) SAN FRANCISCO 2 Fiatrist Agricultural Society's ANNUAL EXHIBITION. nual Fair & ston OF THE 4 San Francisco Bay-District Agricultfiral Sotiety, WILL BE OPENED IN, THE CITY OF OAKLAND, ON Tuesday, October 7th, 186%, AND CONTINUE, FOUR DAYS. SAN FRANCISCO ! AGNEW & DEFFEBACH PRINT, CORNER OF SANSOME AND MERCHANT STREETS. 1862. LA. : g 4 Ny : 189, SAN. FRANCISCO : Bay-District Qgrisutineal Society's ANNUAL EXHIBITION. a THE THIRD OF THE ; Sam Prancisco Bay-District Agricultural Society, WILL BE OPENED {N THE CITY OF OAKLAND, ON Tuesday, October 7th, 1862, AND CONTINUE FOUR DAYS. SAN FRANCISCO : AGNEW & DEFFEBACH PRINT, CORNER OF SANSOME AND MERCHANT STREETS. 1862. OFFICERS OF THE go FRANCIS KR. spar TU ay THOMPSON, = N LEWELLING HARRY LINDEN D. L. PERKINS os COHEN - A. MAYHEW, EDWARD HosgIng ~~ "" CIE TY: COUNTY x. S Santa Clara IDENTS: Cont pil" tevinns oul, ontra Costa, , ~~ ~'ttreee WM. REYNOLDS, Alameda ; ‘eo Jd ANY Ci te oven - D. PATTER San Francis i 0 ai 4 ....JOHN 3 nc CUMMINGS, onterey 1 “elie - A. MINUS "ke ga GEO. W. CRAN E jing premiums will be awarded to suc gompetitors, subject to the rules and regu- lations hereinafter named. When desired, Medals or Diplomas will be awarded instead of the cash premiums. wg : a . % Class I—Horses. In making the awards in this Class, the general good. qualities, such as style, action, constitution, powers of endurance, as well as the speed of the animals, are to be taken into consideration. "No. 1—THOROUGH BRED. Best Stallion. four years old or over..... .$25 00 Best Stallion, three years old and under 4..15 00 Best Stallion, 2 years old and under 3 Framed Dip. Best Stallion, 1 year old and under 2... . Diploma Best Mare, 4 years old and over......... .15 00 Best Mare, 3 years old and under 4 .10 00 Best Mare, 2 years old, under 3. . Framed Diploma Best Mare, 1 year old, under 2........ . Diploma Authenticated pedigrees will be required of all animals entered as thorough bred. cpa mC ————— ce, 50 4 No. 2—ROADSTERS, Best Stallion, 4 Years old and over Best Stallion, 8 years old, under 4 Best Stallion, 2 Years old, under 3. F Best Stallion, 1 Year old, under 2 Best Mare, 4 years old and over Best Mare, 3 years old, under 4 Best Mare, 2 years old, under 8. Framed Best Mare, 1 year old, under 2 Te Best Stallion, 4 years old and over Best Stallion, 8 years old, under 4 ..10 00 Best Stallion, 2 years old, under 8. Framed Diplo. Best. Stallion, 1 year old, under 2 Diplo. Best Mare, 4 years old and over Best Mare, 3 years old, under 4 10-00 Best Mare, 2 years old, under 8. Framed Diplo. Best Mare, 1 year old, under 2 No. 4—MATCHED STALLIONS. Best Span Roadsters... ..$10 and Framed Diplo. Best Span Draft Horses. -$10 and Framed Diplo, No. 5—GRADE STOCK. Best matched Geldings, 4 years old and over in harness Best matched Mare Best matched Geldings under 4. . Framed Diploma Best matched Mares under 4.... Framed Diploma Best single Geldmg. . ....... Sra navivi Diploma Best Single Mare,,,,. I 0000 0000" Dip'oma Beat Saddle Horse Diploma 5 No. 6—JACKS AND MULES. Best Jenny Best Jack..... Sesh Tavs .- : RA eB Best Span Mules.....ccove Dipioris ‘Best Single Mule SWEEPSTAKES. Class II—Cattle. No. —DURHAM STOCK. Authenticated pedigrees will be required of all animals entered as thoroughbred. Best Bull and two Cows or Heifers old and over ) bs Bul 3 old and under 4..Framed Diplo. 11 2 vears old and under 3 or pon I year old and under 2 Best Cow 4 years old and over A Best Cow 3 years old and under 4. ... ned Hp. Bost Cow 2 years old and under 3. -.... Divioms Bost, Heifer, 1 year old and ander 2. .....Dip! No. 8—~DEVON STOCK. Best Bull and two Cows or Heifers.... | 4 years old and over 95 Bost Bal 3 oe old and under 4..Framed Dip Best Bull 2 years old and under 3 ....