DuULVUJ UL EVLUDIIUVAOE TIC del ~ cie mor LINVVUVZILIVIUV~-UUVIUSIVGL LeLKUes; UUIETS-ULVLUVUU 1; LVD A1NUELLD DADLI UALLE iy as OPEL sC1ENC LisRARY f f , P4 D P é AY v. 420 -A Geology of the Los Angeles Basin California-an Introduction GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-A GEOLOGY OF THE LOS ANGELES BASIN saovJims {pouroy;ed ore sya01 quawoseq Jo sorngodxa 499; 000 'I SI [8A14UuT Inojuo;) 'Ulseq som 94} ;o quowoseq YooIq oLlmowost Geology of the Los Angeles Basin California-an Introduction By R. F. YERKES, T. H. McCULLOH, J. E. SCHOELLHAMER, end J. G. VEDDER GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN soOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER The evolution of a most prolife oil district and the frameworé for several detailed reports on its geology and gravitational aspects UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1965 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Page Page nil nsane stie cen sb ank al o m A1 | Stratigraphy of the basin-Continued lL _. dees nne 1 Superjacent rocks-Continued Los Angeles 1 JOCKS... sss A28 arn. che nars 2 Upper Eocene(?) to lower Miocene 28 Stratigraphic 3 Middle Miocene 30 Nomenclature of 3 Lower SEquencée. 30 Bibliography of previous work._._._______.__..._.__. 3 Upper 32 Regional setting of the basin_..._._.._..___._..____-.-... 12 Intrusive 34 Peninsular Ranges province..._..............._-. 13 Upper Miocene rocks....................-««. 34 Transverse Ranges 13 TACICE. Lc cn ans 34 Geographic and geologic elements of the 14 Western 37 Southwestern block. 14 TOCKS. c 37 Northwestern 14 PHOCCHC ». 37 Central block. . __ ._ _ _._... whe <4. ann 15 LOWEer 38 Northeastern 15 Upper 41 Evolution of the 16 Lower Pleistocene 44 Predepositional phase-rocks of the basement com- Upper Pleistocene deposits_...______.________._. 44 ment lakes as 16 Recent c 46 Prebasin phase of deposition-Upper Cretaceous to Structure of the 47 lower Miocene «=s 16 Soup western DIOCKL . ._. 47 Basin-inception phase-middle Miocene rocks.-._._... 17. Newport-Inglewood zone of deformation.... 47 Principal phase of subsidence and deposition-upper Central 48 Miocene to lower Pleistocene rocks___________-_- 17 Whittier fault 50 Basin-disruption phase-upper Pleistocene to Recent Northeastern block. 50 s- sas - 19 Santa Monica-Raymond Hill-Sierra Madre-Cuca- Stratigraphy of the basin..___.______________-----_-.- 20 monga fault HONG. css. 51 BSsement snus ss 21 Northwestern 51 Southwestern block................L......... 21 ConpliIfiOn§. el eis en antes 52 Northwestern 21% Oil in 52 Central dne e -k - 283 Production..... 40.00. bn bales 52 Northeastern 24 _.. 2.2 l_ da ines s «alle ah bee as hak a mane o 53 Superjacent 24 denen. . 53 Upper Cretaceous ga 'i References Ciled _ 55 Paleocene 26 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates are in pocket] FroNTIsPIECE. Isometric block diagram, basement surface of the Los Angeles basin. Prats 1. Correlation chart of stratigraphic units, Los Angeles basin. 2. Diagram of composite sections, Los Angeles basin. 3. Panel diagram of the Los Angeles basin. 4. Generalized structure sections, Los Angeles basin. Page FiGurE 1. Map of area covered by this A2 2. Map of major structural features and contours on the basement 4 8. Key to major structural 5 4. Outline map of southern California showing geomorphic prOvinGeS- _ 12 v We VI Frava® 5-11. 12. 13. 14. TABLE 1. 2, 3. CONTENTS Distribution maps of rock units: o. Basement rer eer ans ben ela sings o ule noo 6. Upper Cretaceous tana inns s tis an o an oe alain 7+ Paleocene and -ROCENG TOCKEG.- neck -we. ny -an cuse a- ane. 6. Upper Eocene(?) to lower Migcenes .. ___ 2 leone . aes 0. : Middle Miocene:rocks. .... . .._ ark mo l A MUR no. . si awp eline els o. » 10. Upper - MIoOCen6 TOCK8-2.-.. ...- -==. [heel _ ~ bern} 11. Lower Plipceuc mn ftehessn Cll L. s clt A S _n Ort [O3 Map showing lithofacies and thickness relations of lower Pliocene Diagram showing relation between thickness, water depth, and time during deposition of superjacent rocks. Map showing distribution of upper Pliocene rocks. RL} O ;o _-_ a} TABLES Relation between thickness, water depth, and subsidence during deposition of the superjacent rocks in the deep part of the ceptral block; Los Angeles basin'........... ___ r co MTE (_d cone Crude-oil production data and estimated reserves and ultimate recovery for the Los Angeles basin and the Efate of ec, ho nlite ne tin hallo "_ DOP Crude-oil production data and estimated reserves and ultimate recovery, by geologic age of reservoir rocks, for 46 known Los Angeles basin oil fields Page A22 25 27 29 31 35 39 40 42 43 Page A41 53 53 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY OF THE LOS ANGELES BASIN, CALIFORNIA-AN INTRODUCTION By R. F. YErxrs, T. H. McCurtron, J. E. and J. G, VEppER ABSTRACT The present-day Los Angeles basin is a northwest-trending »alluviated lowland plain about 50 miles long and 20 miles wide on the coast of southern California approximately between lat 33°30' and 34° N. and long 117°45' and 118°30' W. On the north, northeast, east, and southeast, the lowland plain is bounded by mountains and hills that expose Mesozoic or older basement rocks and sedimentary and igneous rocks of Late Cretaceous to late Pleistocene age. The physiographic basin is underlain by a deep structural depression ; the buried basement surface has relief of as much as 4.5 miles in a distance of 8 miles. Parts of this depression have been the sites of discontinuous deposition since Late Cre- taceous time and of continuous subsidence and deposition since middle Miocene time. In middle Miocene time this depositional basin extended well beyond the margins of the present-day physiographic basin. The term "Los Angeles basin" refers herein to the larger area. The geology is described in terms of four primary structural blocks, which, in part, have contrasting basement rocks and superjacent sections and whose contacts are zones of faulting and flexure on which vertical and lateral movement has oc- curred intermittently since middle Miocene time. The evolution of the basin is interpreted in five major phases, each of which is represented by a distinctive rock assemblage: the predepositional phase and basement rocks, the prebasin phase of deposition and Upper Cretaceous to lower Miocene rocks, the basin-inception phase and middle Mio- cene rocks, the principal phase of subsidence and deposition and upper Miocene to lower Pleistocene rocks, and the basin disruption phase and upper Pleistocene to Recent deposits. As many as 13 successive marine platforms were cut into the seaward slopes of rising hills during late Pleistocene de- formation. Upper Pleistocene strata in many parts of the basin have been elevated, arched, and locally overturned. Con- tinuing deformation is indicated by warped Recent deposits, uplift and subsidence, and numerous earthquakes. The Los Angeles basin is California's most prolific oil-pro- ducing district in proportion to its size: at the end of 1961, its cumulative production (5,035 billion barrels) was nearly half that of California's. Petroliferous sediment accumulated rapidly in stagnant cool water more than 1,600 feet deep dur- ing the advancing and maximum phases of the last marine transgression, after which rapid filling of the basin preserved the organic content of the sediment and provided load compres- sion. Great thicknesses of intercalated source and reservoir rocks include numerous permeable conduits, through which the fluid hydrocarbons were expelled toward preexisting or devel- oping structural traps. INTRODUCTION LOS ANGELES BASIN-DEFINITION The present-day Los Angeles physiographic basin (index map, fig. 1) of coastal southern California is an alluviated lowland, sometimes called the coastal plain (Mendenhall, 1905, p. 11), which is bounded on the north by the Santa Monica Mountains and the Elysian, Repetto, and Puente Hills and on the east and southeast by the Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills The lowland surface slopes gently south or seaward, but it is interrupted by the Coyote Hills near the northeast margin, by a line of elongated low hills and mesas to the south and west that extends from Newport Bay northwest to Beverly Hills, and by the Palos Verdes peninsula at the southwest extremity. The physiographic basin is underlain by a struc- tural depression (figs. 2 and 3), parts of which have been the sites of discontinuous deposition since Late Cretaceous time and of continuous subsidence and' chiefly marine deposition since middle Miocene time. The term "Los Angeles basin" is also used for this depositional basin, which in middle and late Miocene time extended northwestward to merge with the Ven- ~ tura basin. The Miocene basin included the Santa Monica Mountains, the San Fernando Valley, the southern foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, much of the northern Santa Ana Mountains, and the San Joaquin and Palos Verdes Hills. Unless specifically qualified, "Los Angeles basin" refers in this report to the larger area included in the middle and upper Miocene basin. The Los Angeles basin is notable for its great struc- tural relief and complexity in relation to its geologic - { youth and small size and for its prolific oil production. In this chapter of Professional Paper 420, the stra- tigraphy, structure, and geologic history of the basin are reviewed and the oil production, occurrence, and reserves are summarized; other chapters (see Durham and Yerkes, 1964) present detailed geologic studies of the eastern part of the basin and a basin-wide study Al y J" {n GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 118°30' 15" 11800" 45! 117°37'30" I I I I VAN NUYS BURBANK BEVERLY HILLS HOLLYWOOD < 0 a Bu 0 n 34°00 as VENICE INGLEWOOD WHITTIER LA HABRA YORBA LINDA PRADO DAM McCulloh, T. H., 1957, Yerkes, R. F., 1960, Durham, D. L, and Yerkes, R. F., Map GP-149 open-file map 1964, Prof Paper 420-B REDONDO TORRANCE LONG BEACH BLACK STAR BEACH ORANGE CANYON pale lice /29\ el f( sor ; & 122° 120° 118° 36° CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara Los Angeles] basin MEXICO +4 LL e 33°30 0 100 200 MILES I I 1 1 Schoellhamer, J. E.,and others, 1954, Map OM-154 NEWPORT BEACH TUSTIN EL TORO Vedder, J. G.,and others, 1957, Map OM-193 LAGUNA BEACH SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DANA POINT 5 10 MILES I | 1 F1GurE 1.-Outline map of the Los Angeles basin. 'The areas covered by geologic maps of this investigation are bounded by the heavy lines, and names of pertinent 7}-minute quadrangles are shown. of the relation between observed and theoretical gravi- tational effects of the rocks and structural features (see fig. 1). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This investigation was planned and initiated by A. O. Woodford, now of Pomona College, and we are most indebted to him for continued advice and criti- cism. W. P. Woodring contributed much geologic and paleontologic information. Many fossil identifi- cations, ecologic interpretations, and faunal correla- tions were supplied by Ralph Stewart, M. C. Israelsky, and Patsy B. Smith of the U.S. Geological Survey; L. G. Hertlein of the California Academy of Sciences; W. P. Popenoe of the University of California at Los Angeles and the U.S. Geological Survey, and Theodore Downs of the Los Angeles County Museum. Assist- ance in analysis and interpretation of gravimetric data was given by C. E. Corbato of the University of California, G. P. Eaton of the University of Cali- fornia and U.S. Geological Survey, and D. R. Mabey of the U.S. Geological Survey. N. R. Smith of AN INTRODUCTION Pomona College aided in the design and construction of laboratory equipment and D. B. McIntyre and A. K. Baird of Pomona College aided in the inter- pretation of structural features in the field. D. LL. Lamar of the Rand Corporation permitted the use of unpublished data. The manuscript greatly benefited from the suggestions of J. T. McGill, P. B. King, and R. H. Campbell of the U.S. Geological Survey. We are especially indebted to the many oil company em- ployees who generously furnished valuable and signifi- cant surface and subsurface data. During the period that McCulloh was a member of the staff of the University of California, he received important supplemental funds from the Institute of Geophysics at the Los Angeles campus, from the Intramural Research Committee at the Riverside cam- pus, and from the Research Corporation of America. STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE Owing in part to widespread lateral variations in lithology and thickness, the nomenclature of the superjacent succession of the Los Angeles basin in- cludes several formal names for many units that are partly or wholly equivalent; for this reason the suc- cession is here described informally in chronologic order. The classification of the Cenozoic is based on correlation of marine invertebrate faunas of western North America with those of the European standard section as proposed by Weaver and others (1944) and Durham (1954). Summaries of the formal strati- graphic nomenclature and brief descriptions of the rocks for selected areas of the basin are shown on the correlation chart (pl. 1) and on the diagram of com- posite sections (pl. 2). NOMENCLATURE OF FAULTS The names used herein for faults in the Los Angeles basin are largely well established; exceptions are dis- cussed below. Priority and current usage were both considered in naming those exceptions. Because of established usage (Driver, 1948, p. 109; Barbat, 1958, p. 64) as well as priority (McLaughlin and Waring, 1914, p. 353), the name Santa Monica is used for the fault zone along the south margin of the Santa Monica Mountains rather than such other names as Hollywood (Hoots, 1931, p. 126) and Malibu Coast (Durrell, 1956, p. 3). Several names have been ap- plied to different segments of this fault zone in areas east of the Santa Monica Mountains. The name Sierra Madre (Clark, 1930, pl. 16) is now frequently used for the segment of the zone that forms the frontal fault of the San Gabriel Mountains, although this segment was earlier figured and named San T68-887-65--2 A8 Gabriel by English (1926, pl. 3). The name San Gabriel is now commonly applied to a fault zone within the mountain mass. The name Raymond Hill fault, in current use for the largely buried intervening segment of this fault zone, was first published by Johnson and Warren (1927). The easternmost seg- ment of this fault zone, between the Sierra Madre and San Andreas fault zones, is named Cucamonga, after Eckis (1928). Most early workers used the name Inglewood for the northwest-trending zone of deformation in the southwestern part of the basin. The more descriptive and preferred name Newport-Inglewood was intro- duced by Hoots (1931, p. 129) and is well established. The fault along the northeastern margin of the Palos Verdes Hills was figured by several early workers (Ferguson and Willis, 1924, fig. 1; English, 1926, pl. 3) and was first named San Pedro by Clark (1930, pl. 16). Although lacking priority, the name Palos Verdes Hills fault (Schoellhamer and Wood- ford, 1951) is preferred for this feature because it is geographically more appropriate, and because the name "San Pedro" was once applied to a nearby, but separate, fault zone (Willis, 1938, fig. 1, p. 1018). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PREVIOUS WORK The following selected annotated bibliography indi- cates the quantity and diversity of geologic work in the Los Angeles basin area. The papers were selected on the basis of their general applicability to parts of the basin or its margins, their basinwide significance, or their general historic interest. More comprehensive later papers were selected rather than an earlier report on the same topic. Abstracts succeeded by full reports on the same subject are omitted, as are most special- ized reports on engineering geology, hydrology, pale- ontology, and physiography and reports on individual oil fields. 1856. Blake, W. P., General report on the geological collec- tions [made on Whipple's reconnaissance near the 35th parallel from Fort Smith, Ark., to Los Angeles] : U.S. War Dept., Explor. and Surveys for Railroad, Mississippi River to Pacific Ocean Repts., v. 3, pt. 4, no. 1, 164 p. Describes fossil assemblages collected from (Palos Verdes?) sand at San Pedro, the Tertiary strata of the area, and the tar springs near Los Angeles (Rancho La Brea). Includes a strip map and sec- tion of the route showing the Los Angeles basin area. 1856. Blake, W. P., Observations on the physical geography and geology of the coast of California from Bodega Bay to San Diego: U.S. Coast Survey Rept. 1855, p. 376-398. Describes the geology of the San Pedro area. A4 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 118°30' 15 118"00' 45" 117*37'30" = T % Z T B -- - F- "maze " l )¢\\L \ , verpuao ~,, * SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS n MENLE mn GL.» 0 % ap , \ Pa'" FMJ Jas me."" 'H al. (RNY Tma L. iz «~' a MX / t i Asal! ova, F4 7 ARSE F AN i a '/,\\' $ % ae " s NTE hau n g ~ T , 2 o Se mus \)J-‘ RT pig ~ lel .._. * f en none ¥ - *- " essere J --pxyaa~ ( s s. YP | ifa e cu I net" J .g... "- Cob am T3 _SAN/EABRIEL L; | A* Z arl oro cae ta t ia g -A- - e ff, --- C3 valuer P A \ [(| [- (snp smd "e cnt C gin N1 I 3 - &" 3} - Wflfis x ° p j $ g AT .s \]) \§'% # (Tea: re SE X \ f“ hint - =-- m \ xin / ] € 4 \ sise I‘VO\\\*7 { ese x~ c_ } §, x)}, ; s 4 <+ ) S sug maaf z ) nO santa \V, _ y segs 5 Yee *'\_—j3(7 . 3 15. 5° %% Monica _ Angeles -G" N.S § $6 pe- ~ Sou f 34°00" Ass s *- Tig Es Tf ~§\\’, \ 7~-- ea A \ (k t-te s =, \ ( V/;—__:~/9 N .~ 4+ 45 33°30 +- ool) col Sect une seer ae I ide Hoc mits mows wee wth whs sth cA, As Structure contours Fault Reverse fault Normal fault Drawn on basement rock surface. Dashed where in- Dashed where approxi- Dashed where approxi- Hachures on down- ferred. Contour interval is 1000 feet except where mately located; queried mately located; teeth thrown side odd-numbered contours dropped for clarity; numbers where doubtful on upthrown side are zero or minus except at crest of Palos Verdes Hills. Datum is mean sea level --- -$ _- --- _- --f -_ Anticline Syncline Showing direction of plunge Showing direction of plunge FrGur® 2.-Major structural features and structure contours on the basement surface of the Los Angeles basin. AN INTRODUCTION A5 11830" 15" 118°00' 45¢ I ‘\ F, I - SAN FERNANDO \, oe SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS VALLEY ~ "p ho NORTHWESTERQI s ~ SANTA f monica rant of § mountains € ‘fi’ UCcaAMoONS L SAN :GABRIEL $" NORTHEASTERN OCK ~A. vaLLey@ foo ait 2" : k\\‘ 5°? \\_\l|...\‘/ Tur, -* , Beverly P &: - Hills RN‘hlttler pA E N w San | win, Jose H \ 3. m, $9 34°00" v ~ 'to 5 Hille +f i t i * 117°37"30" SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS 45' |- 33*30' 1 EXPLANATION __; _ p _.t. o= ‘_.___.*__. Fault or fault zone Anticline Syncline Boundary of structural block Dashed where approximately located; Dashed where approximately located. Dashed where approximately located queried where doubiful FIGURE 3.-Key to physiographic features, and major structural features on the basement surface, Los Angeles basin. A6 1857. 1857. 1865. 1888. 1890. 1893. 1893. 1897. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Antisell, Thomas, Geological report [Parke's surveys in California and near the 32d parallel]: U.S. War Dept., Explor. and Surveys for Railroad, Mississippi River to Pacific Ocean Repts., v. 7, pt. 2, 204 p. Describes geological observations in the Los An- geles area. Includes a map of Los Angeles basin area, scale 1 inch to 24 miles. Blake, W. P., Geological report [Williamson's recon- naissance in California]: U.S. War Dept., Explor. and Surveys for Railroad, Mississippi River to Pacific Ocean Repts., v. 5, pt. 2, 370 p. Includes numerous geographical and geological ob- servations in the Los Angeles and San Pedro areas. A geological map at end of report shows coastal southern California, scale 1 inch to about 30 miles. Whitney, J. D., Report of progress and synopsis of the fieldwork from 1860 to 1864: California Geol. Survey, Geology, v. 1, 498 p. Describes oil possibilities of areas in coastal Cali- fornia covered by the "bituminous slate formation of Tertiary age" (Monterey Shale) and geological obser- vations of the Santa Monica, San Gabriel, and Santa Ana Mountains. Notes the uses of tar from the springs (Rancho La Brea) west of Los Angeles and that the springs contain bones of entrapped cattle and birds. Goodyear, W. A., Los Angeles County: California Min- ing Bur., 8th Ann. Rept. State Mineralogist, p. 335- 842. Describes the Miocene and Pliocene strata of the San Juan Capistrano area and nearby parts of the Santa Ana Mountains in the southeastern part of the Los Angeles basin. Bowers, Stephen, Orange County: California Mining Bur., 10th Ann. Rept. State Mineralogist, p. 399-409. A generalized description of the geography and geology of the Santa Ana Mountains-San Joaquin Hills area and detailed local observations. Recog- nizes the presence of Miocene and Cretaceous strata in the area and lists about 60 Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils presumably identified by Bowers. Fairbanks, H. W., Geology of San Diego County; also of portions of Orange and San Bernardino Counties: California Mining Bur., 11th Ann. Rept. State Miner- alogist, p. 76-120. Describes geologic observations in the northwestern Santa Ana Mountains (p. 114-118). Map shows Cre- taceous strata and volcanic rocks of that area. Lawson, A. C., The post-Pliocene diastrophism of the coast of southern California: California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 1, no. 4, p. 115-160. The marine terraces of Palos Verdes Hills are de- scribed, and their relative youth is recognized. Fos: siliferous strata referred to the Pliocene by Lawson are now considered to be lower Pleistocene. Watts, W. L., Oil and gas yielding formations of Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties: Cali- fornia Mining Bur. Bull. 11, p. 1-72. } A brief description of the geology of Los Angeles County and a list of oil wells and their production. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1907. 1908. Introduces the name Sespe Formation. usage, see 1924 entry for Kew. Watts, W. L., Oil and gas yielding formations of Cali- fornia: California Mining Bur. Bull. 19, 236 p. One of the earliest systematic geologic reports on the Puente Hills-San Joaquin Hills area. Includes geologic maps, scale 1 inch to 2 miles. Notes the occurrence of glaucophane schist breccia and intru- sive rocks in coastal areas. Includes fossil lists (p. 218-224) for Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary strata. Fossils were identified by J. C. Merriam. For present Arnold, Delos, and Arnold, Ralph, The marine Pliocene and Pleistocene stratigraphy of the coast of southern California: Jour. Geology, v. 10, p. 117-138. Describes the Pleistocene strata of the San Pedro area and proposes the terms "lower San Pedro series" (San Pedro Sand) and "upper San Pedro series" (Palos Verdes Sand and nonmarine deposits on low- est emergent terrace). | Arnold, Ralph, The paleontology and stratigraphy of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene of San Pedro, Cali- fornia: California Acad. Sci. Mem., v. 8, 420 p. This monograph on the Pleistocene strata of the San Pedro area established that section as the stand- ard for California by demonstrating its faunal suc- cession. Shows how marine Pleistocene sequences can be correlated on the basis of warm- or cool-water types in their faunal assemblages. Arnold's Pliocene is now considered to be lower Pleistocene. Mendenhall, W. C., Development of underground waters in the eastern coastal plain region of southern Cali- fornia: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 137, 140 p. This and the following two papers form a basic reference on ground water of the Los Angeles basin area; they name and describe some of the geomorphic features of the basin area. Mendenhall, W. C., Development of underground waters in the central coastal plain region of southern Cali- fornia: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 138, 162 p. Mendenhall, W. C., Development of underground waters in the western coastal plain region of southern Cali- fornia: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 189, 105 p. Eldridge, G. H., and Arnold, Ralph, The Santa Clara Valley, Puente Hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, southern California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 309, 266 p. Earliest publication of detailed geologic mapping in Los Angeles basin area by U.S. Geological Survey. Recognizes Whittier fault zone (pl. 11) and intro- duces the terms Fernando, Puente, and Modelo For- mations. Includes a geologic map, scale 1: 62,500. Mendenhall, W. C., Ground waters and irrigation enter- prises in the foothill belt, southern California: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 219, 180 p. Describes the geography and physiography of the northern margin of the basin area and includes a brief account of geological and structural features. AN INTRODUCTION 1914. Dickerson, R. E., The Martinez and Tejon Eocene and associated formations of the Santa Ana Mountains: California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 8, p. 257A- 274A. Describes a biostratigraphic study of northwestern Santa Ana Mountains; recognizes faunal zones in the Upper Cretaceous sequence, Paleocene and Eocene strata, and two divisions of the Miocene on the basis of fossils. Includes a map, scale 1 inch to 2 miles. McLaughlin, R. P., and Waring, C. A., Petroleum indus- try of California: California Mining Bur. Bull. 69, 519 p., map folio. The map folio contains a brief summary of the gen- eral stratigraphy and small-scale geologic maps of parts of Los Angeles basin area. Packard, E. L., Faunal studies in the Cretaceous of the Santa Ana Mountains of southern California: Cali- fornia Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 9, p. 137-159. Describes and names the Trabuco Formation. Cor- relates Santa Ana Mountains Cretaceous fauna with that of the Chico Formation of Chico Creek in cen- tral California. Recognizes three faunal zones and describes new species of mollusks. 1914. 1916. 1923. Kew, W. S. W., Geologic evidence bearing on the Ingle- wood earthquake of June 21, 1920: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 13, p. 155-158. Describes the geology of the Baldwin Hills (Ingle- wood oil field area) and the evidence for an active fault at depth (evidently the earliest reference to Newport-Inglewood fault zone). 1923-24. Eaton, J. E., Structure of Los Angeles basin and environs: Oil Age, v. 20, no. 6, p. 8-9, 52 (1923) ; v. 21, no. 1, p. 16-18, 52, 54 (1924). Maps and names the Newport-Beverly Hills fault zone (Newport-Inglewood zone) and hypothesizes that the series of en echelon anticlines that mark its trend was formed as a result of predominantly lateral movement along a deep-seated fracture. Applies same reasoning to the structures along the Whittier fault zone. Includes the earliest refer- ence to the Anaheim nose (p. 52). 1924. Ferguson, R. N., and Willis, C. G., Dynamics of oil-field structure in southern California: Am. Assoc. Petro- leum Geologists Bull., v. 8, no. 5, p. 576-583. Illustrates in analytical detail the hypothesis that the en echelon anticlines along the Inglewood (New- port-Inglewood) zone are due to lateral shearing at depth. Includes a small-scale map that shows and names the major faults of the basin area. 1924. Kew, W. S. W., Geology and oil resources of a part of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 753, 202 p. Although concerned primarily with an area north of the Santa Monica Mountains, this report describes the Topanga Formation (named in 1923) and estab- lishes the present-day usage of the term Sespe For- mation. 1924. Woodford, A. O., The Catalina metamorphic facies of the Franciscan series: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, no. 8, p. 49-68. AT Describes and names the glaucophane-bearing schists exposed on Santa Catalina Island and in the Palos Verdes Hills. 1925. Woodford, A. O., The San Onofre breccia; its nature and origin: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, no. 7, p. 159-280. Describes the San Onofre Breccia as a facies of the Temblor (Topanga) Formation and postulates a source and possible mode of deposition. Introduces term Capistrano Formation for a Miocene(?) sequence in the San Joaquin Hills area. Includes a geologic map of vicinity of Capistrano, scale 1 inch to 2 miles. 1926. Eaton, J. E., A contribution to the geology of Los An- geles basin, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geolo- gists Bull., v. 10, no. 8, p. 753-767. An amplification of the theory published in 1924. Includes the earliest geologic map of the basin area that shows the Tertiary sequence subdivided. 1926. English, W. A., Geology and oil resources of the Puente Hills region, southern California, with a section on the chemical character of the oil, by P. W. Prutzman : U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 768, 110 p. Includes the first detailed map of the Whittier fault zone and the earliest large-scale map of Puente Hills-northern Santa Ana Mountains area, scale 1: 62,500. 1926. Tieje, A. J., The Pliocene and Pleistocene history of the Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles County, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 10, no. 5, p. 502- 512. Describes the upper Pliocene and Pleistocene se- quence of Baldwin Hills (Inglewood oil field) and the evidence for very late Pleistocene uplift of the hills. Introduces term Palos Verdes Sand for the upper part of the marine Pleistocene and restricts the older name San Pedro to the lower part. 1927. Johnson, H. R., and Warren, V. C., Geological and struc- tural conditions of the San Gabriel Valley region: California Div. Water Rights Bull. 5, p. 73-100. Includes a generalized description of landforms and geology of the San Gabriel Valley and its margins. Introduces term Raymond Hill fault for the central, largely buried segment of the northern boundary fault of the present-day Los Angeles basin. 1927. Vickery, F. P., The interpretation of the physiography of the Los Angeles coastal belt [California]: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 11, no. 4, p. 417- 424. Describes the relations between "anticlinally warped surfaces" (along the Newport-Inglewood zone) and the underlying petroliferous structural features and traces their physiographic development. Recognizes as antecedent such streams as the Los Angeles River and Coyote Creek, which crosses the Coyote Hills uplift. 1928. Vickery, F. P., Geology of the Los Angeles basin: Oil Bull., v. 14, no. 4, p. 855-361. One of the earliest comprehensive syntheses of the stratigraphy and structure of the Los Angeles basin. Includes a description of the structural environment and geologic age of the oil measures. 1930. 1930. 1931. 1931. 1932. 1932. 1932. 1933. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Hill, M. L., Structure of the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles, California: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 19, no. 6, p. 137-170. Describes the structure and fault mechanics of part of the south margin of the San Gabriel Moun- tains, which are shown to have been uplifted in Plio- cene or post-Pliocene time along north-dipping reverse faults. Stock, Chester, Rancho La Brea; a record of Pleisto- cene life in California: Los Angeles Mus. Pub. 1, 82 p. A comprehensive and well-illustrated account of the fossil forms that have been collected from the asphalt pits at Rancho La Brea. Includes an exhaustive bibliography. Grant, U. S., 4th, and Gale, H. R., Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of Califor- nia and adjacent regions: San Diego Soc. Nat. His- tory Mem., v. 1, 1086 p. Part 1 (by Gale) includes a discussion of the stra- tigraphy and temperature facies of the marine Pleis- tocene formations in the San Pedro area. Hoots, H. W., Geology of the eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 165-C, p. 88-134. Earliest detailed map and systematic description of the geology of the eastern Santa Monica Moun- tains. Gale, H. S., ed., Southern California, in Internat. Geol. Cong., 16th, Washington, D.C., 1933, Guidebook 15, Excursion C-1: 68 p. Contains nine papers on the geology, stratigraphy, and oil development of the Los Angeles basin area by Gale, Hoots, Kew, Reed, Stock, and Woodring. Hoots and Kew present a small-scale geologic map (pl. 6) of the basin area that is more detailed than any previously published. Loel, Wayne, and Corey, W. H., The Vaqueros forma- tion, lower Miocene of California; [pt.] I, Paleontol- ogy: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 22, no. 3, p. 31-410. A comprehensive monograph on the marine inverte- brate faunas of the Vaqueros Formation throughout California and their regional correlation and zonal distribution. Includes chapters on the assemblages from the Santa Ana Mountains-San Joaquin Hills area and the Santa Monica Mountains. Soper, E. K., and Grant, U. S., 4th, Geology and paleon- tology of a portion of Los Angeles, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 48, no. 4, p. 1041-1067. Describes the geology of downtown Los Angeles area and includes a map, scale 1 inch to about 1,000 feet. Discusses Pliocene molluscan faunas and their correlation. Eaton, J. E., Long Beach, California, earthquake of March 10, 1983: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 17, p. 732-788. Describes the geology of the Newport-Inglewood zone, to which the earthquake is attributed. About 1 mile of post-Miocene right-lateral offset is postu- lated. 1933. 1934. 1934. 1936. 1936. 1937. 19837. 1938. 1938. Reed, R. D., Geology of California: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, 855 p. Discusses petrologic, paleogeographic, and other features of formations in southern California. A ba- sic reference work on the interpretation of geologic history of California. Eckis, Rollin, Geology and ground water storage capac- ity of valley fill-South coastal basin investigation: California Div. Water Resources Bull. 45, 279 p. Contains much data concerning the geologic history of the Los Angeles basin area and the largest scale (1:142,560) geologic map to date (1934) of the basin and its borders. Miller, W. J., Geology of the western San Gabriel Moun- tains of California: California Univ., Pub. Math. and Phys. Sci., v. 1, p. 1-114. Earliest systematic report on an area in the west- ern San Gabriel Mountains that includes an anortho- sitic complex now known to be Precambrian in age. Gutenberg, Beno, and Buwalda, J. P., Seismic reflection profile across Los Angeles basin [abs.l: Geol. Soc. America Proc. 1935, p. 327-828. Source of the often-quoted statement that the base- ment surface is at minus 45,000 feet in the central part of the Los Angeles basin. Actually states that the "* * * deepest reflections occur at a maximum depth of 13-14 km (45,000 feet) south of Bellflower beneath the synclinal axis in the upper formations ake 59 Reed, R. D., and Hollister, J. S., Structural evolution of southern California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 20, no. 12, p. 1529-1704. Describes the geologic and structural history of southern California. Includes an extended discussion of the Newport-Inglewood zone and a comprehensive tectonic map of southern California, scale 1 inch to 8 miles. Oakeshott, G. B., Geology and mineral deposits of the western San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County: California Jour. Mines and Geology, v. 83, p. 215-249. General geology of an area in the western San Gabriel Mountains that contains an anorthositic com- plex now known to be Precambrian in age. Popenoe, W. P., Upper Cretaceous Mollusca from south- ern California: Jour. Paleontology, v. 11, no. 5, p. 879- 402. First publication of the stratigraphic nomenclature now in use for the Upper Cretaceous strata of the northern Santa Ana Mountains. Kleinpell, R. M., Miocene stratigraphy of California: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, 450 p. Includes discussion of the Miocene strata of the Los Angeles basin area, their correlation, and their foraminiferal faunas and stages. Woodring, W. P., Lower Pliocene mollusks and echi- noids from the Los Angeles basin, California, and their inferred environment: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 190, 67 p. Discusses 27 fossil forms from the lower Pliocene strata of the basin area and their inferred habitat. 1939. 1942. 1943. 1943. 1945. 1945. 1946. 1946. AN INTRODUCTION Includes an outline of the geology of the basin and a generalized small-scale geologic map. Grant, U. S., 4th, and Sheppard, W. E., Some recent changes of elevation in the Los Angeles basin of southern California, and their possible significance: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 29, no. 2, p. 209-326. Describes the changes in surface elevation of parts of western Los Angeles basin as determined from lines of repeated first-order leveling. First published account in which subsidence of oil fields in the Los Angeles area is ascribed to withdrawal of fluids. Popenoe, W. P., Upper Cretaceous formations and fau- nas of southern California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 26, no. 2, p. 162-187. Describes Upper Cretaceous strata and faunas and their subdivisions in the Santa Ana and Santa Monica Mountains of the Los Angeles basin and in the Simi Hills to the northwest. Jenkins, O. P., ed., Geologic formations and economic development of the oil and gas fields of California: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, 773 p. Includes 34 papers, by 28 authors, on geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles basin area. Wissler, S. G., Stratigraphic formations [relations] of the producing zones of the Los Angeles basin oil fields: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 209-234. Includes a useful correlation chart and a descrip- tion of stratigraphy and lithology of the oil-producing strata. Woodford, A. O., Shelton, J. S., and Moran, T. G., Geol- ogy and oil possibilities of Puente and San Jose Hills, California, 1944: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Map 23, scale 1 inch to about 1 mile. Planimetric geologic map of the Puente and San Jose Hills north of the Whittier fault zone. Includes a brief description of the stratigraphy, structure, and foraminiferal faunas. Woodring, W. P., and Popenoe, W. P., Paleocene and Eocene stratigraphy of northwestern Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Chart 12. Presents stratigraphic sections, scale 1 inch to 150 feet, of the Paleocene and Eocene strata exposed along the eastern margin of the Los Angeles basin, which served as basis for defining and renaming units in the succession. Bramlette, M. N., The Monterey formation of California and the origin of its siliceous rocks: U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Prof. Paper 212, 57 p. Describes the stratigraphy and lithology of selected sections of Miocene strata correlated with the Mon- terey (Shale) Formation, including sections in south- eastern Puente Hills, Palos Verdes Hills, and south- eastern San Joaquin Hills. Shelton, J. S., Geologic map of northeast margin of San Gabriel Basin, Los Angeles County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Map 63, scale 1 inch to 2,000 feet. ' Geologic map of the Miocene Glendora Volcanics in the northeastern corner of the Los Angeles basin. 1946. 1946. 1946. 1948. 1948. 1948. 1948. 1949. 1949. A9 White, J. L., The schist surface of the western Los Angeles basin: California Div. Oil and Gas, Summ. Operations, California Oil Fields, v. 32, no. 1, p. 3-11. Describes and maps the configuration of part of the Catalina Schist basement that underlies the coastal area of the western Los Angeles basin as known from drill holes. Suggests (p. 10) that the Newport-Ingle- wood zone marks the eastern boundary of the schist. Woodford, A. O., Moran, 'T. G., and Shelton, J. S., Mio- cene conglomerates of Puente and San Jose Hills, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 30, no. 4, p. 514-560. Describes the composition, petrology, and prove- nance of the numerous conglomerate beds in the Mio- cene strata of the northeastern Los Angeles basin and their inferred paleogeography. Woodring, W. P., Bramlette, M. N., and Kew, W. S. W., Geology and paleontology of Palos Verdes Hills, Cali- fornia: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 207, 145 p.; map, scale 1 inch to 2,000 feet. This study of the Palos Verdes Hills is a basic ref- erence to the Pleistocene stratigraphy and history of the Los Angeles basin. Includes a comprehensive an- notated bibliography. Introduction includes a brief summary of Los Angeles basin stratigraphy. Alf, R. M., A mylonite belt in the southeastern San Gabriel Mountains, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 59, no. 11, p. 1101-1119. Geology and petrography of several thick bands of dense crush rock of probable Mesozoic age. An am- plification of a 1943 paper that first reported the mylonites. Driver, H. L., Genesis and evolution of Los Angeles basin, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 32, no. 1, p. 109-125. A systematic description of the structural evolution of the basin. Includes an extensive bibliography. Larsen, E. S. Jr., Batholith and associated rocks of Corona, Elsinore, and San Luis Rey quadrangles, southern California: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 29, 182 p. Monograph on the petrography and petrology of the batholithic rocks. Parkin, E. J., Vertical movement in the Los Angeles region, 1906-1946: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 29, no. 1, p. 17-26. Describes areas in the southern part of the basin, most of which are shown to have subsided on the basis of several first-order levelings by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Daviess, S. N., and Woodford, A. O., Geology of the northwestern Puente Hills, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Map 83, scale 1 inch to 1,000 feet. A large-scale map of the western Puente Hills north of the Whittier fault zone. Includes a brief summary of the stratigraphy, structure, and paleontology. Gilluly, James, Distribution of mountain building in geologic time: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 60, no. 4, p. 561-590. Includes descriptions of local uplifts in the Los Angeles basin area as revealed by leveling. A10 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1949. Gilluly, James, and Grant, U.S., 4th, Subsidence in the Long Beach Harbor area, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 60, no. 3, p. 461-529. A description and analysis of pronounced local sub- sidence attributed to withdrawal of oil from under- lying strata. 1950. Olmsted, F. H., Geology and oil prospects of western San Jose Hills, Los Angeles County, California: Cali- fornia Jour. Mines and Geology, v. 46, no. 2, p. 191- 212. Describes the stratigraphy and structure of part of the San Jose Hills. 1951. Schoellhamer, J. E., and Woodford, A. O., The floor of the Los Angeles basin, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Map OM-117, scales 1 inch to 1 mile and 1 inch to 2 miles. Names, describes, and illustrates the configuration of the buried basement (Catalina Schist) surface of the area southwest of the Newport-Inglewood zone. Includes aeromagnetic profiles and structure sections of inland parts of the basin. Contains a summary of the stratigraphy and structure of the basin area. 1952. Kundert, C. J., Geology of the Whittier-La Habra area, Los Angeles County, California: California Div. Mines Spec. Rept. 18, 22 p. Geology of an area in the southwestern Puente Hills south of the Whittier fault zone is shown. 1952. Richmond, J. F., Geology of Burruel Ridge, northwest- ern Santa Ana Mountains, California: California Div. Mines Spec. Rept. 21, 16 p. A detailed description of an area in the northwest- ernmost Santa Ana Mountains that is underlain largely by upper Miocene strata. 1952. White, R. T. (chm.), and others, Cenozoic correlation section across Los Angeles basin from Palos Verdes Hills to San Gabriel Mountains, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Pacific See., scale 1 inch to 1,000 feet vertical and 1 inch to 5,000 feet hori- zontal. A stratigraphic and structural correlation section across the Torrance, Dominguez, and Montebello oil fields. 1952. Woodring, W. P., Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Cali- fornia Coast Ranges: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 250, no. 6, p. 401-410. The basis for drawing the boundary for the Los Angeles basin is the marked faunal discontinuity at the base of the Lomita Marl and Timms Point Silt in the San Pedro area. Includes a correlation chart and list of extinct and locally extinct genera and sub- genera in late Pliocene and Pleistocene formations of California. 1953. Neuerberg, G. J., Geology of the Griffith Park area, Los Angeles County, California: California Div. Mines Spec. Rept. 33, 29 p. Describes the geology of an area in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains. E 1954. Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: Cali- fornia Div. Mines Bull. 170, 10 chapters, 5 guidebooks, 34 map sheets. A symposium on the geology and mineral resources of southern California, including contributions by 103 authors. The following apply especially to the Los Angeles basin area : Bailey, T. L., and Jahns, R. H., Geology of the Transverse Range province, southern Califor- nia: Chap. 2, p. 83-106. Corey, W. H., Tertiary basins of southern Cali- fornia: Chap. 3, p. 73-83. Durham, J. W., The marine Cenozoic of southern California: Chap. 3, p. 23-31. Durham, J. W., Jahns, R. H., and Savage, D. H., Marine-nonmarine relationships in the Cenozoic section of California: Chap. 8, p. 59-71. Durrell, Cordell, Geology of the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties: Map sheet 8, scale 1 inch to about 2 miles. Gray, C. H., Jr., Geology of the Corona-Elsinore- Murrieta area, Riverside County: Map sheet 21, scale 1 inch to 3 miles. Hill, M. L., Tectonics of faulting in southern Cali- fornia: Chap. 4, p. 5-13. Jahns, R. H., Geology of the Peninsular Range province, southern California and Baja Califor- nia: Chap. 2, p. 20-52. Natland, M. L., and Rothwell, W. T., Jr., Fossil Foraminifera of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions, California: Chap. 3, p. 83-42. Parker, F. S., Origin, migration, and trapping of oil in southern California: Chap. 9, p. 11-19. Popenoe, W. P., Mesozoic formations and faunas, southern California and northern Baja Califor- nia [Mexico]: Chap. 8, p. 15-21. Shelton, J. S., Miocene volcanism in coastal south- ern California: Chap. 7, p. 31-36. Woodford, A. O., Schoellhamer, J. E., Vedder, J. G., and Yerkes, R. F., Geology of the Los Angeles basin: Chap. 2, p. 65-81. 1954. Schoellhamer, J. E., Kinney, D. M., Yerkes, R. F., and Vedder, J. G., Geologic map of the northern Santa Ana Mountains, Orange and Riverside Counties, Cali- fornia: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Map OM-154, scale 1 :24,000. Map of the western slope of the northern Santa Ana Mountains. Names and describes members of the El Modeno Volcanics and the Puente Formation. 1955. Menard, H. W., Deformation of the northeastern Pacific basin and the west coast of North America: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 66, no. 9, p. 1149-1198. Describes the Murray fracture zone, a primary structural feature of the northeastern Pacific basin, as the offshore continuation of the Transverse Range province, and discusses its possible origin by plastic deformation of the crust. 1955. Shelton, J. S., Glendora volcanic rocks, Los Angeles basin, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 66, no. 1, p. 45-89. Geology, petrography, composition, and age of a thick sequence of middle Miocene volcanic rocks in the northeastern part of the Los Angeles basin. 1955. 1956. 1956. 1957. 1957. 1957. AN INTRODUCTION Kundert, C. J., compiler, Geologic map of California, Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Santa Ana sheets: California Div. Mines, scale 1:250,000. Preliminary uncolored edition of three maps, with separate explanatory sheets, that cover the Los An- geles basin area. Moody, J. D., and Hill, M. J., Wrench-fault tectonics: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 67, no. 9, p. 1207-1246. Includes an analysis of the Newport-Inglewood zone. Indicates that right-lateral movement is shown by the orientation of the associated fold axes. Poland, J. F., Piper, A. M., and others, Ground-water geology of the coastal zone, Long Beach-Santa Ana area, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1109, 162 p. Map of surface geology of the coastal area between the Palos Verdes and San Joaquin Hills and a de- scription of the water-bearing strata; map scale 1: 31,680. McCulloh, T. H., Simple Bouguer gravity and general- ized geologic map of the northwestern part of the Los Angeles basin, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Geophys. Inv. Map GP-149, scale 1 : 48,000. First published detailed gravity map of part of the basin area. Includes a summary of the general geol- ogy and discusses the correlation between Bouguer anomalies and geologic structure. Vedder, J. G., Yerkes, R. F., and Schoellhamer, J. E., Geologic map of the San Joaquin Hills San Juan Capistrano area, Orange County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Map OM-193, scale 1 : 24,000. This geologic map of the southeastern part of the Los Angeles basin is the first published record of Paleocene and Eocene strata in the north-central part of the hills. Demonstrates the stratigraphic sequence and facies relations in middle Miocene and younger strata. Yerkes, R. F., Volcanic rocks of the El Modeno area, Orange County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 274-L, p. 313-334. Describes the geology, petrography, and age of a sequence of middle Miocene volcanic rocks on the western slope of the northern Santa Ana Mountains. 1958. Barbat, W. F., The Los Angeles basin area, California, in A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Ann. Mtg., Mar. 1958, p. 37-49. Also in Weeks, L. G., ed., Habitat of oil-a symposium: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, p. 62-77. A comprehensive synthesis of the structural evolu- tion of the Los Angeles basin and a discussion of the factors that favored development of the petroleum deposits. 1958. Higgins, J. W., ed., A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Pacific See., 204 p. 768-88T-65--3 1958. 1959. 1959. 1960. 1960. 1960. All Includes the following previously unpublished pa- pers of a general nature, besides road logs and reports on 12 Los Angeles basin oil fields by 14 authors: Conrey, B. L., Depositional and sedimentary pat- terns of lower Pliocene-Repetto rocks in the Los Angeles basin: p. 51-54. Eaton, G. P.. Miocene volcanic activity in the Los Angeles basin : p. 55-58. Jahns, R. H., The geologic framework of South- ern California: p. 1-15. Larsen, E. S., Jr., Gottfried, David, Jaffe, H. W., and Waring, C. L., Lead-alpha ages of the Mesozoic batho- liths of western North America: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1070-B, p. 35-62. Determinations on 25 samples of rocks from the southern California batholith give a mean age of 110+13 million years. Geologic evidence indicates an early Late Cretaceous age. Durham, D. L., and Yerkes, R. F., Geologic map of the eastern Puente Hills, Los Angeles basin, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Map OM-195, scale 1 : 24,000. Geology of the eastern half of the Puente Hills. Reintroduces the name Fernando for Pliocene strata of the Puente Hills area and redefines the continental upper Pleistocene La Habra Formation. Poland, J. F., Garrett, A. A., and Sinnott, Allen, Geol- ogy, hydrology, and chemical character of ground waters in the Torrance-Santa Monica area, Califor- nia: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1461, 425 p. Includes a map (scale 1:31,680) of the surface geology of the coastal area between the Palos Verdes Hills and the Santa Monica Mountains and describes the water-bearing strata. Emery, K. O., The sea off southern California; a modern habitat of petroleum: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 866 p. A comprehensive treatise on the geology and physi- ography of the area between the mainland coast and the continental slope of southern California. Synthe- sizes the essential elements from a mass of published and previously unpublished material and implies a comparable development of the Los Angeles basin. Includes a comprehensive bibliography. McCulloh, T. H., Gravity variations and the geology of the Los Angeles basin of California, in Short papers in the geological sciences: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 400-B, p. B320-B325. A summary of a study based on surface and known subsurface geology of the entire basin area and its margins, and measured gravity variations. Woodford, A. O., Bedrock patterns and strike-slip fault- ing in southwestern California: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 258-A (Bradley volume), p. 400-417. The pre-Turonian rocks of southwestern California are mapped in eight units, which are described and compared. A12 1961. Silberling, N. J., Schoellhamer, J. E., Gray, C. H., Jr., and Imlay, R. W., Upper Jurassic fossils from the Bedford Canyon Formation, southern California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 45, no. 10, p. 1746-1748. Previous Triassic determination for the Bedford Canyon Formation is modified and new findings are described. A Late Jurassic age also is indicated by fossils from the Santa Monica Slate. 1961. California Department of Water Resources, Ground water geology, Appendix A of Planned utilization of the ground water basins of the coastal plain of Los Angeles County: California Dept. Water Resources Bull. 104, 181 p. Geology and geologic history of the Pleistocene and Recent strata in the Los Angeles County part of the central lowland plain and southwest coastal area. Includes colored geologic maps, scale 1 inch to 2 miles, and sections, scale 1 inch to 450 feet vertical and 1 inch to 4,500 feet horizontal. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1962. Knapp, R. R., chm., and others, Cenozoic correlation section across Los Angeles basin from Beverly Hills to Newport, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geolo- gists, Pacific See., scale 1 inch to 1,000 feet vertical and 1 inch to 5,000 feet horizontal. A stratigraphic and structural correlation section based on data from drilling in 13 oil fields along the Newport-Inglewood zone. REGIONAL SETTING OF THE BASIN Coastal southern California includes parts of three geomorphic provinces: the Coast Ranges, north of lat 34°30' N.; the Transverse Ranges, between lat 34° N. and lat 34°30" N.; and the Peninsular Ranges, south of lat 34° N. (fig. 4). The western parts of all three prov- inces are submerged under the Pacific Ocean. The Coast Ranges province, which extends north from the Transverse Ranges province into central California, 121° 119° GREAT VALLEY « 0 A ® % o ® 4/0 1.7 ® 35° Point Arguello SIERRA NEVADA MOJAVE DOCS ERT *'*rangEs Santa Cruz j Santa Rosa 53:15:25?“ Island Istand Anacapa 34° - ov Islands _ _--z@ \ -- PP i.. arre} O Sant Los Angeles basin gee anta vBarbara Santa Catalina Semmes Island Island Approximate location of San Nicolas major fault zone as* Boundary of geomorphic province -o Island 40 Fp *% San Clemente Island YV. BIO MILES _- ou sa u m wa =* mgXXCO | £- FIGURE 4.-Outline map of southern California showing Los Angeles basin area, major fault zones, and boundaries of geomorphic provinces. Modified from O. P. Jenkins (19388, b). AN INTRODUCTION and the Peninsular Ranges province, which extends south into Baja California, have conspicuous north- west trends. They are transected by the east-trending ridges and valleys of the Transverse Ranges province. The present-day Los Angeles basin is at the north end of the Peninsular Ranges province. The physio- graphic basin is bounded on the east and southeast by the Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills; on the northwest, it is bounded by the Santa Monica Mountains of the Transverse Ranges province, and the province boundary is an east-trending zone of faults. PENINSULAR RANGES PROVINCE The backbone of the Peninsular Ranges province, an elongate series of mountainous ridges and peaks rising in places to altitudes of more than 10,000 feet, extends southeastward about 900 miles from near lat 34° N. in the vicinity of the Los Angeles basin to the tip of Baja California. The largest part of the province is submerged. This part is termed the "con- tinental borderland" by Shepard and Emery (1941) to distinguish it from the continental slope farther seaward. Both the submerged and exposed parts of the province are characterized by elongate northwest- trending mountain ridges separated by straight-sided sediment-floored valleys. Many of the mountainous tracts on land are characterized by extensive areas of subdued topography. Some of the alluviated land valleys are undrained depressions occupied by lakes and dry sinks. Comparable topography exists on the continental borderland; elongate ridges rise thou- sands of feet above the sea floor to form submarine ranges whose peaks in a few places are islands or banks. Between such submarine ranges are elongate deep basins, most of them closed or silled depressions, in which water depths range from 2,800 to 7,000 feet. The exposed part of the province is 55 to 80 miles wide; it has been uplifted, tilted seaward, and sliced longitudinally into subparallel blocks by young steeply dipping northwest-trending fault zones. The submerged part of the province is a much wider area, but it is similar except that it has lower relief. (See Jahns, 1954, p. 29-52, for a generalized geologic map and description of the exposed part of the province and Emery, 1960, for a comprehensive description of the continental borderland.) The geology of the continental borderland is known only from exposures on Santa Barbara, Santa Cata- lina, San Clemente, and San Nicolas Islands, supple- mented by geophysical data and scattered sea-floor samples (Emery, 1960, p. 62-96). A13 In both the exposed and submerged parts of the province, basement rocks are overlain by marine and nonmarine clastic strata of Late Cretaceous or Ceno- zoic age. A belt of clastic strata is present along the southern California coast from San Diego to Los Angeles. The width of the belt increases severalfold in the area of the Los Angeles basin and the strata thicken abruptly to a maximum of about 32,000 feet beneath the center of the basin (pl. 2). In the offshore part of the province, known outcrops of basement rocks are confined to a few banks and Santa Catalina Island, and superjacent strata are much more exten- sive than on land. Superjacent rocks on the islands and banks are mostly middle Miocene or older Ter- tiary in age (Emery, 1960, p. 67; Vedder and Norris, 1963). The basins are floored by younger Cenozoic strata and are sites of active sedimentation. The dominant structural features of the Peninsular Ranges province are northwest, to west-northwest- trending fault zones; these zones separate large elon- gate blocks that stand at different structural ele- vations. Most of the faults either die out to the northwest or merge with or are terminated by the east- trending steep reverse faults that form the southern margin of the Transverse Ranges province. In the northern part of the province the major faults appear to be late Cenozoic in age, and many are seismically active. Large folds are few in the exposed part of the province; these have west- to northwest-trending axes. TRANSVERSE RANGES PROVINCE The exposed part of the Transverse Ranges province extends about 275 miles eastward from Point Arguello into the Mojave Desert and is as much as 50 miles wide (fig. 4). The submerged part projects westward beyond Point Arguello and San Miguel Island and may merge with the Murray fracture zone (Menard, 1955), a major structural feature of the northeast Pacific Ocean. Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and San Miguel Islands (fig. 4) form the seaward extension of the southwesternmost range of the pro- vince. Both the southern and northern boundaries of the western part of the province are fault searps or fault-line scarps situated along important east-trend- ing transcurrent faults, the Santa Monica and Santa Ynez fault zones. Most of the province is mountainous; many of the higher ridges and peaks rise above 5,000 feet, and the highest mountains rise more than 10,000 feet above sea level. The backbone of the province, in its central and eastern parts, is formed by the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains. These mountains are un- A14 derlain largely by suites of pre-Tertiary metamorphic and plutonic igneous rocks. To the west these base- ment rocks plunge beneath a thick cover of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks; basement rocks are also exposed in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains and on Santa Cruz Island. The west part of the province is divided into mountainous belts on the north and south; these belts are separated by a topographic and structural depression, the Ventura basin and its seaward extension. About 58,000 feet of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic marine and non- marine sedimentary rocks are present in the axial part of this depression (Bailey and Jahns, 1954, p. 95). The geologic history of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains, Verdugo Mountains, and southern San Gabriel Mountains is intimately related to that of the Los Angeles basin; these areas are therefore included in the discussion of the Los Angeles basin. A general- ized geologic map and a description of the exposed part of the province west of long 116°30' W. have been published by Bailey and Jahns (1954, p. 83-106). The topographically and structurally high San Ga- briel Mountains are an east-trending lens-shaped mass about 80 miles long and as much as 27 miles wide. They are bounded on the northeast by the San An- dreas fault zone and on the southwest by faults of the Sierra Madre-Cucamonga zone (fig. 3); they are cut internally by the San Gabriel fault zone and other faults (fig. 4). The extremely varied suite of base- ment rocks that comprises the mountains includes: the oldest known rocks of the region-gneisses, migma- tites, anorthosites, and gabbroic rocks of Precambrian age (Silver and others, 1963) ; undated green schists, marbles, and quartzites; mylonites and charnockitic rocks; and plutonic intrusive rocks of Mesozoic age. Varied and distinctive detritus derived from these sources appears in the superjacent sedimentary strata of the Los Angeles basin and is a useful indicator of source and direction of sediment transport. GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC ELEMENTS OF THE BASIN Contrasting or partly contrasting rocks occur in four large subdivisions of the Los Angeles basin (pls. 1, 2, and 3). Each subdivision is a structural block whose contacts with adjoining blocks are major zones of faulting or flexure in the basement rocks (figs. 2 and 3) along which vertical and lateral movement took place intermittently during deposition of the super- jacent rocks. Because of the contrasts, the strati- graphy of the basin is described in terms of these blocks, which are informally designated the south- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA western, and northeastern blocks. The distribution, thickness, and structure of the rocks in different parts of the basin are based on regional subsurface studies, exposed sections, scattered wells drilled for oil, and geophysical data and are illustrated in the panel diagram (pl. 3) and the struc- ture sections (pl. 4). northwestern, central, soUTHWESTERN BLOCK The southwestern block of the Los Angeles basin is the exposed part of a much larger tract, most of which is beneath the Pacific Ocean (fig. 3). It is roughly rectangular and is about 28 miles long from northwest to southeast and 5 to 12 miles wide. Most of it is a low plain which extends from Santa Monica at the northwest to Long Beach at the southeast. The Palos Verdes Hills, which rise to an altitude of about 1,300 feet at the southwest extremity of the plain, are the most prominent topographic feature of the block; a line of elongated low hills and mesas (underlain by the Newport-Inglewood zone of deformation) extends from northwest to southeast along the inland margin _ of the plain. The basement rocks of the southwestern block are exposed in only one small area on the north slope of the Palos Verdes Hills, but these rocks have been found in many oil wells drilled throughout the low plain between the hills and the Newport-Inglewood zone (fig. 5). The basement surface is more than 1,000 feet above sea level where it is exposed on the north slope of the Palos Verdes Hills, but beneath the coastal plain to the north it is between 5,000 and 14,000 feet below sea level and generally slopes north- east (fig. 2). The superjacent rocks of the southwestern block are about 20,500 feet thick and are chiefly marine 'sedi- mentary strata of middle Miocene to Recent age; locally they include igneous rocks of middle Miocene age. The major structural elements of the southwestern block include the northwest-trending, doubly plunging anticline that underlies the Palos Verdes Hills, the steeply southwest-dipping Palos Verdes Hills fault zone on which the hills are upthrown along their northeast margin, and the buried northwest-trending anticlinal arches in the basement surface that under- lies the low plain north of the hills (fig. 2). NORTHWESTERN BLOCK The northwestern block includes parts of the east- trending Santa Monica Mountains, the Verdugo Mountains, and the San Fernando Valley. The Santa AN INTRODUCTION Monica Mountains are about 45 miles long, but only the easternmost 15 miles adjoin the other blocks of the Los Angeles basin. This part of the range is about 8 miles wide at the west and tapers to about 2 miles at the east. The crest of the range rises from less than 1,000 feet above sea level at the east to about 2,000 feet near long 118°30' W. The basement rocks of the northwestern block are exposed in the eastern Santa Monica and Verdugo Mountains and locally in intervening areas (fig. 5). The superjacent rocks are about 14,500 feet thick in the east part of the Santa Monica Mountains and con- sist of marine clastic sedimentary strata of Late Cretaceous to Pleistocene age and of middle Miocene volcanic rocks. The eastern Santa Monica Mountains are formed by a broad west-plunging anticline, which is transected by a northeast-trending branch of the Santa Monica fault zone. The south flank of the anticline is trun- cated by the Santa Monica fault zone, along which it is upthrown ; the north flank dips northward into the San Fernando Valley. CENTRAL BLOCK The central block is wedge shaped in plan; it is about 55 miles long from the Santa Monica Moun- tains at the northwest to and including the San Joaquin Hills at the southeast, and it widens from about 10 miles at the northwest to more than 20 miles at the southeast. Physiographic features of the block include: the aggraded central lowland plain; the low Elysian Hills at the northwest end; parts of the Repetto Hills; the elongated east-trending Coyote Hills; the shallow synclinal La Habra Valley along the northeast margin; the prominent Santa Ana Mountains, which rise to an altitude of 5,700 feet, at the east margin; and the low San Joaquin Hills at the southeast margin. The southwest margin of the central plain is the northwest-trending line of low hills and mesas (underlain by the Newport-Inglewood zone of deformation) that extends from the mouth of the Santa Ana River to Beverly Hills. The basement rocks of the central block are exposed only in the core of the Santa Ana Mountains (fig. 5). The superjacent rocks of the central block are best exposed on the west slopes of the Santa Ana Moun- tains where they attain a maximum thickness of at least 32,000 feet. They consist of marine and non- marine clastic sedimentary rocks of Late Cretaceous through Pleistocene age and interbedded volcanic rocks of middle Miocene age. It is inferred from regional stratigraphic studies that, in the central part of the block, the lower parts of this succession are A15 thinned or missing beneath younger rocks; the Plio- cene and Quaternary strata are as much as four times as thick as in the Santa Ana Mountains; and the en- tire superjacent succession is at least 32,000 feet thick (see cols. 6 and 11, pl. 2, and pl. 3), but it may be as much as 35,000 feet thick. The dominant structural feature of the central block is the northwest-trending, doubly plunging synclinal trough underlying its central part (figs. 2 and 3). The basement surface in the axial part of this trough plunges from depths of 13,000 to 16,000 feet below sea level at its distal ends to depths of at least 31,000 feet subsea in its central part. The southwest flank of the synclinal trough rises steeply to a subsea depth of about 14,000 feet along the Newport-Inglewood zone, but its northeast flank rises gently, then abruptly, to merge with a broad, gently sloping shelf that has an average depth of about 15,000 feet subsea and that is complicated by several subsidiary folds and faults. NORTHEASTERN BLOCK The northeastern block of the Los Angeles basin is a triangular wedge about 35 miles long from north- west to southeast; from its narrow west end it widens to about 18 miles at long 117°37%' W. The low Repetto Hills and the Puente Hills, which rise to altitudes of 1,000 to 1,800 feet, form an are along the south part of the block and are separated by the Whittier Narrows, a gap through which the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel River flow. Northwest of the Puente Hills is the alluviated San Gabriel Valley, an almost closed basin that is drained by the two rivers. East of the San Gabriel Valley are the elongate north- east-trending low San Jose Hills. The basement rocks of the northeastern block are exposed at the north end of the Puente and San Jose Hills. The superjacent rocks are as much as 24,000 feet thick and consist chiefly of fine- to coarse-grained marine clastic sedimentary rocks of Cenozoic age. In the east part of the block they locally include more than 4,000 feet of middle Miocene volcanic rocks as well as nonmarine sedimentary rocks of late Fo- cene(?) to early Miocene age. In the central Puente Hills the superjacent rocks include the greatest known thickness of upper Miocene strata in the Los Angeles basin-about 13,400 feet-and in the San Gabriel Valley they include about 6,000 feet of marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks of Quaternary age. The configuration of the basement surface is re- flected in the topography of the block. Beneath the San Gabriel Valley, a closed elliptical depression on the basement surface attains a subsea depth of about 12,000 feet (figs. 2 and 3). The low hills southwest of A16 the valley are underlain by the east-plunging Elysian Park anticline, which rises to subsea depths of 1,000 to 4,000 feet. Beneath the Puente Hills southeast of the valley is a roughly triangular area that has a general southwest slope from sea level at the north to 8,000 feet subsea at the south; this area is compli- cated by subsidiary ridges, depressions, and faults. The San Jose Hills east of the valley are underlain by an elongated southwest-plunging anticline. The Chino basin is underlain by a narrow south-plunging depres- sion at subsea depths of 2,000 to 8,000 feet. The base- ment surface of the block is cut by northwest, to northeast-trending faults that break through the superjacent rocks to the surface. EVOLUTION OF THE BASIN The most distinctive geologic characteristic of the Los Angeles basin is its structural relief and com- plexity in relation to its age and size. For example, the basement surface has a relief of about 4.5 miles between the central deep part of the basin and the Whittier Narrows 8 miles to the northeast (fig. 2). Almost 3 miles of this relief is due to continuous sub- sidence and deposition in late Miocene and Pliocene time. The marked differences in rate and amount of subsidence caused pronounced lateral variations in lithology and thickness in most of the sedimentary rock units; contemporaneous folding and faulting, accompanied by local erosion, resulted in numerous \ regional and local unconformities, disconformities, and stratigraphic discontinuities across faults. The geologic history of the basin has five major phases, each of which is represented by a distinctive assem- blage of rocks. PREDEPOSITIONAL PHASE-ROCKS OF THE BASE- MENT COMPLEX The floor of the basin upon which the superjacent rocks accumulated is a heterogeneous assemblage of thermally and dynamothermally metamorphosed sedi- mentary and volcanic rocks, in part intruded by plu- tonic rocks. These basement rocks are pre-Late Cretaceous (pre-Turonian) in age and are divided into two physically separate and genetically distinct groups, the eastern basement complex of the north- western, central, and northeastern blocks, and the western basement complex of the southwestern block. Pre-middle Miocene spatial relations of the eastern and western basement complexes cannot be ascer- tained, in part because pre-middle Miocene strata are missing in the southwestern block (pl. 4 and figs. 8 and 9). Because detritus from the distinctive western basement rocks is absent in strata older than middle GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Miocene, because the western basement is unconform- ably overlain by middle Miocene strata, and because these basement rocks are not known to be intruded by Upper Cretaceous plutonic rocks, it is inferred that the eastern and western basement complexes were juxtaposed along the Newport-Inglewood zone by large-scale movement during some interval between early Late Cretaceous and early middle Miocene time. Juxtaposition of the two complexes along the Santa Monica fault zone occurred before late Pliocene time. PREBASIN PHASE OF DEPOSITION-UPPER CRE- TACEOUS TO LOWER MIOCENE ROCKS The Upper Cretaceous to lower Miocene rocks in- clude as much as 5,900 feet of chiefly marine clastic sedimentary deposits of Late Cretaceous age and as much as 11,000 feet of shallow-water marine and non- marine clastic sedimentary deposits of Paleocene to early Miocene age. These rocks are unmetamorphosed, are known to be present only in areas underlain by eastern basement, and are prebasin strata that were evidently deposited over a broad area in a shallow marine or nonmarine environment during three cycles of marine transgression and regression (figs. 6, , 8, and 13). The geographic extent of the embayments and flood plains that received the sediments is largely masked. The original north-central and northeast limits of deposition probably did not extend far beyond the present limits shown for the upper Eocene (?) to lower Miocene rocks (fig. 8); the northwest and southwest limits cannot be ascertained, but they were probably outside the basin area. The southwestern block is not known to contain pre-middle Miocene sedimentary rocks; whether their absence is due to nondeposition or erosion is conjectural. The relative geographic position of this block may have changed as a result of faulting during the prebasin phase. However, the presence of almost 14,000 feet of pre-middle Miocene strata in the San Joaquin Hills just northeast of the Newport-Inglewood zone sugggests that these strata must once have extended southwestward across the present site of the fault zone. The source of most of the Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary sediments was north, northeast, or east of the area of deposition in a rising region of moder- ate relief that was underlain by slightly to deeply weathered igneous and metamorphic eastern basement rocks. The broad and relatively shallow area of depo- sition only roughly foreshadowed the size and shape of the deep constricted basin that was to form later in Tertiary time. AN INTRODUCTION BASIN-INCEPTION PHASE-MIDDLE MIOCENE ROCKS The deposition of the locally thick Upper Cre- taceous and lower Tertiary rocks was followed by a significant episode of emergence and erosion, as indi- cated by the almost basinwide unconformity at the base of the middle Miocene (pl. 1). Emergence varied considerably in duration and degree from one part of the basin to another. It probably occurred at differ- ent times in different parts of the basin and may not have occurred at all in the southeast part of the central block. The base of the middle Miocene suc- cession thus commonly has transgressive overlap relations, and, in large parts of the southwestern and northeastern blocks, middle Miocene strata rest directly upon basement rocks. The middle Miocene is a varied and widespread succession of marine clastic sedimentary rocks, less extensive fine-grained siliceous organic sedimentary rocks, and interbedded, basic to intermediate volcanic rocks. This succession attains thicknesses of about 10,000 feet in both the Santa Monica Mountains and the San Joaquin Hills. During much of middle Miocene time a northwest- trending marine embayment covered the site of the Los Angeles basin. The embayment was bordered on the northeast and southwest by elevated tracts of contrasting basement rocks. The northeast edge of the embayment coincided very nearly with the present inland boundary (fig. 9), and the north edge was not far north of the Sierra Madre-Cucamonga fault zone. Rivers that drained the highlands north and east of the shoreline transported great volumes of eastern basement detritus to the northeast edge of the embay- ment; the detritus forms thick bodies of poorly sorted argosic sandstone and sandy cobble-boulder conglo- merate in the northern Santa Ana Mountains, the Puente and San Jose Hills, the south margin of the San Gabriel Mountains, and the eastern Santa Monica Mountains. - These rocks characteristically grade and interfinger southwestward, locally with amazing abruptness, into thin-bedded relatively well-sorted ma- rine siltstone and shale. The southwest shoreline of the middle Miocene em- bayment was probably not more than a few miles southwest of the present coastline, but it cannot be precisely located. An extensive tract of western base- ment rocks (now largely buried and submerged off- shore) was elevated in middle Miocene time to form an island or peninsula between the open sea and the em- bayment of the basin area. Large quantities of coarse angular schist debris were transported, probably by landslides or debris flows, from the northeast margin of this landmass and dumped along the southwest A17 edge of the embayment. These deposits are exposed as thick bodies, lenses, and beds of schist breccia in the San Joaquin Hills and Palos Verdes Hills, and they have been found in wells drilled in the Sunset Beach, Huntington Beach, and West Newport oil fields. In the San Joaquin Hills the breccias interfinger north- eastward with fine-grained, dominantly siliceous or- ganic sedimentary rocks. The greatest thickness of middle Miocene rocks ac- cumulated in the northwest and southeast parts of the embayment, areas now occupied by the Santa Monica Mountains and the San Joaquin Hills Other thick accumulations are present along the northeast margin of the embayment (now the Puente and San Jose Hills) and in its axial part, which coincided approxi- mately with the synclinal trough of the present-day basin. In late middle Miocene time, several centers of volcanic activity-one in the east part of the north- eastern block, one in the northwestern block, and one probably in the southeast part of the central block- extruded great volumes of lava, much of it as sub- marine flows and fragmental rocks of chiefly basic to intermediate calcic composition. The volcanic epi- sode corresponded in a general way to a period of tectonic unrest that was also manifested by increased rates of subsidence and local deformation. The area underlain by the volcanic rocks (fig. 9) corresponds roughly to the area that subsided most rapidly; numerous faults and unconformities within the succes- sion and rapid changes in facies and thickness attest to the tectonic unrest. Following deposition of the middle Miocene, the sea withdrew from parts of the embayment and exposed extensive areas to erosion. As a consequence, middle Miocene rocks were stripped from areas of the north- western and southwestern blocks, from the Elysian Park anticline area in the northeastern block, from the Anaheim nose and its southeastward extension in the central block, and from the horst beneath the Long Beach oil field. Locally, however, as in the Palos Verdes and San Joaquin Hills and, perhaps, in the deep part of the central block, deposition continued into late Miocene time nearly without interruption. PRINCIPAL PHASE OF SUBSIDENCE AND DEPOSI- TION-UPPER MIOCENE TO LOWER PLEISTOCENE ROCKS The present form and structural relief of the Los Angeles basin was largely established during the phase of accelerated subsidence and deposition that began in late Miocene time and continued without significant interruption through early Pleistocene time. The embayment that resulted from the renewed subsidence covered most of the area of the middle A18 Miocene embayment, and by the end of Miocene time its encroachment attained a maximum for the Ceno- zoic. Clastic sedimentary rocks, chiefly feldspathic sandstone, micaceous siltstone, and lesser amounts of polymictic conglomerate, shale, and fine-grained sili- ceous biogenic sediment, accumulated rapidly in a submarine depression in which the water was about 3,000 feet deep at the end of Miocene time. The clastic sediment was derived from highland areas to the north, northeast, and east of the embayment; it moved down the submarine slopes along its north and east margins, and spread southward and westward across the basin floor. The upper Miocene sedimentary units thin southwestward across the basin, and their grain size and total sand content decrease southwest- ward. Large quantities of organic matter contained in the finer grained sediment formed the source of large volumes of oil. Not all parts of the basin were submerged simul- =~ taneously nor were the rates of sedimentation every- where equal; subsidence and sedimentation probably began in the south part of the basin near the still- submerged San Joaquin Hills area and from there spread both north and west. In this manner the large tract of western basement that was exposed north of the Palos Verdes Hills fault zone by post-middle Miocene emergence was transgressively overlapped from northeast to southwest by upper Miocene de- posits derived from eastern basement rocks. These deposits also thin and pinch out against the flanks of the Anaheim nose in the east-central part of the central block (section E-F, pl. 4; and fig. 10) and thin from every direction against the Inglewood anti- cline on the northwest boundary of the block. In the northeastern block, upper Miocene strata were de- posited on older and older rocks as they transgressed from south to north. At the close of the Miocene the most extensive embayment of Cenozoic time occupied the basin area; its north margin was bordered by hills that would later become the San Gabriel Mountains, and its surface was interrupted only by a shoal or island at the site of the present-day Anaheim nose. Over much of the basin, subsidence and deposition continued without interruption from late Miocene into Pliocene time (fig. 11). In the central block and adjoining parts of the southwestern and northeastern blocks, the sea bottom attained its maximum rate of subsidence (fig. 13), and, because deposition did not keep pace with subsidence, water depth in the central parts of the basin attained a maximum of about 6,000 feet late in early Pliocene time. However, while the central part of the basin afink, its margins rose, and the area of deposition shrank. Near the beginning of GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Pliocene time, the Palos Verdes Hills area of the south- western block was uplifted for the first time since early in the middle Miocene. A hiatus was thus pro- duced between deep-water upper Miocene mudstone and an extremely attenuated deep-water lower Plio- cene siltstone; this section is about 150 feet thick, whereas equivalent strata just northeast of the Palos Verdes Hills fault zone are about 1,800 feet thick-a circumstance that may be due to lateral movement on the fault zone in Quaternary time. The Santa Monica Mountains in the northwestern block, which were stripped of much of their sedimentary cover at the end of middle Miocene time and were covered again by a thick unconformable blanket of upper Miocene strata, were uplifted in early Pliocene time along the Santa Monica fault zone and have not since been sub- merged. Erosional unconformities near the base of the Pliocene rocks in the Inglewood and Huntington Beach oil fields, near Newport Bay, in the Santa Ana Mountains, in the Coyote Hills, and in the Anaheim nose area attest to the tectonic unrest of the basin margins during the interval of most rapid subsidence in the central part of the basin. During early Pliocene time, great volumes of clastic material, which consisted largely of silt and sand but which included clay and gravel as well, entered the basin along its north and northeast margins. The material was transported across the north slopes of the basin, perhaps by submarine turbid flows, to be trapped in the rapidly subsiding parts of the basin. A gradual increase in grain size or percentage of sand from base to top of the lower Pliocene sequence in the central part of the basin suggests a gradual increase of topographic relief in the source areas. The thick- ness variations of the sequence (fig. 12) were evidently controlled largely by subsidence of the basin floor. Subsidence and deposition continued in the central part of the basin without interruption into late Plio- cene time, but the rate of deposition gradually over- took the rate of subsidence, and the depth of water began to decrease (fig. 13). In the marginal areas of the basin, tectonic activity continued. Unconformities within the upper Pliocene sequence or at its base indi- cate increasing tectonic unrest in such areas as the Palos Verdes Hills, the Torrance and Wilmington oil fields, the southeast half of the Newport-Inglewood zone, the San Joaquin Hills, the northern Santa Ana Mountains, the Coyote Hills and Anaheim nose, the southwest margin of the Puente Hills, the Los An- geles City area, and the Santa Monica fault zone. Uplift and erosion of the southwest margin of the northeastern block, due to activity along the Whittier fault zone, are indicated by detritus of upper Miocene AN INTRODUCTION rocks, derived from the Puente Hills, in upper Plio- cene strata now exposed just south of the fault zone. Conversely, within the northeastern block, the great increase in thickness of the upper Pliocene sequence from the Puente and San Jose Hills toward the San Gabriel Valley, which had probably been an area of limited and gradual subsidence since middle Miocene time, indicates that in late Pliocene time the area began to subside very rapidly to become a trap for thousands of feet of coarse-grained upper Pliocene and Pleistocene strata. Most of the sediment deposited during early Plio- cene time was derived chiefly from areas north of the basin, and only minor amounts were contributed by locally emergent areas such as the Palos Verdes Hills and the islands of the Torrance-Wilmington oil field area. In contrast, in late Pliocene time the rising southwest margin of the Puente Hills shed significant amounts of detritus into the sea, but the Santa Monica Mountains were evidently not high enough to con- tribute important volumes of distinctive sediment. Shallow-water or littoral sediments are prevalent in exposures of the upper Pliocene around the margins of the basin, and Foraminifera from the sequence in the subsurface of the central block indicate that the sea bottom there shoaled from a depth of about 4,000 feet early in the late Pliocene to about 900 feet at the end of the Pliocene (fig. 13). The character of the upper Pliocene deposits reflects increasing topographic relief of the source areas. Sandstone constitutes more than half the total volume, and siltstone makes up most of the balance; conglomerate and pebbly sand- stone are much more prevalent than shale, and other rock types are extremely rare. Although the basin of deposition was still very large at the end of the Pliocene, many marginal areas stood above sea level. The Palos Verdes Hills formed an island, and large parts of the Santa Monica Moun- tains and San Gabriel Mountains, the Puente Hills, the Santa Ana Mountains, and extensive areas along the Newport-Inglewood zone and parts of the south- western block were exposed or were above wave base. Very early in the Pleistocene the Palos Verdes Hills and the southwestern block subsided and marine depo- sition resumed in those areas. The central block, parts of which had subsided and been filled by more than 18,000 feet of sediments since the end of middle Mio- cene time, continued to subside and fill; the San Joaquin Hills remained submerged as did the central block, whereas the Santa Ana Mountains remained emergent. The San Gabriel Valley, which had just become a distinct and separate structural entity, con- T68-887-65--4 A19 tinued its rapid subsidence, whereas adjoining parts of the northeastern block such as the Puente and Repetto Hills continued to rise. The San Gabriel Mountains were elevated to ever greater heights by uplift along the Sierra Madre-Cucamonga fault zone, and the streams that drained these mountains trans- ported loads of ever coarser debris of igneous and metamorphic rocks to the margin of the basin. The Santa Monica Mountains remained emergent but were probably quite subdued. During early Pleistocene time, rapid deposition in depressed parts of the basin exceeded subsidence, and the shoreline gradually receded southwestward from the San Gabriel Valley; many hundreds of feet of sand and gravel accumulated in the valley, and as much as 1,800 feet of fine-grained sand and silt was deposited in the central block in an environment of open water of moderate depth. The southwestern block northeast of the Palos Verdes Hills fault zone received as much as 1,000 feet of marine sand and gravel that was deposited in water of moderate depth ; parts of the Palos Verdes Hills received as much as 600 feet of marine marl, silt, and sand that was de- posited in water as deep as 600 feet. At the end of early Pleistocene time the shoreline in inland parts of the basin was approximately coinci- dent with the present-day subsurface boundary of the upper Pliocene sequence (fig. 14) ; the Santa Monica Mountains, the Elysian, Repetto, San Jose, and Puente Hills, and the Santa Ana Mountains stood in subdued relief above a low coastal plain that merged northeastward with coalescing alluvial fans extending from the San Gabriel Mountains. A chain of shoals or banks probably stood offshore along the Newport- Inglewood zone where anticlines were growing from the ocean floor in the Inglewood, Long Beach, and Huntington Beach oil field areas. An island or bank may also have existed over the anticline of the Palos Verdes Hills area. # BASIN-DISRUPTION PHASE-UPPER PLEISTOCENE TO RECENT STRATA The central part of the basin continued to subside and to receive sediment throughout late Pleistocene and Recent time ; floods of coarse clastic debris derived from the distant San Gabriel Mountains and the rapidly rising Puente Hills, Santa Ana Mountains, and eastern Santa Monica Mountains pushed the re- treating shoreline southward and westward. Inter- fingering lagoonal marine and nonmarine deposits of late Pleistocene ago may attain a maximum thickness of about 2,500 feet in the central part of the basin, where they are probably conformable on marine lower A20 Pleistocene strata and are overlain by not more than 200 feet of Recent nonmarine gravel, sand, and silt. -~ The middle to late Pleistocene history of the Palos Verdes Hills contrasts markedly with that of the cen- tral part of the basin. At the end of early Pleistocene time most of the southwestern block was slightly below sea level and was blanketed by 300 to 1,000 feet of marine lower Pleistocene strata. Renewed deforma- tion of the Palos Verdes Hills anticline then occurred by downfolding of the flanks and subsidence of the surrounding areas. The folded Pleistocene strata then broke along the Palos Verdes Hills fault zone, and the hills rose, in a series of steps that were sepa- rated by periods of stillstand, relative to sea level and to the rest of the southwestern block. Thirteen recognized platforms were cut around the periphery of the island during the periods of stillstand; the highest and oldest of these terraces has an altitude of about 1,300 feet; the lowest and youngest, which has an age of more than 30,000 years, has an altitude of about 100 feet. Marine sand and gravel preserved on nine of the platforms, particularly on the lowest, 100- foot terrace, contain fossil mollusks that have been correlated with those from the marine deposits that conformably overlie lower Pleistocene strata on the lowland part of the southwestern block. Along the northwest margin of the hills, deposits on the lowest platform have been folded along the Palos Verdes Hills fault zone; locally they dip 26°. After cutting of the lowest terrace platform on the Palos Verdes Hills and deposition of upper Pleisto- cene strata elsewhere on the southwestern and central blocks, successive relative lowerings of sea level caused rivers that flowed across the constructional coastal plain to entrench themselves to depths as great as 250 feet near the present shoreline; these rivers cut gaps through the hills that were rising along the Newport- Inglewood zone, and they cut channels in the newly emerged upper Pleistocene sea bottom to distances of thousands of feet seaward of the present shoreline. Subsequent relative rise of sea level then caused re- newed alluviation, and the channels were filled with Recent deposits, which extend inland through the gaps to merge with surficial deposits of the central part of the basin. The structural features along the central part of the 'Newport-Inglewood zone did not have topographic ex- pression before late Pleistocene time. After the emer- gence of these features from the sea, continued growth of anticlines along the zone resulted in radial conse- quent drainage on the oval hill over the faulted Dominguez anticline and caused antecedent breaching of the elongate domal hill over the Seal Beach anti- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA cline. Continued deformation along the zone produced fault scarps in the alluvial surface such as those ex- posed at Baldwin Hills and in the area between Signal Hill and Huntington Beach Mesa. After deposition of lower Pleistocene strata along the south margin of the eastern Santa Monica Moun- tains, the mountains were arched along a west-trend- ing axis; the arching was accompanied by dip-slip uplift on the Santa Monica-Raymond Hill fault zone (Knapp and others, 1962). Marine upper Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits north and west of Santa Monica were elevated many hundreds of feet above sea level. Deformation along the Sierra Madre-Cuca- monga fault zone has continued into Recent time and has caused formation of scarps in unweathered allu- vium and tilting of poorly consolidated nonmarine deposits of late Pliocene or Pleistocene age. Although the Whittier fault zone may have moved as early as Miocene time and was almost certainly the site of vertical movements in Pliocene time, oblique slip of large magnitude followed deposition of nonmarine upper Pleistocene beds along the south margin of the Puente Hills; these strata are in many places steeply tilted and locally overturned. Of an estimated 15,000 feet of oblique net slip that has accumulated since late Miocene time along the central part of the fault zone, about 5,500 feet of right-lateral strike slip resulted from Pleistocene and (or) Recent movements, during which present-day stream courses may have been offset. The Coyote Hills uplift, which was probably initi- ated in late Miocene or early Pliocene time, was rejuvenated in latest Pleistocene time and probably continues to grow. Folding and lifting of the Santa Ana Mountains probably began in Pliocene time; but it continued, probably at an accelerating rate, in Pleistocene time. The Quaternary history of the San Joaquin Hills is analogous to that of the Palos Verdes Hills. The hills were partly mantled by as much as 1,000 feet of marine sand during early Pleistocene time; this depo- sition was followed during late Pleistocene time by deformation, subsidence, and intermittent uplift rela- tive to sea level. Eight recognizable terrace platforms were eroded into the seaward slopes of the hills be- tween intervals of uplift; the highest platform now has an altitude of about 1,000 feet. STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BASIN The rocks of southwestern California, including those of the Los Angeles basin, are separated into two large groups by a pronounced unconformity of mid- Cretaceous age. Below the unconformity are basement AN INTRODUCTION rocks, metamorphic and igneous crystalline rocks of Precambrian to early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian?) age; above the unconformity is a thick succession of marine and nonmarine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of Late Cretaceous (Turonian) to Recent age, the superjacent rocks. BASEMENT ROCKS The basement rocks of the Los Angeles basin have been divided into western and eastern complexes by Woodford (1925) on the basis of their contrasting lithology and mineralogy. The western complex un- derlies only the southwestern block, whereas the east- ern complex is known or inferred to underlie all other blocks of the basin (fig. 5). SOUTHWESTERN BLOCK The western basement rocks of the southwestern block have been assigned to the Catalina Schist (Schoellhamer and Woodford, 1951). The Catalina Schist is exposed on the mainland only in a small area on the north slope of the Palos Verdes Hills, where it is chiefly fine-grained chlorite-quartz schist and blue glaucophane- or crossite-bearing schist but includes less abundant chlorite-muscovite-albite-quartz schist, quartz-chlorite-tremolite-lawsonite(?) rock, quartz- free chlorite-talc(?) schist, and metagabbro. Similar rocks have been found at the bottoms of more than 100 wells drilled in the lowland part of the southwestern block north of the hills (fig. 5). In addition to the rock types exposed in the hills, samples from the wells include glaucophane- or lawsonite- bearing schist that also contains epidote or zoisite, actinolite-bearing schist, garnet-bearing muscovite- chlorite-quartz schist, massive rocks that consist largely of carbonate or serpentine, and metavolcanic rocks. ' The distinctive minerals glaucophane and law- sonite are widespread, but are seldom abundant in samples of the schist. However, near the northeast margin of the block along the Newport-Inglewood zone, glaucophane and lawsonite schists are absent and exceptional types such as garnet-bearing schist, ser- pentinite, metagabbro, and metavoleanic rocks occur. Neither the age nor the stratigraphic position of the Catalina Schist is known. In the southwestern block the oldest known superjacent rocks are middle Mio- cene, and nowhere has detritus from this distinctive schist basement been recognized in strata older than Miocene. The Catalina Schist of the mainland has been correlated with similar schist exposed on Santa Catalina Island 20 miles to the southwest (Woodford, 1924). That schist is associated with a thick section of slightly metamorphosed graywacke, shale, chert, conglomerate, metavolcanic rocks, and serpentine A21 bodies. This section is intruded in the south part of the island by a large body of dacite porphyry and is overlain by extrusive andesitic and basaltic rocks of late(?) Miocene age. Because of their unique lithologic features, the glau- cophane-bearing rocks of southern California are correlated with those of the similar Franciscan For- mation of coastal central California (Woodford, 1924, 1960). Like the Franciscan rocks of central Cali- fornia, the glaucophane-bearing rocks of southern California are bounded by faults, have no known base, and are nowhere intruded by plutonic rocks of the Southern California batholith. The Catalina Schist of the Los Angeles basin differs from the Franciscan in that it consists almost entirely of intensely foliated rocks, whereas on Santa Catalina Island and in cen- tral California the rocks are chiefly graywacke and interbedded shale, conglomerate, chert, limestone, and volcanic rocks, locally metamorphosed and intruded by ultramafic rocks. Of these three sections, only the Franciscan of central California has yielded fossils; these fossils range in age from Late Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (Irwin, 1957). NORTHWESTERN BLOCK The basement rocks of the northwestern block are assigned to the eastern complex and are exposed over large parts of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains and in the hills to the east (fig. 5). In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains the complex includes the Santa Monica Slate of Hoots (1931) and intrusive plutonic rocks. The Santa Monica Slate is intensely jointed dark-gray to black slate containing minor amounts of sheared metasiltstone and metasandstone, large tracts of which have been altered by contact metamorphism to mica schist, phyllite, and spotted cordierite slate. Hoots (1931) assigned a Triassic(?) age to the Santa Monica on the basis of lithologic correlation with similar rocks in the Santa Ana Moun- tains, then considered to be Triassic. However, pele- cypod fragments recently discovered in the Santa Monica Slate and numerous fossils from the Bedford Canyon Formation indicate a Late Jurassic age for at least parts of both formations (Silberling and others, 1961; Imlay, 1963). The subsurface distribu- tion of the Santa Monica Slate in the Northwestern block is not known ; only one well, drilled through the Santa Monica fault zone from the Beverly Hills oil field, is known to bottom in slate of the northwestern block (fig. 5); Knapp and others, 1962). Large areas of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains, as well as parts of the low hills and Verdugo Moun- tains to the east, are underlain by plutonic rocks of A22 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 118530" 15" 118°00" 45! 