START Microfilmed By The LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR NIA | VINTED , MEMOIRS, RVEYS, MIA IN COUNCIL, ERLOO PLACE: G CROSS; NHILL ; \TE HILL. A CATALOGUE MANUSCRIPT AND PRINTED REPORTS, FIELD BOOKS, MEMOIRS, MAPS, gre, ' THE INDIAN SURVEYS, THE MAP ROOM OF THE INDIA OFFICE. un PRINTED BY ORDER OF i HER MAJESTY'S SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL, " ¥ LONDON: Ls SOLD BY W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13, WATERLOO PLACE: EDWARD STANFORD, 55, CHARING CROSS: HENRY S. KING & CO., 65, CORNHILL : TRUBNER & CO., 57 axp 59, LUDGATE HILL. 1878. (7767.) i § b i a \ bie kL i I: ir 1 J A Catalogue of Maps of the British Possessions in India and other parts of Asia, published by order of Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for India in Council, was issued in 1870 ; a continuation of it, including maps subsequently published by the same authority, appeared in 1872; and an alphabetical list of all the published maps on sale in 1874 was printed at that date. The present Catalogue includes* the whole of the permanent col- lection deposited in the map room of the India Office. The East India Company required the original manuscripts and drawings of the Indian Surveys to be sent home for their information, and for safe custody. Hence many of the earlier documents which gradually made known the topography of India find a place in this volume, together with various records relating thereto. In the Catalogue of 1870, the spelling of the names of places in the headings of the Catalogue, was in accordance with Thornton’s Gazetteer of India, for the purpose of facilitating reference to that work, as the only one of the kind in print. The spelling of names in the titles of the maps, &c. was copied from the actual titles for the sake of identification. This explanation accounted for the variations of spelling, which could not fail to be noticed. Since 1870, measures have been taken by the Government of India for the establishment of an authorised spelling of the names of places in India, the last result of which is contained in notifications fixing the orthography to a limited extent in the Lower Provinces of Bengal, the North-west Provinces, Oudh, the Punjab, the Central Provinces, the Hyderabad Assigned Districts, Mysore, Coorg, Assam, and the Bombay Presidency. Similar lists are expected for the Rajputana Agency,t the Central India Agency, Hyderabad, British Burma, the Munipur Agency, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Madras Presidency, and the French and Portuguese territories. Upon the final approval and publication of the whole series an amalgamated alphabetical index is to follow. In the meantime the spelling of the headings and contents of this Catalogue has been made concordant with the lists already fixed by sess smi * Besides the published and saleable maps which are also included in a separate printed Catalogue. t Since received, and applied to the following Contents and Index. But the spelling in the headings of the Catalogue itself, follows previous orders. AA Ql v local governments and approved by the Government of India, as far as they go; but with regard to the governments for which the local lists are not yet issued, the names are given according to Dr. Hunter's lists, the use of which had formerly been ordered, and the order seems only to be rescinded so far as the new lists are applicable. The expected lists will probably restore many of the old anglicised names, their more ample retention having been suggested by the Secretary of State. : The arrangement of this Catalogue is based on the current Admi- nistrative Divisions of all India, of which there is a list in the contents. Maps and memoirs of the antiquated and obsolete divisions are placed with those which have superseded them, each group being arranged chronologically. Thus, whatever light 1s contained n the collection is brought to bear upon the administrative divisions of India at the date of publication, as far as possible. Sometimes, however, the form and connexion of the materials does not admit of such a distribution, as in the case of atlases, general maps, and special collections or serials. An alphabetical index, with the contents, facilitates reference. Inp1a OFFICE, February, 1878. CONTENTS. FIRST PART.—SURVEYS AND MAPS OF INDIA. THE INDIAN SURVEYS. I. Introductory Memoirs, &e. - 1 V. The Geological Survey :— II. The Great Trigonometrical Survey :— | 1. Annual Reports - - 66 1. Manuscript Reports - 3 | 2. Memoirs - . - 66 2, » Angle Books, &c. 24 | 3. Records - - - BY 3. Printed Reports - wl Mg 4, Paleontologia - - 69 4. Charts of the Triangles - 31 | 5. Catalogues - wo 70 III. The Topographical Surveys, 6. Maps - - - 7] Printed Reports - - 61 VI. The Schlagintweit Mission - 74 IV. The Revenue Surveys, Printed VII. The Archeological Surveys - 77 Reports - - - 63 | VIIL The Marine Surveys - 79 THE INDIAN ATLAS, Pages 82, 83. GENERAL MAPS, MEMOIRS, AND ATLASES OF INDIA, 1. Ordinary maps - . - 84 | 5. Maps of the Rivers and Canals 2. Special maps :(— of India :— a. Altitudes - - - 91 a. Rivers of India with out- b. Antiquities - - - 93 lets at the head of the ec. Geology - - - 93 Jay of Bengal - - 100 d. Languages - - - 93 b. Rivers on the Eastern side e. Meteorology - - 93 of the Bay of Bengal - 120 f. Military - - - 94 ¢. Rivers on the Western side g. Statistics and Products - 94 of the Bay of Bengal - 121 h. Wreck Charts - - 94 d. Rivers in the Arabian 3. Old Portuguese Plans - - 95 Sea - - - 136 4. Old Dutch Charts, &e. - - 96 6. Maps of the Railways of India - 142 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA, UNDER THE THREE PRESIDENCIES OF BENGAL, MADRAS, AND BOMBAY. Arranged as far as they exist according to the following list, which names all the British Governments with their Divisions and Distriets ;—the Political Agencies with their Sub-agencies and Native Principalities ;—and the Foreign Territories ;— including the whole of India. Tt will thus be seen how far every part of India is mapped, while an ordirfary contents would fail to supply the same means of under- standing v1 CONTENTS. standing the collection, or the great subject upon which it throws so much light. The list only descends to Divisions and Districts, but the Maps often represent Sub-districts or Pergunnahs, Talooks, etc., and also the cities, towns, and villages. Note.—When the chief town is not of the same name as the district it is added in parentheses ( ). This must not be mistaken for an alternative name for the district. When there is no number referring to the page of the Catalogue, it is because there are no special maps of the locality, which may nevertheless be well represented in some of the general maps. I : BENGAL PRESIDENCY. Under the Governor-General of India in Council (also Governor of the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal) including the following subordinate Governments :— 1. Bengal, under a Lieutenant-Governor. 9. The North West Provinces, under a Lieutenant-Governor. 3. Oudh, under a Chief Commissioner, who is now also the Lieutenant-Governor of : the North West Provinces. = 4. The Punjab, under a Lieutenant-Governor. i 5. Rajputana and Ajmir, the former under Native Princes and a Political Agent, who is also Chief Commissioner for Ajmir. 6. Central India, under Native Princes and a Political Agent. 7. The Central Provinces, under a Chief Commissioner. 8 . Hyderabad, under His Highness the Nizam, attended by the British Resident at ¥ Hyderabad ; also the assigned districts of Berar, under the same Resident as A Chief Commissioner. 9. Mysore and Coorg, the first under the Rajah, and both under one Chief Com- missioner. 10. Assam, under a Chief Commissioner. Munipur, under the Rajah and a Political Agent. 12. British Burma, under a Chief Commissioner. 13. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, under a Superintendent, *.¥ See note. po — . General Maps and Atlases of Bengal Presidency. Page 162. MAPS OF THE THIRTEEN GOVERNMENTS FORMING THE BENGAL PRESIDENCY. Regulation Provinces. | L. Bhagalpur Division.* 1. BENGAL. | y Page General Map - - - 172 In Eight Regulation Provinces and One Non- | In Four Districts :— Regulation Province, now called Divisions, | 1, Bhagalpur " -« 171 under Commissioners. | 2. Monghvr | 2. Monghyr - - - 173 | 3. Purneah - . - 173 ; | 4. Sonthal Pergunnahs (Dumka) - 173 : * Bhagalpur and Patna divisions formed the Memoirs, General Maps, and - | old Soubah of Behar. Atlases - Page 168 *.* To these must be added the following Governor-General’s Agencies beyond India: — 14. Baluchistan under H. H. the Khan of Kelat, with a Political Agent. 15. The Persian Gulf and Muscat, under various Native Governments, with two Political Agents. R 16. Bagdad (Turkish Empire), Political Agent. 17. Aden (Southern Arabia). 3 18. Zanzibar (East Africa), Political Agent. 2. Burdwan Division. Page Geological Surveys in Burdwan Division - - - 176 In Five Districts :— i. Bankoora . - - 174 2. Beerbhoom (Suri) - - 174 3. Burdwan - - - 174 4. Hooghly - - - 175 5. Midnapore - - - 176 3. Chittagong Division. In Four Districts :— 1. Chittagong - - - 176 2. Chittagong Hills (Chandrakona) 176 3. Noakholly (Sudharam) - 177 4, Tipperah Hills* (Agartala) - 177 4, Dacca Division. In Five Districts :— 1. Backergunge (Burrisal) - 177 2. Dacca - - - « 178 3. Furreedpore = - - 178 4. Mymensingh - - - 179 5. Tipperah (Comilla) - - 179 6. Tipperah Hills, transferred from Chittagong Division (Agar- tala) - - - 177 5. Orissa Division. General Map - - - 180 In Three Districts :— 1. Balasore - - - 180 2. Cuttack - - - 181 3. Pooree - - - - 182 Angnl and Banki (Anuexed Es- tates) - - - 182 Tributary Estates, viz. :—- 182-184 Ahtgar - . -— Athmallik (Hundapa) . — Bod and the Khand Malst - — Baramba - - - _ Dhenkanal - - -— Daspalla Joremu ~~ - Hindol - - - Khandpara - - - — Keonjhar - - Cn Lahara - - - Morbhanj and Bamanghataf * Transferred to Dacca Division. $+ The Khand Mals, in the south of Bod, were separated from that Este in 1840, and taken under British Government. 3 Bamanghata has been separated from Morb- hanj, and is now under the Deputy Commissioner, of Sinchbhoom district, an Chota Nagpore division although it is still included in Orissa division. See Bengal Census, 1872. I.—~BENGAL PRESIDENCY-—BENGAL. Orissa Division=—cont. Nilgiri - - - Narsinghpur - = Nayagar - - - Ranpur - - - Talcher - - - Tigiria - . - (See note on Sukinda.*) 6. Patna Division. | General Map - - » In Seven Districts :— 1. Champarun (Motihari) - 2. Durbhunga - - - 3. Gya - - - - 4. Patna - - - . 5. Sarun (Chupre) - » 6. Shahabad (Arrah) - - 7. Mozufferpore [formerly Tirhoot] 7. Presidency Division. General Map - . - In Five Districts :— : 1. Jessore . - = 2. Moorshedabad (Berhampore) - 3. Nuddea (Kishnaghur) - - 4. Twenty-four Pergunnahs (Ali- pore) - - - 5. CALcuTTA, the seat of the Vice- roy and of the Lieutenant- Governor] = - - 185 185 185 185 186 186 186 187 187 187 158 189 190 191 8. Rajshahi and Cooch Behar Division. General M: ps - - - # Qukinda was formerly represented a tary estate, see Aitchison, Vol. L., Surveys and Maps, including Dr. of Orissa ; but it does pot appe: of Bengal for 1872, nor in Aitch lists of the Tributary Estates. cluded among the 89 Fiscal Divisions of ( in Dr. Hunter's Orissa, Vol. 2, page 147, Upon further inquiry of Dr. Hunt that Sukinda is a zemindary of and should be coloured as part of the district the maps. 1¢ name 18 i + Bhagalpur and Patna divisions formed the old Soubah of Behar. + The municipality of th fact independent of the Commissioner of sidency Division, lud who only includes » city of Caleutt: statistics of Calcutta with his own, without exercising City. Caleutta, within stri 1 tly munici is thus almost a division of tse part of it wl is extra- pal bel the 24 Pergunnahs District. She ld no whole of the metropolis be under one manage- v ment. as Bombay and Madras are 7? any authority in the Metroj £ it while a at — Ey a Ve es ee RE EEE viii CONTENTS. Rajshabi and Cooch Behar Division—cont. | Page In Seven Districts :— 1. Bogra - - - 198 . Darjeeling® - - 199 Dinagepore ~~ - 198 Jalpiguri - - 200 Cooch Behar, tributary 198 Maldaht (English Bazar) 200 Pubna - - - 200 . Rajshahi (Rampore-Bauleah) 200 Rungpore - - 200 - Oh ON LX Non-Regulation Province. 1. Chota Nagpore Division. District Maps - - - In Five Districts :~— 1. Hazaribagh - - 2. Lohardugga (Ranchee) . Manbhoom (Purulia) - Singhbhoom (Chybassa) Chota Nagpore - Tributary Estates, viz, :— Bonai - - - 203, Chang Bukar (Janakpur) - Gangpur (Suadi) - Jashpur - - Koria (Andula) - Sirguja - - Udaipur - - (See footnote.}) * % A proposal to establish New Districts in Bengal is under consideration. See Bengal Adm. Report, 1875-6, page 28. . Sr ore 2. THE NORTH WEST PROVINCES. In Five Regulation and Two Non-Regulation Provinces or Divisions, under Commissioners ; and Two Native Principalities. Memoir, Atlases, and General Maps, &e. - - - 206 Regulation Provinces. 1. Agra Division. In Six Districts :— 1. Agra - - - - 212 2. Etawah . - - 213 | | | | | | * The subsidized state of Sikkim is connected | with Darjeeling. + Maldah District was transferred to the Bha- galpur Division with effect from 1st Nov. 1876 ; but, it is added, the civil jurisdiction of Maldah remains as before under the district of Dinagepore. Civil jurisdiction, is understood here to mean judicial administration. See Bengal Adm. Re- port, 1875-76, page 28. 1 Kharsowan, Srikala, and Dhalbbhum, although still under tributary chiefs, are now treated as parts of the British district of Singhbhoom. Agra Division--—cont. 3. Etah - - - 4. Farrukhabad - - 5. Muttra - - - 6. Mainpuri - - 2. Allahabad Division. In Six Districts :— . Allahabad* - . Banda - . Cawnpore . Fatehpur . Hamirpur . Jaunpur 3. Benares Division. In Six Districts :— . Azamgarh - . Benares Basti - . Ghazipur . Gorakhpur Mirzapur 4, Meerut Division. In Six Districts :— 1. Aligarh - 2. Bulandshahr - 3. Dehra Dun - 4. Meerut - 5. Muzaffarnagar 6. Saharanpur - 5. Rohilkhand Division. General Maps - - In Five Districts im 1. Bareilly - 2. Bijnor - - 3. Budaun - 4, Moradabad - 5. Shahjahanpur - Non-Regulation Provinces. 1. Jhansi Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Jalaun - - - 2. Jhansi - - - 3. Lalitpur - - 2. Kumaun Division. General Maps, &ec. - 223 In Three Districts i— 1. British Garhwal (Srinagar) 223 2. Kumaun (Almora) - 223 3. Tarai (Kashipur) - 224 * The chief town is the seat of the Lieutenant- Governor. I.— BENGAL PRESIDENCY—OUDH, PUNJAB. Native Principalities. Page 1. Garhwal (Tehri) - 224 2. Rampur - - 224 3. OUDH. In Four Divisions under Commissioners. General Map - - - 224 1. Fyzabad Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Bahraich - - 2. Fyzabad - - 3. Gonda - - - 2. Lucknow Division. In three Districts :— 1. Bara Banki - - 2. Lucknow* - > 3. Unao - > - 3. Rae Bareli Division. In Three Districts :=— 1. Partabgarh - - 2. Rae Bareli - - 3. Sultanpur - - 4. Sitapur Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Hardoi 2. Kheri - 3. Sitapur 4, THE PUNJAB. In Ten Divisions under Commissioners, and Native Principalities. General Maps - - 231 1. Amritsar Division. General Maps - - 239 In Three Districts :— 1. Amritsar - 240 2. Gurdaspur - - 240 | 3. Sialkot - 240 | 2. Delhi Division. In Three Districts :— . Delhi - - - . Gurgaon - - . Karnal - » 3. Derajat Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Bannu - - - - 249 2. Dera Ghazi Khan - 243 3. Dera Ismail Khan _ - - 242 * The chief town is the seat of the Chief Commissioner. 4. Hissar Division. General Maps - In Three Districts :— 1. Hissar - - - 2. Rohtak - - 3. Sirsa - - - 5. Jullundur Division. General Maps - - In Three Districts ;— 1. Hoshiarpur - - 2. Julliindur - ” 3. Kangra - - 6. Lahore Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Ferozepore - - 2. Gujranwala - - 3. Lahore* - » 7. Mooltan Division. General Map - - In Four Districts i= Jhang - - - Montgomery - - . Mooltan - - . Muzaffargarh - - 8. Peshawar Division. In Three Districts :=— 1. Hazara (Abbott-abad) ~ 2. Kohat - - - 3. Peshawar . - 9. Rawalpindi Division. In Four Districts ;=— 1. Gujrat - - - 2. Jhelum - - 3. Rawalpindi - - 4. Shahpur - - 10. Umballa Division. General Map - - - 254 In Three Districts :-— 1. Ludhiana - - ~ 254 2. Simla - - - - 254 3. Umballa - - - 254 Native Principalities Under the Punjab Government, arranged in Geo- graphical groups, as a key to their situation. Trans Sutlej Highlands. Jummoo and Kashmir - Chamba - - Mandi - - » Suket - . - * The chief tow n is the seat of the Lieutenant- Governor. Cm m———— X : CONTENTS. 4. The Punjab--Native Principalities-— cont. Cis Sutlej Highlands. Southern Group :— Hindur (Nalagarh) Jubbal (Chepal ?) Kahlur (Bilaspur) Patiala, two parts Sirmur (Nahan) . West Central Group :- - Baghat, in detached parts Bija - - - Dhami - - Kunhiar (Haut ?) - Kuthar - - Mailog (Pata) - East Central Group :— Balsan (Ghodna) . - Darkuti - - - Gund* - . - Keonthal, in two parts (Ju- lung) - - - Koti, in two parts®™ - - Madhan*® - - - Pandur* . - - Raiengarh* - Taroch, in two parts - Theog* - - * Tributary to Keonthal. Northern Group :— Baghal - - Bashahr (Rampur) = Bhajji - » Kanuti Kotgarh Kumharsain Mangal Sangri Sirhind Plain. General Maps - - Bahawalpur - - - Dujana - - - Faridkot . - . Jind, in detached parts 254, Kalsia, detached parts in Um- balla - - - Kapurthala - - - Loharu » - - Maler Kotla - - . Nabha, in detached paris- 254, Pataundi - - - Patiala, exclusive of Hill terri- tory - - ” ————— 5. RAJPUTANA AND AJMIR. In Nine Assistant Agencies, besides the Commissionership of the British Districts, as follows : — General Maps - - British Districts. Ajmere and Mairwara - 1. Meywar Agency. Banswara - - - Dungarpur - - Gwalior district :— Jawud Nimach Kusalgarh - . Partabgarh - - Oodeypore or Meywar Tonk district ;—— Nimbahera Kherwara Hill States :— Chamund - Chari - Gagunda Jewas = Jharole Korabur Kotra - Oghna Panurwa Jurah Madri - Parah - Parah Tanah Salumbar Thanah 2. Jeypore Agency. Jeypore - - - . Kishengurh , - . Lawa - - » - Sambhar Lake, British district - Shaikhawati, including Khetri and Sikar - - - - Uniara » “ - - 3. Sujangarh Agency. Bickaneer - - - 4. Marwar Agency. Jodhpore or Marwar - Mullani - - Godwar - - Jeysulmere - - - 5. Harowtee Ageney. Boondee - - - Kotah - ‘ FEET EE I I.—BENGAL PRESIDENCY—CENTRAL INDIA. 5. Rajputana and Ajmir—Harowtee Agency——cont. Page Jhallawar® (Jhalra Patan) - - 270 Kherar and Deoli - - Shahpoora - - - Kachowla, a district of Meywar Phulia, a British district Tonk districts :(—t Aligarh Chapraf Rampura Tonk - 6. Eastern States Agency. Bhurtpore - - - Kerauli - - - 7. Dholpur dion, Dholpur - - - 263 8. Ulwar Agency. Ulwar - - - 263 9. Sirohee Agency. Sirohee » - - 263 6. CENTRAL INDIA. Numerous Principalities, in Nine Assistant Agen- cies, including also one British District, Viz, — General Maps - - 264 1. Indore Residency. Bagli, a district of Gwalior wii Dewas§ - - - i Indore§ = . - - 266 #* See also, Jhallawar pergunnahs in Central India, No. 6, West Malwa Agency, and No. 9, Guna Agency. The map of the City of Jhalra- Patan, the Capital of Jhallawar, has been cr- roneously placed under the Western Malwa Ageney (page 270), which only contains four outlying pergunnahs of Jhallawar. It should follow after Kotah, in page 262. t+ The other Tonk districts in Rajputana are Pirawa, in West Malwa Agency, Sironj, in Bhopal Agency, Nimbahera, in Meywar Agency. The Harowtee Agent also reports on these Tonk dis- triets. See also the Rajputana Agencies, Nos. 3, 6, 9, for Tonk Districts. t Chapra or Chuppra is also included in the Guna Agent's Report (Cemtral India). Is this the Chabra of the las. Rajputana spelling list, dated Dee. 27, 18777 § Other parts of Maharajah Holkar’s Indore territory are in the Assistant Agencies num- bered 3, 6, 7, 8. Other parts of Dewas are in | 3, 6, 8. 2. Gwalior Agency. * General Maps - > - Gird Gwalior - - : Isagarh, repeated in Guna Agency - Jhansi - - Lushkar Gwalior - Narwar - - Sabalgarh - - Shikarwari . Tonwurgarh . 3. Bhopal Agency. Basoda - - - Bhopal - - - Dewas district :— Sarangpur - - Girasia and Pindari Estates :— Agra Burkhaira - Dabla Dhir - - Dabla Ghosi - - Daria Khairi - » Dugria - Hirapur - Jabriah Bhil - Jullaria - Kankerkheria - Kharsia - Kujori - Kumalpur » Piplia-Nagar - Ramgarh - Sutalia - Tuppa - Gwalior districts i— Bhilsa - - Cachora » Gunj Basoda - Mullargarh ~~ Sandursi, share of Shujawalpur - Sonkach - Indore districts ie Gagroni - Kantapur - Machilpur - Nimar - Sandursi, share Zirapur - Karwai - - Kilchipur - - Larawut - - Mahmudgarh Maksudangar - * Other parts of Maharajah Sindhia’s Gwalior erritory are in the Assistant Agencies num- bered 1, 3, 6, 7, 9. See also Rajputana Agencies, No. 1. Ba Be IR Xii CONTENTS. 6. Central India—Bhopal Agency— cont. Page Omutwara - on Narsinghgarh — Rajgarh — Pathari - — Tonk district :=— Sironj - - - 4. Bandalkhand Agency. General Maps - States :— Ajigarh - Archa or Tehri Bijawar - Charkari Chattrapur Dattiah Puna - Sampter Umra - Jaghires :— Alipura Baoni - Behri - Behut - Bironda Girouli Gourihar Jigni - Jussu - Kunyadhana Logasi Naugong Nygoa Rebai Paturkuchar Sarila - Chowbey Jaghires : Bhysonda Kampta Rajola Nayagaon - Paldeo - Pahra - » Tiraon - Husht Bhya Jaghires :— Bijna - » Dhurwai - Pahari - Tori Fathipur 5. Bhagalkhand Agency. Kothi . . Maihir Nagod Rewah Sidpura Sohawal 6. Western Malwa Agency. Jaora - - Ratlam » - Sailana > - Sitamau - - Gwalior districts :— Augor - Bynsoda - Mundisor - Runijah - Ujjain Indore districts :— Mahipur Naraingarh Rampora Sonel - Surana Dewas district :—— Alot - - - » Page Jhallawar pergunnahs, or Chowmehla : Awur - - - Dug - - - Gangrar - » Pach Pahar - - See also No. 5, Harowtee Agency in Rajputana, and No. 9, Guna Agency in Central India. Tonk district mm Pirawa - Piplowda - - Guaranteed thakoors ;=— Agrardah - - Bichrode in two parts ? Bileda - - - Burdia » Dabri - Dhulatia Duttanah Jowasseah Kalukheri Lallgarh Narwar Naugong Nowlanah Piplia - Punth Piploda - Sheogarh - - 7. Bhopawar Agency. Bhil Agent. Ali Rajpur - Dahi* - | Dhar . a Dharmrai® - . Jabua* - - * Tributary to Indore. [3 4d bk dd IL.—BENGAL PRESIDENCY 6. Central India-——Bhopawar Agency — cont. Page Jobat - Kutiwara - Matwar - Ratanmal - Gwalior districts :— Amjhera - Bagh - Bankanir Dektaun Munawur Sagor - Indore districts :(— Chikalda - Pitlad - - Guaranteed Bhumias :— Baisola or Dhotra* - Bakhtgarh* - “ Chota Barkhera or Sarepore*® Kachi Baroda - - Kali Baori* - - Mota Barkhera*t - Multhan* - - Nimkhera or Tirla* - * Tributary to Dhar. t Tributary to Gwalior. 8. Maunpur Agency. Deputy Bhil Agent. Maunpur, British district - Barudpura - - - Barwani - - - Dewas district :— Bagode Garhi > Jamnia - Kotiday - Rajgarh - Indore districts :— Barwai - - Dhurgaon - - - Khurgone - - . Khusrawal - » - Agra and Bombay Road, from Mhow to the Khandesh frontier - 9. Guna Agency. Guna Cantonment, British - . teen . Gwalior districts :—=— Araor - - Bujrungarh Isagarh . Miana - i CENTRAL PROVINCES. Guna Agency —cont. Guaranteed Chiefs :— Bhadaura Dharnaoda Garha - Omri - Paron Raghugarh Sirsi - Tonk district :— Chapra® - - - * Alsoincluded in the Harowtee Agency of Rajputana. | Jhallawar pergunnah :— Shahabad - . See also No. 6, Western Malwa Agency, and No. 5, Harowtee Agency in Raj- putana. 7. THE CENTRAL PROVINCES. In Four Divisions under Commissioners ; also Fifteen Native Principalities at- tached to certain Districts. Gazetteer, Surveys, and General Maps - » - . L. Chattisgarh Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Bilaspur (Ratanpur) - 2. Raipur - - 3. Sambalpur - - 4. Upper Godavari (Sironcha) FEE PRY 276, 285, [See C. P. Adm. Report, 1873-74, pages xlv. and 2.] 2. Jubbulpore Division. In Five Districts :— 1. Damoh 2. Jubbulpore 3. Mandla 4. Saugor 5. Seoni - 3. Nagpur Division. In Five Districts :— 1. Balaghat (Hatta) - - 2. Bhandara - - - 3. Chanda . - - 4. Nagpur. The chief town is the seat of the Chief Commis- sioner . - - 5. Wardha (Hinganghat) - - 4. Nerbudda Division. In Five Districts :— 1. Betul - - 2. Chindwara - Xiv CONTENTS. 7. The Central Provinces—Nerbudda Division— cont. Page 3. Hoshangabad - 280 4. Nimar (Burhanpur) ~ 280 5. Narsinghpur - - 281 Native Principalities Under the Central Provinces. Attached to Bilaspur district :— Kawarda - - Sakti* - - Attached to Raipur district :— Kanker - - Khairagarh® - - Kondka - - Nandgaon - - Attached to Sambalpur district :— Bamra - - Karond or Kalahandi - Patna* (Bolangir) - Raigarh-bargarh - Rairakhol - - Sarangarh - - Sonpur - - Attached to Hoshangabad district:— Makrai - - - Attached to Upper Godavari dis- trict :— Bastar - 8. HYDERABAD AND BERAR. HYDERABAD. In Sarkars or Circars grouped partly in Five Circles, as follows ; the rest forn- ing the Surf-i-khas, 1 *acgah, Dewani, and Suburban domains, in some unexplained way. General Maps - 281 1 Kambhampet - - 284, 286, 290 Nelgunda - - - - 287 Warangal - - 284, 287, 289, 291 II. Elgandel - - 283, 285, 289, 290 Indore - - - - — Medak - 284, 286, 289, 290, 291 III. Aurangabad f - 283, 285, 289, 290 Bir - - 283, 285, 288, 290 Patri (Parbhani) - 284, 217, 289, 201 * Under temporary British management. i Also called Dowlutabad Circar. 8. Hyderabad and Berar—cont, iv. Page Bidar » - 283, 285, 288, 290 Naldrug (Dliaraso) 284, 287, 289, 290 Nandair - 284, 286, 289, 291 V. Raichur - > - 286 Sagar (Shorapur) - - 287 The other Circars are : Amrabad - - - — Baithalwari « -283, 285, 288 Part of Basim - - 283, 290 Bhonagir -284, 285, 290 Dharur 282, 2835, 289, 200 Deverkunda - - 285 Ghunapur - 287, 291 Golkonda® - 284, 285 Gulbargah - 284, 286, 290 Hominabad - - — Jalna - 284, 286, 289, 290 Kaliani 284, 286, 289, 290 Kaulas 284, 286, 289, 290 Koilkunda - 284, 286, 290 Mahur 285, 288 Malangar - 284, 286, 289 Mudgal - - 286 Mulkhair - 284, 286, 290 Pangal - - 291 Purainda 284, 287, 289, 290 Paitan 284, 287, 289, 291 Ramghir - 284, 288 BeErAR, or THE HYDERABAD ASSIGNED DisTrICTS, Under a Commissioner, subordinate to the Chief Commissioner at Hyderabad. In Six Districts :— . Akola - - - 201 . Amraotit - - 202 . Basim - - 283, 290, 292 . Buldana » . Ellichpur - - 292 6. Wun - - - - — The following note explains the relation of the present districts of Berar, to the former Circar maps. Akola was part of Nurnulla Circar. Amraoti was part of Gawilghur., Basim District includes parts of Maiker, Basim, and Mahur Cir- cars. Buldana is formed from parts of Nurnulla and Maiker Circars. Ellichpur includes parts of Gawilghur and Nurnulla. Wun was part of Mahur Circar. * The city of Hyderabad, the seat of the Nizam’s Government, is in Golkonda Circar. t The chief town is the seat of the Commis- sioner. I.—BENGAL PRESIDENCY—MYSORE, ETC. 9. MYSORE AND COORG. Mysore in Three Divisions under Commissioners. Page General Maps - - 292 1. Ashtagram Division. In Three Districts :—— 1. Coorg {British ( Morcuray ) 2. Hassan 3. Mysore - - 2. Nagar Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Chitaldroog - - 2. Kadur - - - 3. Shimoga = . 3. Nundydroog Division. In Three Districts :— 1. Bangalore®* - 296 2. Kolar - - 297 3. Tumkur . 297 10. ASSAM. In Eleven Districts, lately separated from the Lower Provinces of Bengal. . General Maps - - 298 Cachar (Silchar) - 298 Sylhet - - - 299 . Goalpara - - 300 Kamrup (Gauhati) - 301 . Darrang (Tezpur) - 301 . Nowgong - - 301 . Sibzagar - - 301 . Lakhimpur (Dibrugail) 302 . Garo Hills (Tura) - 302 10. Khasi and Jaintia Hills (Shil long) 302 11. Naga Hills (Suthazygivg) 303 Khasi Estates :(— Bhowal - Chella - Cherra » Dewara Nongtyrmen Jirang - Khyrum - Langrum - Maharam, Lower Maharam, Upper Malai Chamut Maodori - Maosanram ~~ - * The chief town is the seat of the Chief Commissioner. t The chief town is the seat of the Chief Commissioner of Assam. . © PTD LON - 10. Assam—cont, Khasi Estates—cont. Maoyang Marrian Mylleim Nobosopooh Nongklow Nongspoong Nongstoin Ramrai Jaintia Estates :— Sixteen, not specified. 11. MUNIPUR. A Native Principality between Assam and Burma, under a Rajah and a Political Agent. The capital is Imphal. General Maps - - 303 12. BRITISH BURMA. In Three Divisions under Commissioners, General Maps - - - 1. Arakan Division. In Four Districts :— 1. Akyab - - - - 2. Northern Arakan (Myouk- toung) - - - 3. Kyouk-pyoo - - - 4. Sandoway . - - 2. Pegu Division. General Maps - - In Five Districts :—= 1. Bassein - 2. Henzada (Donabyo) . . Prome - > . Rangoon* - . Thayetmyo (Meaday or Allan) - 3. Tenasserim Division. General Maps - - In Six Districts :— . Amherst (Moulmein) Mergui - 3. Shwegyeen - . Tavoy - - . Toungoo - . Salween (Pahpoon) 13, ANDAMAN and NICOBAR ISLANDS, A Penal Settlement under a Superintendent. General Maps - » - 310 * The chief town is the scat of the Chief Commissioner. CONTENTS. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY. In Twenty-one Distr General Maps - 1. Belary - . 2. Chengalpat ~~ - . Coimbatore - . Cuddapah - . Ganjam (Chicacole) - . Godavari (Rajamundri) Krishna (Masulipatam) . Karnul - . Madras City* - - . Madura - - . Malabar (Calicut) > . Nilgiri (Utacamand) = . Nellore - - . North Arcot (Chittore) . Salem - - - . South Arcot (Cuddalore) iets aud Nine Native Principalities :— - Page 312 Page 321 321 325 326 326 329 340 353 3593 357 357 360 363 371 372 391 17. South Canara (Mangalore) 18. Tanjore - - 19. Tinnevelli (Palamcotta) 20. Trichinapalli - , 21. Vizagapatam - - | | Native Principalities | * ander the Madras Government. | | . Cochin - - - . Travancore - - . Pudukota - Banganapalli ~ - . Sundoor - . Bodogoda - : Sina R . | Jaipur . Chinna Kemedi : Agency , Jaipur - - III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. The City and Island of Bombay, Native Principalities General Maps - 1. The City and Island of Bombay | pages 424 to 436. 9. Northern Division. Tn Seven Collectorates :— 1. Ahmedabad - 2. Broach- - 3. Colaba - - 4, Kaira - - 5. Khandesh (Dhulia) 6. Nasik - - 7. Panch Mahals - 8. Surat - - 9. Tanna - - 3. Southern Div General Map - Tn Nine Collectorates :i— 1. Ahmednagar - 2. Belgaum - 3. Dharwar - 4, Kaladgi . 5. Kanara (Honawar) 6. Poona - - 7. Ratnagiri - 8, Satara - - 9. Sholapur - - # and Three Divisions, under (Commissioners; under Political Agents. - Page 416 4. Sind Division. General Maps - - | In Five Collectorates :— . Hyderabad 436 | = Karachi - 437 . Shikarpur - 437 | Thar and Parkar 437 . Upper Sind Frontier 437 wWative Principalities 438 under the Bombay Government. 438 Ix THE NORTHERN DIVISION. 439 | 1. Cutch Agency. Cutch - - - - 454 2. Kattywar Agency. Under a Political Agent and Four Assistants. 442 The Native Chiefs are divided into eight classes; 442 | the lowest class, having no jurisdiction, is omitted 5 in the following list. The other seven classes 443 | pave their juridical authority extended gradually 443 | up to the first, and are distinguished accordingly. 448 | (yeneral Maps - - - 454 444 : a 445 | i. Jhalawad Division. 445 | Head Quarters, Wadhwan Station. 446 | 1. Dhrangadra - . « wee of the ( Governor of the Presidency. 442 | ee ———————————————————————— * The seat ITI.—-BOMBAY i. Jhalawad Division—cont. i . Page 11. Limri (Special Assistant) Wadhwan - . Wankaner - 11. Than Lakhtar Sayla - Chura - Jasdan iv. Muli - Bajana v. Vithulgad Patri - Wunode Sudamra Dandhalpur vi. Bhoika Chotila Dasara - Annandpur - Paliyad, and eleven others vir. Sahuka, and three others ii. Sorath Division. Head Quarters, Manukwara. 1. Junagarh . - - 1. Jafarabad. (Belongs to Jinjira. See Bombay Native Agen- cies, No. 13) - - m1. Bantwa (Special Assistant) = Porbandar . v. Jetpur-Bilka - Wasawad - Dedan - vi. Bagasra - Babra - Kotra Pita - PRESIDENCY. xVil iii. Halar Division—cont. Page Satudar Wari (1) Bhadwa (2) - Rajpura (2) - Kotharia - Shahpur (2) - . Mulila Deri (1) Sisang Chandli Lodhika (2) - Wudali . Khirusra (2) - (1) Taluks of Drapha, four in all. (2) Taluks of the Rajput Bhayati-thana, thirteen in all. E iv. Gohelwad Division. Head Quarters, Sonpuri. . Bhaunagar - . Palitana - . Wala - 7. Lathi - . . Datha . Waori Wachhani Dhola Dewani Guddali - (Ghundhol - * * See also Baroda Residency, Ah- medabad District, and the Portuguese Territories, for the rest of Kattywar. id 3. Pahlanpur Agency. Under a Political Superintendent. ' Records and barrack plan | Bhabhar - - Vichhavur - - Diodar - - vir. Lakhapadur and ten others iii. Halar Division, Head Quarters, Rajkot. 1. Nawanagar 1. Gondal | Khankrej - » Pahlanpur - - Radhanpur - - Santalpur and Chadchat Suigam - - | Terwara - . Rajkot | Tharad and Morwara Dhrol - Morvi - “rv. Virpur v. Mengni Kotra Sangani Gowridar - Pal - . Gadka > Jalia Dewani - Malia - - v1. Drapha (1) - (7767.) | Wao . - | Warahi - - Districts not named 4. Mahikanta Agency. | Memoirs - - - - Katosan Zillah - - - | Nani Marwar Zillah, except three taluks and Edar - - - Saburkanta Zillah - - - b xvii CONTENTS. 4. Mahikanta Agency—-cont. Page Political Assistant, Edar - - - Rehwar Zillah - - Political Assistant. Watrak Kanta Zillah . - Bawisi Zillah - - - Three taluks in Nani Marwar > viz., Malpur, Mugdri, and Gabut. The division of Mahikanta into six Zillahs or districts appears still to be in operation ; although in a recent statement (Gov. Ind. For. Dep., Pol. | 114 of 1877), the Mahikanta Agency 18 described | as divided into 12 large and 47 petty states. The 12 states are:—Edar* Pol,* Mansa,t Mohan- | pur.f Sathasna,* Danta,* Malpur,* Ghorasar,t | Amalyara,t Ranasan,f Pethapur,t and Ilol.t | Those marked * are in Nani Marwar; those | marked t are in Watrak; and those marked I | are in Rehwar. 5. Rewakanta Agency. Balasinor® - - - Baria* - - Bhadarva® - > Chota Udepur* - Karana - - Lunawara* > Pandu Mewas Estates Rajpipla* - . . - Sankhera Mewas, in twenty-eight Estates - - - - Sunth* - - - - Unmita - . - - Sanjeli - - - - Seven Civil Stations under Agency Superintendence, viz. i— Baria - - 456 Dorka - Lunawara - Pandu - Rampur - Wadia - Wasawa - Nore. — The six principal states are distin- guished by * ; there are besides 56 petty states. 6. Panch Mchals Agency. Narukot (chief town Jambughora) 7. Baroda Residency. The Gaikawar’s territories in Gu- zerat, Kattywar, and Khandesh :— In Guzerat :— Baroda Puttun Wusravi 7. Baroda Agency—cont. | In Kattywar :— Amreli | Damnagar Danturwa Dhari - Korinar Okamandel In Khandesh :(— Wajpur taraf - - 8. Cambay Agency. Cambay - - . 9. Surat Agency. Bansda - > - Dharampur - - Sachin - - - Tithal (a sanitarium) - 10. Khandesh Agency. Dang Bhil States :— Amala - Auchar - Chinchligarad Derbhauti - Garhi - Jhari-Garkari - Kirli - - Palasvihir - Pimpladevi - Pimpri - Shivbara - Surgana taluka Wadhawan - Wasurna - Mewas States :— Chikhli Gawhali Kathi - Nal - - Nawalpur - Singpur - Nore.—Twenty-three states are said this Agency. 11. Nasik Agency. Peint - - - 12. Tanna Agency. Jawhar - - - 13. Jinjira Agency. Jinjira . - 3 The Pant Pratinidhi:— Atpadi, The Pant Sacheo :—Bhor - - The Nimbalkar :—Phaltan - - The Daflekar :—dJath - - Ramdurg - - Akalkot - * ie 16. Kolhapur and the Southern Mahratta | Savanur . Kolhapur - - 457 | Sangli - - — | Jamkhandi - — | General Maps, &e. - - 111.—BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, ETC. In THE SOUTHERN DIVISION. Agency— 14. Satara Agency. Bencyeeont Miraj, senior - Miraj, junior - Kurandwad, senior - Kurandwad, junior Mudhol - - Page Aundh, &ec. - - 15. Akalhot Agency. 17. Sawantwari Agency. Sawantwari - - 18. Dharwar Agency. Agency. : IN THE SIND DIVISION. 19. Khairpur. IV. FRENCH TERRITORIES. In Bengal. 1. Chandernagore - In Madras. 9. Karical, in the Caveri delta - - - - 3. Mahé, in Malabar - - - - - 4. Pondicherry, in South Arcot, the seat of Government 5. Yanaon, in the Godavari delta . - - V. PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES. In Bombay. 1. Daman, near Surat - - - - 2. Diu, in Kattywar - - - - 3. Goa, adjoining Canara, the scat of Government xix 16. Kolhapur and the Southern Mahratta Page SECOND PART. DIVISIONS BEYOND INDIA. Page MAPS OF ASIA AND ITS . Chinese Empire . Asiatic Russia . South-Eastern Maps and Tra _ General Maps of Asia - . Overland Maps rontier maps 1n- pal and Butan including Turkis- de Route Sur pn LN - . Western Asia tan. General Maps . Cochin China - . Straits Settlements _ Islands in the Indian Ocean . Turkey in Asia . Asiatic Archipelago ©® IPH CL ——————————— MAPS IN ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. I SSS Hindustani or Urdu I — GENERAL ATLASES AND MAPS. Marine Explorations Enact Coast of Africa EuroPE, general Equatorial Lakes Mediterranean Cape Colony - | AUSTRALASIA Great Britain NORTH AMERICA United States Gulf of Mexico Spain and Portugal : (lentral America Turkey in Europe AFRICA, general Morocco and Algiers | SourH AMERICA - 504 510 512 512 513 514 514 515 516 522 523 523 523 523 523 CHARTS, ETC. INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. Shipping and Voyages to India and China. I. Serial. c ; Page hares, by sey Hydrographers 546 | Charts—cont . Thornton's, 1703-1750 . 547 | 5. Horsburgh’ 2, Ritchie’, 1768-1772 - - 548 | 6. Walkers Ey 3 D' Apis’ 1775-1781 - © 548 | 7. Pearson's, 1866-1869 - . Dalrymple’s, 1774-1806 - 549 | 8. Taylors, 1874 - : 11. Single Charts, partly in MS. Mediterranean Sea - - - 596 | Persian Gulf - Indian Ocean - - - 596 | Makrin Coast - - African Coast - - - 596 | Western India - » Chagos Islands - - - 596 | Pamban Passage - - Seychelles Islands - - - 596 | Bay of Bengal - - Lacoste - - - - 597 | Malacca Straits - » Ra 3 ea - - - - 597 | Asiatic Archipelago - rabian Sea - - - 598 | China Sea - - - Admiralty Charts Page 611. French Government Charts (Depét de la Marine) Page Marine Surveying, Swiling Directions, Nautical Tables, &c. Page 611. Marine Architecture, Lighthouses, &c. Iron pilot brig - - - 614 | Boilers - ox barge " - - 614 | Marine engines - - igris trading boat - . - 614 | Lighthouses - - Steam vessels, seagoing = - 614 Docks - » river - - 615 Machiner : Q 3 : y ! ) Steam tugs - - - 616 | Bridges - . - Steam dredges . - - 617 GEOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUES. Page 611. OBSERVATORY REPORTS—ASTRONOMIC METEOROLOGICAL, AND ONAL, Madras - - 623 | Eastern Archipelago - Bombay - - - - 627 | Great Britain Pe “ Bengal - - . - 628 | Cape of Good Hope - Calcutta - - - - 629 | Australia - - North West Provinces - - 630 | Austria - . : Oudh - - - - 630 | Netherlands - - Punjab oe - & - 630 | America - . - India in General - - - 630 Nautical Meteorology . ; Trans-Indian. Terrestrial Magnetism - Singapore - - - . 632 | Star Maps - a - Page - 578 - 5%9 - 593 - 595 - 598 - 600 - 600 - 603 - 604 - 608 - 609 - 610 611. - 617 - 617 - 618 - 620 - 620 - 620 - 632 - 632 - 634 - 634 - 636 - 637. - 638 EN... I NL. EE EA THE INDIAN SURVEYS. A CATALOGUE MANUSCRIPT AND PRINTED REPORTS, FIELD BOOKS, MEMOIRS, MAPS, &ec. OF THE INDIAN SURVEYS, GEOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE INDIA OFFICE. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF HER MAJESTY’S SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL. I. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIRS, ETC. A MEMOIR on the INDIAN SURVEYS; by Clements R. Mark- ham. London, 1871. Imperial Svo., XXv and 303 pages. Half bound. ContTeENTs.—Indian Marine Surveys; Route Surveys; Trigonometrical and Topographical Surveys ; Supply of Instruments; Geological Survey ; Archeological Survey ; Meteorological and Tidal Observations ; Astronomical Observations ; Physical Geography of India; List of Members of the Great Trigonometrical, Topographical, and Revenue Surveys, and of the Geological Survey, &e. 4 [In continuation of the preceding Memoir. ] ABSTRACT of the REPORTS of the SURVEYS and of other GEOGRAPHICAL OPERATIONS in INDIA for 1869-70. By Clements R. Markham, Imperial S8vo., 35 pages. Also for 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73, 1873-74, 1874-75. To be continued annually. STATEMENT exhbiting the MORAL and MATERIAL PRO- GRESS of INDIA during the year 1872-73. Presented to Parliament pursuant to Act. With a Preface, by Clements R. Markham. Contents : I. Administration and Legislation. II. Finance. III. Land Revenue. IV. Agriculture, V. Irrication. VI, Communications. VII. 7767.) I. 146. A GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. THE INDIAN SURVEYS. TX. Trade and Manufactures. X1. Police and forests. VILL Minerals ov MET cal “XIV. Military. XV. Surveys Justice. XI1.' Tducation. and Statistics. ; ‘ a .—1. A map of India for the places named in the Statement. 2. A Jap | of the Civil Divisions of India, including Governments, Digisions, snd Disk is, 1 Political Agencies, and Native Teruonisd with ab, Woy The Banta Ny 4 I] iy | igati 1 River Basins of India. o. , 4. The Irrigation Canals and River a | i : ‘aravan and Steam Packet : i Telographs, Ports, Lighthouses, ich of Manaar. 8. Pamban Ship Canal. II. THE GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. | 11 Harbour, 7. Palk Strait and Pam : : i 1 : Ye al Survey of India. 3 | _ The Forests of India. 10. An Index to the Geologica i exh : or at 1 | i Trade Toutes to Tibet from the Lower Proviso Dongs) ai Ba 4 'HE REPORTS AND CHARTS, | | ith a list of explorers, remarks and notes. 12. British India, wi a | ios and Political Agencies, including Aden, Baghdad, Bushire, Muscat, and : OF $1 Zanzibar. Also the surrounding States with Rejoice to he Patani g 2 ; i i | r is i daries. 13. Military Map o : * 3 THR \T 1 : ¥.] a. Be efoness. . 15, Bombay Harbour Defences. 16. Tudex: to ; THE TRIANGULATION OF INDIA H | | the Trigonometrical Survey of India. : . re r BR oT FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT, | d | 3 DEPOSITED IN THE MAP ROOM OF THE INDIA OFFICE, LONDON, i | : AND CATALOGUED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER :— ; i ] 1. MANUSCRIPT REPORTS. 3. PRINTED REPORTS, &c. i | : 2. MANUSCRIPT ANGLE BOOKS, &c. 4. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. FE * 1. MANUSCRIPT REPORTS. VoLume 1. An Account of TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS carried on in the Carnatic in the years 1802 and 1803, being a work intended to improve and correct the Geography of the Peninsula of India. By Brigade Major William Lambton, assisted by Lieutenant Warren, of H.M. 33rd Regt. See Heading to page 1. MS. 122 pages, and a map; with contents before page 1, but no title, (Sections I. to V.) In paper cover. CoxteNts oF Vou. 1, Parr L Section 1. 1. An Account of the measurement of a Base Line near St. Thomas’ Mount in the year 1802. 2. Observations for determining the angle which the Base Line makes with ] the Meridian. 3. Commencement of the operations from the Base. The Large Theodolite. ; Section 11. 4. The Principal Triangles. 5. First class of Secondary Triangles in which objects have been intersected by the Large Theodolite. 6. The second class of Secondary Triangles, or those wherein the angles have been taken by the Circular Transit Instrument. Short Description of that instrument. Section 111. 7. Observations dy the Zenith Sector for the latitude of Pandree Station, and the Station near Trivandiporum ; and the length of the Celestial Ave. » 8. Observations at Trivandiporum Station between the Polar Star at its : 3 greatest Western Elongation and the referring lamp near Tripnaumbaucum. i 9. Reduction of the distances to the Meridian of Trivandiporum, for deter- : mining the length of the Terrestrial Are. A 2 EE IT I, GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OT INDIA. 4 10. Of the Polar Star Observations at Carongooly and Carnatighur, and the length of a degree perpendicular to the Meridian deduced therefrom for the latitude of 12° 32’ nearly. 3! Section IV. i 11. Table containing the angles with the Meridian of Trivandiporum and its 11 parallels, and the distances from that Meridian and from its perpendiculars at t the Station of Observation. Bi 12. Table containing the angles with the Meridian of Carongooly and its ‘ parallels, and the distances from that Meridian and from its perpendicular. | 13. Table containing the angles with the Meridian of Carnatighur and its parallels, and the distances from that Meridian and from its perpendicular. 14. General Table of Latitudes and Longitudes. 15. Table containing the Apparent Elevations cipal Stations, with the terrestrial refraction, heights above the level of the sea. 16. Description of the Stations forming the Principal T riangles. and Depressions of the Prin- and also their perpendicular i | : i | Section V. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. On the figure of the Earth as deduced from the fore- going data, and from the Meridional degrees, &e. in latitudes 50° 41 and : 12° 32. i | Vorume 1, Part 2, 18 2 Nos. | | An Account of the TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS | carried on in the Peninsula of India from 1803 to 1806, under the superintendence of Capt. Wm. Lambton. No. 1 contains Sections VI. to IX. in part ; No. 2 contains the remainder of Section IX. to XIV. MS. 277 pages, with a map. In two paper covers. Contexts oF Vor. I, Parr II., Nos. 1 axp 2. General Account of the Survey from the latter end of 1803 to the completion ! of the field work in 1806. Section V1. 23. Angles at Kylasghur. 24. Measurement of the Base Line near Bangalore. 25. Angles continued. Section VII. 96. Principal Triangles. 97. Measurement of the Line in the Coimbetoor. 28. Triangles. 99. The measure of an Arc on the Meridian, from which is deduced the length of a degree in latitude 11° 59" 55". Section VIII. Zenith Distances of Stars observed at Paughur, Dodagoontah, Puchapolliam, and Bomasundrum, with their corrections for Precession, Nutation, Aberration, and the Semi-annual Solar Equation back to the beginning of 1805 :— 30. Observations at Paughur. GARE 31. Observations | 32. Observations 33. Observations at Dod :goontah. at Puchapolliam. at Bomasundrum. Means of the Zenith Distances taken on the right and left arcs, corrected for refraction, equation of the sectorial tube, and the mean runs of the micrometer :-—- 34. Zenith Distances at Paughur. 35. Zenith Distances at Dodagoontah. 36. Zenith Distances at Puchapolliam. 87. Zenith Distances at Bomasundrura, i 38. Latitude of Dodagoontah Statior. I. MANUSCRIPT REPORTS. 5 39. Amplitudes of the Ares. Discrepancies in tl i ries the Observations, attri i 8, attributed to a deflec "the i by mountainous masses or mineral veins. rep ns Section 1X. 40. The Measu of : asurement of an Arc per i ; Ae sur rpendicular to the Meridie ona of a domes in latitude 12° 55’ 10”, Notified the . The Arc comprehended by the Meridi i > re Meridi: savendr ; ba, y Ieridian of Savendroog and Mulla- 42. The Are c © idi oe Ar comprehended by the Meridians of Savendroog and Yerr: ah. End of No. 1. This article is completed in No. 2 ® o No. 2. Section X. 5: Latins and Longitude of Kylasghur 44. Latitude and Longitude of Karnati : arnatighur, ) iti fe idi Ada A du ghur, and the position of its Meridian = 5. T 1 1 ‘ 45. Ihe Latitude and Longitude of Carangooly Hill. 46. Latitude and Longitude of Balroyndroog. Section X1. : 47. Secondary Triangles, 1st Class. Section X11. he Sp of Places and their Distances from the Stations at,—also their dis- ‘ i om the parallels and perpendiculars to—the Meridian of Kylasghur ; i 9 5 the Meridian of Yerracondah. Jo ” » the Meridian of Dodagoontah. 3L 3 s5 the Meridian of Savendroog. 2 2 fhe bi of Mullapunnabetta. - t 0 \ +} " 18 * F « » » a Shit » ie Meridian of Balroyndroog. 3, Latitudes and Longitudes of Places referred to the Meridian of Kylasghur 5 ’ + the Meridian of Yerracondah. iy > 3 the Meridian of Dodagoontah. 37. “ » the Meridian of Savendroog. i » » i Meridn of Mullapunnabetta ’ " the Meridian of Balro , Section X1V. i 9. SE of the Great Stations. 31. Elevations and Depressions, C i 8 § 3 ssions, Contained Arcs, Terrestrial Refracti 1, Flava Dap 8, strial Refra 8 together with the Heights above the level of the sea, of all the P a igsie sea, all the Principal Plan of all the Principal Tri i t t sipal Triangles sinc ) J a I angles since the commencement of the Survey VoL. 2. " r "1 Y AD Adopt! of the TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS car i id 10 he 1 Slings of India under the superintendence of Major Wm “Lond t h 7 to 1811. On 255 pages, no title, with a map. (Sections XL to XIX.) Halt bound. ConTENTS OF Vor, II. General Account of ) ) » : 3c f the Survey from 1807 de. > - 7 to 1811. Section X1.%* y i or. is ; 75.% Meridional Series of Tri: i al | ‘ riangles connecting the Base in Col i the Base near Palagncottah. ® 2 the Basin Corbsioo win v6. Princival Triancles tak C ; nd Principn] Triangles taken up at Kallagamalli, South-east end of the Base aclmatoor Hill, and continued to the side Sek ermalli 1 ila wit side Sekundermalli from Suddra- “ The recurrence o f 1 e 8 i “ i ; ol tL 1¢ Sec ional numbers back to XI i ing V n 1 1 1 ers ¢ 4 . after reaching XI i { * ft ect b rs t ck t O . the fo mer voiume 5 ’ and the gap in the numbers of the chapters between 61 and 75 is not explained 1 « , A alned. hss a GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. 7. Measurement of the Base Line near Palamecottah. 78. Principal Triangles taken up at the Base near Palamcottah, and con- tinued back to the side Sekundermalli from Suddragherry. : 79. Principal Triangles taken up at the distance Vaullanaud from Vullunkota derived from the Base near Palamecottah, and continued to Punnae Station, near Cape Comorin. oy i, . 80. oe cription of the Great Stations forming the Principal Triangles. 81. Secondary Triangles, first class. : 82, Principal Triangles taken up at Trivandiporum, "Tranquebar. i i 83. Principal Triangles. Co ie gn 84. Prnanon of the Great Stations forming the Principal Triangles. 85. Secondary Triangles, first class. ’ Section X11. . 86. Measurement of the Base Line near Tanjore. : : 87. Triangles carried back from the Base to the Sea Coast at Nigapatam anc Nagore. Section XIII. (ok i 88. Secondary Triangles, second class. i : 89. Secondary Triangles, first class, depending on the Base in Coimbetoor. and continued down to Section XIV. { Lo 90. Secondary Triangles, second class, connecting the Base near Tanjore with that in the Coimbetoor measured in 1806. Section XV. ; ; ie 91. Secondary Triangles, cocond class, depending on the Base in the Coim- betore, and extending westward to Calicut and Paniany. Section XVI. : 92. Principal Triangles carried round from Cape Travancoor Country, and connected with the Second through the Coimbetoor Country to the Sea Coast. Angles. 93. Principal Triangles. ; = 94. Description of the Great Stations forming the Principal Triangles. 95. Secondary Triangles, first class.’ ol 96. Pole-star Observations at Punmalli Station reduced for determining the position of the Meridian. Section X VIL Lan 97. Secondary Triangles, first class, extending along the East Coast and connecting Tuticorin with Ramisseram and Ramnad. Section XVIIL bi? 98. Reduction of certain distances to the Meridian of Dodagoontah, together with the Observations for Zenith Distances of fixed Stars for the purpose of continuing the Meridional Arc. wis ; 99. Zenith Distances of Stars observed at Punnae Station, and their corre {ion for Precession, Nutation, Aberration, and the Semi-annual Solar Equation : the beginning of 1805. a Be the Zenith Distances taken on the Right and Left Ares, cor- rected for Refraction, equation of the Sectorial Tube, and the mean runs of the Micrometer. : : 101. Stars observed at Putchapolliam in 1806, and not included in the former Bo "Amplitude of the Arc comprehended between the parallels of Putcha- polliam and Punnae, and the length of the degree deduced therefrom. 103. Latitude of Punnae Station at the south extremity of the Are, deduced from the foregoing Zenith Distances of eight principal Stars, whose declinations and annual variations are given in the Greenwich Observations for 1802. Appendix to Section XVIIL, on the Figure of the Earth. Comorin, through the ary Triangles carried 1. MANUSCRIPT REPORTS. 7 Section XIX. 104. General reduction of Latitudes and Longitudes. Bearings of places and their distances from the Stations at,—also their distances from the parallels and perpendiculars to—the Meridian of Carangooly. 105. — the Meridian of Kylasghur. 106, ———— the Meridian of Dodagoontah. 107, ——— the Meridian of Punmalli. 3 18. Latitudes and Longitudes of places referred to the Meridian of Caran- Si gooly. : 109, ~—— Kylasghur. | 110. ——— Dodagoontah. ; 111, ——— Punmalli. 112. Elevations and Depressions, Contained Arcs, Terrestrial Refractions, together with the Heights above the sea of the principal Stations : 1st, Stations forming the Meridional Are terminating at the sea near Cape Comorin ; 2nd, Stations on the Mountains in the Travancore and Cochin Countries. Appendix. General Table of Latitudes and Longitudes, Plan of all the Prin- cipal and Secondary Triangles from the year 1807 to 1811. Vou. 3. The TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of the PENINSULA of INDIA. Under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. Wm. Lambton, F.R.S., 33rd Regiment of Foot. Vol. III. (With an Introduction to Vols. 3 and 4, dated Hydrabad, 1818.) On 413 pages, with title and map. Whole bound, calf. (Sections XX. to XXIX.) *_% This volume includes the operations from 1811 to 1814. ContENTS OF Vou. III. Account of the Survey from 1811 to 1814 inclusive, with a retrospective view of the operations from the commencement to the completion of the Peninsula, Section XX. Meridional Series of Triangles, commencing at the Base near Gooty, and carried back to meet the distance Paughur from Yerracondah, depending on the Base near Bangalore, and continued north to the distance Adoni from Kerrae Bellagul at the banks of the Toonga Budra. 113. Measurement of the Base Line near Gooty. 114, Angles. y 115, Principal Triangles. 116. Description of the Great Stations. 117. Secondary Triangles, first class. Section XXI. Two Series of Triangles branching from the Meridional Series, commencing I 3 ’ » 3 r r 1 . first at Guddacul, Gooty, and Koelacondah, and continued eastward through the Ceded Districts to the distance Goondla, Bramaishwar, and Tellaneelmalli, and northerly through the Kurnool country from Poolycondah and Kerrae Bellagul to the distance Goondla, Bramaishwar, and Peddacoorwa., First series :— 118. Angles. 119. Principal Triangles. 120. Description of the Great Stations. 121. Secondary Triangles, first class. ‘ ' " ’ ’ Second series, commencing at Koelacondah and Kerrae Bellagul i= 122. Angles. 122 bis. Principal Triangles. 123. Description of the Great Stations. 124. Secondary Triangles, first class. GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Section XXII. Triangles branching from the Meridional Series north of Gooty, and continued westerly through the Ceded Districts to the banks of the Toongabudra. 125. Angles. 126. Principal Triangles. 127. Description of the Great Stations. 128. Secondary Triangles, first class. Section XXI1L. Two series of Triangles car Base near Gooty with the Base near St. Thomas’ Mount Bangalore :— First series. Commencing with the distance Grundicottah from Lunkamalli, and carried south-easterly to meet the distance from Eekulserree to Allicondah ; then from Nelkoortee and Kauklecondah the triangles are continued south to the distances Patticondah from Auvulpilly, and Auvulpilly from A. Auvulpilly. "The same distances are also brought out from Oo .acondah and Condapilly as a base from the meridional triangles, and with the mean distances the triangles are continued to Patticondah and Bodeemalli. 129. Angles. 130. Principal Triangles. 131. Description of the Great Stations. 132. Secondary Triangles, first class. Second series. Taken up at the distances Condapilly from ( )oracondah, and Yerracondah from Ooracondah, both from the Meridional Series, and continued through the Ceded Districts to meet the distances from Patticondah to Ryman- droog, depending on the Base near Bangalore. 133. Angles. 134. Principal Triangles. 135. Description of the Great Stations. 136. Secondary Triangles, first class. ried through the Ceded Districts to connect the and the Base near Section XXIV. : Triangles commencing at the Base near Guntoor and carried back to meet the distance Tellaneelmalli from Goondla Bramaishwar, and Goondla Bramaish- war from Peddacoorwa, thereby connecting the Base near Guntoor with the Base near Gooty. 137. Table containing the par near Guntoor. 138. Angles. 139. Principal Triangles. 140. Description of the great Stations. 141. Secondary Triangles, first class. ticulars of the Measurement of the Base Line Section XXV. Triangles taken up at the distance Yellamundah from Chendaloor and carried south through the Nellore country, to connect the Base near Guntoor and St. Thomas’ Mount, at the distance Eekulserree from Allicondah. 142. Angles. 143. Principal Triangles. 144. Description of the Great Stations. 145. Secondary Triangles, first class. Section XX VL Lieut. Garling’s Triangles connecting the Bases near St. Thomas’ Mount and Guntoor, commencing at the distance Poonauk and Mallapode, and continued north to the distance I'ekulserree from Allicondah. 146. First class of Secondary Triangles. 147. Second class Secondary Triangles. I. MANUSCRIPT REPORTS. 9 Section XX VII. A grand Series or : g Series or Net of Triangles branchi hrs tos Eanes branching from the Meridional Series Si & Wfiees oderpeedroog from Guddaculgooda, Ooder ee dng fom 03 2 gy-Conlapilly from Ooracondah, and Paughurdroog fo bah joe ster y ivisi J Ced Districts and through the fog oe i re AE istrict the iers o S00, rminati distance Hoonavully from Hoogadeegood: ese a gooda. 148. Angles. 149. Principal Triangles. oy Dasetipvion of the Great Stations SL. 3 arv Tris 2 1 on i | acondary Triangles, first class. Section XXVIII. ne. Triangles i S commencing : + Base near ie es eer Meneing af Page near him on the Malabar Coast, and y stance Hoogadeegooda fr end rat 4 gadeegooda from Hoonavally, depending 152. Table ini 2. > containing the particulars of cular asure i a Te g ] s of the Measurement of the Base Line 153. Angles, 154. Principal Triangles. 9%, Desetiption of the Great Stations 0) N » . wr TT 1¢ 1 = Secondary Triangles, first class. Section XXIX. Lieut. Garling’s Tri . Garling’s Triangles, ¢ neing Alin gay nE ur afl, commun ing at the Base near Goa, extending over ) . ! . ( . . . ‘ “ . 1 ‘ distances of the Principal Triangle Ch : IR ih . . 1p angles Chandergooty fr Ate y dergooty fro ahvlc SRN gooty from Atchoovee, and Chan- Eo 4 n Hullaby le Luckigooni, depending on the Base near Co ¢ be 137, Secondary Triangles, first class > ee nes a0. Sec re Friane Ww. Q dl or pecans I'riangles, second class, an of the Principal Triangles gles. ey Vou. 4. his volume is missing from the India Office rk Vou. 5. I'he TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of the PENINSULA of INDIA. U i ; nder the superintend i : ‘ endence of Lieut.-Col. W : SLA, er the super . ~Col. W. Lambton, F.R.S., : ‘orr op a ol the By 3 Academy of Sciences at Paris, 33rd Regain: Ae Oe : apts . Everest, I'.R.S., &c., D i Vol on 1 pli wh y AV . enga i ry I : Half bound. (Sections XXXV. to XLL) Jongh a sa * * This my . > Win a * vol + describes ) ie wine deseribes Col. Lambton’s work up to 1823, and is signed | 1. It was issued and countersigned by Col. Everest In 1832, 2 2 . uverest in 1832. Contents or Vor. V. CC x 1 Ir'igonom I'l al mL 'y Hf aia fi 1 h 3 y - nomet C 1rve C In d . om the al Section XXXV, (wi servati X38 : AWEh observations on the length of the metre, on pena TE is, on sitaciion and attraction of mountains.) Peach ] al Series of Tri: 28, © i i ist Kerra Bellagul in the Ce Sangles commencing with the distance from Adoni to 2 » 3 3 NS » . 2 au > "Ir 1 3 Tg is icts, as determined by the Base Line measured XXX. art. 115 py 5 3rd volume of the General Report section NAAN, art, , page 46), and continued n i Sn . 46), « itinued northerly > t from Daroor in the Nizam’s Dominions %. 20 fie, distinc lapshenn 196. Angles. 2 Oo Pred hed hi 197 Principal Triangles, 15% Description of the Great Stations Mr ar TT “ie 3 1 fo 99. Secondary Triangles, first class, 10 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. I. MANUSCRIPT REPORTS. 11 Section XXXVI. preceding section, towards the eastern side, and with the distances from Bongeer - 8 birt = wo ER TR a Meridional Series of Triangles commencing at the Base near Beder, and carried southerly to meet the distance from Inpahgutt to Daroor, depending on the base near Gooty, where a comparison is made. The triangles then com- mence with the distance Doodallah from Daumergidda as a base, and continue northerly to the banks of the Godavery River, terminating with the distance from Yemsha to Soamtannah. Measurement of the base near Beder. Experiments made for comparing the chaiuvs, &e. 200. Angles. 201. Principal Triangles. 202. Description of the Great Stations. 203. Secondary Triangles, first class. Section XXX VII. Triangles branching from the Meridional Series, with the distances Purgy and Pochamagutt and Taudmunoor from Topecondah as bases, and continued towards Hyderabad, connecting the meridian of Yerracondah with Savendroog and Doddagoontah. The triangles are then continued south along the meridian of Yerracondah, connecting with the triangles of the Meridional Series, and ter- minating at the distance Daroor from Yellacondah, and Yellacondah from Peddacoorwa, thereby connecting the operations depending on the base near Beder with those depending on the Base near Gooty. 204. Angles. 205. Principal Triangles. 206. Description of the Great Stations. 207. Secondary Triangles. and Koelkondah the network is continued northerly, connecting the meridians of Kylasgarh and Carangooly, and finally terminating on the west at Yairgutlah near the Godavery, a point ascertained by a former proceeding detailed in the 38th section. 216. Angles. 217. Principal Triangles. 218. Description of the Great Stations. 219. Secondary Triangles, first class. Section XL1. Triangles commencing at Gaunigapent, Mulkapoor, Uddagutt, and Kunda- gutt, as determined by the series detailed in Section XXXIX., and continued south through the Circars of Nelgoondah and Davurcondah ; the whole forming a complete network connecting with Jonelrashgutt, Myshagutt, and Toomain- gutt towards the west, and with Nealamurree and Sarangapullee on the east, as also with Siddapoor, Kuttalcondah, Innaparateecondah, and Soodeecondah to the south, thereby connecting the operations of the present period with those formerly established, and depending on the bases near Gooty and Guntoor. 220. Angles. 221. Principal Triangles. 222, Description of the Great Stations. 223. Secondary Triangles, first class. Vou. 6. The TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of the PENINSULA of INDIA. Under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. W. Lambton, F.R.S., and Corre- sponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, 33rd Regiment of Foot, and Captain G. Everest, F.R.S., &c., Bengal Artillery. Vol. VI. With an appendix. On 247 pages. Half bound. (Sections XLII. to XLIV., with Appendix. The division of the reports into numbered sections, ends with this volume.) Section XXX VIII. ; : Triangles commencing near Hyderabad and the distance Letchmapooram from Suldapooram as a base (determined in the preceding section), and continued north along the Meridian of Yerracondah, connected with the Meridional Series as far as the Godavery River, and terminating at Yemsha and Yairgutlah. 208. Angles. EER IT RTO rp I ARSC = 209. Principal Triangles. 210. Description of the Great Stations. 211. Secondary Triangles. Section XXXIX. The whole of the operations exhibited in this and the following section was conducted by Capt. G. Everest, Chief Assistant. It commences with the mean distance from Letchmapoor to Gaunigapent, near Hyderabad, as a base (see the note in page 126, section XXXVIL). The triangles were then continued directly east as far as the Meridian of Carangooly, and terminated at Kundagutt and Bolikondah. As no base line was measured at this distance from the base near Beder, and it being necessary to extend the triangles further north, the triangles were brought back to Kundagutt and Bolikondah by taking up the distance from Poolychintah to Sarangapullee, depending on the base near Guntoor, as was established by Colonel Lambton in 1811. Hence the bases near Guntoor and Beder being connected at the common distance Kundagutt and Bolikondah, the mean was taken at the correct distance, and the operations were continued north as far as the River Godavery, as will be detailed in the next section. 212. Angles. 213. Principal Triangles. 214. Description of the Great Stations. 215. Secondary Triangles, first class. Section XL. The operations of this section exhibit a complete net of triangles as far as the Godavery ; it commences with Kundagutt and Bolikondah, as noticed in the *4* This is the last of Col. Lambton’s reports ; the appendix, by Capt. Everest, relates to his own work under Col. Lambton in 1822-23, and to Capt. Garling’s in 1816-17. It was issued in 1832. 3 ConxtENTS OF VOL. 6. 4 Section XLII. i Reduction of certain distances to the Meridian of Dodagoontah, together with 4 the observations for Zenith Distances of fixed stars, for the purpose of continuing the Meridional Are. 224. Reduction of the sides of the Meridional Triangles to the Meridian of Dodagoontah, for determining the length of the Terrestrial Are. 225. Zenith Distances of stars observed at Daumergidda Station, with the corrections for Precession, Nutation, Aberration, and the Annual Solar Equa- tion, back to the beginning of the year 18053. 226. Means of the Zenith Distances taken on the right and left Are corrected » Refract 3 1 ? \ T E | B for Refraction, equation of the Sectorial Tube, and the mean runs of the Micrometer. 227. Amplitude of the Arc between Namthabad and Daumergidda. 228. Amplitude _of the Arc between Punnae and Daumergidda by seven corresponding stars, 229. Celestial Are between the parallels of Putchapolliam and Namthabad. (See Asiatic Researches, Vol. 12.) OF A Prants . . J re rr . . » . sD Cor sation applied to the great Mer idional Are extending from latitude 8° 9" 38-39” to latitude 18° 3’ 23:64” to reduce it to the Parliamentary Standard. (With calculations on the figure of the earth.) : ert rrp n= letter, dated 7th Nov. 1833. MS. OBSERVATIONS made by Lieut. Jacob for determining the i azimuth at Mandivi and Karanja stations. Forwarded by Lieut. R. Shortrede to ; Major G. Everest, Surveyor-General of India. 15th August 1835. Lieut. Jacob's Angle books, 1834 to 1838. Fcap. WE OBSERVATIONS by W. S. Jacob, Lieut., Ist Assistant, Great "i Trigonometrical Survey. 1837, 1838. 1. Principal Triangles. 2. Description of BE Principal Stations, 3. Secondary Triangles, 1st class. 4. Height of Stations above | the sea. 5. Latitudes and Longitudes of Stations. 6. Report. See letter dated Camp, Poona, 6th Sept. 1838. On 36 pages feap. 8 REMARKS by the SURVEYOR-GENERAL for the guidance of 1 Captain R. Shortrede, acting 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey in charge Tt of the Bombay Longitudinal Series. 1840. On 18 pages, feap. Y 9 pag I * Including the Districts of Jheelum, Rawul Pindi, and portions of Shahpoor, Leia, and Hazara. 92, MANUSCRIPT ANGLE BOOKS. 25 Budaun Meridional Series. BUDHON MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1833 to 1843. Angle Books, in 6 vols. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. Rangir Meridional Series. RANGIR MERIDIONAL SERIES. 1834-1842. Angle Books in 3 vols. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. Amua Meridional Series. AMUA MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1833 to 1838. Angle Books, in 2 vols, 4to. Bound in blue cloth. AMUA MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1833, 1834. Register of angles and bearings for the approximate triangles from Amua to Pavya for mapping the country. Feap. 4to. In paper cover. AMUA and KARARA NORTH LONGITUDINAL or CON- NECTING SERIES. 1843, 1844. Angle Book, in 1 vol. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. ANGLES, RAY TRACINGS, and SURVEYS for the determina- tion of the approximate triangulation in the rains, between Bindrachal and Nepal Hills, and for mapping that tract of country. Amua Meridional Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey. 1835. Himalaya Longitudinal Series. HIMALAYA LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Principal Angle Book. Signed Du Vernet, Capt., Observer. Original, No. 1. In one vol. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. Pilibhit Terai Series. PILIBIT TERAI SERIES. Original Principal Angle Book. 1843. In 1 vol. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. Karara Meridional Series. KARARA MERIDIONAL SERIES. 1842-1845. Angle Book (original), In 1 vol. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. Jhelum, Rawalpindi, §c., Survey. KOHISTAN, SIND SAUGOR DOAB. Bengal Topographical Survey, No. 1. Seasons 1851 to 1859. Vertical and Horizontal Angles. In 12 vols. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. . Chota Nagpore Surve. CHOTA NAGRORE DIVISION SURVEY. No. 4. Topo- araphical Party. Seasons 1861 to 1865. Angle Books, in 6 vols. 4to. Bound in blue cloth. 26 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Central Provinces (Nagpore) Survey. NAGPORE SURVEY. Register of Angles observed by Capt. Stewart from Colonel Lambton’s base near Ellichpoor, and continued by Mr. Norris to Colonel Lambton’s Stations on the Godavery. 1822. In 10 parts, A 1, a 2, a 3, a4,a5 D8 d9 KEIO, G 11, and an unlettered packet. Madras Survey. REGISTER and TRIGONOMETRICAL SKETCH of the TRIANGLES, determined by the Military Institution during the Surveys of 1808 and 1809, situated between the parallels of 12° 10” and 13° 40’ N. Lat., and 00° 35’ to 1° 50’ Long. West of Madras. No. 1. Oblong folio. Bound. MS. REGISTER and TRIGONOMETRICAL SKETCH of the TRIANGLES, determined by the Military Institution during the surveys of 1806-7-8-9, situated between the parallels of 11° 40’ and 13° 15’ N. Lat., and 0° 3’ East, and 1° 10° West of Madras. No. 2. Oblong folio. Bound. MS. Madura Survey. REGISTER of TRIANGLES determined by Licuts. Hodge and Bailey, with description of stations, for the survey of Madras. 20 pp. feap. MS. CALCULATIONS of a Series of TRIANGLES extending along the mountains dividing the Tinnevelly Province from Travancore. Executed in 1832. Capt. B. S. Ward, Surveyor. 12 pp. feap. MS. Ganjam Survey. GANJAM TOPOGRAPHICAL SU RVEY. No.1 Party. Seasons 1850 to 1861. Angle Books, in 8 vols. 4to. GANJAM TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. No.2 Party. Seasons 1858 to 1861. Angle Books, in 3 vols, to. The Angles of No. 2 Party, 1860, 1861 are bound up with those of No. 1 Party 1856, 1857. GANJAM TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. No. 3 Party. Seasons 1560 to 1863. Angle Books, in 6 vols. to. All bound in blue cloth. REGISTER of RECIPROCAL AZIMUTHS, LATITUDES, and LONGITUDES, and HEIGHTS of STATIONS, Ganjam Survey Stations, on Coast Series Data. G. H. Saxton, Capt. Assist. Surveyor General. Feap. sewed. Vizagapatam Survey. FIELD BOOK, VIZAGAPATAM SURVEY, 1825. Received 1830. 4to. Paper cover. Ellore and Rajamundri Surveys. ELLORE and RAJAHMUNDRY FIELD BOOKS. 1819 to 1823. Ten books of various sizes. Nellore Survey. REGISTER of TRIANGLES, together with a list of Latitudes and Longitudes of places in Nellore. (No date or name.) 9. MANUSCRIPT ANGLE BOOKS, ETC. J. PRINTED REPORTS. 27 Hyderabad Survey. ANGLES observed in PATREE, JAULNAH, PYTON, DOW. LUTABAD, DAROOR, NANDAIR, MAIKER, and BAITHULWADDY. 4to. Received 1845. BASSIM CIRCAR. Angle Book 1840. 4to. FIELD BOOK of the NANDAIR CIRCAR. 8vo. FIELD BOOK of the BEDER and KOWLASS CIRCARS. 4to. 3. PRINTED REPORTS, ETC. An Account of the MEASUREMENT of an ARC of the MERIDIAN between the Parallels of 18° 3’, and 24° 7’, being a continuation of the Grand Meridional Arc of India as detailed by the late Lieut.-Col. Lambton in the volumes of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. By Captain George Everest, of the Bengal Artillery, F.R.S., &e. London, 1830. In one vol. 4to, of xii and 337 pp- and 2 maps. Cloth. On the ASTRONOMICAL CIRCLES of the GRAND TRIGO- NOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, with a description of the Methods employed to remedy their defects. By Lieut.-Colonel Everest (Read December 11, 1840). Printed Extract from the Memoirs of the Royal Astron. Soc., Vel. xii., 4to, 12 pp. and 1 plate. An Account of the MEASUR EMENT of TWO SECTIONS ofthe MERIDIONAL ARC of INDIA bounded by the Parallels of 18° 3/15, 24 7 11” and 29° 30’ 48”. Conducted under the orders of the Honourable East India Company by Lieut.-Colonel Everest, F.R.S. &e., late Surveyor-General of India, and his As- sistants. Printed by order of the Court of Directors of the Honourable East India Company. London, 1847. In one vol. 4to, of 12, clxxxvii, and 439 pages, with a separate volume of Engravings, containing 32 plates of instruments and maps. REPORTS of the EXTENT and NATURE of the OPERATIONS and EXPENDITURE connected with the GRAND TRIGONO- METRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, from the year the first Base was measured, to the latest date, &c. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 15 April 1851. CONTENTS : 1. Report on the progress and expense of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, and a Sketch Map of India, showing the extent of the Great Trigo- nometrical Survey up to the year 1849-50. Signed A. S. Waugh, Lieut. (Colonel Engineers, Surveyor-General of India, and Superintendent of the Great Trigonometrical Survey, S. Gr. O., Dehra Dun, 20 October 1850. With the following Appendix :— (A.) Extract of Letter, No. 111, dated 25 October 1817, from Lieut.- Colonel J. Young, Secretary to the Governor-General, Military Depart- ment, to Major John Craigie, Officiating Secretary to (Government in the Military Department. (B.) Extract of a Letter from the late Colonel V. Blacker, Surveyor- General of India, to the Secretary to Government of India, Military Department, Fort William ; dated 11 August 1824. With a translation of a letter from Mons. De Lambre, Perpetual Secretary of the French Insti- tute, to Lieut.-Col. Lambton, dated Paris, 30 May 1818. sri 28 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. (C.) Statement of Expenses incurred on account of the Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India. (D.) Tabular Geographical Statement of Surveys in India. 9. Return of the number and what sheets of the Grand Atlas have been Com- pleted and Engraved, with the cost thereof to the Government, &c. Signed John Walker, East India House, 2 April 1851. 3. Statements to illustrate the nature of the different Great Divisions, and Smaller Districts or Departments thereof, into which India within the line of the Indus is divided for Political, Civil, Revenue, Judicial, and Military Purposes, exhibiting the Area, Population, and nature of the Productions thereof, ahd showing the relation and authority under which they stand in to the East India Company, whether immediately subordinate to and under the direct Rule, or are Tributary, Protected, Subsidiary, or Independent. Signed Edw. Thornton, Statistical Office, Bast India House, 21 March 1851. On 62 pages folio, stitched, without wrapper. REPORT on the SURVEY of INDIA for the three years ending 1858-59. By Lieut.-Colonel Sir A. S. Waugh, Knt., Surveyor-General of India, and Superintendent Great Trigonometrical Survey. Dated Dehra Doon, 6 October 1860. With the following Appendices :— I. A short account of the Levelling Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. II. Progress Report of the Trigonometrical Party of the Kashmir Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during August 1860. Progress Report of the Topographical Party of the Kashmir Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during August 1860. Annual Report of the Progress of the several Surveys carrying on under the Three Presidencies, as called for in Letter, No. 102, of 6th November 1833, from the Honourable Court of Directors, being from 1st October 1856 to 1st October 1837. Annual Report of the several Surveys carrying on under the Three Presi- dencies, as called for in Letter, No. 102, of 6th November 1833, from the Honourable Court of Directors, being from 1st October 1857 to Ist October 18358. Annual Report of the several Surveys carrying on under the Three Presi- dencies, as called for in Letter, No. 102, of 6th November 1833, from the Honourable Court of Directors, being from 1st October 1858 to 1st October 1859. On 73 pages, folio, in a blue cover. Printed in London in 1861, and reprinted in 1863. ANNUAL REPORT of the PROGRESS of the SEVERAL SURVEYS carrying on under the THREE PRESIDENCIES, as called for in Letter No. 102, of 6th November 1833, from the Honourable Court of Directors, being from 1st October 1859 to 1st October 1860. On 16 pages, folio, stitched without cover. Printed in London. REPORT of the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONO- METRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1862-63. Signed J. T. Walker, Major, R.E., Superintendent of the Great Trigonometrical Survey. With extracts from a Report of C. Lane, Esq., Chief Civil Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, on a portion of Independent Tipperah. Also a Report by Capt. J. P. Bassevi, R.E., first Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, &e., on a portion of Jeypore. Folio. Dehra Doon, 1863. REPORT of the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONG- METRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1863-64. Signed D. G. Robinson, Lieut.-Colonel, R.E., Officiating Superintendent, Great Trigonometrical Survey. With extracts from a Report on the remaining portion of Hill Tipperah, &e. Folio. Dehra Doon, 1864. 3. PRINTED REPORTS, ETC. 29 GENERAL REPORT on the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of India, and the Topographical Surveys of the Bengal Presidency, for 1864-65. By Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S,, &c., Superintendent Great Trigonometrical Survey and Officiating Surveyor-General. With extracts from narrative Reports from excentive Officers in charge of Surveying parties, including Notes on the Pangong Lake District of Ladakh, by Capt. H. H. Godwin Austen. Folio. Dehra Doon, 1866. GENERAL REPORT on the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, and the Topographical Surveys of the Jengal Presidency, for 1865-66. By Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., &ec. &e. With extracts from narrative Reports, including Mr. Johnson’s account of his journey to Khoten, with a map. Folio. Dehra Doon, 1866. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1866-67, prepared for sub- mission to the Government of India. = By Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., &e., Superintendent, Great Trigonometrical Survey. With extracts from narrative Reports, and a Repert on the Trans-Himalayan Explorations during 1865-67, by Captain T. G. Montgomerie, R.E., with a Map of the Route Survey from British India into Great Tibet, through the Lhasa territories and along the upper course of the Brahmaputra River, or Nari-chu-Sangpo. Folio. Dehra Doon 1867. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1867-68. 3y Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., &e., Superintendent, Great Trigonometrical Survey. With extracts from the narrative Reports and from the Reports on the Total Eclipse of 18th August 1868; also the Report on the Trans-Himalayan Explorations during 1867, by Captain T. G. Montgomerie, R.E.; with a Map of the Upper Basins of the Indus and Sutlej Rivers, with the sources of the Brahmaputra and Kurnali Rivers, from Route Surveys made by the Pundit explorers, &e. Folio. Dehra Doon, 1868. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1868-69. 3y Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S.,, &c., Superintendent, Great Trigonometrical Survey. With extracts from the narrative Reports, including Capt. Bassevi’s on the Pendulum Observations ; also the Report on the Trans-Himalayan Explorations to Rudok, Muktinath, Mount Everest, and Kashgar, by Captain T. G. Montgomerie, R.E.; also Notes on Tinnevelly District by Capt. B. R. Branfill, and on its climates by the Rev. R. Caldwell, LL.D. Folio. Dehra Doon, 1869. GENERAL SURVEY on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1869-70. By Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., &e., Superintendent, Great Trigonomotrical Survey. With an Index Chart to the Great Trigonometrical Survey, &c.3 Extracts from the nar- rative Reports, including the Pendulum Observations ; an account of Minnicoy [sland : and an Index Map to Ranikhet Survey ; also a Memorandum and Report on «the Mirza’s” journey from Caubul to Kashgar, by Major T. G. Montgomerie, with a Map of the Route. Folio. Roorkee, 1870. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1870-71. By Major T. G. Montgomerie, R.E., F.R.G.S., &c., Officiating Superintendent, Great Trigonometrical Survey. With an Index Chart to the Great Trigonometrical Survey, &e. corrected to date: Extracts from the narrative Reports, including Capt. Bassevi’s Pendulum Observations by Mr. Hennessey ; and the exploration of a Route from Peshawur through Swat, Bajaur, Chitral, the Hindoo Koosh, and Badakshan ; with a Map. Folio. Dehra Doon, 1871. a ore va 30 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1871-2, prepared for sub- mission to the Government of India. By Major T. G. Montgomerie, R.E., F.R.S., &¢., Offg. Superintendent G. T. Survey. With extracts from narrative reports ; Heights in the Deccan; Index Charts of the Guzerat Survey,—of the Kattywar Survey,—of the Kumaon and Gurhwal Survey,—and of the Main Level Lines; a map of the Dengri Maidan and Upper Arun River in Tibet, from the route survey of an Asiatic explorer. Dehra Doon, 1872. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1872-73, prepared for sub- mission to the Government of India. By Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S,, &c Superintendent of the Survey. With extracts from narrative reports, ete. ; and Notes on the Maps of Central Asia and Turkistan, by Colonel J. T. Walker. Dehra Doon, 1873. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1873-74, prepared for sub- mission to the Government of India. By Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., Superintendent of the Survey. With extracts from narrative reports; a Map of the proposed connexion between the triangulation of India and that of Ceylon ; obser- vations on the Mean Sea Level in the Gulf of Cutch; on Pendulum operations ; Maps and Reports on Trans-Himalayan Explorations. Feap. Dehra Doon, 1874. GENERAL REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA during 1874-75, prepared for sub- mission to the Government of India. By Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., &e., Superintendent of the Survey. With extracts from narrative reports; Trans- Himalayan Explorations; a plan of a G. T. Survey Station with Observatory and Signal platforms, shewing Braced Stand for the Great Theodolite, designed by Major B. R. Branfill; a list of place names, chiefly in Madura, with vernacular forms, roots, &c.; a botanical list from the Dang Forest in Bombay; the natural zones in Kumaon and Garhwal; Tidal Survey in Cutch, &e. Feap., Dehra Doon, 1876. THE COMPLETE ACCOUNT OF THE TRIANGULATION OF INDIA, "INCLUDING ITS ULTIMATE REVISION. In a series of volumes, of which the following is the first :— ACCOUNT of the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONO- METRICAL SURVEY of INDIA. Vorume I. The Standards of Measure and the Base Lines. Also an introductory account of the early operations of the Survey during the period 1800-1830. By Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F'.R.S., &c., &c., Superintendent of the Survey. Dehra Doon: Printed at the office of the Great Trigonometrical Survey, 1870. With an Index Chart to the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, showing Colonel Lambton’s net work of triangulation in Southern India ; the meridional and longitudinal chains of principal triangles ; the base lines measured with the Colby apparatus ; the lines of spirit levelling operations ; the astronomical, pendulum, and tidal stations ; and the secondary triangulation to fix the peaks of the Himalayan and the Soolimani Ranges. Completed to 1st May 1870. Scale, 96 miles to 1 inch. Also, 33 plates, illustrating experiments with the compensation bars. Royal 4to. cloth. ft, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 3 SYNOPSIS of the RESULTS of the OPERATIONS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA. Yor. 1. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Secondary Stations and other fixed points of the GREAT INDUS SERIES or SERIES D. of the NORTH-WEST QUADRILATERAL. Vou. IL Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Secondary Stations and other fixed points of the GREAT ARC-SECTION 24° to 30° or SERIES A. of the NORTH-WEST QUADRILATERAL. Vor. 111. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Secondary Stations and other fixed points of the KARACHI LONGITUDINAL SERIES, or SERIES B. of the NORTH-WEST QUADRILATERAL. Vou. IV. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Secondary Stations and other fixed points of the GURHAGARH MERIDIONAL SERIES, or SERIES F. of the NORTH-WEST QUADRILATERAL. Yo... ¥. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Secondary Stations and other fixed points of the RAHUN MERIDIONAL SERIES, or SERIES E. of the NORTH-WEST QUADRILATERAL. Voir. V1. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Seeondary Stations and other fixed points of the JOGI-TILA MERIDIONAL SERIES, or SERIES H. of the NORTH-WEST QUADRILATERAL. By Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., &e., Superintendent of the Survey, and his Assistants. Dehra Doon, 1874-75. Royal 4to., cloth. 4. CHARTS OR PLANS OF THE TRIANGLES IN EIGHT DIVISIONS. Fst Division. General Charts.—Lambton’s Series.—Mackenzie’s Series.— Great Meridional Are. Y Y General Charts. . CHART exhibiting the PROGRESS of the GREAT TRIGONO- METRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonels Lambton, Everest, and Waugh. Compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Field Office (Dehra Doon), by W.H. Scott, Chief Draughtsman in the Field, 1837. Signed, A. Scott-Waugh, Lieut.-Colonel, Surveyor-General of India. Seale, 32 mile s to 1 inch ; size, 65 inches by 52. MS. INDEX to the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, exhibiting in one view the Districts of the Bengal Presidency, the several series of triangulation, and the sections of the Indian Atlas, to the vear 1855. Calcutta. Scale, 96 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 26. : 32 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. INDEX to the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, exhibiting in one view the Districts of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay Pre- sidencies, the several series of triangulation, and the sections of the Indian Atlas, to the year 1856. Seale, 96 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 26. Revised editions, 1860 and 1869. INDEX to the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, showing the principal triangulation, the topography in connection with the Great Trigonometrical Survey, Col. Lambton’s principal triangles in the Madras Presidency, the lines of the spirit-levelling operations, and the secondary triangulation to fix the peaks of the Himalaya and Soolimani Ranges. To 1st May 1862. J. T. Walker, Lieut.-Col. Royal Engineers, Superintendent, Great Trigonometrical Survey, Seale, 96 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 26. Revised edition, 1866. INDEX CHART to the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, showing Colonel Lambton’s net work of triangulation in "Southern India ; the meridional and longitudinal chains of principal triangles ; the base lines measured with the Colby apparatus; the lines of the spirit levelling operations ; the astronomical, pendulum, and tidal stations; and the secondary triangulation to fix peaks of the Himalayan and the Soolimani Ranges. Completed to 1st May 1870. Seale, 96 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 26. Lambton’s T'riangulations. A Plan of the PRINCIPAL STATIONS and OBJECTS as deter- mined by the Trigonometrical Operations carried on in the Mysoor country in the year 1801. By William Lambton. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 41. MS. A Plan of the TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS carried on in the Mysoor country in the year 1801. Being intended as a foundation for a ceographical survey of the Peninsula of India. By William Lambton. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 41. MS. A Sketch of the OPERATIONS of a GEOGRAPHICAL Survey carried on in the Mysoor country, connecting Seringapatam, Bangalore, and Serah. By W. Lambton, on a Geographical Survey in the Peninsula, 1801. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. MS, A Plan of GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS as deduced from the Trigonometrical Operations carried on in the Peninsula of India, under the super- intendence of Capt. Wm. Lambton. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 51. MS. A Plan of GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS as deduced from the Trigonometrical Operations carried on in the Peninsula of India, under the super- intendence of Capt. Wm. Lambton. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 32 inches by 51. MS. Plan of the TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS carried on in the Peninsula of India in the years 1802 and 1803. By William Lambton. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 24. MS. A Plan of GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS as deduced from the Trigonometrical Operations carried on in the Peninsula of India from the year 1802 to 1806, under the superintendence of Capt. Wm. Lambton. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 50. MS. A Plan of GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS as deduced from the Trigonometrical Operations carried on in the Peninsula of India from 1811 to 1814. 3y Lieut.-Col. Wm, Lambton. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 34 inches by 61. MS. 4. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 33 An UNFINISHED DRAWING, partly trigonometrical and partly topographical, including Madras, Seringapatam, and Cuddapah, without title. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 70. (251, R 96 on back.) MS. Plan of the TRIANGLES between BEDER and TAHERKAIRA. Without title. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 13. A MS. copy, and also an impression of the plate engraved from it. This series was cancelled and superseded by the Section of the Great Arc from Beder to Seronj. Plan of the TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS carried on in the Peninsula of India, from the year 1802 to 1814 inclusive, under the superin- tendence of Licut.-Col. Wm. Lambton. London, 1827. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; on 8 sheets ; size of each, 23 inches by 34. ’ ’ Plan of the TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS in the Nizam’s dominions, extending from Kurnool to the Godavery. By Lieut.-Col. Wm. Lambton. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 22. Sketch of the PRINCIPAL TRIANGLES extending over that part of the Nizam’s dominions laying to the eastward of Nirmul and Kurnool. By Lieut.-Col. Wm. Lambton and Capt. George Everest. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 32 inches by 24. Mackenzie's Triangulations. J) « y « [ N #y . 1 X I 1 Plan of a BASE measured near Adjampoor, September 1805, with the primary stations deduced from it for the Districts of Sheemogga and Iola- Honoor. Signed C. Mackenzie, Superintendent, Mysore Survey. Secale, 2 miles to lL inch; size, 20 inches by 29. MS. ¥ ’ Plan of the PRIMARY STATIONS of the SURVEY of the CEDED DISTRICTS, exhibiting the series of triangles extended from the bases measured by the Assistant-Surveyors, one near Wadjar Curroor in May 1809, and another near Cuddapah in September 1811. Connecting on the west with the Primary Stations, deduced from the base measured near Hurryhurr in 1800 ; on the north extending to the river Toongabudra ; on the east with the stations near Chun- dergerry and Innacondah ; and on the south with the Primary Stations of the Mysore Survey. The whole embracing and forming the groundwork of the General Map of the Ceded Districts. Executed under the direction of the Surveyor-General’s Office from 1809 to 1814. Signed, Fort St. George, 1st November 1813, Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor-General of India. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 75. MS. fo Lverest's Great Are. N 7 » Ey z ry YT 1 "LY “ 1 rr} \ Skeleton Plan of the TRIANGLES comprising the SIXTH SEC- [ION of the GRAND MERIDIONAL ARC, as also part of the fifth Section carried on under the superintendence of Capt. Geo. Everest of the Bengal Artillery. liam Base to Sivonj Base.) Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 45 inches by 15. . Skeleton Plan of the APPROXIMATE SERIES of the GREAT ARC of INDIA, extending from Kalianpur to the Himalaya Mountains, carried on by Major Everest and, the assistants under his orders in the seasons of 1833-1834. (Seronj Base to Dehra Doon Base.) Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 72 inches by 13. MS. Te fe Plan of the SECTION of the GREAT ARC SERIES, comprised between the bases of Sironj and Beder, and thence continued southerly to the stations of Topkunda and Goraegat. Surveyor-General's Office, Dehra Dun Ist June 1845. Signed, Geo. Everest, Licut.-Colonel, Surveyor-General of India. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 11 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 9 inches. MS. (7767.) 34 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Plan of the SECTION of the GREAT ARC SERIES of INDIA, comprised between the bases of Seronj and Beder, and thence continued southerly to the Stations of Goraegat and Topkonda. By Lieut.-Colonel Everest, Surveyor- General of India, and his Assistants. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 64 inches by 13. A reduction of the foregoing plan, engraved for the published account of the Great Arc. Plan of the SECTION of the GREAT ARC SERIES, comprised between the bases of Sironj and Dehra Dun, and thence continued approximately to the Station of Jharsu on the north and Simla on the west. Surveyor-General’s Office, Dehra Dun, 1st June 1843. Signed, Geo. Everest, Lieut.-Colonel, Surveyor- General of India. Secale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 11 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 9 inches. MS. Plan of the SECTION of the GREAT ARC SERIES of INDIA, comprised between the bases of Seronj and Dehra Dun, and thence continued approximately to the Station of Jharsu on the north and Simla on the west. By Lieut.-Colonel Everest, Surveyor-General of India, and his Assistants. Secale, 10 miles to 1 inch; size, 68 inches by 13. A reduction of the foregoing plan, engraved for the published account of the Great Arc. Chart - exhibiting the NORTHERN TERMINATION of the GREAT INDIAN ARC, which ends at the line Amsot to Banog. Surveyor- General’s Office, Dinapore, 12th February 1847. Signed, A. S. Waugh, Capt. Engineers, Surveyor-General of India. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 27. MS. Preliminary CHART of the GREAT ARC SERIES. Season 1869-70. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 36. Photozincograph. *,.% The middle latitude of this Chart is 13° 45’; that of the following chart, with the same title and date, is 11° 30. Preliminary CHART of the GREAT ARC SERIES. Season 1869-70. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. TPhotozincograph. Preliminary CHART of the GREAT ARC SERIES. Season 1870-71. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph. *.* The middle Latitude of this chart is 10° 45’, that of the following chart with the same title and date is 15°, Preliminary CHART of the GREAT ARC SERIES. Season 1870-71. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph. Preliminary CHART of the GREAT ARC SERIES. Season 1871-72. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 42 inches by 56. Photozinco- graph. Minor TRIANGULATION {from the GREAT ARC SERIES to KARNUL. Season 1872-73. Also minor TRIANGULATION from the GREAT ARC SERIES to Cuddapah. Season 1871-72. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph. Preliminary CHART of the GREAT ARC SERIES. Southern Section. Season 1873-74. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 27. 4. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 39 SecoNp Division. North-east Longitudinal Series; Hodgson’s and Herbert's Himalayan Triangulation ; Philibit Terai Series ; Bagwara to Banog; Amua and Karara Connecting Series ; Assam Longitudinal Series ; \ . . . i. v , y - ¥,. 8 Cherapoonjee and Cach.r Longitudinal Series ; North-west Series ; Hazara Branch Series. NORTH-EAST LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Chart of the NORTH-EAST LONGITUDINAL SERIES under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Andrew Scott Waugh, Comdt. HLM. Beng. Eng., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., Hon. Associate Geographical Society of Berlin, and Fellow of Calcutta University, Surveyor-General of India, and Superintendent Great Trigo- nometrical Survey. Seasons 18435 to 1851. Section No. 1. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size 69 inches by 61. *_* This chart includes the Peaks of the Southern Himalaya from No. LILL or Api to LXXIX. or Sargoroen. MS. Chart of the NORTH-EAST LONGITUDINAL SERIES under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Andrew Scott Waugh, Comdt. H.M. Beng. Eng., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., Hon. Associate Geographical Society of Berlin, and Fellow of Calcutta University, Surveyor-General of India, and Superintendent Great Trigo- nometrical Survey. Seasons 18145 to 1851. Section No. 2. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 53 inches by 11 feet 8 inches. *,* This chart includes the Peaks of the Southern Himalaya from No. I. or Chumulari to LIL MS. *Hodgson’s and Herbert's Himalayan Peaks. Plan of a Triangulation for determining THE POSITION OF CERTAIN OF THE PEAKS of the HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS. By Captain J. A. Hodgson and Lieut. J. D. Herbert. 1821. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch’; size, 20 inches by 23. MS. * Piliblit Tarai Series. Topographical Plan, compiled from route surveys, carried on by Captain A. S. Waugh, Engineers, Astronomical Assistant Great Trigonometrical Survey, and the Sub-assistants under his orders, for the SELECTION OF TIE PRINCIPAL STATIONS OF THE PHILIBIT TERAI SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India, in the season of 1842-43. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 24. MS. Skeleton plan of the TRIANGULATION carried on in the PILI- BIT-TERAI, under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel Everest. Surve yor-General of India, by Capt. A. S. Waugh, Astronomical Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, in the years 1842-43. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 25. MS. *Bagwara to Banog. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the HIMALAYA LONGI. TUDINAL SERIES, conducted under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel Everest, Sur- veyor-General of India, by Captain JJ. S. Du’ Vernet, Madras Infantry, 2nd Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey. 1843. (Bagwara to Banog, eastward of Dehra Doon.) Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 34. MS. *Amua and Karara Connecting Series. Skeleton plan of the TRIANGULATION of the NORTH (EAST) LONGITUDINAL or CONNECTING SERIES, uniting the Meridians of Amua and Karara, conducted under the orders of Captain A. S. Waugh, Surveyor-General of India, by Capt. J. S. Du’ Vernet, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, in the season of 1843-44. Secale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 18 inches by 24. MS. * Note.—These are portions of the North-east Longitudinal, 306 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. r nN 4 Al Skeleton plan of the TRIANGULATION of the NORTH (EAS 1) LONGITUDINAL SERIES (between Amua and Karara Meridional i, carried on under the orders of Captain A. S. Waugh, % Surveyor-General of Inc 3 by Captain J. S. Du’ Veraet, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Surv on t i year 1843-44. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 22. MS., wana : See also B, C, D, following. *.* The triangles are the same as in the foregoing, bu the rivers are added. Plan showing the PRINCIPAL TRIANGLES of the KARARA MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey, observed during seasons 1842-3 and 1843-4. Also on the same sheet :— . Tri Plan showing proposed method of reducing the TRIANG Ula TION of the KARARA MERIDIONAL SERIES to a single series of alge conformably to instructions of 10th and 25th Sept. 1844. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 24. MS., marked B. Sketch plan showing the APPROXIMATE POSITIONS of the STATIONS in the TRIANGLES proposed (if possible) to be observed on the Karara Meridional Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey, during the ensuing season. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 11. MS., marked C. Sketch of PRINCIPAL TRIANGLES, KARARA MERI- DIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey, selected during the season 1837-38. Size, 19 inches by 11. MS, marked D. *.* See page 42 for the Amua and Karara Meridionals. Assam Longitudinal Series. T [SB 1 ~ Cf Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM LONGITUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. 1853 to 1860. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 26 inches by 67. MS. Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM LONGITUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. 1835 to 1860. Secale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph, 1873. Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM LONGITUDINAL SER [S, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1852, 53, ’54, ’35, and 56. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 37. MS. x (1 i + re ~ re r Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM VALLEY TRIANGULATION, Great Trizonometrical Survey of India, Executed with a 14-inch theodolite. Season 1868-69. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 2) inches by 28. Photozincograph. 34 T 7 Tr NT ACD \ + Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM VALLEY TRIANGULATION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1870-71. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph. 'Q / T 2 TNT r NT Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM VALLEY TRIANGULATION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1871-72. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM VALLEY SURVEY, Great Triconometrical Survey of India. Season 1872-73. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size, 42 inches by 56. Photozincograph. 4. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 37 Preliminary Chart of the ASSAM VALLEY TRIANGULA TION, showing ti.e positions of the Peaks, fixed by the operations of the Survey between KE. Long. 91° 30’ and 94° 30’. Dehra Doon, 1875. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Preliminary Chart ofthe ASSAM VALLEY TRIANGULA TION. Season 1873-74. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. With 7 pages of letterpress, 4to. *«* Extended to the Peaks on the north and south, between 93° 30’ and 95° 1’. Cherrapoonjee, Sylhet, and Cachar Longitudinal Series. Preliminary Chart "of the CHERRAPOONJEE and SYLHET SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1839-60 and 1860-61. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 4 sheets ; size 68 inches by 36. Photozincograph, Also a MS. copy of the upper part. *+" This chart includes the snowy peaks of the Butan Himalaya. Preliminary Chart of the CHERRAPOONJ EE, SYLHET, and CACHAR SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Scason 1861-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 41. Photozincograph. NORTH-WEST SERIES. Chart exhibiting the PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIAN. GULATION of the FIRST SECTION of the NORTIL-WEST SERIES emanating from the Dehra Doon Base. Executed under the superintendence of Lieut.-Cclonel A. S. Waugh, Engineers, Surveyor-General of India, by Captain J. S. Du Vernet and Sub-Assistants, Great Trigonometrical Survey, during the seasons 1847-48 to 1849-50. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch 5 size, 57 inches by 52. MS. Chart of the FIRST SECTION of the NORTH-WEST SERIES. under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel A. S. Waugh, Engineers, Surveyor- General of India. 1847 to 1854. Secale, 4 miles io | inch ; size, 60 inches by 70. MS., and also impressions from engraved copper plates. Skeleton plan of the PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRI- ANGLES, NORTH-WEST SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1850-51. Sheet No. 1. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size. 27 inches by 40. MS. Skeleton plan of MINOR TRIANGULATION dependent on the NORTH-WEST SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, extending along the Ravi to Lahore, and thence across the Bari Doab vii Amritsir to Bhyrowal. Executed by Mr. Sub-Assistant Hennessey with a 14-inch theodolite. Season 1850- 31. Sheet No. 2. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 26. MS. Chart continuing the NORTH-WEST SERIES of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA to its termination at the Chuch Base Line of verification, and to the city of Peshawur, Also the triangulation originating the Great Indus Series as far as Mount Sakesir, near Kalabagh. Executed in season 1851-52. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch : size, 47 inches by 51. MS. Preliminary Chart of the NORTH-WEST HIMALAYA SERIES. Season 1850-51. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1873. Preliminary Chart of the NORTH-WEST HIMALAYA SERIES. Season 1851-52. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size 42 inches by 56. Photozincograph, 1873. Ah er AS Spt =e a dane - -— i CT oe Fe te i ES a a. ras PE, lh a 5 ’ & § ¢ § i 3 % £ 4 5 38 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Hazara Branch Series. HAZARA BRANCH SERIES of the GREAT TRIGONO- METRICAL SURVEY of INDIA depending on the North-west Himalaya Series. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 19. MS. Tramp Division. (Calcutta and Kurrachee Great Longitudinal Series. Kurrachee Longitudinal Series—Kurrachee to Sirony. Plan of Part I. of the GREAT LONGITUDINAL SERIES, WESTERN SECTION. Executed during the Field Seasons of 1848-49 and 1849-50, under the direction of Captain T. Renny Tailyour, Ist Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, and Captain A. Strange, 2nd Assistant, Great Trigono- metrical Survey. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 51. MS. Plan of Part II. of the GREAT LONGITUDINAL SERIES, WESTERN SECTION. Executed during the Field Seasons of 1849-50 and 1850-51, under the direction of Captain A. Strange, 1st Assistant, Great Trigono- metrical Survey. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 31. MS. Part I., Preliminary Chart of GREAT LONGITUDINAL SERIES, WESTERN SECTION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1848-49 and 1849-50. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27% inches by 49. MS. Part II., Preliminary Chart of the GREAT LONGITUDINAL SERIES, WESTERN SECTION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1850-51. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 49. MS. Part ITI. Preliminary Chart of the GREAT LONGITUDINAL SERIES, WESTERN SECTION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, Season 1851-32. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ;. size, 30 inches by 49. MS. Part IV. Preliminary Chart of the GREAT LONGITUDINAL SERIES, WESTERN SECTION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1852-33. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 48. MS. Calcutta Longitudinal Series.— Calcutta to Sironj. Plan of the CALCUTTA LONGITUDINAL SERIES of TRIANGLES delineating the geographical features of the country through which it has been extended (Calcutta to Seronj). In three sheets. Constructed from various materials in the office of the Surveyor-General of India, to accompany the 8th vol. lst part of the General Report of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 3 large sheets (parts) ; size, 50 inches by 180. MS. Skeleton Plan of a LONGITUDINAL SERIES of TRIANGLES for connecting FORT WILLIAM with DODAGOONTAH, conducted by Mr. Joseph Olliver. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 47. MS. Skeleton Plan of the TRIANGULATION of a portion of the WEST CALCUTTA LONGITUDINAL SERIES around SAUGOR. (Without title or date.) Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 20. MS. 4, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 39 Skeleton Plan of the TRIANGULATION of a portion of the WEST CALCUTTA LONGITUDINAL SERIES near HAZAREEBAUGII. (Without title or date). Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 29. MS. Preliminary Chart of revised portion of the WEST CALCUTTA LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Field Season 1863-64. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 55. MS. Preliminary Chart of the CALCUTTA LONGITUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, comprised between longitude 80° and 84° 30’. Revised during seasons 1863-64 and 1864-65. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 78. MS. No, 1. Preliminary Chart of the REVISED CALCUTTA LONGI- TUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 24 inches by 52. Photozincograph. No. 2. Preliminary Chart of the REVISED CALCUTTA LONGI- TUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 28 inches by 41. Photozincograph. No. 3. Preliminary Chart of the REVISED CALCUTTA LONGI- TUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 28. Photozincograph. No. 4. Preliminary Chart of the REVISED CALCUTTA LONGI- TUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 28 inches by 51. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the REVISED CALCUTTA LONGITU.- DINAL SERIES. Seasons 1867-68 and 1868-69. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 40. Photozincograph. East Calcutta Longitudinal Series.— Calcutta to the Eastern Frontier. Preliminary Chart of the EAST CALCUTTA LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Seasons 1862 to 1866. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by +1. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EAST CALCUTTA LONGITUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1866-67. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 23. Photozincograph. FourtH Division. Primary Meridiong] Series and Secondary Triangles—North-east Division, 1. PRIMARY TRIANGULATION.—MERIDIONAL SERIES, NORTH-EAST DIVISION. Eastern Frontier Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1862-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 28. MS, and photozincograph. Er Sadiot=t 2c semi 40 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1863-64. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 2'. MS. and photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1864-65. Scale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 25. MS. and photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1865-66. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 28. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1866-67. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 54 inches by 37. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1867-68. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 35. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES. Season 1868-69. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 28 inches by 33. Photo- zincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES. Season 1873-74. Secale, 4 miles to 1inch ; size, 25 inches by 27. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the EASTERN FRONTIER SERIES. Season 1874-75. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Photozincograph. ** Includes Pegu. Brahmaputra Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the BRAHMAPUTRA SERIES. Season 1868-69. Scale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 26 inches by 33. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the BRAHMAPUTRA SERIES. Season 1869-70. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size 26 inches by 32. Photozincograph. ** See Brahmaputra River Survey for Capt. Wilcox’s Triangulation, Preliminary Chart of the BRAHMAPUTRA SERIES. Season 1872-73. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozineograph, Preliminary Chart of the BRAHMAPUTRA SERIES. Season 1873-74. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph, Calcutta Meridional Series. Skeleton Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the CALCUTTA MERIDIONAL SERIES, carried on under the orders of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Surveyor-General of India, by John Peyton, Esq., Civil Chief Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1844-45 to 1847-48. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 93 inches by 24. MS. Chart of the RIVER HOOGLY from Calcutta to Kaskali, being a branch of the Calcutta Meridional Series of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Surveyed by Mr. J. O. Nicolson, Senior Sub-assistant, under the orders of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Surveyor-General of India. 1846-47. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 62 inches by 37. MS. 4, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 41 North Malancha Meridional Series. Chart of the NORTH MALUNCHA MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Executed in the years 1844 to 1846. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 26. MS. North Pareshnath Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the NORTH PARASNATH MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1850-51-52. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 26. MS. Chendwar Meridional Series. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the CHENDWAR MERI- DIONAL SERIES, carried on under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Surveyor-General of India, by George Logan, Esq., First Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, from January 1844 to April 1846. Seale, 4 miles to } inch ; size, 59 inches by 23. MS. Plan of PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIANGLES, Chend- war Meridional Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Executed during the season 1846-47. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 25. MS. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the GUNDUCK RIVER from Rutwal to its junction with the Ganges, being a portion of the minor operations of the Chendwar Meridional Series. Executed by Messrs, H. Kulan and J. I. Ros- senrode, Sub-assistants, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during the months of April, May, and June 1847. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 32 inches by 26. MS. Chart of the CHENDWAR MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Executed in the years 1844 to 1846. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 38. MS. Hurilaong Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the HURILAONG MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1848-49-50-51-52. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 61 inches by 29. MS. Gora Meridional Series. Skeleton Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the GORA MERI- DIONAL SERIES, carried on under the orders of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Sur- veyor-General of India, by Lieut. P. Garforth, Engineers, Second Assistant, and Sub-assistants of the Great Trigonometrical Survey under his direction. Executed in the seasons 1845-46-47. Seale, 4 miles to Y inch ; size, 68 inches bu 23. MS. Preliminary Chart of the GORA MERIDIONAIL SERIES. Seasons 1845-47. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size, 8% inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1873. Gurwani Meridional Series. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the GURWANI MERI- DIONAL SERIES, cirried on under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Engineers, Surveyor-General of India, by Capt. J. S. Du Vernet, First Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, including the route surveys dependent on that Triangulation. 1845 to 1847. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, T4 inches by 27. MS. | i {1 | i = ET — os i 42 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Sketch of the PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIANGULA- TION, GURWANI MERIDIONAL SERIES. Great Trigonometrical Survey. Executed by Capt. J. S. Du Vernet, First Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, during the season 1846-47. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 15. MS. Karara Meridional Series. TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN. Compiled from route surveys carried on by Captain J. S. Du’ Vernet, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, and the Sub-assistants under his orders, for the selection of the principal stations of the Karara Meridional Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, in the season 1844-45. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 22. MS. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the KARARA MERI- DIONAL SERIES, carried on under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel G. Everest, late Surveyor-General of India ; and completed under the orders of his successor, Captain A. S. Waugh, by Captain R. Shortrede, late 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, Captain J. S. Du Vernet, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, and Mr. J. W. Armstrong, 2nd Principal Sub-assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey. 1841 to 1845. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 71 inches by 23. MS. *.% See also Second Division, Amua and Karara Connecting Series, pages 35, 36. Amua Meridional Series. TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN. Compiled fronrroute surveys carried on by Captain T. Renny, Engineers, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, and the sub-assistants under his orders, for the selection of the principal stations of the Amnua Meridional Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, in the years 1833 to 1836. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 57 inches by 20. MS. TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN of the AMUA MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey, during the season 1833-34. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 9. MS. TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN. Compiled from route surveys of 1834-35 and 1835-386, and corrected by the approximate triangles of the Amua Meridional Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey. Season 1835-36. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 9. MS. TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN. Compiled from route surveys for the determination of triangles for the Amua Meridional Series, Great Trigonometrical Survey. Season 1835-36. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 9. MS. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the AMUA MERIDIONAL SERIES, carried on under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel Everest, Surveyor-General of India, by Lieut. T. Renny, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, and the Sub-assistants of the Great Trigonometrical Survey under his direction. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 97 inches by 22. MS. Plan of the TRIGONOMETRICAL OPERATIONS on the SUBORDINATE MERIDIONAL SERIES of AMUA. Conducted by Lieut. T. Renny, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, and the sub-assistants under his orders, under instructions from Lieut.-Colonel G. Everest, Surveyor-General of India. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 98 inches by 23. MS, Preliminary Chart of the AMUA MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1833-39. Secale, 4 miles to 1inch; on 2 sheets; size, 84 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1873. 4, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 43 : Rangir Meridional Series. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the RANGIR MERI- DIONAL SERIES, carried on under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel G. Everest, 1 Surveyor-General of India, by Captain A. S. Waugh, Astronomical Assistant, and the sub-assistants of the Great Trigonometrical Survey under his direction. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 119 inches by 29. MS. Map of ROUTE SURVEYS. RANGHER MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1835-36. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 15. MS. Skeleton Plan of APPROXIMATE TRIANGLES of the RAN- li GHER MERIDIONAL SERIES during the season 1835-36. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 11. MS. Skeleton Plan of the RANGHER MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 13. MS. Skeleton Plan of the TRIANGLES of the RANGHER MERI- DIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 11. MS. Plan of the RANGHER MERIDIONAL SERIES. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 14. MS, Preliminary Chart of the RANGIR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Sheet No. 1. Seasons 1833-34 and 1836-37. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 928 inches by 42. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the RANGIR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Sheet No. 2. Seasons 1836-41. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42, Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the RANGIR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1837-38, 1838-39, 1840-41. Sheet 3. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1874. Budaun Meridional Series. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the BUDHON MERI- DIONAL SERIES, conducted under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel Everest, Surveyor- General of India; commenced by Lieut. MacDonald, of the 69th Native Infantry, in the year 1833, and terminated by Lieut. Renny, of the Bengal Engineers, in 1843. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 107 inches by 23. MS. Plan of TRIANGLES, deduced from ROUTE SURVEYS. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 9. MS. Skeleton Plan of TRIANGULATION. NORTH of BOODHON, H.S. Without title. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 9. MS. Preliminary Chart of the BUDHON MERIDIONAL SERIES. 1832 to 1844. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 4 sheets; size of each, 42 inches by 28. TPhotozincograph, 1873. ’ Rp ARE ah a Ek Sa 2 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. 2. SECONDARY TRIANGULATION. Gwalior and Central India Topographical Survey. Skeleton Chart, showing the arrangement of the PRINCIPAL SECONDARY and MINOR TRIANGULATION, and of all the intersected points laid down therefrom, which fall within the plane table sections submitted with General Report of Gwalior and Central India Topographical Survey. Seasons 1860- 61, 61-62, 62-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 43. MS. Chart of TRIANGULATION, showing the principal, secondary, and minor stations of the Gwalior and Central India Topographical Survey. Seasons 1860-61, 61-62, 62-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 50. MS. TRIANGULATION CHART of the GWALIOR and CEN- TRAL INDIA TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY, to accompany Degree Sheet No. 3. Seasons 1863 to 1866. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 20. MS. Chart of TRIANGULATION. Bundelcund Topographical Survey. Half-degree sheets XV. and XVL, and parts of XIV. and XVIL. 1871. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 20. Photozincograph. Kumaon and Garhwal Series. Preliminary Chart of the KUMAON and GURHWAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1864-65, 1865-66. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph. JASTERN CONTINUATION of the Preliminary Charts of the KUMAON and GURHWAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1866, '67, ’68, ’69. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 10. Frrra Division. Primary Meridional Series and Secondary Triangles— North-west Division. 1. PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. Rahun Meridional Series. Chart of the RAHOON MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey. Season 1852-53. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 24. Original MS., with a separate list of latitudes and longitudes. Preliminary Chart of the RAHUN MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1852-33. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. No. 2. Preliminary Chart of the RAHOON MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1855-56. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 25. MS, Preliminary Chart of the RAHUN MERIDIONAIL SERIES, Season 1855-56. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. No. 3. Preliminary Chart of the RAHOON MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1856-57. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 25. MS. 4, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 45 Preliminary Chart of the RAHUN MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1856-57. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. - Preliminary Chart of the RAHOON MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1860-61. (With Ulwar and Sambhur minor triangulation.) Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 39 inches by 42. MS. The same P’hotozincographed in 1869. Preliminary Chart of the RAHOON MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1861-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 85. Photozincograph and MS. Preliminary Chart of the RAHOON MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigconometrical Survey of India. Season 1862-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 28. Photozincograph and MS. Gurhagarh Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the GURHAGARH MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1838-39 and 1859-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 43 inches by 22. MS. Preliminary Chart ofthe GURHAGARH MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1838-60. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1871. - Preliminary Chart of the GURHAGARH MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1860-61. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 26. MS. Preliminary Chart of the GURHAGARH MERIDIONAL SERIES Season 1860-61. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph 1873. No. 3. Preliminary Chart of the GURHAGARH MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1861-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size, 72 inches by 42. TPhotozincograph and MS. GURHAGARH MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Chart of a Reconnaissance made during Field season 1861-62 in Beekancer and Jodhpoor. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 33. MS. Jodlipur Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the JODHPUR MERIDIONAIL SERIES. Season 1872-73. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, Preliminary Chart of the JODHPUR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1873-74. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 1 sheet; size, 40 inches by 27. Photozincograph, with letterpress. Preliminary Chart of*the JODHPUR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1874-75. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Photozincograph with letterpress. - Kashmir Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the KASHMIR MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1835. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 51 inches by 56. MS. 46 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Preliminary Chart of the KASHMIR MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1855-56. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 56 inches by 52. MS. Preliminary Chart of the KASHMIR MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1861, 62, and '63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 70 inches by 58. MS. Preliminary Chart of JAMOO, KASHMIR, and THIBET. Trian- gulated under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Andrew Scott Waugh, Comdt. H.M. Bengal Engineers, F.R.S., F.R.G.S., Honorary Associate Geographical Society of Berlin, and Fellow of Calcutta University, Surveyor-General of India, and Superintendent, Great. Trigonometrical Survey. By Captain T. G. Montgomerie, Engineers, F.R.G.S., First Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, and the Assistants under his orders. 1853 to 1859. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 71 inches by 74. MS. Sheet No. 1 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing the Khagan Minor Triangulation. Season 1862-63. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. Sheet No. 2 of the Preliminary Charts of the KA SHMIR SERIES, containing also the Jhilam and Punch Minor T riangulation. Season 1856-38. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. Sheet No. 3 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing also the Astor Minor Triangulation. Seasons 1837-58 and 1862-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 2 sheets; size, 32 inches by 45. Photozinco- graph, 1872. Sheet No. 4 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing also the Keshanganga, Punch, Lidar and Sind, Dras and Sura and Wardwan Minor Triangulations, with Secondary Triangulation in the Valley of Kashmir. Seasons 1855-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets; size, 31 inches by 46. Photozincograph, 1872. Sheet No. 5 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing also the Basoli, Balor and Pador, Chenab and Toee Triangulation and Secondary Triangulation, based on the N.W. Himalaya series. Seasons 1856, 57, 58. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph, 1872. Sheet No. 6 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing also the Upper Indus and Shayok Minor Triangulation. Seasons 1855-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. Sheet No. 7 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing also the Baralacha and Zanskar Triangulation. Season 1860-61. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. Sheet No. 8 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing the Changchenmo Triangulation. Season 1862. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. Sheet No. 9 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing the Upper Indus, Baralacha, and Changchenmo Triangulation. Seasons 1859-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. 4. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. AT Sheet No. 10 of the Preliminary Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES, containing the Changchenmo Minor Triangulation. Season 1862. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 28. Photozincograph, 1872. Index to the Charts of the KASHMIR SERIES TRIANGULA- TION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 21. Photozincograph, 1872. Tillail, Khagan, and Astor Triangulations. Preliminary Chart of the TILLAIL, KHAGAN, and ASTOR . TRIANGULATIONS, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. 1861-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 53. MS. Preliminary Chart of the ASTOR TRIANGULATION, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1863. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 23. MS. Preliminary Chart of the TILLAIL, KHAGAN, and ASTOR TRIANGULATIONS, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1861, "62, and ’63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 49. MS. Jogi Tila Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the JOGI TILA SERIES. Season 1854-55. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 22. MS. No. 2. Preliminary Chart of the JOGI TILA MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonomertrical Survey of India. Season 1855-56. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 24. MS. Preliminary Chart of the JOGI TILA MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1856-57. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 23. MS, Sutlej Series. Preliminary Chart of the SUTLEJ SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1860-61 and 1861-62. Neale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 54. MS. SUTLEJ SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Pre- liminary chart of minor triangulation along che River Chenab. Season 1862-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 42. MS, * * East of Jogi Tila Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the SUTLEJ SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, Season 1862-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 37. MS. ** West of Jogi Tila Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the SUTLEJ SERIES. Sheet No. 1, seasons 1860-62 ; Sheet No. 2, season. 1861-62; Shects No. 3 and 4, season 1862-63. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch. Photozincographs, 1872. foto a a a rN A SA GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Great Indus Series. No. 7. The revised approximate Plan of the GREAT INDUS SERIES, and of the KHELAT BOUNDARY SURVEY in connection. Executed by Mr. J. W. Rossenrode, in charge of the Surveyed Boundary. Size, 29 inches by 21. MS. No. 8. The approximate Plan of the GREAT INDUS SERIES and of the KHELA'T BOUNDARY in connection. Executed by Mr. J. W. Rossenrode, Surveyor. Size, 29 inches by 21. MS. Preliminary Chart of GREAT INDUS SERIES, Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India. Season 1836-37. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 45 inches by 47. MS. Preliminary Chart of the GREAT INDUS SERIES, Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India. Seasons 1857-38 and 1858-39. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 39. MS. Preliminary Chart of the GREAT INDUS SERIES, Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India. Season 1859-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 39 inches by 50. MS. GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA. Pre- liminary Chart of the Great Indus Series. 1855 to 1860. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8,9, 10,11,12. Dehra Doon, 1871. Size of each, 28 inches by 40. Photozincographs. 2. SECONDARY TRIANGULATION. Jhelum, Rawalpindi, &ec. Survey. Chart of TRIANGULATION, forming the basis of the Survey of Jheelum, Rawal-Pindi, &e. in the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab, executed under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Andrew Scott Waugh, Comdt. H.M. Bengal Engineers, F.R.S. and F.R.G.S., Hon. Associate Geogl. Soc. of Berlin, and Fellow of Calcutta University, Surveyor-General of India, and Superintendent, Great Trigonomeirical Survey. By Captain D. G. Robinson, Engineer, I*R.G.S., First Assistant, Surveyor-General’s Department, and the Assistants under his orders. Scale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 36 inches by 49. MS. Ravi and Chenab Rivers. MINOR TRIANGULATION from the JOGI TILA MERI- DIONAL SERIES along the RAVEE and CHENAD RIVERS. Seasons 1861- 63. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 32 inches by 42. Photozincograph, 1872. Rajputana Survey. RAJPOOTANA TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Chart of Trianculation of Degree Sheet V. 1867 to 1871. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size - = © . ? ’ 22 inches by 20. Photozincograph. 4. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 49 SixTtH DIVISION, Primary Meridional and Longitudinal Series and Secondary Triangles, South-eastern Division. 1. PRIMARY TRIANGULATION—MERIDIONAL SERIES. Madras Coast and South Malancha Series. I. MaANuscripT SET. 1. No. 1. Preliminary Chart with NUMERICAL VALUES of the COAST SERIES and SOUTH MALUNCHA SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. 1846 to 1854. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 44. MS. 9 No. 2. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Season 1854-55. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 26. MS. THE COAST LINE from the Barabalang River to the Chilka Lake. Surveyed between the years 1857 and 1861. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 45. MS. 3. No. 3. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1834, °55, and ’36. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 27. MS. 4. No. 4. Preliminary Chart of the COANT SERIES, Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India. Season 1856-57. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 24. MS. 5. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1857-38 and 1838-59. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 38. MS. 6. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1839-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 37. MS. 7. » BJ r . “ Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigonometrical ae . : FT O Survey of India. Season 1860-61. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. : S. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1861-62. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. 7767.) ) D 50 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Also, on the same sheet :— : Preliminary Chart of the COAST LINE, MINOR JEfIes. Season 1861-62. (Continued from No. 7.) Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 2¢ inches by 50. MS. 9. Preliminary Chart of the MADRAS MERIDIONAL (COAST) SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1863-64. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 26. MS. 10. Preliminary Chart of the MADRAS MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1864-65. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 26. MS. II. PHOTOZINCOGRAPHED EDITION. No. 1. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1846 to 1852. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41% inches by 28. ; a No. 2. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1852, °53, and ’54. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 41%. a No. 3. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1854, ’55, and ’56. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26) inches by 28. No. 4. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Season 1836-37. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 29. oo No. 5. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great I'rigo- nometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1857-58 and 1858-59. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 37. . No. 6. Preliminary Chart of the COA ST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Season 1839-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 413%. J No. 7. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Season 1860-61. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 41. : No. 8. Preliminary Chart of the COAST SERIES, Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Season 1861-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 30. No. 9. Preliminary Chart of the MADRAS MERIDIONAL (COAST) SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1863-64. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 28. No. 10. Preliminary Chart of the MADRAS MERIDIONAL (COAST) SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1863-64. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 27%. Preliminary Chart of the COAST LINE, MINOR SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1861-62. Scale, 2 miles to inch ; size, 28 inches by 28. (Continued from the Photozincographed Coast Series, No. 7.) k. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 51 Minor Triangulation fromthe COAST SERIES to MASULIPATAM and POINT DIVY LIGHTHOUSE. Seasons 1863-64, and 1865-66. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 28. Continued from the Photozincographed Coast, Series, Nos. 8 and 9. BT he foregoing Series extends from Calcutta to Madras, TOPPING’S TRIANGULATION. A TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of the COAST of MA- DRAS, the Triangulation including Fort St. George, in Madras, on the North, and the northern shore of Palk Strait and Point Calimere on the South, but the coast line is only inserted between the Strait and Pondicherry, By Michael Topping, about 1790. Without title. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 92 inches by 30. Two MSS., one of which is signed by the Surveyor. *4* The construction of the Chart is explained in a note. South Pareshnath Meridional Series. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the PARASNATH MERI- DIONAL SERIES, Southern Section, conducted under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel G. Everest, late Surveyor-General of India, by Lieut. A. I. E. Boileau, between the years 1835 and 1840; to connect with Lieut. B. Buxton’s Triangulation of Cat- tack, executed between 1818 and 1821. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 26. MS. SOUTH PARASNATH MERIDIONAL SERIES :— No. 1. Sketch of Lieut. Western’s Triangulation. 1834. No. 2. Sketch of Licut. Boileau’s intended Scries, 1835-36. No. 3. Sketch of Lieut. Boileau’s principal Series. 1836-37. No. 4. General Sketch of Lieut. Boileau’s principal Angles. 1836 and 37. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size of each, 16 inches by 10. MSS. Plan of TRIANGLES on the PARASNATH MERIDIAN. Secale, 8 miles to | inch ; size, 42 inches by 17. MS. Bilaspur Meridional Series. Preliminary Chart of the BELASPUR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1869-70. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size, 32 inches by 60. With letter-press description of Stations, &e., on 7 pages folio. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the BELASPUR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1870-71. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozinco- graph. Preliminary Chart of the BILASPUR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season, 1871-72. Scale, 4 miles to 1inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph, Preliminary Chart of the BILASPUR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1872-73. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets. Photozincograph. With letter-press. *«* See also “Bed Longitudinal Series.” Jubbulpore Meridional Series. 1. Preliminary Chart of the JUBBULPORE MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1864-65. Seale, 4 miles to | inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 28 inches by 41. Photozincograph. D «) hs H i el it | CLEAR a SRR RETR I —_—_ _”—_—_——l GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. 2. Preliminary Chart of the JUBBULPORE MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1865-66. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 28. Photozincograph. 3. Preliminary Chart of the JUBBULPORE MERIDIONAL SERIES. ) i inch ; siz i y 28. One copy Seas 1866-67. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 2 ¢ I 1868, and another, with additions, dated October 1869. Photozinco- graph. 4. Preliminary Chart of the JUBBULPORE MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1867-68. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch. Route Surveys and minor triangulation, » «od . : , > ; 23 : Field Season 1868-69. On 2 sheets ; size, 44 inches by 28. Photozincograph. 2. PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. -LOSGITODINAL SERIES. Kolhan and Sambalpur Longitudinal Series. (Chota Nagpore Divisional Survey.) Chart of TRIANGULATION of Part of KOLHAN LONG [- TUDINAL SERIES and SUMBHULPORE and KOLHAN JUNCTION SERIES. Season 1860-61. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. (Appertaining to No. 4, or Chota Nagpore Topographical Survey.) Size, 33 inches by 23. MS. KOLHAN LONGITUDINAL SERIES extending through the Country of the Kols. District Singhbhoom. S.W. Frontier, Season 1859-60, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. : ‘TTN\/ T . . Preliminary Chart of the SU MBULPORE BRAN CH (Longitudinal) SERIES, emanating from the principal Series, Baniajori to Daiteri of the Coast Series, Great Triconometrical Survey of India, Season 1856-57. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 39. MS. Bidar Longitudinal Series. Preliminary Chart of the BEDER LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Seasons 1868-69. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the BEDER LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Season 1869-70. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 28 inches by 29. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the BIDER LONGITUDINAL and BILAS- PUR MERIDIONAL SERIES. Season 1871-72. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. Photozincograph. Madras Longitudinal Series. Preliminary Chart of the MADRAS LONGITUDINAL and GREAT ARC SERIES. Season 1865-68. Seale, 4 miles tol inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 30 inches by 54. With letter-press description of stations, &ec., 14 pp. folio. «_# Fxtending from Arcot to Mysore. 4. CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. Ramnad Longitudinal Series. Preliminary Chart of the RAMNAD LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Season 1874-75. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. With letter-press description of stations, &c., 11 pages, folio. 3. SECONDARY TRIANGULATION. Chota Nagpore, &c. Survey. Skeleton Map containing the Positions of the Principal Points and general construction of Lieut. Smith’s Map of a Survey of yart of the S.W. Frontier. (Received 1830.) Seale, 3% inches to 1 mile ; size, 60 inches by 54. MS. TRIANGULATION Chart of the No. 4 TOPOGRAPHICAL PARTY, CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION SURVEY. Season 1861-62. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. TRIANGULATION Chart of the No. 4 TOPOGRAPHICAL PARTY, CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION SURVEY. Season 1862-63. Scale. 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 26. MS, TRIANGULATION Chart, CHOTA NAGPORE TOPOGRA- PHICAL SURVEY. Seasons 1863, 64, 65. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 31. MS. Buaton’s Triangulation in Cuttack. Plan of the TRIANGLES used in the SURVEY of CUTTACK (town) and its vicinity, ‘A.D. 1818. B. Buxton, Ensign of Engineers and Surveyor. (No. 1.) Scale, 4 inches to | mile ; size, 29 inches by 33%. MS. TRIANGULATION in Part of CUTTACK by Lieut. B. Buxton. (No 2, no title or scale.) Seale, | mile to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 37. MS. TRIANGULATION in Part of CUTTACK, by Lieut. B. Buxton. (No. 3, no title or scale.) Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 29. MS. Cuttack, Ganjam, &c. Topographical Survey. Chart of TRIANGULATION executed by Captain G. H. Saxton, Assistant Surveyor-General. Seasons 1850-31, 352 and 33. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 39 inches by 52. MS, TRIANGULATION of the Second Order, forming the BASIS of a TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of a portion of the CUTTACK TRIBUTARY MEHALS and S.W. Frontier of Bengal. 1833-54. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; 18 inches by 28. MS. size, TRIANGULATION Chart. GANJAM TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Season 1854-55. Seale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 29 inches by 191. MS. : TRIANGULATION of the Second Order, forming the BASIS of a TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of a portion of the TRIBUTARY MEHALS of Cuttack and S.W. Provinces of Bengal. Season 1833, 36, 57. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 22. MS. | i | } ] | ] a 54 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. No. 1 Party, GANJAM SURVEY. TRIANG ULATION in GOOMSOOR, BOAD, SONPUR, and PATNA, executed by Captain G. H. Saxton. Season 1858-59. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 31. MS. No. 2 Party, GANJAM SURVEY. SECONDARY TRIAN- GULATION, based on the SOUTH PARASNATH MERIDIONAL SERIES, executed by J. O. Nicholson, Assistant Surveyor-General, Season 1858-59. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 26. MS. TRIANGULATION extending through the KHOOND MALS of GOOMSOOR and KIMEDI, by Captain G. H. Saxton, in Season 1859-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25) inches by 32. MS. TRIANGULATION extending through portions of VIZAGAPA.- TAM, GANJAM, and CUTTACK DISTRICTS, and NAGPUR PROVINCE (Central Provinces). Executed in Seasons 1860-61. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 23. MS. TRIANGULATION through SOUTH - EASTERN part of CHUTTEESGURH DIVISION, CENTRAL PROVINCES. Season 1861-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 19. MS. TRIANGULATION within the INDEPENDENT STATES under SUMBULPUR CENTRAL PROVINCES, executed in Season 1862-63. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 26. M S. GANJAM and ORISSA (CUTTACK) TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Season 1863-64. Chart of Triangulation of portions of Rajpur, Belaspur, &c. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 25. MS, Plan of TRIANGLES carried on through the GANJAM DIS- TRICT. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 39 inches by 27. MS. Sketch of TRIANGULATION in the GANJAM DISTRICT, between parallels of 18° 50” and 19° 30" and meridians of 83° 30" and 84° 30’. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 19. No title. MS. Plan of TRIANGLES, NORTHERN CIRCAR SURVEY. Chiefly in the Rajahmundry District, by Captain C. Snell, Scale, 4 miles ; size, 26 inches by 44. MS, Plan of TRIANGULATION in part of the foregoing District, including Rajamundry and Ellore. Without title. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 29 inches by 39. MS. Nellore Survey. Plan of PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIANGLES of the - NELLORE DISTRICT SURVEY. Signed S. C. Macpherson, Assistant Sur- veyor-General. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 26. MS. (The title is taken from an endorsement on the back of the plan. The area includes lat. 14° to 16° N., long 79° to 80° 20" E. Gr.). Plan of TRIANGLES in the PALNAUD DISTRICT (KIST- LY Executed in the year 1829. Seale, 4 miles to ) inch ; size, 14 inches by 20. Ly APRA WPT A 11 [) | ot k, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. Central Provinces (Nagpore). Captain A. Stewart's Secondary Triangulation. Skeleton plan of TRIANGLES, explanatory of the operations carried on in the Nagpoor territory by Captain A. Stewart in 1822, °23, °24, and by Messrs. F. B. Norris and E. Weston in 1824, °25, ’°26, ’27, 28, °29, ’30. Secale 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 26. MS. \ ~ NO 1 0 Rough sketch of TRIANGLES proposed to be extended from Col. Lambton’s measured base near Ellichpur to Nagpoor, Seetabuldee, by Captain A. Stewart, 16th Regt. M.N.I. Seale, about 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 29. MS., marked 2. ] Chain of TRIANGLES Eastward of the BASE LINE near ELLICHPUR, measured by Colonel Lambton ; by Captain A. Stewart. Seale, 21 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 21. MS., marked 3. he Chain of TRIANGLES proceeding from Colonel Lambton’s measured base (at Takalkhera) near Elichpoor of 37,914 feet to one of verification measured near Nagpoor of 22,080 feet. By Captain A. Stewart, M.N.I. Revised and calculated by Mr. F. B. Norris. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 39. MS., marked A. Plan of TRIANGULATION from SEETABULDEE (NAG- POOR), Eastward. No title. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 23. MS., marked a. Plan of TRIANGULATION, partly repeating the Northern portion of the foregoing. Without title. Size, 12 inches by 18. MS., marked a’. Plan of TRIANGULATION East of NAGPORE, in continuation of the foregoing. Without title. Size, 14 inches by 13. MS., marked a”. *.* Both sides of the paper are occupied. The work on one side is not quite continuous on the other. Plan of TRIANGULATION Eastward of NAGPORE, repeating part of the foregoing. Without title. Size, 7 inches by 10. MS., on both sides of paper, marked a’. Plan of TRIANGULATION from SEETABULDEE (NAG- PORE), Southward, No title. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 31. MS., marked d'. TRIANGLES South-west of SEETABULDEE, by Captain A. S. Stewart, 16th M.N.I. 1822 to 1823. Secale, & miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 18. MS. (Included in the foregoing MS. marked d".) Plan of TRIANGLES from SEETABULDEE (NAGPORE), South-eastward, including part of the foregoing. No title. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 27. MS., marked D. Plan of TRIANGLES, including part of the foregoing. No title. Scale, 4 miles to 1 incl; size, 16 inches by 13. MS, Plan of TRIANGLES filling up the South-eastern corner of the plan Southward from Seetabuldee before mentioned. No title, Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 14. MS, 56 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Skeleton Map showing the TRIANGLES Northward of SEETA- BULDEE. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 40. MS. Sketch of TRIANGULATION from South-west to North-east of SEETABULDEE (NAGPORE) with Hills. By Captain Stewart. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 37. MS. Plan of TRIANGLES on the North of SEETABULDEE (NAG- PORE) about Chindwara. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 16. ~ MS. Sketch Map of TRIANGLES between the GODAVERY and PRANHEETA RIVERS, including Col. Lambton’s points, Kistnapet and Bopal- putnum, marked E. No title. Scale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 25. MS. A copy of the foregoing extended North and South. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 19. MS. Sketch of TRIANGLES extending Northward from the foregoing. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 22. MS. Map of a SURVEY of the TRACT of COUNTRY between the GODAVERY and PRANHEETA RIVERS, connecting Colonel Lambton’s stations of Kistnapett, Ramgur, Pertaubgurh, and Bopalputnum, by a route survey with Chandah, and Chandah with Seetabuldee, by a net of triangles. By Captain A. Stewart, late Superintendent Nagpore Survey, 1824. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 15. MS. SEVENTH DIVISION. Secondary Triangles, Hyderabad Survey—Central Division. Hyderabad Triangulation. Skeleton plan of PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIANGULA- TION, No. 2 Topographical Party, Hydrabad Survey. Based upon the following principal sides of the Great Are Series: Wirur to Ihjkera, Dhar to Ashti, Dhar to Nilgarh. Seasons 1835-56, *56-5T, 537-58, 59-60. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 98 inches by 26. MS. Chart of the TRIANGULATION of No. 2 Topographical Party, Hydrabad Survey. Season 1861-62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 36. MS. Chart of the TRIANGULATION of No. 2 Topographical Party, Hydrabad Survey. Season 1862-63. Scale, 8 miles lo 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 29. MS. Chart of the TRIANGULATION of No. 2 Topographical Party, Hydrabad Survey. Season 1863-64. Two distinct surveys, on 2 sheets. Seale of cach, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size of each, 23 inches by 24. MSS. Chart of the TRIANGULATION of No. 2 Topographical Party, Hydrabad Survey. Season 1865-66. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 19. MS. 4, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. 57 Sketch of PRINCIPAL TRIANGLES extending over the tract comprehended between the KISTNA and GODAVERY RIVERS. By Licut.- Colonel Lambton and Captain Everest. To which is added a series of tiles on the Western Frontier of the Nizam’s Dominions, by Captain Garling Soir 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 50. MS. Bi Plan of TRIANGLES curried on between the months of June and September 1819 (between Kurnool and Nirmul and eastward of Hyderabad), in the dominions of His Highness the Nizam. By Captain G. Everest. Scale, § miles t 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 26. MS. : iid Sketch of the PRINCIPAL TRIANGLES extending over that part of the NIZANM’S DOMINIONS lying to the castward of (the road between) Nirmul and Kurnool. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch : size, 33 inches by 25. MS, BASSIM. Plan of TRIANGLES of the BASSIM CIRCAR. en : : Completed under the superintendence of Major I. Morland in the year 1846, Seale 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 28. MS. ! BEDER. Plan of TRIANGLES in the BEDER CIRCAR. N . ‘ . . . Executed in 1832, under the superintendence of Lieut. S. C. Macpherson. Seale 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 incies by 24. MS, BEDER. Preliminary Chart of the BEDER LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Seasons 1868-69. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 40 Photozincograph. To : BHONAGHEER, part of. Plan of TRIANGLES on which de- peas fhe Survey of 1827 and 1828. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by BHEER and DAROOR. Plan of SECONDARY TRIANGLES extending over the DARROOR and BHEER CIRCARS. Executed in 1836 Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 27. MS. * % See also Purrainda and Bheer. DOWLUTABAD. Plan of TRIANGLES of the Dowlutabad Circar. Executed under the superintendence of Major I. Morland, in the year 1847. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 21 inches by 24. MS. oo EILGUNDEL and MULLANGOOR. Sketch of PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIANGLES extending over Eilgundel and Mullangoor Circars. Surveyed in the year 1834, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 27. MS. = es JAULNAH and PYTON. Planof TRIANGLES executed under the superintendence of Captain IH. Morland in the years 1842 and 1843. Seale 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 33. MS. : oF r r yO vy, r / \ ~ Cyt > KOWLASS. Plan of TRIANGLES in the Kowlass Circar. Exe- cuted in 1832 under the superintendence of Lieut. S. C. Macpherson. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 22. MN, ’ KULBURGAH, KULLIANNEE, and NULDROOG. Plan of the TRIANGLES extending over the Circars of Kulliannee, Nuldroog, and Kulburgah, by Sub-assistant Surveyors A. Chamarett and R. Lona, Scale mile . to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 29. MN, ® 5%e) GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. KUMMUMMETT. Plan of SECONDARY TRIANGLES ex- tending over a portion of the Kummummett Circar. Executed in the year 1837. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 26. MS. MAIKER. Plan of TRIANGLES of the Maiker Circar. Exe- cuted in the years 1843 and 1844. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 28. MS. MEDDUCK. Plan of Trigonometrical points by which the Medduck Circar Survey was executed under the superintendence of Lieut. H. Morland, in 1829 and 1830. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 24. MS. MULLANGOOR. See EILGUNDEL. NANDAIR. Plan of TRIANGLES of the Nandair Circar. North of the Godavery River. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 39. MS. Plan of TRIANGLES of the NANDAIR CIRCAR. South of the Godavery River. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 38. MS. NULDROOG. See KULBURGAH. PATREE. Plan of TRIANGLES of the Patree Circar. Executed under the superintendence of Captain H. Morland, in 1841 and 1842. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 29. MS. PURRAINDA and BHEER. Plan of SECONDARY TRI- ANGLES extending over the Purrainda and Bheer Circars. Surveyed A.D. 1835. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 23. MS. #.% See also Bheer and Daroor. PYTON. See JAULNAH. WARUNGUL CIRCAR. Plan of TRIANGLES executed in the years 1830 and 1831 by Lieut. H, Morland. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 29 inches. MS. Eicara Division. Primary and Secondary Triangulation, South-west Division. Indus Delta, Cutch, Kattywar, §c. Preliminary Chart of the ABOO MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great "Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 8 sheets ; size of cach, 42 inches by 27. MS. #_% This is actually a Chart of Primary and Secondary Triangulation in : Kattywar and Cutch, with part of Sind on the west, and part of Guzerat on the east. The Primary Triangulation includes the Guzerat Longi- tudinal and the Kattywar Longitudinal Series; also the Nawanaggar Meridional, the Kattywar Meridional, and the Abu Meridional ; together with Secondary Series around the coasts, &c. The outlines of the coast and part of the Indus Delta, also the lower course of the Sabarmati river, are delineated. I, CHARTS OF THE TRIANGLES. Bombay Presidency. Preliminary Charts of TRIANGULATION in the NORTHERN PORTIONS of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ;: size, 33 inches by 25. Photozincographs. Ay No. 1. Season 1857-38. Western part of Guzerat Longitudinal. Tatta on the Indus. ; No. 2. Seasons 1856-57 and 1857-58. Western part of Guzerat Longitudinal > Lukput in Cutch. 2 No. 3. Seasons 1853-54, 1855-56, and 1856-57. astern Cutch. No. 4. Seasons 1850-51, 1851-52, and 1861-62. Aboo Meridional and Oody- poor Meridional. : No. a. Seasons 1854-57, 1858-59, and 1859-60. Cutch and North Kattywar Secondary Triangulation. ; No. 6. Seasons 1852-57, 1859-61, and 1863-64, with letter-press on 12 pages folio. Kattywar. cH No. 7. Seasons 1851-54 and 1860-63, with letter-press on 7 pages folio Guzerat Longitudinal. No. 8. Seasons 1853-55 and 1858-59. No. 9. Seasons 1852-55, 1859-61, and 1863-64. No. 10. Seasons 1860-61 and 1862-63. Singi Meridional and Aboo Me- ridional. Index to the Charts of NORTHERN PORTION of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 21. Preliminary Chart of the OODYPOOR and SINGI MERIDIONAL IA GURY and MALWA LONGITUDINAL SERIES, Great rigonometrica a 1860-61 and 1861-62, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 69 Preliminary Chart of the GUZERAT COAST, MINOR SERIES Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Season 1862-63. Secale, 4 miles to I inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. MS. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the BOMBAY TRIGONO- METRICAL SURVEY from its commencement up to June 1834. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 29. MS. Sketch of the TRIANGULATION of the BOMBAY LONGI- TUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, carried on during the season 1837-38. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 22. MS. - Chart of PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIANGLES in the BOMBAY LONGITUDINAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 29%. MS. ’ *." Bombay to Nitali; distinguishing the portion completed in 1837-38, and the proposed extension from Dighi-Waphgaon to Bombay. : Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the BOMBAY LONGI- TUDINAL SERIES, carried on under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel Everest, Sur- veyor-Gieneral of India, chiefly by Lieut. W. S. Jacob, 1st Assistant, Great Trigono- i So ey, in the opts 1822 to 1842. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches *.* Including Bombay Harbour. Preliminary Chart of BOMBAY ISLAND SURVEY. Season 1865-66. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. With letter- TOSS 5 pages, 4to. ? 60 GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Preliminary Chart of portions of the BOMBAY LONGITUDINAL and MANGALORE MERIDIONAL SERIES, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seasons 1862-63 and 1864-65. Scale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 64. MS. The same zincographed in 3 sheets ; size, 36 inches by 64. Preliminary Chart of the M ANGALORE MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1865-66 and 1866-67. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size, 57 « inches by 42. Photozincograph. Preliminary Chart of the MANGALORE MERIDIONAL and MADRAS LONGITUDINAL SERIES. Seasons 1871-73. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 56 inches by 42. Photozincograph. Plan of the PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY TRIANGLES of the NORTHERN and SOUTHERN KONKAN SERIES of the Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India, carried on in the seasons 1842-43 and 1843-44. Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 21. MS. *.% Including Bombay Harbour. Plan of the TRIANGULATION of the KONKAN MERI- DIONAL SERIES, Southern section, commenced under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel G. Everest, late Surveyor General of India ; and completed under the superintendence of his successor Captain A. S. Waugh, by Captain W. S. Jacob, late 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey, and Lieut. Harry Rivers, 1st Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey. 1822 to 1844. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, T5 inches by 29. MS. Preliminary Chart of the SOUTHERN KONKAN MERIDIONAL SERIES. Seasons 1842-44 and 1864-66. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size, 42 inches by 84. Photozincographs, 1871. Madras Presidency, Western Part. Map of a series of TRIANGLES forming the basis of the SURVEY of South COIMBATORE. Executed in 1821, 22, and 23. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 29. M S. Chart of a series of SECONDARY TRIANGLES extended over a portion of the PROVINCE of COIMBATORE in 1852. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 30. MS. Preliminary Chart of the MALABAR MINOR SERIES. Season 1873-74. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. With letter-press, 3 pages, 4to. Plan showing some of the PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY STA- TIONS in the WYNAAD TALUQ. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 22. MS. Sketch of a Series of MINOR TRIANGLES extended over the NEILGHERRY and KOONDAH MOUNTAINS. Secale, 10,000 feet to 1} inches ; size, 27 inches by 39. MS. Plan of TRIANGULATION in the NILGIRI (no title). Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 15 inches by 11. MS. Coorg. A Series of TRIANGLES through CODUGU (COORG). Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 31. MS. Eb AR EH BI RUE ANI 3 IP FAIS THE INDIAN SURVEYS. III. THE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS OF INDIA, PRINTED REPORTS. General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, seasons 1860-61, 1861-62, No. 24a, dated Calcutta 15th April 1863. Including surveys of Gwalior and Central India Hyderabad, Ganjam, and Orissa, and Chota Nagpore Division. Folio, on pages 1 to 47 "with title and letter from Lieut.-Colonel H. L. Thuillier on two pages, and two Appen- dices on pages i to xiii. Calcutta, 1863. Be app General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, for season 1862-63, by Liecut.-Colonel H. L. Thuillier, Si gin pe covering letter on two pages, and map. Folio, on pages 1 to 43. General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL and REVENUL SURVEY OPERATIONS of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, for season 1863-64. By Licut.-Colonel H. L. Thuillier, Surveyor-General of India. Folin, on ges to 64, with title and covering letter on two pages, Appendix on pages 1 to 31 con- taining Extracts from Narrative and Annual Reports. With it— il i oy General Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the LOW ER PROVINCES, for season 1863-64, on pages i to lv. Index map to the districts and divisions of India. Calcutta, 1865. 2a ri “ » \ 1 I'he General Report of the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY for 1864-65 is incorporated with the Report of the Great Trigonometrical Survey for that period. See page 29. : : The General Report of the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY for 1865 ry is 2 . vy . . ph » . "N n T%: ‘ i ‘ 4 a i the Report of the Great Trigonometrical Survey for that General Report on the TOPOGRA PHICAIL SURVEYS of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, for season 1866-67, by Colonel H. L. Thuillier, R.A F.R.G.S., Surveyor-General of India. Folio, on pages 1 to 11, with title and Appendix on pages i to xli, and three index maps—to the Gwalior and Central India Survey ; the Chota Nagpore Survey ; and the Rewah Survey. ) General Report of the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, and of the Surveyor-General’s offices, for e040 1867-68. Folio, on pages 1 to 13 and 1 to 6. With a Report by Ca tain \ B. Melville, on the photogMphic and lithographic branches, on pages 1 i 13 and ot Appendix on pages i to I, including Extracts from Narrative Reports, and a R por on the Pegu Survey. Calcutta, 1869. ® Sepont General Report on the TOPOGRAPII ICAL. SURVEYS of INDIA, and of the Surveyor-General’s Department, Head-Quarter Esialblishinent for season 1868-69, by Colonel H. L. Thuillier, R.A, F.RS., &e., Surveyor-General of India. Folio, on pages 1 to 62, with Index map of India, showing Topogra ie 1 and Revenue Survey Operations to 1569. Calcutta, 1870. = i Cuter re ” oe RT hs pS 62 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY REPORTS. General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of INDIA, and of the Surveyor-General’s Department, Head-Quarter Establishment, for season 1869-70. By Colonel H. L. Thuillier, R.A., F.R.S., ete, Surveyor- General of India. Folio, on pages 1 to 25, with title, contents, and covering letter on four pages; Appendix containing remarks by executive officers on pages ito xxxi, and seven Index maps. Calcutta, 1871. General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of INDIA, and of the Surveyor-General’s Department, Head-Quarter Establishment, for season 1870-71.. By Colonel H. L. Thuillier, R.A., F.R.S., etc., Surveyor- General of India. Folio, on pages 1 to 24, with map, and appendices on pages i to xxxii. Calcutta, 1872. General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of INDIA, and of the Surveyor-General’s Department, for season 1871-72. By Colonel H. L. Thuillier, R.A., F.R.S,, &e., Surveyor-General of India. Submitted to the Government of India, Department of Agriculture, Revenue, and Commerce. Folio on pages 1 to 25, and appendix on pages i. to liii. Calcutta, 1873. General Report on the TOP OGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of INDIA, and of the Surveyor-General’s Department, for season 1872-73. By Colonel H. L. Thuillier, C.S.I, F.R.S., &c., Surveyor-General of India. Folio, 104 pages. Calcutta, 1874. General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of INDIA, and of the Surveyor-General’s Department, for season 1873-74. By Colonel H. L. Thuillier, C.S.I., F.R.S, &e., Surveyor-General of India. With seven Index maps, and a plan of the photographic rooms at the Roorkee Observatory. Folio, on 69 pages. Calcutta, 1875. General Report on the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS of INDIA, and of the Surveyor-General’s Department, for season 1874-75. By Colonel H. L. Thuillier, C.S.I., F.R.S,, &e., Surveyor-General of India. With descriptions of the steppes of Central India, the Vindhia and Sathpura Mountains; Bastar; the Naga Hills ; the Daphla Hills, with a geological section ; and Captain Strahan’s Report on the Transit of Venus at Lahore. Folio, on 102 pages. Calcutta, 1876. #,% The drawings, manuscript memoirs, and printed maps in the India Office, derived from the Topographical Surveys, are catalogued hereafter in geographical order, beginning with the Indian Atlas and General Maps and concluding with the Divisions of India. THE INDIAN SURVEYS. IV. THE REVENUE SURVEYS OF PRINTED REPORTS. Repo om oe REVENUE SURVEY of the LOWER PRO- Ky 4 st ay 5 E NO amber jo ) ¥ ye So 5 Daren 1854 to 30th September 1835. Quarto, 12 and x1 Repost, ou the RIVEN UE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the 4 % NCES from 1st October 1856 to 3 evicmbar 1887... Falls, ae a Cy ctober 1856 to 30th September 1857. Folio, Annual Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS in flo ZonTAN EST PROVINCES, the PUNJAUB, and SINDH, for season 56-57. | 57 pages, wi { : ? ) is 1 Cis-Sutlel Stat Sa Wits io, 57 pages, with a Map of the Punjab and Cis-Sutlej States. Annual Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS in the NORTH-W EST PROVINCES, the PUNJAUB and SINDH for seas 1857-38. Folio, 86 pages. Calcutta, 1860. : fr General Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of fhe NL prreiDEreY for seasons 1838-539, 1859-60, and 1860-61 3y jeut.-Col. H, L. Thuillier, Surveyor-General of India. Folio, 196 a1 i pages and Index. Calcutta, 1863. Ro * Paso 105.300 3 pgs With three Maps :—1, Skeleton Index to the Districts and Divisions of India 1862 (to illustrate the Revenue Surveys); 2, Index to the Indian Atlas 1859 ; 3, Skeleton Index to the Districts and Divisions of India, 1862 (exhibiting the present state of the Trigonometrical Operations). : aa Rap on Je £ REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the 4 ) > TINCES from 1st October 1861 to 30th September 186% ‘oli 47 pages. Calcutta, 1863. ops 31 $0 Soh Sepramner 1962. Tobi, Report on the (REVENUE) SURVEY OPERATIONS of the LOWER PROV INCES for season 1863-64, from 1st October 1863 to 30th Se tember 1864. Folio, 22 and Ixxvi pages. Calcutta, 1865. : mep- General Report on the REVENUE SURVEYS i JPPE J : : J IL , J : 4 , 1 JI'R PROVINCES of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, for season 2 er ER Col. J. BE. Gastrell, Officiating Deputy Surveyor-General of India. Folio, or xiv pages, with a Map of Purgunnah Mangurh, District Dumoh, Central Pr vi ol to mark the introduction of Photo-lithography into India. Calcutta 1866 OR te Also under the same cover,— Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the LOWER PROVINCES, for scason 1864-65. By Licut.-Col. J. E Gastrell, Offi ciating Deputy Surveyor-General, and Superintendent Revenue Sarveys. Foo, 25 aha ng NE SE perintendent Revenue Surveys. Folio, 23 Report on the SURVEY OPERATIONS for season 1865-66, from Ist October 1865 to 30th September 1866. Folio, 10 pages. Calcutta, 1867 64 THE INDIAN SURVEYS. Also under the same cover,— Report on the SURVEY OPERATIONS of the CENTRAL PROVINCES, for season 1865-66, from 1st October 1865 to 30th September 1866. Folio, 10 and x pages. Calcutta, 1867. Report on the SURVEY OPERATIONS of the PROVINCE of OUDH, for season 1865-66, from 1st October 1865 to 30th September 1866. Folio, 8 and v pages. Calcutta, 1867. Report on the SURVEY OPERATIONS of the N. WwW. PRO- VINCES, ROHILCUND, for season 1865-66, from 1st October 1865 to 30th Sep- tember 1866. Folio, 5 and iii pages. Calcutta, 1866. Report on the SURVEY OPERATIONS of the NORTH-WEST FRONTIERS, PUNJAB, for season 1865-66, from 1st October 1865 to 30th September 1866. Folio, 4 pages. Calcutta, 1867. SURVEY OPERATIONS of SINDH, for season Report on the «t October 1865 to 30th September 1866. Iolio, 5 and v pages. 1865-66, from 1 Calcutta, 1867. the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the Report on September 1866. Folio, 16 LOWER PROVINCES, from lst October 1865 to 30th and x pages. Calcutta, 1866. ng the REVENUE SURVEY OPERA- TIONS of the UPPER CIRCLE, for season 1866-67. Colonel J. E. Gastrell, F.R.G.S., Deputy Surveyor-General and Superintendent of the Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle. Folio, 9 and v pages. Calcutta, 1867. General Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the CENTRAL PROVINCES, for season 1866-67. Colonel J. E. Gastrell, Deputy Surveyor- General and Superintendent of the Revenue Survey, Upper Circle. Folio, 10 and x pages. Calcutta, 1867. General Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the PROVINCE of OUDH, for season 1866-67. Colonel J. E. Gastrell, Deputy Surveyor-General and Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle. Folio, 8 and iv pages. Calcutta, 1867. General Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the N. W. PROVINCES, ROHILCUND, for season 1866-67. Colonel J. E. Gastrell, Deputy Surveyor-General and Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle. Folio, 6 and ii pages. Calcutta, 1867. UE SURVEY OPERATIONS of General Report reviewl General Report of the REVEN the N. W. FRONTIER, PUNJAD, for season 1866-67. Colonel Gastrell, F.R.G.S., Deputy Surveyor-General and Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle. Folio, 8 and ii pages. Calcutta, 1867. REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS in Colonel J. E. Gastrell, Deputy Surveyor-General and Upper Circle. Folio, 6 pages. (“alcutta, General Report of the SIND, for season 1866-67. Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, 1867. 1V. REVENUE SURVEY REPORTS. 65 Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of LOWER LS, from 1st October 1866 to 3 XariarTan . ‘ay 4 pron: Carin, aly ctober 1866 to 30th September 1867. Folio, 13 and xxv Repost on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the Lowen PROVINCES, from 1st October 1867 to 30th September 1868. F li , and 16, and Ixxii, and 6 pages. nT ill General Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of ie BENGAL PRESIDENCY, UPPER CIRCLE, for scason 1865-69, Ci On men Ra i I a ha peta ndent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle. Folio, Roper of Hie REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of LOWER lo scason 1868-69. Lieut. D. C. Vanrenen, R.A., Superinte : of Revenue Surveys, Lower Circle. Folio, 19 and xviii pages. of BU lan ; ’ ly WOJ. Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the 1) ’ 7h PROVINCES, from 1st October 1868 to 30th September 1869. Folio 7, 8, 19, liii, and 6 pages. With a map of Luckimpoor. Calcutta, 1870. 1 General Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of J PEReaL PRESIDENCY, UPPER and LOWER CIRCLES for season ¥ 9-70, Colonel D. C. Vanrenen, R.A., Superintendent of Revenue Surveys Jpper Circle, and Major John Macdonald, Offg. Sup. Rev. Survey, I C Folio, 66, 3, 26, and xvi pages. Calcutta, 1871. Fe gin Ron Y General Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the UPPER and LOWER PROVINCES in BENGAL (including Bot all 'y Commissioners Report), for season 1870-71. By Colonel D. C Ve ern tr Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle, and Major "Joba Maced ot N Offg. Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Lower Circle, and ‘Offe. Bou nd ; in v; missioner, Bengal. Folio, 114 pages. Calcutta, 1872. aE Be TOR Yo General Report on the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of a T PD nl « r Al \ 1 NY . * * > ’ i L Pl ER and LOWER ( IRCLES (including Boundary Commissioners Report) i Sexson 187 1-72. By Colonel James I. Gastrell, Superintendent of the Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle, and Colonel D. C. Vanrenen, R.A., Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Lower Circle. Iolio, 138 pages, Calcutta, 1873 General Report on the REVENUE SURVEY oor VENUE SU Y OPERATIONS of the UPPER and LOWER CIRCLES, for season 1872-73. By Colonel ne gt Gastrell, Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle, and Colonel D C. Vanrenen, R.A., Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Lower Circle. Folio 59 and Ixxviii pages. Calcutta, 1874. ! % bb one ' . TNWENTIR OF General Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the Url ER and LOWRR CIRCLES, for season 1873-74. By Colonel James E Gastrell, Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle, and Lieut.- Colonel Jean Macdonaid, Ofte, Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Lower Circle. Folio 9 and Ixxxv pages. (Nee (., for Routes betwee S and B 3 Par pages. (See App. 1X,, for Routes between Assam and Burma.) General Report of the REVENUE SURVEY OPERATIONS of the UPPER and LOWER CIRCLES, for season 1874-75. By Colonel James E. 3767.) : ames k. LE 66 THE INDIAN SURVEYS. ' ~ + \ ray T pe Yerele, 3 ~U wel Gastrell, Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle, and Low his ; 3 “ 1 : Ba AVEO 3 SITIVeVS ror rele. John Macdonald, late Off. Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Lower : fee Folio, 51 and lxvii pages. Also a Specimen Map of the Behar Irrigation Survey. Calcutta, 1876. ha * * The drawings, manuscript memoirs, and printed maps In He Inc ia Office, x 1 ® p 0 \ wovs are cat: a app ter oer: derived from the Revenue Surveys, are catalogued erst 2 in gc Bo 1 1 1 1 1s aq ¢ . . y , 2 phical order, beginning with the Indian Atlas and concluding with Divisions of India. V. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. 1. ANNUAL REPORTS. Annual Reports of the SUPERINT ENDENT of the GEOLO- GICAL SURVEY of INDIA, and Director of the Geological Museum. ( alcutta, 1858 to 1871. With Index Maps, 8vo. : : : *_* For subsequent years sce the Records of the Geological Survey. 2. MEMOIRS. On the GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE of part of the KHASI HILLS, with observations on the Meteorology and Ethnology of that district. By Thomas Oldham, A.M., F.R.S., G.S., &c. Calcutta, 1854. Quarto, 77 and xii pages, 19 Sketches, and 4 Maps. nm = YT ™ u MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Published by order of His Excellency the Governor-General of India in Council, under the direction of Thomas Oldham, LL.D. Fellow of the Royal and Geological Societies of London ; Member of the Royal Irish Academy ; Hon. Mem. of Leop.-Carol. Academy of Natural Sciences; of the Isis, Dresden; of the Royal Geol. Soc. of Cornwall ; Com. Mem. of Zool. Soc., London, &c., &c., Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India. Vou. I. (1859.) Contents.—On the Coal and Iron of Cuttack.—Structure and Relations of the Talcheer Coal-field.—Gold deposits in Upper Assam.—Gold and Gold-dust from Shue-Gween.—Geology of the Khasi Hills.—The Nilghiri Hills. —Geology of Bancoorali, Midnapore, and Orissa.—Laterite of Orissa.—Fossil Teeth of Ceratodus. Roy. 8vo., pp. 309, Plates, Maps, &e., cloth lettered. Price 15s. Vou. II. (1860.) Contents.—On the Vindhyan Rocks and their Associates in Bundelkund.—Geolo- gical Structure of the Central Portion of the Nerbudda District.—Tertiary and Alluvial deposits of the Nerbudda Valley.—Geological relations and probable Geological age of the several systems of rocks in Central India and Bengal. Roy. 8vo., pp. 341, Plates, large Geological Maps, &c., cloth lettered. Price 20s. Vou. 111. (1865.) Contents.—On the Raniganj Coal-field.—Additional remarks on the Geological age of Indian rock-systems.— Indian Mineral Statistics: Coal. — On the Southern portions of the Himalayan ranges. Roy. 8vo., pp. 338, large Maps, Plates, &e., cloth lettered. Price 18s. V. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Vor. IV. (1865.) Contents.—On the Cretaceous Rocks of South Arcot and Trichinopoly Districts, Madras.—On the Structure of the Districts of Trichinopoly, Salem, &e.—On the Coal of Assam, &c. Roy. 8vo., pp. 450, large Maps, Plates, &c., cloth lettered. Price 16s. Vor. V. (1866.) Contents.—Sections across N. W. Himalaya, from Sutlej to Indus.—On the Gypsum of Spiti.—On the Geology of Bombay.—On the Jherria Coal-field.— On Western Tibet. Roy. 8vo., pp. 354, Maps, Plates, &c., cloth lettered. Price 18s. Vor. VI. (1869.) Contents.—Part 1. On the neighbourhood of Lynyan and Runneekote in Sind. —On the Geology of a portion of Cutch. Part 2. The Bokaro Coal-field.— The Ramgurh Coal-field.—The Traps of Western and Central India. Part 3. The Taptee and Lower Nerbudda valleys.—Frog beds in Bombay.—Osteological notes.—On Oxyglossus pusillus. Roy. 8vo., pp. 395, Maps, Plates, &c., with Records of Geological Survey for 1868, pp. 76, cloth lettered. Price 18s. The three Parts of this volume are sold separately :—Part 1, price 3s. ; Part 2, price 5s.; Part 3, price 10s.; the complete volume, cloth lettered . ’ price 18s. Vor. VII. (1870.) Contents.—Part 1. The Vindhyan Series in the North-western and Central Provinces.—Mineral Statistics of Coal in India.—The Shillong Plateau.— Part 2. The Kurhurbari Coal-field.—The Deoghur Coal-field.—Part 3. Aden Water Supply.—Karanpura Coalfields. Part 1, price 5s.; Part 2, price 3s. ; Part 3, price 4s.; the complete volume, cloth lettered, price 12s. Vor. VIIL (1871.) Contents.—Part 1. On the Kadopah and Karnul formations in the Madras Presi- dency. Part 2. The Itkuri Coal field.—The Daltonganj Coal field.—Chopé Coal field. Vor. IX. (1872. Contents.—Part 1. On the Geology of Kutch, with a large Map. Part 2. The Geology of Nagpur.—The Geology of Mount Sirban in the Upper Punjab.— Carboniferous Ammonites, Ceratites, &c., of the Salt Range, Vor. X. (1873.) Contents.—Part 1. The Geology of Madras and North Arcot Districts, north of the Palar River, with Maps, &c.—The Satpura Coal Basin. Part 2. Geology of Pegu, Map and Plates. Vor. XI. (1874.) Contents.—Part 1. Geology of Darjeeling and Western Duars, Part 2. Trans- Indus Salt Region, Kohat. *¥ The publication of “The Memoirs” takes place in parts and volumes as the materials accrue. ; 3. RECORDS. RECORDS of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of INDIA. Pub. lished by order of His Excellency the Governor-General of India in council, under the direction of Thomas Oldham, LI.D., F.R.S.. superintendent of the Geological Survey of India. Vol. 1, price 3s. ; subsequent Vols., price 4s. each. E 2 THI INDIAN SURVEYS. Vor. I. (1868.) Contents.—Annual report fer 1867.—The Coal of the Tawa, Baitool, Central Provinces.—On Coal in the Garrow Hills.—On Copper in Bundelcund.—On Troilite.—On the Coal of Chanda.—On Coal near Nagpur.—Geological notes on Surat.—On Cretaceous Cephalopoda.—Lead in Raepore, Central Provinces. — Coal in the Eastern Hemisphere.—Meteorites,—On Cretaceous Gastropoda. — Geological notes from Poonah to Nagpur.—On the Agate Flake found on the Upper Gadavery.—The boundary of the Vindhyan system in Rajpootana.—— Meteorites. Vou. 11. (1869.) Contents.—The Poorna Valley.—The Kuddapah and Kurnool formations.—The Shillong plateau.—Gold in Singbhum.—Well-sinking at Hazareebagh.—Meteo- rites.—Annual report for 1868.—On Panshura tecta.— Metamorphic rocks of 3engal.—Geeology of Kutch.—The Nicobar Islands.— On Silicified wood in Eastern Prome.—Mineral statistics of Kumaon.—Chanda Coal-field.—Lead in Raipur, Central Provinces. Vor. III. (1870.) Contents.—Annual Report.—Geology of the neighbourhood of Madras.—The Alluvial deposits of the Irawadi and Ganges.—Geology of Grwalior.—On Slates at Chiteli, Kumaon.— Lead vein near Chicholi.—~Wardha river Coal-fields, Berar and Central Provinces.—Coal at Korba in Bilaspur district.—Mohpani Coal-field.—Lead ore at Slimanabad.—On Coal between Bilaspur and Ranchi. — On Petroleum in Burmah.—On the Petroleum locality of Sudkal, west of tawul Pindi.—On Argentiferous Galena and Copper in Manbhum.—On the Geology of Mount Tilla in the Punjab.—Copper deposits of Dhalbum and Singhbhum.—-Meteorites. Vou. IV. (1871.) Contents.—Annual Report.—Enquiry into an alleged discovery of Coal near Gooty and in Cuddapah district.—Mineral statistics of Kumaon.— Axial group in Western Prome, British Burmah.—Geology of the Southern Konkan.—Native Antimony in the Straits,—On the deposit in boilers at Raniganj.—On the Plant bearing Sandstones of the Godavari Valley ; on the extension of the Kamthi rocks towards Ellore, &e. ; and on the possibility of Coal in that direction.—On borings for Coal in the Godavari Valley.—On the Narbada Coal-basin.—The Geology of the Central Provinces—The Ammonite fauna of Kutch.—The Raigur and Hengir (Gangpur) Coal-field.—On the Sandstone near the first barrier on the Godavery and towards Ellore. Vou. V. (1872) Contents.—Annual Report.—Sections of rocks near Murree, Panjab.—Mineralogy of the Geiss of South Mirzapur.—The Sandstones near the first barrier on the Godavari, &e.—Ccology of the coast of Beluchistan and Persia.— Parts of Kummummet and Hanameonda, in the Nizam’s dominions,—Geology of Orissa.— On a new coal field in the Deccan.—On Maskat and Massandum, in Arabia.— An example of local jointing.—On the Axial Group of Western Prome.— Geology of Bombay Presidency.—Exploration for coal in the Satpura Basin.— On elevation estimated from raised oyster beds.—On a possible coal field in the Godavery district.—The infra-trappean formation of Central India.—Petroleum in Pegu.—Supposed Kozoonal Limestone of Yellambile in the Nizam’s territory. Vor. VI. (1873.) Contents—Annual Report.—Geology of the North-west Provinces,—Bisrampur Coal field.—The Gneiss of South Mirzapur.—On the ossiferous deposits of the Narbada Valley, their age, shells, and a celt found there.—On the Barakar coal- measures in the Beddadanole field, Godavari—Geology of Upper Panjab.— Coal in India.—Salt springs of Pegu.—Iron deposits of Chanda.—Barren Island and Narkondam.—Metalliferous resources of British Burmah. V. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. 69 Vou. VII. (1874.) Contents—Annual Report.—Hill ranges in Ladak and Shadula.—Iron Ores of Kumaon.— Raw materials for iron smelting in Raniganj.— Elastic Sandstone in India.—Part of Northern Hazaribagh.—Shadula to Yarkand.—Jade in the Karakash Valley,—Eastern Himalaya.— Petroleum in Assam.— Garo Hills coal.—Copper in the Narbada Valley.—Potash Salt in the Punjab.—Geology of Murree, Punjab.—Thean Shan Mountains.—Former Glaciers in Kangra.- Building and ornamental stones of India.—Materials for iron manufacture in Raniganj.—Manganese in Wardha.— Auriferous rocks in Dharwar.— Antiquity of the human race in India.—Coal in Afghanistan.—Geology of the Godavari district.—On subsidiary materials for artificial fuel. Ai Vor. VIII, (1875. Contents—Annual Report.—Altum Artush.—Ground-ice in Tropical India.— Ranigunj Fire Bricks.—Gold Fields of Wynad.—Khareean Hills, Upper Punjab.— Water-bearing strata of Surat.—Geology of Gwalior.—Shapur coal Jaton in Khasia Hills.—Geology of Nepal.—Raighar and Hingir coal field. : Vou. IX. (1876.) Contents.— Annual Report.—Geology of Sind.—Retirement of Dr. Oldham.—Age of some Fossil Floras.—On Stogedon Ganesa.—Sub-Himalayan Series in Jamu. —Distinet Zoological and Botanical regions in Ancient IEpochs.— Strata in Central Provinces.—Fossil Mammals in India and Burma.—Merycopotamus dissimilis,—Plesiosaurus in India.—Geology of Pir Panjal. The Records are issued in the months of (February, May, August, and November ; and they are sent from Calcutta to subscribers in the United Kingdom by post on prepayment of 3s. per annum, which includes postage. Subscriptions are Radtvel by the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India, Hastings Street, Calcutta. x 4. PALZAONTOLOGIA. PALZAONTOLOGIA INDICA, being figures and descriptions of the Organic Remains procured during the progress of the Geological Survey of India. Published by order of His Excellency the Governor General in Council, under the direction of Thomas Oldham, LL.D., &ec., &ec., Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India. Roy. 4to. SERIES I. The Fossil Cephalopoda of the Cretaceous Rocks of Southern India (Belemnitida nautilidae), 25 Plates with letter-press. Price 13s. Series 11. The Fossil Flora of the Rijmahal Series. Six parts have been published. Price ts. each part. Series [11. The Fossil Cephalpoda of the Cretaceous Rocks of Southern India (Ammonitida). Thirteen parts, containing 71 Plates, Index, &c. Price 4s. each part. Series I. & 111. or the complete Series of the Cephalopoda, bound together, form Vol. 1. of the Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India. Price 3. 3s. Series 1V. The vertebrate fossils from the Panchet Rocks by Prof. T. H. Huxley. 4s. } THE INDIAN SURVEYS. Series V. The Gastropoda of the Cretaceous Rocks of Southern India, complete, forming Vol. 2 of the Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India, half bound, lettered, pp. xiii, 502, 28 plates. Price 2. Series VI. Nos. 1-4. The Pelecypoda of the Cretaceous Rocks of Southern India, by Ferd. Stoliczka, Ph. D., F.G.S., &e. 12 Plates, 225 pages. Price 16s. Nos. 5-8. The Pelecypoda, continued. 13 Plates, 186 pages. Price 16s. Nos. 9-13. The Pelecypoda, completed. With a review of all known Genera of this class, fossil and recent. 22 Plates, 128 and xxii pages, title, index, &c. Price 20s. The complete vol. half bound, price 21. 12s., forming Vol. I1L of the Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India. Series VIL Kutch Fossils. On some Tertiary crabs from Sind and Kutch, by Ferd. Stoliczka, Ph. D., F.G.S., &c. 5 Plates, 16 pages. Price 4s. Series VIII. No.1. Cretaceous Brachiopoda of Southern India. By Ferdinand Stoliczka, M.D., F.G.S., &e. Pages ii and 23, 7 plates. No. 2. The Ciliopoda of Southern Indiz. Pages ii and 34, 3 plates. No. 3. The Echinodermata of Southern India. Pages 57 and ii, 7 plates. Nos. 4, 5. The Corals or Anthozoa, with notes on Sponges, Foraminifera, Arthrozoa, and Spondylozoa. 70 pages, 12 plates. This series complete forms Vol. IV. of the Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India. Series 1X. Jurassic Fauna of Kutch :— No.1. The Cephalopoda (Belemnitidee and Nautilide). By William Waagen, Ph.D. 22 pages, 4 plates. No. 2. The Cephalopoda (Ammonitide). By William Waagen, Ph.D. 76 pages, 14 plates. No. 3. The Cephalopoda (Ammonitidae). 29 pages, 10 plates. No.4. 5 5 W 135 pages, 35 plates, This series completes Vol. I. of the Jurassic Fauna of Kutch. SERIES X. Fauna of the Indian Fluviatile Deposits :— No. 1. Rhinoceros Deccanensis. By R. B. Foote, F.G.S. 17 pages, 3 plates. Series XI. No. 1. Jurassic (Oolitic) flora of Kach (Cutch), by Ottokar Feistmantel, M.D. 5. CATALOGUES OF THE MUSEUM OF THE GEO- LOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Calcutta. CATALOGUE of the GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM in connexion with the Geological Survey of India. Calcutta. Part 1. Minerals. 1857 34 pages, 8vo. CATALOGUE of the ORGANIC REMAINS belonging to toe ECHMODERMATA in the Museum of the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. 1865. 44 pages, 8vo, V. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. 71 CATALOGUE of the ORGANIC REMAINS helonging to the CEPHALOPODA in the Museum of the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. 1866. 60 pages, 8vo. CATALOGUE of the METEORITES in the Museum of the Geo- logical Survey of India, Calcutta. 1867. 6. A LIST of the GEOLOGICAL MAPS in the MEMOIRS of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Vou. 1.,, PratE 2, . Map of the Coal field near Talchur in the Tributary Mehals Cuttack, with portions of adjoining districts. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 38. PraTEY. . Geological Map of part of the Khasi (Cossyah) Hills and adjoining districts, Eastern Bengal. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 24. PraTE 9. . Plan of the Plateau of Takadong, Jynteah Hills. Seale, 1 inch to a mile ; size, 10 inches by 6. PraTe 10. . Geological Map of the Neelgherry Hills, Southern India. Seale, 4 miles to 1inch ; size, 10 inches by 13. PraTe 13. 5. Geological Map of the districts of Bancoorah, Midnapoor, and Orissa, Bengal. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 29. Vor. 11., PLATE 1. . Geological Map of a portion of Bundelcund, showing the northern scarp of the Vyndhyan table land between the Jumna near Allahabad and the Betwa at its exit from the Hills. Compiled from sheets 69, 70, 88, and 89 of the Indian Atlas. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 48. PraTe 2. . Geological Map of a portion of Central India, Sauger, and Nerbudda territories. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on two sheets ; size, 34 inches by 64. PraATE 3. 8. Outline Geological Map of part of Central India from near Allahabad on the east, to near Mundlaisin on the west. Seale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 29. Vor. 1II. . Map of the Damuda (Raniganj) Coal field, Bengal. Seale, 1 mile to an inch ; size, 27 inches by 41. . Geological Map ofsthe sub-Himalayan Country between the Rivers Ganges and Ravee. Geologically examined and mapped by Henry B. Medlicott, A.B., F.G.S., Geological Survey of India. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 23. Vor. IV. . Map of part of the district of Trichinopoly. The topography is copied, with some corrections, from a Map founded on the survey by Captain Ward in 1834. The aeology by Henry F. Blandford in 1857, Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches hy 24. RRR RS RR ERE TILE INDIAN SURVEYS. PLATE 5. Map showing the position of the Iron Beds on Kunjamullay Hill, near Salem. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 6. Outline Sketch (geological) of Assam. Seale, 80 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 6. Yor. V. Geological map of the Island of Borabay. By A. B. Wynne, F.G.S., Assiztaut Geological Survey, 1864. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 18 inches by 11. Jherrian Coal field. Geologically mapped by T. W. H. Hughes, Assoc. Royal School of Mines, Geological Survey of India. Seale. 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 28. Vor. VI. Map of a portion of Sind near Kobree. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 6. Geaaaion] Map of part of Cutch, north of Mandavee, by Mr. W. Blandford. No title. Secale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 6. Geological Map of the Bokaro and Ramgurh Coal fields. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 7 inches by 14. Geological Map of the Lower Nerbudda and Taptee Valleys and adjoining districts Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 13. Geological Map of part of the Nerbudda Valley. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 7 inches by 11. Geological Map of western part of the Nerbudda Valley. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 17. Vou. V1. Geological Map of the area north of the Sone and Nerbudda Rivers, occupied by the Vindhyan Series and adjacent formations. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 20. Geological Map of part of the Khasia (Cossyah) Hills. Seale, 4 miles to 1 neh ; size, 10 inches by 6. Map of the Kurhurbali Coal field. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 10 inches by 8. . The Deogurh Coal fields, District Beerbhoom, Bengal. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; 29, 30. Sl. 32. 33. 34. size, 10 inches by 6. Aden, reduced from a plan published at Bombay, 1864. Seale, 1,600 yards to 1 inch ; size, 7 inches by 5. Portion of the country North of Aden, taken from compass survey illustrating march of Aden Field Force, 1865-66. The Karanpura Coal Fields. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 12, Yor. V1. Geological Map of portion of the Madras Presidency, including the Kurnool and Cuddapah Districts, 1871. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch; size, 20 inches by 13. With separate sections. Itkuri Coal Field. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch, with the coal-measures enlarged to 1 mile to 1 inch. Daltonganj Coal field. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 6. Part of Daltonganj Coal fields. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 12. Chope Coal field. = Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 6. Vor. IX. Geological Map of Kutch. The topography compiled from older maps or plotted from bearings on the Trigonometrical Survey points. The Geology added by A. B. Wynne, F.G.S. Officiating Deputy Superintendent, and I. Fedden, F.G.S., Assistant Geological Survey of India, 1868-69. Secale, + miles to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size, 36 inches by 54. V. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. 73 Geological map of the vicinity of Nagpur. Secale, 4 miles to | inch. Topography from Revenue Survey, Geology by W. T. Blanford, Deputy Superintendent ; Geological Survey of India. Size, 9 inches by 11. Geology of Sirban Hill near Abbottabad. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 9 inches s Le. Yor. X. | . 3a: . | Section between Najery nose and the Sea near Palaveram. [Horizontal scale, 1 inch to 1 mile. : . Skeleton map of the Satpura Coal Basin. Seale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; with sections ; 2 size, 9 inches by 10. . Geological Map of Pegu. Vor. XI. . Geological map of the Darjeeling Hill Territory. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; with v ’ a section ; size, 11 inches by 21. Geological map of the Trans-Indus Salt Region. A List of the GEOLOGICAL MAPS in the RECORDS of the Geological Survey of India, beginning with— Vor. 111, Parr 3. Mohpani and neighbourhood. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; also Mobpani Coal field. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 6. Vou. 111., Parr 4. Rinchbar ! wr ines Yo title Yordp: 8 3 ; : ; . Singhbarm Copper Mines. No title. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 6 inches by 10. i Map of Mount Tilla (Salt Range). Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 6 inches hy 10. ’ Vor. IV., Paur 3. . Mohpani Coal, ¥'»ds near Lokartalai, Narbada basin. Size, 6 inches by 10. Vor. V., Parr 2. Geological map of Singareny Coal field, Nizam’s Dominions. Size, 10 inches by 6. Von. V., Parr 4. . Map of neighbourhood of Jabalpur. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; with a section ; v 3 size, 10 inches by 6. VoL. VI., Part 2. Map of the Bisrampur Coal field, District Sirguja. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size 10 inches by 6. oh; Size, . Vor. VI., Parr 3. Map of the Brine Springs of Pegu. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches hy 10. piidiol Vor. VI,, Parr 4. . O'Riley’s Sketch Map cf the Yoonzaleen District, showing mineral sites, Seale . A ’ 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 6 inches by 10. Sketch Map of the ground near Mari to the northward. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 6 inches by 10, 74. THE INDIAN SURVEYS. Vor. VII, Parr 3. 36. Skeleton Map of the Kangra Valley, showing the ancient glaciers of the Dhaoladhar. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 20. Yor. VII., Parr 4 37. Geological Map of the Dambal Hills (Gold in Dharwar). Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 6 inches by 10. Vor. VIII. 38. Outline Geological map of the Shapur (Betul) Coal field. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 22. : : 39. Index map of the Raigarh and Hingir Coal field. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 9 inches by 10. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of INDIA. Vertical Section of the Coal Measures in the Damoodah Valley. 1847. Secale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. No. 1. Section across the KYMORE MOUNTAINS from the SONE RIVER on the south, to the GANGETIC PLAINS on the north. 1848. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. No. 1. Section of the DAMOODAH COAL FIELD commencing from MEDJTAH on the south, to KASHTOR on the north of the ADJI. 1847. No. 2. Section from the west of PERRAPORE on the south, to SEERSOLE on the north. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. The INDIAN ATLAS, coloured geologically, by the Geological Survey of India. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. i 77. S.IWV. Quarter sheet. Rachootee, Cuddapah District. 78. N.E. Quarter sheet. Madras. 78. S.E. Quarter sheet. Chingleput. 79. N.E. Quarter sheet. TYondicherry. 79. S.E. Quarter sheet. Tranquebar. 79. N.W. Quarter sheet. Salem. 79. S.W. Quarter sheet. Trichinopoly. VI. THE SCHLAGINTWEIT MISSION, RESULTS of a SCIENTIFIC MISSION to INDIA and HIGH ASIA, undertaken between the years MDCCCLIV and MDCCCLVIII, by order of the Court of Directors of the Honcurable East India Company. By Hermann, Adolphe, and Robert de Schlagintweit. With an Atlas of Panoramas, Views, and Maps. Leipzig and London, 1861. The text, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, imperial 4to ; the 0) Atlas, double royal, 37 inches by 24. Tue Text, Vor. L ASTRONOMICAL DETERMINATIONS of LATITUDES and LONGITUDES and MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. Preceded by General Introductory Reports. With three plates. VI. THE SCHLAGINTWEIT MISSION, 75 Yor. II. GENERAL HYPSOMETRY of INDIA, the HIMALAYA, and WESTERN TIBET, with sections across the chains of the Karakorum and Kuenluen, comprising, in addition to Messrs. Schlagintweit’s determinations, the data collected from books, maps, and private communications. Edited by Robert de Schlagintweit. With three plates. Vor. IIL ROUTE-BOOK of the WESTERN PARTS of the HIMALAYA, TIBET, and CENTRAL ASIA ; and Geographical Glossary from the languages of India and Tibet, including the phonetic transcription and interpretation. By Hermann, Adolphe, and Robert de Schlaginweit. Vou. IV. METEOROLOGY of INDIA, an analysis of the Physical conditions of India, the Himalaya, Western Tibet, and Turkistan, with numerous tables, dia- grams, and maps. Based upon observations made by Messrs. de Schlagintweit en route, and collected from various stations erected during their magnetic survey, and increased by numerous additions chiefly obtained from the officers of the Medical Department. By Hermann de Schlagintweit-Sakunlunski. First PArr.—Distribution of the Temperature of the Air, nd Isothermal lines, with considerations of Climate and Sanitary conditions Tue Arras. Parr I Title. Dedication. Panoramas and Views :— 1. Gaurisankar or Mount Everest, Himalava Mountains. 2. Summit of Kanchinjinga, Himalaya Mountains. 3. The Satlej Valley and Rampur. 4, Lake Tso Mithal in Pangkong ; Lake Tso Gam in Eastern Ladak. 5. Cane Suspension Bridge over the Temshang River in the Khassia Hills. 6. The Drift Sands of the Sindh Sager Duab ; Alluvial High Ground of the Sindh Sager Duab. 7. Peaks and Glaciers of the Sasser Pass in Nubra, Tibet. 8. Kunda Range in the Nilgiris, Southern India. 9. Leh, the capital of Ladak, Western Tibet, 10. Chorkonda glacier, Balti, Tibet. Maps : = 1. The routes taken by Hermann, Adolphe, and Robert de Schlagintweit and their assistants and establishments in India and High Asia, from 1854 to 1838. Magnetic Survey of India and High Asia, 1854-57. 1. Isogonic Lines (Lineg of Equal Declination), with sketches for the historical data of Secular Change in 1600, 1700, 1800 ; Isogonic Lines for the Indian Archipelago, by Captain C. M. Elliot, 1845-49; and for the surface of the Earth from General Sabine’s map, revised by Capt. Evans, R.N.., 1858. 2. Isoclinal Lines (Lines of Equal Dip), with sketch maps for Secular Change, the Indian Archipelago, and the surface of the Earth. 3. Isodynamic Lines (or Lines of Equal Total Intensity), with sketch maps for Horizontal Intensity in India, &e. ; for Total and Horizontal Intensity in the Indian Archipelago ; and for Relative Total Intensity for the Surface of the Earth. THE INDIAN SURVEYS. Part II. Panoramas and Views continued :— 11. Fort and Lines of Udelguri in the Province of Darrang, Assam. Village of Mangeldai in Assam. 12. Interior of the Buddhist temple of the monastery Mangnang in Gnari Khorsum. 15. Salt Lake Kiuk Kiol in the Karakash Valley, Turkistan. 14. Flats of the Hiron Valley from the Barer (Berar) plateau near Kattingi. 15. Palm Grove and Singhalese habitations near Galle, Ceylon. Panoramic Profiles of the Snowy Ranges of Ili gh Asia, with plans of the geographical positions and hypsometrical diagrams. (See Text, Vol. IL) :— 1. The Himalaya of Bhutan, Sikkim, and Nepal. II. The Himalaya of Kamaon and Garhval. 111. The western chains of the Himalaya from Simla to Kashmir. 1V. The northern slopes of the Himalaya and the Trans-Satlej range., V. The ranges of Western Tibet, between the Himalaya and Karakorum. V1. Parts of the central chain in Tibet from Pangkong to Ladak. VII. The Karakorum with the plateaux in Turkistan and the Kuenluen. Part III. Panoramas and Views continued :— 16. Buddhist monastery Himis near Leh, Ladak. 17. Valley of the Yarkand River, downwards from Dera Bullu in Turkistan. 18. Panorama of the lake and gardens near Srinagar, Kashmir, in two parts; 1, Shalimar gardens, &c.; 2., Fort of Srinagar, &e. 19. The summit of Parasnath in Bahar. 90. Central Assam and the Brahmaputra jungles from Ogri Hill near Tezpur. Maps :— 9. Index map to the routes in the western parts of the Himalaya, Tibet, and Central Asia. 3, 4. Fac-simile of Tavang and Narigan. Map of equidistant horizontal ¢ Sikkim Himalaya. a Bhutia map of the commercial route from Lhassa to Assam, vid ontour lines determined in the southern part of the Part IV. Panoramas and Views eontinued :— Alluvial deposits in the Brahmaputra above Rakusni Hill, Assam. The Jhils of Bengal, at high water. The Jhilum or Behut, in the Panjab. The Bias between Amritsar and Jalander, Panjab. The Mahanadi River, in the rainy season, Central Bengal. The Ganges near Patna, Western Bengal. The Salt Lake Tsomoriri, Western Tibet. The Salt Lake Tsomognalari, Western Tibet. The Chain of Kuenluen, from Sumgal in Turkistan. Meteorological Maps and Tables ; 1. Temperature of the Air. Numerical table of the Mean (monthly) Temperatures for (various places in) India and the Archipelago. 9. The Isothermal Lines of the year for India, &c. 3. The Isothermal Lines of the Seasons. VII. THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 77 4. Stations and Isotherm: iles of Hi i ; iati TT St hag kip profiles of High Asia. General variation of Temperature, and Chart of the tropical Sanitaria in Southern India. Dbeelh the Introductory Report addressed to Sir Charles Wood, Bart., Secretary tate . a (see v "Hy }. 3 ould Fo of State for India (see vol. I. pages 7, 8), it was announced that the Text would form ue volumes, and that the Atlas would contain 80 views and panoramas, and from 20 to 30 maps an ofiles. The fo ri ar subi 3 thy oo 0 maps ind profiles. The following are the subjects of the volumes that remain in abeyance, as they are specified in the Report, viz :— Vol. V. Meteorology and Climate, Part 2. Vol. VI. Geology. Tr r ) . r : ol. . ‘ « r ar » arlv 1 olay, 1 Vol. VII. Botany and Zoology, particularly with reference to geographical dis- tribution. i Vol. VIII. Ethnography, comparative researches based on measurements, casts and photographs. 4 Vol. IX. Geographical aspects of Indi: i Ti Turki cographical aspects of India, the Himalaya, Tibet and Turkistan, BUDDH [SM in TIBET, illustrated by literary documents and objects of religious worship, with an account of the Buddhist systems preceding it in India By Emil Schlagintweit, LL.D. With a folio atlas of 20 plates, and 20 tables of native print in the text. Leipzig and London, 1863. Thirteen plates in the Atlas are representations of deities, and the remainder are invocations, magical Reuros and divination tablets. in, VIL. THE ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA, Bengal Presidency. ¢ . ) + Q ‘ 1p 1 5 » TO1TQ 2 34 » 3 I ou Reports, made during the years 1862-63-64-65, by Alexander Cunningham, C.S.1.,, Major-General, Royal Engineers (Bengal retired); Director- General of the Archaological Survey of India ; ete. Vor. 1. Simla, 1871. Octavo, cloth. Contents.—reface. Introduction. Report of 1861-62. —Gaya, Juddha-Gaya., Bakror. Punawa. Kurkihar or Kukkutapada-giri. (viryck or Indra-sila-guha. Rajiv or Rajagriha Buragao or Nalanda. Bihar. Ghoswara. Titarawa. Aphsar, Brrabar, Dharawat. Besarh or Vaisali. Kesariva. Lauriya Ara-Naj. Lanriya Navandgarh Pada- raona or Pawa, Kasia or Kusinagara., Khukhundo or Kishkindapara "Kah: or Kakubharati. Hathiya-dali. Bhitari. Banaras Sarnath. Ros Report of 1862-63.—Delhi. Mathura, Khalsi. Madawa or Madipur. Kashipur or Govisana, Ramnagar or Ahichhatra. Soron or Sarakshetra. When or Pilosana. Sankisa or Sangkasya. Kanoj or Kanyakubja. Fala ur ot Ayuto. Daundiakhera or IHayamukha. Allahabad or Prayaes. hans or IKosambi. Sultanpur or Kusapura. Dhopapapura. Ajudhya or Seketa Hatila or Asokpur. Sahet-Mahet or Sravasti. Tanda. ‘Nimsar Barikhar. Dewal. Parasuasot. DBilai-Khera. Kabar. : hes oF ns Vou. 2. Report of 1863-64, Simla, 1871. Oectavo, cloth. Contents—I.ruNoLoGY. Takas; Megs or Mekei ; other tribes, Aryas—Janjuhas and Awans; DBhatis: Later Turanians—Gakars; Kathi and Balas : Soni Indo-Seythians—Su or Sagarauka ; Medi or Meds ; Zanthii, Jattii or Yais; Yuchi or Tochari; Little Yuchi or Kator ; Ephthalites or White Huns. a THE INDIAN SURVEYS. AxriQuiTies.—Peshawar or Parushawara ; Pushkalavati or Peukelaotis ; Palodheri or Varusha; Ohind or Utakhanda ; Lahor or Salatura; Aornos ; Taxila or Takshasila; Hasan Abdul; Baoti Pind; Balar ; Badarpur; J aoli ; Tarnawa ; Kurmal ; Rawalpindi or Gajipur ; Manikyala ; Sakhrabasti ; Delawar or Bukephala ; Mong or Nika ; Katas or Kalaksha ; Sangalawala Tiba, or Sangala; Asarur or Taki; Ran-si or Na -a-sinha ; Amba-Kapi ; Sarhinda ; Thanesar or Sthaneswara; Amin ; Pehoa or Prithudaka; Sugh or Srughna ; Haridwar or Gangadwara ; Moradhwaj ; Chaturbhuj. Report of 1864-65.—Bhairat or Vairata ; Amber ; Dhundar or Jaypur ; Ajmer or Ajayamera; Chandravati or Jhalra-Patan ; Dhamnar ; Khelvi ; Sarangpur; Mhau Maidan ; Jharkon or Bajrang-ghar ; Mayana or Mayapura ; Kulharas; Ranod or Narod; Nalapura or Narwar; Himatgarh ; Gwaliar or Gwalior ; Nurabad ; Kutwar or Kumantalpuri ; Suhaniya; Buri Chanderi ; Chanderi; Khajuraho or Khajuraya ; Mahoba or Mahotsava-Nagara. Voi. 3. Report for the year 1871-72. Calcutta, 1873. Octavo, cloth. Contents.—Introduction. Various styles of Hindu and Muhammadan Architecture. Mathura. Bitha. Garhwa. Latiya. Akhandha. Baghsar or Buxar. Maha- cara or Masar. Aramnagar or Ara. Buddha Gaya. Pragbodhi or Mora Mountain. Gaya. Yashtivana or Jethian. Old Rajagriha or Kusagarapura Indrasila-guha or Giryek. Kapotika Monastery. Rajaona or Rajjhana. Kiyul and Birdaban, Jaynagar. Nongarh. Indappe. Postscript. Vou. 4. Report for the year 1871-72. Calcutta, 1874. Octavo, cloth. Delhi by J. D. Beglar, Assist. A.S.I. Agra by A. C. L. Carlleyle, Assist. AS L Yor. 5. Report for the year 1872-73. Calcutta, 1875. Octavo, cloth. Introduction. Yusufzai district. Shahbaz-garhi, Takht-i-Bahi. Sahri-Bahlol. Jamal-garhi. Karkai. Sawal-dher. Nogram. Inscriptions from Y usufzai. Khairabad. Shah-deri or Taxila. Manikyala. Antiquities of the Salt Range. Mallot. Ketas. Kutanwala-pind. Maira. Plains of the Punjab. Jobnath- nagar. Shorkot. Bavanni. Harapa. Depalpur. Tulamba. Multan. Tusham. Hisar Pillar. Delhi Pillars. Jalandhara. Pathankot. Kot-Kangra. Jwala- Mukhi. Kanhiara. Chari. Kiragrama. sapuri. Appendix A. Ancient Indian Architecture. Indo-Persian and Indo-Greecian Styles. B. List of sculptures from Jamal-garhi, Sahri-Balol, Kharkai, and Takht-i-Bahi. Bombay Presidency. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY of W JSTERN INDIA. Report of the first season’s operations in the Belgam™® and Kaladgi Districts. January to May 1874. By James Burgess, Esq, M.R.A.S, I".R.G.S., &c. London, 1874. Quarto, half-bound. Contents :—Letter and Report. Belgam Jaina temples and Persian Inscriptions. Konur, temple and dolmens, Kadaroli, Sampganw and Bail-hangal, Saundati and Yellama, Huli, Sinde Manauli. Badami, Caves and Inscriptions, Bana- gsankari and Alai Jirtha, Pattadkal, Aiwalli caves and temples. Snake worship. List of photographs taken. Fifty-six plates and six woodcuts. Archeological Survey of Western India. Report on the Antiquities of Kathiawad* and Kachh* ; being the result of the second season’s operations of the Archao- logical Survey of Western India, 1874-75. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S, M.R.A.S., &. London, 1876. Quarto, half-bound. * To be spelt Belgaum, Kattywar, and Cutch, by order of Government, 3 Sept. 1875. VIII. THE MARINE SURVEY. 79 Contents :—1. Ahmadabad,* history and inscriptions. II. Kathiawad,* geography classical geography, early history. III. Sah and Gupta Coins, &Le., by E. Thomas, Esq., F.R.S., &ec.—a. Inscriptions of the Guptas, Dynastic list Copper-plate grants. b. Written History of the Guptas. ec. Local traditions concerning the Guptas. d. Coins of the Guptas ; Indo-Skythian inscriptions ; ty ros ; fhe jah Heng of Surashtra, their inscriptions, i ig Bl ricoh 83 8] rent and survival of Greek in [ndia (the five Brock § ings a al wi Asoka) ; coins of the Saka king Heraiis, discri- ited from those of Moas ; Parthian influences amid the bordering provinces of India ; Indo-Parthian coins, the alphabets employed by the Parthians ; Sah coins (resumed) ; Gupta Swurashtran coin series; Gupta peacock-device coin series ; Toramana’s coins; Bahttaraka sub-Surashtran coins; Naga coins associated with the Gupta mintages, (Naga dynastic list) ; résumé of Gupta fh hr Sih ele dynasiie list, their coins. 1 V. The Valabhi ynasty, Hiw: sang in Kathiawad,* &e. V. Than, its legendary and mediaval history, snake-worship, &e. VI. The Asoka inscription at Junagadh* 14 una, he Signature, : Vil. The Sah or Rudra-dama inscription, Avanti, \nupadesa, Anartta, Aparanta, Nishada; the Andhrabritya kings. VIIL Skandagupta’s inscription. IX. Caves in Junaghad® and elsewhere, in Kathiawad*® the caves of Junaghad*; the new Sah inseription, the Uparkot excavations ; the Jami Masjid, Khapura Khodi or Khangar’s Mehal, Talaja and Sana caves, caves at Dhank, Siddhsar caves. X. Mount Girnar, the Girnara Mahatmya, the Jain Raivatachala Mahatmya, the Jain temples, the Chudasama dynasty of Junagadh*, temple of Neminath, inscriptions from Vastupala’s temple temple of Amba Mata, &e. XI. The royal tombs of Junagadh.* XII. Ghumli or Bhumli, the Navalakha temple, the Ramapola, Salesar, Talao, and Son Kansari temples, legend of the fall of (Ghumli, Sakroja Talao and Vethiya yan SI. Gop, old temple. XIV. Jamnagar, palace and gateway. XV. achh, ‘geography, the Ran and the “ Periplus,” castes. XVI. Jadeja history, the Jadeja genealogy, Shah Husain’s invasion, the earthquake of 1819. XVIL Munra, Bhadresvar, and Anjar, Jain Chhatri at Munra, Bhadresvar or Bhad- ravati history ; Bhuvad, temple of Bhuvanesvara ; Anjar temples and Atits of Ajaipala and Jesal. XVIII. Bhuj, mosque and mahasati, Kheda temple, Kotai old temples, Dhamarka, Kanthkot, images of Syrya, Kakra, &e. XIX. Gujarat,*® Sankesvar, and Jhinjuwada, Dabhoi. Appendix : Translations of inscriptions from Belgaum and Kaladgi, by J. F. Fleet, Esq., Bo. C.S.; from Saundatti, Manoli, Badami, Pattadkal temple, Ailole. Seventy-four illustrations, 5 wood- cuts, and 29 extra photographs. : = THE MARINE SURVEY OF INDIA. LETTER from Mr. CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM to the Under Secretary of State for India on the Marine Surveys of India, with Five Enclosures, viz. i— 1. Memoir on Indian Marine Surveys, by Clements R. Markham. 