ATLAS OF CANCER MORTALITY FOR U.S. COUNTIES: 1950-1969 by Thomas J. Mason, Ph.D. Frank W. McKay Robert Hoover, M.D. William J. Blot, Ph.D. Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., M.D. Epidemiology Branch National Cancer Institute U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 75-780 (NIH # 74-615) Corrigenda For U.S. Cancer Mortality By County: 1950-1969 by TJ Mason and FW McKay The following are corrections to this tabula- tion of cancer mortality by county. The listing Biliary Passages and Liver (Stated to be Pri- mary Site) in the table of contents should be corrected to read Biliary Passages and Liver (Stated to Be Primary Site. or Unspecified), and the list of ICD numbers which accompanied All ICD’s Not Previously Listed should include ICD 156. Our information allows separation of the unspecified part of ICD 156 from that stat- ed to be secondary. Death certificates coded as “secondary neoplasm of the liver, primary site not specified” are included in the category All ICD’s Not Previously Listed. The total number of deaths in this category for males (p. 659) should be corrected to read 171895 deaths for white males, and 21948 deaths for nonwhite males. We have randomly selected counties, and have verified site specific county rates by race and sex. Some state rates were found in error. State rates for white females are correct. For white males the only state rates which are incorrect are those for the State of Idaho. The 146 death certificates listing Washington County, Idaho as the place of usual residence were counted twice in our calculation of state rates. Site- specific rates and number of deaths among white males for the State of Idaho need to be corrected as follows: Number Rate Site 384 0.56 Lip (p. 1) 20 0.33 Salivary Glands (p. 13) 17 0.28 Nasopharynx (p. 27) 126 2.05 Tongue; Floor of Mouth . .. (p. 39) 100 1.63 Esophagus (p. 61) 841 13.73 Stomach (p. 83) 707 11.56 Large Intestine (p. 109) 278 4.56 Rectum (p. 135) 225 3.67 Biliary Passages and Liver (p. 159) 548 8.95 Pancreas (p. 185) 25 0.41 Nose, Nasal Cavities . . . (p. 211) 71 1.15 Larynx (p. 227) 1406 22.94 Trachea, Bronchus and Lung (p. 247) 12 0.19 Breast (p. 273) 1135 18.59 Prostate (p. 349) 63 0.99 Testis (p. 367) 209 3.39 Kidney (p. 377) 300 4.89 Bladder (p. 401) 70 1.14 Melanoma of Skin (p. 425) 69 1.13 Other Skin (p. 445) 12 0.19 Eye (p. 465) 259 4.12 Brain... (p. 479) 25 0.41 Thyroid Gland (p. 501) 20 0.32 Other Endocrine Glands (p. 517) 73 1.15 Bone (p. 529) 36 0.58 Connective Tissue (p. 551) 148 2.38 Hodgkin’s Disease (p. 567) 260 4.19 Lymphosarcoma and Reticulosarcoma (p. 589) 118 1.93 Multiple Myeloma (p. 613) 584 9.28 Leukemia and Aleukemia (p. 635) 609 9.92 All ICD’s Not Previously Listed ¢p. 659) 8400 136.61 All Malignant Neoplasms (p. 685) For nonwhites (males and females) we have detected errors for state rates in Colorado, Towa, Kansas, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming. We have veri- fied site-specific county rates for these states. A complete listing of corrections to state rates for nonwhites is available upon request. Introduction CONTENTS Acknowledgments Methods Results and Discussion References MAPS COUNTY BOUNDARIES CANCER SITES BY COUNTY ICD 140-205 151 153 154 155 157 162, 163 180 181 193 147, 152, 156, 158, 159, 164, 165, 176,179, 198,199 170 171 172, 173, 174 175 177 STATE ECONOMIC AREA BOUNDARIES All Malignant Neoplasms Stomach Large Intestine, except Rectum Rectum Biliary Passages and Liver Pancreas Trachea, Bronchus and Lung _____ Kidney Bladder Brain and Other Parts of Nervous System Other, and Unspecified Sites Female Breast ___. Cervix Uteri Corpus Uteri, ete. ___. Ovary Prostate CANCER SITES BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA 140 142 146 141, 143, 144, 145, 148 150 160 161 190 191 192 194 Lip Salivary Gland Nasopharynx a. Other Mouth and Throat .. Esophagus Nose, Nasal Cavities and Sinuses Larynx Melanoma of Skin _ Other Skin _ Eye Thyroid Gland vi vii ix xi 0 SIND 10 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 ii iv 195 Other Endocrine Glands 196 Bone 197 Connective Tissue i. ee 201 Hodgkin's Disease 200, 202, 205 Lymphosarcoma and Reticulosarcoma, etc. 203 Multiple Myeloma ER 204 Leukemia 170 Male Breast 178 Testis TABLES All Malignant Neoplasms Lip Salivary Gland _..__ Nasopharynx oo Other Mouth and Throat I Esophagus ee ee Stomach Large Intestine, except Rectum Rectum Biliary Passages and Liver Pancreas Nose, Nasal Cavities and Sinuses Larynx Trachea, Bronchus and Lung I Male Breast FE Female Breast .__.. Cervix Uteri Corpus Uteri, ete. ovary Prostate SE Testis __ ee Kidney SE Bladder ee Melanoma of SKin Other Skin EE Ce Bye Brain and Other Parts of Nervous System _.___.__ Thyroid Gland FE . Other Endocrine Glands .. FE i Bone Connective Tissue i Hodgkin’s Disease _ EE Lymphosarcoma and Reticulosarcoma, ete. Multiple Myeloma . I Leukemia ___.___ i. SE Other, and Unspecified Sites . ee 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 67 INTRODUCTION Geographic patterns of cancer are useful in developing and testing etiologic hypotheses. The rates for many cancers vary strikingly from one part of the world to another, provid- ing critical leads to environmental and genetic determinants. Less well known is the geograph- ic variation for cancer within countries. In the United States, cancer mortality statistics have been analyzed for geographic divisions and states, and an earlier publication by the Epi- demiology Branch of the National Cancer Insti- tute (1) included maps showing the state-by- state distribution of age-adjusted rates for the 18-year period, 1950-67. As a geographic unit for study, the county has advantages over larger areas, with respect to the greater homogeneity of demographic and environmental characteristics. The Epidemiol- ogy Branch (2) recently compiled for each county of the continental United States the total number of cancer deaths and age-adjusted death rates according to sex and race (whites and nonwhites) for the 20-year period, 1950- 69. The populations of some counties were too small to yield reliable mortality rates for cer- tain cancer sites, but for most counties suffi- cient numbers were available to calculate mean- ingful values. The Epidemiology Branch is using the mortality data in the volume for various epidemiologic investigations, including correlation studies with demographic and en- vironmental variables collected on a county level by governmental and other agencies. This atlas supplements the county tabula- tions of cancer mortality (2), and is designed to help visualize geographic variation at the coun- ty level. The maps should serve to identify counties, or clusters of counties, with elevated cancer rates which in turn may provide etio- logic clues. Correlation studies may help to link the patterns of mortality with suspected risk factors (e.g., occupational or ethnic compo- sition of the counties). Perhaps the greatest value of the maps will be to designate high- risk communities where analytical-epidemio- logic studies may detect specific carcinogenic hazards. In high-risk communities, control pro- grams for early detection and prevention of cancer may also yield special dividends. The geographic patterns illustrated in this atlas are limited to the U.S. white population. For nonwhites, the cancer mortality and popu- lations at risk on the county level were too small to provide the data needed for a parallel set of maps. The geographic analysis of cancer in nonwhites has required special methods and will be part of a detailed investigation of racial differences. The county resource will also be the basis for a report on the effect of urbanization, socioeconomic status, and latitude on cancer mortality. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the encouragement and support of Dr. Robert W. Miller and Dr. Marvin A. Schneiderman, and the assistance of Dr. Charles R. Stark and Dr. John C. Bailar, III in obtaining the mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics. In preparing the maps for this atlas we were greatly aided by Mr. Frederick R. Broome and Mr. Richard H. Schweitzer, Jr. of the Geography Division, Bureau of the Census, who provided x-y coordinates for the boundaries of individual counties in the 48 contiguous United States. The technical problems of providing microfilm for printing were minimized through the assistance of Mr. Wes D. Farmer and his staff at the Division of Computer Research and Technology, National Institutes of Health (NIH). METHODS The source of data for this report consists of all death certificates from the 48 contiguous states, 1950-69, listing cancer as the cause of death. We ascribed each death to the county of usual residence given on the certificates. Aver- age annual age-adjusted mortality rates (per 100,000) were calculated for white males and females by individual county or state economic area (SEA) for the 20-year period. The direct method was used for these calculations, with the total U.S. population for 1960 as the stand- ard. White county populations were taken from the 1950, 1960, and 1970 censuses (3-5), and intercensal estimates were derived by linear interpolation. Cancer sites were classified ac- cording to the Sixth Revision of the Inter- national Classification of Diseases (ICD) (6). The mortality rates for individual counties or SEA’s were compared with rates for the total United States, including Alaska and Ha- wali. The national rates are virtually the same as those of the contiguous United States. Con- fidence intervals for all age-adjusted rates were calculated using the standard error estimated by the method of Chiang (7). Statistically significant differences resulted when the 95% confidence intervals for the local and national rates did not overlap. When no mortality was reported for a given site in a county or SEA, statistical significance was assessed by calcu- lating the probability of no mortality assuming that the number of deaths in a given age group follows a Poisson distribution. If the calculated probability was less than 0.025, the zero rate for the county or SEA was classified as signifi- cantly lower than the U.S. rate. Otherwise, the zero rate was considered to be not signifi- cantly different. All maps in this atlas were produced by an automated cartography system which we de- veloped for the IBM 360/370 computers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The ap- proach taken is similar to that of Schweitzer (8) and Broome (9). Our system interfaces with an integrated graphics software package available for use with COM (Computer Output on Microfilm) equipment at NIH. This software provides a means of controlling the intensity and movement of an electron stream directed at the face of a cathode-ray tube (CRT) in much the same manner that a stylus is con- trolled to produce