AN ATLAS OF MORTALITY FROM SELECTED DISEASES by Thomas J. Mason, Ph.D. Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., M.D. Robert Hoover, M.D. William J. Blot, Ph.D. Environmental Epidemiology Branch Field Studies and Statistics Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention National Cancer Institute NIH Publication No. 81-2397 May 1981 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 METHODS The source of data for this report consists of all deaths reported from the 48 contiguous United States during 1965 through 1971. When incompatibilities between the 7th and 8th re- visions of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) existed, data are presented only for the period 1968 through 1971. The cri- teria used for the selection of diseases were as follows: 1) the disorder was known or sus- pected to be linked to cancer, as a precursor state or an alternate expression of a common risk factor; 2) the disorder was of major pub- lic health importance because of the high mor- tality rates; or 3) the disorder was associated with geographically limited exposures (e.g., pneumoconiosis). Average annual age-adjusted mortality rates (per 100,000) were calculated for each sex for the white and nonwhite populations of each of the 506 U.S. state economic areas (SEA’s). The direct method was used for these calcula- tions, with the total U.S. population for 1960 as the standard. Population estimates were derived from the 1960 and 1970 censuses (3, 4), using linear interpolation and extrapolation to obtain estimates for the 1965-71 (or 1968-71) period of observation. The SEA’s are single counties or groups of counties that are relatively homogeneous with respect to economic or social characteristics (5). The SEA units were previously used to map the geographic distribution for less com- mon cancers in the U.S. white population and for each form of cancer in the U.S. nonwhite population. Although the non-neoplastic condi- tions vary greatly in the magnitude of the rates, SEA’s were used throughout for the sake of consistency and comparability. We have in- cluded a map of the SEA boundaries to facili- tate the evaluation of elevated mortality in contiguous units. Mortality rates for individual SEA’s were compared with rates for the total United States. Confidence intervals for the age-adjusted rates were calculated using the standard error estimated by the method of Chiang (6). Statis- tically significant differences resulted when the 95 percent confidence intervals for the local and national rates did not overlap. When no mortal- ity was reported for a given cause of death in an SEA, statistical significance was assessed by calculating the probability of no mortality as- suming that the number of deaths in a given age group followed a Poisson distribution. If the calculated probability was less than 0.025, the zero rate for the SEA was classified as sig- nificantly lower than the U.S. rate. Otherwise, the zero rate was considered to be not sig- nificantly different. All maps in this atlas were produced by an automated cartography system developed for the IBM 360/370 computers at the National Institutes of Health, and described more fully in the cancer atlases. The input requirements for the system are a file of x-y coordinates for the boundaries of individual counties, and a file to indicate how the counties are to be shaded. Images for each mapping category were pro- duced on a cathode-ray tube and photographed. Color separation negatives were used in the preparation of printing plates. Summary tables are presented for each dis- ease. Each table includes the distribution, in deciles, of both age-adjusted rates and the num- ber of deaths. These distributions are distinct. For example, the table for ischemic heart dis- eases (p. 240) shows that 10 percent of the SEA’s in the United States have mortality rates (per 100,000) among white males which are less than or equal to 340.08. This does not imply that all rates less than or equal to 340.08 are based upon 655 or fewer deaths (the tenth per- centile of the number of deaths among white males by SEA). The percentile distribution of the age-adjusted rates also provides informa- tion on the relationship to urbanization. For diseases with high mortality in rural areas, the national rate is less than the median rate. For diseases with high mortality in urban areas, the national rate exceeds the median. The tables for each disease also show the age-specific rates by 5-year age groups. Graphical presen- tation of age-specific rates was limited to con- secutive age groups with non-zero rates. For most diseases considered the data are presented for all age groups, and for each sex ix and racial group (whites and nonwhites). How- ever, there are exceptions. The analyses for males and females were combined for some conditions when the number of deaths were small and the sex-specific distributions were similar (e.g., aplastic anemia). For pneumo- coniosis the analysis concerned males only, since the disease is exceedingly rare among females. For certain childhood diseases, in- cluding anencephalus and spina bifida, cardiac anomalies, and hyaline membrane disease, data are presented only for deaths under 5 years of age. For cystic fibrosis the data for whites are given for deaths under 30 years of age. For several disorders the analyses were limited to the white population due to the small numbers of deaths among nonwhites. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section describes and discusses features of the geographic distribution of the diseases mapped according to state economic areas. Intestinal Infectious Diseases Elevated rates for this class of intestinal diseases, including dysentery and diarrhea, cluster strongly among both races and sexes in the Southwest, with some excesses also among blacks in areas of the deep South. In a previous mortality survey for 1959-61, elevated rates for bacillary and amoebic dysentery were seen in the South Central states, and higher rates occurred in rural than in urban counties 7). Pulmonary Tuberculosis Pulmonary tuberculosis mortality is three times more common in men than women. The geographic patterns are similar, however, showing elevated rates throughout Appalachia, with patches of high rates also in south Texas. A western excess is seen for nonwhites reflect- ing an increased mortality among American Indians. This pattern is consistent with inci- dence data showing very high rates in counties with Indian reservations, in sections of Appa- lachia designated as poverty areas, and in counties along the Mexican border (8). Infectious Hepatitis Mortality from infectious hepatitis is rare with little clustering except among whites in parts of Texas where rates for hepatobiliary cancers are also high (1). This seems consistent with the correlation between hepatitis-B infec- tion and primary liver cancer seen in endemic zones elsewhere in the world (9). Syphilis and Other Venereal Diseases Clusters of high mortality are seen in Cali- fornia, Nevada, and other western states among whites, with no pattern evident among nonwhites. The western predominance is con- sistent with the results of serologic tests con- ducted during the National Health Examina- tion Survey, although geographic patterns of this disease are especially difficult to interpret (10). Coccidiotdomycosis Mortality from this fungal disease is ex- tremely rare, but most deaths occur, as reported (7), in endemic areas of California, particular- ly the San Joachin Valley, and in parts of the Southwest. Histoplasmosis Elevated mortality is seen in mid-South and Appalachian areas, where the infection is known to cluster (7). Sarcoidosis There is no clear pattern among whites, but high mortality is seen in the Southeast, espe- cially in coastal North Carolina, among non- whites. The risk of this disease is much greater in blacks than whites, with incidence being highest in the rural southeastern areas and low- est in the western areas (11). In one study sarcoidosis patients were reported as prone to lymphoma and lung cancer, related perhaps to the immunologic aberrations accompanying this disease (12). Myelofibrosis Mortality from this myeloproliferative dis- order shows no evidence of geographic cluster- ing, in contrast to the patterns for leukemia (1,13). Diabetes Mellitus Mortality for white males and females is high from the Midwest through the mid-Atlantic states, with clustering especially in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Patches of elevated mortality occur in southern Louisiana and south Texas. In contrast, no consistent patterns are seen for nonwhites. The geographic varia- tion in diabetes mortality is most pronounced at older ages (14). Although mortality figures xi for this disease can be strongly influenced by diagnostic and coding practices, the geographic patterns may provide clues to environmental determinants (e.g., dietary factors, infectious agents). Diabetes may be a risk factor for pan- creas cancer, particularly in women, and a geographic correlation between these diseases has been observed (15). Diabetes also is asso- ciated with endometrial cancer (16), which shows a similar geographic pattern (1). Avitaminosis and other Nutritional Deficiencies Patches of high rates occur among whites in lower income areas of the Southwest and Appalachia. The rates also tend to be high among nonwhites in parts of the West in- habited by American Indians, but the pattern is not strong. Cystic Fibrosis No clear pattern is seen for this recessively inherited disease. Pernicious Anemia Mortality is rare, with some patches of high rates in the upper Midwest. The disease pre- disposes to stomach cancer (17), which clusters conspicuously in counties of the North Central region (18). Like stomach cancer, pernicious anemia occurs excessively in persons of north- ern European origin (19), so that ethnic sus- ceptibility may influence the distribution of both diseases. Aplastic Anemia No clear pattern emerges, but scattered high rates occur in the central states. This distribu- tion resembles to some extent that seen for leukemia (1, 13), which occurs excessively in patients with aplastic anemia and shares some environmental determinants including ionizing radiation, benzene, and cytotoxic drugs (20, 21). Alcoholism Elevated mortality among white males is marked in southern Appalachia and in the xii western part of the country. Among white fe- males the clustering is primarily in the western states. Similar patterns are seen for nonwhites, indicating excess mortality among blacks in the rural Southeast and among American In- dians in the West. These patterns may be due in part to socioeconomic influences on the diagnosis and reporting of this disease. No geographic correlations are seen with cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and liver that are causally related to alcohol consumption (22). Hereditary Chorea This consists mainly of Huntington's chorea, which is dominantly inherited. Mortality is evenly distributed across the country. Multiple Sclerosis A north-south gradient is seen, with cluster- ing of high rates among white males and fe- males in predominantly rural areas of the North Central and northern Mountain states. A northern tendency exists also among non- whites, with rates at or below normal through- out the South. Around the world the disease is much more common in temperate zones than in the tropics or subtropics, and in northern lati- tudes the risk appears to increase with distance from the equator. The geographic patterns and effects of migration have provided valuable clues to an environmental and possibly infec- tious agent (23,24,25). Some similarities be- tween the patterns of multiple sclerosis and Hodgkin's disease have been noted (26). Paralysis Agitans Elevated mortality from this condition, also known as Parkinson’s disease, is seen in scat- tered areas in the North Central region, with rates at or below normal throughout the South. A previous survey of mortality by state attrib- uted the relatively small north-south gradient to variations in the accuracy and completeness of reporting (23). However, it is possible that in some areas the frequency of disease is influ- enced by earlier epidemics of encephalitis, by familial susceptibility, or by patterns of tobac- co consumption suggested by some workers to have a protective effect (27). Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis No clearly discernible pattern is evident, in accord with previous mortality surveys by state (23). Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease High rates occur in large areas of the Moun- tain states and in parts of Michigan and the mid-Atlantic states among whites of both sexes. Rates among nonwhites are generally low in the South and high in scattered areas of the North and West. This distribution appears to reflect the incidence patterns reported for streptococcal infections and rheumatic fever (7, 28). Hypertensive Disease Elevated rates among white males and fe- males are seen in most states east of the Mis- sissippi River, particularly in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and along the southeastern coastal plains. Among non- whites there is a belt of very high rates affect- ing the black population in the Southeast. These geographic patterns have been recog- nized for many years (29), but the responsible factors remain obscure. Malignant Hypertension Deaths are infrequently classified to this form of hypertensive disease, but scattered high rates are seen among white males in the eastern half of the country. High rates among nonwhites occur in parts of the South. Ischemic Heart Disease Far more deaths are attributed to this class of heart disease than to any other cause. A striking east-west gradient is seen for white males and females, with high rates concentrated in areas east of the Mississippi River, espe- cially the mid-Atlantic states, Appalachia, and the southeastern coastal plains. Elevated mor- tality is seen also among blacks in the mid- Atlantic and southeastern states, but without extension into areas of the deep South. This distribution resembles the geographic varia- tion of hypertensive disease, which may at least partly account for the geographic differentials of ischemic heart disease (30, 31). The effects of water constituents and trace elements have been examined with inconclusive results (32, 33). Cerebrovascular Disease Mortality among white males and females is elevated throughout the Southeast (except for Florida) with high rates stretching somewhat into the Northeast and Midwest. Clustering of high rates is also pronounced among blacks in the Southeast, especially in Georgia and South Carolina. These geographic patterns in mortal- ity do not seem related to differences in diag- nostic and reporting practices (34), but instead appear to reflect variations in the incidence of stroke and hypertension (385). Subarachnoid Hemorrhage High rates are seen in scattered areas of the East, but without the southern predominance that characterizes the general category of cerebrovascular disease. Hemorrhage into the subarachnoid space often results from a rup- tured saccular (berry) aneurysm (28), so that the geographic patterns of subarachnoid hem- orrhage may at least partly reflect the under- lying disease. Cerebral Hemorrhage This category accounts for most stroke deaths. High death rates among white males are clustered in the eastern states, especially in the Southeast, while rates among white fe- males are as high in the Midwest as in the South. Mortality among blacks of both sexes is particularly high in the Southeast. Cerebral Thrombosis An eastern excess is seen, with clustering of high rates particularly in the Southeast for both races and sexes. xiii Cerebral Embolism This category accounts for only a small frac- tion of cerebrovascular disease, with emboliza- tion often arising from cardiac or major-artery thromboses associated with rheumatic or ar- teriosclerotic heart disease (28). Scattered high rates are seen in the South Central states, in contrast with the southeastern predominance of other cerebrovascular diseases. Acute But Ill-Defined Cerebrovascular Disease High rates for this miscellaneous category of cerebrovascular diseases are concentrated in the South from the Atlantic coast through Texas. Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction Pockets of high rates are seen among white males and females in parts of Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Mexico and Colorado. No clear pattern occurs for nonwhites. It has been sug- gested that common venous disorders (which predispose to pulmonary embolism), ischemic heart disease, and large bowel cancer are among the modern diseases of western coun- tries that may be related to a fiber-deficient diet (36). The northern predominance of large bowel cancer (37) differs from the geographic patterns seen for the vascular diseases. Phlebitis Elevated mortality is seen in Appalachian areas among whites, but no clustering is evi- dent among nonwhites. Influenza Among whites excess mortality is seen in parts of the Pacific Northwest, Central Plains states, and Appalachia. Mortality is also ele- vated among blacks in the Southeast. Similar patterns were observed in a previous mortality survey by state (7). Pneumonia High rates are clustered in Appalachia and coastal Georgia, parts of upstate New York xiv and New England, and areas of the Southwest among white males and females. Among non- whites mortality is high among blacks in Georgia and American Indians in western states. The findings are generally in line with an earlier analysis by state (7). Chronic Bronchitis Death rates among white males and females are high in the Southwest, particularly Ari- zona (7), and in scattered areas of Appalachia. Clustering is also seen in northeastern rural areas in males but not in females. Tobacco smoking seems responsible for the fourfold excess mortality in males. Emphysema This smoking-related disease also predomi- nates in males. There is a pronounced cluster- ing of excess rates among whites in the Moun- tain and Pacific states. As with chronic bron- chitis, this pattern is at least partly due to the in-migration of individuals with chronic res- piratory disease (38). Some aggregation in the Southeast is seen for white males but not fe- males. Nonwhites show scattered high rates in the Midwest, and generally low rates in the South. Asthma Among whites high rates occur in parts of Appalachia and the Southwest, especially Ari- zona, where the warm dry climate attracts people with chronic respiratory diseases (7). No clustering is seen for nonwhites. There have been reports that persons with allergic condi- tions are at lower-than-usual risk of developing cancer, but a recent study of asthmatic service- men indicated increased mortality from cancer, primarily of the lung and pancreas (39). Pneumoconiosis Due to Silica and Stlicates Two regions of the country show elevated rates in males for the occupational lung diseases resulting from inhalation of dust particles containing various forms of silica (7). The diseases include silicosis, anthracosili- cosis, and asbestosis. One cluster occurs in upper Appalachia extending well into Pennsyl- vania, possibly as a result of anthracite coal mining operations. The other cluster occurs in the Rocky Mountain states where hard rock, uranium, and other mining and smelting oper- ations are located. The elevated risk of lung cancer in uranium miners of the Colorado Pla- teau, and perhaps also in hard-rock miners, is related to the inhalation of radon daughter products (40). Mortality from lung cancer is increased also in nonferrous smelter workers exposed to inorganic arsenic (41). In various industries asbestos exposure increases the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other tumors. Bronchiectasis In white males and females, there are pockets of high rates in mid-Tennessee and parts of Appalachia, and especially in two adjacent SEA’s of Arizona which may be a result of migration patterns (7). Ulcer of Stomach No clear pattern is evident, except for ele- vated rates among white males along the Georgia and South Carolina coast. The reason for this cluster is obscure, but it falls within the high-risk area for cardiovascular disease. It is of interest that both diseases may co-exist excessively in the same individual (42). In addition, the risks of gastric ulcer and stomach cancer vary concomitantly around the world, probably as a result of dietary factors (43), but the patterns within the United States are dissimilar (18). Ulcer of Duodenum Among white males, elevated rates are seen in the rural northeast and in central California. However, among females, patches of excess mortality occur in Colorado, Wyoming, and western Nebraska. No clustering is evident among nonwhites. Previous mortality surveys have reported increased mortality in the north- east corner of the country, and in the Pacific and Mountain areas (44), but hypotheses to explain the geographic variation are scarce (45). Acute Appendicitis No geographic pattern is evident. Case-fatal- ity rates are low but rise with decreasing socio- economic status (44), so that mortality figures do not accurately reflect incidence patterns. Correlations with the risk of colorectal cancer have been reported on the basis of international comparisons (36). Diverticula of Intestine Patches of high death rates are seen in the Northeast, resembling to some extent the pat- tern for colorectal cancer (46,47). It has been suggested that a deficiency of dietary fiber may be responsible for both conditions (36). Regional Enteritis No clear pattern is evident. This chronic in- flammatory intestinal disorder, also known as Crohn’s disease, has been reported to predispose to carcinomas of the small and large bowel (48,49). Ulcerative Colitis No geographic pattern is evident, in contrast to the northeastern predominance of colorec- tal cancer, which occurs at an exceptional rate in patients with ulcerative colitis (50,51). How- ever, a geographic correlation between the two diseases has been reported in international comparisons (36). Cirrhosis of Liver Rates are high in urban areas of the North- east and around the Great Lakes, but the dominant pattern is the consistently elevated mortality throughout California and parts of the Southwest in both races and sexes. Non- white females show an extensive clustering throughout the West. This pattern appears even more pronounced when analysis is limited to cirrhosis associated with alcoholism (44). The excess among nonwhites in the Pacific and Mountain states is related to the high Xv rates reported for American Indians. Primary liver cancer occurs excessively in persons with cirrhosis, particularly of the posthepatitic and postnecrotic types (52). Areas of the world with high rates for liver cancer also have ele- vations of cirrhosis, as a consequence of viral hepatitis, mycotoxin contamination of food, or other factors (53). In the United States high rates for liver cancer, as well as cirrhosis, are seen in the Southwest (1). Cholelithiasis Death rates for cholelithiasis (gallstones) among whites are high in the upper Midwest (Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois), mid-South (Kentucky, Tennessee), and parts of the South- west. Among nonwhites mortality is high in the Southwest, consistent with the well-known susceptibility of American Indians to gallstones and other gallbladder diseases (54). Only slightly lower is the prevalence of gallbladder disease reported in an area of eastern Ken- tucky and rural Appalachia, primarily affecting parous women of low socioeconomic status and possibly related to an excess of dietary fat (55). The elevated mortality among whites in the Southwest is probably due to the suscepti- bility of Mexican Americans, particularly young females (56). Gallstones are the major risk factor for gallbladder cancer, and the geographic and demographic patterns for gall- stones and gallbladder cancer are remarkably similar (57). Cholecystitis and Cholangitis without Calculus These conditions nearly always occur in asso- ciation with stones, which may go unrecorded, so it is not surprising that the geographic pat- tern closely resembles that for cholelithiasis (44). Nephritis and Nephrosis Patches of high rates are seen in areas ex- tending from Arizona eastward through the mid-South and into the Northeast among white males and females. Rates are also high among blacks in scattered areas of the South, and among American Indians in eastern Oklahoma. xvi This pattern may be partly due to the form of acute glomerulonephritis that follows strepto- coccal skin infections (pyodermas) prevalent in rural poverty areas of the South (58). Infections of Kidney Mortality from kidney infections clusters in the South among whites and blacks of both sexes. Most deaths in this category are assigned to pyelonephritis (7), and socioeconomic fac- tors are likely to influence the distribution. Calculus of Kidney, Ureter and other Urinary System Parts Mortality rates are low, but cluster in south- eastern states, particularly coastal areas, among white males and females. This pattern mirrors a “stone belt” uncovered by a survey of hospital statistics (59), but the reasons for the high incidence in this area is unclear. Correlations with atmospheric temperatures, exposure to sunlight, drinking water hardness, and dietary factors have been proposed (60,61). Another endemic disease in this area is sar- coidosis, which is associated in some cases with hypercalcemia and urinary calculi (62). Hyperplasia of Prostate Elevated rates among whites are seen in the central states, particularly in the mid-South and Midwest. Rates are also high among blacks in the South. An association with prostatic cancer has been suggested (63), but evidence for geographic correlation is not strong except that both conditions have increased mortality in the North Central region (1,64). Rheumatoid Arthritis and Allied Conditions Mortality among whites tends to cluster in the Southeast, especially among males, and in the Southwest. In an earlier mortality survey (1959-61) excessive rates were reported throughout the Mountain states, including Mon- tana and Idaho (65,66), but the southwestern pattern here suggests an effect of migration. The clustering in the Southeast has not previ- ously been noted to our knowledge, and may re- flect in part an inverse association reported with socioeconomic status, particularly among men (66). Congenital Anomalies High death rates among white males are clustered in Appalachia, and more scattered through the South among white females. No clear pattern is evident among nonwhites. The distribution for whites is consistent with socio- economic influences. Anencephalus and Spina Bifida Elevated mortality is seen among whites in the Southeast. The rates among females are generally 50 percent higher than among males. In previous mortality surveys an east-west gra- dient has been reported, with the rates highest in the East (67). The southern predominance in our analysis may reflect, in part, the inverse association between parental socioeconomic class and neural tube defects (68). Congenital Anomalies of the Heart Some patches of high mortality are seen in Appalachia, but overall there is no consistent pattern in either sex or race. Although the number of deaths for specific forms of heart disease are limited, the maps for three con- ditions are presented below. Ventricular Septal Defect No clear pattern is observed. Atrial Septal Defect No geographic variation is seen. Patent Ductus Arteriosus High rates occur in scattered areas of the South, but no clear pattern emerges. Down’s Syndrome There is no geographic variation among whites for this congenital cytogenetic disorder (usually trisomy #21) which predisposes to leukemia. Among nonwhites higher death rates are seen in parts of the South. Although this condition is greatly underreported as a primary cause of death (23), the patterns are consistent with recent surveys indicating no space and time clustering. The risk of this syndrome rises sharply with increasing maternal age, which may account for a small positive association described with population density (69). Hyaline Membrane Disease High rates among whites are seen in the western Mountain states and parts of the South. Mississippi has elevated mortality for each race and sex. A geographic correlation has been reported with overall neonatal mortality statistics (70). xvii CONCLUSIONS The geographic patterns of many diseases in this atlas are consistent with previous observa- tions, most notably on the cardiovascular dis- orders. For some other diseases, the maps re- flect the clustering of known exposures, for example, the pneumoconioses and fungal dis- eases such as coccidioidomycosis and histoplas- mosis. The geographic distribution may also indicate the migration patterns of individuals with certain chronic or allergic diseases (e.g., asthma and emphysema). Socioeconomic influ- ences have a major impact on mortality pat- terns by affecting the risk of developing dis- ease, diagnostic or reporting practices, and survival rates (e.g., tuberculosis and congenital anomalies). Furthermore, in many conditions other than cancer, death certificate reporting and coding practices may preclude the detection of meaningful geographic differences. Despite the limitations of the data, the maps for several disorders have revealed intriguing patterns that may provide etiologic leads (e.g., calculi of the urinary tract). Of special interest to us are the various conditions that have been linked to cancer and show similarities in geo- graphic distribution. This would include cho- lelithiasis and biliary tract cancer, pernicious anemia and stomach cancer, hepatitis (and cirrhosis) and primary liver cancer, diabetes mellitus and pancreas cancer, aplastic anemia and leukemia, and diverticulosis and colorectal cancer. It is also of interest that some closely related diseases (e.g., ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer) have dissimilar patterns. As with the earlier maps for cancer mortali- ty, interpretation of the geographic patterns for nonneoplastic diseases should be made cautiously. In this type of descriptive study, information is not available on the specific address or duration of residence within state economic areas, or on the environmental ex- posures or personal characteristics of the de- cedents which may have affected their risk of disease. Particularly for conditions with a low case-fatality rate or long duration between onset and death, the information from death xviii certificates may not reflect incidence patterns. 