.4 A: i, L/Data on Disability from the National Health Interview Survey, 1 983-851, by Mitchell P. LaPlante Institute for Health & Aging University of California San Francisco, CA 94143-0612 Prepared by lnfoUse 100 Tamal Plaza, Suite 155 Corte Madera, CA 94925 Mitchell P. LaPlante, Ph.D., Principal Investigator Susan Stoddard, Ph.D., Officer-in-Charge Prepared for National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research US. Department of Education Washington, DC 20202 Inez Fitzgerald Storck, Project Officer 1 988 gall/50178 FUEL Several people contributed to this report and their input is gratefully acknowledged. Staff at the National Center for Health Statistics were as usual very helpful. Susan Jack expertly resolved questions that arose in using the National Health Interview Survey public use data tapes. Nelma Keen graciously provided special-request data tapes for the 1983 National Health Interview Survey. Many useful suggestions regarding the text and data tables were offered by Gerry Hendershot and John Gary Collins. Aurora Zappolo of the Health Care Financing Administration also provided useful comments. Special thanks and particular credit are due Inez Fitzgerald Storck, Project Officer at NIDRR, first, for helping to conceive this project, and second, for her valued advice regarding the content of the data tables and presentation of the text. Many thanks also to Lawrence Haber, Harold Luft of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF, and Dorothy P. Rice and Ida VSW Red of the Institute for Health & Aging, all of whom provided many valuable comments. Also, thanks to Lewis Kraus of InfoUse and Rachel Steinhart of the Institute for Health & Aging, who helped masterfully in preparing this report. Suggested Citation LaPlante, Mitchell P. (1988). Data on Disability from the National Health Interview Survey. 1983-85. An lnfoUse Report. Washington, DC: US. National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. CONTENTS LV/§::;_€p Introduction ................................................................ 1 A 3 5 Highlights ................................................................. 2 / 7 ff 0' . . ‘ é . 7,; rsablllty concepts ............................................................ 4 [/‘4’ / { é: / . (4‘ 1’ Sources, limitations, and qualifications of the data ........................................... 4 Discussion of detailed tables ....................................................... 7 A. Prevalence of chronic conditions .............................................. 7 B. Prevalence of activity limitation ............................................... 9 C. Prevalence of work limitation ............................................... 11 D. Prevalence of need for assistance in activities of daily living .............................. 14 E. Prevalence of work limitations and need for assistance in activities of daily living ................... 18 F. Prevalence of chronic conditions causing activity limitation .................. ~ ............. 1 9 G. Prevalence of chronic conditions causing work limitation ................................ 21 H. Prevalence of chronic conditions causing need for assistance in activities of daily living ............... 22 l. Prevalence of school limitation .............................................. 23 J. Prevalence of multiple chronic checklist conditions ................................... 24 K. Prevalence of multiple conditions causing activity limitation ............................... 26 L. Prevalence of multiple conditions causing work disability ................................ 27 M. Prevalence of multiple conditions causing need for assistance in activities of daily living ............... 28 References ................................................................ 29 List of detailed tables ........................................................... 31 Appendixes l. Technical notes on methods ................................................. 141 II. Definitions of terms ...................................................... 144 Ill. 1985 National Health Interview Survey Core questionnaire ................................. 149 iv List of text figures 1. Percent of persons limited in activity, by degree of limitation, age, and gender, United States, 1983-85 ............. 10 2. Percent of persons limited in work, by degree of limitation, age, and gender, United States, 1983-85 .............. 12 3. Percent of persons limited in work, by degree of limitation, education, and gender, United States, 1983-85 ........... 13 4. Percent distribution of persons limited in activities of daily living, by age, United States, 1983-85 ................ 16 5. Distribution of the number of conditions reported, by type of condition, US. National Health Interview Survey, 1983-85 (three year average) ................................................. 24 List of ten tables A. Number of persons in institutions by type of facility and age group ................................ 15 B. Number and percent of total population of persons needing the help of another person in activities of daily living from tour surveys by age ................................................. 17 Symbols na Category not applicable Quantity zero Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (more than 30 percent relative standard error) Introduction This report presents data on the prevalence of various types of disabilities, resulting from chronic illnesses and impairments, among the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States during the period 1983 through 1985. The report provides data on the number and rate of persons with disabilities who reside in the community, their sociodemographic distribution, the severity of disability, and the chronic illnesses and impairments that cause disability. Data are also presented on the prevalence of selected chronic conditions whether or not they cause disability. The tables provided in this report are national estimates and are based on household surveys of the noninstitutionalized US. population. The estimates were produced through secondary analysis of National Health Interview Sun/ey (NHIS) public use data tapes provided by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). To provide as detailed and reliable information as possible, the three most recemly available years (1983-1985) of the NHlS were combined. Combining years improves the statistical reliability of the estimates, enabling the sociodemographic distribution of disabilities and the types of chronic health conditions that cause them to be presented in more detail. All estimates are three-year averages. This report benefits from certain changes introduced by NCHS in 1982 that expanded and clarified the measurement of disability in the NHIS. The traditional measure of disability employed in the NHIS is limitation in one’s major activity due to a chronic health condition. Among the nonelderly, major activities are defined as working at a job or business, keeping house, attending school, or, for children under 5 years old, play. However, some adults may be limited in working at a job or business but may not be limited in keeping house. Information on work disability of adults whose usual activities were keeping house or attending school was not recorded prior to 1982. All persons aged 18-69 are now asked about their ability to work, regardless of their major activity. Also added in 1982 were questions about basic personal assistance needs (i.e., whether persons need help with such activities of daily living (ADL) as bathing, eating, dressing, or getting around inside) and routine personal assistance needs (i.e., whether persons need help with such instrumental activities of daily living (lADL) as household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes) due to chronic health conditions. These questions are the basis for the two major disability categories that apply to persons aged 70 and over; they were also asked of persons aged 5-59 with any activity limitations, and of all persons aged 60-69. Questions on the need for and attendance in special schools or classes were also added for persons aged 5- 17. Prevalence estimates based on these disability measures are presented in detailed tables for various population subgroups, including gender, age, race and ethnicity, family income level, poverty status, education level, and marital status, and by chronic health condition. Also presented are estimates of the prevalence of chronic conditions whether or not they cause disability. These estimates serve in assessing the degree to which various conditions result in disability. Disability is multidimensional, and disability in one dimension does not automatically imply disability in another. An example for the working age population (aged 18-69) is that of work disability and the need for assistance in activities of daily living. Some people who need assistance in ADL, for example, are nevertheless able to work, as data presented in this report demonstrate. Last, multiple chronic conditions dramatically increase the risk of disability and result in significantly greater use at medical care services (Rice and LaPlante, 1988). Data on the prevalence of multiple chronic conditions (or co-morbidity) causing disability and the impact of multiple conditions on the severity of disability are also presented in this report. Highlights Highlights of the data presented in this report, based on analyses of the 1983-85 National Health Interview Surveys (NHIS), are summarized below: 0 The five most prevalent chronic conditions in the US. noninstitutionalized population are sinusitis, arthritis, hypertension, deafness and other hearing impairments, and heart disease. Per 1,000 persons, about 135 report sinusitis; 131 report rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis and other arthropathies; 124 report hypertension; 91 report deafness and other hearing impairments; and 90 report some form of heart disease. 0 Of the total US. noninstitutionalized population, 14.1 percent, or 32.5 million persons, report some activity limitation due to chronic health conditions: 3.8 percent of the population are unable to perform their major activity, 5.9 percent are limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform, and 4.4 percent are limited in activities other than in their major activity. 0 Of the population aged 18-69, 11.5 percent, or 17.4 million persons, report some degree of limitation in working at a job or business due to chronic health conditions. This includes 6.6 percent, or 9.9 million persons, who are unable to work altogether. An additional 3.4 percent of the total population are limited in activities other than working at a job or business. 0 Education is highly inversely associated with work disability. While 22.4 percent of persons with less than a high school education report being unable to work, the percent drops to 1.9 for persons who have completed college, a relative ratio of about 12to 1. Of the total population, 3.6 percent, or about 7.6 million persons, report needing help in activities of daily living (ADL) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Of persons aged 18 and over, 1.4 percent need assistance in ADL; an additional 3.0 percent need assistance in lADL. About 0.3 percent of children 5 to 17 years old need help in ADL. Women are more likely than men to need assistance in lADL (3.1 versus 1.6 percent, respectively). Roughly 4 persons in 10, including those in institutions, who need help in lADL or ADL are under age 65. Although the rate of such disability is very low among the nonelderly -- about 2 in 100 -- the number of nonelderly persons with potential long term care needs is substantial relative to the number of elderly with potential long term care needs. About 2 persons in 10 (not including those in institutions) who need help in lADL or ADL are under 45 years old. Of the 1.1 million persons aged 18-69 who need assistance in ADL, 12.3 percent state they are able to work in some capacity and 4.0 percent report no work limitation at all. Of the 2.7 million persons aged 18-69 who need assistance in lADL only, about 22.5 percent of them are able to work in some capacity while 7.5 percent report no work limitation at all. Thus, persons who need assistance in lADL and even ADL often avoid being prevented from working and some avoid work disability entirely. The five most frequently reported chronic conditions indicated as the main cause of activity limitations are arthritis (12.3 percent of all persons with activity limitations), heart disease (11.5 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (7.8 percent), impairments of lower extremities (6.1 percent), and intervertebral disk disorders (4.4 percent). These conditions are also the five most frequent causes of work disability. Collectively, orthopedic impairments are major causes of limitation in the adult ' working ages. Arthritis is the most frequent cause of need for assistance in IADL or ADL. Of all persons with such needs, 14.9 percent report arthritis as the main cause. Heart disease follows at 11.5 percent, then blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (7.6 percent), cerebro- vascular disease (5.3 percent), and impairments of lower extremities (4.4 percent). Arthritis and heart disease are the major causes of disability, no matter how defined, among older adults. Visual impairments and cerebrovascular disease play more important roles, however, as causes of assistance needs in IADL and ADL. Of all children aged 5-17, 2.6 percent, or 1.2 million children, attend special schools or classes, while 0.3 percent need special schools or classes but do not attend them, and 1.1 percent are limited in school attendance but neither need nor attend special schools or classes. Of all children limited in school attendance (excluding those who cannot attend school at all), 65 percent attend special schools or classes. Of those children whose parents are aware that they need special schools or classes, 89 percent attend them. Native Americans have the highest prevalence of disability by all measures. The lowest prevalence of disability is found for Asians and Pacific Islanders. People often report multiple chronic circulatory conditions and multiple impairments. The role of hypertension as a risk factor in ischemic heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and cerebrovascular disease is confirmed. Persons with speech impairments, serious visual impairments, and paralysis often report multiple impairments. The five most prevalent combinations of activity-limiting conditions are multiple eye and/or ear impairments (481,000 persons), arthritis and hypertension (469,000), heart disease and hypertension (458,000), heart disease and arthritis (384,000 persons), and heart disease and diabetes (313,000). These combinations are also most frequently reported as causes of work disability. The condition combinations most disabling in terms of work are heart disease and emphysema (91.1 percent of persons with any activity limitation caused by both conditions are unable to work), cerebrovascular disease (main cause) and heart disease (88.8 percent), heart disease (main cause) and cerebrovascular disease (88.8 percent), eye or ear impairments and heart disease (88.0 percent), and absence or paralysis of extremities and cerebrovascular disease (85.2 percent). Multiple eye and ear impairments are the most frequently reported combination of conditions causing need for assistance in IADL or ADL (214,000 persons), followed by cerebrovascular disease and absence or paralysis (138,000), heart disease and arthritis (137,000), arthritis and heart disease (116,000), and arthritis and hypertension (108,000). Condition combinations highly likely to result in assistance needs in ADL are cerebrovascular disease and diabetes (54.6 percent of persons with any activity limitation caused by both conditions need help in ADL), absence or paralysis of extremities and cerebrovascular disease (39.9 percent), and absence or paralysis of extremities and diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and absence or paralysis of extremities, and cerebrovascular disease and heart disease, all tied at 39.7 percent. Clearly, the major risks of IADL or ADL limitation among persons with some degree of disability are cerebrovascular disease and loss of function in the extremities. Disability concepts Disability refers to the state of being limited, due to a chronic health condition or set of conditions, in the type or amount of activities that a person would otherwise be expected to perform (Haber, 1967; Nagi, 1976). The types of such normative activities depend principally on age. In the National Health Interview survey (NHlS) and in this report, disability is defined in terms of the major activities usually associated with a person's age group. The NHlS defines these major activities as (1) ordinary play for children under 5 years of age, (2) attending school for persons 5- 17 years of age, (3) making or keeping house for persons 18-69 years of age, and (4) capacity for self care (e.g., the ability to perform such activities of daily living (ADL) as bathing, dressing, eating, or getting around the home without the help of another person) and home management (e.g., the ability to perform such instrumental activities of daily living (lADL) as doing household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes without the help of another person) for those 60 years of age and over. Persons aged 18-69 whose actual major activity is keeping house are also asked whether they are limited in working at a job or business. A residual category is defined for people who report no limitations in major activity but report being limited in some other way. Persons whose major activity is keeping house, but who are not limited in this activity, are classified as limited in non-major activity'if they have a work limitation. All persons aged 5-59 with activity limitations are also asked about their need for assistance in AOL or lADL. Persons aged 18-69 may be classified in terms of ability to perform their major activity, ability to work, and, for persons aged 18-59 who are limited in any activity and all persons aged 60-69, capacity for self-care and home management unassisted by another person. Persons aged 5-17 may be classified in terms of ability to attend school, and if limited in any activity, capacity for self-care. Indicators of disability used in this report are: (1) limitations in major activity, (2) limitations in work, and (3) need for personal assistance with activities of daily living, defined for the appropriate age groups. In each case, persons can also be classified in terms of the severity of disability. For example, a distinction is made between persons who, due to a chronic health condition, cannot work at all and those who can perform only certain types of work or cannot work regularly. For each of the three disability indicators, persons can be classified into four categories: those who are unable to perform the activity, those who can perform the activity, but are limited in the kind or amount of the activity, those who can perform the activity with no limitation, but are limited in other activities, and those who are not limited in any way. To be classified as limited, a person must report one or more chronic conditions as a cause of limitation. A condition is considered chronic if it has lasted at least three months or is on a list of conditions considered chronic regardless of onset (Appendix II). If more than one condition is reported, the respondent is asked to indicate which condition is the major cause of the limitation. Persons reporting more than one type of limitation may report different conditions as causes for each type of limitation. A complete understanding of the disability definitions as used in the NHlS requires familiarity with the survey questions and their skip patterns. To facilitate this, the 1985 NHlS Core questionnaire is reproduced in Appendix ill. The disability items are contained in Section B (Limitation of Activities page). The content of the questionnaires used in l983 and I984 is identical to l985 for the information presented in this report. Sources, limitations, and qualifications of the data The information presented in this report is based on data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) through the National Health Interview Survey (NHlS), a continuing nationwide probability sample of households in the United States. Only the civilian noninstitutionalized population is \ interviewed in the NHIS; data from the NHIS presemed in this report therefore exclude persons living in long term care facilities including nursing and convalescent homes, correctional institutions, institutions for the mentally or physically disabled, and other institutional and group quarters not defined by NCHS as households. Although this exclusion affects all age groups, it particularly affects the elderly population, which is disproportionately represented in chronic care institutions. Detailed information on the sampling design of the NHIS is provided in Current Estimates annually (see, for example, Moss and Parsons, 1986) and in more detail elsewhere (Kovar and Poe, 1985). In addition to reports presenting data from the NHIS on special topics, NCHS annually publishes data from the NHIS on the prevalence of chronic conditions and limitation of activity in Current Estimates. This report provides estimates from the NHIS of the prevalence of work disability and need for assistance in activities of daily living that are not regularly published by NCHS, and provides detailed estimates of the prevalence of chronic conditions by age and sex and the prevalence of disability for selected population subgroups and by conditions responsible. The major definitions of population characteristics used in this report are contained in Appendix II. An advantage of the NHIS is the ability to combine data over several years to reduce sampling variability and facilitate estimating rare events and detailed population breakdowns. Combining years is possible because of the stability in both the sampling design and the content of the core questionnaire. Data from the years 1983 to 1985 were combined to produce detailed estimates of the prevalence of chronic conditions in general and chronic conditions causing disability in particular, as well as breakdowns for detailed population groups. All estimates are three-year averages. The number of persons interviewed was 105,620 persons in 1983; 105,290 in 1984; and 91,531 in 1985. In 1985, budgetary restrictions forced a reduction in sample size. The planned sample size was about 127,000 persons. The sampling design of the survey was modified beginning in 1985, but this does not affect the ability to combine the data with earlier years. Design changes included reducing the number of primary sampling units from 376 to 198 to increase sampling efficiency, oversampling the black population to improve the accuracy of information for this group, and other changes to facilitate linkage with other NCHS surveys. These changes do not affect point estimates when sampling weights are used, but they do affect sampling error. All estimates presented in this report are based on weighted data. The NHIS has a very low nonresponse rate, averaging about four percent in any year. About two and one-half percent is due to respondent refusal, while the rest is due to the inability to contact an eligible respondent. All information is derived from reports by responsible family members living in the household. Although all adult family members are encouraged to participate in the interview, proxy responses are accepted for family members who are not present at the time of the interview or who cannot answer for themselves. Proxy answers are required for children under age 17. Precautions are taken to ensure the accuracy of information reported, but inaccuracies may be introduced because self-respondents and proxies are not aware of the requested information, have poor recollection, do not wish to discuss it, or miscomprehend the intended point of a question. Because estimates are- based on a sample of the population, they are subject to sampling error. Due to the re-design of the NHIS in 1985 and reduction in sample size, pooling data across the years 1983-85 requires special consideration for the calculation of sampling errors. Formulas used to calculate the errors of estimates are given in Appendix I. In the tables presented in this report, estimates having high sampling error are flagged by an asterisk (*). Sampling error on such estimates exceeds 30.0 percent of the magnitude of the estimate. A period alone means that no entry occurred in the data (quantity is zero) and "na" means not applicable. Estimates of the numbers of persons or conditions have been rounded to the nearest thousand. Percentages of totals and rates were computed on non-rounded data but were subsequently rounded to one decimal place. Several tables provide estimates of the numbers of persons with chronic illnesses and impairments. It is important to note that the survey methods used to obtain information on chronic conditions in general differfrom those used for disabling chronic conditions. The existence of chronic conditions in general is ascertained through six checklists of selected chronic conditions, organized mainly by body systems. Each household is randomly assigned one checklist and all persons in the family are asked only the questions on this checklist. The checklists used are shown in Appendix III. Sub-sampling allows for more detailed enumeration of conditions than could be obtained it one list with conditions combined across all body systems were used. Disadvantages are that analyses of multiple or co-morbid conditions are precluded, except for those conditions on the same checklist, and greater sampling variability is introduced because of the one-sixth sampling. Subsampling also necessitates pooling years for detailed tabulations of some chronic conditions with low prevalence. A different procedure is used for enumerating conditions that cause disability. Persons who report any disability must report at least one condition as a cause of their disability. No checklist is used. Rather, such persons are simply asked to state the conditions that cause their disability and, if there are more than one, to name the main condition. This procedure is repeated for each type of disability a person reports (however, conditions that cause children's needs for special classes are not ascertained). An advantage is that this method allows unrestricted analyses of co-morbidity. One potential disadvantage, however, is that the level of detail is ‘volunteered' rather than established a priori as with the checklist method. This probably introduces some error in classifying disabling conditions since all persons may not report them with the same degree of accuracy. / All conditions reported in the interview are coded using the Ninth Revision of the ICD, modified slightly for use in the NHIS. In order to be classified as chronic, a condition must either have been noticed 3 months or more before the date of interview or be on the NCHS list of conditions defined as chronic regardless of time of onset (Appendix ll). The condition groups presented are a modification of the diagnostic recodes B and C provided by NCHS on the public use tapes. These recodes were modified to provide more detail on disabling conditions. The classification of conditions listed in Table 1 is the same as the classification used in tabulating disabling conditions (Tables 6A-8B). The ICD codes used for these conditions are shown in Appendix II, Table Il-A. Although methodological studies have found that the accuracy of information on chronic conditions, as determined by comparisons to information from medical providers, is improved through the use of checklists of conditions, there is often considerable underreporting and overreporting of chronic conditions (Balamuth and Shapiro, 1965; Madow, 1967; Cox and Cohen, 1985). Respondents report conditions only to the extent that they are aware of them and are willing to mention them. Fashionable conditions may be overreported. Stigmatized conditions are frequently underreported. Reporting improves for conditions that have a substantial impact on the affected individual and significant others, such as those that result in hospitalization and chronic activity limitation. Highlights are presented for each of the detailed tables. In discussing highlights, comparisons are made between population groups and differences noted. Small differences may not be statistically significant. Tests of significant differences between estimates can be computed using the formulas for calculating standard errors given in Appendix ll and the methods suggested in Moss and Parsons (1986), Appendix I. Discussion of detailed tables A. Prevalence of chronic conditions Table 1 presents estimates of the number of selected chronic conditions and rate per 1,000 persons in the total population, by four age groups (under 45 years, 45-69 years, 70-84 years, and 85 years and over), and by gender. The cutoff for the middle age group -- 69 years -- was chosen to be consistent with the age groups for which NCHS defines different types of major activity. Information on chronic conditions was obtained through six broad checklists shown in Appendix III. On these checklists, conditions are grouped into six categories: skin and musculoskeletal conditions, impairments, and digestive, circulatory, respiratory, and miscellaneous conditions. Impairments are mainly functional or structural musculoskeletai and neuromuscular abnormalities and other abnormalities of visual and auditory senses, speech, and intelligence (NCHS, 1986). The conditions listed in Table 1 are only those that can be meaningfully estimated from these checklists. Table 1 therefore presents data on selected chronic conditions only. Within each of the six condition categories presented in Table 1 is a residual group of conditions. They do not represent all other conditionsuonly those "select" ones asked on the survey checklist that are not enumerated separately in the table. Some minor conditions that do appear on the checklists -- acne for example -- are not presented in Table 1 because they rarely cause disability. Estimates of some conditions not separately identified on this list can be found in Current Estimates for single years 1983-85 (for example, for 1985 data see Moss and Parsons, 1986). Three- year average estimates of chronic conditions have also been published for the years 1979-81 (Collins, 1986). Certain estimates that appear in this report will differ from estimates published by NCHS for comparable years because conditions are grouped differently. The five most prevalent conditions based on rates per 1,000 persons are sinusitis, arthritis, hypertension, deafness and other hearing impairments, and heart disease, respectively. Per 1,000 persons in the total population, about 134.6 report sinusitis as a chronic condition; 131.0 report rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis and other arthropathies; 123.5 report hypertension; 90.8 report deafness and other hearing impairments; and 89.7 report some form of heart disease. The prevalence estimates reported in Table 1 avoid duplicate counts of persons within each condition category. However, it should be noted that estimates summed over categories may include persons more than once if they have more than one condition in the group being summed. Further discussion of multiple conditions occurs in Section J. Of course, the relative ranking of conditions depends on how conditions are grouped. For example, if all deformities and orthopedic impairments are combined, they would rank fourth at 121 per 1,000 persons. Gender differences in reporting chronic conditions are well- known (Verbrugge, 1982). Rankings based on rates presented in Table 1 show some differences between men and women. Per 1,000 men, sinusitis (116.8), hypertension (108.7), deafness and other hearing impairments (105.9), arthritis (95.3), and heart disease (84.5) are reported most often. Per 1 ,000 women, arthritis (164.3), sinusitis (151.2), hypertension (137.3), heart disease (94.4), and hay fever (90.4) rank as the top five conditions. Women are more likely to report skin and musculoskeletal problems than are men, with the exception of intervertebral disk disorders and skin cancer. Men are 1.7 times more likely than women to have skin cancer. Women are 1.7 times more likely than men to report any type of arthritis. In general, women are much less likely to report impairments than men, especially loss of arms, hands, and other extremities; major exceptions are curvature of the back or spine and cataracts for which prevalence rates are twice as high for women as for men. Women report heart disease more often than men despite higher rates of mortality from heart disease among men. However, men are more likely than women to report ischemic (coronary) heart disease, the leading cause of death from heart disease. More frequently, women report hypertension, phlebitis and varicose veins, and respiratory conditions than men, with the exception of emphysema and lung cancer. The largest relative difference between women and men is the more than five-fold rate of anemias reported by women compared to men (24.6 compared to 4.8 per 1 ,000 persons). Whereas men are slightly more likely than women to suffer from epilepsy, women are 2.7 times more likely than men to report migraine headaches. Some differences between men and women may be due to differences in population age distributions. Therefore, it is important to make comparisons between genders controlling for age differences. Although the rates of most chronic conditions increase with age, there are exceptions. lntervertebral disk disorders, bursitis, ulcers, and sinusitis are highest in the 45-69 age group. Spinal curvature and other back impairments are lowest for persons under age 45. For persons aged 45 and older, the rates for spinal curvature increase slightly for older age groups while the rates for other back impairments decline slightly with increasing age. In general, chronic respiratory conditions tend to remain steady or decline with age, with the exception of emphysema which rises with age. Of all conditions, arthritis and cataracts show the greatest increase with age. Slightly more than half (508.3 per 1,000) of persons aged 85 and over report arthritic disorders compared to 32.9 per 1,000 persons under 45 years of age: a relative ratio of 15 to 1. The relative age ratio for cataracts is higher yet: about 180 to 1. Many of the age patterns shown in these data are influenced by mortality and institutional selection. if the data were adjusted for these factors, the rates for many conditions that decrease at older ages would continue to increase with age, and the most prevalent conditions at the older ages would be even higher. These differing age patterns of course significantly affect the ranking of conditions. Among the oldest-old, those aged 85 and over, the five most frequently reported conditions per 1,000 persons are arthritis (508.3), deafness and other hearing impairments (484.0), heart disease (414.8), hypertension (371.7), and cataracts (325.1). Per 1,000 persons under 45 years of age, sinusitis (117.9), hay fever (90.2), spinal curvature and other back impairments (47.8), psoriasis and dermatitis (47.5), and chronic bronchitis (45.3) are reported most frequently. Among the oldest-old, although the rankings differ between men and women, the top five conditions are the same. Per 1 ,000 men, heart conditions (521.9), deafness and other hearing impairments (513.1 ), arthritis (377.1), cataracts (301.2), and hypertension (273.1) are reported most often. Conditions with the highest prevalence per 1,000 women are arthritis (569.8), deafness and other hearing impairments (470.1 ), hypertension (418.0), heart'conditions (364.7), and cataracts (336.3). At 85 years and over, women report about 50 percent more arthritic and hypertensive conditions, 12 percent more cataracts, 30 percent fewer heart conditions, and 8 percent fewer hearing disorders than men. These rates are based on small numbers, and their variances are consequently large. For example, the reporting of arthritic and hypertensive conditions is significantly higher among women than among men (t-test of differences in rates, p=.05), but the other differences may be due to sampling variation. Among persons under 45 years of age, differences between men and women are considerable. Sinusitis, however, ranks first for both men and women (101.7 and 133.9 per 1,000 persons, respectively). The next most prevalent conditions per 1,000 men are hay fever (86.8), deafness and other hearing impairments (47.4), hypertension (40.9), and spinal curvature and other back impairments (39.8). Per 1,000 women, sinusitis is followed by hay fever (93.6), psoriasis and dermatitis (55.9), spinal curvature and other back impairments (55.5), and female genital disorders (53.7). 8. Prevalence of activity Ilmltatlon In Table 2, estimates of the number of persons and the percentage of the total population with limitation in activity are shown by degree of limitation, and by detailed sociodemographic characteristics. Of the total U.S. noninstitutionalized population, 14.1 percent, or 32.5 million persons, report some activity limitation due to chronic health conditions: 3.8 percent of the population are unable to perform their major activity, 5.9 percent are limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform, and 4.4 percent are limited in activities other than in their major activity. As mentioned in the introduction, activity limitation is a summary measure of disability and is based on the concept of major activity, defined differently for various age groups. Since persons who are limited in activities otherthan the major normative activities associated with their age group are included, it is the broadest measure of disability employed in the NHlS and is useful in pointing out differences in the distribution of disability between various population groups. It should be mentioned that these estimates are based on the entire sample and therefore have much lower variances than do condition estimates, which are based on 1/6 samples. The relative standard errors for the number of men or women with limitation of activity is less than 1 percent. With such population- based data, even small differences can be highly significant, but caution must be exercised when making comparisons since differences may be due to sampling variation. In general, women are more likely to be limited in activity than men (14.5 compared to 13.6 percent respectively). Women are less likely to be unable to perform their major activity than men but are more likely to be limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform or to be limited in activities other than their major activity. These differences actually depend on what definitions of major activity are employed for the working age population. Persons aged 18-69 whose major activity is keeping house, but who are not limited in keeping house, may be limited in working at a job or business. If so, such persons are classified as being limited in activities other than their major activity. Except for a small decrease at ages 18-24 and a sizable decrease at ages 70-74, the percent of the population with activity limitation increases with age (Figure 1). The reduction in limitation in major activity at ages 70-74 is due to the different definition of major activity--ability to care for oneself or manage one's home independent of help from others-employed beginning with age 70. This more restrictive standard also results in a large increase in the proportion of the population limited in activities other than major activity, a group which consists of persons with chronic conditions that impact on a broad range of activities such as work and social and recreational activities. Of persons aged 70-74, 20.5 percent have limitations in other than major activity, while 13.0 percent report some limitation in major activity. At ages 75 and older, the percent of persons with limitations in major activity rises, while the percent of persons with limitations in other than major activity declines. The net result is that the proportion of the population with activity limitation rises from ages 70-74 to older age groups. At ages 85 and over, 58.7 percent of the population report some activity limitation. Below age 75, gender differences in the percent of persons with limitation of activity are small and inconsistent. At ages 75 and over, women are somewhat more likely than men to be limited in activity. In the working ages 18-69, men are more likely than women to report being unable to perform their major activity. On the other hand, at ages 45-69, women are more likely than men to report being limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform. These gender differences are larger at the older working ages and result from the fact that many women who are limited in work do not report limitations in housekeeping activities. ‘0 name-imp DO—‘F’m—C'OOU 1O 70-- Males — Limited in Activity 60-— . . . Limited In Non- Major Activity -~ Limited in Major 50-- Actrvrty Females It Limited in Activity 40-- . -=-"=‘- Limited in Non- Major Activity 40 Limited in Major 30_ Actrvrty 20. 10- 0'5" . : : : : : J. Under5 5—17 18-24 25-44 45-64 65-69 70-74 75-84 85 plus Age Group Figure 1: Percent of persons limited In activity, by degree of limitation, age, and gender, United States, 1983-85. Of the ethnic and racial groups identified by the NHIS, Asians and Pacific Islanders have the lowest rate of limitation (6.5 percent) and Hispanics have the next lowest rate, (about 10-11 percent). Native Americans have the highest rate of limitation, (17.8 percent), followed by non-Hispanic blacks (14.9 percent), and non-Hispanic whites (14.5 percent). Trevino and Moss (1984) found the prevalence of limitation of activity by race and Hispanic ethnicity to be influenced considerably by differences in the age structure of these groups. Age adjustment would undoubtedly accentuate the differences between Native Americans and non-Hispanic whites due to higher rates of mortality and younger age structure of the Native American population. Gender appears less important than race and ethnicity as a factor in disability. However, within these various racial and ethnic groups, women consistently report slightly higher rates of activity limitation than men. Disability is clearly inversely related to family income. Persons in families with incomes below $10,000 are much more likely than persons with family incomes of $35,000 or above to report some activity limitation. The relative differences are greatest in terms of inability to perform major activity. The percentage of persons unable to perform their major activity among the lowest income families exceeds that of the highest income families by 5.8 to 1. While poor persons are more likely than those above the poverty line to be limited in activity (19.6 percent compared to 13.1 percent) this is mostly due to different rates of limitation in major activities. Educational attainment is highly inversely related to disability. Of persons aged 18 and over with no high school education, 38.0 percent report some limitation in activity while among college graduates, the percent drops to 10.5. The relative differences are again greatest with regard to inability to perform major activity. Persons with 8 years or less education have the highest risk of being unable to perform major activity (13.6 percent), while persons with 16 years or more of education have the lowest risk (1.9 percent), a ratio of 7.3 to 1. Gender differences in disability are greatest at the lowest education and income levels and virtually disappear at the highest education and income levels. Again, age is an important factor in the differences by income and education groups, as older persons have less educational attainment, lower income, and greater disability than younger persons. Widowed, divorced, and separated persons have higher rates of disability than married and never-married persons. Widowed persons report the highest rate of any activity limitation (40.4 percent). Persons who have never married have the lowest rate of any activity limitation (10.9 percent). Age is of course a very important factor as widowed persons are more likely to be older and single persons to be younger. There are no major gender differences in total rates of disability within these marital status groups, but divorced, widowed, and separated men are much more likely than women in these groups to be unable to perform their major activity. On the other hand, women in these groups are more likely than men to be limited in the amount or kind of major activity they can perform. C. Prevalence of work limitation In Table 3, estimates of the number of persons and percent distribution of the total population reporting work limitation are provided by degree of limitation and selected sociodemographic characteristics. The term work disability is used to refer to limitations in the amount or kind of work or inability to work. Of the population aged 18-69, 11.5 percent, or 17.4 million persons, report some degree of limitation in working at a job or business due to chronic health conditions. This includes 6.6 percent, or 9.9 million persons, who report being unable to work altogether. An additional 3.4 percent of the total population are limited in activities other than working at a job or business. In the previous section, it was indicated that some part of gender differences in ability to perform major activity result from differences in definitions of major activity. That point is borne out in Table 3, which shows that there are only small differences in rates of work disability between men and women. Considering any work limitation, the rates for men and women are almost equal (11.6 versus 11.4 percent, respectively). However, women are slightly more likely than men to be unable to work (6.8 versus 6.3 percent, respectively). On the other hand, women are slightly less likely than men to be limited in the kind or amount of work they can perform (4.6 versus 5.3 percent, respectively). That women are less likely than men to be unable to perform their major activity but just as likely to be unable to work may indicate that women are more likely than men to accommodate their disability by changing their major activity from working to keeping house. Also, of persons outside the labor force, women with disabilities may be less likely than men to enter or re-enter the labor force. Work disability increases steeply with age (Figure 2). While only 1.8 percent of the population aged 18-24 report being unable to work, the percentage rises to 23.6 in the age group 65-69. The rise is more gradual for limitations in the amount or kind of work. At ages 65-69, men report higher rates of work limitation than women, but women report higher rates of non-work limitations. Men at any age are slightly more likely than women to report limitations in the kind or amount of work they can perform although there are no consistent gender differences by age in the percent of persons unable to work. Native Americans and non-Hispanic blacks report the highest rates of work disability (17.4 and 14.7 percent, respectively). The lowest rate is found for Asians and Pacific islanders (5.5 percent). Since the population is restricted in this table to the working ages 18-69 years, age differences are not quite as important as when the age of the groups being compared varies over the full age 11 50-- Males — Limited in Activity Limited in Amount or Kind 40 - - of Work -- Unable to Work Females 40 Limited in Activity "Jain-‘01 :55? Limited in Amount or Kind of Work -OoO 4' Unable to Work 20 ‘ 30—-r~m—C'OO'U O A 18-24 25—44 45-64 65-69 Age Group Flgure 2: Percent of persons limited In work, by degree of limitation, age, and gender, United States, 1983-85. 