lllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll Broadmoor Bungalow Book A Collection of the Latest and Best Designs IE PRICE 50 CENTS SECOND EDITION PUBLISHED BY L B.PEPPIN 86 Cambridge Ave., Broadmoor, San Leandro, Alameda County, California \ -—...—...—. . ‘ \ / lllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illllll||||||||||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||||||ll||||l|||l D_. . .—. /— llllillllllllllllllllIll||Jl|llll|Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll E N (/f aw???” 3 ©>£ LIVINQ°ROOM bATH BBD°ROOM :1 J t4‘-6‘x20" . , 1—1 ' l _ _________________ d 1044 : . LEA-@- No. 89. I PORCH a . 7:1 ‘ i] E] ()UNDATlON and basement concrete. Exterlor walls cement ‘ ‘I__] ; —- plaster with cement porch and steps. Tar and gravel roof. Oak floors in living room and dining room. Breakfast room off kitchen. Cove paneled ceilings in living room and dining room. Roof covered by The Paraffine Paint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Cost $2400.00. Plans and specifications $5.00. Floor Plan No. 89. l / l——\ pun. l NR? 9 / ESCREENED-PORCH_ \l\ KITCHEN DINNING oROOMi DED ° ROOM If 14«c5"x12‘ ’ 1' DUFF T l,,,,_, V 50 0 KS HALL CEMENT f " ’. PLATFOKM ; DEN . . CLO6ET I ; 7 // —_ \— bED°kOOM Q i , i H 13'X13' 1i I l q l Hawaii?!" CEMENT POKCWM‘A’STEPS a‘x27' I L l; I I l u- ”.77; ____l__.. _.___.4 Log; _,____- Floor Plan No. 90. tic. ONCRETE foundation. Clinker brick columns and buttresses. No. 90. Porch steps and rear platform cement. Exterior walls resawed rus— Oak floors in living room, den and dining room. Cozy breakfast Inook in kitchen. Pine and elm finish. Tile mantel. Cost $2500.00. Plans and specifications $5.00. No. 91. OUNDATION and basement concrete, with red brick veneer up to water table. Buttresses, chimney, porches and steps red brick. Sides cement plaster. Roof crushed brick. Oak floors in living room and dining room. Redwood finish waxed in living room and dining room. Large porches and flower boxes. Attractive features. Fine plan for country or club house. Roof covered by The l’araffine l’aint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Estimated cost $3200.00. Hans and specifications $5.00. 65' SCREENED PORCH 7* 9 \ BED . Mom 9'—6"x9'—6" e'x 13—6" U SCREWED . mun BATH 6* 9 V) 222» §°=s gig-e V) EED°KOOM ” DUFPET C OVERED "P OKCH DlNqu 0100M LIVINCIPRC'OM 0 Floor Plan No. 913 SLEEPm q 830 Roan R00” 9'7": io'-s'- 12’ / OED ROOM uvmq ”a” ram? roman Floor Plan No. 92. No. 92. ONCRETE foundation and basement. Side walls cement plaster. Crushed brick.roof. Pine floors scraped and polished. Tile and pressed brick mantel. Attractive trellis on porch. Plaster panel ceil- ings in living and dining rooms. Japella panels in dining room. Built- in bookcases and sideboard. Roof covered by The l’araffine l’aint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Cost $1900.00. Plans and specifications $5.00. No. 93. OUNDATION concrete. Sides and roof shingled. Oak floors in living room and dining room. Alcove pantry, an attractive feature Built-in seats and bookcases. Extreme Width 24 ft. Estimated cost $1900.00. Plans and specifications $5.00. 24' no“ PORCH r I? , ' KITCHEN/”vi? j 5 ”’59 ALCOYE PANTRY lo'xiz‘e“ bED-ROOM - , i DXSH ' I/// 0.05 ,vi \ DININq-Ro OM 11'-6"x 12'-5" 21300st booKs I: LIVINqnmom bED'ROOM . .. . .. 