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AGE-ADJUSTED MORTALITY RATES PER 100,000 AND NUMBER OF DEATHS ICD ] Whites Nonwhites 7th 8th Disease Male Female Male Female 040-049 000-009 Intestinal Infectious 0.77 0.68 2.42 1.95 Diseases (4210)* (4565) (1862) (1564) 002-008 011, 012 Pulmonary Tuberculosis 3.46 1.03 12.75 4.21 019.0 } } (20343) (7547) (7742) (3104) 092 070 Infectious Hepatitis 0.34 0.45 0.691 (2019) (2964) (1110) 020-029, 090-099 Syphilis and Other 0.80 0.24 2.01 030-039 enereal Diseases (4653) (1812) (2596) 133 114 Coccidioidomycosis 0.02t (237) 134.2 115 Histoplasmosis 0.05 0.01 ] (299) (81) 138.0 135 Sarcoidosis 0.07 0.61 (846) (868) 292.3 209 Myelofibrosis 0.28 (3713) 250 Diabetes Mellitus 15.97 16.36 23.73 36.17 G00) (75378) (8230) (15028) 280-286 260-269 Avitaminosis and Other 0.9 0.78 2.28 1.65 Nutritional Deficiencies oa (6488) (1436) (1218) 273.0 Cystic Fibrosist 0.62 0.72 (1016) (1142) 290 281.0 Pernicious Anemia 0.16 0.16 0.14 (954) (1422) (178) 292.4, 284 Aplastic Anemia 0.51 0.41 292.5 (6802) (591) 322 303 Alcoholism 2.35 0.61 8.45 2.41 (13836) (3922) (5496) (1822) 331.0 Hereditary Chorea od 1 (819) 345 340 Multiple Sclerosis 0.70 0.94 0.56 } (4132) (6081) (796) 350 342 Paralysis Agitans 1.93 1.23 0.56 } (11176) (9859) (688) 356.1 348.0 Amyotrophic Lateral 0.91 0.57 0.41 Sclerosis (5366) (3971) (542) 410-416 393-398 Chronic Rheumatic Heart 7.11 7.49 6.31 6.15 Disease (41906) (52567) (4055) (4627) 440-447 400-404 Hypertensive Disease 16.88 14.95 52.37 47.26 ] (99218) (125595) (30903) (33285) 400 Malignant Hypertension 0.46 0.34 3.99 2.82 (1577) (1382) (1491) (1239) 410-414 Ischemic Heart Disease 413.10 206.77 368.40 251.72 (1415447) (1032905) (125578) (105246) 330-334 430-438 Cerebrovascular Diseases 97.35 80.73 149.89 135.30 (571526) (686629) (86402) (94956) 330 430 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 3.79 4.46 6.98 8.37 (22277) (29740) (4467) (6252) 331 431 Cerebral Hemorrhage 33.86 27.41 60.27 53.05 (198689) (227772) (35163) (37244) 433 Cerebral Thrombosis 27.14 22.19 33.60 29.77 (93239) (116879) (11142) (12408) 434 Cerebral Embolism 0.48 0.41 (1652) (1993) 436 Acute but I1l-Defined 26.22 20.91 49.73 45.64 Cerebrovascular Disease (90029) (107774) (16721) (19027) 465 450 Pulmonary Embolism and 4.50 3.26 7.31 Infarction (26408) (25133) (9545) 451 Phlebitis 1.27 1.17 1.73 (4337) (5244) (1342) 480-483 470-474 Influenza 1.77 1.38 2.41 2.0 (10352) (11347) (1509) (1550) 490-493 480-486 Pneumonia 33.81 19.90 61.28 35.72 (194532) (155673) (40136) (27410) *Number of deaths in parenthesis tMales and females tRates based upon deaths under 30 years of age AGE-ADJUSTED MORTALITY RATES PER 100,000 AND NUMBER OF DEATHS ICD } Whites Nonwhites 7th 8th Disease Male Female Male Female 502 491 Chronic Bronchitis 4.20 0.91 (24555) (6936) 492 Emphysema 21.53 3.30 11.48 1.62 (72989) (14556) ony, (685) 241 493 Asthma 1.59 1.23 3.1 oo (9318) (8535) (4465) 523 515 Pneumoconiosis, due to 1.87 0.84 Silica and Silicates (10921) (483) 526 518 Bronchiectasis 0.88 0.44 0.50 (5143) (3325) (666) 540 531 Ulcer of Stomach 2.99 1.30 1 (10028) 541 532 Ulcer of Duodenum 1.00 1.82 en (7784) (2402) 550 540 Acute Appendicitis 0.83 0.41 1.14 (4888) (3070) (1606) 572.1 562.1 Diverticula of Intestine 1.48 1.52 1.00 (8692) (12493) (1272) 572.0 563.0 Regional Enteritis 0.1 (1753) 572.2 563.1 Ulcerative Colitis 0.41 0.40 0.25 (2430) (2827) (344) 581 571 Cirrhosis of Liver 18.99 8.84 28.59 15.70 (111928) Beas (18209) (11719) 584 574 Cholelithiasis 1.25 0.52 0.85 (7318) a (297) (605) 585 575 Cholecystitis and 0.85 0.74 0.58 0.82 Cholangitis without (56009) (6124) (331) (579) Calculus 590-594 580-584 Nephritis and Nephrosis 5.01 3.15 14.54 11.05 (29528) (23554) (8986) (8085) 600 590 Infections of Kidney 4.00 3.44 8.76 8.33 (23503) (27467) (5078) (5921) 602, 604 592, 594 Calculus of Kidney and 0.54 0.39 Ureter and Other Urinary (3143) (2993) System Parts 610 600 Hyperplasia of Prostate 2.80 4.49 (16494) (2466) 722 712 Rheumatoid Arthritis and 0.51 0.80 0.44 Allied Conditions (3025) (5956) (575) 750-759 740-759 Congenital Anomalies 11.03 9.80 11.44 9.68 (55168) (47946) (9497) (8172) 750-751 740-741 Anencephalus and 9.51 14.33 Spina Bifida** (5090) (7339) 746 Congenital Anomalies of 4.45 3.60 4.67 4.05 the Heart (12509) (9935) (2252) (1971) 746.3 Ventricular Septal Defect** 22.18 22.96 (678) (672) 746.4 Atrial Septal Defect** ae, 754.1 747.0 Patent Ductus Arteriosus** 1.11 1.70 (1164) (324) 325.4 759.3 Down’s Syndrome 0.15 0.13 (1526) (231) 776.1 Hyaline Membrane Disease** 35.15 20.70 36.50 23.50 (10435) (5876) (1972) (1261) **Rates based upon deaths under 5 years of age STATE ECONOMIC AREA BOUNDARIES Morave CoComng / Sanne « \ amos TX [fF x Ja \ , Ta . oun frame, Gia , 44 va es Gocrse INTESTINAL INFECTIQUS DISEASES WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 ~~ Bl s:cNiF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN WIGHEST DECILE = IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. EE vot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. C0 sisnir Lower THAN us. AGE-ADJUSTED RATE AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Re pd za nt Cc SIGNIF. SIGNIF. HIGH, HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.5. SIGNIF LOWER THAN U.5. INTESTINAL INFECTIOUS WHITE FEMALES 1965 - 1971 DISEASES INTESTINAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES NONWHITE MALES i%65 ~ 1371 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Hl cioviF kiGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl sicnhiF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE EE iv oviGeEsT DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. EE) vor siGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF LOWER THAN U.5. INTESTINAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES NONWHITE FEMALES 1545 = 1971 5 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BB sioNiF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl) sioniF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. =) vor siGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CJ stoniF Lower THAN U.S. 1] > AGE-ADJUSTED RATE C SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM y.5 IGNIF LOWER THAN u.5. © 2 (ONES PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 11 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE sionIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl siGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE Ev } iY ) AGE-ADJUSTED RATE < I sioNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE ae I s:oNiF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I iv HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [EE vot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J si6niF Lower THAN U.S. 1) 8 PULMONARY EMBOLISM AND INFARCTION ALL NONWHITES 1965 - 1971 oy AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE sicniF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE A. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. El not siGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM us. CJ sioniF Lower THAN Us. {1)8 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE I siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I sicNIf. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE iN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [J not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [] s1en1F LOWER THAN u.s. PHLEBITIS WHITE MALES 1968 - 1971 S0T AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE s:oniF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl s:cvir wiGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE 8 iv vickEsT DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. 8 vor siNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. CJ stant Lower THAN us. PHLEBITIS WHITE FEMALES 1968 ~ 197} 901 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE [J s1GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I sicniF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl 1N HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. ] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CC] s16NIF LOWER THAN u.s. PHLEBITIS ALL NONWHITES 1968 - 1971 80T AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE s:cniF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE ll s:oviF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE El) (nN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. EE vor sionIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CJ stant Lower THAN us. INFLUENZA WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 601 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE sicNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BB s:cniF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE :~ voceEsT DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. EE vot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM u.5. CJ sionir Lower THAN us. INFLUENZA WHITE FEMALES 1965. - 1971 OTT INFLUENZA NONWHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE OE sioNiF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE iohiF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE iv #iGHEST DECILE, NOT SIANIF. 3) vor sioNIF. DIFFEREN FROM U.S. CJ sion Lower THAN us. 111 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM SIGNIF LOWER THAN U.S. 7 U.s. (ONEE INFLUENZA NONWHITE FEMALES 1965 - 1971 X gil AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BR sioviF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE I sicviF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE EB (vo oceesT oecILe, NOT SIGNIF. BE vor siGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. CT sioner Lower Than us. PNEUMONIA MALES 1971 WHITE 196% E11 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE g a ed 3 SIGNIF. SIGNIF, HIGH, HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF, DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF LOWER THAN y.5. PNEUMONIA WHITE FEMALES 1965 - 1971 149! PNEUMONIA NONWHITE MALES 195% ~ 1971 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE sicvir. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE sicvir. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BB iv vicuesT veciLe, NOT SIGNIF. EB vor sioniF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. CJ stent Lower Than us. SII AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF LOWER THAN U.S. (OBER PNEUMONIA NONWHITE FEMALES 1965 1971 911 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 \p AGE-ADJUSTED RATE EB s:cniF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BE sicviF. wioH, NOT IN WIGHEST DECILE Bl ~ qrowEsT DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. E23 vor sishiF. oiFFERenT From us. CJ sionviF Lower than us. LIT we AGE-ADJUSTED RATE o> SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHELT DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIFE. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF LOWER THAN U.S. UONED CHRONIC BRONCHITIS WHITE FEMALES 1965 - 1971 ay 811 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BR sioner wick. In wIsHEST DECILE BR sioviF. wIoH, NOT IN WIGHEST DECILE Bl voces oecie, wot sionir EB vor sionir. orrrerent From us, CO sioner Lowen han ues, EMPHYSEMA WHITE MALES 1968 - 1971 611 EMPHYSEMA WHITE FEMALES 1968 - 1971 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE ® SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. Lo] NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF LOWER THAN U.S. Of 021 EMPHYSEMA NONWHITE MALES 1968 - 1971 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BO icvir wick, In wIGWEST DECILE SIGNIF. WIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. BE vor stonir. oirrerent From us. CC) stonir Lower than us. 121 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE siGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl sicniF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE in HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. EE not SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J siGNiF LOWER THAN U.S. EMPHYSEMA NONWHITE FEMALES 1968 - 1971 el ASTHMA WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE s:GNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl sion. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BE iv #iGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. OE) vor SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM u.5. CJ sioniF Lower THAN Us. 821 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE = Eel = fd Cl SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. NOT SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. SIGNIF LOWER THAN U.S. ASTHMA WHITE FEMALES 1965 - 1971 yal ASTHMA ALL NONWHITES 1968 - 1971 r. AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BD sicviF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Y BD sicviF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE I (~ riHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0 vor SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [J sioniF LouER THAN us. 921 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BE sicNiF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl s:cniF. WiGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BB iv vicHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. EE vor SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM yu. 5. CJ sioNiF Lower THAN us. PNEUMOCONIQSIS DUE TO SILICA AND SILICATES WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 L231 PNEUMOCONIOSIS DUE TO SILICA AND SILICATES NONWHITE MALES 19465 - 1371 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl sioNiF. 4IGH, IN WIGHEST DECILE Bl sicniF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl (v niGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. [0 vor SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM u.5. CJ sionNiF Lowen THAN us. 831 BRONCHIECTASIS WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE GE s:cviF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl s:cviF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE EB iN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. 2) vor siGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. CC stonir Lower THAN Us. 631 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE BB sioner. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl sicviF. wiGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE Bl vo qiomesT oeciie, Not sioniF EB vot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM u.s. CC stonir Lower Than us. BRONCHIECTASIS WHITE FEMALES 196% ~ 1971 081 BRONCHIECTASIS ALL NONWHITES 1965 - 1971 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl sionif. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE BB s:GNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE BB :~ HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. 0 wot SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. [CC] s1enN1F LOWER THAN u.s. G81 ULCER OF STOMACH WHITE MALES 1965 - 1971 r AGE-ADJUSTED RATE Bl sicviF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE SIGNIF. HIGH, NOT IN HIGHEST DECILE IN HIGHEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF, =] vor SIGNIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.§5. CJ stoner Lowen Than us. 881 AGE-ADJUSTED RATE SIGNIF. HIGH, IN HIGHEST DECILE na) BB sichiF. HIGH, NOT IN WIGHEST DECILE Bl ~ vioHeEST DECILE, NOT SIGNIF. 0 nor sionIF. DIFFERENT FROM U.S. CJ sionir Lower Than us. ULCER OF STOMACH WHITE FEMALES 1965 - 1971 [£8 ASE-ADJULITED RATE BE icv. dioW, IN HIGHEST DECILE BR -iovir 30-34 0.39 0.53 C 35-39 0.80 1.20 L 40-44 1.18 1.71 45-49 1.51 2.47 0.1 50-54 1.84 2.72 C 55-59 2.15 2.78 L 60-64 2.12 2.50 j 65-69 2.13 2.15 I 70-74 1.66 1.59 0.01 Hoff 75-84 1.09 1.15 1S 25 35 45 55 65 75 gs 85+ 0.75 0.58 AGE IN YEARS Multiple Sclerosis Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.00 0 60th 0.24 1 70th 0.50 1 80th 0.80 2 90th 1.51 4 RANGE 0.00-33.27 0-67 TOTAL U.S. 0.56 796 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 297 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 0 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 In highest decile, not signif. 