117°3730" I *~ 1% a I I *2 ~ NELL én. a" 5b>gsmzaucso =- N4 * % & SAN FERN *% *> K < RNANDO x x T be VALLEY = "*+, Kbe $969 it the,, "._\, rag -O I g SANTA IC” 3 .Hvu"\f>\r P :\l/“\. F o mst.» Olive ge zi U Chie 4: gie Fromm ." # &/ d Palos .. " 19 Y 3° SANTA ANA Verdes Lol te H \ Seal Q/ Th, KJsp Hills é % $»65) each & , as |- PKC,, "). / MOUNTAINS G Sunset ¢ f :o E 3 (Represents \Beach j “I“: 25 wells) ¢ "% Belmont hflunlingtoy & : Beach , y ¢ bed /‘""l:,.nmlr,,, * C "Unite? j» Saga & biz/“$33 ¢ Was $4 )5 A\ v, Newport A #9 PW _ gan \\ E Joaquin 4 y Hills _ \ s miles Paes aat § j £3 33°30" 1 I U EXPLANATION WELL EXPOSURE (SURFACE LOCATION) ZAZ e \;/K\b7c/£ 9 3 Well that bottoms in low-grade metasedimentary rocks of uncertain age and correlation < Granitoid intrusive rocks of early Late Cretaceous age I A N4 o 1A __a § s EASTERN f X Santiago Peak Volcanics of Late Jurassie(?) to Early BASEMENT Well that bottoms in low-grade metaigneous Cretaceous(?) age COMPLEX rocks of uncertain age and correlation g Approximate surface tgce of major fault zone that R\TFb cuts basement rocks Metasedimentary rocks of Triassic(?) and Late Jurassic age JRs, Santa Monica Slate JRb, Bedford Canyon Formation ® WESTERN ph BASEMENT , 4 & COMPLEX Catalina Schist of Me r old £ atalina Schist of Mesozoic or older age Tie of stfuctnre spovion F1GuRE 5.-Exposures of basement rocks, surface locations of all wells that bottom in basement rocks, surface traces of major fault zones that cut basement rocks, and oil fields of the Los Angeles basin with lines of structure sections (pl. 4). AN INTRODUCTION quartz dioritic or granodioritic composition (fig. 5), which intrude the Santa Monica Slate and which locally have a conspicuous gneissic texture. Some of these plutonic rocks, exposed in the hills just east of the Santa Monica Mountains, have been correlated by D. L. Lamar (unpub. data) with a similar rock in the nearby San Gabriel Mountains that has been dated by the lead-alpha method at 122 million years, or early Late Cretaceous (Larsen and others, 1958, p. 48, sample G-33). Several shallow wells drilled in the east part of the northwestern block bottom in similar plutonic rocks (fig. 5). CENTRAL BLOCK The basement rocks of the entire central block are questionably referred to the eastern complex on the basis of exposures in the Santa Ana Mountains and scattered well penetrations in marginal parts of the block (fig. 5). In the northern Santa Ana Mountains the complex includes the Bedford Canyon Formation, the Santiago Peak Volcanics, and intrusive plutonic rocks of the Southern California batholith (Larsen, 1948). The Bedford Canyon Formation is exposed in the core and along the east flank of the northern Santa Ana Mountains. It consists of slightly metamor- phosed dark well-bedded sandstone and siltstone of graywacke composition, containing minor limestone and pebble conglomerate. The formation is character- ized by poorly to well-developed slaty cleavage and is intensely folded and jointed. Meager fossils from these rocks were originally assigned a Triassic age (Larsen, 1948, p. 18-19), but these fossils are now dated as Jurassic (Silberling and others, 1961; Imlay, 1963). Rocks equivalent to the Bedford Canyon Formation are widespread in the Peninsular Ranges south and east of the Santa Ana Mountains (Wood- ford, 1960, p. 404), as well as in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains. In the central block only one well, drilled along the southwest flank of the Santa Ana Mountains, bottoms in rocks referred to the Bedford Canyon Formation (fig. 5). Rocks of the Santiago Peak Volcanics are exposed in a belt along the southwest flank of the northern Santa Ana Mountains (fig. 5) where they overlie the Bedford Canyon Formation with a pronounced angu- lar unconformity, are intruded by rocks of the Southern California batholith, and are unconformably overlain by superjacent rocks. The rocks of the Santiago Peak Volcanics are chiefly andesitic breccias, flows, agglomerates, and tuffs, which commonly con- tain debris of the Bedford Canyon Formation near the base; they are poorly bedded, and commonly in- A283 tensely altered and deeply weathered, and their thick- ness exceeds 1,000 feet. The outcrop belt of the volcanics broadens southeastward, and, although it is discontinuous, it evidently extends into northern Baja California (Woodford, 1960, p. 404). The age of the volcanics in the northern Santa Ana Mountains is evidently Late Jurassic(?) (post-Callovian) to latest Early Cretaceous(?). Durham and Allison (1960) have tentatively correlated the Santiago Peak Vol- canics with the much thicker and more varied Alisitos Formation of northern Baja California, which con- tains interbedded fossiliferous marine sedimentary rocks of latest Early Cretaceous (Aptian and Albian) age. Three wells drilled along the southwest flank of the Santa Ana Mountains bottom in Santiago Peak rocks (fig. 5). Granitoid plutonic rocks of the Southern California batholith, chiefly quartz diorite, granodiorite, and quartz monzonite, underlie large parts of the Trans- verse and Peninsular Ranges and widely invade the Bedford Canyon Formation and Santiago Peak Vol- canics in the northern Santa Ana Mountains (see Woodford, 1960, p. 404). The plutonic rocks are the youngest basement rocks in the Los Angeles basin and contributed detritus to marine Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) strata exposed in the Santa Ana Moun- tains. Larsen and others (1958, p. 48-49) report lead- alpha ages for 18 samples from rocks of the batholith in southern California, only two of which are from areas close to the Los Angeles basin. A sample of granodiorite from the central Santa Ana Mountains (Larsen sample G-82A) has an age of 120 million years. Quartz diorite from northern Baja California has an age of about 103 million years (Larsen samples BC-1-2, 14, 1-5, and SV-1) and intrudes volcanic and marine sedimentary rocks that contain fossils of latest Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) age (Larsen and others, 1958, p. 46; Durham and Allison, 1960). Within the limits of error of the dating method, the ages of the southern California and Baja California samples are the same, and an early Late Cretaceous age is assigned to the entire batholith by Larsen and others (1958). Only one well drilled in the central block of the Los Angeles basin is believed to bottom in granodiorite rocks of the Southern California batholith; this well is located in the northwesternmost part of the block (fig. 5). The other wells drilled in nearby parts of the block bottom in metaigneous rocks. A well drilled in the Inglewood oil field bottoms in both massive and foliated, intensely altered rhyolite(?) porphyry, and a well drilled near the Las Cienegas oil field A24 bottoms at a relatively shallow depth in gneissic metadiorite. These two rocks are unlike any known from the western complex and are questionably as- signed to the eastern complex. NORTHEASTERN BLOCK Basement rocks are exposed only in the northeast part of the northeastern block. The exposed rocks are biotite quartz diorite and granodiorite of the Southern California batholith. Similar basement rocks have been found in several wells drilled in the east part of the block (fig. 5). These rocks are intruded and over- lain by biotite dacite porphyry of probable Miocene age and are unconformably overlain by middle Miocene volcanic rocks and middle and upper Miocene marine sedimentary rocks. Eight wells drilled in the Brea-Olinda oil field near the southwest margin of the block bottom in foliated metavolcanic rocks tentatively correlated with the Santiago Peak Volcanics of the eastern basement com- plex. These metavolcanic rocks are unconformably overlain by marine strata of middle Miocene age. Two wells drilled in the westernmost part of the block bottom in metasedimentary rocks like the Santa Monica Slate, and four wells drilled in the southwest part of the block near the Repetto Hills bottom in phyllite or schist, of uncertain affinity, which are referred to the eastern basement. The basement rocks in these six wells are unconformably overlain by marine sedi- mentary rocks, chiefly of late Miocene age. SUPERJACENT ROCKS The superjacent rocks of the Los Angeles basin are known from extensive exposures around its margins and from thousands of wells drilled throughout the basin area. Detailed study of these exposures and wells by many geologists over a period of about 50 years has resulted in a complex stratigraphic nomen- clature, in part because of lateral variations in lithol- ogy and thickness. To avoid the repeated use of differ- ent formal names for units that are partly or wholly equivalent, the superjacent rocks are here described informally in chronologic order. Furthermore, the Cenozoic epochs in California have not been satis- factorily correlated with those of Europe; the classifi- cation of the Cenozoic used in this report is based on correlation of fossil marine invertebrate faunas of western North America with those of the European standard section, as proposed by Weaver and others (1944) and Durham (1954). Summaries of the formal stratigraphic nomenclature based on this classification GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA and brief descriptions of the rock units are presented in plates 1 and 2. UPPER CRETACEOUS ROCKS The oldest superjacent rocks of the Los Angeles basin form a lithologically varied and locally thick succession of chiefly marine clastic sedimentary rocks of Late Cretaceous age. They are exposed in the northwestern block (Santa Monica Mountains) and in the east part of the central block (Santa Ana Moun- tains). They are also present beneath younger strata throughout the southeast part of the central block, and may occur in a narrow northwest-trending belt along the north flank of the central block (fig. 6). They are exposed also at the southeast margin of the north- eastern block, but are known (or inferred) to be ab- sent from other parts of the basin. The lower 500 to 800 feet of superjacent rocks in both the Santa Ana and the Santa Monica Mountains contain poorly stratified nonmarine(?) red and green or white conglomerate and sandstone that grade later- ally into Upper Cretaceous marine strata and are inferred to be of equivalent age (Popenoe and others, 1960, pl. 1, note 10). The marine part of the Upper Cretaceous is an alternating succession of pebble-cobble conglomerate, coarse-grained feldspathic sandstone, and argillaceous siltstone and shale. In the Santa Monica Mountains this marine section includes as much as 75 percent hard compact massive pebble-cobble conglomerate; the re- mainder is interbedded shale, sandstone, limestone, and thick beds of pebbly sandstone. In the northern Santa Ana Mountains the marine part has been divided into four members of about equal thickness (Popenoe, 1942; see also pls. 1 and 2, col. 11). These members are, from base to top, conglomeratic sandstone and con- glomerate, silty shale and argillaceous siltstone, mas- sive coarse-grained sandstone and conglomerate, and fine-grained sandstone. The Upper Cretaceous strata were deposited on an eroded surface and transgressed onto basement rocks in both outcrop areas; the top is also an erosional un- conformity, below which the upper two members are locally missing in the Santa Ana Mountains. The Upper Cretaceous section is about 1,000 feet thick in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains and increases in thickness westward to as much as 3,500 feet. In the Santa Ana Mountains the maximum exposed thickness is about 5,700 feet; farther southwest, where it is buried, wells have penetrated about 4,000 feet of this section without reaching the base. AN INTRODUCTION A25 118°30" 15' 118°00' 45! 117°3730" 7 a ¢ j "t I C uu,, I I SAN FERNANDO C C uity, vaLLEy fn *+. SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS 4 7+, a mes onl tos. N RIEL M T a & ama urn/(I wis A so $ s th tz : "rm ”a 1: l l””u.n“:/‘:, wiht \\\\\ "mm-W we}. angi tity r,” \\\\ s w tus it ‘“\\\ i 7 MU ten a «y» Ca¥ U 22 m ) 55? Ci% Tie SAN {GABRIEL «FP/ SANTA V MONICA] .:" $a. - 4 \ & ware f wt "§ n 4s VANJ—zv $7 s Le MOUNTAINS =' - ae." :g r P. $* 3s gans + 3 R - / stim® Tun, n, | +3 u, y "Ill/H” e : pit Si \ & 2 f S (pt! £) i}. Beverly Huo rast nl. 1 ain as [u!" San (OF (g': cmm. : [s "s Aloe: :Wh1tt|er/ s Tose 2.9 t h Tal 7, ; wfe z XDMomca Los Tum! es H\|‘|||“:\ ies a,” %z & ~ & u,,,, __ Angeles Fwy # "'s 4, Atos = a 34°00" [- o stad inte 3° _ Chino 3 # wo y . 8 0111“: Ef,|\‘ ”In“ Basin & & Fr SX Hills “OHS tw, ms 7:11”, ~ & k Itz "am,, , 11, Puente Hills Chl % 7 LA HABRA "im,, wht Yun, "7, €: g VALLEY % az A?) "Ar, a C E N s sw f Dominguez "~ $3“ Bills 5 ,, & §;/ § § Cm : i rm,” a i Palos g - Verdes 3 Hills 3 z FLC "rr, Long 49 r Beach Ai s 10 Mites L 1 1 1 1 I 33°30" 1 U Exposures Probability of presence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent EXPLANATION Possibly present in subsurface =] Absent at surface; probability of absence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent i Location of numbered composite stratigraphic column FiGURE 6.-Distribution of Upper Cretaceous rocks in the Los Angeles basin. Location and number of each composite stratigraphic column are the same as in plates 1, 2, and 3. A26 Marine mollusks from both outcrop areas have been referred by Popenoe and others (1960, pl. 1, cols. 6 and 7) to the Turonian and Campanian Stages of the Late Cretaceous. Foraminifera from the lower part are tentatively assigned to the Coniacian and San- tonian Stages. The lithology and fossils of the lower part of the marine section in the southeast central block suggest deposition in a shallow transgressive sea, followed by deeper water sedimentation that included submarine slides. Strata of the upper part were probably de- posited in a rapidly filling basin. Conglomerate in both lower and upper parts contains abundant detritus of eastern basement as well as other rocks evidently derived from areas to the north and east. PALEOCENE ROCKS The Paleocene is a heterogeneous succession of non- marine and marine sedimentary rocks that are ex- posed in the northwestern block (Santa Monica Moun- tains), in the east and southeast parts of the central block (Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills), and in the southeast extremity of the northeastern block. The Paleocene is present throughout most of the southeast central block and in the southeast part of the northeastern block. It may occur in a narrow northwest-trending belt along the north flank of the central block (fig. 7). It is either known or inferred to be absent in other parts of the basin. The unpat- terned area in the southeast central block between localities 10 and 11 (fig. 7) may have been an area of nondeposition. The Paleocene strata in the adja- cent San Joaquin Hills contain abundant detritus that presumably was derived from a structural high of Upper Cretaceous rocks along the southwest edge of the Santa Ana Mountains. The Paleocene succession includes nonmarine sand- stone and conglomerate, followed by marine siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. Exposures of the non- marine part in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains are coarse-grained feldspathic sandstone and pebble- cobble conglomerate. West of long 118°30' W., a 2- to 4-foot bed of red-brown pisolitic clay locally oc- curs near the base. The Paleocene section thickens abruptly west of this meridian where it consists of marine siltstone, massive pebble-cobble conglomerate, fossiliferous sandstone, and discontinuous biostromal algal limestone. In the Santa Ana Mountains the nonmarine part has a basal conglomerate that contains abundant detri- tus derived from Upper Cretaceous strata and rocks of the eastern basement complex. This conglomerate is GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA | | overlain by nonmarine coarse-grained, poorly sorted feldspathic sandstone that contains abundant altered biotite and minor amounts of interbedded siltstone; a widespread 2- to 5-foot bed of red-brown pisolitic clay and quartz grit; and lenticular carbonaceous shale and low-grade lignite beds. In the southeast part of the Santa Ana Mountains a second thin clayey grit bed occurs. The nonmarine succession in parts of this area grades laterally and upward into concre- tionary fine- and medium-grained micaceous marine sandstone. | In both the northwest and southeast outcrop areas, the Paleocene rocks were deposited on a surface of erosion; however, in the Santa Ana Mountains the basal conglomerate overlaps Upper Cretaceous strata, and east of long 117°37%4' W. it rests in places on eastern basement. The upper contact in the southeast area is seemingly conformable with marine strata of Eocene age, but it may be a hiatus. Paleocefie and Eocene strata are entirely nonmarine at places along the southwest slope of the Santa Ana Mountains and are separated arbitrarily. In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains the non- marine section is about 300 feet thick; it grades west- ward (west of long 118°30') into marine strata and thickens abruptly to about 5,000 feet. In the Santa Ana Mountains the nonmarine section ranges from 800 to 1,500 feet in thickness; the marine section is 350 to 625 feet thick. Mollusks from marine strata in both outcrop areas indicate a Paleocene age. The nonmarine section is presumably Paleocene (Woodring and Popenoe, 1945) ; parts of it grade laterally into marine strata. A nearby source for the nonmarine part of the section is indicated by the abundant detritus derived from underlying strata and basement rocks. A few miles east of long 117°371/" W., just east of the Santa Ana Mountains, transported clay overlies thick resi- dual claystone formed from igneous and metamorphic rocks of the eastern basement complex. This clay- stone presumably was more widespread in early Paleo- cene time and probably was a source for the trans- ported clay. These features suggest prolonged chemi- cal weathering of a stable area of low relief near base level and deposition of the nonmarine succession in a continental and lacustrine environment. A gradual transgression of shallow marine deposition in the cen- tral Santa Monica Mountains, the north part of the Santa Ana Mountains, and the San Joaquin Hills is indicated by the marine mollusks in parts of the section. AN INTRODUCTION A27 118°30'" 15" 118°00' 45 117°37'30" T ”uh" Ito, "Hull/I” 1 I 7 % *,, VERDUGO %,, hhe, SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS SAN FERNANDO VALLEY "m, - MTS "h, "Ue * p 7 . 1,1” E A I’H‘H‘HHU/I’l” it z Fa - 1, whe wt 1 may 5 3 Il"lu,“,\\‘\\‘/: 1 \\\\ z x a 7 % 6 “n‘”: l é/ s, \‘\\\ z w & og % ir w? $4 4 2 g~ f,“\\\‘ A00 ig ttt { A SANTA MONICA SAN'\GABR,EL H Loire MOUNTAINS ««! a & #'s" ‘ mum“ a / \‘\\‘ VALLEY £5 \\\\\\lllu,\: Host 4 $ g & ahr $t serts, + c \ s Beverly " 3 ./Wh|tt|er 39" 'Yose. £ A Pp 5, s¢. Hills i Narrows 3 Hill gut " a Comup: & ~ MIS | 08 4 Santa 35 19 Finn wis > ¢ ste 8 "Ay HLA 3° gh ain. Monica 54 N & nia. mac. ee". $ #i) fi/ ho = 4 Lit # 34°00 |- 2 § g J ¢ ~ Tain i irik -I Bl 2 > "U” 3 In £ "" Baldwin Hills I Puente Hills ‘fiummmmmlh, C E N */* i § ai s ~ P 2.5% é“: Dominguez S to v 87 Hill "ha § $f Pei Y ¢ H 5 \ , Signal | 99h, : , ju Hill { "%, 4 Tap Palos "Tir . 34,4 Verdes % d Arnis \ * Hills 7,00 Long te 45+ a ? Beach 98 33°30' gultte " gy Mae Di EXPLANATION Possibly present in subsurface =A Absent at surface; probability of absence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent Probability of presence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent s Location of numbered composite stratigraphic column FIGURE 7.-Distribution of Paleocene and Eocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin. Location and number of each composite stratigraphic column are the same as in plates 1, 2, and 3. A28 EOCENE ROCKS The Eocene section includes both marine and non- marine sedimentary rocks, which are exposed only in the east and southeast parts of the central block (Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills); ma- rine Eocene strata also are exposed west of the basin (west of long 118°30' W.) in the northwestern block (central Santa Monica Mountains). Eocene strata are buried throughout a large part of the southeast central block and the southeast part of the north- eastern block. These strata may form a narrow north- west-trending belt along the north flank of the central block, but they are known (or inferred) to be absent in other parts of the basin (fig. 7). In the Santa Ana Mountains the Eocene section in- cludes a basal marine conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone that contains well-rounded pebbles, cobbles, and boulders of volcanic porphyry, quartzite, hard sedimentary rocks, and less abundant fragments of quartz, chert, aplite, conglomerate, and plutonic rock. It contains a matrix and lenses of poorly sorted, coarse-grained to pebbly, feldspathic and micaceous sandstone. Bioclastic beds near the top of the basal conglomerate locally contain abundant calcareous algae and fragmentary marine invertebrates. Marine sand- stone overlies the basal conglomerate in the north part of the Santa Ana Mountains and occurs at the base in the San Joaquin Hills. This sandstone is overlain by thick nonmarine(?) massive pebbly sandstone that in places contains fragments of silicified wood. The Eocene section is seemingly conformable on underlying strata, but the fauna of the marine part suggests that a hiatus, presumably representing early Eocene time, separates the section from the uppermost marine beds of Paleocene age. The top is arbitrarily selected within a nonmarine section of repetitious lithology. The outcrop thickness varies from 2,700 feet in the central part of the Santa Ana Mountains to 300 feet at the southeast end of those exposures. The basal conglomerate is 40 to 220 feet thick, the marine sand- stone is as much as 675 feet thick, and the non- marine(?) sandstone is as much as 2,000 feet thick. The mollusk fauna from the marine beds is similar to one of middle Eocene age from the San Diego area. Woodring and Popenoe (1945) confidently assign the Santa Ana Mountains fauna to the later half of the California Eocene. Foraminifera are uncommon but suggest Mallory's (1959, table 19) Ulatisian Stage. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The basal conglomerate contains abundant large well-rounded fragments of plutonic and sedimentary rocks as well as a distinctive suite of colorful silicified volcanic porphyries and welded tuffs, some of which contain piedmontite. This distinctive conglomerate suite is present in Paleocene and Eocene strata in most parts of coastal California and has been much studied (Bellemin and Merriam, 1958). No certain source for this suite has been identified, but it may have been derived from a completely eroded source in the eastern basement north or east of the outcrop area. That this suite was derived from an offshore source seems less likely. In the northern part of the Santa Ana Mountains and in the San Joaquin Hills, the lower part of the Eocene succession contains mollusks that indicate de- position in a shallow marine environment. The upper part probably is nonmarine and marks the inception of an important marine regression that persisted in the Los Angeles basin from late Eocene through Oligocene time. UPPER EOCENE(?) TO LOWER MIOCENE ROCKS A thick red-bed section of upper Eocene( ?) to lower Miocene nonmarine strata, which is overlain by and interbedded with lower Miocene marine strata, is exposed only in the east and southeast parts of the central block (Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills) and in the southeasternmost part of the north- eastern block. It is also exposed west of the Los Angeles basin (central Santa Monica Mountains). It is buried throughout much of the southeast part of the central block and the southeast part of the north- eastern block; a small remnant is also preserved be- neath younger strata in the northeastern block between localities 12 and 13 (fig. 8). This section probably is absent from most of the southwestern and north- western blocks. The unpatterned area between locali- ties 10 and 11 in the southeast central block (fig. 8) is probably due to erosion. In the north part of the Santa Ana Mountains, the red-bed section is nonmarine sandstone and conglo- merate; in the central and southwest part of the mountains, nonmarine conglomerate and sandstone in- terfinger with marine strata. In the adjacent San Joaquin Hills the section is much thicker, consisting of nonmarine conglomerate and sandstone below and ma- rine sandstone and siltstone above (compare cols. 10 and 11, pls. 1 and 2). In the Santa Ana Mountains, the complex relations of marine and nonmarine strata AN INTRODUCTION A29 118°30' 15° 11800" 45! 117°37(30" I 22m 13,0 n I I o o {Ill ov "ai SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS , vERpugo "~,, 2 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY "r, "Ir, $14 Toren E tans" Try m, C = e 1/1,” wife yitlthin 1'1'1,“,,,,” i117 toi 2— \ l””'uu“““/=i q1t/4, \\\\‘ Ming wto * & & mpuu® 7 Ww ”H“”101,”,||u1u||l!“".'“ - 0 SAN ‘-,GABR|EL QI'S‘Q/ 1/6], 317 ‘“\\\ SANTA MONICA 1 3.i% «a; 7, Steet MOUNTAINS vALLEY C? a & ¢ ys Lg. |\l“\““ f s s & $0}. Q‘m RS t p CNN“ BEST”), Be u 3 N / thin® AQ s < mt n : i"" Ch $ 14 ., Home | / Monica 5,100? H Z i Narrows/ Los p "ZT'SHH‘J 12\;}'uu~,, 34°00 |- > Dominguez 2 Hill r “nu.““m/I 4 i I: 7 Palos F2 . MOUNTAINS Verdes 3% tre < ng F Beach ***. 5 10 MiLes L L 1 L. T ] 33°30 I | 1 EXPLANATION Exposures Possibly present in subsurface Probability of presence in subsurface Absent at surface; probability of absence in exceeds 95 percent subsurface exceeds 95 percent @ Location of numbered composite stratigraphic column. FiGURE 8.-Distribution of upper Eocene(?) to lower Miocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin. Location and number of each composite stratigraphic column are the same as in plates 1, 2, and 3. A30 prevent subdivision of the succession (Schoellhamer and others, 1954), but in the San Joaquin Hills a lower nonmarine part and an upper marine part are mapped (Vedder and others, 1957). The nonmarine part of the section in the northern Santa Ana Mountains includes a basal conglomerate and an overlying massive sandstone. The basal con- glomerate contains pebbles and cobbles of volcanic rocks, quartzite, plutonic rocks, and hard sandstone in a matrix of coarse-grained clayey sandstone. overlying strata are conglomeratic lithic sandstone in a clayey matrix. Interbedded with the sandstone are layers of red-brown earthy sand and clayey siltstone. In the central Santa Ana Mountains, marine sand- stone interfingers in the upper part of the dominantly nonmarine section and along the southwest flank of the mountains the upper part is largely marine. The see- tion along the southwest flank of the mountains in- cludes pebble conglomerate, reddish-brown pebbly sandstone, and clayey siltstone. Here the marine tongues consist of calcareous sandstone and friable clayey sandstone. In the central San Joaquin Hills, nonmarine strata in the lower part consist of variegated sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone, and interbedded reddish- brown and greenish-gray sandy claystone. These strata grade upward into marine beds, which include sandy siltstone and fine- to coarse-grained sandstone. In exposures in the southeast part of the Los An- geles basin, the base of the section seemingly grades down into nonmarine(?) strata at the top of the Eocene section. The base and inland margins of the marine part grade into nonmarine strata, and the top of the succession grades into or is unconformably over- lain by marine middle Miocene strata. In the Santa Ana Mountains the section is about 3,000 feet thick, both in the north part where it is entirely nonmarine, and along the southwest flank where the upper 600 feet are marine. In the San Joaquin Hills the nonmarine part is about 2,450 feet thick, and the overlying marine part is as much as 3,800 feet thick. Mollusks from the upper marine beds in the south- east Los Angeles basin are of early Miocene age, but the base of the section apparently grades into non- marine strata of possible late Eocene age. Durham (1954, p. 24, col. 4) indicates that they are separated by a hiatus that represents late Eocene and part of Oligocene time. If so, some of the nonmarine strata represent part, but perhaps not all, of Oligocene time. The nonmarine strata contain the same distinctive suite of pebbles and cobbles as occur in the under- The |- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA lying Eocene rocks: numerous rounded colorful peb- bles and cobbles of hard volcanic porphyry and welded tuff, as well as quartzite and other rocks. The interfingering marine and nonmarine strata along the southwest slope of the Santa Ana Mountains mark the fluctuating northeast shoreline of the shallow early Miocene sea and the inception of a thick marine upper Tertiary section. e . MIDDLE MIOCENE ROCKS _The middle Miocene rocks of the Los Angeles basin form an extremely varied succession of volcanic and marine sedimentary rocks, which in most places can be separated into two partly coextensive sequences. The lower sequence consists of marine clastic and organic sedimentary rocks that contain Foraminifera of Kleinpell's (1988) Relizian Stage; this sequence is exposed chiefly in the southwestern block (Palos Verdes Hills), the northwestern block (Santa Monica Mountains), and the southeast part of the central block (Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills). The upper sequence in most parts of the basin includes widespread extrusive igneous rocks, marine clastic and organic sedimentary rocks, and, locally, a unique schist breccia; the sedimentary rocks contain Foraminifera of Kleinpell's Luisian Stage. Parts of the succession are exposed in all blocks of the basin, as well as locally in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains along the north margin of the basin (fig. 9). Middle Miocene rocks are buried northeast of the Santa Monica Mountains in the northeastern block; they occur only around the margins of the south- western block but are present throughout most of the central block northwest of the Santa Ana River except where they have been eroded (near localities 5 and T, fig. 9). In the northeastern block they probably occur only east of the San Gabriel River. LOWER SEQUENCE The lower sequence of middle Miocene rocks is exposed in the northwestern block (Santa Monica Mountains), southwestern block (Palos Verdes Hills), and the east and southeast parts of the central block (Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills). In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains this sequence con- sists of marine sandstone, siltstone, and minor amounts of conglomerate (Hoots, 1931 ; Durrell, 1954, 1956). In places along the south and west margins of the Palos Verdes Hills, silty, sandy, and siliceous shale with minor amounts of schist breccia and tuff are exposed (Woodring and others, 1946). In the Santa Ana Mountains the lower sequence consists of sandstone, pebbly sandstone, conglomerate, AN INTRODUCTION A31 118°30' 15" 118°00' 45 117°3730" I E A I I 4, Artin, SAN FERNANDO ( +., VERDUGO m., SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS VALLEY mts "~ I'll T Ill/MINING] " “Illfllll SAN GABRIEL a SANTA MONICA , MOUNTAINS |. «" 34°00° |- “nu“.mmu“ t 45' |- 10 MiLES I 33°30" EXPLANATION Exposures Possibly present in subsurface Probability of presence in subsurface Absent at surface; probability of absence in exceeds 95 percent subsurface exceeds 95 percent & *e Inferred subsurface edge of upper middle Miocene volcanic rocks; modified from Eaton (1958) Location of numbered composite stratigraphic column 1 FiGURE 9.-Distribution of middle Miocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin. Location and number of each composite stratigraphic column are the same as in plates 1, 2, and 3. A82 interbedded micaceous siltstone, and minor amounts of tuff and limy siltstone. In the southeastern foothills (near long 117°37/,' W.), basal beds locally contain Catalina Schist detritus. In the central part of the nearby San Joaquin Hills, the lower sequence has been further divided into three named members (pls. 1 and 2). The lower member is conglomeratic sand- stone and grit, the middle is dark-gray siltstone and interbedded sandstone that contains detritus of Cata- lina Schist, and the upper is tuffaceous siltstone and sandstone that contains interbedded andesite flows and sedimentary breccias of andesite. In the southwest San Joaquin Hills a few exposures of siliceous shale and siltstone contain Catalina Schist detritus. In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains the base of the lower sequence is an unconformity, which locally cuts down to Paleocene strata. In the Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills the sequence gener- ally grades down into marine strata of early Miocene age, but in the north part of the Santa Ana Mountains it rests on nonmarine strata. Farther southeast (south and east of long 117°371/" W.; lat N.), the base is unconformable on marine lower Miocene strata. In most of the basin the top of the lower sequence is an unconformity, except in the Palos Verdes Hills and part of the San Joaquin Hills, where it grades into the upper sequence. The maximum thickness of the lower sequence is about 1,000 feet in the eastern Santa Monica Moun- tains, about 300 feet along the south margin of the Palos Verdes Hills, about 2,500 feet in the Santa Ana Mountains, and about 7,000 feet in the San Joaquin Hills. In the Santa Monica Mountains, Santa Ana Moun- tains, and San Joaquin Hills, the lower sequence locally contains marine mollusks that indicate a middle Miocene age; most sections locally contain Foramini- fera that indicate an early middle Miocene age (Reli- zian Stage of Kleinpell, 1938). Lower middle Miocene (Relizian) strata were reported from two wells drilled in the San Jose Hills (Olmsted, 1950, p. 195), and equivalent rocks are present in several wells drilled in the Puente Hills. Lower middle Miocene rocks in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains (northwestern block) evidently were derived from eastern basement sources and were deposited in a shallow marine environment. The shale in the Palos Verdes Hills and the southwest part of the San Joaquin Hills is interbedded with sandstone that contains much angular Catalina Schist detritus that was derived from a western basement source. Catalina Schist detritus is absent in the lowest mem- ber in the San Joaquin Hills, but it is extensive and GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA locally abundant in the upper two members. How- ever, the lower sequence of the nearby Santa Ana Mountains contains Catalina Schist detritus only in the southeastern foothills; elsewhere material derived from eastern basement sources prevails. The agen- cies that transported the Catalina Schist detritus evi- dently did not penetrate inland beyond the present southwest margin of the Santa Ana Mountains. UPPER SEQUENCE The upper sequence of middle Miocene rocks is ex- posed in marginal parts of all the structural blocks of the basin. In the northwestern block (Santa Monica Mountains), east part of the central block (Santa Ana Mountains), and northeastern block (San Jose Hills), the lower part of the sequence consists of ex- trusive igneous rocks. Except in the Santa Ana Mountains, the volcanics are overlain by marine con- glomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale of late mid- dle Miocene age. In the southwestern block (Palos Verdes Hills) the sequence is chiefly organic siliceous shale and silty shale. In the San Joaquin Hills simi- lar shale and siltstone overlie and are interbedded with schist breccia. In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains, andesitic and basaltic flows, tuffs, and breccias that contain in- terbedded foraminiferal sediments form the lower part of the upper sequence (Hoots, 1931; Durrell, 1954, 1956). These volcanic rocks are followed by marine conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale. The con- glomerate consists of blocks of basalt, fragments of Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, boulders of quartz diorite from the eastern basement, and beds of basalt detritus derived from the underlying volcanic rocks. In the low hills east of the Santa Monica Moun- tains, the lower part of the sequence is crudely bed- ded breccia-conglomerate and conglomeratic sand- stone that contain abundant detritus of eastern base- ment (D. L. Lamar unpub. data). These strata are overlain by massive to well-bedded sandstone and peb- bly sandstone. In the southwestern block the upper sequence is ex- posed only in the Palos Verdes Hills The section consists of siliceous shale, chert, limestone, and minor amounts of siltstone, diatomite, phosphatic shale, and tuff; the lower part of this section contains several thick sills of basalt (Woodring and others, 1946). The shale overlies either western basement rocks, lo- cally derived schist breccia and conglomeratic sand- stone, or shale of the lower sequence. In the San Joaquin Hills the upper sequence in- cludes thick lenticular breccias composed of angular AN INTRODUCTION chips, slabs, and blocks of Catalina Schist and minor amounts of interbedded bioclastic sandstone and clayey siltstone. Overlying the schist breccia, and locally intertongued and interbedded with it, are organic and siliceous shale and clayey siltstone. Interbedded in the siltstone and shale are limy concretionary beds, limy bioclastic sandstone beds, and lenses of sand- stone, conglomerate, or breccia; most of these coarse- grained interbeds contain varying amounts of Cata- lina Schist detritus. Several thin interbeds of ande- sitic tuff are also present. In the Santa Ana Mountains the upper sequence is represented by olivine basalt flows, palagonite tuff and tuff breccia, and andesitic flows and flow brec- cias, which locally contain interbedded foraminiferal siltstone (Yerkes, 1957). Similar volcanics are pres- ent above schist breccia lenses in several wells drilled along the southwest flank of the central block. In the San Jose and Puente Hills the upper se- quence is locally thick and consists of volcanic rocks, which are overlain by and interbedded with marine conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone. The volcanic rocks are flows, flow breccias, tuffs, and tuff breccias of basaltic to rhyolitic, but chiefly of andesitic, com- position (Shelton, 1946, 1955). Where exposed in these hills, the volcanic rocks overlie the eastern base- ment, but in the subsurface to the south they overlie Tertiary strata. Interbedded in the upper part of and overlying the volcanic rocks in the San Jose Hills are conglomerate, sandstone, and foraminiferal siltstone. In the San Jose Hills a thin altered andesitic flow locally forms the top of the succession. Several small fault-bounded remnants of similar sandstone and con- glomerate crop out in the nearby foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. Two small exposures of the up- per sequence at the southeast margin of the Puente Hills consist of massive pebbly feldspathic sandstone. The base of the upper sequence is unconformable at most places in the basin. In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains the sequence lies on rocks as old as Paleo- cene and contains intraformational unconformities. In the low hills east of the mountains the sequence rests unconformably on eastern basement. On the north slope of the Palos Verdes Hills it rests uncon- formably on western basement, but along the south and west margins of the hills it grades down into similar strata of the lower sequence; a northward on- lap is thus indicated. In the San Joaquin Hills, schist breccia lies unconformably on older Miocene strata and transgresses faults of large displacement. Here shale and siltstone of the upper sequence not only transgress the breccia and older Miocene strata but also contain schist breccia lenses. Where exposed in A38 the San Jose Hills, the volcanic rocks rest on eastern basement. The basal beds of the overlying sedimen- tary strata are interbedded with, or unconformable on, the volcanic rocks. In the Palos Verdes Hills and in parts of the San Joaquin Hills, the upper sequence grades into upper Miocene strata; elsewhere on the periphery of the basin the upper contract is an erosional unconformity (pls. 1 and 2), and in places it is a pronounced angu- lar unconformity. In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains the upper sequence is as much as 9,000 feet thick; in the Palos Verdes Hills, about 400 feet; in the San Joaquin Hills, about 3,500 feet; and in the Santa Ana Moun- tains, no more than 850 feet. In the San Jose Hills the sequence is about 5,000 feet thick, but in the nearby subsurface it thickens to nearly 6,700 feet. The upper sequence in all parts of the basin locally contains marine mollusks that suggest a middle Mio- cene age and Foraminifera that indicate a late middle Miocene age (Luisian Stage of Kleinpell). However, some of the schist breccia lenses in the San Joaquin Hills probably are older. The volcanics at the base of the upper sequence in the eastern Santa Monica Mountains are the eastern extension of a much thicker accumulation that is exposed in the central and west parts of the moun- tains. The volcanics include interbedded marine sedi- mentary rocks. Sedimentary strata that overlie the volcanics contain abundant detritus of all older rocks and were evidently derived from areas underlain by eastern basement. The fossil mollusks indicate a pro- tected shallow marine environment for parts of the sequence. In the Palos Verdes Hills much of the middle Mio- cene section contains abundant Catalina Schist detri- tus, which indicates derivation chiefly from a western basement source. Here the upper sequence contains mollusks and Foraminifera that indicate deposition in a shallow marine environment and a water depth of 600 to 3,000 feet (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 39-40). The upper sequence in the San Joaquin Hills con- tains extensive and locally very thick lenses of schist breccia which extend discontinuously along the coast from the central part of the hills to Oceanside, about 35 miles to the southeast. The breccia underlies most of the southwest flank of the central block as far northwest as the Long Beach oil field, but it lenses out northeast of the San Joaquin Hills; nowhere is it preserved in the adjacent Santa Ana Mountains. The breccia coarsens and thickens from north to south and was evidently derived chiefly as extensive submarine A34 landslides or mud flows from an elongated northwest- trending ridge of Catalina Schist exposed somewhere southwest of the present coast, most probably a ridge elevated along or southwest of the Newport-Inglewood zone. The siltstone and shale that overlie this breccia also contain lenses of sandstone, conglomerate, and schist breccia. The foraminiferal faunas from these strata (Smith, 1960) indicate that the basal beds are younger toward the northeast and that the shale and siltstone probably accumulated in water deeper, and in places much deeper, than 600 feet. Shallow-water mollusks from sandstone lenses in the San Joaquin Hills must have been transported from nearshore areas that lay to the northeast. This section is equivalent in age and lithologically similar to the upper sequence in the Palos Verdes Hills and probably shares a com- mon source. The volcanic rocks exposed in the western foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains are of late middle Mio- cene age and are widespread beneath younger rocks in the subsurface of the central block. In both outcrop and wells the volcanics contain interbedded fossili- ferous sedimentary rocks; at least the lower part ac- cumulated in a shallow marine environment. In the Puente and San Jose Hills only the upper sequence is preserved. The locally thick volcanic rocks in the northeast part of the basin accumulated under subaerial and shallow submarine conditions. The interbedded and overlying sedimentary rocks were derived from eastern basement sources to the north and northeast and were deposited in shallow marine water at or near the northeast shoreline (Woodford and others, 1946). At least three sources for the widespread and locally thick upper middle Miocene volcanic rocks of the Los Angeles basin area can be identified, but, despite ex- tensive study (Shelton, 1954, 1955; Yerkes, 1957; Eaton, 1958) these sources cannot be precisely located. One source may have been northwest of the basin, another near its northeast border, and a third in its southeast part. The area covered by the volcanics (fig. 9) has been estimated at about 700 square miles and the volume of rock involved at a minimum of 140 cubic miles (Shelton, 1954). INTRUSIVE ROCKS Intrusive igneous rocks of middle Miocene age occur in several parts of the basin. In the Santa Monica Mountains, dikes, sills, and irregular masses of medi- um- to coarse-grained diabase, basalt, and andesite GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA widely intrude all rocks older than middle Miocene. These intrusions are more abundant, larger, and coarser grained in older rocks, and in most places were emplaced along faults. In the Palos Verdes Hills, several thick sills of hypersthene andesite and basalt intrude the lower part of the upper sequence. In the San Joaquin Hills, numerous long thin dikes of phaneritic hypersthene andesite, which are emplaced along faults, radiate northward from a point near the offshore extension of the Newport-Inglewood zone. In the western foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains, several thin andesite dikes cut Miocene volcanic rocks; a few basaltic dikes cut sedimentary rocks elsewhere in the mountains. Intrusive rocks of middle Miocene age are seemingly absent in the northeastern block. UPPER MIOCENE ROCKS Upper Miocene strata of the Los Angeles basin form a widespread and locally very thick succession of very fine to coarse grained, chiefly clastic marine sedi- mentary rocks that locally contain intrusive igneous rocks. The sedimentary rocks are divided informally into two largely contemporaneous facies. The thickest and most extensive of these is a succession of mica- ceous shale and siltstone, sandstone, and pebble con- glomerate that is termed the eastern facies. The western facies is much thinner and is chiefly shale, diatomite, and siltstone. Upper Miocene rocks are buried throughout most of the basin except in the east part of the northwestern block, in a wedge-shaped area (unpatterned in fig. 10) in the southeast part of the central block, and in the north part of the northeastern block. (See fig. 10.) EASTERN FACIES The eastern facies of upper Miocene rocks is ex- posed in the Santa Monica Mountains, the Elysian Hills just north of downtown Los Angeles, the Puente and San Jose Hills, the Santa Ana Mountains, and east of the San Joaquin Hills. These rocks on the north flank of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains have been divided into two members by Hoots (1931, p. 102-115). The lower member is coarse-grained feldspathic sandstone with a thin basal conglomerate that contains abundant detritus from the eastern base- ment. Organic shale, platy white porcelaneous shale, and minor amounts of bituminous shale and tuff over- lie the basal beds. The upper member consists of porous diatomaceous shale and interbedded clayey silt- stone, fine-grained sandstone, and minor amounts of tuff. AN INTRODUCTION A85 117*37'30" 118°30' 15 11800" 45" I “of,” 2 Trier t, j l SAN FERNAN " & Tribe, FERNANDO VA a mife rz SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS ”n’ulufl'u’lz Qh \\ as “S w NTA m." "uu\“““n Monica 6 gaMTS ...) “n‘fl ...... 34°00 - 45) |- _ 4 C +L IP ss. T ¢ § 5 0 10 MILES 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 33°30° P | } Probability of presence in subsurface Exposures exceeds 95 percent EXPLANATION Possibly present in subsurface Absent at surface; probability of absence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent 2 Location of numbered composite stratigraphic column FIGURE 10.-Distribution of upper Miocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin. - Location and number of each composite stratigraphic column are the same as in plates 1, 2, and 3. A36 A somewhat similar succession is exposed in the Elysian Hills in the northwest part of the central block (D. L. Lamar, unpub. data) ; it consists of thin- to thick-bedded sandstone and minor amounts of inter- bedded siltstone and shale. The sandstone is very fine to coarse grained, friable, and very poorly sorted. The upper part is chiefly thin-bedded diatomaceous silt- stone and very fine grained sandstone containing mi- nor interbedded medium- to coarse-grained sandstone. The eastern facies is widely exposed and attains its maximum known thickness in the northeastern block. Parts of the San Jose Hills exposures have been mapped by Shelton (1946, 1955) and Olmsted (1950), and parts of the Puente Hills exposures have been mapped by Woodford and others (1945), Daviess and Woodford (1949), Durham and Yerkes (1959), and Yerkes (1960). The Puente Hills succession south of lat 34° N. has been divided into four named mem- bers. (See pls. 1 and 2; Schoellhamer and others, 1954.) The lowest mumber consists of laminated to platy micaceous siltstone that contains interbedded feldspathic sandstone, local hard limestone beds and concretions, and thin tuff beds. This member grades upward into massive to locally thick-bedded concre- tionary feldspathic sandstone that contains inter- bedded clayey siltstone and pebble-cobble conglomer- ate. In the north part of the hills, the sandstone member contains very large boulders of eastern base- ment. The sandstone member characteristically grades into the adjoining members. The third member is platy to thin-bedded diatomaceous and sandy siltstone that contains interbedded sandstone and pebble con- glomerate. The uppermost member consists of inter- tongued micaceous siltstone and coarse-grained sand- stone that contains as much as 30 percent interbedded conglomerate. These four members have also been mapped at the east margin of the central block in the Santa Ana Mountains. Northeast of the San Joaquin Hills the eastern facies is represented by laminated clayey siltstone, fine- grained sandstone, and coarse-grained conglomeratic sandstone. Diatomaceous shale, tuff, and limestone concretions occur in places in the lower part. Southeast of the hills these rocks grade into underlying shale and siltstone of the western facies. The eastern facies in the Santa Monica Mountains lies with pronounced unconformity on all older rocks of the superjacent sequence and in places on eastern base- ment; the angular discordance is as much as 90°. In the southeast part of the Puente Hills the eastern facies is unconformable on middle Miocene strata with an angular discordance of 30°; in the north part of the Puente Hills and in the adjoining areas the lowest GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA member is absent, and younger members are uncon- formable on middle Miocene sedimentary or volcanic rocks or on eastern basement. Along the west slopes of the Santa Ana Mountains the lower two members of the facies are widespread and locally overlap middle Miocene rocks; the upper two members are preserved only farther north. Northeast of the San Joaquin Hills the eastern facies grades southward into shale and siltstone of the western facies and is un- conformable on middle Miocene rocks. In the eastern Santa Monica Mountains the east- ern facies is as much as 5,500 feet thick, and in the Elysian Hills to the southeast it is as much as 6,400 feet thick; the maximum known thickness is in the Puente Hills, where it is about 13,400 feet. In the Santa Ana Mountains the thickness is about 9,400 feet, and northeast of the San Joaquin Hills it is about 1,275 feet. Foraminifera from the eastern facies are of late Miocene age and include Kleinpell's Mohnian and Delmontian Stages (Woodford and others, 1945; Daviess and Woodford, 1949; Natland and Rothwell, 1954). Clastic material in the eastern facies in all parts of the basin eivdently was derived from sources to the north or northeast. The source of the coarse-grained detritus in the Santa Monica Mountains has been tentatively identified as an area in the San Gabriel Mountains about 30 miles northeast of the exposures (Sullwold, 1960). Directional features in the eastern facies at the Elysian Hills indicate a source to the northwest (D. L. Lamar, unpub. data). Clastic frag- ments in the Puente and San Jose Hills probably were derived chiefly from eastern basement sources similar to those exposed at the northeast margin of the hills and in the mountains to the north and north- east (Woodford and others, 1946, p. 553-559). The upper two members in the Santa Ana Mountains are southward or southeastward extensions of the thick Puente Hills succession; a thick coarse-grained sand- stone body east of the San Joaquin Hills also prob- ably was derived from the northeast. Mollusks from the base of the eastern facies in the Santa Monica Mountains are rock-clinging forms that lived at the foot of cliffs (W. P. Woodring, in Hoots, 1931, p. 111), perhaps on an island or shallow sub- marine ridge. Sandstone beds, mainly in the upper parts of the lower member of the facies on the north flank of the mountains, were deposited chiefly by turbidity currents on a submarine fan in water about 3,000 feet deep (Sullwold, 1960). Sandy strata in the facies in the Elysian and Puente Hills contain graded bedding, load casts, and other sedimentary fea- AN INTRODUCTION tures that suggest deposition by turbidity currents; such currents evidently were active along the north and east margins of the basin during most of late Miocene time. The inland margins of the Puente and San Jose Hills probably were the approximate north- east shoreline of the late Miocene sea (Woodford and others, 1946). Foraminifera from the Puente Hills and Santa Ana Mountains indicate deposition in wa- ter deeper than 2,000 feet. Foraminifera from well cores in upper Miocene strata at the southwest margin of the central block include species which suggest that the water progressively deepened from about 1,600 feet early in late Miocene time to more than 3,000 feet at the end of the epoch (Natland and Roth- well, 1954, p. 40). These conditions evidently pre- vailed over all but the marginal parts of the basin or basins in which the eastern facies accumulated. WESTERN FACIES The western facies of upper Miocene rocks consists chiefly of fine-grained sedimentary rocks that are ex- posed only in the southwestern block (Palos Verdes Hills) and in the southeast part of the central block (San Joaquin Hills). The western facies is charac- terized by organic sedimentary rocks, by lack of thick sandstone units, by northward or eastward transgres- sion, and by varying amounts of western basement detritus. In the Palos Verdes Hills the western facies con- sists, in ascending order, of phosphatic and bitumi- nous shale, diatomaceous shale and mudstone, and ra- diolarian mudstone; minor constituents include chert, limestone, vitric tuff, and, in the lower part, blue- schist sandstone (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 14). In the San Joaquin Hills the western facies is mas- sive to thin-bedded diatomite, diatomaceous mudstones, and siltstone that contains interbedded soft laminated siltstone, vitric tuff, and minor Catalina Schist detri- tus. Lenses of sandstone, conglomerate, and breccia occur near the southeast end of the hills. In both outcrop areas the western facies grades up from similar strata of late middle Miocene age, and the younger and older strata cannot everywhere be separated lithologically. In the Palos Verdes Hills the top of the western facies seemingly grades into lower Pliocene strata, but the contact is interpreted as disconformable on the basis of missing foraminif- eral zones (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 41). The top of the western facies in most of the San Joaquin Hills is an erosional unconformity; southeast of the hills the upper part is conformably overlain by lower Pliocene strata. In the Palos Verdes Hills the western facies is be- tween 700 and 1,400 feet thick; at Newport Bay it is A37 nearly 1,200 feet thick, and southeast of the San Joaquin Hills it is about 2,000 feet thick. Foraminifera from the western facies in the Palos Verdes and San Joaquin Hills are of late Miocene age (Mohnian and Delmontian Stages). Faunal as- semblages from the facies suggest (1) that the lower part in both areas accumulated in water more than 1,800 feet deep and (2) that the upper part was de- posited in water which deepened progressively to more than 3,000 feet (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 39-40; Smith, 1960). Northward and eastward onlap of the western fa- cies is suggested by Catalina Schist detritus in the lower part and by a progressive decrease in age of the basal beds from south to north in the Palos Verdes Hills (Woodring and others, 1946) and from southwest to northeast in the San Joaquin Hills (Smith, 1960). At least the lower part was derived mainly from western basement. Northward and northeastward onlap evidently continued during the latest part of late Miocene time, and the deposits accumulated in water of greater depth than at any previous time; however, little western basement detri- tus occurs in the upper part of the western facies. INTRUSIVE ROCKS Sill-like bodies of coarse-grained diabase (gabbro to diorite) are locally exposed north of the Whittier fault zone near the south margin of the central Puente Hills These rocks have been penetrated by many wells in a belt about 1.6 miles wide and about 15 miles long north of the fault zone (section F#-G, pl. 4). The bodies are as much as 650 feet thick and cut downward from west to east along the fault zone, across about 4,000 feet of strata that range in age from early late Miocene to middle Miocene. On the coastal side of the San Joaquin Hills, some small sill- like bodies of fine-grained andesite intrude shale and siltstone of early late Miocene age. PLIOCENE ROCKS The Pliocene succession in the Los Angeles basin consists of repetitiously interbedded fine to coarse clastic marine strata that are probably more than 14,000 feet thick in the deeper parts of the central block. Basinwide subdivision and correlation of these strata on lithology alone is not feasible, owing to uni- formity resulting from continuous deposition in deep water in some areas and to a lack of deep-well data in the central part of the basin. However, the succes- sion has been divided into several foraminiferal zones (Wissler, 1943, pl. 5) which are used by oil com- panies for correlation. Molluscan assemblages from the succession suggest a twofold chronologic division A838 (Woodring, 1938, p. 22). In the northeast part of the basin, lithologic variations and an extensive uncon- formity permit division of the Pliocene succession into two named members (Daviess and Woodford, 1949; Woodford and others, 1954; Durham and Yer- kes, 1959). These two sequences have been projected provisionally into the central parts of the basin (pl. 4) on the basis of regional geophysical studies and well data in the marginal areas. LOWER SEQUENCE The lower sequence of Pliocene rocks is exposed in the southwestern block (northeast margin of the Palos Verdes Hills), at the north margin of the central block (downtown Los Angeles-Elysian Hills area and the Repetto Hills), along the northeast and east margins of the central block (south margin of the Puente Hills and the west end of the Santa Ana Mountains), in the southeast part of the central block (San Joaquin Hills), and in the south-central part of the northwestern block (western Puente Hills and southwestern San Jose Hills). The sequence is buried in the southwestern block, in the central block north- west of the Santa Ana River where it is thickest, and in the south-central part of the northeastern block (Bg. 11). At the northwest end of the central block near downtown Los Angeles, the lower sequence includes sandy siltstone and minor interbedded conglomerate exposed in scattered cuts (Soper and Grant, 1932). The thickest outcrop section of Pliocene strata is in the Repetto Hills at the north margin of the central block where the section consists of massive to poorly bedded siltstone, silty fine-grained sandstone, and thin lenticular conglomerate. Here the section can- not be divided lithologically, but the abundant fora- miniferal assemblages provide a basis for well-defined faunal zonation (Natland and Rothwell, 1954, p. 36). The lower sequence is well exposed in parts of the Puente Hills Along the southwest slope of the hills it is massive silty fine- to coarse-grained sandstone and interbedded massive conglomerate composed largely of angular to subrounded pebbles of light- colored plutonic rocks. Conglomerate beds at the base contain detritus of platy white (upper Miocene) siltstone. The north slopes of the western Puente Hills are formed in part by silty fine-grained sand- stone and interbedded pebble conglomerate (Daviess and Woodford, 1949) that are assigned to the lower sequence. At the southwest end of the nearby San Jose Hills the sequence is interbedded siltstone, sand- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA stone, and pebble conglomerate (Olmsted, 1950). Strata in a syncline at the southeast end of the Puente Hills may be of early Pliocene age (Woodring, 1938, p. 4), but these strata cannot be satisfactorily sepa- rated lithologically from underlying upper Miocene strata. At the northwest end of the Santa Ana Moun- tains the lower sequence is micaceous sandy siltstone that contains minor pebble conglomerate at and near the base. At the southeast end of the San Joaquin Hills, equivalent strata are micaceous sandy siltstone and fine-grained sandstone; these strata are litholog- ically similar to upper Miocene strata and hence are omitted from the distribution map (fig. 11). Near Newport Bay the lower sequence consists of massive fine-grained sandstone and sandy siltstone. Along the northeast margin of the Palos Verdes Hills it is soft massive glauconitic siltstone that contains some Catalina Schist detritus. The lower sequence is extensive in the subsurface of the central block where it attains its greatest thick- ness. Conrey (1958) subdivided it in the subsurface of the central and southwestern blocks on the basis of well cores and electric logs. The dominant rock is arkosic sandstone that grades from medium grained at the northeast to fine grained at the southwest (fig. 12). The sandstone layers are most abundant in the central parts of the basin, where they contain graded bedding and other sedimentary features attributed to deposition by turbidity currents. Interbedded units of micaceous siltstone and sandy shale decrease in grain size and increase in organic content seaward across the basin. Conglomerate and pebbly sand- stone are thick and abundant in the north-central and northeast parts of the central block. The con- glomerates are formed chiefly of angular to sub- rounded pebbles, cobbles, and boulders of light-col- ored plutonic rock. Other constituents of the se- quence include limestone nodules, volcanic ash, and chert. In the Puente Hills the lower sequence evidently lies conformably on upper Miocene strata, but in the Santa Ana Mountains there is a local unconformity at the base. In the southeast part of the San Joaquin Hills this sequence grades down into lithologically similar upper Miocene strata, whereas near Newport Bay it lies unconformably on strata of late and mid- dle Miocene age. In the Palos Verdes Hills the lower sequence is abnormally thin and rests disconformably on upper Miocene strata. An erosional unconform- AN INTRODUCTION 118°30' A39 15° 118°00" 45" 117°37'30" i trg, |7,,/ Trim a 1 ; t o 2 7 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY %,, VERDUGO ~,, ere) SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS . Mts. *>, ”a,” 2 l”u....\“"",, 7 = \ B Rup “mm“ mu * w $ mony, 7 % + x* vae amin x &. uth o w SANTA £ 1. Gp 7, Ties monIcaA a. tuum ~ C & mts :\\ ”m‘unu: < ‘ Cai o t C gthiit Hest "'t0 - Hills " St B 4 N & sant C X Ban £ as s bos bag % ftm, sa°00' - & Chino - T, Basin / \\£‘ 71/1,” ©%© y F “‘t\/‘Qf,’,r.u“'.fz'\¢ SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS o as' |- Kae se 7,1” 7/4 ant hts P i int" ""”’,¢ 2 CX8IJL p TC % £: 7 10 “a”? > San Joaquin 5 5 10 MiL t aa. f 1 ) w , ils 33°30 I 1 I EXPLANATION Exposures Probability of presence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent .1 Possibly present in subsurface Absent at surface; probability of absence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent Location of numbered composite stratigraphic column FiGurE 11.-Distribution of lower Pliocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin, Location and number of each composite stratigraphic column are the same as in plates 1, 2, and 3. A40 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 118°30'" 15" 118°00' 45! 117°37'30" T tE. tn | | VERDUGO SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS "4 a .,.. -- Mre -'" ay lol, , SAN FERNANDO VALLEY 7 N Hires | Wiig is ip , 2 ~ 7 at's Uros ds, ~ "inn,“m‘ /._: 11%. a, * Wing & to l A imine -s x* Ill/Ill”, nfol I qu/ "*, j #7 Linn - & % "% SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS 7 SAN) GABRIEL %,, * [an, & “Km w/ \ll\ \\\ \: ws f ia » g Beverly __( Hills =. iB epetto VANEY (vow/ y, 7 "_ Santa Monica 34°00° |- \ r Kraemer 17 $ cm‘n‘ Aime AL «) K ICherId/U‘H'UH|1I“"'ln\\\l”u,, ‘b mum‘ g“: SANTA ANA Palos Verdes Wnlmlngton MOUNTAINS P A C Batmont - ERES fluctr "*a # C CO .C E 4 x =Newport Bay 5 San Joaquin Hills 5 10 MILES I 33°30" U EXPLANATION - --~-4000---- i a or 25 50 75 100 Isopach contour Percent sandstone and conglomerate Oil field Interval is 1000 feet except where 500-foot contours added in southwest part of map FreurE 12.-Lithofacies and thickness relations of lower Pliocene rocks of the Los Angeles basin. Lithofacies from Conrey (1958); isopachs based on results of this investigation. ity with an angular discordance of 5° to 10° marks | the Repetto Hills section to the east. The thickness the top in most exposures, except in the Repetto Hills. | is between 2,000 and 2,600 feet in the Puente Hills, The lower sequence is about 850 feet thick in the | about 700 feet in the partial section in the Santa Ana partial section exposed in the downtown Los Angeles- | Mountains at the east edge of the central block, and Elysian Hills area at the northwest end of the cen- about 800 feet at Newport Bay near the southeast tral block; it is between 2,500 and 3,000 feet thick in | margin of the block. The lower sequence is only AN INTRODUCTION about 150 feet thick in the partial section at the northeast margin of the Palos Verdes Hills in the southwestern block. In contrast, the sequence prob- ably attains a thickness of 6,400 feet in the deep part of the central block where it underlies more than 11,000 feet of younger strata (pls. 1, 2, and 4). The lower sequence contains early Pliocene mol- luscan and foraminiferal faunas (Woodring, 1988; Natland and Rothwell, 1954). Rock types in conglomerates of the lower sequence are like older sedimentary and eastern basement rocks exposed in the highlands at the margin of the basin and were probably derived primarily from the San Gabriel Mountains, the Puente Hills, and areas within and east of the Santa Ana Mountains (Edwards, 1934; Bellemin, 1940; Olmsted, 1950; Kundert, 1952). The principal entry of detritus into the depositional basin was probably through a channel near the pres- ent eastern Repetto Hills at the north margin of the central block; from here the detritus swept westward and southward into the deeper and continuously sub- siding parts of the central basin (Conrey, 1958). Foraminifera from such widely separated areas as Newport Bay, Palos Verdes Hills, Long Beach oil field, downtown Los Angeles, and the Repetto Hills indicate deposition in water that deepened from about 3,000 feet at the end of Miocene time to between 4,500 and 6,000 feet near the end of early Pliocene time (Natland and Rothwell, 1954, p. 40; Barbat, 1958, p. 72). During this interval the central part of the basin probably subsided about 6,200 feet (table 1; fig. 13). The lower sequence contains mollusk assemblages that suggest a bathymetric division into three facies based on the assumption that the fossils lived at the same depth as closely related Recent species (Wood- ring, 1988, p. 12-16). One is a widely distributed deep-water facies (2,000-4,000 ft); the second is an A41 intermediate-depth facies around the periphery of the central block; and the third is a shallow-water facies (intertidal zone to 600 ft) near the north and west margins of the basin. In parts of the area an admix- ture of species representative of the three different facies suggests proximity to land and probably re- sults from transport of the shallow-water forms into deeper water. This zonation indicates that the basin of early Pliocene time was analogous to modern deep- water (2,000-6,000 ft) basins on the continental bor- derland (Emery, 1960). UPPER SEQUENCE The upper sequence of Pliocene rocks is exposed in places along the north margin of the central block (downtown Los Angeles-Elysian Hills area, the Re- petto Hills, and the southwest slopes of the Puente Hills), in the east part of the block (west end of the Santa Ana Mountains), in the southeast part of the block (east of the San Joaquin Hills and at Newport Bay), and in the south-central and west parts of the northeastern block (north slopes of the western Puente Hills and locally in the low hills west of the San Gabriel Valley). The sequence is extensive in the subsurface of the southwestern and central blocks and is locally present in the subsurface of the south-cen- tral part of the northeastern block (fig. 14). In the downtown Los Angeles-Elysian Hills area, the upper sequence consists of sandy siltstone and minor interbedded conglomerate (Soper and Grant, 1932). In the Repetto Hills to the east it forms the upper part of a repetitious section of massive to poorly bedded sandy siltstone, silty fine-grained sand- stone, and minor interbedded conglomerate. The thickest exposed section is along the southwest slopes of the Puente Hills, where it consists of massive fine- to coarse-grained sandstone containing abundant in- terbedded grit, pebbly sandstone, and conglomerate. The basal conglomerate there contains locally abun- 1.-Relation between thickness, water depth, and subsidence during deposition of the superjacent rocks in the deep part of the central block, Los Angeles basin Present situation Situation during deposition (inferred) Interval Altitude Subsidence Length of Net rates (feet per Maximum of base Depth of during interval million years) thickness (feet water interval (millions of (feet) 1 subsea) ! (feet) 2 (feet) years) 3 Deposition | Subsidence Pleistocene and Recent 4, 500 4, 400 0-900 3, 500 3.0 +1, 500 1,167 Late Pliocene. 2 7, 900 12, 300 900-4, 000 4,800 4.5 1, 756 1, 067 Early Phocene us 6, 400 18, 700 3, 200-6, 000 7, 200 5.0 1, 280 1, 440 Late MIOCENG-... 2.2: ic. .of need 5, 200 23, 900 1, 600-3, 200 6, 800 6.5 800 1, 046 Early and Middle Miocene. 3, 200+ 27, 1004 0-1, 600 4, 550 11.5 278 396 Pre-Miocene 5, 000+ 32, 100+ 0-250 5, 250 63. 0 79 83 1 Estimates based on unpublished seismic data and regional subsurface studies, this investigation. 2 Modified from Natland and Rothwell (1954, p. 40). 3 Based on Evernden and others (1964, p. 167); and unpublished data. 4 Rates of deposition in the Santa Monica and San Pedro basins immediately off shore have averaged about 3,565 ft (after compaction) per million years over the last 10,000 years (Emery, 1960, p. 254, 262). A42 80 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MILLIONS OF YEARS 40 30 20 Recent and 10 1 Pleistocene Late Cretaceous I I Eocene t Oligocene T Miocene Pliocene <2z2227, ss. ~ =rzzze ~ te « Eocene _ { % (S ~ f t Z A /Water A \ § X X x \ Lower \ a N N \ \\Upper \ \ \Miocene\\ Xx x x Upper 4 \ \_ Pliocene \ X s NORTHERN SANTA ANA \\ \Low\er\ \\ and \ N \\ windb\ \ \\Mio-\ & \C I , +, % »,, VERDUGO *~, d sANyFERNANDQIVALLEY ;i11 13) SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS "m,, - MTS , 2% y h > i os win - u 11 "/, s wt Ambon - 0 wi ~ 1 7, v ”"”lu,,..., # w a], \\\\‘ SANTA "ro M * w And ent If, \\“"/”lllm|l“““ MONICA 4 my MOUNTAINS ~" «e" tits, im. ann t a L. ws" 2 yoy ast \ N stimn® 1‘1 1, 5‘F Coe's 3 "N‘" yent 5‘ ws §o4] Ant , 3 dose * yf gut Ao ‘ e Hill on“? N“? ”,/ ty. 1 O4 (1s. 34°00° |-- sink # - Wn 34, "'t Chino 7, ,, , Basin Puente Hills P9 7 *s % ane wl 5 P strane /\;'\lll|Vl|,,||\Illlll\\"|”VII! stat \“‘ +2 if, & aay SANTA ANA 45 L mountains _| Hills 0 s o 5 10 mites $ (SHO ALHL Lic 1 ) a B 0 - eg gx Z 33°30 1 1 1 foes EXPLANATION Possibly present in subsurface yal Absent at surface; probability of absence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent Exposures Probability of presence in subsurface exceeds 95 percent 3 Location of numbered composite stratigraphic column FiGURE 14.-Distribution of upper Pliocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin. Location and number of each composite stratigraphic column are the same as in plates 1, 2, and 3. A44 fossils rather definitely indicate a late Pliocene age in the downtown Los Angeles-Elysian Hills area and Repetto Hills (Soper and Grant, 1932, p. 1050-1067; Wissler, 1943, p. 213; Natland and Rothwell, 1954, p. 38), in the northwest Puente Hills area (Wood- ford and others, 1954, p. 73), along the southwest slopes of the Puente Hills (Vedder, 1960, p. B327), and in the San Joaquin Hills (Natland and Roth- well, 1954, p. 36; Vedder, 1960). The detritus in conglomeratic phases of the upper sequence is derived chiefly from older rocks exposed around the inland margins of the basin of deposi- tion. In the southwest Puente Hills the conglomer- ates locally contain debris of platy white (upper Miocene) siltstone derived from rocks that underlie most of the hills to the north. In the San Joaquin Hills, conglomerate and breccia at the base contain detritus of Catalina Schist and siliceous shale that was also locally derived. Mollusks from the upper sequence in the north- west, north-central, northeast, and southeast parts of the basin suggest deposition in water less than 600 feet deep (Vedder, 1960), but in the central part of the basin and areas to the southwest the water prob- ably shoaled from depths of 3,000 to 4,000 feet early in late Pliocene time to about 900 feet at the end of the Pliocene (Natland and Rothwell, 1954, p. 40), chiefly by rapid deposition (table 1 and fig. 13). LOWER PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS The lower Pleistocene is a succession of marine silt, sand, and gravel that is exposed in the southwestern block, in several of the low hills and mesas along the Newport-Inglewood zone, and in the northwest, northeast, and southeast parts of the central block. Its subsurface extent is about the same as that of the upper Pliocene sequence (fig. 14), and it is wide- spread beneath the lowland parts of the southwest- ern and central blocks. In the Palos Verdes Hills the succession consists of marl, silt, and sand (Woodring and others, 1946). Several small exposures of soft siltstone occur about 2 miles west of Santa Monica and west of long 118°30' W. at the northwest margin of the basin (Hoots, 1981, p. 120, loc. 311). Along the Newport-Inglewood zone, lower Pleistocene strata are exposed in the Cheviot Hills about 1.5 miles southwest of Beverly Hills (Rodda, 1957), in the Baldwin Hills (Tieje, 1926), and at Signal Hill (De Long, 1941). These exposed sections are dominantly poorly consolidated sandstone and gravel. In the Coyote Hills the exposed part consists of massive silty fine-grained sand and pebbly coarse-grained sand (C. W. Hoskins, unpub. data; GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Yerkes, 1960). Along the south margin of the Puente Hills the succession is massive coarse-grained friable sand, pebbly sand, and gravel; at its base is about 10 feet of hard pebbly sandstone that contains platy white (upper Miocene) siltstone detritus (Yerkes, 1960). Near the mouth of the Santa Ana River in the southeast part of the central block are a few exposures of silt, sand, and gravel (Poland, Piper, and others, 1956). A few feet of fine-grained micaceous silty sand and conglomerate are exposed in cliffs and gullies at the northwest end of Newport Bay (Bruff, 1946, p. 236, loc. A-3183). Strata exposed in- Huntington Beach Mesa that have been assigned to the lower Pleistocene (Poland, Piper, and others, 1956) are now considered to be upper Pleistocene (Valentine, 1959). The base of the succession is exposed only in the Palos Verdes Hills, where it lies unconformably on strata of late Miocene and Pliocene age, and along the south margin of the Puente Hills, where it is evidently conformable on strata of late Pliocene age. In all exposures the top is an erosional unconformity, at which there is a local angular discordance. The succession is as much as 600 feet thick in expo- sures in the Palos Verdes Hills, about 325 feet in the hills along the Newport-Inglewood zone, about 325 feet in the West Coyote oil field, about 300 feet along the south margin of the Puente Hills, and about 100 feet in the Newport Bay area. In the subsurface of the southwestern block this succession is about 1,000 feet thick; the maximum thickness is about 1,800 feet in the central block south of the West Coyote oil field. Mollusks are common and locally abundant in lower Pleistocene strata; the exceptionally abundant mol- lusks in the Palos Verdes Hills are assigned an early Pleistocene age (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 98). The mollusk assemblages of the Palos Verdes Hills have been grouped into several depth-facies associa- tions (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 89-93). These associations indicate deposition in water that shoaled from moderate depths (800 to 600 feet) near the be- ginning of early Pleistocene time to shallow depths (less than 300 feet) near the end of early Pleistocene time. UPPER PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS Upper Pleistocene strata are widely exposed in the Los Angeles basin. In the southwestern block they include marine terrace deposits, nonmarine terrace cover, and probably some stabilized dune deposits; along the Newport-Inglewood zone they consist of marine deposits with nonmarine cover; in the central block they form locally thick nonmarine fluvial and lagoonal deposits, but along seaward slopes of the San AN INTRODUCTION Joaquin Hills they include marine terrace deposits and nonmarine cover, and in the northeastern block nonmarine fluvial deposits. These strata extend be- neath alluvial deposits in all lowland parts of the basin. In the Palos Verdes Hills are 13 well-defined marine terraces that range in altitude from about 100 feet for the lowest to about 1,300 feet for the highest. The lowest (youngest) terrace bevels middle Miocene to early Pleistocene strata, and its platform is mantled by a thin veneer of fossiliferous coarse-grained sand and gravel (pls. 1 and 2, col. 3; Woodring and others, 1946). Slightly older marine deposits are preserved on nine of the higher terraces. The marine terrace deposits are commonly overlain by as much as 100 feet of locally derived nonmarine rubble, gravel, and sand that began to accumulate soon after emergence. Paralleling the coastline south of Santa Monica is a discontinuous 3- to 4-mile-wide belt of inactive dune deposits which consist of fine- to medium-grained sand and minor sandy silt and clay. Marine fine- to coarse-grained sand is exposed in many of the low hills and mesas along the Newport- Inglewood zone and in the vicinity of Santa Monica. A thin veneer of poorly stratified nonmarine sand, silt, and soil mantles the marine deposits over much of the lowland part of the southwestern block between the Newport-Inglewood zone and the Palos Verdes Hills. Along the northeast margin of the central block the lower part of the upper Pleistocene succession consists of brackish- or fresh-water marl and mudstone, and nonmarine pebbly sandstone; these deposits are over- lain unconformably by massive earthy breccia-con- glomerate, pebbly sandstone, and mudstone, which are locally crowded with platy white (upper Miocene) siltstone detritus (Yerkes, 1960). This thick succes- sion, evidently of flood-plain origin, overlaps beds of early Pliocene to early Pleistocene age. It has been arched and eroded in the Coyote Hills; in areas along the Whittier fault zone, it is faulted and locally over- turned and is overlain by relatively undeformed younger alluvial deposits. Over much of the central block, upper Pleistocene strata include continental flood-plain deposits of gravel, sand, sandy silt, silt, and clay; these deposits generally are undeformed or slightly tilted, and they interfinger with marine deposits near the Newport- Inglewood zone. In the southwest part of the block the seaward slopes of the San Joaquin Hills are cut by at least eight marine terraces, the highest of which is at an altitude of nearly 1,000 feet. As in the Palos Verdes Hills, the marine terrace deposits of the San A45 Joaquin Hills commonly have a cover of nonmarine silt, sand, and gravel. In the east and west parts of the northeastern block and along the south margin of the San Gabriel Moun- tains, upper Pleistocene strata form alluvial fan de- posits that are slightly warped, faulted, and dissected. These deposits are unconsolidated, poorly sorted clay, sand, and gravel of decomposed plutonic rocks. Val- ley fill of similar composition probably attains a greater thickness beneath the Recent alluvium of the San Gabriel Valley. In the Palos Verdes Hills, upper Pleistocene strata lie on a surface of erosion that bevels strata of middle Miocene to early Pleistocene age and that proba- bly unconformably overlie lower Pleistocene strata throughout much of the southwestern block (Poland, Piper, and others, 1956, p. 17). The chiefly nonmarine and continental deposits of the central block are local- ly unconformable on strata as old as early Pliocene in marginal areas, but they are probably conformable on marine or nonmarine deposits of Pleistocene age in the subsurface of the central part. In marginal areas of the northeastern block the fan deposits are mostly unconformable on all older rocks. The thickness varies greatly in different parts of the basin. In the hills and mesas along the Newport- Inglewood zone, the marine deposits are as much as 90 feet thick. They are less than 15 feet thick in the Palos Verdes Hills. Locally their nonmarine cover is as much as 100 feet thick where it abuts old sea cliffs. Along the inland parts of the southwestern block the marine deposits form only a thin veneer, not more than 20 feet thick. The stabilized dune deposits along the west margin of the block are as much as 200 feet thick. In the Coyote Hills the flood-plain deposits are as much as 2,300 feet thick, and in the subsurface of the central part of the basin they may locally exceed 2,500 feet. In the San Gabriel Valley, similar strata are probably as much as 4,000 feet thick. The marine terrace deposits in the Palos Verdes Hills are evidently late Pleistocene in age because of their relations to underlying beds and the modern aspect of their fossils (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 99). Radiocarbon measurements of shell material from marine deposits on the lowest (youngest) emer- gent terrace give an age greater than 30,000 years (Kulp and others, 1952) ; other measurements on fossil algae from just west of the Palos Verdes Hills suggest that the oldest submerged terrace may have been cut between 17,000 and 24,500 years ago (Emery, 1960, p. 37). Late Pleistocene mollusk assemblages analogous to those from deposits on the lowest emergent terrace at the Palos Verdes Hills have been reported from the A46 following localities: near the south margin of the Santa Monica Mountains and the Beverly Hills oil field area (Woodring, in Hoots, 1931, p. 121-122; Valentine, 1956), the Cheviot Hills (Rodda, 1957) ; the Baldwin Hills (Tieje, 1926), east of the Playa del Rey oil field (Willett, 1937), Signal Hill (De Long, 1941), Huntington Beach Mesa (Valentine, 1959), and Newport Bay (Bruff, 1946; Kanakoff and Emerson, 1959). Slightly different environments are suggested by assemblages of the same age in terrace deposits along the coastal part of the San Joaquin Hills The de- posits in the Santa Monica, Playa del Rey oil field, and Newport Bay areas have also yielded remains of birds and terrestrial mammals, which may relate these marine terraces to the upper part of the old alluvium in which a late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) mam- malian fauna occurs (Savage and others, 1954, p. 55- 57). Radiocarbon measurements on wood from a cypress tree preserved in living position and sur- rounded by closely packed bones in one of the collect- ing pits at Rancho La Brea yields an age of 13,610 to 15,620 years (Howard, 1960). Comparison of this age with the more than 30,000 years that was deter- mined for shell material from the marine deposits on the lowest emergent terrace at Palos Verdes Hills suggests that some of the nonmarine terrace cover in the southwestern block is approximately equivalent to part of the alluvial deposits in the inland parts of the basin (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 117). Mammals from the upper part of the succession in the Coyote Hills and San Gabriel Valley areas also suggest ap- proximate equivalence of these beds with the alluvial deposits at Rancho La Brea. The mollusks from the marine deposits may indicate deposition in partly protected shallow water during an interglacial or adglacial interval of the late Pleisto- cene (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 95, 101; Valen- tine, 1956, p. 189-190; Kanakoff and Emerson, 1959, p. 32-33; Valentine, 1961, p. 393-400). Such marine conditions evidently existed on the lee side of an off- shore island that now forms the Palos Verdes Hills and in shallow embayments to the northwest and southeast. The sea, at high stand during cutting of the lowest emergent terrace at Palos Verdes Hills, is inferred to have extended northeastward to about the present site of the synclinal axis of the central block (Valentine, 1961, p. 866). RECENT DEPOSITS In coastal parts of the basin where upper Pleisto- cene strata are marine and where late Pleistocene lowering of sea level caused erosion, most of the non- marine materials deposited during the last cycle of alluviation are of Recent age. However, in most parts GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA of the basin and particularly in the inland parts where nonmarine deposition has continued without interrup- tion since late Tertiary or Pleistocene time, Recent deposits are not easily separated from upper Pleisto- cene strata. Along the inland margins of the central block and in the San Gabriel Valley and Chino basin, where both upper Pleistocene and Recent strata are exposed, the latter can be separated by their relatively poor consolidation and less weathered character. The Recent deposits include sediments in modern stream channels and on their alluvial fans and flood plains, and also include sediments on beaches, in em- bayments, and in most dunes. The surface of the lowland plain of the central block is formed by the coalesced alluvial fans of the Los Angeles River, Rio Hondo, San Gabriel River, and Santa Ana River. From this central plain, flood-plain deposits extend up the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel River through the Whittier Narrows to form the surficial strata of the San Gabriel Valley in the central part of the north- eastern block; toward the coast these deposits extend through several narrow gaps in the chain of low hills and mesas along the Newport-Inglewood zone into estuarine deposits along the shoreline. Except in coastal areas, the deposits contain as much as 200 feet of boulder, cobble, and pebble gravel, coarse- to fine-grained sand, and silt. The coarser sediments are most abundant in the lower part. Be- fore the tidal marshes were transformed by man into marinas and residential areas, they extended 1 to 4 miles inland from the mouths of the larger streams. These areas received alternating thin layers of marine sand, organic muck, and fluvial deposits. Along the west coast of the southwestern block between the Playa del Rey oil field and the Palos Verdes Hills a 0.2- to 0.5-mile-wide belt of active or recently active dunes consists of as much as 70 feet of well-sorted fine- to medium-grained sand. Beach deposits consist of fine- to medium-grained sand with minor amounts of gravel. Several water-bearing tongues of conglomeratic sand form the basal part in ancient and existing chan- nels of the Los Angeles, San Gabriel, and Santa Ana Rivers where these rivers cross the central lowland plain and the southwest part of the basin (Poland, Piper, and others, 1956; Poland and others, 1959; California Department of Water Resources, 1961). In areas marginal to the lowland valleys the basal beds rest unconformably on older strata. All the highlands on the margins of the basin, espe- cially the Santa Monica, San Gabriel, and Santa Ana Mountains and the Puente Hills, contribute debris to the deposits. AN INTRODUCTION STRUCTURE OF THE BASIN The basement complex is deeply buried throughout much of the Los Angeles basin and the Cenozoic evo- lution of the basin has largely masked or destroyed evidence of the earlier structural history of the base- ment. This description thus deals largely with struc- tural features in or at the base of the superjacent rocks. The configuration of the basement surface (which is necessarily inferred for much of the central and northeastern blocks) provides a graphic summary of the combined effects of the long and complex evolu- tion of the basin (see frontispiece). The dominant Cenozoic structural feature of the basin is the deep northwest-trending central synclinal trough (figs. 2, 3). - In the deepest part of this trough the unconformity between basement and superjacent rocks is no less than 31,000 feet below sea level. The surface of unconformity rises irregularly southeast- ward and crops out at altitudes as great as 3,000 feet in the northern Santa Ana Mountains, but it is not elsewhere exposed in the central block. The central block is bordered on the southwest, northeast, and northwest by other structural blocks that are separated from it and from each other by zones of faulting or flexure, along which important vertical or lateral movements occurred intermittently during deposition of the superjacent rocks. Other zones of faulting and folding divide the four principal blocks into smaller blocks having contrasting structural relief and history. soUTHWESTERN BLOCK The southwestern block bounds the steep southwest flank of the central syncline, from which it is sepa- rated by the northwest-trending Newport-Inglewood zone of deformation. The southwestern block is an exposed part of the much more extensive continental borderland, most of which is beneath the Pacific Ocean. The northwest-trending Palos Verdes Hills fault zone separates the structurally elevated Palos Verdes Hills at the southwest extremity from the nearly flat low plain to the north and northeast. Western basement underlies the superjacent rocks throughout the entire southwestern block. The low plain of the block is underlain by a buried shelflike basement surface at subsea depths of 4,000 to 14,000 feet ; it has a general downward slope to the northeast (fig. 4). The basement surface has relatively open, gently plunging northwest-trending anticlinal arches and synclinal troughs. Folds in the superjacent rocks generally reflect the configuration of the basement sur- face, although locally, as at the Playa del Rey and Wilmington oil fields, there was moderate predeposi- tional (pre-middle Miocene) relief at the unconform- A47 ity. A Pliocene age for much of the folding is indicated by truncation of folded beds within Pliocene strata at the Torrance and Wilmington oil fields (Gilluly and Grant, 1949; Winterburn, 1954). Gentle warping and subsidence continue into Pleistocene time, though the major folds characteristically lack surface expression. A conspicuous scarp along the northeast border of the Palos Verdes Hills marks a steeply southwest- dipping reverse fault zone, the Palos Verdes Hills fault zone, along which Pleistocene and older strata have been strongly tilted and folded (section E-F, pl. 4). The basement surface drops across the fault zone from subsea depths of 2,000 to 4,000 feet on the upthrown southwest side to subsea depths of 5,000 to 8,000 feet on the downthrown northeast side (figs. 2 and 3). Abrupt changes in configuration of the base- ment surface, as well as changes in the lithology and thickness of middle Miocene, upper Miocene, and Plio- cene sedimentary rock units, occur at the fault zone and suggest important components of strike-slip move- ment. Much of the faulting along the zone evidently occurred during Quaternary time. The Palos Verdes Hills are formed of a large, doubly plunging northwest-trending anticline that cul- minates almost at the center of the hills. The base- ment core of the anticline is exposed at an altitude of about 1,100 feet on the northeast slope near the crest of the fold. The basement surface conforms roughly to the anticlinal structure of the overlying middle and upper Miocene strata, having been folded with them, but an abrupt southwestward thickening of the middle Miocene rocks produces some structural divergence. Folding of the Palos Verdes Hills anticline occurred after deposition of the lower Pliocene sequence, and much of it preceded deposition of the lower Pleisto- cene. In middle to late Pleistocene time, after much of the anticlinal folding, the hills were uplifted at least 1,300 feet relative to present sea level, largely by movement on the Palos Verdes Hills fault zone. Ad- joining parts of the downthrown block were probably depressed 500 to 1,000 feet. NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD ZONE OF DEFORMATION The northwest-trending Newport-Inglewood zone of faults and folds separates the southwestern and cen- tral blocks. It is marked at the surface by low eroded scarps along recently active northwest-trending en echelon faults and by a northwest-trending chain of elongated low hills and mesas that extends from New- port Bay to Beverly Hills (fig. 5). At its northwest end the Newport-Inglewood zone terminates against or merges with the east-northeast-trending Santa A48 Monica fault zone; at the southeast it passes to sea near the west margin of the San Joaquin Hills, but it evidently extends far beyond that point (Emery, 1960, p90). Throughout its course the fault zone at depth is evidently the boundary between western basement on the southwest and eastern basement on the northeast. This buried basement boundary is inferred, on the basis of regional residual gravity maps and a core of questionable basement from a single well, to be di- rectly beneath the surface trace of the zone in the Inglewood oil field (section A-B, pl. 4). North of the Inglewood oil field the basement boundary merges with or is terminated by the Santa Monica fault zone; south of the Inglewood oil field the boundary proba- bly parallels the surface trace of the zone, but, on the basis of gravity data, it is about 1.5 miles to the north- east (section E-F, pl. 4). The orientation of struc- tural elements of the zone has been attributed to right- lateral shearing at depth (Moody and Hill, 1956, p. 1218-1219). Right-lateral strike-slip displacement of 3,000 to 5,000 feet, as measured in oil-bearing strata of the lower sequence of the Pliocene, has been sug- gested for faults of the zone in the Inglewood and Long Beach oil fields (Dudley, 1954; Hill, 1954, p. 10; Poland and others, 1959, p. 75; Rothwell, 1958, p. 70). Vertical separation across faults of the zone is locally 4,000 feet at the basement surface (section E-F, pl. 4), but separation in strata of Pliocene age commonly does not exceed 1,000 feet, and at the base of the Pleistocene, 200 feet. Late middle Miocene displacements along the fault zone are indicated by the results of drilling at the Long Beach and West Newport oil fields. An exten- sive tract of western basement was uplifted along the southwest side of the fault zone at that time, was exposed to erosion, and contributed detritus to middle Miocene strata northeast of the fault zone; localized uplift and erosion along the fault zone itself produced angular unconformities Movement late in geologic time is indicated by the arching and erosion of marine upper Pleistocene and of younger nonmarine strata in the hills along the zone, and numerous seismic shocks, including the destructive Long Beach earthquake of 1933 (Richter, 1958, p. 497), attest to continuing activity. CENTRAL BLOCK The alluviated lowland plain, beneath which the great synclinal trough is located, rises toward the pe- riphery of the central block into hilly or mountainous terrain-the Santa Ana Mountains and San Joaquin Hills to the east and southeast, the low hills along the GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Newport-Inglewood zone to the southwest, the Santa Monica Mountains and the Elysian and Repetto Hills to the northwest, and the Coyote and Puente Hills to the northeast. All these peripheral highlands are structurally elevated margins of the central block and were relatively uplifted by Quaternary deformation. The configuration and nature of the basement floor of the central block is largely inferred because well data are sparse and the base of the superjacent rocks is exposed only in the Santa Ana Mountains (fig. 5). The configuration of the basement surface has been projected into the central synclinal trough along re- flection seismic profiles. Such projections indicate that the unconformity