fim EARTH SCI ENC E‘? Structural Geology of the Confusion Range, West-Central Utah GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 971 JAN 25 1977 {yr-54".}? $3 ‘1' ‘ 7/» 5.1%; Structural Geology of the Confusion Range, West-Central Utah By Richard K. Hose GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 971 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1977 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE. Sl‘fl’l‘ltln‘ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Din'dm Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Hose, Richard Kenneth, 1920- Structural geology of the Confusion Range, west-central Utah. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 971) Bibliography: p. 9. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.162971 1. Geology—Utah—Confusion Range. 1. Title. II. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 971. QE170.C59H67 551.8’09792’45 76-608301 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Us, Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024-001—02923—5 CONTENTS Page Abstract ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 Introduction __________________________________________________________________________ 1 Structural history ______________________________________________________________________ 1 Late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic orogeny ________________________________________________ 3 Structures within the structural trough ________________________________________________ 3 Low-angle faults __________________________________________________________________ 3 Evidence for the higher décollement ________________________________________________ 4 Evidence for the lower décollement __________________________________________________ 6 Structures of the upper plate __________________________________________________________ 6 Structure of the intermediate plate ______________________________________________________ 6 Other structures ______________________________________________________________________ 7 Conger Range fault ________________________________________________________________ 7 Salt Marsh Range fault ____________________________________________________________ 7 Basin and Range orogeny __________________________________________________________ 7 Summary and conclusions ______________________________________________________________ 8 References cited ______________________________________________________________________ 9 ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 1. Generalized geologic map of a part of the Confusion Range, west-central Utah ____________________________ In pocket FIGURE 1. Index map of east-central Nevada and west-central Utah showing location of mountain ranges and position of Butte and Confusion Range structural troughs ___________________________________________________________ 2 2. Generalized geologic map of northwest end of Plympton Ridge __________________________________________________ 5 3. Schematic cross sections showing stages of development of decollement and thrust faults and folds in axial part of Confusion Range structural trough ______________________________________________________________________ 8 III STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF THE CONFUSION RANGE, WEST-CENTRAL UTAH By RICHARD K. HOSE ABSTRACT More than 33,000 feet (10,000 metres) of generally conformable upper Precambrian (present in the subsurface), Paleozoic, and Lower Triassic strata, all overlain in profound unconformity by Oligocene and younger volcanic and sedimentary rock, are present in the Con- fusion Range of west-central Utah. During the late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic, the pre-Tertiary rocks were deformed into a structural trough or synclinorium concave in map view to the west. The de- velopment of the trough generated two décollement-type faults, above which rocks glided toward its axis. This gliding resulted in the formation, in the highest plate, of isoclinal and recumbent folds, the latter with their lobes directed into the axis. After the trough was filled, additional steepening of the west flank caused the develop- ment of a lower décollement that died out eastward toward the axis of the trough. Movement of this décollement caused local overturn- ing of the intermediate and upper plates and a more pronounced westward concavity of the trough. Subsequent increase of the slope of the flanks of the trough, whether by uplift or compression, achieved relief of axial stress by thrusting away from the axis of the trough. INTRODUCTION The Confusion Range of west-central Utah (fig. 1) is structurally different from ranges to the immediate east and west in that it forms an elongate, curved structural trough or synclinorium (Hose, 1966). The House Range to the east is a block-faulted homoclinal mountain range that dips gently to the east and is made up mainly of Cambrian rocks. To the west, the Snake Range contains intricately faulted allochthon- ous rocks of Cambrian to Permian age that have moved over a lower plate of Cambrian and older rocks. It has been reasonably well established that the major low- angle fault or fault complex of the Snake Range ex- tends eastward beneath the Confusion