R C 271 A12 A272 1989 PUBL No. 89-4 ' CWRENT "WEEDGHEES EN MUEDHCHNE Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies Prepared by Estelle J. Abrams Philip C. Fox Public January 1980 Services through Division February 1989 Bethesda, Maryland 20894 288 Citations ‘l-Ifl'I-H _ ."PUBUC HEALTH LmRAm ,‘ " VARY ' 1:17 or " 713mm CBM No. 89-4 Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies January 1980 through February 1989 288 Citations Prepared by Estelle J. Abrams, M.S., National Library of Medicine Philip C. Fox, D.D.S., National Institute of Dental Research US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 G.P.O. Stock No. 817-(XJS-(XXXJ4-7 5%s339é9 pu/BZ/ SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE, AVLINE, BIOETHICSLINE, CANCERLIT, CA'I'LINE, HEALTH, POPLINE, AND TOXLINE. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: The Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 20402. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1989 (20 bibliographies), send $47.00 ($58.75 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM89. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($2.50, $3.00 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing WW printed on the title page. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Ofi‘ice of Management and Budget through September 30, 1989. [I . 4" <7“ / ORAL COMPLICATIONS OF CANCER THERAPIES ,1 l ,v I‘ I s} (“'(L' The oral cavity is a common site of complications resulting from cancer therapies. Surgical, medical (chemotherapeutic), and radiation treatments all have acute and chronic effects on the mouth and oral functions. Oral complications are frequent and serious and contribute to the morbidity and mortality of cancer patients. This bibliography was prepared in support of the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference titled Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment held in Bethesda, Maryland, on April 17-19, 1989. The references are from English language journals from 1980 through February 1989. Arrangement of the bibliography is by three subject categories; a citation may appear in only one. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = SUBS APPLY CI, ET SS 1 = EXP MOUTH DISEASES OR EXP PHARYNGEAL DISEASES OR EXP TASTE DISORDERS SS 2 = SUBS CANCEL SS 2 = EXP MOUTH OR EXP PERIODONTIUM OR TASTE BUDS OR EXP TASTE SS 3 = 1 OR 2 SS 4 = EXP NEOPLASMS/rH SS 5 = EXP NEOPLASMS/DT SS 6 = EXP NEOPLASMS/RT SS 7 = 4 OR 5 OR 6 SS 8 = GRAr-T VS HOST DISEASE OR GRAFI‘ VS HOST REACTION OR BONE MARROW/TR SS 9 = SUBS APPLY AE, AD, PO, TO SS 9 = EXP ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS SS 10 = SUBS CANCEL SS 10 = 7 OR 8 OR 9 SS 11 = 3 AND 10 SS 12 = 3 AND EXP *RADIOTHERAPY/AE SS 13 = 11 OR 12 SS 14 = 13 AND NOT FOR (LA) GRATEFUL MED To make online searching earsier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 and a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. SAMPLE CITATION Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus. A sample journal citation appears below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets and the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (:) may appear within an author’s name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title Barrett AP ; Buckley DJ. Oral complications of high-dose melphalan in multiple myeloma. Oral Suryral Med Oral Pathol 198 Aug;64(2):264-7 Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title . I ' .....I.J'I.___.u..__._ II ‘Lw . "- 1 ' ‘ n— l' n ‘I .1. 5“ H- r I" {—- l l! .l , w _ l v . L ,_I I I. “ 1 ‘ a- l _ .4 5,— "_1 f I‘; I'._. |-|__'r1 '; I 1“ J V - — I I " “' \__1I"'_v... L - 1 1 ' Z. ' '"' ." ’I - " II_-l —‘ I I 1 A 1 -" " _ I F]. _‘ I“ i.- l f T‘- ' Eh I. .. “Tl-r- I ‘ r . ‘. 1 . _ L — I‘ ‘ II I I H .. ' __ '2. fiL_j-.. - _ _ - -.. - .‘J'Hr: .' w it —, II I I 4'- ' D I I I Er?- _' 171:3" f _' ‘ I II I — J ' I I . : kl T W F I“; I“ f- : V I," L ‘ll .. _|—h‘l"| l - . v.- . F . I 'J Us] |;‘£ .|_I_ II . "I.“ W: . "- . - I . -‘ I ~_ _ I l W. _. a- JP]— Im k: e. L—l ‘_ LI _ “Ft-3 I 1 ‘1 J I ' '- ‘FI r I. ;" 1- 1 I I“ I . HI. I ' ' 1 1:11 " .ut L _ l-_*_ JJ‘ .- ‘ ‘— .421] ,I .' ‘- ' I J ‘ Iflf-I- “mu . mini-:4 ‘_1-"-v"\1. "I5 -—. ' J.“ H I l , '- I'.‘- a I I 1 1" v ‘I ' ‘mfll i’II _ , I 49- 1 #“ :T‘ I-vnq - "H11 .5 _l _ ' '—-!' {liq-fill "5“)" “s'k‘j‘fi L“ 'H ”1‘“- 5"“. I 1.3mm. a .5m —1;In *5: f 1. .- l-w ‘ '3: '4 731.". ‘ ’ . 4 . ~ 3M-&¥~¢~"h'w€--:‘r "44 m A I, '. '*'1 "I ' fi'l In" W’“ "“9 “11 at? - .5 'F' 'a-.u.,, 51,-... '3' ll I"I .' ‘ ."'— , ‘ffi .,, n. "I5" ‘3'.“ _ k . _ - « 4 ,Ir .1 --vtw.-..I « ‘ _r_ 1 'IC" ‘ A flyfihr ‘f t' l 4", ‘41." u-l . ,_ 1 l i ', —A ‘ I ' ' ' _ v “ - "I 1 -“',' Inn- q” 1 I , II ”I a 1' I - I‘ . in. r -' ~ . . ‘ -_ - I : "- H I H L._h.' I ' ' I _ r A ' n f 1;!“ “In" «I 4 - 14 ' | v I. I I _ V - ‘ , . '1 I - H “1‘ . I ’ :'I_l' h . ‘ IE:— I-b m “I" LN" " v A-' \- Z .' _._ . :3” , h" I) ‘ I IV" I] 2‘ I ‘ u . . ‘ l I ' 6 0' ‘- ' 1' x. _I '4: ‘ I _ ' _r I 1‘ ‘. I "' I _ . -- -1 , . #2: I- , I H ' — ' II. ‘ T I J J- _ ‘ _ _" H . '_4' __£.r-JII 4“ -, . _ , ~ I HI]. I ‘ | —‘ .I f ‘ A 0" -J ’ ‘L .l 4 _ -. ‘JIL I _l i“ “'4‘ _I‘ . _ . I h _ Hi; "'1'“ I" ‘ * “up . ‘ ' , _ l __ I- l+ I H 1' _Il ‘ . I - I | l'-- _..' _- I I fl‘ ‘ "r -J , ‘ '0 I— 7, ' -.- ' {I} 1 ' n‘I -_, F‘ I." ‘ 1-". . 4 A ‘I . -‘_ 3. IV. 3 ‘ '41,. i __u '- .I—§ _ _‘ ll mm" . 1" . _ , - IF ‘ ‘7 ‘— ' " | l'.. l_ _ L. I I, t ! ul" r: '— k J- _‘ 7‘ . ‘ - I- 5 fi‘ 4 “if: ' " 1 ‘ JJ - . I- 3"— ' ' |_I ‘ gm _' _" t' 1‘ . '.' Am , _I d“ "If-1 '1' l -- V L'-‘_' I I. l' 1. . , IL‘I' _ ‘ .I J .- - -~ - _. , - -+ _ —., TABLE OF CONTENTS page Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies 1 Interventions to Limit Oral Complications 26 Management of Oral Complications 30 Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies Adrian RM ; Hood AF ; Skarln AT. Mucocutaneous reactions to antineoplastic agents. CA 1980 May- Jun;30(3):143-57 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alkylating Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS /Alopccia--CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Antibiotics, Antineoplastic-- ADVERSE EFFECTS /Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Antineoplastic Agents-“ADVERSE EFFECTS / Human [Neoplasms-RADIOTHERAPY / Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Review / Skin Diseases--‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Al-Tikriti U ; Martin MV; Bramley PA. A pilot study of the clinical effects of irradiation on the oral tissues. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1984 Apr;22(2): 77-86 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged /Carcinoma, Squamous Cell-RADIOTHERAPY / Comparative Study [Erythema--ETIOLOGY [Female [Fungi-- CYTOLOGY / Human [Laryngeal Neoplasms-- *RADIOT'HERAPY [Male [Middle Age / Mouth Mucosa--MICROBIOLOGY--PA'THOLOGY-- ‘RADIAT'ION EFFECTS [Mouth Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Pilot Projects [Radiation Dosage / Saliva--SECRETION [Secretory Rate / Support, Non-US. Gov’t / Ulcer--ET‘IOLOGY Allweiss P ; Braunstein GD ; Katz A; Waxman A. Sialadenitis following I-131 therapy for thyroid carcinoma: concise communication. J Nucl Med 1984 Jul;25(7):755-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adenocarcinoma-- MDIOTHERAPY [Adult [Aged /Carcinoma, Papillary-- RADIOTHERAPY [Female [Human / Iodine Radioisotopes--*ADVERSE EFFECTS-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Male [Middle Age [Parotid Gland-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Salivary Gland Diseases--*ETIOLOGY / Sialadenitis-- *ETIOLOGY [Submandibular Gland-- RADIATION EFFECTS / Thyroid Neoplasms-- *RADIOTHERAPY Amer MH ; Akhtar M ; Mackey DM ; Butler PG. Bullous pemphigoid after chemotherapy for choriocarcinoma. Int J Dermatol 1982 Jan-Feb; 21(1):32-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Antineoplastic Agents--’ADVERSE EFFECTS [Case Report / Choriocarcinoma--DRUG THERAPY / Dactinomycin--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Female / Human /Methotrexate--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Pemphigoid, Bullous--’CHEMICALLY INDUCED-PATHOLOGY [Pregnancy [Skin-- PATHOLOGY [Skin Diseases, Bullous-- ’CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Uterine Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY Anderson MW; Izutsu KT; Rice J C. Parotid gland pathophysiology after mixed gamma and neutron irradiation of cancer patients. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1981 Nov;52(5):495-500 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Gamma Rays/ Head and Neck Neoplasms-~‘RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Hydrogen-Ion Concentration [Male / Middle Age [Neutrons / Parotid Gland-- ‘PHYSIOPATHOLOGYuRADIATION EFFECTS /Saliva-- ANALYSIS--“RADIATION EFFECTS-SECRETION [Secretory Rate Andrykowski MA. Do infusion-related tastes and odors facilitate the development of anticipatory nausea? A failure to support hypothesis. Health Psychol 1987;6(4):329-41 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents, Combined-”ADVERSE EFFECTS-- THERAPEUTIC USE [“Cues [Female [Human / Infusions, Intravenous [Male [Middle Age [N ausea-- *CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY [‘Set (Psychology) /Smel|--*DRUG EFFECTS [T aste--“DRUG EFFECTS / Vomiting-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Anneroth G; Holm LE; Karlsson G. The effect of radiation on teeth. A clinical, histologic and microradiographic study. Int J Oral Surg 1985 Jun; 14(3):269-74 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Aged [Dental Caries--*ETIOLOGY-- PA'THOLOGY/ Dental Cementum-- PATHOLOGY--RADIATION EFFECTS [Dentin- PATHOLOGY--RADIATION EFFECTS/Female / Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Male [Microradiography [Middle Age / Stomatitis--‘E'I'IOLOGY [T ooth--PATHOLOGY-- *RADIATION EFFECTS / Xerostomia-- *ET'IOLOGY Archibald D ; Lockhart PB ; Sonls ST; Ervln TJ ; Fallon BG; Miller D ; Clark JR. Oral complications of multimodality therapy for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1986 Feb;6l(2):139-41 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Carcinoma, Squamous Cel|--DRUG THERAPY-RADIONUCLIDE IMAGING-- ‘THERAPY /Combined Modality Therapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS /Dental Caries-- ETIOLOGY [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY-- RADIONUCLIDE IMAGING--‘T'HERAPY /Human /J aw Diseases-- ETIOLOGY / Male /Mouth Diseases-- ‘ET‘IOLOGY /Osteoradionecrosis--ETIOLOGY / Stomatitis—-ETIOLOGY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Atkinson K; Biggs J ; Noble G ; Ashby M ; Concannon A; Dodds A. Preparative regimens for marrow transplantation containing busulphan are associated with haemorrhagic cystitis and hepatic veno- occlusive disease but a short duration of leucopenia and little oro-pharyngeal mucositis. Bone Marrow Transplant 1987 Dec;2(4):385-94 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Anemia, Aplastic-- THERAPY/Bone Marrow-TRANSPLANTATION Busulfan--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Cystitis-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Hemorrhage / Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease--*CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Human / Immunosuppression-- ADVERSE EFFECTS /I.eukemia--THERAPY/ Leukopenian *CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Mucous Membrane IPharyngeal Diseases-- ’CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Support, Non-US. Gov’t lTime Factors Bacha DM ; Shah NR. Parotid gland carcinoma following treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemia. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1983 Winter;5(4): 411-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Carcinoma- *ETIOLOGY /Case Report /Female /Human / Leukemia, Lymphocytic--‘RADIOTHERAPY/ *Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced /Parotid Neoplasms--*ETIOLOGY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t /Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Barale K; Aker SN ; Martinsen CS. Primary taste thresholds in children with leukemia undergoing marrow transplantation. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1982 Jul-Aug;6(4):287-9O SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Bone Marrow--‘TRANSPLANTATION /Child /Human / Leukemia--‘PHYSIOPATHOLOGY-THERAPY / Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. / "Taste fTaste Disorders--ETIOLOGY /"Taste Threshold Barone C ; Astone A; Garull C ; Grleco A; Cavallaro A; Netrl G ; Rossl S ; Cassano A ; Ricevuto E ; Novlello MR ; et al. High-dose folinic acid (HDFA) combined with S-fluorouracil (S-FU) in first line chemotherapy of advanced large bowel cancer. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1987 Sep;23(9):1303-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged / Antineoplastic Agents, Combined-- “THERAPEUTIC USE / Citrovorum Factor-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS / Colonic Neoplasms-”DRUG THERAPY--MORTALTTY [Diarrhea-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Female [Fluorouracil- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS lHuman /Liver Neoplasms-- SECONDARY/Male/Middle Age/Mouth Mucosa/ Rectal Neoplasms--*DRUG THERAPY-- MORTALITY / Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED Barrett AP. A long-term prospective clinical study of oral complications during conventional chemotherapy for acute leukemia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Mar;63(3):313-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease /Adult/ Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Bacterial Infections--ETTOLOGY/ Candidiasis, Oral-- ETIOLOGY /Hemorrhage, Oral--ETTOLOGY /Human lImmune Tolerance / Leukemia, Lyrnphocytic--’DRUG THERAPY/ Leukemia, Myelocytic, Acute-- ‘DRUG THERAPY /Mouth Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-~‘ETIOLOGY / Prospective Studies / Stomatitis--ETIOLOGY /Stomatitis, Herpetic-- ETIOLOGY /Ulcer--CHEMICALLY INDUCED Barrett AP. Clinical characteristics and mechanisms involved in chemotherapy-induced oral ulceration. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Apr;63(4): 424-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease /Adult/ Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS/Drug Administration Schedule /Human/ Leukemia, Lymphocytic--DRUG THERAPY / Leukemia, Myelocytic, Acute--DRUG THERAPY/ Mouth Diseases--‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- PATHOLOGY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa--DRUG EFFECTS--PA’IHOLOGY[ Prospective Studies [Ulcer--CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED-PATHOLOGY" PHYSIOPATHOLOGY Barrett AP. Gingival lesions in leukemia. A classification. J Periodontol 1984 Oct;55(10):585-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Bacterial Infections--E'I‘IOLOGY [Bone Marrow-DRUG EFFECTS-- TRANSPLANTATION [Female [ Gingival Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCE -- ‘CIASSIFICATIONuETIOLOGYu MICROBIOLOGY [Gingival Hypertrophy-- ETIOLOGY [Graft vs Host Disease-- COMPLICATIONS [Human [Leukemia-- ‘COMPLICATIONSnDRUG THERAPY [Male [ Middle Age [Neutropenia-- COMPLICATIONS Barrett AP. Oral complications of bone marrow transplantation. Aust N Z J Med 1986 Apr;16(2): 239-40 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Bone Marrow--'TRANSPLANTATION[ Cyclophosphamide--ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Drug Therapy, ' Combination [Female [Graft vs Host Disease-- COMPLICATIONS [Human [Immunosuppression- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Male [Methotrexate-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Middle Age [Mouth Diseases-- CHEMICALLY TNDUCED--’ETIOLOGY-- SURGERY [Mouth Mucosa--DRUG EFFECTS-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Prospective Studies/ Sialadenitis--CHEM1CALLY INDUCED [Whole Body Irradiation--ADVERSE EFFECTS Barrett AP. Oral mucosal complications in cancer chemotherapy. Aust N Z J Med 1984 Feb;14(1):7-12 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Female / Hemorrhage--ETIOLOGY--PREVENTION & CONTROL [Human [Infection-- E'TIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Male [Middle Age / Mouth Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ’ETIOLOGYuPREVENTION & CONTROL/ ‘Mouth Mucosa/Neutropenia-COMPLICATIONS / Oral Hygiene / Thrombocytopenia-- COMPLICATIONS [Ulcer--CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED-- ETIOLOGY--PREVEN'TION & CONTROL Barrett AP. Patterns and significance of oral hemorrhage in acute leukemia. J Oral Med 1986 Jul-Sep;41(3):l93-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Hemorrhage Oral--’ETIOLOGY [Human [Leukemia Lymphocytic--BLOOD--‘COMPLICATIONS-- THERAPY [Leukemia MyelocytiC. Acute-- BLOOD--‘COMPLICATIONS--THERAPY / Mouth Mucosa--PATHOLOGY [ Prospective Studies ['T'hrombocytopenia--COMPLICATIONS Barrett AP ; Bllous AM. Oral patterns of acute and chronic graft-v-host disease. Arch Dermatol 1984 Nov;120(ll):1461-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease [Adult/ Bone Marro «TRANSPLANTATION [Cheek/ Chronic Disease [Female [Graft vs Host Disease-- ‘PA'I'HOLOGY / Human [Leukemia-J‘HERAPY/ Male [Mouth Mucosa--"PATHOLOGY I Salivary Glands-PATHOLOGY [Skim-PATHOLOGY / Xerostomia--PATHOLOGY Barrett AP ; Buckley DJ. Oral complications of high- dose melphalan in multiple myeloma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Aug;64(2):264-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Case Report/ Female [Herpes Simplex--ETIOLOGY [Human [ Male Melphalan--'ADVERSE EFFECTS [Middle Age [Mouth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Multiple Myeloma--‘DRUG THERAPY [ Neutropenia--CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Opportunistic Infections / Stomatitis, Herpetic--ETIOLOGY [Ulcer--CHEMICALLY INDUCED BaumBJ;BodnerL; FoxPC;IzutsuKT;PlzzoPA; Wright WE. Therapy-induced dysfunction of salivary glands: implications for oral health. Spec Care Dentist 1985 Nov-Dec;5(6):274-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marro -- TRANSPLANTATION [Graft vs Host Disease-- COMPLICATIONS [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY--RADIOTHERAPY-- ‘THERAPY [ Human [Saliva--SECRETION / Salivary Gland Diseases--CI-TEMICALLY INDUCED-~‘E'TIOLOGY [Salivary Glands-- SECRETION [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Becciolinl A; Glannardi G ; Cloninl L; Porcianl S ; Fallai C ; Pirtoll L. Plasma amylase activity as a biochemical indicator of radiation injury to salivary glands. Acta Radiol [Oncol] 1984;23(1):9-l4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Aged /Alpha-Glucosidases--BLOOD /Amylases-- ‘BLOOD [Child [Comparative Study [Female / Human [ Hydrogen-Ion Concentration [Male [ Middle Age [Organ Weight [ Radiation Injuries-- ’ENZYMOLOGYuETIOLOGY [Radiotherapy-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Radiotherapy Dosage [ Salivary Glands--ENZYMOLOGY-- 'RADIA'I'ION EFFECTS [Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Time Factors Becclollnl A; Tommasl MS ; Porcianl S ; Fantapple B ; Cellal E; Chlavaccl A. Serum tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA): a marker of acute injury of salivary glands during radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1987 Sep;13(9):1339-42 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antigens, Neoplasm-- ANALYSIS [Head and Neck Neoplasms--BLOOD- RADIOTI-IERAPY [Human [Male [Peptides-- 'BLOOD/Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Salivary Glands--INJURIES--‘RADIATION EFFECTS / Support, Non-US. Gov’t Berkowltz RJ ; Crock J ; Strickland R ; Gordon EM ; Strandlord S ; Coccla PF. Oral complications associated with bone marrow transplantation in a pediatric population. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1983 Spring;5(1):S3-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Bone Marrow--’TRANSPLANTATION [Candidiasis, Oral-- ETIOLOGY [Child [Child, Preschool / Female [Graft vs Host Reaction [Human [Infant / Male [Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY / Stomatitis-- ETIOLOGY Berkowltz RJ ; Strandjord S ; Jones P; Hughes C ; Barsettl J ; Gordon EM ; Cheung NK ; Warkentin P ; Coccla PF. Stomatologic complications of bone marrow transplantation in a pediatric population. Pediatr Dent 1987 Jun;9(2):105-10 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Bone Marrow--’TRANSPLANTATION [Candidiasis, Oral-- ETIOLOGY [Child [Child, Preschool / Dental Caries--ETIOLOGY/ Female [Graft vs Host Disease-ETIOLOGY [Human [Infant [Male / Mouth Diseases--'ETIOLOGY [Postoperative Complications Bernhol't CH ; Skaug N. Oral findings in irradiated edentulous patients. Int J Oral Surg 1985 Oct; 14(5):416-27 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Carcinoma Squamous Cell-~‘RADIO'THERAPY [Female / Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIO’THERAPY[ Human [J aw, Edentulous-- MICROBIOLOGY-- ‘PATHOLOGY [Longitudinal Studies [Male [ Middle Age [Mouth Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTI-TERAPY [Oral Hygiene [Radiation Injuries-PATHOLOGY [Saliva-- MICROBIOLOGY-RADIATION EFFECTS-- SECRETION /Saliva, Artificial--THERAPEUTIC USE [Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY-PATHOLOGY Bernstein IL. Learned food aversions in the progression of cancer and its treatment. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1985;443:365-80 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Animal [Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Appetite-DRUG EFFECTS [Avoidance Learning--'DRUG EFFECTS /Chlorides-- PHARMACOLOGY / Conditioning, Classical--‘DRUG EFFECTS [Food Preferences-DRUG EFFECTS [Human [Lithium-- PHARMACOLOGY / Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY-PSYCHOLOGY [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [T aste--‘DRUG EFFECTS Bernstein IL; Webster MM. Learned taste aversions in humans. Physiol Behav 1980 Sep;25(3):363-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult [ Aged [Avoidance Leamin --‘DRUG EFFECTS/ Cyclophosphamide--ADVERSE EFFECTS [ Doxorubicin--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Female [ Fluorouracil--ADVERSE EFFECTS/Human/Male / Mechlorethamine--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Middle Age [Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Taste--‘DRUG EFFECTS Beschorner WE ; Shlnn CA ; Fischer AC ; Santos GW; Hess AD. Cyclosporine-induced pseudo-graft- versus-host disease in the early post-cyclosporinc period. Transplantation 1988 Aug;46 (2 Suppl):1128-117S SUBJECT HEADIN GS: Acute Disease [Animal / Antigens, Differentiation, 'T Lymphocyt ~- ANALYSIS [Bone Marrow-- "TRANSPLANTATION [Chronic Disease / Cyclosporins--'ADVERSE EFFECTS [Epithelium- IMMUNOLOGY [Graft vs Host Disease-- ‘ETIOLOGY--PATI-IOLOGY [Histocompatibility Antigens Class II--IMMUNOLOGY [Rats [Rats, Inbred Strains [Skin-- PATHOLOGY [Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [T Lymphocytes--IMMUNOLOGY [Time Factors / Tongue-PATHOLOGY Bevan PC. Interferon-induced parotitis and epididymitis [letter]. Lancet 1985 Sep 7;2(8454):561 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Case Report [ Epididyrnitis--‘ETIOLOGY [Human [Interferon Type I--"ADVERSE EFFECIS [Leukemia Hairy Cellu'I'I-IERAPY [Male / Parotitis--“ETIOLOGY Bishop JF ; Joshua DE; Lowenthal RM ; Kronenberg H ; Whiteside MG ; Cobcrol't R ; Dodds A ; Wolf M ; Manoharan A. A phase I-II study of cytosine arabinoside, daunorubicin, and VP16-213 in adult patients with acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. Aust N Z J Med 1986 Feb;16(1):48-51 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease [Adult/ Aged /Alopecia--CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED / ‘Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--"'ADVERSE EFFECIS--'T'HERAPEUTIC USE [Comparative Study [Cytarabine--ADMINTSTRATION & DOSAGE-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Daunorubicin- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Drug Evaluation [Etoposide-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- ADVERSE EFFECIS [Female [Human [Leukemia-“DRUG TI-IERAPY-- MORTALITY [Male [Middle Age [ Nausea--CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [V omiting-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Bolze MS ; Fosmire GJ ; Stryker JA; Chung CK; Flipse BG. Taste acuity, plasma zinc levels, and weight loss during radiotherapy: a study of relationships Radiology 1982 Jul;144(1):163-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Blood Glucose--ANALYSIS [Blood Urea Nitrogen / ‘Body Weight/Comparative Study/Female [Human / Male [Middle Age [Neoplasm Staging [NCOplasms-- RADIO'I’l-IERAPY [Radiation Dosage / Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECIS [Taste Disorders-- ’ETIOLOGY [Taste Threshold [Zinc-- ‘BLOOD Bostrom B ; Weisdorf D. Mucositis and alpha- streptococcal sepsis in bone marrow transplant recipients [letter]. Lancet 1984 May 19;1(8386): 1120-1 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marrow-- ‘TRANSPLANTATION [Human [Mouth Mucosa/ Postoperative Complications [Stomatitis-- ‘ETIOLOGY [ Streptococcal Infections-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Streptococcus Pyogenes Braham RL. Intra-oral problems associated with head and neck irradiation for malignant disease in children and adolescents. Practitioner 1981 Sep; 225(1359):l309-14 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Child/ Dental Caries-ETIOLOGY [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY / Radiation Injuries-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECIS [ Stomatitis--ETIOLOGY [Taste Disorders--ETIOLOGY [Tooth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY [Xerostomia--ETIOLOGY Brewln TB. Appetite perversions and taste changes triggered or abolished by radiotherapy. Clin Radiol 1982 Jul;33(4):471-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Appetite-- ’RADIATION EFFECIS/Female [Human [ Male / Middle Age /Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAPY[ Pregnancyl‘ Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECIS / Radiotherapy Dosage [T aste-- ‘RADIAT'ION EFFECIS [Time Factors Bronner AK; Hood AF. Cutaneous complications of chemotherapeutic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 1983 Nov;9(5):645-63 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alkylating Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECIS /Alopecia--CHEM1CALLY INDUCED [ Antibiotics, Antineoplastic-- ADVERSE EFFECIS [Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECIS [Drug Hypersensitivity-- ETIOLOGY [Human [Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY [Photosensitivity Disorders-- ETIOLOGY [ Pigrnentation Disorders-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Radiation-Sensitizing Agents--ADVERSE EFFECIS [Recurrence / Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Sunbum-- ETIOLOGY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t Bronstein AD ; Nyberg DA ; Schwartz AN ; Shuman WP; Griffin BR. Increased salivary gland density on contrast-enhanced CT after head and neck radiation. AJR 1987 Dec;149(6):1259-63 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Aged [Aged, 80 and over [‘Contrast Medial 'Densitometry, X-Ray [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOGRAPHY--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human / Male [Middle Age / Parotid Gland-- RADIOGRAPHY--RADIATION EFFECTS / Salivary Glands-- ‘RADIATION EFFECIS/ ‘Sialography /Submandibular Gland-- RADIOGRAPHY--RADIATION EFFECTS / ‘Tomography, X-Ray Computed Calrncross JG ; Salmon J ; Kim JH ; Posner JB. Acute parotitis and hyperamylasemia following whole-brain radiation therapy. Ann Neurol 1980 Apr;7(4): 385-7 SUBJECT HEADIN GS: Adult /Amylases-- ‘BLOOD /Brain Neoplasms--*RADIOTHERAPY— SECONDARY /Case Report /Cerebellar Neoplasms--RADIOTl-IERAPY--SECONDARY / Female /Human /Male Meningeal Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY Middle Age /Parotid Gland-- *RADIATION EFFECTS /Parotitis-- DIAGNOSIS-- ‘ETTOLOGY [Radiation Injuries-- DIAGNOSIS--*ETIOLOGY Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS Carl W. Bone marrow transplants and oral complications. Quintessence Int 1984 Oct; 15(10):1001-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult/ Bone Marrow--’TRANSPLANTATTON /Case Report IDcntal Caries-ETIOLOGY IFemale /Graft vs Host Disease-- ETIOLOGY /Human [Male / Mouth Diseases--‘E'TIOLOGY Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY--RADIOTHERAPY-- SURGERY /Stomatitis, Herpetic--ET'IOLOGY Carl W. Oral complications in cancer patients. Am Fam Physician 1983 Feb;27(2):161-70 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult/ Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Bone Diseases-ETIOLOGY [Child /Dcntal Care / Dental Caries-- ETIOLOGY /Gingivitis, Necrotizing Ulcerative--ETIOLOGY /Head and Neck Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY--"I‘HERAPY /Human / Immunosuppression--ADVERSE EFFECIS/ Inflammation--ETIOLOGY /Mouth-- PATHOLOGY /Mouth Diseases--°ETIODOGY/ Mucous Membrane-~PATHOLOGY /Necrosis / Oral Hygiene /Osteoradionecrosis--ETIOLOGY/ Periodontal Diseases--ETIOLOGY Radiotherapy-- *ADVERSE EFFECTS / Salivary Glands-DRUG EFFECTS-RADIATION EFFECTS Carl W. Oral manifestations of systemic chemotherapy and their management. Semin Surg Oncol 1986; 2(4):187-99 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Bone Marrow-- TRANSPLANTATION [Bone Marrow Diseases-- CI-TEMICALLY INDUCED-- IMMUNOLOGY/ Human [Immunosuppressive Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Mouth Diseases--‘CHEMTCALLY INDUCED-PREVENTION & CONTROL [Oral Hygiene--"METHODS [Review [Review, Tutorial / Tooth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- PREVENTION & CONTROL Carl W; ngby DJ. Oral manifestations of bone marrow transplantation. Am J Clin Oncol 1985 Feb; 8(1):81-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult/ Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--ADVERSE EFFECTS/Bone Marrow--‘T'RANSPLANTATION Case Report /Female / Graft vs Host Disease-- COMPLICATIONS /Herpes Simple -- COMPLICATIONS /I-Iuman lMale [Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY /Stomatitis--ET'IOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY-PREVENTION & CONTROL-- THERAPY Carl W; Wood R. Effects of radiation on the developing dentition and supporting bone. J Am Dent Assoc 1980 Oct;101(4):646-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Alveolar Process--RADIATION EFFECTS /Case Report / Cheek /Child /Child, Preschool /Female /Human/ Mandible-- GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT-- ‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Mouth Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY /Odontogenesis-- RADIATION EFFECTS / Rhabdomyosarcoma-- ‘RADIOTHLERAPY lTooth--‘RADIATION EFFECTS lI‘ooth Root--RADIATTON EFFECTS Carrel] LE ; Cannon DS ; Best MR ; Stone MJ. Nausea and radiation-induced taste aversions in cancer patients. Appetite 1986 Sep;7(3):203-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Abdominal Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY /Adolescence /Adult /Aged / Aged, 80 and over /Analysis of Variance IFemale / Human /Male /Middle Age /Nausea-- ‘PSYCHOLOGY/ Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY / Support, US. Gov’t, Non- P.H.S. fTaste--"RADIATION EFFECTS Case DC Jr; Gams R ; Ervln TJ ; Boyd MA; Oldham FB. Phase I-II trial of high-dose epirubicin in patients with lymphoma. Cancer Res 1987 Dec 1; 47(23):6393-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Alopecia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Antineoplastic Agents--ADMINTSTRATTON & DOSAGE-- "THERAPEUTIC USE [Bone Marrow-- DRUG EFFECTS [Doxorubicin--ADMINTSTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ‘THERAPEUTTC USE [Drug Evaluation [Fever-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Human [Lymphoma-- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Middle Age [Nausea-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Vomiting-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Catterall M. The late effects on normal and malignant tissues from 7.5 MeV neutrons in the treatment of advanced mouth cancer. Bull Cancer (Paris) 1986; 73(5):587-90 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Carcinoma, Squamous Cell--COMPLICATIONS--MORTALITY-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY/ 'Fast Neutrons [Human / Mouth--‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Mouth Neoplasms--COMPLICATTONS--MORTALTTY-- *RADIOTHERAPY [‘Neutrons [ Radiation Injuries-EPIDEMIOLOGY-ETIOLOGY [ Radiotherapy Dosage / Time Factors Chau NY; Reade PC ; Rich AM ; Hay KD. Allopurinol-amplified lichenoid reactions of the oral mucosa. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984 Oct; 58(4):397-400 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Allopurinol-- 'ADVERSE EFFECTS [Case Report [Cheek / Human / Lichen Planus--‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-PATHOLOGY [Male [Middle Age / Mouth Diseases--"CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- PATHOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY / Tongue Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- PATHOLOGY [Ulcer-- PATHOLOGY ChencharlckJD ; Mossman KL. Nutritional consequences of the radiotherapy of head and neck cancer. Cancer 1983 Mar l;51(5):811-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Aged [Anorexia-ETIOLOGY [Appetite-- RADIATTON EFFECTS [Body Weight [Child / Deglutition Disorders-- ETTOLOGY [Eating-- ‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Female [Food Habits / Food Preferences--RADIATTON EFFECTS [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Male [Middle Age [‘Nutrition/ Questionnaires [Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Support US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [T aste-o RADIATTON EFFECTS Cheng VS ; Downs J ; Herbert D ; Aramany M. The function of the parotid gland following radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1981 Feb;7(2):253-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human / Male [Middle Age [Parotid Gland--‘RADIATION EFFECTS--SECRETTON [ Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Radiotherapy Dosage / Saliv -- SECRETION [Xerostomia--‘ETIOLOGY Chomette G ; leclerc JP ; Szpirglas H ; Aurlol M ; Valllant J M. Scanning electron microscopy of normal, malignant and post radiotherapeutic oral mucosal cells. Pathol Res Pract 1981 May;171(3-4): 345-52 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Human Microscopy, Electron, Scanning [Microvilli—- ULTRAST'RUCI‘U RE [Mouth Mucosa-- RADIATTON EFFECIS--"ULTRASTRUCTURE Mouth Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAPY-- ‘ULTRASTRUCI’URE Coleman JJ 3d. Complications in head and neck surgery. Surg Clin North Am 1986 Feb;66(1):149-67 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Brain Edema-- .- ET'IOLOGY [Carotid Arteries [Case Report [ Fistula-- ETIOLOGY [Head-BLOOD SUPPLY/ Head and Neck Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY-- ‘SURGERY [Hemorrhage--ETIOLOGY [Human / HypoparathyroidismnETIOLOGY [ Hypothyroidism--ETTOLOGY /Ischemia-- ETTOLOGY [Lymphedema--ETTOLOGY [Male / Middle Age [Mouth Diseases--ETIOLOGY [Neck-- BLOOD SUPPLY/Parotid Diseases-~ETTOLOGY/ Pharyngeal Diseases-ETTOLOGY [Postoperative Care / *Postoperative Complications [Respiration Disorders--ETIOLOGY / Review [Skin Diseases-- ETTOLOGY [Surgical Flaps [Surgical Wound Infection-ETTOLOGY Colman MF. Epiglottitis in immunocompromised patients. Head Neck Surg 1986 Jul-Aug;8(6):466-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Anemia Aplasti -- COMPLICATTONS [Antibiotics-~ADVERSE EFFECTS [Antineoplastic Agents, Combined-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Bone Marrow-- TRANSPLANTATION [Burkitt’s Lymphoma-- COMPLICATIONS / Candidiasis, Oral-- ‘ETTOLOGY [Case Report [Epiglottitis-- ‘ETTOLOGY [Female [Human ['Immune Tolerance [Laryngitis-- ‘ETTOLOGY [Leukemia Myelocytic, Acute-COMPLICATIONS [Leukocyte Count [Middle Age Connolly SF; Lockhart PB ; Sonls ST. Severe oral hemorrhage and sepsis following bone marrow transplant failure. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1983 Nov;56(5):483-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Anemia Aplastic- ‘THERAPY [Bacterial Infections--ETTOLOGY[ Bone Marrow--‘T'RANSPLANTATION [Case Report [Gingivitis Necrotizing Ulcerative-- ETTOLOGY [Graft Rejection [Hemorrhage Oral-- ‘ETTOLOGY [Human [Male Cugadasan V. Changes in the oral environment in cancer patients. Singapore Med J 1983 Jun;24(3): 158-60 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antimetabolites, Antineoplasti «ADVERSE EFFECTS [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘COMPLICAT'IONS-- THERAPY [Human [Mouth Diseases-- 'ETIOLOGYnTHERAPY [Radiotherapy-- ADVERSE EFFECTS Cugadasan V. Pathologic effects of some therapeutic agents on oral mucosa. Med J Malaysia 1980 Sep; 35(1):73-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Anticonvulsants-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECIS [Aspirin-~ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human [Mouth Diseases-- ’CHEMTCALLY INDUCED [Mouth Mucosa-- ‘DRUG EFFECTS Dahllol' G ; Helmdahl A; Bolme P; Lonnqvlst B ; Ringden 0. Oral condition in children treated with bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 1988 Jan;3(1):43-51 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marro -- ”TRANSPLANTATION [Child [Chronic Disease [ Dental Caries-ETIOLOGY [Female [Graft vs Host Disease-ETIOLOGY [Human [Male [Mouth Diseases--*ET'IOLOGY--T'HERAPY [Mouth Mucosa/Odontogenesis--RADIATION EFFECTS / Preoperative Care [Salivation [Stomatitis-- ETIOLOGY Dahllo!G;ModeerT‘;BolmeP;RlngdenO; Helmdahl A. Oral health in children treated with bone marrow transplantation: a one-year follow-up. ASDC J Dent Child 1988 May-Jun;55(3):196-200 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marrow- ‘TRANSPLANT‘ATTON [Child /Child, Preschool / Dental Caries--'DIAGNOSIS [DMF Index [Follow- Up Studies [Human [ Leukemia--"TT-IERAPY I Mouth Diseases--‘DIAGNOSIS [Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY [Premedication [Saliv -- SECRETION [Secretory Rate Danaher E. Stomatitis in the pediatric bone marrow transplant patient. J Assoc Pediatr Oncol Nurses 1988;5(1-2):30 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marro -- ‘T'RANSPLANTAT'ION [Child [Human / Neoplasms--'THERAPY [‘Oral Hygiene [ Stomatitis--ETTOLOGY--'NURSING Delattre JY ; Sal'al B ; Posner JB. Erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome in patients receiving cranial irradiation and phenytoin. Neurology 1988 Feb;38(2):194-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Brain Neoplasms- DRUG THERAPY--RADIOT’HERAPY [Case Report / Dysgerminoma--DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY [Erythema Multiforme-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Human [Male [Phenytoin-- *ADVERSE EFFECTS-THERAPEUTIC USE / Radiation Injuries--‘COMPLICATIONS [Stevens- Johnson Syndrome--'ETTOLOGY DePaola LG; Peterson DE; Mlnah GE; Overholser CD; Stansbury DM ; Willlams LT; Nlehaus CS ; Suzuki JB. Acute periodontal infection associated with dental prostheses during cancer chemotherapy. Gerodontics 1986 Dec;2(6):212-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease [Adult [ Aged [Dental Prosthesis--'ADVERSE EFFECTS/ Human [Leukemia-DRUG THERAPY [Middle Age [Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY [ Opportunistic Infections [Periodontal Diseases-- ‘ETTOLOGY [Retrospective Studies [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Dolgln MJ ; Kat: ER. Conditioned aversions in pediatric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1988 Apr;9(2):82-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence/ Antineoplastic Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Anxiety-- COMPLICATIONS [Child /Child, Preschool [‘Conditioning (Psychology) [Female / Human [Male [Nausea-CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ‘PSYCHOLOGY [Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY [Parent-Child Relations / Punishment [Taste [Vomiting-CHEMICALLY INDUCE --‘PSYCHOLOGY Dreizen S ; Bodey GP; McCredie KB ; Keaflng MJ. Orofacial aspergillosis in acute leukemia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 May;59(5):499-504 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease / Adolescence [Adult [Aspergillosis--"ETIOLOGY/ Dermatomycoses--ETTOLOGY ['Face [Female / Human / Immunosuppression--ADVERSE EFFECTS [I.eukemia--‘COMPLICATIONS-- THERAPY [Male [Middle Age [Mouth Diseases-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Nose Diseases--ETIOLOGY / Orbital Diseases-ETIOLOGY [Paranasal Sinus Diseases-ETIOLOGY [Prognosis /Stomatitis-- ETIOLOGY Drelzen S ; Bodey GP ; Valdlvieso M. Chemotherapy- associated oral infections in adults with solid tumors. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1983 Feb; 55(2):]13-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Aged [Bacterial Infections--"ETIOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY [Female [Human [Male [Middle Age [Mouth Diseases-- *E'I‘IOLOGYn PATHOLOGY /Mycoses--*ETIOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY/Neoplasms» ‘DRUG THERAPY / Stomatitis, Herpetic--ETIOLOGY--PATHOLOGY Dreizen S ; McCredie KB ; Bodey GP ; Keatlng MJ. Quantitative analysis of the oral complications of antileukemia chemotherapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1986 Dec;62(6):650-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease / Adolescence [Adult [Aged [Aged, 80 and over/ Female [I-Iemorrhage, Oral-CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Human [Infection-- ETIOLOGY/ Leukemia--‘DRUG THERAPY/Male/Middle Age / Mouth Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ’ETIOLOGY/Mouth Mucosa--DRUG EFFECTS I Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ETIOLOGY Drelzen S ; McCredie [GB ; Keatlng MJ. Chemotherapy-associated oral hemorrhages in adults with acute leukemia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984 May;57(5):494-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease [Adult/ Blood Transfusion [Female Hemorrhage, Oral-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED--PATHOLOGY—- THERAPY [Human [Leukemia-- BLOOD-- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Male [Thrombocytopenia-- ETIOLOGY Drelzen S; McCredie KB; Keating MJ. Chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in adult leukemia. Postgrad Med 1981 Feb;69(2):103-8, 1 1 1-2 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Antineoplastic Agents--’ADVERSE EFFECI‘S--THERAPEUTIC USE / Female [Gingivitis-CHEMICALLY INDUCED/Glossitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED Human [Leukemia--‘DRUG THERAPY [Male / Mouth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- DIAGNOSIS--THERAPY [Mouth Mucosa-- ‘DRUG EFFECTS [Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED lSupport, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Drelzen S ; McCredle KB ; Keatlng MJ ; Bodey GP. Oral infections associated with chemotherapy in adults with acute leukemia. Postgrad Med 1982 Jun; 71(6):l33-8, 143-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease / Adolescence [Adult [Aged [Antibiotics-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Aspergillosis-- ETIOLOGY [Bacterial Infections--ETIOLOGY / Candidiasis--ETIOLOGY [Female [Herpes Simplex-ETIOLOGY [Human [ Immune Tolerance--DRUG EFFECTS [Infection-- 'ETIOLOGY [Klebsiella Infections-ETIOLOGY / Leukemia-”DRUG 'I'HERAPY--IMMUNOLOGY Leukemia, Myeloid--DRUG THERAPY [Male / Middle Age [Mouth Diseases--’ETIOLOGY/ Mycoses--ETIOLOGY [Pseudomonas Infections-- ETIOLOGY [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Dunagln WG. Clinical toxicity of chemotherapeutic agents: derrnatologic toxicity. Semin Oncol 1982 Mar;9(1):l4-22 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alopecia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Antineoplastic Agents-~‘ADVERSE EFFECTS-- IMMUNOLOGY [Dermatitis Medicamentosa-- 'ETIOLOGY» IMMUNOLOGY [Dermatitis Contact-ETIOLOGY [Human [ Hypersensitivity, Immediate-CHEMICALLY INDUCED [IgE-- IMMUNOLOGY / Injections--ADVERSE EFFECTS /Nails--DRUG EFFECTS / Radiation- Sensitizing Agents ISkin Pigmentation--DRUG EFFECTS / Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED Eardley A. Radiotherapy: what are patients’ needs? Eur J Surg Oncol 1985 Dec;ll(4):353-S SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged /Cognition/ England [Fear [Female [Human [Longitudinal Studies lMale /Methotrexate--THERAPEUTIC USE Middle Age / Mouth Neoplasms-DRUG T'I-TERAPY--"PSYCHOLOGY-- RADIOT'HERAPY / Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Referral and Consultation /Shock-- ETIOLOGY {Taste Disorders-ETIOLOGY / Tongue Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPY-- 'PSYCHOLOGY--RADIOTHERAPY Edmonds CJ ; Smith T. The long-term hazards of the treatment of thyroid cancer with radioiodine. Br J Radiol 1986 Jan;59(697):45-51 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Abdominal Neoplasms-- ETIOLOGY /Adolescence /Adult /Aged / Breast Neoplasms--ETIOLOGY /Bronchial Neoplasms-- ETIOLOGY /Child IFemale /Fertility-- RADIATION EFFECTS /Follow-Up Studies/ Human /Iodine Radioisotopes--*ADVERSE EFFECTS [Leukemia-ETIOLOGY [Male /Middle Age lNeoplasms, Radiation-Induced /Radiation Dosage [Risk /Salivary Gland Neoplasms-- ETIOLOGY lThyroid Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Urologic Neoplasms-- ETIOLOGY Egbert GW. Oral manifestations of graft-vs-host disease. J Indiana Dent Assoc 1985 Nov-Dec;64(6): 30-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Graft vs Host Disease-- *COMPLICATIONSnPATHOLOGY /Human / Mouth Diseases--*ETIOLOGY—-PAT‘HOLOGY Eisenbud L; Selub L; Sciubba J. Radiation-induced pseudosarcoma of the tongue. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982 Jan;53(1):64-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged /Carcinoma, Squamous Cell--RADIOTHERAPY /Case Report / Female /Human [Male /Mouth Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY /Neoplasms, Radiation- Induced--ETIOLOGY--‘PATHOLOGY /Sarcoma- ETIOLOGY-- ‘PATHOLOGY [Tongue Neoplasms-ETIOLOGY»‘PATHOLOGY 10 Ekberg 0 ; Nylander G. Pharyngeal dysfunction after treatment for pharyngeal cancer with surgery and radiotherapy. Gastrointest Radiol l983;8(2):97-104 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged / Cineradiography /Deglutition Disorders-- ETIOLOGY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY IFemale / Fluoroscopy /Human [Lymphoma-- ‘RADIOTHERAPYuSURGERY /Lymphoma, Histiocytic--RADIOTI-IERAPY-- SURGERY / Male /Middle Age lNeoplasm Recurrence, Local / Pharyngeal Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY /Pharyngeal Neoplasms-— 'RADIOTHERAPY--SURGERY/ Pharynx--PHYSIOPATHOLOGY-- RADIOGRAPHY-- RADIATION EFFECI'S/ Postoperative Complications IRadiotherap ~- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Tonsillar Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY Engelmeier RL ; King GE. Complications of head and neck radiation therapy and their management. J Prosthet Dent 1983 Apr;49(4):514-22 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Caries-- ETIOLOGY /Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Mouth Mucosa-- RADIATION EFFECTS /Necrosis--ETIOLOGY/ Osteoradionecrosis--ETIOLOGY IRadiotherapy Dosage lStomatitis-- ETIOLOGY fTrismus-- ETIOLOGY /Xerostomia--ETIOLOGY Epstein JB ; Prlddy RW; Sherlock CH. Hairy leukoplakia-like lesions in irnmunosuppressed patients following bone marrow transplantation. Transplantation 1988 Sep;46(3):462-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Bone Marrow-- ‘TRANSPLANTATTON /Case Report /Human / Leukemia, Lymphocytic--PATHOLOGY-- THERAPY /Leukoplakia--*ET'IOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY [Male /Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY /Opportunistic Infections-- PATHOLOGY [Tongue-PATHOLOGY Epstein JB ; Wong FL; Stevenson-Moore P. Osteoradionecrosis: clinical experience and a proposal for classification. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Feb;45(2):104-10 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult/Age Factors/Aged/ Head and Neck Neoplasms--RADIO'I'HERAPY/ Human /Mandible--’RADIATION EFFECTS / Mandibular Diseases» CLASSIFICATION-- ‘PATHOLOGY-—THERAPY [Middle Age /Mouth Mucosa-- RADIATION EFFECIS/ Osteoradionecrosis--CLASSIFICATION-- ‘PATHOLOGYn THERAPY [Radiation Injuries-- ‘PA'I'HOLOGY [Radiotherapy Dosage / Sex Factors Petting JH ; Wilcox PM ; Sheldler VR ; Enterline JP ; Donehower RC ; Grochow LB. Tastes associated with parenteral chemotherapy for breast cancer. Cancer Treat Rep 1985 Nov;69(11):1249-51 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antincoplastic Agents, Combined--ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Breast Neoplasms-- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Cyclophosphamide-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Female [Fluorouracil-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human [Infusions Parenteral / Methotrexate--ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Middle Age [N ausea-- PSYCHOLOGY [Retrospective Studies / Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Taste--‘DRUG EFFECTS / Vomitin -- PSYCHOLOGY Fleming TJ. Complication from radiation therapy to the head and neck. Tex Dent J 1986 Jun;103(6):14-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Mouth Diseases-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Radiation Injuries-- ETIOLOGY [Tooth Diseases--ETIODOGY Fullta M ; Tanimoto K; Wada T. Early radiographic changes in radiation bone injury. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1986 Jun;6l(6):641-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alveolar Process-- RADIOGRAPHY--‘RADIATION EFFECTS / Carcinoma, Basal Cell--RADIOTHERAPY [Case Report [Female [Gingival Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Middle Age [Oral Hygiene [ Periodontal Ligament-- RADIOGRAPHY--‘RADIA'TION EFFECTS [ Radiation Injuries--E'TIOLOGY-- ‘RADIOGRAPHY [Retrospective Studies / Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Time Factors Gallagher P; Tweedle DE. Taste threshold and acceptability of commercial diets in cancer patients. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1983 Jul-Aug;7(4): 361-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Anorexia--ETIOLOGY / Enteral Feeding--‘STANDARDS [Food. Formulated» ‘STANDARDS [Human [Neoplasms- COMPLICA’I’IONS--"I'I-IERAPY [T aste-- 11 'PHYSIOLOGY [Taste Threshold-- ‘PHYSIOLOGY Gardner KE; Parsons JT ; Mendenhall WM ; Million RR ; Cassisl NJ. Time-dose relationships for local tumor control and complications following irradiation of squamous cell carcinoma of the base of tongue. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1987 Apr; l3(4):507-10 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone and Bones-- RADIATION EFFECTS /Carcinoma, Squamous Cell-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation [Follow-Up Studies [Mouth Mucosa--RADIATION EFFECTS [Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Tongue Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY Ghannoum MA ; Motawy MS ; Al-MubarekAL ; Al- Awadhi HA. Candida albicans strain differentiation in cancer patients undergoing therapy. Mykosen 1985 Aug;28(8):388-93 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Candida Albicans-- ‘CLASSIFICATION--DRUG EFFECTS / Comparative Study [Human [Inpatients [Kuwait / Microbial Sensitivity Tests / Mouth Mucosa-- MICROBIOLOGY [Neoplasms-- ‘WCROBIOIDGY--THERAPY [ Outpatients [ Support, Non-US. Gov’t Greenberg MS ; Cohen SG; McKitrlck JC ; Casslleth PA. The oral flor as a source of septicemia in patients with acute leukemia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982 Jan;53(1):32-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Bacterial Infections-COMPLICATIONS [Female [ Human / ‘Leukemia--DRUG THERAPY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY [Male [Middle Age / Mouth--‘MICROBIOLOGY [Mouth Diseases-- MICROBIOLOGY [ Septicemia-- ‘MICROBIOLOGYuPREVEN’TION & CONTROL Greene PG; Selme RJ. Stimulus control of anticipatory nausea in cancer chemotherapy. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 1987 Mar;18(1):61-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Breast Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY [Case Report / Chlorpromazine--THERA PEU'I'IC USE / Combined Modality Therapy / ‘Conditioning, Classical / Cyclophosphamide--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Female [Fluorouracil--ADVERSE EFFECTS /Human /Methotrexate--ADVERSE EFFECTS /Middle Age / Nausea--ETIOLOGY-- "THERAPY / ‘Perceptual Masking / 'Taste Heimdahl A; Johnson G ; Danielsson KH ; Izonqvist B; Sundelin P; Ringden 0. Oral condition of patients with leukemia and severe aplastic anemia. Follow-up 1 year after bone marrow transplantation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Nov;60(5): 498-504 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult/ Anemia, Aplastic--"THERAPY [Bone Marrow-- "TRANSPLANTATION /Candida Albicans-- ISOLATION & PURIFICATION / Child, Preschool /Dental Caries--MICROBIOIJOGY—- PATHOLOGY-- ‘PHYSIOPA’THOLOGY /Graft vs Host Disease--ETIOLOGY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY IHuman /Leukemia-- "THERAPY /Middle Age /Mouth Diseases-- MICROBIOLOGY-PATHOLOGY" ‘PHYSIOPA'I'HOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY /Saliva-- PHYSIOLOGY /Secretory Rate Hickey AJ ; Vergo TJ Jr; Nathanson L; Parkinson DR. Survey of oral/dental needs of patients receiving chemotherapy for malignant disease. Compend Contin Educ Dent 1981 Mar-Apr;2(2): 92-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged/ Antineoplastic Agents-- ’ADVERSE EFFECIS/ Bacterial Infections--E’I'IOLOGY [Female / Hemorrhage, Oral--ETIOLOGY /Human [Male / Middle Age /Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY/ Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY /Stomatitis-- ETIOLOGY [Tooth Diseases--’ETIOLOGY Hood AF. Cutaneous side effects of cancer chemotherapy. Med Clin North Am 1986 Jan;70(1): 187-209 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alopecia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Blister-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Cellulitis-~ CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Dermatomycoses-- ETIOLOGY/Drug Hypersensitivity-- ETIOLOGY/ Human [Immune Tolerance lNails--DRUG EFFEle Phiebitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Photosensitivity Disorders-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Pigmentation Disorders-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Review /Skin-- ‘DRUG EFFECTS--RADIATION EFFECTS / 12 Skin Diseases, Infectious--E'I'IOLOGY /Skin Neoplasms--ETIOLOGY /Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Huldu A; Giesbers A; Klein Poelhuis EH ; Hart AA; Hulshot KF ; Brunlng PF. Alterations in taste appreciation in cancer patients during treatment. Cancer Nurs 1986 Feb;9(1):38-42 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged/ Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Female / Food Preferences [Human [Male [Middle Age /Neoplasms-- ‘COMPLICATIONS--DRUG 'THERAPY--RADIO’IHERAPY /Prospective Studies / Questionnaires IRadiotherapyn ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Taste Disorders--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ’E'TIOLOGY Hyland S. Selecting a tool for measuring stomatitis. Oncol Nurs Forum 1986 Mar-Apr;13(2):ll9-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human /"Nursing Assessment / ‘Nursing Process [Radiotherapy-- ADVERSE EFFECTS / Stomatitis-~ETIOLOGY-- ‘NURSING Izutsu KT ; Sullivan KM ; Schubert MM ; Truelove EL; Shulman HM ; Sale GE ; Morton TH ; Rice JC ; Witherspoon RP; Storb R ; Thomas ED. Disordered salivary immunoglobulin secretion and sodium transport in human chronic graft-versus- host disease. Transplantation 1983 May;35(5):441-6 SUBIECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult / Biological Transport /Bone Marro -- TRANSPLANTATION/Child/Female/Graft vs Host Disease--‘IMMUNOLOGY--PATHOLOGY Human /IgA, Secretory--METABOLISM /IgG-- METABOLISM /Lip--PA'THOLOGY /Male / Middle Age /Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY/ Saliva--‘IMMUNOLOGY /Salivation /Sodium-- ’ME'TABOLISM /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S J anin-Mercier A ; Devergie A ; Arrago JP ; Brocherlou C ; Iemarchand-Venencie F; Rain JD ; Gluckman E. Systemic evaluation of Sj:ogren-like syndrome after bone marrow transplantation in man. Transplantation 1987 May;43(5):677-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Biopsy [Bone Marrow-- ‘TRANSPLANTATION /Graft vs Host Disease-- DIAGNOSIS--PA'THOLOGY--RADIONUCLIDE IMAGING lHuman /Lip--PATHOLOGY /Salivary Glands--RADIONUCLIDE IMAGING [Sjogren's Syndrome-- ‘ETIOLOGY fTechnetium Tc 99m Pertechnetate--DIAGNOSTIC USE Jlngu K; Hayabuchl N ; Mlyoshl M ; Wada S; Matsul M ; Masuda K; Matsuura K. Interstitial radiotherapy for lingual cancer. Local control rate and complications Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi 1986 Jul; 77(7):357-65 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Brachytherapy-- 'ADVERSE EFFECIS [Female [Human [Male / Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY [Radiation Injuries- ‘ETIOLOGY / Tongue Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY J ohansen LV; Overgaard J ; Elbnnd O. Pharyngo- cutaneous fistulae after laryngcctomy. Influence of previous radiotherapy and prophylactic metronidazole. Cancer 1988 Feb 15;61(4):673-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Fistula--’ETIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Human [Laryngeal Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAPY--‘SURGERY / Laryngectomy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [ Metronidazole--‘T'HERAPEUTIC USE [ Pharyngeal Diseases--‘ETTOIDGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Radiation Injuries- ETTOLOGY [Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECIS-METHODS [Radiotherapy Dosage [ Skin Diseases-- ‘ETIOLOGYuPREVENTION & CONTROL [Support, Non-US. Gov’t Johnston CA; Keane TJ ; Prudo SM. Weight loss in patients receiving radical radiation therapy for head and neck cancer: a prospective study. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1982 Sep-Oct;6(5):399-402 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [‘Body Weight [Cobalt Radioisotopes-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Deglutition Disorders--E'TIOLOGY [Dysgeusia--ETIOLOGY / Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Middle Age [Pain [Prospective Studies [ Radioisotope Teletherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECIS Xerostomia—-E'TIOLOGY J unglee D ; Katrak A ; Mohluddin J ; Blacklock H ; Prentice HG; Dandona P. Salivary amylase and pancreatic enzymes in serum after total body irradiation. Clin Chem 1986 Apr;32(4):609-10 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Amylases--’BLOOD/ Human [Immunosuppression--METI~IODS / I.eukemia--ENZYMOLOGY--RADIOTHERAPY Lipase--‘BLOOD [Pancreas--‘ENZYMOLOGY/ 13 Salivary Glands--’ENZYMOLOGY [T rypsin-- ‘BLOOD [‘Whole Body Irradiation JuretP;HeanF;CouetteJE;DelozlerT;Le Talaer JY. Hydroxy-9-methyl-2-ellipticinium for osseous metastases from breast cancer: a 5-year experience. Cancer Treat Rep 1982 Nov;66(11): 1909-16 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alkaloids-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Bone Marrow-DRUG EFFECTS [Bone Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-- ‘SECONDARY [‘Breast Neoplasms [Drug Evaluation [EllipticincsnADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECIS-- ‘TIIERAPEUT'IC USE [Female [Gastrointestinal System-DRUG EFFECIS [Human [Kidney-- DRUG EFFECIS [Xerostomia--CHEMICALLY INDUCED Kanas RJ ; Jensen JL; DeBoom GW. Painful oral mucosal ulcers in a patient with small cell carcinoma of the lung. J Am Dent Assoc 1987 Jul;115(1):7S-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Carcinoma Oat Cell--‘DRUG THERAPY [Case Report [ Gingivitis, Necrotizing Ulcerativ -- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Human / Lung Neoplasms--'DRUG THERAPY [Male / Methotrexate--‘ADVERSE EFFECIS [Mouth Mucosa--DRUG EFFECIS [Pain [Support, Non- U.S. Gov’t [Support, US. Gov’t, Non-P.H.S Kaplan JN ; Doble RA; Cummings CW. The incidence of hypopharyngeal stenosis after surgery for laryngeal cancer. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1981 Nov-Dec;89(6):956-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Carcinoma, Squamous Oell--RADIOTHERAPY--‘SURGERY [Female [ Human / ‘Hypopharynx [Laryngeal Neoplasms-- RADIO'I'HERAPY--‘SURGERY [ Laryngectomy- ’ADVERSE EFFECIS [Male [Neoplasm Staging / Pharyngeal Diseases--ETIOLOGY [Pharyngectomy- ADVERSE EFFECTS [ Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECIS [Retrospective Studies Kaplan P. Mantle irradiation of the major salivary glands. J Prosthet Dent 1985 Nov;54(5):681-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Body Weight [Dose- Response Relationship, Radiation [Female / Film Dosimetry [Hodgkin’s Disease-- *RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Male / Parotid Gland--RADIATION EFFECIS-SECRETION [ Radiotherapy Dosage / Saliva--SECRETION / Salivary Glands--"RADIATION EFFECTS-- SECRETION / Submandibular Gland-- RADIATION EFFECI'S--SECRE'TION Karlsson G. The relative change in saliva secretion in relation to the exposed area of the salivary glands after radiotherapy of head and neck region. Swed Dent] 1987;11(S):189-94 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Aged, 80 and over [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- 'RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Male Middle Age [ Prospective Studies [Radiation Dosage [Salivary Glands--‘RADIATION EFFECTS-SECRETION Salivation--‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Secretory Rate-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Support, Non- U.S. Gov’t Keene HJ ; Daly T; Brown LR; Dreizen S; Drane .JB; Horton IM ; Handler SF; Perkins DH. Dental caries and Streptococcus mutans prevalence in cancer patients with irradiation-induced xerostomia: 1-13 years after radiotherapy. Caries Res 1981;15(5): 416-27 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Aged [Dental Caries--ETIOLOGY-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY [Dental Caries Susceptibility / Dental Plaque--MICROBIOLOGY/ Head and Neck Neoplasms--*RADIOTI-TERAPY [Human / Middle Age [ Streptococcus mutans--‘ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [Support, Non-US. Gov’t / Xerostomia--‘ETIOLOGY Kennedy CA; Rosen H. Kingella kingae bacteremia and adult epiglottitis in a granulocytopenic host. Am J Med 1988 Nov;85(5):701-2 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Agranulocytosis-- ‘COMPLICATIONS [Case Report [ Epiglottitis-- ‘E'TIOLOGY [Human [Imyngitis--‘ETIOLOGY [ Male / Moraxella [Pharyngitis--ETIOLOGY/ Retroperitoneal Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY/ Septicemia--‘COMPLICATIONS [Tcratoma-- DRUG THERAPY Kim JH ; Chu F ; Lakshmi V; Houde R. A clinical study of benzydamine for the treatment of radiotherapy-induced mucositis of the oropharynx. Int J Tissue React 1985;7(3):215-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Analgesics [Anti- Inflammatory Agents /Benzydamine-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Clinical Trials [Human / Mouth Mucosa-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Pain-- DRUG THERAPY [Pharyngeal Neoplasms-- 14 RADIOTHEMPY [Pharyngitis--'DRUG TI-IERAPY--ETIOLOGY [Pyrazoles-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Radiation Injuries- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Random Allocation Kokal WA. The impact of antitumor therapy on nutrition. Cancer 1985 Jan 1;55(l Suppl):273-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS /Cachexia--ETIOLOGY[ Combined Modality Therapy [Diarrhea-- CHEMICALLY lNDUCEDnETIOLOGY [Eating Disorders--ETIOLOGY [Human [Inflammation-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-ETIOLOGY/ Malabsorption Syndromes--ETIOLOGY [Mucous Membrane-DRUG EFFECTS--RADIATION EFFECTS [N ausea--CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Neoplasms--COMPLICATIONS—-"THERAPY / Nutrition Disorders» CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ‘ETIODOGY [Postoperative Complications-- ETIOLOGY [Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Starvation-ETIOLOGY / Taste Disorders-ETIOLOGY [Xerostomia--ETIOLOGY Kolblnson DA; Schubert MM ; Floumoy N ; Truelove EL. Early oral changes following bone marrow transplantation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1988 Jul;66(1):130-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Bone Marrow--"I'RANSPLANTATION [Female / Human [Immunosuppression [Leukemia-- THERAPY [Male [Middle Age [Mouth Diseases-- ‘ETIOLOGYnPATI-IOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa-- *PATHOLOGY / Stomatitis, Herpetic-- ETIOLOGY [Support, Non-US. Gov’t / Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Xerostomia--E'TIOLOGY Konzelman J L Jr. Oral implications of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. J Oral Med 1983 Apr-Jun;38(2): 76-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Drug Therapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human /Mouth--‘DRUG EFFECISu RADLATION EFFECTS [Patient Care Planning [Radiotherapy--"ADVERSE EFFECTS Kuten A; Ben-Aryeh H ; Berdicevsky I ; Ore L; Szargel R ; Gutman D; Robinson E. Oral side effects of head and neck irradiation: correlation between clinical manifestations and laboratory data. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1986 Mar;12(3):401-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Candidiasis, Oral-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Deglutition Disorders-- ‘E’TIOLOGY / Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Male / Middle Age [Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Taste Disorders--‘ETIOLOGY [Xerostomia-- ‘ETIOLOGY Lavelle CL; Jackln PM ; Morry R. Oral complications of cancer chemotherapy. Can Dent Assoc J 1984 Apr;50(4):315-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Bacterial Infections--ETTOLOGY [Child [Female [Focal Infection, Dental--ETIOLOGY [Human [ Leukemia-DRUG THERAPY [Male [Mouth Diseases--'CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY [ Periodontal Diseases--PHYSIOPATHOLOGY [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Tooth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED Llndahl G; Lzonnquist B ; Hedfors E. Lymphocytic infiltration and HLA-DR expression of salivary glands in bone marrow transplant recipients: a prospective study. Clin Exp Immunol 1988 May; 72(2):267-73 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Antibodies, Monoclonal--IMMUNOLOGY [Bone Marrow-"TRANSPLANTATION [Child [Child, Preschool [Female / Graft vs Host Disease.- IMMUNOLOGY/Helper Cells--IMMUNOLOGY[ Human [HLA-D Antigens--‘ANALYSIS [HLA- DR Antigens--‘ANALYSIS [ Infant [Lymphocytes-- ‘IMMUNOLOGY [Male [Middle Age [ Prospective Studies [Salivary Glands--‘IMMUNOLOGY[ Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Time Factors [Jubenov T. Radioepitheliitis in the oral cavity and cumulative radiation effect. Radiobiol Radiother (Berl) 1988;29(2):l93-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Epithelium-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Human [Mouth-- ‘RADIATION EFFECTS [ Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Radiotherapy-- *ADVERSE EFFECTS Lockhart PB ; Sonls ST. Alterations in the oral mucosa caused by chemotherapeutic agents. A histologic study. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 1981 Dec; 7(12):1019-25 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult [Age Factors [Aged [Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS/Atrophy [Female [Human / Hyperplasia [Male [Middle Age [Mouth Mucosa-- 15 ‘DRUG EFFECTS-PATHOLOGY [Neutropenia- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Salivary Glands-- PATHOLOGY [Support, N on-U.S. Gov’t [Time Factors Magrath IT; Janus C; Edwards BK; Splegel R ; J afle ES ; Berard CW ; Mlllauskas J ; Morris K; Bamwell R. An effective therapy for both undifferentiated (including Burkitt's) lymphomas and lymphoblastic lymphomas in children and young adults. Blood 1984 May;63(5):1102-11 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--ADVERSE EFFECTS--‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Bone Marrow-DRUG EFFECTS [Burkitt’s Lymphoma-- ‘DRUG TI-IERAPY--MORTALTTY-- PATHOLOGY [Child /Child, Preschool [Female [ Human [Lymphoma--‘DRUG THERAPY-- MORTALTTY-- PATHOLOGY [Lymphoma Non- Hodgkin’s--"DRUG THERAPY—-MORTALlTY-- PATHOLOGY [Male [Methotrexate-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE--BLOOD-- CEREBROSPINAL FLUID [Neoplasm Staging [ Prognosis [Recurrence [ Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [United States Magulre A; Craft AW ; Evans RG ; Amineddlne H ; Kernahan J ; Macleod RI ; Murray JJ ; Welbury RR. The long-term effects of treatment on the dental condition of children surviving malignant disease. Cancer 1987 Nov 15;60(10):2570-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Child /Child, Preschool [ Combined Modality Therapy-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Dental Health Surveys [England / Human [Leukemia--*T'HERAPY [Mouth Diseases-- EPIDEMIOLOGY--*ETIOLOGY [ Neoplasms-- ‘THERAPY /Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Support, Non-US. Gov’t Mater H; Bihl H. Effect of radioactive iodine therapy on parotid gland function. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1987 Mar-Apr;103(3-4):318-24 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alpha-Amylase-- METABOLISM [Female [Human [Iodine Radioisotopes-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Male / Parotid Gland--INJURIES--‘RADIATION EFFECTS-SECRETION [Proteins-- METABOLISM [Radiation Injuries-- ‘ETIODOGY [Saliva--METABOLISM-- RADIATION EFFECTS-SECRETION [ Salivary Gland Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY [Salivation-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Sialadenitis-- ‘ETIOLOGY /Sodium--METABOLISM [Thyroid Neoplasms-- RADIOTI-IERAPY Makkonen T. Studies on oral complications of head and neck cancer radiotherapy. Proc Finn Dent Soc 1988;84 Suppl 4-521-111 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [BaCteria-- ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [Comparative Study [Dental Caries--‘ETIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTI-IERAPY [Human / Jaw Diseases-- ETIOLOGY [Male [Middle Age / Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY / Oropharynx-- MICROBIOLOGY /Osteoradionecrosis-- ETIOLOGY [Radiation Injuries--'ETIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Saliva-- SECRETION / Stomatitis-—ETIOLOGY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Tooth Extraction Makkonen TA; Nordman E. Estimation of long-term salivary gland damage induced by radiotherapy. Acta Oncol 1987;26(4):307-12 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTI-IERAPY [Human [Male [ Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Salivary Glands--‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Salivation-- RADIATION EFFECTS/Support, Non-U.S.Gov’t/ Xerostomia-- ‘ETIOLOGY Martin MV ; Al-lerltl U; Bramley PA. Yeast flora of the mouth and skin during and after irradiation for oral and laryngeal cancer. J Med Microbiol 1981 Nov;14(4):457-67 SUBJECT HEADIN GS: Antibiotics, Antifungal-- PHARMACOLOGY /Candida--ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [Human [Laryngeal Neoplasms-- MICROBIOLOGY-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY/ Mouth--‘MICROBIOLOGY [Mouth Neoplasms-- MICROBIOLOGY--‘RADIOT‘HERAPY [Skin-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY [Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Yeasts-DRUG EFFECTS--‘ISOLATION & PURIFICATION Matsutanl M ; Kohno T ; Nagashlma T ; Nagayama I ; Matsuda T; Hoshlno T; Sano K. Clinical trial of intravenous infusion of bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) for radiosensitization of malignant brain tumors. Radiat Med 1988 Jan-Feb;6(1):33-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / 16 Aged [Brain Neoplasms--RADIOGRAPHY-- ‘RADIOTI-IERAPY-~SECONDARY / Bromodeoxyun'dine--ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Clinical Trials / Female / Glioma--RADIOGRAPHY--RADIOTHERAPY / Human flnfusions, Intravenous /Leukopenia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Lung Neoplasms / Male [Middle Age /‘ Radiation-Sensitizing Agents-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Radiotherapy Dosage [Remission Induction/StomatitiSnCHElvflCALLY INDUCED [ Thrombocytopenia-- CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED / Tomography, X-Ray Computed Matte: RD ; Arnold C; Boraas M. Learned food aversions among cancer chemotherapy patients. Incidence, nature, and clinical implications. Cancer 1987 Nov 15;60(10):2576-80 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged / Antiemetics--THERAPEU'IIC USE / Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Breast Neoplasms--COMPLICATIONS--‘DRUG THERAPY-PSYCHOLOGY [Conditioning (Psychology) [Eating Disorders-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Female [‘Food [Human [Lung Neoplasms-- ‘DRUG THERAPY-- EPIDEMIOLOGY-PSYCHOLOGY [Male / Middle Age / N ausea--CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED- COMPLICATTONS--DRUG TI-IERAPY/ Nutrition Disorders--ETIOLOGY [Quality of Life / Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Taste Disorders-- ETIOLOGY [Time Factors N omiting-- CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED-COMPLICATIONS Matvlas FM. Oral complications in the immuno- and myelosuppressed patient. J Mo Dent Assoc 1981 Sep-Oct;61(5):16, 18-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Bacterial Infections-- DIAGNOSIS-ETIOLOGY [Bone Marrow-- DRUG EFFECTS [Hemorrhage, Oral-- CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED-DIAGNOSIS / Human [Immunosuppression [Mouth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-DIAGNOSIS McConnel FM ; Duck SW ; Hester TR. Hypopharyngeal stenosis. Laryngoscope 1984 Sep; 94(9):]162-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Carcinoma, Squamous Cell--RADIOTHERAPY--SURGERY [Combined Modality Therapy [Constriction, Pathologic / Esophageal FistulauETIOLOGY [F istula-- ETIOLOGY [Glottis--SURGERY [Human l ‘Hypopharynx-- SURGERY [Laryngeal Diseases-- ETIOLOGY [Laryngeal Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY--SURGERY [Laryngectomy-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Pharyngeal Diseases-- ETIOLOGY--‘SURGERY [Pharyngeal Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAP -- SURGERY] Pharyngectomy--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Tongue Neoplasms-- RADIOTI-IERAPY--SURGERY McCrelght MC ; Wamock DW; Martin MV. Resistogram typing of Candida albicans isolates from oral and cutaneous sites in irradiated patients. Sabouraudia 1985 Dec;23(6):403-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Candida Albicans--ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [ Candidiasis, Cutaneo --‘ETIOLOGY[ Candidiasis, Oral--‘ET'IOLOGY/ Carcinoma, Squamous Cell--MICROBIOLOGY,-- RADIOTHERAPY [Female / Human [Laryngeal Neoplasms-MICROBIOLOGY- RADIOTHERAPY [Male [ Middle Age [Mouth Neoplasms-MICROBIOLOGY" RADIOTHERAPY/ Radiation Injuries-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t McElroy TH. Infection in the patient receiving chemotherapy for cancer: oral considerations. J Am Dent Assoc 1984 Sep;109(3):454-6 SUBJECT READINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Bacterial Infections-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED--‘ETIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL /Candidiasis, Oral-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-~ETIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Dental Care for Handicapped [Human [Mouth Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED--‘WCROBIOLOGY— PREVENTION & CONTROL [Neoplasms-- COMPLICATIONS-- ‘DRUG THERAPY Medina JE ; Frame R ; Toth B ; Nguyen L; Luna MH. Head and neck manifestations of the chronic graft vs. host disease. Laryngoscope 1984 Sep;94(9):1145- 51 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Bone Marro -- TRANSPLANTATION [Case Report [Erythema-- PATHOLOGY [Facial Dermatoses--ETIOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY [Female [Graft vs Host Disease-- ‘PATHOLOGY [Graft vs Host Reaction [Human [ Leukemia, Myelocytic, Acute--THERAPY[ Leukemia, Myeloid--THERAPY / Lip Diseases-- 17 E'I'IOLOGY--PA'TI-IOLOGY [Male [Mouth Diseases--ET'IOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa--‘PATHOLOGY [Skin Diseases-- ETIOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY [Time Factors [ Tongue Diseases--ETIOLOGY--PATHOLOGY[ Ulcer--ETIOLOGY--PATHOLOGY Mira JG ; Fullerton GD ; Weseott WB. Correlation between initial salivary flow rate and radiation dose in the production of xerostomia. Acta Radiol [Oncol] l982;21(3):151-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Head and Neck Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAPY [Human / Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS-- METHODS [Radiotherapy Dosage [Saliva-- ‘METABOLISM [Xerostomia--‘ETIOLOGY Mira JG; Wesoott WB ; Starcke EN ; Shannon IL. Some factors influencing salivary function when treating with radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1981 Apr;7(4):535-41 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Cobalt Radioisotopes--THERAPEUTIC USE [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human / Male [Middle Age [ Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Radiotherapy Dosage [Salivary Glands-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY--‘RADIATION EFFECTS [SalivationnMDIATION EFFECTS / Support, US. Gov’t, Non-P.H.S. [Xerostomia-- ‘ETIOLOGY Moertel CG ; Rubin J ; O’Connell MJ ; Schutt AJ ; Wleand HS. A phase II study of combined 5- fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cisplatin in the treatment of advanced upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas. J Clin Oncol 1986 Jul;4(7):1053-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adenocarcinoma-- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Adult [Aged [Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Cisplatin-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Diarrhea-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Doxorubicin-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Drug Evaluation [Female / Fluorouracil-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE / Gastrointestinal Neoplasms-- ‘DRUG THERAPY/ Hepatoma--DRUG THERAPY [Human [ Leukopenia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Liver Neoplasms-DRUG TI-IERAPYMale/Middle Age [ Pancreatic Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-- MORTALITY [Stomach Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY--MORTALI'IY [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Support, US. Gov't, P.H.S. [I‘hrombocytopeniauCHEMICALLY INDUCED Montgomery MT; Reddlng SW ; LeMalstre CF. The incidence of oral herpes simplex virus infection in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1986 Mar;61(3):238-42 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antibodies, Viral-- ANALYSIS [Bone Marro -- TRANSPLANTATION [ Herpesvirus Hominis-- ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [Human / Irnmunosuppression--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Neoplasms--‘DRUG 'I'HERAPY-- SURGERY] Stomatitis, Herpetic--‘EPIDEMIOLOGY-- ETIOLOGY--IMMUNOLOGY-- MICROBIOLOGY [Texas Morry R ; Lavelle CL Oral complications in adult leukemic patients undergoing chemotherapy. Dent Hyg (Chic) 1984 Aug;58(8):356~60 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Antibiotics Antineoplastic--'I'I-IERAPEUTIC USE / Cytarabine--THERAPEUTIC USE [Human [ Leukemia, Myelocytic, Acut -- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Middle Age [Mouth Diseases-- 'CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ETIOLOGY/ Naphthacenes--'THERAPEUTIC USE Mossman K; Shatzman A ; Chencharlck J. Long- term effects of radiotherapy on taste and salivary function in man. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1982 Jun;8(6):991-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Follow-Up Studies [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Maximum Permissible Exposure Level / Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Radiotherapy Dosage /Saliva--PHYSIOLOGY/ Salivary Glands--PHYSIOPATHOLOGY-- ‘RADIA'I'ION EFFECTS [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Taste--‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Taste Threshold-RADIATION EFFECTS Mossman KL. Gustatory tissue injury in man: radiation dose response relationships and mechanisms of taste loss. Br J Cancer Suppl 1986; 7:9-11 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Animal [Cattle/ Comparative Study [Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Mice / Radiotherapy-- 'ADVERSE EFFECTS [Support, US. Gov’t, 18 P.H.S. [ Taste Buds--RADIATION EFFECTS / Taste Disorders--‘ETIOLOGY [Taste Threshold-- RADIATION EFFECTS Mossman KL. Quantitative radiation dose-response relationships for normal tissues in man. I. Gustatory tissue response during photon and neutron radiotherapy. Radiat Res 1982 Aug;91(2):265-74 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Aged [Child [Comparative Study [ 'Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation [Fast Neutrons [Head and Neck Neoplasms--COMPLICATIONS-- RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Middle Age / Relative Biological Effectiveness/Support, U.S. Gov’t,P.H.S./ Taste--'RADIATION EFFECTS [Taste Disorders- COMPLICATIONS Mossman KL. Quantitative radiation dose-response relationships for normal tissues in man. 11. Response of the salivary glands during radiotherapy. Radiat Res 1983 Aug;95(2):392-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Cobalt Radioisotopes-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHLERAPY [ Human [ Radioisotope Teletherapy [Radiotherapy-- ’ADVERSE EFFECTS [Salivary Glands-- ‘RADIATION EFFECTS /Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Taste Buds-~MDIATION EFFECTS Mossman KL ; Shatzman AR ; Chencharick JD. Effects of radiotherapy on human parotid saliva. Radiat Res 1981 Nov;88(2):403-12 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Aged [Amylases--METABOLISM [Child / Chromatography, Gel [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Male [ Middle Age [Parotid Gland-- ’RADIA'TION EFFECTS--SECRETION [Saliva--‘RADIATION EFFEClS-- SECRETION [Salivary Proteins-- SECRETION [Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet / Support, US. Gov't, P.H.S Mulder NH ; Smlt JM ; Kreumer WM ; Bouman J ; Sleufer DT ; Veeger W; Schral'fordt Koops H. Effect of chemotherapy on taste sensation in patients with disseminated malignant melanoma. Oncology 1983;40(1):36-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Anorexia-- ETIOLOGY [Antineoplastic Agents-- 'ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Dermatitis Medicamentosa-- E'I'IOLOGY/ Diarrhea-CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Drug Therapy, Combination [Human [ Melanoma--‘DRUG THERAPY [Middle Age [Skin Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY [T aste--"DRUG EFFECTS Mulder P0 ; de Vrles EG ; Koops HS ; Splinter T ; Mans A; van der Geest S ; Mulder NH ; Sleiifer DT. Chemotherapy with maximally tolerable doses of VP 16-213 and cyclophosphamide followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation for the treatment of relapsed or refractory germ cell tumors. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1988 Apr;24(4): 675-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--‘T‘I-IERAPEUTTC USE [Bone Marrow- ‘TRANSPLANTATION /Cyclophosphamide-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Drug Evaluation [Etoposide-- ADIvflNIST'RATTON & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human [LeukopenianCI-IEMICALLY INDUCED-PREVENTION & CONTROL [Male / Mouth Mucosa [Neoplasms Embryonal and Mixed- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED [ Testicular Neoplasms--*DRUG THERAPY [Ihrombocytopenia--CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED-PREVENTION & CONTROL Nerenz DR ; Ieventhal H ; Easterling DV ; Love RR. Anxiety and drug taste as predictors of anticipatory nausea in cancer chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 1986 Feb;4(2):224-33 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Antineoplastic Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE/ ‘Anxiety/ Breast Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-PSYCHOLOGY Female [Follow-Up Studies [Hodgkin’s Disease-- DRUG THERAPY-PSYCHOLOGY [Human / Lymphoma-DRUG TI-IERAPY--PSYCHOLOGY Middle Age [Models, Biological [Nausea-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ‘ETTOLOGY-- PSYCHOLOGY [Random Allocation [Risk / Support, US. Gov’t, Non-P.H.S. [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. / ‘Taste [Time Factors Niehaus CS ; Meiller TF ; Peterson DE ; Overholser CD. Oral complications in children during cancer therapy. Cancer Nurs 1987 Feb;10(1):15-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Child [Combined Modality Therapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Dental Care / Human [Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Neoplasms-- 19 ‘T'HERAPY/Oral Hygiene [Pulpitis--ET'IOLOGY/ StomatitisuETIOLOGY [Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Support, US. Gov't, P.H.S. / Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY Palmer JA; Mustard RA; Simpson WJ. Irradiation as an etiologic factor in tumours of the thyroid, parathyroid and salivary glands. Can J Surg 1980 Jan;23(1):39—42 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acne-- RADIOTHERAPY [Adolescence [Adult [Breast Neoplasms-- RADIOT'I-IERAPY [Child [Child, Preschool [Human [Hyperthyroidism-- RADIOTHERAPY [Hypertrophy-- RADIOT'I-IERAPY [Infant / ‘Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced [Parathyroid Neoplasms-- 'ETTOLOGY/ Radiotherapy-~ADVERSE EFFECTS [Salivary Gland Neoplasms-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Thymus Gland-PATHOLOGY [ Thyroid Neoplasms--‘ETTOLOGY [T onsil-- PATHOLOGY [Tuberculosis Lymph Node-- MDIOTHERAPY Perry DJ ; Davis RK ; Duttenhaver JR ; Zaitchuk JT ; Hauck KI-I ; Major WB ; Baumann J C. Multimodality therapy for unresectable squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Am J Clin Oncol 1985 Oct;8(5):380-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged / Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--TOXICITY-- THERAPEUTIC USE [BIeomycins-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Carcinoma Squamous Cell--’T‘I-IE1LAPY/Cisplatin-- ADMINISTRATTON & DOSAGE [ Combined Modality Therapy [Female [Fluorouracil-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Head and Neck Neoplasms-"THERAPY [Human [Male / Methotrexat «ADMINISTRATTON & DOSAGE/ Middle Age [Mouth Diseases--ETIOLOGY[ Radical Neck Dissection [Radiotherapy-- ADVERSE EFFECTS N inblastine-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE Peterson DE; Minah GE ; Overholser CD ; Suzukl JB ; DePaola LG ; Stansbury DM ; Williams LT ; Schimpfi' SC. Microbiology of acute periodontal infection in myelosuppressed cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 1987 Sep;5(9):1461-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease [Adult [ Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Bone Marrow--‘DRUG EFFECTS [Female [Human [ Infection-- ET'IOLOGY--'MICROBIOLOGY [Male [Middle Age [Neoplasms-- COMPLICATION --‘DRUG THERAPY [Periodontal Diseases--ETIOLOGY-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Peterson DE; Souls ST. Oral complications of cancer chemotherapy: present status and future studies. Cancer Treat Rep 1982 Jun;66(6):1251-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Bacterial Infections-- ETIOLOGY [Bone Marrow Diseases-- COMPLICATIONS [Dental Pulp Diseases-- ETTOLOGY/Focal Infection, Dental--ETTOLOGY Human / Immunosuppression [Mouth Diseases-- ‘ETIOLOGY /Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPY / Oral Hygiene [Periodontal Diseases--ETTOLOGY/ Stomatitis--ETIOLOGY [Xerostomia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Pliskin ME; Lally ET; Quinn P. Severe oral ulceration in a patient taking low-dose methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis. Compend Contin Educ Dent 1986 Jun;7(6):430-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged /Arthritis, Rheumatoid--"DRUG THERAPY [Case Report / Female [Human /Methotrexate-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Mouth Diseases--‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Ulcer-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Polnltsky CA ; Sherter CB ; Sugar JO. Irradiation- induced fibrosis of the neck and sleep apnea. Arch Otolaryngol 1981 Oct;107(10):629-30 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Case Report [Edema-- ETIOLOGY [Human /Male [Middle Age [Neck-- ‘INJURIES [Pharyngeal Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY[ Radiation Injuries-- ‘COMPLICATIONS / Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Sleep Apnea Syndromes-~‘ETIOLOGY [Tongue Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAPY Pyykonen H ; Malmstrom M ; Oikarinen VJ ; Salmo M ; Vehkalahti M. Late effects of radiation treatment of tongue and floor-of-mouth cancer on the dentition, saliva secretion, mucous membranes and the lower jaw. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1986 Aug;15(4):401-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Female / Follow-Up Studies [Human [Male / Mandible-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Middle Age [Mouth-- ’RADIATTON EFFECTS [‘Mouth Floor [Mouth 20 Mucosa--RADIATION EFFECTS [Mouth Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Radiation Injuries--’ETIOLOGY / Salivation--RADIATION EFFECTS [Tongue Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY / Tooth--RADIATION EFFECTS Rand KB ; Kramer B ; Johnson AC. Cancer chemotherapy associated symptomatic stomatitis: role of Herpes simplex virus (HSV). Cancer 1982 Oct 150(7):1262-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antibodies, Viral-- ANALYSIS [Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Herpesvirus Hominis-- IMMUNOLOGY--‘ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [Human [Mouth-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY [Probability / Prospective Studies /Stomatitis, Herpetic--‘CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED- IMMUNOLOGY-- MICROBIOLOGY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Support. US. Gov’t, Non-P.H.S. [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Reddlng SW. Oral complications of cancer chemotherapy. Tex Dent J 1986 Jun;103(6):18-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Human [Mouth Diseases- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Neoplasms-~‘DRUG THERAPY [Stomatitis, Herpetic--ET'IOLOGY Redding SW. Oral manifestations of the leukemia patient. LDA J 1982 Spring;40(l):22-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Candidiasis, Oral-- ETIOLOGY [Gingival Diseases-~ETIOLOGY/ Gingivitis, Necrotizing Ulcerative--ETIOLOGY/ Human /Lcukemia-- ‘COMPLICATIONS--DRUG THERAPY [Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY Rennie J S ; McLay A ; Tamer NS. Post-irradiation sarcoma of the lower lip. J Laryngol Otol 1983 Sep; 97(9):871-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Carcinoma Squamous Cell--RADIOTHERAPY [Case Report / Fibrosarcoma--‘ETIOLOGY-- ULTRASTRUCTURE [Human [Lip Neoplasms-- 'ETIOLOGY--RADIOTHERAPY-- ULTRASTRUCTURE [Male [’Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced--ULTRASTRUCTURE Ringden O ; Backman L; Lonnqvist B ; Helmdahl A; Lindholm A; Bolme P ; Gahrton G. A randomized trial comparing use of cyclosporin and methotrexate for graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis in bone marrow transplant recipients with haematological malignancies Bone Marrow Transplant 1986 May; 1( 1):4 1-5 1 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease/ Adolescence IAdult /Bone Marrow-- *TRANSPLANTATION /Child lChild, Preschool / Clinical Trials / Comparative Study [Cyclosporimu ADVERSE EFFECTS--‘THERAPEUTIC USE / Female /Graft vs Host Disease-~‘DRUG THERAPY--ETIOLOGY--MORTALTTY IGraft Survival /Human /Leukemia--COMPLICATIONS-- MORTALTTY-- ‘THERAPY lMale /Methotrexate- ADVERSE EFFECTS-"THERAPEUTIC USE / Middle Age [Mouth Diseases--ETIOLOGY/ Random Allocation / Recurrence /Support, Non- US. Gov't Robertson AG ; Wilson P ; Wilson DJ ; Carr KE ; Hunter I. Microplication patterns on human buccal epithelia following radiotherapy: a scanning electron microscopic analysis. J Submicrosc Cytol 1987 Jul; 19(3):515-21 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Epithelium-- RADIATION EFFECTS-~ULTRASTRUCTURE/ Human Microscopy, Electron, Scanning lMicrovilli- RADIATION EFFECTS--ULTRAS'TRUCTURE/ Mouth Mucosa--‘RADIATION EFFECTS-- ULTRASTRUCTU RE /Mouth Neoplasms- ‘RADIOTHERAPY /Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Radiotherapy Dosage /Support, Non- U.S. Gov’t Rodu B ; Gockerman JP. Oral manifestations of the chronic graft-v-host reaction. JAMA 1983 Jan 28; 249(4):504-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult lAnemia, Aplastic-- THERAPY/ Bone Marro -- “TRANSPLANTATION / Case Report [Chronic Disease /'Graft vs Host Reaction lHuman/ Leukemia, Lymphocytic--THERAPY /Leukoplakia, Oral--“PATHOLOGY / Male [Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY Postoperative Complications-- PATHOLOGY [Salivary Glands-PATHOLOGY Rosenberg SW. Oral complications of cancer chemotherapy--a review of 398 patients. J Oral Med 1986 Apr-Jun;41(2):93-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Antineoplastic 21 Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS /Breast Neoplasms- DRUG THERAPY / Female / Human/ Immunosuppressive Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS Leukemia-DRUG THERAPY [Lymphoma-- DRUG THERAPY lMale / Mouth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY / Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Tooth Diseases--"CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED Rossie KM ; Taylor J ; Beck FM ; Hodgson SE ; Blozis GG. Influence of radiation therapy on oral Candida albicans colonization: a quantitative assessment. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Dec;64(6): 698-701 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Candida Albicans-- ISOLATION & PURIFICAHON--‘RADIATION EFFECTS / Candidiasis, Oral--ETIOLOGY /Head and Neck Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAPY/Human / Mouth--‘WCROBIOLOGY [Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Risk Factors Rubin J ; Hineman V ; Moertel CG ; Schutt AJ ; Hahn RG. A phase II study of alanosine in advanced large bowel carcinoma. Am J Clin Oncol 1983 Apr;6(2): 191-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adenocarcinoma-- ‘DRUG THERAPY /Adult /Aged /Alanine-- ‘ANALOGS & DERIVATIVES-ADVERSE EFFECTS--Ti-TERAPEUTIC USE /Ant1biotics, Antineoplastic--ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE /Colonic Neoplasms-- ‘DRUG THERAPY /Drug Evaluation /Female / Human /Male /Middle Age /Nausea-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Rectal Neoplasms-- 'DRUG THERAPY /Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Ryan ME; Hopkins K; Wilbur RB. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis in children with cancer. Am J Dis Child 1983 Jun;137(6):592-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence lChild / Child, Preschool [Gingivitis Necrotizing Ulcerativc- ‘E’I‘IOLOGY--’IHERAPY [Human /Infant / Neoplasms-- ‘COMPLICA’TIONS--THERAPY/ Neutropenia--COMPLICATIONS [Nutrition / Oral Hygiene /Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care) / Retrospective Studies Sale GE; Gallucci BB ; Schubert MM ; Sullivan KM ; Thomas ED. Direct ultrastructural evidence of target-directed polarization by cytotoxic lymphocytes in lesions of human graft-vs-host disease. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1987 Apr;111(4): 333-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence lAdult/ Biopsy lEpithelium--CYTOLOGY-- ULTRASTRUCTURE IGOIgi Apparatus-- ULTRASTRUCTURE IGraft vs Host Disease-- ‘PATHOLOGY /Human lKiller Cells-- ‘ULTRASTRUCTURE /Microtubules-- ULTRASTRUCTURE /Middle Age /Salivary Glands--ULTRASTRUCTURE / Support, Non- U.S. Gov’t /Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. /T Lymphocytes, Cytotoxi --‘ULTRASTRUCTU RE Sale GE ; Shulman HM ; Schubert MM ; Sullivan KM ; Kopecky KJ ; Hackman RC ; Morton TH ; Storb R; Thomas ED. Oral and ophthalmic pathology of graft versus host disease in man: predictive value of the lip biopsy. Hum Pathol 1981 Nov;12(ll):1022-30 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Biopsy /Bone Marrow-~‘TRANSPLANTATION / Child /Conjunctiva--‘PATHOLOGY /Epithelium-- PATHOLOGY /‘Graft vs Host Reaction /Human/ Lacrimal Apparatus--‘PATHOLOGY /Lip-- ‘PATHOLOGY [Male lNecrosis [Prognosis / Salivary Glands-- ‘PATHOLOGY /Salivary Glands, Minor--‘PATHOLOGY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Sato K; Kamata R. Quantitative examination of taste deficiency due to radiation therapy. Radiat Med 1984 J an-Mar;2(1):6l-70 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Brain Neoplasms-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY--RADIOTI-IERAPY / ‘Electrodiagnosis [Female /Human [Lung Neoplasms--PHYSIOPATI-IOLOGY-- RADIOTHERAPY/ Male /Mouth Neoplasms-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY-~RADIOTHERAPY / Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Radiotherapy Dosage lTaste-- ‘RADIATION EFFECTS fTaste Disorders-DIAGNOSIS- ‘ETIOLOGY [Taste Threshold--‘RADIATION EFFECTS /Uterine Neoplasms-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY» RADIOTHERAPY Scanlon EF; Sener SF. Head and neck neoplasia following irradiation for benign conditions. Head Neck Surg 1981 Nov-Dec;4(2):139-45 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adenoids /Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘ETIOLOGY lHuman / Lymphatic Diseases--‘RADIOTHERAPY /Middle 22 Age /Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced-- ‘ETIOLOGY--SURGERY IParathyroid Neoplasms-- ETIOLOGY /Physical Examination / Radiotherapy-~‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Retrospective Studies [Salivary Gland Neoplasms-- ETIOLOGY ISkin Diseases--‘RADIOTHERAPY / Thyroid Neoplasms--ETIOLOGY--SURGERY/ Tonsil Schubert MM ; Izutsu KT. Iatrogenic causes of salivary gland dysfunction. J Dent Res 1987 Feb; 66 Spec Noz680-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marrow-- TRANSPLANTATION /Drug Therapy-- ADVERSE EFFECIS/Human flatrogenic Disease / Immunosuppression--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY /Saliva--DRUG EFFECTS-- RADIATION EFFECTS /Salivary Gland Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ‘ETTOLOGY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY [Salivary Glands—DRUG EFFECIS--INJURIES--RADIAT‘ION EFFECTS / Sialorrhea--CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Xerostomia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Schubert MM ; Peterson DE ; Meyers JD ; Hackman R ; Thomas ED. Head and neck aspergillosis in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Report of four cases and review of the literature. Cancer 1986 Mar 15;S7(6):1092-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Amphotericin B-- THERAPEUTIC USE /Antibiotics-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE /Aspergillosis--DRUG THERAPY--‘ETIOLOGY-—SURGERY / Aspergillus Fumigatus /Bone Marrow-- ‘TRANSPLANTATION /Case Report /Child/ Female /Human /Male Maxillary Sinus-- SURGERY [Middle Age / Mouth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY /Otitis--ETIOLOGY /Sinusitis-- ETIOLOGY / Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Schubert MM ; Sullivan KM ; Morton TH ; Izutsu KT ; Peterson DE ; Floumoy N ; Truelove EL; Sale GE ; Buckner CD ; Storb R ; et al. Oral manifestations of chronic graft-v-host disease. Arch Intern Med 1984 Aug;144(8):1591-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult/ Anemia, Aplasti "THERAPY /Atroph ~- ETTOLOGY /Bone Marrow-- ‘TRANSPLANTATION [Child /Child, Preschool / Chronic Disease /Erythema--ETIOLOGY lFemale/ Graft vs Host Disease--‘COMPLICATIONS-- DIAGNOSIS [Human [Immunosuppression [ Leukemia-THERAPY [Lichen Planus-- ETIOLOGY [Male [Mouth Diseases-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa--PATHOLOGY [ Pain--E'IIOLOGY [Prospective Studies [Stomatitis- ETIOLOGY [Support Non-US. Gov’t [ Support, US. Gov't, P.H.S. [Time Factors [Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY Scully C ; MacFarlane 'I‘W. Orofacial manifestations of childhood malignancy: clinical and microbiological findings during remission. ASDC J Dent Child 1983 Mar-Apr;50(2):121-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Candidiasis, Orai--ETIOLOGY[Child/Child, Preschool/Female [ Human [Infant [Male [Mouth Diseases-- 'ETIOLOGY [Neoplasms--‘COMPLICATIONS-~ DRUG THERAPY [Stomatitis, Aphthous-- ETIOLOGY /Stomatitis, Herpetic--ETIOLOGY / Ulcer-- ETIOLOGY Seto BG ; Kim M ; Wolinsky L; Mito RS ; Champlin R. Oral mucositis in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Nov;60(5):493-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Antibioti --THERAPEUTIC USE [Bone Marrow- ‘TRANSPLANTATION [Candida Albicans-- ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [ Child [Drug Therapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Female [Graft vs Host Disease--ETIOLOGY [Human [Male [Middle Age [Oral Hygiene-- METHODS [Radiotherapy-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Staphylococcus-- ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [Stomatitis-- ‘ETIOLOGYuMICROBIOLOGYu PHYSIOPATHOLOGY [Streptococcus-- ISOLATION & PURIFICATION [ Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Time Factors Shearer BH ; Hay KD. Hard and soft tissue oral changes following bone marrow transplantation. N Z Dent J 1987 Oct;83(374):103-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Bone Marrow-- ‘TRANSPLANTATION [Case Report [Graft vs Host Disease--ETIOLOGY [Human [ Immunosuppression--ADVERSE EFFECIS/Male / Stomatitis--‘ETIOLOGY Silverman JE ; Weber CW ; Sllverman S Jr; Coulthard SL; Manning MR. Zinc supplementation and taste in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. J Oral Med 23 1983 J an-Mar;38(1):14-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged/Comparative Study Double-Blind Method [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms--'RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Male / Middle Age / Random Allocation [T aste--‘DRUG EFFECTS-RADIATION EFFECTS [Taste Disorders--PREVEN'IION & CONTROL [Zinc-- ‘ADMINIST'RATION & DOSAGE Smith JC ; Blumsack JT ; Bilek FS ; Spector AC ; Hollander GR ; Baker DL Radiation-induced taste aversion as a factor in cancer therapy. Cancer Treat Rep 1984 Oct;68(10):1219-27 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Abdomen-RADIATION EFFECTS [Ageusia--‘ETIOLOGY [Animal / Conditioning, Classical [Drinking Behavior [Food [ Human [Male [Neoplasms-~RADIOTHERAPY/ Pelvis-RADIATION EFFECTS [ Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS/Rats [Rats, Inbred Strains/ Saccharin [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Taste Disorders-- ‘ETIOLOGY Soni NK; Chatterjl P. Gustotoxicity of bleomycin. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 1985;47(2): 101-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Bleomycins-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Female [Human [Male / Middle Age [Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY/ Taste Disorders-- ‘CFIEMICALLY INDUCED Spiegel R1. The acute toxicities of chemotherapy. Cancer Treat Rev 1981 Sep;8(3):197-207 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease /Alopecia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Antineoplastic Agents--‘ADM]NISTRATTON & DOSAGE-- "ADVERSE EFFECTS [Dermatitis Atopic-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Dose-Response Relationship, Drug/ Drug Hypersensitivity [Human / Injections, Intravenous--ADVERSE EFFECTS [ Mouth Mucosa—-DRUG EFFECTS [N ausea-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Skin Ulcer-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Vomiting-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Sutton RB. Adverse drug effects on the tissues of the mouth. Dent Update 1984 Jul;11(6):341-2, 344, 346 passim SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human [Mouth Diseases-- *CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Pigmentation Disorders--CHEMICALLY INDUCED [ Tooth Diseases--‘CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED Suzuki JB ; DePaola LG; Nauman RK. Periodontal therapy in a patient undergoing cancer chemotherapy. J Am Dent Assoc 1982 Apr;104(4): 473-5 SUBJECT HEADIN GS: Adult [Breast Neoplasms- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Case Report [Female [ Gingival Diseases--SURGERY [Human / Periodontal Diseases» CHEMICALLY INDUCED-”THERAPY [Scaling, Dental [Surgical Flaps [ Tooth Root--SURGERY Telchgraeber J ; Bowman J ; Goepfert H. New test series for the functional evaluation of oral cavity cancer. Head Neck Surg 1985 Sep-Oct;8(l):9-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Body Weight [Combined Modality Therapy [ Comparative Study [Deglutition [Evaluation Studies [Female / Human [Male [Middle Age [Mouth Neoplasms-- PATHOLOGY-- RADIOTHERAPY-- SURGERY--"I‘HERAPY [Neoplasm Staging [Oral Health / Quality of Life [Retrospective Studies / Salivation [Speech Production Measurement / Tongue--PHYSIOPATHOLOGY Tsulll H. Quantitative dose-response analysis of salivary function following radiotherapy using sequential RI-sialography. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1985 Sep;11(9):1603-12 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged / Comparative Study [Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Male [Middle Age [ Radiotherap --’ADVERSE EFFECTS [Salivary Glands--PHYSIOLOGY--‘RADIATION EFFECTSnRADIONUCLIDE IMAGING / Support, Non-US. Gov’t [T echnetium Tc 99m Pertechnetat -- DIAGNOSTIC USE Vredenburgh JJ ; McIntyre 0R ; Comwell GG 3d ; Ball ED ; Cornell CJ ; Mills LE; O’Donnell JF. Mitoxantrone in relapsed or refractory acute nonlymphocytic leukemia. Med Pediatr Oncol 1988; 16(3):187-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease [Adult / Drug Evaluation [Drug Resistance / Hematologic Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Human [ Leukemia--"DRUG THERAPY [Liver Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Mitoxantrone-- ADVERSE EFFECTS--*'I'HERAPEUTIC USE / 24 Recurrence [Remission Induction [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED /Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Vuolo SJ. Oral complications of cancer chemotherapy and dental care for the cancer patient receiving antineoplastic drug therapy: a literature review. N Y J Dent 1987 Mar;57(2):50-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [‘Dental Care for Handicapped [Human [Mouth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Neoplasms-- 'DRUG THERAPY [Review Wahlln YB ; Matsson L. Oral mucosal lesions in patients with acute leukemia and related disorders during cytotoxic therapy. Scand J Dent Res 1988 Apr;96(2):128-36 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Aged [Antineoplastic Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Child /Child, Preschool [Female [ Hemorrhage, Oral-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- EPIDEMIOLOGY [Human [Leukemia Lymphocytic-- 'DRUG THERAPY-- PATHOLOGY [Leukemia Myelocytic, Acute-- ‘DRUG THERAPY-PATHOLOGY [Male / Middle Age [Mouth Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-EPIDEMIOLOGY [Mouth Mucosa-- ’DRUG EFFECIS--PATHOLOGY / Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Weden Watkins EB ; Findlay P ; Gelmann E ; Lane HC ; Zabell A. Enhanced mucosal reactions in AIDS patients receiving oropharyngeal irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1987 Sep;13(9):1403-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--‘COMPLICATIONS Human [Mouth Mucosa--‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Oropharyngeal Neoplasms-- ETIOLOGY-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Pharyngeal Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Sarcoma Kaposi’s--E'TIOLOGY-—'RADIOTI-IERAPY / Stomatitis--‘ETIOLOGY Wellbury RR. Chemotherapy and childhood cancer: dental implications. Dent Update 1987 May;14(4): 163-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Child [Child, Preschool [ Human [Infant [Mouth Diseases--‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Neoplasms—- ‘DRUG THERAPY/ Tooth Diseases--'CHEMICALLY INDUCED Westln T ; Jansson A; Zenckert C ; Hallstrom T ; Edstrom S. Mental depression is associated with malnutrition in patients with head and neck cancer. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1988 Dec; 114(12):1449-53 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Aged, 80 and over [Alcohol Drinking [Body Weight / Depression--‘ETIOLOGY [Feeding Behavior / Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- COMPLICATIONS--‘PSYCHOLOGY-- RADIOTI-IERAPY [Human [Male [Mental Disorders--ETIOLOGY [Middle Age [Nutrition Disorders--ETIOLOGY-- ‘PSYCHOLOGY/ Psychiatric Status Rating Scales [Smoking [T aste-- RADIATION EFFECTS Wlesenfeld D ; Webster G; Cameron F ; Ferguson MM ; MacFadyen EE ; MacFarlane TW. Salivary gland dysfunction following radioactive iodine therapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1983 Feb; 55(2):138-41 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Case Report/ Dental Caries--ETIOLOGY [Female [Human [ Iodine Radioisotopes--ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Salivary Glands-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY-~‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Thyroid Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY [Xerostomia--"ETIOLOGY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY Wiseman JC ; Hales IB ; Joasoo A. Two cases of lymphoma of the parotid gland following ablative radioiodine therapy for thyroid carcinoma. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1982 Jul l;l7(1):85-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Case Report/ Female [Human [Iodine Radioisotopes-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECIS--TI-IERAPEUTIC USE / Lymphoma--‘ETIOLOGY [Male / Middle Age [ Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced--"ETIOLOGY/ Parotid Neoplasms--‘ETIOLOGY [Thyroid Neoplasms-JLADIOTHERAPY Wright WE. Periodontium destruction associated with oncology therapy. Five case reports. J Periodontol 1987 Aug;58(8):559-63 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Case Report [Female [Human [Male [Middle Age [Mouth Mucosa-- PATHOLOGY [Necrosis [Periodontal Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ‘ETIOLOGY--PA'IHOLOGY [Periodontium-- 25 ‘DRUG EFFECTS-PATHOLOGY" RADIATION EFFECIS [Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECIS [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED--ETIOLOGY-- PATHOLOGY Zelickson BD ; Rogers RS 3d. Oral drug reactions. Dermatol Clin 1987 Oct;5(4):695-708 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Anti-Inflammatory Agents /Antibiotics--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Antineoplastic Agents-~ADVERSE EFFECTS [ Cardiovascular Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECIS / Drug Therapy-~‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human / Mouth Diseases--"CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Review [Review, Tutorial Zysset MK; Carlson RD ; Montgomery MT; Redding SW. Undiagnosed oral herpes in irnmunosuppressed patients. J Oral Med 1986 Apr- Jun;41(2):70-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adenocarcinoma--DRUG THERAPY [Case Report [Colonic Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY [Female [Human [ ‘Immunosuppression--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Immunosuppressive Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS MaleMelanoma--DRUG THERAPY/Middle Age / Multiple Myeloma--DRUG THERAPY /Stomatitis, Herpctic--‘DIAGNOSIS--ETIOLOGY 26 Xerostomia--ETIOLOGY--‘PREVENTTON & Interventions to Limit Oral Complications CONTROL Ferretti GA; Ash RC ; Brown AT ; Parr MD ; Romond Clark PI ; Slevin ML. Allopurmol mouthwashes and EH; [illlch 'I'I‘. Control of oral mucositis and 5-fluorouracil induced oral toxicity. Eur J Surg Oncol 1985 Sep;11(3):267-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Allopurinol-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- ‘T'HERAPEUTTC USE /Colonic Neoplasms-- ‘DRUG THERAPY /Fluorouracil--ADVERSE EFFECTS" ANTAGONISTS & INHIBITORS-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE /Human /Intestinal Mucosa--DRUG EFFECTS /Mouth Mucosa-- DRUG EFFECTS Mouthwashes / Rectal Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY /Stomatitis- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL Engelmeier RL ; King GE. Protecting the tongue during head and neck irradiation. Gen Dent 1983 May-Jun;31(3):213-S SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged /Casc Report [Equipment Design [Female /Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human / Male /Radiation Protection-- ‘INSTRUMENTATION / ‘Tongue Epstein JB ; Stevenson-Moore P. Benzydamine hydrochloride in prevention and management of pain in oral mucositis associated with radiation therapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1986 Aug; 62(2):145-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged / Benzydamine--‘TT-IERAPEUTTC USE ICarcinoma, Squamous Cell--RADIOTHERAPY/Clinical Trials Double-Blind Method / Female /Human /Male / Middle Age [Mouth Mucosa [Mouth Neoplasms-- RADIOT’HERAPY /P ' --BT'IOLOG -- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL / Prospective Studies lerazoles--‘T‘HERAPEUTIC USE / Radiation Injuries--"COMPLICATTONS/ Stomatitis—-ETTOLOGY--‘PREVENTION & CONTROL /Support, Non-US. Gov’t Fernandez VC ; Master SB ; Turner MP. Efficacy of radiation protection prostheses in controlling radiation induced xerostomia. J Indian Dent Assoc 1984 Oct;56(10):371-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged [Female/ Human /Male /Middle Age [Mouth Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY /‘Mouth Protectors / Radiation Protection--’INSTRUMENTATION / candidiasis in marrow transplantation: a prospective, double-blind trial of chlorhexidine digluconate oral rinse. Bone Marrow Transplant 1988 Sep;3(5):483- 93 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult/ Bacterial Infections--PREVENTION & CONTROL /Bone Marro -- 'TRANSPLANTATION /Candidiasis, Oral-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL /Child /Child. Preschool /Chlorhclldine--‘ANALOGS & DERIVATIVES--'IHERAPEUI'IC USE /Clinical Trials [Double-Blind Method /Gram-Negative Aerobic Bacteria [Human /Infant /Middle Age / Mouth Mucosa--MICROBIOLOGY /Prospective Studies /Stomatitis--‘PREVENTION & CONTROL /Streptococcal Infections-- PREVENTION & CONTROL lSupport, Non-US. Gov’t /Support, US. Gov’t, Non-P.H.S Fleming TJ. Use of topical fluoride by patients receiving cancer therapy. Curr Probl Cancer 1983 Apr;7(10):37-41 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Caries-- ETIOLOGYu‘PREVENTTON & CONTROL/ Fluorides, Topical-- 'ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- 'RADIOTHERAPY /Human /Salivary Glands-- RADIATION EFFECTS /Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY Fox RM ; Woods RL ; Tattersall MH ; Piper AA; Sampson D. Allopun'nol modulation of fluorouracil toxicity. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1981;5(3): 151-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Allopurinol-- ‘TI-TERAPEUTIC USE [Dermatitis Medicamentosa--ETIOLOGY [Drug Therapy, Combination lFluorouracil--ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS-BLOOD / Hematologic Diseases--CHEWCALLY INDUCED Human [Neoplasms-DRUG THEMY /Nervous System Diseases-CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Orotidine-5’-Phosphate Decarboxylase-- METABOLISM /Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED Gabrllove JL ; Jakubowskl A ; Scher H ; Stemberg C ; Wong G; Grous J ; Yagoda A; Fain K; Moore MA; Clarkson B ; et al. Effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on neutropenia and associated morbidity due to chemotherapy for transitional-cell carcinoma of the urothelium. N Engl J Med 1988 Jun 2;318(22):1414-22 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged/ Agranulocytosis--‘PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS-THERAPEUTIC USE [Bladder Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY /Carcinoma, Transitional Cell-- ‘DRUG THERAPY /Cisplatin-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE / Colony- Stimulating Factor--ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE--‘THERAPEUTIC USE /Dose- Response Relationship, Drug /Doxorubicin-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE /Drug Administration Schedule /Drug Tolerance /Female / Human [Leukocyte Count lMale / Methotrexate-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE /Middle Age / Neutropenia-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL-- THERAPY lNeutrophils /Recombinant Proteins-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- THERAPEUTIC USE /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [Vinblastine-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE Helmdahl A; Gahrton G; Groth CG; Lundgren G; L:onnqulst B ; Rlngden O ; Nord CE. Selective decontamination of alimentary tract microbial flora in patients treated with bone marrow transplantation. A microbiological study. Scand J Infect Dis 1984;16(1):51-60 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Antibiotics-~‘ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE / Bacteria--'GROWIH & DEVELOPMENT /Bone Marrow-TRANSPLANTATION / Candida Albicans--‘GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT /Drug Therapy, Combination lFeces--MICROBIOLOGY/ Female /Gastrointestinal System-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY /Gram-Negative Aerobic Bacteria-GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT /Gram- Negative Anaerobic Bacteria-GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT /Human /Male /Mouth-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY /Staphylococcus-- GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT lStreptococcus--GROWII-I & DEVELOPMENT Hickey AJ ; Toth BB ; Lindqulst SB. Effect of intravenous hyperalimentation and oral care on the development of oral stomatitis during cancer chemotherapy. J Prosthet Dent 1982 Feb;47(2):188- 27 93 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence /Adult/ Bleomycins--THERAPEUTIC USE /Comparative Study /'Dental Care /Dental Prophylaxis [Human / Male / Neoplasms--"‘DRUG THERAPY [Oral Hygiene IParenteral Feeding-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS lParenteral Hyperalimentation-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Stomatitis--ETIOLOGY-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL [Testicular Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPY Ninblastine-- THERAPEUTIC USE Levy HA; Park CH. Effect of reserpine on salivary gland radioiodine uptake in thyroid cancer. Clin Nucl Med 1987 Apr;12(4):303-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adenocarcinoma-- RADIOTHERAPY /Carcinoma, Papillary-- RADIOTHERAPY/ Human /Iodine Radioisotopes--‘METABOLISM-- THERAPEUTIC USE / Parotid Gland-DRUG EFFECTS--METABOLISM~-RADIOGRAPHY / Radiation Injuries--PREVENTION & CONTROL Reserpine--‘THERAPEUTIC USE / Salivary Glands--DRUG EFFECI'S--‘METABOLISM / Sialadenitis--ETIOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL /Sialography [Thyroid Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY Mills EE. The modifying effect of beta-carotene on radiation and chemotherapy induced oral mucositis Br J Cancer 1988 Apr;57(4):416-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--ADVERSE EFFECTS /Carcinoma, Squamous Cell--DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY /Carotene--'THERAPEUIIC USE II-Iuman Middle Age [Mouth Mucosa [Mouth Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY lRadiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS lStomatitis-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL 0stchega Y. Preventing...and treating...cancer chemotherapy’s oral complications. Nursing 1980 Aug; 10(8):47-52 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Diet /Human /Mouth Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-NURSING Mouth Mucosa-DRUG EFFECTS / Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY--NURSING /‘Oral Hygiene Owens NJ ; Nightingale CH ; Schwelzer RT ; Schauer PK; Dekker PT ; Quintlllanl R. Prophylaxis of oral candidiasis with clotrimazole troches. Arch Intern Med 1984 Feb;144(2):290-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Administration, Oral [ Adult [Antineoplastic Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Candidiasis, Oral--ETTOLOGY-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Clinical Trials/ Clotrimazole--"ADMINTSTRATION & DOSAGE Double-Blind Method [Female [Human / Imidazoles-J'ADMINTSTRAT‘ION & DOSAGE [ Immunosuppression [Immunosuppressive Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Kidney-- TRANSPLANTATION [Male [Middle Age [ Neoplasms-- DRUG THERAPY [Support, Non- U.S. Gov’t Pillsbury HC 3d ; Webster WP ; Rosenman J. Prostaglandin inhibitor and radiotherapy in advanced head and neck cancers. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986 May;112(5):552-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Clinical Trials [Combined Modality Therapy [Double-Blind Method [Head and Neck Neoplasms--RADIOTI-TERAPY-- ‘T'HERAPY [Human [ Indomethacin» ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Mouth Mucosa [Mouth Neoplasms-- RADIOTI-IERAPY--THERAPY[ Prospective Studies [Prostaglandins-- BIOSYNTHESIS [Radiation Injuries-- PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Radiotherapy Dosage [Random Allocation /Stomatitis-- PREVENTION & CONTROL Poole TS ; Flaxman NA. Use of protective prostheses during radiation therapy. J Am Dent Assoc 1986 Apr;112(4):485-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Brachytherapy-- INSTRUMENTATION [Combined Modality Therapy / Equipment Design [Human [Jaw Diseases--ETIOLOGY--PREVENTION & CONTROL [Mouth Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTI-IERAPY--SURGERY / Osteoradionecrosis--ETTOLOGY--PREVENTION & CONTROL [‘Protective Devices [Radiation Injuries-~ET‘IOIDGY--‘PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Radiation Protection-- ‘INSTRUMENTATION /Xerostomia-- ETTOLOGY Prada A; Chlesa F. Effects of benzydamine on the oral mucositis during antineoplastic radiotherapy and/or intra-arterial chemotherapy. Int J Tissue 28 React 1987;9(2):115-9 SUBJECT HEADIN GS: Administration, Topical / Adult [Aged [Antineoplastic Agents, Combined-- ADVERSE EFFECIS [Benzydamine-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE / Combined Modality Therapy [Double-Blind Method [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY [Human /Infusions, Intra- Arterial [Male [Middle Age [Mouth Mucosa-- DRUG EFFECTS [ Pyrazoles--‘TI-IERAPEUTIC USE [Radiation Injuries--PREVENTION & CONTROL [Random Allocation /Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ETTOLOGY-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL Prada A; [ozza L; Moglla D ; Sala L; Chlesa F. Effects of benzydamine on radio- polychemotherapeutic mucositis of the oral cavity. Int J Tissue React 1985;7(3):237-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents, Combined--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Benzydamine-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- 'T’HERAPEUTIC USE [Clinical Trials [Head and Neck Neoplasms-~THERAPY [Human [Mouth Mucosa [Mouthwashes / Pyrazoles-- ‘TI-IERAPEUTIC USE [Radiation Injuries-- DRUG THERAPY / Random Allocation / Stomatitis--‘DRUG THERAPY--ETIOLOGY Shenep JL; Kalwlnsky DK; Hutson PR; George SL; Dodge RK; Blankenship KR ; Thornton D. Efficacy of oral sucralfate suspension in prevention and treatment of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. J Pediatr 1988 Oct;113(4):758-63 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Administration, Oral [ Adolescence [Antineoplastic Agents, Combined-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Child [Clinical Trials/ Double-Blind Method [Female Hemorrhage, Gastrointestinal-- PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Human [Leukemia Nonlymphocytic, Acute-- DRUG THERAPY [Male [Mouth Mucosa-- ‘PATHOLOGY [Random Allocation [Stomatitis-- CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED--’PREVENTION & CONTROL / Sucralfate--ADMINTSTRATION & DOSAGE-ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ’T’HERAPEUTIC USE /Support, Non-US. Gov’t/ Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Sonls S ; Kunz A. Impact of improved dental services on the frequency of oral complications of cancer therapy for patients with non-head-and-neck malignancies. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1988 Jan;65(1):l9-22 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Child /Child, Preschool [‘Dental Care for Handicapped [Female [Human [Infant [Leukemia-- THERAPY [Male / Middle Age [Mouth Diseases-- ‘EPDDEMOLOGY--PREVEN’I‘ION & CONTROL / Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAP --‘T'HERAPY [Retrospective Studies [Support, Non-US. Gov’t Stranc MF ; Fogel M ; Dische S. Comparison of lip function: surgery vs radiotherapy. Br J Plast Surg 1987 Nov;40(6):598-604 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged/Comparative Study / Elasticity [Female [Human [Li -- ‘PHYSIOPATHOLOGY [Lip Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY--‘SURGERY [Male / Middle Age [Sensation-PHYSIOLOGY Takahashl I ; Nagai T ; Mlyalshl K; Maehara Y; Nllbe H. Clinical study of the radioprotective effects of Amifostine (YM-08310, WR-2721) on chronic radiation injury. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1986 Jun;12(6):935-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Ethiofos-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Gallium Radioisotopes-- DIAGNOSTIC USE [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human / Organothiophosphorus Compounds-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Radiation Injuries-- ET'IOLOGY--‘PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECIS [Salivary Glands--‘RADIONUCLIDE IMAGING Tsavarls N ; Caraglaurls P; Kosmldls P. Reduction of oral toxicity of 5-fluorouracil by allopurinol mouthwashes. Eur J Surg Oncol 1988 Oct; 14(5): 405-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Allopurinol-- ‘ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Fluorouracil-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS-THERAPEUTIC USE / Gastrointestinal Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPY / Human [Mouth Mucosa [Mouthwashes /Stomatitis—- CHEMICALLY INDUCED--‘PREVENTION & CONTROL Vogler WR ; Malcom LG ; Winton EF. A randomized trial comparing ketoconazole and nystatin prophylactic therapy in neutropenic patients. Cancer Invest 1987;5(4):267-73 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Acute Disease / 29 Adolescence [Adult [Aged [Agranulocytosis-- ‘COMPLICATIONS [Candidiasis, Oral--‘DRUG 'I'HERAPY--ETIOLOGY / Comparative Study [ Female [Human [Immune Tolerance / Ketoconazole--‘T'HERAPEUTIC USE [Leukemia- DRUG THERAPY [Male / Middle Age / Neutropenia--‘COMPLICATIONS [Nystatin— ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Random Allocation / Support, Non-US. Gov’t /Support, US. Gov't, Non- P.H.S erght WE ; Heller J M ; Harlow SA; Plzzo PA. An oral disease prevention program for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy. J Am Dent Assoc 1985 Jan;110(1):43-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Analgesics-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Antibiotics-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Blood Platelet Disorders-- COMPLICATIONS [Dental Caries-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Fluorides Topical-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Human [Mouth Diseases-- DRUG 'I‘HERAPY--ET'IOLOGY-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL [Neoplasms-- BLOOD-DRUG THERAPY-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Oral Hygiene [Patient Education [Referral and Consultation /Septicemia-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY--THERAPY 3O Stomatitis--‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- Management of Oral Complications PREVENTION & CONTROL Bersanl G ; Carl W. Oral care for cancer patients. Abadl BJ ; Falaee DA. Prosthodontic support of Am J Nurs 1983 Apr;83 ( 4): 533_ 6 radiation therapy. Spec Care Dentist 1982 Mar-Apr; 2(2):74-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Carcinoma Squamous Cell--"RADIOTHERAPY/Case Report Equipment Design /Female [Human [Mouth Floor-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Mouth Neoplasms-- 'RADIOTHERAPY /Prosthodontics-- 'INSTRUMENTATION Allbrlght A. Oral care for the cancer chemotherapy patient. Nurs Times 1984 May 23-29;80(21):40-2 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS lHuman [Mouth Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-”NURSING / Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY ['Oral Hygiene Amblnder RF ; Wingard JR ; Burns WH ; Hayward SD; Saral R ; Perry HR ; Santos GW; Hayward GS. Detection of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in mouthwashes by hybridization. J Clin Microbiol 1985 Mar;21(3):353-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marrow-- TRANSPLANTATION [DNA, Viral-- ‘ANALYSIS [Epstein-Barr Virus--‘GENETICS / Human [Lymphocyte Transformation [Mouth-- ‘MICROBIOLOGY [‘Nucleic Acid Hybridization / Support, Non-US. Gov’t [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S Barrett AP. Topical folinic acid therapy in methotrexate-induced oral ulceration. J Periodontol 1986 May;57(5):318-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Administration, Topical / Carcinoma, Squamous Cell--DRUG THERAPY/ Case Report [Citrovorum Factor-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- “THERAPEUTIC USE [Human [Male / Methotrexate--"ADVERSE EFFECTS [ Middle Age [Mouth Diseases--‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-DRUG THERAPY / Mouth Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY [U lcer-- ‘CI-IEMICALLY INDUCED-DRUG THERAPY Beck S. Oral care protocals after chemotherapy? Ky Nurses Assoc Newsl 1980 Jun-Jul;28(4):20-1 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Human / ‘Oral Hygiene / SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Antineoplastic Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS [Child [‘Dental Care [Human [Mouth Diseases--E'I‘IOLOGY-- ’THERAPY [Neoplasms-- ‘COMPLICATIONS-- THERAPY [Oral Hygiene [Radiotherapy-- ‘ ADVERSE EFFECTS Britt MR. A role for dentistry in managing the ow- nasopharyngeal irradiated cancer patient. Henry Ford Hosp Med J 1981;29(3):131-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care [Dental Caries-ETIOLOGY / ‘Dentists [Human [Mouth Neoplasms--’RADIO’IHERAPY [N asopharyngeal Neoplasms--‘RADIO'IHERAPY [Radiotherapy-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Role [Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY Cade JE. Dental care for patients taking antineoplastic agents. LDA J 1983 Spring;41(1):9-12 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS-~‘THERAPEUTIC USE / Dental Care for Handicapped--‘ME'IHODS/ Human [Mouth Diseases--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-THERAPY [Patient Care Planning Carl W. Dental management and prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with head and neck cancer. Head Neck Surg 1980 Sep-Oct;3(1):27-42 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Antineoplastic Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS [‘Dcntal Care / ‘Dental Prosthesis [Denture, Partial [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘REHABILTI‘ATION-- RADIOTHERAPYnSURGERY [Human [Male / Mandible--SURGERY [MaxillauSURGERY / Mouth-DRUG EFFECTS-RADIATION EFFECTS [Oral Hygiene [Palatal Obturators/ Prosthesis Design / Tooth Extraction Carl W. Dentistry for the cancer patient. TIC 1984 Apr;43(4):1-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: "Dental Care for Handicapped [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Mouth-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Mouth Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED--ETIOLOGY/ ‘NeoplasmSnDRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY [Radiation Injuries-- ETIOLOGY [Tooth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY / Tooth Extraction Caudlll RF. Periodontal care for cancer patients. LDA J 1984 Spring;42(1):l3-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone and Bones-- TRANSPLANTATION [Dental Care for Handicapped / Human [Neoplasms-- ‘COMPLICATIONSnDRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY-- SURGERY [Periodontal Diseases--ETIOIDGY--‘THERAPY Daetfler R. Oral hygiene measures for patients with cancer. 1. Cancer Nurs 1980 Oct;3(5):347-56 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human [Neoplasms-- COMPLICATIONS»‘NURSING [‘Oral Hygiene / Review [Stomatitis-- ETTOLOGYn‘NURSING Deblase CB ; Komives BK. An oral care protocol for leukemic patients with chemotherapy-induced oral complications. Spec Care Dentist 1983 Sep-Oct; 3(5):207-13 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bacterial Infections-- THERAPY [’Dental Care for Handicapped / Hemorrhage, Crab-THERAPY [Human / Ieukenria--‘DRUG THERAPY [Mouth Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED--‘T’HERAPY/ Stomatitis--THERAPY [Ulcer-- THERAPY / Xerostomia--TI-IERAPY DePaola LG. The use of an interim protective prosthesis during cancer chemotherapy. J Prosthet Dent 1983 Apr;49(4):527-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Equipment Design / Human [Mouth-DRUG EFFECTS [Mouth Diseases-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL/ 'Mouth Protectors [Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t DePaola LG; Peterson DE; Overholser CD Jr; Suzuld JB ; Minah GE ; Williams LT; Stansbury DM ; Niehaus CS. Dental care for patients receiving chemotherapy. J Am Dent Assoc 1986 Feb:112(2):198-203 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [Case Report [‘Dental Care for Handicapped / Dental Pulp Diseases--THERAPY [Female /Gentamicins-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Human [Leukemia-DRUG THERAPY [Leukocyte Count [Male / Mouth 31 Diseases--CI-TEMICALLY INDUCED [Neoplasms- BLOOD--'DRUG THERAPY [Periapical Diseases--TI-IERAPY [Root Canal Therapy / Stomatitis-- THERAPY [Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S. [T icarcillin--TI-IERAPEUTIC USE [Tooth Extraction Dudjak LA. Mouth care for mucositis due to radiation therapy. Cancer Nurs 1987 Jun;10(3):131-40 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged/Aged, 80 and over/ Bicarbonates--THERAPEUTIC USE / Comparative Study /Femaie [Human [Hydrogen Peroxide-- ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Male [Middle Age / Mouth Mucosa--RADIATION EFFECTS [Radiation Injuries-~‘NURSING-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Radiotherapy-- 'ADVERSE EFFECTS /Sodium-- THERAPEUTIC USE / Stomatitis--ETIOLOGY--‘NURSING /Support, Non-US. Gov’t Ellers J ; Berger AM ; Petersen MC. Development, testing, and application of the oral assessment guide. Oncol Nurs Forum 1988 May-Jun;15(3):325-30 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Marrow-- TRANSPLANTATION [Human [Mouth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY-- ‘NURSI'NG [Neoplasms-- ‘NURSING--PHYSIOPATHOLOGY-- THERAPY [‘Nursing Assessment Epstein JB ; Schubert MM. Synergistic effect of sialagogues in management of xerostomia after radiation therapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Aug;64(2):179-82 SUBJECT HEADIN GS: Adult [Aged [Anethole Trithione--’ADMINTSTRATION & DOSAGE / Anisoles--‘ADMINISTRATTON & DOSAGE/ Clinical Trials [Drug Synergism [Drug Therapy, Combination [Female [Human [Male / Middle Age / Pilocarpine--‘ADMINTSTRATION & DOSAGE / Radiotherapy-- 'ADVERSE EFFECTS [Saliva-- DRUG EFFECTS-SECRETION [Secretory Rate / Xerostomia--"DRUG THERAPY--ETTOLOGY Ertel SK; Seto BG. Dental management of acute leukemia. J Hawaii Dent Assoc 1983 Aug;14(2):19- 23, 25 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS-CLASSIFICATION] Dental Care for Handicapped--‘METHODS/ Hemorrhage--CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Human [Leukemia-CLASSIFICATION--“DRUG TI-IERAPY--PHYSIOPA'IHOLOGY / Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Esposito SJ; Mathels MJ. Sequelae and dental management of the head and neck radiation patient. Ohio Dent J 1987 Fall;61(10):l7-9, 21-4 SUBJECT HEADIN GS: ‘Dental Care for Handicapped [Dental Prosthesis [Dental Restoration, Permanent [Head and Neck Neoplasms--"RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Mouth- RADIATION EFFECTS [Patient Education [ Tooth Extraction Fattore L; Baer R ; Olsen R. The role of the general dentist in the treatment and management of oral complications of chemotherapy. Gen Dent 1987 Sep-Oct;35(5):374-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Dental Care for Handicapped [Human [Mouth Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED--"I'HERAPY/Review Review, Tutorial Fattore L ; Larson RA; Mostol'l RS. Dental management of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. IMJ 1986 Apr;169(4):223-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Dental Pulp Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-THERAPY [Human [ Periodontal Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-THERAPY [Stomatitis-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED-MICROBIOLOGY Tooth Extraction Ferretti GA; Hansen IA; Whittenburg K; Brown AT ; Lillich 'l'l‘ ; Ash RC. Therapeutic use of chlorhexidine in bone marrow transplant patients: case studies. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Jun;63(6):683-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Bone Marrow-- ‘TRANSPLANTATION /Candidiasis, Oral-- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Case Report [Child / Chlorhexidine--"I'I-IERAPEU'I'IC USE/ Female / Human/Immunosuppression/Male [Mouth Mucosa/ Mouthwashes--TI-IERAPEUTIC USE [Stomatitis-- ‘DRUG THERAPY [Support, Non-US. Gov’t Fischman SL. The patient with cancer. Dent Clin North Am 1983 Apr;27(2):235-46 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for Handicapped--‘METHODS [Dental Caries-- 32 PREVENTION & CONTROL [Human [Leukemia- COMPLICATIONS [Mouth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY--PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-- RADIO'I'HERAPY—-‘T‘HERAPY Gelbman J C. Considerations for treating a patient with a compromised salivary flow rate. Clin Prevent Dent 1986 Mar-Apr;8(2):15-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: ’Dental Care for Handicapped [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Salivation [Secretory Rate [‘Xerostomiau ETIOLOGY-- PHYSIOPATHOLOGY Goldman LI; Seitz SJ ; Peterson DE. Dental considerations for the patient with acute leukemia. Gen Dent 1983 Sep-Oct;31(5):398-400, 402, 404 SUBJECT HEADINGS: ‘Dental Care for Handicapped [Dental Service, Hospital [Human / Leukemia--COMPLICATIONS--DRUG 'I'I-IERAPY--'PHYSIOPATHOLOGY [Mouth Diseases--ETIOLOGY--THERAPY Greene SL. Treating the head and neck cancer patient. Dent Hyg (Chic) 1980 Jan;54(1):23-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: ‘Dental Care [Gingivitis-- ETIOLOGY [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Oral Hygiene / Radiation Injuries-- ETIOLOGY [Stomatitis-- ETIOLOGY Greenspan D; Daniels TE. Effectiveness of pilocarpine in postradiation xerostomia. Cancer 1987 Mar 15;59(6):1123-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Carcinoma-- RADIOTHERAPY [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- RADIO'THERAPY/Parotid Gland--SECRETION/ Pilocarpine--"IHERAPEUTIC USE / Radiotherapy--'ADVERSE EFFECTS [Salivation-- DRUG EFFECTS / Support, US. Gov’t, P.H.S./ Xerostomia—-‘DRUG THERAPY--ETIOLOGY Guidelines for nursing care of patients with altered protective mechanisms. By the Oncology Nursing Society, Clinical Practice Committee. Oncol Nurs Forum 1982 Winter;9(1):69-73 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS/Human [Medical Oncology/ Neoplasms--‘NURSING /Societies, Nursing / StomatitiSuCI-IEMICALLY INDUCED- ‘NURSING Hamparlan AM ; Jacobson JP ; Plezla RA. Oral considerations in the management of cancer patients. J Mich Dent Assoc 1984 Oct;66(10):367-72 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for Handicapped [Dental Prosthesis [Human [Mouth Diseasesn‘ET'IOLOGYnTHERAPY [Mouth Mucosa--DRUG EFFECTS-RADIATION EFFECTS [Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOTI-IERAP «THERAPY [Tooth Ertraction Hardle J. Current cancer therapy and the dental patient. Ont Dent 1982 Feb;59(2):10-2, 14-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for Handicapped--‘METHODS [Human [Mouth-- DRUG EFFECIS-- RADIATION EFFECTS / Neoplasms-~DRUG THERAPY-- RADIOT'HERAPY--‘TI-IERAPY Hardy P. The dentist’s role in treating cancer patients on chemotherapy. New Dent 1980 Feb;10(6):39-40 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents- ADVERSE EFFECTS--‘THERAPEUTTC USE [ ‘Dental Care [Mouth Mucosa--DRUG EFFECTS / Neoplasms--'DRUG THERAPY Hart CN ; Rasmussen D. Patient care evaluation: a comparison of current practice and nursing literature for oral care of persons receiving chemotherapy. Oncol Nurs Forum 1982 Spring;9(2): 22-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ’ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human [Nursing Staff, Hospital--EDUCATION / ‘Oral Hygiene-- STANDARDS [Questionnaires / Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-”NURSING Hathaway G; Stem C; Kletzel M. Clinical problem: mucositis. J Assoc Pediatr Oncol Nurses 1986;3(3): 23, 34 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ADVERSE EFFECTS [Child [Drug Combinations / Human [LidocainenADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Neomycinn ADIvflNISTRATION & DOSAGE [Nysta ' «ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE / Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-”DRUG THERAPY 33 Holtzhausen T. Oral care of the cancer patient receiving radiation therapy. 