‘START MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. ~ CU-B SN oowré THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE AUTHOR TITLE: [ Advertisements of business establishments in Jan Francisco... PLACE :[San Francisco] DATE: 1982] VOLUME F969 ot CALL $3.7 MASTER NO. A3¢ X NEG. NO. 3/34 sesti= Ly Oo 3 ee an ld — 34 -— Vie 5S 4 ! or 1 Ro : op cl ; oy : oe] i en : Ha : ry : GEE 2 tay ‘ pt > to ! yd : SLI | Sos oo =o » gL Yar) 5 eg ZI i: 2) — wo b= a - | 15 - me 2. i $2 ih E , . i Vo {ro LQ ~~ , 5 : oN oo vid YP v ts a. » it Ye — . oS ‘> ade ‘ p_— A €) {1 | rs “i 4 Ld wr 3 yr 2 = — C0 Ne : t, go A ne EL 2) — fs we ct e—t "7% -) gil 2a $U a = . ! = = { £2. ' —— 0 5 i “ ~~ : -f, rE i eed ont 2 an " 0D } ! oo ! — - t i 34 pt YY 3G 3 { 9) J x Ch) LN 2 By <<) 4 ~ 3 - ! 1, 15 -— 2 s Tw airy ' a i £ ™ : } a ew $A A INI SERRA CAPA A BE Ap TY PI TNS FIL IPR RGAE EU SY FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA | BERKELEY, CA 94720 0324 JOB NO. 8/6 DATE © 8|5 : i REDUCTION RATIO L DOCUMENT "SOURCE THE BANCROFT LIBRARY l= ze Jj Oo = wl 2 ® i = un fer By nm 125 [lis fle MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) LL LULL LLL EE IT AP STE TB Retina ta A ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE & (1 Af cu Ls | 3 Cind nto | Ti ill 2S Mohr \EONE k MK i UAD Mc Ut | 5 {. (« haneo ts 3 : | | : SUCCESSORS TO ! Shin 1" uu tt til | frye. J [AN ylances & oo | : PHILADELPHIA, PA. | | MANUFACTURERS AND FPERFUMERS OF OVER (« R yy a ay \ ( Y < C | Six Hundred Varisthies of Toilst Scans THE \ HITE HOUS : INCLUDING TRE FOLLOW! IG WELL-KNOWN BRANES: be BouvQuET FINALE, | ORIENTAL Hoxrey CARRBOLYIC, ORIEN I Parisian BououveT, VTAl GLYCERINE, 1 GLOBE N¢ Ne 06 THE LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE OAT-MEAL, 2 Maize Fioun, ~ rameny, : | AF Furkisn Barty, XTRA Honny, | BARBER > Rovnn Bar £3 : OF SAN FRANCISCO “INE AUSTRIAN Bath, Ex TRA (ZLYCERINE, SHAVING, A ! : £| ARMY & Navy Bovouer Fist OMNIBUS, i CHERRY, 1 “Venera Bovquir | SULVHURET TE AND MANY OTHERS. |© “tr THE POPULARITY of our Estab- $ lishment is attested by the large crowds that throng it constantly. THE CELEBRATED “Maize Frour” Touzer. For Softening and Beautifying the Skin, is Delightfully Perfumed, and Sold Everywhere at a reasonable rico. sk for McecKEONE'S “MAIZE FLOUR” ¥ach Cake in 2 Red Box. Our Prices are most moderate, and our goods of known superiority. All Orders from Interior will re- For Sale by all Druggists. ceive prompt attention, and Samples sent free. JUST Mokeores “GREBT 1 O17! ATHER J. W. Davipson & Co. | | | ROAP N. W. COR. OF KEARNY AND POST STS., For the Laundry and Bath It is a PURE WHITE So=2 CAL. The best Fo Made expressly money. It | syn ~ | for the Pacific Coast | i », unadulterated, well-sesnsoned and most ECONOMI- Hi +p in the world for the costs wut 10 cents to try it. For Sale by all Grocers. anand o————————————— - 215 Bush Street, mm N. W. GRISWOL Office with H. S. CROCKER & CO., D, Agent for the Pacific Coast, San Francisco, Cal. | San Francisco. —— eee eee 8. 45, 35 Tenth and Grove | i 36 14th and Market if 37 21st and Market Hl 38 Twelfth and Adeline 39 18th and Adeline 41 East 14th and 17th Ave. 12 East 12th st and 12th Av, 13 East 17th st and 8th Ave. 45 East 12th st and 6th Ave. 46 East 10th st and 3d Ave. 51 First and Webster 52 Third and Jackson 53 Eighth and Jackson 54 Twelfth and Brush 56 16th st and San Pab. Av. 57 28th and Myrtle. 58 Webster st & Orchard Av 6 Twelfth and Broadway 7 Ninth and Webster 8 Fourteenth and Webster 9 Twelfth und Madison 12 Seventeenth and Grove 13 Frederick st. and Tel. Av. 14 Syacam'e & San Pab. Av. 15 34th and Peralta 16 Sycamore st. & Tel. Ave. 17 34th and Tel. Ave. 18 Lake and Jackson 19 Walnut and Broadway 21 7th bet. Wood and Willow 23 West 14th and Kirkham 24 Seward and Campbell 2 West 7th and Chester West 7th and Adeline LOCAL FERRY TRAINS. 1882. = I LT mee er ee rer me try | sia dS. D>» s i CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. 18 [EE EEE 2 EE | $15/SI31318(8 SISISIS[E]|S \ From “SAN FRANCISCO,” Daily. TAREE) NESSES IS) NEW! JUST OUT F i || To EAST OAKLAND-—*6.00, *6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, | Jal. |7 {3135 IY ofp label atest 3 ROM PHILADELPHIA | 8 11500, 3230, 1.30, 2.30 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.30, 7.00, 8.00, 8, gona 1314 2314) 816) 7) x i | Ig = . | | rood, 32.00. 100, *16.30, 7.00, “17.00, 8.00, +18.30, BIAIBITT leae|mls 9.00, *£9.30, 10.00, 11.00, 19.00, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, *13.30, Feb “zc |-:| 1f 2[ 3] 4 - 4.00, 1430, 5.00, “15.30, 6.00, “16. %, 5%, *8.00, 9.30, 8,8 0,5 9 5 11.00, "12. 19/20 21|2(23| 225 > | To BRK Fore 6.00, *6.30, 7.00, *7.30, 8.00, *8.30, 9.00, wanas || 00, 8.30, 7.00. 8 98 1% ii *8.30,°8.00, “6.30, | | ppg | 5 ol 1 31 | To WEST BERKELEY—"6.00, *6.30. 7.00, *7.30, 18.00, | )3 131 allie | *8.30, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, | 26(27 28/29/3031 -. 17(18]19]20(21| 2223 | | || _*630, 6.00, *6.30. 7.00. 0 pe Et E be ‘¢ 2) 4 | | roe peo oan pmaNGIEGOr Dany | nd GREA Ti LA THER": || FroM BROADWAY, OAKLAND —¥5.32, %6.02, 6.32, 7.02, | Z324125/26 07 2820] [2213812425 26127 | i or 7.32, 8.02, 8.32, 9.02, 9.32, 10.02, 10.32, 11.02, 11.32. ao mlsolat. |. .s ¥ || 12.05, 12.2, 1.02, 13, 2.00. 2.95, 3.00, 3% 202, £32 | | MY ila Nor. shall HS 4 <=. 3° | | 5.02, 5.32, 6.02, 6.32, 7.02, 8.02, 9.32, 11.0 141311612 181820 1213(14]15/16{17]18]| | Hl {| From EAST OA AKLAND— *5, 21, *5, 51, 2 7.51, 1 21,22 12324 2526/27 19]20|21|22|23| 2425) ons 1E® | iH yy 7a a al 12.51, 1.51, 2.61, 551, Gr 5.51, | 28 2h 30 31 sls wi 26(27|28(29/30 Sl S O P flo, 1'5|'6| 7| 8| 910 LO. "31°41°5)'6|"7| 8] 9 A ° | FroM ALAMEDA—*5.15," *5.45, 6.15, 7.10, *17.35, 8.10, 5 wl11[15]13(14]1316]] | | | Tesh 10,5103 fod, “10 3511.10, 12.10 18 210 Tune 2 2 Ho misigm : al | (| 210,410, * 8.10, *15.35, 6.10, 16.35, 7.15, *t BMW WWM]. H]25 lan 00: | 915 10.45 . dsl] A PURE W HITE Soap, for the Laundry || {{ FroM BERKELEY—*5.45, *6.15, 6.43, *7.15, 7.45, *8.15, ATIONS. ’ i I rr] and Bath. Made from the Finest 3 * 4 2 First and Washingi 29 Campbell and Atlantic 3 i | FroM WEST mR i 6. 5 8 5 J 45 3 Fourth und Fraatitn’ i Fifth and Grove’ ee aae from e ines } {| = 8.45. 9.45, 10.45, 1.4 , 3.45, 4.4 *6.1 Febsndianison 3504 | 53. : ! | “7.18 Ln Moin ol OL nn Material; free from adulteration, | SOUTH PACIFIC COAST R. R. 1 3 hho. From “SAN FRANCISCO,” Daily. | To ALAMEDA AND OAKLAND—*5.30, *6.35, 7.35, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.30, 7.20, 10. 