51 Not signif. different from U.S. 448 Signif. lower than U.S. 7 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 10.0 ICD 7TH: 345 F 8TH: 340 0- 4 0.01 C 5-9 0.00 L NONWHITES 10-14 0.02 + 15-19 0.06 20-24 0.20 a: 25-29 0.36 C 30-34 0.66 [ 35-39 1.01 I 40-44 1.41 45-49 1.44 0.1 50-54 1.62 s 55-59 1.17 [ 60-64 1.01 r 65-69 0.80 i 70-74 0.33 0.01 Ft 75-84 0.38 5 "65 75 35+ B- 0-38 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 229 230 Paralysis Agitans Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.89 0.62 4 3 20th 1.22 0.79 6 5 30th 1.49 0.91 8 7 40th 1.67 1.03 10 8 50th 1.83 1.16 12 11 60th 1.98 1.28 15 14 70th 2.14 1.40 20 17 80th 2.41 1.58 27 24 90th 2.86 1.85 40 33 RANGE 0.00-6.50 0.00-3.26 0-687 0-596 TOTAL U.S. 1.93 1.23 11176 9859 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 3 FEMALES 7 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 23 15 Signif. high, not in highest decile 7 6 In highest decile, not signif. 28 36 Not signif. different from U.S. 364 380 Signif. lower than U.S. 84 69 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) ACE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 350 E 8TH: 342 0- 4 0.00 0.00 CL WHITES 5-9 0.00 0.00 Fo MALE 10-14 0.00 0.00 10.0 k —— - FEMALE 15-19 0.00 0.00 F 20-24 0.00 0.00 C 25-29 0.00 0.00 - 30-34 0.01 0.00 1.0 L 35-39 0.01 0.01 F 40-44 0.04 0.03 C 45-49 0.22 0.13 - 50-54 0.55 0.31 0.1 E 55-59 1.41 0.92 F 60-64 3.64 2.27 z 65-69 9.00 5.57 r 70-74 18.64 11.51 0.01 MH——+—+—4+—+—+L—+—+—+ +++ 75-84 28.97 18.59 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 22.01 17.31 AGE IN YEARS Paralysis Agitans Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.00 0 60th 0.00 0 70th 0.47 1 80th 0.72 2 90th 1.38 3 RANGE 0.00-11.80 0-65 TOTAL U.S. 0.56 688 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 308 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 0 Signif. high, not in highest decile 3 In highest decile, not signif. 51 Not signif. different from U.S. 445 Signif. lower than U.S. 7 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 350 8 8TH: 342 0- 4 0.01 [ NONWHITES 5- 9 0.00 [ 10-14 0.00 0.0 k 15-19 0.00 E 20-24 0.01 - 25-29 0.00 - 30-34 0.02 1.0L 35-39 0.04 : 40-44 0.01 - 45-49 0.15 I 50-54 0.29 0.1F 55-59 0.83 E 60-64 1.62 65-69 2.94 : 70-74 5.01 0.01 75-84 6.47 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 4.30 AGE IN YEARS 231 232 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.39 0.18 2 1 20th 0.54 0.30 3 2 30th 0.66 0.36 4 2 40th 0.77 0.43 5 3 50th 0.91 0.52 6 4 60th 1.02 0.58 7 5 70th 1.12 0.66 10 7 80th 1.25 0.75 13 9 90th 1.46 0.91 19 13 RANGE 0.00-2.76 0.00-2.35 0-267 0-258 TOTAL U.S. 0.91 0.57 5366 3971 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 15 FEMALES 30 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 6 7 Signif. high, not in highest decile 2 4 In highest decile, not signif. 45 44 Not signif. different from U.S. 413 413 Signif. lower than U.S. 40 38 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10.0 p ICD 7TH: 356.1 E 8TH: 348.0 0- 4 0.00 0.00 r 5-9 0.00 0.00 - WHITES 10-14 0.00 0.00 - —— MALE 15-19 0.01 0.00 1.0L ~~~ FEMALE 20-24 0.02 0.01 TF 25-29 0.04 0.03 C 30-34 0.12 0.03 C 35-39 0.25 0.14 i 40-44 0.59 0.29 45-49 1.07 0.58 0.1¢ 50-54 1.71 1.08 C 55-59 2.97 1.91 [ 60-64 3.72 2.50 i 65-69 4.87 3.30 I ; 70-74 4.89 3.14 0.01 At ———— 75-84 3.72 1.99 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 0.94 0.52 AGE IN YEARS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.00 0 60th 0.00 0 70th 0.26 1 80th 0.48 1 90th 0.93 3 RANGE 0.00-23.74 0-63 TOTAL U.S. 0.41 542 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 335 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile Signif. high, not in highest decile In highest decile, not signif. Not signif. different from U.S. Signif. lower than U.S. 0 2 51 451 2 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 10.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 356.1 3 8TH: 348.0 0- 4 0.01 C 5-9 0.00 - NONWHITES 10-14 0.01 - 15-19 0.00 20-24 0.01 aid 25-29 0.05 u 30-34 0.10 C 35-39 0.13 i 40-44 0.37 45-49 0.63 0.1¢ 50-54 1.00 s 55-59 1.41 60-64 1.82 i 65-69 1.64 r 70-74 1.96 0.01 H+ 75-84 1.04 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 0.24 AGE IN YEARS 233 234 Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 3.66 2.97 14 13 20th 4.61 3.85 20 21 30th 5.29 4.76 27 28 40th 5.85 5.37 33 36 50th 6.39 6.25 41 48 60th 6.90 6.91 52 60 70th 7.40 7.64 65 79 80th 8.04 8.47 91 106 90th 8.82 9.65 148 189 RANGE 0.60-13.76 0.00-15.53 1-3099 0-4785 TOTAL U.S. 7.11 7.49 41906 52567 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 1 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 39 46 Signif. high, not in highest decile 16 19 In highest decile, not signif. 12 5 Not signif. different from U.S. 292 220 Signif. lower than U.S. 147 216 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 410-416 : 8TH! 393-338 0- 4 0.04 0.03 CL WHITES gu 5-9 0.06 0.05 F —— MALE 10-14 0.15 0.13 10.0 — — - FEMALE 15-19 0.46 0.35 E 20-24 0.78 0.66 C 25-29 1.39 1.31 - 30-34 2.35 2.32 1.0 k 35-39 3.94 3.97 : 40-44 6.75 6.66 [ 45-49 9.67 10.32 - 50-54 14.36 14.81 0.1 k 55-59 20.17 21.60 F 60-64 24.82 26.11 [7 65-69 28.60 30.27 70-74 29.76 31.13 0. 04 —————————t—————————1 75-84 31.37 34.87 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85¢ 85+ 32.61 39.33 AGE IN YEARS Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 1.83 2.29 1 1 40th 3.47 3.69 1 1 50th 4.94 4.68 2 2 60th 6.26 5.91 3 3 70th 7.74 7.40 5 6 80th 10.67 9.17 9 9 90th 14.44 14.69 15 19 RANGE 0.00-84.77 0.00-87.42 0-457 0-558 TOTAL U.S. 6.31 6.15 4055 4627 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 141 FEMALES 130 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 4 4 Signif. high, not in highest decile 7 11 In highest decile, not signif. 47 47 Not signif. different from U.S. 408 406 Signif. lower than U.S. 40 38 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 410-416 8TH: 393-398 0- 4 0.12 0.13 5- 9 0.24 0.33 vee 10-14 0.69 0.69 10.0 k ——- FEMALE 15-19 1.43 1.45 20-24 2.08 2.39 25-29 3.44 4.18 30-34 4.75 4.84 1.0 35-39 6.47 6.86 40-44 9.15 9.11 45-49 10.25 10.54 50-54 12.46 12.57 0.1 55-59 15.44 14.66 60-64 17.40 14.45 65-69 18.00 16.41 70-74 18.03 17.09 0.01 H——————————————+—+—+ 75-84 19.16 16.96 S 5 25 35 45 S55 65 75 8Se 85+ 19.90 19.79 AGE IN YEARS 235 236 Hypertensive Diseases Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 11.19 9.95 42 52 20th 12.74 11.50 60 76 30th 13.82 12.36 79 95 40th 14.89 13.38 97 114 50th 16.12 14.43 118 140 60th 17.47 15.74 145 175 70th 19.10 16.98 179 220 80th 20.73 18.80 238 305 90th 24.05 20.74 335 432 RANGE 6.42-66.40 5.86-35.90 7-5703 10-7240 TOTAL U.S. 16.88 14.95 99218 125595 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 50 49 Signif. high, not in highest decile 70 77 In highest decile, not signif. 1 2 Not signif. different from U.S. 223 218 Signif. lower than U.S. 162 160 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES PEMALES 1000.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 440-447 o 0.02 0 01 : 8TH: 400-404 5-9 0.02 0.02 56a b TES 10-14 0.02 0.04 Em 15-19 0.07 0.06 » 20-24 0.16 0.13 i 25-29 0.34 0.26 10.0 ¢ 30-34 0.73 0.53 q 35-39 1.57 1.16 i 40-44 3.34 2.15 2:91 45-49 6.40 4.41 a 50-54 11.66 7.65 i 55-59 20.75 13.31 0.1 60-64 35.40 23.82 F 65-69 59.17 45.19 [omy 70-74 102.81 87.07 0.01 HA———— + + Lr 75-84 220.89 221.21 5 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 85+ 497.94 542.53 AGE IN YEARS Hypertensive Diseases Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 4.64 0.00 1 0 20th 20.04 16.19 2 1 30th 27.15 25.63 3 3 40th 34.03 32.30 6 7 50th 40.89 37.90 13 13 60th 46.89 44.57 23 25 70th 55.39 49.42 45 44 80th 64.85 59.15 83 84 90th 80.01 71.92 151 171 RANGE 0.00-359.60 0.00-181.05 0-1647 0-1873 TOTAL U.S. 52.37 47.26 30903 33285 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 50 FEMALES 61 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 36 29 Signif. high, not in highest decile 29 32 In highest decile, not signif. 15 22 Not signif. different from U.S. 284 299 Signif. lower than U.S. 142 124 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 g 1CD 7TH: 440-447 E 8TH: 400-404 0- 4 0.02 0.03 CC ONTLTES 5- 9 0.03 0.04 NE ing 10-14 0.04 0.09 FE — — —- FEMALE 15-19 0.24 0.23 - 20-24 1.16 0.97 25-29 5.18 3.33 10.0 30-34 12.06 10.28 - 35-39 27.28 20.78 4 ol 40-44 44.67 35.37 7 E 45-49 61.98 48.85 ; 50-54 90.79 71.87 - 55-59 116.59 100.08 0.1 ¢ 60-64 150.75 140.95 - 65-69 201.42 194.30 Co 7 1A hE COLTS ds as 45 55 65 15 se 75-84 373.13 356.24 CE IN YEARS 85+ 475.61 526.48 237 Malignant Hypertension Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.18 0.16 1 1 40th 0.30 0.24 1 1 50th 0.42 0.32 2 2 60th 0.50 0.39 2 2 70th 0.60 0.48 3 3 80th 0.77 0.61 4 4 90th 1.01 0.78 6 6 RANGE 0.00-2.82 0.00-3.43 0-89 0-74 TOTAL U.S. 0.46 0.34 1577 1382 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 128 FEMALES 126 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 4 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 2 0 In highest decile, not signif. 47 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 434 439 Signif. lower than U.S. 19 16 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 8TH: 400 5-9 0.01 0.00 F — MALE 10-14 0.01 0.01 10.0 £ — — - FEMALE 15-19 0.02 0.02 E 20-24 0.03 0.06 : 25-29 0.11 0.10 - 30-34 0.18 0.15 1.0 k 35-39 0.40 0.33 3 40-44 0.66 0.49 C 45-49 1.07 0.76 r 50-54 1.20 0.69 0.1¢ 55-59 1.35 0.67 - 60-64 1.43 0.90 C 65-69 1.34 0.91 - 70-74 1.26 1.09 0.01 —— ———— + 75-84 1.36 1.72 S is 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 0.84 1.84 AGE IN YEARS 238 Malignant Hypertension Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 0.00 0.00 0 0 50th 0.00 0.00 0 0 60th 2.76 1.64 1 1 70th 4.18 2.91 2 2 80th 5.91 4.38 4 3 90th 8.94 6.38 7 7 RANGE 0.00-39.39 0.00-195.71 0-99 0-80 TOTAL U.S. 3.99 2.82 1491 1239 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 261 FEMALES 266 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 8 5 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 0 In highest decile, not signif. 43 46 Not signif. different from U.S. 442 442 Signif. lower than U.S. 13 13 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 8TH: 400 0- 4 0.00 0.00 r NONWHITES 5-9 0.02 0.03 - — MALE 10-14 0.02 0.03 10.0 | ——- FEMALE 15-19 0.08 0.06 E 20-24 0.48 0.33 C 25-29 1.88 1.76 r 30-34 4.74 3.91 1.0 k 35-39 8.15 5.32 F 40-44 11.29 7.97 C 45-49 12.50 7.82 " 50-54 9.84 5.95 0.1 Fk 55-59 8.03 4.78 F 60-64 5.28 4.35 [ 65-69 3.71 3.88 3 70-74 4.48 4.16 0.01 —t——t—+ + 75-84 3.35 3.06 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 85+ 3.31 3.97 AGE IN YEARS 239 240 Ischemic Heart Disease Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 340.08 153.37 655 424 20th 356.52 166.31 907 622 30th 372.78 173.42 1126 734 40th 388.97 183.58 1373 899 50th 408.28 194.84 1563 1084 60th 422.19 203.09 1966 1306 70th 436.23 211.56 2351 1699 80th 452.13 227.70 3064 2210 90th 473.33 242.33 4730 3483 RANGE 254.83-562.48 124.60-310.75 170-93997 96-76935 TOTAL U.S. 413.10 206.77 1415447 1032905 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 51 51 Signif. high, not in highest decile 99 69 In highest decile, not signif. 0 0 Not signif. different from U.S. 150 134 Signif. lower than U.S. 206 252 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10300.08 ICD 8TH: 410-414 0- 4 0.23 0.12 pHITES 5-9 0.08 0.08 1000.0 f — — - FEMALE 10-14 0.08 0.08 E ’ 15-19 0.35 0.16 i 20-24 1.04 0.44 100.0 k 25-29 3.52 1.13 EF 30-34 13.49 3.20 C 35-39 47.25 8.74 10.0 k 40-44 119.32 22.31 f 45-49 245.17 47.03 i 50-54 439.51 96.39 1.0 E 55-59 732.71 192.84 F 60-64 1137.73 365.85 [ , 65-69 1707.53 691.13 Ol H+ +++ 70-74 2516.42 1282.60 > 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 75-84 4393.94 2957.09 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 8307.42 7389.85 Ischemic Heart Disease Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 186.14 92.05 5 3 20th 246.30 155.09 11 8 30th 290.31 185.83 21 15 40th 321.19 207.92 40 28 50th 351.56 229.72 67 46 60th 376.77 252.68 120 89 70th 411.74 269.46 200 150 80th 445.04 290.86 312 257 90th 488.62 325.04 515 447 RANGE 0.00-1063.75 0.00-716.82 0-8771 0-7908 TOTAL U.S. 368.40 251.72 125578 105246 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 10 FEMALES 18 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 32 31 Signif. high, not in highest decile 55 37 In highest decile, not signif. 19 20 Not signif. different from U.S. 263 282 Signif. lower than U.S. 137 136 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10000.0 ICD 8TH: 410-414 0- 4 0.39 0.28 NO _ 5-9 0.17 0.13 1000.0 E — —- FEMALE z 10-14 0.18 0.07 3 15-19 0.72 0.59 i 20-24 3.41 1.61 100.0 k 25-29 10.49 4.65 E 30-34 31.49 15.10 i 35-39 80.35 38.46 10.0 | 40-44 174.87 86.12 F 45-49 309.39 153.42 [ 50-54 505.19 272.52 1.0 k 55-59 772.94 438.52 F 60-64 1130.49 726.52 65-69 1577.09 1099.79 0.1 H—+——+—+4+—+—+—+—++++++++ 70-74 2282.34 1629.93 § 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 75-84 3204.25 2518.32 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 4453.96 4247 44 241 242 Cerebrovascular Diseases Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 82.24 69.52 300 334 20th 89.49 74.12 399 435 30th 93.11 77.01 494 577 40th 97.64 79.32 617 690 50th 100.52 82.07 709 802 60th 105.25 85.24 882 970 70th 110.04 88.58 1063 1215 80th 116.86 93.96 1432 1621 90th 126.34 99.14 1966 2402 RANGE 66.36-163.37 56.22-126.84 76-24437 87-32020 TOTAL U.S. 97.35 80.73 571526 686629 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 50 51 Signif. high, not in highest decile 149 126 In highest decile, not signif. 1 0 Not signif. different from U.S. 193 210 Signif. lower than U.S. 113 119 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10000.0g ICD 7TH: 330-334 E 8TH: 430-438 0- 4 1.50 1.15 CL WHITES 5-9 0.57 0.53 1000.0 | —— MALE 10-14 0.78 0.70 F ~~~ FEMALE 15-19 1.25 1.04 C 20-24 1.78 1.67 100.0 E 25-29 2.57 2.64 F 30-34 4.22 4.64 C 35-39 8.10 8.57 10.0 | 40-44 14.76 14.35 F 45-49 25.87 24.23 C 50-54 48.73 37.76 1.0 E 55-59 87.20 59.72 E 60-64 163.27 103.93 [ 65-69 310.46 209.19 0.1 H———————————————— 70-74 604.41 443.04 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 75-84 1426.60 1230.41 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 3173.01 3293.26 Cerebrovascular Diseases Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 59.78 54.99 2 2 20th 82.98 80.49 7 6 30th 101.63 95.00 14 12 40th 118.98 108.91 25 24 50th 133.96 123.68 42 42 60th 149.19 133.40 77 73 70th 166.82 145.74 136 142 80th 184.74 162.35 239 261 90th 213.27 184.88 426 490 RANGE 0.00-359.80 0.00-518.20 0-3732 0-4581 TOTAL U.S. 149.89 135.30 86402 94956 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 16 FEMALES 13 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 41 33 Signif. high, not in highest decile 48 50 In highest decile, not signif. 10 18 Not signif. different from U.S. 248 262 Signif. lower than U.S. 159 143 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10000.0 g ICD 7TH: 330-334 E 8TH: 430-438 oa raph a Fon = . . OF 10-14 1.13 0.94 hes FE ——- FEMALE 15-19 2.25 2.03 C 20-24 3.68 3.97 100.0 k 25-29 8.46 8.19 F 30-34 16.65 19.11 [ 35-39 34.45 35.96 10.0 E 40-44 66.95 60.39 FE 45-49 104.26 97.91 C 50-54 175.23 151.12 1.0 k 55-59 269.60 218.86 F 60-64 416.14 363.06 [ 65-69 654.99 577.69 0.1 H—H————+———+—————++—+ 70-74 989.30 847.55 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 75-84 1418.25 1311.42 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 1942.82 2140.41 243 244 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 2.37 2.62 9 10 20th 2.81 3.08 13 16 30th 3.04 3.44 17 20 40th 3.34 3.67 20 24 50th 3.62 4.04 25 29 60th 3.88 4.34 29 36 70th 4.22 4.78 36 47 80th 4.61 5.12 47 62 90th 5.25 5.75 75 107 RANGE 0.00-8.86 0.00-9.56 0-1307 0-1892 TOTAL U.S. 3.79 4.46 22277 29740 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 2 FEMALES 1 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 26 31 Signif. high, not in highest decile 13 11 In highest decile, not signif. 