at the base of the superjacent rocks is at least 31,000 feet subsea in the deepest part of the central syncline. A similar depth is indicated by the relation between observed gravity and the gravitational effects of the inferred volume of sedi- mentary fill as calculated from rock densities meas- ured on many hundreds of well cores (McCulloh, 1960). These calculations satisfactorily explain the conspicuous negative gravity anomaly that is nearly centered over the deepest part of the central syncline. On this basis, the unconformity can be no less than 31,000 feet subsea and may be as deep as 35,000 feet. Sparse data from the distal ends of the basin suggest that the entire central block is floored by eastern basement. From the deepest part of the synclinal trough the basement surface rises northwestward along the axis to about 13,000 feet subsea at the northwest end of the block; southeastward this surface rises to about 15,500 feet subsea below the Santa Ana River. The south- west flank of the synclinal trough rises steeply, at an average dip of more than 40°, to subsea depths of 10,000 to 14,000 feet along the Newport-Inglewood zone (section Z-F, pl. 4). The northeast flank of the synclinal trough rises gently, then abruptly, to merge with a broad, gently sloping shelf. It has an average depth of about 15,000 feet subsea and is complicated by several subsidiary folds and faults. The northeast part of this shelf contains the north- west-plunging anticlinal Anaheim nose, the adjacent El Modeno fault, the west- to northwest-trending Coyote Hills uplift, and the adjoining west-plung- ing La Habra syncline. In its northwest part the shelf contains the gently sloping platform beneath the southern Repetto Hills and the uplift beneath the western Los Angeles oil field and Elysian Hills. The Anaheim nose is an anticlinal feature that en- tirely lacks surface expression. The basement sur- face rises northeastward up a remarkably steep linear flank of the central synclinal trough to subsea depths AN INTRODUCTION of 9,000 to 16,000 feet along the crest of the nose. Rocks in the core of this fold are of middle Miocene age and older, upper Miocene strata lap out against the flanks, and Pliocene strata were deposited uncon- formably across its crest (sections Z-F7 and F-G, pl. 4; figs. 10, 11, and 14). The nose is flanked on the northeast by an inconspicuous syncline which may contain a westerly extension of the El Modeno fault and which is in turn flanked on the north by the Coyote Hills uplift. The Coyote Hills uplift is a prominent west- to northwest-trending anticlinal struc- ture, along which the East and West Coyote, Lef- fingwell, and Santa Fe Springs oil fields have been developed. Each of these oil fields coincides with a culmination along the trend of the uplift; the culmi- nations beneath the East and West Coyote oil fields are so young that they are reflected at the surface in low hills composed of poorly consolidated and easily eroded marine lower Pleistocene strata and younger nonmarine strata (section B-C, pl. 4). Northwest of the Anaheim nose (about 2 miles west of long 118° W.), the southwest flank of the Coyote Hills uplift coincides with the northeast flank of the central synclinal trough. This steeply dipping flank may contain the buried northwest-trending Norwalk fault. Its effects are not easily recognized in the subsurface and are not illustrated here, but this fault may have caused a low scarp along the south margin of the Coyote Hills and it has been cited as a source of earthquakes (Richter, 1958, p. 39, 438). North of the Coyote Hills uplift is the elongated west-plunging La Habra syncline, below which the basement surface is downfolded to subsea depths of 18,000 to 22,000 feet. Like the Coyote Hills uplift, the La Habra syncline is expressed topographically; it appears to be young and actively growing. The northeast flank of the La Habra syncline rises at a dip of about 40° to terminate along the Whittier fault zone, a steeply north-dipping reverse fault that traverses the south- west slopes of the Puente Hills (section F-@, pl. 4). At their west ends the Coyote Hills uplift and the La Habra syncline plunge into a faulted northeast- trending synclinal reentrant in the north flank of the central synclinal trough. West of this reentrant the basement surface rises abruptly to merge with the gently sloping platform near the Montebello, Ban- dini, and East Los Angeles oil fields, whence it rises further to culminate at about 5,500 feet subsea in the anticlinal feature near the western Los Angeles oil field and Elysian Hills. The basement surface of the central synclinal trough rises eastward to the exposures of eastern basement in the Santa Ana Mountains, which are part of a A49 broad northwest-plunging anticline that has been complexly faulted. The basement core of the moun- tains is unconformably overlain by Upper Cretaceous strata (pl. 2; section C-D, pl. 4). The Upper Cre- taceous sedimentary rocks and the basement exposed on the northeast flank of the mountains are faulted against Tertiary strata of the northeastern block along the Whittier-Elsinore fault zone. The southwest flank of the mountains is complicated by subsidiary northwest-plunging anticlines and synclines, and the entire range is cut by numerous intersecting north- or northwest-trending faults; the faults have diverse trends and dips but are commonly downthrown on the west. The largest and most prominent of the anticlines has a core of eastern basement at subsea depths of less than 4,000 feet that plunges north- westward to merge with the buried Anaheim nose. The youngest rocks involved in the large-scale fold- ing are of late Pliocene age; most of the uplift of the mountains, as well as the folding and faulting, followed deposition of Pliocene rocks. The basement surface beneath the axial part of the central synclinal trough rises gently southeastward to merge with a broad, complexly faulted anticline that underlies the central San Joaquin Hills at subsea depths of 6,000 to 13,000 feet. The lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks exposed in the core of this anti- cline are flanked on the east by a broad south-trend- ing syncline, below which the basement floor is down- folded to subsea depths greater than 13,000 feet. Up- per Miocene and Pliocene strata exposed in the trough of this syncline are not preserved in other parts of the hills. The northwest-trending Shady Canyon fault transects the hills; it exhibits about 5,000 feet of separation in pre-middle Miocene rocks but is transgressed by strata of late middle Miocene age. This fault may extend northwestward under the allu- vium beyond the margin of the hills along the steep southwest flank of the buried Anaheim nose. In con- trast, the northwest-trending Pelican Hill fault zone was evidently active between early Miocene and late Pliocene time; its movement may include lateral sep- aration similar to that of the nearby Newport-Ingle- wood zone. The alluviated plain between the San Joaquin Hills and the Santa Ana Mountains is underlain by a southwest-sloping platform of eastern basement; the northeast part of the platform culminates below the margin of the Santa Ana Mountains at a subsea depth of about 2,500 feet and is reflected at the surface by exposures of Upper Cretaceous strata. The sad- dle of a narrow northwest-trending syncline at the southwest margin of the platform attains a subsea A50 depth of about 8,000 feet, from which the basement surface plunges northwestward toward the central part of the basin and southeastward to merge with the broad south-plunging syncline east of the San Joaquin Hills. WHITTIER FAULT ZONE The Whittier fault zone and an inferred north- westerly projection form the boundary between the central and northeastern blocks (fig. 2). The fault zone is exposed for a distance of about 25 miles along the south slopes of the Puente Hills between the Whittier Narrows at the northwest end of the hills and the Santa Ana River near the southeast end. In the vicinity of the river it joins or becomes the south- east-trending Elsinore fault zone. In the Puente Hills the Whittier fault zone trends N. 65° to 75° W.; most faults of the zone dip 65° to 75° NE., and the northeast (Puente Hills) block is upthrown. Strati- graphic separation of upper Miocene rocks across the zone increases from about 2,000 feet near its south- east end to a maximum of about 14,000 feet near the center of the Puente Hills segment, northwest of which it decreases to about 3,000 feet near the Whittier Nar- rows. Stream courses in the central part of the seg- ment may have been offset about 5,500 feet in a right- lateral sense. A narrow band of east-plunging drag folds extends for about 10 miles along the fault zone in the upthrown block; the plunges of these folds steepen progressively from about 35° in the Brea- Olinda oil field to about 75° in the Whittier oil field. The offset (?) stream courses and the plunging drag folds indicate that movement on the fault includes an important component of strike slip. On the basis of this evidence, oblique net slip of about 15,000 feet may be computed for post- Miocene movement on this segment of the fault zone. Immediately northwest of the Santa Ana River the Elsinore segment of the fault zone is vertical; south- east of the river this segment is vertical or steeply south dipping. Along this segment the southwest (Santa Ana Mountains) block is upthrown; the re- versal in dip and relative vertical displacement occurs at the short southwest-trending cross fault on the south side of the zone near the Santa Ana River (figs. 2 and 3). The Whittier fault zone may have been active dur- ing middle Miocene time, it was probably active dur- ing late Miocene time, and it was almost certainly active during Pliocene time. However, most of the strike-slip displacement of the central part of the fault zone probably occurred during incision of the present stream courses. Recent deformation along the GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA fault zone is also indicated by the presence of steeply tilted and locally overturned strata of late Pleisto- cene and Pliocene age in the foothills just south of the zone. Remnants of old alluvial deposits are displaced at several places by faults of the zone, but young alluvial deposits at lower levels are not cut. The Whittier fault zone is not exposed northwest of Whittier. Farther west the north boundary of the central block is represented by the steep southwest flank of the Elysian Park anticline, which is in part faulted at depth. The Elysian Park anticline with its steep southwest flank is analogous, in many re- spects, to the faulted anticlinal ridge adjacent to the Whittier fault zone in the Puente Hills. NORTHEASTERN BLOCK The northeastern block includes much of the Puente Hills in its southeast part, the San Jose Hills in its northeast part, the San Gabriel Valley in its central part, and much of the Repetto Hills in its west part. The strongly asymmetrical east-plunging Elysian Park anticline is the most prominent structural fea- ture in the west part. The south flank of the anti- cline dips very steeply, in places perhaps vertically, and near its west end it is probably faulted, as indi- cated by the extreme structural declivity and abrupt changes in the subsurface stratigraphic section. The basement core of this fold has been penetrated by wells drilled along its crest (fig. 5); the basement surface at the west end of the fold culminates at a subsea depth of about 930 feet and plunges to a sub- sea depth of about 8,000 feet near the southeast end (figs: 2, 8). The east half of the northeastern block is com- plex; it is floored at relatively shallow depths by eastern basement. Basement rocks are exposed at the north end of the Puente and San Jose Hills (fig. 5), and similar rocks have been penetrated by wells drilled along the anticlinal trend of the San Jose Hills at depths as great as 6,000 feet subsea. The basement surface slopes southwestward from the outcrops to subsea depths of more than 8,000 feet in the axial part of a doubly plunging northwest-trending syncline about 1.5 to 3.0 miles north of the Whittier fault zone. From this synclinal axis the basement surface rises southwestward to the crest of a faulted anti- clinal ridge that underlies the structurally high part of the Puente Hills near the Whittier fault zone. This ridge culminates in an elongated faulted anti- cline below the northern margins of the Brea-Olinda and Sansinena oil fields where eastern basement was penetrated by numerous wells at subsea depths of 3,200 feet or more (section F-G@, pl. 4; fig. 5). A AN INTRODUCTION second, analogous culmination in the basement sur- face probably occurs northeast of the Whittier oil field, whence the surface plunges northwestward into a structural saddle at subsea depths of 8,000 to 9,000 feet beneath the Whittier Narrows. The configuration of the basement surface beneath the San Gabriel Valley is uncertain, but sparse well data and regional gravity studies indicate that the surface dips into a closed depression centered below the San Gabriel River about 5 miles northeast of the Whittier Narrows. Basement evidently lies at sub- sea depths of nearly 12,000 feet at the bottom of this depression. The east boundary of the northeastern block is the Chino fault, which is a north-northwest-trending, steeply southwest-dipping reverse fault. Near the northwest end of its surface trace, stratigraphic sep- arations of about 1,200 feet have been measured, but separations of 2,400 feet have been measured near the southeast end; probably the basement surface is not so greatly affected. Small drag folds that have nearly vertical axes occur in the footwall of the fault; the last movement may have included a lateral com- ponent of slip in an unknown sense. The youngest rocks cut by the fault are latest Miocene or earliest Pliocene in age, but some of the folds that are cut by the fault may be of mid-Pleistocene age. The narrow, synclinal Chino basin just northeast of the Chino fault is probably the northwest continua- tion of the Temecula-Elsinore trough (Larsen, 1948, p. 122-125), a graben in Mesozoic and younger rocks that bounds the Santa Ana Mountains on the north- east. The Chino basin is floored at depths as great as 9,000 feet subsea by eastern basement. In the axial part of the syncline, middle Miocene strata rest un- formably on the basement surface, which rises abruptly eastward to an extensive shelf at a subsea depth of about 1,500 feet. Progressively younger strata of late Tertiary and Quaternary ages overlap the basement rocks of the east limb of the syncline from southwest to northeast. The structurally elevated basement shelf east of the syncline is unconformably overlain by up- per Miocene and younger strata; east of long 117° W. the basement crops out or is mantled by thin nonmarine deposits of Cenozoic age. SANTA MONICA-RAYMOND HILL-SIERRA MADRE-CUCAMONGA FAULT ZONE An east-trending zone of faults, the Santa Monica- Raymond Hill-Sierra Madre-Cucamonga fault zone, which forms the boundary between the Transverse Ranges and the Peninsular Ranges, is here described in three segments, from east to west. A51 The Sierra Madre-Cucamonga segment, the north boundary of the northeastern block, is an east-trend- ing zone of high-angle reverse faults that dip north- ward. Granitic and metamorphic basement rocks of the San Gabriel Mountains have been uplifted many thousands of feet on the north side and juxtaposed against steeply south-dipping upper Tertiary and Quaternary strata on the south side. Movements may have occurred on this zone as early as late middle Miocene time, but Recent movements are indicated by scarps that offset depositional surfaces on alluvial fans. The Raymond Hill segment, the northwest bound- ary of the northeastern block, trends about 15 miles west-southwest from its intersection with the Sierra Madre fault zone to where it transects the axial plane of the Elysian Park anticline. Throughout this dis- tance the fault produces a topographic break, both where it offsets the alluvial surface in the east and where it juxtaposes upper Miocene sedimentary rocks and eastern basement rocks in the west. A maximum stratigraphic separation of 3,500 to 4,000 feet, up- thrown on the north, is indicated for the west part of the fault; recent activity is indicated by a prominent low scarp in Quaternary alluvium. The Santa Monica segment, with which the Ray- mond Hill fault merges to the west, separates the structurally elevated northwestern block from the southwestern and central blocks. This segment is no- where as prominently expressed as the Raymond Hill fault, but many indications of its magnitude and ago are available from wells. The major break is a re- verse fault, which at Beverly Hills dips about 50° N. The basement surface is upthrown on the north more than 7,500 feet on faults of the zone, the base of the upper Miocene is upthrown about 6,500 feet, the base of the lower Pliocene is upthrown about 3,000 feet, but the base of the upper Pliocene unconformably transgresses the faults (Knapp and others, 1962). Left-lateral offset is suggested by Santa Monica Slate in the core of the Elysian Hills anticline south of the fault zone and 9 miles east of the easternmost expo- sures of the slate north of the zone (fig. 5; McCulloh, 1957). Faults of the zone west of Beverly Hills lo- cally cut marine strata of Pliocene and Pleistocene age. NORTHWESTERN BLOCK The northwestern block includes the eastern Santa Monica Mountains and adjoining parts of the Transverse Ranges province. The core of the eastern Santa Monica Mountains is a complexly faulted west- plunging anticline of eastern basement, the flanks of A52 which are unconformably overlain by superjacent rocks. Attitudes measured in the sedimentary strata conform generally to the configuration of the base- ment core, but conspicuous unconformities indicate that several episodes of diastrophism interrupted its accumulation of the sedimentary section. The most prominent of these episodes resulted in folding and uplift of the entire area and consequent erosion of thousands of feet of middle Miocene and older sedi- mentary and basement rocks from axial parts of the anticline. After subsidence and deposition of the upper Miocene rocks, renewed arching was accom- panied or followed by uplift and erosion to reexpose the basement core. Superjacent strata on the north flank of the Santa Monica Mountains dip gently to steeply northward or northeastward beneath Recent alluvium of the San Fernando Valley. The geologically diverse part of the Transverse Ranges province between the Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mountains and northwest of the Raymond Hill fault includes the Verdugo Moun- tains and adjacent lower hills and valleys. This tract consists of northwest-trending structural blocks. East- ern basement is exposed in some of the blocks, but in adjoining ones it is buried beneath hundreds to thou- sands of feet of middle Miocene to Quaternary sedi- mentary rocks. | CcoNnCcLUSIONS At the onset of Late Cretaceous deposition in the Los Angeles basin, a widespread erosional surface of low relief had been formed on diverse kinds and ages of basement rocks. When this surface was trans- gressed and buried, it became an index of subsequent subsidence and deformation. The present structural relief of the basement floor of the basin resulted chiefly from upper Miocene to lower Pleistocene dif- ferential sinking coupled with local uplift associated with folding and faulting. The basement surface of the deep part of the central block sank at least 9,500 feet more than at the Long Beach oil field, 12,500 feet more than beneath the south part of the Whittier Narrows, and 13,500 feet more than at Ballona Gap, southwest of the Inglewood oil field. Each of these differences in structural relief is due solely to the relatively rapid subsidence of the central deep during late Miocene and Pliocene time (pl. 2). Differential subsidence and deposition during Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary time produced some of the structural relief of the basement floor, particularly in the south- east part of the basin, where great thicknesses of Up- per Cretaceous and lower Tertiary strata accumulated and are preserved. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Significant, but localized, Tertiary deformation is superposed on the great structural relief created by the differential subsidence. Such deformation pro- duced about 4,000 feet of pre-upper Miocene throw on faults beneath the Long Beach oil field, the tre- mendous relief due to post-middle Miocene folding of the Anaheim nose, and pre-lower Pliocene deforma- tion along the Coyote Hills uplift (sections B-C, E-F, F-G, pl. 4). In the San Joaquin Hills during a short interval of middle Miocene time, the Shady Canyon fault displaced early middle Miocene and older strata about 5,000 feet, diabasic rocks were in- truded, the upthrown block was eroded, and the fault trace was transgressed by breccia from a western base- ment source. Deformation of the Los Angeles basin has contin- ued to modern times, as shown by warping of the Recent Series, relative uplift of highland areas, sub- sidence of lowland areas, and earthquakes. The Re- cent Series was warped or deformed at several lo- calities along or near the Newport-Inglewood zone (Gilluly, 1949, p. 563; Parkin, 1948; Stevenson and Emery, 1958, p. 10; Fergusson and Libby, 1962, p. 113), as well as along the north margin of the Palos Verdes Hills (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 110). Relative uplift of some stations on highland areas such as the flanks of the Santa Monica Mountains, the south margin of the San Gabriel Mountains, and the south flank of the San Jose Hills has been be- tween 4 and 6 mm per year for the last 25 years (Stone, 1962). Lowland parts of the basin gener- ally continue to subside (in part owing to withdrawal of pore fluids), and the base of the Recent Series is below sea level over large parts of the basin (Cali- fornia Department of Water Resources, 1961). Nu- merous earthquakes recorded within the last 50 years in the basin area have been attributed to the New- port-Inglewood zone, the Norwalk fault (Richter, 1958), a fault exposed in the central Puente Hills (Richter and Gardner, 1960), and other faults. OIL IN THE BASIN PRODUCTION In relation to its area, the Los Angeles basin is the most prolific of California's oil-producing districts and it is one of the most prolific in the world. Two fields in the basin have each produced more than 800 million barrels of oil. In 1961, the Wilmington oil field produced nearly 28 million barrels, and 18 fields had productions of more than 1 million barrels. Eighty years after the discovery of oil in the basin in 1880, this area was producing at the rate of more than 257,000 barrels per day. The cumulative production, AN INTRODUCTION TaBur 2.-Crude-oil production data and estimated reserves and ultimate recovery for the Los Angeles basin and for the State of California [Data, in barrels, as of January 1, 1962] Los Angeles California basin 1 TroductiOn TOF 1061.20... . .z .. 92, 608, 616 298, 523, 356 Cumulative production: ced .c obs enh: hte ns 5, 035, 443,286 | 12,352,238, 141 Average per proved acre ? s 109, 499 57, 359 Estimated reserves .____..._..... --| 1, 035, 203, 000 3, 956, 284, 000 Estimated ultimate recovery........... «---] 6, 070,647,286 | 16, 308, 522, 141 1 For 46 known fields; includes offshore areas of Wilmington and of Huntington Beach oil fields and Belmont oil field. 2.5 miles southwest of Seal Beach oil field. 2 Productive areas of 45,986 and 284, 322 acres for Los Angeles basin and Calitornia, respectively, obtained from data in California Oil Fields, 1960, v. 46, no. 2, p. 110-117. All other data from 1961 Annual Review of California Crude Oil Production, Conser- vation Committee of California Oil Producers, Los Angeles. and estimated reserves and ultimate recovery, for the Los Angeles basin and the State of California as of January 1, 1962, are given in table 2. These data jus- tify the citation of the Los Angeles basin as an exam- ple of optimum geological conditions for the occur- rence of oil (Barbat, 1958, p. 62). OCCURRENCE In the Los Angeles basin, oil is produced chiefly from lower Pliocene and upper Miocene strata; smal- ler amounts are recovered from middle Miocene and upper Pliocene strata and from breccia-conglomerate of schist basement rocks. Middle Miocene oil comes chiefly from the lowest producing zone in the Ingle- wood oil field. This oil is the only commercial pro- duction obtained in the basin today from strata of unequivocal middle Miocene age. This occurrence is unique in that the producing interval is overlain by volcanic rocks. Whether the oil is indigenous to the middle Miocene sandstones is uncertain. Oil is also produced in places from a zone of fractured, brec- ciated, and weathered schist as much as 400 feet thick at the top of Catalina Schist basement at the Wil- mington, Playa del Rey, and El Segundo oil fields. In these fields the oil has migrated from onlapping A583 upper Miocene strata into the older but structurally higher basement rocks. In the Yorba Linda field, some oil is produced from upper Pliocene pebble con- glomerate and sandstone that occupies a channel cut into lower Pliocene strata. Table 3 shows production, estimated reserves, and estimated ultimate recovery for 46 known fields, by geologic age of reservoir rocks. These data show that 57.8 percent of recovered oil has come from lower Pliocene rocks and 41.9 percent from upper Miocene rocks. As suggested by the respective percentages for 1961 production, 37.2 per- cent from the lower Pliocene and 61.8 percent from the upper Miocene, the present (early 1960's) intensive development in the northwest part of the basin may appreciably increase the proportion of ultimate re- covery from the upper Miocene. A nearly unique combination of factors and timing of events account for the productivity of the basin (Barbat, 1958). The petroliferous sediment accumu- lated rapidly in stagnant cool water more than 1,600 feet deep during the advancing and maximum phases of the last marine transgression (table 1 and fig. 13). The initially high organic content of the sediment was preserved because of poor circulation in the constricted basin and because of rapid filling. Great thicknesses of intercalated source and reservoir rocks include numerous permeable conduits, through which the fluid hydrocarbons were expelled by load compression toward preexisting and developing structural traps. RESERVES In the 80 years since oil was first discovered in the Los Angeles basin, intensive, but somewhat intermit- tent exploration has resulted in the present (1962) estimated ultimate recovery of more than 6 billion barrels from known fields in the onshore part of the basin. Upper Miocene and lower Pliocene strata have produced the bulk of Los Angeles basin oil and are still the most attractive sites for exploration if it is TaBur 3.-Crude-oil production data and estimated reserves and ultimate recovery, by geologic age of reservoir rocks, for 46 known Los Angeles basin oil fields Thousands of barrels * Reservoir rocks Poolst ; Production | Cumulative | Estimated Estimated for 1961 production, reserves, ultimate Jan. 1, 1962 | Jan. 1, 1962 recovery ALE .c. cio cool cole rcs ene s 701 4,187 8, 396 12, 583 Early Pliocene... 34, 503 2, 913, 565 402, 987 3, 316, 552 Late Miocene... 167 57, 330 2,110, 721 622,772 2, 738, 493 Middle Miocene... 2 165 6, 966 1, 044 8, 010 Pre-middle Miocene... 0 5 4 POI? -i esh cke vers etek 269 92, 609 5, 035, 444 1, 035, 203 6, 070, 647 1 Data from 1960 Annual Review of California Crude Oil Production, Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers, Los Angeles. 2 Data from 1961 Annual Review of California Crude Oil Production, Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers, Los Angeles. A54 assumed that economic incentive will continue to de- fray the high cost of subsurface exploration, leasing, drilling, and production in this densely populated area. The older sedimentary rocks are much less attractive, and the few tests of these strata provide little encouragement for additional exploration. The upper Miocene and younger strata have been adequately tested in that part of the southwestern block that extends along the Newport-Inglewood zone from the Playa del Rey and Inglewood oil fields to the West Newport oil field. Local deep-pool extensions of known fields in this area are possible if suitable traps can be located. The area northwest of the Playa del Rey oil field, west of the Beverly Hills oil field, and south of the Santa Monica Mountains (fig. 5) is rela- tively untested and may offer considerable potential because it is almost certainly underlain by a thick section of young Tertiary strata. Offshore explora- tion has revealed an easterly extension of the Wil- mington oil field; reserves of the undeveloped exten- sion are estimated to be more than one billion barrels (Mayuga, 1963). Upper Miocene and younger strata in the San Joaquin Hills, Santa Ana Mountains, Puente and Repetto Hills have been tested to varying degrees, and the results suggest that the possibility of finding appreciable new reserves is small. The Mahala oil field, at the northeast margin of the Puente Hills, was discovered in 1955, and resulted in considerable drill- ing activity in the Chino basin to the northeast. Although several wells had encouraging oil shows, that area is not particularly attractive because of its attenuated stratigraphic section and its proximity to the late Miocene shoreline. The alluviated San Gabriel basin northwest of the Puente Hills is one of the least explored areas in the Los Angeles basin. Gravity data suggest that the basement floor is about 12,000 feet subsea below the center of the San Gabriel basin, and drilling along the southern flank of the basin has indicated the presence of upper Miocene oil sands. It is not known how far northward these strata extend in the subsurface (fig. 10) nor whether traps may exist at depth. Additional geophysical work and exploratory drilling are needed to evaluate fully the petroleum potential of this area. The deeper parts of the central synclinal area of the basin are essentially untested. The deepest well in the basin, drilled in 1959 on the southwest flank of the syncline about 3 miles northeast of the Dominguez oil field, was nonproductive, and regional stratigraphic and geophysical interpretations indicate that, at a total depth of almost 16,000 feet, this well did not penetrate through the Pliocene section. Because po- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA tential reservoir rocks are so deeply buried in this and similar areas, exploration is based chiefly on geo- physical surveys, and the methods used to differentiate gravity anomalies due to structural highs from those due to excessively dense or excessively light sedi- mentary rocks in young formations at relatively shal- low depths (see McCulloh, 1960, p. B324) assume considerable importance. The deeply buried flanks of the central syncline may possess considerable poten- tial. Rapid downdip thickening of Pliocene strata along both flanks of the syncline suggest the possible existence of stratigraphic traps in this area, in addi- tion to the possibility of concealed, structurally con- trolled traps. Successful testing for such traps de- pends on the accumulation and interpretation of more detailed geophysical, structural, and stratigraphic data than are now available. Middle Miocene rocks are fairly widespread in the Los Angeles basin (fig. 9), but have been productive only in the Inglewood and Brea-Olinda oil fields where the oil may have migrated from younger strata. In the areas around the margins of the basin where middle Miocene strata have been tested, coarse clastic sediments and interbedded volcanic rocks are abundant and potential source beds are rare, except in the south- ern part of the basin. Moreover, porosity and perme- ability of the sandstone beds are low or negligible in most places. In the older Tertiary rocks the known subsurface area available for exploration becomes pro- gressively smaller (figs. 7 and 8). In areas where these older rocks have been tested, no significant show- ings have been reported and potential source beds have not yet been found. However, further prospect- ing in these older rocks, particularly in the Eocene, may be justified in the lowland area between the San Joaquin Hills and the northwest end of the buried Anaheim nose. The section there is thick, it is in part marine, and its total porosity is considerably greater than elsewhere in the basin. Known occurrences of Upper Cretaceous rocks are limited almost entirely to the southeast part of the Los Angeles basin (fig. 6). Exposures of thick fossili- ferous dark siltstone in the Santa Ana Mountains may constitute adequate source beds for oil, but where the section has been drilled in the southeast part of the basin, porosities and permeabilities of these rocks are extremely low, and no significant shows have been found. The recently discovered and abandoned San Clemente and Cristianitos Cree oil fields, both a few miles east of the map area, are significant in that small amounts of high-gravity oil were produced from Upper Cretaceous rocks. Although these rocks have not been adequately tested throughout their known \ AN INTRODUCTION extent, future exploitation will require the location of traps beneath unconformities as well as of oil-satu- rated beds characterized by higher permeabilities and porosities. REFERENCES CITED Bailey, T. L., and Jahns, R. H., 1954, Geology of the Trans- verse Range province, southern California, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap. 2, p. 83-106. Barbat, W. F., 1958, The Los Angeles basin area, California, in A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions, Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Ann. Mtg., March 1958: p. 37-49. Also in Weeks, L. G., ed., Habitat of oil-a symposium: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, p. 62-77. Bellemin, G. J., 1940, Petrology of Whittier conglomerates, southern California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 24, no. 4, p. 649-671. Bellemin, G. J., and Merriam, R. 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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-A PLATE 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY "o brook _ ~ Northwest SOUTHWESTERN BLOCK Southeast | _ | West CENTRAL BLOCK East | _ | West NORTHEASTERN BLOCK East Geologic-time and 1 & § x o $ & & ¥ 9 10 11 12 13 14 eologic-tim s ¢ * a untington Beach oil a f q i s f Long Beach oil field : i j ; time-stratigraphic units ' Eastern Santa Monica Mountains, Palos Verdes Hills iimi il fi € f Near junction of Los Angeles | Anaheim nose, northwest TA field, north of t . s+ ; horthsof Santa. Momica Ballona Gap, southeast \ Wilmington oil field Scuthwest Tlafik U 4% dg end, West Coyote oil field j o San Joaquin Hills area Northern Santa Ana Mountains area Whittier Narrows Western Puente Hills area Eastern Puente Hills area of Santa Monica (Woodring, Bramlette, and (Modified from Winterburn, ® River and Rio Hondo Thi t? Newport-Inglewood zone $ £. ; 12 R ¥ # fault zone 3 Kew, 1946)" 1954)" (Modified frOm6 Dudley, This report" hig is repo From This report This report This report This report'* This report!® $2, j » n (Modified from Durrell, This report 1954) 10 d Allen, 1958) 1954, 1956)" §" * j _ ; Alluvium, 0 to 20 ft i f j i j j Recent Allgzlallzgnfc: and gravel, Alluvium and Upper Pleistocene AllugluTlaerBdeIuvlal gravel, Alluvial deposits Alluvial and stream terrace deposits Alluvial deposits, about 150 ft Alluvial and beach deposits A Nloyial a : ; e 0 fluvial gravel, 0 to 50 ft Marine and nonmarine terraces abou Ariel cha tatt. a uvial and stream terrace deposits Alluvial and stream terrace deposits Alluvial and stream terrace deposits TZ ~ deposits; Palos Verdes Sand, Marine and nonmarine sand Palos Verdes dan a a_|:>u : La Habra Formation, about 700 ft: continental Marine terrace deposits with nonmarine Undivided succession < Terrace deposits, 0-300 ft: Nonmarine sand, gravel, and clay 0-15 ft and silt, 0 to 50 ft marine sand and si Undivided strata, about 800 earthy gravel, sand, and silt m cover, unnamed strata (subsurface only), ine Z nonmarine sand and gravel Palos Verdes Sand, 0 to 15 ft: - - " & 4 n » » Undivided strata, about 450 0 to 350 ft: fluvial sand, silt, and gravel a about 1050 ft: nonmarine (>> ? ? ? ¢ < nd gravel, alo: ® » * Marine terrace deposits ft: nonmarine sand and ° R At marine upper Pleisto- % La Habra Formation (subsurface only) about sand and gravel; Pleis- © ; locally contains thin marine sand marine sand and gravel gravel Unnamed formation, about 285 ft: nonmarine * Pre!" 2500 ft: nonmarine sand and gravel > ing I; Pleistocene Undivided succession, about . f pebbly sand, sand, and silt cene strata ._lrtnar|2e ang ee r on oo a anaemia 271363? fiegabrlazz sand San Pedro Formation, about j San Pedro Formation, about R 11,600 ft: nonmarine [~ one AAC oP O rier e t en n nin Abin inna e aa a a ania civ nonmarine silt and san 8’ 180 ft: marine silt, sand ss" Pegro Sand: Lonfita Maré, 700 ft: marine sand, Sa" Pedrf: Oo gravel and sand of Quater- San Pedro Formation, about | San Pedro Formation, about 600 ft: marine San Pedro Formation, up to 1000 ft marine sandstone / $ v » and T|r_nms Point Silt, 350- _00 ft: marine sand and silt ¢ 1780 ft: marine sand silty to pebbly sand and gravel and gravel ft marine sand, marl, and silt gravel, and clay hery age confolmably and gravel overlies marine sandstone L_ _Z2 __ S20 _L _ J =a a- oni nie fie 9 ai l P hue aii ed 9 el os. rrr iman P : P al . i & tat - ss" Pico Formation, about "Upper Pico Formation," about and siltstone of Pleisto- f j 4 i i J Pli age 1000 ft: marine sand- 1020 it anirlne siltstone emand ato ore hae Upper member, Fernando Upper member, Fernando Formation, about | ..p; _. p &i bout . . Rocks commonly . called ; Rocks commonly called stone and siltstone WW Formation, about 5000 ft: 2500 ft: marine siltstone, claystone, and £280 ftlorma‘ lo"‘,|tat°u Fernando Formation, | Nigue! F?'matf°n' about Y aer # i Pico Formation, about | Upper member, Fernando Formation, about j Pico Formation, about "Middle and Lower Pico marine sandstone and silty fine- to coarse-grained and pebbly fmalme about 1300 ft: marine tigy Ces on ie Dande formation. upn'to 2300 ft: marine sand- 3400 ft: marine sandstone, siltstone, and Late Pliocene 2010 ic well. ision i \ $ f siltefoner lenses of s andetone and sandstonet one or fine-grained sand- stone, siltstone, and 3000 ft: marine sandstone and conglom- stone and siltstone, claystone; pebbly sandstone and conglom- : marine siltstone, Formatlons, about 1500 ft: conglameran more unconformities stone and siltstone: conglomerate; may be erate minor lenses of con- erate near base claystone, and sandstone (“frugedssngst-lotm: and at Teast. She uncon. nonmarine at top glomerate i ne interbedded siltsto ; formity ___ ell cl at : Rocks commonly called 4 . f Lower member, Fernando ; R F , i Rocks commonly called Repetto Siltstone, 150 ft i tion," about 2600 Repetto Formation, about . ._ | Lower member, Fernando Formation, about > epelio Formation. ab_out knee e f uity sa Rocks commonly called | LOWer member, Fernando Formation, about : T a a is Repetto Formation," about 4 f Formation, about 2900 ft: A ; : 4 1400 ft: marine fine- to ; 2400 ft: marine fine- to coarse-grained Repetto Formation, about max: marine siltstone Repetto Formation," about It: pefroliferous marine 6400 ft: marine fine- to mar merfingsto coarse. 3600 ft: marine interbedded fine- to e silt Lower member, Fernando Formation, up to Repetto Formation, about 4 : ? t E Early Pliocene 3400 ft: marine siltstone cal 1000 ft: marine siltstone, * f p coarse-grained sandstone, h _ coarse-grained sandstone, sandy siltstone, ets k 2200 ft: marine siltstone and sandstone, 2200 ft: marine coarse- silty sandstone, siltstone, interbedded ¥ [77 7 4 sandstone, minor siltstone % grained sandstone, inter- :f sandstone, interbedded ; sandy conglomerate and minor sandstone ; shale, and sandstone ani chele minor interbedded bedded sillstons and claystone, minor pebbly sandstone siltstons minor conglomerate grained sandstone, silt- ¥ E siltstone stone, and conglomerate Brie mroe mining i 9). uted (CNT 1 mach , a trons (NQ cane Capistrano Formation, about 2400 ft: marine ©, ( fon sony odor nee ann ne in ang artis ms, ion ton mnie e inin in tenth an teint h rn , § r [Son cen te , Ane mn e = mae Pole Noemi dono siltstone and fine-grained sandstone; diatomite, conglomerate and breccia lo- Puente Formation, about 7000 ft; marine: Puente Formation, about 13,400 ft: marine: cally present in lower part; Sycamore Canyon Member, about 2000 Sycamore Car;yorr Member at;out 3606 Delmontian Oso Member, about 1500 ft: marine ft: siltstone, sandstone, and conglom- ft: siltstone, sandstone, pebble con- Mex Pare cent coarse-grained to gritty sandstone ¢ estaM § 5 ooo te o glomerate; onterey ale, abou j i & j orba ember, about 1 : platy Unnamed rocks, about 4900 j in northeast part of area Puente Formation, marine siltst d ; ; A Yorba Member, about 3000 ft: plat 4000 ft max, lower Puente Formation, about 4100 it" matine sandst rocks at least Puente Formation, about 2000 ft: marine silt- | PUeNte F.0rma‘tlon,.about shale, interbedded a: nope: " Puente Formation, about sandy siltstone, interbedded sand- heckly siltstone; interbead g ¥ gt Models F f bout 2500 ft Unnamed rocks, about 2000 ft not exposed: A: meting herd stiaie : marine sandstone Undivided rocks, at least stche, sandstone: and pebbly sandstone: 3000 ft: marine fine- to ale, interbedded sandstone: 2650 ft: marine sand- stone, local hard limestone beds; f naz oer i Ta. 550 ft: marine silt- j herty shal Wolin { and interbedded shale 5200 ft: probably marine * L pnd . coarse-grained silty Sycamore Canyon Member, about 2500 stone. Siltstone and 5 | 7 R stone; Late max: marine siltstone, shale marine cherty shale, and fine- to coarse-grained ; 9 , h upper part locally missing on crest and h ; » + oquel Member, about 1500 ft: coarse § i i R Slone minor sand. phosphatic shale, diatom- a dal fins gandafope th flank sandstone and platy silt- ft; shale, minor interbedded grained to gritty sandstone, inter- seals. Membel shout 2000 ft: coarse. Miocene anc fandslahe overlying stone and phosphatic sceous shale end radio- sandstone siltstone and minor siltstone and shale $089 stone and shale Yorba Member, about 2000 ft; conglomerate S eifstone. o grained to pebbly sandstone, inter- a thin basal conglomerate shale C Bll sandstone in lower half Soquel Member, about 2900 ft; . Phe} bedded siltstone near base and top larian mudstone; minor 1 La Vida Member, about 2500 ft: platy : ; i La Vida Member, about 2000 ft : ; La Vida Member, about 3800 ft: platy sandstone and intrusive % y siltstone, interbedded sandstone, siltstone, local thin tuff beds, inter- basalt in lower part: McIJtereyIShaIe, about 1500 ft: siliceous aqd local hard limestone and tuff beds 4 U » © Melsea Mudestohe Member limy siltstone and shale, local breccia edded sandstone near top 0 2 Lu 300-600 ft Lu lenses,andesitic intrusions, thin tuff beds N Mohnian Z " s o San Onofre Breccia, about 2500 ft: marine 0 s w Ly O Valmonte Diatomite Member 0 * Loons n no Neal nun inin een lion oo Bn m one n mig alt nn nay rin an an hemant nal! L1) # f a b i s 5 0 N N > and nonmarine schist breccia, andesitic LJ o it" *~ = & g e anc - Schist conglomerate-breccia O} -a-fe-- I ¥ a 2 l (1. [e Roose ) 9 main eee (9 mun ma mine BQ " mnt iies oon 1 9 one meee ain 8° 5 Vaqueros and Sespe f f f f v agre F ti differ- 8 c§$ 0 Formations, undifferentiated ; s edu ni al eine olmetons Vaqueros and Sespe Formations, undiffer- _- --- -- = g 2 & more than 300 ft: inter- Vaqueros and Sespe Formations, undiffer- 7 entiated, about 3000 ft: . 9 Vaqueros and Sespe Formations, undiffer- entiated, about 1100 ft: interbedded § ° C3 bedded maftine and on- entiated, more than 1700 ft: interbedded Upper part, mctiezmngumdg marllne andt nons entiated; more than 150 ft locally present marine and nonmarine clayey sandstone 2 a : A : : i P : : a f j j ; marine and nonmarine clastic sedimentary marine sandstone and conglomerale subsurface: chiefly nonmarine clastic j 23 E. E E 22:26 clastic sedimentary rocks Sespe Formation, about 2450 ft: nonmarine Lower part, nonmarine pebbly sandstone, Sedimesntary rocks 3 pebble conslomelate: 0 sid ; : i 17 w £ © sandstone, conglomerate, mudstone; in- conglomerate, minor clayey siltstone Oligocene s $5 © s truded by diabase c ¢ vt £ $ © 3 c 1 9 s 0 § " o -> ® n © 5 a _ _" £252 hee 5.5 a 3 o Narizian o 8 c 8 5 j 0 c 6 fors nle ene fais Shere ace: : 9 noe beled 19 Pace: erat Hice 7 mals bean eer 9 thie pees mane 9 Siac head ale ? e C § ® ? ? ? =- ? meogen ces $ en cscs po l 0 0 P O2 p MLL p O2 22g OR OL __ ses ace 7 ao ass 1 P wile oa s £9 oad = ap g u i Fo z h f f f f f f hoge Coos 9 disk e g) o o & // Si’:::i°°§z:r:r?:e°2'anggfot::nc115gr§r$arg:ee Santiago Formation, about 2700 ft: sandstone // Santiago Formation, about 750 ft: marine ocene Fi atisian T € % f f d i i fine- ium-~ i & 8 g, 2 o g (Rocks may be present / and mudsighe; inifilaed by diabase and conglomerate, marine in part / ine- to medium-grained sandstone | in 9 < E E 5 in part) * 4 4 y [~ ? ? ? ? 7——- 2 ? ? ? # E= 2 rz ? feal [ell * & |- > Ponotian" & ' ' GGR LOCO AOAC e LZ nutian g” l i mouse tome: sou 7? ? ? ? L 2 ? ? ? #A ? ? 7 A «- \/ ig+ Z w 17 % . f i f . Bulitian Silverado Formation, about 1875 ft: marine Silverado Formation, about 1500 ft: Silverado Formation, about 1150 ft: upper 2 Martinez Formation, about ? ? ¥ and nonmarine sandstone and conglom- Upper part, marine sandstone; part marine sandstone, lower part non- Paleocene | s 300 11: friable arkasic erate, clayey grit marker bed, contains Lower. part. nonmarine sandstone and marine sandstone and conglomerate 3 sandstone and conglomerate fragments of Cretaceous strata; intruded conglomerate, clayey grit marker beds, by diabase coaly beds nezian 7 7 7 s e et a ian nata ar anit _... __. } @ ichtfian i/ % 5 © Maestrichtian ~ # o a Williams Formation, undifferentiated, about h ; r s 0 a ? f t [Williams Formation, marine sandstone, siltstone, and o 8 9 " Campanian 4 a a 1500 ft: marine conglomeratic sandstone, conglomerate: £ u |'k |¥ 5 Chico Formation, about 1000 ft: minor siltstone and conglomerate Pleasants Sandstone Member, about 1300 ft; a z O + P / a O < 5 £ Santonian marine sandstone and silt- Ladd Formation, marine siltstone, sandstone, Schulz Ranch Sandstone Member, about 950 ft; 3 8 E f % stone, minor conglomerate and pebble conglomerate: Ladd Formation, marine siltstone, sandstone, and a fl © |$ 8 Holz Shale Member, about 1850 ft; pebble conglomerate: 63 9 (§ 8 Coniacian 2 7 ? Baker Canyon Conglomerate Member, Holz Shale Member, about 1500 ft; u' [5 8 , | about 1000 ft; Baker Canyon Conglomerate Member, about 1400 ft E Lil S Turonian ei- eee hase mass ie me ues f Trabuco Formation, nonmarine clayey con- Trabuco FQrmation, about 575 ft: = 8- Trabuco Formation, about 1250 ft: g glomerate nonmarine clayey conglomerate [ex Cenomanian clayey red conglomerate y ~ A 7 (eer of n - ae aao al rig esa rae en B H- in hae aoe co o eng inna ink seras a, nsa a n Resin 1 ed dario - maine nine on aie eae na oe eae aos a 3 R Pa E] Basement rot;k$. 4 | Basement rocks: Basement rocks: A Saqnta Monica Slate, C Santiago Peak Volcanics, Late Jurassic(?) to Santiago Peak Volcanics, about 1500 wel slightly metamorphosed Early Cretaceous(?) in age ft, Late Jurassic(?) to Early O shale and graywacke, Cretaceous(?) in age B t k B t k s 2 asement rocks: asement rocks: [a- in part of Jurassic age Basement rocks, columns 2, 3, 4, and 5: Basement rocks, columns 6, 7, 8, and 9: poem xem mig nin mains in nl iwo: A F Basement rocks: 0 I f ~ f ; f R a ¢ Tags s ; 1 i j Quartz diorite and Granitoid intrusive and foliated meta- f & Catalina Schist, fine-grained, foliated gray-green schist with varying amounts of quartz, albite, Inferred to be granitoid intrusive and associated metamorphic rocks, Jurassic to early Late metasedimentary volcanic (Santiago Peak Volcanics?) Granitoid intrusive rocks, early Late z chlorite, glaucophane, and lawsonite, with related rocks; probably Mesozoic in age Cretaceous in age emma rara miu * ill j N i s X Cretaceous in age 6 Bedford Canyon Formation, rocks of uncertain rocks of Jurassic to early Late Cre- S f Bedford Canyon Formation, Triassic (?) and Triassic(?));nd age and correlation taceous age 7 lntfl‘JSlye masses of quartz Jurassic in age in age Granitoid intrusive rocks, Lu diorite, early Late Cretaceous early Late pS Cretaceous in age in age 'See section on Stratigraphic Nomenclature" in text, for usage. California Division of Mines Bull. 170, Map Sheet 8; Pacific Petroleum Geologist, v. 10, no. 4, p. 1-3. ©California Division of Mines Bull. 170, Map Sheet 34. chiefly on Texaco, Inc. well Anderson Springs 1 in section 9, T. 2 S., R. 15 W. 4 wa 3" & Ap NH science e & oct 19 1966 $ *U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 207. »California Division of Mines Bull. 170, Map Sheet 33. ' Unpublished subsurface data. "U.S. Geological Survey Map OM-193, 1957; and un- published subsurface data. ®Unpublished subsurface data. °Surface data from Yerkes, 1960, supplemented by unpublished subsurface data. 2U.S. Geological Survey Map OM-154, 1954; and un- published subsurface data. "California Oil Fields, v. 44, no. 1, p. 13-22. CORRELATION OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS, LOS ANGELES BASIN, "Unpublished subsurface data. "Yerkes, 1960; subsurface data largely from Daviess and Woodford, 1949, U.S. Geological Survey Map OM-83. p. 51-57. "U.S. Geological Survey Map OM-195, 1959; supple- mented by subsurface data from Woodford and others, 1945, U.S. Geological Survey Map OM-23. 'Data from Valentine, J. W., 1959, Nautilus, v. 73, no. 2, '' Fossil evidence incomplete or absent in the Los Angeles basin. CALIFORNIA Note: Location of columns shown on PI. 3 and text figures showing distribution of rock units; thicknesses are maximum known. on Quaternary rocks, columns 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10, based on Poland, Piper and oth- ers, 1956; and Poland,Garrett, and Sinnott, 1959 768-887 O - 65 (In pocket) Data PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-A PLATE 2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Southeast West CEN NORTHWESTERN t SOUTHWESTERN BLOCK ThAL BLOG) East | _ | West NORTHEASTERN BLOCK Ela Northwes BLOCK . § f 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 f il field Near junction of Los Angeles Anaheim nose, northwest end West Coyote oil field Huntington Beach oil field th in Hi Ms? 1 i ilmington oil field Long Beach oil fie | P € f gton Beach oil field, nor San Joaquin Hills area Northern Santa Ana Whittier Narrows Western Puente Hi i f i Ballona Gap Palos Verdes Hills wining River and Rio Hondo of Newport-Inglewood zone Mountains area te Hills area Eastern Puente Hills area Eastern Santa Monica Mquntalns, north of Santa Monica fault zone Alluvial and 4 . Alluvial and Alluvial and : & Palos Verdes Sand\ terrace deposits Alluvium Alluvium\ terrace deposnts terrace deposits Alluvial and ; Alluvium Upper Alluvium ees C T ma g e Alluviumo >: sa- e gre: o - : oe pai te aome a Saal 56 prend a Ae c nn means terrace deposits Alluvium ee --Pleistocene Recent eate ain Twiszzzgne wBu Undlwded Upper Upper Pleistocene WW Upper Pleistocens S-Undivided marine and," : Pleistocene «{-Terrace [-San Pedro Pleistocene (ean Pedro // rionmarmg 95!th S| Pleistocene Pleistocene f San Pedro Lower [**, __ nonmarine strata ..; eis a f s | & : -: - ~- + { A +010" o.q.o.°.g..oo deposits Formation Lower Pliocene Repetto Siltstone ~~] - ys SSt ei. f San Pedro §.SA. Formatéon hys Pleistocene Upper =~ Upper Lea snd ap 7M i : / Pliocene San Pedro hides Lower - Foromgtlon Fernando: %: le-. [-Niguel Pleistocene ....... f I Pixs # Upper a> 7 Upper \' "02>; " Formation +>****,| Pleistocene 2 x Formation .?~ xr. Wimatuon : % Miocene nis, r 4 ma Tsa ce -. Miocene \\ E. ca|led Pico Formatlonf // tower ~ =_." Pico Formations _,__°._?°O "at s- >- == aris a \\ - (Upper Pliocene) - ; f Pliocene me _ |- +-Upper member- ~- x 74 a t; =-*Fernando Formation -| Pads ' Repetto'" % Te. ames! . Kecil + mes simi Be- H ond aet 2 etc. as [ M'dd{ \\ % % % try. \\ * Upper members.. 4 > P399” iddle ara l How ina® * iocene wa Repetto '- NX Undivided MY manos . ro \\ Upper x Formaflon \\ succgsslonznd -= s e Xx - - Lower member % Miocene nonmarine sa _ Upper member "ae '. Fernando Formation : .' ap palay % Gak % and gravel of T2 Fernando Formation - e I ASH tion MW {Catalina// H3 ..... a Sais #s - Y Quaternary age; // - ~* //// Schist. ,! 1 /'." x gente mable:s" $ : => f § Lower Be Mesozoic a ()y d d xy marine sandstone te. Member *<48" \ Pliocene f pi {eri n, ». ' |: s* i t # yo f y or older # 5 Hou Q3 I) 17 y. > i aan and siltstone od ze & f /OHH H) tet ¢ 3 crlsr\_ Pe ease. Pleistocene an (yi centa yl J-". ~ - _-. .If Sycamore Formation free m p J 6 Hf J , onglome \W late Pliocene age Canyon Member N+ |_ Upper MIPERN EZ : o_ . HH/fi ¢ //H /H/// ate-breccia (~~ / // HA Hfiflf'flH S iocene ap . 4 ¢ Middle ~* Topanga Formation ~- Q /Cata||na//#H \ A Schist Migset® Paved ocr flfl/fl/wg/ x % s pra ees, "ls." 3 flfiz Po ed RH 3 2/ H 2 H / HH Xx Lower Memle® _." Puentg ' \ Quartz diorit d met Puente # 5 Catalin /H//// PT H {p X ** ..Fernando Formation : > Formation, Topanga X sed mentlafyanrockesa_ Formation C Schist as fais. Formation A | ae ces p in ae aie f # 22d % o 1. W5 8 "Topanga | & AA "Middle Topanga" ~~ H H fl H / / Unnamed --- \ VLA aAaAaaaAAAAAA A Topanga I Formatlon (\A 1 _ Formation __ "': a agate. X gir -- -~ -Formation \ AAaAAAAA AAA A -Z fimlddle MIOC3n8_. ma \ A Y 3 \ AAAAAAAAAAAAA A [T = __ rocks S =- - -I f- f aclne -if Ano mo] aqueros an - h aAaaAaAaAAAaAAaAaAAaA y HH/Jr/H I :+Sespe Formations, |"":**. Vaqueros and . -' Undwl‘ded lower \ Puente < Upper [ee e e tessa. _| c 55 Fier r undifferentiated Sespe Formations Teffla y Formation Miocene |- _-"Lower Topanga" .- "¢. // Catalina H/fl/ \ tate s g." tiated Upper Cretaceous(?) \ ~- Formation , -- HHfR/ Schist {J/Hé/H/ & »ndiffers Stes ; rocks \ < 18 : Martinez 5 Paleocene T f) (J 4s Formation pe H/ IJH {J/JH 3 ///// \\ \\ 9. Upper F W Undivided lower § f Cretaceous \|: F122rfizn \\ Tertiary and Upper \ p Cret 2. k \ Rocks tetaceousi(f) focks Undivided lower \ / f commonly callgd Tertiary and Upper . E2" Lu z % Repetto Formation Cretaceous(?) rocks \ if /Granitoi§ \\ é 8 [2 y \ ) intrusive and | _._ : g Middle § o 8 7:7i\/\ 7 f etamorphic ~ ~- Vaqueros and Miocene 0 - t, \/ / \ LJ Sespe Formations N 5’ jam a f j¢~7 N El Modenc g undifferentiated i ar < E 8 Granltold vat j o Jurassic m Me j \|ntruswe and Ci i #3 SAZ \\\ ? 2 p §" / A p- and older(?) < in A t \ metamorpth’) rocks | / -~Granitoid Middle "J '+ s - a - _--3. --- =-- fim - 3 /’ intrusive and £ Miocene 2 S im I Z £. \\ metamorpth) * LC d w . A. Lower Miocene ¢ g m “DJ E \\ §. 5 face to upper ? Eocene s be S (2 & ~ & Lj 3 K fa: Eocene < > has ¥ 3 mad p Lil ~ \\ is Lower 3 $; \ > sa - u «0+ Fo e wo i 4 y? yy,> intrusive ", - < E 8 o % “afé‘é'ednesrzzszr ............ : % C |;:;: Sespe Formations, o.,| > Miocen® : Lower Upper Suck. qtuirt/z dnonte S2 w 2, ora x F \ \\ 2° undifferentiated -O t; upper ? "k Paleocene ~ Ao e k eco o a Cretaceous >\/ / /7,\\\~—\/’ o_ l N x R. “0.0.0‘00000 ocen® gaceae. /\JJ‘“\,\Q/\/\/\/\,\\/\ \ % X, 0:0 200 0 o od /\/\ tq Y - .f.'_. -.-o‘b.. l/ cg" X Williams A ik Bac \/\\/\/ \ Granitoid /\ \ Lower Upper \ A * Formation, .- x P \\\|ntruswe roqkt\ L Cretaceous # .> &. */ a asap _] 7 es s *. !. 0.0000: - Q«+ 0+ :G+ :o y W sik # rir ira. ~ | x s sor ia _o x Santiago ~ Eocene - Holz Shale - X Formation -_ Member x Ladd "L Formation -_ ok - WO [Baker Canyono efi ® 0 q” 'Conglomerated: o 0 \ Coy, _ Member _s. Pelsocens -> Trabuco Formation § :| Undivided lower Tertiary and Williams Upper Cretaceous(?) Formation rocks Sandstone Member 9-000 «9% D009 0+ O+ O'GvQQQ Upper Cretaceous Ladd 10,000 15,000 20,000 'Present only in Newport Formamf‘fi . EXPLANATION o | j 50|OO * | | 3 Bay Area | | vvvvvva/RA AAAAAAx/z dix x x- hw vvvvvvy 1-3 A A A A AA vvvvvVvV VERTICAL \//:\/\l )//$ # A AURA AAA ALA oak A NA iS Sth yas * Ar/ | 1 lfi’fi/ EX R AAA Santiago Peak ~ ~ :-o aac 2 sr f o Wr e Nas >\ \ Granitoid '- \/ (%** ~' Wpoleanies. *~* . |"} Zj intrusive(?) \ \/ " alle n. ~ Pebbly sandstone, Breccia Extrusive rocks Intrusive rocks Tuff X rocks ) \/l\ agt s j<’ conglomerate # 5 wos we \\’:/ /:/ ‘J\\ Cahyon \//f\ e \ /| | Lower Upper Formation <- | T/ Cretaceous frog be " A le(? a2 NM.!" (ing SAT Yp to Triassic(?) H¢¢¢7¢ “ix/ 44 eN sy C als yeu. /\//\~]\ Peg or ari ue lx-.x / 38 \Gran|to|d "xt s by ager ¥ Iver **|~, intrusive rocks\ ! Slaty rocks Schist Granitoid intrusive . Claystone or shale; Sandstone; silty | \\/\ t ar one rocks siltstone sandstone y NACA) \ | Al Note: Locations of sections shown on PI. 3 and on text figures showing distribution of rock units 768-887 O - 65 (In pocket) COMPOSITE SECTIONS SHOWING RELATIVE THICKNESS AND GENERALIZED LITHOLOGY OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS, LOS ANGELES BASIN, CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-A GEOLOGICAL SURVEY : PLATE 3 EXPLANATION ° Quaternary deposits Upper Eocene(?) to lower 118°30' 15 118°00' 117°45' Miocene rocks I I I Tpu Upper Pliocene rocks Paleocene and Eocene Tpl rocks Lower Pliocene rocks Fu 34°00" - 34°00" Eastern Santa Monica Mountains Tmu Upper Cretaceous rocks Ballona Gap fone Palos Verdes Hills Upper Miocene rocks $Kw Long Beach oil field Los Angeles River- Rio Hondo junction 7 Anaheim nose 9 Huntington Beach oil field 10 San Joaquin Hills 11 - Northern Santa Ana Mountains 12 Whittier Narrows =( 45" 13 Western Puente Hills 14 Eastern Puente Hills 1 2 3 4 - Wilmington oil field 5 6 Western basement rocks r-- Middle Miocene rocks pKe Easternmm rocks 45" mobs mor (fii nie m Approximate trace of fault or fault zone, showing relative movement 5 10 MILES CALLE LLA ___ y a | 118°30' 15" 118°00' 117°45 INDEX MAP SHOWING LOCATIONS OF CONTROL POINTS 33°30" Sea level shown by tick near top of each column ENEL If)? 5, | ne oRrT_j INGLEWOOD ZO NEWP x2 s» x // I /><\ | ss at | e x I _ a R ae x | hare we j* ~a # s at wales s vae ile. $3 Oo, se -e #2 * e e set. "4 wet wits ze * $566 a0 PALOS VERDES HILLS FAULT ZONE \y/ | WAT x a x | 74 ig. | /// §» | ae 6 | aet e w/ joe" yoo ae * fe a F4 yer et * se e e P .* F s e ar PZ a -* y* ~.. ,* U F sb 1g. 4 Yo, PANEL DIAGRAM OF THE LOS ANGELES BASIN, CALIFORNIA UNITED 0 0+ ' ~ o 7 O - CIS o - 3 % - 1 o Z o <6 m 50 C 5 f§ . "0° o 5 o k el o .= A 9 = _, 6 z u UC O m o 9 6 l Ip ao 0 me t 0 2 0 3 t. _ ¥ 0 9 yin tg - CIC g o e t C C ele: = % > J 2 - '> E T o o 9 o C 0 = C o $6 ~* 5 o.€e < 3 O 4 ap 0 O0 o > a <4 2 G z fa y 2 & g O ® < N8 LW /g < 3 ul t 3 . -= o - ® 2 T m F 0 - C w & w w w T | =NB1*-E } N 76° W -> to IN G L E w 0 0 D 3 § a § B icto ** 6 1 1° b 2 23 © & s ce Adoo: << jus San Gabriel River. SEA LEVEL emma. : eae peee SEA LEVEL As ~* asl Mmmilelstoceneand Rfieflwww fyi ~ ( esen cn ta an a e oo aul "a> Pleistocene and Recent Te inv Aha ald eal! Hoe ch monde ra rad anne miele, moe lede oni en.. cite cote mow aoe HL ancho nudes . . o ooc on aie ee LL el 23] #7 - 32 a fena Cyrene," os [=- - -R elaine a 0 "Ey _-_ Upper Pliocene ak l Frys ac x C5 ='... Pre Pil mort \\\\ 62 gaa += 3. |- ~ . N i et Upper Pliocene T t Pak ax f fil a Pont 5000" - «*%. s yeaa ie "oT yop t |- 5000 see tes ._ #. t rrr s % £ -a: s 'e anl e CANT/”W‘m NEA Lower Pliocene Me X r= s%. __ =- -I 6673 sL. 33-4 //l & Tso - oa L f /. [* pca. n. eas ale" I ¥TVv ~: 3 ie sa tes ohne ons oun ered at _ be o me le Haale eigen [© ~ ras S.. s wasTvJ A | x L ~ e ma tall intel az. r J pKe ijwxm‘vw nees Upper Miocene __ ~~ $760 I, £ #: =] 9483"° ~ Sy AlT -TV ~" [ § 10,000" - ; ; Sel. Les ences 2 20 00 pics - |- 10,000 Rah Middle Miocene § % s als Lower Pliocene 3 ite e ta anis -_ a xx‘mw soa | LEQTV ¥. \\\\\\‘\\ ayant. | 6.00 r. per. ~ w | £2,276 Tv 4% ss ao al aer [|= 3 foliated low' 13,5090" ~~ \\\\\\\\\ IT ¢ §, x- ct _ PI Case _s ~I rank meta- s “x\\ male Amun ae tical _ Pa- Dj— 15,000" - volcanic rocks . \\\\\ 17,444 |- 15,000" i" fr ees j \H \\\\ Upper Miocene I Newport-Inglewood > r PP is ye ear oo A o iar aes ua o a G ///'/l zone of faults and folds \L\ p o ae . to iz. | . ss eee. $e aa l "\_ *. \\_\I¥ \\\\\ ////// I 29,000" .- s __ Ee *" ex "tm". fix 20,000 hee cat [" aril SL 4 t. er I J ~.. | 3 sts: ' | Kbc w’w&\ I Nex | i ge ss. yas. a e_ | 3 *% Sas Tse < 25,000" av Middle Miocene and older ex. Kbe 2 Soa ren won inn 25,000" A j _. ee / <4 mkw flJJ/J 54 ae J KKK mwM/NJ ; ’\~%\/\A MI/Vfu-AW | e as co. n ge _. ry 1T. T SECTION A-B raat o 30,000" - 30,000 tt tz 3 ia < < ~ Nee o $ sua "o" € w % A @ GL. C 6 7 s 5 5 Pra ~-. .O ma 6 <@ 9 Pz 6 - o o oa. oc co 0 w o 5 9.4 O - & = o ® € Z ~ - O O a ~ 0 0 f o Rg < € O O - O - 9 (Q 0 0 a O - E 3 0 68 08 ,s 9 te- En £ 5 > o £8 t J 5 ® < m < e o 2 e Tia 6 oa 3 & 8 3 o o CF 053800,” s w <. € aC < Omz'cuu) = o 3 = 0 0 56 O __ a = ~ "E ed Cg Lug 5 = 5 , AC J $060 6° 0 ¢S o v L C2 ® o. f o € 905 a s :6 sg o s p o & o m t2 0, on O g 0 a m mo - 5 & f ¢? 9s 5 "sm 's UC & 2 a «& 9 o £ o 6 ~ (tp in . o | ps C x. o IJ un Z C $ C we #8 C LJ a. a 3 as O O s 06 m 0 = © a -< o 0 o 0 a«€ & o 00 o 06 a 6 3 O = u -z u O = C < 3 x we a+ .f £ a 3 § € ; C o ££ 5% £92 A £3 5° : f S C m o s & Tex z he f l @ .@ o £ L o as gS 29 o $58 1s ° J P » 2p o g o c Guzmgé'a 55>“; o S 2"*> 5 ~, T C z o 8 £1 it}; z a > § *a 970°" ¢ 2 fs2ls 5 EyE els Z 5 Z © z OB $ zB] z 8 § 2a of 9 2 ES o I 5 @ a 5 o 8 m - zz & o\ w < RL 4 < = 3 l foul «= 0 _ in 2 $ $ i$ ? "aC po ° #s fE5 f 5C 5 ° p e ts E < 7 So ~ Sa 5" f -s C 2 $ z 0 L EXPLANATION pomme ~ N §5B° W -_ ona Wo7g# yy - Tomar --o-oof------ N 44° Wo-------|-- 1000' - ] r-. 2 000° Recent and gall, a:L“V'urlT % SEA LEVEL z (ren iof ~-: --- -r-- -ed pct <<= Pleistocene 2C) 10 Gel ATLVIIM : 4 _ _ ta eel ai ees fu t Tfu S e aan we 5 Tf lower member, Fernando Formation Unsoqniormable contact le "___ _! ~ s Ji rw s _. y. ia As- -~" pse Lower Pliocene * mies ou, A Los ~f -_- ase ess __ Ise midine. Nfi/ fre & R & hew T emc __ ee m <-- =- {T- -- -- -- ae inf en 4% Tp, Puente Formation, undifferentiated | wo - Fault £4 / _ wa * ~ -- J- Tpsc, Sycamore Canyon Member s r 7/ Til S - 2. gms a -It n Tpy, Yorba Member Arrows show relative 5000" -< // Pte sc n, ors -= 5000 Upper Miocene Tpe $ LMemb movement; A, away * Til £ a pS, oque ember $ -l] 5788 Le 4s ld _> PY ers Je Tpl. La Vida Member from observer; T, | | ole is - mri _ e_ - 6344' % j s toward observer ~ IL af . T ~ --a [eats J en [- Td, intrusive rocks cf , k], Tpsc \\j ® _ ~~ ~a l film/V cat aet 7962 Tps //// 5255,ng I?” gontereyFSha'et' L/f ---I T' ~T ---. made Tne Ams a fg ~ -.. fain _ '" aas Middle Miocene . opanga Formation |_ m | -I" Tpsc Lf ee 5 mae e =- g Arnab es A mop mine. cll alia. ioo) intre rear np Tv, extrusive and pyroclastic rocks cris macs me s* PS....» "T * ~ as ~As T *~$~a a gait" 10,000" -L- Tpy 16.089 Away: Ear ~ T= fr fa f. mee". 22 ., amit * I Lower Upper Cretaceous! Kbc; chiefly granitoid intrusive rocks | 5p an mn es aay ~" | Lower Cretaceous(?) to | ae man ~* s | fippe: Jurassicfi)’ KJsp, Santiago Peak Volcanics ~lmny ame mes ~*~ SECTION B-C I 5 Jurassic and Triassic(?) | JRb, Bedford Canyon Formation Mesozoic or older pKe, Catalina Schist r- 5 O O o € z O a 0 C al o o & = & s 9-2 6 8 E e 3 5 118°30' 15 118°00' 117°45 € © & T T T 2 & Lil 0 if o T o © Z > z - C Z z 2 O ai o r v 5 CF re o- N BJ ° W en icf JM $900 9. (2 . o.. nere tito, ine nines smae chote ino ans N 52° W 4D X 4000' %. KJsp 4000' | NORTHERN SANTA - ANA MOUNTAINS r -| RICHFIELD OIL FIELD KRAEMER OIL FIELD S s E I s 5 -_ Ives * gal. - -Y" - z Tt 7 "Tea 34°00" *oo' SEA LEVEL -[ oor omc -= =-- SEA LEVEL - as _Pieistocene and Resent, __ _ -__- kya 'e /> f 3a /f C aay vs wae ft: _I~ Trannys "so ITH _ | L- Tsk z.. -~ Kws _ ~~~ I Ez Aes rar ca ~~ * Tsa WFNK/VVL/fllllfl rs A. a+ e LATE? lg/h////’“ Kib “W =: | ~. e l r ieee" /‘//I Kws {I Klb/wwffif’dfl (% 5000 - 42. $ and Mf __ -- ~~ |- 5000" ~- Tpl. _- a= n/a ~~ older Rbe merce ns A oat. 2 se ee | --- [ > i p e akin "* ”NM/l (57 Ar Ay. ~~ v: o> slim ~ ined " | (€: as' |- 45" 10,000" -L (e _ anl le ee s*. --:10,000' 10,496" Tsa and older oe 42 % ~~ (> LaB &l "est 3 o eral MWMMNJNMM Kbc - 15,000" e a +1 |- 15,000" "El- ~ - avast 20 MILES fl & 33°30 t | j ] J = , -! =- M m e m 2 - o m m £ e] & m a. (+a) _ < . dit O a> ++ C & Z l 0 2% o£ o B ag 14°00 ¢ & 1 o g : g - (~ A t co 3 -. 3 0 C ¢ UY : § ~ - es hee < u 2 o a p yg g.4 7:2 T', ar o 9 y S EF. a; EE? 2 5 Z gmggggé g & 13 * Ps 3 3 x £ $6 9 6 8 C* $7402 0 s a. r o 5 o a- 8% 5 H ® S 3 < m # -~: 0 ~ :<" :o . ® & Fthzwzxfi—Hwa-z i N 58° E } N 64° E } -- "C> wes I ¥ 1 N 62° E EH p T S a & 2000? PALOS VERDES HILLS Wil L M.: l NSG T O-N 0 :| °C F 1C C DE; § LONG BEACH OIL FIELD gs FZOOO’ a s - _Qt Upper t = its Qt fmw Qt, Qt Miocene fle #4 5 SEAUEVEL G ~~ Stel ss..." css" y ~ SEA LEVEL "*~* YP In & younger Pleistocene and Recent o fara I ~~ ___ Middle Miocene ~- fxs L ~ -min as rory ~a ln a [. i tes A mS _- [=- ~ pKe 1634' re "P 24 \ Tr is Pleistocene and Recent 2005" I Sse ~ mere aa an _ f:: _{ | whxx \7 <. Upper Pliocene \ Sst .: \\\\‘““N\‘\\ | Nea t * \\\\\‘hh_ pin o ( t Gon iho te- L0 4 3447" XKL &." \/\/ Nho cn mime als mae ae en moon k_ / " F% Ke ® a* 7% \ e tye 5000 4 P [ sg _ L_ =_ < \\\\ e vI -+ >_ |- 5000' £ ff ms taas. # cx 4 [l 6200 ~T. _ Lower Pliocene ert . msl ay & meta cs ? im si > Upper Pliocene [7 | Middle Miocene __~ te - meats k. ~ fl Atm’szz" \ T sX \\\ " s j l 1 es % E me ao E 10,000" ms \J, I e x -z ips ¢ fl ~ Upper Miocene j_—k 10,544 \\ \\\\ 88 .et |- 10,000" s 11,000 |~p ~ a=. sas t § it ipKch [Se«lv % yi mm 's aes L- 11,422 PALOS VERDES HILLS e %: \ I ke ~ N "A a} FAULT ZONE Torx 12,159" Fes x " "Ty .k to - _-Middle Miocene \l % ~ A-". Im J xxx?» mos at Sea I \\ Na x / "d i - Peed, % % Lower Pliocene : A] pKe Ne ~4§\\ | \\ \«\ \\ /// // Anaheim 15,000 | 14950 _ ({q T\ ~a y sare ge nose -..! 15,000" s pKe(?): (a = X fa oa" flaunt "a/. - // J chlorite schist N “W1 imen irl. an pil ro __ _i -_ e *> | 3% , 3 20,000" T t | \\ \\\ Upper Miocene 73 foe f”; ; NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD ZONE T OF FAULTS AND FoLDps | \\ Js. Ee mt // 20,000" g" | - s" | X \\ o one f = | *+ 2 7 *. 'Kbo a Possible eastern - x: t boundary of pKc x ( al So % Middle Miocene and older r ae" 25,000" - 34 a 25,000" a \\ -- soo | -~ T \\\ MAP/WM 24 ra rire AX came L SECTION E-F SRE a- ar boll S2 ou cts ee hand fags foss +4 < 8 } u < 0 £ € i 96 # a $o _J r- _4 had m o ® | n 2. a £ o t z 48 o o s o g 2 O O O © 6 _ ok T C o w * s ¢ 'o G - 0 0 3m 4 . 0 z (€] e £" 6 5 § $* s 7 o ¢ es > T. - 6 3 o = om g el E 2 = 5 y e y 5 8 GE) 3 ~ Z g Z u ~ _ fk Sou -E < x 0 © O < a. & < [m) u @ so G < C 9 in 5 3 i a 9 5 & m w i- ft] O m N62" C } N 53° { N 48° E { { } ® } N 02° W o C N 50°%E N ii' E ‘ NAGE #. 219 VA Slug BREA-OLINDA OIL FIELD SAN GABRIEL 2000" v1 a WHITTIER FAULT ZONE Puente Hills SAN JOSE HILLS MOUNTAINS ~s wEST-COvoTE ds) Ttu, _ _ Qal Qal Tpy, __ Gal gal - "Ipy_ Qal Qalo Qal S2 e SEA- LEVEL : 7 tae e - m-" ‘ w fsa ar ama a rer. hr ae een roan can "a Tpl yw t Ree a_ or ror once T r as xp, nal o \ 2 /////T \\\\\\\\ //’// e. J‘ \\\\\ s. !> Tps 2. a- ips" / ~ se res Ace made, sss ur es s-. A Kb Pleistocene and Recent #2 4~- | f ~T eel =- ~~ ~" \ as. TT * ae ,, thoe, dot be toes ~ a. Te" Tmt se wen mas it eid cie f ror eset erm atk S% sof: A $ te ":->. fos a "hice Tfu west. TH \ |\ \\\\\\\\ po toast "ath x _ pest .. aa I ******* ==> /’T/ \N‘«74\,\ r/J/Jf Tf // “A \\\ »\\\\\\\. Tpl M/ // \Nfi‘\\‘g—‘if~————”—"// met. Kb \§ & mint mex aoe las ng -e Pe ned ArT C Hf ' x mit a tin L // \ \ \ \R\\\T\ TTA < it c e ed eae f WAN/“f ea " a Tv es -A 1. < TH | a az aaa ~" e:: ~ - hie goes Tfu y Pag ** as. iTpst t_ @Ke._ es mts. ye X y 12" ale est oi Ye. Faes soy f anl | #i Al #5 285 JfVJVh-NMWWNM— AMW’wmmwnfi/MMM sate \ |6854' MM severe 2 is NT Negi in aot r WWW“ M’fw Z 7. qf fae -~ "es fe ~f e> { | s. .% g oss e 7148 t. et / [f/ d a fs hwklpscfl s m enas Lil m o i a.. f’” i% aes eir ca.n a B. "t Z : ¢ . _ a. -~ 32 s Tpy \Tp\ foliated & as os ar e Oty, e= JL yy Kbc Kbc: quartz diorite 41/ P PJ~~M~KN \\\\ ~ ee /\ \ low-rank meta- protomylonite j cy + | wxflw ss - \\\\\\ %, volcanic rocks } TH Tf r ns -f -~" * Esse, Bye t= kath 10,000 pe.) sA. Tps aa. - ~re~- {.-- | SSLC -s suas Vo 1 l ke ms Brn wiels mes who if Gomme s ~A. magnis ftm ee. ie ni oe t* Tass Tp - iLest" eA tes // | Tvs and older 24% *See y | B> mea Tpl (Well projected into §\ xs Cw. Anaheim | x-. *? ials section below 5020") - \ nose | “HM V\”V\,\MMWM s e 7 G. f (Geology below 10,669 feet projected | y Sant 15,000 into section from redrilled hole: | _ Tt AV bottom at -11,200', 750 feet aman ni a T oot ae" yoy \ northwest) aas og “V1 ~ see: “waw Fw/J’ Kbc , N/Wwwk meter \ sat - T7 | ys as: gre re MWWWMMMMwM/mewwwfl l SECTION FP-G STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-A PLATE (4 GENERALIZED STRUCTURE SECTIONS ACROSS THE LOS ANGELES BASIN, CALIFORNIA SCALE 1:62 500 1 ¥o 0 1 2 I crete 3 4 5 MIIES 1 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS ECBCB CECA F--- r DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL 768-887 O - 65 (In pocket) 2000" SEA LEVEL 5000' 10,000" 15,000" i Geology and Oil Resources of the Eastern Puente Hills Area, Southern California GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-B Geology and Oil Resources of the Eastern Puente Hills Area, Southern California By D. L. DURHAM and R. F. YERKES GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL PAPER. A study of the stratigraphy, structure, and oil resources of the Prado Dam and Yorba Linda quadrangles UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING. OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 A CONTENTS Page - Stratigraphy-Continued Page i =_ L del sells ances a n B1 Quaternary system.:-cl.. . liclol etal B28 Introduction.} .s s cest I.. cg C 3 Pleistocene series .. _J. cl.; arte 28 Location of area. ._} co ty t Ui tl Ln 3 Unnamed strata of Pleistocene age...... 28 Purpose of 0. 3 La Habra formation? ------------------- 28 Previdus work.: 22.0} l.. "ol valid, t Pleistocene to Recent series... alec. 30 Fieldwork and preparation of report_______________ 5 Older 20 prep P X Younger alluvium 31 ll} 5 structure. a_" .oo oat 31 Siratigraphy -c -L die loll yl 5 Structural .I oce TOA _ " tuum 31 Cretaceous system ___ ___ fra arioka .. 5 Whittier fault sone. L: ca. c Ll cari 31 Plutonic 100 LOL en " § Chino fault:. ¢ ican con idi dy" 32 Sedimentary hoe. 5 Structural features north of the Whittier fault zone Pertiary system.. --_..Licik cvs, 3 2. . 6 and west of the Ching : 34 Palcocene series .o .n s. c. l _is_. _._. _: 6 Faults:: cc _n c ov ata hon toate 34 Silverado formation.... <_}. ~_.~ ~. 6 Folds,... "ut iy oor bare aan cele 34 FToccueseries a neo ., [tl t c y. 6 Strfil‘i'loural features northeast of the eastern Puente y A A DHB 5.0 2208 Ou (SL ing o oleg a areal pis anon o a n Ae a uue Santines formatlonni """"""""""" 8 Structural features south of the eastern Puente Upper Eocene to lower Miocene series.. _______ ri ils... 2s y acct aand 35 Vaqueros and Sespe formations undiffer- Physiogsraphy _ _.... a oal oe srt en on 35 enviated =s n. .~ 1 ece eel t ick (1s 7 Fastern Puente {Y" 35 Middle Miocene ._ 8 Fanta Ana River.... ten r t mats 35 Topanga formation....-......_.~._. ~> -.: 8 Area south of the Puente Hills: 36 Miamond Bar _ .. 10 Whittier fault zone. -: ~- ~T _u uur e mo Lt 87 Volcanic rocks associated with the Topanga Economic _.. al s turns geos 37 formation _.: l lucked os toi" 10 B¥ea-Olindla oil field. }; 2 otc eal fi la 37 Upper Miccene series..-..; ._. 11 Richfield oil figd “““““““““““““““ feats 89 Puente l.}... 11 a COYOte 01,1 r ae ea a ons £0 RC Yorba Linds oll field s 0 40 Na Vida member:. 12 Esperanza oil field. {:.. nullo =c len 41 Rognel member.. c. .l 18 Mabals ofl neg- _o t tur eld ale 41 Yorba membefc- -...... 19 of feld. 1 atl a CS 42 ¥ Sycamore Canyon ___. _. £ 21 Summary of oil bccurrence cut 016 42 Diabasic intrusive rocks associated with Outlook for future development. 43 the Puente and older formations.... ___ 23 Exploratory oils, ouly 44 Pliocene series: lll D cl {co t 24, ~ Possil localities. cfs nl cy plea nan to utes 55 Fornando formation.: (.._ 24, Ran Juan tunnel: />: ccie U gl inches 57 Lower member.... cl 1.00. 25 A References cited. cs. us. as ike able hia ala teo 59 Upper s 265 Index: s= cls 0 to. selenol aris tact co its 61 Prats Frcour® ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Geologic map of Prado Dam and Yorba Linda California. ro m gs go bo [Plates are in pocket] Composite stratigraphic section for the eastern Puente Hills area. - Geologic sections A-4', B-B', C-C", and D-D', Prado Dam and Yorba Linda quadrangles, California. Geologic sections E-E", F-F"', G-G', and H-H ', Prado Dam and Yorba Linda quadrangles, California. Index map of part of southern California showing location of the eastern Puente Hills area view of the castern Puente HiBle area:"... [role" olla tol itt lla en to ats III quadrangles, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, Page B3 4 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. CONTENTS Sandstone and conglomerate of the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated ________________________. .. View northward across the Santa Ana River toward Scully . ~Pebbly sandstone of the Topanga formation._.s-..........__ IE -e: ae ; 'SBiltstonc of the La Vida member of the -Puente formation.L _-_. -_ . Sandstone unit at the base of the Soquel member of the Puente . Siltstone and thin sandstone beds of the Yorba member of the Puente . Thick-bedded sandstone in siltstone of the Yorba member of the Puente formation . White pebbly sandstone of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente . Vertical beds of pebbly sandstone and mudstone of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation.... @ basal: conglomerate of the La Habra _ LL ECR s . Aerial view southeastward along the Whittier fault zone southeast of the Horseshoe Bend of the Santa Ana azn inne aidan ille sean allen f o an an aL BB clu an ao ca ale oie mio a bien ba aie o a -+ aie aB ad C gl aln a main a aale a o o aie dele nd Aerial view southeastward along the Whittier fault zone southeast of Carbon Exposure of the Chino ... L... C. LLC CGL IL Aerial view northeastward up Brea Canyon from over the Whittier fault Correlation chart of the producing zones in the oil fields in the eastern Puente Hills Strata of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation exposed at the working face of the San Juan tunnels os L Sue I ga rat ad o Als =o aa Call a fla a e mins aa wack aa b alk a bie ak a ain aie a ain a ane aie ina a ae a ald ie i Geologic structure section along the San Juan GILL EA Strata of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation exposed in the San Juan tunnel.... Sample of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation from the San Juan TABLES TABLE 1. Stratigraphic distribution of Foraminifera from the Puente and Fernando formations in the eastern Puente Hills ATOL oe ee eae aem a a aB o Biel o che a a te anton hn oe a a me ia e e at tt in Hf hn i maim te n Ban apld fad nies i on an cn ol ad me ie e e Hire an ne men he te H a an c naal on ue ata p at 2. Production and reserves of oil fields in the eastern Puente Hills 3. Oil produced in 1957 from members of the Puente and Fernando formations in oil fields in the eastern Puente Hills Tes 2 enon n oe dale 2 e e Ll oe we ai alc haled he arta oe ue m a ae an ct A on e o ap a We he e m tan on mn im e mt tn on on one n n t wn n. T n l n e ne ioe we e an a n a i o he hale n n ul a p e af t 4. Exploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958. 5, Fossil localities in the eastern Puente Hills ._.... :L ne baned a's alea ahl mae me's a Page B7 8 8 13 19 20 20 21 22 29 32 33 33 36 38 57 58 59 59 B16 39 42 44 56 A t k \ NE ue VW/O (W GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES OF THE EASTERN PUENTE HILLS AREA, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA By D. L. Durnax and R. F. YErKrs ABSTRACT The Puente Hills are 15 to 40 miles southeast of downtown Lon Angeles, in the northeastern part of the Los Angeles basin. The eastern half of the Puente Hills is covered by the Prado Dam and Yorba Linda 7%-minute quadrangles. The geology of the Puente Hills is of special interest because the strata exposed there are equivalent to those from which most of the oil is produced in the Los Angeles basin. The Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the eastern Puente Hills have a composite maximum thickness of about 27,000 feet comprising 14 stratigraphic units. In the northern and east- ern parts of the map area, the sedimentary rocks lie on gra- nitic basement rocks of probable early Late Cretaceous age. The base of the sedimentary section has not been penetrated by wells drilled in the western and southern parts of the map area. 3 A sequence of marine and nonmarine conglomerate and sandstone beds assigned to the Silverado formation of Paleo- cene age is exposed south of the Puente Hills in the northern Santa Ana Mountains, where it uncomformably overlies ma- rine strata of Late Cretaceous age. A well drilled near the southeast corner of the Prado Dam quadrangle penetrated about 1,170 feet into the Silverado formation, but this forma- tion and older strata are not known to occur either at the sur- face or in the subsurface in the Puente Hills Just south of the Puente Hills, in the northernmost Santa Ana Mountains, the exposed Silverado formation is overlain discomformably by a sequence of marine strata about 770 feet thick, which are assigned to the Santiago formation of middle Eocene age. Strata overlying granitic rocks and tentatively assigned to the Santiago formation were penetrated in several wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills. Marine and nonmarine strata assigned to the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated, of late Eocene to early Miocene age, crop out in the southern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle, where they discomformably overlie the Santiago formation. The Vasqueros and Sespe formations overlap the Santiago formation in the subsurface to the north, where they overlie granitic basement rocks. The Vaqueros and Sespe formations, undifferentiated, have a maximum thickness of 2,000 feet in the eastern Puente Hills. The Topanga formation is exposed in the southern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle, where it disconformably overlies the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated. In the map area, the Topanga formation has a maximum thickness of 3,300 feet and contains the Turritelle ocoyana fauna of mid- dle Miocene age. It consists of sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and generally subordinate amounts of siltstone. Andesitic and basaltic flows as much as 200 feet thick over- lie the Topanga formation in the subsurface at some places in the Yorba Linda quadrangle. These volcanic rocks are in turn overlain at some places in the same area by the Dia- mond Bar sand of the Topanga formation. Neither the vol- canic rocks nor the Diamond Bar sand is present throughout the Yorba Linda quadrangle, and the volcanic rocks are present only in the northwest corner of the Prado Dam quad- rangle. The volcanic rocks are of middle Miocene age and are correlated with the El Modeno volcanics, which are ex- posed south of the Puente Hills; they are tentatively corre- lated with the Glendora volcanics, which are exposed north of the Puente Hills. The Diamond Bar sand is a local unit: that occurs in the Yorba Linda quadrangle in the subsurface only. It consists of unusually dense marine pebbly sandstone, sandstone, and siltstone and has a maximum thickness of 2,500 feet. The Topanga formation is overlain unconformably by the marine Puente formation of late Miocene age. The Puente formation is divided into four members, in ascending order: the La Vida, Soquel, Yorba, and Sycamore Canyon members. The members interfinger in some areas, and their contacts are commonly gradational. The La Vida member consists chiefly of siltstone and has a maximum thickness in the east- ern Puente Hills of 3,800 feet. A bed of basaltic tuff that is 10 to 15 feet thick occurs in the member in the Yorba Linda quadrangle. North of the Whittier fault zone in the Yorba Linda quadrangle, the lower part of the La Vida member and the underlying Topanga formation are intruded by diabase dikes and sills of probable early late Miocene age. Foraminif- eral faunas in the La Vida member are characteristic of the Bulimina wvigerinaformis zone of the middle part of Klein- pell's Mohnian stage of the upper Miocene of California. The Soquel member consists chiefly of sandstone and is about 200 to 3,100 feet thick. Local unconformities are pres- ent at the base of this unit in the northern and eastern parts of the eastern Puente Hills. Sparse foraminiferal faunas from the Soquel member are representative of the Bulimina uvigerinaformis and Bolivina hughesi zones of the middle and upper parts of Kleinpell's Mohnian stage. Several oil fields in the northeastern part of the Los Angeles basin produce from the Soquel member. The Yorba member consists chiefly of siltstone and is about 275 to 3,000 feet thick. It contains appreciable amounts of in- terbedded sandstone near the Santa Ana River and in the southern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, where some oil is produced from the member. The Yorba member overlies granitic basement rocks in the northeastern part of the map area, but elsewhere it conformably overlies the Soquel mem- B1 B2 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ber. Foraminiferal faunas from the Yorba member are rep- resentative of the Bolivina hughesi zone of the upper part of Kleinpell's Mohnian stage. The Sycamore Canyon member consists of sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and conglomerate interbedded with varying amounts of siltstone. It is about 175 to 3,600 feet thick and contains foraminiferal faunas representative of the Bolivina hughesi zone of the upper part of Kleinpell's Mohnian stage. In the southeastern part of the Puente Hills, it contains faunas re- ferred to Kleinpell's Delmontian stage of the upper Miocene. Some of the strata included in the member near Prado Dam may be of Pliocene age. Oil is produced from the Sycamore Canyon member along the northeastern margin of the Puente Hills and at oil fields along and south of the southwestern margin of the hills. t The La Vida and Soquel members of the Puente formation are thickest in an area parallel to and 2 or 3 miles northeast of the Whittier fault but they thin rapidly eastward near the Chino fault zone. The Yorba member is thickest in an area parallel to and about 1 mile south of the Whittier fault zone. It also thins rapidly eastward near the Chino fault. The Syea- more Canyon member is thickest in the vicinity of the Chino fault and thins most abruptly to the southwest. Strata of the Soquel, Yorba, and Sycamore Canyon members contain sedi- mentary features commonly associated with turbidity current deposits. The Puente formation is overlain by the Fernando formation of Pliocene age. The terms Pico formation and Repetto for- mation are not applied in this report to rocks of the Puente Hills. The Pliocene rocks there are assigned instead to the Fernando formation, and an upper and a lower member are recognized ; the name Repetto formation is abandoned. The lower member of the Fernando formation in the east- ern Puente Hills consists chiefly of massive or poorly bedded micaceous siltstone containing thin but conspicuous lenses of pebble conglomerate. It is about 700 to 2,600 feet thick and contains some of the oil-producing zones in the Brea-Olinda and other nearby oil fields.. The upper member lies unconforma- bly on the lower member in the eastern Puente Hills and con- sists chiefly of pebbly sandstone and conglomerate. It is the oldest of the units in the mapped area that contain clasts that can be identified as derived from the diabase intrusive bodies along the Whittier fault zone. Beds of varicolored massive sandy siltstone and mudstone occur near the top of the upper member in the western part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. The upper member is about 900 to 1,400 feet thick. Low gravity oil is produced in the Yorba Linda oil field from coarse-grained rocks in an ancient buried stream channel in the upper member. The Fernando formation contains both molluscan and foraminif- eral faunas indicative of a Pliocene age. The Fernando formation is overlain in the subsurface in the southwestern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle by an undivided sequence of marine sandstone of early Pleistocene age, and nonmarine mudstone and earthy sandstone beds of Pleistocene age, which has a maximum thickness of about 1,000 feet. The next younger unit is the continental La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age, which consists of mud- stone, sandstone, and conglomerate that contains abundant debris derived from the Puente formation. The La Habra formation is 1,000 to 1,500 feet thick and unconformably over- lies strata ranging in age from early Pliocene to Pleistocene. Quaternary alluvial terrace deposits of two ages occur near the Santa Ana River; the older is cut by the Whittier fault, and the younger is not. y The Puente Hills area is a structural block that has been uplifted between the Whittier fault zone, which is near the southwestern margin of the hills, and the Chino fault zone, which is near the northeastern margin. The Whittier and Chino faults dip steeply toward each other and converge southeastward, forming a wedge-shaped area occupied by the eastern tip of the Puente Hills. All the pre-upper Quaternary strata exposed between the two faults belong to the Puente formation of late Miocene age. The Fernando formation of Pliocene age is exposed in the map area only south of the Whittier fault zone. The narrow troughlike Chino basin which is northeast of the eastern Puente Hills, is probably the northwestern extension of the Elsinore structural trough. The area northeast of the Chino basin is underlain by a struc- turally high platform of granitic basement rocks that is cov- ered by a relatively thin veneer of sedimentary rocks. The La Habra syncline, which is south of and nearly parallel to the southern edge of the Puente Hills, lies between the hills and the Coyote Hills uplift to the south. The Whittier fault trends about N. 70° W., and along most of its trace in the map area, it is a zone of two or more im- bricating faults that dip 70° to 80° NE., but near the south- eastern end of its trace in the hills, it is a single steep fault. At the western edge of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, the strat- igraphic separation across the Whittier fault zone is about 10,500 feet and the upthrown side is on the north. The strat- igraphic separation across the fault zone decreases southeast- ward and is about 2,000 feet near but northwest of the Horseshoe Bend fault. Southeast of the Horseshoe Bend fault the upthrown side of the Whittier fault is on the south. Hori- zontal movement on the Whittier fault may be no more than about 8,800 feet and is in a right-lateral sense. The Whittier fault may have been active in pre-middle Miocene time, but most of the movement probably occurred during and after the middle Pleistocene regional deformation. Later movement along the fault has tilted and locally overturned beds of the La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age and has cut al- luvial terrace deposits at Horseshoe Bend. The Chino fault is exposed only at the eastern end of the Puente Hills, where it trends about N. 38° W. and dips 60° to 65° southwestward. The stratigraphic separation across the Chino fault near the center of its trace is about 1,200 feet, and the upthrown side is on the southwest. The stratigraphic sep- aration across the fault increases southeastward to about 2,400 feet near Prado Dam. Small drag folds northeast of the Chino fault plunge about 72° southeastward, suggesting a com- ponent of lateral displacement in movement on the fault. The structure of the hills between the Whittier and Chino faults is dominated by northeastward- and eastward-trending faults that branch from, and are probably related to, the Whittier fault zone. Movement on the Arnold Ranch fault is probably responsible for a local unconformity north of the fault where the La Vida member of the Puente formation is absent. Ten large anticlines are exposed in the hills between the Whittier and Chino faults; oil is produced from two of them. All but the Mahala anticline, which parallels the Chino fault, trend and plunge eastward. The relief of the Puente Hills is largely the result of uplift of the structural block bounded on the south by the Whittier fault. The course of the Santa Ana River through its canyon between the Puente Hills and Santa Ana Mountains to the A bl GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B3 south is generally considered to antecede the uplift of those areas. Other ancient streams that once crossed the Puente Hills area were diverted around the hills, leaving their be- headed valleys to smaller present-day intermittent streams. The courses of the larger south-trending canyons in the hills are offset as much as 8,800 feet in a right-lateral sense where they cross the Whittier fault zone. These offsets were prob- ably caused by strike-slip movement in a right-lateral sense along the Whittier fault zone in late Pleistocene and Recent time. Most of the oil produced in the eastern Puente Hills area is obtained from sandstone beds in the Puente formation and in the lower member of the Fernando formation. These units are still the chief objective of exploration in the area. The discov- ery of the Mahala and Esperanza oil fields suggests that ad- ditional oil may yet be found in complex structural features associated with the Chino or Whittier faults. INTRODUCTION LOCATION OF AREA The Puente Hills are in the northeastern part of the Los Angeles basin, in parts of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, Calif. (figs. 1 and 2). They cover a roughly triangular area bounded on the northwest by the San Gabriel Valley, on the northeast by the San Bernardino Valley, and on the south by the Santa Ana River and the Los Angeles (Downey) Plain. This report is concerned specifically with the eastern part of the Puente Hills and adjacent area lying within the Prado Dam and Yorba Linda 7,-minute quadrangles. PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION This study of the geology of the eastern Puente Hills is part of the U.S. Geological Survey's investigation of the Los Angeles basin, one of the most prolific oil- producing regions in California. Nearly all the oil produced in the basin is obtained from strata of late Miocene or Pliocene age. Rocks of this age are con- cealed in the central part of the basin, but they crop out in structurally elevated areas near the basin edge. The Puente Hills are one such area, and the thick se- quence of upper Tertiary and Quaternary strata ex- 118°30' 118°00' 117°45" 7 * mminy, Sq n thar, * Prins", "o, * SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS fos | "er na * "m, . Tih, t 4 "do (e io [Mmatieiina a Aries 3 An 46'Iu\\\‘\\M/\N/\\I‘Hé yummy: leumnuvmhm'; u aap / almglendorg‘o,’ hud m a i ° ‘ t an a . /A zusa 0 w a s ( santa | - monica " mountains "4, I 'ol |/ A £ "4. mI" San Bernardino iq A *" San Dimas 3% aus $l iy 22 /l’s S ui stiey € mitnun® 4 17 0 .\:' 1 eJ/ Ju,, wot qoumst ls f 8 you" hig Wine es a* O Pomona n® has" T |- fheesttem», d gh, .~ 0 \ ¥ / &/ a G f a : & hes gat / LOS ANGELES \ 2 e‘““\w; $y, § Tims a Chino l froma R . y 24+ 34° %; R >- f - + 2" pam 00" 9C s 2 U3 % - \ ouaprancle ~ L & E H . Fi i I f) IQ? : "a 3 I WV' . "aby, / SANTA FE la 4 |__ SPRINGS - / ® / 6 $ Corona a d | s o 8 &i 6 4 ~ % &) &. Atwood 6 as" le owl Prin g E U | Ay, j \ , 8." 34mm, # £ g j &f "timi, y "§ al _ | 7 ayy ) "ray ‘ j" a # : 33" AN Trak U 33° x1 9 $ EXPLANATION C Oil Field 5 0 $ 10 15 MILES £4 1 1 1 San Joaquin Hills l 118°30' 118°15" 118°00' 117°45" FIGURE 1.1-Index map showing part of southern California and location of the eastern Puente Hills area. Prado Dam and Yorba Linda quadrangles. B4 FIGURE 2.-Aerial view of the eastern Puente Hills area looking northwest from the southeast corner of the map area. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Aliso Canyon and the Arena Blanca syncline are in right center; Scully Hill is in lower left center; the Horseshoe Bend of the Santa Ana River is at far left center; the Whittier fault zone trends obliquely across left half of photograph near the margin of the hills; the San Gabriel Mountains are at the skyline on the right. posed there was mapped in detail as a contribution to the history of sedimentation in the basin. The geo- logic structure of the eastern Puente Hills-and espe- cially the nature of the Whittier fault-was also studied as essential to an understanding of the structural evo- lution of the Los Angeles basin. A summary of the known occurrences of oil and gas in the eastern Puente Hills area is included in the section on "Economic geo- logy." PREVIOUS WORK The Puente Hills first attracted the attention of geologists when commercial quantities of oil were discovered there near the end of the 19th century; consequently, the first geologic reports published on the area were concerned chiefly with oil resources, and only incidentally with geology as geologic factors affected the accumulation of oil. A series of publica- tions describing oil resources of the Puente Hills area was begun before 1900 by the California State Mining Bureau and has been continued by the State Division of Oil and Gas. Eldridge and Arnold (1907) described the oil districts of southern California in Geological Survey Bulletin 309. - Their report on the Puente Hills included the first systematic study of the stratigraphy of the region and established a foundation for later work. A more detailed account of the geology of the Puente Hills by W. A. English was published in 1926 by the Geological Survey as Bulletin 768. A recon- naissance geologic map of the Puente and San Jose Hills by Woodford, Shelton, and Moran (1944) was GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B5 published by the Geological Survey as Oil and Gas Investigations Preliminary Map 23. This generalized map was accompanied by a number of structure see- tions and a chart listing available data on exploratory wells. A preliminary geologic map of the eastern Puente Hills area by Durham and Yerkes (1959) was revised to incorporate information from new excavations and exploratory wells and is included as plate 1 of this report. FIELDWORK AND PREPARATION OF REPORT The Prado Dam quadrangle and that part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle southeast of Carbon Canyon were mapped by Durham between November 1954 and January 1956. The remainder of the Yorba Linda quadrangle was mapped by Yerkes between November 1955 and May 1956. Yerkes followed exploratory drill- ing and development activities in the area after 1956 and made field checks and map revisions in prepara- tion of this report. Geologic mapping was done on Geological Survey aerial photographs of a scale of approximately 1: 12,- 000 and transferred to the Prado Dam and Yorba Linda 74-minute quadrangle maps. While fieldwork was in progress, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California constructed an aqueduct across the southeastern part of the Puente Hills. Excavations for the pipeline, including a mile-long tunnel, provided a rare opportunity for study of unweathered strata of the Puente formation. Geologic data from the tunnel are presented on pages B57 to B59. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Fieldwork in the eastern Puente Hills was aided by the cooperation of many landowners, to whom the authors are indebted. The authors are also grateful to many oil companies and individual operators for their courtesy in making available records on wells drilled in the area, and to the staffs of the Metropoli- tan Water District and construction contractors for their cooperation during investigation of the San Juan tunnel and pipeline ditches. Foraminifera in samples collected from the eastern Puente Hills were identified by Patsy B. Smith, of the U.S. Geological Survey. Mollusks were identified by J. G. Vedder, of the U.S. Geological Survey, who also aided in their collection. STRATIGRAPHY The oldest rocks exposed in the map area are south of the Santa Ana River; they are assigned to the Santiago formation of middle Eocene age. The oldest rocks exposed in the map area north of the Santa Ana River occur near Horseshoe Bend and Scully Hill; these rocks are correlated with the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated, of the Santa Ana Mountains. Most of the rocks exposed northeast of the Whittier fault zone belong to the Puente formation of late Miocene age; most of those exposed south of the fault zone belong to the Fernando formation of Pliocene age, or to younger units. The sedimentary rocks of the eastern Puente Hills area have a com- posite maximum thickness of more than 27,000 feet (pl. 2). CRETACEOUS SYSTEM PLUTONIC ROCKS The sedimentary rocks in the eastern Puente Hills overlie a basement complex consisting chiefly of grano- dioritic and associated plutonic rocks of the Southern California batholith (Larsen, 1948) with an inferred early Late Cretaceous geologic age and a radiometric age of about 110 million years. (Larsen and others, 1958, p. 4849.) Near the Chino fault the top of the basement rocks is at an average depth of 4,000 feet below sea level. In the northeastern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle, the basement rock surface is about 1,000 feet below sea level, and 3% miles east of the Prado Dam quadrangle basement rocks are exposed. The basement rock surface rises from a depth of 4,378 feet below sea level a mile southwest of Los Serranos in the E. F. Stella well Kraemer-Backs 2 (pl. 1, well - 203; sec. 33, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.) to about 2,300 feet below sea level in the Patton well Three Corners 1 (pl. 1, well 126; sec. 21, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.) 