Comparability of Reporting Between the Birth Certificate and the National Natality Survey U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Querec, Linda J. Comparability of reporting on birth certificates and national natality survey question- naires. (Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 83) (DHEW publication ; no. (PHS) 80-1357) Includes bibliographical references. Supt. of Docs. no.: HE 20.6209:2/82 1. Registers of births, etc.—United States. 2. Birth certificates—United States. 3. United States—Statistics, Vital. 4. Social surveys—United States. I. Title. II. Series: United States. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 83. III. Series: United States. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. DHEW publication ; no. (PHS) 80-1357. RA409.U45 no. 83 [HA38] 312'.07'23s 79-607801 ISBN 0-8406-0178-6 [312.07'23] For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 DATA EVALUATION AND METHODS RESEARCH Series 2 Number 83 Comparability of Reporting Between the Birth Certificate and the National Natality Survey Describes comparability of reporting of selected items common to the birth certificate and National Natality Survey questionnaires. Items include age and education of parents, number of previous children, number of fetal deaths, plurality, birth weight, length of pregnancy, and receipt of prenatal care. DHEW Publication No. (PHS) 80-1357 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville, Md. April 1980 NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS DOROTHY P. RICE, Director ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Deputy Director JACOB J. FELDMAN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Analysis GAIL F. FISHER, Ph.D., Associate Director for the Cooperative Health Statistics S ystem ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Acting Associate Director for Data Systems ALVAN O. ZARATE, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director for International Statistics ROBERT C. HUBER, Associate Director for Management MONROE G. SIRKEN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Mathematical Statistics PETER L. HURLEY, Associate Director for Operations JAMES M. ROBEY, Ph.D., Associate Director for Program Development GEORGE A. SCHNACK, Acting Associate Director for Research ALICE HAYWOOD, Information Officer DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS JOHN E. PATTERSON, Director ALICE M. HETZEL, Deputy Director ROBERT L. HEUSER, M.A., Chief, Natality Statistics Branch JOSEPH D. FARRELL, Chief, Programming Branch MABEL G. SMITH, Chief, Statistical Resources Branch Vital and Health Statistics-Series 2-No. 83 DHEW Publication No. (PHS)80-1357 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 79-607801 CONTENTS Introduction .. Sources and Limitations of Data Selected Findings Age of Mother Age of Father Number of Children Born Alive and Still Living Number of Children Born Alive and Now Dead Live-birth Order Number of Fetal Deaths Education of Parents Plurality Birth Weight Length of Pregnancy Month of Pregnancy Prenatal Care Began Number of Prenatal Visits Comparability of Reporting by Race of Child and Age and Education of Mother .......ccceeeeeererrcnereecsasnnns References List of Detailed Tables Appendixes I. Technical Notes II. 1972 National Natality Survey Source Documents LIST OF TEXT TABLES A. Percent of cases reporting identical age of mother and percent reporting age of mother within the same age group on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey questionnaires, by age of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 B. Percent of cases reporting identical age of father and percent reporting age of father within the same age group on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey mother’s questionnaire, by age of father reported on the birth certificate, 1972 C. Percent of cases reporting identical education of mother and percent reporting education of mother within the same education group on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey mother’s questionnaire, by education of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 ............. 10 11 12 14 15 28 53 Percent agreement of selected items on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey ques- tionnaires, by race of child reported on the birth certificate, 1972 ..auiinurnimanissnssmsnises Percent agreement of selected items on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey ques- tionnaires, by age of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 Percent agreement of selected items on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey ques- tionnaires, by education of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 ....cccvverrvrerrivreniueennnne SYMBOLS Data not available--------------- domme -- Category not applicable---------eseeememmceaaeeeee | Quantity zero Quantity more than 0 but less than 0.05--—-- 0.0 Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision---------------ceceeeeeeeeee COMPARABILITY OF REPORTING BETWEEN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND THE NATIONAL NATALITY SURVEY Linda J. Querec, M. A., Division of Vital Statistics INTRODUCTION For nearly two decades more than 99 per- cent of all live births in the United States have been registered!; however, little information has been available on the quality of birth certificate reporting. One method of examining quality of reporting is by comparison with vital record fol- lowback survey data. This report was designed to measure the extent of agreement between the responses provided on the birth certificate and responses provided on a mailed questionnaire from the last National Natality Survey. Al- though the last National Natality Survey was conducted in 1972, there is little reason to be- lieve that comparability of reporting changes enough from year to year at the national level for the findings of this report to be substantially affected. Some comparability studies exist,2# but most are limited in scope and often are con- fined to medical conditions of the mother and/or the child. One exception is a study? conducted in New York State in 1972 in which specific information on the birth certificates was compared with the same information on the hospital records. This study contains many of the same items that are compared in this report. Two important similar studies were conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census to assess the accuracy of the 1970 census reporting. One study matched responses to items on the census questionnaire with responses to the 1970 Cur- rent Population Survey.® The second study used reinterviews to evaluate census responses.’ The items considered in this study are com- mon to both the birth certificate and the survey questionnaires and include the following: age and education of parents, plurality, birth weight, length of pregnancy, month of pregnancy that prenatal care began, number of prenatal visits, number of children born alive and still living, number of children born alive and now dead, live-birth order, and number of fetal deaths. Al- though it cannot be determined from this study which information is correct when the two doc- uments differ on a particular item, in some in- stances it is possible to hypothesize which in- formation is more accurate. SOURCES AND LIMITATIONS OF DATA The National Natality Survey (NNS) con- sisted of a 1-in-500 sample of births drawn from the microfilm file of birth certificates received by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) for births occurring in the survey year. The original sample consisted of 6,505 births, 816 of which were eliminated because they were either reported as or inferred to be out-of- wedlock births. (See appendix I for method of inference.) The remaining 5,689 births were in- cluded in the survey. Each mother in the survey received a mother’s (M) questionnaire that re- quested health and demographic information. The name and address of the attending phy- sician and the hospital where the delivery oc- curred are listed on the birth certificate, thereby making it possible to obtain additional informa- tion from these sources. This information in- cludes a pregnancy history, information about prenatal and postpartum care, and information concerning the delivery episode. If the address of the attending physician was the same as that of the hospital where the delivery occurred, then one questionnaire, the long hospital (HL) ques- tionnaire, was sent to the hospital. If the phy- sician’s address was different from that of the hospital where delivery occurred, then a physi- cian (P) questionnaire was sent to the physician and a short hospital (HS) questionnaire was sent to the hospital. The HS and P questionnaires to- gether contain the same information as the HL questionnaire. Information on the sample design and collection of data as well as samples of the questionnaires and the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth are included in the appendixes. Limitations of the data centered, for the most part, on various forms of nonreporting. The basic form of nonreporting was failure to respond to the questionnaire (unit nonresponse). Of survey mothers, 71.5 percent responded to the questionnaire; among physicians who re- ceived the P questionnaire, 72.2 percent re- sponded; and among hospitals that received either the HL or HS questionnaire, 85.4 percent responded (table III). Because the questionnaires differ in the type of data requested, some but not necessarily all items may be available for a particular case. As shown in table IV, mothers of white births had a much higher response rate (73.6 percent) than mothers of all other births (56.0 percent). Response rates for mothers varied greatly by age of mother, color of child, and live-birth order. They ranged from a high of 82.7 percent among 25-29-year-old mothers of white first births to a low of 39.1 percent among 20-24-year-old mothers of third or higher order births other than white. Questionnaires that are returned may have one or more unanswered questions or an impos- sible or illegible response, all of which are classi- fied as item nonresponse. Although missing data were imputed for other reports from the NNS, no imputation was done for this report, because the purpose of this study was to evaluate the items as they were reported. Appendix I con- tains a discussion of procedures that were used to improve response rates. Although a birth certificate was available for each case, not all States use the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth and some certificates do not contain all items on the standard birth certificate. Thus certain data may be available on the survey questionnaires, but not from all the birth certificates. Table II shows the report- ing areas for these selected items. One item, the number of fetal deaths, is not reported consist- ently from State to State—some States include all fetal deaths and others include only those occurring after a specified period of gestation. As with the questionnaires, an item con- tained on the birth certificate may have been left either unanswered or may have had an im- possible or illegible response. Unlike the ques- tionnaires, no followback could be done by NCHS to complete or correct the birth certifi- cate item. Table V contains item nonresponse rates for the birth certificate and questionnaires. Responses to selected items on the question- naires were matched with the corresponding data from the birth certificate. The extent of agreement for each item was determined only for those births in the sample for which there was a response to the item on both the certifi- cate and the questionnaire. For each item, both the text tables and the appendix tables should be consulted for an indication of the extent of exclusion of cases due to nonreporting and non- response. The agreement rate was obtained by computing the percent of cases for which an identical response was provided on both the questionnaire and the birth certificate by using the birth certificate and its response as the base. Because not all births were utilized in the comparison, the results reported here may not be completely representative of all births to mar- ried women. It is not possible to determine whether accuracy of reporting among births omitted from this study either because of occur- rence in nonreporting States or because of non- response to the survey differs from accuracy among those included in the survey. Thus com- parability of reporting might differ from that shown in this report, but the direction and mag- nitude of these differences are unknown. SELECTED FINDINGS A great deal of variation was found in com- parability of reporting for items common to the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires. Comparability ranged from excellent to poor. Items that had an excel lent level of agreement (90 percent or better) were age of mother (mother’s questionnaire), plurality, number of children born alive and still living, number of children born alive and now dead, and live-birth order. Those items with good agreement (80 to 89 percent) included age of mother (long/short hospital questionnaire), age of father, birth weight, length of pregnancy, and number of fetal deaths. Comparability of reporting of parents’ education was fair (70 to 79 percent), and reporting of prenatal care was poor (less than 50 percent). A discrepancy of *1 may be significant for certain items and not for others. For example, a discrepancy of one unit would not make a notable difference in the reporting of either pre- natal visits or birth weight, but would make a significant difference in the reporting of either live-birth order or plurality. Although agreement of prenatal visits was poor, the discrepancy was often only one or two visits. If cases with a dif- ference of one or two visits were included with those that have an identical number of visits, then agreement increased markedly, to 56 and 66 percent on the mother’s and hospital/physi- cian questionnaires, respectively. The impact of discrepancies is reduced further in tabulations in which the data are pre- sented in grouped form. Many items are most useful when tabulated in this manner. Age of mother and age of father are usually tabulated in 5-year age groups. Although reporting of identi- cal age of mother was found for 90.7 percent of the comparison cases, age of mother was re- ported within the same 5-year age group for 96.9 percent of the cases. For age of father, agreement increased from 84.5 percent to 94.6 percent when 5-year-age-group tabulations were used. Data are shown in grouped form for other variables as well. Agreement of education of mother increased from 77.2 to 85.5 percent for grouped data. For birth weight, agreement within 500-gram weight groups was found for 96.0 percent of the comparison cases. The results of this study compare favorably with those obtained from similar studies con- ducted by the Bureau of the Census and the New York State Department of Health. For example, agreement of age of mother between the birth certificate and the hospital record was 89.7 percent in the New York State study, which was very close to the 87.8 percent found in this study. In addition, agreement of report- ing of age of mother within 5-year age groups was better in this study than in a study of com- parability of reporting between the 1970 census and the 1970 Current Population Survey (CPS)— 96.9 percent in this study compared with 93.3 percent in the census study. Other items included in this and other stud- ies were age of father, live-birth order, number of fetal deaths, education of parents, birth weight, gestation, and month of pregnancy that prenatal care began. Generally, comparability of reporting for these items was very similar in each of these studies. In summary, this study shows that (1) the comparability of reporting of most items is good, (2) the impact of discrepancies is min- imized further when data are presented in tabu- lations of grouped data, and (3) these findings are similar to those of other studies. AGE OF MOTHER Age of mother was available from the mother’s questionnaire, the long/short hospital questionnaire, and the birth certificate. The birth certificate and the HL/HS questionnaire asked for the age of the mother at the time of the birth, that is, the age at her last birthday preceding the birth. The M questionnaire re- quested the mother’s date of birth and from this date her age at time of delivery was determined. It is reasonable to expect that the mother’s age that is based on a date of birth would be more accurate because the birth date is constant and therefore should be easier to recall. This also eliminates any tendency to report age as of the nearest birthday. When data were available from both the birth certificate and the M questionnaire, an identical age was reported for 90.7 percent of the mothers (table 1). In cases where disagree- ment was found, it was most likely to be Table A. Percent of cases reporting identical age of mother and percent reporting age of mother within the same age group on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey questionnaires, by age of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 mr Age of mother reported on birth certificate A t of f th T §reainent oF age of mother © 11 Under 20 | 20-24 | 25-29 | 30-34 | 35 years years years | years | years | and over Mother's questionnaire Certificate same as QUESTIONNAITE ...........ceervviuiuiureeeaeeesrrenreneeeeeeessesranaaeaes 90.7 91.6 90.8 91.7 89.4 86.5 Within same age group on certificate and questionnaire...............cccceeevvvnnnne 96.9 96.1 97.3 97.6 96.6 94.0 Long/short hospital questionnaire Certificate Same as QUESHIONNBIFR w.....iviiririreriesrssisissrssrsassesenssunssransennsrrers 87.8 93.6 88.2 85.6 87.0 83.2 Within same age group on certificate and questionnaire.............c..cceeevvvvnnnne 96.2 98.1 96.8 95.7 95.1 93.1 because a lower age was determined from the birth certificate than from the M questionnaire: 6.6 percent reported a younger age at delivery on the birth certificate compared with 2.7 percent reporting a younger age on the M questionnaire. In most cases the discrepancy was only 1 year, with 2.5 percent having a discrep- ancy of 2 years or more. The amount of agreement of the age item varied only slightly with the age of the mother that was reported on the birth certificate. Agreement was lowest (86.5 percent) among mothers aged 35 years and over; among younger mothers it was approximately 90 percent. As shown in table 1, agreement between the birth certificate and the HL/HS questionnaire was only slightly lower. The comparison, limited to the 84.0 percent with response on both records, showed that 87.8 percent reported an identical age on both records. Unlike the com- parison of the birth certificate and the M questionnaire, the discrepant cases usually re- ported a higher age on the birth certificate than on the HL/HS questionnaire (7.9 percent with a higher age on the birth certificate compared with 4.3 percent with a higher age on the questionnaire). Only 2.9 percent showed a dis- crepancy of 2 years or more. The proportion of cases with exact agreement ranged from 93.6 percent among mothers under 20 years old to 83.2 percent among mothers aged 35 years and older. The New York State study? found that 89.7 percent reported an identical age on both the birth certificate and the hospital record— comparable to the 87.8 percent in this study. Since natality data are generally tabulated by 5-year age groups for analytical purposes, an error of 1 year on the birth certificate would result in a difference in the tabulations only when the correct age fell within another age interval. The proportion of mothers with re- ported age within the same 5-year age group on both the birth certificate and the mother’s ques- tionnaire was 96.9 percent and varied by age as shown in table A. Agreement between the birth certificate and the long/short hospital question- naire by 5-year age groups was similar, with age reported within the same 5-year age category for 96.2 percent of the cases. These results compare favorably with those obtained from a study® conducted by the Bureau of the Census which matched mothers’ ages that were reported in the 1970 census with those reported in the 1970 CPS. This study found that 93.3 percent of the respondents reported their age to be within the same 5-year age group in both the 1970 census and the 1970 CPS. AGE OF FATHER Survey data on age of the father are available only from the mother’s questionnaire. The questionnaire asked for father’s date of birth, but the birth certificate asked for father’s age at time of delivery. Agreement between these Table B. Percent of cases reporting identical age of father and percent reporting age of father within the same age group on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey mother’s questionnaire, by age of father reported on the birth certificate, 1972 Age of father reported on birth certificate Agreement of age of father Total Il ynder 20 | 20-24 | 25-29 | 30-34 | 35-39 | 40 years years years years | years years | and over Certificate same as QUESTIONNAINe..........ceuueeeenesrerinierinsi irre. 84.5 81.8 86.7 86.9 82.8 78.8 75.9 Within same age group on certificate and questionnaire................ 94.6 94.4 95.3 95.8 93.6 92.3 90.7 documents was not as good for the father’s age as for the mother’s age. Of the comparison cases, 84.5 percent showed exact agreement for this item (table 2). Only 3.7 percent had a discrep- ancy of 2 years or more. A larger proportion (9.1 percent) reported a younger age on the birth certificate than on the M questionnaire (6.4 percent). Similar results, with 88.6 percent reporting identical age, were found for the New York State study. The proportion of cases showing exact agree- ment varied with the age of the father as determined from the birth certificate—increasing from 81.8 percent for fathers under 20 years of age to 86.9 percent for fathers 25-29 years and then decreasing with age to 75.9 percent for fathers 40 years and over. Among fathers under 35 years, the discrepancy was most likely the result of a lower age given on the birth certifi- cate than the one determined from the question- naire; . among fathers 35 years and over the discrepancy was more likely to be in the oppo- site direction. As noted previously, natality data most often are tabulated by 5-year age groups and small discrepancies generally will not distort these tabulations. Father’s age was reported to be within the same 5-year age group for 94.6 percent of the sample cases for which this information was provided on both documents. Agreement by age of father is shown in table B. NUMBER OF CHILDREN BORN ALIVE AND STILL LIVING The number of previous children “born alive and still living” (BASL) was available from the birth certificate, the mother’s questionnaire, and the long/short hospital questionnaire. The birth certificate simply requested the number of children still living from previous deliveries. The HL/HS questionnaire asked for the number of children now living, and a check box was pro- vided for those cases requiring the response “none.” The mother’s questionnaire, which probably obtained the most accurate question- naire response, asked for the total number of children (including the present birth) born to the mother and the name, sex, and dates of birth and death of any deceased child to determine the number still living. This item and the number of children born alive, but now dead, are used to determine live-birth order from the certificate. Although the correct response in cases where there had been no previous children would be “0” or the word “none,” an X, dash, or blank sometimes was used. These may have been used to indicate that the answer was unknown; however, in cases where a numeric response was given for one item and an X, dash, or blank given for the other, the non-numeric entry was treated as “00.” In addi- tion, if an X or dash response was given to both items, then the response was considered “00” for both. The format for the mother’s and the long/short hospital questionnaires, which dif- fered from that of the birth certificates, made such an edit unnecessary for the survey data. No discrepancy was found for 97.0 percent of the cases with responses on the certificate and the M questionnaire (see table 3), and less than 1 percent disagreed by more than one child. Agreement was greatest among those reporting no children BASL on the birth certificate (98.2 percent) and least among those reporting five children or more BASL (91.7 percent or less). Among those reporting two children or more BASL on the birth certificate, deviation was more likely to be that a higher number (most often a deviation of one) was reported on the birth certificate than on the M questionnaire. Mothers who did not carefully read the instruc- tions on the M questionnaire may have excluded the present birth and included only previous births. This could account for the discrepancy. Comparability was slightly lower between the birth certificate and the HL/HS question- naire (92.1 percent) than it was between the certificate and the M questionnaire (97.0 per- cent). Only 1 percent disagreed by more than one child (table 3). Agreement ranged from 78.3 percent for those reporting eight children or more BASL on’ the birth certificate to 96.8 percent for those reporting no children BASL. Among those reporting two children or less BASL on the birth certificate, disagreement was most likely the result of fewer children being reported on the birth certificate; among those reporting three children or more, most often fewer children were reported on the questionnaire. NUMBER OF CHILDREN BORN ALIVE AND NOW DEAD The mother’s questionnaire, the long/short hospital questionnaire, and the birth certificate all contained an item for determining the num- ber of previous children “born alive and now dead” (BAND). As evidenced in table 4, comparability was very high with 98.3 percent of the certificates and the M questionnaires showing exact agree- ment. This was largely a result of the high proportion of agreement among those reporting “none” on. the birth certificate (99.1 percent). This category accounted for 96.5 percent of all births. However, agreement was not as good among those reporting one or more previous children BAND (77.5 percent). For this category there was a definite bias toward a greater number reported on the birth certificate than on the M questionnaire (21.7 percent). This is surprising because the M questionnaire probed further than the birth certificate, asking name, sex, and dates of birth and death of any children BAND, thereby encouraging the reporting of some cases on the questionnaire that the birth certificate might miss. Agreement between the HL/HS question- naire and the birth certificate was similar to that between the M questionnaire and the birth certificate (table 4). Identical reporting was found for 97.5 percent of the cases, mainly a result of 99.0-percent agreement among those reporting no children BAND on the birth certifi- cate—the category in which the vast majority of cases fell. There was less consistency with those reporting one child or more BAND on the birth certificate when compared with the HL/HS questionnaire than when compared with the M questionnaire—only 57.3 percent were in exact agreement. As with the M questionnaire, there was a bias toward a greater number reported on the birth certificate (42.0 percent). LIVE-BIRTH ORDER Live-birth order is defined as the total number of children born alive to the mother, including those still living, those now dead, and the current birth. Reporting of live-birth order showed a high degree of comparability between the mother’s questionnaire and the birth certifi- cate (96.1 percent) as shown in table 5. Fewer than 1 percent were discrepant by more than one birth. Comparability was greatest among births reported as first and second order on the birth certificate (98 percent). Among higher order births agreement ranged from 73.3 to 94.8 percent. When a discrepancy was found, the birth certificate generally reported a higher birth order than the questionnaire, as expected on the basis of the direction of difference for the two components (BASL and BAND). Comparability for this item was slightly lower between the long/short hospital question- naire and the birth certificate (91.1 percent) than it was between the M questionnaire and the birth certificate. Even so, only 1.3 percent showed a discrepancy of two births or more. Agreement was less than 90 percent for all birth orders except the first. Among discrepant cases of fourth and higher orders, the birth certificate was much more likely to report a higher birth order than the questionnaire. The New York State study found similar results: 94.8 percent of the sample cases showed no discrepancy in reporting live-birth order. A study’ done by the Bureau of the Census comparing census responses with responses to a reinterview survey found comparability to be lower with 89.8 percent reporting the same number of live-born children. NUMBER OF FETAL DEATHS Each of the survey questionnaires as well as the birth certificate contained a question asking for the number of previous fetal deaths. Unfor- tunately, the wording of the item differed among the data sources and even though all birth certificates required reporting of previous fetal deaths, the reporting requirements were not consistent for all areas. Although 42 States required reporting of previous fetal deaths at any gestational age, 1 State required reporting only after 16 weeks, and an additional 7 States and the District of Columbia required reporting only after 20 weeks. The States with limited reporting accounted for 28 percent of all births in 1972. Thus some discrepancies would be expected because of these differences. A comparison can be made of the response on the birth certificate item concerning the number of fetal deaths with the responses given both on the mother’s and the long/short hospital questionnaires. The M questionnaire used two questions to obtain the number of fetal deaths; the first asked for the number of stillbirths, and the second asked for the number of miscarriages. Although a stillbirth was defined as a baby born dead, there was no definition of miscarriage, but only an indication that any previously included stillbirths should be excluded. Although the two questions do not clearly indicate which gesta- tional ages apply to which category, the sum of stillbirths and miscarriages should be a good indication of the total number of fetal deaths. Agreement was found for 89.2 percent of the comparison cases (table 6). The discrepant cases were more likely to have fewer fetal deaths reported on the birth certificate than on the questionnaire (9.7 percent). About 90 percent of those reporting no fetal deaths on the birth certificate (the category containing the great majority of cases) also reported none on the questionnaire. Birth certificates that reported one previous fetal death were in agreement with the survey questionnaire 80.1 percent of the time. Among those reporting two or three or more fetal deaths on the birth certificate, the agreement rates were 86.8 and 75.0 percent, respectively. Within categories, there was no consistent bias in either direction in those cases where a discrep- ancy was found. The HL/HS questionnaire was much more specific in its request for the number of fetal deaths by asking for all pregnancies that did not end in a live birth, including all miscarriages, abortions, stillbirths, and so forth. As shown in table 6, exact agreement among matched cases was 88.7 percent. Discrepancies were more likely the result of fewer fetal deaths reported on the birth certificate than on the questionnaire. This is due solely to the large number of cases reporting no fetal deaths on the certificate for which this is the only possible dis- crepancy that could occur. In cases where the birth certificate reported no fetal deaths, agreement was 90.3 percent, which is almost identical to that between the M questionnaire and the birth certificate for that category. Among cases reporting two fetal deaths or more on the birth certificate, there was a greater amount of discrepancy between the birth certificate and the HL/HS question- naire than between the birth certificate and the M questionnaire. Of those reporting one, two, or three or more fetal deaths on the birth certifi- cate, 77.2, 73.4, and 55.2 percent, respectively, reported consistently on the two forms. Each of these categories showed a bias toward a greater number reported on the birth certificate than on the HL/HS questionnaire. The direction of this bias might be unexpected because in some reporting areas, fetal deaths of early gestational age do not have to be reported on the birth certificate. Agreement for this item in the New York study was 81.0 percent, somewhat lower than the 88.7 percent agreement between the HL/HS questionnaire and the birth certificate. EDUCATION OF PARENTS The mother’s questionnaire was the only source of survey data on educational attainment of parents. The questionnaire requested the highest grade of regular school completed and that any specialized training such as beauty- barber college and hospital schools be listed separately. The standard birth certificate re- quested the highest grade of regular school completed with no provision for specialized training. Inclusion of specialized training with the years of regular school reported on the birth certificate could result in an upward bias in the data. In 1972, 39 States followed the standard birth certificate and required the reporting of educational attainment of parents. Generally, the item was worded on the State birth certifi- cates the same as on the standard birth certifi- cate except for the Illinois certificate that had a provision similar to the M questionnaire for reporting specialized training. As shown in table 7, among mothers for whom this information was provided on both sources, 77.2 percent reported an identical amount of education on both forms. An addi- tional 15.6 percent showed a discrepancy of only 1 year. A wide variation in agreement rates was found when the data were tabulated by years of education recorded on the birth certifi- cate. The proportion with identical education re- ported on the two forms varied from 55.4 per- cent among those with 13-15 years of school to 90.0 percent among those with 12 years. Be- cause completion of 12 years is usually marked by receipt of a diploma, this category is prob- ably one of the easiest to identify and recall; therefore, it is not surprising that a high rate of agreement was found. The large proportion of disagreement found for the category 13-15 years might be the result of an upward bias on the birth certificate caused by adding specialized training to the regular schooling by those with 12 years of education. For example, a mother who had finished high school and later attended business school may have included the latter with her regular school- ing on the birth certificate, in which case she would be erroneously included in the category 13-15 years. However, because the mother’s questionnaire contained a separate category for reporting specialized training, only regular schooling would be included, and her education would be correctly reported as 12 years. The type of discrepancies found support this conten- tion: 35.0 percent of those included in the category 13-15 years reported a greater number of years of schooling on the birth certificate than on the M questionnaire compared with only 9.6 percent reporting a greater number on the M questionnaire. Because natality tabula- tions for the most part show education data in grouped form, a difference of only 1 year (and sometimes more) often would not result in misclassification in the tabulation. In tabulations of grouped data, 12 years of schooling was the only category not combined with the other years—this was the category with the least dis- crepancy (10.0 percent). Although 77.2 percent of the records reported identical education on both forms, 85.5 percent would be in agreement in tabulations of grouped data (table C). As shown in table 8 a bias existed in the reporting of education of the father, with the greatest nonresponse to the questionnaire (43.1 percent) among those reporting the least educa- tion on the birth certificate and the least nonresponse (14.0 percent) among those report- ing the most education on the certificate. Comparability was slightly lower for educa- tion of father than of mother; 72.3 percent reported an identical number of years of school- ing for fathers on both forms compared with 77.2 percent for mothers. An additional 17.7 percent was discrepant by 1 year for education of father. The discrepancy was equally divided between a higher and lower number reported on the birth certificate when compared with the questionnaire. After classifying the data by the amount of education of father reported on the birth certifi- cate, it was found that comparability was greatest among high school and college graduates (85.8 and 74.7 percent, respectively). Agree- ment for each of the other three categories was low, around 55 percent. For the category 13-15 years, there was a slight bias toward reporting more education on the birth certificate than on the questionnaire, but this bias was smaller than that found among mothers in this education category. Discrepancies in other categories were not biased in a particular direction except for the category 0-8 years where 31.7 percent of the sample mothers reported the fathers as having less education on the birth certificate than on the questionnaire when compared with the 13.5 percent who reported more. In this category a substantial proportion (29.6 percent) Table C. Percent of cases reporting identical education of mother and percent reporting education of mother within the same education group on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey mother’s questionnaire, by education of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 Education of mother reported on birth certificate i f Agreement of education of mother Total 0-8 9-11 12 13-15 | 16 years years | years | years | years | or more Cartificatn Same 8 QUESTIONINBING scsiirrimssrrmssiitsiusmistssesiniastmvia si ieemse sie 77.2 || 65.7 | 66.1 90.0 55.4 74.7 Within same education group on certificate and questionnaire ..........ccccceveeiinrniens 85.5 78.4 85.3 90.0 70.4 90.7 differed by 2 years or more. However, only a small proportion of comparison cases (6 per- cent) was included in the category 0-8 years. These findings for comparability of report- ing of parents’ education were better than in the CPS-Census Match Study in which 65.2 percent of the respondents reported the same amount of education on both the census and CPS. How- ever, they were lower than the results in the New York State study: for mother’s and father’s education, 95.2 percent and 94.5 percent, re- spectively, had identical education reported on both forms. PLURALITY Reporting of plurality on the birth certifi- cate, as required by all registration areas, has a response rate of nearly 100 percent. The long/ short hospital questionnaires were the only survey questionnaires that requested this infor- mation. Among comparison cases 99.8 percent reported an identical number at birth on both data sources. Of those births reported as single births on the birth certificate, 99.9 percent were also reported as single births on the HL/HS ques- tionnaire with the remainder reported as twin births (table 9). When a birth was classified as twin on the birth certificate, it was also classi- fied as twin on the questionnaire in 94.4 percent of the cases. The remaining 5.6 percent were reported as single births. Perhaps the disagree- ment occurred in cases where only one twin was live born and the existence of the second twin was not transcribed from the hospital record to the survey questionnaire. Both cases of triplets or higher plurality were reported as such on the questionnaire. BIRTH WEIGHT Reporting of birth weight was required by all registration areas’ and included on the long/ short hospital questionnaires. Birth weight was reported either in grams or pounds and ounces on both forms, but all weights were converted to grams for comparison. As shown in table 10, there was no discrep- ancy in the reported birth weight for 86.5 percent of the comparison cases. Only 2.4 percent differed by 250 grams (8.8 ounces) or more. Because birth-weight data are usually tabulated in 500-gram intervals, many of the discrepant cases would be correctly classified in the grouped data tabulations. There was agree- ment within 500-gram intervals for 96.0 percent of the births. The level of exact agreement was lower (77.3 percent) among births determined from the birth certificate to be low birth weight (2,500 grams or less) than among heavier weight births (87.3 percent). When a discrepancy ap- peared, births determined as low birth weight from the birth certificate were more likely to have a higher weight reported on the HL/HS questionnaire than on the birth certificate, whereas heavier weight babies were more likely to have a lower weight reported on the ques- tionnaire. The New York State study found a similar comparability—91.7 percent had identical birth weight (within 1 once) reported both on the birth certificate and on the hospital record. LENGTH OF PREGNANCY The length of pregnancy was determined from the date the last menstrual period (LMP) began as reported on both the birth certificate and the long/short hospital questionnaires. In 1972, 39 States and the District of Columbia included the required LMP date on their birth certificates. The remaining States asked for length of pregnancy in completed weeks. This results in considerable heaping at 40 weeks, probably because many babies weighing 6-9 pounds would be considered full term and were reported as 40 weeks’ gestation. Nonresponse to the questionnaire seemed to be biased toward infants reported as premature (less than 37 weeks’ gestation) on the birth -certificate (table 11). Among births for which data were provided on the birth certificate but not on the questionnaire, 11.0 percent were classified as premature, compared with 9.2 percent among cases for which gestation was available from both sources. Comparability of response could be deter- mined for less than half of the survey cases. Of these, 85.8 percent reported identical length of gestation on both forms; an additional 6.8 percent differed by only 1 week. Births determined to be premature from the birth certificate were less likely to have identical gestation reported on the questionnaire than were those of longer gestation (74.8 percent compared with 86.9 percent). There appeared to be a bias toward the reporting of longer gesta- tion on the questionnaire among those births that were reported as premature on the birth certificate with nearly 14 percent reporting a gestation period 4 weeks or more longer on the questionnaire. Among births with gestation re- ported as 37 weeks or more on the birth certificate, only 3.0 percent differed by 4 weeks or more in either direction on the questionnaire. MONTH OF PREGNANCY PRENATAL CARE BEGAN In 1972, 40 States and the District of Colum- bia required reporting of the month of preg- nancy that prenatal care began on the birth cer- tificate. The information was obtained for the birth certificate by querying either the mother or the attending physician. The mother’s re- sponse was most likely based on recall. Although 10 the physician has access to medical records con- cerning the care that he provided, he might be unaware of any additional care provided by other physicians and could report care as begin- ning later than it actually did. A comparison can be made between this information on the birth certificate with that on the long hospital and physician’s questionnaires. However, the questionnaire, unlike the birth certificate, specifically asked that care reported be limited to that provided by the attending physician, causing discrepancies in cases where more than one physician was consulted. On the birth certificates where a comparison could be made, 42.9 percent reported care beginning in the same month of pregnancy both on the questionnaire and the birth certificate (table 12). Another 36.9 percent disagreed by only 1 month. Discrepancies of 1 month often do not affect classification by the trimester care began, the form in which the data are generally most useful, further minimizing disagreement. Thus, the proportion showing agreement when tabulated by trimester (including those reporting no care) rather than by single month was in- creased to 75.7 percent. The rate of agreement among those report- ing no care on the birth certificate was 72.7 percent. Among those reporting some prenatal care, a wide variation in agreement existed by the month that the care began as reported on the birth certificate. The HL/P questionnaire corroborated only 10.2 percent of the birth certificates where care was reported to have begun in the first month. However, a large proportion of these cases (55.3 percent) re- ported care beginning in the second rather than the first month on the questionnaire, which is still in the first trimester. Among the other categories, agreement ranged from 28.9 to 53.2 © percent. In cases where differing months were re- ported, it was more likely that the birth certifi- cate had care as beginning earlier than the questionnaire did; 38.4 percent reported earlier care on the birth certificate in comparison with 18.6 reporting earlier care on the questionnaire. Thus it is tempting to surmise that many discrepancies arise from cases where more than one physician was consulted, and that these discrepancies result from the inclusion of early care by other physicians on the birth certificate. However, for certificates reporting care begin- ning in the third month or later, there was a tendency, and in some cases quite large, toward reporting an earlier date on the questionnaire than on the birth certificate (see table 12), which would refute this hypothesis. The New York State study also compared reporting of month prenatal care began and found comparability to be better than the present study (53.9 compared with 42.9 percent). NUMBER OF PRENATAL VISITS The birth certificate, the mother’s question- naire, and the long hospital/physician question- naire each contained an item on the number of prenatal visits. Information on the birth certifi- cate was probably provided by the mother or the attending physician. The source of data for the M questionnaire was the mother who was queried several months after the birth of her child. The questionnaire was structured to ascer- tain additional sources of prenatal care and the number of visits to these sources which may have helped to elicit an accurate response. How- ever, heaping at an even number of visits seems to indicate that the response was often a guess. Because data for the HL/P questionnaire were obtained directly from the hospital’s or the attending physician’s records, visits to additional sources of prenatal care may not have been in- cluded. Heaping was not as great among re- sponses on the HL/P questionnaire. Among cases where data were available from both the birth certificate and the M question- naire, only 15.6 percent reported an identical number of visits on both sources (table 13). Approximately 56 percent agreed within 2 visits; however, nearly 24 percent were discrepant by 5 visits or more. Classification of data by the number of prenatal visits reported on the birth certificate reveals an agreement rate ranging between 7 and 19 percent for all categories except the no prenatal care category for which 66.7 percent agreement was found; however, the number of cases in this category was small. Among cate- gories 1-2 through 11-12, there was a large bias toward a lower entry on_the birth certificate than on the mother’s questionnaire. The size of this bias generally decreased as the number of visits increased, from 76 percent for those reporting 1-2 visits to 43 percent for those reporting 11-12 visits. A large proportion of these (between 22 and 59 percent) reported at least three fewer visits on the birth certificate. With the exception of the category 15-16 visits, agreement was lowest (approximately 8 percent) among those reporting 13 visits or more on the birth certificate. Unlike those reporting fewer prenatal visits, there was a bias toward a greater number of visits reported on the birth certificate than on the questionnaire. As shown in table 13, there was a somewhat greater consistency of response between the birth certificate and the HL/P questionnaire. The number of prenatal visits reported on the HL/P questionnaire was identical to the number reported on the birth certificate 25 percent of the time and agreed within 2 visits 66 percent of the time. Although the M questionnaire and the birth certificate differed by 5 visits or more almost 24 percent of the time, the HL/P questionnaire differed from the birth certificate by this amount less than 16 percent of the time. Consistency of reporting between these two documents was, for the most part, inversely related to the number of visits as reported on the birth certificate, decreasing from 88.2 per- cent agreement at no visits to 2.9 percent at 19 visits or more. For most of these categories, between 62 and 72 percent agreed within 2 visits. Among those reporting 10 visits or less, there were more likely to be fewer visits reported on the birth certificate than on the HL/P questionnaire. However, this bias was not nearly as great as that found in the comparison of the birth certificate with the mother’s ques- tionnaire, which may have been a result of the mother’s knowledge of visits to other physicians. Among those reporting 11 visits or more on the birth certificate, a larger proportion reported more visits on the birth certificate than on the HL/P questionnaire. Although the number re- porting no prenatal care on the birth certificate was small, agreement was good (88.2 percent). 1 COMPARABILITY OF REPORTING BY RACE OF CHILD AND AGE AND EDUCATION OF MOTHER To determine differences in comparability among subgroups of the population, the percent agreement of selected variables was computed by race of child and by age and education of mother as reported on the birth certificate. As shown in table D, comparability was generally better for white than for black births. The only exception was the number of prenatal visits (as reported on the long hospital/physician questionnaire) for which the percent of cases with exact agreement was found to be slightly higher among black than among white births (28.1 vs. 24.4 percent, respectively). However, there was a higher proportion of white than of black births for which reporting differed by no more than two visits (66.1 and 63.3 percent, respectively). Only for the prenatal care items reported on the HL/P questionnaire was there a relationship between comparability of reporting and age of mother (table E). Accuracy of reporting the month of pregnancy that prenatal care began in- creased with the age of the mother—from 37.0 percent for mothers who were under 20 years of age to 47.1 percent for mothers 35 years of age and older. The same relationship was found by trimester that care began. The percent of cases reporting prenatal care starting within the same trimester ranged from 65.7 percent for the youngest age group to 80.2 percent for the old- est age group. For the number of prenatal visits, a small variation in comparability by age of mother was found: the percent with exact agreement was Table D. Percent agreement of selected items on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey questionnaires, by race of child reported on the birth certificate, 1972 Race of child reported on : Question- 2 the birth Selected item naires Total ceroticals White | Black Education of mother INUIMDEY OF Cases OOIMIDBIE uvirusmims si amir a aR Tr eA STS ANE A NAR AAR SE Fr 08 Lem ERR Sere ad M 2,833 || 2,610 223 Percent agreement by: SINIOIE VORES OF SUITION c.ccicsiirisineinsrunmrsmnronsiissssmarirs serra sia san ss ee ETT EAT Sa rae ER ESS Ee RRA M 76.4 77.4 65.0 Grouped years OF SOND)... cwuiiimiiiimmssvormmmisniimiisssiis saris sist ss sisastemirives M 85.6 86.3 77.6 Birth weight NUMDbEr Of CASES COMPETE .......cccevviuuuuiirieirrrnrsiiereerrarsrarasssesseeessessssssssssesesssesssassssssssssnessessasssnne HL/HS 4,693 || 4,247 446 Percent agreement within 500-Gram interval ..........ccceeeiiiiuueuieeririereeeesiinsesesessssnsesessssssesssssnnsseeens HL/HS 96.0 96.6 90.6 Month of pregnancy prenatal care began INUMDBEE OF CASES COINMBAIEN. ...cnvevinsassssernnnnunsnssssmsssinssnniosoosssmsivashussinsssssnsi sin siessss irs s smn rs E SHE HL/P 2,950 || 2,734 216 Percent agreement by: SIMIC PIONTI wo errrrvrrrresvisrees sr ST IT ER EA SA TE SR SRST TAT A ST as tsa don suh dR mmr An E ORL HL/P 42.9 43.5 35.6 BPHIIBSIE. .. ce rrsiesoverinmernnesssmmsrssvesansnessis rena s es SEATS A SOAS SRS A TT TS TT STR r ea TS RRA HL/P 75.7 76.3 68.1 Number of prenatal visits INUTRDEE OF GOSHS COMPAL . vx revunrerersnunrisrsrrreusnevsersrssrstrrestbesssars snk esmi isms mass Ses arr AT AAR RR HL/P 2,221 || 2,025 196 Percent agreement by: SINQIB VISE covsvvvrismsinvsmmrsvermrsisssisssssssssrssasssssssssssassansensans ATR RTA A TE As ARR EA SARA SAREE AE HL/P 24.7 24.4 28.1 HE VIBES corriss senssmmmsmnsnsnenarsrvanstbocsses sya sc ase SERA A SE TT ETA EEE Ee RT EERO RET HARE rae HL/P 65.8 66.1 63.3 1M refers to mother’s questionnaire; HL/HS refers to long/short hospital questionnaire; HL/P refers to long hospital/physician questionnaire. 2Total includes white and black races only. 12 Table E. Percent agreement of selected items on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey questionnaires, by age of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 Age of mother reported y on the birth certificate Selected item Buesinn Total Under 20 | 20-34 | 35 years years years and over Education of mother Number of Cases COMPAred .........cceiiueereiririnneessniires sss essere assesses sessseasees 2,869 325 | 2,360 184 Percent agreement by: * SINGIE YOars OF SCNOD)..ciuiisrnmsirmsinmrsimmmisiin sires srsienirs sien SETS M 76.2 74.8 76.6 73.4 Grouped years Of SCHOO «uuuimisivisrmsisssnamssssien rss sats asst si III 48 TIRE RY M 85.5 85.8 85.7 83.2 Birth weight INUMDET Of CASESICOMPBIBL .ovorurisrisinaricivrrmmmeniussinse ii rs SAREE SEETHER SRI SOR HL/HS | 4,769 687 | 3,794 288 Percent agreement within 500-gram interval .........cccccvevrireereeenienieesssessssssnsssnsesnen HL/HS 96.0 95.5 96.1 95.1 Month of pregnancy prenatal care began INUIMDEr OF C583 COMPBIET ....vvivivsssinismmrissasssnisstsnsnrrrerssrssrensuassvsnensssetis st sas SESSA ARS HL/P | 3,002 432 | 2,398 172 Percent agreement by: Single month HL/P 42.9 37.0 43.7 47.1 TT EIRIBBLBY. ..ccxunemesnernmmrsuanaiebbsssiissnssssa ines Tr SEA ms TAR ERAT SS EAA SS SAA ARSE SAS 18H HL/P 75.8 65.7 77.3 80.2 Number of prenatal visits NUMDbBr OF CaSES COIMPATBH cicciiinrirmsrmrismisinss rsa ress TITS TRY HL/P | 2,258 313 | 1,814 131 Percent agreement by: SINGS VISI. sce rrssesnermmsnesssnmmarsmsrsssnas iris ss STB A TE EAE ARI EEE ITH 3 ear a key HL/P 249 28.4 24.0 29.0 EDVIEIE. oo vee diennress rT STRAT ATE ARR ss ER TAS OHSS AR RRR ams SRSA RA TAR SAAT ATE HL/P 65.9 64.5 65.5 73.3 1M refers to mother’s questionnaire; HL/HS refers to long/short hospital questionnaire; HL/P refers to long hospital/physician questionnaire. lower among mothers 20-34 years of age (24.0 percent) than among both younger and older mothers (28.4 and 29.0 percent, respectively). Agreement within 2 visits showed a much larger age differential that increased with age from 64.5 percent among mothers under 20 years of age to 73.3 percent among mothers 35 years of age or older. Table F shows that there was only a slight variation in percent agreement by educational attainment of mother. For birth weight, com- parability of reporting between the birth certifi- cate and the long/short hospital questionnaire increased slightly with education, ranging from 95.1 percent among mothers with less than 12 years of schooling to 96.8 percent among those with 13 years or more. The prenatal care items showed more varia- tion by education than did birth weight, but no consistent pattern was found. For the month of pregnancy prenatal care began, mothers with the most education had a slightly higher percent of agreement than mothers with less education (ap- proximately 46 percent vs. slightly over 43 per- cent, respectively). However, education had a considerable effect on agreement rates by tri- mester, with the magnitude of agreement in- creasing as education increased. Agreement rates by trimester ranged from 70.5 percent for mothers with less than 12 years of education to 81.4 percent for mothers with 13 years or more of education. Exact agreement for number of prenatal vis- its ranged from 23.8 percent for those with 12 years of education to 27.4 percent for those with less than 12 years of education. Agreement within two visits showed a very slight inverse re- lationship to education. 13 Table F. Percent agreement of selected items on the birth certificate and National Natality Survey questionnaires, by education of mother reported on the birth certificate, 1972 Education of mother reported g on the birth certificate Selected item Question Total naire Less than 13 years oss 12 years Y 12 years or more Birth weight Number Of Cases COMPATEQ...........cocueieiueeeiiereeinreiinesiseeessssesssssersseesssssssssesssnes HL/HS | 3,275 853 1,617 805 Percent agreement within 500-ram interval ...........ccccveeeeriirneeesesenesesrsseeseseennns HL/HS 96.0 95.1 96.1 96.8 ‘Month of pregnancy prenatal care began Number Of Cases COMPArEd............ceeeeeeeeereiiierissisressseessesesssseeeesemsessssssssssssssssns HL/P | 2,291 562 1,138 591 Percent agreement by: Single month HL/P 43.9 43.4 43.1 45.9 THANIBELIBE cov tvmensmnamsssvs spins tonsmvsssstns iiss sesnesmsssssrensrsmsesnsv ars Kevenssss sss amsramvens HL/P 76.6 70.5 71.2 81.4 Number of prenatal visits Number of cases cComPared.............cccceerreereiirinninenrseesssseesssss esse sssssssssssssssssens HL/P | 2,135 552 1,018 565 Percent agreement by: SINQIBVISIT sisivsesrmmrisiorinssmmmissssssiamspessssssasrasssestintnsns sR ERo na HR AOTS SHA ASSITRAAR ENS HL/P 249 27.4 23.8 24.4 TD WASHER. . ciinromssm torsmsss amis asa Er SAI SEAT TS sis aaa a srs Si bnnsa ties snes ss ass saws sbe HL/P 65.7 66.5 66.1 64.1 1HL/HS refers to long/short hospital questionnaire; HL/P refers to long hospital /physician questionnaire. REFERENCES 1U.S. Bureau of the Census: Test of birth registration completeness 1964 to 1968. Census of Population and Housing, 1970, Evaluation and Research Program. Series PHC(E)2. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Mar. 1973. 2National Office of Vital Statistics: Evaluation of obstetric and related data recorded on vital records and hospital records: District of Columbia, 1952, by E. Op- penheimer et al. Vital Statistics-Special Reports, Vol. 45, Nos. 1-14. Public Health Service. Washington, D.C., Nov. 20, 1957. pp. 363-416. 3Montgomery, T. A., Lewis, A., and Hammes, L.: Live birth certificates—evaluation of medical and health data in California. California Med. 96(3):190-195, Mar. 1962. : 4Lilienfeld, A. M., et al.: Accuracy of supplemental medical information on birth certificates. Pub. Health Rep. 66(7):191-198, Feb. 16, 1951. 14 5Carucci, P.: Reliability of statistical and medical information reported on birth and death certificates. New York State Department of Health Monograph No. 15. New York State Department of Health, Albany, N.Y., May 1979. 6U.S. Bureau of the Census: Evaluation and research program—1970 Census of Population and Housing. Accuracy of Data for Selected Population Character- istics as Measured by the 1970 CPS-Census Match. Series PHC(E)-11. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1975. 7U.S. Bureau of the Census. Evaluation and research program—1970 Census of Population and Housing. Accuracy of Data for Selected Population Character- istics as Measured by Reinterviews. Series PHC(E)-9. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Aug. 1974. 10. 11. 12. 13. LIST OF DETAILED TABLES Comparability of reporting age of mother between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires, by age of mother reported on birth certificate, 1972 .......cccericenninnnimnininnnsninnesessssnsemn. AeA EAT SRA SAAT Comparability of reporting age of father between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey mother’s question- naire, by age of father reported on Dirth Certificate, 1972 ...causminmtisiminmissmrism semicon mirsirrsiiissirsern Comparability of reporting number of previous children born alive and still living between the birth certificate and the Na- tional Natality Survey questionnaires, by number of previous children born alive and still living reported on birth certificate, O72 cr rreeuratsernenisnvenmeits sos ER EET Ee ELE SE I EE AT ETT A EEA er EE EE SAE AAA HENS tS ATTRA REA URES LET STATE ORIEN Comparability of reporting number of previous children born alive and now dead between the birth certificate and the Na- tional Natality Survey questionnaires, by number of previous children born alive and now dead reported on birth certificate, 1 IIT eI DR ho Ee Er Comparability of reporting live-birth order between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires, by live-birth order reported on birth Cortificate, TOTZ wcrc simmemmin sss ris seers sist sess sa IA Er IAA SARA CRRA RET SERS Comparability of reporting number of fetal deaths between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey question- naires, by number of fetal deaths reported on birth certificate, 1972 ....uraisssisimissirmssisirmiimnis semanas nies Comparability of reporting education of mother between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey mother’s questionnaire, by education of mother reported on birth certificate, 1972 .........ccccumiinnniniimieii sean Comparability of reporting education of father between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey mother's questionnaire, by education of father reported on birth certificate, 1972 ..........cccvminrinininiiiiinnn en Comparability of reporting plurality between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long/short hospital ques- tionnaire, by plurality reported on birth certificate, 1972 ....cismierrsisesrseisssiermssmssarseissisissessssi iets sossssvessgesssrsturisrivesssnss sain Comparability of reporting birth weight between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long/short hospital questionnaire, by birth weight reported on birth certificate, 1972 ........cccvnniniiiniiminni i ee, Comparability of reporting length of pregnancy between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long/short hospital questionnaire, by length of pregnancy reported on birth certificate, 1972 .........cccvviuiiininininniiinnnn. Comparability of reporting month of pregnancy prenatal care began between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long hospital/physician questionnaire, by month of pregnancy prenatal care began reported on birth certificate, 12 7 1 SN ON CO SRNL NL URC TO NN OL TERE Nur SOV VN 0 DOI CIE DOAN M0 TO MY oy cc Comparability of reporting number of prenatal visits between the birth certificate and the National Namality Survey question- naires, by number of prenatal visits reported on birth certificate, 1972 ..ciuwmmssiisssssissrsmsisrsserisssvtarssesmrssessisssisens 16 17 18 19 21 , 22 23 24 24 25 25 15 Table 1. Comparability of reporting age of mother between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires, by age of mother reported on birth certificate, 1972 Age of mother reported on All birth certificate Comparison of certificate with questionnaires COFURCHISS Under 20-24 | 25-29 | 30-34 | 35 years No 20 years | years years years | and over | response Number All SaMPIe CASES ...coureireeiernerirneerineeeeiaeeersaeessnnes 5,689 I 831 2,136 1,680 691 346 5 Mother's questionnaire Percent C388 EXCINABM.....ccnsrsirrsrssinsiimnississsssrarinrssiossersnsesansrssanmrene 29.8 I 44.3 | 30.4 24.3 | 26.5 23.1 100.0 Number CB508 COMPANET..cccvimevmsmirmrsssmrsssssssssrsssissserssemsinsrssnsinses 3,996 I 463 | 1,487 | 1.272 508 266 - Percent distribution CASS COMPArBT. .ccsuirissssirrmrivsssinrimssnsssmorssssisnsosiitinasessssiuass 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 . RR ESS. = Certificate less than questionnaire: 2 years or more 1.4 2.2 1.4 1.3 0.6 15 5.2 4.5 5.6 4.3 6.9 4.9 Certificate same as qUESTIONNAITe ........c.ccceeeeerernveeerennns 90.7 91.6 90.8 91.7 89.4 86.5 Certificate greater than questionnaire: V WBE ciussricssnsrsssssninimsssssnmressasisiisos sms eissesta cis ars sass 1.6 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.8 2.6 2 VRAIS OF TOT .0vvirsorsvrsmsssnrinsssnanstrsassssstiassesssrsianssss 1.1 0.6 0.5 1.3 1.4 4.5 Long/short hospital questionnaire Percent Ca30s eXCICB..civrerivssstrrmisesssarrsssses UN "16.0 I 17.7 16.0 14.6 16.8 15.9 100.0 Number Cases COMPAred.........ccervreereecrnnerresrosenneesssssansessssnesssssssnnns 4,779 I 684 1,794 1,435 575 291 | - Percent distribution Cases COMPAIt..c.uursissimnimrsrinsssrinssrissraistmnsrssnion we 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 z Certificate less than questionnaire: 2 YOOBIS OF TIIOIC covsscssnssssrmsssinssssirmsssnsissionssinsesnnarsaninn 1.4 0.6 1.4 1.7 2.1 0.3 V WOOL rrinirrrimsiss ris as A RASTER EI SATS S FRSA RRR 29 3.7 23 3.1 31 3.8 Certificate same as qUESTIONNAITe ..........ccceerrricnnnreresssnne 87.8 93.6 88.2 85.6 87.0 83.2 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 6.4 1.9 7.0 7.5 5.9 8.9 1.8 0.3 19 2.1 19 3.8 16 Table 2. Comparability of reporting age of father between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey mother’s ques- tionnaire, by age of father reported on birth certificate, 1972 w | Age of father reported on birth certificate Comparison of certificate with mother’s questionnaire certificates Under 20-24 | 25-29 | 30-34 | 35-39 | 40 years No 20 years | years | years | years | years | and over | response Number All Sample CaSes.......uuvurerrrrerernnranencnenes 5,689 I 278 | 1,681 1,926 | 990 | 451 | 338 | 25 Percent 00388 BRCINTB cecrrsrrsesssrisssssinrmnssssnnsrisrsassensrnsass 324 | 48.6 | 38.6 28.3 | 25.4 31.0 | 29.9 | 100.0 Number Ca30S COMPBrE coccerrerinrarsmrnissasssssrssssssrsssseiasionsone 3,843 I 143 | 1,032 | 1,381 739 | 31 | 237 | - Percent distribution CASAS COMPBIOU ..covesssvinrvririssnrrrsissrssssrssssisssssasniag 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 2 YOOIS OF MNIOIBucirecrrrrsrrinsrsrsarmsssirsminasasnsstn 1.9 1.4 2.3 1.4 1.9 2.6 2.5 Y WOT rarsrsisrssrsssnsa sat EEA AVES HERES TARAS 7.2 11.9 6.7 6.0 8.9 7.7 7.6 Certificate same as questionnaire ..........cceeeuus 84.5 81.8 86.7 86.9 82.8 78.8 75.9 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 4.6 4.2 3.5 4.3 4.6 71 8.0 2 years or more..... 1.8 0.7 0.8 1.4 1.8 3.9 5.9 17 Table 3. Comparability of reporting number of previous children born alive and still iiving between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires, by number of previous children born alive and still living reported on birth certificate, 1972 All Number of previous children born alive and still living reported on birth certificate Comparison of certificate with questionnaires certificates 8 N None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of. 0 more | response Number All sample cases..... 5,689 I 2,110 | 1,746 | 845 | 425 184 | 100 | n | 32 | 34 | 142 Mother's questionnaire Percent C308 eXCINURD ....covciissnsirssnsmmmmmrassmrmisie 304 Il 30.2 | 26.1 | 25.2 325 | 29.3 | 40.0 | 324 | 46.9 | 356.3 | 100.0 Number Cases compared............ccvcrvnrnmnnnenmmiesenno 3,960 Il 1,473 | 1,291 | 632 | 287 | 130 | 60 48 17 | 22 Percent distribution Cases COMParetl.. qu innsumiinnsiiamens 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | Certificate less than questionnaire: 3 children or more 0.1 0.2 0.1 - - 0.8 - - - - 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 - - . . . 1.0 1.4 0.9 0.3 0.8 33 4.2 - - Certificate same as questionnaire .... 97.0 98.2 979 | 954 96.5 96.2 91.7 85.4 82.4 77.3 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 1.3 1.0 3.5 21 1.5 5.0 6.3 5.9 9.1 0.2 0.6 1.0 - - 21 - - 0.2 - 0.8 - 2.1 11.8 13.6 Long/short hospital questionnaire : Percent C8883 XOINCEN .ovvoeiirsvmrsvirscinmosrissimisstiiinemins 20.4 I 11.3 | 18.6 | 18.1 | 18.8 23.4 | 20.0 | 19.7 28.1 | 32.4 | 100.0 Number Cases compared............eucinmmermersnnssnnssisinsssniis 4,527 ll 1,745 1,421 | 692 345 | 141 80 57 23 | 23 | - Percent distribution C903 COMPATE... coves cimsinivisssrmsmmnsssiniernin 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 3 children or more 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 - . - - - - 2 children 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.3 - - - - - 1 child 4.5 24 7.2 4.6 3.8 4.3 3.8 3.5 13.0 8.7 Certificate same as questionnaire .... 92.1 96.8 89.4 91.2 88.7 88.7 85.0 84.2 65.2 78.3 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 23 3.2 3.0 4.1 5.0 10.0 105 | 13.0 4.3 0.2 Fr 0.7 1.7 - - - - . 0.3 poate 1.4 2.1 1.3 1.8 8.7 8.7 18 Table 4. Comparability of reporting number of previous children born alive and now dead between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires, by number of previous children born alive and now dead reported on birth certificate, 1972 Number of previous children born alive and now dead reported on birth certificate Comparison of certificate with questionnaires a 1 or more None 2 response Total | 1 SITIO Number A) SAMNPIG CBIBS..ccvssstvsvsrrressssrserrsrrrsssvssmsssssssssssssssssasnsssnseries 5,689 I 5,285 | 200 fl 176 24 204 Mother's questionnaire Percent £as5 @XCIUARD ......uuuureereeieiririieieeieeeeeeeeeree cess sssessssssssssasesssssessessssnssesesenn 30.9 I 28.2 | 31.0 i 29.5 | 41.7 100.0 Number CASES COMPAIE......cececeee eevee sess ssssssss senses ssssssssssssseseresss assesses 3032 ll 3708 | 138 ll 124 14 | . Percent distribution CASES CBIVIDATEN.... crx 00:1 svnssserstnsas a FATA HER FEA ERS REE TCR RI Ses Bp R ars THs ea eens 100.0 II 100.0 | 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | Certificate less than QUEStIONNAITE ..........cccceiriinrrrrnrenieneeeeeeeereeineenas 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8 - Certificate Same as QUESTIONNAIT. .......cccuuuererrrrerueeneerereeeseeeeeeeanaeanns 98.3 99.1 775 79.8 57.1 Certificate greater than QUEeStiIONNAIre........c.cceeivvreuuiiireieeeernineiireneens 0.8 21.7 19.4 42.9 Long/short hospital questionnaire Percent CASBSONBINTIOY vrimsrssssromsnssensinnssnessebosvssssbelssssss sib entra a sade AVS ITERATE 21.4 I 18.3 | 21.5 ll 21.6 20.8 100.0 Number CHSBE COTHPBIET i... cow renmrnrsrsunuussnrsnimsnbirionssosssrsmmmenstssiiiarmensnsint sossonsonnnnves 4,473 I 4,316 | 157 I 138 | 19 = Percent distribution yy I 100.0] 100.0 | 100.0 || 100.0 100.0 Certificate less than QUESTIONNAITE..........c ieee issrsmismasssssnirsenrnie 1.0 1.0 0.6 - 5.3 Certificate same as QUESTIONNAINE........cccceeeieiiireeerererssresrnsensssssseseenns 97.5 99.0 87.3 58.0 52.6 Certificate greater than QUESTIONNAITE..........ccceeerririirrneninnereneeneennennes 1.5 42.0 42.0 42.1 19 Table 5. reported on birth certificate, 1972 Comparability of reporting live-birth order between the birth certificate and the ational Natality Survey questionnaires, by live-birth order Live-birth order reported on birth certificate Comparison of certificate All with questionnaires certificates 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th or No higher | response Number All sample Cases .............ccccuvevriveeriinnns 5,689 I 2,054 1,707 850 427 | 197 | 98 75 | 76 205 Mother's questionnaire Percent Cases excluded... 31.1 I 30.1 | 26.1 | 24.4 | 326 31.0 38.8 34.7 | 40.8 | 100.0 Number Cases COMPAred..........coceeveeeeeeeeeieiiiiceeeeee eens 3,918 I 1,435 | 1,262 | 643 288 | 136 | 60 | 49 | 45 | Percent distribution Cases COMPARED. .........curissnsinisssinsstissnrommassmnnsanens 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 2 births or more 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.5 1.2 - - 1.3 1.8 0.7 0.9 0.7 15 5.0 2.0 4.4 Certificate same as questionnaire ................... 96.1 97.9 98.0 23.3 94.8 91.9 83.3 87.8 73.3 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 1.8 1.0 5.0 2.8 3.7 10.0 6.1 8.9 0.5 0.6 1.4 1.56 - 4.1 13.3 Long/short hospital questionnaire Percent Cases eXCIUAR..........conuninmmisimmmmimsstrmmsesrmsssverrsns 21.4 I 172.2 | 18.9 176 | 19.7 | 23.9 | 20.4 18.7 | 28.9 | 100.0 Number Cases COMPAred........coccrvvinssisivivisissssvsssimmsmmmnrmasers 4,471 ll 1,701 | 1,384 700 343 150 | 78 61 | 54 Percent distribution Cases compared... 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 2 DIRS OT IMO ..crvrrssssvnmsarsesssssranion 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.7 1.3 - 1.9 1 DI, cise 4.7 25 73 53 2.9 4.7 26 6.6 9.3 Certificate same as questionnaire ................... 91.1 96.8 88.9 89.6 85.7 86.0 82.1 78.7 63.0 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 3.0 3.3 3.9 7.0 6.7 11.5 13.1 14.8 2 births or more. 0.7 0.9 35 2.0 2.6 1.6 1.1 20 Table 6. Comparability of reporting number of fetal deaths between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires, by number of fetal deaths reported on birth certificate, 1972 Number of fetal deaths reported on birth certificate Comparison of certificate with questionnaires All certificates N None 1 2 Sor 5 more | response Number AN SAINIDIGTICESBE . ..cvinnssvsrirnsrssssnisrrsssssttrssssssss bisa sms dt EEm TIS RRR REISS 5,689 I 4,804 | 440 | 89 | 34 | 322 Mother's questionnaire Percent CaS EXOIUNAR coocinrursssseimssmrinsnisrossissiintsssannunssss SEERA FEARLESS ASTER 32.9 I 29.2 | 25.9 | 23.6 | 41.2 | 100.0 Number CASES COMPBIEU covvsvrerssonvsssuvmnsnsssosssssssssinss is ans sh sess rseuinsves sass simsinssussssasnns 3,817 ll 3,403 | 326 68 | 20 | - Percent distribution C585 COMPABTEU .vriurrerrarremermsrisissirsmmitrarsississirsirssmssisssmsresssesmsnessassrsen 100.0 Il 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | Certificate less than questionnaire: 2 fetal deaths or more 2.6 2 1.8 1.6 5.0 1 fetal death 7 7.1 7.1 5.9 5.0 Certificate same as QUESTIONNAITE ........uuueeiereeerreeruniierseeeesssnnsnssressesssnns 89.2 90.2 80.1 86.8 75.0 Certificate greater than questionnaire: TY £818) OBER ovina Tiina ssa Sr ss sR en ARR Cnn RR RAS 1.0 11.0 29 - 2 F210) COIS OF INOIC..cricecsssrisrsrmrarrsivsssssssanrissssnasnssisss sss bORaeniNeTIIAS 0.1 29 15.0 Long/short hospital questionnaire Percent C0388 OROINRU. coosinsrsssvisnsssssssrsimmsnienntnsnssniasssnese casts asta AEs ARIS EH ITEIIRREERVRSRS 21.9 I 17.6 14.3 11.2 14.7 100.0 Number CHSRS COMNPAIEL .cvivvmmmnssismmssivmvprsonssnisasiisssmmpensssstsss sss ran ta TIS STII CPO UHERY 4,443 I 3,958 | 377 79 | 29 - Percent distribution Cases COMPAred civ sisssressssssssenss ATR RAEI SAR HY 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 2 1010] deaths OF INOID.....cvvsisimsimsaisss tr itriris asses sirasatssss sat sssss iss 22 2.2 29 1.3 - } FOUR) QBREN wovivinraisns sn rr ST EA RE EI A TS AA ARR RTT RE RR cw ome 7.3 7.5 5.6 5.1 6.9 Certificate same as QUESHIONNAING ....cccvsrarsesrrsssssisinmssssstssssssasstonrsssasn 88.7 90.3 77.2 73.4 55.2 Certificate greater than questionnaire: Total doth .o.oivismmsmnsiisnssessammnsssnssthbasss sas ies 1.5 14.3 11.4 6.9 2 fetal deaths or more 0.4 8.9 31.0 21 Table 7. Comparability of reporting education of mother between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey mother’s questionnaire, by education of mother reported on birth certificate, 1972 Education of mother reported on birth certificate Not on Comparison of certificate with All ey mother’s questionnaire certificates 0-8 9-11 12 13-15 | 16 years No cote years | years | years | years | or more | response Number All SaMPIO CASES .ocviivmriimrorssersivsssssnsnians 5,689 I 245 | 808 | 1,879 | 558 | 397 | 69 } 1.733 Percent Cases excluded ...........o.oveeeeeeeeeeieeee seer ereeesseeeenns 49.5 i 45.3 | 37.9 243 | 15.9 13.4 | 100.0 100.0 Number Cases COMPAred.........ccecuveeeeeeereeerersrssssssssssssssseseseees 2,871 I 134 | 502 1,422 469 | 344 - | - Percent distribution Ca388 COMPArEU....coichemmmissinimmimsnitssssissnanssssionnnsronse 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 3 years or more... 1.4 24 0.4 - 2 years.......... 1.8 1.1 1.7 - 1 YBB,. cou cisnmmroniniins sss sans aes Aaa RT 14.3 23 7.5 9.3 Certificate same as questionnaire 66.1 90.0 55.4 74.7 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 1 year... 13.7 24 26.0 8.1 2 Years .c.covniss a 1.6 1.0 4.7 2.6 3 YEAS OF MOF .....ceevrrrrenererereieerreeeenensnsenes 1.0 1.1 4.3 5.2 1A large proportion of the excluded cases occurred in the 11 States and the District of Columbia that did not include the item on the birth certificate. See table II in appendix I. 22 Table 8. Comparability of reporting education of father between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey mother’s ques- tionnaire, by education of father reported on birth certificate, 1972 Education of father reported on birth certificate : 'e . Not on Comparison of certificate with All cortifi- mother’s questionnaire certificates 0-8 9-11 12 13-15 | 16 years No Cate years | years | years | years | or more | response Number All SAMPI@ CASES ......vveervrerrrrrerrnnesrnnenes 5,689 I 299 625 | 1,687 606 | 662 87 | 1,733 Percent Cases excluded] ........cvevveueirieeiniseieseeenisseens senses 50.0 I 43.1 | 41.9 25.1 | 20.0 | 14.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Number Ca383 COMPAIBL...coscsrrirrinsrisesnersrrrsssserersessssnssssseses 2,842 I 170 | 363 1,263 | 485 561 - Percent distribution Cases COMPAred.........cocuvieierrerreresininnnneesninsenseesnsnes 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 3 Y@ars OF MOE ....ccceeciiurnreeiiirnneeeeiniineneenins 2.8 26 0.8 - 4.1 1.7 3.1 - YY OBY sisi AS 16.2 3.4 14.4 10.7 Certificate same as questionnaire ...........cccoueees 55.1 86.8 53.6 74.7 Certificate greater than questionnaire: NYO rrsetissirirernmneteitinseverrnssepnneseneroresd 15.4 3.1 19.2 10.0 5.5 1.6 6.0 1.6 1.9 1.7 2.9 3.0 1A large proportion of the excluded cases occurred in the 11 States and the District of Columbia that did not include the item on the birth certificate. See table II in appendix I. 23 Table 9. Comparability of reporting plurality between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long/short hospital ques- tionnaire, by plurality reported on birth certificate, 1972 Plurality reported on birth certificate " ’ n All P lurality reported on the questionnaire Ed — ] Triplet No Single | Twin ; or higher | response Number Al} SBINPIS CBIBB..rassssssrisinmsserssssinssssirssrsisesssissssteossrarss sess aREO IRE EIS IEITS 5,689 Il 5,576 108 | 2 | 3 Percent C2383 EXCITE. ..ccrmnsnnrirrrmssssnssssnsssinssssnnissnnnssstssssseses ssn snssssve sa ens sensssss poms ss nesists 15.8 I 15.8 | 16.7 - | 100.0 Number Cases compared ............. RT Ae IIH A EATS S VAR ASA S ARES TSAR ERRATA RAIA 4,789 I 4,697 90 | 2 - Percent distribution CBS2S COMMIPABL cir sss sas Es FAs soa TTR Soa eI Sasa ras sro SRmenahs sae namenamnsmssA esas 100.0 Il 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 THs CT 98.1 99.9 5.6 - 5a TWilcsermaeens 1.9 0.1 94.4 - wor Triplet or higher .........ccocvenenenes 0.0 - - 100.0 we Table 10. Comparability of reporting birth weight between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long/short hospital questionnaire, by birth weight reported on birth certificate, 1972 Birth weight reported on birth certificate i ae i All Comparison of certificate with long/ Sg 5,001 ; : v certifi- 501- 1,001- | 1,501- | 2,001- | 2,601- | 3,001- | 3,501- | 4,001- | 4,501- : Shor: hoshiBl questionnaire cates || 9590 | 1.000 | 1.500 | 2,000 | 2,500 | 3.000 | 3,500 | 4,000 | 4,500 | 5,000 | 92ms | No grams | grams | grams | grams | grams | grams | grams | grams | grams | grams ho Yssponse Number All sample cases..........courevinrens 5,689 I k} | 23 | 26 | 93 | 251 | 982 | 2,204 1,491 | 486 | 87 | 16 | 27 Percent Cases excluded on marinsmninimimiis 16.5 I - 8.7 | 26.9 16.1 11.6 18.7 16.6 15.5 12.3 16.1 25.0 | 100.0 Number 426 | 73 | 12 - Cases compared. 