25 20 Not signif. different from U.S. 370 345 Signif. lower than U.S. 72 99 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 330 3 8TH: 430 0-4 0.24 0.14 C WHITES 5-9 0.12 0.13 Fr —— MALE 10-14 0.30 0.28 10.0 f —— - FEMALE === 15-19 0.50 0.47 F 20-24 0.82 0.86 25-29 1.42 1.46 - 30-34 2.34 2.72 1.0 t 35-39 3.96 4.84 : 40-44 5.79 7.07 C 45-49 7.40 10.07 - 50-54 8.86 11.32 0.1 F 55-59 9.74 11.43 F 60-64 10.19 10.69 [ 65-69 10.03 10.93 - 70-74 9.67 11.32 0.01 ————————————++ +++ 75-84 11.47 12.46 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 85+ 11.26 13.80 AGE IN YEARS Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 1.27 0 1 40th 2.71 4.22 1 1 50th 4.70 5.44 2 2 60th 6.06 6.91 3 4 70th 7.22 8.40 6 7 80th 8.91 10.73 10 13 90th 11.31 13.72 19 22 RANGE 0.00-65.74 0.00-113.42 0-389 0-650 TOTAL U.S. 6.98 8.37 4467 6252 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 176 FEMALES 149 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Signif. high, Signif. high, not in highest decile In highest decile, not signif. Not signif. different from U.S. Signif. lower than U.S. in highest decile MALES FEMALES 11 6 5 10 40 45 411 388 39 57 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 0.37 0.39 5-9 0.11 0.17 10-14 0.45 0.31 15-19 0.88 0.93 20-24 1.31 2.10 25-29 3.48 4.23 30-34 6.18 8.83 35-39 8.94 13.66 40-44 13.35 16.88 45-49 15.54 20.17 50-54 16.93 19.51 55-59 15.67 17.71 60-64 16.47 17.87 65-69 15.37 17.26 70-74 17.29 13.57 75-84 13.54 14.07 85+ 8.94 11.22 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.01 Tr rrrnm Tr rrom T rrronr T rrrrron —_- —_—— ICD 7TH: 330 8TH: 430 NONWHITES —— MALE — — = FEMALE 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85¢ AGE IN YEARS 245 246 Cerebral Hemorrhage Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 27.06 22.04 106 114 20th 29.99 24.27 142 152 30th 32.17 25.97 172 189 40th 34.23 27.27 216 229 50th 35.89 28.88 261 279 60th 38.40 30.07 307 326 70th 40.36 31.86 386 423 80th 43.00 33.78 498 563 90th 47.18 36.98 686 821 RANGE 18.09-85.06 13.99-66.65 28-8805 32-10884 TOTAL U.S. 33.86 27.41 198689 227772 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 50 50 Signif. high, not in highest decile 139 118 In highest decile, not signif. 1 1 Not signif. different from U.S. 219 247 Signif. lower than U.S. 97 90 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 0.52 0.40 5-9 0.17 0.16 10-14 0.25 0.22 15-19 0.37 0.30 20-24 0.54 0.49 25-29 0.74 0.72 30-34 1.23 1.21 35-39 2.72 2.41 40-44 5.70 4.74 45-49 11.16 9.09 50-54 22.50 16.10 55-59 39.14 26.70 60-64 70.07 44.25 65-69 120.11 84.00 70-74 217.96 163.91 75-84 460.16 398.29 85+ 898.92 905.28 1000.0 ICD 7THs 8TH: WHITES — MALE — == FEMALE 331 431 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.01 SS 65S 75 85. S 15 25 35 45 AGE IN YEARS Cerebral Hemorrhage Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 8.73 13.21 1 1 20th 29.05 26.73 2 2 30th 37.25 34.53 5 5 40th 43.05 40.76 10 10 50th 49.44 47.59 17 17 60th 57.65 53.82 31 28 70th 67.54 61.70 51 54 80th 80.08 69.36 98 102 90th 96.61 88.09 194 216 RANGE 0.00-176.44 0.00-212.54 0-1616 0-1791 TOTAL U.S. 60.27 53.05 35163 37244 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 48 FEMALES 41 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 34 29 Signif. high, not in highest decile 40 41 In highest decile, not signif. 17 22 Not signif. different from U.S. 298 305 Signif. lower than U.S. 117 109 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 1.00 0.87 5-9 0.22 0.20 10-14 0.44 0.39 15-19 0.71 0.67 20-24 1.56 1.19 25-29 3.12 2.47 30-34 7.11 6.84 35-39 18.18 15.52 40-44 37.20 30.20 45-49 56.64 49.57 50-54 87.717 77.09 55-59 129.18 103.23 60-64 179.57 158.00 65-69 260.22 228.94 70-74 364.70 307.56 75-84 479.96 438.20 85+ 603.09 657.65 1000.0 ICD 7TH: 331 8TH: 431 NONWHITES 100.0 E —— MALE ——- FEMALE 10.0 Lode freee een pmpeeip— 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS FE T lif + + 111 —r 0.01 + 247 248 Cerebral Thrombosis Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 16.55 12.93 37 40 20th 19.32 15.52 53 63 30th 22.11 17.95 70 80 40th 24.11 19.36 84 101 50th 26.50 20.83 109 128 60th 28.70 22.53 136 155 70th 30.84 24.39 168 200 80th 33.55 26.81 225 275 90th 38.65 30.18 339 430 RANGE 7.18-65.26 4.62-56.23 6-3828 6-6117 TOTAL U.S. 27.14 22.19 93239 116879 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 51 49 Signif. high, not in highest decile 68 63 In highest decile, not signif. 0 2 Not signif. different from U.S. 231 217 Signif. lower than U.S. 156 175 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10000.9 5 ICD 8TH: 433 0- 4 0.08 0.06 F Wives — MALE 5~ 9 0.03 0.02 1000.0 f —- - FEMALE 10-14 0.03 0.03 : 15-19 0.06 0.04 2 20-24 0.09 0.07 100.0 k 25-29 0.08 0.10 F 30-34 0.18 0.20 C 35-39 0.36 0.41 10.0 E 40-44 1.09 0.89 - 45-49 2.74 1.73 C 50-54 6.69 3.80 1.0 55-59 15.65 8.91 F 60-64 37.73 20.68 3 65-69 83.94 51.10 Ol Ha + + 70-74 178.77 126.17 5S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 75-84 440.74 381.66 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 1002.55 1068.51 Cerebral Thrombosis Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 4.28 4.69 1 1 30th 14.13 13.44 1 1 40th 21.59 18.52 3 3 50th 27.02 23.85 5 5 60th 31.80 28.09 10 10 70th 37.19 33.19 17 18 80th 46.60 40.13 31 32 90th 59.72 54.66 58 61 RANGE 0.00-330.34 0.00-218.11 0-394 0-544 TOTAL U.S. 33.60 29.77 11142 12408 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 98 FEMALES 96 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 25 18 Signif. high, not in highest decile 17 24 In highest decile, not signif. 26 33 Not signif. different from U.S. 363 352 Signif. lower than U.S. 75 79 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 ICD 8TH: 433 0= 4 0.11 0.04 5- 9 0.03 0.02 oh NOURI TES 10-14 0.00 0.00 me. 15-19 0.17 0.08 20-24 0.21 0.19 25-29 0.54 0.23 10.9 30-34 0.92 0.84 35-39 1.71 1.22 Lo oy 5.25 3.11 : 45-49 10.02 8.01 50-54 23.29 15.82 oy 55-59 46.17 36.28 : 60-64 89.85 70.82 65-69 152.33 136.23 0.01 ol RON PINS "75s 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 550.84 632.48 ACE IN YEARS 249 “ “alma. - m— i wl Cerebral Embolism Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.21 0.17 1 1 40th 0.31 0.24 1 1 50th 0.39 0.31 2 2 60th 0.47 0.40 2 3 70th 0.59 0.51 3 4 80th 0.77 0.66 5 5 90th 1.10 0.91 7 8 RANGE 0.00-4.58 0.00-4.64 0-106 0-126 TOTAL U.S. 0.48 0.41 1652 1993 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 114 FEMALES 112 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 13 11 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 0 In highest decile, not signif. 38 40 Not signif. different from U.S. 434 415 Signif. lower than U.S. 21 40 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 8TH: 434 0- 4 0.00 0.01 WHITES 5-9 0.00 0.00 L MALE 10-14 0.01 0.00 10.0 k —— - FEMALE 15-19 0.00 0.01 F 20-24 0.00 0.01 25-29 0.00 0.03 - 30-34 0.02 0.05 1.0 k 35-39 0.04 0.05 F 40-44 0.05 0.07 45-49 0.12 0.13 i 50-54 0.33 0.27 0.1 F 55-59 0.67 0.37 F 60-64 0.98 0.69 . 65-69 1.89 1.20 - 70-74 3.22 2.56 0.01 MH—4+H—"—+—-4+44—+"4+—+—++++ +++ 75-84 6.38 5 67 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 12.06 13.00 AGE IN YEARS 251 252 Acute but Ill-Defined Cerebrovascular Disease Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 17.59 14.57 46 56 20th 21.33 17.51 66 78 30th 23.99 19.63 85 100 40th 26.50 21.70 102 117 50th 28.95 23.53 122 137 60th 32.00 25.57 146 169 70th 35.29 27.52 185 205 80th 38.80 30.31 236 280 90th 44,39 34.40 328 388 RANGE 8.36-67.98 5.68-58.20 8-3617 10-4830 TOTAL U.S. 26.22 20.91 90029 107774 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 51 50 Signif. high, not in highest decile 144 151 In highest decile, not signif. 0 1 Not signif. different from U.S. 203 196 Signif. lower than U.S. 108 108 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 g ICD 8TH: 436 5-9 0.04 0.04 100.0 k —— ’ 10-14 0.03 0.04 : CC ERALE 15-19 0.07 0.06 F 20-24 0.09 0.07 10.0 k 25-29 0.13 0.14 EF 30-34 0.27 0.27 = 35-39 0.77 0.71 1.0 40-44 1.78 1.61 F 45-49 4.10 3.27 - 50-54 9.43 6.67 0.1L 55-59 19.84 12.87 EN 60-64 41.98 26.55 F 65-69 86.97 55.24 0.01 +++ +++ 4 4 70-74 169.62 120.70 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 75-84 404.71 338.53 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 899.44 893.07 Acute but Ill-Defined Cerebrovascular Disease Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 12.85 15.57 1 1 30th 22.47 23.95 2 2 40th 31.02 31.14 4 4 50th 40.46 38.53 7 7 60th 47.61 46.02 14 14 70th 57.35 54.40 24 26 80th 70.34 62.07 47 55 90th 85.14 77.12 91 107 RANGE 0.00-275.28 0.00-518.20 0-638 0-814 TOTAL U.S. 49.73 45.64 16721 19027 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 79 FEMALES 75 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 34 28 Signif. high, not in highest decile 38 41 In highest decile, not signif. 17 23 Not signif. different from U.S. 308 320 Signif. lower than U.S. 109 94 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 0.17 0.13 5-9 0.03 0.07 10-14 0.10 0.08 15-19 0.14 0.19 20-24 0.29 0.33 25-29 0.67 0.95 30-34 2.07 2.52 35-39 5.42 5.99 40-44 12.25 12.49 45-49 25.40 24.60 50-54 51.14 43.31 55-59 87.84 68.93 60-64 142.38 122.68 65-69 237.53 207.48 70-74 342.12 314.17 75-84 509.55 488.28 85+ 722.33 777.37 1000.0 g ICD 8TH: 436 NONWHITES 100.0 —— MALE —— - FEMALE 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 —H—————+—+—+—+++—+—+—+—+—++ "5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 953 254 Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 2.52 1.76 11 9 20th 3.13 2.21 15 13 30th 3.60 2.50 19 18 40th 3.94 2.81 23 21 50th 4.30 3.02 30 25 60th 4.63 3.28 36 32 70th 5.11 3.60 43 40 80th 5.83 4.12 58 54 90th 6.64 4.66 99 92 RANGE 0.00-11.55 0.39-9.45 0-1411 1-1564 TOTAL U.S. 4.50 3.26 26408 25133 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 1 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 37 33 Signif. high, not in highest decile 25 14 In highest decile, not signif. 14 18 Not signif. different from U.S. 323 328 Signif. lower than U.S. 107 113 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 465 F 8TH: 450 0- 4 0.08 0.04 C WHITES 5-9 0.02 0.02 F — MALE 10-14 0.02 0.02 10.0 F — — - FEMALE 15-19 0.09 0.14 5 20-24 0.26 0.39 r 25-29 0.29 0.58 - 30-34 0.48 0.77 1.0 k 35-39 0.88 1.02 F 40-44 1.54 1.67 45-49 2.53 2.25 - 50-54 4.51 3.08 0.1 k 55-59 7.58 4.66 F 60-64 11.92 7.31 CN 65-69 18.61 12.46 - 70-74 28.95 19.45 0.01 HH————+—+—+————+—++—+—+—+—+ 75-84 48.11 34.90 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 72.52 56.68 AGE IN YEARS Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 2.90 1 40th 4.32 2 50th 5.46 4 60th 6.45 7 70th 7.49 13 80th 8.98 22 90th 11.59 38 RANGE 0.00-38.82 0-570 TOTAL U.S. 7.31 9545 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 114 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 17 Signif. high, not in highest decile 7 In highest decile, not signif. 34 Not signif. different from U.S. 382 Signif. lower than U.S. 66 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 465 E 8TH: 450 0- 4 0.16 C NONWHITES 5-9 0.03 - 10-14 0.04 16.5 k 15-19 0.36 E 20-24 1.14 r 25-29 1.97 - 30-34 2.46 1.0 & 35-39 4.36 E 40-44 5.14 C 45-49 6.74 - 50-54 9.88 0.1 k 55-59 15.42 E 60-64 21.64 - 65-69 31.30 - 70~74 41.62 0.01 +++ 75-84 49.99 S 15 25 35 45 55 65S 75 85+ 85+ 50.90 AGE IN YEARS 255 256 Phlebitis Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.47 0.46 1 2 20th 0.74 0.67 2 3 30th 0.92 0.86 3 4 40th 1.04 0.99 4 5 50th 1.22 1.17 5 6 60th 1.36 1.32 6 8 70th 1.55 1.52 8 9 80th 1.83 1.78 11 12 90th 2.31 2.21 18 19 RANGE 0.00-6.96 0.00-6.36 0-251 0-300 TOTAL U.S. 1.27 1.17 4337 5244 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 21 FEMALES 18 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 10 12 Signif. high, not in highest decile 4 4 In highest decile, not signif. 41 39 Not signif. different from U.S. 408 401 Signif. lower than U.S. 43 50 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 8THs 451 0- 4 0.01 0.00 F 5-9 0.00 0.00 [WHITES 10-14 0.01 0.01 F —— MALE 15-19 0.02 0.04 10.0 f ——- FEMALE 20-24 0.07 0.12 F 25-29 0.10 0.17 s 30-34 0.16 0.27 - 35-39 0.32 0.41 1.0 40-44 0.50 0.63 4d 45-49 0.90 0.95 - 50-54 1.55 1.28 F 55-59 2.39 1.87 0.1 60-64 3.55 2.80 E 65-69 5.72 4.52 - 70-74 8.08 7.15 " 75-84 11.56 11.28 0.01 M—+A4—"++—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+ 85+ 17.38 18.25 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Phlebitis Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.00 0 60th 1.17 1 70th 1.59 2 80th 2.40 3 90th 3.69 6 RANGE 0.00-46.31 0-102 TOTAL U.S. 1.73 1342 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 257 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 In highest decile, not signif. 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 446 Signif. lower than U.S. 9 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 8TH: 451 Qe 9.20 F NONWHITES 5- 9 0.00 F 10-14 0.00 10.0 | 15-19 0.09 F 20-24 0.24 25-29 0.45 30-34 0.72 1.0 | 35-39 1.05 F 40-44 1.30 45-49 2.12 r 50-54 2.65 0.1 55-59 3.93 i 60-64 5.04 r 65-69 6.94 0 oi | 70-74 9.22 . +—+————————————+——+—+— 85+ 12.65 257 258 Influenza Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.87 0.72 4 5 20th 1.24 0.93 7 7 30th 1.49 1.14 10 10 40th 1.74 1.32 12 12 50th 2.00 1.58 15 15 60th 2.30 1.74 18 18 70th 2.62 2.00 22 24 80th 3.11 2.32 29 32 90th 3.74 3.00 38 43 RANGE 0.00-9.00 0.00-6.06 0-408 0-500 TOTAL U.S. 1.77 1.38 10352 11347 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 5 FEMALES 2 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Signif. high, Signif. lower than U.S. in highest decile Signif. high, not in highest decile In highest decile, not signif. Not signif. different from U.S. MALES FEMALES 41 44 43 39 10 7 338 342 74 74 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 0.57 0.50 59 0.06 0.08 10-14 0.08 0.08 15-19 0.16 0.11 20-24 0.11 0.15 25-29 0.16 0.21 30-34 0.15 0.19 35-39 0.27 0.30 40-44 0.40 0.40 45-49 0.73 0.74 50-54 1.21 1.02 55-59 1.97 1.33 60-64 3.51 1.88 65-69 5.83 3.20 70-74 9.03 5.62 75-84 19.36 15.46 85+ 61.99 61.50 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.01 T TV TTTTmm rr rrrmm TT TrTTITm T Tr rior (PER 100,000) WHITES —— MALE — — = FEMALE S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Influenza Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 0.00 0.00 0 0 50th 0.64 0.00 1 0 60th 1.71 1.23 1 1 70th 3.12 2.42 2 2 80th 4.73 3.60 4 4 90th 7.59 5.90 8 8 RANGE 0.00-33.19 0.00-42.74 0-53 0-47 TOTAL U.S. 2.41 2.09 1509 1550 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 233 FEMALES 256 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 11 14 Signif. high, not in highest decile 10 6 In highest decile, not signif. 