lines on a conventional flat- bed plotter. The image produced on the CRT was photographed, and the negative was used to prepare printing plates. The input requirements for the system are a file of x-y coordinates for the boundaries of in- dividual counties and states, and a file to indi- cate how the counties are to be shaded. The x-y coordinates were developed from a mag- netic tape provided by the Geography Division, Bureau of the Census. The maps are presented in two sections. For the common sites of cancer, we maintained the identity of the 3056 counties (2) of the con- tiguous United States. For the remaining sites, we used SEA’s which are single counties or groups of counties with similar economic and social characteristics (10). In the establish- ment of SEA’s the Bureau of the Census has taken into account demographic, climatic, phy- siographic, and cultural factors, as well as in- dustrial and commercial activities. Thus, SEA’s are relatively homogeneous units intermediate in size between states and counties. We have in- cluded maps which present the boundaries for counties (p. 1) and SEA’s (p. 29) to facilitate the evaluation of elevated mortality in contigu- ous units. Site-specific cancer mortality is illustrated with a county map when the total deaths among whites in 1950-69 exceeded 75,000, and vii the number of male and female deaths were each greater than 25,000. Exceptions to this rule were made for leukemia and lymphosar- coma-reticulosarcoma, since SEA maps for these categories revealed more informative pat- terns. All maps using SEA’s as the geographic unit are presented after the county maps. Following the maps, a summary table is pre- sented for each cancer site. Each table includes the distribution, in deciles, of both the age- adjusted rates and the number of deaths. These distributions are distinct. For example, the ta- ble on p. 68 shows that ten percent of the counties in the United States have mortality rates for all malignant neoplasms among white males which are less than or equal to 120.68. This does not imply that all rates less than or equal to 120.68 are based upon 68 or fewer deaths (the 10th percentile for the number of cancer deaths among white males by county). From the tables one can assess the relative magnitude of site-specific cancer mortality for any county in the U.S. as a function of the rate or the number of deaths. The percentile distri- bution of the age-adjusted rates also provides information concerning the relationship be- viii tween urbanization and malignancy. For ana- tomic sites with high mortality in rural areas the median rate approximates that for the total United States. For those sites with high mortality in urban areas the national rate exceeds the median. The tables also show the age-specific rates (per 100,000) for each cancer site in the con- tiguous United States for the period, 1950-69. This presentation facilitates the comparison of site-specific mortality among populations of in- terest with that of the United States, and per- mits calculation of standardized mortality ra- tios (SMR’s) for any county or group of counties. The graphical presentation of the age- specific rates was limited to consecutive age groups with non-zero rates. For example, stomach cancer mortality (p. 74) among white females is presented graphically for age groups 0-4 and 5-9, and age groups 15-19 through 85. Also, rectal cancer mortality (p. 76) under age 5 years does not appear in the figure for males or females since the rate for the next age group was zero. However, the actual rates for each age group are given in the accompanying table. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section describes some features of the county and state-economic-area maps, and illus- trates ways to use this atlas to generate and test hypotheses of cancer etiology. Inspection of the maps for the various can- cer sites reveals striking differences in the geo- graphic patterns of mortality. For a number of cancer sites, however, the patterns are similar and may be grouped into one of five broad categories: 1. a cluster of high rates in the Northeast (New Jersey, southern New York, Con- necticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts) and in urban areas along the Great Lakes (Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Mil- waukee), but generally low rates for the southern and central parts of the United States other mouth and throat (males) esophagus (males) large intestine, except rectum rectum larynx (males) breast bladder (males) 2. high rates in the South and/or Appala- chia, but low rates in the Northeast lip (females) other mouth and throat (females) esophagus (females) cervix melanoma of skin other skin eye (females) bone (females) 3. high rates in the North Central States (the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, up- per Michigan) stomach kidney prostate lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma, ete. (females) multiple myeloma leukemia 4. high rates generally in the rural North, but low rates in the South ovary testis bladder (females) other endocrine glands lymphosarcoma and ete. (males) 5. no clearly discernible patterns salivary gland pancreas nose, nasal cavities and sinuses brain and other parts of nervous system connective tissue Each cancer site could not be classified into one of these categories. For example, lung can- cer rates are high in New Jersey and the en- virons of New York City (as in category num- ber 1), but the predominant aggregation is along the Gulf Coast from Texas to the Florida Panhandle. The geographic patterns of mortality for selected cancer sites are summarized below. reticulosarcoma, Other Mouth and Throat. This group consists of all cancers of the oropharynx, except the salivary glands and nasopharynx. Excess mortality occurs among males in the industrial Northeast, and in scattered urban areas across the country. A contrasting picture is seen in females, with high rates throughout the Southeast, and relatively low mortality in the Northeast. Esophagus. High rates for males are found primarily in urban areas of the Northeast and Midwest. Mor- tality is significantly low in most of the remainder of the country. County tabulations for esophageal cancer (2) show patches of high rates among males along the Georgia and South Carolina coast. However, this pat- tern is not detected by the SEA maps. Females do not display the Northeast predominance, but show scattered high rates throughout the South. ix Stomach. Both sexes show an extensive cluster of high mortality throughout Minnesota, northern Michigan, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas. Excess mortality is ob- served in Maine, as well as in parts of New Mexico, Nevada, and southern Colorado. Large Intestine, except Rectum. Mortality predominates in the Northeast, particularly coastal areas, and in areas along the Great Lakes. Patches of exceptionally high rates are found for both sexes in Nebraska. Rectum. The patterns are generally similar to those for colon cancer, with consistently elevated mortality in the Northeast and scattered high rates in the Mid- west. Biliary Passages and Liver. For males, elevated death rates are seen in Texas, extending from the Mexican border along the Gulf Coast into Louisiana. There are patches of high mortality in Appalachia and in the Midwest. For females, elevated rates are also found along the Texas-Mexican border, extending westward into New Mexico, as well as in the rural Midwest and northern Appalachia. Lung. For males, consistently high rates are seen along the Gulf Coast from Texas through Florida, with the heaviest concentration in Louisiana. Mortality is also excessive in a belt of counties on the southeast Atlantic Coast, in northern New Jersey, New York City, and along the Hudson River. The pattern for females is generally similar but less pronounced; however, there is no clustering in Louisiana and mortality is elevated in Nevada and southern California. For both sexes, mortality is low in the central United States. Female Breast. Mortality is high in northern urban areas, particularly the Northeast. Rates are generally low throughout the South. Cervix. High rates are scattered throughout the South, with the heaviest concentration in Appalachia. Except for the upper part of New England, rates in the North are low. Ovary. High death rates are scattered in northern counties, many of which are rural. Rates in the South are generally low. Prostate. Patches of excessive mortality are found in Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Utah and northern New England. Testis. Mortality is elevated in northern rural areas. Rates in the South are generally low. Kidney. For males, high mortality rates are seen in rural Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the Dakotas. Although significantly higher than the national mortality, the rates in the Northeast are not in the upper decile of all county rates. The pattern for females is similar. Bladder. For males, clusters of excessive mortality occur in New Jersey, New York City, and urban areas around the Great Lakes. Rates are elevated also in rural New York and New England, and the Mississippi River Delta in Louisiana. Mortality rates for females are not high in New Jersey, but are increased in rural New England. X Skin (Melanoma and Other). Both sexes display a striking southern predominance extending from coast to coast. Thyroid. In both sexes high mortality rates are seen in the Rocky Mountain and North Central States. Bone. For females, a prominent pattern of excess mor- tality stretches from Oklahoma eastward through the South and into Appalachia. The pattern is less pro- nounced for males, but scattered high rates occur in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and certain parts of the South (Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky). Hodgkin's Disease. There are elevated rates for both sexes in eastern New England. For females, mortality is excessive in the Dakotas and Minnesota. For males, mortality is high in parts of Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. Lymphosarcoma and Reticulosarcoma, ete. For females, high rates are seen in Minnesota and Nebraska. Mor- tality for both sexes is significantly low in the South. Multiple Myeloma. High mortality rates aggregate in Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, and Iowa for both sexes. Leukemia. For males, scattered high rates are seen in the central part of the country from Texas to Minne- sota. The pattern for females is similar. The geographic patterns of cancer in this at- las may provide leads to the causes of cancer. Similarities in geographic distribution for sev- eral cancer sites suggest common etiologic fac- tors. For example, excessive mortality rates for various cancers (mouth and