l.-,. a: w 5 1351 \Milk arIEl Milk Product A §UIDE FOR EVALUATING SANITARY CONSTRUCTION Pa,,..., 91 C“? I? " III‘feng III‘III‘I" “ITEM"? U (I) "II-’1 j I: “I I I" L}! i: I” H13. \ 1964 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE , . LIE) Public Health Service I. Hf) I“"?‘” IQIIQ , / Milk and Milk Product Equipment A GUIDE FOR EVALUATING SANITARY CONSTRUCTION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE L“\ i Public Health Service ' . 7 1’ '7 xi} Dlvlslon of Environmental Englneerlng and Food Protection Milk and Food Branch Washington. 0.6. 20201 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Oiflcc Washington, I),C., 20402 - Price 15 cents PUBLIC HEALTH FOREWORD This guide, developed by the Milk and Food Branch, Division of Environmental Engineering and Food Protection, US. Public Health Service, is designed to assist milk regulatory officials in evaluating milk and milk product equipment for compliance with the Pasteurized Milk 0rdinance—Recommendations of the Public Health Service and the US. Public Health Service Frozen Desserts Ordinance and Code. The 3—A Sanitary Standards for the design and construction of dairy equipment, promulgated by the 3—A Sanitary Standards Committees, have provided valuable resource information in the development of this guide. 311 a. CONTENTS Page Section A. Definitions _______________________________________________ 1 Section B. Materials ________________________________________________ 1 Section C. Fabrication Criteria, General _______________________________ 2 Section D. Fabrication Criteria for Specific Types of Equipment _________ 10 1. Fillers and Sealers ___________________________________________ 10 2. Batch Pasteurizers and Processors _____________________________ 11 3. Storaxze Tanks ______________________________________________ 14 4. Automotive Transportation Tanks ____________________________ 15 5. Evaporators and Vacuum Pans _______________________________ 16 6. Equipment for Supplying Air Under Pressure ___________________ 17 7. Product Pumps _____________________________________________ 19 8. Batch and Continuous Ice Cream Freezers _____________________ 21 A. Definitions 1. Product—Shall mean milk, milk products, and frozen dessert mixes. 2. Product Contact Surface—Shall mean all surfaces that, are ex— posed to the product, or from which liquid may drain, drop, or be drawn into the product, or container and surfaces that touch product contact surfaces of containers. 3. Nonproduct Contact Surfaces—Shall mean all other exposed surfaces. 4. Easily Accessible—Shall pertain to areas of surfaces that. can be, exposed for cleaning and examination without the use of tools. 5. Readily Demountable Farm—Shall mean those parts that can be disassembled or removed without the use of tools. B. Materials 1. Product Contact Surfaces All materials shall withstand, under the environment of their intended use, the action of all dairy products, all washing compounds, and accepted sanitizing agents within reasonable limits. They shall be nontoxic, corrosion resistant, relatively nonabsorbent, and shall not. impart flavor or odor to the product, and shall maintain their essential properties under repeated use conditions. a. Metal—Shall be stainless steel of the American Iron & Steel Institute (A181) 300 Series or equally corrosion resistant metal that is nontoxic and nonabsorbent and will withstand, under the environ- ment of its intended use, the action of all dairy products, all washing compounds, and accepted sanitizing agents within a reasonable limit. 1). Plastic and Rubber and Rubberlike Malaria/.m—Shall be rela— tively inert, resistant to scratching, seonring, decomposition, erazing, chipping, staining, and distortion under normal use conditions; shall be nontoxic, fat resistant, relatively nonabsorbent, and shall not impart. flavor or odor to the product; and shall maintain their essential prop- erties under repeated use conditions. NOTE: Plastics conforming with the “3—A Sanitary Standards for Multiple-Use Plastic Materials Used as Product Contact Surfaces for airy Equipment." Serial No. 2000, conform to these characteristics. Rubber and ruhherlike ma- terials conforming with the “3—A Sanitary Standards for Multiplevfse Rubber and Rubberlike Materials Used as Product Contact Surfaces of Dair.v Equip- ment,” Serial No. 1800. conform with these characteristics. 0. Glass and Ceramic Material—Shall be resistant, inert, insoluble and nontoxic, and resistant to distortion by the temperature, chemicals, and methods to which it. is normally subjected in operation, cleaning, and sanitizing. d. Welded or Brarzed Areas—The deposited weld or braze material shall be substantially as corrosion resistant as the parent material. 