12 range. Age adjustment would probably affect these rates of work disability to a small extent. Differences between family income levels in inability to work are quite pronounced. Of persons with family incomes of under $10,000, 17.1 percent report being unable to work due to chronic conditions, while the percentage is 2.1 of those in families earning $35,000 or more, a relative ratio of 8.1 to 1. This suggests a strong relationship between work disability and earnings losses. The income gradient in limitations in the amount or kind or work is less steep. People in this category do not experience earnings losses as large as those who forego work emirely. Although the percent of persons with limitations in activities other than work declines with greater family income, the differences are very small. income losses are clearly a consequence of work disability. Luft (1978) has estimated that 30 percent of poor persons with disabilities are poor because of disability. Although one would expect the impact of disability on individual income to be more pronounced than that on family income, data on individual income are not available. Women are slightly more likely than men as a whole to report being unable to work. However, when family income is controlled, women in families with incomes below $25,000 are less likely than men to be unable to work. The greater proportions of women in the lower income categories, compared to men, contributes to the slightly higher average rate of inability to work in the total female population. As would be expected, there are large differences by poverty status in rates of work disability. Persons in poverty are 2.7 times as likely as persons above the poverty line to be unable to work - 15.1 versus 5.5 percent, respectively. Differences are not as great for other work limitations or limitations in activities other than work. As with women in low income families, women in poverty actually show a slightly lower rate of inability to work than men; the greater proportion of women in poverty contributes to the larger average rate of inability to work among women as compared to men in the total population. Differences in work disability by educational attainment are profound (Figure 3). While 22.4 percent of persons with less than a high school education report being unable to work, the percent drops to 1.9 for persons completing a college education, a relative ratio of 11.8 to 1. Since educational attainment is permanent (while income is not), these differences suggest a strong causal relationship of educational attainment on work disability. While significant income losses can be expected to result from disability, educational attainment and associated factors, such as occupation and transferability of skills and experience, are very important determinants of work disability. Regarding marital status, widows and separated persons report the highest rates of work disability. Of widowed persons, 29.5 percent report some work limitation; 21.5 percent report being unable to work. Never married persons report the lowest rates ot work disability (7.9 percent). Again, differences in the age distributions of these groups is a factor. Differences by gender within these marital status groups are not as large as differences between marital status groups. Estimates of the prevalence of work disability often differ between surveys, reflecting a sensitivity to how questions are worded and surveys designed and operated. McNeil (1983) compared with other sources work disability prevalence rates estimated from the 1981 and 1982 Current Population Surveys (CPS) conducted by the Bureau of the Census. The lowest rate of work disability is obtained from the 1980 Census -- 8.5 percent of persons 16-64 years of age. The highest rate is given by the 1978 Survey of Disability and Work conducted by the Social Security Administration -- 17.2 percent of persons 18-64 years old. From the 1981 and 1982 CPS, work disability prevalence is estimated to be about 9.0 percent. In the current analysis, the estimate from the 1983-85 NHIS for ages 18-64 is 10.0 percent. The NHIS sample design is based on the CPS, the questions asked are similar, and Census interviewers actually conduct the NHlS in the field, so a high correspondence would be expected between these two surveys. The Survey of Income and Program Males - Limited in Non-Work K Activity a \ Limited in Amount or Kind of Work w Unable to Work 1 5 _ _ Females * Limited in Non-Work Activity "DmOHmU *0 511's Limited in Amount or Kind of Work 1% Unable to Work ISO—'F'ID—C'DO'D I 1 4| 0 8 Years or Less I 9—11 Years 12 Years 13-15 Years Education Level Figure 3: Percent of persons limited In work, by degree of limitation, education, and gender, United States, 1983-85. 16 years plus 13 14 Participation (SIPP), conducted in May through August of 1984, yields an estimate of 12.1 percent of persons aged 16-64 with a work disability (US. Bureau of the Census, 1986), which is somewhat higher than the NHIS estimate of 10.0 percent. In general, the NHIS yields estimates of the prevalence of work disability that are close to what would be expected based on the CPS and decennial censuses. These sources, together with the recent SIPP results, provide a rough consensus on the extent of work disability in the working ages. Differences in survey estimates must, however, remain a matter of concern for policy and survey research methodology. D. Prevalence of need for assistance In activities of daily llvlng "Activities of daily living" (ADL) (Katz and Akpom, 1976) and "instrumental activities of daily living" (lADL) are two scales developed through research on elderly and disabled populations to measure dependencies in basic self-care and other functions important for independent living and avoidance of institutional- ization. The Duke OARS ADL and lADL instruments (Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, 1978) are often used in community and survey research as they are designed for self or proxy reporting (in contrast to professional assessment). Included in ADL are several activities vital to independent personal functioning. They include bathing, dressing, toileting, getting in or out of bed or chairs, getting outside, continence, eating, and walking. Together, these items are considered a standard for assessing personal care limitations and have been employed with some variation in several surveys. lADL activities measure ability to live at home independently. lADL items that have been included in a number of major surveys are preparing meals, shopping for personal items, managing money, using the phone, doing laundry, doing heavy housework, doing light housework, taking medications, getting around outside, and going places outside of walking distance. Questions about the individual items that make up these scales are often asked separately. In the NHIS core questionnaire, two global questions are asked that attempt to measure the existence of any problem in performing lADL or ADL. In this analysis, persons who "need the help of other persons with personal care needs, such as eating, bathing, dressing, or getting around their home” are classified as limited in ADL. Persons are classified as limited in lADL if they "need the help of other persons in handling routine needs, such as everyday household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes." If a person indicates they need help in ADL, they are not further asked about lADL. Note that these questions do not measure difficulty in performance of lADL or ADL, which would provide a broader definition of limitation, nor do they ask about help actually received. Estimates of the number of persons and percent of the total population who need assistance in activities of daily living by degree of limitation and selected sociodemographic characteristics are presented in Table 4. Compared to other types of disability, the need for assistance in activities of daily living occurs much less frequently. Of the total population, 3.6 percent, or about 7.6 million persons, report some need for help in lADL or ADL. Note that the total number of persons who need assistance in lADL can be obtained from this table only if it is assumed that persons who need assistance in ADL also need assistance in lADL, since this was not ascertained by the survey. However, other research indicates that most people who need assistance in ADL also need assistance in lADL (Weissert, 1985) Of persons aged 18 and over, 3.0 percent need assistance in lADL only and 1.4 percent need assistance in ADL. Women are more likely than men to need assistance in lADL only (3.1 versus 1.6 percent, respectively). lADL needs do not apply to persons under 18 years old. About 0.3 percent of children 5 to 17 years old need help in ADL. The fraction of the population needing assistance in activities of daily living increases steeply with age. Of persons aged 18 to 64, 2.1 percent need assistance in IADL or ADL. This increases to 8.0 percent of persons aged 65-69 years and to 46.1 percent at ages 85 and over. Despite the widespread association of long term care needs with the elderly population, Table 4 shows that a significant fraction of persons living in the community who need assistance in lADL or ADL are nonelderly. Of persons with lADL assistance needs only, 43.4 percent are under age 65. Of persons who need assistance in ADL, 40.2 percent are under age 65. These calculations, however, do not include persons in institutions. Recent estimates of the number of persons in institutions by age are given in Table A. Table A. Number of persons In Institutions by type of facility and age group Facilities for Mentally Nursing Aae Group Total Fletarded1 Homes2 Under 65 407,100 231,500 175,600 65 plus 1,334,772 18,972 1,315,800 1 1986 lnventory of Long-Term Care Places (Sirrocco, 1987). 2 1985 National Nursrng Home Survey (Hing, 1987). The 1986 Inventory of Long Term Care Places and the 1985 National Nursing Home Survey identified about 407,000 persons under age 65 and about 1,335,000 persons age 65 and older who were living in institutions. If we assume that these persons need assistance in IADL or ADL and add these numbers of institutionalized persons to those in the community who need assistance in IADL or ADL, we obtain about 3.6 million nonelderly and about 5.7 million elderly persons who need the assistance of another person in IADL or ADL. Thus some 38.7 percent -- roughly 4 in 10 -- of all persons with limitations in activities of daily living are nonelderly. About 2 persons in 10 living outside of institutions who need help in ADL are under 45 years old. These points are summarized in Figure 4. Although the rate of limitation in activities of daily living is very low among the nonelderly -- about 2 persons in 100 need help in IADL or ADL-- the number of nonelderly persons with potential long term care needs is significant relative to the number of elderly with potential long term care needs. Women at any age are more likely than men to need assistance in IADL only, with the exception of the age group 18-24. Gender differences in IADL tend to increase with age, but gender differences by age in ADL are small and inconsistent. Native Americans and non-Hispanic blacks show the highest rates of assistance needs in IADL or ADL (5.0 and 4.4 percent respectively), followed by white non-Hispanics (3.6 percent). Asians and Pacific Islanders, as with other measures of disability discussed earlier, show the lowest rate of assistance needs in IADL or ADL (1.2 percent). Differences in age structure may be a factor in these contrasting rates. Black non-Hispanic, white non-Hispanic, and white Hispanic women are more likely than men to need assistance in lADL only. Within these racial and ethnic categories, the differences between men and women who need assistance in ADL are not large. Although the percent of persons who need assistance in IADL or ADL declines as family income rises, the gradient is not as steep as seen earlier with work limitation. Of persons living in families with incomes of less than $10,000, 8.1 percent need assistance in lADL or ADL compared to 1.4 percent of persons in families with incomes of $35,000 or more. Persons with such limitations are, in general, older than persons with work limitations and are more likely to be out of the labor force, so disability in IADL or ADL has less of an impact on family earnings than disability in work. 15 All Persons lADL and ADL I 5-65 El 65+ 38.7% Age Group Noninstitutionalized lADL and ADL % 544 I 45-64 I] 65+ Age Group ADL Only Age Group a 544 I 45-64 D 65+ Figure 4: Percent distribution of persons needing help in activities of daily living, by age, United States, 1983-85. 16 Persons in poverty are more likely than persons above poverty to need assistance in lADL or ADL (8.5 versus 3.1 percent), but again, the differences are much less compared to income differences in work disability. Educational attainment is strongly inversely related to the need for assistance in lADL and ADL. Of persons with 8 years or less education, 14.2 percent need assistance in lADL or ADL, compared to 1.9 percent of college graduates. Since educational attainment is associated inversely with age, a good part of this relationship may be due to aging. That educational differences in lADL and ADL limitations are less pronounced than educational differences in work disability is also due in part to differences in rates of labor force participation. Of all marital statuses, widowed persons are most likely to need assistance in lADL or ADL (18.8 percent). The lowest risk is for persons never married (2.7 percent), followed by married persons (3.2 percent). In general, women are about 30 percent more likely than men to need assistance in lADL only, regardless of marital status. Virtually no differences exist in the need for assistance in ADL. Age is of course a very important factor as widowed persons are more likely to be old and single persons to be young. Estimates of the need for assistance in lADL and ADL due to chronic health conditions are available from a number of recent surveys, including the 1979-80 NHIS Home Care Supplement, the 1984 NHIS Supplement on Aging, and the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation. Table B presents estimates from these surveys and from this analysis of the 1983-85 NHIS Core for purposes of comparison. Differences among these estimates are notable. Estimates of the number of elderly persons needing help in ADL range from 1.5 to 2.5 million and, for those needing help in lADL, from 2.4 to 5.9 million. Considerable variation also exists in estimates for the nonelderly. Table 8. Number and percent of total population of persons needing the help of another person In activities of daily living from four surveys by age Persons Needing Help in: Source Aae Group IADL ADL Number in 1,0005 and percent of total population NHIS1979-80 18-64 1,594 1.2 1,262 1.0 Home Care 65 plus 2,381 10.1 2,120 9.0 Supplement1 NHIS1984 65 plus 5,868 22.2 2,538 9.6 Supplement on Aging2 SIPP19843 15-64 3,256 2.1 1,050 0.7 65 plus 4,450 16.8 1,459 5.5 NHIS1983-85 18-64 3,059 2.1 866 0.6 Core4 65 plus 4,369 16.5 1,507 5.7 1 Feller, 1986. IADL includes preparing meals, shopping, managing money,_ doing routine household chores (not including yardwork . ADL Includes walking (except using stairs), going outside, using the toilet (in 9 bathroom, Including getgng to the bathroom), bathing, dressing, eating, and getting in and out of bed or airs. 2 Dawson. et al.. 1987. Persons who receive hel onl . IADL includes preparing meals, shopping, managin mone , usrng the phone, going heavy housework, doing light ousework. AD inclu es 7 Items srmilar to the above. 3 US. Bureau of the Census, 1986. IADLjncludes preparing meals, gettin around inside or outside the home, dorng light housework. DL based on 9 question "does...need help from others in looking after personal care needs such as dressing, undressing, eating, or personal hygiene?" 4 IADL is based on the question does person "need the help of other persons in handing routine needs, such as everyday household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or gettinglaround for other purposes?“ ADL :5 based on the question does person "need 9 help of other persons with personal care needs, such as eatin , bathing, dressing, or getting around this home?“_ Persons who need help in DL are assumed to need help In lADL for companson to other survey estimates. Much of the variation in estimates of persons needing help in ADL can be attributed to differences in the questions asked. The NHIS Home Care Supplement (NHIS-HCS) and the NHIS Supplement on Aging (NHIS-SOA) included seven comparable ADL items and yield comparable estimates for the elderly population. However, the NHIS-SOA estimate is for persons who receive help, which should yield a smaller number than those who fig help. Therefore, the NHIS-HCS estimate should be higher than the NHIS-SOA. Both the NHIS-HCS and the NHIS-SOA yield estimates that are largerthan those from the SIPP or from this analysis of the 1983-85 NHlS Core. These differences are likely due to the single question approach used in the SIPP and the NHIS Core versus the approach used in the other two surveys of asking each item separately. The latter method w0uld be expected to yield more positive responses. For the same reason, the estimate of nonelderly persons needing help in ADL from the NHIS-HCS is larger than estimates from the SIPP or the NHIS core. A considerable amount of the variation in estimates of the number of persons needing help in IADL can also be attributed to differences in questions asked. The NHIS-SOA estimates include elderly persons who receive help with heavy housework whereas the NHIS-HCS does not. Yet, this type of help is the single most frequent source of help of all lADL activities among elderly persons, regardless of gender. Of the elderly, 19.3 percent receive help with heavy household chores; 13.7 percent of men, and 30.8 percent of women (Dawson, Hendershot, and Fulton, 1987). The SIPP and the NHlS Core provide very comparable estimates of the need for help in IADL. Both exclude heavy housework, so estimates based on them are smaller than those from the NHIS- SOA. Possibly because both ask about needing help to get around outside the home, estimates based on them are larger than those based on the NHIS-HCS, which excluded this item. In the SIPP, four separate questions were asked relevant to lADL: two questions on the need for help in getting around inside or outside the home; one on the need for help with light 17 18 household chores; and the fourth on needing help to prepare meals. In the NHIS Core, one question is asked relevant to IADL: whether persons "need the help of another person with routine needs, such as everyday household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes". Given the inexactness of the NHIS Core question, it is difficult to know whether the SIPP and NHIS Core estimates for persons needing help in IADL are similar because the questions are measuring the same things or because of coincidence. It appears, then, that the magnitude of estimates of the number of persons needing assistance in lADL or ADL from different surveys varies with the number and type of relevant items that are asked. To take one last, but important example, the National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS) of 1982 included questions on whether persons had any difficulty performing IADL or ADL. The NLTCS did not include a question about difficulty in doing heavy housework in the screener phase of the survey, but this question was included in the interview follow-up. The NLTCS found that about 3.8 million elderly persons had difficulty doing heavy housework (Macken, 1986). However, the NHIS-SOA estimated there are some 6.3 million elderly persons who have difficulty doing heavy housework (Dawson, Hendershot, and Fulton, 1987). This one question accounts for much of the difference between these two surveys in the total number of persons estimated to have difficulty performing at least one lADL -- 26.9 percent in the NHIS-SOA versus 19.1 percent in the NLTCS. Estimates for other comparable IADL items are similar, but they are always somewhat lower from the NLTCS than those from the NHIS-SOA. The estimate of the fraction of the elderly with difficulties in at least one ADL is also higher from the NHIS-SOA than from the NLTCS —- 22.7 versus 12.7 percent, respectively. This is probably a result of a question on difficulty walking that was included in the NHlS-SOA but not in the NLTCS. In the NHlS-SOA, 18.7 percent of the elderly expressed having some difficulty walking. On other comparable ADL items, estimates from the NLTCS are slightly lower than those from the NHIS- SOA. As with all survey estimates, the sampling design and survey operations are also potential sources of variation. Another important factor is the duration of disability. In the NLTCS, for example, persons were screened on the basis of whether they had an IADL or ADL problem that lasted three months or was expected to last three months. In the NHIS Surveys, disability is not required to be of any duration; the disability, however, must be due to a chronic condition -- one that has lasted at least three months or is on a list of conditions always considered chronic, regardless of duration. This is a different and probably less restrictive criterion than that used in the NLTCS, and may account for the lower estimates from the NLTCS than those from the NHIS-SOA on comparable items. Variation in survey estimates of the number of persons experiencing difficulty or needing the help of other persons in performing IADL or ADL is substantial and must be a matter of concern, as with variation in estimates of work disability discussed earlier, for policy and for survey research methodology. The estimates of persons needing help in IADL or ADL from the 1983-85 NHlS Core questionnaire are lower than what would be expected based on other surveys of the elderly. They are, however, one of the few available estimates of IADL and ADL assistance needs of the nonelderly. Nevertheless, the relationships between sociodemographic categories are probably not much affected by undercounting. E. Prevalence of work limitations and need for assistance In activities of daily living Lack of independence in home management and self-care activities does not automatically mean disability in other important life activities. Some people who need assistance in IADL or ADL nevertheless manage to work. Such limitations may be offset by education and training, previous work history, current job requirements and availability, workplace, household, and environmental accommodations, and the availability and cost of care from other persons. On the other hand, conditions that cause limitations in work may not be so severe as to cause persons to need assistance in IADL or ADL. Table 5 explores the relationship between the ability to work and the ability to manage one’s home and care for oneself independent of help from others. The table is restricted to the age range 18-69. Of persons limited in activities other than work, 95.2 percent have no need for assistance in lADL or ADL. Of persons limited in the amount or kind of work they can perform, again, the vast majority (93.4 percent) have no need for assistance in lADL or ADL. However, among those unable to work, the need for assistance in lADL and ADL is more common: 21.0 percent need assistance in IADL only and 9.6 percent need assistance in ADL. Women who are limited in non-work activity are more likely than men to need assistance in lADL or ADL (7.1 percent versus 1.9 percent). Remarkably few differences occur by age group in the percent of persons needing assistance in lADL or ADL, controlling for degree of work limitation. For persons limited in non-work activity, the fraction needing assistance in lADL increases from 1.2 percent at ages 18-24 to 6.8 percent at ages 65-69. The fraction of persons unable to work who need assistance in ADL is slightly higher in the younger age groups. The same patterns are seen by age group and gender. However, women who are limited in activity other than work are much more likely than men to need assistance in lADL with increasing age. Table 5 can be viewed another way. Of the 1.1 million persons of working ages who need assistance in ADL, about 12.3 percent state they are able to work in some capacity and 4.0 percent report no work limitation. In the working ages, 2.7 million persons need assistance in lADL only. About 22.5 percent of them are able to work in some capacity while 7.5 percent report no work limitation. Thus, persons who need assistance in IADL and even ADL often avoid being prevented from working and some manage to avoid work limitation entirely. F. Prevalence of conditions causing activity limitation In order to be classified as having an activity limitation in the NHlS, a respondent must indicate at least one health condition or impairment as a cause of activity limitation. The condition must have had its onset more than 3 months before the interview period, or be on the list of conditions NCHS considers chronic regardless of onset (Appendix II). If more than one condition is mentioned, the respondent is asked to indicate which is the main cause of the limitation. All others are termed secondary causes. Conditions causing disability can be tabulated in a number of ways. it is often interesting to tabulate the causes of disability by the main condition responsible, which might be called "main cause" tables. Such tables provide insight as to how conditions considered to be important causes of disability are distributed among persons with disabilities. However, such tables are only partly descriptive of the health problems of persons with multiple disabling conditions. To fully describe all the health problems that cause disability, it is preferable to tabulate secondary conditions that cause limitation together with those that are identified as main causes. Such tables may be termed "all cause" tables. Tables 6A and GB present detailed tabulations of conditions causing limitation of activity for several age groups and by gender. Table 6A presents conditions that were selected as the main cause of limitation of activity, while Table SB presents all the conditions mentioned as causes of disability. Both tables list conditions that cause any limitation in activity, regardless of degree of limitation. As shown in Table 6A, the causes of activity limitation are quite diverse. However, the five most frequently reported conditions indicated as the main cause of activity limitations are arthritis (12.3 percent of all persons with activity limitations), heart disease (11.5 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (7.8 percent), impairments of lower extremities (6.1 percent), and intervertebral disk disorders (4.4 percent). 19 20 Together, the five top ranking conditions account for 42.1 percent of all persons with activity limitation. Only 5.3 percent of all main cause conditions are ill-defined or fall into the "all other" category. This last category is composed mainly of conditions too small in prevalence to enumerate separately. The major causes of activity limitation vary with age. For persons under age 18, the 5 most prevalent causes are mental retardation (18.0 percent), asthma (17.8 percent), mental illness (9.5 percent), deafness and other ear disorders (7.2 percent), and speech impairments (6.3 percent). Mental problems are clearly major causes of activity limitation among children. Among adults 18-44 years of age, the top five conditions are spinal curvature and other back impairments (15.1 percent), impairments of lower extremities (9.9 percent), intervertebral disk disorders (7.5 percent), asthma (5.6 percent), and arthritis (5.5 percent). Among young adults, orthopedic impairments predominate. At the older ages, degenerative diseases predominate. At ages 45-69, arthritis ranks first (15.7 percent), tied with heart disease (15.7 percent), then spinal curvature and other back impairments (7.2 percent), hypertension (5.9 percent), and intervertebral disk disorders (5.0 percent). After age 69, the role of orthopedic impairments diminishes. At ages 70-84, arthritis ranks first (19.3 percent), followed by heart disease (17.3 percent), blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (7.3 percent), impairments of lower extremities (5.0 percent), cerebrovascular disease (4.7 percent). Last, for persons 85 and over, arthritis again ranks first (18.6 percent), followed by senility (15.1 percent), heart disease (12.5 percent), blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (13.9 percent), and cerebrovascular disease (4.5 percent). Differences by gender in the main conditions causing limitation also occur. The five main causes of limitation for men of all ages are heart disease (13.0 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (7.7 percent), arthritis (7.6 percent), impairments of lower extremities (6.8 percent), and intervertebral disk disorders (4.9 percent). For women of all ages, the main causes are arthritis (16.3 percent), heart disease (10.2 percent),spinal curvature and other back impairments (7.9 percent), impairments of lower extremities (5.4 percent), and hypertension (4.8 percent). Differences in the types and rankings of the main conditions causing limitation in activity between men and women occur across the ages, but there are strong similarities as well. There are some differences between men and women under 18 years of age in the top five conditions reported as the main cause of activity limitation. The major differences are that mental illness is reported less frequently as a main cause for females compared to males (5.7 versus 11.9 percent, respectively), and that females are more likely to have a limitation caused by an impairment of the lower extremities (6.3 versus 3.9 percent, respectively). At ages 18-44, the top five main causes are similar for men and women. They include spinal curvature and other back impairments, impairments of lower extremities, intervertebral disk disorders, asthma, and arthritis. Of persons aged 18-44, women are slightly more likely than men to report spinal curvature and other back impairments (16.0 versus 14.2 percent), but are less likely to report impairments of lower extremities (7.4 versus 12.4 percent). More dramatic differences emerge at the middle and older ages. At ages 45-69, among men, the top five conditions given as the main cause of limitation are heart disease (20.1 percent), arthritis (10.5 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (7.5 percent), intervertebral disk disorders (5.5 percent), and impairments of lower extremities (5.0 percent). Among women aged 45-69, arthritis (20.1 percent), heart disease (11.8 percent), hypertension (7.4 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (7.2 percent), and intervertebral disk disorders (4.7 percent) top the list. Note that hypertension is not ranked in the top five conditions for men. At ages 70-84, the main causes of activity limitation for women are arthritis (24.3 percent), heart disease (15.9 percent), blindness and other eye disorders (7.6 percent), impairments of lower extremities (5.6 percent), and hypertension (3.9 percent). Among men, they are heart disease (19.7 percent), arthritis (11.4 percent), blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders and emphysema (tied at 6.9 percent), and cerebrovascular disease (6.5 percent). Thus, emphysema and cerebrovascular disease are more common among older men than among women with activity limitations. Finally, among women aged 85 and over, arthritis (21.4 percent), senility (15.1 percent), blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (13.6 percent), heart disease (12.5 percent), and impairments of lower extremities (7.8 percent) are most frequently given as the main causes of activity limitation. Among men aged 85 and over, senility (15.1 percent), blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (14.9 percent), heart disease (12.5 percent), arthritis (11.9 percent), and cerebrovascular disease (5.5 percent) top the list. At all ages, heart disease always ranks higher than arthritis as a main cause of limitation among men, but among women, they are reversed. Table 63 presents all conditions reported as causes of activity limitation. This table includes, in addition to main cause conditions, those that are related to disability, but are mentioned as secondary causes of disability. The total line in Table GB gives the total number of conditions reported as causes of activity limitation. In Table 6A, the total line is equal to the number of persons with activity limitation, since only one cause is presented for each person. The totals from Tables 6A and SB can be used to obtain the mean number of conditions per persons with activity limitation. On the average, persons with activity limitations report 1.62 conditions. The mean number of conditions reported increases with age, from 1.20 for persons under 18 years, to 1.30 at ages 18-44, 1.77 at ages 45-69, 1.91 at ages 70-84, and then a slight decrease to 1.86 at ages 85 and over. This decrease is due mainly to higher rates of mortality and institutionalization of the oldest-old with multiple disabling conditions. Women report slightly more disabling conditions than men (1.68 versus 1 .55 conditions, respectively). The top five conditions, whether main or secondary, are similar to those given as the main cause of limitation. Hypertension, however, which did not rank in the top five conditions as the main cause of activity limitation, enters third when all causes are considered. Arthritis (11.6 percent), heart disease (10.6 percent), hypertension (6.6 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (5.9 percent), and blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (5.6 percent) are the most frequently reported of all causes of activity limitation. Among the leading causes of activity limitation, hypertension is much more likely to be mentioned as a secondary cause than as a main cause, and this is more the case for women than for men. G. Prevalence of chronic conditions causing work limitation In Table 7A, estimates are presented of the prevalence of chronic conditions reported as the main cause of work limitation for all persons aged 18-69, further broken down by two age groups, and by gender. The categories "limited in the amount or kind of work" and "unable to work" are combined. The table is useful for examining differences in the distribution of work disabling conditions by age and gender. Heart disease ranks first as the most frequent cause of work disability (12.2 percent), followed by arthritis (11.6 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (9.8 percent), intervertebral disk disorders (6.1 percent), and impairments of lower extremities (5.1 percent). These conditions were also shown to be the five most prevalent causes of activity limitation at all ages. Minor differences in the ranking of conditions between those causing any activity limitation and those causing work limitation can be seen. in the 18-44 age group, the top conditions are similar, except that asthma ranks fourth as a cause of activity 21 22 limitation but does not rank in the top five conditions causing work limitation. On the other hand, mental illness which ranks fifth as a cause of work limitation is not ranked in the top five as a cause of activity limitation. The five most prevalent causes of activity limitation and work limitation are identical for the 45-69 age group. Gender differences in the distribution of conditions causing work disability parallel those for activity limitation and are not discussed further. Table 7B gives estimates of the number of main and secondary causes of work disability combined. No difference in the mean number of conditions reported for persons with work disability compared to persons with activity limitations appears. At ages 18-44, persons with work limitations report on average 1.33 conditions while persons with activity limitations report 1.30 conditions. At ages 45-69, persons with activity limitations report on average 1.77 conditions, while those with work limitations report 1.78. For work limitation, as seen earlier for activity limitation, the rankings of all cause conditions are similar to those for main cause conditions only. The exception is hypertension, which is not ranked in the top five main causes of work limitation, but ranks third for all causes. Thus, hypertension appears relatively more frequently as a secondary rather than as a main cause of work disability. It is apparent from Tables 6A—7B that no striking differences emerge in the distribution of conditions among persons with activity limitation compared with persons who report work limitation. Thus, even though activity limitation and work limitation are different indicators of disability and the numbers of persons with them vary, they do not differ significantly in terms of the conditions that cause them. H. Prevalence of conditions causing need for assistance In activities of daily living Estimates of the prevalence of chronic conditions reported as the main causes of need for assistance in activities of daily living (IADL ADL combined) are presented in Table 8A, by age and gender. Since these limitations are not defined for ages under 5, the table is restricted to persons aged 5 and older. Arthritis is the most frequent cause of people needing assistance in lADL or ADL. Of all persons with such needs, 14.9 percent report arthritis as the main cause. Heart disease follows at 11.5 percent, then blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (7.6 percent), cerebrovascular disease (5.3 percent), and impairments of lower extremities (4.4 percent). Arthritis and heart disease are the most important causes of need for assistance in lADL or ADL whether for persons below 70 years of age or 70 years and older. Among those aged 5-69, after arthritis (11.9 percent) and heart disease (9.3 percent), mental retardation is next highest (7.6 percent), followed by spinal curvature and other back impairments (5.8 percent). Blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders are tied with intervertebral disk disorders for fifth rank at 5.0 percent. At ages 70 and over, after arthritis (18.1 percent) and heart disease (13.8 percent), come blindness and all other visual impairments and eye disorders (10.5 percent), senility (7.2 percent), and cerebrovascular disease (6.9 percent). It was concluded earlier that the causes of activity limitation and work disability were similar. There are also similarities between the causes of need for assistance in lADL or ADL and activity limitation. Mental retardation is an important cause of need for assistance in lADL or ADL for persons aged 5-69. it was also found that mental retardation was the primary cause of activity limitation for persons under 18 years old. Similarly, the important causes of personal assistance needs among those 70 and over can be found in the causes of activity limitation. Analysis of the percent distribution of conditions causing needs for assistance in IADL or ADL by gender and age also indicates some similarity with earlier findings on activity limitation. Among men aged 5-69, mental retardation is ranked first (10.5 percent), followed by heart disease (9.8 percent), blindness and other eye disorders (6.0 percent), arthritis (6.4 percent), and cerebrovascular disease (5.1 percent). For women aged 5-69, arthritis is the leading cause (15.8 percent), trailed by heart disease (8.8 percent), spinal curvature and other back impairments (6.8 percent), and mental retardation and intervertebral disk disorders (tied at 5.5 percent). The greater likelihood of mental retardation as a cause of activity limitation among men was noted earlier. Among women aged 70 and above, arthritis ranks first (21.9 percent), then comes heart disease (14.0 percent), blindness and other eye disorders (9.7 percent), senility (7.2 percent), and impairments of lower extremities (6.0 percent). For men aged 70 and over, the most prevalent causes are heart disease (13.5 percent), blindness and other eye disorders (12.3 percent), cerebrovascular disease (10.4 percent), arthritis (9.2 percent), and senility (7.2 percent). Table 8B provides estimates of the number of both main and secondary conditions reported as causes of need for assistance in IADL or ADL. The mean number of conditions reported for persons aged 5-69 is 1.56, which is no different from the mean number of conditions causing activity limitation for persons under 70. Among persons 70 years and over with assistance needs in IADL or ADL, the mean number of conditions reported is 2.16, which is higher than the mean number of conditions (1.90) reported for persons 70 years and older with any activity limitation, indicating a greater likelihood of multiple health conditions among the elderly with personal assistance needs as compared to those with other activity limitations. When all causes are considered, the top five conditions are somewhat different from the top five ranking conditions that are the main causes of need for personal assistance in IADL or ADL. Hypertension emerges as the fourth highest ranking condition when all causes are considered (5.0 percent), but does not rank in the top five main causes. Arthritis, heart disease, and blindness and other eye conditions still rank highest (13.0, 11.1, and 8.9 percent, respectively). Hypertension is 4.2 times more likely to be mentioned as a secondary cause than as a main cause, which indicates how frequently this condition is a complicating factor in disability. Cerebrovascular disease, which ranks fourth as a main cause, ranks fifth (4.2 percent) when all causes are considered. l. Prevalence of school limitation Estimates of the number of children who are limited in school attendance (limited in the amount or kind of major activity) or unable to attend school (unable to perform major activity) are given in Table 2. In Table 9, the category of limitation in school attendance is expanded to identify children who attend special schools or classes, need special schools or classes but do not attend them, and children who neither need nor attend special schools or classes but are otherwise limited in school attendance. Since parents report tortheir children, responses are based on parents' understanding of their children’s needs. Of all children aged 5-17, 2.6 percent, or 1.2 million children, attend special schools or classes, while 0.3 percent need special schools or classes but do not attend them, and 1.1 percent are limited in school attendance but neither need nor attend special schools or classes. Of all children limited in school attendance (excluding those who cannot attend school at all), 65 percent attend special schools or classes. Of those children whose parents are aware that they need special schools or classes, 89 percent attend them. Male children are more likely to attend special schools or classes than female children (3.4 versus 1.8 percent), and are more likely than female children to need special schools or classes if they do not attend them (0.5 versus 0.2 percent). Due to high sampling variability, estimates are not dependable for racial and ethnic groups other than white non-Hispanic and 23 24 black non-Hispanic persons. Black male children are more than twice as likely as black temale children to attend special schools or classes (4.1 versus 1.9 percent), and white non-Hispanic males are about 1.8 limes more likely to attend special schools or classes than are females (3.4 versus 1.9 percent, respectively). Poor children are more likely to attend special schools or classes than children in families above the poverty line (4.1 versus 2.4 percent, respectively). Poor children are also more likely than children in non-poor families to need special schools or classes if they do not attend them, and are more likely to be othenrvise limited in school attendance. Regardless of poverty status, male children are more likely than female children to attend special schools or classes. J. Prevalence 0f multiple chronic checklist conditions Tables 10-13 present information on multiple chronic conditions. Table 10 is based on information from the six checklists and includes groups of conditions only for those conditions that appear on the same checklist. The table is especially useful for examining the prevalence of multiple impairments and circulatory conditions. Tables 11-13 present information on multiple conditions causing limitation in activity, limitation in work, and need for assistance in IADL or ADL. These tables are not based on the chronic condition checklists and combinations of condition groups are not constrained as in Table 10. The distribution of the number of conditions varies by type of condition (Figure 5). Persons who need assistance in performing activities of daily living (lADL or ADL) are much more likely than persons with limitations in work or other activity to have multiple chronic conditions. Multiple checklist conditions occur less frequently than multiple disabling conditions because of the restriction that other conditions must appear on the same checklist. Also, because multiple conditions are correlated with the severity of disability, and many conditions reported from the checklists do not result in disability, one would expect multiple #:ICDOHCDU 80... I] NHlS checklist conditions 70» Conditions causing limitation of activity 60“ I Conditions causing limitation in work so" I Conditions causing need for assistance in IADL/ADL 40.. 