throat, esophagus, colon, rectum, larynx and bladder) are domi- nant in the highly industrialized Northeast. Except for colon and rectal cancer, the high rates in this area are limited to males, suggest- ing occupational determinants. It is nearly cer- tain that industrial exposures have produced the striking geographic clusters of bladder can- cer in males. Of the 21 counties in New Jersey, 18 have bladder-cancer rates in the highest dec- ile of male rates for all U.S. counties. Indeed, the rate for Salem County, New Jersey (16.1 per 100,000 population) ranks highest among all American counties with a white population of at least 10,000. In Salem County, approxi- mately one-fourth of the work force is em- ployed in chemical and allied industries (11), and workers exposed to chemicals such as 2-naphthylamine are known to be at increased risk of bladder cancer (12). On the other hand, the Northeast predomi- nance for colon and rectal cancer applies to both sexes. Of the 21 counties in New Jersey, the rates for colon cancer are in the highest decile nationally for 15 counties in males, and 16 counties in females. For rectal cancer, the corresponding numbers are 18 and 15. This aggregation suggests etiologic factors, perhaps dietary, common to both sexes. Since colon cancer is generally more common in populous areas, a cluster of high rates in rural areas would arouse suspicion. Such a cluster occurs for both sexes in some south- eastern Nebraska counties. The aggregation may be due to chance, to unusual demographic factors (e.g., socioeconomic, ethnic), or to en- vironmental exposures indigenous to this rural area. The maps for lung cancer indicate that ex- cessive mortality is not limited to highly popu- lated urban areas where cigarette smoking and air pollution are most prominent. In fact, the rates are highest along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, particularly in Louisiana. Of Louisi- ana’s 64 counties, 38 have lung cancer rates in the highest decile of male rates for all U.S. counties. Furthermore, of the 31 American counties (top 1%) with the highest rates, 13 are in Louisiana. An additional 7 counties in the top 1% are found along the Gulf Coast and along the Atlantic Coast from northern Flori- da to Charleston, South Carolina. Further stud- ies are needed to identify the environmental and demographic factors contributing to the in- creased risk of lung cancer in these predomi- nantly rural and port areas. The geographic pattern for stomach cancer seems to be influenced strongly by ethnic fac- tors. The clusters of elevated mortality in both sexes in the North Central States correspond closely with the geographic concentration of persons from Austria, the Soviet Republics, and Scandinavia. These findings are consistent with the increased risk of stomach cancer in the countries of origin (13). These examples suggest ways in which this atlas, together with companion tabulations of county-specific mortality (2), can be used to generate and test hypotheses of cancer causa- tion. It is important to recognize that the as- sociations suggested by the maps are not proof of causation. Even if demographic or environ- mental characteristics of counties correlate well with the distribution of cancer mortality, the relationships are not necessarily etiologic. For example, the high bladder-cancer rates in New Jersey counties where chemical workers are concentrated suggest occupational determi- nants, but retrospective or prospective epi- demiologic study is needed to establish an in- dustrial hazard. The atlas does not provide definitive answers concerning the etiology of cancer, but can suggest risk factors and com- munities where further epidemiologic and etio- logic studies would be rewarding. REFERENCES 1. BURBANK F': Patterns in Cancer Mortality in the United States, 1950-1967. Natl. Cancer Inst. Mon- ogr. 33:1-594, 1971. 2. Mason TJ, McKay FW: U.S. Cancer Mortality by County: 1950-1969. DHEW Publ. No. (NIH) 74- 615, Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1973. 3. U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Popu- lation: 1950, Vol. II, Characteristics of the Popu- lation, Parts 2-50. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1952. 4. U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Popu- lation: 1960, Vol. I, Characteristics of the Popula- tion. Parts 2-52. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1963. 5. U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1970 Census of Popu- lation: PC (1)-B Series. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1971. 6. Manual of the International Statistical Classifica- tion of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, 6th Revision. Geneva, WHO, 1948. 7. CHIANG CL: Standard Error of the Age-adjusted Death Rate. Vital Statistics Selected Reports Vol. 47, No. 9. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1961. 8. SCHWEITZER RH Jr.: Mapping urban America with automated cartography. In Proceedings of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. Fall 1973. 9. BROOME FR: Micrographics: a new approach to cartography at the Census Bureau. In Proceedings of the American Congress on Surveying and Map- ping. Fall 1974. 10. U.S. Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Popu- lation: 1960. Number of Inhabitants, United States Summary. Final Report PC (1)-1A. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966. 11. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Census of Manufac- turers, 1963, Vol. I-II. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966. 12. CASE RAM, HASkKer ME, McDoNALD DB, et al.: Tumours of the urinary bladder in workmen en- gaged in the manufacture and use of certain dye- stuff intermediates in the British chemical industry. Br. J. Ind. Med. 11: 75-104, 1954. 13. DUNHAM LJ, BAILAR JC III: World maps of cancer mortality rates and frequency ratios. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 41:155-203, 1968. xi COUNTY BOUNDARIES CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY ALL SITES COMBINED WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY ALL SITES COMBINED WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I s1GNIF. HIGH, IN MIGHEST DECILE [0 SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CT] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CT] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [C] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. (CT) NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. {___] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY STOMACH WHITE MALES ru oe he 0 x. Sond } EX CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY STOMACH WHITE FEMALES PEL : y ¢ \ ne é ) ~ Wa ES S AGE-ADJUSTED RATE A c Jn Bl siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE { 7 i \ (I sSI1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE Eas [CT] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. \ [] ~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. 3 [C] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. { CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY LARGE INTESTINE, EXCEPT RECTUM WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE S1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CJ IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CT] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY LARGE INTESTINE, EXCEPT RECTUM WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CC] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CT] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CJ si16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY RECTUM WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [I SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CJ IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CZ] wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J sicGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [EE siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CT] I~ HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [TT] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CC] si6NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, RECTUM WHITE FEMALES BY COUNTY oT CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY BILIARY PASSAGES & LIVER Bo WHITE MALES | a / £ 4 J J { AA fa J { L \ AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Ry BE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [I SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [C1] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. \ x [CT] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY BILIARY PASSAGES & LIVER , WHITE FEMALES — / ¢ 9 SN ) AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl SiGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE VX [7] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [7] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] S1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. IT cl CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY PANCREAS big WHITE MALES AT, i / = Y fp: § { ¢ A: ? Nn Sn ra : AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl si1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE (I sI1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE A [C] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. - (J s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. \ AGE-ADJUSTED RATE (I siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE (IE) SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN WIGHEST DECILE (J Iw HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. (CJ woT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. (CJ sienIF. LOWER THAN U.S. SI CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, PANCREAS WHITE FEMALES BY COUNTY VI CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY TRACHEA, BRONCHUS & LUNG WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl) s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [J IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CT] siGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I] siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CT] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [1] noT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CC] s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. qT CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY TRACHEA, BRONCHUS & LUNG WHITE FEMALES 91 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY KIDNEY WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl) siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 sIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CT] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CT] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J sieniF. LOWER THAN U.S. he. j ; AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BB siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [1 