10-6X12-8 hNTRANCE HfiLL aaamu 2 o o X da‘nflfl ‘ .LV’EK‘ JVSC FRONT ° PORCH 6'*13' _. Floor Plan No. 93. ‘ ’ ‘ 1313/ BREAK FA5T susrpmq “-0014 PORCH K1 TCHEH 7'-9"- w 5‘ LIVING 1.00M 3&0 ROOM No. 94. ()UNDA'J‘ION and basement concrete. lixterim‘ walls shingled. Shingled roof. Large living room with high panel base. oak floor __‘_-_- ' and large stone fireplace. Elm panel (lining mum with oak flunr. U‘" " ”‘D Plenty windows throughout. Finely papered walls. Clinker brick chimney and buttress. Fl r Pl N . 94. °° ““ ° Cost $2400.00. No. 95. ()NCRlC'l‘lC foundation and basement. Cement porch and steps. lixtcrior walls, cement plaster. Crushed brick roof. Interior fin— ish pine with oak floors in living and (lining rooms. Elm panels in din~ ing and lncal f21 ~*- ~vwmmzé‘ No. 101. ONCRETE foundation and basement. Red pressed brick columns and chimney. Exterior walls, ce— ment plaster. Oak floors in living and dining rooms. Pine finish, stained, waxed or painted. Elm panels in dining room. Crushed brick roof. Roof covered by The Paraffine Paint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Cost $2300.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. HALL PORCH KITCHEN CL05ET 9' X 10" r— ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1' DINING‘ROOME Ia'xIZ-é" 5 I I I I I I I I I | I. -._._.._...____.__._1 First Floor Plan No. 101. CLOSET CLO SET BED AROOM BED-ROOM 12‘ x131 6“ 9'x11'—6' Second Floor Plan No. 101. No. 102. ()UNl)A'l,‘l(’)N and basement concrete. Cement porch with red brick steps. Exterior walls cement plaster. ()ak floors in living and dining rooms. lClm panels 111 (linmg‘ room. All inside walls neatly papered. Large front bedrooms with sleeping" porch. Tile mantel and bmlt-m bookcases. Cost $2500.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. \ “’— I—EININQ‘DROOM} KITCHEN L-__.__ -_-_.__-___ -1 f- ---------------- 1 Ir ______________ J 9841‘ / / __ _______ _____ ___4 1231216" 5 LIVING o ROOM CEMENT°POR 12x 19'6" 9'X l5' First Floor Plan No. 102. BED°ROOM bfléfi 0 12:6 x 15' _ HALL — O bEDoKOOM CL SET DALCONY 12' X 1716" 7'x 516 Second Floor Plan No. 102. No. 103. ONCRETE foundation and basement. Cement porch and steps. Exterior walls cement plaster and Ccrushed rock roof. Hall, library, living room and dining room paneled with elm, and oak floors. Convenient lockers and music cabinets built in, hall and living room. Two sleeping porches and large balcony upstairs. Front windows, plate glass. Built—in bookcases in library. Roof covered by The Paraffine Paint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Cost $3800.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. PORCH cw 8169819" G W Wm M f 0 L C 101611154" 63 X144" _ fCREEN BEDoROOM __.| L_-__.J L _- 11"- IAIII' ‘I- _...1. _-___ ‘ LIBRARY _-._..__.__-J ""_--‘-"-1 Second Floor Plan No. 103. First Floor Plan No. 103 No. 104. OUNDATION and basement concrete. Exterior walls cement plaster. Cement porch, steps and basement floor. Oak floor, beamed ceilings and elm paneling in living and dining rooms. Brown tile mantel in living room and white tile mantel in den upstairs. Enameled and papered bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. Rest of interior finish pine, stained and waxed. Large sleeping porch. Cost $3800.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. oLMfifiEl Ll 3mmmfi%$,mmf v igm&w fi" , ,_ ”#3 ‘ RECFFHALL First Floor Plan No. 104. ; 1 -;:;--:i?~’:1:f;-:£;I-:T- afLEE?ING°POR(H T9316 ‘f4_’>@ATH~ dfims BEDDROOM 12%36' \ \ CLO/ET CLO/ET BEDOROOM izffiIG Second Floor Plan No. 104 \1 No. 105. OUNDATION and basement concrete. Porch, steps and basement floor cement. Exterior walls cement plaster. Oak floors and elm panels in liVing and dining rooms. Rest of finish pine. White enameled bedrooms, bath and kitchen. ()ne open and one enclosed sleeping porch on second floor. Tile mantel and l)uilt~in seat and bookcases. Cost $3200.