4,750 I 3 21 19 78 | 222 798 1,838 | 1,260 Percent distribution Cases COMPAFEL.......ouinnninsininis 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 { 100.0 | 100.0] 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 500 grams or more 0.5 33.3 - - 3.8 2.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 - - 250-499 grams. 0.8 - 4.8 - 2.6 1.8 0.5 1.2 0.6 - - - 1-249 grams... 3.8 - 9.5 5.3 12.8 6.3 4.6 3.8 29 2.8 14 - Certificate same as questionnaire. 86.5 33.3 76.2 78.9 71.8 79.7 86.6 86.9 87.5 89.4 87.7 83.3 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 1-249 grams... 71 33.3 9.5 15.8 17 9.5 73 7.0 71 5.4 5.5 8.3 250-499 grams. 0.5 - - - 1.3 - 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.9 1.4 - 500 grams or more ... 0.6 hen - - - - 0.3 0.3 1.1 1.2 4.1 8.3 24 Table 11. Comparability of reporting length of pregnancy between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long/short hospital questionnaire, by length of pregnancy reported on birth certificate, 1972 Length of pregnancy reported on birth certificate i - ; All Not on Comparison of certificate with long/ certifi- || Under certifi- short hospital questionnaire 20 20-27 | 28-31 32-35 36 37-39 40 41-42 | 43-44 No a cates weoks weeks | weeks | weeks | weeks | weeks | weeks | weeks | weeks | response ca Number All sample Cases.........ccceererunnnna 5,689 I 1 1 39 163 113 1,299 790 815 178 | 974 | 1,306 Percent C828 OROIIBH oon ess nriseriirivrsiscmunisnissrins 53.0 [ - 9.1 | 28.2 | 29.4 | 18.6 224 | 20.5 20.0 | 21.4 100.0 | 100.0 Number Cass COMPBred ou rmmnivisimisammmses 2,674 ll 1 | 10 | 28 | 115 92 | 1,008 628 | 652 140 - | Percent distribution Cases compared... cuuiicinmrivsinsrermnn 100.0 |] 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 5 weeks or more. 1.0 100.0 10.0 71 9.6 5.4 0.6 - - - 4 weeks .. 1.0 - - 7: 7.0 4.3 1.1 0.5 - - 3 weeks 0.3 - - - 0.9 1.1 0.5 0.2 - - 2 weeks 1.0 - - - - 22 1.9 0.8 0.3 - 1 week... 4.0 | - 40.0 3.6 35 4.3 4.4 4.8 26 1.4 Certificate same as questionnaire......... 85.8 - 50.0 75.0 73.9 79.3 86.7 88.2 87.4 79.3 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 1 week... 2.8 - - 71 35 - 26 24 35 3.6 2 weeks... 1.0 - - - - - 0.4 1.0 21 29 3 weeks... 0.9 - - - - - 0.7 0.6 1.2 29 11 - « - 0.9 1.9 0.4 0.5 15 71 14 - - - 0.9 22 0.8 1.1 1.2 29 1gee table II in appendix I for a listing of the 11 States that did not include the date last normal menstrual period began on the birth certificate. Table 12. Comparability of reporting month of pregnancy prenatal care began between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey long hospital/physician questionnaire, by month of pregnancy prenatal care began reported on birth certificate, 1972 Month of pregnancy prenatal care began reported on birth certificate Comparison of certificate with long i fie No pre- Noten hiospital/hysicisn questionnaire cates || 1st | 2d | 3d | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8h | 9th | natal oe cate! care Number All sample Cases.......ccovvrvrruriurnnns 5,689 I 448 1,731 1,271 494 | 258 142 102 48 22 38 | 373 | 762 Percent Cases exXCIUAB. iv iiniminmmmisnisaniis 44.0 I 30.1 29.5 27.9 35.0 326 31.7 225 45.8 18.2 42.1 100.0 100.0 Number Cases compared 3,187 I 313 | 1,221 916 321 | 174 97 | 79 26 18 | 22 - - Percent distribution Cases COMPArEd ...cwisvinisuunenmimimiri 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 Certificate earlier than questionnaire: 2 months or more... 15.8 34.5 15.4 139 11.8 14.9 9.3 7.6 1.5 or 1 month 226 55.3 27.0 11.9 11.2 19.0 11.3 22.8 1.5 33.3 Certificate same as questionnaire... 42.9 10.2 53.2 44.1 40.2 33.9 28.9 39.2 38.5 389 727 Certificate later than questionnaire: 14.3 4.3 27.9 24.9 14.4 25.8 11.4 19.2 1.1 45 2 months or more... 4.3 2.2 11.8 17.8 24.7 19.0 19.2 16.7 22.7 1See table II in appendix I for a listing of the 10 States that did not include the item on the birth certificate. 25 Table 13. Comparability of reporting number of prenatal visits between the birth certificate and the National Natality Survey questionnaires, by number of prenatal visits reported on birth certificate, 1972 Number of prenatal visits reported on birth certificate . Te All Not on Comparison of certificate fi ii ith questionnaires ils 19 or No certill, wi cates || None | 1-2 34 5-6 7-8 | 910 | 11-12 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 cate more | response Number All sample Cases ...........ocourviviivininnns 5,689 I 31 | 61 181 269 442 756 | 809 | 355 | 202 | sol as 268 | 2,230 Mother's questionnaire Percent | 710] 26] coal seal sao! sar] 22 mal 252] a0ol anol Cases oxBIUtEd ....cxiviinasirmnansmnno 63.6 71.0 52.5 60.8 46.8 38.9 33.7 28.2 | 25.4 25.2 40.0 40.0 100.0 100.0 Num £8808 COMPAIET..c..srcrirsmmmircismmsnsrsrscrirsemiris 2,071 I 9 29 7 143 270 501 581 265 151 2 27 | - | Percent distribution C8305 COMPAIBU....ocnnsnrsnssirnmmremmnrssmmimmss 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | | Certificate less than questionnaire: 6 visits or more 15.4 22.2 44.8 324 29.4 19.6 16.0 1.2 7.9 1.3 11.4 4 visits. 5.1 1.1 - 7.0 13.3 10.7 4.2 4.0 23 0.7 - 3 visits. 6.3 - 13.8 7.0 7.0 8.1 8.4 71 1.5 0.7 4.2 - 2 visits. 10.9 6.9 18.3 126 11.9 15.6 4 10.2 6.0 12.5 11:1 1 visit.. 11.5 - 10.3 9.9 13.3 13.0 10.8 13.6 8.7 9.3 4.2 14.8 Certificate same as questionnaire ............. 15.6 66.7 12.2 14.1 9.1 16.3 16.8 18.6 8.3 17.9 8.3 7.4 Certificate greater than questionnaire: 1 visit. — 9.7 6.9 8.5 6.3 7.0 9.4 9.8 12.7 73 - 7.4 2 visits. 84 - 1.4 23 5.9 5.0 1.9 17.7 6.0 125 - 3 visits. 6.5 - 21 2.2 5.0 5.3 8.7 13.2 16.7 3.7 4 visits. 35 1.4 24 0.4 1.4 3.1 75 11.9 12.5 3.7 5 visits or more 8.3 vu 28 4.8 76 8.4 9.4 15.9 29.2 40.7 Long hospital /physician questionnaire - Percent Casesexciuded....c.ummmmmmmsmm iver 60.4 I 45.2 | 36.1 41.4 | 34.2 31.0 | 26.3 28.6 | 28.2 24.8 | 25.0 | 24.4 100.0 | 100.0 Number Cases COMPAIBL.. cvviverermimsvensmrnrrsmisnios 2,250 I 17 39 106 177 306 | 557 578 255 | 162 | 30 | 34 | - | - Percent distribution Cass COMPAIRD..icvs nv isrimirmmssgerirmras mums 100.0 || 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 Certificate less than questionnaire: 5 visits or more 5.5 11.8 12.8 14.2 7.3 8.9 6.6 2.8 20 20 3.3 - 4 visits. 3.9 - 77 75 4.0 6.6 45 3.1 24 0.7 - - 3 visits. 5.6 - 7.7 3.8 6.8 7.2 7.4 5.4 2.0 3.3 3.3 29 2 visits, 8.1 7.7 6.6 6.2 9.2 9.7 10.4 5.5 33 3.3 - 1 visit., 13.9 - 7.7 6.6 215 13.4 16.4 13.8 145 11.2 10.0 - . Certificate same as questionnaire ............... 26.0 88.2 48.7 20.2 26.4 30.6 248 24.9 20.8 12.6 16.7 29 . Certificate greater than questionnaire: 11.8 5.1 16.1 9.6 12 11.0 14.5 17.6 12 13.3 8.8 7.3 26 4.7 4.0 6.9 5.6 8.0 11.4 11.2 16.7 8.8 48 rin 6.6 28 1.3 4.1 5.5 nM 9.9 10.0 5.9 3.7 5.7 1.7 0.7 3.1 3.8 43 11.8 33 11.8 6 visits or more. .......... 10.3 10.7 8.2 7.9 7.8 125 27.0 20.0 58.8 1See table II in appendix I for a listing of the 14 States that did not include the item on the birth certificate. 26 II. II. III. IV. APPENDIXES CONTENTS Technical Notes Sample Design Birth Certificate and Questionnaires Collection of Data Response Rates 1972 National Natality Survey Source Documents Certificate of Live Birth National Natality Survey Mother Questionnaire National Natality Survey Hospital Long Form LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Number of live births in the United States and number of births and sources of information in the 1972 National Natality Survey ..... EE Areas reporting educational attainment of parents, date last normal menstrual period began (LMP), month of pregnancy prenatal care began, number of prenatal visits, and marital status of mother on birth certificates: Each State, 1972 Response rates by type of respondent and stage of data collection: 1972 National Natality Survey Response rates for mothers by age of mother and color of child: 1972 National Natality Survey... Item nonresponse rates for selected items, by selected respondent sources: 1972 National Natal- ity Survey 28 30 31 31 32 27 APPENDIX | TECHNICAL NOTES Sample Design The sampling frame for the 1972 National Natality Survey was a file on microfilm of live- birth certificates received each month by the National Center for Health Statistics from the 54 birth registration areas of the United States. These birth registration areas included the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the cities of New York, Baltimore, and New Orleans, which had independent registration systems. Each registration area assigned a file number to each birth certificate, and these file numbers run consecutively from the first to the last birth oc- curring during the year in that area. The sample for the survey was based on a probability design that used these birth certificate numbers. Each 500 consecutive records from each area consti- tuted a primary sampling unit, and one record from each primary unit was selected at random. Thus the sample of selected birth certificates represented 1/500th of the live births occurring in the 54 areas during 1972. Sampled records for infants who were re- ported or inferred to be out of wedlock were ex- cluded from the survey, and no questionnaires were mailed to any of the respondent sources. Thus the statistics presented in this report per- tain only to births to married women occurring in the United States in 1972. In the registration areas having an item on the birth certificate to identify out-of-wedlock births, 555 sampled records were excluded because the birth was re- ported to be out of wedlock. In the 12 areas that did not have this item, a birth was inferred to be out of wedlock under the following condi- tions: (1) the name of the father of the child was omitted; (2) the mother’s surname as stated in the “informant” or “mailing address’ section 28 was the same as her maiden name and was dif- ferent from the father’s surname; (3) the mother’s surname was different from her maiden name, but also was different from the father’s and the baby’s surname; (4) the mother’s sur- name was missing from both the “informant” section and the “mailing address’ section of the certificate and the baby’s surname was different from the father’s surname. Using these criteria, 261 sample records were inferred to be for out- of-wedlock births. The 816 reported and in- ferred out-of-wedlock cases were excluded from the survey, and no questionnaires were mailed to the mother, physician, or hospital named on those birth certificates. Table I shows the number of births in the United States in 1972, the number of mothers in the original sample, and the number of mothers, physicians, and hospitals to whom question- naires were mailed. Table I. Number of live births in the United States and number of births and sources of information in the 1972 National Natality Survey Item Number Live births in the United States............ceeeeerrnnnneennnns 3,258,411 Births selected in the sample ............cccceeevivinerrvnnnnnnns 6,505 1 Out-of-wedlock births excluded from survey...... 816 In-wedlock births included in survey .................. 5,689 Mothers mailed a 5,676 Mothers not mailed questionnaire because mother not U.S. resident ........cccceveeveennenenns 13 Births for which questionnaire was mailed 10 NOSPILA chris iinmimsmmmnininssmrimmsinssssany 5,647 INONNOSPION DIPTINS. cu iciiicisinriorssinanmineanisassiinmnes 42 Births for which questionnaire was mailed 10 PIVYSICIAN Jor vnivismsinssvississrorsssrsvissnpsanses 4,415 Birth Certificate and Questionnaires Facsimiles of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth and the questionnaires used in the survey are shown in appendix II. The short hospital (HS) and physician (P) forms are not shown, but together their content was the same as the long hospital (HL) form, which is shown. Although most of the registration areas’ birth certificates include the same basic information, the standard certificate is not used by all regis- tration areas. The item used to identify out-of- wedlock births is omitted by 12 areas, and this information was inferred for their records as de- scribed previously. Educational attainment of parents, date last normal menses began (used for computing length of gestation), month of preg- nancy that prenatal care began, and total num- ber of prenatal visits are other items used in this report that are not present on all the areas’ cer- tificates. Table II shows the reporting areas for each of these items. Collection of Data Data for the National Natality Survey were collected primarily by mail by using the ad- dresses given on the birth certificates. No ques- tionnaires were mailed when the birth was re- ported or inferred to be illegitimate. If there was no response to the original mail- ing of the questionnaire within certain time limits, followup procedures were instituted as follows: 1. If mothers did not return the original questionnaire within 16 days, they were sent a second questionnaire. If the fol- lowup questionnaire elicited no response after an additional 21 days, then an in- terview by telephone or in person was attempted. Incomplete or inconsistent items on questionnaires from mothers were followed up by telephone or per- sonal interview. The mother of the in- fant was the only person from whom in- formation for the mother’s questionnaire was accepted. In the telephone and per- sonal interviews, no proxy respondents were accepted. 2. If physicians did not return the original questionnaire within 22 days, a postcard reminder was sent. If after an additional 14 days there was still no response, then a followup questionnaire was mailed. No interviews were attempted with physi- cians. 3. If hospitals and clinics did not return the original long or short hospital question- naire within 22 days, a followup ques- tionnaire was sent. No further followup attempts were made. Any items left blank by physicians or hospitals were as- sumed to mean that the respondent had no knowledge of that aspect of the mother’s or baby’s health care or history. Response Rates In any survey where the participation of the subjects is not mandatory, there will be some subjects who do not respond to the survey ques- tionnaire. Mothers, physicians, and hospitals were all informed, both on the printed question- naires and by the telephone and personal inter- viewers, that they were under no legal obligation to participate in the survey and that their partic- ipation was completely voluntary. The final response rates were 71.5 percent from the mothers, 72.2 percent from the physi- cians, and 85.4 percent from the hospitals. Table III shows the number of persons or institutions queried and the percent responding at the differ- ent stages of data collection. The response rates from the mothers varied with age—the younger mothers had lower response rates. At each age, the response of white mothers was higher than that of all other mothers. The number of births in the sample and the response rates by age of mother and color are shown in table IV. Table V shows selected variables used in this report and their item nonresponse rates. Al- though not every item has been included in the table, there was no variable with a higher nonresponse rate than those shown. The figures do not include cases where no questionnaire was returned, where an item did not appear on a State’s certificate, or where a “don’t know’ re- sponse was allowed. Table Il. Areas reporting educational attainment of parents, date last normal menstrual period began (LMP), month of pregnancy prenatal care began, number of prenatal visits, and marital status of mother on birth certificates: Each State, 1972 Area Educational attainment of parents Date last normal menstrual period began (LMP) Month of pregnancy prenatal care began Number of prenatal visits Marital status of mother Alabama... Alaska.. Arizona Arkansas. 2 CAEONNID oi civvmnrisciirimisimevimmsssssivitsms ss RA STRSTR STIS RSS COIOTBOO scons sssssrsscmuninsosstin sets ps isss snes a SAT SRI SERA Connecticut ............... DeIBWare......msmivisisenss District of Columbia... : IOI sasrem mss Ta Tamas arr wmmrss ann ammuesrss sm mnsspsnrunserenyesnnmnnelie BOOT os: ssmmun min insrvrs rss ass ck TR rvs st sini En eran ra dams ee ns Finmrs aman thasaye Hawaii... Kentucky . Louisiana. PABPY RIND. cosmmisiinssrmsmsassanssnsiontmminsnsviine saan AAT EAA ARR T to oo Massachusetts. —_— IVCIIGAI oosrinmnsmnsininsiniinnissminsssmvivensesspvviin issn irnsmnsin is ionsnsomy IVININBSORD ou raimsmsnnsmsmsmsminrisssssniinmssss sees tas ssa Bese HASTA ROSATO AAA NA SSIES) rerrrssasdtencumranvesersmmsesntsnssssnssssnnssansssssenrsarisessassnrspsiross pansnss IVISBOMINY 2c rsnnnunnsinmssnaiimensnmrssssensaanssssssinmssnsossasiysssassssnnsosssssenmsg sss uss MONEE. 21sec iinsnsssrimammsmmsms rrr TT TR sa arse s9 Nebraska.. INOW JBFSBY ....ocoincmmnimmmsmnminressassvanssmsmssvssmnis sim wns s asa A ERR SASSER S33 55 New Mexico... New York......... North Carolina.. wens NOIth DaKOta.......uuueeeiirieiiieriieieiereee se srsree see sreesaees ss sseas esse sssssaneanen Oklahoma... Oregon........c.. PeNNSYIVANIA cei cee cece crane aera ananassae aren aaa BROCE 181800... ivommmmsnnirte sss ssnssss ssi essa AE EERE RENE ATER SOU Car ING ..oioscsssrrimsmsssivimssassst snes asses toss 13s EER FRSA ERRATA FRI RR RETR SOU DAKOTS,..co0inenimmannisasinnisiomssstirmsssan iss ors saa SRS HE SOS VBHITIONT ..cvucins ins sssprmmsssssssesmnrsmmsssessssssssssress busses sssesmssnsssstarniasisetvisnnss Virginia....... Washington .... West Virginia.. Wisconsin....... ire WYOMING ccc crusssnisinmmimmsasnsrrisssestasss sas sass eras sass estan smss sis has svs aR ARRAS A x| xX x XI X| XIX x X|X[X [X |X XXX [XX |X X[X| X X|X| Xx x x x x XXX] X|X |X| X XI X[X[X|X |X] X] X|X|X|X[X |XX |X X | X[X]|X|X[X [XIX XIX X[X|X[X | X[X|X xX [XX] |X] |X |X[X|X XX X|X XIX |X| X|X |X| X|X|X XX [X[X]X IX] XXX [X[X|X[ [XO X]X[X[X]X | X]|X|X| [X [X]|X]|X[X|X |X|X XXX] XXX] [X[X[X |X] [X|X[X [X]|X|X]| |X |X[X|X|X[X |X|X[X{x xX| |X|X XIX[X|X] [XXX] X[X|X |X] [X|X]|X [X]|X[X] [X [X|X]|X]|X[X |[X]|X|X XIX[X|X[XIX |X| [X[X[X [Xl [|X|X XIX[X|X|[X 30 Table 111. Response rates by type of respondent and stage of data collection: 1972 National Natality Survey Respondent Response status ; Mothers Private Hospitals physicians Number TOU HD SUEY sssurisssnirssnsirimsbisssmstsssstss soa ris ES ERE SR SHIRA wn 5689 | 4416 | 5647 Percent distribution TOTAL IN SUPVBY ..rovcrisiorsrsssssissssasrmssmrsmss ises sess ist iaass va VRE ERT SURE ETSY TAINS ATARI CATR AIP RITT IS 100.0 | 100.0 100.0 Total response .......cuvveinne 85.4 Response to first mailing ...... 76.6 Response to second mailing.. 8.8 FROSPIONSE 10 TIVE OIVIBW vu coesus setts sears rE ES EET FSA TA EET REF RRR EFT REH I ETE A RASS Te ARR RHA RARE FEI RARER SSIS OLA NONTBEPOIEE oc vsvrrranssnssrsssrisrsestssenrssostes tars san HEIRS ATARI TSAR T SEE TE CREE TARR TITLE I RPE aA 14.6 Table IV. Response rates for mothers by age of mother and color of child: 1972 National Natality Survey Total T White All other Ageiof mother Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent in sample | responding || in sample | responding | in sample | responding AUBIRS .ovvossssimimiimmimnsnssiinsismsmsnssssasnnes 5,689 71.5 5,007 73.6 682 56.0 MInar 20 YoarS. .....iunimmsmmstim ssi ss rriss soy 833 57.5 708 58.9 125 49.6 20-24 years ......... a 2,137 70.7 1,899 73.5 238 48.7 25-29 years... 1,681 76.9 1,517 78.8 164 59.1 30-34 years sie 692 74.7 586 75.6 106 69.8 35 VRAIS aN VBI ..oocusvssssivsssismarivsssssnssssrisssirsisessainnsss 346 77.2 297 78.8 49 67.3 31 Table V. Item nonresponse rates for selected items, by selected respondent sources: 1972 National Natality Survey Percent Respondent : Item SOUTES item nonresponse BOR OF NOTICE occurs sssnrsssinmsssnmssstinss sesss shia SAE 404 45TH RR A SRR SES HATS SERA SARS 4 Ee FOS LAREN THEE RR RFR RR USERS A RRS LRTI BC 0.1 APB OF MONBE vuvivivrivansisssimvsmasisi visitas mss . M 1.2 Age of mother... ’ HL/HS 1.4 AGB OF TOBE .iiviriisrsrsensscsmsiinesssesasssssssensenssssshssnseassssrssn res stats svs tS IIIS ER EERIE SRS EARS SA SHAS ERS SRR R AP HURTS SRE R PE SR RSRAES BC 0.4 AOR OF TAGE ovine tints a oss ee EE EAT TRE A SEE ARS EA SAA EAB Sass Aas RRA RP RSA RE RAR ORAS SRA RR SR FERRARIS M 3.7 Education of mother..... . BC 1.2 Education of mother..... . M 0.2 Education of father.... BC 1.8 Education of father... M 1.0 Birth weight ............... 3 BC 0.4 BIE WOIONL «oi crinniiscansmsssssesrassssstonsssssessaionsis sass smssssstnasmessssssstassessasiamssssssmmm : HL/HS 1.3 Date iast menstrual Period Bega cor imnimriimmrsississmissmasmssissssis son . BC 15.0 Date last menstrual period began............... . HL/HS 12.4 Month of pregnancy prenatal Care BEGAN ............ccciierirrueneeirrnriiiree ert ee ates ener eessssssssssssssssseessreseesesssessanasses BC 5.2 Month of pregnancy Prenatal Care BEGAN ...........ceeeiiiireereiiireiereeii irre tease crassa esessssserssssssessssssssessesssnnessssnnnes HL/P 1.0 Number of prenatal Visits ..........ccceeereiinnnes BC 4.7 Number of prenatal Visits ........cccceceereniereerieninenns HL/P 1.7 Number of prenatal visits to attending physician... M 6.0 Number of prenatal visits to other physician......... M 4.6 Number of previous children born alive, still living BC 1.2 Number of previous children born alive, now dead................ : BC 23 Number of previous children born alive, still living................ . M 0.1 Number of previous children born alive, now dead . HL/HS 2.17 Number of stillbirths. .......ccccecveniiiiicninniiicsinninienn _— M 0.5 Number of miscarriages........... re, M 0.4 NUMDET OF PrOVIOUS DrOBIIBNGIES. covvrirrirssrsrsrnriss sssss sissssiasssrassssssssssvssnavns svssss ves 43 FETS MEREP IER ARS RARE RF HSS FTN ERR RS HL/HS 2.6 1BC refers to birth certificate; M refers to mother’s questionnaire; HL/HS refers to long/short hospital questionnaire; HL /P refers to long hospital /physician questionnaire. 000 32 APPENDIX 11 1972 NATIONAL NATALITY SURVEY SOURCE DOCUMENTS Certificate of Live Birth FORM APPROVED BUDGET BUREAU NO. 63-R1900 r - U.S. STANDARD r a TYPE, OR PRINT IN LOCAL FILE NUMBER CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH BIRTH NUMBER PERMANENT INK rrr “WIDOLE nT TI CHILD NAME inst MiDoll LAST TMONTH, DAY, YEAR | UR SEE HANDBOOK FOR DATE OF BIRTH a INSTRUCTIONS \ 2 2 M 2 SEX THIS BIRTH — SINGLE, TWIN, TRIPLET, ETC. IF NOT SINGLE BIRTH —80RN FIRST, SECOND, COUNTY OF BIRTH 2 (SPECIFY) THIRD, ETC. (SPECIFY) 3 3 “ |» so INS) TY LIMIT — x CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF BIRTH Ing Io 3 y Lm ATS HOSPITAL — NAME (IF NOT IN HOSPITAL, GIVE STREET AND NUMBER ) < T 5b. 5c 54 8 MOTHER — MAIDEN NAME FIRST MIDDLE ast AGE LL TIME OF (STATE OF BIRTH (IF NOT IN U.S.A., NAME COUNTRY) THIS BIRTH) « : MOTHER Lic STATE I T T a CITY LIMIT : & ! COUNTY | CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION oh Sins STREET AND NUMBER 3 | 7c 74 In 2 — NAME Fast MIDDLE Gast AGE (AT TME OF [STATE OF BIRTH (IF NOT IN U.S.A. NAME COUNTRY | 3 [ACT] THIS BIRTH) | ; » x u TINFORMANT RELATION TO CHILD : n ». x DATE SIGNED (MONTH, DAY, YEAR) ATTENDANT —m D., D.0., MIDWIFE, OTHER = STATED ABOVE. ( SPECIFY ) T 100. SIGHATURE 100 10¢ g CERTIFIER — NAME (TYPE OR PRINT) MAILING ADDRESS (STREET OR R.F.D. NO., CITY OR TOWN, STATE, ZIP) a S 1 10d _ 100 wl REGISTRAR — SIGNATURE DATE RECEIVED BY LOCAL REGISTRAR Sa MONTH DAY ear § 2 Ile 11h = os CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTH USE ONLY « = RACE — FATHER EDUCATION — SPECIFY HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED PREVIOUS DELIVERIES — HOW MANY OTHER CHILDREN 3 WHITE, NEGRO, AMERICAN INDIAN, ETC ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE ARE NOW LIVING (WERE BORN ALIVE | WERE BORN DEAD g (SPECIFY) 01,20, ons 023, 00 4) 11,2,.4, 00 § +1 NOW DEAD weit DEAN A Ay TIME 3 12 [FX Mo. * « - RACE —MOTHER EDUCATION — SPECIFY HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED DATE OF LAST LIVE BIRTH | DATE OF LAST FETAL DEATH x EE amr mmm eer ree ey eer Sr eeanyy MONTH DAY YEAR | MONTH DAY Year - WHITE, NEGRO, AMERICAN INDIAN, ETC ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE - (SPECIFY) 9,1,2.0,8, on 1,34, 0054+ 5 1s W 1s 5 DATE LAST NORMAL MENSES BEGAN [MONTH OF PREGNANCY PRENATAL PRENATAL VISITS TOTAL NUMBER [LEGITIMATE z DEATH MONTH Dav YEAR | CARE BEGAN (IF NONE, SO STATE) (SPECIFY YES OR NO) ¥ UNDER ONE YEAR [FIBST, SECOND, THIRD, ETC. ( SPECIFY ) & OF AGE Seren stare rue u 1% 19 0 8 ach 2am [COMPLICATIONS RELATED TO PREGNANCY WRITE "NONE ) | BIRTH INJURIES TO CHILD NONE) THIS CHILD. 122 2 s | COMPLICATIONS NOT RELATED TO PREGNANCY (DESCRIBE OR WRITE "NONE | | CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS OR ANOMALIES OF CHILD (DESCRIBE OR WRITE "NONE ) 1 MuLnete siRTHS | | ENTER STATE FILE [24 2 3 Mumpth 10 [COMPLICATIONS OF LABOR TOESCRIBE OR WRITE NONE 1 LIVE BIRTH(S) ° $ be. 1 £ FETAL DEATH(S) National Natality Survey Mother Questionnaire 34 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 NATIONAL CENTER FOR i" HEALTH STATISTICS The Public Health Service is conducting a national survey of medical care provided to mothers who have babies during 1972. We are trying to learn more about the medical care mothers received during the period before and after the birth of the child. Past studies have shown that medical care is related to the health of a mother and her baby. The information which mothers throughout the country give us will greatly aid in planning better medical care programs for all American women. You are one of a small sample of mothers being selected to represent all mothers having babies in 1972. Because of this you play an im- portant role in telling us about the medical care you received before and after the birth of your child. All information you give us, as well as that provided by medical per- sonnel and facilities listed by you in the questionnaire will be held strictly confidential. No information will be released to any other person or agency. In giving answers to the first part of the form, please name every doctor, hospital, or clinic from which you received any care related to your pregnancy during the period specified in the question. It is necessary that we obtain as complete and accurate a picture as pos- sible of all the medical care you received before and after the birth of your baby. If you do not know an exact answer to any of the ques- tions in the form, give your best estimate. Please complete the form and return it within the next few days in the enclosed postage-free envelope. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Yel @ Jorae 2 — Robert A. Israel Director, Division of Vital Statistics NAME OF CHILD DATE OF BIRTH ASSURANCE OF CONFIDENTIALITY — All information which would permit identification of an individual, or of an establishment, will be held confidential, will be used only by persons engaged in and for the purpose of the survey, and will be protected against disclosure in accordance with provisions of .i2 CFR Part I. VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION — Completing this form is voluntary; you are under no legal obligation to do so. NATIONAL BIRTH SURVEY PART |. SOURCES OF MEDICAL CARE This part is concerned with persons or places which provided medical care to you. If you do not know a complete address, please give us as much informa- tion as you can. 1. (a) List the name and address of the doctor, midwife, or other person who delivered your baby. NAME (First) (Last) ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) (b) How many times were you seen for medical care by this person dur- ing the year before the baby was born? (DO NOT include the deliv- ery episode). Number 3. Did you see a doctor, midwife, or other person for any medical care re- lated to your pregnancy within THREE MONTHS AFTER THE BIRTH 2. Were you seen by any other persons or places (hospitals, maternity clinics, etc.) for prenatal care (care related to your recent pregnancy)? [JYes { [JNo (Go to question 3) List the names and addresses of all persons or places which provided prenatal care to you. A. NAME (First) (Last) ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) How many times were you seen for prenatal care by the above? (Number) OF YOUR BABY? : B. NAME (First) (Last) [J Yes [J No (Go on to Part II) ADDRESS (Number) (Street) List the names and addresses of all persons who provided medical care related to your pregnancy within three months after the birth of your baby. (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) mAMC (Fis) Yast) How many times were you seen for prenatal care by the above? (Number) ADDRESS (Number) (Street) . If more space is needed, continue below. (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) NAME (First) (Last) ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) If more space is needed, continue below. HSM-254-1 (PAGE 2) REV. 7-62 (GO ON TO PART II) 0.M.B. No. 68-5 72088 Approval expires: 12-31-73 35 PART Il. INFORMATION ON HEALTH INSURANCE In this part, we are interested in any health insurance you or your husband may have had during the TWELVE MONTHS before the baby was born. 1. Did you have any kind of health insurance for hospital or doctor bills at any time during the twelve months before your baby was born? [J Yes [J No (Go to question 6) 2. Did you have any kind of health insurance at the time your baby was born? [J Yes [JNo 3. (a) Did health insurance pay for any part of the medical care you received during your pregnancy PRIOR TO the delivery? [Yes [JNo [7] No medical care bill during pregnancy (b) What part of the medical bills during pregnancy did your insurance pay? [(J1/4 or less [Jover 1/40 1/2 [Jover1/2to 3/4 [Jover 3/4 5S. (a) Did health insurance pay any part of the doctor’s bill for delivering your baby? [yes [J No [7] No doctor's bill (b) What part of the doctor's bill did your insurance pay? [J 1/4 or less [Jover 1/4 to 1/2 [Jover1/2 to 3/4 [Jover 3/4 4. (a) Did health insurance pay any part of the hospital bill when your baby was born? [J Yes [J No [J No hospital bill (b) What part of the hospital bill did your insurance pay? [J 1/4 or less [Jover1/2 to 3/4 [Jover1/4t0 1/2 [Jover 3/4 6. (a) Did any organization or agency (such as the Armed Forces, Medi- caid, welfare, lodges, unions, etc.),pay for or provide any part of the medical services connected with pregnancy or birth? [Yes [J No (b; What part of the medical services were paid for or provided by the organization or agency? [J 1/4 or less 3 over 1/4 to 1/2 [Jover 1/2 to 3/4 [J over 3/4 (c) What is the name of the agency or organization? (GO ON TO PART III) PART lll. INFORMATION ABOUT YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN We are interested in the outcomes of all the pregnancies you have ever had, even if they occurred before your present marriage. Please INCLUDE the child listed on the front of the questionnaire. 1. How many children have you ever had? (Count all those that were born ALIVE to you AT ANY TIME.) TTI 2. Have any of these children died? (DO NOT count miscarriages or babies that were born dead.) [J Yes [TJNo (Go to question 3) Please list below, the name, sex, and dates of birth and death of each such child. (First) NAME OF CHILD SEX (Middle) |M|F DATE OF BIRTH Mo. | Day |Year DATE OF DEATH Mo. | Day | Year 3. Were any of your children living away from you when the child listed on the front of the questionnaire was born? (For example, usually living with relatives, adopted by someone else, in the Armed Forces, etc.) Do not include children who were away at school or college. [7] Yes [CJNo (Go to question 4) Please list below the name, sex, and date of birth of each such child. DATE OF BIRTH Mo. | Day Year NAME OF CHILD SEX (First) (Middle) M| F 4. (a) Have you ever had a stillbirth? (That is, a baby that was born dead) [J Yes [CINo (Go to question 5) Number A [eee] (b) How many have you ever had? (c) Please give the date of your last stillbirth. (Mo. Day Year) HSM-254-1 (PAGE 3) (Part Ill continued on Page 4) REV, 7-72 PART lll. Continued 5. (a) Have you ever had a miscarriage? (DO NOT include any stillbirth counted in Question 4) TJ Yes [TJ No (Go to question 6) Number (b) How many have you ever had? (c) Please give the date of your last miscarriage. (Mo. Day Year) 6. Thinking back, just before you became pregnant with your new baby, did you want to become pregnant at that time? I wanted this pregnancy at an earlier time, as well as at that time. [7] 1 wanted to become pregnant at that time. [CJ 1 did not want to become pregnant at that time, but I wanted another child sometime in the future. OO ! did not want to become pregnant at that time, or at any time in the uture. 7. Do you expect to have more children? [] Definitely yes [] Probably yes How many more children do you think you will probably have? Number [7] Probably no [7] Definitely no (GO ON TO PART IV) PART IV. INFORMATION ABOUT YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND (Check ONE box only) 1. Is this your first marriage? [] Yes —==——s-Please give the date of your marriage Wo. Day Year Please give the date of your first marriage Mo. Day Year [Neo Please give the date of your present marriage Mo. Day Year 2. (a) What is the highest grade of regular school (elementary school, high school, two year or four year college or university) that you COM- PLETED? (DO NOT include business or trade schools, or other specialized training) (Circle the highest grade of regular school completed) 0 12345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18+ y University or Graduate None Elementary school High school college school (b) Other specialized training; C- Yis [CNo Specify: (trade schools, beauty-barber college, hospital schools, etc.) Circle years completed Less than one 1 2 3 or more 3. (a) What is the highest grade of regular school (elementary school, high school, two-year or four-year college or university) that your husband COMPLETED? (DO NOT include business or trade schools or other specialized training.) (Circle the highest grade of regular school he completed) 0 12345678 91011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18+ ; University or Graduate None Elementary school High school college school (b) Other specialized training; [Yes t Specify: (trade schools, beauty-barber college, hospital schools, etc.) [No Circle years completed Less than one 1 2 3 or more (GO ON TO PART V) HSM-254-1 (PAGE 4) REV, 7-72 37 PART V. INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR FAMILY In this part information is asked about all relatives living with you when the baby listed on the front of the questionnaire was born. 1. List below all relatives who usually lived with you at the time of your recent delivery. Be sure to list yourself, your baby, your husband (if he lived at home), as well as any of your children and other relatives living with you. Include children who were away at school or college. DO NOT include rela- tives who lived somewhere else (for example, relatives in the Armed Forces). Also, DO NOT include relatives who were only staying in your home temporarily when the baby was born. NAME Enter your name on the first line; enter the names of every other relative who lived with you on the following lines. Be sure to include the baby (First Name) (Last Name) For YOURSELF and EACH RELATIVE, provide the information requested below. RELATIONSHIP TO YOU (Husband, daughter, son, father, father-in-law, nephew, stepson, adopted daughter, etc.) DATE OF BIRTH Mo. Day Year MARITAL STATUS Single (never married) Married Separated Widowed Divorced YOURSELF 2. Who was the head of this family? (This person must be you or one of the relatives who is listed above.) [J Your husband [] Yourself [] Another relative ——— Name of head HSM-254-1 (PAGE 5) REV. 7-72 38 (GO ON TO PART VI) PART Vi. FAMILY INCOME The following questions refer to the money income of members of your family during the TWELVE MONTHS before the baby was born. Include all incomes of members of the family whom you listed even if they were not living together during part of the twelve months. Include all income from wages, salaries, investments, property, Social Security, welfare, unemployment compensation, help from relatives, etc. 1. What was the income (total income before deductions for taxes, bonds, 2. Whatwas the total family income (before deductions for taxes, bonds, dues, dues, insurance, etc.) received by YOUR HUSBAND from all sources during the twelve months before the baby was born? (This income should include money from wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, tips, own business, professional practice, farm, unemployment compensation, etc.) insurance, etc.) received by YOURSELF, YOUR HUSBAND, and ALL OTHER LISTED FAMILY MEMBERS from all sources during the twelve months before the baby was born? (This income should include money from wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, tips, own business, pro- If exact amount is not known, please check your best estimate. fessional practice, farm, unemployment compensation, etc.) If exact amount is not known, please check your best estimate. (Check one) (Check one) [] none or under $1,000 [7] 81,000 to $1,999 [] $2,000 to $2,999 [7] $3,000 to $3,999 [] $4,000 to $4,999 [7] $5,000 to $6,999 [7] $7,000 to $9,999 [7] $10,000 to $14,999 [7] $15,000 to $24,999 [7] $25,000 or more [7] none or under $1,000 [C7] $1,000 to $1,999 [C7] $2,000 to $2,999 [C7] $3,000 to $3,999 [C7] $4,000 to $4,999 [7] $5,000 to $6,999 [7] $7,000 to $9,999 [C7] $10,000 to $14,999 [7] $15,000 to $24,999 [7] $25,000 or more (GO ON TO PART VII) PART VII. PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM NAME ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE NO. DATE OF COMPLETION (Month, day, year) NOTES AND COMMENTS H SM-254-1 (PAGE 6) If more space is needed continue on back. REV. 7-72 GPO 930-960 39 National Natality Survey Hospital Long Form 40 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 NATIONAL CENTER FOR ~ HEALTH STATISTICS Your assistance is needed in a national birth survey being conducted by the Public Health Service with the approval of your State Health Depart- ment. We are seeking information on the amount of medical care provided to expectant mothers, and in the case of live births, to their newborn infants. This information is being collected on a sample of approximately 7,400 mothers of live births who represent the nearly 3.7 million women having deliveries during 1972. Each of the mothers included in the sample is being sent a questionnaire asking about her recent pregnancy. According to our records, the mother named below was seen or treated at your facility at some time during the survey period given at the bottom of this page. Since the 1972 national birth survey is based on only a small sample of mothers, it is particularly important that we receive as much informa- tion as possible on all mothers in the sample. Please be assured that all information which you report about the mother and the newborn will be kept completely confidential. No identifying information will be disclosed to any person or any other agency. The data we collect will be used for statistical purposes only. Please complete the questionnaire and return it within two weeks. Your cooperation in this study is deeply appreciated. Sincerely yours, Ad Corpo Robert A. Israel Director, Division of Vital Statistics Name of Mother Name /Sex Address Date of Delivery City (town), State, Zip Code Survey Number PERIOD COVERED BY THIS SURVEY: From To ASSURANCE OF CONFIDENTIALITY. AH information which would permit identification of on individual, or of an establishment, will be held confidential, will be used only by persons engaged in end for the purpose of the survey, and will be protected against disclesure in accordance with provisions of 42 CFR Part |. VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION — Completing this form is veluntary; you are under ne legel obligation te de se. NATIONAL BIRTH SURVEY PART I. PREGNANCY HISTORY OF MOTHER (DO NOT include this delivery) Total number of previous pregnancies ........oeeeeenn.. or [_] None Number of pregnancies not ending in live birth (include all miscarriages, abortions, stillbirths, @16.) « vuvssvesssonsrenrsvsne or [J] None Number of live births ves sess vensconnssnersnnsennes or [[] None Number now living ve csvessnssinnrasnssnnsrnnns or [_] None Number now. dead «...cvcrevrsnsnnsssvnseansnnse or [] None (GO ON TO PART Il) PART Il. DELIVERY EPISODE In this part we are interested in the condition of the mother and child and the care which the mother and child (if live born) received in the hospital from the time of delivery to discharge. SECTION A. THIS DELIVERY Mo. Day | Year 1. Deve ok admins) t moth 9. Complications of this pregnancy (Check all those which apply) . Date of admission of mother : [J Urinary infection [J Anemia 2. Date of discharge of mother [2 Hypertension C1 Resello (a) Was mother discharged [J Alive [J Dead [CO] Toxemia preeclampsia [C] Embolism [C] Eclampsia [C] Obesity . i a 3 Oth 3. Age of mother at time of this delivery (ageatlastbirthday) years O (Specify) [J Nene Me. Day | Yeor 10. Underlying medical conditions existing during this pregnancy 4. Date last normal menses began 5. Total duration of labor (If precise answer is not known, give your best estimate) hours (or) [] Not known 6. Type of Anesthetic for delivery (Check all those which apply) [] Inhalation [J Local [J Spinal and epidural [CT] None [J] Other (Specify) 7. Type of delivery (Check all those which apply) [C] Obesity [CO] Anemia [J] Diabetes {T] Cardiovascular-renal [] Varicosity disease [] Asthma [CJ] Congenital heart disease J Other chronic pulmonary [C] Thyroid condition [C] Orthopedic condition [J] Other [J Nene (Specify) Were any complications tomother’s health noted afterdelivery? [J Yes, specify [J] Spontaneous [] Cesarian Section [J] Forceps [C] Breech [J No [CJ Other (Specify) 2 . Was any operation performed which will prevent future 8. Complications of labor (Check all those which apply) [TJ] Inadequate pelvis [CJ] Unusual bleeding [CJ] Transverse lie [CJ Prolonged labor [CJ] Multiple birth [CT] Anesthesia reaction | Abnormal position of [2 Placenta abruptio placenta or cord [C] Premature rupture of membranes [_] None [C] Other preg ies? [] Yes [J No . Condition of infant at delivery [C] Born alive [C] Born dead (Go to Part 111) APGAR rating; give scores At one minute or [_] Not Done At five minutes or [_] Not Done (Specify) HSM-254-5 (PAGE 2) O.M.B. No. 68.5 72088 REV. 7-72 Approval Expires : 12-31-73 41 PART Il. SECTION A (Continued) 14. Were any unusual resuscitative efforts required? [] Yes, specify [J Ne 15. Congenital malformations or anomalies noted at delivery 18. Infant named on the front of this questionnaire was, [] Single (Go to Section B) [J Twin [] Triplet, or other plural (or) [_] None 16. Birth injuries noted at delivery 19. If not single birth, was infant born (or) ([] None [7 First 17. Weight of infant at birth [J Second pounds, ounces, (or) grams. [J Third or higher SECTION B. NEWBORN 1. Age when first examined 3. Were any congenital malformations or anomalies noted before outside of delivery room hours (or) days discharge? [J Yes, specify 2. Were any birth injuries noted before discharge? [J Ne [J Yes, specify 4, Were any other illnesses noted before discharge? [CJ Ne i [] Yes, specify {J Ne 5. Was infant discharged alive? [] Yes [CJ] No === Age at death days, hours | Cause of death (Go to Part Il) (a) Date of discharge ont, ear ay (b) Was infant given a discharge examination? [] Yes [J Ne [CJ RESIDENT (or) [_] PRIVATE NAME OF PHYSICIAN (c) Place infant was discharged to [] Family home [[] Medical care facility O Other NAME (GO ON TO PART Ill) HSM-254-5 (PAGE 3) REV. 7-72 42 PART lil. PRENATAL AND POSTPARTUM CARE OF MOTHER In this part we are interested in all the prenatal and postpartum care the mother received from the period TWELVE MONTHS before this delivery to THREE MONTHS after. 3. Was the mother referred to any other medical facilities or persons 1. Did the mother make any visits for prenatal care to facilities operated for prenatal care? by this hospital? : Yes [CI Ne (Go to question 4) [1 Yes [CJ No (Go to question 2.) (a) Month of pregnancy prenatal care began (Check one) NAME 1st [J 2nd [J 3rd [7 4th [CO] 5th [J 6th [7th [CO 8th [9th ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (b) How many visits did she have? (Number) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) (c) Were any complications or unusual conditions noted during the mother’s prenatal care period? NAME [Yes [CI No (Ge to question 2) ADDRESS (Number) (Street) List below any complications or unusual conditions which were noted. {City or Tom) (Ste) {Zip Code) Trimester of Visit Complications or Unusual Conditions NAME ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) 4. Did the mother make any visits to the hospital for postpartum care during the period between her discharge from the hospital and three months after? [Yes [CJ No (Go to question 5) How mony visits did she have? (Number) 2. Was the mother referred to this hospital by a physician or by another Date Condition or Reason hospital or clinic? O Ye [CJ No (Ge to question 3) NAME ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code] Did the above provide any prenatal care to the mother? [] Yes [| No 5. Did the mother receive family planning information, [Yes [CI Ne [J Yes [J No [J Yes [Ne [C] Don’t Know [C] Don’t Know [CJ Don’t Know (a) during her prenatal period? (b) during her delivery episode in the hospital? (c) during her postpartum period? 6. (a) If yes to any of the above, did the mother agree to use the family planning information provided? Yes [No [CT] Don’t Know (b) What method of contraception did she agree to use? HSM-254-5 (PAGE 4) REV. 7-72 (GO ON TO PART IV) 43 44 PART IV. PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM NAME ADDRESS (Number) (Street) (City or Town) (State) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE NO. DATE OF COMPLETION (Mo. Day Yr.) NOTES AND COMMENTS HSM-254-5 (PAGE S) REV. 7.72 #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980 GPJ 930.088 311-240/14 1-3 Series 1. Series 2. Series 3. Series 4. Series 10. Series 11. Series 12. Series 13. Series 14. Series 20. Series 21. Series 22. Series 23. VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS Series Programs and Collection Procedures.—Reports which describe the general programs of the National Center for Health Statistics and its offices and divisions and data collection methods used and include definitions and other material necessary for understanding the data. Data Evaluation and Methods Research.—Studies of new statistical methodology including experi- mental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and contributions to statistical theory. Analytical Studies.—Reports presenting analytical or interpretive studies based on vital and health statistics, carrying the analysis further than the expository types of reports in the other series. Documents and Committee Reports.—Final reports of major committees concerned with vital and health statistics and documents such as recommended model vital registration laws and revised birth and death certificates. Data From the Health Interview Survey.—Statistics on illness, accidental injuries, disability, use of hospital, medical, dental, and other services, and other health-related topics, all based on data collected in a continuing national household interview survey. Data From the Health Examination Survey and the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.—Data from direct examination, testing, and measurement of national samples of the civilian noninstitu- tionalized population provide the basis for two types of reports: (I) estimates of the medically defined prevalence of specific diseases in the United States and the distributions of the population with respect to physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics and (2) analysis of relationships among the various measurements without reference to an explicit finite universe of persons. Data From the Institutionalized Population Surveys.—Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these surveys will be in Series 13. ) Data on Health Resources Utilization. —Statistics on the utilization of health manpower and facilities providing long-term care, ambulatory care, hospital care, and family planning services. Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities. —Statistics on the numbers, geographic distri- bution, and characteristics of health resources including physicians, dentists, nurses, other health occupations, hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient facilities. Data on Mortality. —Various statistics on mortality other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by cause of death, age, and other demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; and statistics on characteristics of deaths not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data on Natality, Marriage, and Divorce.—Various statistics on natality, marriage, and divorce other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; studies of fertility; and statistics on characteristics of births not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data From the National Mortality and Natality Surveys. —Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these sample surveys based on vital records will be included in Series 20 and 21, respectively. Data From the National Survey of Family Growth.—Statistics on fertility, family formation and dis- solution, family planning, and related maternal and infant health topics derived from a biennial survey of a nationwide probability sample of ever-married women 15-44 years of age. For a list of titles of reports published in these series, write to: Scientific and Technical Information Branch National Center for Health Statistics Public Health Service Hyattsville, Md. 20782 SHINIEH-108 lied Sotiog SSVIS YIP pup ity op wr suonongnd 0g 00€$ '3SN ILVAIHd HO4 ALTYN3d SS3INISNEG 1V121440 SSVI QHIHL : Z8L0Z puejAsepy ‘ajjiasneAn 96 M3IH AemybiH 1sapm-15e3 00LE 31151181 Y1|aH JO) 131Ua] |euOnEN Lo - ABojouyda pue ‘sonsnelS ‘Yoleasay Yijeay JO ad10 M'3'H 40 LN3IWLHV43A 'S'N 221A135 Y1|eay 21nd adivd S334 ANV 39V1S0Od 3HV4TI3IM ANY 'NOILYINAI 'HLIVIH 40 INIWLHVL3A SN SHON £8 "ON -Z sauag LSEL-08 (SH) "ON uoneaiignd M3HA byw al 7 0) a 4 2 NCHS a Le] « & R/4 CASIN (TR REID 0) (CT TT TET FL FSET U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Lunde, Anders Steen The person number system of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Israel. (Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 84) ([DHHS publication] ; (PHS) 80-1358) Supt. of Docs. no.: HE 20.6209:2/84 1. Scandinavia—Statistical ‘services. 2. Identification numbers, Personal—Scandinavia. 3. Privacy, Right of—Scandinavia. 4. Israel—Statistical services. 5.Identification numbers, Personal—Israel. 6. Privacy, Right of—Israel. I. Title. II. Series: United States. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and meth- ods research ;no. 84. III. Series: United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services DHHS publication ; (PHS) 80-1358. RA409.U45 no. 84 [HA37.82] 312'.07'23s 79-607800 ISBN 0-8406-0179-4 [001.4'22] For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 DATA EVALUATION AND METHODS RESEARCH Series 2 Number 84 The Person-Number Systems of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Israel DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 80-1358 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville, Md. June 1980 NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS DOROTHY P. RICE, Director ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Deputy Director JACOB J. FELDMAN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Analysis GAIL F. FISHER, Ph.D., Associate Director for the Cooperative Health Statistics System ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Acting Associate Director for Data Systems ALVAN O. ZARATE, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director for International Statistics ROBERT C. HUBER, Associate Director for Management MONROE G. SIRKEN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Mathematical Statistics PETER L. HURLEY, Associate Director for Operations JAMES M. ROBEY, Ph.D., Associate Director for Program Development GEORGE A. SCHNACK, Acting Associate Director for Research ALICE HAYWOOD, Information Officer OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS ALVAN O. ZARATE, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director Vital and Health Statistics-Series 2-No. 84 DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 80-1358 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 79-607800 FOREWORD For some years, the proposal to establish a person numbering system in the United States has been a matter of public policy debate. The use of a number to uniquely identify an individual, and its application universally for commercial, governmental and military identification purposes has obvious advantages from a data processing, epidemiological and health research, and record linkage point of view; and personal advantages to the individual as well. Person numbering systems have existed in many parts of the world under a variety of systems of governments. However, many persons view the establish- ment of such a system as a real or potential threat to the traditional freedoms en- joyed by Americans. At its May 1976 meeting, the United States National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics recommended that the National Center for Health Statistics pre- pare a report describing the operation and use of these systems. This report describes the techniques used in these numbering systems. No at- tempt has been made to assess the health, social, or economic impact of these sys- tems. The report is intended to be factual, and makes no recommendations either for or against the use of person numbering systems in the United States. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was made possible through the cooperation of officials of the cen- tral bureaus of statistics of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, and the Director of the Ministry of the Interior of Israel. The associate authors who contributed manuscripts are: Ms. Judith Huebner, Deputy Director General, Ministry of the Interior, Hakirya, Jerusalem, Israel Ms. Gerd S. Lettenstrom, Chief, Population and Health Statistics, Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo, Norway Mr. Stig Lundeborg, Department for Statistics on Individuals, National Cen- tral Bureau of Statistics, Stockholm, Sweden Mr. Lars Thygesen, Chief, Public Registers Section, Danmarks Statistik, Copenhagen, Denmark Dr. Anders S. Lunde, Consultant to the National Center for Health Statistics, wrote the introduction and the last chapter, and edited the final report. The offi- cials of the countries mentioned contributed to the final chapter. CONTENTS PP OTRWOTt seerssssnsnsiss tsar sas sa as srs HEIR APPEAL SEA EEA RAPER ROPER SASSO SIRES LE SORA RRR RAY Acknowledgments Chapter I. Development of the Person-NUmMbeEr SYStEM ...ccccccesssrnearesicssssscsscssssnsnsssnsassnsssesssssssssssns Introduction The Person Number and Its Use Construction of the PN Selection of the Countries Chapter II. The Personal Identification Number in Sweden Chapter III. Chapter IV. Chapter V. Technical and Other Problems Future Anticipated Use of the PN System The Person-Number System in Norway Introduction Operation of the PN System Integration in the Numbering System Use of the PN Social Security Insurance System Health Services Vital Statistics Health Statistics sesessee Solving Problems Introduction Characteristics in the System Organization of the Files Operation of the System ... Updating of the Central Population Register Use of the Person Number Administrative Use Use in the National Insurance System Use in Vital and Health Statistics Use in Research Problems in the System Future Use Plans for Additional Studies and Research Introduction Personal Identification Numbers and Population Statistics in Denmark Structure of the Central Population Register General Application of the PN Population Statistics Other Applications Future Plans Regarding the Utilization of Registers Introduction #essessssssscscenencsnsressastttssttstssstrsnanene The Population Registry and the Use of Personal Identity Numbers in Israel ...ccccoeereeenne A Note on the Israeli Use of a Number System Development of the Existing PN Use of the PN System Registration of Births Voters’ Ledger Border Control Card File (Personal) ........ — = = = 00 ND —_ OWN OOOO — Problems and Difficulties with the System Plans for the Future Chapter VI. ~~ Advantages and Limitations of the Person-Number System ........ccceesueennee AFTER rI TERRA Sweden Norway Denmark ...... Israel Chapter VII. Confidentiality and Privacy Sweden Norway Denmark Israel Chapter VIII. Other Person-Number Systems in the World Today Advanced Systems Finland France Iceland y The Netherlands Developing Countries Argentina Chile Colombia Peru Uruguay Jordan Health, Social Security, and Insurance Systems United Kingdom Australia Other Countries Other National Systems Federal Republic of Germany Japan Portugal United States References Bibliography Appendixes I. Construction of the PN in Sweden II. Construction of the PN in Norway III. Structure of the PN in Denmark IV. Construction of the PN in Israel V. Items in the Swedish Cancer-Environment Register VIL. Items in Study “Outcome of Successive Pregnancies for Norwegian Women 1967-1979” ...... ioe VII. Population, Birth, and Death Data LIST OF TEXT TABLES A. Examples of Person Numbers: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and ISrael ....cccceeevneerresseneesssssssessesnsene B. Characteristics maintained in the Central Population Register Situation File .............. verse C. Items in Person Numbers in planned or operational national data SYStEMS ......ccceeeeseeererseecsansessnseses vi 12 40 SYMBOLS Data not available------=-reeeeeeememmme cece --- Category not applicable-----e-eeeemereeeeeeeeeeenee oe Quantity zero Quantity more than 0 but less than 0.05-—- 0.0 Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision----------se-esseeceeeeeeo. — viii THE PERSON-NUMBER SYSTEMS OF SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, AND ISRAEL Anders S. Lunde, Ph.D., Stig Lundeborg, Gerd S. Lettenstrom, Lars Thygesen, and Judith Huebner? CHAPTER | DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSON-NUMBER SYSTEM INTRODUCTION By the beginning of the 20th century many western European nations had established popu- lation registers that involved the continually updated systematic registration of the popula- tion primarily by name, residence, age, sex, and marital status. Originally, these were local regis- ters administered at the municipal, county, or province level. By the middle of the 20th cen- tury, a movement to centralize the registers had begun and, while the local systems were kept intact, data from the local register offices were provided to Central Population Registers (CPR’s), which were usually maintained at the national statistical office. The primary reason for establishing popula- tion registers was to maintain reliable informa- tion for administrative purposes, particularly for program planning, budgeting, and taxation records. The registers also were useful for developing voting and education registers, main- taining social insurance and welfare files, and aNational Center for Health Statistics, National Cen- tral Bureau of Statistics (Sweden), Central Bureau of Statistics (Norway), Danmarks Statistik (Denmark), and Ministry of Interior (Israel), respectively. supporting police and court references. The registers eventually proved useful for the devel- opment of population statistics, especially for studies of internal migration, but also for re- search in many areas, including health statistics. Although the product of the early local registers could be accumulated for national administrative purposes and statistics, this task was difficult and time consuming. The punch- card system, used for large-scale periodic statis- tics, was often operated through regional punch-card centers. The development of the CPR’s coincided with the methodologies pro- vided by electronic data processing (EDP), which greatly increased the potential for data handling, storage, and retrieval, and provided for national magnetic data-tape registers of the population. The CPR’s also simplified certain problems of control and data quality because the management of the system was centralized. At first, individual registration forms and the resultant lists of persons were coded by various coding systems using name and residence. Num- bers assigned either randomly or sequentially by date of entry into a file were also used. Local registers and other institutions developed sepa- rate file codes. When CPR’s were created, their efficient operation required that each individual be defined by a single, universal code. As com- puters were used, a universal numbering system was developed and each individual was given a Person Number (PN). Numerals are preferred as the primary refer- rents or standard identifiers in data-base com- puter systems, because computer operations are based on a numerical system and any other codes must be translated into a number for com- puter applications. If more than one code is ap- plied to the records of a single individual, the chances of error are increased. A unique and uni- versal number is efficient and easy to handle for comparing and sorting, storage capacity is in- creased, and record matching and linking are considerably improved. THE PERSON NUMBER AND ITS USE The term ‘Person Number” refers to the entire personal identification number used in the national statistical systems of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Israel. This number will lessen the confusion caused by using either a “birth num- ber,” a “personal identity number,” an “‘individ- ual identification number,” or a “CPR number.” The commonly used “birth number,” for ex- ample, may be most confusing because it may refer either to a random number provided at birth or to a number that includes a birth date. The Scandinavian countries also differentiate between a six-digit number based on birth date and a three-digit birth number (“individual” digits). / The PN, as a computer file key, has the characteristics of uniqueness, permanence, reli- ability, and universality. It is unique and inde- pendent because it is the sole identifier for one particular individual and for that person alone. It is permanently assigned, therefore, no dupli- cation should occur. Although several numbers relating to an individual might be linked in a file, each additional item and operation adds to pos- sible error. The PN is reliable in the sense that the system provides for such quality controls that the correct number appears on the named person’s records. It is universal because it is one identifiable unit in a universe of numbers. In a typical population numbering system, the PN is placed on all pertinent documents in the national data system. As a basic source, or data base, the system may act largely as a census in which persons are defined by a select number of characteristics or events. This data base is continually updated by the addition of births, subtraction of deaths, addition of immigrants, and the removal of emigrants—a classic demo- graphic formula. The data base also can provide information on marriage and divorce and other personal particulars or events. These data are required for national assessment and program planning. The PN is placed on documents and becomes a file reference in many clerical operations and statistical systems in public administration. These systems often develop their own data files and, using the PN, they either may update their information from the CPR reports, or they may attain direct integration with the CPR to com- bine the information in their files with informa- tion from the CPR. Data from censuses and vital statistics registration systems may be integrated to achieve current population statistics. Some countries are planning central registers and archives with the capacity for integrating many forms of data for public administration. The technology to achieve these goals has been available for some time. Although the PN systems have become indispensable for public administration in the countries in this report, their potential for important research has not been fully realized. Sweden, in designating a ready-made survey frame by selecting the records of all persons born on the 15th of the month, has been able to take surveys of socioeconomic importance. Nor- way and Denmark are engaged in significant occupational mortality studies by PN linkage to death, medical, and census records. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Develop- ment is supporting a study, remarkable in its details, entitled “The Outcome of Successive Pregnancies for Norwegian Women 1967-1976” (see appendix VI). A unique numbering system affords the possibility of automatically linking records from the Medical Birth Registry, which gives details on pregnancy experiences and births as well as family histories of diseases, with the death files, which provide data on the causes of death of infants under 1 year of age, and the census file, which provides statistical background data on the mother and father. No reference to individuals is made in these studies. Government agencies and central statistical bureaus are well aware of the possibilities for linking statistical information to obtain new in- sights into areas of fertility, mortality, morbid- ity, and health services (see appendix VII), but they are prevented from pursuing these lines of inquiry because of budget and priority re- straints. University and institute research groups undoubtedly will increasingly refer to CPR data and data from various subsystems. Government regulations generally permit the use of statisti- cal (not individual) data for research. CONSTRUCTION OF THE PN The PN is constructed in accord with stan- dard computer practice for checking and correc- ting errors in the number, which includes the addition of check digits. The check digits are calculated by means of Modulus 10 or Modulus 11 algorithms computed on the basis of the other digits. With one check digit, 1 out of 2,000 errors will pass through the central sys- tem; with two check digits, 1 out of 100,000 er- rors will pass through. In the Scandinavian coun- tries, the PN is constructed with an initial six digits for day, month, and year of birth; in Sweden, the order is reversed. Three file num- bers or individual digits, numbered 001-999, follow. Odd numbers stand for males and even numbers for females. In Denmark, the first digit represents the century of birth. In Norway, per- sons born in the 19th century are assigned num- bers 749-500 and those in the 20th century 499-000. Israel has a PN of nine numbers, as- signed at random and including one check digit. This number has no cue for age or sex. Table A gives examples of PN’s. (See also appendixes I through IV.) For complete coverage of the population, the PN is provided at birth and remains with the individual until death. Even after death refer- ence can be made to data concerning that per- son, for example, in a retrospective study of the outcome of disease. Israel has had the unique experience of providing a PN to each individual in a new population and to thousands of immi- grants since 1948, and it has served as a key to needed social services. However, the Scandi- navian countries centralized their numbering systems only in the last decade. Remarkably, Table A. Examples of Person Numbers: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Israel Country, number, and identification Date of birth Individual Check digit digit Sweden 450470-1488 (female Born Apr. 10, THB) ......commnsimmnsriniiorssnmiisssismsmiisisnas 45 04 10 148 8 (year) | (month) | (day) Norway 260597-65131 (male born May 26, 1897).........ccccivcverririrnnennnnsnsessses ses snseensnns 26 05 97 651 31 (day) | (month) | (year) Denmark 030836-1171. (male DOrn Jung 3, TO3B) ....ccuviiisivnmissmissrssmmissimmisinssrssas 03 06 36 117 1 (day) | (month) | (year) Israel! 0871188383 (rogistarot) POISONY....cccvscssismmisrmssessssssssmsissssrssasormssertess crsneassnshiasane 3 1Random number is assigned. in less than 10 years, their systems have become firmly established and completely basic to pub- lic administration. SELECTION OF THE COUNTRIES The Scandinavian countries and Israel are forerunners in the development and application of a unique PN system in national statistical systems. In these countries the PN has not only been used for civil administration, but also has been extended into several research areas. Nor- way, Sweden, and Denmark are now engaged in research in health and related areas. Israel has used the PN system differently from the north- ern countries, and its plans for the system are extensive. Because of these developments, Nor- way, Sweden, Denmark, and Israel were selected for study. Considerable international interest in a PN system exists, and many other countries have either established such systems in part or plan to do so. The question of whether to establish a PN system has emerged in all developed countries, and some developing countries have even estab- lished the system in the laws of the land. The status of these systems is discussed in chapter VIII. The report deals individually with the ex- periences of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Israel. Although the data processing aspects of the numbering systems are very similar, the discussion of each country will differ because each author emphasized matters peculiar to his or her country. These areas of emphasis collec- tively provide a broad overview of numbering systems operations. Chapters on the four countries are followed by evaluational chapters in which the advantages and limitations of numbering systems, the prob- lems of confidentiality and privacy, and the status of numbering systems throughout the world are discussed. CHAPTER II THE PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN SWEDEN INTRODUCTION In Sweden, the administrative functions of the Government are largely delegated to central administration boards, each representing differ- ent areas of competence. One such authority, the National Tax Board, is concerned with popu- lation registration and the administration of the Person Number. Actual registration procedures are carried out by the Church of Sweden, which is the state church, by using a system that is approximately 300 years old. The local clergy- man is the registrar, and his registration district is the parish. There are 2,500 parishes in Sweden. The clergyman also acts as the local census official. In the local population registra- tion system, individuals are listed according to their place of residence in relevant ledgers and registers. A separate record is kept for each indi- vidual, is updated annually, and follows a per- son throughout his life. The records of deceased persons are kept in a historical file. Every person living in Sweden on January 1, 1947, was assigned a personal identity number (PN) in the county of registration. Since then, each of the 24 county administrations has kept a register of the resident population. In 1967, these records were transferred from metal plates to magnetic tape (personal-data tape). The county registers contain a person’s name, per- sonal identity number, birth date, place of birth, parochial registration locality, and address. The data also include information on marital status, date of change of marital status, citizenship, legal incapacity, and membership or nonmem- bership in the Church of Sweden. There are also codes relating to pensions, conscription, mer- chant navy register, and income tax. Local parochial registration offices send personal-data cards containing pertinent changes to the county administration. The county administration also supplies data to other bodies such as the local tax authorities, the Social Security Administra- tion, and the defense authorities. OPERATION OF THE PN SYSTEM The main function of the National Tax Board is to supervise and organize the work of the local and regional authorities. It is responsi- ble for systems design, programming, and the development of the various routines to be administered by the regional and local authori- ties. The National Tax Board issues birth num- bers ranging from 001 to 929 to the county administrations to be assigned to newborn chil- dren. Birth numbers from 930 to 999 form a reserve series used by the National Tax Board. The first set of birth numbers is usually suffi- cient to cover the number of births per day in each county but, if it is not, numbers can be taken from the reserve series. When a county administration is notified of a live birth by the local parochial registration office, it assigns the first vacant birth number from the county administration digit series to the child for the day of birth. Odd numbers are used for boys and even ones for girls. Not only the newborn, but also other categories can be assigned a PN by the National Tax Board. One example is the immigrants who have registered in a parish, who have not previously resided in Sweden, and who have not already been given a number. When an immi- grant registers at the parochial registration of- fice, the latter informs the National Tax Board and requests a number. The board checks to de- termine whether the applicant has been given a number and, if not, it assigns one. A person who has been assigned a number at any time in the past will be reassigned his original number. Since 1969, PN’s have also been assigned to per- sons who have come from abroad to work but who have not stayed long enough to be reg- istered at the parochial office as living in Swe- den. The National Tax Board will assign such a person a number either when it issues him a pre- liminary income tax return or when he enrolls in the social insurance scheme. There are other minor categories of people who may also be given PN’s for special registration, for instance, Swedish citizens living abroad who apply for a Swedish passport and who have not pre- viously been given a PN. INTEGRATION IN THE NUMBERING SYSTEM The magnetic-tape file of the population kept at the county administration office is ar- ranged according to PN’s with the oldest number issued first and the newest number issued last; this file is updated once a week. Data concerning members of a family are linked; a husband’s rec- ord will contain a note with his wife’s PN and vice versa. The record of a person under age 18 will contain a note with the PN of the head of the household. This method enables a combi- nation of data concerning members of a family living together. The record for every person in the file contains an identification number for the county, the municipality, the parish, and the real-estate unit where he resides. This number relates to a special magnetic-tape register of all the real-estate units in the county. The popula- tion files and the real-estate files can be matched, and the information integrated. A list arranged by all the real-estate units and the persons inhabiting them is compiled periodically so that the exact legal domiciles of each individ- ual can be established for the coming year. The population file is also used as the basis for the tax file, which is kept by the county administratien and contains all significant infor- mation about taxes and their collection. A taxpayer’s identity number is the same as his PN plus the two-digit code of the county where he lives. In this way the population file and the tax file can be integrated. For various official purposes full integration can be achieved be- tween the population file, the tax file, and the real-estate file via the PN and the real-estate identity number. USE OF THE PN In Sweden, the personal identity number is used extensively in public administration. At the outset, the PN was used primarily as a more efficient way to identify individuals. Since the introduction of computers in population regis- tration and taxation applications, the numbering system has become a necessary, fundamental element in the maintenance of an accurate and efficient public administration system. The iden- tity number has become the key file number in various subsystems and is placed on all pertinent records of the individual. Specific uses are as follows: A. General 1. Population registration Taxation Military service (Military Register) Civil defense ov nN Social insurance (National Social In- surance Board) Ss Education/school register (local edu- cation committees, school boards) 7. Health services (hospitals, patient medical records) Passports (National Police Board) Registers of motor vehicles and driv- ing licenses (National Car Registra- tion Board) 10. Insurance companies, banks, and other organizations In Sweden, other official or non- official bodies use the PN in their register of employees, clients, policy holders, and so forth. In some cases, the central adminis- tration permits notification of changes of address to these organizations. B. Health 1. Vital statistics 2. Health statistics Social Security Insurance System The social security insurance system (chiefly, health insurance, parents’ insurance, national retirement pensions, and supplementary pensions) is administered by the National Social Insurance Board and the local social insurance offices. A comprehensive advanced data process- ing (ADP) system has been developed for this administration and is used not only for social security insurance but also for certain other allowances and benefits. The ADP system, and consequently the social security insurance ad- ministration, is based on the fact that the in- sured can be identified by their PN’s. The personal identity numbers serve as keys or links among different registers and with PN’s as identifiers, these registers can be brought up to date quickly and simply. The local social security insurance offices are continually in touch with current information in the central registers via display terminals at approximately 500 central and local insurance offices. In the terminal communication system, the PN is used as the identifier. With this number, data can also be ex- changed with other authorities, and social secur- ity benefits can be transmitted simply and safely. Health Services Various patient booking systems that are now being established in the health services are based on the PN. When a patient visits a hospital for the first time, he is issued a patient- attendance card, which is a metal plate stamped with his PN, name, and other information. This plate is used to identify the patient for all hospital services. The PN is also used as the identifier on a patient’s medical record—a docu- ment that the health services are legally obliged to keep. The PN is also frequently used as an identifier in various kinds of health services staff administration registers such as those of physi- cians, nurses, and paramedical personnel. Vital Statistics Every week the county administrations no- tify the National Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB) of changes in their population register concerning births, migration, deaths, and marital status, and PN’s are used as the means of identification. The SCB gathers information in a register system called the Register of the Total Popula- tion (RTP) which includes all persons entered on parochial registers in Sweden, and which is updated at regular intervals. Apart from PN’s, it not only contains the majority of the county administrations’ population data, but also con- tains certain data on income and taxes. The main object of this register is to serve as a base for the production of statistics concerning indi- viduals. If the Data Inspection Board has given its permission then it is possible, by using the PN as a matching device, to carry out the joint processing of statistical material within the area and to reduce the number of variables that have to be collected in certain other sets of statistical material. This register also provides a framework for statistical samples. The individuals selected in the sample can be linked by their PN’s to any other available information pertinent to the survey. Sweden’s population statistics are based on the Register of the Total Population system. The PN serves as the key to matching and duplicating in the following manner: To check duplication of notifications To check notifications of multiple births To compile tables showing rates for emigrants according to the duration of their stay in Sweden (the immigrant register is matched against the emigrant register) To compile tables showing rates for those who have received Swedish citizen- ship according to the duration of their stay in Sweden (the immigrant register is matched against the register of those who have received Swedish citizenship) To compile migration statistics for mu- nicipalities relating to 5-year periods in which those who have moved over a municipal boundary once are recorded separately and those who have moved both in and out are recorded separately (in-migrants are matched against out- migrants) To produce migration statistics, for ex- ample, for 1970 and 1971 from data from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing on items such as occupation, type of economic activity, education, and income (the 1970 and 1971 migra- tion register was matched against the 1970 Census of Population and Housing) The PN’s have been used in censuses of popula- tions since 1960, primarily as a matching device. Their use has steadily increased as more infor- mation from the censuses has been gathered from the register material. Consequently, the number of facts collected directly from the general public has been reduced. The PN’s are used as matching devices in other areas of population statistics in Sweden, for example, the SCB’s Register of Deaths and the Register of Persons Born on the 15th of the Month. The latter register comprises about 3 percent of the population. The register contains demographic data (including migration) pertain- ing to those born on the 15th and to the husband or wife and children living with the individual. In addition, it contains data relating to income and economic activity (according to a rough breakdown) for the individual and his or her spouse. The register has been used chiefly for sample surveys of fertility, migration, and changes in income at both an individual and a family level, as well as a sampling frame for interview surveys. The Register of Deaths contains data from the 1960 Census of Population and Housing and from the annual mortality data for 1961-70. Data on demographic features, occupation, eco- nomic activity, educational level, and so forth, from the census are linked to mortality data such as place of residence at the time of death, date of death, and causes of death. This linkage enables both the combination of data and the study of mortality in any population that can be defined by means of census data. The Register of Deaths is expected to be of great interest in epidemiological studies. Health Statistics The PN’s are used as identifiers in a number of registers in the public health sector. They are used as matching devices in the various registers to enable data supplied on different occasions regarding the same individual to be interrelated. The registers have many uses including statistics in special surveys. The National Board of Health and Welfare is primarily responsible for Swe- den’s central health statistics. The PN’s are used in the following major registers among others: 1. Statistics on patients 2. Notifications on the medical aspects of births 3. The Cancer Register 4. The Register of Gynecological Medical Examinations 5. The Register of the Side-Effects of Me- dicinal Drugs Statistics on patients.