30.. 20.. 10-- c 1 2 3 4 Number of chronic conditions Figure 5. Distribution of the number of chronic conditions reported, by type of condition, US. National Health Interview Survey, 1983-85 (three-year average). checklist conditions would be reported less frequently than multiple conditions causing disability. Examining the distribution of the number of checklist conditions indicated it was feasible to tabulate up to three-way groupings of conditions. Persons with three or fewer conditions comprise 97.8 percent of all persons with conditions. When more than three conditions are reported, only those for which a physician was seen most recently are used. This decision was made for ease of programming and resulted in a loss of only 2.5 percent of all conditions reported. Combinations of up to three conditions are presented in Table 10. Ordering of conditions was ignored. In forming groups, conditions were sorted in the order that they are listed in the first column. Only conditions that appear below a given condition in the first column can appear as a second or third condition. All other combinations appear earlier in the table. Also, only condition groups with acceptably high statistical precision are listed in the table (Le, 30 percent or less relative standard error). All others were recoded into residual categories. In the case of three-way combinations with low prevalence, the conditions were split into three two-way groupings with the third condition coded as residual. As a result, condition totals will not sum to those shown for conditions in Table 1. Even within a checklist, multiple conditions are reported often. About 27 percent of all persons who report a condition report more than one; 7.4 percent report three or more. In some cases, people have more than one condition coded to the same group. For example, 484,000 persons have two conditions classifiable to osteoarthritis. The lCD classification system allows conditions to be coded to body site affected. This permits a condition to appear more than once if it affects different body sites. Also, even within apparently narrow condition classes a person may report separately classifiable conditions. In the case of the 189,000 persons with two ischemic heart conditions, a person may have reported both heart failure and coronary atherosclerosis. ICDA coding rules result in some conditions that are coded on tape as single conditions but actually have been combined with others. For example, a few coronary atherosclerotic conditions are actually heart disease caused by coronary atherosclerosis. The recodes used do not identify such combined conditions. Although they are few in number, some conditions that appear as single conditions in Table 10 may have been combined with other conditions. The following discussion of Table 10 is limited to the five most prevalent conditions as determined earlier from Table 1. The number of conditions reported alone in Table 10 can be compared with the total prevalence of the condition given earlier in Table 1. Of the 31,163,000 persons with sinusitis, 70 percent, or 21,705,000 persons, have no other respiratory conditions. The most common condition reported with sinusitis is hay fever. Arthritis is often associated with other skin and musculoskeletal conditions. Of all persons with rheumatoid arthritis, 47.3 percent report other skin and musculoskeletal conditions; of persons with osteoarthritis and other arthropathies, the percent is 41.8. Psoriasis and dermatitis are commonly associated conditions. Of persons with hypertension, 37.9 percent report other circulatory conditions. Hypertension is most often associated with ischemic heart disease (2.6 million persons or 11.1 per 1,000 total population), followed by phlebitis and varicose veins (2.0 million persons or 8.5 per 1,000), and heart rhythm disorders (1.9 million persons or 8.1 per 1,000). Note that these numbers were produced by summing all combinations that include any mention of hypertension with the above conditions. The role of hypertension as a risk factor in other circulatory diseases is confirmed. The 2.5 million persons with ischemic heart disease and hypertension comprise 36.9 percent of all persons with ischemic heart disease. Of all persons with arteriosclerosis, 45.0 percent report hypertension. For persons with cerebrovascular disease, the percent with hypertension climbs to 50.6. Circulatory conditions with which hypertension is least frequently reported are heart rhythm disorders (25.2 percent) and phlebitis and varicose veins (25.8 percent). Hearing impairments occur frequently with other impairments. Of persons with deafness in both ears, 55.4 percent report other 25 26’ impairments, while 38.6 percent of persons with hearing impairments other than deafness report other impairments. Heart rhythm disorders and ischemic heart disease are the most prevalent conditions grouped under heart disease. They occur frequently with other circulatory conditions: 52.2 percent of all heart rhythm disorders and 79.7 percent of all ischemic heart disease are reported with other circulatory conditions. The combination of ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis was the highest reported of all three way combinations: an estimated 373,000 persons have these three conditions. Of all the impairments, speech impairments are the most likely to be mentioned with other impairments. Of persons with speech impairments, 75.0 percent have other impairments. The most frequently associated conditions are mental retardation and hearing impairments. Serious visual impairments and paralytic impairments are often associated with other impairments. Of persons blind in both eyes, about 73.0 percent report other impairments. They are followed by persons with complete paralysis of the extremities (71.4 percent), glaucoma (70.4 percent), and partial paralysis of extremities (64.7 percent). Although blindness and complete and partial paralysis are associated often with other impairments, no particular impairments could be identified with them because of their low prevalence. Cataracts are most frequently reported with glaucoma (24.0 percent of persons with glaucoma also have cataracts). Finally, of all the impairments, curvature of the back or spine is least likely to be reported with other impairments. Still, 36.2 percent of persons with this condition report other impairments, which is higher than the average (about 27 percent) for all checklist conditions. K. Prevalence of multiple conditions causing activity Ilmltatlon Tables 11-13 are designed not only to provide data on the prevalence of various groupings of conditions causing disability, but also to show the impact of additional conditions on the severity of disability. In forming condition groups, ordering is important in that the distinction given to the main cause of limitation is retained. Conditions are tabulated first by main and then by secondary causes to form two-way groupings. If a person reported three conditions, they formed two combinations, each with the main cause and one of the secondary causes. Thus, the total of all conditions is larger than the number of persons with a given type of disability. For persons reporting more than three conditions, only the two secondary conditions for which a physician was seen most recently were used. in order to limit to a reasonable number the condition groups formed, the list used in previous tables was collapsed into 16 categories. These are listed in Appendix Table ll-C. Even with this restriction, many more condition groups would be identified than could be reported conveniently. Therefore, for all condition groups with a prevalence of 25,000 or less, the secondary condition was recoded to the "all other" category. Table 11 shows the prevalence of two-way groupings of conditions that cause activity limitation and the percent distribution by degree of activity limitation. The five most prevalent groupings of conditions are multiple eye and/or ear impairments (481,000), arthritis and hypertension (469,000), heart disease and hypertension (458,000), heart disease and arthritis (384,000), and heart disease and diabetes (313,000). In some cases the estimates have low precision when broken down by degree of limitation. When this occurs, estimates can often be summed to obtain a significant estimate for persons with major activity limitations. For example, of the 33,000 persons who report arthritis as the main cause and mental illness as a secondary cause of their limitation, 14,000 report being limited in the amount of kind of activity they can perform and 13,000 report being unable to perform their major activity. Both estimates have low precision. However, the combined estimate of 27,000 has a high degree of precision (the relative standard error is less than 30 percent). As would be expected, the likelihood that a person would be unable to perform her or his major activity increased in the presence of other conditions. For all conditions, the percent of persons unable to perform their major activity increases substantially when a secondary condition is present. Condition groups identified as the most severely disabling are cerebrovascular disease and diabetes (74.5 percent), absence or paralysis of extremities and diabetes (69.5 percent), mental disorders and arthritis (67.8 percent), absence or paralysis of extremities with heart disease (65.7 percent), and with hypertension (65.4 percent). We can also compare conditions in terms of how likely they are to cause severe activity limitations by themselves. Cerebro- vascular disease is the most likely condition occurring alone to cause inability to perform major activity (49.0 percent), followed by cancer (44.9 percent), mental illness (38.0 percent), emphysema (31.0 percent) and absence or paralysis of extremities (also 31.0 percent). Another question that can be explored concerns the identification of a condition as the main cause when more than one condition is reported. One might expect, in general, that conditions with the highest likelihood of causing disability would be selected most often as the main cause for persons who report more than one condition. Cerebrovascular disease is the most disabling of the 16 condition groups tabulated. Of persons who report cerebrovascular disease as the only cause of limitation of activity, 48.9 percent are unable to perform their major activity. Heart disease, however, is less disabling than cerebrovascular disease. Of persons reporting heart disease alone, 24.4 percent are unable to perform their major activity. One would therefore expect persons who report both cerebrovascular and heart disease to be more likely to select cerebrovascular disease over heart disease as the main cause of their disability. Of the 146,000 persons who reported both diseases, 61.6 percent selected cerebrovascular disease as the main cause. Is there any difference in the likelihood of being unable to perform one’s major activity depending on which of these conditions is selected as the main cause? Persons who report heart disease as the main cause and cerebrovascular disease as the secondary cause may have less severe cerebrovascular problems. Table 11 shows, however, that it does not matter which condition is selected: in both cases, about 61 percent of persons reporting both conditions are unable to perform their major activity. In fact, for the top five prevalent condition groups reported (except for the most prevalent group which is multiple eye and/or ear impairments), the same point can be observed. In general, people report conditions that are more severely disabling as the main cause of their disability when more than one condition is present, but the degree of limitation reported does not appear to depend on which condition is selected as the main cause of disability. L. Prevalence of multiple condltlons causing work dlsablllty Table 12 shows estimates of the prevalence of two-way combinations of conditions causing work disability and limitation in activity other than work among persons aged 18-69 years. Persons with limitations in activity other than work are included, primarily so that combinations of conditions can be compared in terms of how likely they result in work disability given some activity limitation. The five most prevalent condition groups as causes of any limitation in the working age population are heart disease and hypertension (302,000), arthritis and hypertension (277,000), heart disease and diabetes (213,000), heart disease and arthritis (207,000), and multiple eye and/or ear impairments (202,000). 27 28 The list is the same for the condition groups that are reported as causes of work disability (either limitations in the kind or amount of work or inability to work); although the ranking changes slightly. Heart disease and hypertension lead (274,000), followed by arthritis and hypertension (241,000), heart disease and diabetes (197,000), heart disease and arthritis (189,000), and multiple eye and/or ear impairments (156,000). For every condition, the addition of a secondary condition increases markedly the risk that a person will be unable to work. The condition groups that are most disabling in terms of work are heart disease and emphysema (91.1 percent), cerebrovascular disease and heart disease (88.8 percent), heart disease and cerebrovascular disease (88.8 percent), eye or car impairments and heart disease (88.0 percent), and absence or paralysis of extremities and cerebrovascular disease (85.2 percent). Conditions can also be compared on the basis of how likely they result in work disability by themselves, that is, when no secondary conditions are present. The condition most likely to cause work inability by itself is mental illness -- 76.1 percent of persons with any limitation of activity caused by mental illness are unable to work. Cerebrovascular disease follows (67.3 percent), then mental retardation (65.9 percent), cancer (59.8 percent), and emphysema (48.3 percent). M. Prevalence of multiple conditions causing need for assistance In activities of daily living Estimates of the prevalence of two-way combinations of conditions causing need for assistance in IADL or ADL are shown in Table 13. As in Table 12, persons with limitations in other activities are included in the table so that combinations of conditions can be compared in terms of how frequently they result in IADL or ADL limitations given at least some activity limitation. As persons with limitations in other activities are included, the only difference between Table 13 and Table 11 is that the base in Table 13 is restricted to persons 5 years of age and older, since personal care limitation is not applicable to children under 5 years old. The 5 most prevalent combinations of conditions as causes of all activity limitation are identical to those discussed for Table 11. Multiple eye and/or ear impairments are the most frequently reported combination of conditions causing need for assistance in IADL or ADL (214,000), followed by cerebrovascular disease and absence or paralysis of extremities (138,000), heart disease and arthritis (137,000), then arthritis and heart disease (116,000), and arthritis and hypertension (108,000). This list is different from the combinations most frequently reported as causing work disability. In particular, multiple eye and/or ear impairments were ranked fifth in terms of work disability and are ranked first in terms of personal care limitation. Also cerebrovascular disease combined with absence or paralysis of extremities rank second as causes of lADL or ADL limitation but do not rank in the top five combinations of conditions as causes of work disability. The conditions occurring alone that are most likely to cause need for assistance in ADL are cerebrovascular disease (35.6 percent), absence or paralysis of extremities (21.9 percent), nervous disorders (16.8 percent), cancer of all sites (16.0 percent), and mental retardation (13.1 percent). This list is different from the list of conditions occurring alone that are the major causes of inability to work. Mental illness is the condition most likely to cause inability to work by itself, but is not among the top five conditions occurring alone that cause lADL or ADL limitations. Condition groups most likely to result in assistance needs in ADL are cerebrovascular disease and diabetes (54.6 percent), absence or paralysis of extremities and cerebrovascular disease (39.9 percent), and absence or paralysis of extremities and diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and absence or paralysis of extremities, and cerebrovascular disease and heart disease, all tied at 39.7 percent. Clearly, the major risks of lADL or ADL limitation among persons with some degree of disability are cerebrovascular disease and loss of function in the extremities. References Balamuth, E., and Shapiro, S. (1965). Health interview responses compared with medical records. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 2, No.7. Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. (1978). Multidimensional functional assessment: The OARS methodology. Durham, N.C.: Duke University. Cox, B. G., and Cohen, S. B. (1985). Methodological issues for health care surveys. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Collins, J. G. (1986). Prevalence of selected chronic conditions. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 10, No. 155. Dawson, D., Hendershot, G., and Fulton, J. (1987). Aging in the eighties: Functional limitations of individuals age 65 years and over. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics, No. 133. Feller, B. A. (1986). Americans needing home care, United States. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 10, No. 153. Haber, LB. (1967). Identifying the disabled: concepts and methods in the measurement of disability. Social Secur'gy Bulletin, (12), 17-34. Hing, E. (1987). Use of nursing homes by the elderly: Preliminary data from the 1985 National Nursing Home Survey. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics. No. 135. Katz, S., and Akpom, C. A. (1976). A measure of primary sociobiological functions. International Journal of Health mm. §(3). 493-507. Kovar, M. G., and Poe, G. S. (1985). The National Health Interview Survey design, 1973-84, and procedures, 1975-83. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 1, No. 18. 29 30 Lutt., H. S. (1978). Poverty and health: Economic causes and consequences of health problems. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. Macken, C. L. (1986). A profile of functionally impaired elderly persons living in the community. Health Care Financing Review, 1(4), 33-49. Madow, W. G. (1967). Interview data on chronic conditions compared with information derived from medical records. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 2, No. 23. McNeil, J. M. (1983). Labor force status and other characteristics of persons with a work disability: 1982. Current Population Remus, Series P-23, No. 127. Moss, A. J., and Parsons, V. L. (1986). Current estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, United States, 1985. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 10, No. 160. Nagi, S. 2. (1976). An epidemiology of disability among adults in the United States. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 1, 439- 467. National Center tor Health Statistics. (1986). Public use data t_ape documentation -- Part III: Medical coding manual and short index, National Health Interview Survey, 1985. Hyattsville, MD: U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Sen/ice. Rice, D. P., and LaPlante, M. P. (1988). Chronic illness, disability, and increasing longevity. In S. Sullivan and M. E. Lewin (Eds.), The economics and ethics of long term care and disability, Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute. Sirrocco, A. (1987). The 1986 Inventory of Long-Term Care Places. Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics, No. 143. Trevino, F. M. and Moss, A. J. (1984). Health indicators for Hispanic, black, and white Americans. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 10, No. 148. US. Bureau of the Census. (1986). Disability, functional limitation, and health insurance coverage: 1984/85. Current Population Remrts, Series P-70, No.8. Verbrugge, L. M. (1982). Sex differentials in health. Public Health Remrts, 91, 416-37. Weissert, W. G. (1985). Estimating the long-term care population: Prevalence rates and selected characteristics. Health Care Financing Review, 6(4), 83-91. List of detailed tables 1. Prevalence of selected impairments and chronic conditions, by gender and age: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ............................... 32 2. Prevalence of activity limitation due to chronic conditions, by degree of limitation and sociodemographic characteristics: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, 1983- 1985 (three-year average) ...................... 40 3. Prevalence of work limitation due to chronic conditions, by degree of limitation and sociodemographic characteristics: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 18-69 years, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ........... 46 4. Prevalence of need for assistance due to chronic conditions in activities of daily living, by type of activity and sociodemographic characteristics: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 5 and over, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ......................... 51 5. Prevalence of work limitation due to chronic conditions, by degree of work limitation, need for assistance in activities of daily living, age, and gender: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 18-69, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ......................... 57 6a. Prevalence of activity limitation due to chronic conditions, by main cause of limitation, age, and gender: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ............................... 59 6b. Prevalence of activity limitation due to chronic conditions, by all causes of limitation, age, and gender: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ............................... 68 7a. Prevalence of work limitation due to chronic conditions, by main cause of limitation, age, and gender: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 18-69, 1983- 1985 (three-year average) ...................... 77 7b. Prevalence of work limitation due to chronic conditions, by all causes of limitation, age, and gender: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 18-69, 1983- 1985 (three-year average) ...................... 83 8a. Prevalence of need for assistance in lADL or ADL due to chronic conditions, by main cause of limitation, age, and gender: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 5 and over, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ......... 89 8b. Prevalence of need for assistance in lADL or ADL due to chronic conditions, by all causes of limitation, age, and gender: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 5 and over, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ......... 95 9. Prevalence of school limitation due to chronic conditions, by degree of limitation and sociodemographic characteristics: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 5- 17 years, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ............ 101 10. Prevalence of multiple chronic conditions (within the six NHIS checklists): United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ...... ‘ ..... 103 11. Prevalence of activity limitation due to chronic conditions, by main and secondary causes and degree of limitation: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, 1983- 1985 (three-year average) ..................... 116 12. Prevalence of work limitation due to chronic conditions, by main and secondary causes and degree of limitation: United States civilian noninstitutionalized population, ages 18-69, 1983-1985 (three-year average) .............. 125 13. Prevalence of need for assistance in lADL or ADL due to chronic conditions, by main and secondary causes and type of activity: United States civilian noninstitutionalized popula- tion, ages 5 and over, 1983-1985 (three-year average) ...... 132 31 TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Chronic Condition Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies Intervertebral disk disorders Osteomyelitis/bone disorders Bursitis Psoriasis and dermatitis Skin cancer Other selected skin and musculoskeletal Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) Absence of leg(s) Absence of fingers, toes, feet Other absence, NEC Complete paralysis of extremities Cerebral palsy Partial paralysis of extremities Paralysis of other sites Curvature of back or spine Other impairment of back Impairment of upper extremities Impairment of lower extremities Other orthopedic impairment Speech impairment Blind in both eyes Cataracts Glaucoma Other visual impairment/retinal disorders Deaf in both ears Other hearing impairment Digestive Ulcers Abdominal hernia Enteritis and colitis Cancer of digestive sites Other selected digestive disorders All Persons Males Females Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons 1,287 5.6 331 3.0 956 8.0 29,033 125.4 10,315 92.3 18,717 156.3 3,927 17.0 2,109 18.9 1,818 15.2 2,973 12.8 1,077 9.6 1,896 15.8 4,684 20.2 1,869 16.7 2,815 23.5 11,146 48.1 4,464 39.9 6,682 55.8 1,287 5.6 796 7.1 490 4.1 27,266 117.8 11,224 100.4 16,042 134.0 97 0.4 89 0.8 ’8 '0.1 268 1.2 202 1.8 '66 '0.6 1,831 7.9 1,469 13.1 362 3.0 1,058 4.6 443 4.0 615 5.1 650 2.8 370 3.3 280 2.3 262 1.1 176 1.6 86 0.7 541 2.3 273 2.4 268 2.2 224 1.0 106 1.0 118 1.0 4,561 19.7 1,354 12.1 3,208 26.8 9,447 40.8 4,398 39.3 5,049 42.2 3,109 13.4 1,764 15.8 1,345 11.2 10,459 45.2 5,344 47.8 5,115 42.7 322 1.4 160 1.4 162 1.4 2,360 10.2 1,536 13.7 825 6.9 381 1.6 214 1.9 168 1.4 5,221 22.5 1,665 14.9 3,555 29.7 1,709 7.4 724 6.5 985 8.2 8,554 36.9 5,041 45.1 3,514 29.4 1,741 7.5 989 8.8 752 6.3 19,288 83.3 10,854 97.1 8,434 70.4 4,461 19.3 2,104 18.8 2,357 19.7 4,913 21.2 2,469 22.1 2,443 20.4 2,391 10.3 770 6.9 1,621 13.5 249 1.1 105 0.9 145 1.2 20,076 86.7 7,248 64.8 12,829 107.1 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 32 TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-—CONTINUED Chronic Condition All Persons Males Females §i_CU/§i_0f1 Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons Rheumatic fever 1,494 6.5 575 5.1 919 7.7 lschemic heart disease 6,964 30.1 3,941 35.2 3,024 25.3 Heart rhythm disorders 7,498 32.4 2,810 25.1 4,689 39.2 Other heart disease 4,798 20.7 2,134 19.1 2,663 22.2 Hypertension 28,595 123.5 12,152 108.7 16,443 137.3 Cerebrovascular disease 2,532 10.9 1,306 11.7 1,226 10.2 Arteriosclerosis 3,127 13.5 1,567 14.0 1,560 13.0 Phlebitis, varicose veins 7,983 34.5 1,682 15.0 6,302 52.6 Other selected circulatory 11,728 50.7 5,220 46.7 6,508 54.3 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis 11,136 48.1 4,384 39.2 6,752 56.4 Asthma 8,596 37.1 3,868 34.6 4,727 39.5 Hay fever 20,008 86.4 9,187 82.2 10,821 90.4 Sinusitis 31,163 134.6 13,061 116.8 18,102 151.2 Emphysema 2,099 9.1 1,465 13.1 634 5.3 Tuberculosis 1 12 0.5 '61 '0.5 ’51 ‘0.4 Lung or bronchial cancer 223 1.0 127 1.1 96 0.8 Other selected respiratory 8,999 38.9 3,894 34.8 5,105 42.6 Miscellaneous Diabetes 5,933 25.6 2,496 22.3 3,437 28.7 Anemias 3,483 15.0 539 4.8 2,943 24.6 Kidney disorders 3,423 14.8 1,148 10.3 2,274 19.0 Female genital disorders 6,246 26.8 na na 6,247 52.2 Mental retardation 1,086 4.7 706 6.3 380 3.2 Epilepsy ' 1,043 4.5 551 4.9 491 4.1 Multiple sclerosis 151 0.7 '42 '0.4 109 0.9 Migraine headache 7,740 33.4 2,008 18.0 5,731 47.9 Cancer of female breast 451 1.9 na na 451 3.8 Cancer of genitourinary sites 281 1.2 95 0.9 185 1.5 * Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 34 Chranlc Condmon Under 45 45-69 70-84 Skin and musculoskeletal Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons Rheumatoid arthritis 295 1.8 767 14.3 193 12.5 '33 '17.1 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 4,993 31.1 15,722 294.1 7,374 478.9 944 491.2 lntervertebral disk disorders 1,503 9.3 2,022 37.8 371 24.1 '31 '16.3 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 1,050 6.5 1,365 25.5 502 32.6 '56 '29.1 Bursitis 1,529 9. 5 2,541 47.5 573 37.2 '41 '21. 4 Psoriasis and dermatitis 7, 631 47. 5 2,772 51.9 648 42.1 95 49.3 Skin cancer 167 1.0 720 13.5 336 21.8 '64 33.3 Other selected skin and musculoskeletal 14,028 87. 3 9,019 168.7 3,661 237.8 557 290.0 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '18 '0.1 '56 '1.0 '23 '1.5 . . Absence of Ieg(s) '62 ‘o.4 138 2.6 '45 '2.9 '24 '12.2 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 707 4.4 791 14.8 318 20. 6 '15 '7. 6 Other absence, NEC 352 2.2 440 8.2 250 16. 2 '16 '8.1 Complete paralysis of extremities 138 0.9 310 5.8 169 11.0 '35 '18. 2 Cerebral palsy 231 1.4 '25 ‘0.5 ‘6 '0.4 . , Partial paralysis of extremities 101 0.6 197 3.7 208 13.5 ‘35 '182 Paralysis of other sites 84 0.5 95 1.8 '45 '2.9 . . Curvature of back or spine 2,712 ’ 16.9 1,306 24.4 474 30.8 '69 36.0 Other impairment of back 4,966 30.9 3,532 66.1 845 54.9 104 54.0 Impairment of upper extremities 1,438 8.9 1,145 21.4 463 30.1 '62 32.5 Impairment of lower extremities 5,752 35.8 3,374 63.1 1,117 72.6 216 112.6 Other orthopedic impairment 160 1.0 121 2.3 '34 '2.2 '7 '35 Speech impairment 1,697 10.6 485 9.1 165 10.7 '13 '68 Blind in both eyes 89 0.6 113 2.1 91 5. 9 87 45.4 Cataracts 289 1.8 1,600 29.9 2,706 175.8 625 325.1 Glaucoma 209 1.3 706 13.2 674 43.8 119 62.0 Other visual impairment/retinal disorders 3,635 22.6 2,805 52.5 1,733 1 12.6 381 198.3 Deaf in both ears 318 2.0 667 12.5 551 35.8 205 106.6 Other hearing impairment 5,988 37.2 8,274 154.8 4,302 279.4 725 377.4 Digestive Ulcers 2,003 12.5 1,918 35.9 498 32.3 '42 '22.0 Abdominal hernia 1,173 7.3 2,498 46.7 1,115 72.4 126 65.8 Enteritis and colitis 1,234 7.7 846 15.8 270 175 '41 '21.6 Cancer of digestive sites ‘8 ‘0.1 136 2. 5 94 6.1 '12 '62 Other selected digestive disorders 8,024 49.9 7,670 143. 5 3,818 248.0 564 293.6 TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Chronlc Condition Under 45 45-69 70-84 Circulatory Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons Rheumatic fever 608 3.8 687 12.9 180 11.7 '18 '92 lschemic heart disease 300 1.9 4,113 76.9 2.266 147.2 285 148.1 Heart rhythm disorders 3,601 22.4 2,414 45.1 1.263 82.0 221 114.9 Other heart disease 1,127 7.0 2,032 38.0 1,365 88.6 274 142.6 Hypertension 6,208 38.6 15,336 286.9 6,337 411.6 714 371.7 Cerebrovascular disease 214 1,3 1,123 21.0 992 64.4 203 105.5 Arteriosclerosis '41 '0.3 1 ,374 25.7 1 .446 93.9 266 138.5 Phlebitis, varicose veins 2,621 16.3 3,659 68.4 1.499 97.4 204 106.1 Other selected circulatory 5,457 33.9 4,569 85.5 1,516 98.5 186 97.0 Hespiratoy Chronic bronchitis 7,287 45.3 2,801 52.4 957 62.1 90 47.0 Asthma 6,149 38.2 1,824 34.1 590 38.3 '33 “17.3 Hay fever 14,502 90.2 4,565 85.4 858 55.7 83 43.2 Sinusitis 18,957 117.9 9,604 179.6 2,379 154.5 222 115.7 Emphysema 130 0.8 1,281 24.0 651 42.3 '37 ‘19.0 Tuberculosis '49 '0.3 '41 '0.8 '22 '1 .4 Lung or bronchial cancer ‘20 '0.1 94 1.7 110 7.1 . . Other selected respiratory disease 20,793 129.3 6,624 123.9 1.471 95.5 119 62.0 Miscellaneous Diabetes 993 6.2 3,232 60.5 1,557 101.1 151 78.6 Anemias 2,276 14.2 775 14.5 355 23.1 '75 39.3 Kidney disorders 1,633 10.2 1,270 23.8 423 27.5 97 50.3 Female genital disorders 4,340 27.1 1,412 26.6 450 29.6 '43 '22.6 Mental retardation 957 6.0 109 2.0 ‘20 '1 .3 . . Epilepsy 780 4.9 202 3.8 '52 ‘3.4 ‘9 '4.5 Multiple sclerosis '71 '0.4 ‘71 '1 .3 '9 '0.6 . , Migraine headache 5,472 34.0 2,046 38.3 211 13.7 '11 '5] Cancer of female breast '50 '0.3 262 4.9 122 7.9 ‘17 *8] Cancer of genitourinary sites 1 12 0.7 100 1 .9 '69 '4.5 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 35 TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Males Chronic Condition Under 45 45-69 70-84 85+ Skin and musculoskeletal Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons Rheumatoid arthritis 115 1.4 178 7.1 '37 '6.0 . . Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 1,891 23.7 5,787 230.4 2,407 391.4 231 377.1 Intervertebral disk disorders 880 1 1.0 1,050 41.8 160 26.1 ‘19 '31.3 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 528 6.6 438 17.4 106 17.2 '5 '8.7 Bursitis 643 8.0 1,027 40.9 190 30.9 '9 '15.2 Psoriasis and dermatitis 3,111 38.9 1,117 44.5 221 36.0 '14 '23.6 Skin cancer 92 1.1 469 18.7 212 34.4 '24 '39.3 Other selected skin and musculoskeletal 6,147 76.9 3,626 144.4 1,315 213.9 136 221.2 mm Absence of arm(s)/hand(s)__“ '14 '02 '52 '2.1 '23 ‘3.7 . . Absence of was)“ ‘58 '0] 106 4.2 ‘15 ‘2.5 '24 '38.3 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 585 7.3 632 25.1 242 39.4 '10 ‘16.6 Other absence, NEC 188 2.4 167 6.6 82 13.4 '6 '9.1 Complete paralysis of extremities 94 1.2 194 7.7 79 12.8 '3 ‘5.6 Cerebral palsy 163 2.0 '13 '0.5 . . - . Partial paralysis of extremities ‘57 '0.7 102 4.1 103 16.7 '11 ‘17.9 Paralysis of other sites ‘61 ‘0.8 '41 ‘1.6 ‘4 '0.6 . . Curvature of back or spine 858 10.7 383 15.2 95 15.5 '17 '27.3 Other impairment of back 2,329 29.1 1,754 69.8 274 44.6 ‘42 ‘67.8 Impairment of upper extremities 938 1 1.7 630 25.1 187 30.5 '8 '13.3 Impairment of lower extremities 3,168 39.6 1,765 70.3 367 59.7 '44 ‘71.8 Other orthopedic impairment 101 1.3 '42 '1 .7 '17 '2.7 . . Speech impairment 1,138 14.2 301 12.0 91 14.8 '4 '65 Blind in both eyes '47 10.6 '64 '2.5 '54 '88 '49 '79.5 Cataracts 168 2.1 618 24.6 694 112.9 185 301.2 Glaucoma 126 1.6 308 12.3 227 37.0 ‘63 102.7 Other visual impairment/retinal disorders 2,552 31.9 1,682 67.0 692 112.5 115 187.3 Deaf in both ears 159 2.0 462 18.4 307 50.0 '61 99.4 Other hearing impairment 3,626 45.4 4,961 197.5 2,013 327.4 254 413.7 RIM Ulcers 957 12.0 960 38.2 185 30.1 '2 '3.4 Abdominal hernia 746 9.3 1,226 48.8 451 73.4 '46 '75.8 Enteritis and colitis 470 5.9 257 10.2 '31 *5.1 ‘13 '20.5 Cancer of digestive sites . . '50 ‘2.0 ‘47 *7.7 ‘7 '11.4 Other selected digestive disorders 3,276 41.0 2,680 106.7 1,147 186.6 145 236.3 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 36 TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Males Chronic Condition Under 45 45-69 70.34 55+ Circulatory Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons Rheumatic fever 246 3.1 268 10.7 '61 '9.9 . . lschemic heart disease 164 2.0 2,551 101.6 1,092 177.7 133 216.9 Heart rhythm disorders 1,462 18.3 911 36.2 379 61.6 ‘59 ‘95.5 Other heart disease 507 6.3 985 39.2 514 83.6 129 209.5 Hypertension 3,268 40.9 6,740 268.3 1,977 321.6 168 273.1 Cerebrovascular disease 93 1.2 656 26.1 476 77.4 81 131.6 Arteriosclerosis '24 '0.3 842 33.5 621 101.0 80 129.8 Phlebitis, varicose veins 455 5.7 815 32.4 356 57.8 ‘56 '91.9 Other selected circulatory 2,383 29.8 2,156 85.8 600 97.6 80 130.4 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis 3,142 39.3 877 34.9 35,1 57.1 '14 '22.7 Asthma 2,857 35.7 723 28.8 284 46.2 '5 '7.4 Hay fever 6,938 86.8 1,933 77.0 292 47.5 '25 '40.7 Sinusitis 8,128 101.7 3.988 158.7 893 145.2 '52 '85.3 Emphysema '70 '0.9 880 35.0 488 79.4 '26 '42.2 Tuberculosis ‘27 '0.3 '23 ‘0.9 '1 1 '18 . Lung or bronchial cancer '16 ‘0.2 ‘49 ’2.0 '63 10.2 . . Other selected respiratory disease 9,460 118.4 2,965 118.0 614 99.9 ‘42 '68.2 W Diabetes 428 5.4 1 ,408 56.0 608 98.9 ‘52 ‘85.1 Anemias 304 3.8 148 5.9 83 13.5 '4 '7.1 Kidney disorders 432 5.4 548 21.8 148 24.1 '20 '32.8 Female genital disorders na na na na na na na na Mental retardation 651 8.1 '51 '2.0 '4 '0.6 . . Epilepsy 388 4.9 121 4.3 '38 '6.1 '5 '7.7 Multiple sclerosis '18 ‘0.2 '24 '0.9 . _ Migraine headache 1,467 18.4 492 19.6 '49 ‘8.0 . . Cancer of female breast na na na na na na na na Cancer of genitourinary sites . . '43 '1.7 '52 ‘85 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 37 TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Chronic Condition Under 45 45-69 70-84 Skin and musculoskeletal Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons Rheumatoid arthritis 179 2.2 588 20.8 156 16.9 '33 '25.1 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 3,103 38.4 9,935 350.5 4,967 537.1 712 544.7 Intervenebral disk disorders 623 7.7 972 34.3 21 1 22.8 ‘1 2 '9.2 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 522 6.5 927 32.7 396 42.9 ‘51 *38.7 Bursitis 886 11.0 1,515 53.4 383 41.4 ‘32 '24.3 Psoriasis and dermatitis 4,519 55.9 1,655 58.4 427 46.2 80 61.4 Skin cancer ‘76 ‘0.9 251 8.8 124 13.4 '40 '30.5 Other selected skin and musculoskeletal 7,881 97.5 5,393 190.3 2,346 253.7 421 322.2 ImpalrrLeLIS Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '4 '0.0 '4 '0.1 . . Absence of Ieg(s) '4 ‘0.0 ‘32 '1.1 ‘30 '3.2 . . Absence of fingers, toes, feet 123 1.5 160 5.6 '76 8.2 '4 '3.3 Other absence, NEC 165 2.0 273 9.6 167 18.1 '10 '7.7 Complete paralysis of extremities '42 ‘0.6 116 4.1 90 9.7 '82 '24.5 Cerebral palsy ‘68 '0.8 '12 ‘0.4 '6 '0.6 . . Partial paralysis of extremities '44 '0.5 95 3.3 105 11.3 '24 '18.4 Paralysis of other sites '23 '0.3 ‘54 '1.9 '42 '4.5 . . Curvature of back or spine 1,853 22.9 923 32.6 379 41.0 '52 '40.1 Other impairment of back 2,637 32.6 1,778 62.7 571 61.7 ‘62 47.5 Speech impairment 559 6.9 183 6.5 '74 ‘8.0 '9 ‘69 Impairment of upper extremities 500 6.2 514 18.2 276 29.8 ‘54 '41.5 Impairment of lower extremities 2,584 32.0 1,609 56.8 750 81.1 172 131.8 Other orthopedic impairment ‘59 '0.7 79 2.8 '17 '1.8 '7 '51 Blind in both eyes ‘43 '0.5 '49 '1.7 '37 '4.0 ’38 '29.4 Cataracts 121 1.5 982 34.6 2,012 217.6 440 336.3 Glaucoma 84 1.0 398 14.0 447 48.3 '56 '42.9 Other visual impairment/retinal disorders 1,083 13.4 1,122 39.6 1,042 1 12.7 266 203.4 Deaf in both ears 159 2.0 205 7.2 243 26.3 144 110.0 Other hearing impairment 2,362 29.2 3,313 116.9 2,289 247.5 471 360.1 28% Ulcers 1,046 12.9 958 33.8 313 33.8 '40 '30.8 Abdominal hernia 427 5.3 1,272 44.9 664 71.8 80 61.2 Enteritis and colitis 764 9.5 589 20.8 239 25.8 '29 '22.1 Cancer of digestive sites '8 '0.1 86 3.0 '46 '5.0 ‘5 '3.7 Other selected digestive disorders 4,748 58.7 4,991 176.1 2,671 288.8 419 320.4 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 38 TABLE 1: PREVALENCE OF SELECTED IMPAIRMENTS AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY GENDER AND AGE: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED Chronic Condition Under 45 45-69 70-84 Ci culatogy Number of conditions in thousands and rate per 1,000 persons Rheumatic fever 363 4.5 419 14.8 119 12.9 '18 ‘13.6 lschemic heart disease 137 1.7 1,562 55.1 1,174 127.0 151 115.8 Heart rhythm disorders 2,139 26.5 1,503 53.0 884 95.6 162 124.0 Other heart disease 620 7.7 1,047 36.9 851 92.0 146 1 11.3 Hypertension 2,940 36.4 8,596 303.3 4,360 471.5 547 418.0 Cerebrovascular disease 121 1.5 467 16.5 516 55.8 122 93.2 Arteriosclerosis *1 7 '02 532 18.8 825 89.2 187 142.6 Phlebitis, varicose veins 2,166 26.8 2,845 100.4 1,144 123.7 147 112.7 Other selected circulatory 3,073 38.0 2,413 85.1 916 99.0 106 81.4 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis 4,145 51.3 1,924 67.9 606 65.5 '76 ‘58.4 Asthma 3,292 40.7 1,101 38.9 306 33.1 '29 ‘21.9 Hay fever 7,564 93.6 2,632 92.9 566 61.2 '58 '44.3 Sinusitis 10,829 133.9 5,617 198.2 1,487 160.8 170 130.0 Emphysema ’60 0.7 401 14.2 163 17.6 '1 1 ‘8.1 Tuberculosis ‘22 '0.3 '17 '0.6 '1 1 *1.2 Lung or bronchial cancer '4 ’0.1 ‘44 '1.6 '47 '5.1 . . Other selected respiratory disease 11,333 140.2 3,659 129.1 856 92.6 '77 59.2 Miscellaneous Diabetes 565 7.0 1 ,824 64.4 949 102.6 99 75.5 Anemias 1,973 24.4 628 22.1 272 29.4 '71 '54.3 Kidney disorders 1,201 14.9 722 25.5 275 29.7 '77 58.5 Female genital disorders 4,340 53.7 1,412 49.8 450 48.7 '43 '33.2 Mental retardation 306 3.8 '58 '2.1 ‘16 '1.7 . . Epilepsy 392 4.3 81 2.9 '14 '15 '4 '30 Multiple sclerosis '52 '06 ‘47 '1.7 '9 ’1.0 . . Migraine headache 4,006 49.6 1,552 54.8 160 17.3 *11 '8.4 Cancer of female breast '50 ‘0.6 262 9.2 122 13.2 '17 '12.8 Cancer of genitourinary sites 112 1.4 ‘56 '2.0 '17 '1.8 . ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 39 TABLE 2: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE- YEAR AVERAGE) Degree of Activity Limitation Limited In Amount All Not Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Characteristic Persons in Activity Major Activity Major Activity Malor Activity Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution All persons 231,549 100.0 199,009 85.9 10,073 4.4 13,642 5.9 8,825 3.8 Gender: Male 111,799 100.0 96,620 86.4 4.228 3.8 5,851 5.2 5,100 4.6 Female 119,750 100.0 102,389 85.5 5,845 4.9 7,791 6.5 3,725 3.1 Age group: Under 5 17,975 100.0 17,571 97.8 115 0.6 201 1.1 87 0.5 5-17 44,675 100.0 41,886 93.8 826 1.8 1,794 4.0 169 0.4 18—24 28,006 100.0 26,389 94.2 491 1 .8 679 2.4 448 1.6 25-44 70,115 100.0 63,352 90.4 2,147 3.1 3,007 4.3 1,608 2.3 45—64 44,322 100.0 33,828 76.3 2,559 5.8 4,209 9.5 3,726 8.4 65—69 9,139 100.0 5,489 60.1 757 8.3 1,389 15.2 1,504 16.5 70—74 7,202 100.0 4,793 66.6 1,474 20.5 642 8.9 293 4.1 75—84 8,194 100.0 4,907 59.9 1,461 17.8 1,202 14.7 624 7.6 85 and over 1,921 100.0 793 41.3 244 12.7 518 27.0 366 19.1 Age group and gender: Males Under 5 9,198 100.0 8,966 97.5 66 0.7 117 1.3 50 0.5 5—17 22,795 100.0 21,127 92.7 455 2.0 1,120 4.9 93 0.4 1824 13,715 100.0 12,847 93.7 225 1 .6 380 2.8 264 1.9 25-44 34,210 100.0 30,843 90.2 939 2.7 1,464 4.3 964 2.8 45—64 21,059 100.0 16,254 77.2 884 4.2 1,632 7.8 2,288 10.9 65—69 4,060 100.0 2,396 59.0 193 4.8 484 1 1.9 987 24.3 70-74 3,058 100.0 2,008 65.7 733 24.0 193 6.3 124 4.1 75—84 3,091 100.0 1,906 61 .7 631 20.4 328 10.6 226 7.3 85.and over 614 100.0 274 44.7 102 16.6 133 21.6 105 17.2 Females Under 5 8,777 100.0 8,605 98.0 50 0.6 84 1.0 38 0.4 5—1 7 21,880 100.0 20,759 94.9 371 1.7 673 3.1 76 0.3 18-24 14,291 100.0 13,542 94.8 266 1.9 299 2.1 184 1.3 25-44 35,905 100.0 32,509 90.5 1,207 3.4 1 ,543 4.3 645 1 .8 45—64 23,263 100.0 17,574 75.5 1,674 7.2 2,577 11.1 1,438 6.2 65-69 5,079 100.0 3,093 60.9 564 11.1 905 17.8 517 10.2 70-74 4,145 100.0 2,785 67.2 741 17.9 450 10.9 168 4.1 75-84 5,103 100.0 3,001 58.8 830 16.3 874 17.1 398 7.8 85 and over 1,303 100.0 519 39.7 142 10.9 386 29.5 261 20.0 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 40 TABLE 2: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS BY DEGREE OF L SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NON ’ [MITATION AND YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED INSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE- Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount All Not Limited Limited In Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Characteristic Persons In Activity Major Activity Major Activity Malor ActIvIty . . Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Race and ethnicity: Native American 1,426 100.0 1,172 82.2 62 4.4 117 8.2 74 5 2 Asian or Pacific Islander 4,361 100.0 408,0 93.5 83 1.9 114 2.6 84 1.9 Black non-Hispanic 26,921 100.0 22,908 85.1 914 3.4 1,616 6.0 1 483 5.5 Black Hispanic 716 100.0 636 88.9 19 2.6 35 4.9 ’ 26 3.6 White non-Hispanic 179,757 100.0 153,761 85.5 8,467 4.7 10,957 6.1 6,572 3.7 White Hispanic 13,779 100.0 12,366 89.7 400 2.9 593 4.3 421 3.1 Other and unknown 4,589 100.0 4,086 89.0 129 2.8 210 4.6 164 3.6 Race and ethnicity and gender: Native American Male 667 100.0 550 82.6 22 3.4 45 6.7 49 7.3 Female 760 100.0 622 81.9 40 5.3 72 9.5 25 3.3 Asian or Pacific Islander Male 2,129 100.0 2,005 94.2 31 1.4 49 2.3 44 2.1 Female 2,232 100.0 2,075 92.9 52 2.3 65 2.9 40 1.8 Black non-Hispanic Male 12,502 100.0 10,759 86.1 303 2.4 635 5.1 805 6.4 Female 14,420 . 