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. .7 4, .4 :30' 4,, ,_ 44:4 :4 i PORCH _: I ‘ J' ‘ {j QEMENT![BREAKFST°R FE . } i 1 / KITCHEN l7 3 ‘ = ‘ 7:648—9" CEMENT'PORCH"%-SIEPS é DINING°ROOM ’ -E.\ ‘ i '; U ; : BEDoROOM 13'*14"8f'; : E 5 g i :f": 10’x10ie" _\" /_ 74: i// HALL // BATH QC CLOSET l\ _ \ BED “ROOM ]_"<:. IO/XI4' First Floor Plan No. 105. ,f71‘7 a {3 ‘ \ \ SLEEPING-PORCH ‘H, H i: I 1 4,171,444 10:4“ 13' 4§/ §;x\ EJ/ _:L:.lr 14:1 4,, :4 30 4 -74, 44-44,”. SECOND-FLOOR' PLAN . :4 4 : Second Floor Plan No. 105. BKFASP KIT CHEN PORC 91mm 0110 OM : bBDoROOM 14x15 First Floor Plan No. 106. CLOS A kaH BEDoROOM H LL bED°RODM 11"x1116 Second Floor Plan No. 106. No. 106. OUNDATION and basement concrete with cement porch, steps and basement floor. Exterior walls cement plaster. Crushed brick roof. Brick columns and chimney. Oak floors in living and (lin— ing rooms. Elm panel base in living room and dining room, paneled with elm. Large dining room buffet. Also convenient breakfast room. Tile mantel. Roof covered by The l’araffine Paint Company With its Reinforced Maltlioid Roofing. Cost $3400.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. No. 107. ONCRETE foundation and basement. Cement porches and steps. Exterior walls cement plaster. Front Windows, plate glass. Large living room with oak floor opening out on cement court in rear. lilm panels and oak floor in dining room. Large screened sleeping porch upstairs. Tar and gravel roof. Roof covered by The l’aralfine l’aint Company with its Reinforced Maltlioid Roofing. Cost $3500.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. L1: “ SEWWO PORCH KITCHEN \H Jo‘4x11i6‘ 1—- DFEP‘EHNGORPbM ___' '. First Floor Plan No. 107. ._$ bBD °ROOM - CLOS I bED°ROOM DED°ROOM 1116'x12'x 6' 1116x1216 Second Floor Plan No. 107. No. 108. OUNDATION and basement concrete. Porch, steps and basement floors cement. Exterior walls ce- ment plaster and tar and gravel roof. Tile mantels. Beam ceilings, oak floors and elm paneling in liv- ing and dining rooms. Convenient rear entrance to stair landing. Sun porch off dining room. Large sleeping porch. Cost $3600.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. ET -. PORIH "O PORCH‘; PANTRY KITCHENE’l x l_‘_._.—._._— ...__..__. First Floor Plan No. 108. <3 BEDoROOM U J‘LEEHNG El pom I" BATH 1244-6 - 9.45. HALL CLOf° CLO/0| IIIIII! " IIIIIIIIII N BBDaROOM CLO/ET “ bBDoROOM 1 12116-4" 12464" — , l!- _—-_——_ Second Floor Plan No. 108. No. 109. OUNDATION and basement concrete. Cement porch, steps and basement floor. Oak, pine and elm finish in living and dining rooms. Beam ceilings. Front windows plate glass. Front bedrooms each have lavatory in Closets. Large den or breakfast room. Sleeping porch. Tar and gravel roof. Roof covered by The Paraffine Paint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Cost $4200.00. Plans and specifications Second Floor Plan No. 109. _ _ I. _ll.l|| Illl bRERKFA5T°RO OM 135% LEVINQJROOM First Floor Plan No. 109. 1234216" . Bifiifiélfiim No. 110. Porch steps and basement floor concrete. Exterior walls Brown tile mantel. Buffet kitchen Germanstone floor in bath— Tar and OUNDATION and basement concrete. cement plaster. Large living room 13x23, with fireplace in end. and laundry on porch. Hot water heater in basement. Large sleeping porch. Oak floors in living room, hall and dining room. Cove inset plaster panel ceilings. Roof covered by The Paraffine Paint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Estimated cost $3200.