2 miles farther north. The exposures of basement rock nearest to the map area are southwest of Pomona at Elephant Hill, 3 miles north of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. Basement rock found in wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area is commonly a rather coarse grained biotite quartz diorite similar to the Bonsall tonalite of Larsen (1948, p. 58-62), but quartz monzonite, grano- diorite, and granite also occur. : Basement rocks were found in wells 16, 73, 102, 126, 132, 147, 148, 149, 181, 203, and 252 shown on pl. 1 (see also table 4). SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Sedimentary rocks assigned to the Ladd formation of Late Cretaceous age were found below a depth of 4,500 feet in the Godfrey Drilling Co. well Botiller 1 (pl. 1, well 65; sec. 29, T. 3 S., R. 7 W.), in the south- east corner of the Prado Dam quadrangle at the north- ern edge of the Santa Ana Mountains. The sequence of Upper Cretaceous strata exposed south of the map area in the Santa Ana Mountains is at least 2,500 feet thick. It overlies the Santiago Peak volcanics of Jurassic(?) age (Larsen, 1948, p. 24) and is overlain by the Silverado formation of Paleocene age. Strata B6 of Cretaceous age are absent 714 miles northwest of the Godfrey Drilling Co. well, where granitic basement rocks are overlain by strata of probable Eocene age in the E. F. Stella well Kraemer-Backs 2 (pl. 1, well 203, sec. 33, T. 2 S.. R. 8 W.). TERTIARY SYSTEM PALEOCENE SERIES SILVERADO FORMATION Sedimentary rocks of Paleocene age do not crop out and are not known to occur in the subsurface in the eastern Puente Hills area, but they do crop out just south of the Santa Ana River. Strata of Paleocene age in the Santa Ana Mountains were originally as- signed by Dickerson (1914) to the Martinez formation of central California; this usage was continued by English (1926, p. 19). Woodring and Popenoe (1945) proposed the name Silverado formation for the dis- tinctive Paleocene strata in the Santa Ana Mountains, and this name has been adopted by other workers in the area. Steeply dipping strata between depths of 2,685 and 4,500 feet in the Godfrey Drilling Co. well Botiller 1 (pl. 1 well 65; see. 29, T. 3 S., R. T W.) are assigned to the Silverado formation of Paleocene age. In this well the formation consists of about 1,170 feet of inter- bedded fine-grained silty sandstone, coarse-grained sandstone, and pebbly sandstone. Fine-grained silty sandstone with thin beds of coarser grained sand- stone constitute about 25 percent of the formation and occurs in units up to 150 feet thick. Coarse-grained to gritty sandstone containing many red and green sand grains occurs both as thin beds in the fine-grained sandstone and as thicker beds with interbeds of silty sandstone. The Silverado formation overlies strata of Late Cretaceous age in the Godfrey Drilling Co. well. EOCENE SERIES SANTIAGO FORMATION Rocks of Eocene age exposed in the Santa Ana Mountains were correlated with the Tejon formation of central California by Dickerson (1914), and the same assignment was made by English (1926, p. 21). Woodring and Popenoe (1945) proposed the name Santiago formation for rocks of Eocene age that un- derlie the Sespe formation in the Santa Ana Mountains and tentatively assigned a late Eocene age to them. Schoellhamer and others (1954) adopted the name Santiago formation and assigned a middle Eocene age to it. Strata assigned to the Santiago formation are ex- posed at the south edge of the Prado Dam quadrangle, in a small area south of the Santa Ana River where the contact with the overlying Vaqueros and Sespe forma- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA tions undifferentiated is also exposed. There the Santiago formation h4as a lower unit about 350 feet thick consisting chiefly of pebble and cobble conglom- erate of probable nonmarine origin, and an upper unit about 320 feet thick consisting of sandstone and sandy siltstone. The conglomerate contains well-rounded pebbles and cobbles of red and green metavolcanic rocks, lesser numbers of light-colored plutonic and gneissic rocks, and brown quartzite. The pebbles and cobbles are as much as 6 inches long, but average 2 to 3 inches. The red metavolcanic rocks include a dis- tinctive welded tuff containing piedmontite. In the Puente Hills and Santa Ana Mountains, this welded tuff has been found as clasts only in the Santiago for- mation and the overlygng Vaqueros and Sespe forma- tions undifferentiated. Sandstone occurs in the lower conglomeratic unit in beds 1 to 3 feet thick. It is well bedded, laminated, medium to coarse grained, and poorly sorted and contains some carbonaceous mate- rial. The sandstone of the upper unit is yellowish gray to light brown, poorly sorted, and massive. The sandy siltstone is yellowish gray, well bedded, and clayey and contains irregular flat limy concretions as much as a foot thick that are oriented parallel to the bedding planes. A few thin beds of clayey siltstone also occur in the Santiago formation. Eocene strata do not crop out north of the Santa Ana River, but they are probably present in several wells drilled in the map area (pl. 1, wells 65, 77, 107, 108, 156, 203, 206, 212). Strata penetrated in the E. F. Stella well Kraemer-Backs 2 (pl. 1, well 203; see. 33, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.) between depths of 4,400 and 5,228 feet that are assigned to the Santiago formation consist of pale-gray moderately well sorted massive very fine- grained micaceous silty sandstone containing irregular chips and blobs of dark-gray biotite sandstone. Sam- ples of the rock have a strong odor of clay. Thin beds of coarse-grained sandstone and grit occur with the fine-grained sandstone. The coarse-grained sandstone is light colored, massive, friable, and fairly well sorted. It contains quartz, feldspar, abundant biotite, and rock fragments in a matrix of white clay. The unit con- tains Foraminifera considered to be no younger than late Eocene in age (Woodford and others, 1944) and overlies granitic basement rock. Strata tentatively assigned to the Santiago forma- tion were penetrated in the Tidewater Oil Co. well Abacherli 1 (pl. 1, well 212; see. 12, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.) between depths of about 4,200 to 4,800 feet. The unit consists chiefly of dark-olive-green sandy siltstone and fine-grained silty sandstone. It contains abundant biotite and some feldsgfar. Laminae and thin beds of light-greenish-gray medium-grained sandstone are m terbedded in the fine-grained rock. The sandstone is GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS micaceous and ripplemarked. Cores from 4,500 to 4,717 feet depth in the Tidewater Oil Co. well contain Foraminifera similar to those in strata of Late Cre- taceous to Eocene age. Cores from 4,960 feet to the bottom of the well at 4,977 feet consist of conglomerate containing pebbles and cobbles of red and green meta- volcanic rocks. The bottom sample includes a 3-inch pebble of distinctive red welded tuff containing pied- montite. UPPER EOCENE TO LOWER MIOCENE SERIES VAQUEROS AND SESPE FORMATIONS UNDIFFERENTIATED The oldest rocks exposed in the eastern Puente Hills are correlated with the Vaqueros and Sespe for- mations undifferentiated, of the Santa Ana Mountains. The Sespe formation was first described by Watts (1897) and was later defined by Eldridge and Arnold (1907) and by Kew (1924). The type locality of the Sespe formation is at Sespe Creek, which enters the Santa Clara River in Ventura County 15 miles west of the Ventura-Los Angeles County line. At the type lo- cality the Sespe formation consists chiefly of reddish- brown sandstone and conglomerate interbedded with siltstone. Vertebrate faunas collected from the Sespe formation outside of the Puente Hills indicate that it is of continental origin and ranges from late Eocene to early Miocene in age (Bailey and Jahns, 1954). The oldest marine Miocene rocks in southern Califor- nia contain the Twrritella inezana fauna and are gen- erally assigned to the Vaqueros formation. This for- mation was named and described by Hamlin (1904), who gave as its type locality the area along Vaqueros Creek in the Santa Lucia Range in west-central Cali- fornia. Although Kew (1924) and other workers dis- tinguished the Vaqueros formation from the Sespe for- mation in areas north of the Los Angeles basin, the two formations have generally been mapped as a unit in the Santa Ana Mountains (English, 1926; Schoell- hamer and others, 1954). In the eastern Puente Hills, strata containing marine fossils are interbedded with the Sespe formation, but the marine strata cannot be mapped as a separate unit excluding red beds typical of the Sespe formation. Distribution and character Two isolated exposures of red beds in the eastern Puente Hills-one at Scully Hill and the other north- east of Horseshoe Bend-are correlated on the basis of lithology and stratigraphic position with the Va- queros Sespe formations undifferentiated of the Santa Ana Mountains. Similar strata were found in several wells drilled in the map area (pl. 1, wells 65, 78, T7, 107, 108, 126, 132, 156, 181, 203, 206, 212, 219, 250). These beds are generally recognized in the B7 subsurface by their stratigraphic position, lithologic character, and reddish-brown color. The red beds at Scully Hill, where they are well exposed in railroad cuts near the Santa Ana River, consist of medium- to coarse-grained light-reddish- brown feldspathic sandstone that is cross-stratified in places. Strata in a fault-bounded area just south of the Whittier fault near Horseshoe Bend are also cor- related with the Vaqueros and Sespe formations. They consist of medium- to coarse-grained reddish-brown sandstone interbedded with brown poorly sorted coarse-grained to conglomeratic sandstone and dark- gray carbonaceous siltstone containing poorly pre- served marine megafossils. Strata of the Vaqueros and Sespe formations un- differentiated, exposed in roadcuts immediately south of the Santa Ana River, consist of reddish-brown cobble and boulder conglomerate with a matrix and some beds of poorly cemented reddish-brown and greenish- gray feldspathic sandstone (fig. 3). About 20 percent of the cobbles and boulders are composed of resistant dark-red or purplish-red volcanic rock. Farther east, near the southeast corner of the Prado Dam quad- rangle, the unit is generally finer grained and con- - sists mainly of poorly bedded reddish-brown and greenish-gray massive sandstone and sandy siltstone, with lesser amounts of conglomerate and conglomer- atic sandstone. Thickness The red beds exposed at Scully Hill that are as- signed to the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undiffer- entiated are about 50 feet thick, but these beds repre- sent only the upper part of the unit. Strata assigned FieurE 3.-Typical exposure of sandstone and conglomerate of the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated, in roadcut south of the Santa Ana River in the Prado Dam quadrangle. The bedding is parallel to the hammer handle. B8 to the Vaqueros and Sespe formations in the subsur- face of the eastern Puente Hills are as much as 700 feet thick. In the subsurface at the Richfield oil field, nonmarine red beds correlated with the Sespe forma- tion are at least 1,200 feet thick (Wissler, 1948, p. 225), and marine (?) beds equivalent in age to the Vaqueros formation are about 150 feet thick. Age and stratigraphic relations The only fossils found in the Vaqueros and Sespe formations in the eastern Puente Hills are poorly pre- served unidentifiable marine mollusks from a locality near Horseshoe Bend. The base of the unit is not ex- posed in the eastern Puente Hills, but in the subsur- face the formation overlies the Santiago formation of middle Eocene age and plutonic basement rocks. At Scully Hill the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undif- ferentiated are overlain with apparent conformity by the Topanga formation of middle Miocene age. The top of the unit is not exposed elsewhere in the eastern Puente Hills. MIDDLE MIOCENE SERIES TOPANGA FORMATION The Topanga formation was first defined by Kew (1924, p. 417) and named for its exposures in Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains. These beds had previously been considered as part of the Va- queros formation, but Kew restricted use of the term Vaqueros to rocks containing the Turritella inezana fauna of early Miocene age, and included rocks con- taining the middle Miocene Turritelle ocoyana fauna in his new Topanga formation. The name was later adopted by English (1926) for similar rocks exposed in the Santa Ana Mountains and on the southern edge of the eastern Puente Hills. Distribution and character The Topanga formation is exposed at two places in the eastern Puente Hills: north and east of Horseshoe Bend on the Santa Ana River and at Scully Hill (fig. 4). At Horseshoe Bend the Topanga formation con- sists chiefly of light-yellowish brown and nearly white medium- to fine-grained feldspathic sandstone contain- ing lenses of conglomerate and sandy conglomerate. Appreciable amounts of sandy siltstone are also present locally in the unit. Most of the sandstone is thick bedded to massive, but locally it is thin bedded and contains interbedded siltstone. Much of the sandstone is poorly sorted, and stringers or thin lenses of pebble and cobble conglomerate are common. The sand- stone has an abundant matrix of fine silt or clay. Poorly preserved marine mollusks of middle Miocene age have been found at several localities, particularly where fine-grained sandstone and sandy siltstone are GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA present in the formation. - Strata of the Topanga for- mation exposed at Scully Hill (fig. 5) are similar to those at Horseshoe Bend. FIGURE 4.-Pebbly sandstone and conglomerate beds of the Topanga formation are exposed in the bold outcrops near the base of Scully Hill. The smooth slopes above are underlain by siltstone beds of the La Vida member of the Puente formation. The brush-covered slopes along the skyline at the left are underlain by sandstone beds of the Soquel member of the Puente formation. View northward across the Santa Ana River toward Scully Hill. FIGURE 5.-Pebbly sandstone of the Topanga formation exposed in a railroad cut near the western end of Scully Hill. The Topanga formation is present in the subsurface over most of the eastern Puente Hills area (table 4). Core samples from the formation generally consist of either white to gray well-indurated massive fine- to coarse-grained and pebbly sandstone, or hard dark- gray to black siltstone that commonly contains fish scales of middle Miocene age (Woodford and others, 1944). GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS A. core from the Topanga formation between 5,859 and 5,865 feet in the Shell Oil Co. well Keeler Com- munity 1 (pl. 1, well 167; sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.) con- sists of poorly sorted massive dense dark-gray sand- stone. In a thin section of the sandstone, the grains are sharply angular to subrounded and range from 0.02 to 2.7 millimeters in size, averaging 0.1 millimeter. The rock consists of about 38 percent andesine, 37 per- cent quartz, 2 percent orthoclase, 1 percent biotite and muscovite, 4 percent rock fragments (quartzite, vol- canic rocks, granitic rock, and shale), 18 percent rock flour composed of quartz and clayey and micaceous material, and less than 1 percent epidote, titanite, and tourmaline. Thickness The Topanga formation is at least 800 feet thick at Scully Hill. The formation is probably thicker at Horseshoe Bend, but its true thickness there is obscure because of structural complications. The Topanga formation was found in at least 31 wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area (pl. 1, wells 12, 41, 70, 73, 74, T7, 88, 89, 105, 107, 108, 118, 126, 132, 150, 155, 156, 167, 181, 184, 203, 208, 210, 212 ,213, 214, 219, 221, 231, 240, 250). The formation is about 2,100 feet thick. in the Western Gulf Oil Co. well Di- amond Bar 1 (pl. 1, well 250; see. 28, T. 2 S., R. 9 W.), but it is only 1,038 feet thick in the Douglas Marcell well Puente Hills 1 (pl. 1, well 108; see. 31, T. 2 S., R. 8., W.), less than 5 miles east, and only 220 feet thick in the Tidewater Oil Co. well Abacherli 1 (pl. 1, well 212; sec. 12, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.), located at the eastern end of the Puente Hills (pls. 3, 4). The Topanga forma- tion is about 975 feet thick (pl. 3) in the subsurface at the Richfield oil field (Wissler, 1943, p. 224). Fossils Marine fossils are scarce in the Topanga formation in the eastern Puente Hills and most are fragmentary or poorly preserved. The faunas listed below were collected from three localities east of Horseshoe Bend (see. 28, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.) and were identified by J. G. Vedder, of the U.S. Geological Survey. The genera of gastropods and pelecypods are listed alpha- betically. Locality F-1 : Gastropods : Amphissa? sp. Cerithium topangensis Arnold Potamides? sp. Pelecypods : Aequipecten cf. A. andersoni (Arnold) Clementia pertenuis (Gabb) Dosinia cf. D. mathewsonii Gabb Miltha sanctaecrucis (Arnold) Panope cf. generosa (Gould) Pinna? sp. Apisula?sp. B9 Locality F-2: Gastropods : Turritella cf. T. ocoyana Conrad Pelecypods : Clementia pertenuis (Gabb) Locality F-3: Gastropods : Ncaphander cf. 8. jugularis (Conrad) Tegula cf. T. thea Nomland Turritella ocoyana Conrad? Pelecypods : Lyropecten ef. L. crassicardo (Conrad) Age and stratigraphic relations The Topanga formation of the eastern Puente Hills overlies the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undiffer- entiated; of late Eocene-to early Miocene age it is overlain in turn either by volcanic rocks or by the Puente formation of late Miocene age. Fossils col- lected from the Topanga formation near Horseshoe Bend are of middle Miocene age. J. G. Vedder (writ- ten communication, 1958) made the following state- ment concerning these collections : Most of the forms listed occur in both the early and middle Miocene of southern California, but the complete lack of early Miocene guide forms and the fact that most of the species listed rarely are present in early Miocene strata indicate that the age of the fauna is middle Miocene. Tegult thea previously has been reported only from late Miocene strata (Santa Margarita formation) northeast of Coalinga. The apparently conformable contact between the Topanga formation and the underlying red beds of the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated is ex- posed at Scully Hill. The Topanga formation is un- conformably overlain by the La Vida member of the Puente formation in the same area (fig. 4; pl. 4). Conditions of deposition The Topanga formation contains marine fossils at many localities and is of marine origin in most areas of the Los Angeles basin. Faunas from the formation commonly consist of shallow-water forms (Woodford and others, 1954, p. 69), and in the northeastern part of the Los Angeles basin the Topanga formation is gen- erally less fossiliferous than elsewhere. Fine-grained rocks of the Topanga formation penetrated by wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills commonly contain fish scales and Foraminifera. Marine mollusks are present in the Topanga formation east of Horseshoe Bend. Woodford and others (1946, fig. 10, p. 557) suggest that the shoreline in middle Miocene time probably extended eastward north of Azusa and Glendora to the area just east of San Dimas, turned southeastward toward the San Jose Hills, and continued southeast- ward near the margin of the eastern Puente Hills toward the Santa Ana River. With this location of the shoreline the Topanga formation of the eastern B10 Puente Hills area would be entirely of marine origin and probably of a near-shore facies. DIAMOND BAR SAND Distribution and character The Diamond Bar sand is an informal name used by Woodford and others (1944) for a subsurface unit here included in the Topanga formation. It has not been recognized outside the Yorba Linda quadrangle. Woodford and others (1944) assigned it to the lower part of the Puente formation and named it for its oc- currence in the Western Gulf Oil Co. well Diamond Bar 1 (pl. 1, well 250, see. 28, T. 2 S., R. 9 W. ) where it underlies strata of the La Vida member of the Puente formation. -It is found in at least 11 wells (pl. 1, wells 2, 40, 67, 134, 139, 157, 167, 170, 172, 221, 250). The northern limit of the sand coincides approximately with the northern edge of the Yorba Linda quadrangle; the eastern limit is near Carbon Canyon in the north- ern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle; its extent to the south and west is not known. The Diamond Bar sand occupies a stratigraphic position similar to that of the Buzzard Peak conglomerate member of the Topanga formation in the San Jose Hills (Woodford and others, 1946, p. 515, 518; Shelton, 1955, p. 76), and it is here correlated with the Buzzard Peak conglom- erate member. Cores recovered from the Diamond Bar sand consist of unusually dense well-cemented sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and conglomerate. A core of the Diamond Bar sand from 4,798 to 4,808 feet depth in the Shell Oil Co. well Keeler Community 1 (pl. 1, well 167; see. 6, T. 8 S., R. 9 W.) consists of dense medium-gray poorly sorted massive to crudely bedded sandstone. In a thin section the sand grains are subangular and range from 0.1 to 3.0 mm in size, averaging 0.25 mm in long dimension. The rock con- sists of about 43 percent andesine, 24 percent quartz, 2 percent pyrite, less than 1 percent biotite, muscovite, and chlorite, 12 percent rock fragments composed of volcanic and granitic rock, quartzite, and shale, and 19 percent rock flour composed of quartz, micaceous and clayey material, and chlorite. Thickness The Diamond Bar sand is about 1,650 feet thick in the Western Gulf Oil Co. well Diamond Bar 1 (pl. 3). The sand thins to about 160 feet in the Albercalif Petro- leums, Ltd., well Stoody 30-4 (pl. 1, well 2; see. 30, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.), probably because its upper part was removed by erosion at the unconformity at the base of the overlying Puente formation. In the Union Oil Co. well Gaines 1 (pl. 1, well 221; sec. 10, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.), the Diamond Bar sand may be as much as 2,500 feet thick (pl. 3). Along the Whittier fault zone in the GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA west-central part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle it is as much as 1,300 feet thick (pl. 3). Age and stratigraphic relations The Diamond Bar sand overlies volcanic rocks of Lmuisian (late middle Miocene) age in wells just north of the Whittier fault zone, and is overlain by the La Vida member of the Puente formation of Mohnian (early late Miocene) age. In the Western Gulf Oil Co. well Diamond Bar 1, the Diamond Bar sand overlies strata of the Topanga formation consisting chiefly of shale, but in several other wells it overlies volcanic rocks of middle Miocene age, which in turn overlie sandstone of the Topanga formation. In wells in which the volcanic rocks are absent, or were not reached, the unit is recognized by its coarse, hard, and dense character. Conditions of deposition Siltstone partings in the Diamond Bar sand contain fish scales probably indicating deposition in a marine environment. Its basin of deposition occupied the cen- tral part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle and its north- ern and eastern margins coincided approximately with the northern and eastern edges of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. Volcanic debris in the sand was probably derived from underlying volcanic rocks by erosion at the margins of the basin. VOLCANIC ROCKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TOPANGA FORMATION Distribution and stratigraphic relations Volcanic rocks are not exposed in the eastern Puente Hills, but they do occur in the subsurface in the Yorba Linda quadrangle Although volcanic rocks were found in eight wells drilled in the map area (pl. 1, wells 2, 73, 126, 132, 167, 181, 219, 221), they were not found in a number of other wells drilled through the horizon at which the volcanics occur. The sporadic occurrence of the volcanic rocks is probably the re- sult both of their original distribution being controlled by topography and of their removal by erosion from parts of the area. Volcanic rocks were found just north of the Whittier fault zone in the Shell Oil Co. well Keeler Community 1 (pl. 1, well 167; sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.) and in the Union Oil Co. well Gaines 1 (pl. 1, well 221; sec. 10, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.) (pl. 3). They are fine-grained ba- saltic rocks (olivine-bearing, amygdular, and glassy in the Union well Gaines 1), which are interpreted as remnants of flows. A core sample of basaltic rock from 6,020 feet depth in the Union Oil Co. well Gaines 1 is identical with a sample from 7,915 feet depth in the Union Oil Co. well Chapman 29 (pl. 1, well 219; sec. 29, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.), located south of the Whittier GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS fault zone on the northern flank of the Richfield oil field (pl. 1). The volcanic rocks in these three wells are correlated with the El Modeno volcanics of the Santa Ana Mountains (Yerkes, 1957). The Albercalif Petroleums, Ltd., well Stoody 30-4 (pl. 1, well 2; see. 30 T. 2 S., R. 8 W.), in the northern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, penetrated the La Vida member of the Puente formation, about 160 feet of the Diamond Bar sand and about 200 feet of volcanic rocks without reaching their base (fig. 18). The Shell Oil Co. well Puente Core Hole 4 (pl. 1, well 181; see. 18, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.), drilled about 2 miles farther north, penetrated about 120 feet of glassy porphyritic basalt and massive olivine basalt overlying beds of the Topanga formation of middle Miocene age and unconformably overlain by strata of the Soquel member of the Puente formation. In this well the La Vida member of the Puente formation and probably part of the volcanic sequence are absent beneath an unconformity at the base of the Puente formation. A similar stratigraphic section, including the unconform- ity, was penetrated by the Patton Oil Co. well Three Corners 1 (pl. 1, well 126; see. 21, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.), near the northwest corner of the Prado Dam quad- rangle. North of the Yorba Linda quadrangle the unconformity truncates successively older strata; at Elephant Hill, just southwest of Pomona, the Soquel member of the Puente formation lies directly upon plutonic basement rocks. Volcanic rocks lying on granitic basement rocks were found in two wells drilled between Elephant Hill and the Yorba Linda quadrangle. Petrography The color of the volcanic rocks ranges from light or dark gray to greenish gray. Their texture ranges from fine-grained hyalopilitic to vitrophyric and por- phyritic, and some samples are coarsely amygda- loidal. They are apparently basalt or basaltic ande- site in composition. Calcic andesine commonly occurs in the rock as acicular laths and tablets having albite or carlsbad twinning and is usually moderately to se- verely altered. Augite, which occurs as crystals in the glassy phases, is rarely unaltered and is ordinarily recognized only by the crystal outlines of its chloro- phaeite pseudomorphs. Chlorophaeite, produced by alteration of augite and glass, is present as conspicu- ous amygdules in samples from the Shell Oil Co. well Puente Core Hole 4 and from the Union Oil Co. well Chapman 29. Olivine also occurs in the samples from these wells. Clear glass with an index of refraction of 1.555+.002 is present in samples from the Union Oil Co. wells Gaines 1 and Chapman 29. Magnetite(?) is commonly present in the rock as well-disseminated B11 small grains and plates, and calcite is common as vein and cavity fillings. Age and correlation The volcanic rocks found in several wells along and just north of the Whittier fault zone are probably of the Luisian stage (late middle Miocene). They occupy the same stratigraphic position as do the El Modeno volcanics of the Santa Ana Mountains and are corre- lated with them. The volcanic rocks found in wells drilled in the northern part of the Yorba Linda quad- rangle are tentatively correlated with the Glendora volcanics of the San Jose Hills. The main body of the Glendora volcanics in the San Jose Hills lies with- in and below the Topanga formation of middle Mio- cene age (Shelton, 1955). The exposure of Glendora volcanics nearest to the map area are those at Elephant Hill, where rhyolitic rocks overlie granitic basement rocks and are unconformably overlain by the Soquel member of the Puente formation. Volcanic rocks oc- cur in a similar stratigraphic position in several wells drilled between Elephant Hill and the Yorba Linda quadrangle, suggesting that a sheet of volcanic rock may once have extended from Elephant Hill into the Yorba Linda quadrangle. If this were true, then use of the name "Glendora volcanics" in the eastern Puente Hills might be justified; however, the volcanic rocks at Elephant Hill are rhyolitic in composition, and those in the Yorba Linda quadrangle are commonly basalt or basaltic andesite. UPPER MIOCENE SERIES PUENTE FORMATION Upper Miocene rocks exposed around the north- eastern and eastern margins of the Los Angeles basin are assigned to the Puente formation. This unit, which consists almost entirely of clastic rocks-silt- stone, sandstone, and conglomerate-may be divided in most areas into members of characteristic lithologic makeup and stratigraphic position. The formation is more uniform toward the central part of the Los Angeles basin, where it is not divisible on lithologic character. Even where the formation is exposed in the Puente Hills, the orderly succession of members is obscured in some places by the absence of distinc- tive rock types. The members commonly have grada- tional upper and lower contacts, and in the Ridge syncline area they may intertongue with one another as a result of lateral changes in lithologic character. The Puente formation was named by Eldridge and Arnold (1907, p. 103) for its exposures in the Puente Hills They recognized a lower shale member, an intermediate sandstone member, and an upper shale member. - Later, English (1926) mapped the forma- tion in the Puente Hills and on Burruel Ridge, south B12 of the Santa Ana River. He also divided it into 'a lower shale, a middle sandstone, and an upper mem- ber that included a varied sequence of siltstone, sand- stone, and conglomerate beds. Daviess and Woodford (1949) separated the Puente formation at the western end of the Puente Hills into four members: a lower siltstone member, a sandstone member, an upper silt- stone member (these members corresponding generally to the threefold division of previous workers), and the Sycamore Canyon member at the top. In the western Puente Hills the Sycamore Canyon member consists mainly of strata that were included with the overlying Pliocene sequence before their late Miocene age was noted by Krueger (1936). Schoellhamer and others (1954) recognized four members of the Puente forma- tion in the Santa Ana Mountains and gave the names La Vida, Soquel, and Yorba members to the units corresponding to the lower siltstone, middle sandstone, and upper member, respectively, of previous workers. They adopted Daviess and Woodford's (1949) use of the term Sycamore Canyon for the fourth, uppermost member. The Puente formation is considered to be a local equivalent of the upper Miocene part of the more widespread Monterey shale; it is equivalent in age but distinctly different in lithology and depositional environment. Foraminifera belonging to both the Mohnian and the Delmontian(?) stages of Kleinpell (1938) occur in the Puente formation (table 1). The youngest beds, mapped as part of the Sycamore Canyon member near Prado Dam and to the north along the Ridge syncline, may be of early Pliocene age. Foraminifera are generally scarce in the formation, probably be- cause of their destruction by weathering. This paucity _of Foraminifera, as well as the peculiarity of some faunas, might also be the result of unfavorable living conditions for marine organisms in the area at the time the Puente formation was deposited. - Foraminif- era are abundant locally in fresh rock from well cores, and in some areas subdivision of the formation in the subsurface is based solely on faunal differences. Most of the Foraminifera are considered to be deep- water forms. The Puente formation has a composite maximum thickness of about 13,000 feet in the eastern Puente Hills. It is considerably thinner to the south in the Santa Ana Mountains and to the north in the San Jose Hills. LA VIDA MEMBER Distribution and character The La Vida member of the Puente formation was named by Schoellhamer and others (1954) for ex- posures near La Vida Mineral Springs in the Carbon GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Canyon area of the eastern Puente Hills. The princi- pal outcrop areas of the member in the eastern Puente Hills are in Brea, Carbon, and Telegraph Canyons, and at Scully Hill. It is composed almost entirely of inter- bedded clastic rocks of three types: soft gray mica- ceous siltstone; hard platy locally laminated calcare- ous siltstone; and gray commonly silty medium- grained feldspathic sandstone. In outcrops typical of the La Vida member, less than one-third of the rock consists of sandstone and the sandstone that is present is generally in thin isolated beds. The rock most characteristic of the member is hard platy calcareous and siliceous siltstone like that illustrated in figure 6. The siltstone is usually light brown, light pinkish brown, or light gray to almost white. It is thin bedded and commonly laminated. In surface exposures it occurs as angular platy fragments measuring several inches on a side and as much as half an inch in thick- ness. The platy siltstone contains hard limy concre- tions occurring individually and as concretionary lenses or beds (fig. 6). These concretions are light gray inside, but their weathered surfaces are either almost white or rusty yellowish brown. The largest are several feet in longest dimension. The soft silt- and weathers to light brown or pinkish brown. The siltstone is conspicuously micaceous and is commonly speckled on bedding surfaces with small white or rusty-brown spots of unknown origin. Units within the member that have a high percentage of sandstone commonly grade both vertically and laterally into silt- stone units that are softer and more massive bedded. Sandstone in the La Vida member is feldspathic and generally micaceous. The sandstone beds range in thickness from a fraction of an inch to several feet, but beds from 1 to 6 inches thick are most common. The sandstone is light gray to gray and weathers to yellow brown or brown Some of the sandstone beds are graded or cross-stratified. A core of the La Vida member from 2,853 to 2,860 feet depth in the Shell Oil Co. well Keeler Community 1 (pl. 1, well 167; sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.) consists of medium-gray poorly sorted massive loosely packed fine-grained sandstone. In a thin section of this sand- stone, the grains are angular to subangular, and range in size from 0.04 to 0.8 millimeters, averaging 0.14 mil- limeters in long dimension. The rock consists of about 30 percent quartz, 25 percent andesine, 4 percent bio- tite, 1 percent orthoclase (doubtful), less than 1 per- cent muscovite, 7 percent rock fragments (quartzite, volcanic rock, marble, and granitic rock), 1 percent opaque ores and chlorite, and 32 percent calcite cement and rock flour that includes mica, quartz, and chlorite. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS FIGURE 6.-Platy siltstone of the La Vida member of the Puente forma- tion exposed in a roadcut near the center of section 27, T. 3 S., R. 8 W. The hammer rests on a lighter colored hard calcareous concre- tionary bed typical of parts of the member. The boulders and cobbles at the right are debris from terrace deposits above. The thin-bedded strata of the La Vida member are severely contorted and crumpled in many places, dem- onstrating their inherent weakness as contrasted with sandstone of the Soquel member. Creeping and slid- ing of surficial material on hillsides underlain by silt- stone of the La Vida are common. Good exposures of the member are found only along streams and in arti- ficial excavations. A bed 10 to 15 feet thick of basaltic crystal tuff oc- curs about 1,900 feet stratigraphically below the top of the La Vida member just west of Brea Canyon. The tuff is pale brown, powdery, and intensely weathered. It is associated with beds of limy siltstone 1 to 2 feet thick. The tuff bed is exposed and can be traced west of Brea Canyon for 3.5 miles, but it is not exposed east of the canyon. The tuff bed has been identified from cores, cuttings, or its distinctive appearance on elec- tric logs in 11 wells (pl. 1, wells 47, 48, 64, 76, 108, 134, 137, 139, 167, 221, 250). In well samples the tuff is white, compact, homogeneous, and fine grained. It exhibits some of the characteristics of, and is often de- scribed as, bentonite, even though it contains numer- ous plagioclase crystals. With the exception of the Ginter and Associates well Kraemer-Backs 3, which is in the Prado Dam quad- rangle, all the wells in which the tuff is identified are north of the Whittier fault zone in the Yorba Linda quadrangle. The eastern limit of the tuff beds, like that of the middle Miocene volcanic rocks, is appar- ently near the eastern edge of the Yorba Linda quad- rangle. The absence of the tuff in most of the Prado 686-601 O-63--2 B13 Dam quadrangle may be due to nondeposition there rather than to removal by erosion. The part of the stratigraphic section in which the tuff bed occurs is rarely penetrated by wells drilled south of the Whit- tier fault zone. West of the Yorba Linda quadrangle similar tuff beds are locally present lower in the Lia Vida member. Thickness The La Vida member is thickest in an area parallel to and about 2 miles northeast of the Whittier fault zone. Near the western edge of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, the exposed thickness of the member is about 3,300 feet, and an additional 500 feet of strata are concealed (pl. 3). It is about 700 feet thick in the southern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle. The La Vida member thins rapidly northeast toward the Ar- nold Ranch fault, north of which it is commonly absent below an unconformity at the base of the next younger Soquel member. The La Vida member is about 975 feet thick in the Richfield oil field (pl. 3) and about 515 feet thick near the southeast corner of the Yorba Linda quadrangle (pl. 4). Fossils Foraminifera are relatively scarce in both outcrop and well samples of the La Vida member from the eastern Puente Hills Faunas from the member are listed on the checklist of Foraminifera (table 1). Sam- ples from the La Vida member at localities f-6 and f-8 were collected and studied by M. N. Bramlette, (written communication) who assigned the faunas from them to the Bulimina uvigerinaformis zone of Kleinpell's Mohnian stage. Age and stratigraphic relations Faunas characteristic of the Bulimina uvigerinafor- mis zone of the lower part of Kleinpell's Mohnian stage of upper Miocene age are present in the upper part of the La Vida member in the Puente Hills, but the lower part has not yielded Foraminifera in this area (Woodford and others, 1946, p. 520). The La Vida member is much thinner in the San Jose Hills to the north, but there it has yielded in addition to the Bulimina uvigerinaformis faunas, the older, lowest Mohnian Bolivina modeloensis (or Baggina califor- nica) fauna from beds just above the Buzzard Peak con- glomerate member of the Topanga formation (Wood- ford and others, 1944). The only exposure of the base of the La Vida member in the Puente Hills is at Scully Hill. There the member overlies the Topanga formation with an angular discordance of 30°. The contact of the La Vida member with the overlying Soquel member is well exposed in Carbon Canyon, where the two mem- bers are conformable and gradational. B14 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TaBus® 1.-Stratigraphic distribution of Foraminifera from the [Identifications by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. Survey. Symbols indicating abundance of species in samples containing a large fauna: A, abundant; Puente formation-Upper Miocene La Vida member Soquel member No. Genera and species Mohnian stage Lower Upper 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 ttn Bolivina parva Cushman and X Ne cee tea rh lar Rae aie nels aon e R:. Als 2 tumida Cushmans .ll vil be ece rere f a inet nat aalon ca - aa aanile s ould | anld seal] oe ae ae §: Bulemina montercyana LLL of.. s {suo uus of oa a ale f elo s a e aaa eton 4 wigerinaformis Cushman and Kleinpell__-_______________ ce- ele of: Mauer 5h) Buliminélla curta, ri K Mo ae ho feared ad | an on se lae ale ca as ¥} 6 subfustformts Cushman. } _ 20 y. oc LPI XH beers Ky Ale. X 7 hoots: Rankin ". ...s s ul soles te ose d taa ce ogle ue Kie So e oe le taos oe a ls paler caa sa- Bolivina vaughans 000 Los c eela. r e caa i|- anes C A cf pu builoides 0.00020 clo Kuo ose se eso e sae aan As iaa aug s 10 |- Bolivina barbarana Cushman and KXleinpell. r ee ener noel es dou lenee weld a aoe 11 | Epistominella pacifica (R. E. and K. C. Stewart) . XK oun aly e coke ano tole En sve fees ta- V ' araucana {d .Orbleny)c_clu. clo, .L cite: l l. uce X F oto one 13 grandis Cushman and Ileinpell .- ~...: 22s uld eee anis cf. CfP o rol esa oa ad taa eons a It- sp. (species not identified). -. a...... 1.2022 lv bd nae eee a el any aa Fuels s ete oll - aes 15 | Bulimina subacuminata Cushman, Stewart and Stewart. |_ _2}00u|._ __]. c cs of. Met eel nok aisle + tou subperuviana (Cushman) ... 0000000 0 Adt a of ac oral eal se Koe en dl ane ek K TT Bolivina L.. nln _L Icl e a ans -e reen pt "R less 18 californica Cushmans _.. 302 200 e but uo ona a leas edly s cee ald au cea e seee Rh ~ |.: X 19 hoots: Rankin's is selec sed ren ion een he a n aa ae mein nly anna let 2 ee (a ana a aa ania fa ee alue Ries Le resect 20 pscudospissa Ilcinpell -~ .. LL Seoul l nece d c oen ae ne cee s are ee ie 2s cu cl ena EEM ae inal a i al ala C rds. s K o ESCassidulina sp, (species not identified). .. one cl. cd rre s wane (ak laud | aem eled (w a RJS. esl Epistominella relszensis 4.00000 9 (onl lea oue fan o a aa ae nlos 1a ater F 2301 Cyroidina rotundimargo R. K. and K.C. Stewart. ... reali ec anys F. lee goudkofi. Kleinpell. Ere rama era ae a ak |ane 1s. e alena ces Mos v2 Uvigerina peregrina Cushman. u unc cals ae v else aele ae alaklen e nee ar ef: Blinc Po decuriate Cushman --... 2s o_O sl ric ded pons aas pel eee oe ble ada ele a+ o mo an lae sie n ans o ir 27. woodrengt Kieinpell i so L cl nie e leg a- aeon s cle lace t celle nas als an le ne ens (hak oul of. ue SD.. L .o bells 22 sen 2a a ue ue an ruined ald o thid dle aln aln Sale be (aem a ad |< an- allen ae bale e ee ale A C4 --+ val» Bolmwina rankitht Wleinpell. .- .< 3. 20004020 123 s 2 oun eee au eens ille o aie s A ae | ae a a aide (ae a 8 a a | a ale aad X Our Unigerina epe : _ lok lau ou ile aula an a aie ale n t hile aln Hae nae ap n lane ain aie af a on ame aem (na- a iP fam ana amid le wale ae X Ot Bolivina girardensts 00.00.02 32 | Cassidulina barbarana Cushman and 50 | Nomton umbtlicatulum. (Montagu). S4 4 Suggrunda kleinpelli Bramlette.. >>. Con Angulogerina Sp.. ec eden oe nen bian a nle aH a cans s S011 Bolivina hughes: Cushman. u.. 37 obliqua Barbat and Johnson.... L. 38 | Virgulina californiensis var. grandis Cushman and Kleinpell_ ___. Soul «Bolivina etrantt Rankin. 2: 2.2122 2202 022 ons o oes ha oo 2 t e aige ol tia an 40 manrginata® Cashman. tl c anc nls LL oiled . AL Nontonella miocenica ll. 42 | Uvigerina subperegrina Cushman and Kleinpell.-______________- #orp Bolivina spissa Cushman dis 2 .on. . i Ee dae an alden be aalare'd - a nee ak € Ond a 45. | froridana Cushman... sL . 46 i Custiman cool: cts 2s co t [ls sa Uu o Ue L nailed tae aa fo a oes al ald a o eae ols aioe (eee a ae el uel ul] ae aer ain (ae ae aie fare a aik 47 tong: Cushman ec cen in un a UL bedre enas o ilan s ae pio bal an arene lai aun nin all wal ona oa af eas a Enea eae ban |e S T »Buliminelio elegantisstma. (d Orbigny) : cs 2s nut ooc ou o . o ea ae ade ase iaa [og Hon d Ua Pa eee i salen anl | be cea eae - ale bis sp...... Ll .L uate ioe nia n ee nala s aaa can aie bc e als 50 | Eponides keenani Cushman and Kleinpell-___-____LLLLLLLLL____ ST ( universa 52 | Robulus sp. (species not determined). _._ 53 | Uvigerina carmelosensis Cushman and Kleinpell.-__-_______-_-. 54 senticosa Cashman. ck. LLL DUEL eR 55 | Cassidulina cushmani R. E. and K. C. Bol Rotalta garveyensis Natland.: 2. LLL. bs dL Lop rim O piseifor mis Galloway and Morrey .c. _. l coll: ul. UNIEL U eli asi ca aude a[ 2 ens - »|aog nake 58 sinuata var: alisoenis Cushman and Adams.. ._.. cul c. dec crv ela ne ae adel aes nae [neend (ala a ol bop Cassiduiina californica Cushman. and Mughes .": . {.) ou s co.. co Coles dl Le pease on ie moules ee al Pea elec s oan 60 subglobosa Brady 2. . . 2): 22s bo ose a o ia i aad a o a asia od aie aa ae als oo ao |e aar e ils a n alt a mea alien a ae | a 6D: N .ovordea crl 62 | -Cibicides mckannai Galloway and Wissler ___ 65 1 Ehrenberginu compressa .._... _. C4 T- Cushman ls con 2 colo po l nef eous af ans hes] ra e uie ule Lona | nama a ue ale ane a a ae oue 65 | Plenulina .ornata (d' lsc {fle bln: clu l R d AAL awan ae mie pea a a alama GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS Puente and Fernando formations in the eastern Puente Hills area F, frequent; C, common; R, rare; X, present; cf., not certainly identified, but resembling species listed. - Numbered localities are shown on pl. 1] B15 Puente formation-Upper Miocene-Continued Fernando formation-Lower(?) Pliocene Yorba member Sycamore Canyon member Mohnian stage-Continued Upper-Continued ? Delmontian(?) stage Lower member 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 31A 31A; 31B Nx otes PL F C clean | Wick __________ yor ? uve rele | %. aA tis ari ts e « 00 ~I C> Ou H2 3 bo +- GEOLOGY ,OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1.-Stratigraphic distribution of Foraminifera from the Puente and [Identifications by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. Survey. Symbols indicating abundance of species in samples containing a large fauna: A, abundant; Puente formation-Upper Miocene La Vida member Soquel member Mohnian stage Lower Upper B16 No. Genera and species 66 |-Robulus americanus (Cushman) 1" cl.220ll000 67 | Virgulina.cornuta Cushman. ecs inet 68 nodosa, R.. E. and K; C. IL 69 |.: Angulogerina angulosa 70 | Bulimina marginata d ' Orbigny - sell cll cl lel seul. I Ye Cassidulina crassa d' Orbighy --: al.. cE. Tart Pllipsoglondulind SDL ano bes sats 78 advena 74 | Lagena sp. (species not T5 | Stilostomella kona cg 76 | - Pullenia-gutnguieloba (Reuss) .s oll nulle lian deen. Ti | Uvigerina hispidocostata Cushman and Todd __________________._ 78 pugmea cOrbigny 2.2L enue cense Lees Lacan olla nees bes 79]. Bolivina argentea Cushman... 80 | Dentalina communes 81 | Robulus americanus var. spinosus Cushman-_L_____LLLLLLLL____ I eels a cam SCC ak wh fins a a oak 83 | Bolivina sinuata Galloway and _L 84, |: Nonton sceaphum Fichtel and Moll :L .C 85 | Bulimina denudata Cushman and 86 | Cassidulina translucens Cushman and br i Dentalina spp.: beara ons aan aam a o 58s | Cladulina dacvigata d Orbigny ....2.3.-: cl.. eeu e $9 | Bolivina subadvena Cushman... 20. olo dl 00 - BPulemina rostrata Brady nul i ee aliens. 91 t- umbonatus. (Reuss) .-. 1 cedc lu 92 | @yroidina altiformis R. E. and K. C. 93 | Marginulinopsis capistranoensis White _________________LLLLL__ 94 | Pullenia salisbury R. E. and K. C. Stewart:. 05 |»Cussidulina deli¢ata 6A .-. ccr cc -le ew Of 'Nonimella spi- ...a. LNL dels Note: The following list is an alphabetic key to the genera and species. 69 Angulogerina angulosa 58 Bolivina sinuata var. alisoensis 35 sp. 43 spissa 79 Bolivina argentea 80 subadvena 10 barbarana 47 tongi 17 bramlettei 2 tumida 18 californica 8 vaughani 26 decurtata 27 woodringi 45 Roridana 85 Bulimina denudata 31 girardensis 70 marginata 39 granti 3 montereyana 19 hootsi 90 rostrata 36 hughesi 15 subacuminata 46 interjuncta 4 uvigerinafor mis 40 marginata 5 - Buliminélla curta 37 oblique 48 elegantissima . parva 6 subfusiformis 57 pisciformis 32 Cassidulina barbarana 20 pseudospissa 59 californica 29 - rankini 71 crassa 83 sinuata 55 cushmani Cassidulina delicata subglobosa translucens sp. (unident.) Chiclostomella ovoidea Cibicides mckannai Dentalina communis spp. (unident.) Discorbis sp. Ehrenbergina compressa Ellipsoglandulina sp. Elphidium sp. Epistominella relizensis pacifica subperuviana Eponides keenani umbonatus Frondicularia advena Glandulina laevigata Globigerina bulloides Globigerina sp. (unident.) GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS Fernando formations in the eastern Puente Hills area-Continued F, frequent; C, common; R, rare; X, present; cf., not certainly identified, but resembling species listed. Numbered localities are shown on pl. 1] B17 Puente formation-Upper Miocene-Continued Fernando formation-Lower(?) Pliocene Yorba member Sycamore Canyon member Mohnian stage-Continued A Delmontian(?) stage Lower member Upper-Continued 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | 31A | 31A; | 31B _________________________________________________________ C sss: ©: "|. aut L Heald _________________________________________________________ Ri es eel es ela alana ule cie ......................................................... R Nee icles ele- cs clean ele ns slaman ______________________________________________________________ $ :f psd co .r la lfs ______________________________________________________________ C C o eas reel la dle oke ______________________________________________________________ Fo. cual t reife Pusha claves ______________________________________________________________ Castes aly Mats adio let il cla lous ______________________________________________________________ R n Oren artey glaces loo ale aln late ______________________________________________________________ Cemal item erley o ala OR ______________________________________________________________ C eet ce -o. sls e ds sul aes ______________________________________________________________ F. o .* c]. all ______________________________________________________________ C:: s cel Essel acl -c anu _________________________________________________________ bevel B G Sein re ae ___________________________________________________________________ A |. P » slo X ___________________________________________________________________ C re e rels c nal ne salen ____________________________________________________ af On Mew cr rfe as al- a= s ____________________________________________________ M faclan el A "l: s Eales ________________________________________________________________________ Ch. | RT: e areca cle cen ____________________________________________________ dalas. ad |e ale af Of | Ur - lan ae lan wale nam ________________________________________________________________________ ERE NR LCH a cl-- relates _______________________________________________ ek aa cale erin ece |e an alt= amp C/ ale e ________________________________________________________________________ eee 1B irate wn alea ale _______________________________________________ Mael dil GKT) aR (» Tam ____________________________________________________ s Paar ese tel Ig4 _________________________________________________________ ioe les elo emale n ao elsa e a]. Ai Len eae ae ____________________________________________________ F eela oe san al 9k y on Mhgas eBR TRU: m Euan a ues olo nes akle |< an = - [4 = clare (=a een fa a inc a Seelen mule aan | IPN A Gio mie (aie a ae ____________________________________________________ oue ma exe me lae paula ue | lec | a o a fe sel oa aaa glenss _______________________________________________ Pig a ac meas tela eanl 94, ~] PA cale dale .......................................... i peal a ral- see ela ai ae {ans a elsa anal ak nala aun ene] ha cl PA ____________________________________________________ A pell |e rope SE rous ewe ole == e |e ale a nala <= ign ____________________________________________________ eo ea ues e inne dala ias elan eel ds dl 19k 64 Globobulimina pacifica 56 - Rotalia garveyensis 96 Globorotalia sp. 75 Stilostomella koina 92 Gyroidina altiformis 34 - Suggrunda kleinpelli 23 rotundimargo 82 Tertularia sp. 74 Lagena sp. (unident.) 53 Uvigerina carmelosensis 93 capistrancensis 77 hispidocostata 24 Nonion goudko, 7 hootsi 84 scaphum 25 peregrina 33 umbilicatulum 78 pygmea 14 sp. (unident.) 54 senticosa 41 Nonionella miocenica 42 subperegrina 97 sp. 30 Sp. 51 Orbulina universa 12 Valvulineria araucana 65 - Planulina ornata 13 grandis 76 - Pullenia quingueloba 38 Virgulina californiensis var. grandis 94 salisburyi 67 cornuta 66 - Robulus americanus 68 nodosa 81 americanus var. spinosus 52 sp. (unident.) B18 Conditions of deposition The La Vida member is entirely of marine origin. Woodford and others (1946, fig. 10, p. 558) suggests that the shoreline of the sea in which the sediments of the La Vida member were deposited extended eastward just north of Glendora and turned southeastward be- tween San Dimas and La Verne to the northwest corner of the city of Pomona. From there it extended southwestward between the San Jose and Puente Hills, turned southeast across the northeasternmost Puente - Hills, and continued toward the Santa Ana River just northeast of the hills. Conglomerate in the La Vida member north of the Puente Hills contains types of rock that suggest a source area in the southeastern part of the San Gabriel Mountains and adjacent areas (Woodford and others, 1946, p. 553). BOQUEL MEMBER Distribution and character The Soquel member of the Puente formation was named by Schoellhamer and others (1954) for expo- sures in Soquel Canyon in the eastern Puente Hills. The member is well exposed near San Juan Hill, where both its base and its top are present in a thin but unfaulted sequence of beds. The member typi- cally consists of massive to well-bedded medium- to coarse-grained or gritty feldspathic sandstone. At a few localities, particularly in the northern part of the map area and at Scully Hill, conglomerate and con- glomeratic sandstone beds occur in the member. El- lipsoidal concretions are common in the lower part of the unit. Sandstone beds in the Soquel member vary in thick- ness from a few inches to several feet (fig. 7), and they are ordinarily separated by thin beds or partings of siltstone. In a few places the sandstone is massive and almost structureless. The sandstone is gray and weathers to light brown. It is composed of quartz, plagioclase, varying amounts of biotite, and minor amounts of accessory minerals such as garnet, apatite, zircon, and magnetite-all in a clayey matrix. The sandstone is generally medium to coarse grained or even gritty, but locally it is fine grained. Graded beds, ordinarily a foot or less thick, are common. Most of the ungraded sandstone beds are poorly sorted. The weathered sandstone is friable, but fresh rock from well cores is well cemented. Several small out- crops of tar sand occur in the upper part of the Soquel member in the northeastern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. A core of the Soquel member from the Shell Oil Co. well Menchego 12 (pl. 1, well 170; see. 1, T. 3 S., R.10 W.) consists of light-gray massive dense sandstone. Almost all the interstices between grains of the sand- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA stone are occupied by crushed and bent shreds of bio- tite. In a thin section of this sandstone the grains are subangular to subrounded and range in size from 0.05 to 0.64 mm, averaging 0.2 mm, in largest dimension. The rock consists of about 50 percent andesine, 23 per- cent quartz, 13 percent biotite, 5 percent orthoclase, 4 percent pyrite, 3 percent chlorite, 1 percent musco- vite, and 1 percent calcite and unidentified matrix. The concretions that occur in the lower part of the member are ellipsoidal, from 1 to 5 feet in diameter, extremely hard, and cemented with calcite. They are composed of the same material, excepting matrix, as the sandstone in which they are embedded. In a few places bedding structures can be traced from the en- closing rock through the concretions, indicating that the concretions were formed by differential cementa- tion of the sandstone in place. The concretions are distinguished from the enclosing rock by their greater hardness and darker color. They generally have a rough, gritty surface etched by weathering, so that the coarser sand grains stand in relief. The concretions are relatively resistant to weathering and ordinarily protrude from the outcrop and give it a knobby ap- pearance. When the concretions fall free of the sand- stone, they lie strewn about on the hillside or collect in gully bottoms, leaving large rounded cavities in the outcrops from which they came. At Scully Hill the typically sandy Soquel member contains pebble and cobble conglomerate units as much as 4 feet thick, interbedded with coarse-grained sandstone units of similar thickness and containing siltstone beds. Boulders as much as 2 feet in diameter occur in these conglomerates. The larger clasts are chiefly of plutonic rock types, but some of the smaller ones are metamorphic and volcanic rocks. Near the center of the north margin of the Yorba Linda quad- rangle, the Soquel member contains many large boul- ders of quartz diorite in siltstone and sandstone beds; these boulders are as large as 15 feet in longest dimen- sion and evidently came from the area just southwest of Pomona where that plutonic rock is exposed. In a few areas, as near the head of Carbon Canyon, the upper part of the Soquel member contains an un- usually large percentage of siltstone. At these places the siltstone occurs as thick units, in contrast to the thin siltstone interbeds that are more common in the member. - The siltstone is lithologically similar to that in the adjacent members. Thickness f South of the Whittier fault zone, the Soquel member is thickest in the area between the Union Oil Co. well Graham-Loftus 1 in the East Coyote oil field (pl. 4) and the Union Oil Co. well Chapman 29 in the Rich- field oil field (pl. 4). It is more than 2,400 feet thick GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS at the East Coyote oil field, 2,695 feet thick at the Rich- field oil field, and about 1,000 feet thick at the Esper- anza oil field (pl. 4). North of the Whittier fault zone the member is about 2,000 feet thick at the Chino- Soquel oil field and about 3,000 feet thick in the north- eastern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle (pl. 4). Fossils Fossils are scarce in the Soquel member. Only a few shell and bone fragments, shark teeth, and uni- dentifiable carbonized organic remains have been found in the sandstone beds of the member in the east- ern Puente Hills One coral and several genera of marine mollusks are recorded from the pebbly sand- stone at the base of the member north of the map area at the northern tip of the Puente Hills (Woodford and others, 1946, p. 535). Siltstone interbedded with the sandstone more typical of the member contains Fo- raminifera at a few localities. Foraminiferal faunas from the Soquel member are listed in table 1, and fossil localities are shown on plate 1. Foraminifera from the Soquel member at localities f-7, f-12, £-13, and f-14 were collected and identified by M. N. Bramlette, who assigned the fauna from lo- calities f-7 and f-12 to the Bulimina uvigerinaformis zone of the lower Mohnian stage and those from locali- ties and f-14 to the Bolivina hughesi zone of the basal upper Mohnian stage (Bramlette, written com- munication). Age and stratigraphic relations Foraminiferal faunas from siltstone of the Soquel member in the eastern Puente Hills are indicative of the Mohnian stage, and usually of the upper Mohnian stage of late Miocene age. Both the upper and the lower contacts of the Soquel member appear to cross time-stratigraphic horizons. The contacts are gradational in vertical detail, for the changes in lithologic character that mark the bound- aries of the member ordinarily occur in a stratigraphic interval of as much as 50 feet. The lower contact of the member is well exposed on the west side of San Juan Hill and in Carbon Canyon, near La Vida Min- eral Springs (fig. 7). The upper contact is well exposed in roadcuts in the northwest quarter of sec. 8, T. 3 S., R. 8 W., and east of the center of sec. 15, T. 2 S., R. 9 W. Conditions of deposition Fossils in the Soquel member indicate that it is at least in part of marine origin. The composition of conglomerate beds in the member suggests that they were derived from a nearby northeastern source area (Woodford and others, 1946, p. 554). The occurrence of many widespread sandstone beds throughout the member and of large boulders in relatively fine B19 grained rocks at the top of the unit suggests that turbidity currents may have played a part in its depo- sition. Woodford and others (1946, p. 558) postulate that the shoreline of the sea in which the sediments of the Soquel member were deposited trended eastward from the San Gabriel Valley to the southern edge of San Dimas, turned southeastward almost to Elephant Hill, passed between Elephant Hill and Pomona, and continued toward the Santa Ana River. FicurE 7.-Thick-bedded sandstone unit that marks the base of the Soquel member of the Puente formation in Carbon Canyon, near La Vida Mineral Springs. YORBA MEMBER Distribution and character The Yorba member was named by Schoellhamer and others (1954) for Yorba Bridge, which spans the Santa Ana River 214 miles east of the community of Atwood. In the eastern Puente Hills, the Yorba mem- ber is best exposed along the west edge of the Prado Dam quadrangle and in the northeastern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. A complete section of the member, including both its top and its base, is exposed 2 to 3 miles southwest of Los Serranos. The Yorba member generally consists of thin-bedded pinkish-brown to gray or nearly white siltstone with a hackly fracture, containing subordinate amounts of fine-grained sandstone. Much of the siltstone is sili- ceous, platy, and extremely hard, but softer and less well bedded siltstone is also common. Siltstone with paper-thin laminations is characteristic and prominent in the member at many localities (fig. 8). Siltstone of the Yorba member is commonly contorted and crumpled, and on hillsides it tends to creep and slump. Siliceous siltstone with a cherty appearance occurs in the Yorba member at a few localities, as in Slaughter B20 Canyon near the Chino fault. Gray limy concretions that weather white are common in the siltstone, and thin white or yellowish limestone beds occur at a few places. Sandstone is present in the Yorba member, both as thin beds separated by siltstone laminae and as thicker beds in siltstone units (fig. 9). South of the Bryant Ranch fault the Yorba member contains more sandstone than is usual for the unit. Some of this sand- stone is coarse, massive, and otherwise similar to that of the Soquel member, but it is included in the Yorba member because of its stratigraphic position. Frcur® 8.-Siltstone and thin sandstone beds of the Yorba member of the Puente formation exposed in a roadcut on the south side of San Juan Hill. FicUrE 9.-Thick-bedded sandstone in siltstone of the Yorba member of the Puente formation exposed in a pipeline cut in see. 24, T. 2 S., R. 9 W. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Thickness South of the Whittier fault zone, the Yorba member attains a thickness of about 3,000 feet in the area be- tween the southeast corner of the Yorba Linda quad- rangle and the Brea-Olinda oil field. The entire thick- ness of the unit is not exposed north of the Whittier fault zone in the Yorba Linda quadrangle. The mem- ber is about 2,000 feet thick in the central part of the Prado Dam quadrangle and about 2,300 feet thick near the Bryant Ranch anticline (pl. 4). The member is only about 275 feet thick where it overlies granitic basement rocks east of the Chino basin (pl. 3). Fossils Foraminifera are abundant in the Yorba member at only a few places in the eastern Puente Hills. Faunas from the Yorba member are listed on the checklist of Foraminifera (table 1). A fauna collected by M. N. Bramlette from the Yorba member at locality £-20-A was assigned by him to the Bolivina Aughesi zone of the upper Mohnian stage (written communication). Foraminifera collected from the Yorba member in the San Juan tunnel between 1,800 and 2,500 feet from the east portal (fig. 19) consist almost entirely of Bol#- vina cf. B. vaughani Natland and G@lobigerina bul- loides d'Orbigny, and indicate a probable deep-water open-sea environment of deposition for the rocks. Be- tween 2,800 and 3,200 feet from the east portal of the tunnel the Yorba member contains the fauna listed below, which is characteristic of Kleinpell's Bolivina hughesi zone of the upper Mohnian stage and sugges- tive of a water depth of about 2,000 feet (Patsy B. Smith, written communication, 1957). Bolivina sinuata Galloway and Wissler spissa Cushman Uvigerina subperegrina Cushman and Kleinpell Gyroidina rotundimargo R. E. and K. C. Stewart Anomalina hughesi Rankin Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny Age and stratigraphic relations Foraminifera in the Yorba member in the eastern Puente Hills belong chiefly to the Bolivina hughesti zone of the upper Mohnian stage of Kleinpell. The member has gradational contacts with both the underlying So- quel member and the overlying Sycamore Canyon member. The basal contact of the Yorba member is well exposed southwest of Los Serranos in the north- west quarter of see. 8, T. 3 S., R. 8 W., and also in roadcuts in see. 15, T. 2 S., R. 9 W. The upper part of the Yorba member probably interfingers with the Sycamore Canyon member south of Los Serranos along the Ridge syncline (pl. 3). At the Richfield oil field the Yorba member contains an unusually high proportion of sandstone that forms GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS a reservoir for oil ("Chapman sand"). In the subsur- face southwest of the Richfield oil field the member cannot be differentiated from the La Vida member be- cause of the absence there of the Soquel member. Conditions of deposition Siltstone in the Yorba member contains Forami- nifera indicating that it was deposited in a marine en- vironment, probably at water depths of 1,800 feet or more. The prevailing sedimentation of mud and silt was interrupted occasionally by the introduction of sand, which was probably carried from shallower depths by turbidity currents and deposited as wide- spread graded beds. SYCAMORE CANYON MEMBER Distribution and character The Sycamore Canyon member was named by Daviess and Woodford (1949) for exposures in Syca- more Canyon near the western end of the Puente Hills. The thickest and best exposed section of the member in the eastern Puente Hills is near Prado Dam. Its base is well exposed near the southwest corner of sec. 23, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.; its top is exposed near the north edge of sec. 15, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., where siltstone of the lower member of the Fernando formation overlies conglomerate correlated with the Sycamore Canyon member. The Sycamore Canyon member is well exposed on the western flank of the Mahala anticline in Slaughter Canyon. There the basal unit of the member consists chiefly of light-brown to light-gray friable thick-bed- ded to massive medium- to coarse-grained sandstone. Locally, especially farther south, the sandstone is thin bedded and has partings of siltstone. The sandstone contains scattered ellipsoidal limy concretions similar to those in other sandstone units in the Puente forma- tion. South of Slaughter Canyon the basal sandstone unit contains well-rounded pebbles, cobbles, and boul- ders of plutonic and metamorphic rocks, both as iso- lated clasts and in lenses. y Stratigraphically above the basal sandstone unit in Slaughter Canyon is a sequence of fine-grained thin- bedded platy siliceous siltstone and poorly exposed friable poorly bedded sandy micaceous siltstone beds. The siltstone is generally gray and contains minor amounts of fine- to medium-grained feldspathic sand- stone occurring as thin interbeds. The siltstone also contains scattered limestone concretions that weather white or yellowish white. Southward from Slaughter Canyon, this siltstone unit grades into sandstone and conglomerate like that in the underlying and overlying units. B21 The third unit above the base of the Sycamore Can- yon member in Slaughter Canyon consists of sand- stone and lesser amounts of siltstone and conglomer- ate. Northwest of Slaughter Canyon, this sandstone is finer grained -and grades into siltstone; southeast of Slaughter Canyon, it is coarse grained and conglom- eratic. - The sandstone is feldspathic, light brown, and friable. The pebbles, cobbles, and occasional boulders in the conglomerate are well rounded and similar in composition to those in conglomerates lower in the member. f The youngest strata exposed along the Ridge syncline near Slaughter Canyon consist of sandstone and sandy siltstone with prominent conglomerate beds. Although much of the conglomerate occurs in relatively thin but extensive beds, some also occurs as thick, podlike beds or lenses. The matrix of the conglomerate is usually fine-grained silty micaceous sandstone, much like the adjacent sandstone beds. Scattered pebbles and cob- bles also occur in siltstone of the unit. The larger clasts of the conglomerates are chiefly pebbles of plu- tonic and metamorphic rock with a few volcanic rocks. . A thick and conspicuous unit of nearly white con- glomeratic sandstone is exposed northwest of Prado Dam along the axis of the Arena Blanca syncline (fig. 10). This white sandstone unit contains the youngest beds exposed in the Sycamore Canyon member in this area, and it may include some that are of Pliocene age. Near the base, this unit consists of alternating beds of white sandstone and gray or greenish-gray siltstone ranging from a few inches to several feet in thickness. Higher in the section, and toward the east, the unit consists almost entirely of massive white FiGUrB 10.-White pebbly sandstone of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation exposed in a highway cut just north of Prado Dam. The beds dip to the left (south) and show cut-and-fill features. The road cut is about 25 feet high. B22 sandstone with poorly defined beds and lenses of con- glomerate and scattered individual pebbles and cob- bles. West of Prado Dam the white sandstone is inter- bedded with siltstone. The sandstone is medium to coarse grained, feldspathic, and poorly sorted. The sand grains are generally less well rounded than is usual in sandstone of the Puente formation. The Sycamore Canyon member is exposed in the Yorba Linda quadrangle only south of the Whittier fault zone, where it consists of steeply dipping sandy siltstone and sandstone beds. Lenses of pebble and cobble conglomerate are interbedded with the sand- stone and siltstone. The pebbles and cobbles are sub- rounded to well rounded and consist chiefly of resistant crystalline rocks. Pebbly sandstone, conglomerate, and mudstone beds of the Sycamore Canyon member are well exposed in the ridge just south of the bend in Tonner Canyon (fig. 11). FicurE 11.-Vertical beds of pebbly sandstone and mudstone of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation exposed in a cut south of Tonner Canyon in the Brea-Olinda oil field. Northeast of the Chino fault, strata assigned to the Sycamore Canyon member are lithologically similar to parts of the member exposed southwest of the Chino fault on the Mahala anticline. Because of structural complications and lack of distinctive lithologic mark- ers, units within the Sycamore Canyon member have not been correlated across the Chino fault. Thickness A complete section of the Sycamore Canyon member is not exposed in the eastern Puente Hills. The mem- ber is 3,500 feet thick at the southern end of the Ridge syncline and no more than 1,100 feet thick 2 miles farther north on the western flank of the same struc- tural feature. The conglomerate unit marking the base of the member at the southern end of the syncline GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA pinches out to the north, where a stratigraphically higher conglomerate unit is at the base. East of the Chino fault in the northern part of the Chino basin the Sycamore Canyon member is about 1,500 feet thick (pl. 3). Near the southeast corner of the Prado Dam quadrangle, it may exceed 3,600 feet in thickness (pl. 4). The Sycamore Canyon member is 1,650 feet thick near the southeast corner of the Yorba Linda quad- rangle (pl. 4) and is only about 500 feet thick in the Brea-Olinda oil field (pl. 3). The member is unusually thin near the southwest corner of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, and at the Richfield oil field it is only 175 feet thick (pl. 3). The member pinches out along a line trending about N. 60° W. near the southwest cor- ner of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. Fossils Foraminifera are scarce or absent in exposures of the Sycamore Canyon member in most of the eastern Puente Hills, but they are common in fresh samples from wells or excavations. Foraminiferal faunas col- lected from the Sycamore Canyon member in the eastern Puente Hills are listed on the checklist of Foraminifera (table 1). The San Juan tunnel penetrated the basal 900 feet of the Sycamore Canyon member (fig. 19). Samples from the member in the tunnel contain the following composite foraminiferal fauna, characteristic of Klein- pell's Bolivina hughes zone (upper Mohnian) of late Miocene age (Patsy B. Smith, written communication, 1957) : Bolivina sinuata Galloway and Wissler pseudospissa Kleinpell woodringi Kleinpell hughesi Cushman cf. B. vaughani Natland Uvigerina peregrina Cushman hootsi Rankin Gyroidina rotundimargo R. E. and K. C. Stewart Bulimina rostrata Brady Age and stratigraphic relations Foraminiferal faunas from the Sycamore Canyon member indicate that it is at least in part of late Mio- cene age. In the type area in the western Puente Hills, the uppermost part of the member is apparently bar- ren of diagnostic fossils, but a good upper Mohnian fauna occurs 1,035 feet below the top (Wissler, 1948, p. 223). In the eastern Puente Hills, foraminiferal faunas from the member are of late Mohnian and Delmon- tian(?) age. The upper part of the member near Prado Dam contains foraminiferal faunas described by Stewart and Stewart (1930) as of early Pliocene age. Kleinpell (1938, p. 28-32) reviewed this age determina- tion and pointed out that the assemblages may belong to a Miocene-Pliocene transition fauna. Strata de- GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS scribed as of Pliocene age were mapped in the Arena Blanca and Ridge synclines and northeast of the Chino fault by Woodford and others (1944), but a mappable unit of Pliocene age in that area was not distinguished by Durham and Yerkes. The Sycamore Canyon member is distinguished from the underlying Yorba member by the presence of con- glomerate beds in the Sycamore Canyon member. In the northwest quarter of sec. 15 and the southwest quarter of see. 10, T. 3, S., R. 8, W., the basal unit of the Sycamore Canyon member is sandstone rather than conglomerate, but the unit can still be differen- tiated. A unit of coarse-grained rock marking the base of the Sycamore Canyon member is apparently absent in the area south of Los Serranos, where dis- tinction of siltstone of the Yorba member from that of the Sycamore Canyon member is arbitrary. Farther south, on the flanks of the Ridge syncline, the contact between the Sycamore Canyon and Yorba members can be readily mapped. In the subsurface, however, the basal sandstone unit of the Sycamore Canyon mem- ber on the eastern flank of the syncline either pinches out or is faulted off before reappearing on the western flank. The mappable base on the western flank, which is a podlike lens of conglomerate and sandy conglom- erate, may be the correlative of the second sandstone unit above the base on the eastern flank (pl. 3). Con- sequently, the lower siltstone unit of the Sycamore Canyon member on the eastern flank of the Ridge syn- cline may be the correlative of the upper part of the Yorba member on the western flank of the syncline, the lowermost sandstone unit being absent there. All the sandstone and conglomerate units in the Sycamore Canyon member near the Ridge syncline become finer grained and grade into siltstone toward the north. Conditions of deposition The Sycamore Canyon member in the eastern Puente Hills is considered to be entirely of marine or- igin. The beds of white pebbly sandstone near Prado Dam may have been deposited near or at the shore- line, but foraminiferal faunas collected from the mem- ber in the San Juan tunnel area suggest water depths greater than 2,000 feet. The interfingering of beds of coarse-grained and fine-grained rock and the occur- rence of widespread graded sandstone beds suggest deposition by turbidity currents. The general coarsen- ing of the Sycamore Canyon member to the north and east in the southeastern part of the Puente Hills may indicate a northeastern source area for the sediments. Woodford and others (1946, p. 556), who made a study of the rock types represented in conglomerates of the Sycamore Canyon member in the western Puente Hills, concluded that those rocks may have been de- B23 rived from a wide are of land area to the north and east, including the southeastern San Gabriel Moun- tains, which were the source of a distinctive mylonite gneiss. Bedding features exposed in the San Juan tunnel suggest a northeastern source for strata of the Sycamore Canyon member in that area (p. B59). DIABASIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PUENTE AND OLDER FORMATIONS Distribution and occurrence Intrusive rocks of middle to late Miocene age occur in several wells drilled along the Whittier fault zone. The rock is generally diabasic and locally very coarse grained. It ranges in composition from gabbro to di- orite. Surface exposures and the known subsurface extent the diabase are spatially related to the Whit- tier fault zone. The diabase probably was intruded along the fault zone and was cut by later movement on the fault. With a single known exception, the diabase occurs only within or north of the fault zone. This ex- ception is at the Richfield Oil Corp. well Edwards 1, located west of the Yorba Linda quadrangle 3 miles south of the fault zone in see, 15, T. 3 S., R. 10 W. This well penetrated about 60 feet of altered diabase at a depth of 9,250 feet. The diabase in the well over- lies red beds of the Vaqueros and Sespe formations un- differentiated, of late Eocene to early Miocene age, and is overlain by strata of the La Vida member of the Puente formation of early late Miocene age. - Sill-like intrusions as much as 650 feet thick were found in other wells drilled as far as 1.6 miles north of the Whittier fault. Diabase crops out just north of the Whittier fault zone near the mouth of Wireline Canyon, 3,000 feet west of the west border of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. It occurs as a thick sill-like body exposed for 3,400 feet along the fault zone. Only the upper contact is ex- posed. It is overlain by a sequence of locally altered and baked siltstone beds about 250 feet thick, which is in turn overlain by a second, much thinner and less persistent sill of diabase. The diabase is intensely al- tered, dark grayish green to olive green, and locally vesicular. It commonly has chilled margins as much as 1 foot thick. The two diabase bodies that crop out in Wireline Canyon were penetrated by several wells in the central part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, north of the Whit- tier fault zone (pl. 1, wells 140, 167, 169, 170, 184, 221, 240, 253). The intrusive body extends in the subsur- face for 9 miles from Wireline Canyon to the eastern edge of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, north of the Whittier fault zone, and has a width of about 2 miles. The diabase body strikes about N. 40° W. and dips about 16° SE. It evidently cuts across about 4,000 B24 feet of section from a position low in the La Vida member of the Puente formation at the west (pl. 3) to a stratigraphically lower position in the Topanga for- mation at the east (pl. 4). All the diabase bodies are approximately contem- poraneous. The diabase was probably intruded along the Whittier fault zone and spread laterally near the surface to form cross-cutting sills. Petrography The intrusive rocks of the eastern Puente Hills are similar lithologically and suggest a common source. The variations that occur are chiefly in texture, sec- ondary minerals, and degree of alteration. The intru- sive rocks are usually dark grayish green and con- siderably altered and have a moderately coarse to - very coarse ophitic texture. In thin sections of the rock, plagioclase ranges in composition from andesine to labradorite and occurs as slightly to intensely al- tered but well-developed 1- to 2-mm laths and tablets that have albite and Carlsbad twinning. Interstitial augite, although always present, is seldom fresh; in a core from depths between 5,199 and 5,202 feet in the Shell Oil Co. well Wright 73-18 (pl. 1, well 184; sec. 18, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.) augite formed from olivine. Orthorhombic pyroxene (mostly hypersthene) com- monly occurs in small amounts. Olivine, both fresh and altered, is present in cores from the Shell Oil Co. well Wright 73-18 but has not been found elsewhere in the area. Ilmenite, occurring as small scattered grains and plates, is conspicuous in all samples of the intrusive rock. Secondary minerals include horn- blende, oxyhornblende, reddish-brown biotite, and rarely quartz. Apatite is a minor accessory in sev- eral samples; chlorite occurs as an alteration product; and calcite veins cut many of the samples. Age Intrusive rocks in the eastern Puente Hills are known to occur only in strata of the Topanga formation of middle Miocene age and in strata of the La Vida member of early late Miocene age. Siltstone contain- ing Foraminifera of the late Mohnian (early late Mio- cene) stage overlies diabase in several wells along the Whittier fault zone. The intrusion is therefore no older than late Mohnian. The upper age limit of the intrusion cannot be deter- mined precisely. The oldest strata in which clasts of the intrusive rocks occur are conglomerate beds of the upper member of the Fernando formation (Pliocene). Diabase debris has not been identified in conglomerate of the Puente formation; this absence indicates that the intrusive rocks were either not present or not ex- posed at the time (latest Miocene) sediments of the Sycamore Canyon member were deposited. In the GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA western Puente Hills, diabase pebbles and cobbles oc- cur in conglomerate of the lower member of the Fer- nando formation which is exposed south of the Whittier fault zone, and clasts of diabase are commonly present in younger Pliocene strata. The intrusive rocks are certainly younger than the volcanic rocks of the Li- sian stage (late middle Miocene), for they intruded the La Vida member of the Puente formation, which over- lies the volcanic rocks. The intrusive rocks are most probably of the Mohnian stage (early late Miocene). PLIOCENE SERIES FERNANDO FORMATION The Pliocene rocks of the Los Angeles basin have a complicated nomenclatural history. The name Fer- nando formation was introduced by Eldridge and Arnold (1907) for the Pliocene strata of the Los Angeles and Ventura basins, the type area being on the northwest side of the San Fernando Valley (fig. 1). English (1914) used the term Fernando group infor- mally, and Kew (1924) proposed it formally for the Ventura basin deposits. Kew included the Pico forma- tion of Pliocene age and the Saugus formation of Plio- cene and Pleistocene age in his Fernando group. The type areas of both formations are in the eastern Ven- tura basin. English (1926) used the term Fernando group for the Pliocene rocks and for part of the under- lying Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente forma- tion in the Puente Hills After Kew's report on the Ventura basin was published, the Pliocene rocks of the Los Angeles basin were assigned to the Pico forma- tion by geologists working in that area. Later study of Foraminifera from the Los Angeles basin showed that two distinct biostratigraphic units are represented in the Pliocene rocks of that area; however, study of the microfauna of the Pico formation at the type area in the Ventura basin suggested that the lower of these two biostratigraphic units is not present there '(Wiss- ler, 1943, p. 212). A committee of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists was formed to resolve this paradox, and in 1930 it proposed a twofold subdivision of the Pliocene section of the Los Angeles basin. The new name Repetto formation was given to the lower part of the section and the term Pico formation was retained for the upper part (Reed, 1932, p. 31, footnote). A type section for the Repetto forma- tion was designated in the Repetto Hills (fig. 1) along the west side of Atlantic Boulevard, where the most complete outcrop sequence of Pliocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin was exposed. General agreement on an upper and a lower bound- ary for the Repetto formation at the type section was never achieved, for the Pliocene rocks there cannot be divided on the basis of lithologic character. An almost GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS continuous section of Pliocene strata was exposed in excavations made after 1955 along the Monterey Pass Road in the Repetto Hills, less than 1 mile west of the type section of the Repetto formation. The beds along the Monterey Pass extend from near the base to the top of the Pliocene series, but they cannot be divided on the basis of lithologic differences (Woodford and Schoellhamer, written communication, 1958). Simi- larly, in much of the subsurface of the Los Angeles basin, the Pliocene strata cannot be divided into forma- tions but only into biostratigraphic units based chiefly on foraminiferal faunas. Most of the nomenclatural problems of the Pliocene rocks of the Los Angeles basin would therefore be simplified by assigning these rocks a single formational name. The name Pico is unsatisfactory because in the Los Angeles basin it is associated with a biostratigraphic rather than a litho- logic unit, and the name has been restricted by com- mon usage to rocks of late Pliocene age although the type section of the Pico formation in the Ventura basin may contain fossils of both early and late Pliocene age (Winterer and Durham, 1962, p. 322). The Pico for- mation is herein restricted to areas outside of the Los Angeles basin and is taken out of the Fernando group, which is reduced in rank to formation status. The name Repetto is also unsatisfactory because it is as- sociated with a biostratigraphic rather than a litho- logic unit and is therefore abandoned. The older name Fernando is suitable, however, and the Pliocene rocks in the eastern Puente Hills are assizued to the Fernando formation in this report. In the Puente Hills and most of the eastern Los Angeles basin the formation is divisible into upper and lower members. LOWER MEMBER Distribution and character In the Prado Dam and Yorba Linda quadrangles, the lower member of the Fernando formation occurs only southwest of the Whittier fault zone. On the ridge south of Tonner Canyon, just southwest of the Whittier fault, the lower member consists mainly of siltstone that is light grayish brown to olive brown, commonly massive to poorly bedded, and micaceous. A few thin beds or partings of olive-gray claystone and thin beds of light-brown to olive-gray fine-grained silty sandstone also occur in the member. Inter- bedded with these fine-grained strata are several thin strikingly lenticular pebble conglomerate beds that form prominent outcrops. The pebbles in the conglom- erate beds are well rounded, consist almost entirely of hard plutonic and metamorphic rocks, and range from 1 to 5 inches in longest dimension, averaging about 2 inches. Southeast of Olinda the lower member con- sists almost entirely of gray to light-brown poorly B25 bedded micaceous siltstone and minor amounts of fine- grained feldspathic sandstone. Both the sandstone and the siltstone commonly contain small angular chips of black charcoallike organic material. Thickness The lower member of the Fernando formation has an exposed thickness of 1,200 feet on the ridge south of Olinda (pl. 3). It thickens westward and is 2,300 to 2,600 feet thick on the ridge south of Tonner Canyon (pl. 3). It thins southward, probably because of the erosion of beds from its upper part prior to deposi- tion of the upper member, and is only about 700 feet thick at the crest of the anticline at the Richfield oil field. Fossils Megafossils were collected from the lower member of the Fernando formation at only one locality (F-6) in the eastern Puente Hills. The locality is at or near the top of the member. The fauna was identified by J. G. Vedder, of the Geological Survey. Foraminifera are locally abundant in the member and faunas from nine localities in the eastern Puente Hills are given in table 1. Fossil localities are shown on plate 1. Loc. F-6 (near northwest cor. see. 16, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.) : Gastropods : Barbarofusus barbarensis (Trask)? Bittium casmaliense Bartsch? Conus sp. Fusitriton oregonensis (Redfield) Kelletia kelletii (Forbes) Nassarius cf. N. perpingus (Hinds) Rinum cf. S. scopulosum (Conrad) Pelecypods : Acila castrensis (Hinds) Anadara camuloensis (Osmont) ? Chione? sp. Chlamys parmeleei (Dall) cf. C. rubidus (Hinds)=?0. hindsii (Carpenter) Dosinia ponderosa (Gray)? Lacevicardium cf. L. substriatum (Conrad) Lyropecten cerrosensis (Gabb) Macoma sp. Modiolus sp. Ostrea vespertina Conrad Patinopecten dilleri (Dall) healeyi (Arnold) Pecten cf. P. auburyi Arnold Pododesmus cf. P. macroschisma (Deshayes) Sazidomus? sp. Trachyeardium ? sp. Brachiopods : Laqueus cf. L. californicus Koch Terebratalia cf. T. occidentalis (Dall) Age and stratigraphic relations The lower member of the Fernando formation over- lies the Puente formation of late Miocene age and corresponds approximately to the Repetto formation B26 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA of previous workers. Foraminiferal faunas from the lower member in the eastern Puente Hills are prob- ably of early Pliocene age (Patsy B. Smith, written communication, 1957). The molluscan assemblage at locality F-6, which is near the top of the member, is indicative, however, of a late Pliocene age on the basis of a twofold division of the Pliocene (J. G. Ved- der, written communication, Feb. 20, 1959). The lower member is well exposed on the ridge south of Tonner Canyon, but the basal part of the unit is not exposed because of faulting. On the north side of the ridge, the lower member is overlain by the La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age. On the south side of the same ridge, the lower member is overlain un- conformably by a unit of well-cemented pebbly sand- stone marking the base of the upper member of the Fernando formation. The lower member is also ex- posed farther east in the isolated low hills just west of Olinda and on the long high ridge north of the town of Yorba Linda. In these areas the base of the member is ordinarily either concealed by younger deposits or net exposed because of faulting. The base is well ex- posed in the northwest quarter of sec. 15, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., where steeply dipping siltstone beds of the lower member overlie a sandstone unit of the Sycamore Can- yon member of the Puente formation. North of the town of Yorba Linda, the lower member is overlain by coarse commonly well cemented conglomerate at the base of the upper member. Northeast of Yorba Linda in sees. 23 and 24, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., poorly exposed strata assigned to the lower member of the Fernando formation may belong instead to the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation. Conditions of deposition Foraminiferal faunas from the Pliocene rocks in the Los Angeles basin consist almost entirely of species still living off the coast of California. A comparison of fossil and recent foraminiferal faunas indicates that the basin was both deeper and colder at the time the lower part of the Fernando (Repetto of former usage) sediments were being deposited than it was earlier in Tertiary time (Natland and Rothwell, 1954, p. 40). The occurrence of coarse-grained sandstone and con- glomerate units in the normally fine grained lower member of the Fernando formation suggests that coarse material from the margins of the basin may have been carried into its deeper parts by turbidity currents (Conrey, 1958). UPPER MEMBER Distribution and character The upper member of the Fernando formation is ex- posed in the eastern Puente Hills area on the ridges east and west of Olinda, where it unconformably over- lies the lower member. In this area the upper mem- ber consists mainly of sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and sandy conglomerate. The conglomerate and peb- bly sandstone beds at the base of the member are ordi- narily well cemented and form bold outcrops. The conglomerate consists of subrounded to well-rounded pebbles and cobbles of hard igneous and metamorphic rocks in a locally well-cemented matrix of coarse to gritty white to yellowish-brown feldspathic sandstone. This is the oldest conglomerate in the map area con- containing pebbles and cobbles of diabase similar to that exposed along the Whittier fault zone just west of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. Sandstone interbedded with the conglomerate is poorly consolidated, silty or fine grained to coarse grained or pebbly, and rarely well bedded; it is commonly cross-stratified and sometimes graded. The sandstone is light gray and weathers to yellowish brown or reddish brown. On the ridges north of Yorba Linda and south of Tonner Canyon, the upper member consists of soft massive reddish-brown and green mudstone, and locally sandy siltstone. - The siltstone is light gray to olive gray and * micaceous and is well exposed only in fresh excava- tions. Thickness The thickest exposed section of the upper member of the Fernando formation in the eastern Puente hills is at the western end of the ridge north of Yorba Linda where it is about 1,400 feet thick (pl. 3). The member thins to the east because of erosion prior to deposition of the overlying La Habra formation. The upper member is about 900 feet thick at the eastern end of the East Coyote oil field and in the Richfield oil field. Fossils Mollusks from four localities in the upper member in the eastern Puente Hills were identified by J. G. Ved- der and are listed below. Loc. F-4 (near southeast cor. see. 1, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.) : Gastropods : Acanthina spirata (Blainville) ? Barbarofusus arnoldi (Cossmann) ? Bittium casmaliense Bartsch? Bulla cf. B. gouldiana Pilsbry cf. B. punctulata (Adams) Calicantharus humerosus (Gabb) Calliostoma coalingense catoteron Woodring gemmulatum Carpenter ligatum (Gould) ? Calyptraea cf. C. mammilaris Broderip "Cancellaria" cf. "C." altispire Gabb cf. "C." hemphilli Dall Ceratostoma? cf. C. monoceras (Sowerby) Conus californicus Hinds Crepidula princeps Conrad? Crepidula sp. EAL r GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B27 Loc. F-4-Continued Elaeocyma? cf. E. empyrosia (Dall) "Gyrineum" elsmerense English Jaton cf. J. festivus (Hinds) Kelletia kelletii (Forbes) Littorina sp. Mangelia cf. M. variegata Carpenter Mitrella tuberosa (Carpenter) Nassarius mendicus (Gould) ? cf. N. perpinguis (Hinds) Neverita reclusiana (Deshayes) Olivella pedroana (Conrad) ? Ophiodermella incisa (Carpenter) ? Pomaulaz gradatus (Grant and Gale) Pupillaria cf. P. pupille (Gould) Tegula cf. T. funebralis (Adams) Trochita trochiformis (Born)? Turritella cooperi Carpenter cf. T. gonostoma hemphilli Applin Scaphopod : Dentalium cf. D. neohezagonum Pilsbry and Sharp Pelecypods : Aequipecten sp. Anadara camuloensis (Osmont) Apolymetis biangulata (Carpenter) Chione cf. C. fernandoensis English Cyathodonta ef. C. undulata (Conrad) Laevicardium cf. L. substriatum (Conrad) Lucina excavata Carpenter Lucinisca nuttallii (Conrad) Lucinoma annulata (Reeve) Macoma nasuta (Conrad) ? Megapitaria squalida (Sowerby) ? Miltha cf. M. zantusi (Dall) Ostrea vespertina Conrad Panope generosa (Gould) ? Pecten cf. P. auburyi Arnold Saccella ef. 8. taphria (Dall) Bolen? sp. Tellina idae Dall? Trachycardium? sp. Loc. F-5 (in NE% see. 16, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.) : Gastropods : Aletes? sp. Bittium casmaliense Bartsch? Bulla gouldiana Pilsbry ? Calicantharus humerosus (Gabb) Calliostoma gemmulatum Carpenter Calyptraea cf. C. mammilaris Broderip "Cancellaria" hemphilli Dall Crepidula cf. C. aculeata (Gmelin) sp. Crucibulum sp. Diodora? cf. D. murina (Carpenter) Fusitrition oregonensis (Redfield) Hipponia®? sp. Mangetia sp. Mitrella tuberosa (Carpenter) Nassarius moranianus (Martin) perpinguis (Hinds) ? Neverita reclusiana (Deshayes) ? Ophiodermella incisa (Carpenter) ? Pomaulax gradatus (Grant and Gale) Bcaphander n. sp.? Loc. F-5-Continued Reila cf. S. montereyensis Bartsch Strioterebrum cf. S. martini (English) Turritella cooperi Carpenter Pelecypods : Acila castrensis (Hinds) Anadara camuloensis (Osmont) Apolymetis cf. A. biangulata (Carpenter) Chione cf. C. fernandoensis English Compsomyax subdiaphana (Carpenter) Lima n. sp. Lucina excavata Carpenter Ostrea vespertina (Conrad) Patinopecten cf. P. dilleri (Dall) Pecten auburyi Arnold ? Saccella cf. S. taphria (Dall) Solen sp. Trachycardium quadragenarium (Conrad) ? Scaphopod : Dentalium sp. Loc. F-7 (in NEY sec. 7, T. 3 S., R 9 W ; in basal conglomerate of upper member of Fernando formation) : Pelecypod : Ostrea erici Hertlein Loc. F-8 (in NE see. 7, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.; in basal conglomerate of upper member of Fernando formation) : Gastropods : Aletes? sp. Calliostoma cf. C. gemmulatum Carpenter Pelecypods : Chlamys hastatus (Sowerby) cf. C. rubidus (Hinds)=?C. hindsii (Carpenter) Lima n. sp.? Ostrea erici Hertlein vespertina Conrad Pecten stearnsii Dall? Barnacle : Balanus sp. Age and stratigraphic relations In the eastern Puente Hills, the upper member of the Fernando formation unconformably overlies beds of probable early Pliocene age assigned to the lower member of the Fernando formation and underlies strata of the La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age. The upper member is considered to be of late Pliocene age in the eastern Puente Hills area and is probably equivalent in this area to the Pico formation of previous workers. J. W. Durham (1954, p. 24) cor- related the Pico formation of the Los Angeles basin with the San Diego formation of the San Diego area and with the upper part of the Pico formation at its type area in the Ventura basin. These units are as- signed by J. W. Durham to the Etchegoin (middle Pliocene) and San Joaquin (upper Pliocene) mega- faunal stages of the standard Pacific Coast section. The upper and lower members of the Fernando for- mation are separated by an unconformity on the ridge west of Olinda and south of Tonner Canyon. North of the town of Yorba Linda, the two members are appar- ently conformable. The base of the upper member is B28 . GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA usually marked by well-cemented pebbly sandstone and conglomerate beds that form bold outcrops. On the ridge south of Tonner Canyon, the upper member is overlain unconformably by the continental La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age. The upper member thins to the east because of erosion prior to deposition of the La Habra formation. QUATERNARY SYSTEM PLEISTOCENE SERIES UNNAMED STRATA OF PLEISTOCENE AGE A sequence of marine and nonmarine strata of Pleis- tocene age overlies the Fernando formation in the sub- surface in the southwestern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. The upper part of this unit is exposed in the Coyote Hills west of the map area, where it is about 715 feet thick. In an exposed section 1.5 miles northwest of the southwest corner of the map area, the Pleistocene series consists of about 50 feet (base not exposed) of massive light-yellowish-gray silty sand- stone that contains much biotite, sporadic thin lenses of well-rounded pebbles, and a well-cemented concre- tionary horizon that contains marine mollusks of prob- able early Pleistocene age. The marine sandstone is about 450 feet thick in nearby wells and is unconform- ably overlain by about 220 feet of massive dark- to light-reddish-brown and yellow-brown pebbly sand- stone and sandy conglomerate that contains interbedded 1-inch layers of coarse to gritty light-colored sandstone. The sandstone has a clayey and earthy matrix and a nonmarine aspect. This relatively resistant pebbly sandstone and conglomerate unit is overlain by about 495 feet of interbedded olive-gray marly mudstone that locally contains plant fragments and ostracods; and light-brownish-gray and pinkish-gray massive coarse- grained to gritty earthy sandstone with beds and stringers of well-rounded pebbles of red volcanic and light-colored plutonic rocks. This sequence of nonmarine rocks includes the lower half of Dudley's (1943, p. 350-351) lower Pleistocene section, and is unconformably overlain by the upper Pleistocene La Habra formation in the Coyote Hills. The northeastern boundary of this lower Pleistocene marine and postlower Pleistocene nonmarine sequence is not precisely known. The lower part of the sequence is known from well cores in the southwest part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, where it is termed unnamed strata of Pleistocene age. LA HABRA FORMATION Nonmarine sandstone and silty conglomerate beds exposed along the southern margin of the Puente Hills were included in the Fernando formation by English (1926). They were later called La Habra conglomerate by Eckis (1934, p. 49), who adopted a name proposed for the unit by H. M. Bergen in an unpublished report. Eckis considered the unit to be of late Pliocene or early Pleistocene age. The La Habra formation was redefined by Durham and Yerkes (1959), who assigned to it a late Pleistocene age based on its stratigraphic relations in the La Habra-Yorba Linda area where it was first recognized by Bergen. Distribution and character The La Habra formation is well exposed near the western border of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, where the lower part of the unit is from 500 to 600 feet thick. A similar sequence of beds nearly 1,000 feet thick is exposed north of the town of Yorba Linda. The for- mation is covered by alluvial deposits in most of the southwestern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle (pl. 3). A section of the formation follows. Section of the La Habra formation measured in roadcuts high on the eastern side of a small canyon in the NW sec. 7, T. 38 S., R. 9 W., Yorba Linda quadrangle Top not exposed. Feet 12. Sandstone, reddish-brown, fine- to medium-grained, massive, earthy; with interbedded siltstone______ 20 11. Sandy conglomerate and pebbly sandstone, light- greenish-gray to buff; contains angular to sub- rounded pebbles and cobbles of granitic rocks as large as 7 in. but averaging 1 in. in size; and many ¥- to 4-in. chips and slabs of limy white siltstone; bedding chaotic, sorting poor; matrix of light brown, coarse-grained, poorly sorted, earthy con- glomeratic sand, poorly consolidated with calcare- OUs . - - _o 22 220000 oo rama ne in naw als BJ 10. Sandstone, tan to reddish-gray, massive, earthy; with interbedded limy, mudstone showing hackly fracture;. bedding 4 9. Pebbly sandstone and sandy conglomerate similar to unit 11, but somewhat better bedded in upper part, poorly sorted below ; contains cobbles as large as 6 in., but averaging 1 in. in size. ___________________ 8 8. Sandstone, light-tan to reddish-brown,. massive to thick-bedded, earthy ; with stringers of pebbles and white siltstone 20 7. Sandy siltstone, light-pinkish gray, well-bedded hackly fracture, somewhat marly________________ 6 6. Sandstone, light pinkish-gray, weathering light brown, coarse-grained, poorly sorted, massive, earthy and clayey; with thin stringers of pebbles and small white siltstone chips; bedding better in upper than in lower 10 5. Pebbly sandstone and sandy conglomerate as in units 11 and 9; with boulders as large as 14 in. in size, long axes of larger clasts arranged subparal- tel to contacts of unit. T 4. Sandstone, light-brown, fine-grained, well-sorted, soft and friable, hackly 12 8. Pebbly sandstone and sandy conglomerate similar to ° HIE: Ln -.. 