—Statistics on patients are compiled mainly to obtain information for administrative planning. The primary data con- sist not only of the patient’s PN, but also of particulars concerning medical diagnoses and operations when the patient was in the hospital. The PN’s permit (1) the identification of the data record so that supplementary material may be obtained and particular items can be checked and corrected, (2) the computerized linkage of several different periods when a patient received medical attention, and (3) the computerized supplementation of data from other registers. Furthermore, the existence of PN’s increases the opportunities for the use of statistics in special surveys, for instance, epidemiological research. The statistics on patients have another function regarding the side effects of medicines: to draw attention to the adverse reactions to drugs because information is accessible from patients’ medical records. The PN’s facilitate such a search. Birth Notification.—The medical aspects of births are registered partly to provide a founda- tion for medical statistics of deliveries, as a planning base. This form of registration also enables retrospective use of data to detect groups among the newborn that are at risk. The register contains numerous medical data con- cerning the mother’s state of health during pregnancy, the course of the delivery, and the state of health of the newborn child. The mother is identified in the register by means of her PN. The newborn child’s number is not added until the register is updated which is about 8 months after the register year has expired. Cancer Register.— The Swedish Cancer Regis- ter (see appendix V) was established in 1958. In 1978, permission to supplement the register with data from the Population and Housing Census was granted by the Data Inspection Board. Persons registered in the 1961-73 Cancer Register and the 1960 census were identified in both registers by their PN’s, and the Cancer- Environment Register was compiled by merging both registers. Although the Cancer-Environment Register is primarily intended for research, it also has another function, which is to point out potential health hazards. This register has been widely used as a gateway to various research projects. Recently it has proven to be of major impor- tance in investigations of the relationship be- tween the occupational environment and the origin of tumor diseases. Data on a cancer case are collected from three different sources: (a) clinics, (b) patholo- gists/cytologists, and (c) mortality statistics. The PN is not always available on records from the first two sources. Compilations of data from clinics and pathologists/cytologists are made manually with the individual’s birth date and name as identifiers. The PN’s are later checked and supplemented by comparing them with a microfiche register of the total population of Sweden. The data are then registered by com- puter, and the data from the mortality statistics are transferred by joint computerized processing with the PN as the identifier. The register is updated continuously when there are additions or corrections. The PN is used as the identifier in updating the register. For identification pur- poses all or part of a name is also registered. The name is necessary, for instance, in cases where it has not been possible to obtain complete per- sonal identity numbers. Gynecological Medical Examinations Regis- ter.—To supplement the Cancer-Environment Register, the National Board of Health and Welfare keeps a register containing data from gynecological examinations under the aegis of the county councils. Those asked to submit to these examinations are selected from the popula- tion registration system. The use of PN’s in these examinations enables monitoring a woman’s state of health regarding cancer and making fol- lowup assessments. Medicinal Drug Register.—The Register of the Side-effects of Medicinal Drugs should pro- vide information speedily about side-effects that may have been caused by a certain medicine. To enable patients to be followed scientifically, their PN is necessary. The PN’s are also used in registers and surveys carried out by bodies other than the National Board of Health and Welfare, such as the Tuberculosis Register, which is kept by the National Association for Cardiac and Pulmonary Diseases, and the registration by the National Bacteriological Laboratory of notified cases of diseases that are a danger to the general public. TECHNICAL AND OTHER PROBLEMS Apart from the problem that the system is not entirely self-checking, no serious technical problems are apparent. However, immigration from countries having an imperfect population registration has given rise to a problem for a system with PN’s based on dates of birth. If an immigrant does not know his date of birth, he is assigned a PN based on an estimated date of birth. If such a person emigrates from Sweden and then immigrates into the country again, there is the danger that he may be assigned a new PN. Another problem is that people from countries with imperfect population registration systems who do not know their date of birth often say they were born on January 1st. The result may be both confusion between individ- uals and an uneven distribution in registers of individuals indexed by PN’s. The problems that arise in the use of the PN are those related to the statistical processing of material where PN’s have been used for identifi- cation. Such use of PN’s became firmly estab- lished in various registers and surveys during the 1960’s. One reason was that these numbers made it possible for various sets of material to be processed together and, therefore, for better utilization of information. Respondents no longer had to be asked for the same information repeatedly. The production of statistics could be made more efficient. Three elements surfaced when this new method of statistical production began to be implemented: (1) members of the general public either did not know their own PN’s or they gave the wrong or incomplete number due to a memory lapse; (2) the quality of the number was not satisfactory; and (3) not everyone had been assigned a PN, for example, foreign stu- dents studying for a short period in Swedish schools. In the 1960 Census of Population and Housing, PN’s were used, and errors sometimes arose that prevented a correct linkage between data from the national registration and data from the special Census of Population form. Consequently, the national registration data for one individual might be entered with the popula- tion data of another. Similar errors arose when these data were being processed jointly with other sets of material. These errors were a combination of circustances: an individual, when filling in his statistical form, might copy his PN incorrectly or errors might remain from 1947 when PN’s were introduced for the popula- tion of Sweden. At that time the check-digit system had not yet been introduced. Over the years, the majority of the errors occurring in PN’s were corrected by the popula- tion registration authorities, and the check-digit 10 system was introduced. Because of the wide- spread use of PN’s in administrative material, members of the general public have become increasingly aware of the value of remembering their number and of being able to look it up easily. Consequently, errors in these numbers are now very rare compared with the 1960’s. Solving Problems Regarding problems that may arise in a statistical survey due to errors in PN’s, such errors can now be rectified in various ways. The manner of discovery of the error must be determined. Most errors are discovered by the check-digit system when the material is being registered by computer. Others may be dis- covered in the actual survey process, for in- stance, in an interview survey where the survey population and certain basic data are gathered from previously collected material using PN’s. When matched in the computer, the data of those selected for the survey are supplemented by an individual’s name and address from a register that is kept by the population registra- tion authorities. The particulars are then sent to the various addresses. If an individual finds he has been sent incorrect data, he will usually inform the sender. The identity of the person who was originally selected can be traced by analyzing the data in the survey where the selected individual gave the wrong PN. If that survey contains additional particulars to identify this individual, he can be found. This work, however, is time consuming and may not always be feasible because of a shortage of resources. Therefore, the errors may, instead, reduce the number of individuals in the survey by leading to nonresponse. Nevertheless, this problem is not insurmountable. A different way of solving the error-problem is to use additional identification devices when processing the material. However, this course is not taken frequently in statistical surveys; it is chiefly used in administrative contexts where errors in the joint processing of registers may have unfortunate effects in personal affairs, for instance, if children’s allowances, pensions, and so forth are sent to the wrong person. FUTURE ANTICIPATED USE OF THE PN SYSTEM The National Tax Board and the National Office of Organization and Management (see chapter VII for a more detailed explanation of the National Tax Board and the role of the Data Inspection Board) are developing proposals for a new ADP system for the registration of the population, taxation records, and tax collection in the future. Parliament has decided that these proposals should be implemented. The new system is to be adopted in stages. The first stage, which is concerned with taxation records and tax collection, was ‘introduced -in 1979. A committee to examine the question of a future census for population and housing was estab- lished and charged to examine the feasibility of using more extensively data found in various administrative sectors such as the administration of taxes and the registration of real estate. Because there are many registers with the same PN in the country, it was thought possible to base the collection of data on the information available in them. The committee completed its work at the end of 1978 and made recommenda- tions regarding the use of registers concerning the 1980 census. Although the supply of infor- mation from the existing registers could be considerably expanded, it was not sufficient to provide all data needs. In the spring of 1979, Parliament agreed on the plans for the 1980 census by largely following the recommenda- tions of the committee. The work of studying the feasibility of using registration data will continue. The National Central Bureau of Statistics has been charged with determining ways to obtain data other than through the collection of census forms, such as through population registers and data linkage. 13 CHAPTER III THE PERSON-NUMBER SYSTEM IN NORWAY INTRODUCTION As in Sweden, local recording of births, deaths, and marriages has been undertaken in the parishes of Norway since the 17th century. Local population registration offices were estab- lished only in the 20th century; the first was in Oslo in 1906. The principle functions of these offices were to administer taxes and to process information on where people lived and where they moved. During World War II, on March 1, 1943, the occupation authorities ordered all municipalities to establish registration offices. After the war, the Act of November 15, 1946 (revised in 1970), maintained the practice of universal registration. On January 1, 1965, the registration offices were centralized under the tax authorities and administered by the Central Bureau of Statistics. During the 1950’s the growth of electronic data processing (EDP) led to an increased interest in developing computerized statistical file systems. Public institutions developed such systems and frequently used personal identifica- tion numbers as key identifiers. These systems were not uniform, and the reference numbers differed. The need for a standardized national numbering system for efficient public adminis- tration was recognized. The Central Bureau of Statistics in 1961 was asked to establish and maintain a national identification numbering system, and the Central Population Register (CPR) was established October 1, 1964. At first, the register was composed of all residents of Norway on November 1, 1960, the date of the 1960 census, and all persons who immigrated or were born between November 1, 1960, and October 1, 1964. Since the latter 12 date, all children born in Norway and all persons immigrating to Norway for the first time are assigned a PN. : Norway maintains another major register, the Register of Establishments and Enterprises, started in 1956 and based on a 1953 census of industrial establishments. Two series of identifi- cation numbers of six digits and one check digit are used in the files. Partial registers for indus- trial establishments and statistics of accounts are produced from the central register, as well as, statistics of wholesale and retail trade. CHARACTERISTICS IN THE SYSTEM The CPR is kept on magnetic tape. The record length is fixed. Certain characteristics are kept in the situation file (see table B). Table B. Characteristics maintained in the Central Population Register situation file Number Characteristic of digits Identification nUMber........c.ccoevviiicinniiniinne nes i Municipality wa 4 NBIC sicninirismrisssmmimsmmmsisstiersress ss stsssivsss satassaiasans 26 Address (name of street, road, etc., and number)..... 30 POSTE AISERIC . covniianninuimanissssmmmmmnsasts serosa REE 42 4 Type of registration (resident, deceased, etc.) ... 1 Marital status .......ccocevenrnrreeeieenennnenn. 1 Identification number of mother .... 11 Identification number of father ...... 1 Date for type of registration ........... - 6 Identification number of spouse ..... views 1 Family Umber cousins evi 11 Date of removing day..... oie 6 Nationality......cceeeeriereccnnnnes ioe 3 Migrated FrOM/L0 COUNTLY ...ccororemresrsessnmsssssermsssrsnssens 3 ORGANIZATION OF THE FILES The CPR is organized into five files: 1. The situation file contains the acutal values of the characteristics for each individual on a given date. 2. The report file contains all entries about birth, migrations, changes, or corrections in characteristics after a given date. It also contains the dates of these events. 3. The chronology file contains the most recent value of each characteristic as well as the date of the latest change in the characteristic. 4. The history file contains the old values of characteristics that have changed as well as the dates of these events, and has the same formal structure as the report file. 5. The statistic file contains data from various reports that are used to produce statistics. Some data are taken from the chronology file, but most are taken directly from the reports. OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM The registration office keeps a written card for each resident in the municipality. This card contains the same data as the CPR. When a person moves from one municipality to another, he or she has to notify the authorities within 8 days. The move is registered in the municipality to which the person has moved, and the registra- tion office in this municipality requests this person’s card from the registration office in the municipality from which he or she has moved. The registration offices get reports from hospitals, clergymen, local authorities, and indi- viduals about births, deaths, marriages, migra- tion, and other events. The registration offices update their own registers, supply the reports with necessary identification numbers, and send reports to the Central Bureau of Statistics once a week. The registration offices also keep a sepa- rate register on magnetic tape. This register contains some characteristics that are not in- cluded in the CPR such as information on occupied houses. The registration offices have a number to identify every house in the munici- pality. This number provides information used in local and regional planning. This local register is updated once a week by separate reporting routines. UPDATING OF THE CENTRAL POPULATION REGISTER Each week the Central Bureau of Statistics receives reports from the local registration offi- ces concerning the following items: 1. Births . Marriages . Deaths . Internal migration . Movements within the municipality . Immigration . Emigration . Inquiry about registration problems . Missing persons OS WOW 00 uN OO Ot op» WW N — . Paternity to children not born in mar- riage 11. Name 12. Adoption 13. Separation/divorce 14. Changes in the family number 15. Correction of characteristics in the CPR 16. Alteration in names of streets/roads 17. Naturalization 18. Changes in marital status These reports are divided into three different categories: new units in the CPR, alterations in the value of characteristics in the CPR, and corrections of erroneous characteristics. When receiving these reports, the Central Bureau of Statistics makes a brief check on the material, and any revisions are keypunched. Then, various logical controls are performed on the material. Once a month a chronology control is per- formed, and the CPR is updated. USE OF THE PERSON NUMBER The national PN system is used in adminis- trative routines, in the production of statistics, and in research projects. Administrative Use Several public authorities and institutions use or have reference to the numbering system. Examples of such organizations are the taxation authorities, the Health Administration, the National Insurance Administration, the Director- ate for Seamen, the Road Administration, the Defense Department, and the Administration of Elections. Also, some private institutions (mostly banks and insurance companies) are permitted to use the PN system. Use in the National Insurance System The PN is now used in all parts of the National Insurance System. This system com- prises old age pensions, disability pensions, benefits for occupational injuries and rehabilita- tion, benefits during sickness, survivor’s benefits, and family allowances. This system is financed partly by the national budget and partly by pre- miums paid by employers and employees. The insured person pays his premium through taxa- tion, and the amount stipulated is a certain per- centage of his income. The amount paid to the insured either as a pension or as benefits during sickness is related to his income. In the old age pension and disability pension plans, a person is given points for each work year based on his income. Points are stored over years and identified by the PN. At retirement, the pension is fixed on the basis of points for the 20 most favorable years. For persons not attaining points for 20 years, separate rules apply. Separate rules also relate to disabled persons. On July 1, 1978, a revised system was introduced for payment of benefits during sick- ness. Regulations state that the employer shall pay for the first 2 weeks of sick leave. If the duration of sickness (absence from work) ex- ceeds this period, the insurance office shall pay. Control of cases when benefits during sick- ness are given is possible because a register has been established comprising employers and em- ployees. Employees are identified by the PN in this register, and employers are given a separate employer’s number. Benefits during sickness are taxable income and are also regarded as pension-producing income. Notifications sent from the insurance system to the taxation office are identified by the PN. Use in Vital and Health Statistics Reports used for updating the CPR are also used in the production of statistics, especially vital and health statistics. Most of these data are taken directly from the reports after they have been processed in the register system and have been transferred to the statistical file. In addi- tion, the reports are supplied with data ex- tracted from the register by record linkage. In internal migration statistics, marital status and municipality from which the person has migrated are taken from the CPR. Extensive use of the birth-number system is made in producing birth and death statistics. For births and deaths, two sets of reports are collected: one contains information primarily for civil administrative use, and another contains medical information. Although civil reports on births are first sent to the local population register and then to the Central Bureau of Statistics, the medical reports are sent to the Medical Birth Registry established in 1967. To supply this medical register with the birth number for infants and parents, records on tape from the CPR are linked each month with the medical reports related to the mother and child. In addition to transferring identification num- bers to the medical register, this linkage also reveals cases where civil or medical reports are lacking. This control is important for birth statistics because dead fetuses and live-born infants who die shortly after birth are not always reported in the civil registration system. In the production of death statistics, medical reports and civil reports are linked by birth and death dates. Through this process, lists are prepared mechanically on nonmatching death records. In addition, duplicate records are listed. After checking the lists (and correcting the errors), medical reports that are missing are obtained to complete the data on the causes of death. The CPR is also supplied with deaths that are not reported on the population register. With this process, a complete file on deaths can be produced as an accurate basis for death statis- tics. The complete file on deaths is linked with the CPR to obtain the name of the deceased. This register file is used for production of a na- tional death index that can be used for death clearance by all institutions. Once a year, a situation file of the CPR is used to produce tables showing population by sex, age, and marital status in each administra- tive unit. By using the PN, sex and age can be directly obtained. Furthermore, tables are pro- duced separately for the foreign population based on the characteristic for citizenship. The PN, which also is the basis of the family-number system, makes it possible to link persons with family nuclei. Family statistics have been pro- duced twice (1974 and 1977) and will now be produced every other year. The birth number will also be used to add data on education and income to the family records. Moreover, the PN is used in the registers established for physicians and dentists. By link- ing these registers with the CPR, data on marital status, residence, and other information can be added and used for statistics. These two registers are also linked with the taxation file to produce income statistics for physicians and dentists. Use in Research The purpose of establishing a history file was to provide research units with the possibility of developing studies, such as those based on cohorts, showing how demographic characteris- tics have influenced demographic events. The Central Bureau of Statistics has started work not only on projects concerning migration, but also on projects monitoring changes in marital status for population projections. Fur- thermore, cohorts of marriages have been fol- lowed regarding the number and the spacing of births. More frequently, the PN system has been used in research projects based on record linkage of data from different sources. The population census of 1970, which includes very detailed information on education, occupation, housing conditions, and other specifics, has been linked to demographic as well as economic data. In the field of vital and health statistics, several items were analyzed on the basis of record linkage. Divorces for the period 1971-73 were linked with characteristics of the married couple at the time of the census and with data from the taxation file to show the influence of occupa- tion, housing conditions, education, and income on divorce. The results were published by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 1975.1 Cause of death from the censuses from 1970 to 1973 inclusive was linked with occupational data. Standardized rates showed marked differ- ences in mortality according to occupational group. The results were published by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 1976.2 To extend the basis for calculating mortality for occupational groups, mortality data were linked with occupational data for both 1960 and 1970. Deaths among persons economically ac- tive in 1960 but not in 1970 were included. For special groups, such as persons who remain in the same occupational group for a long period, more reliable data will be presented in the future. The tables processed will be analyzed and published under the title “Occupational Mortality.”3 Record linkage with census data has also been undertaken for research units outside the Central Bureau of Statistics (see appendix VI). In these cases the linkage is made in the Central Bureau of Statistics and only tabular results are available. For instance, data from the Cancer Registry have been linked to occupational data. A recent analysis was made by linking medical birth register data (perinatal deaths, preterm births, and congenital malformations) to census data (occupation and education of mother and father). Possible connections between working conditions and related factors cencerning pa- rents and conditions during pregnancy, at deliv- ery, and future developments in the infant were 15 traced. The results will be published in one of the official statistical series in 1980. Because the PN is included in the 1960 and 1970 censuses, record linkage has been undertaken to follow the resident population at both censuses for changes in characteristics. Problems in the System Technical problems.—When the Central Bu- reau of Statistics was asked to establish a national PN system it was assumed that the number would contain the date of birth as a memory aid. However, in establishing the regis- ter, a number of errors in the date of birth were introduced. When these errors were discovered, the persons involved were given new numbers. This occurrence caused some technical problems when matching files from different periods. The PN per se contains three individual digits. Three digits can provide 999 individual numbers on a specific date, of these, 250 are used for persons born in the 19th century and 250 are stored for future use. Because a large number of immigrants give their date of birth as the 1st of a month, in particular January 1, the available individual numbers may be too few. A general problem connected with storing data—the problem of converting data from one system to another—has caused additional work. In the CPR, the family number for each family nucleus is the birth number of the head of the family. Thus, when the value of the characteris- tics in this birth number changes, the value of the characteristics in the family number also changes. Other problems.—A better CPR is increas- ingly needed. Working continuously to improve the quality of the characteristics data is one way to meet the demand for better information. Another is to improve the means of updating the register. This method has proved difficult be- cause the comprehensive control system to update the reports is overly complex. The CPR should be updated once a week instead of once a month. One special problem refers to migration. Everyone is required to report a migration to the local registration office within 8 days. However, some people do not report them. 16 The time from the occurrence of an event to the time the report is received in the CPR is often too long. Simplified and rational report routines are being developed to make this interval shorter. Also, possibilities for better EDP-routines are being considered. The CPR contains only one concept of address, that is, the address where the person lives. Some authorities and institutions use a postal address such as a postal box number, which can differ from the home address. Techni- cally, several addresses can be established as characteristics in the CPR. Training the staff of the local registration offices is needed. The work in these offices asso- ciated with the CPR is growing more compli- cated, and the responsibility of each employee has expanded. To solve these problems the Cen- tral Bureau of Statistics regularly organizes training meetings with the staff of the local registration offices. Over 4 years, all the local registration offices will have participated in these meetings. All the problems in the CPR can be solved if resources are available. Plans for solving the problems are set up as part of the long-term planning program. Future Use A broader use for the PN system will depend on three conditions: the development of the CPR, the expansion of the statistical file system, and the rules that the political authorities will make for the collection and use of personal data. The development of the CPR can proceed in two ways: first, by establishing completely new characteristics in the register, and second, by technically developing the register (e.g., putting the CPR on direct-access media and providing terminals to the local registration offices). For the expansion of the statistical file systems, the central authorities are planning a new countrywide file system and its core will consist of the following three registers: a central estate register, a central building register, and a central address register. This register system will be linked to other central registers, such as the CPR. The main purpose of this statistical file system is to create an information system for local and regional planning that will give new and wider opportunities for the use of the CPR. More private and public institutions are expected to use the PN. This usage will provide the increased possibility of linking registers and will create further demands regarding the quality of characteristics in the CPR. Plans for Additional Studies and Research The establishment and development of regis- ters based on the PN system will certainly increase the possibilities, not only for more and better statistics, but also for studies based on record linkage. A register on health personnel is being implemented. This register now comprises physicians, authorized nurses, auxiliary nurses, and some special groups of nurses. All categories are identified by a PN. In information systems on patients in health institutions, the use of a PN will make it possible to follow persons through the health service system. When the population census of 1980 is completed, a followup of the analysis of mor- tality and occupation will be undertaken. 17 CHAPTER IV PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS AND POPULATION STATISTICS IN DENMARK INTRODUCTION In 1924, for reasons similar to those in Sweden and Norway, namely for the collection of taxes, police work, registration of electors, and population statistics, Denmark’s Parliament passed the Act on Local Population Registers. All municipalities were mandated to establish local population registers, which would be files containing information about all persons resid- ing in the municipality indexed by name, occu- pation, date and place of birth, residence, family circumstances, and citizenship. The municipal- ities were required to keep the files continually updated by information from various agencies on births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, and individuals were responsible for notification of changes of address. The establishment of a central register was debated, but it was not enacted. Eventually the population registers developed other functions; tax authorities and health insurance funds, for example, were noti- fied about migrations of persons. These agencies also kept their own registers. Electronic data processing (EDP) was intro- duced in 1968, and a Central Population Regis- ter (CPR), with a national magnetic data-tape register of the Danish population was established and included all the local population registers in one administrative system. The process involved the introduction of the personal identification number (PN). The CPR numbering system was extended to all sectors of public administration and replaced all other systems. In 1972, the system was extended to include Greenland. The CPR therefore contains information about all 18 present and past residents in Denmark since 1968 and Greenland since 1972. The CPR also contains information about nonresident persons who have some connection with Denmark, such as payment of taxes. The CPR only holds current information. Thus for changes of address, information related to the old address is deleted from the register. How- ever, persons who either emigrate or die remain on the register with the data that were recorded either at the time of their departure or their death. A special historical register is also main- tained and consists of about 6 million persons. Technically, the CPR today is stored in a data-base system with direct access to individual information. Keys for direct access are either the PN or the address. The register is updated 4 days a week. The CPR is administered by the Secretariat for Personal Registration in the Department of Interior. One responsibility of the Secretariat is to instruct the administrators of the 294 local population registers on questions concerning updating and communicating with the CPR. Also, the Secretariat is responsible for keeping the technical system operational. The register is located at I/S Datacentralen, which is a publicly owned data-processing center. The responsibility for the coordination of the total statistical production rests with Danmarks Statistik, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Denmark. This office cooperates in the production of data with several authorities such as the Secretariat for Personal Registration, the National Health Serv- ice, local tax authorities, research institutes, and various government agencies. STRUCTURE OF THE CENTRAL POPULATION REGISTER The CPR system is composed of several sub- registers including the person and the address registers. The former is the nucleus of the system, containing information on the pre- viously mentioned 6 million persons identified by the PN. Personal data include name, address, place of birth registration, citizenship, as well as references to relatives (children, parents, wife, or husband) by their PN. Person Numbers are assigned to newborn children and corrections of wrong numbers are made automatically by updating the CPR with the correct date of birth and sex. Immigrants entering Denmark for the first time are provided with a PN. If they do not know their date of birth, they are assigned a year of birth, and the day and month of their registration are added. Between 1,000 and 2,000 persons disappear each year; most are foreigners who are presumed to have returned to their native lands. Others are mainly Danish citizens who will probably appear at some later time. GENERAL APPLICATION OF THE PN The PN is used in public administration as a file number that serves as an accurate identifica- tion of individual persons. It is used in connec- tion with all matters when the public authorities are involved: tax cases, payment of social benefits, hospitalization, admission to schools and institutions, purchase of real estate, military service, and so forth. By means of the PN the tax authorities, the social administration, and other offices can retrieve general personal data from the CPR system. Many branches of the administration have constructed special EDP registers that, apart from the CPR data, also contain personal data relevant to the various fields of administration. These special registers also use the PN as the file number, and the registers are constructed so that the general personal data are updated by automatic reports from the CPR. It is of special importance that the CPR can supply information about increases and decreases within the population group with which the administrative authority is concerned. The special registers contain data different from that of the CPR because they are not meant for general use in administration and the specialized data seldom have the same degree of reliability. The more important public registers are the Tax Register, the Pension Registers, the Unemployment Registers, the Social Registers, the Hospital Registers, the Registers of Persons Receiving Education, the Registers of Real Property, and the Central Register of Enterprises and Establishments. Within the health sector, a number of registers make use of the PN. Hospital registers, just mentioned, store informa- tion about patients and their medical histories. In some counties, these registers are on-line systems used directly by the hospital staff in connection with patient treatment. The Sickness Insurance Register, also kept by the counties, records information on insured persons (all adult residents in Denmark) and their health services. The National Health Serv- ice keeps registers on legal abortions, births, and deaths, largely used in medical statistics. Two specialized medical registers are the follow- ing: (1) the Cancer Register, where %2 million living and dead cancer patients are recorded, and (2) the Heart Register, where patients with acute coronary thrombosis are registered. These re- search registers are almost exclusively used for statistical analysis. - The PN, serving as the key to all systems, makes it possible to link data from different sources and subsystems. Only the public authori- ties can acquire information about the PN’s and receive personal data from the CPR. However, the employers must know the PN’s of their employees because they deduct withholding taxes. Another exception is that banks register the CPR numbers of all their deposit account customers. This legality makes it possible for the authorities to exercise an effective control over the taxpayers’ information to the tax authorities about bank deposits and interest income. Population Statistics The basis of the statistical use of the CPR is the current population statistics, which are the statistics on population size, composition, and 19 changes in births, deaths, migrations, and so forth. Surveys of the total population and its composition are normally made once a year on January 1. The basis of the surveys is a complete copy of the CPR’s register of persons and addresses compiled at the turn of the year by electronic data processing at Danmarks Statistik. However, the delay in reporting births, deaths, and migrations is usually about 3 weeks from the time the change occurred to the time the information is properly recorded in the register. The population register will, therefore, never correspond to the resident population. These delays are taken into account because the population count recorded in the local popula- tion register on January 1, is adjusted regarding births, deaths, migrations, and so forth, that have taken place before January 1, but which were reported within the first 1% months of the new year. By this period it is ensured that all reports, which are not subject to extraordinary delays, are included in the statistics. The statistics of population changes are based on magnetic tapes with update records that Danmarks Statistik receives from the CPR. These change extracts must be subjected to an initial processing at Danmarks Statistik, when the change must be established in each individ- ual case. It must be decided whether a change has actually taken place, or whether it is only a correction of wrong data. When processing change extracts, delays in the reports must be noted. In the current statistics, changes are transferred to the next period (year or quarter of a year) if they are reported later than 1% months after the end of the period. The birth statistics, except for the CPR data, are based on midwives’ reports that are com- pleted for each live birth in Denmark. The midwives’ reports are not systematically pro- vided with the child’s PN, but both reports are given the mother’s PN, which serves as a secondary identification so that all items of information in the midwives’ reports can be linked automatically with the changes reported from the CPR. Accordingly, the death statistics are pre- pared by a combination of data from two sources, namely CPR data and the original death 20 certificates completed by physicians. The PN of the deceased is stated on both sources and is used for an automatic linkage of the data. Certificates and reports are included as a supplementary basis because medical informa- tion about birth (for example, the inducement of labor) or about death and its cause are not contained in the CPR. The demographic vari- ables such as sex, residence, and occupation theoretically could be taken from the certifi- cates and reports, but by applying the demo- graphic variables from the CPR, data handling can be reduced. Also, the birth and death statistics are coordinated with the other CPR- based population statistics. This system is most desirable because the number of deaths either by geographical area or by special industries should be seen in relation to the size and composition of the population in that same group. Other Applications The PN is extensively used for statistical production where personal data from various sources are combined. As previously mentioned, such matchings are currently conducted in popu- lation statistics, but the possibilities of person- oriented matchings are numerous. Studies mak- ing use of this technique are described as follows. Occupational mortality.—This study demon- strated differences in the mortality between various occupational and industrial groups. In- formation about occupation at the time of death is not very useful for such a study. Persons often leave the occupation that they held throughout their economically active life because of old age or poor health. These occupations, however, may have influenced their state of health. Mortality probably is higher in occupations that are strenuous and injurious to health. The study, therefore, followed the popula- tion that was registered at the census in 1970 whose employment status was recorded. In addition to the population census material, including PN’s, the systematized CPR material is computed into the population statistics and provides information about decreases in the population resulting from deaths, migrations, and other causes during 1970-75. Medical state- ments from death certificates were also used in this study to calculate the cause-specific mortal- ity rates for the various industrial groups. Census population statistics.—In Denmark, population and housing censuses are tradition- ally taken every 5th year, and accordingly a population census should have been taken in 1975. Because of the cost and inconvenience to the population, the census was not taken. Instead planning data corresponding to population cen- sus statistics were obtained from existing regis- ters. The reference date of these statistics is July 1, 1976, and the basic source is the Central Population Register. The population is grouped both by various geographical criteria, for ex- ample, parishes, according to the CPR’s address register, and by urban areas as defined by the United Nations. Maps from the various munici- palities combined with population data from the CPR are used to code urban areas. Through a complicated linking process involving several tax registers and a Central Register of Enterprises and Establishments, information about an indi- vidual’s occupation and industry can be pro- vided. Finally, the various items of information have been combined to produce information for family nuclei. This combination was accom- plished through address data and family refer- ences from the CPR. Sample surveys.—As indicated, existing regis- ter data can be used in the production of population, social, and health statistics. This method of production is, of course, far from satisfying all statistical requirements. For example, satisfactory information about factors of employment and their effect on the state of health cannot be compiled solely on the basis of data already registered. A closer analysis of this subject would require the collection of special information from the population, perhaps from special groups of the population. This collection may be done by interviews or mailed question- naires, and it could, moreover, be necessary to carry out clinical and laboratory tests. The data collection should be based on some form of randomly selected representative samples. The selection of a representative sample would re- quire a complete list of all persons in the population under review, and therefore, the CPR serves as a suitable basis. The population that is the subject of the study can be printed out from the CPR provided it can be defined by means of the data contained in this register. Danmarks Statistik and Socialforsknings- instituttet (The National Institute of Social Research) currently conduct various sample sur- veys on the basis of the CPR, such as surveys of Danmarks Statistik’s labor force that are accom- plished by mailed questionnaires sent to 1%-5 percent of the population. The samples used for these surveys are persons selected by their dates of birth, and the selection is made solely on the basis of the PN’s. The questionnaires never ask for background data that can be obtained from the CPR register. Health statistics.—Linkage techniques using the PN are employed increasingly in the health area. The scope for such research is very broad as evidenced by an analysis of the recurrence of legal abortions among Danish women in 1975-77, which was based on the Abortion Register and compiled by the National Health Service. Here, the PN’s are used for linking to create a history of each woman. Another survey that is being prepared concerns the use of medicine and drugs. Prescriptions for medicines must always contain the PN of the patient. In this survey, all prescriptions issued on one particular day have been registered on magnetic tape, therefore, the use of medicine can be distributed according to the social circumstances of the patients. The prescription tape then will be linked with personal data on income and occupation, on the basis of tax registers and the Central Register of Enterprises and Establish- ments. FUTURE PLANS REGARDING THE UTILIZATION OF REGISTERS The future development of population and social statistics will to some degree be deter- mined by the development of the registration systems. Moreover, the requirements of statisti- cal production are also taken into consideration when reorganizations and extensions of the registers are being planned. During the next few years expansions of the register systems will make it possible to comply 21 with urgent needs of the users of statistics. Two of these expansions will follow. The chain of registers important for population statistics has recently been extended by a new link: a national basis register of all buildings and dwellings is about to be established. This register will con- tain information about, among other things, location, size, age, and installations of the dwellings, and the dwellings will be identifiable by means of a specified address code. The address code system constitutes a national and unambiguous system of identification of all buildings and dwellings, and the codes will, in the same way as the PN’s, be used in all pertinent registers listing a residence in the CPR as well as listing -a business establishment’s address in the Central Register of Enterprises and Establishments. The address code system will make it possi- ble to combine information about dwellings and residents. This combination means that the data about dwellings can be used as background variables in the various population statistics, for example, health statistics. Statistics on dwellings and residents are, moreover, essential to public and private planning, and traditionally such sta- tistical data could only be obtained in connec- tion with the regular population and housing censuses. In the future, analyses can be made more frequently and can be more current. Denmark is obligated to produce both popu- lation and housing census statistics in 1981, and it plans to collect the statistical data from the registers directly without inquiries to the popu- lation; however, it may be necessary to supple- ment the census with questionnaire surveys based on samples regarding data that cannot be retrieved from the registers. The other planned expansion of the register system is registration of establishments, such as local business units. The existing Registers of 22 Enterprises and Establishments contain informa- tion only about enterprises that are legal busi- ness units comprising more than one establish- ment. The expansion, which is taking place largely for statistical purposes, will make it possible to specify the number of establishments within a certain geographical area. Moreover, it will be possible to combine information about the location of the establishment and the residence of the employee to determine the extent of commuting. Also, the location of employment can be used as a basis variable in population and social statistics. Finally, the possibilities of analyzing the population by industry, will be improved. These improvements are to be real- ized by a project based on data from the tax authorities’ register of employers’ notifications of employee’s wages, salaries, taxes paid, and other information. This register contains references partly to the employees by their CPR numbers, and partly to the enterprises by the employer code num- bers, but the project requires that individual establishments be identified. At present the project is still in an initial stage but the first statistics compiled will be for 1979. The out- come of this project is essential to fulfilling all the possibilities of the register-based census of 1981. In conclusion, with the existing registers many possibilities for conducting important statistical surveys have not yet been explored. Some of the surveys discussed can be expected to elicit new statistical projects. For instance, the basic data developed for the study of occupational mortality (employment and death statistics) can also be used for other special studies such as the mortality of selected popula- tion groups. CHAPTER V THE POPULATION REGISTRY AND THE USE OF PERSONAL IDENTITY NUMBERS IN ISRAEL INTRODUCTION The State of Israel was established May 15, 1948. The fledgling Government immediately took steps to conduct a census that, in addition to enumerating the population, was to serve as a voter’s register in the elections of January 1949, and was also to be the basis for a new permanent population register. The census was taken on November 8, 1948, under the direction of the Central Statistical Bureau in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior. At the top of each census form a personal identity number of six digits was printed; this number became the PN of the persons registered in the census. Eventu- ally these forms were transferred to local regis- tration offices throughout the country, and they became the “Register of Residents.” A card index for each person was also main- tained. Every resident aged 16 and over received an identity certificate; a child under 16 was en- tered on the parents’ identity card. Each card was identified by the same number that appeared on the census form. Immigrants and persons born after the census were added to the Register of Residents and were provided with identity numbers. If a person emigrated or died, his form was removed from the subdistrict office files to a central removals archive. In February 1949 an Act, the Registration Ordinance of Inhabitants of 1949, legalized the census registration forms, and the Population Registry Law of 1965 established the present basic registration proce- dures. According to that law, the following items shall be included in the Population Register: 1. Surname, first name, and previous name 2. Name of parents . Date and place of birth Sex . Ethnic group . Religion NOY Ov Ws Oo . Personal status (single, married, divorced, or widowed) 8. Name of spouse 9. Names, dates of birth, and sex of chil- dren 10. Past and present nationality, nationali- ties 11. Address 12. Date of entry into Israel 13. Date of becoming a resident In addition to the previous information from census forms and the Ordinance of 1949, data was compiled on occupation, additional profes- sions, employers, language in daily use, and ability to read and write. Those responsible for the establishment of the Central Population Register in 1948 prob- ably did not completely understand the impli- cations and potential of the registration system as an administrative tool. It was initially con- ceived as a device for the identification of individuals, for the enumeration of the popula- tion, for the distribution of food, and for the avoidance of fraud in elections. Other registers established by the early Government were origi- nally completely independent. These included Registers of Birth and Death (Ministry of Health); Record of Immigration, Naturalization, and Passports (Ministry of Immigration); and 23 Records for Food Rationing (Ministry of Com- merce and Industry). A resident sometimes had to apply to four or five different agencies to obtain documentation and assistance. In 1952 the Ministry of Interior transferred information from report forms to keypunch cards. One index used was the PN. In 1966, the content of the cards was transferred to magnetic tape. Under both methods, the Population Reg- ister was used more extensively as a tool for public information and administration. In 1952, for example, almost all of the functions of the Ministry of Immigration were combined with those of the Population Register. The resident’s visa form became a card in the population register system, with the PN as a link. In 1953, the function of issuing ration books to the population was transferred from the Ministry of Supplies and Rationing to the Population Regis- ter Office, Department of Interior. Again the PN was the link. The censuses of 1961 and 1972, which also used the PN, referred to the register to check on the complete enumeration of the population. Various Government agencies pres- ently use the PN as an identifier in their records systems and have a tie-in with the Population Register. A NOTE ON THE ISRAELI USE OF A NUMBER SYSTEM Several countries, mainly in Europe, had reservations about using a personal identity number that reminded them of wars and concen- tration camps, and, therefore, thought that they should not attach a number to a person but rather use only his name. It is a paradox that the State of Israel introduced a Person-Number system first. It has now been in use for 30 years, and is generally accepted, possibly because the resident’s name is primarily used with the PN to assist in identification and integration. Adopting another number consisting of meaningful digits, such as the birth date that is used in the Scandinavian countries, has been suggested. However, as an immigration State, Israel would experience many errors in the registration of divergent peoples, who register in haste and cannot give their birth dates. Further- 24 more, the Israeli system is too well established for any fundamental changes to be considered. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXISTING PN As stated earlier, the first PN was printed on the 1948 census forms, and the first number issued was 000001. To avoid an excess of high numbers, a series prefix in the form of a letter was affixed when the six-digit number would no longer suffice, and a series prefix was used for special populations (e.g., an “a” series block was given to new immigrants who moved directly to immigrant homes from a ship). The new series began with “a 000001” and continued through “g.” When the punch-card system was intro- duced, the letter prefix was translated to a number: “a” became ‘1.” Thus the original six-digit number became a seven-digit PN. Many errors occurred as a result of the duplication of numbers. Because some agencies did not rou- tinely use the prefix, duplication was sometimes appalling. To minimize error at the time of input into the computer, the Ministry of Interior decided in 1977 to add one control digit to the PN using the Modulus 10 system. At the same time an additional digit was added to the PN to enable the numbering system to accommodate future needs above 10 million. Thus the PN today is composed of nine digits, including one check digit. USE OF THE PN SYSTEM Israel has been interested in developing a computer terminal network for the extended integration of statistical systems, but this devel- opment has been delayed. Only one terminal exists at the Department of Interior that links their mechanization unit (an input-output unit) with the computer at the Office Mechanization Center for answering various location requests, for correcting errors, and for clarifying input. Current updates from the Central Population Register are provided to the following agencies: 1. The Ministry of the Interior—from the main office to the field offices 2. The police . The Ministry of Defense and all branches of the Army 0 . The National Insurance Institute . The Bank of Israel . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs . The Ministry of Health . The Ministry of Education C0 3 OO Ot Wp» 9. The Ministry of Absorption 10. The Central Statistics Bureau 11. The Broadcasting Authority 12. The Parliament’s Elections Committee 13. All the municipal authorities in the country Most of the previously mentioned agencies also get constant periodic service and also various ad hoc services. Registration of Births An example of the process by which integra- tion of data between ministries is achieved can be demonstrated in the efforts to standardize the registration of births. The problem was one of timeliness and duplication, and various re- porting forms were used for this effort. The Ministry of Health, on the basis of the hospital patient forms for mothers, punched the data of the newborn children in the hospitals. It also prepared immunization cards that were sent to the newborn child’s parents. The Ministry of Interior registered newborn children in the population registry, prepared birth certificates, and entered the childrens’ names in the parents’ identity certificates. The Central Statistics Bu- reau handled about 100,000 birth forms and, coded, punched, and absorbed the information for its own purposes. The National Insurance Institute received ongoing reports of births, but independently gathered personal data about the newborn children and their parents to pay the childrens’ allowance to families beginning with the birth of the first child. The Institute needs this data within a few days of occurrence to begin payments. In October 1975, a joint task force was created to recommend a common birth form and a coordinated flow process. The original of the prepared form goes to the registration center of the Department of Immigration and Registra- tion, which is now set up for combined coding with the Central Statistics Bureau, and for processing by the Office Mechanization Center. The first copy goes immediately to the National Insurance Institute and is designed to provide the basis for the payment of the children’s allowance. The second copy is given to the parents for entry on the identity certificate by an employee at the immigration and registration office (in the parents’ presence). The third and last copy remains at the hospital. This process is to be experimentally tested, and after a trial period the Ministry of the Interior and the National Insurance Institute may share the coding and punching. The Minis- try of Health and the Central Statistics Bureau will get a copy of magnetic tapes with data from the Ministry of the Interior. Both the Ministry of Health and the Central Statistics Bureau will then release the birth notification copies and in return will receive the required data in a mechanized form from the Ministry of the Interior. The preparation at the Ministry of the Interior that is necessary for issuing a birth certificate, and the process of entering the information on the parents’ identity certificates will remain as they are. Voters’ Ledger The voters’ register both for the Parliament and for local government is based on the PN and the records of the population registry. If neces- sary, the Ministry of the Interior can prepare an updated voters’ register 2 months prior to Parliamentary elections. According to law, elec- tions in the State take place every 4 years, but there are cases when, for various reasons, they are held earlier. Border Control Card File (Personal) The border control card file was under the sole charge of the Israeli police, but has now 25 been transferred to the Department of Immigra- tion and Registry. It has two types of handwrit- ten cards, one concerning the traffic of tourists and the other the traffic of residents. A mechanical parallelization between this card file and other collections, such as the population registry collection or a collection of individuals insured in the National Insurance, is impossible for obvious reasons. The plans for the mechanization of the border control system were completed recently and their execution has just now begun. The integration between the border control collection and other registers can be developed with the PN as the linking factor. Obviously this integration applies only to the part of the records that concerns residents. PROBLEMS AND DIFFICULTIES WITH THE SYSTEM Israel’s peculiar position as an immigration State with a heterogeneous population creates a situation where initial registration can be a source of error. Registration takes place at three main centers: border posts, hospitals, and regis- tration offices. No uniform authority supervises all registration. Border guards, for example, are under the jurisdiction of the police as well as the Department of Immigration and Registration. At times, the bulk of the border registration must be carried out at night under duress. New immigrants are often incapable, because of language difficulties, of answering questions properly, and therefore, inaccurate information can be provided and must be corrected later. Letting immigrants enter without the PN assign- ment was considered but was vetoed because new immigrants require many vital services immediately and these services are programmed through the numbering system. A more confusing problem that still exists is in the construction of the PN. The series letter prefix led to the duplication of numbers. Also, when the system of data handling was changed from a manual to a mechanical card index in 1952, the series letter was translated into a digit extending the number from six to seven posi- tions. The phenomenon of duplicate PN’s for a time damaged the reputation of the Central 26 Population Register and deterred some agencies from participating in the system. All the dupli- cate numbers were removed from the computer and half of the owners of these numbers were summoned to the register offices to eliminate the duplication. Some residents refused to co- operate, and others protested, so this problem has not been completely resolved. The type of control digit used by the Department of Interior was introduced because other ministries had already adopted that sys- tem. A better system than the Modulus 10, with different weights, could have been introduced but would have disrupted the existing systems and would have been costly. However, a reliable control exists because the digits input program checks the initials of the person’s name as well as the PN. Another problem has emerged with the addition of the control digit plus an additional digit to provide a number over 10 million. All the registrants (about 3,500,000 are in the Population Register) have to be notified that they have a control digit. Notifications were planned for the time of elections. All other Ministries that have a relation to the system and have used a seven-digit format also must be made aware of this change. Extensive informa- tional activities, arrangement of joint seminars, and periodic checks are planned to cope with this problem. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Israel plans to attain the following objectives within the next 5 years: 1. Expansion of integration, with all the Government agencies that handle popu- lation matters as well as with all public institutions that require data from the system. This expansion will involve max- imal development of the data base to include all information in the personal file and any additional data. 2. Addition of the control digit to the PN’s on all pertinent documents and the elimination of all other types of numbers in public administration (such as Army serial numbers). Development of uniform standards for all documents, including both format and content. Establishment of a network of terminals in all immigration and registry bureaus that will be connected to a central computer. 5. Establishment of a central archive. Israel also expects to mechanize the handling of passports, develop a registry of firearms, and generally improve the quality of data. 27 CHAPTER VI ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE PERSON-NUMBER SYSTEM Although the advantages of using a single referent, a PN number, in statistical computer systems may be readily apparent, and such a system is in practice in business, banking, and Government enterprises, the advantages, as well as the limitations, as they are understood by the countries in this study, should be examined. SWEDEN The PN’s are now being used extensively in Sweden as a means of identification in the na- tional registration and taxation systems, in the rest of the public sector, and in the private sector. The use of these numbers is widespread because they have considerable advantages and few technical disadvantages. Their greatest ad- vantages are stability, theoretical safety, ease of use, and ease of memorization. The disadvan- tages are that they are not entirely self-checking (reversal is possible), and they are carriers of information. The high stability of PN’s over time is inherent in their constituent parts. An individual is assigned a number at birth or, in the case of an immigrant, at his first contact with the popula- tion registration authorities, and this number remains unchanged throughout his life. A num- ber can only be altered if it is discovered that errors occurred when it was assigned, for in- stance, if more than one person was given the same birth number, or if the wrong sex digit was added. Changes in the year, month, or day of an individual’s birth are extremely rare except for immigrants from countries with imperfect popu- 28 lation registration systems. Nor should there be any change in the three digits of the supple- mented birth number. The last digit, the check digit, is only altered if one of the other digits is altered. The check digit can be constructed accord- ing to various systems. A system is chosen by weighing the pros and cons of various factors, such as theoretical safety, ease of use, availabil- ity of technical aids and so forth. The Swedish system was designed to facilitate the establish- ment of the register on the ADP. The system, which was planned in the 1960’s, was based on the data registration equipment then available via keypunch cards, when every position was costly. This fact must be considered in any assessment of the checking system when one digit is chosen for the PN. A PN is easy to remember because people usually remember their own date of birth, and they only have to learn four other figures. Moreover, information is available to aid the memory. The disadvantage of Sweden’s PN system is that it is not entirely self-checking. Because of the advantages this disadvantage is tolerated. The check digit does not single out all the reversals of digits within the number. However, such errors most likely are only minor in extent. Probably these errors only play a minor part when compared with the errors occurring in the practical use of PN’s in the various registers, such as manually copying errors. Instead, the essential question is whether or not it is prefer- able to have an open information-carrying num- ber, as Sweden does now with the date of birth, or a system that does not disclose any informa- tion. The PN’s are firmly integrated in various official registers throughout Sweden; many peo- ple think that the use of these numbers has become too prevalent both in private and in official registers. Many, too, dislike the fact that these numbers reveal a person’s date of birth. This fact is one disadvantage of an easily run system. A system with a number that does not disclose any information is a much more ardu- ous one to administer—especially the process of assigning the numbers. Furthermore, such a system would not have been possible at the end of the 1940’s when the present system was started. NORWAY The main reason for the establishment of the PN system was a need for simplified routines concerning reports on personal matters that were sent to the public administration. The system has solved this problem. The establish- ment of the PN system created other possibili- ties. First, it has improved the quality of personal characteristics in two ways: by increas- ing the value of every characteristic and by shortening the time from the occurrence to the recording of an event. Second, it has provided the potential for the linkage of different public registers. Finally, it has increased the data available for use in statistics, planning, and research. The establishment of the PN system is in part the establishment of a statistical file system. Such a system is based on the idea that data from different units can be stored in such a way that they can be extracted when needed. This storage is possible with the identification num- bers. The role of the register in this system is to assign and maintain the identification numbers. By these identification numbers, information from different sources may be linked together. Furthermore, individuals may be followed over time. The Central Bureau of Statistics is building up a statistical file system where the files contain all data about persons, establishments, and enterprises having identification numbers. These data are collected through surveys, cen- suses, and administrative sources. The basis of the system is the CPR and the Central Register of Enterprises and Establishments. DENMARK Experience from the first decade with the CPR numbers confirms that the use of one common and accurate PN within public adminis- tration highly facilitates the administrative work, especially in connection with EDP. The administrative registers can communicate by the CPR numbers, and therefore a given personal data item, for example an address, only needs to be recorded at one place in the total register system. This communication also ensures that the best and most updated data can be used by all registers. For the same reason, the distribu- tion of public registration records from several authorities is only a matter of practical organiza- tion because the data about the individual technically can be combined with great accu- racy, although they are obtained from different registers. However, the highly efficient use of the registers results in a fear of registration; therefore, the problems concerning accessibility of data are accentuated. Because the PN contains information about the date of birth and sex, it is relatively easy for the individual to remember it rather than a randomly assigned reference number that would have to consist of at least seven digits to include the entire Danish population. By the input of data into the various register systems, the check digit of the CPR number is automatically con- trolled, and therefore, it is a safeguard against errors both in the writing and the registration of the number. The use of CPR numbers has had a very great impact on the production of different forms of population statistics. Coordination of the various fields of statistics into one consistent system is now possible. The concept of popula- tion statistics can be used as a common frame- work for references of social statistics, income statistics, health statistics, educational statistics, and so forth. Four data-processing modules 29 intended for common use in the various popula- tion statistics are the following: 1. A module for distribution of the popula- tion by residence. (Any geographical division may be applied.) 2. A module for distribution of the popula- tion by industry and occupation within a specified period (1 year). 3. A module for assessment of the size of the population at any given time. 4. A module for distribution of the popula- tion by family nuclei, such as groups of persons consisting of married couples or single persons with children, if any, staying at the same address. The possibilities of coordinating population statistics are still far from being fully utilized, but this utilization clearly will result in a much better service to users of the statistics. As previously mentioned, the use of CPR numbers and administrative registers has meant an improvement in the rationalization of many surveys. Consequently, it has been possible to reduce the processing period and publish statis- tics that are more current than those previously published. This ability has resulted in a much better service to the users—especially to re- searchers and planners. To conduct surveys based on questionnaires sent to a representative sample of a population group is efficient because the CPR, on which the samples are based, is frequently updated and contains data of a very high quality; of special importance are the qual- ity of address data in the CPR. These factors re- duce the risk of nonresponse which is a source of error in all questionnaire surveys. The CPR number has made possible certain types of studies that were previously considered impracticable, such as life-cycle analyses where the development of a given population is fol- lowed during a rather long period. This study is previously described in the correlation between mortality rates and occupation. ISRAEL Every resident in the State has at the office of immigration and registration in his subdistrict 30 a personal file that contains a registration card with his personal characteristics: surname, first name, parents’ names, date and place of birth, nationality, religion, ethnic group, personal sta- tus, names of spouse and children, date of entry to Israel, and PN. The personal files are arranged by consecutive PN’s. A resident who changes his address from one subdistrict to another can have his file transferred. A resident is bound by law to give notice of any change regarding marriage, divorce, change of address, and so forth. If a resident leaves the country for good or has died, his file is transferred from the living archive to the removals archive. An obvious advantage is that comprehensive centralization makes it pos- sible for a resident to get service at one agency and theoretically within a single day. He can go to one of the immigration and registration offices and accomplish the following: give notice of a change of address, request a change of name, give notice of a change in his personal status, have a newborn child registered, request a birth certificate, get an extract from the register of residents, request a document of Israeli nationality, request and renew a passport (transit certificate), get information about another person’s address, check whether he or his family members appear in the voters’ regis- ter, and request a death certificate for a person who died in the country. The system hinges on an identity certificate with an identity number whose use has become well rooted in public administration. In Israel an identity certificate is a fusion of the simple identification card system and the family book system, which is best known in Western European countries. The identity certificate contains not only informa- tion relating to the owner of the certificate, but also contains information concerning the spouse and any children who are still minors, and this information is based on the PN with notations. However, with the advantages of this system cer- tain disadvantages have surfaced: 1. Generally the resident can get service only in the subdistrict of residence where the personal file is located. 