9. On the Indian Nautical Surveys, the existing arrangement with the Admiralty, and the New Persian Gulf Survey, by Trelawney Saunders, Assistant Geographer India Office. > 3. Paper on the Harbours of India, by Commander A. D. Taylor, late I. N. August 1870. - * To be spelt Ahmedabad, Kattywar, Sind, Junagarh, Cutch, and Guzerat by order of Govern- ment, 3 Sept. 1875. > rb Ca EIR rae Sn Soc poem si P p— corm et actwaies Tr mr at es ato TERE en ge Ey 80 THE INDIAN SURVEYS. 4, Memorandum on the Marine Surveys of India, by Commander A. D. Taylor, late I. N. March 1871. i fe 5. Captain Constable’s Memorandum on the State of the Coast Survey of India in 1862. Foolscap, 40 pages. REVIEW of ADMIRALTY CHARTS of BRITISH INDIA, with a Scheme for the Correction of Charts and future Marine Surveys. By Capt. A. D. Taylor. Calcutta, 1870. Foolscap, 25 pages. GENERAL REPORT of the Operations of the MARINE SURVEY of INDIA, from the commencement in 1874 to the end of the official year 1875-76. Prepared for submission to the Government of India, by Commander A. Dundas Taylor, late I. N., F.R.G.S., Superintendent of Marine Surveys. Calcutta, 1876. Folio, 23 and xv. pages, with an Index Map to the Surveys completed by Officers of the Marine Survey Department. *.% See pages 547 to 611 for the Charts. RN YASMIN, ana sow: OLH SORA HRN PAR, 5 HA THE INDIAN ATLAS. CONSTRUCTED ON THE BASIS OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA FROM THE TOPOGRAPHICAL AND REVENUE SURVEYS; AND ENGRAVED ON COPPER, BY THE LATE JOHN WALKER, ESQ., F.R.G.S., GEOGRAPHER TO THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. The Atlasis designed to extend to 177 sheets, with an Index Map, ete. size of each sheet 40 inches by 27 ; price 4s. Some of the sheets are published in quarters, price ls. Gd. each; the following are published :— }. INDEX to the INDIAN ATLAS. A Map of India, showing the limits of each sheet of the Atlas, and distinguishing those which are published. Scale, 104 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 33 5 price 2s. A small edition of the Index Map is issued gratis, 2. PUBLISHED SHEETS of the INDIAN ATLAS in numerical order, with the names of the principal places in cach. la. S.E. Quarter sheet. Shahdadpoor. 8. S.I1. Quarter sheet. Shikarpoor. 1. N.E. Quarter sheet. ILarkhana, 9. N.L. Quarter sheet. Mitrahoo. . S.E. Quarter sheet. Nowshera. G9. NW. Quarter sheet. Xhyrpoor. 2. N.E. Quarter sheet. Majunda. 9. S. I. Quarter sheet. Narra River, 2. S.E. Quarter sheet. Hydrabad. i. S.E. Quarter sheet. Khyrpoor, 2. S.W. Quarter sheet. Xurrachee. NE. Quarter sheet. Ranahoo. N.E. Quarter sheet. 'Tatta. . NW. Quarter sheet. Shahdadpoor, . N.W. Quarter sheet. Coast of Indus SE. Quarter sheet. Oomerkot. Delta. S. WW. Quarter sheet. Alakvar-ka- S.E. Quarter sheetd Mouths of Indus. tanda. : . Koorum Valley, Cabul. 11. N.E. Quarter sheet. Nugur-Parkur., 5. NE. Quarter sheet. THussun Khbeil. . NF, Quarter sheet. Buddeena. S.L. Quarier sheet. "Tank. . SLE. Quarter sheet. Runn of Cuteh., . NV.E.Quarter sheet. Tukht-i-Soliman. . S.I. Quarter sheet. Luckput. 5. SLE. Quarter sheet. Vehowah, 4. Jelalabad, Peshawur, Attock, Swat. Vuddore, Jampoor, Shum plain. . Bunnoo,Kalabagh, Pind-Dadun-Khan. N.E. Quarter sheet. Mittun-Kote. >. Dehra-Ishmael-Khan, Leia, Jhung. 5. SLE. Quarter sheet. Kushmore, 7. Dehra-Ghazee-Khan, Mooltan, (7767.) F 82 THE INDIAN 24, Damaun, Jowar, Bhewndee. 25. Bombay, Bhore-ghaut, Ban-Kote. 26. Rutnagherry, Unjunvel, Viziadroog. 27. Joined to sheet 41. 27a. N.E. Quarter sheet. Hunza Nagar. 27a. S.E. Quarter sheet. Skardo, Astor. 28. Cashmere, Abottabad, Deosai plain. 29. Rawul-Pindi, Jamoo, Sealkote. 30. Lahore, Umritsur, Jalindhur. 31. Pak-Pattun, Sirsu.h, Bhutteeanna. 32. N.E. Quarter sheet. Hissar. Un- Sinished. 32. S.E. Quarter sheet. Jhunjhnu, Un- Sinished. 33. N.E. Quarter sheet. Sikar. 33. S.E. Quarter sheet. Sambar Lake. 34. N.E. Quarter sheet. Lawa. 34. S.E. Quarter sheet. Boondi. 38. Nassick, Thul-ghat, Arungabad. 39. Poona, Mahabuleshwur. 40. Satara, Kolapoor, Beejapoor. 41. Goa, Darwar, Belgaum. 42. North Canara, Soonda, N.W. Mysore. 43. South Canara, Coorg, S.W. Mysore. 44. Beypoor, Calicut, Cannanore. 44a. N. WW. Quarter sheet. Moostakh Pass. 44a. S.E. Quarter sheet. XKarakoram Pass. 444A, S.W. Quarter sheet. Balti, Masher- brum peak. 45. N.W. Quarter sheet. Dras, Indus and Shyok rivers. 45. S.W. Quarter sheet. Sooroo and Zaskar rivers. 46. Chamba, Kulu, Lahaol, Spiti. 47. Loodheeanuh, Simla, Kangra, Chini. 48. Bijnour, Dehra, Sirhind, Puttiala. 49. Delhi, Meerut, Jhujhur, Hissar. 50. Agra, Bhurtpoor, Dholpoor, Ulwar., 51. NE. Quarter sheet. Gwalior, 51. N.W. Quarter sheet. Tonk. 51. S.E. Quarter sheet. Sipri. 51. S.W. Quarter sheet. Kotah. 52. N.E. Quarter sheet. (Goonal, 52. S.E. Quarter sheet. Sirong. 53. S.E. Quarter sheet. Seconee. 54. Gawilgurh, Oomrawutty. Incomplete. 55. Maiker, Bassim, Jaulnah, Berar, 56. Patree, Daroor, Kowlass, Beder. 57. Sholapoor, Koolburga, Koilconda. 58. Raichoor, Moodgul, Bellary, Kurnool. 59. North-East Mysore, Ceded Districts. 60. Mysore, Seringapatam, Bangalore. 61. Coimbatoor, Neilgherries, Wynaad. 62. Cochin, Dindigul. 63. Cape Comorin, Tinnevilly, Quilon. 63a. SW. Quarter sheet. Pangkong Lake. | 64 64. | 63. | 66. | 67 | 68. $69, | 69. pr EON boy 76. po oy id. 78. 19. 80. 81. 86. 87. 87. | 87. | 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 91. 92, 92. 93. 94, 95. 102. 103. 104. 105. 105. 105. 105. 106. ATLAS. N. WV. Quarter sheet. River Indus. S.W. Quarter sheet. Hanlé. Gangotri, Shipki. Incomplete. Almorah, Nynee Tal. Incomplete. Bareilly, Moradabad, Budaon. Furruckabad, Cawnpoor, Etawah. N.E. Quarter sheet. Calpee. N. WV. Quarter sheet. Jaloun. S.E. Quarter sheet. Mahoba. Un- Sinished. S. WW. Quarter sheet. Jhansee. NE. Quarter sheet. Punnah. N.W. Quarter sheet. Lulutpoor. S. FE. Quarter sheet. Dumoh. S.W. Quarter sheet. Saugor. NW. Quarter sheet. Nursinghpoor. N.E. Quarter sheet. Jubbulpoor. S.W. Quarter sheet. Sohagpoor. Nagpoor, Seonee, Chindwarra. N.E. Quarter sheet, Seonee. SE. Quarter sheet. Bhundara. S. WV. Quarter sheet. Nagpoor. Chandah, Hingunghaut, ISast Berar, Eilgundel, Warangul, Medduek, Nir- mul. Lim pe rfect. Hydrabad, Bhonageer, Daverconda. Guntoor, Kurnool, Cuddapah, Nellore, Tripetty hills. Madras, Arcot, Kistnagherry, Chit- too, Pondicherry, Tanjore, Salem. Madura, Point Calymere, Ramnad. Tuticorin, Gulf of Manar. S. WW. Quarter sheet. Kheree in Oudh, NE. Quarter sheet, Bulrampoor in Oudh. N.W. Quarter sheet, Buhraitch. S.E. Quarter sheet. Fyzabad. S. WW. Quarter sheet. Lucknow. Allahabad, Mirzapoor, Benares. Rewah. S.E. Quarter sheet. Ratanpur. N.E. Quarter sheet. Belaspoor. S.E. Quarter sheet. Xaoria, Chura. NE. Quarter sheet. Noagarh,Karial, SE. Quarter sheet. Raegarh. N.E. Quarter sheet. Jeypur, Rajamundry, Coringa, Ellore. Masulipatam, Guntoor, Khatmandoo, Bettiah, Goruckpoor. Patna, Azimgurh, Tirhoot, Behar. Palamow, Hazarecbagh. N.E. Quarter sheet. Palkot, Jeria. NHL Quarter sheet. Jushpur., S.E. Quarter sheet. Gangpoor. SW. Quarter sheet. Oodeypoor, Sumbulpoor, Sarangur, Sonpoor. THE INDIAN Ganjam, Kalahandy, Chinna-Kimidi. | Calingapatam, Vizianagram. Vizagapatam, : Northern Tirhoot and Purneah. Purneah, Monghyr, Bhagulpoor. Beerbhoom, Raneegunj, Parasnath. Midnapoor, Bancoorah, Chaibassa. Balasore, Cuttack, Koenjur. Pooree, Chilka Lake. Kooch-Behar, Darjeeling. Bograh, Rungpoor, Dinajpoor, Malda. ATLAS. 120. Moorshedabad Pubna, Burdwan. Twenty-four Pergunnahs, Calcutta. 121. 124. 123. 125. 125. 128. 131. 131. N.W. Quarter sheet. N.E. Quarter sheet. S.E. Quarter sheet. S. WW. Quarter sheet. mensing and Sylhet. N.E. Quarter sheet. N.W. Quarter sheet. S.W. Quarter sheet, Dewangiri. Cherrapoon- Sylhet. Parts of My- Nauf River. Asalu. Lukhipoor. The INDIAN ATLAS, coloured GEOLOGICALLY, by the Geological Survey of India. See page 89. DRAWINGS for the INDIAN ATLAS. Prepared in the Offices of the Surveyor-General in Madras or Bombay, 1828 to 1830. 1 inch. MSS. No. II. 3 N.W. Ahmedabad, Baroda. SMT. 2S WW. Gon. . 2 8S. W. Dharwar. ’ 2 S.W. Kolapoor, Beejapoor. different from the foregoing.) S.W. Canara and Bellari. S.W. Bellari and Karnul. S. Nizampatam, Nellur. S.W. Hulloor (almost blank). S.W. N.W. Mysore. (The blank of the up in this.) S.W. Mysore, Bangalore. S.W. S.E. Mysore, Salem. o >. South Arcot. VI. S. Tanjore. VII. S.W. Quilon. > S. Paumben, ge ; S.W. Trivandrum, Cape Comorin. Scale, 4 miles to (Although numbered alike, the contents are (This drawing joins the Goa sheet, and leaves the parts about Dharwar blank.) preceding sheet is filled Drawings in this form for the Atlas were not continued ; and the originals actually employed since, have not been preserved. GENERAL MAPS, ETC. OF INDIA. GENERAL MAPS, MEMOIRS, AND ATLASES OF INDIA. 1. ORDINARY MAPS, ETC. ARRANGED CHIEFLY ACCORDING TO DATE. Fifth Volume of the Excellent VOYAGE from the Illustrious Tra- veller, PIETRO DELLA VALLE, Nobleman of Rome, in many countries of the world, done since the year 1615. Persia and India. Translated by J. H. Glaze- maker. Folio, half bound. MS. Map of the MALLABAR COAST and of the COSTA DI PESCARIA. No. 3 received 13th Novemb. 1705 by y* Dutchess vid Fort St. George. (The Coast of Southern India between Cananore and Pulicat. No title on the face of the map, but it is endorsed as above.) Size, 15 inches by 19. MS. A GEOGRAPHICAL ILLUSTRATION of the Map of INDIA, translated from the French of Mons. D’ Anville, Secretary to his Serene Hichness the Duke of Orleans, with some explanatory notes and remarks by William Herbert Hydrographer. London, 1759. Quarto, half-bound. ’ Memoir of a Map of HINDOOSTAN,* or the MOG UL’S EMPIRE, with an examination of some positions in the former system of Indian Geography and some illustrations of the present one, and a complete Index of Names to ilo Map. By James Rennell, F.R.S., late Major of Engineers, and Surveyor-General in Bengal. Second edition. With considerable additions and corrections, and an Appendix containing an account of the Ganges and Burrampooter Rivers. "London 1785, on xvii and 175 pages, and Index. Memoir of a Map of HINDOOSTAN* or the MOGUL EMPIRE with an introduction illustrative of the Geography and present division of that Country, and a Map of the Countries situated between the Head of the Indus and the Caspian Sea. By James Rennell, F.R.S., Late Major of Engineers and Sur- veyor-General in Bengal. To which is added an Appendix, containing an account of the Ganges and Burrampooter Rivers. London, 1788. Quarto, half-bound On cxli and 295 pages, with Index. ¥ ; ! A SKETCH from Colonel Reynolds to exhibit the situation of the country (Dhurumpoor, Paint, &e.), explored by Captain Thatcher, Inspector of Forests, relatively to the coast, the ghauts, and the principal places and rivers adjacent. Signed Monier Williams, Captain, Surveyor-General, Bombay 1807 Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 16. MS. ’ Maps of portions of SOUTHERN INDIA drawn on the scale of 18 inches to a degree. On 22 sheets. MSS. Probably materials for Reynolds’ MS. Map. Maps of portions of INDIA drawn on a scale of 9 inches to a degree On 11 sheets. 2 ’ Probably materials for Reynolds’ MS, Map. Unfinished MSS. * For the map itself see ¢ A Collection of Maps ™ in page 464. -_ ra aaa saan ow sea rms ones I ae AAO i AAAI 40 ORDINARY MAPS. CONTENTS : . Goa. | 6. Dehra Doon. . Aravullee Mountains. | 7. Aravullee Mountains. . Sinde. 8. Sirhind. . Tonk. | 9. Sinde. . Almora. | 10, 11. Kattywar and Gujerat. Map of HINDOOSTAN. By the late Lieut.-General Charles Reynolds. Compiled from his original papers with the addition of more recent surveys by Monier Williams, Major, successor to Colonel Reynolds as Surveyor- General, Bombay Establishment. February, 1821. Drawn by William Webbe, Surveyor of the Madras Establishment. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 51. Nine antiquarian sheets ; imperfect and unfinished. Outline, with a few names only. MSS, CONTENTS : 1. Cashmere, Caubul. | 6. Indus Delta, Catch, Malwa. 2. Punjab. | 7. Gwalior, Lucknow, Calcutta. 3. Delhi, Agra. | 8. Dacca. 4, 5. Title. 9. Bombay. ; . v ry To the Honourable the Court of Directors of the East India Company, this improved MAP OF INDIA, compiled from all the latest and most authentic materials * * * By A. Arrowsmith. London, 1816. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; on 9 sheets. Folio, half-bound ; also a copy folded in a case. Thanks for assistance are given in a note,—to the Duke of Wellington, Colonel Allen, ( reneral Kyd, Sir John Malcolm, Sir James Mackintosh, Dr. Buchanan, Mr. Sydenham, and to the Court of Directors for the use of the map of Mysore by Colonel Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor-General of India. To the Richt Honourable John Sullivan, M.P. * * * this MAP OF INDIA is inscribed by * * * A, Allan. 1818. Secale, 69 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 27. A new and improved Map of INDIA compiled from the latest docu- ments, is respectfully inscribed to Major James Rennell, F.R.S., &e., &e., by * = * Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen. London, 1820. Drawn and engraved by J. Walker. Secale, 64 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 27. Mounted in a case. Map of the PENINSULA of INDIA reduced from the surveys executed chiefly under the direction of the Surveyor-General. Surveyor-General’s Office, Fort St. George, 1823. Signed F. Mountford, Deputy Surveyor-Gene ral. With a note signed J. A. Hodgson, Surveyor-General of India. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 53 inches by 53. MS. District Maps of SOUTHERN INDIA. An imperfect series without general title, &c. Drawn in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, under the direction of the Surveyor-General, Captain J. A. Hodgson, 1822, Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch; size, 13 inches by 10. MSS. No. 29. Moodgul and Rachoor Circars. 1816-17. Suggur Circar. 1819. . Circars of Condapilly and Masulipatam. 1816-17. 32. Elloor gnd Masulipatam Cirears. 1821. 3. Guntoor Circar. 1819. 34. Western boundary of the Nizam’s dominions. 1819-20. 5. Portion of country to the southward of Hyderabad. 1822, 36. Wesfern portion of the Rajamundry district. 1821. 37. Part of Rajamundry district. 1821. 38. Travancore and Cochin. 1816-20. 39. Portion of Dindigul Province. 1821. . Part of South Coimbatore. 1821-22. IT 86 GENERAL MAPS, ETC. OF INDIA. Atlas of SOUTH INDIA in eighteen sheets, from: Cape Comorin to the river Kistnah, delineated on a scale of four English miles to one inch, principally from original surveys communicated by the Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company ; by A. Arrowsmith. London, 1822. On 16 sheets, with an index map and a sketch map of India. Folio, half-bound. : Atlas of the NORTH-WEST of INDIA. Part 1st containing maps of the countries between the latitudes of 28° 50’ and 82° North, and the longi- tudes of 75° 50" and 81° 30" East, constructed from recent surveys by TY A. Hodgson Surveyor-General of India. Seale, 1 inch to 4 British miles. Signed J. A. Hodgson, 1823. On 15 sheets and title ; size of each, 27 inches by 22° MSS. A new Map of HINDOSTAN, constructed from original materials exhibiting its political divisions, and the natural features of the country B; G. and J. Cary. London, 1824. Dedicated to Lieut.-Colonel Valentine Biker, C.B., Surveyor-General of India. Seale, 25 miles to 1 inch; on 6 sheets sncleding a map of the countries between India and Europe. With a list of eleven overland ain with Niebuhr, and their routes. Seale, 120 miles to 1 inch. This newly constructed and extended Map of INDIA from the latest surveys of the best authorities, published principally for the use of the officers of the Army in India, is respectfully inscribed to Major-General Sir John Malcolm G.C.B,, K.L.S,, &e. By Parbury, Allen, & Co. London, 1825. Drawn and engraved by John Walker. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 62 inches by 62. SY y Another edition, 1831. Another edition, by W. H. Allen & Co., 1836, folded. A general Map of INDIA compiled from the latest authorities. Drv jad enpsved by J. Walker. Published by James Horsburgh, Hydrographer o the Honourable Kast India Company. 1825. Seale. 64 mi ig nck: : sheets : size, 27 inches by 50. poy EB ies Linki gn? Index containing the NAMES and GEOGRAPHICAL POSI- TIONS of all PLACES in the Maps of INDIA. Designed to facilitate the use of those maps and especially that of the newly constructed and extended Map of India lately published by Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, Booksellers “to the LI East India Company, London, 1826. 12mo. 448 pages, boards. oR, A new MAP of the ANCIENT DIVISION of the DECKAN insta of fe History 3 the Hindu Dynasties, with descriptions of the principal places * * * By C. V, Ramaswammy, Pundit. Calcutta, 1827 c 20 ec tol inch ; size, 28 inches by 21. ” Porta LB0s, 000 Bens An Atlas with the following printed title, containing five Maps :— Maps illustrative of the EUROPEAN CONNECTION WITH INDIA and of the British Administration in its several Departments. Londo printed by order of the Honourable Court of Directors, 1833. With "on Intr 3 duction by John Walker, Military Secretary’s Office, India House. ; ie #4* These maps are drawn for the year 1831 to correspond with the Report for the House of Commons of that year. yn 1, General and Commercial Map of India and of the adjacent countries and islands (distinguishing the foreign European Settlements). By John Walker Military Secretary’s Office, India House. igi 2. Political Map of India. By John Walker, Military Secretary’s Office. India House. (With a Chronological Table of the Acquisitions of the British in India up to 1826 ;) a list of Native States established by the British Govern- ment in conquered Territory ; a list of State Pensioners ; a list of Native Sais Bos, under gs protection ; Native States with which subsidiary eaties exist; Native States under Britis ‘otecti i treaties SE nder British protection without treaties RAR aE ba 1. ORDINARY MAPS. S7 3. Military Map of India (showing the Territories under the Armies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay, with their Military Divisions.)* By John Walker, Military Secretary’s Office, India House. * Note.—It would appear from the Map that it is coloured in Presidencies. but these Military limits are not Presidential, and are very different from the Political or Civil limits of the Presidencies. 4. Revenue Map of India. By John Walker, Military Secretary’ Office, India House. With a list of the Collectorates in the three Presidencies. 5. Judicial Map of India. By John Walker, Military Secretary’s Office, India House. With a list of the Zillahs in the three Presidencies. An ATLAS, without title or contents, including the following maps. It appears to be an extension of the Atlas made in 1833, for the purpose of accompanying the Report to the House of Commons in 1851. 1. General and Commercial Map of India and of the adjacent countries and islands (distinguishing the Foreign European Settlements and denoting the distances between the principal ports.) 2. Political Map of India, by John Walker. (With a Chronological Table of the acquisitions of the British in India up to 1850.) . Revenue Map of India, by John Walker. (Showing the three Presidencies divided into Collectorates, the Protected and Independent States.) . Military Map of India, by John Walker. (Showing the Territories under the Bengal, Madras, and Bombay Armies, and their military divisions ; also the principal routes with distances.) . Map showing the States on the South-West Frontiers of Bengal and Bahar. 3y John Walker. . Map showing the States on the North-East Frontiers of Bengal. By John Walker, with a Sketch Map showing the position of the tea tracts in Upper Assam, and the plantations of the Assam Tea Company. 7. States of Bundlecund and the adjacent districts. By John Walker. 8. Map showing the British Possessions on the North-West Frontier of India and the adjacent States. By John Walker. 9. Map showing the States between the Ganges and Sutlej rivers. By John Walker. 10. Map of the Burman Empire, showing also the States on the Eastern Frontier of Bengal. By John Walker. Also unbound :— Map showing the extent of the SIKH TERRITORY at the death of Maharajah Runjeet Sing, and the partitions effected by treaties between the British Government, Maharajah Dhuleep Sing, and Maharajah Gholab Sing. By John Walker. * ¥ This map is another edition of the Map of the North-West Frontier, No. 8 in the foregoing Atlas, Map of the POST OFFICE STATIONS and POST and BANGY ROUTES throughout BRITISHINDIA. Constructed by J. B. Tassin, under orders of the Supreme Government of India, for the use of the Post Office Department of the three Presidencies, from materials collected by Captain T. J. Taylor, Secretary to the Committee for the Revision of Customs and Post Office Departments in India. Calcutta, 1838. Seale, 90 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 25. Mounted in a case. » Index to WYLD’S Map of INDIA, containing the names of the Towns, Military and Civil Stations, Collectorates, Zillahs, &e. Collected and alphabetically arranged, with their ceographical positions correctly ascertained. 8vo. 114 pages, cloth, London, 1838. Map of the ROUTES in INDIA with Tables of Distances between the Principal Towns and Military Stations. London, Wm. H. Allen & Co., 1841. Secale. 80 miles to | inch ; size, 32 inches by 26. Mounted in a case, 88 GENERAL MAPS, ETC. OF INDIA. Map of INDIA from the most recent authorities. Wm. H. Allen & Co. London, 1845. Drawn and engraved by John Walker. Seale, 64 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 33. Folded in a case. A newly constructed and improved Map of INDIA compiled chiefly from surveys executed by order of the Honourable East India Company. London, W. II. Allen & Co., 7, Leadenhall St., 1849. Drawn and enoraved by J. and C Walker. Another edition 1852, coloured to show the British Possessions in 1833 — the Acquisitions from 1833 to 1855 ;—and the Subsidiary Protected, and Ind - pendent States, 4 er : Map of INDIA showing the British Territories and those of the Native States, chiefly compiled from Trigonometrical Surveys executed by order of the Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company. By To Walker Geographer to the East India Company, 1852. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch y on 6 sheets ; size, 66 inches by 66. Mounted to fold in a cover. : Another edition, 1868. On spring rollers. Map of INDIA, from the most recent Authorities. Wm. H. Allen & Co., 7, Leadenhall Street, London, 1853. Drawn and engraved by J. and C. Walker. Seale, 65 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27 Western sheet only. : 2h A Gagetteer of the TERRITORIES under the Government of the ast India Company and of the Native States on the Continent of INDIA. Com. piled by authority of the Hon. Court of Directors, and chiefly from documents in their possession, by Edward Thornton, Esq., &. In four volumes. London 1854 Octavo, cloth. hii Al 8 Sones in one volume, corrected to the latest period by the author, An Atlas of the SOUTHERN PART of INDIA, including Plans of all the principal Towns and Cantonments, reduced from the Grand Trigono- metrical Survey of India, showing also the Tenasserim Provinces. Pharoah & Co Bld Co hy J and C. Walker. Sixty-seven maps, and a general Map y x. H. Scott, Major, Dep. Q. M. Gen. of the Army. Madras, 185: ol, “dt i. 8 , ) y 18, 1854. In 1 vol. 4to. A Gazetteer of SOUTHERN INDIA, with the Tenasserim Pro- vinces and Singapore. Compiled from original and authentic sources, Accompanied by an Atlas, &c. By Pharaoh & Co. Madras, 1855. Octave, half-bound. Cyclopedia of INDIA, and of EASTERN and SOUTHERN ASIA, Commercial, Industrial, and Scientific ; products of the Mineral Yerchal le and Animal kingdoms, Useful Arts and Manufactures, Edited by Edward Balf ig L.R.C.S.E., Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals, Madras Army, &ec Madr: s, 1857. In one thick volume, octavo. Also two supplementary volumes io 1862. i The second edition. in five vols. Madras, 1871-73. Maps and Plans to accompany GOVERNMENT (of India) RECORD, No. LIII., or Annual Progress Reports of the Exeentive the Southern, Central, and Northern Provinces for 1857-58 ; also Sind for 1856-7 and 1857-8. Thirty maps. Oblong 4to., cloth. ; =v Engineers in Stanford s Map of INDIA, based on the Surveys executed by order of the Honourable the East India Company, special Maps of the Surveyor-General and other authorities ; showing the latest territorial acquisitions of the British FRR ER RES 1. ORDINARY MAPS. 89 Empire, and the Independent and Protected States, Railways, Canals, &e., 1857. Secale, 35 miles to 1 inch ; size, 64 inches by 50. Mounted in a case. With a chrono- logical table of acquisitions, diagrams of bearings and distances of important places from the Presidencies, &e. Handbook to the Maps of INDIA. Compiled by Major H. V, Stephen. London, 1857. 16mo. 137 pages, bound. Map of INDIA to illustrate Mr. Bourne’s Letter on Inland Navi- gation. Published for the Soc. Diff. U. Knowledge in 1846, with additions to the title, &e. in MS. Size, 17 inches by 15. Vorder INDIEN entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland. Weimar, 1858. Seale, 100 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 23. DISTRICTS and DIVISIONS of INDIA. 1862. Scale, 96 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 28 ; price 2s. The INDIAN TRAMWAY COMPANY, Limited * * * Sketch Map showing the Railways, Roads, and proposed Tramways. 1862, Secale, 68 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 26, INDIA. 1864. [Fifth edition. (Lady Canning’s Map.) Scale, > 128 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. Sketeh Map of INDIA. By John Walker. (Containing Roads, and Canals for navigation and irrigation, from official information to 1864 : also Railways and Telegraph lines and stations to the present time.) Seale, 32 miles to lL inch ; on 6 sheets ; size, 66 inches by 54 5 price 12s, The same, showing Telegraph Lines and Stations; prepared from information furnished by the Telegraph Department, 1864, Sketch Map of INDIA, showing the lines of Railway and Electric Telegraph. By John Walker. Scale, 80 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 29 ; price 2s. One copy dated 1868 ; another in 1869; another in 1869, to accompany the minute of Sir John Lawrence ; another in 1870, and other copies undated. Skeleton Map of INDIA showing Political Divisions, corrected and revised 1865. II. A. Thuillier, Colonel, Surveyor-General of India. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 66 inches by 5%. MS. *.* Since published by the S.G.O. in 6 sheets. See Sketch Map of India 1868 and 1870. Skeleton Map of INDIA, to illustrate the Lines of Telegraph in 1868. Prepared from information furnished by the Officiating Director-General of Telegraphs in India. Seale, 96 miles to 1 inch ; size, 2 feet square. Folded in « cover, price ls. » Index to the DISTRICTS and DIVISIONS of INDIA, 5th Edi- tion. 1868. Seale, 96 miles to | inch; size, 26 inches by 28%; price, in Do cover, 2s. Hand Map of INDIA. 1869. Scale, about 2° to 1' inch; size, 2 feet square. Coloured and folded in a cover, price 2s. The sheet uncoloured, price 1s. (A previous edition, 1868.) 90 GENERAL MAPS, ETC. OF INDIA, Sketch Map of INDIA, showing the Political and Revenue Divisions, Calcutta, 1868. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets; size, 66 inches by 68 ; rice 12s. Another edition, 1870. Fifth edition, 1872 ; also with corrections to June 1874. INDEX to the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, exhibiting in one view the Districts of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay Pre- sidencies, the several series of triangulation, and the sections of the Indian Atlas to the year 1869. Secale, 96 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches to 26 ; price, 2s. INDIA (No. 1). 1869. Published under the direction of Colonel H. L. Thuillier, F.R.S., Surveyor-General of India. Seale, 256 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 13 ; price ls. INDIA (No. 2). Published at the Surveyor- General's Office, Calcutta. Secale, 128 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 24 ; price 2s. 1870. In a cover, entitled, Hand Map of India with Hills. Also a later edition in 1870. INDIA (No. 2a). 1869. In a cover entitled Hand Map of India without Hills, Published under the direction of Colonel H. L. Thuillier, R.A., F.R.S., Surveyor-General of India. Seale, 128 to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 24 ; price, 2s. each. Also a later edition, January 1870. INDIA (No. 2). 1870. Published under the direction of Colonel Thuillier, R.A., F.R.S. With Hills, Seale, 128 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 24 ; in cover, price 2s. Gd. The same without Hills. In cover, price 2s. 6d. Skeleton Map of INDIA, illustrating the Lines of Telegraph in 1870. Compiled in the office of the Director-General of Telegraphs in India. Seale, 75 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 35 ; price, 4s. A Sketch of the MOUNTAINS and RIVER BASINS of INDIA, in two maps, with explanatory Memoirs, By Trelawny Saunders. 1870. Zmp. 8vo., price 3s. A Sketch of the MOUNTAINS of INDIA and its Borders. With a comparative series of Vertical Sections. By Trelawny Saunders. 1870. Seale, 3 degrees to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 13 5 price 1s. A Sketch of the RIVER BASINS of INDIA and its Borders : an adaptation of the previous map. By the same author. Price 1s. EASTERN BENGAL, BURMAH, and Parts of CHINA and SIAM. 1870. Secale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 48 inches by 40; price 12s. NORTHERN INDIA. In seven sheets. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size of cach sheet, 24 inches by 19 5 price, of each, 4s. The following are published :— No. 3. Delhi and Meerut to Simla, Kangra, and Lahore No. 4. Kumaon, Gurhwal, Allyghur, Buraech. No. 7. North-West Provinces, eastern part ; Tirhoot and Chota Nagpore. 2. SPECIAL: MAPS. (a.) Altitudes. BAROMETRICATI, SECTIONS OF INDIA. Bound together in 1 vol. folio. Size, 17 inches by 11. CONTENTS i= 1. Barometrical Section of India from Cape Comorin in lat. N. 8° 9’, long. E. 77° 41’ to the source of the Taptee River, near Mooltye in lat. N. 21° 44’, long. E. 78°20". By Major-General William Cullen, Madras Artillery, Resident of Travancore and Cochin. Seale of distances, 10 miles to 1 inch ; altitudes, 1000 feet to 1 inch. Madras, 1851. With notes on climate. Size, 10 feet by 16 inches. 2. Map showing the relative positions of the places, the altitudes of which are exhibited in the accompanying section (Bombay to Chittoor). Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch. Barometrical Section of India from Bombay in lat N. 18° £7, long. E. 72 57’ to Chittoor, in lat. N. 24° 56’, long. E. 74° 44, constructed from the Observations of Lieutenant-Colonel J, Wilson, 26th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry, C.B. Scale of distances, 10 miles to 1 inch ; altitudes, 1000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 5% feet by 16 inches. . Map showing the relative positions of the places, the altitudes of which are exhibited in the accompanying section. (Agra to Sabbathoo.) Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch. Barometrieal Section of India from Agra, lat. N. 27° 10’, long. 78° 3’ 517, to Subhatoo in lat. 30° 58” 12”, long. 76° 58’ 37”. Constructed from the observa- tions of Captain A. Gerard. Total distance, 287 miles on a scale of 10 miles to 1 inch : altitudes, 1000 feet to 1 inch. . Barometrical Section of India. By Major-General W. Cullen, Madras Artillery, 2esident of Travancore and Cochin, Distances, 10 miles to 1 inch ; altitudes, 1000 feet tol inch, With notes on climate. irom Nagpore to Jaulna, From Goa to Bellary. From Madras to Mysore. Joined tog ther, size T feet by 16 inches. 5. Barometrical Section from Madras to Bellary. By Major-General William Cullen, Madras Artillery, &e. With coloured indications of the prevailing rocks. Horizontal scale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; vertical scale, 1000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 3 feet by 16 inches. Barometrical Section from Mulla Amanhuroo vid Soondoor, &e. to Bellary. By Major-General William Cullen, &e., 1823. Also from Bellary, vii Hirriel and Baghudoogoota or Boygatta to Mulla Amanhuroo. 6, dd» 3. Barometrical Section of India from the Caves of Elloora in lat. N. 107, long. I. 76° to Masulipatam, lat. N. 16° long. E. 81° 11". By Major-General William Culfn. &e. Scale of distance, 10 miles to 1 inch ; altitudes, 1000 feet tol inch; size, 4) fe t by 16 inches. BAROMETRIGAL SECTIONS. Distances, 10 miles to 1 inch. Altitudes, 1,000 feet to 1 inch. Nagpore to Jaulna. Goa to Bellary. Madras to Mysore ; with Notes on Climate, &c. In Madras Public Letter, 13th Aug. 1844 ; No. 14, par. 2 to 5. Size, 34 inches by 26, MS. GENERAL MAPS, ETC. OF INDIA. Cape Comorin to the source of the Taptee River, near Mooltye. Caves of Elloora to Masulipatam. Size, 22 inches by 10 feet. MS. BAROMETRICAL SECTION from MADRAS to BELLARY. By Captain W. Cullen, Artillery. No date. Distances, 10 miles to 1 inch. Geologically coloured. HODGSON’S Series of VERTICAL SECTIONS :—- No. 8. Section of the Mountain Provinces between the Sutluj and Ganges Rivers, by Captain J. A. Hodgson and Lieut. J. D. Herbert. 1822. Size, 10 inches by 4 yards. MS. No. 9. Section from BOMBAY to CHITTOOR. Constructed from the barometrical observations of Major Wilson, 26th Regt. Bengal N.I. 1822. Size, 9 inches by 48. MS. No. 10. Section from ST. THOMAS'S MOUNT to MYSORE. Constructed from the barometrical observations of Captain Cullen, Madras Artillery. Size, 9 inches by 26. MS. No. 11. Section from CAPE COMORIN to MOOLTYE at the head of the Tapty. Constructed from the barometrical observations of Captain Cullen, Madras Artillery. Size, 9 inches by 6 feet. MS. No. 12. Section from BELLARY to GOA. Constructed from the barometrical observations of Captain Cullen, Madras Artillery. Size, 9 inches by 26. MS. No. 14. Section from JAULNA to NAGPOOR. Constructed from the barometrical observations of Captain Cullen, Madras Artillery. Size, 9 inches by 26. MS. The SPIRIT LEVELS and TRIGONOMETRICAL HEIGHTS of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, combined with Spirit Levels of the Department of Public Works (also Canal, Revenue, and other surveys). Expressed in feet and referred to the datum of the mean sea level of Karachi harbour.* Dehra, 1869-77. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch. The following sheets are published, size of each, 28 inches by 41, with letter-press to each sheet. No. 1. Parts of Ambala, Suharunpoor, Thunaisur, and Dehra Doon. With letter-press description of Bench Marks and other infor- mation, &c. 4 pages folio in a cover. 1st and 2nd editions. Suharunpoor, Moozufurnugur, and Thunaisur. Moozufurnugur, Meerut, and Paneeput. eit Meerut, Boolundshuhur, Delhi, Paneeput, and Rohtuk. 10. Allygurh, Boolundshuhur, Budaon, and Muradabad. 12. Allygurh, Mynpoorie, and Budaon. 14. Agra and Meethra. 15. Etah Mynpoorie, Muthra, Etawah, and Agra, 16. Mynpoorie and Furruckabad, &e. 17. Etawah and Mynpoorie. * This title (except the part in parentheses), appears at the head of the Second Editions of sheets 1 and 3 of the series ; and as it seems to be well adapted to the general scope of the work, it is adopted here to include the whole. But the First Edition of sheets 1 and 3, also sheets 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, bear the following title : —* Great Trigonometrical Survey. Levels in the North-West Provinces, compiled from canal, railway, and other surveys, and combined with the opera- tions of the G. T. Survey. Expressed in feet,” &e. Sheets 23 and 66 have another heading, viz. : —* Levels in the Punjab, compiled from canal and other surveys and combined,” &e. Sheet 27 is headed * Levels in the North-West Provinees and Oudh,” &e. Sheets 28 and 40 are headed ¢ Levels in Oudh,” &e. The unity of the work under all these different titles is made manifest by an Index Map in the “ General Report on the operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India during 1872-73,” the heading of which is, “Index to Main Level Lines by the G. 'T. Survey, for compilation of Charts, « Northern ‘Section. Sheet No. 1.” This Index shows that the scope of the work extends from Peshawar to the Nerbudda, and from Karachi to Calcutta. The various titles and the irregular numbering of the sheets, seem to imply that narrower limits were formerly intended. As the conse- quences are liable to be puzzling and troublesome, this note is inserted to prevent that result, and also the dispersion of the charts as their titles seem to dictate, 2. SPECIAL MAPS. Parts of Furruckabad, Cawnpoor, and Etawah. Cawnpoor and Oudh. Karnal, Delhi, Rohtak, Jind, Patiala, and Hissar, Shahjahanpur, Kheri, Hardoi, and Sitapur. Sitapur, Bara-Banki, Hardoi, Lucknow, and Unao. Lucknow, Bara-Banki, Bareli, Unao, Sultanpur, Fyzabad, and Gonda. Umballa, Karnal, Patiala, Nabha, &ec. (b.) Antiquities. Karte von ALT-INDIEN zu Prof. Chr. Lassens Indischer-Alther- thumskunde, bearbeitet und gezeichnet von Dr. H. Kiepert. A Map of Ancient India, with the Indian Classical and Principal Modern Names to illustrate Prof. Lassen’s Indian Antiquities. Drawn by Henry Kiepert, LL.D., at Berlin, 1833. Secale, 84 miles to | inch. With a Sketch Map of the Boundaries of Languages now existing in India, and one of the Ancient Geography of the Indo-Chinese Peninsula with the Islands adjacent to India. Size, 30 inches by 25. ke.) Geology. General Sketch of the PHYSICAL and GEOLOGICAL FEA- TURES of BRITISH INDIA. By G. DB. Greenough, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c. &ce, &e. With a compass-card showing the Directions of European Mountain Chains, and a map of the Directions of Mountain Ranges in Southern Asia ; a list of heights and minerals in Ceylon; lists of Indian coal fields and diamond mines ; and of fossils in various parts ; alse a list of Granite Clusters and Mines in India. On 9 sheets ; size, T8 inches by 67. Also a copy mounted in a case, Geological Section from JEYPORE to JOWRA. By A. A. Jacob. B.A., Engineer and Geologist, B. B. & C. I. Railway Company. Distances, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 54. MS. ABSTRACT of the PROCEEDINGS of a COMMITTEE for the INVESTIGATION of the COAL and MINERAL RESOURCES of INDIA up to April 1842, By the Secretary, John McClelland (Surgeon). Calcutta, 1842, REPORT on the TRON ORES of INDIA, by Lieut.-Colonel Goodwyn. October 1856. MS. * * See also the Geological Survey of India, p. 66. (d.) Languages. Map of INDIA illustrating the Divisions in which the various languages prevail. Drawn in the Statistical Office (IH. I. I. Company). 1852. Size, 14 inches by 16. See also Lassen’s Mag of Ancient India, above. For general maps of India in Native Languages, see Maps in Oriental Languages, p. 519. (e.) Meteorology. See pages 623 to end. 94 GENERAL MAPS, ETC. OF INDIA. (f)) Military Maps. Distribution of Troops. Military Map of INDIA, showing the disposition of the Armies of the Bengal, Madras, and Bombay Presidencies, and the present condition of the Army of Bengal. Signed HH. S. Thuillier, Major, Deputy Surveyor-General of India. Calcutta, October 6, 1857. With a table of the British force before Delhi, August 20, 1857 ; and of the Native regiments in rebellion in Delhi, Oude, &e.; also particulars of the reinforcements arriving at Calcutta by sea. Secale, 64 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 37 ; mounted in a quarto case. The same for August 1860. Sketch Map of INDIA by John Walker, showing the distribution of troops. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets, half bound as an atlas. No date. Sketch Map of INDIA, showing the distribution of I'toops in the Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay. 1863. The information supplied by the Quartermaster-General’s Department. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch; size, 66 inches by 54. Military Map of INDIA, showing the disposition of the Troops of the Bengal, Madras, and Bombay Presidencies. July and August 1867. Topog. Depot, War Office. Scale, 64 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 37. Military Map of INDIA, showing the disposition of the Troops, Lithographed at the Quartermaster-General’s Department, under the direction of Major C. W. Wilson, R.E., F.R.S. 1876. Seale, 60 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 40. *.% See also separate maps of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay Military Divisions. (g.) Statistics and Products. 1. Map of INDIA, showing Area in square miles and Population of each district and British administration ; also of the Native States according to the latest returns. 2. Map of INDIA, illustrating the Cultivation of COTTON. 3. Map showing the LOCALITIES of the TEAK FORESTS in India. The three maps are accompanied by letterpress tables and notes in a cover. Folio. No date. (h.) Wreck Charts. The COAST of INDIA from KARACHI to SINGAPOOR. Showing positions of Wrecks during the year 1867. (Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta, July 1867.) Scale, 60 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 44 ; price 3s. The COAST of INDIA from KARACHI to SINGAPOOR, showing positions of wrecks during the year 1870. Scale, 60 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 44; price, 3s. Also, the same for 1871, 1872, and 1873. REPORT by Mr. Hope, Executive Engineer, British Burmah, to accompany the Wreck Chart for India, for the year 1864-65. P.W.D. proceedings, December 1866. Feap., 21 pages. The INDIAN WRECK and CASUALTY STATEMENTS for the year 1873, together with the notes thereon. No. 167, Marine Consultation for April 1874. Feap., 15 pages. 95 OLD PORTUGUESE PLANS OI INDIAN TOWNS. A SERIES OF TRACINGS OF OLD PORTUGUESE PLANS OF FORTIFIED TOWNS IN INDIA, NOW OR FORMERLY BELONGING TO PORTUGAL ; With a manuscript copy of the descriptions which accompany some of them, Extracted from the following work in the British Museum :— LIVRO do ESTADO da INDIA ORIENTAL repartido en tres partes, a premeira contem todos os retratos dos Vizorreis que tem avido no dito estado athe o anno de 634 com descripsdes de seus governos. A segunda parte contem as plantas das fortalezas que ha do cabo de boa espe- ranca athe a fortaleza de Chaul e com larga descrip¢@o de tudo hoque ha em cada hui das dittas fortalezas, Rendimento e gasto que tem & tudo o mais que lhe toca. A terceira contem as plantas de todas as fortalezas que ha de Goa athe a China cem deseripeio da mesma forma; & vio juntamente plantas de fortalezas que ndio sio do estado que por estarem nas mesmas costas se puzerio por curiozidade. Feito pello Capitao P. Barretto de Resende Cavalleiro professo da Ordem de Sio Bento de Avis, natural de Pavia. Anno de 1646. The Plans and Descriptions extracted are from a distinct part of the work, the title of which follows, with the titles of the plans: — Livro de ANTONIO BOCARRO, Guardamor de Archivo Real da INDIA, e Chronista geral della, &c.” Livro das Plantas, &c. 27. Fortalezas e Povoacoes de Agoada, . Fortaleza de Dio. Bardez, e Chorio. (Deseripcao, 1-37.) 28. Fortalezas e Povoacies de Salcete, Fortaleza de Damao. Mormugis, e Rachol. (Deseripeao, 38-62.) | . Fortaleza de Cambobin. 7. Fortes de Sangers e de Daiiu. 30. " Barcelor. (Descripcio, 63-64.) 31. " Mangalor. . Fortes de Sirgam ¢ de Maim. 32. Cananor., . Fortalezas de Agacaim ¢ Manora. | BER " Cranganor. Fortaleza e cidade de Bagaim. 34. Fortaleza e cidade de Cochin (Descripeio, 65-78.) (Deseripgio, 86-108.) . Fortaleza de Tanna. 35. Fortaleza de Couto. (Descrip¢io, do barro e porto de 36. ys Mana. Mombaim, 79-85.) 45. Cidade de S. Thomdé de Meliapor. 94. Fortalezas de Mombaim e Ilha de (Deseripeio.) (Carania. (Deseripeao da Povocio de 95. Fortaleza do Morro de Chaul. Negapatao.) 26. Fortaleza e cidade de Chaul. » « According to Silva (Tom. 1, p. 98, and Tom 6., p. 397), P. Barretto de Resende wrote the account of the viceroys, and A. Bocarro the descriptions of the fortresses. There can scarcely be a doubt but that the second part of the Museum MS, although . » " » . . . | - . | » . . . . ) » y attributed to B. de Resende according io the wording of the title, is veally by Bocarro, as it corresponds in all important particulars with the description of Bocarro’s work given in the “Catalogo dos MS. de la Bib. Pub. Eborense.” * Catalogados Manusecriptos de Bibliotheca Publica Eborense (Lisbon, 1850) 1., p. 302. GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. 4. OLD DUTCH CHARTS AND MAPS OF INDIA. COPIES OF DUTCH CHARTS AND MAPS, THE ORIGINALS OF WHICH ARE IN THE STATE ARCHIVES AT THE HAGUE, and catalogued in the “ Inventaris der Verzameling Karten berustende in het Rijks Archief,” 2 vols. 8vo. ’s Gravenhage (The Hague) 1867. *¢* The numbers preceding the titles refer to the Dutch catalocue. I. CHARTS. Bed Sea and Gulf of Aden. 216. A part of the Red Sea, and of the Gulf of Aden, including the African coast he- tween Cape Gardafui and Camelo Island ; and the Arabian coast between the Gulf of Baixos (Gulf of Masira 7) and Omara (west coast). Seale, 25 geo~ graphical miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 30. Date, 17th century. MS. 217. A part of the Red Sea, including the African coast from the Stony River, and the Arabian coast between Aden and Mocha. Scale, about 9 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29. Date, 17th century. MS. 218. A Chart of the roadstead of Mocha, with soundings, and a view of the town. Scale, 11 inches to a German geographical mile; size, 20 inches by 29. Date, 17th century. MS. Gulfs of Persia and Oman. 219. The Gulf of Oman, including the Arabian coast from Kuria Muria Bay to Cape Monsadok (Mussendom) at the entrance of the Persian Gulf, and the Mekran coast, between Cape Jusk and the Indus. Seale, 25 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 29. Date, 17th century, MS, 220. The Persian and Oman Gulfs from Muscat to Bassora. Soundings along the coast of Persia. Seale, 25 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29. Date, 17th century. MS. 221. The Persian and Oman Gulfs, with soundings along the Persian and Oman coasts. Seale, 25 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29. Date, 17th century. MS. 222. Muscat to Port Doggeby, west of Cape Mussendom, with soundings. Seale, about 14 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29 supplements. (i.) The Bay of Muscat, with soundings and view of the town and forts. (ii.) The Strait of Ormuz, with soundings. miles to 1 inch. y including two Secale, about 15 geographical India, West Coast. 223. The entrance to the Gulf of Cambay, including Strat, Bombay and Diu, with soundings. Seale, 9 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 21. Date, 17th century. MS, 224. A chart of Angria’s coast (the Concan). Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 54. Date, 17th century. MS, {. OLD DUTCH CHARTS. 97 9925. Chart of the river Taptee up to Sirat, with soundings. Scale, 4} Jncies to - 1 geographical mile ; size, 21 inches by 29. Date, 17th century. MS. 996. Chart of Gouzaratte {(Cuteh) Cunean of Visiapoer (Beejapoor), Canara ny Malabar coast from Gujrit and the R. Pilatus (Indus Delta) to ( PIR gaROL wit 1 soundings. Seale, 25 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29. b or. » . Date, 17th century. MS. ” I 997. Chart of the Deccan (properly Concan) and Malabar coasts, ih the Laos, i [ a Bank, &e., including western coas dive and Maldive Islands, and the Padua Bank, &« ry 111 luding t 1 > fel i ns of India from Diu to Cape Comorin, and part of the Gulf of 1 ans, W ih soundings. Scale, about 16 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 33. Date, 18th century. MS. a hil: ms, 298. Chart of a part of the coast of Goa, with soundings. Size, 18 inches by 29. Date, 17th century. MS. on ip - 999, Chart of the Malabar Coast and Backwaters from Coilang (Quilon) to ( ran oanor, with soundings. By Jan Tim, revised by H. G. Faarant, engineer. eo : . 3; . § 3 . . it 3 ‘ . ( — Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 118. Date, 1697. * % See also Nos. 882, 883 884. x too DO. 2 Gen " Cochin, with a deser ) ‘ynen. Size 230. Plan of Culvaty, a suburb of Cochin, with a description by D. Zynen y 21 inches by 29. Date, 1764 h : { alk Str « 4 0 coasts 231. Chart of the Malabar and Coromandel coasts, 1 alk Strait, and na] ther ‘ oe ; of Ceylon, showing the pearl banks, with soundings. Seale, 25 geographica Jobb 5 : miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29. MS, tebe {1 Tartine ot 939. Coast of Travancore, showing the mud bank of Alepy, with the latitu ; ach end, and of the outer point of the bank. Seale, 4 inches to a mile ; size, 20 inches by 28. Date, 18th century. MS. ; r Moby ‘ . . ‘ . aver . Sa aR 233. The coast of Madura from Cape Comorin to Menapad, yim 1e soun. ngs [nsineore. With an explanation. Size. 20 inches by;25. Date, 1775. ) S. 23 Tart of the Maldive Islands, and the coasts of Malabar, Madura, and Ceylon. 234. Chart of the Maldiy ands, Lundy Ye Scale, 20 geogravhical miles to 1 inch 3 size, 33 wnches by 41. MS. Ceylon. 935. Chart of Ceylon and the coast of Madura. 17th A ue — 236. Ch * Ce ‘01 “ Madur 7th century. Copied {from a 236. Chart of Coyloy and the coast of Madura. 17th century 1 engraving, MS. oy oo 237 Chart of the eastern coast of Ceylon with enlargements of Venlos Bay, and ZO. { ; i alo River. MS the Batacalo River. MS. ) 79 Avaron din Mamaneilidtte 944. Chart of the Bay of Trincomalee from the plan of D’Apres de Mannevillette. 18th century. MS. Coromandel Coast. 950. Chart of the coast of Madura, from Tengepatnam to Point Calimere, and a part LI, « 4 . Ne " ~ . of the west coast of Ceylon. 17th century. MNS. Nomaiu . 059. Chart of the coast of Coromandel, between Manapad and z egapatam, an wo Th west coast of Ceylon from Columbo to Jaffanapatnam, with enlargements 1¢ i) a» Ji os } about Kaylpatnam and Calpentyn. 17th century. MS. leva (God 9254, Chart of the coast of Coromandel, from Loudy to Point Goddewarre 1 hr avery) Also a chart of the coast of Orissa, MS. Bengal. »=& De Rivier van Bangala A Dutch chart of the Hoogly from its aa 10 the 9258, » \ » ¢ ’ Sad, y : ; | i Dutch settlement with soundings. No date. Secale, 12 miles to neh ; size 21 inches by 30. ¥ , 978. The River of Bangala on the Ioogly with the coast to 1 oint 1 almyra. ye 259. Chart of the Riv er Ganges ( Hoogly) from a native survey. 17th century, MS, 259. t ayer gos ) 960. The Ganges.” 1735. MS. Tonquin Gulf. " i i Mac: Date, 17th century. Scale 969. Chart, of the Gulf of Tonquin, Hainan, and Macao. Date, 17 y. . «LJ. ‘ : . . ¢ LC . a \ 30 miles to 1 inch; size, 21 tn hes by 30. MS. G (1767.) GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. II. VIEWS, MAPS, AND PLANS. Mesopotamia. 863. View of Bassora, with a plan of the town and a view of the Castle of Gor- delaan.” On one sheet. Size, 20 inches by 28. Date, 1667. MS. Persian Gulf. 864. View of Gombroon, with English and Dutch factories. Size, 14 inches by 28. Date, 17th century. MS. 865. Ground plan and elevation of projected Dutch factory at Gombroon. Size, 32 inches by 40. Date, 17th century. MS, 866. View of the fortress of Kishm, with a memoir. Size, 16 inches by 21. Date, 1645. MS. Kattywar. Plan of town and fortress of Diu, with explanatory notes. Size, 21 inches by 29. Date, 17th century, MS. India. 868. Routes between Ahmadabad, Cambay, and Surat, Size, 18 inches by 25. Date, 17th century. 869 to 875. Plans of Dutch factories and buildings in Surat. On 8 sheets. Date, 17th century. 876, 877. Plans of factories at Broach. On 4 sheets, 1699. 878, 879. Plan and view of the Dutch factory in Ahmadabad. On 2 sheets. Size, 18 inches by 24. Date, 1697. 880. A view of the Dutch factory at Agra, Size, 21 inches by 26. Date, 1699. 881. “De Kusten van Malabar ‘en Koromandel.” A map of southern India and a part of Ceylon, after De L’Isle and Bruzen Martinitre. Seale, 55 geo- graphical miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 15. 88%. Chart of the Malabar coast and backwaters, without soundings, showing rice cultivation from River Chetwa to Coylang (Quilon) by Joh. Wilh. de Graaf. Size, 19 inches by 138. Date, 1767. 883. Another copy, with views of the mountains. Drawn by A. Heidenreich. Scale, 3 geographical miles to 1 inch stze, 17 inches by 140, 884. Another copy. Size, 25 inches by 138. * See also No. 229. 885. Plan of Vingurla, with a view and by 28. Date, 1678. 886. Plan of Barselor (Colloor, or Barkaloor), with a view and plan of the Dutch factory. Size, 19 inches by 28. Date, 17th century, 887. View of Mangalor, with some soundings in Dutch feet, Size plan of the Duteh factory. Nize, 20 inches 20, 13 inches by 28. Date, 17th century. - 888. Plans of the forts of Cananor, Cranganor, and Coylan, with a view and plan of the Dutch factory at Calikoilan. Size, 21 inches by 28. Date, 1678. 889. Plan of the Fort of Cannanoor, with a Section of the Fortifications, Dy H. G. Faarant, Ensign. Size, 20 inches by 29. Date, 1696. ’ 890. Two Plars for altering the Fort of Cannanoor. By Captain E. Paravicini de Capelli and Lieutenant N. Guyard, both of the Dutch Engineers, Size. 29 inches by 34. Date, 1767. : ¥ 891. Plan for altering we Fort of Cannanoor. No, 2. By C. A. Luepken and C.P. Keller. Size, 22 inches by 33. Date, 1767. * 892. Plan of the Fort and Rivers of Cranganor, with views, 29. Date, 1678. 893. Plan of the Fort of Cranganor, with a Section of the Fortifications. By H. G. Faarant, Ensign and Engineer, Size, 17 inches by 21. Date, 1678." Size, 20 inches by - ( Ll. OLD DUTCH MAPS OF INDIA. vo 894. Plan of the fortified town of Cochin and Fort Orange, on the Vypeen ; with & project for a Fort. By M. I. Proot. Size, 28 inches by 5; Date, 1808 895. Plan of Cochin, with a project for its fortification. Size, 20 inches by 28. Date, 1663. “i 896. An Isometrical Plan of Cochin, Size, 21 inches by 29. Date, 1677. 897. Plan of Cochin and Fortifications, with Maps of Travancore and Madura, and of Cranganore River. On 2 sheets mounted together. Size, 13 inches by 17. Date, 1680. 898. Plan of Cochin. Size, 20 inches by 28. Date, 1691. _ 899. Plan of Cochin, with Section of Fortifications, By Sergeant H. G. Faarant,. Size, 21 inches by 29. Date, 1696. 900. Plan oF the anon of Cochin. No. 1. By Ww. 0. Massenfeld and D. Zynen, Captain and Lieutenant of Engineers. Size, 21 inches by 43. Date, 17635. or . 900. Plan, Section, and Elevation of projected Work for the town of Cochin. Size, 21 inches by 29. . 900. Sections of Te Coast of Cochin, with high and low water Levels. Size, 20 inches by 56. 901. Plan for 2 Fortification of Cochin. By D. Zynen. Large scale ; size, 42 inches by 63. Date, 1767. rn . 903. Plan of Projects for fortifying Cochin. By E. Paravicini de Capelli and N. Guyard, Captain and Licutenant of Engineers. Size, 535 inches by 51. Date, 1767. Co 904. Plan for the Fortification of Cochin. Size, 44 inches by 68. Date, 1767. 903, 6. Plans of the Fort of Cochin. By the surveyor, Carl von Krause. Size, 19 inches by 30. Date, 1782. y i 907. Plan of the Fort and Environs of Cochin. By A. A. Buiskes, Size, 26 inches by 28. Date, 18th century. a N 905. Plan of portions of the Fortifications of Cochin, with proposed alterations. By Reimer, Major of Engineers, On 4 sheets. Date, 15th century. 909. Plan of Fortifications for Cochin. Designed by Major Reimer ; drawn by Heidenreich, On 4 sheets. Date, 18th century. 910. Plan of the Fortifications of Cochin. After a sketch by Major Reimer ; drawn by Baron von Lynden. Size, 19 inches by 34. : Co 911. Two Maps of the Island of Vypeen, with Redoubts and Batteries, By I. C. Heupner., Size, 14 inches by 21. Date, 1793. | Plan of the Fortress of Coylan (Quilon). By Hans George Faarant and I. N. van Duyrendaal. Size, 20 inches by 29. Date, 1687. 913. Plan and Section of Works in the Fortress of Coylan (Quilon). On 2 sheets. Size of ach, 20 inches by a8. Date, 1703. } 914. Plan of a projected Factory in Coylan., Size, 13 inches by 16. Date, 15 to 922. Eight Plans of Military Posts in Malabar (to a Le) the Expedition of Sergeant-Major Hans Frederick Bergman), as follows :— Padricotta Parri, Edatouritti, Maparany, Chettuwa, Poedoecoenatte, Aynamaka, Papenette, and Poetenbare., 923. A Map of the Island of Ceylon, By J. C. Toorzee, En 912 — company the neport meer, 17th century, or - 100 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS OF INDIA. (a) WITH OUTLETS AT THE HEAD OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. THE GANGES RIVER. Tassin’s Atlas of the Ganges, 1835. Maps of the Rivers HOOGLY, BHAGRUTTEE, JELLIN- GHEE, GANGES, and JUMNA from Calcutta to the Himalaya range. Compiled £ from the most accurate surveys hy J.B. Tassin, Calcutta, 1835. On 7 sheets, with Index map. In 1 vol., oblong 4to., cloth. Tue DELTA. Tassin’s Atlas of the Delta, 1840. INLAND NAVIGATION in EASTERN INDIA. Chart deli- neating the river navigation to Assam from the Presidency, by the Soondurbun Passage, as well as by the Jellinghee and Matabhanga rivers 5 also to Chittagong, Dacca, Mymensing, and Silhet. Compiled from the most authentic materials, in the office of the Surveyor General of India. Lithographed by order of Government, and published with an Index Map, by J. B. Tassin. Calcutta, 1840. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. In one vol. large 4to., cloth, Note—The following documents have been consulted in the construction of this chart :— Survey of the Brahmapootra and Jenai, by Captain Wilcox, 1830-31; Un- finished “continuation of Brahmapootra Survey, by Lieut. Ommanney, 1831-35; Map of the Jessore Embankments, by Lieut. Fitzgerald, 1824-25; Navigation between the Ganges and Soondurbun Passage, by Lieut. Schalch, 1821 5 Survey of the Soondur- buns, by Captains W. and LE. Morrieson, 1811-18; Survey of the Jellinghee and Matabhanga, by J. S. May, 1828; Chart of the Hoogly and Ganges to Allahabad, by Captain Prinsep, 1828; Survey of the Hoogly, by Captain Lloyd, L.N., 1835-36; Survey between Silhet and Sowara, by Lieut. J. Fisher, 1829; Map of the Soondur- buns, by Lieut. Hodge ; Maps of Bengal, by Rennell. Rennell’s Surveys of the Delta, 1876. 1. The Reduced General Maps. A Map of the great RIVER GANGES, from J ELENGHEE to its junction with the MEGNA, including its several branches on both sides as {ar as they have been surveyed ; together with the River Megna from Luckipour te the mouth of the Isamuty, and the environs of the city of Dacca. 1767. Secale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 53. MS. A Map of the DENOSPOUR or RAAGEGUNGE RIVER from its junction with the GANGES to RAAGEGUNGUE, containing near 200 miles of’ the course of the River. Surveyed in 1766 and 1767 by Messrs. Rennell and Richards. Secale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 47. MS. *_* This map is a continuation of the foregoing towards the north-west. The writing is upside down, 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 2. Rennell’s Original Surveys. The GANGES from the JELENGHEE to the MEGNA. Scale, 500 yards to 1 inch. In 14 parts, as follows :— Part Il. A Survey of the SOUTHERN BANKS of the great RIVER GANGES from the mouth of the JELENGEE towards DACCA, made by order of the Hon. Henry Van Sittart, Iisq., Governor of Fort William, &e. By James Rennell, Surveyor. No. 1, from Jelengee to Damadur, containing about 61 Linglish miles. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 75. MS. Part II. A Survey of the SOUTHERN BANKS and CHANNELS of the oreat RIVER GANGES, from the head of the JELENGEE towards DACCA. No. 2, from Damadure to Custee, in distance 17 statute miles. J. Rennell, Surveyor, 1764. Scale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 41. MS. Parr 111. A Survey of the SOUTHERN BANKS and CHANNELS of the oreat RIVER GANGES, from the head of the JELENGEE towards DACCA. No. 3. from Custee to Oddegjea, in distance 20 statute miles. J. Rennell, Surveyor, June 1764. Secale, 500 yards to inch ; size, 32 inches by 62. MNS. Part IV. A Survey of the SOUTHERN BANKS and CHANNELS of the oreat RIVER GANGES, from the head of the JELENGEI towards DACCA. No. 4 and last containing from Oddegeen to Saatpour, in distance 15 statute miles, likewise T miles of Maudapour Creek from the head to Maleeat, J. Rennell, Sur- vevor. N.B.—This, with the other three drafts, contains 83 British statute miles of the oreat Ganges. June 1764. Sealey, 500 yards to | inch ; size, 50 inches by 29. MS. Part V. An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of JELENGHEE RIVER towards LUCKEYPOUR, by J. Rennell, Surveyor. No. 5 containing from Saatpour to Betturey, in distance 26} statute miles, Neale, 500 yards to 1 inch. Magnetic variation 1° West, Size, 30 inches by 68. MS. Part VI. An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGLES from the head of TELENGHEE RIVER towards LUCKEYPOUR, by J. Rennel No. 6 containing from Betturey to Sauppour, in distance 11} statute miles, Seale, 500 Maenctic variation 10 West. Size, 42 inches by 21. MS, 1 surveyor. 500 yards lo | inch. > Pagtr VII. An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of ICLENGHEL RIVER to LUCKEYPOL R, by J. Rennell, Surveyor. No. 7 containing from Sauppour to the mouth of Hageagunge Creek, in distance 10 miles Seale. 500 yards toi inch. October 1764. Variation of the magnetic and a half. } 4 ; I. to 50° W. Size, 18 inches by 46. MS. needle from 17° 9 ANTTVE 102 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Part VIII. An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of 3 on INL Al A 3» an or , . JELENGHEE RIVER to its conflux with the BARAMPUTRY, by .J. Rennell Surveyor, No. 8 containing from Ilaciacunge Creek to Brom hd o, In list 1 ol ct; rN oriTes . 2 Nap 2 vane > gunge, distance 195 statute miles. October 1764. Secale, 500 yards to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 65. MS. Part IX. An exact Survey of reat RIVER GAT iS 1 2 a of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of LENG: iE RIVER to its conflux with the BARAMPUTRY, by J. Rennell Surveyor. No. 9 containing from Bromgunge to Binetty, in distance 13% statute miles. November 176: cale, 5 ‘ds j ; ; r 1764. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 49 inches by 27. MS. wil» Part X. An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of JELEN GHEE RIVER to its conflux with the BARAMPUTRY, by .J. Rennell Surveyor. No. 10 containing from Binetty to Gozarya, in distance. 181 statute miles, Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 51. MS. wrt Eun Part XI. An exact Survev of the oreat RIVER G / Qf aT of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of S a EE RIVER to ats conflux with the BARAMPUTRY., by .J. Rennell Surveyor. No. 11 containing from Gozarya to Soynary, in distance 14 statute miles. November 1764. Secale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 21 L, MS Parr XII. A > i vx 7, r 4 } TTR J An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of JELENGHEE RIVER to its conflux with the BARAMPUTRY, by J. Rennell Surveyor. No. 12 from Soynary to Chormodanya Creek, in distance 10 stati fe miles, November 1764. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 35 | MS. Parr XIII. An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of JELENGHEE RIV ER to ifs conflux with the BARAMPUTRY, by .J. Rennell Surveyor. No. 13 containing (from the mouth of Chormodanya Creek to the con fun on ho Rass and Western Rivers, and likewise part of Mendyeunce Creel ) miles. November, December, 176: Seale, 5 ‘ds j size. 30 inches 4 LT ember, December, 1764. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch: size, 30 inches Part XIV. An exact Survey of the great RIVER GANGES from the head of JELENGHEE RIVER to its conflux with the BARAMPUTRY by J Re 1 Surveyor. No. 14 containing part of the North Channel by Mendy Fg > distance 73 miles from Assyour to Comercally. December 1764 Se ole 500 oo to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 21. MS. } nO Side, BUD yrds Tur MreNa River, 1876. 1. Reduced General Map. A General Map of the MEGNA and other Rivers, which form the nearest passage from LUCKYPOUR to DACCA in the dry season, including ta . Linge » NL * . . . . ‘ of i ? likewise the Creek of Chiddypour or Luricuie, which affords a short passage from the Megna to the Ganges. Reduced from the original surveys by J Rennell, Surve VOI ) . , Te v J . ’ > ". 1765. With a Plan of the British Factory at Dacca on a larger scale. Size, 20 inches 1700; Tuna pian of Yel ger scale. Size, 20 inches wy 27 ; scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. MS, 5. MAPS OT THE RIVERS AND CANALS. pe An exact Survey of the RIVER MEGNA from its conflux with the GANGES to CASSEMPOUR, reduced from the original survey to a scale of 2 inches to a statute mile, by J. Rennell, Surveyor. 1765. No. 1 containing the western shore of the Megna from the Ganges to Doycalley Point, in distance 9 statute miles. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 23. MS. 2. The Mcgna Survey. An exact Survey of the RIVER MEGNA, &c. by J. Rennell, Sur- veyor. No. 2 containing from Doyecalley Point to Saddoukpour, in distance 19 statute miles. 1765. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 43. MS. An exact Survey of the RIVER MEGNA, &c. by J. Renneli, Sur- veyor. No. 3 containing from Saddoukpour to Beerackondy, in distance 22 miles, 1765. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 43. MS. An exact Survey of the RIVER MEGNA, &ec. by J. Rennell, Sur- jerackondy to the mouth of the [ssamutey River, veyor. No. 4 containing from 1 1765. Sealey, 2 inches and the Issamutey to Feringybazar, in distance 15 miles, to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 30. MS. An exact Survey of the RIVERS and CREEKS between FERINGY- BAZAR and DACCA, being a continuation of the rout from Luckypour to Dacca, with exact plans of Iddyracpour and Daapeka Kellas, by J. Rennell, Sur- veyor. No. 5 and last of the survey containing 15 statute miles. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 30. MS. (‘omer Creek. In VI. parts. 1764. A general Sketch of the EASTERN BRANCH of the COMER CREEK, by J. Rennell, Surveyor. No. 1, from the head near Motrapour to Cardya, in distance 41 miles. July 1764. Scale. 1 inch to 1 mile; size, 14 inches by 16. MS. A general Sketch of the EASTERN BRANCH of COMER CREEK, by J. Rennell, Surveyor. No. 2, from Cardya to the Ganges, in distance by the Creek, 45 miles. July 1764, Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 15 inches by 21. MS. No. 3 is wanting. No. 4. A Survey of that part of COMER CREEK which unites the northern part of the BURRASIHIE and BURRASAA'T with part of the Burra- sant, containing 16 British miles, July 1764. Size, 37 inches by 20. MN. No. 5. A general Sketch of the WESTERN BRANCH of COMER CREEK, from the head of the Burrasaat eastwards, to LUCKEYPOUR westwards. With the depths of water in the dry season, particularly described by J. Rennell, Surveyor. Size, 15 inches by 21. MNS. No. 6. A general Sketch of the navigable part of the NORTH- WEST BRANCII of COMER (CREEK, including the parts known by the names of the Lettydoman, Culsedaw, and Bacout Crecks, and containing near 21 British miles, by J. Rennell, Surveyer. July 1764 Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 12 inches by 28. MBS. FRB or tv GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Maudapour Creek. In III. parts. 1764. The first part is in Rennell’s Ganges, Part 4, Survey of MAUDAPOUR CREEK, No. 2, fron MALEEAT to SERAMPOUR, distance 20} statute miles, by J. Rennell, Surveyor. June, July, 1764. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 38 inihes by 28. MS. Survey of MAUDAPOUR CREEK, No. 3, from SERAMPOUR to the head of the BURRASHI, in distance 18 British miles. J. Rennell, Sur- veyor. July 1764. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 23. MS. Custee Creek, 1764. A particular Plan of CUSTEE CREEK from the head to the bar, surveyed 9th June 1764, by J. Rennell, Surveyor. Size, 12 inches by 17. MS. Chiddypour Creek, 1765. A Map of CHIDDYPOUR or LURICULE CREEK, which runs across the country from the Ganges to the Megna, and lies in the direct road from Sunderbound to Dacca. 1763. By J. Rennell. Sealey 2 inches to 1 British mile ; size, 15 inches by 21. MS. Luckya River, 1765. A general Map of the LUCKYA RIVER, from its separation from the Baramputrey to its conflux with the Issamuty and Megna, with Noranda Creck and the environs of the city of Dacca. 1765. By J. Rennell. Secale, 3 miles to 1 inch; size, 15 inches by 21. MS. Bally Creek. Survey of BALLY CREEK, by 4. Rennell, Surveyor. Without title. Seale, about 500 feet to 1 neh ; size, 12 inches by 20. MS. The Ganges, §c. Wilfords Observations. FIELD BOOK of a SURVEY undertaken to find the Difference of Level between the GANGES and BOGRUTTY RIVERS. Observations on the Ganges, Cossimbazar, and Jellinghee Rivers. No date. Signed F. Wilford, Lieut. Surveyor. On 13 pages, 4to. stiff cover. MS, OBSERVATIONS on the GANGES, COSSIMBAZAR, and JELLINGHEL RIVERS. Signed F. Wilford, Cie ut. of Engineers and Surveyor. No date. On 9 pages, foolsnp, Channel Creek, 1770 and 178 A Copy of CHANNEL CREEK from Gorgds Point to the Sea, taken from Mr. Lacam’s Survey Plan (1770). Stowing how far it differs from what the channel is at present, inasmuch as the soundings and judgment of the gentlemen of the Deputation ceuld determine, between the 4th and 15th of October 1788. The copy is drawn in black : the present state of the channel is in red, Signed James Caldwell, Lieut. of Engineers. Scale, 2 inches to 1 nautical mile ; size, 98 inches by 38. MS. The Hooringottah Rivers by Ritchie. Survey of HHOORINGOTTAH and MUDOMUTY Rivers. No title. Surveyed in the years 1768 and 1769, by John Ritchie. Size, 47 inches by 16. MS. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 105 Mutlah River. No. 1. Plan of Part of the RIVER MUTLAH (near Canning Town, with Soundings). Seale, 1000 yards to 1 inch; size, 15 inches by 13. Ou tracing cloth, MS. Yuin No. 2. Plan showing a Part of the RIVER MUTLAH at Port (Canning, the bank of 2 hich requires protection immediately. Take n from the survey made by Messrs, Sieveking and Downes in 1836. Calcutta, 1866. Scale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 26. 4 1 r op >]. T No. 3. Section of River at PORT CANNING. See Plan No 1. Seale, 100 feet to | inch ; size, 28 inches by 37. On trac ine cloth. MS. . : . arn 4 2 in] oe No. 45. Design of Quay Wall suggested in Report. Size, 20 inches by 26. No. 5. Section at Railway Jetty. The Hooghly River. A / A Draught of HOOGLY RIVER from CALCUTTA to B SALA - SORE ROAD, CIHHANNEL CREEK, &e., to MUTTW ALL RIVER. 1767. Seale. 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 2%. MS. A Plan of the OUTLET of the RIVER HUGHLY from CULPEE downward, as it was surveyed in the ye ir 1770 by John Ritchie, Surveyor. Sea'e 9 miles to 1 inch : size, 36 inches hy 2 2 MS. A Plan of the MOUTH of the HOOGLY RIVER, surveyed Y : ’ : im yy r . . Dis ‘ John Ritchie, 1770. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 26. MS. A Plan of the ENTRANCE of HOOGLY RIVER, particularly distinguishing the NEW CHANNELS and the position of the BUOYS, March 1785. By J. Rite hie. See ale. 1 mile to 1 inch : size, 36 inches by 56. MS. Plan of THORNHILL'S CHANNEL, so named by the Marine Board after Cudbert Thornhill, Esq., MALL, under whose directions it wa surveyed, March 1807. Seale, 1 mile to 1} inch : size, 27 inches by 48. MS. THORNHILL'S CHANNEL from the latest Survey executed by Lieut. J. S. Criddle, Second Assistant to the Marine Surveyor in March 181%. Sealey, 2 miles to] inch ; size, 16 duchess by 15. MS, \ Survey of LACAMS CHL A\NNEL, {from the lower part of Earl of Moira’s Harbour to Sea, by Lieut. W. Maxfield, First Assistant to Marine Surveyor General, 1816. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; in 3 parts, A Survey of CHANNEL CREEK. from Irederick Point to Earl Moira’s H: wbour, by Lieut. William M:xfield, First Assistant to Marine Surveyor General, 1816. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 54. MNS. A Triconometrical SURVEY of the RIVER HOOGLY, from Calcutta to Kulgee, by Commander Rd. Lloyd, LN, Offici: iting Marine Surveyor General, 1835. Sheet I. Seale, 2 inches to 1 a wietical mile ; size, 53 inches by 65, AMS. A I'riconometrical SURVEY of the RIVER HOOGIL Y, from Di: amond Point to Sauger Point, by Commander Rd. Lloyd, I.N,, Officiating Marin Surveyor General, 1835 and 1836. Sheet LL. Scale, 2 inches to 1 ue autical mil size, 53 inches by 76. MNS, —_— 106 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of the RIVER HOOGLY, from Bandel to Garden Reach, exhibiting the principal buildings, ghauts, temples, &e. on both banks, and comprising the Danish settlement of Serampoor, cantonments and park of Barrackpoor, together with the settlements of Chinsurah, Chundunnuggur, and environs of Hoogly. With the great road from Calcutta to Hooghly, vii Palta Ghaut. Executed in the year 1841. By Charles Joseph, Calcutta, 1841. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 9% feet by 21. Map of the RIVER HOOGLY. with a Design for a Steam Ferry Bridge for connecting its shores at Calcutta. To accompany a private Report by A. Henderson, Esq., and Charles Greaves, C.E. Size, 20 inches by 30. Map of the HOOGLY, with the City and Port of Calcutta, showing the site of the proposed Docks, the present anchorage and moorings and the line of railway to the north and west. By A. Henderson and Charles Greaves. 1853. Seale, about 1900 feet 1 to inch ; size, 17 inches by 22. Plan of the RIVER HOOGHLY with Seebpoor, Howrah, Sulkeah, and Ghoosree. Surveyed in July and August 1856 by Seetaram Misser, Native Assistant Surveyor of the 4th Division, Lower Provinces. Under the superinten- dence of Major H. L. Thuillier, Deputy Surveyor General. Seale, 14 inches to 1 mile ; size, 76 inches by 51. MS. See also, Chart of the River Ioogly, Calcutta Meridional Series, p. 21. REPORT on the RIVER HOOGHLY, by Hugh Leonard, C. E., Bengal, 1865. With plans to accompany the Report. In two parts. Feap., printed cover. The ENTRANCES to the HOOGHLY (combining the Surveys of Capt. Lloyd, 1835, Lieut. Heathcote, 1857, and Mr. Obbard, 1860. Reduced and copied by R. F. Barlow, May 1861. With notes. Seale, 2 nautical miles to 1 inch : size, 29 inches by 22. MS. The LOWER SECTION of the HOOGLY. By C. R. Markham, July 1865. A Comparison of Ritchie's Survey in 1768-70 with Lloyd’s in 1836, Bedford's in 1854, and the latest survey in 1864; with proposed works. Seale, 1000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 25. MS. Proposed Tug Steamer and Tubular Rake for the Improvement of the RIVER HOOGLY. By R. Napier & Sons. Glasgow, Feh. 1865. Five tracings in MS. Nos. 1, 2, 3. Proposed iron paddle tug steamer, detail drawings. Seales, + inch and L inch to 1 foot. No. 5. Sketch of proposed Tubular Rake. Seale, 1 inch to I foot ; size, 16 inches by 18. No. 6. Sketch of proposed machine to be used for stirring the surface of shoals by the action of the current. Seale, 1 inch to 1 foot ; size, 9 inches by 16. ’ SURVEY of the RIVER HOOGLY from CALCUTTA to KUL- PEE. Corrected up to date from Recent Surveys. By I. Laycock, River Surveyor, Calentta, 15th February 1870. Sheet (or Part) No. 1, in 4 sheets. Seale, 1000 yards to 1 inch. SURVEY of the RIVER HOOGLY from KULPEE to the SANDHEADS. Correcied up to date from Recent Surveys. By F. Laycock, River Surveyor, Calcutta, 15th February 1870. Sheet (or Part) No. 2, on 3 sheets. Seale, 2000 yards to 1 inch. D5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 107 The ENTRANCE of the RIVER HOOGHLY from the EASTERN CHANNEL LIGHT SHIP to SANGOR LIGHT HOUSE. Surveyed, January and February, 1874. By F. Laycock, River Surveyor. Scale, 2000 yards to 1 inch. DIAGRAM to show Character of Shipping arriving at Calcutta, 1852-1863. To accompanying Mr. Leonard’s Report on the Hooghly, No. 12. On tracing paper. Size, 14 inches by 12. MS, DIAGRAM to illustrate Arrival and Losses of Ships and Fonnage at Caleutta. 1835-1863. No. 13. On tracing cloth, Size, 10 inches by 6. MS, Calcutta Canals. Map of the CIRCULAR and TOLLY’S CANALS from the Hoochly to their junction at Saumookpotha. With their Tributary streams, Poll houses, and Mutlah. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; size, 37 inches by 16. On tracing cloth. MS. mT 1 . ‘ ). ‘ Art 101 : N (‘anal Department. Tracing from a 1 lan of a I ortion of he CIRCULAR CANAL (Calcutta), showing the position of the site selected as the most suitable for the formation of Basins, January 1857. Seale, 10 chains to 1 sneh : size, 13 inches by 37. MS. ) , TDRCTTT AD CAN / 3 (‘anal Department. Plan of ( [R( ULAR ( AN Al, showing ites and position selected for the Dasing or Wet docks, also Transverse Section, Mav 1857. Seale. S inches to 1 mile ; size, 12 inches of the proposed dimensions. MS. by 35. On tracing cloth. The NEW CANAL, CALCUTTA, from the Hooghly to Dhanpa, where it meets the Circular Canal. Dated, May 1857. Plans numbered 1, 2, 3. On tracing cloth. MSS. No. 1. Tracing from a Plan of Caleutta, showing the relative positions of the . . 7 oo >) CY ronhee or Cirenlar and New Canals, Seale, S inches to 1 mile ; size, 30 wnches by Qi. No. 2 Jocetions in line of proposed basins, Seales, various; size, 28 inches hy 23. No. 3. Sections in line of proposed cut to connect the Circular with the New (‘anal at Ooltadancah. Seales, variovs ; size, 14 tnehes by 36. Sketch of LOCK GATES, with Sluices. Scale, 3 feet to inch ; sizes 12 inches by 17. On tracing cloth, MS, Calentta and Flastern Canals. Sketch Map illustrative of the works authorised and proposed on the CALCUTTA and KASTERN CANALS, and of the different places along the 1 lines. 1859. P. W. D. Pro. 15th Neptembe r 1859, No. 126. Neze. 16 inches hy 25. MS. CIRCULAR and EASTERN CANALS and ACRA DIVISION Cross Sections on the BALLIAGHATTA CANAL, Calentta, 1865, Nize, 20 inches by 21. * Nell IT fer Li/ce CY ( "1 lett. Map of the SALT WATER LAKE, TARDA JUNGLE, and of the surrounding lands. Prepared for the use of the Salt Water Lakes Reclamation and Irrigation Company, Limited, at the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, 1865. Neale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 42 inches by 64. 108 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. M: i VD appli / ] oom py te LAND applied for by the SALT WATER LAKE y 2 A y 5.G.0. CALCUTTA, 1865. Secale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 42 inches S J i} TATER - rT Ct ‘ » ; a = ATER LAKES. Statement of Comparative Levels by Major Se walch, and Captains Thompson and Prinsep, also Messrs. Clark and O’Fl Lerty, Calentta, 1865. Size, 25 inches by 20. TE be Quine 2 ne from a Map of part of the REVENUE SURVEY of ie CALCUTTA LAND, supposed to be surveye ’ tn Cin ew te CA : L pps s yed by Captain Claud Martin in 176 or 1764. Calcutta, 1865. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; vizo, 25 ote dy in i #760 Maugrah Canal. MW Show Be line of a CANAL from MAUGRA on the N. Bh on NGAH RIVER to JOGPOOR on the Hooglee, together with some or improving the navigation of the Matabhangah River. By Joh St ar May, Superintendent Nuddeah Rivers, August 1834. Scale, 2 mile to I wt iy 70 inches by 30. MS. ? Seatpre mies tel tucks oi, PIELD BOOR the TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY of the . xR. JANAL. By John Stuart May, Superintende ud Ri AT Chag oN any don Sa May, Superintendent Nuddeah Rivers. IQR + » rr rm . DESCRIPTION ofl 3 Pea I'A found in the WELLS dug along 46 ANE Of 108 Hen Sind "ANAL between the Nabogungah ¢ » Kul k Rivers. (Signed John S. May, Superintendent Nadia Rapa fie Brio AQ yp Y 5 rp rm . DESORIPT Ny he am I'A found in the WELLS dug along e : 1e M. / JAN AL, between the Kubbudduk : ohle Rivers (Signed John S. May, Superintendent Nuddenh a Hooghize River, inna U1) ; » date. Feap., paper Maugrah Canal Sections. No. 1. Section exhibiting the Levels of the country between the village of MAT GRATI on the NOBOGUNGAI RIVER and GOOGGEE ° RIVER HOOGHLEE., Prepared under the orders of Government fro yy 3 $46 executed daring the years 1835-36, 1836-37, by John Stnart May, Su Wh a of Nuddeah Rivers, Horizontal scale, 17-6 miles to 1 nels in perintendent 16 yards. MS. i oswzey 9 inches by No. 1, continued. Size, 9 inches by 16 yards. MS. Ne ) ‘ . ¢ ', - . ae b JC . cale, rea ed {0 3 11 } oS ) ). YA IN ( tit] ’) [( Oo 11d eS ( >. +g Y inches by 1 ) yards \[S : f l 1 mile J RY “Cy TY 5) 1 vr . _— . “0. ° . No. 3. Section exhibiting the Levels of the country through whi It 1s proposed to lead the MAUGRAII e AN Ad Prepared l J J ny rich : : CNT Sho Yd ‘pare Ye stuar av Superintendent of Nuddeah Rivers. 1838. Horizontal scale. 4 i ah Sioa May, size, T inches by T yards. MS. yd tnches to 1 mile; No. b Bocdien exhibiting the appearance of the STRATA found i SeVera JLLS, excavated along the line of the ? \ eral WELLS, exeavated along the line of the proposed MAUGRAH CAN das th years 1835 and 1836. Prepared by John Stuart May Su Amal, of Nuddeah Rivers. 1838. Size, 5 inches by 6 yards. MS dd SngoD] 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 109 Je No. 5. Section and Plan exhibiting the number of LOCKS, FLLOOD- GATES, and DAMS required for the MA UGRAH CANAL. Prepared by John Stuart May, Superintendent of Nuddeah Rivers.” 1838. Size, 4 inches by 68. MS. e Heights of the several RIVERS proposed MAUGRAH CANAL. Pre- Nuddeah Rivers. 1838. Size, No. 7. Section exhibiting the relativ and NULLA HS which will intersect the pared by John Stuart May, Superintendent of T inches by 47. MS. Rajmahal Canal. RAJMAHAL CANAL. Sections showing the nature in the neighbourhood of the line ; 1 sheet. Longitudinal section section showing the of the soil lockace during the wet and dry and transverse sections; 1 sheet. Seale. 12 inches to 1 mile. SEASONS, Longitudinal scetion sheets 1 to 7. Rajmahal to Groomanee, sheets 1 to 6; (yoomance to Jungypore, sheets 7 to 193 Jungypore to Moor Ledabad, sheets 20 to 27; Moorshedabad to Adji, sheets 98 to 40; Adji to Mirzapoor, heets 41 to 47. In ally 56 sheets, size of each, 40 inches by 27. Damooda and Hooghly Canal. The line of the DAMOODA and HOOGHLY CANAL and Areas irricated. With a section of the Canal. Copied (on sheets of the Indian Atla from Sheet 1 of the original plans. 1870. Scale, 4 miles tol inch ; size, 26 inches by 39. Tue Ganges apove THE DELTA. Rennells Survey, 1767. Imperfect. GANGES, No. 2. Surveyed in June 1767. (By J. Renncll, Sur- Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile : size, 32 inches by 21. MS. veyor.) ; ove and below Colgong. About 15 miles of the river, al Tiefentaller's Map, 1731. Carte Générale du COURN du GANGE et du GAGRA dressée sur les cartes particulieres du P. Tiefentaller, J. Missionnaire Apostolique dans I’Inde, par M. Anquetil du Perron, de Acad. Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres Interprete du Roi pour les langues Orientales. A Paris, 1784. Seale, 2 miles to | inch ; size, 26 inches by 30. Colebrooke's Survey, 1790. Imperfect. he RIVER GANGES from the mouth of the taken in December and January 1796- Secale. 1 mile to | inch ; size, No. 3. Survey of t COSSIMBAZAR RIVER to COLGONG, 97, by Captain R. H. Colebrooke, Surveyor-( reneral. GY inches by 25. MS. See also Hodgson’s Map of the Ganges, Nos. 8, 9. Wood's Survey, 18360. Huordwar to Allahabad. In 7 parts. Survey of the RIVER GANGLS from HURDWAR to Part 1. RD) NAHGUL, » immediate instructions of Major-{ reneral Sir Jam ut. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. taken in the month of February 1800, under the es HL. Craig, IK.B., Commanding the Army in the Field. By Lie Size, ol inches by 21. MXN. 110 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Part 2. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from NAHGUL to RAMGHAUT, pointing out the various ghauts, fords, &e. ; likewise of the country on the eastern bank for a considerable extent inland. Taken in the months of February and March 1800, under the immediate instructions of Major-General Sir James H. Craig, K.B., Commanding the Army in the Field. By Licut. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 112 inches by 37. MS. Part 3. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from RAMGHAUT to KAHDIRGUNGE, taken in the month of March 1800. By Lieutenant Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 29 inches by 47. MS. Part 4. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from KAHDIR GUNGE to FUTTEH GHUR, taken in the month of April 1800. By Lieutenant Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 39 inches by 40. MS. Part 5. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from FUT" ‘EH GHUR to CAUNPOOR, taken in the month of April 1800. By Lieut. Thomas Wood. Corps of Engineers, Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 66 inches by 50. MS. Part 6. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from USSNEE to CAUNPOOR, taken in the month of January 1802. By Captain Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 34 inches by 38. MS. Part 7. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from ALLAHABAD to USSNEE, taken in the month of January 1802. By Captain Thomas Wood Corps of Engincers, Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 80 inches by 19. MS. ’ Wood's Survey reduced. In 5 parts. No. I. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from HURDWAR to NAHGUL, taken in the month of February 1800, under the immediate instructions of’ Major-General Sir J. II. Craig, K.B., Commanding the Army in the Field. By Lieut. Wood, Corps of Engineers. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 15. MS. No. 2. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from NAHGUL to RAM GHAUT, pointing out the various ghauts, fords, &c. ; likewise of the country on the eastern bank for a considerable extent inland. Taken in the months of February and March 1800, under the immediate instructions of Major-General Sir James H. Craig, K.B., Commandine the Army in the Field. By Licut. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 62 inches by 23. MS. Nos. 3 and 4. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from RAM- GHAUT to FUTTEHGHUR, taken in the months of March and April 1800. By Lieut. T. Wood, Corps of Engineers. Reduced by C. Tetley. Se de, 2 miles to] inch ; size, 50 inches by 23. MS. No. 5. Survey of the RIVER GANGES from FUTTEHGHUR to CAUNPOOR, taken in the month of April 1800. By Lieut. T. Wood, Corps of Engineers. Reduced by C. Tetley. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size. 33 inches by 26. MS. Copy on a reduced scale (including Parts 1, 2, 3, 4) of a Survey of the RIVER GANGES and COUNTRY ADJACENT, from FUTTEH GIIUR to HURDWAR, made in the year 1800, by Lieut. 'T. Wood, of the Beneal Eugi- neers. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 48 inches by 29, MS. - 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 111 ITP | TD A portion of the RIVER GANGES between Fe 1 Elight B ' and CAUNPOOR, from Col. Wood’s (Engineers) Survey. Reduced fro ‘ . Seale, 4 miles to } inch ; size, 17 inches by 8S. MS. Webb's Route Survey of the Sources of the Ganges and Jumna, 1810. Survey to GANGOTRI, by Lieut. Webb, 1810. The General Map. Secale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 13. MS. "1 inch tc ile ; in 12 sheets of various The same on the scale of 1 inch to 1 mile; in 12 sizes, No title. MS. Hodgson’s Map of the Ganges, 1828. ( i s are parts of a series designed to include the various surveys The following sheets are parts of a series desig 0 i ¥ Aver of a ke in a uniform style, under the direction of Colonel Hodgson, Surveyor General in 1828.) ‘R GANGES, from BHERYAH to No. 8. Survey of the RIVER GANGES, for Bi ERYAY 0 CHUNARGUR, taken in the month of November 1801, by Major R. IL. ( ! —— ; yo Copied in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in Novembe ‘ survevor-Greneral. PE) Surveyor-Gener: Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches 1828, for the Honble. Court of Directors. by 99. MS. ) N ris No. 9. Survey of the RIVER GANGES, from CHI NAkat 1 io | N I AHABAD, taken in the month of December 1801, by Major R. i Salah ke, Survevor-Cio Copied in the Surveyor-General’s Office, ( alcutta, in ctob P . Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile; size, 28 inches Survevor-Greneral. the 1828, for the Honble. Court of Directors. by T4. MS. No. 10. Survey of the RIVER GANGES, from ALLAHABAD o : , © Captain Thomas Wood. t USSNEE, taken in the month of January 1500, » . aptain Ih mas . 0 ey. Ady « 1 . . | " x 4 toners Q Mice, ateutta, in No- ! " Engineer «lin the Surveyor-General’s t { orps of Engine hl ( opie , . : , Y, ; Jf iw SISCy 20 vouber 1828, for the Houble. Court of Directors. Secale, 1 inch to 1 mu , 28, inches by 84. MS. Prinsep’s Gangetic Atlas, 1829. . rrp TPE ay \ or’ ~ An Atlas of the GANGES and its ol LETS, from ALLA ITABAD to CALCUTTA, accompanying a le tter from Mr, Se cretary Prinsep, l : ceneral title. In 1 Vol. Oblo 22nd September 1829. No general title. ( CONTENTS. : habad to The River Ganges, from Allahabad t Lu ’ ‘ » > 2 (1 1 from the old surveys of’ Major R. H. : course. By Thos. Prinsep, Capt. miles to 1 inch. 2. The River Bhagruttec. ~ cS J. S. May, Esq. and Capt. Fitzgerald, king rs, exh By Thos. Prinsep, Cap Compiled from the surveys of appearance ig Sept.—Oct. 1528, 2 h + . 2 miles to 1 inch. oo . Lo AMP. H 3. The River Hooely, from Calcutta to Nuddya, trom the surve; x Major :. H. . La . . OR ‘ ourse in Sept-Oct. 28, Colebrooke, with corrections to 1ts present cours | 1 Sep : 1 ¢ ( 2 J nen, Thos. Prinsep, Capt. Engineers. Scale, 2 mile : to 1 in t. The River Jellenghee., From a survey executed in the y o 828. 3 May, Esq,, Superintendent of Nuddya Rivers. Secale, 2 miles to 1 ine May, usq,, ‘ I. ~xecuted by J. S. Mav. Iisq., Super- 5. The River Metabhunga, From a survey execute ) d, 3. Ma; . J. La ht = . a J 5 x " intendent of Nuddya Rivers, 1827. Sc aley 2 miles to 1 inch By ISPS. By JS 112 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. 6. The River Ganges, from Mohungunj to Rajapoor, or from the mouth of the Bhayruttee to the mouth of the Matabhunga. From a survey executed by J. 8. May, Esq., Superintendent of Nuddya Rivers. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. In the same cover,— 1. Notes to accompany the Charts of the Ganges. (By Capt. Prinsep, H. C. Engineers, 1828.) 8vo., 40 pages, sewed. 2. Précis of Reports, Opinions, and Observations on the Navigation of the Rivers y Lieut. James H. Johnson, Company’s Steam Vessels, 31 pages demy Svo., of India by Steam Vessels. London, 1831. (B BRN. commanding Hon, sewed. Ganges Navigation. 1845-50, 55. Journal of an EXPERIMENTAL VOYAGE up the GANGES, on board the Honourable Company’s Steamer Megna, J. Digney, Commander. July to September, 1845. Printed by Order of Government. Caleutta, 1846. Feap., paper cover. Documents regarding the NAVIGATION of the GANGES from ALLAHABAD to REVULGUNGE at the Mouth of bound together in paper cover. I. Report upon the Ganges River, witl By F. H. Simms, Esq. 2. The Causes of the Impediments met with by up-country Steamers in March and April, and how to be obviated. By Capt. A. H. E.” Remarks on Report No. 1. By Capt. W, M. Smyth. Memorandum on the Improvement of the Navi Allahabad and Revelgunge. By E. A. Reade, 1 Division. 5. Letter from A. Shakespeare, Esq. 6. On the Difficulties of Navi W. M. Smyth, Engineer. 7. On the Navigation of the Ganges, and the 1 By EF. A. Reade, Esq. 8. Remarks on Reports and Improvements on the (i and Revelgunge., 9. Instructions by the Commissioner of Benares to the taining the Traffic of Boats with accuracy. 10, Abstract of the Register of Boats proceeding upwards, from July 1st 1847 to June 30th 1848, within the Benares Division. 11. Operations for the Improvement of the Navigation of the Ganges from Revelgunge to Allahabad, during the season 1849-30. Calcutta, 1851, Feap., paper cover, the Gogra. Feap., 2 1 suggestions for improving its navigation. oh i Boileau, Engineer. / oo 3. 4, gation of the Ganges between s(., Commissioner of Benares gating the Ganges, with maps and plans. By Capt. temoval of Obstructions therein, anges between Allahabad River Inspector for ascer- A Draught for Building an IRON STEAM FERRY BOAT for use on the RIVER GANGES at BENARES. To accompany letter No. 92 of srd October 183535, from the Chief Superintending Engineer of the Kidderpore Steam Foundry. Size, 26 inches by 64. MS. tracing. Lower Provinces Revenue Survey, 1563 fo 1869. GANGES RIVER SURVEY. Sheet No. 1. Portions of Rivers Gunduck, Gogra, and Ganges, from the limits of District Goruckpoor, N, W. P. on the West, to the city of Patna on the Kast. 1863 to 1865. Sheet No. 2. Portion of Ganges River, 1865 to ’67. to Rajmahal.) Sheet No. 3. Portions of Rivers Ganges tinuation from Rajmahal to Goalundo, ) (Continuation from Patna and Jumoona. 1867 to GY. (Con- D5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 113 Ganges Canal. Report of the SPECIAL COMMITTEE appointed to examine the project of the GANGES CANAL. Dated February 1842. Printed at Calcutta 1845. Feap., paper cover. Another edition printed at Agra 1842. Crown 8vo., yellow cover. y T " ’ Y " Tr 1 ry Y Report on the GANGES CANAL from HURDWAR to CAWN.- PORE and ALLAHABAD. (By Captain P. J. Cautley.) Printed by Order of Government. Calcutta, 1845. Feap., paper cover. teport on the GANG ES CANAL WORKS, from their commence- ment until the opening of the Canal in 1854. By Colonel Sir Proby T. Cantley, K.C.B., F.R.S., late of the Bengal Artillery, Honorary Member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal and late Director of the Ganges Canal Works. Plans. Printed by ores of the Secretary of State for India in Council. London: 1860. Sixty-six Plates, in one volume, folio, half-bound. Report by Captain J. Crofton, R.E., on MEASU RES to he tases in REMODELLING the GANGES CANAL, with Appendices and Estimates. Maps VAL Addddald i “ 43a y a . ; (one) and Plans (LIX. including the Map), in a separate cover. 1864. Ioolscap folio, in stiff covers. ry : . \lso, the coloured Drawings from which the Plans were lithographed, in 63 vi » ’ hf ‘ Oo sheets, imperial folio. MS. GANGES CANAL. A disquisition on the Heads of the 6 ngs and Jumna Canals, North-West Provinces, in reply to strictures by Major- jenera Sir Arthur Cotton. By Col. Sir Proby T. Cautley, K.C.B. London, 1864, Octavo, hoards, Lower Ganges Canal. No. 1. Index Map, showing the course of all CHAN NELS 7d DISTRIBUTARIES, existing and proposed. Scale, 4 miles tol inech ; size, 36 inches by 82. On tracing cloth. MS. TANGLES KH A 3,1 » neighbourhood No. 4. Survey of the GANGLIS KHADIR, in the helghy trhoas of Rajghat. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 12 feet by +5. On tracing cloth. MS, JO ) Nos. 16 and 17. MAIN CANAL. (Section of the Surface of the } ground ; proposed Bed-levels; Depths of Cutting, and Heights of Embankment. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 15a. Plan of Site of the HEADWORKS and proposed STA- “PION at NUROWRA. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 29. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 34. Project for the LOWER GANGES CANAL, Weir across the Ganges. Scale, 15 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 58. On tracing cloth, MNS, Doab (Eastern Jumna) Canal. A Map of the D@OOAB CANAL. Surveyed by James Tod, Lieut. and Surveyor, 1810. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 11. MS, Survey Plan of the DOOAB CANAL, exccuted during ihe reign of Mahommed Shah, A.D. 1733, by James Tod, Licut. Surveyor, and rg Ho to 0 Residency at Sindia’s Court. Dee. lst, 1810. Copied from the origina Lag 0 ke Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, Dec. 6th, 1822. In two parts, Scale, abou 13 miles to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 300, MS. ) (7767) 114 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Notes and Memoranda on the EASTERN JUMNA or DOADB CANAL, NORTH-WEST PROVINCES. Feb. 12, 1845. (By Capt. I. J. Cautley.) Feap., paper cover. Sketch Map of the DOAB CANAL showing the existing Rajbuhas and the extension proposed for the completion of the Rajbuha System on that canal. Signed by Major W. E. Baker and Licut. R. Baird- Smith, Date about 1844. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 12. CALEE NUDDEE and MEERUT CANAL. Sheet 33a. Plans and sections of works proposed for the purpose of conveying the stream of the River Hindun by the channels of the Seela and West Calee Rivers to the Meerut Canal. 1831. Size, 25 inches by 32. MS. Irrigation Map of the GANGES-JUMNA DOAB, N. W. P, showing the entire system of canals proposed for its irrigation, Corrected to 31st March 1874. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 63. General Map of the proposed SYSTEM of CANALS to water the DOAB between the Ganges and Ramgunga Rivers. 24th March 1870. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 18, On tracing cloth. MS. Western Jumna Canal. General Map of the WESTERN JUMNA CANALS. (Extending from the Jumna to the Guggur.) No date. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 42. On tracing cloth. MS. General Map of the WESTERN JUMNA CANALS, 1867. Signed by Major Crofton. (Extending from the Jumna to the Chittung.) Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 37 inches by 42. On tracing cloth. MS. WESTERN JUMNA CANALS. Map No. 4. Index Map to New Hansi Branch Canal and Extension to Koojeeah Dher. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. Map of PROPOSED CANALS for irrigating land between the Guggur River and Nujufghur Jeel. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 28. On tracing cloth. MS. NUJJUFGHUR JHEEL DRAINAGE SCHEME. General Plan. 1871. Size, 25 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan No. 17. Special Works Division, W. JUMNA CANALS, SIRSA BRANCH. RoughPlan, showing Alignments proposed for Supply Channel. 1870. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 56. On tracing cloth. MS. The Gogra Rwer, a branch of the Ganges. Webb's Survey, 1809. In 3 Sheets. No. 1. Survey of the SURDAH, or GOGRA RIVER, from CHEONTEEA TO SYNDPOOR, by Lieut. W. S. Webb, 1809. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 26. MS. No. 2. Survey of the SURDAH, or GOGRA RIVER, from SYNDPUR to USOGPOOR, by Lieut. W. S, Webb. 1809. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; size 21 inches by 28. MS. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 115 No. 3. Survey of the SURDAH, or GOGRA RIVER, from GUDOHPOOR “to BUHADURPOOR, by Lieut. W. S. Webb, 1809. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 28. MS. Sarda Canal. Report on the CANAL IRRIGATION of ROHILCUND, inclusive of the irrigation of the Terai Lands ; to which is added some notes on the direct management of Roodurpoor and Guddurpur, By Captain W. Jones, Engineer, Roor- kee, 1855. Quarto, cloth. Map of Proposed Canals in NORTHERN ROHILKUND, N.W.P. No date. Size, 36 inches by 30. On tracing cloth, MS, ROHILKUND CANALS. BUNBUSSA CANAL. Index Map of Levels between Sardah and Deoha Rivers. 1871. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 35 inches by 29. On tracing cloth. MS. Report on the SARDAH CANAL PROJECT. By Captain J. G. Forbes, R.E., &c. Lucknow, 1871. Feap., sewed. SARDAH CANAL. No title or date. Size, 16 inches by 10. Sketch Map showing BHABUR BED of GOLA and PAHA CANAL HEAD WORKS. Size, 13 inches by 9. Plan showing proposed line for a canal from SARDAH to JUG- BOORA RIVER. Size, 36 inches by 23. I. D. O. Sketch Map showing proposed lines of SARDAH CANALS, OUDI and N. W. P." Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. On tracing cloth. MS. Sheet No. 3. 1. D. O. Longitudinal section of (SARDAH) CANAL BED to MEINAH KOL from head at BUNBASSA by SOORAE HEAD. Size, 36 inches by 57. On tracing cloth. MS. Sheet No. 4. I. D. O. Longitudinal section of CANAL BED (SARDAH CANAL) from head at NUGLAH to MEINAKOT BRANCH HEAD. Nize, 36 inches by 57. On tracing cloth. MWS. Gundulk Canals, L. P. INDIAN ATLAS, Sheets, 102, 103, 112. On which is drawn a proposed system of Canals from the River Gunduk, through Sarun and Western Tirhoot. No title or date. SNoane Canal. ‘ rr - r ) D «rE (r . SOANE CANAL PROJECT, 1861 : — | Plate 1. Index Map of India (Canals). Map of Soane Drainage Basin. Plate 2. Map showing the site of the proposed works and adjacent country, with sketched contowmr lines and sections, &c. Plate 3. ; ; | Plate 4. Map of the country adjacent to the Soane River, between the junction of the Koel and the Grand Trunk Road, with levelling sections. Plate 5. Map of the country between the Soane and Kao Rivers, with levelling seetions. 3 Plate 6. Map of the country between the Soane and IPoonpocn Rivers, with levelling sections, i 2 116 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Plate 7. Extract from the Sheets of Protracted Levels, with sketch of the ground in the vicinity of the Head Works. Plate 8. General plan of the Head Works, with sections, &e. Plate 9. Design for the Regulating Bridge and Dam Sluices at the head of the projected Western Soane Canal. Plate 10. Design for a Lock Channel Head for the projected Western Soane Canal, &ec. Plate 11. Design of a Syphon Drain for the Drainage of the Tootla. Plate 12. Design for a Dam for the passage of the Kao Rivers. Plate 13. Designs for Inlets and Escapes. Plate 14. Designs for Falls. Plate 15. Designs for Locks. Plate 16. Design for Barrier Bridges at Lock Channel Heads. Plate 17. Designs for Bridges. Plate 18. Design for Regulating Bridges at the Branch Heads on the projected Soane Canals. Plate 19. Compass Survey to illustrate questions as to the lining out of the works near Koroundea on the Sasseram Branch of the projected Western Soane Canal. Plate 20. Sections showing the Capacity of the Channels, the Disposition of the Spoil Banks, and the extent of the land to be taken up for the projected Soane Canals, Plate 21. Illustrations of the System of Distributaries. Folded in an octavo case. Outline Plan of the MAIN LINES of LAND embraced by the two schemes contemplated by the PROVINCE of OUDH and from the S( JANE RIVER known as the Oudh ‘and Soane projects. No date. Size, 36 inches by 54. On tracing cloth. MS. SONE CANAL. Plan of Head Works Land at Dehree. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch. Signed F. W. Rundall, Colonel R.E., Chief Engineer, Irrigation Branch, Bengal. No. 1a. Enclosure to Sone Circle, Sup. Engineer's No. 1038 of 14th July 1870. Size, 28 inches by 50. On tracing cloth. MS. SONE CANAL. Dehree Irrigation Division. Plan of ITead Works sand at Baroon. No. 1 B. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 22. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch Map illustrating approximately the Main Works and Lines of Irrigation and Navigation from the RIVER SOANE. No. 2. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 80. On tracing cloth, MS. SONE CANAL. Dechree Irrigation Division. Masonry of Head Locks. No. 6. Sealey 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 38. On tracing cloth. MS. SONE CANAL. Behar Works. Main (Eastern) Canal Section. Sone River to Chittur Gopee, 10} miles. No. 12. Size, 19 inches by 48. On tracing cloth. MS. SONE CANAL. Behar Undertaking. Eastern Main Canal. Design for Aqueduct across the River Poon Poon. No. 19. Size, 36 inches by 64. On tracing cloth. MS. #.% See also the Chandun River, p. 173; the Hindon River, p. 212; and the Chumbal River, p. 265. 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. THE BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER. Rennell’s Survey, 1765. An exact Survey of the RIVER BARAMPUTREY, from its con- flux with the ISSAMUTY, near DACCA, towards ASSAM. By J. Rennell, Sur- veyor. No. I, containing from the Issamuty to Nauldee Point, in distance 19} statute miles. 1765. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 36. MS. An exact Survey of the RIVERS MEGNA and BARAMPU- TREY, by James Rennell, Surveyor. No. 1, containing from the Issamutey to Nauldee Point, in distance 19} statute miles. May 1765. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 19 inches by 37. MS. This includes the same part as the foregoing. The remainder of the Survey on this scale is not in the collection. Rennell’s Survey, reduced. A general Map of the RIVER BARAMPUTREY, from its conflux with the ISSAMUTY, near DACCA, towards ASSAM ; carefully reduced fromthe original surveys to a scale proper for common use. By J. Reunell, Surveyor. In 5 Parts. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size of each sheet, 18 inches by 30. MSS. Part I. Containing from the Issamuty to the head of the Luckya River, in dis- tance 78 statute miles. 1765. Part II. Containing from the head of the Luckya River to Coustya, in distance 53 statute miles. 1765. No. 3. Containing from Baganbarry to Chilmary, in distance 69 miles. Surveyed in October and November, 1765. No. 4. Containing from Chilmary to Rangamatty Chokey, in distance 62 miles ; with the course of the Dherla River from its mouth to Curygong, the Teesta Creek to Olyapour, and the Sunecoas to Rangamatty. Surveyed in November, 1765. No. 5 and last. Containing from Rangamatty Chokey to Commerput (the eastern limit of Bengall towards the river), in distance 62 miles ; together with the Provinces of Bisnee, and the courses of several rivers through that country ; showing the limits of Bengall towards Assam and Boutan, Surveyed in Noe« vember and December, 1765. Reuben Burrow’s Survey, 1787. Remarks, &c. made in the GANGES and BURRAMPOOTER RIVERS in the latter part of the year 1787. By Reuben Burrow. Latitudes by meridian altitudes. Longitudes by lunar distances and eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites. Numerous sketches of hills. In 1 vol., post folio, hound. MS. Wood's Survey, 1792-94. The BURRAMPOOTER RIVER from NOGHURBERA to GWAHATTY. Surveyed in the months of December 1792 and January 1793, by Ensign Wood, of Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. Welsh’s Detachment in Assam. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 27. MS, The BURRAMPOOTER RIVER from GWAHATTY to LIT- TOREE. Surveyed in the months of February and March 1793, by Ensign Thomas Wood, of the Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. Welsh's Detachment in Assam. Scale, § inch to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 27. MS. TAR NE SI no OI JA tar 118 GENERAT, MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. The BURRAMPOOTER RIVER from LITTOREE to KOL- LIABAR. Surveyed in the months of November and December 1793, by Ensign Thomas Wood, of the Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. Welsh’ Detachment in Assam. Seale, } inch to 1 mile; size, 21 inches by 24. MS. The BURRAMPOOTER RIVER from KOLLIABAR to the confluence of the BOOREE LEWIT RIVER. Surveyed in the months of De- cember 1793 and January 1794, by Ensign Thomas Wood, of the Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. Welsh’s Detachment in Assam. Seale, % inch to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 27. MS. The BURRAMPOOTER RIVER from the BOOREE LEWIT to the JAHZEE RIVER. Surveyed in the month of January 1794, by Ensign Thomas Wood, of the Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. Welsh’s Detachment in Assam. Scale, } inch to 1 mile ; size, 22 inches by 27. MS. The BURRAMPOOTER RIVER from the JAHZEE to the D'HEKOWE. Likewise the March of the Troops to RUNGPORE, with a route thence to GHURGONG. Surveyed in the months of April and May 1794, by Capt. Thomas Wood, of the Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. Welsh’s Detachment in Assam. Scale, 1,500 yards to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 36. MS. Bedford's Surveys, 1324-26. Original Journals of the SURVEY of Captain James Bedford, 48th Regt., N. T., on the BURRAMPOOTER or BRUHMAPUTRA RIVER, within Assam in 1824 and 1825. Feap. folio, half-bound. MS. MS. BRAHMAPOOTRA SURVEY by Capt. Bedford. 1825-20. 1. Field Book of a Survey from Bishenath as tar as Willateea in March 1825. 2. Field Book of a Survey from Bishenath to mouth of the Booree Dihing. April to September, 1825. 3, Field Book of a Survey of the Churs, and left bank of the Burhampooter from Dikho Mookh to the head of the Munjoluh Tract. Also of the right bank and islands from the Dikwa Rand and Seeshee Nullas to Station 518, below Silnee Mookh. October to November, 1825. _ Field Notes of a short Survey up the Salee Nuddee, also the Surveys up the Dihung, Dipung, and Dikung. November to December, 1825. 5. Field Notes of a short Survey of the Now Dihing river from its junction with the Borlooheet to Rusan Ghaut, where it issues from the hills, and part of the Booree Dihing river. January to February, 1826. 6. Ficld Notes of a Survey of the Bor Looheet river. = Field Notes of a Survey of the Soonpooree Branch of the Bor Loheet river, and of the Bor Loheet itself from Sokatoo Mookh to 218, where the Survey ended on 3rd April 1826. Also Notes of the Dingaloo Survey. May to June, 1826. . Abstract of astronomical observations from January to October, 1825. Wilcox’s Surveys. 1826-31. 1. Expeditions to the Khamti and Mismi Mountains. 1826. Note Book of the ROUTE from KUSAN, on the DIHING to the KHAMTEE COUNTRY, near the sources of the IRAWADDY. Journey per- formed in April and May, 1826. Feap. folio, paper cover. MS. [Zn the handwriting of Lieut. Wilcox, but not signed.) Field Book of a JOURNEY through the MISMEE MOUNTAINS on the BRAHMAPUTRA. 1826. By Lieut. R. Wilcox. Feap. stiff cover. MS. DH. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 119 2. Wilcox’s Survey, Goalpara to Sadiya, and General Map. 1828. Survey of the BRAHMAPOOTRA from GOALPARA to BIS- HENATH, commencing 8th January and ending 8th March, 1828. Also from Goalpara to Jumalpoor, 26th to 28th April, 1828, and Memoir on the construction of a Map of Assam (without date), by Lieut. R. Wilcox. Feap. folio, half-bound. MS. Map of the BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER from GOALPARA to BISHENATH, from a survey made in 1828 by Lieut. R. Wilcox, B.N.I. In 3 sheets. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size of each sheet, 20 inches by 29. MSS. Map of the course of the BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER with the PROVINCE of ASSAM, and the various districts watered by it from its sources near the borders of China to Goalpara in Bengal, including also the heads of the Irawadi River. Compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office by Lieut. R. Wilcox, B.N.I., from his own surveys, and from those of Captains Bedford and Jones, B.N.L, and Lieut. Bedingfield, B.A. 1828. On 3 sheets. Scale, 4 miles to } inch. Sheet 1. Goalpara to Bishenath. Size, 21 inches by 41. Sheet 2. Bishenath to Sudiya. Size, 29 inches by 41. Sheet 3 is wanting. * %* See Assam for Wilcox’s Map of the sources of the Irawadi and Upper ) Brahmaputra. 3. Wilcox's Survey, West of Goalpara to Jaffarganj. 1830-31. FIELD BOOKS and NOTES, in one volume, fcap. folio, half- bound. MN. 1. Survey of the Ichematti river, from Pabna on the Ganges to the junction of the Huri Sagur. March 1830. 2. Field Book of a Trigonometrical Survey, with a plan of the triangles, and Table of the measurement of a base of 3,000 feet. March to May 1830. 3. Calculations of the Side of the whole of the Triangles above mentioned. 4. Further portion of Field Book of the Brahmapootra Survey. December 1830 to February 1831. 5. Continuation of ditto, to 15th June 1831. Sequel to the Field Book of 1830, containing the deductions of angles observed by repetition. Skeleton triangulation of the BRAHAMPUTRA RIVER, between SURAJGUNJ and RANGAMATTI in GOALPARA district. By Capt. Wilcox. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 15 pages foolscap folio. Map of the BRA HMAPUTRA and ICHAMATI RIVERS. Reduced from the original of Capt. R. Wilcox. (Reduced and drawn by M. H. Dias.) Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch, in 2 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 21. MS. Map of the BRAHMAPUTRA RIVER from JAFFIRGANJ to 30 miles west of Goalpara. 1830. (No title.) In 8 sheets. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size of each sheet, 19 inches by 25. M SS. In continuation of the foregoing. Map of the ICHAMATI RIVER between PABNA on the GANGES and the HURISAGAR, by Capt. R. Wilcox. 1830. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch : size, 204nches by 28. MS. * * See also the Megna River, &ec., pages 102 and 103. 5. tate 120 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. (.) RIVERS OF INDIA WITH OUTLETS ON THE EASTERN SIDE OF THE BAY OF BENGAL, BURMESE RIVERS. IRRAWADDY RIVER. Draught of the ERAWUDDEE (IRABATTY) RIVER from RANGOON to UMMERAPOORAH. the present capital of the Birmahn Dominions. Taken between the months of May and December 1795, aud presented to the Honourable Sir John Shore, Bart., Governor-General, &e. &e. &e. of India. By "Thomas Wood, Ensign, Engineers, Bengal Establishment. Seale, 4 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 81 inches by 30. MS, Sketch of the River from RANGOON to YEANDABOO (45 miles south-west of the city of Ava) in the great RIVER IRRAWUDDY. Taken while commanding the Honourable Company’s steam vessel Diana, advancing with the flotilla against the Burmese in 1825 and 1826. Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, by their very obedient and humble servant, Geo. Winsor, Lieut, RN. Seale, about 3} miles to 1 inch ; size 109 inches by 39. MS. Sketch of the IRRAWADDY RIVER from the CHINA BUKEER RIVER entrance to PROME. By Mr. I. E. Twisden, H. C. Str. Pluto. 1852. Seale, 4 inch to 1 mile ; size, 30 inches by 42. MS. *.* See also Burmah, Sketch of the RIVER IRRAWADDI from MEADAY to AME- RAPOORA. By Commander Rennie and Lieut. Heathcote, 1.N., assisted hy Messrs. Ogilvy, LN, and Darcy, H.C.S. Sutledge. Taken during the month of August, 1855. With a section of the river at its extreme height, and at its low level in the dry season ; also various notes. Seale, about 1 mile to 1 inch. Part 1, size, 52 inches by 69 ; Part 2, size, 40 inches by 126. MS. A Survey of the IRRAWADDY RIVERS, from MEEADAY to AMMERAPORA, in August 1855. By I. Duncan, commanding H.C. Steamer, Lord William Bentinck. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 80. MS, MEMORANDUM on the IRAWADI RIVER, with a Monthly Register of its Rise and Fall from 1856 to 1858, and a Measurement of its Minimum Discharge. By Lieut.-Col. A. Cunningham, Chief Engineer, Pegu and Tenasserim. Fcap., 6 pages, with diagrams. Sketch Map of the IRRAWADDY DELTA (with the Embankments and Prome Railway). Size, 11 inches by 13. On tracing cloth, MS. y Yy 8 Index Map showing Lines levelled and Line of proposed Canal Embankment, &e. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 31. On tracing cloth. MS. > Kyendwen River. A branch of the Irawaddy. Sketch of the KYENDWEN RIVER, from NATKYUNAUNG- MAIL or GENDUH, to the IRRAWATTE RIVER. By Lieut. Montmorency. With corrections and additions by Lieut. R. Boilean Pemberton, Surveyor of Eastern Irontier. 1831. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 43 inches by 21. MS. . MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. SITTANG RIVER. (Chart of) The SITTOUNG RIVER, from SUTTOUNG to TOUNG-GNOO. By Lieut. C. Y. Ward, LN,, Surveyor. 1834. Seale, 1,000 wards to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size of each, 39 inches by 41. MS. SALWEEN RIVER. Part of the THALWEEN RIVER (from MARTABAN to PABOO). Received 1844. Scale, 2,029 yards to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 20. Litho. RIVER SALWEEN surveyed by Lieut. Matthew Nolloth, H.M.S. Childers, 1843. Admiralty Chart, No. 1693. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 20, (¢.) RIVERS OF INDIA WITH OUTLETS ON THE WESTERN SIDE OF THE BAY OF BENGAL. DAMOODUR AND SUBARNREKHA RIVERS. Orissa Canals. No. 1. Plan of a proposed new Canal in MEDNAPORE and HEDJILEE DISTRICTS between the Damooda and Soobunreka Rivers, Seale, 1 nile to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 69. MS. No. 2. Plan of a proposed new Canal in the Province of ORISSA, between Soobunreka River and Chilka Lake. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 20 inches by 58. MS. Sketch Map showing the MAIN WORKS and LINES of IRRI- GATION and NAVIGATION now under construction, and proposed to be con- structed in Orissa and adjacent districts, as comprised in the Orissa undertaking, May 1870. Neale, 8 inches to 1 mile; size, 31 inches by 20. Map showing the Area which is at present Irrizable on the ORISSA CANALS, and the area which it is now propesed to irrigate. Enclosure to despatch from India, No. 138 of 1872. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. MAHANUDDY RIVER. Sketch Map illustrative of Report on River Mahanuddy and its Tributaries. 1863. Size, 23 inches by 24. Also the sam@ with another title. GODAVARI RIVER. Sketch Map giving the whole course of the LOWER and UPPER GODAVERY, PRANHITA, and WURDAH from CORINGA to NATCHEN- GAUM, showing the positions also of Nagpore, Bisnoor on the Wurdah, and i dls Ri a pm meal SO Ry a ee Ee seater 122 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Oomrawuttee, the great cotton mart of the Province of Berar. The site of the principal reefs or barriers are also shown, to illustrate the Chief Engineer’s summary of Lieut. Haig’s report. House of Commons Paper, No. 55, Feb. 18. 1862. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 20. Sketch Map of the GODAVERY VALLEY to accompany Captain Haig’s Memorandum of 1st January 1866. Size, 26 inches by 40. The KANHAN and PENCH RIVERS IRRIGATION PRO- JECTS, delineated on Sheet 72 of the Indian Atlas. Size, 490 inches by 27. Sketch Map to illustrate General Report relating to making use of the KANHAN RIVER, as a source of supply for the Godavery, and for the irri- cation of the Wurda Valley. 1863. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 22. Lithographed. Godavari Delta. A Map of the GODAVERY DELTA below RAJAMUNDRY with Collair Lake. 1846. No title. Scale, 2 miles to 1} inch; size, 39 inches by 65. MS. Skeleton Map of the DELTA of the GODAVARY in the RAJAH- MUNDRY DISTRICT, showing the course of the river,’the position of the Anicut, the channels, embankments, cuts, &e. which now existing will diffuse the benefits of the Anicut, and those which are necessary to give full effect to that work. 1849. Scale, inch to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 43. MS. Sketch of the GODAVERY and KRISTNA DELTAS, showing the principal channels of navigation, irrigation, drainage, &e. 1862. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 36 inches by 43. MS. tracing. Series of Levels down the RIVER GOUDAVERY from TAUNDI- POODY to CORRINGA. By J. L. Caldwell. Scale, 600 yards to an inch ; size, 172 inches by 61. MS, Godavari Anicut. Plans and Sections, &c. by Major Arthur Cotton, 1845 :— |. Section across the GODAVERY at the Head of the DELTA, ith its Wing-walls and Under-sluices ; also the Head showing the proposed Anicut w Size, 9 inches by 30. MS. Sluices to the Main Irrigating Channels, &e. 2. Sections of—the Slope of Land on the bank of the GODAVERY —The slope of the surface of the country from Maddapollum to Dhararum—The slope of water in December 1844, &c. Size, 8 inches by 42. MS. 3. Cross Sections taken through the body of the ANICUT, pro- posed to be built across the Godavery River and through one of the under-sluices. Size, 12 inches by 21. MS. 4. Plan showing one end of the proposed ANICUT across the Godavery, with the Head of the Irrigating Channel and the Sluices and Locks connected therewith. Size, 15 inches by 22. MS. 5. Plan of the GODAVERY at the head of the DELTA near Rajahmundry, showing the Site of proposed Works. 17th April 1845. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 23 inches by 27. MS, .D. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANAIS, 123 6. Plan, Elevation, &c. of the Head Sluice for the MAIN IRRI- GATION CHANNEL leading from the proposed Godavery Anicut. Size, 14 inches by 23. MS. 7. Plan and Sections of Locks for the proposed GODAVERY ANICUT. Size, 22 inches by 27. MS. GODAVARI CANALS. First Barrier. Sketch of the RIVER GODAVERY from DAVARAPILLE to PURNESALA, showing the proposed Line of Canal between Doomagoodium and Davarapille. Size, 14 inches by 12. On tracing cloth. MS. Map of the Tract of Country on the Left Bank of the GODAVERY traversed by the proposed Canal between Dumagudiem and Daverapilly. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 50 inches by 66. Drawn in colours on tracing cloth. MS. Head Sluice for the DOOMOOGOODIEM and DAVERAPULLY CANAL, Upper Godavery. Size, 13 inches by 16. On tracing cloth. MS. Culverts for the DOOMGOODIEM and DAVERAPILLY CANAL. Size, 12 inches by 12. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of a CALINGULAH for the DOOMGOODIEM and DA- VERAPILLY CANAL. Size, 10 inches by 11. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan and Sections of a CALINGULAH for the DUMUGUDIEM aed DEVARAPILLY CANAL. Size, 16 inches by 23. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan and Sections of proposed ENTRANCE LOCK at DUMU- GUDIEM, Sinteral Barrier. Size, 15 inches by 23. On tracing cloth, MS. Plan and Sections of the proposed LOCKS at DAVERAPILLY, Sentral Barrier Project. Size, 26 inches by 49. On tracing cloth. MS. Section of Canal from DUMAGUDIEM to CONGOLE. No- vember 1866. Size, 10 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. Flood Embankment from High Ground at TRAMWAY to High Ground at TAIL LOCKS. Dumagudiem, November 1866. Size, 10 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. Head Lock. Secale, 20 feet to 1 inch; size, 10 inches by 23. On tracing cloth. MS. Also a copy printed in a Parliamentary Return. Sketch of the Shoals at RUDRUM COTA, as they appeared about 1st Nov. 1860. Sige, 10 inches by 10. On tracing cloth. MS, Plans printed for Parliament. First Division. Section of a Canal from VAGU, No. 17, to LOWER TAIL LOCK. Showing work done to end of May, 1863 and 1864. Size, 13 inches by 35. Printed in Parliamentary Return. som A WS SA IW IR, 124 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Section of Canal through 2nd Subdivision, 1st Division, U.G.C. Showing work done up to 1st Nov. 1864. Size, 13 inches by 35. Printed in Par- liamentary Return. Section of Canal from DUMAGUDIEM to CONGOLE. Showing work done in 1865 and 1866. Size, 13 inches by 35. Printed in Parliamentary Return. Longitudinal Section of the DUMUGUDIEM ANICUT. Show- ing work done to 30th April 1866. Size, 13 inches by 35. Printed in Parliamentary Return. Also another. Showing work done on the same section in 1867. Head Lock. See MS. Scouring Sluices at DUMAGUDIEM, U.G.W. Showing work to April and October 1866. Size, 13 inches by 25. Printed in a Parliamentary J return. Plans of Eleven Parts of the BED of the GODAVERY, with dia- grams of its fall from Kamptee to the Mouth of the Kanhan River, and from the Kanhan to the Mouth of the Wein Gunga River. On 5 plates, size of each, 10 inches by 9. Printed in a Parliamentary Return. Transverse Section of the GODAVERY in the line of the proposed Anicut, 1st Barrier. Size, 9 inches by 39. On tracing cloth, MS. No. 2. Longitudinal Section of the ANICUT at DUMAGU- DIEM, No. 2. Size, 9 inches by 39. No. 3. Design for Anicut Wing Wall. By Major Stoddard. Size, 27 inches by 39. No. 4. Scouring Sluices. Size, 22 inches by 40. 5. Head Lock. Scale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. 6. Torbaka Escape. Size, 27 inches by 40. Seetumpet Lock. Size, 27 inches by 40. Budrachellum Escape. Size, 20 inches by 19. Upper Tail Lock. Size, 27 inches by 40. No. 10. Plan of Double Lock. Size, 27 inches by 40. Longitudinal Section of the Bed of the GODAVERY from Purnasala to the foot of the 1st Barrier. Second Barrier. Plan No. 1. Map of the Second Barrier of the GODAVERY, showing the positions of the proposed Anicut and Locks. Secale, 400 yards to Linch ; size, 31 inches by 60. On tracing cloth, MS, No. 2. Plan of the RIVER BED at the Site of the proposed ANICUT, 2nd Barrier, GODAVERY. Seale, 32 inches to 1 mile ; size, 32 inches by 60. On tracing cloth. MS. 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 123 A Cross Section of the RIVER BED at ENCHAMPILLY. Estimate No. 1, 1864-65. Size, 24 inches by 39. On tracing cloth. MS. ‘ . ~ hl . » rv YT. No. 3. Transverse Section of RIVER BED on Line of ANICU I ; Cross Section of Anicut; Sketch of Upper Course, showing concrete filling ; Séction to illustrate calculations. Size, 30 inches by 42. On tracing cloth, MS. No. 4. Plan of UPPER and part of MIDDLE LOCK, with Sluice and Guard Wall in the proposed Anicut. With scetions. Size, 28 inches by 40. On tracing cloth, MS. No. 5. Plan of LOWER and part of MIDDLE LOCK in proposed Anicut. Size, 25 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. y £ : 3 . 1. ~ Longitudinal Section of 2nd Barrier along Summer Channel from {UNGARAM to BODAGUDEM. Size, 13 inches by 76. On tracing cloth. 1S. Third Barrier. Map of the Lower Part of the WYNE GUNGA and 3rd Barrier of the GODAVERY. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 20 inches by 26. Printed in Parliamentary Return. Sketch Map to illustrate General Report relating to making use of the KANIIAN RIVER as a source of supply for the Godavery and for the irrigation = : : * . . Om Th . of the Wurda Valley. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 27. Printed at the S. G. O., Calcutta, 1863, KRISHNA RIVER. Plan of the RIVER KISTNAH with part of the MASULIPATAM and GUNTOOR DISTRICT, exhibiting many of the tanks and the ancient and decayed channels of supply upon which the cultivation of Paddy depends. By J. Lillyman Caldwell, Superintendent of tank repairs. Seale, 2,000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 32. MS. Michael Topping’s Survey. 1793-4. A Survey of the KISTN AH, exhibiting the series of levels taken on the northern bank of that river. By M. Topping. Seale, about 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 125 inches by 50. MS. A Survey of the KISTNATI, exhibiting the series of levels taken on its northern bank. By M. Topping. 1793. Secale, about 1} inches to 1 mile ; size, 62 inches by 29. MS. A Survey of the RIVER KISTNAH from MUKTALAH to 1793. Secale, 3 juthoms to inch : size, 124 inches BEZOARA. By MaTopping. by 50. MS, KISTNAH from BEGOARA to the Sea. By 1794. Scale, about 1% inches to 1 mile ; size, 96 inches by 49. MS. A Survey of the M. Topping. A Survey of the KISTNAH from BEGOARA to the Sea. By . . 3 . . ”cy 1 ~ 1794. Secale, about 1} inches to 1 mile ; size, 9% inches by 51. MS. M. Topping. Et Ra RE a oe = Ee ER a EE TD 126 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. A Survey of the KISTNAH from BEGOARA to the Sea. By M. Topping. 1794. (Without title.) Secale, about 3 inches to 1 mile; size, 144 inches by 26. MS. Series of levels from BEGOARA to ELLORE (by M. Topping, 17947). Secale of the profile, about 9} feet to 1 inch ; size, 136 inches by 45. MS. Series of levels from ELLORE to TALLAPOODY. (By M. Top- ping, 1794 2.) Scale of profile, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 180 inches by 1. MS, *4* See the Godavari River for the continuation of this series to Coringa. Krishna Delta. Sketch of part of MASULIPATAM and GUNTOOR DISTRICTS, showing the extent of land (coloured light green) that will be brought under the influence of the proposed Kistnah Anicut. 1874. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 29. MS. Sketch Map showing the direction of the proposed SOUTHERN HIGH LEVEL CHANNEL from the KISTNAH ANICUT. 1855. Size, 15 inches by 30. MS. Diagram, showing the nature of the two great holes made in the KISTNAH ANICUT by the freshes of 1838. Size, 25 inches by 19. MS. Map of KISTNA DELTA. 1863. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 52. On tracing cloth. MS. Section through the body of the proposed KISTNAH ANICUT. 1847. No. 4. Size, 21 inches by 25. MS. Plan, Elevation, &c. of the HEAD SLUICES for the Main Irrigating Channels leading from the proposed KISTNAH ANICUT. 1847. Size, 19 inches by 24. MS. Plan and Sections of a LOCK to be attached to the Main Sluices of the Main Irrigating Channels leading from the proposed KISTNAH ANICUT. 1847. Size, 19 inches by 28. MS. Sketch showing the probable acreage of wet cultivation when the KISTNA CHANNELS shall have been enlarged to their full width. 1863. Drawn on a printed map, entitled * Map shewing the Trunk Roads of the Kishnah District.” Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 23. Longitudinal and Cross Sections of the principal Channels in the GUNTOOR DELTA, showing the dimensions to “which it is proposed to extend them eventually. 1863. Size, 36 inches by 52. On tracing cloth. MS. Longitudinal and Cross Sections of the principal Channels in the MASULIPATAM DELTA, showing the dimensions to which it is proposed to extend them eventually. 1863. Size, 36 inches by 52, with a Supplement, On tracing cloth, MS. WESTERN BANK CHANNEL. Proposed Calingulas for regu- lating the discharge of water at Kollore, at head of Vellatur Channel, and at head of Yesakapully Channel. 1863, On three sheets ; size of eachy 14 inches by 21. On strong cloth. MSS. D. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 127 Sketch showing the course of the IRRIGATION COMPANY'S CANAL in the KURNOOL DISTRICT, and the probable extent of land irrigable from it north of Nundial. Lithographed in colors at the Revenue Survey Press, Madras, October 1863. Size, 24 inches by 32. MADRAS PRESIDENCY IRRIGATION. Irrigation Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, compiled and drawn in the Government Lithographic, Press, Central Office of Public Works, from information furnished by District Engineers, for the Secretary of State for India, as per order of Government, No. 569, of 17th October 1860. 1860. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 115 inches by 96. *.¥ With a list of the principal rivers, canals, channels, and principal tanks in each district. MS. Irrigation Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, compiled from information furnished by District Engineers, for the Secretary of State for India. Corrected up to April 1863. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 115 inches by 97. ** With a list of rivers, canals, channels, and tanks in each district. Similar Maps for the years 1864, 1865, and 1869. MADRAS EAST COAST CANAL. Section of the GROUND from YEDDAHOOR near Sadras to AUDEAUR RIVER, at MADRAS. Taken for the purpose of constructing a canal between those places, to be eventually extended southwards. 1833. Size, 11 inches by 13% feet. . On tracing cloth. MS, Plan of the EAST COAST CANAL, showing the parts completed, in progress, and not commenced, together with the Principal Irrigating Channels in the Godavery and Kistnah Deltas ; compiled from the Madras Public Works Budgets for the years 1854-55 to 1860-61, inclusive. Also Plan of the “TUM- BUDRA SCHEME,” in course of construction by the Madras Irrigation and Canal Company, from a letter from Capt. I. H. Rundall to Secretary to Government of Fort St. George, dated 1st February 1860, No. 36. And Plan of a PROPOSED CANAL from PONANG to COCHIN, with EXTENSION to TRIVANDRUM. ( See Madras Public Works Letter, No. 5 of 1860.) By Fred. Chas. Danvers, Public Works Department, India Office. 25th July 1860. Size, 30 inches by 25. This is a part of Walker’s Sketch Map of India, with a MS. title and additions. MADRAS IRRIGATION AND CANAL COMPANY. The MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY (Li- mited). A pamphlet with the Prospectus of the Company, and extracts from Official Reports and Documents, &c., showing the vast importance of Works of Irrigation and Communication by Navigable Canals, in the Presidency of Madras and the Mysore Territories, &c., as a safe and highly remunerative investment for British capital. London, 1857. Octavo, 120 pages, sewed. * General Maps. Maps showing the TERRITORIES embraced by the Act of Incor- poration and Scheme of the MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Size, 27 inches by 22. ¥ Showing the Main Irrigating and Navigable Canal of the first project, to be constructed by the Madras Irrigation and Canal Company. —— eee reer i SE A —— — aE, ER AA 128 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. CHANNEL of the TOONGA- reof, existing and proposed Another edition, showing the MAIN BUDDRA PROJECT, the contemplated Extension the Canals. Size, 27 inches by 22. Sketch showing the CONTOUR LINES which a Canal taken off at different levels from the TUMBUDDRA will follow along the watersheds of the RIVERS TUMBUDDRA and BOWANASSY, the BOWANASSY and KUN- DAR, and the BOWANASSY aad HINDRI. To accompany the Consulting Engineers’ letter of the 15th Oct. 1860. Size, 13 inches by 27. On tracing cloth. MS. Map showing the TOOMBUDDRA PROJECT of the MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY, as roughly sketched by the Chief Resident Engineer. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 32. *,% With an explanation. Also a later edition, dated November 1860, without the expla- nation. The MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Map of the Toombuddra Undertaking, showing the Main Line of Canal, as at present under construction, and contemplated. No date. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 33. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COM PANY. Sketch Map showing the Line of Canal and proposed Telegraph (from Soonkasala to Cudda- pah). Sanctioned in the Government Proceedings, No. 3167 of 23rd October 1865. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 19. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of the East Portion of the TOOMBUDRA PROJECT to accom- pany the first report of the Chief Engineer, Sept. 1859. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 37. MS. Sketch showing the probable site for an Annicut across the River Pennair, and line of Main Canal of irrigation and navigation, thence to the Eastern Coast Canal near Kistnapatam, as proposed by the Chief Engineer of the Irrigation Company. Sec his letter to the Secretary, dated 5th April 1860, &ec. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 33. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch Map showing the course of the MAIN CANAL from the SOONKASALA ANNICUT to the NAGATOOR TANK. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile; size, 23 inches by 38. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch showing the direction of the MAIN CANAL, the Site of the Reservoirs on the Rivers Huggry and Hindry, and of the Annicuts on the Rivers Toongaboddra and Pennaur. 1860. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 21. On tracing cloth. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Survey of No. 1 Mile of the South Main Channel from the proposed Soonkasala Annicut. See Despatch to Home Government, dated 10 June 1861. Scale, 88 yards to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. MS. Survey of No. 2 mile. Size, 26 inches by 33. MS. 3 ” 3 ” » 21 » 30 » > ’ 4 190 % 30 »» ’” » 5 ”» ” 21 » 30 » » 3) 6 2” 9 21 » 29 ” ” 3 7 ’ ”» 20 9 29 »” ” »” 8 ” ” 22 ” 29 ” 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 129 Survey of No. 9 mile. Size, 31 inches by 30. MS. »” » 10 9” ” 34 ”» 30 » » » 1 1 ”» » 20 ”» 30 » » » 12 , » 27 » 31 » wo ley IB, » 26 " 32 49 ” 14 bE) » 28 " 33 4» 2” 3 15 2 2 24 ’ 33 ’ » »” 16 » » 26 » 30 ”» ow Moy 24 30 . CONTOUR LINE of TANK formed in No. 6 Mile of South Main Canal. Size, 42 inches by 30. MS. South Main Canal Bridges. No.1. MADRAS IRRIGATION AND CANAL COMPANY. Plan, Sections, and Elevation of the Bridge proposed to be constructed on the 17th mile of the South Main Canal. Scale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 30. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION AND CANAL COMPANY. Hindry Division. Bridge No. 2 proposed to be constructed on the 19th mile. Secale, 10 feet to inch ; size, 12 inches by 28. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION AND CANAL COMPANY. Hindry Division. Bridge No. 3 proposed to be constructed on the altered portion of Garidimulla Road. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 15. MS. South Main Canal, Calingulahs. MADRAS IRRIGATION AND CANAL COMPANY, Plan, Section and Elevation of Numbers 1 and 3, Calingulah, on the South Main Canal. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 30. MS. Also Numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, on separate sheets. South Main Canal Tunnels. MADRAS IRRIGATION AND CANAL COMPANY. Plan and Sections of Nos. 1, 2, 3 Tunnels on the South Main Canal. Scale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 30. MS. Also Nos. 4 and 3, 6, 7, 8, on 4 sheets, South Main Canal Culverts. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. [Plan and Sections of No. 1 Culvert on the South Main Canal. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 30. MS. Also No. 2 on 1 sheet, 3, 4,5, 7,8, 9, on 1 sheet. . 6, on 1 sheet. 10, on 1 sheet. ” 12, on 1 sheet. " 13, on 1 sheet. . South Main Canal Ferry Boals. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Ferry Boat proposed for the South Main Canal, Seale, X inch to 1 foot ; size, 14 inches by 30. MS. ’ Also a Copy of the same, entitled Madras Irrigation and Canal Company, Hindry Division, 10 ferry boats in the 2nd Section. ’ (7767.) I Li El Fre Sire aa I A mT i EE, En. 3 i # i ee — Pr rr —— Ee —————— LL Ss i ee. ¥ ; ¥ i GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Hindry Aqueduct. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Survey of a portion of the River Hindry, showing the Site of the proposed Aqueduct, and also that of the sanctioned one, with road alteration. Secale, 88 yards to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 28. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. 'Trans- verse Section of the Hindry, showing the surface of Rock at the Site of the proposed Aqueduct. Size, 10 inches by 45. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Altered Plan of Hindry Aqueduct. Scale, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 50. MS. Plans of the WORKS at HINDRY, &ec. Signed I". H. Rundall, Lieut.-Colonel, Consulting Engineer for Irrigation and Canal Company, numbered 1,2,3,4,5 In duplicate, on tracing paper mounted. No. 1. Survey of a portion of Kurnool and the River Hindry, showing the Site of the Aqueduct. Seale, 88 yards to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 29. No. 2. Transverse Section of the Hindry, showing the surface of the Rock of the Site of the proposed Aqueduct. Seale, 30 feet and 10 feet to 1 inch; size, 10 inches by 44. No. 3. Proposed Hindry Aqueduct, near Kurnool. Seale, 30 fect to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 34. No. 4. Enlarged Section of a portion of the Hindry Aqueduct. Seale, 10 fect to 1 inch ; size, 29 inghes by 50. No. 5. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of the Approaches of the Hindry Aqueduct. Scale, 30 feet to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 30. Kadrabagh Aqueduct. Elevation, and Section of KADRABAGH AQUEDUCT, Plan, / Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 40. substituted for Culvert No. 13. 1864. On tracing cloth. MS. Plans of Works in the HINDRY DIVISION; Main Canal, 2nd Section, dated Kurnool, 13th December 1864. (No. 1.) Scale, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 26. On tracing cloth. MS. (No. 2.) Sections of Walls constructed and under construction on 2nd Section Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 Main Canal, to accompany Revised Estimate, inches by 24. On tracing cloth. MS. (No. 3.) Plan, Section, and Elevation of the Gooty Road Bridge, as completed. te. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 21. On tracing cloth, MS. (No. 4.) General Plan and Elevation, &c. showing Sluices in Calingulahs. Scale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 24. On tracing cloth. MS. (No. 5.) Plan and sections of Emptying Sluice in 19th mile. Seale, 10 fect to 1 inch : size, 15 inches by 18. On tracing cloth. MS. (No. 6.) Plan and Sections of Culvert, No. 12, situated in the 21st mile. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch; size, 19 inches by 39. On tracing cloth. MS. Survey and Levels along the first mile of the GREAT SOUT MAIN CANAL from KURNOOL. 1860. Scale, 330 fect to 1 inch 5 size, 24 inches by 36. MS. Average Sections of the Canal Embankment and Dry Rubble Walls. D. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 131 No.1. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Survey of a portion of the country adjacent to the site of the Annicut proposed to be constructed across the Toongaboodra at Kurnool. 1860. Secale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 31. MS. No. 2. - MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Plans, elevation, and sections of the Toombudra Annicut and Under Sluices proposed to be constructed at Kurnool. July 1860. Size, 26 inches by 38. MS. No. 2. Drawings of WALLS and SURPLUS SLUICES for the first mile at Kurnool. August 1860, Size, 13 inches by 19. MS. Plan No. 3. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Drawings of Head Sluice for the South Main Canal at Kurnool. 1860. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 2] inches by 28. MS. No. 4. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Drawings of Lock for the South Main Canal at Kurnool. 1860. Size, 26 inches by 34. MS. Canal Sections. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Hindry Division. Cross sections from the 20th mile to the 43rd. On 9 sheets. MS. © MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Hindry Division. Longitudinal section from the 20th mile to the 32nd. Size, 74 yards by 6 inches. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Land plan No. 8. Showing land required in the village of Rajowloo in the {territories of the Rajah of Gudwal. Secale, 88 yards to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 37. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Hindri Division. Syphon Sluice No. 1. Scale, 10 fect to 1 inch; size, S inches by 12. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Proposed Hospital at Kurnool. Size, 14 inches by 19. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Central Hospital, outbuildings. Size, 12 inches by 23. MS. of the RF'VER TOOMBUDDRA at SOONKASALA Register Chepank, 24th March 1863. Size, ANICUT, for the month of July 1862. 15 inches by 12. On tracing cloth. MS. Section of ANICUT to accompany Monthly Report for June 1862. Chepank, 24th March 1863. Size, 15 inches by 29. On tracing cloth. MS, I 2 ay Bb ot RAR nt pt y F EE I SS Sd ey Er ES 132 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Nuagatoor Division. Plans sanctioned in the GOVERNMENT PROCEEDINGS, No. 3576, on 14th December 1864. (No. 1.) Proposed 8 feet Culvert. On tracing cloth. MS. (No. 2.) 14 feet Culvert at Puggydial. by 20. On tracing cloth. MS. Plans sanctioned in the (Government proceedings, No. 461 of the 16th February 1865. Scale, 8 feet to 1 inch. y (No. 1.) Apron for Calingulah. (No. 2.) Apron for Calingulah. Scale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 23. Seale, 8 feet to | inch ; size, 19 inches Size, 15 inches by 19. Size, 31 inches by 25. Koondaur Division. Plans for the Sixth Section of MAIN CANAL. Lieut.-Col. R.E., Acting Consulting Engineer for Irrig Signed 1. O. LE. Ludlow, ation and (anal Company. No date. (No. 1.) Plan of Lock with Bridge, No. 7. 20 feet lift. size, 28 inches by 37. (No. 2.) Plan of Lock, Nos. 3, 6, 10, and 12. 10 feet lift. Seale, S feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 28. (No. 3.) Plan of regulating Lock, No. 1, at the head of Sixth Section. Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 24. (No. 4.) Plan of Lock of 20 feet lift, Nos. 4, 5, 8, 9, 11. Secale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 30. (No. 5.) Plan of Lock of 30 feet lift, No. 2. Seale to elevation, 16 fect to] inch ; scale to plans and section, 8 feet to 1 inch : size, 27 inches by 37. (No. 6.) Plan of regulating Lock, No. 1, at the head of Seventh Section, Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 23. Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; Pennair Division. Pennair Canal. Sketch Survey of the proposed KISTNAPATAM CANAL (from Kistnapatam to Mellore). 1860. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile; size, 46 inches by 22. On tracing cloth. MS. Plans and sections, 9 sheets of various sizes (tracing cloth). PENNAIR DIVISION, 9th section; Scouring Sluices, 8 Culvert; Calingula, 10 ft. drop : Elevation of Western Wing Wall of Anicut at Rajoly. Dated Mellore, September, 1860. MSS. Bownassy Division. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Plan, showing Main Line from 43rd to 72 1 inch to 1 mile; size, 22 inches by 29. MS. No.2. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Bownassy Division. Calingulah of 600 feet opening. Size, 20 inches by 24. MS. Bownassy Division. 20 inches by 29. MS. &e. of the details for the above CANAL, on feet Calingula, 8 ft. drop; Calingula, 12 ft. drop. Sketch 72nd mile, or 4th and 5th sections. Scale, No.3. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Bridge under road from Yerragoodoor to Mittacondal. Size, 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 133 No. 4. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Bownassy Division. 3 feet culvert. Size, 21 inches by 29. MS. No.5. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Bownassy Division. 4 feet culvert. Size, 21 inches by 29. MS. No.6. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Bownassy Division. 6 feet culvert. Size, 19 inches by 29. MS. No. 7 MA DRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Pom Division. Road bridge in ordinary section of canal. Size, 13 inches by 22. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Bow- a Divi Longitudinal section, 43rd mile to 72nd. Size, 16 yards by MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Bow- aon. Cross section of canal, Nos. 1, 2, 3,4. Size of cach, 15 inches MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. Offices and store at Bownassy. Size, 20 inches by 25. MS. MADRAS IRRIGATION and CANAL COMPANY. v 2 3 ~ 1 ? ~ 2 . r « fxr J . > I~ 1 penters’ and smiths’ shed at Bownassy. Size, 12 inches by 17. MS. Mysore, Hemavati Irrigation. Survey of the SREERAMADAVUR, North and South CHAN- NELS, Nursipoor Talug. Drawing No. 1a. No date. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 37 inches by 72. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of MADAPOOR DAM (Heemavutty River). Nodate. Size; 31 inches by 29. On tracing cloth, MS. POINEY OR PONNAY IRRIGATION. (1.) Sketch showing the general direction of the CHANNELS from the PONNAY RIVER, including those cut in 1863 and those proposed to be executed. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 58. On tracing cloth. MS (2.) Survey of the proposed NEW TANK at KARYKALL together with its channel of supply from the North end of Parangangec Tank and the continuation of the channel from Parangangee Tank Eastward towards Moshoor In three parts. Size, 88 inches by 147. On tracing cloth. MS. (3.) Section taken from the North End of the PARANGANGLEE TANK to the Karykall Reservoir and on to Moshoor. to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 45. On tracing cloth. MS, (1.) Survey of a SOUTHERN BRANCH CHANNEL from Poiney Aunicut. Size, 77 inches by 27. On tracing cloth. MS. Seales, 30 yards and 12 feet 134: GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. (5.) Survey and Section of a proposed CHANNEL for Irrigating the Lands beneath the Tank of Thagracoopum Cottary. Scales, 150 feet and 10 fect to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 25. On tracing cloth. MS. CAVARI DELTA, 1865-67. Tracing No. 1. Sections of the Surplus Works of the RIVER CAUVERY, Upper Annicut. Tracing No. 2. Proposed Vented Dam for RIVER CAUVERY, to be built 200 feet below the Grand Annicut, that work to be raised 7;ths of a foot or to 2416 above datum line. Work to consist of 30 vents and 1 large arch for boats to pass through. Seale 1+240 ; size, 42 inches by 46. MS. Tracing No. 3. Proposed Dams to be built across the CAUVERY and CODAMOORLY RIVERS, with Road Bridges for the regulation of the water. Size, 37 inches by 44. MS. Tracing No. 4. Proposed Dams to be built across the CAUVERY and ARASALAUR RIVERS, for the regulation of the water. Size, 25 inches by 37. MS. Tracing No. 5. Proposed Dams to be built across the CAUVERY and VEERASHOLAN RIVERS, for the regulation of the water. Size, 24 inches by 37. MS. Diagram of the Freshes of the RIVER CAUVERY, No. 1. Diagram of the Height of the Water, from June to December 1865, on the different water gauges in the RIVER CAUVERY. PALAR IRRIGATION WORKS. Maps and Plans, &c. of a Project for an Annicut across the PALAR, marked A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, W. On tracing cloth. MSS. A. Plan, Sections, and Elevations of the Palar Annicut and Bridge. Size, 29 inches by 89. g B. Surveys showing the Tanks and Channels of the South side connected with the Palaur Annicut Project. 1863. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 30 inches by 45. C. Plan of the Palaur Annicut as built, and various sections. 18359. Size, 24 inches by 37. D. Indian Atlas, Sheet 78. Showing the Palar and Poiney projects in MS. 1862. Size, 26 inches by 40. E. Survey showing the position of the Annicut across the Palar, and the channels connected with it. 1862. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 24 inches by 25. F. Survey showing the Channels of the North side connected with the Palaur Annieut project. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 44 inches by 72. G. Sections of Mahandravady Channel in its finished state. 1860. Size, 7 inches by 30. 2 Movati « Sect : * the ahs nn nm Tr ‘1 B. 1 lan, Elevation, and Sections of the Mahandrawaddy Tank, New Calingulah, South side. Size, 15 inches by 24. W. Plan of Works connected with Palaur Annicut. No title. 1861. Size. 18 wches by 42. ’ sae D5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 135 TAMBRAPOORNEY IRRIGATION, TINNEVELLY. Sketch of the Irrigation dependent on the TAMBRAPOORNEY, below the Murdoor Anicut, showing the proposed channels to Tuticorin on the north and Trichendore on the south, with the new land to be brought under wet cultivation coloured yellow, in the Streevigoontum and Punjamahl Talooks of the Tinnevelly Digi 1855. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. » >. Plans and Sections of an Anicut and Bridge with Locks at both extremities, to be constructed across the TAMBRAPOORNEY at Streevigoontum. 1855. Size, 18 inches by 45. On tracing cloth. MS. Sections of the proposed Channels to TUTICOORIN on the north and TUCHENDORE on the south, from the Tambrapoorney at Streevigoontum. Also longitudinal section of the latter below the Keclpedagay Head Sluice. 1855. Size, 1} feet by 10. On tracing cloth. MS. Masonry Works required in the NORTHERN CHANNEL. 1855. Size, 18 inches by 23. On tracing cloth. MS. Masonry Works required in the SOUTHERN CHANNEL. Same size, MS. CALICUT AND COCHIN CANAL. A Map of the Coast and navigable Backwater and Canal between BEYPORE and COCHIN. District Engineers’ Office, Malibar. Calicut, 4th Nov. 1858. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 1 foot by 8. MN. Sketch showing the Land and Water communication between the BEYPORE and MADRAS RAILWAY and COCHIN, within the limits of the Malabar District. Calicut, 1862. Secale, 3 miles to 1 inch; size, 37 inches by 22. On tracing cloth. MS. * With a copy of foregoing map attached. Sketch showing the Line of Water communication proposed by Colonel Cotton from TANOOR to KADALHOONDY RIVER, near Beypoor, &c. Calicut, 1838. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 18 inches by 43. On tracing cloth. MS. Survey of the proposed Line of Canal between the POORAPA- RAMBA CANAL and KADALHOONDY RIVER. Calicut, 1838. No title. Scale, 220 yards to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. Levels taken along the proposed Line of Canal from POORAPA- RAMBA DAM to KADALHOONDY, &e. Calicut, 1838. Size, 14 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. Sections of Line @f Coast Canal from COOTAI, on the Ponany River, to BEYPOOR. 1839. Size, 25 inches by 36. On tracing cloth, MS. MALABAR DISTRICT. Revised plans, elevations, and sections of Locks, 100 feet in length and 20 feet in breadth, proposed to be erected on the present and proposed Canals between Ponany and Beypoor. 1860. Size, 22 inches by 39. On tracing cloth. MS. RT Spans aes as Cs ——— a A a . EE EE LL ee ———— 136 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. (.) RIVERS OF INDIA WITH OUTLETS IN THE ARABIAN SEA. THE INDUS RIVER. A Map of the INDUS and PUNJAB RIVERS from the sea to Lahore. By Lieut. Alexander Burnes, Assistant Resident in Cutch, and lately on a mission to Lahore. . Signed by the author, and dated, Lodeeuna, Ist December 1831. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches 5y 33. MS. Section of the RIVER INDUS at its point of junction with the Pinjnud. Taken on the 5th of March 1833, Size, 21 inches by 18. MS. The RIVER INDUS, and the neighbouring countries, comprising Sind, parts of Beloochistan and Afghanistan, Cashmeer, Punjab, Bhawalpoor, the protected Sikh States, Bickancer, and Jaysalmeer; to the western part of Rajpoo- tana. Compiled by order of Government in the office of the Surveyor-General, from authentic and recent materials. April 1834. By J. Graham, Assistant Surveyor and Head Draughtsman. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch. Folded in case. Course of the INDUS from Hydrabad to Sehwun, during the inun- dation ; also the river Arrul with the Fulailee from its mouth to the Capital. By A. Whitburn, Midshipman, Indian Navy. Seale, § inch to 1 mile; size, 31 inches by 26. MS. Chart of the INDUS from Hyderabad to the Sea. With remarks. By Lieut. Carless. 1836. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 20. MS. I. Description of the Passage of the Indus at Attock by a bridge of boats (to accompany the Plan) by Lieut. R. Leech, of the Bombay Engineers, TI. Description of the System of the Fords of the River Indus (to accompany the Plan), by Lieut. R. Leech. In 1 vol, feap., half-bound. INDUS TUNNEL at ATTOCK. Major A. Robertson, Super- intending Engineer. 1. Section of the River Indus at the Seraie at Attock, showing the proposed tunnel. Seale, 240 feet to 1 inch ; vertical, 80 fect to 1 inch. . Section of the River Indus at Attock, showing tunnel under river with lifts and footway. . Plan of the River Indus showing tunnel with lifts. Seale, 160 feet to 1 inch. Plan of the River Indus near the Fort of Attock, showing two sites for a permanent bridge. Seale, 1 to 3200. . Plans and Elevations, five sheets. . Pumping Engine, two sheets. (ras Machinery, five sheets. . Lift Machinery. 9. Timbering of Lift Shafts. 10. Details of Framing above Lift Shafts. 11. Details of Lifts. Sections of Colonel Crommelin’s plan. Report on the RIVER INDUS by Assistant Surgeon J. I'. Heddle. May 2, 1836. Feap., 128 pages, sewed. MS. i 0h marlin 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 137 Chart of the INDUS RIVER from Mittun to Attock. 1838. By Lieutenant J. Wood, Indian Navy. On 5 sheets. Size of each, 29 inches by 21 ; scale, 2 geographical miles to 1 inch. Sheet 1. Mittun to Dera Ghazee Khan. 2, part 1. Dera Ghazee Khan to Leia. 2, part 2. Leia to Dera Ismael Khan. 3. Dera Ismael Khan to Kalabagh. ,, 4. Kalabagh to Attock. * * With remarks on the navigation, soundings, banks, extent of inundation ferries, &c. See also Bombay Selections, No. XVII. An outline of the RIVER INDUS. Sheet No. 1, containing its course through the Delta from the Efflux of the Hujamree to the City of Tatta. Seale, 2 miles to an inch. By Lieut. J. Wood, Indian Navy. Size, 19 inches by 23. With notes and soundings. A continuation of this drawing in an unfinished state is carried through eight sheets to the parallel of Shikarpore. : Chart of the rise and fall of the RIVER INDUS at Bukhur and at Kotree in the years 1844, 1845, and 1846. Size, 18} inches by 38. r FT YTINTYY (Ct vr “ 1 + vO rr Q. M. GENERAL'S ROUTE MAPS on the INDUS RIVER. On 5 sheets. 1838-50. 1. Routes between Camp near Vikkur Bunder and Tuttah. Surveyed by the Quartermaster-General’s Department, 19th December 1838. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 18. MS. 2. Route between Tutta and Hyderabad. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch. Surveyed by the Quartermaster-General’s Department, February 1839. Size, 26 inches by 18. MS. . Survey from Kotree near Hyderabad to Sehwan. By the Quartermaster- General's Department, 1839. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 42 inches by 18. MS. . Survey from Sehwan to Larkhanna. By the Quartermaster-General’s Depart- ment, 1839. Secale, 2 miles to | inch ; size, 39 inches by 26. MS. Routes from Leia to Kalabagh on the right and left banks of the River Indus. Reduced from the original furnished by Lieut. J. J. Pollexfen, Deputy As- sistant Quartermaster-Greneral, 1850. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 29. MS. Indus Delta. A Map of the EASTERN MOUTH of the INDUS, and the country between it and the Puchum Island. By Lieutenant Burnes, Deputy Assis- tant Quartermaster-General in Cutch Camp, Bhooj, March 1827. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 23. MS. Sketch of the INDUS from the mouth of the TEETEEAH STREAM to HIYDRABAD, with the PINYARREE BRANCHES. Size, 28 inches by 23. MS. #.* The sketell of the Main River represents its lowest state in the month of March; the Pinyarree and Teeteeah branches during the period of inundation in July and August. Chart of the EASTERN DELTA of the INDUS. Surveyed by Licut. A. M. Grieve, LN. 1835-36. Seale, 1 mile to inch; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. 138 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. SANAI CREEK. Surveyed by Lieut. A. M. Grieve, LN. 1855. Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 52. MS. *.* With numerous sections. GORABI CREEK. Surveyed by Lieut. A. M. Grieve, LN. 1855. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch. On 3 large sheets, with 51 vertical sections. MS. Report on the KULLEEREE CANAL, connecting the Indus with Garrah Creek and Kurrachee. By Capt. Le Messurier. With 7 maps and plans. Feap., sewed. Indus Steam Flotilla. Plan, Elevation, and Section of STEAM VESSELS. Secale, | inch to 1 foot; size, 27 inches by 40. Plan, Elevation, and Section of CARGO BARGE. Scale, | inch to 1 foot ; size, 14 inches by 40. Plans, Sections, &c. of PASSENGER BOAT for the LOWER INDUS. Scale, L of an inch to 1 foot; size, 18 inches by 64. MS. Trace. PUNJAB CANALS.» Sirhind Canal. SIRHIND CANAL. General Plan. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile; size, 50 inches by 27. On'tracing cloth. MS. Signed by Lieut.-Col. J. Crofton, R.E., and Capt. R. Home. 1872. SIRHIND CANAL. General Map showing the branches. Scale, 4 miles to inch ; size, 30 inches by 51. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan III. SIRHIND CANAL. Block Plan of Head Works and Index to Sections of River and Country. Seale, 10 inches to a mile ; size, 22 inches by 31. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan IV., Sheet 3. SIRHIND CANA L. Detail of Gates for Dam Sluices. Seale, 1100 ; size, 15 inches by 23. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan IV., Sheet 16. SEESOOAN SUPERPASSAGE. Block Plan Showing general dimensions. Sheet 17. Up stream abutment and torrent works. Sheet 18. Down stream abutment and torrent works. Plan VII., Sheet 8. Cross Sections of the SUTLLEJ, near ROOPUR, Longitudinal Section of CANAL, Sheets 1, 2. SIRHIND CANAL. Cross Sections, Head Sluices at ROOPUR. Size, 23 inches by 30. Details of DAM at ROOPUR. Size, 23 inches by 30. BRIDGE at ROOPUR. Size, 23 inches by 30. * For the Punjab Rivers, sce pages 233, 234. D. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. Bari Doalb Canal. 3ARI DOAB CANALS.—1850. PLAN No. 1. Baree Doab Canals, protraction of levels. Sheet No. 1 (with a portion of sheet No. 2) showing on an enlarged scale the first 25 miles, being the only difficult portion of the proposed line. Scale, 10 miles to 1 foot ; size, 26 inches by 39. Prax No. 2. Baree Doab Canals, general map. Sheets Nos. 1 to 5. Seale, 25 miles to 1 foot ; size of each, 26 inches by 39. Prax No. 3. Baree Doab Canals, sections. Sheets Nos. 1 to 5. Horizontal scale, 25 miles to 1 foot ; vertical scale, 10 feet to 1 mile ; size of each, 26 inches by 39. Prax No. 4. Baree Doab Canals, masonry works. Sheets Nos. 1 to 6. Seale for plans, 1,000 to 1; scale for details, 100 to 1; size of each, 26 inches by 39. Signed. J. H. Dyas, Lt. Engineers, Executive Engineer, Baree Doab Canals. R. Napier, Lt.-Col., Civil Engineer, Punjaub. Plan No. 1. Section of Centre of Main Line, BAREE DOAB CANAL. July 1851. In 2 Sheets, marked Nos. 1 and 2. Seales, horizontal, 12 inches to 1 mile ; vertical, 20 feet to 1 mile ; size of cach sheet, 26 inches by 38. MSS. BAREE DOAB CANAL, 3rd Division, Kussoor and Sobraon Branches, also position of the Main Line of Canal. Scale, 25 miles to 1 foot ; size, 24 inches by 48. On tracing cloth. MS. ’ Sutley Canal. Map of part of the country between the SUTLEJ and JUMNA RIVERS, to illustrate the Report on the Sutlej Canal Project, Plan No. 1, (ieneral Map. J. Crofton, Captain, R.E. 1862. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 56. Bahawalpur Canals. Map illustrating the levels taken over the BANGUR land in the BHAWULPOOR and portion of the BIKANEER STATES during the years 1869-70. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch. With documents accompanying, including Mr. Barns’ report. A MS. Sketch of the Irrigation works in BHAWULPOOR on a printed map, with a margined note by H. Grey, June 1873. Size, 26 inches by 31. SIND CANALS. West of the Indus. Plan No. 1. Map of part of the SHIKARPORE COLLECTORATE on the RIGHT BANK of the RIVER INDUS, showing the line of the proposed CANAL from SUKKUR to SHADADPOOR, together with the levels of the surface of the country, and of the rivers and watercourses. 1859. Neale, 2 miles to Linch ; size, 24 inghes by 42. General Jacob's proposed CANAL from KUSHMORE on the INDUS to JACOBABAD. Ou sheets, 8. S.E. S.W. Indian Atlas, East of the Indus. Map of the EASTERN NARRA DISTRICTS from JAMBROW to NOWAKOTE. 1866. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 6. es ES J gg ta I 140 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Plan of the NARRAH VALLEY from MITROW to WANGA BAZAR in the HYDRABAD COLLECTORATE, showing the levels and the line of the proposed CANAL. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 50. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch illustrating the system of irrigation recommended by a com- mittee on the GANGES CANAL. Size, 8 inches by 13. On tracing cloth. MS. Map of the NARRAH VALLEY from SAMARA tonear WANGA BAZAR in the HYDERABAD COLLECTORATE, showing the levels and the proposed CANAL from MITROW. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 20. On tracing cloth. MS. MITROW and WANGA BAZAR CANAL. Plan and sections of proposed Weir across the Owwud opposite Sehroo-ke-kua. Size, 24 inches by 26. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan, section, and elevation of Regulating Bridge at Head of Canal near Bhakora. Section of the ground from the first to the 32nd mile; from the 39nd to the 61st mile ; and from the 61st to the 88th mile, showing the mean depth of Cutting for each mile. Sheets, No. 1, 6, 7. Size of each, 12 inches by 19, Section of the ground from the 1st to the 9th mile, showing the mean depth of cutting for each mile on the Gabraila branch. Sheet, No. 2. Plan and section of the proposed BAND along the south side of the Reservoirs of the OWWUD. PLAN of a LOCK to admit of NATIVE BOATS descending the MITROW CANAL into the SILIHOORWAI at HINGOORA. NERBUDDA RIVER. Plan descriptive of the navigation of the NERBUDDA RIVER from HOOSUNGABAD to the SEA. Compiled in the office of the Surveyor- General of India from Major-General Malcolm's map of Malisa, Lieut. Elison’s Trigonometrical Survey of the Nerbudda from Tulluckwarra to Liloor, and a native Itinerary sketch, completed in April 1834, by order of Lord William Bentinck, (+.C.B. Calcutta, 5th February 1840. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 90. MS. The JUNCTION of the NERBUDDA and KHORWHY RIVERS. Drawn in water colour. Size, 12 inches by 18. Journal of a VOYAGE down the NERBUDDA from HINDIAH to MUNDLEYSIR, by Lieut. N. Syme, in 1818. Feap, 23 pages. MS. TAPTI CANALS. Map of portion of SURAT COLLECTORATE, showing lines of proposed CANALS from TAPTEE. 1871. Secale, 4 miles to) inch ; size, 15 inches by 17. On tracing cloth, MS. 5. MAPS OF THE RIVERS AND CANALS. 141 Plan and longitudinal Section of portion of RIVER GIRNA,* and adjacent country, showing a site for a lake, and also the position of a bundara and two canals leading from it. 1863. Size, 28 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. Note. Besides the foregoing list of Indian Rivers and Canals, others will be found, as follows :— The MANUSCRIPT REPORTS and CHARTS of the TRIGO- NOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA, contain the following River Surveys, Viz, i— In the Reports :— Ganges River Survey, Vol. 11, Parts 3 and 4; Vol. 12, Part 2. (zoora River Survey, Vol. 11, Part 3 5 Vol. 15, Appendix. Gunduck River Survey, Vol. 11, Part 2. Hoogly River Survey, Vol. 12, Part 4. Soane River Survey, Vol. 11, Part 3. In the Charts :— Indus River—Great Indus Series. Sutlej River—Sutlej Series. Brahmaputra River— Brahmaputra Meridional Series. Hoogly River—Calcutta Meridional Series. Gunduck River—Chendwar Meridional Series. Chenab River—=Sutlej series. Ravi River—North-west Series. The CATALOGUE of MARINE CHARTS herein, comniencing at page 547, contains many Indian Rivers. The ADMIRALTY CHARTS also contain the following Indian Rivers :— Indus Tidal Channels from Manora Point to Keduari Mouth. By W. A. Fenner 1848-9. Corrected to 1867. Sedashigar Bay River, and Carwar Port. By Lieut. Taylor, L N. 1855. Correc- tions to 1866. Cochin River Bar and Roadstead. By Lieut. Taylor, I. N. 1838-9. Corrections to 1868. Hoogly River, Calcutta to Saugur Point. By Com. Lloyd, I. N. 1836. Corree- tions to 1867. On 2 sheets, Soonderbunds, sea face of. By Com. Lloyd, I. N. 1840. Corrections to 1863. On 3 sheets. (Outlets of the rivers of the Ganges Delta.) Mutlah River. By Lieut. Ward, I. N. 1855. Corrections to 1863. Chittagong or Kurnafoolee River. By Com. Lloyd, I. N. 1840. Aracan River. By Capts. Lloyd and Weston, I. N. 1832-45. Corrections to 1866. [rawaddy River. By Lieut. Winsor, R. N. 1825. Corrections to 1869. On 2 sheets, Rangoon and Bassein or Negrais Rivers. By Lieut. Ward, I. N. 1854. Salween River. By Lieut. Nolloth, R. N. 1843. Maulmain River and Amherst Road. By Lient. Fell, LN, 1842. Additions tc 1868. , — Report of the COM MISSION appointed by the Honourable East [udia Company to visit the RIVERS DANUBE and RHONE with the view of obtaining a conclusive opinion upon the description of boat adapted to the rivers in India. Amended issue. London, 1838. Feap, printed cover. # A branch of the Tapti in Khandesh. GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. 6. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS OF INDIA. . General Maps. 10. Peshawar. . Calcutta and South-eastern. 11. Hindustan and Central Asia (proposed). Eastern Bengal. 12. Bombay Railways, General Maps. . Northern Bengal. : 3. Sind Railway. Calcutta and South-western (pro- . Indus Valley. posed). 15. Bombay, Baroda, and Central India. . East Indian Railway. . Great Indian Peninsula. . Oudh and Rohilkhand. . Madras and Mangalore (proposed). . Rajputana Railways. . ‘Madras Railway. . Punjab. . Great Southern of India. Sts OI =~ QTD ; 1. General Maps. Skeleton Map of INDIA showing the LINES of RAILWAY sanctioned, with the distance from the terminus of each line. To accompany Mr. Freres Letters, No. 34, of 31st January 18358. Scale, 100 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 90. MS. tracing. Sketch showing the several LINES of RAILWAY in the Presi- dencies of BENGAL, MADRAS, and BOMBAY. Madras, August 1838. Size, 28 inches by 23. Sketch Map of INDIA showing the RAILWAYS, ROADS, and proposed TRAMWAYS by the Indian Tramway Company, Limited. 1862. Size, 35 inches by 27. Sketch Map showing RAILWAYS in progress and TRAMWAYS proposed in the Central Province. 1862. Seale, 36 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 20. Map of INDIA showing the LINES of RAILWAY in the year 1869. Secale, about 160 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 13. Sketch Map showing proposed lines of LIGHT RAILWAYS for BENGAL. Secale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 9. Referred to in Railway Letters, No. 24, of 16th March 1864. MS. tracing. Sketch to accompany REPORT, No. 14. No date. Actual Lines between Mooltan, Allahabad, Bombay, and Madras, in blue ; with proposed ex- tensions between Delhi and Indore, Agra and Hyderabad, &c., in red. Size, winches by . On tracing cloth. MS. 2. Calcutta and South-eastern Railway. Map showing the proposed communication between CALCUTTA and the head of the MUTLAH RIVER by a Railway or by a Ship Canal. Signed W. E. Baker, Major, Consulting Engineer to Government of India Railway Depart- ment. Calcutta, 13 Dec. 1866. Plans referred to in RAILWAY LETTERS, No. 4, of 1860. On tracing cloth. MS. :— No. 1. Proposed Terminus at Calcutta. Size, 54 inches by 72. No. 2. Approach into Calcutta. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 90. No. 3. No title. Part of the line in suburbs. Secale, 80 feet to 1 inch; size, 49 inches by 53. 6. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 143 Plan Ne. 1. Proposed TRAMWAY at MUTLAH. Jan. 1861. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 30 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch Map showing COURSE of LINE. 1863. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 21. 3. Eastern Bengal Railway. Map of a portion of the DELTA of the GANGES, showing the Projected Lines of Railway and present Routes of Soonderbund Navigation. Oct. 1856. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 18. The EASTERN BENGAL RAILWAY, with Branches proposed to be eventually undertaken. Signed W. J. Fergusson, Secretary, E. B. R. Co. Lon- don, Feb. 1857. Size, 39 inches by 28. MS. Sketch Map showing the EASTERN BENGAL RAILWAY and its Extensions. 1837. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch 5 size, 30 inches by 22. Plan and Section of the Line between CALCUTTA and the GANGES at Kooshtee. March 1857. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. In 8 sheets, bound together in a cover. Size, 22 inches by 30. Portions of Districts MYMENSING and PUBNAH, showing pro- posed Extensions beyond the GANGES. Referred to in Railway Letter to Secretary of State, No. 77, of 1861. Dated 29th August. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 31. Survey of the RIVER GANGES above and below KOOSHTEE, made during the months of January, February, and March and April, 1863. Secale, 90 chains to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 54. On tracing paper. MS. Plan of the CALCUTTA TERMINUS. Scale, 80 feet to 1 inch ; size, 87 inches by TS. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 93, of 17th November 1859. On tracing cloth, MS. Two Plans referred to in Railway Letter to Secretary of State, No. 25, of 13th May 1862. On tracing cloth. MSS. : No. 1. Survey of the River Ganges above and below Kooshtee, showing the New Channel made by the Ganges at the end of the Freshes in 1861. Scale, 20 chains to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 39. No. 2. Survey of the River Ganges above and below Kooshtee, executed during December and January 1861-62, showing the alterations made in the Channel of the river arising from the floods in the month of September 1861. Scale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 84. Cross Sections of the RIVER GANGES. GORAIE, PUDDAH, and NEW CHANNEL, taken at the end of April 1863. *.* Also showing the sections taken in 1862 of the same rivers. Seales, horizontal, 20 chains to 1 inch ; vertical, 20 fect to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 30. On tracing paper. MS. GOALUNDO EXTENSION, General Plan. Survey of the Line from Jagotee Junction, near Kooshtee to Goalundo. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 63. On tracing cloth. MS. Plans referred to in Railway Letter to Secretary of State, No. 60, of 1862. On tracing cloth. MSS. (No. 1.) Kissengunge District. Plan showing the way in which it is proposed to alter the banks of the rivers near Kissengunge. Seale, 80 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 36. 144 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. (No. 2.) Kissengunge District. Longitudinal and cross sections along the lines of piers of the Echamuttee Viaduct. Taken in December 1861. Seale, 20 Jeet to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 25. (No. 3.) Longitudinal sections of the junction of the rivers at Kissengunge. Scales, horizontal, 80 feet to 1 inch ; vertical, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 37. (No. 4.) Survey of the junction of the rivers at Kissengunge, showing the alterations made by the floods of 1861. Seale, 80 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 37. (No. 5.) Cross section showing the way in which it is proposed to alter the banks of the rivers near Kissengunge. Secale, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 37. 4. Northern Bengal Railway. NORTHERN BENGAL RAILWAY SURVEY. Enclosure to Railway Letter, No. 10, of 1873. Size, 28 inches by 38. The DARJEELING RAILWAY. Map showing the Station of DARJEELING, with the proposed Line of Railway and its connexion with the East Indian Railway. No date. Secale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 26. Another copy with alterations. 5. Calcutta and South-western (Nagpore) Railway (proposed). CALCUTTA and SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. Hamilton II. Fulton, Inst. C.E. No date. Seale, 64 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 21. MS. Surveys for a RAILWAY from NAGPORE towards CHUTTEES- GURH. Enclosure to No. 68, Railway Letters, 1872. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 3 feet by 6. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch Map showing RAILWAYS in progress and TRAMWAYS proposed in the CENTRAL PROVINCES. 1862. Size, 16 inches by 20. 6. East Indian Railay. Plans, &c. of the RAILWAY SLIP at CALCUTTA, by J. M. Seppings, Surveyor. Calcutta, 13th September 1842 :— No. 1. Cradle of the Railway Slip. Seale, } inch to 1 foot ; size, 22 inches by 81. 4 MS. No. 2. Plan of machinery, &e. Seale, § inch to 1 foot ; size, 15 inches by 27. MS. No. 3. Sections of machinery, &e. Seale, i inch to 1 foot ; size, 14 inches by 23. MS. No. 4. General arrangements. Seale, |\s inch to 1 foot; size, 14 inches by 44. MS. * Map of the EAST INDIAN RAILWAY, showing the line pro- posed to be constructed to connect Calcutta with the North-west Provinces and the intermediate civil and military stations, to accompany the Report of the Managing Director of the East Indian Railway Company. 1846. Seale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; saounted to fold in a case ; size, 11 inches by 8. *,% Shows also the geological features, Section of the TRUNK LINE of the EAST INDIAN RAILWAY connecting Caientta, vii Mirzapore, with the North-west Provinces. To accompany the Report A., i847 of the Managing Director to the Chairman, &e. of the East Indian Railway Company. 1847. Seales, horizontal, 5 miles to | inch ; vertical, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 9 inches by 1665. 6G. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 145 Map of the proposed GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, with its branches and alternative lines, as laid down in the Report of the Railway Com- mission. To accompany the 3rd edition of ¢ Indian Railways.” Also showing the railway advocated by Mr. Andrew. Size, 22 inches by 39. Map showing the general course of the EAST INDIAN RAIL- WAY. Secale, 32 miles to 1 wnch ; size, 15 inches by 26. Map of the DRAINAGE crossing the proposed Line of Railway through the GANGES VALLEY. Reduced from the Revenue Survey Maps. Copied in the S. G. O. Calcutta, May 1833. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 28. MS. Outline Map of the RAILWAY in progress between HOWRAH and RANEEGUNJ. The proposed extension to Allahabad, vid Rajmahal, Baugul- poor, and Mirzapoor, and alternative routes by Bettiah Ghat and by the Valley of the River More. 1853. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 58. On tracing cloth. MS. MORE VALLEY LINE. Trial section from SOOREE to BHAU- GULPOOR. 1833. Seales, horizontal, 1 mile to 1 inch ; vertical, SO fect to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 132. On tracing cloth, MS, SOOREE DIVISION. Cuttings and embankments. March 1854. Seale, 10 fect to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. Trial Section of the proposed Line of Railway from RAJMAHAL to MONGHYR. 1833. Scales, horizontal, 1 mile to 1 inch; vertical, SO feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 133. On tracing cloth. MS, Trial Section of the proposed Line of Railway from MONGHYR to the RIVER SOANE. 1833. Scales, horizontal, 1 mile to 1 inch ; vertical, 80 fect to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 141. On tracing cloth. MS, Trial Section of the proposed Line of Railway from RIVER SOANE to BENARES. 1833. Scales, horizontal, 1 mile to 1 inch; vertical 80 feet to | inch; size, 15 inches by 130. On tracing cloth. MS, Designs for a proposed Bridge to cross the RIVER SOANE. Signed (+. Turnbull, 4th November 1854. Seale, 20 feet to 1 inch; on 5 sheets ; size of each, about 12 inches by 188. MS. Plan and Sections of proposed Crossing of the RIVER SOANTE, showing the position of the shafts and boring. Signed George Turnbull, Calcutta, 4th November 1834. Seales, 150 feet and 15 feet to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size of cachy 25 inches by 34. MSS. Details of proposed Wrought-iron Girder Bridge to cross the RIVER SOANE. Signed Geo. Turnbull, 4th November 1854. Seale, 1} inch to 1 foot, and 4 fect to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. MSS. Map (of the EAST INDIAN RAILWAY) to accompany the Report of Directors, dfted 15th April 1856. Size, 27 inches by 39. *,.% Showing the portions allotted to different contractors for construction. * Section showing proposed alteration of Gradients at the GAMBRIA NUDDY. July 1857. Size, 10 inches by 41. On tracing cloth. MS. SOUTH BEERBHOOM DIVISION. Khurree Bridge. (Plan, sections, and elevation.) Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 40. MS, (7767.) K a a a Be A 146 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Sketch Plan showing DADPOOR JHEEL. Signed G. Turnbull iy July 1857. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 9. On tracing cloth, Ot] ) sing cloth. Trace from Part of Sheet No. 4, SOUTH RAJMAHAL DIVI.- SION, showing proposed site of openings, Dadpur Jheel. July 1857. Size, 13 inches by 31. On tracing cloth. MS, SOUTH RAJMAHAL DISTRICTS. Section showing site originally proposed for the Flood Arching at Dadpoor Jheel. July 1857. Size 10 inches by 28. On tracing cloth. MS. his Bridge over the HADJAI RIVER, and Bridge over the MORE RIVER, showing the state of the works at the commencement of the rainy season hy Ya Air. . . . wg . Cr : ? 1857. Secale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 53. On tracing cloth, MS SErarA HAR ROCK CUTTING near Rajmahal. August 858. Se TR ¢ ‘ Ce neh : size 7 or ie iy Seaton, 200 feet and 20 feet to 1 inch; size, 11 inches by 27. On tracing J) J 3 . ) Jr ~ . I LAN S, signed George Turnbull, 7th July 1858. On tracing cloth. (1.) Plan and Section of proposed Extension Railway from Raneegunge Station to Searsole C olliery. Scales, horizontal, 300 fect to 1 inch ; vertical, 30 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 59. nl, (2.) Sketch Plan showing a proposed Extension to the Grand Trunk Road for the accommodation of the neighbouring collieries. Scale, 500 feet to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 28. : : ’ Sketch of proposed TIMBER FRAMING, placed temporarily on ¥ iers and Inverts, to expedite the opening of the line where labour is scarce. = Oct 1858. Scale, 4 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS, vey \ ry \ rE . ¥ rm RO In h0AN E DISTRICT, signed G. Turnbull, and dated (1.) Grening i Nullsh at peg 79,100, and arching at peg 85,950. , 12 neh; size, 13 inches by 28. (2.) Bridge over Thora Nullah at 12 miles. Seale, 20 feet to 1 inch Also Poonpoon Bridge. Drawing showing work executed 7 miles Fast of Patna. Seale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 40 Pa (3.) Arching at 58 miles 3} furlongs, near Dumraon, Kao Nullah © Seale, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches Ly 27. Pe (4.) Elevations of the Bunnas Bridge at 37 miles 3 furlongs, the Nuceree Bridge at 25 miles 1 furlong, and the Sihur Bridee at 23 miles 3 furlongs Scale 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 47. i) He ” (5.) Bridge over the River Kurrumnassa. Size, 7 inches by 24 (6.) Bridge over the Hadjai River, 32 arches, 50 feet span ; and Bridge over the More River, 24 arches, 50 feet span. Seale, 40 feet to 1 gf size, 12 inches by 55. (Showing the parts built up to date.) We Plans referred to in RAILWAY LETTER, N : 4 0. 4, of 31st Janu: 1859. On tracing cloth. MSS. :(— Si £ Ble don id (1.) wen Sain for Foundations used in Cawnpore District. Size, 14 inches y 14. | (2) Plan of Curb for Bottom of Wells, Lower Pandoo Bridge. Seale, 1 foot to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 15. R : Sketch referred to in GEO. TURNBULL’S LETTER of 28th Mop 1859. Seale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 23. On tracing cloth. (G. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 147 Plans referred to in RAILWAY LETTER to SECRETARY OF STATE, No. 68 of 1839. Enclosed in G. Turnbull's No. 1740, dated 27th May 1859. On tracing cloth. MSS. :— (1.) Proposed Extension from Raneegunge to the River Barrakur. Map showing the several Lines of the Trial Sections taken January, February, and March, 1859. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 49. (2.) Outline Map showing the present River Line by Rajmahal, Monghyr, and Patna to Benares ; also the Line to Raneegunge and its proposed Extension to the River Barrakur ; also showing a practicable route from a point near the Barrakur through the Kurhurbalee Coal Field and on to Patna, recom- mended for investigation whenever a direct route to Benares may be again brought under discussion. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 50. (3.) Proposed Branch Lines up the Valley of the River Singarron. Plan of a Trial Section made in April 1859. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 47. Map of the Railway Line from TONSE RIVER to the Borders of the CAWNPORE and ETAWAH Districts, showing stations and level crossings. No date, 1860 7 Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 60. On tracing cloth. MS. MONGHYR DISTRICT. Longitudinal section of Monghyr Tunnel, denoting the progress of the excavation from its commencement in April 1856 up to September 1860, and the rock formation. Seale, 10 feet tol inch ; size, 30 inches by 147. On tracing cloth. MS. JUMNA BRIDGE at ALLAHABAD. Drawing of one pier. Secale, 4 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 30. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 105, of 1860. On tracing cloth. MS. Comparative Sections of the RIVER JUMNA at ALLAHABAD. Scales, 100 feet and 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 45. On tracing cloth. MS. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 29, of 19th April 1861. Skeleton Map showing the Surveys for the JUBBULPORE LINE, July 1860. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 66 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS, A Map of the Country about MONGHYR, showing the lines of Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 16. On tracing E. I. Railway. railway. No title. cloth. MS. Permanent Ways. LUCKNOW and CAWNPORE LINE and FEAST INDIAN RAILWAY. Marked No. 1.* Secale, 2 feet to 1 inch ; size, 926 inches by 32. On tracing cloth. MS. EAST INDIAN RAILWAYS. Permanent Ways. Marked No. 3.% Size, 26 inches by 40. On tracing cloth, MS. Plans referred to in RAILWAY LETTER to the SECRETARY OF STATE, No. 73a0f 8th October 1859. On tracing cloth. MSS. No. 1. Monghyr District. General map showing position of proposed branch line. Size, 16 inches by 21. No. 2. Plan showing proposed branch line from Jamalpoor Station to the River Ganges at Monghyr. With survey of roads leading from Monghyr to Safiabad and Nowaghuray. Seale, 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 51. * For Nos. 2 and 4 see Qudh Railway. ——— a EL aS BEERS a EE — ,: S . 148 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Railway Lines in MONGHYR DISTRICT. No title or date. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 17. Ou tracing cloth. MS. DRAWINGS of ROLLING STOCK. Referred to in Railway Letter from Government of India, No. 85, of 27th October 1859. Marked A, Ai, B, C, D, E, F. On tracing cloth. MSS. Various sizes. Plan of the Country between CHANDERNAGORE and CAL- CUTTA, showing the lines of the I. I. R. and E. B. R., and the proposed junction between them. 1858. Referred to in Railway Letter to Secretary of State, No. 15, of 28th March 1860. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; size, 13 inches by 26. No title. On tracing cloth. MS. Plans of the AGRA TERMINUS and STATION. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 77, of 1860. On tracing cloth. MSS. (1.) General Plan of Agra Terminus. Seale, 60 feet to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 90. (2.) Agra Passenger Shed. (Plan.) Secale, 8 feet to 1. inch; size, 32 inches by 68. ; (3.) Agra Passenger Shed. Cross section and elevations of North-east and South- west fronts. Secale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 29. (4.) Agra Passenger Shed. Longitudinal section on centre line of building and railway, and side elevation. Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 69. Plan of the proposed Work to defend the Railway Bridge over the JUMNA at DELHI. Scale, 20 feet to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 38. Tracing cloth. MS. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 52, of 8th October 1862. DELHIE DISTRICT. Plan of a Portion of the City of Delhie, showing centre Line of Railway. Seale, 150 feet to | inch ; size, 26 inches by 41. Tracing cloth. MS. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 52, of 8th October 1862. No. 1. DELHIE DIVISION, P. W. Sections across Selimghur and the low ground at the N.E. angle of the Palace (Delhi). Seales, 100 feet and 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 30. Referred to in Railway Letter to Seeretary of State, No. 54, of 17th October 1862. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 2, Plan and Section showing JUMNA BRIDGE, DELHIE, and EAST APPROACH. Scale, 150 fect to 1 inch; size, 21 inches by 52. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 54, dated 17th October 1862. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 3. Alterative Designs for Bridge Head at DELHIE. Scale, 30 fect to 1 inch ; size, 9 inches by 19. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 54, of 17th October 1862. On tracing cloth. MS. DELHIE DISTRICT. Plan of a Portion of the City of Delhie, showing centre line of railway. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 43. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 54, of 17th October 1862. On tracing cloth. MS. Drawings of BEERBHOOM DISTRICT. Referred to in Railway Letter to Secretary of State, No. 63, dated 7th September 1863 : — : No. 1. Ground Plan of the Buckesoor River, 107th to 108th mile. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 42. No. 2. Drawing of flood arches near the 108th mile from Howrah and 370 yards south of the Buckesoor Bridge as they were originally constructed in 1855-56. Secale, 8 feet to) inch ; size, 26 inches by 37. No. 3. Drawing showing the condition of the flood arches after the flood of the 24th October 1862. Secale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 30. No. 4. Sections along line of railway, &c. No title. Size, 11 inches by 37. No. 5. Extra four openings of 60 feet south of the Buckesoor River. Seales, 8 fect and 4 feet to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 48. On tracing cloth. MSS. 0. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 149 BENARES TERMINUS. Plan showing general arrangements. Scale, 60 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 67. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 84, of 31st December 1863. On tracing cloth, MS. Plans referred to in RAILWAY LETTER to SECRETARY of STATE, No. 7, of 1864. On tracing cloth. MSS. (1.) Benares District. Course and levels of drainage from Buckainea to Ganges and Karumnassa Rivers, Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 21. (2.) Soane District, Buxar Division. Plan and section of River Karumnassa. Scales, 200 feet and 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 70. CAWNPORE DISTRICT. Proposed Junction of the Indian Branch with the East Indian Railway at Cawnpore. 15th February 1865. Scale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 59. Lithograph. Plan of a portion of the CITY of DELHIE, showing the proposed communication with the intended Railway Station. March 1865. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 37. On tracing cloth, MS. General Plan of GAZEEABAD STATION. March 1865. Seale, 60 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 88. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan (of CALCUTTA) to accompany Mr. Rendel’s Report to the Board of the East Indian Railway Company, dated 24th October 1865. (Showing the proposed bridge over the Hooghly, and the extension of the East Indian Railway to connect with the Eastern Bengal Railway.) Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 32 inches by 63. On tracing cloth, MS. Map of CANTONMENT at MEERUT, taken from actual survey in 1860. Showing actual and proposed boundaries. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile. * % Showing also the lire of Delhie Railway and the positions of the Meerut Station. 1866. Size, 39 inches by 54. Proposed Extension of the EAST INDIAN RAILWAY to SCAL- DAIL by subway under the River ioogly, by Fred. Chas. Danvers, A.L.C.E. February 1868. Size, 30 inches by 54. On tracing cloth. Mis. TUBULAR TUNNEL under the HOOGLY. (Plans and Sections.) Signed J. A. Longridge. 9th March 1868. Scale, 50 feet and 10 feet to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 77. TUBULAR TUNNEL under the HOOGLY. (Transverse Section and Elevation.) Signed J. A. Longridge. 9th March 1868. Scale, L inch to 1 foot ; size, 24 inches by 57. MNS. 7. Oudh and Rohilkland Railway. OUDE RAILWAY. Map showing the Territory of Oude, with the proposed Lines of Railway, and their Connexion with the East Indian Railway. Secale, 25 miles to 1 ingle; size, 24 inches by 35. Plan and Section of proposed Cast-iron Permanent Way for ROHIL- CUND RAILWAYS. June 1860. Secale, + natural size ; size, 20 inches by 20 On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of Part of the NORTH-WEST PROVINCES, showmg proposed Railroad and Roads in Rohilcund. 29th May 1861. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 31. 150 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. NORTHERN EXTENSION, showing proposed Routes to Mozuf- fernuggur and Saharanpoor (to accompany Report). Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 27. On tracing cloth. MS. PERMANENT WAY. Rail and Sleeper. Sections and Elevation. Nos. 2 and 4. On 2 sheets. Size, 23 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MSS. ¥.% Nos. 1 and 3 of this series relate to the East India Railway, and are to be found accordingly in page 147. Map to accompany REPORT of COMMITTEE assembled on 13th November 1867 to inquire into certain matters connected with the Oude and Rohilcund Railways. Scale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 16. Ou tracing cloth. MS. Map of OUDE and ROHILCUND, showing the Lines of Railway originally proposed and referred to Government, and those sanctioned by Government. May 20th, 1869. Size, 27 inches by 32. 8. Rajputana Railways. Part of RAJPOOTANA, Sheet No. 4, with a Railway Line from Delhi to Ajmeer, recommended by Mr. Sibley. Also a branch through Bhurtpore to Agra, recommended by Mr. Sibley, and an alternative line between Rewaree and Jeypore, &c. Size, 27 inches by 40. RAJPOOTANA. Railways completed. Branch railway proposed in paragraph 6 of the Railway Committee Report of 6th April 1866. Railways proposed by the Agent of the Governor-General, Rajpootana. Railway extension to Scinde as contemplated. No title. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 31. On tracing cloth. MS. Part of RAJPOOTANA, Sheet No. 4, with the Railway from Delhi to Rewaree, and Agra to Sambar Lake. Enclosure to Railway Letter, No. 143, of 1871. Size, 41 inches by 38. 9. Punjab Railway. Map of Country between LAHORE and DELHI, showing Lines of Railway, &c. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 40. Lithograph. TN r 2.4 Yo od ty PUNJAB RAILWAY. Passenger Station, Umritsur (Plan, Section, and Elevation). Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. On tracing cloth. MS. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 76, of 1860. Plan showing arrangement of the UMRITSUR STATION. Sept. 1859. Seale, 2 chains to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 27. On tracing cioth. MS, Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 93, of 11th Nov. 1859. Plan showing General Arrangement of LAHORE STATION. July 1859. Scale, 2 chains to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 50. On tracing cloth. MS. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 93, of 11th Nov. 1859. Running Engine Shed, UMRITSUR STATION. Scale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 76, of 1860. } Plan of Proposed New Line to BUNDERGHAH, MOOLTAN. Pos. 1866. Scale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 29. On tracing cloth, 0. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 10. Peshawar Railway (Punjab). Plan of Line to RAWUL PINDI, showing proposed Divisions of Works. June 1868. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 25. One MS. copy and lithographs. 11. Hindostan and Central Asia Railway (proposed). Proposed HINDOSTAN AND CENTRAL ASIA RAILWAY. Ludvana to Mandi. Signed A. Ormsby, C.E. Size, 14 inches by 9. Lithograph. Sketch Map of the proposed HINDOSTAN AND CENTRAL ASIA RAILWAY. Signed G. W. Owen. March 1867. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. Lithograph. 12. Bombay Railways, General Maps. Map of Portion of WESTERN INDIA, showing the Lines of Railway under the Bombay Government. Compiled at the Office of the Chief Engineer, Bombay, 27th August 1860. Scale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 53 inches by 45. MS. Skeleton Map of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, showing the proposed Trunk Roads in the Deccan and Southern Mahratta Country. * % Also the Great Indian Pacific Railway from Sholapoor to Bombay, and Captain Graham’s proposed Railway from Poonah to Meeruj and Kolar. No date. Size, 14 inches by 11. Connected with the next map. Map showing the projected BARODA and TANKARIA RAIL- WAY, the alternative line to Ambheta, and the proposed line from Surat to Baroda, and thence to Indora and Agra, with the Branch Line to Ahmedabad. No date. * % Alsoin MS. the Great Indian Pacific Railway from Bombay to Burhampur, and Capt. Graham’s proposed Railway to Nagpore. Size, 15 inches by 11. Route Map of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, surveyed and col- lected by the Quartermaster-General’s Department, Bombay Army. *.* Showing in MS. the Lines proposed by the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway Company, and the Line proposed by the Great Indian Peninsular Railway Company from Bombay to Candeish. Accompaniment to Letter to Secretary to Government, No. 118, dated 31st May 1854. Scale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 36. A Series of Maps, Views, and Tables by Colonel Kennedy. 1. Tracing of the HARBOUR of BOMBAY and adjacent Country from the Admiralty Chart. The part coloured red shows the land that can be reclaimed to provide for the increasing requirements of the Mercantile Capital of India. With plans of Liverpool and New York for comparison, and a proposed Subway for the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway in Back Bay. Size, 52 inches by 82. Mounted to roll. Partly MS. 2. Average CARTAGE DISTANCES to nearest RAILWAY in different countries compared, A Diagram of proportional squares, with a Table of the Cost of Cartage, and a Financial Scheme for Public Works. Size, 52 inches by 56. Mounted to roll. Partly MS. ce eae a —— 152 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. 3. A Skeleton Map to accompany the Report on the HINDO- STAN and THIBET ROAD for 1855, with views of the Road. Also a Map of the Island of Cephalonia, and Views. Also Tables of Railways in the United States, France, and the British Isles, &e. Size, 50 inches by 52. Mounted to roll. Partly MS. 4. Comparative Railway Maps of INDIA, GREAT" BRITAIN, FRANCE, BELGIUM, and part of the UNITED STATES. Size, 35 inches by 50. Mounted to roll. MS. 5. The Rainfall Basins of INDIAN RIVERS, including their Tributaries. Size, 58 inches by 68. On roller. MS. 13. Sind Railway. Map of GUZERAT and SCINDE, showing the Lines of a proposed Railway Company. (No date; probably about 1854.) Seale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 17. SCINDE RAILWAY. General Plan of Line. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. Map of SCINDE showing the proposed Railway frem Kurrachee to Kotree, the port of Hydrabad, with a branch to Jurruk. Seale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 16. SCINDE RAILWAY. Kurrachee and Environs. January 1857. Seale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 80. On tracing cloth. MS. Drawing No. 206. SCINDE RAILWAY, Kurrachee District. Section of Alternative Line from Kramaree. October 28th, 1858. Neale, 4 chains to Linch ; size, 19 inches by 129. On tracing cloth, MS. Drawing No. 207. SCINDE RAILWAY, Kurrachee District. Bund over the Chinnee Creek. Oct. 28, 1838. Seale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 38. On tracing cloth, MS, SCINDE RAILWAY. No. 1. Plan. Sukkur to Scinde Frontier. Route to the Bholan Pass. May 135th, 1838. Seale, 20 chains to 1 inch i . 10 ; size, 38 inches by 269. MS, SCINDE RAILWAY. No. 2. Section. Sukkur to Scinde Frontier. Route to the Bholan Pass. May 15th, 1858. Seales, 20 chains and 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 249. MS. Plan of the Line from KEAMAREE to GHUZREE. October 28th, 1838. Seale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 99. On tracing cloth. MS. et T ) » Soy . i. Drawing No. 44. Plan of the original and alternative Lines between KURRACHEE and KEAMAREE, June 1859. Scale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size 37 inches by 56. On tracing cloth. MS, ’ ’ Plan showing Station (at Keamaree) as originally designed. Also Plan showing the approach which the adoption of Mr. Walker's line close to the Napier Mole would entail. April 27th, 1860. Size, 37 inches by 30. cloth, MS. Drawing No. 112. SCINDE RAILWAY, Kurrachee District Plan of Line. January 4th, 1860. Scale, 4 chains to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 68. Two copies on tracing cloth, MSS. On tracing 6. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 153 Map of SCINDE and the Punjab, showing the Line of Steam Transit along the Valley of the Indus. (Also the Railways in connexion therewith). 1861. Size, 22 inches by 17. Map showing proposed ROUTE of the INDUS VALLEY RAIL- WAY. Compiled by John Brunton, M.L.C.E., &ec., Chief kKngineer of the Indus Valley Survey. 1863. Scale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 22. Section of alternative Line from KEAMAREE to CLIFTON CROSSING. 7th February 1863. Scales, 4 chains and 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 112. T'wo copies on tracing cloth. MSS. Drawing No. 518. SCINDE RAILWAY. INDUS STEAM FERRY. February 1863. Scale, & an inch to 1 foot; size, 26 inches by 39. On tracing cloth, MS, Drawing No. 524. SCINDE RAILWAY. INDUS FERRY. Sec- tions on Inclined Way, Hydrabad Side. April 15th, 1863. Secale, 20 feet to | inch ; size, 15 inches by 61. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of KURRACHEE HARBOUR, showing the Lines to Keamari, to accompany the Chief Engineer's Report. Dated 20th March 1863. Scale, 250 yards to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of KOTREE and ENVIRONS, to accompany Mr. Pinder’s Report. February 28th, 1863. Scale, 4 chains to 1 inch; size, 34 inches by 49. On tracing cloth. MS, SCINDE RAILWAY. Alternative Line. Proposed temporary Line over Chinnee Creek. February Tth, 1863. Scale, 2 feet to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. SCINDE RAILWAY EXTENSION. General Map of the Country showing the Trial Section run through the Roree Districts, in the season 1863-64 ; and the altered and adopted line run in the season 1864-65. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 534. On tracing cloth. MS, Drawing No. 25. SCINDE RAILWAY EXTENSION. Indus Valley. General Map of the Country showing the alternative lines to accompany Chief Engineer's Report, No. 312, of 18th June 1864. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 36 inches by 148. On tracing cloth, MS, Drawing No. 27. SCINDE RAILWAY EXTENSION. Sectional lines crossing the valley of the River Indus, 19th June 1865. Seales, 50 chains and 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, T5 inches by 10. On tracing cloth. MS, SCINDE RAILWAY. Plan No. 1. May 7, 1866. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 68 inches by 38. On tracing cloth. MS. SCINDE RAILWAY. Section No. 4. Dated May 7, 1866. Horizontal scale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; ve rtical scale, 50 fect tol inch ; size, 2 feet by 23. On tracing cloth. MS. 1 J » 3 Ny » ©) — Section No. 6. Same date and scales. Nize, 2 feet by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. Section No.7. Same date and scales. Size, 2 feet by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. Section No. 8. Same date and scales. Size, 2} feet by 13. On tracing cloth. MS. hi ea SE ENS Sn RI SRERRRE (5 SS EC C— A ,— Sie mia — SRNL FN Snr i, ET TR A 154 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Section No. 9. Dated May 7, 1866. Scale, horizontal, 2 miles to 1 inch ; vertical, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 68. On tracing cloth. MS. 14. Indus Valley Railway. SCINDE RAILWAY. Plan. Sukkur to Scinde Frontier, Route to the Bholan Pass. Wm. Brunton, Chief Engineer, Punjab Railway, May 15th, 1858. Scale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; size, 3 feet by 22. MS. SCINDE RAILWAY. Section. Sukkur to Scinde Frontier, route to the Bholan Pass. Horizontal scale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; vertical scale, 20 fect to Linch ; size, 2 feet by 20. MS. SCINDE RAILWAY. Map showing proposed route of the Indus Valley Railway. 1863. Seale, 20 miles to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 22. Also copies of the same map, being “ portion of the accompaniments referred to in letter “ to Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, No. 38, dated Sth September, “ 1866.” On tracing cloth. MS. INDUS VALLEY. General Map of the Country, showing the alternative lines. To accompany Chief Engineer’s Report, No. 312, of 18th June 1864. John Brunton, Chief Engineer. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 3 feet by 12. On tracing cloth. MS. Drawing No. XXVII. SCINDE RAILWAY EXTENSION. Sectional Lines crossing the Valley of the River Indus, as laid down on the accom- panying general map. John Brunton, Chief Engineer. 19th June 1865. Hori- zontal scale, 50 chains to 1 inch ; vertical scale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 1} fect by 6. On tracing cloth. MS. 2 SCINDE RAILWAY EXTENSION. General Map of the country, showing the Trial Section run through the Roree Districts in the season, 1863-64, and the altered and adopted line run in the season, 1864-65. John Brunton, Chief Engineer. July 25, 1866. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 54. On tracing cloth. MS. 15. Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway. Plan showing proposed Lines of Railway from the VEETURUNEE RIVER to BOMBAY and to CULLIAN. No title. Signed, J. H. G. Crawford, Major, Superintending Engineer, Railway Department. Copied in the Chief Engineer’s Office, Bombay, 28th April 1855. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 24. On tracing cloth. MS, Plan of the NU 'DDA ‘ER, East and West of Crossings Plan of the NURBUDDA RIVER, East and W gs, Surveyed by J. F. Green, Assistant Engineer. Received, April 1856. Seale, 200 Jeet to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 86. On tracing cloth, MS. Maps showing Preliminary Survey from BOMBAY to SURAT, 1857. No. 1, to accompany Report of 10th March 1857. Signed, A. W. Forde, Chief Engineer. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 47 inches by 21. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan showing Proposed Line througn the INLAND of BOMBAY. No. 3, to accompany Report of 10th March 1857. Signed, A. W. Forde, Chief Engineer. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch; size, 37 inches by 174. On tracing cloth. MS. 6. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 155 Plan from the VETURUNNEE to BOMBAY, showing alternative Lines. Signed A. W. Forde, Chief Engineer. 6th October 1859. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 67. On tracing cloth. MSS. Plan of the Islands of BOMBAY and COLABAH. Showing the Lines of Railway and the proposed Workshops, Passenger Station, and Goods Depot for the B. B. & C. I. Railway. Signed A. W. Forde, Chief Engineer. Referred to in Letter from Bombay, No. 63, of 1859. Scale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 59 inches by 38. On tracing cloth. MSS. Reduced Section of Location. Direct Line from VETURUNNEE to BOMBAY. 1839. Signed A. W. Forde, Chief Engineer. Scales, horizontal, 9 inches to 1 mile ; vertical, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 116. On tracing cloth. MS. Reduced Section from VETURUNNEE to BOMBAY, vid PER- SEEK. 18359. Signed A. W. Forde, Chief Engineer. Scales, horizontal, 2 inches to 1 mile ; vertical, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 127. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of BOREE BUNDER STATION, with proposed Extensions. Bombay, 24th October 1859. Scale, 50 fect to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 66. On tracing cloth. MS. Design for Viaduct across the NORTH CHANNEL of BASSEIN CREEK. Bombay, May, 1860. Scale, 40 fect to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 50. On tracing cloth. MSS. BOMBAY EXTENSION, Bridge No. 132 B., over the Mahim Creek. Bombay, May, 1860. Scale, 8 fect to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 40. On tracing cloth. MSS. Plan of part of BOMBAY, between FRENCH OVER BRIDGE and COLABA, with proposed Reclamation of Back Bay in connexion with B. B. and C. I. Railway. No title or date. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 3 feet by 8S. On tracing cloth. MS. Diagram showing the progress of work from SURAT to AHMEDA- BAD. Accompanying Chief” Engineer’s Reports. March 20th; 1861. Size, 18 inches by 86. On tracing cloth, MS. GUZERAT TRAMWAY. Map showing the direction of the pro- posed Tramway from Gogo to Ahmedabad. 1861. Seale, about 13 miles to 1 inch size, 26 inches by 135. Map of GUZERAT and SCINDE showing the lines of a proposed Railway Company. Size, 22 inches by 17. Proposed Extension from DADUX to COLABA. Signed, Charles Sanderson, Chief Engineer. 25th May 1861. Scale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. PROGRESS DIAGRAM, B. B. and C. I. Railway, up to February 1862. Size, 8 inches by 58. MS. Map of the ISLAND of BOMBAY, completed to 1861. (Showing the Ground in possession of Railway Companies, and that permanently and tempo- rarily required.) Referred to in Railway Letter to Secretary of State, No. 74, dated 25th November 1863. Seale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 32. On tracing cloth, MS. 0 vaiasnrealliovmeeaellS naan 56 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Map of the ISLAND of BOMBAY, showing Reclamations pro- posed, in progress, or completed up to November 1863. Secale, 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 98 inches by 49. *+* Also the Lines of Railway of the B. B. and C. I. and G. I. P. Companies. Map of Line from CHOWPATTY to COLABA. (Showing the Land required for the Works.) Signed F. Mathews. 9th December 1864. Seale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 26. On tracing cloth, MS. Plan of Experimental Survey from ANUND to PETLAND. Signed F. Mathew, Chief Resident Engineer. 16th November, 1864. Scale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 180. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of Experimental Survey from ANUND to DAKORE. Signed F. Mathew, Chief Resident Engineer. 17th November 1864. Scale, 400 Jeet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 258. Sketch of the PENINSULA of GOOZERAT, with Railways. 1865. Size, 11 inches by 16. On tracing cloth. MS. IRON ROOFING on IRON COLUMNS required for WORK- SHOPS at PARELL. September 1865. Scale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 23. Tracing cloth. MS. DRAWINGS accompanying Letter No. 8 of 1866. Signed, Thomas M. Foy, Resident Engineer. Dated 11th February 1866. Without titles. On tracing cloth. MSS, :— (1.) Plan of Survey of Line from Neemuch to Mogana. Size, 24 inches by 46. (2.) Section of the same. Size, 12 inches by 126. NEEMUCH EXTENSION SURVEY. Plan of an Experimental Line of Railway from Neemuch to Wassud. Accompanying Letter No. 33 of 1866, Sealey 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 15. On tracing cloth. MS. The same reduced to 10 miles #0 1 inch, and lithographed. NEEMUCH EXTENSION SURVEY. Accompanying Chief Resident Engineer’s Letter, No. 1,943, of 1867. Dated 9th June 1867. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 29. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan for an Extension Line of Railway, viv BARODA, NEEMUCH, JYPOOR and DELHI. The shortest and most level line that ean be constructed between Bombay and the North west of India. Seale, 50 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 17. Plan of EXPERIMENTAL SURVEY from AHMEDABAD to VEERUNGAUM. Signed F. Mathew, Chief Resident Engineer. Secale, 400 feet to 1 inch; size, 37 inches by 334. On tracing cloth, MS, KATTIAWAR SURVEY. Plan from Ahmedabad to Veerum- gaum vidi Samund. Signed F. Mathews, Chief Resident Iingineer. 25th August 1866. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile; size, 25 inches by 79. On tracing cloth. MS. BOMBAY TERMINUS. Plan showing Land required for the Terminus and General Offices at Colaba, Accompanying Chief Resident Engineer's Letter, No. 2309, of 8th July 1867. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 58. On tracing cloth. MS, 6. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 157 Proposed Plan for joining the B.B. & C. I R. Terminus at Colaba, with the G. I. P. Railway Terminus at Moody Bay, by means of locomotive or horse power. 1867. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 69. On tracing cloth. MS. Sheds as erected at PARELL. Iron roofing for workshops. Dec. 1867. Scale, § inch to 1 foot ; size, 27 inches by 78. Tracing cloth. MS. Plan from the South End of the ESPLANADE STATION to the COLABA TERMINUS. With Chief Resident Kngineer’s Letter, No. 1475, of 1868. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 82. On tracing cloth. MSS. Map showing the situation of the B. B. & C. I. R. and G. I. P. R. with respect to the CITY of BOMBAY. Accompanying Chief Resident Engineer’s Letter, No. 1630, of 1868. Seale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 24. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan B. Showing the Breakwater constructed along the line of timber staging and the same extended to the Pier at COLABA, with the present Railway Reclamation Works extended to the above line of Breakwater. January Sth, 1869. Seale, 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 40. On tracing cloth. MS, Plan of FORESHORE in BACK BAY, showing proposed position of permanent Railway Lines and Sidings between Marine Lines and the Foreshore at Colaba ; also site of proposed Ride and Drive outside the Railway from C hopatty to Colaba. To accompany estimate, dated 22nd March 1871. Seale, 200 fect to 1 inch ; sizey 29 inches by 96. Tracing cloth. MS. 16. Great Indian Peninsula Railway. Sketch of the proposed Line of Railway through the ISLAND of BOMBAY, taken from a Plan of the Island of Bombay. (No date.) Seale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 18. General Maps for REPORTS of 1851, showing the different Ghats, Mr. Clarke’s Line of Railway, &e. Size, 43 inches by 36. On tracing cloth, MS, Map of the TANNAH COLLECTORATE, reduced from three sheets of Capt. T. Jervis’ Konkun Atlas, on a scale of 2 miles to 1 inch. Executed in 1834. Showing the North-eastern and South-eastern kxtensions and Malsej Ghaut Lines. Signed, James J. Berkley, Sept. 14th, 1852, Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 25. MS. Approaches to BRIDGE at MAZAGON. Scale, 100 feet lo 1 inch ; size, 9 inches by 19. Tracing cloth. MS. Plan of the proposed MAHIM BRANCH. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 29. MS. Proposed MAHIM BRANCH (Section). Scales, horizontal, 4 chains to 1 inch ; vgrtical, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 42. MS. Map of the PROVINCE of CANDEISH, by Capt. John Briggs, showing the different routes by which Major Kennedy's and the Gr. I. P. R. Co.’s Lines would probably pass through Candeish. 1855. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 37 inches by 49. MS. Also “ Extract from a Map of the PROVINCE of CANDEISH.” Copied in the S. G. O. Calcutta, 20th May 1853. (Irom the foregoing map.) ol Ee SSL RG 158 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. NORTH-EASTERN EXTENSION, No. 2. General Map along Nerbudda Valley from Asseerghur to Jubbulpoor (showing the line of railway). 1854. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 40. Design for BOMBAY TERMINUS. Received April 1856. Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 100. On tracing cloth. MS. The THUL GHAT INCLINE, on 4 Maps, marked Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. September 1857. Seale, 20 chains to 1 inch; size of cach, 18 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MSS. The THUL GHAUT INCLINE, Reduced Sections, marked Nos. 8, 9, 10. September 1857. Scales, 20 chains and 50 feet to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size of each about 25 inches by 40. On tracing cloth. MSS. GREAT INDIAN PENINSULAR RAILWAY, 1858. The parts open for traffic under contract, &c.; with a table of distances. Also an enlarged plan of the line from Bombay to Tannah. 1838. Size, 30 inches by 22. BOMBAY STATION. Plot of Ground proposed for Passenger and Goods Termini. Letter of 9th February 1839. Scale, 200 fect to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. Two Sections of the GREAT INDIAN PENINSULAR RAIL- WAY, without title or date. Signed, J. J. Berkley. Both are in Tannah Col- lectorate. Sizes, 12 inches by 52, and 12 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. Crossing of RIVER KALOO, near its Junction with the Oolassa. Scales, 20 feet and 2 chains to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 19. On tracing cloth. MS. Contract No. 12. Diversion of MAIL ROAD to be passed over Railway at 7 miles 6 chains. Plan and Sections. July 1859. Size, 30 inches by 29. On tracing cloth. MS. Contract No. i8. (From SHOLAPORE to Point of Junction with the MADRAS RAILWAY.) Plans and sections marked Nos. 1, 2, 3, in duplicate, dated Bombay, June 1860. In three separate pieces of great length. On tracing cloth. MSS. Drawing of ARCHWAY in a CUTTING, with Cross Sections of Parapet Wall and Section of Ground after Slip on 8th July 1860. Dated Bombay, 11th December 1860. No title. Size, 28 inches by 66. On tracing cloth. MS. Double 20-feet TUNNEL ARCH. Contract No. 10. Plan, sections, and elevation. Seales, 10 feet and 5 feel to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 56. On tracing cloth. MS. MUND VIADUCT. Contract No. 13. Plan, sections, and eleva- tion. Copies December 10th, 1860. Scales, 20 feet and 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 78. Tracing cloth, MS. The GREAT INDIAN PENINSULAR RAILWAY COMPANY (a map of the line, showing the parts open, under construction, and surveyed ; with an enlarged plan of the Island of Bombay). On a scale of 1,200 yards to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. Diagram showing the Lines from SHOLAPORE to CUDDAPAH, HYD RABAD, RAICHOOR, and MOODGUL. 