Range (Misch, 1960; Hose and Danés, 1967, 1973). Although the Paleozoic section in the Snake Range has been greatly attenuated by low-angle faults that emplaced younger rock or older, the section in the Confusion Range is reasonably intact and is not greatly attenuated. This paper describes the more important structural ele- ments of the Confusion Range structural trough and presents an explanation for their development. STRUCTURAL HISTORY The Confusion Range of west-central Utah (fig. 1; pl. 1) contains about 23,000 ft (7,000 m) of exposed Upper Cambrian to Lower Triassic miogeosynclinal strata. On the basis of outcrops in surrounding areas, it is likely that an additional 6,000—8,000 ft (1,800—2,400 m) of Lower and Middle Cambrian strata, plus an inde- terminate but great thickness of Precambrian rocks, is present in the subsurface. There is some indirect evi- dence that Middle and Upper Triassic and Jurassic rocks were also deposited but were removed by post- orogenic erosion. Rocks of this age (Triassic and J uras- sic) are present at Blue Mountain in the southern Wah Wah Range where they are overthrust by Cambrian rocks (Miller, 1966). The Wah Wah Range and Confu- sion Range are in general structurally continuous. The region was affected by two major tectonic events: the older one took place sometime between Late Jurassic and Oligocene time, and the younger, the Basin and Range orogeny, sometime after Oligocene time. There is some uncertainty as to just when tec- tonism took place within the older period and whether it was a single or multiple event, representing orogenesis perhaps in both the Cretaceous and the early Tertiary. Clearly the older event(s) occurred prior to 36.5 m.y. (million years) ago, for gently dipping volcanic rocks of this age (early Oligocene) rest on severely deformed rocks of Permian age just north of the area covered by plate 1. In the Schell Creek Range of eastern Nevada, which is about 40 mi (64 km) west of the Confusion Range, Drewes (1967) reported clasts of Prospect Mountain Quartzite, which was then considered Early Cambrian, incorporated in what are believed to be equivalents of the Eocene Sheep Pass Formation. Hose and Blake (1976) suggested that unconformable relations at the base of Sheep Pass equivalents elsewhere in eastern Nevada, and the presence of Cambrian-derived mate- rial, required significant physiographic and structural relief prior to and during the deposition of the Sheep Pass and its equivalents. Such tectonism was clearly pre-Eocene, and if regionally operative, the episode(s) would be limited to the latest Jurassic to Paleocene. An additional indirect clue to the age of tectonism 1 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF THE CONFUSION RANGE, UTAH 113° . \I. _ . . \\\... /a v _ VI I. .. f . x .. , .. ///_.._::.. x. x 0.0 xxx 0...:V .\ P. w: H /.x x. x w nxx.. / xx .. I... II . //xx : m m. I J\ /\ \ _ x u \x_ \I/IK x\ \I/, _ . m. ..m x //// A xx xx r.u xx / \ F O I AN/x/x. \xxng./.,/ H .._a_.:_ x ///V S. ....G 1.. // .....xx 2:... \ // _... .../C I / x: .....Z: 3’00 1.. II / I x\\ fl _./ xx / C, II I <WO/Q/:E::: 2:.xxI OH . I / / 35m xuoxo noon. x [II/diff?“ /o/ : ////,, o 3:: ...: :C/IU Em //flm=o lxkfi .::. 4 .._.. .::... Ixx Zoo / 3/: o. _::....:xxI 1| | 1 Cflxwm xx::.....:I¢///é// ///l / IIIIIIIIIWIII J_III+..x|.:I:jxx I . I3 II II II/__.:...t.I|.I//4 ,xx..:zm<>c>:x 33: xx 3.. .::. \x :::: .:: .... xx 3 . :10 xx:_:/ \I...I/ . \ \ \ . /// / I: CC ,I ///// H .. \I../0 6/! I xx u 0/ xxx // 9. w:___...._.. ....\..:..:..:xx/. I: 9/ \I\.x mWCm \\ /.._.__.. I1 x/ // .3 II ...\I\ .. \I .. . ..// xx:/ mw 982.50. /I /I I ../ f \Ixmuaom H CZ: \ I ,I /// / I . Onwm :_ / Ixx xxx:: 0:... xxx:_:::.:xx ... \x...._:.7 .::..C/ II 2.503%... C? .x..// N xxxm x. 1...... ,/// 2.....l/ :x 10/ In I C .. xxx........vx //// :0 _ /::x I I :2 ,C/ xxxx /// .::..7/ 1:: .::..1:: \\\:_.Z Cié/ .....xxxx\x\\x II .. CC .:: ... ........2 Q gee? 3E2: Ely Limestone a Z S m I—t I-I-I Z 94 g 9.. Z 3 s '— 9.. > Z O 9.. Chainman Shale, Joana 0 <2: 5 Limestone, and Pilot [5 2 Shale J Q a .... , ‘ \ 2 Z Guilmette Formation 5 Z ?c > LII D Simonson and Sevy Dolomites 6 8 10 MILES a ,____d 8 110 KILOMETRES structural trough 113°30' 39°30' -€ Dg . % \ 0 a 0 <3 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 971 PLATE 1 Note: Contacts between formations are shown within the Park City Group. Key beds are shown within the Arcturus Formation 113°30' 39C15' 113°30' 113°52'30" 45' 37'30" 39°37'30" TROUT GRANWE CREEKSE MTN.SW [—827 l—831 3o GANDY cowaov cowaov NE PASS Nw PASS NE l—376 I—378 I—377 GANDY cowsov cowsov SE PASSSW PASSSE 1-393 1-390 I—391 15 CONGER RANGE NE I—436 ________1—‘——_— CONGEH ' RANGE UTAH SE 1—435 39°oo' INDEX MAP OF PART OF CONFUSION RANGE SHOWING LOCATION AND NUMBER OF PUBLISHED MAPS O——O “u" 127 Interior—Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA.—1976—-G76057 SCALE 1:48 000 2 3 MILES I I I I | 4 KILOMETRES CHEPIEHRAJLEZEHD’CHECHLCK}DC3BJAJP(DF‘ALIEAI117()F‘THHIE(ZCHNFWJEHIIBIILAIICHE,VVIMSTLCHEPTTTiAJ;IJUHAII if: 5"". 