2. Nonproduct Contact Surfaces Shall be of corrosion resistant material, or material that is ren- dered corrosion resistant or painted. All nonproduct contact surfaces shall be relatively nonabsorbent, durable, and cleanable. Parts remov- able for cleaning having both product and nonproduct contact surfaces shall not be painted. C. Fabrication Criteria, General All equipment shall be so designed as to be capable of performing its intended function and so that it can be operated in a sanitary man- ner; the design shall include such sanitary safeguards and appurte- nant indicating, regulating, and control devices as are necessary to safeguard the public health (refer to Public Health Service Milk Ordi- nance for appropriate details). The following requirements shall also be met: 1. All product contact surfaces shall be finished to the equivalent of a No. 4 mill finish on stainless steel or better. 2. All permanent joints in metallic product contact surfaces shall be welded or brazed. 3. Solder may be used for functional reasons such as blade mounting pins, shafts, bushings and bearings for flushing joints and producing fillets for minimum radii where welding is impracticable. Solder when used shall have a tin content of not less than 50 percent and shall contain no more lead than is necessary under good manufacturing practices. 4. All internal angles of 135° or less on product contact surfaces shall have a minimum radii of 1/4 inch (fig. 1), except that: smaller radii may be used when required for essential functional reasons such as filler nozzles, sealing ring grooves, and other assemblies of machine parts which are readily demountable for cleaning and inspection. 5. All product contact surfaces shall be easily accessible and readily cleanable, either when in an assembled position or when removed. Removable parts shall be readily demountable. 6. All product contact surfaces shall be self-draining. 7. The bottom of all tanks, vats, filler bowls, and hoppers shall slope toward the outlet(s). Bowl bottoms shall have a minimum slope of 1A; inch per foot. 8. The junction of the vertical sides of a vessel with the breast and with the bottom shall be moisture and vermin proof. 9. All openings in covers of equipment shall be equipped with sani— tary fittings or shall have raised rims or flanges of at least 3/8 inch, and such openings shall be provided with removable covers having a down— 2 SQUARE CORNER ——\ I'KCTUAL Ac" RADIUS ACTUAL 74” RADIUS fl FIGURE 1 ward flange of not less than 14 inch so designed as to prevent liquid from entering the product zone (fig. 2). 10. Covers shall be self-draining and closefitting, and shall have a downward flange overhanging the rim of the vat, bowl, or hopper by at least 9/8 inch. 11. Covers, diverting aprons, shields, or guards shall be provided whenever needed to prevent liquid or other contaminants from drain- ing or dropping into the product, the product container, or onto prod- uct contact surfaces (fig. 3). 12. Agitator shaft openings through the bridge or top enclosure shall have a minimum diameter of 1 inch for agitator shafts which re- quire removal for cleaning, or be of a diameter that will provide 1- inch minimum annular cleaning space between the agitator shaft and the inside surface of the flanged opening for agitators which do not require removal for cleaning. A shield that can be raised or dis- mantled, to permit the cleaning of all its surfaces, shall be provided to protect against entrance of dust, oil, insects, and other contaminants 738—847 0—64—2 3 1/4" OVERLAP 3/8" LIP WWW FIGURE 2 into the product zone through the annular space around the agitator shaft (fig. 3). 13. Top ente1 111g nomeinovable agitator shall be readily accessible and clcanable. There shall be at least a 1/2- -inch space between the nonremovable agitator and the bottom of the lining, unless the agitator is mounted on a hinged-type cover. 14. Top entering removable or demountable agitator shall be pro— vided with an easily accessible, readily demountable coupling of either a sanitary type located within the lining or a coupling located outside of the lining, provided that it is above the shield provided to protect the annular space around the shaft. All product contact surfaces of the. 1111itatox shall be \isible \\ hen the agitator is removed. A bottom suppoit or (1 aide, if used, shall be welded to the lining, shall not inter- im with drainage, and the inside angles shall have minimum radii of1 g inch \Vlien the agitator shaft has a bearing cavity, the diameter of the cavity shall be greatei than the depth. The agitator shall be easily demountable foi cleaning of the bearing and any shaft cavity. 