S1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [7] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. LI CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY KIDNEY WHITE FEMALES = ; oir TE C rey FAT : » rs KR rS CY wi J 81 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY BLADDER WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE [ sicNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [I stcNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CJ IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CZ] wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CC] siGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY BLADDER WHITE FEMALES S00 AF er hs A AGE-ADJUSTED RATE 3 BB SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE 72 NN 0 sS1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [C1] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. (CT NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. (C] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 61 0g CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY BRAIN & OTHER PARTS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM Eb) WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE \ I s16NIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE z N (I) s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE "i 1 [CT] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CT] wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J sieniF. LOWER THAN U.S. A CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY BRAIN & OTHER PARTS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BB SiGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [I s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [C1] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J sieNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. Ga CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY OTHER, AND UNSPECIFIED SITES < WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BB s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CT] Iw HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. (1) wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. (J steniF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY OTHER, AND UNSPECIFIED SITES WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [1] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 8a v3 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY BREAST WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0] SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [C] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [C1] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CT] s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY CERVIX UTERI WHITE FEMALES ——— 4 ~ mg, d AGE-ADJUSTED RATE { i (BN s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE MK L a » [EF S1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE ) TN [CT] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. wi 5 [I wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. (J s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. Ga 93 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY CORPUS UTERI, ETC. WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl S1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE 0 S1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CJ IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I] ~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. (CJ s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl SiGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE sS1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CJ IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. Lg \ CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, OVARY WHITE FEMALES BY COUNTY 82 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY COUNTY PROSTATE WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [0 SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [CT] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. STATE ECONGMIC AREA BOUNDARIES 29 w oS CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA LIP WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [ s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [I IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] ~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [TT] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA LIP WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BB nN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0 NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 1€ 49 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA " SALIVARY GLANDS <§ WHITE MALES py AGE-ADJUSTED RATE \ u : Sa SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE ~T FS om SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE AN Cd h [EEE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. \ on Io A fmm] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. N - [7] s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. h h ) CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA SALIVARY GLANDS <, WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE MI s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BB sSiGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE (BB IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [1 w~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. g¢ 145 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA NASOPHARYNX WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BES SI1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE EE S1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE 1N HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA NASOPHARYNX WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE Si1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. ge 9¢ CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA OTHER MOUTH & THROAT * _ WHITE MALES SLY Lo ‘* | N - J \ J y AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I) SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE ) SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE J ] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [ZZ] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [T] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA OTHER MOUTH & THROAT WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I) S1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I si1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I In HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [C0] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. LE 8¢ CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA ESOPHAGUS WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [__] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA ESOPHAGUS WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [ SiGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE », I nN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [[] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 66 oy CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA NOSE, NASAL CAVITIES & SINUSES WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I SI1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE MB si1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BB IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [ NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J si6NIF. LOWER THAN U.s. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA NOSE, NASAL CAVITIES & SINUSES WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [EE siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE [EB I~ HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [B00] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 1 av CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA LARYNX WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE ME) si1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE ~ HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [ET wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. CJ] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA ~ LARYNX < WHITE FEMALES x a —— Tah iS 3 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE ( s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BN nv HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [ET Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. gv Ld CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA MELANOMA OF SKIN 3 WHITE MALES NTE AGE-ADJUSTED RATE a I SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BB SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. I] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J] s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA MELANOMA OF SKIN < WHITE FEMALES a AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [ siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CT] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [[] s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. i 97 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA OTHER SKIN ?, WHITE MALES A “U | AGE-ADJUSTED RATE J [ sI1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE re =. I siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE ; 3 : BB IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. — [0 Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. > [J] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA OTHER SKIN 3 WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE SiGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE (NV HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0 NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. Ly > [e2] CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA EYE WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE [ SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [C7] Nov SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [[] s1eNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA EYE WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I SiGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. LL] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 67 0g CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA THYROID GLAND WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE EE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE ME n HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J sicNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA THYROID GLAND WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE :v HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] ~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J siGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. j8¢ cS CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA OTHER ENDOCRINE GLANDS «3 WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE [Bl] SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl sS1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl] IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA OTHER ENDOCRINE GLANDS WHITE FEMALES Np AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I SiGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE [Bl siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] siGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 8g va CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA BONE #, WHITE MALES TTN = ie ai. N ~~ —— =H —~T AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I] SiGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [E NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [_] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA BONE WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I SiGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I~ HIGHEST BECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [I] ~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. (CJ SI1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. qq 9G CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA CONNECTIVE TISSUE WHITE MALES v Mla N AGE-ADJUSTED RATE [ SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE : oC [ IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [7] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] siGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA CONNECTIVE TISSUE WHITE FEMALES \ AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I sS1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE IN HIGHEST DECILE., NOT SIGNIF. [1] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. LS 8G CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA HODGKIN’S DISEASE WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I] S1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I I~ HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [1] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I] siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BB nN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0 wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CT] siGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 69 MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA HODGKIN’S DISEASE WHITE FEMALES 09 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA LYMPHOSARCOMA & RETICULOSARCOMA, ETC. WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I SI1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE (BE s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CZ] Not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J s1GNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA LYMPHOSARCOMA & RETICULOSARCOMA, ETC. WHITE FEMALES <, ~ 0) AGE-ADJUSTED RATE y BB si1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Ca = . BE s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE NS ] BE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. \ v [1] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 19 SS v CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA MULTI?LE MYELOMA WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE s1GNIF. KIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE (~ HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [C0] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [7] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE ME iN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] ~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. €9 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA MULTIPLE MYELOMA WHITE FEMALES v9 CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA LEUKEMIA WHITE MALES AGE-ADJ USTED: RATE BB SI1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE I~ HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [1] oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA LEUKEMIA WHITE FEMALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE * I siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE a I s1GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [CT] ~oT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J s16NIF. LOWER THAN U.S. 99 99 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. Enum CANCER SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA BREAST WHITE MALES CANCER MORTALITY, 1950-69, BY STATE ECONOMIC AREA TESTIS WHITE MALES AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I SI1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BB IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0] NoT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J siGNIF. LOWER THAN U.S. L9 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County All Malignant Neoplasms Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 120.68 95.71 68 51 20th 130.64 103.11 109 84 30th 137.17 108.06 149 122 40th 142.78 112.28 196 161 50th 147.92 116.33 254 210 60th 153.07 120.15 325 282 70th 158.48 124.95 436 379 80th 166.56 129.69 637 564 90th 178.06 136.32 1357 1228 Range 44.58-248.62 37.68-373.44 2-157396 1-139313 Total U.S. 174.04 130.10 2572035 2253282 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 158 145 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 14 In highest decile, not signif. 148 161 Not signif. different from U.S. 822 1444 Signif. lower than U.S. 1928 1292 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 10000.0 ALL MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS Age Males Females MALES 0- 4 11.27 9.66 —— — — FEMALES - 5-9 9.07 7.04 1000.0 -- 10-14 6.75 5.35 15-19 9.34 6.12 20-24 11.25 7.39 100.0 25-29 14.52 12.75 ’ 30-34 20.72 25.39 35-39 33.60 48.72 40-44 62.09 89.30 10.0 45-49 116.16 144.60 50-54 214.16 214.00 55-59 358.95 292.52 60-64 559.46 387.33 1.0 65-69 787.99 505.30 70-74 1052.62 663.23 CLL - ee eee [oi Ee Loao-09 0-175 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Lip Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.15 0.00 2 0 20th 0.22 0.00 3 0 30th 0.26 0.00 4 0 40th 0.31 0.00 5 0 50th 0.35 0.01 6 1 60th 0.39 0.03 8 1 70th 0.44 0.04 10 1 80th 0.50 0.06 13 2 90th 0.62 0.11 19 3 Range 0.00-1.24 0.00-0.45 0-173 0-22 Total U.S. 0.33 0.03 4752 525 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 13 Females 245 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 18 7 Signif. high, not in highest decile 9 28 In highest decile, not signif. 33 44 Not signif. different from U.S. 386 387 Signif. lower than U.S. 60 40 Age-specific rates (per Age Males Females 10.0 0- 4 0.00 0.00 5-9 0.00 0.00 10-14 0.00 0.00 15-19 0.00 0.00 1.0 20-24 0.00 0.00 ’ 25-29 0.02 0.00 30-34 0.03 0.00 35-39 0.05 0.00 40-44 0.09 0.00 45-49 0.15 0.01 0.1 50-54 0.25 0.01 55-59 0.43 0.02 60-64 0.72 0.05 65-69 1.18 0.10 70-74 1.98 0.17 75-84 3.87 0.41 0.01 85 9.67 1.03 : 100,000), U.S. whites ICD 140 —— MALES FEMALES TT TTTm IT TTT TT TTT | 1S 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS S 69 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Salivary Glands Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.20 0.08 2 1 20th 0.28 0.12 3 2 30th 0.32 0.15 5 3 40th 0.37 0.19 6 4 50th 0.41 0.21 8 4 60th 0.46 0.24 10 6 70th 0.51 0.27 12 7 80th 0.56 0.31 15 9 90th 0.70 0.37 24 15 Range 0.00-1.26 0.00-0.94 0-391 0-237 Total U.S. 0.44 0.22 6450 3945 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 10 Females 22 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 10 9 Signif. high, not in highest decile 3 15 In highest decile, not signif. 41 42 Not signif. different from U.S. 380 350 Signif. lower than U.S. 72 90 Age Males Females 0-4 0.01 0.01 5-9 0.01 0.01 10-14 0.01 0.01 15-19 0.01 0.01 20-24 0.02 0.02 25-29 0.04 0.03 30-34 0.06 0.06 35-39 0.09 0.09 40-44 0.19 0.11 45-49 0.30 0.21 50-54 0.57 0.32 55-59 0.93 0.44 60-64 1.27 0.56 65-69 1.74 0.78 70-74 2.30 1.07 75-84 3.95 1.97 85} 7.57 4.12 70 Age-specific rates (per 10.0 1.0 0.01 100,000), U.S. whites ICD 142 —— MALES — — FEMALES TT TTT LILLLAALL TT TTT S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Nasopharynx Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.12 0.00 1 0 20th 0.18 0.00 3 1 30th 0.25 0.06 4 1 40th 0.29 0.08 5 1 50th 0.33 0.10 6 2 60th 0.36 0.12 7 3 70th 0.42 0.14 9 3 80th 0.48 0.17 13 5 90th 0.58 0.20 20 8 Range 0.00-1.09 0.00-0.51 0-473 0-185 Total U.S. 0.38 0.12 5759 1988 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 18 Females 99 Number of state economic areas by mapping category Category No. of State Economic Areas Signif. high, in highest decile Signif. high, not in highest decile In highest decile, not signif. Not signif. different from U.S. Signif. lower than U.S. Males Females 18 14 22 47 33 37 287 310 146 98 Age-specific rates (per Age Males Females 0- 4 0.02 0.01 5-9 0.03 0.01 10-14 0.02 0.02 15-19 0.05 0.02 20-24 0.08 0.02 25-29 0.06 0.03 30-34 0.07 0.03 35-39 0.16 0.08 40-44 0.32 0.12 45-49 0.55 0.17 50-54 0.84 0.26 55-59 1.10 0.29 60-64 1.47 0.34 65-69 1.47 0.39 70-74 1.35 0.45 75-84 1.38 0.49 85+ 1.43 0.64 10.0 1.0 100,000), U.S. whites ICD 146 —— MALES — — FEMALES LT TTTm FT TTT TTT 0.01 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YERRS 71 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Other Mouth & Throat Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 2.10 0.58 22 7 20th 2.54 0.72 32 11 30th 2.88 0.82 41 14 40th 3.17 0.93 49 18 50th 3.52 1.03 59 21 60th 3.90 1.15 73 25 70th 4.39 1.24 93 31 80th 4.91 1.40 137 42 90th 5.81 1.65 238 67 Range 1.12-9.96 0.19-3.24 3-5320 1-1395 Total U.S. 4.21 1.05 62505 18325 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 48 37 Signif. high, not in highest decile 37 33 In highest decile, not signif. 3 14 Not signif. different from U.S. 201 312 Signif. lower than U.S. 217 110 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 £ ICO 141. 143-5, 147, 148 Age Males Females - — ire 0- 4 0.03 0.02 ~ 5-9 0.01 0.02 10.0 - 10-14 0.03 0.02 = ad 15-19 0.04 0.03 - Ee 20-24 0.05 0.03 25-29 0.07 0.05 - 30-34 0.13 0.07 35-39 0.40 0.20 1.0 E 40-44 1.36 0.55 — 45-49 3.68 1.27 C 50-54 7.84 2.13 B 55-59 12.26 2.82 60-64 16.70 3.26 0.1 65-69 20.57 3.87 = 70-74 25.08 5.34 C 75-84 33.05 8.59 85+ 44.22 14.50 o.o—P 44 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Esophagus Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 1.78 0.52 18 6 20th 2.11 0.63 26 9 30th 2.41 0.73 33 12 40th 2.66 0.82 40 15 50th 2.97 0.88 49 18 60th 3.30 0.97 61 21 70th 3.17 1.08 87 27 80th 4.24 1.20 118 38 90th 5.09 1.34 219 67 Range 0.23-8.54 0.11-2.32 2-5669 1-1838 Total U.S. 4.10 1.03 60819 18214 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 43 16 Signif. high, not in highest decile 10 10 In highest decile, not signif. 