'Tydskr Tandheelkd Ver S Afr 1982 Jul;37(7):468-70 SUBJECT HEADINGS: ‘Dental Care for Handicapped [Human [Mouth--RADIATTON EFFECTS / Mouth Diseases--ETTOLOGY [Mouth Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Patient Care Planning Izutsu KT; Schubert MM ; Truelove EL; Shulman HM ; Sale GE ; Morton TH ; Enslgn WY; Mersal T; Sulllvan KM ; Oberg S ; Thomas ED. The predictive value of elevated labial saliva sodium concentration: its relation to labial gland pathology in bone marrow transplant recipients. Hum Pathol 1983 Jan;14(1):29-35 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult / Bone Marrow--’T‘RANSPLANTATION [Child / Female [‘Graft vs Host Reaction--RADIATTON EFFECTS [Human [Male [Prognosis [Saliva-- ‘ANALYSIS [Salivary Glands--PATHOLOGY-- RADIATION EFFECTS /Sodium--‘ANALYSIS / Support, Non-US. Gov’t [ Support, US. Gov’t, PHS. [Whole Body Irradiation Izutsu KT ; Truelove EL; Bleyer WA; Anderson WM ; Schubert MM ; Rice JC. Whole saliva albumin as an indicator of stomatitis in cancer therapy patients. Cancer 1981 Sep 15;48(6):1450-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence [Adult/ Albumins--'ANALYSIS [Bone Marrow-- TRANSPLANTATION [Child [Child, Preschool / Cyclophosphamide-- ADVERSE EFFECTS / Female [Human [Male [MethotrexateuADVERSE EFFECTS [Neoplasms-~‘T‘HERAPY/ Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS / Saliva-- 'ANALYSIS /Stomatitis--‘DIAGNOSIS-- ET'IOLOGY--METABOLISM / Support, US. Gov't, P.H.S Jackson MJ. Treatment of complications of radiation therapy. J Mass Dent Soc 1980 Nov 25;29(4):214-21 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Human [Mouth-- ‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Mouth Diseases-- ETTOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL-- "THERAPY [Radiation Injuries--THERAPY / Radiotherapy-~‘ADVERSE EFFECTS Jones JA; Lang WP. Nutrition during treatment of head and neck cancer. Spec Care Dentist 1986 Jul- Aug;6(4):165-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Enteral Feeding [Head and Neck Neoplasms--"I'I-TERAPY [Human / Mouth Diseases-ETIOLOGY ['Nutrition / Nutrition Disorders-- ETIOLOGY Jones PR. Management of dental problems in irradiated patients. Background, rationale and treatment. Impressions (Orange) 1985 Jan;5(9):14-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for Handicapped [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- 'MDIOTHERAPY [Human [Mouth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY--“I‘HERAPY [Tooth Diseases-- E'I'IOLOGY--"I'HERAPY Ketmn FR. Chemotherapy: oral hygiene measures for resulting stomatitis. J Tenn Dent Assoc 1984 Oct; 64(4):36-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECIS [Human [‘Oral Hygiene/ Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED-- ’PREVENTION & CONTROL Kim JH ; Chu FC ; Lakshmi V; Houde R. Benzydamine HCl, a new agent for the treatment of radiation mucositis of the oropharynx. Am J Clin Oncol 1986 Apr;9(2):132-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Analgesics [Anti- Inflammatory Agents [Benzydamin -- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Clinical Trials [Female/ Human [Male [Mouth Mucosa [ Mouthwashes/ Pharyngitis--‘ETIOLOGY [Placebos /Pyrazoles-- ”THERAPEUTIC USE [Radiation Injuries-- ‘ETIOLOGY [Radiotherapy-- *ADVERSE EFFECTS [Random Allocation King GE ; Martin JW. Prosthodontic care of patients receiving chemotherapy and irradiation to the head and neck. Curr Probl Cancer 1983 Apr;7(10):43-50 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Occlusion/ ‘Dental Prosthesis [‘Dental Prosthesis Design [ Denture Liners [Head and Neck Ne0plasms-- ‘DRUG TI-IERAPY-- RADIOTHERAPY/ Human [Mouth Diseases--ETIOLOGY [Tissue Conditioning (Dental) Lane CG. Nursing management-cancer chemotherapy. J Nurs Care 1980 Oct;13(10):7-11 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Alopecia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Anorexia-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [ Antineoplastic Agents--’ADVERSE EFFECTS [Diarrhea-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Human [Nausea-- 34 CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Neoplasms--DRUG 'I'I-IERAPY--‘NURSING [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Vomiting-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED Larson DL. Management of complications of radiotherapy of the head and neck. Surg Clin North Am 1986 Feb;66(l):169-82 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Esophageal Stenosis-- ETIOLOGY [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Osteoradionecrosis-- ETIOLOGY--SURGERY[ Radiation Injuries-- ETIOLOGYnSURGERYn'THERAPY / Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Review/ Salivary Gland Diseases-ETIOLOGY Larson DL. Repair of radiation complications in the head and neck. World J Surg 1986 Apr;10(2):195- 205 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bone Diseases-- ETIOLOGY-JI'HERAPY [Child [Connective Tissue-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Female [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTl-IERAPY/ Human [Male [Mouth Diseases-ETIOLOGY» THERAPY [ Mouth Floor--RADIATION EFFECTS [Radiation Injuries--ETIOLOGY-- "THERAPY [Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS [Surgery, Plastic [ Tongue Diseases-- ETIOLOGY-THERAPY Lawson VG. Oral cavity reconstruction using pectoralis major muscle and amnion. Arch Otolaryngol 1985 Apr;111(4):230-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged [Amnion-- ‘TRANSPLANTA’TION [Case Report [Female [ Human [ Middle Age [Mouth--PATHOLOGY-- ‘SURGERY [Mouth Neoplasms-- RADIOTHERAPYuSURGERY [N ecrosis-- ETIOLOGY [Pectoralis Muscles-- ”TRANSPLANTATION [ ‘Surgical Flaps [ever SA; Dupuis LL; Chan HS. Comparative evaluation of benzydamine oral rinse in children with antineoplastic-induoed stomatitis. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1987 Apr;21(4):359-61 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adolescence/ Antineoplastic Agents--*ADVERSE EFFECTS / Benzydamine--ADMII~JISTRATION & DOSAGE-- ADVERSE EFFECI‘S--"I'HERAPEU'TIC USE [ Case Report [Child /Child, Preschool [Drug Evaluation / Female [Human [Male [Mouthwashes-- ADVERSE EFFECI'S--"THERAPEUTIC USE [ Pain-DRUG THERAPY /Pyrazoles-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY 1NDUCED--*DRUG THERAPY Levin AC ; Ferris GM. The treatment of post radiation therapy patients. Fla Dent J 1980 Nov 21; 51(2):41-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Head and Neck Neoplasms-~‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Jaw Diseases-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Mouth-- ‘RADIATION EFFECTS [Mouth Diseases-- ET'IOLOGY--*PREVENTION & CONTROL / Radiation Injuries-PREVENTION & CONTROL [owe 0. Oral concerns for the pediatric cancer patient. J Pedod 1986 Fall;11(1):35-46 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Child [Dental Care for Handicapped [Human [Mouth Diseases-- ’ETIOLOGYuPREVENTION & CONTROL/ Neoplasms-~‘THERAPY [Nutrition [ Patient Care Planning Markitziu A; Heling I. Endodontic treatment of patients who have undergone irradiation of the head and neck. A longitudinal follow-up of eleven endodontically treated teeth Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1981 Sep;52(3):294—8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Case Report/ Dental Caries--ETIOLOGY--"THERAPY [Follow- Up Studies [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- *RADIOTHERAPY [Human [ Longitudinal Studies [Middle Age [Mouth-RADIATION EFFECTS [ Root Canal Therapy--‘METHODS Master SB ; Sahukar SK; Fernandez VC. Dental management of the irradiated patient. Indian J Cancer 1986 Mar;23(1):5-13 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Caries-- ‘ET'IOLOGYnPREVENTION & CONTROL/ Dental Prosthesis [Head and Neck Neoplasms-- MDIOTHEMPY [Human [Mouth Mucosa-- RADIATION EFFECTS [Osteoradionecrosis-- ETIOLOGY [Radiotherapy-- ’ADVERSE EFFECTS /Stomatitis--"ETIOLOGY [Tooth Extraction [ Xerostomian‘ETIOLOGY McClure D ; Barker G ; Barker B ; Feil P. Oral management of the cancer patient, part 1: Oral complications of chemotherapy. Compendium 1987 Jan;8(l):41-3, 46-7, 50 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for 35 Handicapped [Dental Caries--ETIOLOGY-- THERAPY [ Head and Neck Neoplasms--"DRUG THERAPY [Human [Mouth Diseases-- *CHEMICALLY INDUCED--THERAPY[ Opportunistic Infections--THERAPY McClure D ; Barker G; Barker B ; Fell P. Oral management of the cancer patient, part H: Oral complications of radiation therapy. Compendium 1987 Feb;8(2):88, 90-2 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for Handicapped [Dental Caries-~ETIOLOGY-- THERAPY [ Head and Neck Neoplasms-- "RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Jaw Diseases-- ETIOLOGY--THERAPY [Mouth Diseases-- *ETIOLOGY [Osteoradionecrosis-- ETIOLOGY-— THERAPY [Taste Disorders--ETIOLOGY-- THERAPY [T rismus-- THERAPY McElroy TH ; Guerra ON. Oral/dental management of the head and neck radiation therapy patient. Mo Med 1984 Jan;81(1):15-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Head and Neck Neoplasms-~‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Mouth Diseases-- *ETIOLOGY [Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS McGaw WT; Main JH. Dental care for cancer patients. Can Dent Assoc J 1983 Jun;49(6):417-23 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for Handicapped--"METHODS [Dental Caries-- ETIOLOGY [ Head and Neck Neoplasms-DRUG THERAPY--‘RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Jaw Diseases-ETIOLOGY [Mouth Diseases-- *ETIOLOGY /Osteoradionecrosis-- ETIOLOGY [ Tooth Diseases-”ETIOLOGY Meyerson MD ; Johnson BH ; Weitzman RS. Rehabilitation of a patient with complete mandibulectomy and partial glossectomy. Am J Otolaryngol 1980 May;1(3):256-61 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Carcinoma, Squamous Cell--*REHABILITATION--THERAPY [Case Report / Human [Male [Mandible--RADIATION EFFECTS--"SURGERY [Mandibular Prosthesis-- REHABILITATION [Mouth Neoplasms-- *REHABILTTATION-- THERAPY [Quality of Life [Radiation Injuries--REHABILITATION/ Speech Disorders--"T'HERAPY [Speech Therapy / Tongue--*SURGERY / Tongue Neoplasms-- SURGERY [Voice Training Miller EC ; Vergo TJ Jr; Feldman MI. Dental management of patients undergoing radiation therapy for cancer of the head and neck Compend Contin Educ Dent 1981 Nov-Dec;2(6):350-6 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIO'THERAPY [Human [Mouth Diseases-- ‘PREVENTION & CONTROL Mouth MucosanPATI-IOLOGY / Osteoradionecrosis-- "THERAPY [Radiation Injuries--‘PREVEN'TION & CONTROL--"I'HERAPY [Stomatitis-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Tooth Diseases-- *PREVENTION & CONTROL /Xerostomia-- PREVENTION & CONTROL Nelson L; Pliskin ME. Dental considerations in children with leukemia Compend Contin Educ Dent 1984 Jul-Aug;5(7):538-43 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Child [Dental Care for Handicapped [Hemorrhage Oral--ETIOLOGY[ Human [Leukemia-DIAGNOSIS" ‘PHYSIOPATHOLOGYnTHERAPY [Mouth Diseases--ETIOLOGY--"TI-IEMPY [Ulcer-- ETIOLOGY Ownby HE. Use of a saliva substitute in postradiation xerostomic patients. Ky Dent J 1982 Nov-Dec;34(6): 19-20, 22-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult [Aged [ CarboxymethylcelIulose--‘THERAPEUTIC USE [ Consumer Satisfaction [Drug Combinations-- THERAPEUTIC USE [Fluorides-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Head and Neck Neoplasms--RADIOTHERAPY [Human / Male / Methylcellulose-~‘ANALOGS & DERIVATIVES / Middle Age [ Minerals--"I'HERAPEUTIC USE [ Radiation Injuries--"DRUG THERAPY-- ETIOLOGY [Sodium Fluoride--"I'HERAPEUTIC USE [Xerostomia--‘DRUG THERAPY-- ETIOLOGY Peterson DE. Dental care of the cancer patient. Compend Contin Educ Dent 1983 Mar-Apr;4(2): 115-20 SUBJECT HEADINGS: ‘Dental Care for Handicapped [Dental Prosthesis Design / Hemorrhage, Oral--ETIOLOGY [Human [Jaw Diseases--ETIOLOGY [Mouth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY--TI-IERAPY [Neoplasms--DRUG THERAPYnMDIOTHERAPYu ‘THERAPY [ Osteoradionecrosis--ETIOLOGY [Stomatitis-- 36 CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY Reynolds WR. Dental management of the patient receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. SCADA J 1982;2z79-85 SUBJECT HEADINGS: ‘Dental Care for Handicapped [Dental Caries-ETIOLOGY [Head and Neck Neoplasms--‘RADIOTHERAPY[ Human [Jaw Diseases--ETIOLOGY[ Osteoradionecrosis--ETIOLOGY [Radiotherapy Dosage [Stomatitis-- ETIOLOGY [Xerostomia—- ETIOLOGY Richardson A. A process standard for oral care. Nurs Times 1987 Aug 12-18;83(32):38-40 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ’ADVERSE EFFECTS [Human [Mouth Mucosa-- DRUG EFFECI‘S--‘PA'I'I-IOLOGY [Oral Health-- STANDARDS [‘Oral Hygiene [ Quality Assurance, Health Care Ritchie J ; Guerra LR ; Broxson A. Dental care for the irradiated cancer patient. LDA J 1983 Spring;41(1): 14-5 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Care for Handicapped-~‘ME'IHODS [Dental Caries-- ETIOLOGY / Human [Mouth Diseases-- ETIOIDGY--'IHERAPY [Neoplasms-- ‘RADIOTHERAPY [Patient Care Planning Ritchie JR ; Brown JR ; Guerra LR ; Mason G. Dental care for the irradiated cancer patient. Quintessence Int 1985 Dec;16(12):837-42 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Candidiasis, Oral-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Dental Care for Handicapped--‘METHODS [Dental Caries-- PREVENTION & CONTROL [Head and Neck Neoplasms--'RADIOTHERAPY [Human [Jaw Diseases-- PREVENTION & CONTROL/ Osteoradionecrosis--PREVENTION & CONTROL Stomatitis--PREVEN'TION & CONTROL [T aste-- RADIATION EFFECTS [ Xerostomia— PREVENTION & CONTROL Rothwell BR. Prevention and treatment of the orofacial complications of radiotherapy. J Am Dent Assoc 1987 Mar;114(3):316-22 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Deglutition Disorders-- ETIOLOGY [‘Dental Care for Handicapped / Dental Caries--ETIOLOGY--THERAPY [Human [ Jaw Diseases-ETIOLOGY / Mouth Diseases-- ETIOLOGY--‘PREVEN'TION & CONTROL-- THERAPY /Mouth Mucosa--RADIATION EFFECTS /Osteoradionecrosis--E'I'IOLOGY/ Radiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Stomatitis- ETIOLOGY [Taste Disorders--ETIOLOGY [Tooth Extraction /Trismus--ETIOLOGY / Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY Samaranayake LP ; Robertson AG ; MacFarlane TW; Hunter IP ; MacFarlane G ; Soutar DS ; Ferguson MM. The effect of chlorhexidine and benzydamine mouthwashes on mucositis induced by therapeutic irradiation. Clin Radiol 1988 May;39(3):291-4 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Aged Benzydamine-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE /Candida--ISOLATION & PURIFICATION /Carcinoma, Squamous Cell-- RADIO'THERAPY / Chlorhexidine-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE lFemale lHuman/ Klebsiella Pneumoniae--ISOLA’TION & PURIFICATION /Male Middle Age /Mouth Mucosa /Mouth Neoplasms--RADIO'THERAPY/ Mouthwashes--"THERAPEUTIC USE /Pyrazoles-- ‘THERAPEUTIC USE [Radiotherapy-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Stomatitis--ETIOLOGY-- MICROBIOLOGY--‘TI-IERAPY Savage NW. Oral ulceration. Assessment of treatment of commonly encountered oral ulcerative disease. Aust Fam Physician 1988 Apr; 17(4):247-50, 292-3 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Human /Mouth Diseases- PATHOLOGY--"I'HERAPY /Mouth Mucosa-- INJURIES [Mouth Neoplasms--TI-IERAPY/ Precancerous Conditions--THERAPY / Stomatitis, Aphthous--THERAPY /Ulcer--PATHOLOGY-- THERAPY Schaal’ JE. Dealing with oral complications in irradiated cancer patients. Alumni Bull Sch Dent Indiana Univ 1982 Spring;:14-7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Dental Caries-- ETIOLOGY /Human /J aw Diseases-~ETIOLOGY/ Mout -- ‘RADIATION EFFECIS /Mouth Diseases--‘ETIOLOGY/ Osteoradionecrosis-- ETIOLOGY lRadiotherapy--‘ADVERSE EFFECTS / Stomatitis--ETIOLOGY lXerostomiau ETIOLOGY Schramm VL Jr ; Myers EN. Sldn grafts in oral cavity reconstruction. Arch Otolaryngol 1980 Sep;106(9): 528-32 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Aged /Carcinoma, 37 Squamous Cell--RADIOTHERAPY--‘SURGERY Female/Fistula--ETIOLOGY /Hemostasis /Human / Male Mandible» SURGERY [Methods /Middle Age /Mouth--PHYSIOPATHOLOGY-- ‘SURGERY/ Mouth Neoplasms-- RADIO'I'I-IERAPY--"SURGERY Postoperative Complications /Skin--"TRANSPLANTA’TION / Tongue--SURGERY / Transplantation, Autologous Schubert MM ; Newton RE. The use of benzydamine HCl for the management of cancer therapy-induced mucositis: preliminary report of a multicentre study. Int J Tissue React 1987;9(2):99-103 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Administration, Topical / Adolescence /Adult /Aged / Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS Benzydamine-- ‘ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Double-Blind Method [Female lI-Iuman / Male [Middle Age / Mouth Mucosa--DRUG EFFECTS [Pain Measurement /Pyrazoles--‘ADMINISTRATION & DOSAGE [Random Allocation / Stomatitis-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-”DRUG THERAPY Support, Non-US. Gov’t Sonls ST ; Clalrmont F ; Lockhart PB ; Connolly SF. Benzydamine HCL in the management of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. 1. Pilot study. J Oral Med 1985 Apr-Jun;40(2):67-71 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Antineoplastic Agents-- ‘ADVERSE EFFECTS /Bcnzydamine-- ”THERAPEUTIC USE /Female /Human [Male / Middle Age [Mouth Mucosa-- ‘PATHOLOGY/ Pilot Projects lerazoles--‘THERAPEUTIC USE / Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED--‘DRUG THERAPY /Support, Non-US. Gov’t Stmhl RA. Nursing management of the patient with cancer experiencing taste changes. Cancer Nurs 1983 Oct;6(5):353-9 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Adult /Antineoplastic Agents--ADVERSE EFFECTS /Child IFamily/ Female /Human /Male Neoplasms-- ‘COMPLICATIONS /Patient Education /Taste Buds--RADIATION EFFECTS [Taste Disorders-- ETIOLOGY--‘NURSING Taybos GM ; Terezhalmy GT. Treatment of severe stomatitis in the oral cancer patient. Hawaii Dent J 1985 Oct;16(10):9, 16 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Human /Mouth Neoplasms--‘REHABILTTATION [Neoplasms-- 38 ‘DRUG THERAPY /Stomatitis--‘DRUG Neoplasms--‘RADIOT'HERAPY [Pilot Projects / THERAPY--ETTOLOGY ‘Saliva ISupport, Non-US. Gov’t lXerostomia-- ETTOLOGY-- ‘THERAPY Tannlc JA; Saunders VW Jr. Radiation therapy and management of the irradiated patient. J Prosthet Dent 1984 Dec;52(6):852-8 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Brachytherapy—- METHODS /Dental Caries--ETTOLOGY-- PREVENTION & CONTROL /Dcntal Prosthesis / Dermatitis--ETTOLOGY lHuman /J aw Diseases-- ETTOLOGY--PREVENTTON & CONTROL/ Mouth Diseases--E’ITOLOGY« PREVENTION & CONTROL-"THERAPY /Osteoradionecrosis-- ETTOLOGY-- PREVENTTON & CONT'ROL/ Radiotherapy--ADVERSE EFFECTS-- ‘METT-IODS / Radiotherapy Dosage /Review/ Stomatitis--ETTOLOGY--PREVENTION & CONTROL II‘aste--RADIATTON EFFECTS / Tooth Extraction /Xerostomia-- ETIOLOGY Toth BB ; Frame RT. Dental oncology: the management of disease and treatment-related oral/dental complications associated with chemotherapy. Curr Probl Cancer 1983 Apr;7(10): 7-35 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Bacterial Infections-- ETTOIJOGY /Candidiasis, Oral--ETTOLOGY/ Hemorrhage, Oral--CHEMICALLY INDUCED / Human Medical History Taking [Mouth Diseases-- ‘CHEMICALLY INDUCED [Mouth Mucosa-- DRUG EFFECTS [Mouth Neoplasms--‘DRUG THERAPY lPain--ETIOLOGY /Root Canal Therapy /Stomatitis--CHEMICALLY INDUCED Toth BS ; Flemlng TJ. Oral/dental considerations for pediatric patients receiving anticancer treatment. J Mo Dent Assoc 1983 May-Jun;63(3):33-4, 36-7 SUBIECI‘ READINGS: Child Dental Care for Handicapped /Human /Mouth Diseases-- CHEMICALLY INDUCED-~ETTOLOGY-- ‘PREVENTTON & CONTROL lMouth Neoplasms-”DRUG THERAPY- RADIOTHERAPY Vergo TJ Jr; Kadlsh SP. Dentures as artificial saliva reservoirs in the irradiated edentulous cancer patient with xerostomia: a pilot study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1981 Mar;51(3):229-33 SUBJECT” HEADINGS: Aged [Dental Prosthesis Design I‘Denture, Complete [Female / Human / Male Middle Age lMouth, Edentulous-- REHABILITATION] Oropharynx [Pharyngeal tr U. 5. Government Printing cam : 1989 - zsz~9e4/00150 ( GRATEFUL MED®ORDER FORM ORDERING OPTIONS Mall entire term to National Technical Information Service, US. Departmem of Commerce, Springfield, VA 2161. Emma orders call (703) 487-4650. IELEX orders use 89-9405. . ® Please send me copies of GRATEFUL MED (P386-158482) at $29.95 per copy, plus $3 per order for shipping. Check or money order payable to NTlS. TOTAL 3 PURCHASER: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Name C] Check enclosed for S E] Charge my NTlS Deposit Account No. Organization [3 Purchase order attached Occupation Charge to my [3 American Express D VISA D MasterCard Address Account number City. 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