2. Considerable migration of files occurs because of change of address from one 10. subdistrict to another, with all the un- desirable implications. . The dependence on the personal file for rendering service necessitates maintain- ing many archives that use a great deal of expensive room, encumber work, and require considerable manpower. . The collection of residents is kept se- quentially in the computer on magnetic tapes by consecutive PN’s and, therefore, it is impossible to carry out updates or to pull out occasional data, and all the material in each run must be viewed. . When the computer is inaccessible, many alphabetical and identification lists must be kept for ongoing clarification and location. . The inability to trace family relation- ships is a disadvantage because the exist- ing registration system is an individual, rather than a family, system. . When the content of the card file is transferred to the computer and not all of the information kept in the file is entered on the record in the computer, then it is impossible to give service directly from the computer, and this problem increases the dependence on the personal file. . Integration with other systems is diffi- cult to achieve. . Documentation is often prepared manu- ally and is not efficient. Advanced methods in the area of auto- matic data processing developed in the last decade have not been adopted. In 1970 the Ministry of the Interior initiated 1. an extensive survey to propose a more advanced method for maintaining an automatic popula- tion registry based on a PN, which would remove the difficulties and adapt the system to modern methods. The following decisions re- sulted: An effort to expand the record in the computer will be undertaken. This ex- pansion will be achieved by opening every personal file with PN’s, comparing its content with the content of the computer record, and correcting and completing the computer record. The record then will contain all the current data in the file, and thus the great dependence on the personal file will automatically be discontinued. At the end of this operation all personal files will be transferred to a central archive, because use of the files will be reduced to a minimum. A magnetic data pool (central data base) will be established to replace magnetic tapes with sequential records. The main capacities of the base will be a. Constant updating, even relatively small numbers of records in the collection, efficiently and inexpen- sively b. Pullout by various keys through standard service programs and pull- out programs that will be specially prepared for different purposes c. Change and expansion of the content of the registers without the need for large-scale planning and program- ming d. Connecting with a communication network without the need for large- scale replanning (preparation for an on-line) The establishment of a data base has the following advantages: 1. The ability to furnish institutions and individuals with one-time or periodic information concerning various groups and sections, in accord with their re- quests. The ability to issue documentation that presently is given manually and is based on the personal file directly from the computer. Such documents include iden- tity certificates, birth certificates, and passports. 31 32 3. 4, The capacity for integration with exter- nal systems by the use of terminals. The establishment of a network of termi- nals from the subdistrict bureaus of the Ministry of the Interior to the Office Mechanization Center or to another cen- ter, and the rendering of services directly to the public through these terminals at any office regardless of the permanent place of residence of the applicant. CHAPTER VII CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY The confidentiality of personal information contained in public records systems and the protection of individual privacy are matters of concern in every country. These subjects are discussed at all international statistical and population conferences. The introduction of the computer and the use of a PN as a key to related files created some public concern that these mechanisms may make invasion of privacy easy. Most governments have taken steps to insure confidentiality and privacy in the handling of public records and tapes by establishing legal limitations and procedures. Access to and con- trol over records are strictly limited in most countries. Some western countries that would find it relatively easy to develop PN systems have refused to do so. In one country, the recollection of invasion during war time is a factor; in another, an extensively integrated numbering system was debated in Parliament for more than 5 years because legislators were not satisfied that privacy could be maintained. The idea that stringent control over the population is an aim of such a system is refuted by the fact that the numbering systems are most advanced in the Western democracies. This report provides a description of the situation in these countries. SWEDEN From 1947 to the end of the 1960’s the general public in Sweden accepted the use of PN’s, deeming them to be a useful and easily manageable instrument by which individuals could be safely identified. However, during the taking of the general Census of Population and Housing in 1970, the question of privacy be- came eminent. Fears were voiced that the new system, with the rapid spread of ADP records, would lead to an undue infringement of privacy. As an outcome of these discussions, a committee was appointed to study the problem; its report led to the passing of the Data Act and to the establishment of a supervisory authority, .the Data Inspection Board, which came fully into operation on July 1, 1974. The Data Act protects the individual from any “undue infringement of personal integrity” that may ensue from the increasing use of ADP in personal registration. According to the Data Act, no ADP register, file, or other record containing information about an individual may be established or kept without a special permit from the Data Inspection Board. The latter must examine each register from the viewpoint of personal integrity before deciding whether to grant a permit. When doing so, the board may also impose rather far-reaching directives con- cerning how the register should be kept and managed to obviate any undue invasion of the privacy. If those responsible for a register infringe these directives, then their permit may be withdrawn by the board. Special rules apply to registers established by governmental or parliamentary decision. The Data Inspection Board has no jurisdiction over such registers; however, it must always monitor the establishment of such registers and, as stated in the preamble of the Data Act, its views must be given serious consideration. The board is also to insure that the directives issued by the Government or by Parliament regarding the management of registers are complied with. For example, the Cancer-Environment Regis- ter is, in principle, available on application to all 33 scientists and investigators interested in cancer research. The use of the register is, however, regulated by the Data Act with the directives issued by the Data Inspection Board, by the Secrecy Law pertaining to the right of access to public records, and by an agreement between the National Board of Health and Welfare and the National Central Bureau of Statistics. Direct responsibility lies with a special committee for the Cancer-Environment Registry, appointed by the Director General of the National Board of Health and Welfare. The Data Act is divided into five sections. The first section provides definitions of terms that occur in the text. No mention is made of personal registers as such except for an example of an ADP register containing personal data that can be linked to individuals identifiable either by their name, by a PN, or by some other means. The second section contains provisions concerning permits, directives relating to the purpose and content of the registers, and data that may only be registered in exceptional cases. The third section contains provisions relating to the obligations of those responsible for the registers of individuals. Specifications are stated regarding how and when corrections are to be made in the registers, how a registered person is to be informed, if he requests it, of the facts registered about him, and when data are not to be made available. Another provision states the obligation of those responsible not to disclose information in the registers. The fourth section is devoted to the Data Inspection Board’s controlling and supervisory powers. Finally, the fifth section contains rules about any violations of the directives issued by the Data Inspection Board and the consequences of any violation such as penalties, damages, or fines. A bill proposing the establishment of a CPR in Sweden was submitted to Parliament in 1972. The main purposes of a CPR were to facilitate information storage in records by various sectors of public administration, and to reduce the storage needs to a minimum. Furthermore, the use of PN’s would make it easy to retrieve information from the CPR. Consequently, the number of particulars such as name and address could be reduced in other registers. In fact, this 34 procedure has to some extent become a reality because the county administration now supplies data to other computerized registers. However, the bill was not passed; Parliament, with the problem of privacy in mind, deemed it advisable to wait for the passing of a Data Act. In 1976, Parliament passed a bill setting up a reduced central register of individuals, called the Coordinated Register of Individuals and Ad- dresses (SPAR). Parliament also established what the register was to contain and that its contents were not to be disclosed without the permission of the Data Inspection Board. The SPAR register is updated from information held in the county administrations’ notification tape of population registration data. The register must be updated with these particulars once a week. Further- more, the register is to contain particulars concerning assessed income and the ownership of property. These particulars should be updated once a year. If a person does not want to receive advertising matter directly, the register is to be marked to this effect. The SPAR register is now being constructed and is expected to be in operation in the spring of 1978; it will be devel- oped and operated by the National Data Centre for Administration Data Processing (DAFA). In the discussions of privacy during the past few years, the use of PN’s has been a focal question. Although these numbers facilitate in- tegration between different registers, the exist- ence of such an efficient key to all kinds of information involves great hazards. It would be illogical to eliminate an efficient tool in public administration just because this tool is open to the danger of misuse. The question therefore remains: What precautions must be taken to prevent misuse? Privacy problems must obvi- ously be handled by including adequate safe- guards in ADP systems, as established in the Data Act and in the regulations issued by the Data Inspection Board. Technically, PN’s can be prevented from acting as keys to registers when special signs are given to prove the legitimacy of an inquiry. Another possibility is releasing only the data required specifically in an inquiry. Con- sequently, only selected categories of inquiries will be able to obtain information from the registers, and to some of them only limited data will be made available. Certainly, the use of PN’s in Sweden will continue, and the increasingly widespread problems concerning privacy will not prove insurmountable. NORWAY For many years, the Central Bureau of Statistics has been collecting information about persons, and is now establishing a statistical file system that contains several registers. The amount of collected data about persons is steadily increasing. In addition, the local regis- tration offices keep much information about persons stored on magnetic tape in regional computer centers. The increasing amount of data about persons has brought the problems of confidentiality into focus. These problems are no longer only technical problems, but are also political problems. In 1975, a report was presented by a committee formed to study problems of “pri- vacy” in connection with the establishment and use of public administrative data banks and statistical data archives. Another report con- cerning personal data in private enterprises was presented in 1974.5 In June 1978, a Data Act was passed, but has not yet been enforced. Chapter 1 of the law states that the regulations refer to personal registers and use of personal data in central and local governmental services, in private enterprises, in associations, and in other institutions. According to chapter 2, a Data Inspection Board shall be established as a supervisory au- thority. The Data Inspection Board shall, among other things, establish and keep a list of all per- sonal registers for which a permit must be ob- tained. As stated in chapter 4, personal registers using ADP records cannot be established with- out special permit from the King. In addition, a permit is necessary for other personal registers, when they include data such as race, political or religious views, health conditions, and sexual attitudes. In chapter 3 general rules are given regarding the rights that persons have concerning informa- tion stored about them. Generally, all data shall be available, but there are some exceptions regarding information that can do harm to the person or his family. Exceptions are also stated for registers used only for statistics, research, and general planning. The Central Bureau of Statistics is concerned about data protection. This question not only refers to the CPR, but also to the entire activity of the Central Bureau of Statistics. Therefore, strict rules for data processing, data storage, and data use have been introduced. Only selected groups of persons can require physical data, and no single person has access to the information. During the year, the Central Bureau of Statistics receives many inquiries for use of personal data. These inquiries are forwarded from private and public institutions, individuals, research workers, and many other sources. The Central Bureau of Statistics collects data pursuant to a special sta- tistical act and an act of population registration. In general, the Central Bureau of Statistics is bound to secrecy about the data. However, per- sonal data given to the CPR according to the latter act, can be delivered to other data users. Pursuant to the act of personal registration, the public authorities (but not all public institu- tions) have the right to obtain personal data needed in their work. Also, many research insti- tutions, private banks, insurance companies, and so forth, under certain conditions, get birth numbers, names, and addresses from the CPR for their employees, policy holders, and customers. The local registration offices keep informa- tion about persons on written cards. However, the rules for handling the data are strict, and the staff must sign a declaration of secrecy. The reg- istration offices have the authority to approve some standardized use of personal data by the public authorities. The Central Bureau of Statis- tics has given detailed specifications for imple- mentation, and has established a list of local, regional and central authorities that are allowed to receive such data. The Central Bureau of Sta- tistics has the responsibility to inspect the regis- tration offices, and routinely does so to make sure that all comply with the regulations. The Central Bureau of Statistics has made an agreement with the regional computer centers 35 about storing, use, and destruction of personal data. This agreement includes the conditions that were established to allow the regional com- puter centers to handle the data. These condi- tions comprise the rules that the computer cen- ters must follow to protect data and prevent abuse. The computer centers register all use of personal data. The agreement makes it possible to inspect the centers and all their personal data routines. The staff at the regional computer cen- ters also must sign a declaration of secrecy. DENMARK During the period since the introduction in 1968 of the PN’s, the public debate concerning registration of personal information and safe- guard of privacy has gradually become intensi- fied. Occasionally, the problem is presented as if it were a matter of being for or against PN’s. This attitude, of course, is misleading, because the problems concerning the protection of per- sonal data predate establishment of the CRP. The introduction of the PN, however, has made the operation of registers more efficient, and the accuracy of personal identification has made it easier to combine information so that many items of information about an individual can be integrated. As indicated, only public authorities are en- titled to demand knowledge of the PN. Accord- ing to Danish Law the public authorities must not give any personal information to individuals or business establishments. However, a person can, within certain limits, insist on knowing what information is registered about him and has free access to the local population registers for information about the addresses of individ- uals that the inquirer can identify. The registers are not permitted to pass on individualized in- formation on a large scale to private persons. The staff within the public administration and in the EDP centers, dealing with information for the public, are subject to the general rules of nondisclosure. If the public authorities use information on the register in a way that is considered by the population as a violation of the right of integ- rity, this use may result in an opposition against 36 supplying necessary information to them, including the PN. In the case of widespread opposition, the existence of the population registers could be threatened. However, only a few, if any, examples of abuse in connection with the use of registers are known. In the last few years a certain reluctance against registration has been observed, although the manifestation has perhaps not been so pro- nounced as in other countries. In 1978, the Danish Parliament enacted two bills on registers—one concerns Government and municipal registers. The Public Registers Act, which became effective January 1, 1979, clearly stresses the rules of nondisclosure that were already in effect as well as the rules of accessi- bility of register data. Moreover, it provides the establishment of a Register Board, that shall supervise the registers and approve regulations concerning their operation with a special empha- sis on safety measures for the protection of in- formation. The board has the power to exercise control by direct inspection of the installations where the registers are kept. The board must be notified in each case of matching of registers and the board may establish the conditions of how such matchings shall be executed. Although the primary aim of the Act is to regulate the use of registers in public administra- tion, the regulation also applies to registers that are used only for statistical and scientific pur- poses. However, the rules applying to such registers are different. Thus the linking of information from different registers can be administered without notification to the board when the purpose is strictly statistical, and the right of a person to know what the registers hold on him is not extended to statistical registers. The reason is that statistics cannot threaten privacy, because information about individuals cannot be identified from the statistical tables, and because individual information on statistical registers must not be used for administrative purposes. The problem of protection of personal infor- mation has long been recognized as important to the production of statistics. The population’s confidence that information given for statistical purposes is not disclosed to public authorities or to individuals is vital to the activities of Dan- marks Statistik. Consequently, information must be treated as confidential and must be safe- guarded so that no information that may be related to individuals is published. The practice of Danmarks Statistik has been most restrictive, implying that no identifiable information may be transmitted—even to institu- tions solely concerned with research work. With the new Act, this practice has become part of Danish Law. The Act makes a concession for research and statistical productions that is not previously made by Danmarks Statistik. With the board’s consent in each case, data from statistical registers may be transferred to another public agency that will use the data for research purposes only. The debate on the question of integrity in connection with the PN has only in one case had consequences that were detrimental to the pro- duction of statistics on social benefits. Under The Social Assistance Act (Bistandsloven), Danmarks Statistik must collect data. identified by the social clients’ PN’s from the municipali- ties. A few local governments have refused to give the PN’s because of their clients’ right to anonymity. This refusal is not acceptable to the government as it conflicts with the Act of Danmarks Statistik. The dispute has not yet been concluded. The problem may be solved by the previously mentioned Register Act. ISRAEL The Ministry of Interior is acutely aware of the current opinions as well as fears concerning the danger of violating the individual’s privacy by ‘“‘overintegration” when important concen- trated information is located at one center and might be available to unauthorized persons who will use it in a harmful way. Therefore the Ministry established these conceptual and practi- cal limits: 1. The data base must not contain informa- tion beyond personal logistical data spec- ified in the Population Registry Law. 2. An employee of the Ministry is forbid- den to ask questions beyond the 14 questions in the law and is absolutely forbidden to record anything in the file beyond a person’s answers to the legiti- mate questions. 3. No particulars in addition to those men- tioned will be noted in the data base, consequently no possibility exists for passing it to any external element. The data base must therefore not contain information such as hospitalization, mention of a criminal past, or data about the resident’s income. This information is essential to other agencies and should only be filed in those agencies. The data base will update only the entries in the other agencies. What is the common practice for giving information from the resident’s collection? Sec- tion 29(b) of the Population Registry Law states: “Any person may receive information concerning the name and address of any other person registered in the registry.” This Section then states that, without examining the purpose and without permission from the person regis- tered, another party may be given information that appears either in the voters’ register, which is open to all, or in any telephone directory. However, section 29(c) of the law also states: “A person who is prima facie interested may also receive information concerning the date of birth and particulars of other registrations deter- mined by the regulations of a person registered in the registry.” Recently additional particulars that may be disclosed were determined by regulations that were approved by the parlia- mentary committee of the Constitution, Legisla- tion, and the Judicial Committee, and they are: parents’ names, place of birth, personal status, sex, ethnic group, date of entry to Israel, and PN. Information about religion and nationality was not included and must therefore not be disclosed. A serious restriction in this section states that information can be given only ‘“‘to one who is prima facie interested.” The Attorney General has clarified these words indirectly by deciding that the information should not be given if it is needed “for ideological, political, or commercial purposes.” This statement implies that every legitimate purpose is permitted. Therefore, in- formation can be given to Government agencies and public institutions such as local Government 37 institutions, the National Insurance Institute, research institutions, and universities to aid them in the execution of their duties provided that they need the information, state why it is needed, and sign a declaration affirming that they will not pass the information on to others. In summary, information is not given if the information is requested for a political purpose, for a business purpose, or for a purpose that opposes the public interest (e.g., solicitation not to enlist in the Army). In addition to the preceding instructions, a very strong mechanical security system at the Office Mechanization Center prevents any at- tempt to obtain information from the data base. Pullout and access are permitted only by a code (key) that is constantly replaced and is only known to a restricted number of employees. Even the Minister of the Interior does not know the code. In brief, the rules are: 1. The population register is “sterile” and it may contain only those particulars of registration that are specified in the Population Registry Law. 2. Information may be channeled to other systems, either governmental or public, only after those who request it have demonstrated that it is required for the 38 proper execution of their functions and for a legitimate purpose. This approach is very useful because it releases the public agencies from the necessity of updating the logistic registration particu- lars, therefore, they can devote them- selves more efficiently and economically to their assigned tasks. For example, the Ministry of Health, which is interested in a followup of people who contracted cancer, will get reports about the facts of their death without the population regis- try employees knowing why the infor- mation is needed and what use is made of it. The authorization for giving information can be given by the Minister of Interior or the Director of the Mechanization Department only. Information cannot be obtained without an explicit authoriza- tion by one of these two. The extent of information concentrated, the process of channeling information, and the particulars that may be disclosed are determined in the law and its regu- lations. Technically, an almost hermetic security system guards against extracting infor- mation from the computer. CHAPTER VIII OTHER PERSON-NUMBER SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD TODAY Several types of national data systems use PN’s as identifiers. Some countries have systems similar to those in the Scandinavian countries although they may not have the same extensive applications. Developing countries, despite the lack of advanced subsystems (e.g., vital statistics systems), skilled manpower, adequate financing, and other resources have adapted the PN system to meet their needs. Some PN systems apply only to a particular agency or operation (e.g., vital and health statistics, national insurance, so- cial security, and pension fund), and others are still in the planning stage. Examples of some of these systems follow. See table C for items in Person Numbers in national data systems. ADVANCED SYSTEMS Finland PN’s have been used in Finland since 1964; in 1970 the structure was confirmed by law. The program, the Personal Identification Code (PIC), is administered by the Population Register Cen- ter. This system is used primarily by the administrative and statistical agencies of the Government and in a limited way in the private sector. The PIC is particularly useful for the construction of population registers and for record linkage of various types. The PN is a 10-digit figure: 6 birth digits, 3 serial digits, and 1 check digit. The PN has been the identifier in the population census, house- hold surveys, examination registers, university student registers, manpower surveys, as well as in judicial, criminal, election, and vital statistics. The PN is the identifier in the Central Popula- tion Register, registers of the tax authorities, and registers of the National Pension Institute. The data collected by the Central Statistical Office are used only for statistical purposes; strict rules of confidentiality are guaranteed by the law. France Numbering systems for individuals as well as for industrial and commercial organizations have been in existence in the French Republic for many years. In 1941 the Demographic Service, the forerunner of the Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Etudes Economique (INSEE), introduced a 13-digit number that included codes for sex, month and year of birth, and geographic codes for place of birth. This system has formed the basis for an individual identifica- tion index that is kept current by reports from civil registration offices. In 1970, the records were placed on computer tape; two check digits were added for computer adaptation. Local administrators send notifications of birth and death as well as changes in civil status to INSEE, and consulates advise INSEE of the deaths of French citizens abroad. The new system became operational January 1, 1973, and is extensively used by the Social Security Administration, the Election Registration, the Ministry of National Education, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The computerized system has permitted the development of new research studies. One study on occupational mortality is based on popula- tion samples from the censuses of 1954 and 39 Table C. Items in Person Numbers in planned or operational national data systems Date of birth ; Place Serial Check Random Country Total Pg Sex of Day | Month | Year number digit birth pumber General population systems Number of digits Europe: DD RIINBI RK nuscrcsiosiverrmiinssptierssrreseeammirinkeirinekeisess 10 2 2 2 3 1 (1) - Finland......... 10 2 2 2 3 1 - - Franta ec cmnmsservisrsisersrsvin 15 - 2 2 3 2 1 5 Federal Republic of Germany .. “| 212 2 2 2 2 1] 3 - 1CRIANG sovriinsrvinismsssssrvenissiirniompsssnninmssisssvesinsonsns 9 2 2 2 2 1 - - i NEthEFIANDS ....eurveirsiveirirssessnssssiss esses ens sessassans 310 . . . - 2 . . 8 Norway 1 2 2 2 3 2 | 4 - Portugal a 1 2 2 2 54 1 Ek - SWEAEN.....vorvvversiessessssnssessssensssss sissies sens snsises 10 2 2 2 3 1] 4 - South America: AFGENTING 1.vovvererersseseeerssssessasssessessssssses seins = 8 . - | = 8 + | em) - Chile.....ouven. 13 . . 2 5 2 - | 722 Colombia... 2 11 2 2 2 3 1 1 - ' PEF Usuruniisersesisessanssansssnssnses cerns crs 813 - - 2 5 1{ 4 hl Uruguay .uveseeniss ATARI TREE A ares 3g - - - - 1 - - 7 Asia: 39 - - - - 1 - - 8 13 - - 3 5 ; 1 | 22(2) National health systems United KiNGAOM.....u.cevveivevecinssnsssensessessssessessesissans 10g . . 2 3 . . 3 AUSralia...c ns 10 2 2 2 3 1 - - Other UNHET Stata. ccimmrmsmsinmnissscssinsiisitisssmnsninssns 1114 - - 2 6 - - 3 1Sex indicated in control or check digit. 2This special Person Number, for insurance purposes, contains 2 digits for a regional number, and 1 digit for the initial letter of the given name. Random number used. 4Sex indicated in serial number. SSerial number includes code for nationals and foreigners. 6For check purposes, 2 digits may be added for year of birth and 1 digit for sex (1—male, 2—female). Contains codes for province of birth and legal office. 80ne additional digit (3) indicates Peru; 4 digits represent location of registration (department, province, or registration office). 9Two digits represent parents’ place of birth. 10Five letters and 3 numbers (LMNOP 123) include codes for subdistrict of birth, year of birth registration, and quarter of registration. 11The U.S. birth number, used by State vital statistics registration offices, has 3 digits for country and State of birth, 2 digits for year of birth, and 6 digits for State file number. A birth in North Carolina in 1980 could have the following birth number: 132-80-000428 The first digit represents the United States (1). The next two digits represent the State of North Carolina (32), in a system that begins with Alabama (01) and continues through Alaska (50) and Hawaii (51). The District of Columbia is 08. There are additional codes for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 1975. Another study directed by the National the population drawn from the census of 1968 Institute for Health and Medical Research, the and followed up with the census of 1975) forms Institut National de Santé et Recherché Médical, a special sampling frame for socioeconomic follows tuberculosis and cancer patients’ records studies. Changes in occupation, marriages, births until death. A special file of persons born on of children, deaths, and other events are inte- October 1, 2, and 4 (approximately 1 percent of grated through linkage by means of the PN. 40 The PN is also used for compiling statistics of annual wages by wage records sent from employers to the Social Security Administration and linked through the PN. This compilation is done for a sample of wage earners that includes all persons born in October in the even years. The advantages of the system, according to the reports, lie in the easy access to files, the availability for statistical or accounting tabula- tions, the certainty of identification of docu- ments, and the cost-effectiveness. Iceland A population register, The National Regis- try, is directed by the Statistical Bureau of the Republic of Iceland. This register, which became operative in 1953, is based on a PN provided at birth. This number originally consisted of eight digits, but in 1964 it became a nine-digit number when a Modulus 11 check digit was added, with six digits for the date of birth, two serial digits, and one check digit. The PN has been principally used as the identification code number in the internal opera- tion of the register. It has not been used extensively for administrative or other purposes. In 1966, a registry of all school children was established (a general continuous pupils regis- ter). Another numbering system is also in use, based on the Nafnnummer or Name Number, related to the name of a person. Introduced in 1959, it is given to every individual who reaches age 12. The Nafnnummer, seven digits plus a check digit, indicates the person’s place in the alphabetical sequence of the population by name. A seven-digit Nafnnummer is sufficient because the population is approximately 220,000. Internally, the Nafnnummer is used for linking persons in the same family. The Netherlands In the Netherlands a system of continuous accounting for population statistics was intro- duced in 1850 and used the census of 1849 as a starting point. The system is decentralized: each municipality keeps its own population register under the Netherlands Inspectorate of Popula- tion Registers. Before 1940, the family was the registration unit but that year, the individual be- came the registration unit and the population register in all municipalities contains a person’s register consisting of standard Personal Cards (PC). The PC’s are issued at birth and immigra- tion, and follow the person while in the country, throughout his lifetime. All changes in civil sta- tus are recorded on the PC and the card of a head of a family is used for a survey of the nuclear family. After death, the PC is removed from the register and placed in a central file kept by the Central Bureau of Geneology. Because the municipal files refer only to the resident population, special procedures exist for the re- moval of emigrants and the addition of immi- grants. The efficient operation of the system has provided the Netherlands with timely annual data compiled by the Central Bureau of Statis- tics, such as total population; population by age and sex; and population by sex, year of birth, and marital status. Because the municipalities vary in data- handling methods (some have computers, and others use punchcards or metal plates in addi- tion to hand-administered files), efforts have been made to standardize and improve tech- nical processing. In 1979, a standard municipal computerized system was operating in more - than 200 municipalities. A Central Population Register is planned. A bill will be presented to Parliament at the end of 1979 and will pro- vide for, among other things, a PN. Various types of personal numbers had been discussed, but for explicit technical and political reasons, including the matter of confidentiality, random numbers have been recommended. Actually, such numbers have been in use since 1968 by those municipalities that com- puterized their population registers. They were furnished by the central Government for com- puter use only, and consist of eight digits and two check digits. In 1979, the number appeared on the PC’s of more than 8 million persons, but it was used only within the municipal admini- stration, and was not known by any individual. The new legislation will enable the Netherlands to produce population and social statistics more efficiently. At present, statistics on national social insur- ance, sickness benefit funds, and hospitals do 41 not use the municipal numbers in their records. If a central system is introduced, the use of the number may be extended to these records. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Developing countries, in coping with the in- creasing problems of data management, have considered establishing national data systems for program planning and Government administra- tion. Many countries have shown a special inter- est in the PN systems of the Scandinavian countries, and have sent administrators and statisticians to study them. In Latin America, legislation establishing national PN systems has been passed in some countries, but the concept has not had broad application, nor has it led to any extensive inte- gration of data from subsystems. The PN is fre- quently used as a means of identification in addition to an identity card, photograph, and fingerprint. It is also used as a file number on various administrative records, such as social security and civil registration records. Argentina A population numbering system has been in ~ operation in Argentina for a number of years. Under this system each person on reaching 18 years of age was registered and issued a seven- or eight-digit number. Males were given a Libreta de Enrolamiento and females were given a Libreta Civica that contained their registration number. In 1968, the registration age was lowered to 16 years of age and the documents were unified in a Certificado Nacional de Identi- dad. In 1970, the name of the identification document was changed to Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI). Although this activity focused on the con- tinued registration of adult persons, a corre- sponding program in 1968 began the registration of all persons at birth. Every newborn child is issued a PN of eight digits. At 8 years of age each person’s DNI is updated with a photograph and fingerprints. At 16 years of age, the individual’s signature is recorded and information such as marital status, occupation, education, languages, involvement in the practical arts and sports is 42 added. This information is updated periodically throughout the lifetime of the individual. Also, beginning in 1968, all persons born before that year, on reaching 16 years of age, are issued a PN and DNI. By 1984 this procedure will be completed and in that year the entire population will be included in the unified PN system. Foreigners may also be given PN’s when they become residents; a minimum of 1 year of permanent residence is required. If they become Argentinian citizens, then the standard PN and DNI are issued. Under the law, the purpose of the system is to provide information on the country’s human resources for defense and development: also anticipated is the eventual development of a continuous population register. Chile Although recognizing the necessity that reliable information must flow to Government agencies for development and planning, Chile was also concerned about the duplication of administrative information systems. A national integrated population information system invol- ving two factors was planned: (a) the assignment of a unique number under the Rol Unico Na- cional (RUN) to each person and (b) the crea- tion of computer files or population data banks known as the Régistro Nacional de Pobldcion (RNP). The information system would stand- ardize identifiers in all institutions such as social security and pension institutions, the tax author- ity, and the electoral register. Records from the Civil Registration and the Identification Service would be incorporated, and the files would be continually updated by information on birth and death as well as reports of changes in civil status. Most of the adult population had already been issued an identity number in the tax sys- tem under the Rol Unico Tributario (RUT), which consisted of seven digits and one check digit. The RUT number is still used for identifi- cation in tax offices and in Government agen- cies. Since 1975, a new identity number, a PN of 11 digits and 2 control digits, is issued at birth and follows a person throughout his life. Those born prior to 1975 will continue to use the old number. The new number consists of two digits for province of registration, legal office, and year of registration; and a five-digit serial num- ber, plus two check digits. The basic file will contain the PN (RUN), name, date of birth, sex, identity number, and possibly nationality and residence. The new number is to be used as the standard identifier for all records related to health, education, and welfare, and as a research tool in socioeconomic studies. Between 1976 and 1978, the massive project of assigning numbers to the unnumbered popula- tion was undertaken. In 1979, an administrative reorganization of the Civil Register and Identifi- cation Service was initiated. The possible revi- sion of the numbering system is one of the topics for consideration. Furthermore, a plan to create a new central file using the RUN number, which will integrate data from all separate files related to the Social Security System, was ready for implemention in 1979. It will go into ef- fect with the reorganization of the civil registry service. Colombia In the Republic of Colombia, the National Registration Service (SNI) of the National Ad- ministrative Department of Statistics (DANE) was established in 1968, The SNI instituted a new Civil Registry System in 1971, and the key to this system was a unique number issued at birth. The SNI considered using a unique iden- tifier for an individual and his socioeconomic characteristics. This identifier could help solve some registration problems and also could elim- inate duplication among various civil administra- tions. The number consists of 11 digits: 6 digits to indicate year, month, and day of birth; 1 digit to indicate sex (1l-female, 2-male); 3 digits to indicate a serial number, plus 1 check digit. The number was first assigned only to babies born in Bogota; then it was assigned to births in other large cities as well as other areas. The present file contains 5 million registrations of the 25 million citizens of the country. The registration number covers documents related to birth, death, marriage, identification, and driver’s licenses. Various other procedures are presently under study. Officials from other Latin Ameri- can countries, notably Ecuador and Costa Rica, have recently visited Colombia to study the sys- tem for possible adoption in their countries. No plans to link records exist. The number- ing system is used to check files and correct them, to prevent duplication of the records, and to calculate vital statistics estimates. Hopefully, in time, all civil records will bear the PN. Peru To obtain demographic data to plan proj- ects, allocate resources, and evaluate programs, the Government of Peru in 1975 established the National Statistical System (INE) designed to gather, tabulate, and analyze statistical data. Furthermore, INE was given the responsibility for developing and improving the civil registra- tion/vital statistics system. For technical support INE requested the collaboration of the Office of International Statistics at the U.S. National Cen- ter for Health Statistics through its Vital Statis- tics Improvement Project (VISTIM). A Model Vital Statistics System was implemented in demonstration areas throughout the country. Among the new techniques used was the event identification number (EIN) assigned to all birth certificates. With the development of a PN, INE plans to add a check digit. The EIN is uniquely constructed. The first digit (3) represents Peru as defined by an inter- national convention on vital statistics numbering cosigned by Canada, Peru, and the United States. The next four digits represent a location code identifying a registration office (including a department, province, and official or registration institution). The next two digits represent year of registration. The serial number of five digits that represents the birth number follows. With the check digit the PN will consist of 13 digits. Presently, the total number of digits appears flexible, and depends on the actual number of digits used to indicate the place of registration and serial number of births. Because the system is still evolving a final appraisal cannot be made. The major objective is to introduce successful aspects of the model system into the National Vital Statistics System. Uruguay In 1974, Uruguay established a PN system based on a complicated coded combination of 43 seven digits and four letters. The first six digits constituted the birth date, and the seventh digit was a code indicating sex and citizenship. The four letters were the first initials of the first and family names. Two check digits make the total 13. Obvious problems with this complex identi- fier existed, and in 1978 Uruguay simplified the system by developing a random PN number of seven digits plus one check digit. This number is issued to all persons over age 12. Provisions are made for the registration of aliens and emigrants and for all persons entering the legal registration age. Each registered person is issued an identity card containing the PN, name, residence, civil status, date and place of birth, a photograph, and fingerprint. The cards are subject to renewal at ages 20 and 60. The system is administered by the National . Directorate of Civil Identification under consul- tation with the Honorary Technical Advisory Commission. The number is now largely used for personal identification and recordkeeping in public and private institutions such as hospitals and schools, and will be extended to national administration. Registration at death is recorded by the PN, and registration at birth is recorded by the parents’ PN’s. When the system is fully operational, the record linkage potential will be explored to develop an alternative to the census of population. While developing the PN system, Uruguay also established a Register of Enter- prises and Entrepreneurs identified by unique and permanently assigned numbers. Jordan Perhaps the most recent application of a PN in a national system is in the Hashemite King- dom of Jordan. The Department of Civil Status registers Jor- danians in a special “Civil Register,” which is a family register based on the head of the family. The detailed registration form provides informa- tion about all family members, including educa- tion, occupation, and marital status. In addition, each head of the family receives a 36-page Fam- ily Book where every member has a page to record personal details and changes. When a fam- ily member reaches age 16, he is provided an identity card that facilitates travel in Jordan and the Arab common market countries. 44 Under the new system, a PN is issued at birth and remains with the individual through- out his life. This number appears in the family register, in the Family Book, on the I. D. card, and on all official documents. The 13-digit number is constructed as follows: 2 digits — place of birth 2 digits — parents’ place of birth 3 digits — year of birth 1 digit — sex (1—male, 2—female) 5 digits — serial number As an example, the number 12219552 45894, would identify a woman born in 1955 at Amman, whose parents were born at Naour. Pre- sumably, she was the 45,894th child born in Amman in that year. The PN has been used for administration and identification and, therefore, has improved civil registration. The development of a more complex numbering system is not con- templated now. HEALTH, SOCIAL SECURITY, AND INSURANCE SYSTEMS National health records systems using a PN as an identifier exist only in a few countries and are highly restricted. Considerations of privacy and confidentiality limit access to hospital and physicians records even for statistical research. Two systems of special interest are the fully op- erational system of the United Kingdom and the proposed system of Australia. United Kingdom The initial use of a PN in the United King- dom coincided with the wartime establishment of the National Register in September 1939. After a census enumeration of the population, identity cards were issued to all recorded per- sons by the Central National Registration Office. To record births, a unique code of four letters and a serial number (1-500 in each subdistrict), was developed. The system of national registra- tion ended in 1952, but prior to that, the Na- tional Health Service (NHS) needed an identify- ing number for each patient and the obvious choice was the National Registration code. In 1965, a new code was established, which con- sisted of five letters and a birth register entry number. Three letters indicated the subdistrict of birth; the fourth letter, the year of registra- tion (M=1979); and the fifth letter, the quarter of registration. The last is useful because births are collated and indexed on a quarterly basis. The birth number serves only as a file num- ber in the NHS and it has no statistical use be- cause it is a key to any form of general purpose population register. Considerations of confi- dentiality impose restrictions on use outside the NHS system. Australia The Australian experience differs from that in other countries because discussion of a num- bering system began with a plan to develop med- ical record linkage throughout the country. A working group of the Computer Committee of the Hospital and Allied Services Advisory Coun- cil, selected in 1971, established criteria for the identification key to medical records, studied identification systems in various countries, made a computer analysis of existing files, and arrived at a combined Letter-Number indicator. This in- dicator consisted of the first four characters of the surname, the first two characters of the first forename, the second initial, sex, date of birth, and a check digit. Plans to establish a National Population Index for identifying populations at risk, which would be located at a National Index Centre, were recommended but were not im- plemented. Changes in Government in 1972 and 1975 and in the health insurance programs altered the plans regarding medical record linkage. Health insurance prior to September 1976 had been administered by a single Government commis- sion; after that, private insurers provided this in- surance. This change required some form of unique identifier, and a health insurance number of 10 digits was chosen. This number consisted of six digits for date of birth and sex, three digits for a serial number, and one for a check digit. However, continuing controversy has delayed implementation. Other countries Other limited national numbering systems exist, mostly in the insurance and social security systems where a personal account number ap- plies only to (or primarily to) the records of that system. Czechoslovakia.—An Insurance Number is used, which refers to the beneficiaries file in the pension administration and consists of nine dig- its, six for birth date and three for the serial number. Switzerland.—An Insurance Number is also used for systems such as registration, tax, and sickness funds. The number has 11 digits: 3 for the surname, 2 for the year of birth, 1 for quar- ter of the year of birth, 2 for day of birth, 2 for serial number, and 1 check digit. Austria.—A Social Account Number of 10 digits is implemented: 3 are for the serial num- ber, 4 for birth day and month, 2 for decade, and 1 check digit. United States.—A Social Security Account code of nine digits is employed (three for area number, two for group number, and four for serial number). In some countries, the codes for social security and other accounts could be made into national population PN’s, but the ex- tension of the existing numbers might be diffi- cult. In the United States, for example, an esti- mated 4 million duplicate account numbers exist. OTHER NATIONAL SYSTEMS The PN system has been discussed exten- sively in all regions of the world. Japan tested several types of PN’s in urban areas but did not apply them nationally. In the Federal Republic of Germany, an extensive system was proposed but was not approved by Parliament. Inquiries regarding the PN systems and their applications to health services have been received by the Na- tional Center for Health Statistics from such diverse areas as Thailand and Brazil. In the United States, discussion of a national number- ing system has been ongoing for almost 40 years. Federal Republic of Germany In 1971, the Federal Ministry of the Interior had submitted to Parliament a draft of a Federal 45 Registration Law that provided for the introduc- tion of a uniform personal identification num- ber. Parliament refused to introduce a PN for registration and administration. A special personal number, an “insurance number,” has been issued to members of the statutory old-age insurance group as well as to employees entitled to obligatory health and/or unemployment insurance (wage earners, salaried employees, and persons undergoing occupational training) who are not subject to obligatory old- age insurance. This special 12-digit PN is composed of a regional number for the old-age insurance funds (2 digits), the date of birth (6 digits), initial letter of the birth name (1 digit), the serial num- ber and distinction by sex (2 digits), and the check digit (1 digit). This PN is used only for maintaining accounts of the insured, handling queries within the scope of statutory social in- surance, and compiling statistics on employed persons. Protection regarding privacy and confiden- tiality is established by law because the secrecy provisions of the Social Code permit the disclo- sure of microdata to third parties when either the individual agrees to or when legal obligation demands disclosure. Other agencies of social administration receive microdata subject to the secrecy provisions within the scope of admini- strative assistance, that is, when data are neces- sary for the completion of their tasks. A linking of statutory old-age insurance data with other registers or files has not been provided for, par- ticularly because other institutions (e.g., health insurance) have numbering systems of their own for their members and the linking of data is doubtful under the data protection law. Japan In 1971 and 1972, Japan tested various types of PN’s in five different cities. One PN was a 10-digit code, including 1 check digit. Another was a 14-digit number with the first 6 numbers representing the birth date, the next 4 repre- senting the area of residence, the next 3 repre- senting a serial number, and the last one a check digit. The PN activity never advanced past the testing stage. 46 Portugal The numbering system of Portugal is admin- istered by the Bureau of National Registration of the Ministry of Justice. Since 1957, a perma- nently assigned number has been issued sequen- tially and placed on identification cards. The identification card is not mandatory for the population; however, it is required for attending high school, obtaining a driver’s or a marriage license, and declaring taxes. It has been custom- ary to obtain a card after age 12. The identifica- tion number is used for many administrative purposes such as tax control, health care and insurance, and social security. The National Register was established by law in 1973. The objective was to create two central files, the Central File of Population and the Cen- tral File of Organizations. The population file was to be based on a new national number pro- vided after birth, which would consist of 11 dig- its; 6 for date of birth, 4 for the file number (the first included a code for Portuguese nationals and foreigners, and the last distinguished men from women), and 1 check digit. The implemen- tation of the population file was suspended after the revolution of April 1974. The new Constitu- tion of the Portuguese Republic of April 1976 is very explicit in the use of Person Numbers: “Citizens shall not be given all-purpose national identification numbers” (Article 35). The Gov- ernment is preparing drafts for a law on privacy. The Constitution is to be revised in 1980, and apparently the Central File of Population will be discussed. In the meantime, the file on civil identification and the number on the identifica- tion cards are being kept in force. The Central File of Organizations includes enterprises, associations, agencies, official bod- ies, and self-employed individuals. A nine-digit number (type of organization, serial number, and check digit) is the key to this file. United States The concept for the PN system originated during World War II when State and local vital statistics offices were deluged with requests for certifications of birth, for proof of citizenship and age. In 1941 at the urging of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers (ASTHO), a Vital Records Commission was appointed to investigate the system and suggest improvements. The Commission suggested a fixed identification number for each person in a national registration. In 1947, the Council of Vital Records and Vital Statistics suggested that each State adjust its birth certificate number to conform to a uniform numbering plan for the entire country. A uniform number in three seg- ments—three digits for country and State of birth, two digits for year of birth, and six digits for State file number—was suggested. This sug- gestion was cleared with the ASTHO and was subsequently ratified by 35 out of 54 registrars. For various reasons, the concept dropped out of sight until the midsixties. In 1966, the Study Group on Record Linkage of the U.S. Public Health Conference on Records and Sta- tistics recommended that the birth number, as suggested in 1948, be placed on all State certifi- cates by January 1, 1968. The U.S. National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics also endorsed State use of the number. Although the “universal” number now appears on State birth certificates, the Federal government does not use it. Inquiries concerning it have been made by the Social Security Administration. States use the number for filing and for exchanges of cer- tificates between States. For the U.S. birth num- ber, or any other PN, to become truly opera- tional, a Federal law establishing it throughout the country has to be passed by the Congress. 47 REFERENCES ICentral Bureau of Statistics: Divorces 1971-1973. Statistiske Analyser No. 16. Oslo. Central Bureau of Sta- tistics, 1975. 2Central Bureau of Statistics: Occupational Mortality 1970-1973. Statistiske Analyser No. 21. Oslo. Central Bureau of Statistics, 1976. 3Central Bureau of Statistics: Occupational Mortal- ity. RAPP 79/19. Oslo. Central Bureau of Statistics, 1979. 4Ministry of Justice: Offentlige persondatasystemer og personvern (Public personal data systems and protec- 48 tion of [personal] privacy.) NOU 1975:10. Oslo. Min- istry of Justice, 1975. 5Ministry of Justice: Persondata og personvern (Per- sonal data and protection of privacy.) NOU 1974:22. Oslo. Ministry of Justice, 1974. 6U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census: World Population 1977: Recent Demographic Estimates for the Countries and the Regions of the World. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978. 7United Nations: Demographic Yearbook 1977. New York. United Nations, 1978. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aurbakken, E., and Bjerve, P. J.: The role of regis- ters and the linking of data from different sources. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol. XLV, Book 3, 1973. pp. 169-184. Bacci, R., Baron, R., and Nathan, G.: Methods of record linkage and applications in Israel. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol. XLII, Book 2, 1967. pp. 766-785. Bakketeig, L. S., and Hoffman, H. J.: Perinatal mortality by birth order within cohorts based on sibship size. Brit. Med. J. 2:693-696, 1979. Bakketeig, L. S., Hoffman, H. J., and Sternthal, P. M.: Obstetric service and perinatal mortality in Nor- way. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand., Suppl. 77, 1978. Bakketeig, L. S., Seigel, D. G., and Sternthal, P. M.: A fetal-infant life table based on single births in Norway, 1967-1973. Am. J. Epidemiol., 107(3):216-255, 1978. Bolander, A. M.: Linkage of census and death rec- ords to obtain mortality registers for epidemiological studies in Sweden. Excerpta Medica: Proceedings of the 11th International Cancer Congress. Florence, Italy, 1974. Central Bureau of Statistics: The Use of the Nether- lands System of Continuous Population Accounting for Population Statistics, by J. C. van den Brekel. Voorburg (The Hague). Department for Population Statistics, 1976. Dalenius, T.: The invasion of privacy problem and statistics production—an overview. Stat. Tidsskr. No. 3: 213-225, 1974. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadis- tica. (DANE). Manuel de instrucciones para effectuar el registro de nacimiento. Bogota. Direccion General de Procesamiento de Datos, Servicio Nacional de Inscrip- tion, Registro de Personas, 1973. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadis- tica (DANE). Ventajas del nuevo sistema de registro civil. Bogota. Servicio Nacional de Inscription, 1973. Department of Commerce: Computers, Health Rec- ords, and Citizen Rights. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 157. Washington. U.S. Government Print- ing Office, 1976. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens. DHEW Pub. No. (OS) 73-94. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, July 1973. Desabie, J.: Organismes: L’INSEE entreprend d’automatiser le repertoire des personnes. Econ. Stat., No. 10:69-71, Mar. 1970. Dunn, H. L.: Record linkage. Am. J. Pub. Health 36:1412-1416, Dec. 1946. Dunn, H. L.: A national identity registration system to synthesize social statistics. Estad.: J. Interam. Stat. Inst. X1(40):605-615, Sept. 1953. Federal Security Agency: Historical Review of the Birth Number Concept. National Office of Vital Sta- tistics, Public Health Service, Washington, D.C., 1948. Hansen, M. H.: The role and feasibility of a national data bank, based on matched records and alternatives. Report of the President’s Commission, Washington, D.C.: Fed. Stat. 11(1-61): 1971. Hoffman, H. J., Bakketeig, L. S., and Stark, C. R.: Twins and perinatal mortality: a comparison between single and twin births in Minnesota and Norway 1967- 1973, in Twin Research: Biology and Epidemiology. New York. Allan R. Liss, Inc., 1978. pp. 133-192. Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE): Automatisation du repertoire d’identification des personnes physiques. Paris. INSEE, Conception Generale, Feb. 1970. Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE): Le numero national d’identite description. No. 160/429. Paris. INSEE, Jan. 19, 1971. Karlsen, K., and Skaug, H.: Registers in the Central Bureau of Statistics. Pub. No. 22. Oslo. Statistiske Sen- tralbyra, 1968. Lunde, A. S.: The birth number concept and rec- ord linkage. Am. J. Pub. Health 65(11):1165-1169, Nov. 1975. Lunde, A. S.: National data systems and record link- age. International Statistical Institute: Contributed Papers (Warsaw), Sept. 1975. pp. 536-541. Lunde, A. S.: Problems in the Establishment of National Data Systems. Proceedings of the Social Sta- tistics Section (135th Annual Meeting, Atlanta), Ameri- can Statistical Association, 1975. pp. 544-547. Ministry of Interior: Population Register of Israel. Jerusalem. Ministry of Interior, 1972. Nathan, G., and Baron, R.: The Israeli Population Register as a Framework for Sample Surveys. Interna- tional Symposium on Automation of Population Regis- ter Systems, Jerusalem, Sept. 25-28, 1967. National Institute of Statistics: INE-VISTIM Vital Statistics Improvement Final Project Plan. (translation from Spanish). Lima. National Institute of Statistics, 1978. Nordbotten, S.: Purposes, problems, and ideas re- lated to statistical file systems. Bulletin of the Interna- 49 tional Statistical Institute, Vol. XLII, Book 2, 1967. pp. 734-750. Ohlsson, I.: Merging of data for statistical use. Bul- letin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol. XLII, Book 2, 1967. pp. 750-764. Selmer, E. S.: Registration numbers in Norway: some applied number theory and psychology. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. (Series A), 130, pt. 2, 225-231, 1967. Statistiches Bundesamt, Federal Republic of Ger- many: Betriftt: Personen Kennzeichen. Bonn. Statis- tiches Bundesamt, 1972. Statistisk Sentralbyra: The Central Registers of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway. Working Papers of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo, 1974. 50 Statistisk Sentralbyra: Fetal and Infant Mortality 1969-1972. Statistical Analyses No. 15. Oslo. Statistisk Sentralbyra, 1975. Tryggveson, R.: Population Registration and Its Use for Statistical Purposes. International Symposium on Automation of Population Register Systems, Jerusalem, Sept. 25-28, 1967. United Nations: Methods of Collecting, Organizing, and Retrieving Social Statistics to Achieve Integration: Report of the Secretary General. (E/CN.3/516). New York. United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1978. Widen, L: Registret over femtondefodda. Stat. Tidsskr., No. 5:366-372, 1969. II. IIL. VIL VIL APPENDIXES CONTENTS Construction of the PN in Sweden Construction of the PN in Norway Structure of the PN in Denmark Construction of the PN in Israel Items in the Swedish Cancer-Environment Register Items in Study “Outcome of Successive Pregnancies for Norwegian Women 1967-1976" ......cccceunee Population, Birth, and Death Data APPENDIX FIGURE Construction of Person Number for a male born on June 3, 1936: Denmark .....ccccerresncescsanssccsenes APPENDIX TABLE Total population and number of births and deaths with rates of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Israel, and the United States of America 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 54 59 51 APPENDIX | CONSTRUCTION OF THE PN IN SWEDEN The PN’s were adopted in 1947 when the regional registers were set up at county admin- istration levels. Originally, these numbers con- sisted of nine digits which included the date of birth (six digits) and a birth number (three digits). Date of birth is indicated by two digits for the year, two for the month, and two for the day. For example, the date of birth of a person born April 25, 1938, is written 380425. The use of this reverse order—year, month, and day—was farsighted at the time; recently the International Standards Organization declared that numerical dates should always be expressed in that order. The birth number consists of three digits rang- ing from 001 to 999. Odd numbers stand for males and even ones for females. When the existing county registers, which were printed from metal plates, were replaced in 1967 by magnetic tape registers, a check digit had to be added to the date of birth and the birth number. This check digit was arrived at by using Modulus 10 algorithms. Therefore, a PN now contains 10 digits. The date of birth and the birth number/check digit are separated by a hyphen (e.g., 380425-6653). The year a per- son reaches 100 years of age the plus sign supersedes the hyphen. In the ADP system, the Modulus 10 algo- rithm is used for the calculation of the check digit, and the weights 2 and 1 are used. This enables an identity number to be checked automatically when data are registered. The method of calculation is illustrated as follows: Identity number 450410 149 Weights X 212121 212 Products 850420 2418 Sum of products 8+5+0+4+2+4+1+8 = 34 (N.B.: 18 is read as 1+8.) The last digit of the sum is subtracted from 10 (i.e., 10-4=6), and the answer becomes the check digit. The complete identity number be- comes 450410-1496. The identity number is checked when recorded. Identity number 4504101496 Weights X 2121212121] Products 85042024186 Sum of products 8+5+0+4+2+0+2+4+1+8+6=40 If the last digit of the sum of the product is not 0, then an error must obviously have occurred; this is indicated by the output. 000 52 APPENDIX II CONSTRUCTION OF THE PN IN NORWAY The birth number system includes both the identification number and the routines to assign and maintain the identification numbers. The Norwegian identification number is based on the date of birth and the sex of each person. The number consists of 11 digits and is constructed as follows: Date of Birth Individual Check Day Month Year digits digits 26 05 97 651 31 The last individual digit indicates sex. If the person is a woman, the number is even. If the person is a man, the number is odd. Persons born in the 19th century are as- signed numbers within the 749-500 range, and those born in the 20th century are assigned numbers in the 499-000 range. Numbers are as- signed consecutively in descending order. The last two digits are check digits. The first digit is calculated by weighting the date of birth and the individual digits with standard weights. Birth number 2 605 9 7 6 51 Weights X 3 761 8 9 4 5 2 Products 6 42 0 5 72 63 24 25 2 Sum of products 6+42+0+5+72+63+24+25+2 = 239 The sum is divided by 11 (i.e. 239 +11 =21 with a remainder of 8 where 7; =the remainder) The first check digit is K; =11-7 (3 in pre- ceding sample). If; =0, the k; =0.If »; = 1, then the num- ber is rejected and the next individual digit in the range is assigned. The second digit is calculated in the same way; however, IBM standard weights are used: Birthnumber 2 60 53 9 7 6 51 3 Weights X5 43 2 7 6 5 432 Products 10 24 0 10 63 42 30 20 3 6 Sum of products 10+24+0+10+63+42+30+20+3+6 = 208 The sum is divided by 11 (i.e., 208 +11 =18 with a femeinig of 10). The second check digit is kg =11- 179 =1. The complete PN becomes 26 05 97 651 31. The five last digits of the birth number, that is, the individual digits and the check digits, are called the personal number. Every PN is calculated by a special auto- matic EDP routine. This routine checks which numbers are in use and which are not. A birth number that once has been used will never be used again. The Central Bureau of Statistics has the re- - sponsibility of assigning birth numbers twice a month. Lists comprising the assigned birth num- bers are then sent to the various local registra- tion offices. 000 53 APPENDIX 111 STRUCTURE OF THE PN IN DENMARK The Person Number is purely numerical and consists of 10 digits. Figure I shows how the number is con- structed. The check digit is computed by means of the Modulus 11 algorithm on the basis of the other nine digits which are weighted by a set of con- stants as follows: Identity 030 6 3 611 7 Constants X4 39 16 5493 2 Products 09042 18 30 4 3 14 Sum of products 0+9+0+42+18+30+4+3+14 = 120 The sum is divided by 11 (i.e, 120+11=10 with a remainder of 10). The check digit is found by subtracting the remainder from 11 {ie,11-10=1), By employing this method certain combina- tions of the first 9 digits give a check digit of 10; these combinations cannot be used. If the result of the calculation is a check digit of 11 (i.e., 11 - a remainder of 0), the check digit is given the value of 0. When the check digit is odd, as in this case, the number is assigned to a man. When it is even, it is assigned to a woman. Reference number Date of birth pipe. | [3 % 3 nn Day of birth I LI. | Month of birth Year of birth Century of birth Check digit, sex Figure I. Construction of Person Number for a male born June 3, 1936: Denmark 000 54 APPENDIX IV CONSTRUCTION OF THE PN IN ISRAEL The original PN of Israel, developed in con- nection with the census of 1948, consisted of six digits as in the number 114888. Later, a series prefix was added using letters “a” through “‘g’’; with a “d” prefix the number would become d/114888. These letters were often assigned to designated groups; for example, an “a” series block was given to immigrants arriving by ship, and series ‘‘¢”’ was provided to maternity hospi- tals. The introduction of a mechanical card index system in 1952 required that the letter prefix be changed to a number; “a” became 1 . and so on, with the result that the PN became a seven-digit number (in our example, “d” became 4, and the number was 4114888). In 1966 the content of the mechanized residents card index was transferred to magnetic tape and, subse- quently two changes were introduced. First, the base number was extended by one digit to ac- commodate the needs of a future population of 10,000,000 or more; this created an eight-digit PN (04114888). Second, a check digit was intro- duced, calculated on the Modulus-10 algorithm, which provided a nine-digit PN. The method of calculation is as follows: Identity number 04114 88 8 Weights X 12121 21 2 Products 08124163816 Sum of digits 0+8+1+2+4+1+6+8+1+6 = 37 When the last digit of the sum is subtracted from 10, the answer (3) becomes the check digit and the complete PN reads 041148883. O00O0 55 APPENDIX V ITEMS IN THE SWEDISH CANCER-ENVIRONMENT REGISTER The Swedish Cancer-Environment Register is administered by Planning Division 3, Statistics: National Board of Health and Welfare, S-106 30, Stockholm, Sweden. Data were integrated from the Cancer Register and the 1960 Census of Population and Housing. Data from the Cancer Register (persons registered in 1961-73) include: Person Number (PN) Tumor serial number Treatment Died from cancer Diagnosis incidentally at autopsy Benign Causes of death Date of death Age at diagnosis Age at death Sex Survival time Name Occupation Data from the 1960 Census of Population Civil status and Housing include: Domicile Date of diagnosis Date of death Hospital, department Record-card number and year of record entry Pathologist/cytologist Specimen number and year specimen taken Site of tumor PAD (Pathological diagnosis after death) Diagnostic criterion Metastasis (oN oNe 56 Domicile Type of activity Occupational status Occupation Economic activity Gainful employment Location of place of work Main occupation during the year Country of birth Higher education Person Number (PN) APPENDIX VI ITEMS IN STUDY “OUTCOME OF SUCCESSIVE PREGNANCIES FOR NORWEGIAN WOMEN 1967-1976" This groundbreaking research is being con- ducted by Dr. Leiv S. Bakketeig, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Trondheim, Norway. It is receiving support from the Na- tional Institute of Child Health and Human De- velopment, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service. Variables are integrated from three sources: the Norwegian Medical Birth Registry (main- tained at the University of Oslo), the Norwegian Death Files (Central Bureau of Statistics), and the Census File. Data from the Medical Birth Registry in- clude: A. Variables relating to the mother: 1. Maternal age—by year, date of birth 2. Maternal parity—number of previous births and among these number of stillbirths 3. Maternal marital status—unmarried, married, divorced, separated, widowed 4. Time of marriage—by calendar year 5. Place of residence—by municipality (444 in the country), characterized by county, urban, mal, industrializa- tion 6. Duration of pregnancy—days based on date of birth minus date of LMP 7. Mother’s health before pregnancy— maximum 3 conditions, 3-digit ICD code 8. Mother’s health during pregnancy— maximum 3 conditions, 3-digit ICD code B. Variable relating to the father: 1. Paternal age—by year, date of birth C. Variables relating to the family: 1. Family relations between parents— 1st cousins, 2d cousins, etc. Family history of disease—serious, inheritable disease among relatives— maximum 3 conditions, 3-digit ICD code, 4th digit indicating relation- ship of the newborn baby to the family member suffering from the disease D. Variables relating to the confinement: 1. Place of birth—by municipality and by institution, classified by level of obstetric service . Time of birth—day, hour, and minute Induction of labor—special code/ classification 1-9 Fetal presentation—special classification 1-9 code/ . Complications during labor—special code, maximum 4 classifications Intervention during labor—special code 57 7. Intervention performed—by physi- cian, by midwife 8. Information on amniotic fluid, pla- centa, umbilical cord—special code E. Variables relating to the birth: 1. :Sex 2. Plurality 3. Status—fetal death/stillbirth, died be- fore onset of labor, during labor or within unknown time of death; live- births dying during first 24 hours, 1-6 days, 7-27 days, 28 days to 1 year, end year, 3d year or later; live- births still alive Birth weight—nearest 10 grams Length Asphyxia—special code NO Ov Wb Congential malformations, birth in- juries, and diseases—maximum 3 con- ditions, 4-digit ICD codes Data from the Norwegian Death Files (Cen- tral Bureau of Statistics) include: 58 . Place of residence at time of death— municipality 000 NO Ov Wb 00 IN Place of death—special code Sex Date of birth Date of death Type of death—accident or disease Causes of death—maximum 4 diagnoses, 4-digit ICD code For dead children less than 2 years of age—marital status of mother Data from the Census File include: A. Information on the mothers: 1. Type of income/support 2. General education—Norwegian stand- ard classification 3. Highest education—occupational edu- cation, academic degree, and so forth 4. Occupational activity—housewife, student, employee, and so forth 5. Industry—standard International In- dustry classification (ISIC) Information on the fathers: Same as above, except for “housewife” classification APPENDIX VII POPULATION, BIRTH, AND DEATH DATA Table |. Total population and number of births and deaths with rates of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Israel, and the United States of America [ Midyear population estimates for 1977; births and deaths with rates for 1976] Total Number of Birth Number of | Death Country population? births? rates? deaths? rates? BWBTIBIY 1. cvissinnsissivsssmmmmnnesnissssssanss bn shnnsnaessssnssssnhhesenenins avs vastunehunuananiius shes 8,255,000 98,345 12.0 90,677 11.0 INGIEWEY « cnvansimmmrsvasumisisdssssmmin ie sass sass ss AS aan ARI SAA A AER EE CHE CARTS TTA EARS 4,044,000 53,474 13.3 40,216 10.0 Denmark.. _— 5,089,000 65,267 12.9 54,001 10.6 Ce PR OOO LL AE RUON 3,611,000 97,469 27.6 23,856 6.8 UNIBd States oc. miiimmmnninsmmrinimnmissisnaasneamsmmanis 1 216,817,000 3,165,000 14.7 1,912,000 8.9 SOURCES: 1U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census: World Population 1977: Recent Demographic Estimates for the Countries and Regions of the World. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978 (reference 6). 2United Nations: Demographic Yearbook 1977. New York. United Nations, 1978 (reference 7). 000 #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980 311-240/20 1-3 59 Series 1. Series 2. Series 3. Series 4. Series 10. Series 11. Series 12. Series 13. Series 14. Series 20. Series 21. Series 22. Series 23. VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS Series Programs and Collection Procedures.—Reports which describe the general programs of the National Center for Health Statistics and its offices and divisions and data collection methods used and include definitions and other material necessary for understanding the data. Data Evaluation and Methods Research.—Studies of new statistical methodology including experi- mental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and contributions to statistical theory. Analytical Studies.