8 35 Not signif. different from U.S. 149 308 Signif. lower than U.S. 296 137 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 E ICD 150 Age Males Females C —— MALES — — FEMALES 0- 4 0.01 0.00 BN 5-9 0.00 0.00 10-14 0.00 0.00 10.0 7 15-19 0.00 0.00 = - 20-24 0.01 0.00 — 7 25-29 0.03 0.01 ~ 30-34 0.08 0.03 ~ 35-39 0.25 0.10 10k 40-44 0.86 0.31 = / 45-49 2.53 0.72 - 50-54 5.75 1.50 C 55-59 10.23 2.39 L 60-64 15.49 3.15 65-69 20.73 4.32 0.1 E 70-74 26.40 6.12 = 75-84 31.98 9.66 — 85 35.27 14.51 ~ 0.01 5S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 73 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Stomach Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 8.08 3.62 5 3 20th 9.59 4.73 10 5 30th 10.82 5.41 14 8 40th 11.92 6.04 18 10 50th 12.93 6.64 23 13 60th 14.10 7.32 30 18 70th 15.46 8.15 39 24 80th 17.06 9.21 57 34 90th 19.72 10.90 114 69 Range 0.00-65.69 0.00-98.11 0-15832 0-10449 Total U.S. 15.22 7.70 222524 137254 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 22 Females 68 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 121 87 Signif. high, not in highest decile 45 52 In highest decile, not signif. 185 219 Not signif. different from U.S. 1840 2037 Signif. lower than U.S. 865 661 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 1000.0 ICD 151 0- 4 0.03 0.02 — MALES 5-9 0.01 0.01 — — FEMALES 10-14 0.01 0.00 100.0 - 15-19 0.03 0.03 20-24 0.11 0.06 25-29 0.28 0.27 10.0 30-34 0.76 0.72 35-39 1.84 1.41 40-44 3.84 2.65 45-49 7.70 4.40 1.0 50-54 14.68 7.23 55-59 25.79 11.98 60-64 44.40 19.77 0.1 65-69 72.01 31.96 70-74 106.12 50.94 75-84 159.03 86.41 ANA rrr reer rr 85+ 189.37 123.56 0-01 = =5 25 35 45 8&5 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 74 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Large Intestine, except Rectum Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 6.88 8.01 4 5 20th 8.69 10.05 8 9 30th 10.05 11.36 11 14 40th 11.14 12.55 16 19 50th 12.29 13.67 21 26 60th 13.59 14.88 28 35 70th 14.99 16.13 39 47 80th 16.50 17.53 58 73 90th 18.56 19.30 126 154 Range 0.00-112.69 0.00-51.49 0-17464 0-18558 Total U.S. 16.54 16.25 241910 287645 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 28 Females 32 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 110 109 Signif. high, not in highest decile 2 40 In highest decile, not signif. 196 197 Not signif. different from U.S. 1500 1820 Signif. lower than U.S. 1248 890 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 1000.0 1C0 153 0- 4 0.05 0.06 —— MALES 5-9 0.01 0.01 — — FEMALES 10-14 0.04 0.01 100.0 15-19 0.14 0.07 20-24 0.32 0.25 25-29 0.64 0.63 10.0 30-34 1.21 1.45 35-39 2.34 3.03 40-44 4.53 5.97 45-49 8.57 10.98 1.0 50-54 15.95 19.63 55-59 28.59 31.26 60-64 48.34 46.60 0.1 65-69 74.775 68.81 70-74 112.79 100.08 75-84 171.75 161.54 rer rrr rrr rrr rr rr 85+ 21587 230.58 0-01 =5s 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 75 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Rectum Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 1.44 0.97 1 1 20th 2.52 1.85 2 2 30th 3.34 2.46 4 3 40th 4.06 3.00 6 4 50th 4.71 3.44 8 6 60th 5.52 3.94 11 9 70th 6.47 4.49 15 13 80th 7.40 5.18 26 20 90th 8.89 6.16 58 45 Range 0.00-39.40 0.00-86.37 0-9446 0-6673 Total U.S. 7.65 4.82 112232 85170 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 184 Females 229 Number of counties by mapping category 76 No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 116 78 Signif. high, not in highest decile 4 21 In highest decile, not signif. 190 228 Not signif. different from U.S. 1440 1868 Signif. lower than U.S. 1306 861 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 ICD 154 Age Males Females - —— MALES 7 ~ - — FEMALES , 0- 4 0.02 0.02 - 5-9 0.00 0.00 0.0L 10-14 0.01 0.00 OE 15-19 0.03 0.03 = 20-24 0.11 0.08 - 25-29 0.24 0.17 C 30-34 0.47 0.42 35-39 1.01 0.92 1.0 £ 40-44 2.13 1.93 = 45-49 4.04 3.57 C 50-54 8.30 6.29 ~ 55-59 14.53 9.82 - 60-64 24.35 14.49 0.1 kL 65-69 36.67 20.97 = 70-74 50.22 28.13 - 75-84 73.31 44.67 C 85 91.58 68.93 - 00th S 1S 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Biliary Passages & Liver Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 2.02 2.30 2 2 20th 2.98 3.31 3 3 30th 3.61 4.01 5 5 40th 4.13 4.55 6 7 50th 4.59 5.12 8 10 60th 5.10 5.62 11 14 70th 5.64 6.28 14 19 80th 6.33 7.09 21 27 90th 7.52 ‘8.51 39 51 Range 0.00-49.02 0.00-25.84 0-4750 0-5666 Total U.S. 5.16 5.34 76070 94229 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 121 Females 112 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 41 83 Signif. high, not in highest decile 37 62 In highest decile, not signif. 265 223 Not signif. different from U.S. 2267 2263 Signif. lower than U.S. 446 425 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 ICO 155 Age Males Females a MALES _ - — FEMALES 0- 4 0.23 0.18 C 5-9 0.07 0.04 10-14 0.06 0.04 10.0 15-19 0.08 0.08 = 20-24 0.10 0.11 — 25-29 0.16 0.13 — 30-34 0.32 0.29 — 35-39 0.59 0.61 1.0 40-44 1.27 1.41 l= 45-49 2.88 2.78 E 50-54 5.74 5.56 55-59 10.25 10.16 60-64 17.40 17.21 65-69 25.68 26.26 0.1 70-74 35.23 36.52 = ] 75-84 45.53 51.31 - — 85} 49.77 56.94 0.0 t———+—+—+—— 5S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Pancreas Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 5.17 2.64 4 2 20th 6.51 3.64 6 4 30th 7.32 4.28 9 5 40th 8.07 4.81 12 8 50th 8.76 5.28 15 10 60th 9.41 5.71 20 13 70th 10.14 6.18 26 18 80th 11.04 6.83 37 27 90th 12.50 7.99 75 55 Range 0.00-86.37 0.00-38.82 0-8490 0-6626 Total U.S. 9.63 5.83 142333 102899 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 48 Females 100 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 30 28 Signif. high, not in highest decile 38 29 In highest decile, not signif. 276 278 Not signif. different from U.S. 2271 2327 Signif. lower than U.S. 441 394 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 g ICD 157 Age Males Females - - MALES Pie 0- 4 0.03 0.02 I~ 5-9 0.00 0.01 10.0 10-14 0.01 0.01 = 15-19 0.02 0.02 - 20-24 0.05 0.04 25-29 0.19 0.09 = 30-34 0.46 0.28 35-39 1.29 0.69 1.0 40-44 3.15 1.68 — 45-49 6.59 3.48 C 50-54 12.48 6.58 B 55-59 21.34 11.54 60-64 33.50 18.48 0.1 = 65-69 46.67 27.40 = 70-74 61.97 39.28 C 75-84 80.31 55.66 — 854 89.42 68.29 RB 0.01 78 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Nose, Nasal Cavities & Sinuses Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.24 0.08 2 1 20th 0.30 0.13 4 2 30th 0.34 0.16 5 3 40th 0.37 0.19 6 4 50th 0.41 0.22 7 5 60th 0.44 0.25 9 6 70th 0.49 0.28 11 7 80th 0.55 0.34 15 10 90th 0.64 0.40 23 15 Range 0.00-1.45 0.00-0.95 0-357 0-248 Total U.S. 0.43 0.23 6299 4055 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 4 Females 26 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 12 12 Signif. high, not in highest decile 7 16 In highest decile, not signif. 39 39 Not signif. different from U.S. 395 357 Signif. lower than U.S. 53 82 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 10.0 = 10 160 —— MALES 0- 4 0.01 0.01 ~ — — FEMALES 5- 9 0.01 0.01 B 10-14 0.01 0.01 15-19 0.02 0.02 1.0 b ’ 20-24 0.03 0.02 = 25-29 0.04 0.03 — 30-34 0.07 0.04 ~ 35-39 0.12 0.07 i , 40-44 0.23 0.13 / 45-49 0.35 0.23 0.1L 50-54 0.56 0.35 = 55-59 0.86 0.44 — 60-64 1.34 0.55 ~ 65-69 1.70 0.77 BN 70-74 2.35 1.16 75-84 3.43 2.05 0.01 85+ 6.00 3.98 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Larynx Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 1.21 0.06 12 1 20th 1.48 0.10 18 2 30th 1.68 0.14 23 2 40th 1.82 0.17 28 3 50th 2.00 0.20 34 4 60th 2.20 0.24 41 5 70th 2.51 0.29 54 7 80th 2.85 0.33 74 9 90th 3.30 0.41 141 14 Range 0.36-5.29 0.00-0.97 1-3594 0-391 Total U.S. 2.54 0.24 37954 4141 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 35 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 40 9 Signif. high, not in highest decile 15 26 In highest decile, not signif. 11 42 Not signif. different from U.S. 213 312 Signif. lower than U.S. 227 117 80 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 ICD 161 — —— MALES Age Males Females - — — FEMALES 0- 4 0.01 0.00 ~ 5-9 0.00 0.00 10.0 b 10-14 0.00 0.00 E 15-19 0.00 0.00 - 20-24 0.01 0.00 u 25-29 0.01 0.00 = 30-34 0.04 0.02 7 35-39 0.17 0.05 1-0 E _- 40-44 0.69 0.14 = - 45-49 1.91 0.30 - , 50-54 4.04 0.58 i 55-59 7.13 0.72 B 60-64 10.45 0.77 0.1 fF 65-69 13.01 0.91 = 70-74 15.13 1.10 - 75-84 17.02 1.49 - 85+ 16.73 2.12 - 0.01 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Trachea, Bronchus & Lung Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 17.46 2.34 12 2 20th 21.37 3.32 20 3 30th 24.30 4.01 27 5 40th 27.05 4.54 36 7 50th 29.59 5.07 48 9 60th 32.30 5.61 62 12 70th 35.05 6.16 89 17 80th 38.52 6.88 138 26 90th 43.34 8.02 297 55 Range 0.00-85.81 0.00-35.88 0-35596 0-7385 Total U.S. 37.98 6.29 571226 108326 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 7 Females 123 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 174 42 Signif. high, not in highest decile 44 47 In highest decile, not signif. 132 264 Not signif. different from U.S. 1167 2052 Signif. lower than U.S. 1539 651 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 1000.0 ICD 162. 163 — MALES 0- 4 0.08 0.06 _ 5- 9 0.03 0.02 100.0 FEMALES 10-14 0.04 0.03 15-19 0.08 0.06 20-24 0.22 0.11 10.0 25-29 0.51 0.23 : 30-34 1.95 0.74 35-39 5.67 2.06 / 40-44 15.04 4.72 1.0 ’ 45-49 33.43 8.39 / 50-54 66.66 12.50 ,/ 55-59 113.21 16.84 ” 60-64 167.49 21.08 0.1 - 65-69 206.52 25.71 70-74 219.25 31.87 75-84 191.28 38.62 0.01 4 by 854 120.82 38.74 S 15 25 35 45 SS 65 7S 85+ AGE IN YEARS 81 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Male Breast Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Percentile Rates No. of Deaths 10th 0.10 1 20th 0.14 2 30th 0.18 3 40th 0.21 3 50th 0.24 4 60th 0.27 5 70th 0.30 7 80th 0.35 9 90th 0.43 14 Range 0.00-0.72 0-391 Total U.S. 0.28 4131 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 27 Number of state economic areas by mapping category Category No. of State Economic Areas Signif. high, in highest decile 12 Signif. high, not in highest decile 11 In highest decile, not signif. 39 Not signif. different from U.S. 358 Signif. lower than U.S. 86 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 10.0 ICD 170 Age Males = - — MALES 0-4 0.00 B 5-9 0.00 | 10-14 0.00 15-19 0.00 1.0 20-24 0.00 = 25-29 0.01 - 30-34 0.03 35-39 0.08 = 40-44 0.13 45-49 0.23 0-1 50-54 0.39 — 55-59 0.60 60-64 0.88 - 65-69 1.21 : 70-74 1.66 75-84 2.27 0.01 85 3.39 S 1S 25 35 45 S5 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 82 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Female Breast Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Percentile Rates No. of Deaths 10th 13.40 8 20th 16.06 14 30th 17.90 20 40th 19.41 27 50th 20.89 36 60th 22.31 47 70th 23.92 66 80th 25.66 102 90th 27.95 232 Range 0.00-60.58 0-28824 Total U.S. 25.51 436618 Number of counties with no deaths: Females 13 Number of counties by mapping category Category No. of Counties Signif. high, in highest decile 93 Signif. high, not in highest decile 18 In highest decile, not signif. 