2 502 L D Cn oice se E1. te e Te on in He e a tl ae oe aCe ie aa 10 U GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS 2. Mudstone and siltstone, poorly exposed, soft, gray- ish-green to reddish-brown, sandy; has topogra- phic expression as valleys and swales_________- 105+ 1. Conglomerate (see fig. 12), pebbly sandstone, and sandy conglomerate, light grayish green to light- brown; has angular to subrounded pebbles and cobbles of granitic rock as large as 5 in. and aver- aging 1 in. in diameter, and abundant chips and slabs of buff to white limy siltstone; bedding cha- otic, sorting poor; matrix of earthy and clayey sand. Lower contact is well defined by a slight angular unconformity with some channeling of underlying reddish-brown and green mudstone-__ 8 FicUrB 12.-Basal conglomerate of the La Habra formation exposed in a roadcut in the Brea-Olinda oil field south of Tonner Canyon. The tabular fragments and pebbles are hard white siltstone derived from the Puente formation. " North of the town of Yorba Linda, the base of the La Habra formation is marked by a unit of white pebbly sandstone 100 to 150 feet thick. This sandstone is white, coarse to gritty, poorly sorted, clayey, semi- consolidated, and conspicuously cross-stratified. It contains well-rounded pebbles as large as 3 inches, but more commonly 14 to 1 inch in size. The pebbles occur both as scattered clasts and as lenses and stringers as much as 6 feet thick. The basal sand- stone is overlain by a unit 25 to 50 feet thick consisting of dense reddish-brown claystone containing scattered sand grains. Overlying the claystone unit is a unit of poorly bedded grayish-brown poorly sorted sandy con- glomerate with a silty matrix. This sandy conglom- erate is overlain in turn by beds of reddish-brown, silty sandstone and greenish-clay clayey calcareous mudstone and siltstone, similar to those in the upper part of the _ formation in other areas. White caliche beds occur in exposures of the calcareous greenish-gray and red- 686-601 O-63--3 B29 brown mudstone beds. Near the north edge of section 22, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., the upper part of the formation is cut by channels filled with gray sandy gravel similar to Recent alluvial gravel in the area. Thickness The La Habra formation is as much as 1,000 feet thick in the area north of the town of Yorba Linda. It is only 500 to 600 feet thick near the western edge of the Yorba Linda quadrangle and about 400 feet thick on the southern flank of the East Coyote oil field. It is probably about 1,500 feet thick north of the East Coyote oil field (pl. 3). South of the Coyote Hills uplift the La Habra formation may attain thicknesses of 2,500 feet or more. Age and stratigraphic relations The La Habra formation is unfossiliferous, but it unconformably overlies strata ranging in age from early Pliocene to postearly Pleistocene. The regional unconformity at the base of the formation probably reflects the middle Pleistocene deformation of the Los Angeles basin area. Beds of the La Habra formation are tilted to high angles and are locally overturned near the Whittier fault; the beds are overlain by flat- | lying alluvial deposits of late Pleistocene or Recent age. _ In the Coyote Hills west of the Yorba Linda quad- rangle, the La Habra formation unconformably over- lies marine and nonmarine strata of early and post- early Pleistocene age. At the west edge of the quad- rangle, near the south margin of the hills, the formation overlies siltstone beds in the upper member of the Fernando formation, and about 1 mile to the east, it overlies beds about 750 feet stratigraphically . lower in the same member. On the ridge south of Tonner Canyon, the formation unconformably overlies the lower member of the Fernando formation (pl. 3). The stratigraphic relations of the formation suggest that it is most probably of late Pleistocene age. Conditions of deposition The La Habra formation consists of nonmarine sed- imentary rocks derived largely from the nearby Puente Hills; however, strata in the basal part of the formation were derived from different sources. Northwest of Carbon Canyon, the basal unit of the formation consists of silty coarse unsorted conglom- erate containing both angular pebbles and cobbles and abundant white siltstone debris derived from the Puente formation. - Southeast of Carbon Canyon Creek, the basal part of the formation includes cross-stratified clayey white sandstone containing small well-rounded pebbles unlike any possible nearby source rock. This sandstone is well exposed in a large gravel pit in the northwest corner of sec. 35, I. 83 S., R. 9 W., just B30 south of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. The clasts in the basal beds of the La Habra formation in the area northwest of Carbon Canyon Creek were derived from adjacent parts of the Puente Hills, and those in the area to the southeast were probably brought from a more distant source by the Santa Ana River. The upper part of the formation consisting of silty sand- stone and siltstone is lithologically uniform throughout the eastern Puente Hills, this uniformity suggests a common source for the sediments-namely, the Puente formation in the nearby Puente Hills. PLEISTOCENE TO RECENT SERIES Alluvial deposits of late Pleistocene, Recent(?) and Recent age occurring in the eastern Puente Hills area are classified as either older alluvium or younger alluvium. Older alluvium is semiconsolidated mate- rial deposited in and around the hills and dissected by the present streams. Along the Santa Ana River, it includes alluvial terrace deposits. Younger alluvium is uncolsolidated material that is being, or has lately been, transported by streams. OLDER ALLUVIUM Distribution and character The sediments of late Pleistocene and Recent(?) age that border the eastern Puente Hills are alluvial fan and terrace deposits. The alluvial fan deposits were built by streams coming from the neighboring highlands and have been accumulating since at least the time of the middle Pleistocene deformation of the Los Angeles basin area, when an increase in the ele- vation of some areas provided a source for coarser deposits. The alluvial fan deposits overlie older strata unconformably near the margins of their basins of accumulation, but they are probably conformable on older strata nearer the centers of these basins. The alluvial fan deposits in valleys bordering the eastern Puente Hills consist chiefly of poorly sorted silt, sand, and gravel. They are cut by the present streams and have a soil profile developed on their sur- face. The resulting soils are chiefly silty loam, sandy loam, sandy adobe, and adobe (Nelson and others, 1917). In the area between Yorba Linda and La Habra, the older alluvium has been dissected to such an extent that the original surface of the deposit has been nearly or entirely destroyed. Alluvial terrace deposits occur along the Santa Ana River and some of its larger tributaries. They consist chiefly of sand and gravel and have better bedding than do the locally derived and poorly sorted alluvial fan deposits with which they merge in the area south of Yorba Linda. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA An old high-level alluvial terrace deposit about 100 feet thick and from 245 to 595 feet above stream level is exposed north of the Horseshoe Bend of the Santa Ana River. At its base is a well-cemented unit 25 or 30 feet thick consisting of coarse gravel in an abun- dant matrix of sand and silt. Above the basal unit is a sequence of sand beds overlain by reddish-brown massive silt. This deposit, which lies nearly flat, rests with marked angular unconformity on rocks of the Topanga and Puente formations and is cut on the northeast side by the Whittier fault (fig. 13). Other alluvial terrace deposits north of the Santa Ana River near Horseshoe Bend consist chiefly of massive reddish- brown earthy silt containing lenses and stringers of sand and gravel. The silt has an abundance of white caliche in fractures, on bedding planes, and in discrete layers as much as 3 or 4 inches thick. The sand is fine to coarse grained, generally light gray, cross-stratified, and commonly pebbly. The gravel consists mainly of pebbles and small cobbles, but some boulders also oc- cur. The upper 2 to 3 feet of these deposits usually consists of silty material; sand and gravel are more common near the base. The older alluvium in the eastern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle was considered by Eckis (1934; p. 193) to be fan deposits, derived chiefly from the Santa Ana Mountains and later beheaded by the Santa Ana River. Thickness Deposits of older alluvium are probably 500 feet or more thick near the northeast corner of the Prado Dam quadrangle. The Southern Counties Petroleum and Drilling Corp. well 1 (pl. 1, well 192; see. 22, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.), drilled near Los Serranos, penetrated tree logs buried at a depth of 380 feet in alluvial ma- terial. A maximum thickness of at least 1,400 feet is given by Eckis (1934, p. 58) for the older alluvial deposits in the deeper part of the San Bernardino Val- ley, northeast of the eastern Puente Hills. The alluvial terrace deposits along the Santa Ana River are as much as 100 feet thick. Another thick accumulation of older alluvial material occurs in the La Habra syncline between the Puente Hills and the Coyote Hills uplift. Age Most of the older alluvium exposed in the map area is probably late Pleistocene in age; the upper parts of some deposits may be Recent in age. Probably the oldest alluvial deposits in the eastern Puente Hills are those just north of Horseshoe Bend. Their base is as much as 595 feet above the Santa Ana River, and although they lie nearly flat, they have been cut GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS by the Whittier fault. Other alluvial deposits along the Santa Ana River have their base as much as 250 feet above the river and apparently are not cut by faults. The alluvial terrace deposits along the Santa Ana River are equivalent in age to part of the alluvial fan deposits south of Yorba Linda. YOUNGER ALLUVIUM The younger alluvium occurs in the bed of the Santa Ana River and in the bottoms of the canyons in the eastern Puente Hills. It consists of poorly sorted silt, sand, and gravel. Near the surface the alluvium is generally of sand or silt size, but lenses or beds of pebbles, cobbles, or even boulders occur below the surface. The coarser material is carried by the streams during times of heavy runoff and is buried by finer material deposited as the rate of flow slackens. The younger alluvium is distinguished by its position in canyon bottoms, its lack of consolidation, and its fresh, unweathered appearance. STRUCTURE STRUCTURAL SETTING The Puente Hills are northeast of the deep central part of the Los Angeles basin. They are a structural unit that has been uplifted between the Whittier fault zone, which is near the southwestern margin of the hills, and the Chino fault zone, which is near the northeastern margin. The narrow troughlike Chino basin is northeast of the eastern Puente Hills, and a structurally high platform of granitic basement rocks covered by a relatively thin veneer of sedimentary rocks is present northeast of the Chino basin. The La Habra syncline, which is south of and nearly par- allel to the southern edge of the Puente Hills, lies between the hills and the Coyote Hills uplift to the south. Structure sections across the eastern Puente Hills area are shown in plates 3 and 4. WHITTIER FAULT ZONE Between the Santa Ana River and the Horseshoe Bend fault, the trace of the Whittier fault separates strata of the Vaqueros and Sespe formations and To- panga formation exposed on the south side from strata of the Puente formation exposed on the north side. In this part of the map area, the Whittier fault appears to be a single fault rather than a zone of two or more major faults. The fault trace is concealed by deposits of older alluvium near the Santa Ana River (fig. 13). Northwest of Horseshoe Bend, the Whittier fault generally comprises a zone of two or more major faults separating strata of the Puente formation on the north side from younger strata of the Puente and Fer- B31 nando formations on the south side. At the eastern bor- der of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, the zone includes three poorly exposed subparallel faults that separate slices of contorted siltstone and sandstone of the Puente formation. Strata of early Pliocene age occur im- mediately south of the southernmost fault. The best exposures of the faults between Horseshoe Bend and Carbon Canyon are in the area north of Telegraph Canyon, where the north trace separates sandstone of the Soquel member on the north from siltstone of the La Vida member on the south (fig. 14). Between Carbon Canyon and Tonner Canyon the Whittier fault zone includes two faults that bound a slice of steeply dipping beds of the Sycamore Canyon member (pl. 4). South-dipping beds of the Sycamore Canyon member are exposed south of the fault slice, and steeply northward dipping beds of the La Vida and Soquel members are exopsed north of it. An excellent exposure of the trace of the northern fault is in a cut west of the center of sec. 9, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., where steeply dipping sandstone beds of the Soquel member are thrust over siltstone of the Sycamore Canyon member and the fault plane dips 37° NE. Between Tonner and Brea Canyons, the Whittier fault zone includes three principal faults (fig. 14). The northern fault is well exposed on the west wall of Tonner Canyon, where overturned beds of the Soquel member are in fault contact with siltstone of the La Vida member to the north. All three faults dip 70° to 80° N. (pls. 3 and 4). Along the line of structure section 4-4" (pl. 3), the stratigraphic separation across the Whittier fault zone is about 10,500 feet. Three miles to the southeast along the line of structure section D-D' (pl. 3), it is about 7,000 feet. Near the west edge of the Prado Dam quadrangle, stratigraphic separation of strata of late Miocene age across the fault zone may be only about 2,000 feet (pl. 4). Southeast of the Horseshoe Bend fault, the stratigraphic separation across the Whittier fault is about 4,000 feet and opposite in sense to that northwest of Horseshoe Bend (pl. 4). The courses of the larger south-flowing streams in the eastern Puente Hills turn westeward for as much as 8,800 feet where they cross the Whittier fault zone, before they resume a southerly direction. These west- erly offsets in the stream courses have been inter- preted as dus to differential erosion of softer rock along the Whittier fault zone (English, 1926, p. 65), and as the result of lateral movement along the Whittier fault (Hill, 1954, p. 10). The latter interpre- tation is supported by the fact that the offsets are all in the direction that would result from right-lateral movement along the Whittier fault. B32 GEOLOGY OF FIGURE 13.-Aerial view southeastward along the Whittier fault zone zone trends obliquely from lower left toward the center of the fault ; younger alluvial terrace deposits are undisturbed. The possible existence of the Whittier fault in pre- middle Miocene time is suggested by the presence of at least 1,275 feet of premiddle Miocene strata south of the fault zone in the Richfield oil field, whereas strata older than middle Miocene in age are absent north of the fault zone in the Brea-Olinda oil field. The Whit- tier fault may be as old as late Miocene in age, for the diabase intrusive rocks of early late Miocene age that are associated with it were probably intruded along the fault. At least some of the movement on the fault oc- curred in Pleistocene, and probably late in Pleistocene time, for strata of the La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age are steeply tilted and locally over- turned near the fault zone. Elevated deposits of older alluvium are cut by the fault near Horseshoe Bend, but lower level deposits of older alluvium in the same area apparently are not affected by the fault (fig. 13). CHINO FAULT The Chino fault trends N. 38° W. near the northeast- ern margin of the eastern Puente Hills and dips southeast of the Horseshoe Bend of the Santa Ana River. photograph. THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The fault > Old alluvial terrace deposits at lower left are cut by the steeply southwestward. The fault is covered by al- luvial deposits southeast and northwest of its exposure in the eastern Puente Hills. The displacement on the fault probably increases toward the southeast. The trace of the fault is usually poorly exposed and is char- acteristically marked by a zone of contorted and crum- pled siltstone on the southwest side that has been crushed against more resistant pebbly sandstone and conglomerate on the northeast side. The best exposure of the Chino fault is in the cuts made for State Route 71 at the easternmost tip of the hills (fig. 15). The fault trace in the roadcut is a single distinct line, but siltstone on the southwest, upthrown side of the fault is crumpled and shattered in a zone about 50 feet wide, and the general attitude of the bed- ding is obscure. The fault strikes N. 50° W. between cuts on opposite sides of the highway, and it dips about 60° SW. The strata northeast of the fault are silty fine-grained sand, sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and conglomerate, in all of which bedding is well GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B33 FiGURE 14.-Aerial view southeastward along the Whittier fault zone southeast of Carbon Canyon. The fault zone trends from lower left to upper right. The eastern end of the Brea-Olinda oil field is in the foreground and the junction of Carbon and Telegraph Canyons is in the center. FIGURE 15.-Exposure of the Chino Fault in a roadcut 1.3 miles north of Prado Dam. 'The fault strikes N. 50° W. and dips 65° SW. Siltstone of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation on the left is thrust over younger, coarser grained strata of the same member on the right. 686-601 O-63--4 preserved. Strata on both sides of the fault dip steeply southwest and roughly parallel to the fault plane. Information from seven wells that penetrate the fault (pl. 1, wells 7, 54, 92, 113, 114, 152, 153) indicates that the fault maintains a dip of 59° to 67° to a depth of at least 2,575 feet below sea level. The fault may be steeper in areas to the northwest. A narrow band of steeply dipping and overturned pebbly sandstone and conglomerate beds exposed just northeast of the Chino fault may represent a series of en echelon drag folds associated with the fault. These folds are exposed in cuts along State Highway 71, 0.1 mile north of the trace of the Chino fault. The axes of the folds plunge about 72° SE., suggesting a component of lateral movement along the fault. The stratigraphic separation across the Chino fault in the central part of its exposure is about 1,200 feet (pls. 3 and 4). The stratigraphic separation across the fault at the southeastern end of its exposure is about 2,400 feet (pl. 4). wien f C. B34 The youngest strata cut by the Chino fault are as- signed to the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation of late Miocene age, although the uppermost part of this unit may include strata of Pliocene age. Alluvial deposits are not disturbed by the fault. Move- ment along the Chino fault probably followed forma- of the Mahala anticline and probably coincided with or followed the middle Pleistocene deformation of the Los Angeles basin. STRUCTURAL FEATURES NORTH OF THE WHITTIER FAULT ZONE AND WEST OF THE CHINO FAULT FAULTS The faults occurring between the Whittier and Chino faults can be placed in three groups. One group consists of east- and northeast-trending faults that branch from the Whittier fault zone. Included in this group are several large faults in the southeastern quar- ter of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, and the Bryant and Scully Hill faults in the Prado Dam quadrangle. Most of these faults dip northward (pl. 4), and some are cut by the Aliso Canyon fault. A second group of east-trending faults occurs in the northern part of the map area. This group includes the Diamond Bar fault, Arnold Ranch fault, and the east-trending fault just north of the Chino Soquel oil field. . The Arnold Ranch fault forms the south side of an upthrown block from which the La Vida member of the Puente formation was nearly removed by ero- sion prior to deposition of the Soquel member; this condition indicates that the fault was active dur- ing late Miocene time. Both the Arnold Ranch fault and the east-trending fault north of the Chino-Soquel oil field extend into basement rock. A third group of faults bound the structural block containing the Arena Blanca syncline. This structural block has moved relatively northward along reverse faults that form its northern edge and along the Aliso Canyon fault, which is a tear fault at its southeastern edge. The resulting compression at the south end of the Ridge syncline has caused a broadening of the syncline there and development of a subsidiary west- trending syncline on its west side. Faults of this group are as young as, or younger than, any of the other faults in the map area. FOLDS Seven principal anticlines, the Arena Blanca, Bryant Ranch, Carbon Canyon, Diamond Bar, Mahala, Soquel Canyon, and Telegraph Canyon, are exposed in the east- ern Puente Hills north of the Whittier fault zone and west of the Chino fault. The most important in the production of oil is the Mahala anticline at the Mahala oil field. This anticline is an asymmetric fold that GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA parallels the Chino fault and is about 3 miles long. The Chino fault cuts the anticline and forms closure on the northeast side (pl. 4). Oil is also produced from the Soquel Canyon anti- cline at the Chino-Soquel oil field. The anticline plunges northeast, and closure is formed by southeast- trending faults that cut the axis to the southwest. The Arena Blanca anticline is at the northern edge of the structural block that contains the Arena Blanca syncline. The east-trending folds in this block are the result of its compression as it moved relatively north- ward against the Ridge syncline. The Arena Blanca anticline is not considered to be the offset nose of the Bryant Ranch anticline. The Carbon Canyon anticline is exposed in the north- west corner of the Prado Dam quadrangle, where it plunges about 30° E. An anticline exposed near the head of Carbon Canyon in the Yorba Linda quadrangle may be the offset southwestern continuation of the Carbon Canyon anticline. Only two large synclines are exposed north of the Whittier fault zone and west of the Chino fault. The south-trending Ridge syncline ends abruptly against the structural block that contains the east-trending Arena Blanca syncline. The Ridge syncline broadens at its southern end and hasa subsidiary west-trending fold there on its west flank, indicating compression due to relative northward movement of the structural block containing the Arena Blanca syncline. The east- trending orientation of the Arena Blanca syn- cline and associated anticline are probably due to this same northward compression. The age of the folds north of the Whittier fault zone is not determined exactly, but strata as young as latest Miocene are involved in folding there. The folds are all cut by faults considered to be related to move- ment along the Whittier fault zone, but the last move- ment along that zone probably occurred during or after late Pleistocene time. STRUCTURAL FEATURES NORTHEAST OF THE EASTERN PUENTE HILLS The Chino basin was named and described by Wood- ford and others (1944) as a narrow structural trough 1 or 2 miles wide, bounded on the southwest by the Chino fault and on the northeast by an unnamed fault or faults. The western edge of the basin is near the mar- gin of the eastern Puente Hills; the eastern edge trends about N. 25° W. and is about 0.6 mile northeast of South Central Avenue. Toward the southeast, the eastern edge of the basin apparently parallels the Chino fault and is about 1 mile northeast of the projected trace of the fault. The basin may be the northwesterly extension of the Elsinore structural trough. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS In the Chino basin, granitic basement rocks are at depths of 5,000 feet or more below sea level and are overlain by strata of middle Miocene age or older. Northeast of the Chino basin in the Prado dam quad- rangle, granitic basement rocks occur at depths be- tween 1,000 and 2,000 feet below sea level and are overlain by rocks of late Miocene age. This structur- ally high area northeast of the Chino fault is the western part of a larger structural unit called the Parris block by English (1926, p. 54). STRUCTURAL FEATURES SOUTH OF THE EASTERN PUENTE HILLS The La Habra syncline is a long, narrow, asym- metrical northwest-trending and -plunging structural feature in the area just south of the Puente Hills, be- tween the towns of Yorba Linda and Whittier. Its axis is about 1.5 miles southwest of and parallel to the Whit- tier fault zone. The north limb of the syncline is bounded by the Whittier fault zone and dips more steeply than does the south limb. The Coyote Hills uplift trends about N. 72° W. and lies south of and parallel to the La Habra syncline. The West Coyote and East Coyote oil fields are on sep- arate east-trending anticlines on the Coyote Hills uplift and arranged en echelon along it. Strata of the La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age are folded at the East Coyote oil field (pl. 3). Most of the faults exposed in the map area south of the Whittier fault zone are steeply dipping, trend approximately parallel to the Whittier fault, and are probably related to it. Near the Whittier fault zone, the stratigraphic separation across the related faults is commonly several thousand feet, and in a re- verse sense. Most of these faults cut strata of Plio- cene age and apparently do not affect Quaternary ter- race deposits. The Horseshoe Bend fault in the southwest corner of the Prado Dam quadrangle dips about 55° W. (pl. 4). Stratigraphic separation of beds across the fault is about 4,000 feet. The Horseshoe Bend fault marks the northwesternmost exposure of relatively old rocks that belong to the Santa Ana Mountains structural block. PHYSIOGRAPHY EASTERN PUENTE HILLS The topography of the eastern Puente Hills reflects their complicated Quaternary history of uplift, erosion, stream capture and change of base level. Remnants of an old relatively flat erosional surface are preserved in the higher parts of the hills. This surface truncates complicated geologic structural features and was crossed by a few streams that flowed into the area B35 from the great fans in the San Bernardino Valley to the northeast. Some of the present streams, such as _ those in Brea and Tonner Canyons, flow in compara- tively narrow and steep-sided canyons cut in broader valleys that were occupied by ancient streams at the time the old erosion surface was formed. Following development of the old erosion surface the Puente Hills area was elevated relative to the area on the south, but probably it was elevated without pronounced tilting. Some of the through-flowing streams main- tained themselves across the uplifted area and formed antecedent valleys with walls having slopes that in cross profile are convex upward (fig. 16). Following a regional lowering of baselevel that affected the major streams in the area, Brea and Tonner Canyons were beheaded by diversion upstream on the fan sur- faces in the San Bernardino Valley. The most recent episode in the erosional history of the area is marked by the entrenchment of streams into the broader val- ley bottoms. This entrenchment is especially striking in Brea Canyon just north of the Whittier fault, where the stream has cut a narrow steep-walled gully about 30 feet into alluvial deposits and bedrock (fig. 16). The depth of the gully decreases in the upstream direction, and headward erosion of the gully has not progressed beyond about the center of sec. 29, T. 2 S., R. 9 W. The gross drainage pattern in the eastern Puente Hills is asymmetrical in that streams flowing southwest are much longer than those draining north or northeast. This asymmetry suggests some north- easterly tilting of the Puente Hills during at least the later stages of their uplift. SANTA ANA RIVER The Santa Ana River has its headwaters in the San Bernardino Mountains, crosses the broad alluviated San Bernardino Valley, flows between the Puente Hills and the Santa Ana Mountains in a steep-sided and relatively narrow canyon, and crosses the south- eastern part of the Los Angeles plain to reach the sea. As the river approaches the eastern Puente Hills, it flows on a narrow flood plain between banks 20 to 30 feet high that are cut into deposits of older alluvium. North of the river the dissected surface of the older alluvial deposits in the eastern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle slopes northward and is buried beneath the south-sloping alluvial fans that extend southward from the San Gabriel Mountains. North of Prado Dam the bed of the river is as much as 25 feet below the surface of the older alluvium. Chino Creek and the lesser streams that drain from the north have also cut into the older alluvium, and more recently they have incised their own valley bottoms in order to be at grade with the Santa Ana River. The depth to B36 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA oa Ce FIGURE 16.-Aerial view northeastward up Brea Canyon from over the Whittier fault zone. The bare slopes in the foreground are underlain by siltstone of the La Vida member of the Puente formation. The brush-covered slopes in the center and background are underlain by sandstone of the Soquel member. The higher parts of the hills are remnants of an old erosion surface. The stream is entrenched as much as 30 feet into the alluvial deposits that floored ancient Brea Canyon. 'The canyon walls have slopes that are convex upward. which these tributary streams cut the older alluvium decreases away from the Santa Ana River. Small alluvial cones have been built on the surface of the older alluvium bordering Chino Creek by streams that issue from the hills north of Prado Dam. These cones and the older alluvium in the canyons behind them are incised by intermittent streams. The course of the Santa Ana River through its can- yon between the eastern Puente Hills and the Santa Ana Mountains is generally considered to antecede the uplift of those areas (Sharp, 1954, p. 9). The canyon is about 9 miles long and only 0.3 mile wide at the narrowest place, just below Prado Dam. The alluvial fill in the canyon has a nearly uniform thickness of from 80 feet near the upper end to 100 feet in the lower part. The alluvial deposits are coarsest at depth, where boulders 1 to 2 feet in diameter are present, but the deposits are predominantly sandy near the surface (Post, 1928, p. 261-264). The bedrock floor beneath the alluvium of the river bed is deeper both above the head of the canyon and below its mouth (Eckis, 1934, p. 28). Remnants of alluvial material deposited by the Santa Ana River at elevations now above the river bed are present on both sides of Santa Ana Canyon. AREA SOUTH OF THE PUENTE HILLS The Coyote Hills uplift is south of, and trends nearly parallel to, the Whittier fault zone. The Santa Fe Springs, West Coyote, and East Coyote oil fields are . P GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS on a series of generally east-trending anticlines ar- ranged en echelon along the uplift. The topographic expression of the anticline at the West Coyote oil field is good, but that of the anticline at the East Coyote oil field is poor and noticeable only in the area west of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. The structural features at the Richfield oil field have little topographic expres- sion. During most of late Quaternary time, alluvial ma- terial accumulated between the Coyote Hills uplift and the Puente Hills, while a large part of the coastal area south of the Coyote Hills uplift was still receiving marine deposits Older alluvium elevated over the Coyote Hills uplift stands above the level of the coastal area and is dissected by streams anteceding the up- lift. Deposits of older alluvium near the town of Yorba Linda and westward have been dissected by the Santa Ana River and its tributaries. The Santa Ana River has cut into the older alluvium south of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, to form bluffs as much as 65 feet high. Streams issuing from the Puente Hills have also dissected the older alluvium and meet the flood plain of the Santa Ana River at grade. The streams flowing south from the Puente Hills once occupied al- luvium-floored valleys wider than their present chan- nels, but later they incised deep narrow gullies into the older alluvium. An example is Carbon Canyon Creek, which formerly flowed in a wide channel across the old fan surface in front of the hills, but which now oc- cupies a much narrower channel just east of its old course. ; WHITTIER FAULT ZONE The topographic expression of the Whittier fault zone varies considerably from place to place. West of Horseshoe Bend the zone is marked by a break in the general slope of the hills, elevations in the foothills southwest of the fault zone being generally lower than the elevations just northeast of it. The fault zone is also marked by a general alinement of valleys and ridges along its trace. The courses of the larger streams that cross the fault in the eastern Puente Hills are offset to the west along the fault zone. These offsets have been attributed both to the greater ease with which the crushed beds close to the fault are eroded (English, 1926, p. 65) and to lateral slip along the fault zone (Hill, 1954, p. 10). The latter interpretation is supported by the uniform direction of the offsets. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Petroleum is the chief mineral resource of the Puente Hills. The cumulative production of crude oil B37 as of December 31, 1957, from seven fields in, or partly in, the map area was more than 470 million barrels. Production statistics and the nomenclature of oil fields used in this report (table 2) are from the Con- servation Committee of California Oil Producers, Annual Review of California Crude Oil Production for 1957 (1958). The nomenclature of oil zones (fig. 17) is from Wissler (1958). Data on reserves are from Stockman (1957). Semiannual and cumulative pro- duction figures and detailed descriptions of individual fields are published semiannually by the California Di- vision of Oil and Gas. This agency has also published reports on oil fields along the Whittier fault zone (Norris, 1930), and the Chino-Soquel and Mahala oil fields (Gaede and Dosch, 1955), and the Yorba Linda oil field (Barger and Gaede, 1956). Reports on the East Coyote oil field (Dudley, 1943), the Richfield oil field (Gardiner, 1943), the Yorba Linda oil field (Parker, 1943), and the Mahala oil field (Krueger, 1943) appear in Bulletin 118 of the California Division of Mines. Reports on the Yorba Linda oil field (Heath, 1958), the Mahala oil field (Michelin, 1958), and the western end of the Brea-Olinda oil field (Scribner, 1958) were published by the Pacific Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. The first commercial production of oil in the Los Angeles basin was obtained in 1885 at the old Puente oil field, which was in the northwestern part of the present Brea-Olinda oil field. The old Puente field and others discovered prior to 1901 in the Puente Hills area were- found by drilling near tar seeps occurring along the Whittier fault zone. Geological principles were applied to petroleum exploration in California as early as 1900, and by 1908, when the West Coyote oil field was discovered, study of surface geology was dominat- ing the search for oil (Hoots and Bear, 1954, p. 5). Nearly all the structural features having surface ex- pression in the Los Angeles basin were tested by 1930, and exploratory drilling in the area was practically at a standstill in the early 1930's; however, with the in- troduction of geophysical and other subsurface meth- ods, drilling activity was renewed. Most of the oil discovered in the Los Angeles basin since the early 1940's was found by extending or deepening existing fields after careful analysis of subsurface data. BREA-OLINDA OIL FIELD The Brea-Olinda oil field, which is about 5 miles long and averages 0.8 mile in width, is along the Whittier fault zone northwest of the village of Olinda. Only the eastern part of the field is in the map area. B38 GEOLOGY OF THEv EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA s w 5% m = 2 - YOT RBA LINDA CHINO: < § € $ Ag cum RICHFIELD P co ,° § x2 L_ND ESPERANZA MAHKALA 5 # © » (composite) (composite) (composite) SoquEL 3 5 5 Z e € 3 5 co = :| £1. i m a. A g:! 5 | 2 a 3 3 SHALLOW ZONE (200-1000) Fy E=1 is S a E o. - 5 (=3 [= pul EXPLANATION % s P s ¢ S HUALDE ZONE P ! € (300) i 5 - Producing zone * s P a § % & > A = 1 £4 % 5 E FIRST ANAHEIM MAIN Lenticular producing zone B E (250) (150) =# 5 - "E" SAND 3 (a (40) SECOND ANAHEIM (300) FIRST PLIOCENE (275) THIRD ANAHEIM SECOND PLIOCENE (580) (570) 3 T FIRST MIOCENE : r ae § "lw g) [ w Ss 2 |a} - seconp MioceNE MATHIS 5% S s\ Z (820) WRIGHT OR E<€ » €) # : MIOCENE "A" 4&1 § E 35W - miro mocene C09 £ £ J $ MAIN o MIOCENE MICHELIN ZONE (400) (450) & CHAPMAN ZONE 5 600) 1: @ 3 Ps S w |s§| 5 | 5 siles) § 1 := s |S E » 518 *' £ & |eg § 4 KRAEMER L TIC (750) Z PRODUCING ZONE ? [4 ? _ ABACHERLI 5 STERN # € (2000) € = CAMERON 3 ROYALTY-SERVICE 13 (320) | &= - s % - o s E=] =s E H £. ® « €* © & % > Ney: s 8 a. FicURE 17.-Correlation chart of the producing zones in the oil fields in the eastern Puente Hills area. Columns are composite and combine several parts of each field. Each column shows approximate stratigraphic penetration of field. Figures in parentheses are average thicknesses of producing zones, in feet. Not to scale. Modified from Wissler (1958). GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B39 TABLE 2.-Production and reserves of oil fields in the eastern Puente Hills area [Production statistics from Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers (1958), Annual review of California crude oil production. for 1957, _ Productive acreage figures from California Division of Oil and Gas, Summary of operations, v. 43, no. 2, 1957. Reserve figures from Stockman (1957)] Production Total pro- Number of Number of Year of Year of in 1957 duction as of Reserves producing productive Gravity of oil Oil field discovery greatest (thousands (12/31/57 (thou-| (thousands wells, as of acres, as of (degrees API) production of barrels) sands of of barrels) 12/31/57 12/31/57 barrels) 1897-1899 1953 6, 850 257, 902 79, 388 632 2, 415 18. 4-29. 3 1919 1922 2, 112 131, 440 24, 316 429 1, 480 18. 5-22. 5 Last Coyole....-......l-...l1. 1911 1922 2, 175 76, 644 24, 385 298 1, 250 21. 2-24. 2 Yorba Linda.....-....-..... 1937 1957 1, 591 6, 850 14, 983 205 540 12. 7-17. 3 1956 1957 87 91 1, 500 7. 10 26. 5 1955 1957 161 317 544 14 90 22-26. 5 1951 1951 12 134 25 9 35 22. 3 TOb@L v. - cnet ence ns 12, 988 473, 378 145, 141 1, 594 8, 820 {...... .u 0s Tar seeps in steeply dipping strata of the Fernando formation prompted exploration that led to the dis- covery of commercial oil production in the Olinda area in 1897 and in the Brea Canyon area, 3 miles farther northwest, in 1899. At the time of their dis- covery, these two areas were considered to be sepa- rate fields, but the intervening area was proved pro- ductive by 1913, when the field was the principal producing area in southern California. Except for the years between 1918 and 1928, development of the Brea-Olinda field has been fairly steady. In the mid-1950's, drilling activity was concentrated in the western part of the field, where production is obtained from strata of late Miocene age, and in the area south of Tonner Canyon, where production is ob- tained from rocks of Pliocene age. Many of the more modern wells in the field were directionally drilled. Of 7 companies active in the field during 1957, 2 had about 75 percent of the production and did nearly all of the development drilling. Most of the wells in the part of the Brea-Olinda oil field in the Yorba Linda quadrangle are south of the Whittier fault zone, where strata of the Fernando formation are exposed. The wells produce from 3 zones in sandstone beds of the lower member of the Fernando formation and from 3 zones in the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation (plate 2). Wells in the Brea-Olinda oil field have not been drilled through the Soquel member of the Puente for- mation. Several wells drilled north of the fault zone and just west of the Yorba Linda quadrangle pene- trated metamorphic basement rocks that are uncon- formably overlain by the Topanga formation at depths of 3,300 to 3,400 feet below sea level (Scribner, 1958, p. 106-107). Production in the part of the Brea-Olinda oil field in the Yorba Linda quadrangle comes from strata of late Miocene and Pliocene age on the steeply dipping and faulted northern flank of the La Habra syncline. Faults in or related to the Whittier fault zone dominate the structure in the Brea-Olinda oil field. Closure to the north is provided by slivers of older strata that are thrust up along the fault zone. The structural high of the field south of the Whittier fault zone is about 1 mile west of the boundary of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. RICHFIELD OIL FIELD The Richfield oil field is on the easternmost of the anticlines near the Coyote Hills uplift. The field is about 3 miles long and averages about 1 mile in width. Most of the productive acreage in the field is in the Yorba Linda quadrangle, but some production is obtained from a subsidiary structural feature far- ther south. The structural feature at the Richfield oil field is older than many of those in the Los Ange- les basin area, and it is one of the few there that have little or no topographic expression. Initial exploration at the Richfield oil field was prompted by the occurrence of gas in a water well there. The discovery well was completed in 1919 at a depth of 3,025 feet in strata of the Yorba member of the Puente formation. The field was developed rap- idly, and in 1922 it contained 180 wells and was pro- ducing 22,780 barrels of crude oil per day. Development in the main part of the Richfield oil field since 1944 has been concentrated on a secondary recovery program on the west side of the field. Rocks of premiddle Miocene age assigned to the Vaqueros and Sespe formations, and the Topanga for- mation of middle Miocene age, were found in the deep- est well drilled in the Richfield oil field. This se- quence of pre-upper Miocene strata is at least 2,300 feet thick. The oil-producing zones in the Richfield oil field are in the Puente formation of late Miocene age. The Puente formation is about 5,100 feet thick at the field and is overlain by the Fernando formation of Pliocene age. The lower member of the Fernando formation is only about 750 feet thick at the Richfield B40 oil field, less than half of its thickness in nearby areas. This thinning of the lower member, which may explain the absence of producing zones in the Pliocene rocks at the Richfield oil field, is attributed to uplift of the anticline at the field in Pliocene time. The upper member of the Fernando formation, which is also thin- ner at the Richfield oil field than it is in nearby areas, is about 900 feet thick. It overlies the lower member unconformably. The Fernando formation is in turn overlain unconformably by a sequence of Pleistocene and Recent strata about 1,000 feet thick. Strata of the La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age are folded on the southern and western flanks of the Richfield oil field, indicating that the fold is at least in part of late Pleistocene or younger age. Alluvial deposits that un- conformably overlie older strata at the field are unde- formed. The main part of the Richfield oil field, as deline- ated by structure contours drawn at the top of the Chapman zone (Gardiner, 1943, p. 359), is elliptical in outline. The western half of the doubly plunging axis of the anticline trends west, and the eastern half trends N. 65° E. Structure contours drawn at the top of the Chapman zone show 500 feet of closure in the western part of the field. The axial plane of the anticline dips about 70° south, which places the structural high of the Kraemer zone about 400 feet south of the struc- tural high of the Chapman zone (Gardiner, 1943). The main anticline is bordered on the southeast by a faulted syncline, which separates it from a small pro- ducing anticline south of the Yorba Linda quadrangle. EAST COYOTE OIL FIELD The East Coyote oil field is on the Coyote Hills up- lift. It consists of five comparatively small domelike structural features that are elliptical in plan and are alined approximately end-to-end on an east-trending, slightly sinuous axis about 5 miles long. Only the east- ern part of the field is in the map area. The struc- tural features in the Yorba Linda quadrangle have very little surface expression, but the Hualde dome, farther west, is a topographic high with marine strata of early Pleistocene age exposed in the center. The part of the field in the Yorba Linda quadrangle is bounded on the north by the La Habra syncline and is probably separated from the Yorba Linda oil field to the east by one or more concealed faults. The East Coyote oil field was discovered in 1911 by a well drilled on an eastward projection of the axis of the West Coyote oil field. The discovery well did not find an extension of the anticline in the West Coyote oilfield, but instead it found the northern flank of a separate structural feature, the Anaheim dome. The field was developed rapidly by many operators. Ad- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ditional oil was discovered in 1934 in a deeper zone in the Stern area at the western end of the field, and in 1936 at the extreme eastern end of the field. More re- cent drilling in the Yorba Linda quadrangle extended the productive area on the flanks of the Anaheim dome in the central part of the field. Development in the eastern part of the field reached a peak in 1922, when 22,713,700 barrels of crude oil was produced. The rocks penetrated by wells drilled in the eastern part of the East Coyote oil field range in age from late Miocene to Recent (pl. 3). The base of the Puente for- mation has not been completely penetrated by wells drilled in the eastern part of the field, where the for- mation is more than 5,600 feet thick. The Puente formation is overlain by the lower member of the Fer- nando formation, which is 1,400 to 1,800 feet thick, and this in turn is overlain by the upper member of the Fernando formation, which is 1,000 to 1,300 feet thick. The Fernando formation is concealed beneath Pleisto- cene and Recent strata as much as 1,000 feet thick. At least three separate domelike features can be outlined in the eastern part of the East Coyote oil field by structure contours drawn at the top of the Second Anaheim zone (Dudley, 1943, p. 353). These are: (1) the eastern of the two structural highs that together are named the Anaheim dome; (2) a smaller struc- tural high to the east, near the southwest corner of sec. 18, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.; and (3) a small structural high, near the southwest corner of see. 17, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., that underlies the part of the field called the Eastern area. Dudley (1943, p. 353) shows the top of the Second Anaheim zone at about 2,500 feet below sea level on the first two structural highs and at about 3,000 feet below sea level on the third. A line drawn through the crest of these three structural highs trends N. 84° W. The field is probably bounded on the east by a buried fault that trends about N. 30° E. near the northwest corner of see. 21, T. 3 S., R. 9 W. The block on the west side of this fault appears to be down- dropped about 500 feet. Concealed cross faults may also be present between the Anaheim dome and East- ern area. The upper member of the Fernando formation of late Pliocene age does not thin over the structural highs at the East Coyote oil field, indicating that the uplift is probably post-Pliocene in age. The anticline in the eastern part of the field is covered by alluvial deposits and has no surface expression; however, the La Habra formation of late Pleistocene age apparently is folded in this area. YORBA LINDA OIL FIELD The Yorba Linda oil field was considered to be a part of the East Coyote oil field prior to 1952, when it GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS was designated as a separate field by the California Division of Oil and Gas. - This field, which is roughly triangular in outline ard has an area of about 1 square mile, is west and north of the town of Yorba Linda. The field is divided into three areas defined by the different productive oil zones (fig. 17). In the northeastern part of the field, production is from the Shallow zone in rocks of late Pliocene age. In the southern half of the field production is chiefly from the Main zone (also called the Smith zone) in rocks of early Pliocene age. In the northwestern part of the field, production is from the E Sand zone, which is stratigraphically just below the Smith zone, in rocks of early Pliocene age (Benzley, 1956; Barger and Gaede, 1956 ; Heath, 1958). The Yorba Linda oil field is of particular interest be- cause of the low-gravity of the oil produced there, which averages about 12.7° API gravity. This is the only oil produced from strata of late Pliocene age along the northern border of the Los Angeles basin. Although petroleum exploration began in the Yorba Linda area as early as 1920, commercial production of oil was not obtained there until 1937. After completion of the initial development of the field in 1944, drilling activity was almost at a standstill until 1954, when production at shallow depth was obtained in the north- eastern part of the field. This production is facilitated by use of hot water circulation systems for bottom-hole heating of the oil. Although most of the drilling activ- ity after 1954 was concentrated in the northeastern area of the field, some wells were drilled in the southwest- ern part of the field for development of the Main zone. The gross structure at the Yorba Linda oil field is a homocline. Structure contours on the tops of the pro- ducing horizons trend about N. 45° to 50° W., and the beds dip 10° to 15° southwest. The homocline is bounded on the north by a tight flexure or fault, north of which steeply dipping Pliocene and Pleistocene strata are exposed. The southwestern part of the field is un- derlain by an elongate fault-bounded structural nose that plunges southwestward and has closure of about 700 feet (Barger and Gaede, 1956, pl. 2). The beds in this part of the field were probably uplifted about 500 feet along a fault that strikes approximately N. 30° E. near the NE. cor. sec. 21, T. 3 S., R. 9 W. The Shallow zone, from which production is obtained in the north- eastern part of the field, is a conglomeratic sandstone unit that apparently occupies an old southwestward trending channel. The upper surface of the conglom- eratic sandstone body is planar and dips 10° to 15° SW.; the lower surface is concave. The channel ap- parently slopes to the southwest, where it broadens and disappears. B4l Strata as young as late Pleistocene in age occur in the homocline at the Yorba Linda oil field. The fold or fault that bounds the field along its northern margin is probably related to the Whittier fault zone. ESPERANZA OIL FIELD The Esperanza oil field, which was discovered in 1956, is in the southeastern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle just south of the Whittier fault zone. In 1958 its productive area was about 0.8 mile long and 0.4 mile wide. Most of the wells drilled in the Esperanza oil field begin in steeply dipping beds of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation and bottom in strata of the Soquel member of the Puente formation. The producing zone occurs at the top of the Soquel mem- ber of the Puente formation (fig. 17) and is at an aver- age depth of 2,500 feet. The Sycamore Canyon mem- ber is as much as 1,500 feet thick in the vicinity of the field, and the Yorba member has a similar thickness there. The structure of the beds at the Esperanza oil field is related to and complicated by the nearby Whittier fault zone. Apparently oil is produced from two in- tensely faulted anticlines that trend about N. 70° W. (pl. 4) and probably plunge eastward. The axial planes of the folds are almost vertical near the sur- face, but at depth they probably dip steeply northward. MAHALA OIL FIELD Oil is produced in only two areas northeast of the Whittier fault zone in the eastern Puente Hills. The larger of the two is the Mahala oil field, which lies along the Chino fault in see. 12, T. 3 S., R. 8 W. The producing area is about 0.8 mile long and 0.3 mile wide. The first exploratory well near the Mahala oil field was drilled in 1921. Although several wells drilled in this area had good initial production, the production declined rapidly to subcommercial levels. By 1952, the field had produced a total of 21,124 barrels of oil from an area of 10 acres. In 1955, production was re- newed in the area with the completion of a well pro- ducing 100 barrels of oil a day from depths of 1,580 and 2,030 feet (Michelin, 1958). By the end of 1957, the field had 11 completed wells and an area of 100 acres. Wells drilled in the field begin in the basal part of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente forma- tion, penetrate the Chino fault, and produce from beds of the same member below the fault. The Mahala oil field is on a long narrow anticline that is bordered on the northeast by the Chino fault. At B42 the surface the flanks of the fold dip about 25° south- westward and about 35° NE. The Chino fault inter- sects wells in the field at an average depth of 1,600 feet. CHINO-SOQUEL OIL FIELD The Chino-Soquel oil field is on a small anticline in see. 32, T. 2 S., R. 8 W. The field occupies a tri- angular area of about 35 acres. Shallow exploratory wells in the Chino-Soquel oil field area yielded some oil before 1900, and more was produced there about 1940. The first well with sus- tained production was drilled in the area in 1951 and by the end of that year the field had 6 wells producing a total of about 70 barrels of oil a day. In 1958, the field had 9 wells producing a total of about 40 barrels of oil a day. Four producing zones are recognized, all in the Soquel member. The axis of the anticline at the Chino-Soquel oil field strikes about N. 70° E. and plunges about 20° NE. Strata on the northern flank of the anticline dip about 45° at the surface and dip at least 17° at the level of the producing zones (about 1,100 ft depth) ; beds on the southern flank dip about 15° to 20° at the surface. The anticline is closed at its western end by one of several small cross faults. The productive wells of the field are on the crest and southern flank of the anticline. About 75 feet of closure is shown by struc- ture contours at the top of the Middle Mercury, Cameron zone (Gaede and Dosch, 1955, pl. 3, p. 36). SUMMARY OF OIL OCCURRENCE Oil is produced in the eastern Puente Hills area from strata of both the Puente and the Fernando for- mations. The members of both formations that are productive in this area are listed in table 3. The most productive oil zones in the eastern Puente Hills area are in the lower member of the Fernando formation ; however, in this area the occurrence of oil in the upper member of the Fernando formation and in the Yorba member of the Puente formation is of special in- terest. The only place on the northeastern side of the GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Los Angeles basin where oil is produced from the upper member of the Fernando formation is at the Yorba Linda oil field, where it comes from beds that occupy an old stream channel in the upper Pliocene rocks. The Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente for- mation ranks second to the lower member of the Fer- nando formation in the production of oil in the eastern Puente Hills area. It underlies much of the area and is productive or potentially productive, wherever it is present in structural circumstances favorable for oil accumulation. The Yorba member, from which produc- tion is not ordinarily obtained in the northeastern part of the Los Angeles basin, is productive in the western part of the Brea-Olinda oil field (west of the Yorba Linda quadrangle), in the Kraemer oil field (south of the Yorba Linda quadrangle), and in the Richfield oil field. At these places the Yorba member contains un- usually thick lenses of sand, as it does also where it is ex- posed north of Horseshoe Bend. The Soquel member, which contains the oldest producing zones in the map area, is predominantly sandstone. It contains produc- tive zones in most of the fields where it occurs and may be potentially productive in other fields where it has not been adequately tested. Oil has not been produced from the Topanga forma- tion in the eastern Puente Hills area. Good records are available for eight wells that were drilled into the formation in the eastern Puente Hills (table 4). The Western Gulf Oil Co. well Diamond Bar 1 (pl. 1, well 250, sec. 28, T. 2 S., R. 9 W.), in the central part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, penetrated about 4,900 feet of pre-upper Miocene strata (pl. 3) that consist chiefly of well-cemented sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and or- ganic siltstone. A 2-foot bed of oil sand was cored at a depth of 2,746 feet in strata referred to the Diamond Bar sand in the Topanga formation. Cores from the Topanga formation between 3,440 and 5,135 feet were heavily stained with dead oil and tar that gave faint cuts in ether. No signs of petroleum were found in strata in the bottom 1,700 feet of the well. The Union Oil Company well Gaines 1 (pl. 1, well 221, see. 10, T. 3 S., R. 9 W.), in the south-central part of the Yorba 3.-Oil produced in 1957 from members of the Puente and Fernando formations in oil fields in the eastern Puente Hills area [Compiled from Annual review of California crude oil production for 1957, Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers, 1958. - See also fig. 17] Production] Average Age Formation Member in 1957 ravity Fields in which member produces (thousands degrees of barrels) |_ A.P.L.) Late Pliocene. Fernando...... 507 12. 7 | Yorba Linda. Early PlioGcene......../..._. do'. .... Lower: 6, 001 18 Brea-Olinda, East Coyote, Yorba Linda. Late Miocene.____.__. Puente....:.... Sycamore 3, 325 21 Brea-Olinda, East Coyote, Mahala. Yeorbays.lclcc..0i.. 11117 22 East Coyote(?), Richfield. Soquel:......s.c :l. 2, 039 24 Chino-Soquel, East Coyote, Esperanza, Mahala, Richfield. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS Linda quadrangle, penetrated about 2,600 feet of strata assigned to the Diamond Bar sand and other beds of the Topanga formation (pl. 3). Cores from the well between 4,050 and 4,520 feet consist of generally well cemented pebbly sandstone and interbedded siltstone and are oil stained. Well-cemented rock in the cores had free oil on fracture surfaces. The Shell Oil Co. well Wright 73-18 (pl. 1, well 184, see. 18, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.), near the eastern edge of the Yorba Linda quad- rangle, penetrated about 3,300 feet of well-cemented strata of the Topanga formation (pl. 4). Cores from this well between 4,620 and 4,650 feet had dead oil stains that gave faint to good cuts in carbon tetrachlo- ride. No other indications of petroleum were found in the pre-upper Miocene strata in this well. The Texas Co. well Carrillo Ranch (NCT-1) 1 (pl. 1, well 208, sec. 30, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.), in the southeastern part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, drilled through about 400 feet of strata of the Topanga formation consisting of poorly sorted pebbly sandstone with a clay matrix and cemented locally with calcite (pl. 4). The cores had a faint odor of petroleum and gave pale-yellow cuts. The Marcell well Puente Hills 1 (pl. 1, well 108, sec. 31, T. 2 S., R. 8 W.), near the eastern edge of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, drilled through about 1,200 feet of well-indurated siltstone, sandstone, and pebbly sandstone of the Topanga formation (pl. 3). Only two cores were recovered from the Topanga formation in this well and these were saturated with water. The Tidewater Oil Co. well Abacherli 1 (pl. 1 well 212, see. 12, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.) on the Mahala anticline in the central part of the Prado Dam quadrangle, was drilled through about 175 feet of siltstone, sandstone, and peb- bly sandstone assigned to the Topanga formation. Cores from the upper 60 feet of this interval had a good odor of petroleum and gave good cuts. Cores from the lower part were well cemented, conglomeratic, and barren of petroleum. The Tidewater Oil Co. well Bryant Ranch 1 (pl. 1, well 213, sec. 21, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.), on the Bryant Ranch anticline in the southwest- ern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle, was drilled for 1,100 feet into a sequence of siltstone, sandstone, and pebbly sandstone beds below 4,800 feet that was as- signed to the Topanga formation (pl. 4). Cores from this unit had spotty oil and tar stains and some free oil. A test of the interval from 5,810 to 5,913 feet was made, and 400 feet of mud without oil was recovered. The Honolulu Oil Co. well Bryant Estate 1 (pl. 1, well 88, sec. 29, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.), in the southwestern part of the Prado Dam quadrangle, penetrated approximately 1,500 feet of well-cemented sandstone and pebbly sand- stone with interbedded siltstone. These strata are be- low the Horseshoe Bend fault at a depth of 1,830 feet B43 and are assigned to the Topanga formation. A core taken from this well between 1,997 and 2,011 feet was saturated with oil in porous parts of the rock. No other signs of oil or gas were found in the Topanga formation in the well. Several wells in the eastern Puente Hills were drilled into the Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferenti- ated and older units without finding evidence of oil or gas. OUTLOOK FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Although production is declining in most of the fields in the eastern Puente Hills area, some new production has been found in areas that previously had been con- sidered adequately tested and unproductive. Careful study of the geology of one such area resulted in the discovery of the Esperanza oil field in 1956. New production was found in the Mahala oil field in 1955, after it had been abandoned as a producing area in 1952. Some of the areas in the eastern Puente Hills that should be considered in the search for oil are discussed briefly below. The northeastern margin of the Chino basin may be faulted, as suggested by the geologic sections (pls. 3, 4) or it may be an old, buried erosion surface. If the Chino basin is the northerly extension of the Elsinore fault trough, the faults that border it on the northeast are probably fairly steep. The margin of the basin may be marked by a series of parallel and compara- tively small step-faults that together displace upper Miocene strata 1,000 to 3,000 feet. In either situation, the northeastern edge of the basin has possibilities as a trap of considerable linear extent. Seven wells were drilled in and about sec. 18, T. 3 S., R. 7 W., during 1957 and the first half of 1958 to test the possibility of extending production from the Ma- hala oil field southeastward along the Chino fault. Subcommercial oil production was obtained in two of these wells. The Atlantic Oil Co. well Aros 1 (pl. 1, well 7, see. 18, T. 3 S., R. 7 W.) was completed in April 1957, producing 22° gravity API oil at the rate of 50 barrels per day, but by February 1958 it averaged only 8 barrels per day. The Lyle Garner well Government G-G 1 (pl. 1, well 54, see. 20, T. 3 S., R. ( W.) was reported to have flowed oil initially and to have sanded up after only 120 barrels of oil were pumped. The well was never successfully completed and was aban- doned in July 1957. Both wells apparently produced from beds in the basal part of the Sycamore Canyon member below the Chino fault. An interpretation of the structure of this area illustrated on structure see- tion H-H' (pl. 4) shows the part of the Mahala anticline B44 in the footwall block of the Chino fault plunging south eastward and dropping about 1,500 feet between struc- ture sections G-G' and H-H' (pl. 4) for an apparent southeastward plunge of 10° or 11°. Significant ac- cumulations of oil in this part of the Mahala anticline seem to depend on closure updip. Near the southeast corner of the Prado Dam quad- rangle, a buried fault east of Scully Hill may form a trap of considerable linear extent along the south flank of the Arena Blanca syncline. The U-Tex Oil Co. well Prado Dam 1 (pl. 1, well 244, sec. 29, T.. S S.. R. 7 W.) may have penetrated this fault at about 2,000 feet and bottomed in strata of pre-middle Miocene age. The well apparently did not find the basal beds of the GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Sycamore Canyon member. The well may have cut the Aliso Canyon fault at about 1,050 feet, but the fault does not appear to affect the beds below that point. The eastward-trending Diamond Bar fault dips north- ward and forms closure for northward-dipping beds of the Soquel member in SW14 see. 23, T. 2 S., R. 9 W. This feature may form a trap involving as much as 3,000 feet of strata of the Soquel member of the Puente formation. EXPLORATORY WELLS Table 4 lists exploratory wells and selected pro- ducing wells that were drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area prior to June 30, 1958. TABLE 4.-Eaploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958 [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. unless otherwise stated under Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. "Remarks." Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. Survey] T.D., total depth. All wells abandoned 2° Location m Operator Well Year| Eleva-| Total Geology Remarks w begun| tion | depth A Sec. | T. 8. |R. W. 1| Action Oil and De- | Wagner 1-29...___ 29 3 9 | 1954 308 | 5,408 | 0-1,020: alluvial deposits and La Habra forma- | See structure section C-C' velopment Co. tion. (pl. 3). 1,020-1,438: unnamed lower Pleistocene(?) rocks. 1,438-2,308: upper member, Fernando formation. 2,308-3,522: lower member, Fernando formation. 3,522-3,788: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,788-5,050: Yorba member, Puente formation. 5,050-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. s 7 2 | Albercalif Petroleums, | Stoody 30-4....... (30) 2 8 | 1956 | 1,095 | 3, 750 0—2,750 Soquel member, Puente formation. See structure section E-E Ltd. 2750—3 342; La Vida member, Puente forma- (pl. 4). 3, 342—3 505: Diamond Bar sand, Topanga for- matxon 3,505-T.D.: volcanic rocks. 3 | Alford Oil Co.....____. Robertson 1..___.. 29 3 9 | 1938 $10 | 3 S85: | No data lo facon coe cai dth 4 | Altchuler, L. B........ Larty (30) u 9 | 1941 | 1,045 | 1,255 | Spud in Soquel member, Puente formation....! La Vida member, Puente formation, cored at 1,133- 1,13 5 | Amalgamated Oil Co.. Iowa Oil Co, 2... 16 3 9 | 1902 410 | 3,170 | No data 6 | Anderson, N. H (30) 8 8 | 1920 360 | 3,549 | No data ; 7 | Atlantic Oil Co (18) 3 7 | 1957 850 | 3,853 | 0-1,675: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Subcommercial producer, formation. from 3,600-3,800, Mahala 1,675-2,820: Yorba member, Puente formation. oil field area. 2,820-2,960: Soquel member, Puente formation. 2,960-3,425+: La Vida member Puente forma- tion. 3,4254: Chino fault. 3425+-T.D.: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. § 8 | Bartholomae, W. A...! A.U.W. 1 and re- | (30) 3 8 | 1957 613 | 3,175 Redrill: 0-2, 810, Yorba member, Puente forma- | Redrill bottomed 697 feet drill. tion. S. 4° E. of surface loca- 2,810-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. tion. Same surface loca- tion as well No. 112. |__ 9 | Bartholomae Corp..... Bryant Ranch 3...) (15) 3 8 | 1955 620 | 3,290 | 0-1,350: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- | Lower Mohnian Foraminif- mation. era at 3,000 feet. Oil 1,350-T. D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. shows reported at 2,085, 2,440: fault in Yorba member. 2,617, 2,714. See struc- ture section (G-G' pl. 4). 10 [--- doma: rl. Bryant Ranch 4...) (21) 3 8 | 1955 | 1,220 | 1,565 | 0-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation...... 11.1... dO .y e .o Bryant Ranch 5...) (21) 3 8 | 1956 | 1,175 | 1,614 | 0-1,150: Yorba member, Puente formation. ' 1,150-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 12 |__... OO: eee denn der e Bryant Ranch 7... (29)) - 3 8 | 1957 470 | 2,080 | 0-1,360: Yorba member, Puente formation. 1,360: Horseshoe Bend fault. 1,360-T.D.: Topanga formation. 13 | Bauer Drilling Co..... Monte] ___________ 4 3 9 | 1947 | 1,225 850 14 / Bourne, H.R......... .C 2 8) 1927 | 1,370 | 926 15 | Brand, Stevens, Ltd... Ortegal ___________ (24) 3 10 | pre- 288.1:8, 455. -|- No datac ~ . ».. 22: dca series sl 1914 & 16 | C. and C, Oil Co...... Ladegard 1..______ @b] -> 7 | 1956 560 | 2,000 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. Quartz diorite cored at ?-1,700+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | 1,700+. formation. 1,700+-T.D.; granitic basement rocks. 17. Gok. Van Hofwegen 1..| (25)) 2 8 | 1955 575 | 2,260 | 0-2: alluvial deposits. Upper Mohnian Foraminif- ?-1,400: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- era at 2,230-50, core. Idle mation. in 1956, See' structure 1,400-T.D.;: Yorba member, Puente formation. section A-A' (pl. 3). 18 Cflgneron, M; Ar, Of |.M-8.......00.00... 5 3 $:. 10815] . 1190 |- 4, 614 | No data. ._.. 9. ican. Aase apace e uou $1170?“ reported at 385,725- 0. 19 J..... Os oce MCB: A cues 32 2 8 | 1951 | 1,330 | 2,463 | 0-1,835; Soquel member, Puente formation. Producer in 1956, Chino- 1,835-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. Soquel oil field from 1 ,220-1,310 and - 1,615- 20 |.. 2/2 HQ ... lire. 5 3 § | 1952 3 + 1, 8001: 1, HD5 | No Aatac isl 2.1. Ll el. eine enn oen ds Shows reported at intervals between 227 and 1,454. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B45 TABLE 4.-Eaploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958-Con. [Section numbers in parentheses indicate promoted section. unless otherwise stated under Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. "Remarks." Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. Survey] T.D., total depth. All wells abandoned 12 Location m Operator Well Year | Eleva- | Total Geology Remarks E begun| tion | depth A Sec. | T. S. |R. W. 21 | Carbon Canyon Oil Co .................. 2 3 9 | * 1,100 | ? NO EER 22 | Champion, 4 Champion 1...... 5 3 §.1 4053.1 ©1235 1 1,975 | No UMB:L.- ..... Shows reported at 1,265. Hemphill, R. M and Schneider, G. W. 23 | Champion, E. J., and | Schneider and 5 3 §:11958 :| 1; 185 | 1;968 "| "No CBA: Z- r.... lt. .nl .s Shows reported at 844, 873, Schnelder, 6. Ww. Champion 2. 247. 24 | Chanslor-Western Oil | 1-BC____________. (30) 3 9 | 1919 201 | 4,750 INO 2: . oe conect ner ec sevice sand D velopment o. IB Ala anaiiont tren Olinda 38. .t.... 9 3 9 | 1902 - | ~No:dabta . -- L2 . IOL Ce armada weave Dr); éuflie in Brea-Olinda oil fie 262.050 (oe Spc so Olinda 96. _...... 8 3 9 | 1925 525 18,201). | NO abt -s 21 2.21 .u l coo EN ee e bee on Dry1 guihe in Brea-Olinda oil fie 27 | Cherrydale Oil Co...] Cherrydale 1...... (8) 3 7 | 1951 530 | 2,487 | 0-200+: alluvial deposits. Upper Mohnian Forami- 2004-825: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente nifera below 1,640. See formation. structure section H-H' 825-2,075:; Yorba member, Puente formation. (pl. 4) 2075—T D.: Soquel(?) member Puente forma- 28 | Chino-Corona United | 1...._._____.______.. 1 3 8 | 1920 610 | 4,848 No rehable data (See well No. 118). Shows reported at inter- i vals between 2,916-3,346, 3,516-3,671, _ 4,200-4,228, Well produced - small amount 14° - gravity crude. 29 | Chino Exploration Co.| Caspary 1....._... 5 3 $] 1951.1 1190 1 1; 815. | No A&f@y -~. . cou oren 2026 ove on le aln - be we ward 811108153 geEfirted at 1,002, 30 | Chino Hills Oil Co....| Kraemer-Backs 1. 33 2 8 | 1944 1,125 | 2,270 | 0-2,000+: Yorba member, Puente formation. Driller's log only. Shows 2,2901—T.D.: Soquel member, Puente forma- reported at 1,340-1,360. jon. Kraemer-Backs 2..| 33 2 $ {:1944 1 A110 -| 1,998. | No data. .. )-. . 2... 0.0 Lo 1.00. AL poo ao e Shows reported: 380-450; 800-900, 1,300-1,333, 1,500, 1,800. Small producer, now abandoned. 821... Etec Biss Kraemer-Backs 4..| - 33 2 $1 |. 1,100 122,050 -| No data... : . ... 2 Le dl e nene nce eL Shows reported: 1,016, 1,236, 1,653, 1,734. 33 | Chino Land and (ivy ere goaded 32 2 8 | 1901 1,250 111,000 : .s M nun ida ied s Also operated by T. C. Water Co. Bannon, H. E. Riner, Zenith Oil Co. M4 se. O0 aer dian Aren dns, 32 2 8 | 1901 | 1,325 709 | 0-T.D.; Soquel member, Puente formation...... Initially produced 6 barrels per day. Also operated by T. Bannon, H. F. Riner, and Zenith Oil Co. Oil sand reported at 630-707. $51... los: reread. l esen ren 32 2 $171900 1 1, 800 :| 1;9004-] 1 c. . oo OL ACL O P ane Initially produced 15 bar- rels per day 24° gravity oil. Abandoned 1927 Also operated by T. C. Bannon, | H.E. Rmer Zenith Oii Co. 36 | Chino Lease Co..___.. 9 3 8 | 1953 960 | 2,702 | 0-1,870; Yorba member, Puente formation. Idle, 1956, See structure 1,870-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. section F-F" (pl. $7 | Chine Valley Beet. | (30) 2 § :|: 1808 1. 1/0751 1,808- | "No shay ..o. c . + so le nl col sct nen lede ben Sugar Co. $8 | Continental Oil Co....) 1.11. 24 3 9 | 1924 650 1-5, 808 LeNO la P9. 121 L IIL Cope Lee eer ave ee be 39 {...: U Carlton Comm. 1... _ 21 3 9 | 1936 391 | 4,796 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. Oil sands reported in core ?-9604: La Habra formation. from 2,334-2,492, 2,597- 96?;!:—1,777: upper member, Fernando forma- 2,605. ion, 1,777-2,600: lower member, Fernando forma- tion. 2,600-3,350+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,35035T.D.: Yorba member, Puenta forma- ion. 40 | Copa de Oro Petro- Peclet cic ed 20 2 9 | 1916 | 1,015 | 3,990 | 0-?: Soquel member, Puente formation. Drillers log only. leum Co ?-3,100+: La Vida member, Puente formation. 3,1004+-T.D.: Diamond Bar sand, Top angafor- mation. 41 | Crawford, C. M., Jr. United States 1...| (36) 2 8 | 1956 538 | 5,076 | 0-2: alluvial deposits. See structure section F-F' ?-1,975:; Sycamore Canyon member, Puente (pl. 4). formation. 1,975-3,730: Yorba member, Puente formation. 3,730-4,015: Soquel member, Puente formation. 4,015-4,960: La Vida member, Puente forma- tion. 4,960-T.D.: Topanga formation. 42 I Cree Oil Co...:....l.. Prado-Govern- (20) 3 7 | 1956 475 | 2,500 | O-T.D.: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente ment 1. formation. 48 Crgyl'n-Etléntington Crown-Oasis 1. ___| _ 31 2 $.1-1958.1, 1,055 11,0741 No data. c. . 2.22020 ef 2 IO Aa ce a eus ils, Ltd. 44-1 Didier, L. H.. .::.... Wli§sgn Ranch- (19) 2 9 | 1948 $651 2/2005. :|. NO MAL .ws 1. co 010° eL eT Ios du nade a bak s wel a idier 1. 45 | Diclectric Labora- Radin 22.2. (30) 2 9 | 1953 950 | 1,160 | 0-4404+: Soquel member, Puente formation. tories. 442.1"TD3 La Vida member, Puente forma- ion. 46-1 Earp, H. Kracmer-Backs 1.. 34 2 8 | 1940 765 | 1,350 | Spud at base of Sycamore Canyon member, | Cores from 900-1,350 con- Puente formation. tain upper - Mohnian Foraminifera. 47 | El Rancho Explora- Thommhill- (30) 2 9 | 1946 915 | 2,240 | 0-3504+: Soquel member, Puente formation. tion Co. Rancho 1. 350+-T.D .: La Vida member, Puente formation. 1,410: tuff bed in La Vida member. 48 | Fairco Drilling & (30) 2 9 | 1952 915 | 1,641 | 0-3254+: Soquel member, Puente formation. Development Co. .D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. 1,230: tuff bed in La Vida member. ; 49 | Fairfield, F. E....._... Elena Ils f 3 7 | 1955 620 | 3,194 | 0: alluvial deposihe. cn Ls ul eee elute ives See structure section G-G ?-2,810: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- (Pl. 4). mation. 2,810-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. 50 | Faweott, J- H......... Belton Estate 1... 17 3 9 ' 1949 450 ! 3,140 ! No data. B46 TABLE 4.-Eaploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958-Con. [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN Elevthns, depths, and distances in feet. CALIFORNIA T.D., total depth. All wells abandoned unless otherwise stated under "Remarks." Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. Survey] 2 Location ( o. Operator Well Year | Eleva- | Total Geology Remarks a begun! tion | depth A Sec. | T. 8. |R. W. 51 | Fowler Drilling Co. & | Borba 1-A....__.. 2 3 8 | 1956 685 | 3,212 | 0-1,230: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | See structure section A-A' Stansbury, Inc. formation. (pl. 3). 1,230-2,800: Yorba member, Puente formation. 2,800-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation . 52 | Fullerton Oil Co..:.__| Dominguez 1..____ (30) 3 8 | 1947 570 | 3,120 | 0-?: terrace deposits. ?-950+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- mation. 950+-2,550+-: Yorba member, Puente formation. Light—TD; Soquel member, Puente forma- ion. 88 | Garliepp, J. F......... Carlton Comm. 2. 20 3 9 | 1936 375 1B. | 2. .s 2000002 AA, uo P ousl cues asil o nace Also operated by Conti- nental Oil Co. Shows reported: 2,456-2,476, 2,404-2,572, 2,672-2,741. 54 | Garner, Lyle.....____. Government (20) 3 7 | 1957 485 | 3,613 | 0-2: alluvial deposits. Initially produced small -G ?-1,800: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente quantity of oil from formation. below 1,800. Abandoned 1,800: Chino fault. 1957. 1,800-3,288: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,288-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. 55 | General Exploration Marshburn 1...._. 23 3 9 | 1946 470 | 5,466 | 0-2; alluvial deposits. Co. ?-810: La Habra formation. 810-1,485: upper member, Fernando formation, 1,485-2,575: lower member, Fernando formation. 2,575-2,745(?): - Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 2,745(?)-T.D.(?): Yorba member, Puente for- mation. 56 | General Petroleum Group One-1...... 22 8 9 | 1920 390 | 3, 241 NoALA: 120000020 SOU . evn orp is UO vier Group 5A-1...__.. 23 3 9 | 1920 475. [4 UHM ~!| No Oats -L 14. Anu ALIN is co ee on mie whle bee c be B89 Luu ll \o 0 AML tistics oe enti nn Olinda 101........ 9 3 9 | 1955 700 | 7,761 | 0-1,050: Soquel member, Puente formation. Producer, Brea-Olinda oil 1,050-2,550+: La Vida member, Puente forma- field, from intervals be- tion. tween 3,188 and 3,560. 2,550+: north trace, Whittier fault. See structure section E- 2,5504--3,670: Sycamore _ Canyon _ member, E' (pl. 4). Puente formation. 3,670-6,280; Yorba member, Puente formation. 6,280-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 7,7504+: south trace, Whittier fault. Tonner 6 3 9 | 1921 815 | 2,897 | No datal..________._..._ Tonner 16...::...% 6 3 9 | 1935 610 | lol ous od nt ove Lal Dry1 guilt? in Brea-Olinda oil field. Tonner 22.. ...... 6 3 9 | 1951 505 | 8.787 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. See structure section B-B' ?-400+: La Vida member, Puente formation. (pl. 3). 400+: main trace, Whittier fault. 400+-5,990: lower member, Fernando formation. Faults at 1,600 and 4,600. 5,990-6, 800: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation, 6,800-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. ..... do....._...........| Tonner 22-Redrill. 6 8 9 | 1951 505 | 4, 480 1646—4 065: lower member, Fernando formation. | Redrilled below 1,646. 4 065-T.D .: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Produces from 4,061-4,264, formation. Brea-Olinda oil field. 6251.3: 00. :-. Tonner 24..._..... 6 3 9 | 1951 510 | 4,371 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. Overturned section 1,560+- ?-1,560+: lower member, Fernando formation. 2,700+. 3 1 560+: fault. Dry hole, Brea-Olinda oil 1560fl:'1 820: Sycamore Canyon member, Pu- field. _ See structure see- ente formation. tion C-C ' (pl. 3). 1,820-3,500: lower member, Fernando formation. 3 500-4 018 Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formanon 4,018-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. 77777 do.................| Tonner 24-Redrill. 6 $ 9 | 1952 510 | 5,625 | 2,150-3,050: lower member, Fernando formation. | Redrilled below 2,150. 3,050-3,640: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,640-T.D.; Yorba member, Puente formation. 68: |.. Vejar 1..:.2 (26) 3 9 | 1920 430 | 4, 422 No datas ss os, ls o einen 64 Gmter, c. w., t 'and | Kraemer-Backs 3..| - 33 2 8 | 1945 | 1,115 | 3,473 | 0-3754: Yorba member, Puente formation. Also operated by Chino Associates. 3754+-1,025: Soquel member Puente formation. Hills Oil Co. Shows re- 1,925~T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. ported: 735, 890, 1,117- 3,165-3,200+: tuff bed in La Vida member. 1,980. Idle, 1946. 65 | Godfrey, Al, Drilling | Botiller 1..__...... (29) 3 7 | 1954 590 | 4,775 | 0-1,840: Vaqueros and Sespe formations un- Dips in cores average 50°. Co. differentiated. 1,840-2,685: Santiago formation. 2,685-4,500: Silverado formation. 4,500—T).D.: Ladd formation (Upper Creta- ceous). 66°1.2.; 10% 4.0.2. 0s Stoody (30) s 8 | 1955 | 1,070 | 2,150 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. Also called J. Q. Tannehill ?-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. well, See structure see- tion E-E' (pl. 4). 67 | Gold Seal Petroleum | 1....__._______._._. 16 2 9 | 1916 895 | 4,347 | 0-2: Soquel member, Puente formation. Driller's log only. Co. ?-1,425+: La Vida member, Puente formation. 1,4254+-T.D.: Topanga formation. 68 | Graham-Loftus Oil Co.| 1...._________._____ 6 3 9 | 1898 Bad 1 1,000; 1 AN (da ba + 10 1 02 01000 we aaa eas 69 | Gray and Hansen.... Mahala c Poet ale 13 3 8 | 1920 975 | 4,217 | 0-1,7204+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Well initially produced formation. about 30,000 barrels oil. l720fl: -2,7904+: Yorba member, Puente forma- Idle, 1956. - Driller's log only Oil sands re- 2, 790i: 3,220+: Soquel member, Puente forma- ported: 3,705-3,710, 3,740- tion. 3,763, 3, 978- 4, 001. 3,220+-3,650+: La Vida member, Puente for- mation. 3,650+-Fault. 3, 650i—4 000+: Soquel member, Puente forma- 4, 0005: T.D.: La Vida member, Puente forma- tion. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B47 TaBus 4.-Eaploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958-Con. [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. unless otherwise stated under "Remarks.' Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. ' Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. T.D., total depth. All wells abandoned urvey] 2 Location m. Operator Well Year | Eleva- | Total Geology Remarks 3 begun| tion | depth A See. | T. S. |R. W. 70 | Grayco Qil Co...__._.. Graycol...___.... 13 8 8 | 1946 | 1,075 | 4,652 | 0-1,930: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- | Initially produced 30,000 mation. barrels oil; abandoned in 1,930-2,920: Yorba member, Puente formation. 1950. Lower Mohnian 2,920-3,070: Soquel member, Puente formation. Foraminifera in core from 3,070-4,510: La Vida member, Puente formation. 4,823-46, See structure 4,510-T.D.: Topanga formation. section H-H' (pl. 4). Ti licens Seq Grayco 2..0.... _. 13 3 8 | 1948 930 | 4,101 | 0-1,685: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- | Produced small amount of mation. oil, _ abandoned 1950. 1,685-2,800: Yorba member, Puente formation. Shows reported: 3,256- 2,800-3, 150: Soquel member, Puente formation. 3,263, 3,500-3,580, 3,708- 3,lt-_50—3,700;|:: La Vida member, Puente forma- 3,38, 3,750-3,783; 3,821- ion. , 849. 3,700+: fault. f 3,700+-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente forma- 72 | Great American Pe- | Gapco A-1...___.. (18) 2 8 | 1932 880 | 2,000} [| NO Aafq. 2. . .L il ees uns troleum Co. T9 Less.. { | doute Gapco B-1........ (18) 2 8 | 1933 880 | 3,142 | 0-1504: Yorba member, Puente formation. See structure section E-E' 150+-1,750+: Soquel member, Puente forma- (pl. 4). Driller'slog only. tion. 1,750+-1,950+: volcanic rocks. 1,950+-2,600+: Topanga formation. 2,600+-T.D.: Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated. f % May have bottomed in granitic basement rocks. 74 | Hancock Oil Co...... Abacherli 1-A..._. 12 3 8 | 1948 780 | 2,628 | 0-520: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- | Live oil in cores from 2,150- mation. 2,187; well never com- 520-1,650: Yorba member, Puente formation. pleted: abandoned 1948. 1,650-1,900: Soquel member, Puente formation. Crooked hole. See struc 1,900-2,400: La Vida member, Puente formation. ture section G-G' (pl.4)., 2,400-T.D.: Topanga formation. 75 | Hansen, Melvin....... Draghai.._....... (24) 2 10 | 1941 600 | 3, 227 0-400+: Soquel member, Puente formation. Also operated by Ko sanke 400+-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. Oil Co. 76 J..... Hansen 3.......... (24)]) 2 | 10 | 1943 665 | 1,896 | 0-3504+: Soquel member, Puente formation. 350+-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. 1,530: tuff bed in La Vida member. 77 | Hathaway Co____._... Abacherli 1........ 12 3 8 | 1930 780 | 3,267 | 0-610+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Initially produced about formation. 2,500 barrels oil. Shows 610+-1,675+: Yorba member, Puente formation. reported in cores from 1,675+-1,900+: Soquel member, Puente forma- 1,005-1,027, _ 1,135-1,140, tion. 1,232-1,239, - 1,667-1,669. 1,900+-2,600+: La Vida member, Puente forma- Also operated by West- on. ern Gulf Oil Co. Aban- 2,600+-T.D.: Topanga formation and older doned, 1941. Mohnian rocks. Foraminifera. in cores, May have bottomed in Santiago formation. 1,357-2,508. Lower Moh- nian guide, Bulimine wvigerinaformis in core, 2,588-2,508. Driller's log only. 20 3 9 | 1949 385 | 2,979 | No data......__... 18 3 9 | 1940 357 | 4,283 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. Producer, _ 1956. East ?-950: La Habra formation. Coyote oil field. _See 950-2,240: upper member, Fernando formation. structure section C-C' 2,240-3,638: lower member, Fernando formation. (pl. 3). 3,638-3,815: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 4 3,815-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. 80. |__... iar Lakeview 1. _._... 27 3 9 | 1949 330 | 6,376 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. ?-940: upper member, Fernando formation. 940-2,350: lower member, Fernando formation. 2,350-2,950:; Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 2,950-5,150; Yorba member, Puente formation. 4 5,150-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. - bene ches Merritt 1 _...... 21 3 9 | 1949 347 | 5,727 | 0-2: alluvial deposits. See structure section D-D' ?-915; La Habra formation. (pl. 3). 915-2,370: upper member, Fernando formation. 2,370-3,460: lower member, Fernando formation. 3,460-4,007: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. . & 4,007-T.1D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. 82 | Havenstrite Oil Co_.__] Bannon 1.....__.. 32 2 8 | 1951 1,225 | 1,945 | 0-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation.... | Converted to water well. Oil shows reported 624- 1,624. See well No. 35. §8 I-.._. Bsaunon 32 2 8 | 1981 | 1,400 | 1,737 | No data...___.___ Shows reported: 265-1,492. 84 | Herndon and Hunter..] 1........._.....-.. 29 3 9 | 1926 315 | 5,718 | No data...... 85 | Hillman-Long, Inc...! Pellissier 1.....-.. 2 3 8 | 1935 §75 1 2.419 | c.. PSAT LEL ULi eto an Dips average 15° or less above 2,029, average 80° below. Driller's log only. See well No. 114. Shows reported: 1,700-1,720, 2,000-2,029, _ 2,116-2,158; ? 2,392-2,412. 86 Hokoszohn, Oil and | Hokom 1....._._.. 31 2 8 | 1939 1,390 | 2, 941 0-1,695: Soquel member, Puente formation. Upper Mohnian fish scales: Gasoline Co., Ltd. 1,695-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. 1,405-1,518. Lower Moh- nian fish scales: 2,468- 2,832. - Shows reported: 1,100-1,150, _ 1,285-1,385, 1,493-1,498, _ 1,636-1,638, 2,676-2,083. 87 Hgly Development Lehner 1-...._.... 20 3 9 | 1927 880 12, 980 - I Nodale ..- 0000003 OLL HL aol s oui 0. 88 | Honolulu Oil Corp.-..| Bryant Estate 1...} (29) 3 8 | 1949 450 | 3,703 | 0-1,830: Yorba member, Puente formation. Core from 1,997-2,011 lo- 1,830: Horseshoe Bend fault. ' cally saturated with oil. 1,830-T.D.: Topanga formation. See structure - section f G-G' (pl. 4). 89 J..... dor no SANA: 1:.......: (29) 3 8 | 1949 337 | 2,220 | 0-200+: alluvial deposits. 2004-930: La Vida member, Puente formation. 930-T.D.: Topanga formation. B48 [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. unless otherwise stated under GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 4.-Exzploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958-Con. Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. "Remarks." Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. Survey] T.D., total depth. All wells abandoned 2 Location a Operator Well Year | Eleva- | Total Geology Remarks 8 begun] tion depth A Sec. | T. S. |R. W. 90 Howe, C.D....._.._._ Cree 1 and redrill._| 18 3 7 | 1957 650 | 3,078 | 0-T.D.: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Upper Mohnian Forami- formation. nifera in core at 2,713-2,725 Downs 1...._..._. 31 2 8 | 1950 | 1,410 | 1,730 | No data... Show; reported: 1,266- 1,666. (O., ere rere ca cael Wilcox 1 and (18) 3 7 | 1957 800 | 4,489 | 0-1,3504+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | See structure section H-H' redrill. formation. (Pl. 4). 1,350+ Chino fault. 1,8504+-3,590: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,590-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. 93 Inlternational Petro- Nea deco (17) 2 8 | 1920 775 710 Sf No data .. cc 202. colon eeg ea en eee ue eum Co. 94 | Jones, Everett.._...__. Banning 1......... 17 2 9 | 1944 605 :| 2,100 /| NO Aath : -L eRe 20 cL cA ooo le caree ne ace aes Hon ap 95 | Keck and Hall...... 32 2 8 | 1930 | 1,330 | 1,120 | 0-T.D.; Soquel member, Puente formation.... Oil sands reported: 131-135, 565-592, 596-608, 665-732, 1,021-1,032, 1,045-1,060. 96 I Keel Koel (24) 3 1950 600 | 3, 238 No data......... 97 | Kelmar Oil Co. -| Kelmar 1... A 16 3 9 | 1938 460 | 2,505 | No data...__.... 98 | Kennedy Co. _...... (26) 3 1950 410 | 4,790 | 0-150: terrace deposits. See structure section F-F" 150-450: upper member, Fernando formation. (pl. 4). 450-1,565: lower member, Fernando formation. 1, 565—3 308: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente "formation. 3,308-4,245: Yorba member, Puente formation. 4,245-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 99 | Kesselman, Lyle... Dominguez 1...... (19) 3 8 | 1957 705 | 4,485 01,740: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Suspended, 1957. ormation. 1,740-3,215: Yorba member, Puente formation. 3, 21 ’I‘ D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 100 | Kipp, George, Inc..... Bannon 1. .-..... 32 2 8 | 1940 | 1,275 860 ! | No Hata secs 20. 00 on oan Shows reported: 325, 645; oil sands cored at inter- vals between 706 and 869. 101 Limona Oil Associa- | Vizio 1.._.____.... (21) 2 8 | 1927 675 00 (] No athS. on oll neo o rece nce acnes Drillers log only. jon. 102 | Lee Drilling Co., Inc..! Eureka-Ruben (29) 2 7 | 1953 605 | 1,736 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. Idle, 1956. Lower or mid- ~-20. ?-1,380: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- dle Mohnian Foraminif- mation. era 1,040 to 1,710. See 1,380-1,720: Yorba member, Puente formation. structure section A-A' 1,729-T .D.: granitic basement rocks. (pl. 3) 103 |... doco Au 2 Leg .. 33 2 8 | 1953 | 1,100 916 :| INO LTU - con bentneeass cea wes 104.1 Lee, W. Core Holg1..~:../ (21) 2 8 | 1943 695 | 1,395 | 0-1,190: Yorba member, Puente formation. 1,190-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 105 [::..1 Oe Asi ean Aves Core Hole 2...._.. (21) 2 8 | 1943 750 | 3,005 | 0-1,180: Yorba member, Puente formation. 1180—1 900+: Sequel member, Puente forma- 1 900i—2 450: La Vida member, Puente forma- tion. 2,450-T.D.: Topanga formation. 106 | Les-Cal Co., and | Greening 1.______. 27 2 8 | 1957 680 | 2, 961 0—1,095: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente Wood, J. W formation. 1,095-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation 5 107 | Mahala Oil and Gas | 2..._.___________.. 13 08 8 | 1921 | 1,130 | 5,080 | 0-1,960: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Questionable determina- Co. formation. tions, based on driller's 1,960-3,050+: Yorba member, Puente formation.) log. Shows reported at 3, 0501—3 300+: Soquel member, Puente forma- intervals below 1,654. 3, 300i: -3,700+: La Vidamember, Puente forma- tio 3, 700:I|(:—T .D.: Topanga formation and older rocks May have bottomed in Santiago formation. 108 | Marcell, Douglas.... Puente Hills 1....| 31 2 8 | 1954 | 1,425 | 5,918 | 0-2004: Yorba member, Puente formation...... Oil sands reported in cores 2004+-2,380: Soquel member, Puente formation. from 1,220-1,387, 1,661-91. 2,380-4,120: La Vida member, Puente formation. See structure sections A- 3,1900+-3,230+: Tuff bed(?). A' and D-D' (pl.3). 4,120-5,158: Topanga formation. 5,158-5,800: Vaqueros and Sespe formations un- differentiated. 5,800-T.D.: Santiago(?) formation. 100. | May, Homer, and Co.] 1.....__...._......_ 31 2 8 | 1941 1, 080 970 AL No data... ces. 2, be 9 ee tne anne cn e ee Shows reported at 762. 110 | McCain, A. E..._..... Soquell _____ 6 $ 8 | 1944 900 | 1,350 | 0-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation -| Oil sand reported, 1,037-1048. £11) Mercury Oil CO.. 012030020000 .A 32 2 8 | 1948 | 1,310 | 1,273 | ...__ O0 - ol NAN DNAT ven vod iaa cies Initially produced 6 barrels per day. Idle, 1956. 112 | Metric Exploration Co.| Gibson-A.U.W,1-.| (30) 3 8 | 1951 615 | 2,606 | 0-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation.... Samtlzl surface location as we 113 | Michelin, James....... Abacherli 1...._... 12 3 8 | 1955 760 | 3,239 | 0-450: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- Dlscovery well Mahala mation. field. Initial production' 450-1,650: Yorba member, Puente formation. 194 barrels oil per day, 1.650: Chino fault. from - 1,559-2,012. See 1,650-2,090: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente structure section G-G' formation. (pl. 4). 2090—3 100+: Yorba member, Puente forma- 3, lOOi—TD Soquel member, Puente forma- f tion. ; 114 ..... GORE: isin lcs Borba 2 3 8 | 1956 845 | 2,550 | 0-540: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- Se(e sltrygcture section A-A' mation. pl. 3). 540-2,500+: Yorba member, Puente formation. 2,5004+-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente forma- tion. Probably bottomed in Chino fault zone. do cic lll se 12 3 8 | 1957 | 1,018 | 2,500 | 0-442: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- Newcomb-Strong 4. mation. 442-1,765+: Yorba member, Puente formation. 1765j: Chino fault (?). 1765:§:—2 130: Yorba member, Puente forma- tion. 2,130-2,295: Soquel member, Puente formation. 2,205-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente forma- tion. [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. unless otherwise stated under "Remarks." GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS TABLE wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958-Con. Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. Survey] B49 T.D., total depth. All wells abandoned 2 Location o. Operator Well Year | Eleva- | Total Geology Remarks 8 begun| tion | depth A Sec. | T. S. |R. W. 116 Mcin-Cal Petroleum Kf. ALLIS (24) 3 9 | 1944 595 1 3, 906 | No sod.. o. 117 CMidI-Rich Drilling Ace mesa (26) 3 9 | 1933 403 1 4.50041 .- . cose ZAC IOL Jou va vere a ne biens o., Inc 118 [ Myors, H. H.......... 1 3 8 | 1950 670 | 4,202 04,5110: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- Se? sltrufture section F-F" mation. pl. 4). 1,530-3,150: Yorba member, Puente formation. 3,150-3,450: Soquel member, Puente formation. 3,450-4,080: La Vida member, Puente formation. 4,080-T.D.: Topanga formation. 119 | National Exploration | Chino 1.._.__..... 12 3 9 | 1.805 | 9. 418 /| ul AICC 0. 120 | Noco Holding Co...... Ranger1.;...:.... 31 2 7 | 1923 180 | No datas. : - cL _... {odc ducts vena sheens Siltstone with upper Moh- nian Foraminifera cored at 1,540. Also operated by Marker and Collier, : H. and P. Oil Co. 121 | Olinda Land Co...... ANY ies ot 10 3 9 pgea $85 .] 1.402 . | No data.... .o co... C10. co 40sec cou men ee nee ane 191 8 3 9 | 1900 520 | 5, 324 10 3 9 | 1911 515 | 3,000 No data Dess 17 3 9 | 1918 405 | 3,020 No data.. Tufiree 1-19....... 19 3 9 | 1951 327 | 7,050 -| 0-?: alluvial deposits.... Dry hole, East Coyote oil ?-1,330: La Habra formation. field. See structure see- 1,330-2,210: upper member, Fernando formation. tion B-B'. (pl. 3). 2,210-4,215: lower member, Fernando forma- tion. 4,215-4,350: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 4,350-6,760: Yorba member, Puente formation. ¢ 6,760-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 126 | Patton Oil Co...... Three Corners 1...} (21) 2 8 | 1957 710 | 3, 151 0-1,850: Soquel member, Puente formation. Suspended, 1958. 1,850-2,020: volcanic rocks. 2,020-2,430: Topanga formation. 2,430-3,000+: Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated. 3,000+-T.D.: granitic basement rocks. 