—Reports presenting analytical or interpretive studies based on vital and health statistics, carrying the analysis further than the expository types of reports in the other series. Documents and Committee Reports.—Final reports of major committees concerned with vital and health statistics and documents such as recommended model vital registration laws and revised birth and death certificates. Data From the Health Interview Survey.—Statistics on illness, accidental injuries, disability, use of hospital, medical, dental, and other services, and other health-related topics, all based on data collected in a continuing national household interview survey. Data From the Health Examination Survey and the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.—Data from direct examination, testing, and measurement of national samples of the civilian noninstitu- tionalized population provide the basis for two types of reports: (I) estimates of the medically defined prevalence of specific diseases in the United States and the distributions of the population with respect to physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics and (2) analysis of relationships among the various measurements without reference to an explicit finite universe of persons. Data From the Institutionalized Population Surveys. —Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these surveys will be in Series 13. Data on Health Resources Utilization. —Statistics on the utilization of health manpower and facilities providing long-term care, ambulatory care, hospital care, and family planning services. Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities. —Statistics on the numbers, geographic distri- bution, and characteristics of health resources including physicians, dentists, nurses, other health occupations, hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient facilities. Data on Mortality. — Various statistics on mortality other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by cause of death, age, and other demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; and statistics on characteristics of deaths not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data on Natality, Marriage, and Divorce.—Various statistics on natality, marriage, and divorce other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; studies of fertility; and statistics on characteristics of births not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data From the National Mortality and Natality Surveys.—Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these sample surveys based on vital records will be included in Series 20 and 21, respectively. Data From the National Survey of Family Growth.—Statistics on fertility, family formation and dis- solution, family planning, and related maternal and infant health topics derived from a biennial survey of a nationwide probability sample of ever-married women 15-44 years of age. For a list of titles of reports published in these series, write to: Scientific and Technical Information Branch National Center for Health Statistics Public Health Service Hyattsville, Md. 20782 VITAL and HEALTH STATISTICS ATA EVALUATION AND METHODS RESEARCH LOTTE TC RET TC CLE LC OTE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Woolsey, Theodore D. Toward an index of preventable mortality. (Vital and health statistics: Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research; no. 85) (DHHS publication; (PHS) 81-1359) Includes bibliographical references. Supt. of Docs. no.: HE 20.6209:2/85 1. Mortality—United States—Statistical methods. 2. Death—Causes—Statistical methods. 3. Health status indicators—United States—Statistical methods. 4. United States—Statistics, Medical. 5. United States—Statistics, Vital. I. Title. II. Series: United States. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital and health statistics: Series 2, Data evaluation and methods re- search; no. 85. III. Series: United States. Dept. of Health. DHHS publication; (PHS) 81- 1359. [DNLM: 1. Health surveys—United States. 2. Mortality—United States. W2 A N148vb no. 85] g RA409.U45 no. 85 312'.0723s [312'.2] ISBN 0-8406-0189-1 80-607087 Wm en Wort Min A RR er EA DR mn Be BE WON asi mani Hime WI CA min mt a i AE IR ao A a PRA 5 RRA RE iain mpl pn DATA EVALUATION Series 2 AND METHODS RESEARCH Number 85 Toward an Index of Preventable Mortality This report presents a research study on the development of an index that reflects the extent to which an area’s mortality rates ex- ceed the lowest possible rates that could be achieved at this epoch in the United States. The index is applied to mortality rates in 19 selected health service areas during 1969-71. DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 81-1359 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville, Md. May 1981 NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS DOROTHY P. RICE, Director ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Deputy Director JACOB J. FELDMAN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Analysis and Epidemiology GAIL F. FISHER, Ph.D., Associate Director for the Cooperative Health Statistics System GARRIE J. LOSEE, Associate Director for Data Processing and Services ALVAN O. ZARATE, Ph.D., Assistant Director for International Statistics E. EARL BRYANT, Associate Director for Interview and Examination Statistics ROBERT C. HUBER, Associate Director for Management MONROE G. SIRKEN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Research and Methodology PETER L. HURLEY, Associate Director for Vital and Health Care Statistics ALICE HAYWOOD, Information Officer DIVISION OF ANALYSIS JOEL C. KLEINMAN, Ph.D., Director Vital and Health Statistics-Series 2-No. 85 DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 81-1359 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 80-607087 td i CONTENTS Introduction Background of the Research New Measures of Health Status and ‘‘Synthetic Estimates” Premises of the Research Use of Mortality Statistics to Measure Health Status General Plan of the Research Achievable Target Death Rates Why Such a Standard? First Considerations Two Methods That Proved Unsatisfactory Use of Geographic Variation Methodology and Results Alternative Forms of the Index Desiderata Forms of Index Examined and Their Sampling Variability Computing and Testing the Indexes Health Service Areas Selected for Testing and Computation Methods ......ceeereresnccsncsansncsssesnesssnsnnes Tests of Sensitivity Conclusions Future Research Improvement of the Achievable Target Death Rates The Form of Indexes and Their Random Variability Geographic Variability “Market Testing” Mortality Indexes for Health Service Areas References List of Detailed Tables TEXT FIGURE 1. Illustration of smoothing process for achievable target death rates: bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma LIST OF TEXT TABLES A. Estimating achievable target death rates for males aged 1-85 years and over for bronchitis, em- physema, and asthma: United States, 1969-71 and 1976, and geographic divisions, 1969-71......... B. Achievable target death rates by sex, cause of death, and age C. Ratio of achievable target death rates to U.S. death rates in 1976, by sex, cause of death, and age © nN NN == 10 11 12 Number of population, and percent and number of selected characteristics of 19 health service areas used in the illustrative computations, by selected health service areas...............ccoeerveessneesenseses Selected rank orders and range of coefficients of variation (CV) for three forms of mortality index (R;, Rf, and R;") for males, by cause-of-death group: 19 health service areas, 1969-71 ........ Highest and lowest value, modified range (MR), mean standard error (§;) and ratio for three forms of mortality index (Rj, Rj", and SMR;) for males, by cause-of-death group: 19 health service areas, 1969-71 SYMBOLS Data not available------=-----cnemeeeeeemeeeeeceeeeee --- Category not applicable------------csceeeeeecaacacnee Quantity zero - Quantity more than 0 but less than 0.05--- 0.0 Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision-------ceeeeeeeeeeecccceeee 22 TOWARD AN INDEX OF PREVENTABLE MORTALITY Theodore D. Woolsey, Health Statistics Consultant INTRODUCTION Background of the Research A few words in legislation enacted in 1974 have provided a strong stimulus to research in the development of indexes of health status for small-area populations. It has become almost a standard practice in papers describing the need for or results of this research to call attention at the outset to Public Law 93-641 and, in particu- lar, to Section 1513(b), which requires health systems agencies to compile statistics on the health status, health service utilization, and health resources of the populations they serve. Other legislation, such as that dealing with med- ically underserved areas, has had a similar effect. Enactment of these laws and general growth in the field of health policy research have led to a plenitude of papers about the measurement of health status, many of which describe new ap- proaches to this old subject. The following four sources are helpful to those who keep track of the research in progress: 14 1. A conference held at Tucson, Arizona, 1972,1 conducted by staff of the journal Health Services Research. 2. A conference held at Phoenix, Arizona, 1976,2 conducted by staff of the Na- tional Center for Health Services Re- search, an agency of the U.S. Public Health Service. 8. The Clearinghouse on Health Indexes,® a continuing summary of work operated by the Division of Analysis of the Na- tional Center for Health Statistics. 4. Health Planning,* a weekly newsletter published by the National Technical In- formation Service. This abstracting serv- ice, in collaboration with the National Health Planning Information Center, re- ports on papers and technical works on health needs measurement and on other health planning subjects. Despite the increased research activity evi- denced in these sources, there is no consensus on which methods or sources of health status data are suitable for use in the health planning work of the health systems agencies. Agency reports to the Bureau of Health Planning leave the im- pression that there is as yet little consistency among the agencies’ approaches to the measure- ments of health status.’ Their reports express goals in terms of statistical quantities, and some- times in terms of health status measures—partic- ularly the infant mortality rate—but no common strategy for assessing the health problems of the community has emerged. The failure of the research to lead to any widely accepted practice on the part of the agencies is largely the result of the following two causes in combination: 1. The methods being developed for col- lecting new statistics are too expensive and, even if applied, would leave the agency with too little opportunity to compare its own measures of health sta- tus with those of other communities. 2. Existing data are either believed to be or actually are inappropriate to the meas- urement of health or are not analyzed in such a way that they can be used for health measurement. The research described here is intended to remedy the second cause of failure. New Measures of Health Status and “Synthetic Estimates’ There is no question that new statistics, spe- cifically designed and collected, could eventually provide more comprehensive and relevant meas- ures of health status than could ever be derived from existing data sources. There is also little doubt that better health status measures would improve the effectiveness of health planning. However, the cost of such new collection would be very high. This is because the collection would probably have to be based on new sample surveys of households, or on surveys of provid- ers of care, or both. The surveys would have to be conducted by every one of some 200 health systems agencies and would be useless unless they were repeated at least twice a decade. (If one estimates an absolute minimum of $200,000 direct costs per survey, the annual budget for such data collection would be about $200,000 X 200 X 1/5, or $8 million per year.) Further- more, it would be years before the expertise could be summoned to mount such local area surveys on a national basis, and even longer be- fore an analyzable body of data could be gathered. The availability of comparable statistics on health status over time and space is of critical importance to the health planner. Without the ability to compare statistics for the planner’s Jurisdiction with statistics of other jurisdictions of similar demographic makeup, or to compare current figures with those for earlier periods, the planner is severely hampered in making intelli- gent use of health status indicators. Conversely, if comparable statistics could be made available, the planner would have powerful analytical tools to identify emerging health problems, to estab- lish priorities for attacking them, and to measure success in dealing with them. In particular, eval- uation of program success or failure in terms of 2For example, the sickness impact profile® requires a household sample survey. health outcomes, especially given the almost un- avoidable absence of truly experimental condi- tions, must depend upon “before versus after” and “with versus without” comparisons for controls. It is needs of this sort, coming from the principal users of health status indicators for local areas, that argue against “synthetic esti- mates: sophisticated, computerized estimates for local areas based on health statistics from na- tional sample surveys, plus detailed population characteristics of the area from the U.S. Bureau of the Census or other sources. Synthetic esti- mates are incapable of reflecting changes in health status that do not occur simultaneously in communities with similar population charac- teristics. Therefore, they are useless for program evaluation. Premises of the Research Such considerations led to several premises, and it is on the following that the present re- search is based: 1. For the time being and for some time to come, the health planner must rely on al- ready available data for constructing in- dexes of health status. 2. The data must be available not only for a particular health planning jurisdiction to measure health at the present time, but must also be available in comparable form for all U.S. health planning jurisdic- tions. The data also should cover the past (for at least a decade), as well as permit following trends into the future. 3. Perhaps self-evidently, the indicator must be perceived by the health planner to be appropriate to the measurement of health and “sensitive” to the problems with which the community is concerned. USE OF MORTALITY STATISTICS TO MEASURE HEALTH STATUS The figures on numbers of deaths classified by sex, age at death, and other characteristics of decedents have been used to measure the health of communities for centuries.”*9 Several recent reports in the series Statistical Notes for Health Planners, published by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), have reviewed the uses of mortality statistics and some of the precau- tions that must be observed in their use.10-13 Despite this history, there is a commonly held opinion that mortality statistics are no longer adequate measures of health status, prin- cipally because of their alleged “insensitivity.”14 Shapiro argues, however, that whether those who are involved with local health planning should use mortality statistics “as one of the measures of the health status of local area popu- lations” is a “non-issue.”’15 No evidence on problems of quality of the data or on inadequacy of the information to identify significant health deficits and their correlates can override the unique character- istics of mortality statistics. Simply put, they represent the only continuous source of information on an unequivocal manifesta- tion of health status that dates back many years and is assured of continuity into the foreseeable future, and the data can be ex- amined on a geographically disaggregated level often down to subareas within a city, for example, or aggregated across civil sub- divisions for medical market analysis.15 The question for the health planner, accord- ing to Shapiro, is “how to maximize the utility of this resource.”!® The author of this report cannot express more cogently than that why the research described herein has been launched, but for further background the reader is referred to Statistical Notes for Health Planners, No. 3 and No. 6.11.13 Statistics on numbers of deaths by cause, age at death, sex, race, and residence of the dece- dent are available nationally through NCHS and locally through State health departments and health departments of larger cities. NCHS pub- lishes annual volumes containing these figures in summarized form. (For example, the complete detail, by cause and age, is not shown for each sub-State area.) NCHS also makes microdata tapes available from which totals in almost any usable detail can be obtained. The national sta- tistics and those produced by the States do not completely agree, but each year the discrepan- cies (resulting chiefly from differences in coding practices) are fewer and smaller as a result of cooperative activities between the jurisdictions. GENERAL PLAN OF THE RESEARCH Two phases of the research are presented in this report. They are as follows: 1. The rationale and the methods used for determining a set of standard death rates, specific for age, sex, and cause of death, are discussed. The standard death rates are intended to be the lowest pos- sible rates that could be achieved at this epoch in the United States assuming: (a) the best scientific knowledge now avail- able about methods of prevention and treatment of disease and injury, and (b) the successful application of this knowl- edge in an optimum system of health care, accessible to everyone. These stand- ard death rates will be referred to as “achievable target death rates.” 2. Experiments in using achievable target death rates and actual mortality rates in health service areas (HSA’s) as the basis for various forms of mortality indexes are detailed. Tests of these forms are ex- amined to learn whether any one form has advantages over another in terms of “sensitivity,” a term to be defined later. Finally, some recommendations for the course of future research and for needed tabula- tions of mortality data by cause of death are presented. It is hoped that these will facilitate further research and permit HSA’s to begin “market testing” of the indexes developed. ACHIEVABLE TARGET DEATH RATES Why Such a Standard? Why should the effort be made to arrive at a standard set of death rates such as those con- ceived here? Up to this point, it has been cus- tomary in this country to use death rates in the United States as a whole as the normative stand- ard for local area indexes.!! The objection to using national death rates as a standard is that statistical comparisons with them, either in the form of absolute differences or ratios, tend to give insufficient weight to those categories of deaths that the health care system can and should be attempting to reduce. For example, one reason that infant mortality rates in the United States are not as low as they could be is that mortality among black infants is currently (1976) about 75 percent higher than it is among white infants. Yet there is no intrinsic reason why that should be so. A community’s health problems should be measured in terms of how far its experience differs from what could be achieved, not in terms of how far it differs from a standard that itself reflects failures. Furthermore, the use of a set of death rates that represents the lowest ones achievable, given successful application of present knowledge, provides a standard that only needs to be modi- fied at intervals of a decade or more. Thus the resulting index yields more valid comparisons over time. The use of a standard classified by cause of death, as is proposed here, reflects a conviction that at least some degree of disaggregation is needed, according to the type of health prob- lem, in order to provide health status indicators that can do more than just satisfy the curiosity of the health planner. Does it really help to know that the all-causes standardized mortality ratio for Alabama HSA 01 is about 3 percent above what it would be if the national death rates by age, color, and sex were being experi- enced? The answer is probably, “Yes, but it does not help much.” To know how causes of death related, for example, to hypertension, to air pol- lution, to alcoholism, or to emergency health services in that same community compare with some achievable standard would appear to have far more immediate applicability. First Considerations Having defined what the standard set of death rates is intended to represent (see “Gen- eral Plan of the Research”), the following ques- tions needed to be answered: 1. In what demographic detail should the standard set of death rates be expressed? 2. Specifically, what cause-of-death cate- gories should be used? 3. Most critically, how should the mini- mum achievable levels be determined? The first question was easily answered. It has long been recognized that age at death is a criti- cal variable when mortality statistics are being used to compare the health status of communi- ties. Because of the very steep increase in death rates from all causes combined with advancing age, and owing to the heavy influence of age on death rates for almost all cause-of-death groups, it is almost essential that the experience in different age groups be examined separately, or that age be held constant in making compari- sons between areas or over time. The latter method is the basic element of most indexes of mortality that have been devised and used in the past! NCHS uses several standard age-at-death classifications, among which is an 11-group clas- sification starting with “under 1 year of age,” followed by “1-4 years,” and then eight 10-year groups including “75-84 years,” and finally “85 ° years and over.” This classification was adopted for the target achievable death rates. It was also decided that rates should be deter- mined separately for males and females but not for the color dichotomy, white people versus. all other people, so frequently used in categorizing vital statistics in the United States. The reason for omitting this dichotomy has perhaps already been made clear: It was believed there should be no different standard for minority groups. Of course, this does not mean that in calculating mortality indexes one would not examine the - situation in the minority populations whenever possible; in fact, such analysis often might help to pinpoint health problems in the specific community. The disaggregation by cause of death ob- viously introduces problems that are not en- countered when deaths from all causes are com- bined. One problem is that of small numbers of deaths in the time period and geographic area of ° concern. These small numbers result in unstable indexes arising from chance variation. This ques- tion will be examined in some detail in later sec- tions in which tests of the indexes are presented. A related problem is the organization of the cause-of-death categories into meaningful and useful groups without introducing too much dif- ficulty in the way of small numbers. The units of the groups are the 4-digit rubrics of the Inter- national Classification of Diseases, Adapted. In this report all the data used are in terms of the Eighth Revision International Classification of Diseases, Adapted (ICDA-8).16 Furthermore, the groups have purposely been kept consistent with one of the NCHS standard recodes. This is known as the “69-cause list.” (Adaptation to the Ninth Revision, the classification now in use, should not pose any particular difficulties.) However, the degree of detail in the 69-cause re- code is far too great for the purposes of this re- port. Some cause-of-death groups are each no more than 0.00001 of the total. It was arbi- trarily determined that for local areas the size of HSA’s, no cause-of-death group could be used that amounts (for all ages, both sexes, in the United States as a whole) to less than 1 percent of the total. In arriving at decisions about cause-of-death groups, direct relevance to potential health prob- lems in the community argues for greater detail, but the avoidance of overly small numbers of deaths and the need to keep from producing a bewildering array of statistics when all indexes for a community are compiled weigh the scale heavily toward lesser detail. The compromise reached in initial effort was 16 categories that add to all deaths. However, this particular com- promise was not entirely satisfactory, and in subsequent stages of the work somewhat more detail will be used. The specifics of the groups used are a matter of major importance in maximizing the useful- ness of mortality data as indicators of health sta- tus problems that normally concern a commun- ity. As has been pointed out elsewhere,13 there are some kinds of problems (e.g., mental disease and mental retardation, problems of undernutri- tion or overweight, problems of sensory impair- ments, and the disabilities resulting from arthri- tides) for which death statistics are so poor as to be nearly useless indicators. But an intelligent grouping of the causes of death, specifically de- signed to meet the needs of community health planning, can, nevertheless, greatly help to spec- ify the particular problems of the population of the area. The selection of cause-of-death categories to determine an acceptable set of rates was also strongly influenced in the initial stages by the past practices of NCHS in reporting vital statis- tics. It had been decided by this author that the calculations of indexes would be demonstrated using the 1969-71 death statistics for a sample of HSA’s defined geographically exactly as in the NCHS report ‘“‘Standardized Mortality Ratio and Years of Life Lost Index: State and Health Service Areas, 1969-71,” Statistical Notes for Health Planners, No. 3, Data Supplement.12 For practical reasons, the numbers of deaths by cause for the HSA’s were obtained by summariz- ing already available statistics for counties. These statistics had already been tabulated using the aforementioned 69-cause recode. Any com- bination of ICDA-8 codes inconsistent with that recode would have required retabulating a large data base to obtain material for the demonstra- tion. It might also have resulted in establishing standards for categories not ordinarily used by NCHS. An alternative basic data source for illustra- tive material that was considered and rejected was a data tape created at the Univeristy of Mis- souri by Professor Herbert I. Sauer? The tape contains numbers of deaths and death rates for selected causes of death by sex and age for each U.S. county for the 4-year period, 1968-72. The reason for not using this otherwise valuable data source was that the cause-of-death groups did not correspond to those being published each year by NCHS. It would also have been preferable to calcu- late the indexes for a more recent period of time but, as will be seen, local population data are needed, and the most recent point for which these were available in the detail required was bSee p- 7 of reference 13 for a description of the data tape. Professor Sauer can be addressed at the Uni- versity of Missouri, 111 Professional Bldg., 909 Univer- sity Ave., Columbia, Mo. 65201. the time of the 1970 census enumeration. These considerations and the need to adhere to the cri- terion that no category should include less than 1 percent of all deaths led to the following grouping: Cause-of-death group ICDA-8 codel® Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs AN PETTIONEUIN 1 ovusersiversannsanirisanmssirsing 150-159 Malignant neoplasms of respiratory BYSLCIN sv orisssssissssmssrrsenssssssssssorinnassnssssssss 160-163 Malignant neoplasms of breast....................... 174 Malignant neoplasms of genital organs....180-187 All other malignant neo- PASI .cvvrvirssasrnnrsenirson Remainder of 140-209 Diabetes mellitus ..cveisecssasssscsrrssrsssesrrrsessssers 250 Diseases of the heart.............. 390-398, 402, 404, 410-429 Hypertension and stroke ............... 400-401, 403, 430-438 Diseases of the arteries, arterioles, and CAPINALIES oo cviinrersrssmmssnserssnirissnesnsannnsorons 440-448 Acute bronchitis, influenza, and PREWNONIA crrossrsarmissssvers 466, 470-474, 480-486 Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma....... 490-493 Major digestive diseases, except cirrhosis of the liver.....531-533, 540-543, 550-553, 560, 574-575 Cirrhosis Of the IVEY, .ccruisisinmsbrimcssmns 571 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early INLANCY wo iramserrsinnrsnusnemernnns 740-759, 760-778 All other diseases............. Remainder of 000-799 Accidental injuries and other BEOMIB cot cnsnunenivacseesenennivbombattedannnine E800-E999 The most obvious shortcomings of this grouping are the lumping together of All trau- mas (E800-E999 in ICDA-8 classification) and the combining of Infective and parasitic diseases (000-136) with All other diseases. Each of the classifications Motor vehicle accidents (E810- E823), All other accidents (E800-E807, E825- E949), Suicide (E950-E959), and Homicide (E960-E978) constitutes more than 1 percent of all deaths, and they are health problems of such disparity that it is inappropriate to combine them in the standard. Infective and parasitic diseases, on the other hand, make up a trifle less than 1 percent of all deaths in the country as a whole. In problem areas, however, they might exceed that by a considerable amount, and they clearly represent a distinct kind of health prob- lem, one which requires different solutions. During the next stage of the research it would also be desirable to revise the grouping of cardiovascular diseases. The Ischemic heart dis- eases (410-413) should have a separate standard, and Hypertensive heart diseases (402, 404) might better be combined with Hypertension and stroke. Another change that would be an improvement would be to group Chronic ob- structive lung disease, now coded separately, with Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma (490- 493), because of the increasing use of the more generalized term on death certificates. This change will become possible with the beginning of use of the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9). There is no obstacle (other than the need for special tabula- tions) to such changes as these, but they should be considered in the light of the changes needed to convert the system to ICD-9. Two Methods That Proved Unsatisfactory Before describing the method finally used to estimate the achievable target death rates for the 11 age groups and 16 cause-of-death groups for males and females (352 values), it is essential to an understanding of the rationale for the choice of method to describe in some detail two meth- ods that were investigated and rejected. It was first supposed that expert judgments about achievable target death rates could be obtained as a byproduct of another study. This was the study of economic costs of diseases and illnesses conducted for the National Institutes of Health by the Georgetown University Public Services Laboratory.!7 As a part of that study, a forecast of U.S. death rates by age and sex for the major cause-of-death groups in the year 2000 was needed. Instead of relying entirely on projec- tions, as the Social Security Administration has done in the forecasts it uses,!8 the Public Serv- ices Laboratory called upon individual experts— statisticians, epidemiologists, and medical spe- cialists—to forecast the death rates by making “use of trend data through 1974. No less than five experts were used for each cause-of-death group. For Malignant neoplasms the panel in- cluded cancer epidemiologists and oncologists; for Cardiovascular diseases, epidemiologists who had worked in that field and cardiologists were included; and so forth. The figures actually used in the study were based upon arithmetic aver- ages of the forecasts for each cause-age-sex cell, with the most optimistic and most pessimistic extremes excluded. For some cause groups, such as Accidental injuries, no panels were involved; the Social Security Administration’s estimates for the year 2000 were substituted instead. Although this task was clearly not directly comparable to the one of making judgments about achievable target death rates, it seemed to involve many of the same thought processes and had the advantage of bringing to bear the exper- tise of a number of extremely knowledgeable people. Hence, the first effort made in the pres- ent research was to adapt the results of the Public Services Laboratory study to this new purpose. Very shortly it became evident that the rates of actual events were lower than the expert pre- dictions in a number of the disease groups. Par- ticularly in some major areas of the country, death rates in 1969-71 throughout the age range were consistently below those forecast for the year 2000. Furthermore, death rates for some causes, especially Hypertension and stroke, were falling very rapidly in the mid-1970’s. If the predicted rates were to be used as targets, the population of many HSA’s would have been found to have progressed beyond the targets even before they began to be applied. Hence this set of data was not used any further. An idea that conceptually came much closer to that of the achievable target death rate was being developed by the Working Group on Pre- ventable and Manageable Diseases in collabora- tion with NCHS. This group listed the diseases in which the occurrence of a single case of disease or disability or a single untimely death would justify asking, “Why did it happen?”’19:¢ In par- ticular, the list includes the ICDA-8 Revision, €The tables of reference 19 were revised as of 9/1/77. Reprints of the article with the revised tables can be obtained from Dr. Rutstein at the Countway Library, Harvard Medical School, 10 Shattuck St., Boston, Mass. 02115. code number, and title of all conditions, cases of which could have been prevented or managed “if everything had gone well.” The idea of using an event of this sort as a warning signal is not new, as the Working Group points out, and Rutstein has strongly advocated the use of such “sentinel events’ as the basis of a guidance system for national health care.20 The Working Group also foresees the use of the list as “a tool to measure the baseline state of health and of comparative health status measurements in health service area (HSA) populations.”21 Beginning efforts to build the counts of sen- tinel events into a quantitative index of health care quality are now being seen.22 That an index of health care quality can also serve as an index of health status, or vice versa, is made possible by the nature of this particular method of meas- uring quality, in which “quality” is defined as “the effect of care on the health of the individ- ual and the population.”!? Despite the apparent congruence of the ideas, the list of conditions from which deaths are deemed to be unnecessary was rejected as a basis for constructing achievable target death rates. The reasons for this were principally the three following: 1. Death from a particular disease condi- tion was labeled “unnecessary” by the Working Group if the condition was preventable or manageable. In some in- stances all cases of the disease were covered; in other instances only deaths occurring under a certain age or cases re- sulting from a particular risk factor were considered preventable or manageable. To determine from these latter qualifica- tions what proportion of all deaths ascribed to that disease could have been prevented requires a great deal of data that are not available. For example, if death from thyroid carcinoma is prevent- able when the carcinoma resulted from radiation exposure, what proportion of all deaths from this cause are unneces- sary? 2. Many numerically important causes of death were not listed at all. For ex- ample, nothing is said about Ischemic heart disease, nor about Malignant neo- plasms of the breast, nor about Automo- bile accident injuries. Although these may not be suitable sentinel events, one certainly cannot say that none of these deaths are unnecessary. The result of the omission of these major causes of death from the list is that the fraction of all deaths considered to be unnecessary is quite small. (Different workers have reached different conclusions about this proportion, depending upon what as- sumptions are made about those items qualified by risk factors. The estimates range from 3 percent, calculated as a part of this research, to 14 percent.23) 3. Although age is introduced as a qualify- ing factor for a number of disease condi- tions, it might well have been a consid- eration in many others had age been routinely considered as a variable. Deaths from the cerebrovascular diseases offer an appropriate example. Roughly 10 percent of all deaths were classified in this group of diseases in the United States in 1977, but nearly two-thirds of these occurred at age 75 years and over. Although only rarely could death from stroke at an age beyond 75 have been prevented “if everything had gone well,” the same cannot be said of the 6 percent of this important group that occurred at ages under 55 years. For a quantitative measure of unnecessary deaths to be- come credible and useful, age at death must be routinely introduced. Use of Geographic Variation In 1967, Guralnick and Jackson showed how geographic variation in mortality by cause of death could be used for establishing an index of unnecessary deaths.24 They pointed out that the idea had originated with Dr. William Farr, as did so many commonsense ideas. Beginning in 1839, Dr. Farr was superintendent of the Statistical Department of the Office of the Registrar General of England, and he made contributions to the use of mortality statistics for 40 years. He used mortality in the districts of England in which sanitary conditions were least unfavorable as a standard against which to measure the health of residents of other areas. =~ Guralnick and Jackson applied the same principle to compute “excess” deaths by cause of death and age in two illustrative States. They ranked the State cause-specific death rates in each age group from 1 to 75 years and averaged the lowest five rates. The resulting set of death rates by age and cause was used to estimate “‘ex- pected deaths” in the two test States. The dif- ference between observed and expected deaths was taken to be the measure of unnecessary deaths, and the proportion of all deaths that these constituted was the unnecessary death ‘index or UDI. The advantages of this method of establish- ing a standard are that it is completely reproduc- ible, it requires no individual judgments except | as to the details of the method, and it involves only one easily understood assumption: Mortal- ity achieved somewhere in a particular age group and cause-of-death group can also be achieved in other areas. THESE ly AEE] ; The assumption, although simple, is not necessarily true. The target death rates are intended to be achieved through the successful application of all present-day knowledge of pre- vention and treatment. On the one hand, sup- pose that the lowest death rate from diabetes among middle-aged males is found to be in area A. This is almost certainly not the lowest that could be achieved in area A by application of the best prevention and treatment. Thus the fig- ure may represent an overestimate of the target as it is conceived. On the other hand, there may be factors, such as the genetic composition of the popula- tion, that are partly responsible for the low rate in area A but which area B cannot possibly con- trol by any application of prevention or treat- ment. This has the result of providing a target that is too low in relation to the intended one.25 Nevertheless, the advantages cited, particu- larly that of being completely reproducible, are believed to outweigh the disadvantages. A stand- ard determined in this way can at least be used in experimentation and ‘‘market testing” of indexes. Methodology and Results The variability of mortality from one geo- graphic area to another was investigated using a tabulation of death rates by cause and age for white males and white females in the nine geo- graphic divisions of the United States in the period 1969-71. The geographic divisions are the standard ones used for tabulations by the U.S. Bureau of the Census and throughout the Fed- eral statistical system. Mortality of white per- sons, rather than total mortality, was taken as the basis for the standard because it is generally lower than total mortality and represents an achievable target for minority group mortality as well. The cause-of-death groups were those al- ready presented, except that the five subcate- gories of malignant neoplasms were not sepa- rately analyzed by geographic division. The target rates for all malignant neoplasms in each age-sex group were split into the site subcate- gories in the same proportions as they are in the United States as a whole. This was a temporary device adopted because suitable data for analyz- ing each site separately were unavailable. The first step in analyzing a cause-sex group was to rank the death rates in the white popula- tion for the 9 geographic divisions for each of the 11 age groups. The second step was to apply an arithmetic adjustment for trend between the period 1969-71 and 1976 to the lowest of the death rates. This adjustment was made only for Table A. Estimating achievable target death rates for males aged 1-85 years and over for bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma: United States, 1969-71 and 1976, and geographic divisions, 1969-71 85 A Under 1-4 5-14 | 15-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 4554 | 55-64 | 65-74 | 75-84 | years rea and year 1year| years| years| years | years | years | years | years | years | years and over United States: 1080-77 sicrsrsnissrrssssssrasnssssnsrnsine 3.9 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.5 24 12.7 60.3 | 172.6 | 278.7 282.0 N78 sos siimstsinisscrssrsnsistonaninansss 25 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.4 11 7.3 346 | 113.2 | 215.2 245.8 New England: 108971 crrcsrsrmnesnrssssssersrorsnnnnssss 3.9 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.6 2.2 10.7 52.0 | 160.6 | 266.8 302.2 Middle Atlantic: 1968-7 o..covvssenmsssnmrasisissnisssnnmssns 3.6 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.5 2.1 9.4 455 | 137.7 | 229.2 249.8 East North Central: ROBD-7 ceri v0 srrrssrrseitersisinnssinsnss 3.4 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.5 25 12.0 61.4 | 177.6 | 292.7 289.2 West North Central: 1989-71 ..covocicrsrrirsssarssssinssssinsanes 3.1 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.4 24 12.8 57.6 | 170.0 | 265.8 260.1 South Atlantic: VOBOTZY ..rcvivnissssinrresssiiinssrsisianss 3.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 2.6 15.7 724 | 1749 | 268.8 260.0 East South Central: VOODETY .oveaivessinsanisnssensssssnaimanmss 4.2 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.5 25 16.2 70.9 | 181.4 | 252.7 257.8 West South Central: NO69-77 i: eivsrseinsvivmssinenssrrssscesass 5.0 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2.2 14.2 58.8 | 175.4 | 295.7 281.4 Mountain: 1080-71 c..cvmnsivnmsivissmnnnisanssnsnsssss 3.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.8 2.8 19.7 97.5 | 267.7 | 401.7 338.7 Pacific: YOBG:ZY .ocivrensrssssnmnssnsrsnsivssismanin 4.8 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.5 2.6 121 60.8 | 191.56| 324.8 339.8 Preliminary achievable target death rates! United States: 1969-71 .ooceeeerrrrecreneraessssssennns 20) oa}. 01) 02] o3l 110] 53). 261] s03| 1770] 277 Smoothed values? United States: ABBY ......oo stiri rssimisserissimsiiansd 17] 0.1] 0.1] 0.1] 0.3 | 0.8 | 55 | 27.0 | 89.4 | 174.3 | 10btained by multiplying the lowest rate in 1969-71 by U.S. rate for 1976 and dividing by U.S. rate for 1969-71. For smoothed values read ratios from curve in figure 1 and multiply by U.S. rate for 1976. rates that had declined during this interval. If the rate had increased, no adjustment was made. The reasoning was that if the lower rate had been reached at the earlier period, it should be possible to reach it again. Thus, if the national death rate among white people for a particular age-sex-cause group had declined 10 percent in that period, the lowest rate among the geo- graphic divisions was assumed to have declined 10 percent also, but'if it had increased, the low- est geographic rate for 1969-71 was used with- out change. This resulted in a set of preliminary target rates for the 11 age groups in the cause- sex group. The third step was the introduction of a smoothing process to remove some of the effects of random variation in the adjusted lowest death rates. It was carried out by plotting the ratio of the preliminary target rate to the 1976 national death rate for each of the 11 age groups for each cause-sex category. The smoothing was per- formed on ratios of the preliminary target rates to the most current national death rates then available on the grounds that such ratios should have a more stable relationship to age at death than the achievable target death rates them- selves. It was hypothesized that, unless the data strongly indicated otherwise, the ratios should AGE 1.00 — a a 0.90 0 w = = E os80 2 5 o g é 070 = 2 < «© 0.60 x = = o & 0.50 2 = w - 2 GC 0.40 ¥ oO < > < z 0.30 = - w « a w o 0.20 o E < j . “0.10 op 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 ad 1-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 86 years Le years years years years years years years years years and over year Figure 1. Illustration of smoothing process for achievable target death rates: bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma 10 increase with age because for most causes of death the proportion preventable should decline with age. Through the 11 plotted points a smooth curve was run using a flexible ruler. The procedure followed was to allow no more than two inflection points in the curve. A rule like this is needed in fitting what is essentially a free- hand curve to prevent the curve from passing through, or close to, all data points. The ratios to two significant figures were read off the plot- ted curve, and the product of these and the cor- responding national rates were the final target rates. In performing these steps, the age group 85 years and over was omitted. This resulted from an arbitrary decision that no deaths at age 85 years or over would be considered preventable. Hence, the target achievable death rate for that Table B. Achievable target death rates by sex, cause of death, and age [Rates per 100,000 population] Sex, cause-of-death group, and ICDA-8 code’ Under 1-4 514 | 15-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 1year | years| years | years | years | years | years years years years Male All cause! 1,466 | 55.3| 32.2 | 1226 122.1 | 214.8 | 610.0 | 1,574.1 | 3,565.3 8,038.6 All malignant NEOPIASMS ......cccceerureeirneeisreenrieesssaessinsesseessanens 1.8 4.7 5.6 7.3 125 37.7 | 149.2 4171 876.0 1,481.1 Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and PEritONBUM ......ccceuerrerrerrssrisssnessssnssnnsns 150-159 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.4 6.8 31.8 94.5 217.3 392.1 Malignant neoplasms of respiratory system.. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.4 13.5 70.8 172.5 299.9 353.7 Malignant neoplasms of breast .............. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Malignant neoplasms of genital organs.. vo 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.2 1.0 23 17.2 92.6 273.3 All other malignant neoplasms....... Remainder of 140-209 1.5 4.4 5.2 5.8 8.5 16.4 44.3 132.9 266.2 462.0 Diab mellitus 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.3 3.0 6.6 19.3 48.3 13.3 Diseases of the heart 390-398, 402, 404, 410-429 8.7 0.9 0.5 21 8.1 61.6 | 258.5 705.2 | 1,579.0 3,687.9 Hypertension and stroke. <.rr....400-401, 403, 430-438 25 04 0.4 0.9 25 7.0 20.9 73.7 277.8 994.0 Diseases of the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries ... “A445 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.5 6.8 31.3 110.2 342.4 Acute bronchitis, influenza, and pneumonia............cccuus : 470-474, ties: 46.8 26 0.8 1.2 1.8 4.2 9.8 26.3 81.1 356.9 Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma ..........cccceeurnnnnas 490-493 1.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.8 5.5 27.0 89.4 174.3 Major digestive diseases, except cirrhosis of the IVEY icresersserssires 531-533, 540-543, 550-553, 560, 574-575 12.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.6 4.3 11.5 31.7 773 Cirrhosis Of the HIVEF ...umunusnnnimmmsinmsmnmssnsinins 571 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.7 10.0 25.1 38.6 40.0 20.8 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy 948.8 13 1.7 1.3 12 1.0 1.5 21 20 21 All other diseases. 1909 | 144 5.0 10.4 12.9 23.8 58.8 142.9 321.7 674.6 Accidental injuries and other trauma ............cceeuuee E800-E999 323 | 241 123 98.6 78.9 62.6 63.0 79.1 108.1 206.5 Female All 959.7 | 42.4) 19.1 41.0 65.0 | 122.3 | 327.8 782.7 | 1,786.8 5117.3 All malignant NEOPIASMS ..........ccvvveerrisivirsnsssnseerssnsssnsssnssssnens 21 4.2 3.7 4.7 12.7 456 | 142.3 302.4 490.3 814.6 Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and peritoneum 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.1 5.9 20.2 568.1 133.6 281.1 Malignant neopla: atory system.. 160-163 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 6.0 23.7 45.6 53.0 62.0 Malignant neoplasms of breast...........ccovvereverssenneninnnn 174 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 3.1 11.2 329 56.1 76.9 103.8 Malignant neoplasms of genital organs.. 180-187 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 1.6 6.2 17.4 35.3 55.8 80.7 All other malignant neoplasms....... Remainder of 140-209 1.8 4.0 3.5 34 6.2 16.3 48.0 107.3 171.0 287.1 Diab mellitus 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0 21 5.8 17.3 46.3 118.6 Diseases of the heart................... 390-398, 402, 404, 410-429 6.0 0.7 0.5 1.1 3.0 14.7 62.1 222.9 683.9 2,273.1 Hypertension and stroke.... 400-401, 403, 430-438 1.9 0.3 0.3 0.7 2.6 8.2 21.3 57.6 203.6 889.7 Diseases of the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries ...... 440-448 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.0 34 11.1 42.7 2121 Acute bronchitis, influenza, and pneumonia..........c..cceunus 466 470-474, 480-486 39.2 2.3 0.8 1.0 1.4 27 6.2 129 37.4 194.9 Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma...........ccecuernnenns 490-493 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 1.0 3.6 10.5 20.5 33.2 Major digestive diseases, except cirrhosis of the : VBE srcemnercivsnised 531-533, 540-543, 550-553, 560, 574-575 9.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.9 25 6.5 16.8 54.0 CILTNOSIS OF TE HIVBE 10 iracsscrssmssrsensmrirssmmrssmsissrimisrsomad 571 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 45 11.8 16.9 15.7 13.1 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy 470-759, 760-778 744.7 8.0 1.7 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.8 All other diseases Remainder of 000-799 126.6 9.8 3.9 6.9 11.4 19.9 41.4 91.4 181.6 397.0 Accidental injuries and other trauma...........cccoueu. E800-E999 28.1 16.7 7.9 25.1 20.4 20.7 26.0 31.6 46.4 115.2 1From the National Center for Health Statistics: Eighth Revision International Classification of Diseases, Adapted for Use in the United States. PHS Pub. No. 1693. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. 11 age group is whatever death rate is actually experienced. Table A shows a typical worksheet for the computations, and figure 1 shows the corresponding curve for smoothing. In table’ B the final achievable target death rates are dis- played, and in table C these are shown again in the form of ratios to the U.S. national death rates in 1976. In table C the denominators are Table C. Ratio of achievable target death rates to U.S. death rates in 1976, by sex, cause of death, and age Sex, cause of death group, Under 1-4 5-14 | 15-24 | 25-34 | 3544 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 6574 | 75-84 and ICDA-8 code! 1year | years| years | years years years years years years years Male AY CAUSES i..o..rrosssssssrsstsrossssinprrsssns 0.71 0.71 0.76 0.73 0.64 0.65 0.73 0.79 0.82 0.85 All malignant neoplasms ................. 140-209 053 | 0.84| 0.97 0.91 0.89 0.81 0.79 0.80 0.83 0.83 Diabetes mellitus.............. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.65 0.65 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.76 Diseases of the heart 404, 410-429 0.33 | 0.43 0.56 0.62 0.68 0.77 0.81 0.84 0.85 0.87 Hypertension and stroke........ 400-401, 403, 430-438 054 | 0.50| 0.67 0.64 0.68 0.58 0.59 0.71 0.80 0.88 Diseases of the arteries, arterioles, and CADINARIBS .iveesrsecniirinisernsrssssassnansnnd 440-448 0.38 0.0 1.00 0.50 0.56 0.65 0.77 0.86 0.92 0.96 Acute bronchitis, influenza, and pneumonia............ 466, 470-474, 480-486 063| 0.58| 0.80 0.71 0.62 0.62 0.65 0.71 0.79 0.88 Bronchitis, emphysema, and SEIN sr vsinicsenirarssnnrmonsasenisnsssinecrd 490-493 | 0.61 0.20| 0.50 0.33 0.60 0.62 0.73 0.79 0.83 0.86 Major digestive diseases, except cirrhosis of the liver .........ccceuuuee. 531-533, 540-543, 550-553, 560, 574-575 064 | 0.60| 0.67 0.67 0.57 0.70 0.77 0.84 0.86 0.90 Cirrhosis of the liver.........ccccecvceeeniiinnnns 571 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.33 0.34 0.44 0.52 0.57 0.62 0.67 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy ........cceeeune 740-759, 760-778 0.79 | 0.88| 0.89 0.81 0.80 0.71 0.79 0.81 0.77 0.68 All other diseases ..... Remainder of 000-799 0.51 0.79 0.81 0.70 0.58 0.56 0.66 0.72 0.72 0.69 Accidental injuries and other APOUINIA srvsasinermsasnnsensasssinnnrsancs E800-E999 059 | 0.65| 0.69 0.73 0.63 0.57 0.59 0.68 0.80 0.88 Female AN CBUTES so iraiursnisrnnssiinsssin sid 068| 0.69] 0.72 0.70 0.67 0.68 0.73 0.78 0.81 0.85 All malignant neoplasms ................. 140-209 068| 0.84] 0.90 0.92 0.85 0.81 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.88 Diabetes IMBHIItUS...ccrisssssrinsssssssiessssionssss 250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.63 0.64 0.60 0.61 0.65 0.73 Diseases of the heart. .............. 390-398, 402, 404, 410-429 0.30| 0.44| 0.50 0.55 0.59 0.64 0.69 0.76 0.80 0.83 Hypertension and stroke........ 400-401, 403, 430-438 044 | 043| 0.60 0.64 0.74 0.58 0.69 0.75 0.83 0.90 Diseases of the arteries, arterioles, and COPINAIIOS viouarririssssrvissmsasnnnissssineind 440-448 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.60 0.63 0.74 0.82 0.87 0.94 Acute bronchitis, influenza, and pneumonia............ 466, 470-474, 480-486 064| 0.56| 0.80 0.83 0.64 0.63 0.70 0.74 0.80 0.88 Bronchitis, emphysema, and ASIN orvvissnssvansssssisinsissesvansssrnnines 490-493 0.61 0.25| 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.71 0.77 0.80 0.83 0.85 Major digestive diseases, except cirrhosis Of the lIVer ......ceccenrnrain 531-533, 540-543, 550-5563, 560, 574-575 0.68| 0.50 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.75 0.71 0.83 0.85 0.91 Cirrhosis of the HVer........cccirsiescesrsssessss 571 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.29 0.40 0.52 0.57 0.61 0.65 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy .........ce...... 740-759, 760-778 0.76 | 0.84 0.81 0.83 0.75 0.77 0.82 0.80| 0.70 0.67 All other diseases ..... Remainder of 000-799 0.44 0.74 0.78 0.71 0.67 0.65 0.74 0.80 0.80 0.78 Accidental injuries and other RERUN i a iaesinionssnssistanasat E800-E999 0.61 064| 0.65 0.68 0.62 0.60 0.66 0.74 0.86 0.96 l1From the National Center for Health Statistics: Eighth Revision International Classification of Diseases, Adapted for Use in the United States. PHS Pub. No. 1693. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. 12 the rates for the total population, not the white population alone, because the purpose is to show what proportion of the total mortality is considered nonpreventable if one accepts these achievable target death rates as standards. By and large, the ratios increase with age, as one might expect, since the preventability of a death from most causes drops as one grows older. However, using geographic variability as a gauge of preventability produces some odd and unanticipated results in terms of age. It can be seen in table C, for example, that for all causes of death the lowest ratios for males (and hence, the highest proportion of deaths presumed pre- ventable) occur not in childhood but at the young adult ages. The geographic variability of trauma death rates, which predominate at these ages among the males, may account for this result. There is also the curious result that the low- est ratios from ages 25 to 85 are seen for cirrho- sis of the liver (table C). This rubric, included specifically as an indicator of alcoholism preva- lence, showed great geographic variability. While some of this may be a genuine sign that the disease can be prevented, it may also reflect a varying failure in different regions to include mention of this disease on the death certificate. The completeness of reporting cirrhosis of the liver as the underlying cause of death should be studied. If it is still as poorly reported as it was in Westchester County, New York, in 1934,26 steps should be taken to remedy the situation. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF THE INDEX Desiderata In using mortality statistics to reflect the health of a jurisdiction, such as a health service area (HSA), it is a practical necessity to have some form of summary index. As pointed out earlier, the display of death rates by age, sex, and cause of death for the jurisdiction’s popula- tion and comparison of this set with a set of achievable target death rates is too complex for ready comprehension. Furthermore, a summari- zation is needed in order to reduce effects of random variation. There is an infinite variety of ways in which such a set of data can be summarized, but the one selected for use must have the following three properties, which limit the choices very substantially: 1. It must be sufficiently easy to compute so that the potential user will not be dis- couraged by the time and expense of computing it. 2. It must be readily comprehended and must make sense in the context of its use. 3. It must be as ‘“‘sensitive” as possible, consistent with the other properties. In this report, “sensitivity” is the degree to which the true, underlying variability in the phenomenon being measured shows up through the “noise” of random variation. The mortality in a particular population during a specified in- terval of time is a finite sample of deaths pro- duced at that time and place by the underlying forces of mortality characteristic of that popula- tion at that time. Every community differs from every other in this characteristic set of underly- ing mortality forces, and within a community every time period differs from every other one. Of course, the extent of the differences from place to place or time to time may be large or very small. The only way of measuring these dif- ferences is to classify and count the particular deaths that express the force of mortality. These deaths are enumerated and classified as com- pletely and accurately as possible, but the partic- ular deaths, though counted completely, can be treated as a random sample because of the very large number of influences determining which persons actually died. It is a sample generated by a set of underlying death rates that represent the mortality “universe” for that time and place. Note that the concept of sensitivity as the relationship between underlying variability and random variation has nothing to do with the de- gree to which mortality successfully measures what is thought of as the health of the commu- nity. The relevance of mortality to that purpose is assumed, but with certain recognized limita- tions. It is assumed that some of the deaths from certain causes at certain ages were preventable 13 and, therefore, that estimates of these numbers constitute a measure of correctable failures in the health care system. Forms of Index Examined and Their Sampling Variability Four different forms of summary index were examined and examples were calculated. Each index‘ was intended to summarize the mortality of a local population over the whole of the age range for males or females for a cause-of-death group. Thus mortality for the population resid- ing in the area (in this case, an HSA) during a particular period of time (in the examples used, 1969-71) was to be expressed in the form of 24 numbers (12 cause-of-death groups for males and 12 for females) plus “all causes” for males and females. The notation used in setting down the forms of index is as follows:4 A = Subscript for 3-way age classification: under 35 years, 35-64 years, and 65 years and over (coded I, II, III). a = Subscript for 11l-way age classifica- tion: under 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, ..., 75-84 years, and 85 years and over (coded 1, 2, 3,..., 10,11). d4 = Number of deaths in the local area (HSA) in the 3-year period 1969-71 in age group 4. d, = Number of deaths in the local area (HSA) in the 3-year period 1969-71 in age group a. pa = Population of the local area (HSA) in 1970 in age group 4. Population of the local area (3) in 1970 in age group a. I Pa Py ='1970 U.S. population in age group 4, P, = 1970 U.S. population in age group a. dto simplify the notation, subscripts are omitted for the HSA, the sex, and, on the right side of the equa- tion, for the cause-of-death group as well. Hence, in the algebraic expression for the index R;, population data are assumed to be for a given sex, and death rates or numbers of deaths are assumed to be for the same sex and for the cause-of-death group i. 14 m4 = Death rate per 100,000 population in the local area (HSA) on an annual basis in age group 4 in 1969-71. m, = Death rate per 100,000 population in the local area (HSA) on an annual basis in age group a in 1969-71. M, = Achievable target death rate per 100,000 population in age group 4. M, = Achievable target death rate per 100,000 population in age group a. The first form of index examined, called R;, is defined as: A P R; = 2 (1-14) >, in which My, My (105), Tr I me tn 4 my dy/3 dy = 3(1073)M ps l-ry sm ————— dy The values of M, are derived from the values of M, very simply: Mp, + Mypy + Mgps + Mypy + Mypy My = b 1 : Mgpg + Map, + Mgpg. MS Loren : - Mgpg + Mypyo +My 1p1 My = b TH III but My1p41 =dyy because the achievable target death rate at 85 years and over is considered to be identical to the actual death rate in that local area. Note that M4 is almost always less than m4, so the ratio 74 is almost always less than 1 and, of course, is positive. Hence 1-74 is almost always positive and less than 1. R can never exceed 1 but may optimally or by chance be negative. A condition that always must be met is dy #0. If dg should happen to be zero, as oc- curred in age group I for some causes of death in some of the HSA’s used as examples, the age group must be collapsed with a neighboring one and the index computed as a special case. For additional brevity, write: Py Wy = ——— 3.2 Hence A R;= Yuw,(l-74) and (8/105 )M4p4 ry = — dy Under certain reasonable assumptions the variance of this weighted sum can be approxi- mated as: var(R;) = x4 wj var(1- ra)} 5 w? (3/10%)2M% p% var(1/d,)}- The variable d4 is generated by a process that is essentially Poissonian. Hence the vari- © ©Actually, the conditions for a Pojssongan variability . .are only closely met in’ the: generation of dy values, that . is, deaths in thé age group under 35 years of age. The variance of the index R; is. dominated, however, by ‘the variance in the youngest age group in all the forms of R; investigated here. For a single cause-of-death group and sex, the number of deaths under 35 years of age in a 3-year period in a typical HSA is often quite small. For example, in one California area, with a population in 1970 of about 1 million, the value of dj for males is less than 100 in 9 of the 12 cause groups. In 7 of the groups it is less than 50. For a discussion of the Poissonian process see Sec- tion 3.2 in Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics. ance of d4 can be taken to be d4 . The variance of 1/d4, however, is somewhat more complex. As dy increases, var(l/d)—> 1/d3 . But for values of d, less than about 200 deaths, a better approximation is needed. Table 1 (generously calculated for the purposes of this report by Dr. Benjamin I Tepping) shows the results of a Taylor’s series expansion, providing approximations of E(1/d4) and var(1/d4 ) for values of E(d4 ) from 2 to 200. At E(d4) = 200, the value from the table is: 1.2885 X 10-7 as compared with: 1.25 X 1077 obtained from 1/2003. The form of R; has certain desirable fea- tures, and it was the form initially favored for use with the achievable target death rates. The statistic 74 is the ratio of the deaths that would be expected from a particular cause in age group A in the HSA if the community was to experi- ence the achievable target death rate to the actual number of deaths experienced. It is, thus, the proportion that might be considered nonpre- ventable. Hence 1 - r4 is the proportion of the actual deaths that were preventable, and R; is a weighted average of these ratios giving weight to each age group in proportion to the fraction of the male or female population in that age group in the entire United States. As pointed out in an earlier investigation of nna indexes,?® the disadvantages of using - “standard population” to weight the age.. i are: much less serious if the quantities being weighted. do not tend to vary greatly . from age group to age group, as the age- specific death rates do. The index R; is readily understood and makes sense. It is also easily computed, but be- cause of the condition that zeros must not occur in the denominators of the terms, it is necessary to collapse the number of the age groups from the standard 11 to 3. As will be seen later, however, R; is heavily penalized by low sensitivity. 15 In the second form of index, called R;, the statistic 74 is inverted and called 7 . In other words, ped dy ry =—= 4 (3/10%)M4p4 and 4 bo ’ Ri=Y wary . In this form, zero values of d4 give no trouble. As noted in table B, certain values of M, are zero because the deaths from that cause in that age group are considered wholly prevent- able. However, for the three-group age classifica- tion, no zero values of M4 are encountered. Most of the ry values are greater than unity and, of course, all are positive. Hence a value of R} <1 is optimal or a chance event. Using the same reasonable assumptions as for R; and again postulating the Poissonian be- havior of d 4, we have the following approximate expression for the variance of Rj: A w? phe | GNP Here, the ratios of which a weighted sum forms R} are a measure of the relative excess of the actual deaths over the nonpreventable deaths. This is somewhat analogous to the “weighted average of relatives’ used in price indexes, the weights being the average propor- tions of the population experiencing the excess instead of the amounts of that commodity pur- chased. Also, the form of R} seems simple to understand and is very little trouble to compute. Its sensitivity will be considered in the follow- ing section. Both R; and R; have the characteristic that the influence an age group’s mortality experi- ence has on the index is roughly proportional to the numbers of persons living in that age group (in the United States, not in the HSA). Conceptually, that seems to be a distinct ad- vantage over other mortality indexes now in common use. In the standardized mortality 16 ratio (SMR) and the comparative mortality fig- ure (CMF)!1 the age group’s mortality experi- ence has an influence approximately propor- tional to the number of deaths occurring at those ages, thus tending to emphasize the older ages—ages at which deaths tend to be much less preventable. This is an important reason for the alleged lack of sensitivity of mortality measures. It is difficult to bring about improvement of the index by any means within the power of the community to apply. On the other hand, the ability of the pre- ventable mortality of a local population to show through the “noise” of random variability may not be as great in these weighted sums of ratios. This is the central problem that must be ad- dressed in the construction of a maximally use- ful index. The third form of index investigated, called R}',is not a weighted sum of ratios but a single ratio in which preventable deaths are summed over all age groups and divided by the sum of actual deaths in the local population for all ages combined. It is expressed as A 2 da - (3/10°)Mapa} = = _— 2.d4 A (8/10°) M4 pa A 2 da For this index the approximate variance is 4 2 (3/10°)2 (Mapa) A 3 PATE (£da) Although the achievable target death rates are relatively closer to actual death rates at the older ages, n : var(R{')= dy - (3/10%)M 4p, is considerably larger, per year of age, in the older age groups (except that by definition it is zero at ages 85 years and over) than it is at ages under 35 years. Hence, this index suffers from the same disadvantage as the SMR and the CMF. It also has one of the basic disadvantages that is found in the crude death rate: It is not inde- pendent of the age distribution of the local area population. HSA’s with larger proportions of older people would therefore tend to have higher values of R}' for that reason alone. Hence R}' was soon dropped from further considera- tion as a summary index of mortality. The final version examined was a variant of the ratio R;’, which, though not independent of the age distribution, gives such heavy weight to the younger ages in comparison to the older ages that only an HSA with a very exceptional age distribution would, by this fact alone, show up with an advantage or disadvantage. This index, called R;" here, is based on the same principle as the years of life lost index of mortality that has been described by a number of authors. 29-31 It has been used for comparing the seriousness of causes of death®! and, for all causes com- bined, as a measure of the health of counties.30 There have been a number of variations in the way this years of life lost index has been com- puted, but it appears that the simplest way gives results that differ in no significant respect from results attained by using more sophisticated methods. The number of deaths in a given age group is multiplied by the difference between the midpoint of that age group and a fixed age that is chosen to represent the end of “produc- tive” life (meaning, it appears, the point at which most individuals cease to contribute to the economy). This product is summed over all age groups for the population whose health is to be measured, and the result is divided by a cor- responding figure that is calculated using deaths that would be expected if the death rates had been those of the Nation, or some other stand- ard. The choice of the upper age has differed among different authors. In this report it is taken as 75 years. For deaths under 1 year of age, therefore, the number of deaths is multiplied by 74.5 to approximate the years of productive life lost by persons dying at that age. In each succeeding age group of the 11 standard groups the multiplier is smaller, until, in the age group 75-84 years, it vanishes. Hence, only deaths at under 75 years of age contribute to the index. Used with the achievable target death rates as the standard, the equation is a dala Blew 22(3/10°Mypals) in which 2 = (75 - midpoint of age group a) The variance is approximated by the follow- ing expression: 1 var(R}") = grit ; dl)? . Eno mp = : The structure of this index gives a death in the age group under 1 year nearly 15 times the weight that a death in the age group 65-74 years receives. For most causes of death the number of deaths in the latter group outnumber those in infancy by equally large or much larger factors. Consequently, the effects of differences in population distribution tend to be diminished by the weighting system, but the effects of chance variation are increased. The assumption of Poissonian variation in the number of deaths is that the variance increases directly as the num- ber of deaths increases, but the weights attached to the age groups are squared to obtain the vari- ance of the sum. Since the standard mortality ratio (SMR) index will be used for comparison with the indexes presented in this section, its estimating equation and variance using the same notation and assumptions are shown here. >d, SMR; = ———5——— R 3/10% 22 (Mapa) 3d, VA(SMR,) = free engi + pi {310° Ep}? 17 The customary standard death rates in the SMR are the national death rates. Hence in these equations M, refers to the 1969-71 U.S. death rate for cause 7 in age group a, instead of to the corresponding achievable target death rate. COMPUTING AND TESTING THE INDEXES For convenient reference in the discussion that follows, the various forms of index exam- ined can be described as follows: R; = Weighted average of proportions of actual deaths in each age group con- sidered preventable, using U.S. pop- ulations as weights. R; = Weighted average of ratios of actual deaths in each age group to “ex- pected” deaths, that is, deaths con- sidered nonpreventable, using U.S. populations as weights. R}' = Ratio of sum over all ages of deaths considered preventable in each age group to total actual deaths. R}"' = Ratio of actual years of life lost to expected years of life lost if only nonpreventable deaths occurred in each age group. SMR; = Standardized mortality ratio, that is, ratio of actual deaths at all ages to expected deaths at all ages if U.S. death rates were experienced in each age group. In each instance, of course, the index is for cause-of-death 7 and for one or the other of the sex groups. Health Service Areas Selected for Testing and Computation Methods In order to illustrate and test the various forms of index, a group of 19 HSA’s was 18 selected. This sample was chosen with certain objectives in mind. First and foremost was hold- ing down the expense of aggregating county mortality data for the 3-year period, 1969-71, by cause of death, age, and sex into HSA totals. To accomplish this, a sample of 10 States was chosen to provide geographic variability. HSA’s within the States were selected to illustrate highly urban populations and areas with higher proportions of rural and farm populations. Two other considerations were that not too many counties make up the HSA in order to save labor (the numbers of counties ranged from 1 to 14 and totaled 117), and that the HSA not contain too small a population (the 1970 populations ranged from about a half million to 7 million). Table D presents the HSA designation, location, and several demographic characteristics of the 19 HSAs. The mortality counts for 1969-71 by county for the 10 selected States, classified in the Na- tional Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) stand- ard 69-cause recode, and by age, sex, and color were supplied through the NCHS Office of Sta- tistical Research. These counts were keyed and summarized into the HSA totals and the broader cause groups that were used for the achievable target death rates. The keying was carried out by Data Enterprises, Inc., and the programming and computer time were donated by Westat, Inc., both firms in Rockville, Maryland. All index computations were carried out by the author using a handheld programmable calculator; the programs, repeatedly used weights, populations, and death rates were stored on magnetic strips between calculating sessions. Numerical checks on the data entry were built into the programs, but the computations are certainly not com- pletely error free. For males, R;, R;, and R;"" were computed. Tables 2-5 show the 1969-71 results for each of the 12 cause-of-death groups, and for all causes combined, in the 19 HSA’s. Some indexes for males in the United States as a whole are in- cluded for comparison (tables 2-4). For females, only R;"" was computed. Examinations of sensi- tivity were performed on the indexes for males only. 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One is the median and range of the coef- ficient of variation (CV), which are simply the median and range of the ratio of the estimated standard error of the index to the index. The other is a contrived measure consisting of the ratio of the “modified range” among the 19 HSA'’s to the mean of the the 19 standard errors. Modified range means the difference between the arithmetic averages of the three highest values and the three lowest values of the index. This latter statistic was chosen over alternatives requiring squared differences from the mean of the HSA’s because it involves no assumptions about the form of the universe of HSA’s from which this nonprobability sample of 19 was drawn, and also because it gives less emphasis to extreme values.f The modified range is a meas- ure of the variability as exhibited by these par- ticular local areas, and the mean of the standard errors is intended here as simply a typical esti- mated standard error. These parameters were calculated for the en- tire set of HSA’s and for 9 of the 12 cause-of- death groups as well as for all causes. The indexes compared were R;, R;, R}", and SMR; (the standard mortality ratio for cause-of-death group 7). Table E shows the range and certain rank orders, including the 19-area median, of the coefficient of variation for R;, R;, and R;". At this point in the analysis, R; was dropped from further consideration. There were three reasons for this elimination. First, the zero order correlation coefficients between R; and R} were consistently high, suggesting that these two indexes were measuring the same features of each HSA’s mortality. Note the correlation coef- fA more direct measure of underlying geographic variability, which does require the squaring of differ- ences from the mean, is provided by the geographic com- ponent of variance. This is the method used b Kleinman et al. in analyzing infant mortality rates. For comparison, the square root of the geographic com- ponent of variance was also computed for the 9 causes of death in the 19 HSA’s. The zero-order correlation between this and the modified range was extremely high. 20 ficients for the following cause groups for males in the 19 areas: All malignant neoplasms 92 Diseases of the heart 98 Hypertension and stroke 92 Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma .82 Cirrhosis of the liver .80 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy 94 Accidental injuries and other trauma 84 All causes 97 Second, a comparison of the coefficients of variation of R; and R; for 9 cause groups in the 19 areas showed that in a majority of the paired comparisons the former exceeded the latter (and sometimes by substantial amounts). The follow- ing are the results: CV(R;)> CV(R;)< Cause-of-death group ~~ CV(R;) CV(R]) All malignant neoplasms 19 0 Diabetes mellitus 12 7 Diseases of the heart 15 4 Hypertension and stroke 14 5 Acute bronchitis, influ- enza, and pneumonia 5 14 Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma 8 11 Cirrhosis of the liver 10 9 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy 18 1 Accidental injuries and other trauma 15 4 Total 116 55 Furthermore, the median value of CV(R;) was greater than the median of CV(R;) for all the nine cause groups except the two respiratory disease groups, and the range was greater in every group. (See table E.) A third reason for eliminating R; from the comparisons was that, despite consolidation from 11 age groups to 3 and the use of mortality Table E. Selected rank orders and range of coefficients of variation (CV) for three forms of mortality index (R;, R;, and R; reer ) for males, by cause-of-death group: 19 health service areas, 1969-71 Cause-of-death group and coefficient of variation 5th 10th 15th rank rank rank Range All malignant neoplasms: CV(R))...... 