1863. Seale, 10 miles to 1 ineh ; size, 30 inches by 23. Referred to in Railway Letter, No. 28, of 4th March 1864. On tracing cloth. MS. 6. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 159 The GREAT INDIAN PENINSULAR RAILWAY COMPANY. 1866. _ (Being a Map of the Line open for traffic and under construction, and of the Extension Schemes.) Seale, 33 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 27. Trial Section on the Main Line near KURJUL to Junction, with alternative line near CHOWK, at 10 miles 65 chains. November 1866. Scales, 20 chains and 50 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 117. Tracing cloth. MS. Trial Section from CAMPOOLEE to HOG ISLAND. Size, 8 inches by 13. On tracing cloth. MS. Trial Sections from CAMPOOLEE to HOG ISLAND. Direct Line, vid Khalapoor, Chandolee, Sutwapass, on to Panwell ; and Alternative Line vid Khaiapoor, Chowk, on to Panwell. Horizontal scale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; vertical scale, 50 feet to 1 inch; size, 3 feet by 13 feet. J. Ruston, July 19, 1866. On tracing cloth. MS. Trial Plan from 63 miles 47:50 chains on the Main Line near KURJUT to Junction with Alternative Line near CHOWK at 10 miles 65 chains, and from Junction with Alternative Line near Chowk, at 11 miles 38 chains, to Penn. November 1866. Secale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 92. On tracing cloth. MS. Map of the TANNAH COLLECTORATE from a Map by Captain T. B. Jervis. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. (Showing the Great Indian Peninsular Railway Main Line and Campoolee Branch, with proposed Lines from Campoolee to Hog Island, and from Kurjut to Apta and Penn. By J. Ruston.) 17. Proposed Madras and Mangalore Railway, 1844. The ATLAS of INDIA. Sheets 43, 60a, 78. Showing “Line of Reilway from Madras to Mangalore,” projected in 1842, and presented to the H. LE. I. Company by Alexander F. Campbell, late Lieut., R.E. January 26th, 1843. Size, 26 inches by 114. 18. Madras Railway. General Maps. Map of SOUTHERN INDIA, showing the present road from Madras to the Interior and the West Coast, also the proposed Railroads. Railway Commissioners’ Office, 27th October, 1852. Signed Thos. T. Pears, Railway Com- missioner. No Title. Size, 40 inches by 27. MS. Map showing “ MADRAS RAILWAY and other Lines of SOUTHERN INDIA ;” with a table of distances from Madras. No date. Size, 25 inches by 25. Map showing the Lines completed (MADRAS to ARCOT) and in execution by the Madras Railway Company. No date. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; sizey 30 inches by 22. MS. Map showing the existing and proposed Lines of the MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY. No date. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22, Lithograph. y MADRAS RAILWAYS. Broad and Narrow Gauges. No date. Secale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. The ATLAS of INDIA, Sheets 60, 61, 78, 79, with Madras Rail- ways. Size, 54 inches by 80. Also Sheets 61, with proposed diversion of the Railway near Salem. Size, 40 inches by 27. ER a ee a ——m,, 160 GENERAL MAPS AND ATLASES OF INDIA. Diagram of Railways in MADRAS PRESIDENCY :—Madras Railway, the Carnatic Railway, Great Southern and Extension, and Trichinopoly Grand Trunk Road. Secale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 6) feet by 6%. On tracing cloth. MS. Survey of a proposed Line of Railway between MADRAS and WALLAJAHNUGGUR. Signed T.T. Pears, Major, Engineers, 4th July 1851. Seales, 400 yards and 50 feet to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 301. MSS. Survey of the first five miles of the proposed Line of Railway from MADRAS to WALLAJAHNUGGUR. Prepared by order of Government, dated 26th May 1851. Signed T.T. Pears, Major, Engineers, 22nd March 1852. Seales, 100 yards and 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 114. MS, Plan of a portion of MADRAS, showing two different directions in which the Railway might be extended from the proposed present Terminus. Signed, T. T. Pears, Major, Engineers, 4th July 1851. Scale, 400 yards to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 35. MS. Survey of a portion, as far as the Village of MINEL, of a proposed Trunk Line of Railway from MADRAS westward towards the Districts of BELLARY, CUDDAPAH, MYSORE, NORTH ARCOT, and SALEM. Prepared agreeably to the order of Government, No. 812, in the Public Depart- ment, dated 29th August, 1851. Signed T. T. Pears, Major, Engineers, December 15, 1851. Seales, 400 yards and 50 fect to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 239. MS. Plans to accompany the Survey of the first five miles of the proposed Railway from MADRAS to WALLAJAHNUGGUR. Signed, T. T. Pears, Major, 22nd March 1852. Scale, 6 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 49. MS, No. 1. Section and Plan of Railway from VANIAMBADDY to ATHYPULLUM. Distance 25 miles 2,000 feet. 27th April 1854. Seales, 400 yards and 50 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 113. MS. No. 2. Section and Plan of Railway from MOOKTRUMPUTTY to CHINTALPANDY. Distance 22 miles 2,880 feet. 27th April 1854. Seales, 400 yards and 50 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 103. 2 copies. MSS. No. 3. Section and Plan of Railway from CHINTALPANDY to the bottom of the MOROOR GHAUT. Size, 24 inches by 95. 2 copies. MSS. Plan and Section of proposed Branch from Main Line, at 2 miles 1 furlong, to MUNRO’S STATUE (MADRAS). 7th March 1855. Seales, about 10 chains and 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 27. MS. Plan No. 70. MADRAS RAILWAY. Districts 2, Section 1. Drawings of Bridge for carrying the Railway over the River Cauvery, June 13th, 1856. Seale, 20 fect to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 96. 2 copies. On tracing paper, mounted. MSS, MADRAS RAILWAY. Plan and Section of Trial Line through District 10. (From Poodopolliam to Checklypoor.) January 23rd, 1856. Scales, 100 chains and 40 feet to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 203. On tracing paper, mounted. MS. Sketch Map showing the present ROUTES of DISTRICTS 9, 10, and 11, with proposed diversions of Line. Nov. 1836. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 12 inches by 21. On tracing paper, mounted. MS. Survey for proposed Branch Line to SALT DEPOT. No. la. September 18359. = Scale, 4 chains to 1 inch ; size of cach, about 26 inches by 39. 6G. MAPS OF THE RAILWAYS. 161 Proposed Sidings for SALT COTAURS. Marked No. 2. Scale, 9 chains to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29. On tracing paper, mounted. MS. Drawing of SALT SHED. September 1859. Marked No. 3. Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 33. On tracing paper, mounted. MS. Proposed Branch Line to SALT DEPOT. No. 4. On tracing paper, mounted. MS. Map showing the BANGALORE BRANCH of the SOUTH- WEST LINE of RAILWAY. August 1860. (With a Memorandum of Stations, and their distances from the Junction.) Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 50. Sketch Map showing the NORTH-WEST and SOUTH-WEST RAILWAYS, with their FEEDERS. February 1861. Seale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 34. MS. Diagram showing the Lines from CUDDAPAH to SHOLAPOOR, vid HYDERABAD, RAICHOOR, and MOODGUL. December 1863. Seale, S miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 30. 1 copy. On tracing eloth, MS. Re- ferred to in Railway Letter, No. 28, of 4th March 1864. The same Map as above. MS. Mounted. Sketch showing the Land and Water Communications between the BEYPORE and MADRAS RAILWAY and COCHIN, within the limits of the Malabar District. March 1863. Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 22. On tracing cloth. MS. Sections of SPARK CATCHER in use on the MADRAS RAIL- WAY. Secale, 1) inch to 1 foot ; size, 14 inches by 27. On tracing cloth. MS, Referred to in Railway Letter No. 41, dated 16th June 1863. Survey of proposed Extension of Line to new CENTRAL STA- TIC WN (MADRAS). April 1866. Seale, 4 chains to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 60. On tracing cloth. MS. Arrangements of new C ENTRAL STATION (MADRAN). April 1866. Seale, 60 fect to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. Drawing showing position of new Station Arrangement at MADRAS TERMINUS. April 1866. Scale 60 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 75. On tracing cloth, MN. 19. Great Southern of India Railway. GREAT SOUTHERN of INDIA RAILWAY. Showing the First Section and future Extensions. No date. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. Lithograph. GREAT SOUTHERN of INDIA R AILWAY. Permanent Wav. Plan and Sections. Full size. 1863. Size, 25 inches by 38. MS. a i Ae. i . SA. — aL ii ;Se Tr Rp? rays i fh 162 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA, I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY : (The Presidency of Fort William in Bengal.) Including thirteen Lieutenant-governments, Chief Commissionerships, Agencies, &e., under the Governor General, viz. :— 1. Bengal; 8. Hyderabad and Berar ; 2. The North West Provinces ; 9. Mysore and Coorg ; 3. Oudh; 10. Assam ; 4, The Punjab ; 11. Munipur Agency ; 5. Rajputana Agency and Ajmir ; 12. British Burma; 6. Central India Agency ; 13. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 7. The Central Provinces ; Note.—To these must be added the following Governor General's Agencies beyond India: — 14. Baluchistan, under H.H. the Khan of Khelat, with a Political Agent (see p. 482). 15. The Persian Gulf and Muscat, under various Native Governments, with Political Agents at Bushire and Muscat (see pp. 485, 488). 16. Bagdad (Turkish Empire), Political Agent (see p. 489). 17. Zanzibar (East Africa), under the Sultan and a Political Agent (see Admiralty Charts). General Maps and Atlases of the Bengal Presidency, embracing more than One Government. MAJOR RENNELL’S MANUSCRIPT MAPS AND CHARTS of BENGAL, &c., in three series, with distinct general titles. In 1 large red leather cover. Size, 27 inches by 23. First Series. A set of general and particular Maps of BENGAL and BAHAR, with general maps of ELLAHABAD and AWD. Drawn from actual surveys taken between the years 1763 and 1774, by the Honourable East India Company’s Surveyors. Constructed from the original surveys by James Rennell, Surveyor- General. CONTENTS i= List of Provincial Maps, viz. :— Nos. 1, 2, 3. Soubah Bahar. 4. Purneah and Rajemal. » ,» 0. Dinagepour and Goragot, with the pergannahs of Malduar, Shilberis, Surroopour, Islamabad, Jangipour, Mosheedah, Barbuckpour, Poostole, &e. ,, 6. Rungpour, Rangamatty, Coos-Beyhar, Baharbund and Bittrebund, and part of Bootan. » 7,8. Dacca, Silhet, and Tiperah. » 9. Chittigong. ,, 10. Chart of the Sunderbund Rivers, ,» 11. Kishenagur, Jessore, Mahmudshi, Boosnah, and part of Raujeshy proper. ,, 12. Bettoriah, or northern division of Raujeshy ; with Attyah, Cangmahry, Pookarya, Luskerpour, Burbazzoo, &ec. »» 13. Birboom and Raujeshy proper; with the pergannahs of Futtasing, Chun- acally, &e. 14, 15. Burdwan, Midnapour, Hoogly, Bissunpour, and Pachete. 16. Ramgur, Palamow, Chuta-Nagpour, &e. ~ I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—ATLASES. 163 No. 17. Jungleterry. 18. Jeels, &c. ,» 19. Cossimbazar Island. An Index Map in the margin. Alphabetical Index of Provinces and Pergannahs. CoxstrucTiON, &e.—The following is a brief abstract of the MS. under this heading :—The scale is 5 miles to 1 inch, except Chittigong (No. 9), which is 3 miles to 1 inch. The provincial maps are on a plane projection, but the general map which follows is conical. The materials consisted of 500 original surveys. The first imperfect copy of the general map was sent to England in January 1773. The work of each surveyor is indicated, and their names are given, viz.: Capt. Richards, Lieut. Russell, Du Glos, Capt. Huggens, Capt. Rennell, Capt. Carter, Col. Ironside, Capt. Camac, Capt. Morrison, Capt. Adams, Capt. Martin, Capt. Ritchie, Capt. Plaisted, Capt. Portsmouth, Licut. Call. The two following maps are inserted after the foregoing series, but they are not in 2 the list :— No. 20. Country between Sangral and Oulubaria. 1770. . 21. Environs of Dacca. 1774. Second Series. With the following title, but numbered in continuation of the foregoing :— A set of general and particular Maps of the BAY of BENGAL. Drawn from actual surveys taken in the years 1768, ’69, 70, and "71, by John Ritchie, Surveyor, and examined and compiled by James Rennell, Surveyor-General, 177° lw No. 22. A chart of the Bay of Bengal, with data for the longitude. ” 235. Mouth of the Hoogly river. ., 24. Coast of Choromandel, &e. + 25. Coast of Orixa, &c. 26. Coast of Bengal, &e. 27. Coast of Aracan, &ec. 28. Andaman Islands, &e. 929. Nicobar Islands, on the scale of 10 miles to 1 inch, with enlarged plan of Noncowry Harbour. 1772. 30. Nicobar Islands, on the scale of 4 miles to 1 inch. 31. Chart of the Eastern Ocean, 1759. Engraved. Remarks upon the COANT and BAY of BENGAL, the outlets of the Ganges and interjacent rivers, according to surveys by John Ritchie, Hydro- graphical Surveyor to the Honourable the United India Company. Received by Capt. Horsburgh in 1820. On 152 pages, 4to. in red binding. MS, Third Series. A set of general and particular Maps of BENGAL, BAHAR, &ec. By James Rennell, Surveyor-General. 1773. CONTENTS tm Some Account of the construction of the maps. Bengal, in four parts, on the scale of 6 inches to a degree, as fixed by the Directors. «» Bengal, reduced to 3 inches to a degree. RUNGPOOR, RANGAMATTY, COOSBAHAR, with the ad- jacent purgunnahs of Baharbund and Bitterbund, and part of Bootan. Surveyed by Rennell and Martin. Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch. This is an extended copy of No. 6 in the first series of this collection, and terminates the Atlas. Ei dow rR a... NE 164 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Rennell’s Bengal Atlas. A Map of BENGAL and BAHAR in VIIL Parts. With Explana- tion and Index Map on the title page. Published according to Act ol Parliament by J. Rennell, November 10th, 1779. In one vol., folio, half bound. CONTENTS :— Map of the Inland Navigation. Seale, 50 miles to | inch. View of Oudanulla as it appeared before the attack in 1763. Chunargur from the west as it appeared after the siege in 1764. 1. The Delta of the Ganges with the adjacent countries, comprehending the southern inland navigation. Inscribed to Francis Russell, Esq. With a plan of Samoolagur or Sumookgur Fort near Bankibazar. 2. The Jungleterry District with the adjacent provinces between Moorshedabad and Bahar. Inscribed to Brigadier-General Richard Smith. 3. A map of South Bahar, including the course of the Ganges to Chunavgur. Inscribed to Sir Hector Munro. 4. A map of North Bahar. Inscribed to Brigadier-Genera John Caillaud. 5. The Northern Provinces of Bengal, with the Bootan, Morung, and Assam frontiers. Inscribed to Hugh Inglis, Isq. 6. The Low Countries beyond the Ganges from the Mauldah river to Silhet, comprehending the midland and eastern inland navigation. Inscribed to Thomas Kelsall, Esq. 7. The Provinces of Bengal situated on the west of the Hoogly river, with the Maharatta frontier. Inscribed to Harry Verelst, Esq. 8. The conquered Provinces on the south of Bahar, containing Ramgur, Pala- mow, and Chuta-Nagpour, with their dependencies. Inscribed to Major Jacob Camac. * * The scale of Nos. 1 to 8 is uniformly 10 geographical miles to 1 inch. 9. Bengal and Bahar. To the Honourable Warren Hastings, Esq., Governor- General. &e. Seale, 24 miles to 1 inch. i0. A map of Oude and Allahabad with part of Agra and Delhi, including the course of the Ganges to Hurdwar and the Maharatta frontier. Inscribed to John Cartier, Esq. Seale, 24 miles to 1 inch. Map of the Cossimbuzar Island, with a plan of the battle of Plassey. Inscribed to the memory of Edward Lord Clive. Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch. 12. Plan of the Environs of the city of Dacca. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch. 13. The Doo-ab, from Allahabad to Kalpy. Inscribed to Sir Robert Darker. Seale, 6 miles to 1 inch, 14. The River Ganges from Allahabad to Patna, with plans of Allahabad and Chunargur. Secale of the Ganges, 5 miles to 1 inch. 15. The River Ganges from Patna to Surdah, with plans of Patna and Monghyr. (Also the Ruins of Gour.) Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch. oC 16. The Ganges from Surdah to the Calligonga, with the passage across the Jeels, &e. Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch. 17. The Ganges from the Calligonga to its confluence with the Megna or Bur- rampooter, and the Megna from thence to the head of the Luckia river. Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch. 18. The Burrampooter from the head of the Luckia or Bannar river to Assam. With a view and plan of Dellameotta fort in DBootan. Inscribed to the memory of Captain John Jones, who took it by assault in April, 1773. 19. The Hoogly river from Nuddeah to the Sea, with Balasore Road and plan of the attack of Oudanulla. Seale of the Hoogly, 5 miles to 1 inch. A map of the Sunderbund and Baliagot Passages with the principal com- munications, Inscribed to C. W. Boughton Rouse, Esq. Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch. *_* This is the first edition of Rennell’s Bengal Atlas. 11 2 e I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—ATLASES. 165 A BENGAL ATLAS, containing Maps of the theatre of war and commerce on that side of Hindoostan ; compiled from the original surveys, and pub- lished by order of the Honourable the Court of Directors for the affairs of the East India Company, by James Rennell, ¥.R.S., late Major of Engineers and Surveyor- General in Bengal. 1781. With a title, contents, index, and 21 maps. Folio, bound. ¥ 0% This is the second edition of Rennell’s Bengal Atlas. The map of the inland navigation in the first edition is omitted in this, but the rest of the maps are identical. Revenue Survey Atlas. District Maps, etc. in the LOWER and the NORTH WEST PRO- VINCES of BENGAL, OUDE, PUNJAB, GWALIOR, and SCINDE. Bound torether in two vols, folio, without a general title, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch, unless otherwise expressed. Vou. L Index Map of the Revenue Survey Districts in the North-Western Provinces, in- cluding the Territory of Oudh. Corrected by G. T. S. operations. Compiled in the Surveyor-General’s office. 1845-31. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch. Agra, by Capts. Wroughton and Fordyce. 1837-39. Allahabad, by Capt. Lawrence and Lieut. Stephen. 1838. Allyghur, by Capt. R. Wroughton. 1837. Azimghur, by Capts. Simmonds and Fordyce, Lieut. Brind, and Mr. Terraneau. 1835-86. Barelly, by Lieuts. Fraser and Abbott, 1833-37. Bandah, by Lieuts. Abbott and Stephen. 1840-41. Behar, by Capts. Stephen and Licut. Sherwill., 1841-44. Benares, by Licuts. Abbott and Stephen. 1839-40. Bijnour, by Capt. B. Browne. 1833-41. Budaoon, by Capts. Bedford and Wroughton, 1822-23 and 28-34. (‘awnpoor, by Lieut. Abbott. 1840. Orissa or Cuttack Province, by Lieuts, I. L. Thuillier, R. Smyth, and Mr, J. Fitz« patrick. On 4 sheets, 1837-42. : Dihlee, by Capts. Oliver, Simmonds, and Brown. 1824-40. Dehra Dhoon, by Capt. W. Brown. 1838-39, Etawah, by Capt. R. Wraughton. 1838-39. [Furruckabad, by Capts. Lawrence and Wroughton. 1833-39. Ifuttehpoor, by Licut. H. V. Stephen. 1839. Goorgaon, by Lieuts, Oliver, Simmonds, Drown. 1828-40. Goruckpoor, by Lieuts. Graut, Wroughton, Lawrence, Fordyce, Brind, Rind, and Mr. Terrancau. 1836-38. ’ Gazeepoor, by Lieut. W. Maxwell. 1839-41. Hurriana, by Capts, Simmonds and Brown. 1832-38. Jounpoor, by Lieut. Abbott, 1839-40. Meeruth, by Capt. W. Brown. 1831-36. Midnapoor and Hijellee, by Licuts. Mathison and J. F. Egerton, and Mr. Wilson. 1838-43. Moradabad, by Capt. B. Browne. 1834-41. Muthra, by Capt.’ R. Wroughton. 1835. Mynpooree, by Capt. R. Wronghton. 1837-39. I'aneeput, by Capts, Oliver and Simmonds, 1822-33. Patna, by Lieut: W. Maxwell. 1841-43. Rohtuk, by Capts. Oliver and Simmonds, 1823-32. Sarun, by Lieut. Maxwell and Mr. Wyatt, 1813-406. Shahabad, by Lieut. W. S, Sherwill, 1844-46. Shahjubanpoor, by Capt. Abbott and Lieut, Fraser. 1838-39. vl t i } f i a ER a is gg we nis do > Sc a BETS Ree SEES wn, BR SS ER MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Sohagpoor and Ramgurh, by Capt. Wroughton. 1842. Seebpoor (Upper Assam), by J. Thornton. 1839-42. Scinde, by the Quartermaster General’s Department, Bombay Army. On 4 sheets. 1830. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch. Vou. 11. Bhaugulpoor, by Capt. Sherwill and Mr. Pemberton. 1846-50. On 2 sheets. Chittagong, by Lieut. H. Siddons. 1825-41. On 3 sheets. Gwalior Territory, and adjoining native states in Central India. Compiled in the Surveyor-General’s office. 1847. On 4 sheets. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch. Hooghly District, by W. A. Wilson, Esq. 1844-46. Humeerpoor, by Lieut. H. V. Stephen. 1839-40. Mirzapoor, by Capt. Wroughton. 1840-41. Monghyr, by Capt. Sherwill. 1845-47. Orissa or Cuttack Province (as in Vol. L.). Purneah, by Messrs. Fitzpatrick and Pemberton. 1840-47. On 2 sheets Scinde (as in Vol. I). Tirhoot, by Mr. Alexander Wyatt. 1846-49. On 2 sheets. Military. Plan exhibiting the present partition of the country dependent on BENGAL, into MILITARY DIVISIONS, with the several stations of Troops, agreeably to the Distribution Returns. Made up to the 30th April 1812. Seale, 40 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 27. Folded in a case. Disposition Map of the BENGAL ARMY. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 38. * * Compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta. 1862. Map of the GOVERNMENT STUD LANDS attached to KUR- RUNTAHDEEH, and BUXAR. The former situated in Purgunnah Gurha, Ghazepoor District (North-West Provinces), and the latter in Purgunnah Bhojpoor, Shahabad District (Lower Provinces), Surveyed in 1845 by Lieut. W. 5. Sherwill, Assistant Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 29 inches by 21. *.% See also the Poosah Depot, p. 187. Postal. Post Office Map of the PROVINCES of BENGAL, BEHAR, ORISSA. and ARRACAN. Compiled by J. R. Burlton Bennett, Esq., Deputy Postmaster-General of Bengal. Reduced from Tassin’s lithographed map of Bengal and Behar, 1841, and extended from other materials in the office of the Surveyor- General of India. July, 1852. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 57. Magisterial. Plans of JAILS, CUTCHERIES, CIRCUIT HOUSES, &ec., in the LOWER PROVINCES, at Joanpoor,* Mirzapore,* Benares,* Gazeepore,* Goruck- pore,* Rungpore, Patna, Chittra, Sheergotty, Gyah, Chupprah, Baugulpore, Muzaf- ferpore, Kishnagur, Burdwan, Bancoorah, Midnapore, Cuttack, Calcutta, Barrisaul, Mymensing, Fureedpore, Rajeshahye, Chittagong, Sylhet, Dacca, and Hooghly. (Date, May 29, 1823.) In one vol, folio, halt bound. * These places are in the North-West Provinces. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—GENERAL MAPS. Geological. Geological Map of the NORTHERN FRONT of the VINDHYA HILLS, extending from Allahabad to Rajmahal; showing the position of all the known Coal-beds of that tract, and also of the silver, copper, lead, and antimony localities, as well as the principal iron measures. Surveyed and constructed by Captain Walter S. Sherwill, 66th Regt. Nat. Inf. Revenue Surveyor. 1842 to 1851. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 57. Roads and Routes in Bengal Presidency, Memoirs, Field-books, Route-books, and Plans. Abstract Memoir on ROADS within the BENGAL PRESIDENCY (including Agra), with tabular statement and sketch maps. 1835. Feap, 12 pages unbound. MS. Documents relative to the CONSTRUCTION of ROADS within the BENGAL and AGRA PRESIDENCIES. February 7th, 18335. Sketch of the roads from Hooghly to Burdwan, and from Kactia to Kishnaghur; also from Burdwan to Benares ; also Delhi and Allahabad road. With the Calcutta Gazette for Feb. 7, 1835. Feap., stiff’ cover. Sketch of the Roads from Hooghly to Burdwan, and of two LINES of ROAD between BURDWAN and BENARES, by Capt. Geo. Thomson, Super- intendent of Roads. 18335. Feap., half-bound. Plan of the NEW ROAD from FORT WILLIAM to CHU- NARGUR. Scale, about 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 78. MS. *¥ See p. 274. Maps of ROUTES from the BRITISH TERRITORIES into AVA. and various other places on the eastern frontier. Lithographed by J. B. Tassin, Calcutta, 1837. Oblong folio, half-bound. (CONTENTS i= . Banshandee in Cachar, wid Agnee, to Muneepoor. By Capt. R. B. Pemberton. _ Banshandee in Cachar, vi@ Kala Noga to Muneepoor. By Capt. R. B. Pem- berton. 3. Muneepoor vi¢ Muchee to Tummoo in Kubo. By Capt. R. B, Pemberton. . Muneepoor zi¢ Imole to Tummoo in Kubo. By Capt. R. B. Pemberton. . Tummoo via Punsa to Sunnyachil Ghaut. By Capt. R. B. Pemberton. 5. Tummoo zid Sumjoh to Mounphoo. By Capt. R. B. Pemberton. Muneepoor vid Kaboome to Assam. In 3 sheets. Surveyed by Lieut. Gordon. Drawn by Capt. Pemberton. . Muneepoor vig Papoolongmiee to Assam. In 4 sheets. By Capt. Pemberton. . Aeng in Arrdean to Shembegwen on the Irawattee River. By Lieut. Trant, corrected by Capt. Pemberton. 10. Map of the Ningthee or Khyendwen from Genduh to its confluence with the Irawattee.= By Lieut. W. C. McLeod. Drawn by Pemberton. Revised Tables of ROUTES and STAGES through the TERRI- TORIES under the PRESIDENCY of BENGAL and the Lieut.-Governorship of Aora, with an Index ; compiled from documents in the office of the Quartermaster- 2 a a 168 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. General of the Bengal Army, and from information obtained from the collectors of dis- tricts and other local authorities. By Captain W. Garden, Quartermaster-General’s Department. Calcutta, 1838. In one Vol. 4to. 322 pages, with map and table of distances. Survey of the NEW ROAD from MEDNIPOOR to HA UNDI- PAUN, near Jushpoor, by M. Kittoe, Brevet Captain, Surveyor and Superintendent. 1840. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 25. MS. Plan of the GREAT TRUNK ROAD, from CALCUTTA to BE- NARES, exhibiting the Staging Bungalows, Dak Chowkies, Post Offices, &e. Com- piled from actual Surveys, by C. Joseph. 1851. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 9 inches by 52. MS. Plan of the COUNTRY bordering the GREAT TRUNK ROAD between CALCUTTA and BENARES. Based on the Great Triangulation and Reve- nue Survey operations to 1837, with a Polymetrical Table of Distances in the Bengal Presidency, and the names of the Staging Bungalows from Calcutta to Benares with the distances between them. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 48; price 8s. COUNTRY NORTH of GANGES from MONG HYR to ALLA- HABAD. Compiled from the Revenue Surveys, based on the Great Trigonometrical operations to 1858. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 40 ; price 6s. Routes in the BENGAL PRESIDENCY compiled from information in the office of the Quartermaster-General, by Major Fred. Roberts, V. C., Assistant Quartermaster-General. Calcutta, 1865. In one Vol. 4to. 692 pages, with a large map. MAPS OF THE THIRTEEN GOVERNMENTS FORMING THE BENGAL PRESIDENCY. I. BENGAL. Including eight Regulation Provinces or Divisions, viz. :=Bhagalpur, Burdwan, Chittagong, Dacca, Orissa, Patna, Presidency, and Rajshahi; and one Non-regulation I’rovince, viz. :—Chota- Nagpore. Memoirs. Statistical Account of BENGAL. By W.W. Hunter, B.A., LL.D, ote. 1875-76. 8vo., half-bound. Vol. I. Districts of the Twenty-four Parganas and Sundarbans. Vol. II. Districts of Nadiya (Nuddea) and Jessor. Vol. III. Districts of Midnapur and Hugli (including Howrah). Vol. 1V. Districts of Bardwan, Bankura, and Birbhum. Vol. V. Districts of Dacca, Bakargary, Faridpur, and Maimansinh. Other volumes to follow. General Maps and Atlases. A Map of the KINGDOM of BENG AL, drawn from actual Surveys, and divided into Provinces ; most humbly inscribed to the Honourable Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants of Iingland, trading to the East Indies, by their Honours’ most devoted servant, James Rennell. 1768. Scale, 10 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 46. MS, A Map of BENGAL and BAHAR, with part of Orixa. Drawn from actual Surveys, by James Rennell, Surveyor -General. 1775. With a table of areas. Secale, 10 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 58. MS, I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I1. BENGAL, GENERAL MAPS. 169 Six MANUSCRIPT MAPS of DISTRICTS, by Dr. Buchanan Hamilton. Drawn in about 1814 :— 1. Bhagalpur. Size, 11 inches by 14. 2. Northern part of the district of Gorakhpur. Seale, about 115 miles to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 14. 3. Map of the district of Ronggopur (Rungpur). Scale, about 11% miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 11. . District of Shahabad. Seale, about 11% miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 11. Map of Zila Behar, including the city of Patna. Seale, about 11} miles to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 11. . Plan of the district of Puraniya (Purniah). 1809-10. Size, 17 inches by 11. A new and improved Map of the PROVINCES of BENGAL and BEAR, with Benares and adjoining territories, exhibiting the District Divisions, the Civil and Military Stations, and Police Thanas, and likewise the principal Indigo, Silk, and Sugar works. Compiled from the most recent Surveys and best informa- tion in the possession of Government and private individuals, by J. B. Tassin. 1841. Secale, 8 miles to 1 iach : on 14 sheets ; size of 3 each, 21 inches by 24; size of 9 cach, 21 inches by 27, Three sheets wanting. The New BENGAL ATLAS, including Lower and Central Assam, with Benares and adjoining territories ; exhibiting the District Divisions, Civil and Military Stations, and Police Thanas, and likewise the Indigo, Silk, and Sugar works. Compiled by J. B. Tassin. 1841. In 6 parts, mounted to fold, with an Index Map, and bound together in one Vol., folio. POSTAL Map of BENGAL and BEHAR, showing the General and District Post Offices and Lines. 1862. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 36; price 4s. BENGAL, BEHAR, and ORISSA, comprising the Lieut.-Governor- ship of Bengal. 1868. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40 5 price 4s. Another copy with manuscript corrections of the District Boundaries, dated March 11th, 1870. Sketch Map of the PROVINCES comprising the Lieut.-Governor- ship of BENGAL showing Provincial and District Divisions. S. G. O. Calcutta, 1872. Taken from the preceding map. The Provinces of BENGAL, BEHAR, and ORISSA, under the jurisdiction of the Lieut.-Governor of Bengal, with the Province of Assam under the Chief Commissioner. Calcutta, 1874. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 40. DISTRICT 24 PERGUNNAHS, NUDDEAH, JESSORE, IFU- REEDPORE, and BACKERGUNJ. 1847 to 1863. (Parts of Presidency and Dacca Provinces.) Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 26 ; price 3s. Map of EASTERN BENGAL. Compiled from the Revenue Sur- veys based on the Great Triangulation in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, March 1871. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; sheets, 7, 8,9, 10 ; size of cach, 22 cnches by 30. Map of WESTERN BENGAL. Compiled from the Revenue Sur- veys based on the"Great Triangulation in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, March 1871. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; sheets 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; size of achy 22 inches by 30. Index to the sheets of the map of Bengal. The foregoing both Lastern and Western. mam —~ SNS i — —— REN Ea Ee MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Ferry Fund Maps. Plans appertaining to the Sketch Estimates of the FERRY FUND WORKS, in the LOWER PROVINCES, of the year 1858-59 :— Sketch of Boal Khalee and Hargazee Nula, Chittagong. ” Postal Road from Chittagong to Teck Natt. Road from Chittagong to Futeekchurry. between Putteeah Tannah and Sakeera Bridge, Chittagong. ” » Chittagong and Big Fenny Rivers. ’ ” Noacolly and Tipperah. Canals near Comillah. . Ferry Fund Roads, under charge of 24 Pergunnahs Magistrate in June 1858. Roads in District Nuddeah. » ”» . OL =TO Our Cob 10. 5 “ Shaugulpore. 11. ” Zillah Purneah. 12. ,»» District Monghyr, under Ferry Fund Committee. 13. 5 ’ Bancoorah. 14. " ’s Beerbhoom. 15. " by Burdwan. 16. ” Zillah Hoogly. 17. " District Howrah. » 5 Midnapoor. 19. Roads from Mymensing to the Jumoona River. 20. ,» in Zillah Fureedpore. 21. Sketch of Jopekhallee Khall. 22. Roads in Dacca District. 23. » District Rajshahee. 24. »» Rungpore. as. + » Bograh. 26. 2 ” Dinagepore. 27. 2 » Maldah. 28. ” , Pubnah. Plans appertaining to the Sketch Estimates of the FERRY FUND WORKS, in the LOWER PROVINCES, of the year 1859-60 :— 100. Proposed Canal to join the Booree Ganga and Goomtee. 113. Repairs of Roads from Dinagepore. 114. “ ” Bograh. 115, ,, and new Roads in Moorshedabad. 116. ’ .“ Rungpoor. 117. % 5% Pubna. 118. Roads in Rajshaye District. 125. » Bhaugulpore , 126. ” Monghyr y 127. Purneah ” 152. ” Bancoorah " 153. # Beerbhoom 154. ” Burdwan 155. ” Hoogly 156. ” Howrah ” 157. » Midnapoor ” 37). 24 Purgunnahs District. » 172. New Road from Raja Haut to Calpee 173. Roads near Kishnagur, Nudeah. 174. ,, in Jessore. 3 sheets. 175. Baraset District Roads. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—l. BENGAL, GENERAL MAPS. 171 Plans appertaining to the Sketch Estimates of the FERRY FUND ROADS, in the LOWER PROVINCES, of the year 1860-61 :— 289. Roads in Bhaugulpore District. 290. on Monghyr ’ 291. » Purneah % 303. > Bancoorah 3 304. 5 Beerbhoom » 305. Bridee over the Mchidpore Nullah, on the Illambazar and Soorool Road. 306. Bridge over the Nullia Kunder, on the road from Sooree to Ahmudpore. 307. Roads in Burdwan District. 308. ’ Hoogly 5 309. ’ Howrah ” 310. ”" Midnapore ,, 323. » >atna ” 333. “ 24 Purgunnahs District. 334. ” Jessore 335. ” Baraset 3 345. » Bograh ” 346. - Rungpore » 346 bis. Station Roads, Rungpore District. 347. Bridge over Lalpore Nullah, on the Pubna Road. 348. Roads in Moorshedabad. 349. Protection for banks of the Isamuttee River. 350. Roads in Dinagepore District. 351. Roads in Maldah District. Roads and Routes in Bengal. Survey of the ROUTE from CALCUTTA to GANJAM, through Miduapoor and Cuttack. Surveyed in 1809-10 by Captain F. Sackville, Surveyor, {1si Regiment, BNI. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch: on 6 sheets; size of each, 21 inches by 29. MSS. Rough Sketch, in illustration of Reports on Land Communication between CALCUTTA and PEGU. 1836. (Including from Chittagong to Prome.) Sealey, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 48. Map of the DISTRICT of CHITTAGONG, with the Dacca and Arracan roads. Secale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 22 inches by 42. Bengal, Frontier Maps. Map of the EASTERN FRONTIER of BRITISH INDIA, with the adjacent countries, extending to Yunan in China, by Captain R. Boileau Pem- berton, 44th Regiment, N.I. 1838. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch : on 12 sheets ; size of each, 25 inches by 19. NORTH-EAST FRONTIER, BENGAL. Including Sikkim; Bhootan ; Assam; Garrow, Cossyah, Jynteea, and Naga Hills; Dinajpoor; Dar- jeeling 3 Rungpoor; Sylhet ; Cachar ; Coochbehar; &e. 1865. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch : on 6 sheets? size of eachy 22 inches by 30 ; price 12s. Also a special copy, showing in MS. the separate revenue and other Surveys, alte- rations in the Boundaries of Divisions, &c., with reference te Revenue Despatch No. 43 of 1867. ~ The EASTERN BRITISH FRONTIER, bordering on BURMAH and MUNEEPOOR, from the latest surveys. 1869. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 36 inches by 24 5 price 2s., folded in a cover. 4 4 i ’ § i _— Ldatnae RRS a au SE, 172 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. EASTERN BRITISH FRONTIER, bordering on BURMAII and MUNNEEPOOR. From the latest Surveys, corrected up to April 1871. Seale, 6 miles to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size of each, 21 inches by 33. *.% With a table of notes on the Lushai Hiils. Photozincograph. Also a later edition corrected up to April 1872, Nee also Munipur, p. 303. [. BHAGALPUR DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Bhagalpur ; 2, Monghyr; 3, Purneah; 4, part of the Sonthal Pergunnahs. Skeleton Map of BHAUGULPOOR DIVISION. Comprising the Districts of Bhaugulpore, Monghyr, Purneah, and Sonthal Purgunnahs, exhibiting the Civil and Criminal jurisdictions. Famine Relief Map, 1874, with sites of Go- vernment Grain Stores, Centres of Relief, Routes for conveyance of Grain, and Relief Works. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch. Size, 36 inches by 25. Folded, 1. Bhagalpur District. Map of the DISTRICT of BHAUGULPOOR, surveyed by — Capt. W. S. Sherwill and Mr. J. J. Pemberton, Revenue Surveyors, in 1846, 47, 48, 49, and 50. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 35. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. District BHAUGULPORE. Famine Relief Map. S. G. O. Calcutta, 1874. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch, Size, 46 inches by 32. Folded. District BHAUGULPOOR. 1846 to 1850. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch. S.G.0. Caleutta, April 1874. To be completed in 17 sheets, of which sheets 1 to 14 are published, with an Index map. District BHAGALPUR. Irom the Atlas of India. S.G. O. Calcutta, 1875. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. BHAUGULPOOR, Plan of the TOWN, surveyed in 1867-8 by Lieut. Stewart, Revenue Surveyor, and Native Assistants. Seale, G inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 40 5 price 4s. Block Plan of BHAUGULPORE SCHOOL HOUSE, 1868, Size, 15 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. Map (Geological) of PERGUNNAHS GODDA, and UMLOO- MOTEEA, Zillah Bhagulpoor. Surveyed inseason 1847-48, by Capt. S. R. Tickell, Officiating Revenue Surveyor. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 23. M$. Map (Geological) of PURGUNNAH SOOLTANABAD, District Bhaugulpoor. Surveyed in 1850-51. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 20. MS. Maps of PURGUNNAHS TELEEAGURHEE and JUMOONLEE, District Bhaugulpoor. Surveyed by Captain W. S. Sherwill, Revenue Surveyor in season 1850-51, and Mr. R. Shaw, Assistant Revenue Surveyor in 1840-41. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 27. Lithograph, with MS. additions showing the Geological features. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—Il. BENGAL, BHAGALPUR DIVISION. 173 PURGUNNAH PUSSYE, Zillah Bhaugulpoor (Geological). Size, 22 inches by 24. MS. Map of the JUNGLE THERRY DISTRICT, containing the March Routes of four successive journeys performed by Lieut.-Col. W. Francklin, Regulating Officer, from the end of 1813 to 1820 inclusive. Seale, about 6 miles tol inch; size, 23 inches by 32. MS. A Survey of the RIVER CHANDUN, conjectured to be the Eran- noboas, of the Greeks, from Chumpurnugghur, to its triple source in the vicinity of Deo-Ghur; and from thence to the South-western and North-eastern Boundaries of the Jungle Terry District, including the Passes on the Ramghur and Behar Frontiers ; to Sooruj Ghurra on the Ganges. In the months of November, Decem- ber, January, February, and March, A.D. 1814-135, by Lieut-Col. W. Francklin, Secale, 2% miles to 1 inch ; size, 3% inches by 52. MS. 2. Monghyr District. MONGHYR (DISTRICT). 1836 to ’39 and 1845 to 47. Scale, | mile to | inch; on 1T sheets, with Index-map and title on sheet 15 ; size, 11 fect by 8; price 17s. Map of the DISTRICT of MONGHYR, surveyed by Capt. W. 5. Sherwill, 66th Regiment N.L, Revenue Surveyor, in 1845, *46, and "47. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 29. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. Plan of the FORT of MONGHYR and FORT LANDS, situated outside the walls, Surveyed by Captain W. S. Sherwill, Revenue Surveyor, in 1846. Scale, 5 chains to 1 incl ; size, 26 inches by 20. CIVIL STATION and FORT of MONGHYR, 1866-7. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 18 inches by 24; price ls. Geological Map of that portion of ZILLAH MONGHYR, lying to the south of the Ganges, together with a portion of Zillah Bhaugulpore, similarly situated. Constructed and surveyed by Captain Walter Sherwill, Revenue Sur- vevor., 1847. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. Lithograph. 3. Purneah District. Map of the DISTRICT of PURNEAH, surveyed by Messrs. J. Fitzpatrick and J. J. Pemberton, Revenue Surveyors, in 1840, "41, 42, '43, "44, 15. 46. and 47. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 37. MS, The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. DISTRICT PURNEAH, 1840 to 1847. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch. S.G.0. Calcutta, April 1871. On 18 sheets, size of cach 25 inches by 40. » 4. Sonthal Pergunnahs. See Map of BHAUGULPOOR DIVISION, page 172; and Indian Atlas. 4 0 4 1 I i ti Hl 1 i —— SL IR Se MT SS AR wy EER RE ER SR ER og MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. [I. BURDWAN DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Bankoora; 2, Beerbhoom ; 3, Burdwan ; 4. Hooghly ; and 5, Midnapore. 1. Bankoora District. DISTRICT BANCOORAH or WEST BURDWAN. 1854 to 56. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ;. size, 25 inches by 21. #_* Preliminary Map, showing the Geological features. DISTRICT BANCOORAH or WEST BURDWAN. 1854 to °56. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 27. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT BANCOORAH, or West Burdwan. 1854 to ’56. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; Nos. 1 to 7; on 7 sheets, including a General Map of the District ; price 14s. No. 1. Purgunnahs Bishenpoor, Baruhazaree, Sahurjorah, &e. No. 2. Malliarah, &e. No. 3. . ”» No. 4. : 2 »s Nos. 35, 6. ' and Johanabad. No. 7. " Shahazadpoor, &e. a 2. Beerbhoom District. Map of the DISTRICT of BEERBHOOM, surveyed by Capt. W. S. Sherwill, Revenue Surveyor, 1849 to ’52. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 2s. PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT MAPS of DISTRICT BEERBHOOM. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; Nos. 1 to 135 on 14 sheets, including a General Map of the District ; price 30s. No. 1. Tuppeh Saruth Deoghur, 2 sheets. No. 2. Map of Taluka Pubbia. (Sonthal pergunnah.) No. 8. Map of purgunnahs Nonee and Mullerpoor. No. 4. Tuppeh Kundit Kurayah. (Sonthal pergunnah.) No. 5. Map of purgunnahs Zynoojal and Alinuggur. No. 6. Map of tuppehs Hurripoor and Mohumdabad, with pergunnahs Hook- mapoor-Khutunga, Akbershahee, and Dhawa. No. 7. Pergunnahs Shahallumpoor and Khirnee, with talooka Pudra. No. 8. Map of purgunnahs Synbhoom, Bhoorkundeh, Umdhurel, Khurgaon, Barbuksing, and Sheopoor. No. 9. Map of purgunnahs Dureen Molisser, and Sabik Molisser. No. 10. Purgunnahs Inchapokur, Futtehpoor, Poorundurpoor, and Kootoobpoor. No. 11. Purgunnahs Suroobsing, Shahzadpoor, and Jowas Ibrahimpoor. No. 12. The same as No. 8, geologically coloured. No. 13. The same as No. 5, geologically coloured. Index Map. 3. Burdwan District. DISTRICT BURDWAN, 1855 to ’57. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 2s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—i. BENGAL, BURDWAN DIVISION. 175 PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT BURDWAN. 18355 to ’57. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; Nos. 1 to 10; on 11 sheets, including a General Map of the District on the scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; price 35s. No. 1. Pargunnah Monohurshahee. No. 2. Dheyia, Indranee, &c. No. 3. Jhehangeerabad, Sautsoika, &e. No. 4. ; Raneehattee, Umbeeka Raiepoor, &c. No. 35. : Nuluhee, Choteepoor, and Havellee. No. 6. 3 Shahabad, Auzmutshahee, and Burdwan. No. “7. ; Burdwan, Auzmutshahee Bagha, &ec. No. 8. 2 Chumpanugguree, Senpaharee, &c. No. 9. 2 Sherghur. No. 10. ; Khundghose, Sumurshahee, Havellee. 4. Hooghly District. Map of the DISTRICT of HOOGLY. Surveyed by Mr. W. A. Wilson, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, in 1844, ’45, and 46. Scale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 36 inches by 24. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 2s. CHINSURAH CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS. Surveyed in 1869-70. Secale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; on 19 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 30. CHINSURAH CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS. 1869-70. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets; size of each, 40 inches by 27. The TOWN and ENVIRONS of SERAMPOOR, District Hooghly. Seale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 43 5 price 5s. Mounted to fold in a cloth cover. Map of the DANISH SETTLEMENT of SERAMPOOR, including the lands of Pearapoor dependent thereon, situated in the Province of Bengal, on the west bank of the Hoogly River. Surveyed by Charles Joseph. 1842, “Scale, 170 yards to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 58. MS. Plan of the HON. COMPANY’S BOTANIC GARDEN, District Hoogly. Surveyed in season 1845-46. Scale, 330 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 26. 5. Midnapore District. Map of the DISTRICTS of MIDNAPORE and HIJELLEE, surveyed by Licuts. R. Mathison and J. F. Egerton, Revenue Surveyors ; and Mr. W. A. Wilson, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, in 1838, "39, 40, 41, 42, "43, "44, and 45. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 39. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. Another copy geologically coloured. Map of DISTRICT MIDNAPORE. Survey commenced in 1838-30 and completed in 1844-45. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, inches by 38. Geological Sketch of the SOUTHERN PORTION of the MID. NAPORE DISTRICT, including Injellee. Constructed from materials in the Surveyor-General’s Office, 1825. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch : size, 18 inches by 23. MS. ER a ER rE ER sabi horn EE DE , Sa 176 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. HIDGELLEE DISTRICT bordered on the North and West by Midnapoor and Jellasore, and on the East and South by the Hoogly River. Without Title. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 40. MS. Map of HIJELLEE and TUMLOOK, forming part of Zillah Mid- napoor. Surveyed in seasons 1838, ’39,” 40, and 41, by Lieutenants J. I. Egerton and R. Mathison. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 55 inches by 60. Map of the Country adjacent to the lower parts of the COURSES of the DAMOODAT and DALKISSUR RIVERS, showing the lines of Levels taken in 1852-53 by Lieuts. Stewart and De Bourbel, Bengal Engineers, and Mr. Nield, Surveyor ; to illustrate the reports on the Damoodah Floods, contained in the 15th number of the selections from the Records of the Bengal Government. 1854. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 35. Lithograph on tracing cloth. wt Geological Surveys in Burdwan Division. Map of the Damoodah and ADJI GREAT COAL FIELD, in the Zillahs of West Burdwan, Monbhoom, and Beerbhoom. Jengal. 1847. Scale, L mile to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 51. Lithograph. The western Zalf of the same. MS. Vertical section of the COAL MEASURES in the DA MOODAH VALLEY. 1847. Scale, 40 fect to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 26. Lithograph. Sections of the DAMOODAH COAL FIELD. 1847. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of cach, 26 inches by 40. Lithograph. No. 1. Scetion. From Medjeah on the South, to Kashtor on the North of the Adji. No. 2. ” From the West of Terrapore on the South, to Seersole on the North. No. 3. ’ From Pachet Hill on the South, to Gogganah on the North. No. 4. " From Gurrungee Hill on the South of Damoodah River, to the Deybeetan Hill on the North of the Barukkur River. Section across the KYMORE MOUNTAINS from the Sone River on the South, to the Gangetic plains on the North. 1848, Scale, vertical and horizontal, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 40. . Map of the DAMUDA (Raniganj) COAL FIELD, Bengal. 1861. Scale, 1 mile to 1 meh ; size, 27 inches by 42. The Plan of the RANEEGUNGE COAL MINES, commenced in November 1816. By C. Burton, Superintendent of the Raneegunge Coal Mines, since the month of February 1822 until the month of November 1830. Size, 40 inches by 19. MS. [11. CHITTAGONG DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Chittagong ; 2, Chittagong Hills ; 3, Noakholly ; 4, Tipperah Hills. I. Chittagong District. A map of the PROVINCE of CHITTAGONG. Surveyed in 1815, ’16 by J. Cheape, Licut. Engineers. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 82 inches by 38; 2 copies. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I1. BENGAL, CHITTAGONG DIVISION. 177 Map of the DISTRICT of CHITTAGONG. Surveyed by Lieut. H. Siddons, Bengal Engineers, Revenue Surveyor in 1833, ’36, ’37, ’38, ’39, ’40, and ’41. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 25. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 2s. DISTRICT of CHITTAGONG. 1835 to ’41, and 1861 to 66. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 3 sheets ; size of cach, 22 inches by 30; price without hills 6s., or with hills 8s. Also, a copy with hills, photographed by Capt. Melville, 1867. Plan of the STATION of CHITTAGONG. By E. R. Boileau, Assistant Revenue Surveyor. Secale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; size, 43 inches by 26; price 2s. 3. Noakholly District. 4. Tipperah Hills ( Native Territory). DISTRICTS TIPPERAH and NOACOLLY, including HILL TIPPERAH. 1861 to’ 65. Secale, + miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets; size, 48 inches by 38; price 8s. DISTRICTS TIPPERAH and NOACOLLY. 1861 to’65. Scale, t miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 26. Photographed. [V. DACCA DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Backergunge ; 2, Dacca; 3, Furreedpore; 4, Mymensingh ; 5, Tipperah. I. Backergunge District. DISTRICT of BACKURGUNJ. 1860-3. Lower Provinces, Revenue Surveys, Surveyed by Major J. E. Gastrell and Lieut. W. J. Stewart, Revenue Surveyors and Assistants, Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price Gs. A portion of DISTRICT BACKURGUNJ, to complete Atlas Sheet No. 121. Surveyed by Capt. J. E. Gastrell and Assistants in 1589 to 1862, Scale, 4 miles to 1 iach ; size, 26 inches by 19. MS. PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT BACKERGUNJE. 1860-63. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; Nos. 1 to 21, on 13 sheets, including a General Map of the District on the scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; price 30s. No. 1. Purgunnahs Kotaleepara, Futtehjungpoor, &e. No. 2. Purgunsahs Bungrora, Beermohun, &c. Nos. 3 and 4. Purgunnahs Edilpoor, &e. Nos. 5 and 9. Purgunnahs Selimabad, Chundrodeep, &ce. No. 6. Purgunnahs Selimabad, Chundrodeep, &c. Nos. 7 and 8. Purgunnahs Edilpoor, Chundrodeep, &c. (7767.) — ar = a ae, Re. ERR RI SEE eR oe 178 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. No. 10. Purgunnahs Syudpoor, Selimabad, &e., and portion of Sunderbuns adjoining. Nos. 11 and 14. Purgunnahs Boozoorg, Ocmedpoor, Arungpoor, &e. No. 12. Purgunnahs Chundrodeep, Shaistanuggur, &c. : Nos. 13, 15, and 17. Purgunnahs Chundrodeep, Nazirpoor, &c. Nos. 16, 20, 22, 23, 24. Purgunnahs Syudpoor and Boorzoorg, Oomedpoor, together with adjacent portions of Soonderbuns. Nos. 18, 19, and 21. Purgunnahs Chundrodeep and Jafrabad, Rufeanuggur, and portion of Soonderbuns adjoining. The DISTRICT of BAKARGANJ, its History and Statistics. By H. Beveridge, B.C.S., Magistrate and Collector of Backarganj. London, 1876. 8vo., cloth. CIVIL STATION of BURRISAUL. Surveyed under the superintendence of Major J. E. Gastrell, Revenue Surveyor, by Messrs. 1. Little- wood and C. David, Assistant Revenue Surveyors. 1860-61. Scale, 16 inches te 1 mile ; size, 38 inches by 28 ; price 2s. 2, 3. Dacca and Furreedpore Districts. ~iy ot DISTRICT'S of DACCA and FUREEDPOOR. 1857 to "60. (Surveyed by Capt. J. E. Gastrell and Mr. N. T. Davey.) Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; Je size, 38 inches by 42. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. 2. Dacca District. PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT DACCA. 1857 to 1860. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; Nos. 1 to 140n9 sheets ; price 36s. There is no Index Map with the series, but there is a separate District Map of Dacca and Fureedpoor. Nos. 1 and 2. Purgunnah Bhowal, &e. » 5 and 4. Purgunnahs Echapoor, Bhowal, Jehangeernuggur, &e. , and 6. Purgunnah Chandertap, &ec. , 7 and 8. Purgunnahs Mokeemabad, Arungabad, &c. 2 9. 2” ; ’ » ve. + 10% 3 Jikrumpoor. ». Tl. ve Sonorgaon, Moheshurdee, &c. Moheshurdee and Bhowal. 12. ” Rajnugur and Bykunthpoor. 5» 13 and 14.* " CITY of DACCA including CANTONMEN'TS. 1859. Secale, 12 wnches to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 48 ; price 10s. 6d., mounted to fold in a cloth cover. 3. Furreedpore District. PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT FUREEDPOOR. 1838-60. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; Nos.1to 9 on 5 sheets ; price 36s. There is no Index Map with this series, but there is the separate District Map of Dacca and Fureedpoor. Nos. 1 and 3. Purgunnahs Nuseebshahee, Moheemshahee, &e. »w SandS. ’ Huvelee, Shatoir, Chur Mukoondea, &ec. , 4,5, and 6. ” Nuldee, Teleehatee, Jullalpoor, Huvelee, &e. » 7 and 7 “ Mokimpoor, Sooltanpoor, Khurroreea, &ec. 5» 9 » Jullalpoor. * Nos. 13 and 14 have been transferred to District Backergunge. 8 a I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I!. BENGAL, DACCA DIVISION. 179 CIVIL STATION of FUREEDPOOR. 1858-59. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 18; price 4s., mounted to fold in a cloth cover. 4. Mymensingh District. DISTRICT MYMENSING. 1850 to 1857. Sheet of the Revenue Survey of India under the direction of Lieut.-Col. IH. L. Thuillier, F.R.G.S., Surveyor-General of India. Surveyed by Messrs. A. Wyatt, Revenue Surveyor ; F. S. Swiney, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, and sub-assistants. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 38. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 6s. PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT MYMENSING. 1850 to’57. Secale, mile to 1 inch; Nos. 1 to 49; on 25 sheets, including a General Map of the District on the scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; price 5l. 6s. No. 1. Purgunnah Attia. » 2. Portions of Purgunnahs Kagmaree and Burbazoo. w Ba ’ Purgunnah Pokhureea, &c. 5» 6. Purgunnah Burbazoo. » Sand 9. Purgunnah Alapsing. » 15 and 16. Purgunnahs Jaturshahee and Mookeemabad. ,» 17 and portion of 13. Purgunnah Kagmaree. sy» 20. Purgunnah Run Bhowal. » 23. Mymensing, and Tuppeh Sutsikka of Purgunnah Alapsing, &e. » 25. Portions of Purgunnahs Hooscynshahee, and Tuppeh Toollunder of Kooreekhaee, &c. »» 26. Portions of Purgunnahs Joar-Hooseynpoor and Tuppeh Hazradee, &ec. s»» 24 and 28. Purgunnahs Mymensing, Raedom, Nusseeroojeeal, &e. » 29 and 20. Portions of Purgunnahs Mymensing and Durzeebazoo, &e. ss» 27 and 31. Portions of Purgunnahs Hooseynshahee, Nusseeroojeeal, Tuppeh Ningdha, Durzeebazoo, Hazradee, &ec. » 92 and 33. Portion of Purgunnah Nusseeroojeeal. » o4, 35, 36. Portions of Tuppehs Hazradee and Kooree Khaee. ,» of. Portions of Purgunnahs Joanshahee, &e. » 98 and 39. Purgunnah Khulleeajooree and portions of Purgunnahs Joan- shahee, and Nusseeroojeeal. 40. Portions of Purgunnahs Shooshung, Mymensing, &ec. ,» 41 and 42. Portion of Purgunnah Shooshung. » 43 and 44, Portion of Purgunnah Sheyrpoor, &ec. ,» 45 and 46. Portions of Purgunnahs Sheyrpoor, Pokhureea, &e. »» 47. Purgunnah Sheyrpoor, and Tuppeh Sathsikka of Alapsing. y, 48 and 49. Purgunnahs Shooshung, Sheyrpoor, &ec. CIVIL STATION and TOWN of MYMENSING. 1853-54. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 36 5 price 2s. 5. Tipperah District. PERGUNNAH Maps of DISTRICT TIPPERAH. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; Nos. 1 to 12 on 11 sheets ; price 44s. There is no Index or General Map for this District. No. 1. Pergunmah Seraecel. 1861-2. No. 2. “ Noornuggur, &e. No. 3. '” Burdakhat, Nowabad, &e. No. 4. % 5 Pateekera, &c. Nos. 5 & 6. ,, ” Nowabad, Meharkool, Gungamandal, &c. M 2 i 1 FAR WE ee EE Sl i a isin : CENSOR Wonder ER Saba pe i MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. No. 7. Pergunnah Dollace, Mahabutpoor, &c. No. 8. Iomnabad, Kadba, &ec. No. 9. Mehurkool, Bagasaeer, &c. No. 10. Khundul, &ec. ; No. 11. ' Mahabutpoor, Tora, &c. No. 12. sy Mehar, Chowdogaon, &c. a i ha: For a General Map of Tipperah District, sec Noakholly District, now in Chitta- gong Division. CIVIL STATION of COMILLAH. 1862, 63. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 40 5 price 2s. V. ORISSA DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Balasore ; 2, Cuttack ; 3, Pooree ; 4, Cuttack Tributary Estates. General Map. The PROVINCE of CUTTACK, in Orissa. Surveyed by order of the Right Honourable Gilbert, Lord Minto, Governor-General, &e., and inscribed to Major-General John Garstin, Chief Engineer and Surveyor-General, Bengal, Ly Frederick Sackville, Captain and Surveyor. 1812. Scale, about 2 miles to inch ; on 6 sheets ; size of cach, 52 inches by 30. MS. Two sheets missing, the N.W. and East. Map of a part of the DISTRICT of CUTTACK. Surveyed by Lieut. B. Buxton of the Engineers, 18187 Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 44. MS. Lieut. B. Buxton’s TRIANGULATION and SURVEY of part of the CUTTACK DISTRICT, comprising Balasore Pergunnah, Neelgur, Mohur- gunge, and the course of part of the Soobunreeka River, 1820. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 42. MS. Lieut. Buxton’s SURVEY in the CUTTACK PROVINCE. 1820. Scale, 1 mile to inch ; size, T4 inches by 42. MS. Map of the PROVINCE of ORISSA, comprising the Northern, Central, and Southern Divisions of Cuttack ; or Balasore, Cuttack, and Poorec. Surveyed by Lieuts. H. L. Thuillier, R. Smith, and Mr. J. Fitzpatrick, Revenue Surveyors, 1837 to 1842. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets; size, 61 inches by 54 ; price 12s. Another copy, geologically coloured. Map of the ORISSA DIVISION, comprising the. Districts of Balasore, Cuttack, and Pooree ; exhibiting the new Civil and Criminal Jurisdictions, Reprinted from the engraved sheets of the Atlas of India. 1869. Seale, + miles to 1 inch; on 6 sheets; size of cach, 29 inches by 25. Photozincograph. # % See also Orissa Topographical Survey, pp. 182-184, 202-204, 327, 328. 1. Balasore District. Map of the DISTRICT of BALASORE. Surveyed by Mr. John Fitzpatrick, Revenue Surveyor, in 1838, °39, 40, "41, and 42, Sealey, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 33 inches by 27 ; price 3s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I1. BENGAL, ORISSA DIVISION. 181 Map of BALASORE or NORTHERN DIVISION of CUT- TACK, exhibiting the Pergunnahs and other local divisions. Surveyed in seasons 1838, ’39, 40, 41, and ’42. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 8 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 22 ; price 16s. DISTRICT of BALASORE, reprinted from the original Revenue Survey Maps. Surveyed in seasons 1838, ’39, ’40, *41, and ’42, Scale, 1 mile to V inch ; on 9 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 35 ; price 16s. #4 With the addition of Roads and Canals introduced by the Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department, in 1869. Index Map on sheet No. 1. Polhill’s Survey of the DISTRICT of BALASORE. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches br 24, MS. Tracings of the RAJGHAUT and CUTTACK ROAD (Balasore District). Signed, T. W. Armstrong, C.I5. Cuttack, December 26th, 1833. 1. Plan of Balasore, showing site of the old Mahratta Ghaut. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 16 inches by 135. 2. Designs for Drain Bridges. Scale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 36. 3. Design for a Bridge, three arches, 20 feet span. Scales, 8 feet and 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 36. 4. Design for a Bridge, one arch, 20 feet span. Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 26. 5 and 6. Cross Sections of the Burrabullung River. Seales, 50 feet and 10 feet to 1 inch. On two sheets, marked Nos. 1 and 2. 7. Plan of a portion of the Juggurnauth Road and adjacent country north of Jalasore, showing the Noonajoory Bridge and Lines proposed by the Military Board and Superintending Engineer, S.E.P. Secale, 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 24 inches by 37. 2. Cuttack District. A SURVEY of part of the PROVINCE of CUTTAC, executed during the operations of the Detachment under the command of Colonel Harcourt, in the months of November, December, January, February, and March, 1804, 03, by J.T. Blunt, Captn. Iingineers, Seale, 31 miles nearly to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 39. MS. Plan of the MAHANUDDY RIVER, from the Town of Kuttuc, (Cuttack), to its embouchure at False Point in the Bay of Bengal, by Lieuts. Sack- ville and Blane. 1810. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 66. CENTRAL DIVISION of CUTTACK, showing the boundaries of Purgunnahs and other local divisions. Surveyed in 1838, ’39, "40, "41, and "42, A.D. By Lieut. R. Smyth, Revenue Surveyor. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 15 sheets, with a separate Index Map ; size of cach sheet, 30 inches by 22 ; price 30s. Map of the DISTRICT of CUTTACK. Surveyed by Lieut. R. Smyth, Bengal Artillery, Revenue Surveyor in 1838, °39, 40, *41, and 42. Secale, 4 niles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 33 ; price 3s. . DISTRICT CUTTACK. Copied from the Original Maps, and exhibiting civil and eriminal jurisdictions. Surveyed in seasons 1838, "39, ’40, 41, and 42. With the.addition of roads and canals introduced by the Chief’ Engineer, Irrigation Department. 1869. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 9 sheets ; size of cach, 29 inches by 40 5 price 12s. Index Map on sheet 1. DISTRICT CUTTACK. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. From the Atlas of India. 8S. G. O. Calcutta, 1876. Size, 26 inches by 34. A I RR TR ee Ee 182 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. KILLAH BANKEE, District Cuttack. Surveyed by Lieut. Ponty Thuillier, Bengal Artillery. Seasons 1837, ’38, ’39, 40, 41. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30 5 price ls. * * Annexed by Government. KILLAH UNGOOL (Angool), Cuttack Tributary Mehals. Sar, veyed under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. G. H. Saxton, in charge Ganja nd Orissa Topog. Survey. Seasons 1853 to 54. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 4 sheets ; size, 56 inches by 44 5 price 5s. ¥_* Annexed by Government. Plan of the TOWN and VICINITY of CUTTACK. Surveyed by B. Buxton, Ensign. 1818. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 30 inches by 34. MS. Field Book of the SURVEY of the TOWN and VICINITY of CUTTACK, 23rd July 1818, to 3rd February 1821. By Lieut. B. Buxton, Engineers. MS. Map of the TOWN and STATION of CUTTACK. Surveyed by Lieut. R. Smyth, Bengal Artillery, Revenue Surveyor, in season 1840-1. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile; size, 26 inches by 33 5 price 3s. 3. Pooree District. Map of POOREE cr SOUTHERN DIVISION of CUTTACK, exhibiting the Pergunnahs, Killahs, Zillahs, and other local divisions ; with the Chilka Lake. Surveyed in seasons 1837, "38, ’39, 40, 41, by Lieut. Henry Lhuillier, Bengal Artillery. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 9 sheets; size, 75 inches by 106 ; with a separate Index ; price 18s. AR NYY \ y 1 MAP of the DISTRICT of POOREE or SOUL HERN DIVISION of CUTTACK. Surveyed by Lieut. H. L. Thuillier, Bengal Artillery, in 1837, 38, ’39, 40, and 41. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 33 ; price 3s. DISTRICT POOREE, reprinted from the origmal Revenue Survey Maps, and exhibiting civil and criminal jurisdictions. Surveyed in seasons 1837, ’88, ’39, ’40, and "41. : Ls Cx k With recent additions of roads and canals, introduced by the Chief Engincer, Irrigation Department. 1869. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 8 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 37 ; price 14s. Index Map on sheet No. 1. TJ ’ TY AT 1 . 1 Q “\ > " Plan of the CITY of JUGGURNAUTH, o SREE 1 ROS00 TOMKHATER, District Pooree. Surveyed by Lieut. H. L. Thuillier, Artillery Revenue Surveyor, season 1840, 41. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 36; price 3s. * Cuttack and Chota Nagpore Mehals. GANJAM and ORISSA TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. 1850- 52. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch. Sheet Nos. 12, 13, 14 on one sheet, containing portions of Keunjhar, Morbhanj, Nilgiri, and Sukinda. Nos. 15, 15a, on one sheet, containing portions of Sukinda, Keunjhar, and Dhenkanal. Size of each, 27 inches by 40. Photozincographed. Map of AUTGUR, one of the Tributary Mehals of Cuttack. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets (Western sheet missing) ; size of each, 37 inches by 24. No title. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I. BENGAL, ORISSA DIVISION. 183 Skeleton Plan of the BOAD ZEMINDARY, &c. (Cuttack Mehals). Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 33. MS. KILLAH HINDOLE, Cuttack Tributary Mehals. Surveyed under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. G. H. Saxton, in charge Ganjam and Orissa Topog. Survey. Seasons 1851 to ’33. Scale, 2 miles to | inch ; size, 16 inches by 21 ; price 2s. KILLAH KANDAPADA, Cuttack Tributary Mehals. Surveyed by Capt. G. H. Saxton and Assistants. Season 1852-53. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Photozincograph, 1871. Size, 26 inches by 34. Map of the NYAGUR ESTATE, Tributary Mehal of Cuttack, surveyed under the superintendence of Capt. G. H. Saxton, Assistant Surveyor- General, by Messrs. C. A. Summers, C. Snell, and R. H. Long, Sub-Assistant Surveyors, in the season 18352,°53. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 35. MS. KILLAH NYAGURH, Cuttack Tributary Mehals. Surveyed by Captain G. H. Saxton and assistants, Season 1832 °53. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 24 inches by 36 5 price 3s. A Map of the NILGIRI, and a portion of the Mohurbunj Tributary Mechals of Cuttack. Surveyed under the superintendence of Capt. G. H. Saxton, Assistant Surveyor-General. No title or date. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 29. MS. KILLAH RANAPUR, Cuttack Tributary Mehals. Surveyed by Captain G. H. Saxton and assistants. Season 1852 °53. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 26 ; price 2s. KILLAH TALCHEER. Cuttack Tributary Mechals. Surveyed under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. G. H. Saxton and Captain G. C. Depree, in charge Ganjam Topog. Survey. Seasons 1833 to *57 and 1860, '61. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size, 42 inches by 34 5 price 4s. " The Topographical Survey of the CUTTACK MEHALS :— 1850 to ’53. Map of a portion of the TRIBUTARY MEHALS of CUTTACK. Surveyed under the superintendence of Capt. G. H. Saxton, Assistant Surveyor- General in the seasons 18350, 51, ’52, and ’533. (Extending from Goomsoor te Moharbunge on the north.) Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 40 inches by 37. MS. Map of a portion of the TRIBUTARY MEHALS of CUTTACK. Surveyed under the superintendence of Capt. G. H. Saxton, Assistant Surveyor- General, by Messrs. C. A, Summers, R. Howard, W. H. Turnbull, C. Snell, J. Leigh, R. H. Long, J. Chagelier, and J. G. King, Sub-Assistant Surveyors, Seasons 1831, ’52, and ’533. (The same area as the foregoing.) Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch: on 3 sheets ; size of each, 37 inches by 26. MS. 1853, "54. A portion of the CUTTACK TRIBUTARY MEHALS (com- prising Atmullick, Ungool, and Talcheer, lying to the north of the Mahanadi River). 1853, *54. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 4 sheets ; size, 51 inches by 49. MS, ’ ’ 3 Y CEES EAR si EEA SE SRS a aimee 184 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Portions of the CUTTACK TRIBUTARY MEHALS, comprising Atmullick, Ungool, Talcheer, to the north and of parts of Daspala and Boad Mehals, lying to the south of the Mahanadi River. Surveyed under the superintendence of Captain G. H. Saxton, Assistant Surveyor-General, by J. C. King, Sub-Assistant Surveyor, in the season 1853 ’54. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size of each, 36 inches by 23. MS. Plan of a portion of DASPALA and BOAD, Tributary Mehals of Cuttack. Surveyed under the superintendence of Capt. Gr. H. Saxton, Assistant Surveyor-General, by J. C. King, Sub-Assistant Surveyor, in season 1853 ’54. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 26. MS. 1854, '55. A portion of CUTTACK TRIBUTARY MEHALS and SOUTH- WESTERN FRONTIER of BENGAL. Surveyed in season 1854 °55. (Including parts of Bamra, Radakole, &e. on the S.E. of Sumbulpoor in the Central Provinces.) Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : in 4 sheets; Nos. 1 and 2 only; size of cach, 26 inches by 37. MS. 185%, 56, '57. A portion of the TRIBUTARY MEHALS of CUTTACK, and SOUTH-WESTERN PROVINCES of BENGAL. 1835, ’56, *57. (Including Ruigar to Sonpoor, in the Mahanuddy Valley, now in the Central Provinces.) Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : in 6 sheets, marked Nos. L, IL, IIL, IV. V., VI.; size of cach, 22 inches by 38. MS. 1858, 59. A portion of the CUTTACK TRIBUTARY MEHALS of KEONJUR and MOHARBANJ. Season 1858 °39. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch : in 4 sheets, marked Nos. 1, 2, 3,4 5 size of each, 39 inches by 22. MS. 1859, ’60, ’61. Portions of TRIBUTARY MEHALS of CUTTACK and SOUTH- WESTERN PROVINCES of BENGAL. Season 1839, ’60, '61. (Moharbanj, Dhalbhoom, &c.) Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch: on 9 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 40. MS. #.% For continuations, &c., see The Chota Nagpore Surveys, p. 202; also the Ganjam and Orissa Surveys, pp. 327, 328. CUTTACK TRIBUTARY MEHALS and SOUTH-WESTERN PROVINCES of BENGAL. Reduced to a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch: on 14 sheets, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 of various sizes. MSS. Accompanied by a skeleton map. Map of the CUTTACK DIVISION forming an Index Map to the surveys of the Cuttack Mehals for seasons 1857 to 1861. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 39. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—Il. BENGAL, PATNA DIVISION. 185 VI. PATNA DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Chumparun ; 2, Durbhunga ; 3, Gya; 4, Patna; 5, Sarun ; 6, Shahabad ; 7, Tirhoot. General Map. Map of SOUTH BEHAR, comprising the Districts of Behar, Shaha- bad, and Patna. Surveyed during the years 1841 to 46, by Capt. H. V. Stephen, Lieuts. W. M. Maxwell, and W. S. Sherwill, Revenue Surveyors. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 53. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 8s. Skeleton Map of the PATNA DIVISION, comprising the Districts of Sarun-Champarun, Tirhoot, Shahabad, Behar, and Patna. Exhibiting the civil and criminal jurisdictions. Famine Relief Map, Calcutta, 1874. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 33. Folded. 1. Chumparun District. See 5. Sarun District, of which it was a part. 2. Durbhunga District. See 7. Tirhoot District, of which it was a part. 3. Gya (or Behar) District. Map of the DISTRICT of BEHAR, surveyed by Capt. H. V. Stephen, 19th Regiment Native Infantry, and Lieut. W. S. Sherwill, 66th Regiment Native Infantry, Revenue Surveyors, in 1841, ’42, 43, and "44. Scale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 24 inches by 53 5 price 6s. Another copy, exhibiting the revised Police Jurisdictions, in MS. Map of the DISTRICT of BEHAR, surveyed by Capt. H. V. Stephen, 19th Regiment Native Infantry, and Lieut. W.'S. Sherwill, 66th Regiment Native Infantry, in seasons 1841-2-3-4. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 35 sheets ; size, about 7% feet by 14 5 with a separate Index Map ; price 20s. A Geological Map of ZILLAH BEHAR. By Lieut. Walter S. Sherwill, Assistant Revenue Surveyor. Seale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 42. Lithograph. Survey of a HIGH ROAD, lately made from GAYA to SHEHER- GHAUTTY (SHERGOTTY), in order to open a communication with the military road from Chunar to Calcutta, By Lieut. James de Auvergne. Seale, 11 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inchs by 17. MS. Plan of the HILLS of BEHAR, by a native assistant. Scale, 1 inch to the computed cose of road distance ; size, 27 inches by 48. MS. Map of the CITY of GYA (Gayah) and SAHIB GUNGE. Sur- veyed in 1843 by Lieut. Walter S. Sherwill, Assistant Reverue Surveyor. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 34 inches by 26 ; price 2s. sat rT ERR a ee SRS EE... EE RN INR ty eR i SU .,.e wow 186 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 4, Patna District. Map of the DISTRICT of PATNA. Surveyed by Lieut. W. Maxwell, Bengal Artillery, Revenue Surveyor, in 1841, *42, ’43. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 32 ; price 4s. Map of the DISTRICT of PATNA. Surveyed in seasons 1841, ’42, °43, by Lieut. W. Maxwell, Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; size 55 inches by 92 ; price 16s. DISTRICT PATNA. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. From the Indian Atlas. S. G. O. Calcutta, 1876. Size, 22 inches by 30. Map of the CITY and SUBURBS of PATNA. Surveyed by Mr. Alex. Wyatt, Officers Revenue Surveyor. 1845-46. Scale, 10 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 89. CITY of PATNA. Season 1865-66. Surveyed by Lieut. W. J. Stewart, Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 10 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 32. price 2s. . The GANGES below PATNA at the end of the rains. (A view.) 3y Hermann de Schlagintweit. Printed in colours. Size, 8 inches by 26. Plan of the CIVIL STATION of BANKIPOOR, District Patna. 1864-65. Surveyed under the superintendence of Col. J. E. Gastrell, F.R.G.S., Deputy Surveyor-General, by Lieut. W. J. Stewart, Revenue Surveyor, and Mr. C. David, Sub-assistant Surveyor. Seale, 10 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size, 26 inches by 56 ; price 4s. CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of DINAPORE. Surveyed in season 1863, 64. (By Lieut. W. J. Stewart, Revenue Surveyor, assisted by Mr. T. W. Nicholson, Sub-assistant Surveyor.) Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 34 inches by 26 ; price 3s. 5. Sarun District. Map of the DISTRICT of SARUN, comprising Sircars Sarun and Chumparun. Surveyed by Lieut. W. Maxwell, Bengal Artillery, and Mr. Alex. Wyatt, Revenue Surveyors, in 1843, *44, ’45, and ’46. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 30. MS. The same lithographed and published. Price 4s. Map of the DISTRICT of SARUN, comprising Sircars Sarun and Chumparun. Surveyed by Lieut. W. Maxwell, Bengal Artillery, Revenue Surveyor, and Mr. A. Wyatt, Officiating Revenue Surveyor, in 1843, *44, *45, 46, 47 and 48. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 28 sheets ; with a separate Index Map ; price 24s. DISTRICT SARUN. Famine Relief Map. S. G. O. Calcutta, 1874. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 30. Folded. 6. Shahabad District. Map of the DISTRICT of SHAHABAD. Surveyed by Lieut. W. S. Sherwill, 66th Regiment Native Infantry, Revenue Surveyor, in 1844, ’45, and ’46. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 39. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. Another copy, exhibiting the revised Police Jurisdictions, in MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—l. BENGAL, PATNA DIVISION. 187 Geological map of the SOUTHERN PORTION of ZILLAH SHAHABAD, by Lieut. W. S. Sherwill. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 43. Lithograph. Map of the DISTRICT of SHAHABAD. Surveyed by Lieut. W. S. Sherwill, 66th Regiment Native Infantry, Revenue Surveyor, 1844, ’45, and 46. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 16 sheets, with a separate Index Map ; price 20s. 7. Tirhoot District. Map of the DISTRICT of TIRHOOT. Surveyed by Mr. Alex. Wyatt, Revenue Surveyor, in 1846, ’47, 48, and ’49. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 25 sheets (with an Index Map on the scale of 4 miles to 1 inch, on 2 sheets) ; size of each, 22 inches by 28 5 price 25s. Map of the DISTRICT of TIRHOOT. Surveyed by Mr. Alex. Wyatt, Revenue Surveyor, in 1846, ” 47, ’48, and ’49. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile; size, 33 inches by 42. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. Another copy, with revised Police Jurisdictions, in MS. Plan of the WESTERN PORTION of the DISTRICT of TIRHOOT. Surveyed by Mr. A. Wyatt, Revenue Surveyor, in 1847, ’48. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 38. MS, DISTRICT of TIRHOOT. 1846 to 1849. Scale, 2 mules to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size, 66 inches by 68; price 24s. Studlands of the POOSAH DEPOT, situated in Pergunnahs Kusmeh and Sureysa, district Tirhoot. Surveyed in 1843, "406. Secale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 25 inches by 20. * * See also p. 166. VII. PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 3, N Including the Districts of—1, Jessore 5; 2, Moorshedabad ; 3, Nuddea ; 4, Twenty-four Pergunnahs ; 5, Calcutta. Field Books and General Map. Field Book of a Survey from CHITPORE BRIDGE by a circuitous route to BOORUNHAUT, &e. (North-castward of Calcutta), made in May 1801. Field Book of a Survey of the road from CALCUTTA to DUM DUM, BARRASET, &e., North-eastward of Calcutta, made in November 1801. By Capt. Geo. Fleming, Engrs. MS. Foolscap folio, stiff cover. ‘ DISTRICTS 24 PURGUNNAHS, Nuddea, Jessore (in Presidency Division), and Furreedpoor and Backergunj (in Dacca Division), 1847 to ’63. Scale, 8 miles to 1 $eh ; size, 32 inches by 26 5 price 3s. 1. Jessore District. DISTRICT JESSORE. 1855 to ’59. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 38. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. } i ERR RE ER IV HH Be SERS a SE TR TR NE re TR DT I aT EO WR ES Ree ta wR “i 188 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. aw I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—l. BENGAL, PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 189 DISTRICT JESSORE. SS. G. O. Calcutta, 1874. Scale, 4 miles @ No. 4. Purgunnahs Sherpoor, Behroul, &e. to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. rr No. 5. 4 Chandpoor and Gysabad. ; A di No. 6. ’ Kasheepoor, Shumushkhanee, &e. fi ani PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT 2 No. 7 ” Goas. “pale JESSORE. 1835 to 1859. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; Nos. 1 to 22; on 13 sheets, 4 No. 8. » Putkabaree. i including « General Map of the District on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch; price No. 9. » Koolbureea, Asudnuggur, &e. i 12s. No. 10. ” Khurgaon and Mahlundee. No. 1. (Purgunnahs Mahomudshahee and 23 others.) No. 11. » Futteh-Singh, &e. .» 2. (Purgunnahs Mahomudshahee and 22 others.) : J n Toit < i ,» 3 and 5. (Purgunnahs Mahomudshahee and 16 others.) 2 Proposed Line of ROAD between N ULHU1 TY, on the East oH ,, 4 and 7. (Purgunnahs Mahomudshahee and 11 others.) i Indian Railway, and JEEAGUNGE, on the Bhagirutty River, Moorshedabad Dis- on s» 6. Purgunnah Nuldee, &e. i trict. Dated, March 1856 :— b % g and 10. Purgunnahs Nuldee, Ishubpoor, &e. E 1. Preliminary Survey. Tracing from Revenue Survey, showing proposed Line hit i » 9 and 11. Purgunnahs Saidpoor, Chingootia, &e. of Road between Jeeagunge and Nulhutty. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, i ” 12. I urgunnahs Dantia, Ramchunderpoor, &e. ne 14 inches by 115. i »» 13, 14,19, and 20. Purgunnahs Shahosh, Moloee, &e. (District Jessore 2, Map to show the District ordered to be examined, and situation of proposed a _ and Soonderbuns.) : Line of Road. Secale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 19. bh: » 15 and 16. Purgunnahs Hogla, Cheeroolea, Modhodea, and Rangdea, &e. 3. Trial Section of proposed Line of Road. Seales, 600 feet, 20 feet, and 10 feet ol 17 and 18. Purgunnahs Hogla, Madhodea, and Selimabad. to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 131. » ~ 21 and 22. Purgunnah Selimabad. 4. Sketch Map showing proposed Communication between the Railway and the se: . 3 - > Ji? ] District East of the Bhagirettee. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 14. gy DISTRICT JESSORE. 1855 to 59. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; 5. Outline Designs of Bridges from which estimates have been formed. ou A on 9 sheets, with a separate index map ; size of each sheet, 28 inches by 38 ; price 6 feet to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 129. i 23s. 6. Trial Section of Proposed Line of Road between Jeeagunge and Nulhutty. n CIVIL STATION of JESSORE and ENVIRONS. 1857, 53. Seales, 600 feet, 20 fect, and 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 132. i Surveyed under Capt. J. E. Gastrell, Revenue Surveyor, by Mr. C. Bradley, : SANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of BERHAMPOOR (Bur- 1 Assistant Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile; size, 26 iwhes by 24; jo hampore). Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; on 6 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22 ; price 2s. : A Report on the DISTRICT of JESSORL, its Antiquities, its CANTONMENT and CIVIL STATION of BERHAMPOOR. price 8s. Ee Sa to History, and its Commerce. By J. Westland, Esq., C.S., late Magistrate aud Col- Surveyed in 1851-52, and showing improvements to 1859. Scale, 16 inches to lector of Jessore. Calcutta, 1871. Royal Svo. 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 40 - y y 0 § 0 . i : : ; rm . \Y7YRY * ST 3 / J Q “STON seas 853 i 2. Moorshedabad District. [he CITY of MOORSHEDABAD, surveyed in season 1 3 4, i ; under the superintendence of Captain J. E. Gastrell, Officiating Revenue Surveyor. i DISTRICT MOORSHEDABAD. 1852 to 1855. Scale, 4 miles Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27 5 price 2s. tol inch; size, 34 inches by 27. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. 3. Nuddea District. rp or i N ? AR | \ ) ar i NF NTE , , o < : . . DIST RICT MOORSHEDABAD. 8S. G. O. Calcutta, 1875. DISTRICT of NUDDEA. 1851 to 1855. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. size, 38 inches by 26. MS. DISTRICT MOORSH EDABAD. 1852 to 1855, and 1867-68. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; to be completed in 10 sheets, of which Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ? % 7 8, 9, 10, and 11 are published ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. With an Index DISTRICT NUDDEAH. S. G. 0. Calcutta, 1874. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. | PERGUNNAH, or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICT , . : | MOORSHEDABAD. Surveyed by Captain Walter S. Ba Captain J. E PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DIS TRIC I NUDDEAH. 183) to 1835. Secale, 1 mile to ) inch; Nos. 1 to 10: on 11 sheets, Gastrell, and others. 1832 to ’55. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; Nos. 1 to 11, on 12 sheets, including a General Map of the District, on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; including a General Map of the District on «a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; price il price 30s. ’ 31. 4s. i No. 1. Purgunnahs Furkhabad, Khanjole, and Dushazarce. No. 1. Purgunnahs Ookrah and Chowrassee. ff No. 2. ” Kasimnuggur, Mungulpoor, Rajshaye, Chungnuddea, » 2. Haveleeshur and Panchnoor. I Jowar-Ibrahimpoor, Sooltanoojial, and Gunkur. ; , 3. Sreenuggur, Koosdah, Saestanuggur, and Ameerpoor. No. 3. " Nowanuggur, Dhawa, Khoonrpurtap, and Chukleh- : , 4. Bugwan, Plassey, Oomurpoor, Muhutpoor, Khosalpoor, and Belgong. Bonhat. i ., 5. Moolghur, Baugmarah, and Kullara Hoseinpoor. ent SA ms so sr a se ERE Artemis MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. No. 6. Huldoh, Alumpoor, Joypoor, and Sooltanpoor. ,, 7. Ookrah, Chacklah, Kishennuggur, and Turuf N uddeah. ,, 8. Mamjooanee, Muttearee, Oomurpoor, and Fyzoolapoor. »» 9. Sahaoojul and Guznobeepoor. » 10. Rajpoor. CIVIL STATION of KISHNAGHUR. 1853-54. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 40 ; price 2s. Surveyed under Major R. Smyth, Revenue Surveyor, by Mr. W. Ivey, Assistant Revenue Surveyor. Tracing from fhe PERGUNNAH MAP, showing the site A. pro- posed for the Central Jail with reference to Kishnaghur. 1867. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 20. On tracing cloth. MS. Battle of Plassy. A ground Plan of the BATTLE fought at PLASSY between the Nabob and English troops under the Command of Colonel Clive, 23rd June 1757. Done by Lieut. Randfundir Knox. Size, 58 inches by 31. MS. A Plan of the BATTLE of PLASSY, fought on the 23rd June 1757, between Surajud Dowlat, Nabob of Bengal, who had upwards of’ 50,000 men in the Field, and Colonel Robert Clive, who commanded 1,000 Kuropeans and 2,000 Seapoys only. Size, 20 inches by 28. Plan and Prospect of the BATTLE of PLASSY, the 23rd June 1757, between the English and the Nabob of Bengal. Gained by Col. Clive, Commander- in-Chief of the English forces there. Size, 20 inches by 29. MS. Plan of the BATTLE of PLASSY. Mounted on cardboard. Size, 28 inches by 20. MS. 4. Twenty-four Pergunnahs District. Map of the DISTRICT of 24 PERGUNNAHS, surveyed by Capt. R. Smyth, Revenue Surveyor, 1847 to 1852. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. District Twenty-four PERGUNNAHS. 8S. G. O. Calcutta, 1874. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. Preliminary Map of the DISTRICT of 24 PERGUNNAHS, sur- veyed by Captain R. Smyth, Revenue Surveyor, 1847 to 1851, to which is added that portion of the Soonderbuns lying to the South of the District, taken from the Surveys of Morrieson, Prinsep, Hodges, and Lloyd. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 27. Portion of the DISTRICT of 24 PERGUNNAHS, comprising the Jurisdiction of the Baraset Magistrate. 1848 to 1832. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; in four parts, size of each, 30 inches by 37 5 price 12s. Map of the Portion of the DISTRICT 24 PERGUNNAHS, com- prising the Jurisdiction of the Allipoor Magistrate. Surveyed by Capt. R. Smyth, Revenue Surveyor, 1847 to 1852. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 8 sheets joined together ; size, 70 inches by 48 ; price 12s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I1. BENGAL, PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 191 ALLYPOOR CANTONMENT. 1863-64. Scale, 24 inches to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 22. BALLYGUNGE CANTONMENT. 1863-64. Scale, 24 inches to 1 mile ; size, 22 inches by 30. Plan of BARRACKPORE CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS. Surveyed in season 1866-67. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 25 inches by 38. CALCUTTA. Plan for the INTELLIGENCE of the MILITARY OPERA.- TIONS at CALCUTTA, when attacked and taken by Seerajah Dowlet. 1756. Size, 12 inches by 19. A view of CALCUTTA asin 1766. T. Kitchin, sculpsit. Size, 12 inches by 29. Reduced Map of the CALCUTTA LANDS situated to the East- ward of FORT WILLIAM. Surveyed by Capt. G. Fleming. 1801. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 57 inches by 43. Map of the SUBURBS of CALCUTTA, between Burnagore and the Salt Water Lake and Garden Reach. (With the proposed embankment and canal around the city.) Surveyed in 1817. Seale, 600 yards to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 34. MS. Plan of the CITY of CALCUTTA, taken by the order of the Government under the superintendence of the Committee of Improvements, * * drawn for the Honourable Court of Directors by * * J. Aug. Schalch, Superin- tendent of Canals, late Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General, and Surveyor of Calcutta. 1824. Secale, 132 fect to 1 inch ; size, 8 feet by 185. MS. Mounted on a spring roller. . Plan of the CITY and ENVIRONS of CALCUTTA, made under the superintendence of the Committee for improving that city, and showing their latest improvements, by Major T. A. Schalch, Superintendent of Roads and Bridges. (Engraved by E. De La Combe, Calcutta, 1825.) On 6 sheets folded in cases, with a book of reference. Historical Sketch of the FISCAL ADMINISTRATION of CAL- CUTTA from its origin until 1830. By P. G. Feap., stiff cover. MS. Map of the SUBURBS of CALCUTTA, East of the Circular Road from Barnagore to Balligunge, including Dum Dum, the Circular Canal, the Salt Water Lake, and on a smaller scale the whole line of Eastern Canal to the Eesha- muttee River. By Captain Thomas Prinsep, Engineers, late Superintendent of Canals. 1830. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 48 inches by 41. Map of the CITY and ENVIRONS of CALCUTTA, constructed chiefly from Major Schalch’s Map and from Captain Prinsep’s Surveys of the Suburbs, with the latest improvements and topographical details by J.B Tassin, Calcutta, 1832. Scale, 43 inches to | mile ; size, 23 inches by 31. A new Map of the COUNTRY 50 miles round CALCUTTA. By J. B. Tassin, Calcutta, 1836. Size, 13 inches by 10. CALCUTTA. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London, 1842. Secale, 600 yards to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 22. BURT a eR a es I, EN Sebi 192 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Simms’ Survey, 1847-49. Plan of CALCUTTA, from actual Survey in the Years 1847-1849, by Frederic Walter Simms, F.R.A.S,, F.G.S., M. Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, Con- sulting Engineer to the Government of India. The Suburbs of the Town are from surveys subsequently furnished by Major H. L. Thuillier, Deputy Surveyor-General of India, &e., executed by himself and Capt. R. Smyth, Revenue Surveyor. Revised to 1857. Reduced and engraved by J. and C. Walker. Seale, 390 feet to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size complete, 4 feet by 1% 5 price 16s. A later edition, with additions, printed at the S. G. O., Calcutta, 1874. Plan of CALCUTTA, surveyed in the Years 1847, '48, and "49, by F. W. Simms, F.R.A.S., F.G.S., M.I.C.E., Consulting Engineer to the Government of India, and Director of the Railway Department. Part 1, South Division, in 40 sheets, with an Index Map. Part 2, North Division, in 41 sheets, with an Index Map. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch. In 2 vols. Elephant folio, half bound. MS. The ORIGINAL DRAFTS of the Survey of CALCUTTA, by F. W. Simms, C.E. Folded in 65 parcels.* MSS. The ORIGINAL TIELD BOOKS of the Survey of CALCUTTA, by F. W. Simms, C.E.* In 27 vols. MSS, Report on the SURVEY of CALCUTTA, by F. W. Simms, C.E,, Consulting Engineer to the Government of India, and Director of the Railway Department. Dated 14th August 1850. Calcutta, 1851. Feap., paper cover. The LEVELS of CALCUTTA, represented in sections of the principal streets and roads. By F. W. Simms, F.R.A.S., &e., Consulting Engineer to the Government of India, and Director of the Railway Department. 1848. Title, notes, index map, and seventeen sections, on 41 leaves, in one vol., oblong folio, half bound. MS. Plan of the ENVIRONS of CALCUTTA, West of Tolly’s Canal, including Garden Reach, Alipore, Kidderpore, &c. Surveyed by Capt. R. Smyth, 3engal Artillery. Season 1849,°50. Secale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; size, 34 inches by 65. MS. Plan of a Part of the ENVIRONS of CALCUTTA. Compiled from the Revenue Survey of Punchannogram, by Captain Ralph Smyth, Bengal Artillery. 1852. Secale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; size, 81 inches by 48. MS. Plan of CALCUTTA, showing the latest improvements as existing in 1854. With part of the environs, surveyed by Capt. R. Smyth, Revenue Sur- veyor. Published for the use of the Conservancy Department, 5.G.O. Calcutta, April 1854. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 38 inches by 36. Coloured. *.% With a numerical and alphabetical list of streets. Plan of CALCUTTA, showing the latest improvements as existing in 1854, with part of the environs. For the New Bengal Directory. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. Sketch Plan showing the SANITARY WORKS for WATER SUPPLY and DRAINAGE of CALCUTTA, and the SALT WATER LAKES. Scale, 3 mile to 1 inch. 'W. Clark, M. Inst. C.E. With sections. No date. Size, 40 inches by 24. * Returned to the Government of India, Revenue Department, Calcutta, in compliance with Despatch dated September 28th, 1876. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I|. BENGAL, PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 193 Maps showing the proposed communication between CALCUTTA and the HEAD of the MUTLA RIVER by a Railway or by a Ship Canal. 1855. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 38. Lithographed. A MS. Tracing of the above MAP, with the alteration for the Line of Railway proposed by Jas. Longridge. December 1836. PUNCHAWUNGRAM (Environs of Calcutta), in 6 Divisions. Divisions I., II, III, comprising 23 subdivisions, surveyed by Mr. M. Crow, Deputy Collector. Divisions 1V., V., VI., comprising 59 subdivisions, surveyed hy Capt. R. Smyth, Revenue Surveyor. Copied on tracing paper in S.G.O. in 1855, ’56. Incomplete. MSS. . Index Map of Punchawungram showing Divisions and Subdivisions. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 25 inches by 26. Division I. Subdivisions 4, 5, 6. Cosseepoor, &c. Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 25. ’ I. Subdivision 16, 17, 18. Tallah, &c. Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 28. ’ 11. Subdivisions 7,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Manicktoilah, &c. Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 35. ,, III. Subdivisions 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. Sealdah, &c. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 11. Subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 8, 15, missing. ’ IV. Subdivision A. Teeljullah, &e. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 12. % IV. Subdivision B. Entally, &e. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch; size, 29 inches by 13. ” IV. Subdivision C. South Entally, &e. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 10. ww IV. Subdivision E. West Entally. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 18. Subdivisions D., F., G., H., 1,, J., K., L., M., N., O., wanting. ” V. Subdivisions B., C., D., E. Gurriah and Porvannuggur. Secale, 150 Jeet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 34. V. Subdivision F. East Korayah. Seale, 150 fect to 1 inch; size, 8 inches by 19. Subdivisions A., G., H, I, J, K,, L, M,, N, O, P,, Q,R,, 8, T,, U., V., W., wanting. " VI. Subdivision B. Dholandah. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 20. Subdivisions C., D. Neezgram. Secale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 22. » VI. Subdivision J. North Chuckerbedh. Secale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 30. : ’ VI. Subdivision K. East Chuckerbedh. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch, size, 23 inches by 25. VI. Subdivision L. Ballygunj lines. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 20. ’ VI. Subdivision M. Chuckerbedh. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 19. . VI. Subdivision N. West Gudshaha. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 19. VI. — ” VI. Subdivision O. Gudshaha. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 12. , VI. Subdivision P. Beltollah. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch; size, 9 inches by 11. Subdivisions A., E., F., G., II, I, Q, R., S,, T., U., wanting. (7767.) N LEE A Ra... Re. SSE SEE EER EN en sem WRN ss PRL IR Shaded 194. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Block No.3. NORTH DIVISION (CALCUTTA). Furnished by the Surveyor of the Conservancy Department (medical college and ‘hospital, and new Medical College Hospital). Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch; size, 13 inches by 16. MS. Block No. 25. NORTH DIVISION (CALCUTTA). Furnished by the Surveyor of the Conservancy Department (Bethune Hindu Female School). Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch; size, 13 inches by 10. MS. Extract from Block No. 28 (Calcutta). FREE CHURCH INSTI- TUTION. Built in 1836. Secale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; on tracing paper, mounted ; size, 8 inches by 14. MS. Plan of STRAND ROAD and RIVER BANK from Old Fort Ghaut to Manick Bose’s Ghaut (Calcutta). As defined by the Surveyor of the Con- servancy Department, and furnished by him to the Surveyor-General’s office. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 90 inches by 19. MS. PRESIDENCY COLLEGE, CALCUTTA. Front View. Size, 19 inches by 25. MS. PRESIDENCY COLLEGE. Designed by Burn & Co. April 1854. Front clevation and plan of middle floor. Size, 48 inches by 55. No. 1. Plan of foundations and sections. Size, 33 inches by 50. No. 2. Plan of ground floors. Size, 33 inches by 49. No. 4. Plan of upper story. Size, 33 inches by 48. No. 6. Section. Size, 28 inches by 47. No. 9. Section. Size, 22 inches by 35. Nos. 10 and 11. Dissecting Houses and Lecture Rooms. Size, 27 inches by 23. No. 12. Stabling. Size, 23 inches by 29. No. 13. Cook Rooms. Size, 23 inches by 31. MSS. The NEW FREE SCHOOL (CALCUTTA). Built in 1854. Copied in Surveyor-General’s office from a corrected copy of the original block. Calcutta, 19th October 1854. Secale, 100 feet to 1 inch; size, 12 inches by 16. MS. A Tracing of ERRATA on engraved section. CALCUTTA TOWN MAP. Size, 22 inches by 7. MS. Fort William, Calcutta. Plan of FORT WILLIAM, in the Kingdom of Bengal. No date or scale ; size, 17 inches by 26. Marked No. 38. MS. Smith’s RAVELIN and CARTIER'S COUNTERGUARD (FORT WILLIAM) in their present state. December 1774. Secale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 21. Marked No. 43. MS. REDANS and OUTWORKS when completed. Marked No. 42, (Argyll’s Redoubt and Conway’s Redoubt, Fort William.) Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 21. MS, The REDANS and OUTWORKS in their present state. December 1774. (Argyll’s Redoubt and Conway’s Redoubt, Fort William.) Marked No. 45. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 21. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—-l. BENGAL, PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 195 PLAN and SECTIONS exhibiting two different methods for re- building the face of the Redans. (Continuation of the foregoing Plan.) Dated Fort William, 2nd December 1774. Signed Jas, Lillyman, Lieut.-Col. and Chief Engi- neer. Scale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 21. MS. FORT WILLIAM. Signed C. Cheape, Colonel Chief Engineer. No date. Seale, 150 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 33. MS. FORT WILLIAM (the Glacis only). Traced from Lieut. Schalch’s engraved Map of Calcutta, 1825, in the office of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta, 21st August 1854. Scale, 540 feet to | inch ; size, 19 inches by 12. MS, FORT WILLIAM (the interior only, without the fortifications). Traced from Rushton’s Gazetteer, 1841-42, in the office of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta, 22nd August 1854. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 15. MS. FORT WILLIAM. Barrack plan in six sections. No date. Seale, 10% feet to 1 mile. Cossipore. No. I. Front Elevation of the NEW FOUNDRY at COSSIPORE, near CALCUTTA, erected by order of the Honourable the Court of Directors for casting and finishing Brass Ordnance for the whole of India. Scale, 6 feet to 1 inch ; Size, 25 inches by 38. MS. No. II. Ground Plan of the NEW FOUNDRY, COSSIPORE, showing the arrangement of the Steam Engines, Boring Lathes, &c. Secale, 6 feet to Vinch ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. Damdam. DAMDAM CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS. 1868 to 1870. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; on 15 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22. The same, reduced to 6 inches to | mile. On 2 sheets ; size of cach, 40 inches by 27. Kidderpore Docks. General Sketch of the GROUND and RIVER FRONTAGE between HASTINGS BRIDGE and the premises lately purchased from the Calcutta Dock- ing Company (both inclusive), explanatory of the arrangements proposed for locating the Wet Docks for Inland Steamers within the premises; and also for making a Basin for the security of the same vessels during the Monsoons, by widening Tolly’s nullahs. *.* With three Overlaps, exhibiting the Projects, numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Signed, G. T. Greene, Civil Architect. Copied from the original in S. G. O., Cal- cutta, 15th Aucust 1844, Seale, 90 feet to) inch ; size, 20 inches by 45. MS. No. 1 Project. Sheet No. 1. General Sketch of the H. E. I. Co.’s Steam Premises and adjoining Properties at Kidderpore, explanatory of the arrange- ments proposed for thg formation of a Wet Dock for the Inland Steamers and Boats, Signed, G. T. Greene, Civil Architect. Copied in S. G. O., Calcutta, July 1844, Seale, 50 Jeet to 1 inch; size, 28 inches by. 39. MS. No. 1 Project. Skeet No. 2. Detail Plans, Sections, &e. of Buildings and Works connected with the construction of the WET DOCKS for Inland Steam Navigation proposed to be made at KIDDERPORE. Signed, G. Greene, Capt., C.A. Copied in S. G. O., Calcutta, September 1844, Seales, various ; size, 22 inches by 30. MS. N 2 pli a Cree i a ses i ee SRO ERA ate REE A Se RA Ra ts Od i SE RN AR 196 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Details of Works connected with Project No. 6, for formation of WET DOCKS at KIDDERPOOR. Signed, Henry Goodwyn, Capt., Civil Avoli tect. Copied from the original in S. G. O., Calcutta, September 1814. Size, 32 inches by 50. MS. GROUND PLAN. Project A. or No. 7, (for the Formation of Wet Docks at Kidderpore). Signed, W. N. Forbes, Lientenant-( olozel, Vinsinean Copied from the original in the S. G. O., Calcutta, July 1844. Seale, 90 fect to inch ; size, 24 inches by 28. MS. DETAILS of PROJECT A.or No. 7. G round Plan, &e. of Bridge over the entrance of the Dock proposed for the River Steamers. Simes, W. N. Forbes, Lieut.-Colonel, Engineers. Copied from the arigind 2 2 Gi (Calcutta, August 1844. Scale, about 12 feet to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 25. MS. ? Zlevation. and Sections of a STORE ROOM proposed to be an, Elevation, : R ] 0) 3p ae built for the Steam Department at KIDDERPORE. No date. Signo, . Greene, Officiating Civil Architect. Seales, various ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. Sketch of Ground B” lying between Hastings Bridge, Kyds Dock and Kidderpore Bridge. Copied in the S. G. O., Calcutta, November 1842. No scale ; size, 39 inches by 26. MS. Plan to accompany B”. No title. Showing the Impioramans Jn the Kidderpore Docks and Steam Establishment. Copied in S. G. O., Calcutta, November 1842. No scale ; size, 19 inches by 26. MS. Plan L. Ground lying between the Hastings and Kidderpore de Bridees. No scale; size, 38 inches by 25. MS. Plan to accompany BE. Plan of proposed Improvements in the 3 Ton. Fast India Co.s Docking and Steam Establishment at Kidderpore. No date or scale ; size, 17 inches by 24. MS. 2 : SAL Note.—The last two Plans ave apparently the originals of the two foregoing Plans. - 0 Jey TIT Ground Plan for a TIDAL DOCK for the Port of CALCU ITA. Seale 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 22. Plans and Sections of a TIDAL DOCK, and of the W ells and then vy rem / PIII «S120. 22 36. Platforms for the Port of CALCUTTA. Scales, various ; size, 22 by 36 THE SUNDARBANS. w divided between the Districts of Backergunge, Jessore, and Twenty-four Pergunnahs. Blanie’s Surveys, 1811-1814. Plan of SAUGOR ISLAND, taken in May and June 1811. By G. R. Blane, Lieut., Engineers. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size. 60 inches by 29. MS. : \ . 7 J » Map of a ROUTE from CHEERACOLE to DIAMOND HAR- ROUR, including a Survey of the Monurgunge, Colacolly, and Fultah Creeks, with the adjacent country. Surveyed in March and April 1812, by G. R. Blane, Lieut., Engineers. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 26. MS. aN | Y ~ TNT 1 ARNT . A Map of Part of the LOWER SUNDERBUNDS, survey ed in 1813-14 by G. Rodney Blane, Lieut. of Engineers. Scale, about 1; miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 33. MS. Formerly a separate district, but no I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I]. BENGAL, PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 197 Morrieson’s Surveys, 1811-1818. Journal and Field Book of the SURVEY of the SUNDERBUNDS for October 1814 to February 1815, by Lieut. H. Morrieson. MS. Feap. folio, stiff’ cover. Journal and Field Book of the SUNDERBUNDS SURVEY, by Captain H. Morrieson, from Ist October 1816 to 21st June 1817. (Re-commenced in i 1816 after being suspended for two years.) MS. Feap. folio, half bound. Journal and Field Book of the SUNDERBUNDS SURVEY, by Captain H. Morrieson, from 9th October 1817 to 28th February 1818. MS. Feap. folio, half bound. SURVEY of Part of the SUNDERBUNDS from 20th April to 15th June 1811, by Lieut. Morrieson, Engineers. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. MS. A SURVEY of Part of the SUNDERBUNDS, made during the three seasons of 1811-12, 1812-13, 1813--14, by Lieut. W. E. Morrieson, Engineers. Oriented or corrected by astronomical observations. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 41. MN». Part First of the SURVEY of the SUNDERBUNDS by Lieut. Morrieson, Engineers, having for its boundaries the Hoogly River on the West, the Juboona Creck on the North, the Juboona River on the East, and the passage through the Sunderbunds, called the Balliagot passage, on the South. 1813. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 27. MS. Continuation of the SURVEY of the SUNDERBUNDS, by Hugh Morrieson, Captain, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General, 1818. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 21. Also an unfinished sketch. MSS. A SURVEY of the LARGE BOAT NAVIGATION across the SUNDERBUNDS, from near Calcutta on the West, to the Sundeep Channel and Fenny River on the East of the Delta, supposed to be by Robertson. No title. Received in 1816. Originally in 8 sheets of various sizes, now mounted together. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 101 inches by 58. MS. May's Surveys, 1835-1838. A Map of the COUNTRY between the Village of SURBAZ, on the BARASSELE RIVER, and GOOGEE on the RIVER HOOGLY. Exhibiting the line of a still water canal, proposed to be made for the purpose of permanently uniting these streams, Prepared from a Survey executed under the orders of Government, during the years 1835, 36, 37, by John Stuart May, Superintendent Nuddea Rivers. 1838. Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 24. MS. A lithographed copy. Size, 27 inches by 18. Skeleton Map, exhibiting the PRINCIPAL PART of the INLAND NAVIGATION of the DELTA of BENGAL ; together with the lines of the pro- posed Rajmahal and Maugrah Canals, and the Soonderbun routes. Prepared by John Stuart May, Superintendent Nuddea Rivers. 1838. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 24. MS. A lithographed capy. Size, 34 inches by 20. Map of the SUNDERBUNS, according to the latest Surveys (with- out date). Seale, about 3% miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 35. MS. BC a a i sen MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. n wha VIII. RAJSHAHI* DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Bogra ; 2, Cooch Behar ; 3, Darjeeling ; 4, Dinagepore; 5, J alpaiguri ; 6, Maldah; 7, Pubnah; 8, Rajshahi; 9, Rungpore. Skeleton Map of RAJSHAHEE DIVISION, comprising Moorshed- abad, Rajshahee, Rungpoor, Dinajpoor, Maldah, Pubnah, and Bograh. Famine Relief Map, S. G. O., Calcutta, 1874. With sites of Government grain stores, centres of charitable relief, routes for the conveyance of grain, and relief works. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 24. Folded. Skeleton Map of the KOOCH-BEHAR DIVISION, comprising the Districts of Darjeeling, Julpigoree, and Kooch-Behar, exhibiting the Civil and Criminal Jurisdictions. S. G. O., Calcutta, 1874. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. Map of the BOUNDARY between COOCH-BEHAR and BOOTAN. Surveyed in 1850°51 by John Kelso, Assist. Rev. Sur. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 35. MS. 1, 4. Bogra* and Dinagepore Districts. DISTRICT BOGRAH. 8S. G.O., Calcutta, 1874. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 27. DISTRICTS DINAJPOOR and BOGRAH, 1857 to ’61. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 44. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. PERGUNNAH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DISTRICTS DINAJPOOR and BOGRAH. 1857 to ’61. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch : Nos. 1to 18; on 18 sheets, including a General Map of the Districts, on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; price 31. 12s. No. 1. Purgunnahs Poostul and Chowrah. No. 2. Juhangeerpoor and Moseedah. Nos. 3 &4. , Kordoho, Suntosh, and Khurael. No. 3. Suntosh. Nos. 6 & 8. Pulladassee, Kangore, Futtehjungpoor, &c. No. 7. ’ Sushbeer, Debeekote, and Mudnabatee. No. 9. Sooltanpoor, Gillahbaree, Khastalook, and Surhutta. No. 10. ’ Deorah and Surooppoor. No. 11. Panjrah. No. 12. g Beejoynuggur, Bajitpoor, and Malligaon. No. 13. Dhanjar, &ec. No. 14. Delwarpoor, Surhurmankole, &e. No. 15. “" Tajpoor, Mohusan, &c. No. 153. , Jhapartoil, &e, No. 16. ‘ Deora, Noorpoor, Behinagar, Maldooar, Khalara, &e. No. 17. Y Dehatta. No. 18. Salbaree. 2. Cooch-Behar District. KOOCH-BEHAR STATE, 1868 to 70. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : To be completed on T sheets, of which 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, are published ; size of each, 25 inches by 36. With an Index Map. See also Rungpore District, p. 200. * Rajshahi and Bogra are not mentioned in the last official notification for the spelling of names of places in Bengal, No. 369, the 23rd June 1876. Dr. Hunter's standard spelling, dated Calcutta 1872, is therefore adhered to. + Now amalgamated with the Rajshahi Division. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—!. BENGAL, RAJSHAHI DIVISION. 199 3. Darjeeling District. HILL TERRITORY of BRITISH SIKKIM, District Darjeeling. 1861 to 1867. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 1} sheet ; size, 28 inches by 36 ; price 3s. ROUGH INDEX MAP of BRITISH SIKKIM, District Darjeel- ing. Surveyed by Major J. L. Sherwill, Rev. Sur., and Mr. E. T. S. Johnson, fusies Rev. Sur. 1861 to 1867. Scale, 2 inches to | mile ; on 3% sheets ; price )s. ; Map of BRITISH SIKKIM, comprising the Darjeeling Hill Terri- tory and two Morung Pergunnahs. Surveyed by Capt. W. S. Sherwill, Rev. Sur,, in 1852. Reduced in the office of the Surveyor-General of India from the original map on a scale of 1 mile to that of 4 miles to 1 inch. Calcutta, 1st November 1858. Size, 23 inches by 22. MS. *.* With a list of the principal Native Tribes inhabiting the Morung and hilly countries of the Darjeeling Territory, and a listof the principal trees and plants found on the hills and in the valleys, together with the approxi- mate elevation at which they are found. Map of BRITISH SIKKIM, comprising the Darjeeling Hill Terri- tory and two Morung Pergunnahs. Surveyed by Capt. W. S. Sherwill, Rev. Sur., in 1852. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 20 5 price 2s. HILL TERRITORY of BRITISH SIKKIM, District Darjeeling. 1861 to 1867. By E.T. S. Johnson, Assist. Rev. Sur. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; on 5 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 30 ; price 12s. DISTRICT DARJEELING. Seasons 1861 to 1870. With a portion of Sikkim, showing the route to Tumlong. S.G.0O. Calcutta, 1874. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. DISTRICT DARJEELING. 1861-67. S.G.O. Calcutta, 1874. Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size of cach, 40 inches by 27. MAIN CIRCUIT No. i, DALING SUBDIVISION, District Darjeeling, surveyed in seasons 1865-6 and 1867. By E. T. S. Johnsen and P. Cowley. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size, 54 inches by 40 ; price 4s. MAIN CIRCUIT Nos. 2 and 3, DALING SUBDIVISION, District Darjeeling, surveyed in seasons 1865-6, and 1867. By E. T. S. Johnson, P. Cowley, and Native Assistants. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile : on 2 sheets ; size, 54 inches by 39; price 4s. MAIN CIRCUITS Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, PERGUNNAHS HATTIGHEESA and PATTURGHATTA (in) District Darjecling. 1863-4 and 1865. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile; on 4 sheets ; size 58 inches by 52 5 price Ss. . Sikkim. A Subsidized State communicating with the Deputy Commissioner of Darjeeling. INDEPENDENT SIKKIM, from a sketch by J. D. Hooker, Esq., M.D., R.N., F.R.S.,based on the operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey. 1850. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 20. Map of SIKKIM and EASTERN NEPAL, by J. D. Hooker, Esq. M.D., R.N., F.R.S., exhibiting the routes of that traveller. 1850. Secale, 4 miles tol inch ; size, 39 inches by 26 5; 2 copies. MS. Es ll hl, a ae es a A SE EE SS EA 200 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 5. Jalpaiguri. JULPIGOOREE DISTRICT. 1857-59, and 1864-68. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40 ; price 2s. 6. Maldah District. Map of the DISTRICT of MALDAH, surveyed by Mr. J. J. Pemberton, Revenue Surveyor, in 1847,748, and ’49. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 21. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. DISTRICT MALDAH. 8S. G. O., Calcutta, 1875. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. Description of the RUINS of GAUR, by Major W. Irancklin. 1810-12. Feap. folio, bound. 7. Pubnah District. DISTRICT PUBNAH. 1853 to 55. Scale, 4 miles fo 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 26. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. DISTRICT PUBNAH. S. G. O., Calcutta, 1874. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. 8. Rajshahi District. DISTRICT RAJSHAHEE. 1848 to 1851. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. MN. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. DISTRICT RAJSHAHEE. 8S. G. O., Calcutta, 1874. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 30. PLAN of RAMPOOR BAULEAH. 1867, 68. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile: on 4 sheets ; size of each, 42 inches by 62 ; price Gs. 9. Rungpore District. DISTRICT RUNGPOOR, including the independent State (now the District) of Kooch-Behar. 1836 to ’60. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 10; price 4s. The same in MS. South sheet only. PERGUNNAIH or MAIN CIRCUIT Maps of DINTRICT 00), RUNGPOOR. 1836 to’60. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; Nos. 2 and 4 to 22; on 18 sheets, including a General Map of the District and Kooch- Behar, on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; price 31. 12s. No. 2. Purgunnah Pateeladuba. No. 4. + Bahirbund. No. 4. ” Burrobilla, Amdahar, &c. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—Il. BENGAL, RAJSHAHI DIVISION. No. 6. Purgunnahs Koondee, Butasun, &e. No. %. ” Pyrabund, Andwa, &c. No. 8. 2 Bahirbund. No. 9. 5 Bahirbund, &ec. No. 10. ’ Bheturbund, Bahirbund, Goybarree, &e. No. 11. ’ Kakeena, Pangah, &ec. No. 12. " Furtehpoor, Munthona, Bamundanga, &e. No. 13. ” Kakeena, Kazeerhat, &c. : No. 14. ” Patgram. No. 15. " Kazeerhat, Tepah, Kakecna, &c. No. 16. » Koondee and Surooppoor, &c. No. 17 Kazeerhat. . ”» N Dap r Nos. 18, 19. Purgunnahs Chukla-Bodah, Kazeerhat, and Bykuntpoor. Ss Nos. 20, 21, 22. Purgunnahs Bykuntpoor, Bodah, &e. CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION. (A Non-Regulation province.) Including the Districts of—1, Hazaribagh 39, Lohardugga ; 3, Manbhoom ; 4, Singhbhoom; 5, Chota Nagpore; and the Native Mahals. General Maps. Chart of a Survey through the different PURGUNNAHS in RAM- GUR, CHOOTA NAGPORE, SUMBHULPORE, PATNA, BEHAR. Taken by Lieut. B. Sealy. 1805. Secale, 8% miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 25. MSS. Survey of the ROUTE from HAZAREEBAUG to CHITRA and GURWAIHL. Taken in the month of February 1813, by H. C. Smyth, Capt Iingineers. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 11 1.- MS. it Map of ROUTE from LOHURDUGGAH in NAGPOOR, to dy NAGUR in PALAMOW. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 28 MS No title. a ‘ 4 » ) J 'C'TF ? 117 1 y Map of the PROVINCE of RAMGUR, with part of Palamow Chuta Nagpore, &e. Surveyed by Lieut. Chas, Ranken. (No date.) Seale who 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 36. MS. ! Plan of a Survey of a Part of the SOUTH-WEST FRONTIER of BENGAL and BAHAR, by Capt. IY. V. Raper, Surveyor. (1814.) Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; in 4 sheets incomplete ; size of each, 26 inches by 30. MS. Map of a Survey of'a Part of the SOUTH-WEST FRONTIER of BENGAL and BAHAR, by Capt. I. V. Raper, Surveyor. 1814. Secale les to 1 inch; size, 31 inches by 40. MS. pets ele, 4 aril Survey of a Part* of the SOUTH-WEST FRONTIER of the PALAMOW and CHICHAREE DISTRICTS. Surveyed by H. C. Smyth, Capt Iingineers. Received in 1816. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch size, 27 inches Zy py MS. : yn Survey of the ROAD from OONTAREE to KUDWAHREAH GHAT, together with Part of the Course of the Kunnur River, which forms the Western boundary of the Palamow District. Surveyed by H. C. Smyth, Capt. Engineers Received in 1816. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 19. AMS. ® = 5 i “A | i FB a Re a CR BRR SRE i 2 § 202 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the COUNTRIES on the SOUTH-WEST FRONTIER, extending from Palamow to Bundelcund, by Lieut. R. Smith, Engineer and Sur- veyor. 1823. Scale, about 3% miles to 1 inch, with Plans, on a large scale, of some principal passes, forts, Sc. ; size, 53 inches by 65. MS. Sketch of the COUNTRY around SURGOOJAH. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch; size, 30 inches by 50. MS. No title to map. Reports by the Agent to the GOVERNOR-GENERAL, of Tours made by him through the districts attached to the Political Agency of the South- west Frontier. 1840, 1844, 1847. (By J. R. Ouseley.) 8vo. 58 pages. THE CHOTA NAGPORE TOPC 5RAPHICAL SURVEY.—DRAWINGNS. Seasons 1858-59. Portions of PATNA and SONPUR, in Chota Nagpore Provinces, Boad in Cuttack Tributary Mehals, and Goomsoor in Ganjam District. Surveyed, in season 1858-59. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets, numbered 1.,11., II. 1V. in various sizes. MSS. Sheet 1. - - 10 inches by 26. , II. and IIL wi 3G gy iggy SO eueh, my Y aden > i 31 Seasons 1859-60. Portions of PATNA and SONPUR, in Chota Nagpur Provinces, Daspala and Boad, in the Tributary Mehals of Cuttack, Goomsoor and Kimidi in Ganjam, and Kalahandi in Nagpur. Season 1859-60. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on J ? * » . . 5 sheets, numbered 1., 11., 111, IV., V., of various sizes. MSS. Sheet 1. - - 39 inches by 26. sy IL - - wanting. wo HI - - 39 inches by 25. dV - - 38 5 iw 20 VY. - - 9 , 512 Seasons 1860-61. CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION (Topographical) Survey. (Seale, | mile to 1 inch.) Surveyed in season 1860-61. On 2 sheets, marked— Supplementary sheet, No, IV., size, 24 inches by 39. ’ ow NOW wl 9r.128) ivy. las 124 comprising the country between North Latitudes 21° 15° and 21° 30’, and East Longitudes 84° 30’ to 85° 5’. MSS. Seasons 1861-62. CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION (Topographical) Survey. Sur- veyed in season 1861-62. Secale. 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size of each, 25 inches by 39, marked Nos. 15, 24, 25, 35, 36, 44, and 5 supplementary sheets, of varying sizes, about 24 inches by 23 5; marked Nos. T, U, X, Y, Z. MSS. No. 15 contains portion of Singbhoom. ,, 24 ’ portions of Sarunda, Bonai, Gangpur, and Keonjur. nw 25 . portions of Bonai and Keonjur. BB 5% portions of Bonai and Bamara 5 20 ys portions of Bamara and Bonai. 44 ., portions of Bamara, Sumbulpur, and Gangpur. . BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—Il. BENGAL, CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION. 205 — Supplementary No. T contains portion of Bamara. ’ ” Ui. portions of Bamara and Radakole. in " X ite portion of Raigur. » 3s YY ditto. 2 » Za portions of Gangpur, Raigur, and Sumbulpur. Seasons 1862-63. CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION (Topographical) Survey. Sur- veyed in season 1862-63. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets marked Nos. 23, 33, sd. 48. size of each. 28 inches bn on oT 34, 43; size of each, 23 inches by 39, and 2 supplementary sheets, marked Nos R and 8; size of each, 40 inches by 23 ; MSS. No. 23 contains portions of Sarunda, Singbhoom, Gangpur, and Chota Nagpore. ”" 33 » portions of Gangpur and Chota Nagpore. 5 34 » portions of Grangpur, Bonai, and Bamara. » 43 » portions of Gangpur and Bamara. Supplementary No. R. contains portions of Sumbulpur and Raigur. ” " S. ,, portions of Puljhur, Sarangar, and Sumbulpoor. Seasons 1862, 63, ’64. CHOTA NAGPORE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Sheet No. 42. Surveyed in seasons 1862, °63, '64. Containing portions of Chota Nag- pore, Gangpur, and Jushpur. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. CHOTA NAGPORE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Sur- veyed in season 1863 °64. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; 9 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 39 ; marked Nos. 2, 3,6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. MSS. Sheet No. 2. Portion of Dhalbhoom. ” 3. Manbhoom. ” 6. ” Singbhoom and Manbhoomn. ” 7 " Singbhoom, Moharbanj, and Dhalbhoom. 2 10. . Chota Nagpore. ” 11. ” Chota Nagpore and Hazareebang. ” 12, . Chota Nagpore and Patkom. ’ 13. ’s Singbhoom, Chota Nagpore, and Manbhoom. " 14. ” Singbhoom and Seraikela. TOPOGRAPHICAL ITEMS used in the Fighth-of-a-Degree sheets. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch of the Chota Nagpore Division (Topograpliical) Survey. Size, 27 inches by 39. MS. REPORT, GEOGRAPHICAL and STATISTICAL, on that part of the CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION which has come under the operations ot the Topographical Survey. By G. C. Depree, Captain, B.S.C., in charge of No. 4 Topographical Party. Caleutta, July 1868. Foolscap folio. ) CHOTA NAGPORE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Secale | mile to | inch. Photozincographed edition. To be completed in 75 ros of each, 24 inches by 36 : price 2s. The following are published :— Nos. ), 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10,11, 12,13, 14, 153, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 530, 51, 32, 53, 534, 54%, 55, 56, 37, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74. Index to the sheets of Chota Nagpore Topographical Survey, on the 1 inch scale. Sealey 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 30 ; price 6d. sheets : size i Hed t i — Em a I SN LR AR BRE HR I i™y 204 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. CHOTA NAGPORE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Degree sheets. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size of each, 25 inches by 24. MSS. No. I. Part of Patkom. Season 1863 '64. 1L. Portions of Dhalbhoom, Seraikela, and Patkom. Season 1863 ’64. » ,» III. Portions of Chota Nagpore, Patkom, and Hazaribaugh. Season 1863 ’64. In 2 sheets, each marked No. 111. » IV. Portions of Chota Nagpore, Singbhoom, Seraikela, Patkom, Gangpoor, Saranda, Bonai, Keonjur, and Moharbanj. Seasons 1862, 63, ’64, ’65. In 3 sheets, each marked IV. ., V. Portions of Bonai in Chota Nagpore Division, Bamara, Jaipur, Radakole in Central Provinces, and Keonjur in Cuttack Tributary Mehals. Season 1861 62. ,, VI Portion of Chota Nagpore. Season 1864, 65. ,, VII. Portions of Chota Nagpore, Bonai, Bamara, Jaipur, and Gangpur. Seasons 1862, ’63, ’64, ’65. In 2 sheets, each marked No. VIL ,, VIII Portions of Bonai in Chota Nagpore Division, Bamara, Jaipoor, Radakole in Central Provinces, and Keonjur in Cuttack Tributary Mehals. Season 1861 ’62. CHOTA NAGPORE SURVEY. Degree sheets. Photozinco- graphed. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; to be completed in 14 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 20 ; price 1s. each. Sheets 6, 9, 10 only are published. Skeleton Map of the CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION, 1871. Compiled from the results of the latest surveys. S.G.O. Calentta, 1872. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. The same, reduced to 16 miles to 1 inch. Size, 22 inches by 30. * Mehals, pp. 183, 184. 1. Hazaribagh District. Statistical Account of the HUZARIBAGH DIVISION of the Political Agency of the South-western Frontier, with notices en the Hilly Territory comprised in the late District of Ramgurh; the conduct of its administration from the accession of the territory to the British Government till the institution of the Political Agency in 1833. In three parts :—Part 1. General Account of the Hilly ‘Perritory, and Conduct of the Administration. Part 2. Medical Topography of Huzaribagh. Part 3. Medicinal Products of the Jungles, and Medicines procurable in the Bazar. By Andrew Drummond, Surgeon. Folio, half bound. MS. DISTRICT HAZAREEBAGH, LOWER PROVINCES, RE- VENUE SURVEY. Photozincographed. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 21 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. DISTRICT HAZAREEBAGH. 1868-71. Lower Provinces, evenue Survey. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 34 inches by +4. CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of HAZAREEBAGH. Sar- veyed in 1867 "68. With vertical sections. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets ; size of eachy 24 inches by 32 ; price Gs. Map of the KURRIBAREE COAL DISTRICT. Secale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 14. MS. tracing. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—I1. BENGAL, CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION. 205 2. Lohardugga District. District of Lohardugga. Subdivision PALAMOW and PER- GUNNAH TOREE. 1863 to 1869. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 34; price 4s. *4* This is not a map of the whole district, as the title implies, but only of the subdivision and pergunnah specified. The same, on the scale of 1 mile to 1 inch. On 15 sheets ; size of cach, 25 inches by 39. ! CIVIL STATION of RANCHEE, and CANTONMENT of DORUNDAHMH. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile; on 2 sheets ; size, 36 inches by 30; price 2s. 3. Manbhoom District. PERGUNNAIH or MAIN CIRCUIT MAPS of DISTRICT MANBIHOOM. 1861 to ’67. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; Nos. 1 to 26 on 18 sheets, including a general map of the district, on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch; price 4L. 18s. Nos. 1 and 3. Pergunnahs Toondee, Jherriya, Nuggurkeyaree, &e. uw Nowaghur and Kutras. 5 4 ” Pandra and Doomurkunda. , Dandy. “ Pandra, Sherghur, Maheshrah, and Chatna, » 6,7 3nd 10, ,, Chileeawun, Para, Bunchas, Chowrassece, &e., por- tion of the Pachet Estate. Mahal, Mahrah, Khasbail, Jaieturra, and Joypoor. 1" Ue ” RR i 74 Bunkhundee, and portions of Chatna and Soopoor. » 12. " Churrah, Rakab, Ledhoorka, Pulma, Bagda, and part of Lallchada. 5 13 and 15. # Nagdah and portion of Cossyepara. » 14. ” Mookoondpoor, Bygoonkodur, and Jhuldah. » 16 and 19, 2 Ambeckanuggur, Soopoor, and Manbhoom. ,, 17 and 18. . daipoor, Simlapal, Bhelaidecha, Shamsoondurpoor, and Phoolkoosma. » 20 and 23. .” Borobhoom and portion of Cossyepara. » A. 2 Part of Borobhoom. 22, ” Borobhoom and Koelapal. , 24. ’» Baghmoondee, Mahtah, and Cossyeparah. 25 and 26. . Patkoom and Mahtah. Skeleton Map of DISTRICT MANBHOOM. 1862 to 1867. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 34 inches by 44; price 6s. 4. Singbhoom District. The TRIBUTARY MEHAL* of SARANDA in the CHOTA NAGPORE DIVISION. Surveyed by G. C. Depree, R.A, and Assistants during Season 1862-63. Cleutta, 1871. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size, 3% inches by 40. * In Depree’s Report, Saranda is specified as a pergunnah of Singhbhoom District, consistently with Aitchison and others. BE ES ran ASR Cn Ll ETRE ISA ET an Sor a's a EH i—" A A FEE 206 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. II. THE NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. [OF BENGAL PRESIDENCY.] Including five Regulation Provinces or Divisions, viz, Agra, Allahabad, Benares, Meerut, ~and Rohilkhand ; two Non-Regulation Provinces, viz., Jhansi and Kumaon ; and two Native Princi- palities, viz., Gurwhal and Rampore. Statistical, Descriptive, and Historical Account of the NORTH- WESTERN PROVINCES of INDIA. Edited under orders of the Government of India. By Edwin T. Atkinson, B.A., Bengal Civil Service. Vol. I. Bundel- khand,* 1874. Vol. II. Meerut Division, Part I., 1875. Vol. ILI. Meerut Division, Part II., 1876. Vol. IV. Agra Division, Part L., 1876. Atlases. An Atlas of the NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. Settlement Maps compiled and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliott, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, North-Western Provinces in charge. Allahabad, 1840 to 1843. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch, with exceptions denoted. In one vol., folio, half bound. No. 1. Debra Doon Saharunpoor » 3. Muzufurnugur pSurveyed by Capt. W. Brown. ,» 4. Meeruth 5. Boolundshuhur 2 2 Sly joy Capt. R. Wroughton. , 8. Agra, by Capts. T. Fordyce and Wroughton. 9. Furruckabad, by Capts. Lawrence and Wroughton. 10. Mynpooree ~ r ’ y yr Os ey lye 7 11. Fiawali } by Capt. Wroughton. ,, 12. Bijnour ', 3. To : ” 13. Moradabad | by Capt. B. Browne. ,» 14. Budaoon, by Capt. J. Bedford. ,,» 15. Pilleebheet, by Capt. B. Browne. » 16. Bareilly boy Lieuts. Fraser and Abbott. . Shahjehanpoor ,» 18. Cawnpoor, by Lieut. S. A. Abbott. 5» 19. Futtehpoor in 2 ” 20. i Lieut. H. V. Stephen. 21. Jaloun (Bundlecund), by Lieut. S. A. Abbott. » 22. Bandah, by Lieuts. Abbott and Stephen. 23. Allahabad, by Capt. H. M. Lawrence and Lieut. H. V. Stephen. » 24. Goruckpoor, by Capts. Lawrence and Fordyce, and Lieuts, Brind and Rind. 25. Azimghur, by Capts. Simmonds and Fordyce. } 26. Ghazeepoor, by Lieut. W. Maxwell. * The name of Bundelkhand is obsolete as part of the North-Western Provinces; the divisions and districts which were formerly included under that name being now distinguished as the districts of Jalaun, Jhansi, and Lalitpur, in Jhansi Division; and the Districts of Banda and Hamirpur, in Allahabad Division. The Bundelkhand of the present day is no part of the North-Western Provinces ; for the native territories which come under that term form the Bundelkhand Assistant Agency under the Governor-General’s Political Agent for Central India. The occurrence of these native territories in a special Gazetteer of the North-Western Provinces scems, therefore, to by misleading. + Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. fo . BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—2. NORTH-WEST PROVINCES, ATLASES. 207 No. 27. Jounpoor, by Lieut. Abbott.* » 28. Benares, by Lieuts. Stephen and Abbott. * »» 29. Mirzapoor, by Capt. R. Wroughton.* » 30. Bhutteeanna, by Capt. W. Brown. » 31. Paneeput, by Capt. .J. Oliver. 32. Hurriana 1 ‘ar r de , > 33. Dihlee joy Capt. W. Brown. » 34. Goorgaon, by Capts. Oliver and Simmonds. An Atlas of the DISTRICT MAPS of BENGAL and the NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES, including the second edition of the District Maps of the North-West Provinces. Lithographed at the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1846. In 1 vol., folio, half-bound. CONTENTS : Index Map of the North-western Provinces. Agra. Ghazeepoor. Allahabad. Gwalior and adjoining Native Allygurh. States, 4 sheets. Chittagong, in 2 sheets. Kumaon and British Gurhwal. Hoogly. Hurriana. Midnapoor and Hijellee. Humeerpoor. Azimgurh. Jaloun. Balasore. Jounpoor. Barelly. Meeruth. Bhaugulpoor, 2 sheets. Moradabad. Bandah. Muthra. Behar. Mynpooree. Benares. Monghyr. Bijnour. Panceput. Budaoon. Patna. Cawnpoor. Purneah, 2 sheets. Cuttack, 4 sheets. Rohtuk. Dihlee. Sarun, 2 sheets. Dehra Dhoon. Shahabad. Etawah. Shahjuhanpoor. Furruckabad. Sohagpoor and Ramgurh. Futtehpoor. Scinde, 4 sheets, Goorgaon. Tirhoot, 2 sheets. Goruckpoor. Sikkim and Eastern Nepal. Also, another copy, with nearly the same contents, in 2 vols. General Maps, Field Books, §c. Map of the COUNTRIES between the Latitudes of 28° 50° and 32° North, and the Longitudes of 75° 50’ and 81° 30" East, constructed from the recent Surveys of Captains Hodgson, Herbert, Webb, White, Colvin, and Oliver, 1822. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 8S. MS. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS in various parts of HIN- DUSTAN, and a Jodrnal of the Surveys of the Sources of the Rivers Ganges and Jumna, by Captain T. A. Hodgson, of the 10th Bengal Regiment, N.I. ; : And an account of the operations for determining the positions and heights of the principal peaks of the Himalaya Mountains, by Captain T. A. Hodgson and Lieut. Herbert, of the Sth Regiment, Bengal N.I. Extracts from Vol. 14 of the Journal of the Asiatic Society, with MS. title, In one vol., 4to., bound in morocco. * Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. ih i hi il 208 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. CAPTAIN J. A. HODGSON'S FIELD BOOKS, 1813-18. In 5 vols. feap. half-bound. 1. Field Books of Surveys in the Doab and Doon. 1813-14. With “the Route of Becknarrian, a Brahmin, on pilgrimage from Falcur in 381° N. lat., to the Manasarover Lake, and thence by Ludock, Argund, and Jumboo, back to Faleur, which is on the North bank of the Suttluz River.” 2. Field Book of a Survey on the Nepaul Frontier, including the latitudes of places on the Ganges and Bhagiratti Rivers. 1814. . Field Book of Surveys in Gurhwal and Sirmour, Joobul, Keonthul, Komasain, Bussahir and Kanawr, ete. 1816. . Field Book of a Survey in Sirmour, Joobul, Rohilcund, Dooab, Gurhwal, and along the Ganges to its source beyond Gangotri; with operations in the plains for determining the positions of the Snowy and other mountains. 1816-17. 5. Field Book of a survey from Seharunpoor to Jeypoor ; with the continuation of the survey of Gurhwal, Sirmour, Hindoor, ete. 1817-18. Map of the COUNTRY comprised between the EASTERN 30UNDARY of OUDE and the COSAH RIVER, and between the NEPAUL BOUNDARY and the GANGES RIVER. Compiled from materials in the Sur- veyor-General’s Office. 1830. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 38. MS. Mounted to fold. Index Map of the REVENUE SURVEY DISTRICTS in the NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES, including the Territory of Oudh, corrected by the G. P. S. operations. Compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, from No- vember 1845 to February 1851. Lithographed by J. H. Walker. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 54. Mounted to fold in a leather cover. Chart exhibiting the COMPARATIVE AREA of the DIVISIONS and DISTRICTS of the NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES distinguishing the Cultivated, Culturable, Lakhiraj, and Barren Lands; also the Comparative Popu- lation, distinguishing the Hindoo from the Mahomedan, and others not Hindoo. 1849. Seale, 400 acres to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 26. MS, General Map showing the state of the ROADS in the NORTH- WEST PROVINCES. Reduced and compiled in the Office of the Director of the 1) ld Ganges Canal Works. Agra, 1855. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. Map of the NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES of INDIA, under the jurisdiction of the Sudder Board of Revenue. No date. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 50. INDIA. Map of the NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES, in- cluding the territory of Oude. Compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1851. Lithographed by the Topographical Depdt of the War Department, London, in 1858. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 55. Maps of the FAMINE TRACT, in the NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES and PUNJAB. 1861. To illustrate Col. R. Baird Smith’s Report. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch; in 4 charts, marked 1., 11., IIL, IV.; size of each, 16 inches by 24. Lithographed in Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta. Another edition of the same maps, in four charts, lithographed by Day and Son, London. Size of each, 15 inches by 23. Another edition of the same maps, with five additional charts, making altogether 9 charts, and numbered 1., IL, IIL, IV., V,, VL, VIL, VIIL, IX. Or- dered to be printed, by the House of Commons, February 1862. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—2. NORTH-WEST PROVINCES, ROUTE MAPS. 209 Irrigation Map of the GANGES-JUMNA DOAB, N. W. P,, and the DEHRA DOON. Corrected to 31st March 1869. Signed, W. Greathed, Chief Engineer. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 24 inches by 64. Folded in a cover. rm y 1 NO ~ Tv y I'he NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES showing the Districts and States under the jurisdiction of the Lieutenant Governor, with the adjoining Province of Oudh. Compiled in the office of the Surveyor-General of India. 1871, Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch : on 4 sheets ; size, 36 inches ‘by 54 ; price 8s. The NORTH-WEST PROVINCES under the jurisdiction of the Lieutenant-Governor with the adjoining Provinee of Oudh. . Compiled in the office of the Surveyor-General of India, from the Old Revenue Surveys of the N. W. Provinces of 1820 to 1840, and from the recent Revenue Surveys of Oudh of Jw 1871. Calcutta, August 1872. Secale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches wy 24. Index to the CHARTS of LEVELS in the N. W. P. compiled and under compilation in the office of the Great Trigonometrical Survev of India. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch. > *&* See “The Spirit Levels and Trigonometrical Heights,” page 92. Route Maps. The ROAD travelled by COLONEL UPTON, with a Deputation from the Honourable the Governor General and Council of Fort William, in Beneal: to the Dhurbar of the Mahrattas, at Poonah ; and continued thence to Bombay > in the year 1775. By William Smith. Seale, 69% English miles to a degree ; size 30 inches by 53. MS. r ; Routes from ETAYAH (ETAWAH) to FURUCKABAD. Eta- yah to Sumera (near Allyghur), &e. &e. By Lieut. James Nath. Rind. 1787. No title. Seale, 1 geographical mile to 1 inch ; in 3 picces ; size of cach, 87 inches by 32. MS. Map of the ROUTE from ALLAHABAD to BENARES, and thence to BURRAIL By Lieut. James Nath. Rind. 1790. No title. Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 44. MX. Wood's Surveys. 1799-1800. ROUTES surveyed by Lieut. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. In 1799-1800. Seale, about 1% miles to 1 inch. MSS. hi No. I. From Cawnpore to Lucknow, and thence to Kairabad, in November and December 1799. Size, 55 inches by 30. II. ,, Kairabad to Patrassaghaut, on the River Gograh, and thence to Keyree Ghur, in December 1799. Size, 47 inches by 30. 111. ,, Keyree Ghur to Peecleebeat, in December 1799, and January 1800. Nize, 53 inches by 21. 3 IV. ,, DPgeleebeat to Nahnick Muttah, and thence to Kasseepoor, in January 1800. Size, 51 inches by 23. Another copy of No. IV. Size, 34 inches by 48. V. , Kasseepoor to Nudjeebabad, and thence to Lall Dang in January 1800. Size, 48 inches by 22. y Another copy of No. V. Size, 37 inches by 35. , VL ,» Lall Dang to Hurdwar, in January 1800. Seale, about half a mile to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 28. Another copy of No. VI. Size, 23 inches by 30. (7767) 0 EE oe MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 1802. No. 1. From Lucnow to Feyzabad, in April 1802. Size, 17 inches by 59. » 3. 5 Bahraiteh to Nahnparrah, and thence to the Mountains, in March and April 1802. Size, 45 inches by 23. ROUTE from CAWNPORE to AGRA by McLeod. No title Scale, about 3 miles to 1 inch; size, 18 inches by 49. MS. Part of a ROUTE (from REWAH to MERZAPOR E) protracted from the Journal of Capt. Rind, by C. Tetley, draughtsman. Oct. 1803. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 25. MS. Survey of the ROUTE of the DIVISION of the ARMY, under Major-General Dowdeswell in the Dooab. 1805. By Lieut. W. S. Webb, 10th Regiment. (Irom Muttra to Raj Ghat ou the Ganges.) Secale, 2) miles to 1 inch ; size, 82 inches by 19. MS. ROUTES taken by the late Lieut. Colonel R.H. Colebrooke. 1808 and 11. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; Nos. 1, 3, 4; size of eachy 51 inches by 30. MSS. No. 1. From Delhi to Hurdwar. ; w B. y Delh, through Meret (Meerut), Moradabad. sid 5 Delhi through Dasnah, Hauper, and Hussenpoor to Moradabad. Sketch ROUTE SURVEY, intended as an accompaniment to [icut. White's Field Books for the months of March and April 1812. Scale, 4 tmiles to 1 inch; size, 15 inches by 25. MS. *.* From Agra to Furukabad and thence to Coel ( Furukabad. Map of the SOUTHERN FRONTIER of the BRITISH POS- SESSIONS, from Mow (in Rewah) to Ranka (in Palamow). By Lieut. Colonel C. Crawford, Surveyor-General. 1813. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 39 inches by 57. MS. Survey of the ROUTE of the ARMY from CAWNPORE to RAMGAUT by the Route of Furruckabad and from Currumboss to Sandy hy the way of Berreilly (Bareilly). Taken by order of Colonel Alexander Champion. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 21 inches by 49. MS. (No date.) Chandpoor, and Amroha to Allyghur) with a plan of Boileaw’s Route Surveys. A rough sketch of the MILITARY HIGH ROAD from CAWN- POOR to ALLAHABAD, according to the Survey of 1827 by Lieut. A. I. E. Boileau, Engineer, Surveyor in the Lower Doab. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 63 inches by 13. MS. Map ot the HIGH ROAD from CAWNPOOR to FUTTEH- GURH. Surveyed by Lieut. A. H. E. Boileau. 1828. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 11. MS. Sketch of the ROAD between BARELLY and FUTEHGURH. Surveyed A.D. 1835 by Capt. J. P. Boileau, late Exec. Engineer, 8th Division P. Wks. (No scale.) Size, 22 inches by 10. MS. Sketch of the ROAD between MORADABAD and BARELLY, Ly J. P. Boileau. Size, 13 inches by 8. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY. —2. N.-W. PROVINCES, ROUTE SURVEYS. 211 A REDUCTION from a MAP by M. WHISH, ESQ., by Capt J.P, Boileau, Jengal Engineers, on a sheet of foolscap. : ph *.* Routes from Shahjuhanpoor and Bareilly. Survey of a ITE fr AQG YW in i oy ys Raul from AG RA to DELHI, in six foolscap leaves, y Lieut. A. H. E. Boileau, Engineers. 1828. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. MS. ) ps y g Trp . Route from ALLYGHUR to MUTTRA, in two foolscap leaves by Lieut. A. H. E. Boileau, Engineers. 1828. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch. MS , y ' TITY AT TRT ” Route Som PU I'PU RGUNJ (DELHI) to ALLYGHUR, in three a foolscap leaves, by Lieut. A. H. E. Boileau. 1829. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch, ITI R Yo. AY 1’ y hl o T LET | ER from LIEUT. A. H. E. BOILEAU to CAPTAIN HED JCAssimn; to the Surveyor-General), dated Agra, 11th January 1829 explaining the manner in which his large map of the Lower I) SN io I o I ower Doab was constructed, Grand Trunk Road. Sketch of the 4th DIVISION GRAND TRUNK ROAD (from Allahabad to N: 1 utp )O ’ on the Karamnassa river ) to accompany Executive Offic ers i'a Jia Report, da ed 6th July 1848 &c. Se le 4 nmles 1 tnCch ; Se 1 ] tnenes ; a / l 0 /i ’ : , ; ’ 3 / 3 L] he )], o = TTR 7 1 TTY TD TINT LS I lan of the 5th DIVISION GRAND TRUNK ROAD, extending from hy Do the Ganges at Allahabad to the junction of the Agra and Coel, and Agra and Bhogong Road, near Agra. 1851. Scale, 4 miles t Y tuck ; in 5 sheets ; size of each, 13 inches by 19. MSS. lesion Plan of the 6th DIVISION GRAND TRUNK ROAD (from Agra OY Noa 189% Sealey, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 26, with tables Sketch of the GRAND TRUNK ROAD, in the N.W. PRO- \ INCES, from Benares to Agra, Meerut, and Dihlee. Compiled in the Surveyor- (reneral’s Office to illustrate the sketches of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Divisions of the Grand Trunk Road by Lieuts. C. II. Dickens, J. E. T. Nicholls, and W, Short. F3sculive Officers, February 1851. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches on 35, Plan of PROPOSED GRAND TRUNK PROLONGATION be- Swat hel and KURNAUL. 18351. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches hy 10. MS. gis Tee L * . i, | TAT ry . \ rr Plan of the COUNTRY bordering the GRAND TRUNK ROAD between BENARES and DELII, based upon the Great Triangulation and Revenue Survey Operations to 1857. With a Polymetrical Table of Distances in the Bengal Presidency and the names of the Staging Bungalows from Benares to Delhi el Agra to Nurbudda River, with the distances between them. Seale, 8 rilos to | inch ; size, 41 inclgs by 52 5 price Ss. Fn s Agra and Bombay Road, Agra and Indore Division. A 2() ROY Yona Seopti D : » 1 A and BOMBAY ROAD. Plans, Sections, and Elevation of i ) “1 el " (> » 1 v . > : 3 ory a Bridge proposed to b built over the Khari River, north of Tehra, and 10 miles south of Agra in the British Territory, in Stage lst, Agra to Tehra. Plan No. 3 to accompany Istimate No. 3 of 30th Sept. 1855. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size 27 inches by 39. On tracing cloth. MS. Je o 2 212 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. dd AGRA and BOMBAY ROAD. Plan, Sections, and Elevation of a Bridge proposed to be built over the Olungun River, near Jajow, 19 miles south of Agra in the British Territory, in Stage 2nd, Tehra to Munnia. Plan No. 4 to accompany Lstimate No. 4 of 30th September 1855. Seale, 15 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 38. On tracing cloth. MS. Meerut and Kurnal Road. General Plan of the ROAD from MEERUT to KURNAL. (No title.) Dated 11th Angust 1856. Seale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 13. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of the RIVER HINDON where it is crossed by the Meerut and Kurnal Road. July 9th, 1855. Seale, 18 inches to 1 mile; size, 26 inches by 32. On tracing cloth. MS. Section of the RIVER HINDON between the villages of Parsee and Serowrah, on the Meerut and Kurnal Road. Seale, 20 fect to 1 inch; size, 8 inches by 102. On tracing cloth, MS. I. AGRA DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Agra; 2, Etawah; 3, Etah ; 4, Farrukhabad ;* 5, Muttra; 6, Mainpuri. 1. Agra District. Map of the DISTRICT of AGRA. Surveyed by Captains J. Fordyce and R. Wroughton. Compiled and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Surveyor’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Sceretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces, 1840. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 16 inches by 26. Map of the DISTRICT of AGRA. Surveyed by Captains RR. Wroughton and J. Fordyce, Revenue Surveyors, in 1837, ’38, ’39. Re-compiled in Surveyor-General’s Office in 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 1T inches by 28. COUNTRY round AGRA. Compiled from the old Revenue Survey District Maps of the North-West Provinces, in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta. 1870. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 38; price 3s. AGRA CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS. Season 1868, ’69. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 6 sheets: size of cach, 22 inches by 30 ; price 10s. AGRA CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS. Season 1868-69. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 15 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. FORT at AGRA.—I. View from the ramparts looking up the Ganges. 11. View taken from the top of the Taj, Feb. 1840. From sketches by Lord Henry Scott. Size of each, 13 inches by 20. AGRA BARRACKS.—Sheet No. 1, Artillery lines, on 2 sheets. Sheet No. 2, Infantry lines, on 6 sheets. Sheet No. 3, (Garrison in Fort. Plan of the MAUSOLEUM and GARDEN of TAJH MAHAL, on the South Bank of the Jumna River, Acra. 1828. Scale, 80 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 19. * This spelling is in accordance with an “ Alphabetical List of the Names of the more important « places in the North-Western Provinces” sent with 2 Despatch to Mr. Markham, No. 195, from the Off. Sec. Govt. India, Dept. of R. A. & C., dated Simla, 12th April 1877. It differs from Dr. Hunter's « Standard Spelling,” 1872, and from the Gazetteer N. W. P., Agra, Part 1, 1876; also from the authorised list headed by an official « Notification,” dated Calcutta, 28th October 1874. Dr. Hunter has Farakhabad, the others have Farukhabad, each having only one r. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—2. N.-W. PROVINCES, AGRA DIVISION. 213 2. Etawah District. Map of the DISTRICT of ETAWAH. Surveyed by Capt. R 3 pion, lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under ihe erders of I. M. Elliot, sq. Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue N.W rovinees. 1840. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 21 bi Map of the DISTRICTS of ETAWAIIL Surveved by Capt. R : or : : ) J . . ang, Revenue Surveyor, in 1838,°39. Re-compiled in the SE eras Office, Calcutta, in 1845. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 24 4. Farrukhabad District. Map of the DISTRICT of FURRUCKABAD. Surveyed by Captains By M. Lawrence and R. Wroughton. Compiled and lithographed in the perintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esc Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces, 1841. Seale, 4 "i to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 22. 25 ro re T. ‘ : FIV) or ' TY Tr - Ma of the DIN RICT of FURRUCKABAD. Surveved by apts. Lawrence and Wroughton, during the years 1833, ’34, ’35, 1837, ’38. ’30 Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta in 1845 Seale 4 io oto Linch ; size, 21 inches by 24. Lithograph, s jn aon rE Nr “T° TNT” " 3 N Dist Blct Fi RRUCKABAD. Surveyed in 1833,’34, ’35. and 837, ’38, '39. Compiled in the office of the Director G nals atohcomil : Ce : : : Director Ganges Canal, : y ‘te and lithographed in the office of the Sudder Board of Revenue gig Cg ws Sept. 1859. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 32 hiding 1s copy was prepared to accompany a repor , District I Sih My wy I ompany a report on the District Roads, 22nd June Vessbos | CC QICTR ‘ : > MY ONT Sietel of the SKIRMISH of the KALEE NUDDEE, fought on RA i by the troops under the command of General Sir Colin ampbell, GCDB. Commander-in-Chief in India, acainst ron} Ar y SLB de a, against the rebel troops of the Nuwab of Furrukhabad. 1838. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 PI by 27 4 5. Muttra District. Map of the DISTRICT of MUTHRA. Surveved bv Capt. R eugvon, iamanhid in the Superintendent of Revenne Survey's Office. under 1¢ orders o . M. Elliot Iosq Secretary to tl ) 3 Y 2 jis _ : : § Sem) SIS aly ie Sudder Board of Revenue, NW Provinces, 1840. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size 17 inches by 23 * e, N.W. Map of the DISTRICT of MUTHRA. Surveyed by Capt. R Vroughton, Revenue Surveyor, in 1835. Re-compiled in the STi ri Office in 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 24 MATHURA (Muttra): a District Memoir. Bv I. S. Growse A DCs M.A. C « Civil Nervice. In two pan = I'11T( 3 ntl st P . B ng 1 VIC \ 18. P i 1 « - v [he] - H at the Ne Tm ( ovine Government 1 I'ess, 1 J 1, 2 vols, YVO., SC wed i 6. Mainpuri District. Map of the DINTRIC'T of MYNPOORFEF. Surveved by Capt R. Wroughton, lithograpl i i . g , graphe ) Tintendent of r ; vider tho ordess of 4; 2045 ba ap rintendent i Revenue Survey's Office nde - AL Lklhot, Lusq., Seerctary to the Sudder Boar i R : NW Provinces. 1840 A : sigh he der soard of Revenue s, 340. Scale, 4 miles to | inch; size, 23 inches by 19. 214 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the DISTRICT of MYNPOOREE. Surveyed by Capt. R. Wroughton, Revenue Surveyor, in 1837, ’38, ’89, Re-compiled in the Surveyor- General's Office, Calcutta, in 1845. Secale, 4 miles to | inch; size, 24 inches by 21. II. ALLAHABAD DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Allahabad ; 2, Banda; 3, Cawnpore; 4, Fatehpur; 5, Hamirpur ; 6, Jaunpur. 1. Allahabad District. Map of the DISTRICT of ALLAHABAD. Surveyed by Capt. H. M. Lawrence and Lieut. H. V. Stephen. Reduced and lithographed under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces. 1843. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 22. Map of the DISTRICT of ALLAHABAD. Surveyed by Capt. H. M. Lawrence and Lieut. H. V. Stephen, Revenue Surveyors in 1838. Re-com- piled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1845. Secale, 4 miles to 1 winch ; size, 22 inches by 28. CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS of ALLAHABAD. 1867-8, Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile : on 6 sheets ; size, 22 inches by 30; price Ss. y Y / Sketch of the GROUND near ALLAHABAD, to illustrate Major Strachey’s report, on the proposed new civil and military stations. 1838. Seale, 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 32 inches by 25. ALLAHABAD PUBLIC OFFICES. 1866. Block 1. Plate 1. Plan. Plate 2. Front Elevation. Plate 3. Rear Centre and Side Centre Elevations. Size, 11 inches by 7. Photographs. ALLAHABAD GUN CARRIAGE WORKS. Part of Roof, 44 feet span. Photograph, mounted on cardboard. Size, 14 inches by 18. Map of the LOWER DOOAB (including the I'uttehpore and parts of the Allahabad and Cawnpore Districts) by Lieut. A. H. Ii. Boileau, Engincers, 1828. Scale, about 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 7S. MS. 2. Banda District. DISTRICT BANDA, and parts of the adjoining Districts and Native States of BUNDELKUND, comprising the field of operations for the Southern Camp of Exercise. Season 1873-74. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 36. Map of the DISTRICT of BANDAH. Surveyed by Lieuts. S. A. Abbott and H. V. Stephen. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Surveys Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces. (1841.) Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches oy 29. Map of the DISTRICT of BANDAH. Surveyed by Lieuts. S. A. Abbott and H. V. Stephen, Revenue Surveyors, in 1840-41. iRe-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1845. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 29. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.— 2. N.-W. PROVINCES, ALLAHABAD DIVY, 215 Jountry between and around KIRWEE and KALINJER in DISTRICT BANDA and the adjoining Native States of BUNDELKUND. Pre- pared in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, for the use of the Southern Camp of Exercise, 1873-74. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 34. In a cover. Another edition on the scale of’ 1 mile to 1 inch. Size, 51 inches by 66. Printed on cloth, and folded in a cover. Plan of the TOWN and FORT of KALINJIR, in the District of Banda, N.W. Provinces. Surveyed by Capt. W. G. Murray, Staff’ Corps, in charge of Rewah Topographical Survey. 1863. Secale, 6 inches to | mile ; size, 26 inches by 22 5 price 2s. 3. Cawnpore District. Map of the CAWNPOOR DISTRICT. Compiled from materials in the office of the Surveyor-General of India, June 1834. By J. Graham, Assistant Surveyor and Head Draughtsman. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 29 inches by 21. MS. Map of the DISTRICT of CAWNPOOR. Surveyed by Lieut, S. A. Abbott. Reduced and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces, 1840. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Map of the DISTRICT of CAWNPOOR. Surveyed by Lieut. S. A. Abbott, Revenue Surveyor, in 1840. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1845. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 21. Litho- graph. Sketch of the ACTION of CAWNPOOR. Fought on the 6th December 1857, by the British forces, under the command of His Excellency Sir Colin Campbell, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief’ in India, and the insurgent troops of the Gwalior contingent and others, under the brothers of Nana Sahib, of Bithoor. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 22 inches by 30. *.% With notes descriptive of the battle. Lithograph. CAWNPOOR. 1857. (Civil Station, City, and Cantonments.) Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 9 inches by 15. The STATION of CAWNPOOR, as it existed at the period of the Mutiny. Seale, 7 furlongs to 1 inch; size, 9 inches by 11. Stanford, London. CAWNPOOR, CANTONMENT, CIVIL STATION, CITY, and ENVIRONS. 1867, 68. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile; on 4 sheets ; size, 54 inches by 50; price 8s. The same, onsthe scale of 12inches to I mile. On sheets ; size of each, 29 inches by 39 5 price 4. Fatehpur District. Map of the DISTRICT of FUTTEHPOOR. Surveyed by Lieut. 1. V. Stephen. Reduced and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue, Survey's Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces. 1841. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 22. RAR Saiy Ae ei EE Ce SE TE I Rs A hag i aa _ - ch ‘ ¢ RR RR Ses FO SE RE ETT 216 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the DISTRICT of FUTTEHPOOR. Surveyed by Lieut. H. V. Stephen, Revenue Surveyor, in 1839. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office in 1845. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 25. Lithograph. 5. Hamirpur District. Map of the DISTRICT of HUMEERPOOR. Surveyed by Lieut. H. V. Stephen. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W, Oo Provinces. 1840. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 24. Map of the DISTRICT of HUMEERPOOR. Surveyed by Licut. H. V. Stephen, Revenue Surveyor, in 1839-40. Re-compiled in the Surveyor- General's Office, Calcutta, in 1845. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 25. 6. Jaunpur District. Map of the DISTRICT of JOUNPOOR. Surveyed by Lieut. S. A. Abbott, Revenue Surveyor, in 1839-40. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 31. The same, with the Great Trigonometrical Survey Stations, and their data added in MS, Map of PURGUNNAH MOONGRA BADSHAPOOR and GURWARAM, District of Jounpoor. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 37. MS. tracing on cloth. SALT LANDS of PURGUNNAH MOONGRA BADSHA- POOR, District of Jounpoor. Secale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 57 inches by 32. MS. tracing on cloth. SALT LANDS of PURGUNNAH GURWARAH, District of Jounpoor. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 42 inches by 37. MS. tracing on cloth, ITI. BENARES DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Azamgarh; 2, Benares; 3, Basti; 4, Ghazipur; 5, Gorakhpur ; 6, Mirzapur. I. Azamgarh District. Map of the DISTRICT of AZIMGURH. Surveyed by Capts J. H. Simmonds, J. Fordyce, Lt. J. Brind, and Mr. R. Terrancau, Revenue Surveyors, in 1835-36. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1846. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 27. 2. Benares District. Map of the DISTRICT of BENARES, surveved by Lieuts. S. A. Abbott and IH. V. Stephen, Revenue Surveyors, in 1839-40. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office in 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 33. Lithograph. Map of the ZEMINDARY of BENARES, in two sheets. Secale of 3 miles to 1 inch; being a reduced copy of Capt. Browne's Survey, to which have been added the names of the Purgunnahs, with their respective Boundaries, &e. MSS. No. 1. Map of the Northern parts. Size, 28 inches by 39. No. 2. Map of the Southern parts. Size, 27 inches by 50. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.=—-2, N.-W. PROVINCES, BENARES DIVISION. 217 The City of BUNARUS (Benares), surveyed by James Prinsep. Sealey, 8 inches to 1 mile. And the Civil Station and Cantonment of Sikrour or Secrole 5 scale, 3% inches to 1 mile. 1822. Size, 33 inches by 26. Lithograph. CANTONMENTS of SIKROL and PANDYPOOR ; also the CIVIL STATION and CITY of BENARES. Season, 1867-8. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size, 42 inches by 50 ; price 8s. 4. Ghazipur District. Map of the DISTRICT of GHAZEEPOOR, surveyed by Lieut. W. Maxwell, Revenue Surveyor, in 1839-40, 1840-41. Re-compiled in the Surveyor- Generals Oftice, Caleutta, in 1846. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 31. The same, with G. P. Survey Stations and their data, added in MS. in 1851. The portion of the GHAZEEPORE DISTRICT, west of the Station of Ghazeepoor. On scale of 2 miles to 1 inch ; incomplete ; size, 28 inches by i8. (No title.) Historical and Statistical Memoir of the GHAZEEPOOR DIS- TRICT. By Wilton Oldham, B.C.S. Sheet D. Part I. Allahabad, 1870. Folio, sewed. 5. Gorakhpur District. Lieut. B. Blake's FIELD BOOK of the GORRUCKPOOR DIS- TRICT SURVEY, June 1812. 4to. Map of the NORTHERN FRONTIER of the DISTRICT of GORUCKPOOR, where it touches the Nepaulese Dominions, including the Goruck- poor Turrai and that portion of it ceded to the Nepaulese Government ; compre- hending also a Survey of the Course of the Arrah Nuddee, which forms the Boundary between the Territories of His Excellency the Nawab Vizier on the west, and the Goorkhali Dominions on the east. Surveyed by Lieut. I. W. Grant, 1818. Seale, 2 wiles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 47. MS. The same, on the reduced scale of 4 miles to 1 inch. Size, 22 inches by 27. MS. Map of the GORUCKPOOR FRONTIER, extending from the Hills to the Purgunnah of Amorah. Surveyed by Lieut. P. W. Grant, 1821. Neale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 53 inches by 30. MS. A Map of the NORTHERN FRONTIER of. the PROVINCE of GHORUCKPORE, W Licut. Grant. Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 37. MS. (No date.) Map of the ROUTE from GORUCKPOOR to BANSEL, vid the Great Saul Forest, (No title or scale.) Nize, 42 inches by 30. MS. Map of the CITY, SUBURBS, and CANTONMENTS of GO- RUKHPOOR, surveyed by Lieut. Robert Wroughton, Revenue Surveyor, 1828, Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 30 inches by 28. eee rm — ET ———— a Cs SA rs I a i. a 218 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the DISTRICT of GORUCKPORE, surveyed by Lieuts. P. W. Grant, R. Wroughton, H. M. Lawrence, J. Fordyce, J. Brind, J. N. Rind, and Mr. Terraneau, Revenue Surveyors, in 1835-36, "37-38. Re-compiled in the Sur- veyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 37. Lithograph. The same, with G. P. Survey Stations and their data, added in MS., in 1855. 6. Mirzapur District. Map of the DISTRICT of MIRZAPOOR, surveyed by Capt. Robert Wroughton, 69th Regiment N. I., Revenue Surveyor, in 1840-41. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size of each, 55 inches by 25. MS. Map of the DISTRICT of MIRZAPOOR, surveyed by Capt. Yobert Wroughton, Revenue Surveyor, in 1840-1. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 26; price 2s. Plan of the TOWN and FORT of CHUNAR (commonly called Chandalgarh), in the District of Mirzapur, N.W.P. Seale, 6 inches to | mile ; size, 24 inches by 22 ; price 2s. IV. MEERUT DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Aligarh; 2, Bulandshahr; 3, Dehra Dun ; 4, Meerut ; 5, Muzaffarnagar ; 6, Saharanpur. 1. Aligarh District. Map of the DISTRICT of ALLYGURH, surveyed by Capt. R. Wroughton. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey's Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Board of Revenue, N.W.P. 1837. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 25. Map of the DISTRICT of ALLYGURH, surveyed by Capt. R. Wroughton, Revenue Surveyor, in 1837. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Caleutta, in 1846. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 20 inches by 26. Lithograph. 2. Bulandshahr District. Map of the DISTRICT of BOOLUNDSHUHUR, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary of the Sudder Board Revenue, N.W.P. 1840. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 22. Map of the DISTRICT of BOOLUNDSHUHUR, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown, Revenue Surveyor, in 1828, °29, ’30, ’31, °32,°39, 40. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 33. 3. Dehra Dun District. Map of DEHRA DOON, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown. Litho- graphed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of tH. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces, in charge. 1843. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 21. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—2. N.-W. PROVINCES, MEERUT DIVISION. 219 Map of the DEHRA DHOON, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown, Revenue Surveyor, in 1838-39. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1845. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 26. Map of the EASTERN DOON of DEHRA, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W.P. in charge. 1841. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 25. Map of the WESTERN DOON of DEHRA, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W.P. in charge. 1841. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 40. Plan of the SANATARIUM of LANDOUR and MUSSOOREE, by Major Wm, Brown. 1844. With a Table of Heights above the Level of the Sea. Sealey, 4 inches to 1 mile ; on 8 sheets ; size of cach, 22 inches by 17. The DEHRA DOON with MUSSOORIE and LANDOUR. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch. Compiled, in the year 1867, in the office of the Superintendent G.T. Survey, by W. H. Scott, chiefly from the Trig. Survey Sketches of the Mus- soorie and Sewalik Hills, and Major Brown’s Revenue Survey Map of the Valley of the Doon. Size, 28 inches by 39; price 3s. DISTRICT DEHRA DOON and the country between and around ROORKEE and HURDWAR, comprising the field of operations for the Northern Camp of Exercise. Season, 1873-4. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 26. In a cover. ilistorical and Statistical Memoir of DEHRA DOON. By G. R. C. Williams, B.A., Bengal Civil Service. Roorkee, 1874. With a map of the Dehra Doon, Mussooree, and Landour. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch. Imp. 8vo., cloth, Guide Map for MUSSOORIE and LANDOUR, prepared from the large scale maps of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, under the orders of Major T. G. Montgomerie, R.E., Officiating Superintendent G.T. Survey. Second edition, with Index, Table of Distances, &e., by Lieut. J. Hill, R.E., Officiating Deputy Superintendent G.I. S. Seale, 6 inches to 1 wile ; size, 27 inches by 40 ; price 3s. [ndex to sheets of the MUSSOORIE and LANDOUR SURVEY on the scale of 2 miles to 1 inch; on 17 sheets; of which sheets 7, 9, 14. are published in India, but have not reached the India Office. Size of the index, V4 inches by 10. DEHRA DUN and SEWALIK (HILLS) SURVEY. Surveyed during 1873-74 by Capt. F. Bailey, R.E., Supe rintendent Forest Surveys, &ec. Dehra Dun, 1875. To be completed on 42 sheets, of which Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, ll, 12,13, 13, 21 are published. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile : size of cach sheet, 40 inches by 2% With an Index Map. ; 4. Meerut District. Map of the DISTRICT of MEERUTH, surveved by Capt. W. Brown. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, nnder the orders of TI. M. Elliot, sq. Secretary to the Sudder Board of Re vente, N. W. P. 1842. Seale, + miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches bu 22. 220 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the DISTRICT of MEERUTH. Surveyed by Capt. W. Brown, Revenue Surveyor, in 1831, ’32, "33, ’335, ’36. Re-compiled in the Surveyor- Generals Office, Calcutta, in 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; ; size, 2G inches by 33. CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of MEERUT. Surveyed by Major F. C. Anderson, Deputy Superintendent, 1867-68. Under the superintend- ence of Colonel J. E. Gastrell, F.R.G.S., Superintendent Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle. Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 16 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 30. CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of MEERUT. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 29. MEERUT CANTONMENT and BARRACKS, North-West Pe inces :— . Meerut Cantonments, Index to accompany large plans on two sheets. X Block plans of Royal Artillery, European Infantry, Cav alry, and Suaddur Bazaars, Meerut, showing their bearings, and distances of Bazaar bound: ary pillars. Seale, 18 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets. . Block plan of Royal Artillery Lines, Sheet No. 1, on 10 sections. . Block plan of European Infantry Lines, Sheet No. 2. on 12 sections. 5. Block plan of European Cavalry Lines, Meerut, Sheet No. 3, on 12 sections. . Block plan, Sheet No. 4 is wanting. . Block plan of New European Infantry Hospital and Railway Rest louse, Sheet No. 5, on four sections. 5. Muzaffarnagar District. Map of the DISTRICT of MUZUFURNUGUR, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown. Compiled and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board oF Revenue, North-West Provinces, in charge. 1841. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 22. 6. Saharanpur District. HURDWAR, MYAPOOR, and KUNKHUL, 1869, ’70. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27 ; price 3s. The same, reduced to 6 inches to 1 mile. Size, 30 inches by 22 ; price 2s. View of the THOMASON CIVIL ENGINEERS COLLEGE, ROORKEE, NNW.P. From the north-west. Size, 27 inches by 40. V. ROHILKHAND DIVISION. Including the Districts of —1, Bareilly ; 2, Bijnor; 3, Budaun; 4, Moradabad ; 5, Shahjahanpur. A Map of ROADS in ROHILCUND. Surveyed in 1818 and "19 by Lieut. W. Garden, D.A.Q.M.G. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 39. MS. Part of ROHILCUND, comprising the Terae Pergunnahs of Dis- tricts Kumaon, Shahjehanpore, Bareilly, Masada: ad, and Biinony, from the Surdah to the Ganges Rivers, w ith the Villages on both Banks of the Ganges and Ramgunga Rivers. Surveyed by Capt. D. C. Vanrenen and Lieut. F. JJ. Burgess, Revenue Surveyors. 1848 to ‘34. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; ; size, 50 inches by 55. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—2. N.-W. PROVINCES, ROHILKHAND DIVY, 221 Bareilly District. Map of the DISTRICT of BAREILLY, surveyed by Licuts. G. J. Fraser and J. Abbott. Compiled and hogtatis «din the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of IL M. Elliot, Esq., Sceretary to the Sudder Board of’ Be venue, North-Western Provinces, in charge. 1842. Scale, 4 miles to Linch ; size, 19 inches by 20. Map of the DISTRICT of BAREILLY, sur vey ed by Lieuts. G. J. Fraser and J. Abbott, Revenue Surveyors, in 1833, ’34, ’35, 36, 37. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1846. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 21, DISTRICT BAREILLY, 1865to'72. North-West Provinces Reve- nue Survey. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. To be completed on 12 sheets ; of which Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11, are published. Size of each, 40 inches by 27 Wiih an Index Map ; size, 26 inches by 34. CANTONMENTS, CITY, and ENVIRONS of BAREILLY. ‘ Neale, 6 inches to 1 mile; on 2 sheets ; size, 40 inches by 50 ; ; price Gs, BAREILLY, CANTONMENTS, CITY, and ENVIRONS. IS67--68. Seale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; on 9] sheets ; size of cachy 26 inches by 34; price 20s. Map of the DISTRICT of PILLEEBHEET. Survey cd by Capt. B. Browne. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Surve v's Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secret: wry to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N. W. P. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 21. (No date.) Map of the DISTRICT of PILLEEBHEET. Surveyed by Capt. B. Browne, Revenue Surveyor, in 1838, °39, 40. Re-compiled in the Surveyor- General's Office, Calentta, in 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 27 Lithograph. Bijnor District. Map of the DISTRICT of BIJNOUR, surveyed by Capt. B. Browne. Compiled and lithographed in the Sopesiisendent of Revenue Survey's Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Sceretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, North-Western Provinces, in chi arge. 1842. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 17. Map of the DISTRICT of BIJNOUR, surveyed by Capt. B. Browne, Revenue Surveyor, in 1833, '34, ’33, ’36, "37, ’39, "40, *41. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-( reneral’s Office, Calcutta, in 1847. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 20. DISTRICT BIJNOUR, 1868-70. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile; on 7 sheets ; size of each, 20 inches by 40. With an Index Map. 3. Budaun District Map of the DINTRICT of BUDAON, surveyed by Capt. J. Bed- ford. Compiled and lithographed in the Superintonde nt of Revenue Survey's Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue. North-Western Provinces, in charge. 1841. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 24. A re i i a 222 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the DISTRICT of BUDAON, surveyed by Capts. J. Bed- ford and R. Wroughton, Revenue Surveyors, in 1822, ’23, and 1828 to ’34. Re- compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1846. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 33. 4. Moradabad District. Map of the DISTRICT of MORADABAD, surveyed by Capt. B. Browne. Compiled and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of IH. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to Sudder Board of Revenue, North-Western Provinces, in charge. 1842. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches bu 22. Map of the DISTRICT of MORADABAD, surveyed by Capt. B. Browne, Revenue Surveyor, in 1834, ’35, ’36, 37, ’38, ’39, 40, and 41. Re-com- piled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1847. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; "size, 28 inches by 23. MORADABAD. Cantonment, Town, and Environs. 1864, 1869, and 1872. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22. 5. Shahjahanpur District. Map of the DISTRICT of SHAHJEHANPOOR, surveyed by Capt. J. Abbott and Lieut. G. Fraser, compiled and lithographed in the Superinten- dent of Revenue Survey's Office, under the orders of 1. M. Elliot, sq. Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N. W. P., in charge. 1842. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 21. Map of the DISTRICT of SHAHJUHANPOOR, surveyed by Capt. J. Abbott and Lieut. Gv. Fraser, Revenue Surveyors, in 1838-39. Re-com- piled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, in 1846. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch size, 33 inches by 26. Lithograph. THI: NON-REGULATION PROVINCES OF THE NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 1, Jhansi; 2, Kumaun. I. JHANSI DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Jalaun; 2, Jhansi; 8, Lalitpur. 1. Jalaun District. Geographical Map of the DISTRICT of JALOUN in the PRO- VINCE of BUNDELCUND, showing the positions of the Purgunnahs of Calpee, Koonch, and Jalalpoor. Surveyed by Lieut. S. A. Abbott, lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N. W. Provinces. Secale, 4 miles to Linch ; size, 24 inches by 25. Map of the DISTRICT of JALOUN, surveyed by Lieut. S. A. Abbott, Revenue Surveyor, in 1841-42. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General's Office, Caleutta, in 1846. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 28. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—2. N.-W. PROVINCES, KUMAUN DIVISION. 223 Report of the JALOUN DISTRICT, Historical, Geographical, Statistical. 1869. By A. H. Ternan, Lieut.-Col. B.S.C., Deputy Commissioner, Jaloun. Folio, sewed. 2, 3. Jhansi and Lalitpur. DISTRICTS of JHANSEE and LULUTPOOR, with portions of HUMEERPOOR and JALAON, and the Native States of TEHREE or OORCHA, &e., in Bundeleund, exhibiting the Revenue Survey operations during seasons 1852, °53 to °56, "57 and ’538, °39 to ’60, 61. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 44 ; price 6s. CITY of JHANSEE. 1858 ’59. Scale, 4 chains (or 88 yards) to Linch ; size, 33 inches by 25 ; price 2s. II. KUMAUN DIVISION. Including the Districts of —1, Kumaun ; 2, Garhwal ; 3, Tarai. Journal of the SURVEY of GURHWAL for the months of August, September, October, and November, 1818, by Lieut. T. D. Herbert, Sth Regiment Native Infantry. MS. FIELD-BOOKS of the SURVEY in KEMAOON, by Captain W. S. Webb, from the 1st May 1815 to September 30th, 1818. In 7 vols. feap., of which 5 vols. are half-bound and two are in paper covers. MSS. Also Capt. Webb's Field-books from October 1st, 1818, to December 31st, 1821. and his assistant’s, Mr. R. Tate, from December 1819 to December 1821. In 5 vols, 4to., half-bound. Original BAROMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS taken to ascertain the Heights of Mountains and Places in KUMAON. By Capt. W. Webb, Surveyor. 30th September 1820. In 2 parts, folio, paper covers. MSS, ! Map of KUMAON and BRITISH GURHWAL, compiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, with the latest additions from the researches of Capt. Henry Strachey in 1846, and Lieut. Richard Strachey, Engineer, in 1849, Calcutta, April, 1850. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 81; price 5s. Topographical Sketch of the METALLIFEROUS DISTRICTS of KUMAON and GURHWAL. 18355. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 20; price 1s. KUMAON and BRITISH GURHWAL. Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile; on 37 sheets, of which sheets 2, 6, 9, 12, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 38, are published with hills; and sheets 1, 6, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 34, without hills ; size of cach, 28 inches by 40. Sheets 1 and 6 are second editions. » Gazetteer Map of GARHWAL (BRITISH). Prepared for Mr. EK. T. Atkinson's Gazetteer, &e. Dehra Dun, 1875. Seale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 nches by 26. ’ Gazetteer Map of KUMAUN and HUNDES. Prepared for Mr. E. T. Atkinson’s Gazetteer, &e. Dehra Dun, 1875. Secale, 6 miles to 1 inch : size, tO inches by 26. Si, fH +H } ioe J b x pt ; id £4] Hd ih “ H H i id vi i eA rd 224 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. RANIKHET, District KUMAON. Surveyed during 1870 under the orders of Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., &e., Supt. G. T. Survey of India, by Major T. G. Montgomerie, R.E., in charge, assisted by Lieut. J. Hill, R.E., and Mr. 'U. Kinney. Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 11 sheets ; size of each, 39 inches by 28; price 30s. With an Index Map. Plan of NAINEE TAL CANTONMENTS. Public Works Depart- ment N.W.P. 29th June 1861. No scale; size, 30 inches by 41. CANTONMENT and SETTI.EMENT of NYNEE TAIL. 1872-3. Scale, 10 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 25 inches by 40. With a list of estates. CANTONMENT and SETTLEMENT of NYNEE TAL. 1872-3. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 34. With a list of estates. KOSI VALLEY SURVEY. Surveyed during 1871 under the orders of Major D. G. Montgomerie, R.E., I.R.G.S., Officiating Supt. G. T. Survey of India, by Lieut. J. Hill, R.E., in charge, assisted by Messrs. I. C. Ryall, J. Peyton, and G. W. IE. Atkinson. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile; on 8 sheets; size of cach, 42 inches by 28 ; price 12s. With an Index Map. #2 One edition has the hills in horizontal shading, and another edition is without hills, 3. Tarai District. I‘or the Tarai District, see Rohilkhand Division. NATIVE PRINCIPALITIES OF THE NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 1. Garhwal. Map of the TERRITORY restored to the RAJA of GURHWAL. 1842, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 32. 2. Rampur. A Survey of the JAGHIRE of AHMED ALLY KHAN, as ceded to the Rohillas by the Treaty of Calla Wolla, in 1794. The boundary was ascertained hy people deputed on the part of the Vizier and Rohillas respectively. By J. Monat, Lieut. of Kngineers, Seale, 6 furlongs to 1 inch ; size, 74 inches by 50. MS. RAMPOOR JAGEER, 1864, ’65, 66 (North-West Provinces Revenue Survey). Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 185 price 2s. ) y y ’ II. OUDII. Including four Divisions or Provinces; viz., Fyzabad, Lucknow, Rac Barcli, and Sitapur, subdivided into twelve Districts. General Map. OUDE REVENUE SURVEY. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile. To be completed in 53 sheets ; size of each, about 27 inches by 40 ; price 3s. cach. The following are published :— Sheets 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53. Index Map, price 6d. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—3. OUDH, GENERAL MAPS. 225 Map of the TERRITORY of OUDH and ADJACENT DIS- TRICTS, compiled from materials in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, and corrected, where practicable, from the G. T. Survey operations, January 1848. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 32. MS. The same, lithographed at the Surveyor-General’s Office, Cal- cutta, 1855. Size, 38 inches by 32. The same, zincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1858. Size, 42 inches by 36. The same, with MS. additions, illustrating the campaign during the cold weather of 1858. OUDH. Compiled from the latest Surveys. (S.G.O. Calcutta.) 1870. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 23. *.* With a list of Divisions, Districts, and Pergunnahs. Skeleton Map of OUDH, compiled {rom the latest Surveys. (8.G.O. Calcutta.) 1872. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 6 sheets; size of each, 26 inches by 34. Route Maps. Survey of the ROUTE marched by the 19th Battalion of SEPOYS in November and December 1767 from FYZABAD to MAMDY, from thence, crossing the River Gograh, to the Forests at the Northern extremities of Shujah Dowlal’s Dominions and back to Fyzabad. With a plan of the Fort at Mamdy. No. 1. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 21. MS. ROUTE from OWD (FYZABAD) NORTHWARDS to BHUCK- RAII and BHANSEY. No. 2. (No title or date.) Secale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 21. MS. ROUTE from BANSEE, on the RAPTEE RIVER, via TOOL- SEEPOOR, HUREEA, BINGA, NANPARA, to NUKEEA on the GOGRAH RIVER. A 442. No. 4. (No title or date.) Seale, about S miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 62. MS. Hunter's Surveys. The ROAD from FUTTEHGURH to KAUNPOOR (CAWN. PORE), LUCKNOW, FYZABAD, and TANDATM ; delineated from Survey and Astronomical Observations by W. Hunter. 1794. Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch in 2 sheets ; size of cach, 19 inches by 24. MS. ROUTES between MEERIN-CA-SERAT on the GANGES, and TEKEEAH (Oonao District), taken in 1793 and 94. (No title.) Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch; size, 9 inches by 11. MS. FURUKHABAD and its ENVIRONS; FYZABAD and its EN- VIRONS. 1795. Seale, 1} miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 10. MS. . General Stuarts Marches, 1799. Survey of the MARCH of a PART of the DETACHMENT, under Major-General Stuart, from the Town of Bansey to Bullerampoor, taken in the month of April 1799. By Lieut. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Seale, 1X miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 41. MS, The same, on a reduced scale of 2% miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 26. MS, (7767.) p 226 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Survey of the MARCH of a PART of the DETACHMENT, under Major-General Stuart, from Bullerampoor, through Akounah, to the Town of Baraitch, and thence, of the whole Detachment to Nawaub Gunge, on the Banks of the River Gograh, taken in the months of April and May 1799, by Lieut. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Secale, 1% miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. The same, on a reduced scale of 22 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 21. MS. Survey of the MARCH of the DETACHMENT, under Major- General Stuart, from Nawaub Gunge, on the Banks of the River Gograh, to Lucknow. Taken in the month of May 1799 by Lieut. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Seale, 1} miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 29. MS. The same, on a reduced scale of 22 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 15. MS. Webb's Surveys. Survey of the ROUTE from LUCKNOW, KYREEGHUR, BIS- SULPOOR, MENDY GHAUT, FYZABAD, to GORUCKPOOR ; with the Gurra (Gogra 7) River, &c. &e. By Lieut. W. S. Webb. 1809. Secale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 43 inches by 42. MS. Route from KHYRABAD and LUCKNOW through FYZABAD and TANDEH to MENDYGUNGE, &e. &c., and part of the Eastern Boundary of the Nawaub of Oude’s country. By Lieut. W. S. Webb, Surveyor. 1810. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 28. MS. Surveys in OUDE. By Lieut. W. S. Webb, Surveyor. 1812. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 44. MS. Survey of the COUNTRY between LUCKNOW and CAWN.- POOR. Reduced in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta. 1857. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 26. Survey of ROADS from LUCKNOW to FYZABAD and BY- IAMGHAT. Reduced from the original plans by Lieut. J. Dawson, Calcutta, 1857. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 9 inches by 24. Survey of a LINE from LUCKNOW to SHAHJEHANPOOR, proposed as a continuation of the Main Trunk Road from Benares, vii Jounpoor to Lucknow. Compiled from the surveys of Col. Colebrooke in 1808, and Capt. Cunningham, Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1838. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 21. ROUTES in OUDH. Compiled in Surveyor-General's Office, Calcutta, 1858. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 30. ROUTES in OUDH, FYZABAD to CHARDA, SECRORA to TOOLSEEPOOR, &e. Chiefly taken from Lieut, Webb's Surveys in 1809, ’10, and ’12, Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1859. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 25. ROUTES in OUDH, LUCKNOW to BURAECH, &c. Taken from Col. Colebrooke’s Map of 1808. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1838. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 20. [. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—3. OUDH, GENERAL MAPS. 227 ROUTE SURVEY from MASI G. T. S. Stn., North Long]. series to MAO G. T. S. Stn., Rangir Meridl. Series, by Messrs. J. B. N. Hennessey and J. O. N. James, Assistants G. T. Survey, 1849. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 32. MS. Boundaries of Oude. Wood's Surveys. Survey of a PART of the BOUNDARY betwixt the TERRITO.- RIES of His HIGHNESS the NAWAUB of OUDE, and those lately ceded by him to the Honourable Company, taken in the months of February and March 1802, in obedience to the orders of the Most Noble Marquis Wellesley, K.P. Governor- General, &e. &e. By Capt. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers.” Seale ‘12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 47 inches by 34. MS. 2 IR : Survey of that PART of the BOUNDARY from the RIVER GOOMTY, up to the MOUNTAINS. Betwixt the territories of His Highness the Nawab of Oude, and those lately ceded by him to the Honourable Company taken in the month of March 1802, in obedience to the orders of the Most Noble Marquis Wellesley, K.P., Governor and Captain General, &c. &e. By Capt. Thomas Wood, Corps of Engineers. Seale, 1% miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 68. MS, ; : Grant's Surveys. A GENERAL MAP of VARIOUS SURVEYS by Lieut. P. W. Grant, Surveyor (Oude and Goruckpore), (1818 °20). Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size 52 inches by 58. MS. : : Grant's Journals, &c. :— 1. Journal of a Survey from Azimgurh to Toolsapoor in Oude, November and December 1818. 2. Memorandum for do. in April, November, and December 1818. 3. Memorandum of latitude and longitude of places on the Azimeurh Frontier December 1818, 2 = 4. List of latitudes and longitudes of places between Lucknow and Khyreeagurh. 5. Journal and Field Book of the Survey of the disputed boundary of the Go- ruckpoor district in May 1820, : 6. Memorandum of a Survey of the Northern Frontier of Oude. 2nd December 1821, by Captain P. W. Grant. In 1 Vol. foolscap folio, half-hound. Map of the EASTERN FRONTIER of OUDE, where it touches the territories of the Honourable the East Indi Company, extending from the dis- trict of Allahabad, to the first range of hills, comprehending some surveys made in the interior of the Nuwab Vizier’s territories, by Lieut. P. W. Grant, 1818. Seal 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 69 inches by 34. MS. : A Map of the NORTHERN FRONTIER of OUDE, where it borders on the Goorkha territories, extending from the Urrah Nuddee on the east, to the Kali or Goggrah River on the west. Surveyed by Lieut. P. Warden Grant. I818. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 45. MS. Map of the NORTHERN FRONTIER of OUDE, extending from the Urrah Nuddee on the east, to the Kali or Gograh river to the west. Surveved by Lieut. P. W. Grant, 1820, Secale, 2% miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by “59 MS. : a P 2 aa au Si a ————— a SsmmmaRi dkalicwenes Ela 2928 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. A Map of the WESTERN FRONTIER of AZIMGHUR, by Lieut. P. W. Grant, 1818. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 43. MHS. The same, reduced to the scale of 4 miles to 1 incl ; size, 15 inches by 20. MS. Map of the WESTERN FRONTIER of AZIMGURH and JOUN- POOR, where it touches the territory of His Majesty the King of Oude. By Lieut. P. W. Grant, Surveyor (1818). Scale, 3 miles to 1 inch; size, 52 inches by 30. MS. Map of the PENINSULA within the GANGES and RAMGUNGA RIVERS, by Licut. P. W. Grant, Surveyor, 1819. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; size, 28 inches by 23. MS. I. FYZABAD DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1. Bahraich; 2. Fyzabad; 3. Gonda. 2. Fyzabad District. FYZABAD CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS. 1868, ’69, 70. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets; size of each, 22 inches by 30. FYZABAD BARRACKS, OUDH. 1. Plan of Royal Artillery Lines, on 3 sheets. II. LUCKNOW DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Bara Banki; 2, Lucknow ; 3, Unao, 2. Lucknow District. CITY and ENVIRONS of LUCKNOW. 1862-63 and ‘65-66. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 31 inches by 50; price 5s. LUCKNOW CANTONMENTS. Surveyed under the superin- tendenee of Lieut.-Col. D. C. Vanrenen, Revenue Surveyor, in 1862 °63. Corrected up to 1867. The environs in 1867 by W. H. Patterson, Esq., Assistant Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets ; size of cach, 22 inches by 30 ; price 12s. The Siege of Lucknow, 1857, ’58. LUCKNOW. Lithographed notes of the events of the siege. Sketch of the POSITIONS in LUCKNOW. Lithographed by W. Lines, East India House, 3rd December 1857. No title. Size, 20 inches by 15. Plan of the ENTRENCHED POSITION of the BRITISH GARRISON at LUCKNOW. 1857. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, De- cember 1857. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 22. Another edition, lithographed by J. and C. Walker, London. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—3. OUDH, LUCKNOW DIVISION. 229 CAPTAIN LOCKHART'S POST, 78th Highlanders, at LUCK- NOW. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, December 1857. Seale, 80 fect to Linch; size, 21 inches by 24. Plan A., showing, on a large scale, part of the BUILDINGS, GAR- DENS, WORKS, &c. of the CHUTTER MUNZIL at LUCKNOW. By Lieut. Wm. R. Moorsom, H. M.’s 52nd Light Infantry, Acting D. A. Q. M. G., Oude Field Force. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, December 1837. Secale, 60 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. : Plan B., showing, on a small scale, relative positions of CHU TTUR MUNZIL PALACE and WORKS, BAILEY-GUARD, HERN-KHANA, STABLES, and ENGINE HOUSE at LUCKNOW. Surveyed by Lieut. Wm. R. Moorsom, HL.M.’s 52nd Light Infantry, Acting D. A. Q. M. G. Oude Field Force. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, December 1857. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 30. Another edition, lithographed by J. and C. Walker, London, Plan B. (and B. 2), showing, on a small scale, the line by which the GARRISON at LUCKNOW were withdrawn on the night of the 22nd November, and the portion of the city in the enemy’s hands on that date, together with the position of the guns and mortars bombarding the Kaiser Bagh on the 21st and 22nd November 1857. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, January 1838. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 30. Another edition, lithographed by J. and C. Walker, London. Plan showing ORIGINAL ENTRENCHMENTS at LUCKNOW, and works executed since 25th September 1857. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, January 1838. Scale, 400 fect to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 13. General plan of the OPERATIONS at LUCKNOW in 1857. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calentta, January 1838. Scale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 29, Another edition, lithographed by J. and C. Walker, London. Lucknow Series. Nos. 3 and 4. Nos. 1 and 2. Plan of the OPERATIONS against LUCKNOW daring the month of March 1838, by the British Army, under the command of General Sir Colin Campbell, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief in India. Surveyor- General's Office, Caleutta, April 1838. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 28. No. 5. Plan of LUCKNOW, illustrating OPERATIONS under GENE- RAL SIR COLIN CAMPBELL, G.C.B., during March 1838, Surveyed and drawn by Lieuts. A. M. Lang, J. U. Champain, and D. Ward, Bengal Engineers, and Mr. J. May, Assist. Gen. Engineer, in accordance with Capt. Moorsom’s original plan. To accompany the Chiel Engineer's report of’ the siege operations, Surveyor- General's Office, Caleutta, April 1858. Scale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets joined ; size, 40 inches by 9S. 230 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. No. 6. Sketch showing the position of the BRITISH FORCES under the command of His Excellency GENERAL SIR COLIN CAMPBELL, G.C.B., Commander in-Chief in India, on the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th November 1857, and during the relief of the Garrison of Lucknow, and the lines of advance and retirement of the British Army. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, April 1858. Secale, 800 fect to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 26. Plan of the RESIDENCY at LUCKNOW. (Signed) W. A. Crommelin, Major, Civil Engineer, Oudh. Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, May 1859. Size, 20 inches by 16. The War Department’s Siege Map. Plan of LUCKNOW and SURROUNDING COUNTRY, taken from the most authentic sources. Lithographed and printed at the Topographical Depét, War Department. Scale, about 525 yards to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 27. Plan of LUCKNOW, plotted from a Survey made in 1856, by Lieut. Moorsom, 52nd Light Infantry. (Presented by Capt. Moorsom, C.E.) Topographical Depot, War Department. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; size, 41 inches by 27. Plan of the ENTRENCHED POSITION of the BRITISH GARRISON at LUCKNOW. 1857. Topographical Depdt, War Department. Scale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Sketch of the RESIDENCY and PALACE at LUCKNOW. Published by James Wyld, London, 12th December 1857. Size, 14 inches by 21. A later Edition of above Map. 30th March 1858. Size, 17 inches by 24. 3. Unao District. Sketch Map of OONAO DISTRICT, shewing Rajpoot Colonies. Received from Revenue Department, November 1869. (No scale.) Size, 27 inches by 33. MS. Map of PERGUNNAHS BANGURMON, FUTTEHPOOR, ASENUN, &c., &c., District of Oudh. Received from Revenue Department, November 1869. (No scale.) Size, 27 inches by 35. MS. III. RAE BARELI DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Partabgarh ; 2, Rae Bareli ; 3, Sultanpur. 2. Rae Bareli District. CITY of ROY BAREILLY; CANTONMENT of ROY BAREILLY. 1862-3. Scale of cach, 10 chains to 1 inch; on 1 sheet : size, 27 inches by 38 5 price 2s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—3. OUDH, SITAPUR DIVISION. 231 3. Sultanpur District. CIVIL STATION of SOOLTANPOOR, with the Villages of Gora-barrack and Khyrabad. Seale, 10 chains to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 30 ; price 2s. 1V. SITAPUR DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Hardoi; 2, Kheri; 3, Sitapur. 2. Kheri District. Map of KHYREEGURH. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 14. MS. (No title.) Map of KHYREEGURH, &c. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size 19 inches by 26. MS. (No title.) 7 3. Sitapur District. Cantonments and Environs of SEETAPORE (CHEETAPOOR). 1868-69. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile; on 4 sheets ; size of cach, 22 inches by 30; price 6s. Another edition on the scale of 8 inches to 1 mile. On 6 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 33. IV. PUNJAB. Including ten Divisions or Provinces; viz., Amritsar, Delhi, Derajat, Hissar, Jullundur, Lahore, Mooltan, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Umballa ; also several native principalities. (See Contents.) General Maps. Map showing part of the TERRITORIES of the SIKHS. By Alexander Burnes, Assistant Resident, lately on a Mission to Lahore. December 1831. No title. Size, 26 inches by 44. MS. Map of the NORTH-WESTERN FRONTIER of BRITISH INDIA, including the Protected Sikh States, Lahore, Cashmeer, Cabul, Heerat, Candahar, Shikarpore, and Bhawulpore ; together with Sinde and Rajpootana, the Indus River, and part of Beloochistan. Compiled from the best and most recent authorities, by J. B, Tassin. Calcutta, 1838. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch; in 4 sheets ; size of 2 sheets each, 25 inches by 20; size of the other 2 sheets cach, 8 inches by 20. Map showing the PROTECTED SIKH STATES, with a list of Chiefships, and their estimated Annual Revenues. Copied in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, November 1841. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 52. No title. Folded. MS. WYLD’S THEATRE of WAR in the PUNJAB. Size, 16 inches by 20. Folded. ; Map of the SIKH TERRITORY and of the Protected Sikh States in the neighbourhood of the Sutluj River. Compiled chiefly from the surveys of Capt. Wade and Mr. N. Hodges, by order of the Court of Directors of the East India Company. By John Walker. 1846. Nize, 21 inches by 33. In a cover. rel Sue no EE A ——————— EE 232 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Sketch Map of the PUNJAB and the SIKH TERRITORY. W. H. Allen & Co. 1846. Size, 19 inches by 26. In a cover. Map showing the EXTENT of the SIKH TERRITORY at the death of Maharajah Runjeet Sing, and the Partitions effected by the Treaties between the British Government, Maharajah Dhuleep Sing, and Maharajah Gholab Sing. By John Walker. 1846. Size, 14 inches by 18. Map of the PUNJAB and the SIKH TERRITORY. W. H. Allen & Co. 1849. Size, 25 inches by 24. Folded. Another edition, 1851. Map of the ALPINE PUNJAB, showing the various Hill States between the Indus and the Sutluj. By Alexander Cunningham, Brevet Major, Bengal Engineers, 1850. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size of each, 53 inches by 28. MS. Map of the WESTERN PROVINCES of HINDOOSNTAN, the PUNJAB, RAJPOOTANA, SINDE, KABOOL, &c. Published by Wm. I. Allen and Co., London. June 1844. Secale, about 22 miles to 1 inch ; in 4+ sheets, mounted together to fold ; size, 50 inches by 52. Also the N.E. and S.E. sheets of a later edition, dated 1850. Zimmermann’s Map of the PUNJAB. See Atlas von Vorder Asien, p- 463. Map of the PUNJAB, WESTERN HIMALAYA, and adjoining parts of THIBET, from recent surveys, and based upon the Trigonometrical Survey of India. Compiled by order of the Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company, by John Walker, Geographer to the Company. First edition. London, 1854. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 40. Folded in a cover. The same, second edition. 1859. Size, 34 inches by 40. Map of the PUNJAB and adjoining COUNTRIES, compiled from existing materials in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India. Calcutta, January 1854. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 39 ; price 8s. Route Map of the PUNJAB, showing the New Roads traced and constructed, and also the Baree Doab and Inundation Canals. Compiled and drawn by Lieut. C. W. Nightingale, Superintendent Punjab District Roads. February 1856. Secaie, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 33. Mounted to fold. Sketch Map of the PUNJAB. No date, 18577 Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; 4 maps ; size of each, 20 inches by 25. Map 1. Productiveness of cotton cultivated Lands. Map 2. Cotton local supply, and surplus for export. Map 3. Population of Punjab. Map 4. Roads. Sketch Map of the PUNJAB showing the position of Rukhs (wood- lands in the plains) in each District. No date. ‘Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 63. To the Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Harding, Lieut.-Gen. G.C.B., Governor-General of India, this Map of the Routes through the Punjaub and the adjoining states is dedicated by James Wyld. No date. Size, 19 inches by 25. In a cover. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—*t. PUNJAB, GENERAL MAPS. 233 PUNJAB MAP in eight sections. Compiled from the Topographical and Revenue Surveys, based on the Great Triangulation, and published under the direction of Colonel H. L. Thuillier, R.A., F.R.S., &c., Surveyor-General of India. Calcutta, 1866-68. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size of each section, 27 inches by 40 ; price 4s. each. The following sections are published :— Section 1. Hazara, Yoosufzai, Peshawur, and Cabul. Section 2. Kohat, Dehra Ishmael Khan, Rawul Pindi, and Shahpoor. Section 3. Leia, Shum Plain, Jhung, Mooltan, and Bahawalpoor. Section 4. Mithankote, Jesulmeer, and Bikareer., Section 5. Kashmir, Gilgit, Shadula, Pangong Lake. Section 6. Lahore, Poonch, Shipki, and Pangong Lake. Section 7. Jalindhur, Gurhwal, and Hissar. Section 8. Meerut, Delhi, Agra, Dholpoor, and Sambur Lake. The PUNJAB and its DEPENDENCIES, with portions of the North-West Provinces and Afghanistan. Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor- General of India. From the latest Surveys. Second edition. 1870. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch; in 4 sheets ; size, 46 inches by 34 ; price 8s. Also the Fifth Edition corrected up to 1873. THE PUNJAB RIVERS.* Beas River. The BEAS RIVER in the PUNJAB. By Hermann de Schlag- intweit. A view printed in colours. Size, 9 inches by 18. Chittung and Ghaggar Rivers, &ec. Survey of the CHITTUNG NUDDEE and FEROZ SHAH’S CANAL, from Hansee to Moonuk. By Lieut. John Colvin, Engineers. July, 1820. Seale, | mile to 1 inch ; in 3 sheets ; size of cach, 15 inches by 22. MS. Protraction Map of the SURVEY of the ANCIENT BED of the CHITTUNG RIVER, to the junction with that of the Ghughur River, and of the latter, eastward to Moonuk. Surveyed by Captain J. Colvin of Engineers, 1820-21. Scale, 2 miles to | inch ; in 3 sheets ; Sheet 1, size 28 inches by 41. y 2 29 a 40 ww 3 ., 30 , 23. MSS. Map of the CANALS from the JUMNA, in the DELHI TERRITORY. By John Colvin, Major, Superintendent of Canals, Delhi Territory and adjoining districts. Sept. 1832. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 31 inches by 49. MNS. Chenal River. The CHENAUB RIVER, from SEALKOTE to the JUNCTION of the JHELUDM. “Surveyed in the low season of 1853-34, by Lieut. H. W, Grounds, Indian Navy. Assisted by Lient. W. Stroyan, Indian Navy. Seale, Linch to 1,000 yards. Soundings in feet. In 4 sheets, of different sizes, about 24 inches by 36 cach. MS. * Nore.—See also the Punjab Canals, pp. 138, 139. i 234 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. The CHENAUB RIVER from the confluence of the JHELUM to MOOLTAN. Surveyed in the low season of 1851-52, by Lieut. H. W. Grounds, Seale, 4,000 yards to 1 inch; size, 35 inches by 26. Mounted to fold in a case. MS Sketch of the CHENAUB, near CHUNDIOTE. Scale, 2 inches to 1,000 yards. Soundings in feet, taken on the 20th February 1854, by Lieut. H. W. Grounds, Indian Navy. MS. A Report on the RIVER CHENAUB to accompany a chart. Signed H. W. Grounds, Lieut., Indian Navy. Foolscap, 15 pages. MS. Jhelum River. The JHELUM RIVER in the PUNJAB. By Hermann de Schlag- intweit. A view printed in colours. Size, 9 inches by 18. The JHELUM RIVER, surveyed in the low season of’ 1851-2 by Lieut. H. W. Grounds, I.LN. Sheet 1st, from Jhelum to Shahpoor ; Sheet 2nd, from Shahpoor to the Junction (with the Chenab). Seale, 4,000 yards to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 35 inches by 26. Mounted to fold in a case. MS. Ravi River. Plan of Part of the RIVER RAVEE, showing Head and Line of proposed Canal. Surveyed by Lieut. J. Crofton and Mr. J. D. Smithe. January 1851. Seale, 5 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS, Sutley River. Journal of CAPTAIN C. M. WADE'S VOYAGE from LOODIANA to METHANKOT by the River Satlaj, on his mission to Lahor and Bahawalpur, in 1832-33. Foolscap, 158 pages. With lists of the Villages on both banks, their distance apart, castes of their inhabitants, and jurisdiction ; the breadth of the river, rate of current, and soundings at successive stages; distances of principal towns ; breadth of other rivers crossed by the Mission; depth of wells; and astronomical observations. ~Feap., unbound. MS. Iield book of Survey from MUNDOTE near FEROZPOOR to SUKKUR, by Lieut. IH. M. Durand, Engineers. Dec. 2, 1838 to Jan. 13, 1839. Fecap., unbound. MS. Route Maps. ROUTE of the DETACHMENT proceeding with the HON. M. ELPHINSTONE, Envoy, from DELHI, towards PISHOUR (Peshawur) and CABUL, in 1808-9. By Lieut. R. Tickell, Engineers. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; in 9 sheets. MSS. No. 1. From Delhi to Chooroo. Size, 21 inches by 36. + 2. From Choroo to Bhowanipoore. Size, 21 inches by 36. » 3. From Bowaaipore to Bahawalpore. Size, 21 inches by 29. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—4., PUNJAB, ROUTE MAPS. 235 No. 4. From Bahawalpore to Sultankote. Size, 21 inches by 29. 5. From Sultankote to Dera Ishmail Khan. Size, 21 inches by 14. ss 6. From Dera Ismail Khan, Peishowr to Tuthee. Size, 40 inches by 24. 7. From Tuthee to Dowdie. Size, 21 inches by 29. »» 8. From Dowdie to Loodianah. Size, 21 inches by 29. » 9. From Loodianah to Delhi. Size, 41 inches by 29. ROUTE of COLONEL OCHTERLONY, from LODEANAH, down the HILL FRONTIER, &ec., in November 1813. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 19. MS. ROUTE of the FIELD FORCE under BRIG. ARNOLD, C.B., on the BIKANEER FRONTIER, in August and September 1818. Surveyed by Lieuts. Colvin and Hutchinson. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 21. MS. A General Map of the ROUTES on the SIKH and BIKANEER FRONTIERS (unfinished), by Capt. John Colvin, Engineers, 1818. Secale, 4 miles to inch; size, 27 inches by 39. MS. BAHAWULPOOR to SUKKUR. Field Book by Lieut. Anderson. 1838. Folio. ROUTE from CHUK on the JELLUM RIVER to PESHAWUR, marched by the Bombay division. Reduced from the original survey, by Captain J. Ramsay, Deputy Quartermaster-General, Field Force, 1849. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 19. MS. With descriptive notes of the route. ROUTE from MOOLTAN to LIEA, vid Raj Ghaut and Dara Dinpunah. Surveyed by P. Guide Luximan Jadon, during the month of July 1849. Seale, | mile to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 68. MS. ROUTE from MOOLTAN to RAMNUGGUR, and thence to the JHELUM RIVER, followed by the Bombay Division of the army of the Punjab, February 1849. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 115 inches by about 27. MS. ROUTE from MOOLTAN to NUSSEERABAD, vid Bhawulpoor, Suratchur, Sirsa, and Hansi. Surveyed during the months of January, February, and March, 1850, by Mahomed Khan, Draftsman, and P. G. Hurree Sing. With a report on the halting places, &e. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; in 9 sheets ; size of cach, about 64 inches by 15. MS. I'ield Book of a SURVEY from MUNDOTE near FEROZPOOR to SUKKUR, by Lieut. II. M. Durand, Engineers. Foolscap folio, unbound. MS. ROUTE SURVEY from DEHRA ISHMAEL KHAN to TREMOO GHAT. Surveyed by Lieut. C. W. Nightingale, 1852. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 13. MS. ROUTE SURVEY from PIND DADUN KHAN to RAM- NUGGUR, showing the tracing of New Road. August 18th, 1853. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 10 inches by 26. MS. Roads. Map of the GRAND TRUNK ROAD from the KARAMNASSA to the SUTLEDGE. 1851. In two parts, exhibiting the Staging Bungalows, FEneamping Grounds, Dak and Overseers’ Choukics, Post Office Thannahs and Tuhseeldaries, Compiled by order of the Lieut. Governor of the North-Western pa R— — 236 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Provinces in the office of the Superintendent of the Grand Trunk Road, by Charles Joseph. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; the western part wanting ; size of the remainder, feet by 8. Rough Sketch of the HINDOSTAN and THIBET ROAD (from Dugshai and Simla to Chini), by D. Briggs, Superintendent. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 97. MS. DISTRICTS ROADS. WUZEERABAD to CHUNEOUT. Along the Chenab River, chiefly in Goojuruwalla District. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 11. MS. PUNJAB CAMPAIGNS. Battles on the Sutlej. A Sketch Map of the SCENE of OPERATIONS of the BRITISH ARMY on the SUTLEJ, under the personal command of General Sir I. Gough, Bart., G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief, &c., &c., against the Sikh forces, in 1845 and 1846. Compiled by Lieat.-Col. W. Garden, C.B., Quartermaster-General of the Army. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 12 sheets, including an Index Map ; size of cach, 20 inches by 27. Presented to the Hon. the Court of Directors by General Lord Gough, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief in India, in a handsomely bound portfolio. Size, 28 inches by 21. A Sketch of the SCENE of OPERATIONS of the BRITISH ARMY on the SUTLEJ, under the personal command of General Sir Hugh Gough, Bart., G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief, &ec., &e., against the Sikh forces, in 1845 and 1846, together with plans of the Battles of Moodkee, Ferozshuhur, Aliwal, and Sobraon, and of Lahore, and its environs. Compiled by Licut.-Col. W. Garden, C.B., Quartermaster-General of the Army. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27 ; price 4s. Position of the ARMY of the SUTLEJ, January 19th, 1846. Secale, about 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 15. Plan of the BATTLE of SOBRAON, fought on the 10th February 1846, by the British Army, under the personal command of General Sir Hugh Gough, Bart., G.C.B., with the Sikh forces, entrenched on the Sutledge. Surveyed by Capt. Baker, Lieuts. Strachey and Hodgson, Bengal Engineers. Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 15 inches by 21. Plan of the BATTLE of ULEEWAL, 28th January 1846, by Lieut. R. Strachey, Engineers. Size, 15 inches by 19. Battles on the Chenab. Sketch of the ACTION at SADOOLAWALAH, between a portion of the Sikh Army and the right column of the army of the Punjanb, under the com- mand of Major-General Sir Joseph Thackwell, K.C.B. and K.II. 3rd December 1848. Seale, about 3% inches to 1 mile; size, 14 inches by 20. Sketch of the ACTION at GOOJERAT, 21st February 1849. Scale, about 1+ miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 12. Published by James Wyld, London. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—%. PUNJAB, FRONTIER MAPS. 237 Sketch of the BATTLE of GOOJERA'T, 21st Ifebruary 1840. Seale, 14 inches to 1 mile; size, 19 inches by 15. Examiners Lithographic Department. Battles on the Jhelum. Plan of the BATTLE of CHILLIANWALA, between two divisions of the Army of the Punjab under General Lord Gough, G.C.B., and the Sikh Army under Raja Shere Singh, on the 13th January 1849. Irom a survey and sketch by Bt.-Major A. Cunningham. Scale, about 1% miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 27. BATTLE of the JHELUM (Chillianwala) in two plans, marked Nos. 1, 2. Size of each, 11 inches by 15. Plan of the BATTLE of CHILLIANWALLAH. Scale, 1} miles to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 15. No title. Sketeh of the POSITIONS of the TWO ARMIES at CHILLIAN- WALLA. Size, 11 inches by 15. No title. PUNJAB FRONTIERS. North-west Frontier. Map of the COUNTRIES on the NORTH-WEST FRONTIER of INDIA, compiled from various documents by John Walker, Geographer to the Honble. East India Company. No date, about 18335. Size, 50 inches by 43. Map of the COUNTRIES on the NORTH-WEST FRONTIER of INDIA. Compiled chiefly from the surveys of Lieut. J. Wood, Indian Navy ; Major R. Leech, of the Engineers on the Bombay Establishment ; and from surveyed routes received by the Court of Directors from the Government of Bombay. By John Walker, Geographer to the East India Company. London, 1841. Seale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 40. Also, the Second edition, 1842, with an insertion in the title after Bombay-—* executed under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. Neil ¢ (Campbell, Quartermaster-General of that establishment.” Also, the last edition, dated 1844. Folded in 8vo. MILITARY SURVEY of the NORTHERN TRANS-INDUS FRONTIER, by Lieut. J. T. Walker, Bombay Engineers, in 1849-50-51-52, Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 54. Map No. 2 of a MILITARY SURVEY of the NORTHERN TRANS-INDUS FRONTIER, by Lieut. J. T. Walker, Bombay IEngineers, season 1851-52. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 55. Note.—This map forms a continuation of Lieut. Walker's lithographed map of the Northerm Trans-Indus Frontier. All to the south of the latitude of Peshawur which appeared on that map has been revised. Map No. 3. NORTHERN TRANS-INDUS FRONTIER, by Licut. J. T. Walker, Bombay Engineer. Season 1852-53. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size, 35 inches by 47. 238 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map No. 4. NORTHERN TRANS-INDUS FRONTIER, by Lieut. J. T. Walker, Bombay Engineers. Season 1852-53. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size, 28 inches by 45. The NORTHERN TRANS-INDUS FRONTIER, comprising the Districts of Peshawur, Kohat, and Bunnoo, with sketch of adjoining tracts from the Military Surveys executed in 1850-54 by Lieut. .J. T. Walker, Bombay Engincers, 1st Assistant G. T. Survey, with other materials. Compiled on the basis of the G. T. Survey, in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India. July, 1856. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch : in sheets; southern sheet only ; size, 50 inches by 57. MBS. Some account of the SURVEY of the NORTHERN TRANS- INDUS FRONTIER, from Peshawur to Deyra Ismael Khan, in 1849-53, by Licut. Walker, Bombay Engineers. Foolscap, 28 pages. MS. Sketch Map of the NORTH-WEST FRONTIER adjoining District PESHAWAR. from Fort Abazai to Fort Mackeson. 1869-70. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27 ; price, 3s. UPPER and LOWER SUWAT and the KOHISTAN to the source of the SUWAT RIVER. By Capt. H. G. Raverty. 1862. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 20. Sketch of country from SHIRDARRA to MULKA, illustrating the operations of the Yusufzai Field Force in December 1863. S. G. O., Calcutta, May 1874. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 14. Rough Sketch of the DRAINAGE of GILGIT and adjacent Coun- tries. Compiled * * by Capt. T. G. Montgomerie, Engimeers. 1861. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 17. COUNTRY between ATTOCK and RAWUL PINDEE, com- prising the field of operations of the Camp of Exercise, 1872-73. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 28 * * Containing parts of Hazara and Rawul Pindee Districts, Also, a larger edition. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile; on 9 sheets; size of each, 28 inches by 40. Also, a smaller edition. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 36. In a cover. COUNTRY round RAWUL PINDEE. Camp of Exercise, 1872-73. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 36. In a cover. * * Containing parts of Districts Hazara, Peshawur, Rawal Pindee, Jhelam, &c. COUNTRY round HUSSUN ABDAL, comprising the field of operations of the Camp of Exercise, 1872-73. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 38. In a cover. *_* Containing parts of Districts Hazara and Rawul Pindee. Sketch Map of the NORTH-WEST FRONTIER of the PUNJAB, illustrating the Political Relations of the British Government with the dependent and independent tribes. Calcutta, 1866. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 26 ; price 3s. The NORTH-WESTERN FRONTIER of the PUNJAB. 1876. Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 36. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—%4. PUNJAB, FRONTIER MAPS. 239 North-East Punjab, and Garhwal N.W.P. Topographical Survey of PART of the HIMALAYA MOUN- TAINS and adjacent PLAINS, on the basis of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, North-west Himalaya Series. In 14 sections, each comprising a square degree. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. Surveyed during the years 1848 to 1854 under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Engineer, F.R.S. F.R.G.S Honorary Associate of the Berlin Geographical Society, Surveyor-General of India, and Superintendent G. I. Survey, by the surveyors and assistant surveyors whose names are recorded on the sheets. 1860. On 15 sheets, including Title and Index Map ; size of each, 24 inches by 21 ; price 30s. also half-bound in one vol., 40s. ry YT r r { TAT . I'he ; SUB-HIMALAY AN COUNTRY between the rivers GANGES and RAVEE. Seale, 8 miles to | inch ; size, 27 inches by 24; price 4s. 4 Bl fim “{ r NOY * 3 Fhe TEA LOCALITIES (Plantations) in the PUNJAB and NORTH-WEST PROVINCES. Compiled from information furnished by Dr. Jameson, Superintendent of Government Botanical and Tea Gardens. 1862. Secale 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 10 5 price 4s. i South-Eastern Punjab. The UMBALLA, DELHIE, and HISSAR DIVISIONS. Com- prising the Districts of Umballa, Loodheanuh, Simla, Delhie, Kurnal, Goorgaon, Hissar, Sirsar, Rohtuk. The native States of Putteealuh, Jheendh, Sirmoor, Nabha Loharoo, &c. Showing also the adjoining District of Ferozepoor, and portions of Lahore, Jallindhur, and Googaira. 1868, Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size, 62 inches by 66 ; price 12s. hd COUNTRY ROUND DELHI. (Published for the use of the Aimy at the Camp of Exercise, December 1871.) Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 34 inches by 32 5 price 4s. ) “¥ Containing parts of the Districts of Delhi, Goorgaon, and Rohtuk, in the Punjab ; and of Meerut and Boolundshuhur in the North-West Provinces. I. AMRITSAR DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Amritsar; 2, Gurdaspur; 3, Sialkot. General Map. Map of the UMRITSUR (Amritsir) DIVISION, shewing— I. General Features, Hill and Plain. II. Rivers, Streams, and Canal. III. Rail way and Roads of every cl IV. Ferries and Bridges. V. Rest Houses and Encamping Ground. VI. Sites of Tehseel and Police Offices. VII. Limits of Fiscal and Civil Divisions. With an account of the places of Interest in the Plains and an explanation of the Hill Division. These details are from a map prepared by F. A. Prinsep, Deputy Commissioner of Sealkote, 1863. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 32 inches by 30 ; price 4s. LAHORE DIVISION comprising the Districts of Goordaspoor, Umritsur, Lahore, Sealkote, and Goojranwaluh, Punjab Proper. 1830 to 18535. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 48. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 8s. *«© This map now represents chiefly Amritsir Division, and besides only two- » thirds of Lahore Division. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. District Maps. 1. Amritsar District. DISTRICT UMRITSUR (Amritsir) Punjab Proper. 1850 to 1853. ; 2 = snehes am. amice 68 Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 37 5 price 6s. CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of UMRITSUR. 1868-69. Gi ; Jeets « size of each, 22 inches ; price 6s. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 9 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 40 5 7 9. Gurdaspur District. DISTRICT GOORDASPOOR, Punjab Proper. 1850 to 1852. Seale, 9 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 28 ; price 6s. GOORDASPOOR DIST RICT, Punjab Proper. Scale, 1 mile to ; , ianhpe hu 27 « price 12s | inch ; on 6 sheets ; size of cach, 40 inches by 27 5 price 12s. Map of PURGUNNAH BUTALA, District GOORDAS- POOR. Surveyed by Lieut. J. W. B. Blagrave, R.S. Seasons 1850, ’51, and ’52. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of cach, 24 inches by 26 5 price 9s. 3. Sialkot District. DISTRICT SEEALKOT, Punjab Proper. 1851 to 1853. Scale, 9 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 31; price 6s. CANTONMENT of SEEALKOT. 1853-54. Scale, 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 38. CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of SEEALKOTE. 1868-69. ; : SORE I I TT ET Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 6 sheets ; size of cad hy 22 inches by 30 ; price, 12s CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of SEEALKOTE. 1863-69. : = 0) ~ 0 Yoae 7 Inehes 4 Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 15 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 40. ’ 8 —r SFALKOTE BARRACKS. L Infantry Lines, 18 sections ; 2. Ar- tillery Lines, 8 sections. Report on the REVISED SETTLEMENT ot SEALKO I'E DIS- TRICT in the Amritsir Division, effected by E. A. Prinsep, sq. Lahore, 1865. Vol. I. Feap. folio, boards. Accompanied by :— PUNJAB STATISTICAL ACCOUNT of the SEALKOTLE DISTRICT, weographically sketched by Tdward A. Prinsep, B.C.S., Settlement Officer in the years 1855 to 1860. Sixteen maps, with explanatory remarks. Vol. IL. Demy folio, boards. 1. Distribution of Agricultural Land. : J 2 _ Political Divisions and Past Fiscal Administration. 2ent-free Holdings and Principal Jaghiredars. _ Physical features and zones of Fertility. Fi das . Productiveness as influenced by Rain, Irrigation, etc. _ Soils and circles of Varying Fertility. . Variety of Produce. . Range of Prices and principal Markets. 9. Pressure and Working of the Settlement. Tribes according to ownership and occupancy of XID oN I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—%. PUNJAB, AMRITSAR DIVISION. 241 10. Deduced rates and estimates adopted in fixing the Assessment. 11. Circles of Assessment and fiscal results of Revised Settlement. 12. Fiscal Divisions. 13. Police Divisions. 14. Roads and Lines of Trafic. 15. Statistical Aspects of Area, Agriculture, and Population. 16. Prevailing Tenures and modes of Village Assessment. II. DELHI DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Delhi; 2, Gurgaon ; and 3, Karnal. 1. Delhi District. Map of the DISTRICT of DEHLEE, surveyed by Captains T. Oliver, J. H. Simmonds; including the Jageer of Balubgurh, by Captain W. Brown. Reduced and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board “of Revenue, N.W.P. (1840). Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 22. Map of the DISTRICT of DIHLEE, surveyed by Captains T. Oliver, J. H. Simmonds, and W. Brown, Revenue Surveyors in 1824, 235, 26, ’30, ’31, *32, and ’40. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1848. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 20. Lithograph. DISTRICT DELHI. 1872-74. Surveyed by Capt. W. H. Wilkins, Officiating Deputy Superintendent and Assistants, Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 7 sheets. Only 6 sheets ave published. Trigonometrical Survey of the ENVIRONS of DELHY or SHAH JEHANABAD. 1808. Scale, 2 miles to | inch ; size, 24 inches by 18, MS. DELHI (Plan of the City). A Native Map, with names in the vernacular character. Size, 41 inches by 45. No title. MS. The FORT and CANTONMENT of DELHI. Taken from Lieut. Jurgess's Survey of 1849-50. Scale, } mile to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 15. Lithograph. The FORT and CANTONMENT of DELHI. Taken from Lieut. Burgess’s Survey of 1849-50, with additions from other records. The Batteries showing the attack on the Fort taken from a plan signed A. Becher, Colonel, Quartermaster-General of the Army, 9th November 1857. Scale, § mile to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 20: Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1857. Plan of DELHI. Copied and zincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, from a MS. plan in the possession of Colonel Edward Hervey, Unattached, August 3rd, 1857. Secale, 200 yards to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 33. DELHI. 1857. Scale, 5 mile to 1 inch; size, 9 inches by 15. Published by W. H. Allen and Co., London. DELHI and its ENVIRONS during the Siege, 1857, showing the position of the British Batteries on 11th September. No title. Seale, | mile to 2 inches ; size, 17 inches by 23. MS. tracing. (7767.) Q 242 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Country round DELHI. 1875. Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta, from the Revenue Survey Sheets of the- Delhi District, surveyed in 1872-4. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 40. Folded in a cover. The same reduced to 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 20. Folded in a cover. CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS of DELHI. 1867-8. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets ; size, 50 inches by 32 ; price, 8s. CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS of DELHI. 1867-68. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 8 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 34. DELHI BARRACKS :—1. Artillery and Infantry Barracks, on 2 sheets ; 2. Artillery and Infantry Barracks, on 4 sheets ; 3. Batteries and proposed Officers’ Quarters. 2. Gurgaon District. Map of the DISTRICT of GOORGAON, surveyed by Captains T. Oliver, J. H. Simmonds, and W. Brown. Compiled and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of IL M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W.P., Allahabad, 15th December 1840. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 24. Man of the DISTRICT of GOORGAON, surveyed by Captains I. Oliver, J. H. Simmonds, and W. Brown, Revenue Surveyors, in 1828, ’29, ’30, 31, ’32, *38, and 40. Re-campiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office. Calcutta, 1848. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 26. 3. Karnal District. Map of the DISTRICT of PANEEPUT,* surveyed by Captain T. Oliver. Reduced and lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Surveys Office. under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Board of Revenue, N.W.P. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 19. No date. Map of the DISTRICT of PANEEPUT#* surveyed by Captains T. Oliver and J. H. Simmonds, Revenue Surveyors, in 1822 to 98, and 1832 to ’33. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1848. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch : size, 26 inches by 20. KURNAL, CITY, CIVIL STATION, OLD CANTONMENT, and ENVIRONS. 1871-72, Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of cach, 40 inches by 27. 1II. DERAJAT DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Bannu; 2, Dera (Ghazi Khan ; 3, Dera Ismail Khan. 1, 3. Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan Districts. DISTRICTS BUNNOO and DERAH ISHMAEL KHAN, with the Kabul Kheyl and Mahsood Wuzeree Hills, Upper Derahjat. 1856 to 1861. With a table of latitudes, longitudes, and heights of stations ; also topographical notes. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 60 inches by 43. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 12s. x Now divided between Delhi and Karnal. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—%. PUNJAB, DERAJAT DIVISION. 243 — Plan of BUNNOO, showing the attack on the Fort of Lukkee. No title or scale or date. Size, 14 inches by 13. A Sketch Map and MEMOIR of BUNNOO in 1853. By Lieut. Sykes, 2nd Punjab Infantry. Foolscap. MS. STATION and CITY of BUNNOO. 1860-61. Scale, 10 chains to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 36. Part of the DERAJAT between KHURRUK and DERAH ISHMAIL KHAN, showing the position which a force should occupy to protect the Derajat. No title, scale, or date. Size, 14 inches by 13. CITY and CANTONMENTS of DERAH ISHMAEL KHAN. 1859-60. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 36. 2. Dera Ghazi Khan District. DISTRICT DERA GHAZEE KHAN, Lower Derajat. 1856 to 1859. With a table of latitudes, longitudes, and heights of stations and peaks; also topographical notes. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 63 inches by 38. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 12s. DISTRICT DERAH GHAZI KHAN. Punjab Revenue Survey. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; to be completed in 21 sheets, of which sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, da,’5, 6, 7,8,9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, are published ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. With an Index Map. : CANTONMENT and CITY of DERAH GHAZEE KHAN. 1858-59. Seale, 10 Gunter's chains to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 32. Plan of DERAH GHAZI KHAN, CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS. 1872-73. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 34. IV. HISSAR DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Hissar; 2, Rohtak ; General Map. Map of the following NATIVE STATES near DELHI, viz, Jhugehur, Dadree, Buhadurgurh, Patoudee, Loharoo, Bullumghur, Kote-Qasim Dajana, Furrucknuggur, Seekree ; with a table showing the area, annual revenue, and population of each. Calcutta, 1842, Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 30. MS. *.* Now in th® Divisions of Hissar and Delhi. i 1. Hissar District. Map of the DISTRICT of HURRIANA, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey’s Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W.P. No date. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 23. Q 2 244. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the DISTRICT of HURRIANA, surveyed by Captains J. H. Simmonds and W. Brown, Revenue Surveyors, in 1832, ’33, ’37, and ’38. Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1848. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 24. Report on the Revised Land Revenue Settlement of the HISSAR DISTRICT, in the Hissar Division of the Panjab, effected by Munshi Amin Chand, Extra Assistant Commissioner. Lahore, 1875. Royal 8vo., cloth. With a Map. 2. Rohtak District. Map of the DISTRICT of ROHTUK, surveyed by Captains T. Oliver and J. H. Simmonds, Revenue Surveyors, in 1823, 24, 26, ’27, 31, and '32, Re-compiled in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1848. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. 3. Sirsa District. Map of the DISTRICT of BHUTTEEANNA, surveyed by Capt. W. Brown. Lithographed in the Superintendent of Revenue Survey's Office, under the orders of H. M. Elliot, Esq., Secretary to the Sudder Board of Revenue, N.W.P. No date. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size of cach, 26 inches by 18. V. JULLUNDUR DIVISION. Including the Districts of -—1, Hoshiarpur ; 2, Jullundur ; and 3, Kangra ; with the Sub-Districts of Kullu, Lahul, and Spiti. General Map. The TRANS-SUTLEJ (now JULINDER) DIVISION, com- prising the Districts of Jalundhur (Julinder), Hoshyarpoor, and Kangra. 1847 to 1852. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 36 5 price 8s. The JALUNDHUR DOOAB, comprising the Districts of Jalund- hur, Hoshyarpoor, and Kangra. 1847 to 1832. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 35. MN. 1. Hoshiarpur District. Map of the DISTRICT of HOSHIYARPOOR, surveyed by Lieuts. W. C. Hutchinson and T. C. Blagrave, Revenue Surveyors, in 1847, ’48, and '40. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 47 inches by 40; price 4s. 2. Jullundur District. Map of the DISTRICT of JALINDHUR (Julinder), surveyed by Lieut. J. R. Becher, W. C. Hutchinson, and T. C. Blagrave, Revenue Surveyors, in 1846, ’47, ’48. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 40 5 price 4s. CANTONMENTS of JALINDHUR. 1850. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 30. CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of JALINDHUR (Julinder). 1868-69. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 6 sheets ; size of cach, 24 inches by 30 ; price 10s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—4. PUNJAB, JULLUNDUR DIVISION. 245 CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of JALINDHUR. 1868-69. eale. 12 inches 21 ¢ ) Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 12 sheets ; size of each, 28 inches by 40 CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of PHILOR. 1869-70. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 42 5 price 4s N TI Y T ANTI TNT - CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of PHILOR. 1869-70 Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 6 sheets ; size of cach, 28 inches by 40, o JULLUNDAR BARRACKS, PUNJAB :— 1. Artillery Lines, on 6 sheets. 2. Plan of B. I. Lines, 12 sheets. 3. Native Cavalry, 2 sheets. 4. Native Infantry Lines, 4 sheets. 3. Kangra District. | ) r > \ po . DIST RIE r RANGRAG 2 With a Table of Latitudes, ongitudes, and Heights of G. P.S. Stations. Seale, 2 miles ck 3 size, 40 A ition cale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 %° This map omits Kullu, Lahul, and Spiti. A map of KANGRA DISTRICT, including KULLU, LAHUI and SPITI, composed of the sheets of the Indian Atlas, mounted together and tiloured to show the sub-districts. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 85 inches by 50 . REPORT on the LAND REVENUE SETTLEMENTS of the KANGRA DISTRICT, Panjab. By J. B. Lyall, Esq., B.C.S. 1865-72. 1874. 8vo., cloth. Lahore, VI. LAHORE DIVISION. Including the Districts of eins . tau luding the Districts of—1, Ferozepore ; 2, Gujranwala ; and 3, Lahore. Lahore Division, General Maps. See Amritsir. 1. Ferozepore District. DISTRICT FEROZEPOOR. Surveyed in 1849 to 53 and 1862-63 with corrections to 1 $70 yeale 2 7 les ) ( y S st 1] ) . ; ) . 4 ’ NLC to 1 inch sy ON 4 sheets ; le ‘eae i J by ¢ ’ ys SZC 0 each, -t) CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS of FEROZEPOOR. 1868 69. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets ; size, 62 inches by 50 ; price 8s Seika FEROZEPOOR BARRACKS, &c., PUNJAB :— 1. Arsenal, 8 sections. 2. New Royal Artillery Lines and Old Entrenchment, 12 sections 3. Old Royal Artillery Lines, 12 sections, Pia 19 beckon 4, British Infantry Lines, 20 sections. 2. Guwranwala District. DISTRICT GOOJRANWALUIH, Punjab Proper. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 40 ; price 4s. The same, corrected to 1870. Price Gs. 246 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. REPORT on the Revision of the LAND REVENUE SETTLE- MENT of the GUJRANWALLA DISTRICT. Effected by Lieut. R. P. Nisbet, Assist. Settlement Commissioner, in the years 1866 and 1867. Lahore, 1874. Royal 8vo., cloth. Maps connected with the foregoing Report. 20 maps, folio, half- cloth. Contents :— : Depth of Wells, Rainfall, &e. for Tehseel Gujranwala. » Wuzeerabad. ” 35 ” Hafizabad. . Distribution of Agricultural Tribes. . Political Divisions and History. . Present aspect of Revenue-free Holdings. . Physical Features and Geography. . Irrigated Condition and Productive Capacity. _ Statistics of Area under different kinds of soil. ” 3 ” Articles of Produce. _ Statistics of Area, Agriculture, and Population. . Pressure and working of the last settlement. 10. The Rates and deduced Estimate of Revised Settlement (Assessment Chapter). 11. Fiscal Results of Revised Settlement. 12. Fiscal divisions of the District. 13. Police Divisions. 14. The Roads and Lines of Traffic, Encamping Grounds, Rest-houses, and Ferries. 15. The locality of Schools. 16. The locality of Rakhs or Government Grass Preserves. 17. Tenures and prevailing Modes of Assessment. 3. Lahore District. DISTRICT of LAHORE, Punjab Proper. 1851 to 1853. Scale, 9 miles to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 48 5 price 8s. Report on the Revised Land Revenue Settlement of the LAHORE DISTRICT, in the LAHOR E DIVISION of the PANJAB, effected by Leslie S. Saunders, Esq., B.C.S. 1865-69. Lahore, 1873. Royal 8vo., cloth. Maps connected with the foregoing Report. 18 maps, folio, half- cloth. Contents — Map of the City of Lahore and its Suburbs. COT Ou WIN = . Distribution of Agricultural Tribes according to ownership and occupancy of Land. _ Political Divisions and past Fiscal Administration. . Rent-free Holdings and principal Jaghirdars. . Physical Features and Zones of Fertility. . Irrigation by the Baree Doab and other canals. _ The different soils and circles of varying fertility, as adopted for purposes of taxation. . Areas under different kinds of Produce. . Productive power as influenced by Rain, Irrigation, &e. " Deduced Rates and Estimates, adopted in fixing the Revised Assessment. . Circles of Assessment and Fiscal Results of the Revised Settlement. . Police Divisions. 2. Roads and Lines of Traffic. 3. Statistical aspects of Area, Agriculture and Population. . Prevailing tenures and modes of internal assessment. . Zaildari sub-divisions. . Village Schools. ‘ . Rakhs or Government Grass Preserves. In one volume, feap. folio, half-cloth. [. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—4. PUNJAB, LAHORE DIVISION. 247 Plan of the CITY of LAHORE. By G. B. Tremenhecre, Captain Superintending, Engineers. Lahore, 1848. Size, 20 inches by 15 > : » . ~ TNT Ot ’ . Plan of the CITY and ENVIRONS of LAHORE, showing tl rig Station of Anarkullee and the Cantonment of Meean Moor Sek Jeet to 1 inch (or 6 inches ile) : Tels: slat oF ck Bo rene fa ch (or 6 inches to 1 mile); on 6 sheets ; size of each, 23 inches by 34 ; Yet le edition. Scale, 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 33 MEEAN MEER BARRACKS, LAHORE: — I. Plan of Artillery Lines, 6 sections. 2. Plan of European Infantry Lines, 6 sections, VII. MOOLTAN DIVISION. Including the Districts of— ang; & { ding the Districts of—1, Jhang; 2, Montgomery, formerly Gugaira ; 3, Mooltan ; 4, Muzaffargarh. General Map. MOOLTAN DIVISION, comprising the Districts of Googaira 5° 3 Jhung, Mooltan, and Mozzuffurgurh, Punj D 35 ng, Moolt: and Mozz gurh, Punjab Proper. 1835 to 185 re dp 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 70 ; price 12s, 5 em The same, eastern half only. MS. 1. Jhang District. DISTRICT JHUNG, Punjab Proper. 1854 to 1856. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 66 ; price 10s. 2. Montgomery District. DISTRICT GOOGAIRA (now MONTGOMERY), Punjab Doon . fi : on : : Proper. 1833 to 1856. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 38 ; price 6 Shy « 3 2 OF, 3. Mooltan District. DISTRICT MOOLTAN, Punjab Proper. 1855 to 1858. Scale * ) 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 38 5 price 10s. Map of the COUNTRY between MOOLTAN and TALOOMBA Surveyed by Lieut. oJ. J. Pollexfen, Deputy Assistant QuartcrnsiersGoneral, Mooltan F. F., and the Guides of’ the Department, during the months of November and December 1849. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 66 inches by 26. MS Plan of the ENVIRONS of MOOLTAN, by Lie ) Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General AND bw 5.4 5 oes, Dept de neral. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches MOOLTAN. Memorandum by Lieut. Christopher, I. N., with lithographed sketches and maps of Mooltan Forts and environs (Fine 1848). MS Sketch of the FORTIFICATIONS of MOULTAN. Published by James W lov W 4K i . y James Wyld, London, November 4th, 1848. Size, 21 inches by 27. iin nb ER ee EE eR 248 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. MOOLTAN (Fort, showing the Parallels of Attack and positions of the British Batteries, 1849). By Lieut. W. S. Oliphant, Bengal Engineers. No scale ; size, 14 inches by 19. MOOLTAN (Town and Citadel) by Lieut. W. S. Oliphant, Bengal Engineers (1849). Seale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 10 inches by 13. Plan of MOOLTAN, from a sketch received from Captain J. Ramsay, Assistant Quartermaster-General (showing the positions occupied by the British Troops at the Siege), Bombay, 17th February 1849. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 34. Plan of MOOLTAN and its ENVIRONS, showing the position of the British Forces at the Siege, by Captain J. Ramsay, Assistant Quartermaster- General, M. F. Force, 1849. Lithographed by William Lines, East India House. No title. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 14 inches by 20. Sketch of the CITY of MOOLTAN. No title. Lithographed by William Lines, East India House, 24th February 1849. Size, 14 inches by 20. Map of the CANTONMENTS, CIVIL LINES, FORT, CITY, and SUBURBS of MOOLTAN. Surveyed in 1856-57 by Captain G. I. Thomp- son, Revenue Surveyor. Secale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 40. Litho- graphed at the Topographical Depot, War Department, London. MOOLTAN CANTONMENTS, CITY, FORT, and CIVIL LINES. Scale, 500 feet to ! inch ; size, 36 inches by 50. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of CANTONMENTS, MOOLTAN ; showing proposed re-arrangement of barracks by Executive Engineers, with reference to the Fort. Size, 30 inches by 36. On tracing cloth, MS. Plan of MOOLTAN CANTONMENTS; showing proposed re-arrangement of barracks, &e. as recommended by Superintending Engineer, 3rd Circle, Punjab. Seale, 500 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 33. On tracing cloth. MS. New Arrangement BARRACKS of MOOLTAN CANTON- MENT. Approved by the Govt. of India. See 3rd Public Works letters, 1282 M. of 23rd Nov. 1865. Seale, 500 fect to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 33. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch of proposed Fortified Post at MOOLTAN. Size, 17 inches by 23. On tracing cloth. MS. Block Plan showing proposed site for New Fort, MOOLTAN. Size, 36 inches by 28. On tracing cloth. MS. Block Plan of the CANTONMENT of MOOLTAN. Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets. CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS of MOOLTAN. 1871-72. Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 11 sheets, including an Index Map ; size of each, 30 inches by 22. CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS of MOOLTAN. 1871-72. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 25 inches by 40. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—4. PUNJAB, MOOLTAN DIVISION. 249 4. Muzaffargarh District. DISTRICT MOZUFFURGURH, Punjab Proper. 1855 to 1857. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 72 inches by 56 5 price 10s, VIII. PESHAWAR DIVISION. Including the Districts of :—1, Hazara ; 2, Kohat ; and 3, Peshawar. 1. Hazara District. MILITARY Map of HAZARA, surveyed by Lieut. D. G. tobinson, Engineers, in 1848-9. Revised and adjusted under the directions of Lieut. Col. A. S. Waugh, Surveyor-General of India, on the basis of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India in 1854-5. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; on 3X sheets ; size, 54 inches by 60. MS. : The same, lithographed and published. Price 8s. REPORT upon the MILITARY SURVEY of HAZARA by Lieut. D. G. Robinson, 1847-49, and finished 1853. (Letter to Colonel Waugh, December 1st, 1855.) On 13 pp. feap., unbound. MS. Sketch Map of TRACTS conterminous with the NORTHERN BORDER of HUZARA. Seale, about 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. MS. KIHAGAN. Surveyed by Lieut. T. T. Carter, R.E., 1st Assistant Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, Office of Superintendent, Great Trigono- metrical Survey, Dehra Doon, July 1866. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 23. MS., on tracing cloth. ROUGH SKETCH Map of the BLACK MOUNTAIN and COUNTRY adjoining UGRORE. September, 1868. By Lieut.-Col. H. C. Johnstone, Revenue Surveyor attached to the Hazara Field Force, Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 40 inches by 27 ; price 4s. Map to Illustrate the Operations of the HUZARUH FIELD FORCE under Major-General A. Wilde, C.B., C.S.I. October, 1868. Surveyed by Lieut.-Col. H. C. Johnstone, and assistants, Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 22; price 2s, DISTRICT HUZARUH. North-west Frontier Revenue Survey. 1865-69. (No titie.) Sealey, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 15 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 34 5 price 30s. ABBOTTABAD CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS. 1868-69. Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. " N TryZvy YX Al ry “1 “Xr ' ABBOTTABAD CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS. 1868, 69. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 25 ; price 2s. 9. Kohat District. Geological Map of the TRANS-INDUS SALT REGION. By A. B. Wynne. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 40, © See also, Northern Trans-Indus Frontier, Map No. 3, p. 237. I ERNE EE 250 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. REPORT on the KOHAT PASS. By Lieut. R. L. N. Cavagnari, ‘Officiating Deputy Commissioner, Kohat. 1867. With a Map. Drawn up at the request of Major F. R. Pollock. 8vo., 75 pp, unbound. 3. Peshawar District. DISTRICT PESHAWUR. 1863-65 and 1869-70. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; on 10 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 28. NOWSHERA, CANTONMENT, TOWN, and ENVIRONS. 1866, ’67. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 3 sheets ; size, 27 inches by 60; price 6s. NOWSHERA CANTONMENT, TOWN, and ENVIRONS. 1866-67-68-69. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 6 sheets ; size "each, 28 inches by 40. NOWSHERAH BARRACKS, PESHAWUR DISTRICT, PUNJAB :(— 1. Plan of European Infantry Lines, on 8 sheets. PESHAWUR, CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS. 1866, ’67. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets ; size, 40 inches by 58 5 price Gs. Plan of PESHAWUR, CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVI- RONS. 1866, ’67, 68, 69. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 10 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 40. : A general REPORT on the YUSUFZAIS, in six chapters, with a Map. By H. W. Bellew, Assistant Surgeon, Corps of Guides. Lahore, 1864. 8vo. cloth. *.% See also North-west Frontier Maps, p. 238. IX. RAWALPINDI DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Gujrat; 2, Jhelum ; 3, Rawalpindi; and 4, Shahpur. : 1, 4. Gujrat and Shahpur Districts. DISTRICT GOOJRAT, Punjab Proper. 1833 to 1855. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 41 5 price 4s. REPORT on the Second Regular Settlement of the GUJ RAT DISTRICT, PANJAB. (1867-68.) By Captain W. G. Waterfield. Lahore, 1874. Royal 8vo., cloth. Maps connected with the REPORT on the Second Regular Settlement of the GUJRAT DISTRICT. 1867-68. Folio, half cloth. Contents :— Goojurat District. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch. GEOGRAPHICAL. . Physical Features and Zones of Fertility. . Depth of Water below Surface. . Roads and Lines of Traffic. HISTORICAL. 4. Goojurat Jurisdictions of the Delhi Empire under Akbar, A.D. 1519. 5. Partition by Sikh Sardars, A.D. 1764. 6. Sikh Rule, A.D. 1810. 7. Old Zails (para. 43, First Regular Settlement). 8. Location of the Agricultural Tribes. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—%. PUNJAB, RAWALPINDI DIVISION. STATISTICAL. . Statistics of Area, Agriculture, and Population, 186%. . Police Jurisdictions. . Proposed Thanah limits. Schools, A.D. 1867. Assigned Revenues. . Description and class of produce. FiscArL. . Old Tahsils and Assessment Circles. . New Rates deduced. . Assessment circles described. . Fiscal Results. . Fiscal Divisions. . Fiseal Divisions Index, . Government Preserves. FINAL. . Prospective. DISTRICTS SHAHPOOR and GOOJRAT, Punjab Proper 1833 to 1859. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 50 ; price Gs. #_* See also, District Shahpoor., 2, 3. Jhelum and Rawalpindi Districts. Map of a PORTION of the JHELUM DISTRICT, showing the new roads traced and proposed. Compiled and drawn by Lieut. Nightingale, Superintendent District Roads, from the Surveys of Lieut. Nightingale and Messrs. McRae and Wilson, Assistant Civil Engineers. 1853. Seale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; 30 inches by 48. MS. size, The DISTRICTS of JHELUM and RAWUL PINDI with por- tions of Shahpoor, Leia, and Hazara, forming the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in the Panjab ; surveyed between the years 1851 and 1859, under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Andrew Scott Waugh, Comdt. H. M. Bengal Eng, F.R.S. and F.R.G.S.. Hon. Assoc. Geog. Soc. Berlin, and Fellow of Calcutta University, Surveyor-( veneral of India and Superintendent G.T. Survey. By CAPTAIN D. G. ROBINSON, Engineers, F.R.G.S., 1st Assistant Surveyor-General’s Department, and the assistants under his orders. January, 1861. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size 36 inches by 48. MS. ’ The same, lithographed and published. Price 6s. 1 : 1 . . . . The same, on the Larger Scale oi 1 mile to 1 inch, in 8 parts with separate titles. The parts are called sheets on the titles, but the 8 sheets” (properly parts) consist of 28 sheets, as follows :— l. DISTRICT of RAWUL PINDI, Sheet (Part) No. 1 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets (parts). Seale, 1 mile=1 inch. Season 1853, °54, and 57. Captain D. G. Robinson, Engineers, Surveyor. On 4 sheets ; size of each, 24 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 10s. Sn er ee i ne RR MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 2. DISTRICTS of JHILUM and RAWUL PINDI, surveyed under the instructions of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Lngineers, Surveyor-General of India. Sheet (Part) No. 2 of the Districts of Jhilum and Rawul Pindi in 8 sheets (parts). Scale, 1 mile=1 inch. Lieut. D. G. Robinson, Engineers, Surveyor, 1851-54. On 4 sheets ; size of each, 24 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 10s. 3. DISTRICT of JHILAM, Sheet (Part) No. 3 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets (parts). Seale, 1 mile=1 inch. 1851 to 1857. Lieut. D. G. Robinson, Bengal Engineers, Surveyor. On 4 sheets; size of each, 20 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 10s. 4. DISTRICT of RAWUL PINDI, Sheet (Part) No. 4 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets (parts). Seale, 1 inch=1 mile ; 1853 to 1855. Captain D. G. Robinson, Bengal Engineers, Surveyor. On 4 sheets ; size of each, 20 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 10s. ~ 9 DISTRICTS of RAWUL PINDI and JHILAM, Sheet (Part) No. 5 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets (parts). Seale, 1 mile=1 inch. Seasons 1834-5, 55-6, 56-7. Captain D. G. Robinson, Engineers, Surveyor. On 4 sheets ; size of each, 24 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 12s. 6. DISTRICTS of JHILAM and SHAHPOOR. Sheet (Part) No. 6 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets (parts). Secale, 1 mile=1 inch. Seasons 1857-8, ’58-9. Captain D. G. Robinson, Engineers, Surveyor. On 4 sheets ; size of each, 28 inches by 3+. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 12s. { DISTRICTS of RAWUL-PINDI, JHILAM, and SHAHPOOR, Sheet (Part) No. 7 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets (parts). Secale, 1 mile=1 inch. Seasons 1855-6, "56-7. Captain D. G. Robinson, Engi- neers, Surveyor. On 2 sheets ; size of each, 24 inches by 34. MS. "The same, lithographed and published. Price 6s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—%. PUNJAB, RAWALPINDI DIVISION. 253 8. DISTRICTS of JHILAM, SHAHPOOR, and LEIA, Sheet (Part) No. 8 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets (parts). Seale, 1 mile=1 inch. Seasons 1857-8, ’58-9. Captain D. G. Robinson, Engineers, Surveyor. On 2 sheets ; size of each, 28 inches by 34. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 6s. Skeleton Map of DISTRICTS JHELUM and RAWUL PINDEE. 1863. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 46. ATTOCK FORT and ENVIRONS. 1868-69. Scale, 12 inches to Lmnile ; on 3 sheets ; size, of each, 22 inches by 30. ATTOCK FORT and ENVIRONS. 1868-9. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 27 ; price 2s. INDUS TUNNEL at ATTOCK. Plans and Sections in a cloth case. 4o. No. 1. Section of Indus showing Tunnel. 2. .“ ” under river, with Lifts. 3. Plan of Indus ’ ’ . Plan of ground round Attock. Two sheets. . Tunnel Details. Five sheets. . Steam Engine for Pumping. Two sheets. . Gas Machinery. Five sheets. . Lift Machinery. . Timbering of Lift Shafts, . Details of framing above Lift Shafts. . Details of Lifts. Plan of CAMPBELLPOOR,* CANTONMENTS and ENVI. RONS. 1865-6. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 29 inches by 28 5 price 4s. RAWUL PINDEE, CANTONMENT, TOWN, and ENVI- RONS. 1865-66. Seale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 7 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. : Plan of RAWUL PINDEE, CANTONMENTS, TOWN, and ENVIRONS. 1865-6. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 42 inches by 44 ; price 8s. *.% See also, Camp of Exercise, 1872-73, p. 166. Plan of the TOWN of RAWAL PINDI, in Persian characters. Painted at Lahore, 1874. Size, 70 inches by 90. Proposed Plan, &c. of HALF COMPANY BARRACKS at RAWULPINDEE. Seale, 20 feet to 1 inch; size, 15 inches by 21. On tracing cloth. MS. SURVEY of PROPOSED NEW ROAD from PIND DADUN KHAN to CHOYAH. September, 1833. Secale, 20 chains to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. MS. SURVEY (of road from) JHELUM to PIND DADUN KHAN. Surveyed by Kuniya Lall, Native Surveyor. August, 1852. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 10. MS, " * Called Kamalpoor in Indian Atlas 14, and in Robinson's survey ; also Kamilpoor on the plan itself. 254 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 4. Shahpur District. DISTRICT SHAHPOOR, PUNJAB PROPER. 1854-55, 1858-59, and 1863-65. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 34. #.% See also, Gujerat District. X. UMBALLA DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Ludhiana; 2, Simla; 3, Umballa. General Map. The BRITISH and NATIVE STATES in the CIS-SUTLEJ . DIVISION, comprising the Districts of Ferozpoor,* Loodeeana, Umballa, Thanesur,* and Simla. with Pnttealuh,t Nabhuh,t Jeendh,t Kotluh,} Kulseea,t and Fureedkot. 1847 t0 1851. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 46 inches by 31. MS. The same lithographed and published. Price 12s. 1. Ludhiana District. Sketch of ROOPUR ENCAMPMENT. By Capt. Wade. Re- ceived 14th February 1834. Seale, 1 mile to inch ; size, 18 inches by 26. MS. 2. Simla District. SIMLA, from a Sketch by Capt. Garden drawn on stone and published by J. B. Tassin. 1830. Seale, 600 yards to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 17. SIMLA and JUTOG. Topographical Survey of India. 1872-73. Scale, 24 inches to 1 mile ; on 20 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. SIMLA and JUTOG. Topographical Survey of India. 1872-73. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; on 20 sheets ; size of each, 20 inches by 27. Preliminary INDEX to the Sheets of the Topographical Survey of SIMLA. Seasons 1872-73, &c., under publication on the scales of 24 and 16 inches to 1 mile. Secale of the Index, 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 22 inches by 30. Guide Plan of SIMLA and JUTOG, HIMALAYA MOUN- TAINS, PUNJAB. With an Index to the Sheets of the Survey, executed by Captain George Strahan, R.E., and Assistants, &e. 1872-74. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 23 inches by 32. Folded in a cover. *.* With a list of houses. 3. Umballa District. DISTRICT THUNAISUR.* Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 38 inches by 54 5 price 4s. UMBALLA CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS. 1867 to 1869. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 14 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. * Ferozpoor District is now in Lahore Division. Thanesar District is now divided between Umballa and Kurnal Districts. t+ Native principalities. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—4. PUNJAB, UMBALLA DIVISION. 255 CANTONMENTS, CITY, and ENVIRONS of UMBALLA. 1867-8. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 6 sheets ; size, 60 inches by 60 ; price 8s. UMBALLA BARRACKS, PUNJAB :— 1. Block Plan of Artillery Lines at Umballa, on 23 sheets. 2. European Infantry Lines, on 12 sheets. 3. European Cavalry Lines, on 15 sheets. NATIVE PRINCIPALITIES UNDER THE PUNJAB GOVERNMENT. 1. Bahawalpur. BHAWULPOOR STATE. 1869 to 75. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; he pn vip ON sheets *avhielh Nos 4. 5 7 o Ji mp a 28 Shits, of wkiel Nos, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, ZL & \ . Oe > = . . 9 D6 o0 « ¢ od 4, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 43, 47, are pub- lished ; size of each, 27 inches by 39. Index to the 1 mile=1 inch sheets of BHAWULPOOR STATE. 1869 to 1875. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Map illustrating the Levels taken over the BANGUR LAND in the BHAWULPOOR and portion of the BIKANEER STATES during the years 1869-70. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets. With P.W. letter 165 of 1870. Plan of the TOWN, STATION, and ENVIRONS of BHAWUL- I JOR, surveyed ‘in season 1873-74. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile; size, 22 inches hy 30. 2. Bashahr. Memoir on the construction of a Map of KOONAWUR, in the HILL STATE of BUSEHUR. (Signed A. Gerard, Captain, Surveyor in the Valley of the Nerbudda. 26th July 1826.) Foolscap, 14 pages. MS. Remarks regarding the GEOLOGICAL SPECIMENS collected in 1821 by J. G. and A. Gerard. (An account of their journey through Koonawur.) Feap., 116 pages. MS. ’ - 3. Hindur (Nalagarh) and Kahlur (Bilaspur). A Map of HINDOOR and KALEUR, &c., representing the Country lately conquered by the Army under the command of Major-General Ochterlony y., ‘ hs hing n fi 1 uy SOR 1 ¢ wm» 1Q1 v . et By George Hut hinson, Ens ign of Kngineer: . Sept mber 1815. Seale, 691 British miles to a degree ; size, 26 inches by 39. MNS. : Construction of thes Map of HINDOOR and KALEUR, &c. By George Hutchinson, Ensign of Engineers. September 1815. Seale, 691 British miles to a degree ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. § 4. Kashmir. Map of KASHMIR, LADAK and LITTLE TIBET, and of the countries between the Sutluj and the Oxus, chiefly from the Surveys of G. T. Vigne lsq., Lieut. I. Wood, J. N., Major R. Leech, Bombay Engineers, Lieut.-Col. Neil 256 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Campbell, Q. M. General Bombay Estab., and Lieuts. J. Anderson and H. M. Du- rand of the Bengal Engineers. Compiled by order of the Court of Directors of the East India Company. By John Walker, 1842. Scale, 14 milesto 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 52. Survey of that part of the BOUNDARY between the BRITISH and JAMOO TERRITORIES from the RAVI to the JHILAM, triangulated and surveyed by Lieut. D. G. Robinson, Engineers, and Messrs. H. B. Talbot, Joseph James, and J. P. Platts, Sub-assistants Great Trigonometrical Survey, under the instructions of Lieut.-Col. A. S. Waugh, Engineers, Surveyor-General of India. 1850-51. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 38. MS. Map of LADAK, with the adjoining parts of BALTI and MONYUL. Constructed by Capt. Henry Strachey, from his own surveys and other materials based upon the Indian Atlas, Nos. 47 and 66. March 1851. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 26. MS. Map of NARI KHORSUM, including the Easternmost Parts of LADAK with the contiguous Districts of MON YUL. Constructed by Capt. Henry Strachey, from his own surveys and other materials, based upon the Indian Atlas, Nos. 47, 65, and 66. March 1851. Secale, 8 miles to | inch ; size, 38 inches by 26. MS. Map of the Country north of the SUTLUJ RIVER, comprehended between KASIIMEER and the MANAS SAROWUR LAKE, including LADAK and the District of KOONAWUR. Compiled from existing materials in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India. November 1841. Seale, 8 miles 1 to inch ; size, 50 inches by 50. MS. Map of part of GOOLAB SINGS TERRITORY, North of Cashmere, by Lieut. Ralph Young, Bengal Engineers, from observations made during an expedition made by the late Mr. I. Vans Agnew, C.S., accompanied by Lieut. Young and Mr. Jas. Edw. Winterbottom, to fix the North-western Boundaries of that Kingdom, in 1847. Traced from the original in possession of J. EE. Winter- bottom, Esq., by Henry Strachey. March 1852.. Seale, 9 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 25. MS. Plane Table Sketch of a portion of the JAMMU TERRITORY, executed by Mr. J. O. N. James, Sub-Assistant, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. 1852. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 25. MS. Map of KASHMIR, with part of adjacent MOUNTAINS, surveyed on the basis of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, under the instruction of Licut. PYTON. See JauLNan. RAICHOOR. See MoonGuL. 1 Y Y " Y ) A 1 . e) SUGGUR. Map of the Suggur Circar, reduced from the map of that survey under Capt. Garling, S5.G.O., Madras, 17th September 1821. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 20. MS. STREETS y ‘ : “x WARUNGUL. Map of the Warungul Circar, in the Dominions of His Highness the Nizam. Surveyed in the years 1830 and 1831, under the super- intendence of Lieut. H. Morland. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 30. MS. 4, Continuous Drawings on Reduced Scales. Map of the PORTION of COUNTRY to the SOUTH-EAST of HYDERABAD. Surveyed by the Assistant Surveyors,'1822. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 21. MS. ¥ Rough original SECTIONS of PARTS of the NOILKONDAH GUNNAPOOR, MUSTUFFANAGUR, DEVERCOONDA, KOOLBURGA. MIT LKAID, YEDAGHERRY, and PANGULL CIRCARS. Surveyed in 1824. 25. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. MSS. . Map of the NORTH-EAST PORTION of SOUTH BERAR. Compiled from sheets Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Hyderabad Topographical Survey. Seasons 1856, ’57. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 20. MS. ’ : A section including PORTIONS of the DEWANI MEHALS, and of the ASSIGNED DISTRICTS of SOUTH BERAR, in continuation northward of the foregoing as far as 20° 15’ N. lat. North of 20° N. lat. the work extends westward to 77° 45’. No title. Hyderabad Topographical Survey, 1857 '38. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 19 inches by 28. MS. y ; A section including PORTIONS of the DEWANI MEHALS, and of the ASSIGNED WISTRICTS of EAST and WEST BERAR, in eontivantion westward of No. 2 as far as 77° 15’ E. long. No title. Hyderabad Topographical Survey. Season 1858-39. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 19 inches by 21. MS. Connecting slip of>=PORTIONS of E. and W. BERAR, in continua- tion of the foregoing, westward as far as 77° E. long., and northward as far as 217 15" N. lat. between 77° 30" and 78° 15" E. long. No. 2 Topographical Party, Hyderabad Survey. Season 1859-60. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inchs by 25. MAS. he 288 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. A section including PORTIONS of the ASSIGNED DISTRICTS of E. and W. BERAR, between 21° 5’ and 21° 45" N. lats., and 76° 30’ and 77° 45’ E. longs. No. 2 Topographical Party, Hyderabad Survey. Season 1860-64. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 26. MS. A section of the DEWANI MEHALS in MAHORE and RAM- GHEER, on the northern frontier of the Nizam’s Territory, between 197 30’ and 19° 45’ North lat. and 72° 30' and 79° 15’ East long. Surveyed by No. 2 Topo- graphical Party, Hyderabad Survey. Season 1861-62, No title. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 19. MS. A section of a PORTION of the DEWANI MEHALS, in con- tinuation of the foregoing, to the southward as far as 19° 15" N. lat. between 78° 30" and 79° 15’ E. longs. ; to the westward as far as 77° 45" EK. long. between 197 20 and 19° 45’ N. lats. ; and to the eastward as far as the River Warda. No. 2 Topo- araphical Party, Hyderabad Survey. Season 1862-63, and a portion of 1861-62. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 40. MS. A section of a PORTION of the DEWANI MEHALS, mn con- tinuation of the foregoing to the south-east as far as the Godavery and Warda Rivers, Hydrabad Topographical Survey. Season 1863-64. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 26. MS. i A section of the SIRONCHA TALUQ, in continuation of the foresoing to the south-east. Hydrabad Topographical Survey. Season 1864-65. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 15. MS. A section including a RE-SURVEY of a PORTION of the MAHORE CIRCAR, in continuation of No. 3 to the west as far as 77° 20/ K. long. between 19° 15" and 19° 45’ N. lats. Hydrabad Topographical Survey. Season 1864-65. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches ty 18. MS. A section including a PORTION of CHINUR TALUQ, RAM- GITEER CIRCAR, DEWANI MEHALS, in continuation of No. 4 to the south as far as 18° 20’ N. lat., and a strip to the south-east bordering the Godavery River. Hydrabad Topographical Survey. Season 1864-65. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 28. MS. Chart of the TRIANGULATION of No. 2 TOPOGRAPHICAL PARTY, HYDRABAD SURVEY. Season 1864-65. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 32. HyperaBaD TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. Published Maps of the Circars, on the scale of 1 mile to 1 inch. Map of the BAYTHULWADDY CIRCAR, surveyed in the years 1843 and 1844. Size, 36 inches by 43; price 8s. Map of the BEDER CIRCAR, executed under the superintendence of Lieut. S. C. Macpherson, in the year 1832. On 6 sheets ; size of cach, 30 inches by 22; price 12s. Map of the BHEER CIRCAR, executed under the superintendence of Licut. H. Du Vernet, in the year 1833. On 9 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 30; price 18s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—8. HYDERABAD, SURVEYS. 289 Map of the DAROOR CIRCAR, executed under the superinten- dence of Capt. H. Morland and Mr. Chamarett, in the year 1836. On 6 sheets ; size of cach, 30 inches by 22 ; price 12s. Map of the DOWLUTABAD CIRCAR, executed under the superintendence of Major H. Morland, in the year 1847. On 12 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22 ; price 16s. Map of the EILGUNDEL CIRCAR, executed under the superin- tendence of Lieut. H. Du Vernet, in the year 1834. On 9 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 30; price 18s. Map of the JAULNAH CIRCAR, executed under the superinten- dence of Capt. H. Morland, in the years 1842 and 1843. On 9 sheets ; "size, 80 inches by 80; price 16s. Map of the KOWLASS CIRCAR, surveyed in the year 1832, under the superintendence of Lieut. S. C. Macpherson. On 4 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 35; price 12s. Map of the KULLIANNEE CIRCAR, surveyed in the year 1833. H. Du Verney, Lieut. and Surveyor, Sup. Hyd. Survey. Size, 38 inches by 32; price 8s. Map of the MEDDUCK CIRCAR, execnted under the superinten- dence of Lieut. H. Morland, in the years 1820-30. On 12 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 30 ; price 24s. Map of the MULLANGOOR CIRCAR, executed under the super- intendence of Lieut. II. Du Vernet, in the year 1834. On 2 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22 ; price 4s. Map of the NANDAIR CIRCAR, executed under the superinten- dence of Captain H. Morland, in the years 1832-41. On 31 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22 ; price 31. Map of the NULDROOG CIRCAR, surveyed A.D. 1833. H. Du Verney, Lieut. and Surveyor, Sup. Hyd. Survey. On 4 sheets ; size, 75 inches by 60; price 12s. Map of the PATREE CIRCAR, executed under the superintendence of Capt. HL. Morland, in the years 1841 and 1842. On 4 sheets ; size of cach, 29 inches by 35 ; price 14s. Map of the PURRAINDA CIRCAR, executed under the super- intendence of Lieut. H. Du Verney, in the year 1835. On 4 sheets ; size of euch, 36 inches by 30 ; price 16s. *.* The Purrainda Circar includes the Punch Mahall of the Collectorate of Sholapoor in Bombay Presidency. Map of the PYTON CIRCAR, executed under the superintendence of Captain H. Morland, In the years 1842 and 1843. Size, 29 inches by 34 ; price 6s. Map of the WARUNGUL CIRCAR, executed under the superin- tendence of Lieut. Il. Morland, in the years 1830-31. On 12 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22 ; price 24s. *.* For maps of Basim, Gawilghur, Maiker, and Nurnulla Circars, which have been wholly or in part transferred to Berar, sce pages 291, 292. 290 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. MEMOIRS, ANGLE BOOKS, &c. RELATING TO THE HYDERABAD SURVEY. BASSIM CIRCAR. Position of villages in Pergunnahs Havalee, Baumnee, Nursee, Kullumnooree, Ounda, Chartannah, Damnee, Mungrool, and Hingolee. No. 122. Forty pages, post folio. MS. Table of SECONDARY TRIANGLES of the BASSIM CIRCAR. No. 119. In 24 pages, post folio. MS. BASSIM CIRCAR. ANGLE BOOK, 1844. Post 4to. MS. Geographical MEMOIR of the BEDER. CIRCAR. General Boundary Register of Villages. Route from Secunderad to Jaulnah, and Register of Triangles. Signed J. UC. Macpherson, Lieut. in charge of the Hydrabad Survey, 1832. In 1 vol. post folio, stiff covers. MSS. BHONAGHEER MEMOIR. 1829. Post folio, half bound. MS. BHEER and DAROOR CIRCARS, Surveyed in 1836. Geo- graphical Memoirs, &c. In 1 vol, post folio, half bound. MSS. BHEER CIRCAR. Register of Villages in Purgunnahs Avalee, Bala-Ghat, Manoor, Givoroi, and Ambah Chuckla. 20 pages, folio. MS. General Description and Construction of the Map of the BHEER and PURRAINDA CIRCARS. Surveyed in 1835. By Lieut. Du Vernet. Angle Book. Geographical Memoir of the CIRCAR of PURRAINDA of the SOUBAH of AURUNGABAD. Description of its Boundary, roads, &e. Memoir of BHEER CIRCAR, and Description of its Boundary. Folio, half bound. MS. DOWLUTABAD CIRCAR, Memoir, &c. In 1 vol., folio, boards. Geographical Memoir of the EILGUNDEL CIRCAR of the SOOBAH of Hyderabad. Post folio, half bound. MS. Geographical Memoir of the KOWLASS CIRCAR. 1830,’31. Post folio, in a stiff cover. MS. General Account of the Construction of the Map and execution of the Survey of the CIRCARS of KULLIANNEE, NULDROOG, KULBURGAH, MULHAID, and KOILKONDA, of the Soobah of Beder. Memoir of the Survey of the Northern part of Kulburgah. Secondary Triangles of Nuldroog and Kulliannee Circars. Registers of Villages in Kulliannee, Kulburgah, Mulkaid, and Koilkonda, Folio, unbound. MS. Memoir of the JAULNAH CIRCAR. By Andrew Chamarett, Sub-Assistant Surveyor. Post folio, unbound. MS, Memoir of a PORTION of the KUMMUMMETT CIRCAR, 1837. With Register of Villages, Triangles, and Angle Books. Post folio, half bound. MS. Geographical Memoir of the MEDDUCK CIRCAR. By Lieut. Morland. Folio, half bound. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—8. HYDERABAD, BERAR. 291 Book of ROUTES through the MEDDUCK CIRCAR ; 1st. Road to Nagpore ; 2nd. Road to Hingolee ; 3rd. Road to Yelgundel. On 8 maps, on the scale of 1 mile to 1 inch, with MS. itinerary, in a cover. Size, 19 inches by 12. MSS. Table of SECONDARY TRIANGLES, VILLAGE REGISTERS, and MEMOIRS, &c. of the NANDAIR CIRCAR. Folio, half bound. MS. Table of SECONDARY TRIANGLES in NURNULLA and GAWILGHUR CIRCARS. Folio, stiff cover. MS. Descriptive Memoir of a SURVEY of the PANGUL and GUNNA. POOR CIRCARS in the Nizam’s Dominions, arranged from original materials by Captain J. Crisp, Surveyor, Nizam’s Dominions. With Map on the scale of 8 miles to 1 inch. Folio, half bound. MS. Memoir of the PATREE CIRCAR. H. Morland. On 17 pages foolscap folio, unbound. MS. Reference of Stations in the PATREE CIRCAR. Three pages, folio. MS. Memoir of PYTON CIRCAR. Twelve pages, folio, unbound. MS. Geographical Memoir of the WARUNGUL CIRCAR. Route from Secunderabad to Mahadeopoor, with Maps. Description of the Boundaries of the Circar. Folio, stiff covers, MS. 2. HYDERABAD ASSIGNED DISTRICTS, or BERAR. Including the six Distriets of—1, Akola; 2, Amraoti; 3, Basim; 4, Buldana; 5, Ellichpur ; 6, Wun. GAZETTEER for the HAIDARABAD ASSIGNED DIS- TRICTS, commonly called Berar. 1870. Edited by A. C. Lyall, Commissioner of West Berar. Bombay, 1870. Royal 8vo., cloth. BERAR. (Compiled at the Surveyor General’s Office, Calcutta, 1870.) Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 18; price 1s. BERAR. (Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor General of India, Calcutta, 1871.) Secale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 30 ; price 1s. BERAR. (Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor General of India, Calcutta, 1871.) Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40 ; price 2s. Map of the NURNULLA CIRCAR,* exclusive of a Portion of the NORTH FRONTIER. Surveyed under the superintendence of Major H. Morland, Assistant Surveyor-General, in the years 1844, ’45,°46. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 8 sheets ; size, 100 inches by 68; price 16s. The Original Drawing of NURNULLA CIRCAR, on 59 small sec- tions. Size of cach, 14 inches by 7. MS. * Now divided between Akola and Buldana. 292 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. NURNULLA. Map of the NURNULLA CIRCAR, exclusive of a Portion of the NORTH FRONTIER, surveyed under the superintendence of Major H. Morland, Assistant Surveyor-General, in the years 1844, ’45, ’46. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 29. MS. Map of BASSIM CIRCAR,* completed under the superintendence of Capt. H. Morland in the year 1846. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 12 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 30 ; price 16s. The Original Drawing of BASSIM CIRCAR, on 61 small sections. Size of each, 14 inches by 7. MS, BASSIM. . Plan of BASSIM CIRCAR, completed under the super- intendence of Capt. H. Morland in the year 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 28. MS. Map of the MAIKER CIRCAR,} executed under the superin- tendence of Mr. A. Chamarett, Sub-Assistant Surveyor, in the years 1843 and 1846. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size, 72 inches by 58 ; price 16s. The Original Drawing of MAIKER CIRCAR, on 53 small sections. Size of each, 14 inches by 7. MS. MAIKER. Map of the MAIKER CIRCAR, surveyed in the years 1843 and 44. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 32. MS. Map of the GAWILGHUR CIRCAR,} exclusive of a Portion of the NORTH FRONTIER. Surveyed under the superintendence of Majors II. Morland and J. R. Brown, Assistants Surveyors-General, in the years 1845, 46. "49, and ’50. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 9 sheets ; size, 102 inches by 90; price 16s. The Original Drawing of GAWILGHUR CIRCAR, on 72 small sections. Size of each, 14 inches by 7. MS. GAWILGURH. Map of the GAWILGURH CIRCAR, exclusive of a Portion on the NORTH-WEST FRONTIER. Surveyed under the super- intendence of Majors H. Morland and J. R. Brown, Assistants Surveyors-General, in the years 1845, ’46, "49, "50. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 31. MS. See also, The Hyderabad Topographical Surveys in MS., seasons 1856, ’57, °58, ’59, ’60, ’61, 65, °66, for Surveys and Re-surveys of the Borders of Berar, on the one inch and reduced scales. Also, The Indian Atlas, sheets 54, 55, 72, 73. IX. MYSORE AND COORG. Including three divisions or provinces ; viz., Ashtagram, Nagar, and Nundydroog, subdivided into nine Districts. Memoirs. Memoirs of a GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, and HIS- TORICAL SURVEY of the MYSORE DOMINIONS, commenced on the partition of Mysore in 1799. Executed and compiled under the direction of C. Mackenzie Major, superintendent of the survey of Mysore. Fort St. George, 22nd October 1808, In five vols., folio, half-bound. MSS. * Now divided between Berar and Hyderabad. + Now divided between Basim in Berar and Hyderabad. * Now divided between Amraoti and Ellichpur. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—9. MYSORE AND COORG. 293 CONTENTS : Southern Provinces of Mysore, with four maps, according to the title, but it should be 10 Taluks in the south of Astagram Division ; also the Mysore Red Book, an account of the Mysore family to ¢ - * . » >» . X a - x 1 1712; accounts of elephants, teak forests, and agriculture; the Coorg boundary, &c. Vol. 2. Measurement of Nagmungulum Base Line in 1803; seven Taluks in Astagram, two in Bangalore, and one in Chittledroog Division. 2 : 2 ry Bl 2] "oQ 4 ‘ 3 : « Vol. 3. Central Provinces of Mysore, according to title; actually 30 old purgunnahs or taluks in Bangalore, Chittledroog, Hassan, Cuddoor, and Toomecoor Districts, i r 0 . » 1 » » J x » ‘ oy Iv, 1 1 Vol. 4. Eastern Districts of Mysore, according to title ; actually 14 old pur- gunnahs in Bangalore, Colar, Chittledroog, and Toomcoor. od AS ud ‘ : : y Vol. 5. Province of Chittledroog, with a map of that country. The old area, A Collection of MEMOIRS and PAPERS containing a body of materials chronologically arranged, designed for the illustration Sof the general geography of the Peninsula or South of India, including the several provinces from the mouths of the Nerbudda and Mahanuddy Rivers to the parallels of Cape Comorin and of Dunder Head in Ceylon, with the coasts of Coromandel, Malabar, Canara, and Conkan, and the Island of Ceylon, comprehending the several Native Hindoo and Mahommedan States of Dekan, of Mysore &ec., of Travancore and Candia, &c., with the provinces belonging to the English East India Company. (Mackenzie MSS.) In one vol. folio, halt-bound. State and Results of the SURVEY of MYSORE in a Geographical, Statistieal, and Historical view to 1st July 1807. With a map explanatory. For the Right Hon. Lord William Cavendish Bentinck, Governor, &c., &e., &e. of Fort St. George. Folio, 15 pages, unbound. MS, *% « Abstracted from the memoirs and journals of the survey to give a concise view of the design.” » General Maps. Toss Rw Hon. Richard, Earl of Mornington, IK. P. Governor-General, &e., &e., this— Map of the DOMINIONS of the late TIPPOO SULTAN, exhibiting their partition among the allied powers and the Rajah of Mysore, according to the treaty of Mysore, concluded 22nd June 1799. By Colin Mackenzie, Captain, Engi- neers, Seringapatam, 8th July 1799. Seale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; with a schedule of the partition of the late Tippoo Sultan’s territories, showing the amount of the revenue, with the shares respectively allotted to the allies and to the Rajah of Mysore. Size, 38 inches by 22. MS, FOREST MAP of MYSORE. 1871. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 38. «» The SOUTH-WESTERN PARTS of MYSORE. Surveyed in 1803, 4,5. A yiew of the progress of the Survey. Seale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 16. MS. Map of MYSORE, exhibiting the present Civil Divisions, with the roads existing, in progress, and proposed, travellers’ bungalows, &ec. No date. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 38. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. MACKENZIE'S SURVEYS. In siz parts with an Index. Index to a SERIES of MAPS constructed from the results of the survey of Mysore and Canara, designed as the foundation of an atlas of the provinces dependent on the Presidency of Fort St. George. October 17th, 1808. Signed, Colin Mackenzie, Superintendent, Mysore Survey. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 32. MS. Part 1. A Map of the SOUTH-WESTERN (now Ashtagram) DIVISION of MYSORE, lying on both sides of the Cauvery River, and comprehending the purgunnahs following (viz., a list of 23, with the number of inhabited and ruined villages, and the areas of the hills and plains in each purgunnah ; also a reference to the schedule of the treaty of Mysore of June, 1799). Dated, Fort St. George, 1st October 1808; and signed, C. Mackenzie, Superintendent, Mysore Survey. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 63. MS, Part 11. Map of the CENTRAL DIVISION (now parts of Ashtagram, Nagar, and Nundydroog) of MYSORE, comprehending the purgunnahs following (viz., a list of 44, with the number of inhabited and ruined villages, and the areas of the hills and plains in each purgunnah). Dated, Fort George, 1st October 1808 3 and signed, C. Mackenzie, Superintendent, Mysore Survey. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 70. MS. Part 111. Map of the NORTHERN DIVISION of the RAJAH of MY- SORE’S TERRITORIES, comprehending nearly the whole of the districts of the ancient province of Chittel Droog, from actual survey in 1800 and 1801. With a list of purgunnahs, giving the number of inhabited and ruined villages, houses, families, forts, and square miles in each purgunnah. By C. Mackenzie, Superinten- dent of the Mysore Survey, 4th October 1808. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 59. MS. Parts Iv, Vv. Map of LOWER CANARA, SOUTH DIVISION, from actual survey in 1806-1807. Executed under the direction of C. Mackenzie, Superintendent of the Mysore Survey, 30th July 1808. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; in two parts; size, 9 feet by 3. MS. Part V1. Plan of the PROVINCE of BEDENOOR (Nagar) above the Ghauts, ceded to the Rajah of Mysore, by the treaty or partition in 1799 ; from actual survey in 1805 and 1806. Comprehending the purgunnahs (here follows a list of 20 purgunnahs, with the number of inhabited and ruined villages, and the area of the hills and plains in each purgunnah). Dated, Fort St. George, 1st October 1805 ; signed, C. Mackenzie, Superintendent, Mysore Survey. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 51. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—9. MYSORE AND COORG, SURVEYS. 295 Road Maps. MYSORE SURVEY, C. No. I. The roads from near Madras, by the Pedanaig-droog Pass, to Bangalore, and thence by Sera and Chittledroog to rn . C . . ; . . the Toombudra River. Secale, 2 miles tv 1 inch; on 10 sheets, with a title and contents in a cover ; size, 19 inches by 12. MS. MYSORE SURVEY, C. No. 2. The roads from Bangalore to Needgul, Shalloor, and Sera ; and from Chittledroog to Hurryhurr. By Thos. Arthur, Assistant, Mysore Survey, 30th June 1800. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; on 5 sheets, with a title and contents in a cover ; size, 19 inches by 12. MS, Survey of the CROSS ROADS between HURRYHUR, HO- NELLY, and BUSWAPATAM, and part of the Hurryhur Purgunnah (Shemoga district) ; executed from 17th July to 1st September 1800 by T. Arthur, Assistant on the Mysore Survey. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 25. MS. A Survey of some of the PRINCIPAL ROADS northward of BANGALORE, deduced from the data of Major Lambton’s Trigonometrical Survey. By J. Colebrooke, Captain, Corps of Guides. 20th October 1801. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 43 inches by 20. MS. I. ASHTAGRAM DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Coorg; 2, Hassan; 3, Mysore. 1. Coorg District ( British). Reduction of the Map of the PRINCIPALITY of KUDUGU (Coorg) taken in the years 1813, ’16, and ’17, by Lieut. I. E. Connor, 5.G.0O. 1820. Sealey, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 32. MS. Memoir of the SURVEY of CODUGU, commonly written Koorg, by Lieut, Conner, Surveyor, January 1820. In 2 vols., folio, half bound. MS. 2. Hassan District. Map of BULLUM. By J. Colebrooke, Captain of Guides, 4th April 1802. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 19. MS. *.% This is now Manjarabad Taluk. Original SURVEY of NAGAMUNGALUM by Mr. Morrison, 1803. Size, 29 inches by 25. MS. 3. Mysore District. Survey of the COUNTRY irrigated from the HANGOOD CUTTA on the LUTCHMUN TREET (Mysore District, Ashtagram Province), showing the present state of th® watercourses, &e.; prepared to accompany the report of the Supt. of Maramut, 1st September 1836. Size, 26 inches by 32. MS. Statistic and Geographic Map of the Purgunnahs of HUR- DANHULLY and TURKANAMBY, surveyed in 1804, Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 27. MS, Sections through the Fort of SERINGAPATAM. Scale, 20 feet lo 1 inch; size, 21 inches by 13 yards, MS. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. II. NAGAR DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Chitaldroog ; 2. Kadur; 3, Shimoga. 2. Kadur District. Plan of AGUMBY GHAUT (Kadur District), with notes. Maramut Office in Mysore, 1840. Scale, 15} inches to 1 mile; size, 22 inches by 30. MS. 3. Shimoga District. Plan of HOLA HONOOR, a district of Bednore (Nagar), with its villages and boundaries, &e., according to the partition of 1799. (Now in Shemoga District.) Surveyed in 1805, under the direction of C. Mackenzie, Supt. of the Mysore Survey. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch size, 21 inches by 24. MS. Plan of the PURGUNNAH of SHEE MOGGA, a district of Bedenore, with its boundaries, villages, &ec. Surveyed in September 1805. C. Mackenzie, Supt. Mysore Survey. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 34. MS. MYSORE SURVEY, A. No. 2. The frontier of the Rajah of Mysore's Territories, with the Mharattas and the Nizam, extending from near Honelly to Iloolall, including part of the course of the 'Toombuddra River, the Purgunnah of Hurryhurr, and part of Honelly, Baswapatam, and Harponelly. Surveyed by Capt. C. Mackenzie, and Assistants, from 1st July to 1st Sept., 1801. Signed, C. Mackenzie, Capt. Supt. Mysore Survey. Now part of Sheemoga District in Mysore, and of Bellary in Madras. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 533. MS. III. NUNDYDROOG DIVISION. Including the Districts of—1, Bangalore ; 2, Kolar; 3, Tumkur. Statistic and Geographic Plan of BALLAPORE and DEONELLY. (Taluks in Bangalore and Colar Districts). By Mr. Mather, Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 35. MS. 1. Bangalore District. Plan of the CANTONMENT of BANGALORE. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 28. MS. Survey of the BOUNDARIES of the PURGUNNAH of BAN- GALORE, by James Ross, from 4th April to 5th May 1800, under the direction of C. Mackenzie, Capt. Supt. Mysore Survey. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 21. MS. Statistic and Geographic Plan of the PURGUNNAH of BANG A- LORE, according to the partition. Surveyed in 1806, from September 8th to October 16th, the geometrical survey by Michael Dunnigan, &e. C. Mackenzie, Superintendent Deputy Surveyor-General’s Office, Madras, 1832. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 43. MS. BANGALORE BARRACKNS, &c., 1873 :(— 1. Block Plan of Fort of Bangalore, on 1 sheet. 92. Plan of the Fort of Bangalore, on 6 sheets. 3. Block Plan of Royal Artillery Barracks, on 1 sheet. 4. Plan of 3 " on 1 sheet. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—9. MYSORE & COORG, NUNDYDROOG DIV*. 297 5. Block Plan of Royal Horse Artillery Barracks, on 1 sheet. 6. Plan of ” W ’ on 4 sheets. 7. Block Plan of Sapper Barracks, on 1 sheet. 8. Plan of ” on 2 sheets. 9. Block Plan of Barracks for one regiment of Infantry at Bangalore, on 1 sheet. 10. Plan of » " ” - on 6 sheets. 11. Block Plan of Bakery and Lower Infantry Square at Bangalore, on 1 sheet. 12. Plan of ”» 5 on 2 sheets. 13. Block Plan of Race Course Barrack for one regiment of Cavalry and two batteries of Artillery at Bangalore, on 2 sheets. 14. Plan of Race Course Barrack for one regiment of Cavalry and two batteries of Artillery at Bangalore, on 15 sheets. BANGALORE BARRACKS. Plans and Sections of proposed improvements and additions to be made to the present Dragoon Barracks at Banga- lore, to adapt it for a regiment of European Infantry. Size, 27 inches by 69. MS. BANGALORE BARRACKS, &c. Plan and Section of Quarters proposed to be built for 50 married men and 2 married serjeants of European Regi- ments at Bangalore. 1843. Size, 10 inches by 33. MS. Plan and Section of a row of 50 Married Privates’ Quarters, with out- houses and gardens, proposed to be erected in the Dragoon Barrack "Enclosure at BANGALORE. 1835. Size, 13 inches by 48. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 2. Plan, Elevations, and Section of a Hospital proposed to be erected at BANGALORE. Size, 26 inches by 39. MS. No. 4. Plan and Sections of a Riding School proposed to be erected at BANGALORE. 1844. Size, 21 inches by 29. MS. No.7. Plan and Sections and Elevations of one of the Dragoon Barrack Ranges at BANGALORE, showing the proposed improvements, &c. 1855. Size, 24 inches by 32. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 11. Plan, Elevations, and Sections of a Church proposed to be erected at BANGALORE. 1844. Size, 21 inches by 29. MS. 2. Kolar District. Map of the PURGUNNAH of COLAR in MYSORE, according to the partition of 1799. Surveyed by John Warren, Lieutenant 33rd Regiment. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 62 inches by 48. MS. Statistic and Geographic Plan of the PURGUNNA of LITTLE BALLAPOOR or NUNDYGOODY in MYSORE. Surveyed in 1802 by John Mather, Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 48. MS. . 3. Tumkur District. Statistic and Geographic Map of the PURGUNNAH of SERA. Surveyed in 1806 by J. Summers and Wm. Lantwar; C. Mackenzie, Superintendent, Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 45. MS. ar | i | SA ERR EE Te 298 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. X. ASSAM. A Chief Commissionership, including the Districts of—1, Cachar ; 2, Sylhet ; 3, Goalpara ; 4, Kamrup (Gauhati) ; 5, Darrang ; 6, Nowgong ; 7, Sibsagar; 8, Lakhimpur; 9, Garo Hills; 10, Khasiand Jaintia Hills; 11, Naga Hills.* General Maps. Map of the COUNTRIES lying between 21° and 30° NORTH LATITUDE and 901° and 99° EAST LONGITUDE, showing the Sources of the Trawadi River and the Eastern Branches of the Brahmaputra, comprising Assam and Munipoor, the Hilly Districts of the Singphos, part of Sham, and of the Chinese Provinces of Yunyan and Thibet. (1828. By Lieut. R. Wilcox, B.N.L.) Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 38. MS. The same Map reduced to a scale of 32 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 20. Map of the COUNTRIES lying between 214° and 295° NORTH LATITUDE and 90° and 98° EAST LONGITUDE, showing the Sources of the Irawadi River and the Eastern Branches of the Brahmaputra, comprising Assam, Muneepore, the Hilly Districts of the Singphos, part of the Sham, and of the Chinese Provinces of Yunan and Thibet. By Lieut. R. Wilcox, B.N.I. 1828. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 34. Topography of ASSAM. By John Mf‘Cosh, Calcutta. 1837. 8vo. Sewed. Map of UPPER ASSAM, comprising the Districts of Joorhat, Luckimpore, and Sudiya, showing the Tea Tracts discovered by Mr. C. A. Bruce, Superintendent of Tea Culture to the Honble. East India Company in Assam ; also the Roads proposed to be opened from Sudiya to the Booree Dihing. By J. B. Tassin, 1839. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 60. Mounted in a case. Map of the TEA DISTRICTS of ASSAM. Compiled in the office of Col. Henry Hopkinson, Commissioner and Governor-General’s Agent. North-eastern Frontier. 1863. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on 5 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 25. Map shewing all the TEA LOCALITIES worked by the Assam Company in the Jorehut and Muttuck Districts of Upper Assam. Compiled from the latest surveys. 1843. Asiatic Litho. Press, Calcutta. Size, 26 inches by 34. Folded in a case. Geographical Sketch of ASSAM, by Dr. Wade, in 1798. The original and a copy. Fecap. MSS. The PROVINCE of ASSAM, constituting the Chief Commis- sionership under Orders of the Government of India in the Home Department, No. 380, dated 6th February 1874. With the adjoining districts and Native States, 1874. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; on 6% sheets. Northern Frontier. Duffla Expedition. Part of the NORTHERN FRONTIER of ASSAM, comprising portions of the Districts Darrang, Lakimpur, and Sibsagar. Prepared for the use of the Duffla Expedition, in the Office of the Surveyor General of India, Calcutta. September 1874. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 57 inches by 36. * (Cachar and Sylhet are in the Surma valley ; Darrang, Goalpara, Kamrup, Lakhimpur, Nowgong, and Sibsagar are in the Brahmaputra valley ; and between the two valleys are the Garo, Khasi, Jaintia, and Naga Hills, I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—10. ASSAM, FRONTIER MAPS. 299 Part of the DUFLA HILLS, on the Northern Frontier of Assam. All north of the boundary line surveyed by Major H. H. Godwin Austen, B.S.C., F.R.G.S., &c., assisted by Lieut. H. J. Harman, R.E., Mr. M. J. Ogle, and Mr. W. Robert. Burmese Frontier. Selection of Papers regarding the Hill Tracts between ASSAM and BURMA, and on the UPPER BRAHMAPUTRA. 1873. 8vo, stiff cover. CONTENTS im Wilcox’s Memoir of a survey of Assam and frontiers in 1825-28. . Pemberton’s Abstract of Hannay’s Journal of route from Ava to Hookoong in 1835-36. 3. Griffith’s trip to the Mishini Mts. in 1836. . Griffith’s journey from Upper Assam towards Hookhoom, Ava, and Rangoon in 1836. . Bayfield’s journey from Ava to frontier of Assam and back in 1836-37. . Jenkins’ trip across the Patkoi Mts. in 1869-70. . Jenkins’ notes on Burmese route from Assam to Hookoong. . Veitel’s visit to the Singpho and Naga frontier of Luckimpore in 1842. . Brodie’s dealings with the Nagas on the Seebsaugor frontier in 1841-46. . Peal’s visit to the Hill tribes south of Seebsaugor. 1. Cachar District. Six Manuscript Maps of CACHAR. 1831 to 1833. Folded and half-bound in one volume, folio. CONTENTS :— A sketch of Cachar, compiled from a native map, with a list of heights from Lieut. Fisher's Surveys. Survey Office, Lower Assam, May 1831. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 21. MS. . Sketch Map showing a part of the Eastern Boundary of Cachar, and the form proposed to be granted to Gumbheer Sing. (Surveyed by J. Jenkins, Capt. 47th.) Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 21. MS, 3. Map of Southern Cachar, compiled from various surveys and reports, by Lieut, J. Fisher, D.A.Q.M.G. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 38. MS. . Sketch of country between Kachar and Muneepoor, with three routes to Muneepoor, and the boundary between Kachar and Muneepoor proposed by Lieut. Boileau Pemberton, July 1832. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 28. MS. . Sketch of proposed line of road from Sylhet to Banshandee in Kachar, enlarged from Lieut. Fisher's Survey, by Lieut. R. Boileau Pemberton. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 36. MS. Route of the division under the command of Brigadier-General J. Shuldham, from Sylhet to the right bank of the Jirce Nuddee. Surveyed by Lieuts. B. Browne and R. B. Pemberton. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 21. MS. * Revenue Survey Map of the DISTRICT of CACHAR. Surveyed in 1841-42, by "Lieut. H. Thuillier, Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 43. DISTRICT of CACHAR. 1864 to ’68. Lower Provinces Revenue Survey. Surveyed by Mr. N. T. Davey, Deputy Superintendent, and assistants. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on T sheets ; size of each, 24 inches by 34; with a separate Index ; price 14s. . A ax] a —— 300 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. DISTRICT CACHAR. 1865 to ’68. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 20 ; price 4s. CIVIL STATION and CANTONMENT of SILCHAR. Dis- trict Cachar, surveyed on January 1867. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size complete, 40 inches by 32 ; price 4s. Lushai Expedition. Photographs of Sketches in LUSHAI COUNTRY. To accom- pany the Narrative Report of No. 6 Topographical Party, Khasia and Garo Hills Survey, under charge of Captain W. I. Badgley, B.S.C., Deputy Supt. of Topog. Surveys attached to the Cachar Column of the Lushai Expeditionary Force. Nine plates by Lieut. R. G. Woodthorpe, R.E.; six plates by Lieut. E. P. Leach, R.E. Feap. 2. Sylhet District. Memoir of a Survey of the SOUTHERN PART of SILHET made in the years 1821 and 1822, by order of His Excellency the Marquis of Hastings, K.G. By Lieut. Thomas Fisher, 24th Regiment, N.L, Surveyor. MS. 47 pages Joolscap folio. Map of part of the DISTRICT of SILHET, made in the years 1821, 1822. By order of His Excellency the Most Noble the Marquis of Hastings, K.G., G.C.B,, &c., &c., Governor-General of India, by Lieut. T. Fisher, 24th Regi- ment, N.I. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 35. MS. Sketch of that part of SILHET, which borders on CACHAR and TIPPERAH. By Lieut. T. Fisher, 24th Regiment, N.I. 1822. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 30. MS. ROUTE of the DIVISION under the Command of BRIGADIER GENERAL T. SHULDAM, from SYLHET to the right bank of the JIREE NUDDEE. Surveyed by Lieut. B. Browne and Lieut. R. Boileau Pemberton. 1825. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 48 inches by 22. MS. Original Map of SILHET, for the Hon. Court of Directors. Surveyed by Lieut. T. Fisher, 48th Regiment, N.I., Surveyor. 1828. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 29 inches by 25. MS. Map of the ROUTE from SOWARA to SYLHET. Surveyed by Lieut. T. Fisher. 1829. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 12. MS. Map of ROUTES between SILHET and SOWARA. Surveyed and drawn by Lient. T, Fisher. 1829. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 24 inches by 35. MS. Lower Provinces Revenue Survey, DISTRICT SYLHET. Surveyed in 1838 to ’40, by Lieut. IL. L. Thuillier, Revenue Surveyor, and in 1863, ’66, by N. T. Davey, Esq., Revenue Surveyor and Assistants. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile : on 11 sheets, with an Index Map separate; size of each sheet, 40 inches by 30; price 33s. DISTRICT SYLHET. 1860 to ’65. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 34 ; price 4s. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—10. ASSAM, DISTRICT MAPS. 301 Revenue Survey Map of the DISTRICT of JYNTEAH, attached to ZILLAH SYLHET. Surveyed by Lieut. H. L. Thuillier, Bengal Artillery, in 1938, '39, and ’40. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 49. Map of the TOWN of SYLHET. Surveyed in 1863. Under the superintendence of Colonel H. L. Thuillier, F.R.S., Surveyor General, by N.T. Davey, Esq., Deputy Superintendent of Survey, and Assistants. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 40; price 2s. 3. Goalpara District. DISTRICT GOALPARA, Lower Assam (transferred to Cooch- Behar Division in 1867-8). 1849 to 1854. Secale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 30 inches by 40. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 4s. EAST DOOARS, Districc GOALPARA. 1868 to 69. Scale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 26 inches by 34; price 4s. 4. Kamrup District. Survey of GWAHATTY in Assam, and of the adjacent country, showing the situations of the different Chokies intended for the protection of the place. By Ensign Thomas Wood, Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. Welsh’s Detachment. 1794. Seale, 11 mile to 1 inch; size, 20 inches by 24. MS. STATION of GOWHATTY and its ENVIRONS, District Kam- roop. 1868-69. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 22 inches by 30. LOWER PROVINCES REVENUE SURVEY, District Kamroop. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 14 sheets, of which sheets 1 to 10 are published ; size of cachy 26 inches by 36. i 5. Darrang District. Route from GWAHATTY to KOLLTAH KOOSY, on the bor- ders of Bootan, as likewise along part of the boundary of Assam and Bootan. Sur- . \ CY) ¢ \ . r aN . | . 1 veyed in February 1793. By Ensign Wood, Bengal Engineers, Surveyor with Capt. y y ee . - . : 3 3 Welsh’s Detachment. Seale, 11 inch to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 48. MS. Map of DURUNG and CHATGAREE (North of the Brahma- putra), in Assam, by Lieut. R. G. Bedingfield, Officiating Revenue Surveyor. 1828, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 24. MS. CANTONMENT, CIVIL STATION, and ENVIRONS of TEZPOOR, Mouzah Mahaboirubi, District Durrung, Assam. Surveyed in Season 1871-72. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 30. . 6. Nowgong Distiict. DISTRICT NOWGONG, Central Assam. 1835, "36, and "37. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40 ; price 2s. DISTRICT NOWGONG. Assam Revenue Survey. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; sheets, 5,9, 12, 13 ; size of cach, 40 inches by 27. Eh -m -d 7 x ST CI 3M Th Also a photographed copy. FE RAIA 302 © MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. DISTRICT NOWGONG, 1869-72. Assam Revenue Survey. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. To be completed in 13 sheets, of which Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, zs 8, 11, are published ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. With an Index Map ; size, 40 inches by 27. 7. Sibsagar District. Map of the DISTRICT of SEEBPOOR (or Sechsagur), Upper Assam. Surveyed by Mr. J. Thornton, Revenue Surveyor, in 1839, ’40, 41, 42. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 32; price 4s. DISTRICT SEEBSAUGUR, 1862 to ’72. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 11 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. DEBROOGURH, CANTONMENT, CIVIL STATION, and ENVIRONS. 1867-68. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 22 inches by 30. SUDDIA CANTONMENT and ENVIRONS. 1869-70. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 30. 8. Laklhimpur District. Map of NORTH-EAST ASSAM, showing the Positions of the Military Posts on the Singpho Frontier. 1843. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 28. MS, Sketch of the COUNTRY eastward of RUNGPORE, in Assam. By Lieut. J. B. Neufville, D.A.QM.G. 1825. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 28. MS. DISTRICT LUCKIMPOOR, 1866-73. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 15 sheets, with an Index Map ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. 9. Garo Hills District. See Khasi and Jaintia District. FIELD BOOK of the SURVEY of the GARROW HILLS and the country between them and the Berhampooter, for the months of October, November, December 1817, and January 1818. By Lieut. J. A. Schulch, Surveyor. Foolscap folio half bound. MS. 10. Khasi and Jaintia Hills District. COSSYAH and GARROW HILLS (Khasia and Garo) Topo- graphical Survey. (Nore.—Cossyah is in Assam Province, Garrow is in Cooch- Behar Province.) Photozincographed edition. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch; to be completed in 37 sheets ; size of each, 24 inches by 36 ; price 2s. each. The following are published :— Nos. 11, part of 12 and 13 on one sheet, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22. Also the second edition of 16 and 17 on one sheet. The same reduced to a scale of 2 miles to 1 inch. Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 17 on one sheet, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 on one sheet, 32, 33 and 34 on one sheet, 37, 38, 39. Index to the sheets of the Cossyah and Garrow Hills Survey. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch; size, 16 inches by 24 ; price 6d. Sketch of the COSSYA INDEPENDENT ESTATES, constructed I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—10. ASSAM, DISTRICT MAPS. 303 Survey of Part of the COSSYA HILLS (from Cherra Poonjel, South-eastward to the Butrai or Walingtia River), to illustrate a Report, &e., by 2nd Lieut. H. Yule, Engineers. 1843. Scale, 2,000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 23. Accompanied by 17 plates. Plates 2 to 4. Vertical Sections. wi 18 Sketch of Part of the South Frontier of the Cossya Hills. » 6 to 18. Sections of widened Planes, Tramway, &c. 11. Naga Hills District. Report on the Survey of the Boundary between MUNIPUR and the NAGA HILLS Tract, with a rough preliminary Map of portions of the Naga and MUNIPUR HILLS surveyed in the Field Season 1872-73, by Major H. II. Godwin-Austen, Deputy Superintendent of Survey, &c., to accompany Narrative Report of 1872-73. Size, 30 inches by 24. Fep. folio, sewed. Report of the Survey of the Boundary between MUNIPUR and the NAGA HILLS Tract. By Major H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.R.G.S., &c. Calcutta, 1873. Fecap., sewed, 12 pages and map. XI. MUNIPUR AGENCY. Map of the TERRITORY of MUNEEPOOR, with part of the Kubo Valley and Burmese Frontier. By Capt. R. Boileau Pemberton, 1834. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 47 inches by 36. MS. The same, lithographed by J. B. Tassin, Calcutta. Map of ROUTES surveyed in SYLHET and MUNIPOOR, between Banskandee and the Ningthee or Kyan Duan River. By Lieut. R. B. Pemberton, 44th Regiment, N. I, Surveyor. (1827.) Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 34. MS. FIELD BOOK of a SURVEY in MUNEEPOOR, by Lieut. R. B. Pemberton. From 6th December 1827 to 6th December 1828. Foolscap folio half- bound. MS. MEMOIRS and JOURNALS of SURVEYS in MUNNIPOOR, by Lieut. R. B. Pemberton, 44th Regiment, N. I. 1827. Foolscap folio, half-bound. MS. Map of the VALLEY of MUNEEPOOR, and SURROUNDING COUNTRY, by Lieut. R. Boileau Pemberton, Surveyor, 44th Regiment, B. N. 1. (1827.) Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 23. MS, Route from MUNEEPOOR to the NINGTHEE or KYENDUEN RIVER, by Lieut. R. Boileau Pemberton, Surveyor of Eastern Frontier. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 21. MS. A Geographical Sketch of the KUBO VALLEY, by Lieut. R. Boileau Pemberton, Surveyor of Eastern Frontier. 1829. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. MS. Statistical Account of the Native State of MANIPUR and the HILL TERRITORY under its rule. By R. Brown, F.R.C.S.E, 1873. Calcutta, 1874. 8vo., stiff cover. Foor from Surveys and other information, by Lieut. T. Fisher, D.A.Q.M.G. 1829. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 18. MS, | al : Si RR Sab TERA, Sr 14 i 8 Lie 1 3 if 3 a si i of i i W { LF |! dq iE i ! | "1 f ol 8 5 18 i | i ' | 3 ] i a8 | | i 18 1 qf i ¥ 18] ga REY | } Ne { Ne 18 iy MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. XII. BRITISH BURMA. Including three Divisions, viz.— Arakan, Pegu, Tenasserim. General Maps. This New Map of BURMA and REGIONS ADJACENT is inscribed to Sir Roderick I. Murchison, P.R.G.S., &c., &e. &e., by H. Yule, Capt. Beng. Eng., London, 1857. Secale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 26 ; price 4s. A Sketch Map of the SOUTHERN PART of BURMAH PROPER, with the adjoining British Provinces of Arracan and Tenasserim, extending from Chittagong to Tenasserim. Compiled in the Surveyor General’s Office from existing materials, including a recent sketch constructed by Mr. A. Hobday, under the super- intendence of Captain Henry Hopkinson. March 1852. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 38. *_* With a table of the estimated road distances, between some of the principal places in the Burmese Empire. ‘ ype ’ CHINA ROUTE SURVEY, by Captains J. M. Williams and C. H. Luard, in 4 sheets. i ; ] 1. Map of the Country between Rangoon and the British Frontier, showing the Routes examined in 1867. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 26. : : 9. Vertical section of the Shwaygeen Route. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. 3. Cross section of the Sittang River. : : 4. Cross sections of the Yonzaleen and Beeling Rivers. The CENTRAL PART of BRITISH BURMAH, with the Shan Provinces of Burmah and Siam, to illustrate the journals of Capt. W. C. McLeod and Dr. Richardson, and of subsequent explorers. By Trelawny Saunders, London, 1870. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 18. Sketch Map, showing the distribution of the FORESTS of BRITISH BURMAIL and the present and proposed boundaries of the Forest Divisions and of the Government Forests, or areas subjected to the forest rules. W oJ. Seaton, Captain, Conservator of Forests, British Burmah. 1875. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. I. ARAKAN DIVISION. Including the three Districts of—1, Akyab ; 2, Kyoukpyoo ; 2, Northern Arakan; 4, Sandoway. 1. Akyab District. DISTRICT AKYAB, 1853 to 1861, British Burmah Revenue Survey. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 54 inches by 38. MS. The same, lithographed and published. Price 6s. MILITARY CANTONMENTS, TOWN, and SUBURBS of AKYAB, 1853-54. Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; size, 25 inches by 36. AKYAB JAIL, 1856. Plans, Sections, and Elevations. On 6 sheets, size of each, 18 inches by 25. On tracing paper and tracing cloth. MSS. An EYE SKETCH of the KOLANDYNE RIVER (Akyab District). Drawn by Charles Montriou, H. C. Flotilla Service. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 23. MS. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—12. BRITISH BURMA, ARAKAN DIVISION. 3035 2. Kyouk-pyoo District. MAIN CIRCUITS, Nos. 1 and 2. Townships RAMREE and KYOUKPHYOO, District Ramree. 1868-70. Secale, 1 inch éo 1 mile; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 31 inches by 44. The THONGHOO (or Toungoop) ROAD. Route from Thonghoo to Prome. Surveyed by Lieut. Browne and Mr. Macan. 1826. No title. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 27. MS. Map of the ROUTE of the 18th REGT. MADRAS N.I., across the mountains from Pakang Yeh on the Irrawadie, to Aeng on the coast of Arracan, during the months of March 1826. By Lieut. T. A. Trant, Dept. Assist. Q.M. aera S.G.O. Calcutta, 1826. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 38. Plan of the ROUTE of a DETACHMENT from the BRITISH Army in Ava, from Pakang Yeh to Aeng, during the month of March 1826. (By Lt. Trant.) S.G.O. Calcutta, 1828. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 38. MS. Sketch of the ROUTES from SHEMBEGWEN and MEMBOO across the YOMA MOUNTAINS to AENG in ARRACAN. By Lieut. Trant, with corrections and additions by Lieut. Boileau Pemberton, Surveyor of Eastern Frontier. S.G.O. Calcutta, 1831. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 38. MS. Contributions to a Map of the ARRACAN FRONTIER, put together in illustration of a report by H. Yule, Lieut. Bengal Engineers. 1853. (With a note on the revision of the longitudes between the Bay of Bengal and the Irawadi River.) Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 59. MS. Rough plan of the AENG PASS, by Captain W. F. Nuthall, Chief Engineers Office, Fort William, August 18532. Seale, about 3 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 19. MS. DEFENCES of the AENG PASS (Arracan Frontier), in 22 plates, copied from the originals, signed H. Yule, Lt. Engineers, in the Chief Engineer's Office, Fort William, October 1853. Size of cach, about 18 inches by 11. MSS. CONTENTS. Plate 1. View of the Valley of the Aeng river, and the post of Bokhyong, looking westward from a knoll near the commencement of the Padang pass. 2. Semi-panoramic view of the Yoma Range from the shoulder of Khandiot overlooking Bokhyong. 2. Plan of Bokhyong. 3, 4, 5. Projected Stockade. 6. Thurowa in the Aeng Pass, 7. View of Thurowa from the South. View of the Guard house at Yogyee. 8. Wadat in the Aeng Pass. 9,10. Blockhouse. 11. Sketch of the crest of the Aeng Pass. 12. Projected Guard house. 13. Situation of Naragain. 14. Blockhouse and Stockade at Naragain. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Details of buildings at Naragain. 20. View of the Stockade at Naragain. View of Naragain Hill and Wadah from the S.W. 21. Passage of Aeng River. 22. Passage of Mace River. Journals. Journal of a ROUTE ACROSS the MOUNTAINS from Padang Mew in Ava to Tonghoo in Arracan, by Lieut. R. Browne, Artillery Survey Department ; from the 23rd March to the 2nd April 1826. On 28 pages, foolscap folio, stiff cover. MS, Journal of the MARCH of the DETACHMENT of the 18th MADRAS NATIVE INFANTRY, from Pakang Yeh to Aeng, by Lieut. Trant, of HLM. 95th Regiment. 1826. On 40 pages, foolscap folio, stiff cover. MS, (7767.) u MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 3. Northern Arakan District. Map of DISTRICT HILL TRACTS, NORTH ARAKAN, showing the new boundaries laid down by the "Chief Commissioner, 16th May 1871. By R. F. St. Andrew St. John, Superintendent of Hill Tribes. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 10. 4. Sandoway District. See Capt. Fitzroy’s Map of Pegu Division. II. PEGU DIVISION. Including the five Districts of—1, Bassein ; 2, Henzada ; 3, Prome ; 4, Rangoon; 5, Thayetmyo. General Maps. A Map of a part of the KINGDOM of AVA (PEGU), including the opposite coasts of Pegue and Martaban. By P. W. Grant, Captain, Survey Department. Copied in the S. G. O., Calcutta, January 1827. With Geodetical Remarks. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 53 inches by 34. MS. PROVINCE of PEGU, compiled by Lieut. E. C. S. Williams, Engineers, and Officers of the Pega Survey Department, from all available infor- mation. December 1855. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 38 inches by 45 ; price 8s. Geological Sketch Map of the CENTRAL and NORTH EANT- ERN DISTRICTS of PEGU. Signed, J. McClelland, Officiating Superintendent of Teak Forests, Pegu. Dated, Rangoon, 10th November 1855. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch’; size, 29 inches by 25. MS. BRITISH BURMAH, PEGU DIVISION. Topographical Map in 4 sheets, by Ferdinand FitzRoy, 2nd Capt. Royal Artillery. April 1862. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size of each sheet, 29 inches by 40 ; price 8s. * * Sheets 1 and 2 were published from Captain Fitzroy’ drawings in 1864. Sheet 3 was compiled by Captain Edgeome, partly from Captain Fitzroy’s work, and published in 1868. A later edition of this sheet, bearing the same dates, is endorsed with the following note :—¢ The British boundary properly goes as far as the range « of mountains constituting the watershed between the Poung-toung and Salween « Rivers. (Signed) A. Phayre, Chief Commissioner, British Burmah, 16th Feb- « ruary, 1870.”* Sheet 4 was commenced by Captain Fitzroy, completed by Captain Edgcome in 1866, and lithographed in 1867. * Tt should be understood that Sir A. Phayre’s note relates to the Karen territory, which was treated as independent, when the boundary between the British acquisitions and the kingdom of Burmah was defined along a line commencing at its western end in 19° 39’, and ending in 19° 27’ north latitude. On reaching the Karen hills, the boundary was deflected from 19° 27/, and carried south- eastward along the margin of the highland to the Salween river at its confluence with the Pah. Thus a wedge of independent Karen territory, about 80 miles wide on the parallel of 19° 27’, was permitted to extend southward for about 50 miles, between the British and Siamese boundaries. Sir A. Phayre’s note would reduce this wedge to a width of about forty miles, leaving the remainder, however, no longer under a petty hill tribe, but subject to the more powerful kingdom of Burmah. Since the foregoing paragraph was written the Western Karennee Boundary Expedition, in 1876, surveyed a boundary line commencing at Sauau, a hill in 19° 23’ 30” N. and 96° 53’ E. The line was carried eastward on the same parallel to Preusok, a hill in 97° 3” 20” E., and thence zigzag to a point on the Nampay River (near Mobyay) in 97° 14” E. and 19° 41’ 30” N. Tt will be observed that the Sauau and Preusok line is 3} geographical miles south of the Anglo-Burmese boundary, which was meant to be in 19° 30, but actually runs irregularly as already described. It is also obvious that the new boundary terminates at present abruptly, and that about 30 or 40 miles remains to carry it to the Salween. See Karennee Boundary maps, page 307. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—12, BRITISH BURMA, PEGD DIVISION. 307 Karennee Boundary. Sketch Map of WESTERN KARENNEE, BURMAH. Surveyed with chain and compass by Mg. Shwaylin and Mg. Kya. May 1876. R. O. Lloyd Lieut., Royal Engineers, in charge of Survey Party, West Karennee Boundary Expe- Sans Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 26. (Showing the route of the party. Sea ya of WESTERN KARENNEE, BURMAH. February 5. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets, size, 33 inches i 3 Wes Karennee boundary line coloured.) a ue A 0 We Route Maps. Chart showing the ROUTE pursued by BOATS from BASSEIN to RANGOON by the Rivers; Compiled from Observations by Robert Moreshy 1st Lieut. Honourable Company’s Cruiser, Mercury. S. G. O. Calcutta 25h May 1826. Scale, about 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 28. i Sketch to accompany REPORT on ROUTE between HENZA.- DAH (on the Irrawaddy) and AINGTHABIEW (on the Bassein river) ; are sod during the month of April 1854. Signed, E. C. S. Williams, Lieut. Superintendent of Survey of Pegu. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 27. MS. Map to illustrate the PROPOSED LINE of ROAD from PROME 4 BaNaoos, Surveyed and drawn by C. Scott, Lieut.,, Madras Engineers and 7. T. Pollok, Ensign 8th Regiment M. N. I. No date. Secale iles ne pry ek, op No date. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; Routes from TOUNGO to PROME and MEADAY, on the IRRAWADDY and from TOUNGO northwards, towards AVA, i far as the Jritish Boundar » 1 511 No tit le Se ale about ~ mile ) 2 pr 1 Ss 8 . Ze 4 / ) 2, (20 /i y { 2 y ( S, y ’ s to 1 Chit 3 St [2 26 inches 4. Rangoon District. Plan of RANGOON (Town). Signed, R. Baird Smith, Lieut.-Col. Seale, 1,000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 37. MS. trace. Survey Sketch. TRIANGULATION of the RANGOON RIVER from Panlang Creek to Bogyot, a short distance below the entrance of the Pegu river. From the Superintendent of Topographical Surveys Office. Signed R. Baird Smith. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches by 18. No title “MS, trace. PEF, RANGOON BARRACKS, &c.:— 1. Title sheet of Fitzroy’s Map of Pegu, containing Rangoon. 2. Plan of the Cantonment of Rangoon. 3. Plan of Royal Artillery Lines. d, iy Infantry Lines. 5. Thayetmyo District. THAYETMYOQ BARRACKS, &c.:— . Sheet No. 4 of Fitzroy’s Map of Pegu, containing Thayetmyo. . Plan of the Cantonment of Thayetmyo, 1869. : . Key Plan, sheet No. 1, European Infantry Barracks. . European Infantry Barracks, sheet No. 1, on 6 sheets. 5. Key Plan, sheet No. 2, Royal Artillery Barracks. . Sheet No. 2, Royal Artillery Barracks, on 4 sheets. * _% See also “ Statistical and Historical Account of the District of Thayetmyo by Lt.-Col. Horace Albert Browne, Dep. Com. 1873.” With ig ot 8vo., Rangoon, 1873. In the Record Department. gos. U 2 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. III. TENASSERIM DIVISION. Including the four Districts of—1, Amherst; 2, Mergui ; 8, Shwegyeen; 4, Tavoy ; 5, Toungoo ; 6, Salween, Atlas and General Maps. An ATLAS of TENASSERIM, containing the following maps :— No. 1. Plan of the Province of Tavai, by Lieut. James Low, 46th Regiment Madras N. I. Calcutta, 12th April 1826. Scale, about 3% miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 25. No. 2. Plan of the Route from Tavai towards Martaban through Kaleengaung and Ye. By Lieut. James Low, 46th Regiment Madras N. I. S. G. O. Calcutta, 12th April 1826. Scale, about 3%} miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 26. . 3. Plan of the Burman Province of Mautama (or) Martaban. Presented to the Honourable R. Fullerton, Esq., Governor in Council of Prince of Wales’ Island, by his most obedient and humble servant, The Compiler. Signed, James Low, Lieut. 46th Regiment Madras N. I. S. G. O. Calcutta, 12th April 1826. Scale, about 9% miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 23. No. 4. Plan of the Fortified Town of Tavai. By James Lowe, Lieut. 46th Regi- ment Madras N. I. S. G. O. Calcutta, 12th April 1826. Seale, 150 yards to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 18. No. 5. Plan of the Town and Stockade of Martaban. By James Lowe, Lieut. 46th Regiment Madras N. I. S. G. O. Calcutta, 12th April 1826. Scale, 300 yards to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 21. No. 6. Plan of the Stockaded Town of Ye, by Lieut. James Low, 46th Regt., Madras, N.I. S.G.O. Calcutta, 12th April 1826. Secale, 100 yards to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 21. No. 7. Sketch AA. showing the Mouth of the River Mouttama and the Island of Pooloogyoon. S.G.O. Calcutta, 14th April 1826. Secale, about 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 17. No. 8. Chart of the Roadstead and Approaches to the Town of Amherst. W. Spiers, Surveyor. Scale, about 2,900 fect to 1 inch. With an insertion showing the mouths of the Salwen, Gyaing, and Attaran Rivers, on a scale of about 6 miles to 1 inch. No title. S.G.O. Calcutta, 25th May 1826. Size, 23 inches by 26. A Sketch of the CONQUERED PROVINCES of MARTABAN, YE, TAVOY, and MARGUIL Reduced and corrected by Capt. P. W. Grant, Survey Department. Received, October 1827. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 58 inches by 26. The TENASSIRIM PROVINCES. By Captain W. C. McLeod, M.N.I. No date. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 14. *.* The districts of Shwegyeen, Toungoo, and Salween, are omitted in this and also in the foregoing maps. Map of TENASSERIM, compiled by Arthur H. Bagge, Lieut. Royal Engineers, Her Britannic Majesty’s Commissioner for the Settlement of the Boundary between the Kingdom of Siam and the British Province of Tenasserim. In 6 sheets. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size of each sheet, 30 inches by 45 ; price 12s. Map of TENASSERIM and the adjacent PROVINCES of the KINGDOM of SIAM, compiled by Lieut. A. H. Bagge, Royal Engineers, Her Britannic Majesty’s Commissioner for the Siam and Tenasserim Boundary Set- tlement. To illustrate the final report. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; on 4 sheets; size of each, 22 inches by 33 ; price 8s. I. BENGAL PRESIDY.—12. BRITISH BURMA, TENASSERIM DIVY. 309 Map of TENASSERIM, showing the proposed boundaries for the Government forests, or areas subject to the forest rules. 1875. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. 1. Amherst District. (Plan of) YEA, a stockaded Town in Martaban, in 1825, by Capt. James Low. Secale, 100 yards to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 22, MS. A Sketch of the PROVINCE of MARTABAN (the present District of Amherst). Corrected from Astronomical Observations, by Capt. P. W. Grant, Surveyor. Received, October 1827. Ona scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 21. MS. A Sketch of the PROVINCE of MARTABAN (the present District of Amherst), corrected from Astronomical Observations by Captain P. W. Grant. 1827. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 15. MS. *.* With remarks on the area, population, staple products, &ec. Report relative to the SURVEY of the PROVINCE of MARTABAN (the present District of Amherst in Tenasserim), with latitudes and angles observed. Memo. on the Survey of the Sulwaen (Salween) from Moulmein to Kokret. Observa- tions on the Attaran River, and the route to the Three Pagodas, &c. By Captain Grant. 1827. Fscap. folio, half-bound. MS. A Map of the PROVINCE of MARTABAN (the present District of Amherst), including the adjacent Coast of Pegue (the borders of the present District of Shwegyeen in Tenasserim). Constructed chiefly from Capt. Low’s Map, and corrected by Capt. P. W. Grant. From Ye to the southward is taken exclusively from Capt. Low’s Map. The Coasts of Pegue and Martaban and the Anglo-Burmese frontiers, are laid down from Astronomical Observations made subsequently to Captain Low’s Survey. Copied in the Surveyor-General’s Office, April 1827. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 29. MS. A Map of a SURVEY across the FORESTS extending from Lati- tude 15° 44’ on the banks of the Attaran to the Three Pagodas. By Lieut. Mont- morency, Assistant to Capt. Grant, Survey Department. 1827. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 80 inches by 19. Original MS. A Map of a SURVEY across the TEAK FORESTS extending from Latitude 15° 44’ 12” to 15° 17" 46” (Three Pagodas). Corrected from Astrono- mical Observations by Capt. P. W. Grant, Survey Department. Copied in the S.G.0O., February 1828. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 19. MS. A Map of the ATTARAN RIVER, extending from Moulmein to the Three Pagodas. Corrected from Astronomical Observations by Capt. P. W. Grant, Surveyor. Copied in S.G.O., February 1828. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 31. MWS, Map of the SULWEN (Salwen), GYEIN (Gain), and ATTRAN (Attaran) RIVERS, between N. Latitudes 16” and 17° 30". 1831. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 20, No title. MS. A Map of the THOUNGYEEN and ATTRAN FORESTS, on the Northern Boundary of the Tenasserim Province. Copied, 6th October 1848. Scale, about 2% miles to 1 inch ; size, T4 inches by 43. MS. PLA SLL oe nag tS ST i - Ry + - GA Red OEE. OL pl oa 0 Tog i Eh MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 3. Shwegyeen District. A Plan of MAUTAMA or MARTABAN, by Capt. James Low. The interior chiefly laid down from a running Survey made personally by the Com- piler during the Burman War in 1825. Seale, about 9% miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 22. MS. *_* This Map contains parts of the actual districts of Shweygeen and Amherst. MARTABAN, stockaded Town, in 1825, by Capt. James Low. Seale, 300 yards to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 22. MS. PLAN of MARTABAN PROVINCE (now Shweygeen District) from MARTABAN to SHWAYGEEN. Compiled by Mr. A. Hobday from his own Survey and that of S. B. Hellard, Lieut. LN., February to May 1853. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 23 ; price 2s. Map of MARTABAN PROVINCE (now Shweygeen District), from MARTABAN to TOUNGNGOO. Surveyed and compiled by A. Hobday. 1853 to 1854. Moulmein, 29th June 1854. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 47 inches by 35. The MARTABAN PROVINCE (now Shweygeen District), from MARTABAN to TOUNGNGOO. Surveyed and compiled by A. Hobday. 1853 to 1856. Dated, Moulmein, 13th May 1856. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 49 inches by 32. 4. Tavoy District. A Plan of the CEDED PROVINCE or MYOO of TAVAY (between N. lats. 13°20’ and 14° 10’), by Captain James Low. (1825.) (Scale, about 3% miles to 1 inch) ; size, 20 inches by 21. MS. Marked No. 1. Plan of the WALLED TOWN of TAVOY, by Captain J. Low. 1825. Secale, 150 yards to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 21. MS, 5. Toungoo District. Geological map of the DISTRICTS of TOUNGOO. Compiled by E. O‘Riley, F.G.S. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 26. MS. TONGOO BARRACKS, &c.:— 1. Sheet No. 3 of FitzRoy’s map of Pegu, containing Tongoo (Toung-goo). 2. European Infantry Barracks. 3. Royal Artillery Barracks. XIII. ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS. The NICOBAR ISLANDS, with NONCOVERY HARBOUR enlarged. Kyd’s Survey, 1790. Size, 62 inches by 27. MS. The same on a reduced scale, drawn for Ritchie’s maps of the Bay of Bengal. Size, 27 inches by 40. MS. Chart of the ANDAMAN ISLANDS surveyed at the charge of the East India Company, by order of Charles, Marquis Cornwallis, K.G., Governor General in Council, in 1789 and 1790, and partially revised and corrected in 1793 by Archibald Blair. Also Sheets 3 and 4. See pages 556, 580, and 593. I. BENGAL PRESIDENCY. —I13. ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS. 311 Chart of the ANDAMAN and NICOBAR GROUP of ISLANDS. Extracted from the Admiralty Chart of the Bay of Bengal. Photozincographed at the S. G. O., Calcutta. Size, 24 inches by 30. Vocabulary of dialects spoken in the NICOBAR and ANDAMAN ISLES, with a short account of the Natives, their customs and habits, and of previous attempts at colonization. By Fr. Ad. de Roepstorfl. Second edition. Calcutta, 1875. With a Map. 8vo., stiff cover. Rough Chart of PORT BLAIR and PORT MOUAT, with adjacent islands, showing proposed route for a Telegraph Cable across the South Andaman, with a Telegraph Office on Chatham Island. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile; size, 30 inches by 42. Rough Chart of PORT BLAIR, showing proposed route for a Tele- graph Cable through Port Blair towards Port Mouat. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 15 inches by 22, This Chart of PORT BLAIR HARBOUR is respectfully dedicated to Colonel B. Ford, Superintendent of Port Blair, &c., by M. E. Matthews, Com- mander ILM.S. ¢ Alexandra.” No date or scale. Received, 1868. Size, 29 inches by 30. Rough Chart of PORT MOUAT and adjacent islands, showing proposed route for a Telegraph Cable, from the West Coast of South Andaman towards Port Blair, vid Port Mouat. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 42. * % * TABYRINTH ISLANDS, PORT MOUAT, and PORT BLAIR. * * * By M. E. Matthews, Commander of H.M.S. ¢ Alexandra.” Cal- cutta, 1867. Size, 34 inches by 27. PORT BLAIR, ANDAMAN ISLANDS. The scene of the assassination of the Viceroy of India. Lithographed from a sketch by Colonel Rundall, R.E., at the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 28th Feb. 1872. Size, 15 inches by 22. View of the JETTY at HOPE TOWN, PORT BLAIR, the scene of the assassination of the Viceroy of Indias. Lithographed from a sketch by Colonel Jervois, R.E., at the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, March 1872. Size, 12 inches by 16. Plan of ROSS ISLAND at PORT BLAIR, 1869. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY. Including twenty-one Districts and also Native Principalities. Formerly in five Provinces or Divisions, but now in twenty-one Districts. The five obsolete divisions were—the Ceded Districts, Malabar, the North Carnatic, the Northern Circars, the South Carnatic.* The twenty-one districts into which the Presidency is now divided are—1, Belary ; 2, Chengalpat ; 3, Coimbatore ; 4, Cuddapah : 5, Ganjam ; 6, Godavari; 7, Krishna; 8, Karnul; 9, Madras; 10, Madura; 11, Malabar; 12, Nilgiri Hills; 13, Nellore; 14, North Arcot ; 15, Salem i 16, South Arcot 17, South Canara; 18, Tanjore ; 19, Tinnevelli ; 20, Trichinapalli ; 21, Vizagapatam. The native Principalities in this Presidency are—Cochin ; Travancore ; Puducota ; Janganapalli in Karnul; Sandur in Belary ; Bodogoda, Chinna Kemedi, and Jaipur, forming the Jaipur Agency ; and the Laccadive Islands. General Maps. A Map of the COAST of COROMANDEL from Cape Comorin to Ganjam, showing the Military Stations under the Presidency of Fort St. George, and the districts ceded by Tippoo Sultaun. 1796. To which is now added the principal Military Stations, Posts, and Roads in Mysore and Malabar; extending to the Frontier of the Mahrattas and of the Nizam after the partition of 1799 from the Maps of the Nizam’s dominions and the Surveys with the Army in Mysore, and of the Malabar Surveys, &c. Compiled by Capt. Mackenzie in December 1799. (With a list of Passes in the Eastern Ghauts.) Seale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 53 inches by 48. MS. Map of the NIZAM’S DOMINIONS and of MYSORE, exhibiting the Principal Places, Forts, Roads, and Passes, with the contiguous Districts of the Carnatic and of the Mahrattas ; the partition of Mysore, according to the Treaty of 1799 by Colin Mackenzie, Captain of Engineers. Seale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 27. MS. : : # % With tables of Remarkable Fields of Battle, Remarkable Hindoo Temples or Places of Worship, Ancient Capitals, &e. Map of SOUTHERN INDIA, showing the Military Divisions of the Army of the Madras Presidency and the place of outbreak of cholera among the Native Troops, while marching from one station to another from 1820 to 1844 inclu- sive. Prepared in the Quartermaster-General’s Office under the direction of Assis- tant Surgeon Alexander Lorimer, M.D., by order of Government, dated 25th May 1845. Secale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 47 inches by 39. Map of the COLLECTORATES and TERRITORIES under the MADRAS PRESIDENCY. Chief Engineer’s Office, Surveyor-General’s Depart- ment, Fort St. George. No date. About 1850 7 Secale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 38. MS. *#* With a statement showing the Collections of Lands and Extra Sources of Revenue, the charges and net revenue, as well as the population, the number of talooks and the area in square miles of each District under the Madras Presidency. Map of the ROADS in the MADRAS PRESIDENCY. 1854. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 37. # The Ceded Districts (one of the names now obsolete) included the present districts of Belary, Cuddapah, and Karnul ; Malabar remains the same ; the North Carnatic Province contained the City and Distriet of Madras, Nellore, North Arcot, and South Arcot ; the Northern Circars were identical with the present districts of Ganjam, Godavari, Krishna, and Vizagapatam ; the South Carnatic included Coimbatore, Madura, Salem, Tanjore, Tinnevelli, and Trichinopoly. South Canara was formerly in Bombay. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—GENERAL MAPS. 313 An Atlas of the SOUTHERN PART of INDIA, including the Plans of all the principal Towns and Cantonments, reduced from the Grand Trigono- metrical Survey of India, showing also the Tenasserim Provinces. Pharaoh and Co., Madras. Engraved by J. & C. Walker, London, 1855. 67 maps and plans, in 1 vol. 4to., half-bound. Map of the PENINSULA of INDIA, comprising the whole of the Madras Presidency and portions of the adjacent territories of Bengal and Bombay, derived from the latest surveys and other information collected by Major F. H. Scott, Deputy Quartermaster-General of the Madras Army, and corresponding in all its details with the road book compiled by that officer. Madras, 1855. Secale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 40. The original drawing of the same without title. The same, with MS. revisions for the second edition. The second edition by Lieut.-Colonel F. H. Scott, &c., Madras, 1863. Cotton Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, comprising all the Districts ,Marts, Roads, Railways, Canals, and Ports, and a coloured representation of all the cotton growing localities, to illustrate the Hand Book to the Cotton Cultiva- tion, by J. Talboys Wheeler. Compiled by D. Ross. Chipauk, August 1862. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 34. Educational Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY. Prepared under instructions from the Educational Department. By A. Darren. Madras, 1863. Secale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 25. Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, showing the DISTRICT and TALUK BOUNDARIES and the principal Rivers, Roads, Railways, and Ports. Revenue Survey Office, Chepauk, 22nd January 1869. Secale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 35. Mounted to fold. Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, exhibiting the Progress of the Revenue Survey and Settlement in 186 . Incomplete. Scale, 48 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 19. With specimens of Madras Revenue Survey, No. 34, page 315. Skeleton Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, showing progress of Revenue Survey work up to December 1872. Colonel J. Priestley, Superintendent, Revenue Survey, Central Survey Office, Chepauk. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 25. *.* Also a later edition up to 31st March 1874. Outline Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY to illustrate the Projects contained in the Proposed Budget (P. W. D.) for 1857-38. Scale, 12 miles to inch ; size, 75 inches by 63. The same Map for the following years:—1858-59, 1861-62, 1862-63, 1863-64, 1864-63, 1865-66, 1867-68, 1868-69, 1869-70. Second edition of the same Map for the year 1870-71. Irrigation Map of the MADRAS PRESIDENCY, compiled and drawn in the Government Lithographic Press, Central Office of Public Works, from information furnished by District Engineers, for the Secretary of State for India, per order of Government, No. 569, of the 17th March 1860. With a list of the principal Rivers, Canals, Channels, and Tanks, &c. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 9 feet 6 inches by 8 feet. The same Map successively corrected to 1863, 1864, 1869. — ID EE wr 314 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. MADRAS REVENUE SURVEY. A selected series of Maps and Records exemplifying the Operations of the Madras Revenue Survey under the direction of COLONEL J. PRIESTLEY. The Demarcation and Survey Records complete of the Village of Vellappakam, No. 53, Ponnery Talug, Chinglepat District. td fd tp WN ~O WOT Ok WN - . Boundary Demarcation Sketch, 1 sheet. . Khandam Demarcation Sketch, 3 sheets. . Land Register, 1 sheet. . Field Book, Boundary and Khandam Circuit, 1 book . Field Book, Minor Circuit, 1 book. . Amin’s Sketches, 3 sheets. . Amin’s Field Book, 1 book. . Boundary Traverse, 1 sheet. . Khandam Traverses, 2 sheets. . Minor Circuit Traverses, 4 sheets. . Computation Papers, 4 sheets. . Area list, 1 sheet. . Lithographed Map, 1 sheet. . Manuscript Map, showing process of Plotting Fields, 1 sheet. Miscellaneous Papers. . Extract from Main and Village Traverses for distance between G.T. Stations, Kolapa and Dunapa, 1 sheet. >. Comparative Statement of Distances between G. T. Survey and Revenue Survey, 1 book. . Average Cost of Survey, Measurements, &c. for one square mile, 3 papers. . Demarcation Rules, 1 book. . Survey Rules, 1 book. Topographical Maps. 20. Specimen of a Plane Table Square. Bavani Taluq, Coimbatore District. 23. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 29. Manuscript Map of Nagasamudram, &c., Zamindari, Kavali Taluq, Nellore District. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Talug Maps. . Map of the BANDAR (or Masulipatam) Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey, surveyed in 1839, ’60, and ’61. By Capt. R. T. Pratt, H.M. 84th Foot, Deputy Supt. Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets size, 48 inches by 56. With a list of the Villages named in English and Native characters, their area and the extent of wet and dry Cultivation, also a list of the Zemin- daris, &e. The population of each place, the branches of administration conducted in it, and various agrarian facts are indicated. But there is no projection. Map of the BAPATLA Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey completed in 1866. By Major W. Crewe, 32nd M.N.IL. Deputy Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1870. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 38. II. BENGAL PRESIDENCY.—REVENUE SURVEY. 315 . Map of the Bezwada Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey, surveyed in 1860 and 61. By Capt. R. T. Pratt, H.M. 84th Foot, Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch: on 2 sheets ; size, 48 inches by 317. Map of the Gudivada Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey, surveyed in 1860 and ’61. By Capt. R. T. Pratt, H.M. 84th Foot, Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 40 inches by 46. . Map of the Guntur Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey completed in 1865. By Lieut.-Col. W. Crewe, Staff Corps, Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 38. . Map of the Nandigama Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey, surveyed in 1860 and 61. By Capt. R. T. Pratt, H.M. 84th Foot, Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 38. . Map of the Narsaraopett Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey completed in 1867. By Lieut.-Col. W. Crewe, Staff Corps, Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 39. 9. Map of the Repalli Talug, Kistna District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey completed in 1866. By Lieut.-Col. W. Crewe, Staff Corps, Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 38. . Map of the Sattenapalli Taluq, Kistna District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey, surveyed in 1861 and ’62. By Capt. W. H. Hessey, Staff Corps, Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1871. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch : on 2 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 38. . Map of the Kavali Taluq, Nellore District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey completed in 1867. By F. C. Puckle, Esq., M.A., Dept. Supt. Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1870. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch: on 2 sheets ; size, 44 inches by 38. . Map of the town of Madras and the Surrounding Country comprising the Sydapet Taluk. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey executed in 1867 and 1868. Chepauk, 1870. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile : on 4 sheets ; size, 64 inches by 52. Municipal Survey. . Madras Municipal Survey. Col. J. Priestley, Supt. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch. Lithographed in colors by Alex. Barren, Revenue Survey Office, Chepauk, 1871. 2nd Dvision, Sections 1 to 6 on 5 sheets, 3rd 1 to 4 on 4 sheets. 4th 1 to 6 on 6 sheets. 5th ; 1 to 4 on 4 sheets. 6th ’ 1 & 2 on 2 sheets. 8th 1 & 2 on 2 sheets. Madras Presidency. . 34. Map of the Madras Presidency showing the District and Taluk Boundaries, and the principal rivers, roads, railways, and parts. (Also the state of the Revenue Survey.) Chepauk, 22nd January 1869. Secale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 35. * * See also the Madras Revenue Survey maps, under the heading of each * . - district. 316 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. SPECIMENS OF MAPS published at the CENTRAL SURVEY OFFICE, MADRAS. Sent by COLONEL PRIESTLEY, Superintendent Revenue Survey. De- livered to the GEOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT, INDIA OFFICE, October 14th, 1874. Copperplate Engraving. Map of the TOWN and SUBURBS of MADRAS, compiled from the Government Survey Maps, corrected to January 1874. Three of the sheets. Litho-Engraving. ‘Map of the CHINGLEPUT and MADRAS DISTRICTS reduced from the Revenue Surveys. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. 'The title sheet only. Lithography. Map of the NELLORE DISTRICT, reduced from the Revenue Survey Maps, 1873. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch. To be completed in four sheets, of which three only are here. Map of the BAPATLA TALUK, KISTNA DISTRICT, reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey, completed in 1866. By Major W. Crewe, 32nd M.N.L. Deputy Superintendent Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1870. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. Map of the VINUKONDA TALUQ, KISTNA DISTRICT, reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey, executed in 1864-65. Lieut.-Col. W. Crewe, Staff Corps, Deputy Superintendent Revenue Survey. Secale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. KELAMPAKKAM VILLAGE MAP. No. 45, CHINGLEPUT DISTRICT, CHINGLEPUT TALUQ, KELAMPAKKAM. Scale, 5 chains to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 30. * * This map is accompanied by copies of the following records of the survey i— 1 Boundary Circuit. 1 Khandam Circuit. 2 Minor Circuits. 1 Area List (fields). 1 Area of Village, Calculations. 11. Khandam Traverses. 5 Boundary and Khandam Sketches. 1 Ameen’s Sketch Book, Khandams 1, 2, 4, 1 9 ‘ 2 Land Register. TENKERAI TALUQ), first section. Incomplete. Size, 40 inches by 27. Part of COIMBATORE TALUQ, COIMBATORE DISTRICT, to supply a blank in the Indian Atlas, sheet 61. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile. (Speci- men of hill sketching.) Size, 40 inches by 27. ? » . II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—REVENUE MAPS. 317 Topographical Map of OOTACAMUND SETTLEMENT, NEILGHERRY DISTRICT. Chepauk, 1872. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile; on 9 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 30. Map showing the Land within a radius of one mile from the MUD- + DANUR RAILWAY STATION. 1872. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 50. Map showing the Land within a radius of one mile from the KAMA- LAPURAM RAILWAY STATION. 1872. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 50. Map showing the Land within a radius of one mile from the YERRA- GUNTLA RAILWAY STATION. 1872. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; size, 36 inches by 50. TRICHINOPOLY CANTONMENT. 1866. Scale, 5 chains to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. Preliminary Chart of the TRIANGLES of COORG. 1874. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 27. Photo-lithography. TRICHINOPOLY DISTRICT. Sheet No.4. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size 27 inches by 40. UTHENGIRI TALUQ, SALEM DISTRICT. Unfinished. On 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. Combined Map of HOOROORNOORAKUL, and a portion of MADIKERI-HALERI NADU, MERKARA TALUQ. Secale, 2 inches tol mile ; size, 27 inches by 33. A VILLAGE MAP on the scale of 16 inches to a mile, with the principal features enlarged for reduction by photo-lithography to the scale of 1 inch to 1 mile. Size, 42 inches by 53. With copies of photo-lithograph Size, about 3 inches by 34. Madras Military Maps. Plan exhibiting the PRESENT PARTITION of the Country dependent on FORT ST. GEORGE into Military Divisions with the several stations of Troops. Agreeably to the General Distribution Return of the Coast Army. For the month of March 1842. Quartermaster-General’s Office, Fort St. George. (Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch) ; size, 31 inches by 26. MS. Sketch Map showing the DISPOSITION of the MADRAS ARMY. Compiled in the Office of the Quartermaster-General of the Army. May 1838. Scale, 45 miles™o 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 40. Sketch Map showing the DISPOSITION of the MADRAS ARMY. Compiled in the Office of the Quartermaster- General of the Army. May 1864. Scale, 45 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 40. Sketch Map showing the DISPOSITION of the MADRAS ARMY. Compiled in the Office of the Quartermaster-General of the Army. May 1865. Scale, 45 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. ett cca Mm 318 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Sketch Map showing the DISPOSITION of the MADRAS ARMY. Compiled in the Office of the Quartermaster-General of the Army. May 1866. Scale, 45 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 41. Sketch Map showing the DISPOSITION of the MADRAS ARMY. Compiled in the Office of the Quartermaster-General. 31st May 1868. Scale, 45 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 41. Sketch Map showing the DISPOSITION of the MADRAS ARMY. Compiled in the Office of the Quartermaster-General. 31st May 1869. Scale, 45 miles to | inch ; size, 28 inches by 41. Sketch Map showing the DISPOSITION of the MADRAS ARMY. Compiled in the Office of the Quartermaster-General. 31st May 1870. Seale, 45 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 41. Disposition Map of the MADRAS ARMY. Quartermaster-General's Office, Fort St. George, 31st May 1873. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 50. Disposition Map of the MADRAS ARMY. Quartermaster-General’s Office, Fort St. George, 1st May 1875. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 52. Route Maps. Mackenzie's Surveys. The route of the NIZAM’S DETACHMENT from BANGALORE to GANDICOTTA and KURPA or CUPADA, in 1792. Surveyed by Colin Mack- enzie, Lieut. Engineers and Surveyor te the Detachment. Seale, 2 miles to Linch ; in 2 sheets, marked Nos. 1 and 2. No. 1. Size, 81 inches by 24. No. 2. Size, 29 inches by 36. MSS. Route of a DETACHMENT of the HONOURABLE COMPANY'S FORCES in the service of His Highness the Nizam. Commanded by Capt. Andrew Reid, from Bangalore to Cuddapa, in 1792. Reduced from the original Survey, exe- cuted by C. Mackenzie, Lieut. and Engineer to the Detachment. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 26. MS, Roads from BANGALORE to GANDICOTTA, KURPA, and CALWAY in the Carnatick ; and from Calway by the Dornal Pass, to Badwoil and Cummum ; and by Bassapour Pass, to Nundyal and Kurpa ; with the Road from Nellore to Udgherry Droog, Pamour, Canegerrydroog and Ongole. Reduced from surveys executed in 1792 and 1793 by C. Mackenzie, Lieut. Engrs. Surveyor to the Nizam’s Detachment. Fort St. George, 7th October 1793. No. 3. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 39. MS. Survey of the PRINCIPAL PASSES, leading from the CARNA- TICK into the CUMMUM, CANOUL and KURPA COUNTRIES (including the course of the Pennar R. from Kurpa to Calway) in September and October 1792. By C. Mackenzie, Lieut. Engineers, Surveyor to the Nizam’s Detachment. No. 4. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 39. MS. Continuation of the SURVEY of the PASSES and FRONTIER between the Carnatick, and the Districts of Kurpah and Canoul ; carried on from the Pennar R. to the Kistnha R., including the principal Roads, in 1794. By C. Mack- enzie, Capt. of Engineers, Surveyor to the Nizam’s Detachment. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 56. MS. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—-—ROUTE MAPS. 319 Plan of the PASSES and ROADS on the FRONTIER of the CAR- NATICK, between the Rivers Pennar and Kistnha., Reduced from the Surveys by C. Mackenzie, Capt. Engineers, Surveyor to the Nizam’s Detachment, 1794. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 29. MS, Remarks on a JOURNEY into the COUNTRIES of CUMMUN, DUPAAD, PURWUTTUM, and CANOUL (Kurnool), being the continuation of the Survey of the frontier and passes between the rivers Pennar and Kistna in 1794, by Colin Mackenzie, Capt. Engrs. Surveyor. Folio, 44 pages, paper cover. A Military Chart of the NORTHERN FRONTIER of the CAR- NATIC and DEPENDENCIES of the GOVERNMENT of FORT ST. GEORGE, exhibiting the principal Forts, Places, Military Posts, Rivers, Roads, and Passes ; their mutual connexion with each other and with the Central Military Arsenals, Stations, and Sea Ports ; with the Boundary of the Company’s and of the Rajah of Mysore’s Territories, and of the newly added Provinces from the Nizam. Compiled from the Surveys carried on in Mysore from 1799 to 1802, connected with the surveys of Roads and Routes executed in the Nizam’s Provinces from 1792 to 1799, the Map of Canara and Malabar and various other documents particularly mentioned in the Me noir of the Construction, by C. Mackenzie, Capt. Engineers, Madras, 17th October 18C 2. No. 6. Scale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 23. MS. Lawford’s Survey. Survey of a LINE of ROAD from BELLARY to ARCOT. April 1841. Signed, E. Lawford, Captain Civil Engineer, 3rd Division. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; in 3 sheets, marked Parts 1., Il., T1I, MSS. Part I. From Bellary to Baugopully. Size, 113 inches by 15. Part II. From Baugopully to Palamanair. Size, 79 inches by 19. Part I11. From Palamanair to Arcot. Size, 51 inches by 19. Survey of a LINE of ROAD from CHITTOOR (North Arcot) to CUDDAPAH. Signed, E. Lawford, Captain Civil Engineer, 3d Division. 3rd May 1841. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 95 inches by 19. MS. Survey of the HIGH ROAD from MADRAS to BOMBAY, between Cuddapah and the River Tombuddura (in Bellary). Signed, E. Lawford, Lieut. Civil Engineer, 3d Division. No date. Seale, 8,000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 115 inches by 19. MS. Survey of a LINE of ROAD from BELLARY to DHANOOR (Belgaum), being part of a Route from the former station to Beejapoor. Signed, E. Lawford, Capt. Civil Engineer, 3d Division. 24th April 1841. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 96 inches by 18. MS. Survey of a LINE of ROAD froom GOOTY (Bellary) to BEEJA- POOR (Sholapore, Bombay Pres.). Signed, E. Lawford, Captain Civil Engineer, 3d Division, April 1841. Seale, I mile to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets, marked Part 1., II. ; size of each, 95 inches by 25. MS. * General Maps of the Southern Districts. Map of the following SOUTHERN DISTRICTS under the Com- pany’s management, viz., Tinnevelly, Ramnad, Shevagunga, Madura, and of the District of Tondiman. Reduced from the Original Surveys in the Surveyor General’s Office at Madras. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of India. Fort St. George. 1st December 1815. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 49 inches by 39. MS. : #_* These districts are now comprised in Tinnevelly and part of Madura. 320 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Plan of the DISTRICTS of TANJORE, TRICHINOPOLY, COIMBATOOR, and MADURA, together with the Polliams of Nuttam (now in Madura District), and Manapara (now in Trichinopoly district). Compiled from the Surveys of the late Establishment of Revenue Surveyors, corrected and verified by the series of Triangles carried on by Major Williams Lambton. Signed W. Morison, Acting Surveyor General. Fort St. George, 14th October 1812. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 55 inches by 69. MS. General Maps of the Ceded Districts. Now forming the districts of 1, Bellary ; 3, Cuddapah ; and 7, Karnul. Geographical and Statistical Map of the NORTH-EAST PART of the MYSORE DOMINION or the CEDED DISTRICTS, as they were ceded to the Honourable East India Company by the Treaty of Mysore of the 22nd June 1799, and by the Treaty of Hydrabad of the 12th October 1800, with the Limits and Boundaries of the several districts and purgunnahs, of the partition enumerated in the Schedule of Division and ascertained from actual inspection. The whole laid down from Surveys carried on in continuation of the Survey of Mysore, and completed in 1815. Under the Superintendency of the Mysore Survey, and afterwards under the direction of the Surveyor General’s Department of Fort St. George. Signed, Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of India. Fort St. George, 1st November 1815. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 59 inches by 74. MS. Statistic and Geographical Survey of the NORTH-EAST PRO- VINCES of the MYSORE DOMINIONS ceded to the Honourable English East India Company by the treaty of June 1799 ; and of the provinces south of the Toombudra and Kistna Rivers, ceded by His Highness the Nizam by the treaty of Hydrabad of 12th October 1800, the whole forming The Ceded Provinces under the presidency of Fort St. George under its Eastern and Western Divisions. From the Survey executed from 1809 till 1811 under the direction of the Superintendent of the Mysore Survey, and afterward from that period to this date under the direction of the Sur- veyor General's Department Fort St. George, accompanied with a general Map on a scale of 4 miles to an inch. Madras, 1st January 1816. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of India. In 2 vols. folio, half bound. Vol 1., Eastern Division ; Vol. 2., Western Division ; containing registers of Villages, Statistic Tables, and Description of Limits. *.* The map mentioned in this title is not in the volumes, and is probably the foregoing. Atlas of the PROVINCES ceded by the NIZAM in 1800 to the Honourable East India Company of England, from Surveys executed from 1809 to 1815. Compiled from the Original Surveys under the direction and on the proposi- tion of Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General in India. Fort William, 1st January 1820. Bound in one volume. Size, 39 inches by 30. MSS. CONTENTS. 1. General Map of the Ceded Districts. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch. Western Division. 9. General Khanashoomari or Statistic Table in the years 1809 to 1811. 3. Bellary with the Sondoor Jaghire. Size, 30 inches by 34. 4, Mudduck Seera. 5. Harpunhully, containing the Districts of Harpunhully, Hoovin, Hudda- gully and Koodlighee. Size, 38 inches by 46. 6. Adoni. Size, 33 inches by 37. 7. Gooty Droog, Wudjar-Curroor, Chenumpilly and Yadakee. Size, 38 inches by 45. 8. Raidroog and Kallian Droog. Size, 38 inches by 26. 9. Hunda-Annantapoor, Durmawaram, Taudamurry, and Taudaputree. Size, 43 inches by 38. 10. Pennaconda. Size, 24 inches by 25. 11. Kurnool. Size, 50 inches by 52. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.— GENERAL MAPS. 321 Eastern Division. 12. General Khanashoomari or Statisti i . < ana: { mtatistic ¢ 3 5 13. Dhoor, Jummulmudgoo, Nosoom, A on I de 38 inches by 40. gape. 1 "3 . . . Cuddapah or Sidhout, including the Purgunnah of Chittavail. Size, 47 inches by 47. ‘ Coon, Dupaad, Giddaloor, and Budvail, together with the smaller districts of Cannageery and Marala, also dependencies of Cummum Size, 70 inches by 47. : 16. Gurrumconda, Rachootee, Pc rai ‘hi : ¢ se, Poolavaindle ac 17. Podella, Durshee, and Pelloor, "i gg a ghe Size, 26 inches by 38. Tou 18. Punganoor. oF Noe ¢ : ; +«F Nos. 1, 4, 16, 18, although in the Contents are not in the Atlas and have never been bound with it. All the Maps, except No. 1, are on the scale of 2 miles to 1 inch. i i General Map of the Circars. Surveys in the CIRCARS. By Mr. Topping, Captain Caldwell, « aor Beats (OT ] * ne Major Beatson. Inscribed to the Board of Revenue by Major Beatson. 1799 ith a separate section. Seale, 6 miles to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 30. MS * % o] .s “ N A . . : 2 : +* Now included in Godavari and Krishna Districts. 1. BELARY DISTRICT. Including fifteen Taluks. The Revenue Survey of this district has not yet appeared Plan o E T abudr : an of HUMPE (on the Toongabudra R.). Surveyed and drawn by Hunnoomansing, Private Guide, Quartermaster-General’s Department, C. D Bellary, 10th Sept. 1860. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 43 inches by 44 CMS ’ Sketch Map, showing the PORTIONS of ROAD in the BELLARY DIS’ RIC I as called for by a Memo. from Government, dated 5th January 1861 Deputy Chief Engineer’s Office, Central Circle, D.P.W. Chepauk, 19th Jan 1861. No scale ; size, 12 inches by 12. MS. trace. ? ii BELLARY CANTONMENT and BARRACKS: — 1. Bellary C: : i , military roads Mveraing from i ebay Cinionmenks with the military roads diverging from it. Indian Atlas, 2. PA ofthe Upper and Lower Fort and Cantonments of Bellary. December i to 31st May 1866. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches 3. Barracks for the Royal Artillery and European Infantry at Bellary. Scale, 10% feet to 1 mile ; on 20 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 22. ys JD rg hl vd . . : HOSS I AL at BELLARY, to contain 132 Patients. Plan, eleva- ion, and section. Lithographed at the Royal Engineer Establisl ' Ty oz Yi Wng USTE Sr i ¢ 1853. Size, 22 inches by 30. : hina, N : » ny y ry NT . ] Lopoal of the BELLARY DISTRIC I, compiled under the orders 2 Goverment, daied 9th September 1869, No. 2,246, by John Kelsall, Madras Jivil Servicea Acting Sub-Collector, North Arc t. With'a M: adras, 1872 Gell Bass g 0 co ith a Map. Madras, 1872, 2. CHENGALPAT DISTRICT. Including six Taluks. A Map of the COUNTRY extending along the COAST, nearly up to MADRAS on the north, and to Pondicherry on the south, and westward to a meridian a little beyond Arcot. It is named “Plan B.” only. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 35. MS. rr ; (7767.) Xx —_——_—___ oe i FS ee IEA Pie Sos —— 322 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the SEA COAST from MADRAS to DOOGOORAZ- PATAM, with the Pulicat and Armogham Shoals, and a part of the Pulicat Lake and Back Waters up to Doogoorazpatam ; showing also the track of the proposed Canal for extending the Inland Navigation from Madras through the Lake. Copied in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Madras, 3rd October 1822. Scale, 4,000 fect to 1 inch ; size, 95 inches by 35. MS. Descriptive and historical papers relating to the SEVEN PAGODAS on the COROMANDEL COAST. By William Chambers, Esq. ; J. Goldingham, Esq. ; Benjamin Guy Babington, Esq., M.D., F.R.S.; Rev. G. W. Mahon, M.A. ; Lieut. John Braddock ; Rev. W. Taylor; Sir Walter Elliot, K.S.C.I. ; C. Gubbins, Esq. Edited by Captain M. W. Carr, Madras Staff Corps, Madras, 1869. Letter- press, and 23 plates, folio ; with a map entitled— Sketch of MAVALIVARAM, otherwise called the SEVEN PA- GODAS, and of the village of SALUVAN KUPPAM, on the CORGMANDEL COAST. To illustrate a collection of Descriptive and Historical Papers republished by order of the Madras Government, 1869. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. MaprAas REVENUE Survey or Mapras® District. I. T'aLuk Maps IN Mapras®* DistricT. Map of the SYDAPET TALUK, MADRAS* DISTRICT, reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey, executed in 1867 and 1868. By Major W. Barber, 33rd M. N. 1, Dept. Supt. Rev. Survey. Secale, 2 inches to 1 inch ; size, 64 inches by 51. II. ViLnace Mars in Mapras* District. 1. Villages in Chengalpat Taluk. Kilampakkam - - - - No. 3. Ruddiramangalam - - ig B2, 2. Villages in Ponneri Taluk. Kolur (Shrotriyam) - - - No. 3. Villages in Sydapet Taluk. Adaiyalampattu No. 85 | Arakambakkam Adambakkam - 218 | Arasankalani - Adyar - - ,» 185 | Ariyallur . Agaram ( Vada) 173 | Ariyamandanallur nk Ten.) 272 | Ariyappenjeri - » (Mel) - 199 | Arumbakkam - Agraram (Mel.) ,» 115 Attippakkam - ” (Vada) 143 = Attippattu - Alattur - - 52 Ayanambakkam Alinjipakkam - . 18 | Ayanapuram - Amanjikkarai 78 | Ayappakkam - Ambattur 91 | Ayyappantangai Amudurmedu 110 | Elandacheri - Amulavayal ; 23 | Eranavur - Anakaputtur 209 | Erankuppam - Annambedu 114 | Erukkanjeri - Now Chengalpat District. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—2. CHENGALPAT DISTRICT. Erumaiyur - Gerukambakkam Gevurippakkam Goparasanallur - Government Farm Guindy Park - Hasnapuram ~~ - Ikkattutangal - Injambakkam - Irumbalur - Isa Pallaveram - Jalladampettai - Jambali - Kadappakkam - Kadapperi - Kadavur - Kagapallem - Kalikkunram - Kanagam - Kannapalaiyam - Karaipakkam - Karalapakkam - Karambakkam - Karunagaracheri Kasbapuram - Kattirivedu - Kattivakkam - Kattuppakkam - Kavulbazar » Kavalcheri - Kavanur - Kilkattalai - Kilkundiyar - Kilmanambedu - Kodambakkam - Kodungiyur - Koladi - Kolamanipakkam Kolappakkam - Kolappanjeri - Kolattur - Kolattuvanjeri - Kollacheri - Konnur - Korattur - LE - Kosappur - Kottivakkam - Kottur - - Kovilambakkam Kovilanjeri » Kovilpadagai - Kovur - - Koyambedu _ - Kudapakkam - Kulattur - Kunnathur (2 parts) Kuttambakkam - Layan (2 parts) 255 192 267 151 179 184 242 186 2928 262 246 280 32 4 259 49 74 3 291 162 111 270 65 1 150 211 132 249 236 51 131 176 3 93 197 191 106 67 147 204 i (c 63 117 22 223 180 234 273 Layan (2 parts) Madambakkam - Madanandapuram Madavaram - Madavilagam - Madipakkam - Maduraippakkam Maduravayal - Malaiyambakkam Mambalam - Manali - - Mananjeri - Manappakkam - Manjambakkam Mankadu Mannur Mappedu Mattur - | Medapakkam 100 | 229 | 50 | Melmanambedu Melpakkam Kadavur Melpakkam Paritipattu Menambedu - Meppur - Meyyur - Minambakkam - Mittanemali - Modarambedu - Modilipakkam (2 parts) Mogapper - Morai - - Moulipakkam - Mount Cantonment Mudichur - Mulaicheri - Mullum - Munankattlai Muwarasampattu Naduguttagai - Naduvakkarai - Nandambakkam Mount (3 parts) Nandambakkam (Sirukaluttur) Nanganallur ~~ - Nanmangalam - Narasingapuram Naravarikuppam Nasaradapettai - Nedunjeri - Nemalicheri (7en.) Nemalicheri ( Vada) Nemam - Nesapakkam - Neykunrum Nilangarai Nochimedu Nolambur Numbal Oragadam Ottiyambakkam 269 323 17 159 34 137 237 275 164 198 177 26 205 190 36 44 89 263 35 232 129 46 101 62 200 119 213 158 128 324 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—2. CHENGALPAT DISTRICT. 325 Padi - - No. 82 | Settimedu - - No. 20 Vanagaram - No. 163 | Vengapakkam - No. 271 Palanjur 124 Settiyaragaram - 134 Varadarajapuram 139 | Vengavasal - 268 Palantandalam 253 Sikkarayapu ram 196 ] Vayilanallur ~~ - , 108 | Venkittapuram 202 Palavakkam 224 Sinnakudal ls 79 : Velacheri - 219 | Vilangi yambakkam 98 Palavantangal 189 | Sinnapannicheri 145 Velakkupatti ~~ 37 | Vilankadupakkam 9 Palavayal 10 Sinna Sekkadu - 29 ] Volliehers, : Sl Slo adus ? 2 Palavedu - 54 Sinna Sembarambakkam xz | Vellirit 3 2 Vinee im Palaveram Cantonment - 212 Sirukalattur - ” 250 Vellavedn > of _- Pallavaram - - 240 | Sirugavar - os Palerippattu - 97 | Siruvallur - 7 Pallikoranai - 231 | Sittalapakkam - 244 : Villages in Trivetiur Taluk. Pallippattu - 182 | Sittalapakkam 274 ; : ; Pammadukulam 39 | Sittukkadun 116 3 Egattur Zemindari . No. Is Pammal - 247 | Sivabudam 154 Panavedutottam 104 | Sivaram 226 Pandesuvaram - 48 | Sokkanallur 107 Poansusarn - a J 3. COIMBATORE DISTRICT. Paruttipattu ~~ - 96 Soranjeri 99 4 Including ten Taluks. The Revenue Survey is in a forward state, but only two village maps have Parittivakkam - 284 | Srinivasapuram 14s been lithographed and sent to the India Office, 2arivakk: - 103 | Sundarasolapuram 90 a i J ra : : a a 125 | SrhaeteT . 61 i Skeleton Map of SOUTH COIMBATOOR, showing the Sections Pattarapakkam - 90 | Sydapet - 178 of the Survey as executed in 1821,°22, and "23. B. S. Ward, Assistant, Surveyor- Pavasambakkam 19 | Talaikananjeri - 216 1 General's Department. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 28. MS. Periyakudi . 77 | Tambaram - 260 : " : 3 Periyapannicheri 193 | Tandalam - 156 The Central part of COIMBATORE, between the BOVANI and Perumalagaram 86 | Tandalkalane - 16 NOYEL RIVERS, with areas and a table of distances. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; Perumbakkam - 279 | Tandurai - 112 size, 40 inches by 70. MS. Perungudi - 225 | Taramani - 220 Perunkalattur - 257 | Yiruvamiyur - i PAROONTHORAY (Perundurai) TALOOK. Scale, 1 mile to 1 Peruvallur : 03 Tel; saragaram : i inch ; size, 30 inches by 34. MS. Pidaritangal - 105 Tenbakkam - i : Dalal 2 terse) - 3) Roem | oo : Plan of the ERODE TALOOK. Surveyed and submissively in- Da LE : 142 Tirttagiriysmpattu 11 E scribed to W. Garrow Esq. Collector of the Coimbatore Districts, by his most DE rams : 938 Tirukkovilpattu . 130 E obedient, very humble, and faithful servants, S. Godfrey, W. Keyes, and C. Me Foro ee , 161 | Tirumanam - . 109 MalLon, Assistant Revenue Surveyors. 1810. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 23 Pottur - , 41 | Tirumalarayapuram (2 parts) 122 yo inches by 36. MS. P ‘ 57 | Tirumangalam - - , 8 : . rr Cx : ; ia Pulikkoradu 05%} Tonnes «© "134 Plan of Part of the SATTIMUNGALUM and DANAIKEN- Pulikutti . 44 | Tirumudipakkam . 254 COTA TALOOKS * * * hy W. Keyes and C. McMahon, 1811. Secale, 1 mile to 1 Puliyur 174 | Tirumulavayal - - 0 inch ; size, 18 inches by 43. MS. andalam 252 | Tirunagesuvaram , 20 | . . ox i o Dr 66 | Tirunirmalai - 245 Map of SOUTH COIMBATOOR and a portion of Country North Rajakilpakkam 266 Tirusulam : - ) 214 5 of the River Noyel, surveyed in 1821,°22, and ’23. B.S. Ward, Assistant, Surveyor- Ramapuram 167 | Tiruvanjeri - 264 a General's Department. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch, MSS., in 5 parts, marked, A., B., Rendankattalai 207 | Tiruverkadu - 94 5 C,D.E ius Sadaiyankuppam 3 | Tiruvottiyar - 27 ; A. Coimbatoor and the Noyel River. Size, 16 inches by 46. Saligiramam ~~ - » 175 | Tiyyambakkam 6 { B. Polachy and the Annamullay Mountains to the South. Size, 49 inches by 22. Sattankadu - 28 | Tukkanampattu 140 C. Pulladum, Kangyam, and Caroor. Size, 16 inches by 68. Selaiyur - 265 | Tundalam lh ” 194 ; D. Oodumullacutta and the Ambrawutty River. Size, 47 inches by 21. Selavayal . 30 | Udaiyavercovil : 136 yd E. Darrapooram, Kaniwaddy, and Aravakoorchy. Title and explanation. Ske, Sembakkam ~~ - 243 | Uddandi - . 283 21 inches by 36. Sembarambakkam ,, 201 | Ukkiyam Torappakkam 230 5 203 | Ullagaram - - 217 Sembiyam - w 69 1 mr o. - » 181 Semmanjeri = 282 | Vadagarai . - 15 Senjeri (2 parts) 170 | Vadapurambakkam . 21 Sennurkuppam - 152 4 Senrambakkam 7 | Valasaravakkam - ., 166 RR Bae is Ss Geographical and Statistical Memoir of the SURVEY of the DIS- TRICTS of the COIMBATOOR PROVINCE, situated South of the Noyel River. F 0 Surveyed, under the superintendence of Captain B. S. Ward, from November 1821 0 . | to February 1824. Copied from the original Documents forwarded to the Surveyor- Vaikkadu > : 24 i General of India, 30th September 1826, signed D. Montgomerie, Deputy Surveyor- General. In 1 vol. folio, half-bound. MS. SE MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Anamally Mountains. A Map of MICHAELS VALLEY and adjoining hills, Upper Anamally Plateau. Surveyed and drawn by J. C. Hannyngton, Esq. C.S. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 12. The same reduced to 2 miles to 1 inch. Six Photographic Views of MICHAEL'S VALLEY and other parts of the Anamally Mountains. In 1 paper packet, referred to in letter Nov. 24, No. 4 of 1874, Forests. Report on the High Ranges of the Annamullay Mountains. By Licut. Colonel Douglas Hamilton, Madras Army. 8vo., 19 pages, sewed. *.* See also Cleghorn’s Forests of India, 1861. Revenue Surveys. Village Maps in Coimbatore Talug. Scale, 5 chains to 1 inch. No. 235. Badabilli. 1861. No. 16. Irumbarai. 1861. 4. CUDDAPAH DISTRICT. The Revenue Survey is in progress, but the following only has been litho- graphed and sent to the India Office. Map of the CUDDAPAH DISTRICT, showing the new Boundaries of Talugqs. Chepauk, February 1833. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 66 wmches by 57. A Manual of the DISTRICT of CUDDAPAH in the PRESIDENCY of MADRAS. Compiled and edited by J. D. B. Gribble, M.C.S., Acting Sub- Collector of the Cuddapah District. Madras, 1874. With a map. 8vo., cloth. Including eleven Taluks. 5. GANJAM DISTRICT. Including three Taluks, with an area of 1,941 square miles, and Zemindaries, &e. extending over 2,246 square miles. GANJAM SURVEY. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Original Field Sec- tions, lettered A. to P. By C. Snell, Captain, Surveyor. Dated 1834. In 19 sec- tions of various sizes, cach about 25 inches by 21. MSS. «“ Key to the GANJAM SECTIONS ” (being an Index Map to the foregoing Survey. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 19. MS. Report of the SURVEY of GOOMSUR in 1836-37. Introductory Letter. Geographical Notice. The Khond Malias., Sooradah Zemindary., Run- nabah. Corada. Ponderkhol. Komerabady and Gooloodoye. General remarks. List of Passes to the Khond country. Routes to the Khond country above the Ghauts. Report on the general face of the country in Boad, Chokapad, &c. Routes. Statistics. Route from Coomaracoo, near Woodigerry, and general description. Routes from Nowgam in Goomsur to Nagpoor, and from Nagpoor to Goonipoor in Jeypoor, with remarks. Prices in Ryepoor and Bundara bazaars. Notes on the countries between Ganjam and Nagpoor. Letter from Lieut. Hill, dated Ganjam, 2nd July 1838, containing geographical notes and remarks on the repression of human sacrifices. By Lieut. C. T. Hill, Assistant Surveyor-General. Foolscap Solio, unbound. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—5. GANJAM DISTRICT. 327 A Sketch of the OPERATIONS in GOOMSUR during January, February, March, April, May, and June, 1836, marked No. 2. Signed C. T. Hill, Toaty Assistant Surveyor-General. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 42. A Sketch, showing the RELATIVE POSITION of the ZEMIN- DARIES on the FRONTIERS of GOOMSUR, marked No. 1. Signed C. T. Hill, Lieut., Assistant Surveyor-General, 1836. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 28. MS. GANJAM SURVEY. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Original Field Sec- tions, numbered 1 to 8. By Capt. C. T. Hill, Assistant Surveyor-General. Ganjam, 1840. S.G.O. Allahabad, 1845. No title. In 8 sections of various sizes, each about 26 inches by 21. MSS. * * Parts of Goomsoor, Soorada, &e. between N. Latitudes 19° 40” and 20° 20/, and E. Longitudes 84° 10" and 84° 55'. : GANJAM SURVEY. A Survey of Corada, Darungabady, West of Soorada. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. By Capt. C. T. Hill, Assistant Surveyor- General. S.G.O., Allahabad, 1845. Size, 25 inches by 22. MS. : GANJAM SURVEY. Map of the Country between Oodagherry (in Chinna Kimidi), Goonipoorum and Godairy (in Jeypoor). No title. Sarveyod and drawn by Sub- Assistant Surveyors R. Howard and C. Snell. Dated Berhampore 1st October 18435. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 38. MS. GANJAM SURVEY. Continuation of the foregoing Map to the West. The Country about Buttelly, Ryaguddah, and Narainputnum (in Jeypore). Surveyed and drawn by Sub-Assistants Surveyors R. Howard and C. Snell. Dated Berhampore, July 1847. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sections, marked 1 and 2. Size of No. 1, 25 inches by 38 size of No. 2, 22 inches by 19. MSS. GANJAM SURVEY. Season 1855-56. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Part of Sumbulpoor, Central Provinces. No title. In 4 sheets, marked Nos. 1, 2, 4 (No. 3 missing). Size of each, 40 inches by 27. Original MSS. GANJAM SURVEY, No. 2. party. Season 1856-57. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Ryghur and Sumbulpoor. A portion formerly of S. W. Frontier Agency of Bengal, now in the Central Provinces. In 8 sheeis, numbered 1., 11., 1V., V., VL, VIL, VIIL, of various sizes, about 22 inches by 21. MSS. GANJAM and ORISSA TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. On the scale of 1 male to 1 inch. Original MSS. Season 1860-61. Five sheets, I, , IIL, IV, ; Portions of Goomsoor, Pedda and Chinna Kimidi, and Bodogodo, in Ganjam ; Jeypur, in Vizagapatam ; Patna in Cuttack ; and Kalahandi, in Nagpur. Size of each shect, 39 inches by 26. Season 1861-62. Portion of Bodogodo, in Ganjam. Note.~— This portion was left blank in the compiled Map of Season 1860-61, and should be attached thereto, as an extra sheet. Size, 28 inches by 22. Season 1861-62. Sheets 1., II, IIL, IV, V. Portions of Chinna Kimidi, in Ganjam ; Jeypur,in Vizagapatam : and Kalahandi, in Nagpur. In 5 sheets ; size of each, 24 inches by 33. Season 1862-63. Portions of Chinna Kimidi, in Ganjam (Jeypore Agency); and Kalahamdi, Patna, Karial (ariar), Bodosamar (Borasambar), and Phuljer (Phul- jhar), in Nagpur (Central Provinces). In 10 sheets ; scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Season 1863-64. Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Portions of Kalahandi, Karial, Noagarh, Patna, and Bodosamar, Independent (or native) States under Sumbulpur and of Raipur, in Chatisgurh Division, Central Provinces. In 7 sheets; size of cach, 25 inches by 34. 328 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Season 1864-65. Sheets 1, 2, 8, 4, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10. Portions of Raipur, Belaspur, and Sumbulpur Districts, in Chatisgurh Division, Central Provinces. In 10 sheets ; size of each, about 24 inches by 40. GANJAM and ORISSA TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Photozincographs of the original drawings. Size of each sheet, 24 inches by 36 ; price 2s. each. The following are published :— Surveys executed in 1865-6 .—Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. ” in 1866-7 :—7 :—1, 2, 3, 6 GANJAM AGENCY TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY.* Seasons 1870-71. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Photozincographs. Size of each, 25 inches by 39. Sheet 2. Parts of Purla and Pedda Kimidi. » 3. Parts of Gunipur and Purla Kimidi. This sheet is headed ¢ Vizagapatam and Ganjam Agencies Topographical Survey.”* »» 9. Part of Purla Kimidi. » 1. Parts of Jeypur, Panchipenta, and Salur. This sheet and No. 8 are headed ¢ Vizagapatam Agency Topographical Survey.” * » 8. Part of Vizianagram and Panchipenta, Index to the Sheets and Sections of the GANJAM and ORIS- SAH as well as the VIZAGAPATAM AGENCY and CENTRAL PROVINCES Topographical Survey, executed from season 1850, by Colonel G. H. Saxton, Capt. G. C. Depree, Mr. J. Dyer, and Mr. .J. O. Nicholson, Surveyors in charge. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 36. GANJAM and ORISSA TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. On the (reduced) scale of 4 miles to 1 inch. Portions of Chinna Kimidi in Ganjam and Kalahandi, Patna, Karial, Bodosamar, and Phuljer in Central Provinces. Season 1862-63. Size, 83 inches by 23. MS. Portions of Kalahandi, Karial, Noagarh, Patna, Bodosamar, and Raipur in Central Provinces. Season 1863-64. Size, 26 inches by 24. MS. Portions of Raipur, Belaspur, and Sumbulpur Districts in Chatisgurh Division, Central Provinces, Season 1864-65. Size, 39 inches by 25. MS. Portions of Noagarh, Konker, Karial, and Raipur in Chateesgurh and Bastar Dependency of Central Provinces, and Jeypur or Vizagapatam Agency. Season 1865-66. Size, 23 inches by 31. Photograph. Ganjam Roads. Sketch Map showing the direction of the proposed line (of road) from CHICACOLE to ITCHAPOOR vid SUNTOSHAPORAM, and its connexion with existing communications. 1855. Size, 18 inches by 18. On tracing cloth. MS. Sketch Map showing the direction of the proposed line (of road) from CHICACOLE to CHITTIRALSA, and its connexion with existing communications. Size, 11 inches by 17. On tracing cloth. MS. Mapras REVENUE Survey or Gansam. District Map. Sketch Map of the GANJAM DISTRICT. Madras, July 1869. Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 24. ’ * Nore.—There are three different headings on these five sheets. The Index Map to this series in the Topographical Surveys Report for 1873-4 gives it another name, viz., “The Vizagapatam Agency and Central Provinces (new Series) Topographical Survey.” II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—5. GANJAM DISTRICT. Village Maps. Villages in Kimidi Taluk. SOMARAJAPURAM, No. 53. 1865. MS. 6. GODAVARI DISTRICT. Including nine Taluks. Map of a Survey of the RAJAHMUNDRY* CIRCAR, under the Presidency of Fort St. George. Executed during the years 1821, ’22, "23, and "24 by Captain C. Snell, aided by Assistant Surveyors M. Dunnigan, T. Anderson, and C. Barnett. Reduced from the original sections of that Survey on a scale of one mile to an inch. S.G.0., Madras, 3rd September 1831. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 53. MS. RAJAHMUNDRY* SURVEY. Field copy. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. In seven sections, marked A., B., C., D., E., F,, G. :— A. Ashwarowpetta. Size, 50 inches by 20. B. Gorge of the Godavery. Size, 50 inches by 24. C. Rajahmundry. Size, 53 inches by 24. D. Mogultoor. Size, 48 inches by 26. E. Delta of the Godavery. Size, 48 inches by 24. F. Yanam, Coringa. Size, 39 inches by 25. G. Kakeenada. Size, 55 inches by 36. MSS. Measured Routes in the RAJAMUNDRY#* DISTRICT, in two parts, connected with the Survey of that district, executed in 1821, °22, and 223, under the superintendence of Captain C. Snell. With maps. Geographical and Statistical Memoir of the Rajamundry District in four books: 1. Memoir of the Survey ; 2. Description of the Boundary ; 3. and 4. Village Register. In two vols. folio, one is half bound ; the other, including the Village Register, is in a stiff’ blue paper cover. MSS. A rough Sketch of the EASTERN PORTION of the GODA.- VERY DISTRICT, showing the irrigation and drainage channels. No title, date, or scale. Size, 14 inches by 20. MS. Plan of the Port and Town of Kakinada (Cocanada) shewing the proposed improvements, &e. 1860. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 21. MS. deferred to in letter to Secretary of State of 8th May 1860, No. 25. See also pages 535, 592, 595. Mapras REVENUE SurvEY or Gopavari District. I. TaLuk Maps on the scale of 1 inch to 1 mile. Map of the AMALAPUR TALUK, GODAVERY DISTRICT, reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey, executed in 1859 and ’60. By Capt. W. Crewe, 32nd M.N.L, Deputy Superintendent Revenue Survey ; and Messrs. J. H. Wright and H. O. C. Cardozo, Assistant Superintendents. With a list of the Villages, their area, and the extent of their cultivation. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 50. * The town of Rajahmundri is now the capital of the Godavari District. 330 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Maps of the following TALUKS in this District are also published with similar titles, and in a uniform style :— Narsapur. Rajamundry. Ramachendrapur. Tanuku. Undi, now Bhimavaram. Yernagudam. II. Hyproagraruic MAPS. Hydrographic Map of the UNDI DISTRICT. Reduced from the Revenue Survey Maps. TALUQ in the GODAVERY 1860. With a list of the Villages, their areas, and the extent of cultivation. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 42. HYDROGRAPHIC MAP of the CENTRAL DELTA of the Godavery District shewing the Trrigation and Drainage Channels. 1861-70. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 27. HYDROGRAPHIC MAP of the EASTERN DELTA Godavery District, shewing the Irrigation and Drainage Channels. 1870. miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 24. III. VicLage Maps, arranged in Taluks. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile. 1. Villages in Amalapur Taluk. Ainapuram - - Ainavalli lanka - - Allavaram - , Annampalli, &e. - 1” Amlapuram Ankampalem Atreyapuram Bandarulanka Bantumilli Jhatuavilli Bhimanapalli Billakurru - Bodasakurru - Bramhasamedhiem - Challapalli and Surasaniyanam » » Cheyer - - - Chinagadavalli - - Chintallanka - - Chintapallilanka Chirrayanam - Chirtapudi - Devaguptam Devarapalli Dontikurru Gadilanka Gangalakurru Geddanapalli Godi - No. 156 | 86 114 95 153 157 158 160 76 11 S 69 145 82 108 46 115 169 130 131 142 140 51 94 149 58 122 106 | 152 96 | 70 | 151 | 118 Godilanka Gollavilli Gopavaram Gapayalanka Goraganamudi Gunnepalli 0 Guttinadivi . Guttinadiru Vemavaram Idarapalli . - Immidivarappad and Gudala ’ 2 Indupalli » Irumanda - Irusumanda - Jagannadhapuram Janupalle - Kamini - Kandicuppa (2 parts) Katarlanka - Katrenikona - | Kattunga - \ Khandrika - | Komanapalli ~~ - Komaragiri . Komaragiripatnam (2 parts) | Komarazlanka, &c. , of the Seale, 2 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—G. GODAVARI DISTRICT. Komarazlanka, &c. ” » Korumillipad - Kottalanka - Kottapalli - Kotipalli - Krapachintalapudi Kunavaram - Kunchanapalli - Kundaleswaram Lakshmipalavaram Lakshmivada - Lolla - - Lutukurtitippa - Machavaram - Madupalle - Modekurru - Mogallamori ~~ - Mosalapalli - Mungonda - Mungondapalem Munjavaram - Mumidivaram Munupalle Nadupudi Nallamilli Nandampudi Nangavaram Narikedamilli (2 Nedunur, &e. ” Nimmakayalakottapalli Palagummi - Pallamkurrn (2 parts) Pasumalle - Pasuvullanka - 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 39 40 94 100 102 103 | 104 | 132 72 168 49 161 Pata Injiram - Pedgadavalli - Pedapudi - Penumalle - Peravaram - Perurukonkapalli Palavaram - - Pora Pande and Molletimoga " ” *” » Potavaram - - Pulidindi - - Pulletikurru ~~ - - Rali - - - Ravulapalem Utalanka (2 parts) Razavaram - - Rellugedda - - Sakurru - - Samanasa » - Samantakurru - - Sanapalli lanka - - Sannavilli Settipalli Siragatlapalli Siripalli Tadikona Tandavapalli Tanelanka Tondavaram Tottaramudi Turpulanka Uppalaguptam Vadapalim - Vadapalli (2 parts) Vadaparru “. Vaddiparru - . Vakkalanka (2 parts) - Vainateyamkottapalli lanka Vakalagaruvu - - Vanapalli - Vannechintalapudi Vasantavada - Velicher - Velivelapalli (2 parts) Vemavaram Vilasavilli Vubalanka Vuchili - Vuppudi Yedurlanka Yentrukona Yenugapalli (2 parts) 2. Villages in Lllore Taluk. - No. 80 | Bandamcherla - - 89 | Barrikonda - Ambikapuram - Amudalachalaka Asanagudem - » -iiily 34 | Bhattuvarigudem Se onl. mere cise wis on RT rr a ama i i, 332 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Bhimadol - Burugagudem - Chandrannapalem Chataparru - Chintalapudi - Dadavalli - Dasarivarigudem Dechavaram - Dendulur (2 parts) Dharmajigudem Dorasanipad - Dosapad - Dwarakatirumala and gudem - » Ellore - - Erraguntapalli - Errampalli - Ganapavarigudem Ganicherla , Gavaravaram - Gokavaram - Gokavaram akkupalli Gounepalli - Gopalapuram - Gudikunta - Gudipad - Gudipadkhandrika Gundugolanu - Gundugolanukunta Gunnampalli - Guruvubhotlagudem Havelilingapalem Jagannadhapuram Jajulagunta - Jalipudi - Kaikaram - Kalyanampadu, - Kamavarapukota Kanchanagudem Kantammapalem Kanupade - Kasettivarigudem Katrampudi ~~ - Kovvali (2 parts) Ketavaram - Kondurupad - Komirapalli ~~ - Kommara (South) 2 (North) Kottur - - Krottagudem - Kottapalli - Krustnaraupalem - Krustnapuram - - Kuchampudi (2 parts) - Lakshminarsimhapuram Lingagudem - - Lingaraupalem - - - No. 110 - 133 107 123 91 6 58 48 120 108 15 121 18 19 134 74 93 87 66 135 44 4 78 75 119 90 "5 112 17 { 83 Lingaraupalem Lingapalem Malasanigunta Mallaraupalem Mallayagudem Malleswaram ”» Madepalli Mankerapalli Mathamgudem - Mulagalampad - Mupparru (2 parts) Muppavaram = Nagulapalli ~~ - Narasapuram - Narasimhapuram Padshanagaram Palasigudem - Patteyagudem - Pedapad (2 parts) Petachintalapudi Pochavaram ~~ - Ponukumadu - Ponangi - Potunur - Potunur (2 parts) Pragadavaram - Pulla - - - Putrepi - - Raghavapuram (4 parts) Rallagunta - - | Ramannapalem - - | Ramannagudem - | Ramasingavaram - | Rangapuram - Rangapuram khandrika | Ranguvarigudem - | Ravikampadu - Recherla - Rudrakatrazgudem Sankachakrapuram Satyala - - | Sattenagudem - Satrampad - Sayannaraupalem Settivarigudem - | Singavaram - | Sitanagaram - Sivapuram - Somavaram - Sriramavaram - ” | Surappagudem - | Tadikalapudi (4 parts) Tallagudem - Talarlapalli - Tedlam - - | Tigalavantsa - \ Timmapuram II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—6. GODAVARI DISTRICT. Tirumalampalem Uppalavarigudem Vadlapatlanutanam Vatlur - - Velagalapalli ~~ Vemulapalli ~~ - Vengammapalem Venkammapalem Adurru - - Antaravedi - Appanapalli ~~ - Apparamunilanka Atsanta - Battelanka - Betamallepudisavaram Bhimalapuram Lankas Botlakurrudoddavaram Chinamamidipalli Chintalapalli ~~ - Deva - - Digumarru - Doddipatla - Doddipatla Lankas Ganavaram (2 parts) Geddada - Goganamatham - Gondi - - Gudapalli - Gudimellanka - Gummulur - Gumparru - Idarada - [lapakurru - [rusumanda ~~ - Jagannadhapuram Jinnur - - Kadali - - Kalagampudi - Kalipatnam - Karugorumilli Lankas Katrenipad - Kattimanda - Kavitam > Kaza - - Kesanapalli - Kodamanchile - Koder (2 parts) Komarada - Kopparru - Kottapalli Lanka Kummarapurugupalen Kunavaram - Lakkavaram - Linganaboinacherla Losarigutlapad - » 3. Villages cultivation No. 21 38 28 131 96 36 100 98 | Venkatadrigudem Venkatakrustnapuram Venkatapuram - Venkatrayapuram Vurlagudem - Yedavalli 2” . Yendapalli in Narsapur Taluk. 118 87 129 90 5 99 108 12 126 60 109 4 44 32 32 139 132 116 55 112 93 28 30 121 33 "101 18 24 120 54 71 11 114 97 20 50 ( | | | | Lutukurru - Machhapuri - Machhapuripalem Madhavayapalem Makanapalem - Makatapalli ~~ - | Malikipuram - | Mallavaram - | Mamidikuduru - | Manepalli - Mattaparru (East) | Medapad - » | Mogalikuduru - Mogaltur > Mondepulanka - | Mori - - Mulaparru - Mulikipalli - Mutyalapalli - { 5 a cultivation lst part Nagaram - Navarasapuram Palagummi - Panditavellur - Paserlapudi Lanka Pedamallam Lankas | Pedamamidipalli Pedapatnam - Pedatippa - Penumadam - Penumanchili - Podalada Podur - | Ponnamanda Ramarazlanka Rameswaram - Yazol (2 parts) - Rustambada - Senkaraguptam - Sivakodu (2 parts) Sompalli Tatipaka Tundurru Turputallu Ullamparru Vadrevupalli Vallur - Varidhanam - 333 67 23 68 31 334 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Vedangi - - - No. 22 | Vempa - - Velagaler - - - ,, 19 | Vemuladevi (2 parts) Velivela - - - , 63 | Viswesarayapuram - Vemavaram - - - ,, 14 | Yenuguvanilanka - 80 86 98 52 *.* The following numbers are wanting in the foregoing series : —1, 2, 9, 15, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 87, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 51, 56, 59, 61, 62, 65, (66, 68, 70, 71, 75, 78, 81, 89, 95, 125. See the Map of Narsapur taluk for a complete list. 4. Villages in Peddapur Taluk. Achutapuram - - No. 63 | Pedarayavaram - Aminbada - 68 | Pedasenkarlapudi Anur - - 39 | Peddapur (2 parts) Balavaram - 65 | Peravaram - Bhadravaram - 9 | Potulur - Chinabramhadevam 37 | Pulimer - Divila - - 21 | Ragampeta - Doddigunta 54 | Rallakhandrika - Dentamur 62 | Ramanayapeta - Gandepalli 48 | Rangampeta - Gorintada - ’ 23 | Rangapuram - Gudivada - 27 | Ravutulapudi - Guntuvanipalem 4 | Ravutupalem - Tlakonu - 51 | Rayabhupalapatnam Tllapalli - 57 | Rayavaram - Jagapatinagaram 17 Sinagmpalli - Jaggannatimmapuram ; 32 Sinagrampalem - Kandrakota - 31 | Sirivada - Kapavaram ,, 66 | Srotriyarayavaram Kattamur - 30 | Subhadrammapeta Kattipudi - ; 19 | Surampalem - : Kimmur - 5 | Tirupatirajapuram (North) Kondapalli . 38 Ww. (South) Kotapad - 40 | T ummalapalli - » Lakshmipuram (East) 6 | Vadisaler . - Lampakalova - 14 Vadlamur - Lingamparti - 7 | Valtimmapuram Mallepalli - 44 | Venkatapuram - Marripudi - 36 | Virampalem Marritimmapuram 10 | Vulimeswaram Mukundavaram 52 | Vuttarakanchi Murari - - 47 | Wuppada Nallamilli - . 61 | Yellavaram Narendrapatnam 1 | Yellur - 5. Village in Rajahmundry Taluk. Venkatrajapurani - - No. 15. 6. Villages in Ramachendrapur Taluk. Addampalli ~~ - No. 70 | Arevettam > Aitampudi - 58 | Arikarevula - Alamur (2 parts) 157 | Artamur ~~ - Ambikapalli - 81 Baduguvanilanka Amuzur - 117 | Balabhadrapuram Anaparti - 25 | Balantram » jon - 71 | Bhatlapalika Angara (2 parts) 145 = Bhavaram . Aratlakatla ~~ - 6 Bhimakrosupalem II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—6. GODAVARI DISTRICT. Bikkavol - No. Bramhapuri ~~ - Cheduvada - Chellur - - Chinadwarapudi Chinamamidada Chintalur - Chintapalli , Choppella - Draksharama - Dwarapudi > Gandredu - Gangavaram - Gollalamamidada Gollapalem - Gummiler - Ippanapad - Jagannadhagiri - Jagannaikulapalem Jannada - Kaikavol - Kalavacherla - Kaler - - Kandregula - Kandulapalem - Kapavaram - - Kapileswarapuram Lankas Kasanbada - Kazalur - Kesavaram . Khandrika (East) ” (West) Kolanka - Komaripalem - Konkuduru - - Koppavaram (2 parts) - Korumilli (2 parts) - Kota - - - - Kotipalli - - - Kotipallikodavativarichinalankas Kotipalli Viravallipalem - ” » © Kulla - - Kumarapriam Kundur Kurada - Kurmapuram Kutukulur Kuyer - Kuyer Uppum durroo - Lolla - “ Modiki - Mahendravada Mamidada Maredupaka Masakapalli 20 65 52 127 34 46 155 12 161 107 33 13 103 15 31 151 32 75 108 160 5 158 140 8S 84 75 144 85 53 27 105 143 63 24 18 9 eC 120 96 98 98 98 99 100 10 104 47 124 132 59 59 60 61 130 162 39 59 134 66 Matukumilli - Matsara - Matsavaram - Medapad - Medapad and Palatodu »” » Mellur - - Mernipad - Modukur - Mutsumilli - Nadurubada - Nallur - - Narasapurapupeta Narsipudi - Navabpeta - Nelatur - Nidasanametta - Odur - - Paina - - Pallipalem - Pamarra - Panangipalli Kurakallapalli 2 » Pandalapaka - Pasalapudi - Pedabramhadevam Pedapalla . Pedaparru - Pedapudi - Peddada - Peker - - Peniker - Penumalla - Pillanka - Pinapalla - Polamur - Pulugurta - Puttakonda - Ramachendrapuram Ramavaram - Razpalem - Sahapuram - Sampara - Sandipudi - Satyavada - Siripuram . NSivala - - Someswaram Sundarapalli Tadepalli Tamarapalli Tanumalla Tapeswaram Tarlampudi - | Tatapudi (2 parts) | Teki - | Tossipudi | Totapeta Tsodavaram 335 54 128 2 336 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Undur - Vadlamur Vakada Vakatippa Vallur - Vatrapudi Vendurumudi Vedurupaka Velagatodu Velampalem - Velangi (2 parts) Vella - - Vemulapalli - Vendra - Venkatayapalem 74 139 48 119 137 88 142 40 29 115 77 83 26 43 106 Ventur - Vettapalem Vulapalli Vutrumilli Yanamadala Yandagandi Yandamur Yedide - Yerapotavaram - Yerupalli - ’ Zemindaryand Proprietary Villages 7. Villages in Tanuku Taluk. Ainapuram* Aitampudi Akutigapad Alampuram Alamur Aravalli Atlapad* Attili - Azzaram* - Badampudi - Ballipad - Bendalapalem - Bhatlamugutur - Bodapad - Bramhanagudem* Chibrol - - Chibrolukhandrika Chigurulanka* - Chilakapad® Chintapalli Chivatam* Cherukuvada Dammennu* Daravaram® Darisaparru ~~ - Dasullakumudavalli Doutavaram - Duvva - - Eletipad (2 parts) , Garuvuguntakhandrika® Gopavaram* - Gopinadhapatnam Goter* - - Gummampad* Gunaparru Jdur - Tlaparru 1lindalaparru ”» - No. 100 84 153 48 116 125 21 131 66 169 54 49 119 146 5 177 178 8 41 | 147 61 83 28 6 150 136 173 51 78 79 17 176 89 55 161 128 106 87 94 Iragavaram* - Jalagamvarikhandrika* - Jidigunta® - - Jidiguntalanka* | Juttiga - - Kagupad Kakaraparru Kakarlamudi Kakiler - Kalavacherla* | Kaldhari Kanakayapalum Kannayakumuddavalli Kanur® - - | Kanuragraharam* | Kanter - - Kantsumarru - Kapavaram* - Karravarisavaram® Kasipad - Kattuvapad - Kavalipuram - Khandavalli ~~ Khandrika* Komarru Kommara Komaravaram* Kondayapalem Kond opad Korumilli Korupalli* | Kottapad* | Kothalaparru | Kottapalli Koyetipad* - Krustnayapalem Maddur* - Maddurlanka* - Mallepudi - * These villages are, according to the maps, in Relangi zemindari. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.-—6, GODAVARI DISTRICT. Malleswaram Mandapaka* Mamudur Manchili Markondapad Maruter Minavillur Morta* - Meyer - Muddapuram Mudunur Mukkamala Munamarru Munupalli* Muppavaram® Muppartipad Nadupalli* - No. 81 56 124 130 2 111 139 2% 135 45 149 Narsimha apparavupuram Navabpalem Neggipudi Nelamur Nandamur* Nandigampad* Nelatur* Nidadavol* Padala - Paidiparru* Palangi* Palmar - Pali - Palar - Pandulaparrulankas* (2 parts) Parimella Pasalapudi Peker - Pendyala* Pentapad " Penugonda Peravalli Pippara Podalada Purushottapalli* Racherla Ramannapalem Rameswaram Rapaka* Ratsur - Adivikolanu} Aibhimavaram Akuvidui Amudalapallif Anakoderu 8. Villages in No. 141 “G94 3. 98 145 " Ol Ravipad Ravulaparru Relangi Satyavada* Satyavaram Sajapuram* Senkarapuram* Settipeta re Siddhantam - Singanamuppavaram* Singavaram - Skinnerpuram - Surampudi - Suryaravupalem Tadiparru® - Tallamudunurpad Tallapuram - Tamarada - Tanuku - Tetali - - Timmarazpalem* Tiparru* - Tirupatipuram - Umamaheswaram Undrajavaram* - Ungutur - Unikili - - Usulamarru - Vadali - - Vaddur - - Vadur - - Vallurpalli - Vanampalli - Varighed - Velagadurru ~~ - Velivennu* » Velpur - - Vemavaram - - . . Venkatadriapparavupuram Venkatramapuram - Vijheswaram* - - Vipparru (East) - 2 (West) Vogidi* - Yagarlapalli - Yallamilli , Yanatapalli - Undi Taluk. § Andalur Annavaram Aratlakatla Ardhavaram} Areduf - * These villages, according to the maps, are in Relangi zemindari. t This taluk appears to be named Bhimavaram in the Madras Census. 1 These villages, according to the maps, are in Kykalur zemindari. 338 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Artamur - Azzamur* - Bainepalli* - Ballipad - Balusumudi ~~ - Bavayapalem® - Betapudi - Bhimavaram - Bobbanalanka - Bondada - Buvvanapalli* - Chanamilli* - Cherukugamana* Cherukumilli - Chilukur - Chinaamiram - Chinakapavaram® Chinanindrakolanu* Chinapuller - Chinaramachendrapuram* Chintaparrun ~~ - Chodavaram - Devaragopavaram* Dharmapuram* Doddanapadi - Duggulur - Dumpagadapa® - Emunepalli - Ganapavaram® - Garagaparru Gollalakoder - Gopavaram* (Agraharam) Goraganamudi - Gorlamudi Gummulur* Gunupudi Tlampudi - Jagannadhapuram Jakkavaram - Kakaramilli* - Kakinada - Kalavapudi (2 parts) Kaligotla* - Kalisapudi - Kalla (2 parts) - Kallakur . Kapavaram Karukuvada Kesavaram* Kolanapalli Kolamur®* Kollaparru* Komarada > Kommara* > Kommuchikkala Kondepudi - Konduvapad - - No. 102 96 147 9 49 126 33 54 13 76 134 127 118 93 62 53 105 144 78 135 5 4 146 100 116 83 68 101 47 122 111 26 64 Konitivada Kopalli - Korrapad Korukollu Kovada Krottapalli* - - Krovvidi* - - Krustnapuram* (Agraharam) Kumadavalli ~~ - - Kuppanapudi* - - Lankalakoder - - Madivada® - Madugupolavaram Mahadevapatnam Maipa - - Mamidipudi (2 parts) Mandalaparru® - Medavaram - Mentipudi - Mogallu - Muggulla® - Nadipalli - Naganamilli* - Namudur - Narasimhapuram Narsimhapuram* Narasingarajapuram Nelapogula - Nidamarru*® Palakoder Palamur Pamulaparru® Panduvva® - Panduvvakhandrika* Pedakapavaram® Pedaameram - Pedanindrakalanu® Pedapuller - - Pedaramachendrapuram® Pennada - Pratallameraka - Putsalapalli Railam - Rayakuduru Sanivada Saripalli* . Siddapuram* - Sisali (2 parts) - Sivadevunichikala Srungavruksham Tader - - Taratava* - Tillapudi - Timmaravugudem* Tokalapalli* - » Toler - - * These villages, according to the maps, are in Kykalur zemindari. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—6, GODAVART DISTRICT. Undi - - - Unudurru - . Uppulur* - » Vakapalli* (Mokasia) - Valamarru - - Vandram - - Varadarajapuram* - Velivarru - - Velagapalli* Vellatur » Venkatapuram* - No. 7 65 67 119 2 73 112 61 123 a8 140 1 | | | | | | Vemavaram - Vempad - Vendra (2 parts Vendra - - Vireswarapuram* Viravasaram (3 parts) Vissakoder - Vollur* - Yanamadurru - Yandagandi ~~ - Yelurpad - 9. Villages in Yernagudam Taluk. Amarangabad - Anantapalli - Arikarevula - Arugolanu - Arulla - - Avapad (2 parts) Aiyavaram - Ajjarala Jandapuram Chagalln Chandravaram - Chikkala (2 parts) Chipurugudem = Dandigara - Devarapalli (2 parts) Dommer - Dubacherla Duddukur Ganapavaram Gavurupalli Gopalapuram Isukapatta Jagannadhapur Jagganapeta Kadakatla Kadiyedda Kalavalipalli, Surapuram, and Vunakaramilli » » Katakuteswaram Kavulur - Ketavaram . Kommugudem - Konala - - Konduprolu - Korumamidi_ - Kovvur J * These villages, according to the Krustnampalem Kumaradevam - Kunavaram - Kunchanapalli - Madhavaram - Mallavaram - Marampalli - Marellamudi - Nallacherla (2 parts) Nallamadu (2 parts) Nandamur - Pallantla - Pangidigudem - Parimpudi (2 parts) Pasivedala - Pasivedalajimma Pattennapalem - Peddireddigudem Penakanametta - Potavaram - Prakkelanka lankas Prattipad - | R avimetta - lajavaram - Tadepalli - Tadimalla - Tadepalligudem nm . Faduvoyi - rn: Tirumalapuram - Togummi - Unagatla - Vadapalli - Vijeswarapuram Velagapad - \ V V "emulur - ‘irampalem - ‘enkatramunigudem Vissampalem - maps, are in Kykalur zemindari. 339 21 52 27 28 120 15 38 121 46 63 92 a a SESE SEBS i MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 7. KRISHNA DISTRICT. "Including twelve Taluks. Masulipatam Survey .* Map of the COLLECTORATE of MASULIPATAM, including the Circars of Condapilly and Masulipatam, to which are added the small Districts of Moonagalah and Lingagerry insulated within the Nizam’s Territories, also the several portions of the District of Gani-Atcoor belonging to the Nizam, included within the Company’s Territories. The whole from actual Survey in 1816-17 by Assistant Surveyors Scott, Hamilton, and Summers. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 46. MS. Three Sections of the MASULIPATAM (Krishna) SURVEY Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Received in 1818. No title. MSS. D. 79. Davercotta. Size, 27 inches by 29. D. 80. Auvinnagudda, Pt. Divy. Size, 22 inches by 217. D. 81. Masulipatam. Size, 23 inches by 20. Statistical Tables of the SURVEY of the GUNTOOR DISTRICT. 1817-18. Large oblong folio, half-bound. MS. Report of the BOUNDARY between GUNTOOR and MASU LI- PATAM DISTRICT, along the KISTNA RIVER, dated 18th October 1850. Feap., unbound. MS. Plan of the FORT of MASULIPATAM, showing each separate holding. Surveyed under the orders of Captain R. I. Pratt, Deputy Superintendent Revenue Survey, Kistna District. Madras, 24th April 1860. Seale, 48 inches to 1 mile, or 110 feet to 1 inch ; size, 49 inches by 38. MS. Plan of the FORT of MASULIPATAM. 1860. Scale, 130 yards to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 21. MS. Guntoor Surveys. Geographical and Statistical Memoir of the SURVEY of the MOORTEZANUGGUR or GUNTOOR CIRCAR, commenced by the officers of the Military Institution in the springs of 1815 and 1816, and resumed in August 1817 by a party of Assistant Surveyors under the superintendence of Lieutenant I. Mount- ford, 6th Regt. N. I. In 2 vols, folio, half bound. MS. Map of the GUNTUR COLLECTORATE.+ Surveyed partly by the officers of the Military Institution, and afterwards by a party of Assistant Sur- veyors under the superintendence of Lieut. F. Mountford, in the years 1815,°16,°17, ’18, and’19. S.G.0., Madras, 22nd December 1827. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 43 inches by 38. *_* With a marginal register of the villages, and explanations. MS. Map of the GUNTOOR CIRCAR, including that of NIZAM- PATAM. Reduced from the original sections of the survey executed in 1817, 18, and ’19. S.G.0., Calcutta, October 1827. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 40. * % With a marginal register of the villages, and remarks. MS. * Masulipatam or Bundar is now a town and taluk of Krishna District. The name is here used in a larger sense which it has ceased to bear. t+ Gantoor is now a town and taluk in Krishna District. It is here used in a larger sense which it has ceased to bear. IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—7, KRISHNA DISTRICT. 341 Mi 3 the NIZAMPATAM * CIRCAR in the GUNTOOR : JT (now part of Krishna District), surveyed und in Lieutenant F. Mountford, and afterwards and en apetiysudence of : g : er Assistant Surveyor righ during the years 1817, ’18, ’19, and ’20. Folio, Fo Bh N Doig, ROADS from GUNTOOR, by YELCHOOR, to INNEKONDU snd KOORCHAID, south-westerly, INNEKONDU to KARUMPOODEE d 5 an PERanOR AM thence by DHOOLPELLA and MEDKONDOOR *UT 3. Surveyed in July and August 1819, I sw Chamaret i tant-Surveyor. With maps. In Jy folio, half oy As gai Rox) SILVEYS Jontinted from GUNTOOR to the KISTNA UVER, eastward. Surveyed in May 1819 by Charles Bt ca Tels ye With maps. In 1 vol., folio, half on 4: Ae les Barnett Assistont-Survepor. 1 : 3 Geographical Memoir of the DISTRICT of PALNAUD in the ZU a FIa08 (now Kistna District). Surveyed by Messrs. F. Hill and . Long, Assistant-Surveyors, in the year 1829, under the s stintendence of Li tenant H. Morland. With sketches, includi ‘ hart Deri onaonss o% Len nd. sketches cluding an ancient pillar, with an inserinti at Goorjal, ancient tombs, and : pillar near Car TH on ear een, poate, » and a pillar near Carumpoody. Folio, 38 pages, stiff’ CHANASHOOMAREE of the VILLAGES dependent on the DISTRICT of PALNAUD in the GUNTUR} CIRCAR, for the year 182¢ accompany the Memoir. Folio. MS, er 2 Flore Survey. Six field sections of the I LE SURVE f 1 / % Feld seo of fhe ELLORE SURVEY. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. No. 1. Chintalapoody. Size, 26 inches by 22 No. 2. Pentepad. Size, 22 inches by 25. No. 3. Oongootoor. Size, 19 inches by 20. No. 4. Kamavurrapookota. Size, 24 inches by 22 No. 5. Ellore. Size, 22 inches by 27. i No. 6. Nidadavol. Size, 28 inches by 22. Description of the BOUNDARIES of the ELLORE SURVEY Village Register, Triangles of the Ellore Survey. Bearings and distances "Ta 1 vol, folio, half bound. MS. ai Rn Memoir of the SURV EY of the DISTRICT of ELLORE. sur- veyed by a party of Assistant-Surveyors from the end of the vear 1819 to the beginning of 1821. Copied from original crude materials, Signed D Montg : p oe Deputy Surveyor-General. In 1 vol., folio, half bound. MS. a dh ni 3 \ IT RVFK ELLORE SU RVEY. 1. Routes through the northern parts of Ellore. 2. Routes comprehending the military road frem Purrakeed and Ellore, b Anantapillee towards Rajahmundry, also the lower or Tappal road leading thither ho av) from Goondagol and Kykaram to Madawaram Surveyed in 1820 by ssistant-Surveyors T. Anderson and C. Barn it] hye } s < . « itt. \ aps ) oli fiuisisnt Inlay ( With maps. In 1 vol, folio, Map of the TRUNK ROADS in the KISTNAH DIVISION Chepauk, February 1866. Seale, 8 miles to | inch ; size, 18 inches by 24, Litho, * No longer so called. t Guntoor is now a town and taluk in Kris istri i i g uk in Krishna District. It is here used in a li : ich i ud Gariool i sow s here used in a larger sense which it 1 Ellore is he n: avi i I Ellore is now the name of a village and taluk in Godavery Distri i i Ell ow the ge and 1 Godavery District. It is here use : applications which it formerly bere. oe tis hero ued In che larger a —. fa Ei i ih RE rr wi iin MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Mapras Revenue Survey or KrisanNa DiIsTricr. TarLuk Maps, on the scale of 1 inch to 1 mile. Map of the BANDAR (or Masulipatam) TALUK, KISTNA DIS- TRICT, reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey. Surveyed in 1859, ’60, and 61, by Capt. R. T. Pratt, H.M. 84th Foot, Deputy Supt. Rev. Survey. Chepauk, 1870." Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 56. Maps of the following taluks in this district are also published with similar titles, and in a uniform style :— Bapatla. Nandigama. Bezwada. | Narsaraopett. Gudivada. Repalli. Guntur. Sattenapalli. # % These are included among the specimens of the Madras Revenue Survey by Col. Priestley. See page 315. Mp of the GUDURU PARGANNA in the BANDAR TALUK, KRISHNA DISTRICT. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey, executed in 1859 and 1860, by Capt. R. T. Pratt, 84th Foot, Dept. Supt. Rev. Survey. Scale, mile to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 24. II. ViLace Maps, arranged in Taluks. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. 1. Villages in Bandar Taluk. Akulamannad - - No. 39 | Kalapatam Akumarru - 38 | Karakohakhandrika Arisepulli - 15 | Kalapatam - Bahussemupallem 88% | Kanipuram Balliparru - 81 | Koppalli Barrapotupalem 61 | Kudrr - Barrepadu - 5 | Lollagaruvu Buddalapalem - 66 | Machavaram Chilakalapudi - 42 | Madaka China amudalapad 119 | Mangenapudi Chiruvollanka - 17 | Malleswaram Chittigudur ~~ - 35 | Mellamartilanka Chodavaram - 9 | Manimeswram (Agraharam) Devarapalli ~~ - 87 | Mopidivilanka - - Dirisavalli - 78 | Nadupur Edlalanka - 3 | Nangavaram - Gadepudi (Agraharam) 72 | Nangegadda - Gandram - 56 | Nandamur - Gokavaram - 83 | Nandigam - Gopananipalem - 43 | Nankedalapalem Gudur - - 49 | Nelakurru - Gundapalem - 28 | Palatitippa - Gurijepalli - 57 | Pedana - , Gurinindagunta 76 | Peda Amudalapalli Jenjuru (Agraharam) , 101 | Penumalli - Kakarlamudi - 82 | Pinagudur - Kantsakodur - » 33 | Polatitippa - Kanur - - 102 | Potlapalem - Kappaladoddi - 69 | Potepalli . Kara (Agraharam) ,, 41 | Pullapad (Agraharam) Kassenupalem - 60 | Puligadda . II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—7, KRISHNA DISTRICT. Rajavaram - Ramarazupalem Rudravaram - Satalur - Singarayapalem 36 63 29 111 67 2. Villages in Adipudi Adivi - Adusumulli Annaparru Annavaram Appikatla Appapuram Aremanda - Bapatla (2 parts) - Battukhundipalem - Bhartepudi (Agraharam) Bodipalem - . Jrahamanakodur - Chebrolu (2 parts) - Chennubhothapalem (Agraha- ram) - Cherukur Cheruvu Chirala - Daggupad Dandamudi Dappalapudi Edupad (Agraharam) Ganapavaram - Ganikepudi ~~ - - Garikepudi - - Garnepudi - > Gauinevallapalem (2 parts) Gollapudi (Agraharam) Gopapuram > - Gudipudi (Agraharam) Idupulapad Inagallu Inagartipad Iteru - Jagarlamudi ” Kadavakuduru Kadumanu - Karlapalem (2 parts) - Karimchedu - - Katrapadu (2 parts) - Kesanarappadu (Agraharam) Kodananivaripalem (2 parts) Kommur (2 parts) - Kondapantut - - Kopparru - Kottapalli - Kottimarla - Kunkatamirru (2 parts) Mamillapalli ~~ - 95 87 65 29 35 35 Tanisepudi Tarakutur Varriallapalli Vartalapalli Vulavalapudi Bapatla Taluk. | Manchala (Agraharam) - | Mannava - - | Mantagunta (2 parts) | Marripudi ~~ - | Maraboluvallapalem | Mattigunta - Mootupalli Mullapalem Munupalli Murukondapad Mutulapad Nandur Narasayapalem | Nayanipalem | Nereduballi Palaparru - Palapartipad (Agrahar Pallapadu - | Pandrapad - Partsur (2 parts) Patsalatadiparru | Panalur - Pedaganjam - | Pedanandipad - | Penukudurupadu Perala - - Ponnar - - Potareddipalem (2 parts) Pulla - - Pulladipalem - Pusapad . Pusalur - Rajulapalem Ramanayapalem Ravipadu Retur - | Sandipudi [ Santanur - Senarapatti » | Sriangapuram (Agraharam) Swarna (Agraharam) - | Tenididepadu - - | Tottempudi (Agraharam) | Turlapad - Uppalapad - | Upparapalem - | Uppatur | Vada - - | Vadlamudi - ' Vallabharanpalem (2 parts) Vallur (2 parts) - 343 - No. 63 34 54 90 30 344 " MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—7, KRISHNA DISTRICT. Gandepudi (Agraharam) - No. 120 | Mallavaram - Vangipuram - - No. 26 | Vellatur - : Gangadharapuram - 69 Vankayalapad - . » 100 Varagani - Velicherla (Agraharam) ” Ambapuram Atkur - - Chegireddipad - Dassullapalem - Gaddamanugu - Gannavaram ~~ - Gundala - Ilaprolu - Jakkampudi Jangalapalli Karikipad Kanur - Ketikelapudi Kolavennu Konatanipad Kottur - Loya - Maredumaka Managapad ~~ Mulapad - ” 28 54 Virannapalem (2 parts) Zupudi - - - 3. Villages in Bezwada Taluk. Mutiyalampad (Agraharam) Agadalalanka - Ainakurru - Ainampudi - 3 Alapadu - Allur (Agraharam) Amaravati - Anamanapudi Angalur Annavaram Appapuram Aripirala Atapaka Atsavaram Avakur Ayyannapalem - Ayyavarirudravaram Betavol - Bhairavapatnam Billapadu - Bobbirilanka - Bodagunta - Bomminampadu Bommulur - Busanagulla ~~ - Chakirudravaram Chandrala . Chavalipad - 57 “2 J 10 1 15 6 64 30 50 2 79 67 36 85 81 27 21 87 37 17 59 Mutiyalampad - - Narsayagudem (Agraharam) Nidamanur - - Paidurpad - Penchikalapad - Pinapaka - Poranki - Parasadampad - Ramavarapupad Tadepalli Tenner - Tsandrala Tummalagunta Uppatur Vellatur Velagaler Velpur - Vemavaram Venkalaramanagaram Vidyadharapuram 4. Villages in Gudivada Taluk. - No. 239 225 15 133 192 139 154 124 53 86 180 110 209 182 143 107 181 61 214 67 240 33 140 70 62 3! 52 81 | Chavutapalli ~~ - Chennur - Chettunnapad - | Chevendra (Zemindari) ' Chevur - . | Chiravupalli ~~ - ' Chigurukota - | Chilakamudi - ' Chinagonnur - Chinakamanapudi Chinapalaparru Chinatummidi (Agraharam) Chinaveginamilli - . Chinayerukapadu - . Chintalapudi (Agraharam) Chintapad » . | Chirichintala - - | Chitram (Agraharam) - | Daggumilli (2 parts) - | Dakaram ' Dandiganipudi | Dayyampad | Devapudi ' Devaram Dintakurru | Doddipatla | Dokiparru | Dondapad Gannavaram - - Gokinampad - Golivepalli - Gonepad (Agraharam) Gongallamudi - Gopavaram - Gudivada - Gudivakalanka - Gudlavaller - Gundrallalanka Gunnanapudi - Guraza - - Ingilipakalanks: Janardanapuram Jangampad Kaikalur Kakaravada Kalavaguntah Kalavagunta Kalavapudi ’” " Kalidindi Kallapalem Kamalapuram Kamanapudi Kanukollu Kanumarla Kapavaram Kavutaram Kocheherla Kodur - - Kokkirayalanka Kolletikota - Kommalamudi - Komarru - Komaravol - Komatlalanka - Kondiparru - Kondur (Agraharam) Kongancherla - - Korraguntapalem (Agraharam)'- Korimerla » Kottada - Kovvadalanka - Kuchchikayalapudi Kudaravalli - Kudaravallilanka Kudumulatippa Kummaragunta Kurada Kurupakalanka Lellapudi Lingala - Lingavaram - Lokumudi - Madhavaram (Agraharam) Mallampudi ~~ - - 162 137 123 164 121 184 64 96 38 210 124 85 175 103 194 211 45 26 32 54 93 16: 65 186 30 34 129 43 2 22 142 79 109 241 125 134 57 228 13 189 | 26 138 8 195 22] 56 114 172 232 27 51 196 128 160 102 212 89 148 ” Mamidikolla - Mandapadu - Mangunurulanka Manurulanka - Mattagunta Merakagudem Minapallanka Mirimampalem Modugamudi Motur - Mudinepalli Mudutallapad Mulakalapalli Nagavarappad - Nandigamalanka Nandivada - Nattagullalapad Nemmalur - Nemmikur (2 parts) Neratanamudi - Nujella - - Nutulapad - Paidichintapad - Pakerla - Pamulakurru Paresapalli - Parnasakhandrika Pasalapudi - Pasumarru - Pedagonnur ~~ - Pedalanka - Pedalingala (Agraharam) Pedapalaparru - - Pedaveginamilli - Pedavirivada - - Pedayarkapad - - Penchikalamirru - Penjendra (Zemindari) - Penumalle Perur - Pesaramilli | Peyyeru Polukonda ' Polumetla Ponukumad Pottilanka Potumarru ' Pramarru | | Prattikollalanka Prattipad - Prodduvaka (Agraharam) Puritepad - . Putlacheruvu - Ramachendrapuram - Ramanapudi ~~ - . Ramapuram - Ramavaram - Ratsapatnam - 346 MAPS OF THE CIVIL Reddipudi - No. 92 Rimmanapudi - wi M4 Rudrupak - » 169 Saidepudi - 99 Sanarudravaram 156 Sankarshanapuram 80 Satalayalanka - 233 Siddhantam 75 Siddhapuram 197 Singapuram 207 Singavaram 82 Sipudy - 60 Sitanapalli (Agraharam) 202 Sobhanadripuram (Agraharam) - 179 Someswaram ~~ - - 193 Sripartilanka - - 226 Strinivasapuram (Agel) 108 Tadinada - 190 Takkellapad (Agrahar am) 177 Tamarakollu - 158 5. Villages in Abbirazupalem - - No. 8 Ainavol (Agraharam) - - 37 Agatavarapad - - - 87 Anantavaram (2 parts) - - 42 Anantavarapad (Agraharam) 96 Atmakur - - 32 Bandarupalli (2 parts) -- 60 Bejatpuram (2 parts) - 54 Borupalem - - 7 Budampad - - 97 Chemallamudi - - 101 Chinakakani - 64 Chinapalakalur (2 parts) Chinavadlapudi Chirravur Damarapalli (2 parts) - Devarayabhotlapalem - 0 Endrayi - - 45 Etukur (2 parts ) - 95 Garapad Sa 109 Godavarru (2 parts) - 100 Gorantla - - 73 Gottipad - - 119 | Gundumeda (2 parts) - , 25 Guntur (2 parts) . : 88 Gurzavoluguntapalem - 118 Harichendrapuram - 4 Tdulapalem (Agraharam) 114 Ippatam - - 13 Jonnalagadda - - 68 Kakani - - . . oq Kanteru - - 66 Kanthamrazkondur 78 Karlapudi (2 parts’ 48 Katrapad - 107 DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Tamirisa - Tativarru - Utkur - - Vadali (Agraharam) Vadarlapad - Vanudurru - Varahapatnam - Vemavaram - Vemavarapalem Vemugunta - Venkatapuram Vennanapudi Vinjiram Vunikili Vurimidilanka Vurivi - Yadavalli - Yalakurru (Agr uhiarmn) Yedepalli - Guntur Taluk. | Kolanukonda (Agraharam) - No. ' Kondajagarlamudi (Agraharam) . Kondamrazpalem Kondepadu - { Koppuravur - | Koritepad - Kornipadu - Kovelamudi ~~ - Kunchanapalli (Agraharam) Kuragallu (2 parts) - Kurunutala ~~ - - lam - - | Latsanagudipudi | Lemallepad ~~ - | | | | | | y | Lingayapalem - | Malkapuram (Agralaram) | Mallayapalem - Mandadam - . Mandapad - - | Mangalagiri - - - Marripalem (Agraharam) - Misaragadda Anantavaram (Ag- rabaram) . | Motadaka Mutlur - | Nallapad »» | Narakodur | Navulur (3 parts) | Nekkallu | Nidamarru | Nidumukkala | Nutakki . Pamulapad | Pedamaddur II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—7, KRISHNA DISTRICT. Pedaparimi - Pedavadlapudi - Penumaka - Penumuli - Pechikalapalem - Ponnikallu - Pottur - - Prattipad - - Ramachendrapuram - +5 (Agr ahar um) Ravela - - Rayapudi - - Sakhamur (2 parts) - Suddapalli - - Tadepalli - - Takkellapadu - . 50 | Tangellamudi - - No. 30 | Tsavadavaram - 18 | Tullur - - 79 | Uddandarayunipalem ”» ”» 5 | ' Ungutur - 61 93 | Unnava ' Uppalapad (2 ports) 116 | Vaddamanu - 27 91 56 9 38 85 Vaikuntapuram | Vejendla - | Velagapudi Venigundia | Venkatapalem Vundavalli | Yamarru 6. Villages in Krosur * Taluk. Amaravati - - Aminbada - - Anantavaram (Agraharam) Attalur - - Jalemarru (Agraharam) Balijepalli - . Balusupad . Bayyavaram - Bellamkonda - Betapudi - Bhutlannavaram Bhatlur Bhimavaram Bhrugubanda Jodanam Bollavaram Chamarru - ™ y 3 re « Chavatipapayapalem (Agraha- ram) = - - . Chigurupad - - - Chinamakkena (Agraharam) - Chintalapudi - Chintapalli - Chittela - Dammalapad ~~ - Detsavaram (Agraharam) Detsavarapupad Dhulipalla - Didugu - Dodleru - Ellamrajapalem Erraguntalapad Gaulur - - Garapad Garikipad (Agr hs re 0) Garnepudi - Ginjupalli (Agealoram) Gogulapad - - No. 58 185 64 92 94 532 88 93 39 147 83 350 9 154 146 100 60 | Gollapad Grandhisiri Gudibanda Gudipad Gudipudi Gupjarlapudi Gullapalli - Gundalapad (Agraharam) Gundavaram - - Kasanbada (Agraharam) Kavujuganesem - Kussenagaram - Inimedigalla - Jatapalli - Jalalpuram - Jupudi and Malladi (Agron m) 3 Kambhampad | Kamepalli | Kandipad . Kankanalapalli Katepudi | Kasepad | Kastala Puttipad (Agrabar um) - { Kattamur - Kogantivaripalem (Agraharam) | Kogantivaripalem | (Agraharam) | Kollur - - Avbntipn Ambatipadi | Komerepudi { Kondur | Zonije rla | Konur - Kopperlapad 131 | Korrapad 19 123 | Kotanevalipuri - | Kottapalli . * New Sattenapalli. 347 81 113 40 12 46 122 76 44 3 98 13 74 16 19 108 348 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Krosur - - - - No. 97 Kubadpuram - - “lig 4D Kuntamaddi - - - rey dil 18 Lagadapad = - - 113 Lakkarazgarlapad - - 155 Lakshminarayanapalem (Agra- i haram) - 65 Lankalakurapad 167 Legamudi - 180 Lingamgunta - 133 Lingapuram - 89 Madala - - 156 Madipad (Agraharam) 17 Makkapad - 55 Mandepudi - 109 Mangalageripad (Agraharam) - 187 Mannesultanpalem - 7 Matsayapalem - 36 Medikondur - 188 Merikepad - 171 Mittapalem - 28 Mogulutta 2 Munagapadu 172 Muppalla 163 Mussapuram 1 1 1 Nagavaram 57 Nandigama 143 Nandirazpalem - 40 Narasimhunigudem 43 N. arasingapad CAgrakoram) 47 Narinapad - 169 Narukullapad 86 Nevalikallu 108 Nevalipuri 45 Nindujerla 4 Nudurpad 178 Orvakallu 74 Pakalapad 125 Paladugu 140 Panidam 1 2 >apayapalem kg 104 Parupalli Gorantla (Agraharam) 118 " " 119 Patibandla . - 110 Pedakurapadu 112 Pedamakkena 129 Pedapalem 26 Perikapad 32 Pirangipuram 183 Pisapad - - Podapad - - Pondugala (Agraharam) Ponnayapalem (Agraharam) Ponukupad - - (Agraharam) Pottapad (Agraharam) - Prattipad - - Pulietinta Ramapuram Razupalem Reddigudem Regulagadda Repudi - Rentapalla (Agraharam) Rokatiguntapalem Rudravaram - » Saripudi - Sattenapalli ~~ - Siddhipalem Sirangapalem Siripuram Taduvayi Takkellapad ”» Tallur - 2» Tammavaram Tiallur - Timmarayanipalem T ondapi - Tripurapuram (Agraharam) Tsallagarigi ~~ Turikepalli Uppalapad Uyyandana Vaddavalli Varagani Velidevarlapadu (Agraharam) Velpur - - - Vemavaramkhandrika | Venkatayapalem | Vennandevi - | Vippalipalem - Vipparla - | Vutkur - - | Yemmajigudem | Yenikapadu ~~ - 7. Villages in Nandigam Taluk. Adiviranulapad (Agraharam) - No. 89 Ailavaram - - 53 Alurpad (Agraharam) - 123 Amaravaram - - vii JOP Ambarpet (Agraharam) 52 | Babbellapad ~~ - 19 | Balusupad - | Bhimavaram - Bodavada - Bramhabl: otlapalem | Butsavaram ~~ - IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—7, KRISHNA DISTRICT. 349 Channaravupalem Chavitikallu - Chillakallu - Chintalapad - Chinnamodugapalli Chittela - Damulur Dechupalem - Dobbokupalli - Doddadevarapad Dotsavaram - Etur - - Gandepalli - Gandrayi - Gangavalli Garikepad Gokirajupalli Gollamudi Gopinenipalem Gottumukkala Gouravaram Gudimetlapalem Gummadidurru Gundupoyanepalem Hasanbada Tudugapalli Irllapad - Jaganadhapuram Jammavaram - Jonnalagadda - Joyantipuram - Kakaravoyi - Kambhambad Kanchala - Kanchakacharla Kannevidu - Katremipalli - Kanutanari - Kisara - - Konijerla Kollikulla Konatamatkur - Konatalapalli Konakanchi - Kondur- - Kurugantivarikhandrika Kumikinipad - Lakshnipuram - Langollu - Lingagudem - Maggallu - Makkapeta - Malekapuram - Mamali - =~ - Managacherla - Medipalem (Agraharam) Molugumadu - - No. 29 1 79 9 128 124 112 131 142 Mullapad - Munnalur - Muppatta - Mukteswarapuram Muchchintala - Nandalur - Navalipeta , Nrusimharavpalem Pac hampalli ~~ - Pallagiri - Palampalli (Agrabaram) Patempad Patsavaram - Peddapuram - Pendala - Peddavaram - Pedamodugnealli Ponnavaram - Ponnapalli Vasati (Agraharam) Pokkunur , - Popur - > Ramapuram - Ramachandramnipeta Ravukampad - Ravirela - Rebbavaram Rudravaram Saidapuram Sanagapad Satyavaram Sherumahammadpeta Sittampundi ~~ - Somavaram - Subbayagudem - T adigummi (Agraharam) Takkellapad - - Tallur - - Timmapuram - Torragudipad - ne T'orraguntapalem Totaravulapad - Totacherla - » I'repuravaram Cultivation Tsandapuram - Tsantapalli - Tsattannavaram nH I'urlapad - Vatsavayi - Vedadri - Veladi - - Vemulavaram - Vemulapalli - Venkatapuram - | Vellanki . | Vibharitapad - 56 | Viradhadrunipaliem ' Vummadidenarapalli eet eee ee pe 350 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 8. Villages in Palnad Taluk. Adigoppula - - Akarazpalli ~~ - Alugumallepad (Agraharam) Alugurazpalli (3 parts) - Amanijammulamadak ~~ Atmakur - - Bodanampad ~~ - - Budavada - - Chennayapalem (Agraharam) China (Agraharam) - Chinagarlapad - - Chinakodamagulla - Chintapalli - - Daida (2 parts) - Darvemula - Dharmavaram Duggi - Gamalapad Gangavaram Gangulagunta Gogulapad Goli - - . Gottemukkala (2 parts) Gottipalla - - Gullapad Guttikonda Inaparazpalli Janapad Julakallu Khambampad Kamepalli Karempudi Karlapad - Kesanupalli - Kolagotla (3 parts) Konanki - Kottapalli - Madinapad - Madugala (2 parts) Mallavol . Manchikallu ~~ - Mandadi - 75 15 52 37 40 83 35 51 13 66 60 58 59 4 80 78 79 7 29 91 50 9. Villages i Alavala (Agraharam) - - No. Anantavaram - » Annavaram - - Annavarapadu (Agraharam) Appapuram ~~ - - Arepalli (Agraharam) Ballikurava - Mattsvaram ~~ - Matukumelli - Miriyala - Mittagudepad - Muttiyalammapad » Mutukur (2 parts) Nagalavaram - Narmalapadu - Nidhunampad (Agraharam) Pallegunta - - Paluvaya - - Passarlapad ~~ - » Paswvemula (2 parts) Patlavid - Peda (Agraharam) Pedagarlapad - Pedakodamagulla Pidugurala (2 parts) Petasaningalla - Pillutla - - Pinnavi (2 parts) Polipalli - Pulipad - Ramapuram - Rentala - Rentuchintala - Senkarapuram Sideheya Strirukminipuram (Agraharam) Tadutla - > Takkellapadu - Tallapalli . Telugutla - Tsarlagudipad - Tummalacheruvu Tumrukota (2 parts) Veludurti - Vemavaram - Viralakshmipuram (Agraharam) Vobalesunipalli - - - Vuppalapad ~~ - - . Rajapet Taluk. Chinapasumarru (Agraharam) | Chirumamella - - | Dandamudi - - | Dasaripalem - - | Degaramudi ~~ - - | Dondapadu (Agraharam) | Drondula - > 1I. MADRAS PRESIDENCY .—7, KRISHNA DISTRICT. Gottepadu - - Govindapuram - - Guntagarlapadu (Agraharam) Guntapalli - - Gurijepalli (Agraharam) Ikkurru - . Jaggapuram ~~ - - Jaladi - - - Jonnatavi (Agraharam) Kakani (2 parts) - Kamepalli - - Kanaparru - - Kankipatlavaripalem - - Kantetivarikhandrika (Agraba- ramj - - ~ - Karuchola Kavur - Kesanapalli Kolalapudi Konanki Kondakavur Kondavidu (2 parts) Konidena (2 parts) - Kopparam (2 parts) - Kopperapadu Kommalapadu Chennupalli and Senkaralin- gamgudipadu (Agraharam) - ” » » Kopperapadu - Kukutlapalli ~~ - Kunkalagunta (2 parts) Lakkavaram (Agraharam) Lingamguntla (Agraharam) Lingamgunta - - Maidavolu » - Manikondavaripalem - Mukteswaram (2 parts) Mulakalur - - Munumaka - - Murikipudi (2 parts) - Muttanapalli (Agraharam) Nadella (3 parts) - Nagarajupalli - - Nallagarlapadu (Agraharam) - 60 51 35 107 75 47 21 20 120 78 88 30 29 61 25 57 104 6 S81 68 79 28 118 45 Narsaranpeta - - Nekarikallu ~~ - - Nujellapalli (Agraharam) Palapadu - - Pamidipadu (Agraharam) Paragaticherla - - asumarru (2 parts) - Petluruvaripalem Agraharam) Poluru - - C . Potavarapadu (Agraharam) Potavaram - - Punur - - Purushottapattam Rajapeta - Ravipad > Rompicherla (2 parts) Rupenaguntla (2 parts) Sankuratripad - Santagudipadu - Santamagulur (2 parts) - Satuluru - Solasa - . Suravarapalli - Tangedapalli (2 parts) Tatapudi (Agraharam) Timmapuram - Tubada - Turumella - Uppumagulur (2 parts) Vaidana . Vankayalapadu - - Vellalacheruvu - - Vemavaram (Agraharam) Vinjanampadu - - - Vipparlapalli (Agraharam) - Viswanadhuni Khandrika (Aerae haram) - Vuppalapad ~~ - Yedavalli - Yeddnapudi - Yeddlapad - Yelchuru (2 parts) Yellamanda (3 parts) Yeluru - - Yirlapad - Zonnalagadda - 10. Villages in Repalli Taluk. Abbanagudavalli (Agraharam) Adavaladivi - , Alapad (Agraharam) - Allaparru (2 parts) - Allaparru Key (2 parts) Allur - - » 59 140 S84 143 144 | Angalakuduru - Aravapalli - Arumbaka - Attoda - . | Balijepalli (Agraharam) Boppudi - 69 Ganapavaram - - Rwsstalar 135 Balusulapalem - . Chagallu - 4 | Gannavaram - 2 : Ll li b . 76 Bhattiprolu . ” Challagunlla - : 2 | Gogulapad - - ‘ macalapaliy $2 Darts) . 138 | Boddulurupad (Agraharam) Chandavaram - 9 | Gopapuram (Agraharam AGT var Key Map - : wae | Bommavaripalem . Chejerla . ,» 40 ! Gorripadu (2 parts) - Anancavaram - . 47 | Burripalem . . 352 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Chadalavadi (2 parts) Chavali - Chemudupad - Chiluvur - Chinapalem - Chinaparimi (Agraharam) Chinaravur - - Chitumur - - Chodayapalem - - Davulur - - Dantalur (Agraharam) - Dendi - - - Devarapalli (Agraharam) Dhulipudi - - Donepudi - - Duggirala - - Godavarru (Agraharam) Gorigepudi - - Govada (2 parts) - Gudavalli - Gudivada - Idupalli - Inani - - Ipur - - Jadavalli (Agraharam) - Kanagala - - Karumur - - Kasukurru - - Kanur - - - No. 41 | Oleru - - 57 | Pallapatta - 42 | Pallikona - 1 | Pamidinurru - 7 | Panchalavaram - 33 | Parisapad (Agraharam) 37 | Peaparru (Agraharam) - 46 | Pedagadelavarru - 153 | Pedalanka - - 43 | Pedakondur - - 11 | Pedamatlapudi (2 parts) 139 | Pedapalli - - 16 9” > ” 104 | Peddaranuru - - 63 | Peddavaram (Agraharam 13 | Penumurru - . 8 | Penumudi - 68 | Peravali - 89 | Pesaralanka - 74 | Peturu - - 17 | Phattiprolu - 127 | Pidaparru - 12 | Pittalavanipalem 48 | Ponnapalli (Agraharam) 119 | Porakalapudi - - II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—7, KRISHNA DISTRICT Bommara i arazapalli (Agrah - Vi mn ( 5 an) po, > | Nilagangavaram Chithapuram - - | Dae (2pares) i 8 » | Pamidipe ; Dasullapalli (Agraharam) 21 | Pedak pals (2 fn) 62 Dondapadu - > 97 Po. akancherla (2 parts) 34 5 { 3 aAvars » : Fone: (2 pats) > Leddavaram (Agraharam) 54 Ca : 08 | Ferumallapalli (Agraharam) 45 a 75 | Perurupadu ~~ - = rarikepadu ~~ - - 79 | Potl 25 Gokanakonda - - 41 Pp I. 1 Gummadampadn (3 parts) - 78 | Romi Bars) a1 Gummadampadu (Agraharam) - 78 Ry ya " : 42 i: \* | nav ¢ - Gundapalli (Agraharam) 10 | R pom 74 Gutlapalli : : 10 | temidicherla - wr Inumetla - - : 2 | Sriampadl 13 Tonia 2 pris) : 1] ink ondapalem (Agraharam) - 20 Khambhampad so |S vaparam (Agraliara : 5 : padu = 56 | Surepalii : 2 Kanamalacheruvu - =9 fyapuL; (A graluram) : : 51 Roar J (2 | Talarlapalli ~~ - - = amarlapudi - 14 | T Tm 17 Karumanchi (2 parts) 26 Tonk Annavnia) (Agraharam) 50 Kondayapalem - . “0 | langirela (Agraharam) = 67 Ranranits (2 pris) - ana (Agraharam) Da 49 Kondruprolu (Agraharam) TI apurem (Agraharam) ’ 60 Koppukonda - r immzgapalem (3 parts) ii 28 Rothe : I'ripurapuram . . . 47 Rotiis : Vadhemgunta - - ir . 29 Vanikonta (Agraharam) - 8 73 97 - 114 - 108 Kaditadiparru (Agraharam) - 85 Kolakalar - Kollipara . - 14 26 Potumarra (Agraharam) Potumeraka Key Map - Pragnam - - Pudivada - - - Pulichantalapalem (Agraharam) Rajavolu - - Rambhottapalem - Madamanchipac orahary ama ] Wn (Agraharam)y Mukkellapadu (2 parts) Mulakoluru - - Muppalla (2 parts) - - Murtujapuram - - - Nayanipalem (Agraharam) - Velpur - - - - Venkupalem (Agraharam) - | Vetrayani Appapuram (Agra- haram) - - : | Vinukonda (3 parts) - - Vittamrazpalle (Agraharam) Vuppalapad ~~ - . . 12 31 59 30 33 48 Kollur - - 50 | Rayakampadu - - Komali (2 parts) 117 | Singupalem - - 5 Ee Konetipuram - 95 | Siripuram (Agraharam) *+* Nos. 4, Kothevaram = 29 | Sinangalapalem - - Kuchellapad ~~ - 40 | Srungarapuram (Agraharam) Kuchenapudi - 142 | Surepalli Kuchipudi - » 84 | Tottapalli Kunchavaram (Agraharam) 20 | Tsandavada The Revenue Survey is far advanced, but only Modukur - 83 | Tsivvalur » but only the Moparru - 86 | Tummapudi 2 M [. District Map. Morampudi ~~ - 3 | Tummalur Map of the KURNOOIL DISTRI ; hd « DE CT, showing tl S g the new boundaries Mulpul - : 29 Turumella St 2 of taluks. From information received fr > Mulukuduru (2 parts) 116 | Vaddamukkula (Agraharam) - Survey Office, Chepauk, 1868. S d_from the Revenue Authorities Munugotipuram , 10 | Vallabhapuram - - “ 3 ns 8. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; uy Muttupalli (Agraharam) 127 | Varahapuram (Agraharam) - Nadimpalli - - 90 | Vellatur - 124 | Vetapalem Nallur - - 147 | Visveswaram Nandivelugu - 18 | Voliveru Nidubrolu - 113 | Yadbapalli Nizampatam (2 parts) 137 | Yeletipalem Key Map yw — | See also Chingalpat District, pages 321 to 325 11. Villages in Vinukonda Taluk. : The City of Madras. Ainavolu (2 parts) - -No. 55 | Agnigundala - ea i Ag x issaln - L1M1 I'S of MADRAS as fixed on the 2nd November 1= Angaluru (Agraharam) "i 9 | Bollapalli - Ri gh Honourable the Governor in Council, when the _— el (7767.) ? ‘tL ol the 24, 26, 37, 39, 40, 6 3. 7 y «0, 0/7, OL 0, yw 1 1 i % 3 64, 66, 70 are wanting in this list of Vinukonda villages S. KARNUL DISTRICT. Including eight taluks. following are yet issued, © Autho Revenue size, 53 inches by 80, 11. Village Maps in Remlakola Taluk. MUNGALAPAD. 2nd Part. 1864. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile » Nagaram - size, 26 inches by 31. ; 9. MADRAS DISTRICT. ” Including nine divisions. 98, by the Recorder was Z 354 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. established. Signed P. Ross, Chief Engineer, M. G. The Boundary surveyed by Lieut. W. Castle, of Engineers. Secale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 58. MS. The same. On the scale of 900 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 58. MS. A Survey of ST. THOME or MILAPOUR. By Lieuts. Bayley and Charasse. December 1805. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 18. MS. Topographical Survey of MADRAS and its ENVIRONS, by the Officers of the Senior Class of the Military Institution. Lieuts. J. J. O’Donnoghue, H. Walpole, M. I. Harris, J. Garling, W. Biss, J. D. Burnett, A. Tulloch, W . Chavasse, J. Swinton, J. C. Racster, J. Dalgairns, J. Bayley. During the months of Vebruary, March, and April 1806. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 78 inches by 49. MS. Plan and Elevation of the BULWARK at MADRAS extending from Clive’s Redoubt to the Saluting Battery, at the S. E. angle of the glacis of Fort St. George. Executed under the order of Government. A.D. 1820-21. Major : N : "J . * . , » j; . > ) > 1 » » 2, . Havilland, Acting Engineer. Secale, 26 feet to 1 inch ; size, 2% feet by 34. MS. Plan of the TOWN of MADRAS and its limits, as surveyed in 1822, for the use of the Justices in Sessions, by Ww. Ravenshaw, Captain, Civil Engineer. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 3 sheets ; size, 40 inches by 61. A New and Improved Plan of MADRAS and its Suburbs, executed in the years 1837, ’38, and "39 for the use of the Justices in Sessions, is respectfully inscribed to the Right Honourable John Lord Elphinstone, G. C. IT. (Governor of Fort St. George and its Dependencies, by his Lordship’s most obedient and humble servant, Thomas Hill, Surveyor. This plan ‘contains all the additions and improve- ments up to the end of the year 1842, comprising an area of 26-4966 square miles. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 64 inches by 39. T'wo copies, mounted to fold ; one in a case, Madras Drainage. Plan of the TOWN of MADRAS (Coloured in drainage areas), with Levels and Sewer Plans. On 3 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 34. *.* To accompany Capt. Boulderson’s Report, 1848. MS, Plan of MADRAS. Scale, 4} inches to 1 mile. Showing the dis- tribution of Pipes, Sewers, &ec., and Heights above the Mean Sea Level. Signed Lieut. P. O'Connell, Adjutant of Engineers, and S. Ottmann, Sub-:Assist. surveyor, No date. Size, 25 inches by 45. Plan of MADRAS and its SUBURBS embracing an area of twenty- seven square miles, and containing all additions and improvements to the end of the ear 1869. In this plan, which has been carefully corrected, the Limits of the High Court and the Municipal Division ; the names of Streets, Roads, and Lanes, and the sroposed line of the Water Delivery Channel, with the Fountains and Strand pipes, I clearly exhibited. Compiled by J. W. Jackson. Sale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 65 inches by 41. Folded. Plan and Section of the MAIN SEWER from the End of the ESPLANADE opposite HUMPHERSON’S STREET, to ‘the Mouth of the Tunnel at the N, E. Angle of Fort St. George, measuring in length 2,552} ft., II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—9, MADRAS DISTRICT. 355 showing the proposed reform and improvements thereof ; prepared agreeably to the orders of the Military Board, dated 20th May 1845. Seales, various; size, 30 inches by 49. MS. Plans, &c. of the DRAINAGE of BLACK TOWN, Prepared to accompany Captain H. Boulderson’s Report, 25th August 1848. In 3 sheets, marked Nos, 1, 2,3. MSS. No. 1. Plan of the Town of Madras. Scale, 450 fect to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 30. No. 2. Level Sections taken along various streets, &e. Size, 26 inches by 32. N % 3. Plan and Sections of the New Tunnel, Main Sewer, &c. Size, 26 inches Oy 33. Fort St. George, Madras. Plan of the interior of FORT ST. GEORGE. Numbered agreeably to the Annual Report on the Public Buildings up to the 31st August 1850. Jy A. Law, Lieut.-Col. Chief Engineer. Seale, 50 Jeet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 45. MS. Two Plans and a Memorandum of the History and Alterations of FORT ST. GEORGE: 1. A plan of Fort St. George, 1747; 2. Part of the Black Town, Madras, and the adjacent ground to the South and West, with the French attack, From December 12, 1758 to February 17, 1759. By Captain Rawlins, Garrison Engineer, 1857. Feap. folio, 31 pages, stifl’ cover. Plan, Elevation, and Sections of a PENITENTIARY proposed to be erected at MADRAS. Chief Iingineer’s Office, Fort St. George. No date. Seale, 16 feet to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 42. Mounted to fold. MS. Iron Gates and Railings for GOVERNMENT HOUSE, MADRAS. Referred to in a letter to the Secretary of State, dated 5th June 1860, Cantonments and Barracks around Madras. MADRAS CANTONMENTS and BARRACKS, &ec. :— I. Indian Atlas, sheets 78, with the barracks at St. Thomas's Mount, Palaveram, and Poonamallee, and the military roads from Madras, coloured. 2. Plan of the Cantonment of St. Thomas's Mount. 1868S. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 3. Plan of the Cantonment of Palaveram, coloured up to July 1866. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 4. Plan of the Cantonment of Poonamalee. December 1868. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile. . Block Plans of the buildings in the Horse Artillery Lines at St. Thomas's Mount. 1866. . Ditto ditto. 1869. 7. Blogk Plan of North Barracks at St. Thomas's Mount. 1869. . Block Plan of South Barracks at St. Thomas's Mount. 1869. . Military buildings at St. Thomas's Mount, sheet 1. Ditto ditto sheet 2, Ditto Palaveram sheet 3 Ditto Poonamallee sheet 4. Ditto ditto sheet 3. 356 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. MADRAS TOWN MAPS, REVENUE SURVEY, 1854 to 1862. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch. 1. BLACK TOWN DIVISION. Surveyed by M. G. Plumbe, 1860, ‘61, ’62. Lithographed at the Revenue Survey Press, 1869. J. Priestley, Colonel, Supt. Rev. Survey. In 14 sections. Secale; 100 feet to 1 inch. 2. TONDIARPET DIVISION. Surveyed by J. P. Cooke, 1861, ’62. Lithographed at the Revenue Survey Press, 1870. In 22 sections. 3 PERAMBOOR DIVISION. Surveyed by J. P. Cooke, 1861. Lithographed in 1865. In 14 sections. 4. PURSERAUKUM and VEPERY DIVISION. Surveyed by W. I. Walker, in 1858-59. Lithographed in 1865. In 16 sections. 5. EGMORE (Elemboor) DIVISION. Surveyed by W. H. Walker and J. P. Cooke, 1857. Lithographed in 1865. In 14 sections. 6. TRIPLICANE DIVISION. Surveyed by M. G. Plumbe, in 1857-58. Lithographed in 1866. In 12 sections. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch. MYLAPOOR DIVISION. Plan of the Mylapoor Division, as surveyed during the years 1854 and 1855 by Rev. Surveyor, W. H. Walker. Size, 30 inches by 50. NOONGUMBAUKUM DIVISION. Plan of the Noongum- baukum Division as surveyed in the year 18356, by Rev. Surveyor, W. H. Walker. Size, 21 inches by 40. MADRAS MUNICIPAL SURVEY, Colonel Priestley, Superin- tendent. Lithographed in colours by Alex. Barren, Revenue Survey Office, Chepauk, 1871. Mounted to fold.’ * See page 315. ond Division (Black Town, East), Sections 1 to 6, on 5 sheets. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch. 3rd Division (Black Town, West), Sections 1 to 4, on 4 sheets. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch. 4th Division (Peramboor, Vyasumpandy), Sections 1 to 6, on 6 sheets. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch. ; 5th Division (Pursevaukum, Egmore, or Elemboor, Vepery), Sections 1 to 4, on 4 sheets. Scale, 200 fect to 1 inch. 6th Division (Poodoopaukum, Noongumbaukum, Cheytpett, Kilpauk), Sections 1 and 2, on 2 sheets. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch. 8th Division (St. Thomé or Mylapoor, Kistnampett, Royapett, Teynampett), Sections 1 and 2, on 2 sheets. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch. _ Map of the Town of MADRAS and the Surrounding Country, com- prising Sydapet Taluk. Reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey executed in 1867 and 1868. Chepauk, 1870. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; on 4 sheets ; size, 64 inches by 52. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—10, MADURA DISTRICT. 357 10. MADURA DISTRICT.* Including six Taluks. The New Revenue Survey has not been commenced. Map of the MANAPARRA POLLAMS as surveyed by J. Allan, T. Turnbull, A. Johnson, and W. Fletcher, of the Madras Observatory, in the years 1803 and 1804. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 49. MS. Map of the PROVINCE of DINDIGUL, as surveyed in the years 1815 and 1816, by T. Turnbull, W. Keyes, J. Aikin, C. Perara, W. Bird, C. McMahon, and A. Chamaratt, Assistant Surveyors. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 82 inches by 90. MS. Map of the PROVINCE (Collectorate) of DINDIGUL from the Survey executed in 1815. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor-General of India. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 26. MS. Plan of the TALOOKS of MADACOLUM, TRIMUNGALUM, MELLOOR, and MURUNGAPOOR, of the Province of Madura. Surveyed in the years 1830, ’31, ’32, under the superintendence of Capt. B. S. Ward, Surveyor- General’s Department. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 parts ; size, 58 inches by 38. MS. Map of the DINDIGUL DISTRICT. Compiled in the Office of Surveyor-General of India, from the original Surveys executed in 1821 on 1 mile to an inch. March 1836. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22, MS. Geographical and Statistic Memoir of the PROVINCE or COL- LECTORSHIP of DINDIGUL. Surveyed in 1815-16, by Thomas Turnbull, William Keyes, and other Assistant Native Surveyors under the instructions and direction of the Surveyor-General’s Office at Fort St. George. Signed Colin Mackenzie, Surv.-Gen. of India. Calcutta, December 17, 1817. In 2 vols., folio. half bound. MSS. Statistic and Geographical Memoir. MARAWAR or RAMNAD, the ISLE of RAMISERAM, and TONDIMAN’S COUNTRY. Surveyed in 1814, under the direction of the Surveyor-General’s Oflice, Fort St. George, July 1817. Signed Colin Mackenzie, Surv.-Gen., India. Folio, half bound. MSS, The MADURA COUNTRY (DISTRICT). A Manual compiled by order of the Madras Government, by J. H. Nelson, M.A., of the Madras Civil Service and late Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. In Five Parts. Madras, 1868. In one thick volume. 8vo. cloth. 11. MALABAR DISTRICT. Reports of a Joint Commission from Bencar and Bowmsay appointed to inspect into the state and condition of the PROVINCE of MALABAR, in the years 1792 and 1793. Madras, 1862. Royal 8vo., cloth. A Survey of the TEAK FORESTS in the District of Palghaut. Samuel Goodfellow, Capt. Lieut., Engrs. Received June 1809. Scale, 13 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 27. MNS. “The forests and means of transporting therefrom being the sole objects in the Survey, no attention has been paid to the interjacent cultivated country.” : * See General Maps of the Southern District, page 319. eee i, 358 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of the PROVINCE of MALABAR. That portion of Malabar south of the Ponany River was surveyed under the superintendence of Lieuts. I. Conner and B.S. Ward in connection with the Survey of the "Travancore and Cochin States. The country north of the Ponany was surveyed under the superintendence of Captain B. S. Ward during the years 1823, ’26, °27, ’28, and 29. Deputy Sur- veyor-General’s Office, Madras, 15th December 1832. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 3 parts ; size, 84 inches by 64. MSS. *.* With a list of the names of Cusbahs and principal Villages in Malabar, showing the difference in the orthography between the Revenue Board and the Survey. Another copy in 9 sheets. MSS. Plan of the Survey of the PROVINCE of MALABAR North of the Ponany River, executed during the years 1825, 96, ’27, ’28, and ’29 under the superintendence of Capt. B. S. Ward. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. # * Field copy of No.4 only, including the southern part from the Ponany River northward to Beypoor and Wullianad. Size, 37 inches by T8. MS. MALABAR SURVEY. General Description of the Province, articles of export and import in 1828-29. Joundaries. Description of the Talooks. By Captain B. S. Ward, Surveyor in Malabar. In 1 vol., folio, half bound. MS. MALABAR SURVEY. Calculation of Triangles, Stations, &c. 25 pages, folio. MS. A KANESHUMAURY or STATISTICAL TABLE of the PROVINCE of MALABAR. 20 pages, folio. MS. Map of Land reserved for TEAK PLANTATION in the NILAM- BUR VALLEY, MALABAR DISTRICT. 1873. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 40. CANNANORE and CALICUT BARRACKS :— 1. Indian Atlas, sheet 44, with the military roads from Cannanore, coloured. 2. Plan of the Cantonments of Cannanore. 3. Fort of Cannanore, on 2 sheets. . Artillery Barracks, on 4 sheets. . European Barracks, on 2 sheets. . European Hospital, on 1 sheet. . Revised Plan of Calient and West Hill. . Key Plan of West Hill Barracks, Calicut. . Survey of West Hill Barracks, Calicut, on 4 sheets. MALLIAPOORAM CANTONMENT. See Nilgiri District. Malabar Roads. Sketch of the ROAD from Mambat to the Foot of the Carcur Ghat Trace. Sub-Engineer’s Office, Malliapooram, Malabar, 11th October 1862. Scale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 8% feet by 11 feet. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of BRIDGES and TUNNELS for the Road from Mambat to the foot of Carcoor Ghat. 1862. Size, 28 inches by 40. On tracing cloth. MS. * *% With a supplement, tracing the road from the Ghat to Goodaloor. IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—11, MALABAR DISTRICT. 359 A General Map of the ROADS in MALABAR, and their extensions inte Mysore, the Neilgherry Mountains, and Coimbatore. 1861. No title. Size, 25 inches by 31. MHS. Mapras REVENUE Survey oF MALABAR. I.— District Map. Map of the PROVINCE (or District) of MALABAR, showing the + » ue vo, . rs So \ y (> v ¥ New Boundaries of Talugs. Lithographed at Chepauk, 1864. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch : on 9 sheeis ; size of each, 31 inches by 23. 11.— Taluk Maps in Malabar District. Map of WYNAAD. Surveyed under the Superintendence of Capt. ) 3 Fay Ivo x OAT OE OR OM OQ ‘ * . B. S. Ward, during the years 1823, ’26, "27, °28, and 29. Lithographed at Madras, Revenue Survey Press, 1860. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 35. [11.— Estate Maps in Wainad Taluk, on a scale of 16 inches to a mile. . Adelaide. 26. Field. | 52. Perseverence. 2. Advakunu. 27. Glenlee. | 53. Pew Tirunelly. 3. Alatur. 28. Glenrock. | 54. Periachola. . Annette. 29. Guynd. 55. Pookote. 5. Aramalla, 30. Hamslade. 56. Pulikad. . Askern. 31. Helen. 57. Rassallas. . Bleak house, | 32. Hope. 58. Richelieu. . Bon Espoir. 33. Huntley. 59. Richville. . Bramagherry. 34. Jane. | 60. Sandy Hill. . Bushy Park. 35. Kallaid. | 61. Strathern. . Caliotechola. 36. Kalpetta. 62. Talapoya. 2. Canote. 37. Kanotemotankunu, 63. Teddincton. 3. Caroline. 38. Kanotemulla. 64. Tettamalla, . Chambra. 39. Kattupanichola. | 65. Tindamel. 5, Chambrani. 40. Katikolum. | 66. Umbellamulla. ». Charlotte, 41. Kurchamalla. | 67. Upper Harewood. . Charlotte. 42, Langcliffe. | 68. Urkarakunu, . Chemballa Mallay or | 43. Lekadi. | 69. Vellarikunu. Goodaloor Estate. 44, Lower Harewood. | 70. Vitri. . Collissie, 45. Mary. . Wallace. . Coonambutty. . Mary Bagherry. . Walthamstone. . Coondoor. 47. Mowbray. : . Wainad. 2. Cullur. 48. Mundamulla. Wavacoon. 23. Drumcree. 49, Needlerock (2 parts). . Woodlands. 24. Emily. 50. Pandurang. . Yella Malla (2 parts). 25. Faith, 51. Perindametal (2 parts). ~~ ~ On on CODD wy oJ «J J ~F =~] —~ [o> The Estates, Amshams, and Desams of Wynaad are not distinguished on this map. They can only be found on the “Map of the Neilgherries, Koondahs, and Wynaad,” by C. R. Markham, page 562. : 1. The Estates numbered 1, 6, 13, 15, 24, 36, and 75 are in Kalpetta (Culpetta, Culpetty) Desam and Edanarsur (Edenursur, Edanadassur, Eddanursoor) Amsham. 9. The Estates numbered 8, 65, and 73 are in 7indamel (Dindamel, Dindimul} Desam and Edavaga (Edavaka, Eddavaga, Yeddavagah) dmsham. 3. The Estate numbered 39 is in Aratutara (Arataterra) Desam and Ellurnaéd (Nallurnad, Nalurnad, Nullonadd, Ellonadad) Admsham. SEI ERE Ss pT SA hel MMl LP- Fk MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. The Estates numbered 3, 19, 27, 33, 50, 58, and 59 are in Teruchelery (Tri- chelary, Trichellary) Desam and Ellurnad Amsham. _ The Estates numbered 9, 21, 23, 40, 42, 46, 53, 57, 69 are in Terunelly (Tirunelly, Terenully, Tirenully) Desam, and Ellurnad Amsham. . The Estates numbered 2, 7, 10, 12, 11, 38, 63, 68, 74 are in Vemote Desam and Ellurnad Amsham. . The Estate numberel 37 is in Oyakoai Desam and Ellurnad Amsham. . The Estate numbered 56 is in Pulikad Desam and Ellurnad Amsham. The Estates numbered 28 and 61 are in Nellialum (Nelialam) Desam and Munanad (Munad, Mumnad) Amsham. . The Estates numbered 18, 29, 31, 35, 54, 60, 66, 76 are in Gudalur (Godalur, Udalur, Gadalur, Goordaloor) Desam and Nambalakat (Nambolakat, Nam- bolakode, Nambolokoda, Numbolycode, Numbolycotta) Amsham. . The estates numbered 30, 44, 49, 52, 67 are in Devalu (Devala) Desam and Nambalakat Amsham. 2. The Estate numbered 45 is in Kunlum Desam and Tondornad (Thondernad, Tendernadterra, Tondurnad, Tondonadd) Amsham. . The Estates numbered 4.5, 20, 22, 43, 47, 48, 51, 70, 71 are in Kunnatta Edavaga (Kunat Edavaga, Kunatha Edavaga) Desam and Vitriul Desam (Vythery, Vykery) Amsham. . The Estates numbered 14, 16, 17, 25, 26, 32, 34, 41, 55, 62 are in Vitri (Vitriul, Vythery, Vyteery) Desam and Vitriul Desam Amsham. Amsham or Unmshum is the name of a fiscal district, including all the places in the same collection. Desam is equivalent to a domain or proprietary group. Sketch Map of the Roads completed and in course of construction in the DISTRICT of WYNAAD. By Capt. Robt. Kennedy, Special Executive Engineers’ Office, Lackadie, Wynaad, 1567. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 24 inches by 36. Government Forest Maps in MALABAR DISTRICT. Seale, 10 chains to 1 inch. In Ernad Taluk. . Nellikutta. 7. Erambodam. . Muriat. 8. Arimbra-kuta-mala.’ . Karien. 9. Ambalakandi. Seale,5chains tol inch. . Kanakut. | 10. Mangalasheri-Paramba. . Panayangote Valuvasheri and Pokéte. | 11. Nilambur block. . Chethamboria. In Calicut Taluk. 12. Mangalasheri-Paramba. | 13. Putalatha and Chitarikel-Paramba. 12. NILGIRI HILLS DISTRICT. Map of the NEILGHERRY MOUNTAINS upon a scale of 1,000 feet to 1 inch. Surveyed under the superintendence of Captain F. Ouchterlony, 1848, The Hills are coloured green. In separate parts marked A,B,C, D, , ,GH, I, K, L (incomplete). Size of cach, 36 inches by 50. MSS. Also a distinct series on the same scale, incomplete, marked A, C, E, E, F, G, H. MSS. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—I2, NILGIRI HILLS DISTRICT. 361 Index and Triangulation Sheet of the Survey of the NEILGHERRY MOUNTAINS. 1847. Signed J. Ouchterlony, Capt. Superintendent Revenue Survey. Secale, 1} mile to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 29. MS. A Drawing of the NEILGHERRY and KOONDAH MO UNTAINS. No title. Dated Survey Office, Ootacamaund, 18th December 1852. J. Ouchterlony, Captain, Engineers, &c. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 20. MS. Map of the KOONDAH MOUNTAINS, Coimbatore District, surveyed under the superintendence of the late Lieut.-Colonel J. Ouchterlony, Royal Engineers, in the year 1851 and 1852. Seale, 1,000 fect to 1 inch ; on 16 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 27 ; price 30s. A Drawing of the NEILGHERRY and KOONDAH MOUNTAINS. with a tabular reference to 107 localities, besides other details. No title. Dated Survey Office, Ootacamund, 16th July 1852, and copied in the Surveyor General's Field Office, Dehra Doon, 22nd February 1833. Secale, 4 mile to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 39. MS. An unfinished Drawing of part of the NEILGHERRY and KOON- DAH MOUNTAINS, south and west of Qotacamund. No title or date. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 10. MS, Skeleton Map of the DISTRICTS of COIMBATORE and MALA- BAR, showing the portion recently surveyed {Neilgherries and Koondahs) in green, and the tract of country and roads which it is proposed to complete in yellow. Signed J. Ouchterlony, Supt. Neilgherry Survey. No date. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 38. MS. Geographical and Statistical Memoir of a Survey of the NEEL- GHERRY MOUNTAINS in the Province of Coimbatoor, made in 1821 under the superintendence of Captain B. S. Ward. Folio, stiff cover. MS. Plan of the NEELAGHERY MOUNTAINS in the DANAR. KENCOTA TALOOK, and part of the SATTIMUNGALUM and COIM- BATORE TALOOKS. Surveyed by W. Keyes and C. McMahon, Assistant Revenue Surveyors. 1812. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 39. MS. Map of the NEILGHERRY MOUNTAINS. Reduced from the Recent Survey. Survey Office, 4th November 1848. Lithographed in 1856. With Hills coloured green. Fort St. George, 1846. Scale, 13 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 34. The same with Hills in black, and the settlements of Europeans and natives coloured. The same, plain. Geographical and Statistical Memoir of a Survey of the NEIL- GHERRY MOUNTAINS, under the superintendence of Capt. J. Oucliterlony, 1847. 145 pages, 8vo., stifl’ cover. 362 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. An ACCOUNT of the TRIBES on the NEILGHERRIES, by J. Shortt, Bsq., M.D., &c., and a Geographical and Statistical Memoir of the Neilgherry Mountains, by the late Colonel Ouchterlony. 1868. 8vo., bound. Map of the NEILGHERRIES, KOONDAHS, and WYNAAD, to illustrate the progress of Chinchona cultivation up to July 1866, by Clements R. Markham. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 52 ; price, Gs. Outline Map of the COONOOR SETTLEMENT, surveyed in 1867 and 1868 by Sub-assistant T. Fraser and a detachment of No. 1 Revenue Survey. Party under the superintendence of Major W. S. Hessey. Seale, 24 inches to 1 mile. With an enlargement of Coonoor town on the scale of 48 inches to 1 mile. In six sections ; size of each about 60 inches by 40. Topographical Map of the COONOOR SETTLEMENT, including the WELLINGTON CANTONMENT, reduced from the original map of the survey made in 1867 and 1868. Surveyed under the superintendence of Major Hessey by Mr. Sub-assistant Fraser and a detachment of No. 1 Revenue Survey Party. Hill sketching by Messrs. James and Clarkson. Revenue Survey Office, Chepauk, 28th July 1871. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 39 inches by 37. The ROADS from the NEILGHERRY MOUNTAINS and the WYNAAD to the Coast on the West, and to the MADRAS RAILWAY, &ec. on the South and East. On tracing cloth. No title or date. Signed H. W. Rawlins, Captain, Asst. to the Chief Engineer. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 32. MS. Map of the NEILGHERRY MOUNTAINS. Reduced from Captain J. Ouchterlony’s Survey. Madras, June 1870. Seale, 2,000 feet to 1 inch ; on 10 sheets ; size of cach, 29 inches by 22 5 price, 25s. OOTACAMUND on the NEILGHERRIES. 1856. Size, 2 inches by 40. LAWRENCE ASYLUM at OOTACAMUND. Marked drawings, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7. Joined in two parts ; size of each, 37 inches by 45. On tracing cloth, MSS. COONOOR NEW GHAT, showing the present road from Mate- polliem to Coonoor. The trace for a new road made by Capt. Francis, of the Madras Engineers, and the alteration proposed by W. Fraser, C.E. 1860. Secale, 300 fect to 1 inch ; size, 170 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. Another copy on tracing paper, mounted. MS. COONOOR on the NEILGHERRIES, 1856. Size, 11 inches by 15. Both views drawn from nature and on stone by H. L. Frazer. Printed at the Sur- veyor-General’s Office, Calcutta. JACKATALLA BARRACKS. 1. Plan, Section, and Elevation of Military Prison. 1839. Size, 24 inches by 31. 2. Details of IFurnace and Hot- air Pipes. Size, 18 inches by 22. 3. Plan and Section of the proposed Line of Sewerage from Jackatalla Barracks, past Coonoor Bridge. Size, 15 inches by 24. MSS. IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—12, NILGIRI HILLS DISTRICT. 363 MALLIAPOORAM (MULLAPOORUM) CANTONMENT and BARRACKS in MALABAR DISTRICT, and WELLINGTON CANTON- MENT and BARRACKS in the NEILGHERRY District :— 1. Indian Atlas, sheet 61, contaning both Malliapooram and Wellington, with the military roads coloured. . Survey of the Cantonment of Wellington on the Neilgherry Hills. December 1868. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 3. Key Plan of the Military Buildings at Wellington. 4. Survey plans and sections of the Military Buildings at Wellington, on 6 sheets. 5. Plan of the Cantonment for the European Barracks, &c. at Malliapooram. Revised and corrected up to August 27th 1866. . Plans of Barracks at Malliapooram. 13. NELLORE DiSTRICT, including Nine Taluks. Sketch of the TRACT surveyed in the NELLORE DISTRICT. C. Snell, Capt. Surveyor. Season 1833-34. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 9. MS. Sketch of the TRACT surveyed in the NELLORE DISTRICT. Season 1835. C. Snell, Capt. Asst. Surveyor General. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 11. MS. Sketch of the TRACT surveyed in the NELLORE DISTRICT, during the season 1836. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 10. MS. Descriptive Memoir of the TRACT of COUNTRY surveyed in NEL- LORE in 1836. C. Barnett, Assistant Surveyor. On 7 pages, foolscap. Unbound. REGISTER of TRIANGLES with lists of latitude and longitude in NELLORE. Foolscap, half bound. Map of the TRACT of COUNTRY surveyed in the NELLORE DISTRICT during the seasons 1833, ’34, ’35, and "36. Signed S. C. Macpherson, Lieut. Assistant Surveyor General, Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 26 inches by 38. MSS. Map shewing the Tracts set aside for FUEL R ESERVES in the vicinity of METAPALAYAN at the foot of the NEILGHERRIES, marked H. K. and M. Vide G. O. No. 1671, dated 25th September 1871, Revenue Department. Scale, 1} miles to 2 inches ; size, 26 inches by 40. A part of the NELLORE SURVEY in 2 sheets endorsed Da. 27. Sheet 1 contains Venkatagherry and Calahastry. Sheet 2 contains the country about the north part of Pulicat Lake. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size of each, 26 inches by 21. MS. The NELLORE SURVEY. Dated S. G. O. Allahabad, August 1845. Secale. 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 37 sheets, cach containing 20° of Latitude and 15° of Longitude ; size of cach, about 20 inches by 25. MSS. 364 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Re-survey of the WOODIAGHERRY ZEMINDARY in the Nellore District. Dated G. S. O. Allahabad, August 1845. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 36. MS. Re-surveys of parts of the NELLORE SURVEY contained in Sheets 16, 17, 20, 21. Dated S. G. O. Allahabad, 1845. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 4 sheets marked [a], [0], [¢], [d]; of various sizes, about 14 inches by 22. MSS. Bridge of 45 Arches of 15 Yards Span for the PENNAUR RIVER, Trunk Road, No.8. Scale, 6% yards to Linch ; size, 11 inches by 19. MS. tracing. Mapras REVENUE SurvEy oF NELLORE District. I.— District MAP. Map of the NELLORE DIST RICT, showing the new boundaries of Taluq. Lithographed at the Fort Press, Chepauk, 1866. Scale, 2 miles to inch ; size, 86 inches by 45. II.—TALuk Mar. Map of the KAVALI TALUK, NELLORE DISTRICT, reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey completed in 1867. By F. C. Puckle, Esq., M.A., Deputy Superintendent, Revenue Survey. Chepauk, 1870. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 44 inches by 38. II1.—-ViLace Maps arranged in Taluks. |. Villages in Atmakur Taluk. Abbasahebupeta Gudipadu - Xo. 3 | Chaparallapalli (Shrotriem) - No. Abbipuram Anamasamudram- . Chavutabhimavaram (Zemin- peta, &c. (Zemindary) (om | dary) - 0, Gir . Akbarbad ~~ Ashnapuran, &e. ' Chendalurupadu (Zemindary) - (Zemindary) - - - . Chendrapadiya (Shrotriem) - Amanichiruvella - - ~ Chiramana = IT - Anamasamudram (2 parts); - 4 2 | Chintalapalem (Zemindary) - Anantasagaram - - 2 ' Chiruvella (Khandrika, Shro- Aravetipalli Kistipuram (Shro- | triem) - . . triem) - - - 5 | Depuru - - . . Araved - - - Devarayapalli Kottapalli, &e. (2 Baddevol ~~ - - parts) > - . Bandarupalli Murugulla ' Dharmaravucheruvupalli Battepadu - - Dubugunta - - Battulapalle - . ; 89 Gavuravaram - . Bedusupalli Lingamgunta » 48 Gollapalle - - Billupad (Shrotriem) - 76 | Gumparlapadu - _- Bogasamudram (Shrotriem) - 90 | Imagaluru Vengampalli - Bommavaram - - - 53 | Isakapalli (Shrotriem) - Botikelapadu Gandlavedu (Ze- Jangalapalli (Shrotriem) mindary) - , - — | Kakarlapad - - Boyalacheruvella - . 20 | Kakivaya Khandapuram Bramhanapalli (Zemindary) - —_ | Kalayapalem (Shrotriem) Bukkapuram (Shrotriem) - 2 | Kaluvaya - - II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—13, NELLORE DISTRICT. Kamireddipad (Shrotriem) Kanupurupalli (Shrotriem) Karatampad Satanapalli Kolugotla Virlagudipad Kondamidikonduru - Korimerla (Khandrika) - Kulluru (2 parts) - Kunalammapadu (Shrotriem) Kuppurupad (Shrotriem) Lakkarazupalem, &e. (2 parts) Madanagaripalli, &e. (2 parts) Mahammadapuram - Mahimaluru ~~ - - Mustufapuram - - Nadigaddamanudur - Nagulapadu Ravulakolln, &ec. Nagulavellaturu - Nallapalem - - Narammapeta Nellurupalem Navur - - - Nedurupalli Yerraballi - Nilayapalem (Shrotriem) Nukanapalli Kollavapalli Nuvvurupad - - Padakandla Vennavada, &ec. Padamatikambhampadu Pader - » - Pamidipadu (Shrotriem) Pandipad - - 2. Villages in Akkamapeta (Zemindary) Aletipadu Chittamurn - Amudalapad (Shrotriem) Annupallipadu (Shrotriem); Annambaka (Shrotriem) Anikapalli Golagamudi - Anumarlapudi (Agraharam) - Atakanidibba - - - Ayyavaripalem (Zemindary) (3 parts) - - Bauddenolu - - Bandepalli Jattakonduru Beripetakarnapalem, &e. Bhavanagiripalem (Shrotriem) Bramhadevam - - Budanam - - Chandrasikuppam, &ec. C‘hengalpalem - Chennugaripalem Chennuru (i parts) Chendodu,_ - Cherukumudi (2 parts) Chillakurn - Chilamuturn ~~ - Chittedu Kasavaram Damaravaya Kolapatta Dorivaripalem Kalivadu 56 40 18 33 24 29 63 oy 7 25 45 64 96 46 6 86 37 77 93 35 101 88 26 69 38 16 61 21 11 107 44 | 26 111 o6 9 59 100 108 113 48 S80 22 62 72 105 110 | Patallapalli - . Patapad . - Peda Annaluru - . Peramanazangaladoruvu Perumallapadu Puttupalli | Ponguru (3 parts) - Prabhagiripatnam (3 parts) Rajavolu - - Revuru - - - | Shrikolanu - - Somasila (Shrotriem) - | Surayapalem - - | Talupurupadu (Shrotriem) Tatiparti - - Telugurayapuram - [immayapalem (Shrotriem) Topugunta (Agraharam Shro- | triem) . - - Topugunta (2 parts) - - Turpukambhampadu, &e. | U ppalapadu ~~ - - \ Variguntapadu - - | Velagapadu (Zemindary) | Veligantipalem (Shrotriem) | Velpulugunta (Shrotriem) Virur - - - Yanamadala Yerraballi - Yedavalli - - Gudur Taluk. Gudali - - - Gunupadn - - - Gurivindapudi (Shrotriem ) | Idagali - - - | Idimepalli Jangalapalli - | Ippapudi (Zemindary) - [ Trakam - - | Isvaravaka - - \ Kadapattada Tolakatla (2 parts | Kadivedu (3 parts) - % Key Map - Kakitalapuru (Shrotriem) | Kalavakuduru - - . Kalavangu - - Kallipadu (Shrotriem) - Kandalepadu (Shrotriem) Kandapallipadu (Shrotriem) Kandra (Zemindary) - | Kandali Chemidide (Zemindary Kandukur (Shrotriem) - | Kanupuru (3 parts) - | Kapulurn . . . Kasipuram (Shrotriem) - | Kasumuru (Shrotriem) - | Kattanapalli ~~ - - | Kondepalli (Shrotriem) | Koradi Papaneri . 365 60 84 4 31 81 51 92 13 ah. seo Rg oe i A: np Ar A os sr mma RT o ran ee PRT NE ET YER 366 MAPS OF THE CIVIL Kota (4 parts) - - Kakaramulimavalam ~~ - Krishtnapatnam (2 parts) Kuchenada (Shrotriem) Kuditipalli (Shrotriem) Kuracharlapad (Shroidam) Kurugonda - Latchmakka (Kbandr ka) Madamanur ~~ - Malaganur - - Malluru (Zemindary) - Mamidipadu (Shrotriem) - Mangalapurum - - Manubolupeduru (Zemindary) - Mattamboka - - - Mattampadu (Shrotriem) - Mekanur (Shrotriem) - - Mittalukuru (Zemindary) - Mudumudi (Shrotriem) - Muttukuru - - ” Mutyalapadu - - - "Narikellapalli - - - Nagulavaram - - - Nakkalakolu, &e. (Shrotriem) - Nataripalem - - - Nellapalli Bese: li - - Neltaturu - - Nellorupalli ~~ - . - Nyalatur - - - Ojili (Zemindary) - - Policherlakonda, &ec. (Zemin- dary) - - - Polipadu (Shrotriem) - - Pallamala - > (Khandrika) - Pambali (Shrotriem) - Pandrangam Raganapatra Parl apadu (Skrotriem) - Parlapalli (Shrotriem) - ” (Zemindary) No. 86 101 .3 75 25 21 77 87 24 91 DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Payenampuram Pedaperiya - Pellakuru Mitta Pentapadu (Shrotriem) - Penupakam - - Penubarti - - Pidatapolury - - Pidatalapudi Tikkavaram (“ parts) - - Pondluru Ayapareddy prlemfze mindary) - Ponnavolu (Shrotriem) - Pudiparti (2 parts) - Pudirayadrovu (Zemindary) Punjurupadu (Shrotriem) Reddigunta (Zemindary) | Reddipalem (2 parts) - | Rettamala, &e. - - | Rudravaram, &e. - Rudrayapalem (Shrotriem) | Sarvapalli (8 parts) - ” Key Map ~ Tallapudi Velluru - | Tammanapatnam (4 parts) Tanukumala (Zemindary) Tettupetapudichenagaripalem Tinnalapudi ~~ - - Tippanura (Shrotriem) Vakadu (2 parts) - | Vallipedu - - Valluru (Khandrika) - Vedicherla - - Venadu - - Vendodn (3 parts) - Vijaya Nelluru (Shrotriem) Vinduru (3 parts) - Vurlavaripalem (Zemindary) | Yellasairi - - Yeragatipalli - - 3. Villages in Kandukuru Taluk. Ammavaripalem (Shrotriem) - No, 107 Anakarlapudi - - - Anantasagaram (Shrotriem) - Atmakuru . - - Ayyaparazupaiem, &e. - Baddepudi (2 parts) - Basireddipalem, &e. - Binginipalli ~~ - > Bittragunta ~~ - > Chagollu . C hatukupadu (Khandrika) Chavadavaram (2 parts) Chinakandlagunta - Chinakandlagunta, &ec. Gt drika) » - - Chinakandlagunta, &e. - . 4 93 72 17 114 58 Chinavenkanapalem Chirrikurapadu Darakanipadu - Davagudur - Dharmavaram - Dondapadu (Shrotriem) Gundlapalem (Shrotriem) Gurrapadiya - Gurrapadiya, &c. (Khandrika) - - Ilavara - - Ilavara, &ec. (Khandrika) Ippagunta : Jillellamudi, &e. (Khandrika) - Kalikivaya - - Kancharagunta (Shrotriem) - Kanumalla - - . II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.-—13, NELLORE DISTRICT. Kollurupadu, &e. No. 67 | Pedda Venkennapalem - + (Ehande ika) 68 | Peridevi - Kondamurusupalem - 96 | Petluru, &e. (Rhandsta) Kondapi, &c. (Khandrika) 32 | Petturu, &c. (Khandrika) Kondareddipalem (Shrotriem) 99 | Pirapuram, &c. (Khandrika) Kondikandukuru - 75 | Ponnaluru - - Kottapeta - - 113 | Ponnaluru, &e. (Khandrika) Kovuru - - 78 | Potlurn - - Krishnapuram (Shrotriem) 115 | Ramachandrapuram Mannetikota - - 66 | Ramayapatnam - Mekapadu - - ; 16 | Ravuru - - Mulaguntapadu (Shrotriem) i 59 | Razulapalem (Shrotriem) Muppalla, &e. (Khandrika) : 79 | Samirapalem - - Muppalla - ; 80 | Sanampudi - - Nandanavanam, &c. - =i 54 | Singamnenipalli - Nandanavanam - - = iy 55 | Singarayakonda (Shrotriem) Narasimhanarayani (Khandrika) ,, 20 | Singaril bhotlavari (Khandriks Narasingolu - , - , 37 | Swarnajipuram, &e. - Narasingolu, &e. (Khandrika) - 38 | Tupadu (Shrotriem) - Nekunampuram, &e. (2 parts) - ,, 88 | Uppalapadu - - 5 (Khandrika) 89 | Vaviletepadn - - Nernurupadu - - 3 | Vellaturu, &e. (Shrotriem) Pachchava - - 25 | Vempadu - - Pachchava, &e. (Shrotriem) 26 | Venkatakrishnapuram (Shro Pakala - - - - 61 | triem) > - Pandulapadu - - - 77 | Venkampeta (Shrotriem) Paletipadu, &e. (Khandrika) (2 | Vennur - - parts) - 44 | Verepalli - - Paletipadu, &e. - - - 5 | Vikkirelapeta - - ” (Khandrika, | Voguru - - Shrotriem) ' 46 | Yedlurupadu (Shrotriem) Palukuru (3 parts) - 58 | Zarngumalli - - Paluru - . - 7 Zuvvigunta - » Payidipadu - 4. Villages in Kanigiri Taluk. Anandapuram (Agraharam, Ze- | Roa Ramagopalapuram mindary) - - - No. 2 parts) - - - Ayyanapalem (Shrotriem) - | Re, hipuram (Shrotriem) . Balaka Venkat wpuram ~~ (Shro- | Kristnapuram (Shrotriem) - triem) - - » Kutagundla Mallavaram, &e. - 3ontakutipalli (Shrotriem) - Latchmakkapalli (Ze mindary) - Chendravaripalem, &e. (2 parts) { Machavaram Senkavaram China Alavalapadu Dasullapalli - parts) - - - China Cherlopalli Nandanavanam Malekondapuram (Shrotriem) - (2 parts) - - - Muppalapadu - > - Chinagollapalli (Shrotriem) - Nallagundla (Shrotriem) - Chinnakesavapuram (Shrotriem) Narasimhapuram (Shrotriem) - Chintalapalem Virabhadrapuram | Nasikatriyembakkam (Shro- (2 parts) - - - triem) - - - Das: a alli Timmareddipalli ~~ - Peddivenkatayapalli (Shrotriem) Potavaram (Shrotriem) - Ramayapalli (Agraharam, Ze- mindary) - - - Senkarapuram (Shrotriem) - Somanapalli (Shrotriem) . Ganesunipalli (Shrotriem) - Gavuravaram Isullapalli, &e. Gurugupadu (Shrotriem) Hajisupuram - - Hanumantapuram, &e, - | | | | { | | | | Doddichintala - - - 3 Polavaram (Shrotriem) - . 367 91 393 21 22 19 84 85 111 36 120 121 108 87 65 98 64 82 112 43 42 Rr AT hb eR ect pg Ae tg 5 AE A SE EER RIE Ayo pe gS a EE a i i i i i : 5 i 368 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Talluru Chavutagogulapalli, &e. Viragareddipalli ~~ Dossallapalli ” (Agraharam, Zemindary) - No. — (Zemindary) - - - No. Valicherla - - - , 20 | Viswanadhapuram (Stiratriom) oi Vedullacheruvu - - ,, 28 | Vitalapuram (Shr otriem) = 5. Villages in Kavali Taluk. Allimadugu (3 parts) - No. 52 | Kummarakonduru (Shrotriem) - No. Anemadugu ~~ - 18 | Lingalapadu (Shrotriem) Annavaram - 22 | M: vddurupadu - - Ayitampadu (Shr Stil) 44 | Mallavaram (Shrotriem) Bitragunta (2 parts) - 35 | Mangamuru - - Bodagudipadu (Shrotriem) 40 | Mannangi Tinne - Bogavolu, &e. (3 parts) 49 | Marellapadu (Shrotriem) Bramhanakraka (4 par 2) 25 Marrigunta (Zemindary) Budamagunta - 26 Musunurn - - - Chamadala - 87 | 0 ay &e.(Zemindar Y) ’ m (5 rtd 31 ekanampeta, &c. - on {pss 17 | Ravulakollu ( Shrotriem) - Chinnakraka, &ec. (2 pots) 23 | Rudrakota - ) - Chintalapalem irom 13 | Rungasamudram (Shrotriem) - Chinna Annaluru, &e. (9 parts) 6 | Sayapeta (3 par ts) - - Chintaladevi, &e. (4 paris) 5 | Samhasavirapuram (Shrotriem) Dundigam - 43 | Siddavaram, &c. (Shrotriem) Gavuravaram = - 34 | Siddanakondur - . Gattupalli, &e. (2 pasts) 12 | Somavarappadu (Shrotriem) Gudavalur - | Tallapalem (3 paris) - Kaligherry (2 parts) Talluru Kakuturu (Shrotriem) - T ellapadu (Zemindary y)- Katrayapadu (Shrotr ley) | Tummalapenta (2 parts) Kattapalli - | Umamaheswaram (Shrotrie m) Kavurpalli - - - Veligundla ah ” Kesavaram, &ec. - - | Zakkepalli Guduru > Kodandaramapuram (Shrotriem) Zaladanke (5 parts) - Krishnapadu (Shrotriem) - 38 | Zammulapalem - - 6. Villages in Nellore Taluk. Alaganipad - - No. 5 | Damaramadugu Allur (7 parts) - | Damavaram, &c. Alurupadu, &c. - | Damegunta ~~ - - - Dampur - Dandigunta ~~ - Desavadadinne, &e. Davarapalem, &e. Dontali - Gandavaram - - Gangapatnam - - Gang: waram (Shrotriem) Gogulapalle - - (Grollakandukur - - Gotlapalem (Shrotriem) Grandagunta - - Gudipallipad, &e. . | Gundalammapalem - Gundlapalem (Shrotriem) \ Iduru (2 parts) - \ Inamadugu, &e. - | Indukurupata (2 parts) ” Amancharla ~~ - - Ambapuram (Shrotriem) Amulur (South) - ,, (North) - Anantabhotla (Khandrika) Anantapuram, &c. - Anantavaram (Shrotriem) Annareddipalem - Basavapalem - - Bhujabhuj anellore (Shrotriem) Jirangunta ” - Chamudugunta, &e. Chavukacherla, &ec. Chennur (Shotriem) Chinacherukur - Chintareddipalem, &c. Dagadarti, &c. - II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—13, NELLORE DISTRICT. Indupur . - Isakapallekurru - - Isakapalem, &ec. - Kaligirikonduru - » Kallurupalle (Shrotriem) Kamivenipad (Shrotriem) Kanupartipad - - Kavetipalem (Shrotriem) Kodavalur - - Kodayapalem - - Kodur - - - Koduru (Khandrika, Shrotriem) Komarika - - Kondamur » - Koruturu - Kottapalem o - Kuditipalem - » Kunkumapudi (Shrotriem) Kunubotla (Khandrika, Shro- triem) - - - Lebur - - - Lyaguntapad - Maipad (2 parts) Maktapuram - Maneguntapad - - Mannavarappad (Shrotriem) Marripad - - Modegunta - » Mogallapalem (Shrotriem) Mopur (North) - - Mudivarti - - Mudivartipalem - Mungaladoruvu (Shrotriem) Munulapudi (Shrotriem Nagamambapuram Narukuru - Nayadipalem - Nedimusili - Nellore (8 parts) Ogurupad (Shrotriem) Padarupulle (Shrotriem) Padugupad (Shrotriem) Pallipad (Shrotriem) - Panchedu, &c, (Khandrika) Parlapalle - - 7. Villages Addanki (9 parts) Alavalapadu (2 parts) Aluru (2 parts) Ammanabrolu (2 parts) Anamanurn (Shrotriem) Annangi Burepalli - Baitamunzuluru (Shrotriem) Bandlamudi > - Bhatlamachavaram Madduluru Bhimavaram - - Bhusurapalli (Shrotriem) (7767. No. . No. 11 14 54 32 126 1 125 56 49 128 114 115 109 146 | 112 | 105 87 132 20 92 70 | 111 40 73 141 34 (2 143 10 84 S9 101 30 52 99 48 91 134 136 127 68 93 a7 76 | in 10 20 a3 o6 13 73 25 94 105 39 101 Patur - - - Pedacherukur (2 parts) Pedaputtedu - - Pedur - - Penuballi, &e. (Rtaniiike) P ogadador uvu (Khands ja, Siro o- | triem) | Potladudi Pottepalem Purini - Ramanapalem Razupalem Rebala - Sajjapuram (Shrotriem) | Sangam - - Sevaramapuram (Shrotriem) . Siddipuram, &e. - \ Sirrungarajapuram (Shrotriem ) Somarazupalle - - Talamanchi - - | Tarunivaya - - Teravidhipad (Shrotriem) | Totapalle - - | Uchaguntapalem (Shrotriem) | Ulavapalla (Shrotriem) | Upputur (Shrotriem) - | Utukur (2 parts) - | Varigonda , - Vavilatipad (Shrotriem) | Vavilla » - Vavver - - | Vedayapalem (Shrotriem) Vegur - - - | Velicherla (Shrotriem) - | Vellanti - - Velukanipalli (Shrotriem) Velupod (Shrotriem) — - Venkanapalem - | Venkanapuram - | Vidavalur - Yallayapalem - Zangala {Khandrika, Shrotriem Zonnavada (Shrotriem) = Ongole Taluk. Bodduvaripalem, &e. (3 parts) Bollapalli (2 parts) - Bollavarappadu, &ec. - Jommanapadu = - Budavada Chinamallavaram Chedaluvada - Chejerla - Chekurupadu - Chendaluru (2 parts) Chimakurti (2 parts) Chinakottapalli Govada 370 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Chintagumpalli - - - No. Chir uvanuppalapadu - - Dasarazuppalli, &e. (3 par ts) - Dharmavaram - - Doddavarappadu - - Duddukuru - - - Gangavaram Santanutalapad (3 parts) - - - Gonasapudi ~~ - - - Gopalapuram (Shrotriem) - Gudimellapadu (Shrotriem) - Gundlapalli - - - Hanumapuram Nidamanur (2 parts) - - Idumudi - - - Inamanamelluru - - Janakavaram, &e. (2 parts) - Jayavaram - - - Jangamaheswarapuram ~~ Shro- triem ) - » - Kalavakuru (2 parts) - - Kandlagunta Vamevaram - Kandulurn - - - Kanuparti (3 parts) - Karumanchi ~~ - - Kassiyapuram (Zemindary) Kirtipadu - - Kolanchanakota - Kondamurn ~~ - - Kondamunjaluru (3 parts) Kondurivari (Agraharam) Koniki - . - Konijedu (2 parts) - Kopperapadu - - Koppolu - - Korisepadu - - Kotapadu - Kottakota Takkellapadu Kottapalli - Lingamgunta - - Machavaram - - Maddipadu - - Maddirela Muppalla ~~ - Maddiralapadu (Shrotriem) Mailavaram (Shrotriem) Mallavaram - - Mangamuru - - Manikeswaram - - » Marlapadu - - “ 41 | Mattepadn Vemulapadu 65 | Mayinampadu (2 parts) 57 | Muktinutalapadu - 3 | Muppavaram - - Naguluppalapadu - Nandipadu (Shrotriem) Narsimhapuram (Shrotriem) Nelaturu - - Nennurupadu (Shrotriem) Nidamaluru ~~ - - Nujellapalli > - Ongole - - - Padamati Takkellapadu (Shro triem) - - Padarti - - >amidipadu (Zemindary) | Pedajangalapalli Vallapalli Pedatalapudi ~~ - ' Pichikelagudipadu - ' Pidatalagudipadu > | Ponduru - - Potavaram - Puligonda - | Pyarnamitta (2 parts) | Rachapudi - - Rachavaripalem - Ramachendrapuram (Shrotriem Ramakuru - - ' Ramayapalem Timmayapalem Raparla - - Ravinutala (2 parts) - Ravipadu (Zemindary) - | Razupalem Latchmipuram (Shro triem) - » Sitarampuram (Shrotriem) | Somavarappadu - - | Tanguturu (5 parts) - | Trovagunta - ) Turupu Takk clpadn (Shro- triem) - | Uppugundurn - . | Valaparla - - | Velagapudi (Shrotriem) | Velampalli - - | Vencatesvarapuram (Shrotriem Yaukipadu - - 87 | Yarragudipadu - - 11 | Yedugundlapadu - 110 | Yendlurn - . 8. Villages in Rapur Taluk. 52 | Biradavolu (Shrotriem) {3 parts) 106 | Chaganam - 32 | Challaturu Reanbbpalli, &e. 86 | Chatagotta Amaram - 30 | Cherlapalli Zavepalli ~~ » Adurupalli (Shrotriem) - No. Akkamambapuram (Shrotriem) - ,, Alturti - . - - Anandamadugu (Shrotriem) - Aukupalli (Shrotriem) - - Bandepalli (Zemindary) Bazavapalli (Zemindary) — | Chikavolu Razulayeraguntapalen — | Chinagopavaram, &c. - 1 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—13, NELLORE DISTRICT. Chintalatukur - - No, 5 | Orupalli Amaram , Chipinapi (2 parts) - 4 | Orupalli Razupalemturimerla Chittaluru - - 21 | Pallakonda - - Chuttupalem (Shrotriem) 64 | Palicherlapadu - . Culimicherla - - 67 | Palurupalur Raghapalem Davarammura - - - 46 | Pangiri (Zemindary) - Degapudi - - - 49 | Perrumallapadu, &e. - Degapudi Razupalem Kottabad - 50 | Pathallapalli (Shrotriem) Devandlaya Raguntapalem, &c. - 31 | Pokkahdala (Shrotriem) Dugguntakonagaluru - - 51 | Parlapalli (Shrotriem) - Garimanapenta (Shrotriem) - 7 | Potalakuru (3 parts) - Gonunarasayapalem (Shrotriem) 62 | Potigunta Linganapalem Griddalura - - - 78 | Pulikollu - - Guravayapalem Amaram - 28 | Raganaramapuram Amaram - Gurivindapudi (Shrotriem) - 13 | Rapur (4 parts) Idulak (Khandrika, Shrotriem) - 94 | Samudralanari (Kh: sein, Shro- Inukurti Mudigudu - - 38 triem) - - Jafalapuram (Shrotriem) - 75 | Sankarantipalli Amaram Kalichedu (Shrotriem) - ing 47 | Sanayapalem (Shrotriem) Kanuparti - - - | Sidhavaram - - Kasulanativari(Khandrika,Shro- ' Suddamalla (Shrotriem) triem) - - . 11 | Takapalem Amaram - Kesaunenipalli Tiramalapadu - 18 Tanamcherla (Shrotriem) Komatigunta Razupalem (Shro- Tatipalli Amaram - triem) - - - 33 | Tegacherla - - Koturupadu (Shrotriem) » 103 | Timmana Ramapuram - Koturpalli (Shrotriem) - - ,, 109 | Tippireddipalli - - Kristnareddipalli (Shrotriem) . 68 | Tocham (Shrotriem) = Linganapalam Amaram - . 15 | Toderu - - Lingasamudram (Shotriem) , 84 | Tokalapudi Amaram Malichedu (Shrotriem) - - , 48 | Tumaya Amaram - Manugala Venkatapuram Ama- ram - - - - 66 | Uchapalem®Amaram - Marlapudi, &c. - » - 95 | Utlapalem (Shrotriem) - Marripalli Gopasamudram (Shro- | Utukuru - - triem) - 87 | Uyyalapalli (Shrotriem) Marupuru (2 parts) ,, 43 | Vadlapudi (2 parts) - Mittapalli Amaram 91 | Vandaluru (Shrotriem) - Mungapadu (Shrotriem) 60 | Vanintaparti = - Molakalapundla, &e. (2 parts) 80 | Vanileru » » Mogollur - - ; 29 | Vemulachedu Amaram - Nandinaya (Shrotriem) - 34 | Viriyapalem (Shrotriem) Nayadipalli (Shrotriem) , 61 | Yepur - . * Nellepalli Velugonu - . 99 | Yerrapalli (Shrotriem) - Nernuru . - ww 24 | Zogipalli Amaram - 14. NORTH ARCOT DISTRICT. Including nine Taluks. Survey of NORTH ARCOT. - - Turpupundla Ramasagaram Three Sheets of the South-western part, including Kongoondy Droog, Venkettagherryeoita, Amboor Droog, &e. Sur- veyed by Messrs. McMahon, Howard, and Allan. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size of cach, about 24 inches by 20. MSS, Survey of part of the NORTH-WESTE RN BOUN VDARY of NORTH ARCOT, executed in 1837-3%, under the superintendence of Lieut. S. C. Macpherson, Assistant Surveyor. In 2 sheets. Scale, 1 mile to cach, 28 inches by 21. MSS. 1 inch ; size of * * The title is according to the endorsement on the back of the sheets. They do not join. AA2 372 MAP ; . ; 7 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA ] II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. Map of the COLLECTORATE of NORTH ARCOT. Scale of i 2 miles to 1 inch. Lithographed at Madras. No date. On 12 sheets ; size of cach, 3 Mabpras REVENUE SurvEY oF SALEM District. * 27 inches by 20. 1 1-V : i | — VILLAGE MAPS, ARRANGED IN TALUKS Brief Remarks on the POLYGARSHIP of CONGOONDY, on the | ; : , Eastern Ghauts (North Arcot). By Captain J. Campbell, Assistant Surveyor- : l. Villages in Attur Taluk. Feners 2. aces scap, in paper cover. MS. 1 : y Ss General, 1842. On 8 pages foolscap, in paper cover. MS i Abinavaram - No. 156 | Odayampatti (2 parts) 3 Agrarakottampadi , 70 | ’ En oe ; ] Alagaburam ~~ - : 75 | Odayattur - 15. SALEM DISTRICT. 4 Appamasamudram 67 | Pagadappadi - SE Aratti (Agraharam) : 31 | Palaniyapuram - Including nine Taluks. Argalur - 11 | Pallipalayam - . : Aripalayam ~~ - - 125 | Panamadal > Map of the SALEM DISTRICT, including the BA RA M AHL, AS ; Attanurpatti - - 164 | Periyakombai - surveyed during the years 1835, '36, "37, and ’38, under the superintendence of Attavanaikottambadi (3 parts) 71 | Pinnanur (2 parts) Captain J. Campbell, Assistant Surveyor-General. Seale, 4 miles to | inch; in 2 w ” 132 | Periyakurichi - parts ; size, 37 inches by 32. MSS. Attur - - 64 | Peddunaikanpalayam % h an g his Ayalapatti - 110 | Periyeri - Reports on the SODA SOILS of the BARAMAHL (Salem District) Chinakistnapuram 153 | Ponnarampatti - and on the Kaolin Earth of Mysore. By Captain J. Campbell, Assistant Surveyors Chinnasekkadi - 107 | Pubyankurichi - General, 1841. On 11 pages foolscap, unbound. MSS. Chokkanadaburam : 81 | Pungavadi - 1 Danavaypatti - , 130 | Punavasal - The SALEM SURVEY. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; on 27 sheets ; 1 Deviyakurichi - , 3 Puttirakkavundanpalayam . » . vii» LQ Man aus ve : J nalanattl size of each, various, but generally 26 inches by 20. MSS. Eramasamudram »» 134 | Putturpalapatti - . Gopalapuram ~~ » 122 | Rajapalayam - - Also, A KEY to the original Sections of the SALEM SURVEY. Ichampatti (2 parts) ; 82 Rungappanayakkampalayam Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 17. MS. 4 [uppainattam } ’ 17 Sandarpatti - - Reductions of the Salem Survey :— : Kadambur ~~ - » 99 Saravay, &c. - 1. Salem Survey. Plan of new geographical matter collected during the past 1 Kalarampatti - so 124 Sattambadi Lous year, 1st Sept. 1835. Signed C.T. Hill, Lieutenant, Assistant Surveyor- Kalayanaghiri - » 160 Seradimalai (2 parts) General, &e. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 12. MNS. Kalleripatti . ’ 157 Ai yo 2. Plan of work performed on the Salem and Baramahal Survey in scason Kamakkapalayam 20 Siliyampadi - 1835-36. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 11. MS. Kavarappani 23 | Singapuram ~~ 3. Plan of work performed on the Salem and Baramahal Survey in season Karadippatti ; 161 Sinnakistnapuram 1836-37. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 15. MS. Karapaganur ; 69 Sirkarvalapadi - 4. Sketch of work surveyed by the Salem Survey from Ist Sept. 1837 to 1st Kottambadi ’ 2 | Sitteri . Sept. 1838. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 16. MS. Kattukkottai ; 36 Sokkanur } ; Keripatti 87 | Somampatti The PURGUNNAHS of OUSSOOR, BAUGLORE, SOLO- bapatien, uo. BY | Tommornnny GEERY, and ANKOSGEERY, from actnal survey by Mr. Mather in 1800. Signed : Ro pyar : i a Tos haa : C. Mackenzie, Capt. Superintendent, Mysore Survey. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, sudaing al : pi Aenp layout d 26 inches by a8. 2 copies, MSS. 2 Rsmarapn un oe Tinea ani Cid sumarasameyour J Fo : ale 1samuc ram (2 parts Map of DENKENEKOTTA RANGE, SALEM FORESTS. i a 0. 37 [lee ra Showing the Sandal-wood and Timber Tracts. No date. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; Mottudaiyampalayam 155 Fae Pt hy! size, 34 inches by 41. Litho. Mettupalayam = ’ ,, 155 | Unattur -. 3 Mummudi - . 33 | Uunatongal > The KOLLYMULLAY HILLS, by Messrs. McMahon and Allan. Manarpalayam - y 114 Valaikomhai - No date. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size, 35 inches by 23. MSS. Mummalai - 54 | Valasaikallipatti Muttakawndanur ,, 143 | Valayamadevu - The SHERVAROY HILLS, by Messrs. McMahon and Allan. Muttal - - » 87 | Vedakuttampatti No date. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size, 30 inches by 23. MSS. Nagakurichd » ; 6 | Velaripalayam ¥ Nagalur - 29 | Vettakaranur - ~ ‘ 1 . . » 3 Jarakiner (2 parts - +) | Tivos , - SHERVAROYEN HILLS (Salem District). Central Office of RT Cpa Yaa ns P. W., Chepauk. September 1862. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 19. yay 3 Lagrahatamn : re ] 3 ‘ * Navalpatti - - y 11 | Yettramasamudram On tracing cloth. MS. ; * * To illus ads i \ S ov Hi tae? : 5" To illustrate the Roads in the Shervaroy Hills. * The District Map and the Taluk Maps have not been received. » » MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Villages in Darampuri Taluk. Adalatimmanhalli Adanur - Agasarahalli - Agraharam - Ajjahalli - Alamardahalli - Ambekambinahalli Anumandapuram or Ettiyampatti Angandahalli - Aneikkallanur - Avaliyennumpudur Akkammanhalli Appasamudram Aralimarudanhalli Arakasinhalli - Attisinnanhalli or Kullanur Attukaranpatti - Attukaranhalli - Anaipuram - Baisahalli - Bandarahalli - Bangittimmanhalli Basuvalanattam Belarahalli - Belahalli - Bengahalli Bettanahalli Bochanhalli Jodireddihalli Bodiganhalli Bommanhalli Bommasamudram Chikkanjehalli - Chittarahalli Dadinayakkanhalli - Dalavayhalli Belarhalli - Dalavoihalli - - Dandukaranhalli - Dasakavundhalli - Dendukaranhalli . Dinnebelur - Doddamallahalli Doddardanahalli Dokkubodanhalli Echanahalli - Echanhalli - Ellichikuttahalli Endaialli - - Enumulanayakkanhalli - Erakamanhalli - Erakuttaialli - Eranhalli - Erranhalli - Erumanhalli - Esakkarahalli - . 480 453 457 471 50 256 243 462 417 245 468 182 96 234 47 219 5 200 472 312 32 394 478 433 448 258 409 47: 116 99 373 148 451 434 79 426 155 450 190 83 497 179 416 69 223 383 379 418 360 490 292 127 437 432 303 Ettimarudahalli Gengusettihalli - Goollahalli - 3 3) ” Gopalahalli - Gunnanur - Guruchinnanhalli or lappatti » Gurusinnanhalli Ichapadi or Oddannur Ichalhalli » Indamangalam - Indangurichi - Indur - - Ttchalahalli - Ittikkaballi - Jageanahalli - Jaruguchinnanahaili Jarugu - » Jellikaduranhalli Jengamanhalli - Jettalakaranhalli Jettihalli - Jezzalanayakkanhalli Kadamade - Kadirnayakkanhalli Kaiadatimmanahalli Kalappanhalli - Kallipuram or Parateru Kalluhalli - Kamalapuram - - - Kanikarahalli or Sekkarappatti - Kanakallur - > - Kanavaiosahalli - | Kanikkarahalli - - Kannampalli ~~ - - | Karattahalli - | Karippanaikkanhalli Kariyanhalli - | Karudarahalli - Karadihalli - Karuttamaranhalli Kasipareddihalli | Kattukkavalatti | Kenibagayattu - Keraikodihalli - " | Kerehalli - | Kettakkaraiyanhalli | Kettuhalli - Ketunayakkanhalli > Kittanahalli - - | Kittayeranhalli or Koppalur | Kittikarahalli or Iralappatti No. 134 342 128 137 288 107 142 8 59 492 92 344 402 150 54 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. Kodataramangalam - No. Komaranhalli - Konangihalli - Konanginayakkanhalli Kondisettihalli - Koninarudahalli Koppakari - Korappalli - Kottamannahalli Kottumaranhalli Kovilpatti - Kudihalli - Kudirnayakkanhalli Kukkattamasi - Kullayatirumanahalli Kundappanayakkanhalli Kunnahalli - - Kunnisettihalli - Kuntalahalli - Kuppanahalli - Kupparahalli - Kuppusettihalli Kuppur - - - Kurakamanhalli or Kollarayur - Kuranhalli - - Kuruparahalli - . Kurumbarhalli - - Kuttaibeyaranhalli Kuttalhalli - Kuttalanhalli - Kutrambadi . Kuzaranhalli ~~ Laligam - Leckkanahalli or Yamanna Madanahalli - Mademangalam Mahadanhalli - Mailpatti - Malluchinnanahalli Mallapuram ~~ - > - Mallasamudram Mandarahalli - Manjarhalli Malliyanhalli Manidahalli Manihalli Maravadi Maravadinattan Marojanahalli - Marappanhalli - Mattathalli - Mattapalli or Puchiyur Mattukardnhalli Mattaikavundanhalli Mattalakavundanhalli Mattimarudahalli Mattukaranhalli Meduhalli - 14 187 220 313 371 105 67 214 110 365 6 79 299 76 458 356 292 189 441 469 384 151 193 493 2006 177 117 192 345 391 470 393 113 511 414 118 112 4) 332 486 153 240 430 390 505 133 49 156 315 317 466 207 12 24 198 286 350 314 333 284 Meiyanur - - Mekalanayakkanhalli ~~ Mekkalanayakkanhalli - Melippanhalli (2 parts) | Mettupatti - | Modakkeri - | Molaiyappanhalli Moragarahalli - bil | Matam - - Muduvanhalli - | Mulaikkadu - Mukkanhalli = Mukkolum or Periyamukuli Mulapanahalli - - Muttanahalli - Muttanhalli - Naduhalli - | Nagalapuram - Nakkalhalli - Nallanhalli - Nallappakatirinahalli Nallur - - Nayakkanhalli - Neruppur - Nimmankarai - Nirkondi - Nulhalli - Nullakkavundanhalli or Redde terevu - - Obalimuttanhalli or Nagalur Odanhalli - - Oodikottai - » Onnanhalli - - Onnappakavundanhalli - Osahalli or Mattukaranur Osahalli - Ottally - Pagalahalli Palavadi Palakod Pattakavundanhalli Pallippatti - - Panajikarhalli or Sikkapamji karahalli » - Paravatanhalli - - Parangimarudanhalli ~~ - Parikam - - . Parittinattam ~~ - Patchakavundanhalli - Patchamuttampalli - Pattalahalli - - Patanavadi - Pattarahalli - Pedamaneri - Pelanaikkanhalli Pennaganhalli - Pennagaram ~~ - et A hich A pm Re pe os RE , Fer stent a PENIS S12 A Rr 376 MAPS OF THE CIVIL Periyarahalli Perumbalai - Petanhalli - Pickanhalli - Piliyanur - Pillanellur (Agraharam) Pingekavundahalli Piyayalamari - Pujarihalli - Podapuram - Pokkalhalli Polanhalli - Ponneri - Puchettihalli - Pudanayakkanhalli Pudur - - Puganihalli - Pulahalli » Pulikallu - Pulikarai - Pullakurichihalli Pullappakavundanhalli Pumandahalli - Pumbalai or Seppanur Puram - - Puttukanhalli - Punadanahalli - Puvalamadugu - Puzarihalli - Ramanhalli - Ramayanasennanhalli Raseravutanhalli Reddikkarihalli Konangur Kombadiyur - Rengapuram - Ronihalli - Sakkaraikavundanhalli Samisettihalli - Sattiyanadhpuram Sekkatoranapettam Sekaralhalli - Sellamaranhalli - Sellamundi or Mottur Sembanahalli - Senguttaihalli - Sengodi - Sennakesavahalli Sennamanhalli - Sennapatti - Seradalappn - Settihalli - 2% os Settakesavanhalli Settikarai -. Sidumanahalli Sellamudi Sigumanhalli - Sikkagollahalli - Sikkaballarahalli Sikkamallahalli - No. 353 31 456 216 217 250 227 229 199 309 413 94 301 25% 35 501 261 367 431 302 552 109 311 30 412 106 347 70 103 310 98 45 28 454 34 399 66 230 389 482 374 508 184 422 202 403 104 287 421 343 166 149 174 485 489 406 304 178 DIVISIONS OF INDIA. | Sikkamarandahalli Sikkaratanhalli - Sikkarasanhalli - Silappakavundanhalli Siligibommanhalli Silliyampatti ~~ - Sigaralhalli > Sinnakamanhalli Sinnampalli - Sinnaranhalli - Sinnayanallur - Sirugalur - Soganur Sogattur Solappadi Sollanhalli Somanahalli Somanhalli Sorakkayanhalli Sreramanhalli - Sunzivikadiranahalli Sunnadahalli ~~ ” - - Surulahalli - - Talihalli - - Talihalli or Bomappukuttai Tambikavundanhalli ~~ Tammananhalli - - Tattaikadirinhalli - Tinnahalli - - Tiyapakavundanhalli - Tonnayanhalli - - Togakavundanhalli > | Upparahalli - " Upparahalli Sinnamugam patti - Upparahalli Uppilaparitti ~~ Urulahalli - Valliyanayakkanhalli Vamalanattam - Vedihalli - - Vellalapatti - - Vellayakavundanpalayam Kuppakavundenterum Venkatanayakkanhalli - Veppalahalli ~~ - - Veresettihalli - » Verikondanhalli - Viranhalli - - Virapatchipuram (2 parts) ”» » Yettikarahalli Zavulahalli Zavulohalli Zolihalli Zembukanattam Zogihalli - 392 428 326 80 494 290 215 204 36 252 481 152 387 164 21 366 154 233 119 393 444 359 429 380 40 58 259 114 260 a3 241 349 129 Yi 268 270 396 75 382 86 89 322 319 17: 321 442 209 487 404 139 140 33 oan 28H 170 173 440 408 TI. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. 3. Villages in Kristnagiri Taluk. Adalam - . - No. 156 | Gollapalli Goddaleri - Adilam - - » 1 | Gollapalli Kalluguragi - Agasipalli - - 273 | Gollapalli Kanakamuttala Agraharam Davalatabad 118 | Jambukuttaipatti - Agraharam Vennampalli 227 | Janaparahalli - . Agraharam Malaiyandahalli 280 | Janardnapuram - - Alerahalli - - 146 | Japaratti - - Aluvalpalli - - » 197 | Jidikuppam - - Amanakkampatti - 60 | Jikallarapalli - - Amanitalavu - - 207 | Jikalrahalli - - Amidalapalli ~~ - 239 | Jinkalakadirampatti ~~ - Ampalli - 172 | Jogipatti - - Andarippatti - 127 | Kadapasandampatti - Angampatti ~~ - 104 | Kadarikuppam - - Anginayanipalli 325 | Kadaripuram - - Anukodi - 153 | Kadiganpalli - - Arasakavundanpalaiyan 305 | Kallattipalli - Arasampatti = - 32 | Kallipatti - - Arimanupalli =~ - 203 | Kalluguragi - - Avadanapalli - 279 | Kalvehalli Maruderi - Avalappampatti 81 | Kalvehalli Jagadab - Ayilampatti ~~ - 73 | Kammampalli - - Badetalavu - 263 | Kambukalahalli - Baletottam - 106 | Kanampalli - - Bandrahalli - 15 | Kandikuppam - - Bandarahalli ~~ - 62 | Kandopanahalli - - Bannihalli - 315 | Kannandahalli - - Batrahalli Mattur 119 | Kappinayakampatti - Dattapalli - ) 176 Kappalavadi - - Belakondapuram 121 | Karakatahalli - - Belavaratti - yw 230 | Karakuppam - - Bettepalli - 5 2067 | Karadiguragi - » Bodapuram - 909 | Karuppakavundanpalaiyam Boganapalli ~~ - ww 264 | Karupperi - - Bommasamudrar .,, oll | Kattagaram » > Bommepalli . 168 | Kattakarampatti - Damodarahalli 22 | Katteri - - - Dasarihalli 298 | Kaveripattanam Davarahalli 28 | Kembinayanipalli Dindal - 12 | Kittanapalli - Doddakaradiyur 56 | Kollapatti - Domalahalli 322 | Konganaservu - Iladaghiri 222 | Kotiguttalapalli Fmakalnattam 196 | Kottakota - Iirrahalli 307 | Kottampatti ~~ - Kttampatti 74 | Kottipalli - Gajjiganur - 1 87 ” - Gangavaram = , 89 | Kotulakutta - Ganginayakampatti 103 | Kristnaghiri Gazulahalli - 312 | Kristnasagaram - Gendikanpatti - 102 | Kshirasagaram - Giddampali ~~ - 158 | Kudamandapatti Girinadampatti - 113 | Kudarasendampatti Giriyampatti - . 3 | Kudimenahalli - Goddaleri - ww 204 | Kullampatti - Gollahalli - 14 | Kumbarahalli - Gellapalli Adalam ,» 157 | Kumbaranganahalli 377 378 MAPS OF THE CIVIL Kunatimmampatti Kundalappatti - Kundepalli - Kundiobanattam Kundupatti - Kundur - Kuragapalli - Kurumbapatti - Kuttahalli Kuttambatti Kuttur - Lakkampatti Madalakuppam Madarahalli Madavapuram Madinayanipalli Mahadevagollahalli Maharajagadai - Malaiyandahalli Malakatimmanahalli Mallalakuppam - Mallapadi - Mallikkallu - Mallinayanipalli Mandipalli - Manjamedu - Marappanayakkampatti Marimanupalli - Maruderi - Mesanakuppam - Matepalli - Mavattur - Medukampalli (3 parts) - Mettuppatti ~~ - - Mindakuri Mittahalli - Miyakalasinnampalli Modukulahalli - Mollampatti ~~ - Moranahalli ~~ - Mukampatti Baletottam Mukampatti Kudamandapatti Mukampatti Sandampatti Mullanur - - Murugampatti - Muttupapampatti Nadumuttur - Naduppattu ~~ - Nagasamudram - Nagojanahalli - Nallakundalapalli Nallappanayakkampatti Naralapalli - Naralasandampatti Nattakayam - Paiyur - - Panakamuttalu - ’apparappatti - Parur - . 37 291 169 190 101 68 160 297 320 20 171 138 220 162 136 253 151 240 116 321 260 186 54 226 165 33 109 184 46 319 198 66 210 55 148 296 243 110 23 301 71 108 150 6 4 39 283 167 5 50 257 122 236 149 130 308 318 16 42 DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Pattakarahalli - - Peddamadarapalli - Peddamelupalli - - Peddanapalli Kottapalli - Peddapapampatti - Periyamuattur - - Perumalukuppam - Pilliovanapalli - - Pochampalli Pokampatti Potinayanipalli Pujaripalli Puligunda Pulimadalapalli Puliyampatti (Puliyampatti) Puliyampatti Tippanur - Puliyandapatti - Pumalatampatti Pungampatti - Puram Goddaleri Puram Varattanahalli Ramanattam ~~ - Raminayanipalli langampatti - Rangasamudram Renukuttahalli - Sadinayakkampatti Sakkilinattam - Salinayanipalli - Samandapatti - | Sandampatti ~~ - | Sandampatti Kudamandapatti | Sandanur - | Sandapuram Sandur - | Sanippatti | Sangampatti | Sappanippatti | Sattarampalli | Sekinayanipalli Sellakuttaipatti | Sendrayanahalli | Sennampatti - | Settamarampatti | Sevvampatti - | Sikalapalaiyam - | Sikkatimmanahalli | Sinnakaradiyur - \ Sinnamelupalli - | Sinnampalli ~~ - Sinnamuttur - | Sinnapapampatti | Sinnatimminayanipalli - Sinnattippalam - - | Sinnamattur ~~ - # \ Sintakumpalli Goddaleri | Sintakumpalli Maharajagadai ' Sonarahalli - - Sukarandahalli - - II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. Sundekuppam - Sunnampalli ~~ - Tadampatti - Takkepalli - Taliyur - Tandekuppam - Tapasimaranahalli Tattaikkallu ~~ - Tellabanda - Tellanahalli ~~ - Teruhalli - Tesupalli - Timmapuram - Timminayakkampatti Timminayanipalli Tinnalur - - No. 285 | Tippanur (Tippanur) - 125 | Tirunadampatti . 64 | Toppadikuppam - 251 | Tukkojanahalli - - 317 | Uchanahalli - 265 | Uliganattam - 300 | Vadamalaipatti 84 | Valavalappatti 179 | Valippatti 11 | Varattanahalli 292 | Varattanapalli 229 | Velampatti 287 | Velavalli 80 | Venkatapuram 188 | Vennampalli 36 | Veppalampatti Tippampatti (Baletottam) 72 | Virappampatti Tippampatti Nattakayam 128 | Vottapatti Tippanur Sandapuram - 295 Agraharavarkarai Agraharavuduppam Anjelam » Arasanattam ~~ - Ariyur - - Bommanapalayam Dattadripuram - Devanur - Devarayasamuttiram Kadiranellur - Kalangani - Kallattukombai - Kannurpatti - Karadipatti (2 parts) Karukudi - Kolaram - Koppanapalayam Kottamangalam Kumarapalayam Kurumbamahadevi Mahadevi - Manikkanattam - Maniamangalappatti ( Maniyanur » Melsattamkur - Mogavanur - Morupatti > Murtinayakkampatti Nallamattikombai Nallur - - Nanjaivudaiyar - NungalikKondalam Paittamparai ~~ - Pandamangalam Parali - - 4. Villages in Namakkal Taluk. No. 23 | Pettaipalayam - 98 | Pillaiyarpalayam 30 | Pillaturai - 38 | Piramadanpalayam 46 | Pongalayikombai 68 | Pottanur - 95 | Poyyeri - 21 | Pulancheri - 61 | Puliyamsolaikombai 102 | Punjaikondalam 99 | Punjaiyedaiyarmelmugam 5 | Punjaivudaiyarkilmugam 101 | Ramadevam - - 94 | Rudrakshakombai - 13 | Saniyapatti - - 86 | Sarkarvurkarai - - 63 ” - Sarkarkuttukadu " - | Sekkadinattam - - - ; 2 | Sembamadai ~~ - - - : 25 | Sengampattikombai (2 parts) © 3 ” ” 2 parts) 44 | Serunattikovil - - - Sindalamkombai - - ; 81 | Suklampattikombai - - ss 42 | Talakarai - - 2 | Tanattampatti - - 5 (2 parts) 3 | Tataiyangarpettai . | Vadamalaipatti - - | Valaiyeduppu - - | Valasiramani ~~ - - ’ | Vellalapatti - - - 5 | Vellayapatti - » Paramatti and Kattupalayam - - Pasarikombai - - 2 4 | Vengarai - crt, Meio II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. 381 380 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. . Kanavanalli - - No. | Marrinavak { ac Viranapalayam - 75 | Yerappumogavanur (2 parts) c No. 377 | Mernnanatlondy 339 4 MH > Kanalcheruva - - 137 | Marutanapalli - 294 Voravandur ~~ - 39 | Yirukur - - - . ay | to . gi 4 / : ’ . Kandaganhalli - - 337 | Masinaikkamalli 271 Vuradaiyapatti - 14 | Zaptipandamangalam - - inal: = 1 L . i dE Kannasandiram - - 25 | Matta (Agraram) 124 Yedumbankulam 53 | Zaptisirukalai - - Ch : hE a Yelayapuram 91 : i Kappiganhatti - - 181 | Mattaghiri - 101 Ay « w r. 1 * | 2 * 7 y Karadikutti - 21 | Mekalachinnampalli 520 : , Karapalli - 71 | Melaparnatavadi 414 J. Villages in Qosur Taluk. j Karavanapalli - 33 | Melemattukottai 335 : . La : i Karandahalli ~~ - 318 | Menakarapalli - 100 Abari : i" - No. 80 | siyaraganhalli 3 Kariyakalatti - 14 | Menakarapalli (Agraha 146 Adesundalli ~~ - - 148 Biyarandapalli ; Karkondapalli - 63 | Morasur (1st part) 150 Agaram - - 46 | Bodichahalli £ Kasiagraram ~~ - 288 ’ (2nd ,, ) 145 4 3 ik analli’ ne - : 1 - Agaram (Agraharam) - 27 Bodikuttapalli Kasuvakatta - 73 | Mottakaram - 396 Agraram - - 135 Bommandupalli J : Kattakondapalli 122 | Mugalur - 269 Akondapalli ~~ - 65 | A Kattiyalam * 173 | Mugasibarandur 9 De Alur bn . 78 Sudi otte ian ’ Kalluku ampalli 20 | Mukondapalli (1st part) 125 Alahalli Irudukottai 304 | Chennayan (Agraharam) Kavudanpalli - 48 “ (2nd ,, ) 126 Alasanattam ~~ - 92 | Chikkapilimuttirai ~~ - 5 Kelamangalam 180 | Mullunaballi - - oo S17 Alesippam go 18 Chikkabeluru ” - ; Kemmattihalli - 419 | Musivanhatti - - » 469 Alegasenayakanhalli »» 893 | Chikkamenagaram - Kempathapalli - 356 | Muttur - - 381 Alialam - 39 Chikkavuppanur . . J Kenasur - 43 | Nagamangalam - : 11 Alikarai - 422 Chikkapilimuttirai Kendakenahalli - » 924 | Naganayakkanaalli 151 Anasunai - 170 Chikkatimmandalli 3 Kethunayakkanalli 51 | Nagappa (Agraharam) ys 261 Anayanattam - 258 Chinnabenangur ; < Kistnapuram - . 35 | Nagasandiram - 368 Andevanaalli - 306 Chinnaupparakanapalli 1 : Kumbatti . , 369 | Nagathuti . 3 Aniyalam - 327 Chittanur : - , | Kodikarahalli ~~ .» 436 | Nagenhalli 204 Anjalaghiri - 158 Chudasandiram - 30 1 Komaranpalli = - »» 114 | Nakondapalli - 9: 103 Anjattidurgam 167 Darabandiram - ! Komichanhalli - ys» 166 | Nalakurugi - - . 40 Anthivadi - 120 Dasanpalli - ; 1 Kommepalli ~~ - , 98 | Nalikchedda - - 95 Anumandapuram 5 Davasthanamkottarur : | Konasandiram - 175 | Nalikchedda (Agraharam) 96 Anumankallu - 425 | Devarulimangalam Kondayanagraharam 403 | Nallappakavundanpalayam 15 Anumepalli (Agaram) 142 | Doddagiri s Kopasandiram - » 192 | Nandimangalam - 85 Arasakuppam - 254 | Doddamanagaram , Koranur - 374 | Navuthi - » 99 Arasanatti - 127 | Doramuttukondapalli 290 Korattacghiri ~~ - » 285 | Nayaganapalli - - . 45 Arattakur - 298 | Elaisandiram - oh Kottahatti . » 202 | Nirlatti . - 355 Avrehalli J 336 Ennikarai Gist ; ¥ Kottibarandur - 273 | Niyanappanatti 235 Arevonnuhalli - 453 | Ganganahalli A » 0 Kottur - s » 925 | Ondikondapalli 17 Aruhalli (1st part) 439 | Gavurasandiram . yw “22 Kubisandiram - yy 265 | Ovepalayam - 56 » (2nd ,, ) 407 | Gollahalli Javalikarai y Kudumaganaalli 23 | Onnaluadi (2 parts) G4 " (3rd ,, ) 423 | Gollahalli Attarani ; 5 Kullasamanahalli 10 | 7 - : 60 Aruhallitalayu 199 Gollapalli a nw <4 ] Kummaln - » 451 | Onnatti > . sy 880 Attalavadi 408 | Gongasettihalli - ) Kummala (Agraharam) 452 | Onnupalli - - » 270 Attikottai : 230 | opamp - “ Kummalapuram - ww 463 | Onnupalli (Agraharam) 287 Avalampalli ’ 89 Fopasandiram - 0 Kundalanayakanhalli ow 339 | Oossoor - - , 128 Avelapalli J Gundukummanur ’ ; Kunikkal - 36+ | Osahalli Pachapanhutti 0. 197 Averahalli 427 | Guruparahalli - - 02 | Cattar = . 263 | Osahaiti Saraeahalli oq i sutt 263 tt gahalll ow DT Ayiranapalli 19 - Gurusana (Agraharam) ’ Lakkanaalli - , 139 | Osakistnapuram o. S18 Bagutharapalli 74 | Jakkanhalli — - $ Lalikkal - Osakotti - 59 Bagur - 136 | Jambupalli - ol) Lingakattiranapalli ‘ Osapuram - 262 Bairamangalam 161 | Jangalkundu Onnapalli - yw 2 Magadi - 239 | Osatti - . 297 Bandapuram 1 Jayadevapuram - Bh Makalachinnampalli o - . 376 Bandesavuram 259 | Jigur oR - - ’ : Malasoni (1st part) 3 Osahalli Pennikkal 163 Basthi - 91 | Kadirapalli - ww (2nd, ) 3 | Pachapanhatti - 201 Bekepalli w MB or - ij Mallasanquthiram 424 | Pairakundahalli 370 Belur - ’ 289 Kaduidi . Mallikuttai . 420 | Palayabogaranaballi 54 Bevanattam 205 | Kakkatasam (Agraharam) ’ As Mallinayakampalli 42 | Pallakarai - 289 Beyadarapalli 139 | Kalikapasanthiram > Maniyambadi - 225 | Panaalli Panahalli 531 Bimasandiram 409 | Kallabanda I'ommanaalli Marikiala i} | Panapalii i 33 Biranayakavalli 276 | Kallualli . - Marikavundanalli 249 | Panjatasarapuram 284 BH rrp eal De Srna SLi A | Birjapalli 157 | Kampatti - > Paripettam ~~ - - No. 312 | Suthiyalam - - No. 103 1 6. Villages in Salem Taluk. Pathakotti - 41 | Talachenur - - 134 Aithichank : 5 ; Younikkal i 162 | Tammapuram - ; 165 Ae 1an kuttapatti - - No. 161 | Jegadevanpatti - Periyaberiakondapalli 107 | Tasirhallikottamedu - 432 A EL : : nh 133 Kadampatti (2 parts)* Periyalachchaghirri 138 | Tavarakkarai - 108 eyodiyapatinam . : 145 | Kalkurichi - Perumapalli . 84 | Tesattinahi i 468 Agraharanattarmangalam - 169 | Kalipatti ; - Pethuratti - 250 | Tavarajasandriam 440 Agraharapulaveri ia =» 105 Kalippatti* . Pettabasapalli - 354 | Thandari 2 286 Aiyyamperumampatti or Palayur 22 Kallankulam ~~ - Pettaganapalli - 44 | Thasanapalli - 26 Aiexamapologace Kalparappatti - Pichakundarahalli 168 | Thasanapuram - 7 ] Al apa 50 | Kamalapuram - Pikkisettialli - 283 | Thasarihalli - 55 gL nr 59 | Kaminayakampatti Podasandiram - 187 | Thavarakkari - 322 | pvappatel 3 56 | Kamalappatti ~ - S Podur - - 38 | Thinnabaranthur - 268 Amarakundi* - 4 | Kanjinayakkampatti or Ponnapalli - 30 | Thiyarana Thuragam - 52 So . 268 | Kankatti, Alia - Puliyanapalli - 4 | Thoddanpparganapatti - 13 ; an, yam $ » 120 | Karichchippatti Puliyampatti - 291 | Thoddakoddalli - - 373 Aon Xo ya . ’ 4 | Karikkapatti - Punnamangalam 385 | Thonapanda - - 70 Le a | Karippatti ££ Punapalli - 115 | Timmasamudram - 111 Anssipp 3 Karuppanampatti* Ramapuram - - 464 | Timmasandiram, &ec. - y 244 naagamy : 5 Karuppur (3 parts) Ramasandiram - 5 308 | Timmenahatti ~ i; Anantakistnarayasamudram g ii Kasavareddipatti or Karukkam- Rungapandita (Agraharam) 98 | Tippeppalli - - - Samii avandngehgen ; pata” Ss - - Rayasandiram - - 476 | Tippenagraharam - - Sop Ayam - i} » Kasuba, Omalur® - . Sammapattichokottai - » 226 | Tirushanegoninda Agraharam - Hope - $ 82 | Kattaleriyampatil* : i Samanapalli ~~ - - 76 | Tirnnasappalli - - - A ire Kattirippatti ~~ - . Snaakolanattam . 172 | Toddabenangar - . - Aranganur, Pullanur* - » 279 | Kattuvepalappatti or Seshansa Sandanur - 373 | Toddatammandahalli - A A : : _vadi - : . Sadanahalli ~~ - 460 | Toddareddipalayam - Arfyaskayundanpn nysn : | Kavarukkalpatti aw Sangenhalli i: 438 | Toddarayasandiram Ar iyakkavundanpatti . yy | Kejjalanayakkampatti or Virasa ny . ‘ | . \ yi Alay - | [sss 11s > - 19 Sangita (Agraharam) 293 | Togari (Agraharam) ] A Tyanp ! yam » 2 _ Dissattiram Pudu » 1i8 Sandirasegaramadam 255 | Toranapettam - PIVAILDALLI® - Siegen 8 | Kerppatti ~~ - - » 190 Sandinayakkanalli 328 | Tukkanhalli - Arurpatti, or Kanakkampatti* » | Kidandampatti - : 43 Sandapuram ~~ - 131 | Tuppuganapalli Attanur ”. - » 82 | Kirapappampatti Japthi 219 Sanamanu - 37 | Uchinaalli . Attavanaipalaverit - ” | Kogaippatti (2 parts)* - 327 Sappayapuram 299 | Ulibiranapalli - : Agu fwmmatt - - 8 | Kolanaikanpatti* (1860)F ys 289 Sapuram - 191 | Ulimangalam - Hm By . - | Kollappatti ~~ - . » 232 : : ow T : rappalays: - 3 | - - 3 Sarandahalli ~~ - 359 | Upparaganapalli 5 tppa ayam tO | » » 196 Semadaranahalli » 160 | Uttinapalli . : Sanapuram” - 281 | NE, * » » 164 Sennattur - 72 | Uralakkasandiram Bodis > K - Kollattukkombai - ss 184 Sennasandriam - 360 | Vaderahalli - Dol haya ampat ’ | Komarapalayam - » 64 Sendrapuram - 386 | Vanaganahalli - A avappasi - : los » : - 140 Settipalli . 404 | Vanamangalam - Dasasamuddiram* Kombadappatti - . 92 Settihalli Ponnikkal 190 | Varaganapalli i} Dasinaikanpatti Konakollampatti (2 parts) , 244 Settihalli Settihalli 352 | Varakavasamudram aayappaLy - «J | Konamadugu CT - » 129 2a" . . v, OF : - ale . - < Settipalli » 144 | Vattarapalaiyam, &e. - ¥Apl! ia | Kondalampatti » 109 Cit. 3 ve . " , . le a { TIE - on Sinigirihalli ~~ - 57 | Vattarapalaiyam Ausubalu : J ” Roneripaitl ’ » 26 Sinanahalli, &e. 363 | Vattavadi - : 9: Elavampatti* - 322 | Kongupatti or Vaduguteruvu 267 Sinnayelachehegherri 129 | Vayasa (Agraharam) - Fla palayam * » 47 | Roppampaiti - : 45 Sirutimmanalli - 292 | Virasandiram - - Road] (3 parts)’ - ; 21 Koppam . - 283 Sirani (Agraharam) » 826 | Vulumaramhalli - “ramanaikkampalayam > 3 Kottanur Lc 204 Sittanapalli " 132 | Vunisenattam - i Jravadi, Pettampatti | Kottakkavundanpatti - 298 Somandapuram - 97 | Vupparayanapalli - ‘ Errasinnapatti - Kottumettuppatti or Omalur? 304 Somesvarahalli - 401 | Yedapalli > - . Sanam agmpas 9 | Kudattupatti wr - » 167 Sudakondapalli - 67 | Yadayanallur (2 parts) - undnieq’> - . 265 | Kuguttappatti* - - . 252 Sudavadi 94 | Yerandahalli - - [champatti . Ys Kulvelampatti - or - 36 Sujalatti 12 | Yerattamaganpalli } Irusanampatti or Sannangiri - 81 | Kunnamnayagampatti or Mut- Sundatti 79 | Yiratalom i ; Jagganaykampatti - wt 39 | tuppatti® - - hye USAAF SESE radet HS Sh REA | re A ee re * These villages, according to the maps, are in Omalur Division. t This village, according to the map, is in Rasipur Division. I See also Kollanayagampatti (Omalur Div.). (186i.) No. 289. ISR ERNE 2 384. MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Kappanur - JKuralnattam - “ . Kurichapatti ~~ - - - Kurukkampatti or Sinnakuruk- kampatti* ~~ - - - Kuttaladampatti - - Kunnanampatti - - Kuttappatti* - - - Laguvampatti - Madiyampatti - Malayalapatti - Mallamuppampatti Mallaravaddanpatti - Malliyakkuttappatti or Nasired- diyur* - - Malliyakkutti* - - - Malliyampatti - - - Malliyampalayam Mallur - - - - Manallakkavundampatti Mazra Koppappatti* - - Manguppai - - - Manattal (2 parts)* - - Mannaikkanpatti - Maralayampalayam - Maramangalampatti =~ - Mar amangalam (3 parts)* Matuvelampatti - Mechcheri (2 parts)® - Mettuppatti Kulippatti - Mettupatti Tadannur ~~ Minnampalli - - Muduturai - - Mukkannur® ~~ - - Mukkuttipalayam - Mullakallur ~~ - - Mulppallipatti - - - Mungilppadi ~~ - - - Muniyappampalayam or Kuch- chikkadu - - - Murungappatti - - - » Muttanapalayam - - Muttampatti ~~ - Muttukalipatti - - Nabilattukombai - Nachippatti ~~ - - Nachchanampatti® - Naduppatti ~~ - - % oo - 2” Nallampatti ~~ - i Nangappalli ~~ - Nanikkalpatti - Naranampalayam Narasozippatti - - N: Nuyagumpatti (2 parts) - » - No. 162 128 186 325 61 198 284 194 54 142 211 215 296 295 21 62 65 282 224 297 179 77 220 298 58 276 175 148 147 218 256 119 T4 17 a9 233 19 199 38 76 178 ae 33 131 f 259 52 260 216 15 285 112 242 208 201 Nayanampatti Neikkarapatti Nelvarapatti Nirmullikuttai - Pachal - - Pachudaiyampalayam Pachchanampatti® Palabakki - Palampatti - Palapatti - Palantinnippatti Pallavanaikampatti Pallippatti* - Pallipatti - Pallippatti - | Pallirtervupatti \ Panamarattuppatti | Panikkanur* - | Pannappatti* - Papambadi* - Papparapatti - Paranattamangalam Parappatti - Pasuvanattampatti - Pattanam - - Pattanammuniayappanpalayam Pedaripatti > > Peddampatti - - Periyagavandapuram - Periyaguttimadugu - Periyasiragappady - | Periyeripatti - - Periyasoragai or Kosappatti* Perumapatti ~~ - - Perumakavundanpatti = Perumakavandanpalayam Perumapalayam - Pettampattit - Pillanallur - Ponkurichi - | Ponparappipatti - Ponnarkudal (5 parts)” - | Porasalapatti = - - | Pottaneri Nallakkavundampatti® | Pottipuram - | Pudur - | | » ”» w Pudduppalayam Pudupatti - Pujarippatti* - Pukkampatti* - Puliyampatti - Pulutikkuttai - Pumandappatti - | Pungamaduva - * These villages, according to the maps, are in Omalur Division. t This village, according to the m map, is in Rasipuram Division. 111 181 41 12 307 303 99 166 57 63 271 1 154 123 124 39] 253 330 75 108 114 118 24 23 44 200 144 193 83 310 293 203 97 7 152 82 48 49 70 261 353 988 245 139 29 159 287 28 18 255 277 229 187 217 188 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—I15, SALEM DISTRICT. Rajapalayam ~~ - Ramanaikanpatti Ramapuram ~~ - Ramireddippatti® Reddipatti - Sakkarappatti* - Samakuttapatti - Sandumalai - Sangidapatti ~~ - Sarkarkollapatti Sarkkarnattermangalam Sattappadi* - Sovetpuran - Sedarpalayam - 3) 2 Sekkarapatti ~~ Sekkarasettippatti Selattampatti - Selavadi™ > Sellippalayam - Semmandapatti - Sendinapillaivarasai Sendiyur Adaiyampatti Sendipur - Sendrayampalayam Nettippatti® - Sevappalayam - Sikkampatti ~~ - Sikkanampatti® - - Sinnagavundapuram - Sinnamanayakampalayam Ninnasorigai ~~ - - Sittaneri - - Sukkumpatti ~~ - Suramangalam - - Sur: app alli* - Sur iyur - Tadanur - — Tailanur (2 parts) - Tanakuttipalayam . Taramangalam (2 parts) part 2% Tasagappatti® - - Tattaiyangarpatti - No. 83 42 96 323 94. 164 132 189 230 22 168 280 51 9 8 240 243 206 317 87 55 180 122 121 174 311 93 326 250 146 185 294 104 156 209 291 126 157 247 149 79 324 202 235 | odaptippnine . Tekkampatti - | Torn palayam - T indamang: alam® Tippampatti ~~ - Tirumalagiri - Tivattippatti* - Tolasampatti* - Toppampatti ~~ - Toppampatti Pachudaiyampala- yam - - - - Tottiyampatti - - - Tumbadulippatti or Puduppala- am - - - - Tumbippadi (2 parts)* - - Tummalpatti - - - Volmmnty am (2 parts)* - Vadamuttampatti (2 parts) Yaga - - Valakuttampatti - Valasaiyur - - Valayakaranur - - Valayapatti - Vanavasi® > Vaniyampadi - Vadakuttampatti Vedampatti* - Vedappatti - Vedumpatti ~~ - Velampatti - | Vellacalpatti Vellalakundam | Vellalappatti | Vellar (2 parts)* | Vellayampatti | | [| | | | Vennandur Vembaditalam Vengampatti - Veppal: ippatti - Veppale (2 parts )* Virakkal* - Virapandi - Yeripputtur ~~ - Yettikkuttipatti Villages in Tiruchangadt+ Taluk. - No. Adiyur - - A garam - Agraharataleiyur Agraranattamangalam Alattur - - Anangur (2 parts) Andipalayam - Annadanapatti - Arasiramani (2 parts) - "” ." . *" 2 “- 4 | Attavanaitalaiyur Avadattur - | Avanasippatti - 100 67 113 40 3« GO 53 16 19 | Avaniperur - | Devanangurichi | ( | Devur - Elur - | Gidikaval - Gudalur - “ | da ange ansal ai - . These villages, according to the maps, are in Omalur Division. ; Formerly Sankerridrug Taluk ; also Teruchangode. (7767) er Soa ba Eg lta I Il | | ep RTRs CE RTRE i ERE AT RN CR RE 386 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Idappadi Tlupili - Iranapuram Trupalli Kachippalli ~~ - Kadachanur - Kanagagiri - Kandarkulamanikkam Kannanderi (2 parts) ” » Karakurichi ~~ - Karumapuram - Karungalpatti - Raravoppempatni Kattari - Kaveripatti (3 parts 5) 2 2) » » Kilappalaiyam - Kiliyanur (2 parts) Konasamudram - Koneripatti (3 parts) » » ” Konnaiyar (2 parts) Kottapalayam - Kumarapalayam Kur: Jkkapuram - Kuttampundi - Lakkapuram - Leddivadi - Mallasamudram - Manjakkalpatti - Mangalam - - Mamundi - - Modamangalam (2 parts) ”» 2» Morur - - Mudalkalvai (2 parts) » » Naduvaneri Navani - - Nedungulam - Padav id - - >allippalaiyam (5 parts) 2] » - ”» ”» - No. 45 102 81 3 69 32 82 835 48 68 109 63 93 56 23 14 144 17 101 26 74 12 15 18 -99 92 24 115 116 104 112 106 91 43 84 90 35 36 54 10 13 72 108 11 37 27 28 29 Pallippalaiyam (5 parts) ”» » Pallakkappalaiyam Paruttippalli ~~ Pellakkuli - Pillakavundanpatti 2” Pillakavundanpatti Podangam - Puduppalaiyam - Pudur - - Pulampatti - Punjaipuduppalayam @ parts) - Rajapalayam (2 parts) - ” ” . Rasnapuram - - Samaiyasangili (2 parts) 9 bE) 2 Samudram - Sappaiyapuram - Sarkkarnattamangalam Savudapuram - Sembagamahadevi - Settimankurichi - Sinnakavundanur (3 bares) Sinnamanali ~~ - Sittur - - Tadaiyangarpatti Tattapuram - Teppakuttai ~~ - Tevankavundanur (2 parts) Tiruchangad (Kusbah) - Vadugampatti - - Vaikundam . » Vandinattam - - Varagurppatti - Vattu (4 parts) - Velanattam (3 parts) » 2” Vellalapuram Vellerippatti Vembaneri Veppampatti Virachippaliyam Yekkapuram ~~ - Yembapalli 8. Villages in Tripatur Taluk. - No. 115 Adanakavunapalli , Adiur - - - Agraharam (2 khandams) Alang; ayam (2 khandams) Ammanakovil - - Ambalur - - Anasagaram ~~ - - Andalavadinatham - Andiyappanur - 49 108 78 106 133 104 72 67 . Anganathavalasei | Arasanpalli - | Arasangkanni - Arupandakuppam Athurkuppam - | Bolinaickanur - Bandarapalli ~~ ” | Bandirevu - II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. Bommanabunda Jothanur - Cheruvukindanapalli Chinnagirisamudram Chinnaavundanur Chinnappanaickanur Doddanachampatti (cengalapuram - [ranampatti - Jaghir Pallakutter (2 Kind pie) Jayatipuram (2 khandams) Jedayanur - - Jonnakavundanur - Kadayampatti - - Kalandira - - Kalarampatti - Kalarpadi - Kallathur - Kallur - - Kalleri - - Kanamandurpudukottei Kavulipettei - Kavundappanur Kiliyur - - Kilkuppam , Kittapiyanur Kollakuttei - Kondakindanapalli Kottur - - Kudimianur - Kumarampatti - Kunichi - Kuppanatham - Kurchilapettu - Kurumberi - - Kuttichevurunattam - Madakadappah (2 parts) Madapalli - - Madavalum - - Mallapalli - - Mambakam - - Mavadimanapalli - Mangalapalli ~~ - - Manguppam ~~ - # Mattarpalli - . Marimanakuppam (2 khandams) Merkattianur Milarampatti Mottur - » yy ie Mullukumbei Muttanpalli Nagadevampatti Nagarajampatti - Nagikkuttai - - Naickanur - - Nofasingapuram (2 khandams) Narayanapuram - No. 120 62 132 130 11 117 126 127 65 83 92 61 66 29 88 76 12 4 10 28 54 48 42 3 32 96 95 118 85 116 Natchiyarkuppam Nattarampalli - Navapupetti - Nayanattur > Nimmayampattu Nullakadiranpalli Odiamattur - Padakuppam - Pallappanatham Paneiyandapalli Panjarampatti - Pannandakuppam Paramuttampatti Parandapalli ~~ - Perambattu > | Perumampattu - Piyappanayanpetti Puduar - - Pulackanavalasei Pungolam - Puram - - Ragimanuchenu | Ravuthampatti - | Reddivalasei - | Reddiyur - | Salarempatti ~~ | Sandirapuram - | Senkarapuram - | Setteyeri - Sevvathur - Sinnakunichi - Sinna Odiamputtur | Sinna Perambattu | Sinnarumpatti - | Simmanaputtur - | Sitteri - - | Sunnampukuttei Sunnapavanka - Tadakullanur - Tamalerimuttur Thoranampudi - , Tippasamudram - Tiruppattur (2 khandams) | Torayari - - Urakavundanur » Vadakkumuttampatti - Vaniyambadi - - | Veladigemnibunda - Velakalanattam - - | Venkatanayanapalli - Vengalapuram - - | Veppaleinatham - Veppalumpatti - - | Viramustipalli - - | Virapalli - - | Vishamangalam (2 parts) | Yakalasapuram - - | Yelavampatti - - | Yetticuppam ~~ - - EE er Sy - . ne A Ah CAN RR A gS Ba SSE MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 9. Achalavadi Achchampatti Agraharam Alamalupuram Allalampatti - Ammiyampatti - Ambenaickampatti Andipatti - ” ” Andiyur - Annamali Halli Annamalipatti - Anumanthathirtham Appayampatti - Arar - - Aruvapadi - Attippadi - Athiviriampalli - Avalampatti - Balasamuthiram Biyiranaththam Bodinaikkampatti Bomampatti - Bothakkadu - Botarajampatti - Buthinatham - Buthinatham - Chikkalur - Dadinaickampatti Danarajapalayam Elayampatti ~~ - Erulempatti ~~ - Ganapathipatti - Ganganur , Gengunaickampatti Gidakaranur - Goollapatti - Gopisittipaliam Gopalapurum - Gonguperampatti Gomudapuram - Gudalur - Gundalamadavu Ichampatti - Tlavamadi - Ilupukuttapatti Ittiyampatti Lutilampatti Jamnanhalli Jengalhalli Jengalavadi Kadavani Kalagampatti Kalladipatti Kallukanur Kaluthipatti No. 77 20 132 9 68 237 328 278 117 71 379 44 67 210 109 87 364 303 342 107 55 19 112 276 18 291 184 26 387 260 43 154 33 147 339 335 314 29: 67 29 327 383 176 25 158 302 320 180 152 45 23 168 365 70 126 330 243 Villages in Uttangheri Taluk. Kamalampatti - Kanachi - Kangavembu - Kanjanur - Kanakavandampatti Kanakampatti - Kanampatti ~~ - Karakampatti - Karapatti - Kariahperumavalasai Karumandapadi Karuttampatti - Kathananumpatti Katharipuram - Kathirampatti - Kattavedichampatti Kattanur - Katteri - - Kattur - - Kattusingiripatti Kavoipatti - Kavundampatti - Kendayampatti Kendikanur ~~ - Kerikapalli > Kethunaickampatti Kettupatti - Kilapari - Kilkuppam - Kilmattur - Kilmurappur - Kiripatti . Kittampatti ~~ - » > Kodamandapatti Kokkarapatti - Kollanur - Kolineganur ~~ - Kottapadi - Kottappatti ~~ - Kottarampatti - Kottukkarampatti Komampatti ~~ - Kombur - Konampatti ~~ - ”» i Kondampatti - Konampatti ~~ - Koninaickampatti Kosapatti - Kothanampatti - Kottalpethampatti Kottarapatti ~~ - Kudimiyampatti Kullampadi ~~ - Kullattpatti - Kumarampatti - II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. Kumarampatti Kunampaiti Kunaganapalli Kungilipatti Kunnaththur Kuppanatham Kurakampatti Kursampatti Kurukapatti Kurnumapatti Kurumbapatti 2” Kurumbarahalli IKKurumbervalasai Kuthampatti Kuttapatti Lingapuram Luckampatti Maganurpatti (2 parts) Malakkapadi Mallampatti Mallapuram Mallupatti Mambadi - Mampatti - Manthikulampatti Mannandipatti - Marampatti - Maruthopatti - Maththiampatti Mattayampatti - Maveripatti ~~ - Maveripatti - Melasangambadi Mallanur - Mettupatti - Mettuthangal — - Mettuvalasi - Meyandapatti Mittapalli Mobiripatti Molayanur Morappur Morasampatti Mottur - “ Muchilikutta ~~ - Mukkanurpatti - Mukkaredipatti - Muttampatti ~~ Mundarampatti Mungilpatti Muringipatti Murukkanthal Murungaleri Nachinampatti Nackalpatti Nadupatti » No. 352 354 337 289 351 299 264 334 309 159 105 138 53 376 221 161 86 209 382 IR 322 248 297 183 153 386 De) | — 023 129 190 99 144 166 196 171 89 245 130 214 318 90 363 293 131 273 218 217 75 29 239 4 106 Nadupatti » Naickanur Nallavampatti Nambiparuti Naralampalli Naranapuram Nariyampatti Narisampatti Naripalli Navali - Nayiperampatti Nirupandakuppam Nochipatti - Nonanganur - Nynakavundampatti Obakkavalasi - Oblinackkanhalli Obinaickampatti Oblinaikkampatti Oddaputty - Oddapatti - Omayanur - Onnakarri - Onnakari - Pachnampatti - Pachanampatti - Padavanur . Padapalli - Padathasampatti » Palayam » Palayakotti Palidiyour Pallathur Pallipatti - ” » Panamarathupatti » Papampadi - Papparapatti - » > Papunaikkanvalasai Papusettipatti - Papureddipatti - Papusettipatti - Parasanur - Pariamunjavadi Parayapatti - ” . Pasandi - Pattukunampatti Pavakul - Pennagarapatti - Periapannimadavu Periathalapadi - | Perumaulkuppam Perumanaickampatti TIT al IRIS =o AMA Ct Is SH AR 390 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Pethathsamuthiram - Peththathumpatti (2 parts) Peththur - - Peyanur - Pommathasampatti Ponneri - Poyapatti = Puchampatti ~~ - Pudur - - » ” ne Pudupatti Pudurpungani Pudar - Puliampatti » Puliahanur Pullavedampadi Puvampatti Pungani Purukalpalli Ramayanhalli Ranganvalasi Rasalampatti Reddipatti Reddivalasi Rendathampatti Sakkalipatti ~~ Samakavanivalasei Samanatham - Santhapatti - Savadiyour - Sellampatti - Sellakaranpatti - Sengalpatti - Sennampatti - Sennappanaickanur Senthirapuram - Senthirampatti - Settarapatti - Sikkampatti ~~ - Singarapetti - Singiripatti - Sinnakavundampatti Sinnakuppam - Sinnakunathur - Sinnamanjavadi Sinnapannimaduvu Sinnathagarapatti Sinnathalapadi Sorakapatti Soriampatti Sulakarri Suvacampatti Sundangipatti Surapatti 48 39 61 374 298 181 187 275 0 290 381 31 215 219 250 203 274 310 366 271 304 256 49 385 101 111 286 043 325 156 317 81 | 249 163 333 234 103 287 191 230 94 62 308 222 119 42 350 2 189 369 312 227 266 143 249 281 93 56 Tandiappanur - Thagarapatti - Thambal - Thamaleripatti - Thamarakoliamp Thandekuppam - Thannipanthal Thasampatti Thasarahalli Thasarihalli Thatampatti Thathampatti pa Thathamuru Thathanur Theddampatti Thevarajapalayam Thummankuttapatti Thinnehalli - | Thirthagirivalasi | Thirththamali - | Tippampatti *" | Thoppampatti | Thuranampatti | Thurinjihalli Thurinjaipatti - Upparapatti (1st part) | Upparapatti (2 parts) Uthengherry (Kasba) Vadagalur Vadampatti Vadugapatti Valaduppu Valampatti Vanakkampadi Varunathirththam Vathiyanur - Vedakettamadum Vedappatti Vedarapatti Velampatti Vellalapatti Vencatapuram Vengidadasmpatti Vengiyampatti - Venkatasamuthiram Vennampatti Veppalampatti Veppampatti Veppanatham Veppasinnampatti Vettarapatti - | Viranakuppam - Viranur - Virappanaikkampatti Yalenthakuttapatti a 329 Ome de 393 280 371 173 145 169 224 60 88 €) or bur dd 200 233 389 157 92 128 238 200 279 177 115 15 121 212 182 162 113 93 226 21 185 hy { MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—15, SALEM DISTRICT. 391 Yegur - - No. 380 | Yellappudayampatti - No. 84 Yelachur - ,, 361 | Yerumiyampatti - 's 36 Yelavadi - , 124 | Yettipatti - ~ 120 [I.—Estates IN THE SHEVARoOY HiLLs. 1. NAGALOOR, MR. MILLER’S COFFEE ESTATE. Scale, 16 inches to 1 mile ; size, 22 inches by 16. 2. MR. RICHARDSON’S ESTATE. Scale, 3% chains to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 16. 16. SOUTH ARCOT DISTRICT. Including eight Taluks. Map of the TRACT of COUNTRY SOUTH of CUDDALORE. Reduced from the Surveys executed by the officers of the Military Institution between the years 1805 and 1814. Copied in the S. G. O. from the original reduction. Calcutta, 26th April 1846. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 25. MS. Plan of the SOUTH ENVIRONS of CUDDALORE, with the Operations of the British Army under the command of Major-General James Stuart, in June 1783. Surveyed by J. Wickens, Sub-Engineer, drawn by M. Armstrong. Size, 34 inches by 23. Also a copy of later date. MS. Mapras Revenue Survey or Sout Awrcor District. [.—District Map. Map of the SOUTH ARCOT DISTRICT, showing the new boundaries of Talugs. Revenue Survey Office, Chepauk, 1868. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 64 inches by 52. [I.—TarLuvk Maps. Map of the CHIDAMBARAM (Chellumbrum) TALUK, South Arcot District, reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey executed in 1854, 1855, and 1856. Under the superintendence of Capt. Priestley, 74th Highlanders. Seale, L mile to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size, 72 inches by 72. [1].—HyprocgrarHIC MAP. Hydrographic Map of the CII FLLUMBRUM and MANARGOODY TALOOKS in the South Arcot District. Reduced from the Revenue Survey Map. 1859. Partly coloured to distinguish the three grades of Irrigation. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 55. The names of the villages are given in a list, referring to the Map by numbers. [V.—ViLLace Maps, ARRANGED IN TALUKS. I. Villages in Chidambaram Taluk. Achapuram ~~ - - - No. 310 | Adar - - Adagaraiyattam - - ,, 292 | Agaraputtur - Adanur - - - ,, 304 | Agaranallur ~~ - Adivaraganallur - - ,, 401 | Agaram (2 parts) Adivaragaperumal Tottam (3 . n» parts) - - - ,, 402 | Agara Rayanallur -,, 405 i - 408 | Agarasolattiram nie el re a St A AR AT 392 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Aipettai - - Aiyanur Akkaramangalam Alankattan - - Alinjimangalam - Alliur - - - Alkondanattam - Alvandhankotagam - Ambikapuram - - Ammattankuttigai - Anjanganar ~~ - - Anundakudi - - Arirajaupram (2 parts) - » Arumulidevan Aruntanghi Attimuttu Attipattu Attar - Ayenkudi Chettikattalai Chidambaranadhanpettai Chidambaranadhapuram Chidambara Arasur (2 parts) 9 i) Chidambaram - - Chinna Edeyar - . Chitteri - Codialam - Coduvakani - Cudivazhi - Darumattottam Devankudi - Devanputtur - Fdaiyuar - Edayanpalcheri Elanangur - Elangambur ~~ - Ellapillaikotagam Elleri - Co. [innanagaram - Erukankattuppadugai Jsanai - - Essanur - Grovindhanallur Govindarajanpettai Ichampundi ~~ - Inaetpuram (2 parts) Jeyamkondapattanam Kallipadi - Kaliyamalai - Kandamangalam Kandakumaran - Kandamangalam Kannankudi - Kanakkarvattu - Kanjankollai - Kanattamullur - Kankayankotagam Karupup - 175 134 202 237 279 188 224 30 222 242 422 33 176 317 349 89 98 421 321 189 21 42 146 153 53 230 251 116 153 115 341 302 316 65 31 t11 279 Qa va 280 10 82 S 313 206 223 | Karuperei - Karunakaranallur | Kattur - - | ” | Kavarappatta - | Kavalkudi - Kilanikkuli - - Kil Adamankudi - Kil Chokkanadhanpettai Kil Kudiparavai - Kil Kundalappadi - Kil Kadambur - - | Kil Mungiladi - - | Kilnattam - - Kil Perambe - - Kil Puliampattu - Kil Pukkatturai - | Kil Radamur - - Kiliyanur - - Kil Anuvampattu and Karaipadi | Kiraipalaiyam - - Kizhnedumbur - - Kodandavilagamvadapadi Kodandavilagamtenpadi | Kodippalam ~~ - - Koduvakam - - - Kollamalai Melpadi and Kilpadi | Komaramangalam - - Kondairuppu - - - Kondasamuttiram - - Kopadi - Kosavankotagam Kottavassal - | Kottankudi - Kovilpattu - | Kovilampundi - | Kuchur - | Kudalur . Kudalaiyattur - Kulappadi Vadapadi Kulappadi Tenpadi | Kumaragudi ~~ - Kunamangalam Kunavassal - Kuppanpuvilandur Kuppankuli - Kuringikkudi - Kuruvadi - Kurunkudi - Kuttankovil - Lakshumanantoppu Lakshumigudi - Lalpettai - Lalpuram - 96 | Madarchudamani 204 348 34 209 28 384 346 198 46 85 33 322 45 122 6 305 320 .): 235 177 17 76 138 378 _ (| 19 173 253 23 312 364 111 295 393 162 256 a8 228 IS 301 99 I88 5 ded 27 263 262 379 416 303 326 251 245 072 148 291 66 75 190 252 49 201 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—I16, SOUTH ARCOT DISTRICT. Madapuram (2 parts) - No. 149 ” bE) © 151 Madapuram 88 ” 233 2 344 Maduvankarai - 15 Madagadi - 293 Madakalirmanikkam 418 Madattittu - - 81 Malavarayanallur . 380 Manargudi Cultivation - 225 Manargudi Nattam - 246 Manargudi Arasur (3 parts) . 147 In 150 9" ”» 3 154 Manakkudaiyanirupu 168 Maniyadur - 5 255 Manalur - 5 184 Manarkulakkudi 221 Manampadi - y 1 Manarpuvilandur 324 Manarsattiramanai yy 234 Manarmelvali - ow 247 Marudhantanellur oy 152 Maramreddikotagam ow 297 Mattam - , 239 Mazhavada - 331 Mel Anuvampattu 43 Mel Adamanikudi 199 Mel Chokanadhanpettai 48 Meleri - - 238 Melkundalapadi 59 Mel Kadambur - 328 Mel Mungiladi - 74 Mel Nedumbur , 161 Mel Parittikudi 144 Mel Pukkatturai 532 Mel Radamur - 236 Mel Vanniur - 78 Mel Vaninur - 159 Midikkudi - 20 Movur - - 240 Mudalkudian - 300 Mudikandanallur 383 Mudukankotagam 294 Mullankudi - 108 Murngankotaga 296 Muttalur . 44 Nachiarpettai 391 Nadrajapuram 27 Nadalppadugai 32 Nadutittu 197 Nagaravaridankudi , 22 Nagarappadi ~~ - - > 398 Nagaramalai - - > 271 Nalamputtur Mahajanam, Mel- madam, and Kudivali - 106 Nandimangalam - - , 105 bi » | Nangalur - | Narattankudi - | Narikalveli - Narumankudi - Nattamalai - Nattarmangalam Nankudi - Neivassal - Nedunjeri - ” > Nerkunam - Nunjai Mahattuvalkai Oddarpaleyam Odakanallur Oplandimedu Orattur Palayanallur Paluttankarai Paluttankudi Palanjanallur Pannaveli - Pannapattu - Paramesvaranallur Paravilagam - Pavalakkadai - Perampattu - Periakotagam Perungalur Perunkalur Perur - Pettai - Pichchavaram - Pillaiyantangal - Pounanganimuttu Puchittankudi - Pudangudi - Pudumadapattu Puliankudi - Pulamedu - Puliankudi - | Paliampattu Melpadi Puliampattu Kilpadi Pulivaikandan - Pundi - - Punkudi - Puntottam Punjai Mahattuvalkai Punavassal Puttur - Puttavardi Puttur - » Radasamuttiram Radanallur - Radavilagam ~~ - Reddiur - Rudrasolat Rayanallur 393 - No. 101 182 345 334 284 288 381 192 186 389 338 14 107 265 139 178 93 47 172 S47 370 135 71 © PN 62 58 298 174 165 385 Rogie Fr gpm 394 MAPS OF THE CIVIL Rajendrasolagam - No. Ramankotagam - Sakankudi - Saliyantoppu - Sarak van - Sarvarajanpettai Sattivilagam ~~ - Sattamangalam - Sattavattam ~~ - Savundariasolapuram Sellacheri - Selvili - - Semburayaputtur Sengalanirpallam Sengalmodu ~~ - Senninattam ~~ - Sendan - - Seriur - - Settitankal - Settimuttu - Sevakam - Singaratottataragu Sirugalur - Sirukattur - Sittalapadi n Sivakamisundaripuram Sivapuri Thenpadi and Vada- padi - - Sivayam - Solakur - Solattiram - Suravelundur - Suttamalai - Tadanpettai - Tadukuttagai - Tandavarayacholanpettai Tandesvaranallur - 2 Tarisur - Tatampattu - Tavartampatta - Tenmur - Terkun Tiruvarasalur Terkuviratanganallur Terkumankudi - Tillainayagapuram Tillainayaganallur Tillaivadangan - Timmapuram - Timmasamudram Tiruchinnapuram Tirunaraiyur - Tirukkalangeri - - Tirukkalippalai (2 parts) 9 ” Tiruppaninattam Tiruppaniyapuram Tirupadivilagam Tirumulastanam 241 226 127 64 129 216 270 417 390 362 404 395 214 213 119 350 7 183 323 67 164 50 166 311 24 v2 57 194 68 157 287 125 210 70 376 181 394 104 113 126 367 254 196 51 5 29 124 219 52 229 DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Tiruvasaladi (2 parts) - No. 9 ’ > Tiruvarkulam - . Tondamanattam . Torankuppam - : Torapadi - * rn Torappu - “ Torukkuli - . Tulaiyadakandan Tunisiramedu - - Udaiyur Udyar Melvali Udyar Sattiramanai . Udyarkudi - - Umampuliyur - - Uttamacholamangalam - Uttamacholagan . Vadaku Tiruvarasalur - | Vadaku Viratanganallur | Vadakku Kulakkudi - | Vadakku Mankudi - | Vadapakam ~~ - . | Vagur - - - Vakaramari - | Valasakkadu - - | Valattur Tiruppaniyapuram | Vallampadugai - - | Vandakulam ~~ - | Vanadirayanpettey Varahagudi *" Varakidu Vilag: Varagur Vassaputtur | Vattattur | Vavaltoppu | Vayalur " Valappadi Velliakudi Velampundi ” Velakudi | Vendalur | Venkatammapuram | Venkatasamuttiram | Venneur | Vetchiur Veyilur +" Vilagam | Viratchikuppam | Viranattam | Viranallur 7 9 37 207 403 118 339 193 374 86 208 248 23¢ 227 302 26 83 258 329 261 220 94 267 180 409 100 om | 160 60 290 158 358 360 363 (0 Siro 2 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—16, SOUTH ARCOT DISTRICT. Viranadhapuram - No. 342 | Yelamangalam - Virasolapuram - - ,, 203 | Yettiapattu - Virasolagan - . gy Bd 17. SOUTH CANARA DISTRICT. MAP of the PROVINCE of CANARA, the north division (southern part) laid down from actual survey executed in April and May 1806. Surveyed by Jenjamin Swain Ward, This survey was executed in detail on the continuation of the series of Primary Stations carried on from a Base measured in October 1803, under the immediate direction of C. Mackenzie, Supt. of the Mysore Survey. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 53. MS. LACCADIVE ISLANDS, included in South Canara District in 1875. See pages 554, 592, 597. 18. TANJORE DISTRICT.* Including nine Taluks, not yet reached by the Revenue Survey. Map of the RIVERS and CHANNELS of SUPPLY in the PROVINCE of TANJORE. 1836. Secale, 2,500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 75 inches by 66. Plan of NEGAPATAM, taken by the fleet and army under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, K.B., and Major-General Sir Hector Munro, K.B., the 12th November 1872. Seale, 200 yards to 1 inch ; size, 16% by 20% inches. MS. Map of the NEGAPATAM DISTRICTS and of part of those dependent on Nagore, laid down chiefly from surveys by Mr. G. L. Hoissard in 1791. By J. G. Inspector of Revenue Surveys, Madras, 1799. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 36. MS. NEGAPATAM HARBOUR. Survey Sheet. On tracing cloth. Sup. Engineers office. Tanjore, 12th October 1864. Secale, 330 feet to 1 inch, or 16 inches to 1 mile ; size, 80 inches by 39. MS. NEGAPATAM HARBOUR. Section Sheet. On tracing cloth. Size, 37 inches by 33, MS. Plan, Elevation, and Section of the PROPOSED EXTENSION for 40 yards of the NEGAPATAM JETTY on the North side of the Harbour. Sept. 1864. Scale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; on tracing cloth ; size, 23 inches by 23. MS. 19. TINNEVELLI DISTRICT. Including nine Taluks, Geographical and Statistical Memoir of TIRUNELVELI* and its ZEMINDARIES, by Thomas Turnbull, Assist. Surveyor. Situation and extent of the Province. Ancient boundaries of the Pandian Dynasty. Sassanums and Inscrip- tions, Language. Temples, Deities. Present State. Boundaries, Lands. Climate. Population. Talooks. [Nore.— * Left unfinished by the death of Mr. Turnbull.”] In 1 vol. folio, half bound. MS. * For the old surveys of Tanjore and Tinuevelly Districts, see General Maps of the Southern Districts, pages 319, 320, git i Fi i {eg $13 1% fli hi ¥ $9 3 : | ; hy i did i \ $i 1 396 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—19, TINNEVELLI DISTRICT. 397 | DEHAZADA and POPULATION TABLES of the different TA- Darmapuramatam - - No. 102 | Pattamadeikovilpattu (7 parts) - No. 22 } LOOKS in the Province (District) of Tirrunelvellie. In 1 vol, large folio, half-bound. Desamanikam - . -'m 9 | Perancherry - " dil 4 be | MS. Phos nm - - - 4 95 | Perappankulam > - ig 50 i i N Ean d " : : Rp i ririyammalpuram - - 58 | Perankulam - - - 65 ia | Statistical Results and Population Tables of the ELEVEN TA- Gopalasamudram - =~ 1 | Pilleikkulam - - - 26 i if LOOKS and the ZEMINDARIES in the PROVINCE of TIRUNELVELLL Govindapperi - - - , 103 | Ponamalaikkadu . - 25 Avy 1821, ’22, ’23. Huppakurichi - » - , 73 | Pudukkudi - “ 63 Ea bilo : Isaniyamatam (2 parts) - 94 | Pungudeiyarkulam - . 2 | : ] A General Table of Statistical Researches or DEHAZADA and | Kaliyankulam - . Rise Re I (3 parts) Jk 2 bt Td CANASHOORMAREE of the PROVINCE of TIRUNELVELLI for the cycle Kappalipparei (2 parts) - 4 89 Ravanasamudram (2 parts) 2 liga ! years Vissu, Chittrabahnoo, and Soobahnoo, or A.D. 1821, 22, *23. By Thomas Karappakulam - - - , 15 | Sattuppattu . ol 7 71 qo Turnbull, Assistant Surveyor. Bound together in paper cover, large folio. MS. Karisalapatti ~~ - - 4 23 | Sengappadu » - oi 12 dW . : ita Karisuludmangalam > - 29 | Sevali (2 parts’ 3 JY ; I Meteorological Journal from February 1821 to December 1822. Kasidharmam - - . > wl Deir iis) » vs ik ¥ 8 it . . aie : « 1 DC 28 « - - - . A Wie i i Folio, in purple cover. Kesavasamudram » - , 28 | Sidaparppanallur - - ! 43 i i y vy ¥ y " y . . , Kilaseval - i” . ingar - . id = bil #4 i MEMOIR of TINNEVELLY. General Sketch of the History of | Kodaganallur (2 parts) - sin 0 CL : - 5 fa 1 $3 the Southern Divisions of the Peninsula from the commencement of the Calleeyoogum i Kollankuls - - i So ei ane: EER i y : : wh . I oo Os Lollankulam .» 47 | Sirukankurichi (2 parts) - 41 “1% i fg or Present Age. Collected at Pawur, in the I'enkasi tallook in Tirunelveli, from the Kolumadi - - - 10 | Sokkalineapuram . Sud ~ i ho traditionary information of Auhobala Saustry and Yaman Acharii. 1801. With Karankani . 6s Foner a, " 56 i 1h 3 re 1 + N: : Poy ‘ Polio. 72 pages. stiff cover VR ] “ra » \ bork ery - *i i . { § i memoirs of Melloor Naud and Terumboor. Folio, 72 pages, stiff’ cover. MS. a - . a “i lirappudeimarudur (2 parts) - , 60 : g . Yr - p= v Madattur (2 parts . - 8 Tiruvaliswar: - - 5 Lf A brief Account of the YETEILEITTU VADUM secretly ob- A Da ti ew 30 | ViRvlman Bi CE HTH EEE served by some of the fourth and lower classes of the inhabitants and peasants Manama ealam # pan: re i di mn . Su > fi il t il | +18 Sk CTY: . . vas UT Aan anal - - - { arajns: rs - - : : | Hof residing in Terunelvelli District ¢ s vie ro Fc 9 pages, MS - » re ‘ 0 i Hit | siding in Terunelvelli District and its vicinity Folio, 9 pages. MS. Manarkovil N =, 98 | Udaiyamarkandapuram - ve i | 3 . Yo NAT v . NY a r : ananaran: . - n m= Ydolive : ? i History of TERUCHENDUR in TERUNALVELI, the Pura- Mungnratutlas 5 35 | Udeiyambulli - ~~, 48 | nam or Tradition with the Bramins of the temple dedicated to Subbramuniar, Morandi (2 lt ) ] ro» ji Poandsppos : . To» o (HE HE Folio. 16 pages. MS. Mar 2 parts - - mmiyamalpuram - “oy HEE me y pag ’ , Melakkullur ~~ - - - , 32 | Uppurani . . My ARETE | iu { T " r 1 Xr ter . , y . . > | : Plan of the Western Part of the CALCAUD TALOOK as surveyed ] Natvackolom - : - » 8 | Uttandamaiyyanpalli - 1 HEHE i | 8 | by Thomas Hill, Sub-assistant Surveyor. Nov. 1809. Scale, 1000 yards to 1 inch ; Nandupidittankulam - “a ‘ Vadakku Edayyankulam - 5 21 ih i Hil ; size, 33 inches by 27. MS. Odeimerissan - - - 4 49 Vaiyalanambeikulam - - 16 HH HE § y S AN ei PAH Yr Tr i. Olagankulam ~~ - - - 19 | Vaniankulam - - - 5 13 $3 | I g | Plan of Part of TINNEV ELLY DISTRICT as surveyed by I'homas Omanallur - - - 2 | Veiranikulam - - - 4 92 ils | a, Asgistim Rev. Surveyor. 1813. Scale, 1000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches Pallakkal - . - 4 87 Vellanguli - . 8G CHIR 3 | HE y 26. MS. Palanur - . - . 30 | Venkattarangapuram - "il 18 Hib dl EE ‘ . ‘ y J Co Palavsadi - - - .. 88 ricdrandaakal: . a : a ; Plan of the South-west Part of the CALCAUD TALOOK as sur- Pappankudi (2 parts) - . 74 Visi ; > ou ilk dill | veyed by Thomas Hill, Sub-assistant Surveyor. 1810. Seale, 1000 yards to 1 Pattur - - - - ” 45 EE 7 ? PEAY | ; inch ; size, 37 inches by 41. MS. ' if! i iy s Se . . } i. 9 »o PO > nad f . iit ! ¥ itt | Plan of the VEDOOGRAUMUM TALOOK. 1808. By Thomas 2. Yellages tn Lora Tanid Hn | H Hill. Seale, 1000 yards to inch ; size, 30 inches by 34. MS. ’ Ainarkolam ” - - No. 22 Melakaram - . - No. 34 Cie | iid . . . " ; Hi hb : . wre . . rr Aiyamperumatevanpulli - - ,, 48 Naduveiyal - . - 5 Fol ii Register of the Villages of the NELLUMBALUM CUSBAH Andippatti CPE . 19 | Naceolkadu ) ) a il BR ’ sh Ri “te 2 .. . . 2 . +N ddl 2 Le 13 5 i" ; TALOOK. Bilingual. Folio, 8 pages. MS. Avadeiyanur ~~ . - 24 Nagogirayerpulli . - . 50 HEE HH J Dalavoimudalliar Pulli - - ,, 17 Panapulli » - - , 49 1 : f | Ideikal - . - - 3 | Pattakurissi > - . 10 EE | I ! MADRAS REVENUE SURVEY OF TINNEVELLI District. Kadeiyanallur (2 parts) . ” 2 Peranur i } i Y 43 vd i MELE Kasedurmum - - - 4 Periya Pillei Valasei - "i 45 | 3 i r . “ ’ ; 0 FEE i I I.—ViLrace Mars, arranged in Taluks. Kasimejorpuram . - ,, 41 Puliyur (2 parts) ; . 1 9 i ie Kattuvettarangulam (2 parts) - 28 Sennattapudukulam - - 27 : i * Bi 4 "a _— i 0 » “ » - 5 ¥ i | 1. Villages in Ambassamudram Taluk. Kistnapuram (2 parts) - - 1 Settippattu - . + ou 36 Hi 4 i i y Lodikkurissi ~~ - - - NS apandiam (2 par . CH i Adassani - - - No. 86 | Arasankulam - - - No. 39 dn (3 parts) - » iT Sondopandine 7 paris) nd] j HE i W Adeiyakarungulam - - ,, 96 | Arikesevanallur Paleiyagramam 59 samarnkoy: Ls pares) comp Sarancet (5 par 5) . - » 18 Hl it 4 » . SLY sn Kunaramanallur (3 parts) - a 8 | Tattankolam - - - 12 EAR it Alangulam - - - , 80 | Ariyanayakapuram (2 parts) - ,, 40 Raranaavanam 14 | Terkusattaneri ¥: og Ha bh Ambur (3 parts) - - 4 99 | Attalanallur . - . Gl A UrAnuATAMA © ; To» a | ferusy peri - } nn. PH BA Oc : : or ST » ; Kuttukkalvalasei - - ,, 44 | Tirusittambalam > - 5, 15 Hig I ia =» 5° {fmm " x nn Maddalambarei : 30 | Uttumalaipuli 23 4 18 3 Appakudi (3 parts - “ a i" 3ramanadess 2 oo ph ) Maddalambarer - - =» 9 ] al - - = yy Zo CHE BE i PI (3 parts) » 74 | Bramanadesam (3 parts) » 54 | Mayamankurissi (2 parts) - , 20 Vadakkusattaneri - « 5 35 CE iii dk § i : i { 3 1 § i i | 1 T a / { / Ba } | 398 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. IT. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—19, TINNEVELLI DISTRICT. 399 I i | is Ti TH | 4. Villages in Tinnevelli Taluk. CLA 3. Villages in Tenkarai Tuluk. Abishekapatti - . - No. 111 | Munnirpallam (2 parts) - SNe ga [ie i Agram - % - “eb 7 | Murugankurichi (2 parts) syed BE Hi i Achamapadu ~~ : - No. 63 | Pallakinar . ; - No. 151 Airis pa - ig 125 Nadukari ~~ Udaiyarkulam, &ec. ih ii g Adiel (2 parts) - - - ,, — | Pandarapuram (2 parts) -, 13 A am i i * a 120 1 (Kattuguthagai) - rs : A 4 Aiyamperumalkuduruppu - ,, 148 | Panaikulam - " - ,, 107 A aahers Li ugu hagai) ag 74 Naduvakurichi - ; Big § i Alankinar . - - ,, 130 | Paravakurichi (2 parts) - ,, 67 ALS apan lyapuram - =m 129 Nanjamkolam (Kattuguthagai) - ,, —- Re T Amarapuram ~~ - . - ,, 151 | Parpanamangalam (2 parts) - , 28 1 Alik u “Ke " Y oo on I Naranammalpuram - on 71 : 1g 4 Ambalasseri ~~ - - - ,, — | Periyakandavidali - - , 153 A wi k £2 Tuguf 12201) = pp = Narivuttu - - wo 1200 1 1 & Ammanpuram - . - , 58 [| Perur - - - - 5, A Ps he ii Tow 43 Nedunkulam . - «wn 107 LEE i 1 2 Arasakolam ~~ - - - , 95 | Pichengudiyiruppu - ee FI 1 = - - 5» 126 | Nochikulam ~~ - - » He 1g HT i Ariyakurichi ~~ . . ,, 153 | Pilliyaneri . . - Puli So) Dallvouth - » 10 Odaiyarkulam - «ow 3 iE | EEE Ayanadaipurappu - - ,, 175 | Puduramanallur - - ,, 166 AP IVR k-3y lyagr lnm =» 10 Paduvalamperi % 5 - gy 297 | 4 Idayalankolam (2 parts) - ,, — | Pudukudishanpattu - - ., 167 a a ania sattuguthagal) - = Palamadai - - » ww. 34 ' Tluppakolam ~~ - - - ,, 156 | Punakulam (4 parts) - - 4, 80 A yD ) - yy B39 | Palaiyankotta (2 parts) - - »w 26 1 Iruvappanpuram (3 parts) “. ids 4 | Pudukudi . - - ,, 61 vay a Wer) - - nT 100 Pambankulam - - . Cy 108 i: Kachinavalai - - - ,, 72 | Rendusollanallur - - 4 154 An gs Ey . = a 135 Panaiyankulam y 3 - wo 45 nl Kadanibankulam } - © — | Sastavinallur (2 parts) - 183 shan ih z - Lu an 67 | 1 annitichankolam (Kattugutha- Be: Kalankudiiruppu - - ,, 144 | Sattankulan - » - ,, 133 Sin hak am (Kattuguthagai) - , r= , gai) " . 5 Sv i hol Kanavaneri - - - , ~— | Serakkulam (3 parts) - > ia seme i: a ke col " - ones 131 | Daraikulam " ; = a 18 hi Kannikurichi - - - , 141 | Settimallanpatti - - . 16 Dean RE : 7h . - a 132 | Parappakkulam, &e. - ey 1 g Kareisseri (2 parts) - - ,, 89 | Settipattu - - A Kol ho analy - nr 3 Pappankulam . - «ay 29 Hi $i Karungadu . - - 4, 170 | Selvapuram - - - a. — Ke ws x I Er * apt (BU | Perankulam - - HG I i Karungulam ~~ - . - 86 | Sevalai - _ } - 39 mia aon (2 parts) - 4 109 Piranseri (2 parts) - - v' 121 THEE Katachapuram - - - 4, — | Sikkachi . - - , 145 ET i * - a 106 | Puttaneri - - .. 23 | I a Kattarimangalam - - ,, — | Sinnakulam ~~ - , - yy — BE , am - “on 113 | Rajagopalapu am ao ow gy 080 | HH Kayalpattanamehillaraipulli ~~ - ,, 33 Srivenkatesvarapuram (2 parts) , = — A” ! an Ketter y TE 103 Retipapaty (Kattuguthagai) - ,, — HH i . Kilachiriyandur - - ,, 387 | Strikistnaperi - - - 5 122 np M oguthagai) - , = Sadaiyaneri Melvomanullur ih il ; Kombankulam - - - ,, 125 | Striparankusanallur - - 26 Karunkular - EL S3 Majra - - - 5, 86 Hi Ih Kuduvaikinar - - - ,, 150 | Strivaikuntam - - - a. Nn Ki A | te } - Tn BS Saidunganallur - - - 5 12 | i il Kulasegaranpattanam (2 parts) = ,, 147 | Sundankottai - - - 4, 173 Rl i ~ T © - » 82 Sambankulam - = -,, 15 | i il Kummattikottai (2 parts) -. ig 176 | Tachanvilai _ _ hd ! 3 a AI alyanerl sattugutha- | Samugariyyenkattalai (Inam) "ae w—- : i I | itt Hi Kumarapuram - i} .- y 5 | Tadankolam - . - .. 33 Wn | val - - “n= Sapparai Rajavallipuram - 5, 43 Hh a | Madavakurichi - r - , 169 | Talai - - . - .. 178 Ration) an ‘om = oom i Sattirnmpudukolam - - 4 73 ri ; | i I g Manappadu - - - = Tanduyankadu . - - ,, 168 Muga: En i illages In 2 Seffalogen - . - . 137 If it ; i i g Marudurkaraisanpattu . - 140 Tangaikulam - - -— — Kilnattam : - ’ ” Bo innaltar parts) - rE 124 I i i | # Mel Tangai - - - ,, 155 | Femangulam - - - py — Rottardpaliiknmalankila _ 7 ana id b -» 8 El 4 ¥ i I 1 Melasiriyandur . : =» 0 Tenkage! ) oo - » 8 Kondanngaram So or 7 101 | Settikul Catt al 299,290 {HH} } | fi iB Mirangulam - - - ,, — | Tirukalurvadamalpulli - - oT K Af 0 sohi “ow | Secu An (Kattuguathagai) - yy Hil ! He i i | Mudalur - - - ,, 162 | Tirunavirndayapuram - - 4 18 Fone yi ne tl oo ® [1 | Setuvaroyaputtur - ETE ] i Iii I Mudittanandal (2 parts) “on 14 Toppukolam _ } oe Soa vn 4 CN gai) =, = Sikkanarasaiyyangrahaman - ww 80 8 ii 1 ! Mulakarai - - ,, — | Udiyaneri = 100 Sa i ] a 20] patti - - x 16 Sindhupundurai Palaiyagrahman ,, 62 Hl i | ih Mulakkarai (2 parts) - - , 32 | Vadamalaisamudrampannaipattu ,, 36 R . wi amie Rpm . To» 48 Sindhupundurai Kovilpattu - » Gl tHE ! | Mulapuli _ } oo 62 Vagaikolam ) _ - 13 a - - ay 63 Sittarsattiram - - “lI 24 Hi i i Naduvakurichi (2 parts) - ,, 182 | Vaganeri - - - ,, 141 rn ur } mI =» 93 | Singattakurissi (2 parts) - 2 (Hie i Nainapuram ~~ - . - ,, 19 | Valasaikinar ~~ - - ,, 119 NE ahapan - - os WH Sokkapani ~~ - - - 5 133 Hi fh Nallur - : _ . 54 | Vallanadu (2 parts) } - 157 NCA arm - - a 68 | Subrhamaniyapuram - cn 66 It i i | it nm Nalurnavadi (2 parts) - hi Vallakolam ] 7 40 ona Av u - - - 4 Suttamalli Pudugrhamam (2 i ih i i Nangamoli - - - 4 138 Varandivayalshanpattu - - , 48 Mot — N - ow» <0 parts) re J * - 4 96 LH i i! Nattupuramperumpattu (2 parts) 139 | Vasavappaneri - - - ne Mo L (4 paris) ] -» 15 Satamall Kovilpattu (2 parts) - 97 I : 3 i Nattuvakai . . - ,, — | Vattiyarkudi Iruppu ~~ - - ,, 143 Me eppe yam - - - 5 O8 Tachanallur - - - TT HEHE Hig Nedunkulam - - - ,, 124 | Vattakavalai - - - ,, 160 Ne Tppatta ) - EL 104 Taruvei - ¥ - 5 $85 i Hg | Ii Hl Pacheri - - - ,, 171 | Veppankinar - - - ,, 165 Ny Ka - - 4 9 Tenpattu - ” - 5 81 HIF i J adugaipattu (2 parts) - - ,, 172 | Viramartandanallur (3 parts) - 152 i Mi EL oul ( Satta) agai) =, Py Tenikulam (Inam) - "py Rt N Pallakarichi - } - ,, 163 | Virakolam ) h - 159 Mins S Hpi Vilagam - yy 91 Tenkulam V eppankulam iggy ii me HH : Palankulam ; _ - , — | Yeluvaraimuki - i . 116 Morappanade ovilputtu - oy 22 Terkuppatti - - «ws 138 (HH | Morappandu Pudugrahaman - , 21 | Tidiyour - - - . ST Pig bl Ji AREY i418 i giant i i ore TURES = PRET 400 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Tirumalakulundapuram - - No. 34 | Ullani - - - - No. 102 Tirumalapuram - - - » 134} Vakkalam » - - nn 24 Tiruttupattavartti - « vw 838 |Y appankulam - - w. fay 122 Tiruvennadhapuram - =, Of Vellaikovil JRL NOY 24 Tummarajapuram (2 parts) “i ee 48 | Vijiyaragava Mudailliar Sattiram Udaiyaneri - - > im 82 (Kattuguthagai) Le - yy Ulakkadi (2 parts) - . 3 | Virampatti Majra, &e. - - 5 112 | Vittalapuram Kovilpattu - 13 Uttamapandiyapuram (Kattugu- thagai) - - * 4 Pearl Banks off TUTICORIN and TRICHENDOOR. Scale, 1}, miles to 1 inch ; size 18 inches by 28 ; price 1s. a 20. TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. Including five Taluks. Plan of the PROVINCE (District) of TR ICHINOPOLY. Surveyed in the years 1832-33 and ’34 under the Superintendence of Capt. B. S. Ward, Assis- tant Survevor-General. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, T7 inches by 102. oo *.> The map is divided into six pieces and the central piece of the three forming the upper part is missing. MSS. A v - . . rr TY YW r 3 TONDO Map of the PROVINCE (District) of 1 RICHINOPOLY. Surveyed in the vears 1832-33 and ’34 under the Superintendence of Capt. B. S. Ward. Re- duced in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India from the map on i mile to an fuch to a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch. Calcutta, 19th Sept. 1836. Size, 21 inches by , to a scale ¢ 28. MS. Descriptive Memoir and Registers of Villages of the eight TALOOKS in the PROVINCE of TRICHINOPOLY. Folio, stiff cover. MS. PROVINCE of TRICHINOPOLY. A Khaneshumaury and a De- hazadda Table of the eight Talooks. Description of the general boundary common to Trichinopoly and South Arcot. Plan and Register of Triangles. Measurement of Five roads, with maps. Folio, stiff cover. MS. TRICHINOPOLY CANTONMENT and BARRACKS, Madras Presidency :— 1. Indian Atlas, sl coloured. 9. Plan of the Cantonment of Trichinopoly, Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile. a. 3. Barracks for the Royal Artillery and European Infantry at Trichinopoly, on 20 sheets. reets 79, 80, containing the Cantonment and Military Roads, corrected up to 10th July 1866. Plans and Sections of Buildings in and attached to the CENTRAL JAIL at TRICHINOPOLY. No date. Size, 37 inches by 50. On tracing cloth. MS. MaDrAS REVENUE SURVEY OF TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. I. District Mar. Map of the TRICHINOPOLY DISTRICT showing the boundaries of Talugs. Chepauk, 1862. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 52. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—20, TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. 401 II. TaLuk Maes. Map of the MUSARI TALUQ, Trichinopoly District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey executed in 1858 and ’59, by Capt. W. H. Hessey, 21st. M. N. I, Deputy Supt. Rev. Survey ; Messrs. W. Beaumont, and B. C. Leggatt, Assist. Supt. Madras, 1863. Seale, 1 mile to 1 wmnch ; on 3 sheets, size, 42 inches by 33. Map of the PERAMBALUR TALURQ, Trichinopoly District. Re- duced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey executed in 1856 and ’58, by Lieut. W. H. Hessey, 21st. M. N. I. Deputy Supt. Revenue Survey; and Lieut. R. T. Pratt, 84th Foot, Assist, Supt. Lithographed at Madras, June 1862. Scale, 1 mile to | inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 30 inches by 27. Map of the TRICHINOPOLY TALUK, Trichinopoly District. Reduced from the maps of the Revenue Survey executed in 1859 and "60 by Capt. W. H. Hessey, 21st M. N. 1., Deputy Supt. Revenue Survey. Seale, 1 mile to 2 inches ; on 9 sheets ; size, 6 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches. Map of the UDIARPALLAM TALUQ, Trichinopoly District. Reduced from the Maps of the Revenue Survey executed in 1856 and "57 under the Superintendence of Capt. F. J. B. Pristley, 74th Highlanders. Lithographed at Madras, 1862. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of cach, 32 inches by 27. * % With a Tabular List of Istimzar (permanently settled) and Government Villages in the Taluq, giving their area, and extent of cultivation. III. Hyprograpuic Mar. Hydrographic Map of the MUSARI TALUQ in the Trichinopoly District. Reduced from the Revenue Survey Maps, 1858 and °59. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 56. VieLace Maps arranged in Taluks. I. Villages in Kulittalei Taluk. Ainuttimangalam - - No. - 30 | Kariyappanaikkanpettai - - No. 29 Amayapuram - - - ,, 103 | Karuppattur - - - , 38 Ambasamudram - - 97 ’ - - - ,, 938% Aniyapur - - - 85 | Karuppur - - - ou 118 Arachampatti - - - ,, 74 | Kattalai - - - ,., B83 Balarajapuram (2 parts) - ,, a6 | Kilvaliyur - - - 90 \ y = - 4 07 | Kistnapuram (2 parts) - (0 Chittilavai (2 parts) » - , ol | 3 ”» - - 4, 61 “ . - - , 62 | Kosur - - - - , 68 Chittipatti - - - ,, 109 | Kuluttalai > - “ai PE Devarmalai - - - ,, 67 | Kumaramangalam - - iss 14 I lamanam - - - ,, 115 | Knmaravadi - - - . 114 Enadimangalam - - 4 24 | Mahatanum - - ys 47 Kttuchi - » = 1 | Malaiyampatti - - - 4 108 Gudalur - - - ,, 71 | Manattattai - - - gy MT Inungur - - = 10 | Manuvasi (2 parts) - - 60 [raniyamangalam - - 4 12 ”» » - - 5 601 Kalaiyampagti - - - ,, 66 | Mangalanattam - > - ,, 381 Kalladi - = - - - ,, 89 | Manganaikkanpatti - - 4 6 Kallai - - - - , 72 | Marudur - - - 45 13 Kallapalli - - - , 35 | Mattaghiri - - wii hl] Kalugur - - - 4 70 | Mayanur - - - 4 83 Kammananellur - - 4 48 | Melvaliyur - > w ing i AY Kannudayampatti - - 4 105 | Mogavanur - - = TO (7767.) CC a AT Bai iar Pare . BSS Bad ~~ a EE et x os IE Ee 402 MAPS OF THE CIVIL Mudalapatti ~~ - - - No. Muddubalasamudram (3 parts) - Muddurungapatti Nadupatti (2 parts) ”» Naganur Nallampillai Nallur - Nangavaram Nandakottai (2 9 Neidulur Padaripatti Panaiyur Panjapatti Pannapatti Papakkapatti Parali - Pazbaiyakottai Periyapatti " Pillaipalaim - Poduraenttanpatti Porundalur - Poyamani - Poyyapatti - Poyyaputtur Pudukottai Pullur - Puttanattam Puttur - Adanur (3 parts) » ”» tL » Aiyampalayam - Alagarburi (2 parts) ” ” ’ Alagari (2 parts) 9» » Alathudaiaganpattai Ammapalayam - Amur (2 parts) ” . » Angiyam Appananellur Arangur Arasalur Ariyanampettai Ayigudi . » © Badarpettai ~~ - Balakistnampettai Bommanupadi - Chatteramanai - Chettikolam - 0 ©) 18 64 112 115 po DIVISIONS OF INDIA. ) | 1 | | Ranganadapuram (2 parts) - No. ”» ” Rajandartirumalai - - Rajendram (2 parts) - ” ” Reddiyapatti - Sekkanam - Sengal - - Sevalur - - Sindalavadi - Sivayam Sukkomputti - Tannirpalli > Tavalaverampatti Timmachipuram Tiruchirpur - - | Tirukkammpuliyur - Tiruvangadanadapuram = Togamalai - Tondamanganam | Toppampatti - | Vadacheri - | Vadiyam - | Vaighainellur - Vaiyampatti | Vayalur Vellalapatti Venkakurichi Virarakkiyam Viriyapalayam 2. Villages in Musari Taluk. - No. 74 153 130 163 107 109 186 188 112 21 140 143 110 179 210 206 190 34 34 83 104 2 1 Chinnamareddipalaiam - Chittambur - - Chittur - - - Chokkanadapuram - Devageri - - [ldamalai . . Elandalaputti - - Klarpatti - . Kragudi - - Erikkalam - - Evar - - - Gavuttanur - - Gengoramasattiram . Gopalasamudram (2 parts) [champatti Koliyampatti [lapaiyur - - Kaduvetti - - Kalarampatti - , | Kalattur - . | Kalladipatti - Kalingamudayanpatti | Kalapalayam ~~ - | Kanaganaickanpoliem {| Kannanur - II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—20, TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. 403 Kanniyagudi - Karaikkadu - Karegali (2 parts) Kariyamanikkam Karuppudayampatti Karuppampatti - Kilkolakkudi - Kiripatti - Kistnaburam (2 parts) ’ 3 Kodundurai - Kodurppatti ~~ - Kollur - - Kolakkudi - Kollapatti - Komalaburam - Komangalam - Konagambasamudram Konnoppadi - Konalai - IKonaselam » Konnupatti - Kosavanpatti - Kottanampatti - Kottukolam - - Kottuvaikottampatti - Koppampatti (2 parts) - ” ” - Kottapalayam - Kottattur Kottur - Kottayur Kurur - Kuttanur Mabendramangalam Mangalam - Maniyakurichi - Manumbarai - - Manamodior Tirurampuram Maradi - - - Maramreddipalayam ~~ - Mavalinga - - Mavanur - . Mayampatti . Mottayampoliem Mullipad: - Murungaikulattur Murugai - Musarai - Muttiyanellur - Naduvalur Nagalapuram Nagayanullur Naklasalam . Nallayampatti - Nandigramam (2 parts) - . » ” © Narasingapuram - 205 1201 " 2 97 124 23 151 195 197 144 154 141 180 79 211 138 203 25 32 142 45 209 132 68 | Nattam - - | Nattarmangalam Nedungur - | Neiveli - - Neikolam . | Nottavelamputti Olaganattam - | Omandur - i Osarapalli - Pachaperumalpatti Pagalvadi - Palayur - Papasamudram - Peramangalam - Peramur - Periyammanchattram Periyakurukkai - Perur - - Pidaramangalam Pirakambi - Ponnusongambatti Puduppatti - Puduppatti (2 parts) ” ” Puder - - Pudusiruganur Pulivalam Puttanampatti Puttur - Rangachereddipudupatti Ranganadapuram (2 parts) Ranganadapuram Reddipatti - Sandanapatti Sangampatti Sanamangalam Sattanur - Sendamungudi - | Sedevimanealam Sendapalayam ~~ Sinivasanellur - - Sipalayaputtur (2 parts) Sipuram - » Siruganur . Sirugudi - Sirunagalur (3 parts) ”» ’" | Siruputtur | Siruvayalur | Sittalarai - | Sobanapuram - | Striramasamudram (2 parts) ." Sukkampatti | Sundakkay Surampatti No. 215 5 9 148 10 106 160 50 93 105 64 39 90 a7 164 11 12 150 299 16 128 135 172 176 228 63 58 48 149 214 87 262 198 230 111 72 82 14 61 162 7 174 194 226 38 30 51 1:3 115 117 o4 19 181 94 219 227 71 170 178 Sh oo eg eg ent a en A —— 404: MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Tadambatti Talugai Taludalapatti Tandalai Tenur - Tinnakonam Tinnanur - - Tiruttalaiyur - - Tiravengamalai (2 parts) ” ”» Tolurpatti - Tottiyam (4 parts) ’ » 1 Tottipatti Tiruttimalai ~~ - Tulaiyanattam - Tumbalam Uttandapatti ~~ - - Uppulipuram (2 parts) - Vadakkupatti - - No. 182 2 99 58 136 41 147 59 152 183 187 213 191 196 200 207 26 137 ” | Vadakuveli - | Vairisettipalayam | Valaiyur - ”. - Valaiyanur - Valavandi - Varadarajapuram Vellukkupatti - Vellur - - Velur - - Velambatti - /engaram - - Ven Vengamandalam - ”» »” Vencatachalapuram - Veralipatti - - Verani - - - Viramachampatti - | Visalatchiyammalsamudram Visvammalsamudram (2 parts) 3. Villages in Perambalur Taluk. Adakkanur . - Adanur - . . Agraram . - Agaram Sigur - Aiyanarapoliem Alambadi . Alandalpur Alangali Alattur - Amarosur Anappadi (2 pa ” Andur - Anugur Arayur - Arumadal Arumbavur Arunarai Asur - Attiyur Avattur Ayagudi Ayalur - - Brammadesam - Chalurbogam (3 parts) 2 » » » Chinna Vadagarai (‘hinnavenmani - Chokkanadapuram Elambalur - Elamur - - Erayur - - » - No. 67 - , 133 * iy 24 10 84 117 202 71 [sanai - - Grerudamangalam [Ipagudi - [rur - - Kadambur - Kadur - - Kaikalattur Kaiperambur Kalakarai Kalanivasal Kalipadi - Kalattur - Kalingaroyanellur Kallagam - Kallai - - Kallagudi - Kanagasittur - | Kamranur Karaipadi iT) Karagudi Karumbeyam Karai - Kariganur - Karupattankurichi Kasarampattu - Kavalpalayam - Kilkarai (3 parts) . y= ” nT Kilmuttur - Kilarasur - Kiliapatta - Kiliyur - Vengattammalsamuthram (2 parts 106 188 226 73 97 138 83 13 200 28 169 220 36 152 171 54 9 49 160 69 107 109 14 213 17 D2 [3 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—Z20, TRICHINAPALLI Kilayur - - No. 131 Kiranur - - 6 Kalaganattam - - 190 Kalattur (2 parts) - 198 Komarapalayan 197 Konagurichi 48 Koneripalayam 120 140 ” 232 Kottarai 195 Kottavasal 145 Kumram 148 Kurinjipadi 230 Kurumbalur - 115 Kudalur - 225 Kurambapalayam yw 194 Kuttur - - » 228 Ladapuram - » 114 Malialpatti - _ Malvai - - 204 Mahadevi - 193 ’ . 68 Mangalam - , 45 Maravanattam - 61 Maravattur - 157 Mattavarai - : 88 Mamlinga - ] 87 Melkurambalur - . 62 Melkarai - 108 Melarasur - ., 208 Melarattur . 86 Mettal - - ,, 221 Mottapalayam , 64 Muduvattur , 210 Mungilpadi 150 Nagalur yy 110 Nallarikkai , . 139 Nallur (2 parts) 185 ’ ,y - » 186 Namayur . ; 34 Nambakurichi - . - 182 Namai - - - - 4 2] Naranmangalam and Vijaiyago- palapuram ~~ - Narianuttam - Neduvasal - Nerkonam - Neykuppai Nochiyam Nuttapur Odiam - Ogalur - Olapadi - Orattur ~. Padalur Palayavettagudi Palayam - Palinganattam - Paliyur - - 2» aravay - Pasambalur Tenkarai ’asambalur Vadagarai atangi - Payaganattam - Perali - - Perambalur - Perayur (2 parts) ” ” Periyavenmani - Perumattur - Perambalur . Perumapalayam - ” © Perumapalayam (2 parts) Perunila > » Peryavadagarai - - Pettainattam - - Pilvadi - - > Pilimisai » Pillankolam - Pimbalur - Pinakonum » Pondagoppadi - Pokkeni . Pudukurichi - Puduneduvalur - Pudupettai - Pulambadi - Puliyur . 2 e Pumattur (2 parts) » ” Puttur - - ” " Ronganadapuram Sadarakadu » . Sadanavadi - - Sarudamangalam (2 parts) . » Sattanur Sattipadi Sengeri - Sengonum Sillagudi Sirumattur Sirukalappur Sirukodal Siruvambur | Sirunila Siruvachur Siruvayalur | Sittali - | Tambai Temnur Teronai Timmur Tirumangapuram Tirumantorai - DISTRICT. 405 - No. 37 = 5 - iy - 52 - 80 113 156 3 31 47 146 35 162 151 32 178 81 Pr boy (1 129 126 127 82 57 29 56 112 175 166 ji 95 42 111 92 105 133 154 229 149 - { 201 216 196 217 118 123 219 41 184 124 192 79 . 167 Ink] Ie 127 43 136 176 223 122 30 A py ic INES To se 55 — Sk amg Ay ts Sh ia eT Ee a me CHARA RE fig / " Le | 406 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. J II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—20, TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. 407 3 i A HH | Tirupayar . . - No. 116 | Varagupadi : : - No. 191 Gevuripuram (3 parts) - - No. 405 | Kottamangalam - - No. 343 iE ' Tiruvilakurichi - - ws gyi YT | ’ - - - 5» 203 : ” ” - - ,, 410 | Kottapatti - - le 208 iy Tiruvalanturai - - » igyiiB0 | Varagur - - = gyi 300 + “ . - ,, 414 | Kottattai 4 g .liiny 370 Tovayur s z = gy tes oft ” fa = ri 1184 1 Govindapuram (2 parts) - ,, 73% | Kottarampatti - - UL Toludalai - - wig HOR { Vasistitaburam - = gy 2 ] Gudalur oi - =! 15 | Kottarapatti - - il 2 Tolisvarapuram - - ~ gyi 0H Vayalur - - = Tiny 8 " . . - ,, 3871 | Kovalaigudi . 5 gy 308 Tonkaraimampundi (2 parts) - ,, 561 | Vellivadi - - milage 30 ] Gundur - : - ,, 296 | Kovandukurichi - “il 6 Tondamantorai - - - 5 102 | Vellagudi g ’ - 4 135 [luppur > - - ,, 433 | Kovilkulmani - - «pt 808 Tondapadi ~ - - - 4 90 | Velvimangalam - - 4 Ingur - - > - 5 169 | Kugar (2 parts) - « a 10 1 Toramangalam - - - ,, 161 | Vengalam - - - lige 1194 | Iniyanur - - “ili LIB 50 ” a > - gtr 0 | gq Toramangalam - - - 5 161 | Venganur - - wily 0S [rungalar - - - ,, 109 | Kulumani . . - 4 399 | i 4 Tungani # - - , 63 | Venpar - - - 89 [rutalaipatti - - - 4 428 | Komaravayalur (2 parts) vn SY | i Tungapuram - - wig 118 | Veppantattai > - "gy HOA Isvarankovil - . - 5 488 | 9 "oe « 41388 ] Turingipadi ~~ - - - , 143 | Vepur - - ” - yt 20 Jangamarajapuram (2 parts) - ,, 70 | Kumulur - - wi (lag 210 i 4 Vadakkalar - > - 5 25 | Vilamputtur ~~ - - - 165 Javandinadapuram - - ,, 125 | Kurichi - - wily BS | tH i Vailapadi - - - 7 | Viramanullur - - Ty 0 Kachiroyamodu - - ,, 141 | Kuruvigudi - - wif og HA The Valingandaburam - i gph 08 | Visvagudi - - - ,, 103 Kadukkaytorai - - = ,, 209 | Kuttappur - - wait DBE i | Vannarampundi - “iggy 58 Kailasavagantoppu - - , 242 | Kuttur - - yy 152 i HH | Kalmalai - - - , 310 | Lakshumanartoppu - -' yy 246 1 ft + 4. Villages in Trichinapally Taluk. Kalavaypatti (2 parts) - “ow 221 | Madagudi (2 parts) ~~ - = Ia 1 | i$ 99 ”» © “9 Sas 9 2) ” iy $ i LR il go Abisbegapuram (2 parts) - No. 446 | Arasappadi - . - No. 182 Kallangi - - - gy 528 ” " : HY i 1 HR Abisbegapuram (2 parts) - , 88 | Ariyamungalam - - 4 312 Kalligudi , - - ,, 163 | Madanum - - - tapi 8S Lal ith | . “w * - 5 92 | Ariyur - > - 5» 90 | y = - - - ,, 183 | Madupuram - - he ala $ » » - - 9 97 Asur - - ol - 5 276 . yy - > - - ,, 345 | Magalambudi ~~ » wt, THOR : fl : Adavattur - - - 4, 3850 | Allur - - - - ,, 987 ; Kambarasampettai - - ,, 327 | Mailadumparai - > - 45 334 els ER Adigudi (2 parts) - - 4 72 [ Afttani - - . - 5 196 k Kanakiliyanur - - ws gy 9 | Magalikudi - - -i gy 7162 LOHR i i Agalanga Nellur (3 parts) - ,, 4221 | Bavinipattavaratti - =, 1033 : Kaviamnnikkem i . 7 232 | Malayapatti Sengasalai - get IRE Hi q ’ " - , 442 | Chennagar - - - a 250 Kondamangalam - gy 40 | Malavanur (2 parts) - w' lay 116 : HIE | I 4 ] » » - 4, 421 | Chettiyarpettal - - - , 264 Kondayampettai - - 4 247 | Mallachipuram - - - 5 326 LE HEE HE Agaram - - - ,, 290 | Chillaraipattavaratti (4 parts) - ., 89 Konnanur . - - 4, 176 | Manakkal - - - gy 80 ail 1 i | i Agharasidevimangalam - 5, 195 2 ’ - 5 90 Konnagudi - - - 13 | Montorai (5 parts) - - ify i (fil Hig i | Ayampalayam - - - , 180 | ’ ’ - 4 9 Kottagudi - - - .. 439 ‘ - . eg | Hie iH 5 Aiyampatti - . - ,, 273 | ” » - oy NM 1 Kottur - - - - , 61 ” yy - - - 5 102 (i if H BR Alagiyamanavalam . - ,, 204 | Chindamuni - - - 4 320 Kottur Kottamangalam Patta- » hs = ] ln 1 if Hd i | Alambakkamabajanam (2 parts) 3 | Chinnavelakurichi (2 parts) - , 170 varttu (2 parts) . . 5 62% - - 5 SE | i t | " yw ogy 20 " . - , 172 Kalkondarkottal - - ,, 293 | Mangammapuram (3 parts) - ,, 69 [118 iti! 1] | Alambakkamabajanam (3 parts) ,, 254% | Chinnakakaruppur - - 394 Kilikudi i i - .. 254 | Manganam i} ) nase ly | Alambukkam Vullur - - ,, 90 | Chittragudi (2 parts) - - 423 Kiliyanur - - - ,, 255 | Mangudi (2 parts) - - yy 74} Hae i i Alambadi - - - 1 . . - - 125% . - - "og 333 Mangudi - . - 11 i Lg [i Alangudi (2 parts) - - 28 | Damalvarubayam - - 525 Kilakurichi - . - ,, 295 | Manigondapuram - - ,, 341 Hie I § Alangudimahajenamullur (2 parts),, 28% | Devadanam - - 315 Kilambil (3 parts) - - ,, 48 | Manpidemangalam (2 parts) - , 200 Ii { | i 1 Alavandanellur - - - ,, 859 | Devaroyaneri - - - 275 . .y = - - oy 02 a ., - 4 202 i His i | Alandur - - “ue 40 | Devimangalam - . - . 178 . .“ - - - 54 | Mangattidal - - - 4 001 fH i f Alattur - - - ., 292 | Edamangalam - - - 34 Kilmulagudi (2 parts) - - .. 308 | Mannadianellur - - - 4 193 Hie } ii ! Alvarpattavaratti . =, 289 | Edaiyapatti - - - ,, 432 9 ’ > - ,, 308% | Manpidimangalam (2 parts) - 5 200 (114 | i | Alletorai - - - ,, 855 | Edamalapatti - - - ., 996 Kilapattu - . - , 386 | “ “ - yy 202 i 13 iF | ii Ambilkattalai = - - ,, 66 Edayattamogalam - = 95 Kilperungalur - - - oy 133] Mekkudi - - - , 985 ii fi It Be 0 Ambilchattram - N - .. 65 | Bearamangalam , - ., 376 Kilvayalur . . - ,, 866 | Melkalkandarkottai - - 4 299 EHS 1 CE Ammangudi - - - ,, 392 | Elamanur (3 parts) - - ,, 403 Kilmugam (3 parts) - - « 187 Melambil (2 parts) - * a iB FT Hk i : Ambiyampattavaratti = - - ,, 424 ” . - - ,, 407 Kilvalai - - - 4 98 » - - 5 O68 Hl HEE it i Amuttirayanellur - - , 860 " ” . - ,, 412 Kistnapuram (1st part) - 4 96 | Melmullagudi - - "= 313 Hi i 1 HH J Analai - - - - ,, 406 | Elamamanakkudi - - 4, 100 Kudappu - - - ,, 330 | Melputtu - - VEE i 4 {i Hi Hind 17 i Anandanur (2 parts) - - ,, 114 | Ellagudi - > - ,, 002 Kodiyalam - - - .. 402 | Melsidevimangalam - - 4 192 { it ; HEE | | a ” - - ,, 424 | Ennaigramam - - - ,, 436 Konerivalur (2 parts) - - ,, 377 | Melvalai - - way AY Hh A {i ] Anandanullur - - - ,, 3893 | Esanaikarai - . - 4 13 > ve - - ., 3883 | Melvaladi - = - 5» 187 Hi 2 iL Angarai - - - ,, 101 | Ettumattidal - . - 4 367 Kokkarasampettai . - » 303 | Melpandiyapuram (2 parts) eo iil I iad} ¢ ; Appatorai - - - ,, 146 | Ettuchi Kottalai - - ., 188 Koppu - - - - ., 400 A ’ - 223 fil 4 8 Arasangudi . - - +, 258 | Genudarajanellur . - 4, 253 Kottamangalam - - , 62 | Melvayalur (2 parts) - - 4 978 Hi 1 {Hs gi i i i 408 MAPS OF THE CIVIL Melvayalur (2 parts) Melperungalur - Melkilparttikal - Melur - - Meltengal - Melupattugadi - Minachipuram - Mottupatti (3 parts) » ” 2” » Murugur - ” . ” Murutandakurichi Murudur (2 parts) Mullangudi (2 parts) *" » Mullal - - Mullikarambur - Mummadisolamangalam Murangapettai - Mutturasanellur (2 parts} » Muttiyur - Nacharkovil - Nachikurichi - Nadarajapuram Nagerapallivayal Nagoveli - Nagore - - Nangamangalam Nangansengandi Nangapallivadai (2 parts) Namimangalam Narasingapuram Narasingamangalam Nattam - Nattamangudi - Nekkupai - Neyveli . Neringalgudi ~~ Nochivayal - Nochiam - Nonalgudi . Odakarai - Olaiyur - Olandangudi (2 parts) "” ” Olimidi . Oraiyur - Ottagudi > Ottanur - Pachampettai - Pachur - Palayam - Palambnlivettu - Panungamungudi Palapondam ~~ - Palapattadaipudutiruttu - No. 384 134 53 278 191 117 411 47 58 64 48 52 54 369 113 296 397 187 79 307 166 24 11 107 226 120 284 198 286 167 338 205 183 269 324 306 164 126 208 4 236 279 149 240 DIVISIONS OF 1 | Piravalanellur - Papakurichi ~~ - Palappatorai ~~ - Palayanellur - Pallaburam - Pambaramsutti - Panamangalam - Pannangattangudi Pannangikandanpatti (2 parts) Panaiyapuram - Pannaimumadisolamangalam Pannainarasingamangalam r © INDIA. Pannaisattamangalam - Pandamangalam Pandiyapuram - Pannungudi - Pannaimurudur (2 parts) ’" Papagudi (2 parts) Papakurichi - Pattalpettai - Pattamankolam Pattagacheri (2 parts) »” ’ ’ Pavaravaditerumangalam Peniyakurichi - Perappangudi - Periyavalacheri Perungudi - eravaiap - P lapur Perur - - Perulur - Pettai - - “ - - Pichandarkovil Palayagaramand neikuppam ~~ - Pinnavasal (2 parts) ”» Pirattiyur - Pongyachelli (2 parts) - ” ” Porattagudi > Poyyagudi - Pudugudi - | Pudupatti > Pudur - - Puduruttamunur Pukkartorai - Pulangudi - Pulambadi - Pulivalam - Puliyandakurichi (3 Punampalayam - Punganur - Pungampatti ~~ Pungaipallivadai Pungudi - Punjcisengandi Purugamani ~~ - parts) 304 441 206 4183 122 186 104 294 250 416 105 {ZT 329 212 86 135 351 435 304 265 270 59 63 103 314 155 124 361 10 382 75 215 29 150 82 41 42 344 190 151 110 158 220 5 39 225 268 401 288 181 347 43 17 346 36 413 II. MADRAS Puttambar - Puttur - Ramanadanellur Ramanujakudam Rangachipuram Rapusal . Rettnangudi ~~ Sandapuram ~~ - Sattamangalam Sattambadi - Sattanur - Sembalarai - Sembarai - Sempattu - Sembiyanur - Sendamaraikamu Sengaraiyur - Sendanudikattalai Sengudi - “ . Seshasamudram Settimangalam - PRESIDENCY.—20, TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. Sirangarajapuram (2 parts) » Sirudaiyur - Sirugamur - Sirugamani . Sirumayangudi - Sirumarudur - Siravayalur (3 parts) ” ” ’ a Siruvayalur (2 parts) Solagenellur - Solamadevi - Solanganellur - Somarasampettai Sonappaganur - Soptorishinadanpattararodi Tachangudi - Tachakurichi - Tadanvayal . Talagudi . Tandankarai - Tappy - - Tattamangalam - Tattanur (2 parts) ”" ” Tayanur - Tengal - - r . ‘ Perukitteruvu (3 parts) Tillampatti - Timmarayasamudram (2 *" Tinnagonanullur Tinnagonamahagenam part s) ” No. 266 bb J 2” 443 368 56 408 427 111 351 74 171 337 375 140 45 297 147 2928 30 2431 185 207 i23 227 197 199 87 23: 415 60 138 354 362 380 8 16 333 283 229 350 224 67 295 98 291 148 1.30 i 179 139 149 348 81 219 249 218 244 248 2] 22] Tirumalaisamudram Tirumalainudupattavarthi Tirumanamodu - Tirunedunkalam Tirunellur - Tirplatorai - ’” ” Tirplatoraikovil Tirupponjeri - Tiruttandoni - Tiruvadasolai - Tiruvellavarai - Tiruvarambur - Tiruvaranganellur Tiruvarangapadi Tiruvasi - Tiruvananellur - Tirampalayam - Todaiyur - Toraiyur (2 parts) Torunallur » Turudgudi - Uyyangondantirumalai Uyyagondisvaram (2 parts) 2 Vadgaputtur - Vadapanguni - Vaittur - , Valattiyarkolam Valavanur . “ - Valadi (2 parts) Valavandankottai Vandalai - Varaganeri - Varagalur (2 parts) . . Vayatalaikudalur Velraygudi - Velur - - Vellangar - Vellanur - Vellitirumuttam Velankolam - ., . Vengur - - Vendaroyanellur | Venganudi - | Venkalachalapuram Vettukadu - Vidivadangam - Virupachipuram Viragudi - - . Viramudisattinam Virandanellur - Virapatti - Viresvaram - Vudaramangalam (2 parts) 409 No. 339 101% 128 271 440 251 409 404 234 321 249 221 285 262 216 210 243 217 11 136 317 81 33 331 365 364 444 73 300 129 112 132 274 14 318 23 2 231 153 442 430 43 241 256 257 287 358 184 18 429 311 323 243 160 175 203 431 245 142 tte nr BA 1! | i | 1] I f ¥ 3 | ! : i gi. 410 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—20, TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. 411 ih io x ¥ - 3 : i ¥ f Ey qq t HL {| : 1 (5 Cel : 1 Varappangurichi. =: No..268 : | Mel Bay: -N bh 3 Vudaramangalam (2 parts) - No. 159 | Vuttamarkovil (2 parts) - No. 194} i and Mel Varappangurichi - No. 208 | Mel Rayapuram - No. 129 CH |! ; . Or. av . - - i 1 \ TO ye a - - ry wid ia Vuppur . . - , 192 | Vuttamuseri - - = yy 202 x. nyu Lond ” 196 Merchengalmedu » 371 #H : 1 arankands - - 346 | Me alavs . - aQn y ! Vuttamarkovil (2 parts) - 5 1495 ] 3 Rann 1 40 Mottappeloyom 884 eh Kilchengamedu - - 5 370 | Meykapputteruva - - 4, 865 i Kilkavattangurichi - - 212 | Mudegoudon - - - 237 a . . . . 1 - 9 -l 34g ( > 1 YT ' is | a » AUHEER 5. Villages m Udiarpaliam Taluk. Kilimangalam - - "a 7 | Muttukkolam - - = tiggeiirS] He i Adanur 4 . - No. 284 | Elankurichi - - - No. 265 Kilkkudiyiruppu - - ,, 052 | Mullikkurichi - - iit (1 0G f Adikkamuli ~~ - - ,, 317 | Elayaperumanallur - "ire 874 Kilvannam . - - 5 257 | Mullaiyur - 8 MW ; i i Adinaikurichi - : - ,, 30 | Elundakuttam - wp 281 Kilnaduvay - - #0 aye 40 | Manuiyangarichi - = 497169 : it If Ana . : - ., 34 | Ellaikadanbat - . “. .z9.119 Kilnattam - - - 4 179 | Muttapettah - - - ey 293 ak 3 . A TK ali QO | re 314] Ahammadabad - - - 5 140 | ksanal - - - - op 298 Kodali - - I - ,, 833 | Muttuserpamadam - wig BYE : Aiyur - - - *. Tp 73 | Eragudi - - - ,, 216 Kodukkur, including Mel and Nagamungalam - - yi 12 i 1 i ; ’ : rR g Trike Te — a ? = 4 H Akkeruratadanpettai (2 parts) - ,, 319 | Eravakudi - - = ow = __ Terukudikkadu - - » 76 | Nagampandal - . = pyri l8 i HE Alagapuram - . - ,, 24 | Ghugivadenga Ullore - - , ©82 Kokkudi - - «yu 20) | Nakkappadi ~~ - - - ey 2D i ] Alagiyamanavalam * .. gy +209 Gopulingankudikkadu - - 5 148 Kolaiyanur - > - 4 173 | Nallanayagapuram - i 1104 i iR > i . pn } . © i _ Rs r 11. i } } _ ono | 2 } : : ba Alanduraimyarkattalai - - 5 255 | Gudalm - ” sd Kollapuram ’ 368 i ” ,, 190 Ad i Alayakonanteruvu . - ,, 364 | Ichankkudu - - - 5 84 Kommedu . - - , 851 | Namankunam - - - oii 108 } i : Alavay . - - ,, 178 | Ilappaiyur - - - 5 124 Kondaburam - - - 5» 211 | Namayur - . « 5289 ; Ht 2 Alattiyur - - - 4 28 | Irugaiyur - - - 5 805 Korattankudi - - - 4 219 | Nariyanur » - - y+ 270 “1 | il § | Ha O 2 J OAS ” . ll y v! . -— 3 i mt: Allattippallam - : - ,, 57 | Irungolur - - 4 943 Kosavankudikkadu - - 5» 147 | Nayakkarpalayam - - aialq0 HEAR HE ARRE Amandabad ~~ - - - ,, 138 | Irungaroikurichi A mo» Rattagarin ] - , 383 | Naikkarpaliam - - - 4 388 AH | a : om rankondasolapurs " - ,, 4 ilsimai - - - 285 | Naraiyur - , - ‘ ig st: Amanukontondi - =, 357 | Jay ankondasolapuram py. DES) Kovi Ia uo 5 285 Naraiyur » 149 3 § t hy Ambaluvankattalai - - ,, 184 | Kachipperumanattam - - ,, 318 Kovandkuli - - - 4 338 | Narasinkapuram - “iti 108 Hd 1 Ambapur - - - 4 155 v - - 5 978 | Kovil Esanui - - - , 222 | Neringikkorai - - ii: 362 ii | Wo I he . » o . yr 1. ao | NT ct » ’ — Fabt 1 Ambupur - - - ,, 177 | Kadambur - v Te 286 OV ilkadu - - "a 225 Nettikurichi - - - 4 47 fh | . Ambigapuram - - - ,, 828 | Kadur - . - 4 145 Kovilur - - - ,, 276 | Sinigt - - = a4 120 {ae oo 4 v ” . ‘ ; r 5 aye ? " Ed § ie d Arainabad i - ,, 136 | Kallaikkudi ~~ - - - 5 249 Kottikal - . - , 803 | Olagalundasolan - - 5 972 fii | He | Amurdurayankottai ~~ - - 5» 830 | Kallattur - ’ Ty Gl ] Kovittadampettai ’ > a: 816 § Ofalyyr i : a HE I | A nauigburin - } . ,, 164 | Kalmedu i . - 4 Li 2 Krishnaburam - - - 134 | Olagamadur - - #' aw O10 1 | 118 Aiditodhm - | = 69 Kallur oo - - 246 Kulamunikkam - = 227 | Orattur - - pi 58 1 1 HE Andepattakkadu - - ,, 280 | Kauvantondi - - - 4 348 Kulattur ” ’ - » 244 | Outakkovil ’ - = 133 {1k | | Anganur - . - 4 93 | Kamarasavalli - . =» 290 1 Kulavadiyan ~~ - - = x» 936 | » - ” - 4 282 HH o ’ hr - py 929 Sulumur 0)f adanile ~ Hig ! Anilkudichan - - - ,, 67 Kandaridillam - - - 230 Kulumu - - - , 103 | Padanilc he - way iii159 i ig i Annangorpettai - - 4 922 Kanubadikurichi - - 8 Kunamangalam - - 4 298 | Paduvettikudikadu - ~ ow 300 FH HE 3 § ilo Y y OQ > : Bled 3 br $i} <1 i EE Annimangalam - - ,, 254 | Kancanadanallur - rT 382 Kundaveli - = - 5 379 { Pagalmedu = - ~ oy B76 LE Hi i 13 iN « = « ’ | ; o, : ym rh ’ o | Yet v . oy { i i UH Arakkattalai - ” - 297 | Kangiyampettai - - 4 183 Kurichikulam - . - ,, 113 | Paiada Nellur - - . on 125 HH EL A attale yy. =) re - . oro | . ’ x 1 & Anamanekurichi . - , 233 | Kangiyanur - - - 4 256 Kuruvalapparcovil - - 4. 858 | Palanainadaburam - - 4 108 Hi | APE } } - ,, 167 | Kankuli . ; — 72 Kuruvadi - . = , 295 | Palayappadi - - gy 14282 i | Arasaneeri . - - ,, 271 | Karaippakkam - - 230 Ruttangud] - - - , 315 | Palayapudukkaduvettu - - 4 321 iH b | Le, ~ ’ » . . D1 x= adanalk an}. 15 ) olira ‘ . . 1 or 0 i IR i Arasunilayittapuram (2 parts) =, 181 Karaiyavetti - - - 215 Madanakuriehi - - 308 Palli ondaperumal Covil . 380 ii A i - ,, 283 | Karakkurichi - - - ,, 306 Makammadapuram - - ,, 137 | Pallivadi - - - 4, 875 3 ; » 2» ? \: or . . O00 13. ve . ¢ avi ( . he Y; “8 is Arumuli - . - ,, 3807 | Karayankurichi - - ,, 2066 Mallantankolam (2 parts) - 197 Palur ot - - 4 812 CRE itl | Aruneal - - - ,, 248 | . - - 2067 Manukkudaiyan - 4 82 Panuiansendi - - - , 369 014 f i Asavirankudikkadu , - 5, 112 | Karikkai , - = 17 Manappatu »s 102 | Panangum . . nae DBT Hie fare Attur - - - - ,, 146 | Karunakaranullur . - 139 Mungamedu - - - ,, 238 | Panganguli - - - 5» 279 i | $e 3 | . = . ‘vg ’ —e 4:1 i Avanur } } - ,, 218 | Karuppilakattalai - - 5 230 Mangaidevanallur » - 5 862 | Pappakudi - - - ee 58 ii 1] i Ayippaliem - - - ,, 927 | Karuppur - - =, 193 Mangalam - - - , 64 | Parudur . . .ayiidid 138 | ¥ ¥ ‘ - \ . 113 me 3 . . oR 1 ; Bengaikandapuram - =, 899 | Karuppur Suttamalli and Ran- Mannukkuli - . - ,, 152 | Pasikkulam - . ii 2 Ll Hid Chandrapalayam . - ,, 159 | gasamutiram -. - ,, 024 Marakkalankurichi - - ,, 63 | Pattakurichi - - SHEER i ; | tj 8 : 1 le i 7 oma | ~ . - ,, 325 Marakurichi - - - , 98 | Pattangurichi - - - 4 245 TH i i Chettikuli - py LT » > SJ Mar re IT 3 Sa FH HY Chettetirukkunam - - , 186 » ”» » - 4 3526 Marungur - - ~ 4 78 | Pattavali - - EEE Lif | Heirare Nagaliy . . 50 | ) - ,, 334 Maravattur - - - ,, 117 | Pattuvaratti - - - ,, 389 fal gt l Chimra Nagalm pw 100 1 oo» ” BP \] mois aL < EEE Hh Chimraputtakkadu - - , 260 | Karuvadacheri - - os 194 Alatiur - - - 5 291 | Payyar - - - gy YOR HHA | Chinna Valiem ; - .. 855 . . - ,, 292 Melkavattangurichi - - 4 213 | Payalam - - vii kl0 1 18. t i Rdaigakurichi - . . gt HOI] Kattangudikkadu - - 4 156 Melkudiyerppu - - ., 350 | Perangeri - - -¥ oy B53 Lp bs fH i Raa an] i i . gi 3200] Kattuppirangiyam . - .. 161] Melanikkudi ~~ - - - ,, 04 | Periaya Krishnapuram - wil gettin RES | i 0 “Udll Zc ’ den] o 7, oa» . he 2 - . . { A : Wi Edagattangudi - - ,, 188 | Kattur > - =, 139 Melnaduvai - - - , 70 | Periya Kurichi - . wii vey S010 : | 88 on 3 vaagatianZ ‘ w : .~ : ve i135 HEL 1 Edukkuiio . - - ,, 345 | Kavanur " - - ,, 154 - Melupaylur - - - 199 | Periya Murai - . - in 208 fi 1H 3 4 x ? } 5p ‘ ‘ Jere ¢ ¢ vo Ppt re no's . - £3 ys Blatcachori - } - ., 128 | Kaveripalayam - , - 18 Melvannam - - - ,, 206 ' Periya Nagalu - wt iggy "RY EE § - ov ’ 7 $ i | ti : ding i i id! tf Wi Si } : ke 4 if } mm ————————————————— Ey _—__ 412 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Periya Pattakkadu Periya Tirukkunam Periya Adanukurichi Periya Valayam Perambandi ~~ - Perumuttiyanur Perundivam - Pichanur - Pilakurichi - Pilaudurai - - Pillaypalayam - - Piravadaipelangiyanattam Ponparappu - - Poyyur - - Pudukaduvettu - Pudukottai - - Pudur - - Pudupalayam - Pukkuli - Pumudaiyanpatti Pundi - - Puttakirawam - Puttur - - Puttur (in 2 parts) » ’ Puvaniputtu Radapuram > Rajendrahppattanam Ramadevanullur Ramanullur - Ranjiam - Reddipalayam - tudupallam ~~ - Saliyakkurichi - Samasinullur - Sammadangudi Sattamangalam Sattampattu, - Sattiram - Savanduriyasolapuram Segarundi - Seluppai . Selambur - Sembeiyakkudi Senapatu - Sendamangalam Sendurai - , Sepurundam ~~ - Sengarayakattala Senguli , Sennanur - Senvanum - Settikkuli Siluppanur Siluracheri Sinnakkarikkai Sinna Krishnapuram Sinna Melkudikkadu Sinna Attukkurichi - No. 259 187 14 347 107 182 381 356 10 9 385 224 115 143 387 228 171 79 9) © OL 144 | Talaiyarikudikkadu | Taludalmedu - 202 310 205 275 277 66 29 2 Ho 294 21 160 163 121 91 192 207 68 377 27 64 a8 33 226 36 85 121 302 272 176 220 130 274 78 30 22 51 80 | Sinnavulayam - | Sirukaluttur - | Sirugudi - Sirutondonkani Sittidaiyur - Situroyanuttain Sivaramapuram Sokkalingasvarapuram Solagonkudikkadu Solamadevi - South Kariyankurichi South Malattankulam Sinevasapuram Sipurandam ~~ - Sullangudi - Sundakkudi - | Sundresvarupuram | Suttamalli - ”" (2 parts) Talavasi - Talur - - Tandalai - Tattanur - Tattur - - Tavadanullur - | mm . y I'amaraippundi Telur - . " Temavanullur - [ Tenakkudi - Tennatturoyapuram Tenpatti - Tenvikkam - | Terkudampettai Terkuvadakkuputtur | Terukkaluppur Teruvenganur - | Tirukkonam - Tirumam - ry Liruppayur . Tivavadatorad [ruvadatorai - Tupapuram - Tuttur . Udaynattam - Udayattynur - Ulkottai (3 parts) " ” Ulliyakudi » Uyittappallam - Vadavikkam - Vadagappalayam Vaippam - Vakkaramari - Vallakuli . { Vallakurichi - 1 Valandai 355 114 36 53 109 316 92 56 101 329 267 203 311 302 262 254 174 204 326 90 142 337 77 62 96 45 23 81 293 153 330 0 332 127 236 II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—20, TRICHINAPALLI DISTRICT. 413 Vallam - - No. 19 | Veluppunkurichi No. 118 ” - - 20 | Vembakudi - 340 Vallakkulam ~~ - - 281 | Venganur - 221 Vandaroyankuppam - 361 | Veppanguli - 198 Vannanullur ~~ - - 4 S04 | » < 200 Vangenaparam ,, 108 | Vettagudi 217 Vandayorankattalai 273 ’ 3 Vangaram - 94 | Vikkiramam 180 Vankudi . 50 | Vilagam ss 223 Vannankurichi - , 390 | Virabogam 384 Vannankudikadu 4 | Viragalur yy 208 Vannanullur - , 966 ” ow JI Varappankurichi » 268 | Virasalagan sy 903 Vayvalam - 74 | Vittiyur 247 Vellipiringiyam 168 | Vitutudaiyam ; 13 Vellur - - 123 | Yeriur 5 003 Velangudi - 157 21. VIZAGAPATAM DISTRICT. Including two taluks with an area of 3,081 square miles, and zemindaries extending over 15,855 square miles. A Manual of the District of VIZAGAPATAM, in the Presidency of Madras. Compiled and edited by Dr. P. Carmichael, M.C.S., Collector, Magis- trate, and Agent to the Governor of Fort St. George, in Ganjam, Madras. 1869. With a map and portraits of the wild races. 8vo., cloth. VIZAGAPATAM AGENCY. Topographical Survey, 1870, 71. Secale. 1 inch to 1 mile. Sheets 7,8. See Ganjam Agency Topographical Survey, page 328. VIZAGAPATAM and GANJAM AGENCIES Topographical Survey, 1870-71. See Ganjam Agency Topographical Survey, page 32S; also Central Provinces and Vizagapatam Agency Topographical Survey, page 271. Map of a Survey of the VIZAGAPATAM CIRCAR under the Presidency of Fort. St George. Executed during part of the years 1824, "25, °27, "28, and ’29, by Capt. C. Snell, 30th Regt. M. N. I, aided by Assist. Surveyor Lieut. Otter, 28th Regt. N I., and Sub-Assistant Surveyors M. Dunnigan, 1. Anderson and C. Barnet. Reduced from the original sections of that Survey. On a scale of 9 miles to 1 inch. S. G.O. Madras, 1833. Size, 64 inches by 58. MS. VIZAGAPATAM SURVEY. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Field Copy of 13 Sections lettered A to M. Signed J. Montgomerie, Dep. Surveyor-General., October 1830. Size of each section various, but generally 39 inches by 26. MSS. Chanashaomarie of the VIZAGAPATAM DISTRICT. 1833. Oblong folio, half-bound. MS. Map of VIZAGAPATAM DISTRICT. Revenue Survey office, Madras, 1867. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 25. Map of a portion of Country in the JEYPORE, KOORPUM, and PALCONDAH Zemindaries dependent on the Vizagapatam District. Surveyed in the seasons 1848-49 by Messrs. R. Howard, C. Snell and J. G. King, Sub-Assis- tant Surveyors. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 38. MS. a Som me at An————— A RA ait ett RIOT re TR EIR, i in 0 FN RT AEN, 3, TR 414 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of aportion of the JEYPORE COUNTRY surveyed in the season 1847-48 by Messrs. R. Howard, C. Snell, J. G. King, Sub-Assistant Surveyors. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 19. MS. Plan of a portion of Country of the PANCHIPENTAH ZEMIN. DARY in the Vizagapatam District. Surveyed in the season 1849-50 by Sub- Assistant Surveyors Messrs. C. Snell and J. G. King, under the superintendence of Mr. R. Howard, Sub-Assistant Surveyor, in temporary charge. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 miles by 19. 2 copies. MSS. The same on the larger Scale of 1 mile to 1 inch. No title. In two parts ; size of the southerr part, 15 inches by 25; size of the northern part, 26 inches by 20. MS. Road Maps. Sketch Map showing the direction of the proposed Line from CHI- CACOLE to ITCHAPUR, vii Simtoshaporam, and its connexion with existing communications. October 1855. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 18 inches by 18. MS. tracing. Sketch Map showing the direction of the proposed Line from CHI- CACOLE to CHITTIVALSA, and its connexion with existing communications. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 17. MS. tracing. NATIVE PRINCIPALITIES IN MADRAS. Travancore and Cochin. Survey of COCHIN and its Environs, by order of Government, to ascertain the Boundaries of the British Jurisdiction at that place in 1813. By Thomas Arthur, Captain of Engineers. No scale. Size, 39 inches by 26. MS, The TRAVANCORE LINES, as connected with the Dutch. No title. Seale, 3% inches to 1 mile ; size, 21 inches by 27. MS. Map of the Provinces of TRAVANCORE and COCHIN, with that portion of Malabar, South of the Ponany River. Reduced from the original maj of that Survey, executed under the immediate superintendence of Captains I’. I. Conner, and B. S. Ward, in the y 1817, ’18,°19, and 20. S. G. O. Madras, 1si Sept. 1826. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size 52 inches by 30. MS. Skeleton Map of the PROVINCES of TRAVANCORE and COCHIN, with that portion of Malabar South of the Ponany River exhibiting the positions and names of the villages in reference to detailed map accompanying (i.e. the foregoing). Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 30. MS. Geographical and Statistical Memoir of the SURVEY of the TRAVANCORE and COCHIN STATES, executed under the superintendence of Lieuts. Ward and Conner, from July 1816 to the end of the year 1821. In 7 vols. folic, half-bound in 3 vols MSS. Map of the COCHIN STATES, lithographed from the Grand Trigonometrical Map, surveyed (by Captains P. E. Connor and B. S. Ward) in the years 1818,°19, ’20. Government Lithographic Press, Madras, 1871. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 16 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 20. II. MADRAS PRESIDENCY.—NATIVE PRINCIPALITIES. 415 Map of the CENTRAL and NORTHERN PORTIONS of TRAVANCORE, lithographed from the Grand Trigonometrical Map surveyed (by Captains P. E. Connor and B. S. Ward), in the years ’1817, ’18, 19. Government Lithographic Press, Madras, 1871. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; on 25 sheets ; size of cach, 27 inches by 20. Pudukota. Under the supervision of the Collector of Trichinopoly. (Aitchison’s Treaties, revised by Talbot, vol. 5, p. 393.) See Madura District, page 357. —— General Map of Southern Districts, pages 319, 320. —— Indian Atlas, sheet 80. —— Gazetteer of Southern India, page 88. Banaganpalli. Within the District of Karnul. See Kurnool District Map, page 353; and Aitchison’s Treaties, revised by Talbot, vol. 5, page 397. Sundoor. Map of the JAGHEER of SOONDOOR, in the Collectorate of Ballary. Copied from the original Survey, Chief Engineer's Office, Surveyor- General’s Department, Fort St. George. 21st January 1842, Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 28. MS. Sketch of the MARATTA DISTRICT of SOONDOOR, exhibiting its situation in regard to the Company’s Ceded Districts, and the different Routes to Soondoor, from Darwar and Savanoor in the Peshwa’s territory, through that of the Company and of the Rajah of Mysore. Extracted from the Surveys, 24th Sept. 1816. Seale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 18. MS. See Talbot’s edition of Aitchison, vol. 5, page 401. Jaipur Agency. GANJAM AGENCY Topographical Survey, 1870, page 328. GANJAM and ORISSA Topographical Survey. See page 328. VIZAGAPATAM MANUAL, &c., &c. See page 413. . 71. Nee 416 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 111. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Including the City and Island of Bombay, and three Divisions, viz., the Northern Division, the Southern Division, and Sinde ; also several Native Principalities. General Map. A DELINEATION of the COUNTRY surveyed in the years 1809 and 1810 by the Department of the Surveyor General, Bombay. Signed Monier Williams, Captain, Surveyor General. Drawn by James Cruikshank, Lieut. 3rd Regt. N.I., one of the Surveyors employed. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch » on 7 sheets ; size of each, 51 inches by 30. MS. * * Contains the following places of note on the borders : Nuggur Parkur, Deesa, and Daunta, on the north ; Baroda, Baroche, and Soorut, on the east and south ; and the Runn of Cuteh on the west. Topographical Notes on parts of the WESTERN FRONTIER of INDIA (SINDE and GUZERAT) witha descriptive Index to the Map of the country examined in the years 1809 and’10 by the Department of the Surveyor-General, Bombay. March 1813. Folio, half-bound. MS. Map of a STRIP of COUNTRY between Damaun on the GULF of CAMBAY on the south, and the parallel of 22 N. Lat., on the north, by Capt. M. Williams, Surat, Aug. 27th 1817. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 19. No title. MS. Map of the WESTERN PART of the CONTINENT of INDIA, showing the territories of the Bombay Presidency and the States dependent on, or in alliance with, that government. Compiled from the latest surveys, in the Deputy Surveyor General’s Office, July 1828. J. Jopp, Capt. Deputy Surveyor General. Lithographed in the Quartermaster-( reneral’s Office, Bombay. March 1838. Scale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 75 inches by 55. #.* With a list and description of the made roads and those under construction within the territories of the Bombay Presidency in the year 1841-42, Prepared in the Chief Engineer's Office, Bombay, 22nd February 1842, Lt.-Col. Dickenson, Chief Engineer. The roads are drawn on the map. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, Degree Sheets, signed J. Jopp, Captain, Deputy Surveyor General, Bombay. 1828 to 1833. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size of each, 22 inches by 20. From Dharwar to Bombay :—Sheets Nos. 1, 2, 3.4,7,8,9, 10,11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18. In Cutch and North Guzerat :—Sheets Nos. 38, 39, 40, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. MSS. Route Map of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, including Scinde, surveyed and collected by the Quartermaster-( reneral’s Department, Bombay Army. Bombay, 12th March 1846. With a polymetrical table of distances in Scind and Beloochistan, and the frontier stations of the northern division ; also another poly- metrical table showing the distances between the civil and military stations, and large towns of the Bombay Presidency. Scale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size of each, 19 inches by 35. MS. Tables of ROUTES and STAGES through the Territories under the Presidency of Bombay, chiefly compiled from the documents in the office of the Quartermaster-General of the Bombay Army. J. Holland, Licut.-Colonel, Quarter- master-General. Bombay, 1851. Quarto, half-bound. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—GENERAL MAPS. 417 Route Map of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, surveyed and collected by the Quartermaster-General’s Department, Bengal Army. Bomba April 1852. With a polymetrical table showing the distances between the civil wi military stations and large towns of the Bombay Presidency. Scale, 20 miles to Linch ; mounted, size, 57 inches by 35. oe A the northern and central sheets of the original drawing. Also, a later edition, dated 22nd Sept. 1857. Map of TRUNK LINES proposed as the basis of future operations in the construction of Roads in the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. In Bomba Public Works Letter, No. 20, of 1856, page 21. Size, 28 inches by 36. MS. id Map of ROADS in the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, copied and lithographed in the office of the Chief Engineer at the Presidency. Bombay, 16th March 1860. Secale, 15 miles to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size of cach, 20 inches oy 928 Map of the ROADS in the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Litho- graphed for the Bombay Gazette Almanack 1861. With a notice of the navigable rivers, Seale, 15 miles to 1 inch ; size, 49 inches by 23. : > Map of ROADS in the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, including Sind 250 Batoantmna, Compiled, copied and lithographed in the office of the Chief ‘ngineer at the Presidency. Bombay, May 1863. Seale, 16 miles inch ; 8 sheets ; size of each, 20 inches by 28, y al inp hins Another copy, dated October 1865, mounted in a case. Maps of COLLECTORATES in the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Part 4 of the Census of the Bombay Presidency. 1872. Feap. folio, boards v V o . . « Se Preliminary Map of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch. Compiled from the latest materials and from information finished by the Bombay Revenue Survey and Settlement Department, in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India. Calcutta, 1873. Size, 40 inches by 27. Military Maps. Disposition Map of the BOMBAY ARMY corrected to 1st April 1869. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 26. The same corrected to 1st June 1870. Another to 1st Jan. 1873. Sketch Map (prepared for) showing the DISPOSITION of the BOMBAY ARMY, compiled in the office of the Quartermaster-General of the Army Scale. 32 wiles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches by 27. Blank copy. is Disposition Map of the BOMBA Y ARMY corrected to March 1874 Q. M. General's Office, Poona. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch + size, 36 inches by 27 : (7767.) DD 418 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Road Maps. drawing including HYDERABAD, BEDER, NIL- POONAII, AHMEDNUGGUR MS. An original DROOG, GOOLBURGAH, BEEJAPOOR, MALLIGAUM, &e. No title or scale. Size, 18 inches by 30. Map showing the PROPOSED LINE of ROAD between BHEWN- DY (Poonah District) and SURAT. Asst. Supt. Roads Office. Camp, Bassein, 19th November 1840. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 13. Plan of the Road from Kulladghee to Bagulkot (Belgaum District). Dated, Executive Engineer’s Office, Belgaum, December 98th 1840. Seale, 2 inches to | mile ; size, 13 inches by 35. Sketch Map showing LINES of ROAD from TANKARI A BUNDER (Surat and Broach sub-district) to RUTLAM (Native State, Indore Agency), &e. Surveyed by Lieut. Haig, Actg. Depy. Asst. Quartermaster-General, ND.A. Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 11. Plan of the NEW LINE of ROAD (from Belgaum) to KULLAD- GHEE (Belgaum District). Dated, Belgaum, 7th January 1841. Seale, 1% miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 17. t. Curtis PLAN of the ROAD between POONA 31 Tracing from L Dated, Poona, 13th August 1841. Seale, 3% miles to inch ; and SHOLAPOOR. size, 6 inches by 47. Survey of the DAWK ROUTE between PANW ELL (Poonah District) and VINGORLA, (Rutnagherry District). Quartermaster-General’s Office, Poonah, 9th October 1841. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch : size, 60 inches by 11. Bombay Roads, 1841. Nos. 1 to 7. No. I. Sketch of the ROAD between SION and TROMBAY { Tannah District). Bombay, 1841. Seale, 900 yards to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by S. No. 2. Sketch showing the PRESENT STATE of the ROAD from PANWELL to OORUN (Tannah District). Bombay, 1841. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 8. No. 3. Sketch showing the PRESENT STATE of the ROAD from NAGOTNA to PENN (Tannah District). 1841. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 8. No. 4. Sketch showing the PR ESENT STATE of the ROAD from CHOWK to KALLIAN, and from MOORBAR to SHAPOOR (Tannah District). Bombay, 1841. Secale, 4 miles to inch ; size, 13 inches by 8. No. 5. Sketch of the ROAD from CHANDOR to NASSIK, in the Nassik Sub-collectorate (Ahmednuggur District). Bombay, 1841. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 3 inches by 16. No. 6. Sketch of the PROPOSED LINE of ROAD from TAN. NATH to PANWELL, distance by this survey is 20 m. 1 f. 182 yds. Bombay, 1841. Seale, 900 yards to 1 inch, on 8 sheets ; size of cach, 13 inches by 8. No. 7. Sketch of the ROAD between BELGAUM and VIN- GORLA (Rutnagherry District). Chief Engineer's Office, Bombay, 5th January 1841. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 13. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—GENERAL MAPS. 419 Skeleton Map of the COUNTRY between DHARWAR and Su TAT ey ape ig a distinguishing the Metalled, Morrum, and Cleared Roads. Signed, N. C. Peat, Major, S ads, 18 "No ti i eat, Major, Supdt. of Roads, 1842, No title or scale. Sketch of the ROAD from BELGAUM to DHARWAR. Govt y Vpn ] av. 1848 ttle ; ; ; Litho. Press, Bombay, 1842. Scale, 1% miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 13. Sesh ot fhe A hy ROAD, within the limits of this sidency. Bombay, Military Board Office, 15th Janu: > ni Da an I 3 3 Ty ce, 15th January 1846. Scale, 4 miles Longitudinal Section of proposed LINE between KULLUS and K ESSERW ADEE. No. 4. Horizontal scale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, T inches b 160. MS. In Bombay Public, No. 50, of 1846. ett YY ). sv a . - TY a Plans and Sections of the PHOONDA GHAT (between Viziadroo and Rojo), hems hi work performed from the 1st January to 30th Te er 1848. Signed, E. Del Hoste, on special duty. Title s Jt and 8 1 yo yA : ’ ” ‘ . e sheet 2 . hte plans. Size of cach, about 24 inches by 19. MSS. Cit PROJECTED IMPROVEMENT of the COMMUNICATION between the COAST and the INTERIOR. Road over the Phoonda Ghat i) Kolapore and Belgaum. 14 plans and sketches accompanying India Public I eit or No. 45, dated 2nd September 1848. Feap., stitched in a cover. MSS enh ). AG ‘ ) 1 I lan of the AGRA and BOMBAY ROAD, with the Country extending 30 miles to the east and west of it, and exhibiting the Staging Bungalows Post Ofeon, Sue item Agra to the Narbudda River. Compiled in the Surveyor- reneral’s Office from available materials, Calcutta, Sth December 51 Lie, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 114 inches by 26. py oeiber 1901. uel, Skeleton of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY showing the proposed port ae n fo Decun and South Mahratta Country (also Capt. Graham’s pio posed railway from Poonah to the River Kistna). No date or se: NN 1 14 inches by 11. » 1a) o date or scale. No.l. Size, Map showing the PROJECTED BARODA and TANKARIA RAILWAY, the alternative line to Ambheta, and the Proposed Line from Surat : Baroda, and thence to Indore and Agra, with the Branch Line to ey (Also the proposed Trunk Roads between Poonah and Mhow, and Ca . Gr: hi ns proposed railway to Nagpore.) No. 3. No date or scale. Size, 11 0 og 13. Sketch showing the BOMBAY PORTION of the HOOBLEE (Dhaene Nw ), and Sedashegurh (North Canara District) Road Central Mice D. P. W. Chepauk, June 1862. Secale, 4 miles . aA ae by 36. MS. Choganlsy Sine’ 1562. . ale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches s Teen tt 7 : " Map showing the Sind, B. B. and C. I, and G. I. P. RAILWAYS (Zincographed at the Superintendent Engineer's Office, P. W. Bombay.) Aug b 30th 1866. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 33. A: gus An Atlas of PLANS of CANTONMENTS and PLANS of th C( JUNTRY 10 miles round CANTONMENTS in the BOMBAY RSI A series of Drawings by the Quartermaster-General’s Departraent B vai Arp (No datey about 1850.) In 1 vol. folio. half-bound. MSS. LOTT priny. CONTENTS, JP 'B av Stati i * adioini 1. Plan of Bombay Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. 92 Pl: * the Poona Cs y \ g ; 92. Plan of the Poona Cantonments. Secale, 8 inches to 1 mile. DD 2 si et Aa rag vg gh tnt 1 I aa ey > - Ah ai SI A ne he SRC RS RRC MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. . Plan of the Kirkee Cantonment. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. "Plan of Poona Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Ahmednuggur Cantonment. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. . Plan of Ahmednuggur Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. _ Plan of the Mallygaum Cantonments. Scale, 8 inches to | mile. . Plan of Mallygaum Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. 9. Plan of Cantonment at Dapoolee. Secale, 8 inches to 1 mile. . Plan of Dapoolee to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. _ Plan of the Sattara Cantonment. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile. Plan of Sattara Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Belgaum Cantonment. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile. . Plan of Belgaum Station, with sketch of adjoining station to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Dharwar Cantonment. Secale, 8 inches to 1 mile. . Plan of Dharwar Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Kulladghee Cantonment. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile. _ Plan of Kulladghee Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Sholapoor Cantonment. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. . Plan of Sholapoor Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Sketch of Hill-fort of Asseerghur. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. _ Plan of Asseerghur to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Cantonment of Ahmedabad, &e. Seale, 8 inches to 1 mile. _ Plan of Ahmedabad Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Cantonment at Kaira, &e. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. _ Plan of Kaira Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Surat Cantonment. Secale, 8 inches to 1 mile. "Plan of Surat Station, with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. _ Plan of the Cantonment at Baroda, &c. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. _ Sketch of the Camp near Baroda and surrounding country, &ec. to 1 inch. . Sketch of the Hursole Cantonment. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. _ Sketch of the Camp of Hursole and country in the vicinity within a radius of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Rajcote Cantonment. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. _ Plan of the Camp of Rajeote and country in the vicinity within a radius of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Bhooj Cantonment. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile. . Plan of Bhooj Station with sketch of adjoining country to an extent of 10 miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. . Plan of the Cantonment at Deesa. No scale. _ Plan of Deesa Station with sketch of miles. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Seale, 1 mile —~ @® ~~ ~ adjoining country to an extent of 10 III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—GENERAL MAPS. 421 BOMBAY REVENUE SURVEY. Selected series of Maps and Records exemplifying the Operations of the Bombay Revenue Survey in /l.) Poona and Nasik, (II.) the South Ma atha Country, (I11.) Ratnagiri, and (IV.) Gujrat. (Forwarded from Bombay with No. 3 of 1873, Revenue Dept. Geographical.) : 1, Statement of Records connected with the Measurement Classifica- tion, and Assessment of the Village of Borsur, Taluka Sholapur W. Waddington, Lieut.- Colonel, Superintendent Revenue Sur- vey and Assessment, Poona and Nasik. Relating to the Measurement. . Rough Field Book. . Fair Field Book. . Rough Map of Village. . Fair Map of Village. . Traverse Plot of Village. . Extract from Table for computing areas. Relating to Classification. 7. Classification Book. 8. Statement of Rates. 9. Extract from Table for computing Assessment. Relating to Settlement. . Land Register. . Diagram. . Report. Map of Shelapur Taluka to accompany report. Map of Sholapur Taluka to scale of two miles to the inch. II. Papers exemplifying the proceedings of the Revenue Survey and Assessment for the Southern Division of Bombay Presidency with a Memorandum relating to them, by R. C. Beynon De Supt. Rev. Survey, S. M. C. (South Maratha Country). 1 1. Measurer’s Rough Field Book. . Measurer’s Fair Field Book. Measurer’s original Village Ms T i . Meas s origin: age Map. (The map for the classers is a copy of this iy a’ oA « yO Se . Fair Village Map. prefohis) . Multiplication Tables in the vernacular. . Classer’s Field Book. ‘ 1 yiagram showing past revenue history of a Talooka. . Talooka Map. . Official correspondence relating to the system of Revenue Survey and Assess- ment and its administration in the Bombay Presidency. With proceedings of the Bombay Legislative Council and the Debates on the introduction of the Act I. of 18635. Containing also the Revised Survey Rules, Act I. of 1865 Act IV. of 1868, and selections from the official correspondence lin with the “Joint Report.” Printed by order of the Government of B ol i” 1869. In 1 vol. 8vo., vi. and 268 pages, stiff covers. i «This volume is expressly mentioned in Mr. Beynon’s Memorandum, as - , we containing a full deseription of the object and mode of conducting the Survey and Classification of Soils on the Bombay system ® " oi a AN po a et ce a tt lio Ag A NS tt rarest gar sara vo MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. I11. Papers exemplifying the Proceedings of the Revenue Survey and Assessment of the Ratnagiri Collectorate, Bombay Presidency, with a List and Descriptive Memoir by J. Gibson, Deputy Supt. Ratnagiri Survey. 1. Tipun Book (or memorandum) of the Village Gonauli in Gohagar Talooka of the Ratnagiri Collectorate. _ Field Book of the Village Gonauli. _ Classification Book of the Village (Gonauli. . Wurkus Falnee Book of the Village Gonauli. "Pot Wurkus Falnee Book of the Village Gonauli. } . Map of the Village of Gonauli in the Gohagarh Talook. Seale, 660 feet or 1 furlong to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 18. oo . Diagram exhibiting the extent of Government land annually under cultivation for the last 20 years in 77 villages of the Lanji Petta, and the net revenue. Poona, 1873. "Size, 15 inches by 11. - . Map of the Lanji Petta of the Rajapur Talook in the Ratnagiri Zilla (in English and Maratti). Poona, 1872. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 14 inches by 19. IV. Papers exemplifying the Proceedings of the Revenue Survey and Assessment in the Northern Division of the Bombay Presidency, ; A POT ) ! with a Memorandum relating to them by Lieut.-Colomel C.J. Prescott, Superintendent Revenue Survey and Assessment, Gujrat, No. 397 of the 3rd March 1873. 1. Map of the village Varalgad, Mandvee Purgunna, Surat Coilectorate. 1863. Printed at Surat in December 1872. Scale, 10 goontas to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 18. * _* This map, marked A, is the ¢ rucha ” or rough copy. 9. The same, marked B. #_% This copy is the ¢pucka,” or fair map, made from A. after revision during the monsoon. | 3. Map of the Unkleshwur Purgunna, Broach Collectorate of the Province of Guzerat. 1872. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 20. # % This is a specimen of a Taluka map, like those attached to Settlement Reports of a taluka. Marked C. 4, Map of the Broach Collectorate, Guzerat Province; compiled from village maps of the Guzerat Revenue Survey. 1872. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 29. #_% Although useful in practice, this map does not pretend to scientific aceu- ? racy. It is based on magnetic instead of true meridians. Marked D. 5. Rough Field Book, of village Varalgad (see Nos. 1, 2). #_* Closely translated from Gujrati into English. Marked I. 6. Fair Field Book or Measurer’s Book of Village Varalgad. Marked F. 7. Calculation Book (of Areas), Village Varalgad. Marked G. 8. Specimen Page of a Table Book for calculating areas, translated from Gujrat into English. Marked IL. 9. Classer’s or Land Valuers Book, Village Varalgad. Marked IL. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—GENERAL MAPS. 423 Bombay Revenue Survey. The following Specimens of the Surveys were received in May 1872, through Sir Bartle Frere. I. Map of the KHAIRA COLLECTORATE, Guzerat Province. Compiled and reduced from the original village maps of the Revenue Survey Depart- ment, Major C. J. Prescott, Superintendent. Poona, no date. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 19. Map of the PARDEE PURGUNNAH, Surat Collectorate of the Province of Guzerat. 1870. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 12. Map of the ERRUNDOLE TALOOKA, Khandesh Collectorate. (In English and native characters.) 1868. No date. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 16. Map of the INDAPOOR TALOOK of the POONA ZILLA. (In English and native characters.) No date Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 18 inches by 23. Map of the SHOLAPORE TALOOKA of the SHOLAPORE ZILLA. Poona, 1871. (In English and native characters.) Scale, 2 miles to | inch ; size, 27 inches by 33. Map of the NUSSEERABAD TALOOKA, Khandesh Collec- torate. 1868. (In English and native characters.) Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 22. Map of the OOMRAWUTTEE TALUK, East Berar. No date. Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 20. Map of the WAEE TALOOKA of the Sattara Collectorate. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 24. 9. Map of ISRAMA, a village of the BORSUD TALOOKA, Kaira Collectorate. In Guzerati characters. Size, 14 inches by 16. 10. Map of the VILLAGE of MOJULE, in Sholapoor Collec- torate. Poona, 1870. (In Mabratti.) Size, 26 inches by 21. 11. Map of the VILLAGE of KHAMBLOAN, in Baglan Talooka, Nassick Collectorate. (In native characters.) Size, 21 inches by 16. 12. Map of the VILLAGE of DAROODPOOR in Zewass: Talooka, Ahmednuggur Collectorate. (In native characters.) Size, 17 inches by 11. 13. Map of the VILLAGE of JULGAUM in Khandeish. (In native characters.) Size, 31 inches by 32. 14. Map of the VILLAGE of DAHSWAR in Khandeish. In two divisions. (In native characters.) On 4 sheets ; size of cach, 24 inches by 20. 15. Map of the VILLAGE of WURWUND in Mehkur Talooka, Berar. (In native characters.) Size, 24 inches by 19. 16. Map- of the INAM VILLAGE of KINGUL in Sattara. Poona, 1871. (In native characters.) Size, 32 inches by 26. 17, 18, 19, 20. Specimen sheets of the MUNICIPAL SURVEY of BOMBAY. Sheets, 11 and 12, on the scale of 100 feet to 1 inch ; and sheets S7 and 104, on the scale of 40 feet to 1 inch ; size of each sheet, 10 inches by 27. ae BN ts ay at 424 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 21. Specimen of the Map of the CITY of SURAT. M. Sheet, No. I. Seale, 33 feet to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 47. 22. Specimen of the BROACH CITY SURVEY. Map A., No.1. Scale, 33 feet to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 36. I. THE CITY AND ISLAND OF BOMBAY. A LETTER addressed to the Committee of Correspondence of the EAST INDIA COMPANY, by Captain James Funck, Ex-commandant of Artillery and Chief Engineer, Bombay. Dated London, 12th February 1760. Followed by a Sketch of Surveys and Works executed by Capt. Funck in Malabar and Bombay ; a short representation of the Fortified Works round Bombay as they were found and altered by Capt. Funck, and his scheme. for their completion ; with explanations of three Plans delivered with the letter, but now lost. Large folio, 20 pages, unbound. MS. Revenue Survey of COLABAH and OLD WOMAN'S ISLAND. 1813. Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 98 inches by 118. MS. Plan of the REVENUE SURVEY of the GORYE LANDS in the Dharavee District, on the Island of Salsette. 1816. By Wm. A. Tate, Ensign, Engineers, Assistant to the Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 51 inches by 30. MS. Plan of the REVENUE SURVEY of the DHARAVEE DIS- TRICT on the Island of Salsette. 1817. By Wm. A. Tate, Ensign, Engineers, Assistant to the Revenue Surveyor. Scale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 62 inches by 30. MS. Sketch of the ISLANDS of BOMBAY and COLABAH, showing the position of all the principal military buildings, out-posts, &e. Signed, W. A. Tate. Captain, Engineers, Revenue Surveyor. Bombay, 16th February 1826. Seale, 2,000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 19. MS. Plan of the ISLANDS of BOMBAY and COLABA. 1827. [nseribed and presented to the Hon. East India Company. Reduced from the Revenue Survey, which was executed under the orders of Government, in succes- sion by Major T. Dickinson and Capt. W. A. Tate. By W. A. Tate, Captain of Engineers, Bombay Army, London, December 31st 1829. Scale, 1,200 Jeet to 1 inch ; size, 56 inches by 34. MS. Plan of the ISLANDS of BOMBAY and SALSETTE, reduced from the Revenue Survey completed in the year 1827. By Captain W. A. Tate, Engineers, London, December, 1831. Seale, 2,400 feet to 1 inch; size, 77 inches by 40. MS. The ISLAND of BOMBAY, reduced from the original Survey, undertaken by order of Government by Captain Thomas Dickinson, with the assis- tance of Captain Remon, Lieuts. Jopp and Tate of the Corps of Engineers. In the years 1812-16. Lithographed and printed under the direction of Major T. B. Jervis, F.R.S., London, 31st January 1843. Scale, 1,200 yards to 1 inch; size, 21 inches by 15. Also a drawing of the same, without title. Size, 30 inches by 25. MS. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—I, CITY AND ISLAND OF BOMBAY. 425 Plan of GROUND between MAZAGAON and the SOUTH END g he ¥ x 1 win the Railway Terminus and Wharfage Boat Quays and uilding Ground to be reclaimed. No date. Seale, 600 vet inch ; siz 32 inches by 58. (With an overlap.) Jeerto t Seeley, size, Map of the ISLAND of BOMBAY. Signed, J. Trubshowe, Archi- tectural Secretary, Rampart Removal Committee, Esplanade, Bombay, 13th May 1864. Scale, 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 54. Marked A. ** See Bombay Fort for B. Map of the ISLAND of BOMBAY. Completed to 1866. Scale, 600 feet to 1 inch ; on 8 sheets ; size of each, 28 inches by 20. Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at COLABA, BOM- BAY, 1865. In a cover: — } 1. Map of 20 miles round Bombay. 2. Plan of Colaba. 3. Infantry barracks with details, on 3 sheets. Bombay Revenue Survey. Map of the INLAND of BOMBAY, constructed from Surveys made in the years 1865-71, under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel G. A. Laughton I'.R.G.S., Bombay Staff Corps, and based upon triangulations executed under the orders of Captains Nasmyth and Haig, Royal Engineers, in the years 1863, 66 Scales, Nos. 1 to 68, 110 to 116, 1635 to 169, 205 to 221, are 100 feet to 1 inch : the remainder are 40 feet to 1 inch. The complete map, including both scales is on 921 sheets ; size of each sheet, 40 inches by 27. ’ CONTENTS. I'he numbers without any description are not yet at the India Office. 24. Middle Mahim. 45. 25. 46. 26. Worlee Fort. 7. Worlee and Love 27. Worlee. Grove. liom yg 48. Mingoot Mandly. J ; B 20. 49. Mingoot Mandly and . Dharavee and Sion. 30. Parell. ’ 31. Dadur and Naigaum. 50. Parell 32. Wudala. 51. Parell . Upper Mahim. 33. Wuddala and Salt 52. Pavell and Sewree . pans. 03. 34. Salt pans near Wud- | 54. dala. 33. 35. Salt pans near Ma- | 56. 5. Sion and Salt pans. toonga. oT. 5. Salt pans. 36. | 38. 37. 39. 38. Salt pans near Sewree. | 60. . Salt pans near Antop | 39. Sewree, 61. Cumbala and Maha- Hills. | 40. Parell and Naigauin., | luxmee. . Salt pans and Mudly | 41. Dadur and Parell. 62. » Antop. | 42, Mingoot Mandly and | 63. Breach candy and Parell. | Flats. ’ | 43. Mingoot Mandly. . Middle Mahim Mun-| 44. Worlee and Mingoot Byculla. malu and Hussalee. | Mandly. - 2 ’ em = Sn RP ap cg tir ich % ga BARA NR 1 A RS MAPS OF Mazagon. ”» ” . Tarwaree. . Cammattee Poora and Byculla. Tardeo. ” 3 - » Cammattee Poora. 7. Cammattee Poora. Cammattee Poora and Kharu Tullao. . Mazagon. »” Not to be published, below H.W. Government recla- mation. ” » N owrojee Hill. Khara Tullao. » 2 . Khetwady and Cam- matty Poora. . Girgaum. «J . Cumbala and Tardeo. . Cumbala and Wal- keshwar. . Walkeshwar. tE] »” . »» . Chowpatty. Chowpatty and Gir- cau. . Girgaum. THE CIVIL DIVISIONS 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. Girgaum. 2 Oomerkharee. Nowrojee Hill and Mandree. . Government recla- mation. 2» » » J * ” 2 . Not to be published, ’ . Mandvee. below I. WW. » Market and Mandvee. . Bhooteshwar. ) . Girgaum. ’ ” . Girgaum and Back = Bay reclamation. Back Bay reclama- tion and Chowpatty. . Not to be published, below H. W. . Back Bay reclama- tion. » ,, and Sona- Pot nn. . Sonapoor. . Dhobee Tulao and . Market and Dhobee | Girgaum. Tulao. . Market. . Mandvee and Es- planade. ’ . ”» ’ 52. Government recla- mation. 1] 9 ‘ ’ " 5. Moody Bay reclama- tion. » » - * ” 58. Boree Bunder Ter- minus. . Esplanade and Boree Bunder Terminus. . Marketand Esplanade. . Dhobee Tulao and Market. OF INDIA. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 186. | 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. | 193. 194. 195. 196. | 197. 198. 199. { 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. | 206. Sonapoor and Dhobee Tulao. Sonapoor. Back Bay reclamation. Walkeshwar. ” ” . Malabar Point. ’ Not to be published, below W.H. 71. Back Bay reclamat ion. . Marine lines and Back Bay reclamation. 3. Marine lines and Is- planade. 74. Esplanade. . Esplanade and Boree Bunder Terminus. 76. Fort George. . Moody Bay reclama- tion. » 9 bbl » » 9 Fort (north). . Fort and Esplanade. Esplanade. Marine lines and Ks- planade. 184. Back Bay reclamation. 185. Not to be published, below H.W. Not to be published, below H.W. Back Bay reclamation. Esplanade. Fort (west) and Esplanade. Fort (west). Fort (south). Fort (south) and isplanade. Esplanade. Back Bay reclamation. Not to be published, below H. W. 39 9 » Back Bay reclamation. Fort (south) and [is- planade. » ” ’ Fort (south). ’ » Lower Colaba and Cotton Green. Lower Colaba. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—1, CITY AND ISLAND OF BOMBAY. 427 207. Not to be published, | 213. Middle Colaba. 219. Foreshore, Lower below H. W. 214. Upper Colaba. Colaba. 208. ” " 215. 5 % 920. Not to be published, 209. 216. Not to be published, below H. W. 210. Upper Colaba. below H. W. 221. ” E: " 211. Middle Colaba. 217. 2 3 " 212. ” ” 218. ” ” 2 Index Map for the PUBLICATION of the BOMBAY REVENUE SURVEY SHEETS (of Bombay Island). Scale, 3,600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 12. Map of the ISLAND of BOMBAY, reduced from Surveys under- taken in the years 1865-71, under the superintendence of Lieut.-Colonel G. A. Laughton, F.R.G.S., Bombay Staff Corps, and based upon triangulations executed under the orders of Captains Nasmyth and Haig, Royal Engineers, in the years 1863, ’66. Reduced and photozincographed at the Government Office, Poona, 1873. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; in 2 parts, cach in 6 sheets; size of each, 6% feet by 6% feet. Map of the ISLAND of BOM BAY constructed on reductions from Colonel Laughton’s map of 1872, with alterations up to July 1874. Seale, 1,200 fect to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 28 inches by 33. Map of the Southern Portion of the ISLAND of BOMBAY reduced from Colonel Laughton’s General Map of 1872, with subsequent alterations, 1873. Scale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 32. Five Photographic Views of BOMBAY DOCKS. One Photograph of the GOVERNMENT OFFICES, BOMBAY. BOMBAY NATIVE HOSPITAL. This engraving of an important Charitable Institution founded and constructed at the joint expense of Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy and the East India Company is respectfully dedicated to Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy by ¥ % % W, J. Huggins. Size, 13 inches by 20. MECHANICS CLUB HOUSE, BOMBAY. Plan and elevation. See Bombay Gazette, 5th January 1858. Size, 22 inches by 17. Ground Plan of ST. THOMAY CATHEDRAL, showing the public streets around it as well as the boundary of the area occupied by graves and inscription slabs. Bombay, 1857. Size, 29 inches by 17. MS. Plan showing site of proposed HOTEL, BOMBAY. 1864. With copy of Despatch. IMPERIAL MUSEUM, BOMBAY, 1867 :— 1. Front elevation. Size, 32 inches by 54. 2. Longitudinal section. Size, 36 inches by 50. On tracing cloth. MSS. JAMSETJEE JEEJEEBHOY HOSPITAL, BOMBAY. NATIVE GENERAL HOSPITAL, BOMBAY. Photographic views, mounted on cardboard. Size, 10 inches by 13. | Bombay Fort. Plan of BOMBAY CASTLE, and the OLD and NEW DOCKS, comprehending Hornby Battery, Bunder Pier, and the intermediate buildings. Scale, 40 feet to 1 inch; size, 68 inches by 30. MS. ET ef TR EE il 4 i] Hb 1 th i 1 i " i & 1 hi { h f i i 1s b ’ | | § 428 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Plan of the FORTRESS of BOMBAY. 1827. Reduced from the Revenue Survey executed in the years 1812, ’13, under the orders of Government, by Major T. Dickinson, with alterations to 1827 by Capt. W. A. Tate, Engineers, Bombay Army. London, 1829. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 52. Mounted to fold. MS. Plan of the FORT and part of the ISLAND of BOMBAY. No date. Scale, 1,200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 19. Map of the FORT of BOMBAY, completed to 1855. By H. Cony- beare, C.E., F.G.S. Secale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 51. Map of the NATIVE TOWN of BOMBAY, completed to 1855. By H. Conybeare, C.E., F.G.S. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 43. Plan of the FORT of BOMBAY and OLD WOMAN'S ISLAND. Referred in the letter from the Government of Bombay, No. 37, dated 10th Dec. 1861. No title or scale. Plan of the FORT and ESPLANADE of BOMBAY, to accompany the Report of the Committee appointed by Government letter, No. 1924a., September 5th 1861. Scale, 600 fect to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 26. FORT and ESPLANADE of BOMBAY. Bird's-eye View, showing proposed arrangements. Signed J. Trubshowe, Architectural Secretary, Rampart Removal Committee. Bombay, 13th May 1864. Size, 28 inches by 40. Marked B. #_% See Bombay Island for A. Plan showing the SITES selected and approved by Government for all the PUBLIC and PRIVATE BUILDINGS on the ESPLANADE. Signed J. A. Fuller, Captain. Office of the Arct. Ex. Engl. and Surveyor, Bombay, 23rd January 1866. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 66. Bombay Harbour. See Samuel Thornton’s Chart of Bombay, 1703-50, in page 547. Charts of BOMBAY HARBOUR, and in connexion with it, bound up in “ A new Directory for the East Indies,” by Samuel Dunn, 2 vols., folio. 1787. Plan of Manhora River in the Island Salset by Archd. Blair. 1777. Plan of Vassava by Lieutenant Edward Harvey. 1777. Plan of Mayham, surveyed in May 1777 by Lieut. Edw. Harvey. A reduced Chart of Bombay Harbour to serve as an Index for the large one of eight sheets by Wm. Nichelson, Master of H.M.S. Elizabeth. Gregory, London. No date, about 1780. Chart of BELAPORE (PANWELL) RIVER by J. Lendrum, 1779. In “A collection of Charts, &c.,” by Alex. Dalrymple, in 1 vol., oblong fol. half-bound. Chart bound up in Supplement au Neptune Oriental par feu M. D’Apres de Manneville.” Paris, 1781. < Plan du PORT de BOMBAY.” See also « Instructions pour entrer dans le port de Bombay.” Trigonometrical Survey of BOMBAY HARBOUR, by Licut. Robert Cogan, H. C. Marine, assisted by Mr. George Peters, Midshipman, 1829. Seale, about § nautical mile to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 52. Published by James Horsburgh, Hydrographer to the Hon. kE.I. Company, May Ist, 1833. ITI. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—I, CITY AND ISLAND OF BOMBAY. 429 BOMBAY HARBOUR, shewing the proposed sea guides and de- fence, as submitted to the Honourable the Court of Directors of the East India Company on the 26th August 1840. By Walter Meriton, Captain in the Maritime Service. Scale, 1k inch to 1 mile ; size, 23 inches by 23. MS. BOMBAY with the HARBOUR and COUNTRY adjacent. With soundings. In Bombay secret, No. 78, 1844. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile; size, 38 inches by 26. Another copy showing the Rock Formations denuded of Alluvium. Accompaniments to the Collector’s letter, No. 183, dated 5th June 1850. Chart on Mercator's Projection for the use of ships making the PORT of BOMBAY. Compiled from the Surveys of Lieuts. Cogan, Robinson, Ethersey, Mountrion, and Selby, Indian Navy. By Lieut. Fergusson, LLN., F.R.A.S., Draughtsman to the Indian Navy. 1852. Seale, 5} miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Trigonometrical Survey of the West Coast of India from Kundarce Island to Arnol Island. Sheet 12. (BOMBAY HARBOUR, with its Creeks and Approaches.) By Comr. W. B. Selby in 1853, and Lieut. R. Cogan in 1828. With a part of the coast line and interior from the survey of Capt. W. A. Tate, Bombay Engineers, 1827. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. India, West Coast. BOMBAY HARBOUR, by Commander W. B. Selby, LN, with additions by Lieut. R. Cogan and Mr. G. Peters, LN. 1829- 55. Secale, 4,000 feet to 1 inch. * * With an insertion entitled Fort of Bombay, on a larger scale. Size, 41 inches by 27. London, Sept. 1st, 1838. Portion of BOMBAY HARBOUR, by Lieut. Selby, LN. Surveyed in 1855. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 18. MS. India, West Coast. BOMBAY HARBOUR, surveyed by Lieu- tenant R. W. Whish, H.M.LN., assisted by Lieutenant R. Williams, H.M.LN., and A. L. Brown and W. Marshall, mates ;—A. W. Campbell, R. C. Nicholetts, J. L. Leckie, F. B. Girdlestone, midshipmen, H.M.S. Euphrates, LN. 1862-3. Scale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size of each, 50 inches by 32. With a plan showing the triangulation in the survey of Bombay Harbour, 1862-3; on a separate sheet. Size, 25 inches by 37. Plan of BOMBAY HARBOUR relating to its Defence, referred to in P. W. Military Letter to the Secretary of State for India, No. 14, of 3rd March 1864. See Colonel Strachey’s Memorandums of 6th February 1864, para. 10, page 2. No titie. Size, 24 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. BOMBAY HARBOUR SURVEY, 1875. By Francis Palmer, A.LC.E., Commanding Indian Government Ironclad ¢Magdala.” Feap. folio, stiff cover. (38 pages and 18 plans and sketches.) Outline Chart of BOMBAY HARBOUR and its APPROACHES, to accompany a Report on the subject of better Lighting and Buoying the Port, By Thomas Pound ( Master, H.M.S. “ Octavia”). Reduced from Admiralty Chart No. 2,621, and from the Plan of Captain W. (. Barker, I.N., by Arthur G. Tre- gasskiss (Master's Assistant, H.M.S. “Octavia ”). 20th March 1866. Size, 23 inches by 18. MS. Wreck Chart of WRECKS in BOMBAY HARBOUR and its vicinity from 1826 to 1866. Compiled by J. Everard C. Pryce, Acting Master Attendant and Conservator of the Port of Bombay. November 1866. Scale, 1 nautical mile to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 47. MS. tracing. "The same, published by order of the Harbour and Pilotage Board. ae aie rcpt. AB PEN SP EA RRR __— ap ee a i ts 4 ki u H i # i ! t 430 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Results of TIDAL OBSERVATIONS made at CARNAC BUN- DER. by the Elphinstone Company in the months of February, March, April, and May, 1867, under the direction of Thomas Ormiston. Size, 1 foot by 5 yards. Bombay Dockyard. Plan (and Sections) of the BOMBAY DOCKS. Dated Bombay, Superintending Engineer’s Office, Civil Branch, 21st May 1838. Scales, various ; size, 51 inches by 28. MS. Plan of the H. E. I. C. DOCKYARD in the FORT of BOMBAY, with the adjoining Queen’s Yard and H. E. I. C. Store Yard. Dated Bombay, Civil Architect’s Office, 12th May 1840. Secale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 49 inches by 98. 2 copies. MSS. Plan of the DOCKYARD, KING'S YARD, CUSTOM HOUSE, NEW WHARF, and BASIN at BOMBAY. No date. Seale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 31. MS. Projected improvements and alterations to the BOMBAY DOCKS, accompanying Board's Letter in the Marine Department, No. 559, dated 17th February 1841 :— B. Plan of the Bombay Docks showing the Basin proposed by Captain Oliver, R.N., Superintendent. No title or scale ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. C. Plan of the Duncan and Bombay Dry Docks showing the propositions of Captain Superintendent Oliver, R.N., and Captain Brandreth, R.E. Seale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 26. MS. . Projected improvements to the New Docks at Bombay. Signed A. C. Peat, Major, Civil Architect. Bombay, 11th December 1840. No scale ; size, 38 inches by 26. _ Plan and sections showing the alterations to the Bombay Stern Docks proposed by Capt. Brandreth, R.E., and called for in the Military Board’s Letter, No. 670, of 1841, dated 27th February 1841. Bombay, Dockyard Engineer’s Office, 28th April 1841. Seales, 8 feet and 14 feet to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 24. MS. . Plans and section of the Bombay Duncan Docks showing the improvements suggested by Capt. Oliver, R.N., Superintendent of I. N., and called for in the Military Board’s Letter, No. 670, dated 27th February 1841. Bombay, Dockyard Engineer’s Office, 28th April 1841. Seales, 8 and 14 feet to | inch ; size, 19 inches by 24. MS. _ Transverse section of the Old Dock, Bombay, and of the Duncan Dock. Scale, 8 feet to Linch ; size, 16 inches by 13. MS. . Section of the Duncan Stern Dock at Bombay, showing the midship section of the Queen, line of battle ship, and the President, steam vessel. Scale, 6 fect to \ inch ; size, 19 inches by 26. MS. . Plan and section of original Coffer Dam. Laid down from information given by Mr. Augusto, Bombay, Civil Architect’s Office, 11th December 1840. Scale, 7 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 18. MS. . Coffer Dam (plan and section of proposed). Signed A. C. Peat, Major, Civil Architect, Bombay, 11th December 1840. Secale, T feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 18. MS. {. Dock Gates, showing the present and proposed constructions. Signed A.C. Peat, Major, Civil Architect. Seales, 5 and 3 feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 18. MS. Plan of the BASIN and BREAKWATER proposed to be con- structed in BOMBAY HARBOUR. Designed, drawn, and estimated by Capt. J. Estridge, Luximon Bhuggajee and Ramerustna Wyjunath, Asst. Surveyor and Builder. Bombay, Dockyard Ingineer’s Office, 29th January 1847. Scale, 40 fect to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 68. MS. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—I, CITY AND ISLAND OF BOMBAY. 431 Plan of the BASIN and BREAKWATER proposed to be con- structed in BOMBAY HARBOUR. With additions proposed to the area of the Dockyard. Bombay, Chief Engineer’ Office, 16th April 1847. Seale, 60 fect to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 67. MS. Plan and Sections of the SMALLER STEAM BASIN, as called for in the Secretary’s Military Board Letters, No. 939 of 1848, and No. 4932 of 1848. Designed, drawn, estimated, and calculated by Capt. P. L. Hart, Engineer to the Dockyard, Luxumon Buggajee and Ramerustna Wyjunath, Asst. Surveyor and Builder. = Seale, 25 feet to 1 inch. With an insertion entitled, Plan of the Bombay Dockyard, showing the limits of the Yard, the proposed new Breakwater, and Smaller Steam Basin. Bombay, Dockyard Engineer's Office, 17th August 1848. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 56. MS. Plan of the SMALLER STEAM BASIN. Bombay, Military Board Office, 14th December 1848. Scale, 25 fect to 1 inch; size, 32 inches by 17. MS. Revised Plan and Section of the BREAKWATER, with all the alterations up to this date (March 21st, 1849), as called for in the Secretary’s Military Board Letter, No. 1290 of 1849, dated 24th February 1849. Designed, drawn, estimated, and calculated by Capt. P. L. Hart, Engineer to the Dockyard, Luximon Buggajee, Asst. Surveyor and Builder, and Mr. J. St. J. Mungavin, Asst. Overseer. Bombay, 28th March 1849. Seales various ; size, 27 inches by 10. MS. Plan of the QUEEN'S NAVAL PREMISES. Signed, W. Ned. Muiriett, Lt., Asst. Chief Engineer. Secale, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 15. MS. Plan of a portion of the DOCKYARD, showing the Office and Store Room occupied by the Crown, and the site of the proposed additional buildings. Seale, 40 feet to inch ; size, 19 inches by 23. MS. Proposed NEW DOCK at BOMBAY DOCKYARD. Signed, J. S. Trevor, Captain R.E. (1866.) On tracing cloth :— No. 1. Plan of Government Dockyard showing proposed New Dock. Seales, 120 feet and 60 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 36. No. 2. Plan, Elevation, and Section of proposed Dock. Seales, 20 feet and 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 65. No. 4. Midship Section of Transport Vessels and of Docks. Seale, § inch to L foot ; size, 3T inches by 29. BOMBAY DOCKYARD. 1874. Signed, Thomas Ormiston. Bombay, 15th June 1874. Scale, 40 feet to 1 inch; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. Colaba Coal Depot. Sketch showing the proposed position of the COAL DEPOT. Bombay, Dockyard Engineer’s Office, 20th May, 1841. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. MSS. Plan of a COAL DEPOT to contain 1,000 tons of coal, with Basin and Wharf, prepared in communication with the Superintendent [. N., as called for in the Military Secretary’s Letter, No. 305 of 1841, dated 12th March 1841. Bom- bay, Dockyard Engineer's Office, 7th September 1841. Seales, 12 feet and § feet tol inch: size, 32 inches by 30. MSS. ere tp SAR 432 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Plan and Sections of the WINDLASSES, CRANES, &c. for the proposed COAL DEPOT. Bombay, Dockyard Engineers Office, 20th May 1841. Scale, 2 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 19. MSS. Bombay Reclamations. Docks proposed by Capt. Wemyss. Proposed IMPORT and EXPORT DOCKS at MOODY BAY. Signed F. Wemyss, Capt. Engineers. Dated Bombay, 7th October 1857. Plate 1. Plan of ground between the Carnac and Arthur Bunders, with proposed Import and Export Docks at Moody Bay. Scale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 39. Plate 2. Plan of Moody Bay showing the proposed Wet Docks, &e., on a large scale. Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by T7. Plate 3, No. 1. Sections through different parts of the Docks. 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 54. Plate 3, No. 2. Sections through different parts of the Docks. Seale, 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 66. Plate 4, Plan and sections of the Breakwater Ordnance Wharf. Seales, 100 fect and 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 38. Plate 5. Plan showing the portions of the fortifications to be removed and rebuilt ; also the Entrance Lock. Seales, 25 feet and 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 40. Plate 6, No. 2. Plan and Sections of Caisson Groove. Seale, 5 feet to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 19. Plate 7. Plan and section of Cofferdam for excavating the channel and mouth of Entrance Lock. Secale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 23. Plate 8. Plan and section of Cofferdam for the Sea Wall of the Export Dock. Seale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 32. Plate 9. Section of Dock and Sea Walls of Export Dock. Seale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 23. Plate 10. Sections of retaining walls of Railway Terminus. 1 inch ; size, 1T inches by 23. Plate 11. Section of Sheds for the Import and Export Doc 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 23. Plate 12, No. 1. Plan and section of Slaughter-houses. Seale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 22. Plate 12, No. 2. Section of Pier leading to Slaughter-house. Seale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 22. Plate 13. Plans and sections of Public Necessaries ; also sections of passages leading to them. Seales, 10 feet and 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 23. On tracing cloth. MSS. Seale, 20 feet to 20 feet to Seale, 5 feet to ks. Seale, 5 feet to Hon. A. Malet’s Plan. Plan of LAND to be reclaimed and WHARFAGE suggested by the Hon. A. Malet, in connexion with proposed docks at Bombay. 1859. Signed, Robert Stephenson. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch; size, 28 inches by 48. MS. Sketch of proposed DOCKS, WHARVES, and BUILDING LOTS, for the Hon. A. Malet’s (Reclamation) Scheme. Signed, A. De Lisle, Capt., Deputy Superintending Engineer on special duty. 24th February 1859. On tracing cloth, = Size, 37 inches by 52. MS. GENERAL PLAN. SOUNDINGS and TIDE CURRENTS. The Hon. A. Malet’s Harbour Reclamation Scheme, Bombay. Signed, A. De Lisle, Deputy Superintending Engineer on special duty. Seale, 4 chains to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 49. On tracing cloth. MS. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—1, CITY AND ISLAND OF BOMBAY. 433 BOMBAY: Plan of GROUND between the MAZAGAON and the South End of the Fort, with proposed Import and Export Docks, Railway Ter- Bs and Wharfage, Boat Quays, and building ground to be reclaimed, as proposed iy Hen. A Nas Copied in the Office of the Chief Engineer, Public Works Jombay. h November 1857. Seale e 2 ; size in ;; pi Je 57 cale 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 28. 2]. / : : Plan of the BOMBAY DOCKS approved by Government, accom panying Despatch, dated 24th Apri > i s : ” nye patch, 1 April (1860. Showing also the land proposed to be rec aimed by Government. Drawnon an enlarged scale by S. Pertus, C E. 1860 Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 40. On tracing cloth. MS git : PLANS referred to in LETTER from E EN BAY. Dated 10th December, 37 of 1861 :— GOVERNMENT of BOM, I. A lithographed Map of a portion of Bombay Island, showing the localit referred to in paragraph 3 of Sir C. Wood’s Despatch, No 21 dated str October 1861, Public Works Department. No title ’ Dated, B ry ry 4 h December 1861. Size, 28 inches by 20. : Si man 2. Plan and sections showing the improvements which are being made to the Apollo Pier (Bombay Harbour). Dated, Bombay, 11th December 1561, Seale for plan, 60 feet ; for sections, 30 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches 2 i. MS. A part of the « Map of the ISLAND of BOMBAY, completed to 2R1. laine « Tha DI. (le 1861,” joined to “ The Plan of Ground between Mazagaon and the South End of the Fort,” coloured to show :— : f 1, 2. Reclamations completed and projec ; : ; pleted and projected by Government ; 3, 4. Reclamations completed and projected by private parties ; 5. Reclamations to be carried out, whether by Government or private parties is undecided. Seale 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 58. Partly MS y > Tory, 1 “« v - - CY ‘ ELI HINS [ONE LAND and PRESS COMPANY, LIMITED A : a showing progress made in the year ending 30th June 1867 1e an o orks as proposed to be carried out. Seale 0 fre she al 22 inches by 23. Lithograph. cakes 400 fees 20 Linch sive, ) / T or . Wt sn . ‘ A PLAN, “ Accompanying Chief Resident Engineer’s Letter, No 1430 of 1868," showing the G. I. P. Railway Goods Terminus, and the ad and En Lu ix the B. B. and G. I. Railway Goods Terminus; also the Elphin stone Land and Press C any’s or iv Sn dips A lin . MS. d Press Company’s ground. Size, 11 inches by 14. On tracing cloth. Map of the VILLAGE (and ISLAND) of ELEPHANTA of the SALSETTE TALOOKA. 1866. Showing the si 2 phi : : oy : BAe» O00. 5 » site of the Elphinstone C aro’ Quarries. Seale, 660 feet to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches 3y 14 I ne Company’s & ) rp TID NY Try re ELPHINSTONE DOCK CONTRACT, BOMBAY PORT I'RUNT . Plans of the masonry of a Wet Dock, to be constructed on the site of the present Elphinstone Basin. Bombay, 1875. Thomas Ormiston, Engineer, Eigl litho. drawings ina cover. Size, 40 inches by 27. ) » Jught « Back Bay Reclamation. A Suv of the SHORE, with LEVELS and SECTIONS of yon Re title or date, Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 3 feet by 8. On tracing (7767) 434: MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Plan of proposed DOCKS in BACK BAY by the BOMBAY DOCK and LAND RECLAMATION COMPANY, with a plan of the Screw Pile Pier in Bombay Harbour, proposed by the Deep Water Pier Company. No title or date. Scale, 1,500 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 23. MS. tracing. Proposed DOCK ACCOM MODATION for BOMBAY. Signed Jdwin Clark, April 16, 1874. Size, 15 inches by 37. MS. Also Plans No. 1 and No. 2, treating the same area differently. Without title or date. Size of each, 30 inches by 37. On tracing paper. MSS. Hog Island, Bombay. Hydraulic Lift. Graving Dock. Hydraulic Lift Graving Dock for the GOVERNMENT of BOM- BAY. Edwin Clark, Engineer and Patentee. Emmerson and Murgatroyd, Con- tractors. 1868. A pictorial view on 1 sheet ; also a section and elevation on 1 sheet. Size of each, 22 inches by 30. A Longitudinal and Cross Section of the LIFT in OUTLINE. No title. Appendix O. Size, 18 inches by 28. Chart showing Soundings near HYDRAULIC LIFT GRAVING DOCK, HOG ISLAND. July 1872. By Licutenant W. Haydon, R.E. On 2 sheets. Currents off HOG ISLAND. Flood. In 5 sets. June 1874. On 2 sheets. Currents off HOG ISLAND. Ebb. In 4 sets. June 1874. On 1 sheet. Bombay Waterworks. Map of the FORT of BOMBAY. Completed to 1855. *.* Showing in MS. the lines of Pipes, Public Wells, Valves, and Hydrants. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 50. Map of the NATIVE TOWN of BOMBAY, completed to 1855. +*. Showing in MS. the lines of Pipes, Public Wells, Valves, and Hydrants. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 43. INLET TOWER, with a portion of the Principal Dam of the VEHAR RESERVOIR of the BOMBAY WATERWORKS (as it appeared prior to the admission of the water), with the Town and Harbour of Bombay in the distance. Engineer, Heny. Conybeare, Esq, F.G.S., M.I.C.E. Commenced October 1836. Size, 40 inches by 27. GENERAL DRAWING of details of distribution, explanatory of hich the supply is made available in cases of fire, and for public wells also of the means of connecting these and the pipes for supplying Size, 27 inches by 36. MS. the mode in w or conduits ; private houses with the street mains. WORKING DRAWING No. 1°. 41-inch pipes for embankments. Scale, 1 foot to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. DRAWING No. 2. Plan and sections of pipes through embank- p1p 8 Scale, 1 foot to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 23. MS. ment. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—I1, CITY AND ISLAND OF BOMBAY. 435 VEHAR RESERVOIR. Contract No.2. Working Drawing No. 1. Embankment No. 1 and Waste Weir, With coloured plan of Embankment No. 1. Seals; 40 fect to 1 inch. Vertical equidistance of contours, 2 feet. Size, 31 inches wy 42. : Th VEHAR RESERVOIR. Contract No.2. Working Drawing No. 2. Embankments Nos. 2 and 3. Seales, 25 feet and 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 43. : i VEHAR RESERVOIR. Contract, No. 2. Working Drawing No. 3. Details of Inlet Tower and general drawing of ironwork at its summit, which 2 included in Contract No. 3. Seale, 2 of 1 inch to 1 foot ; size, 51 inches by 30. Tn a \L4 hl / “ T - . re : 3 CONTRACT No. 2. Working Drawing No. 4. Sluice House. Seale, 3 of 1 inch to 1 foot ; size, 30 inches by 42. MS. Tr T™ NN ‘ I'v ino vy YAY 1 3 CONTRACT No. 3. Working Drawing No. 1. Details of Gang- way. Seale, 1 foot to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 41. MS. CONTRACT No. 3. Working Drawing No. 2. Strainers and plugs for Inlet Tower. Seale, 11 inches to 1 foot ; size, 30 inches by 41. MS. ~ r Nr + ¢ r . . . CONTRACT No. 3. Working Drawing No. 3. Details of Iron- work at top of Inlet Tower. Secale, 15 inches to 1 foot ; size, 28 inches by 41. MS. CONTRACT No. 3. Working Drawing No. 4. Details of Iron- work on top of Inlet Tower. Seale, 1} inches to 1 foot; size, 27 inches by 39 MS. ¥ Oe \ rr / r T ¢ drs ” * - 2 CON RACT No. 3. Working Drawing No. 5. Windlass ? Secale, 3 inches to 1 foot ; size, 28 inches by 41. MS. 1 Tr YD ry i 4 r “t | i hs v 9% . . CONTRACT No. 4. Working Drawing No. 1. 32-inch pipes and branches. Seale, 1 foot to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 39. MS. CONTRACT No. 6. Working Drawing No. 1. Full sized drawings of fancets of pipes. Size, 28 inches by 37. MS. CONTRACT No. 6. Working Drawing No. 2. Branch pipes. Scale, 2 inches to 1 foot, size, 25 inches by 33. MS. CONTRACT No. 6. Working Drawing No. 3. Branches and bends. Seale, 2 inches to 1 foot, size, 27 inches by 41. MS. q ry ~ rT v » y Lt og oS * ‘ . . CON RACT No. 6. Working Drawing No. 4. Special castings for fire and scour cocks and tapering pipes. Scale, 2 inches to 1 foot ; size, 30 inches by 39. MS. Bombay Drainage. Plans signed Russell Aitken, Executive Engineer, 1st August 1867, to accompany his Report on the Drainage of 3ombay. 1866. > No. 1. Bombay Main Drainage. Map of the Island of Bombay, showing tidal observations taken by Mr. Jagannath Sadaseur. 1866. Secale, 600 feet to 1 inch; size, 156 inches by 57. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 2. Plan of Bombay Harbour, to accompany Mr. Aitken’s Report on the Drainage of Bombay. Addressed to the Municipal Commissioner. Dated 20th June 1866. *_* Showing in MS. the tidal observations taken in 1867. Seale, § of a mile to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 22. ned EE 2 ER Rn " Bi i To i Sh 436 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. No.3. Section of Main Drain from Null Bazaar to Colaba Reservoir. Horizontal scale, 600 ft. to 1 inch ; vertical scale, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 62. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 4. Contour map of the Native Town of Bombay. Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 41. MS. No. 5. Plan of the Native Town showing existing drains. inch ; size, 36 inches by 51. On tracing cloth. MS. No. 6. Map of the Island of Bombay, showing proposed sewers. 1867. 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 119 inches by 40. No.7." Bombay main drainage. Sections of intercepting sewers. Horizontal scale, 600 feet to 1 inch; vertical scale, 20 fect to 1 inch ; size 112 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. Seale, 200 feet to 1 Seale, II.—_NORTHERN DIVISION. Including the Collectorates (or Distriets)— of 1, Ahmedabad; 2, Broach; 3, Colaba; 4, Kaira; 5, Kandesh ; 6, Nasik ; 7, Panch Mahals; 8, Surat; 9, Tanna. Also the Native Principalities, pages 454 to 457. 1. Ahmedabad Collectorate. Sketch of part of the PROVINCE of GOOJERAT, exhibiting the limits of the Collectorates of Ahmedabad and Kaira, with extent of the Surveys made by the Revenue and Topographical Survey of Goojerat, the spaces coloured red being completed, and those encireled by a line of the same colour remaining to be surveyed. By James Cruikshank, Captain, Revenue Surveyor, GGoojerat. January, 1829." Seale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 27 inches by 37. MS. Plan of the DUSKROEE PURGANA, Ahmedabad Collectorate. Compiled and reduced from the original plans by the officers of the Revenue Survey Department, during the years 1820, 21, and ’22. Signed, F. B. Jervis, Jombay. 1844. Scale, 1 mile to | inch ; size, 35 inches by 23. Report of the COLLECTORATE of AHMEDABAD. By LE. G. Fawcett. No. 5. Bombay selections. 1854. Map of the AHMEDABAD COLLECTORATE. Compiled from maps in the Chief Engineer's Office, and from information furnished by the Col- lector. 1857. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 14 inches by 385 price, coloured, 5s. Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at AHMEDABAD. Bombay Presidency 1867. In a cover:— 1. Map of 20 miles round Ahmedabad. 2. Plan of the cantonment of Ahmedabad. . Artillery barracks. . Artillery hospital. Bridge proposed to be constructed over the BOGHA WA RIVER. Designed by Lieut. C. Scott, Ex-engineer, June 1855. Seale, 30 feet to 1 inch ; size, 4 inches by 243. On tracing cloth. MS. Portions of the BOGHAWA BRIDGE on a large scale. Plan, sections. and elevation. June 1835. Seale, 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. Great Trigonometrical Survey of INDIA. Guzerat. Sheet SI. Section 6. Season 1874-75. Town and part of the Taluka of Dholka, Ahmedabad Collectorate. Secale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. ITT. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—2, NORTHERN DIVISION. 437 2. Broach Collectorate. Plans and Statements of the LANDS of SEVEN of the VILLAGES of the BAROCHE PURGUNNA, according to the Revenue Surveys and Settle- ments made under the orders of the Bombay Government during the years 1811 1812, and 1813. Monier Williams, Surveyor-General. Scele, 6 inches to 1 wile; on 4 sheets, bound together in a cover ; size, 18 inches by 22. MSS. A Plan of the PERGUNNAS of JUMBOOSUR, AMOD, and y n) ¥virrins | . . 1 . DEHEJ (Broach Sub-Collectorate), according to a Revenue Survey of them executed 1 a as “ ny ' 3 in the years 1817, '18, and ’19. Reduced and connected from the separate plans of cach village by James Cruikshank, Captain, 1st Assistant. Baroche, August 1820. Secale, about 1,500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 57 inches by 49. MS. Sketch of part of the PROVINCE of GOOJERAT, exhibiting the Collectorates of Baroche and Surat, with the extent of the Surveys made by the Revenue and Topographical Survey of Goojerat, the spaces coloured red being com- pleted, and those encircled by a line of the same colour remaining to be surveyed Signed, James Cruikshank. Captain, Revenue Surveyor, Goojerat. Baroche, Jan 1829, Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 27. MS. : Map showing the several PURGANAS in the SURAT COLLEC- TORATE and in the BAROCHE SUB-COLLECTORATE; also the Boun- daries of the Surat and Sucheen Nabob’s villages, and of all other Enam villages contained therein. Copied in the Chief Engineer’s Office, Bombay, 1st May 1546 Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 24. MS. ili : A Plan of the BAROCHE COLLECTORATE, comprising six purgunnahs. According to the Revenue Survey executed under the superintendence of Monier Williams, Major, late Surveyor-General, Bombay. 1860. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 23; price, coloured 5s. re BROACH CITY. See page 424. 3. Colaba Collectorate. See Maps of Collectorates in Bombay Presidency, page 417. 4. Kaira Collectorate. Sheet No. 25. KAIRA COLLECTORATE, signed J. Cruikshank, Captain, Superintending Surveys. Broach, 29th June 1827. (Specimen of Survey.) Scale, 5 inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 30. MS. : *.% Part of the Pitlad Purgunna only. ) : ) > { ; Nr rm S Map of part of the KAIRA COLLECTORATE, reduced from the original plans of the Revenue and Topographical Survey of Goojerat. Signed J. Cruikshank, Captain, Superintending Surveys. Broach, 29th June 1827. Seale about 1,500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 25. MS. * Part of the Pitlad, Matur Purg, and Nepar Tuppa Purgunnas, Map of KAIRA COLLECTORATE, reduced from the Revenue and Topographical Surveys of Goojerat. 1855. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch; on 4 sheets ; size, 40 inches by 33 ; price, coloured 5s. : . 5. Khandesh Collectorate. Map of the PROVINCE of CANDEISH, compiled in the office of the Surveyor-Genera! of India from existing materials, but chiefly from a Map of a Survey completed under the superintendence of Captain John Briggs, Political Agent, in the years 1821 and ’22, S.G.O. Calcutta, 12th August 1839. Scale 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 51. MS. © : Rr ae 3 WA a o ¥ a AAAs sb St ion WRT we ie dar nN eR re i nd HR AR a PRINT RR 438 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Trigonometrical Survey of the PROVINCE of CANDEISH, divided into Purgunas, completed in 1822, by Messrs. Arthur White and Jas. Evers, under the direction and superintendence of Captain John Briggs, Political Agent. Seale, 41 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 52. MS. Map of the PROVINCE of CANDEISH, according to a Survey and 1822, under the direction and superintendence of completed in the years 1821 serinten Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by Captain John Briggs, Politi al Agent. 51. MS. Map of KHANDEISH. According to a Survey completed in the years 1821 and 1822 under the direction of Major Briggs, with corrections up to the latest period. With further corrections from a map by Licut. Graham, ( ommanding Bheel Corps. 1857. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; ond small sheets ; size, 32 inches by 50 ; price, coloured Ts. KHANDESH and BOMBAY NATIVE STATES, Topographical Survey. Season 1872-73. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; to be completed in 46 sheets, of which the following are published :— Sheets 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, containing part of Khandesh in Bombay Presidency, and parts of Nimar and Malwa in the Central India Agency, under the Governor General. 6. Nasik Collectorate. Map of the KOWNAEE TALOOKA, NASSICK SUB-COLLEC- TORATE exhibiting the relative position of the villages, their extent, population, &c. 1849. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 26. superintendence of Colonel D. C. Vanrenen, R.A., Scale, 12 inches to) mile ; size, 27 inches by 40. 3. Surat Collectorate. Report on the Southern Districts of the SURAT COLLEC- TORATE. By A. F. Bellasis. 1834. Bombay Selecticns, No. 2. Map of the SURAT COLLECTORATL. 1860. Scale, 4 miles to | inch ; size, 23 inches by 20 ; price, coloured 5s. Plan of the CITY of SURAT, surveyed by Lieuts. Adams and Newport, of the Revenue Survey Department, Goojerat, during the Monsoon of 1817. Seale, 70 yards to 1 inch ; size, 59 inches by 75. MS. References to the Plan of the CITY of SURAT, executed by the officers of the Revenue Survey Department, Goojerat, 1817. Folio, half’ bound. MS. Plan of the CITY and ENVIRONS of SURAT. Drawn by J. (Cormack, Assistant Surveyor, Superintending Engineers Office, Surat, 1846. Seale, 5 inches to 1 mile ; size, 61 inches by 49. Accompanied by longitudinal and cross cections of the River Tapti, in illustration of the floods at Surat in 1822, 1837, and 1843. By Captain Tremenheere. The whole mounted to fold in three parts na case. MS. tracings. IIT. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—2, NORTHERY DIVISION. 439 9. Tanna Collectorate. Map of the TANNAH COLLECTORATE, reduced from 2 sheets of Capt. T. Jervis’ Konkun Atlas on a scale of 2 miles to 1 inch. Executed in 1834. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 49 inches by 24. Imperfect. Map of the TANNAH COLLECTORATE. 1869. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size, 48 inches by 26 5 price, coloured 6s Surveys in the NORTHERN KONKUN, by Mr. Francis Horne of Madras, employed under the collector Mr. Marriott. Measurements by a per- ambulator, angles and bearings by a compass. Sheet 2 only. Copied May 1821. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 32. MS. #.% Country between Shawpoor on the north and Aubta (Apta) on the south. Topographical Surveys in NORTHERN KONKUN, under Captain Jopp, Deputy Surveyor General, 1833. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; 5 sheets, as Sollows :— I. Survey of Cheechun and parts of Tarrapoor, Asseerce, and Seereegaon Turrup, in the Sunjun Talooka. Size, 18 inches by 20. 2. Survey of the Mahun Purgunna and parts of the Seereegaon, Tarapoor, Cheechun and Munnoor Tuarrup. Size, 23 inches by 19. 3. Survey of parts of Bassein, Kolwaun, and Kullian Talookas, in the northern Konkun. Size, 23 inches by 21. 4. Survey of parts of Kallian and Moorbaur Talookas. Size, 21 inches by 25. 5. Survey of the Panwell and Nusrapoor and parts of the Kallian and Moorbaur Talookas in the Northern Konkun. Size, 21 inches by 26. MSS. Map of the SOUTHERN PORTION of NORTH KONKUN or TANNA COLLECTORATE, from the parallel of Bombay. Outline and hills only. No title. Size, 38 inches by 29. MS. Part of TANNAH COLLECTORATE, with the Routes of an Expedition in 1779 between Bombay and the Ghaats. Engraved for A. Dalrymple, but unfinished. No date or title. Size, 30 inches by 24. The Konkun ( Konkan) Atlas. An Atlas illustrative of a GEOGRAPHICAL and STATISTICAL MEMOIR of the BRITISH and FOREIGN TERRITORIES, situated on the north-west coast of Peninsular India, comprised in that division of Muharashtru designated in the ancient geography of the Hindoos, the Konkun : bv the earliest Arabian navigators Maabir or the landing place, forming together with Tooluon and Kerulu, the Suhyu Khund of Hindoo Legend and Mythology ; accompanied by numerous illustrations of the scenery, natural history, and antiquities, by Captain T. Jervis, of the Corps of Engineers (1834). Size, 31 inches by 29. CONTENTS. Epitome of the principal matters contained in the geographical and statistica accounts of the Rajpoorce Rygurh and Soowurndroog Talookas, with a oeneral statistical table of the population, revenue, and resources. Plate 7. Trigonometrical survey plan of the base line. Seale, 400 yards to 1 inch. MS. No. 9. A map of the Konkun, constructed from new and original surveys to illustrate a statistical memoir, by Captain T. Jervis, of the Corps of Engi- neers. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch. MS. No. 10. A plan of the town, fort, villages, and bays of Rutnagiri, the principal station in the Southern Konkun Zillah, in latitude 17° 0 40” north, longitude 73° 20" 80” east of Greenwich, and distance from Bombay 134) miles, To exemplify the nature of the coast, villages, and a Mharatta fortified post. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. MS. Es so i a Emin Hp A eA Se eo a per — : a ——— re SE a shen n SR SS PRR AR SS NR ou Lin ARSE Ba MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 11. Sketch of the north-western coast of Peninsular India, exemplifying the character and distribution of the population; the location of its various colonists from the earliest times, and the present retreats of its original inhabitants. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch. MS. Vo. 12. Survey of the rich diluvial tracts in the Pen Wansee and Humrapoor Muhals at the embouchure of the Amba or Nagotna River, in the north- west angle of the Sanksee Talooka, where the salt manufactories are at pre=- sent established and might be increased to any extent by the skilful drainage and embankment of the lands. To accompany Captain T. Jervis’ statistical memoir of the Konkun. No scale. MS. 13. Sketch of the Konkun or Western Coast of India, exhibiting the geographical distribution of plants. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch. MS. . 14. Analysis of the industry and resources, the external and internal com- merce, the produce and taxation of the British and Foreign territories on the north-west coast of Peninsular India. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch. MS. 15. Plan of the fort of Rewadunder, situated at the entrance of the Chowul River, on its northern bank. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch. MS. 16. Plan of the fort of Coorlah, situated to the south of the entrance of the Chowul River. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch. MS. 17. Plan of the mountain fortress of Rayree or Rygurh, the chief residence of Seevujee, the founder of the Mharatta Empire; called by the early Maho- medan Kings of Dowlutabad, Islamgurh, situated in 18° 15’ 0” N. Lat., in 73° 31’ 30” East Long. from Greenwich ; distance from Bombay, 62% miles, Seale, 900 feet to 1 inch. MS. Plan of the small fortified island of Kausa or Kasow (Turtle island) belonging to the Seedee or Abyssinian Admiral ; situated at the north-western entrance of the bay of Jingeera, or Rajpooree river, situated in 18° 20’ 0” N. Lat., in 73° 2’ 50" East Long. from Greenwich; distance from Bombay, 43 miles. Secale, 150 feet to 1 inch. MS. Also an exact plan of the island fortress of the Seedee or Abyssinian Admiral ; called Jezzeerut, or by the Mharattas Jingeera (the island). Taken out of a French vessel of war and given by the British Commander to the late Captain James Jeremiah Robinson. Situated in 18° 18’ 50” N. Lat., in 73° 2" 50” E. Long. from Greenwich ; distance from Bombay, 441 miles. Scale, 150 fect to 1 inch. MS. No. 18. Plan of the harbour and fort of Jygurh, situated in 17” 19" 0” N. Lat., in 73° 17’ 30” E. Long. from Greenwich; distance from Bombay 114 miles. No scale, MS. Also, plan of the Fort of Danda Rajpooree, the island forts called Jezzerut or Jinjeerah and Kausa. Situated in 18° 18’ 50” N. Lat., in 73° 2" 50” East Long. from Greenwich ; distance from Bombay 44} miles. No scale. MS. # % With chart of the mouth of the river. Also plan of the Fort of Vijaydroog (miscalled Gheria). Situated in 167 34" 30” N. Lat., in 73° 23’ 40” East Long. from Greenwich ; distance from Bembay, 164} miles. No scale. MS. * % With chart of the mouth of the river. No. 19. Plan of the Bay, Town, and Factory of Vingoorla ; situated in 15° 52" Of N. Lat., in 73° 41’ 31” E. Long. from Greenwich ; distance from Bombay, 2141 miles. Secale, 600 fect to 1 inch. MS. ’ Also Plan of the Fort of Reree; situated in 15° 46’ 0” N. Lat., in 730 44" 30” BE. Long. from Greenwich ; distance from Bombay, 223 miles. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch. MS. No. 20. Plan of the Fort of Vijaydroog (miscailed Gheria), in Lat. 16° 34’ 30” North, and 73° 23' 40” East Long. ; distance from Bombay 164} miles. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch. ; Also, Plan of the Fort of Sindoodroog, in Lat. 16 3’ 30” North, and 73° 30” 50" Fas Long.; distance from Bombay, 2004 miles. Scale, 150 feet to 1 inch. MS. IIT. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—2, NORTHERN DIVISION. 441 Plan of the Fort and Harbour of Dewgurh, in North Lat. in East Long. from Greenwich ; distance from Bombay, miles. Seale, 3 inches to 1,000 fathoms. MS. Plan of the Forts of Sindoodrcog and Rajkot, with the Village and Bay of Malwun in N. Lat. 16° 3’ 30”. Long. E. from Greenwich, 73° 30" 50"; distance fron: Bombay, 200% miles. No scale. MS, Plan of Zunjeera, the principal Fort at Sevendroog, properly Soowurundroog, the Golden Rock. Seale, 50 feet to 1 inch. MS. 4 Plan of Fort Goa at Sevendroog. Seale, 50 feet to 1 inch. MS. Plan of the Harbour of Goa. No scale. MS. mm 1 ’ N TY ~ vi . 'RIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY PLAN No. 3, showing the ground on which the Base Line No. 2 was measured by Lieut. T. B. Jervis, in February and March 1824. Surveyed by Lieut. W. W. Dowell, Assistant Surveyor. (Scale, 00 yards to 1 inch.) *.* This map is apparently the original or a copy of Plate 7 of the Konkun Atlas. MS. Survey of the rich DILUVIAL TRACTS in the PEN WANSEE and HUMRAPOOR MUHALS at the embouchure of the Amba or Nagota River, in the North-W est angle of the Sankee Talooka, where the salt manufactures are at present established, and might be increased to any extent by the skilful drainage and embankment of the lands. To accompany Capt. T. B. Jervis’ Statistical Memoir of the Konkun. MS. *.* This is a copy, on a reduced scale, of Plate No. 12 of the Konkun Atlas. Topographical Survey of NORTH and SOUTH KONKUN. y . " . : Reduced in the Surveyor-General’s Office, Dehra Doon, from the originals. 1849. Seale, about 4 miles to 1 inch; in 5 maps, marked Nos. 1,2, 3,4, 5; size of cach, 22 inches by 15. in . 1 . ‘ . . » . Topographical Survey of the Talookas or Districts of Kolwun and Wussyee. “ 1 th 3 yr r Tm » o 3 : * \ * » . . Topographical Survey of the Talookas or Districts of Chewul Prant, Kullian n rant, Wussyee Prant, Bombay, Salsette, and Islands. . Topographical Survey of the I'alookas or Districts of Rajpooree, Rygurh, and Soowundroog. . Fopographical Survey of the Talookas or Districts of Unjunvel, Rutnagiri, and Vijaydroog. on . ‘ v v . . - . Topographical Survey of the Talookas or Districts of Malwun, Sawunt Waree, and Goa. MSS. Matharan Hill. Map of the MATHARAN HILL, surveyed in October and November 1852. Seale, | furlong to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size of each, 21 inches by 28. Lith. Tul Ghat. Sketch of the TUL GHA'T, showing a proposed new line of Road. Signed, J. A. Curtis, Lieut., Assist. Superintendent of Roads, &e. August, 1838. Seale, 600 feet to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 31. MS. Sketch of the TUL GHAU'T, surveyed in January and February 1842. Geo. Levien, Corpl. Assistant Overseer, D.P.W. Seale, 400 yards to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 27. MAS. : Survey of a NEW LINE on the TULL GHAUT. Signed A. C. Peat, Major, Superintendent of Roads. No date. Seale, 100 yards to inch ; size, 36 inches by 47. MS. ) » AR § $4 Y Tr Y Nt » Plan of the ROAD between BHEWNDY and NASSIK, by the Cull Ghaut. Length 78% miles. Signed, C. Walker, Lieut., Assist. Superintendent of Rods, &c. No date. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 24. MS. piri eine tr Seats i Sa A ea —. PRET E GS Fa Sp SE Rt GS MS Ap NL EOE wt ARIE OD, Are z aD opr a 28 E pa 8 5 : - a . Fain bes RR aod ite ae a bee RE 442 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. III. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Including the Collectorates of —1, Ahmednagar ; 2, Belgaum ; 3, Dharwar ; 4, Kaladgi; 5, Kanara ; 6, Puna; 7, Ratnagiri; 8, Satara ; 9, Sholapur. Also the Native Principalities, page 457. Map of the SOUTHERN MARATHA COUNTRY, compiled from the surveys of the officers of the Dukhun Survey Department, Poonah, May 1827. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 29. MS. 1. Ahmednagar Collectorate. Plan and Section of the KAPOORWARREE AQUEDUCT, from its source near the village of Kapoorwarree to its termination within the Pettah of Ahmednuggur ; with an insertion entitled, Sketch showing the Distribution of the Wurgaum, Kapoorwarree and Anundee Aqueducts within the Pettah of Ahmednuggur. June 1843. Seale of Plan and Sketch, 10 inches to 1 mile ; that of Section, 15 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 103. MS. Map of the HILL and CHAMPAIGN PORTIONS of the ANKOLA TALOOKA, Ahmednuggur Collectorate, exhibiting the relative position of the villages, their extent, population, &c. 1850. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 26. Map of parts of the AHMEDNUGGUR and POONA DISTRICTS North of Latitude 19°; from a Compilation prepared by Major T. B. Jervis, Bombay Engineers. 1831. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 36. MS. Map of the AHMEDNUGGUR COLLECTORATE. 1855. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 44 inches by 40 ; price, coloured 6s. Plan of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at AHMEDNUGGUR, Bombay Presidency. 1867 In a cover. 1. Map of 20 miles round. 2. Artillery barracks. 3. Cantonment of Ahmednuggur. 4. Cavalry barracks. DEOLALEE, AHMEDNUGGUR COLLECTORATE. 1870. as follows, stitched in a cover. Size, 28 inches by 22. 1. Map of the Country 20 miles round Deolalee. Signed, J. S. Gell, Colonel, (Quartermaster-General, Bombay Army. Seale. 4 miles to 1 inch. MS. 2. Map of the country 4 miles round the camp at Deolalee. Signed, J. S. Gell, Colonel, Quartermaster-General, Bombay Army. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 3. Depot Barracks, Deolalee. Signed, J. S. Gell, Colonel, Quartermaster-General ; Bombay Army. Seale, 10°56 feet to 1 mile. Two maps and a plan 2. Belgaum Collectorate. Map of the BELGAUM COLLECTORATE. 1857. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 37 inches by 42; price, coloured, Ts. BELGAUM CHURCH. Three Photographic Views mounted on cardboard. Size, 14 inches by 12. Plan of PERMANENT BARRACKS, BELGAUM. 1865. Ina cover. 1. Map of 20 miles round. 2. Plan of Belgaum. 3. Artillery Barracks, Fort Belgaum. 4 " occupied by Garrison Battery. 5. Infantry Barracks. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—3, SOUTHERN DIVISION. 443 3. Dharwar Collectorate. Map of the DHARWAR COLLECTORATE. 1860. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 23 ; price, coloured 5s. Map of the DHARWAR COLLECTORATE, showing the road from Guduak to Yellapoor, with the state of the work thereon on the lst November 1861, and future prospects thereof. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 21. 4. Kaladgi Collectorate. See Maps of Collectorates in Bombay Presidency, page 417. 5. Kanara Collectorate. Map of the NORTH CANARA COLLECTORATE. Bombay, January 1870. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 24. Forest Map of NORTH CANARA. No date. Scale, 4 miles to Linch ; size, 32 inches by 23. VIEWS of CARWAR. Photograph of Carwar from the Sea. Photograph of Carwar Harbour with the Bombay steamer arriving :—1, at Batkul Cove ; 2, Carwar Head ; 3, Oyster Rock and Lighthouse. See also Charts of Carwar, Sedashighur Bay, &c., page 602. Map of the DISTRICTS of SOANDA and BILGY. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. With a small insertion entitled ¢ Plan of the Divisions of Soanda into Talooks and Magunnies.” Surveyed by Lieutenants Garling and Conner, 1813 to 1815. Size, 48 inches by 31. MS. SOANDA SURVEY. Vol. I. Descriptive Memoir containing re- marks illustrative of the Map ; General account of the Districts of Soanda and Bilgy 5 oeneral account of the countries surrounding the Soanda District ; account of the Traverse of Soanda; account of the rivers of Soanda ; Appendix. Vol. 11. Topo- araphy ; Measures of Capacity ; Weights ; Land Measures ; Long Measures ; Cultiva- tion; Supari Gardens ; Administrative divisions ; Official establishments, revenue, police, and municipal ; Tenures ; Revenue ; Farmed estates ; Population; Cattle : Pro- ducts : Trade ; Towns and Villages ; Fortifications with plans ; Agragrums, Pagodas and Mutts; Climate ; History ; Languages: Wild Animals; Appendix. Plan of the Divisions of Soanda into Talooks and Magunnies. By Lieutenant John Garling Superintendent, and Lieutenant P. I5. Conner, Assistant. Calcutta, 1820. In 2 vols folio, half bound. Sketch of the General Traverse of SOANDA (now in North Canara) showing in particular the communications of the Coast passing through. that District. Signed, Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of India. July, 1817. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 25. MS. North Kanara Roads. Sketch of lines of Road between ANKOLA and BEITKOOL, SUDASHEWGHUR. Bombay, 1863. Size, 11 inches by 14. On tracing cloth. MS. « Plans and Sections of the Bridges proposed for the KYGAH GHAUT. 1857. Size, 12 inches by 38. Tracing. MS. Plans and Sections of small Bridges for the road from MULLA- POOR to the foot of the KYGHA GHAUT. Size, 11 inches by 36. I AI RE. EE i A A ER sR 4 i ARs - gms - 7 Kea _ EN ——— ————— i : o § x 3: |. 3 { 4 nm g 3 8 5 dH 1% § F 88 & $F £ 4 1 =. = § | i TF : £ a x a § 1 a 'E TE 5 i g 8 3 3 SE = 5 ii} y y ) i i : § “ 3 #3 1 4 4 § A ia 1 t z 4 4d ¥ : : { 444: MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Plans of Tunnels proposed for the Road from MULLAPOOR to the foot of the KYGHA GHAUT. Size, 17 inches by 26. lan and Section of Tunnels proposed for the Road from WULLI- COTTAY to IDDAGOONJEE. Size, 14 inches by 58. Plan and Section of a Timber Bridge on the KYGHA GHAU'T. Size, 14 inches by 12. Plan, Section, and Elevation of a Timber Bridge on the KYGHA GHAUT. Size, 11 inches by 12. Survey of the road from MULLAPOOR to the foot of the NEW KYGHA GHAUT. Size, 10 inches by 67. Survey of the KYGHA GHAUT. Size, 10 inches by 48. A rough Survey of the Road from WULLICOTTAY to IDDA- GOONGY. Size, 10 inches by 100. Plan and Section for the proposed Bridge for the IDDAGOONGY NULLAH. Size, 11 inches by 14. 6. Poona Collectorate. A SURVEY made in December 1807, by Captain Monier Williams (of the route from SIRROOR fo POONA and thence to the Bhore Ghat). Scale, about 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 20. MS. Map of part of the SOUTHERN KONKUN west of Poona, January 1831. Marked, No. 322 C/a/1l. Surveyor General's Field Office, Dehra Doon, September 1850. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 30. MS. Map of the KHEIR TALOOKA in the Poonah Collectorate. Signed, J. Francis, Superintendent Poona Revenue Survey. June 1833. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 30. MS. trace. Map of the POONA COLLECTORATE, copied from the compiled Maps Nos. 323 and 325 by the Deputy Surveyor-( veneral. 1838. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 34 5 price, coloured 6s. Map of the ENVIRONS of POONA, Surveyed by T. Coats, 1814. Secale, about 13 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 35. MS. Plan of the CITY, CANTONMENTS, and SUBURBS of POONA. Scale, 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 23 inches by 31. (No title or date.) MS. Plan of the CITY of POONA, by Lieut. Stainforth, Bombay Engineers. Poona, August 1851. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 40 ; price, 10s. * * With Statistics of the Census taken in 1851. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS in POONA. St. Paul's Church, Deccan College, Sassoon Hospital. Mounted on cardboard. Size of each, 12 inches by 14. Map of the POONA and KIRKEE CANTONMENTS. 1865. Scale, 2 furlongs to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 28 ; price, coloured 4s. IIT. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—3, SOUTHERN DIVISION. 445 Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at POONA. 1866. Artillery Barracks ; Sappers’ Barracks; Right Flank Infantry Barracks ; Left Flank Infantry Barracks; Depot Barracks. 1. Map of the country 20 miles round Poona. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. 2. Plan of the country 4 miles round the cantonment of Poona. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Plans of the Barracks. In a cover. Size, 26 inches by 22. Cavalry Hospital at KIRKEE. Lithographed at the Royal En- gineer Establishment, Chatham. 18353. Size, 31 inches by 23. Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at KIRKEE. 1870. 1. Map of the country 20 miles round Kirkee. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. 2. Plan of the country 4 miles round the Cantonment of Kirkee. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 3. Artillery Barracks, building plans. In a cover. Size, 26 inches hy 22. Plans, Elevations, and Sections of POONA BARRACKS. Litho- graphed at the Royal Engineer Establishment, Chatham. 1850. Size, 22 inches by 32. POONA BARRACKS. Lithographed at the Royal Engineer Establishment, Chatham. 1834. Size, 21 inches by 29. Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at POORUNDHUR SANITARIUM. 1870. 1. Map of the country 20 miles round Poorundhur. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. 2. Plan of the country 4 miles round Poorundhur. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 3. Sanitarium Barracks, building plans. In a cover. Size, 26 inches by 22. » 7. Ratnagiri Collectorate. Map of the RUTNAGERI COLLECTORATE. 1857. Scale, {miles to 1 inch ; on 3 sheets ; size, 50 inches by 25; price, coloured Gs. 8. Satara Collectorate. Map of the TERRITORY of His Highness the RAJAH of SATARA, by Captain George Challon. 1819. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 39. MS. WESTERN BOUNDARY of the TERRITORY of H.H. the L'RAJA of SATARA, surveyed by Captain IH. Adams, 1820. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 25. MS. Survey of the SOUTHERN BOUNDARY of H.H. the RAJA of SATARA, by Capt. H. Adams, in January, February, March, and April, 1821, and the Beejapoor District from a separate Sheet. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ;- size, 27 inches by 39. MS. Map of the TE RRITORY of His Highness the RAJA of SATARA and JAGHEERDARS, from the Surveys of Captain Challen and Captain Adams. Compiled and drawn by Captain H. Adams, Revenue Surveyor at Sattara, January 1824. Scale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 48 inches by 72. MS, IPAS SR EL 8 446 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. The foregoing Map, corrected in the Surveyor-General’s Office, as far as practicable from the G. T. Survey operations, and reduced from the original on a scale of 3 miles to 1 inch to a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch. Calcutta, 6th June 1851. Size, 37 inches by 59. MS. Map of the DUKHUN, compiled in the Office of the Deputy Surveyor-General at Bombay in the year 1831. Unfinished. Scale, + miles to F inch ; size, 56 inches by 51. MS. Map of the SATTARA TERRITORY, North of Mahableshwur, from the original Survey plots of Lieut. G. Boyd, Assistant Surveyor in 1823. Chief Engineer’s Office. Bombay, December 1851. 23 inches by 30. MS. Map of the SATTARA TERRITORY, on a scale of 4 miles to ied in the Chief Engineer’s Office. Bombay, March 1851. Size, Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 1 inch. Lithograpl 45 inches by 52. Map of the SATARA COLLECTORATE. 1869. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 36 inches by 42 ; price, 8s. Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at SATTARA, Bombay Presidency. 1869. In a cover. : 1. Map of the country, 20 miles round Sattara. 9. Plan of Sattara and 4 miles round. 3. Infantry Barracks. 4. Infantry Barracks, Hill Fort. Map of the HILL RANGES in the vicinity of MAHABLESH- WAR. Bombay, 1866. Scale, 200 yards to 1 inch ; in 8 sheets (parts), viz, i— Sheet 1, size 8 feet hy 7 feet ; price 14s. ‘ 5 » 11s. 6d. > , ,, 10s. 3 3, X 3 »” 9° » ’ (8. 10s. (8. « . ‘ . . 3 - > > > 5 3 L t ’ 0 . 3 7 ,, lls. 3 C61 8s. 6d. 2 9» - - » 2 D3 uk WIND 9” ¢ 2” 2” Index: Map. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size 14 inches by 18; price, 2s. 6d. Map of the HILL RANGES in the vicinity of MANDURDEO. Bombay, 1865. Seale, 220 yards to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets or parts, ViZe,— Sheet 1, size 3 feet by 7 feet ; price 10s. L 2 0, 3, X 6 , 8s. Index Map. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch : size, 10 inches by 14 5 price 1s. Plan, Sections, and Elevation of Proposed BRIDGL across the QUOINA RIVER at KURAR. January 1856. Seales, 40 and 20 fect to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 30. On tracing cloth. MS. 9. Sholapur Collectorate. Report on the Collectorate of SHOLAPORE. By T. D. and J. S. Inverarity. 1854. In No. 4, Bombay Selections. Map of the SHOLAPOOR COLLECTORATE, as arranged in the Office of the Chief Engineer. Bombay, 15th October 1844. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 28. 111. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—3, SOUTHERN DIVISION. 447 Diagram exhibiting the EXTENT of GOVERNMENT LAND annually under cultivation for the last 30 years (1840 to 1869) in a rillages ¢ Madeh Talooka, and its gross and net revenue. Size, 17 inches by lo, tg Map of the MADEH TALOOKA of the SHOLAPORE ZILLA 1871. Seale, 2 mile i ] ; 71. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 23. Mop of the SHOLAPOOR COLLECTORATE. 1868. Scale nies to) meh ; on 2 sheets ; size, 46 inches by 28; price, coloured Ss. Stn «* Nee also Bombay Revenue Survey, Selected Series, page 423. : Map of ihe SHO ATOLE COLLECTORATE, compiled from the tevenue Survey, Telooka Maps. 1873. Se 2 miles ; ze, 51 i by 60. Folded in a quarto or, (8. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 51 inches Plans of the PERMANENT B ans > PERMANE] ARRACKS at S AP Bombay Presidency. 1867. In a cover. RACKS, a2 SHOLAY O0R, I. Map of the country 10 miles round Sholapoor. 2. Cantonment of Sholapoor and 4 miles round. 3. Artillery Barracks, I'V.—SIND. Including the Collectorates of ; 1, Hyderabad ; 2, Karachi; 3, Shikarpur; 4, Thar y 3, Upper Sind Frontier; and the Native Principality of Khuirpur, page 458. v 3 ™ JO. General Map. A Map of SINDE, from Surveys made in 1832 by Wm. Pottinger > 5 Lieut. 6th Foot, Assis k issi & 4 . , Assistant Mission to Sinde Seal, . : . » . weaole 12 mil QQ 7 a . 9 frp e ‘ oe : y 1a es tol 1 mdm 12 inches by 30. Original MS, and a Copy. nich ; size, Map by SiN DB, Li Lieutenant Edward P. Del Hoste, Surveyor to ie Sinde Miss ) 1. July § ‘cale ine he by 30. MS. ion Bhooj, July 19th 1832. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size 40 inches Survey of SCINDE, in two sheets :— >a. 1. Survey of Lower Scinde from the Hujamree Mouth of the Indus, Nort] Sewan and Westward to Sonmeanee, Surveyed by the Quartermast TG ) : Io Department in the years 1838 to 1840. : Secale 4 wiles to Bp > Joremils 52 inches by 30. MS. tT neh TY DJ 3 “wr ne » 3 "1 v 3 A 3 Ro, 2. 30 vey of Sc inde between Sehwan and Shikarpoor. The River Indus and , al. } oo J . . . . \ 8 ih [ala Range of Mountains, including Cutch-Gundava from the de ot Jadur. Quartermaster-( reneral’s Office, August 1840. Seale, 4 miles > vo size, 59 inches by 31. MS. domdes 10) nth size, Map of SIND, Fast of the Indus, from original Surveys in the Quartermaster-General’s Office, Bombay. 1841. Seale, 8 wiles t y: ne tl inches by 35. MS. ’ es to 1 inch ; size, Sketch of some of the PRINCIPAL CANALS in SCINDE. 1846 Seale, 11 miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 29. MS Map of part of LOWER SCINDH, signed A. De Lisle, Lieut. In charge of Scindh Survey. April 1850. Se i les a To of veh. 30. inches by by Ny ) cale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets : size REE I _ = 448 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Map of SCINDE, surveyed and collected by the Quartermaster- General’s Department, Bombay Army, Lieut.-Colonel Neil Campbell, Q.M.G., Bombay, 1850. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 54. Selections from the Records of the BOMBAY GOVERNMENT :— No. 13. A History of Sind from A.D. 710 to A.D. 1590, written in Persian at the close of the sixteenth century, by Mahomed Masoom, and translated into English in 1846 by Capt. G. G. Malet. Bombay, 1855. No. 17. Historical, Statistical, and Geographical Memoirs, Journals, Narratives, Reports, Routes, &e. relating to Sind. Edited by R. ITughes Thomas, Asst. Sec., Pol. Dept. Bombay, 1855. No. 18. On a rough Survey and Revenue Settlement for Sind. 1859. Nos. 32, 50, and 52. On Canal clearances in Hyderabad Collectorate. 1834-35. Nos. 34 and 57. On the Abolition of Forced Labour in Sind. 1856. Nos. 35 and 58. On the Hills in the West of Kurrachee and Mehur. No. 36. On the Ford Wah (Canal). 1856. Nos. 40 and 54. On the Thurr and Parkur districts. 1856. No. 42. On the Enlargement of the Bigaree Canal. By Captain W. L. wether. 1857. Nos. 45 and 60. On the Eastern Narra. 1857-61. No. 55. On the Reduction of Expenses at Births, Marriages, and Funerals, by the Syuds of Tatta. 1859. No. 66. Settlement of Jagheer holdings. 1862. No. 69. On Canal Irrigation. 1863. SCINDE RAILWAY MAP, showing proposed route of the Indus Valley Railway, compiled by John Brunton, M.L.C.E., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., Chief Engineer of the Indus Valley Survey. London, 1863. Secale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 22. SINDH REVENUE SURVEY. 1855 to 1872. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; to be completed in 102 sheets ; price 3s. cach. Nos. 28 and 61 are wanting. Mere- SINDH REVENUE SURVEY. 1855 to 1872. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; in 13 sheets ; size of cach, 22 inches by 30 ; price, 2s. cach. A Gazetteer of the PROVINCE of SINDH (SIND). Compiled by A. W. Hughes, F.S.S., Bombay Uncovenanted Civil Service. With Maps and Photographic illustrations. London, 1874. Octavo, cloth. Also, the Second Edition, 1876. INDEX to SHEET MAPS of the PROVINCE of SINDH, on the scales of 1 mile to 1 inch and 4 miles to 1 inch. Seale of the Index, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 23 ; price, 6d. Routes. ROUTES and STAGES in SCINDE, to and from Guzerat, Cutch, Jeysulmeer, and Joudpoor. ) Quartermaster-General of the Bombay Army, with an Index. 4t0. half bound. ROUTE BOOK of Protracted Routes compiled during the Mission Bombay, 1846. to SINDE, by Lieut. Edward Patterson Del Hoste, Surveyor and Draftsman to the Sinde Mission. Also, Routes collected from Native information. 350 pages, fcp. MS. Surveyed and collected by the Department of the ITI. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—4, SIND. 449 ROUTES in SINDE. No. 1. Route fr : » Vik id j 3 from Camp near Vikkur to Tattah, vii the junction of the Hujamree is sheeman, Tejun, and the main river. 2. Abstract of the » y Ct i i Wr € Rout from the Camp Joon, opposite Vikkur, to Tattah via rarrah on the Meeknee, and Khurrempoor on the Bugeaur rivers, com- menced December 1838. oe or 3. Reconnoissance of the Re om T K 7 Asien of w Route fi om Tatta to Kurrachee. January 1839. A 2} 1 maps, by Capt. Peat. On 29 pages, fep. unbound. MS, Savvy of fhe ROUTE from KURRACHEE to SEHWAN, with a Map. By Lieut. Margary, Executive Engineer. 183 ’rinte rder of Governor-General in Council. Fep., 8 pages, sewed, Pai y Tryvys » - “ > r { r Y ROU Egon OOMERROTY to SUKKUR, by Captain E. P. Del- Joga; nl esterase Gener 1840. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 » T YI fo N > Y Y ROE r from SUKKUR to MOOLTAN, as marched by the Bom- Reto fa By i J Rane2 Assistant Quartermaster-General of the Force duced fr 1e original. January 18: cale / ze, 62 i : ah 4 origina wary 1849. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 62 inches Hydrabad and Roree Road. Survey of the Road from HYDRABAD to ROREE, numbered 1 to 13 consecutivelv » Se > 6 / i 3 : ni; ecutive ly, on the scale of 600 yards to 1 inch ; with a general map, on the scale of 5 miles to 1 inch, and having a table of reference. 1856 : us MN. “1. ; a General Plan. Sketch showing the position of the principal Towns on the HYDRABAD and ROREE ROAD. Size, 42 inches by 15 No. 1. From Hydrabad to Muttaree. Size, 45 inches by 16. ss» Muttaree to Halla. Size, 44 inches by 18. Halla to Synd-ka-Gote. Size, 47 inches by 20. Synd-ka-Gote to Dulleel-ka-Dhera. Size, 46 inches by 18 Dulleel to Kazee-ka-Gote. Size, 45 inches by 19. i Kazee-ka-Giote to Dowlutpoor. Size, 46 inches by 18 Dowlatpoor to Morah. Size, 43 inches by 18. Morah to Nowshera. Size, 45 inches by 18. Nowshera to Lacea. Size, 45 inches by 18. Lacca to Kotree, Size, 49 inches by 18. Kotree to Gumbut. Size, 48 inches by 19. Gumbut to Luckman-ke-Tanda. Size, 48 inches by 18 Luckman-ke-Tanda to Rovee. Size, 46 inches by 19. th LOD ~~ os © x 1 1. Hyderabad Collectorate. Map of the HYDERABAD COLLECTORATE. Compiled from rvegs received from the Chief Engineer and from Routes, &c. in the Quarter- Paster reneral’s Office. Signed, Edward P. Del Hoste, Deputy Quartermaster- Gory ral. 1851. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 4 sheets, mounted to fold, and bound wm 2 covers ; size of each cover, 20 inches by 13. : DISTRICT NOWSHERA, Hydrab J ] SHERA, Hydrabad Collectorate, S 1863. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size. 30 inches by 24. MS, 3, 1340 40 The same, lithographed and published ; price 4s. Chart of sohe CANALS in the HYDERABAD COLLECTO- RATE ace ‘ \ 28% N RATE, to accompany Report No. 387, Nov. 14, 1846, Size, 20 inches by 28 (7767.) . F F RR SE SE eT a ey Sa 450 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. INDIA, BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at HYDRABAD (Sinde). 1869. Three sheets, stitched in a cover ; size, 28 inches by 22, as follows :— Map of the Country 20 miles round Hydrabad. Signed, J. S. Gell, Col., Quarter- master-General, Bombay Army. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. Plan of the Country for four miles round Hydrabad. Signed, J. S. Gell, Col. Quartermaster-General, Bombay Army. Seale of 6 inches to 1 mile. Infantry Barracks, Hydrabad. Signed, J. S. Gell, Col, Quartermaster-General, Bombay Army. Seale, 10°56 fect to 1 mile, CIVIL STATION, CANTONMENT, TOWN, and ENVIRONS of HYDRABAD, SINDH. 1865-66 and 1869-70. Secale, 6 inches to 1 mile; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. 92. Karachi Collectorate. KURRACHEE CANTONMENT, CITY, and ENVIRONS. 1869-70. Surveyed under the superintendence of Colonel D. C. Vanrenen, R.A., Supt. Revenue Surveys, Upper Circle, by Captain D. Macdonald, Deputy Superin- tendent. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; on 7 sheets ; size of cach, 26 inches by 34. The same Survey, on the scale of 16 inches to 1 mile ; on 53 sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 30. Map of the Town and Environs of KURRACHEE reduced from Surveys undertaken in the years 1874-75, under the superintendence of Licut.- Colonel G. A. Laughton, Bombay Staff’ Corps. Photozincographed at the Govern- ment Office, Poona, 1876. Seale, 800 feet to 1 inch ; on 4 large sheets ; size, 82 inches by 54. Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at KURRACHEE. 1865. Somerset, or Artillery Barracks ; Napier, or New Infantry Barracks ; Fitz- clarence, or Dept Barracks ; Ghizree Sanitarium Barracks. 1. Map of the country 920 miles round Kurrachee. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch. 9. Plan of Kurrachee. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile. 3, 4, 5,6. Plans of the Barracks. In a cover. Size, 26 inches by 22. Photographic Views of Public Buildings in KURRACHEE :— 1. The Offices of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from the Macleod Road. The main building. ———— Front view of the Right Wing. —— Rear view of the Right Wing. vee Court Yard in rear. ——— Mechanicians’ Quarters. ————— Library and Museum. PND pu 010 9. Post Office. 10. Law Courts. 11. Infantry Barracks, Napier lines, 12. Holy Trinity Church. 13. Interior. 14. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. 15. Interior. 16. Christ Church. 17. Interior. 18. St. Paul's Church, Manora. Memorial Window to the late Colonel Patrick Stewart, R.E., &e. ITI. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—4, SIND. 451 1. Plan of the New Church at KURRACHEE. 2. Perspecti View of Trinity Church, KURRACHEE. 3. Interior of KURRACHEE C Ion CH, Drawn by John Le Mesurier, Lieut., Bombay Engineers. 1856 men, On three sheets ; size of 1 and 2, 22 in ches by 23. I ARACE Raa HARBOUR, surveyed by Lieut. A. M. Grieve, I.N assisted by Lieuts. Constable and Barker, Messrs. De Belin, Stiff Claskc Lambarde, and Hyndman, Midshipme ¥ the Tndisn Navy: 1854 thas a ly na, > gs ipmen of the Indian Navy. 1854. Scale, 250 yards Report on the TRADE and RESOURCES of KURRACHEE by Captain S. V. W. Hart. Calcutta, 1843. Fcp., 32 pages, sewed ges, sewed. - » “I TR 'Y / T RUBR AG HER HARBOY R, reduced from a survey by Lieut. A M. Grieve, LN., 1854, referred to in the Repart of James Walker, LL.I "RS. dated 8th Sept. 1856. With Suggested Harbour W He pak SD: ip a aT 1iggested Harbour Works, Seale, 1500 feet to 1 inch ; A SERIES of DRAWINGS of K DIL NGS of KURRACHEF / WORKS, Nos. 1 to 17 :— CHEE HARBOUR 1, Rorashis Hack ons Index Plan to Survey made in 1857-58 by Willian arkes, C.E., for James Walker, LLD.. F.R.S 1 Edi am Heke 8 Walker, LLD., F.R.S., Lond. and Edin.. Civil En- gin er, by order of the Directors of the Hon. Kast India Company bee bag the Soropesation and assistance of the late Commander A. M Girleve I Ns ommander W, C. Barker, ILN.: Lieuts. H. Pv CW. Fi Eat Amancep WL s LANL Laeuts. Ho Pym and C. 'W. Finch, Bombay Boginaes oe G. Banden Deputy Collector of Canals ; and Mr Ens Sudashew, Surveyor. Seale, 750 fect to 1 inch ; size, 38 i : y , gor : DY Je hs size, 38 inches by 2, Plan of Manora Point and the Entrance. Secale, 200 Yoct tol: 7 BL : inches by 41. ] a a . Manora Point. Sections of Shore East of Point. Sheet No. 1 ” 2 , ” ’ No. 2 . » Sections of Shore West of Point. 7 . Sets of Currents. Sheet No. 1. LLY » No. 2, . Sections of Keamari Sand Spit. . Sections of Keamari Beach. . Plan of the Napier Mole and the west end of Keamari Island . Sections of upper part of Harbour and Mud-flats. Sheet No hl . » : » . "” . \ 2 . Cross Sections of the Napier Mole. ” dis . Plan of Chinna Creek. . Sections of Keamari Island. . Plan and Sections of West Sand Bank. Longitudinal and Cross Sections of o al ¢ SS» s of the low ¢ 1 opi ower part of the Bed of the Layari A SERIES of DRAWINGS of KU IFT . os a KURRACHEE HARBOUR A. Plan of part of Kurrachee Harbour compiled from the Surveys of the I: Commander A. M. Grieve, I. N. made in 1854, and William eC Engineer, made in 1857-58. To accompany Mr. Walker's Re ort ad re In to the Under Secretary of State for India, dated 28th October 8 58. “s i 750 feet to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 39. 39% Tome, . Manora Breakwater or West Pier. . Wanting . Bridge over tidal opening in the Napier Mole. J. Chinna Creek Embankment, a ha nr tr aaa 1 Gem eat Sg Aaa a ARRAS SEE a RE eR aR a i i Ee 452 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Longitudinal Section of the KURRACHEL and KEEAMARA MOLE, from the beginning to the end. 1850. Size, 8 inches by 9 yards. MS. KURRACHEE HARBOUR. Diagram of Borings. 1858. Size, 18 inches by 26. KURRACHEE HARBOUR. Napier Mole Bridge Iron Work. On 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. KURRACHEE HARBOUR WORKS. Plan to illustrate Progress of Works to 30th April 1862. Size, 25 inches by 34. KURRACHEE HARBOUR. Chinna Creek Embankment, July 1862. Size, 20 inches by 25. KURRACHEE HARBOUR WORKS. Soundings on Bar and Entrance Channel, taken 31st December 1862 to 16th January 1863. By Serjeant J. Humby, Pro. Assist. Overseer, P. W. D., &e. under the direction of Lieut. G. L. C. Merewether, Special Assistant Engineer. KURRACHEE HARBOUR WORKS. General Plan showing the works proposed at different times, those sanctioned for execution, and those carried out wholly or in part. January 25th, 1866. With a chart of the coast line from the mouths of the Indus to Cape Monze showing the position of Kurrachee Harbour, and the action of the South-West Monsoon in carrying sand from the mouths of the Indus towards the harbour, according to the opinion of Colonel Tremenheere. The point marked A shows that north of which the bottles started by Colonel Tremenheere from the mouth of the Indus did not pass. Size, 33 inches by 42. KURRACHEE HARBOUR WORKS. B. Manora Breakwater, portion built up to close of season of 1870-71, showing also temporary roads and machinery employed in setting. W. II. Price, M. Inst., C.E., Supt. Government Litho. Press, Madras, 1874. Size, 32 inches by 53. KURRACHEE HARBOUR WORKS. C€. Manora Breakwater, Concrete Mixing Station and Block ground. Govt. Litho. Press, Madras, 1874. Size, 26 inches by 37. KURRACHEE HARBOUR WORKS. Deep Water Point re- moval (No. 7). Sections on lines shown on Plan No. 6. MS. tracing. All but No. T of this series are wanting. KURRACHEE HARBOUR WORKS, consisting of :—1. An Index Plan. 2. A Panoramic View of the Harbour from Manora Light-house. 3. The Office, Workshops and Storehouse looking south. 4. Harbour mouth and Manora from Keamaree groyne. 5. Napier mole-bridge and part of native jetty from roof of Customs House. 6. Napier mole-bridge from south end. 7. Native jetty from north end of Napier mole-bridge. 8. Chinna Creck embankment and temporary staging. 9. Hands’ Hill new quarries. Mounted together size, 20 inches by 85. A LETTER to the UNDER SECRETARY of STATE for INDIA with a memoir on the tides of Kurrachee, and rules for their prediction, by William Parkes, M. Inst. C.E. Fecap. MS. KURRACHEE TIDES. Diagram showing observed and calculated Heights and Times. 1857-38. Size, 26 inches by 85. MS. TIDE TABLES for the PORTS of BOMBAY and KURRA- CHEE. 1867 to 1874. With introductions by William Parkes, C.E. 18mo. Stiff covers. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—4%, SIND. 3. Shikarpur Collectorate. Map of the SHIKARPOOR COLLECTORATE. Compiled from Surveys received fr ‘hief Fnei \ § seived from the ) er T ; i ye an You fon Chiet Fngineer and from Routes, &e. in the QQuarter- 1 % z Ge > 8) S$ Jo nn Edward P. Del Hoste, Major, Deputy Quarter- aster-(Gzeneral., 5 Secale, 2 miles to 1 ine mn’ ( : ol. ale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets, mounted to bound in a cover ; size, 20 inches by 13. : ; ii BISPaIC I'S JACOBABAD, SHIKARPOOR, ROHREE. LAR { [AN A and MEHUR, comprising the Shikarpoor Collectorate Upper Sindh 06 10°62. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 28. : The same reprinted with additions, August 1869. TOWN and CANTONMENTS of JACOBABAD 1858-59. HA a SAperinsnlonee of Lieut. J. Macdonald, Revenue Surveyor, by Messrs, J. Todd and W. H. Bolton, &c ‘cale ; : . 2 by 34. , &e. Scale, 10 chains to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches Map ofthe TALOORA KUKKUR, COLLECTORATE of SHI- LARP U (with names in English and » vernacular ) ¢ wile to PARIOOR grim rumen] gh nd the vernacular). 1868. Scale, 1 mile to hatch of Jost of UPPER SCINDE. Surveyed and drawn by J Jah, I ol oy Artillery. 1840. Seale, about 22 miles to 1 inch ; size, A i Basie fiom Sasa vid Shikarpoor, and Shahpoor to a iy ce tribe, and to Peerichuttah, the head= Route Map from ROHREL to KHYERPOOR and the Frontier of asl LMERE. Signed, Henry Creed, Lieut. Artillery. Bombay, May 22, 1840. ) . ‘ \ Al Y » » Y Y lg X Bros ROHREE, SUKKUR, and FORT BUKKUR. Surveved in February and March 1856. Surveyor General’s Office, C [ wr) S ) TI ‘¢, Calcutta, Januar 7 Seale, 8 inches to | mile ; size, 27 inches by 31. ’ Fi Saye 1. : RT a TE 3 . I lan of the FORT of BUKKUR, showing the site of the Bridge of Ponts, eamalon Se February 1833. Surveyed by Lieuts. Anderson and Darand dengal Engineers. Drawn by Lient. A. Cunningham. Benes Engineers eile, 200 feet to | inch ; size, 33 inches by 22. MS. - y erst Rogier, Aol * * : . Sid p : x Includes the positions of Roree and Sukkur. y . TF STITT A Plan of ROREE, SUKKUR, and BUKKUR. Surveyed by Lieuts Anderson and Durand, Bengal Engineers. Drawn by Lieut. A. Broome. Be oa) Artillery. With a pencil drawing of the general view of Fort Bukkur a a Bridge of Boats from the left bank of the Indus. (1839 ) No title = le mu i Nizey 22 inches by 30. MS. oo SS oe Oote, 4, Thar and Parkar. y — . } , \ . PARK UR, on on enlarged scale from Survey in 1829. Sioned Alex. Burnes, Assist. Rest. Cutch., Seale, 2 miles neh; size. £9 § 7 as 2 Cuteh. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 28, I ais ve a Bat RS co a ins 3 " Seba _- -—" - Bite ee 5 A — ER ———————— Me / bo sme a “ ox % a rs r a ! SEP Tn REE R Bl i A Lae SS ——— TT an ue a a a a MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 5. Upper Sind Frontier. Sketch showing the LOCALITIES of TRIBES on the FRONTIER of UPPER SIND. To accompany Political Superintendent’s Report No. 1579 of 1859, dated 8th November 1869, to the Commissioner in Sind. (Signed) R. Phayre, Colonel, &e. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 34. Sketch showing the Localities of Tribes on the Frontier of UPPER SIND. Drawn by Captain Macauley, September 1854. From a Map by Major Jacob. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 40. AFFGHANS and PATANS. Chief Engineer's Office, Bombay, June 1859. Size, 37 inches by 33. Map of the PUNJAB and SINDH FRONTIERS, from Dehra Gazee Khan to Chandia. By Colonel Phayre, Pol. Supt., Jacobabad, 1869. S.G. O. Calcutta, 1870. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 40. V. NATIVE PRINCIPALITIES, NORTHERN DIVISION OF BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. 1. Cuich Agency. A new Map of CUTCH with the Eastern mouth of the Indus, the Puchum Island and Khureer, compiled from actual measurement and personal obser- vations during the years 1825,°6,°7, °8, by Lieut. Burnes, Deputy Assistant Quarter- master-General in Cutch. Camp Bhooj, August 1828. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 51. MS. Map of CUTCH and the RUNN. Compiled in July 1854 from Surveys between 1825 and 1828 by Lieut. (Lieut.-Col. Sir A.) Burnes. Corrected and completed by the following later surveys :—The Gulf and S.E. Coast from Man- divee to Wandia by Lieut. A. D. Taylor, I. N. in 1851 and 1852." The S.W, Coast from Mandivee to Lukput and Juggee by Licut. A. M. Grieve, I. N., between 1848 and 50. The shore of the Runn from Juggee to the mouths of the Bunnass River, Chozar and Parkur, the Northern Coast of Cutch from Bheyla to Lukput, the Islands of the Runn, and the country ten miles round Bhooj, by the Quartermasters-General’s Department, between 1850 and 1854. The Northern Coast of Kattiwar from Mallia to Drangdra and thence to the mouths of the Bunnass is filled in from Major Jopp’s Surveys, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 61. MS. trace. Miscellaneous Information connected with the Province of KUTCH. Bombay Government Records, No. XV. New series. Bombay, 1855. Kdited by R. Hughes Thomas, Asst. Sec., Pol. Dept. 8vo., boards. Geological Memoir and Map of CUTCH. See pages 67 and 72. 2. Kattywar Agency. Map of the WESTERN PENINSULA of GUZERA'T, commonly called Kattewar, from actual surveys executed during the campaigns under the command of Lieut.-Col. Walker, in the years 1807 and 1809 by Captain Hardy, Artillery. Scale, about 6% miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 48. MS. Map of KATTYWAR, CUTCH, and part of GUZERAT. No title. Supposed to be by Captains Monier Williams and Cruikshank, about 1812, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on 13 sheets ; size of each, 27 inches by 19. MS. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—3, NATIVE PRINCIPALITIES. 455 Map of the SOUTHERN and WESTERN PORTION of the PROVINCE of KATTIAWAR, on a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch. Compiled from a copy of the original Survey on a scale of 2 miles to 1 inch, by Capt. Slight of the Engineers, and the original Surveys on the same scale, made in the years 1835 ’36 37, and ’38, by Capts. Benbow and Boyd of the Native Infantry. The tracts between the Wurtoo and Bhadur Rivers was surveyed and protracted hy Hyum Essajee Bombay 1841. Size, 27 inches by 55. MS. ’ ce Histor ical, Geographical, and Statistical Memoirs on the Province of KAT I'y WAR by various authors. Compiled and edited by R. Hughes Thomas Asst. Sec. Pol. Dept. Selections from Records of the Bombay “Government, Nos. XXXVI and XXXIX. New series. Bombay, 1856. 8vo. Map of KATTYWAR. Signed L. Jacob, Acting Political Agent, 2 20 : : . : . Bombay 1836. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 27. Map of the PROVINCE of KATTIAWAR. 1869. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on4 sheets; size, 4 feet by 5; price 12s. KATTYWAR TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Surveyed and mapped by the Kattywar party, Great Trig. Survey of India, Capt. C. T. Haig LE, in charge ; under the instructions of Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Walker, R E, F.R.S., &c. Superintendent. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; to be completed in 61 sheets : me of each, 28 inches by 41; price 3s. each. The following are published :— : Sheets 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, : + - Solon i 5,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, > ryvryYL r ry 1 “YY rYY\7 - KATTYWAR TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; tobe comuleted on 13 sheets ; size of each, 29 inches by 21. Sheets 6, 7 are published. ye am The TOWN and BRITISH CANTONMENT of RAJKOT. 1874 Scale, 12 inches to 1 mile ; on 2 sheets ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. Index chart of the Kattywar Topographical Survey. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch. 5. Pahlanpur Agency. Miscellaneous Information connected with the NATIVE STATES under the control of the Political Superintendent of Pahlunpoor. Compiled and 9 > ’ )» , mm 3 3 * ¥ edited by R. Hughes Thomas, Asst. See., Pol. Dept. Selections from the Records ol the Bombay Government, No. XXV. New series. Bombay, 1856. 8vo oards. : ? Plans of the PERMANENT BARRACKS at DEESA. 1867. In a cover i— 1. Map of the country 20 miles round Deesa, 2. Plan of Deesa. 3. Artillery Barracks. 4, Infantry Barracks. 4. Mahikanta Agency. Memoirs on the MAHEE KANTA by various authors. Edited by R. Hughes Thomas, Asst. Sec, Pol. Dept. Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government, No. XII. New series. Bombay, 1855. Svo. I ” ARR se ei... , ,—_.—.,;,o MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. 5. Rewa Kanta Agency. Map of the NORTHERN PORTION of the DISTRICTS under the POLITICAL AGENT in the REWAKANTA. Surveyed during March, April and May, 1838, by Lieut. Henry Giberne, Bombay Artillery. Scale, 2 miles to inch ; size, 40 inches by 52. MNS. Map of RAJPEEPLA, CHOTA-OODEPOOR, BARREA, SOANTH, &e., showing their relation to the territories of the Guicowar and Scindia and the Surat Collectorate. No title or date. Secale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 17. MS. "Plan of a PORTION of the RAJPEEPLA COUNTRY, surveyed in January 1852. Signed, J. J. Pollexfen, Lieut. A. A. Qr. M. General Northern D. Army. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 32. MS. ** A small portion only, between Rajpeepla and the Nurbudda river to the N.W. Plan of a PORTION of the RAJPEEPLA DISTRICT, surveyed by Lieut. J. J. Pollexfen, Assistant Quartermaster-Greneral N. D. A. and the Guides of the Department in 1853. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 33. MS. *.* The Northern half of the District. Map of the RAJPEEPLA DISTRICT, MANDWEE ZILLAH, and the territories of H. H. the GUICOWAR between the Nerbudda and Taptee Rivers. Surveyed by Lieut. J. J. Pollexfen, Assistant Quartermaster-General N. D. A. and the Draftsmen and Guides of the Department, Northern D. Army, 1855. Scale, 1 mile to inch ; size, 55 inches by 83. MS. tracing. The same lithographed at Bombay in 1863. On 12 sheets, price 8s. The same map on the reduced scale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 26. Map of the REWA KANTA, compiled from the Agency Records in 1874. Signed, Lionel C. Barton, Political Agent, Rewa Kanta. Lithographed at the Bombay Education Society’s Press. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 53 inches by 76. 7. Baroda Residency. GUZERAT TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Surveyed and mapped by the Guzerat party, Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, Licut.- Colonel Nasmyth, R.E., and Lieut. J. R. McCullagh, R.K., in charge; under the instructions of Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., &ec. Superintendent. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; to be completed in 62 sheets ; size of each, 28 inches by 41 ; price 3s. cach. The following are published :— Sheets 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Index Chart of the GUZERAT TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch. *.* The Guzerat Survey unites with the Kattywar Survey on the Meridian at 72° 30" East Greenwich, Plan of the Country four miles round BARODA. Assistant Quar- termaster-General’s Office, N. D. A. Camp, Ahmedabad, 15th April 1875. Seale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 55 inches by 52. III. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—5, NATIVE PRINCIPALITIES. 457 8. Cambay Agency. 9. Surat Agency. Rough Notes connected with the SUCHEEN, DHURUMPOOR, and BANDA ESTATES. By W. H. Harrison. Notes on the Estate of Cambay by oJ. E. Oliphant. Historical Narrative of the City of Cambay, &e. In No. XXVI. Bombay Selections, 1856. 11. Nasik Agency. Historical, Statistical, and other Notes connected with the PENTH ESTATES in the Nasik Sub-collectorate. B. W. J. Turquand. In No. XXVI., Bombay Selections. Bombay, 1856. Map of the PENTH STATE, showing the adjacent Territories, 1856. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 18 ; price coloured, 2s. Design for a MAMLUTDAR’S CUTCHERRY at PEINT. May 1858. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 14. MS. 12. Tanna Agency. Rough Notes connected with the Petty Estate of JOWAR, in the TANNA COLLECTORATE, by Messrs. Marriott, Saville, and Showell. In No. XXVI., Bombay Selections, 1856. 13. Jinjira Agency. Rough Notes connected with the Petty Principality of JUNJEERA. By Messrs. Karr, Seton, and Showell. In No. XXVI., Bombay Selections, 1836. Native Princreaniries, SoutHERN Division or BomBay Presipency. 14. Sattara Agency. Memoir on the SATARA TERRITORY. Early history of the Bhonslays of Satara. Notes and Reports on the Census of 1848, the Revenues and Antiquities, &e. in the Satara distriets, Compiled and edited by R. Hughes Thomas, Asst. Sec, Pol. Dept. Bombay, 1857. 16. Kolhapur Agency. Statistical Report on the PRINCIPALITY of KOLHAPOOR, with Notes ou the Jaghirdars, Copies of Treaties, Edited by R. Hughes Thomas. Bombay Selections, No. 8. Bombay, 1834. : Map of KOLAPOOR TERRITORY, surveyed by Captain Foster in 1827. 8.G.O. Dehra Doon, September 1850. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 32. MS. 17. Sawantwari Agency. Historical, Statistical, and other Memoirs on the SAWUNT WARREE STATE, by various authors. Bombay Selections, No. 10. Bombay, 1855. AR RIE Cor. Tort MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Narve Princreaniry, Sinn Division. 19. Khairpur. Map of UPPER SIND, showing the Territory left to Mir Ali Moorad, under the arrangements, recently directed, and the portions resumed vi fhe inheritance of his brothers. Compiled from existing Maps and Surveys anc the " : Aa rmriy reports of local officers. Prepared to accompany Major Le Grand Jacob’s Report, dated 1st May 1852. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 45. MS. Maps of the NORTHERN BOUNDARY of MEER ALI MO- RAD’S TERRITORY (Khyrpoor) in 3 sheets, marked A. B. C., as follows :— A. Map showing the Northern Boundary of Meer Ali Morad’s territory from the Jessulmeer Frontier to Munhara, surveyed and defined by Lieut. Steuart, Assistant Collector, in 1852. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 56 inches by 11. MS. B. Map of the Northern Boundary of Meer Ali Morad’s territory from Jessulmeer Frontier to Munhara ; showing also the line of boundary claimed by the Meer. Surveyed and defined by Lieut. Steuart, Assistant Collector, in 1852. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 38. MS. C. Map of the Northern Boundary of Meer Ali Morad’s territory from Munhara to the Roree limits. Temporarily marked by Lieut. Steuart, Assistant Col- lector, in 1852. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 16. MS. ROUTES between ROREE, KHYERPOOR and SOBARAH, in JESSULMEER. Signed, Henry Creed, Lieut. Artillery. Copied in the Chief Engineer’s Office, Bombay, 22nd May 1840. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 23. No title. MS. [V.—THE FRENCH TERRITORIES IN INDIA. Including Chandernagore in Bengal ; Karical, Mahé, Pondicherry, and Yanaon, in Madras, Chandernagore. Plan of a SURVEY executed to ascertain certain CLAIMS made by the FRENCH GOVERNMENT on lands outside the boundary ditch of CHAN- DERNAGORE, together with a recent survey showing the proposed boundary up to the river Hoogly. Surveyed in May 1851 and April 1852. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. FRENCH SETTLEMENT of CHANDERNAGORE. Sur- veyed, season 1870-71, with a portion of the rivers Hoogly and of the country on its left bank. Scale, 8 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. The same on the scale of 16 inches to 1 mile. On 4 sheets ; size, 48 inches by T4. IV. FRENCH TERRITORIES IN INDIA. Karical. Map of the DISTRICT of CARICAUL exhibiting the limits and boundaries of the villages originally held by the French Government, also those in its neighbourhood ceded to them at the peace of 1783 from actual inspection and survey in June 1816, and agreeable to the lists and communications from the Revenue Department. By D. Sim, Lieut. of Engineers and Surveyor. Scale, | mile to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 16. Mahé. Plan of MAHE and the Forts adjacent, surrendered by capitulation the 13th February 1761 to Thomas Hodges, Esq., chief’ of Tellichery, and Hector Munro, Esq., Major and Commandant of the English Forces before the place. Seale, 80 yards to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 28. MS. The KURUNGOTTE DISTRICT and the adjacent FRENCH TERRITORY. July 1802. Secale, 2) inches to 1 mile ; size, 28 inches by 20. MS, Nore.—A lengthy explanation defines the limits of Mahé and gives a brief history of the acquisition of this territory by the French. Pondicherry. | Map of the DISTRICTS formerly belonging to the FRENCH GOVERNMENT dependent on PONDICHERRY, distinguishing the possessions held by the French in sovereignty and the districts afterwards held in Jagheer with their limits with the Honble. Company’s Districts laid down from actual inspection and survey of the villages in 1816 and agreeable to the official lists and communica- tions from the Revenue Department. By D. Sim, Licut. of Engineers and Surveyor. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 23. MS. A Coloured outline of the FRENCH TERRITORY, with alpha- betical references along the outer boundary and a piece of land in dispute coloured yellow. No title, date or scale. Size, 24 inches by 20. MS, Map of the DISTRICTS around PONDICHERRY. 1854. Signed [2. Maltby, Collector in charge of Special Agent’s Department. Secale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 48 inches by 38. MS. Carte du TERRITOIRE de PONDICHERRY. Pour copie con- forme au type provenant du dépot des cartes et plans du Ministere de la Marine, aucmenté¢ des routes de lére et 2eme classe, et de divers travaux d'art. Ponde- chéry le 10 Décembre 1871. Lithographed at the Oriental Lithographic Press, Madras, 1872. No scale. Size, 23 inches by 20. a as OAR GPS NETRA ee SE GO EER 460 MAPS OF THE CIVIL DIVISIONS OF INDIA. V—~THE PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES IN INDIA. Including Diu in Kattywar; Daman in North Konkan; and Goa containing the seat of government, . adjoining North Canara. PORTUGUESE Plans of TOWNS in INDIA, traced from old MSS. in the British Museum, with a copy of the memoirs accompanying them. (Sloan MS. 197, fol. 172). The plans are 24 inches by 17, the memoirs in feap., 109 pages. “ Livro do estado da India Oriental repartido en tres partes. Segunda e terceira partes : plantas des fortalezas com descrip¢io. Plantas. . Fortaleza de Dio (Diu). Damas (Daman). Samges e de Danu (Sunjan e Danva). Sirgam e de Maim (Seereegaon ¢ Mahim). e cidade de Bagaim (Bassein). de Agacaim e Manora (Agausee ¢ Munnoor). Tanna. Mombaim e Ilha de Carania (Bombay e Karanja). Moro de Chaul (Chowul). e cidade de Chaul. de Cambobin. Mangalor. Cananor. Cranganor. e cidade de Cochim. de Coulam (Quilon). Descripsam. 1. Fortaleza de Dio. 2. Cidade e Fortaleza de Damo. 3. Forte de San (ius. 4, " Danu. 5. Fortaleza e ¢idade de Bassaym. 6. Porto de Mombaym. 7. Fortalleza e ¢idade de Cochin. Note.—See also “ Catologo dos Manuscriptos da Bibliotheca Eborense, Cuntra “Rivera,” i. p. 302. ap Plages in this series, except Dio (Diu) and Damio (Daman) are now chiefly ritish. Map of the PORTUGUESE TERRITORY at GOA showing also the roads and principal features of the Sattur and Munnaree Districts; the whole surveyed under the immediate superintendence of Lieut. James Garling of the Madras Establishment, during the years 1811 and 1812. Surveyor-General’s Office, Madras, 1827. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 39. MS. MEMOIR descriptive and illustrative of the SURVEY of the POR- TUGUESE TERRITORIES dependent on GOA, taken in the years 1811 and 1812. In three parts. (By J. Garling, Lieut. Superintendent). CONTENTS. Part I. General description. Coast. Bays. Rivers. Divisions of Territory. Districts. Map and Plans. V. PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES IN INDIA. 461 art 11. Provinces of Salsette and Bardes. Islands of Goa. Productions and Resources. Revenues. Area and Population. Inhabitants. Education Administration. Climate. Maps and Plans. An account of the Roads and a detail of the Routes through the Portuguese Territories dependent on Goa, forming (the third) part of a memoir descriptive of the country, and illustrative of the Topographical Survey taken in the years 1811 and 1812. With a Map. Nore.—-This is apparently the third part, although it is not so described in the title. Supplement to the Routes through the Portuguese Territories of Goa, including the Suttur Jaghire, also a Memoir descriptive of the Suttur Jaghire. Parjim, 9 February, 1813. Additional Supplement to the memoirs descriptive of Goa, containing an account of the Munnaree country. The three parts and supplement form four Vols. folio half-bound, the addi- tional supplement is of the same size, but in a paper cover. MSS. A general Statistical and Historical Report on PORTUGUESE INDIA, descriptive of the geographical position of the principal ports; territorial divisions ; periods of acquisition; and details respecting agriculture, commerce, &c. With notes containing information relative to the different subdivisions, with their revenue, &e. To which is appended an account of the Convents suppressed in 1835 ; with particulars relative to their foundation, revenues, &e. Extracted in 1850 from Official Documents by Captain Joaquim Jose Cicilia Kol, (late) Chief Secretary to the Government of Portuguese India. In Bombay Selections, No. 10. Bombay, 1855. A Map of the NORTHERN BOUNDARY of GOA TERRI- TORY, compiled in the Chief Engineers Office, Bombay, 1851. No title. Seale, 1,600 yards to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 84. MS. DIU ISLAND and the adjacent Mainland: a Survey of the Coast Line and Soundings. No title or date. Scale, 10 inches to 1 sea mile ; size, 14 inches by 20. MS. DIU ISLAND. See Kattywar Survey. Map of DAMAUN with NUGGER HAVELLEE (Nagar Avely). See Indian Atlas, Sheet 24. er BE AR i A gS eH nh FER Eee RT a Sr SN ee Ha a RRO Be Sina SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. MAPS THE CONTINENT OF ASIA AND ITS DIVISIONS BEYOND INDIA. CONTENTS ime 1. General maps of Asia. 2. Overland maps. 3. Trans-Indian Frontier maps, including Nepal and Butan. 4. Western Asia, including Turkistan : general maps. 5. Afghanistan. 6. Baluchistan. 7. Persia. 8. Turkey in Asia. 9. Arabia. 10. Chinese Empire. 11. Asiatic Russia. 12. South-eastern Asia. 13. Burma. 14. Siam. 15. Cochin China. 16. Strait Settlements. 17. Islands in the Indian Ocean. 18. Asiatic Archipelago. [. GENERAL MAPS OF ASIA. A new MAP of ASIA, exhibiting its natural and political divisions drawn from the most recent materials. 1832. (London : published by John Cary.) Stereographic projection. Seale of mid-latitude, 212 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 34. MAP of ASIA. To Colonel Alexander Allan, M.P., one of the Directors, Hon. East India Company ; this map is inscribed by A. Arrowsmith. 1818. Secale, 86 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 large sheets ; size, 64 inches by 78. KARTE iiber die GEOGRAPHISCHE VERBREITUNG des KAMEELS, nach einer Handzeichnung von Carl Ritter, reducirt und vermehrt mit der Geographischen Verbreitung der Datelpalme (Phonix Dactilifera) durch I. M. Zeigler. Berlin, 1848. Size, 21 inches by 29. 1. GENERAL, MAPS OF ASIA. 463 ATLAS VON VORDER ASIEN zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde von Asien, von Carl Zimmermann. I.-III. Heft ; IV. Heft, 1ste. Hilfte ; V.und VI. Heft. Imperial folio. Berlin, 1841-51. I. Heft. 1. Karte Inner Asien’s, zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde, Buch 3, Uebergang _ von Ost nach West Asien. On 4 sheets. 1841. 2. Ubersichtsblatt von Inner Asien enthilt die Darstellung von sechs hypothetischen Profillen, etc. 3. Geographische Analyse der Karte von Inner Asien, Taf. 1-2. 4. Geographische Analyse der Karte von Inner Asien. Quarto, half- bound ; in the Library. II. Heft. West Persien und Mesopotamien, zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde Buch 3, West Asien, Iranische Welt. 1843. On 4 sheets, with a supplement. (Only the North-east sheet.) III. Heft. 1. Entwurf des Kriegstheatres Russlands gegen Chiwa. 1840. Royal folio. Mit einers geographischer Analyse in 4to. (Wanting) 2. Versuch einer Darstellung von Khorassan zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde, Buch 3. Iranische Welt, pagen 147 bis 417. Berlin, 1840-41. 3. Versuch einer Darstellung von Farsistan. (Wanting.) 4. Denkschrift iiber den untern Laufs des Oxus zum Karabugas Haff’ des Caspischen Meeres, und iiber des Strombahn des Ochus, oder Tedshen der Neueren, zur Balkan Bay ; nebst einem anhang merk- wurdiger Nachrichten iiber die turanischen Linder, als Nachtrag der Geograph. Analyse eines Versuchs zur Darstellung des Aralo- Caspischen Gesenkes. With 4 maps in 2 sheets :— L. 1. Th. Bassiner Skizze des Amu Delta nach den Aufnahmen russischer Gresandtschaften im Jahre 1840 bis 1842. 2. Fragment der Karte aus Ortelius Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1570. ussiae, Moscoviae, et Tartariae descriptio. Autore Antonio Jen- kensono, Anglo. Edita, Londini. Anno 1562. 3. Uebersichtsblatt zur Darstellung des Schiffbaren und unteren Laufes des Oxus gegen das Karaboghas Haff’ des Caspischen Meeres und des Ochus, den Tedshen den Neuern, mit Riicksicht auf den plastischen Bau des turanischen Wusten Gesankes von Carl Zimmerman, Ir 1. Charte vom Chanate Chiwa und einem Theile von Turkomanien (Murawief). Quarto, half-bound ; in the Library. IV. Heft, 1ste Hilfte. Atlas von Palaestina und der Sinai Halbinsel, zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde. Band XIV.-XVI. On 15 sheets. Berlin, 1850. V. Heft. Fiinf Karten zu Ritter’s Erdkunde von Arabien :— 1. Darstellung der Kusten-Gegend von Oman und Mahra, 1846. 92.3. Hadramaut und Jemen. Plan von Aden. Socotra. Karte des Lands- trichs zwischen Dsjidda und Tayf in Hedschas Arabien. 1846. On 2 sheets. 4, Entwurf zu dem Kriegsschauplatze in Asyr vor dem Jahre 1824, 5. Skizze einer Karte von Asyr, und einem Theile von Hedjas und Nedjd, nach Chedufean’s Materialen, 1847. V1. Heft. Das Stromgebiet des Indus, in 6 Blittern :— 1-4. Kriegstheater im Punjab. Vorlinfiger und unvollendeter Ab- druck der Karte des westlichen Himalaya und des Fiinf Strom Landes am Indus zur Ubersicht der Kriegs-Ereignisse in den Jahren 1845 und 1846. CE rh 3 a i ig i & 4 a fs CANE atv RE RETR ra Lm ARR 5 I LE aI IR SERRE SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Also a later edition, entitled— Karte des oberen und Mittleren (des Fiinfstom) des Induslandes und des westlichen Himalaya zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde, III. Theil, Seite 589 bis T41, Seite 1061 bis 1203, und VII. Theil, Seite 5 bis 147, 196 bis 215. Berlin, 1851. On 4 sheets. 5. Versuch einer Darstellung von Siid Iran, zu C. Ritter’s Krd- kunde, VIII. Theil, Seite 713 bis 771, Beluchistan und Seistan. 5. Versuch einer Darstellung von Cutsch, ferner des Landes am unteren Laufe des Indus, und des Landes der Beludschen im siidostlichen und siidlichen Iran. Zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde : Ost Asien, VI. Theil, Seite 1035-1100 ; West Asien, VII. Theil, Seite 147-165 ; und dritter Abschnitt, Seite 711 bis 722. On 2 sheets. 1851. ATLAS von ASIEN zu C. Ritter’s ailgemeiner Erdkunde, 1852. II. Abtheilung. Dritte Lieferung. Entworfen und bearbeitet von Dr. H. Kiepert. Herausgegeben durch C. Ritter. Inhalt :— 1. Uebersichtskarte von Arabien. 2. Karte vom siidwestlichen Arabien. 3. Uebersichtskarte von Iran. 4. West Persien. 5. Karte von Turan. A COLLECTION of MAPS. One Vol, large folio, half-bound, and lettered on the back Asiatic Maps.” 1. Chart of the Indian Ocean, by L. S. de la Rochette. 1803. 2. Cape of Good Hope, by Arrowsmith. 1805. (2 sheets.) 3. Mauritius and Bourbon, by Laurie and Whittle. 1811. 4. Country between the Euphrates and Indus, by John Macdonald Kinneir. (Arrowsmith, 1813.) 5. A Map of Hindostan, or the Mogul Empire, by James Rennell, inscribed to Sir Joseph Banks. * 1788, 6. Map of India, by A. Arrowsmith. 1804. (3 sheets.) 7. Chart of Pulo Penang, by A. Arrowsmith. 1805. VORDER ASIEN. H. Kiepert’s Neuer Hand Atlas, No. 28. Berlin, 1871. Size, 20 inches by 24. 1I. OVERLAND ROUTES AND COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN EUROPE AND INDIA, OTHER PARTS OF ASIA AND AUSTRALASIA. Sketch of the ROADS wvetween CONSTANTINOPLE and DELHI. Compiled from the travels of Mons. Tavernier, Mr. Forster, and from other sources. 1813. Secale, 100 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 34. MS, Outlines of the COUNTRIES between DELHI and CONSTAN- TINOPLE. By A. Arrowsmith. 1814. Additions to 1816. Seale, 28 miles to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size, 64 inches by 120. To His Excellency, &c., &c., Map of various ROUTES between EUROPE and INDIA, comprehending Western and Northern Asia, together with Asia Minor and Egypt, &e. By J. B. Tassin. Calcutta, 1834. Seale, 110 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 44. *.* This really contains India and South-western Asia. facts connected with the Origin and Progress of STEAM COM- MUNICATION between ENGLAND and INDIA. By J. H. Wilson, Commander on the retired list, I.N. London, 1850. 8vo., sewed. * For the Memoir to this Map, see page 84. 2. MAPS OF OVERLAND ROUTES, TELEGRAPHS, &C. 465 Map showing the STEAM COMMUNICATION and OVER- LAND ROUTES between ENGLAND, INDIA, CHINA, and AUSTRALIA. London, W. H. Allen and Co 1855. Drawn and engraved by J. Walker. Seale, 4% degrees to 1 inch ; size, 26 niches by 33. Sketch Map showing the ROUTES between CONSTANTINOPLE and INDIA. By John Walker. No date. Seale, 80 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Telegraphs. Map of the EASTERN HEMISPHERE. To accompany Letter, signed by Messrs. Hazlewood and Barry, to the Secretary of the Ion. Court of Directors of the Kast India Company. Showing the European and East Indian telegraph systems, and the Australia and China telegraph systems. April 1857. Size, 17 inches by 15. Plan of a portion of the CONSTANTINOPLE and BUSSORAH Line of Telegraph, laid under the direction of Lieut.-Colonel Biddulph, R.A. Drawn by Lieut. Holdsworth, R.A. 1860. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 44. TELEGRAPH TO INDIA COMPANY, LIMITED. Sketch Map, reduced from Sir M. Stephenson’s Map of 1849-350, of railway communication between Europe and Asia, showing the lines of submarine and land cable proposed to be repaired and laid, and their relation tothe already completed lines of telegraph in Europe, Asia, and Africa, which will by these means be all connected by the Telegraph to India Company (Limited). October 1861. Size, 27 inches by 40. Litho. Proposed Extension of the Telegraphs of the EAST INDIES from Rangoon to Singapore, and ultimately to China and Australia. February 1862, Nize, 21 inches by 20. Litho. Sketch of the LINES of TELEGRAPH between EUROPE and INDIA. July 1864. Dright and Clark. Size, 14 inches by 21. ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN and CHINA TELEGRAPH COM- PANY, LIMITED. General Map of Telegraph Lines between England and Australia. 1864. Size, 17 inches by 22. MS. tracing. Wyld’s Outline Chart from ENGLAND to AUSTRALIA and CHINA, with the various telegraph lines laid down in MS. December, 1866. Size, 27 inches by 40. Sketch Map showing the ROUTES between CONSTANTINOPLE and INDIA. 1867. Reduced from Mr. Walker’s Map, with information added by the Indian Telegraph Department, Calcutta. Seale, 160 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 22. Telegraph Map showing the MAIN LINES between ENGLAND and INDIA. By James Wyld. Jan. 20th, 1868. Size, 27 inches by 34. General SKETCH MAP to illustrate Lieut.-Colonel IFraser’s Memo- randum, dated 8th November 1868, on the proposal of the Director-General of Telegraphs to connect the Indian and Kuropean lines of telegraph with those pro- posed for the connexion of China, Singapore, Baturia, Java, and Australia. Size, 41 inches by 54. MSS. tracings. Sketch of the Telegraph Routes between INDIA and EUROPE, showing those in operation, projected, and in progress. By Lieut.-Colonel Biddulph, R.A. Size, 13 inches by 16. Map of ROUTES from EUROPE to UPPER INDIA and CENTRAL ASIA, vii the Red Sea, the Euphrates Valley, and Kurrachee. No date. Seale, 6 degrees to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 26. (7767.) G G Mc iv Dog Mpg; ie. ata nen A A Ag, FEA meen Lu gai a ra I AR SI a a ET E.R J 466 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. IMPERIAL OTTOMAN EUPHRATES RAILWAY, showing the present and proposed Routes from London to India. Sir John Macneil, Telford Macneill, Engineers. With a Table of Distances and Times of Transit. MS. Map in explanation of Mr. William Montgomerie’s Project of a Telegraph Line from INDIA to CHINA and AUSTRALIA, via Singapore. Size, 22 inches by 18. MS. tracing. A 1 < me ™ 1 t Ce Map showing the proposed Submarine Cables connecting t ish Colonies in AFRICA, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, and NEW ZEALAND, and also CHINA, JAPAN, the PHILLIPINE ISLANDS, and the Continent of SOUTH AMERICA with ENGLAND, by means of English stations throughout. Size, 8 inches by 13. us MORSE’S RECORDING TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENT, as patented and manufactured by Siemens and Halske, of Berlin. In 10 plates. Plate 8 missing. [1I. TRANS-INDIAN FRONTIER MAPS. py Tv YT ~ CY ’ T Tory, r s Map of the HIMALAYAN PROVINCES of HINDUS AN, the PUNJAB, LADAKH, KASHMIR, KABUL, KUNDUZ and BOKARA. To illustrate the travels of Mooreroft and Treebeck. Constructed from their original field-books and notes by John Arrowsmith. 1841. Seale, 70 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 19. J tenet Tv Arid Revive TRANS-FRONTIER MAPS. Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch. ] Skeleton Sheet No. 4. Afghanistan, Kafiristan, Badakshan, Karratagin, Swat, Panjkora, Bajaur, Chitral. 1873. N a ~ Xo. T. Chilas, Gilgit, Yassin, Kunjut, Sirikul, Pamir, Kashgar, Yarkund, Khotan, part of Tibet. 1872. : . No. 8. The Indian frontier from Ladak to Kumaon, with adjacent part of Tibet. _ - No. 9. Parts of Nepal, Sikkim, Tibet, and Bhotan. 1873. YC T r + YY - y + Ct . REPORT of the TRANS-HIMALAYAN EXPLORATION S by employés of the GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of INDIA, during 1873-74-75. Drawn up from the original records by Capt. Henry [rotter, R.E., Dep. Supt. G.T.S. Prepared to accompany the Administration Report for 1874-75 by Colonel J. T. Walker, R.E., F.R.S., Supt. G.T.S. With three maps i—1, Map illustratine the Reports on the Havildar’s Route through Afghanistan, Kolab, and < oo : A : ¥ Ho "i . Darwaz; and the Mullah’s Route from Jalalabad to Sarhad-i-W akhan, 1873-7 1; 2 and 3, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 of Maps illustrating the Report of the Pundit’s Route through Great Tibet from Ladakh to Assam, vid the Tengri Nur (Lake) and Lhasa, > = I in 1874. Calcutta, 1876. Folio. 0, oo * % See also General Reports on the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India from 1864-65 to or the present date for Reports and Maps of Trans-Himalayan Explorations, pages 29 and 30 of this catalogue. Kaffiristan. TY "Yr TVm » > 2D or T . An attempt at a ROUGH SKET CH of KAI IRIS [ AN, from Kaffir information, with a Memo. on the authorities employed. Signed 1 LS. Lums- den. Kandahar Mission, January 1858. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches , « « ol , Me . by 24. MS. Valleys on the Western Frontiers of Kohat and Bann. A Sketch of the FRONTIER beyond BUNNOO ; including Khost Torees, Jajee, and Dour. By Lieut. Fraser Tytler, 1840. Size, 9 inches by 14. MS. 3. TRANS-INDIAN FRONTIER MAPS. 467 Sketch Map of the UPPER MERANZAI and KOORUM VAL- LEYS. With remarks signed P. S. Lumsden, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster- General. Compiled from a military reconnaissance made in 1835-36, by Lieut. W. Garnett, Bengal Engineers, and Lieut. P. S. Lumsden, Deputy Assistant Quarter- master-General. Drawn by H. H. Godwin-Austen, Lieut. H.M. 24th Regiment. Peshawur, December 1856. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 37. Country of the MAHSOOD WUZEERIS, surveyed during the expedition, April-May, 1860, under Brigadier-General Chamberlain, C.B. Hill sketching by Major Walker, traverse of route by Lieut. Basseir, assisted by Lieut. Branfill, map outlined and shaded by Major Walker, &e. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 26. *+" The original MS. signed by Major Walker, and also a printed copy. Sketch Map of the Road between THULIL and GHUZNEE, show- ing the route by the Paiwar Kothul and down the Shooturgurdun through Logur. By Lieutenant P. S. Lumsden, Kandahar Mission, January 15, 1858. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 34. Part of AFGHANISTAN between the parallels of 33° to 34° 30 N. latitude, and the meridians of 68° 18’ to 70° 30’ E. longitude. 1866. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 48. MS. #4" This map includes the upper part of the Caubul River and its southern affluents, as far east as Bassole ; also the upper parts of the Koorum and Shummall Rivers. Nepal. Kirkpatrick's Routes. A Map of PART of NEPAUL with Capt. Kirkpatrick’s Routes, (in 1793). No title, except the foregoing endorsement, or date. Sealey, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 50. MS. Memoir for illustrating a GEOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of NEPAUL and the ADJACENT COUNTRIES. By Capt. William Kirkpatrick. (1793.) Fep. 300 pages, stiff’ cover. Crawford's Surveys. 1805. I. NEPAUL. (An elaborate map of the Valley of Nepaul, by Captain C. Crawford.) No date. Scale, $ mile to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 30. MS. II. A Map of the ROUTE to NEPAUL, including the valley. By Capt. C. Crawford, No date. Seale, 1,5; miles to 1 inch ; size, 51 inches by 30. MS. #.% The route is from Sugowlee to Katmandoo. III. A Map of the NEPAUL TERRITORIES and other PORTIONS of the HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS, delineating :—the headwaters of the Ganges from Gangoutree, Kedarnauth, and Badreenauth ;—the source of the Western Gunduck from Mustang on the north of Mukteenauth, with the situation of the course of the Brimpootra (Sanpoo) beyond :—the eastern affluents of the Gunduck ;—the Valley of Nepaul and the Bogmutty river; the headwaters of the Coossy ;—the Maha-tchien descending from Chumulari, with the course of the Brimpootra (sic) on the north. Also, routes through Nepaul from Dugartcheh (Shigatze) on the east, to Gangoutri and Hurdwaur on the west. Also, the positions of the Snowy Peaks, A to N, of which continuous panoramic views are given in five plates in Hamilton’s “ Account of the Kingdom of Nepal,” 1819. No title or date. By Capt. C. Crawford. Seale, about 14% miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 51. MS. GG 2 Ss rr Ce a ren 7 ei mhi fal SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. ui gs , 5 whrksts ‘ were confirmed. Hamilton, in his “ Account of Nepal,” states that it was Capt. Crawford’s map which induced Colonel Colebrooke to question D’Anville’s representations, derived from Thibetan Lamas, respecting the sources of the Ganges. Till then D’Anville was received as the highest authority on the subject. / Y rm n ry Nt > / ho y N IV. A Map of the NEPAUL TERRITORIES. By Major C. : - » > Sw ’ » . . wl ( ' Crawford. 1811. Seale, about 7% miles to 1 inch ; size, 60 inches by 90. MS. £ ’ : 1 » . . 2 # % This map embraces nearly the same area as the foregoing, but it is more » recent and the scale is twice as large. It contains many additional details and some alterations. The number of observed snowy peaks y considerably extended, and the ensuing list of them following fo title 1 1 * IQ alas Vo ve r « is quoted as an indication of the progress of Himalayan geography at that early period. : 1, 11, ITI, Snow mountains seen and laid down from the neighbour- hood of Nathpoor. : : rs RE, ay, By, 9 € Snow mountains seen and laid down from Nathpoor, ’ ’ ’ ’ Mudhoobunee, &ec. , o N ‘ \ 1f a1 I ROE ABCDEFGH LLMN, O, I , Y, Snow monntains seen ‘and laid down from Cathmandoo, and from Mudhoobunee to Betiah. 1 1 IN ) » 1¢ a, b, e, d, e, z, Snow mountains seen and laid down from Betiah to y Vy 'ly ~y Goruckpoor, &ec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Snow mountains seen and laid down from near to 3 dt ’ Bareilly and Moradabad, &ec. The Northern half of this map is missing. Sir D. Ochterlony’s Campaign. 1816. A Map of the ROUTES by which GENERAL SIR DAVID OCHTERLONY’S ARMY advanced in Three Divisions towards M U KWANPOOR (Nipaul) in February 1816, by G. Lindesay, Lieut. Engineers. S.GLO., 9th May 1820. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 32. MS. Sketch of the STOCKADES covering the CHEEREEAGHATEE PASS (on the Route to Mukwanpoor). See Lindesay’s Map of Sir D. Ochterlony S Routes in Nipaul (i.e. the foregoing). Seale, 120 paces to | inch; size, 17 inches by 21. MS. Nepal Boundary Surveys. By Lt. Garden. Map of the BOUNDARY between the BRITISH and NEPA UL DOMINIONS from the ARRAH NULLA to the RIVER Gl N DUE, as defined by Sir R. Martin, Bart., Commissioner on the part of the British Government, wud Kafe Persad Sing, Sirdar Sirtur Sal, and Khurdar Gunput Upadeea, Commissioners on the part of the State of Nipaul. Surveyed by William Garden, Dy. Asst. Qr. Mr. Gl. 13th May 1817. Seale, 14 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 67. MS. Reduction of the same made at the 5.G.O. Calcutta, 1822. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 25. MS. By Lieut. Boileau. SURVEY made by order of British Government in India of NIPAULESE BOUNDARY on NORTHERN FRO! [IER of TIRHOOT in NORTH BEHAR, as defined by British and Nipaulese Commissioners in April, A.D. 1817. By Lieut. John Peter Boileau, Com. Nipaul Resid. Sscort, and Surveying Officer. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 59. MS. 3. TRANS-INDIAN FRONTIER MAPS. 469 Reduction of the SURVEY made by order of the British Govern- ment in India of the NIPAULESE BOUNDARY on the NORTHERN FRONTIER of TIRHOOT in NORTH BEHAR, as defined by British and Nipaulese Commis- sioners in April, A.D. 1817. By Lieut. John Peter Boileau, Com. Nipaulese Resid. Escort, and Surveying Officer. S.G.O. Calcutta, 6th December 1822. = Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 32. MS. SURVEY of the BRITISH BOUNDARY on the FRONTIER of TIRHOOT, as defined by British and Nepaulese Commissioners, on the cession of the Terace. By Lieut. J. P. Boileau, Surveying Officer. 8th March 1817. Fep., 24 pages in a cover, MS. Reduction of the SURVEY of the BOUNDARY between the BRITISH and NIPAULESE POSSESSIONS on the NORTH WEST FRONTIER of ZILLAH CHUMPARUN in NORTH BEHAR. Connecting the previous Surveys of the Boundary in Zillah Goruckpoor on the west and Chumparun on the north-east. Executed under the Superintendence of W. F. Clark, Esq., British Commissioner, &c. By Lieut. J. P. Boileau, Commanding Nipaul Residency Escort, and Surveying Officer. A.D. December 1817. S.G.O. Calcutta, 6th December 1822, Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 19. MS. Survey of the NEPAL BOUNDARY along the course of the Ooreea Nuddee, in continuation from the boundary on the Chumparun District to that on the Goruckpoor, ending on the Gunduck River. 25th November 1817. By Lieut. J. P. Boileau. Fecap., 72 pages in a cover. MS. Survey of the BRITISH BOUNDARY on the NORTHERN FRONTIER of the ZILLAH of POORUNNEEA in NORTH BEHAR, &ec. Executed under the Superintendence of Shearman Bird, Jun., Esq., British Com- missioner. By Lieut. John Peter Boileau, Commanding Nipaul Residency Escort, and Surveying Officer. A.D. January 1818. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 48. MS, Reduction of the SURVEY of the BRITISH BOUNDARY on the NORTHERN FRONTIER of the ZILLAH of POORUNNEEA in NORTH BEHAR, &c. Executed under the Superintendence of Shearman Bird, Jun., Esq., British Commissioner. By Lieut. John Peter Boileau, Commanding Residency Liscort, and Surveying Officer. A.D. January 1818. S.G.O. Calcutta. 6th December 1822. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 26. MS. By Capt. Hodgson. Map of the NEPAUL IFFRONTIER and TERRYE between the Rivers Gunduck and Bogmutty, with surveyed routes connecting the same with Dinapore and Patna. By J. A. Hodgson, Capt. and Surveyor. S.G.0. Calcutta. November 1821. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 30. MS, By Licut. J. Pickersgll. Sketch of the LINE of BOUNDARY between the NEPAUL TERRIANI and the ZILLAH SARUN. Prepared for the information of the Government. Reduced from the original survey by Lieut. J. Pickersgill. Seale of 1.5 inches to a mile, to a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch. S.G.O. Calcutta, 6th December 10 1822. Size, 21 inches by 17. MS. Map of the FRONTIER DISTRICTS of NIPAL and NORTH BEHAR lying between the Rivers Gunduck and Coosee. 1840. Compiled from maps and other information in record at the Presidency, or contributed by the Public Officers Dem nial a: : : A, A HE I I eT He i A So bn 470 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS, of Government for the purpose, and including some valuable materials obligingly lent by persons possessing them. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 39 inches by 66; mounted to fold. MS. * 2% With a section of the road into Nipal from Baragurhi to Noakote, according to Colonel Kirkpatrick. Preliminary Sketch of NIPAL and the COUNTRIES adjoining to the SOUTH, WEST, and EAST. October 1855. Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, from actual survey, other available materials, itineraries of travellers and from information, reduced to a scale of 16 miles to 1 inch from the original compilation. 24th April 1856. Size, 28 inches by 49. The BOUNDARY between NIPAL and OUDH, from Bhugora Tal to the Surda River, as defined by the 3ritish and Nepal Commissioners and approved by orders of the Supreme Government of India in the Foreign Department. Dated 29th August 1861, No. 3,686. Surveyed by Lieut. F. C. Anderson, Revenue Surveyor and Boundary Commissioner. Season 1859-60. Compiled on the Basis of the Triangulation of the Great Trig. Survey of India. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 37. MS. The DINGRI MAIDAN and UPPER ARUN RIVER with the Fastern and Western Sources of the Kosi or Kosiki River, the great eastern tributary of the Ganges, also part of Great Tibet. From a route survey made by an Asiatic Explorer. Compiled from the original materials by Major T. G. Montgomery, R.E., F.R.S., &e. Deputy Supt. G. T. Survey of India. 1871. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 21. # % This Map accompanies a memoir on the same subject in the ( on G. Trig. Survey of India for 1871-2, and supplies important rectifications of the last general Map of Nepaul published in 1855. It embraces all Eastern Nepaul from the Gunduk and Katmandu, eastward to the Sikkim frontier, together with that part of Tibet which lies between Eastern Nepaul and the Sangpo River. Himalayan basin of the Kosi, of which the Arun is the main stream, rising between the northern and southern ranges of the Himalaya draining the intermediate plateau for a length of more than 200 miles, and cutting through the southern range in a stupendous gorge from which Mount Everest rises on the west to 29,002 feet, and Kanchinjinga on the east to 28,156 feet. This exploration is an important extension of Dr. Hookers famous journey to Wallang- choon Pass, and it is a great step towards the elucidation of the general features of Eastern Nepaul on a scientific basis. Map to illustrate the R EPORT on the EXPLORATIONS TRANS-HIMALAYAN and in Nepal, made during 1873. Secale, 16 miles to 1 inch. #_% This map accompanies a narrative in the G.T.S. Report for extends through Western Nepal. #,% See also Trans Frontier Maps, Nos. 8 and 9, page 466; and a map of Trade Routes to Tibet, in the « Statement ” for 1872-73, page 2 of this reneral Report These regions contain the 1873-74, and catalogue. Butan. BHOOTAN, 1863. Photographed from an unfinished compilation at the S. G. O. Calcutta. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 38. BOOTAN, with the BENGAL DOOARS, illustrating the Route of the Mission of 1864. Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta. October 1864. Second edition, July 1865. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 40. 3. TRANS-INDIAN FRONTIER MAPS. A471 ) Y » v I ne Tle Sketch of WESTERN BHOOTAN. Surveyed by Gani - H. Godwin-Austen, Surveyor Topographical Survey of India. 1864. Seal miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 32. MS. vig *+* With an enlargement of Daling Fort. 4 Msp o BOO IAN and the adjoining BRITISH TERRITORY Soin fe tract of country to be occupied by the British. To accompany a Dalamanary 1 aper, Boy India, Bootan, No. 47. Ordered by the Nay of ons to be printed, 15 Februar 35. No title cale i Sa bo Dri A gn ruary 1865. No title. Seale, about 20 miles to Preliminary M - Sh y Ma os HOOT AN, 1874. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch e office of the Surveyor General of India, Cale from T fend Comptiel ix fh ation of Ths Su > e ia, Calcutta, from Topographical urveys during 1864-66, by Capt. Godwin-Austen, and Licuts, Strah x ditch, R. E., under the direction of Colonel H. Thuillier, C S.I uy a] Mok i‘ rh > or . . ‘ v 4 v tl \ . ® ir Sce Preliminary Chart of Cherrapoonjee and Sylhet, also of the Assam Valley " for the triangulation of Snowy Peaks in the Bootan Himalaya page 37 pay See also Eastern Frontier of British India by Pemberton, page 171 Pn g ‘ [V. WESTERN ASIA, INCLUDING TURKISTAN. mm I he name of Cent y si i ing S18 Ss Ss 1t 5 01Y t t S § ¢ ral As 1a 1n the following c 5 is i ied i is i 7 ly ing b ‘twee y y 3 soe . ® . o maps 15 1m applied, a 1t 1s given to cou ies v 5 bE een the western limits of the continent and the girdle of mountair S wl i 'h Ses i ? ly Serial pa t B alns cn encloses ts trul / Aj So accompany a TREATISE on the COMPARATIVE 'EOGRAPHY of WESTERN ASIA, by the late Major James Rennell. En graved by J. Walker. Published by Major Rennell i OR 1K and republished by Lady Rodd in 1851. Jor Remelh Ia 1508: 1500, 1310, 08141), * 3K CONTENTS : RoI, Genors) view o the Geographical Construction of Western Asia art Ist. Between the Dardanelles : Shiraz ; $si Noatior aud Sly wdanelles and Shiraz ; the Russian Frontier and Ro. X. The (reographical Construction in detail of Asia Minor, &e No. i (A) Syria and Northern Palestine ; (B. to E.) Ports of Meso yotamia ) e o& to a Chats of portions of the Shores of the Black Sea and :hipelago ; (1.) A chart of the Euxine Se: x plai > Sir on i A) as ne Sea to explain the Memoir on the 2 Map of Western Asia, in 4 sheets, 1809 A Map of the Comparative (zeogra of W ) , arative (Geography of Western Asia, in 6 s , 18 Bound in a cover ; size, 25 ers 20. RIAA, M0 sory 100, May Ae] RENNELL'S RETREAT of the TEN OUSAND, &e., 1809-1815 yy 2 8 0 ¢ " a Ce, 1809-1815. Sheets, 2 and 3 in a cover : CENTRAL ASIEN, nemlic z ERTRAL ANN, nemlich Bokhara, Cabool, Persien, der Indus Strom und dic oestlich derselben gelegenen Laender, Weimar, 1833. SS 75 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 30. : nde 18 *.* With Alex. Burnes’ routes. rg ) > 4 Al T YOY hl + Msp of TOORKISTAN and WESTERN TARTARY, compiled rom routes and printed materials under the superi : - ’ s materials v » superintendence of Captain W. C. Mac- Leod, M.N.IL,, 1841. Secale, 36 miles to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 60 p Vil i RAPTA CPEINE " » r ; H] IA CPEIHEIL ASL Map of CENTRAL ASIA, compiled from fh latest materials and engraved at the Topographical Depot, St. Petersburg. 1863 n Russian, Secale, 66 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 40 inches bi 44 Sr Also, later editions, dated 1870 and 1873. size, 21 inches Rs ae a a en th a a So teats dpa ects or Stat AS - 4972 SECOND PART.—T RANS-INDIAN MAPS. CENTRAL ASIA and the recent Russian ACQUISITIONS i TURKESTAN. The map to Michell’s “ Russians in Central Asia,” 1865. Scale, 100 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 20. . Su asi gh gis - CEN" ASIA, show ssian possessions Map of part of CENTRAL ASIA, showing the Dusan p oso and conterminous countries. Topographical Depot, War ice, 1866. Scale, miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 33. CENTRAL ASIA, mapped on the basis of the ios Zacent Jareoys Cn ; dritish and Russian Officers. Compiled under the super- that have been made by British and Russian Officers. 4 ual Qursnpers i f Lieut.-C T. Walker, R.E., I'.R.S., &e., Superintendent o intendence of Lieut.-Col. J. T. \ er, , 1 Se, Su ter OF 1 Great Triconometrical Survey of India. By W. IH. Scott, &c. 1866. Seale, 50 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 30 inches by 44. . . . . » D rm 1 TURKESTAN with the adjoining portions of the BRI ! Ish and RUSSIAN TERRITORIES. Mapped on the basis of the sarveys vig by British and Russian Officers up to 1867. Compiled and phason op 0] Per the orders of Licut.-Colonel J. T. Walker, R.I, ER.5., Sas a wy en : o ; © Triconometrical Survey of India, at his office in the Dehra doom, in { do ) : and December 1867, and in June and August 1868. The Best Sa ary J military districts are taken from a map by A. Ilyin, St. Petersburgh, cl ved bw Aucust 1868. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 5 inches OY Great 42; price 16s. y ¥ % This edition omits the Upper Zarafshan River. * : rn Also, the second edition, corrected and enlarged, entitled Lur- kestan., with the adjoining portions of the British, Russian, and Native Territories Mapped en the basis of the surveys made by British and Russian officers up to 1872. G. T. Survey Office, Dehra Dun. April and May, 1873. With a separate Addendum to Sheet No. 1. % %* The Atrek river is here made the Persian boundary. Also. the revision of the second edition, dated November 1873. , ¥ With the Persian boundary advanced to the edge of the highland. A COLLECTION of Col. Walker's NOTES on his Maps of Central Asia and Turkestan :—1, dated 4th June 1873, with postscript dated 11th Dee 1873 . 9 dated 9th Dee. 1873; 3, dated 5th Jan. 1874. Folio, 16 pages. . ( . . -—y « .~ : 1 T IY A Y ‘ ‘. 3 Sketch Map of the Countries between HINDOOS CAN and the j CASPI AN SEA (‘fompiled in the Office of the Surveyor-General of India. Calcutta 1 470 with additions to 1872. Seale, 64 miles to 1 inch; size, 25 inches by 34. ow ~ Map of CENTRAL ASIA; to accompany Report by ( apt. C. J. Rast. Offe. 1st Assist, QM. General. Calcutta, 1869. Scale, 65 miles to 1 inch ; last, ao. Assist, Q.) size, 34 inches by 30. Map of a portion of CENTRA I. ASIA; comprising the countries gi. Soll 1ssian possessions and British India. Compiled at the Topographical between the Ri : le a Secale. 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 33. Department, War Office. 1873. GENERAIL KARTE von CENTRAL ASIEN bearbeitet nach den besten und neusten Ikussischen und Englischen Quellen im K. K. milit. geogra- phischen Institut in Wien. 1874. Seale, 1 : 3,024,000, or 477 miles to 1 inch ; size, 54 inches by 60. Sketch of a JOURNEY from HERAUT to KHIVA and ST. PE- TERSBURGH, by Captain James Abbott (Royal Artillery). Heraut, 1839-40. Feap. 18 pages. MS. 4. WESTERN ASIA.—T URKISTAN. 473 Tabular Route from KHIVA to DUSHT KULLA, taken by Lieut. R. C. Shakespeare with the Russian Prisoners. Feap. 5 pages. MS. Map of the KHANAT of BOKHARA and a portion of the KIR- GHIZ STEPPES. Prepared by Colonel Baron Meyendorff, and revised by the Chevalier Colonel Lapie, of the Corps of Royal Geographical Engineers of France, and the Chevalier Amadis de Jaubert, of the French Royal Staff’ Corps, &e. Litho- graphed and printed under the direction of Major T. B. Jervis, F.R.S., &e., 1843. Neale, T0 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 14. A tracing in Irench of the COUNTRY between ORENBURG, KHIVA, and KOKAND, with this note :—* Pour les détails de la marche des Russes sur Khiva voir la page 374 du Voyage en Afghanistan.” No date, &c. Size, 13 inches by 20. Route (of Italian Merchants) from the SYR DARIA RIVER to BOKHARA. Seale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Rough Sketch of Caravan Routes through the PAMIR STEPPES and YARKUND, from information collected from Mahomed Ameen Yarkundi, late guide to Messrs, De Schlagintweit. By Captain P. S. Lumsden. Seale, 25 miles to Linch ; size, 27 inches by 40. KHIVA. Ordnance Survey Office, 1873. Scale, 46 miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 17. Sketch Map of EASTERN TURKESTAN, showing the Hydro- graphy of the Pamir to the east, the true courses of the Yarkand and Karakash Rivers, with all the routes from Ladak across the Karakoram, and adjacent ranges, By Geo. J. W. Hayward. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 36. Photograph. Preliminary Map of EASTERN TURKESTAN, to illustrate the reports on Sir Douglas Forsyth’s mission to Kashgar. 1873-74. Compiled by Capt. IL. Trotter, R.E., Dep. Supt. G. T. Survey of India. Drawn and photo- zincographed in the Office, &c., 1875. Seale, 40 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. Map of SYR DARIA (Jaxartes) between FORT PEROFSKI and BAILDYR TUGAIL Compiled by Admiral Alexis Butakoff' according to astro- nomical points determined by him, and from land surveys made under his superin- tendence by Captain Golovoi and the Topographers Zolotovin and Kolesnikoft' in the year 1863. Dehra Doon, 1867. Secale, 7 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 26. V. AFGHANISTAN. AFGHANISTAN. A series of memoirs by members of Mr. [lphinstone’s Mission to Cabul in 1809. The first volume is missing. Vols, 2, 3, 4. Folio, halt-bound. Vor. 2. Memoir of a Map of Caboul and the adjacent countries comprehending the space between 59° 50" and 78° 20” East Longitude and 24° and 40° North Latitude. In two parts. By the late Lieut. Macartney. Vor. 3. Memoir “on the Climate, Soil, Products, and Husbandry of Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries. By Lieut. Irvine. - ew A a a a —~ LI ee Mn AAT a 474 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. VoL. 4. Memoir chiefly on the Revenue and Trade of the Kingdom of Caubul. By Mr, Richard Strachey. Route of SHAH SOOJAH, in his Expedition against Candahar and Retreat. 1833-34. An itinerary on a sheet of feap. MS. Route of J. G. GERARD, Esq., from HERAT to PESHAWUR, 1833. Scale, 5 miles to Linch ; on 7 sheets ; size of each, 19 inches by 23 :— No. 1. From Herat to Jeja. 2. From Jeja to Dilaram. 3. From Dilaram to Koosh ke Nukhood. 4. From Koosk ke Nukhood to Teerundaz Minar. 5. From Teerundaz Minar to Chuhardeh. 6. From Chuhardeh to Tezee. 7. From Tezee to Lalpoor. * % Besides the routes of Dr. J. G. Gerard in 1833, the maps also exhibit the route of Mr. Forster in 1783. The names of Tribes and Districts are distinctly introduced, and the Natural Features and Products of the country are abundantly denoted. There are also lengthy Remarks on the cities and other objects of special interest. MSS. Memoir of a MAP constructed from the late Dr. J. G. GERARD’S JOURNAL of his ROUTE through AFGHANISTAN from HERAT to PESHA- WUR. By A. Gerard, Captain, B.N.I. 1833. On 20 pages, fcap. MS. Sir Alex. Burnes’ Missions. REPORTS and PAPERS, Political, Geographical, and Commercial, submitted to Government, by Sir A. Burnes, Lieut. Leech, Dr. Lord, and Lieut. Wood, employed on Missions in the years 1835, ’36, and 37, in Scinde, Affghanistan, and adjacent countries, Printed by order of Government, Calcutta, 1839. 10 11 12, CONTENTS. Political. On the political power of the Sikhs beyond the Indus. By Captain Burnes. On the Persian faction in Cabool. . Supplemental paper on the Persian faction in Cabool. . On the political state of Cabool. Views and prospects of Russia in Central Asia, particularly towards Khiva and Herat. . Views and prospects of Russia, particularly towards Kokan. . Views and prospects of Russia and Persia towards Candahar. . On Herat, with a sketch of the state of affairs in the surrounding countries. Supplementary notice on the States of Toorkistan. Notice on the affairs of Candahar in 1838, with a sketch of the preceding Dooranee History. By Lieut. R. Leech. Report on the Sindhian, Khelat, and Daoodputr armies, with a collection of Routes. By Lieut. R. Leech. A memoir on the Uzbek State of Kundooz, and the power of its present ruler Mahomed Murad Beg. Geographical. No. 1. A geographical notice of the south side of the valley of the Cabool River &c. By Lieut. John Wood. 2. Description of the Khyber Pass, and of the tribes inhabiting it. By Lieut. R. Leech. Sor ow 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 5. AFGHANISTAN. 475 Description of the passage of the Indus at Attock by a bridge of boats. By Lieut. R. Leech. Description of the system of fords of the River Indus. By Lieut. R. Leech. . Suvey of the road between Cabool and Toorkistan. Memoirs to accompany a reconnoitring survey of the road from Cabool to Toorkistan, by the line of Bumean and the Pass of Hajeyuk. By Lieut. John Wood. . Description of the passes over the Hindoo Koosh range of mountains, from the Koh Duman of Cabool. By Lieut. R. Leech. . Some account of a visit to the Plain of Koh-i-Damun, the mining district of Ghorbund, and the Pass of the Hindu Kush, &e. By P. B. Lord, M.D. . Medical memoir of the Plain of the Indus. By P. B. Lord, M.D. . On the Siah-posh Kaffirs, with specimens of their language and costume. By Captain Burnes. . On the localities of coal near the Indus. By Captain A. Burnes. . Grammars of the Brahoeekee, Beeloochee, and Punjabee languages. By Lieut. R. Leech. . A description of the country of Seisthan. By Lieut. R. Leech. . Account of the Tribe of Taimanee and their country. By Lieut. R. Leech. Memorandum regarding books and papers of the late Mr. Moorcroft. By Mr. Lord. Com mn ercial., . Navigation of the Indus. On the ports or accessible mouths of the Indus, By Captain Alex. Burnes, . On the commerce of Tatta in Sinde. On the commerce of Hydrabad and the Lower Indus. By Capt. Alex. Burnes, . On the commerce of Shikarpoor and Upper Sinde. By Capt. A. Burnes. With a report of a visit to the three cloth-manufacturing towns of Ranipoor, Gambat, and Koda ; and on the trade of Khairpoor, in Sinde. . Sketeh of the trade of the port of Maudavie or Madai, in Cutch. By Lieut. R. Leech. . Commercial information regarding Bhawal Khan's country. By Lieut. Leech. . On the trade of Bahawalpur. By Munshi Mohun Lal. . Report on the commerce of Multan. A short notice of Leia, Report on the trade between Shikarpoor and Herat. By Lieut. R. Leech. On the trade of the Upper Indus or Derajat. By Capt. Alex. Burnes, Notice on the wool of Cabool and Bokhara. By Capt. Alex. Burnes. Report on the establishment or fair for the Indus trade. By Capt. Alex, Burnes, Prospects of trade with Turkistan, in reference to the contemplated esta- blishment of an annual fair on the banks of the Indus. By P. B. Lord, sq. Description of articles, mostly Russian, found in the bazaar of Cabool, and brought to it by way of Bokhara. By Nowrozjee Furdoonjee. Report on the weights, measures, and coins of Cabool and Bokbara. By Nowrozjee Furdoonjee. Appendix. Lists of specimens of articles of commerce and trade submitted by the officers employed on missions in Scinde, Afghanistan, and adjacent countries in 1835, "36, 37. In one vol. feap. folio, stiff’ covers. An ATL. AS of the ROUTE of CAPTAIN ALEX. BURNEY MISSION «to CAUBUL, from the KHYBER PASS to the HINDOO KOOSH, with a plan of the bridge of boats across the Indus at Attock. No title. Reports and papers, followed by maps in one folio atlas, half bound. MSS. ——e ANNA al, A ANISH. wa AC CEE iar a — ev ————— re EE AA Soh ess ony...“ NEE Sree re - rp a PREY Pr . 476 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. 1. A list of the Manuscripts, Reports, and Papers.* Description of the Passage of the Indus at Attock by a bridge of boats, to accom- pany the plan. By Lieut. R. Leech. Description of the System of Fords of the River Indus. To accompany the plan. By Lieut. R. Leech. A Geographical Notice of the South side of the Cabool River, with the topography of a route leading from Khyber to Cabool. By Lieut. John Wood, 1.N. 1837. Memoir to accompany a Reconnoitring Survey of the Road from Cabool to Toorkistan, by the line of Bamian and the pass of Hajeyak. By Lieut. J. Wood, J.N. Description of the Passes over the Iindoo Coosh Range of Mountains from the Koh Daman district of Cabool. To accompany the survey. By Lieut. R. Leech. An Appendix containing :— No. 1. Route from Cabool to Farajghan the mart of Caferisthan. . Route from Jalalabad to Farajghan. 3. Route from Jalalabad to Cashgar. . Route from Jalalabad to Cashgar, via Coonad. . Route from Dera Ghazee Khan to Candhar through the Sakhee Sarwar pass. The Sangad or Buzdar pass joining the former at Raknees. Route from Dera Ghazee Khan to Candahar through Mohavee or Boree pass. Caravan route from Dera Deen Panak to Candahar through the Hyab or Wahooa pass. Road from Tal to Shikarpoor through the mountains, difficult for led horses. The Jawan road from Candahar to Bibee Manee in the Bulan pass. Caravan Route from Ghaznee to Leia by the Gomal or Gholaree pass. II. A list of the Maps. I. Plan of the Bridge of Boats thrown across the Indus at Attock ; with figures showing their construction by Lieut. R. Leech. 11, IIL, IV. Route of Capt. Alex. Burnes’ Mission from the Khyber pass to Kabool, 1837. No. 1, Duka to Synoo: No. 2, Synoo to the Soorkh Road ; No. 3, from Soorkh Road to Cabool. V. Reconnoitring Survey of the Khyber Pass from Jamrood to Dacca, by Lieut. R. Leech. Maps, sections, and sketches. VI. View of Suffeid Koh from Burroo. VIL, IX., X. Reconnoitring Survey of the Road from Cabool into Toorkistan, by Lieut. J. Wood, LN. No. 1, 2, 3 sheets, ’ XI. Reconnoitring Survey of Parts of the Koushan and Ghorband passes of Hindoo Koosh, by Lieut. R. Leech. The ROUTES of CAPT. ALEXANDER BURNES from Attock on the Indus, through Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Persia. The original drawings by Lieut. J. Wood, without title or date. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch. MSS. Sheet 1. Missing. 2. Attock, Cabool, and the Bameean pass. 3. The northern end of the Bamean pass, Khooloom, Balkh, and the Oxus river. 4. The canals of Balkh, the Oxus river, Bokhara, and Charjooee. . Charjooe, Merve, &c. 5. Shurukhs, the Durbund pass, Meshed, Boojnoord. * These are included in the printed collection of Burnes’ Reports. 5. AFGHANISTAN. 477 Boojnoord, Astrabad, the Caspian Sea. The Caspian to Tehran, &e. south of Tehran, the route is set off on a direct line only to Ispahan. 9. Isfahan with routes from Tehran to Shiraz laid down in a direct line only. 10. Shiraz to Bushire, with a direct line only for the route. ROUTE of CAPT. ALEX. BURNES’ Mission from the Khyber pass to Kabool. 1837. By Lieut. J. Wood. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch. No. 1. Duka to Synnoo. » 2. Synoo to Soorkh Rood. » 3. Soorkh Rood to Cabool. Survey of the ROUTES from PESHAWAR to BAMIAN, by Licuts. R. Leech and J. Wood. Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 73. *¢* With 22 vertical sections of the Khyber pass, 38 sections of the Hindoo Koosh, and 24 sections on the Bamecean route. Also views of Aly Musjid and Landee Khana in the Khyber pass, and of the Hindoo Koosh from Kata Sang. MS. A RECONNOITRING SURVEY of the ROAD from CABOOL into Toorkistan, by the idols of Bamian and pass of Hageyuk. By Lieut. J. Wood Ind. Navy. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch. ) 7 No. 1. Cabool to Sirchushma. With vertical sections and notes on the passes Nos. 1, 2, 3. , Sirchushma to Gooljatooe. With vertical sections and notes. Nos. 4, 3, 3 1. Gooljatooe to Bamian. With vertical sections and notes. Nos. 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 24, On 2 sheets. Also a neat copy on 1 sheet. . Bamian to Syghan. With vertical sections and notes. Nos, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. On 2 sheets. Syghan to Mather. With vertical sections and notes. Nos. 39, 40. On 2 sheets. 5. Mather to Rooee. With vertical sections and notes, Nos, 41, 42, 43, 44 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. On 2 sheets. rr 7. Rooee to Ghazi Murgh. With vertical sections and notes. Nos, 50, 51 52, 53, 54. le MSS. A RECONNOITRING SURVEY of the KHAWK PASS and PANCHSHIR VALLEY, the most easterly and best route between Kabul and Turkestan. By Lieut. John Wood, LN. 1841. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch. With 3 vertical sections of passes, and remarks. Size, 22 inches by 29. Lieut. Wood's Exploration of the Oxus, &ec. Map of the UPPER VALLEY of the RIVER OXUS from Koondooz to its source, showing the new ground explored by Lieut. J. Wood, Indian Navy, in 1837-38. Seale, 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 45. MS. ! A map of the HINDOO KOOSH including on the North the Valley of the Upper Oxus, from lake Victoria to Balkh ; and on the South the Caubul River and affluents from Ghuznee to Attock, &c. No title or date. (18407) Seale, 8 mile to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 50. MS. j INDUS, CAUBUIL, and OXUS RIVERS. Wood's original Field Books in 4 vols., 4to half bound, 1837-38. MS. 2 i top sts og! nn a on case tran TE > aE , a ETA CRE TREE RST Lr gh a. rR SR ur — - - A er Ml agli no Nib 0 a——— asin . 5 rr yh, i i EB Ee RE RRR RE EER 478 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS in KOONDOOZ and AFGHANISTAN and on the INDUS. Meridian altitudes and time worked out 1838. At Ist Kashn, Jerm, Koondooz, Huzeerat Imaum, lake Sirikol, Surgus Keesh in Wachan, Do-aub N. of Hindoo Koosh, and Cabul. No title. By Lieut. Wood, On 33 pages, feap., unbound. MS. Field book from KHYBER PASS to KABOOL. 4to. Incomplete. MS. Survey of the CABOOL RIVER from its mouth to Mutchne, by Mr. Noel, Assistant to Mr. Leech. Aug. 1837. 15 pages, 4to., sewed. MS. General Maps, §e. A Map of the KINGDOM of CAUBUL and some of the NEIGH- BOURING COUNTRIES, altered from a Map constructed in the year 1809, by Lieut. John Macartney, 5th Regt. Bengal Native Cavalry. A new edition redrawn and engraved with considerable improvements. London, 1838. Seale, 40 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 31. GEOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR to accompany papers respecting Affzhanistan and Persia. Printed [in Lithographic writing] by Order of the House of Commons. 1839. Feap. folio, stiff cover. Skeleton Map of AFGHANISTAN and the Countries on the NORTH-WEST FRONTIER of INDIA, showing the principal routes and passes. By John Walker, Geographer to the East India Company. 1840. Seale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 27. Map of AFFGHANISTAN compiled in the office of the Surveyor General of India. Calcutta, 1840. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch. With a list of docu- mentary authorities, and a table of positions, a vocabulary, and notes. On 15 sheets ; size of each, 31 inches by 20. With numerous descriptive notes, many of which are signed E. P. (Eldred Pottinger); also alist of the documents used in its con- struction; a table of astronomical positions; and a vocabulary of Turkish and Persian words. Also a MS. copy of the original drawing in four parts. Surveys and Maps by the Army of the Indus. Map of the ROUTE of the ARMY of the INDUS :— From Ferozepoor to Sukkur - - J |» . Ve ‘ « » - - rk ., . . \ By Lysate, Andon and Durand, ,, Caubul to Ferozepoor and Kurnaul | engal Engrs. , Candahar to Girishk - - ,, Caabul to Bameean - - By Lieut. Sturt, Beng. Eng. ,, Ghuzni to Dera Ishmael Khan - By Lieut. Broadfoot, Beng. Eng. ,»» Quettah to Kelat and Gundava - By Capt. Peat, Bombay Eng. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; on2 large sheets ; size, 60 inches by 52. No date. (1841.) MS. The ORIGINAL DRAWINGS of ROUTE SURVEYS by Lieuts. Anderson and Durand, with the Army of the Indus. No dates. (1841.) Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. On sheets of letter paper :— Sukkur towards Shikarpoor. 2 sheets. Shikarpoor to Quetta. Sheets 1, 2, 4, 5 6,7, 9, 9a, 11. Quetta to Candahar. 12 sheets. Candahar to Ghuznee. 4 sheets. Lake Abistaduh to Hydurzye. 1 sheet. Route on Sogurh and Zoormal, south of Caubul. 1 sheet. 5. AFGHANISTAN. 479 RECORD BOOK of OBSERVATIONS (in Afghanistan and on the Western Frontier of India). Kurnal, Nov. 3rd 1838 ; Candahar, Ghiznee, Cabul August 1839 ; Peshawur, Nov. 1839; Lahore, Dec. 1839. —BAROMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS by W. Griffith, Candahar, Ghiznee, Cabul, &e. 1839.—TABLE of LATITUDE and LONGITUDE of PLACES on the route ; being elements for the map of the route of the army of the Indus. —MEMORANDUM on CONSTRUC- TION of the MAP of the ROUTE of the ARMY of the INDUS. By T. M. Durand Engineers. 1841. No title. In one vol. feap. bound with clasps. MS, Map of AFGHANISTAN, compiled from all available sources in the Quartermaster General’s Office, Simla, 1871. (By L. A. Smith, Head Drafts- man.) Published at the Surveyor-General’s Office, Calcutta, 1872. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch; on 2 sheets ; size, 36 inches by 56. , Map to illustrate a Memorandum on AFGHAN-TURKISTAN, by rp y . ‘ “ . " J. Talboys Wheeler, Assist. Sec., Foreign Dept., Government of India. 1869. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 34 inches by 52. MS. Maps of Military Surveys in Sinde, Beluclhistan, and Afghanistan made by the Quartermaster- General's Department of the Bombay Division of the Army of the Indus under Lieut-Col. Neil Campbell, 1838-39-40. | ¥ SURVEY of SINDE, part of BELOOCHISTAN and AFGHAN- [STAN principally by the Qr. Mr. General’s Department, and showing the routes marched by the Bombay Division of the Army of the Indus, from the mouth of the Indus to and from Kabool in the years 1838, 39, and *40. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 55 inches by 26. *.* With a list of altitudes. MS. ) Map of CUTCHEE with parts of Beloochistan and UPPER SCINDE including the Bolan and Moora or Gundava Passes, 18435. Secale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 28. MS. ’ *.% With a list of authorities. 3. Survey of the COUNTRY between QUETTA and KELAT including the Bolan and Gundava Passes. 1840. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 30. MS. Sali *.* With a list of heights. 4 A SURVEY of the two DIRECT ROUTES through the JHALLA- WAN STATES of BELOOCHISTA N leading from Kelat to Sonmeeanece. Surveyed by Major La Messurier and Lieut. Robertson. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 70 inches by 21. MS. *.* With a vertical section of the country between Kelat and Sonmeeance via Soorab, Bagwana, Wudd, Buran, Lukh, and Beila ; a list of the Jhalla- wan tribes ; and notes. 3. SURVEY of part of BELOOCHISTAN including Cutchee and part of Upper Scind. Compiled from the late surveys of the Qr. Mr. General's depart- ment and those of the superintendent of the Scinde Survey. 1842. Seale, 4 miles to Linch ; size, 50 inches by 39. MS. X - pf se fae a ein SA AS 118 Se BOER ST or a vr er amin -— - wets a ————— AG Ea SNAG SS yon r- VM he i mn Sekai laksa = 480 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. 6. RECONNOITRING SURVEY of the BOLAN PA SS. By Lieut. H. M. Durand. 1840. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 17. MS. -. 7 SURVEY of the COUNTRY between G HUZNEE and QUET TAH i showing the routes marched by the Bombay Troops. 1840. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 23. MS. 8. ROUTE from DADUR to KHUNDAR (Kandahar) Surveyed by the Qr. Mr. General's department, 11th June 1839. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 28. MS. 9. CTIND’H A R C ¢ ahar SURVEY of the COUNTRY between KUND HAR (wndsha ) and Kabul, including a route to Girishk, taken during the march of the Army o fio Indus by the Qr. Mr, General’s Department, Bombay Establishment. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch on three sheets. MS. Also a copy on tracing cloth. 10. Rough PLAN of the FORT of KILAT-I-GHILZIE with an elevation of the South Front. Seale, 45 yards to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 10. MS. 11. ROUTE from KHUNDHAR (Kandahar) to HEERA I, with a Sketch of the country round Giriskh. Surveyed by C. North, Licut. Bombay Engrs. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; on two sheets. MSS. 12. [of '"GHANISTAN company a journal SURVEY of part of AFGHANIS FAN to i i 1 Jour : from Yezd to Herat, also showing, the route from Kandhar to Caboo npchy i by the Army of the Indus. 1839. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 79. MS. 13. ABOOL including the Koh-i-Damaun and part of Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. MS. 14. " \ P 1 rg T r ) | Ct / v Survey through SCINDE, BELOOCHISTAN, KHORASSAN to KUNDHAR, being the route of the Bombay division of’ the Army of 7 fas Jad ’ o . re . a. rea 1 CY C(O , under the personal command of Lieut. General Six John Ke ane, K.C.B., ( | . ) 1 th Qr Mr. General’s department. Scale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 63 inches by 11. e Qr. Mr. ; ; MS. Survey around K the Loghur districts. MILITARY SURVEYS and COMPILATIONS by Lieut. Wm. ? RB Assist artermaster-General of the Army of Bengal, Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-G : y g 8-40. i Map of the Western States of India and of Afphanisiin incheling Davis of Beloochistan and Turkistan containing the latest surveys pad 0 ore ) evacuation of the British troops of (‘andahar and Catool, fog " vam, Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-(renera 0 Wis AI Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch; size, 5 feet by 6. Mounted on roller. ith a Memoir, &e. Feap. 14 pages. Original MS. 1g parts of 5. AFGHANISTAN. 481 . Map of the Country North and West of Candahar. On 12 sheets ; scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; with a general map of the same on 1 sheet, reduced to 16 miles to 1 inch. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster- General. 1838-40. Size of each sheet, 23 inches by 16. MSS. . The Bolan Pass. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler. 1838-40. Size, 16 inches by 22. MS. . A Plan of Kulat-i-Nusseer Khan (Kelat) taken Nov. 1840 with sections. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. Seale, 250 feet to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 16. MS. . A plan of the City of Kandahar. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. 1838-40. Size, 16 inches by 22. MS. . A plan of the Town of Ghuznee. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. 1838-40. Secale, 60 yards to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 22. MS. . A map of the country around Herat. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler. 1838-40, Size, 16 inches by 22. MS, . Kurrachee to Kulat from the surveys of two Bombay officers. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. 1838-40. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 17. MS. . Killat to Candahar and Killat-i-Ghilzie. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler, De- puty Assistant Quartermaster-General. 1838-40. Size, 30 inches by21. MS. 10. Killat-i-Ghilzie to Logur and Caubool River. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler. 1838-40. Size, 30 inches by 21. MS. 11. Hyderzaee (near Quetta) to Ghuznee. By Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler. 1838- 40. Size, 30 inches by 21. MS. 2. Routes from Kulat-i-Ghilzace northward to the Argundab River, along the Turnak River, and to Abistadeh Lake. Size, 21 inches by 30. MS. . Memoir of a map of North Western India (including Afghanistan, &c.) com- piled and drawn by Lieut. Wm. Fraser Tytler, Deputy Assistant Quarter- master-General of the Army of Bengal. With correspondence. Feap. MS, With a rough Memorandum on Passes between the rivers Gurnuk and Argundab, near Candahar. 4to. MS. Route of the BRITISH MISSION proceeding from KANDAHAR to HERAT in June and July, A.D. 1839. Surveyed by Capt. Edward Sanders, Bengal Engineers, and Lieut. North, Bombay Engineers. Seale, 12 miles to 1 inch. Map of the COUNTRY to the Northward of KANDAHAR. Surveyed hy Major Sanders and Lieut. North, of Engineers, when serving under the orders of Major-General Nott in 1841 and 1842. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 22. MS. *.* With a list of positions observed for latitude. Journey in the VALLEY of the ARGANDAB. By General E. P. Lynch, K.L.S., in Sept. 1841. Feap., 17 pages. MS. A Map of AFGHAUNISTAN, CAUBUL, the PUNJAB, RAJ- POOTANA, and the RIVER INDUS. By James Wyld. London, 1842. Scale, 45 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 32. Tracing of a MS. SKETCH in the COLLECTION of the ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, of a part of Afghanistan, North of Candahar. By Capt. Sanders, B.E.? 1844 7 Size, 10 inches by 13. MAPHIPBMA * * * Route Map from Herat to Obé and back through Kurukh to Herat. Surveyed in 18538. Scale, 2 Russian versts to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 54. *.* A tracing from a Russian Manuscript Map lent to Mr. Markham by Mr. de Khanikoff in 1871; with a list of the Russian names transliterated by Mr. Michell. (7767.) HH 482 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Map illustrating the Havildar’s Route through AFGHANISTAN, KOLAB, and DARWAZ ; and the Mullah’s Route from JALALABAD to SARHAD-I-WAHTAN. 1873-74. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch; size, 27 by 40. Seistan. A MS. Map on tracing paper of the ROUTE from TEHERAN through MESHED to HERAT, and from HERAT to M EIMANA, ANDE- KHOYE, BALKH, KHOULM,! KORRAM, SERPEUL, thence Southward to 7FRNI, and thence North-westward back to HERAT ; also routes from Herat to Ferrah, Lake Seistan, Girrisk, and Kandahar. Secale, 40 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 31. Map of SISTAN, to accompany Memorandum, dated May 22nd, 1872, by Major-General Sir Frederick Goldsmid, K.C.S.I. and C.B. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 32. Also an enlargement of part of the preceding Map, including LAKE SEISTAN, FERRAH, and CANDAHAR, with the following note :— Le décalque « de la carte n’étant pas trés clair pour les environs de PHermend, jy ai joint ce “ supplément qu'on pourra consulter pour les noms seulement ; car, pour le reste, “ il y a des inexactitudes.” J.P. Ferr. (General Ferrier). Scale, about 25 miles to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 15. A copy of a Map of SEISTAN, compiled in the Quartermaster- Generals Office (Simla) from various sources, and supplied to F. R. Pollock, Licut. Col., Commissioner at Peshawur. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 39. # * See a Description of Seisthan, by Lieut. R. Leech, page 475. Also a photographed reduction of the same to about one-fourth of the size. Sketch of a ROUTE through SEISTAN, KHORASAN (Herat), and a part of PERSIA. Performed under the orders of Brigadier-General Malcolm by Lieut. Christie of the Bombay Military Establishment. A.D. 1810. Secale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 39 MS. Sketch Map of the SISTAN BOUNDARY. 1872. By Major Beresford Lovett, RE. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 20. BALUCHISTAN. Under H. H. the Khan of Kelat, with the Governor-General’s Political Agent. Sketch of a ROUTE through BALOOCHISTAN and a part of MEKRAN and PERSIA, performed under the orders of Brigadier-General Malcolm by Lieut. Henry Pottinger, of the Bombay Military Establishment. A.D. 1810. Secale, 15 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 51. MS. *.* The explorer’s route is traced in this original drawing from Sonmeeance, through Kelat to Shiraz. The WESTERN PARTS of MAKRAN. By Capt. Grant. 1811. Scale, 15 miles to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 29. MS. *,%* The route explored by Capt. Grant is defined by a red line A Map of BELOOCHISTAN, drawn on tracing cloth and coloured in political divisions, with the forts distinguished, and also the positions held by the Khan of Khelat and the Persian troops in 1856. No title or date. Seale, 1 degree to 1 inch ; size, 8 inches by 10. MS. A tracing of a Map of the COUNTRY including KURACHEE and KELAT. Size, 10 inches by 7. 6. BALUCHISTAN. 483 A COMPILATION from the under-mentioned MAPS, &e. Survey of Passes on the Jhalawan Frontier, by Capt. Le Mesurier ; Map of Cutchee, b General Jacob and Quartermaster-Greneral’s Department ; District of Deyra Md Khan, by Capt. Johnstone, 18535, ’56, °57 ; Revenue Survey Map, by Capt. Mac- donald ; Surveys by Major M. Green. Signed Malcolm Green, Major Jacobabad June 3, 1863. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 32. ili f Bokhara, Kabool, BELOOCHISTAN, &c. Society for the Diffu- ne Useful Knowledge. Scale, 1 degree to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 14. Two editions. ; Plan of the VALLEY of KHELAT and of the Route of a squadron 2nd Sinde Horse from Khelat to Kirta in the Bolan Pass, vid Moostung and the Rodbar Pass. Surveyed by Malcolm Green, Major Commanding 2nd Royal Sinde Horse. Reduced in the Q.M.G. office from the original pian. Poona Feb 1861. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, ZT inches by 20. MS, on tracing cloth. : Rough MILITARY SURVEY of the COUNTRY bordering on TW O ROUTES from KHELAT toc GWUJJUCK in Beloochistan, the one rect vid Shorab, Koduk, &e. and the other by a détour to the eastward through Kozdar Nal, &e. Surveyed by Major Malcolm Green, 16th Regt. Bomb. N.I Reduced and lithographed in Q.M.G. office, Poona, 1861. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 45 inches by 22. With Itineraries of the Routes from Khelat to Zeedee, Kozdar to Gwujjuk, and Gujjur to Khelat. Folded in a cover; size, 12 inches by 9. * * The Valley of Gressia in the map is identified by the author with the ancient Gedrosia. See also, extensive ruins near Gwujjuck. A LIST of POSITIONS on the BELOOCH-AFGHAN FRON- TIER observed by Colonel Malcolm Green. On 2 sheets, fep. MS. MILITARY RECONNOISSANCE Map of the SHUM, BOHR PHYLAWUR, CHUT, and SIAH-TUNK PLAINS, and country West of he RAJUNPORE FRONTIER, surveyed and drawn by Major W. H. Paget, Com- mandant 5th Punjab Cavalry. Rajunpore, June 1, 1868. A reduced photograph of the original, presented by Colonel Sir Henry Green. Size, 9 inches by 6. ® The BOOGTEE HILLS, routes from KHANGHUR (Jacobabad). By Lieut. Fraser Tytler. 1840. Size, 8 inches by 13. MS. TOPOGRAPHICAL and GEOLOGICAL SKETCHES of the Province of SARAWAN, or the northern portion of the table-land of Beloochistan ; the Province of Jhalawan; and the Eastern Division of Mekran. By Assistant Surgeon H. Cook, M.D., Khelat Agency. 1860. 8vo., cloth. MEKRAN COAST, KURRACHEE to GUADUR, with Lieut. Ross’s Route from Guadur to Kurrachee. Seale, 13% miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches *.* With a report on a visit to Kej, &e., 1865. MEKRAN COANT, SUNMIANI to JASK ; with Major Ross’s route from Bela through Kolwah and the Kej Valley. Also the territory under Muscat, Belooch chiefs’ tributary to Persia, &e. The original drawing by Major E. C. Ross. Seale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 29. MS. Map of the COAST from KURRACHEE to GUADUR showing the route traversed by Major Goldsmid and party. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; sive 20 inches by 34. MS. on tracing cloth. ; Sketch of the COAST between KURRACHEE and BUNDER ABBAS, showing the site proposed by Major Goldsmid for the intended line of telegraph and stations ; and the Extent of Territory ruled by each Chieftain, Seale, 16 miles 40 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 36. MS. on tracing cloth. A part of BELOOCHISTAN with part of MEKRAN and the PERSO-BELOOCH BOUNDARY drawn and compiled by Capt. Beresford Lovett, HH 2 i ~ a Be pe Ain i Se Rs Sha sp A I i bs ig A ngs 4.84: SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. i R.E. attached to the special mission to Mekran under Major General F. J. Goldsmid, 18 8 C.B. From actual surveys by Major F.C. Ross, Assistant Political Agent, Gwadur ; $0 Capt. Beresford Lovett, R.E. and Quartermaster Serjeant D. Bower, R.E. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 30. * * Lithographed from tracings ent itled “Beluchistan, comprising Mekran ] and the Perso-Beluch Boundary.” 11 Survey of the BOLAN PASS, with a Sketch of the Pass near artermaster-General’s Department, 17th April 1839. Seale, Kuftaree. By the Qu 9 niles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 22. MS. i Survey of the Country above the Passes from QUETTA to KELAT, i with the route to Noshky, from the surveys of Major Le Mesurier and Capt. Boyd, Acting Asst. Q. M. Gen., S.E. 1842. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 31. On tracing cloth. MS. A Survey of the Entrances of the Passes on the JALAWAN FRONTIER, from Jhull to the Bolan Pass; also a survey of Eastern and Western CUTCHEE. From the surveys of Capt. Le Mesurier, Lieut. Jacob, and J. G. Fernandez, Surveyor ; superintended by Major Holland, Deputy Q.M.G. of the Army, and Capt. Boyd, Acting Asst. Q.M.G., S.F., 1842. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 48. Copied on tracing cloth at the Q.M.G. Office, Puna, 1875. MS. Map of the TERRITORIES of the Hill Tribes on the RAJUN- PORE FRONTIER. Compiled by Messrs. R. Bruce, Asst. Commissioner, and I. James, Asst. Engineer, DPW. 1869. S.G.0O., Calcutta, 1870. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 25. Tia Reconnaisance Sketch of the MOOLLA PASS. 1872. By Lieut. at the Q.M.G. Office, Poona, June, 1876. eR nd TRAE i : aa Maitland, 2nd Sind Horse. Copied ie § A Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. On three narrow lengths of tracing cloth. MS. : { Sketch of portion of the MARI and BUGTI TERRITORIES, by J. Davidson, Capt., 3rd Punjaub Cavalry. Copied in the Q.M.G. Office, Simla, April 1876. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 39. On tracing cloth. MS. a Survey of route taken by Major Sandeman’s Mission into BILU- i CHISTAN. 1875-76. By Capt. H. Wylie, 1st Punjab Cavalry. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 58. Photo. of MS. 12: * * From the Rajanpur District, through the Bugti and Mari country to Quetta Es and Kelat. Map of WESTERN BELUCHISTAN. Compiled by order of H.M. Secretary of State for India, to show the Western Frontier of the territories of the Khan of Kalat, as determined by the Frontier (Commission under Major- General Sir Frederic J. Goldsmid, C.B., K.C.S.I. By Major O. B.C. St. John, R.E. 1874. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; on 4 sheets ; size of cach, 22 inches by 30. Unfinished Skeleton Map of the TERRITORIES of His Highness the Khan of KELAT or BALUCHISTAN, with the adjacent portions of Sindh, the Punjab, Afghanistan, and Persia. 1876. Compiled in the Office of the Surveyor- General of India, Calcutta, May 1876. Scale, 16 miiles tol inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 34 inches by 44. VII. PERSIA. PIRE of PERSIA from Mons. D’Anville, an King, with several additions and emenda- i CL A new Map of the EM First Geographer to the most Christi tions. London, Laurie and Whittle, 1794. INDIZE VETERIS QUATENUS MACEDONIBUS nota fuit i finitimarumque regionum specimen geographicum situm ac nomina locorum re- : centioris ®vi sub oculos subjiciens necnon Alexandri itinera intra Euphratem et | i 1b t bs HyPhags Savi isl mon. Nearchi ab Indo flumine ostium usque Pasitigris. Auct L S. de la Rochette, 1793. Londini, 1797. Scale, 130 miles to 1 ch oj 2 inches by 17. / a a AN EATS CH ; ‘ oi Map of PERSIA showing the tract visited by Colonel Malcolm a ng J Thisson jn. the year 1800 and 1801. Compiled from D’Anville’s and Se ae + The red marks show the geographical positions of the im or os Se iy Sotacad oa the astronomical observations taken by William 7 and Silvester Pope who atten cmbass ale, 35 miles | ee ey ho 3 wed the Embassy. Secale, 35 miles to 1 inch ; A * PRR QT / : : yun 2 I PRga ond countries lying between the Araxes, Tigris ‘ dus extending from latitude 23° to 40° th, ¢ tu to Ay 25 Tags p00] eg bo north, and longitude 44° to 70° east » surveys which were taken, and the inf i | ; a fro ( / 3 te ¢ informat : ‘te ii Hy iim of Bragadier-General Malcolm to Persia in the mg illiam Webbe, Assistant Surveyor. Signed, Jc ! : , y 1 e, / , ohn Male Secale, 23 miles 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 76. Original MS. Hl en Se Swi bo Mipot the COUNTRIES lying between the EUPHRATES and OCEAN on Sod wi Wo and the OXUS and TEREK and INDI AN SN he North and South. . . . Bye M: : ¢ ce ! 1832. Scale, 40 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 sadam Biomeir Londen, Another editi ; ; : cutta hon, gpd ih Surveyor-General’s Office, Cal- dy Oe y S14 ‘abu Cc. Bs : in re . 0 > k tol inch ; size, 22 Siches by 26. rrowsmith. London, 1832. Scale, 70 miles DAS Hoon AND yo IRAN enthaltend die Staaten von Persien fghanistan, and Beludschistan, ent. un. gez. v . F. Wei ‘ei 1846, Seale, 75 miles to 1 inch ; size, 91 inches by or. GP ht Weim 1865. 3 uF > Q n rp Yr 2 4 A l A ry La IY ili LONGITUDES, and ALTITUDES PERSIA and BELUCHISTAN. C iled orrected by C: ft Jolt LE. 1875. 8vo., 10 pages, paper an ed and corrected by Capt. O. St. John, 1 PRAIA compile] principally from original authorities. By Captain ( ha ] Lajor ) o BS St. John (Royal Engineers). By order of H.M. Se > tary f State for India. 76. Secale, 16 miles to inch ; 5 she fof eh a cale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; on 6 sheets ; size of each, 40 North-Western Persia. Map of AZERBAEEJAUN and part of ARMENIA and GEORGIA i % Toute of iis Majesty s mission under Sir Harford Jones Brydees, Bart voy ixtraordinary, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Persia in the in 1808-9, from Abooshehr to the North ot Persia. Constructed chi fi f ou Bg Fon 4 N008 ‘ = : ; : » . i S Cy IIo persons ne y. The adjacent countries compiled from his own notes and he ih So of the most recent travellers, &e., &e. By 5 Hp } > s, &e., &e. By James Sutherland, Colo | : ; 3 . wel, attache the mission. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 32 ’ ed so Parts of GEORGIA and ARMENIA, the Persian provinces Azer bijan, "Talish, and Ghilan, from trigonometrical surveys by lag W.M Sas K.L.S., Madras Engineers, made between the years 1814 and 189%. 1 os, sian Provinces with the Caucasus from Russian official documents aan d “ By personal observations. Engraved at the expense of the Royal Geoera 1 oul 8 y Lis London, 1833. Scale, 15 miles to 1 inch ; size, 41 inches W fg aphical Society. NOTES on the preceding MAP, viz. :— 1. Litton fre Ww. Naweiay, Lieut.-Colonel, to P. Auber, Isq. (Secretary, India ouse), forwarding a map of the ¢ y between Sultanie 1 the Cs Hous , g p of the country between Sultanieh and the Cau- $9 N " the Sanjaks and tribes of Courdistan, by Khaled Pasha, of Courdistan, Also several others in the same parcel. Italian Manuscripts :— 1. Memorie di Seyd Saaid, Sultan di Muscat. . Viagio da Bagdad a Erivan. \ 3. Diarbekr. Dimandi interno alla Citta, & per la Provincia o Territorio 1 8 Ise ipion, of the size of the original, copied from a stone lately found among > v d +] 3 de r S ; ; 1e ruins of Ancient Babylon, and sent as a present to Sir Hugh Inglis, Bart., 7 " . . Jd " - . o 2 : * ’ by Harford Jones, Esq., the Honourable East India Companys Resident at sagdad. Published by the H.E.I. Company. London, 18th August 1803 Size, 30 inches by 54. Cuneiform. 2 igh *.* There are no notes or anda ‘¢ i i wl age at lo 2 or gmp anda among these remains relating to Mr. Risks posure es in Babylon and Persepolis. See Narrative of a Journey to the of Be ie Ted : : L hi a 2 yylon in 1811, now first published ; Memoir on the Ruins, with En- Fravings rom the original sketches by the Author; Remarks on the Topography 0 Sage Babylon, by Major Rennell, in reference to the Memoir; Second Memoir on fe ruins in reference to Major Rennell’s remarks ; With a narative of a journey to Domsupole now first printed, with hitherto unpublished cuneiform inscriptions Li gt Dba By the late Claudius James Rich, Esq., formerly Resident of the Hon. East India Company at Bagdad. Edi is Wi ¢ i t ad. Edite 7 his ra pany ag ed by his Widow. London, The Euphrates and Tigris, by Lieut. Ormsby. 1. Sketch of the RIVER EUPHRATES from Hilla to Bussorah and bart o the Ran, ITie from Jewaid and Musaisee to its junction with the Euphrates yy H. A. Ormsby, Lieut. ii avy 326 30. S. ios to | BY Ha A. On by, Lic ut Indian Navy. 1826 to 1830. Seale, about 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 2% feet by 8; feet. MS, i Memorandum.—The soundings are in f: i] : ee soundings are in fathoms, rere taken as fi S at Bendrngum =Tus ey 2 fathoms, and were taken as follows: hose, Shat ul Arab in December,—the Luphrates in February,—the Shat ul | ie in December and January. Moreover to show the soundings distinetly, the "or » ry MIVOT Oc rtp : i ® ys readth of the river has been extended in some places beyond the actual measure- ment. In some years the River Hie becomes dry during the months of September and November. 9 Sketch of the ER T {1 or orl of the RIVER 1 IGRIS from Korna to Baghdad and part of the Sha ul Hie from its junction with the Tigris to Jewaid and Musaisee on the hand formed by the two branches of that stream. By Henry A. Ormsby, LN 826 to 1830. Seale, about 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 fe iL ford Reh . y & ! ; Sze, 25 fee 85 fe 3 : FAI Wg desta. suze, y feet by 8 feet. MNS. , 8 ] Li m.—The soundings in the river are in fathoms :—those in the ove part of the Tigris were taken in January, the upper part in December, and the Shat ul Hie in December and January. The Meridians laid down are "true the variation being 5° 35” westerly. Ain des asp arneniin in bb Ng ss i BAT as eb i bo Sm ema SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Chesney's Atlas of the Euphrates and Tigris. IL Map of the COUNTRIES situated between the RIVERS NILE and INDUS serving as an index to the work on the Fatesion tor de spe 9 | Tigri aterials furnishe ieut. Colone S { Tioris. Drawn from materials furnished by Li the Fuphrates and Tigris. J h iy Tens, Con, 5 L& Talker, Geographers. 50. Seale, 105 miles to Chesney, R.A, F.R.S. By J. &C. W alker, Geographers. 158! / y 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 30. II. A Map of ARABIA and SYRIA laid down chiefly from original i PQ ‘intendenc * Lieut.-Colonel Chesney, R.A., F.R.S., and surveys under the superinte ndence of Lieut.-C Ys drawn by W. H. Plate, LL.D. &e. 1849. Secale, 70 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 27. III. , " . J The Rivers EUPHRATES, TIGRIS, KARUN, and SHA'I EL ARAB in 12 sheets. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch. > 1. The River Euphrates with the Cilician Taurus and Rerthera Sv, Tho any and part of Taurus were surveyed by Lieut. Murphy, R.E., Sot : he : Fuphrs es from Bir to Beles by Lt.-Col. Estcourt, 43rd Lit. Inf, and the st various officers of the expedition. Part of the : Taurus is from the Sans by Baron Moltke. Also a section of a line of levels between the Mediterranean sea » River Euphrates. a A Ps Sumeisat to Rotat on Ne k i Soa to Birehjik was surveyed by Col. Chesney, 1832, a gout, a 1, LN, in 1836 ; and from Birehjik to Kalat en Nejm by Loot, Erion . Saker Fibs The River Euphrates from Kalat en Nejm to Abu Sai e. | yg ko at Jn ol "to Rakkah was surveyed by Commander Lynch, I.N,, during fhe ons of low water in 1840 ; and the rest by C ol. Chesney and the expedition, during y SEAS f floods in 1836. om River A from Abu Saide to Werdi. Pros, Alm Budde fo er was surveyed by Commander Lynch, I.N., at the 804507 0 : on v Bf : O and the rest by Col. Chesney and the expedition during the season ot flood: . The bre Euphrates from Werdi to Hit. Surveyed by Co Shamey sod la officers of the s3poAa 4 the season of floods in 1836. ith a transverse seeti “the river at Vverdl ] : ladon jeg from Nineveh to Kalah Sherkat and from alah gy Sammara. Surveyed by the late James Claudius Rich, kEsq., the Dritish wsident at Baghdad. NE Pe i from Hit to the Kuthah River, and the River Tigris from "Sa a 10 the Abu Hitti Canal. From Sammara to Dokhala surveyed by Cling Rich, Esq., the British Resident at Baghdad ; and he | Delchala to the Abu Hitti Canal by Col. Chiosnay S10 the officers of the expedition. With a transverse section of the river at I it. on y from the Kuthah River to El Wuja Island and Village, The River louphrates VOL i ’ $2 Hag Yond Tieris from the Abu Hitti Canal to Judifah Island. Both als a hesney ’ icers of the expedition at the season of surveyed by Col. Chesney and the officers ob t I { s in 1836. - ] _— ha Euphrates from El Wuja Island to Ummu-1-Huntah, and the River ’ Tigris from Judifah Island to Serut C astle. Surveyed by Col. Chesney, &ec. The season of floods in 1836. at the season of floods in 1 i 3 Bes Tin ‘River Euphrates from Ummu-l-Huntah to Kurnah, with the River Tigris : a Serut Castle to Kurnah, and the Shatt el Arab from Kurnah to Basrah. or “wi {heenoy op "i y SOAS ? 5 in 1830. Surveyed by Col. Chesney, &ec. during the season of floods in 183 8. TURKEY IN ASIA. 493 11. The River Karun from Shuster to Salmanah Island, and from Shuster to Band- i-Kir. Surveyed by Lieut. Selby, ILN., and from Band-i-kir to Salmanah Island by Col. Chesney, &c., and the Dorak Canal by Lieut-Col. Estcourt. 12. The Shatt el Arab from Basrah to the Bar of the River Euphrates, and the River Karun from Salmanah Island to Mohommerah, with the Bah-a-mishir. Surveyed by Col. Chesney, &c. IV. Table showing the changes which took place in the RIVER EUPHRATES between 26th July 1835 and 13th June 1836. Thermometrical observations, five times a day ; rise and fall of the river in inches ; daily notes on the weather. The Huphrates Surveys, by Commander H. B. Lynch. EUPHRATES SURVEY. Sheet 1 of the Shat el Frat or River Euphrates, trigonometrically surveyed when in its lowest state, in October and November 1841, by Commander H. B. Lynch, I. N., assisted by Lieutenants C. D. Campbell, J. F. Jones, and H. W. Grounds, Indian Navy. Also sheets 2 and 3, the whole extending between Balis and Deir. Seale, 1 inch to 1 geographical mile =2,025 yards ; size of each sheet, 25 inches by 36. MSS. EUPHRATES SURVEY. Reduction of part of Shat el Frat or River Euphrates, trigonometrically surveyed when in its lowest state in the year 1841-2, by Commander H. B. Lynch, LLN., assisted by Lieutenants C. D. Campbell, J. Ii. Jones, and H. W, Grounds, Indian Navy. Compiled from three shects on a scale of 1 mile to 1 inch by J. M. Gonsalves. Secale, 4 geographical miles to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 31. VOYAGE of the EUPHRATES, Suklewich to Muskeneh (Bales). With a Chart of (that part of) the River Euphrates and Views, by Lieut. W. J. Powell, IN. May 1872. On 3 sheets ; scale 4 miles to 1 inch. Selections from the Records of the Government of India, Foreign Department, No. CV. EUPHRATES SURVEY, Ethdhein to Deir. Surveyed in 1842 by Lieut. Felix Jones. On 4 sheets of tracing paper. Also drawings of the first and second sheets, entitled “3 and 4 comprise Sheet 2nd of the River Euphrates “ trigonometrically surveyed when in its lowest state in January and February “1842.7 Seale, 1 inch to 1 geographical mile=2,025 yards ; size of each, 18 inches by 24. Description of RASAPHE, and of the BANKS ofthe EUPHRATES. By Captain II. Blosse Lynch, IN. 1841-42. Fecap., 23 pages. MS. Mesopotamian Surveys. Original detailed Plan of the RUINS of BABYLON. By Felix Jones. (Including the town of Hillah.) Seale, 400 yards to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 25. MS. TRIANGULATION from BAGDAD to BABYLON. Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 17. MS. From BABYLON to the SEA of NEJEF. By Felix Jones. (In- cluding the origin of the Hindiyeh, Kerbela, and Al Heimer.) Seale, 4,000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 25. MS. » owt Sin ra al # lad Rn A a eh Be rs et me oe aa = ii ate 494: SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. A collection of Original Sketch Maps of the MESOPOTAMIAN SURVEY. On 14 sheets :— . Hillah Gardens to El Geraineh. . Kifl, Kerbela, Hillah, &c., with Birs Nimrud enlarged. . Plan of Tel Ibrahim. . The Sea of Nejef. . El Heimar. (See Selby’s Babylon, sheet 2.) . Hillah to Niffer. : . Sheriat el Beytha to Tel Ibrahim. . The Sea of Nejef to Samaweh. . Sook es Shuykh to Hamar, Euphrates. . Dewaniyeh to Ashmea, Euphrates and right bank. . Seleucia and Ctesiphon. 1,000 yards to 1 inch. 2. Mesopotamia, Tel Ibrahim to Niffer. 4,000 yards to 1 inch. 3. Moosseib to Kerbela and Meshed Ali or Nejef. 14. Meshed Ali or Nejef to Hillah. MSS. MESOPOTAMIAN SURVEY, 1860-65. Tield Books in Pencil. In 5 vols. oblong, red leather covers. To His Hiohness Omar Pasha, G.C.B., Generalissimo of the Ottoman Armies, and 2 Governor-General of Turkish Arabia, this— PLAN of the supposed RUINS of BABYLON, by William Beau- mont Selby, Commander Indian Navy, and Surveyor in Mesopotaraia, assisted by Lieut. W. Collingwood, Indian Navy—is . . . dedicated. 1859. Scale, 800 yards to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40 ; price 4s. . ; # # A Plan of Birs Nimrud, and views of the Kasr and Babel are inserted in : the margin. BABYLON, Sheets I. and IL, being the original drawings of the above. Scale, 500 yards to 1 inch. TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of a Part of TURKISH ARABIA, SOUTH of BABYLON, including the Bahr-i-Nejf and the ruins of many ancient cities. By William Beaumont Selby, Commander H.M. Indian Navy, and the Surveyor in Mesopotamia, assisted by Lieut. W. Collingwood, H.M.LN. 1860. Sheet 1st. With views of Meshid Ali or Nejf, Kifl, and Cufa, Seale, 2,000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 52. MS. TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of a part of MESOPOTA.- MIA, from Hillah to the ruins of Niffer, with the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. By Lieut. W. Collingwood, Her Majesty’s Indian Navy, Surveyor in Mesopotamia in the autumn of 1861 and in the spring of 1862. Scale, 4,000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 30; price 4s. CL yd With views of the Niffer Mounds, the ruin of Nejmi, Tel Ibrahim, and x Zibbleyeh ; also enlarged plans of Niffer and Tel Ibrahim. The Original Drawing of the above on the same scale. TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of a part of MESOPOTA- MIA, from Sheriat el Beytha to Tel Ibrahim, with the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. By Commander W. B. Selby and Lieut. J. B. Bewsher, Her Majesty’s late Indian Navy, successively Surveyors in Mesopotamia, 1862 to 1865. Scale, 4,000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 20 ; price 4s. a } *_* With views of Baghdad, the Suk el Ghuzl, and Tak Kesra ; also a skele- ton plan of the Historical Sites, and an enlargement of Abu Hubba. The Original Drawing of the above on the same scale. Original Drawing of the YUSUFIYEH CANAL or NAHR MALKA. By Felix Jones. Included in the foregoing map. Size, 36 inches by 24. MS. 8. TURKEY IN ASIA. 495 MEMOIR on part of MESOPOTAMIA contained between Sheriat- el-Beytha, on the Tigris, to Tel Ibrahim. By Lieut. J. B. Bewsher, Surveyor in Mesopotamia. 1866. Feap., 13 pages. TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of a part of MESOPOTA- MIA, including the Bahr-el-Nejf and the channels connecting it with the Euphrates ; also the towns of Massoud, Kerbela, and Meshed Ali; with the Ruins of Kufa and Birs Nimrud. Drawn by Lieut. W. Collingwood, late Indian Navy, from the SHIA vey made by Commander W. B. Selby and himself. Seale, 4,000 yards to 1 wmnch, Vestiges of Assyria. VESTIGES of ASSYRIA, Surer lst, an Ichnographic Sketch of the Remains of Ancient Nineveh, with the enceinte of the modern Mosul, the Mode of Arab MSS. and the MEZIIAA of the Anabasis. Constructed from Trigonometrical Survey in the spring of 1852 at the command of the Government of India, by Felix Jones, Commander Indian Navy, and Surveyor in Mesopotamia, aided in the field operations by J. M. Hyslop, Esq., M.D., Medical Staff Bombay Army. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. Dedicated to Lieut.-Colonel Rawlinson, C.B., now Major-General Sir Henry Rawlinson. Seale, 1,000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 50 inches by 30 ; price 6s. A copy of the Original Drawing in colours. MS. VESTIGES of ASSYRIA, Sueer 2p, showing the positions and plan of the ancient cities of Nimrud and Selamiyeh, the former identical with Aaprra of Xenophon, perhaps the “Calah” of Genesis and the ~=YY =11 nw of the Cuneiform inscriptions. From Trigonometrical Survey made in the spring of 1852 at the command of the Government of India, by Felix Jones, Commander Indian Navy, and Surveyor in Mesopotamia, aided in the field operations by J. M. Hyslop, Esq., M.D., Medical Staff Bombay Army. Dedicated to Austen Henry Layard, Esq. &e. &e. &e. Seale, 1,000 feet to 1 inch; size, 50 inches by 30; price 6s. A copy of the Original Drawing in colours. MS. As an Accompaniment to the 1st and 2nd Sheets of the— VESTIGES of ASSYRIA, Sueer 3rp, being a Map of the country included in the angle formed by the River Tigris and the Upper Zab, showing the disposition of the various ancient sites in the vicinity of Nineveh. From Trigo- nogetrical Survey made by order of the Government of India in the spring of 1852, by Felix Jones, Commander Indian Navy, and Surveyor in Mesopotamia, aided in the field operations by J. W. Hyslop, Esq., M.D., Medical Staff’ Bombay Army. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Viscount Stratford de Radcliffe. Seale, 1,000 fect to 1 inch; size, 50 inches by 30 ; price 6s. A copy of the Original Drawing in colours. MS. VESTIGES of ASSYRIA, Seer 41H, descriptive of the remains of one of the principal cities of that region bearing the modern name of Kaleh Sherkat. Surveyed by Commander Felix Jones, Indian Navy, by order of the Government of India. Now identified with Ir Ashur of the inscriptions, with * Ellasar” and “ Resen” of Genesis, with “Tel Assar,” of the Targums, and with the Tera of Stephen of Byzantium, by Colonel Rawlinson, C.B., &e. Seale, 250 feet to | inch ; size, 40 inches by 27 ; price 6s. A copy of the Original Drawing in colours on tracing cloth. MS. a 5 pe = ie aa a LL LL L.A. A e,,-?"H8 496 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Baghdad. Ground Plan of the ENCEINTE of BAGHDAD, the capital of i also Dar-es-Sal: ‘ \dinet-al-Kholafa in Arab MSS. Trak Mesopotamia, called also Dar-es-Salaam, and Medi e ¢ A From actual surveys made by Commander Felix Jones and Mr. ¥v. U g ’ Mid. Indian Navy. 1833-1854. Secale, 13% inches to 1 geographical mile ; size, 50 inches by 30. 1 1 yp y po DY. » z > Drawing of the same m outline. Size, 37 inches by 24. MS 4 i Yiver Tian laves. : BAGHDAD and KATHEMIM, with River Tigris, villages, Jad date eroves to the north and south. Rough unfinished working sheet, by Felix J ones. Trigonometrically executed, Size, 29 inches by 50. MS. The River Tigris. Survey of the RIVER TIGRIS by Claudius James Rich, lisq., Hon. 3 7, ? . > tI ag > Hs ) . S 1, East Tndia Company’s Resident at Bagdad. No date or scale; size, 38 inches by A CC “Ww 26. MS. Chart of RIVER TIGRIS from Moosul to Bagdad, 1831. Scale, 8 smiles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 18. MS. Sketches of RUINS and REMARKABLE POINTS on the banks of the TIGRIS from Moosul to Bagdad. 1831. Size, 10 inches by 32. MS. Map from BAGDAD to the TOWN of BIR (really Busra) on the th By Messrs. Elliot and Ormsby. 1831. Seale, 13 miles to 1 inch ; or 19 inches by 924. MS. (Two copies.) See Ormsby’s Surveys, page 491. size, 19 inc ; The LINE of ROUTE traversed by Lieut. Roberts Taylor, ond Madras Cavalry from BAGDAD to BUSSORAH vii the ancient canal of the Hye. AYA C ad « C J ] ; ; No date or scale ; size, 22 inches by 30. MS. y 1 " » AT Q > mm ; Sketch of the RIVER TIGRIS and that part of MESOPO I'A MIA ) between the ruins of the Median Wall and canal of Saglawea. By Capt. II. Blosse Lynch. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 34 inches by 26. MS. The TIGRIS from Nineveh to Ctesiphon and the country of Babylon. Dedicated to Her most Gracious Majesty the Queen SF etonta, by bj hos Lynch, tooo] STV amia. Lieut. M. W. Lynch, and I. W. Grounds, y andine on the Survey of Mesopotamia, Lic ut. Lyncl , {opm Bagdud, June 1839. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 78 inches by 41. MS. . . Am Ue 3 r ‘ ' ) co x Stasimetric Survey of the RIVER FIGRIS, by Lieuts. C. D, (Campbell, J. F. Jones, and H. Grounds, in March 1841 ; re-examined and sande) h October and November 1842, by Commander H. B. Lynch and Lieut. J. IF. Jones, Indian Navy. On Mercator’s projection. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. Sheet 1, Baghdad to Hie and Ibn Isa. Size, 25 inches by 31. Sheet 2, Ibn Isa to the Persian Gull. Size, 37 inches by 28. MSS. Jonral of a STEAM TRIP to the NORTH of BAGDAD in April 46. with notes on the various objects of interest met with. Also a view of 40 ’ ; - Qamarrah and a map of that town with the ruins around it; and a plan of the ined we . +. + oe - , rl } ui ) fort of Qadasiyeh, and a view of it from the Tigris. By Lieut. J. Felix Jones, Indian adasiye | : Navy. Feap., 65 pages and maps. MS. Note.—Printed in Bombay Selections, No. XLII. 8, TURKEY IN ASIA: 497 A map of the RIVER TIGRIS, from BAGDAD northward to DUR, with the course of the Nahrwan Canal, and the old bed of the Tigris below Quadesiyeh. By Felix Jones, Capt., LN. See the “Journal of a Steam Trip,” in the Bombay Selections, No. XLIII. No title. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. MS. IRRUPTIONS of the TIGRIS, Sheet I. Plans made in the lowest season by William Beaumont Selby, Commander Indian Navy, and Surveyor in Mespotamia :—Suaji on the left bank one hour above Fil-a-fil ;—Oom-el-Henna on the right bank. Scale, 300 feet to 1 inch. 1860. Sheet II. The Hud. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; with a map of the Tigris from Duffus Grove to the Gurmah at Zobeyr with the courses of the Hud. Scale, 1 inch to 2,000 yards ; size, 33 inches by 26. MSS. Part of the RIVER TIGRIS north of KUT-AL-AMAREH, and junction of the Hye River, up to Jarjaraiyeh, By Felix Jones. Size, 15 inches by 22. MH». Working Sheet, unfinished. The TIGRIS, north and south of the ancient cities of Seleucia and Ctesiphon, the Modain of Arab geographers. Showing the connexion of the Nahr Malka or Royal Canal with the former city, and that of the Nahrawan with the latter. Trigonometrically projected by Felix Jones. Size, 60 inches by 28. MS. The Shat-el-Arab. Sketch of the COURSE of the SHAT-UL-"ARAB from the entrance to Mahomerah. By Captain Felix Jones, Resident, Persian Gulf ; and Captain M. Green, Sind Horse, constructed while reconnoitring the enemy’s position at Mahome- rah in company with Commodore Ethersey and Captain J. W. Young, I. N,, in February 1857. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size, 46 inches by 20. The SHAT AL ARAB from the GURMA’T ALI to BUSRA, trigonometrically surveyed by Lieut. Wm. Collingwood, H.M.ILLN. May 1859. Seale, 1,000 feet to 1 inch; size, 36 inches by 50. MS, Also a copy on tracing paper. $ Plan showing the Position of the BUOYS at the Mouth of the SHAT UL ARAB. By Charles D’Arcy, Acting Lieut. LN. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 11. MS. Plan of FAO, showing the position of the SUBMARINE CABLE. 1864. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 14. MS. The Korun and Dizful Rivers. A general chart of the part of the KARUN RIVER about Ahwaz including the Bund, and of the river Karun and Dizful and of the Aubigargar canal. Compiled from the trigonometrical survey in 5 sheets by Lieut. Selby, LN. Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 17. MS. The same lithographed. Survey of the RIVER KARUN from its junction with the SHAT EL ARAB below MOHAMEERAH to about 20 miles above Ahwaz; from Is- maecenah upwards trigonometrically surveyed during a low state of the river in June 1841. By Lieut. W. B. Selby, LN. Scale, § inch to 2,040 yards ; size, 28 inches by 52. MS. (7767.) , . . : cE Pe ol EE a a AA TE RRR REA Bt RAE IR RRR hi th 498 SECOND PART.——TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Trigonometrical Survey of the RIVERS KARUN and DIZKUL and the Aub-i-Gargar Can pril 1842. The soundings, taken when the river had fallen considerably; Signed by H. B. Lynch, commanding Euphr tenant ; and J. F. Jones, Assistant Surveyor, &c. al, in the month of A are in fathoms. Seale, % inch to 2,040 yards. ates Expedition; W. B. Selby, Lieu- Size, 29 inches by 20. The Diala, Nahrwan, &c. JA, CANALS, and COUNTRY between BAG H- REEN HILLS. By Lieut. Grounds, LN. 1839. Scale, 2 woh ; size, 29 inches by 21. MS. L, from its junction with the Size, 40 inches by 27. Chart of the DIAT DAD and the HAM geographical miles to 1 in The ancient NAHRAWAN CANA Upper Tigris to Ctesiphon. By Capt. Felix Jones, LN. MS. Field Sheet. OPIS. By Felix Jones. MS. Part of the NAHRAWAN CANAL and the DIYALEH RIVER. Size, 36 inches by 24. MS. SHAT EL DIJLEH, the Riv showing the prolongation of the grea Diyaleh and Hye connexions with the 24. MS. OLD BED of the TIGRIS, and site of the ancient (Included in the foregoing map.) Size, 20 inches by 11. / er Tigris from BAGDAD to KUT, { Nahrawan Canal of antiquity, as also the Tigris. By Felix Jones. Nize, 36 inches by Syria and Palestine. Atlas von PALAESTINA and der SINAI-HALBINSEL, zu C. Ritter's Erdkunde, Band XIV-XVIL. Secale, 1: 3 5:2 miles to 1 inch; on 15 sheets ; size of each, 17 inches by 23, in a cover. Trial section from the PLAIN of ANTIOCH to the PLAIN of Horizontal scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 32 inches by 76. MS. Terib. Tyial section at ALEPPO. Horizontal scale, 6 inches to 1 mile ; size, 99 inches by 30. MS. Crete. au 400,000°, dressée principalement M. le Lieutenant-Général Comte Mathieu Byzantins et Italiens, communiqués par et appuy de cur les observations astro- Taisseau par le Chevalier 1825. Size, © Ar CANDIE, CRITI, ou CRETE, es et reconnaissances de s extraits des auteurs membre de U'Institut, vemens de M. Gautier, Capitaine de) Royal des Ingénieurs Geographes, sur les mémoir Dumas, ainsi que sur le M. le Chevalier Hase, sur les rele nomiques et ir au Corps Lapie, officier supériev 99 inches by 32. Asia Minor. EAPTA MAJOIL ABIL * #* % Map of Asia Minor constructed at Polkova, from astronom and 1835 (in the Russian language). Scale, 14 miles to Carte Géographique ITN 1: 1,000,000, par A. de Bolotoff, Général a Et riaux inédits et les données fourn size, 30 inches by 42. ical observations made in 1834 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 36 inches by 51. de PASIE MINEURE rédigée a I'échelle de at Major de Russie, d’apres des matdé- ises par P. de Tehihatchef, 1833. On 2 sheets ; 8, TURKEY IN ASIA . 499 Plan i oh of 4 Jortion of the CONSTANTINOPLE and BUSSORA iy ra Ar I laid under the direction of Lt. Col. Biddulph R i , RUA. 1860. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; size as Dw » ~Cy ’8S Y . Armenia. S ”v $ rm “CYC ketch of the FORTRESS of KARS and ENVIRONS. and of the action fought betw T ctior g tween the Turks under the co on fs oi 3» comms x g Jill Russians under General Mouraviev, Sept. 29th yuna of Gener i i Th ne 5. Size, 13 inches by 18. ie FORTRESS and FIELD DEFENCES of KARS i G sh x between the Russians under General Mouravi a Poprosonting reneral Williams, on the 27th Sept. 1855. Size 27 pi Pe Tun ye ze, 2 ches by 40. IX. ARABIA. General Maps. Map of MARITIME ARABIA with the opposite Coasts of Africa and I ersi i 8 x ral’s ) ic fre 1 an rin C *rsia. Reduced mn the Quart M 4 ; he : : « ermaster G 2 ral’s ( ee ) iol n 'P by C olonel 1 . Dickinson, Chief Engineer 184 3 ) { by un ® ong n Al < . inch ys by , = . . , cale, 635 miles to 1 winch ’ > ARA 3[A I 7 i 1 e y I I |: t LL ] &e Drawn for 1 1 : A W llilam H nr X a e ) Colonel Chesney’s work on his Euphrates Expe ditio I : 1 0 on d ” ta ‘COS, ¢ ( a |e - ! x A ho artion., fy < : 8 1 or ’ ame mg the latter Ibn Kordadbah. London 184 7 oe D L a les Tn : St e, S inches by 26. ’ . A ale, 60 miles to 1 inch - Map of ARABIA. C i ] ARABIA. Compiled from all ip of Al | Cor all the m "ece ‘iti To Yok Ds Court of Directors of the East India fog pecens i 9. Scale, 36 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 54; raz hela: UEBERSICHTS-K TE J Xa 4 , ) LY- CA R | I von AR \ N kunde (Buc ¢ tv von Al BIEN zu C i ’s Er Snide (iach 11L). West Asien, Theil XII., XIII. oo Rister gs 18 inches 4 on von OC. Ritter. Berlin, 1852. Scale 95 “a Rent nehes by 23. See Ritter’s Atlas, General Maps of Asi o- Oo hint Note o fal d Ad Al LY . al 91% on eoiinin QUERY 108 3 relatlve to the interior of ARABIA Sou Royal Geographical Society y 2 pobranry 4 i, Tn 1864, and published in their issue of 28th Ap Son i Mack 864. I'cap., 13 pages, with ZIMMERMANN’S IMMERMANN’S MAPS of ARABIA MAP! ARABIA. See Atlas v as von Vorder Asien, General Maps of Asia, page 463 g ‘ | Oman and the Northern Coast. A revised Map of "OMAN and the PERSIAN GULF, in whicl s 193 1 an attempt has been made to give a corr i a oe mute sg ve u correct transliteration of the Arabic names : ing! Cieorg Percy Badger, F.R.G.S. 1871. Secale, 37 SA A op 20 of J askat and el Matrah on the scale of 31 inches t 1 20) de ie town of Maskat. Size, 22 inches by 30. : sto Lute. Amsviwe View of MUSCAT T yf S r \ rm 1 oF £ MU SCAT TOWN and FORTS. 1811. Drawn i colour. - Size, 14 inches by 20. RAWE XL aie View of ISCAT of MUSCA : " PERS low of MUSC 1, entrance of PERSIAN GULF awing in Indian ink. Size, 9 inches by 12. LAD onl 112 yh do — . lip Bini lciasmsatindiusbaeiinsingmscinl i a bs . A iii sg cd a AALS I it : pt aR. bh A Aint Aen roi te gh oh RC 500 SECOND PART.——TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Plan of the ATTACK of RAS-UL-KHYMA by the forces under Sir Wm. G. Keir, K.M.T., between the 3rd and 9th of December 1819. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile; size, 16 inches by 13. MS. A Map of the OASIS of EL HASA. Scale, about 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 16. MS. Capt. Sadleir’s Route. Route across ARABIA from El Katif in the Persian Gulf to Yambo in the Red Sea. Compiled from the Journal of Capt. Sadleir. 1821. Scale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 17. MS. Narrative by Capt. Sadleir of his PROCEEDINGS in A RABIA. With remarks on his route across Arabia, from El Kuttuff on the Persian Gulf to Yambo on the Red Sea. 1520. In 2 vols., post folio. MS. Diary of a J OURNEY across ARABIA, from EL-KH ATIF, in the Persian Gulf, to YAMBO, in the Red Sea, during the year 1819. (With a map.) By Capt. G. Forster Sadlier, of H.M.s 47th Regiment. Compiled from the Records of the Bombay Government, by P. Ryan, Esq. Assist. See. to Govt. Bombay, 1866. 8vo., stiff cover. South-western Arabia. A Map of the SOUTH-WESTERN PART of ARABIA, from Hodeidah to the Ourlgee Country, east of Aden, showing the political divisions. No title. Horse Guards, May i839. Scale, 24 miles to] inch ; size, 13 inches by 17. MS. A Map of the SOUTH-WESTERN PART of ARABIA, from Hodeidah to Wady Meifah. From information. Signed by Capt. Haines, I.N., Political Agent at Aden. Secale, about 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 19. MS. tracing. Memoir of SOUTHERN ARABIA, by Commander S. B. Haines, Indian Navy. 1838. Part 1st. Feap., 208 pages, with views and inscriptions. MS. Journal of an EXCURSION from MOREBAT to DYNEEZ, the principal town of Dofar, &e. By Mr. Cruttenden, Indian Navy. 1836. Icap. 16 pages. MS. SUDWESTLICHES ARABIEN (Hidjaz und Yemen) zu C. Ritter’s Erdkunde, Buch 111., West Asien, Theil XII. Bearbeitet von H. Kiepert, herausgegeben von C. Ritter. Berlin, 1852. Scale, 39 miles to 1 inch; size 23 inches by 18. Map of SOUTH-WESTERN ARABIA. With the Routes of Travellers. Topographical Depét, Horse Guards, 1874. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 36. Aden. A British military station and port with dependencies under a Resident, subordinate to the Government of India. Haines Survey. The several BAYS near CAPE ADEN on the Arabian Coast, sur- veyed trigonometrically, 1830. With three outline sketches of the coast. This 9, ARABIA—ADEN. 501 survey was executed i 3 A a oi Ho, Companys evar vessel ¢ Palinurus,” under : : . 0, SAIOR, SClINg ‘ommande Surveyor ' ¥ mile to 1 ii size, 27 inches by 40 is Tr iews. Land formi ; tol ; add rming the west side Gibbul Shumsan, from the vessel at HG faa ia po Sheet s size, LL inches by 23. MS RAM: BY In iis is the original drawing of the of ain: ng of the sketches i g sketches engraved in Capt. Haines’ ITave apt. Haines’ chart. INDIAN PAPERS, N - £ ui) No. IX C : Presented by Her Maj ) “ co i orrespondence relatin folio. y Her Majesty’s command, With maps of Aden and oo Age. Defences of Aden. By Lieut Curtis, 1842, Plan showing the OLD LIN ELD WORK an 4 INE of FI / ISTHMUS of ADEN, : INE PILL & 3 IUS of ADEN, and the LINE of PERMANENT RE pi i S proposed for nstruction. mon oJ. . C » 4 t « 4 4 TS A ) CO ( J | ed J A urtis I lreutenant M 3 itive I negineer 1 : 2 on p ’ y ( y ’ ~~ eer Office, Aden, 0s Mien ) : By Major Jacob, R.A., and Major (afterwards Lt -Col.) Grant, R.I { A. . ar s Lv. A4, duty, 1843-44. On special 1. Skeleton Plan of a SURVEY the PENINSU a SURVE of the EASTERN the PENINSULA of ADEN. Scale, 80 yards to 1 inch ; N oRyoN of 3 Obl, - » 2 2. Sections of DURUB-UL-HOSH. On 4 sheets 3. Sections of RAS-UL-GIRREFY. On 5 sheets Sections of JIBBUL HUDDEED. On 6 sheets Section on outer side of MUNSOOREE RANGE. On 1 sheet Zalxixl,, : sheet, Section along ridge from OFFICER'S TOWER. On 1 sheet | 41v. J shee Sketch in Outline of 3 | > of the ISTHMUS ‘N ‘ ww Tt ‘ . : - / of Y 1 manner in which the Special Committee propose to AT N Sowing He 0 de anks of their position, Poona, 15th July 1843. Seale, 8 MS, J 3. Seale, 80 yards to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 42 8. Surve V THERN Suvey & Sie 5 OR’ 'H SRN or MUNSOOREE RANGE W. Tacoh Maior of race of the PENINSULA of ADEN. Sion : Fs duty on defence of Adin 500 C w. Grant, Major of Engineers in inch ; size, 33 inches b Lo 0 20Y) 11th September 1843. Scale 80 4 3 oa s by 57. MS. } Yds. to 9. Plan of RANS-U : : se rks across the isthmus with the tunnel : ia eS ns on the hill. Also, Plan of GIBUL. 28 Lp scarping eS . TDTTD . : 4d ’ GH, ‘ + TVN of he SPL A on DU RL B-1 L-HOSH, showing the junction of the ind ox END cs across the isthmus with the ultimate defences on Gibul poet Le ed and the pier. With ground plans and s i D > 8 . - ans and sections. 18 £3 eale [ ) . ; aa oh or } cect : to 1 ine hh ; size, 33 ineche $ by 49, M: ‘ J ? maps and sections, SO feet 10. Plans and Sections of 3 ) Phas apd Sections of the several REDOUBTS and i HA A i and DI I'( I forming the proposed NEW LINE iy: 4 connecting « ISTHMUS of ADEN. 1843. Size, 33 inches by 49. MS. FORRS actos 25 Eb i } p i} & : x - aq ] | l : PERT LE | 3 N ¥ § HE r a LE A) ! } D i oN | b i : dh i it | i if ! i ]! i} £ | 1 1 TE h | | 4 ATR Ee ET EE ned BO a am EE & Ete 502 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. and ENCLOSED RESERVOIRS TROOPS in the NEW CANTONMENT Sections of the Pier of Obstruction &e. 1843. Size, 25 inches 11. Plan and Sections of OPEN for the SUPPLY of WATER to the on the ISTHMUS. Also, Plan, Elevation, and and Landing Pier, with the Guard-room and Battery, by 37. 12. Plans by Lieut.-Colonel C. W. Grant, Bombay Engineers. Tur- nace for heating shot ; cast-iron traversing platform ; raft for extending a pier into deep water ; proposed Kuropean barracks. 1844. On 1 sheet; size, 30 inches by 52. Aden—Marshag Defence:. 13. Outline, Plan, and Sections of the PROMONTORY of MARSHAG on the S.E. side of the PENINSULA of ADEN. 1844. Scale of MS. plan, 80 yards to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 55. 14. Plans and Sections of the Sea DEFENCES on MARSHAG, ADEN. 1844. Seale, 20 feet to 1 inch : size, 28 inches by 50. MS. Aden—=eera Island Mole and Defences. and Sections of the ISLAND of SEERA on the Scale of plan, 80 yards to 15. Outline, Plan, S.E. side of the PENINSULA of ADEN. 1844. 1 inch; size, 43 inches by 30. MS. Plans and Sections of the proposed SEA DEFENCES on SEERA ISLAND, ADEN. 1844. Seale, 20 feet to 1 inch; size. 29 inches by 51. MS. on SEERA MOLE, ADEN. Scale, 25 feet to 1 inch. Also on the same sheet, Plan of the Defensible Barrack or Military Post intended for the Table Land immediately overlooking the Ravine or Valley of the Wells, Aden. 1844. Scale, 20 feet to inch : size, 30 inches by 52. 17. Plan and Sections of SEERA MOLE in the FRONT BAY of ADEN. 1843-44. Secale, 25 feet to 1 inch: size, 23 inches by 37. MS. 16. Battery and Defences Aden— West Bay Defences, &e. ons of SHUWYELE or LONG ISLAND 18. Outline, Plan, and Secti 1844. Secale of plan, 80 yards tol inch ; size, in the HARBOUR of ADEN. 23 inches by 55. MS. 19. Survey of ground between RAND TARSHAYN and RAS HEDJUFF including STEAMER POINT in the WESTERN BAY of ADEN. 1843-44. Scale, 80 yards to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 52. MS. INT ISLAND in the WESTERN 90. Plan and Sections of FL 1844. Seale of plan, 50 feet to BAY of ADEN, proposed for a coal depit. 1 inch ; swe, 27 inches by 40. MS. 21. Soundings in feet round FLINT ISLAND reduced to extreme low water mark as corrected by a tide gauge. 1844. Seale, 50 fect to 1 inch; size, 40 inches by 27. M S. Plan of the SEAWARD DEFENCES at STEAMER POINT, ADEN. No date. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 56. MS. 9 ro , ARABIA—ADEN. 503 2, Ondine, Pla, oe Sections of RAS MORBUT at the entrance ) Adv 2 LN i y san dh of ADEN. 1843-44. Scale, 80 yards to 1 inch; size, 19 Lt Aden Defences —By Capt. Kilner, RE. 1846, . Sketch of the PENINSULA, or CAPE of ADEN, with ranges ges of batteries and references s and references to Bombay Letter No. 113 of 1846. Secale, 300 yards to Orr | inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. tracing ; : ing. ¢) : . > : 2. Outline Plan of the WORKS connected with the DEFENCE of tracing. By LA 8) IN. Seale, 40 fect to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS. 5 . 4 11C D § ) i 3 Plage) Plan and Sections to accompany PLAN of WORKS SomNl, with the DEFENCE of the MAIN PASS at ADEN. Secale, 12 : inch ; size, 27 inches by 31. MS. tracing. trae 4 I on the SUMMIT of the CONICAL HILL in rear of VAS MORBAT. Seale, 15 feet to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 40. MS, tracing . g. | | Aden— General Maps, 1855-63. Sketch of the PENINSULA or CAPE OF ADEN. Scale, 300 yards to 1 ine 3 rien as yds o .¢nch, Showing the military limits, dated August 25th 1855; the Isthmus servoirs; proposed lakes; and Zawella tanks. Size, 26 inches by 38. MS. > ). , DENTIN QT Plan of the PENINSULA or CAPE of ADEN, exhibiti BRnased military limits which are colored red, marked You a a: | i as July 1855. Lithographed at tl i pind di Tic we ithogr: at the office of the Chief Enginee 32, Seale, 200 yards to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 50 Chief Dine Bho igen RNIN RE PENINSULA of ADEN, 1863. Scale, 600 yards to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches by 18. Mounted on millboard. MS, Aden Defences— By Capt. Pym, RE. 1863? L teh Pha Jovy PROPOSED LINE of SCARP on the SOU RN RANGE at ADEN. Seale ce ie 204 one ipa wt ADEN. Seale, 200 feet to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 37. 9 ‘ YEN YrIVY TY + nels 2 3 LONG] TUDINA L SECTION at crest of Proposed Scarp; also, Average Sections. 2 sheets of tracing ¢ ; ; iy ge Section In 2 sheets of tracing cloth ; size of each, 29 inches by 3. 4. BRIDGE for the SOUTH PASS. On tracing cloth. Size ov 25 inches by 33. MS. Plans of the PERMANEN" {RACKS ‘N 7s of the DER ENT BARRACKS at ADEN (Arabia). L Sates wn of the country round Aden. 2. Plan of Ade » coast of Ye i ; 80.28 Summ on ihe coast of Yemen, a province of Arabia Filex. Seale, 3. Artillery Barracks, Front Bay. . Ditto ditto, 5. Infantry Barracks, ditto. Ditto ditto. Ditto Isthmus. Ditto ditto. ~ Ditto Steamer Point. - Ditto ditto. i i porn em ad ai oh o bt k= dan dn pm it SH NES aay x 1 i$ is y : i Hi { a I~, Shea a RE Se tla Spe Sirs SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. X. CHINESE EMPIRE. Atlases and General Maps. Nouvel Atlas de la CHINE, de la TARTARIE CHINOISE, et du THIBET : contenant les cartes génirales et particuliéres de ces pays, ainsi que la carte de royaume de Corée; la plupart levées sur les lieux par ordre Ae 1 Den Cang-Hi, avec Pexactitudei maginable, soit par les PP. Jésuites Missionain y 2 a Chine, soit par des Tartares du Tribunal des Mathématiques, et toutes reviles par les mémes Pores : Rédigées par M. D’Anville, Géographe Ordinaire de sa Majesté res Chrétienne, précedé d'une description de la Boucharie, par un Officier Suedois qui a fait quelque sejour dans ce pays. Liste et OrRDRE des CARTES comprisés dans cet ATLAS. 1. Carte le plus générale de toutes, comprenant la Chine, la Tartarie, et le Thibet, 2. Carte générale de la Chine. 3-17. Provinces de la Chine. 18. Carte eénérale de la Tartarie Chinoise. oN 19-30. Feuilles Particuli¢res de la Tartarie Chinoise. 31. Le Royaume de Code. 32. Carte générale du Thibet. 33-41. Feuilles Particulieres du Thibef. 42. Voyage du Capitaine Beerings. _ A la Haye, chez Henri Scheurleer. 1737. Folio, bound. A Map of CHINA PROPER and COREA, with the outlines of the coast extended southward to include the Gulf of Siam. I'he part containing ( hina Proper and Corea consists of sheets from an edition of D Anville’s Atlas de la Chine, and the remainder is in manuscript, the whole being usefully fitted together. No title or date. Scale, 32 miles to 1 inch ; size, 84 inches by 64. An Italian Map of the COAST of CHINA from the Island of ton ro gd v data, Size. 95 tnches by 42 ; Hainan to the Strait of Formosa. No title or date. Size, 23 inches by 42. MS. Pp . ar MTR 1 T A Chinese Map of the greater part of ASIA and part of EUROPEAN RUSSIA, &e., including the whole of Siberia and the Chinese Empire ; the course of the Ganges according to the Lamas, to its outlet in the Bay of dengal ; likewise of the Indus, to its outlet in the Arabian Sea; also the outlines of the Persian Gulf’; art of the Red Sea; all of the Black Sea ; and the straits connecting it with the orn . the River Dneiper ; the Gulfs of Riga and Finland, and the W hite Sea. The names, &e. are partly in Chinese and partly in Manchu, and the title or legend on Roll No. 1, is in both languages. Engraved and printed in or about 1761. In ten parts ; size of each, 27 feet 2 inches by 1 foot 91 inches, forming ten rolls. 2 . i - . . . ~ The following translation of the Chinese part of the title or legend, was very eo - N. » J . i , ) : al . kindly made by Rebert K. Douglas, Esq., of the British Museum, and Professor of Chinese at King’s College, London. Title or Legend. «Tn the course of many years during which we have been annexing territory, we « have always had regard to his sacred schemes [the previous Emperor's]. [Note.—The map of the world was begun in the reign of the Emperor Kang-he (1662-1722). The imperial ancestor ordered men to visit every tribe, to make investigation, and to map the country. In case they were not able to reach any district in person, they were directed to make inquiries about it, and to embody the result in the map, which was to be engraved on copper that it might descend to future ages.] 10, CHINESE EMPIRE. 505 “Tt is now a fact that we have extended (our dominions) as far as the Ku-san (Fa-han).* [Note.— Last year Chun-kieh-wiht (Soungar) was pacified, and all the western tribes were carefully registered. In consequence of which the censor Ko-Tsung-kwo was ordered to conduct some Kuropeans (or a European) by the western and northern roads to Ko-go-chih-kihf to calculate its position, to note the climate and seasons, and to examine carefully the moun- tains and valleys, the practicable and impracticable roads and paths, both far and near, and to make a map thereof in accordance with the rules previously laid down. ] “These are not mere boasts. The military officers who were engaged in pulling down and building up, should together with the commissioners be rewarded. Let them enter the imperial presence and reverently report. The Rebel Passes having now been pierced, the Chinese ministers desire to see peace and prosperity spread far and wide. We continually look back at the tranquillity which prevailed during the Shith Dynasty, and long to renew it. “ An imperial note written in the 6th month of the year ping-tzse of the reign of the Emperor Keen-lung (1756) “I venture to speak of the extension (of territory). Yen-Pih (?), who had acted in accordance with the plans of our predecessors, was after this ordered to cease from slaughter, since the horses and cattle of Sang-gih-loo§ (7) have been left without anyone to tend them, and the military posts had all been attacked and taken.” [Note.—In the year 1755 when Chun-kieh-wih (Soungar) was pacified, Ho-Tsung-kwo and others were ordered to take measurements and to make a map (of this district). In the year 1759, a census was taken of all the Mahommedan tribes, and Ming-Gan-too and others were again sent to settle and pacify the country, to watch the times and seasons, to regulate the government, and to fill in their observations on the former map, that it may descend to all ages as evidence of the truth of these statements.] “The civil rule and appointed times of the present dynasty are now respectfully received, and even amid the cold and warmth of sunless valleys there is not to be found a single disturber of the royal rule of the Ting Dynasty, or of the tranquillity of the country. May this inheritance continue to all future generations ! “ An additional note written by Téé-Tseen-yun, in the Sth month of the year 1760.” This map was presented to the East India Company in 1825 by John Reeves, Esa, F.R.S., and L.S. of the Company’s service in Canton. It is accompanied by an imperfect MS. index of the names prepared some time since, in 1 vol, fep, half-bound. The map is divided into squares of 2} inches, which seem at first sight to be formed by lines of latitude and longitude, like a plane projection. But although the perpendiculars conform on the whole to degrees of longitude, the horizontal lines do not correspond with parallels of latitude on any uniform basis, Thus, each roll is divided uniformly by equi-distant parallel lines, at 21 inches apart ; which, if the lines represented degrees, would make each roll contain 8 degrees of latitude. But while one roll actually embraces latitude to an extent of about 4% degrees, another contains 51, another 61, and another more than 7 degrees. These discrepancies appear to have attracted attention on some previous occasion, as scales of latitude have been made on parchment for four of the rolls ; but, on examination, it has been found that these scales cannot be relied upon for any exact purpose. The map is nevertheless a work of importance. There is some account of it in an article on Maps of China, by Mr. W. Huttmann, in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. 14. Mr. Huttmann describes it as a new edition of the famous map constructed by the Jesuits under the orders of the Emperor Kang-he, combined with the more recent Jesuit Surveys of the Calmuck Territory and Eastern Turkestan, the acquisition of which by the Chinese was compieted in 1759. The Emperor Kang-he’s Survey formed the basis of D’Anville’s “ Atlas de la Chine,” Ferghana now Kokan. Chun-kieh-"rh in the * Chinese Topography.” Perhaps identical with Kih-shih-kich-'rh ching, or Kashgar, of the ¢ Chinese Topography.” Can this Be another name for the Soungar country, to avoid tautology ? For it is the Souncars who were “ pacified” on this occasion by the seizure of their military posts and the slaughter of the people; and it seems to be their horses and cattle to which attention is directed. 02s epg pp x hres 506 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. which Mr. Huttmann correctly describes as ¢ by no means a complete and exact « translation of the original ”; but he is not right in asserting that D’Anville “limited « his responsibility to following the tracings and translations which were sent by « the Jesuits from China;” for that statement is contrary to the declaration of D’Anville himself, contained in his Mémoire sur la Chine,” published at Pekin and Paris in 1776. These remarks are only intended to serve as a preliminary clue to the practical use of this work. It may be added that while the map displays an interest on the part of the Chinese Government in the outer world as far as the Arctic Ocean, the borders of India, St. Petersburg, Constantinople, and Mecea, it also exhibits some remarkably confused notions not due to the date of the work, of which the mixture of Turkistan with Persia is a curious example. An Atlas of the EIGHTEEN PROVINCES of CHINA PROPER. In Chinese. The Chinese title, translated by Robert K. Douglas, Province.” A preface states that the work was executed by Lew-Kwin in the year 1805 : that three classes of towns are distinguished, namely, Fou, Chou, and Neen ; and that 250 le are reckoned to a degree. Esq., is “Maps of each CONTENTS. Fo-Keen. | 14. Kan-So. . Hoo-P&. | Hoo- | 15. Se-Chuen. . Hoo-Nan. / Kwang. | 16. Kwang-Tung. . Ho-Nan. 17. Kwang-Se. 18. Yun-Nan. | 12. Shan-Se. 19. Kwei-Chow. . General Map. . Man-Chew Tartary. . Pe-che-le. Keang-Nan (Gan-Hwuy | and Keang-Su). | 11. Shan-Tung. 5. Keang-Se. 2 . Che-Keang. 13. Shen-Se. The maps are joined in one length and folded in a green figured silk cover, size 13} inches by 16. Presented by John Reeves, Ksq., of Canton, 1825. A Map of CHINA coloured, in Provinces, with a planisphere of the Eastern Hemisphere, and another including the whole world. In Chinese. Pre- sented 25th November 1828, by J. G. Ravenshaw, Esq., in the name of his son, Edw. C. Ravenshaw, Esq., who obtained it in the Himalaya Mountains. Mounted on rollers. Size, 54 inches by 28. The following note is by Robert K. Douglas, Esq. :— «The bold heading is in Seal characters, and signifies ¢ Map. Printed in the Capital > (Peking). «The large type on the right hand side of the map signifies ¢ A Complete Ter- « restrial and Celestial Map. Printed from the Imperial blocks.’ «The large type between the two planispheres signifies ‘ A Complete Map of the ¢ Four Seas taken from the work entitled Hai-kwo-wdan-chien-lih. «The smaller type between the two planispheres is a note by Ma-Tsun-leang, describing the two maps, and the shape of the earth. On the left is another note by the same author, in which it is stated that the left-hand map was drawn by Chin- keun-mun, &c. «The title of the ¢ Map of the World.”” Another copy of the same M with an astronomical planisphere. by J. G. Ravenshaw, Esq., in the name of his son ; 10 obtained it in the Himalaya Mountains. ¢ A Complete Astronomical (!) Map of China is in the Seal character, and signifies ¢ A Complete ap of CHINA differently coloured, In Chinese. Presented, 25th November 1828, Kdward Cockburn Ravenshaw, Esq., wl Mounted on rollers. Size, 58 inches by 28. The following note is by Robert K. Douglas, Esq. :— «The bold heading is in Seal character, signifying ¢ A Complete Celestial and ¢ Terrestrial Map. Printed in the Capital’ (Peking). 10, CHINESE EMPIRE. 507 “ TI . + Meter pn 6 Mon a i refer to the circumstances under which the y sovereigns, such as the rulers of Corea, Li iu, Thi thelr c gns, 2 rulers of Corea, Liu-chiu, Thibet, &c a a, wn th C ) , Thibet, &c. hold their . / 34 1s respect it is a duplicate ecedi ifferi EF id p plicate of the preceding map, differing only Olseredl nr on the route of the BRITISH EMBASSY, from - )-MIN-TSE to NAN-CHANG-FOO. 1817. (Lord Amherst’s Er bassy “cap., 11 pages, unbound. MS. : ee) Map of CHINA, compiled from original Surveys and sketches by James Wyld, Geogr: ame , Geographer to the Queer MOET , sien, 21 hot By a Queen. London, 1840. Scale, 70 miles to 1 inch ; \Y I> ? YF J / 3 Map Son ri he adjacent COUNTRIES drawn from the Bt ye 7s and other authentic documents for Wm. H. Allen & J. & C. Walker. 1842. Seale, 75 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 31 ia a TRY . Revie fon CHINA ind Jahan den manen I’Anville’s und Klap- oth's gewidmet Potsdam von H. B. 1843. Germ: 10gT sheet N of Berghaus’ Atlas of Asia. Size, 27 inches by 10. Moose Dede? . rT . mm T 1 APTA BIT , BE % 3 Map of KITAI (CHINA) and the aions the Amur River, chomo-lithographed in the Topographic: 2po 3 Petersburg) 1859. In Russian. Size, 23 on i 29. Ypamniiol Dov Memorandum on a General Map of the CHINESE EMPIRE by Tang daete. Feap., 6 pages unbound. MS. ¥ iis memorandum does appear to rel: ither i lg es not appear to relate to either of the maps in the col- T mL n ir T Ag The NOLTH-EAS L PROYIN CES of CHINA, including the ast from Chusan to the Gulf Liau-Tong. Compiled from Dul s 17 Macartney, Barrow, Parish and S ton, 1795-7. Klapreth aT, riney, Barrow, Parish Staunton, 1793-7, Klaprcth and Biot, 1842 ) i Surveys by ( apts. Bethune, Kellett and Collinson, 1842, Capt Ve gos Corr, W ard and Lieut. Bullock, 1858, Monsieur Ploix’ Survey of the Tien. i , Io%. at Of the sonst of Pe-Chilli from a Survey by Major A Fisher, a, September 1859. By Edward J. Powell, of the Hy ‘ographic ice, 1859. Seale, 24 miles to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. * Hyllomaghit Often A820. A CHINESE Map of TIT or TYAN YG | ae Map of the PROVINCE of KIANG-SL Size, CHINESE TOWNS, &c. Amoy. Military Sketch of the CITY and SUBURBS of AMOY and the dicen ands Ko-ting-sao, with the defences at the date of their capture, on th 26th August 1841, by a combined naval and military for i ; ‘ ) gus 3 n aval ary force Lieut.-Gen., Sir Gough, K.C.B., and Rear Admiral Sir William Parker, K.C.B By I ic . Bagh Rundall and Johnston, Madras Engineers, Seale, 220 yards to 1 inch : si ns inches by 34. MS. Tehran 2 Canton. Chart of the CANTON RIVER, with the Entrances and Islands ( ompiled from original Surveys and Sketches, by James Wyld, Geographer Queen, 1840. Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch. With a plan of the City f G Epler 49 he OL tnnhoe a . ‘. « « ) 0 an ‘ SNe , 2% inches to 1 mile; size, 18 inches by 23. In a case. ion. Seal, ois Llc cme inten iliihne a elie $i a AG ais id i RR BR i AR ERR a visa ie WE SARE ea eR eR hh 508 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS, Plan of the CITY and SUBURBS of CANTON, compiled by he Quartermaster-General’s Department, Chinese Expeditionary F o1 A oe 1857. Seale, 1,000 feet to 1 inch; size, 27 inches by 40. Lithographed a e Topographical Depot, War Department. : *,* With memoranda, descriptive of Canton and Suburbs. C hin-keang-foo. Military Sketch of the OPERATIONS against the Tom N of CHIN-KEANG-FOO on the YANG-TSE-KEANG, by a Ba oH a command of His Excellency Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hugh Bengt GOs on the 21st July 1842. Scale of 400 yards to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 29. MNS. Chusan. K HINESE DEFENCES Military Sketch of the ATTACK on the CHINESE DERRY at TING-HAE, in the Island of Chusan, by a combined naval 2 2 tary Des on the 1st October 1841, under Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hugh Ganghy K.( - 3. png ‘ a1 Admiral Sir William Parker, K.C.B. Reduced from an origina rv ol Captain Anstruther, Madras Artillery, by the F ield Engineers Dopo is Yas ern Kx pedition, Seale, about 440 yards to 1 inch; size, 19 inches by 26. MS. Hankow. HANKOW. Foreign Property. Surveyed by John Gavin, C.L. Hankow, Sept. 1864. Scale, 400 fect to 1 inch; size, 23 inches by 40. Nanking. 7 TINT Military Survey of the TOWN and part of the ADJACENT COUNTRY of NANKING, made in the month of August 1842, while Regatiisions pe i tw 1 inger Jart., 1.B.M. Plenipotentiary, and the ere pending between Sir H. Pottinger, Bart., 11.1 entiary, and tl a Imperial (Commissioners. By Lieut. J. W. Rundall, Madras Engineers. A sisted bv Lieut. Johnston, Madras Engineers, and Lieut. Gordon, 32nd M. N. I. Scale of 800 yards to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 29. a | : dscape view of Nanking from the heights near the Tae-ping Gate, from a sketch by Lieut. Johnston, Madras Engineers. MS. Ningpo. Field Sketch of the ATTACK on the CHINESE POSITION the NINGPO RIVER, by a combined naval and military force on the 10th Oct ber 1841 Under Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hugh Gough, K.C.B., and Rear Admiral Sir W Parker K.C.B. By Lieuts. Rundall and Johnston, Madras Engineers. Scale, 300 yards to 1 inch; size, 17 inches by 14. MS. Sketch of the ATTACK on the CHINESE POSITION, EGAON (near Ningpo), on the 15th March 1842, by the forces under of . Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hugh Gough, G.C.B. By Licuts. No scale ; size, 17 inches by 19. MS. . TIT" I'V TRY in the VICINITY of ain Pears, Madras Engineers, Com= manding Engineer with the China Expedition. By Lieuts. dundall and dopnsson, ® Enoncer i : i " the y r the British troops in the Tnoineers r » occupation of the town by the British ] Madras Engineers, during the occupa YI 3Y tae dbf | Nun of 1541-42. Scale, 1,200 yards to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 50. MS. Military Heights of S the command of His Excellency, I Rundall and Johnston, Madras Engineers. . 1 { TNT Reconnoitring Survey of the COUN NINGPO made under the directions of Capt 10, CHINESE EMPIRE. 509 Plan of the CITY of NINGPO as surveyed during its occupation in the winter of 1841-42 by a British force, under command of Lieut.-Geen. Sir H. Gough, G.C.B. By Lieuts. Rundall and Johnston, Madras Engineers. Secale, 200 yards to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 21. PEKIN and its ENVIRONS. Copied from the Survey of Colonel Ladyjenski of the Russian Army. Lithographed at Topographical Dept, War Office, 1860. Scale, about 3,500 fect to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 34. Peking. Plan of PEKING in 1817. Scale, about 480 yards to 1 inch. With an insertion entitled, Canal Communication from Peking to the Gulf of Pe-Chili, on the scale of 24 miles to 1 inch. Lithographed at the Quartermaster-General’s Office, Horse Guards, July 1842, and copied by the Anastatic Process, at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, in 1860. Size, 30 inches by 22. Map of the COUNTRY round PEKIN. Copied from the Chinese Map of Asia, 1760. Names of places translated by the Rev. W. Milne. Published at the Topographical Dep6t, War Office, 1839. Seale, about 23 miles to 1 inch ; or size, 27 inches by 36. Shanghai. Sketch of the CITY and SUBURBS of SHANGHAE, in the Pro- vince of Keangsoo. Surveyed by Lieuts. Johnston and Hitchins, Madras Engineers (1842). Secale, 400 yards to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 18. MS, Sketch of the Fortified Portion of Coast Line between WOOSUNG and PAONSHANG (leading to Shanghai), in the Yang-tse-Kiang. Signed T. T. Pears, Captain Field Engineers, Eastern Expedition. Scale, 400 yards to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 20. MS. Reconnoitring Sketch of the ROUTE taken by the Brigade under Col. Montgomerrie, C.B., from WOOSUNG to SHANGHAI on the 19th June 1842. By Lieut. Johnston, Madras Engineers. Scale, 800 yards to 1 inch ; size, 89 inches by 13. MS, CHINESE COLONIAL TERRITORIES. Manchuria. Map to accompany the NOTES on MANCHURIA, by the Rev. Alexander Williamson, Stauford, London, 1870. Scale, 60 miles to 1 inch; size, 11 inches by 15. Tibet. Route Survey from BRITISH INDIA into GREAT TIBET through the Lhasa territories and along the upper course of the Brahmaputr River or Nari-chu-sanpo. Made by Pundit . , and compiled from the original materials by Capt. F. G. Montgomerie R.E., F.R.G.S,, G. T. Survey of India. Zincographed at the office of the Supt. G. T. Survey of India, Dehra Doon, December 1867. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch; size, 24 inches by 49. Upper Basins of the INDUS and SUTLEJ RIVERS with the sources of Brabhmaputra and Kurnali Rivers, from route surveys made by the —— EG ss hy a A ts A ENGR pares won Sst et Mp Bt - pd Ly i i AA ti ie bli wn J he = BEN XE - 5 x amie patie dosed vet nie lal el SE Ek RR Sarina mes pc wh sn a ar TORR elgg 0 i a gin Ad ea ites 510 SECOND PART.——TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Pundit explorers. Compiled from the original materials by Captain T. G. Mont- gomerie, R.E., F.R.G.S., G. T. Survey of India. Reduced from the original by photozincography, at the office of the Superintendant G. T. Survey of India, Dehra Doon, December 1868. Secale, 16 miles to | inch ; size, 20 inches by 25. The DINGRI MAIDAN and UPPER ARUN RIVER, &c., 1871. See Eastern Nepal, page 470. Sheet 1 of Map illustrating the REPORT on the PUNDITS ROUTE through GREAT TIBET, from Ladakh to Assam, vii the Tengri Nur (Lake) and Lhasa in 1874. Also Sheet 2 of the same. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size of each, 40 inches by 27. Sec Report of Trans-Himalayan Explorations, page 466 of this catalogue. Sketch Map of some parts of SOUTH ERN and EASTERN THIBET as used many years ago by Catholic missionaries in those countries. French orthography. S. G. O. Calcatta, 1871. Size, 20 inches by 25. Map drawn by CHOWSAM GOHAIN, of his route to ROCHMA (Rooema) from the Eastern frontier of Assam, up the Brahmaputra River. 1869-70. Size, 51 inches by 13. MS. Chinese Astronomical Maps. Maps of the STARS, with Titles in Seal Characters, signifying “A Chinese and European Map of the Ecliptic. Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere.” The preface states that the maps were edited by Seu-Chaou-tsun, in the year 1807. Folded in a blue cloth cover ; size, 13 inches by 9%. XI. ASIATIC RUSSIA. General Map. APTA * * * Map of ASIATIC RUSSIA, constructed from the newest materials, &e. St. Petersburg, 1865. In Russian. Seale, 200 Russian versts or 132 English miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets ; size, 26 inches by 44. The Caucasus. KAPTA * * * Map of the CAUCASIAN REGION, constructed by the Caucasian Division of the Topographical Establishment. Tiflis, 1869. In Russian. Scale, 1:420,000=10 Russian versts or 6% English miles to 1 inch ; on 992 sheets ; size of each, 20 inches by 26. With a small index map. Orenburg. TENEPAJABGHAA FAPTA * * % General Map of ORENBURG and parts of the Khivan and Bucharian territories, on the scale of 1:2,100,000. (In Russian.) On 2 sheets ; size, 48 inches by 33. Kirgis Steppes. KAPTA * * * Map of the Principalities of the KIRGIS KASAKS and TURKESTAN, by A. R. Levschine. 1831. In Russian. Secale, 70 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 29. 11, ASIATIC RUSSIA. 511 r CY . Maple Ina Sore (regions of the Orenburg and Siberian ghizes and of’ Semipalatinsk and Turkestan) and of the countries i ) hin Ty ! est: a dC $s conterminous Dik He Centr al Asiatic Possessions. Copied from a Russian map published at St PD ersburg, and lithographed at the topographical depdt of the War Office. London, 866. Scale, 1: 4,200,000, or about 70 miles to 1 inch. Caspian Sea. FEHEPAABGHAAL MEPRATOPCRASL RAPTA KACILIHCKATO MOPA. A general Mercator’s chart of ‘aspi 3 Mercator’s chart of the Caspian Ses 9 ; 2h rb 7 by 24. as] Sea, &e. 1826. In Russian. Size, 36 inches 1 he GAIDIAN SEA, ZHIVAH, and the SURROUNDING A vl. ompilec rom the best s S "OW SII any, Cal oe 20 pil J pnren by John Arrowsmith. 1841. Seale, Aral Sea. Route Map from ORSK to K i SK to KHIVA, she i east coast of the Aral by Muravin in 1741 and by in Sonne of the to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 8. : ; Sele Wns BAPTA Spal beRsTD org . Map of the SEA of ARAL, surveyed and drawn by Capt. Lieut. Butakoff, &c., in 1848-49, and published by tl 1 rdrographi Department of the Ministry of Marine, 1850. "In tn | Stee, 4 iy Western Siberia. TEHEPAIBHAAL * * * General Map of WESTERN SIBERIA . . » YL ~y ITT ~y Ye. . and the KIRGIS STEPPE. Drawn by the Siberian Staff Corps, and engraved at the Lopographical Depot. 1848. A new edition revised in 1868. In Russi Scale, 35 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size, 52 inches by 38 ig CHENIAIION * * * Special Map of WESTERN SIBERIA No date. In Russian. Seale, 9 Russian versts or 6 English miles to 1 inch : 128 sheets ; size of each, 19 inches by 23. With an index map. ty on TOHOTPADIY ECA * #* = Topographical Map of the ALTAI DISTRICT, by F. Meyen. 1864. Lithographed by A. Ilyin, 1868. In Ru it Seale, 1: 420,000, or about 6% miles to | inch ; on 22 sheets a 0 ap ith al Index map ; size, 19 inches by 24. over with an Russian Turkistan. RAPTA * Map of the Governor - Generalship of TUR- KISTAN. 1869. In Russian. Seale, 50 Russian versts or 33 English miles t 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 46. oe 0159 Lhe Amur. RAPTA * #* * Map of the Region of the AMUR, with the upper parts of the Lena and Yenisei, and the Island of Saghalin, Constructed fr the observation of the Siberian expedition of the Imperial Russian G gn i Society, by Ludwig Schwarz, astronomer to the expedition. St Dros ap Hoa! In Russian. Seale, 1:1,680,000, or about 27 miles to 1 inch : on . are 1861, cover ; size of each, 25 inches by 31. ’ { Sheels In « Another edition, dated 1864. ree assim 512 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. An Atlas of the AMUR RIVER from the confluence of the Shilka to its mouth. With soundings. In Russian. Scale, 2 Russian versts or 13 English miles to 1 inch; on 46 sheets with an Index Map dated 1859 ; size, folded, 19 inches by 13. XII. SOUTH-EASTERN ASIA. General Maps. Map of EASTERN ASIA, comprising China, parts of Tibet and : 1 Tas 3 do ¥ . 3 nr r ‘ Sam- Mongolia, Bootan, Assam, Burma, and Eastern Bengal ; together with Juss On ia, Si . the Malay Peninsula, and the Indian Archipelago. By J. B. Tassin. bodis, Siam, Laos, dlp Maloy Tih «im 2 sheets: size of each, 22 inches by 30 1840. Secale, about 104 miles to 1 inch ; in 2 sheets ; size of each, 22 s by 30. : ) Sketch Map Routes from CEYLON East to CHINA by Moul- main, Zimay and Esmok, and Isthmus of Krau. To accompany report to Govan. ment from the commissioner of the Tennasserim and Martaban 1 mse 0X. TEneineer’s office, Moulmain, 23rd September 1861. Seale, 80 miles to 1 inch ; on tracing cloth ; size, 30 inches by 36. MS. Trade Route Surveys. : T 1 ? TA\TD 1 The EASTERN PENINSULA and the CHINESE EMPIRE, i in S s« nroposed route for British and British-Indian commerce, 8 » Captain Sprye’s proposed route for Bri nL eonumere A ay of pe land telegraph to western and inland China, castern Tibet and Tartary from the port of Rangoon. Scale, 330 miles to 1 inch; size, - , C «ol 13 inches by 17. 'Q rar hy » Tomes Bari Sketch Map of the ROUTES travelled over by Mr. James Barker from Ummerapoora to the Shan States, and on the banks of the Salween., Compiled from Yule’s and Pemberton’s maps, and from notes and observations made by Myr. J. Barker during his sojourn in that country from July 1856 to July 1857. By Ww "Montgomerie Surveyor P. A. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; on tracing cloth ; size, . A > ’ a ee 37 inches by 26. MS. yo NYY ANT \NT'Q J A \FARN Sketch Map of the ROUTE of LIEUTENANTS SCONCE and WATSON (from Shoogheen to Mandalay) during the Salween expedition, from December 1863 to April 1864. Scale, about 4% miles to 1 inch ; size, 65 inches by 25. Sketch Survey (to accompany Report) of the ROUTE passed over by the SALWEEN EXPEDITION, 1864-65. Surveyed and mapped by Francis Fedden, A.R.S.M., geological survey of India, . : Zam shoe by 2 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 29. # #% See also China route surveys, British Burmah, and the Map of Central 5 British Burmah. ) ( TAN T , A \ TRADE ROUTES {irom BHAMO to YU! AN, through the Chinese Shan States. Surveyed and compiled by direction of Major-( reneral Albert F nase C S IL. F.R.G.S., F.E.S., Chief Commissioner of British Burma. Signed, Robert Gordon, C.E., Engineer, Bhamo Route Survey. No date. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch; size, 15 inches by 22. Rangoon, August 1865. Scale, XIII. BURMA. Geographical Sketch exhibiting Lines of Military Approach on UNIMERAPOORA, the Capital of the BURMESE EMPIRE, from the S.W. feonttior of Munepoor, and from the coast of Arracan, The former is laid down 13, BURMA. 513 from the surveys of Lieut. Pemberton in Munepoor, and the latter is the protraction of the march of the 18th Regt. Madras, N. I, across the mountains from Pekang-ye on the Irrawadie to Aeng in Arracan. Signed, J. A. Hodgson, Surveyor-General of India. Received, November 1828. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 21. MS. Index to the GEOGRAPHY of the EMPIRE of AVA. (By Dr. F. Buchanan.) This is a Gazetteer of Burmah before the British conquests. The names are transliterated from the Burmese, together with the European cor- rupted form, and they are also written in the oriental character. Numerical refe- rences are made to maps and the following journal. Quarto, half-bound. MS. Copy of a JOURNAL of PROGRESS and OBSERVATIONS during the continuance of the Deputation from Bengal to Ava in 1795, in the Dominions of the Barma Monarch. By Dr. F. Buchanan. (No. 35.) Quarto. bound. MS. *.* See also Maps of British Burmah. X1V. SIAM. General Maps. To the Honourable William Edward Phillips, Governor of Prince of Wales Island, and its Dependencies, this Map of SIAM, CAMBOJA, and LAOS. Compiled from a large mass of original native materials, and intended as an accompaniment to a purposed geographical memoir on these countries, is inscribed by his faithful and obedient servant James Low, Lieut. Madras, Native Infantry. Dated, 1st March 1824, Seale, about 75 geographical mile to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 28. DMS. A Map of SIAM, NORTH LAOS, MARTABAN, TENAS- SERIM, and part of the MALAYAN PENINSULA. Compiled by Capt. James Low, of the Madras Army. Dated, Prince of Wales Island, 1st January 1830, Scale, § geographical male to | inch ; size, 47 inches by 30. MS. ’ * ¥ With a MS. pamphlet containing a lists of positions and places in Capt. James Low’s Map of Siam, &e. Carte du ROYAUME de SIAM, dressée sous la direction de Mon- scigneur Pallegoix, Evéque de Siam, d’apres ses itineraires et divers documents : par Charle, Geographe, 1854, Paris. Eehelle de milles Anglais, SO to 1 inch ; size, 29 inches by 21. *.* With two insertions, one entitled, Plan de Bangkok, and the other Environs de Bangkok on a large scale. Route Maps. Route from the THREL PAGODAS to KADEING-TSEING, the 1st Siamese chokey on the road to Bankok. By Lieut. Leslie, 13th M.N.I. 1827. Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 18. MS. A Sketch of the COUNTRY between the THREE PAGODAS and CAMBOOREE, on the banks of the Kadeing-tseing River. By Licut. Leslie, 13th M. N. I. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 33 inches by 16. MS, Isthmus of Kraw. ISTHMUS of KRAW. Correspondence including the Report of Captains Fraser and Forlong. With two maps. Printed by order of the House of Commons, 16th March 1863. No. 10S. Feap. (7767.) ‘x A 514 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Part of the GULL of SIAM and the EASTERN COAST of the BAY of BENGAL, to illustrate a paper on the Isthmus of Kraa. By Sir Robert H. Schomburgh, Ph. D., &c., HLB.M. Consul to the Kingdom of Siam, 1858. No. 1. Scale, 14 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 24. MS. Sketch of a ROUTE across the ISTHMUS of KRAA, a some of the tin localities near the southern boundary of the Tenasserim Provinces. By Captain Tremenhere, ixecutive Engineer, Tenasserim Provinces. 1843. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 23. MS. XV. COCHIN CHINA. la Cote et les Ports de COCHIN-CHINE, pour servir d’Instruction aux cartes et plans des Mers de Chine. Par J. M. Dayot, Mandarin h) Ia cour de Cochin-chine. 1796. Quarto, 68 pages, half-bound. MS. #_% Dedicated “to the President and Members of the Select Committee for all % « affairs of the Honourable East India Company in China,” &c. Mémoire sur XVI. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Malay Peninsula. A Map of the SEA COAST from PANJAING ISLAND, 8° N. lat. to MALACCA. With the coastal limits of the Kingdoms of Quedah, Pera, and Salengore. Map showing the POSITION of the JAKUNS in the MERI- DIONAL PART of the MALAYAN PENINSULA. By the Rev. I. Favre, No title, date, or scale ; size, 52 inches by 40. MS. Apostolic Missionary. Malacca, 15th March 1848. Seale, about 7 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 38. MS. Prince of Wales Island. Plan of PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND and the Territories ceded thereto on the opposite shore, on a scale of 4,000 feet to 1 inch, as surveyed and drawn under the directions and orders of the Hon. William Edward Phillips, Governor, &e., &c. in 1820 by His most obedient humble servant, W. Fletcher, Sur- veyor. Scale, % mile to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 30. MS. Plan of part of POOLO PENANG or PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, with its harbours. No date. Seale, 1,000 yards to 1 inch; size, 48 inches by 24. MS. Map of PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND or Pulo Penang and Pro- vince Wellesley, surveyed under the auspices of the Hon. Colonel W. J. Butter- worth, C.B., Governor, &c., including a careful survey of the South Channel made in 1853. By J. Moniot, Government Surveyor. With nautical directions. Seale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 30. George Town, P. Ww. IL PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND. Lines of Retrenchment pro- an economical plan for covering the rear or land side of George Town, from sea to sea, to protect it against surprise or the attack of a predatory squadron, vide letters of the 20th and 29th December 1806. Scale, 50 yards tol inch; size, 929 inches by 38. MS. posed as 16, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND. Sketch of the European Bar- racks for 1,000 troops erected on emergency, Sept. 1806. Secale, 60 fect to 1 inch ; J ete “3 size, 24 inches by 19. MS. ). J al » 1 - v » yr A Plan of GEORGE TOWN, PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND as surveyed in the year 1807, by Jerh. McCarthy. Capt. Robertson, Superintending Engineer and Surveyor. With names of streets, owners of property, &c Scale, 32 inches to | mile ; size, 31 inches by 52. MS. ets Another copy, with trees, &c., but no names. A Plan of GEORGE TOWN, PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND with an accurate survey of the ground granted by Government to individuals in the district of Tulloo Air Rajah as far as Pine Apple Lane. Surveyed areebly . te orders of the Honorable the (Governor and Council in the years 1807 and 1808 By their most obedient humble servant, Jerh. McCarthy. Seale, 16 miles to 1 i td size, 30 inches by 52. MS. : palo Plan of GEORGE TOWN, PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND Yih By Street prolonged to the Prangin River, and widened to 120 feet. Dy ly McCarthy, Surveyor to the Government. 24th Nov. 1814. Se ie. 8 inches : 1 mile ; size, 24 inches by 19. MS. vale, 16 inches to Singapore. Map of the TOWN and HARBOUR of SINGAPORE. No title Beesivec 18th June 1825. Seale, 400 yards to 1 inch; size, 30 inches by 29. MS. 2s by ZY, Plan of the ISLAND of SINGAPORE, including the new British Settlement and adjacent Islands. The Settlement Environs, New Harbour, and adjacent Islands surveyed by Lieut.-Colonel Farquhar. The Circuit of the Todand Old Straits, and Islands by Capt. Franklin, assisted by J. F. Bernard, Esq. Sound. ings from the Charts of Capt. Ross and Mr. Horsbureh. Received 18th June 1823 Secale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 50. MS. Bp Plan of SINGAPORE and the ENVIRONS, showing the Disposi- tion of the Works for its defence. Inspector-General’s Office, Fort Cornwallis, 4th September 1827. Seale, 100 yards to 1 inch; size, 35 inches by 48. MS. ? 1. ' Q . 2 NT ‘2 ge Plan of SINGAPORE TOWN and adjoining Districts from actual Survey, by John Turnbull Thomson, Government Surveyor, Singapore. John Arrowsmith, London, 1846. Scale, } mile to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 34 SINGAPORE. NEW HARBOUR. ByJ.T. Thomson, Govern- ment Surveyor. 1849. Corrections from Mr. Richards, Master, R.N. 18539. Seale 1,000 feet to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 20. Engraved by J. and C. Walker. XVII ISLANDS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN. General Chart. Chart of the INDIAN and PACIFIC OCEAN, extending from Calcutta to China, Australia, and New Zealand. Compiled chiefly from Surveys of ihe Officers of the Hon. East India Company and of the Royal Navy, by John Walker, Geographer to the East India Company. Published by W. H. Alien and Co., 1849. Scale, 114 nautical miles to 1 inch on the equator ; size, 49 inches by 52. KK 2 - . i PE Ams tt ME Kor SR aa i A ok porn isis ds sin TE Sp ong PE sisEETRSSS ELE HER ei 516 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Ceylon. (CEYLON.) Tab. XII. Asie, Taprobanam repraesentans. Medius weridianus 125, ad quem reliqui inclinantur ratione wqui-noctialis et 9 septentrionalis. No date. Size, 18 inches by 21. FORT OSTENDBURG (Trincomalee?) A large drawing in watercolours, without title, scale, or date. Size, 30 inches by 80. MS. Madagascar. Memoir and notice explanatory of a CHART of MADAGASCAR and the NORTH-EASTERN ARCHIPELAGO of MAURITIUS ; drawn up according to the latest observations, under the auspices and government of his Lx- cellency Robert Townsend Farquhar, Governor, &e. of the Isle of France and depen- dencies, &e. By Lislet Geoffroy, &c. London, 1819. (With the Chart.) to. _ bound. Seychelles Islands. Plan of the TOWN of MAHI, Island of Mahé, Seychelles (Indian Ocean). Drawn and surveyed by Lieut. IL Cole, Royal Staff’ Corps. No date. Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch; size, 17 inches by 22. MS. XVIII. ASIATIC ARCHIPELAGO. General Maps. Algemeene Kaart van NEDERLANDSCH OOSTINDIE, met hoogstdeszelfs toestemming opgedragen aan Zijne Majesteit Den Koning Der Neder- landen, volgens echte bescheiden, orootendeels in handschrift berustende bij de Archieven van het Koloniaal Bestaur te’s Gravenhace en te Batavia, mitsgaders uit medeelingen van Geleerden, Beambten, Zee- en Landofficieren in Nederlandsch Indie, te zamencesteld door G. I. Baron von Derfelden van Hinderstein, Kamerheer van 7. M. Lid van de Ridderschap en van de Staten van Utrecht, Ridder der Ordre van den Nederlandschen Leeuw, enz.: Uitgegeven op Last Des Konings, Onder het bestuur van Zijne Extie. den Hre. J. C. Band. Minister van Kolonien, Groot-Kruis der Orde van den Nederlandschen Leouw, enz., enz., en het opzigt van den Luitenant ter Zee le. klasse Jhr. G. A. Tindal, Lad der (‘fommissie tot het vinden der lengte op Zee. Ridder van het Legiven van Eer en van de Zeizerlijke Russische Orde van St. Anna. 1842. In 8 sheets; size of cach, 40 inches by 30, with another sheet forming An Index Map to the foregoing, entitled— Verzamelingsblad der Kaart van NEDERLANDSCH OOSTINDIE, in acht bladen, door G. F. Bon. von Derfelden van IHinderstein, One set complet and half-bound in an Atlas ; and another imperfect in sheets, Nos. 1 and 3 being wanted. Mémoire analytique pour servir d’explication A la carte générale des possessions NEERLANDAISES dans LE GRAND ARCHIPEL INDIEN, par Le Baron G. F. von Derfelden, de Hinderstein, &e., &e. 1841. 4to. printed cover. Algemene Land- en Zee-Kaart van de NEDELANDSCHE OVER- ZEESCHE BEZITTINGEN, met het Koninebruk der Nederlanden in Europa. Op de Schaal van 1: 3.000,000. Opgedragen aan den Heer (xeneraal Majoor J. W. Walther, Gouverneur der Koninklijke Akademie voor de Zee- en Landmagt. Naar de beste en nieuwste bronnen onder deskundig toezigt zamengesteld en getee- kend, door A. J. Bogaerts, Lithograaf, werkzaam aan voornoemde Akademie. Breda, 1857. Size, 42 inches by T7. 18, ASIATIC ARCHIPELAGO. 517 Banka. Map of the ISLAND of BANKA compiled from remarks and materials enlontng during a journey through the island. Annexed to a Report on the same and addressed to the Honourable Thomas Stamford Rafiles, &. By Thomas Torsfic Hanan Io in Hons : s f x8, &e. By Thomas Horsfield. 20.) Seale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 26. Mineralogical sketch of the ISLAND of BANKA, uniform with the foregoing map. Kaart van het EILAND-BANKA. 1847. Scale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 29. Sumatra. Map of the INLAND of SUMATRA, constructed chiefly from Sur- veys taken by order of the late ir Thom S 5 { hol 5 2 Y . . 2 1atc © as » tam{ 1¢8 32 C 2 26 ml st 1 ; , J. ord Raffles . 1829. ’ cale, about *.* With an Insertion entitled © Sketch of the Island of Singa pore.” Seale of 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 37 inches by 33. ¥ Yrs of Ee ‘ ' : 1 Report of a Journey to the Interior of the ISLAND of SUMATRA ba 3 bos Barnes. 1818. Feap. folio, 83 pages ; with a map of the route from Moco-Moco to Pengkalan Jambi. MS. The first part has been published in tl Malayan Miscellanies, Vol. 2. me Java, General Map. Ol. , ND Chyy 7 : I ip of the N. El. POINT of JAVA, designed to show the principal Mountains, Volcanoes, Rivers, and most remarkable features of that part of the Island. May 16, 1872. Seale, 6 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 23. MS ) 3 ro = { / J / Profil over het EILAND JAVA van een aantal Bergen, welke voor 3 Tova van Selgang Zijn ; door den Luitenant ter Zee de 2¢ Klasse Jonkheer . Melvill van Carnbee. T'e Amsterdam, bij de wed. Gerar alst vor XK tien » bij serard Hulst van Keulen, > 3 Yr r Kaart von het EILAND JAVA litoegeve or draoer ar 711 » KE - 11 . i) big! Ultgeges en op last van cn op- gedragen aan Zine ixcellentie den Minister van Kolonien Chs. F. Pahud. Ridder Grootkrais der Orde van den Nederlandschen Leeuw, der Leopold, sorde van Belgic . ‘ . > . SOT Wr 2 wes Ce 3 ) ‘ gle en van den Rooden Adelaar van Pruissen ; door Dr. F. Junchuhn, Ridder van d Leet, : . = . : : ae Orde van den Nederlandschen Leeuw en van den Rooden Adelaar 3e Kle. van ie v oh Nederiige y aar ¢ Vib Pruissen. e zameng steld uit de waarnemingen en optemingen door hem gedaan cedurende Zijne onderzoekings reizen op dat eiland in de Jaren 1835 tot 1848 p_sioon gebragt te Breda bij A. J. Bogaerts. 1835. Schaal van 1: 350,000 In 2 sheets ; size of each, 33 inches by 64. NT , yr ” : Q AN , . KAART van ‘het EILAN D JAVA, te zamengestelt uit officiele bronnen, door C. W. M. Van de Velde, Lieutenant ter zee, &e. 18435. Seale, 11 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 64. oo Pu KAAR'] van JAVA en MADURA, op de schaal van: 1,000,000 door Le Clercq, op steen gebragt door A. J. Bogaerts. Breda, 1850 Se uo! | 3% miles to 1 inch ; size, 17 inches by 45. : ha PRIA } Java, Residency Maps. ~The Island of Java, under the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, is divided into twenty-two Residencies, of which separate maps are being published by the Dut h o D } C A HBAs ESA Vet, npr iba ge fe Lm I 5.50 Bo, resp noni asm hy 3 kB i 8 £ Ta 518 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. : : Evil Government, by whom the following have been presented to the India Office. Tie series is very handsomely drawn and printed in colours, and beautifully illustrates the extraordinary volcanic structure of the country. 1. Bagelen Residency. Topographische Kaart der Residentie BAGELEN opgenomen teu gevolge Gouvernements besluit dd., 26 Mei 1857, Ner. 4., Onder de leiding yan don Kolonel Directeur der Genie W. C. von Schierbrand, door den Kapitein R. F. de Seijff, en le Teekenaar der Genie K. Wilsen, onder medehulp van Strauss, enz. Geteekend op de Schaal van 1: 100,000 door Schirmer, P. Fruhling, Ostreig. In 4 sheets ; size of cach; 24 inches by 29. In a cover. 2. Banjoemaas Residency. Topographische Kaart van de Residentie BANJOEMAAS opge- nomen en Zamengesteld gedurende 1857, 58, °59, en 60, teu gevolge gouvernements besluit dd. 21 Februarij 1857, No. 23. Onder leiding van den Kolonel Direkteur der Genie W. C. von Schierbrand, door den Kapitein der infanterie, W. Beijerink onder medehulp van de le Luitenants, Mickler, enz. enz. Geteckend op de Schaal van 1:100,000 door Bertrand, Schirmer, en Fruhling, In 3 sheets ; size of cach, 38 inches by 25. In a cover. 3. Djokjakarta Residency. Topographische Kaart der Residentie DJOKJAKARTA opgenomen ingevolge gouvernements besluit dd. 9 Julij 1861, No. 6. Door de opnemingsbrigade, te Zamengesteld uit den mililair ambtenaar der Iste klasse K. I. W ilsen (( het ) en de opnemers, enz. op de Schaal van 1: 100,000 door bagetto en Ph. Frihling. In steendruk gebragt aan het Topographisch Bureau te ’S Gravenhage. In 4 sheets ; size of each, 23 inches by 29. In a cover. 4. Kadoe Residency. Topographische Kaart der Residentie KADOLE opgenomen, teu oevolge gouvernements besluit van 1 Januarij 1860, No. 24. Onder de leiding van den Kolonel Directeur der Genie, W. C. von Schierbrand. Geteekend op de Schaal van 1: 100,000 door den Chef der opname F. K. Wilsen en J. Fruhling en L. Dona- dien. In 2 sheets; size of each, 23 inches by 29. In a cover. 5. Pekalongan Residency. Topographische Kaart der Residentic PEKA LLONGAN opgenomen ingevolge gouvernements besluit dd. 27 Mei 1863, No. 19. Door de opnemingsbrigade te Zamengesteld uit von Ballusck le Lt. Chef, Gewin, Donnadien, Dormann, Raschke, Liedel, von Oertel, Victor, von Pfeil, Boretius, Listard, von Dobschiitz, Ochlschliger, von Moltke, overgebragt en geteekend op de Schaal van 1: 100,000. Door G. I. Bajetto. In streendruk gebragt aan de Topographische Inrigting te °S Gravenhage. Size, 24 inches by 29. In a cover. 6. Semarang Residency. Topographische Kaart der Residentic SEMARANG opgenomen ten gevolge gouvernments besluit, dds. 17 Augustus 1860, No. 3, onder de leiding van den Generaal Majoor Direkteur der Genie W. C. von Schierbrand door den Majoor W. Beijerinck gedurende de jaren 1861, °62, ’63, en "64. Geteekind op het topogra- phisch Bureau te Batavia op de Schaal van 1:100,000. In Steendruk gebracht aan de Topographische Iurigting te ’S Gravenhage. On 6 sheets ; size of each, 23 inches by 29. In a cover. 18, ASIATIC ARCHIPELAGO. H19 7. Soerakarta Residency. Topographische Kaart der Residentiec SOERAKARTA opgenomen ingevolge gouvernements besluit dd. 9 Junij 1861, No. 6, en 13 November 1862, No. 26, door de Opnemings Brigade zamengesteld uit Beijerinck, Majr. Chef, en later Ockerse le Luit. Chef, met medewerking van Bicker, le Luit., Schmulling, von Balluseck, Meijer, 2¢ Luits. en de opnemers, enz., enz., gedurende de jaren 1861, ’62, 63, 64,763, en 1866. Geteckend op het Topographisch Bureau, enz., op de Schaal van 1:100,000. In steendruk gebragt aan de Topographische Inrigting te ’S Gra- venhage. On 6 sheets ; size of each, 23 inches by 29. In a cover. Java Memoirs. Fragment of a JOURNAL, beginning March 1st 1811, kept on board the Ship © Mary,” carrying Lord Minto’s body-guard from Calcutta to Batavia, on the EXPEDITION to JAVA, commanded by Sir Samuel Auchmuthy, and Com- modore Broughton. An Account of the Capture of Batavia, of Balls and Dinners given to Lord Minto and Mr. Raffles Journal of a Voyage from Calcutta to England, Feb. 6 to July 20, 1812. Also a JOURNAL of a March, from DONGUR to GWALIOR, &c. (By Capt. George Everest.) Feap., bound. MS. JAVA SURVEY, by Captain Everest. Routes in Java, by G. P. Baker. 1815. Fscap., boards. MS. Military and Political Memoir of a SURVEY in JAVA in 1815-16, by Captain G. P. Baker ; with an Appendix of Notes and seven Tables of Routes and Distances. Instructions dated 20th May 1815. Fscap., stiff cover. MS. Memoir of a SURVEY in the NATIVE PRINCES DOMINIONS of JAVA. 1815-16. Dy Captain G. P. Baker. Fecap., stifl cover. MS, Ntrait of Allass. A View of the Entrance of the STRAITS of ALLLASS and PEAK of LOMBOCK, &e. as seen on board the Honourable ast India Company’s ship “ Princess Amelia,” Capt. Balston, on the 27th day of November 1816. Water-colour drawing. Size, 15 inches by 39. Borneo. To the Subscribers to the Borneo Church Mission Institution this Map of BORNEO, constructed principally from that of Baron Melvill de Carnbee and the unpublished Admiralty Surveys, is respectfully inseribed by (Augustus Peterman, F.R.G.S., &ec., &e. March 1st, 1851. Scale, about 345 nautical miles to 1 inch. #.% With three insertions, entitled (1) Outline Sketch of the Indian Archipelago; (2) Province of Sarawak ; (3) Labuan Island. Size, 30 inches by 22. Papers relating to BORNEO, and the proceedings of James Brooke, Esq., at Sarawak, 1841, 42, 43, "44. Fep,, half-bound. MS, - i i en “ ng Eo RR TR aged BR CM Sa RCE es Sees : CERI pe ES Ah, i i Bi ip aa a a was > Nx - a ik Sa —— Smeets _— am i Me iia H EE a SE ne RE SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. MAPS IN ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Arabic Hindustani and Hindi. « . : Bengali. Mara Canarese, | Ag . Gujarati. | Tamil. Hindi I'elegu. Hindustani or Urdu. Uriya. Arabic. An Arabic Map of the whole of EUROPE, ASIA MINOR, and NORTH AFRICA. By Francis Raffelsberger, Court Geographer, Vienna, 1854. Written and translated by Mahommed Hassan, the Egvpdan. Size, T feet by T feet. Folded in a large cloth case ; size, 15 inches by 23. Bengali. The BENGAL ATLAS, a series of original and authentic maps of wos of the district, included in the Lieutenant Governorship of Bengal, By Réjendralila Mitra. 1873. Twenty-three maps in Bengali. Folio, half bound. djendralala Jeihipee: : Folin re [mproved BENGALI ATLAS. Lithographed by Bose and Palit. : Ten Maps, no date. Folio, in Yellow cover. 1 1 : PP J CS ‘ NO TQ A Bengali Map of the WORLD in HEMISE HERES. (It appears to be one of the series published by the Calcutta School Book and Vernacular Literature Society, but there is no imprint on the map.) No date. On 8 sheets ; size, 50 inches by 76. A Bengali Map of ASIA. Published by the Calcutta School Book and Vernacular Literature Society, Hoogly Normal School, 1861-68. On 6 sheets ; size, 54 inches by 64. q Try ( . A Bengali Map of NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA. Published £ engall 1 aj 1 Lo Jolisho by the Calcutta School Book and Vernacular Literature Society, IHoogly Norma School, 1866. On 6 sheets ; size, 54 inches by 64. tases. To the Most Noble the Marquis of Hastings, K.G., late Governor-General of India. This Map of India, now for the first time pub- ished in the Bencalee language, is inscribed by I'he Serampore Missionaries Serampore College, 1824. Drawn and engraved by J. Walker. London, 1825. Size, 38 inches by 26 ; mounted in a case. 1 T 1 Tm™ny / y " ” . I. a BHARATA VARSHA MANACHI I'RA. A Bengali Map of the Sunderbunds and Twenty-four purgunnahs, with parts of Nudden and Jessore, Le. By Captain James Prinsep, Engineers. Lithographed by Tassin, Calcutta. C . « ol . z , : Ue Received in 1850. On 4 sheets ; size, 30 inches by 36. Canarese. y . { T YIU ana ro FV . _—— Map of the WORLD in CANARESE. Prepared for the Mj SOIC Educational Department at the Mysore Government Press, Bangalore, 1869. In Hemispheres, Size, 40 inches by 62. Gujerati. A Gujerati Map of GUJERAT. Scale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, , C A C 33 inches by 40. Also, a later edition, revised. MAPS IN ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. 521 A Gujerati Map of AHMEDABAD COLLECTORATE. Scale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 52 inches by 46. A Gujerati Map of BROACH COLLECTORATE. Scale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 18. A Gujerati Map of the KAIRA COLLECTORATE. Scale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 20. A Gujerati Map of the SURAT COLLECTORATE. Scale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 21. *4" These Gujerati Maps were issued by the Bombay Educational Society, 1856. Hindi. HIND wi HINDUSTHAN KA NAKSHA. A Hindi Map of INDIA. Published by J. B. Tassin, Calcutta. (1840 7) Scale, 40 miles to 1 inch ; size, HS inches by 50. A indi Map of KUMAON and GURHWAL. Printed at the Government Press, N.W.P., Allahabad. 1869. Size, 33 inches by 33. A Hindi Map of FARRUKHABAD. Government Press, Allah- abad. 1870. Size, 34 inches by 40. A Hindi Map of TAHSIL KASGUNJE, Zillah Etah, N.W.P. 1869. Government Press, Allahabad. Size, 27 inches by 32. A Hindi Map of the PROVINCE of AJMERE, Rajpootana. Printed at the Government Press, Allahabad, North-West Provinces. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 33. A Hindi Map of the CENTRAL PROVINCES. Bombay Kducation Society’s Press. No date. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 42 inches by 51. A Hindi Map of the EASTERN AND WESTERN HEMI- SPHERES. Secundra Orphan Press. No date. Size, 13 inches by 20. A series of HINDI DISTRICT MAPS of the following districts in the North-west Provinces :— Agra, Allyghur, Bareilly, Etawah, Muthra, Mynpooree, Pillecbheet, and Shah- Juhanpoor. 8 sheets ; size of cach, about 23 inches by 20. A Hindi Map of the NORTH-WEST PROVINCES and OUDE, with Tables of Distances. Size, 12 inches by 19. A Hindi Map of KAMAUN and GARHWAL. 1875. Printed at the Government Press, Allahabad Hindustani or Urdu. A Hindustani Map of INDIA. Printed by Nawal Kishur at Luck- now, for the Normal Schools of Qude., 1868. Scale, 45 miles to 1 inch; size, 49 inches by 42, A Hindustani Map of INDIA. Prepared by Bhumaya Saenna, assisted by Junardhun Wassudeo of Bombay, I. W. Department. Lithographed at the Educational Society’s Press, Byeculla, Bombay. 