127 | Petroleum Co......... Nenno 1........_.. 24 3 10 | 1912 $4018, 471 | NO AALA. :s Xr cance sent 128 | Petroleum Develop- Bradford 1-BC....| (30) 3 9 | (?) 287 | 4,750 | 0-7: alluvial de%osit,s. Questionable data. ment Co. ?-1, 250: La Habra formation. 1,250-?: unnamed lower Pleistocene(?) rocks. ?-2,510: upper menber, Fernando formation. 2,510-4,000: lower meuber, Fernando formation. 4,000-4,240: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 4,240-T. D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. 129 Peéroleum Securities Kraemer 1.....-. (25) 3 9 | 1927 £30. 1.3; 578 | No datas. 02. Su. e le cd o anne 7 o. 130 | Placentia Richfield eres opie (27) 3 9 | 1920 36013-0830. |- No data... : cou oes oo ede aang nt tees } Central Oil Co. 131 | Pomoco, Inc. I lia 19 3 9 | 1956 8204 | No flgta... .. . us io pice ue cep cer ns aie 132 | Pomona Oil Co. Ir (19) 2 8 | 1919 | 1,100 | 5,169 | 0-1, 100+: Yorba member, Puente formation. Drillers log only. . See 1,100+-2,720+: Soquel member, Puente forma- structure section E-E' tion. (pl. 4). 2,720+-3,300+: La Vida member, Puente forma- tion. 3,3004-3,5004+: volcanic rocks (?). 3,5004+-4,140+: Topanga formation. 4,140+-T. D.: Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentrated. May bave bottomed in granitic basement rocks. 133 | Prado Petroleum Lamp (31) 2 7 | 1941 $65 154.789. | Mo o-oo occ cel cl nene ri ranna ee ona ane Siltstone with Delmontian Foraminifera cored - at 1,480-1,484. _ Shows _ re- % ported at 1,478-1,480. 134 | Pressel, Perry, and | Thornhill 1.-..... (30) 2 9 | 1929 830 | 4,535 | 0-700+: Soquel member, Puente formation. Also operated by G. F. Tull. 700+-4,100: La Vida member, Puente formation. Beard. _ See, structure 1,8254+: tuff bed in La Vida member. sections A-A', B-B' 4,100-T.D.: Diamond Bar sand, Topanga forma- (pl. 3). - tion. 135 | Puente Crude Oil Co.. (31) 2 9 | 1895 550 6Th "| NoMAtE 2 ..- cl old inh 130 |-. OQ ees csi (31) 2 9 | 1895 600] 2,135 ! | No data. -.... ol c.. IED el neem eau nen rene. 137 | Puente Development (24) 2 10 | 1950 624 | 4,049 | 0-450+: Soquel member, Puente formation. Also operated by Perma- Associates. 4504+-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente forma- Stone Pacific Co. as tion. Wilson-Carrillo 1. Sus- 1, 375-1,385+: tuff bed in La Vida member. pended, 1950. - See struc- i ture section A-A' (pl. 3). 138 | Puente Oil Co...... 0220. 5 3 9 ? 749 ? Po data n Abi. ioe. o reel rea de ake Pan l 139 | Puente Petroleum Co-] Jasper-Isaacson 1.. 17 2 9 | 1949 620 | 3,586 | 0-365: Sequol member, Puente formation. See structure section B-B' 365-3,100+: La Vida member, Puente formation. (pl. 3). 1,430+: tuff bed in La Vida member. 3,100+-T.D.: Diamond Bar sand, Topanga for- mation. 140 | Quadri Petroleum Co.] 1...____._.___.....- 7 3 8 | 1925 | 1,200 | 4,211 | 0-7004: Soquel member, Puente formation. Oil sands reported at inter- 700+-3,332: La Vida member, Puente formation. vals 108-491, 1,533-1,713, 3,332-3,849: diabase intrusive rocks. 3,110-3,136.. Shows re- 3,849-4,022: La Vida member, Puente formation. ported at intervals 706- 4,002-4,086: diabase intrusive rocks. 805, 1,066-1,303, 2,205-2,208 p 4,086-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. 3,554-3,568, 4,022-4,040. 141 | Ranchers Oil Co--... 22 3 9 | 1948 495 455) |- No dati L CALE CAAI R & 142 | Ridge Oil Co._......... 21 3 9 | 1920 337 | 4,785 No dats... ..20.c.2.00s - 143 | Riggins, L. .B new ak ins 6 3 7 | 1927 507 844 No UaLa:. :L ol ss 000 coll ue l. Avus venues 144 | Rob Roy Oil Co...... 10 3 9 | 1904 $801 2,000. T-Mo Asta? 110" 11.00 LLA ee f 145 | Rowley, F. H......... 11 3 8 | 1912 820 | 3,800 | 0-1,700+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Driller's log only. Also - formation. operated by. Clampitt- 686-601 0O-63--5 1,700+-2,9004: Yorba member, Puente forma- tion. 2,900+-3,400+: Soquel member, Puente forma- tion. 3,400+-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente forma- tion. Moss, and Garrett and Watson. B50 TABLE 4.-Eaploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 30, 1958-Con. [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TD., total depth. All wells abandoned unless otherwise stated under "Remarks." Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. urvey] 2 Location A Operator Well Year | Eleva- | Total Geology Remarks ® begun| tion | depth A Sec. | T. 8. |R. W. 146 | Scoggins and Long...] (24) 3 9 | 1945 81541 8,010, : |:-NO : . . oo, 0T IOT . Save eee anole 147 | Scott, L. H., Co., Inc..! Scott-Chino 1..... (30) 2 7 | 1955 578 | 2,030 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. See structure section A-A' ?-1,223: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente (pl. 3). formation. 1,223-1,855: Yorba member, Puente formation. 1,855-T.D.: granitic basement rocks. 1M8.!.-... dO. EE CEL Scott-Chino 2. .... (25) 2 8 | 1955 582 | 2,425 | 0-?: alluvial deposits. ?-1,500: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- mation. 1,500-2,419: Yorba member, Puente formation. 2,410-T.D.: granitic basement rocks. 149 J.. /_. (0 ( rears Mae Scott-Chino 3..... (30) 2 7 | 1955 568 | 1,657 | Top granitic basement rocks at 1,650 .._________. Suspended, 1955. 150 1. .c. dora oin. SCObE 4.1... 5.0.20 1 3 8 | 1955 690 | 4,173 | 0-1,380: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- | Initially produced 80 bar- mation. rels per day of oil, rapidly 1,380-3,100+: Yorba member, Puente formation. declined to subcommer- 3,100+-3,550: Soquel member, Puente formation. cial level. See structure 3,550-4,130: La Vida member, Puente formation. section F-F" (pl. 4). 4,130-T.D.: Topanga formation. eri. Scoff 52.03.0000 18 3 7 | 1956 960 | 3,550 | 0-1,560: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente M formation. 1,560-2,495: Yorba member, Puente formation. 2,495-2,640: Soquel member, Puente formation. 2,640-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. 182 do H- QN ILs 35 2 8 | 1956 910 | 3, 846 0—?,225: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Idle, 1958. ormation. 2,225-3,300+: Yorba member, Puente formation. 3,300+: Chino fault. 3,300+-T.D.: - Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 159: THL S ds 18 3 7 | 1957 680 | 5,416 | 0-1,212; Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Upper Mohnian or Del- formation. montian Foraminifera at 1,212-2,430: Yorba member, Puente formation. 3,275; _ Delmontian - at 2,430-2,560: Soquel member, Puente formation. 3,310; Upper Mohnian at 2,560-3,160: La Vidamember, Puente formation. 4,645, See structure see- 3,160: Chino fault. tion H-H" (pl. 4). 3,160-3,580: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,580-5,150: Yorba member, Puente formation. 5,150-5,270: Soquel member, Puente formation. 5,270-T.1>.: La Vida member, Puente formation. 164%): Z.. do... WAP: d csi 24 3 8 | 1957 955 | 3,720 | 0-2,490: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | See structure section H- formation. (pl. 4) 2,400-3,575: Yorba member, Puente formation. 3,575-T.1).: Soquel member, Puente formation. 155 | Scott, L. H., Hen- | Langstaff 1.._____. 13 3 8 | 1958 | 1,025 | 4,518 0-1,790; Sycamore Canyon member, Puente. | Upper Miocene Foram- drickson, John. formation. inifera in core from 1,790-2,810: Yorba member, Puente formation. 3,711-3,725. 2,810-3,002: Soquel member, Puente formation. 3,002-4,340: La Vida member, Puente formation. 4,340-T.D.: Topanga formation. 156 | Selegna Petroleum ._... (12 3 8 | 1937 800 | 3, 136 075mm Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Drillers log only. ormation. 750+1,7004: Yorba member, Puente formation. 1,7004-1,840: Soquel member, Puente formation. 1,840-2,380: La Vida member, Puente formation. 2,380-T.D.: Topanga formation and older rocks. May have bottomed in Santiago formation. 187 | Shell Oil Co........... Bartholomae 22 2 9 | 1953 | 1,170 | 4,022 | 0-3004: Soquel member, Puente formation. See structure section C-C 22-22, 3004-3,570; La Vida member, Puente formation. (pl. 3). 1,9004+: fault in La Vida member. 3,570-T.D.: Diamond Bar sand, Topanga for- mation. 158 0% Aull sl A .d Columbia Fee 4-1 .. 9 3 9 | 1937 525 | 8,021 | 0-860: Soquel member, Puente formation. Dry hole, Brea-Olinda oil 860-1,900: La Vida member, Puente formation. field. 1,900: north trace, Whittier fault. 1,900-3,595: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,505-6,810; Yorba member, Puente formation. 6,810-: south trace, Whittier fault. 6,810-7,580: Soquel member, Puente formation. 7,580-T.D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. Caf 1.2. (29) 3 9 | 1938 204 | 3,000 | 0-200+: alluvial deposits. Dry hole, Richfield oil 2004-840: La Habra formation. field. 840-1,210+: unnamed lower Pleistocene(?) rocks. 1,2104-1,970; upper member, Fernando forma- tion. 1,970-T.D.: lower member, Fernando formation. 1001.;,; dor: eo c nld Dometal 1. ...... (19) 3 8 | 1956 600 | 5,000 | 0-1,8504: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Discovery well, Esperanza formation. oil field. Produces oil 1,850+: fault zone. from _ 2,510-2,660. - Bot- 1,8504--2,500: Yorba member, Puente formation. tomed 1,100 ft. N. 10° E. 2,500-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. at 4,155 subsca level. See structure section F-F' (pl. 4). 1014]. L4. eral eens Dometal 2......... (19) 3 8 | 1957 695 | 4,208 | 0-2,270: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente | Producing well, Esperanza formation. oil field, from 2,668-3,426. 2.270; Fault. Bottomed 1,700 ft. north 2,270-3,360: Soquel member, Puente formation. at 2,858 subscalevel. 0- .D.; Yorba member, Puente formation. 1,400: - Delmontian Fo- raminifera. - 3,400-T.D.; Upper Mohnian Foram- inifera, _ See structure section F-F" (pl. 4). GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS B51 TABLE 4.-Eaploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 80, 1958-Con. [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. unless otherwise stated under "Remarks. Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. " Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. T.D., total depth. All wells abandoned urvey] Map No. Operator Well Location Year Sec. R. W. begun Eleva- tion Total depth Geology Remarks 162 163 164 165 166 167 Shell Oil Co.......... _____ O- iin ees _____ eer e _____ O ico cota s _____ do. C.. ESC ..... \ . » 68 O. eer 1 169 170 171 172 178 174 175 176 182 183 _____ [[ rica ebthe ry _____ cue ei _____ ORE _____ O- A:. _____ OLE ecb _____ MNO: node ENER ccr HL _____ esen _____ NOF. e ster der esen. _____ O-. Les ..... (IoC Lede cece ..... CD eds suey seas Dometal 3......... Dominguez Yorba Unit 1. Du Bols 1...;....: Hemphill 1........ Herriman 1.._.... Keeler Comm. 1.. Riker Menchego 1-A. ... Menchego 12...... Olinda Fee One-20. Olinda Fee One- 100. Olinda Fee One- 100, redrill. « Olinda Fee Four Olinda Fee Four Olinda Fee Four 42-16. Olinda Fee Four 55-16. Olinda Fee Four 56-14. Olinda Fee Four 58-15. OLC om .'... Puente Core Hole 4. Puente Core Hole 5. Stern I-A .:... .... (19) (30) 22 30 21 (36) 16 14 16 16 14 15 16 (18) (25) (23) go co co ce ro &o rwosse c wo ww 10 1957 1955 1938 1938 1938 1953 1938 1925 1952 1903 1952 web © 1942 1942 1955 1943 1937 1951 1951 1939 730 430 306 420 910 335 590 550 595 530 690 640 1, 010 550 430 610 880 490 565 3, 485 4, 682 1,975 3, 101 3, 023 2, 715 10, 013 1, 507 5, 828 5,055 7, 304 4, 002 3, 616 7, 603 2, 520 1 2, 957 3, 052 2,002 1, 670 0-780+: Yorba member, Puente formation. 780+: fault. 780+-2,000+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 2,0004-2,925: Yorba member, Puente formation. 2,925-T .D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 0-1,080+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 1,080+-4,065: severely faulted sequence of Yorba and Soquel members, Puente formation. 4,065-T .D.: La Vida member, Puente formation. No data.......... 0-7: alluvial deposits. ?-1,220+: La Habra formation. 13203543000): unnamed lower Pleistocene(?) rocks. 1,800(?)-2,505: upper member, Fernando forma- on 2,505-T .D.: lower member, Fernando formation. NO nth evere r 0-1, 745: La Vida member, Puente formation. 1,170-80: tuff bed in La Vida member. 1,745-2,480: diabase intrusive rocks. 2,480-2,940: La Vida member, Puente formation. 2,040-3,165: diabase intrusive rocks. 3,165-3,700+: Diamond Bar sand, Topanga for- mation. 3,700+: north trace, Whittier fault. 3,7004-4,000: diabase intrusive rocks. 4,000-4,300: La Vida member, Puente formation. 4,300-5,050+: Diamond Bar sand, Topanga for- mation. 5,050+-5,360+: volcanic rocks. 5,360+-6,665; Topanga formation. 6,665: central trace, Whittier fault. .D.: Topanga formation. No AbALL 1.2 eld RC nen ede 0-475; La Vida member, Puente formati 475-800+: d.abase intrusive rocks. 800+-2,086: La Vida member, Puente formation. 2,086-2,406: diabase intrusive rocks. ,406-T.D.; La Vida member, Puente formaion. 0-660: La Vida member, Puente formation. 660-1,410: diabase intrusive rocks. 1,410-2,470: La Vida member, Puente formation. 2,470-2,630: diabase intrusive rocks. 2,630: north trace, Whittier fault. 2,630-3,640: Soquel member, Puente formation. 3,640: central trace, Whittier fault. 3,640-4,600+: La Vida member, Puente forma- tion. 4,6004--4,750: diabase intrusive rocks. 4,750-6,415: Diamond Bar sandstone, Topanga formation. 6,415-6,600: south trace, Whittier fault. 6,600—’1".D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. No'datfa® .. 721000 UL LIANG ae a nares 0-200: La Vida member, Puente formation. 200+: north trace, Whittier fault. 2004+-3,250: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,250: south trace, Whittier fault. 3,250-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 2,230-3,990+: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,990+: north trace Wittier fault. 3,990+-T.D.: Diamond Bar sand, Topanga formation. NO 200. .. LLC dab rse sech e as e 0-4,030: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation, repeated by faulting. 4,030-6,400: Yorba member, Puente formation. 6,400-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. 0-1,600: lower member, Fernando formation. 1,600-2,950: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 2 QSg—E‘DJ Yorba member, Puente formation. o data 22: ECL IOO 0-4,200 Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- mation, repeated by faulting. 4,200-7,340: Yorba member, Puente formation. N7’340Jf'D': Soquel member, Puente formation. 0 AALS. 112 ool veen IAI ewan es be e oe No data... 25. fos clue recive. avea ee uae No data... .._... 0-1,540: Soquel member, Puente forma 1,540-1,660: volcanic rocks. 1,660-2,300: Topanga formation. 2,300-2,934; Vaqueros and Sespe formations un- differentiated. 2,934-T.D.: granitic basement rocks. 0-1,690; Soquel member, Puente formation. 1,600-T.D.: La Vidia member, Puente formation. 0-T.D.: lower member, Puente formation....... Producing well,; Esperanza oil field, from 2,937-3,319. Bottomed 1,116 ft. south at 2,320 subsealevel. See structure section F-F' (pl. 4). Hole directed westerly below 4,145. Oil sand cored 3,247-3,204. Directed northerly below 7,400._ See structure see- tion C-C' (pl. 3). Initially small producer: abandoned in 1953. Pro- duced from 6, 495-7,415. See structure section B-B' (pl. 3). Dry hole, Brea-Olinda oil field Directed northerly below 3,200. See structure see- tion D-D' (pl. 3). Redrilied and - directed northerly below 2,230. Whipstock at 4,020, faced S. 83° E; at 5,912, faced N. 79° W. See structure section D-D' (pl. 3). Initially a small producer, abandoned in 1956. Upper Miocene Foraminif- era 0-700. Continuous cores. See structure sec- tion E-E' (pl. 4). Suspended, 1951. See structure section - H-H' (pL 4). B52 TaBLE 4.-Eaploratory wells and selected oil-producing wells drilled in the eastern Puente Hills area before June 80, 1958-Con. [Section numbers in parentheses indicate projected section. Elevations, depths, and distances in feet. unless otherwise stated under "Remarks." Foraminifera determined by Patsy B. Smith, U.S. Geol. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TD., total depth. All wells abandoned urvey] Map No. Operator Well Location Sec. T8. R. w. Year begun Eleva- tion Total depth Geology Remarks 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 193 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 Shell Oil Co.__.._..... ..... ( . Demat porte Sherman, J. W........ Skiglark Manufactur- Soquel C'tmyon Oil Co. South Basin Oil Co.... Southern California Petroleum Corp. Southern Counties Petroleum Drilling o. Standard Oil Co...... Stanlite Oil Co........ Stella, E. F., Trustee.. ..... Ons cense Stella F.-F......__._... Stewart, I. M.._._.__. Tehama - Petroleum Corp. Texas ,,,,, do:: erucic _____ dock ...o _____ flo cs. Re.... -| Kraemer 1-15-A. Wright 73-18..____ {gloyd Nees Kraemer 1-15. _.. Lemke Trustee 1._ Loftus and O'Brien 1. Yelar 1.._=.; Vejar 1-A......... Wagner Comm. 1. 3 Kraemer-Backs 2.. Pellissier 1: ._... :- Stella-Grant 1..... Kraemer-Backs 1.. Carillo Ranch (NCT-1) 1. Dominguez 1..____ Travis Travis 18 24 22 19 10 (24) 31 (22) 19 (25) (25) 20 (30) (26) (26) 20 (27) (29) 33 (30) (19) (30) (30) coorte co bo ots coco co go co to bo co bo co wow o c a wow co w wow o co co 1958 1958 1929 1945 1955 1942 1951 1938 1953 1922 1922 1952 1921 1919 1953 1927 1957 1936 1937 1938 1956 1935 19583 1953 19583 1953 1, 300 775 970 495 311 545 1,275 612 333 470 348 286 430 435 302 375 355 t= 53 625 955 375 535 500 555 5, 541 3, 073 830 4, 340 1, 100+ 1, 250 4,775 1, 810 2, 833 4, 390 5, 097 2,615 2, 501 5,933 2,000 3,000 4, 507 4, 671 4, 827 3, 621 0-370: Soquel member, Puente formation. 370-2, 185; La Vida member, Puente formation. 2,185: fault. 2,185-4,782: Topanga formation. 4,732-5,218: diabase intrusive rocks. 5,218-T.D.: Topanga formation. No ABR. 22. 13.022. 0 eeu ene eee ee 0-800+: Yorba member, Puente formation. swig—3D; Soquel member, Puente formation. 0 ELS Dupe EIC No data. to 3.20000. 000 rdo NO dBA, .L Leuven d soa 0-?: lower member, Fernando formation. ?-2,979: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente for- mation. 2, 979-4, 600+: Yorba member, Puente formation. 4N Gogi—T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation, O IAX U2 e eer ania lane NO ABLE] cs 2. oo 1 LT . on ee ede ee s da uta Pes 0-?: alluvial deposits. ?-1, 120: La Habra formation. 1,120-2,365: upper member, Fernando forma- tion. 2,365-3,740: lower member, Fernando formation. 3,740-4,015: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 4,015-T.D.: Yorba member, Puente formation. No data...... 0-?: alluvial deposits. ?-1,040: La Habra formation. 1,240—2,040: upper member, Fernando forma- ion, ; 2,040-3,485: lower member, Fernando formation. 3,485-3,745: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 3,745-5,114: Yorba member, Puente formation. gills—TD; Soquel member, Puente formation. O UAERHLIETIICL LLCO. Lie rcbererebecerbecee NO 200; 50010000. .oo ee no deve 0-?: alluvial deposits. ?-875: La Habra formation. 875-2,000: upper member, Fernando formation. 2,000-T.D.: lower member, Fernando formation. 0-2,975: alluvial deposits, La Habra formation, Fernando formation. - 2,975-4,105: Sycamore Canyon member, Puente formation. 4,105-5,380: Yorba member, Puente formation. 5,380-T.D.: Soquel member, Puente formation. NO ABLS.. . 2. . SUN so ces t e 5 ane bak . A & a - uoreuno, aquang $ 5 aquang eqio equwatu uofues 3 a B 1 muehd S4IOA 3 2 uoneuuop aquang asoweofg suang ®. 5 & ags 3 ® fol ajgue1 Wm ~s -penb weg opeiq '19u109 @ & -penb weg opeig '13u409 semujnos 3 1} 096'TI mum semuyinos jo 3 1} Ggoq pug N 3 Ooz'0T :jeuiod 1s23 3 * pue N 34 0062 :el0d 1sam L. S N hls Bn 3,20.4§ N [IV— 10001 10021 1O00pI 10091 GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, EASTERN PUENTE HILLS posed of dark-gray somewhat sandy siltstone occurring as laminae and thin beds as much as 2 inches thick and commonly containing well-preserved Foraminifera. The proportion of sandstone to siltstone in the Syc- amore Canyon member decreases near the base. Rocks of the Yorba member exposed 2,000 feet from the east portal of the tunnel consist of 70 percent dark- gray siltstone in beds as much as 1 foot thick and 30 percent light-gray to white fine- to medium-grained feldspathic sandstone in thin stringers and beds. The siltstone contains zones of brown phosphatic nodules. Sedimentary structures such as graded bedding, cross-lamination, ripple marks, - intraformational breccia, slump structures, and other features commonly associated with turbidity current deposits are conspic- uous in strata exposed in the tunnel (figs. 20, 21). Scattered random measurements of directional sedi- mentary features indicate a general southwesterly slope of the sea bottom on which the deposits ac- cumulated-a slope away from the postulated position of the shoreline in late Miocene time. FicurE 20.-Strata of the Sycamore Canyon member of the Puente formation exposed in the San Juan tunnel. The dark rock is silt- stone and the lighter bands are fine- to medium-grained sandstone. The thick sandstone bed in the center contains angular fragments of dark siltstone like that in the siltstone beds below. FiGuUrE 21.-Sample of interbedded siltstone and sandstone from Yorba member of the Puente formation, 3,000 feet from the east portal of the San Juan tunnel, showing bedding features typical of those exposed in the tunnel. When in place, the sample was oriented with north to the left. Scale in inches. B59 Sandstone stained with "dead" oil occurred in the tunnel on the upthrown side of a fault 2,322 feet from the east portal. Oil-stained sandstone with a faint petroleum odor occurred at localities 2,450, 2,508, and 2,640 feet from the east portal of the tunnel. Many of the faults intersecting the tunnel are shear zones as much as 80 feet wide (fig. 19). In these shear zones the siltstone is commonly recemented to form a hard dense limy breccia and the sandstone is ground into a soft sandy gouge that readily permits passage of large volumes of water. Smaller faults having little . or no shear zone offset beds as much as 8 feet. Rela- tive movement on some of the larger faults was deter- mined from the orientation of drag folds. REFERENCES CITED Bailey, T. S., and Jahns, R. H., 1954, Geology of the Trans- verse Range province, southern California, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California : California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap. 2, p. 83-106. Barger, R. M., and Gaede, V. F., 1956, Yorba Linda oil field: California Div. Oil and Gas, Summ. Operations, Ann, Rept. 42, no. 2, p. 21-25. Benzley, J. C., 1956, Recent developments in the Yorba Linda field, in California oil and gas exploration, 1956: Los Angeles, Calif., Munger Oilogram, p. 6. Conrey, B. L., 1958, Depositional and sedimentary patterns of lower Pliocene-Repetto rocks in the Los Angeles basin, in Higgins, J. W., ed., A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions: Los Angeles, Calif. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Pacific Sec. p. 51-54. Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers, 1958, Annual review of California crude oil production for 1957: Los Angeles, p. 335. Daviess, S. N., and Woodford, A. O., 1949, Geology and structure of the northwestern Puente Hills, California : U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Map 83. Dickerson, R. E., 1914, The Martinez and Tejon Eocene and associated formations of the Santa Ana Mountains, Cal- ifornia: California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 8, p. 257-270. Dudley, P. H., 1943, East Coyote area of the Coyote Hills oil field, in Geologic formations and economic develop- ment of the oil and gas fields of California: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 349-354. Durham, D. L., and Yerkes, R. F., 1959, Geologic map of the eastern Puente Hills, Los Angeles basin, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Map OM-195. Durham, J. W., 1954, The marine Cenozoic of southern Cali- fornia, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California : California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap. 3 p. 23-31. Eckis, Rollins, 1934, South coastal basin investigation, geo- logy and ground water storage capacity of valley fill: California Div. Water Resources Bull. 45, 273 p. Eldridge, G. H., and Arnold Ralph, 1907, The Santa Clara Valley, Puente Hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, south- ern California : U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 309, 266 p. English, W. A., 1914, The Fernando group near Newhall, California: California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 8, p. 203-218. B60 English, W. A., 1926, Geology and oil resources of the Puente Hills region, southern California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 768, 110 p. Gaede, V. F., and Dosch, Murray, 1955, Oil and gas devel- opment in San Bernardino County: California Div. Oil and Gas, Summ. Operations, Ann. Rept. 41, no. 2, p. 35- 48. Gardiner, C. M., 1943, Richfield area of the Richfield oil field, in Geologic formations and economic development of the oil and gas fields of California: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 357-360. Hamlin, Homer, 1904, Water resources of the Salinas Valley, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 89, 89 p. Heath, E. G., 1958, Yorba Linda oil field, in Higgins, J. W., ed., A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions: Los Angeles, Calif. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Pacific Sec., p. 105-106. Hill, M. L., 1954, Tectonics of faulting in southern California, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap. 4, p. 5-14. Hoots, H. W., and Bear, T. L., 1954, History of oil exploration and discovery in California, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap. 9, p. 5-10. Kew, W. S. W., 1924, Geology and oil resources of a part of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 753, 202 p. Kleinpell, R. M., 1938, Miocene stratigraphy of California: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, 450 p. Krueger, M. L., 1936, The Sycamore Canyon formation, Cali- fornia [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull, v. 20, p. 1520. 1943, Chino area, in Geologic formations and economic development of the oil and gas fields of California: Cal- ifornia Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 362-363. Larsen, E. S., Jr., 1948, Batholith and associated rocks of Corona, Elsinore, and San Luis Rey quadrangles, south- ern California: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 29, 182 p. Larsen, E. S., Jr.. Gottfried, David, Jaffe, H. W., and Waring, C. L., 1958, Lead-alpha ages of the Mesozoic batholiths of western North America: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1070-B, p. 35-62. Michelin, James, 1958, Mahala oil field, in Higgins, J. w., ed., A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions: Los Angeles, Calif. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Pacific Sec., p. 153-154. Natland, M. L., and Rothwell, W. T., Jr., 1954, Fossil Forma- inifera of the Los Angeles and Ventura basins, Cali- fornia, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern Califor- nia: California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap 3, p. 33-42. Nelson, J. W., Pendleton, R. L., Dunn, J. E., Strahorn, A. T., and Watson, E. B., 1917, Soil survey of the Riverside area, California: U.S. Dept. Agriculture, Bur. Soils ad- vance field sheets for 1915, 88 p. Norris, B. B., 1930, Report on the oil fields on or adjacent to the Whittier fault: California Div. Oil and Gas, Summ. Operations, Ann. Rept. 15, no. 4, p. 5-20. Parker, F. S., 1943, Yorba Linda area of the Coyote Hills oil field, in Geologic formations and economic development of the oil and gas fields of California: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 355. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Post, W. S., 1928, Santa Ana investigation, flood control and conservation: California Dept. Public Works, Div. Eng. and Irrig., Bull. 19. Reed, R. D., 1932, Section from the Repetto Hills to the Long Beach oil field, in Gale, H. S., ed., Southern California : Internat. Geol. Cong., 16th, United States 1933, Guide- book 15, p. 30-34. Schoellhamer, J. E., Kinney, D. M., Yerkes, R. F., and Vedder, J. G., 1954, Geologic map of the northern Santa Ana Moun- tains, Orange and Riverside Counties, California : U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Map OM-154. Scribner, M. K., 1958, Brea Canyon area, in Higgins, J. W., ed., A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los An- geles and Ventura regions: Los Angeles, Calif. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Pacific See., p. 107-108. Sharp, R. P., 1954, Some physiographic aspects of southern California, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern Cal- ifornia : California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap. 5, p. 5-10. Shelton, J. S., 1955, Glendora volcanic rocks, Los Angeles basin, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 66, p. 45-90. Stewart, R. E., and Stewart, K. C., 1930, "Lower Pliocene" in the eastern end of the Puente Hills, San Bernardino County, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 14, p. 1445-1450. Stockman, L. P., 1957, California liquid hydrocarbon produc- tion, reserves: Petroleum World and Oil, Rev. no., v. 54, no. 43, p. 44-48. Watts, W. L., 1897, Oil and gas yielding formations of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, Califor- nia : California Mining Bur. Bull. 11, 72 p. Winterer, E. L., and Durham, D. L., 1962, Geology of south- eastern Ventura basin, Los Angeles County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 334-H, p. 275-366. Wissler, S. G., 1943, Stratigraphic formations of the producing zones of the Los Angeles basin oil fields, in Geologic formations and economic development of the oil and gas fields of California: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 209-234. 1958, Correlation chart of the producing zones of Los Angeles basin oil fields, in Higgins, J. W., ed., A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions: Los Angeles, Calif. Am. Assoc. Pe- troleum Geologists Pacific Sec., p. 59-61. Woodford, A. O., Moran, T. G., and Shelton, J. S., 1946, Miocene conglomerates of Puente and San Jose Hills, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 30, p. 514-560. Woodford, A. O., Shelton, J. S., and Moran, T. G., 1944, Geology and oil possibilities of Puente and San Jose Hills, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Map 23. Woodford, A. O., Schoellhamer, J. E., Vedder, J. G., and Yerkes, R. F., 1954, Geology of the Los Angeles basin, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: ' California Div. Mines Bull. 170, chap. 2, p. 65-81. Woodring, W. P., and Fopenoe, W. P., 1945, Paleocene and Eocene stratigraphy of northwestern Santa Ana Moun- tains, Orange County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Prelim. Chart 12. Yerkes, R. F., 1957, Volcanic rocks of the El Modeno area, Orange County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 274-L, p. 313-334. Acknowled@gments.._.......:......./....0.0.l Bo Aliso Canyon fault Alluvium, older. .. 400%. 0202 0.00 Ls. AST aree cecal 30 distribution and character 80 202823222000 ccr. Ie cece an.? 30 SOUNROTLSL . . oO PLL coe aln sL Pe die siz 31 Anaheim /... 40 Anticlines... ... 37 Arena Blanca anticline. . 34 Arena Blanca syneline..........._____________ 34 44 Ranch fault 34 27 11 20 5 Brachiopods.....___. 25 Bramlette, M.N., fossils identified by . __.___ 13,19 Breas 31, 35 Brea-Olinda oll 37,39 history, production, and reserves. 30 location and geologic features... 37,39 Brea-Olinda oil field area, Sycamore Canyon s sans 22 20.00 L 22 Bryant fault...._.._._. 34 Bryant Ranch anticline. -_ 34, 43 Bryant Ranch 20 Buzzard Peak conglomerate. 10 C Carbon Canyon:: cu- 31 Carbon Canyon anticline........_._.________. 34 Carbon Canyon 20 Chapman sand....____________ 21 Chino .-. 31 34, 35 depth to basement rocks. ..... s 35 possible oll trap- 43 Chino Creek, physiography.....____.________ 35, 36 Chino fault 32, 34, 41, 43 Chino fault sone :.. o 31 Chino-Soquel oil field ......__________________ 34 history and geologic features...___________ 42 production and reserves. .___.____________ 39 productive zones. ______.________ _ 42 ?...... 6, 12 18 20, 21 Coyote Hills uplift.... 31, 35, 36, 40 Cretaceous system, plutonic rock 6 sedimentary 5 D 15 Diabase, in Puente and older formations 23 -d sise licen denned ient 24 Diamond Bar anticline....____._._.__... 34 Dismwond Bar 34, 44 E oil 35, 40 history and geologic features....._...____. 40 production and reserves. .________________ 39, 40 subsurface data.: 40 topographic expression of structure. ...... 36 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Page Eastern Puente Hills, physiography........_. BS Quaternary history............._......__. 35 structural features northeast of... ._...... $4 physiography...............=.c..izlllg.. 35 structural features south of............_.. 85 Eastern Puente Hills area, exploratory wells and selected producing oil wells. . 44 Physiography :~. cell. Dee LIS ALL 85 Economic geology. -/. ._c. :.. uel 87 Elephant HHI: .... 000 22 5,11 El Modeno volcanics..... < 11 Elsinore structural trough........._......___.. 34 Focene 00... oo 6 Erogion suf face.. 200000 s- 35 Esperanza oil field, development...._......_. 43 geologic features............ ki k production and reserves..._._..._...___.. 39 F Faults, In Aron... eae _c AEL 84 in San Juan tunnel..-......_.._...___.._. 59 Fernando formation............ 28, 29, 31, 30, 40 fossil localities...._._....... - 56, 57 lower member............._.... a 21 age and stratigraphic relations....___. 25 conditions of deposition_...__....__... 26 distribution and character.. * 25 _C. . 15, 17 fosells. {col {enone 25 oll productivity, :. ct.: 42 relation to Whittier fault zone........ 25 thickness.... _E 25 24 oil produced 42 ... 2 00.0 ora nne e oad ee tous 390 upper member, age and stratigraphic 22200000 Lg US 27 distribution and character...._._..... 26 fogells . >. SCL LAO L. 26 thicktess" -. 0000.0. 26 Fieldwork... 5 Fish scales......... 10 Folds in report area. 80 Foraminifera... s. 3s oro Veine vea 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 identified by Patsy B. 5,14, 20 in San Juan tunnel........- 59 stratigraphic distribution.........__....__ 14 Foraminifera from Puente and Fernando formations, alphabetic key to genera and species in area...... 16 stratigraphic distribution in area._._____. 14 Fossil localifies. . . -__ 2 [ele acad blade 65 in eastern Puente Hills area______________ 56 Fossils. See under names of orders and of formations. Fossils identified. .________. 5-10, 12-17, 19-22, 24-26 G Odghropods.. 1 .- scool edi cy 9, 25, 26, 27 Glendora voleanies. :n 2. 11 Graded - 18, 19, 23, 59 Granitic basement rocks.... _.. 6 contact with Eocene rocks..___.__.__.__.. 6 H Page Horseshoe Behid... : .. .2.2..20.L00% B9, 31, 42 Horseshoe Bend area, physiography. 5 37 Horseshoe Bend fault...... 35 L Ladd formation of Late Cretaceous age...... 5 La Habra formation. 28, 35, 40 age and stratigraphic relations.......__... 28 conditions of deposition........__.._._._... 29 distribution and character. 28 stratigraphic section._..._.__.______.___.__ 28 Sbickness:. :- 22. .0000 ... Len ives 29 La Habra syncline....... 31, 35, 40 Los Angeles a 34 structural evolution....._...._.__... 3 4 U.S. Geological Survey's investigation.... 3 Los Angeles (Downey) 3 Luisian stage, rocks ___... 10, 11 M Mahala anticline, future development...... 34, 43 Mahala oil field......._.....__...__ 34, 41, 43 geologic features.. ___ 41, 42 History. .. t 41 possible extension. ..... 43 Megafo881@. . . . c 40-0 0. neni ie 25 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, aqueduct......_....... 5 Miocene series, fossil localities. 56 Mohnian Stage. 1. 10, 13, 24 ............ 14, 15 5, 8, 9, 19, 26, 28 Monterey shale.... . . ._LLC_ Eu- 12 0 Oil development, exploratory wells...._...... 44 outlook for fubuire beatles 43 Oil fields, Brea-Olinda......______________._._. 87 Chino-Soquel....... a 42 East Coyote.__._.....__._... - 29, 40 Esperanza..._._______ . 41 d c ot coe oe. . del co ue 2 Toa 37, 39 Mahala. ... . cite oo 1 20. u 00 Ausa sealed taas 41 production statistics.. FeDOTHS Of. ._ .-... ___ UEC 37 ~. 212.1. . LOLI 8, 11, 20, 21, 39 Yorbs Linds. . .s. 00. tous 40 Oil occurrence, summary....._______._.________ 42 Olf sohd. :.. chores seu 59 Oil traces in San Juan tunnel..............._. 59 Oil wells, exploratory and selected producing. 44 subsurface data from......____.._._____._. 39 Oil zones, nomenlature......_._._______._._._ 37 Oil-producing zones in area. 42 Oil-stained sandstone................._._.____ 59 OHNGA ROR... .. 01.2 - ne neues 27 upper member of Fernando formation . ... 26 P Paleocene series.. 6 Parris DIOtK . . -. .:. ecole deen nea OuT 35 ../... 9, 25, 27 Teas mg B62 Page Phosphatic B59 85 Pico formation: ..... !.. 2.0.09 90 rT TTL. 24 Frestricled.. :...... . .o 31 u Eun uses 25 upper member Fernando formation equiv- Wlent.2c..clll..l ioo seduce 27 Sekt 7 in clasts of welded tuff.._._...__.___.____.. 6 Pleistocene deformation...._......._.___..__. 34 Pliocene series....._....... |. fossil 56, 57 Previous .l 4 Puente and older formations, associated di- © abasic intrusive rocks, age. ...... 24 distribution and occurrence. 23 DetTOETaADRY.-...__:L_...__LL_LL:Q..... 24 relation to Whittier fault zone........ 23 Puéute 11,31, 40 Casts MOMLZL.Z. AUS. ole le 29 fossil localities........... 56 in Esperanza oil field...._.._...... 41 late Miocene age, oil-producing zones.... 39 La Vida member.......... 2. 10, 11, 21, 31, 34 age and stratigraphic relations. 13 conditions of deposition............... 18 Diamond Bar sand................... 11 distribution and character. 12 foraminifera. ...... 14 13 SHICkEnCSS . ASIC ALCL LLL. UA O2 13 oil produced from...... 214. L2 42 Soquel member............... 11, 20, 21, 31, 34, 42 age and stratigraphic relations.... 19 conditions of deposition.... 19 distribution and character-.......... 18 14 ELE ELP one de 19 oil- pro@uctivity. 42 Shickhess XXIII ILD. 18 Sycamore Canyon and Yorba members 23 Sycamore Canyon member............ 20, 31, 34 age and stratigraphic relations.... .. 22 composition as exposed in San Juan tunnel..._..... - 58, 59 conditions of deposition. 28 distribution and character.....-...._- 21 foratniuifera.. 15 fossHls. --...... 22 oil productivity . .. 42 thickness......_... 22 thickness.._...__.... Tm 12 Yorba member, age and stratigraphic eC 20 bedding features exposed in San Juan LII OLE 59 conditions of deposition... .. 21 distribution and character............ 19 16 fossly s Lr re N0 us. Anon alan celle 20 oi productivity». 39, 42 thickness? cece 20 Puente Hills, location.. .. A 3 ~ physiography south of... 36 Puente Hills uplift........ 31 Purpose of 8 INDEX Q Page Quaternary system, Pleistocene series...... B28 Pleistocene to recent series........._._._._ 30 R } Red beds;. 2. .o !. oll onde eee oust tous 7,8,9 References curio L Repetto formation... .. 24 abatidoned oul s iver nle needle ues 25 Repetto Hills, Monterey Pass.... ¥ 25 Richfield oil-field area........_......._..__._.. 22 Richfield oil fields, geologic features. . ___.... 89, 40 history, production and reserves.......... 39 synoling.. 1. .2..L L1 PLD. Care cc's 34 S San Bernardino Valley............_____._.__. 3 San Gabriel Valley......_.....- o Nea ive 3 San JHSR HINRCLCL .c. cAI os eas 28 subsurface data from. g 67 Sycamore Canyon member............... 22 Santa Ana Mountains, Upper Cretaceous s _o nls OEC LRC AL 5 Physiograply .. . ._ ~. AL Ll seul 35, 36 Santa Ana River canyon...__._._._._..____.___ 36 Santa Fe Springs, oil field, topographic ex- pression . 36 Santiago formation. ....______________.__ 6 Santiago Peak volcanics of Jurassic age...... 5 Seaphopods. 1.2 200000000020 e 97 Scully Hill, red beds.....___...______. 7,8 Scully Hill area, possible oil trap. ...... 44 Topanga formation..._...._._...... 10 Soquel member...... 02202000000. 18 Scully Hill fault. :...... : .- (\ 2225 200 cus led. 34 Sedimentary rocks of area, thickness... 5 Sedimentary structures......... ..________.____ 59 An San Juan funnel. 58 Sespe formation. See Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated. Silverado formabiOn. ... ...? 200.0 eA 5,6 Slaughter Canyon, Sycamore Canyon mem- .l csc 21 Smith, Patsy B., fossils identified by.... 14, 20 Soquel Canyon 34 Southern California batholith, age...... 5 SEFAHIETADHY IE LLL LRE LLL GOO Scud ceas 5 Streams, entrenchment of. .._...____..__._. 35, 56, 37 Structural features, Arena Blanca syncline... 21 Chito fallb.1 . :.... . . ... . 1 L200 0 os ued 82 Horseshoe Bend 31 Mahala anticline... 2... .. cool 2s? luis. suss 21 northeast of the eastern Puente Hills. .... 34 north of the Whittier fault zone and west of the Chino fault, faults.....__... 84, folds. 2092. 2 31.00.0001 Avena see ave 34 Ridge syncline 20, 21 s 20 dL AOU aut alls 31 south of the eastern Puente Hills... 35 Whittier fault sone .. 31 Structure, SAidy 4 T TAP SARC: LILO AU. eve ban lr el erate ase oes 18 Telegraph Canyon ss.. 31 Page Telegraph Canyon anticline......____.______. B34 Tertiary System, Eocene Series...____________ 6 Middle Miocene series...._______________. 8, 11 Palcocetie Series-. 2... .. 6 Pliocene Series...... 24 Upper Eocene to Lower Miocene Series.... 7,8 Tonner Canyon area.............___ 26, 28, 29, 31, 35 lower member of Fernando formation.... 25 ol production 22... Obs DEL 0.19, 30 Topanga formation....._... .. 8/10, 11, 31 age and stratigraphic relations....._______ 9 associated volcanic rocks, age and correla- OML Is sous tenn eal nene dev 11 distribution and stratigraphic relations. ... 10 pefrography ... . 1 ous oul NCAC 11 conditions of deposition....._.____________ 9 Diamond Bar sand, age and stratigraphic relations.... ost C.. 10 conditions of deposition. s 10 distribution and character.. FA 10 ShickneRs. n. ct oul Leola old c 10 distribution and character._.__.__________. 8 fossil localities... .___._. A 56 tend. a 9 test wells into........ - 42, 43 Shidkf1088; . .L ULLO.s. 1 ren ua es 9 Tuff beds, in La Vida member...._..__.___.. 13 Turbidity currents....._._. % 26 deposits from.. :s : : avete 59 part in deposition of Soquel member...... 19 U Upper Miocene Series. 11 v Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiat- ed, age and stratigraphic relations. 8 distribution and character..........._.... 7. structure. 8 31 Cebs 7 Vedder, J. G., mollusks identified by..... 5,9, 25, 26 w Welded Puff: 2 . ... Ooi cL coal ni anl 7 Wells, exploratory... West Coyote oil field__....._....._ topographic expression of structure. } Whittier fault zone... 21... cutie. 4, 31, 34, 35 diabasic intrusives.....___._._._.___.. 28 dominant structure in.. ¥ 30 physiography......_.._. # h 37 structural features south of. £ 34 Lar 2. culo oc al eco el 37, 39 Wireline Canyon, diabase_.....____.._._.._... 23 Y Yorba Lindas. ..0/.s. .u. 27 Yorba Linda area, La Habra formation...._.. 29 Yorba Linda oil field, geologic features and productive zones. .._..___.___._.__. 40, 41 _ RISLOTY 2.1 L- nee sane R 41 production and reserves. . 30 Yorba-Sycamore Canyon members, contact in San Juan funnel: 57 U. S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1964 O - 686-601 \Z( 6 6 UNITED 117°52'30" 34°00° 57:30" 1.2 8. T. 3 5. (LA HABRA) 33+ o 30" * Plug. f Base map by Topographic Division, U. S. Geological Survey, 1950 STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY s OTL AROLT PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-B PEATE: I 17°37 30" 34°00 (ONTARIO AND VICINITY 1:31680) 40 4230" (cLaremont 4730" C oo Tn oan o coin wam : mJ 7 7 T 3. @ f __ 1 50° - rcovina» EH "East'Gate BONVIE W """" C A R -A. LX 8 TI 3 F 24) M E N 609° [Main Gate a Rl re & 635 ~L__|_ Cal-Aero Flight} Academy 57:30" ma e X os x z Stad T2 5: T. $9. (CORONA AND VICINITY 1: 31680) SESH FAU orseshoe QR? f/K\:' v (N); 227 (Y «CAC \ H/ Gao _) €... Z 2 6 2 t> f 7 : ps. / tes s © 437 s SANTIAGO X3 , Tat f 3: mes : | | Digtmm ANA s. A /822\‘ SANT n fas: 2 pim - / , - 33:52'30" 4230" (BLACK STAR CANYON) R. 8 W. 117°37; 30" «** % ~*. & R.7 W f INTERIOR-GEOLOGICAL SU 1. ) 40' (ORANGE) 4730" s f 45 GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE PRADO DAM AND YORBA LINDA QUADRANGLES, LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, AND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA SCALE 1:24000 1 Ya 0 1 p m- z ; ; ; CONTOUR INTERVAL 25 FEET DOTTED LINES REPRESENT 5-FoOT contours DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL Recent Pleistocene and Recent(?) Pleistocene Pliocene Miocene Eocene to Miocene Eocene Fernando formation Puente formation NZ EXPLANATION Younger alluvium Unconsolidated and poorly consolidated gravel, sand, and silt Qao Older alluvium, including alluvial terrace deposits Poorly consolidated silt, sand, and gravel. - Alluvial terrace deposits of semiconsolidated sand, gravel, and rubble; commonly reddish brown, locally with red- dish-brown massive silt La Habra formation Light-yellowish-brown conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone with angular clasts of white siltstone, reddish-brown silty sandstone, and greenish-gray massive siltstone. Sandstone and conglomerate units shown by lithologic symbols Upper member Light-yellowish-brown pebble conglomerate; yellow con- glomeratic sandstone; greenish-gray massive mi- caceous siltstone; interbedded thin pebble conglomerate beds; locally contains Foraminifera and abundant marine mollusks. - Sandstone and conglomerate units shown by lithologic symbols Lower member Dark-to light-greenish-gray poorly bedded to massive micaceous siltstone, locally with Foraminifera and mollusks; thin interbedded pebble conglomerate and sandstone. Sandstone and conglomerate units shown by lithologic symbols Sycamore Canyon member Light-yellowish-brown to brown pebble conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone; light-yellowish-brown fine- to medium-grained thin-bedded to massive feldspathic sandstone; andffight-g'ray Sairly well bedded to massive siltstone; Rapid lateral gradations in lithology. In Prado Dam quadrangle, uppermost part is white sandstone, gravel, and siltstone, possibly of Pliocene age in part. Sandstone and conglomerate units shown by lithologic symbols Tpy Yorba member Dark-brown to pinkish-gray poorly bedded siltstone with hackly fracture; light-gray to white platy silt- stone; soft brownish-gray paper-thin siltstone; light- gray punky diatomaceous siltstone; locally with brownish-gray medium- to coarse-grained sandstone beds. Sandstone units shown by lithologic symbol Soquel member Upper part: light-gray to lig ht-yellowish-brown medium-grained to pebbly feldspathic sandstone with interbedded light-gray to light-yellowish-brown siltstone; numerous 2- to 12-foot rounded boulders of gramitic rock along northern border of Yorba Linda quadrangle; lower part: light-gray to light-yellowish- brown thick-bedded to massive medium- to coarse- grained and pebbly feldspathic sandstone, commonly with large concretions; minor amounts of interbedded siltstone. Sandstone and conglomerate units shown by lithologic symbols Tpl tu Aid/4&4“ La Vida member Gray to white platy siltstone with white limy concre- tions and brownish-gray to light-gray soft micaceous siltstone; thin interbedded light-gray sandstone; tan andesitic tuff, tu. Sandstone units shown by litho- logic symbol Topanga formation Light-yellowish-brown sandstone, conglomerate, and in- terbedded gray siltstone containing marine mollusks. Conglomerate units shown by lithologic symbol Vaqueros and Sespe formations undifferentiated Red clayey sandstone, conglomerate, greenish-gray siltstone; locally contains poorly preserved marine mollusks. Conglomerate units shown by lithologic symbol Santiago formation Gray to light-yellowish-brown well-bedded to massive medium- to fine-grained sandstone; locally contains limy concretions containing rare marine mollusks QUATERNARY v TERTIARY amass sans mens 6. ._ ~ Contact or mapped bed Dashed where approximately located,; short dashed where inferred 65 a alo D tex Trace of fault, showing dip Dashed where approximately located or imperfectly exposed; short dashed where inferred; dotted where concealed. U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side a --f--_ Anticline Showing direction of plunge of axis. Dashed where approximately located H‘\ Syncline Showing direction of plunge of axis. Dashed where approximately located 37 Strike and dip of beds 87 T}— Strike and dip of overturned beds 90 _{__ Strike of vertical beds Number omitted where top of beds not demonstrable O Horizontal beds PPH Q) Co. jen Landslide Arrows indicate direction of movement 213 - Dry hole Number indicates position in well tables; only selected holes shown in oil fields e '> Oil well Numbered and listed in well table only when appearing on structure section wenmommemmen . M A H A L A Limits of oil field (32) Projected section line and number of projected section in unsurveyed area x sop tal - Sank contalnlqg thi? Linda. town of Yorba Linda the two members are t= beds of pebble conglomerate; marine. .0 |. LOCAL apparently conformable. o f UNCONFORMITY(P» & 5 5000 7 g S E E +| Siltstone, dark-greenish-gray to light green- 5 € ish gray, poorly bedded to massive, Ridge south of ® E iE Lower member micaceous; contains thin beds of con- 2009 Tonner Canyon. 6000 7 glomerate; marine. 7000 7 s500 f Conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone, " light-yellowish-brown to brown; light- yellowish-brown fine- to medium-grained Sycamore Canyon thin-bedded to massive sapdstone; light- Southeast corner of Uppermost part of member near Prado Dam may 2000 - member gray well-bedded to massive sandstone| 3600+(?) Prado Dam quad- be offearly Pliocene age. and siltstone. - Near Prado Dam, upper- rangle. most part is white sandstone and con- glomerate with interbedded brown and (ano greenish-gray siltstone; marine. 11,000 - - 1 Siltstone, dark-brown to pinkish-gray, poorly bedded; light-gray to white, platy siltstone; Near west edge of 12,000 - York b brownish-gray soft laminated siltstone; Yorba Linda quad- Overlies granitoid basement rocks east of orba member light-gray punky diatomaceous siltstone; 3000 rangle south of the Ching basin. brownish-gray medium- to coarse-grained Whittier fault. sandstone; marine. 13,000 { 5 ha 5 # a. 0 3.1. "§ 14,000 - 5 ~-] Upper part: sandstone, light-gray to light- a yellowish-brown, medium- to coarse-grained and pebbly; light-gray to light-yellowish- 15,000 - brown siltstone; boulders of granitoid Northeast part of | Overlaps older strata to the north and lies on f >- Soquel member rock near north edge of Yorba Linda quad - 3000 Yorba Linda quad- plutonic basement rocks north of the Yorba E rangle. Lower part: light-gray to light- rangle. Linda quadrangle at Elephant Hill. >- yellowish-brown thick-bedded to massive l 5 A medium-grained to pebbly sandstone; "~] F 5 zones of large concretions; marine. £3 LOCAL a> UunconrorRmity(?) |P: 17,000 ~ [- Frog. -+ sin-stone, gray t.° wlyite, plgt'y; contains white Near west edge of T limy concretions; brqwmsh-grgy to light- 3800 Yorba Linda quad- § La Vida member gray soft micaceous siltstone; light-gray to rangle. Generally absent below an unconformity north of light-yellowish-brown sandstone, occurs ¢ the Arnold Ranch fault. as thin beds; light-brown tuff, 15 ft thick; 19,000 4 marine. Diabasic intrusive rocks. 650 Subsurface only 20,000 1 UNCONFORMITY £ 21,000 4 In Union Oil Co. well a Diamond Bar sand f . € a Subsurface only not known to be present outside Pebbly sandstone and conglomerate; marine. 2500(?) Gaines 1, sec. 10, | the Yorba Linds quadrangle, 1.3 S.,. R.9 W. 22,000 7 & .9 a> "to < 3 UNCONFORMITY TC 2 . L F % it: A In well in sec. 30, ~+~- Present in subsurface of parts of Yorba Linda 23,000 - < Volcanic rocks Andesitic and basaltic flows and tuffs. 200 + (?) n R 8 W.' 3 co Ro , 2 S;, R; pp ros . quadrangle. &o UNCONFORMITY px o a * F In Western Gulf Oil 24,000 7 ~ Pebbly gandstone and cpnglomerafe, light- Go. well Diamond yellowish-brown, massive; gray siltstone; 2100 Bar. A" sec "28 marine. 1.25 Rgw 25,000 7 g p sa $ , £ ** k andstone, reddish-brown, clayey; reddish- Show 7 E Vaqueros an.d Sesp‘e formations a brown conglomerate; @reghigh-gray silt- 1350 IRnI rifu'blsdurf'alcf? lat Oldest fogmatloxnexatijed north of 26,000 7 o | 2 undifferentiated stone; marine and nonmarine. NNEOL NCIC: tto ll th- g pr Sandstone, gray to light-yellowish-brown, well- South S1 Sema Exposed in small area south of the Santa Ana 2 | 2 Santiago formation bedded to massive, fine- to medium- 670 kia R River; north of the Santa Ana River; present 27.000- =E grained; conglomerate; siltstone; marine. 18 MNE! subsurface only. 4 Ar g '_- Sandstone, gray to light-yellowish-brown, In Godfrey Drilling r Silverado formation j medium. to coarse-grained and @rllly, | . jjjo(;) Co. well Botiller 1, Subsurface only _6 micaceous; conglomerate; marine and sec. 29, IT.=3 S., 28,000 7 3L“ UneoneéoRmry nonmarine(?). R. 7 W. g Ladd formation Siltstone, gray to black; gray to greenish- s Subsurface only; present in Godfrey Drilling Co. 8 i; gray sandstone; marine § well Botiller 1, sec. 29, T. 3 S., R. 7 W. 29,000 7 g 38 UNCONEORMITNY ho 2% Nearest outcrops of basement rocks are 3 miles ap Plutonic basement rocks 4 % / \A # if dorit d diorit north of the Yorba Linda quadrangle at S p " y" Quarts diorite and sranodiorite. Elephant Hill, and 3 miles east of the Prado (ix, /A Z Dam quadrangle near Corona. COMPOSITE STRATIGRAPHIC SECTION FOR THE EASTERN PUENTE HILLS AREA, CALIFORNIA 686-601 O - 64 (In pocket) PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-B UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY onar r Z Z ° I'm g U 5 | & 910 Int J 3 § 203 231 FOWLER DRLG. CO. & 17 147 102 PUENTE DEVEL. ASSOC. PRESSEL, PERRY, AND TULL o WESTERN GULF OIL C0. o, $1. > MARCELL, DOUGLAS f 0s. orba 1- Van Hofwegen 1 Scott-Chino 1 Fureka-Ruben 1-29 Wilson 1 Thornhill 1 9 Diamond Bar 1 ($3 E a 3 Puente Hills 1 | if 1 ~T" ——T _|______ o one een r---- g ——“—‘—l—— o n = MICHELIN, JAS. 3 l (6) 3 g Borba 1 C r CG CLINE C 1500 T Q DIAMOND BAR ANTICLI é 8 Tpsc RIDGE SYNCLINE _——r_— 2 7.1— 1500' m MAHALA ANTICLINE I « - Qal maz Te Tey» a 1000' - Can > 2 ~ yee t fi 0 - ~ . ce,; S7 » s Qal_ CHINO BASIN Qal CHINO-CORONA SHELF _ Qal Qal e 1880 fs a rik *" ~ ~-Sky ass oss mocs Shar. f/. ; f 74 E fest} if f ¢531\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Ns pL sea Level -( o -- '7”\ Lz 4s, t a_ {‘/ (.u Y- -l a < tu, Tpl mam, 1000'—:§ \ \_’ P w—?...\\\? I" § | # ui: | [< -{ Tid «I 2 2000) -Z \ s = \ 2p fe- -~ --- _ 2 a i Sise an. ==! 3000 -][Z A2 eraill x » omous l 9 -< Pe - o aw" Tid I _ A" 1049 dl \_ Po " ar -E" A 4535" & va “7 A. . 1;vs(7) 5000' - SE" 6000' 6828" SECTION ALONG LINE A-A' 6000' 242 UNIVERSAL 61 215 125 CONSOLIDATED 222 225 226 GENERAL 170 134 139 TIDEWATER OIL CO. PADRE OIL CO. OIL CO. UNION OIL CO. UNION OIL CO. UNION OIL CO. PETROLEUM CORP. SHELL OIL CO. PRESSEL, PERRY] AND TULL PUENTE PETROLEUM CO. Placentia Comm. 12-1 Tuffree 1-19 Tuffree 101° __ Graham-Loftus 1 Graham-Loftus 60 Graham-Loftus 61-12 Tonner 22 Menchego 12 Thornhill 1 Jasper-Isaacson 1 «TTX. .S T: Sas TI ~>" a ay .. «8 S §§3p PUENTE HILLS g 5 S B U < @t BREA-OLINDA OIL FIELD WHITTIER FAULT ZONE rre 1000' 1000' EAST COYOTE OIL FIELD cA HABRA EYNCLINE pons g a rng am ata ~" r- 2 yer" i Sre easter ese rrp & I 3 ers mmm ecm anale onar a a_ i 4% > yo ~a ~- M e S s r aes May tos y ' - < xt i memes no moor mene: meio to hage mu ol meen aoe To aafes nt mme ~ Sad - SEA LEVEL SEA LEVEL to Ap —————— Qih 3 t: -- tu o 1,000" Mm ae ine ae: nc Por d I: 1000' S EXPLANATION Tfu ss __ -A 2000' 2000' Don mew coons onn mn" R S \-. ales o S- 3000 c i 3000' Tt 3586" Younger alluvium ® «Z Imm mones, 8 & g an 4000" rrr? |- 4000" 36g Gee pri_,__ < m Older alluvium x +4 ( < s000' -fs g £, |- 5000' Qth $5 p Z: 5500 Tpy } La Habra formation E ra A * = % y < oso -f & ; |- 000 § 3 2 'I § $ O FZ 5} éfl Unnamed rocks 7000" - AJ; |- 7000' g Nonmarine (?) gray sand stone and Tps A4 J conglomerate; intercalated green / /, and gray claystone and siltstone f f with plant fragments and reworked r ¥. r— 8000' Foraminifera; marine light- Mf. grayish-brown sandstone; marine ) 2 | f ~ light-brown siltstone 9000' - 9248! // |- 9000' Tfu (Bottom location of directional {t / 3 holes projected) 10,013" $ Tf y § 10,000" 10,000" % Fernando formation SECTION ALONG LINE B-B R Tfu, upper member Tfl, lower member 219 1 196 (6 227 228 Jie f NGEZRAL 167 250 157 (~ ue Union OIL C0. ACTION OIL AND STANDARD OIL CO. HATHAWAY CO. union oil co. union oil C0. Mor olo PETROEEUM Com SHELL OIL CO. WESTERN GULF OIL CO. z SHELL OIL CO. DEVELOPMENT CO. Johnson 4 Graham-Loftus 64 Naranjal 42-A > > Keeler Comm. 1 Diamond Bar 1 7 Bartholomae 22-22 Chapman 29 Lemke Trustee 1 ] (e Tpy Wagner 1-29 I Stearns 109 Tonner 24 a 2 ¢ T A a | 32 | I | ~ Tg ‘ $: i Tos s 9; a DIAMOND BAR ANTICLINE E & g x- X 1500' - % 3 { 2 < 5 € r* § 2% 5 - whirtier rauut zone 9g £ §§< \tu Td (ose S RICHFIELD OIL FIELD EAST COYOTE OIL FIELD | E Puente formation Diabasic intrusive I'OCkS Qal Tpsc, Sycamore Canyon member - Yer? 8 Qal 6 pSC, DY Diabasic dikes and sills along the -\:-’ | Ne on aoe nee one meee nner mee coc come tome: omen man maw thn niet wiki zz, mare.: ez dpt "7 - y? l: \\‘\\ . a Tpy, Yorba member Whittier fault zone E sea -L BR O wpe me eee e oa e. f * ' gos 15 sat, { Tps, Soquel member , e ~H L Tpl, La Vida member & Q & J tu, andesitic tuff x ———————— T as AP < ¥ (3 Lee Ale Je Tea Z - Al x (nine Arvo orm v+ t _ is € & 3 T /: f s 8 f Volcanic rocks 4 <--~~ ~ < % he 3 $ Topanga formation Andesitic and basaltic flows; flow 2000 ~ #> is s 3 "3.3< Ttd, Diamond Bar sand, pebbly feld- breccias; tuffs. - Commonly in- ¢ ( -- Jel : e 3% spathic sandstone and sandy tensely altered //\ N ¥ ke _ T ccie om -- ~~ ece s Trr--__ \ y ed 3 e // conglomerate, locally overlies N «AK &" -<" ( ke 5 sm _. Ek. _".) . % L volcamic rocks (Tv) stot R \ c \ $ 2 __,z—’/’ -| ?\'~s\ er --= 4°? f/ bore Tt, undivided Topanga formation ///’“— \ t \'_ 3? N , lfff sev- -t fo To a: as Tt I ‘\7- .__.-/// o r 3 A. & 34s tes ass Tvs 4000 A ‘ Y Tap: \TV\1\*~ 1 . |- 4000" §§ 3 § $ ; \\ st 5 $4 51 Vaqueros and Sespe formations £ a s m undifferentiated 5000' t Nine mbes ane some sees face tt I"" E fe 2000) » T Tp¥ $x §{ / Tsa } A $ male f $ a Santiago formation # (g 6000' [s 60809 _ 0 5 § L §$ U y |- pep 13g Plutonic basement rocks 4 7000" - \ Quartz diorite and granodiorite 16:1 U 8000' «K |- 8000' Note: Descriptions of units not described above can be found on plate 1 Te a*. E #2 (Bottom location of directional hole projected) 2000 -f |- 9000' Z at: .- Tvs fooce" “1° [- 10.000" LITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS 10,496" 11,000" 11,000" SsECTIEION ALONG LINE C-C' 219 239 81 175 172 221 108 alts. union oiL Co. union OlL C0. HATHAWAY CO. SHELL OIL CO. 2 SHELL OIL C0. union oil Co. § MARCELL, DOUGLAS 11° Chapman '29 Thompson 1 Merritt 1 Olinda 4-42-16 9 Olinda 1-100 Gaines 1 a Puente Hills 1 e "~s ° Crs ~~ C ya p | | | 8 | i LC) D* Conglomerate 6 0 ) S80 -- g soqUEL CANYON ANTICLINE {*" xxxxx‘ fe} G 8 x % x ® 1000' ~ o WHITTIER FAULT ZONE ag (6) 1000' - YORBA LINDA OIL FIELD § ra Flow, flow breccia, and tuff =. —:_":——.———-—— «__ e-- SEA LEVEL QAO _ _ - sanam anm anm marr math S SEA LEVEL Lx Tuff bed 1000' a sf A2 l 1000' as w Es Arla : als f p eatin sere snores Timm rim "2+ c. f exw mme see mew meme mome ann cas mak mee mow 2 ¥. ; ‘\ E f & Dm rm el * 1 L tu Diabasic intrusive rocks 2000 -(2 ov o 13 sC j\ a f ‘ » 7__________,.__,__7____.,_.._.——-._..l 2000' & aP J #. : s ? I f & & * f * SFL E \/\/\ < ease . b | mesug [m . Sy. f . floc 2 y \\ az 3 ars & & f 7% y E l 3 j" 3000 Quartz diorite and granodiorite _._. 4000' _B s ha, y BA _ 1000 Direction of line of section changes at nearly every well. vs? See plate 1 for location of lines of section. Bearn. F Tsa() 618 See table 4 for list of wells, 5000 -{ |- 5000 [=: Tps 6000 -Z |- 6000 & (Bottom location of directional holes inferred) 7000' - |- 7000' s-TV s000' -i f- 8000' 9000' 2000: Tvs 10,000" 10,000' 10,496" 11,000 INTERIOR-GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINGTON, D. C.- 61390 11,000" SECTION ALONG LINE D-D' GEOLOGIC SECTIONS A-A¥', B-B', C-C", AND D-D', PRADO DAM AND YORBA LINDA QUADRANGLES, LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, AND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA SCALE 1:24 000 1 /p o 1 MILE PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-B UNITED STATES DEPARIMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEQLOGICAL._SURVEY. PLATE 4 2 ALBERCALIF 66 w PETROLEUMS, LTD. Stoody 30-4 G%%FLZEYCOAL POMONA OIL CO. SECTION A-A' Stoody 1 s 181 73 PETROLEUM CO. Gapco B-1 58 229 GENERAL UNION OIL CO. PETROLEUM CORP. Naranjal 44 Olinda 101 A sOoqUEL CANYON ANTICLINE ARNOLD RANCH FAULT Lions Canyon BREA-OLINDA OIL FIELD {WQ Sonome Canyon WHITTIER FAULT f 8981 61 190 SEA LEVEL SEA LEVEL Note: Direction of line of section changes at nearly every well SECTION ALONG LINE E-E" 41 CRAWFORD, C. M., JR. 98 KENNEDY CO. United States 1 ae 161 100 1672 (No. 2 projected 550 ft. N. 70° W. 184 36 150 118 ____| SCOTT, L. H., CO., INC. (MYERS, H. H. 209 SHELL OIL CO. ; No.: 3 projected 200 ft. S. TEXAS CO. Dometal 0 | SHELL OIL CO. CHINO LEASE CO. b4° E. Bottom locations Wright 73-18 Mollin 1 Scott 4 Fugua 1 p' Dominguez 1 I | 3 projected) ESPERANZA OIL FIELD WHITTIER FAULT RIDGE SYNCLINE MAHALA CHINO BASIN a ANTICLINE SEA -LEVEL se rr emz. ; a Te 25 erie ~ SEA LEVEL re eel an ne aa atta SECTION ALONG LINE F-F EXPLANATION ag C5) 9 212 74 FAIRFIELD, F. E. BARTHOLOMAE CORP. TIDEWATER OIL CO. HANCOCK OIL CO. Elena 1 Bryant Ranch 3 Abacherli 1 Abacherli 1-A g ! l | MICHELIN, JAS. Abacherli 1 ULT RIDGE SYNCLINE WHITQOESEFA a ARENA BLANCA ANTICLINE MAHALA OIL FIELD I - arp - 2 Zt AHALA AMTICLINE Qih gas y a I Qal, Qao, 6 j 7 - 7 > RaP - Geology and Oil Resources £75 ; tus of the Western Puente Hills Hao - Area, Southern California GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-C DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT |_ FEB 1 4 1973 LIBRARY UNMIVERRITY oF caitrage:\ Geology and Oil Resources of the Western Puente Hills Area, Southern California By R. F. YERKES GEOLOGY OF THE ~EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, soOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPEE 1i20-C A study of the stratigraphy, structure, and oil resources of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1972 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 72-600163 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Page Page --On eL lnc. ss ~ er Cd | BHFUCLUTE:. 2 -_ eos esr sn aes C 28 .. ases an nents 2 Whittier fault 2006:... 02... us abel. 29 Location and PUPOS@--~-.--..--.-----~--i--~=>~--»s 2 Workman Hill 29 Previous 3 Whittier Heights 30 Methods and acknowledgments-__________________ 3 _.... ae 1 OSL 31 ANNE Longton conn c becn rrr of-- one y Norwalk faUuIt- .-. ..o cc ben 31 Rocks of the basement __ 4 Caley Unnamed greenschist... _ - nonnal 2 4 Mistoric 31 Granitoid plutonic rocks__LLLL_______________ 5 31 Superjacent .L... 5 -a uel cel B Eocene to Miocene Series___________________. 5 I:: Petroleum geology 34 Miocene 6 Fields along or north of the Whittier fault zone._____ 37 Puente 6 Puente Hills oil 37 La Vida Member-______________---- T Brea-Olinds oif field: 37 Soquel Member-________________---- 8 Sansinena oil field______________ u Psu 87 Laks Masher-"M"; ------------ g Whither of s 0 38 is ufo Rideout (Rideau) Heights oil field..... ...... 3s Age and correlation. 11 Turnbull oil field (abandoned)-_______________ 39 Diabasic intrusive rocks. _............... 11 Fields along the Coyote Hills trend_______________ 39 Pliocene l.... 11 Santa Fe Springs oll field..__...._________..... 39 Fernando 14 Newgate oll ""field"... 41 Lower 14 West Coyote oll .C... 41 Upper 15 East Coyote oll field_._..l...l..sll.l.l.lll.l... 42 Pleistocene Series___.. eon 22 Lefingwell oll feld_....__l.l.clcn nl 44 San Pedro Formation--_---_------------ 28 La Mirada oil field (abandoned) __________.._. 44 Coyote Hills Formation (new name).... 24 West B Park oilfield (abandoned 44 Lo Hama Formaluen. .._... 1... 25 est Buena Park oil field (abandoned)-______. Pleistocene and Holocene (?) Series__________. 25 Summary and Outl00k-__________________-------- C* lll... tir 26 Exploratory wells.. 45 Holocene 26 | Fossil localities... 58 Youns alluvium. 2G | iv -n aseet us 60 Landslides and landslide deposits ____________. 27 | ..} ee ao kene ne uite 63 ILL LV SBR AFIO N S [Plates 1-4 are in pocket] Prats 1. Geologic map and structure section A-4' of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. 2. Geologic structure sections B-B' through H-H', La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. 3. Composite stratigraphic sections of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. 4. Map showing fossil localities, oil fields, all exploratory wells of record drilled before June 30, 1968, and selected pro- ducing wells, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. IV Fraurs : CONTENTS Index map of Los-Angeles basin area...). /-. us me annees tse sank new sess ns s 2. Generalized contour map of the basement rock surface in northern part of the La Habra and Whittier quad- -- . 2s o ule ol ol a a h n al halen be Se anon T a ae p mon os o n hn e a b hn m on an a us minn oe e e Te Hee s le he an Ge in n Wun e in an n be s e m e ue e m athe i i on e a it ae in in 3-10. Photographs showing: TABLE 11; 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ~I @ Qt Q) N i 8; Contorted siltstone of the La Vida Member, Puente Formation. 4. Graded and pebbly sandstone of the Soquel Member, Puente 5. Very thin bedded intensely contorted siltstone and silty sandstone of the Yorba Member, Puente For- MMION 222 22 Pe Pe 2 s ne 2 a a ae te to ue e hace (hn In e in ul n n a o an an te tn i t We She t Baie in oh at an hen orie ug on eas a on hn o 5s sn ae d lae at at hot n ae et e n e 6. Sandstone, pebbly sandstone, pebbly conglomerate of the lower member of the Fernando Formation.... 7. Basal thick-bedded pebbly sandstone and conglomerate of the upper member of the Fernando Formation. 8. Basal thick-bedded pebbly sandstone of the Coyote Hills . Gently dipping reddish-brown silty sandstone of the La Habra Formation-__________________________ 10; Old alluvium along north margin of La Habra ts maen. Generalized map of southwestern Puente Hills area showing drainage pattern, area underlain by Gaspur gravel, and fans of the Nan Gabricl-and Ranta Ana Map of structural features of the northern part of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles-__________________ Oblique aerial photograph of Whittier fault zone and Brea Canyon areal c Plan, longitudinal section, and normal section of overturned syncline along the Whittier fault-______________. Photograph of rotated axis of overturned syneliniG. . .. sis Oblique acrial photograph of Ranta Fe Springs oll field. Corrélation chart of oil-producing zones and stratigraphic units in oil fields of the La Habra and Whittier quad- eel ed ege eer sence sles s sbs ale o ule nn male Oblique acrial photograph of. West:Coyote oll snus Oblique acrial photograph of East Coyote oll field. w T A BLE S . Foraminifera from the Puente Formation, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles-____________________________ . Foraminifera from the Fernando Formation, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles-_________________________- . Mollusks from the Fernando, San Pedro, and Coyote Hills Formations, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles... . Production and reserves of oil fields in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles. . Cumulative production of oil fields in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles through 1967 by geologic unit... . Exploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968. . Collectors, identifiers, and locations of fossil collections from the La Habra and Whittier Page C2 14 17 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 36 42 43 Page C12 18 35 44 45 58 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES OF THE WESTERN PUENTE HILLS AREA, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA By R. F. YERrEKES ABSTRACT The western Puente Hills area south of lat 34°00' includes the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles; the area extends from about 12 to 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, in the northeast part of the Los Angeles basin. The north-dipping Whittier fault zone trends about N. 65° W. across the northeast quarter of the area, dividing it into the northern Puente Hills to the northeast and the west-trending La Habra Valley and Coyote Hills to the southwest. The Puente Hills are underlain by an aggregate of about 16,600 feet of Cenozoic rocks which overlie a Mesozoic base- ment of granitoid plutonic rocks that contain a large pendant of foliated greenschist. The exposed section of the hills con- sists of about 13,000 feet of marine clastic sedimentary rocks: 8,900 feet assigned to the four members-La Vida at base, Soquel, Yorba, and Sycamore Canyon-of the upper Miocene Puente Formation and 4,100 feet assigned to the lower and upper members of the Fernando Formation. The total known stratigraphic section south of the Whittier fault zone aggregates at least 27,500 feet of Cenozoic rocks, of which about 9,500 feet is exposed : 900 feet of marine clastic sedimentary rocks of the Sycamore Canyon Member of the Puente Formation, 6,800 feet of marine clastic sedimentary rocks of the Fernando Formation, and 1,800 feet of marine lower Pleistocene and nonmarine upper Pleistocene and younger deposits. f Structural relief at the basement surface across the Whittier fault zone is about 12,000 feet. Vertical stratigraphic separa- tion across the north-dipping fault zone ranges from 2,000 or 3,000 feet at its distal ends (at the westernmost and southern- most margins of the hills) to about 14,000 feet at the central part of its trace (near the east edge of the present map). In addition, some degree of right-lateral movement is indicated by such evidence as a wide band of "right handed" en echelon folds that extends along the edge of the upthrown block, mapped beds that are truncated by the fault in a manner seeming to require right-lateral slip, and several large drainages that are deflected to the right as much as 5,000 feet along the fault zone. The available surface and subsurface data of the Puente Hills yield a probable, but not unique, solution of about 15,000 feet of cumulative right-oblique slip on the fault zone, north block up and eastward relative to the south block, with the rake of slip varying along the length of the fault. The fault zone dates back to at least late Miocene time, when it served as a conduit for intrusions and may have controlled deposition of sand lenses ; much of the movement, however, is late Pleistocene or younger in age, as indicated by tilted, locally overturned La Habra beds and faulted old alluvium. The Norwalk fault is a largely buried, north-dipping reverse fault that trends east-west along the south margin of the Coyote Hills, where it locally forms a faultline scarp. Apparent vertical stratigraphic separation does not exceed 1,000 feet at the base of the Pliocene Series, and displacement apparently dies out upward. Several separate anticlinal culminations occur along the Coyote Hills trend, between the west center and the edge of the map area. Folding and faulting along this trend began in late Miocene time and was concentrated in its central part, where deformation also persisted the longest. The Puente Hills appear to be a remnant of a once-extensive upland surface, greatly dissected by streams that headed north and east of the hills but are now beheaded; their canyons are now occupied by small misfit streams, such as Brea and Tonner, that have greatly incised their broad canyon floors. During much of late Pleistocene time, alluvial material accumulated to great thicknesses south of the Puente Hills, overlapping the site of the Coyote Hills onto the central plain to the south. As much as 2,000 feet of these deposits is transected by erosion that breached the Coyote Hills during and after their uplift. This erosion formed an extensive surface of low relief by late Quaternary time, then warped during uplift of the Coyote Hills and dissected by such antecedent streams as Brea and Coyote Creeks. South of the Coyote Hills these creeks have been sharply deflected by westward encroachment, from southeast of the map area, of the Santa Ana River alluvial fan and south- ward encroachment of the San Gabriel River fan; the deflec- tions occur in the area where the two fans merge on the inland margin of the central plain. Oil has been produced from fields along the Whittier fault zone since 1880, when the Puente Hills field, in the east part of the map area, was discovered on the basis of oil seeps. Most of the oil from the mapped area comes from stratigraphic or struc- tural traps in the downthrown block of the Whittier fault zone and along the Coyote Hills trend ; at the end of 1967 fields in the mapped area had a cumulative production of 1,183 million barrels, about 85 percent of that for the Puente Hills and about 21 percent of that for the Los Angeles basin. Estimated reserves CL C2 of these fields on January 1, 1968, were 86.8 million barrels, about 4 percent of the reserves for the basin. About 73 percent of the oil recovered from the mapped area has come from the lower Fernando, about 26 percent from the Puente Formation, and the remainder from the Topanga Formation. Recent pro- duction additions have come entirely from deeper pool dis- coveries in established fields. Despite several such developments and extensive secondary recovery programs in several of the fields, annual production of fields in the mapped area declined by nearly 2 million barrels between 1961 and 1966. Water pro- duction in 1968 exceeded that of oil in all but one field ; at most fields water exceeded oil by ratios of more than 2 to 1, and at two fields, by more than 10 to 1. Detailed records of 442 ex- ploratory and selected producing wells drilled before June 30, 1968, are tabulated and used as a basis of the detailed geologic sections. 118°30' GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION LOCATION AND PURPOSE The Puente Hills extend between 12 and 42 miles east-southeast of downtown Los Angeles, in parts of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. Together with the San Jose Hills to the north, the Puente Hills are triangular in plan, with their long side-their fault-controlled southwest margin-trend- ing about N. 65° W. and bounding the northeast mar- gin of the central plain of the Los Angeles basin (fig. 1). This report describes the geologic and oil re- sources of the western part of the hills, west of long 34° 15" 118°00' 45" 117° 30' 15 I I l [ GABRIEL MOUNTAINS/ 0 © 81g Cel s S2 SANTA MONICA / vary O MOUNTAINS \ f 32 # , x ; / Pomona [ Adh 1 Los < my --- AncELE3, - % 7 ta, 34,0 \\_\ a his report /_] Durham and Yerkes (1964) } t C9 i / - W t J; 3 | 72 + ge- I A f-... a HILL te ix _ "sy PUENTE __{,%L s J Teg gV $43? ~ /£ © C&: 4pIp & 7 Nexto * A 3 a* % Sto $4 ( C° GA £5} 3 v-‘vix 7 a f § \ & e %g $ C2 # 418 / 2% ~ ? ( Long K/{y A ~f QKO C Beach $7 2 '7O percent clay (montmorillonite?), >15 feldspar, <8 cristobalite/ tridymite, <5 quartz, <5 glass, <2 mica. A sample from the upper bed consists of >'"T5 percent clay, <5 feldspar, <10 glass including opal (?), and <5 quartz. The lowest approximately 500 feet of strata adjoin- ing the Whittier fault zone are so tightly and intensely crenulated and sheared that individual beds cannot be traced (fig. 3) ; the axial surfaces of the folds and the shears are commonly subparallel to the Whittier fault. FrGurE 3.-View eastward of contorted siltstone of the La Vida Member, Puente Formation, in cut of Shell Oil Co. Puente D-18, west end of Brea Canyon area, Brea-Olinda oil field. The dark band is rust-colored siltstone with dolomite (?) cement cut is in zone of intense deformation immediately north of Whittier fault. Note hammer at lower left center. C8 The maximum exposed thickness of the La Vida in the Puente Hills oil field area is about 2,000 feet, ex- cluding the intensely folded band near the fault; the maximum thickness as estimated from structure sec- tion H-H"' (pl. 2) is about 4,150 feet. The base of the La Vida Member is not exposed in the map area. It may be conformable on the underlying Topanga Formation in the central part of the hills, but at the southeast margin of the hills, an angular discordance of about 30° is present at the base (Dur- ham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 13). The upper part of the member in the map area is conformable and grada- tional with the overlying Soquel Member except locally, as in the north-central La Habra quadrangle. The La Vida Member is also transgressed by younger units in the subsurface of the Coyote Hills (section A-4', pl. 1). | SsoOQUEL MEMBER Because of its position on the broad gentle flanks of the half dome that underlies the hills, the Soquel Mem- ber is the most widely exposed member in the Puente Formation. It is best exposed in the north-central and east-central parts of the hills. The member also forms the flanks of some tight folds in a fault wedge near W hit- tier. Because it consists largely of rather poorly ce- mented sandstone, areas underlain by this unit are fairly well drained and easily eroded and thus afford relatively steep slopes that commonly support a moderate to dense cover of brush. In the north-central La Habra quad- rangle just west of Fullerton Road, where the member is best exposed and thickest, it consists of an upper 700- foot unit of sandstone and siltstone and local lenses of pebble conglomerate, a sandstone unit 550 feet thick, an interbedded sandstone-siltstone unit about 190 feet thick, and a lower sandstone unit about 760 feet thick. (See fig. 4.) Sandstone in the Fullerton Road section is pale yel- low gray to pale yellow brown and consists of sub- angular quartz, feldspar, biotite, and rock fragments ; it is medium to coarse grained, poorly sorted, pebbly, commonly poorly to very well graded, poorly to moder- ately cemented, and has a rust-colored clayey matrix. Beds are of moderate thickness (1-6 ft) and are com- monly bounded by siltstone partings or are interbedded with siltstone beds as thick as 3 feet. The sandstone locally contains stringers as much as 12 inches thick of angular to subrounded pebbles. Hard dolomitic ellip- soidal concretions as much as 30 inches long are common near the base of the member. Local intraformational breccias as thick as 15 feet contain numerous angular blocks and slabs of well-cemeted sandstone and pholad- bored dolomite (?) and limy siltstone. Siltstone is light to dark gray or pale yellow brown, is laminated to platy and thin bedded (as much as 2 in. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA some d R FicurE 4.-Graded and pebbly sandstone of the Soquel Member, Puente Formation, in cuts of Rowland Heights Water District tank site, North Fullerton Road. Note siltstone clasts; beds face right. thick), and is present as partings in sandstone sequences and as beds as much as 3 feet thick. Foraminifera occur in the siltstone, but are rare. Conglomerate lenses at the top and about 250 feet below the top contain angular to subrounded clasts of granitic and other crystalline rock as much as 16 inches long, but averaging about 2 inches long, and angular blocks of sandstone and siltstone. In the area west of Hacienda Boulevard, in the north- west corner of the La Habra quadrangle, the Soquel consists chiefly of coarse-grained quartz-feldspar-biotite sandstone that contains a bed about 30 feet thick of mas- sive unsorted conglomerate of angular to rounded clasts of erystalline rock as much as 16 inches long. An intra- formational breccia of blocks and slabs of dolomite and siltstone is present near the middle of the member. The lower part consists of interbedded sandstone and poorly exposed sandy siltstone and platy siltstone. This section of Soquel totals about 185 feet in thickness. North of Whittier the Soquel consists chiefly of coarse unsorted breccia that consists of angular blocks of plutonic rock as long as 6 feet in coarse-grained unsorted feldspathic sandstone. Interbedded with the breccia is pebbly sandstone and conglomerate, as well as minor amounts of sandstone. The sandstone contains quartz, feldspar, and biotite, is fine to medium grained, well to moderately sorted, laminated to platy or thin bedded, and occurs in sequences as thick as 6 feet. The Soquel Member is not exposed south of the Whit- tier fault zone; the maximum thickness, based on well data, is about 2,000 feet in the East Coyote oil field (see- tion @-G', pl. 2). This thickness increases to about 2,800 feet in the Richfield oil field 4 miles to the southeast GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, section C-D, pl. 3). The Soquel thins both eastward and westward from the Rich- field oil field area. North of the Whittier fault zone, the maximum thickness is about 2,200 feet in exposures just west of Fullerton Road near the north-central part of the La Habra quadrangle. The member also thickens eastward to more than 3,000 feet in the northeast part of the Yorba Linda quadrangle, just east of the La Habra quadrangle (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, section E-E", pl. 4) . The Soquel thus thins northward, eastward, and westward from the central Puente Hills. In the central Puente Hills, both the lower and upper- contacts of the Soquel are commonly gradational within stratigraphic thicknesses as great as 50 feet. West of Fullerton Road in the north-central La Habra quad- rangle and in some other areas, the member is locally un- comformable on the La Vida (section F-", pl. 2). In the northern Puente Hills the Soquel locally transgresses the La Vida and older sedimentary units and rests on volcanic and basement rocks. YORBA MEMBER The Yorba Member is exposed peripherally to the Soquel; it underlies marginal areas of the Puente and San Jose Hills, except where it is downfolded in the large Arena Blanca syncline in the eastern Puente Hills. (See Durham and Yerkes, 1964.) In its weathering characteristics the Yorba is similar to the La Vida, forming broad, gently rounded slopes mantled by a thick clayey colluvium and soil that supports chiefly sparse grass. Siltstone sequences within the member readily creep downslope. The best exposures in the map area are those west of Fullerton Road in the north- east quarter of the La Habra quadrangle. The Yorba is about 85 percent micaceous siltstone and sandy siltstone that commonly is "punky"; inter- bedded are sandstone and minor dolomite beds. In many places along the Whittier fault zone, the silt- stones are intensely contorted (fig. 5). Silstone in the Fullerton Road section is pale white, pale greenish yellow, or very light gray, micaceous, slightly to quite sandy, laminated to platy, and occurs in beds 14-2 inches thick. Locally the siltstone contains abundant Foraminifera. Sandstone occurs as partings and interbeds as thick as 10-12 inches (commonly these interbeds are about 4-2 inches thick), is fairly well sorted and graded, and contains biotite and clayey cement. Siltstone sequences east of Hacienda Boulevard locally contain beds 3 inches to 1 foot thick of laminated aphanitic gray to yellow-gray dolomite; thin beds of soft white marl are locally present in the area a mile west of Hacienda Boulevard. The Yorba is thickest in the north-central La Habra quadrangle, where about 1,200 feet is exposed, and an C9 FicurE 5.-Very thin bedded intensely contorted siltstone and silty sandstone of the Yorba Member, Puente Formation, in upthrown block of Whittier fault zone, near fault in Whittier oil fiield. Note hammer on light-colored sandstone bed at lower right center. additional 400 feet is present in the subsurface (sections D-D', E-E" , pl. 2). In the area north of the Whittier fault, the Yorba thins to a few hundred feet in the fault wedge north of Whittier; eastward it thickens to at least 2,000 feet in the east-central part of the hills (Durham and Yerkes, 1964), section #-F", pl. 4). The Yorba is not exposed south of the Whittier fault, but thicknesses of about 3,000 feet have been penetrated at the Santa Fe Springs oil field (section 4-4", pl. 1) and 3,400 feet at the Brea-Olinda oil field (section H-A', pl. 2). In the map area the Yorba is gradational downward into the Soquel. In the northern Puente Hills the Yorba extends laterally beyond the Soquel and rests on the La Vida Member; east of the Chino basin (east of the Puente Hills) it rests on granitoid basement rocks (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, section A-4', pl. 3). In the map area the upper contact is a sharp boundary over- lain by conglomerate in the Sycamore Canyon Member. SYCAMORE CANYON MEMBER The uppermost member of the Puente Formation, the Sycamore Canyon Member, is preserved chiefly along the margins of the hills and locally in slices along the Whittier fault zone. The type area of the Sycamore Canyon is in Sycamore Canyon just northwest of the area shown on plate 1, where about 3,500 feet of strata are present in a complete section (Daviess and Wood- ford, 1949). In the type area the Sycamore Canyon con- sists of about 60 percent fine- to coarse-grained sand- stone, about 30 percent pebble conglomerate in four C10 lenses as much as 400 feet thick, and about 10 percent interbedded micaceous sandy siltstone. The best ex- posures in the map area are east of Hacienda Boulevard in the north-central La Habra quadrangle and south of the Whittier fault zone just east of Whittier. Syca- more Canyon conglomerate commonly weathers rusty brown and forms exceedingly steep resistant slopes that have very little soil cover and support brushy or grassy vegetation only on ridgetops. The section east of Hacienda Boulevard is about half as thick as the type section and consists of about 70 per- cent sandy siltstone, about 20 percent pebble conglom- erate in three lenses, and 10 percent sandstone. This section can be divided into six units as follows : an upper sandy siltstone-sandstone unit 410 feet thick, an upper . conglomerate 25 feet thick, a middle siltstone-sandstone unit 868 feet thick, a middle conglomerate 55 feet thick, a lower siltstone-sandstone 300 feet thick, and a basal conglomerate about 275 feet thick. The siltstone is pale yellow gray, sandy and mica- ceous, thin bedded (beds are 14-6 in. thick), and in- tensely jointed and hackly. It contains locally abundant leached Foraminifera and fine- to medium- grained biotitic sandstone in numerous irregular pods, streaks, and 1-2-inch-thick beds at 6-18 inch intervals. Conglom- erate lenses are pale yellow brown, massive, and consist of densely packed very poorly sorted subangular to well- rounded clasts, chiefly of crystalline rocks, as long as 10 inches but averaging 1-2 inches, in a sparse matrix of friable rust-colored coarse-grained clayey feld- spathic sand. A few subangular clasts of well-cemented intraformational sediments are present in the conglomerate. The pebbles in the basal Sycamore Canyon conglom- erate just west of Hacienda Boulevard have been studied and described by Woodford, Moran, and Shelton (1946, loc. 14; p. 542-543). Clasts in a typical bed 5 feet thick range from 11/4 to 26 inches across; most are in the 1/,-12 inch range. Their shape is subangular to sub- rounded, and the matrix is clean quartz-feldspar micaceous sand. The pebbles counted consist of 32 per- cent gneiss and quartzite fragments, 20 percent siliceous porphyries, 6 percent aplites, and 2 percent volcanic rocks. The most common constituents are biotite granite, quartz monzonite, and gneisses of the same composi- tions, suggesting a source in the San Gabriel Mountains to the north. The conglomerates in the upper part of the Sycamore Canyon northeast of the Rowland fault con- tain abundant boulders of andesite and other volcanic rocks and lesser amounts of boulders of tourmaline- actinolite granite-a suite also indicative of a source in the San Gabriel Mountains (Daviess and Woodford, 1949). GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The partial section of Sycamore Canyon Member ex- posed south of the Whittier fault zone just east of Whit- tier consists of about 670 feet of thick-bedded, coarse-grained to pebbly sandstone that contains two zones of hard limy concretions as long as 15 inches. The base of this sequence is faulted. Conglomerate in the Whittier section is light brown to moderate yellow brown, very poorly gorted, and bed- ded. It contains subangular to well-rounded clasts of light-colored crystalline rocks as long as 8 inches, but averaging 1-2 inches, and angular chips of intraforma- tional sandstone in layers about 1 inch thick. The ma- trix is very poorly sorted coarse-grained sandstone containing abundant clayey material. North of the Whittier fault zone, the Sycamore Can- yon attains a thickness of about 3,500 feet in unfaulted sections at the northwestern and southeastern ends of the hills. The thickness of the only unfaulted section in the central part of the map area is about 1,930 feet (structure section D-D', pl. 2). South of the Whittier fault zone, the faulted section near Whittier is about 1,590 feet thick, and an unfaulted section near Yorba Linda is about 1,700 feet thick (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, pl. 4). As is also true of the Yorba Member, the Sycamore Canyon is thickest in the subsurface of the southern part of the area at the Santa Fe Springs oil field, where about 2,200 feet have been penetrated (section A-A', pl. 1). The basal conglomerate of the Sycamore Canyon com- monly rests sharply, but apparently conformably, on siltstones of the Yorba Member except in a fault wedge north of Whittier where the Sycamore Canyon locally extends beyond the limits of the Yorba siltstone and rests on sandstone of the Soquel Member with an angu- lar discordance of 10-15°. The upper boundary is not commonly well exposed in the map area. DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT Foraminiferal faunas from all members of the Puente Formation in the map area contain species that now live at bathyal depths (greater than 500 m or 1,600 ft). The local presence of well-graded fine-grained sand- stone partings and interbeds in siltstone sequences of the La Vida and Yorba Members and the presence of deep-water forms within siltstone partings in coarse- grained well-graded sandstone sequences in the Soquel and locally in the Sycamore Canyon Members suggest deposition of the sandy intervals at bathyal depths, per- haps by turbidity currents. In addition, the Sycamore Canyon Member contains a few shallow-water forms, which were probably displaced during resedimentation processes. The presence of several intraformational breccias, especially in the Soquel Member, also suggests GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS resedimentation, perhaps reworking of slump deposits. Conglomerates in the Sycamore Canyon Member, and locally in the Yorba and Soquel Members, contain very large boulders derived from biotite granodiorite base- ment rocks and boulders of Miocene volcanic rocks like those exposed in the northernmost Puente Hills. Sources for other rock types represented in the conglomerates have been identified in the nearby San Gabriel Moun- tains (Woodford and others, 1946). It has been inferred that the Miocene shoreline transgressed eastward from a northwest-trending position near the present margins of the Puente and San Jose Hills in early Puente time to a north-trending position near long 117°40' in late Puente time (Woodford and others, 1946, fig. 11). The younger part of the Puente thus overlapped older parts and extended onto the basement in areas east and north- east of the Puente Hills (See Durham and Yerkes, 1964, section A-A', pl. 3.) The Puente must have been deposited in water that was at least locally deeper than 1,600 feet. Terrigenous components derived from high- lands north and east of the Puente Hills were swept southwestward, probably by turbidity currents, toward deeper parts of the embayment that occupied the Puente Hills area. AGE AND CORRELATION All Foraminifera collected from the La Vida Mem- ber (table 1) represent the lower Mohnian Stage (early late Miocene) of Kleinpell (1938), which is the age of Foraminifera in collections from the member in the eastern Puente Hills (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 17), as well as areas to the north and south (Woodford and others, 1944; Woodford and others, 1946, p. 519; Schoellhamer and others, 1954). Foraminifera collec- tions from the Soquel, Yorba, and Sycamore Canyon Members represent the upper Mohnian Stage (late late Miocene) of Kleinpell, which agrees with the age deter- mined from collections made in adjoining areas. __ On the basis of the microfaunas, the Puente Forma- tion is correlative with the Modelo Formation at the type area of the Mohnian Stage in the north-central Santa Monica Mountains (Natland and Rothwell, 1954, fig. 4); with the upper part of the Monterey Shale (upper part of the Altamira Shale Member, Valmonte Diatomite Member) at the Palos Verdes Hills (Wood- ring and others, 1946); with the upper part of the Monterey Shale in the eastern San Joaquin Hills, and with the Puente Formation of the southwestern Santa Ana Mountains (Smith, 1960; Yerkes and others, 1965, 1:94). g ) DIABASIC INTRUSIVE ROCKS Two tabular bodies of intensely altered dark-gray- green diabase intrude the La Vida Member just north of the Whittier fault zone near the east edge of the map C11 area. The largest of these has been traced in wells 9 miles eastward along the fault zone and 2 miles north of it ; in this distance and direction, the intrusive appears to cut downward across about 4,000 feet of section (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 23-24). The same body has been traced northwestward about 5 miles to the north edge of the La Habra quadrangle (sections D-D', -F", G-G', and H-H', pl. 2). The total area north of the fault known to be underlain by the intrusive is more than 30 square miles. The maximum known thickness of this large body is about 750 feet. Only its upper contact is exposed. It is overlain by about 550 feet of intensely sheared, altered, and locally baked siltstone, which locally is overlain in turn by a much thinner, less per- sistent intrusive. The two intrusives are probably con- temporaneous and cannot be older than early Mohnian. Fragments of similar diabase are present in lower Plio- cene conglomerates near the Whittier fault zone. A late Miocene age is inferred for the diabase. Igneous rock found in the subsurface of the East Coyote oil field and previously reported as intrusive (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 23) is better correlated with middle Miocene volcanic rocks that are present at this same stratigraphic position at several other locali- ties along the Coyote Hills trend. (See sections 4-4 ', G-G', pls. 1,2.) PLIOCENE SERIES Subsidence and deposition continued without inter- ruption from Miocene into and through Pliocene time in the Los Angeles basin area. The maximum rate of subsidence was attained in early Pliocene time. Because deposition did not keep pace with subsidence, water that covered the Puente Hills area probably deepened to more than 3,300 feet, and in the central part of the basin southwest of the hills the water probably attained a depth greater than 8,000 feet. During early Pliocene time great volumes of clastic material entered the basin along its north and east margins, and more than 6,000 feet of lower Pliocene deposits accumulated (Yerkes and others, 1965, fig. 12). A gradual increase in grain size and percentage of sand from base to top of the lower Pliocene sequence in the central part of the basin sug- gests a gradual increase of topographic relief in the source areas during the early Pliocene. In the central-plain part of the basin, subsidence and deposition continued 'without interruption into late Pliocene time, but the rate of deposition gradually over- took the rate of subsidence, and the depth of water began to decrease. In marginal areas such as the southwest margin of the Puente Hills, unconformities within or at the base of the upper member of the Fernando Forma- tion indicate tectonic activity along the Whittier fault zone and Coyote Hills trend, also shown by the presence G12 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TaBus 1.-Foraminifera from the Puente Formation, [X, present; cf., not certainly identified, but resembles listed species. See pl. 4 for location of Species Puente Formation Sycamore Canyon Member Yorba Member Upper Mohnian Stage m-47 | m-48 | m-49 | m-50 | m-51 | m-52 | m-58 | m-54 | m-55 | m-56 |m-56a) m:-57 | m-58 | m-59 Bolivina bramlettei Kleinpell........... B. brevior Cushman....... B. californica Cushman. B. decurtata Cushman B. decussata Brady.. ..... B. cf. B. floridana Cushman B. girardensis Rankin .... B. goudkoffi Rankin B. hootsi Rankin... B. hughesi Cushman... ..-. B. ci. B. marginata Cubsman. ... B. filtlodeloensw Cushman and Klein- DOes eee eer nee Pen inv an d ane nb bir pisciformis Galloway and Morrey pseudobeyrichi Cushman. ..... pseudospissa Kleinpell... rankini Kleinpell.......... sinuata Galloway and Wissler. subadvena Cushman... .... tongi Cushman........ cf. B. vaughani Natland . woodringi Kleinpell.... Bulimina inflata Seguenza B. marginata d' Orbigny . B. ovula d'Orbigny... B. B. subacuminatae Cushman, Stewart and Stewart. .. B. uvigerinafor Buliminella curta Cushm B. sullzifumformzs Cushman Cassidulina barbarana Cu Kisinpoll..--.....~.... C. cushmani R. E. and K. a C. translucens Cushman and Hughes. Chilostomella cf. C. ovoidea Reuss... Cibicides floridanus (Cushman)... . Discorbinella valmonteensis Kleinpe EPhMGBAMA BDD.. Epistominella relizensis (Kleinpell) E. subperuviana (Cushman)..........- Eponides healdi R. E. and K. C. A! Tere -ne rescore E. mansfieldi Cushman. E. rosaformis Cushman and Kleinpell. Clobiger i SBD... Sl.. EDL .e ce recbereee Gyroidina altiformis R. E. and K. C. eure carn cane G. rotundimargo R. E. and K. C. 2-2 ee ch eee ce s neat es Hopkinsina magnifica Bramlette_...... Melonis pompilioides (Fichtel and MON RAR Ivie ce ens c Planulina ornata (d'Orbigny)........- Plectofrondicularia californica Cush- ALL Red NT ial erecta bene Pullenia pedroana Kleinpell Uvigerina hootsi Rankin.............. U. senticosa Cushman................. U. subpereorina Cushman and Klein- PUNPUSHPJWFUW?’ Valvulmerza araucana (d'Orbigny). ... V. vilardeboana (d'Orbigny)........... Virgulina bramiettei alloway and -L- ie curb are v. cult/ormenm Cushman............. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C13 La Habra and Whittier quadrangles collections; table 7 for collectors, identifiers, and locality descriptions] Puente Formation-Continued Soquel Member La Vida Member Uglgglg' 612123131? Lower Mohnian Stage m-61 \m-61a| m-62 | m-63 | m-64 | m-65 | m-66 | m-67 | m-68 | m-69 | m-70 | m-71 | m-72 | m-78 | m-74 | m-75 | m-76 | m-77 | m-78 | m-79 | m-80 458-627 O - 72 - 2 C14 of Puente siltstone detritus in the upper Pliocene just south of the fault. In contrast to the uplift along the Whittier fault zone, the San Gabriel Valley just north- west of the hills began to subside relatively rapidly and became a closed basin that trapped many thousand feet of coarse-grained upper Pliocene deposits. In late Pliocene time the rising Puente Hills thus shed detritus southward and probably northwestward. The Pliocene sequence is so uniform that basinwide subdivision and correlation on a lithologic basis has not been feasible. However, the sequence has been divided into foraminiferal zones that are used for local correla- tion (Wissler, 1943, pl. 5; 1958; correlation chart), and molluscan assemblages provide a twofold chronologic division (Woodring, 1938, p. 22). The complicated history of the nomenclature of the Los Angeles basin Pliocene has recently been reviewed by Durham and Yerkes (1964, p. 24-25), who revived the original name, Fernando Formation (Eldridge and Arnold, 1907), and designated lower and upper members for the formation in the eastern Los Angeles basin area. FERNANDO FORMATION The Fernando Formation includes about 6,000 feet of Pliocene siltstone, sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and con- glomerate exposed on the northwest- and south-facing slopes of the Puente Hills. In this part of the basin the Fernando has been divided into lower and upper Mem- bers on the basis of an extensive erosional unconformity and lithologic variations (Daviess and Woodford, 1949; Woodford and others, 1954; Yerkes and others, 1965). LOWER MEMBER The most complete section of the lower Fernando in the Puente hills is that exposed just northwest of the map area, where about 2,400 feet of siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate are present (Daviess and Woodford, 1949). In the map area a partial, poorly exposed section is present just east of Hacienda Boulevard in the north- west quarter of the La Habra quadrangle; a nearly complete section is exposed just east of Whittier, south of the Whittier fault zone. This section is unique in that it has been correlated with producing zones at the Santa Fe Springs oil field by means of subsurface structure mapping (T. H. McCulloh, written commun., Mar. 1970). The pebbly sandstone and siltstone boundary exposed at Penn Park (at NW. cor. see. 27, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.) is equivalent to the top of the "Meyer zone," and the siltstone above is equivalent to the "Meyer shale" of Santa Fe Springs. In the vicinity of Hacienda Boulevard, the lower member of the Fernando forms subdued, rounded slopes, is mantled by a thick clayey colluvium and soil, GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA supports a dense cover of grass, and is very poorly ex- posed. It consists of about 1,000 feet of sandy micaceous siltstone and very fine to medium-grained micaceous friable sandstone, which overlies a basal pebble-cobble conglomerate as much as 85 feet thick. The siltstone- sandstone sequence is pale yellow brown to light olive gray, mostly massive and contains scattered zones of limy concretions 8-12 inches long and lenses of coarse- grained nearly uncemented yellow-gray sand up to 6 inches thick. The section of the lower member east of Whittier con- sists of about 65 percent sandstone and 35 percent pebble conglomerate (fig. 6). Sequences of sandstone are as thick as 195 feet and those of conglomerate as thick as 110 feet. (See fig. 6.) These rocks underlie fairly steep dissected hills and support a cover of grass and sparse brush. Sandstone in the Whittier section is pale yellow gray to gray orange, mostly massive, except for thin intervals of well-bedded platy sandstone, which is silty, fine- to medium-grained, poorly sorted, but commonly graded, micaceous with common to abundant biotite, hackly and generally intensely jointed, and which has an abundant rust-colored clayey matrix. It contains locally common Foraminifera. Conglomerate in the lower member of the Fernando near Whittier is gray orange to light brown and com- monly massive and unsorted. It consists of more than 50 percent subrounded to well-rounded pebbles of light- colored erystalline rocks as much as 5 inches long and averaging 1 inch. The matrix is pale-gray coarse-grained FieurE 6.-Sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and pebbly conglom- erate of the lower member of the Fernando Formation rest- ing (at hammer) on jointed silty sandstone. Conglomerate locally contains abundant clasts of white (Miocene) siltstone. View eastward of cut near east end of Hadley Street, Whittier. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS to pebbly friable sand containing biotite and rust- colored clayey material. Local intraformational breccias: up to 4 feet thick within the conglomerates consist of chips and slabs of siltstone as long as 10 inches. The basal conglomerate of the formation is 122 feet thick and con- tains chips and slabs of siltstone from the Puente For- mation as much as 4 inches long, a few beds of uncemented sand as much as 4 inches thick, and a few fragments of diabase, probably derived from instrusions near the Whittier fault. Crystalline rocks in the con- glomerates resemble older rocks now exposed in the San Gabriel Mountains and in areas within and east of the Santa Ana Mountains. The lower member is about 2,500 feet thick northwest of the map area ; it is about 2,600 feet thick in exposures east of the map area and south of the Whittier fault zone near Olinda (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, pl. 3). In the map area the best-exposed section is that just east of Whittier and south of the Whittier fault zone; there about 2,700 feet are exposed. The maximum known thickness in the Puente Hills area is about 4,750 feet, measured in the subsurface near La Habra (section E-E", pl. 2). The member probably thickens to more than 6,000 feet south of the Coyote Hills and west of Santa Fe Springs, but has not been completely pene- trated in those areas (Yerkes and others, 1965, pl. 4). The base of the lower member is best exposed in the hills just east of Whittier, where the basal conglomerate forms a sharp and prominent slightly irregular, but ap- parently conformable, contact with sandstone of the Sycamore Canyon Member of the Puente Formation. The upper contact south of the Whittier fault zone and in nearby oil fields is an erosional unconformity with an angular discordance of 5°%-10°, below which foram- iniferal zones recognized elsewhere in the basin are missing (Wissler, 1943, p. 213). DeprostTIONAL ENVIRONMENT Foraminiferal faunas from widely separated marginal areas of the Los Angeles basin indicate deposi- tion of the lower member in water that deepened from about 3,000 feet at the end of the Miocene to more than 4,000 feet by the end of early Pliocene time (Natland and Rothwell, 1954, fig. 6). Recent studies (Ingle, 1967, p. 260-265) of the lower member in the Repetto Hills, about 8 miles northwest of Whittier, suggest that the sequence there was deposited in water as deep as 2,500 meters (8,200 ft) , as indicated by the presence of bathyal» forms throughout, and that it contains sediment that was displaced downslope, perhaps by sliding, as indicated by a large proportion of displaced shallower water bathyal forms. Rapid deposition at the base of a fairly steep submarine slope is inferred on the basis of the sedi- mentary structures and faunas. C15 Molluscan faunas suggest a division into three bathy- metric facies: a widely distributed deep-water facies (more than 2,000 ft deep), an intermediate-depth facies present around the margins of the central basin, and a shallow-water facies near the north and west margins of the basin (Woodring, 1938, p. 12-16). In parts of the area, these facies are mixed ; this suggests proximity to land and probably transport of the shallow-water forms into deeper water. Forms collected from the lower mem- ber in the map area indicate depths greater than 3,300 feet. The principal entry into the depositional basin for detritus was probably near the west end of the Puente Hills. From here it was swept southward and westward into deeper, subsiding parts of the basin. (See Conrey, 1958; Yerkes and others, 1965, fig. 12.) The occurrence of coarse-grained graded sandstone and conglomerate in the otherwise fine-grained lower member suggests that the coarser material may have been carried into deeper parts of the depositional basin by turbidity currents. AcE AND CORRELATION Foraminifera from the lower member are given in table 2; the lower Pliocene guides Plectofrondicularia californica and Bolivina pisciformis are represented in collections from two localities, and the bathyal species Bulimina rostrata, Nonion affine, Gyroidina rotundi- margo, and Uvigerina pygmaea are well represented. On the basis of megafaunal collections (table 3) and stratigraphic position, the lower member may be corre- lated with the lower member of the Fernando Forma- tion in the Santa Ana Mountains to the southeast, with the upper part of the Capistrano Formation of the San Joaquin Hills and the lower part of the Fernando For- mation of the Newport Bay area, and with strata com- monly called Repetto Formation or Repetto Siltstone in other marginal parts of the basin. (See Yerkes and others, 1965, pls. 1, 2.) UPPER MEMBER The thickest preserved section of the upper member of the Fernando Formation in the Puente Hills area is exposed at the Arroyo Salinas south of the Whittier fault and northwest of La Habra. This section is faulted at the base (section C-C", pl. 2), but it can be matched with exposures in the Bacon Creek area east of Whit- tier, where the base is preserved and the top eroded. The composite thickness is at least 3,400 feet. Section C-C" (pl. 2) indicates that the upper member totals about 5,000 feet in the subsurface in this area. The member is much thinner at the north west margin of the hills, where a rich molluscan fauna has been collected (the Handorf Dairy locality of Stark, 1949). The upper member forms C16 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Tapur 2.-Foraminifera from the Fernando [x, present; cf., not certainly identified, but resembles listed species. See pl. 4 for Fernando Species m-1 | m-2 | m-3 | m-4 | m-5 | m-6 | m-7 | m-8 | m-9 | m-10 | m-11 | m-12 | m-13 | m-14} m-15) m-16 | m-17 Ammonia beccarii (Linne)... Anomalina pliocenica Natlan Bolivina argentea Cushman... B. interjuncta Cushman........... B. pisciformis Galloway and Morrey. B. sinuata Galloway and Wissler.... B. spissa Cushman................ B. subadvena Cushman.........._........ Bulimina denudata Cushman and Parker. B. inflata B. ci. B. ovata d'Orbigny.. BFOSTANE BFAUY Lc cc. blll Leica ce nh eben ns a wee B. subacuminata Cushman, Stewart and Stewart. B. subcalva Cushman and K. C. Stewart....... Buccella frigida (Cushman)............. Buliminella elegantissima (d'Orbigny). . Cassidulina californica Cushman and H C. cushmani R. E. and K. C. Stewart.. C. limbata Cushman and Hughes..... C. spiralis Matland................ C. translucens Cushman and Hughes. Cassidulinoides cornuta (Cushman) Cibicides mckannai Galloway and Wissler..... C. spiralis EADMIRUN SDD: : 22-0000. Epistominella pacifica (R. E. and K. C. Stewart) . . E. subperuviana (Cushman).................... Eponides tenera (Brady)... E. umbonatus (Reuss)....... Frondicularia advena Cushma Gaudryina arenaria Galloway a Glandulina laevigata d'Orbigny. . T#lobigering Globobulimina pacifica Cushman._................ Gyroidina rotundimargo R. E. and K. C. Stewart.. Eee» o 2s ao on ao ans aire a ue be a Marginulinopsis capistranoensis White...... .. Melonis pompilioides (Fichtell and Moll)... M. scaphum (Fichtell and Moll) NWodossria®pp................... Nonion affine (Reuss)...................... Nonionella miocenica stella Cushman....... Planulina ornata d'Obigny........... Plectofrondicularia californica Cushma Pullenia bulloides (d'Orbigny). P. quinqueloba (Reuss) Stilostomella spp.... TeHWATIG $p.....-............... Triloculina trigonula (Lamarck). Uvigerina hootsi Rankin.......... U. junces Galloway and Wissler.. U. peregrina Cushman........ U. pygmaea d'Orbigny...... U. senticosa Cushman............ Valvulineria araucana (d'Orbigny) fairly steep deeply dissected slopes that are ribbed by numerous well-cemented conglomerate beds. The slopes commonly support a cover of moderately dense brush. The upper member can be divided into three parts : a lower sandstone and conglomerate unit about 650 feet thick, including a basal conglomerate about 20 feet thick (fig. %), a middle sandstone unit about 1,935 feet thick, and an upper sandstone and pebbly sandstone unit about 825 feet thick. The base of the upper member is well exposed in the area east of Whittier, where the well-cemented basal conglomerate overlies sandstone of the lower member. An erosional unconformity is indicated by the irregular contact surface and the presence of locally derived Puente siltstone detritus in the conglomerate. A slight angular discordance is also noticeable at this outcrop (fig. 7). Wissler (1948, p. 213-214) reported that ap- proximately 1,000-1,500 feet of strata present elsewhere in the basin (his Middle Pico and Lower Pico) is miss- ing at this contact in this general area. In the west- central Yorba Linda quadrangle (next east of the La Habra quadrangle) , the base of the upper member of the Fernando lies on the lower member with a prominent discordance (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, pl. 1). Conglomerate of the basal conglomerate unit is pale yellow brown, massive and unsorted, and consists chiefly of well-rounded light-colored erystalline rocks as much as 6 inches long, but averaging about 2 inches, chips and ' slabs of white siltstone derived from the Puente Forma- tion, and rounded fragments of intraformational sand- stone. The bottom 2 feet is well cemented, hard and resistant, and locally better sorted than the rest of the GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C17 Formation, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles location of collections; table 7 for collectors, identifiers, and locality descriptions] Formation m-18 | m-19 | m-20 | m-21 | m-22 | m-23 | m-24 | m-25 | m-26 | m-27 | m-28 | m-29 | m-30 | m-31 | m-32 | m-33 | m-34 | m-85 | m-36 | m-37 | m-88 mils m-39 | m-40 | m-41 | m-42 unit. The matrix is coarse-grained very poorly sorted clayey biotite sandstone. The lower pebbly sandstone and conglomerate unit is about 57 percent sandstone, 27 percent pebbly sandstone, and 16 percent pebble conglomerate and minor breccia. The sandstone is light olive gray to pale yellow brown, silty, fine to coarse grained, locally thin bedded but com- monly structureless, poorly sorted and quite friable, and locally well graded. It has local partings and thin beds FreurE 7.-Basal thick-bedded pebbly sandstone and conglomer- ate of the upper member of the Fernando Formation resting (at hammer) on sandy siltstone of the lower member. Con- glomerate contains abundant detritus of white (Miocene) silt- stone; note angular discordance at contact. Artificial cut at site of Standard Oil Co. well Murphy-Whittier 94, Whittier oil field. C18 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TaBum 3.-Mollusks from the Fernando, San Pedro, and Coyote [X indicates that species is present as named; cf., a similar form but material inadequate for identification; aff., a close affinity but details recognizably different; ? incorrect sense. See pl. 4 for location of collections an 25 MZ Upper mem ber of Fernando 's é San Pedro Formation s Formation 3 0 Species 13,2 O r < | m P ) £1] $ | & a- &e [mole hot sol Ie | Is | & | al & 1.8 1.4 1 &. | g | & Gastropods: Acanthina spirata (Blainville)....._._._. Acteon traski Stearns...__.__________. RIL eT ce cers abel ae Antiplanes perversa (Gabb) . ......... Astraca gradate Grant and Gale...._. Balcis rutila (Carpenter) ....________. Barearofusus arnoldi (Cossmann).... B. barbarensis (Trask). Bittium rugatum Carpenter.......... Boreotrophon lasius Dall..._._____._. Bursa californica (Hinds) ............ Calicantharus fortis (Carpenter)...... C. humerosus (Gabb)....__..__.____.. Callistoma dolarium (Holten) ......... C. gemmulatum (Carpenter) . ...... C. ligatum (Gould) .._........._. Calyptraca filosa (Gabb)......... Cancellaria tritonidea (Gabb)....... Conus californicus Hinds........... Crassispira montereyensis (Stearns). C. zizyphus (Berry)....___________ Crepidula onyz Sowerby... C. princeps Conrad..._...... Crucibulum spinosum (Sowerby). Cryptonatica - clausa - (Broderip Sowerby). Cylichna attonsa Carpenter........... Elacocyma hemphilli (Stearns) . . . Epitonium indianorum (Carpenter E. tinctum (Carpenter)....._... Erato vitellina Hinds. Fusitriton oregonensis Glyphostoma conradiana (Gabb) "Gyrineum" elsmerense English . Halistylus pupoideus (Carpenter Lacuna unifasciata CarFenter Littorina scutulate Gould. . Mangelia variegata Carpenter Megasurcula carpenteriana (Ga Mitrella carinata (Hinds) .. M. carinata gausapata (Go M. tuberosa (Carpenter). Nassarius californianus N. cerritensis (Arnold) N. fossatus (Gould)... .N. insculptus (Carpent N. mendicus (Gould)... N. mendicus cooperi (Fo N. moranianus (Martin) N. perpinguis (Hinds) N. tegulus (Reeve) . .. Neptunea tabulata (Ba e N. tabulate colmaenis (Marti Neverita recluziana (Deshayes) Ocenebra foveolate (Hinds) O. fusconotata (Dall)... O. squamulifera Gabb. Oenopota pyramidalis ( Pe Olivella biplicata (Sowerby) . . . O. pedroana (Conrad)......._...__.._.._. Ophiodermella - graciosana - mercedenis (MARAN) ere ceeb ine cane na buco ds Polinices draconis Dall P. fewistt (Gould).............._... Psuedomelatoma pencillata (Carpenter) .. Retusa harpa Terebra albocincta pedroana Dall. . T. DHA Hinds.c1..-...l...}..s..... Trochita trochiformis (Born)... Turbonilla (3 sp.)............. Turitella Cooperi Carpenter.. . T. Jewellt Corpenter............ a Volvulella cylindrica Carpenter.......... Scaphopods: Dentalium meoheragonum Sharp and KAI (Moi -as [ar elo rus Ie vel eee delas aan levees [- anl Peel +o a eal cba wel e died ees e and |. Pilsbry. D. pretiosum Nuttall and Sowerby. . ....\...._|... __|. ills X X GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C19 Hills Formations, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles identication of species doubtful; sp., species unidentified; ?sp., identification of genus doubtful; generic name in quotation marks indicates its use in a broad or perhaps table 7 for collectors, identifiers, and location description] Upper member of Fernando Formation-Continued Formation La Habra Fa 22 -23 F2 25 -26 28 29 F-30 -30 F-31 F-32 F-33 -34 -35 F-36 F-37 F-38 F-30 F-40 F-41 F-42 F-43 F-44 F-45 F-46 F-47 F-48 F-49 F-50 C20 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 3.-Mollusks from the Fernando, San Pedro, and Coyote [X indicates that species is present as named; cf., a similar form but material inadequate for identification; aff., a close affinity but details recognizably different; ?, incorrect sense. See pl. 4 for location of collections and table 7 358 aks Upper member of Fernando fi El San Pedro Formation Formation 8 o & Species g-fi O 4 < m IE TR l & l& ]: lf Ji )G 1G 215 1513) f !$ Fa a F F F Fa fn F E fa Fx Fx Fu a F F fu Fa l Rx l al Pelecygods: Actla castrensis (Hinds)......._.__.___... Acquipecten circularis (Sowerby) Anadara camuloensis (Osmont) .. A. multicostata (Sowerby)... A. trilineata (Conrad)... 2004 29. He ce Chione californiensis (Broderip) . .. Chlamys beringianus (Middendorf) A C. hastata (Sowerby)....._____._____.____. C. hindsif (Carpenter)_____.__._.________. O. islendicn (Miler). -.........._.__._.__ C. islandica jordani (Arnold)......___. Conchocele disjuncta Gabb. Crassalell@:22.200.2....... Crenella Columbiana Dall. Cryptomya californica Conra Cyathodonta undulate Conrad. Cyclocardia occidentalis (Conta C. ventricosa (Gould)..._..._. Donaz gouldii Dall_..__.____ Epilucina californica (Conrad) . . Florimetis biangulata (Carpenter) Gariedentula (Gabb)...._......._. Glycimeris subobsoleta (Carpenter).....- Hinnites giganteus (Gray)..._...___.__.. Huwmilaria perlaminosa(Conrad)..... .... Katherinella subdiaphana (Carpenter)... Leptopecten latiaurita (Conrad? .......... L. latiqurita delosi (Arnold)............. nL ee Heth n eres sice an alee Penh e Lucinoma acutilineata (Conrad)......... L. annulate (Reeve).................... Lyropecten ceitosensis (Gabb).._........ A Macoma calcarea (Gmelin}.............. M.inconspicua(Broderip and Sowerby)... M. indentata Carpenter. M secta (Cont Megapitaria squalida (Sowerby). ........ 4 Miltha xanthusi (Dall).___________._______ Miodontiscus prolongatus (Carpenter)... Mytilus californianus Conrad_....____._. M: AdUHS NR. LLL c. Yc. Nemocardium centifilosum (Carpenter). . Nuculana taphria (Dall) .__...___.____.. Ostrea lurida Carpenter...._...___.____. O. vespertina Conrad....._..._.______.___. O. vespertina sequeris Arnold_..._....... Pandora filosa (Carpenter) ......... P. grandis Dall...._..... P. punctata Conrad...__.. Punope abrupt (Conrad)..._._._____.___.. Parvilucina tenuisculpta (Carpenter) .. Patinopecten caurnus (Gould)......_ P l...... P. healyi Arnold.... ... Pecten auburyi Arnold P. bellus (Conard)... P. hemphilli Dall. . P. stearnsii .. Periplama planiscula Sowerby... Pododesmus macroschisma (Deshayes) .. Protothaca tenerrima (Carpenter)........ Psephidia lordi (Baird) Sazidomus nuttalli (Conrad). Semele incongrua Carpenter. S. pulchra (Sowerby)...... Siliqua lucida (Conrad)... Spisula catilliformis Conrad.. S. hemphilli (Dall)... Solen sicarius Gould._....__. Tagelus californianus (Conrad) Tellina bodegensis Hinds... .. Thracia trapezoides Conrad Tivela stultorum (Mawe)....____________ T‘raiilaycardium quadragenarium (Con- TAM) Ee cnd: ee ae sec ements es eons es ne cre HM] Transeneila tasifille (Gould)... . .. .... . ... |. IT.. P uith WH L 2s cs 2 oo o. co on c [2000s Leone Asoo e eles earhene ool. cee chicos nial C L. R.. Yolsalla revia finbeliata ... . __... [20] : 200. & LoCo: Echinoids: Dendraster diegoensis venturaensis Kew... D. excentricus Eschscholfz......_____._._\._.___ Mre A- TLE ese cl JCT MOL res Arsi oes. hese [eres oly abe e ESE IAN» eee ole ieee rede ee ala ee es Cerripods: elonaus contenue Bronn... . . . . . .... . oodles cel 2. e erf ere nde ees dess hs iit ce cdc. ue. K1 A reasonable | en n Pl eae {ene alee oue al blaa ace alee ay Proboscideans: TM GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WBSTERN PUENTE HILLS Ca Hills Formations, La Habra and Whittier quadrangles-Continued identification of species doubtful; sp., species unidentified; ?sp., identification of genus doubtful; generic name in quotation marks indicates its use in a broad or perhaps for collectors, identifiers, and location description] = e Upper member of Fernando Formation- Continued 4 E slic) Sh a |a \& la ls ls |a | $ x |®s | s&s | s | & | s |g |g | 3 | $ § | s | 3) s f iif if Afl: f C22 of olive-gray siltstone and abundant rust-colored clayey matrix. It occurs in sequences as much as 95 feet thick. The pebbly sandstone is pale yellow brown to dark red brown, thick bedded to massive, and very poorly sorted and friable. It is about 50 percent well-rounded pebbles and cobbles of light-colored crystalline rocks that aver- age 1-2 inches in length in a matrix of very poorly sorted coarse-grained rust-colored biotite sand. The con- glomerate is pale yellow brown and consists of as much as 80 percent well-rounded clasts of light-colored crys- talline rocks as long as 18 inches, but averaging about 2 inches. The matrix is very poorly sorted coarse friable biotite sand with rust-colored clayey cement. A 30-foot- thick bed of breccia near the top of this sequence con- tains abundant angular slabs and blocks of intraforma- tional sandstone as long as 18 inches and large well-rounded clasts of crystalline rocks. Sandstone in the middle unit is yellow gray and mas- sive, silty to medium grained, poorly sorted, micaceous, and friable. It contains a few scattered pebbles as much as 2 inches long and, locally, chips and slabs of white siltstone derived from the Puente Formation. Abundant casts and molds of small mollusks occur in thin marly beds, and zones of limy concretions up to 12 inches long are common in the middle unit. The sandstone occurs in sequences as thick as 1,000 feet. The upper unit is about 53 percent pebbly sandstone and 47 percent sandstone. The sandstone is grayish orange to yellowish gray, thick bedded or massive, cross- bedded locally on a small scale, friable, fine to medium grained, and poorly to moderately sorted. It contains biotite, a few 1-12-inch-thick lenses of well-rounded pebbles up to half an inch long, and numerous casts of small mollusks. The sandstone occurs in sequences up to 335 feet thick. The pebbly sandstone is pale to moderate yellow brown, massive, and contains about 25 percent well-rounded, flattish pebbles of light-colored crystal- line rocks as much as 5 inches long, but averaging 1 inch or less, scattered and in thin lenses as much as 14 inches thick. The matrix is coarse-grained very poorly sorted friable feldspathic biotite sandstone having rust-colored clayey cement. The pebbly sandstone is in sequences as much as 235 feet. DEProstTIONAL ENVIRONMENT Foraminfera from the upper member indicate a ne- ritic or shelf environment. The local abundance of Mol- lusks in the upper member (table 3) also suggests deposition in water less than 600 feet deep (Vedder, 1960) ; in areas to the southwest, the water probably shoaled from depths of 3,000 or 4,000 to about 900 feet during late Pliocene time. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AcE anp CoRRELATION Foraminifera from the upper member, given in table 2, are not diagnostic as to age. The upper member in the Puente Hills area contains mollusks of late Pliocene age as based on the Pacific coast standard megafaunal sequence. These collections are of definite late Pliocene age at both northwest and southwest Puente Hills local- ities. (See Vedder, 1960, p. B327 ; Woodford and others, 1954, p. 73.) On this basis the member may be correlated with the unnamed sandstone of the Newport Bay area and the Niguel Formation of the San Joaquin Hills (see Vedder and others, 1957), with strata commonly called Pico in other marginal areas of the central basin (Soper and Grant, 1932, p. 1050-1067; Natland and Rothwell, 1954, p. 88; Yerkes and others, 1965, pl. 1), with the upper (marine) part of the Pico Formation in its type area in the Ventura basin, and with the San Diego Formation of the San Diego area. (See Durham, 1954, fig. 2.) PLEISTOCENE SERIES The Los Angeles depositional basin was still very large at the end of Pliocene time, but many marginal areas such as the Puente Hills were exposed. (See Yerkes and others, 1965, p. A19.) During the early Pleistocene, rapid deposition exceeded subsidence in de- pressed parts of the basin area, and the shoreline grad- ually retreated southwestward from the San Gabriel Valley. At the end of early Pleistocene time, the shore- line was approximately coincident with the southwest margin of the Puente Hills (Yerkes and others, 1965, p. 19 and fig. 14). The lower Pleistocene section consists of marine silt, sand, and gravel; it is exposed only in the Newport Bay area and such structurally elevated marginal areas of the central basin as the uplifts along the New port-Ingle- wood zone, Palos Verdes Hills, and Coyote Hills. The sequence is as much as 600 feet thick in the Palos Verdes Hills, 325 feet in exposures along the Newport-Ingle- wood zone, and about 100 feet at Newport Bay. Subsur- face thicknesses probably exceed 2,000 feet in the central part of the basin. Mollusks are common and locally abundant. The ex- ceptionally abundant fauna in the Palos Verdes Hills sequence has been assigned an early Pleistocene age on the basis of its modern aspect relative to the Coast Ranges Pliocene; it also contains more apparently ex- tinct forms than the unconformably overlying strata assigned to the late Pleistocene. (See Woodring and others, 1946, p. 96-98.) The name San Pedro Formation has been adopted for the sequence outside the Palos Verdes Hills area (Yerkes and others, 1965, pl. 1) fol- lowing the practice and definition of Poland, Piper, and others (1956, p. 60-68). GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS SAN PEDRO FORMATION The San Pedro Formation is exposed only locally, south of the Whittier fault zone in a thin band just north of La Habra and in the central parts of the East and West Coyote oil fields south of La Habra. The thickest section of the San Pedro is exposed in the West Coyote oil field, but the base is exposed only at the outcrops north of La Habra. In the exposures north of La Habra, the San Pedro consists of 90 percent sand and 10 percent pebbly sand. The sand is light yellow gray to grayish white and con- sists of grains of quartz, feldspar, and biotite. The upper part is massive and nearly uncemented and con- tains scattered well-rounded pebbles up to 2 inches long and, in the top 20 feet, rare mollusks. Sand in the lower 135 feet is of the same composition, but it is darker in color, finer grained, better sorted, and better cemented and contains thin beds of dark biotitic mudstone. The underlying basal conglomerate is light gray, massive, hard, resistant, and well cemented. It consists of about 40 percent subangular to well-rounded pebbles of light- colored crystalline rocks as much as 6 inches long and averaging one-half inch long and, in addition, abundant chips and slabs of Puente siltstone. The matrix is very coarse grained arkosic sand. The formation in the West Coyote oil field consists of an upper light-colored sand about 170 feet thick and a lower dark-colored silty sandstone about 155 feet thick. The upper sand is light gray white to pale yellow brown and consists of angular grains of quartz, feldspar, and biotite. It is massive, friable to loose, very coarse grained to pebbly, very poorly sorted, and has a rust-colored clayey matrix and locally abundant mollusks. The upper 20 feet is somewhat better sorted and more friable than the lower part. Local sandy conglomerate beds up to 15 feet thick contain abundant well-rounded flat ellipsoidal pebbles of light-colored crystalline rock as much as 2 inches long, oriented parallel to bedding. The lower sandstone is dark yellow gray to olive gray, silty and fine grained, massive, locally well graded or cross lami- nated, and contains loadcasts and deformed siltstone clasts. It is fairly well sorted and quite dense. The upper one-third is less silty and more friable. The unit con- tains abundant finely comminuated biotite and scattered mollusks. The base is not exposed ; however, the unit is reported on the basis of well data to be conformable with underlying Pliocene strata, and no lithologic break be- tween the two has been recognized (W. H. Holman, written commun., July 16, 1959). The part of the formation exposed in the East Coyote field is only about 45 feet thick and consists of light- yellow-gray massive medium- to coarse-grained pebbly C23 sandstone that contains a single bed of well-preserved mollusks. The base is not exposed. The maximum exposed thickness of the San Pedro Formation is 325 feet at West Coyote. On the basis of well data, the total thickness in this area is 1,500 feet. The maximum known thickness is about 1,750 feet in the subsurface of the southwest part of the Whittier quad- rangle (section C-C", pl. 2). Greater thicknesses are probable in the central part of the basin to the southwest. The San Pedro appears to be conformable with the underlying upper member of the Fernando in the area north of La Habra. The upper contact is an angular un- conformity at the base of the overlying nonmarine La Habra Formation. The molluscan fauna from the San Pedro at the Palos Verdes Hills has been grouped into several depth-facies associations that in general indicate shoaling of the water from moderate to shallow during early Pleistocene time. (See Woodring and others, 1946, p. 89-92.) The molluscan fauna from the San Pedro at West Coyote (table 3) is inferred to have lived in the 120-240-foot- depth range in water somewhat cooler than that now present at this latitude (Hoskins, 1954). Valentine (1961, p. 414-415) considered the San Pedro fauna from West Coyote to be older than that from the upper part of the formation in the Palos Verdes Hills section and probably older than that from the lower part of the formation ; he also considered the West Coyote fauna to resemble those faunas from the lower Pleistocene part of the Pico and Saugus Formations in the Ventura basin. In inland parts of the Los Angeles basin such as the Puente Hills area, where marine deposition ceased before late Pleistocene time, upper Pleistocene and Holocene deposits are not easily separated except quali- tatively on the basis of degree of consolidation, weather- ing, and deformation. During late Pleistocene and Holocene time, floods of coarse clastic material from rising highland areas to the north and east were deposited in the central part of the basin, resulting in continuing retreat of the shore- line even farther southward and westward. Interfinger- ing lagoonal and marine and nonmarine deposits that attain a thickness of about 2,500 feet probably are con- formable on marine lower Pleistocene strata and are overlain by as much as 200 feet of Holocene alluvium. By the beginning of late Pleistocene time, the sea had virtually withdrawn from the area mapped, and a se- quence of brackish- or fresh-water marl, mudstone, and pebbly sandstone (the Coyote Hills Formation) was deposited over the southern half of the area. These and underlying strata were then unconformably overlapped in latest Pleistocene time by an extensive and locally thick flood-plain deposit, the La Habra Formation. Lo- C24 cally thick upper Pleistocene stream-terrace and allu- vial-fan deposits accumulated ; they subsequently were dissected, deeply weathered, and locally faulted along the Whittier fault zone. COYOTE HILLS FORMATION (NEW NAME) The Coyote Hills Formation is here named for a se- quence of nonmarine mudstone and pebbly sandstone exposed in the Coyote Hills in the southwestern part of the La Habra quadrangle. The formation appears to extend northward in the subsurface to the central part of the quadrangle, eastward into the southwestern Yorba Linda quadrangle (where it was termed "un- named strata of Pleistocene age" by Durham and Yerkes (1964, p. 28)), and westward in the subsurface an undetermined distance into the south part of the Whittier quadrangle. It extends southward in the sub- surface and thickens toward the central part of the Los Angeles basin. The type locality of the formation is the south flank of the East Coyote oil field structure, SW, see. 23, T. 3 S., R. 10 W., in the southeast quarter of the La Habra quadrangle. At its type locality, the Coyote Hills Formation is {15 feet thick and consists of an upper part, about 495 feet thick, that is 60 percent mudstone and 40 percent sand- stone and pebbly sandstone and a lower part, 220 feet thick, of pebbly sandstone ( fig. 8). The formation rests unconformably and discordantly on the San Pedro Formation. The contact is sharp and irregular, and the angular discordance between the two formations is about 5°. The upper contact is a prominent regional unconformity at the base of the upper Pleistocene La Habra Formation. A maximum thickness of 1,210 feet FreurE 8. -Basal thick-bedded pebbly sandstone of the Coyote Hills Formation, West Coyote oil field. This unit rests with slight unconformity on silty sandstone of the San Pedro For- mation. Exposure about 25 feet high. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is present at the west end of the East Coyote field (see- tion @-G', pl. 2). Pebbly sandstone that makes up the lower part is moderate yellow brown, massive, and grades into sandy pebble conglomerate. It is locally interbedded with numerous well-defined beds or lenses 1 inch thick of coarse-grained fairly well sorted friable biotitic arkose. Pebbles in the conglomerate consist of well-rounded light-colored crystalline rocks as much as 4 inches long;, but mostly less than 2 inches, in a matrix of coarse- grained earthy iron-stained arkosic sand. Mudstone of the upper part of the Coyote Hills For- mation is pale olive gray to brownish gray, massive, earthy, and occurs with thin sand partings in sets as thick as 100 feet. It contains abundant coarse grains of quartz, zones of calcium carbonate, and sparse brackish- or fresh-water mollusks, ostracodes, and plant remains. Sandstone in the upper part is light yellow gray to pinkish gray, in beds from 6 inches to 30 feet thick, and medium to coarse grained or pebbly. One 60-foot-thick sequence near the center has lenses of well-rounded peb- bles of red volcanic and light-colored crystalline rocks as much as 2 inches long. At the West Coyote oil field (see pl. 4) the formation is about 285 feet thick. The upper two-thirds is pebbly sandstone similar to the basal part of the formation at East Coyote. The lower third in the West Coyote area consists chiefly of mudstone interbedded with sandstone and pebble conglomerate and thin beds of chalky marl that locally contain abundant molds and casts of the pelecypods Macoma balthica and Cryptomya californ- ica, as well as Planorbis (?), ostracodes, and plant frag- ments. The presence of the brackish- or fresh-water fauna in mudstone suggests deposition of organic silt and sandy mud in an intertidal environment. The succeeding beds near the top are nonmarine fluvial sand and gravel. The Coyote Hills Formation is interpreted to record the last marine regression from this part of the basin. Present- day counterparts of the environment of the Coyote Hills Formation are the tidal marches along the present coast- line, which in historic time extended as much as 4 miles inland and received alternating thin layers of marine sand, organic muck, and fluvial deposits. Eckis (1934, p. 49) and Dudley (1943, p. 350-351) assigned an early Pleistocene age to a thick sequence of strata that includes the present Coyote Hills Formation as well as the overlying La Habra Formation. Wissler (1943, p. 212) noted that the La Habra unconformably overlaps fossiliferous marine strata of early Pleistocene, as well as Pliocene age, and assigned it a late Pleistocene age; this assignment has been substantiated by detailed mapping. (See Durham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 29.) The GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS Coyote Hills Formation is provisionally assigned an early late Pleistocene age because it is unconformable on the marine lower Pleistocene San Pedro Formation and is unconformably overlain by the nonmarine upper Pleistocene La Habra Formation. The Coyote Hills is probably equivalent to the unnamed upper Pleistocene nonmarine deposits of Poland, Piper, and others (1956, p. 55-60) but may range in age from early to late Pleistocene. LA HABRA FORMATION The La Habra Formation of late Pleistocene age underlies the south half of the map area and is well ex- posed along the south margin of the Puente Hills and in the Coyote Hills. It thickens southward into the central-plain part of the basin. The name, which was coined in an unpublished report by H. M. Bergen of Fullerton, Calif., was first published by Eckis (1934, p. 38, 49, pl. B) for water-bearing strata in his Pliocene and lower Pleistocene Fernando Group, although the unit was not differentiated on his geologic map. Wissler (1943, p. 212) recognized that the La Habra overlapped marine Pliocene and lower Pleistocene strata and so as- signed it a late Pleistocene age. Durham and Yerkes (1959) provided a formal definition and age assignment and also recognized that the unit is intensely deformed in the area just south of the Whittier fault zone. A detailed section of the La Habra Formation in its type area in the west-central Yorba Linda quadrangle consists of about 211 feet of reddish-brown to gray earthy sand, pebbly sandstone, mudstone, and a basal conglomerate crowded with debris derived from the Puente Formation (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 28- 29). The maximum exposed thickness is north of La Habra, where it is about 1,000 feet thick and consists of mudstone, fluvial sandstone, and conglomerate. It has about the same thickness in the subsurface south of the Coyote Hills (sections G-G', H-H', pl. 2). Mudstone forms the upper two-thirds of the unit. It is nonresistant, friable, poorly exposed, and is mantled with a thick black clayey soil. The mudstone is olive gray to moderate red-brown, sandy to pebbly, and com- monly shot through with streaks and pipes of calcium carbonate. Local marly streaks in the mudstone contain fresh-water snails, ostracodes, and plant fragments. Sandstone in the La Habra Formation is pale yellow gray to moderate red brown, massive or very crudely stratified, unsorted, very coarse grained to pebbly, poorly cemented, and has an earthy, clayey matrix. Lo- cally it contains small pebbles of crystalline rocks in thin lenses. The basal pebbly sandstone-conglomerate is about 40 feet thick, pale yellow gray to pale yellow brown, massive or very crudely stratified, and unsorted. It contains angular to subrounded clasts of crystalline ©25 rocks as much as 5 inches long, but averaging 1 inch, and abundant chips and slabs of platy white siltstone derived from the Puente Formation. The basal part fills irregular channels cut into underlying strata, and the formation rests on underlying rocks with an angular discordance of about 15°. The La Habra Formation unconformably overlies marine strata of late Pliocene and early Pleistocene age, as well as the late Pleistocene Coyote Hills Formation (fig. 9). Tusk fragments of Elephas imperator( ?) were found at the base of the La Habra in a trench along Imperial Highway just west of the West Coyote oil field (1,100 ft east of the SW. cor. see. 7, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.). The La Habra probably represents a flood-plain deposit and is correlative, at least in part, with the San Dimas Formation of Eckis: (1934, p. 57) and with marine and nonmarine terrace deposits of late Pleistocene age in the Palos Verde Hills. (See Yerkes and others, 1965, pl. 1, col. 8.) PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE(?) SERIES During late Pleistocene time, alluvial fan and terrace deposits accumulated in the Puente Hills area and be- tween the Puente Hills and the central part of the Los _ Angeles basin. These deposits date at least from the last pre-Holocene high-sea stand, as they were dissected during a later Pleistocene low-sea stand. Later (Holocene) rise of sea level has caused aggradation of the central part of the basin, consequent burial of the late Pleistocene alluvial deposits there (Poland and others, 1956, p. 16), and deposition of young alluvium in stream courses and on the flood-plain of the San Gabriel River. FrcurE 9.-View eastward of gently north-dipping reddish- brown silty sandstone of the La Habra Formation (at left) resting unconformably on south-dipping sandstone of the Coyote Hills Formation, west end of East Coyote oil field. C26 OLD ALLUVIUM The La Habra Valley area between Santa Fe Springs and Yorba Linda (see fig. 11) is underlain by older alluvial fans and several levels of stream-terrace de- posits. These rocks consist of semiconsolidated poorly sorted earthy and clayey gravel, sand, and silt (fig. 10). The deposits are extensively dissected ; in parts of the area, such as north of East Coyote, dissection has nearly destroyed the original physiographic surface. The de- posits commonly have a thick soil developed on them and characteristically weather reddish brown. Exposed thickness of the old alluvium is as much.as 30 feet where modern streams or excavations have trenched the deposits. The old alluvium is considered to be as old as late Pleistocene for several reasons: A thick soil has been developed on it; it is everywhere extensively dissected ; it is locally faulted ; and it is buried by alluvium of the present cycle in stream courses and in the central part of the basin to the south. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOLOCENE SERIES Holocene (Recent) deposits include all those accumu- lated during the present cycle of alluviation; in the mapped area they consist of young alluvium in stream courses and on the flood plain of the San Gabriel River. In the southwest corner of the area, young alluvium forms the surface of the central basin. YOUNG ALLUVIUM The young alluvium consists of unweathered, uncon- solidated, poorly sorted, but locally crudely stratified, gravel, sand, and silt. In the area south of the Coyote Hills, the deposits consist chiefly of silt and fine sand and are as much as 100 feet thick (Poland and others, 1956, p. 48). A buried tongue of fresh-water-bearing gravel (the Gaspur zone) trends southwestward along the course of the San Gabriel River through the western- most part of the map area (fig. 11; Poland and others, 1956, pl. 7). Gravel in the Gaspur is as much as 4 inches in diameter. The deposit is 2-4 miles wide and 30-60 FIGURE 10.-Old alluvium along north margin of the La Habra Valley, in Brea Canyon area of the Brea-Olinda oil field. Upper third of exposure is reddish-brown clayey soil; light-colored central part consists of white (Puente) siltstone detritus in friable calcareous clayey sand; lower part consists of light-gray-brown silt and pebbly sand. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS CI 34° 118°05" 118°00' 55° 50 117°45' 00' & I /MHITTIER § y,, LA HABRA | TuS | YORBA LINDA ADRANGLE s 4 \\\“// QUADRANGLE $0 ngyRANGLE \ Z U Whlttler? ”4/0/04 § p J/flwrmmw r////// \\\\\\\\ 0‘s? 7 § a Zms En § $ <*>" / x "yr4 ' +. mit y" ; ;/////n\\\\\\\\\\| 4) 5 MN * by Nep pa p .:**~~-' A\ 0/ 0, oF s a 2 t jA ./. x" if # b/, ( /; Im / s * Zammit omnumi ( p a / » 97" Ag tm Wi, \\\\\\w iz, f f c 7 S IN >~ £" L £." & bo. / lue" Fy / &: aP tal. it XL ti .' g Ro & , C . S D Fie. fi} La Habra //////////// f %p &" / :QJ\.\_\// - - '¢ Z it f ® i \\\\ \ - on - & 3 oJ © I car ~ S raph * = 3 /\.(\\\n\mnu” ¢ “Teles 11) *& 4 ey ln tin & WEST COYOTE \\\\\\\\\\ W/// \ // f. " yen. /% Pm fed HILLS > or 2 s ey. g“ a Linda < m C SS" Le § Cn ** ome a JA -Add Wi RIM at Buena "Fullerton Park qi k M Cfl‘ \\\\”H‘\\\\ MS Girton "ws \ommittonmieni!!® ar ul M3 w m §" SANTA ANA #3 & , mouNTAINS __ - 50' "/-- 5, WWW/MW f 3 rg, Zim ”NW/0 ‘.'\ to oan % 6 «§ a ° \ % .~ $) cf 2 ////////,/ \\\\\W/4 Am + 5 MILES s Ll LL £ | | | FIGURE 11.-Southwestern Puente Hills area showing drainage pattern, area underlain by Gaspur gravel (shaded) as mapped by California Department of Water Resources (1961, pl. 10A), and selected topographic contours to illustrate configuration of the alluvial fans of the San Gabriel and Santa Ana Rivers. Base from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 15-minute (1: 62,500) Ana- heim and Downey topographic quadrangles, editions of 1942-1943. feet thick. Its base is now about 50 feet above sea level in the map area, but it is well below sea level south of the map areca. Poland, Piper, and others (1956, p. 45) concluded that the coarseness and textural uniformity of the Gaspur required a streamflow greater than that of the present San Gabriel River to transport the rela- tively coarse detritus. The width of the deposit sug- gests that the depositing stream migrated laterally. LANDSLIDES AND LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS Slope failures are fairly common in the siltstone units that crop out in the Puente Hills and are especially numerous on slopes underlain by the Yorba and Syca/ more Canyon Members of the Puente Formation. Most of the mapped landslides are combinations of rotational slump in the upslope part and debris flow in the lower part. Some of the smaller slides, including many too small to map, involve chiefly colluvium or soil. The boundaries of most mapped slides coincide with faults, bedding surfaces, or joints. Very few of them can be separated into parts of different ages, but some may have a history of alternating quiescence and activity. The scarps of all the landslides were quite degraded when viewed in 1960, and the deposit boundaries as mapped may include some areas of scarp. Although the scarps are degraded, the deposits are commonly un- dissected or only slightly dissected, indicating their youth relative to adjoining slopes. C28 STRUCTURE The Puente and San Jose Hills form the structurally elevated east half of the northeastern structural block of the Los Angeles basin (Yerkes and others, 1965, figs. 2, 3). The block is wedge-shaped in plan, is underlain at relatively shallow depths by granitic-metamorphic basement rocks, and is intermediate in structural eleva- tion between the central plain of the basin to the south and the San Gabriel Mountains to the north. The Puente-San Jose Hills area is bounded on the south by the Whittier fault zone, on the west by the structural depression of the San Gabriel Valley, on the north by the San Gabriel Mountains, and on the east by the Chino fault and Chino basin. (See Yerkes and others, 1965, fig. 3.) South of the Whittier fault zone, the Coyote Hills-Santa Fe Springs trend of structural highs and the adjoining Anaheim nose (Yerkes and others, 1965, fig. 3) separates the synclinal La Habra Valley on the north from the deep syncline of the central basin on the south. The Whittier fault zone trends west-northwestward across the northeastern part of the map area (figs. 11, 12). Immediately north of the fault zone, two elongate basement "half domes" underlie the structural highs of the Puente Hills at depths of about 3,000 feet subsea : one near the east boundary of the map area (the Puente GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Hills oil field area) and one near the La Habra-Whittier quadrangle boundary (Whittier oil field area). The basement surface slopes west, north, and east from these highs to depths of 6,000-8,000 feet subsea along the map area boundaries (fig. 2). The basement surface is downthrown between 10,000 and 12,000 feet along the Whittier fault zone; south of the fault zone, the base- ment surface beneath the La Habra Valley plunges northwestward from about 18,000 feet subsea at the east, closed end of the syncline, to about 22,000 feet near the San Gabriel River. The Coyote Hills-Santa Fe Springs trend consists of several separate anticlinal structures in the Pliocene section ; in general, the base- _ ment surface crests at about 16,000 feet subsea along an east-west anticlinal trend beneath the Coyote Hills and plunges northwestward to about 20,000 feet beneath the San Fe Springs oil field. From the Coyote Hills the basement surface slopes southwestward toward the central part of the Los Angeles basin syncline and is about 30,000 feet subsea beneath the southwest corner of the map area. Southward from the Coyote Hills the slope of the basement surface is interrupted by the west end of another northwest-trending anticlinal fea- ture, the Anaheim nose, which merges with the north flank of the central cyncline of the basin in a shelflike area near the south center of the map area (Yerkes and others, 1965, fig. 2). 34° 118°00' 117" 5230" oo ! ~~ WHITTIER FI -* A- LA HABRA et Ake j1 @x hemi ® lr/y'\ \ ull 5 v @ fl A* C8 - a\ «(W/p“ *~ - A4 xsl /1,\_\%\_ (t 7p ...... +g %\ & .......... ~ "\ $" hers 1 (A's, Mat 2 AX G . A & Ng: i> L\ 0 gee P4 ~- M Ps. % 30 \ onf EXPLANATION & *B. ;?+/%:FF‘ o s yo I/ DICE A 0&0! Erica oce. o Aree L . Nise Fault, showing dip I— e EO%%%%L—gg £9. ___ _" ~.—0\ gone £_:_Q_ s Dashed where approximately located; dotted where inferred «2&0 \t§;, $950” or concealed. U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side I st" 5 o* \ wales / $ ., Anticline Syncline | ,V;)€.—-t()°\ Fold axis, showing direction and Amount i ofrlnes I 0 : 2 MILES ssh—fig (62) | 1 Overturned syncline Showing primary plunge of axis; secondary plunge due to differential rotation of axis shown in parenthe: es | FraurE 12.-Map of structural features of the northern part of the mapped area showing faults and distribution ana attitude of folds in the upthrown block of the Whittier fault zone. tp GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS WHITTIER FAULT ZONE The Whittier fault zone is one of the most prominent structural features of the Los Angeles basin. It has a vertical separation of 6,000-12,000 feet at the basement surface, which compares with such mountain-front boundaries as the Santa Monica and Cucamonga faults (Yerkes and others, 1965, figs. 2, 3). The trace of the Whittier fault zone extends at least from the Santa Ana River at the southeast margin of the Puente Hills (Yerkes and others, 1965, fig. 5) to Turn- bull Canyon near Whittier at the northwest, a distance of 20 miles. Southeast of the Santa Ana River, it merges with the Elsinore fault. In the subsurface north- west of Whittier, it has not been traced with any degree of confidence beyond the San Gabriel River, although it may form the very steep south flank of the buried Elysian Hills anticline west of San Gabriel Valley (Yerkes and others, 1965, figs. 2, 3). The fault zone juxtaposes Miocene and Pliocene strata subparallel to their strike along most of its length. The vertical strat- igraphic separation of upper Miocene strata across the zone increases northwestward from about 2,000 feet near the Santa Ana River to a maximum of about 14,000 feet in the Brea-Olinda oil field area. Farther to the northwest, it decreases to about 3,000 feet in the Whittier Narrows of the San Gabriel River. In the map area the zone trends N. 65°%-70° W. and dips 65°-75° NE. The trace consists of three main sub- parallel en echelon segments, 24 miles long, that, in general, are stepped to the left from segment to segment (see fig. 12) in a manner characteristic of right-lateral strike-slip faults. At the intersection of each pair of such segments, a relatively large drainage area crosses the zone : Turnbull Canyon north of Whitter, La Mirada Creek near the center of the map, and Brea Canyon at the east edge. Each of the segments contains several faults and slices. The "Whittier" fault is taken as the Miocene-Pliocene contact in each segment; in the map area this is commonly the southernmost through-going trace. Several southwest-trending drainage courses are de- flected 4,000-5,000 feet in a right-lateral sense where they intersect the zone in the east part of the map area (fig. 13) ; drainage courses to the northwest and the southeast of this area are not so prominently deflected. The deflected stream courses may be attributable at least in part to differential erosion as suggested by Eng- lish (1926, p. 65), especially as similar-size courses else- where along the zone are not prominently deflected. However, right-lateral movement is the most obvious means of forming the band of right-handed en echelon folds. (See Badgley, 1965, p. 59, 81.) Furthermore, mapped beds in one large overturned fold (fig. 14) are 458-627 O - T2 - 3 ©29 truncated by the fault in a manner seeming to require right-lateral slip. Right slip of 4,000-5,000 feet, the amount of stream deflection, may be combined with maximum apparent vertical separation of 14,000 feet to obtain a cumulative right-oblique net slip of about 15,000 feet. Woodford, Schoellhamer, Vedder, and Yerkes (1954, p. 75) postulated right slip of 15,000 feet on the fault, on the basis of a possible correlation of offset cross faults near the Santa Ana River (the Horse- shoe Bend and Scully Hill faults; see Durham and Yerkes, 1964, pl. 1). A unique solution for movement on the Whittier fault zone is probably not obtainable ; how- ever, right-oblique net slip of about 15,000 feet and vari- able rake of slip from about 60° in the central part of the trace to about 10° at the distal ends appears to satisfy the stratigraphic relations along the fault zone in the Puente Hills. The upthrown block of the Whittier fault zone has been thrust relatively southward to cause at least 2,000 feet of crustal shortening normal to the trend of the zone. In upper Miocene strata of the downthrown block this overthrusting conceals an anticline, in which oil accumulates in some of the fields. The Whittier fault zone existed as a deep-seated zone of weakness when the diabase bodies were intruded along it, probably late in Miocene time; activity along the zone clearly dates back to early Pliocene time, when it formed a scarp from which Puente detritus was shed into the lower Fernando sea, a process that also con- tributed much detritus to the basal parts of the upper member of the Fernando, San Pedro, Coyote Hills, and La Habra Formations. However, much of the movement is late Pleistocene or younger, as indicated by tilted, locally overturned, and faulted La Habra beds and faulted old alluvium in the Brea-Olinda oil field area. Young alluvial deposits are not known to be disturbed by faulting along the zone. WORKMAN HILL FAULT The most prominent secondary fault in the map area is the Workman Hill fault, which diverges northwest- ward from the Whittier fault just northwest of La Habra (fig. 12). At the surface this fault forms the north boundary of an uplifted wedge of folded strata that underlies the Whittier oil field area ; in the subsur- face it forms the northeast flank of a basement high that underlies the Whittier-La Habra oil field area. The Workman Hill fault dips about 50° NE. in the map area. Maximum stratigraphic separation parallel to the dip of the fault is about 7,000 feet (structure section C-C", pl. 2) and about 6,500 feet where the fault intersects the north edge of the map. The fault cannot be traced on the surface as far as the north margin of the hills, which is ©3830 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FIGURE 13.-View eastward of Whittier fault zone and Brea Canyon area of Brea-Olinda oil field. The Brea Canyon area extends from lower left (behind viewer) along Whittier fault zone to Brea Canyon at right center. Brea Canyon extends from upper left to right center and is deflected to the right along the fault zone. Puente Hills at left constitute the upthrown block of the Whittier fault zone and are underlain by the Puente Formation ; foothills at right are underlain by the upper member of the Fernando Formation and younger strata. Santa Ana Mountains at upper right are beyond the Santa Ana River. about a mile north of the map area, but may be present in the subsurface beneath the valley just beyond the hills to the north, where vertical stratigraphic separation ap- parently has decreased to about 500 feet. (See Daviess and Woodford, 1949, structure section W'-X.) Strati- graphic separation is also very small where the fault merges with the Whittier fault (section D-D', pl. 2). The apparent vertical stratigraphic separation across the Whittier zone at the La Habra-Whittier quadrangle boundary is about 5,000 feet, upthrown on the north. Vertical stratigraphic separation across the Workman Hill fault in the same area is about the same amount, but is downthrown on the north (section C-C", pl. 2). The Workman Hill fault also truncates the en echelon folds, and its movement therefore postdates the folding, which resulted from movement on the Whittier fault. The Workman Hill fault probably predates the latest move- ment of the Whittier. WHITTIER HEIGHTS FAULT Only the southernmost part of the Whittier Heights fault, in the northwest corner of the LaHabra quad- range, is within the map area (fig. 12). The fault trends subparallel to the Workman Hill fault and in the Turn- bull oil field area is a steeply northeast-dipping normal fault having about 500 feet of stratigraphic separation. The fault dies out near the north margin of the hills, about 2 miles north of the map area (Daviess and Wood- ford, 1949). An associated fault, the Handorf fault, which diverges northward from the Whittier Heights fault about one-fourth mile north of the map area, is GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS » marked by an eroded scarp about 450 feet high, but does not cut old stream-terrace deposits. (See Daviess and Woodford, 1949.) ROWLAND FAULT The Rowland fault, in the north-central La Habra quadrangle, is a steeply dipping fault that trends sub- parallel to the Whittier zone. Maximum vertical strati- graphic separation is about 500 feet. A westerly trend- ing fault that intersects the Rowland has similar, but compensating, displacement (section D-D", pl. 2). Both faults die out at the margins of the hills and are not known to cut alluvial deposits. NORWALK FAULT The "Whittier" earthquake of 1929 (magnitude 4.7) was attributed by Richter (1958, p. 43) to the Norwalk fault, shown to extend west ward across the south part of the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles (Richter, 1958, p. 39). The epicenter was first located, on the basis of apparent intensity and aftershocks (Wood and Richter, 1931), about 2 miles southeast of the Santa Fe Springs oil field (NW 14 see. 16, T. 3 S., R. 11 W.). This location was later shifted about 314 miles west-southwestward (NE 14 see. 23, T. 3 S., R. 12 W.) on the basis of revised travel times (Richter, 1958, p. 39, 43). Richter also em- phasized (1958, p. 43) that "There is good reason to suppose that the Norwalk fault is capable of producing an earthquake of the magnitude of the Long Beach earthquake (614 )." The linearity of the south margin of the Coyote Hills in the southwest corner of the La Habra quadrangle suggests that it may be an eroded fault scarp. Although this feature coincides with the Norwolk fault of Richter, it may be due instead to erosion by drainage from the Coyote Hills being constricted between the hills and the growing alluvial fan of the Santa Ana River. There is no other surface evidence for a fault of this trend east or west of the "scarp." It is in just this area south of the West Coyote oil field that subsurface evidence (both water well and oil well) for such a fault is weakest (see structure section Z-", pl. 2). To the west, in the south part of the Whittier quadrangle, subsurface structure indicates the presence of a buried, north-dipping reverse fault that trends gen- erally east-southeastward between the two epicentral locations cited above and perhaps is coincident with the Norwalk fault of Richter; apparent stratigraphic sep- aration on this fault is as great as 2,000 feet (structure sections B-B', C-C", D-D', pl. 2). However, on the basis of presently available evidence, this fault is in- ferred to bend and merge with a prominent north-north- C31 cast-trending cross-fault that cuts the.-central part of the West Coyote oil field structure, rather than to main- tain an east-southeasterly trend such as required to have formed the "scarp" at the south margin of the hills. Thus, although the epicenters of the "Whittier" earthquake can be associated spatially with a buried fault, the only possible surface expression of faulting in this area (the West Coyote "scarp") that can be as- sociated with the Norwalk fault of Richter cannot be correlated with any recognized subsurface feature. HISTORIC RUPTURES About October 1, 1968, surface rupture occurred along a north-trending zone about 1,000 feet long lo- cated near the bottom of a small north-trending canyon at the north margin of the West Coyote oil field (near the W14 cor. see. 17, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.; pl. 1). The rup- ture was first observed on October 9 and was mapped on October 18; it was reexamined on November 21, 1968, when no evidence of renewed movement was found. The ruptures did not follow any previously mapped fault, but may represent a northward extension of such a fault. The zone, which was 5-38 feet wide, consisted of a series of an echelon cracks up to 15 feet long; the zone trended northward, whereas indi- vidual cracks trended N. 20-25° W. and dipped about 55° E. Dip slip was 1-3 inches, displacement was up on the east, and left-lateral slip of up to 2 inches was locally present. The zone occupied the stream bottom in large part; however, where the zone crossed an east- sloping spur ridge, displacement of the down-slope block was relatively up. Two seismic events that might be related to the faulting were recorded by the Seismo- logical Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (J. M. Nordquist, personal commun., Oct. 1968) : 1. September 23, 1968, 1715 G.C.T. at 33°56" N. and 117° 33' W., magnitude 2.6 (?). (These coordinates plot about 23 miles east of the fault.) 2. October 3, 1968, 1745 G.C.T. at 34°04" N. and 117°47" W., magnitude 2.2. (These coordinates plot about 15 miles northeast of the fault.) FOLDS A band three-fourths mile wide of east-trending anti- clines and synclines extends for at least 8 miles adjacent to the Whittier fault zone in the upthrown block (fig. 12). The axes of the folds make an angle of 20°-30° with the fault trace and partly overlap one another en echelon. Individyai feld axes are about 1 mile long. Folds in the western part of the La Habra quadrangle are confined to the wedge-shaped area between the Whittier and Workman Hill faults. Most of the folds C32 & in this wedge are inclined so that their axial surfaces are subparallel to the Whittier fault and their north limbs overturned (fig. 14). The axes of several of these folds are differentially rotated such that the folded beds are canoe shaped in longitudinal section (fig. 15). En echelon folds commonly result from shearing along a strike-slip fault (Badgley, 1965, p. 58-59, 81), but such folds initially have almost vertical axial sur- faces and gentle plunges. The inclination of the fold axes, due to rotation or shear in a plane normal to their trend, may be related to the vertical (reverse) compo- nent of movement on the Whittier fault. Evidence is insufficient to establish the regional plunge of the en echelon folds, although several synclines in the fold wedge plunge westward. The differential rotation, or reversal of plunge, of the axes in the hinges of several of these synclines is probably due to drag on subsidiary faults that intersect the rotated hinges. A northeast-trending anticline in La Vida Member beds of the fold wedge immediately south of the Work- man Hill fault in the northwest corner of the La Habra quadrangle (NEL see. 24, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.) has been GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA drilled by an exploratory well that penetrated middle Miocene volcanic rocks at about 300 feet above sea level (well 166, section C-C", pl. 2). At least two wells (170 and 396) in Turnbull Canyon, about 114 miles to the west, penetrate middle Miocene volcanic or sedimentary rocks below depths of 5,283 feet subsea, indicating that the gross structure of the fold wedge has a westerly plunge of about 30°. The Santa Fe Springs, Leffingwell, West Coyote, and East Coyote oil fields overlie separate culminations along an arcuate northwest- to northeast-trending struc- tural culmination in the basement surface. The Santa Fe Springs and Leffingwell structures have almost no sur- face expression ; the axes of the West and East Coyote structures are doubly plunging and approximately parallel the trend of the basement feature, although they are not alined with it. The Coyote Hills structure dates from at least late Miocene time, when folding and faulting, concentrated in the West Coyote area, caused prominent local uncon- formities and southeastward thinning in the upper Mio- cene section (section A-A4', pl. 1). At Santa Fe Springs PLAN 2000 FEET Cu- -| | Section S-N 1000" SECTION NORMAL TO AXIAL SURFACE FreurE 14.-Overturned syncline along the Whittier fault, N% see. 25, T. 2 S., R. 11 W. Pebbly sandstone and conglomerate beds labeled cgl. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS FraeurE 15.-View (east) of rotated axis of overturned syncline (producing canoe-shaped longitudinal section), West area (site 1-B) of Sansinena oil field. Yorba siltstone in axial area is flanked by (older) Soquel sandstone; axis here plunges about 70° E., but overall plunge of fold is 30°-55° W. local structural relief at the base of the Pleistocene is less than 500 feet, whereas that at the base of the upper and lower Pliocene is more than 1,200 feet. Equivalent values at West Coyote are 1,000-1,200 feet for each of three horizons. Deformation was probably most pro- nounced in the mid-Pleistocene, but has continued into and through the late Pleistocene: the La Habra For- mation, old alluvium, and the topographic surface are arched and breached by erosion at East and West Coyote. Similarly, the La Habra Valley syncline appears to be actively subsiding; the base of the Pleistocene is more than 1,000 feet below sea level along much of the axis of the valley. PHYSIOGRAPHY The physiographic features of the Puente Hills area are the result of a complex history dominated by rela- tive uplift along the Whittier fault zone and the Coyote Hills trend. The crests of the Puente and the San Jose Hills are believed to be remnants of a greatly dissected upland that once extended well beyond the present limits of the hills (English, 1926, p. 64-69; Woodford and others, 1954, p. 79-80; Durham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 35). The upland surface truncated complexly folded and faulted rocks over large areas. In the Puente Hills area it was crossed by several south-flowing streams that headed in the San Gabriel Mountains to the northeast. Follow- ing uplift along the Whittier fault, the surface was dis- 458-627 O - 72 - 4 C33 sected by some of the streams that maintained them- selves in antecedent valleys having upward-convex lon- gitudinal profiles (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, fig. 16). After a late Pleistocene regional lowering of baselevel (Poland and others, 1956, p. 30), the through-flowing streams were beheaded by diversion upstream north of the hills. Recent erosional history in the hills is charac- terized by pronounced entrenchment of narrow channels by ephemeral streams that cross the broad alluvium- filled valleys. The Whittier fault zone is expressed by a band of ridges and valleys that are alined more or less en eche- lon along the zone. The alinement is caused in part by the right-hand deflection of many of the stream courses that intersect the zone, as well as by elongate ridges of resistant Fernando conglomerates, alternating with rel- atively unresistant siltstones, that trend subparallel to the zone immediately south of the fault. The deflection of the stream courses has been attributed to differential erosion (English, 1926, p. 65), but is here attributed, at least in part, to strike-slip movement along the zone. The area south of the Whittier fault zone is domi- nated by the Coyote Hills uplift and the structural de- pression of the La Habra Valley, which trends sub- parallel to the hills and to the fault zone. By late Pleis- tocene time, erosion had formed an extensive surface of low relief across this area. The erosion surface was warped during relative uplift along the Coyote Hills trend to the present general form of the hills. Crests near 580 feet at both East and West Coyote are about 300 feet above the La Habra Valley to the north and nearly 400 feet above the margin of the central plain to the south. Within the hills the erosion surface is now greatly dissected. The hills are drained by such anteced- ent streams as Coyote and Brea Creeks (fig. 11) ; Coyote Creek may well have been deflected and captured by Brea Creek during warping in the Brea area. The south flanks of the Coyote Hills are dissected by rela- tively long ephemeral streams ; the south edge of the hills is probably in part a faultline scarp. The Santa Fe Springs structure has only slight top- ographic expression (fig. 16), yet the subsurface fold has considerable structural relief in even the younger units (sections A-4', B-B', pls. 1, 2). English 1926, pp. 67, 68) recognized this anomaly, as well as the youth of the structure, and suggested that the ancient San Gabriel River eroded the west end of the rising dome, the course of the river at that time (the early part of the uplift) having been about 1 mile east of its present position. English's interpretation is supported by the presence of an undeformed buried gravel, the Gaspur aquifer, interpreted as a basal Holocene deposit -of the San Gabriel River (fig. 11). The east boundary of the C34 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FigUrRE 16.-View eastward of Santa Fe Springs oil field illustrating lack of surface expression of underlying anticlinal struc- ture (compare with fig. 18). San Gabriel River in foreground, Santa Ana Mountains in background; December 1957. Gaspur indicates that the San Gabriel River channel at the beginning of Holocene time occupied the west quarter of the Santa Fe Springs oil field area. The lack of surface expression for the main part of the structural dome at Santa Fe Springs cannot be similarly explained. At least 200 feet of folded upper Pleistocene, pre-Gaspur strata are present on the flanks of the dome, but are missing at the crest (California Dept. Water Resources, 1961, structure section NV-V', pl. 6F). As these strata survived erosion during Gaspur (earliest Holocene) time, they-and any hills formed during folding-must have been eroded later in post- Gaspur time. English (1926, p. 68) also offered an explanation for the seemingly anomalous deflection of Brea and Coyote Creeks sharply westward along the south margin of the Coyote Hills (fig. 11). The westward encroachment of the Santa Ana River alluvial fan from southeast of the map area along a line through the sites of Fullerton and Buena Park deflected the Coyote Hills drainage westward along the junction between the hills and the fan. Similarly, encroachment of the San Gabriel River fan southeastward from the Santa Fe Springs area probably deflected the Whittier Creek drainage south- eastward toward the junction between the two fans, just west of Buena Park. The deposits of the two fans merge imperceptibly on the surface of the central plain, but at most places their topographic form is well preserved. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY Petroleum is the chief mineral resource of the Puente Hills area. At the end of 1967, oil fields within the mapped area had produced 1,183 million barrels, of which about 85 percent was from the Puente Hills area. This constituted 21 percent of the total production from the Los Angeles basin as of that date (table 4). Fields in the map area occur chiefly along two structural GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C35 Tasugr 4.-Production and reserves of oil fields in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles Year of Production statistics (bbl) Cumulative Year dis- - greatest s Maximum production covered produc- 1967 Cumulative Estimated Estimated productive per maximum tion production ! production, reserves, ultimate area (acres) 3 area (bbl/per Jan. 1, 1968 ! Jan. 1, 1968 2 recovery acre) Brea-Olinda: Brea Canyon area 4... > 1899 1953 41, + 266, 918, 000 $12, 992, 000 279, 910, 000 5745 358, 279 Buena Park, West 1944 1945 (abandoned 1950) 50, 700 50, 700 10 5,070 (Coyote EAE HS sole LII NTT bel cna sede een nen rs 8 677, 400 34, 418, 300 Hualde do 1917 1922 144, 200 Stern area. 1934 1952 533, 200 Coyote, 21121 220 EILL USL ILSE. nea reed nenas els 2, 634, 500 East area.. 1909 1918 1, 004, 300 West area. 1916 1934 1, 630, 200 La 1945 1946 (abandoned 1951) 25, 300 Lefingwell................... 1946 1954 17, 700 >780, 700 1956 1963 12, 700 48, >148, 400 10 Puente Hills.... 1880 (?) 16, 300 4 ..... >3, 775, 800 160 Rideout Heights 1901 1935 23, 200 , 945, >1, 945, 900 90 SANSINEMANE EAT Lo.. n on nl Brenes cbse cer 1, 148, 000 40, 041, 400 49, 720, 400 640 Central are 1955 1956 24, 000 184,800 :. 22 22 re iE bue oe a iene oo cn peu e eb e 35 East area.. 1953 1955 252, 000 11, 710, 800 . 260 West area " 1898 1953 838, 500 25, 868, 500 . 345 Other areas 1940 1943 33, 500 Pr IUN 12012. . cree dee eon bn oe noen ne renin n n be aie bevy coe deus ae on bo r Santa Fe Springs ®. sr 1919 1923 1, 623, 200 593, 157, 600 , 629, 000 614, 781, 600 1, 480 T 122050220 eled oue ALCL oe aco 1941 1943 _ (abandoned 1965) 165,700 200.0002. cae. , 75 Whittier: ® MAIN ce.. 1898 1930 1, 443, 700 32, 680, 500 16, 484, 000 49, 164, 500 865 La Habla 1941 1945 (abandoned ~ 200000 1 22092 2202 Ov IL 22 75,000 80 1954) s ce nde} enki uel ccc een ece Core nece coed 13, 502, 000 1, 182, 549, 900 86, 810, 000 1, 269, 359, 900 6, 590 179, 446 LOS 12. 00.1.2. LULA e ccc 138, 687, 300 5, 706, 614, 100 2,057, 379, 000 7, 763, 993, 100 59, 732 95, 537 1 Data from Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers (1968). 2 Data from Oil and Gas Journal (1968). 3 Data from California Division of Oil and Gas (1967), table 1. + Excludes Olinda and Tonner areas, all east of present map area. 5 Prorated on areal basis. trends: the Whittier fault zone in the northeast part and the Coyote Hills-Santa Fe Springs trend in the southern part. Production statistics and oil field nomenclature are from the Annual Review of California Oil and Gas Production for 1967 (Conservation Committee of Cali- fornia Oil Producers, 1968). Nomenclature of produc- ing zones and pools (fig. 17) is from Wissler (1958). Semiannual and cumulative production figures for fields, as well as boundaries and detailed descriptions of many fields and pools, are published in Summary of Operations-California Oil Fields (California Division of Oil and Gas). Short generalized summaries of basic data and map sheets on most oil fields in southern California have been published recently as California Oil and Gas Fields, Maps and Data Sheets (California Division of Oil and Gas, 1961). A brief (nongeologic) history of early development and production of the Coyote Hills, Olinda, Puente Hills, and Whittier oil fields was presented by Prutzman (1913) and Mc- Laughlin and Waring (1914, p. 358-363). The first commercial oil in Los Angeles basin was dis- covered in about 1880 in the Puente Hills oil field, im- mediately north of the Whittier fault in the cast- central La Habra quadrangle. As it was for most of the fields along the fault zone, oil was discovered on the 6 Excludes Anaheim area, largely east of present map area. 7 Includes Curtis, New England, 6-A, and 12-G areas. 5 Excludes Newgate, listed separately. * Excludes Rideout Heights, listed separately. basis of tar and oil seeps, a guide used earlier in Ventura County. Development of the field was by projection along the line of successful wells, an em- pirical technique for finding oil in use around the turn of the century, and still in good repute a decade later (Prutzman, 1913, p. 274). However, beginning around 1900, geologic principles were applied with the recogni- tion of the significance of anticlines which led to discov- ery of the West Coyote field in 1908 (Hoots and Bear, 1954, p. 5). Santa Fe Springs, which has very slight surface expression and no oil seeps, and is not alined with other fields, was discovered in 1919 on the basis of petroleum gas that leaked into local water wells (Case, 1923, p. 6). By about 1980 all structural features in the basin that had surface expression had been tested, and exploratory drilling was virtually at a stand- still. In 1941 projection of geologic data led to dis- covery of the small Turnbull oil field in northwest La Habra quadrangle. In the early 1950's significant amounts of oil were discovered in the Brea Canyon area of the Brea-Olinda oil field and in the East and Central areas of the Sansinena oil field by projecting structural and stratigraphic trends based largely on subsurface data. The latest discoveries in the map area were deep oil-bearing zones at Santa Fe Springs in 1956 and at Whittier in 1963. C36 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA to © w 5 2|| North- South-|| North- 4 hea South & | . 15 g é 2 I| west Fields along Coyote Hills trend east west Fields along Whittier fault zone east a £ g: E Ea Turnbull 2 | 3 | 8 §1§ » Santa Fe East Coyote f ; Whittier Sansinena Brea-Olinda * 1" 1s SEZ i i 4 i % a; 5 € Springs Leffingwell West Coyote (composite) Rideout Heights (composite) (composite) (composite) 5.2 € g EXPLANATION i 3 5 a S E ”g.‘ 5 € |& & s a Z 8 $- s 5 |a §% E Cis.) _|~ ~ £ 3 |*/- e ¢ Producing Lenticular Chiefly shale 5 S M interval interval _ or siltstone B 2 s interval 3 a E ® o & ul i x 5 § | lif > > 2 L-] cas ZONE (- [| (80) n UPPER OR TOP (125) HUALDE (100) 5 FOIX (180) 2 BELL (300) | » marker © 5 (Meyer shale) { (bentonite) § " /% § mever UPPER 99 § First El.) |f! £ (790) 600 _ | Q ananeim Figst 5 s\ § Lower 99 | NW _ (200) (175) PLIOCENE or §i |E! E (350) C \ 41 12) 5 NORDSTROM S & (500) "leg" S 3 (250) § SECOND SECOND § ANAHEIM (70) BUCKBEE \\ (210) (600) |_. UPPER LEWIS N (60) S 5320532; § MIRLREEM k) THIRD (300) O'CONNELL 8 € LOWER LEWIS N 250, § FOURTH (20) (700) Las q -@0 i 5 CLARK- o E HATHAWAY upper woop{ I FIETH (150) FIFTH MIOCENE §MIOCENE| & 5 o (600) WARD (100) l-] MIOCENE "A" (South of (300) A-10 (200) "gn c E = 00; Whittier fault | ® |J 109 sanps | * .S ® - UPPER Lower woop- < zone) a o. \ 2| |&S SANTA FE WARD (200) € > €) |" § N - main C3 te E F (900) C < % o {pq miocene SIXTH & C § (300) (570) d BELL 100 S s and "B" (800) £ PEDRO (800) \ [73 5 "C-1" (150) "C-1" (600) 5 f BY "o-2" 05) | § BY "C-2" (500) £) £ a §) |s| - CENTRAL § 2 sz (540) § "C-3" (100) He £ 5 § D-1" (225) =| |T 5 "A" -3 (250) O +D" UPPER D-2 D-1" (150) € R STERN (North of § (175) dha CLEVENGER 5 (400) Whittier fault - 270 > S Tong fg rower p-2 CID E y - coo Gi E "D-3" (120) bed i "D-4" (110) ten ma 30 "E" (North | R§ "E" (100) s €]} $ £ of Whittier (North of 54 > E fault zone) Whittier mi 3 Adp - fault zone) s TOPANGA ®) c B (1000) 3) 3 © (North of | § E Whittier " rC fault zone) FrgurRE 17.-Correlation chart of oil-producing zones and stratigraphic units in oil fields of the La Habra and Whittier quad- rangles. Stratigraphic penetration of field is indicated by length of column; figures in parentheses give average thickness of zones in feet. Modified from Wissler (1958). (See also pl. 4.) GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS FIELDS ALONG OR NORTH OF THE WHITTIER FAULT ZONE PUENTE HILLS OIL FIELD The first commercial oil discovery in the Los Angeles basin was in about 1880 in the Puente Hills field in the north-central part of the La Habra quadrangle. The field was discovered on the basis of small tar seeps along the axis of an east-trending anticline in sees. 34 and 35, T. 2 S., R. 10 W., in the upthrown block of the Whittier fault (pl. 4). The field has an area of approximately 160 acres. Tightly folded siltstone of the La Vida Mem- ber of the Puente Formation is exposed at the surface. Until 1902, oil was produced from crushed siltstone and sandstone of the La Vida between 700 and 1,600 feet in depth. Later wells produced from sandstones in the Topanga Formation at depths as great as about 5,000 feet, but averaging about 2,000 feet (section G@-G', pl. 2). Several wells drilled in this area penetrated rocks of the basement complex (section 7-7", G-G', H-H', pl. 2). Although the cumulative production at the end of 1967 was more than 3% million barrels, the area produced only about 16,000 barrels in 1967 and is now considered subcommercial (Scribner, 1958, p. 108). BREA-OLINDA OIL FIELD The Brea-Olinda field extends eastward from the east- central part of the La Habra quadrangle and includes four early discovered, once-separate areas: Brea Can- yon, Stearns, Tonner, and Olinda. (See Norris, 1930.) Development since the 1930's has resulted in a continu- ous field about 6 miles long and one-half mile wide. The basic structural feature of the field is a steeply south- west-dipping homocline that is truncated by the Whit- tier fault zone. Oil is trapped in updip pinchouts of the sandstones and in fault traps. (See Gaede and others, 1967; Scribner, 1958.) The field now totals 2,285 proved . acres, of which 790 are in the map area. Its cumulative production averaged about 358,280 barrels per acre at. the end of 1967. The Brea Canyon area of the field (pl. 4) occupied about 265 acres in the mouth of Brea Canyon in the N/ sees. 1 and 2, T. 3 S., R. 10 W., and extended south- eastward into the S% sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 9 W. (Norris, 1930, pl. 1). This area was first drilled in 1899 on the evidence of oil-bearing sandstone beds exposed in the steeply south-tilted and faulted Fernando Formation south of the main trace of the Whittier fault zone. Oil was originally produced from a zone less than 500 feet deep in Fernando strata. Wells in this area now average 3,000-5,000 feet in depth and produce from sandstones in the lower part of the Fernando and upper part of C37 the Puente Formation. Sandstones in the Soquel Mem- ber have been the deepest drilling target south of the fault zones, but the member has not been completely penetrated (section ZZ-ZZ', pl. 2). The so-called Stearns Lease comprises about 900 acres in parts of sees. 1 and 12, T. 3 S., R. 10 W., and secs. 6 and 7, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., just east of the Brea Canyon area. Drilling on this property began in 1905 and con- tinued until about 1915. Between 1915 and 1927 the upper zone (lower member of the Fernando) was semi- depleted and production was stopped for 1 year. In April of 1928 injection of imported natural gas was begun in the upper zone to expel the oil. In about 1 year 590 million cubic feet of gas was injected into the zone over an area of 150 acres through three wells, increasing the gas pressure in adjoining wells. In August 1929 in- jection of oil imported from the Santa Fe Springs field was begun through three wells, and by March 1980, when the injection was stopped, a total of 584,300 bar- rels of crude oil and 600 million cubic feet of gas had been injected, resulting in a considerable increase in pressures. Results of these injection procedures are not known. An account dated 1932 indicates that there was no evidence of migration of injected oil and gas beyond the lease area and that the higher gravity Santa Fe Springs oil was expected to diffuse with the heavy local oil, making it lighter and more easily produced (Norris, 1930; Hodges and Johnson, 1982). The post-1932 pro- duction history of the Stearns Lease area cannot be determined from published data. SANSINENA OIL FIELD Sansinena, also a composite oil field, joins the west end of the Brea-Canyon area and consists of the Cen- tral, East, and West areas, plus a group of separate pools. Eldridge (Eldridge and Arnold, 1907, p. 115-117) described the geology of the old La Habra discovery area in the south-central part of the West area (SE. gor. see. 90, T. 2 S.. R. 10 W.). The discovery well of the West area was in the old La Habra field, which was located on the basis of tar seeps along the main trace of the Whittier fault zone and was drilled in 1898 to a depth of 1,295 feet. Five additional wells were drilled in the same area by 1912 to depths as great as 3,000 feet, but production was affected by entry of water, and all were abandoned by the mid- twenties (English, 1926, p. 88). By 1945 a total of only 25,000 barrels of oil had been produced from the field. In 1945 the Miocene "D" zones were discovered, and de- velopment of these commercial zones was begun. The latest discovery was made in 1957, and oil is now pro- duced from several upper Miocene zones from depths of C38 about 2,900-3,600 feet. The principal structural feature of the West area is an intensely faulted asymmetrical anticline adjacent to the main Whittier fault (Wood- ward, 1958, p. 113, 116). The East area of Sansinena was discovered in 1953 on- the basis of subsurface data obtained from a nearby ex- ploratory well; two drilling islands produce oil from five upper Miocene zones at depths ranging from 3,600 to 6,400 feet. The oil is trapped in an updip pinchout of sandstone on the south flank of a faulted anticline be- low the main fault of the Whittier zone. (See Wood- ward 1958, p. 115-116.) The cumulative production of the entire 625 acres of the Sansinena field was about 62,565 barrels per acre at the end of 1967. WHITTIER OIL FIELD The Whittier field is described briefly in previously mentioned summaries by Eldridge and Arnold (1907, p. 110-114), English (1926, p. 77-78), and Norris (1930, p. 8-9). Two detailed descriptions of the field form the basis of the present description : one by Holman (1943; p. 288-290) published before the discovery of deeper production in 1953 and one by Gaede (1964, p. 59-65). The Whittier field consists of about 740 acres in sees. 22, 23, and 26, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., southeast of the city of Whittier (pl. 4). The La Habra area, southeast of the Whittier field in the S14 see. 25, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., was active as a subcommercial producer from its discovery in 1941 to about 1957, at which time the first and second zones were depleted and converted to use as tempo- rary storage for imported natural gas. The discovery well of the Whittier oil field was drilled in 1896 near the center of the present field on the evi- dence of oil seeps. It was drilled to 984 feet, and about 10 barrels of oil per day was pumped from 865 to 984 feet in the third zone (fig. 17). Development of the field was rapid, and by 1904 there were about 100 wells pro- ducing oil from the second, third, fourth, and sixth zones. By 1916 the first uppermost zone had been dis- covered, and an annual production of about 1 million barrels from 185 wells was attained. After a peak year of more than one million barrels in 1919, production de- clined steadily to 640,000 barrels in 1924, even though the number of producing wells was increased to a max- imum of 163. In 1988 the same number of wells pro- duced only about 303,000 barrels, and by 1941 produc- tion had declined to about 129,000 barrels from only 47 active wells. These five early-developed zones were not protected from water intrusion either during drilling or after abandonment; as a result, water infiltration has been a permanent production problem. » GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The field was developed before the introduction of micropaleontological or electrical logging techniques, and recognition and correlation of the several oil-pro- ducing zones was solely on the basis of water-bearing intervals; correlations were empirical and uncertain. The Whittier field was reactivated in 1942, but after the war emergency, production again declined steadily until 1953, when the Central zone was Uiscovered at depths of 4,370-5,050 feet. Seventy-three new wells were drilled during the next 8 years and by the end of 1960 annual production from the field from 151 wells was 541,000 barrels. In 1961, 157 new wells were drilled as part of an intensive field development program, and in March 1963, 10 years after discovery of the Central zone, the "184 anticline" was discovered in the central area of the field. The discovery well, Murphy-Whittier 184, about 1,200 feet northwest of the center of see. 26 T. 2 S., R. 11 W., was drilled to a depth of 8,006 feet ; in- itial production was 100 barrels of oil per day. Produc- tion from the "184 anticline" is reported to be from be- tween depths of 5,000-7,000 feet. Development of the fifth, sixth, and 184 zones (upper Miocene) accounts for most of the increased production of the field after 1963. Production from the central area increased from 849,000 barrels in 1962 to 2,112,000 barrels in 1966, more than twice the entire field production for 1962 (Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers, 1962-66). Cum- ulative production of the Whittier field at the end of 1967 was 32,680,500 barrels, an average of 37,780 bar- rels per acre. Figure 17 presents the stratigraphic correlation and average thickness of the producing zones at Whittier. The main structural feature is basically a south-dipping homocline (section C-C", pl. 2), oriented such that the upper six zones crop out within the producing area. The first (uppermost) zone is exposed near the center of the field, and the lower zones crop out in succession north- westward from the center. (See Gaede, 1964, pl. 3.) Closure of the fold is caused by the Whittier fault zone to the northeast and a small-displacement fault to the southeast. Limits of the field to the southwest are controlled by edgewaters. Subcommercial amounts of oil have been produced from contorted beds of the Puente Formation on the north side of the fault that locally dip northward away from the fault zone. These beds are chiefly severely crushed siltstone and appar- ently lack indigenous oil. RIDEOUT (RIDEAU) HEIGHTS OIL FIELD The Rideout Heights field consists of 45-50 acres in sees. 16 and 17, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., within the city limits of Whittier (pl. 4). The area is commonly considered as part of the Whittier oil field, but is treated separately GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS here because it is not contiguous and was discovered sep- arately. Though activity dates from 1901, when two un- successful wells were drilled, the first commercial oil well was completed in 1919. The flowing well produced 200-250 barrels of oil per day from a depth of 3,120- 3,292 feet. Development of the field was slow because of low yields and competition from the adjacent Whittier field ; however, in 1923 a sixth producing well was com- pleted flowing 500-800 barrels per day, and activity was renewed. During 1924-1926, 12 dry holes and six pro- ducing wells were drilled. The maximum annual pro- duction was in 1926, when 161,500 barrels was produced from 14 wells. Only 18 wells had been completed by 1940; the most recent activity (to 1966) was in 1956, when five new wells were completed. The Whittier fault zone divides the area into a steeply south-dipping homocline of Fernando Formation beds on the south side and steeply north- to northwest- dipping beds of the Puente Formation on the north. Vertical separation across the fault reportedly exceeds 5,000 feet (Ingram, 1962, p. 95 ; see section B-2', pl. 2). The south-block producing zone is about 2,500 feet deep, is about 400 feet thick, and is correlated with the fifth zone of the Whittier oil field (fig. 17). A total of 62 wells have been drilled in the area, of which 26 were completed as oil wells. In 1967 total pro- duction was 23,200 barrels of oil from nine wells, and cumulative production of the field averaged about 21,620 barrels per acre. TURNBULL OIL FIELD (ABANDONED) The Turnbull field consists of about 75 acres in the east-central part of see. 13, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., in the northwest corner of the La Habra quadrangle. The field was discovered in 1941, and during the period 1941- 1945 nine wells were drilled and five completed at depths of about 3,700 feet. The main structural feature of the field is a small gently northeast-plunging anticline that is truncated on the southwest end by the Whittier Heights fault. (See fig. 12; section C-C", pl. 2.) The field is notable in that beds correlated with the Eocene to lower Miocene Sespe Formation were penetrated by a well drilled through the Workman Hill fault. The oil occurs in a zone of sandstone about 115 feet thick in a 700-foot sequence of poorly consolidated pebbly sandstone correlated with the Soquel Member of the Puente Formation. Peak pro- duction of 122,380 barrels was obtained from six wells in 1943, after which production declined steadily. In 1962 four wells produced 7,775 barrels, and in 1965 the field was converted to a temporary storage field for im- ported natural gas. C39 FIELDS ALONG THE COYOTE HILLS TREND The arcuate Coyote Hills trend, which extends from the southeast corner to the west center of the map area, contains some of the largest oil fields in the Los Ange- les basin: the Santa Fe Springs and West and East Coyote fields, as well as the smaller Leffingwell, New- gate, and abandoned West Buena Park and La Mirada fields. Oil fields along the Coyote Hills trend account for about half of the annual production from the map area and about 73 percent of the cumulative production (table 4). The Santa Fe Springs field has produced the third largest amount of oil in the Los Angeles area, and the highest daily and monthly production rates of the field (about 238,000 barrels per day in 1923), from only two of nine zones now known, still stand as records for the basin. SANTA FE SPRINGS OIL FIELD The Santa Fe Springs oil field was such a prolific producer and its oil so profligately produced that an extensive literature has accumulated. The following ref- erences are selected from a much larger list and form the basis of the description in this report. The best early history is that of Case (1923), who wrote a com- plete review of the record production year. The discov-. eries and periods of development of the deeper zones commonly were followed by historical reviews and de- scriptions of the activity: Hendrickson and Weaver's (1929) report after discovery of the Nordstrom, Buck- bee, O'Connell, and Clarke zones; Winter's (1943) sum- mary of the discovery and production history for a symposium on California fields; and Ybarra's (1957) and Elmore's (1958) reports after discovery of the Santa Fe zone and Pedro pool. Eldridge (Eldridge and Arnold, 1907, p. 109) predicted the discovery of oil in the crest of the Coyote Hills anticline and also noted the presence of a large gas well 3 or 4 miles south of Whittier, the Santa Fe Springs area. English (1926, pl. 11) included several photographs of historic interest, including one of craters made by gas blowouts during the early stages of development. The Santa Fe Springs field is in the center of the Whittier quadrangle chiefly in sees. 5 and 6, T. 3 S., R. 11 W. (pl. 4). The field roughly coincides with a very slight topographic dome that is elongate northwestward (fig. 16). In 1967 the productive area of the field had declined from a maximum of about 2,000 to 975 acres. The field was named for Santa Fe Hot Springs, the center of, and probably the cause for, a preexisting town lot subdivision of a part of section 6. C4O The first two attempts at drilling in 1907 were unsuc- cessful. Significant amounts of gas were noted in the holes, the deepest of which was 1,445 feet, but no addi- tional wells were drilled for 8 years. Early in 1917, after 2 years of "arduous struggle" (Case, 1923, p. 6), the first producing well was completed, flowing about 3,000 barrels of oil per day from about 4,568 feet. Water contamination was a problem, however, and after re- completion the production rate dropped to about 150 barrels per day. The relatively great depth and low pro- duction rate did not then divert much activity from oil fields that were being developed in other parts of the basin. The fourth exploratory well, begun nearly 2 years later 114 miles northwest of the discovery well, was brought in as a "gusher" in November 1921. The well produced more than 2,500 barrels per day from a depth of 3,763 feet and set off a drilling boom. Within 4 months 41 wells were being drilled, and a second "gusher" was drilled in April 1922. Meanwhile, the town lot lease holders had obtained equipment and began to drill numerous wells in the area near the cen- ter of the dome. Some of these wells were as close as 50 feet to their neighbors, and Case (1923, p. 7) esti- mated, rather conservatively, that $5,500,000 was wasted in excess drilling costs because of unnecessary crowd- ing in the town lot area. During the 18-month period November 1921 to June 1923, 447 notices of intent to drill in the area of the field were filed with the State agency; it was noted that there were already 60 wells in one 40-acre tract. In January 1922 the first of several serious gas blow- outs occurred from a depth of 2,067 feet, demolishing the rig, forming a "vast" crater, and blowing out the upper segment of 12%%4-inch casing that had been ce- mented at 2,000 feet. This experience led only to efforts to commercially develop the gas deposit instead of in- stallation of blowout-prevention equipment. In January 1923 a second blowout occurred in a well 2,016 feed deep being drilled by the same operator. The gas accidentally was ignited, and the well burned out of control for several days. The following month a third blowout occurred, again in a well of the same operator, at a depth of about 2,203 feet ; the gas ignited, and the rig was destroyed. This gas zone was subsequently de- veloped to some extent by a production and distributing agency that drilled several wells in 1922 to depths of about 2,100 feet and piped the gas directly into Los Angeles without treatment or boosting. Production in these wells was as high as 10 million cubic feet per day (Case, 1923, p. 11). The upper three zones, the Foix, Bell, and Meyer, were discovered and developed during the 1921 to mid- 1923 period. By the end of May 1923 the daily produc- GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA tion of the field was 235,755 barrels from 112 wells, of which 109 were flowing; 247 more wells were being drilled, and there were 38 different operators active in a field area of 1,995 acres. Case (1923, p. 19) estimated that 117 million cubic feet of gas was wasted every day by flaring to the atmosphere, which unnecessarily depleted the reservoir energy and certainly helped to account for the rapid decline of the field. By the end of 1923 daily production from 500 wells had declined to about 125,000 barrels, and at the end of 1926 production from about 280 wells had further declined to about 69,000 barrels (Ybarra, 1957, pl. 6). In July 1928 the Buckbee zone discovery well, which flowed about 2,000 barrels of oil per day from a depth of 5,856 feet, started a second drilling boom. The Nord- strom zone, which is between the Meyer and Buckbee zones, was discovered by accident in September 1928 in a well that produced 5,500 barrels of oil per day plus 9 million cubic feet of gas. By December 222 new wells were being drilled below the Meyer zone, and a few of the older wells were being deepened. In Feb- ruary 1929 the O'Connell zone (fig. 17) was discovered at a depth of 6,360 feet in a townlot well and, when completed, flowed 1,300 barrels of oil and 2,000 barrels of water per day. Wells producing from the Buckbee zone were then deepened to the O'Connell zone. The Clark zone, about 1,000 feet below the O'Connell, was was also discovered during this period of development. During this period the daily production rate increased from about 58,000 barrels from 320 wells at the end of 1927 to about 212,000 barrels from 415 producing wells as the end of 1929 and then declined to about 110,000 barrels per day from 460 wells in only 1 year. By the end of 1938 production had further declined to about 46,000 barrels of oil per day from 580 wells. The production of large amounts of oil in 1923 and 1928 greatly overloaded Pacific coast storage and trans- portation facilities to the extent that for several months in 1928 crude oil and gas from Santa Fe Springs were injected back into a depleted reservoir at the nearby Brea-Olinda field. (See Norris, 1930; Hodges and John- son, 1932.) The Bell 100 zone was discovered in March 1938, but was abandoned 3 years later after producing 71,091 barrels from a depth of 9,070-9,880 feet. Production rates continued to fall, and at the end of 1954 only about 21,000 barrels per day were produced from 575 wells. The Santa Fe zone discovery well, completed in Feb- ruary 1956, flowed 1,187 barrels of oil plus 1,240 mil- lion cubic feet of gas per day from depths of 8,050- 8,396 feet and 8,524-8,790 feet including the Bell 100 zone at 8,935-9,010 feet. The daily rate of production GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS declined from 14,420 barrels from 580 wells at the end of 1956 to about 4,544 barrels per day from 425 wells in 1967. Figure 17 shows the sequence, thickness, and correla- tion of the nine stratigraphically distinct oil-bearing zones in the upper Miocene to lower Pliocene section at Santa Fe Springs; these zones aggregate about 4,550 feet in thickness. The post-Pliocene sequence (appar- ently entirely Pleistocene in age) averages about 1,000 feet in thickness, the upper member of the Fernando Formation about 1,200 feet, and the lower member about 5,200 feet. About 4,900 feet of the Puente Formation has been penetrated (section A-A4', pl. 1). The main structural feature of the Santa Fe Springs field is an elongated dome that trends about N. 70° W. and is cut by cross-faults that are apparently pre-Pleis- tocene in age (section A-4', pl. 1). Although the Santa Fe Springs structure may not be genetically related to the Coyote Hills structure, because the latter is charac- terized by prominent relative uplift in late Miocene time as well as later, influence of the Coyote Hills deforma- tion was reflected at Santa Fe Springs by southeast- ward thinning of the upper Miocene (section A-4', pl. 1). The plunge of the anticlinal axis is about 6° or 7°, and the flanks of the fold dip about 10°%-12°, except along the southwest flank near the projection of the "Norwalk" fault, where dips of 20°-25° are evident. The Santa Fe Springs field is somewhat unique in that wells were completed simultaneously in a number of different oil-producing zones, thus increasing the production of the field. The cumulative production at the end of 1967 was 593,157,600 barrels of oil, or about 400,800 barrels per acre, one of the largest averages in California. NEWGATE OIL "FIELD The Newgate oil "field" is less than one-half mile southeast of the Santa Fe Springs field, near the SEL cor. see. 4, T. 2 S., R. 11 E. The 10-acre area contains one producing well. The discovery well at Newgate was completed in January 1957 immediately following dis- covery of deeper zones at Santa Fe Springs and pro- duced 125 barrels of oil per day from the interval 8,160- 9,032 feet in upper Miocene beds of the Sycamore Can- yon Member of the Puente Formation. Cumulative pro- duction at the end of 1967 was 148,400 barrels. WEST COYOTE OIL FIELD The West Coyote oil field is in the southwest quarter of the La Habra quadrangle (pl. 4). Although the field is over a prominent topographic dome (fig. 18) that has about 300 feet of relief, historical descriptions com- monly attribute the early exploratory drilling in 1908 to oil and gas shows in water wells (Reese, 1943; Mefferd C41 and Cordova, 1962). The first producing well was com- pleted in April 1909. This discovery was the fourth in the map area and was the first based on geologic prin- ciples. The success at West Coyote led directly to drill- ing in the following fields: East Coyote, drilling begun in 1908, commercial oil discovered in 1917 (Dudley, 1943, p. 349) ; Richfield, just east of present map area, drilling be- gun in 1915, oil discovered in 1919 (Musser, 1926) ; Dominguez, in the Dominguez Hills along the New- port-Inglewood zone, drilling begun in 1916, oil discovered in 1924 (Graves, 1954) ; Inglewood, at Baldwin Hills along the Newport- Inglewood zone, drilling begun in 1916, oil dis- covered in 1924 (Driver, 1943, p. 306) ; Long Beach, at Signal Hill, also along Newport- Inglewood zone, drilling begun in 1916, oil dis- covered in 1921 (Stolz, 1943, p. 320). Competitive drilling, excessive well density, and profli- gate production have not been problems at West Coyote because the field has been controlled by one operator (English 1926, p. 83 ; Reese, 1943, p. 347). The discovery well was completed in the main zone, at the depth of 3,300 feet in the upper part of the lower member of the Fernando Formation (fig. 17). After 9 years of development, 69 wells were producing 31,640 barrels per day from the main zone, which is 250-700 feet thick. The upper 99 zone is 4,100 feet in depth, about 300 feet thick, and was discovered in 1916 during an carly stage of development in the east block. The lower 99 zone, at 4,400 feet, is about 450 feet thick and is productive over only a small part of the crest. An un- conformity separates the lower 99 from the underlying 138 zone, discovered in 1930, which is 400-700 feet thick, about 4,850 feet deep, and restricted in extent. The Emery zone, near the base of the lower Fernando, the lowest producing interval, is 700-1,250 feet thick and about 5,425 feet deep. It was discovered in 1930 and pro- duces over the entire structure. Development drilling to outline the extent of the several zones resulted in addi- tional zone or pool completions in 1939, 1944, 1962, and 1966. The main structural feature is a faulted anticline elongate east-west and asymmetrical in that the south limb dips more steeply than the north owing to drag on a reverse fault (the Norwalk?) (Mefferd and Cordova, 1962, pl. 2; section Z-", pl. 2). Displacement on the northnortheast-trending steep reverse fault that sepa- rates the field into downthrown east and upthrown west blocks is about 600 feet at the crest of the fold. During World War II the field was operated at an increased rate, and while the number of wells increased C42 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Freur® 18.