100.0 12,149 84.3 611 4.2 981 6.8 679 4.7 Black Hispanic Male 335 100.0 299 89.4 ‘7 '2.2 '16 '4.8 '12 '3.6 Female 381 100.0 336 88.4 '12 '3.0 19 5.0 '14 '3.6 White non-Hispanic Male 87,161 100.0 74,867 85.9 3,663 4.2 4,775 5.5 3,856 4.4 Female 92,596 100.0 78,894 85.2 4,804 5.2 6,182 6.7 2,716 2.9 White Hispanic Male 6,715 100.0 6,077 90.5 153 2.3 239 3.6 246 3.7 Female 7,064 100.0 6,289 89.0 247 3.5 353 5.0 174 2.5 Other and unknown Male 2,291 100.0 2.062 90.0 49 2.1 91 4.0 88 3.8 Female 2,298 100.0 2,023 88.0 79 3.5 119 5.2 77 3.3 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 2: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE- YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount All Not Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Characteristic Persons in Activity Major Activity Major Activity Major Activity Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Family inoome: Under $10,000 38,701 100.0 28,978 74.9 2,709 7.0 3,887 10.0 3,127 8.1 $10,000 - $14,999 23,951 100.0 19,618 81.9 1,307 5.5 1,725 7.2 1,301 5.4 $15,000 - $24,999 49,850 100.0 43,535 87.3 1,879 3.8 2.829 5.7 1,607 3.2 $25,000 - $34,999 40,593 100.0 36,683 90.4 1,361 3.4 1,775 4.4 774 1.9 $35,000 or more 49,617 100.0 45,542 91.8 1,530 3.1 1,826 3.7 719 1.4 Unknown 28,837 100.0 24,653 85.5 1,287 4.5 1,601 5.6 1,297 4.5 Family income and gender: Under $10,000 Male 16,368 100.0 12,481 76.3 853 5.2 1,270 ' 7.8 1,764 10.8 Female 22,332 100.0 16,497 73.9 1,856 8.3 2,616 11.7 1,364 6.1 $10,000-$14,999 Male 11,136 100.0 9,048 81.2 541 4.9 715 6.4 831 7.5 Female 12,815 100.0 10,570 82.5 765 6.0 1,010 7.9 470 3.7 $15,000-$24,999 Male 24,378 100.0 21,159 86.8 832 3.4 1,367 , 5.6 1,020 4.2 Female 25,472 100.0 22,376 87.8 1,047 4.1 1,462 5.7 587 2.3 $25,000-$34,999 Male 20,669 100.0 18,659 90.3 692 3.3 903 4.4 416 2.0 Female 19,924 100.0 18,024 90.5 670 3.4 872 4.4 358 1.8 $35,000 or more Male 25,631 100.0 23,489 91.6 818 3.2 970 3.8 354 1.4 Female 23,986 100.0 22,053 91.9 712 3.0 856 3.6 365 1.5 Unknown - Male 13,617 100.0 11,785 86.5 491 3.6 625 4.6 715 5.3 Female 15,221 100.0 12,868 84.5 795 5.2 975 6.4 582 3.8 Poverty status: Above poverty line 175,930 100.0 152,822 86.9 7,488 4.3 9,851 5.6 5,770 3.3 At or below poverty line 26,757 100.0 21,511 80.4 1,298 4.9 2,189 8.2 1,758 6.6 Unknown 28,862 100.0 24,676 85.5 1,287 4.5 1,602 5.6 1,297 4.5 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 42 TABLE 2: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE- YEAR AVERAGE)—-CONT|NUED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount . All Not Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Characteristic Persons in Activity Major Activity Major Activity Major Activity Number of persons in mousands and percent distribution Poverty and gender: Above poverty line Male 86,436 100.0 75,221 87.0 3,367 3.9 4,429 5.1 3,418 4.0 Female 89,494 100.0 77,601 86.7 4,120 4.6 5,421 6.1 2,352 2.6 At or below poverty line Male 11,730 100.0 9,600 81.8 369 3.1 795 6.8 967 8.2 Female 15,027 100.0 11,911 79.3 930 6.2 1,395 9.3 791 5.3 Unknown Male 13,633 100.0 11,799 86.5 492 3.6 627 4.6 715 5.2 Female 15,229 100.0 12,876 84.6 795 5.2 975 6.4 582 3.8 Education level: Under 18 years old 62,650 100.0 59,457 94.9 941 1.5 1,995 3.2 257 0.4 8 years or less 20,151 100.0 12,494 62.0 2,139 10.6 2,780 13.8 2,738 13.6 9-11 years 22.820 100.0 17,583 77.1 1,474 6.5 2,131 9.3 1,632 7.2 12 years 65,565 100.0 56,274 85.8 2,886 4.4 3,849 5.9 2,556 3.9 13-15 years 30,708 100.0 26,978 87.9 1,294 4.2 1,557 5.1 878 2.9 16 years or more 27,830 100.0 24,910 89.5 1,252 4.5 1,150 4.1 519 1.9 Unknown 1,824 100.0 1,313 72.0 88 4.8 178 9.8 245 13.4 Education and gender: Under 18 years old Male 31,993 100.0 30,093 94.1 520 1.6 1,237 3.9 142 0.4 Female 30,657 100.0 29,364 95.8 421 1.4 758 2.5 114 0.4 8 years or less Male 9,616 100.0 6,141 63.9 877 9.1 961 10.0 1,637 17.0 Female 10,535 100.0 6,353 60.3 1,262 12.0 1,819 17.3 1,101 10.5 9-11 years Male 10,578 100.0 8,411 79.5 501 4.7 719 6.8 947 9.0 Female 12,242 100.0 9,172 74.9 973 7.9 1,412 11.5 685 5.6 12 years Male 28,497 100.0 24,501 86.0 1,022 3.6 1,529 5.4 1,446 5.1 Female 37,068 100.0 31,773 85.7 1,864 5.0 2,321 6.3 1,1 10 3.0 SOURCE: National Health |nterview,Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 2: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE- YEAR AVERAGE)--CONT|NUED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount All Not Limited Limited in Non- or Klnd of Unable to Perform Characteristic Persons In Activity Major Activity Major Activity Major Activity Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Education and gender: 13—1 5 years Male 14,667 100.0 12,900 88.0 555 3.8 706 4.8 506 3.5 Female 16,040 100.0 14,078 87.8 739 4.6 851 5.3 371 2.3 16 years or more Male 15,517 100.0 13,876 89.4 717 4.6 620 4.0 303 2.0 Female 12,313 100.0 11,033 89.6 534 4.3 531 4.3 216 1.8 Unknown Male 930 100.0 698 75.0 35 3.8 79 8.5 1 18 12.7 Female 894 100.0 615 68.8 53 5.9 99 11.1 127 14.2 Marital status: Under age 18 62,650 100.0 59,457 94.9 941 1.5 1.995 3.2 257 0.4 Married 108,648 100.0 91,303 84.0 5,588 5.1 6,971 6.4 4,785 4.4 Widowed 12,808 100.0 7,634 59.6 1,737 13.6 2,124 16.6 1,314 10.3 Divorced 10,918 100.0 8,516 78.0 673 6.2 952 8.7 777 7.1 Separated 3,582 100.0 2,786 77.8 204 5.7 300 8.4 292 8.1 Never married 32,150 100.0 28,636 89.1 904 2.8 1.264 3.9 1,346 4.2 Unknown 793 100.0 676 85.2 26 3.2 37 4.6 55 6.9 Marital status and gender: Under age 18 Male 31,993 100.0 30,093 94.1 520 1.6 1,237 3.9 142 04 Female 30,657 100.0 29,364 95.8 421 1.4 758 2.5 114 0.4 Married Male 54,628 100.0 45,274 82.9 2,779 5.1 3,321 6.1 3,254 6.0 Female 54,020 100.0 46,030 65.2 2,809 5.2 3,650 6.8 1,531 2.8 Widowed Male 1,966 100.0 1,204 61.2 254 12.9 232 11.8 276 14.0 Female 10,642 100.0 6,430 59.3 1,483 13.7 1.892 17.4 1,038 9.6 Divorced Male 4,035 100.0 3.122 77.4 201 5.0 305 7.6 407 10.1 Female_____ 6,883 100.0 5,394 76.4 472 6.9 647 9.4 370 54 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 44 TABLE 2: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE- YEAR AVERAGE)--CONT|NUED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount All Not Limited Limited In Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Characteristic Persons In Activity Maior Activity Malor Activity Major Activity Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Marital status and gender: Separated Male 1,266 100.0 991 78.3 59 4.7 74 5.9 142 11.2 Female 2,316 100.0 1,795 77.5 145 6.3 226 9.7 150 6.5 Never married Male 17,539 100.0 15,615 89.0 406 2.3 666 3.8 852 4.9 Female 14,611 100.0 13,022 89.1 497 3.4 598 4.1 494 3.4 Unknown Male 371 100.0 322 86.9 '7 '1.9 '15 '4.1 26 7.1 Female 422 100.0 354 83.6 19 4.4 21 5.1 29 6.8 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1965: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 3: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69 YEARS, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Degree of Work Limitation Limited in Amount All Not Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Characteristic Persons in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Unable to Work Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution All persons 151,582 100.0 129,059 85.1 5,128 3.4 7,456 4.9 9,939 6.6 Gender: Male 73,044 100.0 62,340 85.3 2,243 3.1 3.866 5.3 4,595 6.3 Female 78,538 100.0 66,719 85.0 2,885 3.7 3,590 4.6 5,344 6.8 Age group: 18-24 28,006 100.0 26,389 94.2 476 1.7 651 2.3 491 1.8 2544 70.115 100.0 63,352 90.4 1.921 2.7 2,770 4.0 2,072 3.0 45-54 44,322 100.0 33,828 76.3 2,131 4.8 3,141 7.1 5,222 11.8 65—69 9,139 100.0 5,489 60.1 601 6.6 895 9.8 2,154 23.6 Age group and gender Males 18—24 13,715 100.0 12,847 93.7 237 1.7 369 2.7 263 1.9 25-44 34,210 100.0 30,843 90.2 940 2.7 1,433 4.2 994 2.9 45—64 21,059 100.0 16,254 77.2 878 4.2 1,596 7.6 2,330 1 1.1 65-69 4,060 100.0 2.396 59.0 189 4.7 467 11.5 1,008 24.8 Females 18-24 14,291 100.0 13,542 94.8 239 1.7 282 2.0 228 1.6 25-44 35,905 100.0 32,509 90.5 981 2.7 1,337 3.7 1,077 3.0 45-64 23,263 100.0 17,574 75.5 1,253 5.4 1,544 6.6 2,892 12.4 65-69 5,079 100.0 3,093 60.9 412 8.1 428 8.4 1.146 22.6 Race and ethnicity: Native American 876 100.0 688 78.5 36 4.1 62 7.0 91 10.4 Asian or Pacific Islander 2,892 100.0 2,674 92.5 56 1.9 68 2.3 94 3.3 Black non—Hispanic 16,273 100.0 13,469 82.8 418 2.6 710 4.4 1,676 10.3 Black Hispanic 405 100.0 351 86.7 '8 '2.1 17 4.2 28 7.0 White non-Hispanic 120,555 100.0 102,621 85.1 4,310 3.6 6,234 5.2 7,390' 6.1 White HiSpanic 8,033 100.0 7,054 87.8 233 2.9 266 3.3 480, 6.0 Other and unknown 2,547 100.0 2,201 86.4 67 2.6 100 3.9 179 . 7.0 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 46 TABLE 3: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69 YEARS, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited in Amount All Not Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Characteristic Persons in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Unable to Work Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Race and ethnicity and gender: Native American Male 403 100.0 322 79.8 '13 '3.3 28 6.8 41 10.1 Female 473 100.0 366 77.3 23 4.8 34 7.2 51 10.7 Asian or Pacific Islander Male 1,384 100.0 1,292 93.3 24 1.7 29 2.1 39 2.8 Female 1,508 100.0 1,382 91.7 33 2.2 38 2.5 55 3.6 Black non-Hispanic Male 7,332 100.0 6,134 83.7 129 1.8 324 4.4 744 10.1 Female 8,941 100.0 7,335 82.0 289 3.2 385 4.3 932 10.4 Black Hispanic Male 184 100.0 161 87.8 '4 '23 *8 *4.6 '10 '5.3 Female 222 100.0 190 85.8 '4 '1.9 ‘9 '39 19 8.5 White non-Hispanic Male 58,613 100.0 49,877 85.1 1.965 3.4 3,300 5.6 3,470 5.9 Female 61,942 100.0 52,744 85.1 2,345 3.8 2,934 4.7 3,920 6.3 White Hispanic Male 3,846 100.0 3,427 89.1 77 2.0 125 3.3 218 5.7 Female 4,187 100.0 3,627 86.6 156 3.7 141 3.4 262 6.3 Other and unknown Male 1 ,283 100.0 1,127 87.9 31 2.4 51 3.9 75 5.8 Female 1 ,264 100.0 1,074 85.0 36 2.9 49 3.9 105 8.3 Family income: Under $10,000 21,977 100.0 15,772 71.8 929 4.2 1,507 6.9 3,768 17.1 $10,000 - $14,999 14,988 100.0 12,086 80.6 517 3.4 888 5.9 1,497 10.0 $15,000 — $24,999 32,939 100.0 28,291 85.9 1,084 3.3 1,764 5.4 1,799 5.5 $25,000 - $34,999 27,460 100.0 24,503 89.2 913 3.3 1,200 4.4 844 3.1 $35,000 or more 35,082 100.0 31,980 91.2 1.113 3.2 1,262 3.6 726 2.1 Unknown 19,137 100.0 16,426 85.8 572 3.0 835 4.4 1,304 6.8 “ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 47 TABLE 3: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69 YEARS, 1983-1985 (TH REE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited In Amount All Not Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Characteristic Persons in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Unable to Work Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Family income and gender: Under $10,000 Male 9,143 100.0 6,570 71.9 266 2.9 680 7.4 1,626 17.8 Female 12,835 100.0 9,202 71.7 663 5.2 828 6.4 2,142 16.7 $10,000 - $14,999 Male 6,716 100.0 5,341 79.5 180 2.7 434 6.5 760 11.3 Female 8,272 100.0 6,744 81.5 336 4.1 454 5.5 737 8.9 $15,000 - $24,999 Male 15,844 100.0 13,513 85.3 467 2.9 947 6.0 916 5.8 Female 17,095 100.0 14,778 86.4 617 3.6 817 4.8 883 5.2 $25,000 - $34,999 Male 13,954 100.0 12,432 89.1 484 3.5 666 4.8 372 2.7 Female 13,506 100.0 12,072 89.4 429 3.2 533 3.9 472 3.5 $35,000 or more Male 18,168 100.0 16,535 91.0 613 3.4 715 3.9 305 1.7 Female 16,914 100.0 15,445 91.3 500 3.0 547 3.2 421 2.5 Unknown Male 9,220 100.0 7,949 86.2 232 2.5 423 4.6 616 6.7 Female 9,916 100.0 8,477 85.5 339 3.4 411 4.1 688 6.9 Poverty status: Above poverty line 117,952 100.0 101,738 86.3 4.051 3.4 5,719 4.8 6,444 5.5 At or below poverty line 14,493 100.0 10,894 75.2 506 3.5 903 6.2 2,191 15.1 Unknown 19,137 100.0 16,426 85.8 572 3.0 835 4.4 1,304 6.8 Poverty and gender: Above poverty line Male 57,848 100.0 49,892 86.2 1 ,868 3.2 3,028 5.2 3,059 5.3 Female 60,104 100.0 51,845 86.3 2,183 3.6 2,690 4.5 3,385 5.6 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 48 TABLE 3: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69 YEARS, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited in Amount All Not Limited Limited in Mom or Kind of Characteristic Persons in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Unable to Work Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution At or below poverty line Male 5,976 100.0 4,498 75.3 142 2.4 414 6.9 921 15.4 Female 8,518 100.0 6,396 75.1 363 4.3 489 5.7 1,270 14.9 Unknown Male 9,220 100.0 7,949 86.2 232 2.5 423 4.6 616 6.7 Female 9,916 100.0 8,477 85.5 339 3.4 411 4.1 688 6.9 Education level: 8 years or less 13,325 100.0 8,698 65.3 631 4.7 1,014 7.6 2,961 22.4 9-11 years 20,027 100.0 15,869 79.2 705 3.5 1,264 6.3 2,188 10.9 12 years 61,341 100.0 53,487 87.2 1,843 3.0 2,905 4.7 3,106 5.1 13-15 years 29,139 100.0 25,972 89.1 933 3.2 1,259 4.3 975 3.3 16 years or more 26,314 100.0 23,899 90.8 984 3.7 924 3,5 507 1.9 Unknown 1,436 100.0 1 . 133 78.9 32 2.2 89 6.2 182 12.7 Education and gender: 8 years or less Male 6,781 100.0 4,524 66.7 220 3.2 588 8.7 1,448 21.4 Female 6,544 100.0 4,174 63.8 411 6.3 426 6.5 1,533 23.4 9-11 years Male 9,541 100.0 7,751 81.2 261 2.7 616 6.5 913 9.6 Female 10,486 100.0 8,1 19 77.4 444 4.2 648 6.2 1,276 12.2 12 years Male 27,040 100.0 23,534 87.0 728 2.7 1 ,391 5.1 1 ,386 5.1 Female 34,301 100.0 29,953 87.3 1,114 3.2 1,514 4.4 1,720 5.0 13-15 years Male 14,106 100.0 12,529 88.8 440 3.1 657 4.7 480 3.4 Female 15,033 100.0 13,443 89.4 493 3.3 602 4.0 496 3.3 16 years or more Male 14,784 100.0 13,374 90.5 580 3.9 552 3.7 278 1.9 Female 11.530 100.0 10,525 91.3 405 3.5 372 3.2 228 2.0 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 49 TABLE 3: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69 YEARS, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited In Amount All Not Limited Limited in Mom or Kind of Characteristic Persons in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Unable to Work Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Education unknown Male 793 100.0 628 79.2 '14 '1.7 60 7.6 91 11.4 Female 644 100.0 505 78.5 19 2.9 28 4.4 92 14.2 Marital status: Married 100,301 100.0 85,908 85.7 3,431 3.4 5,095 5.1 5,866 5.8 Widowed 5,484 100.0 3,511 64.0 360 6.6 436 8.0 1,176 21.5 Divorced 10,337 100.0 8,173 79.1 468 4.5 694 6.7 1,003 9.7 Separated 3,432 100.0 2,71 1 79.0 145 4.2 188 5.5 387 1 1.3 Never married ~ 31,302 100.0 28,116 89.8 711 2.3 1,017 3.2 1,457 4.7 Unknown 726 100.0 639 88.0 '12 '1.7 26 3.6 49 6.7 Marital status and gender: Married Male 49,560 100.0 42,080 84.9 1,647 3.3 2,855 5.8 2,979 6.0 Female 50,740 100.0 43,828 86.4 1,785 3.5 2,240 4.4 2,887 5.7 Vlhdowed Male 815 100.0 524 64.3 39 4.8 65 8.0 186 22.8 Female 4,669 100.0 2,987 64.0 321 6.9 371 7.9 990 21.2 Divorced Male 3,842 100.0 3,008 78.3 148 3.9 273 7.1 413 10.7 Female 6,495 100.0 5,165 79.5 320 4.9 420 6.5 590 9.1 Separated Male 1,198 100.0 955 79.7 43 3.6 60 5.0 140 Female 2,234 100.0 1,757 78.6 102 4.6 128 5.7 247 Never married Male 17,282 100.0 15,465 89.5 363 2.1 599 3.5 855 4.9 Female 14,020 100.0 12,651 90.2 348 2.5 418 3.0 602 4.3 Unknown Male 347 100.0 308 88.8 '2 '0.7 '13 '3.9 23 6.7 Female 380 100.0 331 87.2 '10 '2.6 '13 '3.4 26 6.8 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 50 TABLE 4: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS. UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983- 1985 (THREE- -YEAR AVERAGE) Needing Assistance Limited in In All Not Limited Activity, but not IA DL In Characteristic Persons in Activity in iADL or ADL Only ADL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution All persons 213,574 100.0 181,438 85.0 24,559 11.5 5,055 2.4 2,521 1.2 Gender: Male 102,601 100.0 87,655 85.4 12,226 1 1.9 1,634 1.6 1,086 1.1 Female 110,973 100.0 93,784 84.5 12,333 11.1 3,421 3.1 1,435 1.3 Age group: 5-17 44,675 100.0 41,886 93.8 2,640 5.9 na na 148 0.3 18-24 28,006 100.0 26,389 94.2 1,412 5.0 134 0.5 72 0.3 25—44 70,115 100.0 63,352 90.4 5,845 8.3 664 0.9 254 0.4 45-64 44,322 100.0 33,828 76.3 8,558 19.3 1,395 3.1 540 1.2 65—69 9,139 100.0 5,489 60.1 2,925 32.0 500 5.5 ~ 224 2.5 70-74 7,202 100.0 4,793 66.6 1,474 20.5 642 8.9 293 4.1 75—84 8,194 100.0 4,907 59.9 1,461 17.8 1,202 14.7 624 7.6 85 and over 1,921 100.0 793 41.3 244 12.7 518 27.0 366 19.1 Age group and gender: Males 5-17 22,795 100.0 21,127 92.7 1,575 6.9 na na 93 0.4 18-24 13,715 100.0 12,847 93.7 760 5.5 69 0.5 39 0.3 25—44 34,210 100.0 30,843 90.2 2,969 8.7 261 0.8 137 0.4 45—64 21,059 100.0 16,254 77.2 4,062 19.3 487 2.3 255 1.2 65-69 4,060 100.0 2,396 59.0 1,394 34.3 164 4.0 106 2.6 70-74 3,058 100.0 2,008 65.7 733 24.0 193 6.3 124 4.1 75-84 3,091 100.0 1 ,906 61.7 631 20.4 328 10.6 226 7.3 85 and over 614 100.0 274 44.7 102 16.6 133 21.6 105 17.2 Female 5-17 21,880 100.0 20,759 94.9 1,065 4.9 na na 55 0.3 18—24 14,291 100.0 13,542 94.8 652 4.6 64 0.5 33 0.2 25-44 35,905 100.0 32,509 90.5 2,876 8.0 403 1.1 116 0.3 45-64 23,263 100.0 17,574 75.5 4,496 19.3 908 3.9 286 1.2 6569 5,079 100.0 3,093 60.9 1,531 30.2 336 6.6 118 2.3 70-74 4,145 100.0 2,785 67.2 741 17.9 450 10.9 168 4.1 75—84 5,103 100.0 3,001 58.8 830 16.3 874 17.1 398 7.8 85 and over 1,308 100.0 519 39.7 142 10.9 386 29.5 261 20.0 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 4: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—-CONTINUED Needing Assistance Limited in In All Not Limited Activity, but not IA DL In Characteristic Persons In Activity In IA DL or ADL Only ADL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Race and ethnicity: Native American 1,291 100.0 1.040 80.5 187 14.5 43 3.3 21 1.7 Asian or Pacific Islander 3,951 100.0 3,680 93.1 223 5.7 29 0.7 19 0.5 Black non-Hispanic 24,201 100.0 20,267 83.7 2,880 11.9 671 2.8 383 1.6 Black Hispanic 619 100.0 543 87.8 64 10.3 '7 '1.2 '4 ‘0.7 White non-Hispanic 167,489 100.0 141,750 84.6 19,782 11.8 4,025 2.4 1,932 1.2 White Hispanic 12,172 100.0 10,800 88.7 1,045 8.6 214 1.8 114 0.9 Other and unknown 3,851 100.0 3,358 87.2 377 9.8 67 1.7 49 1.3 Race and ethnicity and gender: Native American Male 604 100.0 489 80.9 90 14.9 '14 '23 '12 '2.0 Female 687 100.0 552 80.3 97 14.2 29 4.2 '10 ‘1.4 Asian or Pacific Islander Male 1,935 100.0 1,815 93.8 99 5.1 '15 '0.6 '7 ‘63 Female_______ 2,016 100.0 1,866 92.5 124 6.2 '14 '0.7 '12 '0.6 Black non-Hispanic Male 1 1,122 100.0 9,427 84.8 1,308 1 1.8 234 2.1 152 1.4 Female 13,079 100.0 10,840 82.9 1,572 12.0 437 3.3 230 1.8 Black Hispanic Male 289 100.0 254 88.1 30 10.5 '2 '0.5 '3 ‘0.9 Female 330 100.0 289 87.5 34 10.2 ‘6 "1 .7 '2 '0.6 White non-Hispanic Male 80,812 100.0 68,665 85.0 10,036 12.4 1.272 1.6 838 1.0 Female—____ 86,677 100.0 73,085 84.3 9,746 11.2 2.753 3.2 1,093 1.3 White Hispanic Male 5,918 100.0 5,305 89.6 487 8.2 74 1 .3 52 0.9 Female 6,254 100.0 5,495 87.9 558 8.9 139 2.2 62 1.0 Other and unknown Male 1,921 100.0 1,700 88.5 176 9.1 24 1.2 22 1.2 Female 1,929 100.0 1,658 85.9 202 10.5 43 2.2 26 1.4 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 52 TABLE 4: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing Assis tan ce Limited in In All Not Limited Activity, but not IADL In Characteristic Persons in Activity In IA DL or A DL Only ,4 DL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Family income: Under $10,000 35,211 100.0 25,590 72.7 6,758 19.2 2.018 5.7 845 2.4 $10,000 - $14,999 22,020 100.0 17,749 80.6 3,212 14.6 708 3.2 350 1.6 $15,000 - $24,999 45,433 100.0 39,205 86.3 5,002 11.0 793 1.7 434 1.0 $25,000 - $34,999 37,188 100.0 33,348 89.7 3,222 8.7 399 1.1 220 0.6 $35,000 or more 46,584 100.0 42,570 91.4 3,379 7.3 401 0.9 236 0.5 Unknown 27,138 100.0 22,976 84.7 2,988 11.0 736 2.7 437 1.6 Family income and gender: Under $10,000 Male 14,625 100.0 10,799 73.8 2,862 19.6 590 4.0 374 2.6 Female 20,586 100.0 14,791 71.8 3,896 18.9 1,428 6.9 471 2.3 $10,000 - $14,999 Male 10,125 100.0 8,072 79.7 1,622 16.0 261 2.6 169 1.7 Female 11,895 100.0 9,677 81.4 1,589 13.4 ' 447 3.8 181 1.5 $15,000 - $24,999 Male 22,118 100.0 18,952 85.7 2,657 12.0 305 1.4 203 0.9 Female 23,315 100.0 20,252 86.9 2,344 10.1 487 2.1 231 1.0 $25,000 - $34,999 Male 18,911 100.0 16,936 89.6 1.750 9.3 135 0.7 89 0.5 Female 18,278 100.0 16,412 89.8 1,471 8.0 264 1.4 130 0.7 $35,000 or more Male 24,059 100.0 21,954 91.3 1,892 7.9 128 0.5 85 0,4 Female 22,525 100.0 20,615 91.5 1,487 6.6 272 1.2 151 0.7 Unknown Male 12,764 100.0 10,941 85.7 1443 11.3 214 1.7 166 1.3 Female 14,374 100.0 12,036 83.7 1545 10.8 522 3.6 271 1.9 Poverty status: Above poverty line 163,023 100.0 140,194 86.0 17,725 10.9 3,423 2.1 1,680 1.0 At or below poverty line 23,396 100.0 18.252 78.0 3,845 16.4 896 3.8 404 1.7 Unknown 27,155 100.0 22,992 84.7 2.989 11.0 736 2.7 437 1.6 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 4: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE- -YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing Assistance Umited In In All Not Limited Activity, but not IADL In Characteristic Persons In Activity In IADL or ADL Only ADL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Poverty and gender: Above poverty line Male 79,781 100.0 68,728 86.1 9,143 11.5 1,166 1.5 743 0.9 Female 83,242 100.0 71,466 85.9 8,582 10.3 2,257 2.7 938 1.1 At or below poverty line Male 10,045 100.0 7,975 79.4 1,639 16.3 254 2.5 177 1.8 Female 13,352 100.0 10,277 77.0 2,206 16.5 642 4.8 227 1.7 Unknown Male 12,776 100.0 10,952 85. 7 1,444 11.3 214 1.7 166 1.3 Female 14,379 100.0 12,041 83 7 1,545 10.7 522 3.6 271 1.9 Education level: ' Under 18 years old 44,675 100.0 41,886 93.8 2,640 5.9 na na 148 0.3 8 years or less 20,151 100.0 12,494 62.0 4,797 23.8 1,923 9.5 937 4.7 9-11 years 22,820 100.0 17,583 77.1 3,959 17.3 894 3.9 384 1.7 12 years 65,565 100.0 56,274 85.6 7.448 11.4 1,287 2.0 556 0.8 13-15 years 30,708 100.0 26,978 87.9 3,064 10.0 460 1.5 205 0.7 16 years or more 27,830 100.0 24,910 89.5 2,408 8. 7 349 1.3 164 0.6 Unknown 1,824 100.0 1,313 72.0 242 13. 3 142 7.8 127 7.0 Education and gender: Under 16 years old Male 22,795 100.0 21,127 92.7 1,575 6.9 na na 93 0.4 Female 21,880 100.0 20,759 94.9 1,065 4.9 na na 55 0.3 8 years or less Male 9,616 100.0 6,141 63.9 2,382 24.8 673 7. 0 420 4.4 Female 10,535 100.0 6.353 60.3 2,415 22.9 1,250 11.9 517 4.9 9-11 years Male 10,578 100.0 8.411 79.5 1,745 16.5 275 2.6 147 1.4 Female 12,242 100.0 9,172 74.9 2,214 18.1 619 ' 5.1 237 1.9 12 years Male 28,497 100.0 24,501 86.0 3,407 12.0 365 1.3 225 0.8 Female 37,068 100.0 31,773 85.7 4,041 10.9 922 2.5 331 0.9 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 54 TABLE 4: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing Assistance Limited in In All Not Limited Activity, but not IADL In Characteristic Persons in Activity In IADL or ADL Only ADL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Education and gender: 134 5 years Male 14,667 100.0 12,900 88.0 1,545 10.5 139 0.9 83 0.6 Female 16,040 100.0 14,078 87.8 1,519 9.5 321 2.0 123 0.8 16 years or more Male . 15,517 100.0 13,876 89.4 1,435 9.2 134 0.9 72 0.5 Female 12,313 100.0 11,033 89.6 973 7.9 215 1.7 92 0.7 Unknown Male 930 100.0 698 75.0 137 14.7 48 5.2 47 5.1 Female 894 100.0 615 68.8 106 11.8 94 10.5 80 9.0 Marital status: Under Age 18 44,675 100.0 41,886 93.8 2,640 5.9 na na 148 0.3 Married 108,648 100.0 91,303 84.0 13,906 12.8 2,297 2.1 1,141 1.1 Widowed 12,808 100.0 7,634 59.6 2,769 21.6 1,649 12.9 757 5.9 Divorced 10,918 100.0 8,516 78.0 1,896 17.4 375 3.4 130 1.2 Separated 3,582 100.0 2,786 77.8 623 17.4 124 3.5 49 1.4 Never married 32,150 100.0 28,636 89.1 2,643 8.2 593 1 .8 278 0.9 Unknown 793 100.0 676 85.2 81 10.3 17 2.1 19 2.4 Marital status: Under age 18 Male 22,795 100.0 21,127 92.7 1,575 6.9 na na 93 0.4 Female 21,880 100.0 20,759 94.9 1,065 4.9 na na 55 0.3 Married Male 54,628 100.0 45,274 82.9 7,701 14.1 1,003 1.8 650 1.2 Female 54,020 100.0 46,030 65.2 6,205 1 1.5 1,294 2.4 491 0.9 Widowed Male 1,966 100.0 1,204 61.2 449 22.8 195 9.9 118 6.0 Female 10,842 100.0 6,430 59.3 2,320 21.4 1,454 13.4 638 5.9 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 4: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing Assistance Limited in In All Not Limited Activity, but not IADL In Characteristic Persons In Activity In IA DL or AOL Only ADL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Divorced Male 4,035 100.0 3,122 77.4 742 18.4 1 17 2.9 53 1.3 Female 6,883 100.0 5,394 78.4 1,154 16.8 258 3.7 76 1.1 Separated Male 1 ,266 100.0 991 78.3 223 17.6 37 2.9 '16 ‘1.3 Female 2,316 100.0 1,795 77.5 400 17.3 88 3.8 33 1.4 Never married Male 17,539 100.0 15,615 89.0 1,502 8.6 276 1.6 147 0.8 Female 14,611 100.0 13,022 89.1 1,141 7.8 317 2.2 131 0.9 Unknown Male 371 100.0 322 86.9 34 9.1 '7 '1.8 ‘8 '2.2 Female 422 100.0 354 83.8 48 11.3 '10 '2.3 '11 '2.6 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 56 TABLE 5: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF WORK LIMITATION, NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Degree of Work Limite tion Limited In Non-Work Activity Limited in Amount or Kind of Work Needing Assistance Needing Assistance All Not Needing In Not Needing In Limited Assistance In IA DL In Assistance ln IA DL In Characteristic Persons IADL or ADL only ADL IADL or ADL Only ADL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution All persons 22,523 4,882 95.2 203 4.0 44 0.9 6.963 93.4 404 5.4 90 1.2 Gender: Male 10,704 2,201 98.1 32 1.4 '10 '0.5 3,684 95.3 138 3.6 45 1.2 Female 11,819 2,681 92.9 171 5.9 33 1.2 3,279 91.3 266 7.4 45 1.3 Age group: 18—24 1,618 467 98.2 ‘6 '1.2 '3 ‘0.6 602 92.5 41 6.2 '8 “1.3 25—44 6,762 1,849 96.2 58 3.0 '15 '0.8 2,584 93.3 156 5.6 30 1.1 45-64 10,494 2,013 94.5 99 4.6 19 0.9 2,944 93.7 158 5.0 38 1,2 65-69 3,650 553 92.0 41 6.8 '7 '1.2 833 93.1 49 5.5 '13 ‘1.5 Age group and gender: Male 18-24 868 234 98.9 ‘2 '0.7 ‘1 '0.4 345 93.4 21 5.7 '3 '09 25—44 3,367 926 98.5 ‘11 '1.1 '3 '0.3 1,366 95.3 51 3.5 17 1.2 45-64 4,805 858 97.7 ‘16 '1.8 '4 '0.4 1,530 95.8 52 3.2 '15 *0.9 65-69 1664 183 96.9 '3 '1.8 ‘2 '1.3 443 94.8 '15 ‘3.1 '10 ‘2.1 Female 18—24 749 233 97.5 '4 '1.7 '2 '0.9 257 91.4 20 6.9 ‘5 '1.7 25—44 3,395 923 94.0 47 4.8 *12 '1.2 1,218 91.1 105 7.9 '13 '1.0 45-64 5,689 1,155 92.2 83 6.6 '15 ‘1.2 1,414 91.6 107 6.9 24 1.5 65-69 1,986 370 89.7 38 9.1 ‘5 '1.2 390 91.1 34 8.1 '3 '0.8 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 57 TABLE 5. PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF WORK LIMITATION, NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Unable to work Needing Assistance Not Needing In Assistance in IA DL In Characteristic IADL or AOL Only ADL Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution All persons 6,896 69.4 2,086 21.0 957 9.6 Gender: Male 3,301 71.8 812 17.7 483 10.5 Female 3,595 67.3 1,274 23.8 474 8.9 Age group: 18—24 343 69.8 87 17.8 61 12.4 25—44 1,413 68.2 450 21.7 209 10.1 45-64 3,601 69.0 1,138 21.8 483 9.3 65-69 1,539 71.5 410 19.1 204 9.5 Age group and gender: Male 18-24 182 69.1 46 17.6 35 13.3 25—44 677 68.1 200 20.1 117 1 1.8 45-64 1,674 71.8 420 18.0 236 10.1 6569 767 76.1 146 14.5 94 9.4 Female 18-24 161 70.6 41 17.9 26 11.5 25—44 735 68.3 251 23.3 91 8.5 45-64 1,926 66.6 718 24.8 247 8.5 65-69 772 67.4 264 23.1 1 10 9.6 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 58 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 35.. Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribufion All conditions 32,540 100.0 3,193 100.0 8,380 100.0 14,143 100.0 5.696 100.0 1,128 100.0 Skin and muscu/oskeietai Rheumatoid arthritis 526 1.6 '10 '0.3 108 1.3 310 2.2 91 1.6 '7 '0.6 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 3,474 10.7 '12 '0.4 348 4.2 1.905 13.5 1,006 17.7 203 18.0 Intervertebral disk disorders 1 ,424 4.4 '2 '0.0 628 7.5 712 5.0 77 1.3 '5 '0.5 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 360 1.1 28 0.9 67 0.8 174 1.2 80 1.4 '12 '1.0 Bursitis 138 0.4 '1 '0.0 51 0.6 67 0.5 19 0.3 '1 '0.1 Psoriasis and dermatitis 106 0.3 '15 '0.5 49 0.6 38 0.3 '4 '0.1 . . Skin cancer 26 0.1 . . '7 ‘0.1 '14 '0.1 '5 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Bone cancer 43 0.1 '1 '0.0 '2 '0.0 21 0.1 18 0.3 '2 '0.2 Other skin and musculoskeletal 277 0.9 '6 '0.2 63 0.8 142 1.0 55 1.0 '11 '1.0 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) 28 0.1 '5 '0.1 '10 '0.1 '9 '0.1 '4 '0.1 . , Absence of leg(s) 146 0.4 '2 '0.1 29 0.4 67 0.5 41 0.7 '6 '0.6 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 63 0.2 '3 '0.1 26 0.3 26 0.2 '7 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Other absence, NEC 1 10 0.3 '8 '0.2 33 0.4 51 0.4 18 0.3 . . Complete paralysis of extremities 216 0.7 '9 '0.3 72 0.9 101 0.7 30 0.5 '4 '0.4 Cerebral palsy 151 0.5 74 2.3 60 0.7 '16 '0.1 '1 '0.0 . . Partial paralysis of extremities 131 0.4 '6 '0.2 30 0.4 64 0.5 28 0.5 '4 '0.3 Paralysis of other sites 57 0.2 '9 '0.3 19 0.2 20 0.1 '6 '0.1 '3 '0.2 Curvature of back or spine 425 1.3 42 1.3 252 3.0 104 0.7 24 0.4 '1 '0.1 Other impairment of back 2,122 6.5 24 0.7 1,018 12.1 925 6.5 137 2.4 19 1.6 Spina bifida 32 0.1 '13 '0.4 '15 '0.2 '3 '0.0 '1 '0.0 . . Impairment of upper extremities 532 1 .6 28 0.9 281 3.3 187 1.3 31 0.5 '6 '0.5 Impairment of lower extremities 1 .973 6.1 155 4.9 832 9.9 623 4.4 285 5.0 78 6.9 Other orthopedic impairment 136 0.4 '6 '0.2 54 0.6 57 0.4 '16 '0.3 '3 '03 Speech impairment 239 0.7 202 6.3 21 0.3 '12 '0.1 '2 '0.0 '1 '01 Blind in both eyes 203 0.6 '10 '0.3 38 0.5 59 0.4 67 1.2 30 2.6 Cataracts 226 0.7 '5 '0.2 '15 '0.2 73 0.5 99 1.7 34 3.0 Glaucoma 134 0.4 . . '9 '0.1 52 0.4 59 1.0 '14 '1.2 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 875 2.7 82 2.6 256 3.1 266 1 .9 192 3.4 80 7.1 Deaf in both ears 148 0.5 28 0.9 51 0.6 37 0.3 24 0.4 '8 '0.7 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 665 2.0 200 6.3 167 2.0 171 1.2 98 1.7 29 2.6 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 59 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) «CONTINUED Main Cause 0! Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-34 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 126 0.4 ‘4 '0.1 38 0.5 66 0.5 18 0.3 ‘1 '0.1 Abdominal hernia 270 0.8 '7 ‘02 81 1.0 140 1.0 37 0.6 '5 '0.5 Enteritis and colitis 77 0.2 '3 '0.1 30 0.4 39 0.3 ‘4 '0.1 '1 '01 Cancer of digestive sites 127 0.4 '1 '0.0 '13 '0.2 79 0.6 29 0.5 '6 ‘0.5 Other digestive disorders 277 0.9 22 0.7 70 0.8 127 0.9 51 0.9 '7 '0.7 Circulatory Rheumatic fever 148 0.5 ‘6 ‘0.2 41 0.5 82 0.6 18 0.3 '1 *0.1 lschemic heart disease 1,792 5.5 '1 '0.0 82 1.0 1,198 8.5 469 8.2 42 3.7 Heart rhythm disorders 324 1.0 28 0.9 53 0.6 151 1.1 84 1.5 *8 ‘08 Other heart disease 1,472 4.5 50 1.6 135 1.6 761 5.5 416 7.3 89 7.9 Hypertension 1,239 3.8 '7 ‘0.2 166 2.0 837 5.9 211 3.7 19 1.6 Cerebrovascular disease 610 1.9 '5 '0.2 24 0.3 261 1.8 270 4.7 50 4.5 Arteriosclerosis 167 0.5 . . '5 '0.1 77 0.5 60 1.1 25 2.2 Phlebitis, varicose veins 271 0.8 ‘2 '0.1 66 0.8 166 1.2 34 0.6 '3 ‘0.3 Other circulatory 308 0.9 '4 '0.1 40 0.5 163 1.2 88 1.5 '13 '1.2 Respiratog Chronic bronchitis 137 0.4 32 1.0 23 0.3 56 0.4 25 0.4 '2 ‘0.1 Asthma 1,411 4.3 568 17.8 467 5.6 302 2.1 70 1.2 '4 '03 Hay fever 183 0.6 61 1.9 94 1.1 25 0.2 '2 '0.0 . . Sinusitis 57 0.2 '10 '0.3 '12 '0.1 28 0.2 '7 '0.1 ‘1 '0.1 Emphysema 649 2.0 *1 ‘0.0 16 0.2 426 3.0 200 3.5 '5 '0.5 Lung or bronchial cancer 92 0.3 . . ‘3 ‘0.0 60 0.4 26 0.5 '2 '0.2 Other respiratory disease 321 1.0 32 1.0 46 0.5 171 1.2 70 1.2 ‘3 '0.3 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 60 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) —CONTINUED Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent disVibution Miscellaneous Diabetes 885 2.7 19 0.6 162 1.9 506 3.6 181 3.2 17 1.5 Anemias 100 0.3 25 0.8 32 0.4 28 0.2 '9 '0.2 '6 '0.5 Kidney disorders 146 0.4 '13 '0.4 46 0.5 67 0.5 18 0.3 '2 .- '0.2 Female genital disorders 141 0.4 '11 '0.3 68 0.8 55 0.4 '7 '0.1 . . Schizophrenia/other psychoses 204 0.6 18 0.6 109 1.3 67 0.5 '8 ‘0.1 '2 '0.2 Neuroses/personality disorders 302 0.9 45 1.4 126 1.5 1 11 0.8 18 0.3 '3 '0.2 Other mental illness 437 1.3 239 7.5 83 1.0 94 0.7 21 0.4 '1 '0.1 Alchohol or drug dependency 75 0.2 '9 *0.3 45 0.5 21 0.1 '1 '0.0 . . Mental retardation 947 2.9 573 18.0 299 3.6 68 0.5 '5 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Epilepsy 325 1.0 so 1.9 194 2.3 60 0.4 '11 '02 '1 'o.1 Multiple sclerosis 117 0.4 . . 47 0.6 63 0.4 '7 '0.1 . . Senility 407 1.3 . . . . 65 0.5 171 3.0 171 15.1 Parkinson's disease 99 0.3 . . ‘2 '0.0 39 0.3 49 0.9 '9 '0.8 Other nervous disorders 607 1.9 55 1.7 207 2.5 241 1.7 94 1.7 '10 '0.9 Tuberculosis (all sites) 80 0.2 ‘3 '0.1 24 0.3 40 0.3 '12 '0.2 . . Other infectious/parasitic diseases 97 0.3 '10 '0.3 46 0.6 25 0.2 '15 '0.3 '1 '0.1 Leukemia 40 0.1 '9 '0.3 '5 '0.1 17 0.1 '9 '0.2 . . Cancer of female breast 93 0.3 . . 15 0.2 60 0.4 17 0.3 '2 '02 Cancer of genitourinary sites 105 0.3 '1 '0.0 17 0.2 60 0.4 25 0.4 '3 '02 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 144 0.4 '9 '0.3 31 0.4 78 0.5 23 0.4 '3 '0.2 Surgical/medical complications 211 0.6 '5 '0.2 53 0.6 110 0.8 37 0.6 '6 '0.5 Other injuries 207 0.6 18 0.6 82 1.0 73 0.5 25 0.4 '9 '0.8 Other ill-defined conditions 708 2.2 60 1.9 218 2.6 313 2.2 99 1.7 17 1.5 All other chronic conditions 1,015 3.1 182 5.7 354 4.2 341 2.4 118 2.1 '19 '1.7 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 61 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZE CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND D POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) -CONTINUED Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 15,178 100.0 1,900 100.0 4.236 100.0 6,469 100.0 2,235 100.0 340 100.0 Skin and muscuioskeleta/ Rheumatoid arthritis 137 0.9 '3 '0.2 30 0.7 82 1.3 22 1.0 . . Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 1 .024 6.7 '5 '0.3 150 3.5 595 9.2 233 10.4 40 1 1.9 Intervenebral disk disorders 741 4.9 '2 '0.1 354 8.4 354 5.5 31 1.4 '1 '0.3 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 109 0.7 '16 '0.8 31 0.7 49 0.8 '12 ‘0.5 Bursitis 54 0.4 '1 '0.0 21 0.5 24 0.4 '7 '0.3 Psoriasis and dermatitis 38 0.2 '6 '0.3 '15 '0.3 17 0.3 '1 ‘00 Skin cancer '15 '0.1 '5 '0.1 '6 '0.1 '4 '0.2 . . Bone cancer 17 0.1 . . . . '9 '0.1 ‘8 '0.4 '1 '0.3 Other skin and musculoskeletal 118 0.8 ‘2 “0.1 27 0.6 61 0.9 24 1.1 ‘4 '1.2 Impairments Absence of amKs)/hand(s) 24 0.2 '3 '0.2 '8 '0.2 '9 '0.1 '4 '0.2 . . Absence of I996) 103 0.7 '1 'o.1 26 0.6 48 0.7 24 1.1 '4 '1.2 Absence of fingers. toes. feet 48 0.3 0 0.0 23 0.5 22 0.3 '2 '0.1 '1 '0.3 Other absence, NEC 58 0.4 '5 '0.2 23 0.5 22 0.3 '8 '0.3 . . Complete paralysis of extremities 146 1.0 '3 '02 56 1.3 70 1.1 17 0.8 '1 '0.4 Cerebral palsy 78 0.5 41 2.1 29 0. 7 '8 '0.1 . . . . Partial paralysis of extremities 82 0.5 '6 '0.3 26 0.6 36 0.6 '12 '0.6 '2 '0.7 Paralysis of other sites 33 0.2 '7 '0.4 '13 '0.3 '10 '0.2 '2 '0.1 '1 '0.4 Curvature of back or spine 144 1.0 '10 '0.5 99 2.3 30 0.5 '4 '0.2 '1 '0.2 Other impairment of back 1,020 6.7 '1 1 '0.6 506 1 1.9 450 7.0 49 2.2 '6 '1.7 Spina bifida 17 0.1 '7 '0.4 '8 '0.2 '2 '0.0 . . Impairment of upper extremities 332 2.2 19 1.0 193 4.6 110 1.7 '11 '.'5 . . Impairment of lower extremities 1,028 6.8 74 3.9 524 12.4 322 5.0 91 4.1 17 5.0 Other orthopedic impairment 66 0.4 '2 0.1 32 0.7 26 0.4 '5 '0.2 '1 '02 Speech impairment 155 1.0 136 7.2 '15 '0.4 '3 '0.0 '1 ‘0.0 '1 '04 Blind in both eyes 106 0.7 '7 '0.4 23 0.6 37 0.6 27 1.2 '11 '3.4 Cataracts 81 0.5 '2 '0.1 '9 '02 29 0.5 33 1.5 '7 '2.1 Glaucoma 56 0.4 . . '6 '0.1 23 0.4 18 0.8 '9 '2.5 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 461 3.0 49 2.6 175 4.1 137 2.1 76 3.4 24 ' 6.9 Deaf in both ears 76 0.5 '14 '0.7 28 0.7 19 0.3 '11 ‘0.5 '5 '1.4 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 367 2.4 1 15 6.1 101 2.4 88 1.4 50 2.2 '13 ‘3.9 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 62 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) —CONTINUED Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 72 0.5 ‘2 *0.1 24 0.6 38 0.6 '8 '0.4 . . Abdominal hernia 145 1.0 '3 ‘0.2 45 1.1 70 1.1 23 1.0 '3 '0.9 Enteritis and colitis 27 0.2 '1 '0.0 ‘13 ‘0.3 '13 *0.2 1 0.1 . . Cancer of digestive sites 67 0.4 . . '7 '0.2 44 0.7 ‘11 '0.5 '5 '1.3 Other digestive disorders 107 0.7 *10 ‘0.5 24 0.6 55 0.8 17 0.7 '1 '0.2 Circulatory Rheumatic fever 34 0.2 '2 '0.1 '10 '0.2 20 0.3 *1 '0.1 . . lschemic heart disease 1,090 7.2 '1 '0.0 62 1.5 788 12.2 227 10.2 '12 ~ '3.6 m1 “M" rhvthm dim-"lore ”m... ...,...... "sewed“ n 9 .33 0.9 '15 '03 73 L1, 32 1.4 - 1 '0.4 8.5 Other heart disease 709 ’ 4.7 30 1.6 52 1.2 419 6.5 179 8.0 '0.6 Hypertension 406 2.7 ‘5 '0.3 52 1.2 270 4.2 76 3.4 5.5 ‘ ' ' " Cerebrovascuiar disea‘se‘ ‘ ‘ _ 340 ‘2.2 ‘ ‘2 _ 10.1 ‘10 0.2 163 2.5 145 6.5 ‘25 —- m- -- Asterioscbrosis ... .. .. 91 0.5 _ . :3 '04 53 0.8 22 1.2 '02 Phlebitis, varicose veins 68 0.4 . . '15 ‘0.4 41 0.6 '11 ‘0.5 Other circulatory 164 1.1 '1 '0.1 '14 '0.3 93 1.4 48 2.1 '7 '2.2 Resgiratogy Chronic bronchitis 59 0.4 '16 '0.8 ‘10 ‘0.2 23 0.4 '11 '0.5 Asthma 657 4.3 343 18.1 183 4.3 104 1.6 26 1.2 Hay fever 92 0.6 38 2.0 47 1.1 '8 “0.1 . . . . Sinusitis 27 0.2 '5 ‘0.3 ‘5 ‘0.1 '11 '0.2 '5 '0.2 ‘1 ‘0.2 Emphysema 466 3.1 . . '10 '0.2 299 4.6 153 6.9 '3 '1.0 Lung or bronchial cancer 62 0.4 . . '2 ‘0.1 38 0.6 19 0.9 '2 '0.6 Other respiratory disease 209 1.4 19 1.0 26 0.6 108 1.7 54 2.4 '3 '0.8 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 63 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) —CONTINUED Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 346 2.3 ‘9 ‘0.5 82 1.9 202 3.1 48 2.1 ‘5 ‘1.6 Anemias 25 0.2 '10 ‘0.5 ‘7 ‘02 '2 '0.0 '3 '0.1 ‘2 '0.6 Kidney disorders 51 0.3 '5 '0.3 ‘14 ‘0.3 23 0.4 '7 '0.3 ‘1 '0.4 Female genital disorders na na na na na na na na na na na na Schizophrenia/other psychoses 130 0.9 ‘15 ‘0.8 75 1.8 35 0.5 ‘4 ‘02 ‘1 ‘0.2 Neuroses/personality disorders 147 1.0 31 1.6 61 1.4 48 0.7 ‘7 ‘0.3 . Other mental illness 274 1.8 180 9.5 41 1.0 46 0.7 ‘6 ‘0.3 Alchohol or drug dependency 56 0.4 ‘5 ‘0.3 32 0.7 18 0.3 ‘1 ‘0.0 . . Mental retardation 583 3.8 368 19.4 176 4.2 36 0.6 '2 ‘0.1 ‘1 '0.2 Epilepsy 186 1.2 33 1.7 1 10 2.6 37 0.6 '6 ‘0.3 Multiple sclerosis 40 0.3 . . ‘16 *0.4 22 0.3 ‘2 ‘0.1 . . Senility 141 0.9 . . . . ‘20 ‘0.3 70 3.1 51 15.1 Parkinson's disease 53 0.3 . . ‘2 ‘0.0 21 0.3 27 1.2 ‘3 '0.8 Other nervous disorders 250 1 .6 34 1.8 84 2.0 87 1.3 38 1.7 ‘5 ‘1.5 Tuberculosis (all sites) 21 0.1 . . ‘7 '0.2 ‘11 ‘0.2 ‘3 ‘0.2 . . Other infectious/parasitic diseases 49 0.3 ‘6 ‘0.3 28 0.7 ‘1 2 ‘0.2 ‘3 ‘0.1 ‘1 ‘0.2 Leukemia 23 0.2 ‘7 ‘0.4 ‘2 ‘0.0 ‘10 ‘0.2 ‘5 ‘0.2 . . Cancer of genitourinary sites 49 0.3 ‘1 ‘0.0 ‘2 ‘0.1 25 0.4 19 0.9 ‘2 ‘05 Cancer of all other sites. NEC 75 0.5 ‘5 ‘0.3 ‘13 ‘0.3 44 0.7 ‘12 ‘0.5 ‘1 '0.2 Surgical/medical complications 76 0.5 ‘5 ‘0.3 22 0.5 37 0.6 ‘13 '0.6 ‘1 ‘0.2 Other injuries 103 0.7 ‘13 ‘0.7 47 1.1 30 0.5 ‘11 ‘0.5 ‘3 ‘0.9 Other ill-defined conditions 314 2.1 36 1.9 100 2.4 137 2.1 37 1.7 ‘5 ‘1.5 All other chronic conditions 423 2.8 96 5.1 132 3.1 135 2.1 48 2.1 ‘12 ‘3.4 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 19834985: original tabulations from public use tapes 64 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZ ED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) -CONTINUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 17,362 100.0 1,293 100.0 4,144 100.0 7.675 100.0 3,461 100.0 789 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis 389 2.2 '7 ‘0.6 78 1.9 228 3.0 68 2.0 '7 *0.8 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 2,450 14.1 '6 '0.5 198 4.8 1 .310 17.1 774 22.3 162 20.6 Intervenebral disk disorders 683 3.9 . . 274 6.6 358 4.7 46 1.3 5 0.6 Osteomyelitisibone disorders 251 1.4 ‘1 2 ‘09 35 0.9 124 1.6 67 1.9 '12 '1.5 Bursitis 85 0.5 '1 '0.0 30 0.7 43 0.6 '11 '0.3 '1 '0.1 Psoriasis and dermatitis 69 0.4 '10 '0.8 34 0.8 21 0.3 ‘3 '0.1 . . Skin cancer '12 *o.1 . . '2 'o.1 '7 '0.1 '1 *o.o '1 'o.1 Bone cancer 26 0.1 '1 '0.0 '2 'o.1 ‘12 '02 '10 ‘03 '1 'o.1 Other skin and musculoskeletal 159 0.9 ‘4 '0.3 36 0.9 81 1.1 31 0.9 '7 ‘0.9 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '4 '0.0 '1 '0.1 '2 '0.0 ‘1 '0.0 . . . . Absence of |eg(s) 43 0.2 ‘1 '0.0 '4 '0.1 19 0.2 17 0.5 ‘2 "0.3 Absence of fingers, toes, feet '15 '0.1 '3 '0.2 '3 '0.1 ‘4 '0.1 ‘5 '02 Other absence, NEC 52 0.3 '3 '0.2 '10 '02 28 0.4 '10 '0.3 . . Complete paralysis of extremities 69 0.4 ‘6 '0.5 17 0.4 31 0.4 '13 ‘0.4 "3 '0.4 Cerebral palsy 73 0.4 34 2.6 31 0.7 '7 ‘0.1 '1 '0.0 . . Partial paralysis of extremities 50 0.3 . . '5 ‘0.1 28 0.4 ‘1 6 '0.5 "1 ‘0.1 Paralysis of other sites 24 0.1 '2 '0.2 *6 '02 '10 '0.1 '4 '0.1 '1 '0.2 Curvature of back or spine 280 1.6 32 2.5 153 3.7 74 1.0 20 0.6 *1 '0.1 Other impairment of back 1,102 6.3 ‘13 '1.0 512 12.3 476 6.2 89 2.6 '13 '1.6 Spina bifida '15 '0.1 '7 *0.5 '7 ‘02 '1 ‘0.0 ‘1 '0.0 . . Impairment of upper extremities 200 1.2 '9 '0.7 88 2.1 77 1.0 20 0.6 '6 “0.7 Impairment of lower extremities 945 5.4 81 6.3 308 7.4 301 3.9 193 5.6 61 ‘ 7.8 Other orthopedic impairment 70 0.4 '4 '0.3 22 0.5 31 0.4 ‘11 '0.3 '2 '03 Speech impairment 83 0.5 67 5.2 '7 '0.2 ‘8 '0.1 '2 ‘0.0 ‘1 ‘01 Blind in both eyes 98 0.6 '2 '0.2 '14 '0.3 22 0.3 40 1.2 18 2.3 Cataracts 145 0.8 ’3 '0.2 '5 '0.1 44 0.6 66 1.9 27 3.4 Glaucoma 79 0.5 . . '3 '0.1 29 0.4 41 1.2 '5 '0.7 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 414 2.4 32 2.5 81 2.0 128 1.7 1 15 3.3 57 7.2 Deaf in both ears 72 0.4 ‘14 ‘1.1 23 0.6 18 0.2 '13 ‘0.4 '3 '0.4 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 298 1.7 85 6.6 66 1.6 82 1.1 49 1.4 '16 '2.0 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 65 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) -CONT|NUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribufion Digestive Ulcers 54 0.3 '2 *0.2 '14 ‘0.3 27 0.4 '10 '0.3 '1 ‘0.1 Abdominal hernia 125 0.7 ‘3 '0.3 36 0.9 70 0.9 '1 4 '0.4 '2 '0.3 Enteritis and colitis 50 0.3 '2 '0.2 17 0.4 26 0.3 '3 '0.1 ‘1 '01 Cancer of digestive sites 60 0.3 ‘1 '0.1 '5 '0.1 35 0.5 17 0.5 '1 '02 Other digestive disorders 171 1.0 ‘12 ‘0.9 45 1.1 73 0.9 34 1.0 '7 '0.8 Ci culatory Rheumatic fever 114 0.7 '4 '0.3 30 0.7 62 0.8 17 0.5 '1 '0.2 Ischemic heart disease 702 4.0 . . 20 0.5 410 5.3 242 7.0 30 3.8 Heart rhythm disorders 186 1.1 ‘10 ‘0.8 38 0.9 78 1.0 52 1.5 '7 ‘0.9 Other heart disease 763 4.4 20 1.5 83 2.0 362 4.7 238 6.9 60 7.6 Hypertension 834 4.8 ‘2 '0.1 1 14 2.8 567 7.4 135 3.9 17 2.1 Cerebrovascular disease 270 1 .6 '3 '0.2 '14 ‘0.3 97 1.3 125 3.6 31 4.0 Arteriosclerosis 76 0.4 . . ‘2 '0.0 24 0.3 33 1.0 '16 '2.1 Phlebitis, varicose veins 203 1.2 '2 '0.2 51 1.2 125 1.6 23 0.7 ‘3 '03 Other circulatory 144 0.8 ‘2 ‘0.2 26 0.6 70 0.9 40 1.1 ‘6 '0.8 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis 78 0.4 17 1.3 ‘13 '0.3 33 0.4 '14 '0.4 '2 '0.2 Asthma 754 4.3 225 17.4 284 6.8 198 2.6 43 1.3 '4 '04 Hay fever 91 0.5 23 1.8 48 1.2 18 0.2 ‘2 '0.1 Sinusitis 31 0.2 '4 ‘0.3 ‘7 '0.2 18 0.2 '2 ‘0.0 . . Emphysema 183 1.1 ‘1 '0.1 ‘6 '0.2 128 1.7 47 1.3 '2 30.2 Lung or bronchial cancer . 30 0.2 . . *1 '0.0 22 0.3 '7 *0.2 Other respiratory disease 1 12 0.6 '14 '1 .1 . 19 0.5 , 62 0.8 17 0.5 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 6’6 TABLE 6A: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) -CONTINUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 539 3.1 '10 '0.8 79 1.9 304 4.0 134 3.9 '12 '1.5 Anemias 75 0.4 '16 '1.2 25 0.6 25 0.3 '6 '0.2 '4 '0.4 Kidney disorders 95 0.5 '8 '0.6 32 0.8 44 0.6 '10 '0.3 '1 '0.1 Female genital disorders 141 0.8 '1 1 '0.8 68 1.6 55 0.7 '7 '0.2 . . Schizophrenia/other psychoses 74 0.4 '3 '0.2 34 0.8 32 0.4 '4 '0.1 '2 '0.2 Neuroses/personality disorders 156 0.9 '13 '1.0 65 1.6 64 0.8 '1 1 '0.3 '3 '0.3 Other menial illness 164 0.9 58 4.5 41 1.0 48 0.6 '15 '0.4 ‘1 '0.1 Alchohol or drug dependency 20 0.1 '3 '0.3 '13 '0.3 '3 '0.0 . . . . Mental retardation 364 2.1 205 15.9 123 3.0 31 0.4 '3 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Epilepsy 139 0.8 27 2.1 84 2.0 23 0.3 '5 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Multiple sclerosis 78 0.4 . . 31 0.8 41 0.5 '5 '0.1 . . Senility 266 1.5 . . . . 45 0.6 102 2.9 119 15.1 Parkinson's disease 46 0.3 . . '1 '0.0 17 0.2 22 0.6 '6 '0.8 Other nervous disorders 359 2.1 21 1.6 122 2.9 155 2.0 56 1.6 '5 '0.6 Tuberculosis (all sites) 59 0.3 '3 '0.2 18 0.4 29 0.4 * '9 '0.3 . . Other infectious/parasitic diseases 48 0.3 '4 '0.3 19 0.4 '13 '02 '12 '0.3 '1 '0.1 Leukemia 17 0.1 '2 '0.1 '4 '0.1 '7 '0.1 '4 '0.1 . . Cancer of female breast 93 0.5 . . '15 '0.4 60 0.8 17 0.5 '2 '03 Cancer of genitourinary sites 56 0.3 '1 '0.0 '14 '0.3 35 0.5 '6 '0.2 '1 '01 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 69 0.4 '4 '0.3 17 0.4 34 0.4 '1 1 '03 '2 '0.3 Surgical/medical complications 135 0.8 . . 32 0.8 74 1 .0 24 0.7 '5 '0.6 Other injuries 103 0.6 . '5 '0.4 35 0.8 43 0.6 '14 ‘0.4 '6 '0.7 Other ill-defined conditions 393 2.3 24 1.9 118 2.8 177 2.3 62 1.8 '11 '1.4 All other chronic conditions 593 3.4 86 6.6 222 5.4 207 2.7 70 2.0 '7 '0.9 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 67 TABLE 68: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983- 1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) All Causes of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 52,718 100.0 3,817 100.0 10,895 100.0 25,027 100.0 10,884 100.0 2,097 100.0 Skin and musculoske/etal Rheumatoid arthritis 646 1. 2 '11 '0.3 121 1.1 388 1.5 1 18 1.1 '8 '0.4 Osteoarthritis/other anhropathies 5,484 10. 