1869. Size, 46 inches by 56. A Hindustani Map of INDIA. No imprint or date. Size, 43 inches by 50. (From the Punjab Government, 1873.) a A i pani bs Sg A teh Sen I hy opt * A als tp dm oh phe E XB AR EE PE a rt tll A Ll Li LI Ll . fg — Le —_—— SERRE ER RE RITTER Ee Ba spit 522 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. A Hindustani Map of ASIA. Printed by Nawal Kishur at Luck- now, for the Normal Schools of Oude. 1868. Size, 42 inches by 49. A Hindustani Map of the PUNJAB. No imprint or date. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 36. A Hindustani Map of the PUNJAB. No imprint or date. Size. 42 inches by 50. (From the Punjab Government, 1873. ’ ’ J A series of HINDUSTANI DISTRICT MAPS of the following districts in the North-West Provinces :— Agra, Allyghur, Bareilly with Pilleebheet and the Terai, Etawah, Muthra, Mynpooree, Shahjuhanpoor. 7 sheets ; size of each, about 24 inches by 20. A Hindustani Map of the NORTH-WEST PROVINCES and OUDE, with Tables of Distances. Size, 12 inches by 19. Hindustani (or Urdu) and Hindi. A bi-lingual Map of the EASTERN HEMISPHERE in the Hin- dustani and Hindi languages. Government Press, Allahabad. 1869. Size, 45 inches by 49. A bi-lingual Map of ASIA in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. Printed at the Government Press, Allahabad, N.-W. Provinces. 1872. Size, 28 inches by 36. A bi-lingual Map of ASIA in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. Printed by Nir-el-Absir. 1833. Size, 29 inches by 35. A bi-lingual Map of JALOUN DISTRICT, N.W.P., in the Hin- dustani and Hindi languages. Government Press, Allahabad. 1870. Size, 34 inches by 40. A bi-lingual Map of INDIA, in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. Printed at the Government Press, Allahabad. 1869. Size, 34 inches by 29. Another edition, 1875. A bi-lingual Map of INDIA in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. Printed by Ntr-el-Absar. 1853. Size, 35 inches by 29. A bi-lingual Map of the NORTH-WEST PROVINCES in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. 1875. Printed at the Government Press, Alla- hebad. Size, 25 inches by 38. A bi-lingual Map of HAZOOR TUHSIL PERGUNNAH mn Agra District, N. W. P., in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. Size, 20 inches by 24. A bi-lingual Map of PA PUND PERGUNNAH in ETAWAH DISTRICT, N.W.P., in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. 1868 Size, 17 inches by 22. , T \ 1 YT T - “ A bi-lingual Map of BIGHUNA PERGUNNAH in Etawah District, N.W.P., in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. 1868. Size, 17 inches by 22. A bi-lingual Map of DAT ELNAGAR PERGUNNAH in Etawah District, N.W.P., in the Hindustani and Hindi languages. 1868. Size, 17 inches by 22. MAPS IN ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. 523 A bi-lingual Map of DISTRICT HAMIRPUR, N.-W. Provinces in the Hindustani and Hindi lancuace ri ; lg al a Printed at the Government Press, Allah- PN Marathi. TTS EDUC v SS EDUCATIONAL MARATHI MAPS. Constructed especially for the Educ: ior rtm of t Gx ent A n 1 f ation Depa ent f 1 3 y y y od) 1 ¢ « 1e Bomba / overnme { IN DIA. 1872. On 2 sheets 5 size, 35 inches by 39. Be ih INDIA by Balaj \ y Balajee Narayn Fadakey, Poon: ; > Ald - A : na. i bo 1873. (A Marathi Map.) Size, a ty 40 Government Office, A Map of INDIA. By Wishnu W ¥ 1 A. u Wasadew Godbole ' oss. 1975. {A Moro! Map.) Size, 4% on hoe Bombay, Kadam’s / Marathi Ma " Yn § 0, . Marathi Map of the CENTRAL PROVINCES Education Society’s Press, Byculla. Size, 40 inches by 52 ANCES. Bombay A Marathi Map of the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Lit h ol the Bombay Education Society’s Press, Byecull: i yap A0gTap ed hy 35. » Dyculla. 8727 Size, 54 inches A arti Mp of the SURAT COLLECTORATE. Boning oe oe Sanscrit. A Sasi Chart of the SOLAR SYSTEM. Size, 42 inches by | Lo | Tamil. : A Tom) 2 aaa. Oriental Lithographic Press, Madras. Five Tamil Maps of EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, NORTH AMERICA, and SOUTH AMERIC i i SA son “RICA. Oriental Lithographic Press, Madras. \ Telegu. A Telegu Map of ASIA. Orien } 1872. Size, 27 Bo by 33. ’ riental Lithographic Press, Madras. ¥ yr aoa Maps 2 Fi TR( )P E, A S [A ) A I'RICA, NORT H a. An ’a ans , ] ERI ' 4 i co , “ g An Size of eachy 9 inches by iy CA. Oriental Lithographic Press, Madras. Uriya. An Uriya Map of CUTTACK . J « A C / “ x \ DIV S N i 1 1 1 of BALASORE, CUTTACK, and P( IVISIOR, Penny fb Disssiels 1865. On 2 sheets ; size, 31 inches by 38. “ will the GUTTACE MEDALS. An Uriya Map of AFRICA. 186 31s y p JA. 1868. On 4 sheets; size, 50 inches An Uriya Map of NORTH OU Iriya Mz 1 and SOI / RIC 36 On 6 sheets ; size, 63 inches by 50. TH AMERICA, 1866. “+ ¥ These Uriya Maps were published b jt Tock UE: ape we Soh ied by the Calcutta School Book and - a Rtn : ” — (Rm Si arn SL LC ies AER rw i aes i I. a SA sci uf Sock ALARA SBA 5 matches Soot rere sha = a ER ARTS SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. A LIST OF TIE GENERAL ATLASES AND MAPS OF THE WORLD, EUROPE, AFRICA, AMERICA, AND AUSTRALASIA, IN THE COLLECTION AT THE INDIA OFFICE. ATLASES AND MAPS OF THE WORLD. Geographie du MOYEN AGE, étudice par Joachim Lelewel. Atlas 2 auteur. Dresl 851. Oblong 4to. composé de cinquante planches, gravees par Pauteur. Breslau, 185 i oards. oy rites de RE weosranhes Arabes ; (Contenant 145 figures et cartes oénérales ou spéeiales de 88 geographes les ou « e = bs < . - TIEN "2 * . " y 1) 0 Hes ot Latins de différentes époches, y compris les cartes comparatlves, es 0 of Lue s de ef ar les ceoaraphiques. triples, accompagnées de 11 cartes explicatives et de deux articles geographiq i he > Mappe MONDE dressée en 1459, par. ! re Vénétien, par ordre d’ Alphonse V. Roi de 1 ortugal. de la erandeur de Uoriginal avee toutes les Logiagas. . Paris, 1854. Six sheets ; size of each, 36 inches by 42. yCOVERE DS ¢ he A POLAR DRAFT of all the DISCOV ERED LAN D> hot the “NORTI } wherein is y yd of such Englishmen that hi NORTH POLE hats i A a 2s fo of suc Ee oe Jue ndeavoure find a passage to Japan, ina, &c., by ) ost and Forth Sn ii a ach of the present intended Voyage of that noble pan 2! om 1st. AS also « « i € oyust ot gg” : om ier Capt John Wood, upon the discovery aforesaid. By J ph Moons Seo g aplor to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty. London, 1676. Lithograj "i Py Tot a Chart in the Library of the Honourable lcast le Comps )y Facsimile ¢ : 1 the L ) ou |] da) ih William Lines, East India House, 17th August 1848. Size, 18 aches by An ATLAS (no title), cont le Comte de Maurepas, 2 Seeretair Goographe du Roi, 1744.—Map of England, by T. Kitchin, ograpier Sesh i s Dorret "Land Surveyor, 1761. — Ireland from Surveys of Si . Pe y. by James Dorret, li oehed ot M., Huss, 1747.—Asie, par Sr. le Rouge.—Alfrique er A Arique, Charlevoix et Condamine, 1746. —Carte tare .s R. P. Jésuites, 1747. — Amérique, ( harl voix et ( nine Belin as Ee 1748. — Elaborate maps of Holland, J 2 landers, and fay, Yas er Th ittles : Rocou, 1746 ; Fontenoy, 1745 Dettingen, 1743, &c., &c. In . — ans o ¢ 2. Q 2 ) folio, half bound. . Mauro, Cosmographe Publiée pour la premicre fois Par le Vicomte de Santareni. iscoverie * rt’ \ aining— Mappe Mondie dedi¢e & Mon- o . . - » _ Ministre et Seecretaire d’Iitat, par le Rouge, selgnone 1, (red igrapher.— Scotland, —Kurope, par M. de C EW (IVERS TLAS, containing distinct maps TARY’'S NEW UNIVERSAL ATLAD, containing Jone naps od Il the principal States and Kingdoms throughout the World. Sixty 0 a 3 4 8 mL et A London, 1811. Folio, half bound. # % Including a map of the Centra * of Vienna and the treaties o { States of Iurope according to the Congress f Paris in 1814-15, published in 1817. GENERAL ATLASES AND MAPS. 9525 Map of the WORLD, (in hemispheres). Compiled, engraved and palit ed by John Walker, 1st January 1818. In 4 sheets ; size of each, 21 inches hy 40. : The WORLD. To His Most Gracious Majesty George the 4th, this delineation of the present state of Geographical Knowledoe is with permission most humbly dedicated by his Majesty’s most obedient and very devoted servant James Gardner, 1825. (Hemispheres.) In 8 sheets and title sheet ; size of cach, 30 inches by 27. Also one copy in a folio vol., half bound. J : : AN HISTORICAL ATLAS: in a series of maps of the World as known at different periods; constructed upon an uniform scale, and coloured according to the political changes of each period : accompanied by a narrative of the leading events exhibited in the maps: forming together a weneral view of Universal History from the Creation to A.D. 1828. By Edward ‘Quin, M.A. &ec. London, 1830. Twenty-one maps. Quarto, half bound. = Plan of STEAM OPERATIONS for OFFENSIVE and DEFEN- Sl VE WA RFARE by John Cochrane Hoseason, Captain, Royal Navy, Transcribed from the original chart made in 1841. With polymetrical tables of distances. Size I8 inches by 30. Engraved by Stanford, London. mm 3 3 I'he WORLD on Mercator’s Projection, by James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen. London, 1843. Size, 27 inches by 40. Map of the WORLD, on Mercator’s Projection, by J. and C. Walker. London, 1848. In 2 sheets ; size of cach, 33 inches by 27. Chart of the WORLD, on Mercator’s Projection, constructed by Her- mann Berghaus and Fr. von Stiilpnagel. Gotha: Justus Perthes. 1869. This Chart displays the Oceanic Currents with their direction and mean velocity ; Oceanic Ice Drifts and Weed beds; Deep Sea Soundings: lines of Steam Packet Communication ; Tracks of Sailing Vessels; oreat International Telegraph Lines the Lines of Principal Ocean Steam Navigation Companies. Also the following supplementary insertions :—The World on a polar projection in Northern and Southern Hemispheres with lines of Steam and Telegraph Communication round the World ; a general Wind Chart ; a Chart of Jiqual Magnetic Declination ; enlarge~ ments of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the Nicaragua Routes, the Isthmus of Panama and Lower Egypt with the railways and Suez Canal, &c. On 8 sheets: size af cach, 20 inches by 16. Co I'he ROYAL ATLAS of MODERN GEOGRAPHY exhibitine in a series of entirely original and authentic maps, the present condition of sera phical discovery and research in the several Countries, Empires, and States of the World. By Alexander Keith Johnson, &e., &e., 1875. Forty-eioht maps, Folio half bound. a - ATLASES OIF MARINE EXPLORING EXPEDITIONS PreSENTED TO THE HoNoUrRABLE Ast INDIA COMPANY BY THE Frexcin (GOVERNMENT. I VOYAGE autour du MONDE, entrepris par ordre du: Roi. xéeuté sur les Corvettes de S. M. I'Uranie et la Physicienne., pendant les anndes IS17-18-19 et 20; par M. Louis de Yreyeinet, Capitaine de Vaisseau, Com- mandant de Expédition. Navigation et Hydrographic. Paris, 1826. An Atlas containing 22 plates of Maps and Plans of the Asiatic Archipelago, the Carolines Mariannes' ( Ladrones), Sandwich Islands, Tierra del Fuego, and Malouines (Falkland ), &e. In 1 vol. folio, boards, a A a Se a RE BE Ta Lh Es LA ja cho ink a ak ams Gt AS A RI i ————— hl LL TT SETI H26 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. IL. VOYAGE autour du MONDE, éxéeuté par ordre du Roi, sur la Corvette de Sa Majesté la Coquille, pendant les années 1822-23-24, et ’25, par TL. T. Duperrey, Commandant de PExpédition Hydrographic. Paris, 1827. An Atlas containing four tables of geographical positions, and 46 plates of Maps and Plans including Martin Vaz and Trinity Islets in the Atlantic, Payta and Sechura in Peru, the Pomotou or Low Archipelago, the Society Islands, New Ireland, New Guinea, New Zealand, the Carolines, St. Helena, Ascension, also part of Brazil, Valparaiso, Galapagos Islands, &e., &e. In 1 vol. folio, half bound. III. TTE I’ ASTROLABE, éxéeuté pendant Jules Dumont D’Urville, VOYAGE de la CORVE les années 1826-27-28-29, sous le commandement de M. Capitaine de Vaisseau. 1833. 1. Carte Générale de I'Océanie. 9. Tles, Océan Atlantique. 3-8. Plans et Cartes de Nouvelle Hollande. 9-21. Plans et Cartes de Nouvelle Zélande. 92. Tonga Tabou. 23. 1” Archipel des Iles Verte. 24 Tles Loyalty. 25. Nouvelle Calédonie. 26. Carteret, Nouvelle Trlande. 27. Nouvelle Bretagne. 28-31. Noa- velle Guinée. 32-55. Isles Vanikoro. 36-38. Isles Carolines. 39-42. Routes de I’ Astrolabe en travers des Moluques, Celebes, &e. In 1 vol. folio, half bound. IV. VOYAGE autour du MONDE, éxécuté pendant les années 1830- 31 et ’32, sur la Corvette la Favorite, commandée par M. Laplace, Capitaine de Frégate. Atlas Hydrographique, publié par ordre du Roi. 1833. 1. Carte Générale. 2. I’ Archipel des Seychelles. 3, 4. Cochinchine. 5. Cro- quis du Mouillage du Cap Boung-quious, Tonkin. 6. Baie de Touranne, Cochin- chine. 7,8. Archipel des Natunas, Mer de Chine. 9, 10. Archipel des Auembas, Mer de Chine. 11. Plan de la Riviere Kawa Kewa, N. Zélande. In 1 vol. folio, half bound. V. sur la Frégate le Vénus commandde de Vaisseau, &e. Atlas Iydrographique. VOYAGE autour du MONDE par M. Abel du Petit Thouars, Capitaine 1845. 3. Acapulco. 4. Madelaine, Californie. 9 7. Avatscha, Kamtschatka. 1! Baie de Valparaiso. 2. Callao. 5. Monterey, Californie. 6. San Francisco, Californie. 8. Pepeiti, Taiti. 9. Baie des Iles, N. 7élande. 10. Floriane, Galapagos. 11. Galapagos. 12. Marquises. 13. Hormigas, Callao. 14. St. Félix et St. Ambrose, Chile. 15. Juan Fernandez et Mas-a-fuera. 16. [le des Piques 17. Roches Alijas, Basse Californie. 18. Guadeloupe, Basse Californie. 19. les Hull, Mangria, et Rarotonga. In 1 vol. folio, half bound. EUROPE. General Maps. ‘ompany, incorporated London. Map of TELEGRAPHS in EUROPE, size, 32 inches by 36. The Electric and International Telegraphic ( 1846. Founder’s Court, Lothbury, May 1859. Scale, about 57 miles to 1 inch ; Map of EUROPE, on which have been laid down the Telegraph Lines of the Turkish Empire, showing the existing number of wires and the present state of the communications between India and the European system, from a plan by Lieut.-Col. Biddulph, R.A. Dated 15th February 1860. Lithographed at the Topo- graphical Depot, War Office. Size, 27 inches by 36. EUROPE. 527 FELEGRAPH to INDIA COMPANY, Limited. Sketch Map reduced for Sir M. Stephenson’ ! a hn 8 map of 1849-50 of railway communication betw repaired and laid "and tl 8 the lines of submarine and land cable pro )OS d HE Firone. Al , and their relation to the already completed li a . pe sia, and Africa, which will by these mean he a win fi i ih graph to ia C y aris 3 se means be all connecte the Tele- graj India Company (Limited). October 1861. Size Ie, ye Lok 2 «Size, 26 inches by 40. Map of EUROPE il ap of EUROPE, compiled from the most recent surveys published t I = I « ’ Sys eciric 1ter 1at10r Jeo ( I sl 1ng 1 1 1 0 WF a 1 atl 1al Te "a yh C mp for 1¢ 1 t CG 1( [1 ] WY SNOW 2 1 e C111 f telegraphs wit ic graphs with which they are connected. London, 1863 ad 3 ( Je Index Map to the HANDBOOK for TRAVELLERS on the CON I'INENT. John Murray, London. 1866. Size, 20 inches by 22 Map of CENT "UR AVlc 4 [ : LK ni p JE. RAL EUROPE, containing all the rai i with the stations, also the princi i My . lyn # : by B. R. Davies d Tate principal roads, rivers, and mountain ranges B on Bai iia 59. Seale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 i on Wve En 5 size, 35 inches by 47. Folded A Ma of 2 ATITR + - v ar f he 34 [ U RAL FEATURES of FRANCE and GER according to Lavallios oat ane the mountain systems i” 0 | 7 uli- > AVE sica istorical, and Military Creogr: : 1 basins 31st Oc 1%” 2 and Mili: rtaphy arn London, 31st October 1870. Secale, 25 srtles re 2 Seah. ; Sd, i Bhi es by 30, § ~~ ~ The MEDITERRANEAN. I'he MEDITERRANEAN SEA, from the surveys of Capt. W. H Smyth, R.N., K.S.F ’ ed Nay SF. LC 8 nr : ’ m Admiralty between tl ge i directions from The Lords Commissioners of and harbours. in < ie years 1814 and 1824. Seventy-four cl Ssioners of the 2 wrbours, in one vol. folio, half bound. Pnty-tour. coarse of the shores AUSTRIA. VIENNA and PRESBURG. From the Austrian Government Map Seale, about 21 FE 7 . : Surve Office. S “nglish miles to 1 inch. Photo-zincographed : y ice, Southampton. 1866. Size, 28 inches by To wed at the Ordnance ly hes Oy 42. SR ) 1 BE G [ 1 ‘ G abo { -1 In gl s/h niles ( Ji . ; ap 1C( at 1 1¢ " nance 3 ‘ / >] VIAL] S 10 1 neh I hoto Z1ncogn 1 C l 1 ( d = » 1C Office, S ‘ yap vi : ce, Southampton, 1866. Size, 28 inches by 42 Survey BELGIUM. Carte des PAYS BAS CATHOLIQUES. Dressée sur un orand granc nombre de cartes particulier oe marqudées pon parts ulieres faites sur les lieux ou les limites sont k s suivant les derniers traites vot] ®s sont exacte P'Academie Roval d Series traitez. Par Guillaume De Ilsle, G oEgoioment mie Royal des Sciences. No date. Size, 22 inches 1 26 Reogaphe de ~Cy && } > DY 26. SIBORNE'S AT y of B( NE S A I'LAS of the CAMPAIGN in 1815 size of each, 17 inches by 22. B15. On \) shear No. I. Part of Belgi i oo Relgn™, tepresenting the general distribution of the A 4 : Prussian, and French armies at the commenceme Dosti 5 Seale, 5% miles to 1 inch. Saont of oyliites- ”» a. Field of Quatre Bras, 3 o'clock p.m. " 2 9 o'clock p.m. Secale, 3 inches to 1 mile. a Ag a Jha: nt R pees rm ot t Sokal Sh emstysalua So HABER A Seo vn on pie ont. gcse same Re ti re ri EAR EN TRE RE apr hd WP i ia i or six mais SH ys . BrssaatEmar TER | LE hr i dy . Race _- SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. IV. Field of Ligny, 1 past 2 o'clock p.m. V. ’ » 4 past8 o'clock p.m. Scale, 2% inches to 1 mile. VI. Field of Waterloo, } past 11 o’clock a.m. VIL. 5 1 hefore 8 o'clock p.m. Vii. " 5 m. past 8 o’clock p.m. Secale, 6% inches to 1 mile. IX. Field of Warre, 4 o'clock p.m., 18th June. C. ” , 4 oclock a.m. 19th June. Seale, 21 inches to 1 mile. y £3 XI. Part of France. Delineating the routes of the advance of the allied armies on Paris in 1815. Scale, 30 miles to} inch. FRANCE. dela FRANCE, par les officiers de I'litat Major. Carte topographique Secale, 1 : 80,000, or about 1} miles to 1 inch ; on 258 sheets. The following are in the collection :— No. 24. Mdézicres. No. 38. Wissembourg. 36. Metz. ,, 92. Commercy. 37. Sarreguemines. | ,, 04. Saverne. Survey Office, Southampton, &e. e de 1: 320,000 (about 5 miles to On 52 sheets. The following are in » » Photo-zincographed at the Ordnance Carte de la FRANCE a I’¢éehell | inch). Reduced from the foregoing map. the collection :— No. 8. Lille. No. 15. Strasbourg. 9. Md{zicres. ,, 18. Bourges. 10. Mayence. ,,» 19. Dijon. 13. Paris. . 20. Altkirch. 10. Metz. , 92. Tableau Q’assemblage. 14. ‘ we from photo-zincograpl The others are issued by the Redigé par M. Beautemps Beaupré, In- ln Marine. Publié, par ordre du roi, au Depot de » 1 2 9 Sheets 8, 13, 14, 18, ¢ Office, Southampton. PILOTE FRANCAISE. aénieur Hydrographe en chef de la Marine, Paris. Pte. I. Environs de Brest. 1822. Pte. I1., ITI. Les cites occidentales de France. Pte. 1V., V., VI. Les cotes septentrionales de France. In 6 vols. folio, half-bound. Stanford's Large Scale Map of t with an index. 1870. Secale, 5 miles to 1 inch nearly. Size of each sheet, 22 inches by 17. Mounted in four parts. THEATRE de la GUERRE, 1870. Carte publi¢e par I. Illustration, Paris. Size, 40 inches by 28. Stanford's Map of FRANC E in owns, and villages. limits of subjugation to the Germans. aht bank of the Seine, on the confirmation of 18 printed at the Ordnance Survey Depot de la Guerre, Paris. 1829-1832. 1838-1843. he SEAT of WAR, in 15 sheets Sheets 13, 14, 15 wanting. DEPARTMENTS, with all the railways, fortresses, t Coloured to show— 1. The extreme 2. Their first evacuation to the ri the Treaty of Peace. 3. Their second evacuation, to take place after payment of 4. The limits of the perpetual acquisition. 24th October miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 25. 200,000,0001. 1870. Seale, 26 EUROPEAN MAPS. 529 NOR" . Py rr N > TT “N ! RTI EAST FRANCE. Coloured in departments, al i ; te Nanas and boundaries of the old provinces, and sl p a b rmany - ‘ x ces, and showing the territory acquire y Germany. 1870. Secale, 21 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 len Beye 2 . IE [0 Paris. Carte Hydroo 1 ‘y a J apie du DEPARTMENT de la SEINE. Pre $ § A y 1elic ( & “ i : 4 ” "C - rapportées - sol par des courbes horizontales et par des cHtes ol poppe au niveau moyen de la mer, ainsi que le tracé ol 'otes de hauteurs 's voles de communicati Ed 151 que le trace et le classement de Sg het des unication. Dressée et gravée sous la direeti ) , le toutes chef des ponts et chaussées du Dipartame ol : direction de PIneénieur en In 2 sheets ; size of A artement, par ordre du Préfer de la Seine - heets ; size of cach, 47 inches by 28. et de la Seine. 1832. STANFORD'S P STAI D'S Plan of tl : reve we FORTIFICATIONS of showine the enceinte : z ONS o >A RIS from na forts, also the levels and other By ( hi AR ) a? y © refec r x See : . dang > © Z aetauns inclios hy 55 efect of ‘the Department of the Seine. 1870. Size py § Y, N n ) Y(t . N Y 4 FANFORD’S Map of the ENVIRONS of PARIS, showing the i rtificati NS. 1 b ] i ; , ; ( ale ( Lc Ss O71 . . Uc ¢ 0 ( ~ st yept ] 3 0 ( 3 1 mile [47] 1 neh 5s StL 3 2] tn foes ly 27. P ) S ‘ 2 bes ONT ) TQ —- ARIS and its ENVIRONS, 17th Oct. 1870. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size. 21 inches ‘ ‘ ; sexe, ZL inches by 28. Supplement to “the Homeward Mail.” Corsica. Carte Nouvel TQ carte Nouvelle de 7 : 1 . art a ele de ISLE de CORSE (Corsica), dressée d’aprés Ue Biante : | be Tauri levée sur les licux, par ordre de M. le Ma e 1 al : , s par le Se. Robert de Vaugondy, Geographe or a 18 _satocha de Due do Yorraine ci de Bar y Ys araphe ord. du Roi et de S. M. Pol Nunev J 3 © oe Jar, de 'Academie rovale des Sciences et Belles » AVL. ol. Nancy. Paris 1768. Size, 29 inches by 21 : Les: 6 elles Lettres de PIL.OTE > ? $ 1 CY 7 Par M. Rs 2 ¢ ORSE. ILevé dans les anndes 1820-42 » Capitaine de Vaisseau, secondé par M mm a , ~ Ss ordre du Roi. 1831. Folio, half-bound, dé par M. M. T. Delofire, &c. Publié par | GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. SMITH’S NEW ENGLISH ATLAS, being a complete sct of Clounty maps divided i 0 ty map diy ded into Hundreds, on which are delineated all ti : roads, part of which are from ac al ’s ed all the direct and Cross siderable villaed Tg 1 actual measurement, cities, towns, and most ! ali A008, parks, seats rivers . ’ 13 «bl st ¢ - map of Eneland ba 3 J eats, rivers, and navigable canals, preceded by a ger a he par “his ‘ : id Wales on which the principal roads are carefully de 5 ra SQ ae ‘ ; . : t i i eseribe v ors pC : 3 acilitating the connexion of the respective maps en ed for ‘ anled by ¢ vw Villar:s eo ' s ips. ew : ' by an Index Villaris, containing upwards of forty tl I whole places, mentioned in the work, with reference { I . orty thousand names of Htv-three , "YT La : eference to their situati , Fifty-three maps. Folio, half bound, ituation. London, 1804. C ¢ : I Plane val . aris and i lans referred to in Mr. TELFORD’S REPORT and I yon 12 communication between ENGLANI ; Y anc NORTH-WEST of SCOTLAND. 1809. On 16 larg po RELAND, by the paper cover. arge plates, mn one vol. folio, An Atlas of the ENGLISH COUNTIES divided into Hundreds &e. * * % Projected * Folio, half bound. 7767.) LL L under the superintendence of perintendence of J. L. Murray. 1830. Rr a ae Sr “ ER Ras t Shap — ST RR 3 bpm gg nA sath dean Ek nana ete tm Ri I lL a H30 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. To Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, this MAP of the BRITISH ISLES, elucidating the distribution of the Population, based on the Census of 1841, compiled and drawn by Augustus Petermann, F.R.G.S., &e. is lh dedicated. London, 1849. Seale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; size, 34 inches by 23. To Her Most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, this HYDRO- GRAPHICAL MAP of the BRITISH ISLES, exhibiting the Geographical distribution of the Inland Waters, constructed by Augnstus Petermann, ¥.RG.S., & * * * dedicated. London, 1849. Scale, 25 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 24. MAP of ENGLAND and WALES, showing the Railways, (Canals and inland navigation, compiled from the Ordnance Surveys and other sources, for the use of the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, &ec. under the direction of Captain J. L. A. Simmons, Royal Engineers, F. Mackenzie, draftsman. Presented to the House of Commons by Command of Her Majesty. Deer. 1852. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch; on 8 sheets, bound in a paper cover ; size, 20 inches by 31. Map of the BRITISH ISLES showing the principal Light-houses, with the limit and character of each light ; the Coast Guard Stations and Districts ; the stations where Lite Boats are established : the Ports, Sub-Ports and Creeks under the Customs ; and the Railways of the United Kingdom. of the Board of Trade. Corrected to 1855. Size, 65 inches by S51. s and CASUALTIES on the COASTS he Board of Trade from Published by order Chart showing the WRECK? of ENGLAND and WALES during 1867. Compiled in t their Wreck Register. Size, 22 inches by 17. The Ordnance Survey of ENGLAND and WALES. On the scale Sheets 1 to 9, 12 to 22, 24 to 44, 45 N.W., S.W., S.E., 47, 48, of 1 inch to 1 mile. N.E., N.W., 64. 65, 69, 70, 75, 83 to 80. £4 N.E., 55, 56, 58, 61, 62 Geological Survey of GREAT BRITAIN. Section of the Coal Measures, Carboniferous [imestone, and a portion of the Old Red Sandstone, in the vicinity of Bristol, by D. H. Williams. Seale, 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 30. ical Survey of GREAT BRITAIN. Sections across part of q Geolog Field of Glamorganshire, South Wales. Scale, 6 inches to 1 mile; size, the Coal 29 inches by 4+. Shropshire. To His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales, &e. &c., this Actual Survey of the COUNTY of SALOP is most humbly inscrib’d by his most dutiful and most ob 752. Scale, 1 mile to «dient servant John Roceque. London, 1752 1 inch ; in 4 sheets, size of each, 30 inches by 22. Wales. This Map intended to illustrate more especially the Physical Con- Border Counties, forms part of the Second Edition of the By G. B. Greenough. 1839. figuration of Wales and its Geological Map of England and Wales, in six sheets. Size, 38 inches by 39. sed. With a list of hills, with their signs and heights above the EUROPEAN MAPS. H31 London. J]. TTT QO Plan of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, the BOROUGH of SOUT : ( S r IT an; eal Horr of Ol I'HWARK and parts adjoining, showing every 1 > rwood. 1792-1799. Seale, 25 inches to 1 mil, On 32 NY ha : . . ’ 3 Amt . . nie. S ho o i é§ one sheet plan of London and Westminster,” as an i 2 32 sheets, with “ Bowles, ul; or * 4 amb 5 > / / wlder ; ye size, 25 inches by 22, half-hound ndex map. In 1 vol. folio, Ma 0 J T i ro Rox fom ; 2 actual survey made in the years - me QDiely « 0Z0, Dy Y. & oe yreenwood Lc 1 pa . G inches to 1 mile : in 6 sh . : . London, 21st August 1827 Seale y ¢ sheets, size rrp b imo 2 . Neale Bla ior a anes vects, size of each, 26 inches by 31. Also another copy LONDON, 1846 JO] N, 1846. Drawn and engraved fr i Wn aved from authe ORDOS Ith DD ngre entic d , od po ; 0 1 observations, by R. B. Davies, &e. Under the superinter ge Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledee., Seale, 81 inch # ial go jv inches by 27. Mounted to fold. nn festa ifs: Ain 10 Plan showing the site of the EAST INDIA HOUSE with tl ISE he adjacent localities, Size, 17 inches by 22 The EAST INDIA HOUSE, I : LX [ 4 SE, Leadenhall Str si Wyatt, architect, India Office, &c Ba AS Asphall Meas, Signed M. Dighy . > y NC. as nt, orount firs ' i and third floor plans. Seale, 22 fect to 1 inch: on 5 oes hs floor, second floor, by 18. A sheets, size of each, 23 inches Ireland. A maritim survey of IRELAND and the WEST of GREAT SRITAIN ; ' 4] >In 4 IN, tal en | r der Pen ; 4 tak 'y Ol ler of the Richt Honourable the Lords C +x . Admiralty : in two volumes accomp: ied wit] : > Lords Commissioners of gr : Fy pa with a book of nauties BRoTIn J. tions to cach volume. By Murdock Mackenzie eaten Ser iptions and containing the ariti pe CT «1C, dC s Voir. Fi " ining the Maritim murvey of Ireland comprehended in XXVIII 1 Yoh t views of the land taken at sea. London, 1776. Folio. half 1 Yi l charts paleo +0. 110, I YOUN mm, / IQ , "WT YT ov PAYLOR'S Map of the ENVIRONS of DUBLIN extending 1¢ 14 miles from the castle by actual survey. On a seal OW i Trenaig 10 to Size, 36 inches by 32. Folded in a Ee scale of 2 inches to 1 wile, 1816. Map of KINGSTON and part of DALKEY. Scale, 6 inches to L wmile ; size, 18 inches by 25. MS. GERMANY. General Maps. Karte von DEUTSCHLAND dem KOENIGR. der NIEDER LANDE, de “or. Beleien. dor a id y Lyon, Tui ET iy hen, Ties Solve, und den angriinzenden Landern, bis Paris herausgegeben ” Ad ] cus 18> Ofen, Konigsberg, in 25 Blattern. Entworfen 4 1 to 1 WC Sn n Adolt Stieler, (rotha bey J. Perthes. 1862. Seale. 111 ing > ; Siz of cach sheet, 15 inches by 19. Mounted in a c¢ i 2 miles edition, 1866, in sheets. ‘ in a case. Also a later (! T(" ) ’ AT yo . . Al ( HARD S MAPS, original I'rench edition. : Carte Su de la Carte Générale "Allemagne pour servir a ra 1 i uf ‘euilles dont cette carte est composée par M Chauche a sembler les sheet; scale. 32 miles to 1 inch. . auchard, ete. On 1 LL 2 a ~ = % he - a Eu ESR A 4 238 EIA Sg Ea SHA opto faa - i el A ik 8 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Allemagne par M. Chauchard, Capitaine d’Infan- Carte Générale de "Empire d’ Comte ’Artois. On 9 sheets ; terie et Ingénieur Militaire de Monseigneur scale, 8 miies to 1 inch. Carte de la partie septentrionale de I'Italie, par M. C 4 sheets ; scale, 8 miles to 1 inch. Bound together in 1 vol. folio, half calf. CHAUCHARD'S MAPS, English edition. A general Map of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. 3y Captain Chauchard, &ec. Dedicated by permission to Ilis Majesty. London. Printed for John Stockdale, &e. 1800. On 25 sheets ; scale, 8 miles to 1 inch. In 1 vol. folio, half bound. Size, 26 inches by 20. Statistische KARTCHEN von DEUTSCHLAND :— 1. Bevolkerungs-Verhiiltnisse Politische Uebersicht ; - Geburten ; Bevoilkerungs Zunahme ; Israelitische Bevolkerung ; Bevolkerung dichtigkeit: Todes- fille Christliche Bevolkerung ; Uneheliche Geburten. 9 Landwirthschaft- Ackerbau ; Wald ;: Wein ; Pferde ; Rinder; Schafe; Schweine. Gez. v. O. Delitsch, Bibliographisches Institut in Hildburghausen. in hauchard, ete. 1791. On Size, 25 inches by 18. Holstein, &ec. Die HERZOGTHUMER HOLSTEIN und LAUENBERG, mit dem Fiirstenthume Liibeck, und den Gebieten der freien Stidte Lubeck und Hamburg, hauptsiichlich nach Vermessungen unter der Direction des Conferenzraths macher. Kopenhagen im Koniglichen See-Korten Archive. 1848. Size, 21 inches by 28. \ | Senu- River Rhine. f the adjacent country from Mayence Delkeskamp. With 2 insertions: (1) to Colognes (2) Map showine the Seale, abont 33 miles to Panorama of the RHINE and o to Cologne, designed from nature by I. W. Map showing the various routes from London various routes from Cologne to the sources of the 1 inch ; size, 107 inches by 9. Wurtemberg. KONIGREICH WU RTEMBERG nebst THEILEN der angren- in 4 Blittern als General-karte des topo- ler Landes-Vermessung, Ober- statistisch topographisschen zenden Lander nach dem Massstab FGOTTD graphischen atlasses. Bearbeitet von dem Dirigenten finanzrath v. Mittnacht, Herausgegeben von dem K. Bureau in Stuttgart. Size of each sheet, 31 inches by 21. GREECE. Carte Générale de la GRECE MODERNE au 1,000,000% Dressce par le Chev. Lapie, 1° Geographe du Roi, Officier Supérieur au Corps Royal des Ingénieurs Geographes, Paris, 1828. Size, 31 inches by 21. ITALY. Northern. Carte Nouvelle du DUCHE DE MANTOUE Levé par ordre expres a usage des Armées en Italie; ol sont exactement marqués les Grand Chemins, les Routes des Impérianx, &e. par le Sr. Sanson, Geogra. du Roy a Am- sterdam. No date. Size, 22 inches by 25. EUROPEAN MAPS S. 533 T} TAT 1e SEAT of WAR in S ; Nb Dae ror WA tid SAVOY, PIEMONT, and in the MI- Ete dua Die do Sade i ronticres de France et d’Italie ou se trouvent les Doan ler bags de ceux de Milan et de la République de 0 Alpes. Dressé S ou Passages de France et @Allem: edie or a . :ssée et presentées i = Allemagne en Italie par les obeissant Te Ty 8 a Monseigneur Le Dauphin, par son tris hu i par 0 rvifeur et geographe N. de Fer. 1703. Size, 20 inch il in 100s ros + PG 4 hes hy 25. TA I I A N 1D] > X ry T . ALIAN IRRIGA I'TON, being a report I Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. addr > d to tl ; H Bi Satin 101% GF the Tat ir hbardy,: ssed to the Honourable the Court of Dir Js dng on Ings ( ompany. By R. Baird Smith, F.G.S., Ca 4 Poy of Dyan wi fy ns wei Py Engineers, Bengal Presidency. Poors b i) i ol ; al and Descriptive ; vol. 2, Practical and Lecislative. E To Ta . egislative. Edinburgh, 1852, Maps and Plans il I GA'l vaps « ans illustrative of the C ANALS of UG LOMBARDY and PIEDMONT. 17 plates folio pa Jpn A Ion i wl cover. Carta Generale "GN arta. Generale del REGNO LOMBARDO-VENETO, 1 ella Carta Lopografica, nell’ Insti rooorafi 20 LAT 2? redotta giore Generale in Mil ’ : ituto Greografico Militare dell’ I. R. Stat M Anastatic al 3 Le nell’ anno 1838, riveduta nell’ anno 1856 C a i aR pee bre ess in 1859 at the Ordnance Survey Office BS , Jopied y the ‘nglish miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of each, 22 Te aon, Seale, 4% y lis / & De Plan of ti 7 Z he neighbourhood of VERON VT ! of the neig RO! TU ARC WEAN 0), {from the Austrian Stal UNA MAN ! ! A, PESCHIERA, Jepot, War Oflice, 1566 rian Slai Map. Lithographed at the T ‘aphi : 66. Scale {* od i opographical by 40. ’ caley about 1% English miles to 1 inch ; fo 27 Drtes Southern Italy. M: of S Trew Try r . ip of SOUTH I'TALY and adjacent coasts. By A. Arrowsmith 1 y() HI iti Ss 10 0 cls 5 L ( ( - ly l lditions 182 . In 4 sh ls > size fea he 2 ) inche by 34 \ y ( 'S OY Ot. Sicily. Carte de la SICILE { le la SICILE dans son état ‘ amie do Ja BI H k dans son ¢tat actuel, publide sous les auspices tions de ln Cart Lynes, pal A. I. Dufour, Geographe, et M. Amari. A or Jos Pies om eI art ancienne d’aprés Prolémée et de la Carte el Ave les reduc- aris, 1809. Size, 25 inches by 35. ’ 5 Arabe d’apres Edrisi. Carte Com are ; “Ad 4 4 < - Nie + y ’ Oo > gor ’ . A I a cC Ic » ) 3 )¢ oN © d apt | [oda 181, et d autres geographes Arabes, 1 ublide Sous | = 1 a | NM. Duc ae Luynes, par A. HL. Dufour, Geographe ct M yh ” ; | a a 2 - . . nari. Avec les reductions de la Car i ’ ~ \ 1 Q | 5 ; « ‘ rte anclienne da nes I 1¢ ’ es at ) | ‘ « | Ch to cmee ct de I: ar C Arab ? 0 3 181 1 aris, l¢ BA INTC, 25 inches by 30. Ca " } Heaps st. RUSSIA. Sketch of the ACQUISITIONS of RUSSIA since the Accession of 4 SS 10 Peter 1. to the T . ie Throne London Jol [ . 4 (oll. «Join Murray 1836 Gop © . ; Ys 1060. Nezey 20 winches hy 7, ‘ Karte des EUROPAISCHEN RUSSLANDS und der Anerer " Angren- zenden Li r it gen: DB i L ep Re genauet Bezeichnune der Strassen und angal ini Hi SCH 1YSIKasCi- FCOOTA hi | ; { : a BO J art schen Ha ante : $00 je, ne by ua 1 Iptioniente. Gotha, 1854. Size, 26 inches A Ril tt cop iii iit Reliab Sia wn wi SrEm———— : aC Thame. 4 i ya Arg nm ve . a. eA VA Ah. tag ob Sasa st a or D3 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. . Al u Hh, PITROPE i indicate the ASTERN EUROPE, intended to iniiate bb . : i : mies of the Northern Powers, and their numerieir lative situation of the Armies of the Ta ol teneral PEtang. TO of the scale ad hoc placed in the Ge a % { , , 22 : i J os eA . co ous 855. Nize, 40 nChes OY size of each part of map, 52 inche. by )e) in a case. Sze, sb ) 7ithout a case. Another copy, wit ¢ The CRIMEA, by James Wyld, geographe Jo, (WHE 2 the Black Sea and a Plan of Sevastopol.) Scale, 8 miles to : by 27. ’ : "RR 3 / SEAT of WAR m the KRIMEA. Admiralty. With a Map ol the Black Sea, 1855. Secale, 1} inches to 1 mile ; Sheet 2. By the Hydrographic size. 31 inches by 49. r, &e. (With a Map of 19 inches 1 fice By the Hydrographic Office, and Views of Sevastopol, Balaklava, and i size, 31 inches by 49. Eupatoria. x r . 4 > 1) Y SEAT of WAR in the KRIMEA. A 2 x Office Admiralty. 1855. Seale, about 14 mile to jae by ine, 81 intjies By & * * With a Chart of the Coast of the Black Sea from Odesst Jupat 3 Map of the ALLIED OCCUPA- Topographical and Geological Map of the A LLL} D OCCUPA TION in the CRIMEA, bas d on the reconnaissances So neh " I oa Je in 1854 1855 ithographed at Topographical Depot, War Ollice. . le 2 : St . arr , «Drop ax about 11 inches to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 35. 2 , 23 tt werner Cant FN USHT ‘RIMEA., from the Survey by Capt. I. | vv of ALUSHTA, CRIMEA, from the Survey by Capt. I. ) #0 we if J » Russian Imperial Navy, 1836. Top grapl ical Dept, M | 3 ’ OH Septe about 1 nautical mile to 1 inch ; size, 14 winches ment, 10th September 1855. Seale, by 22. . '( ake : the Russians, 1737. Copied from 0], OTCHAKOYV, taken by the ssians, 1 opied from ha of hed map communicated by Mr. Derham. Lithographed at the Topo 3 sth November 18535. Scale, about 220 feet to oraphical Depot, War Department, 1 inch; size, 19 inches by 12. Plan of OTCHAKOYV, as it was when besieged by the Turks, under « S “tl Ti i ‘0 ‘ | | yublished tl “ N i1 A ia o) } an of the ( rimea. opied f1'( 1 an Oi | y Seraskir 1 1 t ha and the Khan ( f Lil 1 ( ] J | oy : i by Mr Derham Lithographed at the Fopographical Depot, ate . » map communi Scale, about 490 feet to 1 inch ; size, War Department, 9th November 1835. 25 inches by 19. a Chart of the HARBOUR of AKHTIAR or SEVASTOPOL. S i Stor 1 ‘ country between Axim and Elming 3 i i 10 Neth ow ! and Elmina. By : y ; Dutch Navy. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 13 inches ak C. A. Jeckel, R. EGYPT. A Map of LOWER EG fA J +R E ’r' £ at . vy Mater Bre: ond od 2G 11 I', from various Surveys communicated FRI de De Sam afaoers, Drawn by A. Arrows, Hydrographer to cach, 25 inches by 32. Folded in . at 3 miles to 1 inch ; on 4 sheets ; size of Die NIIL.1 ANDEI ] 7 I'l { | | E I H \ | | “ H ’ 44 un oder A I ( Y | 1 5 / ] 1 v i nach ( . F. Weilands Entwurf volleo l " i i N ng BY €, / yf v 7 ‘ » » 2 1 gearnelite F. I i 3 31'e | S48 y { about 80 Linglish miles to 1 neh ; size, 28 inches oy zt Spe et te < S 5 y o Te l lan of tl { i : T || 1 I \ N va 4 “ an of the Bl I ISE ¢ ) FORCES i1 LG rpm LI Q " — b 1 and O 1 1'OM { French oh aay ” ? hy the 8th March to 2nd September 1801 whe the Dy the ( Juart Wh : a . led Im that country. Composed from materials or sh d v gualtermastcer reneral’s ) ’] ar en S S p 1 nih ’ Mo i I epartment. London, 1¢ 02. ’ cale, . miles {to Wi ‘ 1 ‘ ¥ ith an enlé I ement of tl ( Ins "Al 1 ~ . ls AC 1¢ 1 2111S ula of 2X4a 14 : 1 Lo ] inch. Size, 96 inches by 157 : exand 1a, on the scale ot I mile Wyld’s ISTHMUS of SUE? a Road - JS of SUEZ and 1 OWER E Pr o 12 miles to 1 inch ; size, 12 inches by 17 1 1a EGY I. 1843. Scale, Percement de T'IST ah ent de 'ISTHME , SUR sondages, profils et forag ~ DR R RZ us Jos cartes, plans, Troiciome <épie ar a 1 y du projet de la cor oud . nel ['roisicm ¢rie des documents publiés par M. Ferdinand 9 mn ihm a. Aris, 20. In 1 vol., 4to. bound. Nubia and Abyssinia. UPPER NUBIA and ABYSSINIA. By Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. caley, 45 miles neh ; size, 20 ¢ es to Linch ; size, 20 inches by 25. VOYAGE aux "UX NII / aux DEUX NILS (Nubie K : ixtoutd do 1860 & 1964, par or 7.8 Bulge, Kordofan, _ 7a ys Pe DI'ALI'e de 4 TOIT op In 1 vol., folio, half bound. Epler, Pa mn, Soudan Oriental) Guillaume Lejean. Atlas, Lo L1sTE DES CARTES, ETC Explication des Cartes :— ART pac 1. Itinéraires, Feuille IV . é s, Ifeuille IV De Di yal rats V. Dj). Rafeta (Atmour) & Khartot o Berber. Carte du Nam-aith (Bahr el Gazal) mis) 2 Ranown, Pht 00 2. Itinéraires, Feuille 1 lo] De Khartoum 3 : i a 1 a la D nder ar \ . 1. ol L ender par Sennar et oats nst3 3. Itinérai Fe nT Plan de la ville de Saouakin. Plan de S nn Raho De ieraires, reullle . De Jar ) 3 i 1 darko K assis, Tou) De Khartoum a la frontiére du Darfour (Ko an) . arte de Confluent des Deux Nils fréonr (Rordotm} L Ieiniralees, Feuille V. De Saouakin au Taka J. SAT Feuille VI. Route du Barka 6. Cours du Nil BI 6 K ; Nil Blane (Bahr el Abi Ii lu (Bahr el Abiad, Kir) du Saubat & G nl A » ir) du Saubat & Gondokoro. Vues. (. Iisquisse une arte di > i : 3 Se etn ’ du bassin du Fleuve Blane entre les Te C1 lle deords l livisi » ar Go Lejean. 1865. Carte de la Haute Nubie (parti LA a pie tn Laem Nubile (partie orientale); “ 1D]. : > Plan de la ville de Kassala. Nore.—The ] . ie Maps are arranged in t i I arranged in the order adopted in the “ Explication des Cartes.” fa the order of “RE: ati ies Cartes,” which is f the Maps or with the marginal numbers of the Plat, ¥en : Hes sis ci AT AA TA RSET TE aE ch CRT A TR hee hi BE ena : v hs 2 Pe a one RE aE SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Carte politique et itinéraire du Ouadai, avec le Baghirmi oriental, dressée apres les informations des indigtnes. Par G. Lejean. 9. Carte ethnographique de la region N.E. de Afrique (Nil-land). 10. Carte du Samhar et du Sennaheit (Haute Nubie). Rade de Massaoua. Plan de la ville de Massaoua. 11. Ttinéraires, Feuille II. De la Dender a Tchelga. Abyssinie. 12. Carte générale de la Haute Nubie (Partie Occidentale) ; divisions agrono- miques. . a 15. Carte générale de la Haute Nubie (Partie Occidentale) d’apres les itincraires et les informations de PAuteur. 1860-61. 14. Carte eénérale de la Haute Nubie (Partie Orientale) d’apres les itinéraires et les informations de Auteur. 1860-64. Cours du Nil Blanc entre le Tefafan et Pemb. du Saubat. Addition a la Feuille V. 15. Esquisse du Dar-Four. Carte Ire. Divisions politiques. 6. Esquisse du Dar-Four. Carte Ile. Divisions agronomiques. » ABYSSINIA. ABYSSINIA. Line of March of the Army under Lieut.-General Lord Napier of Magdala. 1868. Surveyed by Licut. Carter, R.E., Surveyor G.T. Survey of India, assisted by Licuts. A. E. Dummler, RE, and T. H. Holditch, R.E., Assistant Surveyors. Drawn by Lieut. Holditch, R.E. Photo-zincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, &e. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; on sheets ; size of cach, 28 inches by 21. Diaeram of the TRIANGULATION and LINE of TRAVERSE fron ANNESLEY BAY to MAGDALA. Surveyed by Lieut. T. T. Carter, R.L., assisted by Lieuts. A. LE. Dummler and T. H. Holditch, R.E. Secale, 4 mules to 1 inch ; on 5 sheets ; size of each, 28 inches by 21. Map of the ROUTE from TAJOORA to ANKOBER travelled by the Mission under Capt. W. C. Harris to the Court of Shoa. 1843. Surveyed by Assistant-Sureeon R. Kirk and Lieut. Barker, 1.N. Copied in the Chief Engineer’s Office, Bombay, 1841. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 26. MS. Map of AFRICA from the Equator to 13° N. lat, and from 31° to 51° E. loneitude. By James Macqueen, sq. London, 1844. Size, 8 inches by 11. EAST COAST OF AFRICA. Map of a Portion of the Course of the RIVERS HAINES and JUD, partly from personal observation, but principally from minute and particular in- quiries of intelligent natives of the country ; repeated on visiting the various towns alone the coast. The sea line afforded an excellent criterion to judge of the actual position of places not visited. Signed W. Christopher, Lieut. Commanding TLC. brig of war “Tigris.” Aden, Back Bay, 29th May 1843. No scale ; size, 30 inches by 37. MS. * * See also Admiralty Charts. EQUATORIAL LAKES OIF AFRICA. Skizze einer Karte eines THEILS von OSNT- und CENTRAL- AFRIKA, mit angabe der wahrscheinlichen Lage und Ausdehnung des Sec’s von Uniamesi, nebst Bezeichnung der Greuzen und Wohnsitze der Verschicdenen Vilker sowie der Caravanen-Strassen nach dem Irnern. Gestutzt aul die Angaben zahlreicher Eingebornen und Muhamedanischer Reisenden und zusammengetragen von Jakob Erhardt und Johann Rebmann, Missionaire der Church Missionary Society of London in Ost-Afrika. Nach J. Erhardt’s Original und der Eng. Kiisten Aufnahme geziechnet von A. Petermann. 1836. Scale, about 70 English miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 17. AFRICAN MAPS. 541 A Map of the ALBERT N’YANZA, and of the ROUTES leading to iis discovery in 1864. By Sir Samuel White Baker. Seale, about 28 miles to Linch; size, 20 inches by 15. Stanford, London. NATAL. Map of the COLONY of NATAL, surveyed by Capt. Grantham, RE, F.R.G.S., Assoc. Inst. C.E., &e., in 1861. General’s Office, Natal. Office. 1863. ah With additions from the Survevor- Lithographed at the Lopographieal Department, War Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch; in 4 sheets ; size of cach, 40 inches by 2% CAPE COLONY. GRAHAM'S TOWN and the Outposts, with their bearings and tye oe Tornoe We - v Ste distances, By James W yld. 1851. Size, 16 inches by 13. Folded in a case. ST. HELENA. Survey of the ISLAND of ST. HELENA. Signed, James Cocks Licut.-Colonel and Chief Enein er. 30th Nov. 1¢ y . . { ungineer. 30th Nov, 1804. Seale. 1.2 irs neh » a an ty cale, 1,200 yards to inch ; AITARTS © reo * oi 3 . ‘ CHAR 15 &e, (Views of the Coast and Botanical Figures) for aptain Flinders’s Voyage to Terra Australis. Presented by . 5 } ld A o Al { ha 2SeNTe( Vy th 3 Autl y 24 . r [814. Large folio, boards. ; 07 25h bly ). TQ APT NE . . Plan of the ISLAND of S I' HELENA, inscribed to the Honourable the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Directors for the afl India Company, by their obliced and faithful Military Surveyor. November 1811. by 60. MS. airs of the United East servant, John Barnes, Captain and rte ; 3 : Seale, 400 yards to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches * * % Chart, showing the ELEVATION of the COAST of the ISLAND x ye HELENA, the various landings and accessible points, # = by FL Seale. 6th Dee, 1823 cale, 12 inches il se. 98 i i" nl ( th Dec. 1823. Sealey, 12 inches to 1 mele ; size, 28 inches by AUSTRALASIA. General Maps. General Map of AUSTRALIA showing the Routes of Ex Board of Land and Works, Melbourn yy 1863. Seale, 25 inches by 35.* A TCT / A + y MU Q T 1 1 ‘ AUS I RALIAN V IEWS. North East Coast between Sandy ( and Endeavour Straits for the Navieation » 13 plates oblong 4to., stiff’ cover. plorers. 105 wiles to 1 inch ; size, 1 : : ape of the Inner Passage to Torres Straits COLONY OF VICTORIA. VICTORIA. —Nore.—This Map is published in order to meet the present demand for information respecting Runs. The boundaries are laid dow approximately, beino generally the projection on paper of the Gazetted doser] br) y A correct map will be issued as soon as the Runs are surveyed. 1863. PLGRS: ment of Lands and Survey, Melbourne, January 1865. lo, | og on S sheets : size of cach, 30 inches by 22% : Depart- Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; * Nore.— Presented to the India Office by the Government of Vietoria. grea Ee —— i NE ———————_ = eo am a eS oe nT CTE re AAS HT Sg 542 SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. Map of VICTORIA. With reference to alienated lands, leased. sold, and licensed ; and lands withheld from leasing and licensing, &e. 1865. Seale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 35. Map of VICTORIA. 1865. Scale, 16 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 35.* County Maps of VICTORIA, by the Department of Lands and Survey, Melbourne.* Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; as follows :— Anglesey, 1866. Grant, 1868. Bendigo, 1869. Hampden, 1867. Borung, Karakara, and Lowan, parts of, Heytesbury, 1866. 1871. Longwood, part of, 1867. Bogong, Moira, and Delatite, parts of, Mornington, 1869. 1871. Bourke, 1866. North Gipps Land, 1867. Dalhousie, 1869. Polwarth, no date. Dundas, 1867. Ripon, 1867. Normanby, 1867. ? 1 Evelyn, 1868. Rodney, 1867. Follett, 1866. Talbot, 1866. Gladstone, and part of Karakara, 1867. Villiers, 1867. Grenville, 1868. West Wimmera, 1868S. NEW ZEALAND. W ZEALAND, constructed from von Hochsteller and Dr. Julius Haast S., Director of Geological Survevs to {i Geographical Sketch Map of NE official surveys and the explorations of Dr. I and others. By James Hector, M.D., F.R the Government of New Zealand. Wellington, 1873. Scale. 33 miles to 1 inch ; size, 35 inches by 24. Map of the neighbourhood of the WAIKATO RIVER, NEW ZEALAND. Compiled and lithographed at the Topographical Department, War Office. 1864. Scale, 2 miles to | inch ; size, 37 inches by 32. NORTH AMERICA. The AMERICAN ATLAS; or a geographical description of the Fneraved on forty-nine copper plates by the late whole continent of America, &c. | London, 1778. Iolo, Mr. Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King, and others. half-bound. Atlas to THOMSON’S ALCEDO, or DICTIONARY of AME- RICA and WEST INDIES, by Aaron Arrowsmith. Containing North America in 3 sheets ; the United States in 4 sheets; Mexico in 4 sheets; the West Indies in 92 sheets ; and South America in 6 sheets. London, 1811, with additions to 1814. Folio, half-bound. The Atlas to VANCOUVER’S VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY to the NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, and ROUND the WORLD, in which the Coast of North-West America has been carefully examined and accurately surveyed, to ascertain the existence of any navigable communication principally with a view ; between the North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans, 1790-95. Charts and view on 16 plates, without title, &c., in 1 vol., folio, boards. ¢ NoTE.— Presented to the Inala Office by the Government of Victoria AMERICAN MAPS. CANADA. A new Map of the PROVINCE of LOWER CANADA, describine all the seigneuries, townshi seig 8, townships, grants of land, &ec. ¢ i OE Bing O1ps, Sroml and, &c. compiled from plans deposited ; he Putens hes Quebec. By Samuel Holland, Esq., i tt In 33 ddded 4 plan o the Rivers Scoudia and Magaguadavic, surveved in 1706 Sey 08, is Orr of Tie Cg i i gaguadavic, surveyed in 1796, 97, and ay aa dia nissioners appointed to ascertain the true River St Cr i 3 2 "OE r * : 36 i : ? Myers , . ois by the lreaty of Peace in 1783 between his Britanni i oe a hy fe Foy n his Britannic Majesty and the 1 ate: merica. London, 1838. Secale, 12 miles fd, ” inches by 36. In a case Teles Wo) Teh) i Atlas of BRITISH NORTH AME as of BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. containi ) Stn of the Digtrint of Mints Sh ; aining Bouchette’s up of tie Dies 9 oni on 3 sheets ; Bouchette’s Map of Lower and U Oo ol a9) 3 cotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward I op Yi Aa large section of the United States, on 3 sheets ; Bouchette’s M: £ the Fa of Quebee, Three Rivers, Saral Francis, and Gas ond oh oe folio, half-bound. : Pe 1 rere 1, A Ma " CANAD: > i Bi Of CANADA, compiled from the latest authorities by idward Staveley, Civ. Eng., Montre: 845 ‘cale, © ; i ie a ; eal, 1845. Scale, 28 miles to 1 inch ; size, 96 “." With five marginal inserti h fi argin: sertions on a large scale of Tor (i ; of Niagara, Quebec, and Island of Montreal. ¥ Toronto, Kingston, Falls Map of the BASIN of M: f the BASIN of the St AWRENCE i 7p of the BASIN of ty . LAWRENCE, showing also the Ba oa : utes between the Atlantic ocean and the interior f Nor 4 erica. By Thomas C. Keefer for I. D. Andrews’ report, &e 1853 % soy mules to 1 inch ; size, 36 inches by 77. Folded iii i Map of the EASTERN PORTION of M: ASTERN PORTION of BRITISH N YI so . 4 . Je -~ ) v SH NO y rp r a lo: melding be Gulf’ of St. Lawrence, and part of the on Ho A Mn. mpiled from the latest surveys and charts by Her , AY CW hgland diates. Oo - . a { Sb nry I, dorlev for i : Israel D. Andrews. 1853. Scale, 24 miles to 1 inch Perky $2 fo report of Folded. chy Size, ZY inches by 48, UNITED STATES. A collection of Maps and PI i IN (rom Maps and Plans chiefly UNITE STATES of NORTH AMERICA. Folio, half-bound. 3 NITED S72 TES, of CONTENTS :— Rhode-Tsland Harbour and Narraganset Bay published by Des B 776 Che British Empire in America with the French and Spanish. oon" Henry Popple. No date. oni Dranish Stlenens by I'he ow Coast from New York to the I. Cape Breton with tables of e I Sones By Captain Cyprian Southack. On 7 sheets. No d on ie River Missisippi from the Balise up to Fort 5 Noda > Saver Missing fom cup ort Chartres. No date. ¢ i” gi of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Car li ors ) Cr TT 4 ’ L arolms : | io dh Ts, the Illinois River, and parts of the Missisippi, I ee Ta; Hy parts o Lakes Michigan, Huron and Ontario. Bv Thos i Re in DR haa 2a 3 s. Hutchins, Captain River Ibbeville of Missisippi Delt: r T. Ki Fo t Rosalia, Missisippi in 2 dy, To Fo de A a, | vuver, engraved by I. Kitchen. No d: 2); ever: NOOS § " 1 + ’ %0 cae. Plan of Seve ral villag s and Fort Chartres in the Illinois Country ] issisippi op River. By Thos, Hutchins, No date FOR he Moin an of the Rapids in the River Ohi iy T 110. r 8 ‘hins V. Pl Shoe Naps in tie River Ohio. By Thos. Haiching, No dute. 1 j kaskies, engraved by T. Kitchen. No date. Fa of Mobile, engraved by T. Kitchen. No date an of New Onleans, engrave T. Ki “N eans, engraved by T. Kitchen. No date. ses and a iH i § i Et 1 i ir ie 1 Sy 3 5 i ig it 3 i § | IR i & it % it ud ih 1 gus bo Ey B 2 Et ty Bo gr & a5 8 i. XE 1 1 ig SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. wD) ~\ ol mn under Sir H. Clinton and Plan of the Military Operations against Charlestown under Sir H. Clin an 3 ] ar) gains| Admiral Arbuthnot. London, 1780. Cotes oem, V9 Island of St. Lucia in the West Indies. By Capt. Speer, it Lucia by Thomas Jefferys. 1773. ; v ion. oo. VI81-5. On Nom cy Nosth America, with the West Indies, &e. 1781 i ndrews’ New Mz : 3 sheets. a | on UNITED STATES of AMERICA, by H. S. Tanner. 36. ‘ y . vey » ( : tatisties ; ze 49 inches hn 69. J 1 J h with plans of towns and statistics + Sze, Y Seale, 32 miles 0 mn ’ . FANT TATTR S -ation and pro- rt NITED STATES in operati S in the L NITE] . irre r Israel D. Andrews. RAILROADS § a report from the Treasury Department by Ierncl D. Andrews ress to i pe ‘ed under the direction of the editor 0 ; i - Tolded Dron ood 000 Sole 85 miles to 1 inch; size, 41 inches by 43. . : Journal. Ovo. 4 ’ ret * ‘ ee ividec The UNITED STATES of NORTH AMERICA, as di £ a aw oli 36 Vo title 4 "ar of Secession. 1861. No title. Mao 't lave P ation daring fe > Bh en alos and tables of the F 2 ond Slave Populatio * HK th a t'lan o Lis ’ ) Cn v.12 snnhes S. iy iin Sates in 1850 and 1860. Size, 15 inches by ' CO | Sy . Lailroad : ana TATTERLS ohrwing » Railroad anc NITED STATES, showing the Re L 4 IN] eb N { A I ES, ¢ , on Com Come - Ge ora yvher. Mop 9 oe y Determination of Elevations. By James 1. Gardner, reogra] lines used in the Determinati i ; 2 dy 3d Size, 18 inches by 24. ] Dis > FTNITYS TATES. showing the Dis- Temperature Chart of the 1 NI IED Sl SEL Nie Year. Con- Sipek bv Isothermal Lines of the MEAN FEMI K A i Tia fon the Sol LO Ho lirection of Prof. Joseph Henry, Secretary pp Fr m the Re- structed under the « He A whet U.S. Coast Survey, in October, } ‘2D rhe hy 18 by Charles A. Schott, Assi eee sb, Ninth Census. Size, 12 inches by 18. “rds of the Smithsonian Institution for the = . cords 92 2 pay A \ 1 nT he reeion Preliminary Map of CENTRAL COLORADO, showing the regi reliminary Mz: ~ fag curveved in 1873. With a Skete h oft So On 9 sheets » size of each, 24 inches by 19. +f FORT MONROE and NORFOLK (EIGHBOURIHOOD of FORT MONROE and NORFOLK NPlgHao. Eadie From the 1 S. { ent ry Ln a. 11 inches fas : ohied Department, War Office. Scale, 3% mules t teh ; ; Topogr: 0 ¢ by 15. Plan of PEN ULV ithogr: From the U.S. Coast Survey. Litho he Primary and Secondary Triangulation. 1C malty « J SACOLA BAY and FORT PICKENS, FLORIDA. aphed at the Topographical Department, 15 inches by 20. War Office. Seale, 1 mile to] inch ; size, '§_ with Sailing Directions, embracing ‘4 " TS, with Sailing U , cbr wveys of A. Seyler a GARY: i. the stale of California. By C. Ringgold, ( ommandel the Fallarones, &c.,&c., 0. cl U.S. Navy. 18352. Imp. 8vo. cloth. WD ANAVY. Tational Park, Rocky Mountains. Yellowstone National Park, Rocky Mo ’ Sources of the SNAKE RIVER, with its 1 bisatie : MA 4 fhe Bole of the head-waters of the Madison and Yel owston So . , in 0 i a . “ . dv (rustavus oR 1 tons Lr of the Snake River ix pedition. By Gustavu Jech arvevs and observations ; ) Tre re Topographer ; James Stevenson, Direct 1 / "es 98 inches by 29. MONTANA and WYOM of the country drained by the Ah % % * Prawn by Henry Gannett irom ! Topographer of the Yellowstone Division. = inches by 23. [ING TERRITORIES, embracing most Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 o Surveys of Scale. 5 miles to 1 inch; size, wallati Tpper Yellowstone Rivers, Madison, Gallatin and Upper Yell W te " V y : notes and sketches by Adoll Burck, 11¢ AMERICAN MAPS. 545 Parts of IDAHO, MONTANA, and WYOMING TERRITORIES from Surveys made under the direction of F. V. Heiden, U. S. Geologist, &e.” 1871. Scale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 27. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, from surveys made under the direction of F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist. 1871. Scale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 12. UPPER GEYSER BASIN, FIRE-HOLE RIVER, WYOMING TERRITORY. Surveyed by the party in charge of F.V. Hayden, U. S. Geo- logist. 1871. Seale, 500 feet to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 26. LOWER GEYSER BASIN, FIRE-HOLE RIVER, WYOMING TERRITORY. Surveyed by the party in charge of F.V. Hayden, U. S. Geo- logist. 1871. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. GULF OF MEXICO. Map of the STRAITS of FLORIDA and GULF of MEXICO. 4 4 To accompany a report from the Treasury Department by Isracl D. Andrews in obedience to the resolution of the Senate of Sth March 1851. From the Archives of the U.S. Coast Survey. A. D. Bache, Supermtendent, Scale, about 46 Lnglish miles to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 36. CENTRAL AMERICA. Geographical Map of the REPUBLIC of NICARAGUA, with three Plans and Views by Fermin Ferrer, Governor of the Western Department, 1855. Scale, about 16 miles to 1 inch size, 32 inches by 24. ola WEST INDIES. The WEST INDIAN ATLAS; or a compendious description of the West Indies ; illustrated with forty correct charts and maps, taken from actual surveys. Together with an Historical Account of the several countries and islands which compose that part of the World. By the late Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King. London, 1775. Folio, half-bound Atlas de la MARTINIQUE. Publide par ordre du Roi, au Dépot Général de la Marine, Paris. 1827-31. 1. Carte Générale. 2, 3, 4. Carte Par- ticulicre des cites, 5. Plan de la Baie de Fort Royal. 6. Plan de la Rade de St. Pierre. 7. Plan de la Havre de la Trinité. 8. Plan des Havres du Robert et du Frangois, 9. Plan du Cul de Sac Marin. In 1 vol., folio, half-bound. SOUTH AMERICA. General Map. General Charte von SUD-AMERICA. Carte générale de I'Amé- rique Méridionale en deux grandes feuilles (lower sheet missing). D’aprés les observations et les cartes spéciales, rapportés du voyage dans Pintérienr du Brésil pendant les anndes 1817-1820. Dedide a Sa Majesté le Roi de Baviere, par les Docteurs de Spix et de Martins, Chevaliers de ordre civil de la Couronne de Bavitre, Membres de I’Academie Royal de Munich, des Curieux de la Nature, Conservateurs du Musée Zoologique et Zootomique et du Jardin des Plantes, &e. &e. Munich, 1825. Size of one sheet, 37 inches by 47. (7767.) MM FORE ray a job Si Ew ET SECOND PART.—TRANS-INDIAN MAPS. BRAZIL. LE PILOTE du BRESIL ou description des Cotes de 1’ Amérique Méridionale situées entre I'ile Santa Catarina et celle de Maranhad, cartes et plans de ces cotes, et instructions pour naviguer dans les mers du Brésil 5 composé sur les documents recueillis dans le campagne hydrographique entreprise par ordre du Roi, ot éxéeutée en 1819 et 1820, sur la corvette La Bayadére et le Brig le Favori, par M. le Baron Roussin, Contre Amiral, Commandant de Expédition. Paris, 1826. Folio, boards. PARAGUAY. Carte de la PARTIE MERIDIONALE de la REPUBLIQUE du PARAGUAY. Dressée par M. E. Mouchez, Lieut. de Vaisseau, Comm. Pavis a vapeur le Bisson, apres les documents recueillis sur les licux et les observations faites pendants les trois voyage du Bisson en 1837, ’58,°59. Depot des Cartes et Plans de 1a Marine. Paris, 1816. In 2 sheets ; size of each, 29 inches by 41. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Map of the RIVERS PARANA and PARAGUAY, drawn from a from Buenos Ayres to Assumption, under the on board the Argentine brig * Palm,” 166 he year 1841. fn 4 plates, stitched in a cursory survey during an expedition auspices of Her Majesty’s Government, tons burthen, drawing 9 feet water, in t cover ; size, 19 inches by 14. PERU. Sketch Map showing the JOURNEY to the CINCHONA FORESTS of CARAVAYA, PERU. 1860. By Clements R. Markham. Size, 14 inches by 18, Rough Sketch Map of the REGION where the CINCHON A were collected in the FORESTS of CARAVAYA, PERU, in 1860. By Clements R. Markham, Size, 14 inches by 18. Mapa para la HISTORIA de la GEOGRAFIA del PERU hasta el aiio 1553 (Epoca de a publicacion de la Cronica del Peru de Cieza de Leon). Por A. Raimondi, 1875. Printed on cardboard. Size, 23 inches by 34. INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS &c Oy . A CATALOGUE OF THE MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, PILOTS, NAUTICAI DIRECTIONS, TABLES, &e. g OF THE HONOURABLE FAST INDIA COMPANY'S SEA SERVICES (MERCANTILE AND NAVAL. Shippi / Shipping and Voyages to India and China. PROCEEDINGS relati JUDINGS relative : > the UNITED EAST INDIA ei SHlby ong fn ie 3 vols. folio, bound. Gath b Vol. 1.—1 Jan. 1780 to 31 March 1-¢ i . 3 a ) 0 AVL ¢ } 79 J Vol. 2.—3 March 1791 to 21 March Ba Vol. 3.—24 Feb. 1796 to 13 Dec. 1797 Vol. 4.—24 Sept. 1800 to 13 April 1803 Vol. 5.—20 April 1803 to 27 Sept. 1509 stot for service of committee of Shipping. Printed in an Appendix, PROCEEDINGS of the C I CEE x ie COMMITTEE V HON. EAST INDIA COMPANY Wp SL SHIPpING gf rt aL IBA erence to Capt. Horsburgh, 26 Sept Feap folio, in a paper cover. MS A collection of CHARTS 1 ARTS on which ar rk oollogsion are marke 3 L ‘ or Ve sels to INDIA or CHINA and back acain eee Ou TRACKS of Zandi prefixed at the dates of departure trvivel hn can be ascertained from an inspecti tre Large folio, half bound. MS. pection of tha gan LAND, with a memo- , and return, as far as the same Sixteen voyages, 1784 to 1791 [. SERIAL CHARTS BY T ’ ~~ HE HON. EAST IN COMPANY’S HYDROGRAPHERS AND aA 1. Thornton’s Charts, 1703-1750. 'he ENGLISH PILOT, describing the sea-coasts vy lands, strei jy 8 i ids, streights, soundings, sands, shoals, rocks. and 1 hours, and ports in the Oriental Navigation, &e., WR i Mount; T. and T. Page, or T Navigation, &c., &e. London. . . ay ( rer i 755 i sh ge, on Tower Hill, 1755. Folio, bound. " mong the 42 charts and letter-pres pong uy and letter-press, are charts of B liver Ganges F)s # i i aon ges (Hoogl, ), and Chusan, in China, by Samuel Thornton, * oo) a : the Honble. East India Company. Many of th oy aris are state > correc ith the : weinlie t hed 18 be corrected and compared with the Vrench h io arli 1745, and they appear to have belonged orieinal pi earlier collection. Sof STEIN to an capes, head- The bays, roads, har- Printed for W. and J, ombay Harbour, the —————————————— f the Charts by each See paces 550. 552 5 aces H50, 552. 553. 555 Ax — pay 0, 592, 553, 555, 558, 570, 571. * Sq: ny ) : 4a Samuel Thornton appears appears to have been prec re are oe wali eras ceded by Jc Thor there are other relics in Dalrymple’s co hection ye, 0 MM 2 Ar Se, RE EE SEA ER RE INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. itchie’ wveys, 1768-1772. 2. Captain John Ritchie’s Surveys, 1768-177 N . “ 2 » BJ OF BENGAL articular Maps of the BAY Al, y ral and Particular Maps of the LAY 2 BENGAL, Aeon rn taken in the years 1768, 69, 70, and 71, id Jon Be ya Te hical) SQurvevor (to the United India Company), and ex: rographical) * yor | A es i James Rennell, Surveyor Gene al, 1772 . 1 v 1. Chart of the Bay of Bengal. 92. Part of the Coromandel coast. 3. Coasts of Golconda and Orixa. Peta a. Coasts of Bengal and Orixa, from the Falsc River. ie mn 5. Coasts of Bengal, Murjattah River to Aran. Je «oh » bh : : : a 6. Mouth of the Hoogly, surveyed in 1770. 7. Coast of Bengal, Cuttack to Aracan. 8. Coasts of Aracan and Ava. 9. Andaman Islands. ] al 10. Nicobar Islands and Nancovery Harbour, enlarge Point to the mouth of the Murjattah 170 22 inches by 26. MSS. In a large folio paper cover, size 22 inches by 26. Ji 1 1 series of Major Rennell’s Manuscript Maps rms the second series Ma | 3 or copy forms the seco «°F Another copy V x0 and Charts. See page 163. OAST and BAY OF BENGAL, the outlets of 1 Reratks up he i t rivers, according to surveys by John Ritchie, Hydro- oy % = V ‘ : interjacen the Ganges, and er, LX og to graphical Surveyor in the United India Company . : | N v v E 1 Balasore Road. The Braces. Entrance to Hugly, _ 1 : > T alacore ad. | ¢ 1yras alas oe i he 1. Point Palmy i tace. Rivers from Hugly to Roymangull and their out os J a Meona. Chittagong Coast. Tempests to which 9. Rivers from Roymongull to the Megna. gong Coust. Tempest to whieh = tl 1 2d of the bay is subject. Remarks on Chittagong. 1e heac ay is sub, coasts, 3. Preparis and Coco Islands. ! So ea on particular places on the west side of the Da; In 1 vol, 4to., 152 pages, bound. MS. : Ce oes 606. GOT. * % See also Single Charts by Ritchie, pag 606, 6OY * ; Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Some remarks Bengal. 3. M. ID’ Apres’ French Charts, 1775-81. | Le NEPTUNE ORIENTAL dédi¢ au Roi, par M. D’Apres de 4 - 4 4 i : is, &c. Paris, 1775. itai Taisseaux de la Compagnie des Indes, &c. , i ; y des Vaisseaux de la pag ( { willette, Capitaine des Vaissea \ ie d ! Fs, ann a a rt | and 197 pages of nautical instructions. Folio, bout 4 Fifty-nine charts : { ae y ‘ > 1 copy half bound. | » v " “- \ & . . os C e NEPTUNE ORIENTAL, par feu ) D’Apr s ‘ QOreS ! sitter press v - i .. Paris, 1781. Eighteen charts and 12 pages of letter y Panaavillose aetions 1 nd a life of the author. Folio, boards. ding nautical so Se r te ; the history of European discovery and aslo is preface, M. d’ Apres narrates » histor) gu diseavery and aarli bo 1p preg a sens. He asserts that he was the first 24 gain do mak " , » ¢ NCA. ” v . » " "a y ar disté 0S. gl op! 1y a llev’s method for the determination of longitudes y yg i Ss ie of 1a why to the Enelish for originating nautical almanacks to facilite credi nglis a : Supplément au He gives ) ny the astronomical observation of geodetic 1 the French “Compagnie des Indes,” he made su ina, 1 -eved the eminent astronomer La ( China, and conveyed the en ier Lag : ectifications were made ) Thus important rectificatio ¢ in the ny of {he caster oy " Ih were combined with compilations from Rumerous Joey : i 1 in this volume. Major Rennell “borrowed largely ™ from it. incorporatec " surveying voyages to India and aille to the Cape of Good Hope. cartography of the eastern al positions. Under the auspices of DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. 549 4. Alexander Dalrymple’s Charts, 1774-1806, A collection of CHA RTS, PLANS, and VIEWS, engraved under the direction of Alexander Dalrymple, Hydrographer to the East India Company, No title. In two vols, oblong folio, stiff covers. "* Dates in brackets denote the year of publication by Alexander Dalrymple. CoNTENTS OF Vor. I. Chart of Mount’s Bay, and the coast from the Lizard to Cape Cornwall, surveyed by John Thomas, John Nancarrow, and Dyonisius Williams, and first published in 1751. Rennell, 1793. Azores, channel between Fayal and Pico, from a Swedish MS. Views of Fayal (1782). View of Madeira and Funchal. Plans of Funchal Road, 1762 (1787). Santa Cruz in Tenerife, by Capt. H. Roberts, and by Capt. Stainforth, 1768 (1796). Africa, West Coast. Africa from Cape Blanco to Cape Ve de Fleurieu, 1769 (17853). Africa from Cape Blanco to Cape Verd, by W, Islas dos Idolos, by W., Woodville, 1777 (1782) Track of soundings in the Grenville 1775 (1790). Island of St. Thomas ( 1780). Anna de Chaves Bay, in St. Thomas, by Lieut. Home Riggs Popham, 1784 (1789). Benguela Road, and Village Bay, 1703 (1781). Port Alexander, west coast of Africa, 1796 (1796). Fish Bay, west coast of Africa, 1786 (1789). Walwich Bay and Fish Bay, west coast of Africa, 1796 (1796). Walwich Bay, 1786 ( 1789). Spencer's Bay, 1796 (1796). Angra Peguena and Sandwicl Angra Peguena (1781). Angra Peguena (1796). Elizabeth Bay and Possession Island, by Chevalier Duminy, 1793 (17973. St. Helena Bay, west coast of Africa (1782). Angra Peguena (1796), duplicate. Elizabeth Bay and Possession Island, 1793, duplicate. rd, by D’Apres, with corrections by D’Eveux Dupond, 1755 (1785). , Capt. Burnet Abercromby, by A. Dalrymple, 1 Harbour, with views, 1789 (1791 ). Atlantic Islands and Brazil. Ascension Island, with a view (1781). N.W. part of the Island and Bay of Ascension, 1745 (1807 ). Trinidad from Seller’s English “Pilot for Oriental Navigation, 1675. by Capt. Edmund Halley, in 1700. Arte de Navagar (1781). Fernando Noronha, 1733, 1760 (1781). St. Ann’s Bay, Brazil, by Capt. R. Scott, 1763 (1786). Coast of Brazil from Island St. Anna to Point Juatinga, by De Rosa Pinheiro, 1785 (1790). Rio Janeiro, by W. Stevens, 1763 (1785). St. Sebastian and Isle Grande, Brazil (1783). Tristan da Cunha, by Le Sieur Donat, 1767 (1781). Gough’s Island, views in, 1732 and 1758 (1785). The Worcester’s track over the Cape Bank, by R. IL. Gower, 1791 (1793). Trinidada. Ascensao Island, from Manvel Pimentel, Ar oe gs TE PS Ta Ee ATA Jt 50 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. South Africa. Hout Bay and Chapman’s Bay, Cape of Good Hope, by 1795 p nn - yp - ) HE Bay, South Africa, by Robert Torin, 1785 (1788). Chaos or Bird Island (1781). ee Alagoa Bay, South Africa, from a Dutch Ms. (17 iy Vie on The Bank of Lagullus, South Africa, by J. Rennell, 1778-1797. Capt. E. Riou, 1790 Madagascar. } i ort Ds in Bay (1782). ; ar, { ananzar srt Dauphin Bay (17 East coast of Madagascar, from Mananzari to P oh IY O72 eilior Fast coast of Madagascar, from Yvondrou River to Mananzari, by Lat as agasC i 768 782 \ O (xrenier, 1768 (1 { 82). \ 1 M i» A ros ( 1 784 ). : sear, ir aniv ape Kast. From M. D’Apres East coast of Madagascar, from Manis oul to € pe us, ia, Fast coast of Madagascar, from Vohemare Bay to Cape 4 3, a “ < : ¢ ’ \ } Bb 1 J se iv Gu > North-west coast of Madagascar, from a MS. at the British Museum, by 1650 (1784). . | ) - - Ron const of Madagascar, near Cape Bally, by Capt. Jacob Hols i and Mr. White about 1765 (1784). re North-west coast of Madagascar, 1650 (1798). y Fin dee North and North-west coasts of Madagascar, % W. A pie 7 ? , . White : apt. Fea (1784). West coast of Madagascar, by Mr. y hite and Capt Core tt 8 WR 1754). Continuation of the foregoing ( i . Cs prey Bay of Fort Dauphin, in Madagascar, by W. Mengaud de la Haye (178%) Nos. 2, 3,4 and 5 (1784). Nos. 6 ith ¢ arative bearings. Nos. 6, 7, with comparative bearing Wai f1PG. Matatanne, and Bay and Islets of St. Luce, east coast of A (1783) « « J i ig ; rp 2). Tamatave and Manourou and Mananzari River, Madagasc ar (1782) Foul Point, east coast of Madagascar, two plans (1784). Foul Point, three other plans (1784). Foul Point, two other plans (1784). Teinti A adagascar (1782) eintineue, Madagascar (1782). rt of Maar, i sa Ibrahim Harbour, in St. Mary’s Island, near the cast coast of Madaga ssi al y Marys by Capt. Lockhart Russell, 1771 (1782). Brohicr. 1746 (1775) St Mary’s Harbour, east side of Madagascar, by John Brohier, 13 775). Rov of Venin . : i adagascar (1782). Bay of Veninguebe, and Bay of Cape Kast, in Madaga, car (1782) Moroundava Road, west coast of ge 1 x )- ) C ‘ ar Madagascar, 1791 (1795). Shoal of Coffin Island, near Madag , i i Vitor or Morioor Harbour, Makamby Island, entrance of New Matheleage River, o Manag: arbour, A al north coast of Madagascar (1782). ih Port Louquez, Madagascar, from M. D’ Apres (1782). CL i Tn FI Maj mbo Bay, N.W. coast of Madagascar, by David Inverarity, 1803 | : Maja ay, AN.Yy. CU g } 23 (1798). the Africa, East Coast. Jay of Rio Delagoa or Lorengo Marques, from a Dutch MS. (1786). » g C sai 2 Delagoa Bay, by James Mayo, 1847 (1789). v, by Davi rarity (1806). Yelagoa Bav. by David Inverarity ( i —— Ps. “of Africa, comprehending the country of the Cafres. Wade y the i 1 order of the King of Portugal, and published at Amsterdam 13 SX DI'eSS } i ed g4 . : ; : PL Mortier; also. the rivers of Cuama from a Portuguese MS. in the British 3} : also, piyers of Son Museum ; and a plan of Sofala (1787 ). : oa Hiarbane (Inhamban), and Quelimanie river in the land of Megosic on the coa arbane (Inhamban), n ; Fr "an Keulen (1782). of Quama. From Van Keulen as is (PRLS, Mozambique Channel and Madagascar, by John hornton, 1 a 3 ( 7) suffala and Mocambique with Madagascar, by John Van Keuolen (1791). os RE : ! sof Africa, by M. D’Apres, 1755 Mozambique Channel, Madagascar, and the coast of Africa, by M. 3, (1791). 9 Lora TLe same, a later edition, 1765 (1791). DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. Mozambique Channel and Madagascar, by N. Bellin, 1767 (1791). Inhamban Bay, East Africa, by D. Inverarity (1806). Mozembique Harbour, by D. Inverarity, 1802 (1806). Mombass, Kast Africa, and the coast from Eamouco River to Mancabala Bank (1781). Macaloe Bay, East Africa. This is Mahalo in the Querimba Isles (1789). Kast Coast of Africa, from a French MS. Cape Delgado to Lindi (1706). Fast Coast of Africa, Querimba to Cape Delgado, Delgado to Quiloa, and Monfia. from French MSS. (1794). East Coast of Africa, Delgado to Formosa from a Portuguese MS. and another from M. I’Aprés. Also Cape Delgado to Bombass from an English MS. with directions, 1746-7 (1787). Lindy river, East Africa, from a French MS. (1789). Kast Coast of Africa, Quiloa to Monfia (1796). Bays and Island of Quiloa and the river Mongallou (Mungulho) from a French MS. (1789). Quiloa and its environs (1784). Fast Africa, Querimbu to Delgado (1791 )- Zemzibar Island, from a French MS, (1796). Zanzibar Island, from a French MS. (1784). Zinzinbara or Zanzebar Harbour, from an English MS. (1774). Zanzibar Island by Austin Bissett, R.N., 1799 (1806). Zanzibar Road by Austin Bissett, R.N., 1799 (1802). Zanzibar and Formosa, from Manoel Rimentet (1782). Patta, on the Melinda coast, by Capt. Crichton, 1751 (1774). Querimbo Islands, from MSS. (1779) Monbaze, from a French MS. (1784) Brava, 1755 (1780). . Indian Ocean Islands. Anzuani or Anjoanna, from Van Keulen ; Johanna, from Alex. Sibbald (1786). Mayotta, five charts, 1640-1768 (1786). Bay on the north side of Johanna, by C. Peter Pigou, 1762 (1774). Mayotta by J. Lindley, 1787 ; Moeleli or Mohilo, from Van Keulen ; Mobilla by Capt. Richardson (1807). ' Mayotta. N.W. part, by Mr. Watson, 1754, and Capt. Peter Pigou, 1762 (1774). West side of Comoro or Anga-Zecha, by Alex. Sibbald (1774). Island of Bourbon, by M. I’Aprés (1794). Rodrigues or Diego Rais Island, from M. D’Apres (1793). Mauritius by 1Abbé de la Caille, 1753, with additions from Bellin, &e. (1794). N.W. coast of Mauritius by John Blake, 1738 (1794). Port Louis in Mauritius, by M. de Boisquenay, 1771-75 (1793). The S.E. Harbour of Mauritius, four plans (1794). Archipelago to the northward of Mauritius, by M. le Vicomte Grenier, 1776 (1787), Eagle Island and Bird Island, Amirante Group, 1771 (1780). Praslin Harbour Seychelles, by Lieuts. D. Thomas and W. Robinson, 1771. African Islands, Seychelles, 1801 (1805). Wood Island, Sandy Tsland and Brandon Shoals (1782). [’Assomption and Cosmoledo Islands. Albadra Islands, 1744 (1784). John de Nova Islands by M. Margars, 1776 (1784). Cargados Garojos Bank, 1742 (1784). Cargados Garajos Bank by M. Grenier (1782). Islands and Dangers N.E. of Madagascar (1784). Islands discovered by Lazare Picault, 1744. Chagos Archipelago (1784). Chagos Archipelago by Lieut. Archibald Blair, 1786-87 (1787). ER NY i fc 6 * ny > III ——— Aa AI a a | A ie Ary - . ul - . N nee eve coon rade fore or CoagmE CIR RAE Sn TY INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. Harbour of Chagos Island or Diego Garcia, by Licut. A. Blair (1787). Peros Banhos and Boddam’s Harbour by Lieut. Blair, 1786 (1788). Part of Chagos Island, 1774 ; and a plan of the island by M. la Fontaine, 1770 (1784). Diego Garcia (1786). Tracks near Chagos (1784). Reef of Peros dos Banhos, and the Eagles track, 1772 (1784). The Pitt's track west of Chagos, 1763, by W. Stevens (1784). Tracks and soundings on the Chagos by Capt. James Dewar, 1763 (1784). N.E. part of the Banos de Chagos, by Capt. Dewar, 1763 (1784). South part of the Maldives, from a French MS. (1799). Area Atoll and Kings Island Atoll, Maldives (1782). Kings Island Road and Town, by Peter Sandelyn, 1727 (1774). Maldives, from an English MS. bought in 1759 ( 1784). Red Sea. Suez Harbour, Red Sea, by Capt. W. Robinson, 1777 (1782). Bay S.W. of Suez by J. Ellis (1806). Suez Road and Harbour, also Tor Harbour, in the Red Sea, both by Austin Jissett, R.N., 1800 (1806). Part of the coast of Egypt (1806). Adaza Point and Bay, near Suez, by Arthur Bissett, 1800 (1806). Cossier in the Red Sea, with General Baird's camps, by Austin Bissett, R.N. (1806). Kossier by W. H. Dobbie, 1799 (1802). Jaffatine Islands, Red Sea (1802). Bareedy, Arabian coast of the Red Sea, three plans, 1776 (1798). Jeddah, shoals at and near, by Austin Bissett, R.N., 1800 (1806). Ports on the Red Sea from Mr. Bruce’s MSS. (1800). Mursah Sememah, and Mursah Koof, in the Red Sea (1782). Torr Harbour, on the Arabian Coast, Red Sea, 1785 (1786). 3ahia de Fucha, Rio Farat, and Araquea on the coast of Abexim in the Red Sea ; also Porto de Gidid, on the Egyptian Coast (1784) Suaquem and Port Dradart, Abexim Coast (1784). Messana, three plans (1784). Huddada and Mocha Road (1780). Moha or Mocha, and Bay Denis on the north of Cape Namas (1784). Mocha Road by G. G. Richardson, 1795 ; and Hanothen, by John MecCluer (1798). Mocha Road and Babelmandeb Harbour in Perim Island, by Austin Bissett, R.N. y DY (1806). Mocha Road (1804). Dhalac and parts adjacent, from Lord Valentia (1806). Asab (1806). Asab, by M. Hunter (1783). 3abelmandeb Harbour in Perim Island, two plans (1802). Red Sea, by Robert White, 1795 (1797). Arabian Sea. Maculla Bay, from Thornton, 1703 (1784). Aden, from Captain Cornwall (1782). ‘Arabia from Aden to Cape St. Antony and Babelmandeb (1801). Morebat Bay, Arabian Coast, by Capt. J. S. Smith, 1871 (1784). Arabian Coast, Dofar to Shoal Cliff; by Capt. J. S. Smith, R.N., 1781 (1783). Muscat Cove, Mutrah Harbour surveyed in 1785 by John McCluer (1786). DALRYMPLE'S CHARTS. Muscat and Matura Bays, fr atura Bays, from a Dutch MS. (1 Muscat Cove, by W. Layman (1797). gr Persian Gulf. Persian Gulf from Muscat Sushi : f Muscat to Bushire, by John MecCluer, 1785 (1786 Yond of the Gulph of Persia, by Lieut. re Mer oie) (1759. Saoss 1 the Gulph of Persia, by Thos. D. Lippiatt (1797). Fo as 1e Gulph of Persia partly corrected by Edward Harvey, 1778 (1786 Tan 0 the Gulph of Persia by Lieut. John Cant (1786) Yeroay Chany Ynssora River, by John MeCluer and Wn. Layman (1798) Bryer Euphrates from Basara to the Gulph, 1724 (1787 SY aa To Hemee from a French MS., 1787 (1793) xolt of Persia by John Thor 703 ; t ! ’ ra y n Llhornton, 1703; and another by John Thornton, 1716 Gulab of Pass, by M. D’Aprés, 1745 and 1776 (1787) xulph of Persia, by C. Niebuhr, 1765; also : Iai i ) id ne Ry bo MD Anile pit another laid down in 1758 and 2 * Peorsis r | r y y eo of) hy Te by 3 ig iy 1712 ; and another from a MS (1787) rsia by Lieut. H. Harvey, 1778; « : tes. Ja : iy y Lieu Iarvey, 1778 ; and another by Lieut. John Cant Three comparative charts of : T sompar: :harts of part of the coast of Persia (1787 I'wo charts of part of the Gul ia, fi a: | ; part > Gulph of Persia, from Enelis 3S. (1787 Gulgh of Persia by John Van Keulen (1787). sas a oast of Persia with various branches of Buss i oast i ¢ s branches ussora River (17¢ Bushier, by Capt. David Simmons (1774). TRA Siver (L790) Kismis Channel, from Van Keulen (1774). Karak Island and Bundereek Bay (1774). Gulph of Persia by John Friend, 1704; and (1787). another from M. Bellin, 1764 Mekran Coast and Scinde. Jasques Road from a MS. 1 i os ¢ a MS. book in the Bodlei: ibrary i Rob, Soman (L700, odleian Library, by Will, ourbar, Guadel, and Arrubah Bays, Mekran Coast (1780) ape Arubah to the entrance of the Persian sul po Rchinson. 1774 (1700s > Persian Gulph, surveyed by Lieut. Wm. Coast of Scindy, from a French MS. 1760 (1784) Coast of Scindy, from an English MS. and another (1783) Jaffin and CoNTENTS OF VoL. 11. Scinde, Cutch, and Kattywar. 1. Coast of Scindy and bay of Cutel, wi { 1. C of y 1) hi, with part of Guzurat or Kattywar (1786 2. Bay of Coche (Cuteh), by C. Massey (1754), red or Bangwar (1346). Coasts of Cuteh and Guzarat, by G. J. G. Richardson (1803) « . » . Bate Harbour, by Capt. Washon (1803). 2. 3. t. Guzarat, from a French MS., 1760 (1784) J). 3. Diu, plan and views, by John McCluer, 1788 (1790). z ig iy Sepia MS. in Admiral Blankett’s Collection (1802) 8. Scarlett Island and Chanch River, Guzarat coas i Ee (1789). ( ver, ( uzarat coast, by J. Me( luer, 1788 9. Plan of Jaffrabat, Guzerat, by J. McCluer, 1788 (1789) 3 Sialapers and Nowabunder, Guzarat, by A. Blair, 1795 ( 1796) . Gogo, in the Gulf of Cambay, from a book of Chante (1784). Ys ook of MS. Charts, by M. Hunter “ Tn iain Sho ha i tes in ao. ther ER bic ——— “ o A . Saline EA ad ps be TTR = SER aS I a INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. India, West Coast. 12. Coast from Arnol Isle to Nunsarree River, by Lieut. Ringrose, 1782 (1784). 13. Nunsaree River, by John Ringrose (1784). 14. Gundivee River, by John Ringrose (1784). 15. Bulsaur River, by John Ringrose (1784). 16. Collack River, by John Ringrose (1784). : 2 So 17. Demaon, plan and views, from survey of John McCluer, 1788 (1790). 18. View of Arnol, from the collection of Governor Hornby, and plan of Angassea River, by Lieut. J. Ringrose (1784). pa 19. Plan of Danno River, by J. Ringrose (1784). Ca: tis 920. Manhora River, in the Island of Salset, by A. Blair, 1777 (1785). 21. Plan of Kassava, by Lieut.-Col. Harvey, 1777 (1780). 22. Plan of Mayham by Lieut.-Col. Harvey, 1777 (1781). I ey 6) 23. Belapore River, by J. Lendrum, 1779 (1793 )- | BR nd 24, Part of the Malabar Coast (Nunsaree to Zyghur), by J. MecCluer, 1787 (1788). 25. Plan and view of Cl (1784). 26. Radjapore River 1788 (1791). ir 27. Bar of Bancoot River, by J. McCluer (17/59). ES an 98. Bancoot River, with soundings beyond Dawggum, by J. McCluer, 1788 (1790). RR 99. Sketch of Boncout Fort (1782). 30. Plan of Vingorla, Collection of (Governor Hornby (1784). Co 31. Entrance of Salt River and a small bay on Malabar Coast ; also Soundings between Oyster Rocks in Carwar bay, by J. Haswell (1791). 32. Mouth of Merjee River, by Cadt. Heywood, R.N., 1803 (1806). - 33. Entrance to Goa, and Melabar Coast, by Capt. »: Heywood, R.N. (1806). 34. Melabar Coast, Barcelor Peak to St. Mary’s Rocks, with plan of Cundapore, by J. Wales, Lieut. E.1.C. (1801). Co 35. Malabar Coast from Mahé to Mount Dely, 1755, anc (1791). i” 36. Billiapatam River, by J. D. Spaeth (1792). 37. Billiapatam River, from an English MS. (1792). 38. Island of Durmapatam, Malabar Coast (1783). 39. Tellicherry Road, by Capt. Lynn (1784). Co 40. Plan of Romdilly and its dependencies, from French MS. ( 1783). 3 (. Comorin to Point Veniam, Malabar Coast, from a French MS. (1791). 1aoul, and view of Coulaba Island, from a French MS. and views of Gingerah Fort and Cassah Fort, by J. McCluer, 1 plan of Tellichery, 1780 41, Laccadive Islands. 42. The Laccadives, by Lieut. Wedgeborough, 1795 (1798). 43. Underoot Isle, by John McCluer, 1790 (1791). Co 44. Cobritz and Underoo Islands, by R. Bentley, 1795 (1 799). 45. Kolperi, Courutee, and Minicoy Isles, by John Me( luer, 1790 ( id ). 46. Seuhelipar and Kalpeni Isles, by Ensign R. Bentley, 1795 (1799). 47. Seuheli-par Isle and reef, by J. Me( luer, 1790 (1791). 18. Lachadiva Isle, by A. Blair, 1787 ( 1 790). _ 49. Minicoy Isle, by Ensign R. Bentley, 1795 (1 799). he 50. Aucutta, Tingaro, and Bingaro Isles, by Insign R. entley, 1795 (1799). . 51. Six Charts of the Malabar Coast, from Mangalore to Bombay, comparing Apres, Van Keulen, Duteh and English MSS., and John Thomson, 1703 to 1775 (1789). Gulf of Manaar and Ceylon. 52. Part of Madura Coast, by J. Horsburgh (1802). T 1 T ran Keulen (1782 53. Plans of Porto Cayl, Tutucoryn, and Colombo, from Van Keulen (1782). DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. 54. Passage (Pambun) between Ramisweram and Point Ramen (1781). 55. West Coast of Ceyloan, Manaar to Navelhadoe, Dutch MS. (1782). 56. Calpentyn Road, Ceylon, from Van Keulen (1788). 57. Part of West Coast of Ceylon, Dutch MS. (1799). 58. Chart from Colombo round to Tranquebar, by Capt. Heywood, R.N (1806) 59. Plans of Punta Galla, from Von Keulen, and a MS. (1763) hui 60. Plan and view of Punta Gala, by Capt. Robertson (1801). 61. Nylewelle Bay, south coast of Ceylon, MS. (1783). 62. Great and Little Basses, French MS., and T. (. Shortland (1805) 63. Batacalao Road, Ceylon, H.M.S. “ Intrepid ” (1802). jh 64. Batacalao Road and River, by Capt. Heywood, R.N. (1802). 65. Venloos Bay, &c., Ceylon, from Von Keulen (1789). 66. Venloos Bay, by Capt. Heywood (1802). 67. Position of Fairlie Rock, W. Smith, Capt. (1798). os. I art of the East Coast of Ceylon, Balicalo and southwards (1789). 69. im Coast, chart and view of Trinquemalé, by Capt. Robertson 70. Kalirrewee, or River Serto, N.E. Ceylon, Dutch MS. (1798). 71. North end of Ceylan and Negapatam Road, by T. Shortland (1803). Bay of Bengal. 2. Port of Calymere Reef, by James Rennell, 1763-64 (1782). 3. River and Bay of Nagore, by T. Dibdin (1779). 4. Plans of Negapatam Road and Town, by George Trotter (1782). J. Xe pan Reef and Pulicat Road and Reef, Coromandel, from Von Keulen (82). 76. Part of Coromandel Coast, Madras to Point Pennar, by Capt. Baker, 1759 and by Capt. Ritchie, 1771 (1784). g fia 77. Plan of Devy Point, English MS. 78. Plan of Vizagapatam, by J. Seaton, and Narsipore River, hy C. Knapt 1751 (1783). i WR 79. Bay of Coringah, by William Stevens (1783). 80. Road and Harbour of Coringah, by W. Stevens, 1773 (1783). 81. Bast 92 Orisa Coast, and Kannaka River, from a French MS., by J. Ritchie (1799). 02. Coromandel and Orixa, by Ritchie, in 1771, and by John Thornton in 1703 83. Coast of Bengal, Patney Island to Ramnabad Island (1785). oe 84. Cadjon Harbour and River Samore, leading to Cuttack. by W. Helman, 1742 ; and a plan of Bomceny Harbour, 1770 (1782). Lies 85. Mouth of the Megna River in Bengal (1785). 86. Coast of Chittigong, by B. Plaisted, 1760 and 1761 (1784) 87. Chittagong River, by B. Plaisted, 1764 (1784). : 88. Chittegan River, by H. Sutherland, and from an English MS.. 1764 (17585) 59. Khaut Colley, by B. Plaisted, 1761 (1785). : fi Er 90. Three comparative Charts of Part of Chittacone (‘oast by J. Ranson, pilot for the Hoogly, 1739, and others (1784). iki Hi ued ay 91. Coast of Chittigong, by John Ritchie (1785). 92. Coast of Arrackan, by Capt. Peirce, 1759; Chitteconge by Jeremiah Laurence, 1740, and the same part from an English MS. (1784) j or Coast of Arracan, by Capt. WW, Smith, 1759 (1785 ). : J4. Coast north of river Arackan, from a MS. ; : > same par r Ct Ee ru om a MS. ; and the same part, by Capt. H. 95. Coast of Aracan and Ava (from Baccala Island, in the Ganges Delta, to Cape Negrais), by Philip Parsons, pilot, 1743, 4; and another from i oo River to Cape Negrais, by Alex. Wood, pilot, 1740 ( 1785). ki Y6. Entrance to Aracan River, by Capt. Lawrance, 1740: and another from D’Anville (1784). 97. Mouth of Aracan River, by W. North (1802). - ) 9d OD. INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. 98. Channel within Cheduba Isle, by Capt. Alves (1782). 99. Part of the coast of Ava (False Island and Ford Islan 1784). 100. Wo Coast of Ava (Cheduba to Bassein Road), by C (1784). 101. Coast of Ava, a 1765 (1784). 102. Sketch of Negrais, by Capt. Wragg 1779 (1784). 103. Track off Diamond Isle, Cape Negrais (1786). 104. Passage between Negrais and the Andamans, by A. Sibb 105. Martavan River, English MS. (1780). 106. Isles south of Mergui Archipelago, by Capt. Forrest, 1783. 107. Island of St. Matthew, &c., by Capt. Forrest, 1783 (1788). 108. Aladin Isles and coast, by Capt. Forrest, 1783 (1788). 109. Chain of angles from Penang to westernmost Torres, (1804). d), by Capt. Newland apt. Hayter, 1757, 8 bout Cape Negrais, by A. Sibbald, 1754, and A. Dalymple, , and the Cocos Islands, by Mr. Greer, ald, 1754 (1784). by David Inverarity Andaman Islands. 110. Sketches of the Andamans, by Capts. McLeod and Wragg, 1764-71. 111. Andaman Isles, Portuguese MS. (1784). 112. Track of the Stretham, by Capt. Gough, 1708 (1784). 113. Channel through Andamans, by Capt. Cleugh, 1764; 1775 ; and George Boswald, 1759-60 (1784). 114. North part of Andamans, from a Dutch MS. (1 Capt. Ashbridge, 92). 792 115. Little Andaman Isle, by Capt. R. Moorsom, R.N., 1790 (1791). Nicobar Islands. 116. Carnicobar Isles, from an English MS. (1784). 117. Nicobar Islands, by John Ritchie, 1771 (1784). 118. Nicobar Islands, by Capt. Robt. Lindsay, 1758 (1784). 119. Noncowrey Harbour (Nicobar), by Capt. R. Lindsay, 1758. 120. Noncowrey Harbour, by John Ritchie (1782). 121. Bay east side of Camorta Isle, by James Rennell, 1762. 122. Nancowry Harbour, by Capt. Alex. Kyd, 1790 (1792). Malacca Strait. 123. Jan Sylan to Queda, by Thomas Forrest (1786). Seylon, to Pulo Penang, by Lieut. Archibald Blair, and 124. Salaney, or Junk y Salengore, by Mr. M. Lindsey, &e. (1794). from Salang to \ 125. Bass Harbour, Strait of Malacca, by Capt. Thomas Forrest (1786). 126. Quedah Road, by Capt. Ashridge (1781). 127. Pulo Penang, by Archibald Blair, 1787 (1807). 128. East side of Prince of Wales Island (Penang), by A. Blair, 1787 (1807). 129. South part of Pulo Penang, from a French MS. (1786). 130. Strait within Pulo Penang, by Capt. Scott (1786). 131. Plan of Pera River, by Thomas Forrest (1786). 132. Sambellan Islands, Malacca Strait, by Hen. Rennell, 1763. 133. River Siaceca, &c., from an old MS. (1806). 134. Malacca Road, from an English MS. ; and a plan of the Town, Singapore, Durian, and Rhio Straits, &c. 135. Straits of Sinkapoura, from English MSS. (1805). 136. Straits of Sincapore, by Lieut. Livans, R.N. (1806). 1750 (1804). DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. 557 ae Po fon Tree Isle to St. John’s Island, by George Thomas (1803) Ios San of Sincapore, by the Hon. Thomas Howe, 1759 (1805). : 39. | raits and Isles at the southern part of Asia, from a Dutch MS., and Strai In wa Sincapore, 1805. . ig 40. West part of Strait of Sine: 3 iews, wi on Ta of Sincapore and views, with two other charts of the 11, Coast westward of port Romania, by George Thomas (1805) 2 Poss Romania to Anambas Isles, by J. Downie 1805 z 3. Kntrance to straits of Malacca and port of Ri by oor 5 I Plan of Riho, by Capt. Mackay (1803) Whe a 5. Passage south of Pulo Bintang, by I i i . DP ge ang, david Inverarity (1804 146. South side of Bintang Isle nl ans oto oy dy Jintang Isle, 1762; plans of Rheho, or Rio, in 1750 and 1753 147. Passage of the Royal George, 1762 (1805). 142 Danks Strait to Panjang, from a Dutch MS. (1805) iy Magan to Rehio pena and Lingen Road, by D. Inverarity (1804) 20. Straits of Sinquapore and Dryon (Duri: ‘a arts, 16 7 I B yon (Durian), by Capt. Robarts, 1689 (1807). 152. Straits of Dryon, witl j . tracks setv’ Ve vii ’ i jis J Dy Ming racks of Her Majesty’s ships ¢“ Mongoose” and as. : rack of the “ Nonsuch,” 1783 (1803) 54. Barella, from Thornto 703, : part of Cari i n, 1703, and part of Carimon and Sabon Islands, 155. Strait of Malacca, by Archibald Blair (1805). Gulf of Siam. 156. Blair's Harbour, east coast of Malaya (1793) 157. River Menam, up to Bankok, in Siam, by T. D. Lippiatt (1797 158. Thee chorts of the river Menam, up to Bankok, (1) by I Loiibere Lo. 91 (2) from Kaemfer ; (3) from a Dutch MS. ( 1796). 2 99. City of Siam, or Juthra ; city of Louvo, and river Menam (1797) Cambodia and Saigon. iy (meno and part Ome coast of Cambodia, from a Portuguese MS. (1792) v1. Cambodia River, Plate 1, from an Enclis . in Christ Church Colles had BY y nglish MS. in Christ Church College, 162. Cambodia River, Plate 2 (1791) 163. Three plans of Pulo Cor (1) f Sn mdor ; (1) from M. d’Apros, (2) fr a Swedis a, p15 (3) by Win. Bligh, 1750 (1755). RAN fron t Sie 4. Pulo Condor, from an ancient English MS., : a vi Te Conn io glish MS., and a view of the Harbour, &c., 183. Bay of St. James and River Saygon, from a French MS. (1800) Toy Hier gf nga and port of Candin, from a French plan (1802) 7. Citadel of Saigon and s 104s " Cochin Chi ) a F a md south coast of Cochin China, from a French MS. 168, South coast of Camboja, Dutch MS. (1793). 169. Coasts and rivers of Camboja, by J. M. and F. Dayot, 1798 (1806) Cochin China or Anam. 170. Part of Tsiomp: i i 5 . I siompa, continuation of the chart, from an old MS. i ‘1st C College, Oxford, 1793 (1793). i . rp Le 1 * 1. * i . Part of Isiompa and Cochin China, continuation, &e., 1793 2 Sadan Bay, Tsiompa, from Van Keulen (1782). 73. Cochin China, schooner Cuddalore’s track, 176 c § alore’s track, 1760 ; Varella Har A French Chart of the Coast (1802). i a aah SR ET LOOM EN SN INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. 174. Plan of Binkank, &c., Cochin China, from a French MS. (1802). 175. Cochin China, Nha Shang to Cape Varelle, from a French MS., 1773 1800). 176. re of the Ports of Xam Day, Vung Lain, and Vung on the coast of Cochin China, from a French MS. (1800). 177. Port of Coumong, Cochin China, from a French MS. (1800). 178. Bay of Quinhou, by I. M. and F. Dayot, 1793 (1805). 179. River of the Court (Hué), and part of the Coast of Cochin China, from a French MS. (1791). 180. Tonquin River, by an English Navigator (1791). China, Coasts and Islands. 181. South Coast of Hainan, 1776 and 1785. 182. South-east Coast of Hainan in 1742, by C in 1760. 183. Harbour of Olinchy on Haylin I H. Macaulay, 1804. 184. Shitoe Bay on the Island of St. John’s, (1786). 185. Southern coasts of Islands between Larkins (1786). 186. Tong-hou Cove, S.E. of Macao, by Capt. G. Palmer, 1797. 187. City of Macao, from a Spanish MS. by Don Manuel de Agote, 1792 (1805). 188. Islands S.E. of Lantao, from a Chinese MS., 1760 (1786). 189. Part of the China Coast, by Felix Mendoga, of his passage. 190. Coast of China adjacent « Cuddalore,” 1759. 191. Plans of Mirs Bay, Ping H: on the S.E. Coast of China, by BE. Murphy, 1793 (1795). 192. Pehoe or Ponghou Islands (Pescadores), from a Keulen, also from Pére Mailla, &e. 1714. 193. Pescadore Islands, by Capt. R. Duffin, 1792 (1796). 194. Bay of Hocsieu (Fucheu) and River Chang in Fokyen (1784). 195. Aimoey Harbour, from Van Kuelen. 196. Chusan Harbour, by Capt. John (Clements 197. Coast of China, from Kittow Point to (1783). 198. Plan of Limpo or Ningpo, and entrance Clements, 1756 (1784). 199. All the passages and channe 1703 (1788). 200. Pakan or Formosa, from a Dutch MS. (1792). apt. C. G. Ekberg, with additions sland. near the South Coast of China, by South Coast of China, by J. P. Larkins Qt. John’s and the Ladrone, by J. I. , 1756 (1784). Japan. 9201. South-west part of Japan, from a Dutch MS. (1792). 9202. Nangasaky in Japan, from an ancient MS. (1788). 203. Nanga Sacqui in Japan, from a Dutch MS. (1789). 9204. Nangasacky, from a Dutch MS. (1792). 205. Part of a map entitled “Nova et accur Joannem Jansonium, 1658 (1790). Aleutian Islands. 9206. Strait between Oonal Cove, by J. H. Cox, Esq., 1789. Aleutian Islands (1791). 1760 ; with C. Alves’s sketch to Honghai Island from observation in the i Bay, and Lamock, Lamon, and port of Nangoa, Dutch MS. and Van Limpo River, by IF. Wallis, 1755 of Limpo River, by Capt. John 1s into the harbour of Chusan, by John Thornton, ata Taponix Terra Esonis . . . apud aska and Sedaghur, with a view, and a plan of Muscle DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. 5 559 North America, West Coast. 207. Snug Corner Cove i i | ove in Prince Willi ; i Mey ince William Sound, N.W. Coast, North America 208. Port Etches, b itches, by James Johnstone, Master R.N., 1787 iy t Hiches, hy James stone, Master R.N., 17 Toilet of Bucareli, (Prince of Wales esi, N SLB merica), from a Spanish MS., 1775-79 (1789), BW, Conspnr Nard oa rors Slepacas by C. Duncan, Master R.N., 1785 (1789 919. amy Basho 2 i: Johnstone, Master R.N., 1787 0 789) 212. Millb: Sound, by C. Duncan, R.N., 178 781 213. Port Safety, Calverts Isl 2 TA 341789): Tn erts sland, by C. Duncan, R.N., 1788 (17 oh Eaki of 4s N.W. Coast of North America, by Capt. rs 215: Bou Gi Queen Charlotte Islands, 1787 (1759). er 216, § 1 part of Nova Hibernia, (or Quee “Charlotte Wi ! oa an en Charlotte Island) and Etches Sound, ih Pant gg (Vancover Island), 1787 (1789) 218. Scott’s Bay, and Friendly Bay in N aS N.W ry ) dly Bay in Nootka Sound, N.W. Coast of America 219. Ahouset (Vancouver Island) (1789). 220. Ciioquot or Port Cox (Vancouver Island) (1791) 221. \ ve "0 * . n q . 999 Sys of Juan de k uca Strait, by C. Duncan, R.N., 1788 (1790) 222. St. Francisco, California, from a Spanish MS (1789 ). saan DDD . ot 3 F 223. Monterey, and St. Diego, California, 1782 (1789) 224. Repetition of 216. Pacific Oc 7 ific Ocean, Marianne or Ladrone Islands. 223 Marianes Is] Is ( ' \ rom a P S \ -y 9¢ dtd o « « ; Sian Sy uahan and 1 ; ) vor « « bi Ole p { ¢ 5 ) ) 296. | he same repe: ed ) ly f I h anish A If . (17¢ ))e D9 [ at: vq (3 | 1 "rd ) vid dw matac 1m ruanan Is and {17 >). 228. Torn out. 22 Tenian { ( ) y ) ~ as \ es group by Jo 1 wns it wet To « an 1 ma I an I lan 1 ) ( I i : e ) : « Mie ; ajarianes o * r $9 Tamer 1 (OO ( 1 { 96). a 0 1 )s hi To nshend in th ‘ 0 Ni 1)¢ ‘ 1 t f Qe \ 17 3 “Is ly pan and Ic nian, th ee char s Tom Span sh 4 ISS. ( 96) 1 ’ 18 I) 3 [I . YZ: Ja ' : I Pelew Islands (Carolines or New Philippines) 9231. Caroline anid a 231. Carolin Islands, Palaos (Pelew) Islands, &e. Fre he Wifi as ; om the Lettres Edifiantes 232, Sketch of the south : 232. S 8 ern range of the Pelew Islands wi o4 : { Yelew Islands, by J 3 r 7 jak i) of the Peeloo Islands made in the East Jota MeQun 2700). 1 Wiis gi ns yadaons nde Lieut. John McCluer 170 Crane 234. ; ie Pecloo Archipelago, fr servations in 1706 "179 93 2 McCluer (1796). pelagn, from chssrvagions, In. 1793 40d 1704, by 235. North part of Peeloo Islands i r slands and harbour ‘orror Is eo wbour in Corror Island, by John McCluer, 236 allak a Pm . oy Salikel by hoe ab the Peeloo Islands, by John MecCluer, 1791 (1792) 237. Part o aroline Islands, and Hunters Islands C: ib Foz) on a ’ iters Islands, by Capt. James Mortlock, v 23 . ar ’ VW ‘aroli 3 hill 8. Part of New Carolinas and Phillip Islands, by Capt. John Hunter (1794) (J). Gilbert Islands. - . C « he ¥ . k ~ « . . . slands 1n e acli 0 ean s nin the 112 1 t1 ». 239 ha t of I - Bishop, 1799 (Gilbert Islands) (1802). Marshall Islands. 0 3. You : 240. Bishop’s Junction Islands and Bass’s Reef-tied Islands, 1799 (Marshall § 8, 9 (Marsha Islands). a et RA = cn rm I Nr ia ti es ———————— : ip A SS INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. oy fa t. Maitland, 1799 > Capt. Maitle 9¢ ds in the South Sea seen in the “Ann and Hope,” Cap ’ 241. Islands in the ¢ (Fiji Islands). - 803 . 942. Earl Spencer’s Keys (perhaps Pelew Islands), (1 ) 242. Earl 8 : Madjicosima Islands. . or. in 20° 27’ N., by Capt. George baker, f£ Ivanna on the Island Batanes, in 20° 27’ N., by Cay 243. Bay of Ivann: 1759. Td 244. Channel between the 1s EN IN 245 Mow Bay, by Capt. Geo Be id Luzon and Formosa (1774). y 246. Port on Camiguing, Dn an > (enti 182). zon, from Le Gen (1782). 247 ra. Pio Quinto in Camiguing 8 yionn t « n rit ) JZ 1 De and M nmou h nd Bashee 0 YT A f [ on, 6 ) © h ; Islands between 759. In the Babuyanes Islands bety Baker, 1759. ’S /incente in slands, and the Bay of St. Vincer by Lieut. John MecCluer, 1791 (1792). Philippine Islands. of the West Coast of Luzon (1788). 5 Ar ybservations in the 248, Two charts the Capones Islands, from 949. Coast of Luzon oss % . “ek Cuddalore,"1761 a "766 | i = - ) . , near Manila, , | o oo 2 Bo Bay on Luzon, by (‘ommodore John 251. [ariveles ba J 951. Plan of Mar ¢ ay ¥ * Dalrymple, 1764 (1751) . po rel P. M. Velarde, 1744 (1794). % Je las Yslas Philipinas, po W: 2B hpi Ty 252. Maps £ the Philipinas, from a Dut 3 3 gu 251 rr of the Philipinas, fom 2 Wo Ww Layman (1799). 0 325. Track throngh the Philipinas by Capt. W. La; | Mindoro in 1792 and 1793, Ss a sy « Anna” between Sooloo and Mn 256. T -acks of the ship n” | 2 s De by Jes Ba (ro, om¢ Gaspar de Leon: and Port St. Andres n : indoro, by 10M { i “= Pe Bay on Mindoro, by | ih To, » Teland (1782). ‘acavanes, 1764 ; and parts of om rd to be Cawelly and Cagayanes, 1 I 25 Jome islands 8 sed t 02 i arn 1764 and 1769 { 1 rs (1774). shurel nl Ra f Mindoro, by James Horsburgh, 259. (Calapon on 1 of Islands at south end of Mindoro, 260. S : westward slands 9260. Shoals wes =) (1800). ) 78K). 5 , 1792 { the Embocadero, Luzon (17! ) by J.D. of the “Panther,” man-of- 201, Plans 0 | view of St. Jacinto on Iicao, by «J.D. a ‘ lew of St. Ji 962. Plan and view « . QQ 2 ar, 1763 (1774). ‘imal MS. of Pere Pagteel (1788). hs Island, from the original 2 ri ish MS. (1774). 263. Logs of Ylocos in Luzon, from a PolTT £) 264. Clash 88; and Batangas Bay, Luzon di MS, (1774). ] 9265. Capalug Harbour, Luzon, from a Sp Don Manuel Galvez (1774). 266. Sorsogon | he North Coast of Samar, by a Spanish MS. (1774). 7. Palapa on the i ; ; from a Spanish MS. 267. Palapa on th uel de Naga on Luzon, -=4 (1774 ol ' S. Miguel de Nazd . Xs rez. 1754 ( (i). 268, Bay Suse coast of Luzon, by M. : ty (1752) : > oe " a Spanish MS. (1752). < , i 269. lampen Bos Magindanao, from a Spans an original MS. of a Jesuit 270. Cagayan aa of Magindanao, irom a a . t of the Isl: Rg 971. Part of - _ ur “i Missionary (1788). 1 : P Hevwood, 1798 (1805). a : ok Bay, Magindanao, by >, Walter Alves, 1764 (1782). ] 2792. Polloc ak) Basseelan, by Capt. Wal . h the islands to the W. and 273. Maloza Bay " ack from Mageendanao through 3M tw ‘outs’s” track rnd 802). 974. The “( out 8 olan. by Capt. Robert Torin (1 . % ancan on the Island of S.W. of Dosa “Tox” to the attack of Samboang: mz Track of H.M.S. “Io . 275. Teak o lanao, by I’. Heywood (1804) Mageendanao, DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. Tulautse Islands. autse Islands, from Valentyn (1788). and of the islands to the so 18) 5 also the track of the “ Tartar” 276. Sangir Island and Tal 277. Part of Mindanao and Moluce: galley, 1774 and 17735, by Thomas Forrest. 278. Anchorage off Hummock Island and the is] Sanguey, by Capt. John Hunter, 1791 (1794). 279. South end of Sanguey and islands between it and Siao, the tracks of ILM. ships ¢ Sybille ” and “ Fox ” with ¢ 280. Siao and adjacent islands with views of Siao and Tag: Taloutsé Islands, by Capt. Geo. Millett, 1799 3 Celebes, from a Dutch MS, (1802), Borneo, Coast and Islands. 281. Kanneeoongan, north end of T 282. Track of the ship “Union,” from Passier in 1 283. Torn out, 284. Track of the French ship “ Resolution ” between Borneo and the Paternosters, 1786 ; a sketch of the Paternosters by John Watson, 1764 ; and a sketch of nine of them, by Capt. T. Forrest (1788). 285. Manevasa, Maragalong, Sciao, Carimata and Souroutou Islands, by G. P 1794 (1799). 286. Coast of Borneo, making the west side of the Strait of Macassar, track of the « Bridgewater, Cart of Coast of Borneo, with 1788 (1795). 288. Track of the ship “ Glatton ” off Sanguin Island, by W. Macnamara (1791). 289. Five comparative charts of the East Coast of Borneo : — 1. The Cuddalore’s ” track by A. Dalrymple, 1761. 2. Track of the “ Warren Hastings,” by J. P. Larkins. 3. Track of the « Henry Dundas,” by JJ. Lindley, 1790. 4. The “ Glatton’s ” track, by W, Macnamara, 1787. 5. Track by Lieut. John Shortland, (1795). Jorneo, by W. Macnamara, 1787 (1791 Ye Capt. R. Lindsay, from Arentes Island, to and Jorneo, 1771, and partly from Thornton, 1703 (1788). almer, with the ” by S. Macdonald, fourth mate, 1788 (1795). 287. 1 the track of the « Richmond,” by W., Bampton, Philippines, &c.—continued. See page 560. 290. Chart of Faveau’s (Quesada) 1753, Palawan (1781) 291. The “ Cuddalore’s ’ by A. Dalrymple ( 1769). 292. Town and fort on the Ba Gastambede, 1762 (1782). voyage, reduced from the original Spanish MS, “track along the West Coast of Palawan in Dee, 1761, y of Pachiri in the Island Dumaran, by Don Pedro 293. Dalawan Bay, on the S.E. of Balabac Island, by Don Thos. de Castro, 1753 (1774). 294. Islands and Shoals in the China 295. Northern part of Natunas Islan 296. Great Anamba Islands (1781). 297. Balambangan Island (1794). 298. North Harbour at Balambangan, by A. Dalrymple, 1763 and 1764 (1785). 299. Plans of the North Harbour and Settlement of Balambangan (1788). 300. Part of Balambangan, by A. Dalrymple, 1764 (1786). 301. Geometrical Plan of the Southern Harbour, Balambangan, by A. Dalrymple, 1764 (1791). 302. Mangaldoom and Mantannané off the N.W, Saruphodin, a Sooloo prince, 1763 (1793). 303. South coast of Borneo, by Capt. Geo. Baker (1786). 304. Abai Harbour, N.W. coast of Borneo, by James Rennell, 1762 (1781). 305. Port and River of Borneo (1779). 7767.) « Sea, in 11° N., 1700 and 1773 (1785). Is, by Capt. John Clements, 1773 (1781). coast of Borneo, by Daio uthward (including Celebes ands between it and Pulo by P. Heywood, with onvoy, 1797 (1804). zalonda and a plan of also the north end of Riis . pos SA pig ba PEPER A vk LY Al J INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. . . . 3 Ar np 306. The River of Borneo Proper, by W. Kirton, with a view of Borneo town Cidebid Ttinils. the English factory (1787). itn by 343. South part g 3 g ‘ +h © . oho the Wost Const of Borneo, by Capt. Adies, 1789 a om. Naito. 1 | Hi oh piss of Celebes and adjacent Islands, from a Dutch chart (1787). Ai I hy n the Straits of Malacca and Banka to the are \ orneo, by a oe ay F C ony, fe the Sith pias of Go Ln a Dutch MS. (1786). 308. Chart from the Stra N.S ApiEir ressels, 1745, 59, 73, 75 3). 345. South Coast of Celebes, from a Dutch MS. 786). M. D’Apres, with tracks of four hn ’ WA from Van Keulen 346. Straits of Salayr, by Com, John Watson, 1764 (1781). 309. Lingen to Borneo, with Banka, Billiton, and C ’ 347. Turatte B : 1 Bonthain B tl : t of ( > (1784) . Linge y Wit o%/. luratte Lay and Bonthain Bay, south coast of Celebes (1784). (1786). . ative charts of the ¢Osterly’s” track, and two 348. West coast of Celebes from Tanatreke to Mandhar, from a Dutch MS. 310. Three gridaal Tan ships « Blephant ” and “ Camel,” 1759. 349. South-west Coast of Celebes, from an old Dutch MS. in C charts of the track > : : College, Oxford, 1787. Carimata Puy uy, Williams, 1759. Carimata Passage (1786). 350. Island and Shoals to the westward of Celebes, from a Dutch MS. (1786). 311. Track of the Le ee ir Thos Welladvice, 1799. Carimata Passage (1786). 851. Macassar Road, from a Dutch MS. (1804). 312. Track of the “Glatton,” by 5, Wve 3 352. Kalansoesoe Harbour, Boeton, from a Dutch MS. (1805). 1 353. Gorontalo River, Celebes, by V. V. Ballard, Capt. R.N.,, and another hy ’ , R. Pavin, 1798 (1802). To - ’) 'C. i ’ Lesser Sunda Islands, New Guinea, Se ] 354. Castricom’s Bay, and East Coast of Celebes (1781). : ; . ry ia Company’s cruizers, “Panther” and 355. Strait of Limbe, by John Wales, 1798 (1801). 313. Track and discoveries of the ra Ins Gon ov 91, 92. Sunda Islands, 396. Selang Harbour, by Capt. T. Forrest (1781). « Endeavour,” under Lieut. John McC ? 57. Geby Island, by John McCluer, 1794 (1795). 1 Q Australia, New Guine x85 2 Scott, 1761. Pitt Passage, &c. (1788). 358. Port of Gelby, in the Maluco Islands, 1772 (1779). 314. Island seen in the « Warwick,” by It. Scott, 3 Yowl Islands; Pulo Syang; and Efle Island, by Capt. Thomas ATA T a, hristchurch m * r Pi 88000 761 ( 1788). 359. Alou or : susta.” Capt. T. Baddison, by Pitt Passage, 17 » 315. Teak a (Guinea 0 Solombo, by James Horsburgh, 0 ny i a or 4 isknds (1807) 316. Track o fis sli rassanas {1S00), 200, Las siae or (r1lolo and adjacent islands oL7). 1793. Flores’ Sea 2 Pup pom Se dl to Oy as Island, by Capt. G. Palmer, : 361. Kanary Islands, north of Mysol, by Capt. Thos. Forrest (1781). ip g 5 ack, from as ¢ . 1 3 1) Isls Is ¢ liz " M sol l Lieu R bt Se t 1802 317. The “Boddam’s™ track 362. Islands adjacent to Mysol, by Lieut. Robt. Scott ( 2). 1797 (1799). " ol astern Isles. by Capt. Ed. 363. Bay of Selema and Harbour of Saway on the north of Ceram Isl ‘0 rough the Eastern Isles, by Caj J ) ayay on the n 318. Tracks of the “Taunton C h3tle ae &e. (1801). Lieut. Thomas Hayward, TLM.S. « Swift,” 1796 (1800). Studd, To pig! ] by CT Portast. : 364. Boero Island, from Valentyn, with a view of Fort Defence, by Thomas . I: r1ew bh ” . Sle a QW mr m 319. Bally High Hill. vi tA ongoong (1784). Haswell, 1791 (1793). 320. West Coast of Lombock, by Raddin Pop (1782 365. Cajeli Bay, on the Island of Bowro, by Capt. George Palmer, 1797 (1799). 39]. Strait of Allass, by Mr. G. Bek 796) 52). 366. Cajelie Bay, on the Island of Boero (1805). 322. Strait of Allass, by y Balmer, Hotta by J. Horsburgh, 1796 (1798). 367. Amboina Island, from a MS. at the East India House, and a plan of Castle a rai ass, with a view oy oy E Victoria, from Valentyn (1782 323. Strait of Allass, wi 2 wav. 1797 (1799). ictoria, from Valentyn (1782). 3924. Straits of A ed 368. Saparova Bay in Honimoa Island, and Noessa Laut, by John Wales ; Fort 1 a. " § utcn Ave. { . . » r \ 3925. Sumbawa Road, from a 8 1761 (1784). Duurstede, from V alentyn (1801). 326. Strait of Sapy, by A. a A of Mangaryn, by Capt. W. Layman 369. Amahoy Bay in Ceram, by Lieut. John Wales ( 1801). 327. Sapy Strait, with the nort 0 " bv Cats R. Torin, 1797 (1799). 1 370. Islands between Banda and Papua. Reduced from Valentyn, 1727 (1790). and another of he yg Sra T° Welladvice and another of the same bay 371. Part of a plane chart, published by John Thornton and Joel G : anv Bav. in 8 awa, by Mr. 1. We. than Jav: New Guinea and New Holland) (1790 328. Sapy Bay, mn SUmbLw 4, br « Glatton,” 1780 (1783). ava to New Guinea and New Holland) (179 ) by C. Chrisyie, ol Cy "1790 (1792). 372. Banda Islands, from Valentyn, 329. Baring’s Bay on Dane ye f Mangarye (Floris) and Straits between it and (1788). : 3 ; 330. Part of the South Coast ol lange yet J 373. Islands to the eastward and southward of Banda with part of New Guinea Comoro, by Capt. Wm. Bligh Si by A. Dalrymple, 1761 (1793). and New Holland, from a Dutch MS. (1788). 331. Part of the Coast 0 Mehgeye Flori . from observations in 1761, by A. Dal- 374. Baber Island, by IH. Levelis and Mr. Payne, in the “Flying Eagle,” 1672 Qa iocator B the l1slanc Sy ! ! ~Q2 ¥ ? 332. Alligator Bay on (1783). rymple (1780). Moris. {i bservations in 1761, by A. Dalrymple 375. Arou Islands and part of New Guinea, from an old Dutch MS. (1780). 333. Monge Harbour, on Floris, from obs ’ 376. Asp 2 English translation of Linschoten, entitled Insulae Molucew, &e., (1781). . tT TY re 1 the adjacent Islands, from a Dutch 598 (1790). 334. Mangeray and Sumba with Timor anc dais, 377. Dampier’s Strait, by James Murray (1799). . Chart (1786). Ce.. from a Dutch Chart (1786). 378. Track of the ship « Marquis Cornwallis ” on Aug. 1, 1796, between Augusta 335. West End of Tinos d fo : Tor in H.M.S. « Leopard,” 1791, with a view and Pigeon Islands, in Dampier’s Strait, by H. Moor (1798). ‘ or, take MLS. : 336. Copang Bay on Timor, (1792). . » y i . . arrrra RR Timor (1805). . - New Guinea, &e. ou Cpe Ba by T. D. Lippiat, and another by Robert Pavin (1802). vo. 3 « Err tere ’ : a 38. Harb “3 PY BO 379. Mysory or Scouten Islan )y Capt. T. Forrest, John MeCluer imor and adjacent Islands (1792). ht yon) and, by apt. ! ; 339. Timor and pneu Leads (1 790s to the northward of Timor, by James M. Hogan (in Geelvink Bay, New Guinea), 1799. 340. Track of the ¢ oy ’1796 with views ( 1799). 380. New Guinea :—1. Part of amap of America, from Theatrum Orbis Terr ; usa hat i Soha Wales (1801). by Ab. Ortelius, Antwerp, 1574; 2. Part of a ma 341. ad from ror to Ceram, by Thomas Hayward (1801). Ab. Ortelius, 1589, from Theatrum Orb 342. The Sea, frc 5 = and, by ascoyn (from . and another from an old Old English MS. and arum, p of the South Sea, by . Ter., Antwerp, 1612 ; 3. Part of NN2 NE x ce 3 . AR A ST TT I — 3 ad . — . a A A A A a INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. a map published by Tattonus, 1600, from M. Buache, 1787 ; 4. Part of a ed. 1661 map in Arcano del Mare, by Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, (1790). 381. New Guinea :—Copy of part of the Charts xviii. and xx. of the Arcano del Mare, by Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, ed. 1661 ; also, Copy of the 2nd, and part of the 3rd chart of Asia in the same work, ed. 1646 (1791). 382. North coast of New Guinea, by Jodo Teixeira, cosmographer to the King of Portugal, 1649, from M. Thevenot ; also, Carte pour les [lclairecissemens (+éographiques sur la Nouvelle Bretagne et les Cotes Septentrionales de la Nouvelle Guinée ; Par M. Buache, 1787. Avec les Marques des Routes de :—1. Le Maire et Schouten, en 1617 : 2. Abel Tasmans, en 1642; 3. Dampier, en 1700; 4. Carteret, en 1769; 9. Bougainville, en 1769 (1790). 383. North Coast of New Guinea, by William C. Schouter, 1617 5 part of the map of New Guinea in Tasman’s voyage, 1643 and 1644, from M. Thevenot ; map of New Guinea, &c. from the mappe-monde, by M. Guillaume Sanson, 1719; map of New Guinea, &e., by M. Robert de Vaugondy, 1756, from I’Histoire des Navigatious aux Terres Australes ; map of New Guinea, &c., by M. Robert de Vaugondy, 1774 (1790). New Britain, &c. a and New Britain, or the Salmon Islands, copied from Dampier, 384. Part of Papu a copy of part of Dampier’s chart collated with De Bry, Herrera, &c.; also with his tracks to and from New Britain. 385. Track of the « Princesa” frigate, commanded by Capt. D. F. A. Maurelle, 1781, from a Spanish MS. ; and the track of the Swallow,” commanded by Capt. Philip Carteret, 1767, from an original MS. (1790). 386. Port Hunter, Duke of York Island, New Britain ; with a view, by Lieut. W. Bradley (1794). 387. Part of M. Bougainville’s trac the South Cast of New Gui 388. Mackrel Bay and Water Bay Montague on New Britain, Bougainville’s voyage (1782). k along the North Coast of New Britain, and nea, called by him Louisiade (1790). on the South Coast of New Guinea. and Port from Dampier ; also Choiseul Bay, from Torres Strait. The passage of the Hurmazier,” Capt. Brampton, through Torres Strait, 1793 (1798). . The ship «Shaw Hormuzeer’s Holland and New Guinea, by W. W. Bampton, 1793 (1799). » track through the Strait between New New Britain, &c. discovered by Chev. de Surville, 1769 (1781). 391. Port Praslin (New Britain), teward’s Islands, &e., discovered by Capt. 392. Lord Howe's group of Islands; S J. Hunter, 1791 (1794). 393. Track of the “Princesa,” Capt. Don F. A. Maurelle, 1781, from a Spanish MS. (1791). 394. Byron’s Harbour and Swallow Bay on St. Cruz Island, 1767 (1782). Australia, East Coast. 395. Jervis Bay, East Coast of New Holland, by Mr. Matt. Weatherhead (1794). DALRYMPLE’ S CHARTS. 565 as Tasmania. 296. Oyster Bay and part of Maria Isl: ; i rik ] aria Islands, by Capt. J. H. Cox, with views, 1789, 397. Oyster Bay, &c. on the E yste ‘ ¢ East Coast of New Holland, witl i . Younr nn . i y 4 ? ’ J. H. Cox, and Really Tasmania or Van. Dieman’s Lone Sow pos . Western Australia. i os Coast of New Holland, from Van Keulen, &e. (1779) 399. ot mraiye pian wi Rocks and adjacent island from the Arcano del More, in 1661, and Thornton, in 1703 ; with the racks of e ves : Nn oy ok » In 1703 5 with the tracks of three vessels, in Island of Amsterdam, Indian Ocean “ 0. « os v7 3 f A st D Isl: Se W th Views 1 9 v 10) \ lax 11g Road, on the east side 0 m erdam nd y i SLE 101. V 1¢Ws of the island called Amsterdam in the I ocock, 5th oJ uly HAS on. Australia, Fast Coast. 402. East Coast of New Holl; , a” 10%, boat ew Holland, by James Cook, 1770, Plate I. (1789). 404. —— Plate III. Asiatic Archipelago, Banka, Java Sea, &ec i ~ | J, » a * 1 : . 10% on end of Banka, by Capt. Lestock Wilson (1791) 3. 1 orih end of Banka and Coast of Sumatra opposite West point of Bank _ with shoals and rocks, from an English MS. (1806 Be ? ae 407. Mintow Road, Banka (1789). 2 , > £ ; >, « N 2 iy Dany River, Sumatra, from a Dutch MS (1785) 409. Strait of Banka, by Robert Torii late I. (1797). 10, er DH IE ph 411. Passage between Lusipar ; ) assage between Lusipara and Sumatra, formi ; , , the Strait of Banka, by Robert Torin aro). © fio Rows Eniraes of ae Graznt s anchorage, east side of Banka (1781) 413. Strait on the East of Banka, by Ct stock Wi i ka, by Capt. Lestock Wilson, of the ship “ Carnatic,” ny Saat St Chinapain (Banka), from an ancient English MS (1786) 415. The ©“ Warren Hastings,” track to the east of B: in. by Cort. Tob Eo hr gs, east of Banka, by Capt. J. P. Larkins, 416. Track of the ship ¢ Slt t ) ship ¢ Atlas ” through the islands east of Allen Cooper, 1985 (1789). g islands east of Banka, by Capt. t17. Tracks east of Banka, by C: : : acks east of Bank: apt. Crozet ¢ '¢ raspar 3 Pans , by Cay and Capt. Gaspar, from M. D’Apres, 418. Clements Jon to Hh west of Billiton, with the track of the fleet of Indi men under Capt. John Clements, 1781 reorge 786 io 419. The same repeated. 79, by Goss Donarien (790) 420. Lubeck Island, called 1 i : sland, ci yy the natives Babes i racks (1780 421, Carimon Java (1781). 5 * Babes Wid ks (L730), 422, Part of Java, Sumatr: 3 i . Pi Java, Sumatra, and Borneo, and intermediate seas i 1 et oF J 70, Siva 00) op ediate seas and islands, with Java. 423. Ballambouang Bay, in the Strait of . Ball: ang DB: 1e Strait ol Be 6 Nie ; oy Ys of Bally, by Capt. Nicolas Skottowe, 1766 424. Turtle Bay, Patictar 7 : : atietan Bay, and Fletter 5s Bay » S * . el y, ettermons Bay, on the South Coast of Java 425. Turtle Bay, Patsietam Bay, and Vleermuys Bay (1780) “ } ' smears re — a ET SS = mn NB ECATIRCESO, Si pm RR oA BB i INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. 426. Vinkops or Winecoopers Point and Bay, also Dirck Vries and Maurice Bays, South Coast of Java (1781). 427. Pulo Pontangh or Princes Island and Coast of Java, with a view of a water- fall near Mew Bay (1788). 498. Plan of Mew Bay in Sunda Strait, by Capt. John Watson, 1762 (1774). 429. Part of the Strait of Sunda, from the fourth point of Java to Pulo Panjang, by W. Bampton (1787). 430. Batavia Road, from a Dutch MS. (1786). 431. The Road and City of Batavia, 1763 (1786). 432. Taggal Road and part of North Coast of Java (1804). Sunda Strait. 433. ¢ Carnatrick’s ” track, from North Watcher to North Island, by Capt. Lestock Wilson, 1787 (1789). 434. Passage between Pulo Krokatou and Pulo Slebeze, to show the position of the Hindostan Rock, by Mr. Robert Torin (1792). 435. Zuytpsen or Hounds Islands, off the South-East of Sumatra, from a Dutch MS. (1774). 436. Lampoon Bay on the South of Sumatra, from a Dutch MS. (1774). 437. Keyser’s Bay and view of Island, Sunda Strait, by Capt. TI. Forrest (1774). Sumatra, Coast and Islands. 438. Harbour and Island of Pisang, West Coast of Sumatra (1780). 439. Rat Island near Bencoolen, by Capt. H. Burgess, 1789, with a view (1798). 440. Indrapour, West Coast of Sumatra (1774). 441. West Coast of Sumatra, from Indrapore Point to Padang Rivers, by W. Kirton, 1781 (1782). 442. Padang, the chief settlement of the Dutch Company on the West Coast of Sumatra, with a list of the squdron under Capt. John Clements, to which the place surrendered on 19th Aug. 1781 (1782). 443. Mansillan Harbour near Sumatra, surveyed by John Macdonald, engineer, 1789 (1793). 444. Soosoo, West Coast of Sumatra (1797). 445. Acheen Road, with the Surat and Sedre Passages, by Jas. Downie (1806). 446. Acheen Road, from the French (1785). 447. Acheen to Diamond Point, by Capt. George Baker, and from Point Pedro to Basseir, by Capt. Geo. French (1786). 448. Passage between Pulo Panjae and West Coast of Sumatra (1784). 449. Malabar Coast and entrance to Goa, by P. Heywood, Capt. R.N. (1806). Misplaced, see No. 33. 450. Poolo Batoo, north part (1802). 451. Passage, between the Islands of Great Fortune off’ the West Coast of Sumatra (1786). 452. Pulo Mayas (1780). 453. The “ Pigot’s” track from Se Beeroo to North Poggy, by Robert Torin, 1794. 454. Passage between Pulo Bato and Se Beeroo called Nantian and Good Fortune, by Capt. Geo. Hayter, 1755 ( 1787). 455. North of Poole Batoo (1802). 456. Part of the Islands of Pora or Good Fortune, and Poggys or Nassau, by Capt. J. Williams in the © Cudalore,” 1750 (1783). 457. Strait of Secockup, Nassau Islands ; also Mazular Island and Bay, by Capt. T. Forrest (1782). 458. Trieste Island, by John Hunter, 1802. Keeling Islands, Indian Ocean. 459. The Cocos or Keeling Islands, 1788, by Capt. James Monro (1792). 460, Keeling or Cocos Islands from John Van Keulen (1787). A collection of FORTY-SIX CHARTS by A New DIRECTORY for the EAST INDIES containing and particular charts of the— 2 DALRYMPLE’S C HARTS. 567 quarto, half-bound. Contents :— 3 Dayle, Largs 3 i Dt Isle, from a French MS., 1735 (1781) 2 ws of the Brazilian coast from Vi den’(1 3. Tristan de Cunha, 1 e Si am 4 o ) Le Sie P ] ) 4 Ascension (1781). y apm a . Views at the Cape, 1775-79. : Table Bay (1780). Simons Bay (1780). . Harbour of St. Mary’ : St. Mary’s, Medagascar, 1746 5 Views Mozambique Channel (1780) Hea )¢ Quen, from a Portuguese MS. (1779) IL mbes 4nd part of the East Coast of Africa (1781) 1% prs a, East coast of Africa, from a French MS. (1780 3. Harbour of Seychelles, 1756 and 1771. rae ) Praslin Harbour 1771 (1779). 15 Jol ing Bird Island, 1771 (1780) —-19. Views, Malabar Coast, &c ; 1 8 :. to Caranc ‘achi), in fi 20. Mocha road and Hudada Bay (1750) ph Ps {750). 21. Yambo Harbour Plan (1779). i 22. Tor Harbour. ST 23. Sue: : 7 Gi. Tr gl, Irotter, Master of the “ Swallow,” 1777 (1779 25. pares Bots { Si (roadel, and Arrubah) on coast of Pores 17s ; pin; amban) between Ramisweram Isle and Point Ramen. WS se trp) 1 Point Ramen, by W. Stevens 26. Views of Madras in 177 o- by the French in 1738. 2. Mastavin River, from an English MS. (1780) ZL lan of Quedah Road, by Capt. Asbridee (1781 29. Sambellan Island by Mr. Rennell 1763 (1781 4 20 V lews, Strait of Sincapore (1710) sh 31-34. Views, Strait of Malacca, by Capt. Pierce 35. Harbour of Pisang, Sumatra ( 1750) 36. Chart of Pulo Nayas (1780) 37. Turtle, Patsietam, and VI ’ a , Patsietam, : eer Muys, Boys, Java (1780 38. Iie of Lubeck or Babent (1750). © Tove (1780). od. Ballambouang Bay, Strait of Bally (177¢ o Str: ally 9). 40. Melloodoo Bay, Borneo (1779) Fgh) ) > , . » A ’ IL. Port and river of Borneo (1779). 42. Harbour on coast of Cochin China (1780) io Le I'ypo near Macao (1780) it 44. Plan of Tien pe hien, and G : Jay i x i : relang Be ain: “hi 77 45. Port of Gehy Maluco (1779) ply do Bunn Cs) 4 J. Re ten st 1 land « « ( JLLECLICS mle an 1 mwal I : ». ( YY 1 viver, New Holland from V Ul Keulen (1780). 9, with Fort St. Davi i i » with Fort St. David as it was in 1754, demolished in four plates (1779). general Oceans Coasts Seas Islands Straits Capes 12 eoeres 3 Bags Sands arbours Soundings, &e. JCCSSE y to I know ni =a 10° 10 from, and throughout tl € luast I d [= I I 3 nec 11 nn allll g 10, on al ndaie 1€ : , Se | Gulfs Rocks whole (originally beg i S { run and carried on {r ] i S b ; a Ye ’ on " > rom the most 1m moved charts S 3 Mi . W. Herbert, Mr. W. Nicholson, and others) mucl % 4 i ans by Samuel Dunn, teacher of the mathematic 1 ) i : S hnnoy 4 a ; ginatied . . " \ * « 3 sciences, ) e iti publi: he d by Henry Gregor r 17 ) 1 y y ‘ 6th dition. London . oD Ys (0 7 . n two vols. large folio h: If I u I oD ’ all bo nd, and lett I'c 3 ; YAS -~ 4 ” - Wr ’ ’ ; 1de I IN v T , ] K | ) ” 0 NC 1 | ) ( on = AS DIA IRECT RY, 1 CLUDING ALL \LRYMI LE oN Cua TO THE YEAR 1788.” He a ae By a INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. ContENTS OF VoL. 1. i ; . ) ica, and The Western or (North) Atlantic Ocean with part of in 2 nes (Mercator’s projection). Originally drawn and Sager) yy the la Mr Joh Senex, F.R.S. and since corrected by W m. Hort By in Nowiins The Ethiopic Ocean (or South Atlantic) with part of A bl a and Sout Azores or Western Isles, with plage a Yiews. Foran Dilrymgle, 1790) ‘nel ‘ayal ¢ Pic rith views of Fayal, &ec. : ‘hannel between Fayal and Pic 0, With views J gal, 0. a anne and Madera Islands and Coast of Afric a. gh 767.) Cape de Verde Island, and Coast of Africa. (Gregory, 1767. Cape de Verd Islands. (D’Apres.) : ", From I Aurds and I Everts 4e Coust of Africa from Cape Blanco to Cape Verd. From D’Apres Fleurieu, 1769. (Dalrymple, 1785.) Ta ts East coast of Brazil, by A. Dalrymple, 17 79. wo oF 1: Villace Bav. 14° 20’ S. Ielas de los Idolos; St. Thomas Island ; Benguela Road ; hy ge Bay, , iy . A « yr > { J Angra Pequena, on west coast of Africa. CD olny 72) , Ascension, Trinidad, and Tristan da Cunha. Dry oN > ) ae, 1786) Fernando Noronha Island, and St. Ann’s Bay in Brazil. (Dalrymple, >: iro. Gregor 1779.) pa els i am i as 1763 ; Le Grand Island and its bays ; St. Sebastian 10 oJ& \ ; L 3 1 ‘ : Says Island ; entrance of the river St. F Pde, hairyople, I7g0.) on jou sland, ¢ lena Bay, on the west coas 4 a. Gough’s Island, and St. He 1782.) int) Cape of Good Hope, 1752. ; Lele 71 ; » Bird Islanc alrymple, 1781.) agoa Bay, and Chaos or Bird Island. ( ymple ) ion Slag Bay, Mossell Bay, Plettenberg Bay, Algoa Bay, South Africa >t. alrymple, 1771. Tete 7 o i be sh ved Simons Bay, South Africa. (Dalrymple, 1780) (Gren eg bay, » ayy » ) i on ra Fab Bay, and Simons Bay, by W. Nichelson, H.M.S. Elizabeth, 1764. gory, « » « J 3 « A 1779.) ; j ‘ape G ope to Japan, A. oa. Castern Ocean from Cape Good H Pp po he ast const of Africa, B. Back Bay, Saldanha Bay, Delagoa Bay 1747, ? Madagascar. "Afri agascar, &c Gregory, 1779), C. Bast coast of Africa, Madagascar, &c. ( LL A - in “la Quen bo. Oybo, and Matemo Isles,—East coast of Africa. (Gre atte Islands, Querimbo, Oybo, gory, 1779.) Wot Ferner 3 ies, Madagascar. m. Herbert.) LL Abani a0 x Mey Mado. rn Nichelson, H.M.S. ¢ Elizabeth,” 17358. St. Augustin’s Bay, Madagascar, b) oD wregory, 1767.) . nts . } are I (Ongen of I — from Manivoul to Cape East ; and from Vohemare to Las 20as MaaaZasCe . : 0 \ " Cape Ambre. From M. D’Apres. ( Dalrymple, Trae) » From M. Drags East coast of Madagascar, Mananzari to Port Dauphin Bay. om M. I’ alrymple, 1782. a Ae E (Day A i River Yvondrou to Mananzari. From M. D’Apres Last as [S 2adCe alrymple, 1782, Co . — — PD Cont of Madagascar, by Mr. White and Capt. I. Fea. (Dalrymple, 1782.) a I Continuation of Mr. Whites Chart, Shamuga 1; Be irre 131) Vorth-west Coast of Madagascar, by C. Wilde, 1650. ~(Dalr} mple, 1784) mi Port Dauphin, Madagascar, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, g, 73 wish a k . ’ go, ) i 5 . r . .. . ” a rd oe of ‘the bearings and distances of Ylapere Point from 1 ox Bulg LB » Ars oe = rh ln i; Point according to the different plans; and a series of views. (Dalrymple, * > 1 TS 4; the Bay of Tamatave ; the : ay slets of St. Lucé; the Bay « : : ’lans of Matatane ; the Bay and Isle 3 ou 03 the : gan of Manourou ; and plans of Foul Point Bay and Road. Nos. 1, 2, VO< VLE Si § : agascar alrymple, 1784.) i Coast of Madagascar. (Dal; MD a iis, Tans Feirs M, East Coast of Madagascar, from Manghabey Bay to Plumb Is ID’Apres, D. the East India House DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS, 569 Plans of Foul Point Bay and Road, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; and Port Teintingue, (Dalrymple, 1782-4.) Long Point, 1774; and Port Louquez, 1782. N.W. Coast of Madagascar, Bally Head to M (or Maningara) ; Harbour of Managar ; (Dalrymple, 1782.) St. Mary’s Harbour b (Dalrymple.) aningara; Cape St. Andrew to Manigar Entrance of New Matheleage River. y John Brobier, 1746 (Dalrymple, 1775); and by Capt. L. and Bay of Cape Last. (Dalrymple, Russell, 1771 ; Bay of Veninguere ; Port 1782.) M. IY Apres’ Chart of Islands and Dangers on the N.E. of Madag 1784. : Manumbagh and Tollear Bay on Mada Road and River. (Dalrymple, 1782.) ascar. (Dalrymple, gascar, from Van Keulen ; Moroundava Africa, East Coast. The Bay of Rio Delagoa or Lorengo Marques, (Dalrymple, 1786) ; Hiarbane, from a Portuguese MS. ; Quellimanie River in the land of Megosie, on the coast of Quama, from Van Keulen ; Querimbo Islands, two plans, (Dalrymple, 1779.) Quiloa and its Environs on the East Coast of Africa, from Sieur Morice. (Dal- rymple, 1784.) . Road or Harbour of Zanzibar, from an English M Island, from Manoel Piementel from a Dutch MS. with areduction S. (Dalrymple, 1774) ; Zanzibar ; Bahia Formosa on the coast of Melinde, from Manoel Piementel (Dalrymple, 1782) ; view of Madagascar ; plan of Brava; plan of the west side of Comoro, by Alex. Sibbald. (Dalrymple, 1774.) Plan of Patta, by Capt. D. Crichton, 1751. (Dalrymple, 1774.) Bay on the north side of Johanna, by C. Peter Pigou, 1762 (1771); the island Anzuani or Anjoanna, from Van Keulen ; part of Johanna, by A. Sibbald (1786) ; NW. part of Mayotta, by Mr. Watson, 1754, and Capt. Peter Pigou, 1762 (1774). (Dalrymple.) Mombass from a Portuguese MS. ; C River to Mancabala Bank ( 1781) ; (1784) ; Zanzibar Island, from apt. Bento d’Almedoe’s track from Eamuco Monbaze (Mombass) Island, from M, Apres a French MS. (1784). (Dalrymple.) Indian Ocean Islands. Mayotta Island, from John Van Keulen ; Mayotta Road, from Kempthorne’s Drawings, Sloane’s MSS. British Museum ; * NW, part of Mayotta Island, by J. Watson in 1754, and P. Pigou in 1762 ; Mayotta, by G. Stainforth, 1768 ; track of the “ Grantham ” along the west side of Mayotta, 1750. (Dalrymple, 1780.) Islands in the middle part of the Indian Ocean. (Gregory, 1780.) [sland of Bourbon. (Gregory, 1779.) Island of Mauritius and Harbour of Port Louis. (Gregory, 1779.) [sland Diego Raiz or Rodriguez, (Gregory, 1779.) Mathewren Bay in Island Diego Rayes, as surveyed by Wm. Nichelsen, Master of HL.M.S. “ Elizabeth.” (Gregory, 1787.) Archipelago to the northward of Mauritius, 1776 (Dalrymple, 1787); I’ Assomp- tion Island and Cosmoledo Islands, (Dalrymple, 1782); Albadra Islands, 1744 (Dalrymple, 1784). Track in the Salomon,” Capt. Bourdé, from a French MS., the Chagos, by Capt. R. Scott, 1763. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Diego Garcia, by Capt. Forrest (1786) ; the Pitt's” track off Chagos, 1763, by W., Stevens (1784); N.E. part of the Bassas de Chagos, 1763 (1784); islands near the Maldives, from John Van Keulen. (Dalrymple.) 1776 ; Soundings on * “N.B. This Plan seems to be from the Observations of Adam Lee, 1640, whose Journal is at » A.D» This note is inscribed on the chart by Dalrymple. Sma a A I RS SS I SAR gl - wi os - - args A Ty a a a io Sl . rams Ri INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. } T 4 icholls ; two The “ Calcutta’s ” track near the Chagos, Capt. TI'homson a) : Li or iy plans of the Island of Chagos or Diego Garcia, 1770 and 177%. a j islands, 1768. (Gregory, 1779.) Jevehelles, Praslin, and other adjacent islands, 17695. ~(Grogory 00 th ise La Bird [sland ; Seychelles Harbour ; Praslin Harbour ; islands x covered by Lazare Picault, 1744. (Dalrymple, 1788) SEL A Islands of John de Nova, by M. Margaro, 1776 ; two p I rove. 1776 3 Sable sla a Carajos, 1742 and 1776; Wood Island, by John dingrove, wi 4 io C S are B - . DY , oe : nly Tsland 1761 ; Dangerous Shoals of St. Brandon (Cargados), or Sa sland, Day r , . (Dalrymple, 1782.) fia 16 Mey he. Bust « i 1972 by J. Mascall, volunteer, 1774, i it th Todi House ; Reef of Puntos dos CE Sh el a : ’ or . | whago . mr 5 ; alry 3, 84. . Maldive, from an English MS. purchased in 175 yup! 8 Rings Ma Some Attol ; Atoll Maldiva; King’s Island Road and view © > y > : * —-—- Town, 1727. (Dalrymple, 1774.) Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea, &c. prs The Arabian Gulf. (Gregory, 1750. Ti Yinst 5. Smith, TLM.S. ¢ San The of Arabia, Dofar to Shoal Cliff, by Capt. J. S. Smith, ‘arlos,” 1781. (Dalrymple, 1783.) a HE HaiD S Cs Be a French MS., 1764; and Fameren & ! Aan oy eT Browne, 1615 (Dalrymple, 1774). Afriean Coast, aflon fe ip Bn To sosite Mocha), (1783) ; Suakem, from Van Keulen a Yann 3 Ye ¢ PL 1763 ; 9. Matzua and Arkiko, from D’Anville ; 3, No Heh ple English MS. . Port Dradart,* 19° 45’ N. lat., from Van Keulen. alry ’ Lug. SIOAYLO. 5 auaalrt, 1784.) Red Sea. ! + of -eshy 7), from i , Fucha (Mersa Fedger of Moresby 7), 1r ta rican Coast :— Bahia de Fucha (I L 2 ; ; . Bed Se ® A no Farat,t 21° 30" N., from Van a Sad A Colon 1 Ar oy rsa Arrakea of Moresby 7), 1ro an 923° 45’ N., from Van Keulen ; Arequea (Mc rsa So Me ron K len : Porto de Gidid,t 22° N., from Van Keulen ; Porto by ie} 25° N from Van Keunlen; Suez Harbour and Road, pt x Soils oT b ithe ie TTT, ¢ Licut. Harvey. (Dalrymple, 1779-5. : + by Lieut. Mascall, 1777, and Licut. ) Dalrymp Jrpanads. anor i 9 an Coast .~Mursah Gedan (perhaps Roppheand wv Jide r of wl Sea, Arabi ast :—Mu x ie (Cove Goualafagee fnadoda Mocha, two plans and views; Bay Denis (Core Goulafugy iddada ; vmple, 1780-84.) oo Moresby). (Dalrymple, 17 at I S sit by W. Robinson. 1777 ; Lor Sivhou, o. i oh 5 a gs Th, Semiomia (perhaps southward of Qiddoh)s Ss 0 Harbour (Jiddah) ; Yambo Harbour. (Dalrymple, 1779-85.) 2G Arabian Sea. T 703; Kisseen Bay, by 3 ) .Muculla Bay, from Thornton, 1703; Kisses 3 bia. South Coast :—Muculla Bay, hornt L7 Jism Day, 1 A Crichton ; Morebat Bay, by Capt. J. S. Smith, 1781. Arabia Pe . . - aN ower : 1775-86.) Torr Harbour, 1780. (Dalrymple, ne tt LH Sry view of Aden, from Capt. Cornwall ; Straits of Babelmandel, an a SW Aden, ap nm : ( alrvm le, | 182-4.) ) _ Be i og to the entrance of the Gulf of Persia, by Lieut. Mekran Coast from Cz ‘ en Wm. Robinson, 1774. (Dalrymple, 1781.) Persian Gulf. JT inn Cone alr lo Persian Coast, Bussora River ; also Catif Bay on the Arabian Coast. (Dalrymple, ersis , 8 1780.) | Gulph of Persia. (Gregory, 1780.) i at * Not in Moresby’s Chart and Directions for the Red Sea. + Not distinguishable on Moresby’s Chart, &e. DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. 571 Muscat and Matura Bays, from a Dutch MS. ( Dalrymple, 1781). Muscat Cove and Muthrah Harbour, with a view of Muthrah, by John McCluer, 1785. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Guulph of Persia, by John Friend, 1704 ; and Maritime, tom. iii.,, 1764 (Dalrymple, D. Simmons. (Dalrymple, 1774.) Parts of the Gulph of Persia :—1, from Claud Russell, 1 Ksq.; 3, by Lieut. John Cant ; 4 Claud Russell, E 1787.) ILuphrates River 1787) 1786.) Gulph of Persia, from I’Aprés, 1776 ; and another from 1)’ C. Niebuhr with his map of Oman, 1765 ; and (Dalrymple, 1787.) Golf of Persia, by Samuel Thornton, 1716 ; another another by John Van Kuelen. (Dalrymple, 1787.) Head of the Gulph of Persia, by Lieut. John MecCluer ; entrance Persia, by Lieut. John Cant. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Gulph of Persia, by Eng. Kempfer, 1712 ; another from Claud Russell, Esq.; another by Lieut. Edward Harvey, 1778; another by Lieut. John Cant. Also Karak Island and Bundereck, from an ¥nglish MS. (Dalrymple, 1774, 87.) Kismis (Kishm) Channel, from Van Keulen ; Jasques (Jask) Road ; Churbar, (roadel, and Arrubah Bays; and Astola Island on the Mekran Coast. (Dal- rymple, 1780.) Pera River, Pulo Dinding, and Sambelong Islands, by Thomas Forrest; Pulo Pinang with the Straits and Quedah Coast, by Capt. James Scott. (Dalrymple, 1786.) another from M. Bellin, Petit Atlas 1787). Bushier, plan and view, by Capt. i5q. 3 2, from T. Holmes, » 9, by Lieut. Edw. Harvey, 1778; 6, from Sq. ; 7, Bussorah River, from Claud Russell. (Dalrymple, , from the city of Basara to the Gulph of Persia, 1724 (Dalrymple, 5 part of the Gulph of Persia, by Edward Harvey, 1778. (Dalrymple, Apres, 1745 5 another by another by D’Anville, 1758, 76. by John Thornton, 1703 ; of the Gulph of India, West Coast. Coasts of ( Guadell. West Coast of India, Kattywar to Goa. Coast of Scindy in three charts, (Dalrymple, 1783. Plan of Crotchey (Kurachi) Bay, by Joseph Mascall, volunteer, 1774: Bay of Coche, and River Nagor, by Charles Massey ; Coast of Scindy, Bay of Cutch, with part of Guzerat. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Coast of India from Arnol Island to Nunsarce I (Dalrymple, 1784.) ruzarat and Scindy, by A. Dalrymple, 1783 ; with additions up to Cape (Gregory, 1780.) 1V. liver, by Lieut. J. Ringrose, 1782. Nunsaree (Poorna) River, Collack (Koluk or Kurruck) River, and Gundivee (Gundewalee) River, by John Ringrose. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Coast of Guzerat (Katywar), 1760 ; plan of Gogo, by Hunter ; Broach (Nerbud River and Bar, by Lieut. Wm. Aug. Skinner, 1773. (Dalrymple, 1775, 84.) Bulsaur (Oorungo) River ; Omersary River, by Lieut. John Ringrose. (Dalrymple, 1784.) k la) Arnol or Arnalla Island, and Angassea (Vaturna) River; Danno ambee Creek) ; Plan of Choul ; rymple, 1775.) Manhora River in the island of Salsette ; V plan of Mayham, with the (Dalrymple, 1780, 81, 83.) A reduced chart of Bombay Harbour to serve as an index for the large one of cight sheets, by W. Nichelson, Master of HLM.S. “ Elizabeth.” (Gregory, no date.) West Coast of India, Goa to Cape Comorin. (Gregory, 1780.) V. Port of Chaoul, with views of Chaoul and the Island of Coulaba belonging to Angria. (Dalrymple, 1784.) River (or Koth- Plan of Surat (Tapti) River, 1750. (Dal- "assava in Salsette, with a view : and a channel between Salsette and Bombay Islands, 1777. 572 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. la Rajapore; Boncout (or ‘ ingerah commonly called Donc 87 Dosa fo Wa ) fort A : sketch of Bassalore or Coma i ih > gi ) ort ¢ « d- 10 te. Toweltl art. rfl y Pp Harbour (or Viziadroog), by Sir W. Hewett, bart. " > _ -82.) = . Sa Be . Coast. (Dalrymple, 1784.) ingorla on the Malabar Coast. (1 : dt Li of ye by Archibald Blair; Goa Harbour, by Reeves ewgur H: y by 4 ymple, 1775-84. X ‘ ’ ita 1765: Meriee. Onore i. Mandy Melvin), by Co. dois 1765; Merjee, ) Sind eranr A T™ TT ed 1725 (Dalrymp e, 775. ‘omptee, by Elias Bates, 17Zo. deyranlo, 17 Why [sland ; Tellicherry Road, by Capt. Thos. Ly eul alrymple, 1775.) 2 i Js eulen. (Dalrymple, 1775.) ” Go A SE i Hw ; a French MS., from Commodore J. Watson the Mud bank of Ramdilly and its dependencies, from A Libis ), wi ans of Gaula Bay (Dalrymple To 12° N. lat. and Zelsan (Ceylon), Mid pleas 04 J2 Bas o « Ed . . r - . . re . . y ‘ : : . Sn i) Tutocorine (Tuticorin), OE [eam ior, itn, § : y.; Porto Cayl, ir : ; : adura, from a Dutch MS.; I Kay Stnoorys, i oF . Haven of Colombo, from Van Keulen. (Dalrymp rom Van ) ; g ? i 7. Stevens; Nyle 7) i 1 the Island Ramisseram, by W. Stevens; SSATC een Point Ramen and the Islal ee Ps iy Bay, Ceyloan ; Batacoloe, Ceylon, 1762 ; Devy Point, or Nylev ay, (Dalrymple, 1775-83.) Bay of Bengal. ‘ ; . : le, iy Island to Ramnabad (Sunderbunds). (Dalrymple : al fr utng Coast of Bengal from Put 7835. ; . o Won ah of Cevloan from Manaar to Calpentyn, st of Coy rymple, 1782.) im Part of Calymere Reef, by James Roses Cy ; Neoapati surveyed Calymere and Negapatam, Siveye y Avg, 1781. (Dalrymple, 1782, 53.) Georee Baker, 1759, and Capt. John Part of Choromandel Coast, by Capt. George baker, ar Wy Ritchie, 177 alrymple, 1784. ry x Ritchie, 1771. (hs ’S BS (Gregory, 1780.) VII 205s Tour of Con of A 1751 Vizagapatam, by J. Seaton, 1747; bay o Varsipore 5. Knapton, 1751; agapatam, by BN , 3 Ww Torinn 1773. (Dalrymple, ras CA ph eal Coasts Gregory, 1780.) \ Gulp, ORz), 408 Pog og I Palleacatte or Pulicat, and Tegenepatnam Ne oapatam Road, by Geo. Trotter, 1782; ny > : ect fon Von Be Sang Ng ell 5 Visingapatam, and the coasts of : i : . 3 ‘oe mle « ble Coast of Coremandell, from Pons 3 Joosos 15) nga ins, 1d 0) eaints of "Gi Xe y John , ; Choromandel Geant ped Qe 1771 . a draft of the Armegon Shoals, by 3 EK he fo” 2 aan Clin 3 * Vizaoanak oad, both by 2p Ds, Mo: Plan of Coringo, and plan of Vizagapatam Road, ) man, about (023 ar cOAng e151) Cut, J gi pi Dag to the eastward of Rammnabad Island. Meena River in bengal, B Mouth of the Meg ~ “wr ~~ (Dalrymple, 1 A 0.) 1 y Tl omas Dibdin, June 1 | 79. (Dalry mple, 1 7 85.) } River and Bay of Nagore, W 0 . b y Ca 1 John Sampson, in the ¢] l[inerva 5 River Kanaka near Point I i ras y Chdion with ted of te Poni TYR ‘hour of one or ( , 1 s y “ Horror i W = 12. 2 conv Harbour 17 A Island ana C dita { by Villiam Helman, 1 { 2 ’ Bomec ny y leading 0 salle . A (Dalrymple, 1782.) oad and Harbour of LO 1773. (Dalrymple, 1783.) Great Bay, Back Bay, and Harbour gia by William Nichelson, Maste 1787.) from a Dutch MS. (Dal- >t 1763 and 64; Shoal between Point the masters of H.M.’s squadron, 3rd ili stevens, Sub. Dr. Eng. of Coringah, surveyed by William Stevens, Sub. Dr. Eng., gah, of Trincomalay on the Island Zeloan, as r of H.M.S. ¢ Elizabeth.” (Gregory, DALRYMPLE’S CHARTS. ContENTS OF Vor. II. Chart of the Bay of Bengal, no title or date. Coast of Chittigong, by John Ritchie. (Dalrymple, 1785.) Coast of Chittigong, by Barth. Plaisted, 1760; and another in 1761 from the MS. at the East India House. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Islamabad or Chittagong River, by Barth. Plaisted, 1764 ; River of Chittegan, by Capt. H. Sutherland; Chittegan River, from an English MS., 1764; part of the coast of Arrackan and Chettigon, by Jon. Ranson, mariner and pilot for the River Hughly in the Hon. E. I. C. service, 1739; Coast of Chittygong, from an old MS. in Capt. Peiree’s collection 3 Coast of Chittagong, from an English MS. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Khaut Colley, by Barth. Plaisted, with the alterations made by the earthquake, 1761 ; Coast of Arracan, from observations in the Houghton, December 1759, by Capt. W. Smith, then an officer in that ship ; Coast of Arrackan, by Capt. R. Peirce, 1759; Coast of Chittegonge and the entrance into the woods, by Jeremiah Lawrence, 1740 ; Coast of Chittagong with part of the Arakan Coast, from an English MS. (Dalrymple, 1784, 85.) Coast of Tenasserim, no title, (Gregory, 1780.) XI. Coast of Aracan and Ava, from a chart of the Bay of Bengal, by Philip Parsons, pilot, 1743, 4; Coast from Negrais to the Sambelong Islands at the mouth of the Arracan River, by Alex. Wood, pilot, 1740. (Dalrymple, 1785.) Coasts of Aracan and Ava. by John Ritchie, 1770 and 1771 ; Channel within the [sland of Cheduba, by Capt. Walter Alves ; part of the Coast of Ava, by Capt. Charles Newland. (Dalrymple, 1782, 84.) Arackan River, from an English MS.; Arackan River, from M. D’Anville ; Entrance of Arrackan River, by Jeremiah Lawrence, 1740. (Dalrymple, 1774, 84.) Coast to the northward of Arackan River; and another by Capt. H. Sutherland, 1762, 63. (Dalrymple, 1784.) West coast of Ava, by Capt. Geo. Hayter, 1757, 58. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Siriam or Syrian River in Pegn ; Martavan River; Tavay River, by Capt. Palairet, 1753. (Dalrymple, 1775.) Coast of Ava, by Alex. Sibbald ; Coast of Ava with the islands and rocks from Pagoda Point to Church Rock, by A. Dalrymple, 1765 ; Thomas Taylor, 1753; and the entrance of Pers Baker. (Dalrymple, 1774, 84.) Negrais and adjacent parts, by Capt. James Gray Wragg ; track of the “ Nassau” through the Cocos Islands, by Mr. William Greer, 1779 ; the river of Persaim, by Capt. George Baker, with some additions by Alex. Sibbald, 1754; chart of the « Neptunes ” track off’ Diamond Island. (Dalrymple, 17735, 84, 86.) Northern part of the Bay of Bengal, laid down chiefly from the surveys made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John Ritchie, with the names of’ the islands, rivers, and creeks from Sagor to Chittagong. (Dalrymple, 1772.) Negrais to the island of Carnicobar, by John Ritchie, 1771; Andaman Islands, by Capt. John Ritchie, 1771, from the MS. at the East India House, (Dal- rymple, 1784, 1785.) The Passage between Negrais and the Andaman, by Alex. Sibbald; Andaman Islands, from a Portuguese MS. ; West Coast of Andaman, by Capt. James Gray Wragg, 1771 ; view of Great Andaman with the soundings in the “ Lord Mansfield,” by Capt. Alex. McCleod, 1764. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Track of the Stretham, Capt. H. Gough, Dec. 1708: Channel through the Andamans passed by Capt. (leagh, 1764 ; Carnicobar Island, from an English MS.; Track through the Andamans, by Capt. John Ashbridge, 1775; Channel between Great and Little Andaman Islands, by George Boswald, 1759, 60. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Nicobar Islands, with a plan of the Harbour between the islands and Trincutte. (Gregory, 1777.) Nicobar Islands, by Capt. Robt. Lindsay, 1758 ; Bay on the east side of the Island Camorta, by James Rennell, 1762, (Dalrymple, 1782, 84.) Negrais Harbour, by aim River, by Capt. George Nacavary, Soury, INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. Noncowrey Harbour, by Capt. R. Lindsay, 1758; Noncowrey Harbour, by John Ritchie. (Dalrymple, 1782.) Carnicobar, by Phineas Hunt, 1769 ; Nicobar Islands, by John Ritchie, 1771, two editions. (Dalrymple, 1784, 85, 86.) Malacea Strait, &e. No title or imprint. XIV. «To the Honble. the Court of Directors for the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indes ; this chart of the Straits of Malacca constructed from the best authority’s extant is most humbly dedicated by . . . William Herbert, 1752.” Jan Sylan to Queda, by Thomas Forest ; Bass Harbour, 20 miles west of Queda in the Strait of Malacea. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Part of the Islands Cardiman, or Carimon, and Sabon at the entrance of the Strait of Malacca, from the Dutch ; Island Barella or Farella, off Jambey River, on the east side of Sumatra, from Thornton, 1703 ; Harbour on the south part of the Great Rajdangh Island, 1764. (Dalrymple, 1774, 84.) Quedah Road, by Capt. Asbridge ; Pulo Penang, by Capt. Walter Alves, 1763 ; South part of Pulo Pinam or Pinang, from a French MX. (Dalrymple, 1781, 86. gh Islands in the Strait of Malacca, by Mr. Rennell, 1763 ; Strait between Point Romania and the Islands, by Capt. Walter Alves, 1763. (Dalrymple, 1782.) Gulf of Siam. No title or imprint. XXII. A correct'Chart of the China Seas, containing the coasts of Tsiompa, Cochin China, the Gulf of Tonquin, part of the coast of China, and the Philippin Islands. XXIII A Chart of the China Sea. Inscribed to M. D’Aprés de Mannevillette, the in- genious author of the Neptune Oriental . . ., by A. Dalrymple, 1771. With numerous tracks of vessels. Part of the coast of China and the Mizen, by A. Dalrymple, 1759, 60, 64. Coasts of China and Formosa. (Gregory 1780.) XXVL t side of Pulo Anore, by William Nichelson, master of » 1763. This island is off the east coast of the Malay adjacent islands, from Pedro Blanco to the Bay on the gsouth-wes {I.M.S. « Elizabeth,’ Peninsula. Bay on the south-west Padaran Bay on the coast o of Cochin China, due west Gore and Philip Bromfield, then officers in the ship ¢ (Dalrymple, 1774, 80, 82.) by John Walsh, 1719; South-east coast of Hainan, from a Swedish C. G. Ehberg, with additions in 1760; South Naytiou, from a Swedish MS., «Karl of Sandwich,” 1776. side of the Island of Timoan, by W. Nichelson, 1763. f Tsiompa, from Van Keulen; Harbour on the coast of Cape Varella; Turon Harbour, by Capt. Arthur Admiral Pocock,” 1764. Tonqueen Bar, chart made in 1742, by Capt. coast of Hainan, from Tinhoza to the Bay of 1785 ; and another from observations in the ship (Dalrymple, 1774, 86.) Yu-lin-kan Bay on the south coast of Hainan, by M.Omerat, 1760 ; Tien-pe-hien on the coast of China, by Capt. Geo. Stainforth ; Galloon or Gelang Bay; Southern coasts of the islands between St. Johns and the Ladrone, by John Paskall Larkins. (Dalrymple, 1780.) Entrance of Aimoey Harbour, of Chinchew River, &ec., from Van Keulen ; Harbour of Chusan in China, by John Clements, 1756; Coast of China, from Kittow Point to Limpo River, by Ferdinando Wallis, 1755. (Dalrymple, 1783.) Part of the Coast of China, by Felis passage, 1765; Coast of China, Hocsien and the mouths of the (Dalrymple, 1784.) Shitoe Bay on the island of St. Islands to the South-east of Lantao, fr Mendoga, 1760 ; Capt. Alves’s sketch of his River Chang in the Province of FFokyen. John’s on the south coast of China, by J. P. Larkins: om a Chinese MS., communicated by Pilot adjacent to Hongai Island, 1759 ; Bay of DALRYMPLE'S CHARTS, 575 Yasou, 1760 ; pl sou, ; plan of the Typa, near M in Chi s ) , near Macao in ’ . 1759.” (Dalrymple, 1750, S05 China, by Capt. George Baker, Aampo or Ning-po River i i ) o in the Province of Techeki i i J _ Clan Epo eof Tchekiang in China, by Capt. John hart of Faveau’s Vo aveau’s Voyage along the South Coast of P i le ~ Oh ", * . Pung e ins arag ‘ *hili i Whi, Totnes d from the original MS. (Dalrymple 1780) In fe Plittpime Juerto de Apra on the Island Gus i : rto sle xuahan, by Ant 1 733; Tini 1767 ; Channel between the I io Bes, ans Hamby J L-hennel 1 the Islands ] and Bashe . 2 i 7 the ] No upniss Islands, 1769. (Dalrymple, 1784.) aon pitt Lan a ¢ . n a . : " “ye . ? * } yo M nila, capital of the Philippine Islands. XXIV. Pulo C > east end of the Gulph of Siam. No date. XXV on Aa be ae Hahn of Subec, near Manilla. (Gregory, 1787.) » Port o Jamioui : anes : “Si 2 vain, one of the Babuyanes, between Luzon and Form Gentil ' the Ee oo I 43, at the north-east end of Luzon, from M. Lo > ; the chief ports on the coast "locos i / 8 MS. Port of Sores by Don eo aon itn Born Sat Mus % ) : : ML L Gralves; ort of Lubec, near Manilla, 176 5 Bayh D’Apres. (Dalrymple, 1782.) i J gig i ay ‘alap: tl "Mi 3 go N ? non fn north coast of Mindoro, from an English MS. ; pl f St. « acinto on I'icao, by J. D. of the « Panther,” m: et a1 and (Dalrymple, 1774.) wa Mariveles Bay, by C M: s Bay, by Commodore John Watson and A 76 ) SR atson and A. D., 1764; Capa L Is auzon, by n Manuel Galves; Batancas Bs: : sing I a A nny Bo oh bp Cay WY Doun 1 Zor! 8, on M: gue Island ; Palaon Be i ‘ ” I'home Gaspar de Leon, &e. (Dalrymple, 1782.) Bay en Mindoro, hy Sorsog ar ; v8 » Tso Haehonsy Luzon ; Port of Seeseeran, Luzon ; Port of Palapa: B : , . 4 yr A » ¥ ¥ € i wg, By t. Miguel de Naga; Lampon Bay, by Manuel Galves, 175 a 1774.) ; ralves, 1754. (Dalrymple, Part of Borneo a 5 Ds 20 and the Sooloo Archip P ) : ! elago, b ry ; : I'he Sooloo Archipelaga, by A. Porras 1761 v PE fais . Jams Rennel ; Sooloo Road. (Dalrymple rr) lid i “clicia and Balambangan, north of Born alambangan, 1 of Bor r 77 Folie nn i Borneo, by A. Dalrymple, 1770. Boas bliishe jorneo and Banca, by Mr. John Powell, 1758, 59. E sil tween ambeesan Island and Oorsane in Borneo 1764 ; Harb ’ Me ax . -0at "Borneo N a : dakin, nor th east of Borneo; North Harbour of Balambang: 1765, 64 gi (Dalrymple, 1785.) os. o Bay @ tivers of Y ; ) Tao Tw I a poloté on Palawan or Paragua, by Don Thomas de Cast 573; Dalawan Bay on the south-east of Balal : ad Re . ip : 3 south-eas jalabac Isle 3 Is gis : " in China Sea. (Dalrymple, 1774, 85.) RE Ande] Shovs 3alabac and part of the East Coast of P 0d ast Coast of Palawan, by Do io ’ or yy by Don Antonio Faveau Quesada, ort Sta. Mari: > wes st of wh Maria % the west coast of Mageendanao or Mindanao; part of tl oh bast of | indanao town and port on the Bay of Pachiri in D he Las , by Don Pedro Gastambide, 1762 ; Maloza Bay on Basseel: 1, Ay « V. Aves 1764. (Dalrymple, 1782.) Sn Jy Lan Surigas Bay ; Cagayan Bay; Panguyl B ig: y ; Cagay: ay ; Panguyl Bay: ¢ i ‘ Es guyl Bay ll on Mindanao. (Dalrymple, Abai Harbour on tl : : 1c North-west Coast of Borne Has rne ames R 76 i Jorneo, by James Rennell, 1762. M: tiv. hy : f Taloodoo Bay, by John Roberts ; North-west coast of Borneo, fr C River to Oosookan Island ; Port and River of Borneo (D I Re are! 5. 0s0 : 3 and k 20. alrymple, 177 Shand of Palawan, by James Barton, 1774. (Dalrymple, 1781 % Pie) 1e “ Cuddalore’s ” track along the west it of | in I ack along th st coast of Palaws: ce 176 ai o Palawan in December 1761, by The easternmost par ; i e easter st part of the East Indies, from the Island Zelo: i i | o ee Th ; sland Zeloan to Amoy in China, Sts of Bali. (Gregory, 1779.) Vest cons : 1 . nh , apo of Lomboc k ; Strait of Allass, by Mr. George Robertson, 1781 ; Vi of Bally High Hill, by Capt. T. Forest. (Dalrymple, 1782, 84.) Ba TRih Yew ” vy { . VS NSS. sm A A A AED BASE TR OR RR SR RE TR . wd 4 . ad GAY g BAAN SIT? 576 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. Sumbawa Road, from a Dutch MS. ; Strait of Sapy, by A. Dalrymple, 1761 ; Sapy Bay, by Mr. Thomas Welladvice, 1780 ; Water Bay, in Sumbawa, by Charles Christie, 1780; Part of Sumbawa, by Charles Christie, 1780. (Dal- rymple, 1783.) West coast of Celebes 1786.) Bay of Bony on the south p: 1786.) Strait of Solor, from a Portuguese MS. (Dalrymple, 1781.) Straits of Solor, from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple, 1780.) Aligator Bay on Floris Island ; Coast of Floris from Peninsula Point to Mangrove Harbour ; Mangrove Harbour, by A. Dalrymple, 1761. "Turatte Bay on the south coast of Celebes, 1761 ; Straits of Salayr, by Com. J. Watson, 1764 ; Bonthain Bay on the south coast of Celebes; Castricom’s Bay on Celebes : Part of the East Coast of Celebes; Selang Harbour, by Capt. Thos. Forrest. (Dalrymple, 1781, 84.) South part of Celebes, from a Dutch printed chart, &e. ; Islands and shoals to the westward of Celebes, from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple, 1786.) South-west coast of Celebes from an old Dutch MS. in Christchurch College, Oxford ; South coast of Celebes, from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple, 1786, 87.) Kanary Islands north of Mysol, by Capt. Thos. Forrest ; views of Baber Island, Amboina from a MS. at the East India House, and Castle Victoria. (Dalrymple, 1781-83.) West end of Timor ; Mangaray (Dalrymple, 1786.) West part of New Guine rymple, 1781.) Great Bay on the north side of New Strait of Galowa called Revenges Strait, rymple, 1781.) Carteret’s Harbour in St. George’s Gower’s Harbour in New Britain, 1767 ; Mackrel DB: South Coast of New Guinea, from Dampier ; Port Montague on from Dampier; Bay Choiseuil, from Bougainville’s voyage ; Port Praslin, 1 (Dalrymple, 1781, 82.) Islands of Aiou or Yowl, Pulo Syang, N.E. of Gibby; part of Efbe Island near Mysol ; Rawak Harbour on the north side of Waygiou; Dory Harbour, New Guinea ; all by Capt. T. Forrest, 1775. (Dalrymple, 1781.) Part of New Guinea, from an old Dutch MS. ; Port of Geby in the Maluco Islands, 1772; Port of Island Faux. (Dalrymple, 1779.) } Byron's Harbour on St. Cruz Island, 1767 ; Swallow or Water Bay on St. Cruz Island, 1767 ; Bay of Lauriston on New Zeland, from a French MS., 1769. (Dalrymple, 1781.) s Abrolhos near the West Coast of New Holland from Van Keulen ; Houtman’s Dangerous rocks off the coast of New Holland, seen in the ¢ London,” Capt. nglish ship ¢ Tryall ” was lost in Daniel, 1687 ; Tryall Rocks where the E 1622, 80 leagues west from New Holland ; Rottenest Island, New Holland, and Black Swan River from Vankeulen ; Island St PPoulo or Amsterdam from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple, 1781.) Edel’s Land discovered 1619 ; West Coast of New Holland from Van Keulen. (Dalrymple, 1779.) Plan of Acheen Road with the islands adjacent. (Gregory, 1780.) XIII. Balumbang River; Crozet’s anchorage on the east side of Banka, 1773; Months of the Straits of Malacca and Banka, to the coast of Borneo, by M. ID’ Apres. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Strait of Sunda, &e. No title or imprint. XIX. Straits of Banca. (Gregory, 1780.) XX. , from Tanakeke to Mandhar, from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple, wt of Celebes, from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple, and Sumba with Timor and adjacent islands, a and adjacent Straits, from a Dutch MS., 1705. (Dal- Guinea, from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple, 1781.) by Com. John Watson, 1764. (Dal- Sound, New Britain, 1767 ; English Cove and iy and Water Bay on the New Britain, 769. DALRYMPLE'S CHARTS. 577 The seas between the Strai > seas between the Straits of Banca and P i i as b ( g anca ¢ ulo mim yee ren Tn I with the eastern part of a and the Java Sea. No title or imprint. XVII Joust of Java from Bantam to Batavia. (Gregory rT Straits of Sunda and Banka by A. D I m ) ro 17243 a ‘ : ay . Dalrymple, 1786 Straits of Sunda with part of the N A 0 tt 83 “bil at North Coast of the Island of Java as fi ; ate a. regory 1780. XVIII Java as 1ar as Junk Seilon and a, . No impri t. (XIX vies ep ra int. (X11) X Endy of Dryon, 1765. (W. Herbert.) FRY. ‘rom Lingen to Borneo includi 3 i 1 g ncluding Banka, Billet : ri 3 Reomln, (Dalrymple, 1786.) 2 AD 200 Colony ro Won oad of Batavia and plan of the Ci atavia : ie City. alry > Batavia Road from ; Dntch MS v (Duy, 138) ls Hoad 4 i n iy MS. : Zutphen or Hounds Island off the S.E part amatra ; Li: oon Bay on the south part of Su ple. 1774 Phckinwintd Ba ; Sumatra. (Dalrymple, 177 1 np AN-0¢ A Fappanooly on the west coast of Sumatra : oa ok a : TAC : a i Soy . oy ASAT 3 7 : ng 1c wind the west coast of Sumatra ; North part of Pooloo Navas : To io the west coast of Sumatra. (Dalrymple, 1774.) yam Tat of Sami, west coast. No title or imprint. XVI Cons Sumatra fr ‘hee Ji A walnt, neh of Sum ira from Acheen Head to Diamond point, by Capt. George Bak Ane rom Point Pedro to Passeir, by Capt. George French 1784 ; 1 As T Road, from the French. (Dalrymple, 1785.) ® 315% and 59 Aches rack » "i acmarin 17a 0 | : % k oh Mascarin, 1773 Capt. Gaspar’s track; track of the * Glatton.” 5 d i? 779 ; Strait of Chinabata or Banka. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Dm, ulo Nayas; S. Leaga DB: res i i a LL aga Bay on the west coast of Sumatra; passage between tl islands of Great Fortune, lying off the west coast of Sumatra 1769 ag A atra, 1769. (Dalrymple, Cartman Jans Lubeck or Babean:; Balumbouang Bay in the Strait of Ball » » . ¥ » . ate 2, r 1 } , : ’ g : 3 urtle Bay ; Patietan Bay; Flittermous Bay: all on the south coas rn Dos, rae) A 8 1 coast of Java. Padang, the chief settle ' adang, settlement of the Dutch Comp: ang, ihe chief the company on the west coast of Sumatrs Priaman and I'icoo Islands, 1762; also Ayer-Bongy, on the he Sof Sumas rymple, 1774.) ye Rss in coast of Borneo, by Capt. George Baker. (Dalrymple, 1786.) atsictam Bay, Turtle Bay, Vinkops i ' Sor sic Ys ay, kops or Wine-coopers Point and B i a : ES reads . : ; > : ay Dirck Vries and Maurice Bays: all in Java; Mew Bay, in the Strait of Sunda phox an ) t Sunda, (Dal- nds pour on the west coast of Sumatra ; from Indrapour Point to Pad: Ui Coast and Islands adjacent to Padang; Plan of Padang fr hg wn ok ly Or g adang from Van Keulen. Islands of Pora or G 3 slands a or (Good Fortune, and Pogoys or Nas nd , and Poggys or Nassau, by Capt. Jol "hi gs. Fa. 07 GH0d 2a) , by Capt. John W Wi 5 50; Hurlock’s Bay on the Island of Good Fortune; Se hom Bay ley ay . rte » , My : 3 oe I Jay, and Hurlock’s Bay on the Island of Good Fortune. (Dalrymple Ty sland Engano on the west coast of Sumatra, by C. G. Wahlfeldt, 1m] : fl 2 rN IT YOAs ' | re ; 1 py ’ : 3 : ny on the south-east coast of Kugano ; Keeling or Cocos Islands, from V: Ke oy with a view and notes. (Dalrymple, 1774, 87.) ’ i ge, )], 8 Conan Co r . pr ? : Plan of ( roee, by C. John Watson, 1762; the Harbour of Pulo Pisano: Caw or Sambat Bay, Poolo Bay near Bencoolen : all in Sumatra (Dal le To R a. alrymple, 1774, Keyser’s Ba * S 3illimbi yser’s Bay or Semanko ; Billimbing Bay; Bencoonat Bay: all i : (Dalrymple, 1774.) T Y Bay: all in Sumatra. Clements Strait to tl y "Billi 7 ) s Str ie west of Billiton, 1781 ; track of yin oe : i track of the Hector” west of . Billiton, 1759. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Redon? Mest I'wo charts of the track of the French ships Elephant ” and ¢ Camel » j Carimata Channel, 1759; three charts of the “ Osterly’s” track tl wor ifn same channel. (Dalrymple, 1786.) hc Harbour of Se Laubo Laubo, North Poggy Island, 1750 ; Harbour on the E i of South Poggy Island ; Secockup Strait, Poggy Islands by C..John White Se Nil . nO ke {12d i nm A a ion ¥ " Heway 1750; Secockup Strait, by Capt. Thos. Forrest ; Mazular, by Capt Th yo Forrest. (Dalrymple, 1782.) foi Su (1767) 00 RP Ta A A SD gr rt wih mt abr ee en ap (pi ER is: iat pellet in ey RR RE TR TT - ” - 578 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &ec. The Peninsula of India done from the Plans and Journals deposited in the Marine Office for the use of the French King’s Ships, by order of the Duke de Praslin superintendent of the Marine in 1766. By the Seur Bellin, Engineer. The same rendered into English by W. H. (Herbert). EAST INDIA PILOT. A collection of CHARTS bound together in two large volumes, lettered on the back EAST INDIA « PILOT. VOL. L., commences with a series of charts by William Heather, viz. :— An outline chart to prick off a ship’s tracks. Entrances to the Thames, 1801. The Downs and Margate Roads, 1797. Spithead, 1797. Portland, Plymouth, and Falmouth, 1797. The English Channel, 1801. The Atlantic Ocean, North and South, 1801. Madeira and the Canary Islands. Cape of Good Hope and Mozumbique Passage, &e., 1796. Indian Ocean, 1799. China Seas, 1799. Eastern Straits to China Seas, 1800, Then follows a selection of Dalrymple’s Charts, numbered 98 to 602, and illustrating the islands and shores of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, from the Azores to Malacca Straits. VOL. 1I., consists of illustrating the navigation eastward, incluc Australia and California. a continuation of Dalrymple’s Charts, numbered 603 to 1106, and ling the China Seas, the Archipelago, 5. Captain Horsburgh's Charts, 1810-1830. EAST INDIA PILOT. A collection of CHARTS in one large volume, half bound and lettered on the back « EAST INDIA « PILOT” and supplied to the ship ¢ Castle Huntly.” This set contains several of Dalrymple’s Charts, but it also includes many others of later date and different style, published by Captain Horsburgh, who succeeded Mr. Dalrymple as Hydrographer to the East India Company in 1810, and who rapidly supplanted the very numerous but indiscriminate publications of his indefatigable predecessor. Dalrymple’s practice was to publish every Chart that came into his hands ; besides which he often produced very interesting comparative Charts of the same locality by different authorities, old and new. His favourite function was collection and speedy distri- bution rather than criticism. Iorsburgh, on the other hand, only published Charts of the best authority. The surveys of Court, Ross, Drucks, Maxfield, Haines, Moresby, and others, were among Horshurgh’s publications, as Hydrographer to the East India Company, and examples of the works of these surveyors are in this volume. CONTENTS :— Directions for sailing, by the Longships light, with a chart. October, 1795.) Trigometrical survey of Widemouth or Royal Sovereigns Shoal, by Col. M. Beaufoy, 1815. Directions for the Needle Channel with a plan of the leading lights. House, Sept. 1812.) (Trinity House, (Trinity HORSBURGH’S y YH’S CHARTS. 579 Views seensi ¢ ) Nes bi Sg Dalrymple, 1 Sor) St. Helena Bay. (Dalrymple, 1791 ) J Ss bay and the adjacent coasts from the Lizard to Cape Cornwa od 5 ps 12 : Az » Cape Cornwal, surveye John Thomas, John Nancarrow, and Dyonisius Williams and first wikis : 9 1751. (J. Rennell, 1793.) : jh “pind Soundings and dangers around the Isl ) gs and dangers : > Island St. Helena, by Mr. George : ” 3 y, > “ Norantiborliog 1815. (Horsburgh, 1517) I Shon, sank of Lagullus and South coast of Afri ; jank of Lo Sou as ca, by J. Renne 78-1797 False Bay, by A. Dalrymple, 1775-1799, Ta goons of a Beacon on Whittle Rocks, False Bay, 1811 Dyess tio} Bay) Neat, by David Inverarity, 1803. (Dalrymple 1806.) ‘th-west coast of Madagascar, by David Inverarity a Syerthaess o ] o y D: i arity. (Dalrymple ) Tok Bay, Cape of Good Hope, by Capt. W. F. W Owen ate) Foams anchorage at Gough’s Island, with a view. (Horshurgh 1816 ) hind Islands, Doddington Rock, &e., 1814. (Horsburgh 1816 y, 7 ; outh-east Coast of Africa; Plan and View of the River Kaysna, by W. Walker aie R.N. (Horsburgh, 1818.) A i he, Nareenda Bay and Luza River, on the N.W. C : Bay nz ; sy N.W. Coast Tadagasc i Inverarity, 1803. (Dalrymple, 1806.) a, i Dan 1:0 o Mayota, five plans. (Dalrymple, 1786.) assandava, &e., N.W. Coast of Madagascar, by Davi y i NG fori gascar, by David Inverarity, 1803. (Dal- Moelali or Mohila, and West side of Mayotta. (Dalrymple, 1807.) Delagoa Bay, by David Inverarity. (Dalrymple, 1806.) i Ton Bay, by David Inverarity. (Dalrymple 18C6.) Lanzibar Road, by Austin Bissell 1799 ; Zanzi Inland, 4 1, sell, 1799 5 Zanzibar Island, by the same : Rodrieues Wu Dies Rais, from D’Aprés. (Dalrymple, 1792.) ee LB es Mothurin Bay on Roderigue Island, by Lier 1. Gr 1.C (Horshurgh, 1818.) 2 , by Lieut. J. H. Grubb, H.E.I.C, 1810. Mozembique Harbour, by D. Inverarity, 1802. (Dalrymple, 1806.) Island of Bourbon, by M. I’Apres. (Dalrymple, 1794.) re Mauritius, by ID’Abbé de la Caille, 1753. Dalrymple, 1794.) Cis to accompany the observations of Capt. Moresby, C.B., 1822. In th Sastern part of the Indian Ocean, including Zanzibar, Sevel ou 3 in &c. (Horsburgh, 1824.) ling Zanzibar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Ceast of Persia from Ras T' Jushi i ast Si as Tuloop to Bushire, by Lieuts. G. B. Brucks, : X TLELC, 1526. (Horsursh, 1498) » by G. B. Brucks, and R. Cogan, N.W. ( oast of Mauritius, by John Blake, 1738: (Dalrymple, 1794.) or Louis in Mauritius, by M. De Boisquenay, 1771, 75 1e African Islands, about 6 leagues N.N.I. of the S nal tbout 6 leagues N.N.E. of the Seychelles. (Dalrymple, Goa and Murmagoa Roads, by D. Inverarity, 1812. (Horsburgh, 1816.) ( oast of Arabia in the Gulf of Persia, by Lieuts. J. M. Guy G. B Brucks and o B ( gan, H.E.I.C., 1822, five sheets. (Horsburch. 1826 } Ei Muttra and Muscat Harbours, by Licuts. Brucks and Haines 2 1.C A , by Jrucks and Haines, H.E.I.C., 1828. Gulf of Cutch, by Lieut. Middleton, H.E.I.C 2 itch, by L “) , HELC., 1821. (Horsburgh, 182: uth part of the Maldives. (Dalrymple, 1799.) S50 arbour at the Island of Piram in the entrance of > : ’ ) ance of the Red Sea, als ar Babelmandel. (Dalrymple, 1802.) be Sl Rone Islands and dangers N.E. of Madagascar. (Dalrymple, 1784.) {sland and Harbour of Bahrein, Persian Gulf, by Lieuts. B H.E.LC., 1825. (Horsburgh, 1825.) } Battnah or Burka Coast, N.W. of Muscat. (Horsburch, 1831.) Musas Cove and Mutrah Harbour, by John McCluer, 1785. (Dalrymple, 1786.) Iead of the Gulf of Persia, by Lieut. John McCluer. (Dalrymple "1786 Sidi Moana Road, Red Sea. (Dalrymple 1804.) a 2 Larbour of Grane or Quade, Per jan Gulf i uy rs Quade, Persian Gulf, by Lieuts. Guy and Brucks 5.1.C nan ar Quy , by y and Brucks, H.E.L.C., rucks and Rogers, 00 2 580 Track of the ship INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. ¢ Pearl,” near some dangerous shoals in the Gulf of Persia, by T. D. Lippiatt, 1796. (Dalrymple, 1797.) Part of the Coast of Madura, by Capt. James Horsburgh, 1801. (Dalrymple, 1802. Part of us Persian Gulf, by John McCluer, 1786, 87. (Dalrymple, 1788.) Chart intended as an accompaniment to the Book of Directions for navigating to and from, and in the East Indies, by James Horsburgh, 1816. El Katiff, by Lieuts. Brucks and Rogers, H.E.L.C., 1823. (Horsburgh, 1828.) Angenweel Harbour, by Lieut. Rogers, H.E.LC., 1826. (Hoersburgh, 1828.) Mouth of the Merjee River, Malabar, by Capt. I. Heywood, R.N., 1803. (Dal- rymple, 1806.) Coast of Madura, rymple, 1798.) Tutacorin, by John Wedgbrough, 1796. (Dalrymple, 1798.) Part of the West Coast of Ceylon, by John Wedgbrough, 1795, 96. 1798. Point 2 Galle Harbour, by Capt. D. Inverarity, 1800. (Dalrymple, 1804.) Shoal and Soundings between Ceylan and the little Basses. (Dalrymple, 1796.) Ceylon, from Columbo to Point Pedro, and Point Pedro to Tranquebar, by Capt. Heywood, R.N. (Dalrymple, 1806.) Batacaloo Road on Ceylan. (Dalrymple, 1805.) Part of the Coast of Ceylan, the approaches to Trincoma Robertson. (Dalrymple, 18C0.) Road and River of Batacolo, by P. Heywood, 1802. Bay of Bengal, by James Horsburgh, 1825. Rangoon River, by Capt. D. Ross, F.R.S., Marine Surveyor-General, 1825. (Horsburgh, 1827.) Chart from observations by the late Capt. Charles Court, Marine Surveyor- General, the coast of Tavoy. (Rorsburgh, 1826.) Mootapilly Bay, by Charles Court, Captain Bombay Marine, veyor General, 1816. (Horsburgh, 1830.) Entrance to the Gulf of Persia and Coast 0 Muscat, by Com. G. B. Brucks, and Lieut. S. B. (Horsburgh, 1831.) Bushire Roads, by Lieuts. G. B. Brucks and R. Cogan, H. E. 1. C. Marine, 1826. (Horsburgh, 1828.) Ventoos Bay on the east coast of Ceylan, by P. Heywood. Dalrymple, 1805.) Tavoy River, by Lieut. R. Moresby, 1824. (Horsburgh, 1827.) North End of Ceylan, by P. Heywood, 1802; and Negapatam Road, by T. G. Shortland, 1803. (Dalrymple, 1805.) Martaban River. (Horsburgh, 1826.) Track of the H. C. Ship « Nearcus.” in search of the London Bank, with a sketch of the coast of Coromandel from Pulicat shoal to Armegon Hill, as also the Amegon Shoal and Reef and Point Pondy, &ec., by Marine Surveyor General, 1821. (Horsburgh, 1822.) Negapatam Road, by George Trotter, 1782. (Dalrymple. 1785.) Coasts of Galeonda and Orixa, by John Thornton, and Orixa, by John Ritchie, 1771; 1771; Coremandell, from Fort St. Gx 1703 ; Armegon Shoals, by A. Fisherman, about 1 Reef and Point of Palmiras, by Capt. Charles Court, from Manapar to Baypar, by John Wedgbrough, 1796. (Dal (Dalrymple, lee, by Capt. Geo. (Dalrymple, 1804.) and Marine Sur- f Arabia, from Ras Goberindee to Baines, IH. C. Marine, 1828. 762. (Dalrymple, 1784.) Capt W. Maxfield, Deputy 1703 : Coasts of Choromandel Coringo and Vizagapatam Road, by Ritchie, reorge to Visiagapatam, by John Thornton, Marine Surveyor in Bengal, HORSBURGH’S CHART TS. 581 A Survey from False Poi y e Point Palmiras to S Ber ie apt as to Sauger Roads, includi : nth 7 2abs 18 the Sea Reefs, and exhibiting the tails wy Paks fre- Ls ae 1annel, and Lacam’s Channel, by Capt. W. M: wy Soe as did iin Surveyor General. N.W. Sheet oh 181 Se re Kyook 11 0 S nt wamree Harbour, by Lieut. R. Lloyd lin > Coast of a : al hi on the coast of Arracan A DS 1329) 04s rom Calventuras to Di: (Ts ith a pl ) ase, 3 Yom Cal b> Diamond Island a ple } ! PT goun Craving, ap Bombay Marine, 1826, i a Caomne, eo, epper Ports, on the West C ast of S ht N 1821. (Horshurgh, 1822.) 4% West Const of Sammie, iy Sed Athiiore Nanc ar ; ! ! Shot 2 (SW) of Mstolie Mex. Kyd, 1790. (Dalrymple, 1792.) 2 (S.W. Maxfield’s Survey fr ‘als : Wo £ Neha Rouse (Dalrymple, oh ig False Point to Sauger. in o ngles from Pulo Pin: a . Fvernty, (Dalrymple, 1804.) ang to the westernmost Torres, by David ‘mee of Wales’ Island or PP eT i oT) wd or Poolo Peenang, by Archibald Blair, 1787 (Dalrymple For and South Sands in the Strait of Malacca, by Dani “ urgh, 1820.) ca, by Daniel Ross, 1819, (Hors- Sheet 3 (Eastern) of Maxfield's Survev f: , : 1519.) ) ixfield’s Survey from False Point to Sauger. (Horsburgh Passage to the southw i - g } § ard of Pulo Bintang : 3 (Dalrymple, 1804.) 6 Bingang and Pula Gallatt, by David Inverarity Sine of Dryon. (Dalrymple, 1803.) Jas ast of Sumatra fr i d as, ot Saaina fi om Diamond Point to the southern e * Ss s, by William Rose and Robert Moresh Lie : J gnitanes of Brewers . 22. (Iorshurgh, 1824.) sby, Lieuts. of the H. C. Marine, 0as -abia, fr put of Arabia, from Rus Goberhindee to Ras Sonote, by C nase oast, from ] artaban to Tavoy Point ati Soa Ses yor General, 1828. Sheet 1. Tr nis lig Dare} Ross, F.R.S., Marine agape Inthoun Capt. D. Ross, 1819 Gord Y) 1820 : of Angles and track of Soundings fr : Sra, 1520. avi y 3 ’ B 0 ¢ JOCK Sli i 0 us Vv Tovepans (Dalrymple, 1804 ) tn Heyeos Yomi so Behn Road, by shart ¢ » Strail * Malaces ; Postage sas BOW of Malacea, by Archibald Blair. (Dalrymple, 1805. Sagem | Ajony Bon and Puloo Barellah, to the WL oy Wo Pu urian, by W. S, Collinson and Mores} oa Snitonce othe “ 823. esby, Lieuts. Bombay Marine whoals west of y Islands ; : 98 we t of the Islands at the South end of Mindor 1 7 2 (Dalrymple, 1800.) Mindoro, by James Horsburgh, racks between Sooloo and Mindoro in 17 : (Dalrymple, 1799.) indoro in 1792 and 93, by James Horsbureh arbour and Ci "Macao, : . 2 aol ity of Macao, a Portuguese colony in the south i C a, om a Spanish MS., by Don Manuel d part of the Empire E ype, 1805.)] ® Agar, Siu, 1792, (Dal- tarl Spencer’s Keys by Ch. S. Timi idshi r Dalrynasl 1803) © Timing, Midshipman, H.M.S. Suffolk,” 1796 accadive Islands, by Rob : ert Moresby, Lie > 1.C (Horshurgl, 150) Ioresby, Lieut. H.E.I.C., Marine Service, 1828 Abpo Shoal and Islands adjacent, by Lieut. Ross, 1816 Hors ut end of Sanguey and islands between it ar 1 ™ { lorsivirgh, 1817.) rymple, 1804.) and Siac, by P. Heywood. (Dal- 1817. Andaman Islands, surveyed at the charge of the Kast India Company, by order of Charles Marquis Cornwallis, K.G., and partially revised and corrected in 1793, by Andaman Islands, pl. 3. Andaman Islands, pl. 4. Part of the Coast of the Great Andaman, &c. Gov.-Gen. in Council, in 1789 and 1790, Pollock Bay on the Island Magindan: Archibald Blair. (Dalrymple.) 2 1805.) agindanao, by P. Heywood, 1798. (Dalrymple uast Coast of the Mal Yaninenle ho : r Marine, 1820. ay Peninsula, by John Crawford, Lieut. IH. C. Bombay (Dalrymple, 1795.) Track of H.M. ship “ Fox ” to the attack of Samb: B® by P. Heywood. (Dalrymple, 1804) oon the Island Mageendanao, LE CE BRK = Mma Ae TERRA INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. Arroa Islands in the Strait of Malacca, by Capt. D. Ross, 1819. (Horsburgh, 1820. 4% a » track along the west coast of Palawan in December 1761, by A. Dalrymple, 1769. : Channel west of Romania Reef, surveyed by D. Ross, Commr. H. C. Marine, 1818. (Horsburgh, 1819.) Sooloo Archipelago chiefly from observations in 1761, 1762, 1763, and 1764, by A. Dalrymple, 1771. East Coast of Borneo and adjacent Seas, by Capt. 1788.) John Thompson. (Dalrymple, Tavoy to Mergui, by Daniel Ross, F.R.S., Marine Surveyor Tenasserim Coast from General, 1828. Sheet 2. (Horsburgh, 1829.) , by Daniel Ross, &c., 1828. Sheet 3. (Horsburgh, Part of the Mergui Archipelago, 1830.) Hastings Harbour Daniel Ross, F.R.S., Marine Surveyor General, 1828. Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait, and the southernmost promontory o James Horsburgh, 1826. The ship “ Anna’s” tracks through the Strait of Maccassar, 1792, 93. (Dalrymple, 1800.) Track and discoveries of the H.E.LC. under the command of Lieut. John McCluer, 1790, 91, an 1792.) Track from Strait of Allas to t (Dalrymple, 1799.) Track from New Guinea to Salombo, by James Horsburgh, 1793. (Dalrymple, 1800.) Tracks through the Eastern Islands, 1801.) Strait of Alass, by Wm. Palmer, 1792. (Dalrymple, 1796.) Strait of Allass, with description by Horsburgh. (Dalrymple, 1798.) Straits of Bally, by John Crawfard, Lieut. H.C. Marine. (Horsburgh, 1816.) Sapy Bay in Sumbawa, by Mr. Thos. Welladvice in the Glatton,” Capt., Clements, 1780. Also part of Sapy Bay, and Water Bay, by C. Christie. (Dalrymple, in the Mergui Archipelago, and the adjacent islands, by Capt. (Horsburgh, 1829.) f Asia, by by James Horsburgh, cruizers © Panther ” and ¢ Endeavour n d 92. (Dalrymple, he Island Bouro, by Capt. George Palmer, 1797. by Capt. Edward Studd, 1797. (Dalrymple, 1783. Part ot the Islands eastward of Bintang, by Capt. D. Ross, 1819. (Horshurgh, 1820.) Position of the Ilchester’s Shoal, by Capt. D. Ross, 1819. (Horsburgh, 1820.) Baring’s Bay on Sandalwood Island, 1790. (Dalrymple, 1792.) Copang Bay on the Island of Timor, taken in ILM.S. «Leopard ” with a view, 1791-92. (Dalrymple, 1792.) Singapore Harbour and the islands in its vicinity, by Daniel Ross, I.R.S. Marine Surveyor General, 1827. (Horsburgh, 1830.) Gulf of Persia, constructed from the Trigonometrical Surveys made by order of the Honble. Court of Directors of the United English East India Company, by George Barnes Brucks, Commander H.C. Marine, 1830. (Horsburgh, 1832. Harbour near Singapore, by Capt. D. Ross, F.R.S., &e., 1827. (Horsburgh, 1829.) Track of the ILC. brig « Antelope ” on the east coast of Palawan in 1810 ; the tracks of HLM.S. % Grampus ” and “ Convoy.” With MS. note, by P. Maughan. (Horsburgh, 1815.) Eastern Passages to China, by James Horsburgh. Sheet 1, 182 i Clarence Strait, Gulf of Persia, by Comr. Brucks and Lieut. Haines, H.C. Marine, 1828. Two Sheets. (Horsburgh, 1831.) Eastern Passages to China, by James Horsburgh. Sheet 2 The Coast from Bushire to Bassadore in the Persian Gulf. 3rucks and Haines, H.C. Marine, 1828. (Horsburgh, 1831.) Eastern Passages to China, by James Horsburgh. Sheet 3, 1828. , 1826. Surveyed by Lieuts. HORSBURGH’S C 'S D GH’S CHARTS. H83 ( oupang Road on the Island of Timor. (Dalrymple, 1805 Dellie Harbour, Timor. (Dalrymple, 1802.) Be “ Sins of’ Aluer, by John Wales. (Dalrymple, 1801.) (Dalrymple, 1805.) yr rack through Gilolo pass i posit] g passage, with the positions of the Islands n Mr. W. R. Blakely. (Horshurgh, 1825.) En Timi nd Masdlends, To bof eram, id Thomas Hayward. (Dalrymple, 1801 ) ‘ack to the northward of Timor, by James M 1796. Ma Ven Rd of ry, by James Murray, 1796. (Dalrym "3c i ar, by John Crawford, Lieut. H.C., Marine, 1814 (Horsl I oo > a hase) Road, from a Dutch MS. (Dalrymple 1804.) Same, ie oront: rer in Celebes a ’ Ballas x To Xo River in Celebes, by Volant Vashon Ballard and Robt. Pavin. 17 mdi A and Robt. Pavin, 1798, tema Road and part of Limbe Strai and ps: Jmbe Strait, Celebes ; ! a and Robert Pavin. (Dalrymple, 1801 you Do CmBX, Strait of Limbe, by John Wales, Lieut. 1 Ye ales, Lieut. KE. I.C. Mari 798 Wit John ues, Lieut. K.I.C. Marine 1798. (Dalry ) ) B ann Ry of Patchientie, &ec., in the Molucea of S ME bg : Ea d oast 0 Gilolo. (Dalrymple, 1788.) SAN Yay Ho side of Gh &c. (Dalrymple, 1807 ) “ntrances to the Rivers at the head of th i he Rivers at 1 the Persian G ieuts, Wi H.C. Marine, 1827. (Horsburch 1831 ) Cie Line pedvd ; cher Sy LOO L,. “hann I between Sumatra and Lucepara, surveyed by D. Ross, Comr i 1818. (Horsburgh, 1819.) Bo Tn. Cont HL Marine, Bay of Selema and Harbour of NSaway, on tl ¢ Ryd, oa. (Dalrymple, 1800.) sajell Bay, Island of Bouro, by Ca : b bayydsla » by Capt. Geo. Palmer, 1797. alrymy 7 a a a inter survey of the same. (Dalrymple, 1803 ) tn raspar and Clement’s Straits, by D. Ross. Comr C. Mari on S uts, by D. Ross, Comr. H.C. Marine, 1818. (Horsburgh, Saparooa Bay on the Island (Dalrymple, 1801.) Islands and Channels ids shannels at the S -west extremi : i ay Ca outh-west extremity of the China Sea, by James Track of the H.E.I.C. ship Dj 0 HLELLC. ship © Discovery ” through the Straits of Billi 0 Daniel Ross, Lieut. Bombay Marine. (Horan ia °F Bite In Sy ads from an Enclish MS. (Dalrymple, 1788 ) d rack through the Strait between New Guin, Nw ro : ¢ ) New G a a SW and ’ | SE uinea and New Holland, by W. Bampton, Westas part of Pulo Leat or Middle Island and the coral reefs at : Ross Comr. H.C. Marine, 1818. (Horsburceh 1819.) ) : 0 1e passage east of Banka, by Cap in Lestock W of the : anka, by Captain Lestock Wils 78 i y MS note on a rock, by Horsburgh. Chega a: Fim, wa Nor and uf Banka, by Capt. Lestock Wilson. (Dalrymple 1791.) Earimats assage, by James Horsbureh, 1820 ’ gi roee Roads, west coast of Sumatra, by W McK I roce Roads, ; atra, by W. McKellar, Master R.N.. 18 Soa of Dani; pl 2, by Robert Torin, 1791. (Dalrynnie, ons i Strait of Banka, pl. 1, by Robert Torin, 1791 ley "1797. bear of a) ; , 1791. (Dalr 2, 1797 Ci Sen, Sheet 1, by James Horsbureh, 1821 Ye, 1007) assage between Lusipara and Sumaira. f mi sage boty ara a | atra, forming the s rn entr: > rait of Banka, by Robert Torin. (Dalrymple, 1797 lc Sac of the Jaagal Road, north coast of Java. (Dalrymple 1804.) onst of Persia, from Kooe Mubarrack to Krotchey (Karachi en Brucks and Lieut. Haines, 1829. (Horshureh 1839, ki Fain Fea, sheet 2, by James Horsbureh, 1823 $0 1H slands oft’ the coast of Tenasserim by ’ Danie : 20 Lenasserim, by Daniel Ross, F.R.S i 3 . General, 1831. (Horsburch, 1832.) nicl Ross, F.RR.S., Marine Surveyor Samangea Bay, southern end of Sumatr: i ’ RIS TNT Sons « Sumatra, by Lieuts, W, H. Hull and W. IL City and Road of B i y ad of Batavia, north coast of Java, from G an K rs . ast of Java, from Gerard Van Keulen, &c. 1e north side of Ceram, by Lieut. T Honimoa, Noess: » and Noessa Laut, Molucca Archipelago. (Gaspar Strait), Surveyed by i EI es Caine ah sir BA en The be eh TERS assim sp ph dons ea ae RR EY —— eT mag ERIN “ EY REE SARE Fre rheaiuad ES TET INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. « C « « je « eave a D 1 M S. il end of Sumatra, by W. A and the Surat and Sedre passages, by Jas. Downie. (Dalrymple, 1806.) i i South end of Sumatra. Track between Hog Island and Tapanooly. 5 ; . ..N., 1818. South end of C ii wn Harbour, by Lieuts. Hull and Johnston, R.N., 1818 alo ¢ : ) Sima, @oppmgh, an Horsburgh, 1832. 1 : \ atre oJ AES S = “i oviikais ds Wosfom parm nan 2 Discovery ” to the northward of Yooogara Lahn, te Strait, by Daniel Ross, Lieut. Bombay Marine, 1813. (Horsburgh, and in Gaspar Strait, ? Moffat, 1815. (Iorsburgh, slebe i Iindoostan rock, by Crokotoa and Pulo Slebeze, with the I : (Dalrymple, 1806.) West of Sumatra. (Dalrymple, 3 y 1 avo p, 1 Ey ‘ay i strait of Sunda, &ec., by Capt. Maxfield an Thwart-the-Way in the Strait of 3 3s, Fe, by Cant, 10 } oa hi blip ts to the Marine Surveyor General, 1819.. (Hors Jieut. J. S. , assist burgh, 1820.) : Trieste Island, by John Hunter, YT Ale Charts for Navigating to, from, and in p Joss Td Three sheets, 1814. The fourth sheet follows > § S, - ; sheet succeeds the Strait of Sunda. Tint East, North, and North-west coast ol banca, by last, mcoolen, 1802 aster Attendant at Bencoolen, 1 i No East Indies, by James Horsburgh. next chart, and the fifth J. J. Robinson. (Horsburgh, * the Russian Navy, by James ae Sunda, dedicated to Capt. Krusenstern of the Russian Navy, by Strai or « dy ¢ Horsburgh, 1818. i Maldive Islands, by James : 0 Killon Harbour and Merope's Bas and J. B. Livesay, R.N., 1824. Tracks of the ships Discovery : Pure ; Daniel Ross and Paracels, by Daniel Ross itp M Western group of the Paracels, by Dard 11 4 South-east coast of Hainan, by Daniel Ross, 1822.) Amphitrite 1ds fo Tihen-Pien or Tien-P Ross 2 i Le eastward of Fansyack, being a continuation ‘he C : shoring places to the eastwe yack enn Te Cae oe Spon 5 the Western Channel from Lintin od hoes ] - o tants ISS ¢ a : 8 } ‘ 3, Aud Ul A on John Vaux, Charles Evans, and C. W ite, . Ve pF J . . Service 1829. (Horsburgh, 1830.) : ing to the Lymoon, (Fly LE) a 2 2. Blakely and others. orsburgh, 1830. en BS e south coast of China, by Lieut. D. Ross, B.M. ar Creek to the upper part of Whampoa Reach, rsburgh, 1814. i C Doierne in the Island of Formosa, by Lieut. G. Parkyn: Horsburgh, 1825.) . and ge Antelope ” with the exact situation of the >hilip Maughan, Licuts. Bombay Marine, 1808. oss, Lieut. Bombay Marine, 1808. apt. Bombay Marine. (Horsburgh, ' acels. by Daniel Ross, Lieut. B.M. 1808. s formi art of the Paracels, by Daniel 0s 3 508 Ionia ty enor on the south coast of China, by Lieut. Daniel i ) 8 ROSS jo-kong), continued from Capt. D. Ross, Passages lead : Survey, by Wm Harbour of Hui-ling-san, on = } b iver from the Second or upper. Can x Cowell. and H. P. Auber. (Horsburgh, 1818.) Dh 0 Ay is (C diver) from Longeet to Second Bar, by D. he » or Tigris (Canton River) tro ong Br Choe nel 2 ieuts. B.M. 1815. (Horsburgh, 1816.) bu I aa ¢ >, Maughan, Lieuts. oh © . on rah, 2 w " ig 8 on the sth coast of China In 1807, by Lent D hes 3 Je ar & Das C | ; | : D oa Namo ; Eo Lintin to Bocea Tigris, Canton, by 2 nl Ross, B : : : : 1 r { VS ‘= Or 8 . A - Canton River, by James Horsburgh, 31. Formosa, by George Cs bt Coast of China, and West Coast of Formosa, by g ? cast Coas a, { Part of the last U ¢ Blaxland. (Horsburgh, I a Tumbelan Islands, China sea, by pi - E A | Natuna Islands, China Sea. (Horsburgh, 1816. Tracks of H. C. S. “General Harris TACKS . vB (Horsburgh, 1826.) » in the China Sea, 1816, 1820, 1823. HORSBURGH’S CHARTS. 585 Coast of China eastward of the Great Ladrone Island by Lieut. D. Ross, 1813. (Horsburgh, 1814.) Harlem Bay and part of the coast of China by Daniel Ross, Licut. B.M. 1812. (Horsburgh, 1814.) Oie-hai-oie Harbour, by Lieut. John Crawford, 1816. (Horsburgh, 1817.) Coast of China frem Breaker Point to the Lamock Islands, by D. Ross, 1816. (Horsburgh, 1817.) Soundings on the S.E. Coast of China, east of Namoa Island, by Lieut. Parkyns, R.N. 1824. (Horsburgh, 1825.) Tracks of the H. E. I. C. ships Discovery ” and “Investigator ” in the Yellow Sea, with Lord Amherst in 1816. By Lieut. D. Ross. (Horsburgh, 1817.) Kisanseu, or Zeu-oo-tao Harbour, Chusan Islands, by Lieut. D. Ross, B.M. 1816. (Horsburgh, 1817.) Sketches and remarks by Capt. Moffat on the Lower Shoal of the First Bar and on Brunswick Rock in Canton River. Horsburgh’s CHARTS of the CHIN A SEA, MALACCA STRAIT and BOMBAY HARBOUR. In 1 vol., folio, half-bound, 1806. China Sea, Sheet 1st, dedicated to James Drummond, Esq. With a general de- scription, including the basis on which the Charts are constructed. Contents, North Lat. 121° to 201°, China Sea, Sheet 2nd. Contents, North Lat. 1° to 124°, Strait of Malacca, Sheet 1st. Malacca to Sambelang. Strait of Malacca, Sheet 2nd. Cape Rachado to Singapore Strait. Plan of Soundings from Pulo Clor to the southward, and outside of the Reef of Point Roumania towards the entrance of Singapore Strait, with the land adjacent, &e. Plan of Bombay Harbour, principally illustrative of the entrance ; constructed from measured bases and a series of angles taken in 1803 and 1804. . EAST INDIA and CHINA PILOT, containing 126 Charts, chiefly by Horsburgh, in 1 vol., large folio, half-bound EAST INDIA and CHINA PILOT, containing 128 Charts, chiefly by Horsburgh, in 1 vol., large folio, half-bound. CHARTS of the CHINA SEAS, by Daniel Ross :— 1. Track of the ¢ Discovery ” N. of Lucepara Island, 1813. Track of the “ Antelope ” on the coast of Palawar in 1810. . Tracks of * Discovery ” and « Antelope,” position of the Parucels, 1808, . Western Group of the Paracels, 1808. . Part of the Paracels, 1808. . Part of the S. coast of China, 1807. . Plan of Thien Harbour, South coast of China . Plan of Hui Ling San, South coast of China. 9. Plan of Namo, South coast of China, 1807. 10. Passages leading to Macao Roads, 1810. 11. Channel from Lintin to the Bocca Tigris. 12. Coast of China E. of the Great Ladrone, 1813. 13. Harlem’s Bay and part of coast of China, 1812. No title. In one vol, large folio. half-bound. A COLLECTION of CHARTS and MAPS in one vol., large folio, half-bound. bo Cv X~IC Orv ha CONTENTS :— 1. Horsburgh’s China Sea. Sheet 1 and 2. 2. Coast of China, showing entrances to Canton River, by J. W. Norie, 1817. 8. The Tigris from Canton to Lankeet, by J. Huddart (Laurie and Whittle, 1794). dnt dr Srp HS sre —— . em a Seems oe yates ogre v Fife uy i Lh Sp Rk i INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. 4. Part of S. coast of China, Tienpak to Canton River, by Daniel Ross, Philip Maughan, Lieuts., 1807. 5. Passages leading to Macao Roads, by Lieutenants, 1810. 6. Hui Ling San, by D. Ross, Lieut., B.M. 7. Tihen Pien, by D. Ross, Lieut., B.M. 8. Lintin to Bocca Tigris, by D. Ross, Lieut, B.M. 9. Namo, by D. Ross, Lieut., B.M. 10. Captain Moffat’s sketches of the Brunswick Rock, ete., Canton River. 11. Asia: by A. Arrowsmith, dedicated to Major Rennell, 1801. : 12. India, by A. Allan, with the distribution of troops in January 1822, in MS. Engraved by A. Arrowsmith, 1818. 13. The World, on Mercator’s projection, by William Heather, 1803. 14. Burmese Empire, by James Wyld, 1826. 15. India, by A. Arrowsmith, 1822. } 16. India, by J. Walker, and published by J. Horsburgh in 2 sheets, 1825. Western sheet only. 17. India, by A. Allan, dedicated to Right Honourable oJ. Sullivan, M.P., 1818. Daniel Ross, and Philip Maughan, A Collection CHARTS in Two Volumes, folio, half-bound, and lettered on the back :(— 1. Charts of the Coast of Africa, Arabia, and Persia. CONTENTS i= 1. Horsburgh’s Chart to accompany his book of directions for the East Indies. 2. Sheet 2. 3. Coast of Africa by Capt. Owen, R.N. Sheet 1. 4, ——— 33° to 93° enlarged. 5. Sheet 2. 6. River Congo, by Capt. Vidal, R.N., 1825. 7. Benguela Bay and Gt. Paul de Loanda. 8. St. Helena by Mr. G. Thoms, RN. 1815. (Iorsburgh, 1817.) 9. S. coast of Africa by Capt. Owen, R.N., Sheet 3. 10. Cape of Good Hope, by Licut Vidal, R.N., 1822. 11. Delagoa Bay, 1822. 12. Table Bay, 1825. 13. S.E. Coastlof Africa, and Knysora R., 1818. 14. Coast of Africa, by Capt Owen, R.N., Sheet 4. 15. Continuation of Horsburgh’s Chart, Sheet 3. 16. Port Melville in Delagoa Bay, 1823. 17. English River Bay and Harbour, 1822. 18. Inhamban, 1823. 19. Sofala and Quilimane River, 1823. 20. Conducia, Mozambique, and Mokamba, 21. Mozambique Harbour, 1823. 92. Almeyda Bay, and River Lundy, 1824. 93. Monghow River, 1824. 24. Keelwa or Quiloa, 1824. 95. Rast Coast of Africa, Sheet 1., 1824. 96. Latham Island and bank, 1824. 97. Bast Coast of Africa, Sheet 2., 1823, 4. 98, Zanzibar, 1823. 99. (Coast of Africa by Capt. Owen, R.N., Sheet 6. 30. Mombas, 1824. 31. Lamoo, 1824. 39. Lamoo, Patta, and Kwyhoo, 1824. (Horsburgh, 1818.) 1824. HORSBURGH’ 4 S CHARTS. 5 87 33. Dundas Islands, 1824-5, 34. Port Durnford, 1824, 5. Brava, 1824 35. \ : “ Sl \ je « ’ “Xe 2 2 ist of Afi ica, Sheet 5, Madagascar, east coast 36. North end of Madagascar, 1824, 5. 87. British Sound, N.E. Madagascar 1824 ol 0 Leven, and Andrava, 1824 ee 9. Hastie Road and port Choi in : ‘hoiseul in Antongil Bs : iy St. Mary’s Island and Channel, 1823, 4 FP Boney Rosa, : } Harbour in St. Mary’s Island, 1823 or 12. Tangtang Harbour, and Tenerive, 1824 Somers and the Star Bank, 1825 oF 44. St. Augustine Bay and T ok 4 : > Bay « ullear Harbour ; Boyana Bx 45. Barren Islands, and Makumba River Span 46. Boteler’s River, 1824 : 6 . 47. Bembatooka Bay, 1824, 48. Mujumbo Bay, 1824, 49. Port Mazambo, 1824. 50. Nareenda Bay and Luz River, 1824 51. Radama Islands, &e., 1824, 52. Dalrymple’s Bay, 1824. 53. Minow Islands, 1824. 54. Grand Port, Mauritius, 1823, is Popohelins Ioan by Capt. Owen, R.N., 1825 20. ‘lease av OVE 3 : IT ie Cans Bay, Seychelles Islands, 1825 ; and Foule Point, Madagascar 7 y alwech Bay, West Africa ; Malenida, East Africa i oo Sloe Bay, Cape of Good Hope; Pomba Bay, E Afric on Madagascar, West Coast, Coffin Sound. ry > i - - Murderers: Bay to Cape St. Vincent da . — > - . : ol a : Afri a, Primeira Island to Mozambique, 1823 oy ) ahé Port and Bay in Seychelles Islands, 1825. To on Tass ava, Marbacool, and Chimpaykee, in N.W. Madacascar. 18 64. West const Madagascar, 21° 43' to 15° adage ITY yd. Querimba Island, EK: Ti Sheet 5. Q and, Kast Africa, Shee 24 66, ———— Sheet 2. iy 102 or Pp Bay, Roderique Island, 1810 8. Corisco Bay, Mooney, Moondal : : Bay, ys ah, abc ivers, Wes Tl Co Caen iy: Moonay, Moondah, nd Gaboon Rivers, West Africa, 1826. 70. Socotra by Lieuts. Hai dW 70. Socotra, Jdeuts, Haines and Wellsted, &e Horsbur 335 1, 72,73, 74. Moreby’s Red Sea, 1830-31. ’ i i’ 2.) (Jy (OD, ulf ( I ersli y ( x > > a lJ, ~ t ( ( )i 2 ily om. . J ( ) o y ( | . I 1c] Sy 18 0 (HE ) Lil h, 1 32 Poy boy > » + P . 11 I , { ‘ | B . J 18292 fla I al f A Ll ( « y « a i’ 4 « Jast 11 ersian Gu 1 S ru L1 IN t 0 4 ( ' 3 » s ) L cuts. ( yY . Ny 78, — Sheet 2. (9, —~ Sheet 3. SO. Sheets 2 and 4. 8, seo Sheets 1 and 5. 82. Sushire Roads, by Lieuts, Brucks and Coan, 1826 8d. Grane or Quade Harbour, 1825. ap gma, S84. Anchorage off El Katift, 1825. 50. Bahrein, Island and Harbour, 1825 56. Persia, Ras Tuloop to Bushire, 1826 5 Persia, Bushire to Bassadore, 1898. oy enemies Lo the Rivers at the Head of the Persian Gulf, 1827. UR oy Pata Gulf and Arabian Coast, 1828. 2 Sean has Coast. (Horsburgh, 1801.) oy a 45 Musea 2 Licuts. Brucks and Haines, 1828. os dmb Ria yen boas Soaote, 1828, is sli (AMeKra ) > arrack $ { 0% of Poh Ro) bom Rene Mubarrack to Krotchey (Karachi), by he Mm em OT aa a gn fh xp i "NE SREY i ERE sp INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. : : : 15 . Continuation of Horsburgh’s Chart. See Nos. 1, 2, 15. os 94 2 * The Charts in this volume for the Coasts of Africa, Madagascar > a : other Islands in the Indian Ocean, are chiefly from the Surveys made by Capt. W. F. W. Owen, R.N., assisted by Capt. Vidal and other officers, and published by the Admiralty. 2. Charts of the Indian Seas. CONTENTS :— 1. Gulf of Cutch, entrance, by J. F. Jones (Mid.) 1833. 2. Gulf of Cuteh, by Lieut. Middleton, 1821. 3. Dio Harbour, by Lieut. Whitelock, L.N. 1834. : 4. Coast of Kethwin, Dio to Dwarka, by Lieut. Whitelock, 1833. 5, 6. Bombay Harbour, by Cogan and Peters, Lu) . Goa and Murmagoa, in 1812, by D. Inverarity (1816). : Pubic Shoal to Armegon Hill. Track of “ Nearchus,” by Capt. Maxfield, Deputy Marine Surveyor General, 1821. 9. Point Palmyras, by Capt. Court (1817). Ee 10, 11, 12. False Point Palmyrase, Capt. Maxfield (1818). . ” 13. Maldiva Islands, compiled by Horsburgh from materials of Capt. Owen (1814). 14. Laccadive Islands, by R. Moresby, Lieut. H.E.LI.C., 1828. 15. Bay of Bengal, by Horsburgh, 1825. 16. he of Bengal to the China Sea, by Horsburgh, 1833. 17, 18.” Chittagong to Aracan River, by Daniel Ross, 1833. 19. Aracan River, by Lieut. Lloyd, 1.N., 1832. wv. 20. Kyuk Phyoo Harbour and Combermere Bay, by Daniel Ross, 1832. 21. Cheduba and Remree, by Lieut. R. Lloyd, 1829. 22, 23. Coast of Ava, by John Crawford, 1.N., 1826. 24. Martaban River (1826). ne 95. Tenasserim Coast, by Capt. Court, Marine Surveyor General, 1826. 26. Tavoy River, by Lieut. Moresby, 1824. 27. Rangoon River, by Daniel Ross, 1825. 129% 28. Angenwell Harbour, by Lieut. Rogers, 1826. Lo 29, 30 31. Tenasserim Coast, by Daniel Ross, Sheet 1 in two parts, and Sheet 2, — , t ’ . nd J 1828. . 392. Islands off Tenasserim, by D. Ross, 1831. 33. Marqui Archipelago, by D. fen i 34. Hastings Harbour, by D. Ross, 1829. a. Co . 4 Northern Pepper ’ Ports, on the West Coast of Sumatra, by S. Ashmore, hgh la Strait, 1818 36. Samangca Bay, Sunda Strait, 1818. 37. Caloombyan Harbour, Sunda Strait, 1818. 38. Rajah Bassa Road, Sunda Strait, 1815. iy North ie South Sands in the Straits of Malacca, by Daniel Ross, 1819. 40. Malacca Strait, &c. by Horsburgh, 1826. or 41. Arroa Isle, in Malacca Strait, by Daniel Ross, 1819. 42. East Coast of Sumatra, by Lieut. Moresby, 1822. 43. West Coast of Sumatra, by Horsburgh, 1832. 44. Singapore Harbour, by I). Ross, 1819. HORSBURGH’S CHARTS. 54. Coast of Banca, by J. Robinson (1819). 55. Pulolear Isle, by D. Ross, 1818. 56. Gaspar and Clements Strait, by D. Ross, 1818. 57. Billeton Strait, by D. Ross, 1813. 58. Track north of Lucepara Island, by D. Ross, 1813. 59. Tombelan Island, by D. Ross, 1814. 60. China Sea, Sheet I., Horsburgh, 1833. [Dedicated to D. Ross, Maughan, Crawford, and Houghton, who explored the China Sea. | : 61. China Sea, Sheet 11. 62. Track of the «“ Antelope ” on Coast of Palawan, by Daniel Ross, 1810. 63. Appo Shoals and Islands, by D. Ross, 1816. 64. Gillolo Passage, by W. R. Blackeley (1823). 65. Straits of Balley, by John Crawford (1816). 66. Plan of Macassar, hy John Crawford, 1814. 67. S.E. Coast of Hainan, by Daniel Ross (1822). 68, 69. Tracks of “ Discovery ” and « Antelope,” and position of Paracels ; Ross and Maughan, 1808. 70. Western Group of Paracels, by Daniel Ross, 1808. 71. Part of the Paracels, by D. Ross, 1808. 72, 73. South Coast of China, by Ross and Maughan, 1807. 74. Thien Sien Harbour, by Daniel Ross. 75. Hin Ling San Harbour, by D. Ross. 76. Namo Harbour, by D. Ross, 1807. 77. Channel from Lintin to Bocea Tigris, by D. Ross. 78. Continuation, W. R. Blakeley, 1829. 79. Canton River, by Newell and Auber (1818). 80. China Coast, East of Great Ladrone, by D. Ross, 1813. 81. Harlem’s Bay, China Coast, by D. Ross, 1812. 82. China Coast, Breahe Point, to Lemoch Isle, and Ki-San-Seu Harbour, by D. Ross, 1816. 83. Oie-Hai-Oie Harbour, by J. Crawford, 1816. 84. Tracks of * Discovery” and “ Investigator ” in the Yellow Sea (Lord Amherst’s Embassy), by D. Ross, 1816. 85. Part of East Coast of China and West Coast of Formosa, by G. Blaxland, 1827, 86. Soundings S.E. Coast of China, by Licut. Paskyns, R.N., 1824. 87. Killon, &e., Isle of Formosa, by Lieut. Parkins, 1824. 88. River Choo Keang or Tigris, by Ross and Maughan, 1815. 89. Passages leading to the Symoon, by W. R. Blakeley (1830). 90. Sketches to show situation of Brunswick Rock, Canton River, by Captain Moffat. 91. Croee Roads, Sumatra, by Wm. McKellar. 92. Canton River, J. Horshurgh (1831 ). 93. East Coast of China, by «J. Horsburgh (1835). 94. Eastern Passages to China, by oJ. Horshurgh, Sheet I. (1824). 95. Ditto, Ditto, Sheet 11. (1826). 96. Ditto, Ditto, Sheet I11. (1828). 6. Mr. John Walker's Charts, 1836-1861. 45. Singapore Harbour, by D. Ross, 1827. 46. a west of Romania Reef, by D. Ross, 1818. _ 47. Isles east of Bantang, by D. Ross, 1819, and East Coast of Malay Peninsula, by T. Crawford, 1820. 48. Isle of Thwart the Way, Straits of Sunda, by Capt. Maxfield, 1819. 49. Ilchester Shoal, by D. Be, 1435 50. Straits of Durian, by Lieut. Moresby, 1829. . Co 51 52 Pave from a Bong to the Southern Entrance of Durian Strait, ’ ln ADC = - . by Collinson and Moresby, 1823. 53. Clas] between Sumatra and Lucepara Isle, by D. Ross, 1818. A list of CHARTS and SAILING DIRECTIONS, issued originally by the Honourable East India Company, and subsequently by HLM. Secretary of State for India in Council, ’ Under these authorities the Charts were in the charge of Mr. John Walker, and edited and engraved by him as successor to Capt. Horsburgh, from 1836 to 1861, when the Marine Surveys and Charts were transferred to the Admiralty :— EE 3 or L. North Atlantic Ocean, Capt. James Horshurgh. 2. South Atlantic Ocean, Capt. James Horsburgh, Ll I OR PF ar FOES Sl Bi — INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. x 3. St. Helena, Mr. George Thomas, ssn Sa 3. St. Jands. Doddington Rock, &ec., Mr. L. na AN aren, : i an at Gough's Island, Captain Richardson and Mr. Ls. 5. Anchorage at Gough's I or : ? iver Knysna, Mr. William So io of Africa, with a plan of the River Knysna, Mr 6. South-east Coast ol in SREY Hig 10° to 52°, and 30° to 111° by Capt. James lian Ocean, 8%, ¢ 7. Part of the Inc Horsburgh. ‘ J. 11. Grubb, 1810. in Rav ique Island, Lieut. oJ. H. Grubb, 151 : 7h 3 ls a 7 Elwon, Lieut. H. > Diane Commanc l DE ies tT. G. Carless, 1833-4. 4 sheets. a0 9, 10 Hforeshy, nr Lieut. T. G. Oy A Io Commander R. Moresby, 1833, 's 1 , Northern part of the Red Sea, Lo 11. Harbours in the Nor u par! and Lieut. W. C. Barker, 1848. 20d Sea. Commander S. B. Haines, Capt. 2. He rbours in the Southern part of the ed § 2 : ” 1 Pr A x yg “ip Flwon and Commander R. Sailing Direeti for the Red Sea, Capt. 1. 13. Sailing Directions A 3 ander S. B. Haines, 1835. cntrance tothe Red Sea, Commander S. - 1 I Fortin, 00, Le Da os from Jibul Jarne to Sayara, Lieut 5. Afric: ast, | i as ¢ ut. I. G. 2 Sar 1 30 Gulwainee to Ras-Haffoon, Lieu 5. N as ast of Africa, from Ras Gulw: 16. North-east Coa of i ande Misenaat a 2 fs from the Straits of Bab el A y oo -east Coast of Arabia, J i sistant. 1836. Be So pe Jans. Commander S. B. Haine and A sta mg, EY S ler S. B. Haines, 1836. i. The Bays near Cape Aden, Commander 5. B. 2 Ras Saugra, Commander: Do 3 Ne ot Coast of Arabia, from Misenaat to S/ z PN 9, South-eas oas a A Viove. Sheet 2. 19. Sc Haines and Sanders, and Licut. > x on. 0 Urb, inte SI heen ; ia, fr as Saugr: ] at, N ast Coast of Arabia, from Ki: o 20. North-east Coast \1 ) and Lieut. A. M. Grieve, 1849. | 21. Gulf of Aden, Capt. oY Lies 99. Kooria Mooria Bay and Islands, ik Grieve and Assistants, 1847. wulf of Maseera, Lieut. A. M. Grieve : 3s 5, 164 23 Gulf of Maseera, L I. B. Hai . and Assistants, 1834. 24. . Ii aines and As 4 a g Socotra, Lieut. S. B. Han Assistants, | Ca Asante oy ge o ps oe ener Lieuts. A. M. Grieve, C. Y. Ward, a 25. Islands wes S0 a, 1848. Wii it 96. Arabian Sea, from 10° to Suez, and fro 2 3 ents, moir, Lieut. A. D. a showing the Winds and Currents, and Memoir, 27. Arabian Sea, ¢ o th | “le Yay i inds « arrents in each Month, Jags, waif of Aden, showing the Winds and Current 98. Red Sea and Gul of s ShoWpg ho” Tp oe Wind an Currents in each Month, Lieut. E. F.'T. i yulf, showing the S { 99. Persian Gulf, showing | 29. a 3) 9 sheets. a . Be ao he Winds and Currents in each Month, Li 30. India and China Seas, showing the i E.F. T. Fergusson. 12 sheets. 31. Harbours of Muttra and Muscat, 1828. ‘, rv G.B 32. Battnah and Burkah Coast, Commander G eo ©) ‘ " 1 » ¥.. ks and E oe to the Gulf of Persia, Commander G. B. Bruck 3. Entrance Haines, 1828. : Pas ‘oast of Arabia, from las 34. Coast of Arabia, arming Brucks and Lieut. S. B. Haines i a0, 35. Gulf of Persia, Commander G. B. raels 1959, 3 36. Persian Gulf, Arabian Side, in Basher s, Lieut: "" W. E. Rogers, and R. Cogan, 1822. ay 1d B * Bahrein, Licuts. G. B 97. Island and Harbour of Bah . 8 1825. : QQ 5 I s. «. Barker and Grieve, 1847-8. = sheets | Commander S. B. Haines and Assistants, 2 sheets. p 53°, Captain James Hors- 39° to 63°, Captain James Lieuts. G. B. Brucks and S. B. Haines, 3rucks and Lieut. S. B. Haines, Lieut. S. B. 0« oe 2 sheets. . M. Guy, G. B. Brucks, 1 > i as Soaote, Commander G. DB. Goberhindee to Ras Soaote, 25 By Dreenpa . Brucks and W. E. Rogers, WALKER’S CHARTS. 591 38. Anchorage off El Kaitiff, Lieuts. G. B. Brucks and W. E. Rogers, 1825. 39. Harbour of Grande or Quade, Lieuts. J. 40. Entrances to the Rivers at the He Brucks and S. B. Haines, 1827. 41. Coast of Persia, from Ras T R. Cogan, 1826. 42. Bushire Roads, Licuts. G. B. B 43. Coast of Persia, from S. B. Haines, 1828. 44. Clarence’s Straits, Commander G. 2 sheets. ‘ 45. Coast of Persia and Beloochistan, from Kooe with Plans, Commander (. 46. Soonmieanee Harbour, Lieut. C. W. Montriou, 1842, 47. Kurrachee Harbour, Lieut. A. M. Grieve, assisted by Lieuts. Constable and Barker, 1854. 2 sheets. 48. Tidal Chart of the Indus from Manora Point to Kidew Memoir, Mr. W. A. Fenner, 1848-9. 49. Coast of Scinde and Kutch, Lieuts. A. M. Grieve and C. Y. Ward, 1848-50 (General Chart). 90. Coast of Scinde and Kutch, from the Kaka River to Mandavee, Lieut. A. M. Grieve and Assistants, 1848-50. 2 2 sheets. 51. Gulf of Kutch, Lieut. A. D. Taylor and Assistants, 1851-2. 52. Bate Harbour, I deuts. A. D. Taylor and R. Whish. 1851-2, 33. Coast of Kattywar, {from Diu to Dwarka, Lieut. H. H. Whitelock, 1833. 54. Kattywar Coast, from Diu Head to Perim Island, Lieut. R. Kthersey, 1836. 2 sheets. 55. Diu Harbour, Lieut. H. I. Whitelock, 1833. 96. Gulf of Cambay, Lieut. R. Ethersey, 1845. 57. Malacca Banks, Lieut. R. Ethersey, 1845. 58. Bombay Harbour, Lieut. R. Cogan and Mr. G. Peters, 1829. 2 sheets, 59. Chronometrie Survey, Bombay Bank of Soundings, Lieuts, W, B, Selby, R. W. Whish, and Assistants, 1849-50. 60. West Coast of India, Sheet 14, from 20° 13’ to 21 C. G. Constable, and R. thersey, 1852-5. 61. West Coast of India, Sheet 13, from 19° 25’ to 20° 20’ N. Rennie, C. G. Constable, and R. Ethersey, 1837-55. 62. West Coast of India, Sheet 12, Kundaree Island to Arnol Island, Commander, W. B. Selby, 1835, and Lieut. Cogan, 1828. : 63. West Coast of India, Sheet 11, Bancoot to K and Mr. Peters, 1828. 64. West Coast of India, Sheet A. D. Taylor, 1853-54. 65. West Coast of India, Sheet 8 Taylor, 1853-54. 66. West Coast of India, Sheet 7, Huddee Point Taylor and Assistants, 1855. 67. West Coast of India, Sheet 6, Purbidree to Bindoor Head, Lieut. A. D. Taylor and Assistants, 18356. 68. West Coast of India, Sheet 5, Mount Dilly and Assistants, 1856. 69. Malabar Coast, Sheet 4, Calicut to Mount Assistants, 1857. 70. Malabar Coast, Sheet 3, 9° 50’ to 11° 2’ N 1851-3. 71. Malabar Coast, Sheet 2, 80° 40’ to 9° 5: Selby, 1850-52. 72. Malabar Coast, 1850-51. M. Guy and G. B. Brucks, 1825. ad of the Persian Gulf, Lieuts. G. B. uloop to Bushire, Lieuts. , B. Brucks and rucks and R. Cogan, 1826, Bushire to Bassadore, Lieuts. (i. B. Brucks and 3. Brucks and Lieut. S. B. Haines, 1828. Mubarrack to Kurrachee, B. Brucks and Lieut. S. B. Haines, 1823. arry Mouth, and 5’. Lieuts. J. Rennie, Lieuts. J. undaree Island, Lieut, Cogan 9, Achera River to Boira Pagoda, Lieut. » Cape Ramus to Achera River, Lieut. A. D. to Cape Ramus, Lieut. A. D. to Malky, Lieut. A. D. Taylor Dilly, Lieut. A.D. Taylor and orth latitude, Lieut. W. B, Selby, 3 North latitude, Lieut. W. B, Sheet 1, Cape Comorin to Anjengo, Lieut. W. B. Selby, EE i INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. 73. Angenweel Harbour, Lieut. W. E. Rogers, 1826. 74, Sketch of Anchorage, Rutnagheriah, Lieut. C. W. Montriou. 75. Bay and Entrance to Rajapoor River, Lieut. C. W. Montriou and Assis- tants, 1844. 76. Viziadroog Harbour, Lieut. C. W. Montriou, and Assistants, 1844. 77. Dewghur Harbour, Lieut. C. W. Montriou and Assistants, 1844. 78. Goa and Murmagoa Roads, Captain D. Inverarity, 1816. 79. Calicut Roads and Entrance to Jeypoor River, Lieut. C. W. Montriou, 1846. 80. Cochin River Entrance, Bar and Roadstead, Lieuts. AD." G. Lewis. 81. Laccadive Islands, Lieut. R. Moresby, 1828 A. D. Taylor, 1848. 82. Maldeeve Islands, Commander R. M 3 sheets. 83. Maldeeve Islands, reduced. 84. Chagos Archipelago, Commander R. Moresby and Lieut. F. T. Powell, 1836. 85. Principal Groups in the Chagos Archipelago, Commander R. Moresby and Lieut. F. T. Powell, 1837. 86. Nautical Directicns for the Commander R. Moresby. 87. Coast of Tinnevelly, Mr. J. g8. Coast of Madura, Lieuts. F. T. Powell, Franklin, R.N., 1838. 39. Western Side of Palk Strait, Lieuts. F. laylor and Mr. , and Licuts. W. B. Selby and oresby and Lieut. F. T. Powell, 1835. Maldeeve Islands and Chagos Archipelago, J. Franklin, R.N., 1842. R. Ethersey, and Mr. J. J. T. Powell and R. Ethersey, 1838. 90. Roadstead and Harbour of Tuticorin, Mr. J. J. Franklin, R.N., 1842. 91. Paumben Pass, Licuts. F. T. Powell and R. Ethersey, 1837. 92. Islands of Rameseram and Manaar, Licuts. F. T. Powell and R. Ethersey, and Assistants. 93. West Coast of Ceylon, Mr. J. J. Franklin, R.N., and Lieuts. F. T. Powell and R. Ethersev, and Assistants. 4 sheets. 94. Palk Strait and Gulf of Manaar, Licuts. F.T. Powell, R. Ethersey, and Mr. J. J. Franklin, R.N,, 1838 and 1845. 2 sheets. 95. Pulicat and Armegon Shoals, Capt. W. Maxfield, 1821. 96. Mootapilly Bay, Capt. C. Court, 1816. 97. Coromandel Coast from 16° 30’ to 18 45’ 1848. 98. Coringa or Cocanada Bay, Lieuts. A. D. Taylor and E. R. May, 1857. 99. Balasore Roads, Entrance into the Hoogly, &c., (Commander R. Lloyd, 1841. 100. River Hoogly, from Calcutta to Saugur Point, Commander R. Lloyd, 1836. 101. Mutlah River, Lieut. C. Y. Ward, 1855. 102. Sea face of the Soonderbunds, 3 sheets, Commander R. Lloyd and Assistants, 1840. 103. Chittagong River, Comman 104. Bay of Bengal, Capt. James Horsburgh. 105. Chittagong to Arracan River, Capt. Daniel Ross. 106. Coast of Arracan and Port of Akyab, Capts. D. Ross and R. Lloyd ; additions by Capt. H Weston and Lieut. Heathcote, 1857. 107. Arracan River, Lieut. R. Lloyd, 1832. 108. Arracan River to Foul Island, Capt. Daniel Ross, with additions by Com- mander R. Lloyd and Capt. RE. P. Halstead, R.N., 1841. 109. Cheduba Straits and Coast of Ramree, Capt. D. Ross, with additions by Commander R. Lloyd and Capt. E. Halstaed, R.N., 1841. 110. Kyouk Phyoo Harbour and Combermere Bay, Capt. D. Ross, 1832, with additions by Commander R. Lloyd and Capt. E. P. Halstead, R.N. 1841. 111. Coast of Ava from latitude 18° to Cape Negrais, Capt. John Crawford, 1826. 2 sheets. 112. Eastern Peninsula of India, Capt. Jam the property of the Horsburgh family.) N. lat., Lieut. tm. Fell. 3 sheets. der R. Lloyd and Assistants, 1840. es Horsburgh. (Not transferred, being WALKER’S CHARTS. 113. Preparis N : aris North Channel, Ii ; J imam Ran (0) el, Lieut, C. Y. Ward : sist 59 Hy Ba sein River, Lieut. C. Y. Ward and yd i An, Po 2. Rangoon River, Lient, C. Y. War ) 185 Sa Ho Moulmein River and Eastern Cor { x fo ; } de SOAR ( 117 Chan t of Pegu and Gulf of Martaban 8. Coast of Pegu and part of 'I ; of Gulf of Mart i : of Martaban, Lieut.W. Fe 7 aban, Lieut. W. Fell, 1850, ls J 4 pa enasserim, compiled fr ur : 119 Arn oe J g awford, and Lieuts. W Fell oh oo Ww Wy i A Cam: slands, Lieut. Archib: lair, 1793, nigh EAT g hibald Blair, 1793. 4 sheets. 20. Martab: Tavoy Pol 72 i fo lavoy Point, Capt. D. Ross, 1828. 2 sh AL : otis ands, ( apt. Charles Court 1826 J) Poglannt I yoy diver, Lieut. R. Moresby 1824 i iy yoy Point to Meroui Capt D. fos : 182 24. Meron Ee 5 y We . « ROSS, 10.2 Jes Deer Pash Commander R. Lloyd jo 20. Mergui Archipelago, from Ir ! Ita OE Archi , fr m ron Island to the Sayer Islands. C - Ft jo Muon by Commander R. Lloyd 1839 i, Capt. D. Ross, 1% Homing om (Mergui Archipelago), Capt D Bot, Lets, 1%, Shel Oo mains 0 Singapore, Capt. James Horchata, i Oh Go oumatra from Acheen Head to Diamond Point Command 129. Penang Isl i 9. ang Island and Harbour, Li YY Jo. Ponanp 3nd : ur, Lieut. C. Y. Ward a ssiste 5 J wea Strait, Pulo Penang to Parcelar Hill i 1 : ans, i Dag Ten I: ul, Lieut. C. Y., Ward and 31. North NS ye MM rth nd South Sands, Malacca Strait, Lie WY. W ! pp 5 Doug Ros ait, Lieut. C. Y. Ward and Assis- 132. Malacea Strait, Cape 4 1855. 2 sheets. Sheet 2 wanting. > ] o » y vachada > J I ur ( ~ u \ Ww d 1t F rmosa i ir 0 ( 4 Sly e . C. . « ’ 1 \ I ar 133. Malace ) 1 33. Malacea Strait, Mount I ‘ . s 4 rmosa to Tanj Jolus i a A It To wjong Bolus, Lieut. C. Y. Ward . Singapore Harbour and Isl: In its vied | > Ngee Hap a slands in its vicinity, C: D. Ross ” RO est Coast of Sumatra, Captain James | 5 ¢ pe. D Bors adn os Const : ptain James Horsbureh (r M epper Ports (West Coast of Sumat a), . Croes Roads, Mr. McKellar, RN. 1810, rs wast Coast of Sumatr torte, W. Rove: Coast of Sumatra, Lieuts. W. Rose and R. Mores} 1822 { ol ‘eshy, 1822, yaunze ) i” of | Capt. D. Ross 18 Ll 1d; Eastward of Bintang, Capt. D Hoss 1819. 131%, : Spats Rhio, Durian, &e., Capt James Hor 1 ir ] Last Coast of the Malay { oT iees a ast of the Malay Peninsula, Lieut. John Crawford 1820 4 y 20. . Straits of Duri : A ian, Lieuts. W. S. Colli 1822. » Ldcuts. W. 8. Collinson, Hawkins, and R. Mores ¥ «Moresby J? Capt. S. Ashmore, 1821. 144. Tanj } . Tanjong Bon and Pulo Ba jon, an arellah to the S Durian. Lie di oui o the Southern Entrance of Sirai i qR Li ats Ww. S. Collinson and R. Moresla an of the Straits of 3 ester Shoal, Capt. D. Ross, 1819 shy. 2 sheets, 1823. 10, ract through the Straits Cpe oo g straits ) i 47. Track Northward of I of Billiton, Lieut. D. Ross, 1813 Baw Non ard of’ Lucepara Island, &e., Lieut. DD. Ros ye N ly ! Py pao oa Gaspar, Capt. James Hor yo woss, 1813. 9. luast, Nor : oT y 1 , » gh. r Channel } n and North-west Coast of Banca, Mr. J. J. Robins Sank De ween Sumatra and Lucepara, Captain D. R ‘obnson, 1819, estern Part of Pulo Leat. Capt. D. Ross La » Ross, 1818, Gaspar Straits, 1825, « Strait of Sunda, Capt. James Horsbureh [sland of Thwart the W fi | : » Way, Capt. Maxfield and Lie y. Cri 157. Caloombyan Harbour, Liens. W. IL. Hull nh, Bo 1 . Rajah Bassa Road, Capt. W. Moffatt, 1815 + Be dobnston: 1.8. 1818, Oe . Samaneca Bav, Lic ’ amangea Bay, Lieuts. W. IL Hull : ne Doms a | . H. Hull and W. I. . 1S V 1 as of Bally, Lieut. John Crawford ity Jelinglony RN, 1813, 81, lan of Macassar, Lieut. J. Crawford, 1814 (7767) Co ne a —— NEE pe TEE a SEER SS sa Ls INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. i W k 823. 162. Track through the Gillolo Passage, Mr. W. R. Pukey 1 163. China Sea. 2 sheets. Capt. James Hor sburgh. . « oe ; 2 2 164. Tumbelan Islands. Lieut. D. Ross, 1814. 165. Natuna Islands. Si A 36 shoz ieut. D. Ross, 1816. : vation, los pe i r Antaton » on the West Coast of Palawan, Lieut. Phos 100 4) Toe A Chart of the Paracels. 2 sheets. Lieuts. D. Ross and P. Maughan, 168. Genera art Dg 1808. les Cs yaa 169. Western Group of the Paracels, Lieut. D. Bos SAN am =0. Amphitrite Islands, forming part of the I aracels, 1, LD LT EY i 1. S hy Coast of China, west of Macao. 2 sheets. Jdeut. D. 71. Sou ast of : an, 1807. a Eu Wren 380 172 pi Yadng to the Macao Roads, Lieuts. D. Ross and P. Maughan, 72. Passage: ¢ g tothe Va oe =a Tintin to Bocca Tigris, Lieut. D. hoss. Viti {a [7% De Jeadine to the Lymoon, Mr. William R. Blakeley, 183 74. Pass: ¢ g 3 bh ME 175 Canton River, Capt. James Horsburgh. y To aE Mains, 176. Longeet to Second Bar (Canton River), Lieuts. D. los: {)e or \ iver ssrs. DR. Newell 177 Wi: Bar Creek to Whampoa Reach (Canton River), Messrs D.R fe and H. P. Auber, 1816. rte 178. South-east Coast of Hujn, £ ph B. 0% Ty ET 5 ‘oast of China, East of the Great Ladrone, 1. Ross, Be Ross iy Crna of Ditto from Breaker Point to Lamock I lands, Lien loss, ov. C I [ ‘oast of China, Lieut. D. Ross, 1812. Tarlem’s Bay and part of the Coast 0 5, Liew, Delingg, ARl Boss iy De or Tien Pack Harbour (South Coast of On " u : | ) * Chin: 2 . 08S. Mx Ion of Hui-ling-san (South Coast of C is) Yew i 184, Noro Harbour (South Coast of China), Link D. Ross, , or 12 : > “ct h 185. Ki-san-seu Harbour, Lieut. D. Ross, 1816, 186. Oie-hai-oie Harbour, Lieut. J. Crawfor 14 : ali) i Dederon, 187. Killon Harbour and Merope’s Bay (Island © sa), Lie a R.N., and Mr. J. B. Livesay, 1 824. a 188. Gulf of Pe-tche-lee, Lieut. D, Row Ati 4 189. Kast Coast of China, Capt. James Horsburgh. Tosca Harstiazed 200. E: stern Passages to China. 3 sheets. Capt. « am I ¥ 3, iy Tra k tl rou 1 Pitt's Passage and Dampier’s Strait, Capt. Jame: o 201. Track throug s Passag = i si 74, Ct . D. Taylor Nol Ban revival of the Indian Marine Surveys in 1874, Capt. A y Note.—On the al of jon. Marine vy: wierd that the foregoing Charts stood as follows } Charts corrected to 1861. iy 31. to 1863. No. of. Se aon. to 1865. No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20. 2 5. Gi GL 52. to 1866. Nos. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 35, 35 58, 0, 3, 2 | C6 35, 66, 67, 6 59, 70, TL, 72, (5, (3, (05 1D 64. 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, i or 8 79, 80, 84, 85, 87, 90, 91, 94, 97, 95 iy 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 115, 124, 125, 126, 128, 182, 183, 184. to 1867. Nos. 33, 39, 45, 46, 82, 100. to 1868. No. 22. to 1874. No. 47. fon orien Murine rl tions appear to have been oenerally unimportant, the Indian M *_* The corrections { f ¢ 1822. 3] » ’ bh srvevs having been suspended. iad a a TE : 14 is 924.925. 34, 35, 36, 38 (lost), 40, 41, 42, 13, #45 Charts cancelled :—Nos. 1 er 63 31 83. 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 99, 109, 19, 10% Diy, Jy 004 Ody ¢ ot ’ A 0) 1923 127 129, 1: 2, 34, 16, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 127, 129 3, 154 4 1 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, Li, 14, 146, 147, 140. 150. 151. 152. 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 161, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 53, 154, 10 50, 10% 10 Io%. ‘ ) 35, 166 168, 171, 172, 176, 174, | 62, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 171, iz lio fi 177 178. 179, 180, 181. 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 20( ’ ’ 201. CAPT. A. D. TAYLOR'S CHARTS. 59 Since 1861, the current Charts of the Indian Seas have, for the most part, been published by the Admiralty, and a list of them is included in the Admiralty Catalogue. Some have been issued in Calcutta, of which the following ave in the India Office :— 7. Mr. Pearson's Charts, 1866-69. The ENTRANCE into RANGOON RIVER. Pearson, Bengal Marine, during the months of J 1 inch to 1,000 yards ; size, 36 inches by 50. COAST of CHITTAGONG. Surveyed by Mr. W. Pearson, Bengal Marine, assisted by Messrs, G. Chitty, A. J. Connor, and C. F. Noad. 1868-60. Secale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; on 2 sheets i size of each, 30 inches by 22. Surveyed by Mr. W, anuary and February 1866. Scale, 8. Capt. A. Dundas Taylor's Charts, 1875. Charts by the Marine Survey Department of the Government of India, under the superintendence of Capt. A. D. Taylor, commencing November 1875 :— India, West, North Konkan. Sketch of the Entrance to RAJPURI RIVER, by Navigating Lient. W, P. Haines, R.N., 1876. Secale, 4 inches to I mile ; size, 13 inches by 22. India, West Coast. Sketch of QUILON ROADS. By Lieut. A. Dundas Taylor, 1858. Calcutta, 1876. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile; size, 16 inches by 18. India, West Coast, Travankor. KOLACHEL ROADSTEAD and ENCIAM ROCKS. Surveyed by M. Chapman, LLN., 1875. Scale, 10 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. India, East Coast. MADRAS ROADSTEAD. Surveyed by Nav. Lieut. F. W. Jarrad, R.N., Dep. Supt. Marine Survey of India, and Mr, P. J. Falle, Assistant Superintendent. October 1876. Neale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Bay of Bengal. CORINGA or COCANADA BAY, s Northern Godavery Mouths. Surveyed by Navigating Lieut. G. C. Hammond, R.N., and Assistants, 1875. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. Bay of Bengal. Orissa Coast. FALSE POINT ANCHORAGE, and Entrance to Bacood Creek and Jumboo River. Surveyed by H. A. Harris, Conservator of Orissa Ports. August and September 1875. Seale, 11 inch to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 20. Bay of Bengal. HOOGLY RIVER, Luff Point to Anchoring Creek, showing the James and Mary Shoals, and the entrance to ihe Roopnarain River. Surveyed by Nav. Lieut. J. I. Coghlan, R.N., Dep. Supt., &. April and May 1875. howing the Bay of Bengal, East Coast. Rritish Burmah. TAVOY RIVER. From a sketch by Lieut. Robt. Mori shy, 1 additions by Comr. A. D. Taylor, 4 inch to 1 mile; size, 32 inches by 21. ate Bombay Marine, with corrections and Supt. Marine Surveys of India. 1876. Seale, Bay of Bengal. Coast of Tenasserim (Siam). KOPAH INLET. From a sketch by Comr. A. Dundas Taylor, 1 ate LLN., and other documents. 1876. Scale, $ inch to 1 mile ; size, 27 inches by 20. rr 2 y Y HARTS, &C. 596 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, C ) » ry ) te \ Coast | seninsula. JUNKSEYLON, East Siam West Coast Malay Peninsula. Jy La a : Pukot or Tonkah Harbour. Surveyed by Hg E Hh a ny ns 1876. Scale, 3 inches to 1 mile ; size, 30 tnches 0, Siamese Navy. 876. | II. SINGLE CHARTS PARTLY IN MANUSCRIP1] Mediterranean Sea. TA TRIPOLI and SOUNDINGS obtained between MAL FA and Bi ELECTRIC S TI ; )1 { nd ALEXANDRIA gd or wig Gs 0 Bah TR | J hi £ JIMA AL i ye y sections. ( . Size, DTT 3v Captains Spratt and Mansell. Wit CABLE. By Captains Spra by 27. [ ) ¢ { he S Ww t t SO os ¢ t ¢ t I art of ame 1 h hc » ~ . . . An ther Char t 0 t , y : . . : » y hott . is { 3C « I 11 he Ct ij i Vi: < 1 VS. The nature o m y 4 = nar > 3 1 I'l yoli and A [alta, 1a J . , Wo : To phe: iy : » A b inl 8 and als ) the a pr OV ed line for the Cable. 