0.148| 0.201 | 0.290 0.364 EVA csusamcomsmsioumuirnsssissasimmssans CV(R;") Diseases of the heart: CV(R;) CV(R;)... Nr Hypertension and stroke: OVARY crosses onion a ————, 0.049| 0.066 | 0.082 0.072 0.021| 0.031 | 0.038 0.037 0.192| 0.310 0.721 1.7 0.177| 0.268 | 0.311 0.362 0.072] 0.113 | 0.124 0.163 0.069| 0.229 | 0.345 1.28 0.070| 0.105| 0.126 0.119 0.015] 0.021 | 0.025 0.025 0.101| 0.220 | 0.368 1.62 0.102] 0.150] 0.186 0.177 0.038| 0.053 | 0.069 0.077 0.027| 0.045| 0.089 0.237 0.064| 0.081 | 0.106 0.116 0.059| 0.077 | 0.104 0.107 0.107| 0.191 | 0.722 18.13 0.202| 0.295| 0.363 0.384 0.068| 0.080 | 0.107 0.125 Cirrhosis of the liver: CV(R;) CV(R;) cv( R;") Accidental injuries and other trauma: OVARY orrevmmssiin reat CVI(R;) 0.038| 0.236 | 0.750 8.57 0.130] 0.196 | 0.317 0.295 0.044| 0.060 | 0.089 0.099 0.109] 0.291 | 0.494 2.12 0.075] 0.103 | 0.137 0.119 0.033| 0.047 | 0.057 0.059 wsksEsReIR Rs SRse RRs Rs Te ane nn sR RES 0.021| 0.037 | 0.079 1.63 0.019| 0.022 | 0.032 0.036 CVIR;") 0.022 0.025 0.036 0.041 statistics for a period of 3 years combined, there were instances when the actual number of deaths for a cause group in the age group ‘“‘under 35 years” was zero. This happened in only one of the 19 areas for 2 of the cause-of-death groups, but since d4 appears in the denominator of R;, the zero values had to be ruled out. This was done in those two instances by computing the ratio for all ages combined, omitting the standard population weighting. However, in a number of other age-cause cells there was only a single death in the 3-year period, which led to extreme values of the estimated variance of both By this process of elimination there is left only the comparison of the sensitivity among R;, R}", and SMR;, using the second measure of sensitivity described earlier, the ratio of the modified range to the mean standard error. This comparison is presented in table F. By and large the modified range of both R; and R;" is larger than that of the SMR; for the same cause group. For seven of the nine cause- of-death groups, not counting all causes com- bined, the modified range of R; is the largest and the spread of the SMR; index is the smallest. However, the mean standard error is consistently lowest for the SMR; and, almost without excep- tion, is lower for R;" than it is for R;. Hence, if the ratio of the former quantity to the latter is taken as the indicator of the extent to which the information contained in the index shows 21 Table F. Highest and lowest value, modified range (MR), mean standard error (5j) and ratio for three forms of mortality index (R;, R;", "er and SMR;) for males, by cause-of-death group: 19 health service areas, 1969-71 . Acute bets Congenital | ni Highest and lowest . Hyper- ex Bronchitis, ¥ + Accidental value, modified range All 2 Diabetes Disegsss tension omnis; emphysema, Ci titia aon es injuries (MRY. mean standard || ‘causes || ™® nen mellitus 9 the and in shee, and ; the an } igeesas and other error (s;) neoplasms ears stroke an 3 asthma iver 0 arly trauma pneumonia infancy Highest value: 2.128 1.474 3.526 2.305 3.442 3.936 6.929 6.095 2131 2.725 2.017 1.570 3.241 1.867 3.061 3.844 3.621 4.785 2.212 2.878 1.199 1.251 1.783 1.202 1.169 1.112 1.687 2.262 1.234 1.447 1.143 1.181 1.218 1.172 1.428 1.554 0.434 1.1256 1.108 1.048 1.117 1.044 1.128 1.077 1.320 1.570 0.930 1.122 1.292 1.018 0.783 0.870 0.668 0.792 0.705 0.619 0.686 0.571 0.725 0.625 0.710 0.254 1.845 0.919 1.179 2.012 4.656 3.927 0.776 1.432 0.669 0.411 1.605 0.560 0.966 1.818 2.113 2.644 0.732 1.510 0.280 0.328 0.955 0.348 0.333 0.386 0.650 1.1286 0.415 0.753 0.022 0.087 0.516 0.148 0.268 0.219 0.728 0.515 0.159 0.042 0.020 0.035 0.188 0.027 0.092 0.202 0.180 0.138 0.076 0.046 0.008 0.019 0.066 0.012 0.025 0.041 0.052 0.058 0.043 0.023 32.3 2.9 3.6 6.2 4.4 9.2 6.4 7.6 49 34.1 33.5 11.7 8.5 20.7 10.5 9.0 11.7 19.2 9.6 32.8 35.0 17.3 14.5 29.0 13.3 9.4 125 19.4 9.7 32.7 through the noise of random variation, the standardized mortality ratio form of mortality index is, for most cause groups, the most sensi- tive of the three forms compared, though the indicator is only slightly better for five of the nine independent groups and slightly poorer for a sixth group. For all causes combined, the modified range of the SMR; values in the 19 HSA’s is 35 times the typical standard error; for the index based on years of life lost it is 33% times the typical standard error. Conclusions From these results the following conclusions can be digwm : Tides in a ferns of Petite] a of ratios for individual age groups have inherent advantages, namely, the weight- ing of excess mortality according to the approximate proportions of the popula- tion experiencing the excess, the expres- sion of excesses in a form that is inde- pendent of the numbers of deaths at the ages at which they occur, and an appar- 22 ent greater range of magnitude in the values from one HSA to another as com- pared with other commonly used in- dexes. However, the random variation of the weighted averages of ratios, at least those forms included in this experiment, is sufficiently higher than that of the other forms that the underlying area-to- area differences in mortality by cause of death in a 3-year period may be obscured. As an alternative for use with an index in which achievable target death rates by cause of death, age, and sex are used as the standard, the years of life lost form - has nearly as high a sensitivity as the . older single-ratio form of‘index in which’ the total ‘of actual deaths is divided by the computed expected number; assum- ing the standard mortality is experi- enced. The years of life lost form has the conceptual advantage that mortality at the younger ages, considered much more amenable to correction efforts, is weighted a great deal more than is mor- tality at advanced ages. FUTURE RESEARCH Improvement of the Achievable Target Death Rates Some areas of needed improvement in con- structing the set of death rates used as achiev- able targets in this report have already been pointed out. The principal question remaining is the soundness of the underlying assumption that the lowest achieved mortality in some part of the United States is a reasonable basis for achievable target death rates as that concept has been defined here. Can all deaths measured by death rates as in excess of these justifiably be labeled “preventable”? Or do these lowest achieved rates understate what modern medical science and an optimum health care system could bring about? If geographic variability is to be used as the basis for the standard, as Gural- nick and Jackson suggested,?4* how should it be analyzed? Some preliminary work done dlring the course of this project suggests that using the lowest State rate rather than the lowest geo- graphic division rate might have produced quite different results. It has also been suggested that the mortality in the HSA that exhibited the low- est death rates for a particular cause should be used as the standard. Of greatest value, it seems, in arriving at a tenable target set of rates would be the further use of the type of expert judgment that Rutstein and the members of the Working Group on Preventable and Manageable Diseases, and the scientists called upon by the Public Serv- ices Laboratory of Georgetown University,19-21 have brought to bear. However, such judgment should be directed specifically to the question of - the proportion of present recorded. . by ‘cause of death; age, and sex that could be: ° prevented given optimal circumstances. © It is quite possible that small differences in the values used for the target set of death rates . would have little effect on the relative differ- - ences in the index for a particular cause-of-death category among the HSA’s. The sensitivity of such comparisons to changes in the achievable target death rates deserves further investigation. Nevertheless, if the premises set forth in the introduction to this report are correct, and if mortality by cause of death can be used to meas- ure the health of local area populations, such as HSA’s, then the development of a widely ac- cepted set of achievable target death rates can prove extremely useful for measuring commu- nity health and, hence, for health planning. The Form of Indexes and Their Random Variability Variation in death rates from area to area can be thought of as originating partly from dif- ferences in the underlying forces of mortality, which are largely a product of health conditions in the population, and partly from differences that could be expected to occur if one were able to repeat many times the experience of the identical set of forces acting on the identical set of people during the same period of time. The usefulness of small-area mortality indexes de- pends heavily upon one’s ability to determine the general magnitude of the latter, that is, the random component of variability so that the former component can be estimated. The estimation of sampling error for these indexes is based upon the theoretical work done by Chiang2?7:33 and others, plus some simplify- ing assumptions that are justified but that tend to overestimate the sampling error slightly. For the purpose of comparing the usefulness of dif- ferent algebraic forms of an index number, the crude methods used here would lead to no dif- ferent conclusions than more sophisticated esti- mates. Nevertheless, it would provide a sounder basis for evaluating the indexes and computing confidence intervals if real experiments of the Monte Carlo type# could be conducted using computer simulation of the- process by which the deaths occur. Geographic Variability 1 A further question in examining the data by - “cause of death for these 19 areas is: What is the 8A Monte Carlo type experiment is an experiment in which one attempts to duplicate the chance variation occurring in nature by generating random numbers, usually on a computer, in order to repeat artificially a phenomenon that does not repeat itself under identical conditions in nature. 23 significance of the apparently wide differences in the amount of geographic variability exhib- ited by indexes for different cause-of-death groups? Already the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health has made wide use of the leads presented by county-to-county differences in 10-year summaries of cancer mor- tality. The leads are systematically being fol- lowed up by planning pointed epidemiological studies to test hypotheses. Yet the data pre- sented in this report suggest that a number of other causes have wider underlying geographic variability than cancer does. “Market Testing” Mortality Indexes for Health Service Areas The most direct method of determining whether indexes of the type presented here can be useful to planning staffs in the HSA’s is to make the statistics available to the HSA’s and work with the Bureau of Health Planning in the Health Resources Administration, Public Health Service, to investigate the use made of those statistics, along with more commonly used in- dexes, such as infant mortality, in setting goals and guiding efforts. If this is to be done, NCHS should routinely tabulate 5-year aggregations of deaths by cause, age, sex, and color for each HSA for the periods centering on the years of the decennial and mid- decade censuses. Although the 3-year aggrega- tions used in this report can yield usefully pre- cise measures for most HSA’s, small numbers are still a problem. Health conditions do not change so rapidly from one 5-year period to the next that the value of 5-year averages is destroyed. In- creasing the numbers of deaths on which the HSA index is based by a factor of 5/3 reduces the typical standard error, and, therefore, the width of the confidence interval by a factor of roughly 22% percent, a highly worthwhile gain. The start in 1985 of what are hoped to be regular mid-decade censuses, or, at least, large sample surveys that will make possible improved estimates of populations by county, age, race, and sex, makes this an opportune time to con- sider a program of 5-year summaries of deaths by cause to facilitate the measurement of health for areas smaller than States. 000 24 REFERENCES 1 Berg, R. L., ed.: Health Status Indexes. Proceedings of a conference conducted by Health Services Research in Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 1-4, 1972. Chicago. Hospital Research and Educational Trust, 1973. 2Health Services Research: Health Status Indexes— Work in Progress. Proceedings of a conference conducted by National Center for Health Services Research in Phoenix, Arizona, Oct. 25-28, 1976. Chicago. Health Sery, Res. (Special issue) 11(4), Winter 1976. 3 National Center for Health Statistics: Clearinghouse on Health Indexes. Washington. U.S. Government Print- ing Office. Quarterly publication of the Division of Anglysh, National Center for Health Statistics. 4National Technical Information Service: Health Planning. Springfield, Va. National Technical Informa- tion Service, U.S. Department of Commerce. Weekly publication on behalf of the National Health Planning Information Center, Bureau of Health Planning and Re- Sovfees Development. 5 Faulkner, M. J.: Bureau of Health Planning and Re- Sousces Development: Personal communication. 6Gilson, B. S. et al.: The Sickness Impact Profile: Development of an outcome measure of health care. Am. J. Public Health. 65:1304, Dec. 1975. "Pearl, R.: Some landmarks in the history of biosta- tistics, in Introduction to Medical Biometry and S ajsiics. Philadelphia. W. B. Saunders Co., 1940. 8Greenwood, M.: Medical Statistics from Graunt to Farr. London. Cambridge University Press, 1948. 9 Farr, W.: Methods for comparing local with stand- ard death-rates, in Vital Statistics, Part IV-Deaths. London. Office of the Sanitary Institute, 1885. pp. 128-130. 10National Center for Health Statistics: Infant mor- tality, by J. C. Kleinman. Statistical Notes for Health Planners, No. 2. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, July 1976. INational Center for Health Statistics: Mortality, by J. C. Kleinman. Statistical Notes for Health Planners, No. 3. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Feb. 1977. 12National Center for Health Statistics: Standardized mortality ratio and years of life lost index: State and health service areas, 1969-71. Statistical Notes for Health Planners, No. 3, Data Supplement. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1977. I3National Center for Health Statistics: Cause-of- death data, by T. D. Woolsey. Statistical Notes for Health Planners, No. 6. Washington. U.S. Government Prigting Office, Feb. 1978. 4Elinson, J.: Insensitive health statistics and the dilemma of the HSAs. Am. J. Public Health. 67(5):417- 4s May 1977. 18Shapiro, S.: A tool for health planners. Am. J. Pobis Health. 67(9):816-817, Sept. 1977. 6 National Center for Health Statistics: Eighth Revi- sion International Classification of Diseases, Adapted for Use in the United States. PHS Pub. No. 1693. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. 7 Mushkin, S.J. et al.: Cost of disease and illness in the United States in the year 2000. Public Health Rep. (Spe- “ial Supplement} 93(5):493-588, Sept.-Oct. 1978. 18RBayo, F., Shiman, H. W., and Sobus, B. R.: United States Population Projections for OASDHI Cost Esti- mates, Actuarial Study No. 77. Office of the Actuary, Social Security Administration. Washington. U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, June 1978. 19Rutstein, D. D. et al.: Measuring the quality of medical care—a clinical method. N. Engl. J. Med. 294: 5% 588, Mar. 1976. 20Rutstein, D. D.: Blueprint for Medical Care. Cam- bridge. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 19 Id. (See particularly chapter 13.) 21working Group on Preventable and Manageable Diseases: New Quantitative Method for Measuring the Quality of Medical Care and Related Economic Indices. Progessed document. Nov. 25, 1977. p. 4. 22Chen, M. K.: The K index: A proxy measure of health care quality, in Health Status Indexes—Work in . Progress. Proceedings of a conference conducted by the National Center for Health Services Research in Phoenix, Arizona, Oct. 25-28, 1976. Chicago. Health Serv. Res. (Special issue) 11(4):452-463, Winter 1976. 23Elinson, J.: Letter to the editor. Am. J. Public Health. 67(10):986, Oct. 1977. 24 Guralnick, L., and Jackson, A.: An index of unnec- essary deaths. Public Health Rep. 82(2):180-182, Feb. 1967. 25Woolsey, T. D.: An investigation of low mortality in certain areas. Public Health Rep. 64(29):909-920, July 1949. 26Njcholl, M., and Bellows, M. T.: Effect of a confi- dential inquiry on the recorded mortality from syphilis and alcoholism. Am. J. Public Health. 24(8):813-820, 1934. 25 27 Chiang, C. L.: Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics. New York. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1968. i 28Woolsey, T. D.: Adjusted death rates and other indices of mortality, in F. E. Linder and R. D. Grove, Vital Statistics Rates in the United States, 1900-1940. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1943. 29Haenszel, W.: A standardized rate for mortality in units of lost years of life. Am. J. Public Health. 40: 17-26, 1950. 30Kleinman, J. C.: Age-adjusted mortality indexes for small areas: Applications to health planning. Am. J. Public Health. 67:834-840, 1977. 31Romeder, J.-M., and McWhinnie, J. R.: Potential years of life lost between ages 1 and 70: An indicator of premature mortality for health planning. Int. J. Epidemiol. 6:143-151, 1977. 32Kleinman, J. C., Feldman, J. J., and Mugge, R. H.: Geographic variations in infant mortality. Public Health Rep. 91(5):423-432, Sept.-Oct. 1976. 33 National Center for Health Statistics: Standard error of the age-adjusted death rate, by C. L. Chiang. Vital Statistics Special Reports. 47(9):275-285, Aug. 17, 1961. 000 26 LIST OF DETAILED TABLES Results of a Taylor's series expansion: £(1/d4) and var(1/d4) for 2 < da < 200, assuming Poissonian distribution ................ Values of mortality index R; for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 ........cccccccverviiiiiiriinnnreenneniieniisssssssssneeenee Values of mortality index R} for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 ............ccocerrenineninnenenninnenssncs scenes Values of mortality index AR} for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 ........c..cccceriririiiiinnerissincsinineenscssneeensnnnes Values of mortality index R}" for females, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 ............cceccveiriicnriniinsnininieeecnsnnsnnennan 29 30 32 34 36 27 & i 2 Fa A A hE in mith oon ” Table 1. Results of a Taylor's series expansion: E(1/d4) and var (1/d4) for 2 < da < 200, assuming Poissonian distribution [Courtesy of Benjamin J. Tepping] ll var(1/dg) var(1/d4) da E(1/dg) da E(1/da) Mantissa | Exponent Mantissa | Exponent 0.57659 9.0702 -2 0.03337 4.1559 -5 0.43268 7.2527 -2 0.03229. 3.7505 -5 0.32963 49112 -2 0.03128 3.3962 -5 0.25777 3.0481 -2 0.03033 3.0853 -5 0.20779 1.8168 -2 0.02944 2.8112 -5 0.17249 1.0734 -2 0.02860 2.5688 -5 0.14689 6.4325 -3 0.02780 2.3535 -5 0.12776 3.9705 -3 0.02705 2.1616 -5 0.11302 2.5484 -3 0.02634 1.9901 -5 0.10135 1.7067 -3 0.02566 1.8363 -5 0.09190 1.1916 -3 0.02274 1.2651 -5 0.08407 8.6398 -4 0.02042 9.0844 -6 0.07749 6.4720 —-4 0.01853 6.7424 -6 0.07187 4.9834 -4 0.01695 5.1414 -6 0.06702 3.9263 -4 0.01563 4.0098 -6 0.06279 3.1534 -4 0.01450 3.1875 -6 0.05906 2.5739 -4 0.01266 2.1108 -6 0.05575 2.1301 -4 0.01124 1.4693 -6 0.05280 1.7839 -4 0.01010 1.0636 -6 0.05014 1.5095 -4 0.00918 7.9453 -7 0.04774 1.2891 dh 0.00840 6.0907 -7 0.04556 1.1100 -4 0.00775 4.7713 -7 0.04357 9.6275 -5 0.00719 3.8071 -7 0.04175 8.4056 -5 0.00671 3.0861 -7 0.04007 7.3831 -5 0.00629 2.5363 -7 0.03852 6.5206 -5 0.00592 2.1097 -7 0.03709 5.7878 -5 0.00559 1.7736 -7 0.03576 5.1612 -5 0.00529 1.5053 -7 0.03453 4.6222 -5 0.00503 1.2885 -7 Table 2. Values of mortality index R; for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 [Standard error (s;) shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 United United Cause-of-death group, Rj, and s; States, States, California Connecticut 1969-71 1976 01 04 09 11 01 04 All causes: 0.3703 | 0.2725 0.4108 | 0.3370 | 0.4039 | 0.3495 0.2264 | 0.2259 --- --- 0.011 0.008 0.007 0.003 0.015 0.014 0.2329 | 0.1322 0.2641 | 0.2524 | 0.1973 | 0.2560 0.2670 | 0.1840 Slim --- --- 0.060 0.037 0.045 0.015 0.048 0.058 Diabetes mellitus: BR deter intima tins ids Eh Eres Eanes a 0.5414 | 0.4350 0.5169 | 0.3436 | 0.4571 | 0.3584 0.4668 | 0.3984 8] 1sarasnnsnnerineiaminsan ss sas esa ARORA RETATIA A TS A022 4 TA RRRRRR RAE - --- 0.109 0.192 0.240 0.069 0.276 0.287 Diseases of the heart: : BE sritessntensiscissiaias bie see ists rs Era SATs 0.4089 | 0.3264 0.1547 | 0.1992 | 0.2414 | 0.3358 0.2629 | 0.2856 i --- --- 0.207 0.069 0.079 0.021 0.087 0.065 0.5037 | 0.3501 0.4475 | 0.3516 | 0.4617 | 0.3739 0.3818 | 0.3756 --- --- 0.165 0.098 0.063 0.038 0.165 0.115 Diseases of the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries: 0.3910 | 0.3797 0.5028 | 0.1394 | 0.1444 | 0.3698 | -0.0594 | 0.1652 Acute bronchitis, influenza, and pneumonia: 4 0.5411 | 0.3007 0.6300 | 0.6493 | 0.5945 | 0.5513 0.5437 | 0.4447 --- --- 0.033 0.016 0.024 0.011 0.038 0.060 0.6568 | 0.4416 0.7252 | 0.5762 | 0.7967 | 0.5942 | -0.0397 | 0.4502 --- --- 0.125 0.092 0.021 0.030 0.721 0.247 Major digestive diseases, except cirrhosis of the liver: 0.5608 | 0.3021 0.3939 | 0.5370 | 0.5504 | 0.4554 0.4155 | 0.3540 Bovis cnssninnsmmssesnannssiinsramsnsissiiutnsssrsasidrstiinsssnsns 0.6246 | 0.6230 | -0.1615 | 0.7716 | 0.6823 | 0.7437 0.5212 | 0.5868 8 e043048 400 RTE Eas A ETI IA TIRANA RAE T SEER SA RR SRR RRR RRS --- --- 0.948 0.029 0.072 0.011 0.256 0.156 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy: Binsin tristan simsiesis isin 0.3645 | 0.1869 0.1477 | 0.2495 | 0.4366 | 0.3582 0.3259 | 0.3467 8] sarsnsveiisrirorsinriinisanasvs spss tobi resssrsarsed ae eth avi vers --- --- 0.325 0.096 0.083 0.028 0.161 0.115 All other diseases: Bs iinsinstenininiemmsmaistimstarisrsssvisiss irae 0.3805 | 0.3060 0.1163 | 0.1412 | 0.1648 | 0.0809 0.1926 | 0.3014 0.4144 | 0.3271 0.5917 | 0.4561 | 0.5654 | 0.4230 0.0908 | 0.0940 --- --- 0.012 0.011 0.009 0.005 0.033 0.030 INot adjusted to U.S. age distribution. NOTE: In everyday use for health planning, only two significant figures should be carried. 30 Table 2. Values of mortality index R; for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976—Con. [Standard error (s;) shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 Dela- i Loui- ka New Wash- z 3 Wore Florida sions Maryland Michigan Jersey ington Wisconsin 01 06 09 01 02 03 04 01 06 02 01 01 02 0.3751 | 0.4958 | 0.4031 | 0.4899 0.1214 | 0.3026 | 0.4271 | 0.3877 0.3468 | 0.3722 0.2869 0.2291 0.2419 0.013 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.021 0.012 0.006 0.004 0.011 0.006 0.007 0.014 0.010 0.2271 | 0.2266 | 0.2113 | 0.2315 0.2501 | 0.3187 | 0.2493 | 0.2849 0.2718 | 0.2448 0.1745 0.1374 0.1535 0.078 0.077 0.052 0.053 0.048 0.042 0.038 0.019 0.048 0.036 0.035 0.058 0.045 0.6725 | 0.3364 | 0.3047 | 0.6485 0.1616 | 0.4731 | 0.5549 | 0.6238 0.2163 | 0.5802 0.5278 0.5621 0.4801 0.132 0.247 0.363 0.114 0.288 0.241 0.108 0.042 0.350 0.060 0.059 0.146 0.149 0.3875 | 0.4203 | 0.3789 | 0.5452 0.1965 | 0.1636 | 0.4915| 0.3620 0.2961 | 0.4742 0.2067 0.1426 0.3557 0.089 0.058 0.043 0.025 0.125 0.120 0.023 0.025 0.095 0.027 0.059 0.136 0.042 0.3134 | 0.5540 | 0.3942 | 0.6886 0.3494 | 0.4387 | 0.5330 | 0.5130 0.2402 | 0.4909 0.4280 0.3943 0.4187 0.321 0.109 0.094 0.024 0.183 0.097 0.041 0.029 0.399 0.048 0.056 0.131 0.082 0.0962 | 0.6329 | 0.0684 | 0.2640 0.4214 | 0.5508 | 0.2798 | 0.3539 | -0.0335 | 0.0107 | -0.1498 | -0.3421 0.3208 0.6130 | 0.6583 | 0.5955 | 0.6662 0.3971 | 0.4716 | 0.5636 | 0.5975 0.4962 | 0.6063 0.4319 0.2937 0.5348 0.034 0.022 0.026 0.015 0.083 0.055 0.023 0.011 0.044 0.016 0.038 0.075 0.024 0.7321 | 0.6861 | 0.4235 | 0.7276 | 10.2339 | 0.6114 | 0.5516 | 0.7004 0.0979 | 0.4439 0.6307 | -0.0254 0.2947 0.078 0.131 0.306 0.033 0.025 0.170 0.017 0.248 0.720 0.196 0.079 0.079 0.383 0.5233 | 0.3822 | 0.3515 | 0.6650 0.2610 | 0.3316 | 0.5609 | 0.5373 0.4725 | 0.5434 0.4794 0.5569 0.4205 0.6523 | 0.5575 | 0.5248 | 0.6299 0.4198 | 0.4028 | 0.7785 | 0.7667 0.4017 | 0.7104 0.4650 0.3022 | -0.0891 0.120 0.132 0.195 0.049 0.243 0.371 0.012 0.010 0.301 0.018 0.098 0.282 0.764 0.3366 | 0.4410 | 0.5210 | 0.5042 | 10.2196 | 0.2841 | 0.3385 | 0.4087 0.2271 | 0.3495 0.3800 0.3178 0.4022 0.222 0.191 0.044 0.073 0.018 0.189 0.099 0.038 0.315 0.089 0.050 0.108 0.044 0.2454 | 0.5220 ( 0.3959 | 0.4593 0.0857 | 0.3056 | 0.5551 | 0.3611 0.0914 | 0.3631 0.2728 0.0987 0.0742 0.3842 | 0.6066 | 0.4750 | 0.5216 0.0302 | 0.2954 | 0.3982 | 0.3813 0.3999 | 0.2705 0.3364 0.2884 0.2039 0.022 0.010 0.011 0.010 0.046 0.023 0.011 0.010 0.018 0.015 0.012 0.023 0.019 31 Table 3. Values of mortality index Rj for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 [Standard error (57) shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 United United Cause-of-death group, Rj}, and s} States, | States, California 1969-71 1976 01 04 09 1 All causes: 1.6039 | 1.3835 | 1.743 | 1.617 | 1.732| 1.555 --- ---] 0.039 | 0.021 | 0.026 | 0.009 1.3295 | 1.1636 | 1.395 | 1.343 | 1.276 | 1.370 --- ---| 0.137 | 0.074 | 0.087 | 0.035 i Sn sitet Bs drin se iss se eR EES sandr ad aT hans Sharsrs os ders Rms daa Earn 22287 | 1.8184 | 3.526 | 1.571 | 1.872] 1.562 BRED SECT CR Se ERR al SE --- ---]1 1.169 | 0.360 | 0.502| 0.163 Diseases of the heart {RT JOE, © RS ET Lol SE. 1.7273 1 1.85711 1.192 1.2681 1:1.3231 1.825 ; --- ---| 0.185 | 0.108 | 0.139 | 0.057 2.0757 | 1.5613 1.857 | 1.549 | 1.987 | 1.601 --- ---| 0.418 | 0.199 | 0.299 | 0.093 16715} 1.7001 | 2.075 | 1.185 | 1.199| 1.625 --- ---| 0989 | 0.368 | 0.447 | 0.222 2.3040 | 1.4491 | 3.015 | 3.339 | 2.859 | 3.529 --- ---| 0.358 | 0.223 | 0.231 | 0.105 A IEC OR SRE Lp EL ER IE J rR CE Lest LOC Eo 3.5108 | 2.0920 | 3.728 | 2.865 | 6.929 | 2.751 Bers nrre asain tebe eo Re a Fe a bas REA RAS 3 nA RAR AREA --- ---| 1.355 | 0.754 | 1.400| 0.322 Major digestive diseases, except cirrhosis of the liver REL RE ie i en So ROI SN, I 2.3999 | 1.4563 | 1.650 | 2.181 | 2.235| 1.849 8} sean ATi aN ans SAAR SR A SSH Rea sa SEER HAA Ceasar aaa as se sar en --- ---| 0.494 | 0.347 | 0.388 0.137 Cirrhosis of the liver A CL A EER SEER EE ot. JN 2.9339 | 2.9862 | 1.148 | 4.437 | 3.192 | 4.142 le Ee EO OS PERE SU Le --- ---| 0.385 | 0.519 | 0.607 | 0.258 Congenital anomalies and diseases of early infancy R; SAR ad ee TES RAS LR eA Ee Hess dars ss 1 4A BEE ae Heras aaa AAA SERA TAs 1.6028 | 1.2367 | 1.290 | 1.378 | 1.795| 1.559 7 --- ---| 0.185 | 0.130 | 0.184 | 0.063 BBY ins dd rt a dr i ads ens ss Be A Re GT 1.6519 | 1.4669 | 1.151 | 1.166 | 1.202| 1.090 fans HE Se ron EE arse ETE ex MES Ep sve np yew Era Tree E eg ET AEE eR eR Tr A EEA A rs FrA Fe Fes --- --- | 0.090 | 0.050 | 0.059 | 0.022 Accldental injuries and other trauma: R; Se re rrr ry Bs AAT ar rsa Resaupe des ears SA Ree ET ET 1.7347 | 1.5030 | 2.495 | 1.877 | 2.330| 1.739 AL em Ec NE Ne NEB Ae Sr] --- ---| 0.074 | 0.036 | 0.050| 0.016 NOTE: In everyday use for health planning, only three significant figures should be carried. 32 Table 3. Values of mortality index R;} for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976—Con. [Standard error (sp) shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 Connecticut Dela- , Florida Loui- Maryland Michigan New Ww ash Wisconsin ware siana Jersey | ington 01 04 01 06 09 01 02 03 04 01 06 02 01 01 02 1.294 | 1.294 | 1.604 | 2.128 | 1.715 | 1.978 | 1.143 | 1.437 | 1.755 | 1.646 | 1.544 | 1.608 1.405 | 1.301 | 1.320 0.027 | 0.024 | 0.033 | 0.043 | 0.025 | 0.024 | 0.030 | 0.024 | 0.018 | 0.012 | 0.029 | 0.019| 0.016 | 0.025 | 0.017 1.395 | 1.227 | 1.300 | 1.302 | 1.276 | 1.336 | 1.472 | 1.474 | 1.347 | 1.404 | 1.402 | 1.326 1.218 | 1.189 | 1.181 0.110 | 0.089 | 0.113 | 0.125 | 0.078 | 0.071 | 0.140 | 0.098 | 0.058 | 0.042 | 0.112 | 0.065| 0.057 | 0.097 | 0.063 1.877 | 1686 | 3.189 | 1.642 | 1.439 | 2.885 | 1.218 | 1.924 | 2.262 | 2664 | 1.407 | 2.580 | 2.334 | 2.498 | 1.938 0.584 | 0.496 | 0914 | 0.629 | 0.393 | 0.510 | 0.563 | 0.505 | 0.360 | 0.266 | 0.448 | 0.458 | 0.388 | 0.698 | 0.391 1.377 | 1.443 | 1.634 | 1.881 1.684 | 2.305 | 1.265 | 1.213 | 2.044 | 1.582 | 1.422 | 1.984 1.261 | 1.172 | 1.578 0.175 | 0.160 | 0.206 | 0.263 | 0.156 | 0.171 | 0.197 | 0.127 | 0.128 | 0.072 | 0.174 | 0.133 0.088 | 0.142 | 0.122 1628 | 1.624 | 1.489 | 2.338 | 1.691 3.442 | 1.612 | 1.798 | 2.222 | 2.090 | 1.428 | 2.021 1.761 | 1.663 | 1.741 0.303 | 0.276 | 0.312 | 0.457 | 0.246 | 0.341 | 0.379 | 0.281 | 0.212| 0.135 | 0.252 | 0.218 | 0.179 | 0.297 | 0.196 1.040 | 1.201 1.133 | 4.113 | 1.145 | 1.418 | 1.808 | 2.396 | 1.407 | 1.612 | 1.054 | 1.047 0.959 | 0.764 | 1.487 0.461 0.510 | 0.592 | 1.561 | 0.401 | 0.435 | 0.896 | 0.775 | 0.357 | 0.277 | 0.480 | 0.311 0.247 | 0.414 | 0.433 2368 | 1.830 | 2.922 | 3.936 | 2.718 | 3.651 1.721 | 1.920 | 2.402 | 2.819 | 2.670 | 2.995 1.804 | 1.554 | 2.671 0.252 | 0.184 | 0.322 | 0.406 | 0.209 | 0.232 | 0.252 | 0.190 | 0.146 | 0.107 | 0.278 | 0.179 | 0.117 | 0.197 | 0.180 1.003 | 1.838 | 4.758 | 3.398 | 1.800 | 4.868 | 0.434 | 2.688 | 2.319 4.046 | 1.403 | 1.897 2.808 | 1.149 | 1.418 0.503 | 0.687 | 1.567 | 1.287 | 0.553 | 1.022 | 0.067 | 0.839 | 0.530 | 0.486 | 0.508 | 0.509 0.554 | 0.461 | 0.419 1.779 | 1.655 | 2.129 | 1.690 | 1.665 | 3.044 | 1.489 | 1.605 | 2.296 | 2.188 | 2.029 | 2.211 1.948 | 2.307 | 1.742 0.442 | 0.350 | 0.525 | 0.453 | 0.293 | 0.395 | 0.497 | 0.322 | 0.281 | 0.175 | 0.407 | 0.290 | 0.254 | 0.452 | 0.261 2.091 2427 | 3.100 | 2.858 | 2.149 | 3.105 | 1.865 | 1.789 | 6.095 | 5.040 | 1.679 | 4.469 1.877 | 1.549 | 1.125 0.552 | 0.528 | 0.834 | 0.920 | 0.422 | 0.560 | 0.665 | 0.385 | 0.646 | 0.382 | 0.533 | 0.582 | 0.296 | 0.504 | 0.211 1.499 | 1556 | 1.557 | 1.888 | 2.131 | 2.086 | 1.108 | 1.537 | 1.557 | 1.707 | 1.406 | 1.616 1.627 | 1.595 | 1.716 0.171 | 0.171 | 0.218 | 0.204 | 0.170 | 0.183 | 0.176 | 0.211 | 0.111 | 0.079 | 0.170 | 0.103 0.122 | 0.218 | 0.145 1.241 | 1.446 | 1.327 | 2.221 1.697 | 1.874 | 1.161 | 1.443 | 2.323 | 1.616 | 1.105 | 1.655 1.392 | 1.116 | 1.081 0.073 | 0.072 | 0.085 | 0.115 | 0.070 | 0.065 | 0.090 | 0.070 | 0.062 | 0.033 | 0.068 | 0.055 | 0.045 | 0.067 | 0.044 1.100 | 1.105 | 1.652 | 2.725 | 1.960 | 2.123 | 1.048 | 1.467 | 1.696 | 1.628 | 1.674 | 1.373 1.542 | 1.421 | 1.274 0.040 | 0.036 | 0.057 | 0.078 | 0.042 | 0.043 | 0.047 | 0.046 | 0.030 | 0.019 | 0.052 | 0.028 | 0.027 | 0.045 | 0.028 33 Table 4. Values of mortality index R}"’ for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 "ne [Standard error (s;') shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 United United .Cause-of-death group, R}", and s}"' States, | States, California 1969-71 1976 01 04 09 1" All causes: . BE tiiasavinTAs aatoniAis iyi REA 1.614 | 1.367 | 1.691 | 1.512 | 1.660 | 1.533 P aieaseeneseReRe ORR RRA TERNS RAR RONNIE RIESE AAT --- ---| 0.029 | 0.016 | 0.021 0.008 1.246 1.221 1.212 | 1.2N 1.131 1.229 --- ---| 0.047 | 0.028 | 0.035| 0.014 1.972 1.524 | 1.530 | 1.339 | 1.751 1.571 --- ---| 0.270 | 0.130 | 0.197 | 0.069 1.457 1.229 | 1.321 1.208 | 1.253 | 1.366 --- ---| 0.034 | 0.020 | 0.026 | 0.011 2.020 1.460 | 1.531 1.599 | 1.564 | 1.678 --- ---| 0.109 | 0.070 | 0.093 | 0.035 1.428 1.229 | 1.755 | 1.366 | 1.423 | 1.440 --- ---| 0.184 | 0.096 | 0.130 | 0.053 2.929 1.494 | 2908 | 3.230 | 2.821 | 3.474 --- ---| 0.302 | 0.192 | 0.218 | 0.100 2.281 1.343 | 3.462 | 1.692 | 3.621 2.001 --- ---| 0.277 | 0.131 | 0.286 | 0.074 2.059 1.366 | 1.823 | 2.068 | 2.197 | 1.803 --- ---| 0.331 | 0.216 | 0.285 | 0.099 2121 2.004 | 1.964 | 4.785 | 2.930 | 3.307 -.- ---| 0.175 | 0.165 | 0.166 | 0.067 1.774 1.262 | 1.466 | 1.308 | 1.739 | 1.566 --- ---1 0.111 | 0.062 | 0.077 | 0.028 1.593 1.567 | 1.109 | 1.174 | 1.207 | 1.102 -.- ---| 0.076 | 0.043 | 0.055 | 0.020 1.697 1.496 | 2.542 | 1.838 | 2.334 | 1.747 --- ---| 0.084 | 0.040 | 0.055| 0.018 34 NOTE: In everyday use for health planning, only three significant figures should be carried. Table 4. Values of mortality index R}’ for males, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976—Con. " [Standard error (s;') shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 Connecticut Dela- Florida Loui- Maryland Michigan New | Wash- Wisconsin ware : siana Jersey ington 01 04 01 06 09 01 02 03 04 01 06 02 01 01 02 1.285 | 1.308 | 1.646 | 1.896 | 1.659 | 2.017 | 1.117 | 1.477 | 1.801 | 1.655 | 1.520 | 1.591 1.419 | 1.304 | 1.350 0.020 | 0.020 | 0.029 | 0.028 | 0.018 | 0.021 | 0.025 | 0.025 | 0.015 | 0.010 | 0.025 | 0.015 | 0.014 | 0.022 | 0.014 1.208 | 1.202 | 1.378 | 1.255 | 1.338 | 1.570 | 1.074 | 1.393 | 1.502 | 1.346 | 1.234 | 1.304 | 1.138 | 1.044 | 1.178 0.040 | 0.037 | 0.053 | 0.040 | 0.030 | 0.037 | 0.052 | 0.053 | 0.027 | 0.018 | 0.046 | 0.025 | 0.024 | 0.041 | 0.026 1.764 | 1.645 | 2650 | 1.581 | 1.401 | 3.241 | 1.128 | 1.684 | 2.572 | 2.793 | 1.792 | 1.913 | 1.870 | 1.864 | 1.815 0.200 | 0.194 | 0.328 | 0.196 | 0.129 | 0.231 | 0.228 | 0.241 | 0.159 | 0.109 | 0.218 | 0.138 | 0.147 | 0.242 | 0.142 1.192 | 1.187 | 1672 | 1.296 | 1.329 | 1.867 | 1.077 | 1.426 | 1.665 | 1.456 | 1.417 | 1.604 | 1.302 | 1.290 | 1.381 0.028 | 0.027 | 0.043 | 0.029 | 0.022 | 0.031 | 0.036 | 0.040 | 0.022 | 0.014 | 0.035 | 0.021 0.019 | 0.031 | 0.021 1.557 1.479 1.762 1.928 1.565 | 3.061 1.320 | 1.787 | 2.176 | 2.070 | 1.872 1.842 1.733 | 1.572 | 1.900 0.096 | 0.093 | 0.139 | 0.102 | 0.072 | 0.126 | 0.130 | 0.137 | 0.077 | 0.050 | 0.112 | 0.068 | 0.066 | 0.108 | 0.073 1.423 | 1.276 | 1.332 | 1.685 | 1.340 | 1.722 | 1.349 | 1.969 | 1.591 | 1.323 | 1.472 | 1.318 | 1.349 | 0.891 | 1.421 0.143 | 0.138 | 0.165 | 0.154 | 0.098 | 0.139 | 0.186 | 0.254 | 0.100 | 0.063 | 0.163 | 0.089 | 0.087 | 0.106 | 0.100 2.336 | 1.898 | 2983 | 3.371 | 2.710 | 3.844 | 1.767 | 2.012 | 2.490 | 2.803 | 2.649 | 2902 | 1.926 | 1.570 | 2.614 0.224 | 0.174 | 0.318 | 0.301 | 0.175 | 0.236 | 0.241 | 0.211 | 0.137 | 0.099 | 0.271 | 0.157 | 0.116 | 0.192 | 0.168 1.194 | 1.701 | 2.796 | 2.664 | 2.035 | 2.860 | 0.930 | 2.226 | 1.969 | 2.475 | 2.113 | 1.557 | 2.420 | 1.624 | 1.481 0.131 | 0.177 | 0.323 | 0.218 | 0.138 | 0.238 | 0.151 | 0.297 | 0.130 | 0.103 | 0.213 | 0.109 | 0.142 | 0.173 | 0.109 1.492 | 1.511 | 2.109 | 1.819 | 1.881 | 2912 | 1.172 | 1.618 ; 2.356 | 2.234 | 2.038 | 2.131 1.883 | 2.220 | 1.826 0.262 | 0.252 | 0.401 | 0.278 | 0.201 | 0.299 | 0.322 | 0.293 | 0.202 | 0.132 | 0.295 | 0.191 0.189 | 0.335 | 0.192 2.164 | 2.461 | 2417 | 1.657 | 25678 | 2.379 | 1.301 | 2.338 | 3.674 | 3.391 | 1.496 | 2.378 | 1.778 | 1.122 | 1.668 0.149 | 0.166 | 0.207 | 0.153 | 0.129 | 0.142 | 0.155 | 0.185 | 0.136 | 0.086 | 0.144 | 0.105 | 0.088 | 0.123 | 0.091 1.537 | 1.577 | 1.753 | 2.212 | 2.010 | 2.039 | 1.292 | 1.543 | 1.734 | 1.825 | 1.693 | 1.893 | 1.546 | 1.464 | 1.490 0.090 | 0.081 | 0.107 | 0.127 | 0.083 | 0.073 | 0.099 | 0.076 | 0.057 | 0.037 | 0.090 | 0.061 0.051 | 0.083 | 0.056 1.216 | 1.447 | 1.345 | 2312 | 1.651 | 1.881 | 1.064 | 1.438 | 2.284 | 1.623 | 1.096 | 1.553 | 1.425 | 1.114 | 1.093 0.061 | 0.066 | 0.082 | 0.095 | 0.057 | 0.062 | 0.078 | 0.075 | 0.055 | 0.031 | 0.066 | 0.046 | 0.045 | 0.066 | 0.042 1.11% 1.094 1.614 2.878 1.991 2.104 1.018 | 1.369 1.666 1.617 1.715 1.397 1.474 1.397 1.236 0.045 | 0.041 | 0.063 | 0.088 | 0.046 | 0.047 | 0.052 | 0.047 | 0.033 | 0.022 | 0.059 | 0.032 | 0.030 | 0.050 | 0.031 35 Table 5. Values of mortality index R}’ for females, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976 * [Standard error (sj'") shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 United United Cause-of-death group, R;", and s;"' States, States, California 1969-71 1976 01 04 09 1 All causes: | EA I en er BL Sy NRE NEL J 1.651 1.379 1.676 | 1.628 | 1.613 | 1.644 Breit ns rs Tse Epi eT em eR ee ere reese --- ---| 0.040 | 0.022 | 0.029 | 0.011 All malignant neoplasms BB sires ithiomsssnysb into ioe bees ems si a Hamas eA ome Soe ot AE nA 1.246 | 1.207 1.222 | 1.381 | 1.199 | 1.301 consis msasesnimabinssa ss rassnsus sei AER RE ers Te STROH REARS SEBS AAA TETD --- ---| 0.055 | 0.032 | 0.040 | 0.015 Diabetes mellitus: irs a con Er ere tere re EV pres a ons nowt STATS bees opt 2.240 1.644 1.705 | 1.256 | 1.908 | 1.719 7 --- ---] 0.257 | 0.131 | 0.212| 0.070 1.691 1.377 1.437 | 1.301 1.421 1.589 --- ---| 0.062 | 0.034 | 0.046| 0.018 1.858 1.362| 1.360 | 1.708 | 1.335| 1.646 --- ---| 0.114 | 0.076 | 0.086 | 0.035 1.599 1.329| 2.545 | 1.908 | 1.496 | 1.580 --- ---| 0.373 | 0.201 0.214 | 0.086 rice ptr n Se tesnuier Enno De EE A tee ese 2.846 | 1.457| 3.617 | 3.111 | 3.260| 3.177 7 --- ---| 0.446 | 0.237 | 0.297 0.111 1.869 1.360 4.239 | 1.730 | 3.841 | 2.160 --- ---| 0.648 | 0.210 | 0.503 | 0.119 2.143 1.427 2.335 | 1.911 2.514 | 2.142 --- ---| 0.506 | 0.264 | 0.378 0.140 Te rae es rs TS ar ree Brees 2.459 2112) 3.309 | 5.339 | 2813| 3.762 A --- ---| 0.360 | 0.251 | 0.235| 0.103 BY soissieriniivivmisvisinminssmisssisisnsssvteti srt sass Gav a ES 1.722 1.307] 1.390 | 1.327 | 1.662] 1.528 ; --- ---| 0.123 | 0.071 | 0.084 | 0.032 1.683 1.518] 1.291 | 1.279 | 1.404 | 1.284 ew ---| 0.094 | 0.054 | 0.074| 0.026 1.729 1.524 | 2.856 | 2.426 | 2.239 | 2.238 --- ---] 0.154 | 0.078 | 0.093| 0.035 NOTE: In everyday use for health planning, only three significant figures should be carried. 36 Table 5. Values of mortality index R}'for females, using achievable target death rates as standard, for 12 cause-of-death groups and all causes: United States and 19 health service areas, 1969-71, and United States, 1976—Con. [Standard error (s; 1 ) shown for certain cause-of-death groups] Health service areas, 1969-71 Connecticut Dela- Florida Loui- Maryland Michigan New Wash- Wisconsin ware siana Jersey | ington 01 04 01 06 09 01 02 03 04 01 06 02 01 01 02 1.368 1.365 1.690 1.729 1.676 2.016 1.132 | 1.531 1.816 | 1.734 | 1.572 1.678 1.461 1.259 | 1.449 0.028 | 0.027 | 0.040 | 0.035 | 0.023 | 0.028 | 0.033 | 0.035 | 0.021 | 0.014 | 0.035 | 0.020 0.019 | 0.029 | 0.020 1.183 1.285 1.333 1.044 1.338 1.394 1.144 | 1.246 | 1.370 | 1.277 | 1.256 1.386 1.199 | 1.184 | 1.245 0.041 0.043 | 0.057 | 0.038 | 0.032 | 0.038 | 0.054 | 0.053 | 0.029 | 0.019 | 0.052 0.028 0.027 | 0.048 | 0.030 1.659 1.298 3.446 1.880 1.647 | 4.887 1.034 | 2.058 | 3.272 | 3.108 | 2.404 2.425 1.715 | 1.834 | 2.336 0.191 0.158 | 0.349 | 0.231 0.143 0.268 | 0.251 0.279 | 0.167 | 0.119 | 0.267 0.146 0.140 | 0.249 | 0.178 1.256 1.310 2.142 1.416 1.483 2.628 1.093 | 1.618 | 2.107 | 1.834 | 1.556 1.982 1.331 1.203 | 1.414 0.046 | 0.046 | 0.082 | 0.051 0.037 | 0.061 0.063 | 0.074 | 0.041 0.025 | 0.060 0.037 0.031 0.048 | 0.034 1.559 1.601 1.842 1.773 1.615 2.565 1.417 | 1.352 | 1.943 | 2.134 | 1.698 1.655 1.741 1.425 | 1.850 0.101 0.100 | 0.153 0.104 0.075 0.109 | 0.141 0.125 | 0.075 | 0.053 | 0.126 0.066 0.071 0.102 | 0.077 1.284 1.486 1.664 1.356 | 1.387 2.047 1.021 1.902 | 2.140 | 1.476 | 1.867 1.213 1.518 | 1.782 | 1.544 0.201 0.216 | 0.311 0.212 0.158 | 0.216 | 0.252 | 0.329 | 0.191 0.100 | 0.285 0.129 0.153 | 0.274 | 0.189 1.761 1.860 | 3.219 | 3.071 2.348 | 3.886 | 1.184 | 1.913 | 2.031 | 2.801 2.469 2.759 1.764 | 1.368 | 2.330 0.234 | 0.206 | 0.400 | 0.350 | 0.204 | 0.281 0.234 | 0.254 | 0.148 | 0.120 | 0.312 | 0.188 0.137 | 0.217 | 0.194 1.282 1.439 1.5687 2.396 2.003 2.281 1.227 | 1.595 | 1.637 | 1.960 | 1.758 1.485 2.567 | 1.526 | 1.431 0.222 0.253 0.432 | 0.378 | 0.214 0.315 | 0.336 | 0.386 | 0.200 | 0.144 | 0.360 0.171 0.240 | 0.337 | 0.218 2.131 1.382 2.120 1.902 1.383 3.472 1.346 | 1.415 | 1.857 | 2.016 | 2.608 2.393 2.255 | 1.296 | 1.705 0.442 | 0.303 0.539 | 0.443 0.203 0.442 | 0.411 0.348 | 0.236 | 0.159 | 0.513 0.271 0.281 0.283 | 0.235 2.724 | 3.042 | 2.161 3.021 3.554 | 2.603 | 1.627 | 3.530 | 4.261 3.487 | 1.626 | 3.063 2.444 | 1.382 | 2.039 0.252 | 0.264 | 0.286 | 0.291 0.217 0.222 0.237 | 0.358 | 0.215 | 0.128 | 0.232 0.180 0.153 | 0.224 | 0.158 1.610 1.527 1.738 1.827 1.889 1.960 1.219 | 1.596 | 1.741 1.812 | 1.619 1.944 1.338 | 1.279 | 1.527 0.104 | 0.089 | 0.123 | 0.131 0.091 0.081 0.109 | 0.090 | 0.066 | 0.042 | 0.100 | 0.070 0.055 | 0.089 | 0.065 1.305 | 1.316 | 1.425 | 2.226 | 1.722 | 1.997 | 0950 | 1.689 | 2.209 | 1.777 | 1.302 1.542 1.505 | 1.105 | 1.284 0.077 | 0.072 | 0.100 | 0.114 | 0.067 0.076 | 0.086 | 0.099 | 0.065 | 0.039 | 0.088 0.053 0.055 | 0.076 | 0.054 1.263 1.045 1.505 2.630 2.040 1.628 1.072 1.303 1.513 1.618 1.929 1.269 1.776 | 1.379 1.439 0.082 | 0.067 0.106 0.142 | 0.079 0.071 0.089 | 0.080 | 0.054 | 0.037 | 0.109 0.051 0.058 | 0.087 | 0.058 000 37 ) ed i, a Tole a ni rl fi ui Lh } ml al i i dh hl i ful : he ok ¢ ge JR A fh be La A is Br ahh jo i A a x =o x ; pag . i set | Tie by erg fy Np es A ¢ A Vie=S rt = 31 28d ae By E i . 3 gp— a = SCSd =r mea = ) £1 Fic & a oF = ay da Rl a i ican seals omnia Series 1. Series 2. Series 3. Series 4. Series 10. Series 11. Series 12. Series 13. Series 14. Series 20. Series 21. Series 22. Series 23. VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS Series Programs and Collection Procedures.—Reports which describe the general programs of the National Center for Health Statistics and its offices and divisions and data collection methods used and include definitions and other material necessary for understanding the data. Data Evaluation and Methods Research.—Studies of new statistical methodology including experi- mental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and contributions to statistical theory. Analytical Studies.—Reports presenting analytical or interpretive studies based on vital and health statistics, carrying the analysis further than the expository types of reports in the other series. Documents and Committee Reports.—Final reports of major committees concerned with vital and health statistics and documents such as recommended model vital registration laws and revised birth and death certificates. Data From the Health Interview Survey.—Statistics on illness, accidental injuries, disability, use of hospital, medical, dental, and other services, and other health-related topics, all based on data collected in a continuing national household interview survey. Data From the Health Examination Survey and the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.—Data from direct examination, testing, and measurement of national samples of the civilian noninstitu- tionalized population provide the basis for two types of reports: (1) estimates of the medically defined prevalence of specific diseases in the United States and the distributions of the population with respect to physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics and (2) analysis of relationships among the various measurements without reference to an explicit finite universe of persons. Data From the Institutionalized Population Surveys. —Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these surveys will be in Series 13. Data on Health Resources Utilization. —Statistics on the utilization of health manpower and facilities providing long-term care, ambulatory care, hospital care, and family planning services. Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities. —Statistics on the numbers, geographic distri- bution, and characteristics of health resources including physicians, dentists, nurses, other health occupations, hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient facilities. Data on Mortality. —Various statistics on mortality other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by cause of death, age, and other demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; and statistics on characteristics of deaths not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data on Natality, Marriage, and Divorce.—Various statistics on natality, marriage, and divorce other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; studies of fertility; and statistics on characteristics of births not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data From the National Mortality and Natality Surveys.—Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these sample surveys based on vital records will be included in Series 20 and 21, respectively. Data From the National Survey of Family Growth.—Statistics on fertility, family formation and dis- solution, family planning, and related maternal and infant health topics derived from a biennial survey of a nationwide probability sample of ever-married women 15-44 years of age. For a list of titles of reports published in these series, write to: Scientific and Technical Information Branch National Center for Health Statistics Public Health Service Hyattsville, Md. 20782 DHHS Publication Number (PHS) 81-1359 Series 2-No. 85 NCHS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics 3700 East-West Highway Hyattsville, Maryland 20 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 For listings of publications in the VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS series, call 301- 436-NCHS. POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF H.H.S. HHS 396 Computer-Assisted Spirometry Data Analysis for the National Health and Nutrition ETFO TA ETE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data United States. National Center for Health Statistics. Computer assisted spirometry data analysis for the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1971-1980. (Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and methods vesearch 3 no. 86) (DHHS publication ; no. (PHS) 81-1360) Written by David P. Discher et al. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Spirometry—Data processing. 2. Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. I. Dis- cher, David P. II. Title. III. Series: United States. National Center for Health Statistics, Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 86. IV. Series: United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. DHHS publication ; no. (PHS) 81-1360. RA409.U45 no. 86 [RC784.565] 812' 0723s 80607930 ISBN 0-8406-0195-6 Data Evaluation and Methods Research Series 2 Number 86 Computer-Assisted Spirometry Data Analysis for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1971-80 The equipment, procedures, and data reduction methods employed in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for the collection and analysis of spirometric data are described. Data vari- ability and testing methodology are discussed, as well as the influ- ence of milieu and technician training. The computer programs that drive the data reduction and calibration are detailed, as are the algo- rithms used in the calculation of various spirometric parameters. The algorithms chosen for the determination of certain critical parameters are documented and validated. DHHS Publication (PHS) 81-1360 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville, Md. October 1980 NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS DOROTHY P. RICE, Director ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Deputy Director JACOB J. FELDMAN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Analysis GAIL F. FISHER, Associate Director for Cooperative Health Statistics Systems ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Acting Associate Director for Systems ALVAN O. ZARATE, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director for International Statistics ROBERT C. HUBER, Associate Director for Management MONROE G. SIRKEN, Ph.D., Associate Director for Mathematical Statistics PETER L. HURLEY, Associate Director for Operations JAMES M. ROBEY, Ph.D., Associate Director for Program Development GEORGE A. SCHNACK, Ph.D., Associate Director for Research ALICE HAYWOOD, Information Officer DIVISION OF HEALTH EXAMINATION STATISTICS ROBERT L. MURPHY, Director JEAN ROBERTS, Chief, Medical Statistics Branch KURT MAURER, Acting Chief, Survey Planning and Development Branch COOPERATION OF THE U.S. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Under the legislation establishing the National Health Survey, the Public Health Service is authorized to use, insofar as possible, the services or facilities of other Federal, State, or private agencies. In accordance with specifications established by the National Center for Health Statistics, the Bureau of the Census, under contractual agreement, participated in planning the survey and collecting the data. Vital and Health Statistics-Series 2-No. 86 DHHS Publication (PHS) 81-1360 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 80-607930 CONTENTS Introduction Background Spirometry Data Variability Testing Methodology Instrumentation Spirometer and Support Electronics Calibrators Data Acquisition System Spirometry Data Analysis: Program Description Calibration Factor Computation (First Stage) Volume and Flow Rate Signal Data Corrections (Second Stage) Spirometer Trial Parameter Computation (Third Stage) ‘Spirometry Data Analysis: Validity of Alternative Algorithms Methodology Zero-Time and FEV ( Calculations End-of-Trial, FVC, and FEF95.759 Calculations Summary and Conclusions References List of Detailed Tables Appendixes I. Glossary II. General Spirometric Test Procedures Used by NHANES LIST OF FIGURES 1. Typical subject flow-volume curve set 2. Sample spirogram demonstrating the short baseline procedural error .....ceeesreenee ITA TIA 3. Sample spirogram demonstrating the no end-of-test plateau procedural CTTOL cosovussvomsorinsvsssannssin sons 4. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the premature termination artifact procedural error .... 5. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the inhalation artifact procedural €ITOT veueereessosessenees 6. Sample oscilloscope tracings, one normal ana one demonstrating the Venturi artifact procedural error 7. A depiction of the mechanics of a spirometric Venturi artifact 8. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the low peak flow artifact procedural eITor ......ccesseensee 9. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the hesitation artifact nracedural error .....oeeeeeens shoes 45 £7 © © oo oo 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 13. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Schematic of the NHANES spirometry system Spirometer data—calibration sine wave Digital data array from a calibration curve showing trough (B) and peak (C) .....cceurenecncesassancsananes Schematic of flow-volume curve showing the relation of zero time to time of peak flow .....ccceeusues Data output sheet for a normal subject showing a set of 5 SPITOGrams .....c.ccceescescrsnccsensessrsssansasesnes Data output sheet for an abnormal subject showing a set of 5 spirograms .......... erfiviessearastinsiontytasis Example of a normal time-volume spirogram Normal spirogram (time-volume and flow-volume curves) with noise signals superimposed ............ Abnormal spirogram (time-volume and flow-volume curves) with noise signals superimposed ........ Manual calculation of ¢( showing a reproduction of the 4 alternative methods .......ccceeerueereraesencanes Example of an abnormal time-volume spirogram Manual calculation of end of trial showing the 4 alternative methods ............ wsteAeISR AAR RSS Ass RASS FEV) ( analysis—means and standard deviations (30) of paired differences from triangular ex- trapolation (method 2) measurements FVC analysis—means and standard deviations (30) of paired differences from negative flow (method 3) measurements LIST OF TEXT TABLES Procedural error codes and their definitions Methods for zero-time and end-of-trial determinations SYMBOLS Data not available ceeeeeee -- = Category not applicable——-—-----ceomeeconeeee | Quantity zero . Quantity more than 0 but less than 0.05-—- 0.0 Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision--———----eeeeeereeeeeeen * 10 12 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 26 27 30 32 33 21 COMPUTER-ASSISTED SPIROMETRY DATA ANALYSIS FOR THE NATIONAL HEALTH AND NUTRITION EXAMINATION SURVEY, 1971-80 David P. Discher, M.D 2; Alan Palmer, PhD? ; Gregory Hibdon®; Terence A. Drizd, MSPHJI INTRODUCTION The wide acceptance of the Forced Expira- tory Spirogram pulmonary function test in respi- ratory epidemiologic studies is evidenced by recent efforts of the Division of Lung Disease of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the American Thoracic Society to bring greater precision to this important test.!»2 Spi- rometry provides both medical practitioners and epidemiologists with a simple yet objective method of following the course of chronic ob- --structive lung disease from its early inception to its more advanced states, thereby permitting the application of intervention measures and the monitoring of results. Furthermore, epidemio- logical studies can indicate early changes in func- tion that can be related to various aspects of environmental pollution thus permitting devel opment of control strategies to mitigate further degradation of function. Unfortunately, spirometric testing is ham- pered by a lack of sound and sensitive data ob- tained from rigorous testing procedures on gen- eral population groups. These data are necessary for derivation of performance standards. 3Chairman, Department of Industrial and Environmental Medicine, San Jose Medical Clinic. bSenior Epidemiologist, Center for Community Health Studies, Stanford Research Institute International. CComputer Application Analyst, Stanford Research Insti- tute International. Statistician, Division of Health Examination Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics. The National Health and Nutrition Examina- tion Survey of the National Center for Health Statistics is the largest ongoing examination sur- vey in the world. Thus the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey offers an oppor- tunity to collect lung function data on various population groups representative of all socioeco- nomic groups, races, ages, sexes, and geographic areas. Because additional data are also collected on examinees that may be significant variables for spirometric function, this survey will lead to research on other variables. Aware of the limitations of existing spirom- etry data, the staff of the Division of Health Ex- amination Statistics, which conducts the Na- tional Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, have undertaken an extensive review of the existing spirometry data collection procedures and computer processing program criteria to ensure that data sensitivity is maximized. This report details each of the steps taken to ensure the collection of optimal data. An identi- fication of the multiple source of variability known to reduce the sensitivity of the data, a description of the subsequent operating proce- dures to minimize each of these sources of vari- ance, a review of spirogram measurement criteria as currently used in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey program, and a comparative analysis of various alternative algo- rithms for increasing the accuracy of the meas- urements are presented. The development of alternative spirogram measurement techniques was undertaken to further validate those tech- niques suggested in the recent National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute report! and, most im- portant, to provide testable, documented logic for the National Health and Nutrition Examina- tion Survey (NHANES) criteria used in quality control calibration, and measurement pro- cedures. These documented measurement criteria should provide a foundation for the analysis of current and future NHANES-collected data from which new regression equations will be developed for prediction on normative values. BACKGROUND Spirometry testing has been an integral part of the National Health Examination Survey (NHES) since 1963. During NHES Cycle II (1963-65), spirometry data were obtained by a Collins water-sealed spirometer, using the stand- ard operating test procedures recommended in the spirometer instruction manual. Generally, technicians had little training in the theory and physiological meaning of spirometry. Measure- ments were made manually at great expense in time and money, and the limitations of this level of data collection became obvious? During NHES Cycle III (1966-70), a spirometry testing module that used computerized data collection techniques was developed. Rigid standard oper- ating procedures (SOP’s) were developed, and concurrent technician and data surveillance pro- grams were run to control for procedure and test data variability. Data were analyzed using the spirometry computer program*® developed by the Public Health Service (PHS). Further refinements were made in the spi- rometry data collection module in 1970 before the beginning of the National Health and Nutri- tion Examination Survey (NHANES I). The data acquisition hardware system that was used in NHANES I to collect spirograms is described in this report. Digital tape equipment was installed to replace the analog data systems used in NHES III, and general refinements of the SOP’s were made to reflect the current methodology (e.g., the use of a standard set of five trials to ensure maximal values). While NHANES I data were being collected, the latest version of the PHS computer spirometry program was reevaluated and extensive program changes were made in calibration and quality control procedures and the logic used to define and compute the various spirometric measurements. Recently, new cri- teria have been developed and adopted by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to standardize the criteria used to compute and analyze spirometric data in epi- demiologic studies.] The NHLBI criteria are comparable with those used by the NHANES programs except in ‘“zero-time” and the “end- of-test” computations. These methods are com- pared and their strengths and weaknesses are documented. The initial discussion in this report relates to nonsampling data errors that are caused by the host of variables that the NHANES planning group delineated as obstacles to collecting opti- mal data. This discussion is followed by a de- scription of the instrumentation and the quality control programs that were developed to control for these errors and of the test procedures used during NHANES I. Finally an analysis of the test procedures is presented and various alternative methods for obtaining spirometric measure- ments are compared. Spirometry Data Variability In establishing testing uniformity, the vari- ables that must be considered include sélection and training of technicians, testing techniques, testing environment, spirometry equipment se- lection, data measurement and computation, and quality control.8:7 Each of these areas is a potential cause of nonsampling error that di- minishes or obscures any differences being sought in epidemiological studies as well as the validity of spirometry as a clinical-diagnostic tool. Examinee sources of variance.—Submaximal expiratory effort during the performance of the Forced Expiratory Spirogram (FES) is attribut- able to a variety of factors. A common cause of poor test data is failure of the subject to com- prehend the test instructions; in children this problem is often referred to as testing imma- turity. This condition is a behavioral-social phe- nomenon exemplified by a lack of school readi- ness; the commands “Sit down and be quiet,” “Raise your hand when you want to speak,” “Pick up your pencil and copy the picture and the words in your book” all require understand- ing, willingess, and enough self-control for the pupil to perform properly and effectively. Older children and adults of various ethnic and socioeconomic groups can also present problems of language and comprehension, and these fre- quently combine to frustrate meaningful data collection. Examinees with such problems are often performing the spirometry maneuver for the first time and this situation, coupled with anxiety regarding any medical procedure or its implications, often results in an unacceptable test despite the best efforts of the technician. Technician sources of variance.—Spirometry testing requires maximum subject participation and an astute technician. Current practice dic- tates that vigorous verbal encouragement be given to the subject to stimulate maximal effort. An experienced technician is a combination of bully and cheerleader as he or she strives to elicit this maximal response from the subject. The technician must first explain the test, demon- strate the procedure, cheer on or goad the subject into putting forth his or her best effort, and evaluate the degree of cooperation obtained. The methods used to administer the test not only vary from one technician to another, but also vary from trial to trial with the same subject. Not all technicians have equal abilities to perform all tasks well. Some work well only under supervision; if supervision is varied, tech- nician performance also can vary.? Any individual who is well motivated, inter- ested, and reasonably intelligent and who has the equivalent of a high school education can be trained in spirometry.” Only 2 weeks of inten- sive training are required to learn how to administer the spirometry test, handle and cali- brate the instruments, and perform the calcu- lations. However, learning to obtain the best possible performances from examinees of all types and ages takes much longer—at least 6 months and perhaps a year. Such experience develops the many approaches necessary to instruct the examinee in a series of unfamiliar maneuvers, such as, taking in the deepest breath possible, inserting the mouthpiece and keeping the lips tightly around it, and exhaling into the spirometer as quickly, forcibly, and completely as possible. The most important quality of a pulmonary function technician is the motivation to perform the very best test on every examinee. Initial enthusiasm after a while may turn into lack of interest. The intellectual ability of the techni- cian becomes particularily important in discern- ing performance deficiencies of examinees and correcting these errors in maneuver. The qualifications of personnel being hired to do spirometry are difficult to judge. This process may be accomplished though a personal interview with the prospective employee in which previous and related work experiences are reviewed and discussed. Each new technician should be evaluated to determine the level of training that will be required; and, if further training is needed, it should be done under the guidance of an experienced physician or pulmo- nary physiologist in a laboratory where ample testing is being performed with the highest standards of accuracy and quality control. Equipment sources of wvariance.—Spirom- eters—much data are available on pulmonary function sensors that point to a basic set of de- sirable characteristics. The spirometers should be accurate and precise, have linear volume and flow rate response, be electronically (in elec- tronic models) and pneumatically calibratable, have a frequency response of the signal being recorded (FES, 15 Hz), and have low inertia without oscillatory fluctuations.? Portability and compactness, although de- sirable, should not be considered at the expense of any of the preceding characteristics. Automation.—Hand measurements of spiro- metric data have been shown to be less precise than automatic systems. Studies have shown that when two trained pulmonary technicians analyzed a number of spirograms, interobserver differences were statistically significant.!0 Epi- demiologic studies often require the combined efforts of two or more observers for the study of a large population; thus should one observer be more precise than the other, the quality of the better effort is diluted when the results are pooled. The ability of measurements to discrimi- nate between a normal and abnormal population is vitiated under such circumstances. The expenditures of time and people for routine computations is no longer justifiable. The use of automated techniques conserves time, improves accuracy and precision, increases work capacity, and reduces cost. Through these means, the professional and technical staff be- come free to pursue more challenging activities. Testing Methodology The need for calibration.—Although spirom- etry equipment is extremely accurate, even the best equipment requires both careful attention and routine maintenance. For the electronic sig- nals generated by moving the piston in the spi- rometer to be related to known volumes and known flows of air, the technician must perform periodic calibration checks. To detect minor sig- nal fluctuations between pneumatic and elec- tronic calibrations, the technician must perform a calibration as required by the SOP’s.11 Precise adjustments of the equipment are made that alter the volume-to-voltage relationship which are based on observations that the technician makes by using the pneumatic calibrations. The technician becomes aware of the need for elec- tronic service to the equipment when the elec- tronic calibrations show wide fluctuations of the standard electronic signal. Thus the first consid- eration in obtaining valid data on forced expira- tory maneuvers by electronic spirometry is an understanding of the electronic principles inher- ent in calibrations and maintenance. The need for technician-examinee rapport.— The second concept that the technician must understand is the requirement that the forced expiratory maneuver be correctly performed by the subject under the close observation and guidance of the technician. The technician can enhance this communication by developing an initial rapport, performing a good demonstration of the maneuver, and clearly stating the standard test instructions. The technician’s skill is mani- fested by the subject’s comprehension of the initial standard instructions, motivation to pro- vide a maximal effort on a minimum of two of the five expiratory trials, and correct notation of procedural errors and redirection of test instruc- tions accordingly. A number of barriers to a successful test can be identified as follows: ® Testing immaturity—the subject cannot follow directions. ® Inability to communicate—the subject cannot speak the language or dialect of the technician or any available interpreter. ® Pain or disability—the subject cannot take in a deep breath and/or rapidly exhale down to full expiration. ® Voluntary refusal—the subject will not participate because of fear or other reasons. Instructions to subjects, therefore, are stand- ardized for the initial trials and follow standard variations for subsequent trials depending on observations of the technicians—observations made by watching the subject perform the maneuver and by monitoring oscilloscope dis- plays of the flow and volume signals of all completed trials for that subject. The skilled technician quickly perceives difficulties from these two sources and redirects the subject to perform a correct maneuver. A number of examinees tested in NHANES I did exhibit pain or discomfort while performing the test or indicated the presence of an upper respiratory infection. With the assistance of the resident physician, such subjects were disqualified from the examination. Regarding those who refused to take the test, their reasons were fully docu- mented and will be examined for nonresponse bias. In summary, the test requires both a technician-spirometer interaction to achieve ac- curate and reliable signals and a technician- subject interaction to achieve subject compre- hension and motivation. These two interaction areas define technician skill. A review of techni- cian performance in the field, however, revealed occasional drift in performance; therefore, re- training procedures were routinely implemented to reduce this source of error. Spirometry data quality control.—The at- tending technician is responsible for spirometric data quality: Direct observations can be made during the performance of the test and observed errors can be corrected during the procedure. Clearly, the technician has the cardinal role in data quality control because he or she provides clear and concise test instructions, coaches the examinee to perform a maximal expiratory maneuver, and provides an initial judgment of the acceptability of the data obtained. The technician can carry out this role by proper use of the monitoring equipment and careful observation of the subject. A memory oscilloscope with an X-Y axis is regarded as a reasonably precise tool for monitoring patient’s spirometric effort. Flow is registered on the Y (vertical) axis, and volume is measured on the X (horizontal) axis. Each respiratory effort results in a flow-volume curve, which is displayed on the oscilloscope and compared with subsequent curves (figure 1). The technician can thus monitor discreet changes in patient effort and cooperation by observing the shape of the curve and the height of the peak flow deflection. This monitoring information must be integrated with subject performance observations. Appendix I is a glossary of terms relating to this technician function and includes a diagram of the three phases in a normal spirogram trial (appendix figure I). The following paragraphs describe the cur- rent criteria used by the NHANES technicians to judge data quality.!! Procedural error detection.—As a matter of conscientious workmanship, a technician ex- amines each trial within a test set during its recording to identify the presence of any partic- ular procedural error. Errors are a signal to the technician that the examinee is experiencing some problem with the test instructions either because the instructions were unclear or compre- hension was inadequate. When a procedural error is identified, such as the absence of a ter- minal decay curve (as seen on both the flow and volume signal), the subject is reinstructed, with emphasis on that part of the instruction where the problem occurred, and a clear demonstration of the test procedure is given. The common procedural errors that alert the technician to the possibility of an invalid trial are described below.!! The best trials are those with the largest forced vital capacity (FVC) ac- companied by the highest flow rates. Procedures for identifying the best trial are described within the section entitled “Reliability Error Detec- tion.” Short baseline.—A short baseline can result when the technician starts the recording equip- ment too late, thereby not permitting establish- ment of a sufficient baseline, or when the sub- ject initiates expiration before instructed to do so, thus obviating the baseline. A short baseline cannot be observed on the flow volume display but it is evident on the strip chart, as shown in figure 2. No end-of-test plateau.—During the test pro- cedure, subjects who have large vital capacities coupled with low terminal flow rates continue to increase their expired volumes beyond the preset recording time (9.19 seconds after the technician initiates the NHANES I recording system). This phenomenon typically occurs in subjects with chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD), although it can occur in subjects with no known disease. The strip chart, not the visual display, shows this phenomenon because the former is a 9.19-second record whereas the latter is a flow volume display that is independent of time (figure 3). The recording equipment de- scribed here does not have a manual override to permit recording volumes beyond 9.19 seconds; thus, the presence of a terminal flow is referred to as premature termination by the recorder. Premature termination artifact.—The prema- ture termination artifact is manifested by the absence of a typical phase III morphology of the spirometric curve, that is, a slow decay curve until residual volume is reached. Unlike a prema- ture termination by the 9.19-second recorder, this phenomenon occurs within 9.19 seconds and is due to premature termination of the effort by the subject; thus the phenomenon is found on both the visual display and the strip chart (figure 4). Inhalation artifact.—Inhalation artifacts are identified either by the flow-volume loop mor- phology depicted in figure 5 or by review of the flow signal on the recording paper and observing that the flow rate decreases below the baseline, which is followed by an increase of flow greater than 1 liter per second (11 per FLOW ¢ H [4 4 ! 4 i) VOLUME Figure 1. Typical subject flow-volume curve VOLUME TIME Figure 2. Sample spirogram demonstrating the short baseline procedural error VOLUME TIME Figure 3. Sample spirogram demonstrating the no end-of-test plateau procedural error Sudden cessation of flow rate FLOW VOLUME ‘FLOW VOLUME Figure 4. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the prema- ture termination artifact procedural error second). (These trials are automatically dis- carded as totally invalid and are not considered in a set of five.) Venturi artifact.—The Venturi artifact is evident when FVC volumes and/or flow rate values are greater than clinically expected (fig- ure 6). This phenomenon is caused by trumpet- ing into the mouthpiece with pursed lips, which causes room air to be drawn into the spirometer along with the expired air (figure 7). This situ- ation occurs because of a vacuum effect from the high velocity of air movement from the pursed lips. The typical morphology of a Ven- turi trial is a rapid rise of flow rate to a high level that is sustained until residual volume is Figure 5. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the inhala- tion artifact procedural error attained, followed by a rapid decrease to the zero line. Such an uncharacteristic trial is readily identified by a trained technician by review of the flow-volume display. Because some members of the population (such as highly trained athletes) have extra large lung volumes and flow rates, large values can be obtained without any artifact; however, caution is required before accepting these readings. Again, if reliability criteria are met, which includes a careful review of the flow and volume histories, the test is valid. Low peak flow artifact.—Peak flow rates of 50 percent of predicted value are sought as a measure of inital expiratory thrust. Lower values WITH VENTURI FLOW VOLUME FLOW WITHOUT VENTURI — es we 20 [/SBEONA fre cm ce cn cm — t— — — — — Normal VOLUME Figure 6. Sample oscilloscope tracings, one normal and one demonstrating the Venturi artifact procedural error. THE VENTURI Outside air drawn in Spirometry tube Figure 7. A depiction of the mechanics of a spirometric Venturi artifact would indicate the possibility of malingering, not achieving total lung capacity before begin- ning to blow, trouble understanding the test instruction, or severe obstructive lung disease (figure 8). This possible error check is discarded if applied reliability criteria are met. No compu- ter check is used for detecting this artifact: Detection is left to the technician who must observe both subject effort and peak flow esti- mates on the monitoring equipment. Hesitation artifact.—The hesitation artifact should not occur during the three phases of the spirogram. If it does occur, the test may be considered acceptable only if the reliability criteria have been fulfilled and flow and volume histories are similar. This artifact (figure 9) is generally identified by the technician, and com- puter identification is limited to detection of a relatively large hesitation only at phases II and III. Table A describes the output codes and criteria used by the computer program to flag the described procedural violations. : Reliability error detection.—Acceptable spirograms result in reproducible curves.l1,12 The technician makes an initial determination of reliability by using the monitoring equipment to superimpose one flow-volume curve over the other or, alternatively, to compare them side by side. At the conclusion of the fifth trial, the technician also examines the paper record for the two best trials. These trials are deemed reproducible if the estimates of the FVC and forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV, 4) are within 5 percent, assuming that these vol- umes exceed 31 or 10 percent for FVC and FEV, , volumes of less than 3 I. If reproducibil- FLOW VOLUME Figure 8. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the low peak flow artifact procedural error FLOW VOLUME Figure 9. Sample oscilloscope tracing demonstrating the hesita- tion artifact procedural error Table A. Procedural error codes and their definitions Definition Code Oeicnsinmnvinirase No violations occurred. Yoctionsecrisussnnse D.ssreinirrie BB srirasenmmaneres 8. iirrreminies interval following EOP (inhalation artifact). 8 urrrsnrnierens Bsc Computed FVC was less than 0.2 | (invalid trial). TT , Bu iisvsmnriries subject). Onset of volume curve occurred less than 150 ms after the beginning of the record (short baseline). End of trial (EOT) was not identified in the 9.19-second record (premature termination by recorder). A volume increment of less than 4 percent between 0.5 second and 1 second after onset of the curve, or an increment between 1 and 2 seconds less than 4 percent (midtrial premature termination by subject), occurred. A negative flow occurred followed by post-EOT positive flows in excess of 50 ml per second over any 0.50-second Peak flow was greater than 3 standard deviation units above subject's predicted peak flow (Venturi artifact). Post-peak flow but pre-EOT signal showed a marked decrease (25 percent of peak flow) in flow for a time interval of 0.1 second or more and was followed by a marked increase (25 percent of peak flow) in flow (hesitation artifact). The 0.50 second of a trial after EOT had a slope in excess of 50 ml/second (premature termination at end of trial by ity cannot be demonstrated within that test set, the five-trials test sequence is repeated after the subject has rested.4»2 The need for technician monitoring and surveillance. —Uniformity of testing procedures was achieved in the NHANES by the use of appropriate operational procedures, care in the selection and training of technicians, and peri- odic retraining. Because data collection in NHANES I ex- tended over a 5-year period, problems of drift in technique were anticipated.