4 '14 '0.4 469 4.3 3,099 12.4 1,594 14.6 308 14.7 lntervertebral disk disorders 1,699 3.2 '2 '0.0 668 6.1 904 3.6 117 1.1 '8 '0.4 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 552 1.0 33 0.9 91 0.8 280 1.1 128 1.2 21 1.0 Bursitis 253 0.5 '1 '0.0 76 0.7 140 0.6 35 0.3 '1 '0.0 Psoriasis and dermatitis 189 0.4 31 0.8 75 0.7 69 0.3 '11 '0.1 '2 '01 Skin cancer 44 0.1 . . '8 '0.1 20 0.1 '13 '0.1 '3 '0.1 Bone cancer 52 0.1 '1 '0.0 '5 '0.0 24 0.1 20 0.2 '2 '0.1 Other skin and musculoskeletal 573 1.1 '13 '0.3 94 0.9 315 1.3 128 1.2 23 1.1 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) 35 0.1 '5 '0.1 '10 '0.1 '13 '0.1 '7 '0.1 . . Absence of leg(s) 191 0.4 '2 *o.o 33 0.3 93 0.4 55 0.5 '8 *o.4 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 109 0.2 '6 '0.1 39 0.4 49 0.2 '13 '0.1 '2 '0.1 Other absence, NEC 186 0.4 '11 '0.3 47 0.4 88 0.4 39 0.4 '1 '0.0 Complete paralysis of extremities 373 0.7 '10 '0.3 93 0.9 172 0.7 82 0.8 '16 '0.8 Cerebral palsy 177 0.3 86 2.2 72 0.7 18 0.1 '1 '0.0 . . Partial paralysis of extremities 380 0.7 '9 '0.2 48 0.4 164 0.7 137 1.3 22 1.1 Paralysis of other sites 122 0.2 '13 0.4 25 0.2 53 0.2 25 0.2 '6 '0.3 Curvature of back or spine 534 1.0 56 1.5 287 2.6 155 0.6 33 0.3 '3 '0.1 Other impairment of back 2,593 4.9 26 0.7 1,154 10.6 1,186 4.7 200 1.8 27 1.3 Spina bifida 36 0.1 '14 '0.4 17 0.2 '5 '0.0 '1 '0.0 . . Impairment of upper extremities 822 1.6 35 0.9 361 3.3 341 1.4 73 0.7 '12 '0.6 Impairment of lower extremities 2.791 5.3 183 4.8 1,047 9.6 1.014 4.0 433 4.0 115 5.5 Other orthopedic impairment 21 1 0.4 '1 1 '0.3 75 0.7 84 0.3 32 0.3 '8 '04 Speech impairment 421 0.8 234 6.1 53 0.5 83 0.3 44 0.4 '7 '03 Blind in both eyes 301 0.6 '15 '0.4 53 0.5 88 0.4 100 0.9 46 2.2 Cataracts 572 1.1 '9 '0.2 25 0.2 189 0.8 256 2.3 93 4.4 Glaucoma 312 0.6 '1 '0.0 19 0.2 122 0.5 131 1.2 38 1.8 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 1,715 3.3 141 3.7 404 3.7 575 2.3 438 4.0 158 7.5 Deaf in both ears 221 0.4 31 0.8 56 0.5 62 0.2 50 0.5 21 1.0 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 1.184 2.2 249 6.5 227 2.1 371 1.5 249 2.3 89 4.2 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 68 TABLE 6B: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED All Causes of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent disfiibution Digestive Ulcers 429 0.8 '6 '0.1 81 0.7 257 1.0 78 0.7 '8 '0.4 Abdominal hernia 595 1.1 '9 '02 105 1.0 336 1.3 128 1.2 17 0.8 Enteritis and colitis 138 0.3 '8 ‘02 43 0.4 75 0.3 '10 '0.1 ‘2 ‘01 Cancer of digestive sites 185 0.4 '1 '0.0 '14 ‘0.1 114 0.5 48 0.4 ‘9 *0.4 Other digestive disorders 775 1.5 36 0.9 142 1.3 387 1.5 176 1.6 34 1.6 Ci culatog Rheumatic fever 204 0.4 '7 '0.2 52 0.5 114 0.5 27 0.3 '3 ‘0.1 Ischemic heart disease 2.423 4.6 '1 ’00 97 0.9 1.581 6.3 683 6.3 61 2.9 Heart rhythm disorders 598 1.1 39 1.0 79 0.7 288 1.1 170 1.6 23 1.1 Other heart disease 2,350 4.5 67 1.8 187 1.7 1,230 4.9 714 6.6 151 7.2 Hypertension 3.506 6.6 ‘10 '0.3 31 1 2.9 2.313 9.2 780 7.2 92 4.4 Cerebrovascular disease 939 1 .8 ‘6 '0.1 34 0.3 430 1.7 396 3.6 74 3.5 Arteriosclerosis 363 0.7 . . '6 '0.1 153 0.6 151 1.4 52 2.5 Phlebitis, varicose veins 470 0.9 '3 '0.1 84 0.8 307 1.2 70 0.6 '7 ‘03 Other circulatory 612 1.2 '4 '0.1 60 0.6 329 1.3 182 1.7 37 1.8 Respiratogg Chronic bronchitis 301 0.6 40 1.0 41 0.4 151 0.6 62 0.6 '6 ‘0.3 Asthma 1.783 3.4 608 15.9 547 5.0 493 2.0 127 1.2 '8 '04 Hay fever 253 0.5 76 2.0 112 1.0 56 0.2 '9 ‘0.1 . . Sinusitis 135 0.3 '1 1 '0.3 23 0.2 69 0.3 28 0.3 '4 '0.2 Emphysema 994 1.9 '2 ‘0.0 29 0.3 650 2.6 297 2.7 '16 ‘0.8 Lung or bronchial aancer 125 0.2 . . '4 '0.0 81 0.3 39 0.4 '2 ‘0.1 Other respiratory disease 564 1.1 41 1.1 65 0.6 330 1.3 119 1.1 '8 ‘0.4 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 69 TABLE 6B: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health interview Surveys, 1933-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 70 All Causes of leitatlon All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 2,1 1 1 4.0 23 0.6 222 2.0 1,284 5.1 535 4.9 47 2.2 Anemias 168 0.3 29 0.8 46 0.4 57 0.2 23 0.2 *13 '06 Kidney disorders 344 0.7 20 0.5 75 0.7 174 0.7 61 0.6 '14 '0.7 Female genital disorders 271 0.5 '12 “0.3 11 1 1.0 1 18 0.5 28 0.3 *1 '0.1 Schizophrenia/other psychoses 253 0.5 21 0.5 127 1.2 88 0.4 '13 ‘0.1 '4 '0.2 Neuroses/personality disorders 410 0.8 54 1.4 158 1.4 168 0.7 26 0.2 '3 '0.2 Other mental illness 601 1.1 269 7.1 124 1.1 162 0.6 44 0.4 '2 ‘0.1 Alchohol or drug dependency 104 0.2 '10 '0.3 56 0.5 36 0.1 ‘2 ‘0.0 . . Mental retardation 1,047 2.0 629 16.5 334 3.1 75 0.3 ‘7 '0.1 '2 '0.1 Epilepsy 444 0.8 78 2.0 244 2.2 105 0.4 '16 ‘0.1 '1 ‘0.1 Multiple sclerosis 127 0.2 53 0.5 66 0.3 ‘9 '0.1 . . Senility 469 0.9 . . 81 0.3 201 1.8 187 8.9 Parkinson's disease 146 0.3 . . '4 ‘0.0 53 0.2 74 0.7 '15 ‘0.7 Other nervous disorders 884 1.7 70 1.8 279 2.6 388 1.6 133 1.2 '14 ‘0.7 Tuberculosis (all sites) 114 0.2 '3 '0.1 29 0.3 66 0.3 '1 5 '0.1 '1 '0.0 Other infectious/parasitic diseases 137 0.3 '11 '0.3 55 0.5 45 0.2 22 0.2 '3 '0.2 Leukemia 58 0.1 '9 '0.2 ‘7 '0.1 29 0.1 ‘13 '0.1 '1 'o.o Cancer of female breast 159 0.3 . . 19 0.2 101 0.4 34 0.3 ‘5 '02 Cancer of genitourinary sites 173 0.3 ‘2 '0.1 20 0.2 96 0.4 48 0.4 '8 ‘04 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 190 0.4 '10 '0.3 36 0.3 100 0.4 39 _ 0.4 '5 '0.2 Surgical/medical complications 454 0.9 '10 '0.3 96 0.9 240 1.0 96 0.9 '13 '06 Other injuries 359 0.7 23 0.6 114 1.0 152 0.6 58 0.5 '12 '0.6 Other ill—defined conditions 1,361 2.6 78 2.0 334 3.1 681 2.7 228 2.1 40 1.9 All other chronic conditions 1,814 3.4 233 6.1 484 4.4 752 3.0 300 2.8 45 2.2 TABLE GB: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSE GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEA S OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND R AVERAGE)—CONTINUED ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes Males All Causes of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in mousands and percent distribution All conditions 23,581 100.0 2,279 100.0 5.380 100.0, 11,113 100.0 4,195 100.0 613 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis 172 0.7 '4 '0.2 33 0.6 104 0.9 31 0.7 . . Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 1,686 7.1 '6 '0.3 190 3.5 1,016 9.1 412 9.8 62 10.1 lntervertebral disk disorders 887 3.8 '2 '0.1 379 7.0 453 4.1 52 1.2 '2 '0.3 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 161 0.7 20 0.9 43 0.8 77 0.7 20 0.5 '1 '0.2 Bursitis 98 0.4 '1 '0.0 30 0.6 52 0.5 '15 '0.4 . . Psoriasis and dermatitis 73 0.3 18 0.8 21 0.4 29 0.3 '3 '0.1 '1 '01 Skin cancer 25 0,1 '6 '0.1 '11 '0.1 '6 '0.1 '2 '0.3 Bone cancer 21 0,1 . . '1 '0.0 '10 '0.1 '9 '0.2 '1 '0.2 Other skin and musculoskeletal 265 1.1 '5 '0.2 44 0.8 148 1.3 60 1.4 '8 '1.4 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) 30 0.1 '3 '0.1 '8 '0.2 '13 '0.1 ‘6 '0.1 . . Absence of leg(s) 136 0.6 '1 '0.1 29 0.5 67 0.6 34 0.8 '5 ‘0.8 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 86 0.4 '2 '0.1 36 0.7 38 0.3 '7 ‘0.2 '2 '0.4 Other absence, NEC 93 0.4 '7 '0.3 28 0.5 43 0.4 '15 '0.4 . . Complete paralysis of extremities 232 1.0 '4 '0.2 67 1.2 108 1.0 45 1.1 '8 '=1.3 Cerebral palsy 94 0.4 48 2.1 36 0.7 '10 '0.1 . . . . Partial paralysis of extremities 207 0.9 '7 '0.3 34 0.6 94 0.8 63 1.5 _» '9 '1.4 Paralysis of other sites 71 0.3 '9 '0.4 '16 '0.3 32 0.3 '10 '0.2 '3 '0.5 Curvature of back or spine 182 0.8 '15 '0.6 115 2.1 45 0.4 ‘ '6 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Other impairment of back 1,241 5.3 '12 '0.5 569 10.6 575 5.2 76 1.8 '9 '1.4 Spina bifida 19 0.1 '7 '0.3 '9 '0.2 '3 '0.0 . . Impairment of upper extremities 472 2.0 22 1.0 238 4.4 188 1.7 24 0.6 . . Impairment of lower extremities 1,437 6.1 90 3.9 646 12.0 529 4.8 146 3.5 26 4.3 Other orthopedic impairment 99 0.4 '4 '0.2 45 0.8 36 0.3 '10 '0.2 '4 '06 Speech impairment 273 1.2 157 6.9 35 0.7 51 0.5 27 0.6 2 0.3 Blind in both eyes 152 0.6 '11 '0.5 30 0.6 50 0.5 44 1.1 17 2.8 Cataracts 209 0.9 '5 '0.2 '13 '0.2 76 0.7 89 2.1 25 4.1 Glaucoma 122 0.5 '1 '0.1 '12 '0.2 49 0.4 44 1.1 '14 '2.3 Other visual impairment/eye disorders__ 842 3.6 90 3.9 267 5.0 274 2.5 167 4.0 46 7.4 Deal in both ears 111 0.5 '15 '0.7 31 0.6 32 0.3 22 0.5 '10 '1.6 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 641 2.7 141 6.2 141 2.6 197 1.8 128 3.1 33 5.4 71 TABLE BB: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Males All Causes of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 854- Number of conditions in thousands and percent dism'bution Digestive Ulcers 209 0.9 '3 '0.1 45 0.8 125 1.1 33 0.8 '2 '0.3 Abdominal hernia 272 1.2 '4 '0.2 55 1.0 153 1.4 51 1.2 '8 '1.3 Enteritis and colitis 42 0.2 '3 '0.1 '15 '0.3 20 0.2 '4 '0.1 . . Cancer of digestive sites 98 0.4 . . '8 '0.1 64 0.6 20 0.5 '5 '0.9 Other digestive disorders 267 1.1 '15 '0.7 50 0.9 141 1.3 54 1.3 '7 '1.1 Circularog Rheumatic fever 48 0.2 '3 '0.1 '12 '0.2 28 0.3 '4 '0.1 . . lschemic heart disease 1,395 5.9 '1 '0.0 72 1.3 998 9.0 311 7.4 '14 '23 Heart rhythm disorders 252 1.1 25 1.1 25 0.5 129 1.2 68 1.6 '5 '0.8 Other heart disease 1,073 4.5 42 1 .8 71 1.3 627 5.6 286 6.8 47 7.6 Hypertension 1,172 5.0 '7 '03 105 2.0 807 7.3 236 5.6 '16 '2.6 Cerebrovascular disease 507 2.1 '2 '0.1 '14 '0.3 255 2.3 209 5.0 26 4.2 Arteriosclerosis 188 0.8 . . '4 '0.1 106 1.0 64 1 .5 '14 '2.3 Phlebitis, varicose veins 124 0.5 '1 '0.0 20 0.4 77 0.7 26 0.6 '1 '0.1 Other circulatory 313 1.3 '1 '0.1 22 0.4 182 1.6 93 2.2 '15 '2.4 Reseiratory Chronic bronchitis 122 0.5 19 0.8 '15 '0.3 64 0.6 23 0.6 . . Asthma 785 3.3 363 15.9 205 3.8 169 1 .5 46 1.1 '2 '0.4 Hay fever 116 0.5 47 2.0 54 1.0 13 0.1 3 0.1 . . Sinusitis 58 0.2 '6 '0.3 '9 '0.2 26 0.2 '15 '0.4 '2 '0.3 Emphysema 683 2.9 '1 '0.0 17 0.3 445 4.0 207 4.9 '13 '2.2 Lung or bronchial cancer 87 0.4 . . '3 '0.1 53 0.5 29 0.7 '2 '03 Other respiratory disease 360 1.5 23 1.0 37 0.7 208 1.9 85 2.0 6 0.9 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 72 TABLE 68: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983- 1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CO’NTINUED Males All Causes of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 354. Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution MEI/M Diabetes 830 3.5 '10 '0.4 107 2.0 528 4.7 170 4.1 '15 ‘2.4 Anemias 42 0.2 '11 '0.5 '10 ‘0.2 ’11 '0.1 *6 '0.1 '3 '0.6 Kidney disorders 123 0.5 '9 ‘0.4 24 0.4 63 0.6 24 0.6 '4 '0.6 Female genital disorders na na na na na na na na na na na na Schizophrenia/other psychoses 158 0.7 '16 '0.7 88 1.6 44 0.4 ‘7 ‘0.2 '2 '0.3 Neuroses/personality disorders 193 0.8 37 1.6 77 1.4 68 0.6 *10 '0.3 . . Other mental illness 355 1.5 207 9.1 59 1.1 73 0.7 '15 *0.4 Alchohol or drug dependency 77 0.3 ’6 ‘0.3 39 0.7 30 0.3 ‘2 ‘0.0 . . Mental retardation 646 2.7 407 17.9 195 3.6 39 0.3 '3 '0.1 '1 '0.2 Epilepsy 257 1.1 41 1.8 136 2.5 68 0.6 ‘10 '0.2 '1 '0.1 Multiple sclerosis 47 0.2 . . 20 0.4 23 0.2 '3 '0.1 . . Senility 162 0.7 . . . . 24 0.2 80 1.9 58 9.4 Parkinson's disease 80 0.3 . . '2 *0.0 30 0.3 44 1.0 ‘4 ‘0.6 Other newous disorders 344 1.5 44 1.9 107 2.0 135 1.2 52 1.2 6 0.9 Tuberculosis (all sites) 34 0.1 . . ‘8 '0.2 21 0.2 '4 '0.1 . . Other infectious/parasitic diseases_ 69 0.3 ‘6 '0.3 33 0.6 23 0.2 '6 ‘0.1 '1 '0.1 Leukemia 31 0.1 ‘7 '0.3 '2 '0.0 '15 '0.1 ’7 *0.2 '1 '01 Cancer of genitourinary sites 91 0.4 '1 '0.0 ‘2 '0.0 46 0.4 37 0.9 ‘5 '0.8 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 99 0.4 ‘6 '0.3 '16 '0.3 56 0.5 20 0.5 '1 '0.1 Surgical/medical complications 167 0.7 '6 '0.3 38 0.7 80 0.7 89 0.9 '4 ‘0.6 Other injuries 178 0.8 '15 '0.6 68 1.3 69 0.6 22 0.5 ‘4 '06 Other ill-defined conditions 551 2.3 43 1.9 150 . 2.8 273 2.5 75 1.8 '12 '1.9 All other chronic conditions 741 3.1 132 5.8 185 3.4 288 2.6 1 18 2.8 18 3.0 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 73 TABLE GB: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED Females All Causes of Limitation Ali—Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 854- Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 29,136 100.0 1.537 100.0 5,514 100.0 13,913 100.0 6,689 100.0 1,482 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletai Rheumatoid arthritis 474 1.6 '7 '0.5 88 1.6 284 2.0 87 1.3 '8 '0.5 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 3,797 13.0 '8 '0.5 279 5.1 2.083 15.0 1,181 17.7 245 16.6 lntervertebral disk disorders 812 2.8 . . 289 5.2 451 3.2 65 1.0 '6 '0.4 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 391 1.3 ‘13 '0.8 49 0.9 203 1.5 108 1.6 19 1.3 Bursitis 155 0.5 '1 '0.0 46 0.8 87 0.6 20 0.3 "1 '0.0 Psoriasis and dermatitis 116 0.4 '13 '0.8 54 1.0 40 0.3 ‘8 '0.1 '1 '01 Skin cancer 18 0.1 . . '2 '0.0 '8 *0.1 ‘7 '0.1 '1 ‘0.0 Bone cancer 31 0.1 '1 ‘0.0 ‘4 '0.1 '14 '0.1 '11 '0.2 '1 '0.1 Other skin and musculoskeletal 308 1.1 '8 ‘0.5 50 0.9 168 1.2 68 1.0 ‘14 '1.0 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) ‘5 ‘0.0 '1 *0.1 '2 '0.0 ‘1 '0.0 '1 ‘0.0 . . Absence of |eg(s) 55 0.2 '1 '0.0 ‘5 '0.1 26 0.2 21 0.3 '2 ‘02 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 24 0.1 '4 '0.2 '3 *0.1 '11 '0.1 ’6 ‘0.1 . . Other absence, NEC 92 0.3 '4 '0.2 19 0.3 45 0.3 24 0.4 '1 ‘0.0 Complete paralysis of extremities 141 0.5 '7 '0.5 26 0.5 64 0.5 38 0.6 ‘9 ‘0.6 Cerebral palsy 83 0.3 37 2.4 36 0.7 '8 '0.1 ‘1 '0.0 . . Partial paralysis of extremities 172 0.6 '1 '0.1 '14 ‘0.2 70 0.5 74 1.1 '14 '0.9 Paralysis of other sites 51 0.2 '4 '0.3 ‘9 ‘0.2 20 0.1 '15 '0.2 '3 ‘0.2 Curvature of back or spine 352 1.2 42 2.7 172 3.1 109 0.8 27 0.4 ‘2 '0.1 Other impairment of back 1,352 4.6 '14 '0.9 585 10.6 611 4.4 123 1.8 18 1.2 Spina bifida 18 0.1 '7 '0.5 ‘8 '0.1 '2 ‘0.0 '1 '0.0 . . Impairment of upper extremities 350 1.2 '13 '0.9 122 2.2 153 1.1 49 0.7 '12 ’0.8 Impairment of lower extremities 1,354 4.6 94 6.1 401 7.3 484 3.5 287 4.3 88 5.9 Other orthopedic impairment 11 1 0.4 '7 '0.5 30 0.5 48 0.3 22 0.3 '4 '03 Speech impairment 148 0.5 77 5.0 18 0.3 31 0.2 17 0.3 '5 '03 Blind in both eyes 149 0.5 '4 '0.3 23 0.4 38 0.3 55 0.8 29 1.9 Cataracts 363 1.2 ‘3 ‘02 '12 '0.2 113 0.8 166 2.5 67 4.5 Glaucoma 190 0.7 . . '7 '0.1 72 0.5 87 1.3 24 1.6 Other visual impairment/eye disorders__ 872 3.0 51 3.3 137 2.5 300 2.2 271 4.1 112 7.6 Deaf in both ears 110 0.4 '15 ‘1.0 25 0.5 30 0.2 28 0.4 ‘11 '0.8 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 543 1.9 108 7.0 86 1.6 174 1.3 121 1.8 55 3.7 * ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 74 TABLE 6B: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER. UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Females All Causes of Limitation All Ages Under 18 , 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in mousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 221 0.8 '3 '0.2 36 0.6 132 0.9 45 0.7 ‘6 '0.4 Abdominal hernia 323 1.1 '4 ‘0.3 50 0.9 183 1.3 76 1.1 '9 '0.6 Enteritis and colitis 96 0.3 '4 '0.3 29 0.5 55 0.4 ‘6 '0.1 '2 '01 Cancer of digestive sites 88 0.3 '1 '0.1 '6 '0.1 50 0.4 27 0. 4 '4 ‘0.2 Other digestive disorders 508 1.7 21 1.3 92 1.7 246 1.8 122 1.8 27 1.8 Circa/atom Rheumatic fever 156 0.5 ‘4 '0.3 40 0.7 86 0.6 24 0.4 '3 '0.2 Ischemic heart disease 1,028 3.5 . . 25 0.5 583 4.2 372 5.6 47 3.2 Heart rhythm disorders 346 1.2 '14 '0.9 53 1.0 159 1.1 101 1.5 18 1.2 Other heart disease 1.277 4.4 25 1.6 117 2.1 603 4.3 428 6.4 104 7.0 Hypertension 2,334 8.0 '2 '0.2 206 3.7 1.506 10.8 544 8.1 76 5.1 Cerebrovascular disease 432 1.5 '3 '02 19 0.4 175 1.3 186 2.8 48 3.2 Arteriosclerosis 174 0.6 . . '2 ’0.0 47 0.3 87 1.3 38 2.5 Phlebitis. varicose veins 347 1.2 ‘2 ‘0.1 64 1.2 230 1.6 44 0.7 ‘6 '0.4 Other circulatory 299 1.0 ‘3 ‘0.2 38 0.7 147 1.1 89 1.3 22 1.5 Reseiratom Chronic bronchitis 179 0.6 21 1.4 27 0.5 87 0.6 39 0.6 ‘6 '0.4 Asthma 998 3.4 245 15.9 342 6.2 325 2.3 81 1.2 '6 “0.4 Hay fever 137 0.5 30 1.9 58 1.1 43 0.3 6 0.1 . . Sinusitis 77 0.3 ‘4 ‘0.3 *14 '0.3 42 0.3 '13 ‘0.2 '2 ‘0.1 Emphysema 311 1.1 '1 '0.0 '12 '02 205 1.5 91 1.4 ‘3 '0.2 Lung or bronchial cancer 38 0.1 . . ‘1 '0.0 28 0.2 '10 '0.1 . . Other respiratory disease 204 0.7 17 1.1 28 0.5 123 0.9 34 0.5 ‘3 '0.2 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 75 TABLE 6B: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Females All Causes of Limitation All Ages Under 18 18-44 45-69 70-84 85+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 1,281 4.4 '12 '0.8 115 2.1 756 5.4 365 5.5 32 2.2 Anemias 126 0.4 18 1.2 36 0.7 46 0.3 17 0.3 '9 ‘0.6 Kidney disorders 221 0.8 '11 ‘0.7 51 0.9 111 0.8 38 0.6 '11 '0.7 Female genital disorders 270 0.9 ‘1 2 '0.8 111 2.0 1 18 0.8 28 0.4 '1 '0.1 Schizophrenia/other psychoses 95 0.3 ‘4 '0.3 39 0.7 44 0.3 '6 '0.1 '2 ‘0.2 Neuroses/personality disorders 216 0.7 17 1.1 80 1.5 100 0.7 '1 6 *0.2 '3 ‘0.2 Other mental illness 246 0.8 62 4.0 65 1.2 89 0.6 29 0.4 '2 '0.1 Alchohol or drug dependency 27 0.1 '3 '0.2 17 0.3 *7 *0.0 . . . . Mental retardation 401 1.4 222 14.4 139 2.5 36 0.3 '4 '0.1 '1 '0.0 Epilepsy 187 0.6 37 2.4 107 1.9 37 0.3 ‘6 '0.1 '1 ‘0.0 Multiple sclerosis 81 0.3 . . 33 0.6 43 0.3 '5 '0.1 . . Senility 306 1.1 . . . . 57 0.4 120 1.8 129 8.7 Parkinson's disease 66 0.2 . . ‘1 '0.0 23 0.2 30 0.5 '12 '08 Other nervous disorders 540 1.9 24 1.6 172 3.1 255 1.8 81 1.2 '7 “0.5 Tuberculosis (all sites) 80 0.3 '3 '0.2 20 0.4 44 0.3 "'1 2 '0.2 '1 '0.1 Other infectious/parasitic diseases 68 0.2 ‘5 '0.3 22 0.4 22 0.2 17 0.2 ‘3 '0.2 Leukemia 27 0.1 '2 '0.1 *5 ‘0.1 '14 '0.1 '7 *0.1 . . Cancer of female breast 159 0.5 . . 19 0.3 101 0.7 34 0.5 '5 “0.3 Cancer of genitourinary sites 82 0.3 '1 '0.1 18 0.3 50 0.4 '1 1 '0.2 '3 '02 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 91 0.3 '4 '0.3 20 0.4 45 0.3 18 0.3 ‘4 '0.3 Surgical/medical complications 287 1.0 ‘4 '0.2 57 1 .0 159 1.1 57 0.9 ‘9 '0.6 Other injuries 182 0.6 ‘9 '0.6 46 0.8 82 0.6 36 0.5 ‘9 '0.6 Other ill-defined conditions 810 2.8 35 2.3 184 3.3 409 2.9 153 2.3 28 1.9 All other chronic conditions 1.074 3.7 101 6.6 299 5.4 465 3.3 182 2.7 27 1.8 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 76 TABLE 7A: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 17,395 100.0 5,983 100.0 11,412 100.0 8.461 100.0 3,059 100.0 5,402 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis 324 1.9 77 1.3 247 2.2 94 1.1 25 0.8 69 1.3 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 1,692 9.7 225 3.8 1,468 12.9 576 6.8 94 3.1 482 8.9 Intervenebral disk disorders 1,068 6.1 504 8.4 563 4.9 584 6.9 296 9.7 288 5.3 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 176 1.0 46 0.8 130 1.1 59 0.7 20 0.7 39 0.7 Bursitis 72 0.4 30 0.5 42 0.4 26 0.3 ‘1 3 '0.4 '13 '0.2 Psoriasis and dermatitis 58 0.3 26 0.4 32 0.3 21 0.3 ‘7 ‘0.2 '14 ‘03 Skin cancer ‘13 “0.1 '2 '0.0 '11 '0.1 *5 '0.1 '1 “0.0 '5 '0.1 Bone cancer 22 0.1 ‘2 '0.0 20 0.2 '8 '0.1 . . '8 ‘0.1 Other skin and musculoskeletal 148 0.8 38 0.6 110 1.0 58 0.7 '16 '0.5 42 . 0.8 Imgairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '14 ‘0.1 '9 '0.1 '6 '0.0 '12 ‘0.1 ‘7 ‘0.2 '6 “0.1 Absence of leg(s) 85 0.5 25 0.4 61 0.5 64 0.8 22 0.7 43 0.8 Absence of fingers, toes,feet 39 0.2 19 0.3 19 0.2 33 0.4 17 0.6 '16 '0.3 Other absence, NEC 60 0.3 24 0.4 35 0.3 33 0.4 17 0.5 ‘16 '0.3 Complete paralysis of extremities 159 0.9 68 1.1 91 0.8 116 1.4 52 1.7 64 1.2 Cerebral palsy 69 0.4 55 0.9 '14 ‘0.1 36 0.4 28 0.9 '8 '0.1 Partial paralysis of extremities 83 0.5 29 0.5 54 0.5 55 0.7 25 0.8 30 0.6 Paralysis of other sites 35 0.2 18 0.3 17 0.2 22 0.3 '13 '0.4 *10 '0.2 Curvature of back or spine 271 1.6 183 3.1 88 0.8 100 1.2 77 2.5 23 0.4 Other impairment of back 1,424 8.2 727 12.1 697 6.1 716 8.5 362 11.8 354 6.6 Spine bifida '14 '0.1 '12 '0.2 '3 ‘0.0 '7 ‘0.1 '5 '0.2 '2 ‘0.0 Impairment of upper extremities 330 1.9 192 3.2 138 1.2 210 2.5 126 4.1 85 1.6 Impairment of lower extremities 883 5.1 440 7.3 443 3.9 501 5.9 269 8.8 232 4.3 Other orthopedic impairment 87 0.5 39 0.6 49 0.4 48 0.6 24 0.8 23 0.4 Speech impairment 31 0.2 19 0.3 '12 '0.1 17 0.2 ’14 '05 '4 'o_1 Blind in both eyes 91 0.5 35 0.6 56 0.5 56 0.7 21 0.7 35 0.6 Cataracts 67 0.4 ‘12 ‘0.2 54 0.5 29 0.3 '8 '0.2 22 0.4 Glaucoma 52 0.3 '7 '0.1 45 0.4 26 0.3 '4 ‘0.1 22 0.4 Other visual impairment/eye disorders__ 385 2.2 168 2.8 217 1.9 219 2.6 114 3.7 105 1.9 Deaf in both ears 76 0.4 47 0.8 29 0.3 40 0.5 25 0.8 ‘15 '0.3 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 210 1.2 89 1.5 120 1.1 107 1.3 45 1.5 62 1.1 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 77 TABLE 7A: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED - Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 All Ages 18.44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 82 0.5 26 0.4 56 0.5 49 0.6 '15 *0.5 34 0.6 Hernia 167 1.0 61 1 .0 106 0.9 86 1.0 33 1.1 53 1 .0 Enteritis and colitis 56 0.3 23 0.4 33 0.3 20 0.2 '11 ‘0.3 ‘9 '02 Cancer of digestive sites 82 0.5 '12 '0.2 70 0.6 46 0.5 '6 '0.2 39 0.7 Other digestive disorders 152 0.9 48 0.8 104 0.9 67 0.8 18 0.6 50 0.9 Ci culatory Rheumatic fever 96 0.5 32 0.5 64 0.6 26 0.3 '9 '0.3 18 0.3 lschemic heart disease 1.109 6.4 70 1.2 1,039 9.1 746 8.8 53 1 .7 693 12.8 Heart rhythm disorders 148 0.8 30 0.5 117 1.0 69 0.8 ‘9 '0.3 60 1.1 Other heart disease 780 4.5 98 1.6 682 6.0 414 4.9 39 1.3 375 6.9 Hypertension 757 4.3 115 1.9 642 5.6 254 3.0 36 1.2 218 4.0 Cerebrovascular disease 263 1.5 20 0.3 243 2.1 166 2.0 ‘9 '0.3 157 2.9 Arteriosclerosis 67 0.4 ‘5 "0.1 62 0.5 49 0.6 ‘3 '0.1 46 0.8 Phlebitis, varicose veins 183 1.1 47 0.8 136 1.2 42 0.5 '10 '0.3 33 0.6 Other circulatory 167 1.0 30 0.5 138 1 .2 88 1.0 ’1 1 *0.4 77 1 .4 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis 55 0.3 '14 '0.2 41 0.4 28 0.3 ‘6 '0.2 22 0.4 Asthma 491 2.8 270 4.5 221 1.9 185 2.2 109 3.6 76 1.4 Hay fever 65 0.4 51 0.9 ‘14 ‘0.1 29 0.3 28 0.9 "1 '0.0 Sinusitis 30 0.2 '7 '0.1 23 0.2 '1 1 ‘0.1 '3 '0.1 ‘9 '0.2 Emphysema 379 2.2 '13 '0.2 366 3.2 271 3.2 ‘8 '0.3 264 4.9 Lung or bronchial wncer 57 0.3 ‘2 '0.0 55 0.5 37 0.4 '2 '0.0 36 0.7 Other respiratory disease 175 1.0 31 0.5 145 1.3 110 1.3 18 0.6 93 1.7 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 78 TABLE 7A: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTlTUTlONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 All Ages 13.44 45.59 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 516 3.0 119 2.0 396 3.5 228 2.7 62 2.0 165 3.1 Anemias 44 0.3 20 0.3 23 0.2 '6 '0.1 '4 '0.1 '2 '0.0 Kidney disorders 90 0.5 34 0.6 57 0.5 32 0.4 '12 '0.4 19 0.4 Female genital disorders 84 0.5 48 0.8 36 0.3 . . . . . . Schizophrenia/other psychoses 174 1.0 106 1.8 68 0.6 108 1.3 73 2.4 35 0.7 Neuroses/personality disorders 229 1.3 123 2.1 106 0.9 107 1.3 60 2.0 46 0.9 Other mental illness 156 0.9 71 1.2 85 0.7 77 0.9 35 1.1 42 0.8 Alchohol or drug dependency 60 0.3 39 0.7 21 0.2 46 0.5 27 0.9 18 0.3 Mental retardation 350 2.0 283 4.7 68 0.6 201 2.4 164 5.4 36 0.7 Epilepsy 212 1.2 159 2.7 53 0.5 126 1.5 92 3.0 34 0.6 Multiple sclerosis 92 0.5 39 0.7 53 0.5 35 0.4 '15 '0.5 20 0.4 Senility 53 0.3 . . 53 0.5 17 0.2 . . 17 0.3 Parkinson's disease 37 0.2 '2 '0.0 36 0.3 22 0.3 '2 '0.0 21 0.4 Other nervous disorders 359 2.1 156 2.6 202 1.8 141 1.7 67 2.2 74 1.4 Tuberculosis (all sites) 55 0.3 22 0.4 34 0.3 '14 '0.2 '7 '0.2 '8 '0.1 Other infectious/parasitic diseases 49 0.3 31 0.5 18 0.2 26 0.3 17 0.6 '9 '0.2 Leukemia 22 0.1 '4 '0.1 17 0.1 '11 '0.1 '2 '0.0 '10 '02 Cancer of female breast 61 0.4 13 0.2 49 0.4 na na na na na na Cancer of genitourinary sites 66 0.4 '9 '0.2 57 0.5 25 0.3 '1 '0.0 24 0.4 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 90 0.5 20 0.3 70 0.6 48 0.6 '9 '0.3 39 0.7 Surgical/medical complications 129 0.7 40 0.7 89 0.8 51 0.6 19 0.6 32 0.6 Other injuries 115 0.7 60 1.0 55 0.5 56 0.7 32 1.0 24 0.4 Other ill-defined conditions 448 2.6 171 2.9 277 2.4 205 2.4 83 2.7 121 2.2 ' All other Chronic conditions 509 2.9 245 4.1 264 2.3 206 2.4 97 3.2 109 2.0 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 79 TABLE 7A: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in mousands and percent distribution All conditions 8.934 100.0 2.924 100.0 6,010 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis 230 2.6 52 1.8 178 3.0 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies_ 1.1 16 12.5 130 4.5 986 16.4 lntervertebral disk disorders 484 5.4 206 7.1 275 4.6 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 117 1.3 26 0.9 91 1.5 Bursitis 46 0.5 17 0.6 29 0.5 Psoriasis and dermatitis 37 0.4 19 0.7 18 0.3 Skin cancer '8 '0.1 '1 ‘0.0 ‘6 '0.1 Bone cancer ‘14 '0.2 ‘2 ‘0.1 '12 '0.2 Other skin and musculoskeletal 89 1.0 21 0.7 68 1.1 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '2 '0.0 '2 '0.1 . . Absence of Ieg(s) 21 0.2 ‘3 ‘0.1 18 0.3 Absence of fingers, toes,feet___ '6 '0.1 '2 ‘0.1 '4 '0.1 Other absence. NEC 27 0.3 '8 ‘03 19 0.3 Complete paralysis of extremities 44 0.5 16 0.5 27 0.4 Cerebral palsy 33 0.4 27 0.9 ‘6 '0.1 Partial paralysis of extremities 28 0.3 '4 '0.1 23 0.4 Paralysis of other sites '13 '0.1 '6 '0.2 '7 '0.1 Curvature of back or spine 171 1.9 106 3.6 65 1.1 Other impairment of back 708 7.9 365 12.5 343 5.7 Spina bilida '7 '0.1 ‘6 '0.2 ‘1 '0.0 Impairment of upper extremities 120 1.3 67 2.3 53 0.9 Impairment of lower extremities 381 4.3 170 5.8 211 3.5 Other orthopedic impairment 40 0.4 '15 ‘0.5 25 0.4 Speech impairment '15 '0.2 '6 ‘0.2 '9 '01 Blind in both eyes 36 0.4 '14 '0.5 21 0.4 Cataracts 37 0.4 *5 '0.2 32 0.5 Glaucoma 26 0.3 ‘3 '0.1 23 0.4 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 166 1 .9 54 1.8 1 13 1.9 Deaf in both ears 36 0.4 21 0.7 ‘15 ‘0.2 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 103 1.2 45 1 .5 59 1.0 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 8O TABLE 7A: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: EUNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69,1983-1985(THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- C NTINlI Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in Mousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 32 0.4 '1 1 '0.4 22 0.4 Hernia 81 0.9 28 1.0 53 0.9 Enteritis and colitis 36 0.4 ‘1 2 ‘0.4 24 0.4 Cancer of digestive sites 36 0.4 *5 ‘0.2 30 0.5 Other digestive disorders 84 0.9 30 1 .0 54 0.9 Circulatory Rheumatic fever 69 0.8 23 0.8 46 0.8 lschemic heart disease 363 4.1 17 0.6 346 5.8 Heart rhythm disorders 79 0.9 21 0.7 58 1.0 Other heart disease 366 4.1 59 2.0 306 5.1 Hypertension 502 5.6 78 2.7 424 7.1 Cerebrovascular disease 97 1.1 ’10 ‘0.4 86 1.4 Arteriosclerosis 19 0.2 '2 ‘0.1 17 0.3 Phlebitis, varicose veins 141 1.6 37 1.3 104 1.7 Other circulatory 79 0.9 ' 18 0.6 61 1.0 W Chronic bronchitis 27 0. 3 '8 '0.3 19 0.3 Asthma 306 3. 4 161 5.5 146 2.4 Hay fever 36 0.4 23 0.8 13 0.2 Sinusitis 18 0.2 ‘4 '0.1 '14 '0.2 Emphysema 108 1.2 '5 '0.2 102 1.7 Lung or bronchial cancer 20 0.2 "’1 '0.0 19 0.3 Other respiratory disease_______ 65 0.7 '13 '0.4 52 0.9 * Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 81 7 : PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND EEgIDEEFI:A UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—- CONTINUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribufion Miscellaneous Diabetes 288 3.2 57 1 .9 231 3.8 Anemias 37 0.4 ’16 ‘0.5 21 0.4 Kidney disorders 58 0.7 21 0.7 37 0.6 Female genital disorders 83 0.9 48 1.6 36 0.6 Schizophrenia/other psychoses 66 0.7 33 1 .1 33 0.6 Neuroses/personality disorders 122 1.4 63 2.1 59 1 .0 Other mental illness 78 0.9 35 1.2 43 0.7 Alchohol or drug dependency ‘14 ‘0.2 '12 '0.4 '2 '00 Mental retardation 150 1 .7 1 18 4.0 31 0.5 Epilepsy 86 1.0 67 2.3 19 0.3 Multiple sclerosis 57 0.6 24 0.8 32 0.5 Senility 36 0.4 . . 36 0.6 Parkinson's disease '15 ‘0.2 . . ‘15 '0.2 Other nervous disorders 216 2.4 89 3.0 128 2.1 Tuberculosis (all sites) 41 0.5 '15 '0.5 26 0.4 Other infectious/parasitic diseases 23 0.3 ‘14 '0.5 '9 ‘0.1 Leukemia '10 ‘0.1 '3 '0.1 '7 '01 Cancer of female breast 61 0.7 '13 ‘04 49 0.8 Cancer of genitourinary sites 41 0.5 '9 '0.3 33 0.5 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 43 0.5 *12 '0.4 31 0.5 Surgical/medical complications 78 0.9 21 0.7 57 0.9 Other injuries 59 0.7 28 1.0 31 0.5 Other ill-defined conditions 243 2.7 88 3.0 155 2.6 All other chronic conditions 303 3.4 149 5.1 155 2.6 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 82 TABLE 7B: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Males All Causes of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 28,316 100.0 7,962 100.0 20,354 100.0 13,623 100.0 4,018 100.0 9,606 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis 401 1.4 88 1.1 312 1.5 117 0.9 28 0.7 89 0.9 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 2,738 9.7 826 4.1 2,412 1 1 .8 986 7.2 131 3.3 855 8.9 lntervertebral disk disorders 1,261 4.5 540 6.8 721 3.5 691 5.1 320 8.0 371 3.9 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 279 1.0 63 0.8 216 1.1 92 0.7 30 0.7 63 0.7 Bursitis 150 0.5 49 0.6 100 0.5 58 0.4 20 0.5 38 0.4 Psoriasis and dermatitis 101 0.4 43 0.5 58 0.3 36 0.3 '10 ‘0.2 26 0.3 Skin cancer 19 0.1 ‘3 '0.0 '16 '0.1 '11 *0.1 '2 '0.0 ‘9 '0.1 Bone cancer 27 0.1 '4 '0.0 23 0.1 '10 '0.1 '1 ‘0.0 '9 '0.1 Other skin and musculoskeletal 318 1.1 58 0.7 259 1.3 153 1.1 28 0.7 125 1.3 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) 18 0.1 '9 '0.1 '10 '0.0 '16 '0.1 '7 ‘0.2 '10 '0.1 Absence of |eg(s) 111 0.4 28 0.3 84 0.4 83 0.6 24 0.6 59 0.6 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 72 0.3 32 0.4 40 0.2 61 0.4 30 0.7 32 0.3 Other absence, NEC 106 0.4 35 0.4 71 0.4 59 0.4 22 0.5 38 0.4 Complete paralysis of extremities 241 0.9 87 1.1 155 0.8 163 1.2 64 1.6 . 100 1.0 Cerebral palsy 82 0.3 67 0.8 '15 '0.1 44 0.3 35 0.9 '9 '0.1 Partial paralysis of extremities 187 0.7 45 0.6 142 0.7 118 0.9 33 0.8 84 0.9 Paralysis of other sites 72 0.3 22 0.3 49 0.3 46 0.3 ‘14 ‘0.4 31 0.3 Curvature of back or spine 345 1.2 212 2.7 132 0.6 126 0.9 89 2.2 37 0.4 Other impairment of back 1,734 6.1 835 10.5 899 4.4 876 6.4 415 10.3 461 4.8 Spina bifida 18 0.1 '13 '0.2 '5 ‘0.0 ‘9 ‘0.1 ‘6 '0.2 '3 “0.0 Impairment of upper extremities 521 1.8 258 3.2 263 1.3 319 2.3 . 167 4.2 152 1.6 Impairment of lower extremities 1,356 4.8 592 7.4 764 3.8 767 5.6 356 8.9 41 1 4.3 Other orthopedic impairment 124 0.4 58 0.7 66 0.3 69 0.5 36 0.9 32 0.3 Speech impairment 123 0.4 49 0.6 74 0.4 80 0.6 33 0.8 48 0.5 Blind in both eyes 134 0.5 49 0.6 85 0.4 76 0.6 27 0.7 48 0.5 Cataracts 170 0.6 21 0.3 148 0.7 74 0.5 '1 1 '0.3 62 0.6 Glaucoma 113 0.4 '13 '0.2 100 0.5 53 0.4 '8 '0.2 45 0.5 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 735 2.6 277 3.5 458 2.3 403 3.0 186 4.6 217 2.3 Deaf in both ears 104 0.4 50 0.6 54 0.3 54 0.4 28 0.7 26 0.3 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 414 1.5 132 1.7 282 1.4 226 1.7 73 1.8 154 1.6 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 83 TABLE TB: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Males All Causes of Limltation All Inges 13-44 45-69 All Ages 18-44 45-59 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 283 1.0 63 0.8 220 1.1 152 1.1 36 0.9 117 1.2 Hernia 346 1.2 79 1.0 266 1.3 170 1.2 40 1.0 130 1.4 Enteritis and colitis 91 0.3 31 0.4 59 0.3 27 0.2 ‘11 '0.3 '15 '02 Cancer of digestive sites 1 15 0.4 '13 '0.2 102 0.5 67 0.5 ‘7 ‘0.2 60 0.6 Other digestive disorders 428 1.5 111 1.4 318 1.6 172 1.3 41 1.0 131 1.4 Ci culatory Rheumatic fever 128 0.5 41 0.5 86 0.4 36 0.3 '11 '0.3 26 0.3 lschemic heart disease 1,460 5.2 80 1.0 1.379 6.8 952 7.0 60 1.5 892 9.3 Heart rhythm disorders 279 1.0 49 0.6 230 1.1 128 0.9 18 0.4 111 1.2 Other heart disease 1,225 4.3 143 1.8 1,082 5.3 628 4.6 57 1.4 572 5.9 Hypertension 2.057 7.3 231 2.9 1,826 9.0 787 5.8 80 2.0 707 7.4 Cerebrovascular disease 413 1.5 29 0.4 385 1.9 254 1 .9 13 0.3 241 2.5 Arteriosclerosis 134 0.5 ‘6 '0.1 129 0.6 96 0.7 '4 '0.1 92 1.0 Phlebitis, varicose veins 310 1.1 60 0.8 249 1.2 80 0.6 ‘13 '0.3 67 0.7 Other circulatory 317 1.1 43 0.5 274 1.3 172 1.3 17 0.4 155 1.6 Reseiratoy Chronic bronchitis 149 0.5 28 0.4 121 0.6 68 0.5 '10 '0.3 57 0.6 Asthma 705 2.5 326 4.1 379 1.9 260 1.9 125 3.1 136 1.4 Hay fever 96 0.3 60 0.8 36 0.2 39 0.3 33 0.8 '6 '0.1 Sinusitis 70 0.2 '15 ‘0.2 55 0.3 29 0.2 '7 '0.2 22 0.2 Emphysema 592 2.1 25 0.3 566 2.8 414 3.0 '15 '0.4 399 4.2 Lung or bronchial mncer 78 0.3 ‘3 '0.0 75 0.4 53 0.4 '2 '0.1 50 0.5 Other respiratory disease 333 1.2 50 0.6 284 1.4 215 1.6 28 0.7 187 1.9 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 84 TABLE 73: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE To CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes Males Ali Causes of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 1,217 4.3 168 2.1 1,049 5.2 556 4.1 84 2.1 471 4.9 Anemias 75 0.3 29 0.4 46 0.2 17 0.1 '6 ‘0.1 ‘11 '0.1 Kidney disorders 207 0.7 58 0.7 149 0.7 79 0.6 21 0.5 57 0.6 Female genital disorders 156 0.6 76 0.9 81 0.4 . . . . . . Schizophrenia/other psychoses 204 0.7 120 1.5 85 0.4 127 0.9 84 2.1 44 0.5 Neuroses/personality disorders 300 1 .1 147 1 .9 152 0.7 139 1 .0 75 1 .9 64 0.7 Other mental illness 244 0.9 105 1.3 139 0.7 120 0.9 53 1.3 67 0.7 Alohohol or drug dependency 80 0.3 48 0.6 32 0.2 61 0.4 34 0.8 27 0.3 Mental retardation 388 1.4 314 3.9 74 0.4 222 1.6 184 4.6 39 0.4 Epilepsy 299 1.1 204 2.6 95 0.5 178 1.3 1 15 2.9 63 0.7 Multiple sclerosis 100 0.4 45 0.6 55 0.3 40 0.3 19 0.5 22 0.2 Senility 58 0.2 . . 58 0.3 20 0.1 . . 20 0.2 Parkinson's disease 51 0.2 '3 ‘0.0 48 0.2 30 0.2 '2 ‘0.1 28 0.3 Other nervous disorders 526 1.9 213 2.7 313 1.5 200 1.5 86 2.1 114 1.2 Tuberculosis (all sites) 82 0.3 2‘6 0.3 56 0.3 26 0. 2 '8 '0.2 18 0.2 Other infectious/parasitic diseases 73 0.3 38 0.5 35 0.2 41 0.3 22 0.5 19 0.2 Leukemia 31 0.1 '4 ‘0.1 26 0.1 17 0.1 '2 ‘0.0 ‘1 5 ‘02 Cancer of female breast 94 0.3 '14 '0.2 80 0.4 na na na na na na Cancer of genitourinary sites 97 0.3 ‘11 '0.1 86 0.4 43 0.3 ‘1 ‘0.0 43 0.4 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 111 0.4 25 0.3 86 0.4 60 0.4 ‘11 '0.3 49 0.5 Surgical/medical complications 274 1.0 74 0.9 200 1.0 106 0.8 34 0.8 72 0.7 Other injuries 204 0.7 85 1.1 119 0.6 113 0.8 51 1.3 62 0.6 Other ill-defined conditions 819 2.9 258 3.2 561 2.8 358 2.6 126 3.1 231 2.4 All other chronic conditions 945 3.3 351 4.4 595 2.9 393 2.9 143 3.6 250 2.6 85 TABLE 7B: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69,1983-1985(THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)— CONTINUED Females AII Causes of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 14,693 100.0 3,944 100.0 10,749 100.0 Skin and musculoske/etal Rheumatoid arthritis 284 1. 9 60 1.5 224 2.1 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 1.752 11.9 195 4.9 1,557 14.5 Intervenebral disk disorders 570 3.9 220 5.6 351 3.3 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders_______ 187 1.3 33 0.8 154 1.4 Bursitis 91 0.6 29 0.7 63 0.6 Psoriasis and dermatitis 65 0.4 33 0.8 32 0.3 Skin cancer ‘8 ‘0.1 '1 ‘0.0 '7 '0.1 Bone cancer 17 0.1 '3 '0.1 ’14 '0.1 Other skin and musculoskeletal 164 1.1 30 0.8 134 1.2 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) ‘2 ‘0.0 ’2 '0.1 . . Absence of leg(s) 28 0.2 ‘4 '0.1 24 0.2 Absence of fingers, toes, feet '11 ‘0.1 '2 ‘0.1 ‘9 '0.1 Other absence, NEC 47 0.3 ‘13 '0.3 34 0.3 Complete paralysis of extremities 78 0.5 23 0.6 55 0.5 Cerebral palsy 37 0.3 32 0.8 '6 ‘0.1 Partial paralysis of extremities 69 0.5 '11 '0.3 58 0.5 Paralysis of other sites 26 0.2 '8 '02 18 0.2 Curvature of back or spine 219 1.5 123 3.1 95 0.9 Other impairment of back 858 5.8 420 10.6 438 4.1 Spina bifida ‘9 '0.1 '7 '0.2 ‘2 '0.0 Impairment of upper extremities 202 1.4 91 2.3 11 1 1.0 Impairment of lower extremities 590 4.0 236 6.0 354 3.3 Other orthopedic impairment 55 0.4 22 0.6 33 0.3 Speech impairments 42 0.3 '16 '0.4 27 0.3 Blind in both eyes 58 0.4 21 0.5 37 0.3 Cataracts 96 0.7 ’10 '0.3 86 0.8 Glaucoma 60 0.4 ‘5 ‘0.1 55 0.5 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 332 2.3 91 2.3 241 2.2 Deaf in both ears 49 0.3 22 0.6 27 0.3 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 188 1.3 60 1.5 128 1.2 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 86 TABLE 73: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND SENITIEJSESNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- Females All Causes of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 130 0.9 27 0.7 103 1.0 Hernia 176 1.2 39 1.0 136 1.3 Enteritis and colitis 64 0.4 20 0.5 44 0.4 Cancer of digestive sites 48 0.3 '5 '0.1 42 0.4 Other digestive disorders 257 1.7 70 1.8 187 1.7 Circulatory / Rheumatic fever 91 0.6 31 0.8 61 I 0.6 lschemic heart disease 508 3.5 20 0.5 487 4.5 Heart rhythm disorders 150 1.0 32 0.8 1 19 1.1 Other heart disease 597 4.1 86 2.2 510 4.7 Hypertension 1,270 8.6 151 3.8 1119 10.4 Cerebrovascular disease 159 1 .1 '15 ‘0.4 143 1.3 Arteriosclerosis 39 0.3 '2 '0.1 37 0.3 Phlebitis. varicose veins 230 1.6 48 1.2 182 1.7 Other circulatory 145 1.0 27 0.7 118 1.1 M Chronic bronchitis 81 0.6 18 0.5 63 0.6 Asthma 444 3.0 201 5.1 243 2.3 Hay fever 58 0.4 28 0.7 30 0.3 Sinusitis 41 0.3 '8 '0.2 33 0.3 Emphysema 178 1.2 '11 '0.3 167 1.6 Lung or bronchial cancer 25 0.2 ‘1 '0.0 24 0.2 Other respiratory disease 1 17 0.8 21 0.5 96 0.9 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 87 TABLE 73: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION , AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Females All Causes of Limitation All Ages 18-44 45-69 Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 662 4.5 84 2.1 578 5.4 Anemias 58 0.4 24 0.6 34 0.3 Kidney disorders 128 0.9 36 0.9 91 0.9 Female genital disorders 156 1.1 76 1.9 80 0.7 Schizophrenia/other psychoses 77 0.5 36 0.9 41 0.4 Neuroses/personality disorders 161 1.1 72 1.8 88 0.8 Other mental illness 125 0.9 52 1.3 72 0.7 Alchohol or drug dependency 19 0.1 '14 '0.4 '5 '00 Mental retardation 165 1.1 131 3.3 35 0.3 Epilepsy 121 0.8 89 2.3 32 0.3 Multiple sclerosis 59 0.4 26 0.7 33 0.3 Senility 38 0.3 . . 38 0.4 Parkinson's disease 20 0.1 ‘1 '0.0 20 0.2 Other nervous disorders 326 2.2 127 3.2 199 1.9 Tuberculosis (all sites) 55 0.4 17 0.4 38 0.4 Other infectious/parasitic diseases 32 0.2 '16 '0.4 '16 '0.1 Leukemia '14 ‘0.1 '3 '0.1 '11 '01 Cancer of female breast 94 0.6 '14 '0.4 80 0.7 Cancer of genitourinary sites 54 0.4 ‘10 '0.3 43 0.4 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 51 0.3 ‘14 '0.4 37 0.3 Surgical/medical complications 169 1.1 41 1.0 128 1.2 Other injuries 91 0.6 34 0.9 57 0.5 Other ill-defined conditions 462 3.1 133 3.4 329 3.1 All other chronic conditions 552 3.8 208 5.3 344 3.2 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 88 TABLE 8A: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Males Main Cause 0! Limitation All Ages 5-69 70+ All Ages 5-69 70+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 7,577 100.0 3,932 100.0 3,645 100.0 2.720 100.0 1,612 100.0 1,108 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis 173 2.3 112 2.8 61 1.7 31 1.2 21 1.3 '11 '1.0 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 955 12.6 359 9.1 596 16.4 173 6.4 83 5.1 90 8.2 Intervertebral disk disorders 227 3.0 196 5.0 30 0.8 77 2.8 69 4.3 '8 '0.7 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 89 1.2 41 1.0 48 1.3 '13 '0.5 '7 ‘0.4 '6 '0.6 Bursitis ’12 '0.2 '6 '0.2 ‘6 '0.2 '3 . ‘0.1 ‘2 ‘0.1 '1 ’0.1 Psoriasis and dermatitis '7 '0.1 '5 '0.1 '2 '0.1 '2 '0.1 '2 '0.1 . . Skin cancer '4 '0.0 '2 '0.1 '1 '0.0 ‘1 '0.1 '1 '0.0 '1 '0.1 Bone cancer 26 0.3 '13 ‘0.3 '13 '0.4 ‘6 . '02 *1 '0.1 '5 '0.4 Other skin and musculoskeletal 63 0.8 31 0.8 31 0.9 22 . 0.8 '11 '0.7 '10 '0.9 Impairments , Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '6 '0.1 '6 '0.1 . . '6 '0.2 '6 ‘0.3 . . Absence of leg(s) 80 1.1 42 1.1 38 1.0 50 1.8 30 1.8 20 1.8 Absence of fingers, toes, feet '9 '0.1 '4 '0.1 '5 '0.1 '3 ' '0.1 '2 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Other absence, NEC '15 '0.2 '8 '0.2 '7 '0.2 '5 _ '0.2 '3 '0.2 '2 '0.2 Complete paralysis of extremities 139 1.8 110 2.8 29 0.8 93 3.4 79 4.9 '14 '1.3 Cerebral palsy 61 0.8 60 1.5 '1 '0.0 31 1.1 31 1.9 . _ Partial paralysis of extremities 51 0.7 31 0.8 20 0.6 27 1.0 19 1.2 '8 '0.7 Paralysis of other sites 29 0.4 20 0.5 '9 '0.2 '16 '0.6 '12 '0.8 '4 '0.3 Curvature of back or spine 42 0.6 32 0.8 '9 ’0.3 ‘6 ‘02 '5 '0.3 '1 '0.1 Other impairment of back 260 3.4 197 5.0 63 1.7 80 2.9 68 4.2 ‘1 2 ‘1 .1 Spina bifida '9 '0.1 '8 '0.2 '1 *0.0 '4 '02 '4 '0.3 . . Impairment of upper extremities 56 0.7 43 1.1 '13 '0.4 25 0.9 22 1.4 '3 '0.3 Impairment of lower extremities 333 4.4 128 3.3 205 5.6 100 3.7 47 2.9 53 4.8 Other orthopedic impairment 39 0.5 26 0.7 '13 '0.4 '15 '05 f1 1 '0.7 '3 '03 Speech impairment '15 '0.2 '11 '0.3 '4 '0.1 '9 '0.3 '7 '0.4 '1 '0.1 Blind in both eyes 162 2.1 71 1.8 90 2.5 75 2.8 40 2.5 35 3.1 Cataracts 91 1.2 '13 '0.3 77 2.1 27 1.0 '3 '0.2 23 2.1 Glaucoma 55 0.7 '15 '0.4 41 1.1 21 0.6 '8 '0.5 '13 '1.2 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 274 3.6 100 2.5 175 4.8 110 4.0 45 2.8 65 5.9 Deaf in both ears 24 0.3 '15 “0.4 '10 '0.3 '13 ‘0.5 '8 '0.5 '5 *0.5 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 56 0.7 26 0.7 30 0.8 23 0.8 '12 '0.7 '1 1 '1.0 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1933-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 89 TABLE 8A: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 5—69 70+ All Ages 5-69 70+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers ‘8 '0.1 '3 ‘0.1 '5 '0.1 '3 '0.1 '1 *0.1 '1 '0.1 Abdominal hernia 29 0.4 17 0.4 *12 ‘0.3 '12 80.4 ‘5 '0.3 '7 '0.6 Enteritis and colitis '9 '0.1 '5 ‘0.1 '4 ‘0.1 *1 '0.0 . . '1 '01 Cancer of digestive sites 49 0.7 26 0.7 24 0.7 22 0.8 '1 1 '0.7 "’1 1 '1 .0 Other digestive disorders 61 0.8 30 0.8 31 0.9 '16 ‘0.6 '12 '0.7 '4 '0.4 Ci culatory Rheumatic fever 27 0.4 19 0.5 ‘8 “0.2 ‘2 “0.1 '2 '0.1 . . lschemic heart disease 388 5.1 192 4.9 196 5.4 147 5.4 91 5.7 55 5.0 Heart rhythm disorders 53 0.7 19 0.5 34 0.9 '14 '0.5 ‘5 ‘0.3 ‘9 *0.8 Other heart disease 403 5.3 135 3.4 268 7.3 146 5.4 60 3.7 86 7.7 Hypertension 165 2.2 78 2.0 87 2.4 36 1.3 18 1.1 18 1.6 Cerebrovascular disease 399 5.3 147 3.7 252 6.9 197 7.2 82 5.1 1 15 10.4 Arteriosclerosis 68 0.9 '14 '03 55 1.5 24 0.9 '7 '0.4 17 1.5 Phlebitis, varicose veins 45 0.6 29 0.7 '16 '0.4 ‘7 '0.3 "4 ‘0.2 '3 '0.3 Other circulatory 86 1.1 35 0.9 51 1.4 38 1.4 17 1.0 22 2.0 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis 17 0.2 '8 '0.2 '9 ‘03 '4 '0.2 '3 '0.2 '1 '0.1 Asthma 91 1.2 69 1.7 23 0.6 27 1.0 24 1.5 '3 '03 Hay fever '5 '0.1 *4 “0.1 '1 '0.0 '1 ‘0.0 ‘1 '0.1 . , Sinusitis '9 ‘0.1 '4 '0.1 '5 '0.1 '6 '0.2 , '2 'o.1 '4 '0,4 Emphysema 188 2.5 104 2.7 83 2.3 1 18 4.3 62 3.8 56 5.0 Lung or bronchial cancer 35 0.5 19 0.5 17 0.5 24 0.9 ‘12 '0.7 '12 '1 .1 Other respiratory disease 76 1.0 40 1.0 35 1.0 46 1.7 22 1.4 24 2.1 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health lnterview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 90 TABLE 8A: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Males Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 5-69 70+ All Ages 5-69 704- Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 181 2.4 83 2.1 99 2.7 49 1.8 27 1.7 22 2.0 Anemias '15 '0.2 '8 '0.2 '7 '0.2 '4 '0.2 '2 '0.1 '3 '0.3 Kidney disorders 28 0.4 18 0.5 '9 '0.3 '8 '0.3 '5 '0.3 '3 '0.3 Female genital disorders 19 0.2 '14 '0.4 '4 80.1 na na na na na na Schizophrenia/other psychoses 69 0.9 59 1.5 '10 '0.3 39 1.4 34 2.1 '5 '0.4 Neuroses/personality disorders 82 1.1 68 1.7 '14 '0.4 28 1.0 23 1.5 '5 '0.4 Other mental illness 52 0.7 36 0.9 '16 '0.4 25 0.9 20 1.3 '5 '0.5 Alchohol or drug dependency '6 '0.1 '6 '0.2 . . '4 '0.2 '4 '0.3 . . Mental retardation 303 4.0 297 7.6 '6 '0.2 172 6.3 169 10.5 '2 '0.2 Epilepsy 70 0.9 61 1.6 '9 '0.2 33 1.2 29 1.8 '5 '0.4 Multiple sclerosis 63 0.8 57 1.5 '5 '0.1 20 0.7 19 1.2 '1 '0.1 Senility 268 3.5 '6 '0.1 262 7.2 81 3.0 '1 '0.1 80 7.2 Parkinson's disease 67 0.9 20 0.5 47 1.3 32 1.2 '10 '0.6 22 2.0 Other nervous disorders 183 2.4 110 2.8 73 2.0 70 2.6 46 2.9 24 2.2 Tuberculosis (all sites) 20 0.3 '15 '0.4 '5 '0.1 '2 '0.1 '1 '0.1 '1 '0.1 Other infectious/parasitic diseases _ 18 0.2 '7 '0.2 '11 '0.3 '4 '0.2 '3 '0.2 '1 '0.1 Leukemia '10 '0.1 '6 '0.2 '4 '0.1 '3 '0.1 '2 '0.1 '1 '01 Cancer of female breast 26 0.3 '14 '0.3 '12 '0.3 na na na na na na Cancer of genitourinary sites 33 0.4 21 0.5 '13 '0.3 '14 '0.5 '5 '0.3 '8 '0.7 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 52 0.7 34 0.9 18 0.5 21 0.8 '14 '0.8 '8 '0.7 Surgical/medical complications 55 0.7 33 0.9 22 0.6 '16 '0.6 '12 '0.7 '4 '0.4 Other injuries 49 0.6 28 0.7 21 0.6 21 0.8 '13 '0.8 '8 '0.7 Other ill-defined conditions 142 1 .9 80 2.0 63 1.7 49 1.8 30 1.9 20 1.8 All other chronic conditions 193 2.5 124 3.1 69 1.9 68 2.5 43 2.7 25 2.3 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 91 TABLE 8A: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL on ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 5-69 70+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 4,856 100.0 2,320 100.0 2.537 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis 142 2.9 91 3.9 50 2.0 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 782 16.1 277 1 1.9 506 19.9 Intervenebral disk disorders 149 3.1 127 5.5 22 0.9 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 75 1.6 34 1.5 41 1.6 Bursitis '9 ‘0.2 '4 '0.2 '5 '0.2 Psoriasis and dermatitis *5 '0.1 ‘3 '0.1 ‘2 '01 Skin cancer '2 '0.0 '2 '0.1 '1 '0.0 Bone cancer 20 0.4 '11 *0.5 '8 '03 Other skin and musculoskeletal 41 0.8 20 0.9 21 0.8 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) . . . . . . Absence of leg(s) 30 0.6 '12 '0.5 18 0.7 Absence of fingers, toes, feet '6 '0.1 '2 '0.1 ‘4 '0.1 Other absence, NEC '10 '0.2 '5 '0.2 '5 ‘0.2 Complete paralysis of extremities 47 1.0 31 1.3 ‘16 ‘0.6 Cerebral palsy 30 0.6 29 1.3 '1 '0.0 Partial paralysis of extremities 24 0.5 ‘1 2 '0.5 '12 '0.5 Paralysis of other sites '13 '0.3 '8 '0.3 ‘5 '0.2 Curvature of back or spine 36 0.7 28 1.2 '9 '0.3 Other impairment of back 180 3.7 130 5.6 51 2.0 Spina bifida '5 '0.1 '4 '0.2 '1 '0.0 Impairment of upper extremities 31 0.6 21 0.9 '10 '0.4 Impairment of lower extremities 233 4.8 81 3.5 152 6.0 Other orthopedic impairment 24 0.5 ‘14 '0.6 '10 '04 Speech impairment '6 '0.1 ‘3 '0.1 '2 '01 Blind in both eyes 86 1.8 31 1.3 56 2.2 Cataracts 64 1.3 '10 '0.4 54 2.1 Glaucoma 34 0.7 '7 '0.3 28 1.1 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 165 3.4 55 2.4 1 10 4.3 Deaf in both ears ___ '11 '0.2 ‘7 '0.3 '4 '0.2 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 33 0.7 '14 '0.6 20 0.8 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 92 TABLE 8A: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 5-69 70+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers '5 *0.1 ‘2 '0.1 '4 '0.1 Abdominal hernia 17 ’ 0.3 ‘1 1 ’0.5 '6 ‘0.2 Enteritis and colitis '9 '0.2 '5 '02 '3 '0.1 Cancer of digestive sites 28 0.6 *15 ‘0.6 '13 '0.5 Other digestive disorders 45 0.9 18 0.8 27 1.1 Ci culatory Rheumatic fever 25 0.5 17 0.7 *8 '0.3 lschemic heart disease 241 5.0 100 4.3 141 5.5 Heart rhythm disorders 39 0.8 '14 '06 25 1.0 Other heart disease 257 5.3 75 3.2 182 7.2 Hypertension 128 2.6 60 2.6 69 2.7 Cerebrovascular disease 202 4.2 65 2.8 137 5.4 Arteriosclerosis 44 0.9 ‘7 '0.3 38 1 .5 Phlebitis, varicose veins as 0.8 25 1.1 ‘13 '0.5 Other circulatory 48 1 .0 18 0.8 29 1 .2 W Chronic bronchitis '13 *0.3 '5 ‘0.2 '8 '0.3 Asthma 64 1.3 45 1.9 19 0.8 Hay fever '3 ‘0.1 *3 ‘0.1 '1 '0.1 Sinusitis *3 '0.1 ‘3 '0.1 '1 '0.0 Emphysema 70 1.4 42 1.8 27 1.1 Lung or bronchial cancer '11 ‘0.2 *7 '0.3 '4 '0.2 Other respiratory disease 31 0.6 18 0.8 '11 '0.4 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 93 TABLE 8A: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN CAUSE OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Females Main Cause of Limitation All Ages 5-69 704- Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution W Diabetes 132 2.7 56 2.4 76 3.0 Anemias '1 0 '0.2 ‘6 ‘03 '4 '0.2 Kidney disorders 20 0.4 '14 '0.6 ‘6 '02 Female genital disorders 19 0.4 '14 '0.6 ‘4 '0.2 Schizophrenia/other psychoses 30 0.6 25 1.1 ‘6 '0.2 Neuroses/personality disorders 54 1.1 45 1.9 '9 '0.4 Other mental illness 27 0.6 '16 '0.7 '11 '0.4 Alchohol or drug dependency 2‘ '0.0 '2 '0.1 . . Mental retardation 131 2.7 127 5.5 '4 '0.1 Epilepsy 37 0.8 32 1.4 '4 '0.2 Multiple sclerosis 43 0.9 38 1.7 *5 '0.2 Senility 187 3.8 '4 '02 182 7.2 Parkinson's disease 35 0.7 ‘10 '0.4 25 1.0 Other nervous disorders 112 2.3 64 2.8 48 1.9 Tuberculosis (all sites) 18 0.4 '14 '0.6 '4 '0.2 Other infectious/parasitic diseases _ '14 ‘0.3 ‘4 '0.2 ‘10 ‘0.4 Leukemia '7 ‘0.1 '4 '0.2 ‘3 ‘0.1 Cancer of female breast 26 0.5 '14 '0.6 '12 ‘05 Cancer of genitourinary sites 20 0.4 '15 '0.7 ‘5 '02 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 31 0.6 20 0.9 ‘11 0.4 Surgical/medical complications 39 0.8 22 0.9 18 0.7 Other injuries 28 0.6 ' '14 '0.6 '13 '0.5 Other ill-defined conditions 93 1.9 51 2.2 43 1.7 All other chronic conditions 125 2.6 80 3.5 44 1.7 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 94 TABLE 83: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVER/AGE) Males All Causes of Limitation All Ages 5-69 70+ All Ages 5-69 704. Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All conditions 13,343 100.0 6,136 100.0 7,707 100.0 4.872 100.0 2,465 100.0 2,407 100.0 Skin and musculoskeletai Rheumatoid arthritis 213 1.5 135 2.2 78 1.0 39 0.8 26 1.0 ‘13 ‘05 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 1,599 11.5 582 9.5 1,017 13.2 328 6.7 145 5.9 183 7.6 lntervertebral disk disorders 281 2.0 231 3.8 50 0.6 98 2.0 82 3.3 '16 '0.7 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 141 1.0 57 0.9 83 1.1 22 0.4 '12 ‘0.5 '10 ‘0.4 Bursitis 30 0.2 18 0.3 '13 '02 '9 '02 '5 '02 '3 '0.1 Psoriasis and dermatitis 22 0.2 '14 '0.2 '8 '0.1 '8 '0.2 '7 '0.3 '1 '01 Skin cancer '12 *0.1 '2 '0.0 '10 '0.1 '4 '0.1 *1 *0.0 '3 '0.1 Bone cancer 29 0.2 '15 ‘0.2 '14 ‘02 '7 '0.1 "2 '0.1 *5 '0.2 Other skin and musculoskeletal 142 1.0 59 1.0 83 1.1 55 1.1 22 0.9 33 1.4 impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '8 '01 '6 *0.1 '2 ‘0.0 '7 ‘0.1 '6 '0.2 *1 '0.1 Absence of leg(s) 108 0.8 57 0.9 52 0.7 72 1.5 42 1.7 30 1.2 Absence of fingers, toes, feet '16 '0.1 '7 '0.1 '9 '0.1 '9 '02 '4 ‘0.2 '4 ‘0.2 Other absence, NEC 29 0.2 '13 '0.2 '16 '0.2 '10 “0.2 '6 *0.2 '4 '0.2 Complete paralysis of extremities 104 0.8 63 1.0 41 0.5 , 62 1.3 37 1.5 25 1.0 Cerebral palsy 74 0.5 73 1.2 *1 '0.0 39 0.8 39 1.6 . . Partial paralysis of extremities 187 1.4 74 1.2 113 1.5 82 1.7 37 1.5 45 1.9 Paralysis of other sites 60 0.4 35 0.6 26 0.3 29 0.6 17 0.7 ‘11 ‘0.4 Curvature of back or spine 63 0.5 46 0.7 17 0.2 '13 ‘0.3 '10 '0.4 '2 '0.1 Other impairment of back 354 2.6 249 4.1 105 1.4 1 11 2.3 85 3.4 26 1.1 Spina bifida '10 '0.1 '9 '0.2 '1 *0.0 '5 '0.1 '5 '0.2 . . Impairment of upper extremities 124 0.9 83 1.3 42 0.5 46 1.0 40 1.6 '7 ‘0.3 Impairment of lower extremities 556 4.0 227 3.7 329 4.3 179 3.7 94 3.8 85 3.5 Other orthopedic impairment 65 0.5 37 0.6 28 0.4 22 0.4 '14 ‘0.6 ‘8 ‘03 Speech impairment 94 0.7 51 0.8 42 0.5 53 1.1 30 1.2 22 0.9 Blind in both eyes 235 1.7 99 1.6 135 1.8 111 2.3 54 2.2 56 2.3 Cataracts 277 2.0 45 0.7 232 3.0 92 1.9 '16 '0.7 76 3.1 Glaucoma 145 1.0 29 0.5 115 1.5 50 1.0 '12 '0.5 38 1.6 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 584 4.2 185 3.0 399 5.2 226 4.6 85 3.4 141 5.8 Deaf in both ears 57 0.4 21 0.3 37 0.5 27 0.5 '11 *0.4 ‘16 '0.7 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 209 1.5 44 0.7 164 2.1 84 1.7 22 0.9 62 2.6 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 95 TABLE BB: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Males All Causes of Limitation All Ages 5-69 704- All Ages 5-69 70+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Digestive Ulcers 69 0.5 24 0.4 46 0.6 26 0.5 '9 '0.4 17 0.7 Abdominal hernia 104 0.8 35 0.6 69 0.9 31 0.6 '9 ‘0.4 22 0.9 Enteritis and colitis 24 0.2 17 0.3 '8 ‘0.1 ‘4 '0.1 ‘1 '0.1 ‘2 '01 Cancer of digestive sites 69 0.5 31 0.5 38 0.5 29 0.6 '14 ‘0.6 '15 '0.6 Other digestive disorders 219 1.6 81 1.3 138 1.8 53 1.1 24 1.0 29 1.2 Ci culatogv Rheumatic fever 44 0.3 29 0.5 '15 ‘0.2 '4 ‘0.1 ‘3 ‘0.1 81 ‘0.0 Ischemic heart disease 592 4.3 263 4.3 329 4.3 222 4.5 126 5.1 96 4.0 Heart rhythm disorders 133 1.0 38 0.6 95 1.2 46 1.0 '14 '0.6 32 1.3 Other heart disease 756 5.5 223 3.6 533 6.9 260 5.3 94 3.8 166 6.9 Hypertension 692 5.0 221 3.6 470 6.1 165 3.4 56 2.3 109 4.5 Cerebrovascular disease 576 4.2 203 3.3 373 4.8 281 5.8 1 10 4.5 170 7.1 Arteriosclerosis 171 1.2 27 0.4 144 1.9 60 1.2 17 0.7 44 1 .8 Phlebitis. varicose veins 97 0.7 53 0.9 44 0.6 22 0.5 '11 '0.4 '1 1 '0.5 Other circulatory 190 1.4 66 1.1 124 1.6 78 1.6 28 1.1 50 2.1 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis 61 0.4 23 0.4 38 0.5 '16 '0.3 ‘8 '0.3 ‘9 '0.4 Asthma 175 1.3 114 1.9 62 0.8 52 1.1 34 1.4 18 0.7 Hay fever ‘10 '0.1 '6 '0.1 ’4 “0.1 '3 '0.1 '2 '0.1 '1 ‘0.0 Sinusitis 27 0.2 '10 '0.2 17 0.2 '11 '0.2 '3 '0.1 '8 '0.4 Emphysema 31 1 2.2 159 2.6 152 2.0 188 3.9 95 3.9 93 3.9 Lung or bronchial cancer 47 0.3 23 0.4 24 0.3 30 0.6 '13 ‘0.5 17 0.7 Other respiratory disease 144 1.0 75 1.2 68 0.9 84 1.7 41 1.7 43 1.8 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 96 TABLE BB: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED " Figure has low statisfical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOUIRCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes ‘ Males All Causes of Limitation All Ages l 5-69 70+ All Ages 5-69 ‘ Number of conditions in thousands and percent disvibufion Miscellaneous l Diabetes 561 4.0‘ 199 3.2 361 4.7 171 3.5 65 2.6 106 4.4 Anemias 34 0.2 i '13 '0.2 21 0.3 ‘7 '0.1 '2 '0.1 *5 '0.2 Kidney disorders 89 0.6 40 0.6 49 0.6 23 0.5 '9 80.4 '13 ‘0.6 Female genital disorders 42 0.3 ‘ 27 0.4 '16 '0.2 na na na na na na Schizophrenia/other psychoses 84 0.6‘ 67 1.1 17 0.2 49 1.0 41 1.6 '9 ‘0.4 Neuroses/personality disorders 107 0.8 86 1.4 21 0.3 40 0.8 32 1.3 ‘8 '0.3 Other mental illness 87 0.6 i 56 0.9 32 0.4 38 0.8 26 1.0 '12 '0.5 Alchohol or drug dependency '9 '0.1 ‘ '8 '0.1 ‘1 '0.0 '7 '0.1 '6 ‘0.2 '1 ‘0.0 Mental retardation 332 2.4 ‘ 324 5.3 "8 ‘0.1 186 3.8 183 7.4 ‘4 '0.1 Epilepsy 102 0.7 88 1.4 '14 '0.2 55 1.1 47 1.9 ‘9 “0.4 Multiple sclerosis 65 0.5 59 1.0 '6 ‘0.1 21 0.4 20 0.8 '1 '0.1 Senility 309 2.2 '8 ‘0.1 301 3.9 99 2.0 '3 'o.1 96 4.0 Parkinson's disease 97 0.7 23 0.4 74 1.0 50 1.0 '12 '0.5 38 1.6 Other nervous disorders 244 1.8 146 2.4 98 1.3 91 1.9 59 2.4 32 1.3 Tuberculosis (all sites) 26 0.2 19 0.3 '6 ‘0.1 ‘3 '0.1 '2 ‘0.1 '1 '0.0 Other infectious/parasitic diseases __ 29 0.2 '13 '0.2 '16 ‘0.2 ‘8 '0.2 '6 '0.2 '2 '0.1 Leukemia '15 '0.1 '8 '0.1 '8 ‘0.1 '5 '0.1 '3 '0.1 '2 '01 Cancer of female breast 46 0.3 20 0.3 26 0.3 na na na na na na Cancer of genitourinary sites 54 0.4 24 0.4 29 0.4 24 0.5 '5 '0.2 19 0.8 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 62 0.4 35 0.6 27 0.4 25 0.5 '14 '0.6 '10 '0.4 Surgical/medical complications 127 0.9 64 1.0 63 0.8 37 0.8 20 0.8 18 0.7 Other injuries 89 0.6 45 0.7 44 0.6 32 0.6 19 0.8 '12 '0.5 Other ill-defined conditions 348 2.5 181 2.9 169 2.2 115 2.4 69 2.8 47 2.0 All other chronic conditions 413 3.0 210 3.4 202 2.6 140 2.9 75 3.0 65 2.7 97 TABLE BB: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—-CONTINUED Females All Causes 0! Limitation All Ages 5-69 70+ Number of conditions in mousands and percent distribution All conditions 8,971 100.0 3,671 100.0 5,300 100.0 Skin and muscuioske/eta/ Rheumatoid arthritis 174 1.9 109 3.0 65 1.2 Osteoartl'Iritis/other arthropathies 1,271 14.2 438 1 1.9 834 15.7 lntervertebral disk disorders 183 2.0 149 4.1 34 0.6 Osteomyelitisibone disorders 119 1.3 46 1.2 73 1.4 Bursitis 22 0.2 '13 ‘03 '9 ‘0.2 Psoriasis and dermatitis ’14 '0.2 '7 '0.2 '7 '01 Skin cancer '8 '0.1 '2 '0.0 '6 '0.1 Bone cancer 22 0.2 '13 '0.3 ‘9 0.2 Other skin and musculoskeletal 87 1.0 37 1.0 50 1.0 Impairments Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) '1 ‘0.0 . . ‘1 '0.0 Absence of leg(s) 36 0.4 '15 '0.4 22 0.4 Absence of fingers, toes, feet '7 '0.1 ‘3 ‘0.1 ‘4 '0.1 Other absence, NEC 19 0.2 '7 '0.2 ‘12 “0.2 Complete paralysis of extremities 42 0.5 26 0.7 '16 ‘0.3 Cerebral palsy 35 0.4 34 0.9 *1 '0.0 Partial paralysis of extremities 105 1.2 37 1.0 68 1.3 Paralysis of other sites 32 0.4 18 0.5 '14 '0.3 Curvature of back or spine 51 0.6 36 1.0 '15 ‘03 Other impairment of back 243 2.7 164 4.5 79 1.5 Spina bifida ‘5 '0.1 '4 ‘0.1 ‘1 ‘0.0 Impairment of upper extremities 78 0.9 43 1.2 35 0.7 Impairment of lower extremities 377 4.2 133 3.6 244 4.6 Other orthopedic impairment 43 0.5 23 0.6 20 0.4 Speech impairment 41 0.4 21 0.6 20 0.4 Blind in both eyes 124 1.4 45 1.2 79 1.5 Cataracts 185 2.1 29 0.8 156 2.9 Glaucoma 94 1.1 17 0.5 77 1.5 Other visual impairment/eye disorders_ 359 4.0 100 2.7 258 4.9 Deaf in both ears 31 0.3 ‘10 ‘0.3 21 0.4 Other hearing impairment/ear disorders 125 1.4 22 0.6 102 1.9 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 98 TABLE BB: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Females AII Causes of Limitation All Ages 5-69 704. Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution 2ige_sriv_e Ulcers 43 0.5 '14 ‘0.4 29 0.5 Abdominal hernia 73 0.8 26 0.7 47 0.9 Enteritis and colitis 20 0.2 '15 ‘0.4 '5 '0.1 Cancer of digestive sites 40 0.4 17 0.5 23 0.4 Other digestive disorders 166 1.8 57 1.5 109 2.1 goal—alert Rheumatic fever 40 0.4 25 0.7 '15 '03 lschemic heart disease 370 4.1 137 3.7 233 4.4 Heart rhythm disorders 87 1.0 24 0.6 63 1.2 Other heart disease 496 5.5 129 3.5 367 6.9 Hypertension 527 5.9 165 4.5 362 6.8 Cerebrovascular disease 295 3.3 92 2.5 203 3.8 Arteriosclerosis 111 1.2 ‘1 0 ‘0.3 100 1.9 Phlebitis, varicose veins 75 0.8 42 1.2 33 0.6 Other circulatory 112 1.3 38 1.0 74 1.4 315% Chronic bronchitis 45 0.5 ‘1 5 '0.4 30 0.6 Asthma 123 1.4 79 2.2 44 0.8 Hay fever ‘7 ‘0.1 ‘4 '0.1 ‘3 '0.1 Sinusitis '15 '02 ‘7 '0.2 ‘8 '0.2 Emphysema 123 1.4 64 1.7 59 1.1 Lung or bronchial cancer 17 0.2 ‘10 ‘0.3 '7 ‘0.1 Other respiratory disease 60 0.7 34 0.9 25 0.5 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 99 TABLE 88: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY ALL CAUSES OF LIMITATION, AGE, AND GENDER: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Females All Causes of Limitation All Ages 5-69 70+ Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes 390 4.3 134 3.7 256 4.8 Anemias 26 0.3 '10 '0.3 '16 '0.3 Kidney disorders 66 0.7 30 0.8 36 0.7 Female genital disorders 42 0.5 27 0.7 '16 '0.3 Schizophrenia/other psychoses 35 0.4 27 0.7 '8 '0.2 Neuroses/personality disorders 67 0.8 54 1 .5 '13 '0.3 Other mental illness 49 0.5 29 0.8 20 0.4 Alchohol or drug dependency ‘2 ‘0.0 '2 *0.1 - . . Mental retardation 145 1 .6 141 3.8 '4 ‘0.1 Epilepsy 46 0.5 41 1.1 ‘5 '0.1 Multiple sclerosis 44 0.5 40 1.1 '5 '0.1 Senility 210 2.3 '5 '0.1 205 3.9 Parkinson's disease 47 0.5 '11 ‘0.3 36 0.7 Other nervous disorders 153 1.7 87 2.4 66 1.2 Tuberculosis (all sites) 23 0.3 17 0.5 '6 ‘0.1 Other infectious/parasitic diseases _ 21 0.2 '7 '0.2 '14 '0.3 Leukemia ".1 ’0.1 '5 ‘0.1 ‘6 '01 Cancer of female breast 46 0.5 20 0.6 26 0.5 Cancer of genitourinary sites 29 0.3 19 0.5 '10 '02 Cancer of all other sites, NEC 37 0.4 20 0.6 17 0.3 Surgical/medical complications 90 1.0 45 1.2 46 0.9 Other injuries 57 0.6 26 0.7 32 0.6 Other ill-defined conditions 234 2.6 1 12 3.0 122 2.3 All other chronic conditions 272 3.0 135 3.7 137 2.6 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exCeeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 100 TABLE 9: PREVALENCE OF SCHOOL LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHQRAgEERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5-17 YEARS, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AV RA Degree of School Limitation Limited In Limited in Needs-Does Not Not Limited Non-School School Attend Special Attends Special Unable to Characteristic All Persons in Activity Activity Attendance School/Classes School/Classes Attend School Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution All persons 44,675 100.0 41,886 93.8 826 1.8 472 1.1 149 0.3 1173 2.6 169 0.4 Gender: Male_ 22,795 100.0 21,127 92.7 455 2.0 237 1.0 108 0.5 776 3.4 93 0.4 Female 21,880 100.0 20,759 94.9 371 1.7 234 1.1 41 0.2 398 1.8 76 0.3 Race and ethnicity: Native American 341 100.0 309 90.6 '6 '1.7 '5 '1.4 '2 '0.6 ‘14 '4.1 '6 '1.6 Asian or Pacific Islander 941 100.0 921 97.8 '4 '0.5 '5 ‘0.5 "1 '0.1 '9 '0.9 '2 '0.2 Black non-Hispanic 6,499 100.0 6,058 93.2 90 1.4 95 1.5 27 0.4 194 3.0 35 0.5 Black Hispanic 201 100.0 183 91.3 '3 1.6 '4 ’2.0 '1 '0.7 '6 '3.2 '2 '1.2 White non-Hispanic 31,816 100.0 29,833 93.8 643 2.0 308 1.0 102 0.3 841 2.6 88 0.3 White Hispanic 3,730 100.0 3,515 94.2 64 1.7 41 1.1 '12 *0.3 71 1.9 28 0.7 Other and unknown 1,148 100.0 1,069 93.1 '15 '1.3 '14 *1 .2 '4 '0.4 38 3.3 '8 '0] Race and ethnicity and Gender: Native American Male 167 100.0 147 87.9 '2 '1.5 '2 '1.3 '1 '0.4 '10 '6.0 '5 '3.0 Female 173 100.0 162 93.2 '3 '1.8 '3 '1.5 '1 '08 '4 '2.2 '1 '0.3 Asian or Pacific Islander Male 491 100.0 478 97.5 '2 '0.4 '4 '0.8 '1 '0.1 '5 '0.9 '1 '0.2 Female 451 100.0 ' 442 98.2 '2 ’0.5 ‘1 '0.2 . . '4 '1.0 ‘1 '0.2 Black non-Hispanic Male 3,258 100.0 3,001 92.1 44 1.4 46 1.4 18 0.5 133 4.1 '16 '0.5 Female 3,241 100.0 3,057 94.3 45 1.4 50 1.5 '9 '0.3 61 1.9 19 0.6 Black Hispanic Male 98 100.0 88 89.3 ‘1 '1.4 '1 '1.4 '1 "1.5 '4 ‘4.0 '2 '2.4 Female 102 100.0 95 93.2 '2 '1 .8 '3 '2.5 . . '2 '2.4 . White non—Hispanic Male 16,296 100.0 15,101 92.7 362 2.2 157 1.0 78 0.5 550 3.4 48 0.3 Female 15,520 100.0 14,732 94.9 282 1.8 151 1.0 24 0.2 291 1.9 40 0.3 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 101 TABLE 9: PREVALENCE OF SCHOOL LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY DEGREE OF LIMITATION AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5-17 YEARS, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of School Limitation Limited in Limited in Needs-Does Not Not Limited NonSchool School Attend Special Attends Special Unable to Characteristic All Persons in Activity Activity Attendance School/Ola School/Classes Attend School Number of persons in thousands and percent distribution Race and ethnicity and Gender: White Hispanic Male 1,908 100.0 1,780 93.3 35 1.8 21 1.1 '7 '0.3 50 2.6 '16 ‘0.8 Female 1,822 100.0 1,735 95.2 29 1.6 20 1.1 '5 *0.3 21 1.1 '12 '0.7 Other and unknown Male 578 100.0 532 92.2 ‘8 '1.3 ‘6 *1.1 '3 '0.5 24 4.1 '5 '0.8 Female 571 100.0 536 94.0 '8 '1.4 '8 '1.4 '1 *0.2 '14 ‘2.4 ‘4 '07 Poverty Status: Above poverty line 32,782 100.0 30,844 94.1 624 1.9 320 1.0 97 0.3 799 2.4 98 0.3 At or below poverty line 7,026 100.0 6,407 91.2 121 1.7 115 1.6 38 0.5 290 4.1 55 0.8 Unknown 4,867 100.0 4,635 95.2 81 1.7 37 0.8 '14 '0.3 84 1.7 '16 '03 Poverty and gender: Above poverty line Male 16,776 100.0 15,613 93.1 341 2.0 163 1.0 72 0.4 531 3.2 57 0.3 Female 16,007 100.0 15,231 95.2 283 1.8 157 1.0 25 0.2 269 1.7 41 0.3 At or below poverty line Male 3,557 100.0 3,196 89.8 68 1.9 58 1.6 22 0.6 188 5.3 26 0.7 Female 3,469 100.0 3,211 92.6 54 1.6 57 1.6 '16 *0.4 102 2.9 29 0.8 Unknown Male 2,462 100.0 2,318 94.1 47 1.9 17 0.7 ‘13 '0.5 57 2.3 '10 0.4 Female 2,405 100.0 2,317 96.4 34 1.4 21 0.9 '1 '0.0 27 1.1 ‘6 0.2 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 102 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS : UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERA E) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes Hate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1,0003) 1. 000 Skin and musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis none none 678 2.9 Other selected skin and musc. none 387 1.7 Other selected skin and musc. 409 1.8 Osteoarth riti s/Other arthropathies none none 16,896 73.0 Osteoarthritis/Other arthropathies none 484 2.1 Other selected skin and musc. 634 2.7 Intervertebral disk disorders none 774 3.3 Other selected skin and musc. 666 2.9 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders none 495 2.1 Other selected skin and musc. 629 2.7 Bursitis none 807 3.5 Psoriasis and dermatitis 100 0.4 Other selected skin and musc. 772 3.3 Psoriasis and dermatitis none 994 4.3 Other selected skin and musc. 693 3.0 Skin cancer none 356 1.5 Other selected skin and musc. 241 1.0 Other selected skin and musc. none 3,605 15.6 Other selected skin and musc. 735 3.2 Intervertebral disk disorders none none 1,606 6.9 Osteomyelitis/one disorders Other selected skin and musc. 108 0.5 Bursitis Other selected skin and musc. 175 0.8 Psoriasis and dermatitis none 97 Q4 Other selected skin and musc. 195 0.8 Other selected skin and musc. none 412 1.8 Other selected skin and musc. 358 1.5 103 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1.000 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders none none 1001 4.3 Bursitis Other selected skin and musc. 99 0.4 Psoriasis and dermatitis none 117 0.5 Other selected skin and musc. 101 0.4 Other selected skin and musc. none 290 1.3 Other selected skin and musc. 310 1.3 Bursitis none none 1.820 7.9 Bursitis Other selected skin and musc. 81 0.3 Psoriasis and dermatitis none 144 0.6 Other selected skin and musc. 102 0.4 Other selected skin and musc. none 435 1.9 Other selected skin and musc. 372 1.6 Psoriasis and dermatitis none none 7,074 30.6 Psoriasis and dermatitis none 114 0.5 Other selected skin and musc. none 1.054 4.6 Other selected skin and musc. 442 1.9 Skin cancer none none 421 1.8 Other selected skin and musc. none 92 0.4 Other selected skin and musc. none none 13.892 60.0 Other selected skin and musc. none 1.090 4.7 Other selected skin and musc. 304 1.3 Img'rments Blind in both eyes none none 103 0.4 Other impairment none 124 0.5 Other impairment 290 1.3 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 104 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1,000 Deaf in both ears none none 776 3.4 Cataracts none 133 0.6 Other impairment 86 0.4 Other visual impairment Other impairment 91 0.4 Other hearing impairment none 127 0.6 Other impairment 158 0.7 Other impairment none 330 1.4 Other impairment 345 1.5 Speech impairments none none 590 2.5 Mental retardation none 98 0.4 Other hearing impairment none 100 0.4 Other impairment 106 0.5 Other impairment none 190 0.8 Other impairment 419 1.8 Mental retardation none none 626 2.7 Other impairment none 163 0.7 Other impairment 218 0.9 Absence of |eg(s) none none 112 0.5 Other impairment Other impairment 200 0.9 Absence of fingers, toes. feet none none 935 4_o Other hearing impairment none 262 1.1 Other impairment 1 12 0.5 Other impairment none 304 1.3 Other impairment 279 1.2 Other absence, NEC none none 520 2.2 Other hearing impairment none 96 0.4 Other impairment 90 0.4 Other impairment none 212 0.9 Other impairment 233 1.0 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1965: original tabulations from public use tapes 105 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Hate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0005) 1.000 Complete paralysis of extremities none none 186 0.8 Other impairment none 139 0.6 Other impairment 177 0.8 Cerebral palsy none none 104 0.4 Partial paralysis of extremities none none 191 0.8 Other hearing impairment Other impairment 83 0.4 Other impairment none 105 0.5 Other impairment 188 0.8 Curvature of back or spine none none 2,911 12.6 Other impairment 140 0.6 Impairment of lower extremities none 245 1.1 Other impairment 216 0.9 Cataracts Other impairment 108 0.5 Other visual impairment none 83 0.4 Other impairment 149 0.6 Other hearing impairment none 393 1.7 Other impairment 246 1.1 Other impairment none 178 0.8 Other impairment 180 0.8 Other impairment of back none none 5,507 23.8 Impairment of upper extremities none 235 1.0 Other impairment 161 0.7 Impairment of lower extremities none 639 2.8 Other visual impairment 92 0.4 Other hearing impairment 204 0.9 Other impairment 239 1 .0 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 106 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condltlon (1.0003) 1,000 Other impairment of back Cataracts none 122 0.5 Other impairment 205 0.9 Glaucoma Other impairment 97 0.4 Other visual impairment none 341 1.5 Other hearing impairment 134 0.6 Other impairment 95 0.4 Other hearing impairment none 1,058 4.6 Other impairment 227 1.0 Other impairment none 1 17 0.5 Impairment of upper extremities none none 1.337 5.8 Impairment of lower extremities none 165 0.7 Other impairment 253 1.1 Cataracts Other impairment 98 0,4 Other visual impairment Other impairment 127 0.5 Other hearing impairment none 313 1.4 Other impairment 232 1.0 Other impairment none 178 0.8 Other impairment 96 0.4 Impairment of lower extremities none none 5,441 23.5 Impairment of lower extremities none 124 0.5 Other impairment 211 0.9 Cataracts none 164 0.7 Other impairment 167 0.8 Other visual impairment none 325 1_4 Other hearing impairment 118 0.5 Other impairment 201 0.9 Other hearing impairment none 817 3.5 Other impairment 393 1.7 Other impairment Other impairment 187 0.8 Other orthopedic impairment none none 1 15 0.5 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 107 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Hate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1,000 Cataracts none none 1 ,694 8.2 Glaucoma none 181 0.8 Other impairment 229 1 .0 Other visual impairment none 322 1.4 Other hearing impairment 208 0.9 Other impairment 340 1.5 Other hearing impairment none 839 3.6 Other impairment 406 1 .8 Other impairment Other impairment 90 0.4 Glaucoma none none 506 2.2 Other visual impairment none 180 0.8 Other impairment 192 0.8 Other hearing impairment none 116 0.5 Other impairment 188 0.8 Other visual impairment none none 3.918 16.9 ’ Other visual impairment none 123 0.5 Other impairment 106 0.5 Other hearing impairment none 927 4.0 Other impairment 372 1 .6 Other impairment Other impairment 88 0-4 Other hearing impairment none none 11,841 51.1 Other impairment none 183 0.8 Other impairment 138 0.6 Digestive Ulcers none none 2,917 12.6 Abdominal hernia none 232 1.0 Other selected digestive disorders____ 212 0.9 Other selected digestive disorders none 809 3.5 Other selected digestive disorders 325 1.4 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 108 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1,000 Abdominal hernia none none 3,075 13.3 Other selected digestive disorders none 889 3.8 Other selected digestive disorders____ 496 2.1 Enteritis and colitis none none 1,562 6.7 Other selected digestive disorders none 396 17 Other selected digestive disorders__ 223 1.0 Cancer of digestive sites none none 1 17 0.5 Other selected digestive disorders none none 12,219 52.8 I I Other selected digestive disorders none 1,536 6.6 Other selected digestive disorders___ 293 1.3 Circulatogy Rheumatic fever none none 675 2.9 lschemic heart disease Other circulatory 159 0.7 Heart rhythm disorders Other circulatory 96 Q4 Hypertension none 160 0.7 Other circulatory 223 1.0 Other circulatory none 222 1.0 Other circulatory 262 1.1 lschemic heart disease none none 1,416 6.1 lschemic heart disease none 189 0.8 Hypertension 190 0.8 Arteriosolerosis 81 0.3 Other circulatory 299 1.3 Heart rhythm disorders none 83 0,4 Hypertension 178 0.8 Other circulatory 271 1.2 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 109 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1.000 lschemic heart disease Other heart disease none 89 0.4 Hypertension_________ 177 0.8 Other circulatory_________ 369 1.6 Hypertension none 1.063 4.6 Cerebrovascular disease____ 169 0.7 Arteriosclerosis_______ 373 1 .6 Phlebitis, varicose veins_____ 122 0.5 Other circulatory________ 301 1.3 Cerebrovascular disease none 90 0.4 . Other circulatory______ 217 0.9 Arteriosclerosis none 190 0.8 Other circulatory________ 243 1.1 Phlebitis, varicose veins Other circulatory 138 0.6 Other circulatory none 212 0.9 Other circulatory_______ 206 0.9 Heart rhythm disorders none none 3,582 15.5 Heart rhythm disorders Other circulatory 83 0.4 Other heart disease none 119 0.5 Hypertension____________ 126 0.5 Other circulatory______ 154 0.7 Hypertension none 958 4.1 Arteriosclerosis___‘_____ 89 0.4 Phlebitis, varicose veins_______ 162 0.7 Other circulatory_______ 375 1.6 Cerebrovascular disease Other circulatory I 84 0.4 Arteriosclerosis Other circulatory 1 18 0.5 Phlebitis, varicose veins none 228 1.0 Other circulatory______ 156 0.7 Other circulatory none 446 1 .9 Other circulatory_—___ 189 0.8 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 110 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS : UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERA E)-CONTINUED Hate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1,000 Other heart disease none none 1,492 6.4 Hypertension none 848 3.7 Cerebrovascular disease 159 0.7 Arteriosclerosis 196 0.8 Phlebitis, varicose veins 116 0.5 Other circulatory 250 1.1 Cerebrovascular disease Other circulatory 106 0.5 Arteriosclerosis Other circulatory 184 0.8 Phlebitis, varicose veins none 129 0.6 Other circulatory 1 14 0.5 Other circulatory none , 296 1 .3 Other circulatory 192 0.8 Hypertension none none 17,760 76.7 Cerebrovascular disease none 585 2.5 Arteriosclerosis 149 0.6 Other circulatory 220 0.9 Arteriosclerosis none ' 383 1 .7 Phlebitis, varicose veins 102 0.4 Other circulatory 1 15 0.5 Phlebitis, varicose veins none 1,153 5.0 Other circulatory 407 1.8 Other circulatory none 1,677 7.2 Other circulatory 214 0.9 Cerebrovascular disease none none 423 1 .8 Arteriosclerosis Other circulatory 140 0.6 Phlebitis, varicose veins Other circulatory__—_ 94 Q4 Other circulatory none 106 0.5 Other circulatory 163 0.7 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 111 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1,0005) 1.000 Arteriosclerosis none none 506 2.2 Other circulatory none 130 0.6 Other circulatory 183 0.6 Phlebitis, varicose veins none none 3,391 14.6 Phlebitis. varicose veins none 104 0.4 Other circulatory 87 0.4 Other circulatory none 678 2.9 Other circulatory 233 1.0 Other circulatory none none 6,229 26.9 Other circulatory Other circulatory 81 0.3 Respiratory Chronic bronchitis none none 5.336 23.0 Asthma none 921 4.0 Sinusitis 331 1.4 Emphysema 107 0.5 Other selected respiratory disease 243 1.0 Hay fever none 689 3.0 Sinusitis 409 1.8 Other selected respiratory disease 220 1.0 Sinusitis none 1,675 7.2 Emphysema 62 0.4 Other selected respiratory disease_ 268 1.2 Emphysema none 219 0.9 Other selected respiratory disease none 526 2.3 Other selected respiratory disease_ 264 1.1 Other selected respiratory disease none 1 168 5.0 Other selected respiratory disease 188 0.8 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 112 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—-CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1.000 Asthma none none 5,267 22.7 Hay fever none 102 0.4 Other selected respiratory disease_ 117 0.5 Sinusitis none 767 3.3 Other selected respiratory disease_ 248 1.1 Emphysema none 116 0.5 Other selected respiratory disease_ 87 0.4 Other selected respiratory disease none 357 1.5 Other selected respiratory disease_ 158 0.7 Hay fever none none 13,717 59.2 Sinusitis none » 3,640 15.7 Other selected respiratory disease_ 384 1.7 Other selected respiratory disease none 733 3.2 Other selected respiratory disease_ 181 0.8 Sinusitis none none 21,705 93. 7 Emphysema none 203 0.9 Other selected respiratory disease 154 0.7 Emphysema none none 885 3.8 Other selected respiratory disease none 99 0.4 Other selected respiratory disease_ 180 0.8 Lung or bronchial cancer none none 112 0.5 Other selected respiratory disease none none 3,897 16.8 Other selected respiratory disease none 143 0.6 Other selected respiratory disease_ 152 0.7 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 113 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS : UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERA E)-CONTINUED SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 114 Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0009) 1, 000 Abdominal hernia none none 3,075 13.3 Other selected digestive disorders none 889 3.8 Other selected digestive disorders 496 2.1 Enteritis and colitis none none 1,562 6.7 Other selected digestive disorders none 396 1.7 Other selected digestive disorders 223 1.0 Cancer of digestive sites none none 117 0.5 Other selected digestive disorders none none 12,219 52.8' Other selected digestive disorders none 1,536 6.6 Other selected digestive disorders 293 1.3 Miscellaneous Diabetes none none 5,054 21 .8 Anemias none 150 0.6 Kidney disorders none 210 0.9 Female genital disorders none 97 0.4 Migraine headache none 200 0.9 Other miscellaneous none 107 0.5 Other miscellaneous 200 0.9 Anemias none none 2,396 10.3 Kidney disorders none 163 0.7 Female genital disorders none 231 1.0 Other miscellaneous 150 0.6 Migraine headache none 293 1.3 Other miscellaneous 83 0.4 Other miscellaneous Other miscellaneous 99 0.4 TABLE 10: PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS (WITHIN THE SIX NHIS CHECKLISTS): UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)—CONTINUED Rate Number per First Condition Second Condition Third Condition (1.0003) 1.000 Epilepsy none none 859 3.7 Other miscellaneous none 108 0.5 Kidney disorders none none 2.387 10.3 Female genital disorders none 89 0.4 Other miscellaneous 81 0.4 Migraine headache none 240 1.0 Multiple sclerosis none none 117 0.5 Female genital disorders none none 4,026 17.4 Female genital disorders none 248 1.1 Migraine headache none 464 2.0 Other miscellaneous 105 0.5 Other miscellaneous Other miscellaneous 90 0.4 Cancer of the breast none none 322 1.4 Cancer of genitourinary sites none none 215 0.9 Migraine headache none none 6,257 27.0 SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount All Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Malor Activity Malor Activity Major Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Total 37,488 100.00 10,942 29.19 15,534 41.43 11,012 29.37 Skin and musculoskeletal Arthritis none 2,253 100.00 925 41.08 899 39.90 428 19.02 Arthritis 145 100.00 39 27.02 58 39.77 48 33.20 Intervertebral disk disorders 42 100.00 ’9 '21.96 19 44.33 '14 '33.72 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 135 100.00 30 22.42 54 40.34 50 37.24 Eye/ear impairments 195 100.00 50 26.25 75 38.22 70 35.52 Absence/paralysis of extremities__ 39 100.00 ‘8 ‘21 .15 '13 '3343 18 45.41 Back impairments 61 100.00 '14 '2337 28 46.37 18 30.26 Impairment of lower extremities___ 70 100.00 '15 '20.81 31 44.08 25 35.12 Other orthopedic impairment 34 100.00 '7 ‘21.25 21 59.98 '6 ‘18.77 Digestive disorders 166 100.00 34 20.79 80 48.44 51 30.77 Diabetes 185 100.00 40 21 .46 92 49.86 53 28.68 Mental illness 33 100.00 '6 '1829 ‘14 '42.39 '13 '39.32 Nervous disorders 51 100.00 '1 2 ’2390 22 43.58 17 32.52 Heart disease ‘ 239 100.00 64 22.32 131 45.41 93 32.26 Hypertension 469 100.00 . 135 28.76 198 42.29 136 28.95 Other circulatory 87 100.00 21 24.47 40 45.63 26 29.90 Asthma 47 100.00 '9 '18.94 25 53.67 ‘13 *27.40 Emphysema 35 100.00 '9 ‘24.97 ‘ 1 2 ‘33.38 '14 '41.64 Other respiratory disease 50 100.00 '13 ‘25.44 22 45.20 '15 '29.37 Cancer of all sites 26 100.00 '3 '12.69 '12 “”4583 '11 '41.48 All other 296 100.00 69 23.39 129 43.51 98 33.10 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 116 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited In Amount All Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity MalorActivity Major Activity MajorActivIty Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution lntervertebral disk none 1,056 100.00 262 24.78 561 53.07 234 22.14 disorders Arthritis 83 100.00 '1 1 '13.51 41 49.51 31 36.98 Impairment of lower extremities_ 41 100.00 '6 '15.06 '16 '38.89 19 46.05 Digestive disorders 39 100.00 '5 '13.50 '16 '40.25 18 46.25 Heart disease 45 100.00 '7 '15.99 21 46.72 17 37.30 Hypertension 51 100.00 '7 '13.68 23 44.73 21 41.59 All other 245 100.00 31 12.76 109 44.62 104 42.62 Other skin and none 550 100.00 253 45.93 ‘ 212 38.55 85 15.52 musculoskeletal Arthritis 93 100.00 24 26.22 40 42.85 29 30.93 Heart disease 34 100.00 '7 '20.64 '8 '23.53 19 55.83 Hypertension 67 100.00 '11 '16.48 33 48.45 24 35.07 All other 274 100.00 58 21.15 122 44.57 94 34.28 Impairments Eye/ear impairments none 1.281 100.00 606 47.30 515 40.22 160 12.47 Arthritis________ 129 100.00 29 22.60 66 51 .32 34 26.08 Other skin and musculoskeletaI___ 27 100.00 '5 '16.96 '13 '50.25 '9 '32.79 Eye/ear impairments___ 481 100.00 I 159 32.99 228 47.45 94 19.56 Impairment of lower extremities__ 28 100.00 '9 '31.25 '16 57.92 '3 '10.83 Digestive disorders 30 100.00 '7 '22.37 '12 '39.68 '12 '37.95 Diabetes 92 100.00 '12 '13.59 45 48.53 35 37.88 Nervous disorders 33 100.00 '8 '24.97 '16 '48.16 '9 '26.86 Heart disease 99 100.00 17 16.77 48 48.53 34 34.70 Hypertension 96 100.00 20 20.81 45 46.47 32 32.72 Other circulatory 45 100.00 '9 '20.51 23 51 .00 '13 '28.49 All other 309 100.00 76 24.63 147 47.54 86 27.82 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 117 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Degree oi Activity Limitation Limited in Amount A]! Limited Limited In Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity Malor Activity Major Activity Major Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Absence/paralysis none____—____ 516 100.00 131 25.39 225 43.66 160 30.95 of extremities Arthritis 40 100.00 '8 '20.46 17 42.53 '15 '37.01 Eye/ear impairments 55 100.00 '6 ‘10.74 25 45.35 24 43.90 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 27 100.00 '2 ‘7.42 '10 '38.88 '14 '53.?0 Diabetes 52 100.00 '4 '8.66 '1 1 '21.85 36 69.49 Heart disease 39 100.00 '3 '7.37 '1 1 26.89 26 65.74 Hypertension 40 100.00 '3 '7.20 '1 1 '27.45 26 65.35 Cerebrovascular disease 68 100.00 '6 '8.66 19 28.00 43 63.34 All other 223 100.00 26 1 1.69 66 29.55 131 58.76 Back impairments none 1,812 100.00 621 34.27 925 51.03 266 14.70 Arthritis 106 100.00 21 19.43 50 46.60 36 33.97 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 39 100.00 '10 '26.49 22 56.67 '7 ‘16.85 Eye/ear impairments 54 100.00 " 10 '17.89 31 56.47 '14 ‘25.64 Impairment of lower extremities__ 189 100.00 42 22.39 83 43.78 64 33.83 Other orthopedic impairment 67 100.00 '15 '22.68 28 41.34 24 35.98 Digestive disorders 41 100.00 '10 '24.06 21 50.30 '11 '25.64 Diabetes 33 100.00 '7 '20.83 '12 '37.71 '14 '41.46 Nervous disorders 29 100.00 '6 '19.40 ’13 '43.49 '11 '37.11 Heart disease 85 100.00 20 23.43 31 36.26 34 40.31 Hypertension 84 100.00 19 22.36 41 48.58 24 29.06 All other 273 100.00 60 21.94 137 50.42 75 27.63 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) . SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 118 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)" CONTI N U ED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited In Amount All Limited Limited In Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity Major Activity Mar Activity Major Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Impairment of lower none 1,443 100.00 748 51.81 493 34.18 202 14.01 extremities Arthritis 68 100.00 18 26.62 31 44.65 20 28.73 Eye/ear impairments 67 100.00 *1 1 “15.93 30 45.54 26 38.53 Back impairments 63 100.00 19 22.61 43 52.42 21 24.97 Impairment of lower extremities_ 42 100.00 '13 '30.31 17 41.08 '12 '28.61 Other orthopedic impairment 42 100.00 ‘11 '25.11 17 41.35 ‘14 ‘33.54 Heart disease 61 100.00 ‘12 '19.52 26 42.53 23 37.95 Hypertension 57 100.00 '14 ‘25.20 28 49.79 ‘14 '25.00 All other 293 100.00 62 21.31 127 43.45 103 35.23 Other orthopedic none 481 100.00 179 37.1 1 218 45.35 84 17.54 impairment Back impairments 28 100.00 ‘6 '22.97 '13 ’46.74 '8 '30.29 Impairment of lower extremities_ 50 100.00 *1 1 '22.19 20 39.73 19 38.08 All other 168 100.00 29 17.03 67 40.02 72 42.95 Digestive Digestive disorders none 429 100.00 , 164 38.22 190 44.36 75 17.42 Arthritis 46 100.00 . *15 '33.24 '14 '29.69 ‘17 37.07 Digestive disorders 61 100.00 ., 18 29.77 21 34.92 22 35.31 Heart disease 50 100.00 '14 ‘26.85 '15 '29.00 22 44.15 Hypertension 47 100.00 ‘14 '29.92 21 43.70 113 '26.37 All other 249 100.00 56 22.70 107 43.18 85 34.12 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 119 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND ggfiTIENEugg LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)" Degree of Activity Limitation Limited In Amount All Umited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Mar Activity Malor Activity Major Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Circulatory Heart disease none 1,971 100.00 715 36.30 774 39.29 481 24.40 Arthritis 384 100.00 96 24.90 149 38.74 140 36.36 Intervertebral disk disorders 50 100.00 '10 '20.26 21 42.05 19 37.69 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 67 100.00 '14 '21.57 24 36.21 28 42.22 Eye/ear impairments 139 100.00 35 24.99 51 37.12 53 37.89 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 37 100.00 '6 '15.96 '12 ‘31.88 19 52.16 Back impairments 55 100.00 '13 '23.57 20 36.81 22 39.62 Impairment of lower extremities___ 53 100.00 '10 '19.90 17 32.76 25 47.34 Digestive disorders 144 100.00 22 15.29 56 39.02 66 45.69 Diabetes 313 100.00 58 18.58 107 34.16 148 47.26 Nervous disorders 49 100.00 '9 '18.26 20 30.09 20 41.65 Heart disease 80 100.00 17 21.16 32 39.54 31 39.30 Hypertension 458 100.00 119 25.93 174 37.91 166 36.17 Cerebrovascular disease 56 100.00 '6 '11.34 '15 '27.59 34 61.08 Other circulatory 121 100.00 23 18.85 42 34.27 57 46.88 Asthma 45 100.00 ‘7 '16.60 18 40.37 19 43.04 Emphysema 90 100.00 '14 '15.97 21 23.56 55 60.47 Other respiratory disease 81 100.00 '9 '10.95 28 34.36 44 54.69 Cancer of all sites 43 100.00 '11 '24.78 ‘1 1 '26.22 21 49.00 All other 284 100.00 49 17.38 108 37.93 127 44.70 Hypertension none 633 100.00 301 47.58 233 36.86 98 15.57 Arthritis 140 100.00 49 34.71 55 39.54 36 25.75 Eye/ear impairments 47 100.00 '15 '32.19 20 41.78 '12 '26.03 Digestive disorders 58 100.00 '14 '23.85 18 31.72 26 44.43 Diabetes 107 100.00 27 25.52 43 40.27 37 34.22 Heart disease 136 100.00 34 25.11 57 42.07 45 32.82 Other circulatory 37 100.00 '12 '32.18 18 47.95 ‘7 '19.87 All other 320 100.00 98 30.64 118 36.72 105 32.64 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 120 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTI N U ED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount Ali Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity Major Activity Major Activity Myor Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Cerebrovascular none 149 100.00 28 19.07 48 32.04 73 48.89 disease Arthritis 39 100.00 ‘4 ‘9.29 '13 ‘32.52 23 58.19 Eye/ear impairments 42 100.00 '11 “27.1 1 ‘10 '24.99 20 47.89 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 205 100.00 32 15.49 61 29.99 112 54.52 Diabetes 41 100.00 '3 ‘7.79 '7 '17.71 30 74.50 Heart disease 90 100.00 '7 '8.07 28 31.26 55 60.66 Hypertension 113 100.00 '15 ‘12.87 26 23.19 72 63.94 All other 169 100.00 26 15.47 29 17.15 114 67.38 Other circulatory none 398 100.00 178 44.77 141 35.39 79 19.84 Arthritis 60 100.00 ‘14 ‘24.19 25 42.40 20 33.41 Eye/ear impairments 49 100.00 '1 1 '21.82 21 42.32 18 35.86 Diabetes 43 100.00 ‘1 2 '26.77 '16 '37.55 '15 '35.68 Heart disease 67 100.00 17 24.71 25 37.72 25 37.57 Hypertension 71 100.00 20 27.65 28 39.14 24 33.20 All other 215 100.00 47 21.75 83 38.58 85 39.67 Respiratory Asthma none 1,107 100.00 499 45.02 498 44.97 111 10.01 Arthritis 42 100.00 '13 '31.49 '16 '39.06 ‘12 '29.46 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 32 100.00 ‘13 '39.71 '12 '36.13 ‘8 '24.17 Digestive disorders 30 100.00 ‘6 '19.94 '15 '49.19 ‘9 '30.87 Heart disease 100.00 '7 ‘19.80 17 46.90 '1 2 '33.30 Hypertension 43 100.00 '9 '21.90 20 46.29 '14 '31.81 Emphysema 36 100.00 '8 '22.06 '13 “35.86 '15 '42.08 Other respiratory disease 33 100.00 '9 '28.20 '15 '44.95 '9 '26.86 All other 160 100.00 34 21.18 88 54.83 38 24.00 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 121 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount A]! Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Malor Activity Major Activity Maior Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Emphysema none 278 100.00 104 37.43 88 31.60 86 30.97 Arthritis 51 100.00 '13 '25.41 '13 '26.10 25 48.48 Digestive disorders 29 100.00 ‘6 '20.30 '6 '20.39 17 59.31 Heart disease 1 13 100.00 25 22.08 24 21.24 64 56.68 Hypertension 56 100.00 '13 '23.64 17 29.67 26 46.68 Asthma 49 100.00 '6 '1 1.56 ‘16 ‘33.55 27 54.89 Other respiratory disease 46 100.00 '6 '17.07 '14 ‘29.46 25 53.45 All other 180 100.00 36 19.71 51 28.31 94 51.98 Other respiratory none 419 100.00 168 40.19 180 43.09 70 16.72 disease Arthritis 39 100.00 '9 '24.03 '14 '35.75 '16 '40.23 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 26 100.00 ‘6 '30.07 '14 '53.44 '4 '16.49 Digestive disorders 27 100.00 '5 '18.27 '16 '57.80 '7 '23.93 Heart disease 46 100.00 '13 '28.50 '13 '27.75 20 43.74 All other 261 100.00 70 26.72 95 36.28 97 37.00 5% Diabetes none 438 100.00 192 43.84 180 41.14 66 15.03 Arthritis 82 100.00 17 21 .05 32 39.43 32 39.53 Eye/ear impairments 75 100.00 17 23.29 32 42.72 25 33.98 Digestive disorders 36 100.00 '11 '30.08 '11 '29.26 '15 '40.66 Heart disease 108 100.00 ’18 '17.16 40 37.26 49 45.55 Hypertension 166 100.00 46 27.62 68 40.86 52 31.52 All other 201 100.00 33 16.63 82 41.14 65 42.23 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 122 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTI N U ED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited in Amount All Limited Limited In Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity Major Activity Major Activity Major Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Mental retardation none 757 100.00 33 4.40 539 71.21 185 24.39 Eye/ear impairments 30 100.00 '1 '4.54 17 54.85 '12 '40.61 All other 179 100.00 ’9 '5.04 81 45.15 89 49.81 Mental illness none 699 100.00 106 15.22 328 46.82 266 37.96 Arthritis 28 100.00 '4 '13.27 '5 '18.96 19 67.77 Digestive disorders 27 100.00 '6 '21.07 '7 '24.46 '14 '54.46 Hypertension 27 100.00 ‘7 '27.46 ‘4 '14.60 '16 '57.94 All other 252 100.00 22 8.68 92 36.58 138 54.73 Nervous disorders none 1,045 100.00 300 28.68 432 41.31 314 30,01 Arthritis 58 100.00 '6 *10.91 25 44.26 26 44.83 Eye/ear impairments 58 100.00 '9 ‘15.59 21 36.97 27 47.44 Digestive disorders 31 100.00 '6 '18.74 * 1 4 ‘4569 '1 1 '35.58 Heart disease 44 100.00 '4 '9.09 '11 ‘26.04 28 64.87 Hypertension 39 100.00 '10 '2521 '15 ‘39.63 '14 '35.16 All other 323 100.00 53 16.24 1 16 35.81 155 47.95 Cancer of all sites none 425 100.00 106 24.98 128 30.12 191 44.90 Arthritis 37 100.00 '5 '13.16 '14 ‘36.98 18 49.86 Heart disease 48 100.00 '6 '1 1 .65 '14 ‘29.93 28 58.42 All other 193 100.00 29 14.93 54 27.90 1 10 57.17 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 19133-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 123 TABLE 11: PREVALENCE OF ACTIVITY LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-- CONTINUED Degree of Activity Limitation Limited In Amount All Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Perform Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity Meier Activity Malor Activity Lalor Activity Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All other none—__ 2.072 100.00 659 31.81 880 42.44 534 25.74 Arthritis 153 100.00 33 21.50 66 43.15 54 35.36 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 47 100.00 '15 '32.76 19 39.53 ‘13 '27.72 Eye/ear impairments 142 100.00 29 20.67 57 40.09 56 39.24 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 37 100.00 ‘8 '21.81 ‘10 '27.52 19 50.67 Back impairments 65 100.00 '13 '19.58 27 41.53 25 38.89 Impairment of lower extremities_ 61 100.00 '16 '27.00 22 35.46 23 37.54 Other orthopedic impairment 29 100.00 '7 '22.99 ‘7 '22.16 '16 ‘54.85 Digestive disorders 105 100.00 20 18.65 37 35.56 48 45. 79 Diabetes 66 100.00 '1 1 '16.67 26 38.59 30 44.74 Mental illness 28 100.00 ‘6 '22.56 '10 '34.29 '12 ‘43.15 Nervous disorders 45 100.00 '7 '1 5. 72 ‘13 ‘28.20 25 56.07 Heart disease 132 100.00 25 19.35 40 30.02 67 50.63 Hypertension 142 100.00 42 29.55 48 33.59 52 36.86 Other circulatory 37 100.00 ‘7 '20.05 '14 '37.25 '16 '42.70 Asthma 26 100.00 ‘6 '21.31 '10 '37. 22 '11 '41.47 Other respiratory disease 39 100.00 '9 '22.64 '16 “39.86 '15 '37.51 Cancer of all sites 46 100.00 '13 '27.53 19 39.87 '15 '32.60 All other 326 100.00 63 19.22 121 37.17 142 43.61 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 124 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR ERA E) Degree of Work Umltation Limited In Amount All Limited Limited In Non- or Kind of Unable to Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Work Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Total 25,416 100.00 5,376 21.15 7,970 31.35 12,071 47.49 Skin and muscuioskeletal Arthritis none 1,631 100.00 509 31.23 547 33.57 574 35.20 Arthritis 101 100.00 17 16.33 28 28.09 56 55.58 lntervertebral disk disorders 34 100.00 ‘3 *10.09 '13 ‘38.81 17 51.10 Other skin and musculoskeletal___ 84 100.00 '13 '15.26 25 29.60 46 55.14 Eye/ear impairments 88 100.00 '10 '1 1.34 24 27.28 54 61.38 Back impairments 40 100.00 '7 '17.26 '1 1 '28.32 22 54.41 impairment of lower extremities___ 43 100.00 '8 '18.47 '11 '25.71 24 55.82 Digestive disorders 95 100.00 '10 ‘10.10 24 25.02 62 64.89 Diabetes 97 100.00 '1 1 '1 1.79 22 22.42 64 65.78 Nervous disorders 29 100.00 '4 '15.38 ‘10 '34.21 '15 ‘50.40 Heart disease 145 100.00 '14 '9.86 27 18.92 103 71.23 Hypertension 277 100.00 37 13.36 68 24.36 173 62.28 Other circulatory 45 100.00 ‘4 '9.27 ‘7 ‘16.03 34 74.70 Asthma 36 100.00 '7 '18.33 '8 '21.29 22 60.38 Other respiratory disease 30 100.00 '1 '4.56 '10 '32.15 19 63.29 All other 270 100.00 26 9.56 71 26.18 173 64.26 lntervertebral disk none 1,030 100.00 241 23.36 498 48.39 291 28.25 disorders Arthritis 69 100.00 '6 '9.13 22 31 .59 41 59.28 lmpaimtent of lower extremities__ 39 100.00 ‘5 ‘13.67 '13 '32.71 21 53.62 Digestive disorders 31 100.00 ‘2 '4.84 '5 '17.44 24 77.72 Heart disease 30 100.00 ‘3 “10.05 '7 ‘22.23 21 67.72 Hypertension 43 100.00 '7 ”15.90 '9 '21.31 27 62.79 All other 203 100.00 '14 *6.69 63 30.82 127 62.49 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 125 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited In Amount All Limited Limited In Non- or Kind 0! Unable to Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Work Number of conditions in thousands and percent dism'bution Other skin and none 442 100.00 163 36.79 171 38.66 109 24.55 musculoskeletal Arthritis 51 100.00 '4 '8.11 17 32.51 30 59.38 Hypertension 40 100.00 *5 *13.77 ‘10 '24.76 24 61.47 All other 180 100.00 ‘16 '8.65 45 24.79 120 66.55 Impairments Eye/ear impairments none 760 100.00 252 33.12 291 38.25 218 28.63 Arthritis 41 100.00 ‘5 ‘13.48 '8 '20.77 27 65.74 Eye/ear impairments 202 100.00 46 22.56 69 34.26 87 43.18 Diabetes 46 100.00 '4 ‘9.53 *9 '19.52 33 70.95 Heart disease 34 100.00 *2 '7.16 '2 '4.88 30 87.96 Hypertension 47 100.00 '2 '5.10 ‘8 '17.71 36 77.19 All other 215 100.00 26 12.20 65 29.97 124 57.83 Absence/paralysis none 378 100.00 66 1 7.53 150 39.59 162 42.88 of extremities Arthritis 28 100.00 '5 '18.18 ‘8 '27.72 '15 '54.10 Eye/ear impairments 32 100.00 '2 '7.27 '7 ‘22.82 22 69.91 Diabetes 28 100.00 ‘1 '5.00 ‘3 ‘10.71 24 84.29 Hypertension 26 100.00 '5 '18.06 '3 '9.77 19 72.17 Cerebrovascular disease 37 100.00 ‘3 ‘7.76 ‘3 '7.00 32 85.24 All other 204 100.00 '1 1 '5.65 39 19.27 153 75.08 Back impairments none 1,720 100.00 494 28.75 857 49.83 368 21.42 Arthritis 80 100.00 '4 ‘5.46 33 41.64 42 52.91 Other skin and musculoskeletal____ 29 100.00 '6 '22.16 '14 '47.91 '9 '29.93 Eye/ear impairments 37 100.00 '6 '16.81 '13 '35.05 18 48.14 Impairment of lower extremities_ 161 100.00 33 20.39 60 37.21 68 42.40 Other orthopedic impairment 58 100.00 ‘8 ‘13.96 20 33.93 30 52.10 Digestive disorders 30 100.00 ‘4 ‘14.40 '10 ‘33.?7 ‘16 '51.83 Heart disease 54 100.00 "7 '13.66 '12 '21.92 35 64.42 Hypertension 64 100.00 '9 ‘13.96 22 34.97 33 51.08 All other 241 100.00 37 15.51 92 38.35 1 11 46.14 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 126 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CWILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited in Amount All Limited Limited in Non- or Kind 0! Unable to Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Work Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Impairment of lower none 1,110 100.00 511 46.01 364 32.81 235 21.18 extremities Arthritis 35 100.00 ‘4 '10.05 17 48.80 '14 '41.16 Eye/ear impairments 33 100.00 '6 ‘18.30 ‘5 '15.45 22 66.26 Back impairments 69 100.00 '13 '18.94 29 42.72 26 38.35 Other orthopedic impairment 29 100.00 '6 ‘21 .33 '1 1 ’36.85 '12 ‘41.82 Heart disease 30 100.00 '2 '7.81 '4 ‘14.32 24 77.87 Hypertension 36 100.00 ‘3 '7. 