00, 11.30. To “SAN FRANCISCO,” Daily. Fro PARK STREET, ALAMEDA —*5.50, *6.50, 7.50, 8.43, 8.50, 9.40, 10.40, 11.40, 12.40, 1.40, 2.40, 3.40, 4.40, 4.61, 5.40, 6.40, 10.10. All trains run daily, except when star (*) denotes Sundays excepted. t+ Trains marked thus (1) run via East Oakland. (})Sundays only SAN FRANCISCO FIRE ALARM BOXES. | | | | | Hyde and Chestnut | | | | | well-seasoned, and consequently the I MOST ECONOMICAL SOAP in use. Costs but | 10 cts. to try it and be convinced. | USE McKEONE’S 61 City Hall % West 10th and Kirkham ) 62 B'dway, bet. 10th & 11th 28 West 17th and Peralta | | 1 | 2 Mason and Lombard 49 Stockton and Sutter 124 Pioneer Woolen Mills 193 | 1 3 Stockton & Greenw'h 51 Folsom and Beale 125 Filbert and Jones 194 Stockton & Francisco i 4 Sansome & Greenw'h 52 Mission and Fremont 126 Hyde and Washington 213 Bush and Buchanan i 5 Battery and Union 53 King, east of Third 127 Broadway and Polk 214 Bush and Steiner | | 6 Montgom’y and Green 5¢ Second and Howard 128 Clay & Leavenworth 215 Washington & Webster 1 7 Kearny and Union 56 Bryant and First 129 Pacific & Leavenworth 216 Sac'to and Fillmore 1 / EE i OO [ ! oO 1 | E ! | | 8 Powell and Union 57 Brannan and Second 132 Pine and Mason 217 Bush and Devisadero i 9 Dupont and Valleio 58 Folsom and First 134 Bush and Hyde 218 Post and Fillmore | | 12 California and Kearny 59 P.M. 8. S. Co's Whart 135 Bush and Polk 219 Filbert and Fillmore i 13 ron and Broadway a Howard 20d mea 136 Post and Van Ness Av. 231 Howard 208 Hin i 1 tockton and Bro’dw'y 2 Mission and Fourt! 137 Post and Larkin 234 Harrison and 24th i OP — : | 15 Olay And Bosh 3 Hardison 23 Ruri 138 California and Larkin 235 Potrero Ayenne & 20d For Softening and Beautifying the Skin. | 16 Pacific and Mason oward and Fifth 139 O'Farrell and Hyde 236 Mission and 26th : { 17 Pasiflc and Kearny 6 Mission and Sixth 143 Volonis ae aii 27 22nd and Dolores Delicately perfumed and Sold at a reasonable price by all Dealers. [ 18 Sansome and Jackson arrison & Hawthorne 143 Mission and 22nd 238 Santa Clara &P.O.ave | i 19 Washington and Davis 68 Brannan and Fourth 145 Folsom and 22nd 241 Gough and Bush | Manufactured only by | 21 Clay and Kearny 69 Bryant and Third 146 Folsom and Sixteenth 243 Clay and Scott | 23 Day and Taylor 71 Mission and Jloventh 147 Howard & Twentieth 245 Geary and Steiner 1 24 ay and Powell 72 Mission and 13th 148° Mission and Sixteenth 246 Geary and Devisadero Th Ch M K & S S MT: C 25 Washington & Dupont 73 Howard and Eighth 149 Folsom & Eighteenth 247 Turk acd Scott e as. C eone on oap g. 0. | | 26 Clay and Battery 74 Engine No. 7, 16th 152 Brannan and Eighth 248 Fulton and Devisadero | 1 27 Montg'ry and Comm'l 75 Jones and McAllister 153 Harrison and Seventh 251 Broadway & Octavia SUCCESSORS TO | 28 Pine and Dupont 76 Marketand Hayes 154 Bryant and Sixth 253 Union and Laguna [1 29 Sockion & California 3 Relsons sed ge 156 Fourth and Berry 28 Pierce and Li 31 Halleck and Sansome olsom and 12th 157 Folsom, east of Feurt Ecker and Stevenson : : 32 California and Drumm 31 Franklin and Hayes 158 Folsom, east of Fifth 271 17th and Church McKeone, Van Haagen & Co, P hiladelphia. | 34 Mission and Steuart 82 Fulton and Gough 159 Sixth, near Folsom 273 18th, East of Castro i i 35 Montgomery and Pine 83 Octavia and Oak 162 Pacific and Franklin 274 24th and Guerrero : { i 36 Folsom and Steuart 84 Valencia and Market 163 Sac’to and Franklin 281 San bruno Road &28th ! 37 Battery and Bush 85 Laguna and Hayes 164 Clay and Polk ’ 291 Jones ard Vallejo i 38 Market and Second 86 Van Ness Av. and Oak 172 MeAllister& Buchanan 312 Jackson and Laguna ’ ' RI SWO L D, GE NT FO R THE ACI FI C OAST y | 39 Howard and Spear 87 Haight and Webster 173 Ellis and Buchanan 314 Cal'nia and Laguna i 41 Butter and Jones 91 Hyde and Turk 174 Turk and Filmore 321 Pierce and California 42 Geary and Mason 92 frauglia on : 175 Webster and Grove 324 Sac’mento & Erodorick i 43 O'Farrell and Dupont 93 Jones and Tur 176 Post and Octavia 325 Central Av, al'nia wi ! i 45 O'Farrell and Jones 94 Polk and Ellis 178 Buchanan & Geary 326 Sutter and Baker 0 ce th H. S. CROCKER & co. || 46 Kearny and Sutter 95 Market and Taylor 182 Sixth and Townsend 341 Ellis and Plone, 3 47 Eddy and Powell 96 Fllis and Ta: lor 183 Mission and Eighth 351 Montgem'y & Br'dway . | ! 2% Sry and Kearny HH 23 Hyde and Union 192 California and Front 361 Ridley and Guerrero 215 Bush Street, San Francisco, Cal. 1 i i — —— - — -— — ——— pe . 9 — — ? 3 A.W. SANBORN & Manufacturers and Dealers in : Wer gmness Milk; DY pring Express B NT Garringes aml Wagons, and FoY From their own Manufactory in Manchester, New Hampshire. AGENTS FOR THE MITCHELL FARM WAGONS, SEND FOR CATALOGUE, Nos. 24 and 26 Beale Street, San Francisco, Cal. A.W.SANBORN-&CO.; ° CARRIAGE & WAGON 1. MFS.& DEALERS: 7 248& 26 BEALE BT. ~ 4 S.F. 39Vvd 31L1£80dd0 33S ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE a LB wR 4 3 > Se a x1 It Qo wn Ee 5» 9 = = ~& lan} el EN > - = wn oo ~~ [a] q = GEO. A. CLARK, SOLE AGENT. ¢ H. Milward & Son's “HELIX” NEEDLES, (IN. PATENT WRAPPERS.) - George A. Clark & Brother, No. 400 Broadway, N. Y., o11 Market Street, San Francisco,” Cal., Sole Agents in America. 0. A FEW FACTS CONNECTED WITH THE MANUFACTURE OF CLARK'S “©.N.T.” SPeeL CoTTeN. The ““O. N. T.” Factories at Newark, New Jersey; and Paisley, Scotland, employ 5,200 Operatives. Make sufficient Thread daily to go around the World Four Times. ‘Use 6,000 Horse Power. Consume 43,000 Tons of Coal Annually, or 140 Tons Daily. The manufacturers of ‘“O.-N. T.” are the Largest Manufacturers of Spool Cotton in the World. B- ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE MEMORANDUM. OSBORN & ALEXANDER, 628 Market St., San Francisco, Hardware, Mechanics’ Tools, FOOT POWER MACHINERY. 7’ SCTE T= Tree z Fie ee SHEE 5 rr “EUREKA” | / Patent Circle Plane. Pat. Ratchet Screw Driver. Mechanics’ Tools our Specialty, Latest Style Scroll Sawyer Supplies, Fancy Woods, etc., HARDWARE, ALL STYLES. Call and examine, C. HUDSON’S WIDOW, CLARENCE C. BURR. Wc C.C. Burr & Co. Manufacturers of the well known and most reliable HUDSON'S GOLDEN CALIFORNIA MUSTARD AND SPICES, ALSO THE CELEBRATED Champagne Baking Powder. AGENTS FOR DUNHAM'S COCOANUT. IPPSRHER ~ Office, 13 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. P. O. Box 1791. re y INT ATION SEE OPPOSITE PAGE jo. 0) 2 NJ \J ASHINGTON COLUMN & NALF DOME SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. 5000 FT. HI THE NEW PROCESS GRANULATED FLOUR MANUFACTURED AT CAPACITY 600 ZARRELS DAILY. frese Mills aze Located in the centre of that section of the State where the finest qualities of wheat are grown, and the FLOUR wanufactured io from the 4(HOICEST VARIETIES Which for family use cannot Be surpassed in Strength, Purity and Whiteness. FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS GROCERS. xy Francisco OFFICE. - - 22 California Street. SmockTON OFFICE AND MILLS: Cor. Lieves & Beaver, Stockton. FOR INTRODUCTION, THE GIVE WITH EACH CANS MAKES WHITER AND LIGHTER BREAD THAN ANY OFFERED IN THE UNITED STATES. Ask Jour racer fo for CI Jock Baking powder, AND TAKE NO OTHER. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. CASTLE BROS. & LOPE, 213, 215 & 217 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. pos. | 25 KEARNY" ST" gil BET.POST X GEARY % ARLE PII INT FROM ARO JE BRIOGE LOOKING UOW mt SEE OPPOSITE PAGE “ase PRUA R\EGERS FLAVORING . EXTRACTS. STRICTLY A HOME PRODUCTION, - Being equal, if not superior, to any Imported Article. Bo Sure the Treble Extra is on Every Bottla, 24 AE Sy LEMON SUGAR LER YFN a8 G This Preparation Produces a very Rich Lemonade Equal to. that of the Fruit. 17 R NNN ll i ho SN dl / A " pi b fm i ~ 4 9 6] 0 Zz NK ” Ne AN \ [mw in HF \| IN 2 > >< 2 D> 2 AN PE a Have shown themselves to be far superior to all others in EXCELLENCE OF WORKMANSHIP, ELASTICITY OF TOUCH, BEAUTY OF TONE, AND GREAT DURABILITY, And they are now earnestly sought for by all persons desiring THE VERY BEST PIANO. Prices Low, TERMS EAsy. ——— KOHLER & CHASE, Nos. 137 and 139 POST STREET, San Francisco, Wholesale and Retail Agents for the Pacific States. . Seg ! SF 3 Ae CATARACT OF DJAMONDS, BELOW SNOWS HOTEL, ' SEE OPPOSITE PAGE 4 : wr bi Le BE YOSEMITE FALL. FROM ROAD TO LOWER FALL. BEAR IN MIND THAT YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND ALL YOU WISH AT PALI BE = No —N RY \ 726, 128, 730 Market St. - w= IN] AY @ V/i Y WY adies # { ent’ Jurishing ands, TOILET ARTICLES A SPECIALTY. No Store in the City can compete with the “PALMER GLOVE." EVERY PAIR WARRANTED AND TRIED ON. en ees PALMER'S, 728, 728 AND 730 MARKET STREET. 20 SEE OPPOSITE PAGE L632 FTAIRH 21 A SO a Cle ca es AO i ace ae Fes RII oc A A A i eh A ine sh OF BoOERICKE & TAFEL, SIN Francisco, OF Families, as well as Physicians with the PUREST HOMC@EO- PATHIC MEDICINES. Family Cases and Books Can be procured at the above Pharmacy, from $1.25 to $25.00. Send for Price List of Cases and Guide for the People. PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS Supplied with all Homeopathic Literature, Office and Pocket Cases, Hom- weopathic Vials, Sugar of Milk, Globules, Alcohol, Fresh Plant Tinctures, Triturations, Neaves’, Gerber’s and Horlick’s Infants’ Food. DRY EXTRACT or MALT. BOERICKE & TAFEL, 234 SUTTER STREET, Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, San Francisco. PauvL PEMLER MANAGER. 23 i ¥ i | | it ! 1 | A Sones ma The Magee Standard Range CAN BE FURNISHED IN THE FOLLOWING STYLES: Plan, Elevated Closet, Low Closet, Elevated Shelf, Ornamented Base, Copper Reservoir. IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HAVE THEM SEND TO TAYLOR GOODRICH, 254 and 256 Market Street, 8 and 10 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. 3.300 FT. HIGH SEE OPPOSITE PAGE 25 7 MANUFACTURER OF DAKTANNED LEATHER BELT d: a y oF REMONT STRESS s00000 00" [LEFT p, Lal California Hosiery Co. [EE A --\orz | Star Flouring Mills, OAKLAND. N\ 7A \ VALLEJO, REFERENCES REF ERENCES it | } 1 1 Pioneer & Mission dA h le Al 3 Iv | Golden Gate Woolen Mills, i = i Woolen Mills, | TE | Hobbs, Wall & Co. = wi } ese 1 Pacific Rolling Mills, SAN FRANCISCO. A Pasar a as SAN FRANCISCO. A cami t Ale FINEST LACING AND CUT STRINGS or SIDES ALWAYS ON HAND. { 13 FREMONT STREET, > DISTANT VIEWor CATHEDRAL ROCKS YOSEMITE VALLEY Over NELSON & DOBLE'S, PAN F RANCISCO. LEE OPPOSITE PAGE We contract to grow a Fine Head of Illair. No cure, no pay. The True Method of Growing Hair. a N BEFORE USING. WHO SHOULD USE BENTON’S HAIR GROWER. All those who are bald. All those whose Hair is Thin. All those whose Hair is Falling Out. All those whose Scalp is Unhealthy. All those who are troubled with Dandruff. EEow the Hair Grows on the Bald Head. Our theory of growing hair is based entirely on common sense. A farmer if his land is poor or worn out, culti- vates it and applies fertilizers. So we apply friction to bring the blood to the surface, and supply the scalp with a perfect hair food to nourish the weak roots. We don’t profess to grow hair on every head. Some from the use of alcoholic and poisonous preparations, have destroyed the follicule. These cases are hopeless, but so rare that no one should be discouraged from using one bottle of Bar*on’s Hair Grower, as this will demor «ate whether the folli- cles and root are alive, and will STRENGTHE' the remaining hair, stop its fallin. at, and cure dandruff. H JE USE. Any one cun apply the Grower him- self, and derive the same benefit as if he came to our office, and had it applied. | This Harr will Fall out. . tL Te Setlhucssivsvnsnns Ze Hair Bulb. ......... Tie Contraction... ..... Z4e New Hatz. ......... Thr Papillvvssveness ifs DIRECTIONS. FOR BALDNESS.—Rub the head thoroughly with the hand and soft hair brush before '| applying, in order to bring the blood to the surface ; then rub about the size of a bean of the || grower well into the scalp every other night before retiring. FOR DANDRUFF.—Apply freely for two or three applications without much brush- ing. We CURE Dandruff by healing the scalp underneath the scabs, and allowing them to come off themselves. Wash the head once a week with Castile soap. One Bottle will last nearly Three Months. BENTONS HAIR GROWER IS A PERFECT HAIR FOOD. It is composed entirely and only of what the half is chemically. There is nothing in hair that is not in it, and nothing in it that is not in hair. Therefore it is entirely FREE FROM POISON. WATSON & CO, 122 and 124 Market Street. Agents for the exclusive sale west of the Rocky Mountains. — 28 SENTINEL ROCK FROM NAER UN FR ION POINT (3270 FT) ABO SEE OPPOSITE PABF. 1 ot (Co VE THE VALLEY (2300 FT.) ' 29 RSAPARILLA poy, we MIRROR VIEW OF ND 2 3 Rat ; LPT TR ie 3 { FV s HREE BROTHERS SEE OPPOSITE PAGE 4.000 FT.HIGH INDIAN SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND, WITH IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, FOR THE CURE OF Rheumatism, Gout, King’s Evil or Scrofula, and all Scrofulous Diseases, and for Purifying the Blood. SCROFULA is a taint or infection in the human organism —a vitiation of the vital forces, which weakens their power and disorders or deranges their functions. It is a foul corruption which dwells and genders in the blood, and rots out, as it were, the machinery of life. It acts like a latent poison, reducing not only the vitality of the blood, but also of the depurating organs of the body, so that they fail of their office to cast out its corruptions from the system. Consequently, the circulation is burdened with these impurities, which depress its energy and make sickly the central power of life, even when no outward manifestation of the disorder is shown. Hence, under the influence of this scrofulous taint, the energies of life are weak- cned so that those infected with it have not the constitutional vigor of healthy persons, even though the disease should fail, as in thousands it does fail, for many years, to appear. Constitutions contaminated with