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. room. gravel roof. \ .— I KITCHEN ' LIVINGoKOOM DlquojooM : __| L_____I _ _.__ ________________ - 13*25' HA LL First Floor Plan No. 110. SLEEPING fl Second Floor Plan No. 110. No. 111. OUNDATION and basement concrete. Porch and steps cement. Exterior cement plaster. Roof shingled. Mantel 8x8, brown tile. Beam ceilings in dining room and living room. Built—in desk, book— cases and seats. Oak floors in dining room and living room. Estimated cost $3200.00. Plans and s1.)ecificatimis $10.00. LIVIHG°ROQM Second Floor Plan No. 111. First Floor Plan No. 111. No. 112. (DUNDATION and basement concrete. Exterior walls cement plaster. Oak floors in hall, living and dining rooms. Convenient breakfast room under stair landing. Art glass Windows in hall and living room over built—in hook cases. Tile and pressed brick mantels. Halcnnies and sleeping porch upstairs High elm panel base in living room. Elm panels in dining room. Rest Of interior finish pine. lied rmnns enameled. \Valls papered. Rout shingled. Cost $4400. Plans and specifications $10.00. LAVN DRY PORCH __,.- KITCHEN § Dmmqom ' -__-—__..__.—_—_-__.--. LIVINq °RO0M First Floor Plan No. 112. ISLEEPINQ°PORCH I I. . I BED °RO0M » -_-.r = -. a -.-_-.-_-‘ Second Floor Plan No, 112, No. 113. OUNDATION concrete. Large cement porch with pressed brick buttresses, flower boxes. Pressed brick chimney. Exterior covering resawed rustic. Roof to front entrance supported with chains. Oak floors and beam ceilings in hall, living and dining rooms. Pressed brick mantel. Elm panels in din- ing room. Rest of house finished in pine. Good sized sleeping porch. Crushed rock roof. Front win— dows plate glass. Cost $2850.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. PORCH l _.._.. __.___.-_____..J .1 l J S 3 :2" "u-‘ZCSH‘ ‘ o : 7d -_--__ --O- z KITCHEN Hf Mar—5“ O c ::'::l‘ ——:l——L~___:_::_-_ __________ I 7+”: l' _ \ -lL._-- ! ‘ : .T _______ mi :-__ : E _JL _ -1L = 1} HALL : r 1 ;- W? U PORCH Second Floor Plan No. 113 U First Floor P1511 No. 113. No. 114. OUNDA'J‘ION and basement concrete. Porch, steps and basement floor cement. Elm paneling and oak floors in hall, living and dining rooms. These rooms also have plaster panel ceilings. Bedrooms, kitchen and bath, white enameled. Varnish tile paper in kitchen and bath. All other rooms papered. Tile mantel. House piped for furnace. Built—in music cabinet, seats and bookcases. Exterior walls cement plaster and crushed brick roof. Roof covered by The .l-‘araffine Paint Company with its Reinforced Mal— thoid Roofing. . Cost $3000.00. Plans and specifications $10.00 ,_ ______ i1- 1 _ J I! ' c« : l i : 9mm 1&3qu 3 KITCHEN H BEDROOM 5 512x146", J- 10842: -_-r L_-_____| | ______ J r- # LIvmfaéilzooM :5 PORCH E§ EEH H E5 15:“?5516' i'é Second Floor Plan No. 114. First Floor Plan No. 114. No. 115. OUNDATION and basement concrete. Exterior walls cement plaster. Porches, steps and basement floor cement. Oak floors in hall, living and dining rooms. Elm panels in dining room and high panel base in hall and living room. Convenient breakfast room with pass pantry. Tower can be utilized for sleeping porch. Cozy cement pergola porch off dining room. This plan well adapted for corner lot. Cost $4500.