f“—*1 | Souvenir Programme NevJ Year Vaudeville I : San Quentin, Cal. 1923 NEW YEAR'S DAY> Master Carpenter Local No. 16, Theatrical Stage Employees Harold Wolfe - - Master of Properties Local No. 409, Theatrical Stage Employees Ernie Hoffman - Operator Local No. 162, Moving Picture Operators Golden Gate Theatre Orchestra CLAUDE M. SWEETEN, Musical Director ADOLPH RENNER, Violin FRED KIRWAN, Piano JESS WILLIAMS, Cello CHARLEY MAURER, Bass HERBERT BELLSTEDT, Flute JULIUS BACJLINt, Clarinet JIM ICEC, Horn! FRANK WEBER, Horns FRANK WESTOVER, Trumpet HERBERT WILKINGS, Trumpet EDDIE SCHRAMM, Trombone RICHARD WILSON, Drums 1SECTION OF NEW CELL BUILDING, SAN QUENTIN  y^^sjrs^à^Lj ■¿S^wn,^ -t.» Kl wmmsM ■■I ■■à. h iüfiii tfirtiri ST^ i i^ri'jg* rKsaro23 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, SHOWING TRANSFORMERS AND SWITCH BOARDS, SAN QUENTIN \ I, , ..........I. -;■■■■■ ,. ., ; — ............~~ ^INTERIOR VIEW, JUTE MILL, SAN QUENTIN ilÉlÉÉ ..............................................................................1 ■ wmm Q=£5 APPRECIATION ALL the prisoners who were in San Quentin on New Year’s |teppjoyed the vaudeville show jlhmens^fe, and they have asked me to exprdsstheir appreciation th^f#-who so kindly contributed to Ueir plepiy%, &0$fCglarly to Mr. Harry Ettling who pi*iyi£d and produced fHffJftow and secured the acjSTfrom margptheatres and booking agencies. To Mr. Harry Ettling who worked Jjgj untiringly to seciJra.T^ «nsAy ^ne features on the program; to the Musician’s Union of San Franjjpl&^ocaT Mr. Cl«de M. Sweeten, gjbnductor, and all the fine orchestra; to the man- agers jtf the many theatres, and the booking, agencies fbr5 their ctftirtesy in sencj$i$g so many goocpi^-^W>4^Stage Mechani&fcof Local Nd?u 6, I. A. T. S E., ana tp^t^e Operators of Locar^o. 162; alijpfe all dt the performs who contributed their taltip& io* Mr. Adolph Dohring, Stage Man- ager, whe^io e0c|ertti3^directed the «Trying out of the progijijrh*' and to all thl^e who rifl&cll- part and who coutl*ft»ted their talents for our pl^jGure, we, of ^ttvi^9e|PtiQ, express our sincere appreciation and wW!p||ie4$$ i£&$te^'Mnd happiness. JAMES A. JOHNSTON, Warden, San Quentin Prison, California. i —---- W-',^Wv.jF'i H m CELL BUILDING AT SAN QUENTIN—PERFORMERS WHO PARTICIPATED IN VAUDEVILLE SHOW NEW YEAR’S DAY, 1923