SCROFULA are more than any others subject to disease, and, of course, have far less power to withstand or recover from it. Hence, it is in thousands of cases the real cause of sickness and death, where no ulcer- ous manifestations of the disorder appear. THE SCROFULOUS TAINT or INFECTION is hereditary in the constitution, ‘descending from parents to children, unto the third and fourth generation.” Indeed, it seems to be the curse of Him who says, *‘1 will visit the iniquity of the fathers upon their children, but I will show mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.” Breaking the commandments is one of the most .fruitful causes of this distemper, for SCROFULA is the concentration—the accumulation, so to speak—of both moral and physical vice. Although this is true, beyond all question, it is not apparent, from the fact that the punish- ment does not always immediately follow the transgression. Parents sin against the laws of health, and often the consequences do not overtake them, but are entailed, in constitutional disease, upon their chil- dren and children’s children. We will enumerate its CAUSES, for the prevention of disease is better than its cure. . Among them are found whatever impairs the vital energy or saps the general health and vigor ; such as low living, disor- dered or unwholesome food, addicted to ardent spirits, filth and filthy habits, impure air, intermarriage of lood relations, the depressing vices, exhausting habits aud diseases, the abuse of mercury, and, above all, the venereal infection. Damp and unwholesome climates, the contaminated atmosphere of privies, sewers and close rooms, of factories and workhouses, and especially when polluted by the breath and effluvia of scrofulous subjects ; the use of pork, and of indigestible food, all tend to plant the virus of SCROFULA in the blood. Long-continued and excessive labor of either body or mind, dissipation, exposure, suffering and absence of healthy exercise, are among the causes of SCROFULA, or at least of its development. But, more than from all of these, the hereditary distemper transmitted from our ancestors rankles in the vitals of the eople, # D Dr he INDICATIONS of Serofula and serofulous constitutions are a want of due bodily symmetry ; small, weak or crooked limbs ; pale, inflated countenance, often fair, of transparent whiteness, sometimes with an agreeable redness of the cheeks, sometimes a waxy yellowness, particularly around the mouth; blue rings around the eyes, which are frequently large and of a pearly or bluish whiteness (especially when the dis- order is settled on the lungs, but when settled on the digestive apparatus, the eyes become injected with blood-vessels). The countenance indicates indolence and want of energy ; the eyelids are often swollen, inflamed and unclean ; the nose is wide, or swollen, or red, or shining; the teeth are very white, inclined to be foul or covered with a glairy secretion, are liable to split and decay early ; the appetite is ir- regular, sometimes impaired, and sometimes voracious ; occasional nausea is felt; the tongue is foul and the breath fetid ; the bowels are irregular and the stomach often sour ; the muscles and flesh are sometimes flabby, at others soft and full, giving rotundity to the body : the limbs are wanting in firmness, and the joints weak ; general lassitude and debility are felt, with incapacity for mental or physical exertion ; the powers of the mind, although feeble, are often precocious in those of scrofulous constitution ; the powers and functions of the body are precocious and feeble also. In persons of scrofulous habit, eruptions often appear on the scalp and various parts of the body. They are peculiarly liable to diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, digestive and uterine apparatus. One or more _of the peculiarities we have enumerated above may generally be found in persons contaminated with ScroruLA, and in more ways than we have enumerated, may be seen a manifest absence of robust,’vigorous health, such as we are all entitied to, and should if possible enjoy. The above-mentioned peculiarities indicate the latent virus of ScroFuLa, and consequently those who ‘have them are found very liable not only to the ulcerous c.nd tuberculous forms of the disease, but also to the disorders which it induces, such as Consumption, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rosé or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Sali Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Ulcers and Sores, Rheumatism, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head, Female Weaknesses, or Leucorrhea arising from Internal ulceration and uterine disease, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation and General Debility. ‘ Tha influence of ScrOFULA is found not only to aggravate the course of diseases, but it originates many of them. The tendency to healthy action is far less in a scrofulous constitution, and hence any disease is more obstinate under its influence. The dangerous consequences or sequel of fevers is very generally at- tributable to Scrofula, which robs the blood of its vitality, and the whole system of its vigor, so that it has not its natural power to resist or overcome diseased action. All we state, and all that is known, goes to show the importance to the prosperity and growth of nations, that this lurking rot, which pervades them all, and saps their constitutional strength, should as much as possible be eradicated and overcome. While taking the SARSAPARILLA for the cure of this disorder, the patient must avoid, as much as pos- sible, the producing causes we have detailed above, and also avail himself of all adventitious aids to cure, such as cleanliness, cold bathing, and particularly sea-bathing, friction of the services; when prac- ticable, change of air and place and climate ; a generous diet of nourishing food, with vigorous and exhil- arating exercise, or outdoor occupation. He should also cultivate purity of life and of habit, in both body and mind. Full Directions with each Bottle, in English, German, French, and Spanish. For Sale by all Druggists. Price $1.00 per Bottle. J. J. MACK & CO., Sole Agents, San Francisco, Cal. 31 i co Eo < ie AMILWRUKEDS, Cr off oT BEER Celebrated for its PURITY, EXCELLENCE 3 § x f x or 2 AND Uniformity of Quality DELIVERED TO FAMILIES IN LOTS TO SUIT. For Sale at all Public Places of Resort, and by JOHN TL CUTTING & C6), Agents Pacific Coast, G 4) 407 Front Street. ) ° rh ‘4338 CRUSHED INDIAN FOR BREAKFAST [+= USE LILY GLOSS STARCH FOR THE LAUNDRY 32 SEE OPPOSITE PAGE 700 FT. HIGH MIRROR VIEW OF EL CAPTAN SEE OPPOSITE PAGE OF CALIFORNIA. Assets, - - $1,220,000 Losses Paid, over - 4,000,000 HOME OFFICE : Southwest Corner of California and Sansome Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ASSETS