11 1. Side o1 bottom agitat01 and shaft, including the complete seal, shall be 1eadil_\ dentonntable for cleaning. Nonremovable parts hav- ing product contact surfaces shall be designed so that the product contact surfaces are readily cleanal)le from the inside of the vat. Seals for the agitator shaft shall be of a packless type, sanitary in de- sign. with all parts readily accessible for cleaning. 11;. (‘overs ol’ the type which may be opened shall be so designed that when raising the cover, any liquid 011 the top will not enter the product zone. When covers are in their fully opened position, the drops ot‘ condensate formed on the underside of the cover shall not drop into the product zone. (,‘overs should be provided with adequate conveniently located and durable handles of sanitary design (fig. 4). 4 - " mm>oo oz_ao._m ‘8 ‘ ._ moz<.C mm>oo 02526.: mm>o \N AP |l\ m.._DZ_o \K. HmJ_2_ v32)— z:2_z_2 1‘: v 85lo wozO _.w\m A moz02mm m 552% moz<4m mm>o m._._n_ muzzmhm moz>04m _ _ _ _ __ Lofokcoo Cotcom _ _ . . wont: Escou .0: _ "1/ Lofgcoo Iuoguucoc noLuEmcoo ma \J ____I _L | nu»; kmEoowwu E :3 u o) 20:». 3022.. m2. Ea: 600.; Egon mmootam u_e_;m a_.o un>h ZIDPMZIZOZ Emkm>m mm2 13 MINIMUM DISTANCE DRIP SHIELD ATTACHED To SHAFT. #4.. A (an. I- FLANGE “I'liiil‘ «J %v,/ TOP SLOPED TO DRAIN OVERHANG AT LEAST 3/8" FIGURE 11 j. The airspace heater shall be mounted Within the space between the top enclosure, cover, or bridge of pasteurizers, and the level of the product when the pasteurizer is filled to its rated capacity (Ap- pendix G, Part II, Pasteurized Milk Ordmalice—Recommendations of the Public Health Service). Only sanitary fittings conforming to construction and design criteria at least equal to those in the “3—A Sanitary Standards for Fittings Used in Milk and Milk Products Equipment and Used on Sanitary Lines Conducting Milk and Milk Products,” and supplements thereo, shall be used. Is. A warning plate furnished and permanently affixed by the manu— facturer shall be provided for closed-type pasteurizers and processors which shall indicate the maximum operating pressure and /or vacuum conditions under which the pasteurizers or processors may be safely operated. A statement on the nameplate or on the warning plate, or on a plate furnished and permanently affixed by the manufacturer, shall identify the equipment as either a processor or a pasteurizer. 3. Storage Tanks (Including Silo Type) a. Silo—type tanks and transportation tanks shall have minimum radii of 1% inch where head and bottom, or ends, join the sidewalls. b. The bottom lining of silo-type tanks shall have a minimum slope of 34 inch per foot. 0. The control area of a silo-type tank shall be that part of pas- teurizing, processing, cooling, or packaging area or storage tank gal- lery room in which all appurtenances for the operation of the silo tank are located and vent lines terminated. d. When a silo tank is located outside of the pasteurizing, process- ing, cooling, or packaging area or storage tank gallery room or is not adjacent to the outside wall of one of these areas, a hallway shall be constructed at least 7 feet high and 5 feet wide to provide access to the control alcove (in this case also the control area). 6. All openings through a silo tank lining shall be within the con- trol area, except openings for mechanical agitators and openings for 14 cleaning and/or vent lines. Cleaning and/or vent lines shall termi- nate in the control area. f. Means shall be provided for mechanical and/or air agitation of the product, and such agitation shall be operated intermittently or continuously and shall be sufficient to maintain the butterfat content of whole milk throughout the tank within plus or minus 0.1 percent. 9. In silo tanks, means shall be provided for mechanical cleaning the product contact surfaces of the tank, piping, and all nonremovable appurtenances thereto. h. Outlet valves shall be close-coupled, sanitary-plug type or close- coupled compression type with no stuffing box. 4. Automotive Transportation Tanks a. Interior attachments of transportation tanks shall have minimum radii of 1/16 inch. 6. The outlet valves shall be close-coupled, sanitary-plug type or close-coupled compression type with no stuffing box. 0. The valve outlet shall be equipped with a sanitary cap to cover all threads when in place. (1. The entire valve assembly shall be encased in a cover which shall be dustproof and tamperproof. If the valve is in a dustproof cabi- net, then the dust cover over the valve is not necessary. 