$20 00 6 Best Bull 1 year old and under 2... ,... Best Cow 4 years old and over Best Cow 3 years old and under 4. . . Framed Dip. Best Cow 2 years old and ander 3 Diploma Best Heifer 1 year old and under 2... ...Diploma No. 9—-AYRESHIRE STOCK. Best Bull and two Cows or Heifers. ..... «$20 00 Best Bull 4 years old and over, Best Bull 3 years old and under 4. . . Fra Best Bull 2 years old and under 3. +++. . Diplo Best Bull 1 year old and under 2. . « . « Diplo Best Cow 4 years old and over Best Cow 3 years old and under 4. “es Best Cow 2 years old and under 3 Best Heifer 1 year old and under 9 No. 10—~HEREFORD STOCK, : Best Bull and two Cows or Heifers Best Bull 4 years old and over Best Bull 8 years old and under 4, Best Bull 2 years old and under 3 Best Bull 1 year old and under 2. . . ion Best Cow 4 years old and over,,., Best Cow 8 years old and under I Best Cow 2 years old and under 3. seers Best Heifer 1 year old and under 9 No. 11~ALDERNEY STOCK. Best Bull and two Cows or Heifers Best Bull 4 years old and over... ... .... 10 00 Best Bull 8 years old and under 4... Framed Dip. Best Bull 2 years old and under 3 Diploma Best Bull and Best Cow 3 years 0 DCSY # Best Heifer 1 year old and un No. 13—MILCH COWS. Framed Dip. ..Diploma 7 : . «wn Diploma der 2.... ill 1 year old and un fons ood fa 4 years old and over Wi Best Cow 3 years old and under 4... a Best Cow 2 years ol Best Heifer 1 year o d under 3 ! iF pd under 2......Diploma No. 12—GRADE STOCK. - two Cows or Heifers belong- 2550 ing to One Persoll.... se... $1 | 4 years old and over 3 1d and under 4......... ( 2 rn oid and under 8. .Framed Dip. 1 Sot old and under 2...... Dik i pur Cows belonging to one person. ... hi ow 4 years old od pus, sonnee 1040 1d and under 4..... cess D4 1d and under 3...Framed Dip. nf pny der 2......Diploma Best Milch Cow 5 years old and over. Best Milch Cow under 5 years........ No. 14—WORK OXEN. oars old and over. Framed Dip. Best Work Oxen 4y 1d and under 4. .Diplo. Best Work Oxen 2 years 0 No. 15—FAT CATTLE. sates seh Framed Diploma Best Bullock. .eeieeaee ee Best COW.eooveoorosonese 8 No. 16—CALVES, Best pen of C al ir Ao less than five, by one «+s+veeo. Framed Diploma SWEEPSTAKES. a ~ Class III—Sheep. Best B No. 17—-LONG WOOLED, est Buck, 1 . Best three E 7ST old and under 2, No, 18—MIDDLE WOOLED Best Buck > 1 Best three Beas pr old and under 2. .. Best Buck, 1 Best three Ewes No. 20--FRENCH MERINO Best Buck, 1 y Best irc Ban old and under 2 tess . eb 0000 ss, "0 No. 21—SPAN ISH Best Buck, 1 MERINO. Bost Arco B year old and under 2..,.. WeS..vou.. 9 No. 22—GRADE BREEDS. Best Buck, 2 years old or OVeX.....c.ec=: .$5 00 Best three Ewes. coeveeececces Besbuese 5 00 No. 23—FAT SHEEP. Best three, 2 years old or over. _Framed Diploma Best three, under two years old Diploma Class IV--Swine. No. 24— LARGE BREED. Best Boar, 2 years old and over. Framed Diploma Best Boar, 1 year oid and under 2 4 Best Sow, 2 years old and over... Framed * Best Sow, 1 year old and under 2 ¢ No. 25—SMALL BREED. Best Boar, 2 years old and over. Framed Diploma Best Boar, 1 year old and under 2 i Best Sow, 2 years old and over. Framed Best Sow, 1 year old and under 2 “ No. 26—OTHER BREEDS. Best Boar, 2 years old and over. Framed Diploma Best Boar, 1 year old and under 2 “ “Best Sow, 2 years old and over..Framed ¢ 6 Best Sow, 1 year old and under 2 No. 27—PIGS. Best six Pigs, 6 months old and under 10 Framed Diploma Best six Pigs, under six months old § 10 No. 28—FAT HOGS, Best Fat Ho ¢ g, 2 years old Best Fat Hog, under 2 yor en Framed Dip. soe 0 ce .Diploma Class V—Poultry. No. 29—FOWLS. Best Collection b on ibi Dat three Red od a. Fr] i est three Black Shan hai Poa : Best three White g Sane. - Bost three Gray # est three Black Spani Best three White Sp Bost three Grav é Best three Hamburghs @ Best three Whi t Best three Dk Granted Black Polish, su 6 % &@ « €6 6 | No. 30—TURKEYS. Best pair domestic Turfeys. No. 31—DUCKS Best pair Domest; : i stic D Bout pair Muscovy Pry Bost pair Common Ducks est pair Top Knots No. 32—GEESE, Best pair B ir Bremen Geese Bess pair Chinese Geese est pair Wild Geese For the best sack Sonora Wheat 11 No. 