76 '16 ‘44.61 17 47.64 All other 219 100.00 38 17.48 67 30.40 1 14 52.12 Other orthopedic none____— 433 100.00 142 32.73 193 44.48 99 22.78 impairment Impairment of lower extremities_ 38 100.00 '7 '17.16 '12 ‘30.26 20 52.58 All other 152 100.00 20 13.40 47 31 .21 84 55.39 Digestive Digestive disorders none 373 100.00 . 102 27.49 160 43.01 110 29.49 Digestive disorders 48 100.00 ‘10 '20.89 '8 '16.58 30 62.53 Heart disease 29 100.00 *5 '15.93 ‘5 '15.62 20 68.45 Hypertension 34 100.00 '6 '17.52 ‘1 1 '31.65 17 50.83 All other 193 100.00 24 12.47 55 28.64 1 14 58.89 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 127 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69,1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited In Amount All Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Work Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Circulatory Heart disease none 1,411 100.00 285 20.23 525 37.19 601 42.57 Arthritis 207 100.00 18 8.91 30 14.50 159 76.59 lntervertebral disk disorders 41 100.00 ‘6 '13.49 ‘ 1 0 '24.25 26 62.26 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 43 100.00 '2 '4.99 '8 '18.44 33 76.58 Eye/ear impairments 55 100.00 ‘9 '16.51 ‘7 '12.49 39 71.00 Back impairments 39 100.00 ‘2 ‘4. 1 0 '8 ‘20.28 29 75.62 Impairment of lower extremities_ 33 100.00 '4 '12.09 '5 '16.1 1 24 71.81 Digestive disorders 86 100.00 '4 '4.20 ‘1 3 ‘15.45 69 80.35 Diabetes 213 100.00 ‘16 '7.51 35 16.35 162 76.14 Nervous disorders 28 100.00 ‘5 '16.92 '5 ‘17.40 19 65.67 Heart disease 54 100.00 '9 ‘16.15 '15 ‘28.51 30 55.35 Hypertension 302 100.00 28 9.32 63 20.88 21 1 69.80 Cerebrovascuiar disease 32 100.00 ‘1 '2.18 '3 '9.07 28 88.75 Other circulatory 66 100.00 '4 '6.21 ‘9 ‘14.02 53 79.77 Asthma 28 100.00 '2 '7.45 '4 ‘14.74 22 77.81 Emphysema 56 100.00 . . '5 '8.86 51 91.14 Other respiratory disease 50 100.00 *1 '2.66 '7 ‘14.57 42 82.77 All other 223 100.00 '15 ‘6.72 42 19.05 166 74.24 Hypertension none 553 100.00 175 31.62 178 32.21 200 36.17 Arthritis 96 100.00 24 25.27 20 21 .25 51 53.47 Eye/ear impairments 29 100.00 '6 ‘19.09 '7 '24.80 '16 '56.1 1 Digestive disorders 48 100.00 ‘6 '12.53 ‘1 2 *24.34 30 63.13 Diabetes 87 100.00 ‘11 ‘1 2.13 17 20.03 59 67.84 Heart disease 105 100.00 '14 ‘13.56 27 26.02 63 60.43 All other 258 100.00 39 15.33 65 25.30 153 59.37 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 128 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited In Amount All Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity Work Activity Work Activity Work Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Cerebrovascular none 82 100.00 '10 '1 1.90 17 20.79 55 67.31 disease Absence/paralysis oi extremities_ 91 100.00 '4 '4.63 '9 '10.18 78 85.20 Heart disease 39 100.00 '1 '1.67 '4 '9.48 35 88.84 Hypertension 54 100.00 '2 '3.23 '7 '13.35 45 83.42 All other 120 100.00 '13 '10.54 '4 '3.15 103 86.31 Other circulatory none 300 100.00 77 25.59 103 34.24 121 40.17 Arthritis 35 100.00 '4 '10.05 '6 '16.88 26 73.06 Heart disease 39 100.00 '3 '7.05 '9 '22.55 28 70.40 Hypertension 44 100.00 ‘4 '8.29 '10 '21.75 31 69.96 All other 189 100.00 23 1 1.97 42 22.05 125 65.98 Respiratory Asthma none 568 100.00 239 42.08 234 41.16 95 16.75 Hypertension 35 100.00 '7 '20.71 '9 '24.88 19 54.41 All other 241 100.00 43 17.74 69 28.72 129 53.54 Emphysema none 201 100.00 44 22.14 59 29.56 97 48.30 Arthritis 3 100.00 '3 '7.67 '7 '20.26 24 72.07 Heart disease 72 100.00 '4 ‘5.49 '9 '12.83 59 81.68 Hypertension 41 100.00 '5 '11.49 '8 '20.00 28 68.51 Asthma 38 100.00 '3 '8.42 '6 '14.63 29 76.95 Other respiratory disease 32 100.00 '2 '7.58 '5 '15.34 24 77.08 All other 126 100.00 '8 '6.71 25 19.79 92 73.50 Other respiratory none 279 100.00 102 36.71 101 36.39 75 26.90 disease All other 256 100.00 34 13.26 68 26.38 155 60.36 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health lnterview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 129 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited in Amount AII Limited Limited in Non- or Kind of Unable to Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity Work Activity Work Activity Work Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes none 352 100.00 1 1 1 31 .49 144 40.77 98 27.75 Arthritis 48 100.00 '5 '9.49 '8 '16.67 35 73.84 Eye/ear impairments 41 100.00 '3 '7.43 '12 '29.27 26 63.31 Digestive disorders 29 100.00 '2 '7.34 '6 '20.23 21 7244 Heart disease 73 100.00 '6 '6.15 “'11 ‘15.40 56 76.45 Hypertension 125 100.00 20 15.75 33 26.83 72 57.41 All other 144 100.00 21 14.78 33 22.80 90 62.42 Mental retardation none 268 100.00 17 6.26 75 27.88 177 65.86 All other 119 100.00 '1 '0.59 18 15.11 101 84.30 Mental illness none 430 100.00 32 7.52 71 16.42 327 76.06 All other 229 100.00 '12 '5.07 28 12.18 189 82.75 Nervous disorders none 584 100.00 129 22.12 192 32.80 263 45.08 Arthritis 34 100.00 ‘3 '8.94 '6 “18.28 25 72.78 All other 278 100.00 24 8.58 61 21.78 194 69.64 Cancer of all sites none 330 100.00 55 16.61 78 23.63 197 59.76 All other 163 100.00 ‘13 '7.94 27 16.29 124 75.77 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 130 TABLE 12: PREVALENCE OF WORK LIMITATION DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND DEGREE OF LIMITATION: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 18-69, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONT|NUED Degree of Work Limitation Limited in Amount All Limited Limited In Non- or Kind of Unable to Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity Work Activity Work Activity Work Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All other none 1,460 100.00 389 26.65 451 30.90 620 42.45 Arthritis 92 100.00 '9 ‘988 21 23.08 62 67.04 Other skin and musculoskeletal__ 31 100.00 '4 '14.09 ‘6 '20.74 20 65.17 Eye/ear impairments 80 100.00 '4 ‘5.02 21 25.79 56 69.18 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 27 100.00 '5 '16.96 '4 '13.61 19 69.43 Back impairments 54 100.00 ‘8 '15.34 18 33.71 27 50.95 Impairment of lower extremities__ 37 100.00 '6 '17.00 ‘10 '27.93 21 55.07 Digestive disorders 76 100.00 '6 ‘7.39 '16 ‘21.56 54 71.05 Diabetes 43 100.00 '6 '14.82 '8 '17.41 29 67.77 Nervous disorders 30 100.00 '2 '6.11 '6 ‘21.42 22 72.47 Heart disease 77 100.00 '5 ‘6.96 '11 '14.09 61 78.95 Hypertension 107 100.00 ‘16 '15.09 21 19.41 70 65.50 Other respiratory disease 27 100.00 . . ‘10 '36.98 17 63.02 Cancer of all sites 36 100.00 '8 '21.21 '11 '31.73 17 47.05 All other 315 100.00 47 15.02 54 17.20 214 67.78 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 131 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE) Needinflssis tance Limited in Activity, In All Limited no Assistance Needed IADL In Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity In IADL orADL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Total ' 36,419 100.00 27,225 74.76 6,052 16.62 3,142 8.63 Skin and musculoskeletal Arthritis none 2,386 100.00 1,777 74.47 420 17.61 189 7.92 Arthritis 146 100.00 102 69.68 32 21.63 '13 '8.69 Intervertebral disk disorders 41 100.00 35 87.62 '3 '7.17 '2 '5.21 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 115 100.00 85 74.01 21 18.54 ‘9 '7.45 Eye/ear impairments 181 100.00 98 54.18 52 28.55 31 17.27 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 36 100.00 23 63.74 ‘6 ‘15.61 '7 '20.64 Back impairments 60 100.00 43 70.45 '14 '22.38 ‘4 “7.17 Impairment of lower extremities__ 64 100.00 43 66.79 ‘14 '21.93 ‘7 '11.28 Other orthopedic impairment 36 100.00 27 75.00 '8 '20.95 ‘1 ‘4.05 Digestive disorders 148 100.00 103 69.39 29 19.81 '16 '10.80 Diabetes 164 100.00 99 60.66 47 28.76 17 10.58 Nervous disorders 47 100.00 31 65.84 '12 '26. 70 *3 '7.45 Heart disease 275 100.00 159 57.81 83 30.30 33 11.88 Hypertension 420 100.00 313 74.33 84 19.91 24 5.76 Other circulatory 81 100.00 53 64.65 17 21.16 '12 '14.19 Asthma 40 100.00 29 73.52 '9 '2122 '2 '5.26 Emphysema 30 100.00 20 66.84 '7 ‘24.67 '3 '8.49 Other respiratory disease 44 100.00 31 71.42 '10 ‘2323 '2 ‘5.35 Cancer of all sites 26 100.00 17 63.59 '7 ‘2680 ’3 '9.61 All other 296 100.00 186 62.86 72 24.13 39 13.01 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 132 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: (THREE-YEAR AVERAG E)--CONT|NUED Needing assistance Limited in Activity, All Limited no Assistance Needed iADL Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity in IADL or AOL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution lntervertebral disk none 1,090 100.00 932 85.51 127 11.66 31 2.83 disorders Arthritis 72 100.00 54 75.26 17 23.11 '1 '1.63 Impairment of lower extremities_ 39 100.00 33 85.38 ’4 ‘10.96 '1 '3.66 Digestive disorders 29 100.00 25 84.24 ’4 '13.47 '1 ‘2.28 Heart disease 39 100.00 28 72.52 ‘10 ‘26.12 '1 '1.36 Hypertension 44 100.00 39 90.26 '2 '5.03 '2 '4.71 All other 223 100.00 174 77.74 41 18.40 '9 '3.86 Other skin and none 570 100.00 491 86.20 51 8.91 28 4.89 musculoskeletal Arthritis 89 100.00 62 69.47 18 20.41 '9 '10.12 Heart disease 32 100.00 19 59.69 *5 '16.00 ‘8 '24.31 Hypertension 63 100.00 41 63.99 '16 '25.62 '7 '10.39 All other 251 100.00 172 68.45 50 19.73 30 11.82 Impairments Eye/ear impairments none 1,251 100.00 994 79.45 223 17.86 34 2.69 Arthritis 115 100.00 51 44.49 53 45.50 ’12 '10.01 Eye/ear impairments 475 100.00 262 55.04 176 37.04 38 7.92 Digestive disorders 29 100.00 ‘ 1 4 “48.26 '10 ‘34.16 '5 ‘17.58 Diabetes 77 100.00 27 35.33 31 40.65 19 24.01 Nervous disorders 30 100.00 19 63.60 '8 ‘27.81 '3 ‘8.59 Heart disease 90 100.00 35 38.65 43 47.87 ‘ 1 2 ‘13.48 Hypertension 86 100.00 50 58.41 28 32.57 '8 '9.02 Other circulatory 43 100.00 20 46.18 '15 '3635 '7 '17.47 All other 336 100.00 202 60.28 101 29.97 33 9.75 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 19834985: original tabulations from public use tapes FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 133‘ TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing assistance Limited in Activity, In All Limited no Assistance Needed IADL in Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity In IADL or AOL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent disribution Absence/paralysis none 548 100.00 329 60.01 95 17.30 1 24 22.69 of extremities Arthritis 35 100.00 22 62.75 '6 ‘16.82 '7 ’20.43 Eye/ear impairments 43 100.00 25 57.39 '7 '1 6.51 '1 1 '26.1 1 Diabetes 45 100.00 18 39.97 '9 '20.33 18 39.70 Heart disease 30 100.00 ’14 '45.13 '6 '18.60 '11 ‘36.27 Hypertension 32 100.00 21 64.61 '5 '16.08 '6 '19.31 Cerebrovascular disease 70 100.00 21 29.72 21 30.39 28 39.88 All other 211 100.00 106 50.15 37 17.77 68 32.08 Back impairments none 1,865 100.00 1 .683 90.27 136 7.30 45 2.44 Arthritis 92 100.00 70 75.81 '15 ‘16.73 '7 ‘7.47 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 36 100.00 33 91.87 ‘1 '3.78 '2 ‘4.35 Eye/ear impairments 48 100.00 39 79.77 ‘9 '19.01 '1 '1.21 Impairment of lower extremities__ 177 100.00 144 81.19 22 12.67 ‘11 '6.13 Other orthopedic impairment 61 100.00 50 82.92 ‘8 ‘13.28 ‘2 '3.80 Digestive disorders 35 100.00 30 85.82 ‘4 ‘12.22 ‘1 '1.96 Diabetes 29 100.00 23 77.94 '4 ‘12.49 ‘3 '9.57 Heart disease 79 100.00 61 76.27 '13 '15.?9 ‘6 '7.94 Hypertension 75 100.00 66 87.59 '9 '1 1.49 '1 *0.92 All other 269 100.00 217 80.86 41 15.21 '11 '3.94 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 134 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONI CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED C CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 Neeflgassistance Limited in A ctivity, In All Limited no Assistance Needed IADL In Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity in IADL or A DL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Impairment of lower none 1,454 100.00 1,274 87.61 132 9.08 48 3.32 extremities Arthritis 66 100.00 42 63.81 '13 '19.21 '1 1 ‘16.98 Eye/ear impairments 59 100.00 32 54.81 20 34.01 ‘7 '11.18 Back impairments 82 100.00 64 78.26 '14 '17.35 '4 '4.39 Impairment of lower extremities_ 39 100.00 26 67.86 ‘6 '15.77 '6 '16.37 Other orthopedic impairment 41 100.00 29 71.58 '9 ‘21.66 '3 '6.76 Heart disease 56 100.00 36 64.77 '16 '29.35 ‘3 '5.88 Hypertension 50 100.00 37 73.07 '12 '23.35 '2 ‘3.58 All other 258 100.00 174 67.31 56 21.87 28 10.82 Other orthopedic none 492 100.00 431 87.68 38 7.71 23 4.61 impairment Back impairments 26 100.00 20 76.05 '5 ‘17.72 '2 ‘622 Impairment of lower extremities_ 48 100.00 33 70.32 '10 '20.22 '4 ‘9.46 All other 144 100.00 115 80.02 '18 '12.80 '10 '7. 18 Digestive Digestive disorders none 439 100.00 394 89.74 33 7.62 ‘12 ‘2.64 Arthritis 43 100.00 31 72.03 ‘7 '15.79 ‘5 ‘12.1 7 Digestive disorders 57 100.00 44 77.14 '10 '16.92 ‘3 '5.94 Heart disease 45 100.00 32 70.36 ‘6 '13.46 '7 '16.18 Hypertension 42 100.00 37 87.27 '3 '8.12 '2 ‘4.62 All other 230 100.00 182 79.16 28 12.03 20 8.81 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health lntewiew Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 135 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing assistance Limited in Activity, In All Limited no Assistance Needed IADL In Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity in IADL or ADL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Circulatory Heart disease none 2,038 100.00 1,661 81.50 303 14.86 74 3.64 Arthritis 360 100.00 223 61.89 109 30.36 28 7.75 lntervertebral disk disorders 44 100.00 33 75.87 ’1 1 '24.13 ‘. '. Other skin and musculoskeletal__ 63 100.00 47 74.89 '10 '15.65 '6 '9.46 Eye/ear impairments 138 100.00 73 52.89 46 33.27 19 13.84 Absence/paralysis of extremities__ 33 100.00 '18 '55.78 '5 ‘15.96 ‘9 ‘28.26 Back impairments 50 100.00 40 78.91 ‘6 '12.76 ‘4 '8.33 Impairment of lower extremities__ 49 100.00 32 64.57 '13 '26. 23 '5 '920 Digestive disorders 129 100.00 88 68.06 27 21.26 '14 ‘10.68 Diabetes 277 100.00 206 74.34 51 18.38 20 7.27 Nervous disorders 47 100.00 28 59.86 '14 '29.89 '5 '10.26 Heart disease 77 100.00 56 71.92 '16 '20.16 ‘6 ‘7.93 Hypertension 416 100.00 328 78.77 65 15.68 '23 '5.54 Cerebrovascular disease 51 100.00 27 52.47 '13 *26.30 '1 1 '21 .23 Other circulatory 116 100.00 67 58.00 34 28.95 '15 '13.05 Asthma 42 100.00 28 65.66 '1 1 '25.47 *4 '8.87 Emphysema 84 100.00 48 56.87 23 27.83 '13 '15.30 Other respiratory disease 74 100.00 50 68.15 17 23.62 ‘6 '8.24 Cancer of all sites 33 100.00 24 70.63 '6 '17.39 *4 '1 1.98 All other 256 100.00 172 67.39 52 20.43 31 12.18 ‘ Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 136 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing ' tance Limited In Activity, In All Limited no Assistance Needed IA DL In Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity In IA DL or ADL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Hypertension none 649 100.00 582 89.69 55 8.50 '12 ‘1.81 Arthritis 133 100.00 110 82.87 17 13.11 '5 '4.01 Eye/ear impairments 43 100.00 30 69.68 '9 '21.53 *4 ‘8.79 Digestive disorders 54 100.00 50 92.13 '2 '2.88 '3 '4.99 Diabetes 99 100.00 84 84.33 '1 1 '11 .30 ‘4 '4.37 Heart disease 133 100.00 110 82.93 17 12.83 *6 '4.25 Other circulatory 35 100.00 25 72.94 '8 '22.99 ‘1 '4.07 All other 302 100.00 253 83.53 35 11 .73 '14 '4.74 Cerebrovascular none____________ 174 100.00 64 36.71 48 27.65 62 35.64 disease Arthritis 35 100.00 '13 '36.15 '7 '20.52 '15 '43.33 Eye/ear impairments 39 100.00 ‘13 '32.52 ‘1 2 '30.38 '15 '37.10 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 209 100.00 71 33.82 55 26.49 83 39.69 Diabetes 31 100.00 '10 '31.69 '4 '13.73 17 54.58 Heart disease 74 100.00 22 30.21 22 30.04 29 39.74 Hypertension 106 100.00 43 40.81 21 19.96 41 39.23 All other 153 100.00 54 35.47 36 23.23 63 41.31 Other circulatory none— 420 100.00 333 79.22 65 15.52 '22 '5.26 Arthritis 57 100.00 37 65.03 '15 '26.35 '5 *8.61 Eye/ear impairments 45 100.00 24 52.76 '10 '22.55 '11 '24.69 Diabetes 40 100.00 27 66.87 '9 '22.38 '4 '10.75 Heart disease 66 100.00 45 67.99 17 25.27 '4 '6.74 Hypertension 65 100.00 50 77.09 '14 '21.81 ‘1 '1.10 All other 200 100.00 127 63.32 57 28.24 '17 '8.43 " Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys. 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 137 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing assistance Limited in Activity, In All Limited no Assistance Needed IADL In Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity in IADL or ADL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Respiratory Asthma none 1.040 100.00 1,000 96.20 29 2.77 '11 *1.03 Arthritis 40 100.00 33 81 .23 '6 '14.07 ’2 ‘4.70 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 30 100.00 26 85.30 '4 ‘12.32 ‘1 '2.38 Digestive disorders 28 100.00 24 84.04 ‘3 '11.05 '1 ‘4.91 Heart disease 34 100.00 25 74.35 '8 '23.69 *1 ‘1.96 Hypertension 37 100.00 31 83.49 '5 '12.59 '1 ‘3.91 Emphysema 36 100.00 23 64.60 ‘11 '29.79 '2 ‘5.62 Other respiratory disease 31 100.00 25 80.71 ‘5 '15.85 '1 '3.44 All other 144 100.00 121 83.78 17 12.08 ‘6 '4.13 Emphysema none 305 100.00 226 74.16 59 19.44 '20 '6.39 Arthritis 47 100.00 33 69.23 '9 ‘19.37 '5 '11.40 Digestive disorders 27 100.00 22 83.80 ‘2 '6.84 ‘2 ‘9.36 Heart disease 102 100.00 63 62.19 20 19.66 18 18.15 Hypertension 48 100.00 43 88.35 '3 '6.01 ‘3 '5.64 Asthma 44 100.00 28 62.95 '12 ‘27.76 ‘4 ‘9.29 Other respiratory disease 43 100.00 26 60.32 '12 '27.25 '5 '12.43 All other 162 100.00 103 63.60 29 17.92 30 18.48 Other respiratory none 416 100.00 375 90.21 27 6.48 '14 '3.31 disease Arthritis 35 100.00 24 67.25 '10 '28.77 '1 '3.99 Heart disease 44 100.00 28 63.78 ‘9 '20.68 '7 '15.53 All other 293 100.00 224 76.55 47 15.96 22 7.49 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 138 TABLE 13: PFIEVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)-CONTINUED ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983-1985: original tabulations from public use tapes Needing assistance Limited in Activity, All Limited no Assistance Needed IADL Main Cause Secondary Cause in Activity In IADL or ADL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution Miscellaneous Diabetes none 457 100.00 393 85.92 41 8.87 24 '5.21 Arthritis 72 100.00 43 60.08 20 27.75 '9 '12.17 Eye/ear impairments 68 100.00 39 57.65 25 36.48 '4 '5.88 Digestive disorders 28 100.00 23 82.06 ‘4 '15.43 '1 '250 Heart disease 101 100.00 70 69.76 19 18.45 ‘1 2 '11.79 Hypertension 149 100.00 116 77.92 21 14.18 '12 ‘7.91 All other 178 100.00 122 68.56 34 19.32 '22 '12.12 Mental retardation none 796 100.00 544 68.39 147 18.50 104 13.11 All other 173 100.00 1 14 65.72 22 12.55 38 21.73 Mental illness none 727 100.00 574 78.95 127 1 7.46 26 3.58 All other 275 100.00 201 72.96 47 17.09 27 9.95 Nervous disorders none 1 ,077 100.00 635 58.99 261 24.22 181 16.78 Arthritis 50 100.00 25 47.84 '16 '32.68 '10 “19.48 Eye/ear impairments 50 100.00 '15 '29.54 18 34.88 18 35.58 Heart disease 43 100.00 " 1 4 ‘31.35 '1 1 '26.06 '18 I'42.59 Hypertension 29 100.00 22 76.1 1 ‘4 '15.10 ‘3 '8.79 All other 303 100.00 189 62.44 59 19.44 55 18.12 Cancer of all sites none 439 100.00 296 67.49 72 16.48 70 16.03 Arthritis 32 100.00 17 52.58 '1 1 ‘33.50 '5 '13.93 Heart disease 45 100.00 18 40.15 '12 '26.89 '15 ‘3296 All other 172 100.00 100 58.34 30 17.70 41 23.96 139 TABLE 13: PREVALENCE OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE IN IADL OR ADL DUE TO CHRONIC CONDITIONS, BY MAIN AND SECONDARY CAUSES AND TYPE OF ACTIVITY: UNITED STATES CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION, AGES 5 AND OVER, 1983-1985 (THREE-YEAR AVERAGE)--CONTINUED Needing assistance Limited In Activity, In All Limited no Assistance Needed IADL In Main Cause Secondary Cause In Activity In IA DL or ADL Only ADL Number of conditions in thousands and percent distribution All other none 2,074 100.00 1 .708 82.34 244 11.75 123 5.91 Arthritis 143 100.00 91 63.76 32 22.66 19 13.58 Other skin and musculoskeletal_ 43 100.00 34 80.11 "6 ‘13.34 *3 '6.55 Eye/ear impairments 127 100.00 80 62.92 32 25.39 ’1 5 ‘1 1.69 Absence/paralysis of extremities_ 34 100.00 22 63.11 ‘4 '13.08 ‘8 '23.81 Back impairments 57 100.00 51 89.89 ‘4 ‘7. 72 '1 .2.38 Impairment of lower extremities_ 57 100.00 33 58.07 ‘1 5 ‘26.11 ‘9 '15.82 Other orthopedic impairment 31 100.00 19 63.08 '6 '19.14 '5 '17.78 Digestive disorders 98 100.00 69 70.70 18 18.85 '10 '10.46 Diabetes 60 100.00 42 69.82 '12 19.33 '6 ‘10.84 Nervous disorders 38 100.00 27 72.64 '6 '16.10 '4 '11.26 Heart disease 118 100.00 78 66.67 23 19.73 '16 '13.60 Hypertension 128 100.00 110 85.29 '10 '7.73 '9 '6.98 Other circulatory 33 100.00 20 61.51 ‘9 ‘27.28 '4 '1 1.21 Other respiratory disease 33 100.00 25 76.94 ‘3 '9.77 ‘4 '13,30 Cancer of all sites 45 100.00 33 73.11 '6 '12.90 ‘6 '14.00 All other 328 100.00 248 75.54 45 13.79 35 10.66 ' Figure has low statistical reliability or precision (relative standard error exceeds 30 percent) SOURCE: National Health Interview Surveys, 1983—1985: original tabulations from public use tapes 140 Appendix I Technical notes on methods Background The information presented in this report is based on secondary analysis of National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) public use data tapes. The NHIS is a continuing national household probability sample. Information on the personal, sociodemographic, and health characteristics of all household members is collected. .The sample design is a complex multi-stage probability frame. A sample is drawn each week to represent the US. non-institutionalized civilian population. The weekly samples are additive over time and can yield weekly, quarterly, and annual estimates. More detailed information on the sample design and collection and processing of the data can be found in annual reports titled Current Estimates, Appendix I (for example, see Moss and Parsons, 1986). Estimation Because the NHIS is a complex multistage probability sample, to obtain national estimates, it is necessary to employ weights in all estimation procedures. The public use tapes provide a "basic person weight", which was used to inflate each observation by the inverse of the probability of selection and to correct for other aspects of the survey design and household non-response. Further details on weighting can be tound in Current Estimates, Appendix I. All estimates were obtained using the SAS procedure PROC TABULATE. Reliability of estimates The relative standard error is the measure of sampling error used in NCHS publications and in this report. It is a measure of the random variation that might occur because the NHIS is a sample and not a complete enumeration of the population. The relative standard error (RSE) of an estimate is obtained by dividing the standard error (SE) of the estimate by the estimate itself and multiplying by 100: (1) RSE = SE(X) x 100 x NCHS deems that estimates with greater than 30 percent RSE are unreliable, a convention followed in this report. 141 NCHS estimates relative variance curves for broad classes of estimates by fitting regression equations to variances obtained by the balanced half-sample method. The curve-fitting procedure assumes that the relative variance of an estimate is a decreasing function of the magnitude of the estimate: (2) V(xi) = a + b/xi where a and b are the fitted regression estimates. The method used in this report for determining the errors of estimates is the same as that used in NCHS publications. Regression parameters for population estimates and chronic conditions (from the 6 checklists) were obtained from NCHS for each year of the survey covered in this report. Because three years of data were pooled together and the sample design changed in 1985, special consideration is necessary for calculating the 30 percent RSE cutoff points. Both the a and b parameters are different for 1985 than for previous years. The a and b parameters are the same for 1983 and 1984. A general formula for computing the 30 percent RSE cutoff is provided below for any number of pooled years. (3) cp: iby/N_x 1 (.30)2-z ay/N2 N Where CP is the 30 percent relative standard error cutoff point and ay and by are the regression parameters for each year and N is the total number of years. Using (3), the 30 percent RSE for chronic conditions (based on the six checklists for Tables 1 and 10) is computed for the years 1983-85 to be: 222.6629 3 18.2 3.6 3 1 (4) cp: ( )/ +l 5 )/ x_ 09-! 2(1x10-6)/9 + (1.366x10-4)/9] 3 =78,507 279,000 An estimated prevalence of chronic conditions that is less than 79,000 has greater than 30 percent relative standard error and is flagged by an asterisk (‘). For 1983 and 1984, a = 1.0 x 10-6 and b = 22,6629. For 1985, a = 1.366 x 10-4 and b = 18,2536. 142 To calculate the standard error (not the relative standard error) of an estimated number of chronic conditions (X), use the following formula, derived from (4): (5) SE (X) = «U154 x 10'5) x2 + (7,055.5) x For example, an estimate of 78,507 conditions has a standard error of 23,537. For population data (all data other than checklist conditions including conditions causing disability), the 30 percent RSE is computed to be: 2(3691.3)/3 +(6102.7)/3 1 (6) CF: x _ .09-( 2(-1.477x10-4)/9 + (-3.656x10-5)/91 3 = 16,642 ; 17,000 An estimated population characteristic that is less than 17,000 has greater than 30 percent relative standard error and is flagged by an asterisk (*). For 1983 and 1984, a = -1.477 x 10-4 and b = 3,691.3. For 1985, a = -3.656 x 10-5 and b = 6,102.7. To calculate the standard error of an estimated number of persons (X) with a population characteristic, use the following formula, derived from (6): (7) SE (X) = «f (3.688 x 10'5) x2 + (1,493.4) x For example, an estimate of 16,642 persons has a standard error of 4,995. 143 Appendix II Definitions of terms used in this report Terms relating to disability are defined in the section "Disability concepts", page 4. Demographic Terms Age -- the age at last birthday. Race and ethnicity -- six racial and ethnic groups are identified on the basis of responses to questions about race and national origin. Persons are identified as Hispanic if they are Cuban, Mexican, Mexicano, Mexican-American, Chicano, other Latin American, or other Spanish. Other groups based on national origin are Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans, which includes Aleuts, Eskimos, and American lndians. Racial groups are white, black, and other. . Family Income -- the total of all income received by related family members during the 12 months preceding the interview. Poverty Status -- persons are classified into 2 categories: (1) above poverty threshold and (2) at or below poverty threshold. Poverty status is based on family size, number of children under 18 years of age, and family income using poverty levels derived from the Current Population Survey. The average income cutoffs for a non-farm family of 4 were $10,178 in 1983, $10,609 in 1984, and $10,989 in 1985. Education -- education categories are for individuals, based on the highest year of school finished. Chronic conditions A condition is considered chronic if it has lasted more than three months by the week of the interview or if it is on a list of conditions always classified as chronic, regardless of duration. These include tuberculosis, neoplasms, thyroid disease, diabetes, gout, psychoses and certain other mental disorders, multiple sclerosis and other diseases of the central nervous system, certain eye conditions. rheumatic fever, hypertension, stroke, all heart conditions, emphysema, asthma, hay fever, bronchiectasis, ulcers and certain diseases of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, hernia of abdominal cavity, gastroenteritis and colitis, calculus of kidney, ureter, and other parts of the urinary system, prostate disease, cystic breast disease, eczema and certain other types of dermatitis, arthritis and rheumatism, bone cysts, and all congenital anomalies. Table ll-A presents the list of chronic conditions used in this report and their codes as defined by the Ninth Revision of the lntemational Classification of Diseases (ICD). NCHS employs a special listing of impairments with codes beginning with 'X', the so-called X-codes. These are used in place of any ICD codes to which an impairment may be classifiable. The listing is a modified version of the condition lists provided on the NHIS public use tapes (Recodes B and C). 75 separate condition groups are used in this list. A shortened version of the Table ll-A list is presented in Table ”-8. This short list consists of 22 condition groups and is used in the multiple disabling condition tables (Tables 11-13). Table Il-B shows the revised condition names and the lCD codes that were used for each of the 22 condition groups. 144 TABLE II-A: LIST OF DETAILED CONDITION GROUPS REVISED RECODE C LIST CONDITION NAME 100 Rheumatoid arthritis 101 Osteoarthritis/other arthropathies 105 lntervertebral disk disorders 107 Osteomyelitis/bone disorders 109 Bursitis 113 Psoriasis and dermatitis 119 Skin cancer 120 Bone cancer 121 Other skin and musculoskeletal 201 Blind in both eyes 203 Deaf in both ears 210 Absence of arm(s)/hand(s) 212 Absence of leg(s) 213 Absence of fingers, toes, feet 217 Other absence 222 Complete paralysis of extremities 223 Cerebral palsy 226 Partial paralysis of extremities 227 Other paralysis 228 Curvature of back or spine 229 Other impairment 01 back 230 Spina bitida 233 Impairment of upper extremities 236 Impairment of lower extremities 237 Other orthopedic impairment 238 Speech impairments 241 Cataracts 242 Glaucoma 243 Other eye disorders 244 Other ear disorders 305 Ulcers lCD-9 CODES AS ADAPTED BY NCHS 714 71109, 712.8,9, 715-716, 720.0, 721 722 726.9, 730.0—3,9, 731 .0,2, 732, 733 7260-8, 727.0,2,9 690-694, 696 172, 173 1 70 216, 274, 690-693, 693.2-A, 694-698, 698.9, 700-709, 724.2,3, 727.1, 729.0 X00 X05 X20, X21, X23, X24 X26, X28 X22, X25, X35 X31, X34 X40, X41 .0,9, X42-X49 X50 X51-X59 X60-X64 X70 X80 X71 X73, X74, X84 X75-X78, X85, X86 X79, X89 X10,X1 1 366 365 360-364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 3720-9, 373-379, X01, X02, X04 381 -387, 388.0,1,3-9, X06-X09 531-533 145 TABLE II-A: LIST OF DETAILED CONDITION GROUPS-CONTINUED REVISED RECODE C LIST CONDITION NAME 306 Abdominal hernia 311 Enteritis and colitis 316 Cancer of digestive sites 317 Other digestive disorders , 403 Diabetes 404 Anemias 405 Epilepsy 406 Migraine headache 411 Kidney disorders 415 Multiple sclerosis 420 Female genital disorders 421 Cancer of female breast 426 Cancer of genitourinary sites 428 Schizophrenia/other psychoses 429 Neuroses/personality disorders 430 Alchohol or drug dependency 431 Mental retardation 432 Other mental illness 434 Tuberculosis 435 Other infectious/parasitic 437 Leukemia 438 Senility 439 Parkinson's disease 441 Other nervous disorders 442 Surgical/medical complications 443 Other injuries 146 ICD-9 CODES AS ADAPTED BY NCHS 550-553 555, 556, 558 140-149, 150-159 520.3,4,7-9, 521 -523, 525-529, X92, 530, 534-537, 540-543, 557, 560, 562, 564.0-1, 565-573.0,3-9, 574, 575.0,2-6,8,9, 576-579, 787 250 280-285 345 346 581 -583, 590, 592, 593 340 610, 611, 614-629, X32 174 1 79-189 291 -299 300, 301 303, 304 X19 302, 305, 306.1 -5, 307-31 4, 315.4,5,8,9, 316-A, X10, X14 010-018, 019-A 001 -009.0,2, 020-027, 030-041, 045-057, 060-066, 070-088, 100-104, 110-112,114-118,120-136 204-208 290, 797 332 320, 322, 323-325, 330, 331 .0-2,8,9, 333-337, 341, 346-352, 353.0-4,6,8,9, 354-359 996-999 800-848, 850-854, 860-869, 870-884 (except 871.3), 890-894, 900-904, 910-957, 959-979, 988-995 TABLE II-A: LIST OF DETAILED CONDITION GROUPS-CONTINUED REVISED RECODE C LIST CONDITION NAME 501 Rheumatic fever 502 Ischemic heart disease 505 Heart rhythm disorders 507 Other heart disease 508 Hypertension 509 Cerebrovascular disease 510 Arteriosclerosis 513 Phlebitis, varicose veins 516 Other circulatory 601 Chronic bronchitis 602 Asthma 605 Sinusitis 606 Hay fever 609 Emphysema 613 Lung or bronchial cancer 616 Other respiratory disease 997 Cancer of all other sites 998 Other ill-defined conditions 999 All other chronic conditions lCD-9 CODES AS ADAPTED BY NCHS 390, 392-398, 399-NHIS code only 410-414, 429.6 427.0-6,8,9, 785.0-2 415-417, 420.9, 421 .0,9, 422.9, 423, 424, 425.0-5,9, 426, 428, 429.0-5,8,9, 745, 746, 7850-3 401 -405 430-438 440 451 —454 441 -444, 455-459 490, 491 493 473 477 492 160, 1622-9, 163-165 470-476, 478, 480-483, 485-487, 494-496, 500-508, 510-516, X30 161, 171, 175, 190-199, 200-203 780, 781 .0-4,6,7,9, 782, 783.0,2-6,9, 784, 786-797, 799, 799.5-A, X11, X12 ~. all other codes 147 TABLE "-3: SHORT LIST OF CONDITION GROUPS REVISED RECODE C LIST CONDITION NAME ICD-9 CODES AS ADAPTED BY NCHS 101 Arthritis 714, 711.0,9, 712.8,9, 715-716, 720.0, 721 105 Intervertebral disk disorders 722 121 Other skin and musculoskeletal 216, 274, 690-693, 693.2-A, 694-698, 698.9, 700-709, 724.2,3, 727.1, 729.0 726.9, 730.0-3,9, 731.0,2, 732, 733, 7260-8, 727.0,2,9, 690-694, 696 204 Eye or ear impairments X00, X05, 366, 365, 360-364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 3720-9, 373-379, X01, X02, X04, 381-387, 388.0,1,3-9, X06-X09 227 Absence or paralysis X60-X64, X20, X21, X23, X24, X26, X28, X22, X25, X35, X31, X34, X40, X41.0,9, X42-X49, X50, X51-X59 229 Back impairments X70, X71, X80 236 Impairment of lower extremities X75-X78, X85, X86 237 Other orthopedic impairment X79, X89, X73, X74, X84 317 Digestive disorders 531-533, 550-553, 555, 556, 558, 520.3,4,7—9, 521 -523, 525-529, X92, 530, 534-537, 540-543, 557, 560, 562, 5640-1, 565- 573.0,3-9, 574, 575.0,2-6,8,9,576-579, 787 403 Diabetes 250 431 Mental retardation x19 432 Mental illness 302, 305, 3061-5, 307-314, 315.4,5,8,9, 316-A, X10, X14, 291-299, 300, 301 441 Nervous disorders 320, 322, 323-325, 330, 331 .0-2,8,9, 333-337, 341, 345, 346-352, 353.0-4,6,8,9, 290, 797, 332, 354-359, X41 .1-8,.X,.Y, X61 501 Heart disease 390, 392-398, 399-NHIS code only, 410-414, 429.6, 427.0-6,8,9, 785.0-2, 415-417, 420.9, 421 .0,9, 422.9, 423, 424, 425.0-5,9, 426, 428, 429.0-5,8,9, 745, 746, 7850-3 508 Hypertension 401-405 509 Cerebrovascular disease 430-438 510 Other circulatory disease 440, 451 -454, 441-444, 455-459 602 Asthma 493 609 Emphysema 492 616 Other respiratory disease 470-478, 480-483, 485-487, 494-496, 500-508, 510-516, X30 490, 491,473 997 Cancer of all sites 161, 171, 175, 190-199, 200-203, 160, 162.2-9, 163-165, 140-149, 150-159 999 All other chronic conditions all other codes 148 Appendix III 1985 National Health Interview Survey Core questionnaire 09l- ms—T-su 0.M,B. No. 09370021 : Approval Expires March 3i, I986 Iona - Information contained on em roIIII much would pumit idontilicatim or my individual or 1- . 2- R.0. "“m‘m 3' Sample “mist-um has boot collected with a natal-e tho it will be held in strict confidence, will be used Book of torsptupoaaa Stilton lot this study. and will not be disclosed or released to other: without the consent or "he Indlvimat or the estfilismnt in accord-Ice with section 30am) oi the Public health Service Act (42 use 242:». b°°ks I: Direct (100) [3 Through another unit — Not a separate HU.‘ combine with unit through which access is gained. (Apply merged unit procedures it 06 C] Mobile home or trailer with one or more permanent rooms added 07 El HU not specified above — Describe In looinotes roan HISII (I985) 4. Segment type 5. Control number no" 4“ ,_ PSU l Segment I Serial u. s. ocnsnruent or couuzncz [4 Area I ' ACTING A! ”gottzocrti'~”oiitccicflnrsron we | I u.s. PueLIc NEALTN scnwcc E Pe'm" : : l" I NATIONAL HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY L 3”“ l l | I 6o. What is your exact address? (Include House No.. Apt. No.. or other identification. 1 IA. Noninterview reason county and ZIP code) I LISTING : SHEET TYPE A ___________________________________________________________ J m E} Relusal - Describe in footnotes Fill Hams I — oz [1 No one at home — repeated calls 46' 7 | Sheet No and 9 as __ _____________________________________—________________________I ‘ oaGTemporarily absent—Footnote applicable; City : State " County {ZIP code I o. C] Other (Specilyl 70- ”"5 I l I | Line No 2 I b. Is this your mailing address? (Mark box or specify if different. Include [3 Same as 6a County and ZIP code.) TYPE 8 05 I: Vacant — nonseasonal ___________________________________________________________________ as [3 Vacant — seasonal 01 D OccupIed entIrely by E-t-—--~--—-—---~--—----------,—S-————--————~-—TE —————————————— Till: ——————— oerSons withUR E I Y ' tate ' WMY code 0- [j Occupied entirely by Armed 1 l : Forces members F - » ill items c. Special place name TSample unit number : Type code 0' I: UM" M m be “momma 7-53; 7—9 as I I I o [:‘I Under construction. not ready applicable; I ' II E} Converted to temporary business ’0' ””15 AREA AND BLOCK SEGMENTS or storage I2 D Unoccuoied sue for mobile home. 7. YEAR BUILT trailer, or tent I: Ask I] C] Permit granted. construction I: Do not ask not started ___________________________________________________________________ II [:1 Other (Specllyll When was t structure originally built? [3 Before 44-50 (Continue Interview) D After 44-80 (Complete item 8c when required; and interview) TYPE C 8' COVERAGE QUESTIONS ”El Unused line oi listing sheet Cl Ask items that are marked Isl? Demolished C] Do not ask ‘7 C] House or trailer moved _________________________________ "‘""“""“"""”“ F H terns o. E] Are there ony occup ed at vacant living quarters besides 1 D Yes (Fill Table )0 ”D cum“ "an”! ILGa’. at: your own in this building? I [:1 N I! D Confined l0 99"“an Willie“ it marked; 0 or statue 12-15, send _____________________________________________ J-_-_-________--____—— zoLjMerled Inter—Comm. . . . . . It. Q Are there any occupied or vocont IIVIng quarters besides I l:l Yes (Fill 7”,, X) II D Condemned your own on this Iloor. I ‘ | [:No 12D Built after April I. I980 ______________________________ .1 _ __ i - """""""""""""""""""""""" 23 Other (Smelly) c. E Is there any other building on this property Ior people i D Yes (Fill Table X) D 2 to live in either occupied or vocont? I C] No I I5. Record of calls 9:. LAND USE I B . End" C I "a 2 "fit" I" I I I: URBAN (10) Month ; Date {Em ' “m' 53‘}. (x) z [j RURAL Y - Reg. units Ind SP. PL. units coded 85-88 In 6c — Ask item 90 1 I '-"" “J"- — SP. PL. units not coded 35—38 in 6c - Mark "No" in item 9b wlIIIouI asking l ”'m‘ ”'m' ____________________________________________________________________ I b. During the post I2 months did solos oI crops, livestock, and other 1 : '4“. "m- farm products from this ploce amount to SI, or more? I P-"I- W'" ‘ D Y” (10) 3 : a.m. mm. 2 C] No : p.m. p.m. I III. CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING QUARTERS - Mark by observation ‘ E e.In. Ian. o. LOCATION of unit l c. HOUSING unit (Mark one. THEN page 2) V 9”“ ”‘m' Unit is: : 0| [:1 House, apartment, tl-t : a.rn. M“. l:] I" I SPOCIII P'ICB ‘ ROI" '0 TebIeA in ' 02 D HU in nontransient hoteI. motel. etc. 5 I p.m. D.rn. Part C of manual; than complete me or d ' , V ' I:l NOT in . 5 '1! Pin (10b) 1' 03 C] HU-permanent In transient hotel. motel, etc. I ————————— p: :I____c:_____.__________ I 04 [j HU in rooming house 6 : a.m. II!“- 5' Access 05 [3 Mobile home or trailer with no permanent I ”'m' V'm' room added I6. List column numbers of persons requiring callbacks and mark appropriately. E] None additional living quarters space was listed separately.) Col. No. $5 No. SectIon M SP d. OTHER unit Mark one) 08 D Quarters not HU in rooming or boarding house 09 [3 Unit not pernunent in transient hotel. motel. etc. to E] unoccupied site lot mobile home. traIler,or tent I7. Record of additional contacts I II [3 Student quarters in college dormItory B . , E d' (- I 4 ‘1 l:l QTIE'fiougit not specified above — Describe mm" l 0'“ Tim?” Sm!“ C°'- N°~ in I I P i I T It.“- lam. GO TO HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION PAGE 1 "m' "m‘ 1 l P mm. Inn. "- What is the telephone number here? : Area code/number I2. Was this interview observed? J T °'"" ”'m' ' I Cl N”. l I D Yes 2 E] No 3 : : :2. :2. I3. Interviewer's name : Code 1' P I 4 : a.III. can. : I T can. mm. ISI- SP ’Tiold age ' Smoking asked A. HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION PAGE 1 la. Whot are the names at all persons living or staying here? Start with the name of the person or one of 1’ “'5‘ name M'd‘ '"l" A" the persons who owns or rents this home. Enter name in REFERENCE PERSON column. Last name Sex *1 M b. What are the names at all other persons living or staying here? Enter names in columns. lf "Yes." enter 2'5 F names in columns . . 2_ Relationship c. I have listed (read names). Have I missed: No REFERENCE PERSON fl, 3‘ are a! birth - any babies or small children? ........................................ L. Mann. Dare ,Ye" — any lodgers, boarders, or persons you employ who live here? ................. l:_ l HOSP. WORK RD 2-WK. DV _ . . . . . , e anyone who USUALLY lives here but us now away tram home traveling or III a hospital. . . . . .__,, Cl 00 :Nme ' F‘w. by“ on DNone - onyone else staying here? .......................................... :_ : : m7- 1 J"? J“ W d. Do all of the persons you have named usually live here? C Yes (2) ' C No (APPLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP Probe ii necessary RULES. Delete nonhousehold members C 2 b "x" _ . ------------------------- Does -— usually live somewhere else? y on from I C2 and enter reason) U l“ ”V "U 61 m “5 CDND Ask for all persons beginning mm column 2: 2. What is -- relationship to (reference eerson)? if—_——i'A—'T)J'_7E_ffifii T‘s—'Ea—na— 3. What is —— date ol birth? (Enter date and age and mark sex.) REFERENCE PERIODS u—‘——_ nfl'm} _:—lN-J-—'CT:lR-:s-_EO‘~° 2-WEEK PERIOD ‘ ”MW“ ””5 If" . irr'or-mr.‘ dancing III-MONTH HOSPITAL DATE AZ CA— _ —-_—I;_—O—V__:;U—‘VEL—LY_I’-NE—‘:C3N_D ASK CONDITION LIST . ' { A3 : All persons 65 and over (5) A3 Refer to ages‘of all related HH members. _” Olher (4) do. Are any at the persons in this lamily new on lull-time active duty with the armed forces? Yes F‘ N0 (5) b. Who is this? 1 i Delete column number(S) by an ' X“ from I — C2. e. Anyone else? [7" Yes (Reask 4b and c) C“ No lsT fo? Erich—917s}; 7r? EFm‘eH iSrEe—s: _____________________________________________________ 7;. " —E_.__.v_.:::.2;m_:""-" ’ T - d d. Where does -— usually live and sleep, here or somewhere else? f" No! imn; 3i home Mark box in person's column. ‘ H related persons !7 and over are llSled In Oddlllol’l to the respondent and are not present, say: 5. We would like to have all adult family members who are at home tolte part in the interview. Are (names of persons I7 and over) at home now? If "Yes." ask: Could they ioin as? (Allow time) Read [0 respondenusj: This survey is being conducted to collect iniormatian on the nation's health. I will ask about hospitalizations, disability, visits to doctors, illness in the family, and other health related items. HOSPITAL PROBE ,s. Go. I V. Yes 6a. Since (l3-momh hospital date) a year ago, wos —— a patient in a hospital OVERNIGHT? z 7‘ No (Mark "HCSP." box, ” THEN NP) b. How many dilterent times did —- stay in any hospital overnight or longer since (Make entry in (IS-month hOSEIlOI date) a year ago? It "HmP." box. Number of nmes THEN NP) .n I‘!‘ p _‘l ‘ . . VI ‘ 7 Ask for each child under one: 70. I if Yes 7a. Was -— born in a hospital? sz No (NP) HA3} 7Sr_nio_uie?_and Eli—ll—d: ___________________________________________________________ 3:.“ es mp} _ b. Have you included this hospitalization in the number you gave me tor -—? . No(Carrec16 and ”HmP." box) FOOTNOTES ram ulst ilaesmoi-aei Page 1 B. LIMITATION OF ACTIVITIES PAGE B] t [:1 l8—69 (1) B1 Refer ‘° as“ 2 C] Other (NP) 1. What was —— doing MOST OF THE PAST l2 MONTHS; working at a job or business, 1. 1 DWorking (2) keeping house, going to school, or something else? 2 [:1 Keeping house (3) Priority if 2 or more activities reported: (i) Spent the most time doing; (2) Considers the most important. 3 :1 Going to school (5) A I:] Something else (5) 2a. Does any impairment or health problem NOW keep -- from working at a job or business? 2., ‘ I: Yes (7’ [-n No b. Is --I_imited in th; ltind 0R amouitt-ot work --_cb;—d; b:caus;-ot-;n_y—impairt;:nt;r-he—alth prob—loin? ------- _;— Z-IilYl:-(7-I--_;E]L:(G—I ----- 3a. Does any impairment or health problem NOW- keep -— trom doing any housework at all? 3,. ‘I:] Yes (4) b No i. r.'::m:am:it;'JR‘;;;U;.';{§.;::;.;;::1::3;1:353:51;names;;:.ir.;s““‘ ‘17 i”1511;LT'ZFLZEF” 4a. What (other) condition causes this? Ask if injury or operation: When did [the (iniury) occur?/——have the operation?] to. (Enter condition in 02. THEN 4b) Ask if operation over 3 months ago: For what condition did -— have the operation? _‘ .. .. if pregnancy/delivery or 0-3 months injury or operation — ‘ [-— 0" “° (Mark O" 399 5°”- Reask question 3 where limitation reported, saying: Except tor -— (condition), . . . ? THEN 4c) "(2352155 ill/f; __________________________________________________ ___ _____________________ b. Besides (condition) is there any other condition that causes this limitation? b. D Yes (Reask 4a and b) I: No (4d) c. Is this limitation caused by any (other) specific condition? e. C] Yes (Reask 4a a?” E; ------ [:I No _________________________________________________________________________ 4 ___.._._......