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. KITCHEN “if; ' v —————— 3'23 9X12 DKFA3T°RM PA 55 °PAN TRY 86% 1' _l r——_'Y I I I DININGoROOM ._ _I"L._ __l‘l__ LIVINQ°ROOM LIBRARY 6-6"x 14' PORCH First Floor Plan No. 115. Second Floor Plan No. 115. TOW ER 123631616". - No. 116. SUNDATION concrete. Sides shingled. Oak floors in living room. dining room and den. High elm panel in dining room, and high dado base in living room and hall. \Valls papered and wood work stained grey. Outside walls a soft grey stain. Roof covered with tar and gravel. Roof covered by The Paraffine Paint Company with its Reinforced Malthoid Roofing. Estimated cost $2500.00. Plans and specificatibns $10.00. hmmq Rom E ‘I n‘vc" 13' 1 1 5151) Room , l — \ \ //“ 12'-12‘ '7' ‘ ‘ If / LIVIIIQ Roan { fl? TI ; l 1‘ I DEN Rpcnmon 13"15'15' l j“; / . 11m. 2 ;’ ‘ 1 3956‘» 6"515' ave-5‘ ‘ I III x‘ ‘ W L“ - , I‘ :IlfIhi‘i rigid ‘ FKOHT PORCH ‘ I 7 I First Floor Plan No. 116. 5:) Run ,7” \ / Second Floor Plan No. 116. I . “”4”“ .u m.«« a. 4‘4“ M 44%»! " .\: ”l \ . , ,_ ,5» :h 5%”. -Mw:3§; J . k ‘ WWW” 0“" "‘m Mm m M . “Wu-«wwu- v ~‘“ W «wwwamanr ~, ~ “WW / No. 117. FOUNDATION and basement concrete, cement steps, porch and basement floor. toped with red brick. Trellis work and flower boxes. ing rooms. Buttresses and porcli‘ Oak floors and elm paneling in living and din- Interior finish pine, natural, stained, waxed and enameled. Large enclosed sleeping porch up- stairs. l’ressed brick and tile mantel. Exterior walls cement plaster. Asbestos roof. Cost $3300.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. BED °ROOM PORCH 12x13 KITCHEN 11511116 # --—— —--—— "1 CLOJET i ‘ pmmaomome bED°ROOM = BATH; l E t§8&K¥5" I 1243' r‘__——' _—_‘-—-__"'1 LIVING °ROOM Second Floor Plan No. 117. 15-X 21' L-_- _ First Floor Plan No. 117. No. 118. (’)UNl')A'I‘l(")N concrete. Porch and steps cement. Tile and pressed brick mantels. lixterior co\'er< Fing shakes and rustic. ()ak floors in living room. (lining room and hall. Rest of finish redwood or pine. stained and waxed. l’laster panel ceilings in hall. living and dining rooms. lilm panels in dining room. High elm panel base in hall and living room. \\'hite enameled bedrooms, bath and kitchen. \Valls papered. Plate glass in all front and side windows. Estimated cost $5000.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. r 477 w 7 ‘ ‘r ‘ } ‘1 1 1‘ p w‘ v l 1‘ ;‘ Poke/1" I .. i a a 1 ;; bEp Room ‘ W ‘1 ' ‘ :::::;*:: t H C J . [i 1‘ ‘ 8 313:5 \‘ : x; x \I ~ 7: ___J~_ : ‘ :’ “ ‘ ” a - 10' e ‘f’ :i' :17 , :31: 1.: :- __ 1 / W; 5V“ 9$E>R£AKFA6T E“ V ‘ ‘ ROOM :/ ) ‘ 502mm!» g M 1011;." MRCHifl—M'i' 1‘1: ‘ H ‘ // TOILET , ‘ ‘15 1 / mm ‘ v “VFWT H ri"f7f'x/’/”,’J ,,._ 7’ , ,Dm I HQ Room w w v» : KITCHEN / ‘l F i m < -“777717L7H, .V.4 L77 , N‘ , Va 7? 7 1 ‘ ‘. ‘ 1519‘ $- 3 ‘ :v ’ § m 3 J E lemq Koo/‘1 1' ' :. LIBRARY 34‘ PEA L,,-__,A,A.i___ 25-14'79' 4 ‘ ¢ l r I l v I . ‘, u l l ,,1 First Floor Plan No. 118. fivn ‘33 GLEEHMQ PORCH 16-51“ >RL6¢IHG R 00 M 7”- 11’ CLOSET CLOVSET 53> ROOM 11'-4"-n’«4-' II!!! "I CLOéET CLOVSET Ilii' 52> Room BED ROOM ”I 11'-5" - 151:5" Second Floor Plan No. 118. No. 119. OUNDATION concrete. Exterior walls shingles and rustic. Brick columns and buttresses. Oak floors in hall, living and dining rooms. Elm panels in dining room. Rest of house finished in pine. Convenient rear stairs. Bedrooms and bath, white enamel. Large sleeping porch. Cost $3400.