40 37 Not signif. different from U.S. 409 419 Signif. lower than U.S. 36 30 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ICD 7TH: 480-483 8TH: 470-474 0- 4&4 3.02 2.56 NONWHITES 5-9 0.10 0.14 —— MALE 10-14 0.10 0.13 10.0 f —-- FEMALE 15-19 0.22 0.18 20-24 0.13 0.14 25-29 0.26 0.38 30-34 0.42 0.39 1.0 35-39 0.56 0.68 40-44 0.89 1.11 45-49 1.59 1.74 50-54 2.60 1.74 0.1 55-59 3.78 2.85 60-64 5.61 4.35 65-69 8.37 6.66 70-74 11.72 10.48 0.01 —H——+———+—+———+—+—+———+— 75-84 18.13 14.07 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65S 75 85+ 85+ 33.17 39.37 AGE IN YEARS 259 260 Pneumonia Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 24.44 14.44 89 68 20th 26.58 15.76 122 96 30th 28.48 16.86 151 119 40th 30.07 17.85 181 141 50th 31.80 18.59 221 172 60th 33.82 19.79 272 212 70th 36.18 21.15 331 261 80th 38.62 22.75 412 327 90th 42.20 25.08 644 543 RANGE 19.26-59.53 8.64-34.66 20-15197 13-13723 TOTAL U.S. 33.81 19.90 194532 155673 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 49 48 Signif. high, not in highest decile 47 40 In highest decile, not signif. Z 3 Not signif. different from U.S. 222 250 Signif. lower than U.S. 186 165 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10000.0 ICD 7TH: 490-493 EF 8TH: 480-486 0- 4 37.29 28.03 N WHITES 5-9 1.75 1.65 1000.0 Ek —— HALE 10-14 1.47 1.31 F ~~ - FEMALE ’ 15-19 2.13 1.63 C 20-24 2.64 1.75 100.0 k 25-29 2.34 1.97 E 30-34 2.96 2.51 [ 35-39 4.99 3.58 10.0 L 40-44 8.32 5.36 E 45-49 12.76 7.40 [ 50-54 20.73 10.70 1.0 k 55-59 32.26 14.86 E 60-64 50.76 21.67 i 65-69 84.03 36.37 Out by 70-74 161.05 71.74 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 75-84 376.73 214.25 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 1038.04 779.14 Pneumonia Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 22.35 7.04 1 1 20th 35.62 17.16 3 2 30th 43.59 22.86 7 4 40th 48.90 28.10 11 7 50th 54.15 31.82 19 13 60th 58.85 35.09 38 22 70th 65.83 38.50 59 37 80th 75.16 44.70 104 69 90th 86.72 53.30 174 128 RANGE 0.00-231.03 0.00-633.10 0-3538 0-2617 TOTAL U.S. 61.28 35.72 40136 27410 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 27 FEMALES 47 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 19 15 Signif. high, not in highest decile 25 22 In highest decile, not signif. 32 36 Not signif. different from U.S. 329 337 Signif. lower than U.S. 101 96 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 122.28 102.84 5-9 3.16 3.43 10-14 2.09 2.48 15-19 4.07 2.86 20-24 5.92 4.21 25-29 10.42 6.14 30-34 17.10 9.55 35-39 28.91 15.75 40-44 40.75 19.72 45-49 52.61 22.25 50-54 65.55 27.12 55-59 83.00 37.21 60-64 113.26 53.62 65-69 155.65 72.70 70-74 243.57 114.64 75-84 379.07 198.09 85+ 588.10 435.92 1000.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 490-493 E 8TH: 480-486 [ NONWHITES - 100.0 f\ —— MALE E\— — - FEMALE 10.0 E 1.0 o o o -— -- rrr rr ttt tr 5 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 261 Chronic Bronchitis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 2.30 0.35 9 2 20th 2.80 0.50 15 3 30th 3.33 0.65 19 5 40th 3.66 0.74 23 6 50th 4.05 0.85 29 7 60th 4.48 0.95 35 9 70th 4.92 1.09 43 11 80th 5.49 1.25 55 15 90th 6.44 1.44 91 25 RANGE 0.00-17.23 0.00-3.97 0-1661 0-501 TOTAL U.S. 4.20 0.91 24555 6936 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 1 FEMALES 18 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 48 13 Signif. high, not in highest decile 30 6 In highest decile, not signif. 3 38 Not signif. different from U.S. 315 373 Signif. lower than U.S. 110 76 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGY Mas FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 502 E 8TH: 491 0- 4 0.16 0.11 F 5-9 0.02 0.02 WHITES 10-14 0.03 0.02 _’ 15-19 0.03 0.02 13.0 § ~-=FERALE no? 20-24 0.04 0.04 F _- 25-29 0.03 0.04 C ’ 30-34 0.07 0.07 rob 35-39 0.19 0.12 TE 40-44 0.55 0.26 C 45-49 1.22 0.64 I 50-54 2.96 1.20 55-59 6.42 1.92 9.13 60-64 13.09 2.83 C 65-69 21.40 3.91 [ 70-74 32.59 4.96 0.04 ttt 75-84 46.21 8.13 1ST 1s 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 50.92 14.78 AGE IN YEARS 264 Emphysema Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 15.83 1.78 37 6 20th 18.64 2.29 52 9 30th 20.42 2.62 63 11 40th 21.89 2.91 76 14 50th 23.11 3.20 89 18 60th 24.45 3.58 112 20 70th 25.97 3.92 143 26 80th 28.71 4.53 174 33 90th 32.12 5.22 247 54 RANGE 6.98-55.58 0.00-11.41 8-2627 0-862 TOTAL U.S. 21.53 3.30 72989 14556 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 1 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 50 33 Signif. high, not in highest decile 86 11 In highest decile, not signif. 1 18 Not signif. different from U.S. 290 373 Signif. lower than U.S. 79 71 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 g ICD 8TH: 492 0- 4 0.15 0.08 C WHITES 5-9 0.02 0.02 100.0 E —— MALE 10-14 0.02 0.02 FE — — — FEMALE 15-19 0.04 0.03 - - 20-24 0.05 0.04 10.0 k 25-29 0.10 0.05 E 30-34 0.28 0.19 F 35-39 0.73 0.41 1.0L 40-44 2.26 1.05 : 45-49 5.75 2.35 F 50-54 14.36 4.49 c.1 kL 55-59 34.73 8.10 E 60-64 69.06 11.79 - 65-69 120.45 15.30 0 o1 — 70-74 178.38 20.06 "75 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 193.11 37.05 Emphysema Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 30th 4.87 0.00 1 0 40th 7.48 0.00 2 0 50th 10.26 0.00 3 0 60th 12.49 0.75 4 1 70th 15.25 1.50 6 1 80th 19.26 2.56 10 2 90th 28.48 5.06 18 3 RANGE 0.00-137.78 0.00-74.62 0-194 0-36 TOTAL U.S. 11.48 1.62 3913 685 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 128 FEMALES 291 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 8 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 13 3 In highest decile, not signif. 43 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 400 442 Signif. lower than U.S. 42 10 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 8TH: 492 5-9 0.05 0.03 - —— MALE _ 10-14 0.07 0.03 10.0 E —— - FEMALE Lr 15-19 0.16 0.10 E Lv 20-24 0.24 0.07 f _” 25-29 0.47 0.12 - 30-34 0.50 0.19 1.0 E 35-39 1.83 0.68 F 40-44 4.43 1.31 C 45-49 7.76 2.10 r 50-54 17.31 2.91 0.1E 55-59 28.24 4.38 F v7, 60-64 38.82 4.47 [ - 65-69 53.36 5.24 ~ 70-74 76.29 7.92 0.01 —H——+—+—+—+—+—++++—+——+—++ 75-84 93.10 10.81 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 72.75 15.55 AGE IN YEARS 265 266 Asthma Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.81 0.63 3 3 20th 1.04 0.81 5 5 30th 1.25 0.95 7 6 40th 1.45 1.06 10 8 50th 1.60 1.19 12 10 60th 1.78 1.31 15 12 70th 2.04 1.47 19 14 80th 2.27 1.65 24 19 90th 2.74 1.93 31 29 RANGE 0.00-5.55 0.00-4.24 0-450 0-574 TOTAL U.S. 1.59 1.23 9318 8535 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 7 FEMALES 5 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 33 10 Signif. high, not in highest decile 6 10 In highest decile, not signif. 18 41 Not signif. different from U.S. 382 388 Signif. lower than U.S. 67 57 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,007: AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 241 E 8TH: 493 0- 4 0.24 0.22 C WHITES 5-9 0.13 0.12 FF — MALE 10-14 0.20 0.17 10.0 k —— - FEMALE 15-19 0.18 0.27 EF — 20-24 0.2] 0.34 [ 25-29 0.22 0.49 F 30-34 0.30 0.55 1.0 E 35-39 0.44 0.88 F 40-44 0.73 1.23 $ 45-49 1.21 1.64 - 50-54 2.02 2.38 0.1 F 55-59 3.25 2.83 F 60-64 5.17 3.50 % 65-69 6.84 3.88 - 70-74 9.78 4.61 0.0 H—+—+—+—+4+4++ +++ ++ +++ 75-84 11.55 5.55 S 15 25 35 45 55 65S 75 85s 85+ 10.88 6.51 AGE IN YEARS Asthma Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 1.39 1 50th 2.17 1 60th 2.71 3 70th 3.20 5 80th 3.86 11 90th 5.30 17 RANGE 0.00-44.79 0-485 TOTAL U.S. 3.13 4465 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 162 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 7 Signif. high, not in highest decile 6 In highest decile, not signif. 44 Not signif. different from U.S. 403 Signif. lower than U.S. 46 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND pavaLes 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 241 E 8TH: 493 0- 4 0.82 - i ¢ Ooi [ NONWHITES 10-14 0.60 15-19 0.92 0.0} 20-24 1.35 F 25-29 1.84 i 30-34 2.19 Lok 35-39 3.37 CE 40-44 4.13 F 45-49 5.41 C 50-54 6.18 55-59 7.56 o.1 § 60-64 8.04 F 65-69 7.88 i 70-74 6.63 a a1 75-84 7.89 "75 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 8Se 85+ 6 -09 AGE IN YEARS 267 Pneumoconiosis Due to Silica and Silicates Among White and Nonwhite Males, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS WHITE NONWHITE WHITE NONWHITE PERCENTILE MALES MALES MALES MALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 30th 0.16 0.00 1 0 40th 0.24 0.00 2 0 50th 0.32 0.00 3 0 60th 0.47 0.00 4 0 70th 0.68 0.00 6 0 80th 1.02 0.48 10 1 90th 1.87 2.06 20 2 RANGE 0.00-228.60 0.00-193.55 0-3104 0-57 TOTAL U.S. 1.87 0.84 110921 483 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: WHITE MALES 120 NONWHITE MALES 385 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY WHITE MALES NONWHITE MALES Signif. high, in highest decile 17 8 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 1 In highest decile, not signif. 34 43 Not signif. different from U.S. 69 444 Signif. lower than U.S. 386 10 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE WHITE MALES NONWHITE MALES 100.0 = ICD 7TH: S23 3 8TH: S15 0- 4 0.00 0.00 F —— WHITE MALES Se 3 0.00 0.00 [ — —- NONWHITE MALES 10-14 0.00 0.00 10.0 k 15-19 0.00 0.00 FE 20-24 0.00 0.02 - 25-29 0.00 0.06 i 30-34 0.01 0.02 1.0 k 35-39 0.03 0.12 F 40-44 0.09 0.31 . 45-49 0.30 0.46 C 50-54 1.22 0.99 0.1 6 55-59 3.00 1.92 “1 E 60-64 6.51 2.76 : i 65-69 10.17 5.06 [ rN 70-74 15.25 6.08 A EY AN 269 75-84 21.25 6.49 "75 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 13.73 3.75 AGE IN YEARS Bronchiectasis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.32 0.11 1 1 20th 0.49 0.23 3 1 30th 0.61 0.29 4 2 40th 0.71 0.35 5 3 50th 0.79 0.43 6 4 60th 0.89 0.50 8 5 70th 1.01 0.58 10 6 80th 1.21 0.67 12 8 90th 1.51 0.86 18 13 RANGE 0.00-4.48 0.00-2.26 0-321 0-157 TOTAL U.S. 0.88 0.44 5143 3325 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 25 FEMALES 41 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 14 9 Signif. high, not in highest decile 2 0 In highest decile, not signif. 37 42 Not signif. different from U.S. 408 413 Signif. lower than U.S. 45 42 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 £ ICD 7TH: 526 E 8TH: S18 0- 4 0.02 0.01 [WHITES 5-9 0.02 0.01 F —— MALE 10-14 0.02 0.01 10.0 E — — —- FEMALE 15-19 0.03 0.04 F 20-24 0.06 0.04 [ 25-29 0.09 0.06 - 30-34 0.11 0.10 1.0 k 35-39 0.13 0.18 E 40-44 0.29 0.31 [ 45-49 0.45 0.40 p 50-54 0.73 0.56 0.1¢E 55-59 1.35 0.78 - 60-64 2.38 1.08 [ 65-69 3.74 1.69 - % 70-74 6.14 2.49 0.01 H—++—+——++4+—+++ +4 + + + 75-84 9.57 4.03 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 11.85 5.81 AGE IN YEARS 270 Bronchiectasis Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.00 0 60th 0.11 1 70th 0.40 1 80th 0.69 2 90th 1.28 3 RANGE 0.00-20.48 0-55 TOTAL U.S. 0.50 666 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 300 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 In highest decile, not signif. 50 Not signif. different from U.S. iv Signif. lower than U.S. 11 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AC MALES AND FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 526 E 8TH: 518 0-4 0.05 C NONWHITES 5-9 0.03 10-14 0.02 10.0 k 15-19 0.04 E 20-24 0.08 3 25-29 0.05 5 30-34 0.20 1.0 k 35-39 0.34 E 40-44 0.51 ¥ 45-49 0.63 - 50-54 0.83 0.1 55-59 1.14 F 60-64 1.35 i 65-69 1.70 - 70-74 1.86 0.01 —H—+—+—+—+——+—+—++—+—+—++—++++ 75-84 3.39 5 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 85+ 4.18 AGE IN YEARS 271 r = = Ulcer of the Stomach Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 1.80 0.57 7 3 20th 2.14 0.82 10 5 30th 2.38 0.93 13 7 40th 2.60 1.07 16 9 50th 2.82 1.18 19 11 60th 3.00 1.30 23 13 70th 3.27 1.45 28 16 80th 3.52 1.59 38 21 90th 3.91 1.84 61 32 RANGE 0.00-8.60 0.00-2.93 0-1405 0-854 TOTAL U.S. 2.99 1.30 17556 10028 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 2 FEMALES 9 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 13 8 Signif. high, not in highest decile 6 3 In highest decile, not signif. 38 43 Not signif. different from U.S. 385 381 Signif. lower than U.S. 64 71 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 540 E 8TH: S31 0- 4 0.19 0.14 C WHITES 5- 9 0.01 0.02 Ir —— MALE #7 10-14 0.02 0.02 10.0 Ek — — - FEMALE +7 15-19 0.07 0.04 : 20-24 0.11 0.06 r 25-29 0.17 0.10 L 30-34 0.31 0.19 1.0 k 35-39 0.56 0.30 ; 40-44 1.21 0.58 C 45-49 2.12 0.99 - 50-54 3.51 1.46 0.1 k 55-59 6.02 2.16 E 60-64 9.01 2.90 r 65-69 12.65 4.59 - 70-74 17.34 7.29 0.01 HY 75-84 28.82 13.56 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75S 85+ 85+ 39.47 25.99 AGE IN YEARS 273 274 Ulcer of the Duodenum Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 2.03 0.42 8 2 20th 2.47 0.59 12 4 30th 2.79 0.73 15 5 40th 3.05 0.82 18 7 50th 3.26 0.91 22 8 60th 3.53 1.00 28 11 70th 3.75 1.10 35 13 80th 4.08 1.29 46 18 90th 4.66 1.50 69 26 RANGE 0.00-6.72 0.00-3.07 0-1518 0-640 TOTAL U.S. 3.47 1.00 20362 7784 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 3 FEMALES 15 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 18 7 Signif. high, not in highest decile 3 6 In highest decile, not signif. 33 44 Not signif. different from U.S. 378 384 Signif. lower than U.S. 74 65 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) ACE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 541 E 8TH: S32 0- 4 0.11 0.07 r 5- 9 0.01 0.01 [HHITES 10-14 0.01 0.01 10.0 —~ - FEMALE .7 15-19 0.05 0.03 E 7 20-24 0.13 0.05 r ? 25-29 0.20 0.06 L 30-34 0.39 0.13 1.0 k 35-39 0.67 0.22 E 40-44 1.51 0.49 r 45-49 2.47 0.72 s 50-54 4.30 1.18 0.1 k 55-59 6.97 1.71 EA 60-64 10.03 2.41 Fo 65-69 14.57 3.46 5 70-74 21.47 5.13 008 bb pp yy 75-84 32.21 10.77 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 47.60 20.99 AGE IN YEARS Ulcer of the Duodenum Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.71 1 50th 1.28 1 60th 1.70 2 70th 2.14 4 80th 2.68 6 90th 4.23 10 RANGE 0.00-121.74 0-223 TOTAL U.S. 1.82 2402 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 181 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY CATEGORY Signif. high, in highest decile Signif. high, not in highest decile In highest decile, not signif. Not signif. different from U.S. Signif. lower than U.S. NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS MALES AND FEMALES 4 3 47 428 24 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 100.0 ICD 7TH: 541 : 8TH: 532 0- 4 0.28 [ NONWHITES 5-9 0.02 - 10-14 0.04 16.0 & 15-19 0.05 : 20-24 0.17 r 25-29 0.35 - 30-34 0.56 Lol 35-39 1.05 g 40-44 2.02 r 45-49 2.33 + 50-54 3.30 - 55-59 4.29 EF 60-64 4.96 - 65-69 6.44 - 70-74 8.36 0.01 +++ 75-84 11.18 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 11.11 AGE IN YEARS 275 276 Acute Appendicitis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.34 0.12 1 1 20th 0.54 0.23 3 2 30th 0.65 0.30 4 2 40th 0.75 0.34 5 3 50th 0.86 0.40 6 4 60th 0.95 0.46 8 4 70th 1.04 0.54 9 6 80th 1.19 0.64 12 8 90th 1.37 0.79 19 12 RANGE 0.00-3.55 0.00-2.35 0-235 0-196 TOTAL U.S. 0.83 0.41 4888 3070 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 21 FEMALES 39 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 3 4 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 0 In highest decile, not signif. 48 47 Not signif. different from U.S. 415 432 Signif. lower than U.S. 40 23 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10.0 g ICD 7TH: S50 F 8TH: 540 0- 4 0.24 0.15 ad 5-9 0.19 0.14 F WHITES ; 10-14 0.22 0.16 r — MALE 15-19 0.19 0.12 1.0 ~~ TEAALE o 20-24 0.17 0.08 5 / 25-29 0.16 0.10 - 30-34 0.19 0.13 - 35-39 0.26 0.14 - 40-44 0.50 0.18 ~=Tw, ar” 0.1¢F ’ 45-49 0.58 0.27 F Not 50-54 0.87 0.35 C 55-59 1.45 0.55 r 60-64 1.92 0.83 I 65-69 2.89 1.24 70-74 3.98 1.91 0.01 M—4+—tH—4+-+-+-+++++—+—+++++ 75-84 7.35 3.76 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65S 7S 85+ 85+ 8.75 6.44 AGE IN YEARS Acute Appendicitis Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.75 1 60th 1.07 1 70th 1.28 2 80th 1.74 5 90th 2.68 7 RANGE 0.00-16.64 0-121 TOTAL U.S. 1.14 1606 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 211 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 0 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 In highest decile, not signif. 51 Not signif. different from U.S. 442 Signif. lower than U.S. 12 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 10.