AND PREMIUM INCOME GREATEST OF ALL THE COMPANIES ORGANIZED WEST OF NEW YORK STATE. D. J. STAPLES, President. WM. J. DUTTON, Secretary, ALPHEUS BULL, Vice-President. E. W. CARPENTER, Ass’t Secretary. AGENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL LOCALITIES. MEMORANDUM. ~J Market st. Trunk store FINE TRUNKS, Yalises and Bags, 622 MARKET STREET, OPP. PALACE HOTEL. Our Retail Customers will finda LARGE STOCK OF OUR GOODS at th above No. on Market Street. A Our WHOLESALE STORE is, as for 12 years past, at 234 Bush Street. D. SS. MARTIN & CO. red - Retake of Preceding Frame ” a D.S, Martin & Co. Market St. Trunk store, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE TRUNKS, YValises and Bags, 622 MARKET STREET, OPP. PALACE HOTEL, | Our Retail Customers will finda LARGE STOCK OF OUR GOODS at th- above No. on Market Street. Our WHOLESALE STORE is, as for 12 years past, at 234 Bush Street. D. S. MARTIN & CO. - ERRMANN, THE OATTER, HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINE HATS AND CAPS TO CHOOSE FROM ON THIS COAST. ARE KNOWN TO BE THE BEST MADE, AND HIS PRICES ARE THE LOWEST POSSIBLE CONSISTENT WITH THE QUALITY OF THE COODS. LADIES RIDING HATS AND Children’s Fine Hats, Caps and Turbans ALWAYS ON HAND. EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HATS AND CAPS MADE TO ORDER. 336 Kearny Street, NEAR PINE, SAN FRANCISCO. ; Factory, 17 Belden Street. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, mailed free, by addressing, C. HERRMANN, -336 Kearny Street, San Francisco. "CAP OF LIBERTY AND NEVADA FALL 3000 FT. HIGH SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. 39 9 F RANCISCO. Price SOUITS MADE ) Ja BND YOUTH MEN and BOYS R inp READY - Price pls LICK HOUSE, 0000000000000 000009009900999900 PIPPI PIF IPI IFINIOITIFIIIIPIIFIVIIOFIVIOPOYIOIOYOYYS 4 [eas Hastings & CoO 4 é HASTINGS & CO To ORDE — EXTRA QUALITIES—— ne C.C Boys C.C. F CATHEDRAL ROCKS Z. SPIRES SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. MIRROR VIEW Ol re cr ripe a Ee Be A — ] | IvIs 1H AL BERN Arp Sa, BAKING POWDE 2 x \ “6 np yap = a AA tn tts ae A A A A a A eS ——————et at mst corns LE a rr It 1s more economical than any other in use, ‘owing entirely to its purity. It is strictly a Home Production. We guarantee it THE BEST in the market. | Put up in 1-4, 1-2-and 1 pound full-weight handsome Tin Palls. foHARLES BERNARD, MANUFACTURER, 707 and 709 Sansome Street, San Francisco. Also Manufacturer BERNARD'S NEW BRAND Fresin Grounp Java CoFFEE, AND THE FOLLOWING SPICES: Pepper, Cloves, Sweet Marjoram, Bi-Carbonate Soda, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper, Summer Savory, Saleratus, Ginger, Garden Sage, Garden Thyme, Nutmegs, ‘Allspice, Mustard, - Mace, Cream Tartar, in 1 1b. tins and 1 1b. pkgs. VEIL FAL 42 SEE OPPOSITE PAGE Ei mete tim sh in ——— Ee i A A———————————————— — | = —— 0 n mn o i) v o ® - m 3 > 0 m A0H9 VSOJIHVIN'QI13138VD Jul Oi _W.T. GARRATTS i HOOKER'’S dwng wes)g 159q 9Y)} Se [ePaJA P[OD) PIAIINY Double-Acting Suction and Force Pumps. are,{ [eugsnpuy .SOIUBYIDIN IY} IB ‘}se0) Oye dy) Uo HOOKER’S Celebrated STEAM PUMP, BRASS AND BELL FOUNDRY -—— AND —— - MACHINE HYDRAULIC WORKS, Corner of Fremont and Natoma Streets, San Francisco. | WATER GATES, GAS GATES, DOCK HYDRANTS, GARRATT’S PATENT IMPROVED FIRE HYDRANTS, SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. PORTABLE FORGES AND BLOWERS. CHURCH WATER GAUGES, ~ Steam Gauges, Hi BL STEAM WHISTLES GONGS, - Globe Valves: ALL KINDS OF BRASS GOODS For STEAM AND WATER. BRASS CASTINGS Made of Every Description. | Phosphor Bronze, and Phosphor Bronze Castings. A general assortment of Engineers’ Findings, Garratt ‘Jackhead or Miners’ Sinking pumps.’ IMPORTER OF Suh IRON PIPE AND MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. AND $i] Mwvia agg 45 VANILLA CHOCOLATE Being manufactured from the best material with the latest improved machinery, STANDS UNRIVALLED FOR PURITY, FLAVOR STRENGTH. For SALE By arr. LEADING GROCERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. 46 FOR COUGHS & COLDS The California Remedy FOR secs Coughs, Colds, and Incipient Consumption. HALLS PULMONARY BALSAM, An Immediate and Permanent Curse we FOR —— Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, Incipient Consumption, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Thousands of Cases of Pulmonary Complaints Which had baffled the skill of the best physicians have been cured by the PULMONARY BALSAM. It goes to very seat of the disease, relieving all irritation, thus eradicating (in many cases) the cause of the complaint. Every family should keep a bottle in the house, and give a dose according to the direction on the bottle, whenever there is any symptom of a slight COUGH or COLD; by so doing you will save much suffering, and many dollars in Doctor’s Bills. Ask for the CALIFORNIA PULMONARY BALSAM, and take no other. Sold by all Druggists, for 50 cents per bottle. J. R. GATES & CO. PROPRIETORS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Cor. Sansome and Commercial Streets, SAN FRANCISCO. 49 Ve © Ale] fT | 3 OF THE AGE | EXAMING It Will be shipped to any part of the Pacific Coast. If not sat- isfactory they can be returned and money will be refunded. J. W. EVANS, General Agent, 29 POST STREET, : SAN FRANCISCO. PERFECT FITTING DOMESTIC PAPER FASHIONS Patterns that are unsurpassed in style for Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Garments. Send Stamp for Catalogue to J : W. EVAN 4 29 Post Street, San Francisco. "HALF DOME rrom GLAZIER POINT. SEE OPPOSITE PAGE Bre Ne 3 AIS arly Ir , Tal BRIDGE AT BIG TREE STATIS : SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. Geo. H. BRYANT. Max PRrAcCHT. ° Aa : NE 6 67 RANBAG GTWLy, eB PIs "BURIAL 10 Co eel Ti 8 Ress 2 STI ROPE = eho LULA LET SPORTING SUITS, NEVILLFR CO of= EE. r RN Gant: ey ak SALMON TWINES PACIFIC COAST (J, R. LEESON & C0, BOSTON, & ) ,,, MLis &7 JOHNSTONE, SCOT’D, AGENTS FOR | FINLAYSON. BOUSFIELD & C0. SCOTLAND. ) &GRAFTON. Mass. BAGS, TWINES AND TENTS. Selling Agents for Oable Flax Mills’ Twines. ae et ————ert mai SPORTSMEN’S EMPORIUM. LIDDLE & KAEDING 038 Washington Street, San Franeisco, Manufacturers and Importers of ’ Sharp's, Remington, Sporting and Creedmocr Target Rifles, Winchester, Spencer, Ballard and Wesson Sporting Rifles, and The Famous Self-Cocking Bull-Dog Pistol, Metallic Cartridges of all kinds, both for Sporting Guns and Oreedmoor Rifles, Hunting Coats, Pants, Oaps and Shoes, Water-proof Fishing Stockings and Pants. Agents for the following well-known Makers : PARKER, COLT, FOX, W. W. GREENER, ALBERT GREENER, WW. & C. SCOTT & SON, We offer to Dealers and Sportsmen a most complete assortment of Ely’s Caps, Wads, Cartridge Cases, Wire Cartridges, with all sizes of SHOT for Muzzle and Breech- Loading Shot Guns. Hunting Leggings and