33—MISCELLANEOUS. Best pair Guinea Fowls Best pair Swans Best pair Pigeons No. 34—SAMPLES. For: the best exhibition of Garden Seeds by «+. one Grower Diploma For the best sack Australia $1 For the best sack Chili For the best sack Egyptian ~ For the best sack Barley For the best sack Oats. For the best sack Rye For the best sack Buckwheat For the best sack Corn For the be. sack Peas...cvee Cass enus ~ For the best sack Beans....... tesesres * For the best sack Flax Seed For the best sack Onions For the best sack Potatoes For the best sack Clover Seed For the best sack Timothy Seed For the best sack Redtop Seed . For the best Sample Wheat in head ..... For the best Sample Barley rere For the best Sample Oats For the best Sample Rye For the largest collection Grain “ «.. For the largest collection Grain in sheaf... 12 Class VII—Fruit. No. 35—GENERAL COLLECTION, For the largest and best variety of Fruit, Framed Diploma and $25 00 For best collection of Fruit,.....$15 and Diploma No. 36—APPLES. For the largest variety For the best Dish No. 37—PEACHES. 7 For the best display of Peaches. Framed Diploma For the best single variety. Be ¢ ee - 5 No. 38—PLUMS. For the best display of Plums. For the best single variety No. 39—GRAPES, For the lar gest and best collection of Grapes. .$20 - For the best display of Grapes No. 40—OTHER FRUITS, For the best exhibition of any new and de- sirable Fruit No. 41—PRESERVED F RUITS. For the best ex For the best ex hibit Preserved Fruits. For the best ex .. Diploma hibit Stone F ruits #“ hibit Small Fruits, ,...... 6 13 the best exhibit Domestic Cordials. .Diplom Poe h Tet exhibit Domestic J ams : Toe he best exhibit Domestic J gle. be ‘ Por the best exhibit Domest iy ce : For the best exhibit Dried Fru No. 42— WINES. i i De o $10 largest and best Exhibit of Rw itn 8 a, Lo White Wines. ...... Fram i Best Native Port Wines Best Native Angelica Wines. Soe : . Bast Native Blackberry Wines.. ol : Best Native Rhubarb Wines... = 810 Best Raspberry Wines .c...... ni Best Native Brandy..... ies. Class 8—Garden Products. No. 43—VEGETABLES. i Veg- } For the largest collection of ® Framed Diploma ry fh t Asparagus. ....-: ‘ id he a variety of a ‘ Rr the best single very o a st variety : I Be i variety of Luttice. . For the best Cauliflower. cv oeoe vee” For the best Beets... cove For the best Carrots For the best Parsuips...o.cexe® For the best Turnips. 10s For the best Snap Te For the best Green er For the best Onions...... 6 For the best Rhubarb For the best Squash For the best variety of Potatoes For the best Sweet Potatoes For the best variety Early Potatoes.... For the best Watermelons, .....ceveee For the best Muskmelons........ . For the best Cantelopes For the best Celery For the best Cucumbers For the best Tomatoes. .ov.eeveess v Class 9—Flowers. No. 44—POT PLANTS. For the best Floral Display.......... ove For the best collection of Pot Plants For the best twelve Specimen Plants... . Diploma For the best six “ “ # For the best collection Fuschias For the best six Class 10—Agricultural Implements. No. 45. For the best collection of Agri- cultural Implements. Framed Dip. and $25 For the best Harrow For the best Roller ............ er For the best Horserake For the best Threshing Machine For the best Fan Mill For the best Corn Sheller For the best Scythe Sneath For the best Hay Press........ ean Le For the best Churn For the best Cheese Press. ...c.cceeveees For the best set of Garden Tools For the best Wheelbarrow For the best Bee Hive For the best Ox Yoke For the best one-horse Wagon For the best two-horse do For the best one-horse Carriage For the best two-horse do For the best Team Harness For the best Ladies’ Saddle coca. vee.ne For the best Windmill ; For the best Reaper...oceeeeeenees Gold Medal For the best Mower “ oo“ For the best Combined Reaper and MoWwor.....connnonrpsins vans For the best Plow For the best Gang of Plows 6 ¢ Class 11.