213 Not signif. different from U.S. 1617 Signif. lower than U.S. 1115 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 1000.0 1CO 170 Age Females 0- 4 0.05 — — FEMALES _-= 5-9 0.01 100.0 =" 10-14 0.01 Phd 15-19 0.03 Jd 20-24 0.21 10.0 7 25-29 1.53 ’ 30-34 5.72 / 35-39 13.55 ,/ 40-44 27.12 1.0 , 45-49 43.34 / 50-54 58.47 / 55-59 69.25 0.1 / 60-64 78.65 / 65-69 87.29 \ J oy 1 ol yyy . : ’ 5 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 85+ 183.54 AGE IN YEARS 83 84 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Cervix Uteri Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Percentile Rates No. of Deaths 10th 3.14 2 20th 4.77 4 30th 5.77 7 40th 6.63 9 50th 7.52 13 60th 8.36 18 70th 9.18 25 80th 10.42 40 90th 12.23 81 Range 0.00-223.20 0-5153 Total U.S. 7.79 131240 Number of counties with no deaths: Females 94 Number of counties by mapping category Category No. of Counties Signif. high, in highest decile 158 Signif. high, not in highest decile 152 In highest decile, not signif. 148 Not signif. different from U.S. 2102 Signif. lower than U.S. 496 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 g ICD 171 Age Females - — — FEMALES oo _ 0- 4 0.02 ~ =" 5-9 0.00 10.0 ’ 10-14 0.00 E , 15-19 0.02 = / 20-24 0.28 / 25-29 1.47 - / 30-34 3.96 / 35-39 7.46 1.0 E / 40-44 11.78 = / 45-49 15.51 - / 50-54 18.28 i ! 55-59 19.92 ! 60-64 21.87 0.1 k / 65-69 23.32 = / 70-74 25.68 - ! 75-84 29.36 - 4 854 29.88 - ! 0.0 ——+H—+—+—+ +H S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YERRS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Corpus Uteri, etc. Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Percentile Rates No. of Deaths 10th 2.90 2 20th 3.97 4 30th 4.69 6 40th 5.32 8 50th 5.88 11 60th 6.46 15 70th 7.11 20 80th 7.92 30 90th 9.32 58 Range 0.00-22.46 0-56378 Total U.S. 6.13 106455 Number of counties with no deaths: Females 101 Number of counties by mapping category Category No. of Counties Signif. high, in highest decile Signif. high, not in highest decile In highest decile, not signif. Not signif. different from U.S. Signif. lower than U.S. 103 88 203 2253 409 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 E ICD 172-174 Age Females - — — FEMALES Le - 0- 4 0.03 ~ 5-9 0.00 10.0 £ It 10-14 0.01 = , 15-19 0.07 - / 20-24 0.25 u / 25-29 0.45 - ,/ 30-34 0.75 , 35-39 1.62 1-0F / 40-44 3.22 = / 45-49 5.57 C J 50-54 9.52 i , 55-59 15.16 , 60-64 22.18 0.1 , 65-69 28.81 E , 70-74 34.65 Cy 75-84 42.05 - 85+ 48.20 - 0. 0 tH S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 85 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Ovary Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Percentile Rates No. of Deaths 10th 3.46 2 20th 4.70 4 30th 5.72 6 40th 6.54 9 50th 7.32 12 60th 7.98 17 70th 8.66 23 80th 9.37 36 90th 10.55 79 Range 0.00-25.54 0-9165 Total U.S. 8.57 145957 Number of counties with no deaths: Females 85 Number of counties by mapping category Category No. of Counties Signif. high, in highest decile 60 Signif. high, not in highest decile 36 In highest decile, not signif. 246 Not signif. different from U.S. 2041 Signif. lower than U.S. 673 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 g ICD 175 Age Females — — FEMALES ee —— 0- 4 0.05 B 5-9 0.06 10.0 & 10-14 0.24 = / 15-19 0.42 ~ / 20-24 0.50 — / 25-29 0.72 - / 30-34 1.41 / 35-39 3.43 1.0E J! 40-44 7.65 ~ 45-49 14.05 C ,” 50-54 20.40 Ly 55-59 25.57 / 60-64 30.04 0.1 65-69 33.73 = 70-74 36.68 — 75-84 37.27 — 85} 30.06 ~ 0.0 pbb bbb 86 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Prostate Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Percentile Rates No. of Deaths 10th 12.16 8 20th 14.19 13 30th 15.49 18 40th 16.60 25 50th 17.61 32 60th 18.51 41 70th 19.59 54 80th 20.99 (it 90th 23.17 145 Range 0.00-53.18 0-10309 Total U.S. 17.84 252763 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 19 Number of counties by mapping category Category No. of Counties Signif. high, in highest decile 79 Signif. high, not in highest decile 49 In highest decile, not signif. 227 Not signif. different from U.S. 2409 Signif. lower than U.S. 292 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 1000.0 ICD 177 Age Males —— MALES 0- 4 0.07 5-9 0.02 100.0 10-14 0.02 — 15-19 0.0% 20-24 0.0 25-29 0.03 10-0 E 30-34 0.03 — 35-39 0.07 = 40-44 0.26 1.0 k 45-49 0.92 = 50-54 3.65 55-59 11.09 0.1 60-64 29.91 TE 65-69 66.82 ~ 70-74 134.15 CL LLL Livy Tae 280.08 0.01 == 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Testis Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Percentile Rates No. of Deaths 10th 0.44 5 20th 0.59 7 30th 0.67 10 40th 0.74 12 50th 0.80 14 60th 0.86 18 70th 0.92 22 80th 1.00 30 90th 1.14 48 Range 0.00-2.39 0-714 Total U.S. 0.83 12918 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 2 Number of state economic areas by mapping category Category No. of State Economic Areas Signif. high, in highest decile 25 Signif. high, not in highest decile 29 In highest decile, not signif. 26 Not signif. different from U.S. 310 Signif. lower than U.S. 116 88 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites ne I 10.0 E ICO 178 — —— MALES 0- 4 0.09 — 5-9 0.03 [ 10-14 0.04 15-19 0.50 1.0 E 20-24 1.41 = 25-29 1.93 — 30-34 1.84 — 35-39 1.58 B 40-44 1.26 45-49 0.89 0.1 50-54 0.71 E> 55-59 0.67 60-64 0.68 ” 65-69 0.85 n 70-74 1.00 75-84 1.36 0.01 ——+H—+H——4+—4+—+————————— 854 1.90 S 15 25 35 45 S5 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Kidney Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.93 0.00 1 0 20th 1.80 0.87 2 1 30th 2.33 1.26 3 2 40th 2.82 1.56 4 3 50th 3.25 1.81 5 3 60th 3.65 2.04 7 5 70th 4.06 2.31 10 6 80th 4.55 2.76 16 9 90th 5.39 3.49 32 18 Range 0.00-32.55 0.00-56.10 0-3422 0-2008 Total U.S. 3.86 1.99 57780 34204 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 229 Females 386 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 24 12 Signif. high, not in highest decile 38 27 In highest decile, not signif. 282 294 Not signif. different from U.S. 2251 2464 Signif. lower than U.S. 461 259 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 : ICO 180 Age Males Females . — HALES cs 0- 4 0.82 0.83 ~ 5- 9 0.40 0.54 10.0 L _ 10-14 0.08 0.08 = 15-19 0.08 0.06 - 20-24 0.09 0.09 L 25-29 0.16 0.13 — 30-34 0.32 0.21 35-39 0.81 0.44 1.0 5 40-44 1.81 0.82 — 45-49 3.63 1.46 ~ 50-54 6.50 2.72 | 55-59 9.98 4.19 60-64 13.96 6.20 0.1 65-69 18.08 8.71 = v 70-74 21.10 11.41 C 75-84 23.33 13.98 - 85 18.64 14.51 - nebo S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 89 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Bladder Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 1.70 0.00 1 0 20th 2.78 0.81 3 1 30th 3.52 1.25 4 2 40th 4.24 1.60 6 3 50th 4.89 1.90 8 4 60th 5.47 2.22 11 5 70th 6.26 2.49 15 7 80th 7.15 2.84 24 11 90th 8.27 3.39 55 24 Range 0.00-29.42 0.00-54.98 0-6325 0-2405 Total U.S. 6.78 2.39 98304 43095 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 136 Females 407 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 88 25 Signif. high, not in highest decile 21 27 In highest decile, not signif. 218 281 Not signif. different from U.S. 1753 2318 Signif. lower than U.S. 976 405 Age Males Females 0- 4 0.08 0.03 5-9 0.02 0.01 10-14 0.01 0.00 15-19 0.01 0.00 20-24 0.01 0.00 25-29 0.02 0.03 30-34 0.09 0.07 35-39 0.24 0.20 40-44 0.77 0.42 45-49 2.05 0.91 50-54 4.88 1.68 55-59 10.17 3.09 60-64 19.20 5.49 65-69 32.10 9.30 70-74 48.70 16.34 75-84 78.14 30.92 85 111.49 50.54 90 1000.0 ICD 181 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites —— MALES — — FEMALES 100.0 10.0 1.0 \ 0.01 4 TR . 25 35 45 AGE IN FT 55 65 175 85+ YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Melanoma of Skin Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.93 0.73 10 8 20th 1.09 0.84 14 11 30th 1.25 0.92 18 15 40th 1.36 1.00 22 19 50th 1.49 1.11 28 23 60th 1.60 1.20 33 28 70th 1.76 1.34 42 33 80th 1.99 1.48 50 42 90th 2.28 1.67 83 65 Range 0.21-3.83 0.23-3.25 1-1609 1-1212 Total U.S. 1.55 1.11 23417 18865 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 40 36 Signif. high, not in highest decile 25 27 In highest decile, not signif. 11 15 Not signif. different from U.S. 312 331 Signif. lower than U.S. 118 97 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 10.0 E ICD 180 C —— MALES 7 0- 4 0.01 0.01 — — — FEMALES ~~ 5-9 0.01 0.01 - — 10-14 0.02 0.02 - 15-19 0.15 0.11 Lok 20-24 0.44 0.33 OE 25-29 0.84 0.67 - 30-34 1.32 1.01 - 35-39 1.74 1.31 40-44 2.04 1.57 ~ 45-49 2.44 1.77 0.1 50-54 2.86 1.92 > 55-59 3.18 2.24 — 60-64 3.69 2.60 - 65-69 4.32 3.06 ~ 70-74 5.07 3.66 75-84 6.17 4.77 0.014 HH 85+ 8.94 6.72 S 15 25 35 45 S5 65 15 85+ AGE IN YEARS 91 92 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Other Skin Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.99 0.41 10 5 20th 1.14 0.50 14 8 30th 1.26 0.56 20 10 40th 1.40 0.62 24 13 50th 1.52 0.69 29 16 60th 1.65 0.76 36 21 70th 1.87 0.90 44 26 80th 2.17 1.08 55 33 90th 2.73 1.37 74 48 Range 0.00-7.81 0.00-2.71 0-1007 0-701 Total U.S. 1.51 0.71 21722 12937 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 1 Females 2 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 47 44 Signif. high, not in highest decile 36 31 In highest decile, not signif. 4 7 Not signif. different from U.S. 328 336 Signif. lower than U.S. 91 88 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 g ICD 191 FE —— MALES Are Males Females C — — FEMALES 0- 4 0.02 0.03 ~ 5-9 0.01 0.01 10.0 k 10-14 0.01 0.01 CE 15-19 0.02 0.02 = 20-24 0.02 0.02 C 25-29 0.05 0.04 » 30-34 0.09 0.07 35-39 0.16 0.11 1.0 40-44 0.35 0.23 - 45-49 0.74 0.34 — 50-54 1.31 0.65 ~ 55-59 2.25 0.94 ~ 60-64 3.48 1.33 0.1 E 65-69 5.03 1.97 = 70-74 8.20 3.41 C 75-84 17.49 8.05 N 85+ 46.77 28.38 \ 0.0 A HH 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Eye Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.08 0.00 1 1 20th 0.13 0.10 2 1 30th 0.17 0.13 3 2 40th 0.19 0.16 3 3 50th 0.22 0.18 4 4 60th 0.25 0.21 5 5 70th 0.29 0.24 7 6 80th 0.33 0.27 8 8 90th 0.41 0.34 12 12 Range 0.00-0.98 0.00-0.70 0-211 0-217 Total U.S. 0.23 0.19 3453 3291 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 27 Females 49 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 13 21 Signif. high, not in highest decile 17 31 In highest decile, not signif. 38 30 Not signif. different from U.S. 358 341 Signif. lower than U.S. 80 83 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 10.0 - 1C0 192 — —— MALES 0- 4 0.18 0.19 ~ — — FEMALES 5- 9 0.05 0.05 i 10-14 0.03 0.02 15-19 0.01 0.02 1.0 k 20-24 0.02 0.02 = 25-29 0.01 0.02 = 30-34 0.03 0.03 — 35-39 0.06 0.05 40-44 0.09 0.10 45-49 0.17 0.15 0.1 k 50-54 0.26 0.25 = 55-59 0.44 0.40 — 60-64 0.72 0.53 ~ 65-69 0.95 0.67 BN 70-74 1.06 0.85 75-84 1.61 1.14 0.01 854 2.57 2.24 5 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 8S+ AGE IN YEARS 93 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Brain & Other Parts of Nervous System Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 1.64 0.51 1 1 20th 2.56 1.39 2 1 30th 3.16 1.88 4 2 40th 3.64 2.24 5 3 50th 4.05 2.58 7 4 60th 4.43 2.88 9 6 70th 4.86 3.21 12 8 80th 5.47 3.68 18 12 90th 6.50 4.61 35 25 Range 0.00-92.80 0.00-38.74 0-3757 0-2665 Total U.S. 4.42 2.91 67751 47192 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 170 Females 290 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties 94 Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 15 17 Signif. high, not in highest decile 52 48 In highest decile, not signif. 