® This drift was overcome in part by a surveillance program in which spirometry data obtained by each techni- cian were periodically reviewed for trends in procedural and reliability errors. From this information, corrective actions were taken to reduce the continued collection of technically unsatisfactory data. This procedure was accomp- lished by directly observing the technician as he or she performed the testing in order to identify possible errors in technique. One aspect of this on-site surveillance was to compare the instruc- tions given to the subjects with the standard instructions shown in appendix II. Another aspect was the on-site review of the subjects’ tracings to determine whether the technicians could make accurate judgments from the record and were able to correctly observe the flow- volume loop. INSTRUMENTATION The instrumentation used in the NHANES program to acquire and store the spirometry signals in a format suitable for computer analysis comprised an electronic spirometer, a storage X-Y oscilloscope to display the flow-volume curve for monitoring purposes, a single-channel linear strip chart recorder to provide a perma- nent record of the volume signals, and a data acquisition unit to encode, convert, and record on digital tape the spirometry volume signals. Figure 10 is a schematic representation of the system. Spirometer and Support Electronics Spirometry examinations were performed on an Ohio Medical Instruments Corporation model 800 electronic spirometer. This spirometer dif- fers from the more widely used volume displace- ment “wet” system in that it consists of a dry metal cylinder containing a plastic-faced piston. A silastic rolling membrane forms an air-tight seal between the piston and the cylinder. The piston connecting rod is attached to a low- voltage potentiometer, which varies a fixed voltage signal in a linear manner proportional to the piston displacement. Expired air from the forced expiratory breathing maneuver flows down the connecting hose, into the spirometer, and displaces the piston, causing the output of a signal from the potentiometer. This signal is transferred to the Flow Flow- : Spirometer volume Storage Strip chart converter oscilloscope recorder Volume T Volume 1 1 I~ _— — dene — — a—— — — — — m— o— —— 7] A/D converter 9-track magnetic tape recorder i Lead selector switch Encoder (EBCDIC) 12 selector switches Digicorder | Figure 10. Schematic of the NHANES spirometry system 10 flow-volume converter where the signal is fil- tered, amplified, and is also differentiated to generate the flow signal. The outputs from the flow-volume converter are two signals of varying voltages, one of which is directly proportional to the amount of piston displacement (volume signal) and the other directly proportional to the rate of piston displacement (flow signal). Calibrators The spirometer is calibrated by means of an internal volume pump operated by a small electric motor that drives a single-lobed cam through a gear reduction train. When the calibra- tor yoke is attached to the connecting rod of the spirometer piston, and when the electric motor is engaged, the cam rider pushes the piston back and forth, causing the in-and-out movement of a known volume of room air at known flow rates. When the output volume signal is recorded on a paper tracing, as shown in figure 11, the known air movement is represented by a graphic sinus- oidal signal, with the trough-to-peak distance representing the volume of air displaced. For example, if the calibrator movement causes 5,000 milliliters (ml) of air to flow in and out of the spirometer, the trough-to-peak distance on any paper recording of the volume signal will represent that 5,000 ml. The volume displace- ment shown in figure 11 is representative of a midrange calibration. The Ohio spirometer electronics are preset to convert 1 ml of volume to 1 millivolt (mV); therefore, the trough-to-peak signal will be recorded on the magnetic tape as a difference of 5,000 mV from the baseline voltage. Any variation from the 5,000-mV calibration signal thus indicates either a change in the calibrator or a change in the volume-to-voltage ratio. For preliminary data processing purposes, any such observed change was assumed to be caused by the latter. For example, if the mean trough-to- peak difference was found to be 4,950 ml, a calibration factor of 1.01 was used for the subsequent spirometric analysis. Likewise, a mean difference of 5,050 ml would produce a calibration factor of 0.99. Finally, a manual check of the program- computed standard deviation is performed, and the coefficient of variation is computed. It is assumed that a coefficient of variation greater than 3 percent indicates a daily variation great enough to warrant the use of different calibra- tion factors for different periods of testing. Specifically, if the coefficient of variation is greater than 3 percent (that is, £150 ml on a 5,000-ml calibration), hardware maintenance is performed and the affected data set is manually divided into smaller batches until the variation is less than 3 percent; a different calibration factor is computed manually for each batch (from the list of trough-to-peak differences printed out by the program). Spirometric analysis is performed separately for each batch. If the coefficient of variation is within the 3-percent limit, the data on that tape are considered to be a single batch. Before conducting a spirometry test on a subject, the technician electronically calibrates the spirometer through the use of the signal generation capability of the flow-volume conver- ter. This calibration involves switching the volume-calibration switch from its normal “op- erate” position to the zero position. The techni- cian then switches between this position and a +5,000 mV (d.c.) position. This switching back and forth between 0 and +5,000 mV activates transmission of a signal that displays graphically as a square wave function, with the bottom step representing 0 mV and the top step representing +5,000 mV. The difference between electronic and pneu- matic calibrations follows. A pneumatic calibra- tion involves all parts of the spirometry data collection system—the mechanical action of the spirometer piston, the mechanical and electronic action of the potentiometer, the amplifier and filtering circuits of the flow-volume converter, the analog-to-digital (A/D) converter and filter- ing circuits of the data acquisition unit, and the nine-track tape recording device. Conversely, the electronic calibration only tests the electronic portions of the instrumentation system. Thus an evaluation of the pneumatic calibration signal is an evaluation of the accuracy of the entire data collection system, whereas the evaluation of the electronic calibration signal assists the examiner in locating the source of any variation. For example, should the pneumatic variation deviate beyond certain preset limits on a given magnetic 1 10,000 — EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN MILLILITERS (4,500 mv) A 2,000 |— 0 1 2 3 a ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 11. Spirometer data—calibration sine wave tape, the troubleshooter would first examine the electronic calibration output for that tape. If this check revealed a consistent step-function difference of 5,000 mV, it could be assumed that the electronic portion of the system was functioning normally and that the problem lay in the pneumatic system (i.e., the spirometer itself). Conversely, should the electronic calibra- tion show a significant step-function difference from 5,000 mV, it could be assumed that the spirometer was functioning normally and that the problem emanated from the electronic cir- cuits somewhere in the line after the spirometer. The pneumatic calibration procedure used in NHANES I (1971-75) was not that which was recommended by the American Thoracic Soci- ety (ATS) in its Snowbird Standardization Proj- ect.2 NHANES II (1976-80) practice did, how- ever, follow that procedure. 12 Data Acquisition System Spirometry data are recorded on a Beckman Digicorder Model No. DRS-1000 digital tape acquisition system. This unit encodes each signal with a series of pulses entered by thumb switches that the computer program identifies as the recording location, subject identification number, age, sex, race, height, technician code, barometric pressure in millimeters of mercury, and temperature in degrees Celsius. The com- puter uses temperature and pressure to develop a BTPS correction factor that adjusts volume from ambient temperature and pressure saturated with water vapor (ATPS) to body temperature and pressure saturated with water vapor (BTPS). A record of the machine identification number is also encoded. This encoding permits each spirogram to be traced to the machine it was recorded on and a code (lead) number that indicates to the computer whether the signal was : a calibration or .an FES. Because this 14-lead data acquisition system is also used to collect a 12-lead electrocardiogram on the same subject, unique lead numbers are assigned to the spi- rometry examination. Data are recorded on a nine-track digital tape after conversion from analog form via an A/D converter. The tape is processed directly by a digital computer at a later date. SPIROMETRY DATA ANALYSIS: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The analog spirometric signal is converted to digital data and encoded by the Digicorder and then recorded on a digital magnetic tape. Each individual data record (subject trial, calibration, etc.) consists of 18 digits representing the header and identification information, followed by 4,599 data points representing voltages (the spirometer volume curve). All data are recorded at a rate of 500 samples per second. As described below, the number of data points is reduced by computer processing to 100 samples per second, and each resulting data point has a signal resolution of approximately 2 ml of volume. The automated computation of spirometer trial parameters is performed in three stages. In the first stage the Digicorder data tape is unpacked (reformatted) and the calibration fac- tor (which corrects voltage-to-volume ratios) to be applied to the volume data is computed. In the second stage the flow data are computed from the volume data, the calibration and BTPS factors are applied to the volume and flow data, and the baseline is computed and removed. The third stage is the computation of spirometric parameters from the corrected data. Calibration Factor Computation (First Stage) A calibration data record is recognized by two conditions in the 18-digit header. The number 14 must be found in the channel lead indicator (digits 5 and 6) and at least nine 9’s must be found in digits 7 through 18. The actual calibration is a sinusoidal wave with the trough- to-peak voltage difference corresponding to a 5-1 volume. By computing the average trough-to- peak voltage, a ratio is formed (the calibration factor), which is later used to scale all the volume data. When a calibration data record is found, the sinusoidal wave data are first reduced from 500 samples per second to 100 samples per second by a five-point average: v, =(V + Vr + V2 * Vin+s + Vines W5s where m =5(n=-1)+1 and n =the number of the averaged data point, 1-919. This averaging reduces the data from 4,599 points per record (trial) to 919 points per record. Once the data have been averaged, the first differences (flows) are computed by the relation AV, =p * Vp Because the sinusoidal curve may begin with a positive or a negative flow, a starting point must be determined. This point is located by ob- serving the first negative flow with a voltage of less than 4.5 volts (V) (i.e., a point from which to start looking for the first trough). If no such point is found, the record is ignored and the next record is read. When the starting point is located, a search is made for the first positive flow. From this positive flow, the next 175 vol- ume data points are retained (1.75 seconds; because the sine wave period is 3 seconds, this time will contain a minimum and maximum voltage). The trough-to-peak difference is com- puted and the next cycle is checked, beginning with a positive flow (minimum). The trough-to-peak differences are com- puted cycle by cycle and record by record until the end of the data is reached. If no pneumatic calibration signals were found on the data tape, processing is terminated. If one legitimate cali- bration is found, the calibration factor is com- puted (cal =5.0 I/D volts, where D is the average trough-to-peak voltage difference). 13 Figure 11 shows a typical calibration sine wave. At A, the first negative flow is encoun- tered; however, the voltage level is above the 4,500-mV threshold. At A’, the first negative flow with a voltage less than 4,500 mV is found. The search for the next positive flow proceeds to B, where the minimum threshold of 3,320 mV is recorded. The search then continues to C, where the maximum of 8,510 mV is found. The trough-to-peak difference (B to C) is computed as 5,190 mV. A like difference is computed be- tween D and E, and the average is 5,190 mV or 5.190 V. Thus the calibration factor is 5.0 liters cal = = e=— =(.9634 lit It. 5.190 volts rensfvo Figure 12 shows the data taken from an actual calibration trial where both the trough and peak (B and C) were examined for stability of the sig- nal. As shown in the figure, 9 data points were recorded at 3,330, which preceded the trough, and 9 similar data points were recorded, which \ C | 8,500 (n = 9) | {ry \ PEAK : . 4 BT = 16) : \ / 8,500 (n= 11) \ 3,330 (n=9) : : TROUGH 3820—— (n=36) : 3330(n=9) Figure 12. Digital data array from a calibration curve showing trough (B) and peak (C) 14 followed the trough; moreover, the trough volt- age of 3,320 mV appeared as a continuous string of 36 samples. The figure also shows a similar stability at the peak end. Volume and Flow-Rate Signal Data Corrections (Second Stage) The corrections applied to the spirometric trial volume and flow rate data consist of a cali- bration factor, a BTPS factor, a reduction of the data sample rate from 500 samples per second to 100 samples per second, and the subtraction of the baseline (from the volume data). BTPS correction.—The BTPS factor is com- puted by using the following formula: (BP- PH,0) _ (310.16) BTPS = -— BP- 47.067 (t,) where BP = the barometric pressure (obtained from the header data) ty =the spirometer temperature in de- grees Kelvin (derived from the header data) PH,0 =a temperature-dependent water va- por pressure. A combined correction factor is then com- puted by multiplying the BTPS and calibration factors. Sample rate reduction.—The sample rate for the 4,599 volume data points (voltages) is re- duced from 500 to 100 samples per second by the five-point averaging technique applied to the calibration data. The volume data are then con- verted from centivolts (cV) to liters, and the combined correction factor is applied to the averaged volume data. Finally, the flow rates are computed by taking the first differences of the volume data as was done with the calibration curve. Baseline removal. —Because a volume of zero liters is not generally represented by a zero- voltage signal from the spirometer, a baseline must be determined and removed from the vol- ume data. This baseline is defined as the average value of the points preceding the estimated be- ginning of the trial. A flow threshold of 1 1 per second, plus a noise tolerance, is used to estimate the beginning of a trial. (The noise tolerance is defined as 30, where 0 is the standard deviation of all baseline data being processed and is determined as a sepa- rate computation.) The flow threshold is based on the minimum step size in the spirometer sig- nal—which is 1 ¢V or 10 mV. With a combined correction factor of 1, this method would con- vert 10 ml at 500 samples per second. When the sample rate reduction is performed (five-point averaging), the minimum step size would be re- duced to 2 ml. At a sample rate of 100 samples per second, a volume change of 2 ml would pro- duce a flow rate of 0.2 1 per second. The 1-1-per- second threshold allows for a small deviation of the baseline above the 0.2-l-per-second minimum step size. The noise tolerance is used to increase the size of the flow threshold if the baseline data are noisy. Therefore, the first flow rate to exceed the flow threshold marks the end of the baseline. (This initial estimate of zero time is refined during the third stage). The baseline digits are then averaged with the weighted aver- age technique at the net volume point, Avg, = (Avg,.;.* Vol, )/2. Once the average baseline volume has been determined, it is subtracted from all volume data to remove the recorder bias. If the baseline is less than 15 points long (150 milliseconds (ms) worth of data), the trial is rejected and the data quality code is set to 1, indicating a short baseline. Spirometer Trial Parameter Computation (Third Stage) Peak flow determination.—After the volume and flow curves have been corrected, the flow data are searched and the largest value is re- corded as the peak flow, with the corresponding volume. Predicted peaks are computed on the basis of the following formulas: Predicted peak flow for males =~-1.0028 + (0.0474 X age) + (0.2150 X height) Predicted peak flow for females ==0.5532 + (~0.0331 X age) + (0.1493 X height), where peak flow is in liters per second, age in years, and height in inches. The data quality code is set to 5 (Venturi artifact) if the observed peak exceeds the predicted peak by at least 3.10 (where: 0 male = 1.9585, and 0 female = 1.3821). Zero time.—Once the peak flow has been de- termined, the zero-time (beginning of trial) esti- mate can be refined (figure 13). This method for determining zero time therefore replaces the ini- tial estimate derived in the second stage. Using a triangular method for the flow curve, the zero time is corrected by the following equation: fie V peak 0 peak F peak > where ty = zero time tpeak = time of peak (referenced to first guess zero time) Vpeak = volume at peak flow Fea = the peak flow rate with the additional constraint that the corrected to not precede the first guess zero time. End-of-trial determination and FVC calcula- tion.— After the beginning of trial is determined, the end of the trial (EOT) must be found. The EOT is found by a two-step process. First, the volume data are searched for a plateau. The Peak flow Volume at peak FLOW RATE ————» 2 =» if TIME roms: Figure 13. Schematic of flow-volume curve showing the rela- tion of zero time to time of peak flow 15 plateau is said to be reached when, starting with the zero-time volume and comparing at every 10th point (every 0.1 second), the volume has not increased from the previous 0.1-second point. When a plateau is found, the time of the earliest point is recorded as the first guess of EOT, and the corresponding volume is recorded as the first-guess FVC. If a 10-point plateau is found, a search is made from this first-guess EOT to the end of the volume data (919 data points or 9.19 seconds) for the maximum vol- ume. Current recommendations? are for a mini- mum signal duration of 10 seconds; however, design of this system preceded the development of these recommendations and the current sys- tem in use conforms to the 10-second duration of signal. If no volume is found larger than the first-guess FVC, the previously recorded FVC and EOT are used, and the data quality code is set to zero. If a larger volume is found, a search is made of the flow data between the first-guess FVC and the maximum volume. If a negative flow rate is encountered between the first-guess FVC and the higher maximum volume, the EOT is defined as the point just prior to the negative flow and the corresponding value is recorded as FVC. A negative flow is defined as any 0.01- second flow rate less than zero when the base- line o is zero; when 0 is not equal to zero, nega- tive flow is equal to the noise tolerance (or minus 30). If no intervening negative flows are found, the maximum value is defined as the FVC, and the corresponding time is recorded as EOT. A hesitation artifact (procedural error 7 in table A) is reported if a marked decrease in flow occurs after the peak flow for a 0.1-second interval, which is followed by a marked increase in flow. If EOT is found after the 10-point pla- teau, a check must still be made for premature termination at the end of trial. This check is done by examining the average flow rate during the 0.50-second period preceding EOT. If the average flow rate exceeds 50 ml per second, the data quality code is set to 8 (premature termina- tion at EOT) and no further processing is per- ~ formed on that trial. If the EOT is at 9.19 sec- onds and the average flow rate exceeds 50 ml per second, quality control code 2 (premature termination by recorder) is set and no further processing of the trial is performed. If no prema- 16 ture termination is found, the entire trial be- tween zero time and EOT is searched for inhala- tion artifacts (negative flow rates greater than noise tolerance). If any are found, the data quality flag is set to 4 (inhalation artifact), but the processing continues on that trial. Calculation of other parameters and quality control checks.—Once the beginning and ending of the trial have been defined and the peak flow and FVC have been determined, the other trial parameters can be computed. The forced expira- tory flow rates at 25, 50, and 75 percent of FVC (FEFy5q , FEF5q , and FEF, ) are computed from the FVC. The volume data are then searched for a forced expiratory volume of at least 0.2 1. If none is found, the trial is declared invalid (procedural error 6 in table A) and no further processing is carried out. If a volume ex- ceeding 0.2 1 is found, the corresponding time is found by linearly interpolating between that volume and the previous one. The same pro- cedure is followed to determine the time for an FEV of 1.21. The FEF,40.4 200 m1° is then com- puted as: : (Viz ~ Voz) FEF = 200-1,200 ml Cro ~taa) In a like manner, the times are determined for FEV’s at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 1. Any volumes that are not reached have their corresponding times set to 99.99. The flow rates are also re- corded at the times of the various FEV values. Finally, any FEV’s that exceed the FVC,4q have their corresponding flow rates set to 99.99. The times and flows for 25, 50 and 75 per- cent of FVC are determined by locating the first volume that exceeds that value and recording the corresponding time and flow rates. The FEF,; 755 measurement (maximum midexpira- tory flow rate (MMEF)) is then computed as: FVC,5q J. FVCysq FEFas75% = tise = 25% €Forced expiratory flow rate between 200 and 1,200 ml on the volume curve (FEF200.1,200), form- erly known as the maximum expiratory flow rate (MEFR). SUBJECT NUMBER 12-345 SEX MALE AGE=41.YEARS HEIGHT=70. INCHES WEIGHT=178.LBS. TECH. NO. 2 TRIAL* VOLUME(L) TIME(SEC) FLOW(L/S) * TIME(SEC) VOLUME(L) FLOW(L/S) * TIME(SEC) VOLUME(L) FLOW(L/S)* * 0. .02 10.31 * 1/4 2.32 6.02 *PEAK .03 .31 12.46 * * 1.0 .09 10.74 * 1/2 3.38 3.22 » .10 1.43 8.81 * * 1.2 11 10.74 * 3/4 3.93 1.29 * .50 3.47 2.58 * *- 2.0 .21 6.66 * 1.0 4.23 99.99 * 1.0 4.26 99.99. * * 3.0 .40 3.65 * 2.0 4.75 99.99 i 2.0 4.76 99.99 * 1 * 4.0 .80 99.99 * 3.0 4.97 99.99 * 3.0 4.97 99.99 * * 5.0 3.18 99.99 * 4.0 5.06 99.99 * 4.0 5.06 99.93 * * 6.0 99.99 99.99 * .25FVC 11 9.24 - ZERO TIME= 1.54 END TIME= 5.04 TIME OF FVC= 3.50 * .50FVC .29 4.73 - FVC= 5.06 MEFR= 11.48 MMEF= 4.43 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * .75FVC .67 1.50 - * 0.2 .01 11.82 * 1/4 2.28 5.16 *PEAK .03 .40 11.82 * * 1.0 .09 10.31 * 12 3.26 3.22 » .10 1.42 8.38 * * 1.2 11 9.45 * 3/4 3.88 1.72 * .50 3.35 2.79 * * 2.0 .21 6.66 * 1.0 4.22 99.99 * 1.0 4.25 99.99 * * 3.0 .43 3.44 * 2.0 4.75 99.99 * 2.0 4.75 99.99 * 2 * 4.0 .83 99.99 * 3.0 4.95 99.99 * 3.0 4.95 99.99 * * 5.0 3.32 99.99 * 4.0 5.06 99.99 * 4.0 5.06 99. = * 6.0 99.99 99.99 * .25FVC 11 8.38 - ZERO TIME= 1.06 END TIME= 4.76 TIME OF FVC= 3.70 * .50FVC 31 4.08 - FVC= 5.06 MEFR= 10.45 MMEF= 4.15 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * .75FVC a1 1.93 - * 0.2 .01 11.82 * 14 2.21 6.02 *PEAK .04 .50 12.25 * * 1.8 .09 9.02 > 1/2 3.27 3.01 * .10 1.46 7.52 * * 1.2 11 9.02 * 3/4 3.90 2.15 * .50 3.39 2.19 * * 2.0 22 6.45 * 1.0 4.26 99.99 * 1.0 4.30 99.99 * * 3.0 .43 3.44 * 2.0 4.81 99.99 > 2.0 4.82 99.99 * 3 * 4.0 .80 99.99 * 3.0 5.03 99.99 * 3.0 5.04 99.99 * * 5.0 2.84 99.99 * 4.0 5.06 99.99 te 4.0 5.06 99.99 * * 6.0 99.99 99.99 * .25FVC 12 7.95 - ZERO TIME= .88 END TIME= 3.98 TIME OF FVC= 3.10 * .50FVC 31 4.51 - FVC= 5.06 MEFR= 10.27 MMEF= 4.27 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * L75FVC .70 1.93 - *. 0.2 .01 12.28 * 1/4 2.28 5.37 *PEAK .04 .52 12.68 * * 1.0 .09 9.67 > 4/2 3.30 3.44 * .10 1.51 8.81 * * ‘1.2 .10 8.81 * 3/4 3.93 1.93 * .50 3.41 2.79 * * 2.0 .21 6.88 * 1.0 4.31 99.99 x 1.0 4.35 99.99 * * 3.0 .41 4.08 *. 2.0 4.83 99.99 * 2.0 4.83 99.99 * 4 * 4.0 .79 99.99 * 3.0 5.03 99.99 > 3.0 5.04 99.99 * * 5.0 2.83 99.99 * 4.0 5.06 99.99 * 4.0 5.06 99.99 * * 6.0 99.99 99.99 = eceeeccecemeccecceeeeeeceeee * .25FVC 1 8.38 ZERO TIME= .93 END TIME= 4.03 TIME OF FVC= 3.10 * .50FVC .30 4.73 - FVC= 5.06 MEFR= 10.89 MMEF= 4.27 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * 75FVC .69 1.93 - * 0.2 .02 11.82 * 1/4 2.14 6.02 *PEAK .03 .33 12.89 * * 1.0 .10 8.81 * 172 3.2 3.22 * .10 1.33 7.52 * * 1.2 .11 8.59 * 3/4 3.88 1.72 * .50 3.32 3.22 * * 2.0 +23 6.45 * 1.0 4.27 99.99 * 1.0 4.30 99.99 * * 3.0 .44 3.22 * 2.0 4.81 99.99 * 2.0 4.83 99.99 * 5 * 4.0 .82 99.99 * 3.0 4.96 99.99 * 3.0 4.96 99.99 * * 50 99.99 99.99 * 4.0 4.96 99.99 * 4. 4.96 99.99 * *.6.0 99.99 99.99 = mmmeemeeemeeeeeecemeeeeeo — * ,25FVC 12 8.59 - ZERO TIME= 1.36 END TIME= 4.16 TIME OF FVC= 2.80 *° .50FVC .31 5.37 - FVC= 4.96 MEFR= 10.89 MMEF= 4.44 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * _I5FVC .68 2.36 - Ll Figure 14. Data output sheet for a normal subject showing a set of 5 spirograms 8l SUBJECT NUMBER 12-345 SEX MALE AGE=41. YEARS HEIGHT=70. INCHES WEIGHT=178.LBS. TECH. NO. 2 TRIAL* VOLUME(L) TIME(SEC) FLOW(L/S) * TIME(SEC) VOLUME(L) FLOW(L/S) * TIME(SEC) VOLUME(L) FLOA(L/S)* * 0.2 .07 1.72 * 1/4 .55 1.72 *PEAK .06 .18 2.79 + * 1.0 .57 1.50 + 12 .92 ‘ * .10 .39 1.72 * * 1.2 75 .86 * 3/4 1.20 .85 * .50 1.00 86 * * 2.0 2.41 99.99 * 1.0 1.40 .86 * 1.0 1.44 86 + * 3.0 99.99 99.99 * 2.0 1.90 99.99 * 2.0" 1.91 99.99 * 1 * 4.0 99.99 99.99 * 3.0 2.12 99.99 * 3.0 2.13 99.99 * * 5.0 99.99 99.99 * 4.0 2.17 99.99 * 4.0 2.17 99.99 * * 6.0 99.99 99.99 -- eee me em me mmm en * .25FVC .25 1.72 - ZERO TIME= 3.47 END TIME= 6.87 TIME OF FVC= 3.40 * .50FVC .64 1.07 - FVC= 2.17 MEFR= 1.46 MMEF= 97 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * .75FVC 1.36 43 - * 0.2 .08 1.72 * 1/4 51 1.93 *PEAK 05 .14 2.79 * * 1.0 .62 1.07 + 2 .86 1.50 * 10 .34 1.07 * * 1.2 .82 .86 * 3/4 1.14 .86 * 50 92 1.50 = * 2.0 2.53 99.99 * 1.0 1.33 1.97 * 1.0 1.37 86 * * 3.0 99.99 99.99 * 2.0 1.85 99.99 * 2.0 1.86 99.99 * 2 * 4.0 99.99 99.99 * 3.0 2.10 99.99 * 3.0 2.11 99.99 * * 5.0 99.99 99.99 * 4.0 2.16 99.99 * 4.0 2.16 99.99 + * 6.0 99.99 99.99 * L25FVC .26 1.72 - ZERO TIME= 2.01 END TIME= 5.41 TIME OF FVC= 3.40 * .50FVC .69 .86 - FVC= 2.16 MEFR= 1.34 MMEF= 87 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * L75FVC 1.50 .64 - * 0.2 .07 1.72 * 1/4 .52 1.93 *PEAK .05 .15 2.79 * * 1.0 .63 .86 * 1/2 .85 1.50 * .10 .35 1.93 * * 12 .83 .86 * 3/4 1.13 1.07 * .50 .91 1.50 * * 2.0 2.38 99.99 * 10 1.34 1.07 * 1.0 1.38 2» * 3.0 99.99 99.99 * 2.0 1.86 99.99 * 2.0 1.89 99.99 + 3 * a0 99.99 99.99 * 3.0 2.13 99.99 * 3.0 2.14 99.99 * * 5.0 99.99 99.99 * 4.0 2.18 99.99 * 4.0 2.18 99.99 * * 6.0 99.99 99.90 momen eee omens * .25FVC .26 1.07 - ZERO TIME= 1.47 END TIME= 4.77 TIME OF FVC= 3.30 * .50FVC 72 .86 - FVC= 2.18 MEFR= 1.31 MMEF= 89 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * 75FVC 1.48 43 - * 0.2 .08 1.93 * 1/4 .52 1.72 *PEAK .02 .08 3.40 * * 1.0 .61 .86 * 1/2 .87 1.50 * .10 .29 2.15 * * 1.2 .80 .86 * 3/4 1.16 .21 * .50 .90 86 * * 2.0 2.35 99.99 * 1.0 1.36 86 * 1.0 1.38 64 * * 3.0 99.99 99.99 * 2.0 1.88 99.99 * 2.0 1.89 99.99 * 4 + 4.0 99.99 99.99 * 3.0 2.15 99.99 * 3.0 2.15 99.99 * * 5.0 99.99 99.99 * 4.0 2.28 99.99 * 4.0 2.28 99.99 + * 6.0 99.99 Es nn * L25FVC .28 1.50 - ZERO TIME= 1.61 END TIME- 5.81 TIME OF FVC= 4.20 * L50FVC .75 .21 - FVC= 2.31 MEFR= 1.38 MMEF= 84 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 x LTSFVC 1.65 .21 - * 0.2 .08 1.72 * 1/4 72 .86 PEAK .31 79 2.58 * * 1.0 .51 .86 * 1/2 1.00 .86 * .10 .90 1.50 * +.1.2 71 86 x 3/4 1.24 .86 * .50 1.29 86 * * 2.0 2.27 99.99 = 1.0 1.42 .43 * 1.0 1.60 64 * * 3.0 99.99 99.99 * 2.0 1.92 99.99 * 2.0 2.01 99.99 * 5 * 4.0 99.99 99.99 * 3.0 2.17 99.99 * 3.0 2.18 99.99 * * 5.0 99.99 99.99 * 4.0 2.18 99.99 * 4.0 2.18 99.99 * * 6.0 99.99 99.00 meee * L25FV 13 1.50 - ZERO TIME= 3.06 END TIME= 6.16 TIME OF FVC= 3.10 * 50FVC .60 .86 - FVC= 2.18 MEFR= 1.11 MMEF= 87 RELIABILITY CODE(S)= 8 7 * L75FVC 1.37 .64 - Figure 15. Data output sheet for an abnormal subject showing a set of 5 spirograms The volumes and flow rates are recorded at the following time points: 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, and 4.00 seconds from zero time. For the times 1, 2, 3, and 4 seconds, if the cor- responding volume is less than FVC,zq , the corresponding flows are set to 99.99. Using the peak time as the reference time, volumes and flows are recorded similarly for 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 seconds after peak flow. Again, whenever the volume is greater than FVC, 4 , the corresponding flow rate is set to 99.99. A final data quality check is performed using the FEV’s at 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 seconds from zero time (FEV, 5, FEV, , FEV,). If FEV, is not at least 4 percent larger than FEV, , or if FEV, , is not at least 4 percent larger than FEV, 4, the data quality code is set to 3 (midtrial premature termination artifact). Figures 14 and 15 are examples of five trials of normal and abnormal subject data, respectively. SPIROMETRY DATA ANALYSIS: VALIDITY OF ALTERNATIVE ALGORITHMS Methodology Five separate analyses were performed to evaluate the accuracy, consistency, and validity of the logic selected for calculating five spiro- metric parameters: zero time, EOT, and the three most commonly used ventilatory para- meters (FVC, FEV, ,, and FEF, ;54). The calculation of the latter three parameters de- pends directly on the determination of the first two, and in this section the ventilatory param- eters are used to evaluate the performance of various algorithms for those determinations, both in the presence and absence of electronic or physical noise in the volume signal. The algorithms that were chosen as best, and the subsequent calculation of FVC, FEV, ,, and FEFy5 759, are described in the previous section entitled ‘“Spirometer Trial Parameter Computation (Third Stage)”. The first analysis consisted of comparing calculations obtained on 19 trials; the compari- sons for each of the five parameters were based on three independent measurements: 1. Computer methods as described in the previous section 2. Manual calculations by technician no. 1 3. Manual calculations by technician no. 2. Differences between the computer-derived pa- rameters and each of the manually derived val- ues were obtained, as well as differences between the values obtained by the two technicians on the 19 trials. The manual calculations were obtained from curves plotted from the same digital data that were introduced into the computer program and were adjusted by the correction factor after subtracting the baseline and averaging to 100 four-figure (nearest milli- liter) digits each second. Figure 16 shows 1 1 and 1 second measuring 11.4 and 16.8 millimeters (mm), respectively. This figure also shows vol- ume and time-base sensitivities reasonably close to recommended minimums? of 10 and 20 mm, respectively. The second analysis was a comparison of computer-derived parameters in which several alternative algorithms were used. As indicated in table B,f four computer methods were devel- oped for determining zero time and four were developed for EOT identification. The initial methods for determining zero time and EOT referred to in the preceding section, entitled “Spirometer Trial Parameter Computation (Third Stage),” constitute methods 1 in table B; moreover, the definitive zero time and EOT time given in that section are methods 2 and 3, re- spectively. The extrapolation method (method 3) for zero time differs only slightly from the triangular method (method 2) in that the former assumes that flow from time zero to the time when peak flow occurs is equal to the peak flow rate, whereas the latter method assumes that flow averages one-half of peak flow during this short time interval and that the flow increases in fTables 1-17 showing the results of these analyses are grouped at the end of this report, preceding appen- dix I. 19 10,000 — 8,000 — 4000 |— EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN MILLILITERS 2,000 — 0 1 2 3 4 ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS Figure 16. Example of a normal time-volume spirogram a linear manner between zero time and time when peak flow occurs. Both methods are rela- tively easy to use in graphic analysis of spiro- grams, as well as in computer analysis. The ex- trapolation method for zero time has been rec- ommended previously,13-15 and the volume threshold (method 4) for determining zero time also has been considered previously.!? The selec- tion of 30 ml as the threshold (see table B) was based on the assumption that one can read graphic records within 0.5 mm with reasonable accuracy and that for most spirograms this incre- ment would be no less than 30 ml when ampli- tude is converted from millimeters to milliliters. Thus zero-time comparisons include both algo- rithms given in the above-mentioned section plus two similar methods that have been examined 20 before. The methods to determine EOT time also consisted of two methods described in the above-mentioned section plus method 2 (slope threshold method) previously recommended! for determining EOT time and method 4 (max- imum volume method), which disregards any negative or zero-flow events from zero time to EOT time. The third analysis was a comparison of these algorithms when a noise signal at each of two levels of amplitude was superimposed on the 19 trials. The first noise signal was a sine wave with an average amplitude of 2 cV (0.02 V) superim- posed on the original 500-samples-per-second digitized volume signal. The sine wavelength was 0.017 seconds (60 hertz (Hz)). This superim- posed noise did not significantly increase the 114 Table B. Methods for zero-time and end-of-test determinations Method number and name Curve used Critical value(s) Method description ZERO TIME (zg) Method 1, flow threshold............ccceeeveeeieerrneeernnenns Flow Flow > (1 | per second +t), | Search flows from beginning of data (baseline) every 0.01 where t is noise tolerance second. Record tg as time when criteria are met: per- (liters per second) cent of flow > 1 + t in liters per second. Method 2, triangular (triangular extrapolation) ........ Flow and Flow peak (largest value on | Determine peak flow from flow data every 0.01 second; volume flow curve) compute tg based on following formula: Volume at peak t to =t — 2 V peak | where flow peak is largest value peak 0 = Ipeak Fisk pe 9 on flow curve, V peak is corresponding volume, and tpeak is corresponding time to nearest 0.01 second. Method 3, extrapolation (rectangular Flow and Flow peak Determine peak flow from flow data every 0.01 second, extrapolation)................ npsesnsssns ARS SSR RRS SSR SR volume Volume peak and compute tq based on following formula: peak tQ = tpeak — Y PeaK where flow peak is largest value F peak on flow curve, V peak is corresponding volume, and tpeak is corresponding time to nearest 0.01 second. Method 4, volume threshold...........cccccveeerirrnneeeennnnee Volume Volume => 30 ml Search volume every 0.01 second for criteria to be met. Record tg as first volume to equal or exceed 30 ml. END-OF-TIME (tgoT) Method 1, 10-point plateau ............cciersrsrsrinsssrssens Volume (Volj+10 - vol}) <0 Starting with tg, compare volumes every 0.1 second (10th point). Record tgQT as time of vol; when (volj+10 — volj) <0. Method 2, slope threshold.........ccccceeeeviererinnennnnnnnnnns Volume (Volj+50 — volj) < 25 mi Starting with tg, compare volumes every 0.01 second with an interval of 0.5 second (50th point). Record teQT as time (corresponding to vol;) when (volj+50 — volj) < 25 ml. Method 3, negative fIOW..........cceeveeeeereeiiininnnennsennnns Flow Flow (-t) liters per second Starting at tg, compare flows every 0.01 second. Record where t is noise tolerance tEQT as time corresponding to flow; _ 1, when (liters per second) flow; < —t. Method 4, maximum volume...........cccceeueueennnecrnrennes Volume Maximum (volume) Starting at tg, compare volumes every 0.01 second. Record tgQT as time corresponding to volmax. EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN MILLILITERS EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN MILLILTERS EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN MILLILITERS 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 NORMAL SPIROGRAM~NO NOISE ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS NORMAL SPIROGRAM — 2 cV OF NOISE ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS FLOW RATE IN LITERS/SECOND FLOW RATE IN LITERS/SECOND NORMAL SPIROGRAM-~4 cV OF RANDOM NOISE ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS FLOW RATE IN LITERS/SECOND 15 10 © N > EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN LITERS 0 2 4 EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN LITERS 0 2 4 EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN LITERS 22 Figure 17. Normal spirogram (time-volume and flow-volume curves) with noise signals superimposed calculations for either the flow threshold for zero time (method 1) or EOT time (method 4); however, the noise tolerance (t) was equal to 11 per second when the second noise signal was superimposed—a 4-cV amplitude random sine wave with the same wavelength. Thus the flow threshold for #9 was defined as 41 per second with the 4-cV noise and the cutoff for a significant negative flow was -31 per second with the 4-cV noise when using method 3 for tgot. Figure 17 shows the results of two levels of noise on a spirometry signal displayed as a time-volume curve and as a flow-volume curve. Note the increased visual sensitivity of the flow-volume representation to detect noise. Because the 19 trials were obtained from four well-trained subjects with normal ventila- tory parameters, the second and third analytic routines were also applied to a set of abnormal spirograms that were derived from the 19 normal spirograms by computer manipulation of the time and volume variables. Therefore, the fourth analysis was a comparison of algorithms for abnormal spirograms with superimposed noise signals. Figure 18 shows an example of a time-volume and flow-volume representation of an abnormal spirogram with superimposed noise. The electronic spirometry system was care- fully adjusted to present as noise-free a signal as possible. This entire baseline signal was ex- amined by visually reviewing a computer listing of all 19 trials; when no noise signals were observed, it was concluded that the spirometry signal was noise free. This conclusion that the signal was relatively noise free should be under- stood in terms of the necessary 2-ml threshold for a trigger of one bit evident on the computer listing of the 500-signals-per-second data. (This one-bit trigger was described in the section entitled “Baseline Removal.”) The computer listing showed a constant 1,050 digital voltage reading for all 44,000 digits examined at 500 samples per second over a baseline signal totaling almost 30 seconds. All four persons used in the tests were symptom free, and each entered into a brief training session on forced expiratory maneuver. Each of the four persons performed the maneuver correctly and no trials were rejected because of subject error or poor motiva- tion. With an excellent or relatively noise-free signal and carefully trained and apparently healthy subjects, one would expect to find few quality control flags and computed values simi- lar to manual values, especially when using rigorous algorithms for zero time and EOT. Alternative algorithms might be more suitable for “abnormal” subjects tested on equipment with a random-noise problem. For example, FLOW RATE IN LITERS/SECOND - 8000 — w oc w E 3 6000 (— - ul = 2 g 2 4000 (— 4 o > > S E200 « g 8 VLA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS EXPIRATORY VOLUME IN LITERS Figure 18. Abnormal spirogram (time-volume and flow-volume curves) with noise signals superimposed 23 when calculating zero time, a 1,000-ml-per- second flow threshold (method 1) was used initially. Zero time was defined as the interval preceding the first nonzero flow by examining each 0.01-second interval. This determination implies that a volume difference of 10 ml or more adjusted for BTPS would be the first nonzero volume when comparing successive vol- ume signals (5 volume signals averaged to 100 signals per second). When a noise signal is superimposed on a noise-free signal, this flow threshold might be expected to be too rigorous, and an extrapolation or volume method might be preferred. Thus four alternatives, including the triangular method (method 2) described previously, were compared to determine zero time and the impact of noise signals. Similarly, various end-of-trial alternatives were compared to a rigorous negative flow algorithm (method 3), as indicated in the following section. The four end-of-trial alternatives included in this analysis include the two approaches described in the section entitled “End-of-trial determination and FVC calculation.” Zero-Time and FEV, , Calculations Zero time was initially identified as the first 0.01-second signal achieving or exceeding a 1-l-per-second flow. For manual readings, the technicians were asked to identify the first detectable departure from baseline. The techni- cians then measured the 1-second time and the volume at this specific elapsed time. Both time and volume measurements were attempted to the nearest 0.1 ml, recognizing that the fractions of a millimeter were only rough estimates. The computer labeled the zero-time signal as the 0.01 second that was previous to the flow threshold signal and identified the FEV, 4 volume as the 100th baseline-corrected digital signal after zero time. For the first trial (figure 16), the computer calculated a value of 1.50 seconds for zero time, indicating that the first significant departure from baseline occurred with digitized flow signal 151, located on the 100-sample-per-second array that had been derived by averaging the previous 500-sample-per-second array. Technician no. 1 examined the visual display of the same 100- 24 ‘sample-per-second digits and estimated that the first significant departure from baseline had occurred at a point measured as 1.52 seconds, or 25.5 mm of baseline from the initiation of a signal on the plot. Technician no. 2 estimated this point at 1.56 seconds, or 26.2 mm of baseline. The paired differences of zero time for this first trial were calculated as follows: ® Computer minus technician no. 1 = 0.02 seconds ® Computer minus technician no. 2 = 0.06 seconds ® Technician no. 1 minus technician no. 2 = (0.04 seconds The average paired differences and standard deviations of the 19 differences for the above comparisons are given in table 1. The conclusion was that the two technicians had sets of zero times the means of which were not statistically different when compared as paired differences; however, technician no. 2 identified a mean zero time at an elapsed time significantly later com- pared with the computer-calculated mean zero time. The FEV, o manual calculation began from the manually identified zero time, and then the volume was estimated at 1 second from this point. If the manual readings were slightly biased to late zero-time estimates compared with the computer, the expectation would be that manual FEV, , values would be slightly greater than the computer values. The mean computer FEV, , value for 19 trials was 3.974 1 (standard deviation = 0.471), whereas technician no. 1 and technician no. 2 had measured mean values of 4.002 and 3.9771, respectively. These paired mean differences were not significantly differ- ent. Although the manual calculations by one technician disagreed slightly with the zero time obtained by the computer program, both techni- cians were in remarkable agreement (with an average difference of less than 30 ml) with the computer-calculated FEV, , for 19 trials, and both technicians agreed on FEV, , within a mean of 30 ml. Note that 30 ml is considerably more than one bit (2 ml) when the computer is used to calculate the FEV, ,, but only about one-third of a millimeter when volume is meas- ured from the visual display. The second test compared the computer- derived values for FEV, ; when three alterna- tive methods for determining zero time were used (see table B for description of methods). As just indicated for trial no. 1, the zero-time value for the flow threshold, as defined above, was 1.50 seconds of elapsed time of baseline signal; if the triangular method had been used, it would have placed zero time at 1.52 seconds. More- over, by the extrapolation method, zero time would have been at 1.54 seconds, and by the 30-ml volume threshold method it would have been 1.53 seconds. Table 2 presents mean differences of zero-time values for all 19 trials. Thus the extrapolation method (method 3) resulted in a significant shift toward later times, but no significant differences were found for the triangular and the volume threshold methods when compared with the threshold method. It was predicted that the extrapolation method would result in excessive mean FEV, , values for the 19 trials when compared with the other three methods. Table 3 presents the mean FEV, , results. The paired mean FEV, , differ- ences and standard deviations were calculated; significant differences from the flow threshold method were obtained for both the volume threshold (p <0.01) and the extrapolation (p <0.05) methods, as indicated in table 4. This first comparison of methods indicates that (1) zero time and FEV, , are in remarkable agreement for the flow threshold method and the triangular method as well as in agreement with manual calculations, (2) the volume thresh- old is of intermediate agreement with the flow threshold method, and (3) the extrapolation method would appear to yield a sizable bias for trial estimates of zero-time and FEV, , testing for subjects with normal spirograms and a noise-free spirometry system. Figure 19 illus- trates each of the four zero-time computations, showing a representative delay in zero time that results from the extrapolation method. As indi- cated from data in table 4 this delay results in an average error in FEV, , in the range of 1-2 percent. After the four methods were compared by using the same 19 signals, a third set of comparisons with a noise signal superimposed on the test signal was performed. For trial no. 1, table 5 gives the shifts in FEV, , that occurred with a 2-cV amplitude sine wave (slight noise), and with a 4-cV random-amplitude sine wave (greater noise). No significant shift occurred in the mean FEV, , for 19 trials with increasing noise when the flow threshold method was used; that is, the no-noise FEV; , was 3.974, the slight noise FEV, , was 3.971, and the greater noise FEV, , was 3.979. These differences were considered negligible when the 3.974 value for the noise-free trial was used as the basis for comparison; the extrapolation method (method 3) showed significant effects on FEV, ,, as table 6 indicates. Methods 1, 2, and 4 were reasonably similar to one another when the mean-paired differences were used as a basis for comparison. A close examination of the spirom- etry curves showed that the noise signal often increased the magnitude of peak flow and delayed its occurrence; thus the extrapolation method would yield increased FEV, values. The fourth test was an attempt to have the computer create abnormal curves from the 19 trials by mathematically reducing the volumes at any one time point by first multiplying the volume by 0.5 and then extending the time required for each expired volume by multiplying the time scale by 3.0, as figure 20 shows. For example, the FEV, , for the first trial was reduced as follows: ® Normal—Trial no. 1 computer-calculated FEV, ( =4.191 ® Abnormal—-Trial no. 1 calculated FEV, =1.331 computer- The mean of 18 of the 19 values from the transformed trials was 1.251 1. (By performing this mathematical transformation, the baseline was also extended in time; in the process, trial no. 7 was rejected because the baseline was too short. Analysis of 18 abnormal trials was under- taken, however, because the loss of trial no. 7 25 to, Volume threshold method toy method to, Triangular method to, Flow threshold se————— method Extrapolation NOTE: The upper curve is a time-volume plot with a superimposed line extrapolating a tangent from the point of inflection to estimate zero time by the extrapolation method (method 3). Also evident in the insert is the ease of estimating 7g by the triangular method (method 2) by simply doubling the time from peak flow. The upper plot is a volume-time data display; the lower plot is a flow-time display. From the lower plot one can see the close proximity of fq by the triangular method to that of the flow threshold method, an intermediate position of the volume threshold method, and the delayed zero time of the extrapolation method. Figure 19. Manual calculation of to showing a representation of the 4 alternative methods would have no bearing on our inferences.) The zero-time and FEV, , calculations used for these 18 trials again were based on the flow threshold method, and the outcome was com- pared with the other methods. Table 7 gives the 26 three mean paired differences and standard deviation for zero time and FEV, , by using the results of the noise-free signal as a basis for comparison. Noteworthy differences, in the range of an error of 3 percent for FEV, ,, were 10,000 — 8,000 — « « w - oS 3 = 6,000 — = Zz w 2 2 = Oo > > @ e < 4,000 — « a x w 2,000 — 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 [} 7 9 ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS Figure 20. Example of an abnormal time-volume spirogram found when the flow threshold results were compared with those obtained by direct extrap- olation from peak flow (method 3); however, the triangular method of extrapolation from peak flow (method 2) yielded results similar to the flow threshold results. The volume threshold method (method 4) was compared with the flow threshold method and produced paired differ- ences that were statistically significant but were not in the error range as noted above for the extrapolation method. In the fifth and final test, the introduction of 2- and 4-cV sine wave random noise had no consistent effect on zero time compared with the noise-free flow threshold method. Table 8 presents the results. The shift in zero time was a consistent delay in the ¢;3 from that obtained on the noise-free signal when the flow threshold method was used as the index for these abnor- mal spirograms. The extrapolation method (method 3) continued to show the greatest paired difference when compared with the flow threshold index; moreover, at both noise levels the volume threshold method yielded a smaller mean difference for zero time when compared with the triangular method of extrapolation from peak flow. The flow threshold method showed an interesting zero time shift with noise, as follows: ® A'—Flow threshold method with noise- free signal minus flow threshold method with 2-¢V noise =-0.076. ® A" —Flow threshold method with noise- free signal minus flow threshold method with 4-cV noise = +0.046. 27 Table 9 shows I .w the shift in zero time obtained by various alternative methods and superimposed noise signals combine to yield errors in FEV, ,, by using again the mean FEV, o from 18 abnormal spirograms obtained by the flow threshold method and a noise-free signal as the index for comparison. The paired differences are expressed in table 9 both in liters and as a percentage of the index mean FEV, ,. The only method that showed an error in excess of 5 percent was the extrapolation method (method 3), which overestimated FEV, in the range of 8-9 percent. The conclusion was that although normal spirograms analyzed by the extrapolation method would result in an error of 1-2 percent, much greater errors are found when abnormal spirograms with or without noise are analyzed with this method. The only method that showed an average error in FEV, , less than 3 percent was the volume threshold method (method 4). The flow threshold method applied to abnormal spirograms showed a much greater mean FEV, , change with noise (-38 and +46 ml for the two noise signals given in table 9) compared with the data given previously for normal spirograms and the same two noise signals (-3 and +15 ml). By comparing the results in table 6 with those in table 9, the greater impact of noise on the FEV, , of abnormal spirograms is evident for all four methods. In table 6, all except the extrapolation method yielded errors less than 1 percent of the mean noise-free FEV, , by the flow threshold method, although the errors shown in table 9 are 8-9 percent for the extrapolation method com- pared with approximately 2-4 percent for the other three methods. In both the normal and abnormal spirograms in the presence of 4 cV of noise, the volume method (4) is affected least since it more closely approximates the threshold reference measure- ment (method 1) than methods 2 or 3. A close examination of the spirometry data reveals that the additional sensitivity achieved by using the triangular method is jeopardized by the need for a clear peak flow signal. This problem is severely increased in the presence of abnormal data where flow rates are relatively low and peak flow rates are not well defined. (Usually the flow curve demonstrates several points in close 28 proximity to each other in the area around the peak flow.) In many cases, noise caused flow points following the peak flow to be elevated to a greater amplitude than the true peak flow rate, which caused the time of peak flow rate to occur later. This development generally resulted in the zero-time point occurring to the right of the threshold reference point. Method 4, which does not rely on any flow rate data to identify zero time, was relatively unaffected by the high noise levels. This finding would suggest that in a relatively noise-free system (<2 cV of noise), method 2 is superior to all other methods, although in a system with considerable noise (4 cV or more) method 4 would be the preferred technique. Computerized spirometry data acqui- sition systems with noise levels similar to that simulated in this study generally should not be used to collect data because measurement accu- racy would be severely compromised. End-of-Trial, FVC, and FEF, ;5 Calculations The same five tests were performed for the other end of the spirogram and the volume of FVC. Because fractions of FVC are used as the first steps to determine FEFy5,54 volume points, the calculation of FVC is critical to the logic for FEF 5 450 The mean value for the initial estimate (10- point method—method 1) of end-of-trial time and the mean FVC were both considerably dif- ferent from the mean values for end of trial and FVC obtained by the more rigorous negative flow method (method 3)# This difference is shown in table 10. A significant difference be- tween these two methods is also evident for "FEF 35.759 . A smaller FVC due to early termina- tion would be expected to result in a much higher FEFy5 755 because of a shift of this slope toward the left where flows tend to be greater on normal spirograms (table 10). The two tech- nicians were asked to identify the FVC plateau and mark the beginning of this plateau as the end of test. By using this approach, the two technicians next calculated FVC and FEF 5 754 for each of the 19 trials. The end-of-trial time gRefer to table B for a description of methods. and the FVC values were in remarkable agree- ment (see table 11); however, technician no. 2 had a mean FEFg5.,55 that was significantly higher than that of technician no. 1. The data collected by each technician were initially com- pared with the 19 values obtained by the more rigorous negative flow method that was applied for each of the three measurements. The mean paired difference results are given in table 12. Technician no. 1 reported FEF, ;54 measure- ments that were significantly lower than those obtained by the computer algorithm consisting of the negative flow method; otherwise, no note- worthy differences were observed. Two alternative methods to determine the EOT were next compared with the negative flow and the 10-point plateau methods. The first alternative was to consider the EOT to be the end point of the first 0.5-second interval where the average flow over this 0.5-second interval was equal to or less than 50 ml per second (method 2); the second alternative (method 4) was the same as the first, but extended the EOT to a larger value whenever the maximal FVC value. occurred at a later point (irrespective of any intervening negative flows). Figure 21 illus- trates each of the four EOT computations. Data previously presented on the 19 trials in table 13 show the means and standard devia- tions for the four methods plus the results ob- tained by an average of the two manual measure- ments for each trial. The calculations by the two technicians agreed with the results from both the negative flow and the maximal volume meth- ods, but were very different from the results ob- tained with the other two methods. It was con- cluded that a choice between method 3 and method 4 would be difficult. This conclusion is supported by comparisons of these two methods with the average manual measurements. Table 14 provides differences of less than 1 percent for FVC and approximately 1 percent for FEF, 759 . This comparison suggested that the means of the average of manual readings are ap- proximately midway between the results of the two computer methods, perhaps somewhat closer to the maximum volume method. The mean FVC by the technicians was 15 ml more than that determined by the negative flow method and 12 ml less than that from the maxi- mum volume method; in addition, the mean FEFy5 59 obtained by the two technicians was 0.054 1 per second higher (+1.4 percent) for the negative flow method, but only 0.018 I per sec- ond lower for the maximum volume method. These differences between method 3 and method 4 and the average manual readings were small and not statistically significant. In a sec- ond analysis, the paired differences from the two methods and the data from each technician were compared separately (table 15). The sec- ond comparison also showed no statistically significant differences except for FEFg5.75%, where three of the four differences were signifi- cant (p <0.05), the only exception being the 0.080-l-per-second difference of the negative flow method. The next analysis compared the four end-of- trial methods as related to the effect of the two random noise signals that were superimposed on the normal spirogram. Table 16 gives these re- sults for EOT, FVC, and FEF; 555 by compar- ing the mean paired differences for the noise signal obtained by the negative flow method with the other three methods. The effect on the three parameters of the 2-cV noise was to shorten the signal, reduce the FVC by a prema- ture EOT, and increase the FEFgg 754 . For the 4-cV random noise signal, the trend was to pro- long the EOT time, increase the FVC, and de- crease the FEF, 555 for the negative flow and maximum volume methods; but the trends were inconsistent. For the final analysis, abnormal spirograms were created and noise signals were superim- posed, as described previously. Only 15 of the 19 trials could be interpreted at the tail end of the curve for all noise levels because of the lack of a plateau at the end of the trial when noise was superimposed. Table 17 shows the mean paired differences. Again, the 2-cV noise signals produced con- sistent effects of reducing EOT and FVC and of increasing FEF 754 ; similarly, the 4-cV signal prominently showed relatively small reductions in FVC and FEF5 555 when the negative flow and maximum volume methods were used. These two methods most closely simulated the technicians’ measurements; the changes in the FVC, when noise was added to the signal, were 29 (A) METHOD 1 10-point plateau FVCand EOT identified here FVCand EOT Volume | (B) METHOD 2 EOT see FvC 4430, <25ml 0.5 second ecovoceo od @eoe0cevccec oo Time 8,000 — 0 @ w EE 6,000 [— - 3 g Hi Zz ’ w E 4000 [— 2 > > S = = 2000 |— * uw ; J..d 0 1 | 3 (C) METHOD 3 Eve Negative flow Volume |, } y ; | Time EOT Flow rate Ll [A Volume NOTES: : Method 1 shows the FVC and EOT identified as the first point of a 10-point plateau. Method 2 shows the FVC and EOT as the first point within a 0.5-second window where the volume increase is less than 25 ml. 4 ELAPSED TIME IN SECONDS Method 3 shows the FVC and EOT as the first point prior to the first negative flow of 0.01 | per second. Method 4 incorporates methods 2 and 4 criteria but extends EOT and FVC to a larger value whenever the highest point on the volume curve occurred at a later point thereafter, irrespective of any intervening negative flows. 7 8 9 (D) METHOD 4 FVC ee tees <25ml 0.5 second NOTE: Method 2 criteria superseded if higher volume found regardless of presence of any intervening negative flows. 30 Figure 21. Manual calculation of end of trial showing the 4 alternative methods all less than 3 percent when compared with the noise-free computed values; and for FEFy5 59 the changes were under 5 percent. The two methods appeared to have a reason- able accuracy when compared with technician- measured EOT time, FVC, and FEFg5 754 . In examining the graphs of individual trials where the results of the negative flow method differed from those of the maximum volume method, locations on the spirographic curve were ob- served where an instantaneous negative flow could have occurred, and in many of these in- stances the technician may have noted a termi- nation hesitation. The recognition of instantane- ous negative flows is beyond the resolution of the human eye; however, if a negative flow con- tinues over a duration of about 0.25 seconds, such an event would likely be identified as an end of test. In an effort to test this hypothesis a fifth method for EOT was developed, which identified the first point in time followed by an average negative flow of 0.25-second duration. The analysis is not given in this report; however, it showed no appreciable accuracy advantage with abnormal spirograms in the presence of noise. Another possible method not yet tested that may yield a more accurate estimate of relatively low FVC and FEFg4 554 in the pres- ence of noise would be a protracted negative flow of 0.25 second. Therefore, either of two methods (negative flow or maximum volume) are recommended with the reservation that neither are very accurate under conditions of a high noise-signal ratio. The slope threshold method recommended in this report is different from recently published recommendations.! 2 In this report the spirometry signal was 9.19 sec- onds in duration rather than the recommended minimum of 10 seconds; however, conclusions were not affected because all trials of these “normal” persons were terminated within the 9.19-second signal duration when the slope threshold was used. One subject had a terminal flow pattern suggesting that if the signal dura- tion would have been extended to 10 or more seconds, methods 3 and 4 may have produced FVC values even larger than reported herein and the differences with method 2 would have been even greater. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Because FEV, ; and FVC are the most im- portant ventilatory parameters, three important considerations were: (1) that these two param- eters be estimated accurately by computer meth- ods when compared with manual calculations; (2) that the measurements be reproducible with the superimposition of noise in the signal; and (3) that the sequence of computational steps proceed in a logical way, including the determi- nation of significant digits used in the adjust- ment for baseline signals, BTPS conditions, and calibration information. With a logical computation of spirometry signals, FEV, , depends most on the accuracy and consistency of zero time, and FVC depends most on the accuracy and consistency of the EOT time. For zero time, any of three methods (methods 1, 2, and 4) appeared satisfactory; however, the extrapolation method (method 3) led to excessive FEV, , values even without superimposed noise or when subjects had abnor- mal or low values. Moreover, when the latter conditions did pertain, the error of method 3 was shown to be in an 8-9-percent range. A de- fense of the use of the triangular method (method 2) as the definitive method used in the NHANES program can be made because some subjects have hesitation patterns on forced expi- ration as do certain spirometers with high iner- tia; both would seem to require some form of linear extrapolation from a peak flow. Method 2 was shown to be essentially equivalent to meth- ods 1 and 4, and the triangular extrapolation can be as easily adapted to manual spirometry as the unacceptable peak flow back extrapolation method. One can calculate method 2 zero time by doubling the time from peak flow to method 3 zero time as shown in figure 19. Figure 22 provides a summary analysis of the comparative zero-time algorithms used in determining the FEV, , in both normal and abnormal spiro- metric data, with and without noise superim- posed on the signal. The means and standard errors of paired differences from the recom- mended algorithm (triangular, method 2) are presented as the index in this figure rather than method 1. 31 NORMAL DATA-NO NOISE Flow threshold Triangle Extrapolation Volume threshold NORMAL DATA-2cV OF NOISE Flow threshold Triangle Extrapolation Volume threshold NORMAL DATA—4 cV OF NOISE Flow threshold Triangle Extrapolation Volume threshold ABNORMAL DATA-NO NOISE Flow threshold Triangle Extrapolation Volume threshold ABNORMAL DATA-2 cV OF NOISE Flow threshold Triangle Extrapolation Volume threshold ABNORMAL DATA-4 cV OF NOISE Flow threshold Triangle Extrapolation Volume threshold s— TT ® -— < — 2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 MEAN DEVIATION IN LITERS 04 06 Figure 22. FEV, ( analysis—means and standard deviations (30) of paired differences from triangular extrapolation (method 2) 32 measurements NORMAL DATA-NO NOISE P= 10-point plateau ; ° Slope threshold a Negative flow b Maximum volume br NORMAL DATA-2 cV OF NOISE 10-point plateau I Slope threshold | Negative flow fs be Maximum volume NORMAL DATA-4 cV OF NOISE 10-point plateau T < Slope threshold lL - Negative flow ° Maximum volume bp ABNORMAL DATA-NO NOISE 10-point plateau F—eo—] Slope threshold mee] Negative flow Maximum volume I ABNORMAL DATA-2cV OF NOISE 10-point plateau | Slope threshold me bs . Negative flow Maximum volume 11+ ABNORMAL DATA-4 cV OF NOISE 10-point plateau Slope threshold | — | 1 Negative flow —— Maximum volume I ® -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -04 0.0 04 08 1.2 16 MEAN DEVIATION IN LITERS Figure 23. FVC analysis—means and standard deviations (30) of paired differences from negative flow (method 3) measurements Similarly, the slope threshold method (method 2) for determining the end of trial was shown to produce an unacceptable bias in the FVC by lowering FVC by more than 50 ml com- pared with the negative flow method (method 3) or the maximum volume method (method 4). When either of the latter methods was examined, the FVC accuracy was within 3 percent of man- ual readings, even with a modest superimposed noise and with abnormal trials with FVC values in the range of 2 1. Figure 23 provides a sum- mary analysis of the comparative EOT algo- rithms for both normal and abnormal data, with and without noise present on the signal. The means and standard errors of paired differences from the recommended algorithm (negative flow, method 3) are presented. The procedures used to collect spirometric data during NHANES 1 represent the state-of- the-art at that time; further improvements have been made for NHANES II, reflecting advances in available instrumentation, such as recording of flow and volume data on sensitive strip-chart recorders. In the future, further refinements are anticipated by use of on-line computerized tech- niques that judge data quality and reliability and by use of terminal displays showing data trends to assist the attending technician with his or her acceptance decisions. The computer program criteria described using the recommended algorithms for determi- nation of zero time (method 2) and end-of-test detection (method 4) represent the state-of-the- art to date, superseding those recommendations given in the current NHLBI standards.! (These two algorithms, as described in the section en- titled “End of trial determination and FVC calculation,” have been implemented for cur- rent analyses.) More work is required on the development of quality control criteria to pre- clude the acceptance of questionable data and on development of algorithms to determine the best trial. Regarding the latter issue, this pro- gram applies the criteria specified by the ATS recommendations. However, more sensitive pro- cedures must be explored, such as those suggested by Discher and Palmer where a 10- parameter procedure was used to determine the optimal total curve.l? 000 REFERENCES 1 Epidemiology standardization project: III. Recom- mended standardized procedures for pulmonary testing. Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis. 118:55, 1978. 2Report on Snowbird Work Shop on Standardization of Spirometry. Amer. Thor. Soc. 3:20, 1977. 3National Center for Health Statistics: Methodologic problems in children’s spirometry. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 2-No. 72. DHEW Pub. No. (PHS) 78- 1346. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Nov. 1977. 4Rosner, S. W., Palmer, A., Ward, S. A., Abraham, S., and Caceres, C. A.: Clinical spirometry using computer techniques. Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis. 94:187, 1966. 5Ayers, W. R., Ward, D. A., Weihrer, A. et al: Description of a computer program of the forced expira- ' tory spirogram. Part II. Validation. Comp. Biomed. Res. 2:220, 1969. 6National Center for Health Statistics: Quality con- trol and measurement of non-sampling error in the Health Interview Survey. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 2-No. 54. DHEW Pub. No. (HSM) 73-1328. Health Services and Mental Health Administration. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Mar. 1973. 7 National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Asso- ciation: Chronic Respiratory Disease Screening Manual. New York. National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Dis- ease Association, 1968. 8National Center for Health Statistics: Forced vital capacity of children 6-11 years, United States. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 11-No. 164. DHEW Pub. No. (PHS) 78-1651. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Feb. 1978. 9Discher, D. P., Massey, F. J., and Hallett, W. Y.: Quality evaluation and control methods in computer assisted screening. Arch. Environ. Health 19:323, 1969. 10 Rosner, S. W., Abraham, S., and Caceres, C. A.: Ob- server variation in spirometry. Dis. Chest 48:265, 1965. 11National Center for Health Statistics: HANES Ex- amination Staff Procedures Manual for the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1971-1973. Part 15a. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Service, June 1972. 12Dayman, H. G.: Flow control during forced expira- tion. Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis. 95:887, 1967. 13Smith, A. A., and Gaensler, E. A.: Timing of forced expiratory volume in one second. Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis. 112:882, 1975. 14Kanner, R. E. and Morris, A. H.: Clinical Pulmonary Function Testing. Salt Lake City. Intermountain Tho- racic Society, 1975. p. 1. 15Knudson, R. J., Slatin, R. C., Lebowitz, M. D., and Burrows, B.: The maximal expiratory flow-volume curve. Normal standards, variability, and effects of age. Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis. 113:587, 1976. 16Discher, D. P., and Palmer, A.: Development of a new motivational spirometer—Rationale for hardware and software. J. Occ. Med. 14:9, Sept. 1972. 35 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 36 LIST OF DETAILED TABLES . Mean, standard deviation, and significance level for paired differences between zero-time methods on 19 trials for method 1 ant) Manual MBINOU, BY 2 t80IIMICIBNG. ......cconierrissrmsmrerssscrratiss ss tirsas tras siss sSEasss HAT a sRIs SAT 91 2402450 TARAS SERIAL LASERS pms ib amma Mean, mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for zero-time measurements, by 4 MBLIVOOS OF COMPUTBEION ON 1D TIBIS...coiisiriimmmnssmsinisssmmsansmsssnssvss ssossnnsssrssnseantons ses hss aa vR ATE ARISE AFA APS VERRY RIAH A TEA as RR REARS Mean forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV g) for 19 trials, by 4 zero-time methods.............cceeevueverrereeeerenrennereeenenes Mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV. 0}, DY ZBIOAIMS MBINOM DEINE... cocverssrssissssniirissisisisinmmmusissssss posse bests sos tases aes a se nosvs sss sits pms Soasans soap esaptsses apes ns sons Mean forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV go), by 3 levels of noise and zero-time method...........cceceereerueccnnuenenerunanns Mean paired difference for forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV g), by 3 levels of noise and zero-time method Mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for zero time and forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV g), by zero-time method pairs on 18 abnormal SPIrOGrams.............e.ceceeeeereeeneesersesrerassessesessessesessesassassessens Mean paired difference between zero-time methods, by 3 levels of noise for 18 abnormal spirograms............cccceeevevermmmrereeeeennns Mean paired difference and percent difference for forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV g) between zero-time meth- ods; by 3 1evelsiof noise Tor 18. aDN0NING) SDITOUAINIS. cs irepisserssssiissmmsssssssnmmsssssassssesskaspobsissunsssissbastisvatmmsss saps vas EA URREI SERRATE Mean and standard deviation for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759) with mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level, by 2 methods of detecting the end Of tri@l...........ciiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiieteeerccreer ee cree cere eere ease sraeae essere ee es ssaae seen aeaaeassssssanssannnen Mean and standard deviation for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 55.759) with mean paired difference, standard deviation of difference, and significance CE TL OOO Mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759) between manual method by 2 technicians and metNOg) 3. OF BNC-OFIIIBI CTILBIIB. cv. crisimisimsiinirssisssarssssssssmssissssimmsssi stb ns ss STAs SR AFOSR SSSA APRS SE EA RIBS oS Mean and standard deviation for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 5.75%), by 5 methods of detecting the end Of trial..........ccccceeveeirireneeneneereenieecneeee serene Percentage differences in end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25_759,) between 4 methods of detecting the end of trial and the average manual reading................. Mean paired difference and standard deviation of differences for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759) between manual methods by 2 technicians and yy JE SE OP SI J) Re BU NR Mean paired difference from index or negative flow method without noise for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF5.75%), by 3 levels of noise on 18 normal SPIr00rams ane 4 SNOOT-rIA) MNBUNIOUS ....coccoivniinririminnssisss mis temsiiassirsst esas Hrs ELE ELEAF E124 ER AEII ASE REPSTISEREASIA SR SRR RISI RRR RR HA A ER RSIF SAR Mean paired difference from index or negative flow method without noise for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 5.759), by 3 levels of noise on 15 abnormal SRIFODrams antl 4 SIVC-Of APIBE IIVBINOES, cc uriiissserrmomsssimrnns stm surmss ss ess oss aE IIHR AE SABE AAA SSAA SR APA 4 CHATTY R ERAEHE SAREE 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 aM 41 42 42 Table 1. Mean, standard deviation, and significance level for paired differences between zero-time methods on 19 trials for method 1 and manual method, by 2 technicians Paired Pairs differences p X4 sd Seconds Computer and technician #1 ........cccovevverrerirrneencccsenessssssesessnes -0.007 | 0.037 NS Computer and technician #2 .........ccccoeviernriinsseensssssesnrens -0.020 | 0.030 |<0.05 Technician #1 and technician #2....... ~0.013 | 0.030 NS NOTES: Xq = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference; p = significance level; NS = not significant. Table 2, Mean, mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for zero-time measurements, by 4 methods of computation on 19 trials [ Zero time in seconds] Zero-time Alternative Paired differences method and zero-time method ~ mean and mean Xd sd p 1 (0.926) 2 (0.917) -0.009 | 0.051 NS 1 (0.926) 3B {0.984) .cocinciiminmvsimanriri i Ee ese een eS eS FR eT TVR OTIS +0.058 | 0.037 | <0.05 1 (0.926) BUOIIBOY , ioreomvinsccmmvensnenpstone is snes SEI EST SARTO T AR SSE AE Hi UTS OATY +0.024 | 0.011 NS NOTES: X4 = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference; p = significant level; NS = not significant. Table 3. Mean forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV 1 g) by 19 trials, by 4 zero-time methods Zero-time method Mean FEV1 go Liters 1 rh ore rin rushers iri paneer en RR ER RET RTS 3.974 Brrr rR RRS SEER HEARSE pans RS 3.966 B rrsmerrirpreamsrerisrivsisssispreriperrerscsrs 4.034 Bs ieusniisirnmpsiarertanrim es REAPER EEDA EERE eR TA Se epee 4.002 37 Table 4. Mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV o), by zero-time method pairs Paired differences Zero-time method pairs Xd sd Pp Liters 1and 2 -0.008 | 0.055 NS RL BNONB..rrrsiinsssisssssiassainissssoninsessatessaniisstiosnss +0.060 | 0.037 | <0.05 1and 4 +0.028 | 0.014 | <0.01 NOTES: Xq4 = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference; p = significance level; NS = not significant. Table 5. Mean forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV g), by 3 levels of noise and zero-time method [1 trial] No SI ight Greater noise noise (2cV) | (4cV) Zero-time method Mean FEV g (liters) rire hr RISE RIA EER eR Spe RE EE RE EERE SERS REE EERE SERRE EE OS SRSA ELDAR ex R 4.19 4.19 4.21 sit ianin sensors saan RSs AES AERIS ARRAS AAAS SIRES TSAR EAS aa T SISA AAA EAS - | 820 4.19 4.16 3 4.23 4.24 4.22 4 4.22 4.22 4.21 Table 8. Mean paired difference for forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV 1 g), by 3 levels of noise and zero-time method pairs No Slight Greater noise noise (2cV) (4 cV) Zero-time method pairs noise Mean paired difference (liters) 1and 2 -0.008 | +0.008 -0.022 1and 3 140.060 | 1+0.063 +0.027 1and 4 +0.028 | +0.027 +0.008 15<0.05. 38 Table 7. Mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for zero time and forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV g), by zero-time method pairs on 18 abnormal spirograms Zero-time paired FEV o paired Zero-time method pairs differences differences Xq Sd Pp X, d Sd Pp Seconds Liters 0.028 | 0.094 NS | 0.022 | 0.073 NS 0.179 | 0.173 | <0.05 | 0.177 | 0.114 | <0.05 0.042 | 0.042 | <0.05 | 0.033 | 0.037 | <0.05 NOTES: Xq = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference; p = significance level; NS = not significant. Table 8. Mean paired difference between zero-time methods, by 3 levels of noise for 18 abnormal spirograms No Slight | Greater Zero-time method pairs noite noise noise (2cV) | (4cV) Mean paired difference (seconds) 0.028 0.037 0.177 0.179 0.127 0.265 0.042 0.001 0.099 Table 9. Mean paired difference and percent difference for forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV { g) between zero-time methods, by 3 levels of noise for 18 abnormal spirograms N . Slight noise Greater noise Noise (2cv) (4 cv) Zero-time method pairs x Percent ~ Percent ~ Percent Xd difference Xd difference *o difference Liters Liters Liters 0.022 1.76 0.049 3.92 | 0.056 448 0.177 9.35 0.106 8.47 | 0.105 8.39 0.033 2.64 0.029 2.32 | 0.021 1.68 A ins RISER Eee ae SRA SRR HRSA S 4l3e ... | -0.038 3.04 was 0 A? servi . aon sme op ‘ne ... | 0.046 3.68 NOTES: A’ = Flow threshold method with noise-free signal minus flow threshold method with 2 ¢V of noise; A” = flow threshold method with noise-free signal minus flow threshold method with 4 cV of noise. 39 Table 10. Mean and standard deviation for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759) with mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level, by 2 methods of detecting the end of trial Method 1 Method 3 Paired differences Parameter — Fr = X Sx X Sx Xd sd p Seconds ENO OT ATI THIN sussnonssiussmsrsssossss moms seis ios a SAA SAO 4.164 | 0.6081 6.024 | 1.689 | -1.860 | 1.830] <0.01 Liters PVC, ismmnmemdinisniihsinmm ann cermin nrisemscimiasetvvas 4.787 | 0474 | 4.939 | 0.436 | -0.152 | 0.124| <0.01 Liters per second PEP DBGBOL «cigs reessurensenemssupsrensssbenenrensisentessimersserssrsnsetnibmassisstrost vest channs 4.287 | 0.719 | 3877) 0.905 | +0.310 | 0.269 | <0.01 NOTES: X = mean; sx = standard deviation; Xg = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference; p = significance level; NS = not significant. Table 11. Mean and standard deviation for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity-(FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759) with mean paired difference, standard deviation of difference, and significance level, by 2 technicians Technician Technician Paired differents Parameter no. 1 no. 2 x Sx x Sx Xq sd Pp Seconds ERCh OTANI) G00... rsisissmpsromisstiss missions ssiiisnsiasi sins ssitsiissmis 6.268 | 1.627] 6.244 | 1693 | 0.014] 0.219 | NS Liters Lh EE ORTOP Se PU 4957 | 0.426] 4.951 | 0.435 | 0.006 | 0.025 NS Liters per second PE I. FBO sc vesuisi cs sssumriss infor arses dreams OAR ER ke isi as ATA 08 szeel 0560] 0571 0.987 {020 0.433 [<0.01 NOTES: X = mean; sx = standard deviation; Xq = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference; p = significance level; NS = not significant. 