2c, 20 menes 1, tinguis 1€(C ) 3 I'S, « ais I 58, Indian Ocean. \ OCEAN, frem the Cape of Good Hope CHART of the INDIAN OOBARS Persian Gulf, compiled gon to Chloris, including ¢ he Toast India Company’s Officers and those o ¥ i on on Walk : Geographer to the Last India Company, London, 1845. Rak Youn avs at 130 wiles to 1 inch; size, 50 inches by 40. n 2 sheets ; 8 ; African Coast. | CHART of the TRACK of H.M.S. “Heron,” Job Hanmer, Esq., . ” y , k reported by Licut. West, ol . istence of the bank reported b) | ascertain the existence o raser, Acting Master, 1 . er . . .» 10 ascerta = ‘ . + James Fraser, ( 8 4 Camara A Ibion.” and also the Telemaque Shoal, by Jani the sloop ** 4 y ¢ 1822. mze, 19 inches by 24, M 3. 4 » 4 04 ) N « Cr colours, } : . et + size, 28 inches by 18. MS. . J. Jopp, Ensign, Engineer, 1811. On 1 sheet; size, 28 1 Jd. Jo y AUNISIL o ’ NOV : zambique A distant VIEW of JUAN DE NO) 0 {ad in Mozambiq asta u A 3% y : Channel) in water colours. Size, 5 inches by 1 « or N rp v J Nn v from \ SKETCH of part of the EAST COAS Sf APRICA IT “on ations take ard the Hon. Company’s cruizers ute” ur 1 Sylph, Ohgrviiions bn BD 0 hoaiut 1e: 1811, between the Red Sea and Zanzibar. n by J. Jopp, Ensign, Lng 2, 16 5 ats ; ii of each, 25 inches by 21. MS. Chagos Archipelago. A Plan of the HARBOUR of DIEGO GARCIA, from a Survey . . od in C Sartorius. No date. Size, 40 inches by 27. under the direction of Captain Conrad Sartorius. MS. Seychelles Archipelago. A act Map of the HARBOUR of PRASLIN, from an actual n exact Map ¢ y SLrd « « . » 'S ba 23. MS. ™ ve 1 d A str NOMIC ul Obser Vv vions mn Jul Ys 1 I 1. ze, 1 inche ly ) ourve an ; ; ) 3 S Laccadives. CHART of the ISLANDS and REE the LACCADIVE GROUP, with the Padua and Sesostris Selby and A. D. Taylor and Banks, by Lieut. W, B. Assistants, Indian Navy. 1848. MS. Size, 26 inches by 38. A Trigonometrical Survey of the BYRAMGORE REEF or CHE- REAPANTI, the westernmost danger of the Laccadives, By Lieats. W. Selby and A. D. Taylor, &c. 1848. 3 Seale, 1,000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 30. MS. See also No. 81, page 592. Led Sea. A Chart of the RED SEA Capt. Court’s Surve by 27. MS. Capt. Court’s SURVEY of the RED SI With views of Ras Ged Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch , from latitude 20° N. to SUEZ, from ys drawn by J. Byers. 1803, received in 1809. Size, 33 inches “A, latitude 15° to 18° N. am and Mirza Mumbarrack. Drawn by J. Byers. 1803. ; size, 27 inches by 34. MS. Capt. Court’s SURVEY of the RED S with a view of the land about Port going, EA, latitude 18° to 21° N., Mornington. In continuation of the fore- Capt. Court’s SURVEY of the RED SEA, a Plan of the narrow Straits of Babelmandeh, with a view. Seale, 1 inches to 1 mile ; size, 15 inches by 19. MS. A Chart of the COAST of ABYSSINIA, from Ras Bieloul to Mas- sowah, by Lieut. Maxfield, of 11. C. Marine. Dedicated to Lord Valentia. 18035. Size. 19 inches by 26. MS. A Trigonocatenary SURVEY of the HARBOUR of MASSOWAT, by Lieut, W. Maxfield, H.C. Bombay Marine. 1805. original and a copy. MSS. Chart of the Coast of ABISSINIA and NUBIA, from 13° to 20° N. Lat. and from 37° 26 to 42° 44’ I. Longitude. India Company in their eruizers Maxfield, Licuts. in the inches by 26. Neze, 16 inches by 18. The Made at the expense of the Kast anther and Assay, by Charles Court and William Bombay Marine. 1804. 1503. (Dalrymple.) Size, 20 Sketch of MASSOWAII HARBOUR. Indian Navy. 1854. Size, 11 inches by 8. MS. Sketch of HODEIDAH ROADS. Navy. 1854. Nizey 13 inches by 9. MS. CHART of the RED SEA from JUDDA to SUEZ, on Mercator’s Projection. Surveyed in the Hon. ( ompany’s brig“ Palinurus,” Robert M Ksq., Commander, in the years 1830, 31, 32. Si By Lieut. R. W. Whish, By Lieut. R. W, Whish, Indian oreshy, ze, 26 inches by 38. MS. Trigonometried SURVEY of MOCHA ROADS, with executed in H, C, steamer Palinurus ” T. B. Haines, 1.N., Ball, Stevens, a View; Acting-Commander and Sheppard, and Mids, ¢ Indian Navy, 1836, Scale, under the direction of assisted by Lieuts. Sanders, Jardine, Rennie, Grieve, and Barrow of th 3 inches to 1 mile ; size 33 inches by 29. MS. SINGLE CHARTS. 597 FS at the Northern part of st dips SE unr pa — - a. - es a 2) H98 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. to the SEA of SUEZ, compiled Government Chart Office, Bombay, by Indian Navy. 1853. Scale, STRAITS of JUBAL, or entrance from different records of the Survey in the Lieut. E. F. T. Fergusson, I.N., Draughtsman to the 9 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 42. MS. SURVEY of the COAST and ISLANDS to the Westward of JUBAL. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 93 inches by 25. MS. Arabian Gulf. the Entrance to the RED SEA, in % Palinurus,” by Commander T. B. Haines, size, 42 inches by 29. MS. A Trigonometrical SURVEY of the Hon. Company’s surveying vessel I.N., with views. Seale, 1 inch to 1 mile ; The SOUTH-EAST COAST of ARABIA on Mercator’s Projec- ical Surveys by Commanders Haines and Sanders Sheet 2. drawn by Lieut. Grieve. 1848. by 47. MS. tion, compiled from Trigonometr and Lieut. A.M. Grieve, Indian Navy. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches Working Sheet of the ARABIAN COAST, corrected by Capt. S. B. Haines, Indian Navy. To accompany the second part of his Memoir. Be- tween Ras Furtuk and Ras el Had. 1844. Scale, 20 miles to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 30. Lith. rical SURVEY of the AFRICAN COAST, from Jibul we H. C. brig of war * Euphrates,” by her Commander by Lieut. W. Christopher, LN. 1841. With views. 98 inches by 51. MS. of SOCOTRA, surveyed by « Palinurus.” 1848. Scale. 4 miles to Trigonomet Jarne to Sayara, executed in tl Lieut. W. C. Barker, assisted Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, Chart of the ISLANDS Westward Lieut. A. M. Grieve and others, in II. C. B. 1 inch; size, 30 inches by 52. MS. Chart of the GULL of A RARIA on Mer piled from Surveys made by Officers of the Indian F.R.A.S., Draughtsman, [LN. 1852. Scale, 20 miles to 1 inch : size, 3 52. MS. cator’s Projection. Com- Navy, by Lieut. Fergusson, LN, 0 winches by the MUSSAHIH ISLANDS (Tejurah t Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, [.N.. commanding H.1.1LC. ize, 16 inches by Trigonometrical Survey of Bay), taken possession of in the name of Her mos and trigonometrically surveyed by Lieut. W. C. Barker, Brig “ Euphrates,” September 1840. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile; s 20. MS. Persian Gulf. General Charts. Chart of the GULF of PERSIA, constructed * * by George Barnes Brucks, Commr. H.C. Marine, 1830. With the Persian and Arabic names written by hand in the Oriental character in red ink. On 2 sheets. A LIST of NAMEN of POSITIONS on both sides of the PER- SIAN GULF, BAGHDAD, 95th February, 1836. Feap. folio, sewed. MN. ARABIC CHARACTERD to accompany and for insertion in the Chart of the Persian Gulf. 1825. On one leaf, demy folio. MS. SINGLE CHARTS. 599 Persian Gulf, Arabian Coast. y rigonometrical Plan of the SUMMITS of the QUOINS Southern side of Fag Wiis * Sanminly called CAPE MUSSELDOM 2 A ) ‘ V ce o the ersi 1 . JAIN a ot s e H. C. Marine. 1821. Size, 28 inches a Oe by P. Maughan, Commander, . Char 4 ¢ > J ry . rr Shaum . % he Son a Goad I' of the PERSIAN GULF from - PT . £ ein» SNUIp Maughns i . \ " Drawn by Lieut. Houghton. ~ Size, 8 gh 0 oma, H. C. Marine. 1821, VIEWS by Lieut. M. Houghton, I.N. :— 1. Coas of ra 1 1 t 1 J) tl S 1 3 (118 i ¢ st A ve ] a take a ‘ 1 | y I ( : ’ « « anch : 3 ¢ 3 h v1 au 0 fa 10111 ano 1t a mile listant fr om 0 i] y a . eh cetch of the Ar: b Y = bh ty cen RR ump and Ras- 1-K1 yo In { ve v ablan C Jas } Jee ¢ 1 fathoms. i : Be Hine y Size of each, 21 inches by 29. MSS A PI NAC (Plan of the BACKWATERS of RASULKYMA, wi od gs of the Lntrance, by Lieut. Brucks. Seale, 7 ine ay A, with the 5 inches by 21. MS. cale, 7 inches to 1 mile ; size 3 rey Trigonometrical Plan of the BACKWATERS at RAS-AL-KYMA I eu J VI. X Ye. 1 - NZ . S t AVL) by 410 22 G u Dad id» eC, 25 inche by 93. M Trigonometrical P 0 : g etrical Plan of the BACKWA", 1 el-Hamrd) o s Avot: . ALA ATER at UL UM) ur) 2 i hii side of the Persian Gulf, hy Lieut nal (Jez- deut. J. M. Guy, IH. C. Marine. 1822. Size 27 EW Juden the oD 2 ly 29. 4 S. T . . ‘ rigonometrical Plan ¢ BACKW = an of the B ACKW ATE y Q ip (Goel Eaves br Lie A B18 ATERS at AMULGAWE IL C. Me hl Light. G. B. Brucks, under the direction of Tin AY EIN : 822. Seale, 4k inches to 1 mile ; size, 26 inches by 31. MS SHY: T Mo Pe ? o Sra) Fig of the Entrance of the BACKWATER at MAUN (CAjmin), by Lieut. R. Cogan, 7 the direction of Lieut I Go H. C. Marine. 1822, Size, 18 I by oe rerton ond. Me Buy, rive : Tgenonesric] Plan of the BACKWATER at SHARJA (esl Sharikah), by Lieut. ‘'ogan, under the directi 14 ML Guy, HL Se OTD a To ere Sy 1e direction of Licut. J. M. Guy, H. C. Marine. Plan of the BACKWATE 9 » B/ ATER of DEBAI i 7 of. the BACKWATT f DEB. (Dabai) on the Arabi: Yoel : b rsian Gulf, by Lieut. R. Cogan, under the a 1 { A pig y, Hl. C. Marine, 1822. Size, 20 inches by 22. MS orl ef Lian IW. ry-..* I'rigonometrical S HC Ti al Survey of the SHORES of OU Igcnoatiio urvey of the | LES of and the SOUNDIN vl ran ABA I HULA (Abu-Zhiby or es Sir) on the Aral Novas rersian Goll, deuts, J. M. Guy and G. B. Brucks ) ine. 1820. : ploy Li Guy aud G. B. Brucks, H. C. Marine, 1826. Size, Plan of the ISLAND ar > ISLAY and HARBOUR of BENI YASS (Si Yis), by Lieuts. G. B. Brucks and R. Cogan. 1822, Size, t di Pe Beng Trigonometrical S “( . Ce g rical Survey of CORE ALLADEID (Khé "Uda on the Arabian side of the Gulf of Persia, by Licuts. J. Ld 3 B LIGA1) . Guy ¢ r. B. Brucks, H. C. Marine. 1823. Draw i 20. MS. 3 rawn by Lieut. M. Houghton, ILC. M. Size, 29 inches by 600 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &cC. Trigonometrical Plan of the HARBOUR of EL. BIDDAH (Bid’aa) on the Arabian side of the Persian Gulf, by Lieuts. J. M. Guy, and G. B. Brucks, H.C.M. 1823. With a view from the anchorage. Size, 30 inches by 38. MS. Trigonometrical Plan of CORE SHEDEI'TCH on the Arabian side of the Persian Gulf, by Lieuts. J. M. Guy and G.B. Brucks, H.C.M. 1823, Size, 22 inches by 24. MS. Part of the RUWEIS at JEBAL, compiled from the surveys of Captains Guy and Brucks in 1821-28, by Com. Constable and Lieut. Stitte, with the proposed track of the Telegraph Cable, south of Cape Musondom. To accompany Letter No. 29, by I. Stewart. October 20th, 1862. Size, 15 inches by 11. KHOR as SHEM, with proposed Telegraph Track, an enlargement of part of the foregoing. Size, 14 inches by 20. MX. On tracing cloth. Makran Coast. A Trigonometrical Survey of JASK (Jashak) BAY and the PER- SIAN COAST to Kohombarak or Bombarick (Kor Mubarik) Rock, showing a dangerous rocky shoal. Reduced to a chart on Mercator’s Projection, by Capt. Henry William Sealy of the Bombay Artillery. 1811. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 27. MS. JASHK SHOAL. Surveyed by Lieut. A. W. Stiffe, I.N. Dec. 1862. Size, 14 inches by 12. MS. MAKRAN COAST. Compiled from the surveys of the following officers of the late Indian Navy :(—Capts. G. B. Brucks, S. B. Haines, T. G. Carless A. Grieve, C. G. Constable, and A. W. Chitty. The principal points astronomically corrected, and numerous additions made by Lieut. A.W. Stille, late LN, F.R.A.S 1874. Tracing from original MS. Size, 27 inches by 44. Western India. Me Cluer’'s General Chart of Western India, on three sheets, Chart of Part of the COASTS of INDIA and GUZERA'T, from a survey made by order and at the expense of the Kast India Company. By John McCluer. 1788. (Poorbunder in Kattywar to Zyghur in the Concan.) Published by A. Dalrymple for the Admiralty. 9. Chart of Part of the MALABAR COAST ; from a survey made by order and at the expense of the East India Company. By John McCluer. 1789 and 1790. (Bombay to Carwar.) Published by the Admiralty. 3. Chart of Part of the MALABAR COANT and Part of the LACCADIVES ; reduced from a survey made by order and at the expense of the Fast India Company. By John McCluer. 1790. (Cape Ramas to Cape Comorin.) With additions to 1833. Published by the Admiralty. Track Chart of the COAST of WESTERN INDIA on Mercator’s Prcjection, compiled partly from recent Surveys, partly from the Grand Trigono- metrical Surveys of India, and partly from McCluer’s Charts and other authentic records and plans in the Government Chart Office, at Bombay. By Licut. Fer- gusson, I.N., F.R.A.S., Hydrographer, Indian Navy. London and Bombay, 18306. On 2 sheets ; scale, about 30 miles to 1 inch ; size, 44 inches by 31. ’ SINGLE CHARTS. Cutch. GULF of CUTCH, by Lieut. A. D. Taylor, LN. 1851. Scale, 1 inch to 2,000 yards. On 4 sheets. MS. GULF of KUTCH, on 4 sheets. By Lieut. A. D. Taylor, 1.N. 1851. Seale, 1 inch to 2,000 yards ; size, 27 inches by 40. A Survey of the CREEKS at the Head of the GULF of KUTCH. By Lieut. A. D. Taylor and R. W. Whish, of th i J . D. Taylor : « W, sh, e Indian Navy, &e. S L inch to 4,000 yards ; size, 27 inches by 20. de TL ry > 1 “IL TY, 1 3 GOORIYA C Rory (CUTCH). Surveyed by Lieut. A. M. Grieve, Messrs. Barker and Shairp, Mn. IN, Scale, 2 inche ile ; size, ! AES wirp, Mn. LN. 1848. Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 20 A Trigonometrical Survey of MANDAVIE ROADS (CUTCH) with adjacent reefs. By Lieut. W. B. Selby and Mr. A. D. Taylor, Assistant Sor veyors of the Indian Navy, &e. 1847. Drawn by A, D. Taylor vende, 2 4 hes to 1 mile ; size, 39 inches by 27. RY AT epen, Batt Kattywar. KATTYWAR COAST, on 3 sheets. By Lieut. G. G. Constable ind Mas. A. W. Stiffe, LN. 1833. Seale, 2,000 yards to an inch ; size, 44 inches IY Oa. OKI 1A COAST (KATTYWAR). Surveyed by Lieut. C. G Co sts ble : p ] i rv ‘ } Pa NT ) v, w ‘ . - : . oo i and - ah A. W. Stiffe, LN. 1832. Secale, 2,000 yards to an inch ; A Trigonometical SURVEY of the ISLAND of DIU (KATTY- J AR. By Lieut. R. Ethersey. 1836. Seale, 2 inches to 1 mile ; size, 20 inches NY “i India and Ceylon, West Coast. A Survey of VIZIADROOG or GERIAH HARBOUR, by C. W Montriou, Licut., L.N., assisted by Mr. A. D. Taylor, Mid., [.N. 1844. With a sketeh of the entrance. Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 29. MS 0. C77" y 2 : . lan of VIZIADROOG, showing the direction and ranges of the 8-inch General Millar's 65 cwt. guns, &e., by C. W. Montriou, Lieut., I.N. Seale 5Q0 yards to 1 inch ; size, 18 inches by 22. MS. ; A Survey of ANGRIA'S BANK. By Lieuts. Selby and A. D I'aylor, Indian Navy. 1847. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch ; size, 24 inches by 21. MS Chart of SUDASAGHUR BAY, by A. D. Taylor, Lieut., I.N Seale, 500 yards to 1 inch ; size, 40 inches by 36. Lith. > yA Chart of SEDASHIGUR BAY. 1855. By Lieut. A. D. Taylor and M. A. Sweny, assisted by Messrs. E. R. May, J. B. Bewsher, and R. Williams =e Indian Navy. Engraved, by J. Walker, 1861. Scale, 1 inch to 1,000 yards ; size 23 inches by 30. d ; stze, 602 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &C. Plan of the proposed PORT of SUDASEWGHUR. Lithographed at the Revenue Survey Press, Dharwar, 1855. Seale, 1 inch to 1,000 yards ; size, 10 inches by 16. > rp ; m Enlarged Chart of BEI'TKUL COVE and VICINITY. Scale, 250 yards to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 16. BEITKOOL COVE and CARWAR H EAD, on a scale of 1 inch to 1,000 feet, by Lieuts. Taylor and Williams, Indian Navy. 1858. Size, 52 inches 3 o v by 29. MS. Plan and Sections of the Breakwaters, Canal of Communication, Road, and other works included in the project for a HARBOUR in BAITKU L BAY. June 1859. Scale, 3} inches to 1 mile ; size, 24 inches by 30. MS. Sections of the Main Breakwater and [sland Breakwaters. SUDA- SUGHUR BAY.* Scale, 18 feet to 1 inch; size, 8 inches by 14. MS. PLANS, signed James Abernethy, and referred to in his report of 26th October 1860 :— | (1.) Proposed Breakwaters in Sedashighur Bay. Seale, 1 © size, 21 inches by 34. | (2.) Sedashighur Bay. Design for Breakwater. 23 inches by 36. No. 2. Plan of BEITKUL COVE in SUDASAGHUR BAY. 1855 By A. D. Taylor, Lieut, IN. Scale, 1 inch to 250 yards ; size, 16 inches by 21. Lith. | Proposed BREAKWATERS in SEDASHIGHUR BAY, referred to in Report dated Oct. 26th, 1860, by Jas. Abernethy. Scale, 1,500 fect to 1 inch ; size, 25 inches by 38. MS. Licut. Taylors Plan for a COM MERCIAL HARBOUR in BEITKUL COVE. Scale, 500 feet to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 29. MS. tracing cloth. oe The ISLANDS, BAYS, and HEADLANDS to ‘the SOL I'H- WARD of CARWAR HEAD, including Anjediva Island, which belongs to the Portuguese. 1857. By Lieut. A. D. Taylor, assisted by Messrs. May, W illiams, and Lewis, Indian Navy. Scale, 1 inch to 1,000 feet ; size, 22 inches by 30. MS. . er ATRAR TELLICHERRY FORT and ROCKS on the MALABA R COAST. By Lieut. A. D. Taylor and Mr. G. Lewis, Indian Navy. 1857. Scale, 1 inch to 100 yards ; size, 33 inches by 27. A Survey of CALICUT ROADS and the Entrance to BEYPOOR RIVER, by Lieut. C. W. Montriou, LN., assisted by Mr. A. D. Taylor, Mid., LN, 1846. Scale, 1 inch to 1,000 yards ; size, 24 inches by 22. MS. A Chart of the SOUTHERN COAST of INDIA and the ISLAND of CEYLON, exhibiting the Gulf of Manaar, on Merecator’s Projection, by Lieut. Fergusson, I.N., F.R.A.S., Hydrographer, Indian Navy. 1856. Sze, 30 inches by 40. MS. A Chart of COLOMBO, Ceylon. Present to Capt. Horsburgh by Mrs. Crisp, Master’s attendant. 1815. Size, 28 inches by 31. MS. ,500 feet to 1 inch; Secale, 8 fect to 1 inch ; size, * Referred to in letter to Secretary of State, No. 28, of 1860. EN ll lf en Ah li 1 | SINGLE CHARTS. Pamban Passage. Trigonometrical Survey of the ISLANDS RAMESERAM and MANAAR, including Adam’s Bridge between the continent of India and the island of Ceylon. By Lieuts. I. G. Powell and E. Ethersey, assisted by Lieut. J. F. Jones, Acting Lieuts. W. Christopher, and Messrs. Selby, Grieve, and King, Midshipmen, Indian Navy. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 22 inches by 32. With numerous soundings. MS. BF This chart was found in the Marine Department, Bombay, by Capt. A. D. Taylor, and brought by him to the India Office in 1874, when it was seen by Capt. Felix Jones, who wrote the following note on it :—¢ 1 have ¢ seen this map to-day, and am greatly surprised to learn that it has not been published with the map of the Pamben Channel engraved long ago, and to which this map is an important accompaniment. More- over the coast of Ceylon from 8° 50" N. to Point de Galle on large “ scales under my own hand, as well as similar large scale sheets of the * coasts of Palk Bay from Pamben to Pt. Calymere, never appear to ‘ have been published. The question is, Where are my original sheets ¢ deposited in the Bombay Offices for transmission to Madras in 1839 7” ‘ cc ce Plan of the PAUMBAN PASSAGE, 1834. Scale, 11 mile to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 17. MS. Chart of the PAUMBUM PASSAGE and CHANNELS to the southward. Seale, 200 yards to 1 inch; soundings in feet; size, 49 inches by 40. MS. Chart of the Passage between MANAR and CEYLAN, by John Wedgbrough, 1796. (Dalrymple.) Size, 20 inches by 26. Chart of the Northern part of the GULF of MANAAR, by John Wedgbrough, from observations made by him and Samuel Snook, when officers in the Kast India Company’s Cruizer Queen, in 1795 and 1796. The northern part of Ceylan and Manaar Island, from a Dutch MS. 1789. (Dalrymple.) Size, 26 inches by 34. Sketch showing the different Plans proposed for opening a Passage through the PAUMBAN STRAITS. Signed, W. Monteith, Colonel, Chief Engineer, Dec. 20th, 1837, No. 1. Secale, 1} mile to 1 inch ; size, 10% inches by 13. MS. ) : No. 3. Plan and Soundings of the Passage through the Sand- bank at PAUMBAN. MS. No. 4. View of TONITORY from PAUMBAN. MS. No. 5. Soundings taken in the SMALL CHANNEL, 1837. MS. PAUMBEN PASSAGE. See FORT ST. GEORGE MARINE, No. 12 of 1845. Size, 15 inches by 10. MS. Plan of the PAUMBAN CHANNEL through the Reefs and HORSE-SHOE BANK, taken on the 19th and 20th of June 1845. G. C. Collyer, Licut, Assistant Civil Engineer. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 58. MS. Ap A AN RTA OY 1 GE RIE A Er neg yn IT rt . : CPA eR LL 604 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. Plan of the PAUMBEN REEF CHANNEL, with part of the ISLAND of RAMISSERAM, showing the position of the Lisihonse, § ignal, Coline Gib, Lieut., 5th April 1849. Scale, 200 feet to 1 inch; size, 40 inches by 21. MS. " Chart of the PAUMBEN CHANNEL and LINE of COA as taken by Capt. Horsley in the month of June 1850. Seale, 300 fect to 1 wmnch ; size, 926 inches by 26. MS. Plan of PAUMBEN CHANNEL showing the Soundings iy teen by Captain Horsley in June 1850. Seale, 100 feet to 1 inch ; size, 15 inches by 3o. MS. Bay of Bengal. General Charts. Chart of the BAY of BENGAL, including plans of the Principal HARBOURS, drawn from surveys made by order of the Hon. Fast India ( om) ans the Board of Admiralty, &. By James Imray & Son. 1833. Size, 40 inches by 54. 3 § NG iled chiefly from surveys of Chart of the BAY of BENGAL, compiled chiefly bos wrvors of the Officers of the Hon. East India Company, by John Walker, Ge ographer to the Company W. H. Allen and Co., 7 Leadenhall St., Loudon, 1858. On 2 sheets ; size of cach, 40 inches by 27. Western sheet only. Bay of Bengal, West Coast. Madras. YT 1 " ‘ AT] . / > J " Pl hibitine the several ANCHORAGES in the MADRAS RD v i ; v. President, Board of Control. By 20ADS. Inscribed to Sir John Cam Hobhouse, President, Bos L 2 Yohin Findley Mauckennie. With sections of the Breakwater, taken in May 1 39, and proposals for hauling a boat or catamaran over the surf. Seale, 900 feet to 1 inch ; size, 26 inches by 3+. MS. Madras Pier. \D fh ~ ARTO ] . 4 y « SOUNDINGS and MEASUREMEN I'S made at MADRAS, in 57, fi 3 ier, i ee sections, in the vicinity of Arbuthnot’s arv 1857. for a proposed pier, in thre sections, in the \ rhu a Io A re General Superintendent, P.W.D. Scales, 80 fathoms and 40 feet to 1 inch ; size, 11 inches by 25. MS. tracing. Plan and Longitudinal Section of proposed PIER at Madras. April DD} 7 0 fi 30 fe inch ; size nehes by 28, MS. tracing. 1859. Scales, 60 feet and 30 feet to 1 tn: ho; size, 22 nel hy : x $d 3 rat :€ pe verse Sect gS. Sor > MADRAS PIER. Plan, Elevations, and Transverse Sections Signe | ¥ Frederick Johnson, January 31st, 1859. Secale, 10 feet to 1 inch; size, 33 inches by 140 MSS 6 copies . 2 on tracing cloth, 3 on tracing paper, 1 mounted. J) . AYA). ’ < MADRAS PIER. Plan (of roadway) as first proposed (1856) and 3 as ow hang carried out. 1838. Seale, 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 10 inches by 19. Tracings. MS. ; pr 1 a1 dier ( ~ 7 . 8 Transverse Section of Superstructure in Main Pier. Size, 18 inches C “ . v by 67. On tracing paper. MS. 3 R, fr he 4: 4th Rows Secti MADRAS PIER, from the 42nd to the 64t | , Seetion of the ths of the piles and the depth to which each was imbedded howing the respective leng \ 1 showing 4 1860-61. Secale, 10 fect to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches in the sand on different dates. by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. EC I Ia SINGLE CHARTS. 605 MADRAS PIER. Plan of Roadway and Elevation of Screw Pile Pier at the shore end. Received from Mr. Gilbert, March 26, 1860. No title. Size, 26 inches by 50. MS. Plans in connexion with the MADRAS PIER J UNCTION, dated 10th May 1861. Prepared at the request of the Pier Committee, vide their Chairman’s Letter, No. 8, dated 17th November 1860 :— . No. 1. Plan of the Junction of the Pier with the Beach Road and Sea Customs’ Premises at Madras. Also showing the proposed new export sheds, and the lines of railway, position of turntables, sidings, &e. Seale, 16 feet to 1 inch ; size, 30 inches by 46. No. 2. Plan, !&e. of export sheds, proposed at the Sea Customs, in connexion with the Pier, Madras. Seale, 16 feet to 1 inch ; size, 21 inches by 38. No. 3. Proposed Traverser Wagon for inside of Custom House, in connexion with the Madras Pier Junction. Seale, 1 foot to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 20. No. 4. Detailed plan of a panel of iron railing proposed to be erected ‘around the new export sheds, in connexion with the Madras Pier Junction, Seale, 1 foot to 1 inch ; size, 16 inches by 20. ® No. 5. Plan of a gateway proposed for the Sea Customs and Pier Junction at Madras. Seale, 1 foot to 1 inch; size, 24 inches by 28. On tracing cloth. MSS. Madras Breakwater. Mr. R. Chisholm’s Design for a BREAKWATER at MADRAS :— (1.) Map of the Madras Roads showing proposed Breakwater (from a Chart surveyed by Lieut. M. A. Sweny, Indian Navy, dated 1859). Size, 18 inches by 23. (2.) Cross Section of Breakwater in 7 fathoms. Seale, 6 feet to 1 inch; size, 19 inches by 25. (3.) Elevation of proposed Breakwater, showing the various stages of the process of construction. Seale, 6 feet to 1 inch ; size, 20 inches by 25. (4.) Diagrams showing the effect of waves, and the. comparative sections of two different forms of breakwaters. Seale, 20 feet to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 27. On tracing cloth. MSS. Chart of the MADRAS ROADS, showing the position of the pro- posed Breakwater. Designed hy M. de Cloolts and Col. Orr, and approved by Committee, 1869. Seale, 300 Jeet to 1 inch ; size, 72 inches by 37. On tracing cloth. MS. MADRAS BREAKWATER. Committee's Report. Detail Drawing of Pier proposed to be constructed in frout of the Railway Terminus, to facilitate the construction of the Pier (7 breakwater) Seale, 4 feet to 1 inch ; size, 46 inches by 36. On tracing cloth. MS. Design for ARMED BREAKWATER for MADRAS. Signed ueorge Wells, CE. Size, 28 inches by 24. On tracing cloth. MS. Designs for a Harbour at Madras. Design for an ENCLOSED HARBOR at MA DRAS, by T. M. Rymer Jones. 1868. : No. 1. General Plan. Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 26, No. 2. Elevations of Breakwaters. Seale, 80 Jeet to 1 inch. With an enlarged view, on a scale of 10 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 34. ) No. 3. Sections of Jetties. Seale, 8 feet to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 33. No. 4. Comparative Sections of various breakwaters adapted to Madras, Seale, t0 feet to 1 inch ; size, 22 inches by 27. On tracing cloth, MSS, nieve a a a gin. A RRA th pe ETE = : 3: ®, 606 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. ign for a BOAT HARBOUR at MADRAS, on Mr. Taylor's des by 14. On tracing cloth. MSS. 9 Sheets. Size of cach, about 10 inches Design for an ENCLOSED HARBOUR at MADRAS, proposed by Mr. William Fraser, C.E. December 1868. (1.) Map of part of Madras, with general pl and Elevation of Jetty. Scales, various; attached slip. (2.) Drawing of Soundings taken at different times alongside the Screw Pile Pier, Madras, showing the variation in the bed of the Sea from the shifting of loose sand. Seales, 10 Jeet and 5 feet to 1 inch ; size, 14 inches by 128. On tracing cloth. MSS. an of Enclosed Harbour, and Section size, 36 inches by 48, with an ARBOUR for MADRAS, by Samuel Design for a proposed 11 Seale, 300 feet to 1 inch ; size, 28 inches by 41. Parkes, C.E. Novr. 30th, 1868. On tracing cloth. MS. MADRAS ROADSTEAD. 1876. See India Marine Charts, page 595. Survey of part of the COR to ARMOGHAM, including the Pulecat LN. 1846. Scale, 2,000 yards to 1 inch ; Survey of the WESTERN COAST of the BAY of BENGAL from NIZAMPALAM to CORINGA, also of part of the RIVERS KISTNA and GODAVERY, made under the superintendence of the late Marine Surveyor, Mr. Michael Topping. Signed, J. Goldingham, Marine Surveyor. 1796. Scale, 2L miles to 1 inch ; size, 38 inches by 53. MS. A Plan of the FLAT in CORINGA BAY. By Lieut. John 1805. Scale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 19 inches by 27. MS. AMANDAL COAST from ENNORE and Armogham Shoals, by Lieut. W. Fell, size, 57 inches by 26. MS. Warren. Chart of CORINGA BAY, surveyed by Lieut. Wm. Fell, I.N. 1846. Scale, 1,000 yards to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 25. MS. An old Sketch of the COAST on the north and PATAM. Size, 15 inches by 9. MS. Plan of the PORT and ROADSTED of VIZAGAPATAM, by Richard John Colgrave, Captain Supg. Engineer. Jan. 12, 1807. With a view of the sand in 9 fathoms sounding. Secale, 4 inches to 1 mile ; size, 19 inches by 29. MS. Part of the COASTS of BENGAL and ORIXON, with Soundings by Plasted. See Sect. Cons. 17th Oct. 1776. MS. south of VIZAGA- AST of ORISSA, surveyed February 1778 by John and Kannaka River, Point Palmyras. Seale, MS. Part of the CO Ritchie. Between Marsipore River 9 miles to 1 inch ; size, 19 inches by 45. A new Plan of Part of the COAST of ORISSA, surveyed by Robt. Knox. 1803. No. 2. Between Juggernaut Pagoda and the Mahanndi River. With notes and observations. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch ; size, 39 inches by 60. MS. SINGLE CHARTS. 607 Survey ; Sey ot she a5 ¥ NYPULRAY, the eastern extremity of y ; v7 Se y © nee a site 1or a ig ithous 3, > 1, tabard Smyth. 1812. Seale, 50 yards to 1 inch; size, 23 inches DL Carmican) Soret, ot he Bay of BENGAL from GANJAM to CHITTA tONG, by John Ritchie. 1768-1770. No title, &c i ! : to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 110. MS. a Ewe pues, ont eins Bay of Bengal, Head of the Bay. A Chart of the Head of the BAY of BENGAL, from surveys taken in the years 1768, 176 x years 1768, 1769, hy tenths + 3. Rerroll: Brtvavore » 1109, nd 1770, by John Ritchie, Surveyor. Drawn 1 . , durveyor-(zeneral. With a plan of Bomi 1 Ri y the coast of Chittuaone. Yi70-on] 1 a 3 ominy Harbour (Fenny River) on ‘ : agong, 14/9, enlarged. cale, 5 miles ine ine QAI by 63. MS. 2 Seale, 5 miles to 1 inch; size, 34 inches A lat of the COAST of BENGAL, surveyed nthe yours 1767 3 y 9, by Messrs, Plaisted and Ritchie, aw . . A General, Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 36 Caan Wg hg Rezaan, SEveyer + : T mm ST) AT A Chane of the NORTHERN PART of the BAY of BENGAI aid down ¢ iiefly from the surveys made by Bartholomew aie ut hy 26. ! meh ; size, 20 inches Th rye ; » NOR ) T r Cir of th NORTHERN PART of the BAY of BENGAI o ps 9 rom jae 70 oon! surveys by Commander Richard Lloyd LN Offici iti . Marine Surveyor-General. 1840. rit tes onde, 8 with {ne ize. 26 a y With notes. Seale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 26 Nosh gt > t Gull of Pongal J AlMyEa POINT to CHITTAGONG. By apt. Richard Lloyd, Indian Navy, 1840. Wi ) i ’ Japt y Navy, 1840. th the following insertions : p ; 2p of the Bar of the River Hooghly from the latest aL 2 for , 1 Oyen 10, 1854, published with the Report, &e. of the Committee a ) oi " 1 ho i a hausls Wr tnt into the state of the Hooghly. 2. Chart of a ort of the Arracan Rivers, 3. Sketch map of Tea snd Cor ‘ of linn pork of racan Rivers, 3. h map of the Tea and Coal localities in Ass: a 0 Coaling Stations of Government Steamers on the Bramaputra above Por pron distances. Also notes on trade and navigation. Seale, 10 miles to 1 i i inches by 40. ’ Rieter) tack +i S00 A Survey of the REEF and POINT of PALMIRAS. By Capt warles Court, Marine Survevor i on : VL D. apt. o ( ourt, Marine Surveyor in Bengal. Horsburgh, 1817. Size, 27 inches 9 A Survey from FALSE POINT, PALMIRAS, to SAUGER ROADS, including the track frequented by ships to the S 4 R 5 ‘ y i; arn JADS, alnding whe | 4 by ships > dea Reefs, and exhibiti oh Ww of the Reefs, Sauger Sand, the Eastern Channel, and Lacam’s ne {ne 3 Maxfield, 1st Assistant to the Marine Surveyor-General. Copied b J 0 Mustie, 26th Nov. 1818. Horsburgh, 1819. Corrected to 1838. On 3 she Y Sonn of each, 40 inches by 27. ha 4% shear an dap : IN / 3 + » Pay of BENGAL BAY, including part of the Sunderbunds. An nar withou ile or date. Seale. © 31 on cu . . i * + MS. or dat cale, 2 miles to 1 inch; size, 21 inches by 60. q 4 rp » NT (2) r . . . COA I of BENGALS Na. 1, with time of High Water at full and change, direction of Floo Tides and Soundings, by Plaisted aw 7 No date. Secale, 4 miles to 1 inch; size, 26 inches by 10. M Sa Rhy J Benet 608 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. A Survey of the COAST of CHITTIGAN, and the River up to DACCA, in the year 1761, by Bartholomew Plaisted. Scale, 4 males to 1 winch ; size, 40 inches by 31. MS. Bay of Bengal, East Coast. Chart of the EAST COAST of the BAY of BENGAL, and of the GULF of MARTABAN and ANDAMAN ISLANDS; showing the Light- houses erected on the Coast of British Burma, with the characters of the lights exhibited. Arranged by Lieut.-Col. Fraser, &e. Accompaniment to British Burmah, P. W. D. letter, dated 8th October 1869. Size, 32 inches by 66. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of the COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS. No date. Irom a note on the chart it appears to be compiled from the surveys of Capt. J. C. Ross, and the officers of H.M.S. Cruizer, 1829. This copy is a tracing by Mr. Carrington from a chart in the Marine Survey Office, Calcutta. Size, 15 inches by 20. MS. * * * COCOS and PREPARIS CHANNELS * * * in the An- daman Islands. By M. E. Matthews, Commander of H.M.S. Alexandra. Secale, 3 miles to 1 inch ; size, 32 inches by 40. LITTLE COCO ISLAND. Enclosure B. to Letter No. 19 of 1874, from Commander A. D. Taylor to India Office. Size, 29 inches by 21. MS. Malacca Straits. A Chart of the WEST COAST of the MALAY PENINSULA, from Junk Seylan nesrly to Malacea. No title or date. Size, 30 inches by 48. MS. The COAST of QUEDA and JUNK CEILON ISLAND. No title or date. Seale, 2 miles to 1 inch : size, 30 inches by 26. MS. Survey of the COAST of QUEDA between PULO PENANG and the LANCAVA ISLANDS. By Lieut. H. Jackson, ILM.LN., commanding H.M. Surveying Vessel © Krishna,” assisted by Messrs. Laycock, Reid, Lemon, and Hodges. 1861. Original plot. Seale, 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 27 inches by 39. MS. The MALAY COAST, between PENANG and LANCAVY, including QUEDAM, with the soundings. Copied from the survey by Lieut. H. Jackson, LN. 1861. Enclosure A. to Letter No. 19 of 1874, from Comr. A. D. Taylor to India Office. Seale. 4 miles to 1 inch ; size, 23 inches by 3+. MS. Map, from JAN SYLAN to QUEDA, by Thos. Forrest, surveyed Tarren Hastings and his Council. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch ; by order of the Hon. W size, 24 inches by 21. MS. PERAK, MALAY PENINSULA. An original map of the Pera (Perak) River. Seale, 10 miles to 1 inch : size, 14 inches by 11. MS. The survey of the Strait of Singapore is respectfully inscribed to the Hon. Colonel utterworth, C.B., Governor, &c., by Samuel Congalton, Commander 1.C. steamer ¢ Diana,” and J. T. Thomson, Government Surveyor, 1846-55. On 9 sheets. Seale, 1% to 1 inch ; size, inches by T+. Chart of the VICINITY of the HORSBURGH LIGHTHOUSE, and adjacent MALAYAN COAST. J. T. Thomson, Government Surveyor, 1851. Size, 8 inches by 11. SINGLE CHARTS. 609 This / 5 5 fis Iitvey of fe SpnALTS of SINGAPORE is respectfull be) ga J wy inne) Butterworth, C.B., Governor of Prince of W: on Joan, Sogn a Malacca, by * * Samuel Congalton, Commr H.C terns a on u 1. 5 ! omson, Government Surveyor, 1845, ‘Additions t > 1855 oF 5 suze, 80 by 27 ; scale, 1 +3 mile to 1 inch. Sel» Chart of a TRACK in 3 * of C J t 4 . I . comida he GULF of SIAM. No title or date. Asiatic’ Archipelago. PLAN of a Harbour bearing W. 1 S. of PULO TIMOAN (East (Coast of Malay Peninsul: ‘ 90 49! N MS, ) sula), lat. 2° 43" N. By Arch. Blair, Size, 14 inches by 21. A CIRCULAR VIEW of a Harbour formed by a cluster of Islands bearing W. 1 S. from a HI Tes the south e * PULO T { 1787. Size, 14 inchs by 11. MS. Penh at POLOMINOAD, by Jue. Wales, PLAN of tl ¢ . ic Bay and River IAC C KING (1 Jaan 0 the ou ind River of SIAC, now KING GEORGE'S cil of Prince of Wal ’ ra, surveyed by orders of the Hon, the Governor and C DY, Siar ¥ og o ales Island, as surveyed in the year 1808 and 1809 by M oi 4 » and laid down on a smaller scale by Jer aelarihv. er pT ment. Size, 31 inches by 51. MS. yy Jerh. MacCarthy, Surveyor to Govern- The CHART of the Straits of DURIAN, &e., by W. S. Collinson Hawkins, and Mores : . { By © AMO1 eshy Lieuts. of the Bor be - us : MS. ) Jombay Marine, 1822. Size, 38 inches by 29. To the Hon. the C “Di : ; . > Court of Directors, &c. CHARTS North, and North-west Coasts of BANCA, by James J ki 5) i Marine, 1817. Size, 30 inches by 52. MS. : oh lua InAnidind CITRETRY of . Unfinished SURVEY of the South Coast of BANCA, bv Lieut ‘A, by : J. Robinson DB ay Marine 7 i , H. C. Bombay Marine, 1817. Size, 21 wnches by 25. MS PLAN of the Straits of BALLY B. Marine. Size, 20 inches by 15. MS. So by dot Cravind, Lieat, BAY of MABA, in the Island of Gelolo, surveyed by Mr. Grei ; Sa a; gs Commander of the ship « A i 3 i ; > ship “ Lord Minto.” 1808. Size, 19 inches by 26. MS. ® / rye » J ‘ 3 E ) H ABT of MACASSAR, with the Islands and Shoals adjacent, as aid down from observations made in 1814, by John Crawford, Li a Je ent, as a sketch of Macassar from Gt. Lyly. Size, a1 inches by 29 Ae B. M. With CHART delineated by C d y Capt. D. Ross, Company’s Mari ; 1S passage 1 y Charles CG . 4 ' bi 4 ol B a : La in the ( harles Grant. Chiefly i vo as Sy Syn ward Trac from China in 1819, off BINTANG and LINGIN 13 home- STRAIT. Size, 30 inches by 22. ) SGIN. jo BANCA CHART of the West Coast of BORNEO, with the Track of H.M.S “ Modeste,” 1811. Size, 29 inches by 22. MS. The REEFS and BAY of i EF y of DHELY, in the MN surveyed by Capt. J. Welsh, Sept. 1818. Size, 3 inches by Leet of Timor, (7767.) RE i QQ 610 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, CHARTS, &c. CHART exhibiting the Track of the H. C. brig “ ANTELOPE,” on the Coast of PALAWAN, in 1810, &e., by Lieut. D. Ross, Bombay Marine. With additions in MS. Size, 31 inches by 22. CARTA ESFERICA del E! TRECHO de Sn. Bernardine, etc. The Eastern and Western Entrances by Don Juan Vernacei, of the Spanish Navy, in 1804 to 1807. Procured at Manilla in 1809, by Lieut. Philip Maughan. 2 sheets, Size of each about 28 inches by 36. PLAN of Town and Harbour of CAVITE and the Castle of ST. PHILIP, drawn by Wm, Stevenson, Engineer. 1763. Size, 15 inches by 19. MS. China Sea, Cochin China. Plan des ports des XUAN DAI, VUNG LAM, et VUNG CHAO, situes dans la Province de Phuyen. 1793. No. 9. Size, 23 inches by 33. MS. China Sea, Paracels Islands. (HART of the PARACELS surveyed by Daniel Ross and Philip Maughan, Lieuts. H.E.LC. Bombay Marine. 1808. CHART exhibiting the TRACKS of the « ANTELOPE,” with the exact situation of the Parace Maughan. 1808. Size, 50 inches by 27. WESTERN GROUP of the PARACELS, by Daniel Ross, Size, 36 inches by 22. MNS. « DISCOVERY” and 1s, by Daniel Ross and Philip Lieut. B.M. 1808. Size, 30 inches by 22. MS. Plan of the AMPHITRITE ISLANDS, composing part of the PARACELS, by Daniel Ross, Lieut. B.M. 1808. Size, 28 inches by 18. MS. ship PRINCESS AUGUSTA, Capt. Dalrymple, 1788. Size, 13 inches Chart of the Track of the Thomas Baddison, by the Pitt's Passage, 1761. by 19. Chart of Capt. DAMPIER STRAIT 0 1799. Torin’s Track between SAPY STRAIT and r SUMBAWA and NEW G UINEA. Notitle. Dalrymple, China. Survey of Part of the SOUTH COAST of CHINA # * # by Daniel 2oss and Philip Maughan, Lieuts. B.M. 1807. No. 1. Size, 31 inches, by 45. MS. Plan of the TIEN PIEN or TIEN PACK HARBOUR, on the South Coast of China, by Lieut. Ross, B.M. 1807. Size, 22 inches by 35. MS. Plan of the HARBOUR of HUILING SAN, on the South Coast of China. By Lieut. Daniel Ross, B.M., 1807. Size, 25 inches by 33. MS. Plan of NAMO HARBOUR, on the South Coast of China, in 1807, by Lieut. D. Ross, B.M. Size, 21 inches by 28. MS. SINGLE CHARTS. 611 ChARY of the different PASSAGES leading to MACAO ROADS 4 SS an lip Maughan, Lieuts.,, BM. 1810. Size, 29 inches by 48, Plan of the BROADWAY Lieut. Daniel Ross, B.M. 1807. ne WisTua oe 9 MACAD, by Plan of the CHANNEL fi an o NEL from LINTIN to the ! by Lieut. Daniel Ross, B.M. 1807. Size, 26 inches by 18. i TIGRIS, ) « p ‘ r 1 In of pat of fhe e A NTON RIVER, from the Lower Shoal of st Bar to Danes Island. Seale, - e ; ; 58 ine fo Tint By oboe md. Seale, 400 feet to 1 inch ; size, 58 inches by 53. A Sketch by Compass of ; . y Compass of the HARBO : : J. Barrow. 1793. Size, 15 inches by 18. MS, UR of TCHUSAN, by A Sketch of the HARBOUR of TCHUSAN, as it appears from the middle of the basi , ml o v; niddle of the basin, by J. Barrow. 1793. Size, 15 inches by 18.” MS. . . 1 / r Y - Comps CHART of the YANG TSE KIANG, from Great Jush to Nankin, by FE. Roberts, Acting Master, Sesostris 2 y ; 1 inch. In two parts. Size, 28 inches by 85. eo Be Th tue ADMIRALTY CHARTS. The Collooien of these Charts at the India Office was presented hy iy | g miralty, and is denoted in a marked copy of the Admiralt Catal au s that Catalogue is published there is no object in reprinting a part of it here il FRENCH GOVERNMENT CHARTS. The selection of these Charts at the India Office was presented by y Mra v 3 yO . th I rench Gove rnment. For the complete series, consult the * Catalogue d Cartes, &c. qui composent L’Hydrographie Frangaise,” Ble des MARINE SURVEYING, SAILING DIRECTIONS, &c. A TREATISE of MARITIM SURVEYING, in two Parts; with dafs ww Klesav © Tr: ow; \ ° Profosery Essay on Draughts and Surveys, by Murdoch Mackenzie, Senior, late aritim S eg : oF ett Lariam g ho 4 dy hk y lale ] urveyor in His Majesty’s Service, London, 1774. 4to., half bound. ELEMENTS of NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. 39 plates. No title date, &e. Folio, oblong, half bound. MEMOIRE sur la COTE et les Ports de COCHINCHINE pou servir d1nsingion 4 la Collection des cartes et plans de J. M. et Fx er p x J. M. Dayot, Capitain des Vaisseaux oi de Cochinchine 1790. Pea. ors pat 7 oa MS usseaux du Roi de Cochinchine, 1779, Feap., xviii, and OBSERVATIONS taken on board H.E.I.C. Ship «“ DISCOVERY,” by Daniel Ross, in 1808. Quarto, half bound, MS, ) QQ 2 swing daromgiin Rp —————————— th ———— a a eer mA SS RSS reo SEreaEas ig! Se SPUN Kina CRE oe —— SER girs 612 INDIAN MARINE SURVEYS, &C. DIRECTIONS intended to accompany the Chart of the South Coast of CHINA. Printed by order of the Court of Directors, Dec. 1808. By Daniel Ross and Phillip Maughan, Lieutenants of the Bombay Marine Telegraphic Signals, or Marine Vocabulary, by Sir Home Popham &c. Printed for the use of the Honourable East India Company. London, 1810. Quarto, half bound. COMMERCIAL and MILITARY SIGNALS for the SHIPS in the Service of the Hon. East India Company. London, Dee. 1813. Quarto, half bound. AST between Cape RECIFE sarticular description of Port 'TLM.S. « Menai,” 1820. MS. REMARKS on the RIVERS and CO and the Mouth of the K EISKAHAMA, with a | Elizabeth, Algoa Bay, South Africa, by the Captain of on 15 pages Feap., unbound. ERRORS in Charts of the ARCHIPELAGO North of MAURI- TIUS, 1821-22. Memoir by Captain Fairfax Moresby, C.B., of I.M.S. « Menai,” Remarks on the Amiroute Islands, Glorioso, Mahe, Praslin, Curieuse, La Digue, Isle aux Frigate, Seychelles, and surrounding Islands and Banks. MS. on 70 pages Feap., unbound, imperfect. of the INDIAN OCEAN. Dy Captain 820-22. Feap., T0 pages, sewed. MS. apt. D. Ross, TF.R.S., Marine Chart of the Archipelago Memoir on the Islands Fairfax Moresby, C.B., of H.M.S. Menai. 1 MERGUI ARCHIPELAGO. ByC Surveyor General, Bengal ; as an accompaniment to his finished Nov. 1831. Feap., 10 pages, unbound, MS. the MALDIVA or MALDEEVE ISLANDS, Nautical Directions for No title or date (1835). Feap., by Robert Moresby, Commander, Indian Navy. 100 pages, unbound, MS. tions for the MALDIVE ISLANDS and the CHAG OS Robert Moresby, Indian Navy, 1859. Printed East India Company. Octavo, cloth. Nautical Direc ARCHIPELAGO, by Commander by order of the Court of Directors of the Correspondence on the subject of LACAMS CHANNEL and CHANNEL CREEKS, with Report by Captain Lloyd, Marine Surveyor General, 1837. MS. on 18 pages. Feap., unbound. f PAUMBEN PASS and ADAM'S Memoir on the Survey o 1837. Feap., 26 pages, unbound, BRIDGE. . By Lieuts. Powell and Ethersey, MS. ONE HUNDRED VOYAGES to and from INDIA, Honourable East India Company’s Service, with wixiliary to shipping, and th India vid the Cape of lescription of Melville's By Henry Wise, late «Rdinburgh,” 1839. Octavo, An Analysis of CHINA, &e. performed by ships in the remarks on the advantages of steam power suggestions for improving thereby the communication wi Good Hope. To which is added an Appendix containing a ¢ Patent Propellors, with plans of the engines, machinery, &ec. Chief Officer of the Honourable Company’s ship cloth. applied as an : 1 for the RED SEA. By R. Moresby, and ymanders, Indian Navy, 1841. Printed by order of the Court Octavo, cloth. Sailing Directions T. Elwon, Esqrs., Con of Directors of the East India Company. SSS i. SAILING DIRECTIONS, &C. 613 of the Gulph of Manar, 1843. I cap., 46 pages, unbound. MS. XX’ 1 r ‘ ? 0 : FATA ons ton 2 JOURNAL. by Lieut. W. Christopher com anding the H. C. brig of war “Tigris ” on the N.E. coast of Afri 4 1843. Feap., 105 pages, unbound, MS. om the N.E. coast of Africa, dated May 8, Sailing Directions for the coastof PEGU and GULF of MARTABAN By Comr, W. Fell, LN 5 ° y » W. Fell, LLN,, 1852. Fcap., 4 pages, unbound. General Dosolippey 2d ons Directions for the COAST of AL v. b . M. Grieve, Senior Lie N > : a : ray rieve, Senior Lieut., I.LN., and Surveyor. Bombay, Ne 5 Srsjons oS ie North-west Coast of SUMATRA or DIR COAST, from Acheen Head to Dis 201 } I. P ; N 1855. Feap., 20 pages, unbound. MS, rant hadk Ty Y hoaRIR Statement of the LIGHTHOUSES and FLOATING LIGHTS in » 2 » I » . 56 the Presidency of Bengal, 1856. F. cap, 8 pages. MS ges. S. Saiing Directions for the Coast of SIND, KUTCH, and West Coast 4 Katty war, with Directions for entering Kurrachee Harbour By E.F. T 4 gusson, Lieut., I.N., 1857. On six pages Feap., unbound b Pygubee Correspondence on the DISCOVERY of a ROCK at the southern entrance of Port Blair, 1860. On 19 pages, Feap., unbound Tables. Margetts’s HORARY TABLES for shewing by inspection the Apparent Dal Watied of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, the Latitude of a Ship, and e¢ Azimuth, Time, or Altitude, corres i 1 “eles oat oli uth, ) orresponding with ¢ > : j “oli bound, with Letterpress in 4to. Xk poeta. Bk, r TYE, ’ T ‘1 “n wo ~N Vp gon : LON GI'l UDE TABLES for correcting the effect of arallax and Refraction on the observed distance between tl ¢ a fixed Star, whereby the true distance i es Mea 20 thy Bunge ' A stance is accurately obtained, « } Corres i time at Greenwich found by inspection, 1790. ar. nts ia) iii / , to y 1 ! } J av73 A romplete Colleption of TABLES for Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, with simple, concise, and accurate { ; Ys , se, and accurate methods for all the cale i ] at sea, particularly for deducing the longitude A ) g gitude from lunar distances i ; roy for ; gil t stances, an > 1s > fon, two altitudes of the Sun and the interval of time ibn A y 0 y y 7 10% dQ " \ Borv: Jy Joseph de Mendoza Rios, Esq., F.R.S., London, 1809. Quarto, half rene Joss. y 14 . n . Conipite Mathematical and General NAVIGATION TABLES including every table necessary to be used wi Vauti the | : Sst sed with the Nautical Alm: i i Roly evel ko Sar wi N: ; manac in finding the i“ 3 songitude 3 with their description and us isi pitade Lon, th t se! : use, comprising the principles gl the ir construction and their direct application to plane and spherical 2 Sriniples avie: ‘ al astr y 1alli 3 > 2 navig tion, nautic al astronomy, dialling, practical gunnery, mensuration enuging iy Jy Thomas Kerigan, R.N., &e. 1828. In 2 vols.. Svo bound P SENSING 0 Sa. : TEs ty TTY v 3 ‘ PARLOUR’S 1 ABULATED FORMULA and RULES for th purpose of NAV IGATION. Latitude by Meridian Altitude Sule Azi I ae Compass Variation. Time by Star. Time by Sun. Longitude b ® Sau fo Longitude by Lunar Observations. Latitude by Double Altitud oF oman slate tablets in a cover. Quarto, half-bound. ’ Bh R Taiuaon theese is others a A YE » simran fen . EE i 614 MARINE ARCHITECTURE. TABLES of latitudes and longitudes by chronometer of places in the ATLANTIC and INDIAN OCEANS, principally WEST and EAST COAST of AFRICA, the coasts of ARABIA, MADAGASCAR, &c., resulting from the observations of H.M.S. Leven and Barracouta in the years 1820 to 1826 inclusive, under the direction of W. F. W. Owen, Captain R.N. To which is added an essay on the management and use of chronometers, by Richard Owen, Commander R.N., an officer of the expedition. Quarto, half-bound. MARINE ARCHITECTURE. Iron. Pilot Brig. Plans of H.E.L.C. IRON PILOT BRIG, by John Laird; with a Memorandum as to sundry fittings. Dated 18th June 1842. No. 1. Sheer plan. No. 2. Plans of upper and lower decks; and No. 1 of cabin and forecastle. No. 3. No. 2 of cabin and forecastle. New Plans, dated 8th August 1342. No. 1, new. Sheer plan and longitudinal midship section, showing the arrange- ment of upper and lower decks, hold, &c. No. 2, new. Plan of upper deck. No. 3, new. Plan of lower deck. No. 4, new. Hold plan. No. 6, new. Drawing of the hull and rigging. Troop Barge. No. 1. General Plan and Lines for TROOP BARGE for the Rivers Ganges and Indus, prepared in conformity with report of Boat Commission. No. 2. Detail sections. By T. B. Winter. 1358. Plan of the Between Decks of a FLAT for accommodation of 100 troops and five officers. Tigris River Trading Beat. Plans and view of a Boat, called the « HINDIYEH,” trading in the River Tigris. By Felix Jones. Size, 24 inches by 36. MS. Steam Vessels by the Company’s Officers. Plan of a STEAMER to receive Engines of the same power as « Berenice’s.” By the Controller and Head Builder, Bombay Dockyard. The original plan submitted by Capt. Wilson, and alluded to in Controller and Builder’s Letters to the Superintendent, No. 9 of 1838, Feb. 1st. Another copy, being the plan on which the “VICTORIA” was actually built, with a slight exception. Another copy without note or date. MARINE ARCHITECTURE. 615 Plans of the STEAM FRIGATE of WAR “AUCKLAND,” launched in Bombay 9th January 1841. On three sheets. ) ™ NTT ry Nn » ! Plans of the H.E.I.C. STEAM FRIGATE «“ ZENOBIA.” Bombay Dockyard. March 1850. Cussetjee Rustemjee, Master Builder. L : i of the Engine Room and Sleepers. 2. Elevation and Uppe ck P showing the iti : on, i Upper Deck Plan, showing the position of the paddle beams, 3. Sections. Steam Vessels by Contractors. Plans of the STEAMSHIP «INDIA.” By Sc inclai / gonad the 51 AMSHIP “INDIA.” By Scott, Sinclair, & Co., 1. A drawing of the Steamship “India.” 2. Plan of cabins, &e. 3. Sheer draught and profile. 4. Side elevation of one of the engines. 5. A siew of the saloon. ® 6. Boilers with Hall’s Patent Still. 7. Plan of engines. y ’ Nr] a ‘ -* »v Plans of the STEAMSHIP “ MEMNON.” By S. Ritherdon. 10th June 1840. Engines by Maudslay. : L Draft of a Steam Vessel of 1,125 $7 tons. By S. Ritherdon. 10th June 1840 2. Plans of the upper and lower decks. ! 3. Profile of inboard works. 4. Fore and aft Platforms. 5. Drawing showing the manner of stowing the ” i wing go 8 { e Tanks in the ILE.I.C. S - ship “ Memnon.” 7 : CHP 6. Comparison of the Boilers of the “Memnon ” wi i ‘ | f 8 ] on” with those in the Sesostris,” “ Cleopatra,” and *“ Auckland.” ® Poa A. 1. Dwg of the famg of placing a pair of Double Cylinder Engines of the ultimate power of 400 horses in a vessel for the ILE.I.C ° Maudsley, Sons, and Field. August 1840. FC, hy Manages: . 2. Another with the same title. March 1841. 3. Drawing showing the sleepers of the HLE.I.C. Steam V : g 3 sle Ju LO, Stea ssel “Me ? He Et g eam Vessel Memnon. D. 4. Another with similar title to A 1. Dated June 9, 1841. An Anonymous Collection of DRAWINGS of Steamship and Marine Engines. River Steamers and Steam Bridges for the Ganges and Bramaputra. / ’ y y z r * . Map of 1h RIVER HOOGLY, with a design for a Steam Ferry Jridge for connecting its shores at Calcutta. To accompany a priv y 2 1 a. : ¢ a private report by Andrew Henderson, Esq., and Charles Greaves, Civil eon. : dy Map of the HOOGLY, with the CITY and PORT of CALCUTTA ghewing ihe te of the proposed Docks, the present anchorage and moorings, and the ine of the railway to the north and west. Signed, And. H 3 nd C : ; And. Hender : arles Greaves, Dec. 20, 1853. i a Chutes 616 MARINE ARCHITECTURE. RAILWAY STEAM BRIDGE, by R. Napier, Glasgow, June 1849. On 2 sheets. A draught for building an IRON STEAM FERRY BOAT for fe on the RIVER GANGES at BENARES. Accompaniment to Letter No. 92 o 3rd Oct. 1855, from Chief Superintending Engineer of the Kidderpore Steam Foundry. Comparative Plans of STEAMERS, TUGS, and TOW-BOA I'S established and proposed on the BENGAL RIVERS. By A. Henderson. 1861-63. River Steamers and other Boats for the Indus and Punjab. PASSENGER BOAT for the LOWER INDUS. Plans, section, and elevations. On tracing cloth. MS. Plan of ACCOMMODATION BOAT for the SUTLEDGE. Miller, Ravenhill, and Co., London. 23rd December 1843. MS. Plan of a CARGO BOAT. No. 3., E. 1 Co. No title or date. MS. A Pencil Sketch of a RIVER STEAMER, with a Passenger Boat in tow. By John Laird, March 13th, 1843. MS. Plan of H. E. I. Cos STEAM VESSEL “ LOODIANAH™ as now fitted, with another plan of the vessel as proposed to be altered. Tracing. MS. Plans of ACCOMMODATION BOATS for PASSENGERS or TROOPS. By John Laird. 17th May 1843. Three tracings. MSS. INDUS STEAM FLOTILLA. Plan, elevation, and section of Steam Vessels. By T. A. Yarrow, Civil Engineer. MS. STEAMER for navigating the INDUS. Robinson and Russell. No date. Sheets A and B. MS. Steam Tug and Rake, &c. for Hoogly Improvements. Sketch of proposed MACHINE to be used for ST U RIN G (stirring) the surface of SHOALS by the action of the CURRENT. R. Napier and Sons, Glasgow, 21st February 1865. MS. Sketch of proposed TUBULAR RAKE for the HOOGLY IM- PROVEMENTS. R. Napier and Sons, Glasgow, February 21st, 1865. MS. Proposed IRON PADDLE TUG STEAMER for the HOOGLY IMPROVEMENTS. Plans 26, 27, 29. R. Napier and Sons, Glasgow, 2lst February 1865. Three tracings. MSS. STEAM TUG BOAT. By Lieut. Heywood, R.E. 1. «La Ville de Sens” Steamboat, plans of Vessel and Engines. 2. Cable Tug of 15 horse-power, Tug No. I. 3. Cable Tug of 20 horse-power, Tug No. 2. DA am MARINE ARCHITECTURE. 617 WINTER’S UPPER RIVER STEAM TUG. I. General Plan and Lines for Upper River Steamer prepared in conformity with “ Report of Boat Commission.” By T. B. Winter, M.L.C.E. February 7th, 1859. . Detail sections. 3. Details of fore and aft girders. 4. Engines. . Boilers. Steam Dredges. The Honourable Trinity Corporations DREDGING VESSEL, No. 2. . Elevation of Vessel ; Plan of Ladders and Machinery below; Links; Saddle ; Roller, and Buckets. . 20 horse-power Steam Engine. . Side Elevation of Driving Gear; Front Elevation of Driving Gear, with Roller and Friction Gear in section. Design of an IRON DREDGING BOAT for the Serviceat ADEN, prepared in accordance with the Commander-in-Chief’s Memorandum, No. 3301, dated 16th October 1858. In Marine Letter from Bombay, No. 11, Feb, 9th, 1859. Boilers. I'ront End View of the BOILER STEAMER PROGRESS, of MADRAS Showing the Position of the Water Gauge and Steam Cocks. Oct. 4, Also, a Transverse Section. Section of BOILER of Forrester’s Canal Steam Tugs. Madras, 1860. TUBULAR BOILER for the Snake. 1851. Plan of the New Zenobia’s BOILERS. Plan and Elevation of the Meteor's BOILERS. Plan, Elevation, and Cross Section of BOILER for Euphrates’ Engines. New BOILERS for the Queen. 25th August 1851. Plan of the Satellite’s BOILERS. Plan of the Nimrods BOILERS. New BOILERS for the Moozuffer. 12 April 1850. Marine Engines. Plan of a Pair of Fawcett, Preston, and Co.’s Patent Direct-acting STEAM ENGINES of 500-horse-power. With side views, Two sheets and separate description on fep. Liverpool, 10th December 1844. a A eb, rss rE oman “nian = rong ereen ——— ————— 5 A A A 55 618 MARINE ARCHITECTURE. Plans of a MARINE ENGINE by George Forrester and Co., Liverpool, November 25th, 185i. No titles. On three sheets. atent Double-cylinder MARINE ENGINES, for the Hon. East India Company. By On two sheets. Drawing of a Pair of P of the collective power of 500 horses, : Maudsley, Sons, and Field. London, December 11, 1851. Plans of a MARINE ENGINE, by R. Napier, Glasgow, 24th November 1851. On two sheets. Also, a plan of feathering wheels fixed on by the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. and Elevations of a Pair of Oscillating ENGINES For a Steam Frigate for the Honourable East India Company. Greenwich, 11th December 1844. On two sheets. Also, eathering Paddle Wheels, and a method Plan, Sections, of 500 horse-power. By John Penn and Son, sketches showing mode of making Patent IF proposed for disengaging Paddle Wheels. Cn 2 sheets. ating ENGINES, and proposed Side-lever By Scott, Sinclair, and Co., Plans of proposed Oscill NG ENGINES, for the Honourable Kast India Company. Greenock, 24th November 1851. On four sheets. Plan of ENGINES proposed for the Honourable East India Company. 1844. Plan of J. Seaward’s TUBULAR BOILER, December 11th, 1844. the Steam Vessels to be built for By Seaward and Capel, December 11th, A. B. Plan of a Pair of BEAM or SIDE LEVER ENGINES of 700 horse-power, proposed for a new vessel building for the Hon. East India Company. By Seaward and Capel. November 26th, 1851. M. N. Plan of a Pair of DIRECT-ACTION or GORGON ENGINES of 700 horse-power, proposed for a new vessel building for the Hon. East India Company. By Seaward and Capel. November 26th, 1851. Y. Z. Plan of a Pair of OSCILLATING ENGINES of 700 horse- power, proposed for a new vessel building for the Hon. East India Company. By Seaward and Capel. November 26th, 1851. Plan of a FEATHERING PADDLE WHEEL, 36 feet diameter, adapted for the vessel of 1,800 tons building for the Hon, East India Company. Proposed by Seaward and Capel. November 26th, 1851. LIGHTHOUSES. Alguada Reef. Elevation and Section of a LIGHTHOUSE of granite proposed for the ALGUADA REEF, from the design of that erected onjthe Rocks of Skerryvore, by Alan Stevenson, Esq. Plates 1 and 2. On two sheets. MS. Elevation and Section of a LIGHTHOUSE of iron and concrete designed for the ALGUADA REEF by Lieut. A. Fraser, Bengal Engincers. Plates 3 and 4. On two sheets. MS. tracings. LIGHTHOUSES. Monapalliam. MONAPALLIAM LIGHTHOUSE. Plans of the top of the Tower. Signed William Fraser, C.E. June 1868. On 2 sheets. Cannanore. Plan of CANNANORE FLAGSTAFF (and LANTERN), dated 1st June 1868. Also another, dated 1st October 1868. Signed, G. W. Walker, Goong, R.E., Superintending Engineer, and H. Bailey, Assistant Engineer. On sheets. Tellichery. Plan of TELLICHERRY FLAGSTAFF and LANTERNS. Ist June 1868. Signed, G. W. Walker, Colonel R.E., Superintending Engineer. Masulipatam. Plan of the Upper Rest of the Flagstaff at MASULIPATAM. 6th February 1868. Plan and Elevation of the Flagstaff in the FORT of MASULI- PATAM. 7th October 1868. Tuticorin. Proposed Top, Plan, and Elevation of the Lighthouse at TUTICO- RIN. 13th April 1868. Point Divi (Kistna River). Plan, Section, and Elevation of the Top of DIVI (Kistna River) Lighthouse. 6th February 1868. Santapilli (Vizagapatam District). Plans, Sections, and Elevation of the Lighthouse at SANTAPILLI as it was before the storm. Cape Comorin. Sketch of the proposed Lighthouse at CAPE COMORIN. 26th July 1868. Negapatam. Elevation of upper portion of Light Column proposed to be built at NEGAPATAM. 4th January 1868. Mangalore. Top of MANGALORE LIGHTHOUSE. Present position of Lantern. CT Co aE a Ee I Pi 3 : oe § \ ay is ar ay _- asa gag sit 5 ENE EB gt hie taLi pp A A AI. BA > 620 LIGHTHOUSES, DOCKS, &C. 621 Pulicat. GEOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUES. Sketch in Plan and Elevation of the PULICAT LIGHTHOUSE General Descriptive Catalogue of MEMOIRS, MAPS, GEOGRA- ad A Ia, 1 HICAL, and STATISTICAL MATERIALS of every description in the depot of the Surveyor-General’s Office, Madras, prepared for the Honorable the Court of Directors, agreeably to Orders of Government dated the 26th June 1827. Signed J. Montgomerie, Dep. Sur. Gen. Large folio, 200 pages, half bound. MS. il Descriptive Catalogue of MAPS and GEOGRAPHICAL MATE- : DAs in Of of the Surveyor-General of India, Calcutta. Signed J. A odgson, Lieut. Col. Surveyor General of India (1827-29). With rem: Xs. Loree folio, half bound, 418 pages. MS. ny ee Fd er a i Bombay. BOMBAY HARBOUR, with the position of the new Lighthouse then building on the south-west prong of COLABA, and of the Light required by Nautical Men on the edge of the shoals extending therefrom. 21st September 1871. A Rat RS YT EE A hog SLY hd aa DOCKS. Plan of the SOUTHAMPTON DOCKS. Signed, Alfred Giles, 1846. Transverse Seetlon of the TIDAL DOCK WALL, Southampton Rivers; Routes ; Marine Surveys ; Miscellaneous Maps and Plans ; Military Plans ; Unascertained Plans, (No date, say 18357) Folio, 531 pages, bound, Docks. MS. Edwin Clarke’s Patent. The PONTOONS, Thames Graving A Register of the MAPS in the BENGAL PRESIDENCY " . ds <8. CUD? af if ressels 3.000 tons. . . . Docks, Victoria Docks, capable of lifting vessels ap to 3, ong printed in Calcutta in 1839-42, and corrected in MS. up to 1849. Signed A. S. NEW THAMES GRAVING DOCKS. Edwin Clark’s Patent. 1857. Waugh, Licut. Col. Engineer, Surveyor General of India. In 3 vols. Feap folio, half bound, with the following titles ;— Plans, Elevations, View, and Prospectus. On 2 sheets, and letterpress. ’ g St : v ‘ ‘ ‘ Fhe SURVEYS deposited in the Library of the Honorable East India Company inserted in this Catalogue according to the following Scheme of Distribution :— ® Bengal, &e.: Maps, Plans ; Fort St. George : Maps, Plans; Bombay : Maps, Plans ; suman nits orient, pr RA ue SE SC i MACHINERY. A MOVEABLE PLATFORM for training Seamen to fire Ship’s Guns. Invented by Lieut. Cook, of Addiscomb College. Ou 2 sheets. ENGINES for the Mint at Madras. Drawings of a CRANE. DRAWING and TRACING, without title. Perspective View and Working Elevation of a PUMPING STEAM ENGINE, constructed by Messrs. Claud Girdwood and Co., for Sir John Hope, of Craighall, Bart. Drawn by J. Milne. On 2 sheets. The CIVIL ENGINEER and MACHINIST : Practical Treatise by C. J. Blunt and R. M. Stephenson. In five divisions, oblong folio. BRIDGES. BRIDGE of 45 arches, of 15 yards span, for the PENNAAR RIVERS. Two tracings. Plans and Specification for the erection of a TIMBER BRIDGE, 200 feet span. Goodwyn’s Memoir on the TAPER-CHAIN TENSION BRIDGES. Five plates in a cover. CAST-IRON BRIDGE, 121 feet 6 inches between bearings. Manufactured by H. and M. D. Grissell, London. A REGISTER of the MAPS to be found in the various Offices of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, prepared under the authority of the Governor General of India from returns received by the Survey Committee, 1838. : 11. A REGISTER of the MAPS of the BOMBAY and MADRAS PRESIDENCIES to be found in the various offices of the BENGAL PRESIDENCY, prepared under the authority of the Governor General of India, from returns received by the Survey Committee, 1838, 111. Supplementary REGISTER of the MAPS to be found in the various offices of i HEnanL PRYsSInENGY) compiled under the authority of the Governor ieneral of India, from returns received in the office of the Surveyor General of India, 1840-41. fess of A Classified List of the BOOKS in store in the BOOK OFFICE Kxaminer’s Department, East India House. To which is appended a List of Maps, Charts, Plans, and Drawings, June 1858. Quarto, 97 and 63 pages, unbound. ’ A copy of the foregoing list of MAPS, &ec. with an Index. Large folio, bound. MS. Also a rough copy of the Index, feap, unbound. MS. Another copy of the List of Maps with an Index. Feap., folio, bound in red leather, MS, A list of MAPS, CHARTS, PLANS, &c. belonging to Mr. Peacock with an Index, &e. Feap., half bound. MS. : A list of CHARTS published at the CHART OFFICE, East India House, from Surveys executed by order of the Hon. Court of Directors, &ec. 1848 Crown 8vo., sewed. fo i drorstoren ty 622 GEOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUES. A list of CHARTS published at the Chart Department, India Office, from Surveys executed by order of the late Court of Directors of the East India Company and of H.M. Secretary of State for India in Council, and sold under his authority, &ec., 1860. Crown, 8vo. sewed. Catalogue of the MAPS, PLANS, and VIEWS in the Topo- graphical and Statistical Depdt of the War Office. Col. Henry James, R.E., F.R.S., &e. Director 1859. In 2 vols. 4to. half bound. Admiralty Catalogue of CHARTS, PLANS, VIEWS, and SAIL- ING DIRECTIONS, 1871. Octavo, sewed. CATALOGUE CHRONOLOGIQUE des Cartes, Plans, Vues de Cotes, Mémoires, Instructions Nautiques, etc. qui composent I'Hydrographie Fran- caise, Paris 1856. Another edition, 1860. Octavo, sewed. CATALOGUE of the original and other documents deposited in the MARINE SURVEY DEPARTMENT, CALCUTTA. Compiled by R. C. Carrington, Chief Civil Assistant to the Superintendent of Marine Surveys. Calcutta, 1875. Fecap., blue cover. OBSERVATORIES. A CATALOGUE OF THE MS. RECORDS, REPORTS, AND PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL, METEOROLOGICAL, AND MAGNETICAL OBSERVATORIES CONDUCTED IN INDIA : FORMERLY UNDER THE HONOURABLE FAST INDIA COMPANY, AND NOW UNDER HER MAJESTY’S SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL. MADRAS OBSERVATORY. Correspondence res . $ 3 Specting | AA N y N T i i marl and tl Recs MIC HAEL TOPPING’S NAUTICAL ST ve nh 3 8. ) IDA ION of MADRAS OBSERVATORY in 1790, iy ping’s Report on the Krishna and Godavery Irrigation. Folio, stiff cover Descaption of an ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY erected at MADRAS in 1792 by order of the East India Comp: Ty, Mi Toppi with a view of the building. Dated Feb. 1763 Cm ished oy Fi gimal MS, Oblong 4to., Stiff AS RONOMICAL OR RVATIONS taken at the Hon. Com anys Observatory at MADRAS in the Year 1797. J. Gold; : Observed Transits. Folio, 182 pages, ais, ft Sobinghan, Avan: IRS 3 SITS 1 po = OBSERVED FRANSITS in the Year 1802. For Joh xoldingham, John Warren, Assistant Astronomer. Folio, 43 pages, unbound No ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVAT ts | RAS ROD AL SERVATIONS taken > MADRAS i ATORY in the Year 1819. Observed Transits. 2. he MADRAS MEAN TIMES of the ECLIPSES of the SATELLITES of JUPITER taken at the MADRAS OBSERVATORY, from the Year oo 1819 inclusive. To be used ins ? Ti 3 . clusive, re used instead of the S inser ; > : vations. e Times inserted in the body of the Obser- Meteorological Journal, 624 OBSERVATORIES. MEAN TIMES of the TRANSITS of the MOON and PLANETS taken at the MADRAS OBSERVATORY, from the Year 1812 to 1819 inclusive. To be used instead ot the Times inserted in the body of the Observations. In 1 vol. folio, stiff cover. MS. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken in the MADRAS OBSERVATORY, in th: year 1820. Observed Transits. Also bound up in the same volume, Transit Observations for the year 1831. Folio, half-bound. OBSERVATIONS for ascertaining the LENGTH of the PENDU- LUM at MADRAS, by Goldingham. 1821. Folio, stiff’ cover. MS. Results of METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS taken at the Madras Observatory, commencing in the year 1796-1821. By John Golding- ham, Astronomer. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER kept at the Honourable the East India Company’s Observatory at Madras, by John Goldingham, Esq., F.R.S,, and Thomas Glanville Taylor, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S,, for the years 1822-1843. Printed by order of the Madras Government, Madras, 1844. Folio, blue cover. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken at the MADRAS OBSERVATORY in the year 1824. Observed Transits. Observed Zenith Dis- tances. Meteorological Journal. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken at the MADRAS OBSERVATORY in the year 1825. Observed Transits. Meteorological Journal. In 1 vol. folio, unbound. MS. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken in the MADRAS OBSERVATORY in the year 1827. Observed Transits. Observed Zenith Distances. Meteorological Journal. Folio, unbound. MS. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken in the MADRAS OBSERVATORY in the year 1828. Observed Transits. Meteorological Journal. Folio, unbound. MS. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken in the MADRAS OBSERVATORY in the year 1829. Observed Transits. Meteorological Journal. Folio, unbound. MS. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken in the MADRAS OBSERVATORY in the year 1830. Observed Transits. Meteorological Journal. Folio, stiff covers. MS. Result of ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the Honourable the East India Companys OBSERVATORY at MADRAS. By Thomas Glanville Taylor, Esq., Astronomer to the Honourable Company. Vol. I. for the year 1831. Printed by order of the Madras Government, Madras, 1832. Quarto, sewed. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken in the MADRAS OBSERVATORY, in the years 1832, 1833. Transit Observations. Mural Circle Observations. Meteorological Journal. Folio, half-bound. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken in the MADRAS OBSERVATORY in the years 1834 and 1835. Observed Transits only. Folio, stiff cover. MS. * Pages 1 to 4 and 9 to 24 are wanting. MADRAS. 625 AS : Observations. Observed Frandite, ima agies) Sol MomlCins A INOMICAL OBSIRVATIONS taken in the MADRAS L > > years 18: 839. Transit dorvolinna ; = Journal. Mural Circle Oat! Folio, A vations Metoordloricn) ASTRONOMICAL OBSERV le A nls gly * | » 1, ATIONS taken i " ) OB prYAT ORY, in the year 1840. Observed Transits ne MabiAs Meteorological Journal. Folio, half-bound. adi MADRAS, 1841. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Hourly recor : y record of barometric pressure. st humidity of air Pirie pressure, standard thermometer, wet thermometer int ob Sh tension of vapour, direction or azimuth of wind, {i f wi TROL, point aniell’s hygrometer : i » force of wind, dew- 21s g er), weather, rainfall. Printed i 2 YU « . I'l A Dh . ; COVer. ) nted In 4to, 122 pages, blue Y » The same, for 1842, 1844. ——— 1851-52-53-54-55. North Polar Distances. A . “AT y + . . aoserl 04 TALOO UE of the Principal FIXED STARS from Ober om Semin Honourable the East India Companys Observatory at Madras Ihe "i on a - Beh By I'homas Glanville Taylor, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S i Madras 1844 Pies ) e Company. Printed by order of the Madras Governme s, 1844. Quarto, sewed, a, ASTR ‘ 1 b J 1 5 JONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the Honourable ae oo ; W } ompany’s Observatory at MADRAS in the year 1843-1847, T geth ny Ho recomputation of the Sun and Moon and Planetary Observat] wl po CE 0s Glanville Taylor, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S Foi able Company, rinted 1 der of the Madras Gi Madras. Pennie 0 mpany d by order of the Madras Government. Madras, MAGN “TIC FTRUVAT TC % ay (ESERYA ION > Nags at the Honourable East Ng ) ally s Magnetica servatory at MADRAS > A pg Las Es n < R ry. q y > ” J VAY. By the late 6 wi . dn I B.S, &e. ; Capt. W. K. Worster, M. Art. ; and W. S. ns Hy G. Feros, thongmatt to the Honourable Company. In the yore PRR bd “R.A.S, order of the Madras Government, Madras, 1854. Quarto sowed 850. rinted by i y B® 2. METE re ¥ " BTROROLOG I AL OBSERVATIONS made at the Honour Ta Torn E Ta ia ( ompany’s Magnetic Observatory at MADRAS. By the late T : FR i 4, PRS, xe jp W. ¥ Worster, M. Art. ; and W.' S Joo E oy -R.A.S,, As ers to the Honourable Company in the vears 1850. Printed by order of the Madras Government. Ment 1854. Joby in Retin TRE A” I ; OBSERVATIONS of 144 DOUBLE or MULTIPLE STARS x bE e M4 ? S ISERVAT lY . i - -. 4K 4 . Paged, 58 to 77. Quarto, Yan ORY with the Lerebours Equatorial, in 1850-52, A SUBSIDIARY CATALOGUE of 1,440 STARS selected from the British Associati ‘at Association Catalogue, reduced to January 1st 1850 made at Madras in the v ; i adras 1e year 1849-53 3 pages 3 es : ) 849-53. On 43 pages, 4to., sewed. From observations R R OBSERVATORIES. MADRAS OBSERVATORY REPORTS, 1864, 65. en 1885, 68, —ee 1866, 67. 1867, 68. smn 1868, 69, i i 3 'S 1 tav ound. One in folio, the others in octavo, unbou ICAL RESULTS, published in the IADRAS METEOROLOGICAL RESULTS, published in the A Gazette for the weeks commencing Oct. Tth, 1870 and ending ‘ort St. George Gazette April 28th, 1871. Folio, unbound. “hern ster, Depressi of Wet Projection of the Barometer, 1 RA Deprospon FW \ i i -eloci "wind and rainfall, as rec dat Madras > ly direction and velocity of wind anc ll, as A i the time of the Cyclone of May Ige2, Bs i wd Pogson, SeIVE vy § 9 olivine fi > colded. julia Government Astronomer. Size, 17 inches by 24. 0 DODABETTA OBSERVATORY, MADRAS. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made* at the Meteoro- 1 Ad 4 . 4 14 ) / y lev " the sea, in the logical Bungalow on DODABETTA, B10 fous Shove in love 4 as ein x a : irecti * T. G. Taylor, Esq., F.R.S,, RAS. rears —48. under the direction of T. & or, | pI. 080 PRAR, ey 4 the request of the Honourable the Coprt = 3 gw Fas A wit ion assistance of the Madras Gove Y ia C ry & ith the sanction and assist: India Company, and with Madras, 1848. Quarto, sewed. =e 0G BSE TIONS taken in Discussion of METEOROLOGICAL OnSInyaY lo¥) in INDIA at various heights, embracing those at DODAB! A 3a 2 - gl ory M ntoing ot 8.640 feet above the level of the se. BY Lieut A oh id 8, From the Philosophical Transactions. Part IL. for 1850. Quarto, § BOMBAY OBSERVATORY, ( 'OLABA. Observations. METEOROLOGICAL ODSERYA TIONS for 1042 ode the OMBAY G "ERNMENT OBSERVATOR eorge Buist, LL.D. harg BONEAr us a general Notice of the Weather, and Diurnal » Observatory. a Report, & cs of the Barometer. Quarto, sew ed. The same for 1843. x Tyacines of the WIND GAUGE for 1842 and 1843, made 2 he Ions GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY, George Buist, LL.D., in charge of the Observatory. Oblong folio, sewed. OBSERVATORY of BOMBAY. Magnetic Observations from May 1842 to December 1843. Quarto, sewed. pis E T BOMBAY. Curves of the M / NETIC BSERVATORY, BOMB. ‘urves 0 ; MABNETY) OF the Declination and Vertical Magnetometers, from May 1842 8 oT ye NV y! ( > 2 : aod er 1843. Oblong folio, sewed. also hourly on the 21st and 22nd of each month * Daily at 9.40 a.m. and 3.40 p.m. ; BOMBAY. 627 OBSERVATIONS made at the MAGNETICAL and METEORO. LOGICAL OBSERVATORY at BOMBAY. April to December 1845. And printed by order of the Honorable East India Company, under the superintendence of Arthur Bedford Orlebar, M.A., Lincoln College, Oxford : Elphinstone Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics, Bombay, 1846. Quarto, cloth. The same for 1846. (With a notice by Commander M ontriou, I.N., in charge.) : ———— 1847, including Tidal Observations, &c. tendence of Charles cloth. ng : Under the superin- William Montriou, Commander, Indian Navy. In 2 vols. 4to, MAGNETICAL and METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the Honorable East India Company’s Observatory, BOMBAY, in the Jor Ings under the superintendence of Charles William Montriou, Commander, ndian Navy. 1849. — 1830, ——— 1851. Commenced under the superintendence of Commander C. W. Montriou, I.N., and completed under that of Lieut, 5. F. T. I F.R.A.S. ‘erguss i, I. Nas — 1852. Under the superintendence of Lieut. E. F. T. Fer- gusson, LN., F.R.A.S. —_— 1853. — 1854, 1855. 1856. 1857. made at the Government Observatory, Bombay, in 1858. 1859. the year 1860. Under the superintendence of Lieut. E. F. T. Fer- gusson, LN, to Sept. 26th, and after that under Lieut. P. W. Mitcheson, I.N. ———— 1861. Under Lieut. P. W, Mitcheson, I.N., to Sept. 26th, and after that under Lieut. E. F. T. Fergusson, I.N., F.R.A.S. ——— 1862. Under Commander E. F. T. Fergusson, LN., F.R.A.S. — 1863. Under Lieut. E. I. T. Fergusson, IN., F.R.A.S,, to Sept. 21st, and after that under Lieut. W. I. Searle, H.M.LN,, F.R.A.S. With a Table of Mean Hourly, Monthly, and Annual Values of Meteorological Elements as deduced from the results of the last 17 years, 1847-63, inclusive ; also, the Periodic and Diurnal Changes of the Meteorological Elements for the same period. ——— 1864. Under Lieut. Searle, H.M.L.N., with an by Charles Chambers, Esq. al introduction The same 1865 to 1870. Under the superintendence of Commander G. T. Robinson, ILM.I.N., Charles Chambers, Esq., F.R.S With Appendices on the Normal Winds of Bomb of Magnetic Declination at Bombay, &e. “ » and F. Chambers, Ksq. ay, on Solar and Lunar Variations RR 2 vine oe TE a A hkl 628 OBSERVATORIES. An Account of the Dimensions and Track of a CYCLONE ex- perienced at BOMBAY, in November 1862. By Lieutenant E. I. T. Fergusson, LN., F.R.A.S. From the Bombay Geographical Society’s Transactions of 1862. Octavo, sewed. Reports. REPORT on the Registration of OZONE in the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY for the year 1864-1865. By Henry Cook, M.D. Feap., 32 pages, sewed. REPORT of the Superintendent of the GOVERNMENT OBSER- VATORY, COLABA. Bombay, 1866. Quarto, 50 pages, sewed. REPORT on the Condition and Proceedings of the GOVERN- MENT OBSERVATORY, COLABA. For the period from September 12th, 1865 to December 31st, 1867. By the Superintendent. Bombay, 1868. Fecap., 40 pages, sewed. REPORT of the Superintendent of the G( )VERNMENT OBSER- VATORY, COLABA, for the period from January 1st to June 26th, 1868. Feap., 4 pages. MS. — from June 27th to December 29th, 1868. Feap., 7 pages, sewed. — —. from December 30th, 1868 to June 30th, 1869. Fcap., 4 pages. REPORT on the Conditions and Proceedings of the GOVERNM ENT OBSERVATORY, COLABA, for the period from July Ist to December 31st, 1869. Fcap., 4 pages. ———— for the half year ending June 30th, 1871. Icap., 8 pages. ——— for the year ending June 30th, 1872. Icap., 9 pages. *_* Meteorological Returns from the stations at Bombay, Poonah, Belgaum, Deesa, and Kurrachee, in the Bombay Presidency, are deposited with the Astronomer Royal at Greenwich. ~—-— for year ending with the 30th June 1876. Fcap., 8 pages. THE LOWER PROVINCES OF BENGAL. REPORT of the METEOROLOGICAL Reporter to the Govern- ment of Bengal (Lower Provinces) for the year 1867-68. With a Meteorological Abstract for the year 1867. Fecap., 33 pages, sewed. REPORT of the METEOROLOGICAL Committee to the Government of (the Lower Provinces of) Bengal in a letter from H. IF. Blanford, Esq., to S. C. Bayley, Esq., dated Calcutta, 19th Angust 1868. Feap., 4 pages. REPORT of the METEOROLOGICAL Reporter to the Govern- ment of Bengal for the year 1868-69. With a Meteorological Abstract for the year 1868. Fcap., 75 pages, sewed. BENGAL. 629 REPORT of the METEOROLOGICAL Reporter to the Govern- a + 2 2 ‘ / a» 3 A 1 p Tons of I a Me i 01 Sool Abstract for the year 1869. By Henry F. Blanford Mete gical heporter. With Weather Charts for o it, "Des 1868 ; and June 1869. Feap., 108 pages, "ed i diner uoan, sd Degli I'he same for 1870. Feap., 121 pages, sewed he same for 1871. Tcap., 128 pages, sewed ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT of the METEOROLOGICAL I rter to the (C 1 t f B d L wel 1 rovinces f I the year 1871-72. Re )O > Lrovernmen 0 engal : owe ; C 1p ’ 0 pages, Sew ed. ; ) 2 DP N Arp REPORT of the ME'T EOROLOGICAL Reporter to the Govern- font of Bengal. Meteorological Abstract for the year 1873. By Henry F slanford, Meteorological Reporter. With maps. Feap., 116 pages son) aye ’ hey wy) be . CALCUTTA. ADSTRacT J. Results of the HOURLY METEORO- Jao 3. on ‘RV. INS taken at the Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta. — 1869. Octavo. In monthly parts. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. bh) » » ’» » [4 Bl J ) a \ vs I ABLE shewing the Mean and Monthly Readings (reduced to 32° Pa ir.) and the mean hourly variations of the BAROMETER in the St Tom ieneral’s Office, Caleutta, for 15 years from, 1855 to 1869 inclusive IR re \ "TABLE shewing the M ; JE ie Mean Monthly, : ‘ i ABLE showing te] 2 | thly, ind the Mean Hourly Varia- Ho To] (complete saturation being unity) as determined i tl S. Gi. O., Calcutta, for 15 years, from 1855 to 1869 inclusive oho nm / ) ry . 2 " VADLE shot the Mean Monthly and Mean Hourly Variations of 4] MR / RE, as determined in the S. G ‘aleutta, fi % verre, TEM AERA , ie S. G. O., Calcutta, for 15 years, from 1855 YEP IT ‘ yr, q v - REPORT on the CALCUTTA CYCLONE of the 5th October Joe, oa: Gol. J. KE. Gastrel! and Henry F. Blanford, A.R.S.M. With laps an lagrams 1 ustrating the origin and progress I the ? wl eh Vy of the Storm Wave. Printed and published for the eas St) mn and the track "the Li ; Y vv ‘ in eng r orde of the Lieutenant Governor Calcutta, 1866. Svo., cloth gol by order The CYCLONE in the BAY of BENGAL in June 1872. Report from W G Vil 01 I ( . o 4 ol € . . V » N | ( Mie. Meteorological Repo 't TT 10 t 1C G ve m 0 : nea a od ie ‘ : 2 I'ic 1 1 > overn ent { Be ry. 1 ( Low el I I'oving es). 8v Os 12 pag CS, sewed, : “ ABE 3 ti i SEE I Te OBSERVATORIES. NORTH-WEST PROVINCES. REPORTS on METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS in the North-western Provinces of India, by J. Elliott, B.A, Offic ating Sop : = Meteorology to the Government of the N.W. Provinces. 1870 and 1874. Ieap., sewed. 4 TR S “ drs g . bn . —— By Murray Thomson, M.D., F.R.S.L., Reporter on Meteoro logy to the Government, N.W.P., 1868, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1873. Feap., sewed. OUDH. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT for 1870-71. By L. Bonavia, : ' Selence er 6 pages, sewed. M.D., Superintendent, Department of Science, Oudh. Feap., 6 pages, METEOROLOGICAL REPORTS for 1871-72, 1874-70, 1875- 7 6. By the same Author, in Reports on Meteorology, Museum, and Horticultural Gardens in the Province of Oudh. Feap., sewed. PUNJAB. ANNUAL REPORT on METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA- . : Lr "- Leal Service. TIONS registered in the Punjab, by A. Neil. M.R.( S.L., Bengal Medical Service Meteorological Reporter for the Punjab School, 1867. Folio, sewed. 1868. Tolio sewed. 1869. ” 1870. ’s 1872. .) — 1874. »” METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATION S made at the MAG. { NETIC and METEOR( LOGICAL OBSER \TIONS at Solas during fe oka 1841-1845, under the direction of Lieut.-( olonel J. I. Boil 0 Pe Vor os Sp ol tendent of the Observatory. Published by order of the Right onourab ia in C dg 1 872. Quarto, cloth. Secretary of State for India in Council. London, 1872. Quarto, By Assistant Surgeon Calthrop. By A. Neil, M.R.C.S.L. TABLES, Astronomical, Meteorological, “and Magcnetical, also for determining the altitudes of mountains, Soprano of rane rd English weights and measures, &e. ; computed in bs of of i I } Cas Magnetic Observatory, Simla, under the direction of Lient, or v Joileau, Engineer's Superintendent, Umballa, 1850. Quarto, 79 pages, still cover. A Collection of INDIA IN GENERAL. REPORTS upon the METEOROLOGY of INDIA, in relation to 1 l : ai SO Di ‘R.S uC. the Health of the Troops there stationed, by James Glaisher, I 1 RS. &e., Secretary to the British Meteorological S¢ ciety, 1865. (In. the Parliamentary bo issioners on the Sanitary State of the Army in Iudia,) Feap. Report of the Comm METECROLOGICAL REPORTS. 031 MEMORANDUM on the Establishment of an Uniform METEO- ROLOGICAL SYSTEM for INDIA. By H. F. Blanford. Accompanied by— I. A Covering Memorandum. Signed, R. Strachey, Allahabad, the 4th April 1871. 2. A Report on the same subject, by C. Chambers, Esq., Superintendent, Government Observatory, Colaba, dated 16th Feb. 1871. 3. Report by Mr. H. F. Blanford on the Meteorological Operations in Bengal to the end of 1870. 4. Report on the establishment and progress of systematic registration of Meteorological Observations in the North-western Provinces of India, and summary of results, by J. Elliott, Officiating Reporter on Meteorology, N. W. P. 5. Report from Dr. A. Neil, Meteo- rological Reporter in the Punjab. 6. Report from Dr. Cameron on Meteorology in Oudh. 7. Letter from the Sanitary Commissioner on Meteorology in the Central Provinces. 8. Letter from Officiating Sanitary Commissioner, British Burmah, on Meteorological Observations there. 9. Letter from Hyderabad on the same subject. 10. Letter from Coorg on the same. RETURN to an ADDRESS of the Honourable the HOUSE of COMMONS, dated 15th May 1874, for Copies of the Despatch from the Secretary “ of State on the Organization of a Meteorological Department in India, dated 18th “ May 1871, enclosing Report of Committee of Royal Society :” ¢ And of all “ Despatches to and from the Government of India, during the last five years, on the “ subject referred to.” Signed, Clements R. Markham. Feap., sewed. REPORT on the Reorganization of Meteorological Observatories and Offices in India, dated 26th July 1875. Addressed to the Government of India, by H. F. Blanford, Meteorological Reporter to the Government of India. With Appendices. Feap., sewed. The WINDS of NORTHERN INDIA, in relation to the Tempera- ture and Vapour-constituent of the Atmosphere. By Henry F. Blanford, F.G.S., Meteorological Reporter to the Government of Bengal (Lower Provinces), communi- cated by Major-General Strachey, R.E., C.S.1., F.R.S. From the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 164. Quarto, sewed. INDIAN METEOROLOGICAL MEMOIRS, being occasional discussions and compilations of Meteorological Data relating to India and the neighbouring countries. Published by order of His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-General of India in Council, under the direction of Henry F. Blanford, Meteorological Reporter to the Government of India.- Vol. I, part 1. I. The Winds of Calcutta. II. The Meteorology and Climate of Yarkand and Kashgar. 111. Diurnal Variation of the Barometer at Simla. Calcutta, 1876. Folio, stifi’ cover. [Hand Map of INDIA, with the Rainfall and Distribution of Forest Trees, drawn by hand from the sketches of Dr. Brandis, and Major-General T. Strachey. 1873. The same, with the Temperature in the Cold, Hot, Rainy, and Autumn seasons ; by the same authors, See also “The Rainfall of India,” among the Maps to the * Statement” for 1872-3. Map of BRITISH INDIA. State of the Monsoon in 1849 to the date of June 22nd. Delineating the distribution of storms, hail, thunder, and lightning, with barometric sections for the month. The same for January 15, 1849. The same for February 20-23, 1849. RAINFALL DIAGRAM TABLES to accompany a letter dated August 11th, 1873, from Alex. R. Binnie, Executive ingineer to the Chief En- gineer, &c., P. W. D. Size, 18 inches by 40. Fe A > ETAT A SSR J RTE oe tne gem - A ST rh Sa —— 632 OBSERVATORIES. The HORN BOOK of STORMS for the INDIAN and CHINA SEAS. By Henry Piddington, Sub-secretary to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 2nd edition. Calcutta, 1845. Octavo, bound. ATLAS to an Attempt to Develop the LAW of STORMS. By W. C. Redfield. On 9 maps, folio, half-bound. ATLAS of SKELETON CHARTS for the Direction and Yr WINDS and CURRENTS and other phenomena in the ARABIAN SEA, the RI x SEA, the PERSIAN GULF and BAY of BENGAL. By A. K. Johnston, F.R.S.E. With a preliminary notice by Dr. George Buist, LL.D., &e. 1854. Folio. Trans-Indian Observations. SINGAPORE. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the Honour- \ Or r by 1 able East India Company’s Magnetical Observatory at Singapore, by Capt. C. M. Hi LAS d 2 N . 3: : > 4 : Elliott. of the Madras Engineers, in the years 1841-45. Printed by orde : of the 4 ’ € - y " Om . “at cp re Honourable the Court of Directors, Madras, 1850. Quarto, 337 pages, sewed. EASTERN ARCHIPELAGO. MAGNETIC SURVEY of the EASTERN ARCHIPELAGO. By Charles Morgan Elliot, Lieut. and Brevet Captain, H.E.I.C., Madras Engineers From the Philosophical Transactions, Part 1, 1851. Quarto, sew ed. GREAT BRITAIN. MEMOIRS of the ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of LONDON. Vol. L., 1822., Vol. 1L., 1826. Quarto, bound. Vol. 1V., part 2, 1831, sewed. Geenwich Observations. 1. Astronomical Observations made at the 2oyal Observatory, Greenwich, in the "year 1836, under the direction of George Biddell Airy, Esq., M.A., Astronomer “ : g avar nf / 11° ro wie "0 ay Royal, published by order of the Board of Admiralty, in obedience to Her Majesty’s command. Quarto, half-bound. 2. The same for 1837. , ” 1838. i . Astronomical, Magnetical, and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal "2 Cr i i roar 183¢ wr v directi George Observatory, Greenwich, in the yea 1839, vig” fie a Shon o George Biddell Airy, Esq., M.A., Astronomer Royal. ublishe« U2 order of the 3oard of Admiralty, in obedience to Her Majesty’s command. r > ) 5. The same for 1840. 5s Macnetical and Meteorological Observations, made at the Royal Observatory, ’ : . > : : ) R . M1 » 1 Here 1 * 3 » re Greenwich, in the years 1840 and 1841, under the direction of George Biddell Airy, Esq., M.A. &e. &e. } 0 Astronomical Observations, &e., 1842, with C atalogue of the places of 1,43! Stars, deduced from observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1836 Jan. 1 to 1841 Dec. 31. A separate copy of the Catalogue of 1,439 Stars. i, Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, &c., 1842, . Astronomical Observations, &c., 1843. _ Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, &c., 1843. . Astronomical Observations, &c., 1844. : 2. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, &c., 1844. TRANS-INDIAN. 633 . Astronomical Observations, &e., 1845, and Determinations of the Longitude of Valentia in Ireland by transmission of chronometers. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, &e., 1845. 5. Astronomical Observations, &c., 1846. . Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, &e., 1846. . Astronomical Observations, &ec., 1847, and Catalogue of 2,156 Stars, formed from the observations made during 12 years from 1836 to 1847, at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, A separate copy of the Catologue of 2,156 Stars. . Astronomical, Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, &c., 1848. . The same for 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. .” 1854, and Catalogue of 1,576 Stars, formed from observations made during six years, from 1848 to 1853. . The same for 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. . 1861. . Astronomical Observations, &e. in 1862, [forming Part I. of the Greenwich Observations, 18627]; the Seven Year Catalogue of 2,022 Stars, deduced from observations extending from 1854 to 1860 ; Plan of the Greenwich Observa- tory ; Determination of the Longitude of Valentia in Ireland by Galvanic Signals, in the summer of 1862. Also bound in the same volume :— . Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, &c., 1862, [forming Part II. of the Greenwich Observations, 1862]. » Astronomical and Magnetical, and Meteorological Observations, &c., 1863. The same for 1864. o 1865. . 1566. > 1867. ” 1868 ; New Seven Year Catalogue of 2,760 Stars, deduced from observations extending from 1861 to 1867: description of the Great Equatorial. The same for 1869 ; reprint of Halley’s Magnetic Chart. 41. } 1870. 42, » 1871. 43. ” 1872 ; lithographs of photographic records of Declination, Hori- zontal Force, Vertical Force, and Earth Currents for 1872, Feb. 4. 44, ” 1873. ACCOUNT of the NORTHUMBERLAND EQUATORIAL and DOME, attached to the Cambridge Observatory. By G. B. Airy, Esq., M.A, Astronomer Royal, &e. Cambridge, 1844. Quarto, cloth. RESULTS of the ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the OBSERVATORY of the UNIVERSITY, DURHAM, from January 1846 to July 1848, under the direction of the Rev. Temple Chevalier, B.D., F.R. Ast. S., &c., by the Rev. R. A. Thompson, B.A., Observer in the University. Durham, 1849. Octavo, cloth. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS taken during the years 1862-64, at the private observatory of Joseph Gurney Barclay, Esq., F.R.A.S. Leyton, Essex. Quarto, cloth, PUBLICATIONS of the METEOROLOGICAL COMMITTEE of the ROYAL SOCIETY. See the Official List. os igen pomp yg = Ro cg —— ETS RR SM ss ge pans ye ST Ree —— RI a NR Ra £ AE RA GL — po gm 634 OBSERVATORIES. A CATALOGUE of CIRCUMPOLAR STARS deduced from the observations of Stephen Groombridge, Esq, F.R.S., S.R.A.Nap., F.R.A.S. Reduced to January 1, 1840. Edited by George Biddell Airy, Ksq., A.M. Astronomer Royal. Printed at the public expense by order of the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty. Quarto, cloth, boards. A CATALOGUE of 3,735 CIRCUMPOLAR STARS observed at REDHILL in the years 1854, 1855, and 1856, and reduced to mean positions for 1855.0, by Richard Christopher Carrington, (Fellow and: Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society of London). Printed at the public expense by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Folio, cloth. A CATALOGUE of 10,300 MULTIPLE and DOUBLE STARS arranged in the order of Right Ascension. By the late Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Bart. Edited by Rev. R. Main, M.A., F.R.S., Radcliffe Observer, and Rev. C. Pritchard, M.A., F.R.S., Savilian Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford. In the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. XL., 1874-1875. Quarto, sewed. On the MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION of OBSERVATIONS of COMPLEZL PERIODICAL PHENOMENA, and on Planetary Influence on the Earth’s Magnetism. By Charles Chambers, F.R.S., and I. Chambers. From the Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. 165, pt. 2. Quarto, sewed. CAPE of GOOD HOPE. CONTRIBUTIONS to ASTRONOMY and GEODESY. Forming part of Vol. XX. of the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. By Thomas Maclear, Esq., F.R.A.S., Her Majesty’s Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope. Printed at the expense of the Board of Admiralty. London, 1851. Quarto, sewed. OBSERVATIONS made at the MAGNETICAL and METEO- ROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY at the Cape of Good Hope. Printed by order of Her Majesty’s Government under the superintendence of Licut.-Colonel Edward Sabine, R.A. Vol. TI., Meteorological Observations, 1841-46. 4to., cloth. AUSTRALIA. A CATALOGUE of 7,385 STARS, chiefly in the Southern Hemi- sphere, prepared from observations made in the years 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, and 1826, at the Observatory of Paramatta, New South Wales, founded by Lieutenant- General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, K.C.B., F.R.S,, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The computations made by and the catalogue constructed by Mr. William Richardson of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Printed by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Quarto, boards. AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. JAHRBUCHER der k. k. Centrat Anstalt tir METEOROLOGIE und ERDMAGNETISMUS. Von Carl Jelinek, Dr. Ph., Director, &e., und Carl Fritsch, Vice-Director, &c. New Folge, 1., 1864. Wien. Quarto. New Folge, 1I., 1865. Wien. Quarto. I11., 1866. 55 es IV., 1867. 3] 3] V., 1868. ’ ’ VL, 1869. , »» TRANS-INDIAN. New Folge, VII., 1870. Wien. Quarto. " Vii, 1871. 5 o ’ IX. 1872. 1 39 NETHERLANDS. NEDERLANDSCH METEOROLOGISCH JAARBOEK voor 1871. Utgegeven door het Kon. Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Drie en twintigste jaargung. Tweede Deel. Gemiddelde temperatuurwasrnemingen in Kuropa, naar vroegere waarnemingen top op November 1870, en beknopt overzicht J] » 7 1 A 1 ’ Te » * # lr : over de Verdeeling van luchtdrukking, temperatuur en regen in 1871. Utrecht 1875. Oblong 4to., boards. ROYAL DUTCH METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Sug- gestions on a uniform system of Meteorological Observations. Utrecht, 1872. Octavo, 56 pages, sewed. j UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. New York. RESULTS of a Series of METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA- TIONS made in obedience to instructions from the Regents of the University, at the sundry Academies in the State of New York, from 1826 to 1850 inclusive, Compiled from the Original Returns and the Annual Reports of the Regents of the University, by Franklin B. Hough, A.M.,M.D., &ec. Published by Legislative Authority, Albany, 1855. Quarto, cloth. ° RESULTS of a Series of METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA- TIONS made under instructions from the Regents of the University at sundry Stations in the State of New York. Second series, from 1830 to 1863 inclusive : with Records of Rainfall and other Phenomena, to 1871 inclusive. Prepared from the original returns by Franklin B. Hough. Published by Legislative Authority Albany, 1872. Quarto, cloth. ¥ Harvarp COLLEGE. RESULTS of ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the Observatory of Harvard College under the direction of William Cranch Bond AM., &e. Zone Catalogue of 5,500 Stars situate between the Equator and 0 0] North Declination, observed during the year 1852-53. Quarto, sewed. (Annals, Vol. I, Part 11.) iG Zone Catalogue of 4,484 Stars situated between 0° 20" and 0° 40’ North declination, observed during the years 1854-53. (Annals, Vol. I1., part II.) OBSERVATIONS on the PLANET SATURN made with the twenty-three feet Equatorial, at the Observatory of Harvard College, 1847-1857. William Cranch Bond, A.M., Director of the Observatory. Quarto, sewed. (Annals Vol. I1., Part 1.) WASHINGTON. WAR DEPARTMENT, WEATHER MAP, Signal Service, United States Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the benefit of Commerce and Agriculture, Washington, Thursday, December 5, 1872, 7.35 a.m. All observations made at the same moment of actual (not local) time. Also a table of the stations. with returns of the Change of the Barometer in past eight ours ; Thermometer in past “ mee RTE ~ —_—— Ep = Ko ATR ha Bm a de nen 5 pes IRR TS REE Mh i rs Ep rote pee ep a RE EERIE 636 OBSERVATORIES. 94 hours. Per cent. of the Humidity of the atmosphere at the time of Observation and amount of Rainfall in past eight hours. Also, a Synopsis for the past 24 hours ; and Probabilities. The map is accompanied by a Telegram Form 3, A, of Daily Weather Returns from the various stations, issued by order of the Secretary of War, to newspapers desiring to publish them. WASHINGTON OBSERVATIONS for 1871.—Appendix IV. Memoir on the Founding and Progress of the United States Naval Observatory. Founded, A.D. 1842. By Prof. J. E. Nourse, U.S.N. Washington, 1873. 4to., sewed. WAR DEPARTMENT. Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Division of Telegrams and Reports for the benefit of Commerce and Agriculture. Daily Julletin of Weather Reports, Sienal Service, United States Army, taken at 7.35 a.m., 4.35 p.m., and 11 p.m., Washington Mean Time ; with synopses, probabilities, and facts for the month of February 1873. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1875. Quarto, cloth. 84 maps and 173 pages of letterpress. Also a similar volume for each of the following months, March, April, May, June, July, 1873. ASTRONOMICAL and METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA- TIONS, made during the year 1872 at the United States Naval Observatory. Rear- Admiral F. Sands, U.S.N., Superintendent. Published by authority of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy, Washington. 1874. 4to., cloth. —— yf NAUTICAL METEOROLOGY. Wind and Current Charts by Lieut. M. F. Maury, U.S. N. WIND and CURRENT CHARTS of the NORTH ATLANTIC. by M. F. Maury, &e. Series A. 1849. On 8 sheets. WIND and CURRENT CHARTS of the SOUTH ATLANTIC. Series A. On 4 sheets. WIND and CURRENT CHARTS of the SOUTH PACIFIC. Series A. No. 10. WIND and CURRENT CHARTS. Series B. Trade Wind Chart of the Atlantic Ocean. 1851. PILOT CHART of the NORTH ATLANTIC. Series C. 1849. On 2 sheets. PILOT CHART of the SOUTH ATLANTIC. Series C. 18530. On 2 sheets. PILOT CHART of the COAST of BRAZIL. Series C. 1849. On 1 sheet. PILOT CHART of the SOUTH PACIFIC. Series C. 1851. On 1 sheet. (No. 6.) NAUTICAL METEOROLOGY. 637 WIND and CURRENT CHARTS of the NORTH ATLANTIC. Series D. Thermal. On 8 sheets. WHALE CHART, by Lieut. M. F. Maury, U.S.N. Series F 1851. On 1 sheet. : M ETE ( 1 T / Yr Y 3 I . A - 1B HOROLAGIE NAU IQUE. Vents et Courants, Routes généra es, extrait des “Sailing Directions ” de Maury, et des travaux les plas recents Par M. Charles Ploix, Ingenieur-Hydrographe de premicre classe, et M. Caspari, Sous-Ingenieur-Hydrographe. Paris, 1874. Quarto, sewed. i y % 1 1 \ A . On the I HYSICAL GEOGRAPHY of the part of the Atlantic ate lies Dime a N. and 10° S,, and extends from 10° to 40° W By Captain oynbee, F.R.A.S., &c., Marine Superintendent. Meteor ic: fee oad Bi WS, ’ I dent, Meteorological Office. London, CHARTS of METEOROLOGICAL DATA for Nine Ten- degree squares, Lat. 20° N. to 10° S., Long. 10° to 40° W. (Gr.). On 75 plates oblong folio, cloth. Meteorological Office, Official No. 27. Remarks to PK the Monthly Charts of Meteorological Data for the nine 10° squares of the A which lie between 20° N. and 10° S. Lat., and extend from 10° to 40° Ww. Dn ending with the best route across the Equator. Published by authorit of the Meteorological Committee. London, 1876. Quarto, cloth, y 4 or pre SEA THERMOMETERS. By Captain J. E. Davis .N,, F.R.G.S. From the Proceedings of the Meteorological Society. a 19, Rane Tu gs of the eteorological Society, April 19, CONVERSION TABLES of EQUIVALENT WORDS LE" TERS. and FIGURES. arr : : : DS, LET- ‘RS, and FIGURES, arranged for telegraphing, for arisons, and f eportine Meteorolooical Pee Lr Aon rp aby , an reporting Meteorological Observations. Board of Trade, 1861. reduction, and for com- TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. LITTER from Professor A. ERMAN to MAJOR SABINE., R.A I.R.S., on the Magnetism : p ; i RRS, Magnetism and Meteorolooy o y Lar , : ta the Hagactim ang gy f the a th. With comparative maps of al Magnetic Intensity as deduced from observations by Major Sabine, and as computed according to the theory of M. Gauss; also maps of Magnetic Di olin uti on ve r T COTY 1 Q LO ‘ th x t ) drawn from observations between 1827 and 1830, by Professor Adolphe Erman ; and as computed according » theory of auss. lio. § ua Ry I cording to the theory of M. Gauss. Oblong folio, in a cover, CY rm TCY Cory OBSERVA "TONS on days of Unusual Magnetic Disturbance, made at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories under the De artments ¢ l Ordnance and Admiralty. Printed by the British Government PA: i : me intendence of Lieut.-Colonel Edward Sabine, of the Royal Artillery, P: Saper 1840-41. Quarto, cloth. Job Avifory. York Lew q Yr rg Tor rp Yr CON [RIBUTIONS to TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM Nos VIL and VIII By Licut.-Col. Edward Sabine, R.A. &e roloatent Observations made on board Her Majesty’s (hired) Bark P : ! J : Majesty’s ¢ agoda, from January June 20, 1845, between 20” and 68° South Latitude, and 0° and 120 ayia 1n By Lieut. H. Clerk, Royal Artillery. Communicated by Lieut.-Colonel Edw: Sabine, R.A., For. Sec. R.S., &e. Quarto, sewed. ’ Ty Also Meteorological “ = BE 0 rh J “? AR TR SE ES ARN, ET TIS ER 638 STAR MAPS. Joannis Elerti BODE URANOGRAPHIA sive ASTRORUM DE- SCRIPTIO, Viginti Tabulis aneis incisa ex recentissimis et absolutissimis Astrono- . i CA .n ~ _q morum observationibus. Berolini, 1801. Folio, bound. NOVA URANOGRAPHIA, or an easy method of knowing the Constellations by the configurations of the principal stars, between themselves, 3 Charles Grant, Viscount de Vaux. London, August 30th, 1803. This celestia idered as smeris, simplified and reduced for practice. Size ¢ map may be considered as an ephemeris, simplified and reduced for pre of each, 25 inches by 23. A CELESTIAL ATLAS comprising a systematic Display of the Heavens in a series of 30 maps, illustrated by scientific descriptions of Evens and accompanied by a catalogue of the stars, by Alexander Jamieson, A.M. London, 1822. Oblong folio, half bound. 3 ’ URANOGRAPHIE CHINOISE ou preuves directes uel astro- nomie primitive est originaire de la Chine, et qu elle a été oop pat Jos uneny peuples occidentaux a la sphere Chinoise. _Ouvrage CR Tn Shy) onion Chinois et grec. Par Gustave Schlegel, Ph.D., Ancien interpréte ( i io I des Indes-Orientales Neerlandaises pour les langues ( hinojses, ete, a Haye Leyde, 1875. In two parts, octavo, and an atlas in 4to., stiff covers. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Abbott, Lieut. J.; 221, Capt. 472. ———, Lieut. 8. A ; 165, 206, 207, 214. Abbottabad ; ix, 73, 249. Abernethy, Jas.; 602. Abistaduh lake; 478, 481. Abu (Aboo) mount; 263, —— merid. series ; 58, 59. Abyssinia ; xx, 539, 540, 552, 597. Acapulco ; 526. Acheen ; 566, 576. Adams, Capt. ; 163, 438, 445. Aden; vi, 67, 72, 463, 500 to 503, 552, 570, 590, 617. —— gulf; 96. Adjai (IHadjai) river; 146. Adjampoor; 33. Admiralty Charts ; xxi, 611, 622. Adoni; 7,9, 320. Aeng; 305, 513. Afghanistan ; xx, 136,454, 466,467,473 to 482. Africa ; xx, 96, 520, 523, 524, 538 to 541, 596, 614. , east coast; xx, 96, 540, 550, 551, 567, 569, 579, 586, 587, 590, 596, 613. ——, equatorial lakes ; xx, 540. ~——, south coast ; 550, 579, 586, 612, —, west coast; 549, 568, 586. Agagaim ; 95. Agartala ; vii. Agate ; 68, Agausee; 460. Agnew, P. Vans ; 256. Agooda; 95. Agra, city, &ec.; 78, 98, 148, 150, 210, 211, 212. —, district ; viii, 164, 165, 206, 207, 218, 522. ~~ division ; viii, 206, 212. and Bombay road ; xiii, 211, 266, 419. Agra Burkhaira ; xi. Agrardah ; xii. Agumby ghat; 296. Ahhar ; 487. Ahichhatra ; 77. Ahmedabad ; xvi, xvii, 79, 98, 155, 156, 420, 436, 521. Ahmednagar; xvi, 420, 442, Aingthabiew ; 307. Aitchison, Dr. J. E. T.; 257. Aiwalli; 78. Ajayamera ; 78. Ajigarh ; xii, 269. Ajmére (Ajmer, Ajmir); vi, x, xi, 78, 150, 259, 260, 261, 521. Ajudhya ; 77. Akalkot ; xix. Akhandha ; 78. Akola ; xiv. Akyab; xv, 304, 607. Alai Jirtha ; 78. Albaka, see Upper Godavari. Albert Nyanza; 541. Aleppo ; 498. Alepy mud bank; 97. (7767.) « | | | Aleutian islands ; 558. Alexandria; 539. Algiers ; xx, 538. Alguada reef; 618. Aligarh, N.W. Prov. ; viii, 211, 218, 522, , Raiputana ; xi. Alipore ; vii, 190, 191. Alipura; xii. Ali Rajpur; xii. Aliwal (Uleewal) ; 226. Allahabad, city, &e.; 71, 77,110, 111, 145, 164, 209, 210, 214. wees; istrict 5 vill, 164, 165, 206, 207, 214. mo, division ; viii, 214. Allan, A. ; 85. Allass strait; 519, 562, 575, 582. Allen, W. H. & Co.; 88. Allicondah ; 8. Alluvial deposits ; 66, 68. Allyghur; 165, 206, 207. Almora ; viii. Alot ; xii. Altai mountains. ; 511. Altitudes; v, 5, 7,12 to 24, 26, 30, v1, 92, 109, 122, 242, 243, 245. Altum Artush ; 69. Alwar, see Ulwar. Amala ; xviii. Amalapur ; 329, 330, 331. Amalyara ; xviii, Awmarapura (Ummerapoora) ; 120. Amarkantak (Omercuntuck) ; 273, 274. Amba river; 440, Amba-kapi; 78. Ambassamudram ; 396, 397. Amber; 78, Amboyna island ; 563. Ambrawutty river; 325. America; 520, 523, 524, 542, 559. American observatories ; xxi, 635. Amherst, Lord; 507. Amherst; xv, 141, 308, 309. Amin ; 78. Amiranté islands; 551, 612. Amjhera ; xiii. Amod ; 437. Amoy ; 507, 558. Amrabad, xiv. Amraoti (Oomrawuttee) ; xiv, 122, 423, Amreli ; xviii, Amritsar ; ix, 37, 76, 150, 239, 240. Amsot ; 34. Amsterdam islands ; 565. Amu river; 463, Amua connecting rivers ; 1 . —-—— meridional series; 16, 25, 42. Amur river ; 507, 511, 512. Anam; xviii, 514, 526, 557. Anamally mountains ; 325, 326. Andaman islands ; vi, xv, 163, 310, 311, 548, 556, 580, 593. SS pd Ao a An Heed Fen Sr EN aa as me Asp orm 640 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Anderson, Lieut. ; 235, 453, 470, 478. Andrew, Mr. W. P.; 145. Andula ; vii. Angria’s bank and coast ; 96, 601, Angul ; vii, 182, 183, 184. Anjenweel (Unjunvel) ; 580, 588, 592. Ankola ; 442, 443. Ankosgeery ; 372. Annandpur ; xvii. Anstruther, Capt. ; 508. Antioch ; 498. . Antiquities ; v, 77, 93, 95. Anund ; 156. Aornos; 78. Aphsar; 77 Apta; 159. Ara; 78. si Arabia; xx, 68, 463, 464, 492, 499 to 503, 552, 579, 581, 590, 614. Arabian sea ; xxi, 96, 552, 570, 590, 598, 632. Arabic maps; xx, 520. Arabs in Sindh; 79. Arakan; xv, 163, 166, 167, 171, 548, 555, 573, 592. , northern ; xiv, 306. river; 141, 555, 573, 588, 592, 607. Aral sea; 511. Aramnagar; 78. Araor ; xiii. Arasalaur river; 134. Aravakoorchy ; 325. Arbil; 490. Arc measurement ; 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, Archa; xii. Archaeological survey ; 77. Architecture ; 78. Archipelago, Greek ; 471. rene Asiatic or Indian, see Asiatic, Arcot; 159, 319. Ardabil ; 487. Argandab (Urgundab) river; 481. Argentine Republic ; xx, 546. Argund * ; 208, Armegon (Armogham) ; 322, 572, 592, 606. Armenia ; 485, 490, 499. Armstrong, Mr. J. W.; 42, 181 Arnold, Brigadier; 235. Arou islands ; 563. Arrah ; vii. Arroa islands ; 582. Arrowsmith, A.; 85, 464, 533, 537, 539, 542 , John ; 466, 485, 511, 536. Arrul river; 136. Arthur, Capt. T.; 414. Arun river ; 30, 470. Arya tribes; 77. Asapuri; 78. Asarur ; 78. Ascension island ; 526, 549, 567, 568, 579. Ashantee ; xx, 538. Ashtagram ; xiv, 293, 294, 295. Ashti ; 56. Ashwarowpetta ; 329, Asia; xx, 462, 463, 504, 520, 522, 523, 586. w——, Central ; 30, 75, 471, pi 474. —— Minor ; 490, 498, 499, 520. —y South Eastern ; Xx, 512, ~~, Western ; xx, 471, 472, 473. 305, 512, * This is not identified as a place, but the word is applied to half-castes in Ladak, Asiatic Archipelago ; xix, xx, 516, 525, 609. explorers; 30, 470. Russia; xx, 510, 511, 512 Turkey ; 489 to 499. Asirgarh (Asseergurh) 3 280, 420. Asoka; 79. Asokpur ; 7. Assam ; vi, Xv, 36, 37, 65, 66, 67, 69,72, 76, 87, 100, 117, 118, 119, 164, 167, 169, 171, 298 to 303, 466, 510, 607. Asseeree ; 439. Assyria : 495. See also Asiatic Turkey. Astor ; 46, 47. Astronomical m.vs ; 510. observations ; 623 to 636. —— tables; 618. Asyr; 463. Atchoovie; 9. Athgar ; vii, 183. Athmallik ; vii, 183, 184. Athypullum ; 160. Atkinson, E. T.; 206, 223. Atlantic islands ; 549, 568. meee OCEAN 3 589, 614, 636, 637. Atmakur; 364. Atpadi ; xix. Atranjikhera ; 77. Attaran river; 308, 309. Attock ; 136, 137, 238, 253, 475, 476. Attur ; 373. Attyah ; 162 Auburry, Ens. Thos. ; 282. Auchar ; xviii. Audeaur rover; 127. Angers xii. Aundh ; xix. Aurang: i ud 5 xiv, 282. Austen, Capt. H. H. Godwin; 29,303, 467,471. Australasia ; xx, 541, 564, 565, 576. Australian observatories ; xxi, 634. Austria ; xx, 527. observatory ; xxi, 634. Autgur, sce Athgar. Aurinnagudda ; 340. Auvulpilly ; 8 Ava; 167, 305, 306, 513. Avanti; 79. Awan tribe ; 77. Awur; xii. Ayuto; 77. » i , s Azamgarh (Azimghur) ; viii, 165, 206, 207, 216, 297, 2928. Azerbijan ; 485, 486. Azores ; 549, pr ‘ 3abington, B. G.; 322. Babylon ; 491, 493, 494. Jabra ; xvii. Bagaim (Bassein) ; 95. Back bay; 151, 1535, 156, 426, 433, 434. } Backergunge ; vii, 168, 169, 177, 178, 187. Jackwaters ; 97. 98, 135, 161. Bacout creek; 103. Badakshan ; 29, 466. Badami; 78. Badarpur; 78. Badger, Rev. G. P.; 488, 499. Bagasra ; xvii. Bagelen ; 518. Bagge, Lieut. A. H.; 308. Bagh ; ; Xiil, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Baghal, x. Baghat ; x. Baghdad ; 487, 490, 491, 493, 496. Baghsar ; see Buxar. Baghlan ; 423, Bagli; xi. Bagode ; xiii. Bagwara ; 35. Baharbund ; 162, 163. Bahardurgarh ; ; 243. Bahawalpur; x, 136, 139, 231, 234, 235, 255, 259, 260, 475. Bahr aich ; ix, 2 10, 226. Bahr-el-Nejf; 493, 494, 495. Bahrein ; 590. Bailey, Lieut. ; ; 26, 219. Bail-hangal ; 78. Baird-Smith, Lieut. R.; 1i4, 208. Baisola ; xiii. Baithalwari (Baithulwaddy); xiv, 27, 283, 285, 288. Baitool, see Betul. Bajana ; xvii. Bajaur ; 29, 466. Bajrang-ghar; 78. Bakargan j see a Baker, Capt. G.P.; 518. , Sir Samuel W.,; 541. Major W. E.; 114, 142, 236. , Col. V.; 486. Fakdtgarh s xiii. Bakror ; 77. Bala tribe ; 77. Balaghat ; xiii. Balar; 78. Balasinor ; xviii. Balasore ; vii, 180, 181, 207, 523. ———— Toadstead ; 105, 164, 548, 592. Balfour, Dr. E.; 88. Jalkh ; 476. Jallapore ; 296. Balliaghatta canal ; 107, 164, 197. Bally creek ; 104. Bally strait ; 582, 593, 609. Ballygunge ; 191. Balor ; 46. Balrampur (Bullerampoor) ; 225, 226. Balroyndroog ; 5. Balsan ; x. Balston, Capt. ; 519. Balti; 75, 256, 257. Balubgurh ; 241, 243, 295. Baluchistan ; xx, 68, 136, 416 464, 479, 480, 482, 483, 484. Bamanghata ; vii. Bamean pass; 475, 476, 477. Bamra ; xiv, 184, 202, 203 204. Banaganpilly ; 321, 415. Banaras Sarnath ; 77. Banasankari ; 78. Bancoorah, see Bankoora. Banda, in N. W. Prov. ; viii, 165, 206, 207, 214, Banda, in Bombay ; 457. Banda island ; 583. Bandalkhand ; xii, 44, 66, 68, 71, 87, 206, 214, 268, 269. Bandar, see Masulipatam. Bangala, river van (Hoogly); 97. Bangalore ; xv, 4, 7, 8, 32, 161, 293, 295, 296, 297, 318. Banganapalli ; xvi. - Bangkok ; 513. Banjoemaas ; 518. Banka; 517, 565, 609. Banka strait ; 557, 565, 576, 577, Bankanir ; xiii. Banki; vii, 182. Rankipur ; 186. ‘Bankoora ; vii, 66, 71, 168, 170, 171,174. Bankote ; 572. Bannera ; 3 258. Bannu ; ix, 238, 242, 243, 466. Banog, 34, 35. Bansda ; xviii. Bansi (Bansee, Bhansey), in N.W.P. ; Banswara ; x. Bantwa ; xvii. Baoni ; xii. Baoti-Pind ; Bapatla ; 314, i 342, 343, 344. Barabalang river ; 49, Bara- Banki ; ; Ix. Barabar; 77. Barakar river and coal ; 68, 147. Baralacha pass ; 46. Baramahl ; 372. Baramba ; vil Baraset ; 170, 171, 187, 190. Barassee river ; 197. Barbuckpoor ; 162. Barcelore (Barselor, Barkaloor, Colloor) ; 95,98. Bardez ; 95. Bareilly (Barelly) ; viii, 165, 206, 207, 210, 221, 522. Bari Doab ; 37, 139, 232. Baria ; xviii. Barikhar; 77. Barker, James; 512. Barker, Lieut, W. C.; 451, 590, 598. Jarnes, Thos. ; 517. Barns, Mr, ; 139. Baroda; xvii, xviii, 265, 420, 456. See also (GGuzerat. Barometrical sections; 91. Barrackpoor ; 106, 191. Barrakur ; see Barakar. Barren island ; 68. Barren, A.; 313, 315. Barreto de Resende, Capt. P.; 95. Jarsee ; 282, Barton, L. C.; 456. Barudpura ; xiii. Barwai ; xiii. Barwani ; xiii. Bascha ; 18. Base lines ; 3,4,6,7,8,9, 13, 14, 21 33, 53. Basevi, Capt. J. P.; 28, 29, 281. Bashahr (Bussahir) ; x, 208, 255. Basim (Bassim) ; xiv, xv, 27, 57, & 292. , 23, 24, 30, 33, 283, 290, Basoda ; xi. Basoli ; 46. Bassein, in Bombay ; 439, 460. — , in Br. Burma; xv, 307. veh in Br. Burma; 141, 593. creek, in Bombay; 155. Bassora ; 98 Bastar (Bustar) ; ; Xiv, 62, 271, 276, 281, 328. Basti ; viii. Batacolo river; 97. Batavia ; 566, 577, 583. ss 2 IIR IEE rn Ee 2 he A a ESE mn my Semin CG Ie ga Eases pie = 642 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Beveridge, H.; 178. : Bewsher, Lieut. J. B.; 494, 495, 601. Beypore; 135. Bezoara ; 125, 126. Bezwada ; 315, 342, 344. Bhabhar ; xvii. Bhadarva ; xvii. Bhadaura ; xiii. | Bhadwa ; xvii. ate harbour; 553, 591. ; ih 164, 190, 213, 215, 228, 229, 230, 230, 236, 237, 241,243, 248,249, 267, 524, 527, 528. | Bauglore ; 372. | Baukthapoor ; 12. Bavanni; 78. Bawisi ; xviii. Bay of Bengal ; xix, 163, 604. Bayfield, Dr. ; 299. Beas river; 76, 233. Beatson, Major ; 321. Becher, Lieut. J. R.; 244, 260. Becknarrian, a brahmin ; 208. Beddadanole coal ; 68. Bedenoor, see Nagar. Beder, see Bidar. a Foo | Bedford, Capt. James; 118, 119, 165, 206, 221. | Bedingfield, Lieut. ; 119, 301. | Beekaneer, see Bikanir. . 5 Beerbhoom ; vii, 72, 145, 148, 162, 168, 170, 171, | 174. | Beglar, J. D.; 78. | | | | Bhagalkhand ; xii, 268, 269. 3 : Bhagalpur ; vi, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 207. Bhagirathi river, Gurhwal ; 208. ! thes - (Bhagruttee, Bhagirutty, Bhagiruthee) river, in Bengal ; 100, 111, 189. Bhaviat; 78. Bhajji ; x. Bhamo ; 512. Bhandara ; xiii, 278, Bharam ; 21. Bhar.pur, see Bhurtpore. Bhati tribe; 77. Bhaunagar ; Xvii. Bhaugulpoor, see Bhagalpur. Bhawalpoor, see Bahawalpur. Bheer, see Bir. Bheryah; 111. Behar (Bahar, Bihar) ; vii, 66, 77, 116, 162 to 166, 168, 169, 185, 201, 207, 468, 469. Behri ; xii. i Behut, in Bandalkhand ; xii. Pheyohs Al. au. Behut river, see Jhelum. | Tue ay Si 3 Beiteul ; 602. | 5g, 2 ta Belari ; xv, 319, 320, 321. Fi 4 lea $242 TA, Belgaum (Belgam) ; xvi, 78, 79, 418, 419, 420, DaimaY aram ; 350, : tar: 3 (4. 442, 628. a ium ; 27, 528, 5¢ | Bhoika ; xviL Belgium x 525, 32% 381, | Bholan pass, see Bolan. BW eT Dy W. / 250 Bhonagir (Bhonagheer) ; X1v, 57, 284, 285, 2 S Yea, sun Balad! Bhooj, see Bhuj. See : 8 § o ! v : 1 hn . DER Deluchisiss, Soo Baluchistan Bhopal ; xi, 265, 266, 268. ih 7 i { ; xii, 270. Benares city ; 14, 112, 145, 149, 217, 616. Bhopawees xii, 270 — district and division ; viii, 112, 149, 10r; XIX. B 165, 207, 216 Vhataly see Butan. al atlas; 16 52( Bhowal ; xv. Bengal atlas; 164, 169, 520. ES AT bay; xxi, 163, 548, 572, Si: 588, | Blu hy 2 592, 604, 608, 632. a : 79,430, ol Bengal coast ; 163, 548, 555, 606. mia estates ; Xill, 150.235, 303 : dooars ; 470 | Bhurtpore (Bhartpur) ; xi, 150, 259, 263. bog oT; 169 | Bhutan, see Butan. eo — riod maps ; 170 | Bhutteeana (Bhuttiana) ; 207, 244. AT < 55 . ; i i ? . . ——, Lieut. Govt., vi, 66, 68, 87, 90, 117, 166, | Phyrowal ; 37. 168, 169, 628, 629 Bhysonc os xii. hover, § ias, see Beas river. Bengal lighthouses, &c. ; 613. Bias a0 | as ri meteorology ; 628, 629, 631. ic roc e; 3 italy presidency ; vi, 31, 61, 162, 166. Bickaneer, see Bikanir. river steamers, &c. ; 615, 616. roads and routes ; 167. ee, south-western ; 184, 202. | 57, 281, 283. Biddulph, Lt.-Col. ; 465, 526. Big Fenny rivers; 170. Bighuna ; 522. Bihar, see Behar. Bija; x. Bijawar; xii, 269. Bijeragogurh ; 277. Bijna; xii. » ane Bijnor (Bijnour) ; vil, 165, 206, 207, 221. Bikanir: x, 45, 136, 139, 235, 255, 259, 262. Bilai-Khera ; 4) : Bilaspur, Punjab ; Xx, 255. Pn, Cent, Prov. ; xiii, 68, 276, 328. merid. series; 51. Bileda ; xii. Bilgy; 443. Bindrachal ; 25, 274. Binnie, Alex. R. ; 631. ‘ Statistical account ; 168. , western ; 169. Bengali atlas; 520. maps ; Xx, 520. Benyon, R. C.; 421. Borae vi, xii, xiv, 68, 76, 122, 282, 284, 287, | 288, 291, 292, 423. | Berghaus, H. ; 525. Bergman, Sergt. Maj. HF; 99. Berhampore; vii, 189. Berkley, J. ; 157, 158. Besarh ; 77. Bettiah ghat; 145. Bettoriah ; 162, | Betturey ; 101. Betul (Baitool) ; xiii, 68, 74, 271, 279. | Betwa river; 71. Bidar (Bider, Beder) ; xiv, 10, 12, 13, 27, 33,52, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 643 Bir (Bheer) ; xiv. 57, 283, 285, 288, 290. Birbhum, Birboom, see Beerbhoom. Birdaban ; 78. Bironda ; xii. Bisaol; 18. Bisahar, see Bashahr. Bishenath ; 118, 119. Bisnee; 117. Bisnoor ; 121. Bisrampur coal ; 68, 73. Bissunpour ; 162. Bitha ; 78. Bittrebund ; 162, 163. Black mountain; 249. - sea; 471. Blacker, Col. Val. ; 27, 86. Blagrave, Lieut. J. W. B. ; 240, 244. Blair, Capt. Arch. ; 310, 311, 551, 554, 556, 557, 580, 593, 609. Blair harbour ; 557. Blake, Lieut. B.; 217. Blandford, H. F.; 71, 628, 629, 631. -— W.T.; 72, 73. Blane, Lieut, G. R. ; 181, 196. Blunt, Capt J. T.; 181, 272. Boad, see Bod. Bocarro, A.; 95. Bod ; vii, 54, 183, 184, 202, 326. Bodagudem ; 125. Bodeemalli ; 8. Bodogoda ; xvi, 327. Bodosamar ; 327, 328, Bogaerts, A. J. ; 516. Boghawa river; 436, Bogra ; viii, 170, 171, 198. Bohr ; 483. Boileau, Capt. J. P.; 210, 211, 468, 469. me mem Lt.-Col. J. PL; 630. ~—— Lieut. A. H. E.; 51; Capt. 112, 210, - E. Bokhara ; 466, 4 Bokaro; 67, 72. Bokhyong ; 305. Bolan pass; 152, 154, 476, 479, 480, 481, 483, 484. Bolangir ; xiv. Bolarum ; 282. Bolikondah ; 10. Bomasundrum ; 4. Bombay cantonments atlas; 419, 420, - city ; xvi, 95, 156, 158, 423, 424 to 436, 460. ~ dockyard ; 430, 431. —~—— drainage ; 435, 436. - geology; 67, 68, 72. harbour ; 59, 60, 151,428, 429, 430, 571, 285, 588, 591. — - Hog island ; 434. island; xv, 59, 154, 155, 156, 157, 424 to 436. ~ longitudinal series; 12, 15, 24, 59, 60. meteorology ; 626, 627, 628, military maps; 417. ~———— observatory ; xxi, 626, 627, 628. presidency ; v, xvi, 59, 151, 416 to 458, 523. ————— railways ; 151, 154. — reclamations ; 425, 426, 432, 433, — revenue survey; 421, 422, 423, 4: — waterworks ; 434, 435. - Bombay, Baroda, and Central India railway ; 151, 154 to 157, 419. Bombay and Madras road ; 319. Bombay and Agra road, see Agra. Bominy ; 607. Bonai ; viii, 202, 204, Bonavia, Dr. E.; 630. Bongapilly ; 12. Bongeer; 11. Boogtee hills; 483. Boondee (Bundi); x, 262. Booree Dihing river; 118. ~—— (Ganga river; 170. Lewit (Bor Lohit) river; 118. Boosnah ; 162. Bootan, see Butan. Bopalputnum ; 56. Borasambar, see Bodosamar. Bor Looheet, see Booree Lewit. Joreebunder ; 155. Borneo; 519, 561, 562, 575, 577, 609. Borsur (Borsud) ; 421, 423. Bosphorus; 537. Botanic gardens; 175. Boulderson, Capt.; 354, 355. Bourbon Island ; 464, 551, 569, 579. Bourne, Mr. ; 89. Bowanassy river ; 128, 132, Bower, Qr.-Mr. Serg. D. ; 487. Boyd, Lieut. G., 446 ; Capt. 484. Brahmaputra rivers; 29, 40, 76, 84, 100, 117, 164, 298, 509, 607. Braddock, Lieut. J.; 322. Bradley, Mr. C. ; 188. Bramaishwar ; 7, 8, Brandis, Dr. ; 631. Branfill, Capt. B. R.; 29; Major; 30. Brazil; xx, 526, 546, 549, 567, 568, 636. Bridges; 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 145, 146, 147, 148, 160, 171, 181, 189, 211, 212, 436, 444, 446, 453, 616, 620. Briggs, Capt. John ; 157, 437, 438. Brind, Lieut. ; 165, 206. Brisbane, Sir T. M,; 634. Britain, Mr. ; 285. British Burmah ; vi, xv, 68, 304 to 310, 555, 556, 573, 608, 631. British Isles; 530. ——— (arhwal ; viii. Broach; xvi, 98, 422, 424, 437, 521. Broadfoot, Lieut. ; 478, Brooke, Rajah James; 519. Broome, Lieut. A. ; 453. drown, R.; 303. , Capt. B.; 165. —— Capt. W. ; 206, 218, 241 » Major J. R.; 292, Browne, Lieut.-Col, H. A.; 307. ,» Lieut. R. ; 5035. Jrucks, Comr. ; 438, 580, 599. Brunton, John; 154, 448, - W. 3; 154, Bruzen de la Martiniére ; 98, Brydges, Sir H. J. ; 485. Buchanan, Dr. F.; 513. Juckesoor (Bakeswar, Bakreshwar) river ; 148. Budaun (Budhon, Budaoon); viii, 206, 207, 221, ——n CTI. SETIES ; 15, 24, 43, 165. Juddha-Gaya; 77, 78. Buddhism in Tibet; 77. Buddhist temples; 76, RR AB A ee or br et HR A 644: ALPHABETICAL INDEX. : n 5 Caldwell, Lieut. A.; 265. Dodeahalons 124, 285. a Tieat. Jans 108. udvail ; 321. wines» aj 125, Bugti tribe ; 484. ev. 1. . 99. Buhadurgurh, see Bahadurgarh. Tee. oes Youll, qt y Renn ov 6 id ’ = x EO¢ 2 ()¢ Building ur ig Si Calicut ; xvi, 6, 135, 358, 360, 592, 602. ih Ga a 626. 632. California 3 526. : 7. 555. 572 Buist, Bra Nis Calimere point ; 51, 97, 500. 97 =. De Call, Lieut. ; 163. Da hus 7. 45: Sallao ; 526. Dulce (Bakhsh Jena Sonia river; 164. De Yili; 208,215 Calpee, see Kalpi. ulaana ; . \, Inti 97, Bullumghur, see Ballabgarh. Calvan mn Ih ys A ¢ ay . ; Doing guts I: Camac, Capt. ; 148, 5 oundas 4 Cambay ; xviii, 98, 407. Bundelcund, Se Bautalihand ho gulf; 96, 416, 591 Bunderghah 3 J is Cambobin ; 95, 460. Dou Ror Boon ji Cambodia ; 513, 597. RNAS ¢ ; Cambooree ; 513. Buanoo, sze Bana, Cambridge observatory ; 633. Duragagns J4 9 Cameron, Dr. ; 631. ens 162. Campbell, A. F.; Ii 230.850 ia; xil vm OS . 213, 229, 230. kg vii, 162, 167, 168, 170, 171, 174. ————— ir Cons 2 53 en a 3 3 Ss A eee sme Lies i 3 > UIgess, dames SY . apt. J.3 372. : , Lieut. F. J. 220, 241. Lt.-Col. Neil; 448, 479, 480. i 3 wa Campbellpur ; 253. , 270. Campoolee ; i ure, CU. -3 = . 299 304 | Canada ; xx, 543. S : Burma ; XX, 65, 08, 87, 90, 120, 171, 299, ’ Candle 100, 107, 108, 109, 170, 181, 182, 191, 306, 512, 513, op 197, 232, 233, 322, 447, 448, 449. Bornes, Bi: Alex.; 154, Cananore ; 84, 95, 98, 358, 460, 619. Yo 477. | Canara, see Kanara. » . o « Ay * - Burrabullung rivers 181, Canarese maps ; XX, 520. Burrah ; 209. 103. 104 Candahar, see Kandahar. Ducashs wh v3, : Candeish, see Khandesh. HPI rer - Candia ; 498. Burro, Rioghen 3 1%, Cannageery ; 321. a 176 Canning ton; 105: urton, Mr. LU. ; iv. oy om kal _ Ci Y. see Karnul. : 3 y: 48 87, 553, 580, 587, anou . i oi : Bushire (Abu Shahr); 486, 487, 553, 0 7 Can 507, 308, 384, 585, 589, 504, ou. i b - "a 2 3 ! ie wily Cantonments ; 88, 175, 178 126, 189, 19 » 130, Bussahir, see Bashahr. 204, 205, 212, 214, 215, 217, 220, 221, 222, Bastot, yor Baste os 994, 228, 230, 231, 240, 241, 242, ig 244 Butakoff, Admiral ; 473. . »1 198.30 947, 248, 249, 250, 253, 255, 260, 261, Butan ; Xix, 76, 117, 162, 163, 164, 171, 198,301, 1 Seo Se 000 her, 970, 276, 277, 218, 279, 466, 470. 280, 296, 300, 301, 302, 304, 307, 521, 355, Buttelly ; 327. 362, 363, 400, 419, 420, 436, 438, 442, 444, Buxar ; 78, 166. 445, 447, 450, 453, 455. : 9 51. 53. 180, 182. 45, 447, 450, 453, i a EE Buxton, Lien: Bs 22, 51, 53, 180, 1 Cie (of Good Hope) Colony; xX, 464, 541, Buzdar pass ; 3¢0. 567, 568. Bynsoda ; Xil. uy observatory ; xxi, 634. Carangooly ; 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12. Carania ; 995. —— 259, 453, 454, 471, 474 245, Cabul ; 231. SL Cachar ; xv, 37,167, 171, 298, 299. Carcur ghat; 358. ing Carimata passage ; 583, 593. Calahastry ; 363. Carless, Lieut. ; 136. Calcaud ; 396. aries, Lignin! 190 0 ) ii d ! 8,149,191 to Carlleyle, A. C. Li.5 78. Calcutta ; vii, 105, 106, 143, 144, 148, , Corinto, bo Yi on Lhe, canals ; 107 Carnatic ; 312, ais ge, a ting) sor! - railway ; 160. eo longitudinal series; 14, 38. a es Jot y ; I Sales Re omen hg 525, 526, 539. —— observatory; xxi, 14, 620. x a2 sia we TORS 3; 167, 168, In, GLI Ws 22 Aoteers 59-63; 107. Jarr, Capt. HM. .; ; a == I 276 Carrington’s Star ( Hialogas ; 634. een. QTM a) ad; 276. ania gier’s Sear Catal — and South-Eastern railway ; 142. Oe 8 a. 0 3 [este vagpore) railway; arter, Capt. ; 163, 249, — and South-Western (Nagpore) ys | Cums, Caps ry a. C I Capt. ; 321 | Cary, G.and J.; 86, 462, 524. ald y WA . . ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Cashmere, see Kashmir, Caspian sea ; 511. Cassini, Mr. de ; 524. Catalogues; 621. Caubul ; 29. Caucasus mountains ; 510. Cauchard, M. ; 531, 532. Caugmahry ; 162. Cautley, Col. Sir P. T.; 118, 114, Cavagnari, Lieut. R. I.. N.; 250. Cavari, Cauvery, see Kaveri. Cawnpore ; viii, 110, 146, 147, 149, 165, 206, 207, 209, 210, 215, 225. Cayl; 554. Cayley, Dr. ; 257. Ceded districts; 7, 8, 9, 33, 312, 320. Celebes islands ; 561, 563, 576, Central America ; xx, 545. Asia, see Asia, Central, —— India; vi, xi, 44, 61, 62, 66, 67, 71, 166, 264 to 270, 438. . Provinces ; vi, xiii, 26, 54, 55, 64, 68, 144, 270 to 281, 327, 328, 521, 523, 631. Cephalonia ; 152. Ceradotus fossil ; 66. Ceylon; 30, 76, 97, 99, 293, 516, 555, 572, 580, 602. Chadchat ; xvii. Chagos island ; xxi, 551, 592, 596, 612. Challen, Capt. G.; 445. Chamarett, Mr. A.; 57, 285,289,290, 292, 341, 357. Chamba ; ix, 257. Chamberlain, General ; 467, Chambers, W.; 322. weninmmnensy Cs 3 627, 631, G34. remy J, 3 627, 634, Champain, Lieut. J. U.; 229, Champaran, see Chumparun. Champion, Colonel Alex. ; 210. Chamund ; x, Chanda ; xiii, 56, 68, 278. Chandergooty ; 9. Chanderi ; 78. Chandernagore ; xix, 106, 148, 458, Chandravati; 78. Chandun river; 173, Chang-Bukar ; viii. Changchenmo pass ; 46, 47. Channel creek ; 104, 105. Chapra ; xi, xiii. Chari, in Rajputana ; x. a, in Kangra; 78. Charkari ; xii. Charlevoix, Mr.; 524. Charts ; xix, 596 to 611, Chatelier, J.; 183. Chatgaree ; 301. Chattisgarh ; xiii, 54, 144, 276, 3: Chattrapur; xi. Chaturbhuj ; 78. Chavasse, Lieut. W.; 354. Chauk (Chowk); 159. Chaul ; 95, 460, 554, 571. Chawurpatha ; 281. Cheape, Lieut. ; 176. Checklypoor ; 160. Cheduba ; 556, 581, 588, 592. Cheechun ; 439. Cheerecaghatec pass; 468, Cheerla, see Upper Godavari. Chella; xv. Chenab river ; 46, 48, 233, 234, 236, - wo -3 co ro ox 645 Chendaloor ; 8. Chendwar merid. series; 19, 41. Chengalpat ; xvi, 316, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325. Chenumpilly ; 320. Chepal ; x. Cherra ; xv. Cherrapoonjee ; 37. Chesney, Colonel ; 492, 493, | Chicacole ; xvi, 328, 414, Chicholi, 68. Chidambaram (Chellumbrum) ; 391,392, 393, 394. | Chiddypour creek; 102, 104, Chikalda ; xiii | Chikhli; xviii. Chilas ; 466. Chilka lake ; 49, 182. | 6 “hillianwalla ; 237. ( ’ China Bukeer river ; 120, China routes and passages ; 304, 512, 524, 547 582, 589, 594. | China sea; xxi, 526, 558, 574, 584, 585 | 593, 610, 611, 612, 632. Chinchligarad ; xviii. { Chindwara ; xiii, 56, 271, 279, 281. | Chinese Empire ; xix, 504 to 510, 558. Chingleput, see Chengelpot. Ching-keang-foo ; 508. Chinna-Kemedi ; xvi, 32 Chinnee creek; 152, 153. Chinsura ; 105, 175 Chintacoonta ; 3 Chintalapoody ; 341. Chintalpandy ; 160. Chitaldroog ; xv, 293, 294, 295, 206, | Chiteli slates ; 68, Chitral ; 29, 466. | Chittagong ; vii, 100, 162, 166, 170, 171, 176, | 177, 207, 555. coast; 548, 573, 595, 608. | hills; vii. | ee river; 141, 170, 555, 573, 592. | | ! | | Chittavail ; 321. Chittore ; xvi, 319. Chittung river; 114, 233. Chitty, Lieut. A. W.; 488. Chokapad ; 326. | Chope ; 67, 192, | Chorakullee ; 12. | Chorao ; 95. | Chorkonda glacier ; 75. Chormodanya ereek ; 102. Chota Barkhera ; xiii. Chota Nagpore ; viii, 162, 164, 201, 203, 204, 182, 202. —— SUTVEY; 25, 52,53, 61,202, 203, 204. Chota Udepur ; xviii, 456. Chotila ; xvii. Chowbey jaghires; xii. Chowk ; 418. Chowmehla, xii. Chowpatty ; 156. Choyah ; 253. Christie, Lieut. ; 482. Christopher, Lieut. W.; 247, 540, 603, 613. mmr res meee. Meh 21S 5 Chuch ; 24, 37. Chuk ; 235. Chumbul river; 265. Chumparun ; vii, 185, 186, 469, Chunacally; 162. Chunar, or Chandalgarh ; 218. Chunargarh (Chunargur) ; 111,164, 167,272,274 Sagem § E i , NAY 646 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Chundunnuggur, sce Chandernagore. Chupparah ; 273. Chupra ; vil. Chura ; xvi. Chusan ; 508, 558, 611. Chut ; 483. Chutterah ; 3 Chutterpore ; 269. rEg see Chattisgarh. Chybassa ; vil. Cinchona ; 546. Circuit-house plans ; 166. Circular canal ; 107. Cis-Sutlej highlands ; x. ee states ; 63, 254. Clark, Mr. ; 108. Ciarke, Mr. ; 157. Clements Simi 565. live, Colonel ; 190. Give: 66, 67, 68, 69, T1, 72, 73, 74, 146, 167, 176, 204, 281, 475, 530, 607. Cobarry river; 265. ] canada ; 329, 592, 595. ei. 7. 85, 5, 97, 99, 127, 135, 141, 414, 460, 592. Cochin China; xx, 514, 526, 557, 610, 611. Corsica; 529. (Cosah river, sce Koosee. Cossimbazar island ; 163, 164. river; 104. Cossipore ; 193,195. Cossyah hills, see Khasi. Costa di pescaria ; 84. Cotton MAD} a 195] 488 Jotton, Sir A. ; 129, . Ci Capt. C.; 580, 588, 592, 593, 597, 607. Coutao ; 95. Cowelwarrah; 273. ; Coylan, Coylang, Calikoilan, see Quilon. Craigie, Major, John; 27. . Cranganore ; 95, 98, 460, 572. river; 99. . Crawford, Capt. John; 581, 583, 585, 589, 592, 593, 609. em, Major J. H. G.; 154. mm, Lt.-Col. C. ; 210, 467, 468, Creed, Lieut. H.; 259, 453, 458. Cretaceous Cephalopoda ; 68. ee Gastropoda ; 68. Crete ; 498. ah Crew, Major W.; 314; Lt.-Col. ; 315, 329. Criddle, Lieut. J. S.; 105. Coco islands ; 548, 608. Codamoorly river; 134. Cogan, Lieut. Bs 599. Coilang, see Quilon. ; i too): xvi, 4, 5,6, 60, 85, 314. 316, 320, 325, 326, 359, 361. Colaba; xvi, 154, 156, 157, 424, 425, 426, 431, 436, 437. Colacolly creek ; 196. Colair lake ; 122. Colar, see Roar. Y: 295 lebrooke, Capt. J.; 290. Ge ’ Goi R. H.; 109 ; Major; 111; Lt.- Col. ; 210, 226. Colgong ; 109. i Collingwood, Lieut. W.; 494, 495, 497. Collyer, Lieut. G. C.; 603. Columbo ; 97, 554. Colvin, Major, John ; 233, 235. Comer creek; 103. Comilla ; vi, 170, 180. Commerput; 117. Comorin cape ; 6, 7, 619. Comoro islands ; 551. Comparative railway maps ; 152. Concan ; 96, 97, 439, 440, 441, 444. Condamine, M. de la; 524. Condapilly ; 8, 9, 85, 340. Congo river ; 586. Congole ; 123, 124. at Capt. P. E.; 295, 358, 414, 415, 443. Constable, Capt.; 80, 451, 488, 601. Constantinople; 537. Cooch, Behar ; viii, 162, 163, 171, 198, 200. Cook, Dr. H.; 483. Coomptee; 9. Coonoor ; 362. Coorg ; vi, xiv, 60, 295, 317, 631. Coorlah fort ; 440. Cootal ; 135. Corada ; 326, 327. Corea ; 504. ; Coringa; 121, 829, 555, 572, 592, 595, 606. . Coromandel coast; 97, 98, 163, 293, 312, 548, 555, 992, 606. Crimea ; 534, 535. Crisp, Capt. J. H.; 113, 114, 139, 234. Crommelin, Colonel ; 136, 230. i : Cruikshank, Lieut. J. ; 416, 436, 437 ; Capt. 454. Cruttenden, Lieut. ; 500. Ctesiphon ; 490, 494. Cuddalore ; xvi, 391. } i. Cuddapah, (Kurpa, Cudapa) ; xvi, 33, 34, 68, 72, 128, 158, 161, 318, 319, 321, 326. Cuddoor, see Kadur. Cullen, Maj.-Gen. W.; 91, 92. Cullian, see Kalyan. Culsedaw creek; 105. Culvaty ; 97. ” “ummum ; 318, 319, 321. : Maj.-Gen. Alex. ; 77,120, 232, 453. Curtis, Lieut. ; 418, 501. Custee ; 101. -— creek ; 104. _ Cutch (Kutch); xvi, 58, 67, 68, 70, 72, 78,79, 97, 448, 454, 464, 475, 591, 613. ——-, gulf of; 30, 79, 553, 571, 579, 588, 591, 601, 613. Cutchee ; 479, 484. ‘utchery plans; 166. or br 22, 53, 66, 165, 171, 181, 182, 207, 523, 555. . - mehals ; 53, 182, 183, 184, 523. Cyclones ; 626, 628, 629, 632. Daapeka kella (fort); 103 Dabla Dhir; xi. Dabla Ghosi ; xi. Dabri ; xii. 170,171,177, 178. Dadpoor jheel ; 145. Dadri (Dadree) ; 243. Dadur ; 155. Daflekar, The ; xix. Dahi, xii. Dakore ; 155. Daling ; 199. Dalkissur river; 176. Dacca district and division ; vi, 162, 168, 169, ~ city 5 100,102, 104, 117, 163, 164, 178, 608. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Dalrymple, A.; 439, 549 to 578. Daltonganj ; 67, 72. Damadur; 101. Daman ; xix, 95, 460, 461, 554. Damargida (Daumergidda); 10, 11, 13. Dambal ; 74. Damdam ; 195. Damnagar ; xviii. Damoh ; xiii, 272, 276. Damoodur (Damuda) canal ; 109. coal; 71, 74, 176. river ; 121, 176. Dampier strait; 563. Danaikencota ; 325, 361, 372. Dandhalpur ; xvii. Dang Bhil states ; xviii, 30. Danish settlements in India; 175. Danta ; xviii. Danturwa ; xviii. Danu ; 95, 460. Danube river; 141. Danvers, F. C.; 149. D’Anville, le Sieur ; 484, 490, 504, 507. Daphla (Duffla) hills ; 62, 298, 299. Dapoolee ; 420. ID’ Apres de Mannevillette; 97, 548. Darampuri ; 374, 375, 376. Darey, Mr. ; 120. D’Arcy, Lieut. C.; 497. Daria Khairi ; xi. Darjeeling ; viii, 67, 73, 171, 198, 199. — railway ; 144. Darkuti; x. Daroor, see Dharur. Darrang ; xv, 76, 298, 301. Darrapooram ; 325. Darungabady ; 327. Darwag ; 466, 482. Dasara; xvii. Daspalla Joremu; vii, 184, 202. Datelnagar ; 522. Datha ; xvii. Dattiah ; xii, 267. Daudpoor ; 275. Daundiakhera ; 77. Daunta ; 416. Davarapille; 123. Davercotta; 340. Davey, N. David, C. ; 1 Davidson, Capt. J. ; 484. Davies, B. R.; 527. Davurconda, see Deverkunda. De Bourbel, Lieut. ; 176. Deccan (Dekan); 30, 68, 86, 151, 281, 293, 419, 446. Dedan ; xvii. Deep-sea thermometers ; 637. Deesa; 416, 420, 455, 628 De Graaf, J. W,; 98. Dehej ; 437. Dehra Dun ; viii, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 37, 165, 206, 207, 218, 219. Dehree ; 116. Dektaun ; xiii. Delagoa Bay ; 550. De Lambre ; 27. Delawar ; 78. Delhi (Dehlee, Dihlee) ; ix, 77, 78, 148, 149, 150, 156, 164, 165, 207, 210, 211, 239, 241. Del Hoste, Lieut, E. P.; 447, 448, 449, 453. “ De Lisle, Monsieur ; 98. De Lisie, Lieut. A.; 447. Dellamcotta fort ; 164. Denospour river; 100. Deogurh; 67, 72, 280. Deoha river ; 115. Deolalee ; 442. Deoli ; xi, 260, 262, 438. Deonelly ; 296. Depalpur ; 78. Depree ; Capt. G. C.; 183, 203, 205, 328. Dera Ghazi Khan ; ix, 137, 243. Dera Ismail Khan; ix, 137, 238, 242, 243. Derajat ; ix, 242, 475. Derbhauti ; xviii. Dettingen; 524. Deutschland, see Germany. Deverkunda ; xiv, 11, 285, 287. Devi (Divy) point; 340, 555. Dewal ; 77. Dewani medals, Hyderabad ; 285, 287, 288. Dewara Nongtyrmen; xv. Dewas; xi, xi, xii. Dewgurh ; 441, 592. Dhalbhum ; vii, 68, 184, 203, 204. Dhami ; x. Dhamnar; 78. Dhank ; 79. Dhanoor ; 319. Dhaoladhar ; 74. Dhar, in Central India ; xii. Dhar, in Hyderabad ; 56, Dharampur ; xviii. | Dharaseo ; xiv. | Dharavee ; 424, | Dharawat; 77. | Dhari; xviii. Dharnaoda ; xiii. Dharur (Daroor) ; xiv, 9, 10, 27, 57, 281, 283, 285, 289, 290. Dharwar; xvi, xix, 69, 74, 419, 420, 443. D’hekowe (Dikrai) river; 118. Dhenkanal ; vii, 183. Dherla river; 117. Dhola Dewani ; xvii. Dholka ; 436. Dholpur ; xi, 263, 264, 267. Dhoor ; 321. Dhopapapura; 77. Dhotra ; xiii. Dhrangadra ; xvi. Dhrol ; xvii. Dhulatia ; xii. Dhuleep Sing ; 87. Dhulia ; xv. Dhundar ; 78. Dhurgaon ; xiii. Dhurumpoor ; 457. Dhurwai ; xii, Diala river ; 498. Diarbekr ; 491. Dibrugarh ; xv, 302. Dickens, Lieut. C. H. ; 211. Dickinson, Major T.; 424. Diego Garica; 552, 569, 596. Dizney, Comr. J. ; 112. Dihlee, see Delhi. Dihung river ; 118. Dikho Mookh; 118. { Dikung river; 118. | Dinapore; 186. f | | pe 648 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Dinagepore ; viii, 162, 170, 171, 198. Dindigul ; 85, 339. Dingri Maidan ; 30, 470. Diodar ; xvii. Dipung river; 118. Distance tables ; 168, 211, 416, 522, 525. Din; xix, 95, 98, 460, 461, 553, 588, 591. Divy point lighthouse ; 51, 619. Dizful river; 497, 498. Djokjakarta; 518. Doab (Eastern Jumna) canal; 113. , Ganges—Jumna ; 164, 208, 209, 211, 214. ——, Ganges—Ramgunga ; 228. Docks; 195, 196, 620. Dodagoontah ; 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 38. Donabyo; xv. Doodalluh ; 10. Doogoorazpalam ; 322. . Doomagoodium, see Dumagudiem. Doomree nullah ; 146. Dorka ; xviii. Dorret, Jas. ; 524. Dorundah ; 205. Douglas, Robert K. ; 504, 506. Dour; 466. Dowdeswell, Major-Gen. ; 210. Dowlutabad ; xiv, 27, 57, 283, 285, 289, 200. Drapha ; xvil. Dras; 46. Drummond, Andrew ; 204. Dublin ; 531. Duffla, see Daphla. Dufour, A. H.; 533. Dug; xii. Du Glos, Mr.; 163. Dugria ; xi. Dujana ; x, 243. Dumagudiem ; 123, 124. Dumka ; vi. Dumoh, Dummow, see Damoh. Duncan, Capt. ¥.; 120. Dungarpur ; x. Dupaad ; 321. Duperrey, Comt. L. T.; 526. Durand, Lieut. H. M.; 234, 235, 433, 478, 479. Durbhunga ; vii, 185. Durham observatory ; 633. Durian strait; 557, 593, 609. Durmawaram ; 320. Durshee ; 321. D’Urville, Capt. J. D.; 526. Duskroe ; 436. Dutch charts ; 96 to 99. Duttanah ; xii. Du Verney, Capt. J. 8.5 25, 35, 37, 41, 42, 285, 288, 289, 290. Duyrendaal, L. N. van; 99. Dyas, Lieut. J. H.; 139. East, Capt. C. J.; 472. East India House, Leadenhall St. ; 531. East Indian railway ; 144 to 149. Eastern Archipelago observatory ; xxi, 632. Bengal ; 90. — railway ; 143. eee @aDAlS ; 107. channel lightship; 107. — Qooars; 301. mms frontier ; 171. —— frontier merid, series; 39, 40. = ghats ; 312. tastern ocean ; 163. —— states agency ; Xi, 263. Turkistan ; 257. Eclipses ; 29. : Echamuttee ; see Ichchhamati (authorized spelling). Edar ; xvii. Edgcome, Capt. ; 306. Eekulserree ; 8. Egerton, Lieut. J. ¥.; 165,175. Egypt; xx, 539. Elastic sandstone ; 69. Elgandel (Eilgundel) ; xiv, 57, 283, 285, 289, 290. Elison, Lieut. ; 140. Ellichpur ; xiv. Elliot, Capt. C. M..; Elliot, Sir Walter; 32: Elliott, H. M.; 206. Elliott, J.; 630, 631. Ellore : 26, 04, 68, 85, 126, 331, 332, 333, 341. Elphinstone, Hon. M. ; 234, 473, 474. Enchampilly; 125. England; 524, 529, 530. English Bazar; vii. semen PilOt 3 DT. Ephthalites, or White Huns ; Equatorial lakes; xX. Trannoboas river; 173. Erinpura ; 263. Ernad ; 360. Erode ; 325. Errundole ; 423. Esteonrt, Lieut.-Col. ; 492, 493. Etah ; viii, 521. Ftawah ; viii, 147, 163, 206, 207, 209, 213, 522. Ethersey, Lieut. R.; 591, 592, 601, 603, 612. Ethnology; 77. Euphrates river; 465, 466, 490, 491, 492, 493, 553, 571. Europe ; XX, 520, H24, 526. Evans, Capt. R.N.; 75. Everest, Capt. G. ; 9,10, 113 Col. 12, 14, 15, 16, 17. 27, 81, 33, 34, 42, 43, 51, 57, 59, 60. Everest, mount ; 29, Fxecutive engineers’ maps ; oy py il ’ 42 be ) od fn 88. Faarant, H. G.; 97, 98, 99. | Faden, W., 536. | Falkland islands; 525. | Falour, see Phillour. | False point; 595, 607. } ne | Fao; 497. Famine maps ; 172, 185, | Faridkot; X, 254. | Faridpur, see Furreedpore. 208. Farrukhabad ; viii, 165, 206, 207, 209, 210, 213, 2925, 521. Farukhnagar; 243. ‘ | Fatehgarh (Futtehghur) ; 110, 210, 225. | Fatehpur; viii, 165, 296, 207, 215. | Favre, Rev. P.; 514. | Fawcett, 1. G.; 436. Fedden, F.; 72, 512. ; | Feistmantel, Dr. O.; 70. Feldsberg ; 527. | Fell, Lieut. W.; 141, 592, 593, 606, 613. | Fenner, W. A.; 141. | Fenny river; 170, 197, 607. | Ferguson, Capt. R. Bus 276. | Fergusson, Lieut. E. ¥.T.; | 627, 628. Fergusson, W. J.; 143. 598. 600, 602, 613, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Fernando Noronha ; 549, 567. Feroseabad ; 281. Ferozepore ; ix, 239, 245, 254. Feroz Shah’s canal ; 233. Ferrier, General ; 482, Ferryboat, iron, steam ; 112, 153, Ferryfund maps; 170. Fielding, Colonel ; 264. Figure of the Earth ; 4, 6, 11, 13. Fiji islands ; 560. Fisher, Lieut, J.; 100, 299, 300, 302. Fitzgerald, Lieut. ; 100, Capt. 111, Fitzpatrick, Mr. J.; 165, 173, 180. Fitzroy, Capt. Ferd. ; 306. Flanders ; 524. Fleming, Capt. G.; 187, 191. Fontenoy ; 524. Foote, RR. B.; 70. Forbes, Capt. J. G.; 115. --——, Gol. W. N.; 196. Forde, A. W.; 154. Fordyce, Capt. ; 165, 206, 212. Forlong, Capt. ; 513. Formosa ; 558, 594. Forster, Mr. ; 474. Forsyth, Sir T. D.; 257, 473. Fort Orange, Cochin ; 99. Ostendburg ; 516. ~——— St. David, see Tegnapatam. St. George, Madras ; 51, 354. William, Calcutta ; 38, 194, 195. Foster, Capt. ; 457. Foy, T. M.; 156. France; xx, 524, 527, 528. F¥rancklin, Lieut.-Col. W.; 173, 200. Franklin, Lieut. J.; 268, 592, 613. Fraser, J., 238. ~~, Capt. ; 513. , Lieut. G. J.; 163, 221. , Lieut.-Col; 465, 608, , Wm. ; 606. Frederick, Lieut. E.; 487. French charts ; xxi, 525, 526, 528, 611, 622, territories ; xix, 458, 459, ¥'reycinet, Capt. de; 525. Friend, John; 5533, 571. Frog beds in Bombay ; 67. Fuel, artificial ; 69. Fulailee, river ; 136. Fulta creek ; 196. Funchal ; 549. Funck, Capt. J.; 424. Furreedpore ; vi, 168, 169, 170, 178, 179, 187 Furruckabad, see Farrukhabad. Furrucknuggur, see Farukhnagar. Futtasing ; 162. Futtehghur, see Fatehgarh. Futtehpoor, see Fatehpur. Fytche, Major-Gen. A.; 512. Fyzabad ; ix, 225, 228. Gabut ; xviii. Gadka ; xvii. Gagrone ; xi, 273. Gagunga ; Xx. Gaikawar’s territories ; xvii. Gajipur ; 78. Gakar tribe; 77. Galapagos islands ; 526. Galle; 76, 556, 572, 580. Gambria nuddy ; 145. “ { Ghazipur ; viii, 165, 166, 206, | | | | | | Gandicotta ; 318, Gangadwara; 78. Ganges canal ; 113, 209. —— delta ; 100 to 109, 163, 164. navigation ; 112, 615, 616. river ; 20, 21, 68, 76, 84, 97, 100 to 116, 117, 143, 145, 164, 207, 208, 210, 220. Gangetic atlas; 111. Gangotri; 111, 208. Gangpur ; viii, 68, 202, 203, 204. Gangrar ; xii. Gani-Atcoor ; 340, Ganjam ; xvi, 26, 53, 61, 171, 182, 202, 271, 275, 326, 327, 328, 413, 415. Garden, Capt. W.; 168, 220, 236, 254, 265, 468. Gardner, James ; 525. Garforth, Lieut. P.; 41. Garha ; viii, 273. Garhi ; xiii, xviii. Garhwa ; 78. Garhwal ; ix, 30, 44, 76, 207, 208, 223, 224, 521. Garling, Lieut. J.; 8,9. Capt.; 11, 12, 47, 286. Garo (Garrow) hills ; xv, 68, 69, 171, 302. Garrah creek ; 138. Garurwara ; 281. Gastrell, Lieut.-Col. J. E 188, 629. Gaubati; xv, 117, 301. Gaunigapent ; 10, 11. Gaur ruins; 164, 200. Gaurisankar, see Everest Mount. Gavin, John ; 508. | Gawhali ; xvii, xviii. | Gawilgurh; xiv, 283, 284, 291, 292. Gaya, see Gya. Gazeeabad, see Ghaziabad. Gazeepoor, see Ghazipur. Gazetteers ; 88. «3 63, 65, 177, { | | { | [ | | Geographical catalogues ; xxi, €: 1 Geology; v, 66 to 74, 93, 167, 76, 183, 274, 275, 278, 530, 5 Georgia ; 485. Gerard, Capt. A., and Dr. J. G.; 91, 255, 265 266, 474. Germany; xx, 531, 532. Ghaggar river; 233. (Ghaziabad ; 149. 207, 217. Ghazni (Ghuznee) ; 467, 480, 481, (rhilan ; 487. Gibbings, Lieut. R.; 264. Ghodna; x. Gholab Sing ; 87. Ghoosree 3 106. Ghorasar ; xviil Ghorband ; 475. Ghoswara ; 77. Ghunapur (Gunnapoor) ; xiv, 287, 291. Ghundhol ; xvii. Ghurgong ; 118. Ghuznee ; see Ghazni. Ghuzree (Ghizree) creek ; 152. Giberne, Lieut. H. ; 456. Gibson, J. ; 422. Giddaloor ; 321. Gilbert islands ; 559. Gilgit: 238, 466. Gill, Lieut. W. J. ; 486. Gilelo 3 583, 593, 609, Gird Gwalior; xi. Girdlestone, F. B.; 280. wan penta u ded anaantSRS a En EET tempter ov re BT er psp 050 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Girishk ; 480. Girnar mount; 79. river ; 141. Girouli ; xii. Giryek; 77, 78. Glaciers ; 69, 74, 75. Glaisher, Jas. ; 630. Gnari Khorsum ; 76. Goa; xix, 9, 97, 441, 460, 461, 554, 572, 579, 592, Goa chung (Gwa) ; 581. Goalpara ; xv, 119, 301. Goalundo ; 112, 143. Godairy ; 327. Godavari district; xvi, 63, 321, 329 to 339. —- (Godavery) river and valley; 10, 11, 33, 56, 57, 58, 68, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 329, 606. -- anicut; 122. —. canals; 123. e— delta 3 122, 329, 330. - point ; 97. — taluks, see Upper Godavari. Goddard, Colonel; 265. Goddewarre, see Godavari. Godwar; x. Gogra river; 20, 23, 112, 114, 209. Gohelwad ; xvii. Gola canal; 115. Golconda (Golkonda, Golgonda) coast ; xiv, 27 1, 282, 284, 285, 548. Gold coast; xx, 538. - deposits ; 66. Goldingham, J.; 322, 623, 624. Goldsmid, Major-Gen. Sir F.; 48 487. Gomal or Gholaree pass; 476. Gombroon ; 98. Gonauli ; 422. Gonda ; ix, xvi. Gondal ; xvii. Goodaloor ; 358, 360. Goodfellow, Capt.; 357. Goodwyn, Capt. H.; 196. Googaira, see Montgomery. Googee ; 108. Gooloodoye; 326. Goomsoor ; 54, 183, 202, 326, 327. Goomtee river, in Tipperah; 170. Goondla; 7, 8. Goonipooram ; 275, 326, 327. Groorgaon, see Gurgaon. Gooty ; 7,8, 9,11, 68, 319, 320. Gora merid. series, 18,41. Gorabi creek ; 137. Goraegat ; 13,33, 34, 162. Goraie river; 143. N Gorakhpur (Goruckpoor) ; viii, 165, 169, 206, 207, 217, 218, 227, 469. Gordelaan castle ; 98. Goretolo; 275. Gough, Sir H.; 236. Gough’s island ; 549. Gour, see Gaur. Gourihar ; xil. Gouzaratte, see Guzerat. Govisana ; 77. Gowridar ; xvii. Graham, J. ; 136. -, Capt. ; 151. Grand trunk road ; 168,211, 235. 2 , 483, 484, Grant, Charles ; 270. Grant, Lieut. P. W.; 165, 217, 227, 306, 308, 309, 482. wi, Lieut, Col. C. W. 5 501. Great Arc of India; 4, 12, 13, 27, 33, 34. Great Britain ; xx, 529, 530. — observatories ; xxi, 632. Greathed, W.; 209. Great Indian Peninsula Railway; 157, 158, 159. Great Indus trig. series; 48. Great Southern India Railway; 160,161. Greaves, Charles ; 106. Greece; xx, 932, Greeks in India; 79. Green, J. IF. ; 154. Green, Colonel Malcolm ; 483. Greene, G. T.; 195. Greenough, G. B.; 530. Greenwood, C. and J.; 531. Greenwich observations ; 632, 633. Grey, H.; 139. Gribble, J. D. B.; 326. Grieve, Lieut. A. M.; 137, 138, 451, 590, 591, 601, 603, 613. Griffiths, Dr. ; 299. Groombridge, S. cat. of stars ; 634. Grounds, Lieut. H. W.; 233, 234, 489, 493, 496, 498. Growse, F. S.; 213. Guadur ; 483. Gubbins, C.; 322. Guddacul ; 7. Guddaculgooda ; 8. Guddali ; xvii. Gudivada; 315, 542, 344, 345, 346. Guduk ; 443. Gudur; 365, 366. Gudura ; 342. Gudwal ; 131, 282. Guggur river; 114. Gujranwala ; ix, 245, 246. Gujerati maps ; xx, 520, 521. Gujrat (Goojerat) ; ix, 236, 237, 250, 251. Gulbargah (Culburga, Kulburgah, &e.) ; xiii, 57, 231, 284, 286, 287, 290. Gulf of Mexico ; xx, 549. Guna agency ; xiii, 270. Gund; x. Gundava pass ; 479. Gundicottah ; 8. Gunduk river survey; 19, 41, 112. — canals ; 115. Gundwana ; 277 Gungaram ; 125. Gungrar ; 266. Gunipur; 328. Gunj Basoda ; xi. Guntoor (Guntur); 8,10, 11, 85, 125, 126, 3135, 340, 341, 342, 346, 347. Gupta coins; 79. Gurdaspur ; ix, 240. Gurgaon ; ix, 165, 207, 239, 242, 258. Gurhagarh, merid. series; 435. Gurhi ; xii. Gurhwal, see Garhwal. Gurnuk river ; 481. Gurrumeonda ; 321. Gurwani, merid. series; 18, 41. Guy, Lieut. J. M.; 599. Guyard, Lieut. N.; 98, 99. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. ‘ 651 G td 4 4 . ruzerat Gujrat, (Gujerat, &e.); xvii, 30, 79, 97, aN A * . DD € a, ae 421, 422, 436, 448, 454, 456, 520, coast series: 59. ——— longitudinal series; 58, 59. -— language, see Gujerati. railways ; 155, 156. tramway ; 155. Gwahatty, see (Gauhati. eth 2 #, 61, 68, 69, 78, 165, 166, aya; vii, 14, 77, 78, 185. syaing (Gyein, Gain) river; 308, 309. ( { Hadjai, see Adjai, Hadramaut ; 463. Hageagunge creek ; 101, 102. Haig, Lieut. ; 122, 455. Hainan ; 97, 558, 594. Hines, Lieut E.; 276. -, Lieut. S. B.; 488, 500, 590, 597. - river ; 540. Hajeyuk pass; 475, 476. Halar division ; xvii. Hall, Capt, H.; 260, 261. Halla ; 449. Hamburg ; 532. Hamilton, Dr. Buchanan ; 169. , Lieut.-Col. D.; 326. Hamirpur ; viii, 166, 206, 207, 216, 523 Hammond, Lieut. G. C. ; 595. or Hanamconda ; 68. Hangood cutta; 295. Hankow ; 508. Hannyngton, J. ; 325. Hansi; 114. Haraoti, see Harowtee, Harapa ; 78. Harbours ; 79. Hardoi ; viii. Hardwar (Haridwar, Hurdwar ; 78, 109, 113, 209 210, 220. Ea Haringhata (Hooringottah) river ; 104. 0 (Haraoti) agency ; x, 259, 262, 266, Harpunhully ; 320. Harrison, W. H.; 457. Hart, Capt. 8. V. W.; 451. Hasan Abdal ; 78, 238. Hassan ; xv, 293, 295. Hathiyah-dah ; 77. Hatila ; 77. Hatta ; xiii. Hattigheesa ; 199. Haut ; ix. Havildar’s route ; 466, 482, Havilland, Major; 354. Hayamukha ; 77. Hayward, G. J. W.; 473. Hazara ; ix, 38, 238, 249. Hazaribagh ; viii, 39, 68, 69, 201, 203, 204, 274 Hazlewood, Mr. ; 465. Tr ys Hazoor, Tuhsil ; 522. Heathcote, Lieut. ; 106, 120. Heather, Wm. ; 578. Heddle, Surgeon J. F; 136. Hedjas ; 463. Heidenreich, A.; 98, 99, Heights, see Altitudes. Hell, Capt.; 529. Hellert, J. J. ; 489. Hemavati river; 133. Henderson, A. ; 106. Hengir, see Hingir Hennessey, Mr. ; 24, 29, 37, 227. Henzada ; xv, 307. Herat; 231, 474, 475, 480, 481, 482, 487. Herbert, Lieut. J. D.; 35, 92, 207 233 Herbert, Wm. ; 84. fie § : Herschel, Sir J. W. F., Star cat. ; 634 Hessey, Capt. W. IL; 315, 362, 401, Heupner, F. C.; 99. 4 : Hijili (Hijellee) ; 165, 175, 176, 207 Hill, Lieut. J. ; 219, 224, Zeky —, C. T.; 275, 326, 327, 372. ——, Thos. ; 396. Himalaya longitudinal series; 14, 16, 25. mts. ; 16, 23, 30, 32, 35. 37. 66 7 | 75,76, 232, 239, 254, 463, Sih ah —SEOHONS; 67. | Himatgarh ; 78. | Himis monastery ; 76. | Hindan (Hindun) river; 114, 212. Hinderstein, G. F. Baron von Derfelden van : 516 Hindi maps ; xx, 521, 522, 523. Bs Hindiah ; 140. ' Hindol ; vii, 183. Hindri river ; 128, 129, 130, 131. Hindu Kush ; 29, 475, 476, 477 Hindur ; x, 208, 255. : Hindustan, see India. — and Central Asia railway ; 151. ‘ —— Tibet road ; 152, 236. Hindustani maps ; xx, 521, 522, 523 Hinganghat ; xiii. Fe Hingir (Hengir) coal ; 68, 69, 74. Hirapur ; xi. : Hircarrah, K. and M. ; 273. Hiron valley ; 76. Hisar pillar ; 78, Hissar ; ix, 239, 243, 258. Hobday, Mr. ; 304, 310. Hodeidah ; 597. Hodge, Lieut. ; 26, 100. Hodgson, Lieut. ; 236, my Capt J. A.; 35, 85, 86, 92, 111, 207, Hog island ; 159. Hola Honoor; 33, 296, Holdsworth, Lieut. ; 468, Holland, see Netherlands. Holland, Lieut-Col. J. ; 416. Holstein ; 532. Hominabad (Hoomnabad) ; xiv, 2 Honawar ; xvi. : Honelly ; 295. Hooblee ; 419. Hoogadeegooda ; 9. Hooghly canal ; 109. eid vii, 162, 166, 168, 170, 171, —ee tOWD 3 106. - river; 21, 40, 97, 100, 105, 106, 107 os ’ e eas ach 10% dl ii, 149, 163, 164, 548, 592, 595, Hooker, Dr. J. D.; 199, Hookhoom ; 299. Hoonavully ; 9. Hooringottah, see Harinohata, Hooroornoorakul ; 317. % Hoovin ; 320. Hormuz ; 487. on mm iain Lon iim me ER EE — sl Ree tana SE om ope 652 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Horne, Mr. F. ; 439. Horsburgh, Capt. J.; 86, 554, 560, 562, 578 to 589, 590. Horsfield, Thos. ; 517. Horsley, Capt. ; 604. Horwood, R. ; 531. Hoseason, Capt. J. C.; 5 ; Hoshangabad a, &ec.) ; xiv, 140, 271, 273, 280. Hoshiarpur ; ix, 244. Houghton, Lieut. M.; 599. Howard, R.; 183, 371, 413, 414. Howrah; 106, 145, 168, 170, 171. Huddagully ; 320. Huggens, Capt. ; I Hughes, : W. H. A W.; Bir Hugary river ; 128. Hujamree river ; 137. Huli; 78. Hullabyle ; 9. Humeerpoor, see Hamirpur. Humpe ; 321. | Humrapoor ; 440, 441. Hunda-Anantapoor ; 320. | Hundapa ; vii. Hunter, Capt. John ; 559, 561, 564, 566, 584. , Dr. W. W.; 168, 265. ’ "W., surveyor ; 225. Hurdanhully ; 295. Hurdwar, see Hardwar. Hurilaong, merid. survey ; 19, 20, 41. Hurisagar river ; 119. Hurriana ; 163, 207, 243. Hurryhurr ; 33, 295. | Hursole ; 420. Husht-Bhya jaghires ; xii. Hussun-Abdal, see Hasan Abdal. Hutchinson, Ensign G.; 255. een —, Lieut. W. C.; 244. Huxley, Prof. T. H. ; 69. Hyab pass ; 476. Hyderabad (Hydrabad), Nizam’s ; vi, xiv, 7,9, 10, 12, 27, 33, 56, 61, 68, 85, 138, 281 to 292, 312, 319, 320, 340, 631. EE — assigned districts, or Berar; 288, 291, 292. — Sind; xvi, 136, 137, 140, 449, 450, 475. Hypsometry of India; 75. Ice; 69. . Ichchhamati ; 100, 103, 104, 117, 119, 144, 171, 191. Iddagoongy ; 444. Idrakpur (Iddyracpour) Kella ; Ilol ; xviii. Imphal ; XV Indapoor; 423. Iudappe ; 78. India, atlases ; iii, 84. civil divisions j iii, 28, 86, 87, 89. — Gazetteer ; 88. general maps ; iii, 84, 464, 520, 523, 578, 586. India, geological survey ; 66. marine survey ; v, 79, 547 to 595. memoirs ; iii, 84. — meteorology ; 2, 75, 630, 631. military maps ; 87, 94. wm OTA] ANA material progress ; 1, 2. | India, northern ; 90. - pilots and nauiical directories ; 585. railways; 142 to 161. , southern ; 85, 86, 88, 98, 159. , west coast ; 96, 504, 567, 571, 602. se, 'WeStEID 3 XXi, 151. Indian archipelago; 75, 519. atlas ; iii, 28, 31, 32, 81. , geological ; 74, 83. desert ; 259. marine surveys, charts, &ec.; xxi, 546 to 595. observatories ; xxi, 630. ocean ; XX, Xxi, 464, 515, 516, 551, 579, 596, 612, 614, 632 ocean islands ; 551, 552, 569, 570, 612 rock systems ; 66. surveys ; iii, 1. Indo-Scy thian tribes ; ; 77. Indore, in Central India ; xi, xiii, 266. ,in Hyderabad ; xiv. Indra-sila-guha ; 77, 78. Indus river and valley ; 29, 46, 58, 97, 136, 137, 141, 153, 463, 475, 509, 591. ——— steam flotilla ; 138. —- steamers and boats; 616. —— tunnel ; 253. —— valley railway ; 154. Injellee, see Hijili. Inland navigation ; 89, 100, 112, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 164, 197. Innaparatecondah ; 11. Inpahgutt ; 9, 10. Insingore ; 97. Instruments, surveying ; 3. Inverarity, T. D. and J. S.; 446. —, David; 550, 556, 557, 559. Iran, see Persia. Irawaddy river; 68, 118, 119, 120, 141, 307. Ireland ; xix, 524, 529, 530. Irrigation maps; 313, 448, 533. Ironside, Colonel ; 163. Irvine, Liens. 47 3. Isagarh; x , xiii. Isamuty, see chi the authorized spelling. Islam: bad 3 162. Islamgurh ; 440. Italian irrigation ; 533. Italy ; xx, 524, 532, 533. Itkuri ; 67, 72. Jabalpur ; see Jubbulpore. Jabriah Bhil; xi Jabna ; xii. Jackatalla ; 362. Jacob, General ; 139, 453, 455, 458. , Lieut. W. S.; 15, 24, 59; Capt., 625. . Jacob, Major W.; 501. Jacobabad ; 139, 453. Jackson, Lieut. H. ; 608. , Capt. C. F.; 260. meee, Capt. J. Wo; 354. Jade ; 69. Jadeja tribe; 79. Jafarabad ; xvii. Jaffanapatnam ; 97. Jaffirganj ; 119. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Jagannath; 181, 182. Jahzee river; 118, Jail plans ; 166, 190. Jain temples, &e. ; 78, 79. Jaintia hills ; xv, 71, 171, 301, 302. Jaipur age ney, Madras ; xvi, 28, 204, 27 281, 327, 413, 414, 415. ; Rajputana, see Jeypore ; x, 78 Jaji tribe ; 466. Jajpoor ; 258. Jakun te rritory ; ; 514. Jalalabad ; 466, 476, 482. Jalalpur; 222. Jalandhara ; 78. Jalaun ; viii, 206, 207, 222 Jalia Dewani; xvii. Jallawar, see Jhallaw: ar, Jalna (Je winah) xiv, 27, 57, 284 Jalpiguri; viii, 198, 200. Jamalgarhi ; 78. Jamalpoor ; 147. Jambrow ; 139. Jambughora ; xvill. James, =. 0. N.; 227, 250. Jamkhandi ; xix. Jamnagar ; 79. Jamnia ; xiii. Jamoo, see Jummoo. Jamoona river ; 112, 170. Janakpur; vii. Jangipour, 162. Jaoli ; 78. Jaora ; xii. Japan; 507, 558. Jarrad, Lieut. F. W.; Jasdan ; xvii. Jashpur ; viii, 203. Jath; xix. Jattii or Jat tribe ; Jaulnah, see Jalna. Jaunpur ; viii, 165, 207, 216, Java; 517, 519, 565, 566, 577, 583. Jawhar ; xviii. Jawud-Nimach ; x, 156, 261, Jaynagar ; 78. Jaysalmeer, see Jesalmir. Jeendh, see Jind. Jefferies, Thos. ; 542, 544, 545. Jehannuma ; 491. » 262, , 286, 289, 290, oy “i Jelinghee (Jellinghee, Jelenghee, Jelengee, Jalangi) river; 100, 101, 102, 104, 111, Jenai river ; 100. Jenkins, Capt. ; 299. Jerunghee ; 275. Jervis, Capt. T. B.; 157, 424,436, 439, 442, 473, 534, 537. Jesalmir, see Jeysulmere. Jessore ; vii, 100, 162, 168, 169, 170, 171, 187, 188. Jethian ; 78. Jetpur-Bilka ; xvii. Juwas; x. Jeypore (Jaipur) agency, Rajputana ; x, 78, 262. Jeysulmere (Jasalmir) ; x., 136, 279, 260, 448, 458. Jhajjar ; 243. Jhalawad in Kattywar ; xvi. Jhang ; ix, Thabra Patan ; x, 78, 266, 270. Jhallawan in B Jaluchists wn; 479, 483, 484, Jhallawar (Jallawar, Jhalra, Patan) ; xi, xil. Jhansi, in N.W, Provinces; viii, 222, 223. my, 10 Gwalior ; xi, 267. Jhari-Garkari ; xviii. Jharkon ; 78. Jharole ; x Jharsu ; 13, 34, * Jhelum (Jhilam, &e.); ix, 24, 25, 46, 48, 76, 251, 252, 253. river ; 234, 237. Jherria coal ; 67, 72. Jhils (Jheels, Jeels) of Bengal ; 76, 145, 163, 164. Jhujjhur, see Jhajjar. Jhull ; 484, Jigni ; xii. Jind ; xi, 239, 254, 258. Jinjira ; xvii, xviii, 340, 457, ! Jirang ; XV. Jobat ; xiii. Jobnathnagar ; 78. Jodhpore (Johdpur) ; x, 45, 260, 262, 448. Jogi Tila, meridional series; 47. Johanna ; 1 5581, Johdpur, see Jodhpore. Jolmsoz, Mr., Surveyor ; 29, 257. ee ET. 8; 199. eee Lieut. J. H.; 11 Johnston, A. Keith; 489, 5 A Capt. J.; 268. Johnstone, M: jor H. C.; 258. Jonelrashgutt ; 11. Jones, Capt. Felix ; 486, 489, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 588, 603. —, Capt, W.; 115, 119, Joobul, see Jubbal. Joonagudda ; 275 Joorhat; 298, Jopekhallee khall; 170. Sopp, Capt. J.; 416, 424, 439, 596. Joseph, Charles; 106, 168, 174. Tompoor, see Jaunpur. Jowar; 157. Jowasseah ; Xil. Juan Fernandez island ; 526. Jub river; 540. Jubal strait ; 598. Jubbal ; x, 208. Jubbulpore; xiii, 73, 273, 276, 277. a. 25, 539, 632. “dy - merid. series ; 51. mers railway ; 147. Juboona creck; 197. river; 197. Jugboora river; 115. Juggurnauth, see Jagarnath. Julla ria; xi. Jullundur ; ix, 244, Julung ; x. Jumalpoor; 119. Jumboo ; 288; identical with Chamba. Jumboosur ; 437. Jummoo ; ix, 46, 256, 257 Jummulmudgoo ; 321. Jumna river; 71, 100, 114, 139, 147, 148, 207, 265. —— canals ; 113, 114. Jumoona, see Jamoona. Junagarh ; xvii, 79. Junghung, D. F¥.; 517. Jungleterry ; 163, 164, 173. Junk Seylon ; 556, 577, 596, 608. Jurah ; x. an Bak SRR ea st foc ra ER ps. Lavi wr 654: ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Jushpur, see Jashpur. Jussu ; xi. Jutog ; 254. Jwala Mukhi; 78. Jygurh ; 440. Jynteah hills, see Jaintia. Kabar; 77. Kabul (Cabool) ; 466, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 480, 487. — river ; 478, 481, — kheyl ; 242, Kach, Kachh, see Cutch. Kachi Basoda ; xiii. Kachowla ; xi. Kadalhoondy river ; 135. Kadaroli; 78. Kadéing Tseing river; 513. Kadoe ; 518. Kadopah ; 67. Kadrabagh ; 130. Kadur; xv, 293, 296. Kafaristan ; 466, 475, 476. Kaghan (Khagan) ; 46, 47, 249. Kahaon; 77. Kahdirgunge ; 110. Kablur ; x, 255. Kaimur, see Kymore. Kaira ; xvi, 420, 423, 436, 437, 521. Kairabad ; 209. Kakeenada, Kakinada, see Cocanada. Kakubharati; 77. Kakupur ; 77. Kalabagh ; 137. Kaladgi ; xvi, 79, 418, 420, 443. Kalahandi ; xiv, 202, 271, 275, 276, 327, 328. Kalaksha ; 78. Kalat, see Kilat. Kalee nuddee, fight ; 213. Kali Baori ; xiii. : Kali river ; 114. Kaliana ; 13. Kaliani (Kulliannee, Callianee) ; xiv, 57, 281, 284, 286, 289, 290. Kalianpur ; 13. Kalinjir; 215. Kallagamalli; 5. Kallian ; 418, 439, 441. Kallian droog ; 320. ; Kalpi (Calpee, Kalpy) ; 164, 170, 222, 265, 272, 282. Kalsia ; x, 254. Kalu (Kaloo) river ; 158. Kalukheri ; xii. Kalyan (Cullian) ; 154. Kamalapuram ; 217. Kamaon, see Kumaun. Kamarurrapookota ; 341. Kambhampet (Kummummett) ; xiv, 58, 68, 284, 286, 290. Kampoora ; 275. Kampta ; 274. Kampta Rajola ; xil. Kamrup ; xv, 298, 301. Kamptee ; 124, 279. Kamthi (Kamptee) rocks ; 68. Kamtschatka; 526. Kanara (Canara); xvi, 9, 97, 293, 294, 319, 443. Kanawar (Kanawr, Koonawur) ; 298. Kanchinjinga Mt. ; 75. Kandahar (Kundhar, Kandhar, Candahar, &c.); 231, 474, 476, 480, 481. Kandapada, see Khandpara. Kandia ; 19. Kandukuru; 366, 367. Kangra ; ix, 69, 74, 78, 245. Kangyam ; 325. Kanhan river; 122, 124, 125. Kanhiara ; 78. Kanigiri; 367, 368. Kaniwaddy ; 325. Kanker ; xiv. Kankerkheria ; xi. Kanoj ; 77. Kansi (Kausa, Kasow) island ; 340. Kantapur ; xi. Kanuti; x. Kanyakubja; 77. Kao river; 115, 146. Kapoorwarree aqueduct ; 442. Kapotika monastery ; 78. Kapurthala; x. Karachi; xvi, 138, 152, 450, 451, 452, 481, 571, 591, 628. — base line ; 24. — longitudinal series; 38. Karak (Kharg) ; 487, 488, 553. Karakash ; 60, 76. : Karakorum mts. ; 75, 76, 473. Karamnasa river; 146, 149. Karana ; xviii. Karanja; 24. Karampura ; 67, 72. Karara meridional series; 17, 25, 36, 42, connecting series; 35, 36. Karataghin; 466. Karennee ; 306, 307. Karial (Kariar) 327, 328. Kariecal ; xix, 459. Karjat (iCurjat); 159. Karkai; 78. Karnal, Punjab ; ix, 239,.242. Karnatighur, see Carnatighur, Karnul, Madras ; xvi, 7, 33, 34, 57, 67, 68, 127, 130, 131, 329, 353. Karond, see Kalahandi. Kars ; 499. Karun river ; 492, 493, 497, 498, Karykall ; 133. | Karwai; xi. Kasgunje ; 521. Kashipur ; viii, 77. Kashgar ; 29, 466. Kashmir (Cashmere) ; ix, 45, 46, 76, 136, 231, 255, 256, 257, 466. Kasia; 77. Kasipur ; 271. Katas ; 78. Kathi; xviii. tribe ; 77. Kathiawad, see Kattywar Katmandu ; 470. Kator or Little Yuchi tribe ; 77. I atosan ; Xvil. Kattingi ; 76. | Kattywar ; Xvi, xviii, 30, 58, 78, 79, 454,455, 553, ! { | | | | | | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 571, 591, 601, 613. Kauklecondah ; 8. Kaulas (Kowlass) ; xiv, 27, 57, 284, 286, 289, 290. | Kavali; 314, 315, 364, 368. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Kaveri (Cavari, Cauvery) river ; 160, 294. Kavali; 314, 315, 364, 368. Kawarda; xiv. Kaylpatnam ; 97. Keamaree ; 152, 451, 452, Keane, Sir John; 480, Keeling Islands; 566, 608, Xeelpedagay ; 135. ilej; 483. Kelampakkam ; 316. Kelat, see Kilat. Keller; C. P.; 98. Kelsall, John; 321. Kelso, John ; 198. Kennedy, Colonel ; 151, 157, Keonjhar ; vii, 182 184, 202, 204. Keonthal ; x, 208. Kerigan’s tables ; 613. Kerowlee (Kerauli); x, 263, 264, 265. Kermanshah ; 487. Kerrae-Bellagul ; 7, 9. Kesariya; 77. Keshanganga ; 46. Kesserwadee ; 419. Ketas ; 78. Keyes, W.; 325, 857, 861. Khagan, see Kaghan. Khaibar (Khyber) pass; 474, 476, 477, 478. Khaira, see Kaira, Khairabad ; 78. : Khairagarh, Cent. Prov. ; xiv, , Oudh; 226, 231. Khairpur ; xix, 260, 453, 458; 475. Khajuraho, or Khajuraya; 78. Khalsi ; 77. : Khamti mts.; 118, Khandesh ; xiii, xvi, xviii, 157, 423, 437, 438. Khand mals ; vii. : Khandpara ; vii, 138. Khanghur, see Jacobabad. Khanikoff, Mons. N. de ; 481, 486. Khankrej ; xvii. Khareean hills, Punjab ;* 69. Kharsia ; xi. : . Kharsowan ; vii. ‘ Khasi (Khasia) hills; xv, 66, 69, 71, 7: 171, 302. Khawk pass; 477. Kheir ; 444. Khelat, see Kilat. Kherar ; xi. Kheri ; viii, 231. Kherwara ; x. Khetri ; x. Khirusra; xvii. Khiva (Chiwa) ; 463, 473, 474,482,486,510, 511. Kholvi ; 78. Khoond mals ; 54, 326. Khorassan ; 463, 480, 486. Khorwhy river; 140. Khost; 466. Khotan ; 29, 257, 466. Khukhundo ; 77. Khundwa ; 280. Khurgone ; xiii. Khurree ; 145. Khurruk ; 243. Khusrawal ; xiii. Khuzistan ; 486. Khyreegurh, see Khairigarh. Khyrpoor, see Khairpur. (7767. - Khyrum; xv. Kidderpore docks; 195, 196. Kiepert, H.; 464, 486, 489, 499. Kilat (Kelat-i-Nusseer Khan) ; 474, 479, 481, 482, 483, 484. Kilat-i-Ghilzie ; 480, 481. Kilchipur ; xi. Kilner, Capt ; 503. Kimedi; 54, 202, 329. King, J. G.; 183. Kinneir, J. M.; 464, 485. Kiragrama ; 78. Kirgis steppe ; 510. Kirkee ; 420, 444, 445. Kirkpatrick, Capt. W.; 467. Kirli ; xviii, Kirwee ; 215. Kishengurh ; x, 262, Kishkindapara ; 77. Kishm ; 98. Kishna river, see Krishna. Kishnaghur ; vii, 162, 190, Kissengunge ; 143, 144. Kishna, see Krishna. Kistnapatam ; 128, Kistnapett ; 56. Kitchen, T.; 191, 524, 543. Kittoe, Capt. M.; 168. Kiuk-Kiol salt-lake ; 76. Kiyul; 78. Klaproth, J. ; 507. Knox, Lieut. R.; 190, 606. Koel river; 115. Koelacondah (Koelkondah) ; 7, 11. Kohat ; ix, 67, 238, 249, 250, 466. Koh-i-Daman ; 475, 480. Kokand ; 474. Koilkoontla ; 321. Koilkunda ; xiv, 284, 286, 287, 290. Kolab; 466, 482, Kolachel ; 595. Kolandyne river ; 304. Kolar; xv, 293, 297. Kolhan longitudinal series ; 52. Kolhapur ; xix, 419, 457. Kolliabar ; 118. Kollore ; 126. Kooltah Koosy ; 301. Kollymullay hills ; 372. Komasain, see Kumharsain. Komerabady ; 326. Komptha ; 278. Kondka ; xiv. Kongoondy ; 371, 372, Konkan merid. series ; 22, 60, 68, 157, 293. Konkan, Konkun, see Concan. Konker; 328, Konur; 78. Koodlighee ; 320. " Koombee ; 273, 277. Koonawur; 255, 256. Koonch; 222, Koondah mts. ; 361. Kooria Mooria islands ; 590. Koorpum ; 413. Koorum, see Kuram. Koosee (Coosy, Cosah, Kosi) river ; 208, Kooshtee ; 143. Kopah inlet; 595. Korabar; x. Korba coal ; 68. mergers ene pes Cues Fam a Ea om {1 ? FLEE I | iit i ifs i ) | : ths Ae pe me. 656 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Koria ; viii. Korinar ; xviii. Kosam or Kosambi; 77. Kosi valley ; 224, 470. Kotah ; x, 262, 265, 266. Kot-Qasim ; 243. Kotgarh ; x. Kotharia ; xvii. Kothi ; xii. Koti; x. Kotiday ; xiii. Kot-Kangra, see Kangra. Kotluh ; 254. Kotra; x. Kotra Pita ; xvil. Kotra Sangani ; xvii. Kotri (Kotree) ; 137, 152, 153, 449. Koushan pass ; 476. Kowlass, sez Kaulas. Kraw isthmus; 513, 514. Krishna (Kistna, Kristna) district ; xvi, 54, 314, 315, 316, 321, 340 to 353. - river and delta; 12, 57, 125, 126, 340, 606, 623. Kristnagiri; 877, 378, 379. Krosur ; 347. Kubo; 167, 303. Kubbudduk river ; 108. Kuddapah, see Cuddapah. Kuenluen mts. ; 75, 76. Kujori ; xi. Kukker; 453. Kukkutapada-giri ; Kulan, Mr. H.; 41. Kulburgah, see Gulbargah. Kulharas ; 78. Kulittalei; 401, 402. Kulladghee, see Kaladgi. Kulleeree creek ; 138. Kulliannee, see Kaliani. Kullu; 245. Kullus; 419. Kulpee ; 106. Kulseea, see Kalsia. Kumalpur ; xi. Kumantalpuri ; 78. Kumaun ; viii, 30, 44, 68, 69, 76, 207, 223, 466, 521. Kumharsain ; X. Kunda mts. ; 75. Kundagutt ; 10, 11. Kundar river ; 128. Kunduz ; 466, 474. Kunhiar ; ix. Kanjamullay hill ; 72. Kunjut ; 466. Kunkhul ; 220. Kunnur river; 201. Kunyadhana ; xii. Kuram (Koorum) ; 467. Kurandwad ; Xix. Kurdistan (Courdistan) ; 490. Kurdla; 281. Kurhurbaree ; 67, 72, 147, 204. Kurkihar; 77. Kurmal ; 78. Kurnafoolee river ; 141. Krnna, see Karnal. Kuruali river; 29. Kurnool, see Karnul. Kurrachee, see Karachi. Ie ide Kurrumnassa, see Karamnasa. Kurrumtahdeeh ; 166. Kurungotte ; 459. Kurupan ; 275. Kusagarapura ; 78. Kusalgarh (Kushulgarh) ; x. Kusapura ; 77. Kushmore ; 139. Kusinagara; 77. Kussoor canal ; 139. Kutanwala-pind ; 78. Kutch, see Cutch. Kuthar ; x. Kutiwara ; xiii. Kuttalcondah; 11. Kuttungee ; 277. Kutwar; 78. Kyendwen river; 120, 167, 303. Kygah ghat ; 443, 444. Kykalur ; 337, 338, 339. Kylasghur; 4, 5, 7, 11, 12. Kymore mts. ; 74, 176, 274. Kyouk-pyoo ; xv, 305, 581, 592. Kyraghur; 273. Kyd, Capt. Alex. ; 556. Labuan; 519. Labyrinth islands; 311. Lacam, Mr., Surveyor; 104. channel ; 105, 612. Taccadive islands; xxi, 97, 395, 554, 581, 588, 592, 597. Tadakh ; 29, 69, 75, 208, 255, 256,257, 466, 473. Ladrone islands ; 525, 559. Lahara ; vil. Lahore ; ix, 87, 78, 150, 245, 246, 247. Lahul (Lahoul) ; 245. Laird, John; 614. Lakadong; 71. Lake, General, campaign ; 258. Lakkapadur ; xvii. Lakhimpur ; xv, 65, 298, 302. Laki (Lukkee) fort; 243. Lalitpur ; viii. Lallgarh ; xii. Lambton, Major W.; 3. Capt.; 4,5. Lt.-Col. 7,9, 10, 11, 13, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 57. Landour; 23, 219. Lane, C. Esq.; 28. Lang, Lieut. A. M.; 229. Langrum ; xv. Languages; v, 75, 93, 475, 491. Lanji Petta ; 422. Lankavi; 608. Laos ; 513. Laplace, Capt. M. ; 526. Larawut ; xi. Larkhana ; 137, 453. Lathi; xvii. Latiya; 78. Latouche, J. D.; 260. Lauenberg ; 532. Laughton, Lt.-Col. G. A.; 425, 426, 427, 450. Lauriya; 77. Law, Lieut.-Col. A. ; 355. Lawa; x. Lawford, Capt. E.; 319. Lawrence, Sir John; 89. ee, Capt, H. M..; 165, 206, 213. Laycock, F. ; 106, 107. Le Clercq, Mr. ; 517. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Leech, Lieut. R.; 136. Major, 237, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478. . Leh; 75, 257. Leia; 137,475. Leigh, J. ; 183. Lelewel, Joachim ; 524, Le Mesurier, Capt. ; 138, 451, 479, 483, 484. Leonard, Hugh; 106, 107. Leslie, Lieut. ; 513. Letchmapooram ; 10. Lesseps, F. de; 539. Lesser Sunda islands ; 562. Lettydoman creek; 103. Levels ; 122, 139, 176, 192, 209. Lhasa ; 29, 466. Lidar; 46. Lighthouses ; 608, 613, 618, 619, 620. Limri; xvi. Lindesay, Ens. G.; 269; Lt.; 468. Lingagerry ; 340. Littlewood, H. 178. Littoree ; 117. Liverpool ; 151. : Lloyd, Comr. R. ; 100, 105, 106, 141, ! 607, 612. ey Lieut. R. O.; 307. ’ -W, 273, 274. Lockhart, Capt. ; 229. Locks ; 107, 109, 116, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 132, 135. TLodhika ; xvii. Logan, George ; 41. Logasi ; xii. Logur; 480, 481. Lohardugga ; viii, 201, 205. Loharu; x, 239, 243. Lokartalai; 73. Lombock ; 519. London; 531. Long, Mr. R.; 57, 183, 285. Longridge, J. A.; 149, 193. Lord, Dr. ; 474, 475. Lorimer, Dr. ; 312. Lovett, Major Beresford ; 482, 483. Low, Capt. Jas. ; 308, 309, 310, 513. Lower Provinces (of Bengal) ; 63, 64, 65, 165. Lubeck ; 532. Luckia or Bannar river ; 164. Luckgooni ; 9. Luckimpoor, see Lakhimpur. Luckipour ; 100, 102. Lucknow ; ix, 147, 209, 210, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230. Luckya river; 104, 117. Ludhiana ; ix, 239, 254. Ludlow, Lt.-Col. ; 132. Ludock, Ladakh, see Leh. Luepken, C. A.; 98. Lukput; 59. Lumsden, Lieut. P. S. ; 466, 467, 473. Lunawara ; xviii. Lunkamalli; 8. Luricule creek ; 102, 104. Lushai hills ; 172, 300. Lushkar Gwalior ; xi. Luskerpour ; 162. Lutteefgurh ; 274. Lyall, J. B. ; 245. Lynch, Comr. H. B.; 489, 492, 493, 496. wey Lieut. M. W. ; 489, 496. Lynyan ; 67. ( Macao; 97, 558, 581, 594, 611. Macartney, Lieut.; 259, 473, 478. Macassar ; 563, 583, 593, 609, Macauley, Capt. ; 454. McClelland, J.; 306. Macleod, Lieut. W. C.; 167, 304, 308, 471. McCluer, Capt. John ; 552, 553, 554, 559, 560, 562, 563, 571, 580, 582, 600. MecCosh, John ; 298. McCullagh, Lieut. J. R.; 456. MacDonald, Lieut. ; 15, 43, 487. eee, Capt. D.; 450. my Major John ; 65. Machilpur ; xi. Machenery ; 620. Mackennie, J. F.; 604. Mackenzie, Capt. Colin; 33, 281, 292, 293, 294, 295, 812, 318, 319, 320, 357, 372, 443. Mackenzie, Murdock ; 531, 611, Maclear, Thos. ; 634. McMahon, C.; 357, 361, 371, 372. Macneill, Sir John ; 466. Macpherson, Lieut. S. C.; 54, ! 290, 363, 371. Madacolum ; 357. Madagascar ; 516, 550, 568, 569, 579, 587, fil4. Madowa ; 77. . Madeh ; 447. Madeira ; 549. Madgul ; 271. Madhan ; x. Madhumati (Mudomuty) rivers ; 104. Madipur ; 77. Madjicosima islands ; 560. Madras presidency ; vi, xvi, 26, 33, 60, 160, 312, to 415. district ; 316, 322, 353 to 356. city ; xvi, 161, 815, 316, 353, 354, 335, 356, 567. breakwater ; 605. — canals ; 127, 128, 129. coast merid. series ; 49. RN . survey ; 51. re r@0]OZY 3 67, 68, 72. harbour ; 605, 606. —— irrigation; 127, 128, 313. ———— longitudinal series ; 52, 60. —— military institute triangulation ; 26. ere mist ribution maps ; 317, 318. observatories ; xx, 623 to 626. pier ; 604, 605. railway ; 159, 160, 161. revenue survey; 314, 315, 316, 317. roadstead ; 595, 604. and Mangalore proposed railway ; 159. Madri ; x. Madura, in Madras pres. ; Xvi, 26, 30, 97, 99, 319, 320, 357, 554, 580, 592. Madura island ; 517. Maee river; 305. Magnetic survey ; 75, 623, 626, 627, 637. Mahableshwar ; 446. Mahanadi (Mahanuddy) rivers, in North Bengal ; 76. - river,in Cent.Prov.and Cuttack ; 121, 181. Mahandravadi channel ; 134. Maharajpoor, battle; 267. Maharam; xv. Mahasara or Masar; 78. Mahé ; xix, 459, 516. Maher; 19. 658 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Mahesar ; 267. Mahikanta ; xvii, 455." Mahim; 157. Mahim creek ; 155. Mahipur; xii. Mahmudgarh ; xii. Mahmudshi; 162. Mahoba ; 78. Mahomed Ameen Yarkundi ; 473. Mahon, Rev. G. W.; 322. Mahotsava-nagara ; 78. Mahra ; 463. Mahratta frontier; 164, 312. ghaut ; 181. Mahsud Vaziri (Mahsood Wuzeree) ; 242, 467. Mahun ; 439. Mahur (Mahore) ; xiv, 285, 288. Maihir ; xii. Maiker (Mehkur) ; xiv, xix, 27, 58, 284, 292, 423. Mailog ; x. Maim (Mahim); 95, 460. Maimansenh, see Mymensingh. Main level lines ; 30. Mainpuri ; viii, 165, 206, 207, 213, 214, 522. Maira; 78. Mairwara ; Xx, 260, 261, 262. Maitland, Lieut. ; 484. Majholi ; 20. Makrai ; xiii. Makran ; xxi, 600. { Maksudangar ; xii. Malabar ; xvi,’ 9, 84, 97, 98, 99, 135, 293, 312, 357 to 360, 591. Malabar, trig. series; 60. Malacca straits ; xxi, 68, 514, 556, 574, 581, 582, 585, 591, 593, 608. Malai Chamut; xv. Malancha, merid. series ; 41, 49. Malangar (Mullangoor ; xiv, 57, 284, 285, 289. Malay Peninsula ; 513, 514, 581, 593, 608. Malcolm, Sir John ; 140, 264, 482, 485, 487. —, Sir Charles ; 487. Maldah ; viii, 170, 171, 200. Maldive islands ; 97, 552, 570, 579, 584, 588,592, 612. Malduar ; 162. Maleeat ; 101. Maler kotla ; x. Malia ; xvii. Mallapode ; 8. Malliapooram ; 363. Mallot ; 78. Mallygaum ; 420. Malpur; xviii. Malsej ghaut ; 157. Maluncha, merid. series ; 21. Malwa, see also Central India ; 259, 264, 438. longitudinal series ; 59. Malwun ; 441. Mamdy ; 225. Manaar gulf; 97, 554, 592, 603, 613. Manapad ; 97. Manapara ; 320, 357. Manar ; 95, 592. Manasarover lake ; 208, 256. Manbhoom ; viii, 68, 203, 205. Manchuria ; 509. Mandalgarh ; 258. Mandi ; ix. Mandvi (Mandavi) in Surat; 24, 422, 456. Mandyvi (Mandavie), in Cutch ; 475, 601. Mandla ; xiii, 277, 278. Mandurdeo ; 446. Mangal ; x. Mangalore ; xvi, 95, 98, 460, 619. —— merid. series ; 60. Mangeldai ; 76. Mangnang ; 76. Mangurh ; 63. Manikyala ; 78. Manora; 95, 451, 452. Mansa ; xviii. Manukwara ; Xvii. Maodori ; xv. Maol Kanta Agency ; xviii. Maosanram ; Xv. Maoyang; XV. Map catalogues; 621, 622. Marala ; 321. Marar; 18. Marathi maps ; xx, 523. Margary, Lieut. ; 449. Margett’s tables ; 613. Margui, see Mergui. Mari, see Murree. Mari tribe; 484. Mariannes islands; 525. Marine architecture ; xxi, 614, 615, 616,617,618 Marine boilers ; 617. engines ; xxi, 617. explorations ; xx, 525, 526. eee SUTVEYS 3 XXi, 79, 546 tO 595, 611. Markham, C. R.; 1, 79, 106, 359, 362, 546, 631. Marquisas islands ; 526. Marrian ; Xv. Marshall islands; 559. Martaban; 121, 308, 309, 310, 513, 556, 567, 573, 580, 593, 613. Martin, Capt. Claud, 1760; 108, 163. Martin Vaz island ; 526. Martinique ; 545. Marwar ; x, 262. Masar; 78. Maseera gulf; 590. Maskat (Muscat); 68, 96, 483, 488, 491, 499, 552, 558, 571, 579, 590. Massandum ; 68. Massenfeld, W. O.; 99. Massowah ; 596. Masulipatam ; xvi, 51, 85, 125, 126, 314, 340, 342, 619. Matabhanga river; 100, 108, 111. Matharan hill ; 441. Mather, Mr. ; 372. Mathew, ¥.; 156. Mathison, Lieut.; 165, 175. Mathura antiquities, see also Muttra; 77, 78. Matrah ; 488. Matwar ; xiii. Maudapour creek ; 101, 104. Maughan, Lieut. P.; 594, 599, €10, 611. Maugrah canal ; 108. Maulmain river ; 141. Maunpur ; xiii, 270. Mauritius, 464, 516, 551, 569, 579, 587. Mauro, Fra. ; 524. Maury, Lieut. F. M.; 636. Mautama, see Martaban. Mavalivaram, see Seven Pagodas. Maxfield, Lieut. W.; 105. Capt. 581, 592, 597, 607. Maxwell, Lieut, W.; 165, 185, 186, 206, 217. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 659 May, J. S.; 100, 108, 111, 197. Mayana; 78. Mayapura ; 78. Mazagaon ; 157. Mazanderan ; 487. Meaday ; xv, 120, 307. Mean sea level ; 30. Medak (Medduck) ; xiv, 58, 284, 286, 289, 290, 291. Medi or Med tribe; 77. Mediterranean Sea ; xx, 527, 596. Medlicott, H. B.; 71. Mednipur ; 20. Meean-meer ; 247. Meerin-ca-serai ; 225. Meerut ; viii, 149, 165, 206, 207, 218, 219, 220. canal; 114, Meg or Mekei tribe; 77. Megna river ; 100, 101, 102, 103, 117, 548, 555. Mehur; 453. Meimana ; 482. Mekran ; 96, 482, 483, 484, 487, 488, 553, 570, 571, 591, 600. Meliapor ; 95. Melloor ; 357, 396. Melville, Capt. A. B.; 61, 177. Melville van Carnbee, Lieut. P.; 517, 519. Memboo; 305. Menam river ; 557. Mendoza Rios’ tables ; 613. Mendyghaut ; 226. Mendygunge creek ; 102. Mengni ; xvii. Meoli; 14. Meranzai, see Miranzai. Merewether, Sir W. ; 448. ey, Lieut. G. Lu C. 3 452, Mergui ; xv, 308, 582, 593, 612. Meria ; 22. Merkara ; xv, 317. Merv; 476. Merycopotamus dissimilis ; 69. Mesalik-i-memalik ; 491. Meshed ; 482. Meshed Ali; 494. Mesopotamia; 98, 463, 471, 489, 493, 494. Metamorphic rocks; 68. Metapalayan ; 363. Meteorites ; 68. Meteorology ; v, 1, 75, 76, 283, 624 to 637. Mewas States ; xviii. Mexico; 542. Meyendorf, Baron; 473. Meywar; X. Mhau Maidan ; 78. Mhow, Central India ; xiii, 266. Miana ; xiii. Midnapore ; vii, 66, 71, 162, 165, 168, 170,171, 175, 207, 276. Milapour ; 354. Military maps; 87, 94, 166. Minel ; 160. Mineral statistics ; 66, 67, 68. Minnicoy island ; 29, 554. Miraj ; xix. Miranzai (Meranzai) ; 467. Mirza's journey ; 29. Mirzapur ; viii, 68, 166, 207, 210, 218, 272, Mismi mountains ; 118, 299. : Misser, Seetaram ; 106. Mitcheson, Lieut, P. W.; 627. “ Mittacondal ; 132. Mittrow ; 140. Mittun ; 137. Mocha ; 96, 597. Mogultoor ; 329. Mohagaon ; 273. Mohanpur ; xviii. Moharbunge, see Morbhanj. Moharee pass ; 476. Mohpani coal ; 68, 73, 281. Mhotoor; 272. Moira’s harbour; 103. Moltke, Fhn, von ; 537. Molucea islands ; 561. Mombaim (Bombay); 95. Monapalliam ; 619. Mong ; 78. Monghers vi, 147, 148, 164, 166, 168, 170, 171, 73, 207. Monteith, Lieut.-Col. W.; 485, 487. Montenegro; 338. Montgomerie, Capt. T. G.; 24, 29, Major, 30, 46, 224, 256, 257, 470, 509. Montgomerie, Wm. ; 466. Montgomery ; ix, 247. Mortmorency, Lieut. ; 120, Montriou, Lieut. C. W.; 304, 592, 601, 602, Comr., 628, Monurgunge creek ; 196. Monyul ; 256. Moodgul, see Mudgal. Mooktrumputty ; 160. Moolla pass ; 484. Mooltan (Multan) ; ix, 78, 150, 235, 247, 248, 475. Mooltie; 273. Moonagalah; 340. Moorbaur ; 439. Moorcroft, Wm. ; 466, 475. » Moorshedabad ; vii, 170, 171, 188, 189. Moorsom, Lieut. W. R.; 229, Moortezanuggur ; 340. Mootapilly ; 580, 592. Mopanee, see Mohpani. Moora mt. ; 78. Mora (Moora) pass; 479. Moradabad ; viii, 165, 206, 207, 210, 222, Moradhwaj ; 78. Morar ; 267. Morbhanj ; vii, 182, 183, 184, 203, 204. More river ; 145, 146. Moresby, Lieut. R.; 307, 579, 581, 587, 590, 597, 612. Morland, Capt. H.; 57, 58, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 292, 341. Mormugas ; 95. Morocco ; xix, 538. Morrieson, Capt. E. ; 100. —-, Capt. Hugh ; 197. -—, Capt. W.; 100, 197 Morrison, Capt.; 163, 265. Morse’s telegraph instrument ; 466. Morung ; 164, 199. Morvi ; xvii. Morwara ; Xvii, Moscos islands ; 593. Mosheeda ; 162. Moshoor; 133. Mosul ; 490, 495. Mota Barkhera ; xiii. Motihari ; vii. Mouchez, Lieut. M. E.; 546. 660 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Moulmein ; xiv, 593 ; see Martaban. Mount Everest; 29. Mountains of India; 9 Mountford; Capt. F Mount’s Bay ; 549. Mow, in Rewah; 210, 274. Moxon, Joseph ; 524. Mozambique ; ; 550, 567, 579, 586. Mozuffernuggur, see Muzaffarnagar. Muddanur ; “317. Mudduck Sera; 320. Mudgal ; xiv, 85, 158, 286. Mudhol ; xix. Mudomuty, see Mudhumati. Mugdri; xviii. Muktalah ; 125. Muktinath ; 29, 467. Mukwanpoor ; 468. Muli; xvii. Mulita Deri; xvii. Mulka; 238. Mulkapoor ; 3 11. Mulkhair ; xiv, 284, 286, 287, 290. Mullah’s route ; 466, 482 Mullangoor, see Malangar. Mullani ; x. Mullapoor ; 443. Mull apunnabetta ; 5. Mullargarh ; x1. Multan, see "Mooltan. Multhan ; xiii. Munawur ; xiii. Mundilla; & 273, 274. Mundisor ; xii. Mundlaisir ; 71, 140. Js, 340, 341. Munipur ; vi, XV, 167, 171, 172, 298, 299, 303, 512, 513. Munnoor ; 439. Murdoor ; 135. Murray, Capt. W. G.; 215, 269. Murree ; 68, 69, 73. Murungapoor ; 357. Musari ; 401, 402, 403, 404. Muscat, see Maskat. Mussahh islands ; 598. Musseldom (Musondom) cape; 599, 600. Mussoorre ; 23, 219. Mustuffanagur ; 287. Mutla (Mutlah) river; 1035, 141, 142, 143, 193 Jy 592. Muttra (Muthra, Mathura) ; viii, 165, 206, 207, 211, 213, 522. Muttwall river; 105. Muzaffargarh ; ix, 249. Muzaffarnagar ; viii, 150, 206, 220. Myapoor ; 220. Mylleim ; xv. Mymensingh ; vi, 100, 143, 168, 170, 179. Mynpooree, see inp Myouktoung 3 XV, Mypurrah island ; 607. Myshagutt ; 11. Mysore ; vi, xv, 8, 32, 33, 127, 133, 292 to 297 312 , 819, 320, 359, 372. Nabaganga (Nabogungah) river ; 108. Nabha ; x, 239, 254, 258. Naga hills ; xv, 62, 171, 303. Nagamungalum ; 295. Nagar ; xv, 294, 206. Nagar Avely ; 461. ty Nagasamudram ; 314. Nagatoor ; 128. Nagod ; xii, 270. Nagore ; 6, 395, 555. Nagotna; 418. river; 440. Nagpur ; xiii, 54, 55, 67, 68, 73, 270, 272, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 326. Nahan; x. Nahgul ; 109, 110. Nahrwan canal ; 497, 498, Naini Tal ; 224. Najery Nose ; ; 78 Najibabad (Nudjeebabad) ; ; 209. Nal; xviii. Nalagarh ; ix, 255. Nalanda ; 77. Nalapura ; 78. Naldrug (Nuldroog) ; xiv, 57, 284, 286,289, 290. Nalhati ; 189. Namakhal ; 379, 380. Nampai river ; iag, Nampthabad ; Nancovery ; 63, 310, 048, 396, | Nandair ; xiv, 27, 58, 284, 286, 2 Nandgaon ; xiv. Nandigama ; 315, 342, 348, 349. Nangasaki ; 558. Nani Marwar ; xvii. Nanking ; 508. Nanpara ; ; 225. Napier, Lt. Col. R.; 139. mm Capt. the Hon. G.; 486. and Sons ; 106. Naragain ; 305. Naraing yarh ; xii. Narainputnam ; 327. Nara-sinha ; 78. Narbada, see Nerbudda. Nari-chu Sangpo, sec Brahmaputra. Nari-khorsum ; 256. Narkondam ; 68. Narod; 78 Narra river; 139, 140. Narsapur ; 330, 333, 334. Narsaraopett ; 315, 342. Narsinghgarh ; xii. Narsinghpur, in Cent. Prov. ; xiv, 280. , in Orissa ; vii. Narsipur, Mysore ; ; 133. , Madras; 572. Narukot ; xviii. Narwar, in Gwalior ; xi, 78. +. (Nurwur), in West Malwa ; xii. Nasik ; xvi, 418, 421, 438, 441. Nasik agency ; xviii, 457. Nasmyth, Lt. Col. ; 456. Natal ; xix, 541. Natchengaum ; 121. Natkyunaungmai or Genduh ; 120. Naugong, in Bandalkhand ; xii. —-—, in Western Malwa; xii. Nautical meteorology ; ; xxi, 636. Naval architecture ; 611. Navigation tables; 613, 614. Nawabgany ; 226. Nawalpur ; xviii. ink ; xvil, 58. Nayagaon ; Xii. Nayagar ; vii, 183. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Nealamurree ; 11. Neemuch, see Jawud-Nimach. Negapatam ; 95, 97, 395, 555, §72, 580, 619. Negrais ; 141, 573. Neil, Surg. A.; 630, 631. Neilgherry, see "Nilgiri. Nejd ; 463. Nelgunda ; xiv, 11, 285. Nelkoortee ; 8. Nellore ; xvi, 8, 26, 54, 314, 316,318, 363 to 371. Nellumbalum ; 396. Nelson, J. H.; 357. Nepal ; xvii, 25, 69, 76, 207, 208, 217, 466 to 470. Neptune Oriental ; 548. Nerbudda ; xiii, 66, 278, 279. — river and valley; 67, 68, 69, 72, 140, 154, 158, 272, 274. en Coal and Iron Company ; 281. Netherlands ; xxi, 524, 531, 532, 635. East Indies ; 516. — meteorology ; 635. Neufville, Lieut. J. B.; 302. New Britain ; 564, 576. New canal, Calcutta ; 107. New Guinea; 526, 562, 563, 564, 576. New Ireland ; 526. New York; 151. New Zealand ; xx, 526, 542, 576. Nicaragua; 545. Nicobar islands; vi, xv, 68, 163, 810, 311, 543, 556, 573. Nicolson, Mr. J. O.; 40, 54. Nidadavol ; 341. Nigapatam ; 6. Nightingale, Lieut. W. C.; 232, 251. Nikaea; 78. Nilambar ; 358, 360. Nilgiri (Neilgherry), Madras ; xvi, 60, 71, 735, 317, 360, 361, 362, 365. Nilgiri, Orissa; vii, 66, 182, 183. Nilgonda, see Nelgunds. Nimar, Cent. Prov. ; xiv, 280, , Indore ; iy 438. Nimbahera ; x. Nimbalkhar, The ; xvii. Nimkhera ; xiii. Nimrud ; 495. Nimsar ; 77. Nineveh ; 490, 492, 495. Ningpo ; 508. Nirmul ; 33, 57. Nizam’s territory, see Hyderabad. Nizampatam ; 340, 341. Noagarh ; 327, 328. Noakholly ; vii, 170, 177. Nobosopooh ; xv. Noghurbera ; 117. Nogram ; 78. Nolloth, Lieut. M.; 121, 141, Noncowry, sce Nancowry. Nongarh ; 78 Nongklow ; xv. Nongspoong ; XV. Nongstoin ; Xv. Noranda creek ; 104. Norris, Lieut. F. B.; 26, 55, 270, 271. North, Lieut. C.; 480, 481. North America ; xx, 542. — ATCOL ; Xvi, 871, 372. — Bengal Railway ; 144. w—- Carnatic ; 312. North Circars ; 54, 312, 321. -east longitudinal series ; 23, 227. pole : 524. ~— west frontier ; 231, 237. ems me lODIgIL. BeTiES 5; 37. ——— Provinces ; vi, viii, 63, 64, 165, 20€ to 209, 521, 522. North-west Provinces, geology ; 68. re meteorology ; xxi, 630, 631. Noshky ; 484. oy 2 Nosoom ; 321, Nowaghuray ; 147. Nowakote ; 139. Nowgong ; Xv, 301, 302. Nowlanah ; xii. Nowshera, "Punjab 3 250. Sind ; 449. Noyel river ; 325. Nubia ; 539. Nubra ; 75. Nuddea (Nuddeah, Nadiya) ; vii, 168, 169, 170 187, 189. ee Tivers; 108, 109. Nuggree ; 146. Nuggur Parkur ; 416. Nugur, see Upper Godavari. Nujufghur jeel; 114. Nuldroog, see Naldrug. Nulhutty, see Nalhati. Nundial ; 127. Nundydroog ; xv, 296. Nurabad ; 78. Nurnulla ; = 248, 291, 292. Nursingarh ; Xx. Nursinghpoor, see Narsinghpur. Nursipoor, see Narsipur. Nusrapoor ; 439. Nusseerabad ; 23% ee; 261, 423. Nuttall, Capt. W. EF. ; 305. Nuttam ; 320. Nyagurh, see Nayagar. Nyanagar, see Nay anagar. Nygoa Rebai ; xil, Oakes, Capt. R. E.; 281. Qasis of El-Hasa; 500. Obbard, Mr.; 106. Observatories ; xxi, 30, 623 to 635. Ochterlony, Sir D.; 468. Ochus (Tejend) river ; 463. Oddegeea ; 101. Oo Donnoghue, Lieut. J, T.; 354. OF laherty, Mr. ; 108. Oghna; x. Ogilvy, Mr. ; 120. Ohind ; 78 Okamandel ; xviii. Oldham, Thos., LL.D, ; 66, 67, 69. - 'W.; 217. Oliphant, J. E. ; 457. Lieut. W. S.; 248, Oliver, Capt. ; 165, 2 207, 241, 242, Olliver, Mr. J. ; 14. Omalur ; 383, Oman ; 96, 463, 488, 499. Omercuntuck, see Amarkantak. Ommanney, Lieut.; 100. Omri ; xiil. Omutwara ; xi. Ongole 3 369, 370. Qoderpeedroog ; 9. Ei I “ite nampa gal 662 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Qodumullacutta ; 325. Oodeypore (Udaipur), Rajputana; x, 59, 261. Oulassa, see Ulhas. Oomrawutty, see Amraoti. Oongootoor ; 341. Qoracondah ; 8, 9. Qosur (Oussour) ; 372, 380, 381, 382. Qotacamund ; 317, 362. Ordnance Survey ; 530. Orenburg ; 510. O’Riley, Mr. ; 73, 310. Orissa (Cuttack) ; vi, 54, 61, 66, 68, 71, 97, 165, 166, 168, 169, 180, 182, 271, 328. canals ; 121, 182. coast ; 163, 548, 555, 606. Orlebar, Arthur B.; 627. Ormsby, A.; 151. eemnne, Lieut, Ho A. ; 491, 496. Ormuz ; 96. Ottoman Empire; 489 to 499. Oudanulla ; 164. Oudh ; vi, ix, 64, 115, 116 164, 165, 208, 224 to 228, 470, 521, 522. meteorology ; xx, 630, 631. and Rohilkhand Railway ; 149. Qulubaria ; 163. Qussour, see Qosur. Overland maps and routes ; xx, 464, 465, 525. , travellers; 86. Owen, G. W.; 151. ——, Capt. W. F. W.; 586, 587, 588, 614. Owwud canal ; 140. Oxus river; 463, 476, 477. Oxyglossus pusillus ; 67. Pachete; 162, 205. Pachmari ; 280. Pach Pahar; xii. Pacific ocean and islands; 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 636. Padaraona ; 77. Pador; 46. Padua bank ; 97. Paget, Major W. H.; 483. Paha canal ; 115. Pahari ; xii. Pahlappur ; xvii, 455. Pahpoon; xv. Pahra ; xii. Paindra ; 273. Paitan (Pyton); xiv, 27, 57, 284, 285, 289, 291. Paiwar Kothul; 467. Pakang Yeh ; 305. Pal ; xvii. Paleontologia Indica ; 69. Palamcotta ; xvi, 5, 6. Palamow ; 162, 164, 201. Palanpur; xvi. Palar river; 134. Palasvihir; xviii. Palcondah ; 413. Paldeo ; xii. Palestine ; 463, 471, 498. Palghaut ; 357. Paliyad ; xvii. Palitana ; xvii. Palk strait; 51, 97, 592. Pallegoix, Bishop; 513. Palmer, Major ; 265. Palmyras point; 548, 607. Palnad ; 350. | Palnaud ; 54, 341. Palodheri ; 78. Pamban passage ; xxi, 555, 567, 592, 603, 604. Pamir ; 466,473. Panch mehals district; xvi. ree. QZENCY 3 X Vii, Panchipenta ; 271, 328, 414. Pandree ; 3. Pandu ; xviii. Pandu Mewas ; xviii. Pandur; x. Pandypoor ; 217. Pangal ; xiv, 287, 291. Pangong lake ; 29, 75, 76. Paniany ; 6. Panipat (Paneeput) ; 165, 207, 242, Panjkora ; 466. Panshura tecta; 68. ° Pant Pretinidhi ; xix. Pant Sacheo ; xix. Panurwar ; x. Panwell ; 418, 439. Papund ; 522. Paracels ; 584, 589, 594, 610. Paraguay ; xx, 546. Parah ; x. Parah Tanah; x. Parangangee ; 133. Parasnath (Pareshnath), merid. series; 20, 22, 41, 51, 54, 76. Parasua-kot ; 77. Paravicini de Capelli, Capt. E.; 98, 99. Parbhani ; xiv. Parbury, Allen, & Co. ; 86. Pardee ; 423. Parell ; 156, 157. Paris ; 529. Parkar; xvi, 453, 454. Parkes, Wm. ; 451, 452, , Samuel ; 606, Parlour’s tables ; 613. Paron ; xiii. Parshik (Perseek) ; 155. Partabgarh ; ix, 56. Parthians; 79. Parushawara; 78. Pata; x. Pataudi (Patoudee) ; x, 243. Paterson, Lieut. Jas, ; 268. Pathankot ; 78. Pathari; xii. Patiala (Putteealuh); x, 239, 254, 258. Patkom ; 203, 204, 205. Patna, in Bengal ; vii, 165, 171, 185, 186, 201, 207. —— city; 112, 164, 169, 186. — estate, in Cent. Prov. ; xiv, 54, 202, 327, 328. ,in Cutack; 327. This is not in Cuttack, but mistal for Cent. Provinces. Patri (Patrce®, Hyderabad ; xiv, 27, 58, 284, 287, 289, 291. —, Kattywar ; xvii, Pattadkhal ; 78. Patterson, W. H.; 228. Patticondah ; 8. Patturghatta ; 199. Paturkucha ; xii, Paughtoor ; 282, Paughur; 4, 7. —- droog ; 9. Pawa; 77. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Payta ; 526. Pearapoor ; 175. Pears, Major T. T. ; 159, 160, 509. Pearson, Mr. W.; 595. Peat, Major ; 419, 449, 478. Peddacoorwa ; 7, 8, 10. Peddakimidy ; 327, 328. Peddapur ; 334. Pegu ; xv, 40, 61, 67, 68, 73,171, 306, 593, 613. Pehoa; 78. Peint (Penth) ; xviii, 457. Pekalongan; 518. Pekang-ye; 513. Peking ; 509. Pelew islands ; 559. Pelloor ; 821. Pemberton, Mr. J. J.; 172, 173, 200. ee Lieut. R. B.; 120. Capt.; 167, 171, 299, 303, 513. Penang ; 464, 514, 556, 571, 574, 581, 593, 608, Pench river; 122. Pendulum observations ; 29, 30. Peninsular war; 536. Penn; 159, 418. Pennaconda ; 320. Pennair (Pennaur) river and canal ; 128, 132, 364. Pentepad ; 341. Pen Wansee ; 440, 441, Pepper ports ; 581, 593. Pera (Perak) ; 514, 608. Perambalur ; 401, 404, 405, 406. Perim island, Red Sea ; 552, 579. Persia ; xx, 68, 84,463, 478, 484 to 488. Persian gulf, xxi, 96, 48, 488, 553, 570, 571, 579, 580, 582, 587, 590, 591, 598, 599, 600, 632. EE — telegraph ; 488. Pertaubgurh ; 56, 278. Peru; xx, 526, 546. Perundurai ; 325. Pescadore islands ; 558. Peshawar; ix, 29, 37, 7 railway ; 151. Petermann, Dr. Aug. ; 519, 530, 540. Pethapur ; xviii. Petit Thouars, Capt. A. du: 526. Petland ; 156. Petroleum ; 68, 69. Petty, Sir W.; 524. Penkelaotis ; 78. Peyton, John; 40. Phaltan ; xix. Pharaoh & Co.’s Gazetteer and Atlas; 88, 313. Phayre, Col. Sir A.; 306, 454. Philippine islands ; 560, 561, 575, 610. Phillour (Philor, Falour) ; 208, 245. Phoonda ghat ; 419. Photolithography ; 61, 63. Phulia ; xi. Phuljhar (Phuljer) ; 327, 328. Phuljori ; 21. Phylawur plain; 483. Pickersgill, Lieut. J. ; 469. Piddington, H. ; 632. Pierson, Capt. ; 488. Piettro della Valle ; 84. Pilatus river ; 97. Pilibhit (Pilibit) district; 206, 221, 522. longit. series; 17, 25, 35. town ; 209. 8, 234, 238, 249, 250. Pilosana ; 77. Pilot brig ; 614. Pimpladevi ; xviii. Pimpri ; xviii. Pindari estates, &c.; xi, 265. Pind Dadan Khan ; 253. Pinder, Mr. ; 153. Pinjnud river; 136. Pinyarree river, 137. Piplia ; xii. Piplia-nagar ; xi. Piplowda ; xii. Pirawa ; xii. Pir Panjal ; 69. Pitlad ; xiii. Plaisted, Capt. B. ; 163, 555, 606, 607, 608, Plassey, battle of ; 164, 189, 190, Plate, Dr. W. H.; 492, 499. Plesiosaurus ; 69. Plumb-line observations ; 5. Pochamagutt ; 10. Podella ; 321. Pogson, N. E.; 626. Poiney river ; 133. A branch of the Palar. Pol ; xviii. Polachy ; 325. Polhill, Capt. ; 181. Pollexfen ; Lieut. J. J.; 137, 247, 456. Pollock, Lt.-Col. F. R.; 482. Pollok, Ens. I. T.; 307. Pomotou islands ; 526. Ponang ; 127. Ponany river; 135. Ponderkhol ; 326. Pondicherry ; xix, 51, 459. Ponneri ; 322. Poodopolliam ; 160. Pookarya ; 162. Poolavaindla ; 321. Pooloogyoon island ; 308. Poolychintah ; 10. Poolycondah ; 7. Poona ; xvi, 68, 418, 419, 420, 421, 423, 442, 444, 445, 628. Poonauk ; 8. Poonpoon river ; 115, 146. Pooraparamba canal ; 1335. Pooree ; vi, 182, 523. Poorna valley; 68. Poorundhur ; 445. Poosah ; 187. Poostole ; 162. Porbandar ; xvii. Port Blair; 311, 613. —— Canning ; 105. — Mouatt ; 311. Porter, Sir R. Ker; 491. Portsmouth, Capt. ; 163. Portugal ; xx, 536. Portuguese plans; 95. territories ; xvii, xix, 460, 461. Post office stations and routes ; 87, 166, 169. Potash salt, Punjab ; 69. Pottinger, Lieut. H.; 482. meer. V3 447 S— Eldred ; 478. Powell, Lieut. F. T. ; 592, 603, 612. W. J.; 493. Powlett, Capt. P. W.; 262. Pragbodhi; 78. Pranhita river; 55, 121. Pratabgarh, see Partabgarh. Pratt, Capt. R. T.; 314, 315, 340, 342, Prayaga; 77. Preparis islands ; 548. Presburg ; 527. Prescott, Lt.-Col. C. J.; 422, 423. Presidency division ; vii, 169, 187. college; 194. Preusok ; 306. Priestley, Col. J.; 318, 856, 391, 402. Prince of Wales island, see "Penang. Prinsep, Capt. James ; 217, 520. Thomas; 100, 108, 111, 191. Prithudaka ; 78. Prome ; iv, 68, 120, 171, 307. Ptolemy ; 533. Pubna ; viii, 143, 170, 200. Puchapolliam ; 4, 6, 11. Puckle, F. C. ; 315, 364. Puddah river; 143. Pudukota; xvi, 415, see also Tondiman, Puggydial ; 132. } Pulicat ; 84, 322, 363, 620. Puljhur; 202. Pulladum ; 325. Pulo Penang, see Penang. Puna, in Bandalkhand ; xii. Punawa; 77. Punch; 46. Punchawangram ; 192, 193. Pundit explorers; 29, 466. Punganoor; 321. Punjab; vi, ix, 63, 64, 68,” 69, 78, 136,156, 231, 463, 466, 522. Pm campaigns ; 236. — canals; 138, 139. - meteorology ; xxi, 630, 631. railway ; 150. — rivers ; 136, 233, 234. Punjamahl ; 135. Punmalli ; 6, 7. Punnae ; 6, 11. Punnah ; 269. Punth Piploda ; xii. Purainda ; xiv, 58, 284, 287, 289, 290. Purgy ; 10. Purla Kimidi ; 328. Purneah (Purnia) ; vi, 21, 162, 166, 169, 170, 171, 173, 207, 469. Purnesala ; 123, 124. Purulia; vii. Pushkalavati; 78. Putchapolliam, see Puchapolliam. Puttun ; av. Pym, Capt. ; Pyton, see P oo Quedah; 514, 567, 574, 608. Querimba ; 551, 567. Quetta; 479, 480. Quilon ; 97, 98, 99, 460, 595. Quin, Edward ; 525. Raagegunge river ; 100. Rachol ; 95. Rachootee ; 321. Radakole, see Rairakhol. Radhanpur ; xvii. Rae Bareli; ix, 230. Raepore, see Raipur. Ragugarh ; xiii. Rahun (Rahoon) mend. series ; 44. 664 * ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Raichur; xiv, 85, 158, 282, 286. Raidroog ; 320. Raiengarh ; x, Raigarh (Raigur) coal ; 68, 69, 74. Raigarh-Bargarh ; xiv, 184, 202. Railways ; 89, 142, 419. Raimondi, Sig. Aj 546. Raipur ; xiii, xiv, 68, 276, 327. Rairakhol; xiv, 184, 202, 204. Rajadhar ghat ; 273. Rajagriha ; 77, 78. ‘Rajamundri ; xvi, 26, 54, 85, 122, 271, 272, 329, 330, 334. Rajaona ; 78. Rajapet; 350, 351. Rajemal, see Rajmahal. Rajendrala Mitra ; 520. Rajgarh, in Bhopal ; xii. -, in Maunpur ; xiii. Rajghaut; 181, Rajgir; 77. Rajjhana; 78. Rajkot ; xvii, 420, 455. fort ; 441. Rajmahal; 69, 109, 112, 145, 146, 162. — canal ; 109. Rajoly (Rajowloo); 131, 132. Rajpipla; xviii, 456. Yajpura ; xvii. Rajpuri (Rajpoeree) ; 439, 440, 441, 595. Rajputana ; vi, ix, 48, 68, 136, 231, 258 to 263, 417. ee Tailways; 150. Rajshahi ; viii, 162, 170, 198, 200. Rajunpore ; 484. Rajwara, see Rajputana. Rakapali, see Upper Godavari. Rakusni hill; 76. Ramach :ndrapur ; 330, 334, 335, 336. Ramaswammy, C. V.; 86 Ramdurg ; xix. Ramganga river; 114, 220, 228. Ramganj 3 21, Ramgarh, in Bhopal ; xi. —, in Cent. Prov. ; 166, 207, 277, Ramghaut ; 110. Ramghir ; xiv, 284, 285, 288. Ramgurh estate and coal field in Hazaribagh ; 67, 72, 162, 164, 173, 204. Ramisseram 6, 357, 592, 604, Ramnad ; 6, 319, 357. , longit. series ; 53. Ramnagar; 77, 235. Rampa ; 271. Rampora ; xii. Rampore-Bauleah ; vii, 200. Rampur, N. W. Prov. ; ix, 224, my Punjab ; ix, 75. Rampura ; xi. Ramrai ; xv. Ramree ; 305, 592. Ramsay, Capt. J.; 235, 248, 449. Ranapur, see Ranpur. Ranasan ; xviii. Ranchi (Ranchee) ; vii, 68, 205. langamatty ; 117, 115, 162, 163. Rangir (Rapngher), merid. series; 15, 16, 25, 43, 227. Rangoon ; xv, 120, 299, 307, 465. iver: 141, 307, 580, 593, 595. Raniganj ; 66, 68, 69, 71, 145, 147, 176. Ranikhet, 29, 224. Ranka ; 210. Ranken, Lieut. C.; 201 Ranod ; 78. Ranpur ; vii, 183. Ransi; 78. Ranson, J. ; 555. Raper, Capt. F. V.; 201. Rapur; 370, 371. Rasipur; 383. Ras-ul-khyma ; 500, 599. Ratanmal ; xiii. Ratanpur ; xiii. Ratlam ; xii, 418. Ratnagiri ; xvi, 418, 421, 422, 435, 441, 445, 592. Raujeshy, sec Rajshahi. Ravenshaw, Capt. W.; 354. wre Hdw. C.; 506. Ravi river; 37, 48, 234. Rawalpindi ; ix, 24, 25, 48, 68, 78, 238, 250, 251, 252, 253. ; Rawlinson, Sir H.; 489, 495. Reade, E. A., Esq.; 112, Red sea; xxi, 96, 552, 567, 570, 587, 590, 596; 597, 612, 632. Redfield, W. C.; 632. Reeves, John, “Esq. , 906. Rehwar ; xviii. Reimer, Major ; 99, Relangi; 336, 337. Remlakola; 353. Rendel, Mr. ; 149. Rennell, Major Jas. ; 84,100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109,117,162, 163, 164, 163, 168, 464, 471, 548, 555, 556, 579, 607. Rennie, Commander ; 120. Renny, Lieut.; 15. Capt. T.; 42, 43, 274. Repalli; 315, 342, 351, 352, Reree fort; 340. Retreat of the 10,000 Greeks ; 471 Revelgunge ; 112. Revenue survey reports ; 63, 64. Rewadunder fort; 440. Rewah ; xii, 61, 210, 268, 269, 270, 271, 277 Rewakanta ; xvii, 456. Rewaree ; 150. Reynolds, Col. ; 84 me —, Lt.-Gen.; 85. Rhine river; 532. Rhio strait ; 557, 593. Rhone river; 141. Rich, Claudius J. ; 490, 491, 492. Richards, Mr., Surveyor ; 100. —, Capt. ; 163. Richardson Dr.; 304, Riddell, Lieut. R. V.; 270. Rind, Lieut. ; 1635, 206, 209, 210, 272. Ritchie, Capt. John ; 104, 105, 163, 548, 555, 556, 606, 607. Ritter, Carl; 462, 463, 500. River steamers, tugs, and bridges ; 616, 617. Rivers of India ; 90, 100, 152, 171, 176, 180, 181, 201, 212, 233, 235, 265. Rivers, Lieut. H.; 60. Roads and routes; 167, 181, 182, 201, 208, 209, 211, 212, 220 235, 258, 259, 265, 273, 274, 275 295, 298, 305, 312, 318, 319, 328, 329, 341, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 41 £17, 418, 419, 443, 448, 449. Robb, Lieut, F. C.; 265. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. ; 665 . Roberts, Major F.; 168. ’ Robertson, Major A. ; 136., Robinson, Lieut. J. TY; 609. , Comr., G. T.; 627. mie, Capt. D. G.; 24, Lt.-Col. ; 28, 48, 249, 251, 250. 253, 256. Rocoux ; 524. Rocque, John; 530. Rodriguez island ; 551, 569, 579, 590. Roepstorff, F. A. de s 311. Rohilkhand ; viii, 64, 115, 149, 208, 290. Rohilla jaghir; 294. Rohtak (Rohtuk) ; ix., 165, 207, 239, 244, 258, Rohtasgarh (Rhotas Rotas) ; 274. Roopur ; 138, 254. Roorkee ; 23, 219. - observatory ; 62. Roree ; 153, 449, 453, 458. Ross island ; 311. Ross, Major E. C.; 483. * wee, Capt, D. ; 580, 581, 584, 585, 589, 609, 610, 611, 612. Rossenrode, Mr. J, MH. ; wyTMr. J. W.; i Rouge, Sr. le; 524. toyal atlas; 523. Roymongull river ; 548. Rudok ; 29. Rudrum cota ; 123. Rundall, Capt, ¥. H. ; 127, 130. , Lieut. J. W. ; 508, 509. Rungpore, in Assam; 118, 302. , in Rengal; viii, 162, 168, 169, 170, 171, 200. Runijah ; xii. Runjeet Sing’s territory ; Runnaba ; 326. Runneekote ; 67. Russell, Lieut. ; 163. Russia ; xx, 533, 534, 535. Ruston, J. ; 159, Ruttunpoor; 273. Ryaguddah ; 327. Ryghur; 327, 439, 440, 441. Rymandroog ; 8. Saatpour; 101. Sabalgarh ; xi. Sabarmati river ; 58. Sabine, Lt.-Col. E.; 634, 637. Sabarbatin ; Xvi, Sachin ; xviii. Sackville, Capt. F.; 171, 180, 181, 268. Sadiya (Suddia, Supiya) ; 119, 298, 302, Sadleir, Capt. G. F.; 500. Sadoolawalah ; 236. Safiabad ; 147. Sagar (Suggur in Hyderabad ; xiv, 85, 287. Sagaroukae tribe ; 77. Sagor in Central India ; xiii Sah coins ; 79, Saliva Xx, 538. Saharanpur ; viii, 150, 206, 208, 220. Sahet-Mahet ; 77. Sahri-Bahlol ; 78. Sahuka ; xvi. Saigon; 557. Sailana ; xil. Saint Helena ; xx, 3, 926, 579, 590. St. John, Major O. B. C. ; 484, 48), 488 — R. F. St. hn 306. 660 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. St. Lucia ; 544. St. Thomas mount ; 3, 8. Sakesir mount; 37. Saketa; 77. Sakhee sarwar pass; 476. Sakhrabasti; 78. Sakti ; xiv. Salatura ; 78. Salcete, see Salvette. Salem; xvi, 67, 72, 159, 317, 872 to 391. Salengore ; 514. Salsette ; 95, 424, 433, 441, 571. Salt range ; 67, 78. Salt springs, Pegu ; 68. Salt water lakes, Calcutta ; 107, 108. Salt works; 160, 161, 216, 249, 425. Salumbar ; x. Salur ; 328. Salween district; xv. -, river; 121, 141, 308, 309, 512. Samaguting ; xv. Samara ; 140. Sambalpur ; xiii, xiv, 52, 54, 201, 202, 203, 276, 327. Sambhar lake; x, 150. Smoolagur, or Sumookgur fort ; 164. Sampganw ; 78. Sampter ; xii. Sanai creek ; 138. Sandeman, Major ; 484. Sanders, Capt. E. ; 481. Sandheads ; 106. Sandoway ; xv, 306. Sandursi ; xi. Sandwich islands ; 525. Sangala ; 78. Sangalawala Tiba ; 78. Sangers ; 95. Sangkasya ; 77. Sangli ; xix. Sangral ; 163. Sangri; Xx. Sanitaria in South India ; 77. Sanjeli ; xviii. Sankerridrug ; 385. Sankhera Mewas ; xviii. Sankisa ; 77. Sanksee ; 440. Sanserit maps; Xx, 522. Sanson, le Sr.; 532. Santalpur ; xvii. Santapilli; 619. Santarem, le Vicointe ; 524. Sarakshetra ; 77. Saranda ; 202, 203, 204, 205. Sarangapullee ; 10, 11. Sarangarh ; xiv, 203. Sarangpur ; xi, 78. Sarawar ; 519. Sarawan; 483. Sarepore ; xiii. Sarhad-i-Wakhan : 466, 482. Sarhinda ; 78. Sarila ; xii. Sarila canal ; 115. ~ river; 114 Sarrnngudda ; 2735. Sarun ; vii, 115, 165, 185, 186, 207, 469. Sasser pass; 70. Satara ; xvi, 420, 423, 445. - agency ; Xix, 457. - Sathasna ; xviii. Sathpura mts. ; 62, 67, 68, 73, 280. Satlej, see Sutlej. Sattenapalli ; 315, 342, 347. Sattimungalum; 325, 361. Satuda Wari ; xvii. Sauau ; 306. Sauger and Nerbudda ; 71, 277. Saugor island ; 196. — roads ; 607. Saugor (Sagur) ; xiii, 38, 266, 272, 273, 278. Saundati; 78. Saunders, Trel.; 79, 90, 304, 489. Sauppour; 101. Savanur ; xix. Savendroog ; 5, 10, 12, 439, 441. Sawal-dher; 78. Sawantwari ; xix, 441, 457. Sawurgaon ; 12. Saxton, Capt. G. H.; 26, 53, 54, 182, 183, 328. Sayla; xvii. Schalch, Lieut. ; 100. Major; 108, 191. Schierbrand, Col. W. C.; 518. Schomburgb, Sir Robt. H.; 514. Schlagintweit, Messrs.; 74, 234, 537. Schulch, Lieut. J. A.; 302. Sconce, Lieut. ; 512. Scott, Lieut. C.; 307. , Lieut.-Col. ¥. H.; 313. - W. H., 31, 219. Sealdah ; 149. Sealy, Lieut. B.; 201. Searle, Lieut. W. L.; 627. Searsole ; 146. Seaton, Capt. W. J.; 304. Sechura ; 526. Sections, barometrical, for heights; 91, 92, 103, 108, 109, 115,122, 143. Secunderabad ; 282, 283. Seedashigar; 141, 419, 601, 602. Seebpore, in Bengal, 106. —, in Assam, see Sibsagar. Seekree, see Sikri. Seereegaon; 439. Seetabuldee ; 55,56, 273. Seetumpet ; 124. Sehorunpoor, see Saharanpur. Sehwun ; 136, 449. Seistan ; 464, 475, 482, 487. Sekundermalli; 5, 6. Selamiyeh ; 495. Selby, Lieut., W. B.; 489, 493, 494, 495, 497, 498, 601, 603. Seleucia ; 490, 494. Semarang ; 518. Seoni ; xiii, 278. Seppings, J. M.; 144, Serah; 32, 297. Seraikela, see Srikala. Serampore ; 106, 175. Seringapatam ; 32, 33, 295. Seronge, Seronj, see Sironj. Sevastopol ; 534, 535. Seven Pagodas ; 322. Seychelles islands ; xxi, 516, 526, 551, 567, 570, 587, 596, 612. Shadadpoor ; 139. Shadula, 69. Shahabad, in Bengal ; vii, 165, 166, 169, 185, 186, 187, 207. , geological ; 72, 73,.74, 93,108, 109, 176. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 66 Shahabad, in Jallawar; xii. Shaharghati (Shergotty, Shirgatti) ; 185, 274. Shahbaz-garhi; 78. Shah-deri ; 78. Shahjahanpur ; viii, 23, 165, 206, 207, 211, 222, 522, Shahjehanabad, see Delhi. Shahpoor-Singrowlee ; 270. Shahpur, in Punjab; ix, 69, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254. my in Kattywar; xvii. Shahpur coal, in Betul, Cent. Prov. ; 74. Shahpoora (Shahpura) ; xi, 258. Shah Soojah ; 471. Shaikhawati ; x. Shakespeare, A., Esq.; 112. Shanghai ; 509. Shat-el-Arab river ; 492, 493, 497. Shat-el-Hie river; 491, 497, 498. Shaw, Mr. R.; 172. Shayok river; 46. Sheemogga, see Shimoga. Shembegwen ; 305. Sheogarh ; xii. Shergarh ; 274. Shergotty, see Shahargati. Shervaroy hills ; 372, 391. Sherwill, Lieut. W. S.; 165, 166, 167, 172, 185, 186, 187, 188, 199. Shevagunga ; 319. Shikarpur ; xvi, 139, 453, 475. Shikarwari ; xi. Shilberis; 162. Shillong ; xv, 67, 68. Shimoga ; xv, 33, 296. Shipping services of E. I. Co. ; 547. Shipping tracks to China and India; 547. Shiraz ; 487. Shirdarra ; 238. Shivbara ; xviii. Sholapur ; xvi, 158, 161, 418, 420, 421, 423, 446, 447. Shorapur ; xiv. Shorkot ; 78. Shortrede, Lieut. ; 24; Capt. R., 42. Shortt, Dr. J. ; 362. Shropshire ; 530. Shuegween, see Shwegyeen. Shujangarh agency ; x, 262. Shujawalpur ; xi. Shum ; 483. Shwegyeen ; xv, 66, 310. Siah-tunk plain ; 483. Sialkot ; ix, 240. Siam ; xx, 308, 513, 514, 557, 574, 609. Siberia ; 511. Sibley, Mr. ; 150. Siborne’s atlas ; 527, 528. Sibsagar ; xv, 166, 298, 302. Sieily ; 533. Siddapoor; 11. Siddons, Lieut. H. ; 166, 177. Sidhout, see Cuddapah. Sidpura ; xii. Signals ; 612. Sihur ; 146. Sikh territory; 87, 136, 231, 232, 474; see Punjab. Sikkim; vii, 76, 171, 199, 207, 406, 470. Sikraul (Sikrol, Sikrour, Secrole) ; 217. Sikri (Seekree) ; 243. Sikur; x. Silchar; xv, 300. Silhet, see Sylhet. Silhoorwah ; 140. Silicified wood ; 68. Sim, Lieut. D.; 459. Simla; ix, 13, 34, 76, 239, 254, 630, 631. Simmonds, Capt. J. H.; 165, 206, 216, 241, 242, Simmons, Capt. J. L. A.; 530. Simms, F. W. Esq.; 112, 192. Sinai ; 463, 498. Sind ; xv, xix, 58, 63, 64, 67, 69, 70,72, 136, 150, 165, 166, 207, 231, 260, 416, 417, 447 to 454, 475, 479, 480, 553, 571, 591, 613. — canals ; 139, 140, 447, 449, railway ; 152, 153, 154. , in Kashmir ; 46. Sindoodroog fort; 440, 441. Sindraili ; 19. Sind Saugor doab ; 24, 25, 48, 75. Sinde Manauli ; 78. Singapore ; xxi, 88, 465, 556, 557, 567, 581, 582, 588, 593, 608, 632. Singareny coal ; 73. Singarron river ; 147. Singhboom ; viii, 68, 73, 202, 203, 204, 205. Singi meridional series ; 59. Singpho tribe ; 298, 302. Singpur ; xviii. Sinteral ; 123. Sirban mountain ; 67, 73. Sirgam ; 95. Sirguja; viii, 73, 276. Sirhind ; x, 138, 258. Sirikul ; 466. Sirmur ; x, 208, 239. Sirohee ; xi, 263. Sironcha ; xiii, 285, 288. Sirenj ; xi, 12, 13, 14, 33, 34, 38, 266, 273. Sirsa ; ix, 114, 239, 243. Sirsi ; xiii. Sisang Chandli ; xvii. Sitamau ; xii. Sitapahar (Seetapahar) ; 146. Sitapur (Seetapore, Cheetapoor) ; ix, 231. Sittang river; 121. Sleemanabad ; 68, 277. Slight, Capt. ; 455. Smith, Lieut. ; 53. H. C.; 259. —e we BR. Baird ; 307. we --, Capt. B. Euan; 487. meng Brig.-Gen. R.; 164, wey DI Wa A 3 288, --y W.; 209, Smyth; Lieut. R. ; 165,180, 181,182, 190; Capt. ey Capt. H. C.; 201. — W. Hj; 527. sree Wo. M3 112, Snell, Capt. C.; 54,183,327, 329, 336, 413,414. Snodgrass, Lieut. ; 487. Soamtannah ; 10. Soanda ; 433. Soane canal ; 115. —— river; 20, 72, 72, 74, 145, 149. Sobii tribe ; 77. Sobraon battle ; 236. canal ; 139. Society islands ; 526. Socotra; 570, 587, 590. » I Bd 668 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Soerakarta ; 519. Sojisgeet: in Rewah, Cent. India ; 166, 207, 127, 77 Sohawal ; xii. Sologeery ; 372. Sonel ; xii. Sonkach ; xi. Sonmeeanee ; 479, 591. Sonpur ; xiv, 54, 184, 202. Sonpuri ; xvii. Sonthal pergunnabs vi, 173, 174. Soodeecondah ; Sooliman mts. ; b 32, Sooloo archipelago; 575, 582. Soonda ; 9. Soondoor, see’ Sundoor. Soonderbuns, see Sundarbans. Soonkasala ; 128,-131. Soorada ; 326, 397. Soory (Sooree) ; 145. Soowurndroog, see Savendroog Sorath division; xvii. Soron; 77. South America; xix, 545, 546. ~ Arcot; xvi, 67, 391 to 395, 400. Canara; xvi, 312, 395. Carnatic; 312. Mahratta agency ; xix, 151, 421, 442. Spain ; xx, 536. Spiers, W., 308. Spirit levels ; 92. Spiti; 67, 245. Sprye, Capt. R.; 512. Sravasti; 77. Sreeramadavur river ; 133. Srikala ; vii, 203, 204. Srinagar, i in Kashmir ; ; 76, 257. , in Kumaun ; viii. Srughna ; 78. Standards of measure ; 30. Stanford’s maps ; 88, 527, 528, 529. Star catalogues ; 625, 633, 634, 635. maps ; xxi, 635, 638. Statistics ; 94, 208, 312, 532. Steam communication ; 464. vessels ; xxi, Sl4, 615, 616, G17. Stephen, Major H.V.; 89, 165, 185, 206, 207. Stephenson, Sir M. ; 465 Steuart, Lieut. ; 458, Stewart, Capt. As ; 26, 55, 56. , Lieut. W. J.; 176, 177, 186. v—D. ; 265. Sthaneswara ; 78. Stieler, Adolf; 531. Stiffe, Lieut. ; 451, 486, 487, 488, 600, 601. Stoddard, Major ; ; 124. Stogedon Genesa ; 69. Stoliezka, Ferd. ; 70. Strachey, Capt. H.; 223, 25€. , Lieut. R. ; 223, 236, Maj.-Gen., 631. , Mr. R. ; 474. Strahan, Capt. G.; 254. Strait’s settlements ; xx. Strange, Major A. ; 24, 38. Streevigoontum ; 135. Seroyany Lieut. W.; 233. Stuart, Major Gen. ; 225 w——, Lieut. W. S.; 276 Studland maps; 166, 187. Sturt, Lieut. ; 478. Su tribe ; 77. Suadi; vii. - Subarnrekha river; 121, 180, Subathu ; 258. Sucheen ; 457. Sudamra ; xvii. Suddia, see Sadiya. Suddragherry ; 5, 6 Sudharam ; vi. Sudiya, see Sadiya. "Sudkal ; 68 Suez; 538, 552, 567, 570, 598. Suffeid Koh; 476. Suggur, see Sagar. Sugh ; 78. Suhaniya; 78. Suigam ; xvid. Suket ; ix Sin "vii, 183. Sukkur; 139, 154, 235, 449, 453. Suldapooram ; 10. Sulimaniyeh ; 489, 490. Sulkeah; 106. Sultanpur; ix, 77, 231. Sumatra; 517, 565, 566, 577 593, 609, 613. Sumbulpore, see Sambalpur. Summers, C. A.; 183. Sunda strait ; 566, 576, 577, 584, 588, 593. Sundarbans ; 100, 141, 143, 162, 164, 168, 178, 188, 190, 196, 197, 520, 592, 607. Sundeep channel ; 197. Sundoor ; xvi, 320, 415. Sunjun ; 439. Sunth ; "xviii. Surajgunj ; 119. Surana ; xii. Surashtra; 79. Surat ; xvi, 68, 69, 97, 98, 140,155, 265, 418, 419, 420, 422, 423, 424, 437, 438, 521, 523, 571. Surat agency ; xviii, Sudah, see Sarda. Surgana ; xviii. Suri; vil Surma river; 298. Surroopour ; 162. Suru; 46. Sutalia ; xi. Sutherland, Col. J.; 485 Sutlej (Suttluz, &ec.) river and valley; 29, 75, 138, 208, 234, 236, 256, 509. — canal; 139. trig. series ; 47. Swat (Suwat) ; 29, 238, 466. Switzerland ; xix, 531, 537. Sydapet ; 315, 322, Sykes, Lieut. ; 243 ; Lieut.-Col., 626. Sylhet ; xv, 37, 100, 162, 171, 298, 300. Syme, Lieut. N. ; 140. Syr daria (river); 473. Syria ; 471, 492. Sysian river, in Pegu; 573. Taherkaira ; 33. Tahiti ; 526. Tahri, see Archa. Tailyour, Capt. T. Renny ; 38. Tajh Mahal mausoleum ; 212. Taka tribe ; 77. Takalkhera ; 33. Takht-i-Bahi; 78. Taki; 78. ALPHABET.CAL INDEX. Tak-kesra ; 489. Takshasila ;- 78. Talautse islands ; 561. Talcher ; vii, 66, 71, 183, 184, Talish ; 487. Tallapoody ; 126, Taloomba ; 247. Tambrapoorney river ; 135. Tamil maps ; xx, 523. Tanda; 77, 225. Tanjore; xvi, 6, 320, 395. Tankaria ; 418. Tanna; xvi, 95, 157, 159, 276, 418, 439, 460. Tanna agency ; xviii, 457. Tannoor; 135. Tanuku ; 330, 336, 337. Toppa) road ; 341. l'apti (Taptee) river and valley ; —— canals ; 140. Tarai ; viii, 115, 220, 224, 469. Tarnawa; 78. Taroch; x Tarrapoor ; 439. Tartary ; 504. Tasmania ; 565. Tassin, J. B.; 100, 167, 169, 191, 231, 298, 303, 464, 512, 520. Tate, Capt. W. A.; 424 Tatta; 137, 449, 475 Tauda murry ; 320. putree ; 320. Taudmanoor; 10. Tavang (Towang) ; 76. Tavoy (Tavai) ; xv, 308, 310, 573, 580, 593, Tawa coal ; 68 Taxila; 78. Taylor, Capt. A. D.; 79, 141, 454, 591, 595, 601, 602. meee, T4+Col. R. Li. ; 487. , Thos. G.; 624, 625, 626. , Rev. W.; 322, Tea plantations ; 239, 298, 607. Teekurraporrah ; 275. Teesta creek ; 117. Teeteeah river ; 137. Teheran (Tehran); 487. Tehri; viii. Tegnapatam (Fort St. David) ; 555 Telegraph maps; 89, 465, 526, 527, Telegu maps; xx, 523. Telford, Mr. ; 529 Tellaneelmalli ; $s 7s 8. Tellicherry ; 554, 572, 602, 619. Temshang lake; 75. , H67T. 596, 600. Tenasserim ; xiv, 88, 304, 308, 309, 513, 573, ’ ’ ) ) ) ’ 581, 582, 588, 595. Tencasi; 397. Tengepatnam ; 97. Tengri lake; 466, 510. Tenkerai; 316, 398. Teona ; 20. Terraneau, Mr.; 165. Terrestrial magnetism; xxi, 637. Terumboor ; 396. Terwara; xvil. Tezpur; xv, 301. Thackwell, Sir Joseph; 236. Thagracoopum Cottary ; 134. Thal (Thull) ; 467. Than ; 79. Than Lakhtar; xvii. Thanah ; x. Thanesar ; 78, 254. Thar ; xvi, 448. Tharad ; xvii. Thatcher, Capt. ; 84. Thayetmyo ; xv, 307. Thean (Tian) Shan mts.; 69. Theodolites ; 3, 30. Theog ; x. Thibet, see Tibet. Thomas, E.; 79. -, R. Hughes; 448, 454, 455, 457. T homason, Civil Eng. College ; 220. Thompson, Capt. ; 108, 248. Thomson, J. T.; 608. -, Dr. M.. ; 630. Thonghoo, see Toungoop. Thora nullah ; 146. Thornhill’s channel; 105. Thornton, Edw. ; 28, 88. —, John; 550, 553, 555, 558, 571, 580. . Samuel ; 547, 571. Thoungyeen ; 309. Three pagodas ; 309, 513. Thuillier, Lieut. -Col. H. L.; 61, 62, 63, 89, 90, 106, 165, 179, 180, 182, 192, 299, 301. Thul ghat ; 158, 441. Thull, see Thal. Thurowa ; 3035. Tibet; 29, 30, 46, 67, 75, 76, 255, 466, 470, 504, 509, 510. Tickell, Lieut. R.; 234. | Tidal survey ; 30, 452, 430, 607. Tiefenthaler, P.; 109. Tierra del Fuego ; 525. Tigiria ; vii. Tigris river; 490, 491, 492, 496, 497, 498. | ———-- trading boat; 614. Tijara ; 14. Tilla mt. ; 68, 73. Tillail ; 47 . Tim, Jan; 97. Timor ; 562, 582, 583, 609. Tinnevelli ; xvi, 29, 135, 319, 395 to 400, 592. Tipperah; vi, 162, 177, 179. wee i118 3 i, 28, 177. Tippoo Sultan; 293, 312. Tiraon ; xii. Tirhoot ; vii, 115, 166, 183, 187, 207, 468, 469. Tirla; xiii. Tiruchangad ; 385, 386. Titarawa; 77. Tithal ; xviii. Tod, Lieut. Jas. ; 113, 259, 265. Todd, Lieut. E. d’Arcy; 487. Toee ; 46. Toljapur ghat; 281. Tolly’s canal ; 107. Tondiman ; 319, 357. Tonghoo, see Toungoop. Tonk ; xi, xi, xii, 262. Tonquin gulf; 97, 526. river ; 358. Tonse river; 147. Tonwurgarh ; xi. Toolseepoor, see Tulsipur. Toomaingutt ; 11. Toonga Budra, see Tungabhadra. Toorzee, J. C.; 99. Tope .condah (Topkunda) ; 10, 13, 33, 34. Topographical survey reports ; 61, 62. 670 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Turnuk river ; 481. “a Turquand, B. W.d.; 457. Tusham ; 78. Tuticorin ; 6, 135, 400, 554, 619. > Twenty-four pergunnahs districts ; vii, 168, 169, 170, 171, 187, 190, 520. Twisden, Mr. F. E.; 120. Tytler, Lieut. Fraser ; 466, 430, 481, 483. Topping, Michael ; 51, 125, 126, 321, 606, 623. Torbaka; 124. "Torees, see Turl. Tori Fathipur ; Xi. Torres strait ; 564,583. Toungoo ; Xv, 121, 310. "Poungoup (Thonghoo, Toungo) road; 305, 307. Town plans; 88, 5 Toynbee, Capt. ; 637. wo Sn ) Ss : Udaipur, Bengal ; vi i 3 42 ? ~’ (Oodijpoor), Rajputana, see Oodeypore. ranquebar ; 6. % : > ; Trans Himalayan explorations ; 29, 30, 466. Glass ; 3 ; ’ <.Tndian frontiers ; xx, 466 to 471. delguri ; 76. a 67, 73, 219. Udiarpallam ; 401, 410, 411, 412, 413. Trans Sutlej highlands ; ix. Ugrore ; 249. we division ; 244. Ujjain ; xii, 265. Transit of Venus; 62. Uleewal, see Aliwal. . Tra t, Lieut. ; 167 305. Ulhas (Oolassa) river; 158. Trap rocks ; 67. 2 Ulwur (Alwar) ; xi, 14, 263. : es ee (Travancoor) ; xvi, 6, 7, 85, 97,99, Umballa (Ambala) ; x, 239, 254, 250. 293, 414, 415, 595. Umita ; Ree iat Trebeck, George ; 466. | Ummerapoorah, sec Amarapura. ’ bv - ih Es ¥or Tremenheere, Capt. ; 438; Col, 452, 514. . gm ; rn Tri lati dia, see Trigonometrical sur- | Unaoj 1X, 250. ; pi Ron of Ino 2 Undi; 330, 337, 338, 339. Tribes 3 77 | Ungool, see Angul. ichendor 5 | Uniara; x. Trichendore ; 135, 396, 400. : Lib i aay : Sh Trichinapalli (Trichinopoly) ; Xvi, 67, 71, 159, United States; x%, ir : | — meteorology ; 099, . 317, 320, 400 to 413. Ri | ——— g Trigonometrical survey of India ; iii, 2, 3 to 60, 90. Unj uny el; 41. Trimulgherry ; 283. Li uy 422. Trimmugalum; 357, | ERLiOl; 3 orl: xiii. xiv) 270, 282, 985, 288, Tri . 97, 516, 555, 572, 580. | Upper Godavari; xiii, Xiv, 276, 252, 259, a aha | ———- Indus, see Indus. ity is ; 5 | ———— Meranzai; 467. 1 . 9 ] ; a oy iy iy ee PTOVIDCES, Bengal ; 63, 64, 65. Trionaumbaucum ; 5 ——— Sind frontier; xvi, 454. Tristan da Cunha; 549, 567. | Upton, Colonel ; 209, 265. : | Tr 3s ¢. 59 Trivandiporum ; 3, 4, 6. Urdu maps; XX, 521. Trivandrum; 127. Uriya maps; Xxx, 523. Trivellur ; 325. Ussnee ; 110, 111. Troilite mineral ; 68. Utacamand ; xvi. Trombay ; 418. i U takhanda ; 78. } i 0.230 Troop Ny nae ; 614 | Uthengiri (Uttangheri); 317, 381, 389, 390. Trotter, Capt. H.; 466, 473. Tsiampa ; 557. Tso Gam lake; 75. Tso Mitbal lake ; 75. Tso Mognalari lake ; 76. Tso Moriri lake ; 76. Tubular rake ; 106. Tug steamer ; 106. Vagu; 123. Vairata; 78. Vaisali ; 77. Valpairaiso; 526. | Vancouver's voyage ; 542. island ; 559. | Van de Velde, Lieut. C. WwW. M.; 517. 7 g 7 | Vaniambaddy; 160. TU Si he | Van ay John ; 550, 553, 554, 555, & Tulsipur (Toolseepoor); 225, 226, 227. 566 Tumbudra, see Tungabhadra. ol, Tumkur (Toomeoor) ; Xv, 293, 297. : Varalgad ; 422, Tungabhadra river; 7, 8, 12, 127, 128, 131, 295. yom ob Tuppa ; Xi | Varusha ; 78. 5 a | Vaugondy, Sir R. de; 529, 564. Turan ; 464. Vaziri tribe ; 467. : Turanian tribes ; 77. | Vedoograumum ; 396. Turco-Persian frontier ; 489, 490. | Veerasholan river ; 154, 155. Turi (Toree) tribe; 466. V eerumgaum ; 1% 48 Turkey in Asia; xXx, 485 to 499. Veeturunee Fiver 54,155. Europe ; xix, 537. | Veitch, Mr. ; 299. Turkistan ; xix, 30, 76, 463, 464, 471, 472, 473, Vellappakam ; 314. 474, 475, 480, 510, 511. { Vellatur channel ; 126. : Turnbull, Thomas ; 395, 396. | Venkatigherry ; 321, 363, 371. G.; 146, 147. | Venlos bay; 37. W. Hy Vernacular aps; xix, 520 to 523. , W. H.; 183. Vanrenen, Col. D. C.; 65, 220, 228, 260, 261, 438. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Vichhavur ; xvii. Victoria; xx, 541, 542. Vienna ; 527. Vikkar; 137. Vijaydroog or Geriah fort ; 440,441,572, 592, 601. Vijayagarh ; 274. Vindhia mts. ; 62, 71, 167, 268. Vindhian rocks ; 66, 67, 68. Vingurla; 98, 418, 440, 572. Vinukonda; 316, 352, 353. Virpur ; xvii. Vithulgad ; xvii. Vizagapatam; xvi, 26, 54, 271, 327, 328, 413, 414, | 415, 555, 606. Viziadroog ; see Vijaydroog. Vizianagram ; 271, 328. Von Krauze, Carl; 99. Von Lynden, Baron ; 99. Voyages to India; 612. Vullanaud ; 6. Vullankota ; 6. Vypeen, island and river; 99. Waagen, Dr. W.; 70. Wadat ; 305. Waddington, Lleut.-Col. W. ; 421. Wade, Capt. C. M. ; 231, 234, 254. ney DT. 3 298, Wadhawan ; xviii. Wadhwan ; xvi. Wadia ; xviii. Wadjar Curroor; 33, 320. Waee ; 423. Wainganga river; 124, 125. Wajpur ; xviii. Wakhan ; 482. Wala; xvii. Walajanagar ; 160. Wales ; 530. Walker, John; 28, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 231, 237, 465, 499, 525, 589 to 594. -, J. and C.; 88, 492, 525. -y Major J.T. ; 28 ; Lt.-Col. ; 29 ; Colonel ; 30,287, 454; 466, 467, 472. -, Lieut. C. ; 487. ey JANES 5 451. Walpole Lieut. H. ; 354. Wanga bazar ; 140. Wankaner ; xvii, Wao; xvii. ‘Waori Wachhani ; xvii. Warahi ; xvii. Warangal ; xiv, 58, 284, 287, 289, 291. Ward, Capt. B. S.; 26, 71, 325, 357, 358, 359, 400, 414, 415. Ward, Lieut. C. Y.; 121, 141, 592, 593. nn D.; 229. Wardha ; xiii, 68, 69, 121, 122, 125, 279. Wardwan ; 46. Warren, Lieut. ; 3, 606. Wasawa ; xviii. Wasawad ; xvii. Wassud ; 156. Wasurna ; xviii. Waterfield, Capt. W. G. ; 250. Watrak ; xviii. Waugh, Capt. A. S. ; 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ; Lieut.-Col., 27 ; Sir A., 28, 31, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 60, 274. Webb, Lieut. W. S.; 111, 114, 210, 223, 226. ~—, Capt. J. T.; 285, (7767) | | | | | Webbe, Wm. ; 485. | Wedgbrough, Lieut. J.; 554, 580, 603. | Weiland, C. F. ; 89, 485. | Wein Gunga, see Wainganga. | Wellington ; 362, 363. West Indies ; xix, 542, 545. | Western, Lieut. ; 51. i Duars: 67. - India; xix, 600. eee Malwa 3 x1, 270. Westland, J.; 188. | Weston, Capt.; 141. -, Lieut. ; 279. — Mr. E.; 55. Wheele, J. T.; 313, 479. Whish, M.; 211. —, Lieut. R. W. ; 597, 601. Whitburn, A.; 136. White, Lieut. ; 210. White Huns tribe; 77. Wickens, J. ; 391. Wilcox, Capt. ; 40, 100, 118, 119, 298, 299. Wilford, Licut. ¥.; 104, Willateea ; 118. Williams, Capt. J. M.; 304. minamar, wees Monler's 84, 416, 437, 434, -, G. R. C.; 219. wy Lieut, E. C. S.; 306, 307. Wilson, Lieut.-Col. J. ; 91. —y J. H. ; 464. ey Major C. W. ; 486. rs WAL 166, 175. — W. G.; 629. Winsor, Lieut. G.; 120, 141. Winterbottom, J. E.; 256. Wise, Henry ; 612. Wood, Lieut. J.; 137, 237, 474, 476, 477, 478. —, Lieut. Thos. 109, 110, 117, 118, 120, 209, 225, 227, 301. Woodiogherry ; 364. World; xx, 520, 521, 522, 524, 525, 526. Worster, Capt. WwW. K. ; 625. Wreck charts ; 94, 530. Wroughton, Capt. R. ; 165, 206, 207, 212, 213,277. Wudali ; xvii. Wudjar-Curroor, see Wadjar-Curroor. Wun ; xiv. Wunode ; xvii. Wurda, see Wardha. Wurtemberg ; 532. Wusravi ; xviii. Wussyee ; 441. Wuzeeri, see Vaziri. Wyatt, Alex. ; 166, 179, 18, 187. =, Sir M. Digby; 531. Wyld, J. ; 87, 525, 534. Wylie, Capt. IH. ; 484. Wynaad; 60, 69, 359, 360. Wyne Gunga, sce Wainganga. Wynne, A. D.; 72, 249. Wyraghur ; 275. Yadakee ; 320. Yaelmatoor hill ; 5. Yairgutlah ; 10, 11. Yanaon ; xix, 329. Yang-tse-Kiang river; 611. Yarkand ; 69, 76, 257, 466. Yashtivana ; 78. Yassin; 466. Ye: 308, 309. 672 Yeandaboo ; 120. Yedagherry ; 287. Yeddahoor; 127. Yellacondah ; 10. Yellama; 78. Yellambile ; 68.: Yellamundah ; 8. Yemen ; 463. Yemsha ; 10. Yernagudam ; 330, 339. Yerracondah ; 5, 7, 8,9 10, 12. Yerragoodoor; 132. Yerraguntla ; 317. Yesakapully channel ; 126. Yezd ; 480, 487. Yogyee ; 305. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Yoma mts. ; 305. Yoonzaleen river and district ; 73. Young, Lieut.-Col. J. 27. Yuchi or Tochari tribes ; 77. . Yule, Lieut. H. ; 303; Capt. ; 304, 305. Yunan; 171, 298, 506, 512. Yuzufzai district, &c.; 78, 250. Zanskar river; 46. Zanthii tribe ; 77. Zanzibar; 551, 569, 579, 586. Zewassa ; 423. Zimmermann, Carl. ; 463. Zirapur ; xi. Zohab ; 489. Zynen, D.; 97, 99. LONDON: Printed by GeorGE E. Eyre and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. [7767.—1000.—3/78.] CO agg all