Hunting Suits. Smith & Wesson’s, Colt’s, Remington, I.X.L.,and all make of PISTOLS constantly on hand, FISHING TACKLE of every description and quality. We particularly call your attention to our extensive assortment of Fine Goods, such as Salmon, Trout and Bass Flies and Snell Hooks ON HAND AND TIED TO ORDER. | 54 i] | gO. BUNS, RIFLES: FISHING TACKLE 4% EE = BE » a; aT ANULA PASS AND BRIDAL VEIL FALL re 900 FT. -HIGH PROFILE OF VERNAL FALL SEE OPPOSITE PAGE MOR THE HANDKERCGHIKH, This article, possessing the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequaled as a perfume MOR THE BATH. Used in bathing, it imparts energy and strength to the system, and gives that softness and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all. AS H COSMETIC. It is the most healthful and safest of all cosmetics, containing no deleterious in- gredients, being prepared solely from the rich floral perfumes of nature, unadulterated by any foreign substance whatever. It is suited for use by the blonde and brunette alike, imparting that beautiful, clear softness to the skin so much admired in the fair sex. Probably the most distinctive feature of REDINGTON & Co’s FLORIDA WATER in its REFRESHING POWER. The sense of smell never tires of it, but seems to find a more intense enjoyment the longer it is accustomed to its use. As a source of pure enjoyment, whether used as a per- fume for the handkerchief, the toilet, or the bath, this truly excellent floral water stands quite alone ; its freshness, its purity, its delicacy, and its unchangeableness are properties not possessed in even the smallest degree by any other perfume of which we have any knowledge. Redington & Co's Florida Water. USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Toilet Use and for the Bath. 57 I ————— | prices and on favorable ferme. S FOR SALE BY PROF. CHAS. GOFFRIE, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. No. 1—Antonius Stradivarius Cremona, made 1697. Value $1250.00 « 2 Peter Guarnerius - - & “ 1694 $e 800.00 « 3 Andreas Guarnerius » - 4 “ 1675. 4 300.00 « 4 Antoniusand Hieronymus Amati‘ “ 1014 250.00 « 5 Antonius and Hieronymus Amati‘ “ 1hir. $ 250.00 « 6 Lorenzo Guadagnini - i # . 1910, 4 250.00 « 7 Laurentius Storioni - «Hl “ aYo1. k¢ 225.00 8 Nicholas Lupot - - Paris “ 1408. i 225.00 VIOLAS. —(ALTOS.) made 1670. 1730. Milan, - Cremona, * Value $200.00 #“ 250,00 Vo. 1—Paolo Grancino - . “ 2 Dominicus Montagnana VIOLONCELLOS. No. I—Carlo Bergonzi - - Cremona, made 1771. Value $500.00 “ 2 Alessandro Gagliano - - Neapoli, “ 1718. “ 380.00 Several fine fuftl and 3-4 size Violins at prices inside of $100.00. Bhese instruments are now offered for safe at reasonable Moo an assortnient of fine Niolin Mow: An examination is invited ab the residence of the wn- dersigned, who will be in attendance daily from 9 to 11 4. IL. Respectful! Y, PROF. CHAS. GOFFRIE, 807 BUSH STREET, near Mason, SAN FRANCISCO. USE MAIZE FLOUR TOILET SOAP FOR SOFTENING THE SKIN. 0: FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. 50 RAIA pment a THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to cail your attention to their large and well-selected stock of CHOICE GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. We have the very best facilities for supplying customers in the city and country, and offer house- keepers, superior ifducements to visit our establishment. Our stock is large and especially adapted to the wants of our people. Our Firm is the oldest and most experienced in the Grocery line of any in the city. We make 1t a point to select choice goods, put up pure Spices, and manufacture the best Flavoring Extracts, Yeast Powders, Sugar of Lemon, Liquid Blueing, etc. All goods guaranteed to be a8 represented, or the money refunded. C.J. HAWLEY & CO, Importers of Fancy Graqceceries, 218 and 217 Sutter Street, S. F. 60 i HIS L APBOARD is conceded by every one who has seen it, to be the most convenient and desirable article. The peculiar felting finish upon both sides effectually prevents thc slipping of thes work from the board, also the board from the lap. It ¥ will neither warp nor crack, and with proper care will last a life-time. (The graduated scale entirely does away with the need of a yard-stick or tape-measure.) C. J. HAWLEY & CO. 215 and 217 Sutter St., 8. F., SOLE AGENTS, WILL FORWARD "WARWONA MARIPOSA CROV SEE OPPOSITE PAGE SECTION or GRIZZLY GIANT MARIPOSA GROVE. 33FDIAMR || CAN BE SAVED to the PACIFIC COAST IN ONE YEAR by all families purchasing their [luminating fils IN BULL, °° OF CALIFORNIA Have introduced their TANK CARS for the transportation of Oils in bulk from the refineries at the East, also the PATENT PORTABLE BARREL (with reversible faucet) in which to ship bulk Oil to the Dealers; and the 8 Gallon "LITTLE WILL" CAN (which the cut on the left represents) \ IN WHICH CONSUMERS CAN / PURCHASE ¥ CONTINENTAL SAFETY OlL of their Grocer or Oil Dealer at 3 cents per gallon less than the cased price for the same grade Oil, and as over Four Million Gallons of BE, Firm oly i Ct Continental Safety Oil in BULK is used. It is Water White, High Fire Test, Free from Odor, and gives universal satisfaction. It is sold in every City, Town and Village on the Coast. Ask your Grocer or Oil Dealer for it, and take no other. F3 Ta 62 ST @GPPASITF pare The Continental Jil and Trangportation (.] Free d./ Famous from n \/ 4 \ for its Poison FONE LL ADAH (BE Efficiency Famous NS w= el Soothing for its 7 Vd, RB ) and Innocence Fragrant Ib g, + Ry nt U SEBS wit] {CREME DE LIS oe rs 4 For beautifying and preserving the complexion, and imparting a fresh, youthful appearance, removing Tan, Sunburn and Discoloration, imparting at once a lovely and brilliant com plexion. It is composed of the purest materials only, and cannot fail to give satisfaction. Bichey's Pimons remy fle Tis | which produces the pure and natural skin found only in youth, giving an ideal soft: It is only ness and delicacy of expression. Chemical analysis has shown its innocence, it having failed to detect the presence of substances, vegetable or mineral, in any way injurious to the skin or health. Its component parts are exquisitely blended, so as to produce a beautifier, which, when judiciously and artistically used, will insure against detection. It is in these particulars that “ CREME de LIS” differs from all other similar preparations, and will accordingly commend itself to ladies of refinement and taste. - 64 FAMOUS CREME DE-LIS & GRIZZ Y GIAN SEE OPPOSITE PAGE " iy CE iS Ean pt ee -— Sige SST SER 39vd 31150d4d0 33S SINOU J1VH GNV _SNHOUV 1VXAOM ICHI BAN oh. 22 Beary Alseel hows meine. JireE Fxs1BITION: Prex Evenings! Only one ICHI BAN in the world, and the world contributes to make it what it is. SCREENS, WALL DECORATIONS, PORCELAIN, MANTLE ORNAMENTS, BASKETS, EMBROIDERIES, INDIAN WARES, LADIES WRAPPERS, Tovs AND FANS, SMOKING JACKETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, PARASOLS, BOXES, SILK UMBRELLAS. STRAW WARE, LACQUER, TURKISH RUGS, TIGER SKINS, PERSIAN RUGS, PAPER SCREENS, Fur RUGS, SATIN SCREENS, PAPER NAPKINS, WOOD SCREENS, PAPER TABLE CLOTHS, IVORY CARVINGS. PAPER CURTAINS, WooD CARVINGS, PAPER BED SPREADS, PAPER PILLOWS, WOOD WARE, FINEST BRONZE JEWELRY, GOLD WIRE CLOISSONNE JEWELRY. THE AUTOPHONE and MUSIC. PURE TEAS, Is a food which cures an ICHI BAN MIDZU AMI I $ ALSO INTERIOR DECORATORS. ICHI BAN Decorated Haverly’s California Theatre. ICH BAN, 22 Geary Street, San Francisco. 