40 Table 12. Mean paired difference, standard deviation of differences, and significance level for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF25.759) between manual method by 2 technicians and method 3 of end-of-trial criteria Paired differences Paired differences between technician between technician Parameter no. 1 and method 3 no. 2 and method 3 X, d Sd Pp X d Sd Pp Seconds Seconds 0.234 | 1.040 NS | 0.220 | 1.034] NS End-of-trial time Liters Liters BEV Cs coriiiimcssmrmmanss sve msbiness loti thesia shia da eashss pis oes ER eT FATA RET 0.018 | 0.070 | Ns | 0.012 | 0.072 NS Liters per . Liters per second second FEF 25.75% 0.189 | 0.321 |<0.01 0.080 | 0.324] NS NOTES: Xq = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference; p = significance level; NS = not significant. Table 13. Mean and standard deviation for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759), by 5 methods of detecting the end of trial Average Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4 of manual Parameter readings x Sx x Sx x Sx Xx Sx x Sx End-Of-trial timMBu....viesrsirissssssimssssisismsssisssrn FVC PEP OB. 789 «ocr srsimsimssimnsenmessessessrssrosssssesssiven NOTES: X = mean; Sy = standard deviation. Seconds 4.164 0.608 | 5.036| 1.077 |. 6.024 | 1.689 | 6.342 | 1.611 | 6.251 | 1.657 “Liters 4.787| 0474 | 4.878 | 0482] 4.939 | 0.436 | 4.966 | 0.444 | 4.954 | 0.430 Liters per second 4.287 | 0.719 | 4.103 | 0.758 | 3977 | 0.905 | 3.905 | 0.888 | 3923 0.900 Table 14. Percentage differences in end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759) between 4 methods of detecting the end of trial and the average manual reading Method 1 | Method 2 | Method 3 | Method 4 Parameter Percent End-of-trial time . -33.4 -19.4 -3.6 +1.5 BEV. isis vessnnnrisninsoninssninmoessssss it sas uss sshssss bess sss RESTA LTR RA CARR OSV RPE Laas -3.4 -1.5 -0.3 +0.2 FEF QB.7B%, esresrserserssssssesssssssnsisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnsassstssssssssssssssstsesssssssssssssessssssas 19.3 +4.6 +1.4 -0.5 41 Table 156. Mean paired difference and standard deviation of differences for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.759) between manual methods by 2 technicians and methods 3and 4 Paired differences between Paired differences between technician no. 1 and: technician no. 2 and: Pevamgiar Method 3 Method 4 Method 3 Method 4 Xq sd Xq sd Xq sd Xq sd Seconds ENG-OF-trial tM .....vvoorvveveesereeessssssesssesssssessssssssssssesssssens 0.234 | 1.040 | 0.100] 0.359] 0.220] 1.034 | -0.086 | 0.325 Liters PVC co nssimiusssi sis oss i oss issn Ss ss 3 mi ss seis 0.018 | 0.070 | 0.009 | 0.021 | 0.012] 0.072| -0.016| 0.270 Liters per second LT -0.189 | 0.321 | -0.116 | 0222 | +0.080 | 0.324 | 0.112 0.270 NOTES: a = mean paired difference; sq = standard deviation of difference. Table 16. Mean paired difference from index or negative flow method without noise for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF 25.75%), by 3 levels of noise on 18 normal spirograms and 4 end-of-trial methods Parameter and method Slight noise | Greater noise No noise | ™ ev) (4 cv) End-of-trial time Mean paired difference (seconds) 9 is -1.740 +0.476 +0.320 -0.943 +0.473 -0.943 -0.943 -1.427 -1.818 -1.762 -1.532 Mean paired difference (liters) -0.142 -0.030 +0.022 -0.057 +0.001 -0.061 -0.061 -0.115 -0.304 -0.150 -0.163 Mean paired difference (liters per second) +0.352 -0.127 -0.073 +0.112 -0.125 +0.137 +0.124 +0.726 -0.310 +0.112 -0.125 42 Table 17. Mean paired difference from index or negative flow method without noise for end-of-trial time, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow rate between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF25.759), by 3 levels of noise on 15 abnormal spirograms and 4 end-of-trial methods Parameter and method No noise Slight noise (2¢cV) Greater noise (4cV) End-of-trial time Mean paired difference (seconds) 0.000 -2.318 -3.151 -3.050 -2.310 -2.318 -3.064 +0.155 +0.155 -2.446 -3.120 Mean paired difference (liters) 0.000 +0.555 -0.370 -0.144 -0.080 -0.083 -0.153 -0.050 -0.050 -0.214 -0.765 Mean paired difference 0.000 +0.074 0.000 +0.134 +0.089 +0.093 +0.138 (liters per second) -0.033 -0.033 +0.079 +0.100 43 44 APPENDIXES ~ CONTENTS I. Glossary II. General Spirometric Test Procedure Used by NHANES Instructions for Older Children and Adults Instructions for Children 6-10 Years of Age APPENDIX FIGURE I. Three phases in a forced expiratory spirogram 45 47 47 45 APPENDIX | GLOSSARY Trial. —The term “trial” is used to specify a single effort to perform the forced expiratory spirogram (FES) maneuver. A test set comprises five trials; however, a spirometric examination may comprise one to three test sets. The FES always has three parts as shown in figure I and the accompanying explanation. ® Phase I-effort-dependent flow, entailing peak flow for the breath. ® Phase II—constant deceleration of vol- ume exhaled (critical flow). ® Phase III—terminal leakage flow. PHASES | | n | m I T 1 a Ir Critical gn Z Pa | 8 EL : | 9 f= | 0 2 8 VOLUME IN LITERS Figure |. Three phases in a forced expiratory spirogram Procedural error.—A violation of the ex- pected shape (morphology) and completeness of the spirometric flow-volume signal is known as a “procedural error.” If artifacts are observed, the indication is that one or more of the follow- ing procedural errors has occurred during the test: an inhalation or hesitation during the per- formance of the test, a less-than-expected initial respiratory thrust, an absence of the character- istic decay portions of the flow and volume due to a premature termination of the expiratory effort before reaching residual volume, or flow or volume values higher than clinically possible, perhaps due to a Venturi error. Detection of these artifacts is cause to chal- lenge the validity of the test effort. For exam- ple, if an inhalation artifact is observed, the test has no clinical value and should be discarded. In contrast, if a Venturi phenomenon is observed but the flow and volume history meet the re- producibility criteria on another trial, the cri- teria for reliable data have been fulfilled and the test should be declared valid (in this example, the higher values observed may be because a per- son is exceptionally fit, e.g., an athlete). Best trial. —The best trial refers to a particu- lar trial, within a set of five, that clearly demon- strates the optimum presence of the two vari- ables that are of the most interest (i.e., thrust and sustained expiratory effort). Thrust, as measured by the flow rate, is judged through the visual observation of the flow-volume curve velocities. Sustained expiratory thrust therefore results in the presence of higher flow rates throughout the spirogram, in contrast with other trials in which less thrust was applied. Variations in thrust can be reflected by over- all reductions in the peak flow rate (PFR), the 45 forced expiratory flows at 25 percent, 50 per- cent, and 75 percent of the vital capacity, the FEFg5 759, or in all of these. In contrast, sus- tained expiratory effort is judged by observation of the FVC signal on the volume (horizontal) axis of the oscilloscope display. Because all flow rates are volume dependent (except for the PFR), all flow rates must be judged in the con- text of the largest FVC. The best trial is the one that exhibits the highest flow rates in the pres- ence of the largest FVC (and in the absence of obvious procedural errors). Biologic variation often causes some varia- tion of these values from trial to trial, such as the presence of the highest observable flow rates on a trial in which the FVC is slightly lower than in another trial, or conversely, a trial where a larger FVC contains slightly lower flow rates. During an examination, the technicians must use their best judgment to identify the best trial, taking into consideration the phenomenon of biologic variation; when the technician consci- entiously applies reliability criteria (described in the following section), this problem will re- solve itself. This “eyeball” type of judgment is validated and supplemented during data processing by a digital computer at a later time when each flow and volume parameter in the spirometric curve is accurately measured and compared with like measures in other curves in the trial sequence. In this way, a consistent method of identifying the best and most reliable data is used, which reduces the probability of unacceptable data quality. Reliability. —Reproducible spirographic trac- ings are assumed to represent the very best ef- forts of the examinee. Reliability is determined by comparing the flow and volume characteris- tics of the best and second-best spirograms in a test set of five trials by determining the repro- ducibility of the two trials. If limits of repro- ducibility are violated, the best trial is declared not reliable, and the test sequence is repeated. 000 APPENDIX II GENERAL SPIROMETRIC TEST PROCEDURE USED BY NHANES Instructions for Older Chiidren and Adults? Examinees follow four simple steps during the test procedure: ® Inhaling as deeply as possible (examinee maximally inhales from room air). ® Holding in all the air while placing the lips tightly around the mouthpiece, being careful to keep the tongue under the mouthpiece. ® Blasting out of all the air. ® Maintaining the expiratory effort until all the air is out. These directives, that is, a deep inspiration, proper placement of the mouthpiece, and the forceful exhalation of air into the tube, are dem- onstrated to the examinee by the attending tech- nician. The technician overemphasizes the last step by doubling up in an effort to squeeze out air by full exhalation. Before commencing the first trial, the ex- aminee should have the mouthpiece firmly seated in the hose with both hands around the hose an inch or so from the mouthpiece. The standard instructions for the test procedure are as follows: ® “Take in a deep breath of air, as far as you can go.” ® “Hold in the air and place your lips tightly around the mouthpiece.” (Move the hose toward the subject so he or she will insert mouthpiece; when the mouth- piece is in place, press the recorder * button.) ® “Keep blowing!!! Keep blowing!!! Get it all out!!! Keep blowing!!!” By monitor- ing the oscilloscope, the technician can detect when the volume is not increasing and can judge when 1 or 2 seconds of effort at full expiration have transpired. For subsequent trial instructions, the techni- cian must repeat the last four standard instruc- tions or use a special instruction for solving a misinterpretation based on the observations that he or she has made. A complete test set requires the recording of five spirograms. Instructions for Children 6-10 Years of Age? In the current NHANES and in previous sur- veys, children 6-10 years of age were tested. The following spirometry instructions were applied to the less behaviorally mature children; this group included most of the children 6 and 7 years of age (except for a few poised children with mature behavior), about half of the chil- dren 8 years of age, and the least mature of the children 9 and 10 years of age. Technicians were instructed to proceed slowly, to be patient with the children, to use few words, and to demonstrate mostly by vivid, clear example. A typical instruction situation was “We want to see how your lungs work. We will measure how much air you can take in (accompanied by a strenuous demonstra- tion) and how much you can blow out—as hard and as fast as you can.” At this point, the technician asked the child if he or she could blow up a balloon quickly. The 47 response usually gave the technician an indica- tion of how ready the child was to perform a satisfactory spirogram. The instruction contin- ued with “Let me show you”: “Take in as much air as you possibly can. Like this.” “Hold it all in until I tell you to blow.” “Lips closed around the tube like this.” “When I say ‘blow,’ blow out all of your air as fast and hard as you can. Keep blowing out hard until I tell you to stop.” The child was then given one or two practice trials in a relaxed way. If still unsure of the child’s understanding and ability to perform, the technician repeated the entire demonstration, stressing anything that the child did not do per- fectly (i.e., reemphasizing by use of exaggerated demonstration rather than words how to per- form correctly). A complete spirometry test set also com- prised five trials. If further instruction between trials was necessary, it was vivid, pertinent, and brief. If no satisfactory data were obtained dur- ing the test, a decision was made either to have the child come back later during the examina- tion session if the technician held hope for better trials, or mark the test as unsatisfactory if the technician believed that a satisfactory test could not be obtained because the child was frightened, too confused, or did not understand. 000 48 #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980 341-161/24 1-3 VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS Series Scites 4; Programs and Collection Procedures.—Reports which describe the general programs of the National Center for Health Statistics and its offices and divisions and data collection methods used and include definitions and other material necessary for understanding the data. Series 8 Data Evaluation and Methods Research.—Studies of new statistical methodology including experi- mental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and contributions to statistical theory. Serle 8, Analytical Studies.—Reports presenting analytical or interpretive studies based on vital and health Statistics, carrying the analysis further than the expository types of reports in the other series. Sores d, Documents and Committee Reports.—Final reports of major committees concerned with vital and health statistics and documents such as recommended model vital registration laws and revised birth and death certificates. Series 90, Data From the Health Interview Survey.—Statistics on illness, accidental injuries, disability, use of hospital, medical, dental, and other services, and other health-related topics, all based on data collected in a continuing national household interview survey. Serles 9, Data From the Health Examination Survey and the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.—Data from direct examination, testing, and measurement of national samples of the civilian noninstitu- fionalized population provide the basis for two types of reports: (1) estimates of the medically defined prevalence of specific diseases in the United States and the distributions of the population with respect fo physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics and (2) analysis of relationships among the various measurements without reference to an explicit finite universe of persons. Sorles 88, Data From the Institutionalized Population Surveys.—Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these surveys will be in Series 13. Soles 48, Data on Health Resources Utilization. —Statistics on the utilization of health manpower and facilities providing long-term care, ambulatory care, hospital care, and family planning services. Series 44, Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities. —Statistics on the numbers, geographic distri: bution, and characteristics of health resources including physicians, dentists, nurses, other health occupations, hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient facilities. Servs 80, Data on Mortality. — Various statistics on mortality other than as included in regular annual or monthly geports. Special analyses by cause of death, age, and other demographic variables; geographic and time geries analyses; and statistics on characteristics of deaths not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Sorles 83, Duta on Natality, Marriage, and Divorce.—Various statistics on natality, marriage, and divorce othép + than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; studies of fertility; and statistics on characteristics of births not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Serles 22. Data From the National Mortality and Natality Surveys. —Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports) from these sample surveys based on vital records will be included in Series 20 and 21, respectively, 8orles £3, Data From the National Survey of Family Growth. Statistics on fertility, family formation and dis: solution, family planning, and related maternal and infant health topics derived from a biennial survey) of a nationwide probability sample of ever-married women 15-44 years of age. Pov a list of titles of zeposts published in these series, write tog Scientific and Technical Information Branch a National Center for Health Statistics Public Health Service Hyattsville, Md. 20782 edn” © “ Hi ela Z, 3 Nex) 8; La National Survey of Family Growth, Cycle II: Sample Design, ATE OR OL LE Variance Estimation U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Grady, William R. National survey of family growth, cycle II. (Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 87) (DHHS publication ; no. (PHS) 81-1361) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Family size—United States—Statistical methods. 2. Fertility, Human—United States. 3. Birth control—United States. I. Title. II. Series: United States. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital and health statistics : Series 2, Data evaluation and methods re- search ; no. 87. III. Series: United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. DHHS publication ; no. (PHS) 81-1361. RA409.U45 no. 87 [HQ766.5.U5] 312'.0723s [804.6'3] ISBN 0-8406-0199-9 ; 80-20552 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 DATA EVALUATION Series 2 AND METHODS RESEARCH Number 87 National Survey of Family Growth, Cycle II: Sample Design, Estimation Procedures, and Variance Estimation DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 81-1361 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsville, Md. February 1981 NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS DOROTHY P. RICE, Director ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Deputy Director JACOB J. FELDMAN, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director for Analysis and Epidemiology GAIL F. FISHER, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director for the Cooperative Health Statistics System GARRIE J. LOSEE, Acting Associate Director for Data Processing and Services ALVAN O. ZARATE, Ph.D., Assistant Director for International Statistics E. EARL BRYANT, Acting Associate Director for Interview and Examination Statistics ROBERT C. HUBER, Acting Associate Director for Management MONROE G. SIRKEN, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director for Research and Methodology PETER L. HURLEY, Acting Associate Director for Vital and Health Care Statistics ALICE HAYWOOD, Information Officer STATISTICAL METHODS STAFF, DATA SYSTEMS E. EARL BRYANT, Chief DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS JOHN E. PATTERSON, Director ALICE M. HETZEL, Deputy Director WILLIAM F. PRATT, Ph.D., Chief, Family Growth Survey Branch JOSEPH D. FARRELL, Chief, Programming Branch MABEL G. SMITH, Chief, Statistical Resources Branch COOPERATION OF WESTAT, INCORPORATED In accordance with specifications established by the National Center for Health Statistics, Westat, Inc. of Rockville, Maryland, under a contractual agreement, participated in the design and selection of the sample and carried out the data collection. Vital and Health Statistics-Series 2-No. 87 DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 81-1361 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 80-20552 PREFACE This report presents a detailed description of the sample design, estimation procedures, and variance estimation method used in Cycle II of the National Sur- vey of Family Growth. The survey was designed and conducted by Westat, Inc. of Rockville, Maryland under a contractual arrangement with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The sampling plan was developed under the super- vision of Joseph Waksberg of Westat, Inc., in consultation with E. Earl Bryant and William F. Pratt of NCHS. Much of the report is based on survey specification documents and the final report prepared by Westat, Inc., and on internal NCHS memoranda. Parts of the report are also largely based on a previous report, prepared by Dwight K. French, on the Cycle I survey. Mr. French was the primary resource person for methodo- logical questions. In addition to the usual internal review, NCHS policy stipulates that meth- odological reports are to be given a peer review for technical merit and readability by one or more persons who are familiar with the subject matter area but who are not involved in producing the report. George A. Schnack and Peter W. Ries, both of NCHS, carried out the peer review of this report and provided many construc- tive suggestions. CONTENTS Preface Introduction Design Specifications Sample Design Summary First-Stage Selection of Primary Sampling Units Second-Stage Selection of Enumeration Districts Third-Stage Selection of Segments Fourth-Stage Selection of Households Fifth-Stage Selection of Sample Persons Nonresponse Followup Characteristics of the Sample Response Rates Sample Size Estimation Weighting Procedures Estimating Equation Variance Estimation Background Summary of Applicable Theory Application to the National Survey of Family Growth References Appendixes I. Glossary of Terms II. Household Screener LIST OF TEXT FIGURES 1. First-stage selection of primary sampling units 2. Third-stage selection of sample segments 3. Relative standard errors for aggregates of currently married women, by race 4. Relative standard errors for percent of currently married women of all races LIST OF TEXT TABLES A. States in conterminous United States, by geographic region B. Sample primary sampling units (PSU's), by type ii 27 29 11 22 24 vi RTE pos = Estimated number of women eligible for inclusion in the sample, expected sample size, and approximate sampling fraction required to produce the expected sample size, by race .....ccceeeennenes Total and expected number of dwelling units (DU’s) in the United States, and percent difference, by stratum Example of sampling table on the Household Screener Percent of sample women, by race and sampling rate Number of dwelling units (DU’s), by nonresponse subsample status and final disposition ......ceceee.. Weighted number of dwelling units (DU’s), by final diSPOSIitiON .cccsseesserisesscssasssasessesansssseasssasensans Weighted screener, interview, and combined response rates, by Stratim .....cccccseeccceseescccsssncecscsanease Poststratification adjustment factors, by race and age Example of a half-sample replication pattern Estimates of parameters A and B for relative standard error curves, by type of statistic and race... SYMBOLS Data not available---------eeeememmme eee. Category not applicable-------woroeoeeeeeeeee | Quantity zero - Quantity more than 0 but less than 0.05-—- 0.0 Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision---------e-eeseeeeeeemeeen * 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 19 21 NATIONAL SURVEY OF FAMILY GROWTH, CYCLE II: SAMPLE DESIGN, ESTIMATION PROCEDURES, AND VARIANCE ESTIMATION William R. Grady, Division of Vital Statistics INTRODUCTION The primary mission of the National Center for Health Statistics is to collect and publish data relating to the health of the U.S. popula- tion. In carrying out this mission the Center data on vital events registered in the United States are collected, inventories of health facili- ties and manpower are conducted, and proba- bility sample surveys based on household inter- views, health examinations, and medical records are conducted. Data collection programs are supplemented by research projects that investi- gate new techniques of data collection and evaluate currently operating programs. In response to the need for current informa- tion on fertility and family planning and their effects on population growth, the National Survey of Family Growth was established in 1971 as an integral part of the Center’s Division of Vital Statistics. The purpose of the survey is to collect data relating to natality and the process of family formation and dissolution. The National Survey of Family Growth was designed as a cyclic survey; that is, data are collected every few years by means of a sample survey. The first cycle of the survey was conducted in 19738, the second in 1976; Cycle III is scheduled to be conducted in 1981. The target population of Cycles I and II of the National Survey of Family Growth consisted of the civilian household population of women aged 15-44 years, living in the conterminous United States, who were currently married, previously married, or never-married mothers with offspring living in the household at the time of interview. Data were collected from a probability sample by means of personal inter- views lasting about an hour. The interviews provided information on fertility trends and differentials, family planning practices, sources of family planning advice and services, use and effectiveness of contraceptives, and aspects of maternal and child health that are closely related to family planning. The sample design and data collection for Cycle I were contracted to the National Opinion Research Corporation of the University of Chi- cago. A complete description of that survey can be found in another report.! The sample design and data collection for Cycle II were contracted to Westat, Inc. of Rockville, Maryland. The sample consisted of 9,470 eligible women, of whom 8,611 (90.9 percent) were interviewed. All interviews were conducted between January and September 1976 and centered on May 12. The sample design employed to select the women is described in detail in this report. Also described are the techniques used to estimate population parameters and the procedures used to obtain provisional sampling variances. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS The development of an efficient sample design mut take into account the primary survey objectives, the amount of funds available, logistical problems, time limitations, estimates of population characteristics and distribution, and operating costs. These requirements dictated a stratified multistage probability sample design for Cycle II, based essentially on the following set of specifications: 1. The target population was defined to be the civilian household population of women living in the conterminous United States who were 15-44 years of age and either (a) currently married, (b) previously married, or (c) never-married mothers with one or more children born to them cur- rently living in the household. 2. The sample would consist of approxi- mately 10,000 women, selected from an initial probability sample of households. It would include about 4,000 black women and 6,000 women of other races. Trained field staff were to conduct a screening interview with a responsible member of each sample household to de- termine if there were any eligible women (the screener questionnaire is reproduced in appendix II). When a household con- tained one eligible woman, she was in- cluded in the sample. In households with more than one eligible woman, the staff member would randomly select one woman for the sample. 3. Data were to be collected from the sample women (no proxy respondents were to be accepted) by means of personal interviews lasting an average of 1 hour. All interviewers would be female. The interviewer would collect informa- tion on fertility, family planning prac- tices, sources of family planning services, and related maternal and child health practices. 6. The fieldwork would be completed in approximately 6 months. 7. The target interview completion rate for the total sample and both major subsam- ples by race was 90 percent of the ex- pected number of women from all sample households (i.e., screener and in- terview nonresponse combined would ideally be no more than 10 percent). 8. The contractor, in cooperation with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), would design and implement procedures to measure and control the quality of data collection and data prep- aration. SAMPLE DESIGN Summary The sample design for Cycle II of the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) was a five-stage probability design that incorporated a supplementary sample of new (post-1969) housing units. This section provides an overview of the design, and it is followed by sections discussing each stage in detail. The counties and independent cities that comprise the total land area of the conterminous United States were combined to form a frame of primary sampling units (PSU’s). During the first stage of the sampling process, which involved extensive stratification, 79 PSU’s were chosen from this frame. Census enumeration districts (ED’s) were then identified for each of the selected primary sampling units; during the second stage, these enumeration districts were stratified according to the percent of their population that was black, and a systematic sample was drawn. The rate at which enumera- tion districts were sampled varied by second- stage strata. These differential sampling rates were the first step in producing the desired racial composition of the final sample of women. The third stage required the identification of area segments (groups of houses) within sample enumeration districts and the random selection of one segment from each district. All sample dwelling units (DU’s) built prior to 1970 were selected this way. However, segments of new construction units (post-1969) were drawn from a supplementary sample of building permits selected from building permit offices in the 79 primary sampling units chosen during the first stage of the sampling process. The fourth stage resulted in the selection of households within sample segments. In segments from enumeration districts with a 10-percent or greater black population, households of races other than black were selected at a rate that was lower than for black households. These different rates of selection were obtained through a subsampling process (to be described later in this report) and ensured that the desired proportions of black and other women would be included in the final sample. At each sample household an interviewer attempted to complete a Household Screener and identify women eligible for inter- view. When more than one potential respondent was found during this fifth-stage operation, all eligible women in the household were listed and one was randomly selected. First-Stage Selection of Primary Sampling Units Sampling frame.—The counties and inde- pendent cities of the conterminous United States have been grouped into about 1,900 primary sampling units (PSU’s) by the U.S. Bureau of the Census for its Current Population Survey. These census PSU’s were used by Westat, Inc., with minor modifications, as the sampling frame for the National Survey of Family Growth. Each PSU consisted of an individual county or a grouping of contiguous counties. Where standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA’s) were defined, the counties com- prising each SMSA were used as a primary sampling unit.2 Seventy-nine PSU’s were se- lected in the first stage of the sampling process. The sample contains 25 self-representing (included with certainty) primary sampling units ASMSA definitions used are those of 1970 (see appendix 1). No attempt was made to have the sample reflect new SMSA’s created since 1970 or changes in SMSA definitions since that date. In New England, where SMSA’s are not defined in terms of counties, metropolitan state economic areas (MSEA’s), which are comprised of counties, were used as primary sampling units instead of SMSA’s. Thus primary sampling units were in all cases defined in terms of complete counties. composed of 18 separate SMSA’s. These include the 14 largest SMSA’s, with 1970 populations of more than 1,850,000, and 4 slightly smaller ones that were made self-representing because they could not easily be placed in strata with other primary sampling units. Four of the largest SMSA’s, which contained several counties each, were subdivided into smaller primary sampling units, each with an average population of about 2,500,000. Selection of nonself-representing PSU’s.— Prior to the selection of the remaining PSU’s, all nonself-representing (probability of selection less than unity) PSU’s were grouped into 35 strata of approximately equal size. Nineteen strata contained SMSA’s and 16 contained non- SMSA areas. The more than 200 nonself-representing SMSA’s were sorted into 19 strata of about 4,000,000 persons each. In defining the appro- priate stratum, four characteristics were con- sidered. In order of priority, these characteristics were the following: 1. Region of the country (see table A). 2. Percent change in population between 1960 and 1970. 3. Percent of the population employed in manufacturing. 4. A Socioeconomic Index (developed by Westat, Inc.) that was based on the per- cent of the population that is white, the percent of households that either lacks plumbing or is overcrowded, and the de- pendency ratio P The nearly 1,700 remaining PSU’s were then sorted into an additional 16 strata. The criteria in order of priority for this stratification were as follows: 1. Region of the country. 2. Percent of the population living in urban areas. PThe dependency ratio is the ratio of the number of people who are under 18 or over 64 years of age to the number of people who are between the ages of 18-64, inclusively. Table A. States in conterminous United States, by geographic region Region States Connecticut New Hampshire Pennsylvania Maine New Jersey Rhode Island Massachusetts New York Vermont Illinois Michigan North Dakota Indiana Minnesota Ohio lowa Missouri South Dakota Kansas Nebraska Wisconsin Alabama Kentucky South Carolina Arkansas Louisiana Tennessee Delaware Maryland Texas District of Columbia Mississippi Virginia Florida North Carolina West Virginia Georgia Oklahoma Arizona Montana Utah California Nevada Washington Colorado New Mexico Wyoming Idaho Oregon 3. Percent change in population between 1960 and 1970. 4. The Westat Socioeconomic Index. This stratification insured the proportionate rep- resentation of women by region and socioeco- nomic status, and may also have reduced sam- pling error. Following the stratification process, PSU’s were selected in two stages.© In the first stage, 1 PSU was selected from each of the 35 strata with a probability proportionate to size. The second-stage selection of the remaining 19 PSU’s was then accomplished in 3 steps. First the 35 strata were combined into 19 superstrata. This recombination was done in such a way as to produce strata that were, as far as possible, homogeneous with respect to region, metropol- itan composition (SMSA vs. non-SMSA), rate of population change between 1960 and 1970, and the percent of the population that was black. ¢Two stages were used because a 50-PSU design existed prior to the decision to change to a 79-PSU de- sign. It was thus more efficient to go through a second stage of selecting additional PSU’s than to select a new independent sample. Four of the resultant superstrata contained a single stratum each, 14 contained 2 strata, 1 contained 3 strata. The second step was the selection, with a probability proportionate to size, of a single stratum within each super- stratum. The final step was the selection, also with a probability proportionate to size, of 1 PSU from each of the 19 strata. Since the second-stage selection of 19 PSU’s was done independently of the first-stage selection of 35 PSU’s (i.e., sampling was done with replace- ment), it was possible for PSU’s to be selected twice; this was the case for 1 PSU. All selected PSU’s are shown in table B, and a diagram of the first stage of the sampling process is shown in figure 1. Second-Stage Selection of Enumeration Districts Sampling rates.—Because the final sample of women for the National Survey of Family Growth was intended to consist of approxi- mately 4,000 black women and 6,000 women of other races, different sampling rates were re- quired for the 2 groups. Given a 100-percent re- sponse rate, the approximate sampling fraction needed to produce the required number of black women was 1 in 950, while the corresponding Table B. Sample primary sampling units (PSU's), by type Self-representing SMSA's Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, Calif. Baltimore, Md. Boston-Lowell-Lawrence, Mass. (MSEA) Buffalo, N.Y. Chicago, Ill. (represented by 2 PSU's) Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich. (represented by 2 PSU's) Houston, Tex. Kansas City, Mo.-Kans. Los Angeles-Long Beach, Calif. Newark, N.J. New York, N.Y. (represented by 5 PSU's) Paterson-Clifton-Passaic, N.J. Philadelphia, Pa.-N.J. (represented by 2 PSU's) Pittsburgh, Pa. San Francisco-Oakland, Calif. St. Louis, Mo.-lll. Washington, D.C.-Md.-Va. Nonself-representing SMSA's Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Pa.-N.J. Birmingham, Ala. Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Conn. (MSEA) Chattanooga, Tenn.-Ga. Dallas, Tex. Denver, Colo. Erie, Pa. Fayetteville, N.C. Grand Rapids, Mich. Hartford-New Britain-Bristol, Conn. (MSEA) Indianapolis, Ind. Jacksonville, Fla. Lansing, Mich. Las Vegas, Nev. Little Rock-North Little Rock, Ark. Madison, Wis. Miami, Fla. Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. New Orleans, La. Oklahoma City, Okla. Omaha, Nebr.-lowa Salinas-Monterey, Calif. San Angelo, Tex. Seattle-Everett, Wash. Spokane, Wash. Syracuse, N.Y, Tacoma, Wash. Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla. Toledo, Ohio-Mich. Nonself-representing non-SMSA’s Auglaize Co.-Shelby Co., Ohio Benton Co.-Carroll Co., Ind. Calhoun Co.-Clay Co.-Roane Co., W. Va. Calvert Co.-Charles Co.-St. Mary's Co., Md. Caroline Co.-Fredericksburg City-King George Co.-Spotsylvania Co.-Stafford Co., Va. Chaffee Co., Calif. Claiborne Co.-Hamblen Co.-Hancock Co.-Hawkins Co., Tenn. Clarendon Co.-Sumter Co., S.C. Danville City-Henry Co.-Martinsville City-Pittsylvania Co., Va. Darlington Co.-Dillon Co.-Marlboro Co., S.C. Davidson Co.-Rowan Co., N.C. De Soto Co.-Sarasota Co., Fla. Franklin Co.-Jackson Co.-Williamson Co., Ill. Gallatin Co.-Saline Co., Ill. Kitsap Co., Wash. Lee Co.-Van Buren Co., lowa Lincoln Co., Mont. Middlesex Co., N.J. Montgomery Co.-Otsego Co., N.Y. (represented by 2 PSU's) Orangeburg Co., S.C. Reeves Co., Tex. Reno Co., Kans. Sheboygan Co., Wis. fraction for women of other races was about 1 in 4,610 (see table C). The first step in pro- ducing these disparate rates occurred in the second stage of the sampling process: The selection of 1970 census enumeration districts (ED’s) within sample primary sampling units. This was accomplished by stratifying ED’s by the percent of the population that was black, and by using a higher rate of selection in strata with a 10-percent or greater black population. Stratification of enumeration districts.— Before the ED’s were stratified, a certain amount of recombination was necessary. Al- though the block groups (small ED’s used by the U.S. Bureau of the Census in densely populated areas) and ED’s averaged about 400 housing units in size, there was considerable variation about this mean. Thus the smallest ED’s and block groups were combined to form ED’s that contained 10 or more housing units each. For SAMPLING FRAME OF PRIMARY SAMPLING UNITS The 18 largest All SMSA's except Non-SMSA SMSA's the 18 largest areas 4 SMSA's D, * Fy = 7=1 “Lowy Yeahs bon) ) where S., § Household Screener. 4 _ adjustments for nonresponse to the I, § personal interview. W,, = first-stage weight = reciprocal of the probability of selecting primary sam- pling unit A. B, b= adjustments for nonresponse to the h Wogni = second-stage weight = reciprocal of the probability of selecting second- stage unit 7 within stratum g and pri- mary sampling unit A. Strata 1-4 are the race strata, stratum 5 is the new (post-1969) housing stratum. Wags; = third-stage weight = the reciprocal of * the probability of selecting the sam- ple segment from second-stage unit i. the reciprocal of the large-segment subsampling rate: Rggp; = { 2 for certain segments with large numbers of households; 1 for all other segments. the reciprocal of the household- race subsampling rate: Do 20/13 if g=1, 2, or 3 and the re- & spondent in the household is not black; 1 otherwise. 18 the reciprocal of the nonresponse subsampling rate: 2 if household j, or the sample women therein, was in the nonre- sponse sample; 1 otherwise. Tygon; = the number of eligible women in household ; of the segment in second-stage unit z. Y,; = the value of characteristic Y for the sample women from household j. 1 iI’ the respondent has ever been 5 married and belongs to age-race class a; 0 otherwise. L,, = the number of second-stage units in stratum g and primary sampling unit A. Hy; = the number of completed interviews from households in the sample seg- ment from second-stage unit z. Fos ™ Y,o is exactly the same as YJ, except that 8 oni = 1 for never-married women in class «. VARIANCE ESTIMATION Background The balanced half-sample replication tech- nique described in detail in other National Cen- ter for Health Statistics reports*:5 is used to estimate National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) variances. An empirical study by Bean® gives evidence that the half-sample technique produces highly reliable, essentially unbiased variance estimates. Three important practical reasons why half- sample replication is being used are as follows: 1. Programming difficulties are reduced be- cause half-sample variances are computed by taking a simple average of squared deviations of half-sample estimates from the estimate based on the full sample. Instead of having to program an exceed- ingly difficult variance formula, the pro- grammer must simply adjust the estima- tion formula to compute estimates from appropriately chosen half samples. 2.. The complete algebraic formula for NSFG variances is unknown because of the complexity of the design. Although algebraic expressions can be derived for particular subprocedures—such as the individual stages of sampling and the poststratification and nonresponse ad- justments—a single, exact variance equa- tion has not been developed. 3. As stated by McCarthy# : “Variance esti- mates based upon the replicated esti- mates will mirror the effects of all aspects of sampling and estimation that are permitted to vary randomly from replicate to replicate.” Also, replicated half-sample variances include some of the variability due to nonsampling (measurement) error, as well as sampling variability. Summary of Applicable Theory The population of interest is classified into L strata, and two sample primary sampling units (PSU’s) are drawn from each stratum. Selection of exactly two sample PSU’s reflects an essential element of the theory. This requirement may be met for noncertainty PSU’s by collapsing two strata having one PSU each, or for certainty PSU’s by creating two artificial, or pseudo, PSU’s by random methods from a single PSU. The collapsing method produces somewhat posi- tively biased (overstated) variance estimates by introducing a between-stratum component of variance that does not exist.’ Let the parameter of interest be denoted by Y, for which an estimate Y’ has been obtained from the complete sample. If Y' is a linear com- bination of the sample observations, it can be shown that Y' is an unbiased estimate of Y. However, several empirical investigations indi- cate that the bias of half-sample variance esti- mates for certain ratio estimators and correla- tion statistics is negligible, if detectable at all 4,5,8,9 A half-sample replicate is defined as a collec- tion of L primary sampling units obtained by selecting one of the paired sample PSU’s from each stratum. If the PSU’s within each stratum are designated by the subscript ¢ =1 or 2 and there are K half samples, where K 2 L, the pat- tern may be summarized as in table L. The “+” indicates that a PSU falls into a particular half sample, and the “-” indicates that it does not. Analogs of Y' corresponding to each half sample are then computed. That is, for the kth half sample, Y” is given by . L +2 ¥Y 7, h=1 where 7 = either 1 or 2 depending on which PSU of the stratum is the half-sample &, and Yj}; is, in this example, a total. The estimator Y' is L ® > (Yar + Yao) r= and its variance is estimated by Because it is impractical to compute the Y}, for the entire set of 2L possible half samples when L is large, a subset of half samples is se- lected to produce the estimates. A set of side Table L. Example of a half-sample replication pattern Stratum Half- saniple 1 2 3 L replica. psu | psu | Psu |...| psu tion 1 2.41 2 2 1 2 1 +|-1-1+]-]+ + - 2 -l+]-1+] +] - - + 3 - | ++] -} -1 + ~ + K “| -{+1-f +1 - + - 19 conditions relating to the selection of PSU’s for the half samples has been developed by McCarthy,*5 based on work by Plackett and Burman!® and Gurney.!! These side conditions greatly increase the stability of 3 by elimina- ting a between-strata component of variance that is otherwise present. The value of £3 obtained from a subset of half samples that is chosen according to the McCarthy criteria is equal to the value that would be obtained using all 2L half samples. A set of half samples that satisfies the McCarthy criteria is called a “bal- anced set,” and the procedure is referred to as “balanced half-sample replication.” Application to the National Survey of Family Growth As a first step in applying the balanced half- sample replication technique, the National Cen- ter for Health Statistics grouped the 79 Cycle II primary sampling units into 37 replicate strata. Eighteen of the strata were self-representing; each consisted of the PSU or PSU’s associated with a single self-representing SMSA (see table B). Within each of these strata two pseudo-PSU’s were created by: (1) listing the PSU’s in numeri- cal order within each stratum (for multi-PSU strata); (2) listing the sample segments in numer- ical order within each PSU; and (3) systemati- cally dividing the segments into two groups, with the first segment and every second-listed segment thereafter assigned to the first pseudo- PSU, and the remaining segments assigned to the second pseudo-PSU. The remaining 19 strata included the noncer- tainty PSU’s. Their composition was dictated by the way in which these PSU’s were originally selected for inclusion in the sample. As described previously, this selection was accomplished in two stages: First, the PSU’s were stratified and 35 PSU’s were systematically selected; second, all PSU’s (both selected and nonselected) were recombined into 19 superstrata and 1 supple- mental PSU was selected from each. This design produced two independently chosen observa- tions for each superstratum (the original selec- tion or selections and the supplemental selec- tion) and made the superstrata ideal replicate strata. By pairing the original selections from each strata with the supplemental selection, two 20 pseudo-PSU’s were created for each. There was no need for a “collapsing” of population strata to form replicate strata; the common problem of extraneous between-stratum variance in the half-sample variance estimates was avoided. Within each of the 37 replicate strata, a value of 1 was assigned to one of the pseudo- PSU’s, and a value of 2 was assigned to the other. Forty half samples were then created by selecting one of the two alternative values within each strata for each half sample; the values chosen were determined by the elements of an orthogonal 40 X 40 matrix of 1’s and 2’s adapted from Plackett and Burman.10 In order to estimate the variance of an aggre- gate statistic Y', 40 half-sample analogs of Y’ were computed. The formula for the kth half- sample estimate is ha ! Y. =¥tYy, where Y}, is the half- sample estimate for ever- married women and Yj, is the half-sample esti- mate for never-married mothers. The half-sample estimates Yj, and You correspond to the full- sample estimates Y] and Yj, respectively, and are computed in the same manner (see the pre- ceding section on estimation), but with case weights adjusted to compensate for the half- sample procedure.® The variance of Y’ was then estimated by Types of aggregate statistics produced from the National Survey of Family Growth include the number of currently married women, num- ber of ever-married women, number of ever- married women and never-married women with offspring, and number of children ever born to €For replicate strata where one of the pseudo-PSU’s was composed of more than one sample PSU, case weights were adjusted so that each pseudo-PSU repre- sented half of the stratum population. In addition, case weights were inflated approximately double to com- pensate for the fact that only one-half of the sample was used to obtain the estimate. ever-married women. Half-sample variances were not computed for all aggregate statistics, because to do so would have required a prohibitive amount of time and money. In addition, data reports would be cumbersome if a variance esti- mate was published for each statistic. Thus vari- ances for each type of statistic were computed only for selected population subgroups, which were chosen to represent a wide variety of de- mographic characteristics and a wide variation in the size of the estimates. Curves were then fitted to the relative standard error (RSE) estimates for each type of statistic according to the model 2, B (vy? F Il oa + | A and B are parameters whose estimates deter- mine the shape of the curve. The rationale for the model and the iterative method that was used to estimate 4 and B are explained else- where. 12 Table M shows estimates of 4 and B for rela- tive standard error curves by type of statistic and race. For each type of statistic, separate esti- mates were produced for black women, for women of other races, and for women of all races combined, because black women were sam- pled at a higher rate than other women. Thus an estimate of a given number of black women has a smaller relative standard error than an estimate of the same number of women of other races. For example, an estimate of 500,000 currently married black women has a relative standard error of 7 percent while an estimate of 500,000 women of other races has a relative standard error of 12 percent. This relationship is also re- flected in figure 3, which shows the relative standard error curves, by race, for currently mar- ried women. The relative variances of the aggregate statis- tics are used to derive the relative variances of percents, which are ratios of two aggregates with the numerator being a subclass of the denomina- tor. The relative standard error (RSE) of a per- cent estimate Table M. Estimates of parameters A and B for relative standard error curves, by type of statistic and race Type of statistic and race Parameter Parameter A B Number of currently married women Number of ever-married women and never-married women with offspring -.0001858989 6751.0619 -.0006310400 2798.6440 -.0002056235 7021.1665 .0001700390 6486.5185 -.0004520643 2848.2362 .0000422037 7111.5185 ANE FBOBE esi criusiienminamsmmm sims sat AtEm ARTE TART RT RR ean Fr Re Wi FRE, mf LL AL el -.0001926913 6494.6569 crimes TSR Avs eR sR RE TTS -.0004813358 2698.6043 EE WL A -.0002362857 6892.2852 ES RR RT RRR SARE Ea 0 -.0001015087 | 18450.3253 rere er AE An Ak dn gies 2 -.0003690139 9111.1866 TEA STEER ERR -.0001792083 | 19967.9466 21 ze RELATIVE STANDARD ERROR (PERCENT) Figure 3. Relative standard errors for aggregates of currently married women, by race 100 9 70 60 50 40 30 20 A UO NOOO A 2 3 4 se789) 2 3 4 567894 2 3 4 56789} 2 3 4 567894 2 3 4 56789 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF CURRENTLY MARRIED WOMEN IN THOUSANDS Example of use of chart: An aggregate of 1 million black women (on the scale at the bottom of the chart) has a relative stand- ard error of 4.7 percent, or a standard error of 47,000 (4.7 percent of 1 million). is given by the expression!2 RSE (P') = V/[RSE? (Y')- RSE? (Z')] Jas3- (13) ditt— — (A+ — y Zz . BZ’ BY’ “NTr7 - [BZ - BY (PY) % Y'z' (PY) i [B(100 - P') x PZ where B is the least squares estimate from the relative error curve for Y' and Z' (table M). Notice that the relative standard error of P' is a function of the values of both P' and Z'. This relationship is demonstrated in figure 4, which shows separate relative standard error curves for percents based on different numbers of currently married women of all races com- bined. Each curve satisfies the equation 6751.0619 (100 - P') where P' is the estimated percent and Z’ is the denominator of P'. An estimate of the standard error of the dif- ference between any two aggregates or percents is given by : sri? 2 S(ri-v3) Nh toy, =V(Y})? RSE2 (¥}) + (Y})? RSE? (Y}) This expression provides a good estimate of the standard error for uncorrelated statistics, but it can only be considered a rough approximation otherwise. Because estimates from Cycle II of the National Survey of Family Growth are based on a large sample of women, the distributions of Y| and Yj, (and, therefore, Y] - Y3) are approx- imately normal. Frankel!® shows empirically that, using balanced half-sample replication esti- mates of variance, the test statistic is, - Yh (ry - 13) approximates the student’s ¢ distribution under the null hypothesis of no difference between the parameters estimated by Hg and 4 against a two-sided alternative. The number of replicates in the replication design (40 for Cycle II) can reasonably be used as the number of degrees of freedom for the ¢ statistic, although the exact value for the degrees of freedom remains unknown. Therefore, individual two-tailed sig- nificance tests of differences between statistics from Cycle II data can be performed with an approximate significance level of a by com- puting ¢ and comparing it to the two-tailed 1-« critical value for the t distribution with 40 de- grees of freedom. Example: In 1976, 29.0 percent of 24,795,000 currently married white women had been surgically sterilized, compared to 21.6 percent of 2,169,000 currently married black women. To test this racial difference at the a = .05 level of significance, compute % 29.0 - 21.6 . 2 2 Z V(29.0)% RSEZ2(29.0) + (21.6)2 + RSEZ(21.6) from table M 7021.1665 (100 - 29.0) RSE(29.0) = (299) (29.0)(24,795,000) = .026 and 2798.6440 (100 - 21.6) RSE(16)= [Zo A 20d (21.6)(2,169,000) = .068 thus 4 29.0 - 21.6 V(29.0)2(.026)% + (21.6)%(.068)? =448 The two-tailed .95 critical value (1 - «) for a t statistic with 40 degrees of freedom is 2.02. Therefore, the difference is significant at the .05 level. 23 Figure 4. Relative standard errors for percent of currently married women of all races 100 90 80 Base of percent in thousands 70 60 50 100 40 30 20 Ad 0 OO NowWO RELATIVE STANDARD ERROR (PERCENT) vo No > A 2 3 4 56789) 2 3 4 56789) 2 3 4 56789) 1 10 100 1,000 ESTIMATED PERCENT Example of use of chart: An estimate of 10 percent (from the scale at the bottom of the chart) of a population of 1 million women (fourth curve from top) has a relative standard error of 24.6 percent, or a standard error of 2.5 percent (24.6 percent of 10 percent). 000 24 REFERENCES National Center for Health Statistics: National Sur- vey of Family Growth, Cycle I: Sample design, estima- tion procedures, and variance estimation, by D. K. French. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 2-No. 76. DHEW Pub. No. (PHS) 78-1350. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1978. 2U.S. Bureau of the Census: Census of Population and Housing, 1970, Census Tracts, Final Report PHC(1). Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. pp. 1-238. N 3U.S. Bureau of the Census: Housing Authorized by Building Permits and Public Contracts, Monthly Sum- mary Report C40, Sept. 1969-July 1975. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office. 4National Center for Health Statistics: Replication: An approach to the analysis of data from complex sur- veys, by P. J. McCarthy. Vital and Health Statistics. PHS Pub. No. 1000-Series 2-No. 14. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Apr. 1966. p. 12. 5National Center for Health Statistics: Pseudoreplica- tion: Further evaluation and application of the balanced half-sample technique, by P. J. McCarthy. Vital and Health Statistics. PHS Pub. No. 1000-Series 2-No. 31. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 1969. 6National Center for Health Statistics: Distribution and properties of variance estimators for complex multi- stage probability samples: An empirical distribution, by J. A. Bean. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 2-No. 65. DHEW Pub. No. (HRA) 75-1339. Health Resources Ad- ministration. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Mar. 1975. "Kish, L.: Survey Sampling. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1965. 8Simmons, W. R., and Baird, J.: Use of pseudorepli- cation in the NCHS Health Examination Survey, in Pro- ceedings of the Social Statistics Section of the ASA. American Statistical Association, 1968. 9Kish, L., and Frankel, M. R.: Balanced repeated replications. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 65(331): 1071-1094, Sept. 1970. 10Plackett, R. L., and Burman, J. P.: The design of optimum multifactorial experiments. Biometrika. 33(2): 305-325, Aug. 1946. 11 Gurney, M.: The variance of the replication method for estimating variances for the CPS sample design. U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1962. Unpublished document. 12National Center for Health Statistics: Estimation and sampling variance in the Health Interview Survey, by J. A. Bean. Vital and Health Statistics. PHS Pub. No. 1000-Series 2-No. 38. Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1970. 13 Frankel, M. R.: Inference from Survey Samples: An Empirical Investigation. Ann Arbor. Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1971. 25 26 1. IL. Glossary of Terms APPENDIXES CONTENTS Household Screener 27 29 APPENDIX | GLOSSARY OF TERMS Conterminous United States.—The land area consisting of the District of Columbia and all States except Alaska and Hawaii. Dwelling unit (DU).—A single room, or group of rooms, that is intended for separate liv- ing quarters. The people who live there must live and eat separately from everyone else in the building (or apartment) and the room or group of rooms must have either 1. A separate entrance directly from the outside of the building or through a common hall, or 2. Complete kitchen facilities for the use of this household only. Complete Kkit- chen facilities include all of the follow- ing: a. a range or cooking stove, and b. a sink with piped water, and c. a mechanical refrigerator. Education.—The highest grade of school completed. Geographic region.—For the purpose of clas- sifying the population by geographic area, the U.S. Bureau of the Census has grouped the 50 States and the District of Columbia into four regions, as follows: Region States included Northeast......... Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania North Central... Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illi- nois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Da- kota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Texas, Tennessee, Alabama, Missis- sippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Ari- zona, Utah, Nevada, Washing- ton, Alaska, Oregon, Cali- fornia, Hawaii Alaska and Hawaii are not included in the NSFG sample design. Household.—A family living together, or five or fewer unrelated individuals living together in a DU. Parity.—The number of live births a woman has had. Screener interview.—A preliminary interview at the household to collect information about the DU and to determine whether or not the household includes one or more women who are eligible for the detailed interview. Standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA).—A county or group of contiguous counties (except in New England) which con- tains at least one central city of 50,000 people or more, or “twin cities’”’ with a combined popu- lation of at least 50,000. In addition, other con- 27 tiguous counties are included in an SMSA if, according to certain criteria, they are socially and economically integrated with the central city. Urban area.—As defined by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the urban areas of the United States include all cities or “twin cities’ with at least 50,000 population in 1970 together with the surrounding closely settled area and all other incorporated or unincorporated popula- tion centers with 2,500 inhabitants or more. Metropolitan state economic area (MSEA).— In New England, a county with more than half its population in one or more standard metro- politan statistical areas was classified as a metro- politan state economic area if the county or a combination of counties containing the standard metropolitan statistical area or areas had 100,000 inhabitants or more. For further discus- sion see: U.S. Bureau of the Census: State Eco- nomic Areas, Washington, D.C., U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1951. 000 28 APPENDIX 11 HOUSEHOLD SCREENER OMB No. Expires: OFFICE USE ONLY 68-574071 Dec. 31, 1976 Date Received A Recheck: YeS..v.uaaal NOutasaessa2 BEGIN DECK 25 Collected for the National Center for Health Statistics by Westat, Inc. Preliminary Disposition: Final Disposition: = [TTT] [7 1 2 3 4 5 10 HOUSEHOLD SCREENER ASSURANCE OF In accordance with Section 308 (d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC CONFIDENTIAL: 242m) and the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a), the National Center for Health Statistics assures each respondent that all information which would permit identification of any individual or family will be held in strict confidence, will be used only by persons engaged in, and for purposes of, this study and will not be disclosed to others for any purposes. ITY: ASSIGNMENT BOX: SAMPLING TABLE 15.1 15 1637 396 Jo. 20 2} IF NUMBER OF THEN INTERVIEW ELIGIBLE FEMALES PERSON LISTED LISTED IN SUMMARY ON SUMMARY BOX BOX 181 | LINE J Two 1 Three 3 Four x Five 4 Six or 3 More INTRODUCTION Hello, I'm from Westat Research, Inc. (SHOW ID BADGE) A letter was sent to you recently explaining the study we are conducting for the U.S. Public Health Service. As you ma y recall, from the letter, the study is being conducted all over the countdy and is about family size. V CHECK IF R VOLUNTEERS: Did not receive letter or does not remember letter. . . O 22 Received but did not read . + + « + + + 0 + wis x 0 +» O ASK AT SAMPLED HOUSEHOLD AND RECORD VERBATIM. IF A SINGLE YEAR OR RANGE IS GIVEN THAT DEFINITELY FITS ONE OF THE STATED CATEGORIES, CHECK AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS; OTHERWISE CHECK D.K. AND USE PROBE. The sample of households we visit is scientifically selected to represent all households in our country. In order to be certain our sample is correct, I need to ask When was this structure originally built? 2 {Year/Range) 1970 or later. Before 1970. D.K., No idea, etc. TERMINATE: Thank you very CONTINUE much for your help. My INTERVIEW. Was it built before 1970? instructions are to inter- view at homes (apartment houses) built before 1970. Those built in 1970 or later are sampled separately. (COMPLETE NIR) ASK: (Probably) Yes OO CONTINUE. (Probably) No QO TERMINATE. D.K., No idea, O CONTINUE. etc. 24 25 26 27 20 {Interviewer No. {Interviewer No.)2s ASSIGNED TO: Interviewer Signature REASSIGNED TO: (1) {Interviewer Signature) 30 31 32 9 (2) {Interviewer Signature) {Interviewer No.) 29 30 CONDUCT ONLY WITH A HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGE 15 OR OLDER HOUSEHOLD ENUMERATION CONTINUE DECK 25 S-1. To start, how many people live in this household? TIME AM BEGAN PM 34 35 NUMBER S-2. What is the name of the head of this household? (ENTER NAME ON LINE 01 BELOW.) S-3. And the other members of this household -- what are their names? everyone related to (HEAD). NAMES IN TABLE BELOW.) Let's begin with (BE SURE PERSON INCLUDES [HIMSELF/HERSELF]) (ENTER S-4, Are there other people living here who are not related to (HEAD)? (IF YES, ENTER NAMES IN TABLE BELOW) S-5. I have listed (READ NAMES IN ORDER). living here now, such as friends, relatives or roomers? (IF YES, ENTER NAME BELOW) Is there anyone else Ores Ores Owe Ore $-6. 5-7. S-8. | S-9. IF 15 YEARS OR OLDER ASK: AFTER LISTING HOUSEHOLD, What is CODE SEX| How old Is (PERSON) now married, widowed, ASK S-6 THROUGH S-9 FOR (PERSON's) |(ASK IF was divorced, separated, or has (he/she) EACH PERSON AS relation- NOT (HEAD/ never been married? (NEVER MARRIED APPROPRIATE ship to OBVIOUS)| PERSON) BUT REPORTED LIVING TOGETHER, CODE (HEAD OF on (his/ IF NEVER MARRIED AND NOT LIVING HOUSEHOLD)? her) last| TOGETHER AND HAS QWN CHILDREN IN birthday? | HOUSEHOLD, CODE ” Sing. with Infor own person First Last mally Div. |Separ |chil |Never NUMBER Name Name ur Mar. |[Mar. |Wid.|Ann.| ated|dren | Mar. 01 HEAD 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 02 ¥.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 03 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 04 1:2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 05 1: 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 06 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 07 1-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 08 1:2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 09 1.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1:2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (IF MORE THAN 12 HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS, GO TO CONTINUATION BOOKLET, PAGE 2) (IN S-10, CONTINUE QUESTION WITH IDENTIFIED.) S-10, Is there anyone now away from home who usually lives here (PROBE: such as the mother of [CHILD])? (IF HOUSEHOLD MEMBER, ENTER NAME ABOVE.) oh "PROBE" IF CHILD IS LISTED IN HOUSEHOLD BUT PARENT ([s] ARE NOT S-11, Do any of the people in this household have a home anywhere else? (IF YES, PROBE FOR USUAL RESIDENCE. IF NOT HOUSEHOLD MEMBER, DRAW LINE THROUGH NAME ABOVE.) O Yes S-12. Are any of the persons in this household now on full-time active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States? HOUSEHOLD MEMBER, DRAW LINE THROUGH NAME ABOVE) (IF NOT C) Yes 36 37 38 40 1 42 43 bu 4S 46 47 48 49 50 51 5 el lr TITEL 7 SELECTION OF RESPONDENT CONTINUE DEGK 23 S-13, NO ELIGIBLE RESPONDENT by reason of: (CHECK CIRCLE AND SKIP TO S-15) 1. Group Quarters 0 2. Race 0 3. Sex O 4. Age/Marital (REQUIRES NIR FORM) Status S-14, ELIGIBLE RESPONDENT between 15 and 44 years old. (CHECK ONLY ONE CIRCLE) ONE ELIGIBLE WOMAN: 1. Currently or informally married; - Circle R's Person No. on page 2; - Skip to S-15; USE CURRENTLY MARRIED QUEX Oo 2. Post married or SWOC; - Circle R's Person No. on page 2; - Skip to S-15; USE POST MARRIED QUEX O MORE THAN ONE ELIGIBLE WOMAN (FOLLOW STEPS 1-4): Step 1: List names of eligible women in Summary Box, in order of age, beginning with the oldest on Line #1. Step 2: Use Sampling Table on Page 1 to.determine which eligible woman to interview. Step 3: Circle R's line number in Summary Box and write selected R's name here: Respondent's Name Step 4: Selected Respondent is: 3. Currently or informally married - Circle R's Person No. on page 2; - Skip to S-15; USE O 4. Post married or SWOC; - Circle R's Person No. on page 2; - Skip to S~15; USE POST MARRIED QUEX Oo ASK EVERYONE S-15, Is there a phone. number where you can be reached (in case my office wants to verify this interview)? Telephone No. (Area Code) (5-16) (28 HO PHONG. ov a nis a's a #1» #.% » a & ¢ = * 200 ai on os =» + of {9=l7] Befused. + + os se 4 isl vw oa . i. vw Wee . 7 (5-17) S-16, Is this phone in your home In household 'v « « + wij 2 © nw + Nl or elsewhere? In home of neighbor. + ov + +. + s +2 Other (SPECIFY) 3 AM 56 57 S-17, TIME SCREENER ENDED PM 5-18 Does Assignment Box require: - AND ELIGIBLE "R" AVAILABLE NOW, : COMPLETE REQUIRED PROCEDURES AFTER the Missed DU Procedure? (ONo (0) ves EXTENDED INTERVIEW. the Missed Structure - AND NO ELIGIBLE "R" OR ELIGIBLE "R" Procedure? Ove (ves NOT AVAILABLE, COMPLETE MISSED DU PROCEDURE AND FORM - PAGE 4, AND/OR IF NO TO BOTH OF THE ABOVE, CONTINUE. MISSED STRUCTURE PROCEDURE AS IF YES TO EITHER OF THE ABOVE QUTLITD ON MISSED STRUCTURE FORM, INTERVIEWER: FILL OUT S-19 THROUGH $-23 BELOW IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU LEAVE THE HOUSEHOLD. S-19, Code Type of Structure: S-21, Date of Screener Interview Detached single family house. . . . . 1 Trailer”. «'. oe aw dl winte wie ad 2-4 Family house/apartment building . 3 MONTH DAY YEAR Row house (3 or more attached units). 4 60 Apartment house (5 or more units; free access to housing units). . . . 5 ss Apartment house (5 or more units; locked entry, or guarded by doornan, or BOth). « + s o.+ sins = 6 S-22, With whom did you conduct the Other (SPECIFY) screener? Person No. 7 from pg. 2 66 67 68 69 S-20, Race of Household (BY OBSERVATION): [1] BLABR/NOGLD s Tan iv te iw, 4 ow iw ww A = White, «ify ly « vow vie ew bl wd S-23, This screener interview was Other (SPECIFY) 59 conducted in: 3 English. + ileus se ini io wtid SPANIBh ov w ss wie ies se 2 70 Not able to observe .. . +. . . . + v . 4 Other (SPECIFY) 3 31 | CONTINUE DECK 25 “ET Before leaving household, say: "We want to be sure that every household in this area has been given a chance to participate in this important survey. At this address we listed households (in your struc- ture/on this floor). Are there any other living quarters here that we may have missed?" MISSED D.U. PROCEDURE Also, check in the lobby and around the outside of this (house/building) for additional units or entrances in this structure. Record discovered D.U.'s on form below. If no additional D.U.'s, check circle in the box in the upper left-hand corner of the form. If 1 to 4 Missed D.U.'s are discovered, fill out an assignment box on a blank Screener for each (instructions for how to do this are in the Interviewer's Manual on page 10-54) and conduct screener interview. Add the discovered D.U.'s to the Listing Sheet, Selected DU List, and all copies of the Interviewer Weekly Status Report. If 5 or more Missed D.U.'s are discovered, call supervisor for instructions before you do any additional screener interviews. Add all of the discovered D.U.'s to the Listing Sheet and the selected sample D.U.'s to the Selected DU List and all copies of the Interviewer Weekly Status Report. Then fill out an assignment box on a blank Screener for each selected sample D.U. and conduct screener interview. MISSED D.U. FORM CHECK (v) IF NO MISSED D.U. PSU # SEG # AT SAMPLED*STRUCTURE O D.U. # ASSIGNED ADDRESS OF DISCOVERED D.U. D.U. ber Number dis- covered D.U.'s TOTAL ADDITIONAL D.U.'s sequentially within segments beginning with as instructed on Selected DU List. Each num- assigned only once within a NOTE: Be sure to thank respondent and complete page 3, segment. S-19 through S$-23. 800 or 801 must be Non-INTERVIEW REPORT FORM BEGIN DECK 26 N-1. Why were you unable to complete (screener/extended) interview? Vacant or Not a Dwelling Unit . 1 (N-2) Household Screener NIR. . . . . 2 (N-4) Extended Interview NIR. . . . . 3 (WN-5) N-2. Why is the listed address not an occupied dwelling unit for our sample? Condemned + 5x ots + 5 sv ie 401 Demolished. :. +:+ + » +» » » 2 02 Place of Business . . . . . . .03 No such address/No such DU. . .04 Group quarters. . . . . . . . .05 Vacation Cabin. . . . . . . . .06 Not usable as permanent residence. . . . . .07 (N-3) Transient use (less than 1 month). cece. + «+ + 908 Not a DU for other reason . . .09 Still under construction. . . .10 Post 1970 structure . . . . . 11 Improperly listed, out of segment . . . . . . . .12 Vasant, wh. Juin Wine ow ee eo dX3 (8426) N-3, Is there any additional information regarding this unit? i = N-4, Whom did you contact in the household? No one. . . . ow wend Head or spouse of head. oa te ead Relative of HH. . . . o & wie 3 Non-related adult in HH . . . . 4 (N-6) 13 Child under 15 years of age . . 5 Other (SPECIFY) 6 N-5. Unable to complete extended interview with respondent who is: Currently married . . «... wv « 1 Post married or SWOC. . . . . . 2 N-6., What was the problem in obtaining information? Unable to enter structure . . . 22 (¥-8) No respondent after 4 calls . . 23 (N-8) Language Problem (SPECIFY) 24 (N-10) Unavailable during £ield period . .» +. +s +» vs 4.2.25 (N-8) POO FIL vv + ¢ = m3 3 + a. = 2608-8) Breakoff. . . . «is + +» ow 270-7) Refusal . . wei Cw ww wn B8 REE) Other (SPECIFY) 29 (N-7) N-7. What was the reason you could not complete this (screener/extended) interview? (RECORD ANY EXPLANATIONS "R" GAVE AND YOUR OWN IMPRESSIONS. THEN CODE THE REASON YOU BELIEVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT.) Did not want to answer questions, did not believe in surveys. . . ids 1 Did not have time, didn't want $0 be bothered . . ode ein edlieinel abd Afraid to let interviewer in, afraid to answer, told not to answer questions. . 3 4 5 Objected to this particular survey . . Claimed this survey did not apply to HH. Other (SPECIFY) ~o Could not determine any reason . . . . . CONTINUE DECK 26 Name and phone number of sample household, if available. NAME Phone ( ) = N-9. Race of household? Black uo we we Whe White + « oo vv 8 wmv * % » Other (SPECIFY) Could not find-ofE, ~ + ~» = +» = WN = N-10. What information could you find out as to the best time and/or circumstances at which the (screener/extended) interview could be obtained? [x EXTENDED INTERVIEW NIR, SKIP TO N-13. -11, Have you learned anything about the age and marital status of the women in the assigned household? (EXPLAIN) N-12. Based on the information you have obtained, do you think the assigned household is: Definitely eligible . . Probably eligible . . . Probably not eligible . Definitely not eligible Don't know. . . + + 4 Bs WN N-13. Code the type of structure? Detached single family house. . Trailer or trailer space. . . . 2-4 family house/apartment Puilding™, . oi alie wee cE Row house (3 or more attached units). . . . . . . . Apartment house (5 or more units; free access to housing unit). . «sv + «» 506 + 5 Apartment house (5 or more units; locked entry or guarded by doorman or both). . 6 Other (SPECIFY) No Sow Date of NIR 17 18 19 20 21 22 NAME OF SUPERVISOR WHO APPROVED NIR: DATE: 34 N. 1. R. SUPERVISOR ONLY: SUMMARIZE PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED, ACTIONS TAKEN AND YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAIN OFFICE FOLLOWUP: NAME : I.D. Number L L L MONTH, DAY YEAR MAIN OFFICE USE ONLY: ACTION (S) : Telephone Call . . . +. . . RECORD OF ENTER ON HH ACTION Letter .« « & wriefe-3 wv + i» Returned to field for additional followup . . . . Determined to be Final NIR . OO OO NAME : DATE: 9€ 00 RECORD OF HouseHOLD ACTION Date Day Week NON-ELIGIBLE TYPE RESULT INPORMANT CONTACT Extended | g Screener | Interview || § (USE CODES) (CHECK BOX Personal Telephone Mail REMARKS FIELD Intv No. ain Office NAME Is this con- tact a call? Yes No (CHECK BOX) ResuLt Copes IF VACANT OR NOT A D.U.. COMPLETE NIR SCREENER Vacant/Not DU . . . Screener completed. Unable to cnter structure Eligible screener R not home. . . . . Language problems . . . . . . . . . 4 Unavailable during field period . . BB HL cnet ns Be eee i BrRakole. ois luis. sin ws sow sw kin ReEOaaY 5 ii dd. de oe Other (Specify under Remarks) . . . belabhawnro EXTENDED INTERVIEW (IF SCREENER COMPLETE USE CODES, OTHERWISE LEAVE BLANK) No eligible R. . . . "8 Interview completed. ie Unable to enter structure . 2 Eligible R not hore. . . + » +» + + + + 3 Language problems. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Unavailable during field period. . . . 5 Tow THE, lulatty vu 5 0% 0 Shiney 6 Broke ate 0 Sil ie erie a aw ele 7 Retesare ©. LoL Ll Lil anil, 8 Other (Specify under Remarks). . . . . 9 pia Ea pg # fk Bi Series 1. Series 2. Series 3. Series 4. Series 10. Series 11. Series 12. Series 13. Series 14, Series 20. Series 21. Series 22. Series 23. VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS Series Programs and Collection Procedures.—Reports which describe the general programs of the National Center for Health Statistics and its offices and divisions and data collection methods used and include definitions and other material necessary for understanding the data. Data Evaluation and Methods Research.—Studies of new statistical methodology including experi- mental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and contributions to statistical theory. Analytical Studies.—Reports presenting analytical or interpretive studies based on vital and health statistics, carrying the analysis further than the expository types of reports in the other series. Documents and Committee Reports.—Final reports of major committees concerned with vital and health statistics and documents such as recommended model vital registration laws and revised birth and death certificates. Data From the Health Interview Survey.—Statistics on illness, accidental injuries, disability, use of hospital, medical, dental, and other services, and other health-related topics, all based on data collected in a continuing national household interview survey. Data From the Health Examination Survey and the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.—Data from direct examination, testing, and measurement of national samples of the civilian noninstitu- tionalized population provide the basis for two types of reports: (I) estimates of the medically defined prevalence of specific diseases in the United States and the distributions of the population with respect to physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics and (2) analysis of relationships among the various measurements without reference to an explicit finite universe of persons. Data From the Institutionalized Population Surveys.—Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these surveys will be in Series 13. Data on Health Resources Utilization. —Statistics on the utilization of health manpower and facilities providing long-term care, ambulatory care, hospital care, and family planning services. Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities. —Statistics on the numbers, geographic distri- bution, and characteristics of health resources including physicians, dentists, nurses, other health occupations, hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient facilities. Data on Mortality. —Various statistics on mortality other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by cause of death, age, and other demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; and statistics on characteristics of deaths not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data on Natality, Marriage, and Divorce.—Various statistics on natality, marriage, and divorce other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; studies of fertility; and statistics on characteristics of births not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Data From the National Mortality and Natality Surveys.—Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these sample surveys based on vital records will be included in Series 20 and 21, respectively. Data From the National Survey of Family Growth.—Statistics on fertility, family formation and dis- solution, family planning, and related maternal and infant health topics derived from a biennial survey of a nationwide probability sample of ever-married women 15-44 years of age. For a list of titles of reports published in these series, write to: Scientific and Technical Information Branch National Center for Health Statistics Public Health Service Hyattsville, Md. 20782 DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 81-1361 Series 2-No. 87 NCHS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES POSTAGE AND FEES PAID Public Health Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF H.H.S. Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology HHS 396 National Center for Health Statistics 3700 East-West Highway THIR D C LASS Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 For publications in the Vital and 5 L Health Statistics Series call 301 a 4 1 4 > 436-NCH U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES C02120613) WL 7 EERE | EER Fa le 3 & nl Wr dew » Lar