_____-..--_._-__-__-_ Mark box if only one condition. .4. C) Only | condition d. Which oi these conditions would you say is the MAIN cause at this limitation? Main cause 5a. Does any impairment or health problem keep —— from working at a job or business? 5., I [:1 Yes (7) E No b. Is -- limited in the kind 0R amount at work -- could do because at any impairment or health problem? 5. 2 D Yes (7) 3 F: No 82 I "Yes"in 3a or so (NP) BZ Refer to questions 3a and 3b. 2 E om“ (6) 6a. ls —- limited in ANY WAY in any activities because at an impairment or health problem? 64:. i D Yes 2 [: Na (NP) 5. In Jim :12; is --_Iturn—.3?-??erJiTJJa-Jol—filling; __________________________________ b ———————————————————— Limitation 7a. What (other) condition causes this? Ask if injury or operation: When did [the (in'ury) occur?/—--have the operatienfl 7¢- (Enter condition in C2. THEN 7b) Ask if operation over 3 months ago: For what condition did —— have the operation? if pregnancy/delivery or 0-3 months injury or operation — 1 (2 Old age (Mark "Old age" box, Reask question 2, 5, or 6 where limitation reported, saying: Except tor -— (ggfldition), . . .? THEN 7‘” OR reask 7b/c. h. Besides (condition) is there any other condition that causes this limitation? b. [j Yes (Reask 7a and b) [:1 Na ( 7d) C. Is this limitation caused by any (other) specific condition? c. D Yes (Reask 7a and D) [3 No _________________________________________________________________________ 1____i __.______.___.____-_..__-___ Mark box if only one condition. 6. E Only I condition} d. Which of these conditions would you say is the MAIN cause at this limitation? Main cause FORM nus-1 (1985)”0-1-84) Page 4 152 B. LIMITATION OF ACTIVITIES PAGE, Continued d. which at these conditions would you say is the MAIN cause ot this limitation? B3 c :1 Under 5 (10) 2 : l8—é9rNP) B3 1 :5—|7(11) 3:705»; Refer to age over 31 8. What was -- doing MOST OF THE PAST 12 MONTHS; working at a iab or business, keeping house, 8‘ ‘ : kamfi going to school, or something else? 2 : Keep-n: I"Oust Priority if 2 or more actiwties reported: (I) Spent the most time domg.‘ (Z) Consvders the most important. 3 2:, 5°" '° “M“ 4 ‘_ Something eise 9o. Because at any impairment or health problem, does —- need the help of other persons with —— personal 9°- I : Yes (13) : No it's 3:séa:_s_v3b_°_s_t°11"3t .52 Ll!E9_r_‘l_'£i‘_i1‘21_2'_9_°.'1i1'2 31°." "931' is but? _________ _ _ b. Because of any impairment or health problem, does -- need the help of other persons in handling —— routine 1:. 2 3 Yes (13) 3: No (72) needs, such us everyday household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes? IOa. ls —— able to take part AT ALL in the usual kinds at play activities done by most children -— age? l0a. "‘ Yes 0 - No (13; b. Is :: limited in_the kind OR amount of play activities :l-cand; .bec—azise (ti—:11; impair-mentor h_e::l—tl_ipr—o_bl_e7n_?' -_l:.— --1_::;e—s—(1_3.)__—~;—-T~i; PET-— Ila. Does any impairment or health problem NOW keep —- from attending school? Ho. 1 : Yes (73) :_ No b. 55.11.: intend—{512327 :E»;;F;.‘s‘p;;i;i‘8:53;; _b;;a-use_ 36—;n_y_i7n;;iin_ie_ni Effie—tith—pio-luie—m—T’ —————————— _-__ -_Z_:‘—Y_e—s-(7—37 _____ ::;i; _____ c. Doe—s—-- nee—d to—attend a special—schoo—l or special Einllsiéfls}? 3;; impiiirhgfoi lieu—Ith—prolilem'; _ _ — q _ 2:.— — _;:;e_s_(;3_)_- . _ _::_‘:_N; ----- d. K: innit—.3 it: ;c_h—o;l.a—tt—e—n'dci—n-c; lee-air}; ;{::—h-e;l:h—? ___________________________________ W" "I:?;;(73T" 7:713 _____ l2a. ls —- limited in ANY WAY in any activities because oi an impairment or health problem? 12a. 1_ Yes 2 No (NP) b. in—Qiiui—iiFtiy—is— 1:- I;G—d§ _§Ec—oid—i—irni—t€tio_n,—716113715865. _________________________________ "H ________________________ b. Limitation 13a. What (other) condition causes this? . ‘ V Ask If injury or operation: When did [the (in ury) occur? '-—hove the operationfl 13° (En'e' condition ’" C2' THEN 73") Ask if operation over 3 months ago: For what condition did —— have the operation? 1 f" Old afe (Mark"Old age" box, I] pregnancy/delivery or 0—3 months InquY or operation - M THE” 735’ Reask question where limitation reported, saying: Except for -— (condition), . . .? _ _0_R_ 56.051: iii/9. ______________________________________________________________ _ _ - __________ b. Besides (condition) is there any other condition that causes this limitation? b. : Yes (Reask 13a and b) _.. 3 No (13d) c. Is this limitation caused by any (other) specitic condition? L- -_—:j_;e_s_(§e_a:s; 7373-57753) ------ S No Kiri—b3; Won-ly- Erie—E07135 .33. _____________________________________________________ q _ T,— “ _:76n_iy_72<;n3:_u3r7 _________ Main cause FOOTNOTES FORM r{IS ‘ ‘99? ‘0 1641 Page 6 153 B. LIMITATION OF ACTIVITIES PAGE, Continued 34 o a Under 5 (NF) 2 :1 60—69(14) B4 Refer to age. I 1:} 5—59 (35) 3 [:1 283%”) BS |_' "Old age" box marked (14) [.1 Entry In HLA" box (14) , BS Refer to "Old age," and ”LA" boxes. Mark first appropriate box. FT‘ Other (NP) 14a. Because at any impairment or health problem, does -— need the help at other persons with —- personal “a ‘ r- _ Y (15 r" N care needs, such as eating, bathing, dressing, or getting around this home? ' ‘— es ) ’-~ 0 I! under l8. skip to next person; otherwise ask: b. Because of any impairment or health problem, does -- need the help of other persons in handling —- routine 5- 2 fl Yes 3 T: NelNP) needs, such as everyday household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around tor other purposes? 15a. What (other) condition causes this? , . , . 15 . , Ask if injury or operation: When did [the (iniury) occur? -— have the operation?] 0 (Enter condmon m 6‘2 THEN'15b) Ask if operation over 3 months ago: For what condition did -— have the operation? ‘ if $255115?ng ' Old 399' box. If pregnanCy 'delivery or 0—3 months injury or operation — ' Reask question I4 where limitation reported. saying: Except tor —— (condition). . . .? _.,9'3!e¢.ske'§tz‘c~._ A , __ 7 _ A . . _W_ Ia. Besides (condition) is there any other condition that causes this limitation? b. E‘ Yes (Reask 15a and b) [‘ No(15¢1) Yes (Reask 15a and b) . No c. Is this limitation caused—bylany (other) specific-condition? d. g: Only I conditlon Mark box if only one condition. d. Which at these conditions would you say is the MAIN cause of this limitation? Main cause FOOTNOTES Foam HIS-l uses) nor-am Page 8 154 Hand calendar. D. RESTRICTED ACTIVITY PAGE PERSON I DZ Refer to 2b and 3b. : No days In 2b or 3b (6) :l or more days In lb or 3b (5) {The next questions reier to the 2 weeks outlined in red on that calendar, beginning Monday, Mile) and ending this post Sunday 4%).) 5. Refer to age. On how many oi the (number In 2b or 3b) days missed from [work/school] did —— stay in bed more than half of the day because oi illness or injury? on _ None — No. of days D1 :jUnderSM) :5 5—I7 (3) : I8 and overll) Io. DURING THOSE 2 WEEKS, did —— work at any time at a job or business, not counting work around the house? (Include unpaid work in the lowly 6o. [farm/business .) 1: Yes (Mark "Wa" box, THEN 2) 2‘”: No b. Even though —— did not work during those 2 weeks, did --— have a job or business? t: Yes (Mark "Wb" box. THEN 2) 2 :_ No (4) b 2a. During those 2 weeks, did —- miss any time from a job or business because at illness or injury? "' Yes 00 CI No (4) . (Again, not counting the day(s) [ missed from school )1 Refer to 2b. 3b, and 4b. (Not counting the day(s) missed from school (and) in bed Was there any (OTHER) time during those 2 weeks that —— cut down an the things —- usually does because of illness or injury? :‘ Yes 00 :j No (D3) missed lrorn work :l ) missed from work (and) in bed During that period, how many (OTHER) days did —- cut down iar more than hall of the day because of illness or injury? No. of cut-dawn days co "_ ‘ None b. During that 2-week period, how many days did —— miss more than half of the day from —— job or business because at illness or injury? D3 (2 I or more days in 2—6 (Mark "Yes" in R0, THEN 7) Refer to 2-6. : No days in 2—6 (Mark "No" in RD, THEN NP) No. of work-loss days 00:] None (4) j (4) 7a. Refer to 2b. 3b: 4b. and 6b- miss work miss school (or) ”a, in bed during those 2 What (other) condition caused -— ta No. of school-loss days on 3 None 4a. During those 2 weeks, did -- stay in bed because of illness or injury? Yes 00 S No (6) b. During that 2-week period, how many days did -— stay in bed more than half of the day because of illness or injury? No. of bed days 00 3 None (6) (D?) 3a. During those 2 weeks, did —- miss any time from school because (or) cut down weeks? 'II ' ‘ ? O" M” 0' ”Hwy (Enter condition in C2, THEN /b) :j Yes 00 C No (4) """""""""""""""""""""""""""" _________________________________________________ miss work b. During that 2-week period, how many days did —~ miss more b. Did any other condition cause -_ 9° (ms; schoolb d during that than hall of the day from school because of illness or injury? or stay I" e period? (or) cut down I :‘ Yes (Reask 7a and b) 2 :j No FOOTNOTES FORM Hist (1985.410 1.34» Page I0 155 E. Z-WEEK DOCTOR VISITS PROBE PAGE Read to respondent(s): These next questions are about health care received during the 2 weeks outlined in red on that calendar. E] D Under I4 (10) E1 Refer to age. {3 I4 and over (1a) 1a. During those 2 weeks, how many times did -- see or talk to a medical doctor? {include all types of doctors, la. 00B None such as dermatologists, psychiatrists, and ophthalmologists, as well as general practitioners and osteopaths. 0': (Do not count times while an overnight patient in a hospital.) (NP) b. During those 2 weeks, how many times did anyone see or talk to a medical doctor about --? (Do not count Number of limes times while on overnight patient in a hospital.) 2a. (Besides the time(s) you iust told me about) During those 2 weeks, did anyone in the family receive health care at home or go to a doctor’s office, clinic, hospital or some other place? Include care from a nurse or anyone working with or for a medical doctor. Do not count times while an overnight patient in a hospital. 1:} Yes :1 No (30) Ask for each person with "DR Visit" in 2b: d. How many times did -— receive this care during that period? d. Number of times 3a. (Besides the time(s) you already told me about) During those 2 weeks, did anyone in the family get any medical advice, prescriptions or test results over the PHONE from a doctor, nurse, or anyone working with or for a medical doctor? [:] Yes 3 No (E2) b. Who was the phone call about? Mark "Phone call" box in person's column. 3b. m phone can c. Were there any calls about anyone else? 3 Yes (Reask 3b and c) — No Ask (or each person with "Phone call" in 3b: d. How many telephone calls were made about ——? d' Number of calls E2 Add numbers in I, 2d, and 3d for each person. Record total number of visits and calls in "2-WK. DV” box in item CI. FOOTNOTES FORM HIS-l ”955) no-t-au Page I6 156 F. 2-WEEK DOCTOR VISITS PAGE DR VISIT I Refer to CI. "2-WK. DV" box. PERSON NUMBER 1 F] C Under I4 (1b) F Refer to age- :_- l4 and over (15} lo. 9n_ not torso éoMaUzrir-smzzirs'}: é@::3s°_zr1€”: 1°_°_":°£‘ics'_‘35'3': 21'": °' “W's ““5""? in b. On what (other) date(s) during those 2 weeks did anyone see or talk to a medical doctor, nurse: ”_fi and OR £7777 L—‘ La“ we” 2'_‘3£'_°:'3335_‘3'32'_‘1532'_::Z ______________________________________________ _E; "IT? _____ D 31°-" ___ fi‘fgf’fikff'fii Ask after last DR visit column for this person: c. 11: Yes (Reask 1a or b and c) c. Were there any other visits or calls for —- during that period?MJke necessary correction to 2-WK‘DV box in CI. 2 3 No (Ask 2—5 (or each visit) 2. Where did —— receive health care on (date in I), at a doctor's office, clinic, hospital, some other 2. 0! 1: Telephone place, or was this a telephone call? Not in hospital: Hospital: If doctor’s office: Was this office in a hospital? °1 C H°me °° D 0-P- “m" . . . . . , 03 5 Doctor’s office as m Emergency room If hospital. Was it the outpatient clinic or the emergency room. _fi , . L— _ V . . . . . . . . . . . 04: Co. or ind. clinic Io l_‘i Doctor 5 office If clinic: Was it a hospital outpatient clinic, a company clinic, a public health clinic, or some 05 _—. Omar clmic H E Lab other kind at clinic? as : Lab 12 C Overnight patient If iab.’ Was this lab in a hospital? 07 C Other (Specify) (Next DR visit) What was done during this visit? (Footnote) ‘4 3° 1': 0""9'(SI-7961'”)K Ask 32: if under I4. 3a. i: Yes (31,- e :1 DK ifM.D. (3c) 3a. _Di_d»::rfls‘l_ugl_ll 1a_|k_ to}: ggiiggljgggor? ________________________________________ “d 2 E No (ac) s 71 DK who was b- Pid_¢'_"_ve'1=_1c_~_°_"_v_'2'332 .°_m_e§i_=s'_éacz-;r_°_b2v_t_-_-_? _______________________________ ___ _____________________ Si": 131’ ______ c. What type of medical person or assistant was talked to? c. _ __ ___. 59 D DK ________________________________________________________________ ---____-______Tzr_=_____-_____u_______ d. Does the (entry in 3c) work with or for ONE doctor or MORE than one doctor? d. t :7 One (3f) 3 : None(4) 2 . More 9 : DK FSr—r—tfis—Ei'sit7c—Ji Dlhgfk—ind'Jt—dBZt—o? 3435- ?huSn—tFy—in Tc)— ;;th i—n— Vii—if; it}: 2— 2;; I _______ _ _ — ____________________________ e. 9 9 — ,— . . __ 29919931 3L0— fee—c.9191? _________________________________________________ aid l._ GP (4) 2 \— sPecml'“ (39) 9 i_ DK (4) f. It "126"”:Levesrg'gyecjijirrsae333393'}it? _________________________________ _‘__ ________________________________ 9. What kind of specialist? 9. Kind a: specialist Ask 4b if under H. 4a. 1: Condition (item C2, THEN 49) 4a. For what condition did —— see or talk to the Eioctor/(enfl in 3CD on (date in I)? Nbrk first appropriate box. 6:5 2 : Pregnancy (49) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ‘ 3 : Test(s) or examination (4c) b. For what condition did anyone see or talk to the [doctor/(en!!! in 3c] about -— on (date in l)? a : Other (Specify) Mark first appropriate box. K (49) c- Es}: EEnFEtE°3:'§~ZnI°}Ir}EEli EOE:5}38{)Z§x351_n}§i§'§3_’_ I: : : : : : :: : : :::: : : :: Z: : : ' ' _ h _ _ :3; 755' _____________________ d- Y2: 91193531 sxominstiorfl _bsseuss _ois entitle sandman.- _bgrL? ______________________ .. P"""9_'_*‘E_Pfi'_2:1'i°_"3 31°: .2: 3555292 asst: ears-11m: ________________________ . l. What was the matter? 9- WEE-i it}: EEEEGE'DE‘IEJEEFEE/3MB E'Ei iiibE-ZGE-fléffiév} Eéviditiofi: : Z : : : : _ .-_ :::::::::::: : : L:::::::: : Z I h. What was the condition? it : Pregnancy 149) (Item CZ, Condition THEN 4g) Mark box if "Telephone" in 2. 5a. o : Telephone in 2 (Next DR visit) 5o. Did —- have any kind of surgery or operation during this visit, including bone settings I :Yes and stitches? 2 : No (Next DR visit) b~ What was the name of the surgery or operation? If name of operation not known, it (I) describe what was done. ‘ (2) c. iv; th—ete’;n_y~o_tl:e-r '53.}.E8—o7ZBJrEEJn'Ju17n; iii; .vis—itt.’ ____________________________ T _ ' “ 'f’YZQFFa‘e'a’S'k'5322a‘E; —————————————— '— No FORM Hi5 ‘- ‘lSBSi HO LEA) page [8 157 158 G.HEALTHINMCATORPAGE lo. During the 2~week period outlined in red on that calendar, has anyone in the tamily had an injury lrom an accident or other cause that you have not yet told me about? b. About how much does —— weigh without shoes? — Yes ’ No (2) b. Who was this? Mar. "injury" box in person's column. jj,_ [j Injury c. What was —— injury? ——————————————— Enter injurynes) in person's column. c. ___________________________________________________ 'sw________ d. Did anyone have any other injuries during that period? : Yes (Reask lb. c. and d) C No 74;; HESS»: i—mTu—r; i-n— 11—: ________________________________________________________ "_ ____________________ . . - 7—} Y V l 2, T e. As a result at the (In ur in Ic) did [—-/anyoneJ see or talk to a medical doctor or assistant e —1:sro(/Erllel:llrrllldl;)m C HEN (about —-) or did —- cut own on -— usual activities tor more than hall at a day? —: No (19 ror next injury) 2. During the past 12 months, (that is, since (IZ-month date) a year ago} ABOUT how many days did illness 2. 000 C None or injury keep —— in bed more than hall of the day? (Include days while an overnight patient in a hospital.) No. of days 3a. During the post 12 months, ABOUT how many times did [—manyane] see or talk to a medical doctor 3a. 000 : None (30) or assistant (about --)? (Do not count doctors seen while an overnight patient in a hospital.) 00° — Only when overmgm (Include the (number in 2-WK DV box) visit(s) you already told me about.) g‘ parienr in hospital {NP} No. of vasils b. About how long has it been since [——/anyone] last saw or talked to a medical doctor or assistant b. I : Interwew week (Reask 3b) (about —-)? lnclude doctors seen while a patient in a hospital, 2 :‘ Less man I yr. (Reask 3a} 3 :1 yr., less than 2 yrs. t Z 2 yrs.. less than 5 yrs. 5 C 5 yrs. or more 0 T Never 4. Would you say —— health in general is excellent, very good, 4. I C Excellenr o : Falr good, (air, or poor? 2 C Very good 5 : poo, 3 : Good Mark box if under [8. 5", 3 Under I3 (Np) 5a. About how toll is -— without shoes? Fee! Inches FOOTNOTES row HIS ' was. (to Lam Page 20 H. CONDITION LISTS I AND 2 . Read to respondentls/ and ask list specified in A2: Now I am going to read a list of medical conditions. Tell me if anyone in the family has any of these conditions, even if you have mentioned them before. If “Yes." ask lb and c. b. Who is this? c. Does anyone else NOW have — Enter condition and letter in appropriate person's column. la. Does anyone in the family {'ead names} NOW have - not move at all.) 8. Paralysis of any kind? A. PERMANENT stiffness or any deformity of the foot, leg, fingers, arm, or back? (Permanent stiffness —- ioints will ____________________ ., e. Who was this? Id. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone in the family have — If “Yes." ask le and f. f. DURING THE PAST l2 MONTHS, did anyone else have — Enter condition and letter In appropriate person’s column. C—L are conditions affecting the bone and muscle. M—W are conditions affecting the skin. C. Arthritis of any kind or rheumatism? F. Sciatica? ___________________ _‘ G. A bone cyst or bone spur? H. Any other disease of the bone or cartilage? l. A slipped or ruptured disc? J. REPEATED trouble with neck, back, or spine? L. Any disease of the muscles or tendons? _ U. TROUBLE with ingrown Reask ld M. A tumor, cyst, or growth of the skin? 0. Eczema or psoriasis? (ek'sa-ma) or (so-rye'uh-sis) ‘PT _T_RHU-B_L_E_ Jail? ify'o? ' ' itching skin? T. Dermatitis or any other skin trouble? toenails or fingernails? V. TROUBLE with bunions, corns, or colluses? W. Any disease of the hair or scalp? If "Yes.” ask 2b and c. b. Who is this? 2a. Does anyone in the family {read names} NOW have - c. Does anyone else NOW have — Enter condition and letter in appropriate person's column. A. Deafness in one or both ears? B. Any other trouble hearing with one or both ears? C. Tinnitus or ringing in the ears? D. Blindness in one or both eyes? E. Cataracts? F. Glaucoma? H. A detached retina or any other condition of the retina? _____ I. Any other trouble seeing with one or both eyes EVEN when wearing glasses? M. Loss of taste or smell which has lasted 3 months or more? N. A missing finger, hand, or arm; toe, foot, or leg? AA. Any condition caused by Heanng A—L are conditions affecting Vision Speech M-AA are impairments. Reask 20 O. A missing ioint? P. A missing breast, kidney, or lung? Q. Palsy or cerebral palsy? (ser'a-bral) T. REPEATED trouble with neck, back, or spine? U. Any TROUBLE with fallen arches or flatfeet? X. PERMANENT stiffness or any deformity of the foot, leg, or back? (Permanent stiffness -— ioints will not move at all.) Y. PERMANENT stiffness or any deformity of the fingers, hand, or arm? on accident or iniury which happened more than 3 months ago? If "Yes," ask: What is the condition? r--- FORM HIS I ‘985: ilO-l-Bli Page 22 159 160 H. CONDITION LISTS 3 AND 4 Read to respondentfsi and ask list specified in A2: Now I am going to read a list of medical conditions. Tell me if anyone in the you have mentioned them before. family has had any of these conditions, even if If “Yes," ask 3b and c. b. Who was this? 3a. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone in the family {read names} have — c. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone else have — Enter condition and letter in appropriate person‘s column. Make no entry in item C2 for cold: flu: red, sore, or strep throat: or "virus" even if reported in this list. Conditions affecting the digestive System. A. Gallstones? trouble? 5. Any other liver trouble? ._-__-__._.___._____.___- H. An ulcer? J. Any disease of the esophagus? M. Any other stomach trouble? Reask 3a N. Enteritis? O. Diverticulitis? (Dye-ver-tic-yoa-Iye'tis) R. FREQUENT constipation? T. Any other intestinal trouble? U. Cancer of the stomach, intestines, colon or rectum? V. During the post 12 months, did anyone (else) in the family have any other condition of the digestive system? If "Yes." ask: Who was this? — What was the condition? Enter in item C2, THEN reask V. {read names} have - If "Yes." ask 4b and c. b. Who was this? C is a blood condition 4a. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone in the family c. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone else have - Enter condition and letter in appropriate person’s column. A—B are conditions affecting the glandular system D—l are conditions affecting the nervous system J—Y are conditions affecting the genito-urinory system A. A goiter or other thyroid trouble? E. REPEAT ED seizures, convulsions, or blackouts? L. REPEATED kidney infections? M. A missing kidney? Reask 40 N. Any other kidney trouble? ii In; iii—5.3.74].— _ — ' ' genital organs? '1': TA}; 38“.: ;r:s;t;;e— - ' ' trouble? U. 7‘; iioEEIZViih ''''''' menstruation? V. ** A hysteTectom—y? - _ if "Yes," ask: For what condition did —— have a hysterectomy? W. “A tumor, cyst, or growth of the uterus or ovaries? X. ** Any other disease of the uterus or ovaries? Y. *‘ Any other female trouble? ‘Ask only if males in family. " Ask only if females in family. FORM ulS-I ”355i (IO-I3.) Page 23 H. CONDITION LISTS 5 AND 6 Read to respondentlsl and a5k list specified in A2. Now I am going to read a list of medical conditions. Tell me if anyone in the family has had any of these conditions, even if you have mentioned them before. 5a. Has anyone in the family {read names} EVER had - If "Yes," ask 5b and c. b. Who was this? c. Has anyone else EVER had - Enter condition and letter in appropriate person's column. Conditions affecting the heart and circulatory system. A. Rheumatic fever? G. A stroke or a ————————————————— -__ cerebrovoscular accident? (ser'o-bra vas ku-lar) C. Hardening of the arteries H. A hemorrhage of the or arteriosclerosis? brain? I. Angina pectoris? ———————————————————— ——— (pek'to-ris) J. A myocardial infarction? F. Hypertension, sometimes ———————————————————— Called high “00" K. Any other heart pressure? ofigck? 5d. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone in the family have — if "Yes." ask 5e and f. e. Who was this? f. DURING THE PAST I2 MONTHS, did anyone else have - Enter condition and letter in appropriate person's column. Conditions affecting the heart and circulatory system. L. Damaged heart valves? 0. Any blood clots? M. Tachycardia or rapid heart? R. Varicose veins? 5. Hemorrhoids or N. A heart murmur? piles? T. Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis? ____________________ U. Any other condition P. An aneurYSM? affecting blood (an yoo-rum) circulation? 6o. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone in the family read names} have — lf "Yes," ask 6b and c. b. Who was this? a. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone else have — Enter condition and letter in appropriate person's column. Make no entry in item C2 for cold: flu: red. sore, or strep throat; or "virus" even if reported in this list. Conditions affecting the respiratory system. Reask 6a. A. Bronchitis? K. A missing lung? P. Any other work- related respiratory condition, such as dust on the lungs, silicosis, asbestosis, or pneu-mo-co-ni-o-sis? F. A deflected or deviated nasal septum? G. * Tonsillitis or enlarge- ment of the tonsils or odenoids? 0. During the past 12 months did anyone (else) in the family have any other I. A tumor or growth of "SPIW'WY. lung, 0' the throat, larynx, or PUlN‘W‘WY “fldlll‘m? trachea? If "Yes." ask: Who was -------------------- —-— this?—-What was the condition? Enter in item J. A tumor or growth of C2, THEN reask Q the bronchial tube or lung? *lf reported in this list only. ask: I. How many times did -— have (condition) in the past 12 months? If 2 or more times, enter condition in item C2. If only I time. ask: 2. How long did it lost? lfl month or longer, enter in item C2. If less than I month, do not record. If tonsils or adenmds were removed during past l2 months, enter the condition causing removal in item C2. ‘OFIM MS I ii955i no less Page 24 161 162 J. HOSPITAL PAGE HOSPITAL STAY l 1. Refer to Cl. "HOSP." box. PERSON NUMBER ' 2. You said earlier that —- was a patient in the hospital since ( l3-month hos ital date) a year MOM“ Dlle Y6" ago. On what date did -- enter the hospital ([the last time/the time galore thati)? Record each entry date in a separate Hospital Stay column. 2. 19 3. How many nights was —— in the hospital? 3, 0000: None (Next HS) Nights 4. For what condition did —- enter the hospital? 4- 1D NOW!“ delive'r o For delivery ask: a For newborn ask: a For initial "No condition" ask: 2 D N°""“ a! hm" (5) Was this a normal delivery? Was the baby normal at birth? Why did —- enter the hospital? 3 D No condition If "No," ask: If "No," ask: sFor tests. ask: ECWMWW‘D What was the matter? What was the matter? What were the results at the tests? if no results, ask: Why were the tests performed? Jl : At least one night in 2-week reference period (Enter condition J1 Refer to questions 2. 3, and 2-week reference period. ,_, m 02' THEN 5) _# No nights in 2‘week reference period (5) 5a. Did -— have any kind of surgery or operation during this stay in the hospital, r—i -— including bane settings and stitches? 5a. ‘4‘” Yes 2 L“: No (6) b. What was the name at the surgery or operation? b [1 name of operation not known, describe who! was done. ' (1) (2) (3) J :. Was there any other surgery or operation during this stay? c. 2 Yes (Reask 5b and c) E. No 6. What is the name and address of this hospital? Name 6. Number and street City or County State FOOTNOTES om HIS-1 new (KM-BM Page 26 CONDITION 1 1. Name of condition PERSON NO..— Mark "2-wk. ref. pd.” box Without askingi‘f "DV" or "HS“ in C2 as source. 2. When did [--/anyone] last see or talk to a doctor or assistant about -- (condition)? 0 : Interview week (Reask 2) s f: 2 yrs.. less than 5 yrs. I: 2-wk. ref. pd. s E 5 yrs. or more 7 Cl Or. seen. OK when a D OK it Dr. seen 9 D Dr. never seen 3a. (Earlier you told me about -- (gongitrgan Did the doctor or assistant call the lggnditign) by a more technical or specific name? sC‘DK z : Over 2 weeks, less than 6 mos. 3 E 6 mos.. less than I yr. e : l yr., less than 2 yrs. 2 i”) No Ask 3b if "Yes" in 3a. otherwise transcribe condition name from item l without asking: b. What did he or she call it? Specify 2 {3 Cancer (39) e S Old age (NC) a 2 Other (3c) 1 : Color Blindness (NC) 3 ‘1 Normal pregnancy. _ normal delivery. (5) vasectomy 'iEo‘nEiii-ofi'in- EMBLEM """"""""""" c. WRJi'JoZ'iiI." Ego—s; ;f I: Mark box if accident or injury. 0 : Accident/injury (5) d. Did the lcondition in 3b) result from on accident or injury? 1 : Yes {5} 2 :l No 2;? 3—; i'iiiie' Sofia—:70; 773,71; i—n_3_b—i-nEl—udc_s—dny_of 'zii’e'iBi'iSvLEE 'wBFd—s? _ — . What part of the l art 0’ body in 3b— ) is affected by the [infection/ Ask 3g if there is an impairment (refer to Card CPZ) or any of the following entries in 3b—f: Abscess Damage Palsy Ache (except head or ear) Growth Paralysis Bleeding (except menstrual) Hemorrhage Rupture Blood clot Infection Sare(ness) Bail Inflammation Stiff(ness) Cancer Neurolgia Tumor Cramps (except menstrual) Neuritis Ulcer Cyst Pain Varicose veins Weok(ness) What part of the body is affected? Specify Show the followmg detail: Head ................................. sltull, scalp. ‘9“ Back/spine, vertebrae ..................... upper, middle, lower Side ...................................... left or rial" Ear ........................ inner or outer; left, right, or both Eye .................................. left, right, or bath Arm ........ shoulder, upper, elbow, lower or wrist; left, right, or both ”and . . . . . . . . . .' ..... entire hand or fingers only; left, right, or both Leg ............ hip, upper, knee, lower, or ankle; left, right, or bath Feat ............ entire foot, arch, or toes only; left, right, or both following entries in 3b—f.‘ Infection Sore Soreness sore/soreness] - t e s in, musc e, ne, or some other part? Specify Ask if there are any of the following entries in 3b—f: Tumor Cyst Growth Is this [tumorfcyst/grawth] malignant or benign? I : Malignant 2:}Benign 910K Ask 3f only if allergy or stroke in 3b—e: f. How does the [allergy/stroke] NOW affect --? (SpecifyD For Stroke. fill remainder of this condition page for the first present effect. Enter in item C2 and complete a separate condition page for each additional present effect. Ailment Cancer Disease Problem Anarnlo Condition Disorder Rupture Asthma Cyst Growth Trouble Attack Defect Measles Tumor 4- Bad Ulcer e. What ltind of (condition in 3b) is it? Specify 5 a. When was -- (condition in 3b/3f) i; 2-wk. ref. pd. . . 7 . fl”, fl°f|¢0d- 2 L Over 2 weeks to 3 months ———————————————————————— 3 2 Over 3 months to 1 year b. When did —- (name of in ur in ‘ I 0"" l year ‘° 5 7“" 3_b)? 5 :_ Over 5 years Ask probes as necessary: (Was it an or since (first date of 2-week ref. period) or was it before that ate? (Was it less than 3 months or more than 3 months ago?) (Was it less than 1 year or more than l year ago?) (Was it less than 5 years or more than 5 years ago?) FORM HlSrl ”955) 00434) Page 28 163 164 Refer r: RD and C:- K1 : “Yes" in "PC" box AND more than I CDHCIUOH in C2 I6) : Othe' IX?) 13. Is this lCOV‘ldlUOn in 3b) the result of the same accident you already told me about? :‘ Yes IRecord condition page number where 6a. During the 2 weeks outlined in red on that calendar, did -- lCZ'ldillOn) cause —- to cut down on the things -- usually does? : Yes F— No (K?) b.5333; that ;;ri_o_d,_ho_w. .;;..‘;J.;; Bid—SI EJiJoLTréfioZE iii—u}. Toff ‘ of the day? no: NonclK2/ Days accident questions flrst completed.) —-> __ INC) _.7 No Page Not 14. Where did the accident happen? ’ At home (insme house) At home (auracenr premises) 7. During those 2 weeks, how many days did —- stay in bed for more than half of the day because at this condition? 00 : None _.__Days Street and highway (includes roadway and pub”: Sidewalk) Farm Industrial place (includes premrses) Scnool lmcluaes premises) __ Place of recreation and spans, except at school 5‘10!“wa— Ask if "Wa/W:" box marked in CI: 8. During those 2 weeks, how many days did -- miss more than half of the day from —— job or business because of this condition? Days 00 : None "b Other (Spear/y) — A’ Nark boy if under 18. __‘ Under l8 (l6) Ask i,’ age 5-!7: 9. During those 2 weeks, how many days did -— miss more than half of the day from school because of this condition? 00 : None ___Days lSa. Was -— under 18 when th—e accident happened? 1—" Yes (16) : No b. in}; ii}; iii—Ling Hie—e; Lién— InElZEsEgn'i—hfigeléiir _________ 2:Yesr76) No c. was” I; It? Rik—J: T.— {oifoi is; J i 7.; 5—5 Uh}; ill—512{altic—h'uQSJthit' ' _ _ 2 :' COnOHlOn has "CL LTR" In C2 as source 110) K : Condition does not have “CL LTR" in C2 as source (K4) 3:_Yes 6:No 16a. Was a car, truck, bus, or other motor vehicle involved in the accident 10. About how many days since (l2~month date; a year ago, has this condition kept —- in bed more than half of the day? (Include days while an overnight patient in a hospital.) 000 : None ___ Days in any way? I:_ Yes 2:No(17l b.Was more than one vehicle involved? I C; Yes 2 : No ll. Was —- ever hospitalized for —- lcondruan in 3b?'? c. Was [it/either one] moving at the time? t :_ Yes 2 : No t : Yes 2 ‘_ No : M'ssmg "new” or organ (K4) 17a. At the time of the accident what part of the body was hurt? K3 3 Other (12) What hind at lfl'lfly was It? Anything else? 12a. Does -— still have this condition? Fun“) of body - Kind or iniury I : Yes (K4) [:7 No b. _ls_ t—h—is- EJnEi—ti—oifczihfil—ei'e—ly— EJJd—gr'i—s-ii' Jn—d-El— EJnirBl? __________ 2 : Cured a [_ Other (Specify)! 3 H UM” ”an (K4) 1K4) Ask if boy 3, 4, or 5 marked In Q.5: ——————————— c. ZBSfi'hBQ'GJg—Jid’ "—13.13; ih’aiESn I it before it was cured? { : Months : Less than I month OR _____.— _ Number t :_ Years a. "win; this ;;;d_lV:;H_P—v;geh; Si'a'n'y'iinie'Ju'ri}; iii—{fix}? Ti 836K? 1:ch z§:_lNo ————— b. What part of the body is affected now? How is —— (gun at body) affected? ls —- affected in any other way? -: Partisl of body " Present effects c 3 Not an accudcci Inju'y (NC) K4 ‘ '_ Fusr actiaen: injury for this person (14) a :1 Other (13) ‘ Enter part of booy in same detail as for 3g. "‘ If multiple present effects, enter in C2 each one that is no: me same as 3b or C2 and complete a separate condition page for it. FORM HIS” :rsasu 4071.54, Page 29 L. DEMOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND PAGE 2 — Cuban 3 — Mexican/Mexicano 4 — MeXIcan American 6 — Other Latin American 7 — Other Spanish Ll : Under 5 (NF) L1 Refer :0 agel ; 5—I7 12) . .__, IS and over (7) 1 la. Did -- EVER serve on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States? lo. 1 : Yes 2 : No (2) ____ -_'___.~—_—7EE___N —__mWEV___—_WV—_A_—>»__‘—___‘__—»>V__'____-—_>'E___N _—’ ”__::'—___-’—__;7-___———_ b' When a"! "w" Vietnam Era (Aug. ‘64 to April ‘75) ........ VN 5' ‘~.— V“ 5 q PVN . V . V Korean War (June '50 to Jan. ’55) ......... KW 2 KW a E" 05 Mark box in descending order of priority. . . : . K. Thus, if person served in Vietnam and in Korea, “Md War H (559‘; 40 ‘0 July/17) -------- WW“ 3 _ WWIi 9 _, DK mark VN World War I (April l7 to Nov. 18) ....... WM 4 e wwi ‘ Post Vietnam (May '75 to present) ........ PVN ‘— ~ Other Servrce (all other periods) .......... OS c. has -— EVER an active member of a National Guard or military reserve unit? _ c. L g Yes ZéjNoi2) 7:] DK (2) d. Was ALL at -- active duty service related to National Guard or military reserve training? _ _ d_ I Yes 3___No 9_7 DK 2a. What is the highest grade or year of regular school -- has ever attended? 20- oo : Never attendee or kindergarten (NP) Elem: l2345678 High: 9 l0 || l2 College: | 2 3 4 5 6‘ b. iii—.31: Mill. hi.— lnLhEeTi;ESng—rSd—eieiaij? __________________________________ ' l “ __. ___ _____________________ b. i ’; Yes 2 No Hand Card R. Ask first alternative for first persor: asx second alternative for other persons. 3a.[:hat is the number oi the group or groups which represents -- race?] hat is -- race? 3o. 2 3 4 52 1 Circle all that apply l — Aleut, Eskimo. or American lndian 4 _ White 2 — Asian or Pacific lslander 5 — Another group not listed — Specify 3 — Black E ____________________________________________________________________________ _-_ _--_____-_,Seecz'z__,__-__,_ Ask if multiple entries: b. l 2 3 4 s b. Which of those groups; that is, (entries in 3a) would you say BEST represents —— race? 1 m __________________________________________________________________________ ___ ._____-____SE€°."X-____ ___ c. Mark observed race of respondentis) only. 2. l E w 2 : B 3 : 0 Hand Card 0. __, _ 4a. Are any of those groups —— national origin or ancestry? (Where did -— ancestors come from?) 4°' ‘ ‘4 Yes 2 ‘— N° (NP) 5. Please give me the number at the group. ’ Circle all that apply I — Puerta Rican 5 — Chicano be I 2 3 4 5 s 7 FORM HlS»i(1985ll10~1-a4l Page 42 165 166 L. DEMOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND PAGE, Continued L2 Refer to "Age" and “Wa/Wb" boxes in Cl. 0 'j_1 Under l8 (NP) 1 C: wa box marked (6a) 2 : wo box marked (5a) 3 7—1 Neither box marked (5D) 5a. Earlier you said that —- has a job or business but did not work last week or the week betore. Was -— looking for work or on layoff from a iob during those 2 weeks? 5. Earlier—yo—u—said in}: Zia—3H,}: 27:5— :tr—b-u-si-ne-s-s— I—o_st_w;e—k-a—r-tl:e_ 3.117;. __________________ Was -— looking for work or on Iayo" from a iob during those 2 weeks? a. Which, looking for work or on layo“ from a job? 1 D Yes (56) 2-: No(6D) t 7: Looking (6c) 3 : Batthb 2 C: Layoff (6b) 6a. Earlier you said that -— worked last week or the week before. Ask 6b. b. For whom did —— work? Enter name of company. busmess. organization. or other employer. Emclovet __ NEV(Gg) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1‘ AFr6e) c. For whom did —— work at -- last full-time iob or business lasting 2 consecutive weeks or more? Enter name of company. business. organization. or other employer or mark "NEV" or "AF" box In person's column d. What kind of business or industry is this? For example, TV and radio manufacturing, retail shoe store, Industry State Labor Department, farm. 9- What kind of work was -- doing? For example. electr'cal engineer. stock clerk. [yDISL farmer OCCUW‘W” if "AF" in 6b/c. mark “AF" box In person's column without asking. : AF (Np, i. What were —— most important activities or duties at that job? For example. types. keeps account books Du'ies files, sells cars. operates printing press, finishes concrete. Complete from entries in (ab-f. If not clear, ask: Class °‘ "Wk" 9. Was —— t '_—_; P s L- I An employee at a PRIVATE company, business or Sell-employed in OWN business, prolessional 2 f 6 - SE individual lor wages, salary, or commission? ....... P practice, or farm? : :—_ A FEDERAL government employee? . . . . . . . ..... . F Ask: Is the business incorporated? 3 L_ S 7 _ VIP A STATE government employee? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Yes ............................ I 4 i L B : NEV A LOCAL government employee? . . . . . . . . ....... L No ............................. SE Working WITHOUT PAY in family business or torm? ............................. WP _ NEVER WORKED or never_warkad at o lull-time iab lasting 2 weeks or more ................. NEV FOOTNOTES FORM HIS-1 HSBSHIO-l-BAI Page 44 L. DEMOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND PAGE, Continued Mark box if under l4. lf “Married" refer to household composition and mark accordingly. 7. o [: Under I4 7. is -— now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or has -— never been married?- i DMerried — spouse in HH 2 C] Married — spouse not in HH 3 a Widowed A E] Divorced 5 [j Separated 6 [3 Never married 8o. Was the total combined FAMILY income during the past 12 months - that is, yours, (read names. includin 8o. 1 D $20,000 or more (Hand Armed Forces members living at home) more or less than $20,000? Include money from iobs, socio security, Card I) retirement income, unemployment payments, public assistance, and so forth. Also include income from 2 E Less than $20,000 (Hand interest, dividends, net income from business, farm, or rent, and any other money income received. Card J) Read if necessary: income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types at medical care services or have certain conditions more or less often than those in another group. Read parenthetical phrase if Armed Forces member liwng at home or if necessary. b. no D A io ’ i K 20 J b. Oi those income roups, which letter best represents the total combined FAMILY income 0i El E ii [3 L zi C v during the post lg months (that is, yauls, (read names. including Armed Forces members 02 Cl C ,2 3 M 22 ~1 w My”? |nc|ude wages, salaries, and the other items we just talked about. 03 [:1 D ‘3 _| N 23 E x Read if necessary: Income is important in analyzing the health information we collect. For example, this as D E u j 0 2. :y information helps us to learn whether persons in one income group use certain types of medical care sen/ices 05 D F ‘5 a P 25 77 Z or have certain conditions more or less often than those In another group. as D G IE :1 Q as D 22 or [:1 H i7 2 R on U I is 3 s 09 :1 J 19 a T Ru, 0 3 Under l7 1 [3 Present for all questions a. Mark first appropriate box. 2 C] Present for some questions R 3 D Not present h. Enter person number of respondent. 5' Person number(s) oi respondent(s) L3 L3 Enter person number of first parent listed or meK box. F550" "umber °" 93'9": 00 L None in household L4 L4 Enter person number of spouse or mark box. Person Number of spOuse 00 :'_ None in household FOOTNOTES roniiii His-1 (1955 iio-i-sdi Page 46 167 L. DEMOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND PAGE, Continued "a, a —4 R f t . om let a so arate column for each nondeleted on a d 18 and . L5 eer cage C p e p pers 96 over L5 PERSON NUMBER Read to respondentlsl — In order to determine how health practices and conditions are related to how long people live, we would like to refer to statistical records maintained by the National Center for Health Statistics. Date of birth 5‘ 1 1 L6 Enter date of birth from question 3 on Household Composition page. L6 M°Mh one Ye" 1 2 — 1 3 9.lnwhatStateorcountrywas -— born? 9, 99DDK L— Print the full name of the State or mark the appropriate box if the Sme person was not born in the United States. ‘__' .____._—. 01 [3 Puerto Rico os Sauce 02 [3 Virgin Islands 06 DMexico 03 [3 Guam 93 DAM other 0‘ D Canada countries Last 1 4 - 33 First M L7 Print full name, including middle initial, from question 1 on Household Composition page. L7 Middle initial ‘9 Verify for males; ask for females. Fumes LAST "me iso—es 10. What is — — father's LAST name? 1 0. Verify spelling. DO NOT write "Same. " Head to respondent — We also need — - Social Security Number. This inlormetion is 999999999 E] DK M voluntary end collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. There will be no effect on — - benefits and no information will be given to any other government or nongovernment agency. ‘ I - l i - 1 1 . Read if necessary — The Public Health Service Act is title 42, United States Code, Social Security Number section 242k. M k ‘1 n mbe 79 1 1 . What is - — Social Security Number? abiiin'w 7mm;>1 ammo” 2 Records ‘ so 1 D Sell-personal l L8 Mark box to indicate how Social Security number was obtained. L8 2 D sw‘m’pmne 3 D Proxy-personal 4 D Proty~telephone FOOTNOTES om NIS-I (1985100-1-84) Page 48 168 L. DEMOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND PAGE, Continued Read to thd. respondent — The National Center for Health Statistics ma information. Please give me the name, address, where you could be reached in case we have tro y wish to contact you again to obtain additional health related and telephone number of a relative or friend who would know uble reaching you. (Please give me the name of someone who :Code I l | l | Is not currently Ilvmg In the household.) Please print Items 12— 15. I—_n1'62 i 12- Contact Person name 33%: [L431 [—40 14. Area code/telephone number [—97-106 Last 11% First f Middle l I initial L I . I l I I I T 107 13a. Address (Number and street} M ‘ : None .— 2 ‘_I Refused 9 1 DK b. City M State 86—37'2”, M 15. Relationship to household respondent “05-109 GO TO HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION SUPPLEMENT. FOOTNOTES FORM NIS-l ”935) (104-84) Page 50 169 ("4‘0” [9‘6” I'SIH Mi :9 ma If this questionnaire is for an E EX TFlA unit, enter Control Number of original sample unit q if in AREA on BLOCK SEG- MENT, also enter for FIRST unit listed on property q LISTING SHEET Sheet number Line number TABLE X — LIVING QUARTERS DETERMINATIONS AT LISTED ADDRESS AREA AND BLOCK ADDRESS OF ADDITIONAL LIVING OUARTERS LOCATION OF UNIT SEPARATENESS AND FACILITIES CLASSIFICATION SEGMENTS PERMIT SEGMENTS It already listed, lill sheet and line number below and le thle e unIt In e epeclel Do the occupants (or Does (address in col. l 1)) N — Not a eeperete unit It thle lull! withln the II “I" “II" WWII“ "'0 stop Table X. Otherwise, enter basic address and unit plece? Intended occupants) of have dlrect ecceee from Include on this eegment bound-flee? eeme structure as the address, if any, on description of location. (address in col. l 1)) live the outside or through I questionnaire. orIglneI eemple unit? end eet eeperetelv from common hell? ell other genone on the Separate unlt — property Do not include on this question- HU naire. Complete 01' the appropriate seg— ment type column for interviewing instructions. (1) (2) (a) (4) (a) (6) (7i Sh L' Cl Yes — Skip to col. (5) D Yes D Yes — Mark HU in El N — Stop Table X for D Yes —~ Interview as an D Yes — List on first set me gng'mzrk iccorginfg to C] No Skip to col (5) Col. (5) this line EXTRA unit available line of listing rt __ . . . . genial m a o and mark N [I No — Mark N in col. {5) D "U - Fl” 691- (6’ Or l 7). E] No _ Do not interview :latene‘t’klnterwew rfrn as appropriate C] No Do not interview [I No D 0T — Fill col. (6) or (7). as appropriate She L' [I Yes — Skip to col. (5! D Yes [I Yes — Mark HU in D N — Stop Table X for [:1 Yes — interview as an El Yes —— List on first 3‘ "‘9 gnglmzrk agcorglng to E] No Skip to col (5) col. (5! this line EXTRA unit available line of listing a It - - . . . . . menial m a o and mark N III No — Mark N in col. (5) E] “U - Fl" CPL 15) 0' (7}; D No — Do not interview imgmlmmm rlrn as appropriate C] No Do not interview [I] No D OT — Fill col. (6) or (7). as appropriate Sh L' D Yes — Skip to col. (5) U Yes C] Yes — Mark HU in D N — Stop Table X for CI Yes — Interview as an D Yes — List on first 99‘ "‘9 eng‘mzrk agnorging to D No Skip to col (5’ col. (5} this line EXTRA unit available line of listing aeinart — - . heet.lt"' manual 0 and mark N E] NO — Mark Nin Col. (5) El HU — Flll colt. ml D’ (W, El No — Do not interview :emple.n e’wsw I'm as appropna a Cl N — D t‘ t ‘ '3 "0 D 0T — Fill col. (6) or (7), ° ° "° '" em“ as appropriate NOTE: Be eure to continue lntervIew tor orIglnel unlt after con-olefin TebIe X for all Ilnee. FOOTNOTES 170 ‘1; U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1988 O - 209—319 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES llflll CUE-0325571