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. PORCH To CLOS' .bKEAKEASToRM KITCHEN 84256" E— DINING o ROOM 12‘x 13‘ 12' x16 LLVING °RO OM 1216417 First Floor Plan No. 119. lam _; SLEEPING «pom H ‘ 6.651336" ——n CLOSET 1.... ELOS DED °ROOM ri‘ 92631319" Second Floor Plan No. 119. No. 120. OUNDATION and basement concrete. Cement porch, steps and basement floor. Exterior walls, ce— ment plaster. Crushed brick roof. Oak floors in hall, living and dining rooms and den. Elm panels in den and dining room. Rest of interior finish enameled. Shower in bathroom. All rooms piped for furnace. Built-in desk and bookcases in den. Tile and pressed brick mantel. Convenient back stairway. Cost $5200.00. Plans and specifications $10.00. _, , SEAT 5ERVAHT6°ROOM SUN°ROOM _ 8x10 a‘—3"x 926“ R\ ”fl I \ _\ /— 1 // DINING°ROOM KITCHEN m'- 6'4 10'- 9" 14‘ 11656" 51m: bomb 10' x 16— 6“ LIVINQH‘KOOM 15'x22' i W = 4:2 1— - , FIRST°FLOOK° PLAN First Floor Plan No. 120. I bED°ROOM SLEEpmqopoun lmmomzm 10'x 12‘ 914x10 5ia"x11‘—9" CLOSET BED OROOM 11'x15' CLOSET bED o ROOM CLOSET 13'~17‘ CLOSET ‘ 23‘? ° FLOOIL" PLAN Second Floor Plan No. 120. .)AL«AVM<’VW”W/ W Interior of Kitchen No. 104 Interior of Bathroom No. 112. 1&2 5; Interio-r of Bed Room No. 104. Spacious Porch arrangement No. 91. Interior of Hall and Living Room No. 108. Interior of Dining Room No. 105. Breakfast Nook No. 73. Interior of Living Room No. 107. Interior of Living Rocm No. 110. Interior of Bed Room No. 110. These mantels were built by Robert Howden & Sons 1115—17 Webster Street Phone Oakland 3554 0ak1and_,Cal. HE introduction of dull glazed or “Faience” tile for fireplaces has added beauty and character to this most important feature ofthe room. Its range olcolor and texture is practically unlimited. But perhaps a still more essential quality, that of permanence, is supplied by “Faiencen tile. Its ”newness” is not worn of? or its freshness hegrimed with smoke in a few months as with some of the more por- ous materials. SAN LICANDRO GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A Glimpse of One of the Many Beautiful Cherry Orchards for Which San Leandro is Celebrated SAN LEANDRO—The City of Opportunity Large orchard lots, finest soil; very warm mild climate, with little or no fog or winds. Fine schools, and churches, and splendid opportunities for investment. ENTRANCE TO BROADMOOR FROM CAR LINE LOTS IOO FEET FRONT BY ZOO FEET DEEP ONLY $2590 PER FRONT FOOT LOTS 50 FEET FRONT BY ZOO FEET DEEP $1400 AND UPWARDS PER LOT Liberal Terms— Only 10 per cent cash payment SEE BROADMOOR—IT WILL PAY TAKE EAST I4th STREET CAR—GET OFF AT BROADMOOR BOULEVARD SEND FOR OUR FOLDER GIVING DETAILS BREED Er BANCROFT OWNERS 1206 Broadway Oakland, California NOTE: flruahmuur 1/2 ACRE PIECES 1/: ACRE PIECES FRUIT FLOWERS SUNSHINE HAVE YOU EVER WISHED FOR A Good Deep Lot in the City—Room {or a nice Large Garden Berries—Fruit—Vegetables BROADMOOR ANSWERS THE CALL At one home in Broadmoor over $280 worth of Flower Peas were sold —- Raised on a portion ofa hf acre lot. Broadmoor’s warm climate and fertile soil brings early crops -a big demand—and a high price. A TYPICAL BROADMOOR STREET, WITH HALF ACRE HOMES Telephone Oakland 2344 G. H. Brown, Manager Steele/e Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Hardwood Lumber & Hardwood Flooring Three Ply Veneered Panels Oregon Pine and Elm ()flfee 537 First Slreet Between Washington & Clay Sts. Ware/mute 511-545 First Street Oakland, California PHONE OAKLAND 6-186 W. P. FULLER Sc CO. Importers and Maflllfiu‘llll't‘l'f of PAINTS ()ILS GLASS Concrete Cement Paints and Washable Wall Finishes Tent/1 and Alice Sis. Oak/um], Cal. Plumbing Supplies sold to you direct at WHOLESALE PRICES A com/blew 5e! O/p/zmzbz'ng fixtures {07‘ 5711‘ room Benign/0w for $50.00. Oakland Plumbing Supply Co. PL UMBING SUPPLIES 520 Broadway Phone Oakland 2928 Oakland, Cal. HOT WATER Always on Tap P IT TS BU RG Water Heater Highest in Lowest in Efficienc , Econom Gas Ex ense and y y P and Durability Cost of