291 289 Not signif. different from U.S. 2362 2368 Signif. lower than U.S. 336 334 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 g ICD 193 Age Males Females - _ Les 0- 4 2.39 1.95 ~ 5-9 1.97 1.57 10.0 b 10-14 1.32 1.15 = 15-19 1.20 0.88 - 20-24 1.14 0.87 - 25-29 1.54 1.15 A 30-34 2.37 1.60 z 35-39 3.35 2.40 10 “~- 40-44 4.80 3.12 = 45-49 6.89 4.54 50-54 9.74 6.09 B 55-59 12.36 7.76 60-64 13.65 8.09 0.1 65-69 11.86 7.26 = 70-74 8.73 5.07 C 75-84 5.04 2.87 ~ 85+ 2.12 1.41 ~ 0... 0 tH S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Thyroid Gland Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.16 0.33 2 4 20th 0.22 0.43 3 6 30th 0.28 0.50 4 8 40th 0.33 0.56 5 10 50th 0.38 0.62 6 13 60th 0.42 0.67 8 15 70th 0.46 0.73 11 20 80th 0.52 0.80 15 27 90th 0.61 0.91 23 43 Range 0.00-1.73 0.00-2.20 0-589 0-1069 Total U.S. 0.43 0.69 6436 12032 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 15 Females 7 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 16 16 Signif. high, not in highest decile 7 7 In highest decile, not signif. 35 35 Not signif. different from U.S. 342 352 Signif. lower than U.S. 106 96 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 10.0 — 1CD 194 — —— MALES 0- 4 0.01 0.01 ~ — — FEMALES 5- 9 0.01 0.01 ~ 10-14 0.01 0.00 15-19 0.02 0.02 1.0 kb 20-24 0.02 0.03 S 25-29 0.05 0.05 — 30-34 0.06 0.08 ~ 35-39 0.11 0.14 40-44 0.21 0.25 ~ 45-49 0.38 0.44 0.1 kb 50-54 0.58 0.84 = 55-59 1.02 1.39 — 60-64 1.48 2.13 — 65-69 1.99 3.18 | 70-74 2.69 4.46 75-84 3.03 6.13 0.01 85+ 3.12 6.95 S 15S 25 35 45 S5 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Other Endocrine Glands Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.09 0.00 1 1 20th 0.15 0.09 2 1 30th 0.21 0.13 3 2 40th 0.24 0.15 4 3 50th 0.28 0.18 5 3 60th 0.32 0.20 6 4 70th 0.35 0.23 8 6 80th 0.41 0.26 11 8 90th 0.48 0.32 18 11 Range 0.00-1.48 0.00-0.91 0-311 0-231 Total U.S. 0.31 0.20 4765 3191 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 24 Females 47 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 21 23 Signif. high, not in highest decile 36 61 In highest decile, not signif. 30 28 Not signif. different from U.S. 278 267 Signif. lower than U.S. 141 127 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 10.0 = 1CD 195 — —— MALES 0- 4 0.21 0.18 ~ — — FEMALES 5-9 0.10 0.07 B 10-14 0.07 0.05 15-19 0.06 0.06 1.0 k 20-24 0.09 0.07 = 25-29 0.11 0.10 — 30-34 0.15 0.15 _ 35-39 0.19 0.17 40-44 0.27 0.23 \ 45-49 0.41 0.30 0.1 50-54 0.54 0.32 = 55-59 0.80 0.42 - 60-64 0.99 0.40 _ 65-69 0.98 0.46 - 70-74 1.00 0.48 75-84 0.77 0.40 o .o t+ 85-4 0.40 0.23 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Bone Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.93 0.53 10 7 20th 1.04 0.64 13 8 30th 1.13 0.72 17 11 40th 1.23 0.78 19 13 50th 1.32 0.82 24 17 60th 1.41 0.89 29 21 70th 1.50 0.97 35 27 80th 1.60 1.05 47 34 90th 1.74 1.24 73 49 Range 0.33-3.42 0.00-2.20 1-1337 0-1008 Total U.S. 1.35 0.85 20368 14403 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 1 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 22 28 Signif. high, not in highest decile 12 16 In highest decile, not signif. 29 23 Not signif. different from U.S. 364 353 Signif. lower than U.S. 79 86 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 g ICD 186 Age Males Females - AE bES 0-4 0.09 0.11 ~ 5- 9 0.26 0.24 10.0 10-14 0.68 0.66 15-19 1.29 0.75 — 20-24 0.78 0.34 n 25-29 0.37 0.24 - 30-34 0.31 0.22 35-39 0.35 0.32 1.0 = 40-44 0.56 0.39 = 45-49 0.97 0.69 ~ 50-54 1.48 0.99 C 55-59 2.32 1.52 60-64 3.48 2.01 0.1 65-69 4.69 2.61 E 70-74 6.30 3.68 — 75-84 8.62 4.97 — 85+ 11.72 6.30 — 0.01 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 97 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Connective Tissue Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 0.32 0.22 3 3 20th 0.43 0.30 5 4 30th 0.49 0.36 7 5 40th 0.55 0.39 9 6 50th 0.61 0.45 11 8 60th 0.66 0.48 13 11 70th 0.72 0.54 17 14 80th 0.77 0.59 23 19 90th 0.85 0.68 36 31 Range 0.00-1.48 0.00-1.44 0-768 0-600 Total U.S. 0.65 0.48 9775 8009 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 6 Females 7 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 14 14 Signif. high, not in highest decile 17 24 In highest decile, not signif. 37 37 Not signif. different from U.S. 342 331 Signif. lower than U.S. 96 100 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites Age Males Females 10.0 = 1ipied — —— MALES 0- 4 0.19 0.17 ~ — — FEMALES 5- 9 0.14 0.12 B 10-14 0.13 0.12 15-19 0.25 0.16 1.0 20-24 0.25 0.16 = 25-29 0.27 0.17 - 30-34 0.28 0.22 _ 35-39 0.38 0.28 40-44 0.50 0.41 / 45-49 0.67 0.53 0.1 = 50-54 0.90 0.72 = 55-59 1.34 0.98 - 60-64 1.66 1.19 n 65-69 2.12 1.54 - 70-74 2.67 1.77 75-84 3.35 2.33 o.oo 854 4.12 2.711 S 15 25 35 45 S5 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Hodgkin’s Disease Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 1.59 0.77 16 8 20th 1.77 0.94 21 12 30th 1.97 1.05 26 15 40th 2.10 1.14 32 19 50th 2.20 1.21 38 23 60th 2.31 1.29 46 28 70th 2.41 1.38 60 37 80th 2.57 1.48 7 48 90th 2.81 1.64 126 82 Range 0.35-4.07 0.25-2.73 1-2616 1-1849 Total U.S. 2.29 1.32 35279 22340 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 21 24 Signif. high, not in highest decile 15 9 In highest decile, not signif. 30 27 Not signif. different from U.S. 357 328 Signif. lower than U.S. 83 118 Age-specific rates (per Age Males Females 10.0 0- 4 0.04 0.02 5-9 0.17 0.06 10-14 0.36 0.17 15-19 0.89 0.62 1.0 20-24 1.82 1.22 25-29 2.47 1.48 30-34 2.61 1.57 35-39 2.52 1.42 40-44 2.82 1.42 45-49 3.00 1.54 0.1 50-54 3.63 1.82 55-59 4.36 2.19 60-64 5.04 2.98 65-69 5.96 3.69 70-74 6.59 4.34 75-84 6.92 4.73 0.01 85 5.25 3.22 : 100,000), U.S. whites 1CD 201 — MALES FEMALES FT TTTIrm FT TTT T L/ 4 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 99 Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Lymphosarcoma & Reticulosarcoma, etc. Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 3.32 2.06 32 21 20th 3.79 2.43 44 30 30th 4.17 2.70 55 39 40th 4.38 2.86 67 46 50th 4.61 3.04 80 57 60th 4.84 3.19 97 67 70th 5.02 3.36 125 93 80th 5.31 3.54 164 123 90th 5.68 3.81 250 203 Range 1.72-7.78 1.08-5.18 5-5517 3-4352 Total U.S. 4.89 3.25 73475 55658 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 22 26 Signif. high, not in highest decile 13 9 In highest decile, not signif. 29 25 Not signif. different from U.S. 312 329 Signif. lower than U.S. 130 117 100 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 g ICD 200. 202. 20S Age Males Females CT MALES 0- 4 0.80 0.51 = 5-9 0.90 0.35 10.0 & 10-14 0.84 0.36 = 15-19 1.02 0.44 - 20-24 1.04 0.46 | 25-29 1.11 0.57 — 30-34 1.42 0.83 35-39 2.17 1.30 1.0 = , 40-44 3.42 2.21 Co _- 45-49 4.98 3.35 Rad 50-54 7.44 4.99 | 55-59 10.86 7.30 60-64 14.85 10.05 0.1 65-69 19.27 13.46 = 70-74 23.45 17.09 75-84 27.36 19.93 ~ 85 23.56 16.84 I~ 0.0 t+ S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Multiple Myeloma Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 1.13 0.80 10 8 20th 1.31 0.95 16 13 30th 1.47 1.03 20 17 40th 1.57 1.10 25 19 50th 1.67 1.17 29 22 60th 1.77 1.24 37 27 70th 1.89 1.34 48 34 80th 2.03 1.45 62 46 90th 2.28 1.62 97 ’ ii Range 0.27-3.87 0.80-2.40 2-1827 1-1618 Total U.S. 1.76 1.24 26267 21460 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 19 12 Signif. high, not in highest decile 9 15 In highest decile, not signif. 32 39 Not signif. different from U.S. 369 371 Signif. lower than U.S. 77 69 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 100.0 1CD 203 — —— MALES Age Males Females ECC FEMALES 0- 4 0.00 0.00 ~ 5-9 0.00 0.00 0.0L 10-14 0.00 0.00 TE 15-19 0.00 0.00 = 20-24 0.01 0.01 [ 25-29 0.03 0.02 - 30-34 0.09 0.06 35-39 0.30 0.15 1.0 £ 40-44 0.58 0.44 — 45-49 1.33 0.95 — 50-54 2.60 1.90 ~ 55-59 4.30 3.20 ~ 60-64 6.84 4.90 0.1 65-69 9.35 6.71 = 70-74 11.22 7.91 C 75-84 12.41 8.37 = 85-4 8.69 5.25 - 0.014 5S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YERRS 101 Leukemia Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by State Economic Area Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 7.31 4.68 64 45 20th 7.80 5.07 87 61 30th 8.13 5.31 106 73 40th 8.41 5.46 130 91 50th 8.66 5.64 153 107 60th 8.92 5.82 186 130 70th 9.26 5.98 226 164 80th 9.53 6.21 306 219 90th 10.14 6.57 453 344 Range 4.97-12.86 3.05-10.46 14-8290 10-6631 Total U.S. 8.81 5.74 130703 95929 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: Males 0 Females 0 Number of state economic areas by mapping category No. of State Economic Areas Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 24 16 Signif. high, not in highest decile 13 8 In highest decile, not signif. 27 35 Not signif. different from U.S. 365 389 Signif. lower than U.S. i 58 Age Males Females 0- 4 5.38 4.64 5-9 4.59 3.63 10-14 2.72 2.10 15-19 2.83 1.77 20-24 2.24 1.41 25-29 2.30 1.60 30-34 2.63 2.05 35-39 3.14 2.56 40-44 4.21 3.30 45-49 5.59 4.30 50-54 8.36 5.88 55-59 12.60 8.38 60-64 19.58 11.89 65-69 29.91 17.02 70-74 42.60 24.01 75-84 60.55 35.34 85} 72.55 40.10 102 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 TT TTT TT TTT LI TI TTT ICO 204 —— MALES 1 1 | Tr rT Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites FEMALES rrr S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cancer Mortality Among Whites, 1950-69, by County Other, and Unspecified Sites Percentile ranking of counties according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths Rates No. of Deaths Percentile Males Females Males Females 10th 6.01 5.54 4 4 20th 7.56 7.00 7 7 30th 8.52 7.93 11 10 40th 9.45 8.66 14 14 50th 10.28 9.41 18 18 60th 11.19 10.17 23 24 70th 12.07 11.00 31 32 80th 13.34 12.16 45 47 90th 15.24 14.05 87 92 Range 0.00-41.06 0.00-50.48 0-10075 0-9929 Total U.S. 12.64 9.89 171895 173690 Number of counties with no deaths: Males 38 Females 45 Number of counties by mapping category No. of Counties Category Males Females Signif. high, in highest decile 41 92 Signif. high, not in highest decile 13 62 In highest decile, not signif. 265 214 Not signif. different from U.S. 1816 2236 Signif. lower than U.S. 921 452 Age-specific rates (per 100,000), U.S. whites 1000.0 ICO 147.152.156.,158,158, Age Males Females —— MALES 0- 4 0.37 0.43 — — FEMALES 5-9 0.19 0.16 100.0 10-14 0.21 0.19 15-19 0.46 0.31 20-24 0.72 0.37 10.0 25-29 0.94 0.65 : 30-34 1.41 1.24 35-39 2.36 2.51 40-44 4.31 4.88 1.0 45-49 8.20 8.34 50-54 14.66 13.62 55-59 23.98 19.90 60-64 36.44 28.48 0.1 65-69 49.80 40.25 70-74 66.25 56.09 75-84 94.44 86.87 0.01 HHH 85-1 130.70 126.14 S 1S 25 35 45 S55 6S 75 8S+ AGE IN YEARS 103 (029232052