—Domestic Manufactures. No. 46. Best 100 1bs. Flour......... mayen Best 100 lbs. Corn Meal. .. Best 100 lbs. Buckwheat Flour Best 25 1bs. Farina Best box Crackers Best box Soda Biscuit Best box Pilot Bread Best 10 Ibs. Butter. ....ccoieeeececeanee Best 25 1bs. ‘Cheese “ Best 25 1bs. Sugar manufactured fm. Cane Best 25 lbs. do de do Beet Best 5 gallons Syrup .... Best 25 lbs. ground Coffee.ccoueee.en. Best 10 lbs. ground Mustard Best 10 lbs. ground Pepper Best 10 Ibs. ground Alspice Best 25 lbs. Lard..cccese © TPR Best 25 1bs Best Olive Oil Best 25 1bs. Candles. cooveee voveeenss . Best 10 1bs. Starch Best Exhibit of Leather..... Best Exhibit of Leather, fancy finished. .. Best Exhibit of Honey.....ccoveeeeeee . Best Exhibit of Vinegar Best Exhibit of Corned Beef............ Best Exhibit of Salt Pork Best Exhibit of Hams, smoked Best Exhibit of Bacon, smoked Best Exhibit of Fish, pickled Best Exhibit of Brick.......coec00eeeeee Best Exhibit of Granite Best Exhibit of Furniture Best Exhibit of Blacksmith Work Best Exhibit of Tin Work Best Exhibit of Brooms Best Exhibit of Pottery Best Exhibit of Boots and Shoes. ........ “ ‘6 13 17 Best Exhibit of Hats and Caps. .... Best Exhibit of Salt a Best Exhibit of Catsup Best Exhibit of Raisins, 25 lbs........... Best Exhibit of Raisins, specimens Best Exhibit of California manufactured Cigars and Tobacco... ... Framed Diploma Class 12.—Home Industry. No. 47, Best Tailor Work...... Drives Best Millinery Work..... «cc.veveees . Best Sewing Machine for famil k Best Machine Work a Best Exhibit Needlework, shirt Best Exhibit Needlework, skirt Best Exhibit Needlework, quilt Best Exhibit Needlework, dress Best Exhibit Needlework, crotchet Best Embroidery in Cotton Best Embroidery in Silk Best Embroidery in Worsted Best knitting Best samples Domestic Baking, including bread, pies,cakes, etc., open to all.......Framed Dip. Best. Prod Canteens vag oaini SEs ey ‘ 2 ate Best samples Domestic Baking, including bread, pies, cakes, etc., by “Miss” under 18 years of age.... Framed Dip. and $10 18 Best Bread by “Miss” : 18 years of age, ... colds dfiniivne Diploma Class 13.—Arts. No. 48. Best Landscape, California Scenery... ...Diploma Best Portrait “ Best Oil Painting on canvass Best Painting, Sign Best Painting, water colors Best Drawing Best Engraving, wood Best Engraving, lithograph Best Engraving, copperplate Best Daguerreoty pes Best Photographs. . . Best Ambrotypes Best Printing, book work.... Best Printing, newspaper. .... Best Printing, cards, etc. . Best Penmanshi “ Best Wax Flowers Best Leather Work Best Drafting. . . . Class 14.—No. 49. For the best Equestrienne Exhibition, $15 and Framed Diploma Second best. ccvvecncreas.... $10 and Diploma 19 Any animals or articles not enumerated in the foregoing list, if deemed worthy by the Commit. tees, will be awarded special premiums. A Standard Work will be given in lieu of a Di- ploma if the party should desire it. ! Competition for the above premiums is open to all—and we cordially invite citizens of other coun- “+ ties to exhibit at our Fair. AER ——— (=== THE ANNUAL BALL of the Society will take place at the Pavilion, on Tuesday, Oct. 14. Each member of the Society will be furnished with a badge at the office of the Secretary, upon presentation of his certificate of membership, and will be expected to wear the same during the Fair, end which shall not be transferable, x IL, Price of single admission to the Fair or Cattle - Show, fifty cents. Single admission to both, one dollar. Season tickets, admitting a gentleman and lady to all the exercises at the Hall and at the Show Ground, three dollars. Clergymen, editors, and delegates from Agricultural Societies will be presented with a compdimentary card of admission, on application to the office of the Secretery. III, All exhibitors who intend to compete for the premiums of the Society must become members of the same, and have their articles, animals, &ec., en- teredeat the office of the Secretary, as follows :