67 MEMORANDUM. \X GRANULATE) Put up in 1 and 80 lb. Bags and 71 lb. Cans. SS pN 04p MOST ECONOMICAL & CONVENIENT FOR DISHWASHING AND GENERAL WORK. Only a small Quantity Required and NONE WASTED IN ITS USE. Be sure you get the German Granulated RED SEAL BRAND. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! SOLD BY ALL GROCERS At 10 cts. per bag or 8 for 28 cts. Maize JLoUR Tomer POAP PREPARED FROM A VALUABLE INDIAN MAIZE COMPOUND, It Soothes, Softens, and Whitens the Skin; is de- lightfully perfumed, and sold everywhere at a moderate price. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY The Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Mfg. Co. PHILADELPHIA. N. W. GRISWOLD, Agent Pacific Coast, 215 Bush Street, S. F. 69 EE ny BAS £ FA A PR & pr Li ALEX. MACKAY, Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Garpets $ Bi lots, Rugs, Hats, Gorices LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Sen Francisco. In my stock will be found at all times, a full assortment of all the new Stylesof Patterns as they come from the rooms of the following celebrated manufacturers : The Biglow, Lowell & Hartford Co's - Body Brussells. The Roxbury & Saxonville Co's - Tapestry “ E. S. Higgins & Co's - . . ” The Alex. Smith & Son - . . “ Tz Robert Beattie & Son - . « « J & F. Dobson and other makers of . « « Wilton, Moquets and Damask Carpets. 35224] Two-ply Ingrain, all wool, extra superfine, from the Lowell & Hartford Co's Mills. Bromley, Park and other Mills, cotton chain, ex. superfine, with a full line of the lower grades selling Jrom 35 to 75 cents per yard. Wilton, Moguet, Smyrna and Tapestry Velvet Rugs in great variety. Linoleums, both Eng- lish and American. Oil Cloths, in great variety in widths, 1, 1, 1%, 2, 214 yards and 4 yards wide, and all prices. #7 Estimates for Hotels, Churches, Halls, Offices and Private Dweliings, given without charge, Correspondence solicited. I ALSO CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE AND WEAVE RAG CARPET For families furnishing rags, charging 35 and 40 cents for weaving and furnishing warp, Rags received from all parts of the St'te and Coast. Weavers supplied with the best cotton twine for Warp at market rates. ‘Weavers supplies, such as reeds, needles, shuttles for sale and made to order. Address as above. : All orders promptly attended to. 70 SEE OPPOSITE PAGE Tr ee — DONTRA Costa LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION, WHITE LABOR ONLY EMPLOYED. . This Popular Establishment has unrivaled advantages for the production of extra style of work. The superior ability of the workmen employed enables the pro- prietors to guarantee satisfaction. Jinx fPoLisnED IN THE NEATEST MANNER All ORDINARY MENDING, SEWING ON BUTTONS, Etc., Free of Charge. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: No. 28 Sacramento Street, S. F. : BRANCH OFFICES: 30 Geary Street, 1568 Second Street, 338 Bush Street, 202 Sutter Street, near Kearny. a t= Fs ile EELS _ Ee Oakland Office, 867 Broadway, bet 7th and 8th. BRANCH OFFICES, EAST OAKLAND, ALAMEDA and BERKELEY. G. H. HALLETT, 0 P. BARTLETT, pers SA FALLS, ————. P. E. DALTON, SEE OPPOSITE PAGE 700 FT.MiIGH : er 73 THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Principal Office, 418 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. EE PT ps ae mer ee ae The only Life Insurance Company organized and loaning Money upon the Pacific Coast. $1,050,000 paid to representatives of deceased policy-holders; $875,000 paid for matured | endowments. SEF OPPOSITE PAGE. PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE DOWN THE VALLEY FROM THE FERRY BEND INSURANCE CO. OF CAL The particular attention of those proposing to effect insurance upon their lives is called to the attractive Jorms of policy contracts issued by this HOME Insur- ance Company. Active and Reliable gents wanted. = A A Ts: ig Fe tt = ER ENG hm CONRECH io. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE VERNAL FALLS. ye _300 FT. HIGH SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. REMOVED TO No. 840 Market Street, OPPOSITE FOURTH STREET, PoLE GENTS OF THE fELEBRATED eS GREEK CROSS FINE SHOES, Every Pair Warranted to fit and Wear Well. An Immense Assortment of LADIES’ and GENTS’ WALKING SHOES. Misses’ and Boys’ SCHOOL SHOES, At Manufacturing Prices. 840 MARKET STREET, “OrNREICH BRO 5 SN 3 % : a. Ladies’ |“ ana fos Lut ’ x Misses’ < Childrens’ IN 9 ncn eatin a PACIFIC SAW MANUFACTURING CO. Nos. 17 and 19 Fremont St., San Franeisco. CALIFORNIA PRUNING SAW-STE BACK, With Adjustable Blade to Cut on any Angle. Price, $4.00. CALIFORNIA CURVED PATTERN PRUNING SAW, Single Saw, - - - - $1.50 each. A NEW WOOD SAW! THE LATEST, THE BOSS. THE Ji Patented August 6, 1878. BEST] The above illustration shows an AUTOMATIC SELF-STRAINING WOOD SAW FRAME. The Saw is strained by means of a Steel Spring secured to the wood end pieces with Metal Bands. With this device a Saw is perfectly and automatically strained at all times. No cross bars or braces are required to give stiffness to the frame. The space in wood saw frames usually filled up with such devices is left open, giving the saw greater capacity for sawing large sticks of wood, wide planks or boards. There is no screw-straining rod to get out of order. All parts of this new frame are simple, strong and durable. It is light enough to be used by a small boy, and strong enough for a large man, and warranted to give entire satisfaction to all purchasers. Price, complete with Pacific Saw Manufacturing Co’s Extra Blade, set and filed, ready to work, each, $1.50. “ [ [14 [1 “ [13 “6 2nd Quality Blade, “« « [13 [13 1. 5. Imported *¢ 3. ” $f * 1.00. 3 ‘ cc ct “ “ ‘ 47 A Liberal Discount to the Trade. Agents for C. B. Paul’s Celebrated Files. 78 VIEW OF THE MERCED FROM THE FOOT OF THE VALLEY. BH SEE OPPOSITE PAGE GLASS WARE & CROCKERY ESTABLISHMENT 123 KEARNEY ST. J os ¥ § ‘ae | ; | AF DISTANT VIEW OF THE DOMES. SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. | POST OFFICE BOX, 2061. NEW YORK OFFICE, 561 BROADWAY. OFFICE OF ACKERMAN BROTHERS 123 Kearny St., and 207 and 209 Sutter St., SAN FRANCISCO. Branches in Sacramento, Cal., Oakland, Cal., Portland, Oregon. Crockery, China, Glassware, Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Fine and Medium Priced Fancy Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICE BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ACKERMAN BROTHERS, 198 Kearny St. and 207 and 209 Sutter St., The Largest Establishment on the Pacific Coast. 