6. Manholes shall be so located that in no case shall either end of the tank be more than 18 feet 6 inches from a manhole opening. f. Each manhole shall be provided with a dust. cover. The interior finish of the dust cover shall be smooth, readily cleanable, and free from bolts or screws. Means shall be provided to relieve vacuum and pressure when the tank is being emptied or filled, and shall be so con- structed and operated as to protect the milk from dust, insects, and other contamination. g. Permanently mounted air or mechanical cleaning solution tubing shall be constructed and installed so that it will not prevent complete drainage of the tank or tubing, and shall be located so that the dis- tance from the outside of the tubing and the tank lining shall be at least 2 inches. h. Transportation tank baffles Shall be welded to the tank and the radii where the baffle attaches to the lining shall be not less than 14 inch. 2'. Baffles shall not interfere with the free drainage of the tank. The area of one baffle plate shall not exceed 40 percent of the cross- sectional area of the tank, and the entire baffle shall be on one side of the longitudinal centerline of the tank. If installed, consecutive baffles shall be on opposite sides of the tank and not less than 48 inches apart and so designed that walk through accessibility shall be pro- vided to all areas for inspection and cleaning purposes. 15 j. Pump and/or hose cabinets on farm pickup tanks shall be con- structed as follows: (1) Inside corners of pumps or hose cabinets on transportation tanks shall have a minimum radii of 1/8 inch. (2) The inside lining of cabinets, doors, and other fixed at- tachments shall be smooth and made of stainless steel or other equally corrosion resistant material. (3) Sample trays and sample compartments for butterfat sam- ples shall be made of stainless steel or other equally corrosion resistant material. (4) A roof overhang or suitable dry molding shall be provided over cabinet doors. (5) Pump assemblies having a base area of 1 square foot or less shall have a minimum clearance of 2 inches between the pump base and cabinet floor, and 3 inches between pump and cabinet walls. Pumps having larger bases shall have a minimum of 3 inches of clearance between the pump, cabinet walls, and floor. When mounted on the floor of the cabinet using a solid base, a nonabsorbent sealing gasket shall be used. The base should be removed and the gasket replaced at regular intervals. 76. Single lengths of transfer tubing shall not exceed 8 feet except where suitable cleaning facilities are provided and the inside diameter shall be not less than 1% inches. If two lengths of flexible tubing are used, they Shall be connected either by the use of sanitary couplings or a piece of sanitary tubing with clamps which can be removed With- out the use of tools. Sanitary caps shall be furnished for each end of the tubing and the pump. 5. Evaporatorsr and Vacuum Pans a. The minimum inside diameter of product heat exchanged tubing shall be that of nominal 1 inch o.d., 16 US. standard gauge tubing. b. The minimum space between coils shall be 21/2 inches, the mini- mum space between coils and vacuum pan walls shall be 3 inches, and the minimum space between coil banks shall be 31/; inches. 0. Openings for vacuum breaker and sampling valve shall be in the product contact surface. d. An automatic condenser water level control preventing water from entering the product shall be provided by one of the following means: (1) A barometric leg (fig. 12). (2) A surface condenser in which the vapor and condensing water are separated by metal walls and do not come in contact with each other. (3) A safety shut-off valve, located in the water feed line to the condenser, automatically activated by a control which will 16 BAROMETRIC LEG WATER INLET EXHAUST VAPOR “\ CONDENSER «———— T l l I Er IO l g FLOOR I II , l l [l L‘ WATER LEVEL->r———:—r—'fi~::— _ I ,, ‘5 TO SEWER I "‘ 2| DEPTH REQUIRED TO —~, l X GIVE VOLUME EQUAL T0 1 3‘. I 34' OF TAIL PIPE m_Z-_i__ FIGURE 12 shut off the flow of water when the water level rises above a predetermined point in the condenser (fig. 13). This valve may be activated by water, air, or electricity, and shall be so designed that failure of the primary motivating power will automatically stop the flow of water. 6. Equipment for Supplying Air Under Pressure in Contact With Milk. Milk Products, and Product Contact Surfaces a. Filter Material. (1) Intake and Air Pipeline F27ferx.