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: S550 : 8TH: 540 0- 4 0.38 C 5-9 0.34 + NONWHITES 10-14 0.40 © 15-19 0.38 1.0L 20-24 0.24 C 25-29 0.31 - 30-34 0.35 - 35-39 0.60 - 40-44 1.03 45-49 1.16 O-t[ 50-54 1.93 : 55-59 2.29 [ 60-64 3.10 I 65-69 3.28 70-74 4.78 0.01 H—+—4+—+—+—+++—+—+++—++++ 75-84 5.95 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 6.81 AGE IN YEARS 277 278 Diverticula of the Intestine Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.67 0.79 3 4 20th 0.90 0.99 4 7 30th 1.05 1.13 6 9 40th 1.21 1.30 7 10 50th 1.35 1.44 9 13 60th 1.48 1.56 12 16 70th 1.63 1.67 15 20 80th 1.81 1.82 19 28 90th 2.09 2.06 31 43 RANGE 0.00-3.73 0.00-3.42 0-578 0-815 TOTAL U.S. 1.48 1.52 8692 12493 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 8 FEMALES 1 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 11 11 Signif. high, not in highest decile 3 9 In highest decile, not signif. 40 40 Not signif. different from U.S. 386 369 Signif. lower than U.S. 66 77 AGE-SPECIFIC RAT:C (23% “(0 ~nn) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 572.1 E TH: 362.1 0-4 0.00 0.01 r ~ 5-9 0.00 0.00 . MT z 10-14 0.00 0.00 10.0 E — — - FEMALE 15-19 0.01 0.01 F 20-24 0.01 0.00 [ 25-29 0.02 0.02 - 30-34 0.06 0.01 1.0 L 35-39 0.20 0.09 E 40-44 0.40 0.22 r 45-49 0.75 0.45 5 50-54 1.43 1.00 0.1 F 55-59 2.44 1.67 F 60-64 4.00 3.07 C 65-69 5.99 5.56 - 70-74 9.22 9.58 Oot bd oy oy fp 75-84 16.94 21.16 S is 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 28.38 43.39 AGE IN YEARS Diverticula of the Intestine Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.16 1 60th 0.66 1 70th 0.98 2 80th 1.29 3 90th 1.97 5 RANGE 0.00-20.33 0-126 TOTAL U.S. 1.00 1272 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 251 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 0 Signif. high, not in highest decile 4 In highest decile, not signif. 51 Not signif. different from U.S. 434 Signif. lower than U.S. 17 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 572.1 3 8TH: 562.1 8-4 0.01 [ NONWHITES 5- 9 0.00 A 10-14 0.00 0.0 = 15-19 0.00 F 20-24 0.00 - 25-29 6.03 I 30-34 0.12 1.01 35-39 0.18 E 40-44 0.57 45-49 0.72 : 50-54 1.36 0.1L 55-59 1.72 3 60-64 3.57 - 65-69 4.18 - 70-74 5.37 0.01 ttt 75-84 9.41 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 12.55 AGE IN YEARS 279 Regional Enteritis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.05 1 40th 0.09 1 50th 0.11 2 60th 0.14 2 70th 0.16 3 80th 0.20 4 90th 0.25 7 RANGE 0.00-0.56 0-115 TOTAL U.S. 0.14 1753 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 124 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 In highest decile, not signif. 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 436 Signif. lower than U.S. 18 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 10.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 572.0 0- 4 0.00 F 8TH: 563.0 5-9 0.00 L 10-14 0.01 i WHITES 15-19 0.03 20-24 0.09 1.0L 25-29 0.08 : 30-34 0.12 F ptt, 35-39 0.11 - 40-44 0.17 - 45-49 0.22 o LL 50-54 0.27 LE 55-59 0.31 E 60-64 0.35 C 65-69 0.38 L 70-74 0.41 75-84 0.55 0.01 ++ 4+ 85+ 0.42 S 1S 25 35 45 SS 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS 281 Ulcerative Colitis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.15 0.17 1 1 30th 0.24 0.24 1 2 40th 0.27 0.30 2 2 50th 0.35 0.36 3 3 60th 0.41 0.42 3 4 70th 0.48 0.49 4 5 80th 0.58 0.56 5 7 90th 0.71 0.69 9 10 RANGE 0.00-2.13 0.00-1.77 0-204 0-210 TOTAL U.S. 0.41 0.40 2430 2827 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 75 FEMALES 54 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 3 2 Signif. high, not in highest decile 4 2 In highest decile, not signif. 48 49 Not signif. different from U.S. 420 413 Signif. lower than U.S. 31 40 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10.0 g ICD 7TH: 572.2 F 8TH: 563.1 0- 4 0.10 0.04 F 5-9 0.00 0.01 F WHITES } 10-14 0.03 0.02 —— MALE & 15-19 0.11 0.10 —- — - FEMALE 20-24 0.20 0.20 1.0 ¢ 25-29 0.27 0.27 i 30-34 0.23 0.28 i 35-39 0.30 0.33 I 40-44 0.38 0.37 45-49 0.46 0.44 0.1 50-54 0.59 0.59 r 55-59 0.83 0.69 Ly 60-64 1.01 0.92 Fy 65-69 1.35 1.16 Wi 70-74 1.81 1.90 0.01 d+ ++ 73-84 2.12 2.34 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 2.45 2.73 289 AGE IN YEARS Ulcerative Colitis Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.00 0 60th 0.00 0 70th 0.00 0 80th 0.30 1 90th 0.57 2 RANGE 0.00-12.67 0-35 TOTAL U.S. 0.25 344 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 354 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile Signif. high, not in highest decile In highest decile, not signif. Not signif. different from U.S. Signif. lower than U.S. 0 0 51 453 2 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 0- 4 0.14 5-9 0.00 10-14 0.02 15-19 0.04 20-24 0.11 25-29 0.21 30-34 0.17 35-39 0.19 40-44 0.23 45-49 0.27 50-54 0.47 55-59 0.52 60-64 0.55 65-69 0.71 70-74 0.96 75-84 0.93 85+ 0.36 10. 0 .01 TT TTTTIT TT TT TTT T Tr TTTIT T S 15 25 3% 7TH: 572.2 8TH: 563.1 1CD NONWHITES 45 55 65 7S 85+ AGE IN YEARS 283 284 Cirrhosis of the Liver Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 8.44 3.44 34 16 20th 9.77 4.06 45 22 30th 11.18 4.69 58 30 40th 12.30 5.47 72 37 50th 13.66 6.33 84 45 60th 14.87 7.15 108 57 70th 16.84 8.18 141 73 80th 19.42 9.36 193 112 90th 22.26 11.27 397 207 RANGE 3.50-52.77 1.39-24.92 5-11246 3-5306 TOTAL U.S. 18.99 8.84 111928 58983 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 48 47 Signif. high, not in highest decile 9 13 In highest decile, not signif. 3 4 Not signif. different from U.S. 128 165 Signif. lower than U.S. 318 277 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,00") AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 581 F 8TH: 571 0- 4 0.30 0.33 © WHITES a 5-9 0.09 0.11 F —— MALE T= 10-14 0.08 0.16 10.0 - — — - FEMALE 15-19 0.17 0.30 EF 20-24 0.32 0.39 - 25-29 1.35 0.83 i 30-34 4.74 2.64 v5 b 35-39 12.41 7.02 UE 40-44 24.42 13.60 s 45-49 37.50 20.73 i 50-54 52.31 26.72 55-59 63.67 28.15 0.1 ¢ 60-64 69.41 26.33 - 65-69 67.27 24.58 i 70-74 56.72 23.02 0.01 75-84 47.12 20.61 . ———— 4) 31 23 ngs 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ AGE IN YEARS Cirrhosis of the Liver Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 5.86 0.00 1 0 30th 8.71 4.68 2 2 40th 12.85 7.96 4 3 50th 17.37 10.75 6 5 60th 20.97 14.28 10 8 70th 26.13 17.90 16 12 80th 34.06 22.94 25 19 90th 46.24 40.37 45 37 RANGE 0.00-498.53 0.00-176.91 0-4424 0-2223 TOTAL U.S. 28.59 15.70 18209 11719 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 79 FEMALES 104 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 15 28 Signif. high, not in highest decile 13 23 In highest decile, not signif. 36 23 Not signif. different from U.S. 263 306 Signif. lower than U.S. 179 126 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ 0- 4 0.44 0.54 F 5- 9 0.07 0.09 [ 10-14 0.09 0.34 * * .0 E 15-19 0.41 0.67 10.0 20-24 2.76 1.82 F 25-29 11.41 7.50 i 30-34 28.07 18.94 35-39 49.38 31.12 ll Ico 7TH: 3% 40-44 67.96 41.44 F 45-49 73.31 43.07 i Naw IES 50-54 74.70 39.43 ol np 55-59 69.51 34.24 1g 60-64 63.38 27.90 F 65-69 54.33 20.92 F 70-74 38.18 13.81 0.04 < " —— ttt tt 75-84 26.92 11.61 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 17. . > 7.51 6.78 AGE IN YEARS 285 286 Cholelithiasis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.54 0.68 2 3 20th 0.77 0.81 4 6 30th 0.95 0.94 5 7 40th 1.05 1.03 7 9 50th 1.21 1.14 9 11 60th 1.34 1.27 11 13 70th 1.48 1.43 13 17 80th 1.64 1.60 18 23 90th 1.99 1.90 26 34 RANGE 0.00-2.95 0.00-2.89 0-456 0-589 TOTAL U.S. 1.25 1.20 7318 9637 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 8 FEMALES 4 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 12 16 Signif. high, not in highest decile 3 10 In highest decile, not signif. 39 35 Not signif. different from U.S. 390 386 Signif. lower than U.S. 62 59 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0-4 0.00 0.00 5-9 0.00 0.00 10-14 0.00 0.00 15-19 0.00 0.02 20-24 0.02 0.10 25-29 0.04 0.12 30-34 0.08 0.13 35-39 0.11 0.23 40-44 0.26 0.32 45-49 0.47 0.49 50-54 0.79 0.83 55-59 1.42 1.39 60-64 2.42 2.46 65-69 4.78 4.40 70-74 8.95 7.90 75-84 17.04 14.99 85+ 27.12 29.73 100.0 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.011 Tr T TT TTIOr ICD 7THe 584 8TH: 574 WHITES —— MALE — == FEMALE NE S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85¢ AGE IN YEARS Cholelithiasis Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 0.00 0.00 0 0 50th 0.00 0.00 0 0 60th 0.00 0.18 0 1 70th 0.00 0.75 0 1 80th 0.48 1.27 1 2 90th 1.27 3.10 2 3 RANGE 0.00-39.16 0.00-103.50 0-23 0-53 TOTAL U.S. 0.52 0.85 297 605 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 377 FEMALES 300 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 2 2 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 0 In highest decile, not signif. 49 49 Not signif. different from U.S. 453 449 Signif. lower than U.S. 1 6 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) LL MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 584 E 8TH: 574 0- 4 0.00 0.00 C NONWHITES 5- 9 0.00 0.01 [ALE I-14 0.00 0.00 10.0 | —— - FEMALE 2 15-19 0.00 0.07 : 2 20-24 0.00 0.08 [ 25-29 0.02 0.26 - 30-34 0.07 0.22 1.0 k 35-39 0.02 0.20 F 40-44 0.22 0.40 [ 45-49 0.38 0.83 50-54 0.47 1.17 0.1 k 55-59 0.70 1.63 F 60-64 1.38 2.25 C 65-69 2.38 3.86 5 70-74 3.52 4.42 0.01 H——+—+—+—+—+—++—+—+—++—+—+ 75-84 5.62 7.43 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85e 85+ 8.36 9.38 AGE IN YEARS 287 288 Cholecystitis and Cholangitis Without Calculus Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.37 0.40 2 2 20th 0.51 0.52 3 4 30th 0.65 0.61 4 5 40th 0.78 0.68 5 6 50th 0.87 0.77 6 8 60th 0.95 0.88 8 9 70th 1.08 0.97 10 11 80th 1.21 1.12 13 16 90th 1.44 1.43 18 22 RANGE 0.00-4.33 0.00-2.90 0-249 0-331 TOTAL U.S. 0.85 0.74 5009 6124 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 13 FEMALES 5 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 7 13 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 3 In highest decile, not signif. 44 38 Not signif. different from U.S. 404 406 Signif. lower than U.S. 50 46 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 585 E 8TH: S75 0- 4 0.01 0.01 C WHITES 5-9 0.00 0.00 - —— MALE 10-14 0.00 0.00 10.0 £ — — - FEMALE 15-19 0.01 0.01 J 20-24 0.01 0.03 C 25-29 0.03 0.05 - 30-34 0.03 0.06 1.0 E 35-39 0.08 0.12 . 40-44 0.17 0.18 [ 45-49 0.23 0.25 - 50-54 0.55 0.45 0.1 F 55-59 0.82 0.77 E 60-64 1.65 1.29 L 65-69 3.05 2.37 - 70-74 5.44 4.48 0.011 75-84 12.20 10.20 5S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 22.98 23.57 AGE IN YEARS Cholecystitis and Cholangitis Without Calculus Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 0.00 0.00 0 0 50th 0.00 0.00 0 0 60th 0.00 0.37 0 1 70th 0.00 0.78 0 1 80th 0.66 1.26 1 2 90th 1.61 2.78 2 3 RANGE 0.00-30.95 0.00-30.76 0-24 0-29 TOTAL U.S. 0.58 0.82 331 579 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 360 FEMALES 299 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 2 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 0 In highest decile, not signif. 49 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 451 453 Signif. lower than U.S. 4 2 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 g ICD 7TH: S85 F 8TH: 575 0- 4 0.00 0.02 CL NONWHITES 5-9 0.00 0.00 r —— MALE 10-14 0.00 0.00 10.0 f ——- FEMALE 7 15-19 0.04 0.02 F 20-24 0.02 0.08 C 25-29 0.06 0.10 - 30-34 0.09 0.15 1.0 35-39 0.07 0.29 F 40-44 0.24 0.45 C 45-49 0.28 0.65 - 50-54 0.61 1.14 0.1 55-59 1.09 1.19 F 60-64 1.34 2.14 C 65-69 2.58 3.61 i 70-74 3.88 4.97 0.01 —H———+H—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+——+—+ 75-84 6.18 7.19 5S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 7S 85¢ 85+ 7.21 11.63 AGE IN YEARS 289 Nephritis and Nephrosis Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 3.42 2.07 14 10 20th 3.96 2.40 19 14 30th 4.38 2.69 24 19 40th 4.78 2.94 31 24 50th 5.09 3.18 38 30 60th 5.55 3.54 45 37 70th 5.96 3.82 53 44 80th 6.46 4.17 69 55 90th 7.42 5.03 102 78 RANGE 1.14-12.10 0.00-10.40 1-1714 0-1277 TOTAL U.S. 5.01 3.15 29528 23554 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 1 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 39 41 Signif. high, not in highest decile 20 19 In highest decile, not signif. 12 10 Not signif. different from U.S. 373 369 Signif. lower than U.S. 62 67 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 ICD 7TH: S90-594 8TH: 580-584 0- 4 0.50 0.46 WHITES 5-9 0.31 0.33 100.0 f —— MALE 10-14 0.42 0.46 ——- FEMALE 15-19 0.92 0.68 20-24 1.36 0.95 10.0 25-29 1.54 0.87 30-34 1.69 1.13 35-39 2.56 1.52 1.0 40-44 3.06 2.09 45-49 4.43 2.68 50-54 5.83 3.70 0.1 55-59 8.44 4.92 60-64 11.19 6.70 65-69 16.20 9.84 0.01 70-74 22.29 13.72 S 15S 25 35 45 S55 65 75 8S 75-84 43.00 26.27 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 88.58 57.08 Nephritis and Nephrosis Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 6.62 5.31 1 1 40th 9.68 7.60 2 2 50th 11.80 9.04 4 4 60th 13.78 11.14 8 7 70th 15.70 12.99 14 11 80th 18.95 15.37 26 21 90th 23.21 18.81 43 39 RANGE 0.00-55.96 0.00-178.56 0-585 0-574 TOTAL U.S. 14.54 11.05 8986 8085 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 123 FEMALES 121 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 15 15 Signif. high, not in highest decile 7 16 In highest decile, not signif. 36 36 Not signif. different from U.S. 405 400 Signif. lower than U.S. 43 39 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 g ICD 7TH: 590-594 8TH: 580-584 0- 4 1.01 0.68 5-9 0.65 0.45 100.0 Le 10-14 0.80 0.89 — — - FEMALE 15-19 1.96 1.42 20-24 3.66 2.18 10.0 25-29 4.77 3.79 30-34 6.91 5.83 35-39 10.50 8.66 1.0 40-44 14.84 12.19 45-49 18.98 14.99 50-54 24.31 18.21 0.1 55-59 29.12 25.70 60-64 37.77 30.68 65-69 44,65 35.66 bb 70-74 58.84 42.84 ’ 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 75-84 89.17 56.28 AGE IN YEARS 85+ 141.62 87.92 291 292 Infections of the Kidney Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 2.40 2.05 10 11 20th 2.89 2.43 15 17 30th 3.30 2.78 19 22 40th 3.68 3.13 23 28 50th 4.04 3.45 30 33 60th 4.46 3.82 36 40 70th 4.84 4.22 44 49 80th 5.62 4,78 57 67 90th 6.62 5.80 78 98 RANGE 0.51-12.91 0.39-18.15 1-1213 1-1420 TOTAL U.S. 4.00 3.44 23503 27467 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 43 47 Signif. high, not in highest decile 31 42 In highest decile, not signif. 8 4 Not signif. different from U.S. 331 310 Signif. lower than U.S. 93 103 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 ICD 7TH: 600 8TH 590 0- 4 0.15 0.15 VILTED 5- 9 0.04 0.08 100.0 k — ALE 10-14 0.05 0.13 — — - FERALE z 15-19 0.16 0.15 20-24 0.23 0.27 10.0 25-29 0.26 0.33 30-34 0.28 0.53 35-39 0.55 0.82 Lo 40-44 0.77 1.21 45-49 1.38 1.98 50-54 2.25 3.12 o1 55-59 3.89 4.61 . 60-64 6.66 6.93 65-69 12.77 11.37 0.08 tt 70-74 15.78 35,25 "75 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 130.25 9.21 FRE IN YEARS Infections of the Kidney Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 i] 20th 0.00 0.00 0 30th 0.00 2.43 0 1 40th 4.70 4.86 1 1 50th 6.66 6.39 2 3 60th 8.46 7.86 4 5 70th 9.82 9.34 8 9 80th 11.70 11.25 14 15 90th 15.49 15.65 24 26 RANGE 0.00-53.82 0.00-65.94 0-261 0-411 TOTAL U.S. 8.76 8.33 5078 5921 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 153 FEMALES 143 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 13 9 Signif. high, not in highest decile 7 9 In highest decile, not signif. 38 42 Not signif. different from U.S. 408 409 Signif. lower than U.S. 40 37 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 1000.0 g ICD 7TH: 600 8TH: 590 0- 4 0.45 0.25 NONWHITES 5-9 0.07 0.07 100.0 b —— MALE 10-14 0.08 0.09 — — — FEMALE 15-19 0.19 0.26 20-24 0.52 0.58 10.0 25-29 0.57 1.42 30-34 1.48 2.32 35-39 2.19 4.89 1.0 40-44 3.55 7.41 45-49 6.28 10.28 50-54 9.89 14.10 0.1 55-59 15.44 19.58 60-64 26.22 26.29 65-69 35.75 33.87 0.01 70-74 59.21 39.63 5 15 25 35 45 S5 65 75 85 85+ 112.20 63.85 293 294 Calculus of the Kidney, Ureter and Other Urinary System Parts Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.15 0.08 1 1 20th 0.26 0.18 1 1 30th 0.36 0.25 2 2 40th 0.44 0.31 3 3 50th 0.51 0.36 4 4 60th 0.58 0.43 5 4 70th 0.68 0.52 6 5 80th 0.80 0.62 8 7 90th 1.00 0.76 11 11 RANGE 0.00-2.69 0.00-2.24 0-221 0-235 TOTAL U.S. 0.54 0.39 3143 2993 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 38 FEMALES 45 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 7 7 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 1 In highest decile, not signif. 