-View eastward of West Coyote oil field illustrating intense dissection of both the topographic structure and the post- La Habra (late Pleistocene) erosion surface; central part of hills in foreground underlain by San Pedro Formation. East La Habra Valley in background. December 1957. from 67 at the end of 1940 to 182 at the end of 1945, annual production per well decreased from 39,600 bar- rels to 29,200 barrels. Daily production of the field has declined from a peak of 34,560 barrels from 69 wells in 1918 to about 7,700 barrels from 262 wells in 1966. Cumulative production of the field at the end of 1967 was 215,540,600 barrels from a maximum area of about 1,125 acres, an average of about 191,592 barrels per acre. EAST COYOTE OIL FIELD The East Coyote field was discovered in 1911 in the southeast quarter of the La Habra quadrangle (pl. 4), about 114 miles northeast of the West Coyote anticline, in an alluviated area on the trend of the West Coyote field. The discovery well produced 600 barrels per day from the first zone in the middle part of the lower mem- ber of the Fernando Formation from a depth of 2,830- 3,340 feet (fig. 17). Subsequent drilling outlined the Anaheim dome, a buried east-trending anticline. An en echelon anticline, the Hualde dome, was discovered in 1914, and a smaller dome to the east was discovered in 1927. Oil was discovered later in areas between the two principal domes. The east-trending Hualde anti- cline underlies an elongate topographic high (fig. 19) that trends northeast, has relief of about 250 feet, and is about 214 miles long by 1 mile wide; this anticline has an exceptionally steep south flank owing to faulting along a north-dipping reverse fault. A composite stratigraphic section of the field includes about 500 feet of upper Pleistocene nonmarine beds, about 350 feet of lower Pleistocene marine strata, 1,500 feet of upper Pliocene rocks, 2,600 feet of lower Plio- GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS CAB FrGurE 19.-View eastward of East Coyote oil field illustrating dissection of topographic structure as well as the post-La Habra (late Pleistocene) erosion surface that truncates the structure. cene rocks, and more than 3,500 feet of upper Miocene rocks (section A-4', pl. 1). The oil zones are not uni- formly distributed throughout these rocks. The highest zone is the Hualde zone, at a depth between 2,000 and 3,000 feet; it is about 100 feet thick and is productive only in the southeastern part of the Hualde dome. The Anaheim zone is near the base of the Pliocene ; it is about 1,400 feet thick and ranges in depth from 2,800 feet at the east to 4,600 feet at the west. The first Anaheim zone, about 200 feet thick, has been the most prolific Pliocene producer and is productive to some extent throughout the field. The second Anaheim zone is about 300 feet thick and is productive chiefly in the Hualde dome area. The third Anaheim zone, the most produc- tive zone in the Hualde dome area, is about 700 feet thick at the Hualde dome, and thins to about 100 feet in the Anaheim dome area. The Miocene "A" zone, latest Miocene in age, is about 100 feet thick and is productive chiefly in the eastern part of the Hualde dome. West- ward, this interval (the Sycamore Canyon Member) is truncated below an unconformity at the base of the lower member of the Fernando Formation (section A-A', pl. 1). The Stern zone, of late Miocene age, is about 1,200 feet thick, but is developed only in the west end of the Hualde dome area. Daily field production declined steadily from a peak in 1917, when less than 100 wells produced about 10,400 barrels, to a low production in 1934, when about 60 wells produced about 1,600 barrels. English (1926, p. 84-85) stated that the decline was fairly rapid and attributed it in part to water flooding due to defective completion practices; he noted that top, intermediate, and bottom waters were present. In 1934, discovery of the Miocene "A" and Stern zones initiated an increase in produc- tion that was as high as 7,500 barrels per day from 230 wells in 1952, declining to about 3,286 barrels per day in C44 1967 from 271 wells. Total production of the field for 1967 was 1,182,800 barrels, and cumulative production at the end of 1967 was 91,708,300 barrels from a maxi- mum of 1,175 acres, an average of 78,049 barrels per acre. LEFFINGWELL OIL FIELD Leffingwell oil field is a small elongate field that has no surface relief; it is located in the center of the map area (pl. 4). The discovery well was completed in Jan- uary 1946 and produced 162 barrels per day from a depth of 6,880-6,913 feet in the upper Lewis zone of the lower member of the Fernando Formation (fig. 17). This well was abandoned 4 months later, after produc- tion had declined to 13 barrels per day of oil and 16 barrels per day of water. In September 1946 the same well was deepened and flowed 145 barrels per day from a depth of 7,600-7,660 feet in the lower Lewis zone near the base of the lower member of the Fernando Forma- tion. After 2 years, production from this zone had de- clined to 2 barrels per day, and the well was shut down and sold. In March 1953 a second well was completed and produced 196 barrels per day from the upper Mio- cene lower Woodward zone, at a depth of 8,486-8,657 feet. By 1967, 13 producing wells had been completed, which produced a total of about 17,700 barrels of oil in that year. At the end of 1967 cumulative production for the field was about 780,700 barrels from 125 acres, and average of 5,846 barrels per acre. The main structural feature of the field is a gently east-plunging anticlinal nose that is closed at the west by a north-trending fault of pre-Pliocene age (Gaede, 1958). The field is notable in that drilling here and at La Mirada has demonstrated the presence of middle Miocene volcanic rock on the flanks of the Coyote Hills trend, whereas they have apparently been removed from the crest in this area (section A-4', and Z-", pls. 112): LA MIRADA OIL FIELD (ABANDONED) The La Mirada field is in the southeast quarter of the Whittier quadrangle on the south flank of the Coyote Hills structural trend. The discovery well was com- pleted in February 1946 and produced 268 barrels per day from a depth of about 11,900 feet in the Librown zone in the uppermost part of the Soquel Member of the Puente Formation. The zone is about 500 feet thick, about 20 acres in area, and produced about 25,250 bar- rels of oil before being abandoned in 1954. Peak pro- duction of 53 barrels per day was in 1946. The oil is trapped beneath the base of the Fernando Formation, which overlies the Puente and older strata with angular discordance (section D-D", pl. 2). GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WEST BUENA PARK OIL FIELD (ABQNDONED) The West Buena Park field, near the south center of the map area, has no surface relief and was a one-well field. It was discovered in September 1944, and pro- duced 135 barrels of oil per day from the 130-foot-thick Heath zone, at a depth of about 11,000 feet. The oil ac- cumulated in a stratigraphic trap beneath an erosional unconformity at the base of the Fernando Formation on the northwest extremity of the Anaheim nose. Peak production was 45 barrels per day in 1945. The field was abandoned in 1950 after producing 51,000 barrels from about 10 acres. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK Of the total amount of oil produced in the map area through 1966, 73 percent has come from the lower mem- ber of the Fernando Formation, 23 percent from Yorba Member of the Puente Formation, less than 2 percent each from the Sycamore Canyon and Soquel Members of the Puente, and less than one-half percent from the Topanga Formation (table 5). In the onshore Los An- geles basin as a whole, more than 57 percent of the cu- mulative production through 1961 was from rocks of early Pliocene age, and more than 41 percent from rocks of late Miocene age. The proportion of oil from upper Miocene rocks has increased since that time because of recent deep discoveries in the central and west Los An- geles area. The high proportion of oil from early Plio- cene strata in the map area is due chiefly to the very thick section of lower Pliocene reservoir rocks at Santa Fe Springs (fig. 17). The Yorba Member is not commonly productive in the northeastern part of the basin, but in the down- thrown block of the Whittier fault zone and locally along the Coyote Hills trend, the Yorba Member con- tains oil in unusually thick coarse-grained lenses of 5.-Cumulative production of oil fields in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles through 1967 by geologic unit [Data from Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers (1968)] Cumulative Percentage Formation Member production of total _ Fields in which unit produces (1000 bb1) Fernando.... Lower... 860, 688. 1 72.8 West Buena Park, East and West Coyote, Leffingwell, West Sansinena, Santa Fe Springs, Whittier. Puente....... Sycamore 22, 403. 0 1.9 East Coyote, Leffingwell, Canyon. Rideout Heights, East and West Sansinena, Santa Fe Springs, Whittier. Do...... Yorba.....- 274, 388. 1 23.2 Brea-Olinda, East and West Sansinena, Santa Fo Springs. Do...... Soquel... .... 21, 284.9 1.8 Brea-Olinda, East Coyote, La Mirada, Turnbull. 3, 775.8 .3 Puente Hills. Total...: tcc 1, 182, 549.9 100. 0 GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS sandstones ("B" and "C" sands at Brea Canyon, Cen- tral zone at Whittier) that are concentrated along the fault zone (Scribner, 1958; Woodward, 1958). Oil is produced from the Soquel Member of the Puente Formation in the following fields: Richfield (east of the present map), East Coyote, Brea Canyon, and San- sinena. Along the Whittier fault the Soquel is deeply buried, intensely faulted, and has relatively low per- meabilities. So far as is known, the Soquel has not been completely penetrated at the Santa Fe Springs or Whit- tier fields. Although the Topanga Formation is clearly identi- fied as the reservoir from which oil is produced in the old Puente Hills field (Scribner, 1958), the gravity of the oil, 25° API (American Petroleum Institute), sug- gests that it migrated upward from upper Miocene or younger strata in the downthrown block of the Whittier fault. (See section G@-G', pl. 2.) The Topanga has been rather thoroughly tested in many parts of the eastern Puente Hills, and although some shows of oil have been reported, no commercial accumulations have been found (Durham and Yerkes, 1964, p. 42). Throughout the Puente Hills the Topanga Formation consists of well-cemented low-porosity indurated siltstone, sand- stone, and pebbly sandstone ; in the map area, it is under- lain by volcanic or basement rock and, locally, by non- marine strata of the Sespe Formation. Hence it does not contact any older potential source rocks. Recently discovered oil pools or "oil-producing zones" in the map area have been entirely in long- established oil fields, especially in sandstone lenses in the Puente Formation in the downthrown block of the C4L Whittier fault zone. Oil has also been produced recently from equivalent sandstones at Santa Fe Springs and West Coyote, but these sandstones have not been im- portant producers in those fields. The inferred buried structure west of Whittier (see- tion B-2', pl. 2) is based on incomplete, scanty data from relatively few wells. This area, and that south- west of the Santa Fe Springs oil field, must be con- sidered as marginally potential until they have been more completely explored. Total annual production from fields in the map area declined by nearly 2 million barrels between 1961 and 1966 despite significant new production at Whittier and institution of water-flooding at West Coyote and Whittier. Water production exceeds oil production in all the fields but Sansinena; at Santa Fe Springs and West Coyote, water exceeds oil production by more than 10 to 1, and at East Coyote and Whittier by more than 2 to 1. The possibility for any future increase in production from the map area appears to depend chiefly on new discoveries in areas west of Whittier and southwest of Santa Fe Springs, on deeper pool developments at Whittier and Santa Fe Springs, and on the success of secondary recovery programs. EXPLORATORY WELLS All exploratory wells and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles prior to June 30, 1968, are given in table 6, and where records are adequate, the inferred geologic sequence penetrated is given. TaBur 6.-Ezxploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968 All wells abandoned dry holes unless otherwise stated under "Remarks." Parentheses under "Location"" indicate projected section in unsurveyed areas. Symbols for geologic units: Qal=young alluvium, Qao=old alluvium, Qlh=La Habra Formation, Qch=Coyote Hills Formation, Qsp=San Pedro Formation, Qu=undivided Quaternary deposits, Tfu=u%>er member of Fernando Formation, Tfi=lower member of Fernando Formation, Td=diabasic intrusive rocks, Tp=Puente Formation undivided, Sycamore anyon Member of Puente Formation, Tpy= Yorba Member of Puente Formation, Soquel Member of Puente Formation, Tpl=La Vida Member of Puente Formation, Tt=Topanga Formation, Tv=extrusive and pyroclastic igneous rocks, Tvs=Vaqueros and Sespe Formations undifferentiated, Kjs=unnamed greenschist] Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well -------- _ Year _ tude depth ------------ Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (§.) (W.) 1 Abraham, Michael........... Bloomfield 30 3 11 1956 67 13,675 0-1,085 Qu See section C-C", pl. 2. Community 1. sp TA 2 Asto Rideout Heights (17) 2 11 1955 415 - 8,574 Tpsc Produces from 1,614 to Community 1. Tgy 1,862; bottoms 1,575 ft Whittier S. at 7,756 subsea; see fault section B-B', pl. 2. 3,150-8,574 . ...... Tp 3 Albercalif Petroleums, Ltd... Accarius 1...._...... (32) 2. 11 1962 175 5,200 Q-1,110............ u 1,110-2,100 .. 2,100-5,200 . 4 American Oilfields Co...... McComber 1........ 26 $., 11 (?) 100. 5,205 NO c..rsckclrlcclllc..... 5 Anchor Petroleum Co...... Hudfon1........... (19) 2+ 40 1927 720 4,824 O-767...... Data from Daviess and 767-2,368 Woodford (1949). 2,368-4,824 6 Anglln Development Co..... Fallis1............. (29) 11 1934 155 1,210 No data... 7 Arden Oil Co., Inc........... Rowland 1.......... (15) 2 10 1930 422 3,330 No data... 8 - Are-Bee Oil Syndicate No. 1.. 1....._._____._._._____.. (7) 11 pre-1925 19 (48456 C46 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TaBt® 6.-Eaploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 80, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well --- _ Year ., tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8) (w.) 9 Are-Bee Oil Syndicate No. 2. 21......______.__..... (7) 3 11 pre-1925 TIL: 2,708 No 10 ...: do. a 2 ...... - (36) 2 12 1922 136 3,475 If Artesia Oll Co..............s Benson 1. 220 $ : 12. . 1922 67 5,236 12 Associated Piping & Engi- Simmons 1:......... (1) 3 11 1945 267 8,400 0-1.070.......--... Qu See section D-D', pl. 2. neering Co. 1,070-2,630 Tfu 2,630-5,469 T 14 Atlantic Oll Co........._._.. Butterworth 1. ..... (5) 3 11 1953 166 5,100 14... do. . Meyer 1...... sts. I1 (?) 154. 5,050 reve 16 . . :s (10.0 Heera selene etl. Meyer 1-A........_. (8) "3 11. 153 8,282 0-1,000+.. 1,0001-2,260 Tfu 2,260-7,940 . . 040-8, Tpsc 16 Atlantic Richfield Oil Corp.. Broderick 1......... (17) 2 11 1926 $20 - 6,475. No 0000.12 Shows reported: 2,593-2,638. $7 (O- cele {dvr eer re s Edwards 1.......... 15 3 10 1953 309 9,591 0-150+.. Qao Redrilled 5,913 to 6 410 and pro- 1504-470. h duced small amount of oil; see 470-985. ... Qch section G-G', pl. 2 1,195. . Qsp 1, 195-2 785... Tfu 2, 785-6, 062... , 062-6, 230 Tpy 6, 230-8, 432... Tps 8, 432-9, 240... Tpl . , 380 9, 380-9, 546... Tt(?) 9, 546-9, 591. . Tvs 18 :.... 10s tec Flood Control 1..... (14) 20 12 1946 167 9,255 0-1,878...... 1, 578-2, 285... tu 2, 285-8, 075... f , 075-9, Tpsc 10 .::. 1 | poon Mayberry 1......... (5) 3 11 1929 105 745. 20 Atlas Productions, Inc...... Community 1-1.:..; (17) 20 110 1946 273 3,450 2832 gféult) $30. Tpsc al ey sen eee iho Grey 12 00. (17) 20 110 1944 324 4,974 (Same as well 228).....__________ Redrilled to 3,412. 22 Axis Petroleum Co..._....... w. R Rowland 1... (21) 2 10 1942 690 _ 2 Data from Daviess and Woodford (1949). 23 Bandini Petroleum Co...... Norswing 1.......... (7) 8 11 pre-1925 125 24 Barnsdall Oil Co............. Emery Trust 1 25 3 11 1949 192 Redrill. Directed hole; bottoms 750 ft N. 36° W. at about 11 300 subsea; see section E-E", pl 95 Barty Ol Rowland 1.._...__.. (14) 2 10 1942 440 Plioiietécgdlsxlggll amount of oil from » 0 1,119. 26 Bastanchury, 1s ine eels e 30 3 10 1926 200 27 Behr, C. B., Oil Syndicate-“ 1 (1) 3 12 1923 121 28 Bell Petroleum Co........__. Bell 100 (6) 3 0 ll 1987 150 Proldliclng well; see section A-4', pl. 1. 99 ...:. Os-. T- cies Bell 107 (6) 3 110 1949 152 Produces from 7,310 to 7,904; deepest test of Santa Fe Springs oil field; see section A-A', pl. 1 30 ..... oer oleic i ean er'ss Bell 112 (31) 2 11 1957 157 31 Bell View Oil Syndicate...... Pellissier 1 (17) 2 11 1942 388 | 1,066 -No Shows at 1,146 to 1,150 32 Bender Oil Operations...... (30) 2 10 1953 924 39 Bernard Ol CoL 2; ese NTA (36) 20 12 192 137 | 2,000 34 Bernstein M.T.............. Millard Neela. 129 3 12 194 68 35 B. Marbles 1. .._. (6) 3 11 (?) 158 . (ene Meies sea eal avenue Marbles 1-A . _._____ m:.'.s no. (f) 158 I7 «...y O2 ease se .. Marbles 1-B.. I » . B2 » 11 (?) 158 38 Bidart Oil Co.... !. Rowlahd 1.......__. (15) 2 10 1932 420 8,220 Mo ... 2.002. .s 39 Bishop, Bradford......___... Flood Control 14 2° A2" ist 165 7, Qu, Tfu Directed hole below 1,300; see Distnct 1. 2,830-7,9; TA well 18 for similar section. 40 Blantin Gendron, aud <- > (1) 3 12 pre-1925 124 4,825 No data. 41 Brady 8 Well Syndicate...... 1 (8) 3 11 pre-1925 151 5,340 No data 42 Brady 8 Well Syndicate No. 2. 1. (8) 3 11 pre-1925 45 4,020 No data 43 Brea Cafion Oil Co.......... AT Deal 1 3 10 1929 590 7,344 0-750 Tfu 750-5, 504 TA 5,504-7,344 Tpsc 44 Buenas Vista Lule ec beret ico (n - r: 10 (?) 815 (?) No data 45 Burbank Oil Co. Crittenden 1. - (26) 2 12 1923 142 4,988 Bottoms in Tfu - #6 Butler; C. 0000 lure Tale din (14) 2 10 1935 #0 4,195 al, Tpy See section F-F", pl. 2. 250-2,205 pS 2,205-4,091 Tpl 4, ,133 P 47 California Petroleum B.. etek sacs (15) 3 1? 199 89. 2,170" Products Syndicate. do. 3 12 1923 89. - 4,774 NoUSEALL.: cc 3 11 1954 63 3,102 0-1,190.. 1,190-3,05( sp 3,050-3,102 fu 50 Calumet Gold Mines Co..... Jones-Central 1..__.. 24 . 9-11 1940 930 1,976 GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C47 TABLE 6.-Eaploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well Year tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) - Unit 4) (8.) (W.) S1 Cathcart, G. EK.............. TolerA:......0...c2. 7 3 10 _ 1922 272 5,276 B2 C.C. Oil Refinmg Co..l.l.2. Moree sree nessa (12) 3 12 (?) 113 5,226 B3 Central Ol Co............... Los Nietos 1. ....... (31) 2 11 1921 157 4,926 54 - Chanslor-Western Oil and East Whittier Com- _ (34) 2 11 ~ 1948 275 5,571 See section C-C", pl. 2. Development Co. munity 1-1. 65 .t: os .e cucu a ane uus East Whittier Com- (2) 3 11 1944 241 6,133 munity 4-1. 2445-6,133. ...... 56 Chase, L B., Oil Co......... l ____________________ (ll; 3 12 1923 116 4,514 Bottoms in Tfu. 57. AOIATKC, B. cX 2220. 0.52 210 cee cle nan sone (17 2 11 (?) 360 (? 88 Cohearn Oil Co._____________ Hanlon Nests (5) $ -H (?) 160 59 Commercial Refining Co..... Schumacher 1....... (1) 3 12 (?) 119 60 Commonwealth Oil Co...... Helman!.......... 16 2 O11 1903 900 61 Continental Oil Co.......... 14 2 M . 1946 1, 255 62 .. :-} ric seee deve e oe Felix (31) 2 11 1960 168 11,100 See section B-B', pl. 2; directed hole; bottoms 920 S. and 400 E. 3 300—6 160 (fault) .. Tfl at 10,920 subsea. 6;160-10,100.... .. _. TA 10 100-11 109. - Tpse 63 .:t.. .A c tse titis McNally 1.......... / 10 3 I1 19% 145 S018 Nodatal..:.__....._.S........ 64 ..!. Mos.. ssc in eaid ane Turnbull (13) 2 110 1945 920 3,892 0-617..... - Tpsc Community 6. 617-2,200 ... - Tpy 2,200-2, Tps 2,885-3,478. - Tpl 3,478-3,545. . *d 3,545-3,728.. - Ppt 3,728-3,802... 3 “gouge" 65 Cooperative Petroleum Poor aften ads (7) 3 11 pre-1925 118 .- 6,251 Nodats....._.._..___........!. Syndicate. 66 «2... l lias dibs o Basses acu conde 35 2 12 1923 145 5,485 - Bottoms in 67 Cornerstone Oil Co.. 34 2 10 (?) 550 68 Coyote Hills Oil Co.. 14 3 . 11 1910 200 69 -:... 2 14 9 ° <1l (?) 175 8 Fo Cox, M. At. IE Arroues 1......_._._. - +19 3 10 1934 334 5,455 $3, Tfu Bottoms near base of Tf. 70-A Crestmont Oil Co____.______.. M.G.M. Unit 1...... (36) 2 12 1968 138 7,200 71 Daly Oil Syndicate.. (Unnamed)... (4) 3 11 pre-1925 158 5,005 72 Delta Projects, Ltd. Baker 1... (6) Pl 11 1964 136 - 4,850 73 Derby Oil and Gas Co. tch 1 F 24 § < 11} 19562 260. 8.B28.__NO Produced small amount of oil. 74 "Dietzel, W ¥, ROWIand 1.:...(04) 2° 10 - 1980 425 4,908 0-150... Qal, Tpy Geology from Daviess and Wood- 150-2,180.. . Tps ford (1949); produced small 2,180-8,825 . . - Tpl amount of oil from 2,450. 3,825-3,900 . . Td 3,900-4, - Tpl 4,045-4,260 . . Tv 4,260-4,908 .. . Tt(?) 75 Dolke-Thomas Oil..__....... Sheppard 1. ...... 27 B 10 - 1921 300 _ 4, 480 No dats... Syndicate. 76 Dollar OH €0.............:.. Bellflower 11.. 3 12 1928 80 5,008 Bottoms in 77 Douglas Oil Co. of California. East Coyote 1. 3 10 1936 380 6,054 0-7504............ gu, Qsp Produces from 3,516 to 3,885; see 7504-1,900(7) ..... Tfu section A-4', pl. 1. 1, 900i—4 510. . TA 4,510—5,245 78 Drillers Incorporated. 1 22 2 11 1986 420 79 Dunlap-Apex and Associates. 7 3 10 1955 252 See section E-E", pl. 2. 1415-3, 655 3,655—8,325- s 8,325-8,836. . 80 East Santa Fe Oil Co__...... (6 % ll (?) 134 (?) No data.. 81 East Whittier Oil Co. 24 2 11 1900 1,010 1,540 No data 2.00 .9.0 res 1s. 24 2 11 1901 980 2,200 No data 82-A El Moro Oil Co 14 2 11 1900(?) 1,220 1,395 No data 891... AAO. ieclcl chels oer 14 20 11 1901 , 180 1,200 No data...... 84 Empire Drilling Co.... -. Gaffey 14 2 12 1928 166 5,500 Bottoms in Tfu. 85 Epsilon Oiland Gas Co...... 22-22 22 2 11 1965 510 3,682 86 Equitable Oil Syndicate.... 1 17 3 11 (?) 99 1,430 SH css MO ios ree anes ou el cus & 17 3 11 (?) 90 2,100! NO 88 Erin 011 (O0: te ee ies s deer a - Freedman-North 5 3 10 - 1954 410 - 8, 750 See section E—E’ pl. 2; redrilled La Habra 1. 8,000+ to 8,765. 89 Farrington M3 Ariel Al uve 22 2 11 1946 860 1,874 90 Finch, G. B., Oil Co......... Hue-Cinnabar J..... (1 #$, 11 1944 204 8,759 7, 930i—8 759... 91 Fiést Igiational Petroleum Tese ive (35) %: 12 1923 134 5,005 Bottoms in Tfu.....__...._._.___-.- yn cate 92 Fisher-Gregg Oil Syndicate.. 3 ~12- 1998 120. - 15,001. Mo 93 Flanders and Brown.... J 2 11 1924 317 4,712 No data.. 94 Foster, F.B., & Co 52 3 - 12 pre-1925 126 4,780 No data. 96 ..... dal ig l ELL b ain. 3 12 pre-1925 124" 4,802 - C48 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 6.-Eaploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well =-- Year - tude depth -------_----_-- Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8.) (w.) 96 Fowler Drilling Co.__._....... Saunders 1.......... (13) 20 110 1944 481 - 4,030 T 3,631-4,030...._.... Tps O7 Frick,; 00.02. Padgeri.:.......... 22 2 11 (?) 607 _ (?) No data...____ 98 Fullerton Oil Co. .. Burmudez 1. 1) 2 11 pre-1925 155 4,236 99. .-.lt .. Gumgrove 1... (5) 3 11 (?) 158 (7) 100 Occ. erk co La Habra 5......... ... 26 2 11 1948 770 2,825 101 General Exploration Co. of - Emery 1......._..-. 24 3 11 1955 220 11,753 May bottom in Tv. California. 102 ..... IO.. rt tl ' neo Emery 2.. [...... 19 3 10 1955 285 10,602 0-260(7 Shaw]:1 10, 1265 to 10,565; see section 103 ..... NIO. ere Emery-McNally 1... 24 3 11 1957 160 9,662 0—628 Bottoms near base Tf. 104 Gelty OH Co................. Ie erate ves (35) 20 12 1922 140 - 4,462 Bottoms in Tfu__ ..... do. ine sien ica ccr ee uce ac 16) 3 11 pre-1925 166 5,260 No data.... 106 _____ do ........................ Brea Community 11 3 10 1948 350 8,476 0-150+... See section ZZ-FT", pl. 2; direc- 2-1. 150+-1,325 . Th tionally redrilled as well 2-1A 1,325-3,545 . fu from 2,000 to 8,519; bottoms 3,545-6,752 . NoUAtB. ...ic. 141 Humble Oil and Refining Whittier Opr. (20) 2 11 1963 241 7,754 0-445 Directed hole; bottoms 1,735 ft N. Co. Unit One-L. 72°32" E. at 7,153 subsea; see section B-B', pl. 2. 6 745—7 104..2...... Tpsc 14} Hlinols Ol Co.....;.-.......- Unnamed........... 36 20 11 1901 860 . 2,900 No dats.........._._._.......... 143 Industrial Oil Syndicate 2.1... 22......_._____.___... (7) 3 11 pre-1925 124 5,865 Noatal.:...................._. 144 Industrial Oil Syndicate 4.... 42......_____._.___._.. (7) 3 11 1923 124 4,387 No data.__....- 145 Jackson, R. W............... Fllorey Community 19 2 11 1929 162 1,449 Bottoms in Qu-.___._._._._____..--- 1MoJulian; C. Ser. nve sau vu cass (1) 3 12 (?) 102. £077 147 Klrkpatrick Syndicate 2..._.. Wilshire-Gill 1. (6) 3 11 pre-1925 130 4,610 No data... 149 .-... Olee eo l Wilshire-Gill 2. © % I1 {() 130 (?) No data.... 149 Kirkpatrick Syndicate 3 (7) 3 11 pre-1925 116 4,508 No data... 150 Klokke Investment Co..... 24 3 10 pre-1934 270. 822 No UALA................ccoccoscs 151 Klondyke Oil Co...........- Whittier lll. (9) 3 ll 1923 105 -- 162 Uaddis zeus (1) 3 12 1923 199 Well 2 drilled to unknown depth from same location. 153 LaHabra Midway Oil Co.... 2....._.___.__.______... 5 3 10 pre-1910 460 (?) 1 No 154 L.... O -X Il ce Scott Pes 5 3 10 1921 $02 6,445. No 156. La Habra Oil Co............. Golden Gate 1...... (30) 2 10 - 1904 $10 >2;000 No dafa......................0c. 196 .... (N0 Ler Tiree eens de une rn New England 1..... (30) 2 10 1900 800 400 No data 167.222. eG L-- New England 2..... (30) 2 10 1901 1,000 1,000 No data 168... .. N0 REAL. eb- ene New England 3..... (30) 2 10 (?) 975 2,250 No data 199 MLANG Wall __.: ... . 2000 Bier cevce rate e 16 2 11 1926 385 1,895 No data 160 Lawrence Santa Fe Oil Co... Owen 1. (7) 3 11 pre-1925 112 , 200 No data 161 Lehi‘lgh' J.Y 2 10 1920 975 2,067 No data 162.1:0..2 p:... 2 / .. 10 (?) 1,000 (?) _ No data... 108 ..... AOM Are ele Ys ave 2 - 10 (?) 10% (1). 164 Livingston Drilling & 3 11 1947 2083 8,521 852...... See section D-D', pl. 2. Development Co. 852-2,475 . . 2,475-7,830 7,830-8,521 165 Lomi Oil Corp......_...._.... John Rowland 1.... (14) 2 10 1943 458 - 8,240 NO 166 Los Angeles Brewing Co..... Jones Community 1. 24 20 110 1946 935 2,745 276390 ______ See section C-C", pl. 2. 1,590... 1,590-2,100 2,100-2,745 167 Los Nietos Valley Oil Co..... Woodward 1......... (29) 2 11 1942 158 3.580 Nodaln-..........:.._.c.ic.s... 168 Luneta Oil Co...... (9) 3 11 (?) 150 _ (?) _ No data 109 .... (HO Lice sens Mayberry JEL AL (9) 3 11 pre-1925 155. 5.429 Redrilled to 5,060 ft. as well 2-A from same location. 170 Lytle, Robert S......._.._.... Central 1...;........ 15 2 11 1942 700 _ 5,912 $71 .... Or LU Core Hole A........ 15 2 11 1942 680 678 112). Go...... Core Hole B.. v. cab 2 11 1942 754 1,586 173 Marine Oil Co {. Strong v. 09% 8 12 1926 81 5,872 174 McKeon, J., and Associates.. Carmenita 1...._.... 21 3 11 1938 76 9,157 458-627 O - 72 - 5 0-2,700 2,700+-7,190 7,190-9,157......... . TA C50 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Taser 6.-Eaploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well Year tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8.) (w.) 176 McVicar, HH........:..._.... Rowland Estate 1... (20) 2 10 1950 610 (8,628 0-125()........... TA See section D-D', pl. 2. 176 Midfield Oil Co...____.___.... Walker-Strong 1 ... (19) 2 /> 11 1933 177 5,027 177 Mobil Oil Corp.....__........ H. B. Allen 1....... (12) B 12 1943 104 10,363 178 ..... 10. se eve cn calan Clarke (17) 2 11 1920 390 2,063 179 ..... 1 |O o amen Seeds anni Community 14-1 (7) 8 11 1944 110 7,520 Directed hole; bottoms about Redrill. 1,000 ft W. at about 7,295 sub- sea; see section B-B', pl. 2. 180 ..... O r:: eae dine es 34 3 11 194 62 11,422 Abandoned; produced from 11,000 to 11,130; see section E-E', pl. 2. 181 ..... N0 Fee cn eac n ev ave La Mirada Com- 16 3 11 1946 92 12,620 0-1,480 Shows from 11,260 to 11,415; see munity 46-1. section C-C", pl. 2. 12, 030—12 275 12, 275—12 557 . 12 857-12,620. ___. Tv 182 ..... O:. IAbrown 1.......... 21 3 110 1945 70 12,600 0-800(7).....______ Nonmarine - Abandoned; produced from 12,037 Qu to 12,517; see section D-D', 800(?)-2,205. ...... sp pl. 2. 2,205-6,750 . . 6, 750—11 ;682. . . 11 682-11 885- s 11 886—12 443. . 12, 443—12 462- & 12 462—12,600 183 ..... 110. ..- oi bel cues McNally 1. ._....... 22 3 11 1950 104 11,606 0-660:........._... N anmarine See section D-D', pl. 2. u 1:180;......... Qsp 1, 130—3 7i0.....¢.. Thi 3,770-6,850+ TA (fault). 6,850—111,080 _____ TA 11,080-11,185. Tpy 11 185-11) 390 Tps 11,390-11,525 _ _ Tpl(?) 11 625—11 606 . v 184 ._... OEIC reese Santa Fo 243........ (5) 3 11 1955 158 10,640 Produces from 8, 051 to 8,287; see section A-4', pl. 185 Mohawk Oil Co.. . McClintock 1 (31) 2 11 (?) 157 5,173 186 Montsjo and Joh . Clark 1... (17) 2 11 1924 275 3,789 187 Monterey Oil Co.... . Monterey Fe 25 2 11 1956 765 7,289 Redrilled from 1,900 to 5,325 and completed as producing well. 188 Morning Star...... (?) 21 .% 10 (1) 600 _ (?) 189 Morton and Song............. Wiéllimtl lgflwland (16) 2 10 1945 470 8,677 Qal and TA - See section D-D', pl. 2. state Tpl 5,611-5, 718 ________ Td 5, 718—6 20742. Tpl 3 267-7 570 ........ Tt 5 C7... ...... KJg(?) 190 .... (Qn e cece ea denes William Rowland (16) 2 10 1946 415 7,522 0-950 al, TA See section D-D', pl. 2. Estate 3-2. psc Tpy Tps Tpl Td 191 Nepple, Edward._.___._____. Nepple-Thompson (31) 20 11 1957 145 11,092 0-950 Qu Produces from 9,360 to 9,500; see 1: 9504-2,205. ...... Tfu sections A-4', B-B', pl. 1, 2 TA -- Tpsc ,837—11 go>:...... Toy 192 Nevada-Ventura Oil Aol 16 3 110 1921 Hb ©3,608 No Syndicate. 198 ..:. 10 e een rein a dian cues P 16 8 I1 1922 115. 194 Oakes and Combs, et al...... Whittier 1........... 22 2 11 1954 680 5,207 0-8,250..________. Tpsc 3, 250—5 207........ Tpy 195 Oak Ridge Oil Co..._......_. MOSL (@) : 12 192 J67: 5,000 196 Occidental Petroleum Corp.. Durbun, Ltd...... 6 3 10 1967 350 8,501 See well 391 for equivalent section. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C51 TaBLE 6.-Exploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information. No. Operator Well Year tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. 'T. B.. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8) (w.) 197 O'Donnell, J. E.............. Seward-Rideout 4... (17) 2 11 (?) 360 (?) 106 :.... IQ :e ree eet noe lea seek a aoe Seward-Rideout 7... (17) 2 11 (?) 420 (?) 199 Pacific nghtmg Gas Supply Turnbull (13) 2 - At. lél 548 - 3,792 See section C-C", pl. 2; Co. Community 2. redrilled as producing well; bottoms 446 ft N. 49° E. at 3,229 subsea. $,600-8,709........ AA Q*" .e AIO... cl. Turnbull Com- (13) 2 11 1942 BT 5,608 0-2,200 ..... TA See section C-C", pl. 2; redrilled as munity 3. 2,200-3,822. me Tpsc producing well; bottoms 790 ft 3,322-3,486. -- Tpy(?) S. 43° W. at 3,086 subsea. 486-43 * TpisC?) an 201 Pacific States Petroleum Co.. 1...... 10. ~s. (At (?) 123 4,017 203 Fadre Oil Cp....;............ Tufiree 19 3 9 _ 1951 327 7,050 See section A-A", pl. 1. 203 Pasadena Oil Co...._........ Fay-Granger Friz... 24 2 0 Ol1 0 1911 726 (?) 204 Pasadena-Puente Oil Co..... 1....._._.... 24 20 11 1921 B50 - 2,700 205 Patterson Oil Co__..._.__....- 1 15 3 10 (?) 323 >3, 200 206 Petroleum Center Land Co.. 19 3 11 1922 T7 - 4,625 207 Petroleum Midway Co., Inc.. Bell t.. >:: (31) 20 11 (?) 165 - 4, 231 208 Peltoleum Products -| - . 1....._..._..._.._.... 14 3 11 1923 180 5,283 Syndicate. 209 Petroleum Securities Co____.. Rideout 1........... (17) 2 11 1927 335 4,968 No data. 210 Pike Drilling Pike-Bolsa British- 14 3 11 1945 198 5,598 0-2,560.. American Stern 1. 811) Pomooo, Inc.:.............l. Palsy 2.:........... 19 3 9 _ 1957 325 212) Pray, La Habra Com- 4 3 10 1953 486 munity 1. 213 Puente Hills Oil Co-_.......- l ____________________ (16) 2 10 1922 467 (?) NoMats..:..............__..... 214 Reymond OH Co............ 1......... - 26 20 110 1901 790 215 Reed Gold Mines Co......... Rowland Fe 22 2 10 1956 525 See section F-F", pl. 2. 216 Reid and Campbell.._____..__ (1) 3 12 (?) 114 - -No $17 Rheem, B. 8......_......... Placentla Fruit Co.1 - 25 3 10 _ 1955 243 See section H-H", pl. 2. 218 Ridge Hill Oil Co.__.___._._.. Meyeri............. (8) 3 11 1954 148 A TA 2109. RingOilCo........_......... Patterson 1......_... (6) 3 11 (?) 136 (?) - No data 220 .... recu bese .. Petterson 6 (6) 3 11 (?) 138 (?) _ No data 221 Rio Grande Oil Co. aP Osborne 1: (34) 20 12 1928 134 5,149 222 Roth, J. A......... oe Ayres (85) 2 12 (?) 133 ?) 228 Rothschlld Of Chapman eI... 26 3 10 1950 288 2,725 oa... O rele nece dedi East Santa Fo (10) _ 3 11 1946 203 - 5,788 See section A-A', pl. 1. Springs Community 1. irie rre. Fouquet1........... (11) 3 11 1953 223 8,800 2906... p .s. 2 ALU YAC Lopicollo 1.......... 12 3 11 1953 246 - 8,550 See section D-D', pl. 2. 227.1 .1.. (O. eca ee enue Nuckols 1........... (30) 2 10 1952 670 5,526 Abandoned; produced from 4,210 to 5, 022 see section D-D', pl. 2. 298 ..... peels r ee eect ede .. Pellisier 5....._..__- (17) 20 110 1948 322 3,286 220 ..... CO arie i vec ue o uue n rew Woodward 1......... (11) 3 11 1953 282 8,700 Abandoned producer from 8,200 to 8,300. 280 Rucker & Croul.............. Grazide 2........... (22) 2 10 1930 565 2,188 See section F-F", pl. 2. 281 Rucker, Smith, & Croul..... I- iate cab (27) 2 10 192% 875 3,644 See section F-F", pl. 2. (1, %' 12 (?) 123 - (?) (1) 3 12 7 125 (1) (3) 3 11 1949 170 6,986 C52 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Tapur and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well Year tude dept! Remarks (depths inft) (pl. Sec. 'T. B. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8.) (W.) 235 Saint Anthony Oil Corp..... parley 2:........... (32) 2° #1 (?) 150 © (1) _ NO cc » 990 ..... MOYA eves ise ins Mary listley Com - (@2). 2 11 (?) 163. (f) . No mun 297; ace. Ocr nen svens ee Smith-Minuet 1.... 4 11 1954 144 5,760 0-1,000£.......... Qu 1,000+ 238 Hants Fe-Ball Oil Corp...... 1....._.__....__.__... (12) 3 (12 . 1923 109 289 Santa Fe Chief Oil Syndicate. Rect (35) 2 12 1923 142 240 Santa Fe Dome Oil Co...... Meyer 1. (8) 3 I1 1923 146 241 Santa Fe Dome Oil Co 2... Ll.... (8) 3 I1 1923 147 4, 247. Santa N¥efprings Oll .. 8...__...______._._.}. (7) 3 11 pre-1925 190 $000 Syndicate 2. 243 Santa Fe Springs Oil Io. (7) 3 11 (?) 131 (?) Syndicate 3. 244 Scientific OH Co...1...00..00 EAL ives. 21 B O11 1920 08. 4,714: NO 245 Seacoast Oil Co______....__.. Wardman 3 3 10 1945 560 - 5,824 O-1204............ Qao See section G-G', pl. 2. 1204-2,850........ Tfu 2,850-5,650. . ...... TA 5 550—5 $24........ Tpsc 246 Security Land and Water Co. Security Dell. 9 3 10 1940 300 5,185 247 Security Oil Syndicate....... (7) 3 11 pre-1925 191 4.046 Nodats..:............... M 248 Sentinel Oil Co......... s C 36 2 11 pre-1910 430 249 sSeverns Drilling Co.._._...-- Armstrong j:... 14 3 10 1950 314 Begun in 1923 by Fisher Oil Co. 250) Shaintock O111CO...1...0 ..... u (® B3 11 (?) 127 251 Shell OH Co...............s. Bastanchury 1...... 28 3 10 1920 258 Core dgscrlipztion only; see section -E , pl 2. 02 ONAN eeu cein uus Hart 1.-......:..l.s 14 2 11 1919 1,124 268 . X 3 Oise bel naaa inin eos Menchego 6......... (36) 2 10 1952 781 83 Qao, T See section ZT-H' pl. 2; directed 783-1, 550 (fault) . .. Tpl hole; bottoms 1, 670 fEN. 18° E. 1, 550—5 760 (fault)... Tpu at 5, 621 subsea. Td 254 ..... 10.E .s CHE Veria evie cans Menchego 6-Redrill. (36) 2 Produces from 1,720 to 1,992; directed hole; botttoms 1 617 ft hole, N. and 260 ft E. at 7 968 subsea, 2, 920-6, 830 (fault). Tp see section H-HT', pl. 2 6,830-7,712........ Brecciated Tpy 7, 712-8, 500 . - Tpy 8, 500-9, 007 Tps 268 ..... OO ein eect e. Fansint1............ (23) 2 12 1945 186 9,310 0-734... Nanmanne Drilled to 5,516 by C. G. Willis. u 734-1, 582. . Qsp 1, 582-2, 440 .. Tfu 2, 440-8, 2004... TA 8, 200+-9, 310 Tpsc 256 :.:. MQ. H. Velde dl Pico 17-Redrill.._... 2 3 10 1958 526 9,854 O-750k....__ Tfu Directed hole; bottoms 1,483 ft 750+-1, 550 . . Fault gouge N. and 12 ft E. at 8 998 subsea; 1, 550-2,500 .. f1 section Z-HT', p 2, 500-5, 780 . . Tpsc 5, 780-9, 435. . Tpy 9, 435-9, 854 Tps 287 s... NQ re fe ese AL coe. Puente A-1......... (35) 2 10 pre-1926 1,100 4,526 0-820...... Tpl Produces from 2,523 to 2,998. 20-2,000 Tt(?) 2,000-4,480 Tt 4,480-4,526 KJs 268 ..... AQ o chels Puente A-3......... (35) 2 10 1949 1,090 5,010 0-885... Tpl Producing well; see section G-G, 885-2,110 Tt(?) pl. 2. 2,110-4,457 Tt 4) A5T-5 010 KJs 259 ..... (IQA Peress s reso pW. l. Puente A-6......... (35) 2 10 - 1951 1,030 _ 4,618 0—1 :055. ..- TS} Produces from 1 758 to 3,295; see 055-1 285 (shear). T section G-G, pl 260 ..::. MO OR Puente B-8......... (35) 2 10 _ 1950 750 Producing well; directed hole; bottoms 3,200 ft N. 5° E. at 6,148 subsea. 261. .... li... ceil eles. Puente B-9......... (34) 2 10 _ 1950 650 Producing well; directed hole, bottoms 428 ft N. and 241 ft 'E. at 7, 147 subsea see section 7205..:... c-, 962 ...; eee reer neces bes -£ Puente D-2......... (344) 2 10 - 1954 725 4,475 0 1,2703+ (fault)... Tpl Produces from 3,460 to 4,080; 270i—1 836...... directed hole, bottoms 945 ft N. 1,835—2,685 ________ Tpsc and 300 ft E. 'at 3,590 subsea; ,685-3,584. . ...... Tpy see section F-F", pl. 2. 3 534-4, 27g (fault) .. Egs R98 268 -.20.0 0. cupid deuce eel Puente D-10..._____ (34) 2 10 - 1955 986 - 5,954 0-950 (fault) _______ Tpl Producing well; directed hole, 950-2870... Tf bottoms 1,560 ft N. 20° E. at 2 ,870-4, 870 reels.. Tpso, Tpy 4,373 subsea. 0-4 870 ps 4 765 (fault). Tps 54 KJs » » GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C©53 TABLE 6.-Eaploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 80, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- Total Geologic information No. Operator Well Year - tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8.) (W.) 264! ..... res Puente Core @n 2 10. i981 7385 3,316 Hole 2. 265)... .s MO 2. TY eur e Slaydeni1........... (5) 3 11 pre-1925 158 4,995 260 ..... o.... 2 lov Slusher 29........... (6) 3 11 1956 129 10,157 Producing well; directed hole, bottoms about 260 ft N. 9° E. at about 10,013 subsea; see section B-B' y pI. 2. 3 11 0 1925 219 5,937 20 il 1923 153 3,960 $ 2 10 1934 466 3,190 See section G-G", pl. 2. 270 Sierra Petroleum Co.___..__- Lester-Cole 1....__.. (9 s 11 (?) 207 (7) 271 Signal Oil and Gas Co...... Stern 1............_. 11 3 11 1953 240 - 8,958 Abandoned producer; bottoms near base of Tpsc. 272)... NO: leeve cde e Stern Realty 1...... 12 3° 11 (?) 240 - 8,760 Abandoned producer; bottoms near base of Tpsc. 8, 150:|:~7 (925....... TH 7,925-8, 7760... .. Tpsc 273 Signal Petroleum Corp...... Rowland 1.._....... (14) 2 10 (1) 428 - (?) No antal... l ILL. >:. 274 South Slope Oil Co.________.. Childs 3. - 16 20 11 1926 520 3,907 No data... 275 Southwest Petroleum Harrisi............. 20 12 1923 140 960 Bottoms in Syndicate. 276 Stall, C. C., Oil Association. A Asc tenn (35) 2 12 1923 131 4,906 Bottoms in Tfu.ll...._.....____.. 277 Standard Oil Co. of (P 12 3 11 pre-1925 205 >9,500. No California. 278)... AT: eve iet. 'Anchor 2.1....._.... 22 20 I1 1897 616 1.125 No 984 ..... OLL Carmenita (4) 3 11 1986 172 11,367 0-925(?) ........... Qu See section A-4', pl. 1. Community 1. 925(7)-2,085........ Tfu 2,635-5 455(iault) . TA TA 8145-10,090........ Tipse 10 090-11 367. -. Tpy 10.300kfguit:.......___._._.._.. 285)... .c n 200A e LL Central Fee 49-A.... 15 20 11 1906 1,120 3,000 No data ....................... Abandoned producer(?) _. Central Fee 56..._.. 23 20 11 (?) 1,090. ()' S87 ..... OO. Yue crece eus . Central Fee 114... 23 20 11 1948 900 7,664 0-1 2501(fau1t).... Tpsc 1,2504+-4,550.... ... pr 4,550-7,664 288i..... (OIL Y deen ts Chapman 1......... 26 3 10 1313 345 3,735 02,600 ored Qu, Tfu 2,000-8,795......... TA 289 |... .< (Dee use e aearo rece Coyote 2-2...._...._ 22 3 10 _ 1914 380 3,200 fNogstar _c... n.. as .. Coyote 2-9 1.0 22 3 10 (?) 240 4,254 No data _________________________ o- L Lue» Coyote 2-16......... 22 3 10 (?) 305 6,925 Produces from 6,030 to 6,600; see section A-A', pi 292 ..... eldon ee ese denced Coyote 2-19..._._.... 22 3 10 1957 336 8,340 0-460 Produces from 6,610 to 8,100; see section G-G", pl. 2. 298 ..... O ece neden deen cns Culp Community 1. 19 2 ll 19% 167 5,766 ris eel Donnelly 1........-. (31) 2 11 1921 165 4,400 __________________ Donnelly 2.......... (31) 2 11 1922 159 5,532 __________ Emery 86........... 24 3 11 1919 375 4, 681 ________________ Emery 87.........._ . 13 3 11 1948 196 11,020 Produces from 3, 323 to 4,130; see section A-A', pl. 298 suus O- s Likens Emery 92........... 13 3 11 1952 450 12,048 Produces from 6,010 to 6,180; deepest test of West Coyote 011 field; see section A-A', pl. 1 10,800-12,048. . 299 ..... AOL Le seven vene asan Emery 101.......... 13 3 11 1958 203 4/9899 No Redrilled from 4,222 to (?) as Emery 102. 800 i..... ree NEST eave ue e+ German 11 s : 11 1947 193 10,304 0-804. - Qu See sections A-A', D-D', pls 1, 2. Community 1. 804-2,0 . Ta 2,900-7,815 - TA 7,815-8,656 - Tpse 8, 656—10 OL - Tpy 10, 015-10,190 Tps 10 190-10, 304- APY C54 TaBtE 6.-Eaploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 80, 1968-Con GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNTA Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well Year - tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. 'T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8) (W.) 801 .c... 1 | ne rung Gerrard 11 3 11 1946 255 7,043 Community 1. 802 .:... do.. - Hadley Ranch 1.... 23 2 12 1925 162 5,900 303 .. .. Houghton (36) 2 12 1947 . 136 14,444 See section 4-4", pl. 1. Community 1-1. 804 ..... 10... ears e een becuus bard Leffingwell 1...____. 11 8 11 1910(7) 198 5,913 S05. . HO: erea inne dene ene ae McNally 2........... 24 3 11 1914 162 , 858 306 ..... HOL eins ee cn ons McNally 2-1......... 15 3 11 1922 135 5,702 807 «...s HQ ce er na bene on McNally 4........... 24 8 11 1915 150 4,330 g 808 ..... 10. reseed 2 Murphy-Coyote 1. .. 18 3 10 1907(7) 220 - 3,300 Abandoned producer(?). 800 ..... peor eee n aul Murphy-Coyote 13... 13 3 11 1914 220: ((t) 810 .:.? H0. rere reena Pe nece w.. Murphy-Coyote..... 18 3 10 540 6,085 Qch Qsp.... Produces from 5,360 to 6,085; see 126. section A-A', pl. 1. BiH ccs eer cea bek eect. Murphy-Coyote 18 3 10 - 1941 513 9,295 Produces from 5,350 to 6,150; see 129. section A-A', pl. 1 812 Standard Oil Co....._....._. Murphy-Coyote 164. 20 3 10 (?) 466 6,051 .l Qch, Qsp, Produces from 4,400 to 4 ,650; fu. see section A- A’ pl. 1 2,005-6,015......... TA (fault at 5,350). $13 ._... 10: ane e Aes s ro Pore Murphy-Coyote 166. 17 3 10 (?) 801. 6,085 0-2,475............ chl, Qsp, Produces from 5,630 to 6 035; Tfu. see section A—A pl. 2 2,475-6,085......... TA (fal).1lt at 5,240 S14 _.... MO: cee eer cense Murphy-Coyote 275. 18 3 10 (?) 564 . 6,110 0-2,425............ Qch Qsp, Produces from 3,500 to 3 930; Tfu. see section A—A' pl. 1 2,425-6,110......... TA (133111: at 5,160, $16 ...} NO ree rae ccs Murphy-Coyote 284. 20 3 10 (?) 889 - 8,704 O-2,610............ Qch Qsp, _ Produces from 5,080 to 5 140 Ttu. see section A A’ 2,610-6,745......... TA (fault at 6,300). - Murphy-Whittier 56. 26 2 11 pre-1925 476 - 4,430 - Murphy-Whittier 59. 26 2 11 pre-1925 475 3,793 ___________________ Murphy-Whittier 62. 26 2 11 1943 875 .8,088 0-§,662......_..... Th Produces from 1 308 to 2,708; see 3,662-5,870. . ._.... Tpse section C-C", pl. 2. 5,870-7,825. . .._... Tpy 7,825-8,033. . ...... Tps S19 ...;; 10... Asis. dice Murphy-Whittier 71. 26 2 11 1954 860° 8,150. No 3199 ..... AO ero .... Murphy-Whittier 101 26 2 11 1961 426 10,950 0-6,030.... . TA Directed hole; bottoms approx. 700 6,080-7,7090. ...... Tpse ft. N. 48° W. 7,196-9,260. . ...... Tpy 9,260-10,370. ...... Tps 10 370—10 950 . TBI 820 ..... (N02 sore eee ire Newsom Com- (36) 2 12 1946 138 10,319 0-1 , 280 . - Qu munity 1. 1280—3 fu EA 275—5 775 (fault). TA site- Ai...... Ta 7,825-10,125. ...... Tpsc 10,125-10,819 --- 821 ...l MQ eso nn eave e Otto Community 1. (35) 2 ) A1 1963 136 8,777 (I7 iad - Qu, Tfu Directed hole. bottoms approx. 4,975-8,777 - TA 1600 ft. N 73° W. 82% ....; 10 .e Ls dil nos Pacific Community 26 8. 11 1954 68 11,651 0-350... --- Qao Directed hole; bottoms 1,088 ft 1. 350-790. . ... Qlh N. and 2, 228 ft E. at 11 238 790-1,100 ... Geh subsea; see section E- E pl. 1. 1,100-2,880. --- Qsp 2,880-8,000......... Tfu 8,090-11,160. -.. TA 11 160—11 240. . Ty 11 240—11 yrb....... TH?) 11,375-11,651._.____ Tvs $28 .... do. reeled e Lo s Patten .;. 00000 (17) 20 l1 192 $10 - 6,058 No cll cale $24 ..}. 10 MA e eae 2. Ravera Commu- 21 8 1 1956 75 13,145 BATH Nonmarine See section C-C', pl. 2. nity 1 Qu 635-2,435.......... Qsp 2,485-7,114. . - Tfu 7,114-11,970........ TA 11,970-12,385....... Tpse 12,885-12,804....... Tpy 12, 804—12 940....... Tps 12 940—13 145....... Iv 325 Standard Oil Co. of Rowland Estate 1... (21) 2 10 1949 667 4,340 0-240 See section E-E", pl. 2. California. 826 .... HO. ie seee een baie been awe a Sanchez 1-A.......__ (32) 2 11 1922 157 4,789 Qee ELL eared Santa Fe 3 11 1919 222 4,918 Community 1. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS C55 TABLE 6.-Exploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well Year tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8) (w) B28 L.... NOVO ada cain's Stern Community d 3 10 1946 308 11,725 See section E-E", pl. 2. 2-1. ©20...... Sunny Hills 1....... 21 3 10 1953 310 7,897 0-495 See sections A-A', pl. 1. Toler 1. 3 11 about 1910 273 4,611 3 12 pre-1925 126 5,374 3 12 pre-1925 128 4,772 3 10 1911 307 3,885 2 12 1923 136 5,613 2 12 1923 135 4,670 2 12 1923 132 4,672 2 12 1924 136 4,665 2 11 1923 155 4,780 3 11 1947 118 3,998 3 10 1913 336 4,300 341 Stanton and Bingham........ 1...._.._____._.__..- (25) 2 10 1921 603 4,238 842 State W. Y. Rowland 1... (14) 2 10 - 1941 437 - 2,767 $43) Steclo, H.....}........_...... Kenwood 1.......... (16) 2 10 1943 470 - 4,272 344 Sterling and Trousdale..._... McNally 1L........... 23 3 11 1953 183 9,146 S4btStrain, THOMAS. 24 3 10 (?) 325 4,202 346 Sunhill Petroleum Co.________ Edwards 16 3 10 1952 305 6,605 347 Sunray-Midcontinent Oil Co. FC H. 1Bixby Ranch 20 2 10 1961 550 - 3,476 0.1. 348 Superior Oil Co.____.______.__ : Hevea lamin «cnn e' 22 3 12 1922 83 349 Syndicate Petroleum Co.. 8 10 1910 370 -. Precise location unknown. 2. A (?) 212. (Mt 2 10 (?) $76 2,080. Abandoned producer. 2 0 10 1922 970 (?) - No data. . Abandoned producer. 2 10 pre-1925 960 4,789 No data. 3 11 1961 69 12,561 0-2,830.. 2,830-7,624 . 7,624-12,224..______ Tl 12 224-12 561. GbbBi..... os 22. $10 les fera cel Deuny 16 2 11 1924 485 3,807 No data. .:.. do ssl ees aden McNally AA:l.c:... 22 3 11 1941 106 9,000 0-1,250......_._... Qu, Qsp 1,250-6,100+ (fault?). 6,1004--6,875.... ... Tfu S07... I0 ad ni nus McNally A-2....___. 15 3 11 1942 112 9,658 O0-1,455...___ zli,455—g,230._. 358 ..... do. cen d reds agoo McNally A-3........ 22 3 11 1943 122 9,585 O-1,482............ Q}; Qsp Tfo Possible fault at 8,000+. B09. dor. s cullen enue cee McNally Ranch 1... 23 3 11 1951 135 10,280 0-1 020 800. .... McNally Ranch (10) 8 11 1952 215 10,000 Produced small amount oil from B-10-1. 8,820 to 8,935 S01 Neall...:.......... 28 3 11 1923 68 5,495 862 ..... G- =s one (13) 2 12 1933 171 2894 BottemsinTfG....._.._........ 308 ..... 16° He c+» Shimizu 1........... (15) 2 12 1953 187 9,206 O-1,875._.........- Qu Qsp 1, 575—2 440........ T 2, 440-7 Tfl 7892-9, '206........ Tpse 364 Top Notch Syndicate 1. ..... Meu (8) 3 11 1923 155 _ 4,850 No data.... 365 Triangle Oil Co._._...__. AAAE -- "(H s iL . (" 15. (Ml 366 Triangle Oil Syndicate 2..... MNA iid. o> (7) 3 11 pre-1925 116 9,450 Dnllsileoi Zlflocated 350 ft E.) to 1,122 in 1923. '307) Tricolor Oil Ares (26) 2 12 1923 144 800 Bottoms in Qu-...___...__.._._-. 368 Tri-field Producing Tri-field 1......._._.. (7) 3 ° 11 1922 108 ©2,600 Syndicate. 3690 Tristate Oil ooo e AL Eves 8 3 10 1910(?) S1b 5,500, 2.00. 0. cc een 370 Troy Petroleum Co..._.__.... Ie sena lt 27 2 10 - 1945 585 2,925 546—540. perce: Qal1 Tps See section F-F", pl. 2. 1 $71 Tureco Ofl Co......:::...... (29) 2 11 1950 162 5,586 Bolten in Dil.................. 372 Union Oil Co. of California_. Bastanchury 2. 16 3 10 1910 370 660 (Ho. s eed VTL OI > Bastanchury 3. . 16 3 10 1911(7) 330 5,128 es $ (10 191 340 >4 076 Abandoned producer. 6 ..... (NOL INID t Bastanchury 6...... 28 3 10 1916 225 5, 260 No C56 GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TaBtr 6.-Eaploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well Year tude depth Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. R. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8.) (w.) $70 ..c.. Q colleen ee e Wiese Carmenita Com- (5) 3 11 1952 167 8,445 0-970... Qu See section A-4', pl. 1. munity L. 970-2,39 Tfu 2,394-8,03 TA 8,038-8,445 . $T ac ee ee ores e ce cence era Carmeixtfica2 Com- ($. s O11. 1963 167 5,400 No data.. munity 2. 878 L.. O Downey Com- (2) 3 12 < 1092 118 4,968 Bottoms in Tfu.. Reported to have produced small munity 1. amount of oil. $79 ..;.. N0 .LRN Pee Ls Flood Control 1._... 36 9 42 19 145. ~5,945- .No Reported to have produced small amount of oil. $80 .... (OO « ee rennin anais nueve Fullerton Fee 1. .... 25 2 A1 1947 750 - 4,865 $411 Producing well. Thy S81 Ole cs ede aun Fullerton Heights 1. - 22 3 10 1934 300 6,040 0-250 80h See section G-G', pl. 2. Sp Tfu TA 882 ..... HAN ALCL be ihe 10 3 10 _ 1928 340 5,035 ga, Tfu Core description only. $83 ..... NO. siar e be nee eee bes one Hiole 2... 23 3 10 (?) 381 4,500 Qsp Produces from 3, 050 to 3,600; see Tfu section A-4', p. 1 TA Tpsc $84 ..... HOME NNT. erea care Holo 23 3 10 (?) 315 - 4,875 Qch, Qsp Produces from 3, 150 to 3,360; see Tfu section A-A', pl TA Tpsc 986 .... Oeic ee ce / brs Hole 5B6-14........... 14 3 10 1957 345 8,601 0-220+ 81k}!1 See section HT'-H', pl. 2. c - Qsp - Tfu . TA 5 087—6 995. - Tpsc 6 995-8 485. - Tpy 8, 485-8, 601 Tps 0 ...s it cone cen McNally 1........... 22 8 11 1926 110 _..2. tietoa Meyer 1.......!..... (9) 3 11. pre-g2l 172 G88 ..... Here reece eus Meyer (9) 3 - 11 pre-1921 176 680 ;.... O Gia. ora see Meyer (4) 3 11 1921 174 390 ..... NO). IRL GRL iL aan 's MeyerI11.:......_... (5) 3 1 (?) 163 91... Loo uk 2 Milhaus 1........... 6 3 10 1956 348 Directed hole; bottoms 2,142 ft N. and 348 ft W. at 8,724 subsea. 8,870-9,866. ...... Tpse 8998 ..... MQ seperate neb a ween nono Mineral Springs 1... - 25 20 11 1911 750 3,230 No data.. R 098 :.... O- Mineral Springs 3... . 25 2 11 1948 815 Produced small amount oil from above 2,606 894 ..... MO .. evies Orchardale Com- 10 s- 11 1930 218 munity 1. 995 2.¢.. 10. L.. Probe Hole 1........ 29 2 10 1962 740 $96 =-. ., TERI ILO» eves Puente Farms 1..... 15 20 110 1954 1, 060 Hole directed southward below 1,770; bottom location not known. 897 .-.. (MQ era ravi ade daa ene navels Sanchez 1........_... (32) 2 11 1921 162 998 ..... Oreo ece er sono ao San Juan 1. 17 3 10 1909 280 809 ..... Ore re nece eens , Sansinena 1-B-15... - 30 2 10 1945 875 Producing well; see section D-D', pl. 2. 400 ..... HOLE ers ne e Sansinena 8-B-2.... (33) 2 10 - 1953 870 - 5,211 - Tpl Directed hole; bottoms 1,320 ft - Td N. 10° E. at 4,050 subsea; re- 3 1,193] and Tt drilled as producing well. - KJs 401 ...s 0 inn ane 2 Sansinena 9-B-2.... (33) 2 10 - 1952 538 8,003 (D- - Qh Producing well; directed hole; l75(?)—600(7).. - Qsp bottoms 4,200 ft N. at 5,875 500(?)-2,800+. - Tf subsea; see section F-F", pl. 2. 2,8004--4,0354.__ _ TA 4, 035i—6 000+ Tpu ' (fault). 6,000+-6,785+..... Tpu 6, 7851-8 ;003 T 402 OMe irvine du oen Sansinena 10-A-3... (82) 2 10 1954 B78 9,586 0-2,270..1.._ See section E-E", pl. 2. 2, 270-7 A27... 7T, 427-8 400i.-- 8 400+~-9,345 (fault). ._... 403 :.... (10 00. Prei Hani vectors Sansinena 12 (31) 2 10 1940 535 5,608 Directed hole; bottoms 1,987 ft Redrill. 1, 380i}? ,775 N. and 435 ft E. at 4,680 subsea. ault). 8,775-4,565... ...... "Gouge" 4,555-5,286. T 5, 236-5,608. ...... Bansingns 14.0: .... (82) 2 10 1944 575 - 4,700 0 data.-. ................ Sansinena 16........ (33) 2 10 1945 775 4,267 0-1,075.... See section E-E", pl. 2. 1 076-2 412. . 2/412-4,012. _ 4,012-4,207. ...... Tpy 406 )--: -. Qee ee aT ien Sansinena 16 (38) 2 10 1946 775 5,984 0-2,500 same as | ______________ Directed hole; bottoms 1,161 ft N. Redrill. original hole. and 33 ft W. at 4,991 subsea, see 2,500-8,205. ...... Tpsc section E-E", pl. 2. 3, 295—3 970 (fault) . Tpy 3 970—4 445 (fault). TA GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS CST TaBLE 6.-Exploratory and selected producing wells drilled in the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles before June 30, 1968-Con. Map Location Alti- - Total Geologic information No. Operator Well -------- _ Year tude depth ------------_---- Remarks (depths in ft) (pl. Sec. T. B. begun (ft) (ft) Interval (ft) Unit 4) (8.) (w.) 407 :-... MOR ee deer acers es SHe 12 3 11 1954 220 8,977 408 ..... oss. Acdece Sunny Hills 2-1..... 21 3 10 1951 286 8,008 0-1,050 Abandoned producer from 5,325 to 5,500 409 /... M10 revs Len Lo siva Sunny Hills 1(?).... 9 3% 10 (?) 274 - 4,608 410 ..... orr 2 Eo ols Sunny Hills 2....... 22 3 10 - 1944 315 6,522 Produces from 6,048 to 6,359; see section A- A', pl. 1. €11 ..... T0 eee eee nece n dh eke nee Sunny Hills 3......- 21 3 10 1945 206 6,982 Abandoned; produced from 6,370 to 6,474; see section A-A', pl. 1. 42..... o: rec earn nu over Sunny Hills 5....... 21 3 10 1950 311 - 6,571 Proldlicing well; see section A-A', pl. 1. 1,140-2,380........ Tfu 2,880-5,864. ...... TA 419 :.... Oe Toussau 5........... 22 3 10 (?) 200 7,537 Produces from 5,300 to 6,425; see sections A-A', G-G, pls 1 414 ._... Q- sles esc pu L ae Toussau 9........... 22 3 10 (?) 321 6,400 0-150 Produces from 5, 450 to 6,400; see section G-G", pl 416 L... (O- uit eee Perel Union Apex Nor- 23 3 12 1968 84 16,008 0-3,405 qu Directed hole; bottoms 6,194 ft. walk-Bellflower 2. 3, 405—10 700.....-. Tiu N. 57314° E. at 14,228 subsea 10 730—16 008...... TA See section B—B’ pl. 2 116 [.... MO Un cee n cerecens one Whittier City 2-1... 22 2 0 110 1957 585 5,200 045,200 ............ Tps, Tpl Directed hole; bottoms 484 ft S. and 1,700 ft W. at 4,202 subsea; three directed redrills. 417 ..... O ece inchs ne line eres Whittier Crude 1.... - 22 2 11 1951 580 . 6,060. No 18 ..... d ....................... Whittier Crude 2.... - 22 2 11 1951 525 5,401-:No Well 2..........102.-. (12) 3 12 (?) 114 (?) No GALA: .- res ..... o..._.___....._......... Well 2B............. (02 3 . 12 (?) 113 (?) - Well 3.. sss (19) 3 12 1923 113 2,750 422 Utlhty Petroleum Co...... Strain 24 3 10 1954 340 4,506 423 Valley View Oil Co...... Home Lease 1....... 22 2 11 1937 535 1,046 424 Wardman, A.... - Boeseke 4 .... 2 :() 3 12 (?) 127 7 425 Webb Oil Co._........ . Lawrence 1.. ...... (19) 2 10 1954 490 4, 637 425a Westates Exploration Co..... S. E. Santa Fe 16 3 11 1969 106 11,589 Dxrected hole; bottoms 4,541 ft N. Springs 1. 7914° E. at 10,470 subsea See section C-C", pl. 426 Westates Petroleum Co...... Bowen 1............ 24 3 10 1937 270 4,057 0-250 See section A-A', pl. 1. 427 Wléiltltgr Consolidated 1, See. 16 2 11 1901 620 1,300 o. P00. esau a aas. 2, Sec. 16... 16 20 11 1901 520 1,000 - 1, See. 24. 24 2 11 1901 617 900 do . 2, Bec. 24 2 11 1901 510 940 Whittier Crude Oil C Al 22 2 11 pre-19)1 600 1,970 432 Whittier-Des Moines Oil Co.. 1. 7 3 10 pre-1911 245 . 3,634 433 Whittier-Grand Oil Co...._-- 1. 25 2 11 pre-1910 790 900 434 Whittier Oil and Develop- LP rect seee. 24 2 11 1 680 2, 200 ment Co. 436 Willard, E. T.!........_..... Lawrence Estate 1.. (29) 2 10 1949 950 3,006 4 4 See section D-D', pl. 2. - Tpy 2 005—3 006..1..... Tps 436 Willis C. Butler (1b) <2 (lg. 1947 182 6,239 Bottoms in TH..._.._...._....... Community 1. 437 Willmore and Hazzard_...... BISE Triac. (5) 3 11 1922 157 - 1,036; No Gata... L e.. 438 - Wilshire Oil Co., Inc._....... Aaa (6° $. H (?) 150;. (1). No 430 ..... HO. Re IL re nevi ore e oes 1 .................... (8) 8 11 1920 100 5,080 NO Gata..s...................«.. 440 ::.... (O A 24 All ce ele nek nenas nn (7) 3 11 pre-1925 192 .; 441 Woodmar Partnership...... Umon Feel.......... 14 2 31 '- 1982 800 687. Tpsc 442 World Petroleum Co........- Blythe 22 3 12 (?) $2 5,005 C58 FOSSIL LOCALITIES Table 7 presents collector, identifier, and location for the fossil faunas listed in tables 1, 2, and 3. Many of the collections have been reported by general age range (Daviess and Woodford, 1949) but not by fauna, or have been reported by fauna but not plotted relative to a geologic map (Kundert, 1952, p. 14-15); others, such as those made during this investigation, have not been reported previously. The collections from the San: Pedro Formation, made chiefly by C. W. Hoskins in the West Coyote area, are especially significant because no other such extensive collections of San Pedro age fossils are known from areas so far inland from the present shoreline. TaBur 7.-Collectors, identifiers, and locations of fossil collections from the La H abra and Whittier quadrangles [Foraminifera listed in tables 1, and 2 mollusks, table 3. Map numbers prefixed by CJK indicate reference to Kundert (1952, p. 15 ) Parentheses under "Location" indicate projected section in unsurveyed areas] Map reference _ Collected Identified Location No. (pl. 4) by- by- Foraminifera collections R. F. Yerkes... P. B. Smith... Sec (31) T. 2 S., R. 10W.; artificial 350 it N. and 1,575 ft E. of cor La Habra quad __________ C.J. Kundert. M. L. Natland. Sec (31), 'D. 28., R. 10W.; artificial (CJK—F33) t 2,070 ft S. and 750 ft E of NW. cor 'La Habra quad. ............... ... Bee: (31), T. 2 S., R. 10W.: artificial (CJK—FM) cut 1,150 ft S. and 3,550 it E. of NW. cor La Habra quad _______________ do...... ..} Rectal), T. 2 S., R. 10W.: artificial (CJK—Fsa) cut 1,115 ft S. and 4.200 ft E of NW. cor., La Habra quad. slr alse cl Sec. (32) artlficml cut 3,250 ft N. and (CJK-F30) 9 5 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra H. F. Sim- P. B. Smith.. Sec (32) T. 2 S., R. 10W.: 1,000 ft N. mons. and (11350 1t E. of SW. cor., Ta Habra qua MATL. LLEN. ceucucud dO. .s do......... See. (32), T. 2 8., R. 10W.; 1,860 ft N. and 325 it E. of SW. cor., Ta Habra ioo. tn Oren ces tych Sec. (32), T.2 S., R. 10W.; artificial cut 4,200 ft N. and 780 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. ARAI. 2: eL cus .l Sec. (32) T.28., R.10W.: artificial cut 3,600 It N. and 2,200 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad ccc .. do.: Sec. (33), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 3,680 ft N. and 800 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. .u ery dp..size.ls Sec. (33), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 3,620 ft N. and 1,850 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. ......... C. J. Kundert M. L. Natland Sec. (33) T. 2 8., R. 10 W.; artificial (CJK—F40) cut 1,000 ft S. 'and 900 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad. .............. 66, 25 T. 2 8., R. 11 W.; 1,475 1t N. (CJK—F27) and 2 100 it' E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. eel. ece. CO. docu (0.;-..2.. Sec. 26, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 885 ft S. and (CJK—F14) and (£213 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad. .............. do......1..s.l..0o......... Bee, 20, T. 2 B. 11 W.; artificial out (CJK—F16) 1,860 ft N. and 2,810 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier quad. mee bcos erk O:: do......... Sec. 26, T. 28., R. 11 W.: artificial cut 2,300 ft N. and 2,025 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier quad. MALT s- cea ners isu . do......... See. 26, T. 2 8., R. 11 W.; 1,050 ft 8. (CJK F17) and 2,025 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. iC do......... Sec. 26, T.28., R. 11 W. artificial cut (CJK—Fls) 1,400 ft S. and 1,520 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad .............. Bec: 26 T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 675 ft S. and (CJK—F19) 860 (fit W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TaBur 7.-Collectors, identifiers, and locations of fossil collections from the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles-Continued Map reference Collected Identified Location No. (pl. 4) by- by- Foraminifera collections-Continued .............. ...... Bec. 20, 'P. 2 8., R., IL W.: 525 ft. 8. and (CJK—FZO) 1,090 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. F ml. c lll (10.13 suave vee Sec. 26, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,775 ft S. (CJK—F21) and 1,400 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. MAIL conus 10.4::...- Sec 26, T. 2 8., R. 11 W.: artificial cut (CJK—F22) 800 it S. and 1,015 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad PRS oren vec do... i... Sec. 26 T.28., R. 11 W.: artificial cut, (CJK F23) 2, 185 ft S. and 1,550 It W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad .............. See. 96, T. 28., R. I W.: artificial cut (CJK F24) 2,650 ft S. and 125 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. .............. do.: See. 95, T.28., B. 11 W.-artificial (CJK—FS) cut 450 ft S. and 3,110 ft E. of NW. cor Whlttler uad. n-2D. cree en (10, ce ea cst aie. Sec. T. 2 8, 11 W.: artificial (CJK—FZS) cut 625 it. 8. and 2, 145 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier uad ............. Bee. 36, 7.28. R. 11 W.: 800 ft. S. and (CJ K-F29) 525 st E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad. RBL crede ees Ome ics do:%..¢.. Sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 11W.; 0 ft S. and (CJK-F30) 1,00téft. W. of NE. Cor., La Habra quad. Ive do..:s 1. Sec. 36, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 2,600 ft S. (OJ K-F31) and 2300 ttil: E. of NW. cor., La m-30. . 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,950 ft S. (CJK-F32) anngOItW of NE. cor., La Habra PHBl......_.. R. F. Yerkes... P. B. Smith... Sec 1, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 810 it S. and 800 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad. G.J. Bellemin ..... 0. Sec. (17) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 2,380 ft N. and 2,280 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. (0. cess 0A do..... See. (17), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 2,075 ft N. and 2,430 ft W. of SE cor., La Habra quad. in-§61 . 10. uct c do.:..si... Sec. (19), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 1,125 ft S. and 2,280 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad _________ C.J. Kundert. M. L. Natland Sec. 23 2 8., R. 11 W.; 200 ft N. (CJ K-F5) andd800 It E. of SW. cor., Whittier qual n-86. 22: cise eL do:: ...... Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: artificial cut (CJK-F6) 60 ft'N. and 175 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier quad. .............. fo..............do......... Seo. 26, T. .9 S., R. 1L W.: artificial (CJK—F7) cut 460 ft S. and 865 ft E. of NW. cor Whittier quad. ......... C. J. Kundert. M. L. Natland. Sec. T. 2 S., R.11 W.: 475 ft N. (CJ K F9) and $00 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier uad. m-38A........ W. H. Holman. J. W. Ruth... Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R 11 W.: artificial cut 1,140ft N. and 1,440 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier quad. _________ C.J. Kundert. M. L. Natland. Selc 23, T.28., R. 11 W.: 200 ft N. and (CJK—FIO) 650 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier quad .............. do............._d9....._... Seo. 26, T. 2 8., R. 11 W.: artificial cut (CJK—Fll) 125 ft S. andl 570 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad ______________ do......:.......d0........_ Seo. 26, T.28.. B. I1 W.: 225 it 8. and (CKJ—F13) 2, 67?i it E. of NW. cor., Whittier qua m-2......... R. F. Yerkes. P. B. Smith... Sec 1, T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 60 ft S. and 1,850 ft E. of NW. cor La Habra quad m-48......._. S. N. Daviess...... do.:.:.sis Sec. 13 T.28., R. 11 W.: 575 ft N. and 60 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. _________ C.J. Kundert. M. L. Natland. Sec. 22, T. 28., R. 11 W.: 1,340 ft S. (CJ K F36) andd425 it E. of NW. cor., Whittier qua W. H. Holman. J. W. Ruth... Sec 23, S., R. 11 W.: artificial cut 400 ft N. and 2,825 ft E. of SW. cor Whittier quad m-44b. 10... sulcus cu us Sec. 23 T.28., R. 11 W.;: artlfucal cut 3; 530 ft N. and 2,435 ft E. of SW. cor Whittier quad _________ C.J. Kundert. M. L. Natland. Sec 23 T.28., R. 11 W.: 400 ft N. and (CJK F12) 591 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra qua G.J. Bellemin. P. B. Smith... Sec. (22), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.; 250 ft N. and 475 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. Hef I0... dora tors.... cs do...... Sec. (29), T. 2 S., R. 10 w.: 1,400 ft S. and 100 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. GEOLOGY AND OIL RESOURCES, WESTERN PUENTE HILLS TaBur 7.-Collectors, identifiers, and locations of fossil collections from the La H abra and Whittier quadrangles-Continued C59 TaBur 7.-Collectors, identifiers, and locations of fossil collections from the La H abra and Whittier quadrangles-Continued Map reference Collected Identified Location No. (pl. 4) by- by- Foraminifera collections-Continued m-48. . __.... S. N. Daviess...... do. . LJ.S. Sec. (30), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 1,715 ft S. and 250 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra uad. m-49......... D. van Sickle. P. J. Smith... Sec (33) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 4,125 ft N. and 1,925 it E. of SW. cor La Habra quad ..... do......... See. (33) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 4,200 ft N. and 2,100 it E. of SW. cor., La Habra uad Qee (o.s..s:.l. Sec. (33) T 2 S., R. 10 W.; artificial cut4280£tN and 1,700 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad F. F. Yerkes... dors... Sec. (35) T , R. 10 W.: artificial cut 115 ft N and 1,900 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad m-B6..:.....0. S. N. Daviess...... Sec. 28, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: artificial cut 1 970 ft S. and 735 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad. U Sec. 23 T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 2,140 ft N. anddGOO it E. of SW. cor., ' Whittier qua desc.... Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,800 ft N. and 1,275 it' W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. in-B6.......0...... ie. do....lll.. Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 850 ft N. and O2 , 540 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier qua J. W. Ruth.... Sec. 23, T. 2 S., m-508........ w. H. R. 11 W.; artificial Holman cut 1 650 ft N. and 2,325 ft E. of Sw. cor Whittier quad MDF; s+ C.J. M. L. Sec. 25, T. 2 S., R 11 W.: 680 ft S. (CJ K-F25) Kundert. Natland. and 1 900 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. .............. do....l.iJ..... Bec. 25, ’I‘ 2 S., R. 11 W.: 2,325 ft S. (CJK—FZG) and £75 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra n=89......... 8. N. P. B. Smith... Sets:1 25, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,000 ft S. Daviess. and 1000 ft 'w. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. n-60......... R. F. Yorkes....... Sec. 1, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 1800 ft S. and 2,450 it E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad m-Ol......... GI. . M Oz Sec. 27 T. 2 S., R. 10 W.; 2,350 ft N. Bellemin. and 2 200 ft' E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. m-62......... C.J. Kundert. M. L. Nat- Sec. (29), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial (CJK—F37) land. cut 400 ft N. and 860 ft E. of SW. or., La Habra quad. S. N. Daviess. P. B. Smith... Sec 25 T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 2,500 ft S. and 65OItW of NE. cor., La Habra 00.1... .A co Sec. (30) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 4,450 ft S. and 435 it W. of NE. cor., La Habra C.J. Kundert. M. L. Nat- Sec (30) T. 2 8., R. 10 W.: 1,200 ft N. (CJK-F38) land. and 3, ,550 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. m-66......!.. R. F. Yerkes. P. B. Smith... Sec. (34), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.; artificial cut 2,280 ft N., and 960 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. tl MO.. c. sl See. (35), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 3,535 ft N. and 1,080 ft W. of SE. cor., 'La Habra quad dO sc cs do...... Sec. (35) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 2, 840 ft N. and 1,100 ft E. of SW. cor., 'La Habra quad in-69......... S. N. Daviess...... do...:..... Sec. 14 T. 2 S., R. 11 W.;: 330 ft N. and dz , 000 ft E. of SW. cor. Whittier . A0... do: 2.2200. Sec. 14, T. 2$8., R. 11 W.: 160 ft N. and 1,985 ft E. of SW. cor., Whittier quad. Mice ses .A . See. 14, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 460 ft N. and 1,680 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. Sec. 22, T. 2 8., R. 11 W.: 625 ft S. and 1 875 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier uad. m-4Ss......... S. N. Daviess. P. B. Smith.. Sec 22, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.; artificial cut 460 ft S. and 2,140 ft W. of NE. cor Whittier quad C.J. Kundert. M. L. Nat- (CJK-F3) land. 00.1.2... 0C do.. Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 850 ft S. and 325 it E. of NW. cor., Whittier 0000 do......:.. Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 80 ft S. and 1,375 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad. .. ooo 10.2020. Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,660 ft S. and 1,800 ft E. of NW. cor., Whit- tier qu ad. i Core deren 0A L.: Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 785 ft S. and 740 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad. Mr OTE...... do......... See. 28, T. 2 8., R. 11 W.; art. cut 1,910 'tt S. and 1,725 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad Map reference Collected Identified Location No. (pl. 4) by- by- Foraminifera collections-Continued CNO. it at ens sue o.: Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,460 ft S and 150 ft W. of NE. cor. ., La Habra quad HBO: .. 10... ield (o: s Sec. 23, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,575 ft S. and 5310 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra cee N0 oun .: Sec. 23, T. 28., R. 11 W.: 960 ft S. and 1,000 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. 10.20 iO 9. es eu eee (0.2.20. Sec. 23, T. 28., R. 11 W.: 350 ft S. and 50 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. dose ines 0:00. Sec. 24, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.; 1,725 ft N. and 2,350 ft" E. of SW. cor., La Harba quad. MBE. 008 dOls...s.. Sec. 24, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.; 1,525 ft S. angdg25ftE of NW. cor., Ta Habra 10.2 s rece cn cest Sec 24, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.; artificial cut 400 ft S. and 340 ft E of NW . cor., La Habra quad. Mollusk collections F-2.........~: R. F. Yerkes... W. H. Holman See. 17, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 175 ft N. and 800 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. do..:....s.s..:200:.c.....2 Sec. 23 T. 3 S., R. 10 W.; artificial cut 2, 500 ft N. and 820 ft W. of SE. cor., 'La Habra quad. P=4:..0...000.. 001 W. H. Hol- Sec. 23, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: artificial man, J. G cut 2,450 ft S. and 2,330 ft E. of NW. Vedder cor., La Habra quad. do.. ss ill do......... See. 19, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 1,440 ft S. and 2,240 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad. 20.000 do.. tues do:.22.0..: Sec. 20 T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 60 ft S. and 1,100 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad C. W. Hoskins. C. W. Hoskins. Sec. 24, T. 3 8., R. 11 W.; 350 ft 8. and 380 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. Sec. 24, T. 3 S., R. 11 W.; artificial R. F. Yerkes... W. H. Hol- man, J. G. cut 550 ft S. and 315 ft W. of NE. Vedder. cor., La Habra quad. ¥-8..:1......1 C. W. Hoskins. C. W. Hoskins. See. 24, T. 3 S., R. 11 W.;: 125 ft S. and 225 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. do...._.........dg......... See. 17, T. 9 S., R. 10 W. artificial cut 1,340 ft S., and 60 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad. P10. do......... See. 18, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: 1,800 ft N. and 375 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. llc do..............do......... See. 17, T. 0 6., R.10 W.; 65 ft N. and 2,430 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. See: 18. "T. 8 8., R. 10 W.: 1,400 ff N. and 1,360 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. Fl.. te do..............dg......._. Bec. 18, T. $ 8., R. 10 W.: 1,210 ft N. and £80 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra (19-2. 2002.22. Sec 18, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: 1,560 ft N. and 2,040 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. F -15.s..22.000000e0 fo.. :ss 2s. Sec. 18, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: 1,825 ft N. and 1,490 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. F-16...:.....2 R. F. W. H. Hol- Sec. (32), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.; artificial Yerkes. man, J. G cut 1735 ft N. and 600 ft W. of Vedder. SE. cor., La Habra quad. FA;.......... F. R. H. E. Stark, - See. 2, T. 3 S., R. 10 W.; stream cut, Goodban. . G. 1,900 ft N. and 840 ft W. of SE. Vedder. cor., La Habra quad. F-18.......... BR.F. 1.0. Sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 11 W.: artificial Yerkes. Vedder cut 2500 ft S. and 1 ;350 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad F-19..:::..._. Muse. .s w. 0. Sec. 26, T. R. 11 W.: artificial Addicott. cut 2,550 It S$. and 500 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad. F-194........ + w. H. Sec. 27, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,600 ft S. Holman Holman. S. and 1,580 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad F-19B.:...... L. ¥. w.0. See. 27, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.; 1,200 ft Yerkes Addicott. 8. and 2,575 It E. of NW. cor. 4 Whittier quad . beile tie IO ae ieee a ies do......lss Sec. 26, T. 2 S R. 11 W.; artificial cut 200 ft N. and 2,825 ft W. of SE. cor., Whittier quad P-. vu donii-..~. J. G. Vedder.. Sec. (32) TD. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 1,100 ft N and 1,935 ft E. of Sw. cor La Habra quad C6O Table 7.-Collectors, identifiers, and locations of fossil collections from the La Habra and Whittier quadrangles-Continued Map reference _ Collected Identified Location No. (pl. 4) by- by- Mollusk collections-Continued cers es eus W. O. Sec. (31) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.; artificial Addicott, cut 1,285 ft N. and 2,100 ft E. of J. G. SW. cor., La Habra, quad. Vedder. FAQ... Co..2...... J. G. Vedder.. Sec. (32) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 1,625 ft N. and 3; 140 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad ...e. Sec. (32) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cut 1,290 ft N. and 2600 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad do:.:...... W. O. Addi- - Sec. (31), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial cott. cut, 1,400 ft S. and 700 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad. F-28. ..... C. J. Kundert. C. J. Kundert. Sec. 35, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 500 ft S. and (CJK -Alb) 2,05?1 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. _______________ dp..:.:........Alo......... Bec. 86, D..2 8., H. 11 W.; 1.450 t S. (CJ K-A2c) andd2,425 ft W. of NE. cor., Whittier quad. F-80 ...i U dp.............:00....... .. Seo, 26, T. 28., R. 11 W.: artificial cut (CJK-A2) 600 ft S. and 2,340 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier quad. F-30A........ W. H. Hol- W. H. Hol- Sec. 26, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 810 ft S. and man. man. 2,080 ft E. of NW. cor., Whittier ¢ quad. .......... C.J. Kundert_ C. J. Kundert. Sec. 26, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: artificial cut (CJK A3) 2,350 ft N. and 1,465 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. _______________ Bee. 26, T. 2 8., R. 11 W.: 2,935 It S. (CJK—A4) and 285 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. _______________ dp...:........;2.00.......... Bec. 26, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.:2,550 ft N. (CJK—A5) andéilio it W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. _ ............. doc....l......:.do..__.._.. Seo: 20, T. 2 8.. R. 11 w.: 1,700 ft S. (CJK—A6) and 1260 ft E. of NW. cor. .. La Habra quad. _____________ do....:l........00..._:-... Bec. 25, T.. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 2,940 ft N. (CJK -A7) and 1,520 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. ............. do..............00......... Bee. 25, T. 2 8., B. 11 W.; 2,050 ft S. (CJK—A8) and 1,760 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. _____________ .... See. 25, 'T. 2 8., R. 11 W.; 1,975 It N. (CJK—A9) and 1700 ft" E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. SEBL Dec oon ee d .se Sec. 25, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.; 1,700 ft N. (CJK-A10) and 2400 it' E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. CBOs cece le cr igiiie do......... See. 25, T. 2 S., R. 11 W.: 1,000 ft N. (CJK-A11) and 2200 it' W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. ............... do..s.........._Ao........ Bec. 16, D. 9 B., R. 11 W.;: 750 ft 9. (CJK -A12) and 2,335 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra.quad. ............... do.........:...Alo......... B66. (81) T. 2 8., R. 10 W.: 2,050 ft N. (CJK -A13) and 1,020 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. ............... do.:..........Alo........ Bee. (82), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.; 500 ft and (CJK A14) 550 gt E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad. _____ do. ....... Bee. (02) T. 2 R. 10 W.; artificial (CJK—A16) cut 2,600 ft S. and 2,000 ft W. of NE. cor., La Habra quad. ............... flo-............do.....v.. Seo. (99), 'D. 2 8., R. 10 W.: 1,000 ft (CJK—A16) N. and 1,540 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. .......... H. F. Sim- H. E. Stark... Sec. (32), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.; artificial (CJK—A17) mons. cut 1,490 ft N. and 1,990 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad. .......... C.J. Kundert. C.J. Kundert. See. (32), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: 885 ft N. (CJK—A18) and 1,420 ft E. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. .......... H. F. Sim- H. E. Stark... Sec. (32), T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial (CJK A19) mons. cut 2,420 ft N. and 1 ,350 ft W. of SE. cor., La Habra quad _______________ (32) T. 2 S., R. 10 W.: artificial (CJK—A20) cut 2, 930 ft N. and 2,980 ft W. of SE. cor., 'La Habra uad __________ C.J. Kundert. C.J. Kundert. Sec. (33) T.28.. R 10 W.: 1,800 ft S. (CJK A21) and 1, 90 ft E. of NW. cor., La Habra quad, ¥-50..:....... J. E. Schoell- Theodore Sec. (7), T. 3 S., R. 10 W.: 1,175 ft E. hamer, R. Downs. of SW. cor., La Habra quad. F. Yerkes. GEOLOGY OF THE EASTERN LOS ANGELES BASIN, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REFERENCES Badgley, P. C., 1965, Structural and tectonic principles: New York, Harper and Row, 521 p. California Department of Water Resources, 1961, Ground water geology, appendix A; Planned utilization of the ground water basins of the coastal plain of Los Angeles County: California Div. Water Resources Bull. 104, 191 p. California Division of Oil and Gas, 1961, Los Angeles-Ventura basins and central coastal regions, pt. 2 of California oil and gas fields, maps and data sheets: California Div. Oil and Gas, 416 p. 1967, Oil and water production statistics of California oil fields, areas and pools-1967: California Oil Felds, v. 53, no. 2 pt. 1, p. 40-60. Case, J. B., 1923, Report on Santa Fe Springs oil field : Califor- nia Div. Oil and Gas, California Oil Fieds-Summ. Opera- tions, v. 8, no. 11, p. 5-19. Conrey, B. L., 1958, Depositional and sedimentary patterns of lower Pliocene-Repetto rocks in the Los Angeles basin [California], in Higgins, J. W., Ed., A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Guidebook, Ann. Mtg., Los An- geles, March 1958, p. 51-54. Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers, 1962-66, 68, Annual Review of California crude oil production, 1961- 65, 67 : Los Angeles [Calif.]. Daviess, S. N., and Woodford, A. 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EHL IIe Sere 26 Altamira Shale Member........._....__...... 11 0000.0. 28, 44 Arona Blanca syncline. 9 22... c snl dee ive ccc nes 15 Pasement complex.........._......_......... 4, 28 . cece oon 20 Brea Canyon oil area........_.....__...... 35, 37, 45 acc crus 33, 34 Brea-Olinds oil field........._._.......... 4, 6, 35, 37 Capistrano Formation............._.......... 15 Catala 5 CHIAO DAB .L s 9 (CHINO TAUIEL L LL I-- cece cen che neck e criers 28 Correlation, Fernando Formation............ 15, 22 Puente Formation........................ 11 (COYObOICEORK: . ._.... 33, 34 Coyote Hilis....._._.___.___......_.. 24, 28, 31, 33, 34 Coyote Hills Formation............__........ 24, 29 Coyote Hills structure....... 5, 11, 28, 32, 33, 35, $9, 41 Depositional environment, Coyote Hills 24 Fernando Formation..................... 15, 22 La Habra Formation. 25 La Vids Member....................._... 10 Puente Formation.........._............. 10 San Pedro Formation. 28 Soquel Membper....-....._._....__...__.... 10 Sycamore Canyon Member............... 10 Yorba Member......... 10 Diabasic intrusive rocks 11 Dominguez oil field-.......__...._.....l.l.....l 41 East Coyote oil field...... -.. 8, 28, 24, 32, 41, 49, 45 East Coyote structure 32 Elsinore fault. ........ 20 Elysian Hills anticline 29 Eocene series. ...... 5 Exploratory 45 Fernando Formation.... 11, 14, 29, 33, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44 . cx reeves anns 81 Fossils: BolitbQ piSCIJOMMS. ...... 1000000000000. 15 Bulimina rostrata. .. 15 Cryptomya californica. . sess 24 Elephas imperator .... a 25 .. 20. Lorene nner ee cense cess 7 - :L 20. nce qee con 7,8, 9, 14, 22 as depth indicators .. 10, 11, 15, 22 Gyroidina rotundimargo............._..._. 15 MACOMQ OORICRL.... .» «+24 is eee » ° BM IN D E X [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Fossils-Continued Page YAL Eire e nere canes C2 as depth indicators. -. 15, 22, 28 Nonion affine. E 15 Ostracodes.. .. Plant fragments. - 24, 25 Planorbis.......... i 24 Plectofrondicularia californica. M 15 Uvigerina pygmaea. g 15 Fossil 58 Gas production.. wes 40 Gaspur zone........... 26, 33, 34 Granitoid plutonic rocks. .............._..... Greenschist, unnamed......................_. 4 MandGort faulb: 1. .o 30 Holocens SOMOS .... 25 Fuaidoe Dere cleus 42 Inglewood oll 41 2 Lo Habra Formation........_;.........._. 23, 25, 29 La Habra Valley...... ... 26,33 La Habra Valley syncline.................... 33 La ...... 29 La Mirada oil field. 44 LAbORUIES: TL. 5001.92 emda nti des 08.2 27 La Vida Member...................... 6,7, 11, 32, 37 Lelingwell oil 32, 44 Leffingwell structure. 32 Location.............. 2 Long Beach oil field.. 41 Los Angeles basin.. Monterey Newgate oll 41 Niguel 22 Norwalk fatilb. 003.00 81 OIL . - .L 35 Oil production, Fernando Formation... 37, 41, 42, 44 La Vida Member.............._...._..... 37 Puente Formation............... 37, 38, 41, 44, 45 Soquel Member....-................ 37, 39, 44, 45 SUMIDSFY L. cAI AIL. 44 Sycamore Cayon Member................ 41, 44 'Topatga Formation................... 37, 44, 45 Yorba Member.... ay. 1 44 Olinda oil area...... 37 Outlook for oil production...................~ 44 SCHISE2 L cL. Ee? len sense ee eee ion 5 Petroleum geology.............ll....l......l. 84 Physiography...... 33 FiGQ FOMMSHONL .z. cire ears. rew 22, 28 PIGi§EOCCIG SOFIGE- »... ol 22, 25 PHOCCHS bees 11 ; . oar eeseecers00 ets» sble bei 5 TfOVIOUS 0008 am es 8 Page Puente anticline. .._... CB Puente 6, 37, 38, 41, 44, 45 Puente e 2, 4, 6, 28, 33 Puente Hills oil field 4,7, 8, 35, 87, 45 Purpose... 2 RBOfETONCES....LL. ..o ecoli e sereucesn 60 Repetto Formation... 15 Richfield oll 8, 41, 45 Rideout Heights oil field a Rowland fault........ . 10, 81 RupStitres, SUrfate.. c cece 81 San Diego Formation............._......_.... 22 San Dimas Formation 25 San Gabriel Mountains.. 10, 15, 28, 33 San Gabriel River... -- 26, 33 San Gabriel Valley.. 28 subsidence...... «-- 14,22 San Jose Hills...... 2, 4, 6, 28, 33 San Pedro Formation.............__......~.. 28, 29 Sansinena oil field........... 35, 87, 45 Santa Ana Mountains...... 15 Santa Ana River........ 34 . Santa Fo Springs oil field...... 9, 10, 14, 32, 35, 89, 45 Santa Fe Springs structure. 28, 82, 33, 35, 41 Santiago Peak Volcanics.... ..... 5 Satigus 28 Sespe FOMMANON. ..... 5, 39, 45 Soquel Member.... 6, 8, 39, 44, 45 .. cello ill care beens 37 . 9 4 28 Superiacont 6 Sycamore Canyon Member.... 6, 7, 9, 15, 27, 41, 43, 44 TAC shes 35 Thickness, 26 Coyote Hills Formation. 24 diabasic intrusive rocks.. 11 Fernando Formation.... 15 La Habra Formation.. 25 La Vida Member.... 8 San Pedro Formation... 23 Soquel Member.............. 8 Sycamore Canyon Member...... 10 Yorba Member......._.......... 9 Ronnor Oll ATCS. 2. 37 Topanga Formation................~ 5, 6, 8, 37, 44, 45 *parnbull 29 Purnobuil oll 5, 35, 89 Valmonte Diatomite Member................. 11 Vaqueros Formation..........._............. 5 VOIGaRICTOOKE. _.... ...-. 4, 6, 45 Water- 45 West Buena Park oil field......._............. 35, 44 West Coyote oil field................. 23, 24, 32, 35, 41 West Coyote structure.....c-scclclcccllcccnl. 32 Whittier fault zone....... 5, 6, 7, 11, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, 87 Whittier Heights 80 Whittior oll field...... 35, 88, 45 Workman Hill 29 6, 9, 27, 44 C6s UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-C GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 3 Unit, approximate maximum known thickness, and generalized lithology SYSTEM SERIES SYSTEM Cumulative thickness, in thousands of feet Cumulative thickness, in thousands of feet Area south of Whittier fault zone Area north of Whittier fault zone Holocene Young and old alluvium, \: >;? $ g Young and old alluvium, 200+(?) ___ __ 2. : La Habra Formation, 1,000 ft nonmarine; earthy sand- stone and conglomerate Upper Pleistocene Pliocene land Holocene :\Lower member, 2,500 ft: marine; alternating silty sandstone and pebble conglomerate QUATERNARY Coyote Hills Formation, 1,210 ft: nonmarine; pebbly sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate Fernando Formation QUATERNARY Pleistocene San Pedro Formation; 1,750 ft: - ; nasi _ Marine: pebbly sandstone and A\Sycamore Canyon Member, 1,900 ft: marine; sandy siltstone and y sandstone sandstone sequence that contains three thick pebble-cobble con- 32. glomerates Yorba Member, 1,600 ft: marine; interbedded platy sandy silt- stone and sandstone; minor amounts of interbedded diato- \ maceous siltstone and dolomite(?) Upper member, 4,950 ft: marine; fine- grained silty sandstone, coarse-grained to pebbly sandstone, and conglom- erate; basal conglomerate contains locally abundant debris of upper Mio- cene siltstone Soquel Member, 2,200 ft: marine; sandstone, commonly graded, interbedded platy siltstone, and local cobble-boulder conglomerate Puente Formation (11,200 ft) Miocene TERTIARY La Vida Member, 4,150 ft: marine; platy siltstone and interbedded sandstone; minor amounts of interbedded dolo- mite and altered tuff; diabasic in - f trusive rocks near base, 600 ft; base Lower member, 5,700 ft: marine; alternating silty < x \not exposed sandstone and pebble conglomerate; basal con- (2+ -C _ . glomerate contains locally abundant debris of upper Miocene siltstone Pliocene Fernando Formation (11,000 ft) \a xx x x F j 4 2% x> Extrusive and pyroclastic rocks, 1,000 ft exposed): marine; siltstone, sand- Sycamore Canyon Member, 2,200 ft: ine; alter- 3 ¥ M ese Vstone, and pebbly sandstone nating thick sequences of silty fine- to coarse- grained sandstone and massive pebble-cobble conglomerate Vaqueros and Sespe Formations undiffer- entiated, 250+ ft TERTIARY Eocene to Mioceng Granitoid plutonic rocks Yorba Member, 3,400 ft (not exposed): marine; interbedded platy sandy siltstone and medium- to coarse-grained sandstone; locally contains thick sequences of inter- ay %, bedded sandstone f "\ Unnamed greenschist) ¢ 700+ ft: foliated meta- :-\ volcanic rocks Upper Upper Eocene to lower Miocene] Middle Cretaceous CRETACEOUS Puente Formation (9,820 ft) Miocene JURASSIC(?) TO CRETACEOUS(?) Soquel Member, 2,000 ft (not exposed): marine; medium- to coarse-grained or gritty sandstone and interbedded siltstone to Lower Cretaceous(?) jUpper Jurassic(?) La Vida Member, 1,800 ft (not exposed): marine; platy siltstone and interbedded sandstone; diabasic intrusive rocks locally at base Extrusive and pyroclastic rocks, 1,350 ft (not exposed): andesitic and basaltic flows, breccias, and tuffaceous rocks Topanga Formation, 1,040 ft (not exposed): marine; interbedded siltstone, sandstone, and pebbly sandstone; locally interbedded with extrusive and pyroclastic rocks I mo Vaqueros and Sespe Formations undifferentiated, 1,700 + ft (not exposed): interbedded marine and nonmarine red mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, and pebbly sandstone lower Miocene Eocene to Miocene to 0 Upper Eocene to COMPOSITE STRATIGRAPHIC SECTIONS OF THE LA HABRA AND WHITTIER QUADRANGLES, CALIFORNIA 458-627 O - 72 (In pocket) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY $139 IS‘Q $ HEIGHTS 60 363 ‘ 355 Me & \ t 362 233 22% tor $ C by | 2427 I i $2725} \ 179) 1 59<>— $o54g **A | 33 --% 176; "& f Bley. 1% 35 M.” TW AX A. lay 379'¢)' ¢ is d Lt W BTLLECY % E j #p, 275 < (N . ~> | ? | 21 I\ \ } (é - ( i e: f j Ill G / Sony 104 Ml I, o I} 53=¢= . mhfi‘kffiuflr s } 321 G mas #) 4 | i in} a v-. £ by X ($303 ke: |d y $207 U H | hau am \| a; {a} i o | N a | 5%. I musée y 913, | £70 I. | ¢ ‘ | 320 33 P | a (by-27h “$33 7 i i 66 | 16> | ges | | 70g f ‘ (4) af (3) | 2, At y g gm 237 Q & as. 9s 6 " sc $% | 59 NEWGATEW 3) .io um wilh f ,,¢589f‘°. (ly- 443 : (11) 177i? PJL (2) £ /'/ © | ‘ a // # @ J= ~ | ¥ | 4 L // b s ® ®.) s to | ol |. | M- 2, a280/ & - {Sh 17 | | Cod n |. Clete 7 "h- T IT /. #10 Ol |=] £ ' ‘l92 \\ | } ues -_ | 11 B® | 8 Hargitt wodl er 8 * 0. (BP largitt ae y | | 60 | \| w‘ii; V | f rewo | \ o if 4+: \\ ___ ( | f I =) |x: - t ¢ | C9 E } \" (1a 3 248 / I g Mali" - | mik | f 4 | ¥ @ : W y, | mig o so fas ms | f | "o B) 4 - $34 Fs ; ac} 173 (C p f s it iin gi | =i T 3 | | i ‘ I # 6 .# 4414 9 3 206 BJ ‘ | ( “M «(Bl % j iy] | -O . | 354¢‘ & e ‘ | ard oot ‘ R ig E I a i 11 a) : al a 2. ( a + + : « | 45 (138 Base from U.S. Geological Survey La Habra, 1964; and Whittier, 1965 10,000-foot grid based on California coordinate MAP SHOWING FOSSIL LOCALITIES, OIL FIELDS, ALL EXPLO AND SELECTED PRODUCING WELLS, LA HABRA AND WHITTIER .. 234 285 ¥ «M72 yM-73 yE219B KFA QA "358 BUENAZE West Area' (abandongd 1950), $69 p LA MIRADAK -= . 1951) 2252 ton ® 19g -) TURNBULL Fag (13 (abandoned 1965) in <] A 82A No+% s M-43* 4 s iy {M71 *m-70 fe ed M 78X . Y2se ma2,, M85 hes f 277 {.On M74 3M yM 81 166 | M34 X i, X MWZo Mi78 M~80/ & WHITTIER 42°. *~ «M56 "ph 140 yM 38 M 45, &. (% “M5 ym 39 | / M3353? x40, J/}, s 3 F-nggx M Hq ats) x M 1!Z ) Aull s |) * yM-I8 M-21ly yM-22 Xm sz_- 161 CS ( ( €* m4B "& M62] [, x- . 363° Ti63 156 hes $52 JJ¥157 < Central PM Area -F32. -FBl =r" 33 F-36 ) M-58 X X f X x ¢_392 F-18 M=63 214 XF*35 x-Me=24 VE Ne‘w a 3g nglan Yog?) | | - A wxi j { Fu N 1 Y vies 8 "3 shaly #) BVI I $4 | | Wearer. Fan Ru® /| ly & * | $ a IQ MCs wan *n. >, pit *at Le is ‘u‘f ”My “WWMMMWM '> # SoA IP | | 12% ia} ~> a: _ 2 < 11 \t | ] ib) d 5 Jw. | aP T ter rh wll AA ARL ala #i la-. tilt oa. | | \fitn f" @ A y J I f p aW. @ R E \ ® , @ i D base / M i th ‘ If r-- ME e p I \| | ) ‘ [1 Memharl | | - As | | bat I V TP T \ A {Ax, MTRADA | | \ ( 4 $* TMJ ¢ I CI “lg R f € tid m a 4 ap :o § | dip R- | | a SCALE 1:24 000 1 2 MILES W -==- 2 KILOMETERS b = af psf _ onn CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET potTED LiNEs REpREsENT § FooT Contours DATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL (18) | C C | 190 f y M-33 / 213 347 & l i 325 (20) KA 7) // t // f |<, «M46 | sANsiNE 2. ye 28 "945. ( F-44 y C‘ | ‘u | a # y* f F-21 \- win a. WL cy fi"~-»‘=zx cp vore _ ( / dlly )| a00ld Hi j [JF - a dis 1 | an | / 3 all *y Vint RATORY WELLS OF RECORD DRILLED BEFORE JUNE 30, 1968, QUADRANGLES, CALIFORNIA ‘¢44 nud Q7 Cas (15) ) b2a63-~ E |-EE0 3 Laklerk\ Palma Mu“ Te . C_ ((ad) ~~~ "mes || Fl 46 | §a¥ | | EAST Covore, #h | 9m" gg €) +A. . "ast . (14) f G > 269 bEORBAR® | sem Annex u | I 1 18 © WW PROFESSIONAL PAPER 420-C PLATE 4 EX. PL A NAT. 1~Q; N Name and limits of oil field A/¢\A/ Line of structure section H' Megafossil locality Fossils listed in table 3 127. yM-50 Microfossil locality Fossils listed in tables 1 and 2 Collectors, identifiers, and locations given in table 7 6254 Oil well ©>r22$$=$24 Dry hole, showing bottom location where directionally drilled *1 7 Abandoned oil well Numbers refer to table 6; only selected wells shown in oil fields (25) \ Projected section line and section sal number in unsurveyed area l \ | a \ ml m | «Jed tJ 0 io Or 9 N 1 ‘y‘v‘ p >l di [i Lif tA I | 153 | (Re P wt: ' f10E9. ¥ | ‘ | my | $5 4| "n "| | | i »a l BM | | {DR _. - With Brea Olinda | , _; High Sch j | ®, \ i “H Vi & f ] ( y Fy Is 4 \*\ {p. a xis gs ass 6 | 3 A (\ sa" 9a § a | Jos _ + i Area of #23 %, % «this report % * e ta | nol -*- varma f $9 ~- Sah Diewp, ( L (e. INDEX MAP OF CALIFORNIA 20 0 20 get 3539 MILES L mwy?" as | 211 o -) § _- A' / SU T- algqs! _ A' at well 202, } rate AA4l grees | | vs! 1650 ft S. 88° E W“ - || of well 211 him ant f “w F | (A4 S | -g 1] Ne Cs Am “a \ | CALIF BTA AT-®U L LEI |p TRUE NORTH APPROXIMATE MEAN DECLINATION, 1972 480-027 O = 73 (In peeket)