81 MEMORANDUM. | Softens, Soothes and Beautifies the Skin. LD RELIABLE 10 YEARS IN THE MARKET And Growing in Favor Every Day. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY SMITH, LUCY & CO. Office, 405 Front St., San Francisco. \VE would call special attention to our full ¥¥ weight PEERLESS BLEACHING Soap, | made in the old-fashioned manner, out of first-class | material and by Mr. A. Luey, personally, the head of this firm and an old experienced Soap maker. The Peerless Bleaching will wash equally well in | hard or soft water, and possesses superior detersive | qualities not found in common Soaps. For Sale by all Grocers. McKEONE'S ) TINEL ROCK FROZEN RIVER SEE OPPOSITE PAGE NRE J HEE a thy 3.270 FT.HIGH > FoA150 BROADWAY 3 OAKLAND 3%; CAL. eff SEE°OPPOSITE PAGE BENNISON, LIEBMANN & CO. | SUCCESSORS TO ED BLOCK & CD, Nos. 1187-1189 BROADWAY, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. eet THE LARGEST DRY GOODS AND FANCY GODS HOUSE IN OAKLAND. rm ———— Keep constantly on hand a magnifieent assort- “ment of goods in their line of business whieh, owing | to their present facilities, they are enabled to ecom- pete successfully with any house in the State. SAMPLES SENT on application, to any part of the State. GOODS SENT C. O. D. MEMORANDUM. THEO. GREENE, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS MILLINERY, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishing Goods, equal in quality and less in price than in San Francisco. N. B.—XAlso, a large assortment of Trimmed and Un- trimmed Hats and Bonnets in Stock, and made to order | in the latest styles. Cor. Park Street and Santa Clara Ave, ALAMEDA, CAL. LOUIS BRAVERMAN & GO. Successors to BRAVERMAN & LEVY, JEWELLERS, Keer THE FINEST sTock or DIAMONDS ano otHEr PRECIOUS STONES on THE PACIFIC COAST AT PRICES TO DEFY ANY COMPETITION. In WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER- WARE ano FRENCH CLOCKS we keep a VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST NOVELTIES whHicH WE RECEIVE DIRECT FROM THE PRINCIPAL MANUFACTURERS. We manufacture any piece of Jewelry and Diamond Work in our own factory, and furnish designs if desired. Goods marked in plain figures at very close prices. (19 Montgomery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. £634 EE FTLHIGH Y } 3 . I wy OSEMIT eR E ei FALLS , VIEW F SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. PAR Ea ee = =r ee er [LION BEA IMPORTER AND DEALER Fine Books = Stationery, BLANK BOOKS, Commercial and Fancy Stationery, Fine LEATHER (O0DS, ALBUMS, WRITING DESKS, PORTFOLIOS, ETC, ETC. 0: NEW PUBLICATIONS CONSTANTLY RECEIVED. 0: 8 COUNTRY ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. 107 Montgomery street, Opposite Occidental Hotel, SAN FRANCISCO. MEMORANDUM. PHENIX IRON WORKS | Nos. 18 and 20 Fremont Street, NEAR MARKET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ee ALL KINDS OF FORGING ¢ MACHINE WORK. PRISON CELLS D EGP | rouGHT IRON AND BRIDGE | Xi aml 7¢| CIRDERS AND WORK. ' 4 : BEAMS. FIRE AND BURGLAR- PROOF SAFES. DSR Bank Vaults and Bank Locks. ISHN | WROUGHT IRON DOORS AND SHUTTERS. 10: ALL KINDS OF HOUSE SMITH WORK, 0: ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. R. YOUNG, Proprietor. 95 THE POPULAR PERFUME. Refreshing, Pleasing, Lasting! THE DELIGHTFUL AND ENDURING FRAGRANCE OF BOWMAN'S BANNER COLOGNE HAS EXHAUSTED ALL THE ADJECTIVES OF THE LANGUAGE. A few of those which are daily showered with the spray of this most agreeable perfume are given below: CHARMING ! SWEET ! DELICATE ! REFRESHING ! SAUL Rs "i PLEASANT! . DAINTY ! ELEGANT! BeAvuTIFUL! UNIQUE! INCOMPARABLE ! A SPLENDID ! OADWAY, OAKLAND. b 813 BR ExqQuisiTE! DeLicious! FRAGRANT! LoveLy! INIMITABLE ! EXCELLENT ! FASCINATING ! MAGNIFICENT ! TRANSCENDENT : Too, TOO, TOO AwruL NICE! The balmy breath of blossoms rare That scents the misty midnight air, Dissolved in drops of crystal dew, And gleaned by fairy hands for you. yy Price 25 Cents, 50 Cents, and $r.00 a Bottle. ———— SOLD EVERYWHERE. THE CAPITAN “SEE OPPOSITE PAGE. 3.600 FT.HIGH 96 0 m m o Be o o 2 ad m © > @ m im << 2 > ps rr. [m % = ub 0° Oia 23 INAHLIVIH 2 SNOIDIT3a v3ILl,HONNT NVdVR, “JAPAN LUNCH” TEA. A SPECIAL IMPORTATION JUST RECEIVED BY CASTLE BROS. & LOUPE, 213, 215 and 217 Front St, SAN FRANCISCO. IZ calling the attention qf consumers to this new brand of Tea, we wish to impress upon them the fact that it ts PURE, UNCOLORED, and entirely free from any inju- rious matter, and having been very carefully selected, we can confidently recommend it as being of delicious flavor and the most healthful and invigorating Tea in the market. As an inducement and for introduction we have packed it in hand- some School Lunch Cans, for which no extra charge is made, thus giving to the consumer a useful article with each pound of pure Tea. Ask your grocer for aay Lunch” Tea, and take no other. Packed in ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE Marine, Stationary and Portable Boilers. $B. OROCK ER & (7 SAN FRANCISCO, T SACRAMENTO, IMPORTING, Ld =o |. STATIONERS P + ste or sires | 4 "Phy Copp RROIAL S$ i HH | Nip WR PED 0 sg. 00 00000 as RE | 22 7S ’ Hu LITHO Smoke Stacks, Hydraulic Pipe, Oil or Water Tanks, | Bookbindses and Blank Book Manufacturers. Ore and Water Buckets, Gasometers, Girders, ||. ti er Bridge and Iron Ship Building. NOVELTIES ix toms 15 FINE GOODS W-t=—D SUCH AS @===2q, % © ALL KINDS OF SHEET IRON WORK. "hotograph Albums, Handkerchief Boxes, In Plush, Russia Leather and Cork. | In Plush, Russia Leather and Cork. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT LOWEST POSSIBLE TERMS. \utograph Albums, Glove Boxes, In Plush, Russia Leather and Cork, | In Plush, Russia Leather and Cork Odor Cases, Jewel Cases, o \ / H A In Plush, Russia Leather and Cork. | In Plush, Russia Leather and Cork. . . ’ inlaid Writing Desks. Dressing Cases. PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER Promenade Bags. | Opera Glasses. { - | . Porte-monnaies, : Invory, | Cigarette Cases, ; In Ivory. | 214 and 216 Beale St., San Francisco, Cal. | iar Cases, totem, An Elegant Assortment of Illuminated Correspondence Cards, # : : : Sk z 3 : Fine Papers, with Envelopes to match. CORRESPONDENCE . CABINETS TIN "PLUS SH AND SATIN. Card Cases, In Tvory. : 3 VISITING CARDS, MENU. DANCE PROGRAMMES and CORRESPONDENCE CARDS, Plain and Decorated. d | / 6 . 0 | | T 0 B 0 d Agents for Pacific Coast for : LEROY W. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AND CRANFE’S CELEBRATED FINE STATIONERY. Softens and Whitens the Skin. ; an sia PRE