44 44 Not signif. different from U.S. 417 404 Signif. lower than U.S. 38 50 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) ACE MALES FEMALES 10.0 £ ICD 7TH: 602, 604 F 8TH: 592, 594 0- 4 0.00 0.00 F 5-9 0.00 0.00 F WHITES 10-14 0.00 0.00 - — MALE 15-19 0.00 0.01 — — - FEMALE 20-24 0.04 0.04 1.0% 25-29 0.05 0.04 [ 30-34 0.06 0.05 3 35-39 0.10 0.11 | 40-44 0.15 0.19 45-49 0.27 0.24 0.1¢ 50-54 0.39 0.50 A 55-59 0.82 0.63 - 60-64 1.40 1.06 i ! 65-69 2.36 1.58 I J 70-74 3.66 2.54 0.01 MH——+H—+—+———————+———— 75-84 5.97 3.76 S 15 25 35 45 S5 65 75 85+ 85+ 8.81 5.95 AGE IN YEARS Hyperplasia of the Prostate Among White and Nonwhite Males, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS WHITE NONWHITE WHITE NONWHITE PERCENTILE MALES MALES MALES MALES 10th 1.57 0.00 6 0 20th 1.93 0.00 9 0 30th 2.22 0.00 13 0 40th 2.43 0.00 17 0 50th 2.70 2.56 21 1 60th 2.94 3.58 25 2 70th 3.26 4.58 31 4 80th 3.57 6.11 41 6 90th 4.26 8.16 54 12 RANGE 0.44-13.45 0.00-44.79 1-1323 0-155 TOTAL U.S. 2.80 4.49 16494 2466 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: WHITE MALES 0 NONWHITE MALES 202 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY WHITE MALES NONWHITE MALES Signif. high, in highest decile 33 8 Signif. high, not in highest decile 13 8 In highest decile, not signif. 18 43 Not signif. different from U.S. 359 423 Signif. lower than U.S. 83 24 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE WHITE MALES NONWHITE MALES 1000.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 610 0- 4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 3.004 65-69 70-74 75-84 85+ 142.44 95.76 AGE IN YEARS 8TH: 600 0.00 0.00 —— WHITE MALES 0.00 0.00 100.0 k ——— NONUHITE MALES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 29.0 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 1.0 0.05 0.25 0.23 1.26 0.72 3.84 0.1 2.34 8.33 7.00 19.55 16.58 38.91 0.01 47.91 65.33 5 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 295 Rheumatoid Arthritis and Allied Conditions Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.17 0.39 1 2 20th 0.27 0.52 2 3 30th 0.39 0.64 3 5 40th 0.48 0.73 3 6 50th 0.55 0.82 4 7 60th 0.63 0.91 5 9 70th 0.72 1.04 6 12 80th 0.86 1.19 8 15 90th 1.15 1.40 11 22 RANGE 0.00-4.84 0.00-3.59 0-90 0-278 TOTAL U.S. 0.51 0.80 3025 5956 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 31 FEMALES 13 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 21 15 Signif. high, not in highest decile 3 3 In highest decile, not signif. 30 36 Not signif. different from U.S. 404 406 Signif. lower than U.S. 48 46 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 10.0 ICD 7TH: 722 - 8TH: 712 a _ 0- 4 0.01 0.01 r a 5-9 0.01 0.02 - WHITES ’ — 10-14 0.02 0.02 - —— MALE ’ 15-19 0.01 0.02 wo lb — — - FEMALE 20-24 0.01 0.02 TF 25-29 0.03 0.05 C 30-34 0.07 0.07 [ 35-39 0.12 0.12 a 40-44 0.20 0.26 45-49 0.38 0.51 0.1L 50-54 0.89 1.01 F 55-59 1.35 1.76 r 60-64 2.07 2.50 3 65-69 2.34 4.07 7 70-74 3.17 5.43 0.01 4 —————— 75-84 3.22 6.62 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 296 85+ 3.01 7.01 AGE IN YEARS Rheumatoid Arthritis and Allied Conditions Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.00 0 60th 0.12 1 70th 0.37 1 80th 0.65 2 90th 1.24 3 RANGE 0.00-33.34 0-31 TOTAL U.S. 0.44 575 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 303 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY CATEGORY Signif. high, in highest decile NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS MALES AND FEMALES 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 In highest decile, not signif. 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 450 Signif. lower than U.S. 5 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES MALES AND FEMALES (PER 100,000) 10.0 ¢ ICD 7TH: 722 E 8TH! 712 0- 4 0.00 - 5-9 0.02 - NONWHITES 10-14 0.02 - 15-19 0.02 20-24 0.05 1.00 25-29 0.05 ; 30-34 0.11 i 35-39 0.14 : 40-44 0.36 45-49 0.40 0.1 50-54 0.70 F 55-59 1.00 - 60-64 1.65 I 65-69 1.95 I 70-74 1.89 0.01 H+ 75-84 2.87 S 15 25 35 45 S55 65 75 85+ 85+ 3.58 297 AGE IN YEARS 298 Congenital Anomalies Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 9.18 7.98 26 23 20th 9.76 8.70 36 32 30th 10.28 9.16 44 39 40th 10.67 9.55 54 48 50th 11.01 9.78 67 57 60th 11.40 10.22 81 69 70th 11.83 10.67 98 84 80th 12.46 11.20 128 111 90th 13.37 12.03 203 170 RANGE 6.32-17.53 0.34-18.38 5-2806 1-2482 TOTAL U.S. 11.03 9.80 55168 47946 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 0 FEMALES 0 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 14 14 Signif. high, not in highest decile 2 1 In highest decile, not signif. 37 37 Not signif. different from U.S. 438 427 Signif. lower than U.S. 15 27 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES yovaLEs 100.0 g ICD 7TH: 750-759 E 8TH: 730-759 0- 4 77.62 70.02 5- 9 3.25 2.91 I RHITES 10-14 2.07 1.82 10.0 E re; FEMALE 15-19 2.58 1.90 E 20-24 2.33 1.73 - 25-29 1.86 1.52 [ 30-34 1.69 1.49 1.6 35-39 1.90 1.46 : 40-44 2.09 1.78 i 45-49 2.57 2.23 [ 50-54 2.92 2.49 0.1L 55-59 3.05 2.64 3 60-64 2.81 2.57 F 65-69 2.93 2.65 [ 70-74 3.02 2.45 0.01 ti 75-84 3.97 2.81 S 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 85+ 5.27 3.10 AGE IN YEARS Congenital Anomalies Among Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 4.25 0.00 1 0 30th 8.00 5.12 1 1 40th 9.57 7.28 3 2 50th 10.75 8.53 5 4 60th 11.73 9.76 9 7 70th 12.97 11.07 14 12 80th 14.77 12.54 23 20 90th 19.61 15.80 40 37 RANGE 0.00-96.86 0.00-107.90 0-802 0-664 TOTAL U.S. 11.44 9.68 9497 8172 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 92 FEMALES 113 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 0 4 Signif. high, not in highest decile 6 7 In highest decile, not signif. 51 47 Not signif. different from U.S. 428 422 Signif. lower than U.S. 21 26 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ¢ ICD 7THs 750-759 E 8TH: 740-759 0- 4 78.47 68.11 \ ovaries 5-9 3.18 2.89 [\ hee 10-14 2.28 2.06 10.0 k — — — FEMALE 15-19 2.83 1.91 2 20-24 2.26 1.75 N 25-29 2.53 1.45 - 30-34 2.23 1.40 1.0L 35-39 2.23 1.90 E 40-44 3.00 2.15 N 45-49 3.29 2.66 - 50-54 3.51 2.99 0.1 55-59 3.45 3.23 E 60-64 3.25 2.46 [ 65-69 3.26 2.56 + 70-74 3.74 1.82 0.01 brtitvrrtt——————— 75-84 3.80 1.78 S 15 25 35 45 55 6S 7S 85+ 85+ 3.46 2.24 AGE IN YEARS 299 Anencephalus and Spina Bifida Among Whites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 3.75 6.52 1 2 20th 5.82 9.06 3 4 30th 7.01 11.21 4 5 40th 8.13 12.50 5 7 50th 9.12 14.26 6 9 60th 10.18 15.77 8 11 70th 11.32 17.74 10 14 80th 13.20 20.41 13 18 90th 16.04 24.89 19 26 RANGE 0.00-32.29 0.00-54.68 0-277 0-333 TOTAL U.S. 9.51 14.33 5090 7339 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 20 FEMALES 14 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 8 16 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 4 In highest decile, not signif. 43 35 Not signif. different from U.S. 414 387 Signif. lower than U.S. 40 64 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 9.51 14.33 5~ 9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Rates based on all reported 35-39 mortality among persons less 40-44 than 5 years of age. 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-84 85+ 301 302 Congenital Anomalies of the Heart Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 3.07 2.12 5 4 20th 3.50 2.72 8 6 30th 3.87 3.14 10 8 40th 4.17 3.36 13 9 50th 4.48 3.59 15 12 60th 4.80 3.83 18 14 70th 5.12 4.16 22 18 80th 5.49 4.57 29 24 90th 6.23 5.12 43 35 RANGE 0.00-10.40 0.00-10.37 0-618 0-492 TOTAL U.S. 4.45 3.60 12509 9935 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 2 FEMALES 5 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 8 5 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 0 In highest decile, not signif. 43 46 Not signif. different from U.S. 432 425 Signif. lower than U.S. 23 30 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 f ICD 8TH: 746 0- 4 31.47 25.05 - 5-9 1.78 1.50 L RE LE 15-19 1.33 0.92 E 20-24 1.09 0.85 25-29 0.95 0.74 - 30-34 0.82 0.70 1.0 k 35-39 0.70 0.70 F 40-44 0.71 0.67 45-49 0.81 0.69 - 50-54 0.79 0.61 0.1 55-59 0.87 0.81 ; 60-64 0.79 0.81 - 65-69 0.86 0.89 - 70-74 0.65 0.77 0.01 F——————— 75-84 0.66 0.89 S 15 25 35 45 SS5 65 75 85+ 85+ 0.63 0.63 AGE IN YEARS Congenital Anomalies of the Heart Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 1.49 0.00 1 0 50th 3.26 2.22 1 1 60th 4.50 3.35 2 2 70th 5.43 4.41 3 3 80th 6.86 5.43 6 5 90th 9.68 7.54 10 9 RANGE 0.00-166.65 0.00-69.95 0-180 0-158 TOTAL U.S. 4.67 4.05 2252 1971 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 195 FEMALES 222 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 1 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 0 In highest decile, not signif. 50 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 440 443 Signif. lower than U.S. 14 12 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 100.0 ICD 8TH: 746 0- 4 33.15 29.00 C NONWHITES 5-9 1.67 1.43 - —— MALE 15-19 1.47 0.96 FE 20-24 1.15 1.03 [ 25-29 1.27 0.61 - 30-34 1.03 0.58 1.0 35-39 0.86 0.78 F 40-44 0.79 0.83 8 45-49 0.61 0.84 - 50-54 1.05 0.75 0.1 k 55-59 0.74 0.75 EF 60-64 0.75 0.66 C 65-69 0.33 0.54 r 70-74 0.75 0.30 0.01 —H———+—+—+—+—+++—+—+—+++++ 75-84 0.54 0.41 5 15 25 35 45 SS 6S 7S 85+ 85+ 0.00 0.33 AGE IN YEARS 303 Ventricular Septal Defect Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 0.00 0.00 0 0 50th 13.96 17.49 1 1 60th 23.44 25.15 1 1 70th 29.58 31.13 1 1 80th 38.10 42.07 2 2 90th 54.02 55.98 3 3 RANGE 0.00-214.44 0.00-331.13 0-46 0-40 TOTAL U.S. 22.18 22.96 678 672 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 223 FEMALES 218 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 0 0 Signif. high, not in highest decile 0 0 In highest decile, not signif. 51 51 Not signif. different from U.S. 452 450 Signif. lower than U.S. 3 5 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 22.18 22.96 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Rates based on all reported 35-39 mortality among persons less 40-44 than 5 years of age. 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-84 85+ 304 Atrial Septal Defect Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES AND FEMALES MALES AND FEMALES 10th 0.00 0 20th 0.00 0 30th 0.00 0 40th 0.00 0 50th 0.60 1 60th 1.04 1 70th 1.47 1 80th 2.07 2 90th 2.94 3 RANGE 0.00-17.87 0-44 TOTAL U.S. 0.64 670 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES AND FEMALES 236 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES AND FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 4 In highest decile, not signif. 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 451 Signif. lower than U.S. 0 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES AND FEMALES 0- 4 0.64 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Rates based on all reported 35-39 mortality among persons less 40-44 than 5 years of age. 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-84 85+ 305 306 Patent Ductus Arteriosus Among Whites and N onwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE WHITES NONWHITES WHITES NONWHITES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 0.59 0.00 1 0 50th 0.87 0.00 1 0 60th 1.13 0.00 2 0 70th 1.38 0.00 2 0 80th 1.72 1.43 3 1 90th 2.20 3.26 5 1 RANGE 0.00-6.71 0.00-129.70 0-101 0-47 TOTAL U.S. 1.11 1.70 1164 324 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: WHITES 169 NONWHITES 377 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY WHITES NONWHITES Signif. high, in highest decile 2 1 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 1 In highest decile, not signif. 49 50 Not signif. different from U.S. 445 452 Signif. lower than U.S. 9 2 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE WHITES NONWHITES 0- 4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-84 85+ 1.11 1.70 Rates based on all reported mortality among persons less than 5 years of age. Down’s Syndrome Among Whites and Nonwhites, 1965-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE WHITES NONWHITES WHITES NONWHITES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.06 0.00 1 0 40th 0.10 0.00 1 0 50th 0.13 0.00 2 0 60th 0.16 0.00 2 0 70th 0.19 0.00 3 0 80th 0.24 0.08 4 1 90th 0.31 0.28 6 1 RANGE 00-1.04 0.00-11.69 0-90 0-18 TOTAL U.S. 0.15 0.13 1526 231 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: WHITES 124 NONWHITES 396 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY WHITES NONWHITES Signif. high, in highest decile 1 0 Signif. high, not in highest decile 1 0 In highest decile, not signif. 50 51 Not signif. different from U.S. 437 455 Signif. lower than U.S. 17 0 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE WHITES NONWHITES 10.0. ICD 7TH: 325.4 F 8TH: 759.3 0-4 1.01 0.95 r WHITES 5-9 0.06 0.06 fF ---- NONWHITES 10-14 0.05 0.04 - 15-19 0.05 0.04 1.0 20-24 0.04 0.05 ’ 25-29 0.03 0.05 30-34 0.03 0.03 35-39 0.02 0.01 40-44 0.04 0.02 45-49 0.05 0.02 0.1 50-54 0.07 0.00 55-59 0.05 0.02 60-64 0.04 0.00 65-69 0.02 0.00 70-74 0.01 0.03 0.01 F———————————— + 75-84 0.01 0.00 S 15 25 35 45 SS 65 75 85+ 85+ 0.01 0.00 AGE IN YEARS 307 308 Hyaline Membrane Disease Among Whites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NO. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 18.90 9.97 4 2 20th 24.51 12.98 6 4 30th 28.16 15.70 8 5 40th 31.67 18.76 11 6 50th 36.29 21.13 13 8 60th 41.25 23.71 15 9 70th 45.81 26.65 19 12 80th 50.64 32.12 26 15 90th 59.54 39.44 36 21 RANGE 0.00-98.62 0.00-74.63 0-529 0-301 TOTAL U.S. 35.15 20.70 10435 5876 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 4 FEMALES 14 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 28 18 Signif. high, not in highest decile 12 3 In highest decile, not signif. 23 33 Not signif. different from U.S. 384 408 Signif. lower than U.S. 59 44 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 35.15 20.70 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Rates based on all reported 35-39 mortality among persons less 40-44 than 5 years of age. 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-84 85+ Hyaline Membrane Disease Among Nonwhites, 1968-71, by State Economic Area Percentile ranking of state economic areas according to magnitude of the age-adjusted rates or the number of deaths RATES NC. OF DEATHS PERCENTILE MALES FEMALES MALES FEMALES 10th 0.00 0.00 0 0 20th 0.00 0.00 0 0 30th 0.00 0.00 0 0 40th 0.00 0.00 0 0 50th 15.66 0.00 1 0 60th 27.19 13.11 2 1 70th 36.92 21.37 2 2 80th 50.08 35.25 5 3 90th 73.07 56.31 9 5 RANGE 0.00-454.54 0.00-593.47 0-123 0-79 TOTAL U.S. 36.50 23.50 1972 1261 Number of state economic areas with no deaths: MALES 224 FEMALES 263 NUMBER OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS BY MAPPING CATEGORY NO. OF STATE ECONOMIC AREAS CATEGORY MALES FEMALES Signif. high, in highest decile 7 5 Signif. high, not in highest decile 4 4 In highest decile, not signif. 44 46 Not signif. different from U.S. 427 431 Signif. lower than U.S. 24 20 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES (PER 100,000) AGE MALES FEMALES 0- 4 36.50 23.50 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Rates based on all reported 35-39 mortality among persons less 40-44 than 5 years of age. 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-84 85+ 309 # U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1982 -358-018 Wine -(0287b28lsd ¥ TI ! '