—Shall consist of fiberglass, cotton flannel, wool flannel, spun metal, electrostatic material or other equally acceptable filtering media, which are nonshedding and which do not release to the air toxic volatiles, or volatiles which may impart any flavor or odor to the product. ( 2) Disposable Media F Mensa—Shall consist of cotton flannel, wool flannel, spun metal, nonwoven fabric, U.S.P. absorbent cotton fiber, or suitable inorganic material which, under conditions of use, are nontoxic and. nonshedding. Chemical bonding material contained in 17 ¢_._— COOLING WATER IN EXHAUST VAPOR IN \\ A UTOMATI C WATER \ HIGH LEVEL CUTOFF COOLING WATER AND CONDENSED VAPORS TO REMOVEL PUMP AUTOMATIC WATER SHUT-OFF ON EVA PORATOR FIGURE 13 the media shall be nontoxic, nonvolatile, and insoluble under all con- ditions of use. Disposable media shall not be reused. Z). Filter Performance (1) Intake Filters.—The efficiency of intake filters shall be at least 50 percent as measured by the National Bureau of Standards “Dust Spot Method,” using atmospheric dust as the test aerosol. (2) Air Pipeline and Disposable F Liters—The efliciency of either air pipeline filters or disposable filters shall be at least 50 percent as measured by the DOP test. (Filter Units, Protective Clothing, Gas Mask Components, and Related Products: Performance Test Method, Military Standard No. 282, Section 102.9.1; Naval Supply Depot, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa). 0. Piping Air distribution piping, fittings, and gaskets between the down- stream terminal filter and any product or product contact surface shall be sanitary milk piping, except where the compressing equipment is of the fan or blower type. Provided, that when air is used for such operations as removing containers from mandrels, other nontoxic materials may be used. (1. Fabrication and Installation (1) Air Supply E quipment—The compressing equipment shall be of such design so as to preclude contamination of the air with lubricant. vapors and fumes. The air supply shall be taken from a clean space or from relatively clean outer air, and shall pass through a filter up- stream from the compressing equipment. This filter shall be so lo- cated and constructed that it is easily accessible for examination, and the filter media are easily removable for cleaning or replacing. The filter shall be protected from weather, drainage, water, product spill- age, and physical damage. (2) Moisture Removal E quipment.—If necessary to cool the com- pressed air, a liquid-cooled aftercooler shall be installed between the compressor and the air storage tank for the purpose of removing moisture from the compressed air. (See fig. 14.) e. Filters and Moisture Traps (1) Filters shall be constructed so as to assure effective passage of air through the filter media only. ( 2) The air under pressure shall pass through an oil-free filter and moisture trap for removal of solids and liquids. The filter and trap shall be located in the air pipeline downstream from the compressing equipment, and from the air tank, if one is used. (See fig. 14.) Air pipeline filters and moisture traps downstream from compressing equipment shall not be required when the compressing equipment is of the fan or blower type. (See figs. 15 and 16.) (3) A disposable media filter shall be located in the sanitary air pipelines upstream from and as close as possible to each point of application or ultimate use of the air. f. Air Piping Except where the compressing equipment is of the fan or blower type, the following requirements shall be met: (1) The air piping from the compressing equipment to the filter and moisture trap shall be readily drainable. (2) A product check valve of sanitary design shall be installed in the air piping downstream from the disposable media filter to prevent backflow of product into the air pipeline; except that a check valve shall not be required if the air piping enters the product zone from a point higher than the product overflow level which is open to the atmosphere. 7. Product Pumps and Meters a. Pump and meter impellers 0r rotors, and cases or stators which operate in conjunction with a metallic counterpart, may be made of or 19 «A $5lo FzminZDOw wz_mwmma200|/ A mmFIZm m m_< m¥._<> xomxo Fosooma 20m“. 235333 m>._<> ozEE 24:2: 22mg mmhfim «Lows. w4m APPLICATION AIR LINE BLOWER OR DUCT OR FAN \ INTAKE AIR FILTER ]=0= ‘— FIGURE 16 cation, and a product check valve of sanitary design shall be installed downstream from such filter. The filter shall be capable of removing particles of 5 microns (0.0002 inch) or larger in size. (1. Integral mix supply tanks of such capacity that their contents are not normally transferred to the freezing chamber within one-half hour shall be so designed that the mix can be held at all times below 45° F. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1984 0—738-647 22 [CDE‘i'HDSSBB