UWH sanNFRancisco || | Los ANGELES: OAKLAND | PORTLAND || SEATTLE Paints Paper UHL'S PURE MIXED PAINTS For Inside and Outside Use 100 - IVORY 113 LIGHT GRAY 114 DEEP CREAM RrENCH GRAY - YELLOW R 104 SKY GRAY - - DRAB LIGHT SLATE - - 103 LIGHT BROWN 106 - LEAD ® - 107 SI§X ILIE 118 SEAL BROWN 108 _ PEA GrtrIN ALSO INSIDE WHITE AND BLACK __ SHASTA WHITE i 1 i | I | P f | M A. 9J DAS DIAMOND FLAT WALL PAINT Washable-Durable-Sanitary Has no superior as a "flat" coat wall. Tints put up in one gallon and quart cans. White put up in five gallon, one gallon and quart cans. 301 CREAM 302 BUFF | ¢- 304° BLUE 303 TAN <3 < 1 (ed mera ren manera mma 300 GRAY 305 OLIVE ALSO WHITE SILKOLINE WALL FINISH Is not affected by lime or alkali, and is practically indestructible. While intended for walls and ceilings, it makes a beautiful silk-like enamel on woodwork as well. 401 IVORY 400 - CREAM 402 BUFF 403 GRAY 404 ECRU LUXOR ENAMEL High Grade "Long Oil" Enamel BLUE Illll C! GRAY ' ALSO LUXOR ENAMEL GLOSS WHITE, ENAMEL sSEMI-GLOSS WHITE, ENAMEL WHITE UNDERCOAT ROOF AND BARN PAINT The Best Value on the Market for the Uses Indicated 700 - LEAD 704 GREEN VENETIAN RED 702 METALLIC INTERIOR FLOOR PAINT For Floors, Linoleums, Etc. Most Durable 504 LIGHT OAK « 500 FRENCH YELLOW I ollll IILIVE Y R alll 502 DARK OAK o LIGHT BROWN 507 BROWN 506 RED Dries Over Night DWELLING PAINT A_ QUALITY PAINT FOR LESS MONEY S )1 _ LIGHT CREAM 918 IVORY a 951 LIGHT STRAW 003 (‘OLOVI 1L YFLLO‘V 99 PEARL GRAY 982-A - LIGHT DRAB SILVER GRAY 993 SKY GRAY 956 GRAY sTONE 963-A - CEILING BLUE ‘r 980 IGHT LEA 990 APPLE GREEN 982 987 MOSS GREEN 989 - GREEN 984 SIERRA BROWN 983 VENETIAN RED FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE USE The Universal Varnish combining a Stain and Varnish at one appli- ance. NOTHING TURNS IE WHITE For Floors, Furniture, Linoleum, Etc. For either inside or outside use. Light Oak Univernish Dark Oak Univernish Bog Oak Univernish Mahogany Univernish Walnut Univernish Green Univernish ALSO GROUND COAT AND CLEAR UNIVERNISH OUTSIDE STEP AND PORCH PAINT (NS id IIIIIlIIIlIIlI| yu $4 : A 5C iS E 605 LIGHT GRAY tew | | 600 LEAD 601 _ GRAY aas pe ~ 603 DRAB | - 02 - BROWN 604 DARK LEAD fon o cnn mend Hires Bage, enas amman rari - mae ie NU-KITCHEN (TRADE MARK) ENAMEL 6 DRIES OVERNIGHT F3 Burnett Chemical Co. LOS ANGELES CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO > WOOD OIL STAINS oaAK wALNUT DARK OAK wWEATHERED OAK MAHOGANY FLEMISH OAK | NU-KITCHE FOR WALLS - - - WOOD: NU-KITCHEN is easy to apply, has no offensive odor, dries with a durable gloss. It may be applied over any surface with- out removing existing undercoats. B 61-IVORY B 62-PALE CANARY B 63-ORANGE B 70-ROSE B 71-RED ALSO MADE IN a 600 LEAD GRAY my» H T ta 603 DRAB e= ~ --- ene ne on re o onun - canon oman rene - ane am! BROWN 604 DARK LEAD N ENAMEL WORK - - - FURNITURE NU-KITCHEN is particularly adaptable for Apattment Houses, Hotels, Haun dries, Dairies, Ete., as well as for the home, due to its quick-drying properties. a C B 69-LIGHT GREEN B 65-NILE GREEN y caca! B 66-ORCHID E si-TUrGUOISE BLUE B 67-PEARL GRAY NHITE AND BLACK WOCOD OIL STAINS oaAK wWALNUT DARK OAK wWEATHERED OAK FLEMISH OAK MAHOGANY *- Al e on Tike i aie: ce h te ca ice cep in ae ipl arnt r altri r epee nas" roan Cans For all Interior Use Na cal % ir- sams Enamel Finish at a Paint Cost For the walls and ceilings of kitchens, bathrooms, closets, laundries, stores, workshops, garages, cellar- ways and all interiors where light and cleanliness are desired. Also, for white woodwork, interior trim, shelves, cabinets, etc. Murphy Vaigishes a_nd Enamels Have been preserving beautiful surfaces for over 50 years. Time has proved it. Experts in the art of preserving never hesitate to use any Murphy product COMPLETE STOCK OF MURPHY'S ARCHI- TECTURAL AND VEHICLE VARNISHES AND ENAMELS mm mu w MM N1 | MM]: f & Very best quallty blade. Round or square point. Blade CASING AND CORNER KNIFE - No. 20 2 inch wheel. Maple handle. CASING AND CORNER KNIFE No. 16 SERRATED WHEEL AND KNIFE 1" oval or face celluloid titre. RIDGEL Y TRIMMER BestQuahty Straight and Bent Handle. Length 12" and 14" MAGNETIC TACK HAMMER s and 10 oz. Especially adapted for tacking plaster board, cheese cloth, etc. A Complete Line of Painters' and Paper Hangers' Tools. PINTS 75¢ PINTS $ 18s Y PINTS 40¢ f . POL - Fo STJESVENg'S‘ BURNETTS ORIGINAL ®) a DR AlsggARDS o 9) FENDERS NU'STOVE TOILET SEATS | RADIATORS 2 Tre . Ce FURNITURE a J, STOVES REFRIGERATORS GRATES (INSIDE or OUT) CaS | -S Mace SCREENS a w f ETC.. Te "ose $ (a TZ rac iRoENTcEEDS U'Kal-O is a Can Be sanitary, du- 5s fed I upplied In rable a n d a artistic - Wall Any Shade. / Coa tins,. i Packed As F, making pos- Follows: f h sible | thie WALL COATING [ /| - Barrels, 100 e AL most beauti- EACY Fon Usk h a C a ful. . intertor o iB rar if"): kine Aege. y ; J M SLB. Pack- decorative Mf W“ if 44 + 6 ages and effect with uniteD states karsomine co. [) |J, - 30 its use. ,m