Dandy. Johns Hopkins Med J 1974 Nov;135(5):358-68 Henry PF. Psychiatric surgery 1935-1973: evolution and current perspectives. Can Psychiatr Assoc J 1975 Mar;20(2):157—67 Heppner F. Die Universitatsklinik ffir Neurochirurgie in Graz. Wien Med Wochenschr 1977 Mar 15;127(5):l75-8 Himsworth H. Sir Geoffrey Jefferson. In: Williams Et ; Nicholls CS, editors. Dictionary of national biography, 1961-1970: suppl. 8. London; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1981. p.580-l Hitchcock ER. Progress in neurosurgical treatment of intractable pain from Simpson’s day. J R Coll Surg Edinb 1971 Jan;16:24-37 Horrax G. Some of Harvey’s Cushing’s contributions to neurological surgery. J Neurosurg 1981 Apr;54(4):436-47 Hullay J. Perspectives in international neurosurgery: neurosurgery in Hungary. Neurosurgery 1981 May;8(5):627-8 Hunter AR. Anaesthesia for intracranial surgery: an autobiographical view. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1981;63:316-21 Hunter AR. Zebulon Mennell. A pioneer of neurosurgical anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 1983 Dec;38(12):1214—6 Izquierdo JM. Historia descriptiva de los procederes neuroquirurgicos en el tratamiento de los neurinomas del acustico. Rev Esp Otoneurooftalmol Neurocir l977;35(203):63—81 Jacobson HG. A revisit with Leo M. Davidoff, M.D.--a titan of his time: some personal notes (1898-1975). Neurosurgery 1983 Nov;13(5):601-6 James Garber Galbraith, M.D. Clin Neurosurg l982;29:xiii—xix Jefferson A. Geoffrey Jefferson 1886-1961. Surg Neurol 1984 Jul;22(l):1—4. 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Gleanings from medical history. Neurosurg Rev 1981;4(3):159—63 APPENDIX CLASSIC WORKS ON THE HISTORY OF NEUROSURGERY The works listed below were published prior to 1970 and therefore are not in NLM’s HISTLINE database. Ballance, Charles Alfred. A glimpse into the history of the surgery of the brain. New York: Macmillan, 1922. 110p. Fulton, John F. Harvey Cushing, a biography. Springfield, 111.: Thomas, 1946. 754p. Horrax, Gilbert. Neurosurgery, an historical sketch. Springfield, 111.: Thomas, [1952]. 135p. Lyons, John B. The citizen surgeon; a biography of Sir Victor Horsley, 1857- 1916. London: Dawnay, [1966]. 305p. Paget, Stephen. Sir Victor Horsley; a study of his life and work. London: Constable, 1919. 358p. Sachs, Ernest. Fifty years of neurosurgery; a personal story. New York: Vantage Press, [1958]. 186p. Thomas, Elizabeth H. Harvey Cushing: surgeon, author, artist. New York: Schuman, 1950. 347p. (2nd printing revised, New York: Neale Watson Academic Publications, 1981.) Walker, Arthur Earl. A history of neurological surgery. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1951. 583p. (Facsimile edition, New York: Hafner, 1967.) Wilkins, Robert Henry. Neurosurgical classics. New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1965. 523p. l7 GRATEFUL MED®ORDER FORM ORDERING OPTIONS Mafl entire form to National Technical Information Service, US. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Rhone orders call (703) 487-4650. IELEX orders use 89-9405. . ® Please send me copies of GRATEFUL MED (PB86-158482) at $29.95 per copy, plus $3 per order for shipping. Check or money order payable to NTIS. TOTAL 3 PURCHASER: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Name C] Check enclosed for $ D Charge my NTIS Deposit Account No. Organization [:1 Purchase order attached Occupation Charge to my C] American Express D VISA [J MasterCard Address Account number Card expires City. 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