upkeep PITTSBURG WATER HEATER CO., (of California) 237 Powell St., San Francisco 13th 8: Clay Sts., Oakland EVERY WINDOW, EVERY DOOR, Pine, Elm and Gum veneered and ALL THE INTERIOR FINISH both hardwood and softwood ALL THE ART GLASS and PLATE GLASS in EVERY HOUSE shown in this book was supplied by us. We have the largest and most complete stock of Wzna’ows, Inter/0r Finis/z, Doors and Veneers in All Kinds of Wood in Ode/and. Repeat orders indicate quality, service and the right price. We are ready to serve you REDWOOD MANUFACTURERS CO. 57th and LOWELL STS., OAKLAND MAIN OFFICE San Francisco Office & Warehouse Phone Piedmont 326 Pittsburg, California 473 Bryant St. Amy éééfi i & Four Eine New Buildings All Finished \N'ith Berry Brothers Finishes. Holland Estate Building Nathan Clothing Co., Bldg. Lauder Bldg. Herr-Andre Department Store THE NEW SKY LINE AT SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI. A great many of the Country’s finest structures are finished with“ LIQUID GRANITE /\ varnish known the world over for its durability and elasticity. It is waterproof and withstands severe wear to an unusual degree LUXEBERRY WHITE ENAMEL \Vliitcst white—stays white. Luxeherry is the refinement of white enamel experience. Its ever constant freshness and lasting whiteness add that touch of permanent beauty you so want in your home. BREXJfiROTflER OKAT’B orld's LargestVarnish Makers FACTORIES: DETROIT. MICH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WALKERVILLE, ONT. Rhodes, Jamieson 81 Co. }Fiee/, Feed 895) Building Material 1520 PARK STREET TELEPHONE ALAMEDA 440 ALAMEDA, CAL. The Broadmoor Grocer A“. .1. Miller Dealer in Fruits, Vegetables and Groceries l’hone San Leandro 105 1271 \Vztshing‘tun .\\'e. ROBERT HOWDEN 8: SONS ARTISTIC MANTLE & TILE WORK FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS Over Twenty Years in Oakland Good Fire— places are built with the bricks of Experience and the cem- ent of Rep- utation— We have both. 1115—17 Webster Street, J. HOEFLE LANDSCAPE GARDENER (lardens Planned and l’ut ln. Shrubs 11ml l’lzmts For Sale Roses :1 Specialty 286 K enil Worth A ve. llrozulmuor, Sim l.c:1n(lrn Oakland, Cal. San Leandro Motor Express F. ]. Hirshman, Mgr. FURNITURE MOVED AT REASONABLE RATES l’hone San Leandro 102 SAN LEANDRO STATE BANK INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST FIRE IN (III): Nurthern Aaauranw anmpang ifiimitph nf Ennhnn - "STRONG AS THE STRONGEST” Losses Paid, Over $100,000,000 Established 1836 WESTERN DEPARTMENT. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J. C. Corbet, Mgr. H. D. Lewis, Ass't Mgr. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, 330 CALIFORNIA ST. F. C. H. Roblns, Mgr. THE NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH now recognized everywhere as the perfected phonograph. A REAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT No needles to change Unbreakable records Visit our Diamond Disc Studio Finest on the Pacific Coast. Complete Stock. Easy Terms Send for catalog. We ship anywhere. H. C. CAPWELL CO. OAKLAND, CAL. HALL GAS HEATING SYSTEM pm. June 9, '14 ODORLESS - ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT HALL FURNACE CO. 13th and Clay St, Oakland Cal, ------ '------ Rex Electric Co. House Wiring Motor Work Electrical Repairs Fixtures and Fixture Designing a Specialty 1323 Fruitvale Ave. Oakland. Cal. Phone Fruitvale 638 EEDS, ROSES, FRUIT TREES, Plants 01 all Descriptions. High Grade Grass Seeds our Specialty. all Garden \Vork. Catalog on Application. Estimates Given on H. M. SANBORN CO. OAKLAND. CAL. 1325 Broadway Phone Oakland 575 Phone Oakland 4928 San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle UHL BROS, Inc. Wall Paper Burlaps Lincrusta Linostyle Paper Hangers’ Tools Draperies that match the paper selected and make your home look artistic and honielike can he found at our store. Our salesmen are always ready to help you 111 your choice. 1319 FRANKLIN ST. OAKLAND, CAL. Alameda County Loan Association ORGAN I Z ED 1875 WE LEND MONEY TO BUILD HOMES HAVE YOU A LOT? $12.15 per month pays off a loan of $1000. in ten years. including interest. 563 SIXTEENTH ST” Cor. Clay. OAKLAND. L‘al. JACKSON FURNITURE CO. can furnish your new house complete, when your plans are selected have us consult with you as to furniture and measure your rooms for rugs, linoleum. etc. CLAY 8'11, Between 13th & 14th, OAKLAND, CAL. 55% THE UNIVERSAL CAR l’lmnc S. L. 107 M. King, l’rop. King’s Garage Ford’s Sold on Easy Payments Complete Line of Ford Parts MICHELIN & FISK TIRES San Leandra, Cal, 7‘7. | \ 7 . ISIII A5315” > v—:1 237'” BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH STANDARD REELEENCE FLOWER ‘ BORDER I THE FENCES AROUND EACH HOME SHOWN IN THIS CATALOGUE WERE BUILT BY: STANDARD FENCE C0. WIRE AND IRON WORKS 310 Twelfth St. Phone Oakland 5731 Oakland SEND FOR COMPLETE CATALOG We carry a eonzpleZe display of ngn/z'ng let'tnres s/zown in our salesroonzs 0n Z/ze 3rd floor of our bur/ding Esz‘z'rna/es e/zeer/n/ly given Slbeez'al Designs by a capable designer Besi prices eonszsz’enf 2022/2 Izzy/z grade work. Maxwell Hardware Co. Customers of THE UNION WATER COMPANY have never found it necessary to boil their water. ()ur mains cover # San Lenndro, lilmhurst, Fitchlmrg, etc. (”fire—90.20 East [4M SI. I’ll/me If/III/II/rs/ In); (MA/(mil, (.'u/. Telephone Oakland 22 14th and Washington Sts. Oakland, Cal. Melvin Printing 8: Stationery C0. Exponents of Highest Quality PRINTING Service covering all parts of California QUALITY FIRST But with most modern equipment our SAN P R ICES are often lower than expected JOSE, CALIFORNIA 520 Thirteenth St., Let us furnish your home with these sunfast fabrics The wide demand among homes of refinement for ar- tistic yet serviceable dra— peries and coverings is amply filled by our showing of Orinoka Guaranteed Sunfast Fabrics. Neither sun nor water can fade their rich colors the least particle— guaranteed so. The Curtain Store J. E. FAUSTINA Real Estate and Insurance 1335 East 14th St. Phone Fruitvale 2022 E. RYAN Painting, Decorating and Paperhanging ESTINIATES GIVEN 4717 Fairfax Avenue San Leandro, Cal. Box 109, Builders’ Exchange 1011 Franklin St., Oakland OFFICE: Phone Berkeley 5863 . Phone Lakeside 2000 Germanstone Manufacturing Co. Sole Manufacturers of GERMANSTONE SANITARY FLOORS AND SINKS 2120 Grant Street Berkeley, Cal. Estimates Cheerfully Given Acme Hardwood FlOOI‘ CO. OAK FLOORS LAID, SCRAPED AND POLISHED Pine Floors Scraped 639 Sixty-sixth St. Phone Piedmont 2529 F. H. ROEBER Plumbing, Tinning and Gas Fitting Patent Chimneys made to order or erected 8539 East 14th Street Telephone Elm 88 Phone San Leandro 30 MILLS & ELLIOT Automobile Supplies and General Accessories “THE GARAGE ON THE CORNER.” Hudson Buick Dodge Cars Oakland. Cal. Phone Oakland 7501 Wm. L. Govan, Mgr. The City 83’ County Title Co. Certificates of Title and Abstracts Eleventh Floor, Security Bank Bldg. 11th and Broadway SAN LEANDRU MILL & LUMBER co. Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Gravel Lumber—Millwork—Building Material '5. 984 East 14th St. Rhone 5,. 16 Ir" V" ”a I l‘ ${Ilrllvlllafi'g