7 DAYS Correlation of Late Cenozoic Tuffs in the Central Coast Ranges of California by Means of Trace- and Minor-Element Chemistry GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 972 7:}‘1‘ ( ,‘y I) NW 1975 U.S.S.D. Correlation of Late Cenozoic Tuffs in the Central Coast Ranges of California by Means of Trace- and Minor—Element Chemistry By Andrei M. Sarna—Wojcicki GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 972 A geochemical approach to the correlation of tufls in Pliocene and Pleistocene marine and nonmarine strata of central California UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1976 r ,1. :.~-__ ,. " Kiel» UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Srrrrtm)‘ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Sarna-Wojcicki, Andrei M. Correlation of late Cenozoic tuffs in the central coast ranges of California by means of trace- and minor-element chemistry. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 972) Bibliography: p. 29-30. Supt. of Docs. no. I 19.161972 1. Volcanic ash, tuff, etc. California—Coast Range. 2. Stratigraphic correlation—California—Coast Range. 3. Geochemistry— California—Coast Range. 4. Geology, Stratigraphic—Cenozoic. I. Title: Correlation of late Cenozoic tuffs in the central coast ranges of California... II. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 972. QE461.S324 552'.2 76—608254 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024—001-02880—8 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract ____________________________________________________ 1 Discussion __________________________________________________ 24 Introduction and scope of study ______________________________ 1 Description of units ________________________________________ 26 Acknowledgments ______________________________________ 1 Thick sections of volcanic deposits ______________________ 26 Geologic setting ____________________________________________ 3 Sonoma Volcanic, Monticello Road section, southeastern Sonoma volcanic field __________________________________ 3 part of Sonoma volcanic field, east of Napa ________ 26 Clear Lake volcanic field ________________________________ 4 Sonoma Volcanics, southernmost Sonoma volcanic field Southern Cascade Range volcanic field __________________ 4 north of Suisun Bay (Goodyear Station section) ____ 26 Analytical methods ________________________________________ 4 Pinole Tuff ________________________________________ 26 Refractive indices of glass ______________________________ 4 Widespread tuffs interbedded with detrital sedimentary Mafic-mineral analysis __________________________________ 4 deposits __________________________________________ 27 X-ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis ________________ 4 Western part of the main study area ________________ 27 Methods of evaluating chemical data ________________________ 7 Tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation__ 27 Graphic methods ________________________________________ 7 Tuff in the Merced(?) and Petaluma Formations of Similarity coefficient ____________________________________ 8 Sonoma County ______________________________ 27 Cluster analysis ________________________________________ 8 Southeastern part of the main study area ____________ 27 Results of analyses __________________________________________ 9 Lawlor Tuff ____________________________________ 28 Tuff correlations ____________________________________________ 14 South of Mount Diablo __________________________ 28 Tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County ________ 15 Northeastern part of the study area __________________ 29 Pinole Tuff ____________________________________________ 16 Putah Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation ____ 29 Lawlor Tuff ____________________________________________ 16 Nomlaki Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation -_ 29 Putah and Nomlaki Tuff Members of the Tehama Formation 21 References cited ____________________________________________ 29 Tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation __________ 23 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Generalized geologic map showing location of samples, central Coast Ranges ________________________________________ 2 2. Stratigraphic section exposed along Monticello Road, southeastern part of Sonoma volcanic field _____________'_ ________ 4 3. Cross section showing structure of Sonoma Volcanics in vicinity of Monticello Road __________________________________ 5 4. Similarity coefficient matrix comparing trace- and minor-element analyses of all glass samples analyzed ______________ 10 5. Dendrogram from cluster analysis of all analyzed samples ___________________________________________________________ 12 6. Ternary diagram showing provincial differences between tuffs in central Coast Ranges and southern Cascade Range ____ 15 7. Binary diagram showing provincial differences between tuffs in central Coast Ranges and southern Cascade Range ____ 15 8. Maps showing maximum known areal distribution of five major eruptive tuff units __________________________________ 16 9. Correlation chart of late Cenozoic tuffs _____________________________________________________________________________ 18 10. Histogram of principal mafic mineral frequencies of three size fractions of tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 11. Ternary diagram showing correlation of the Pinole Tufi' with volcanic deposits of the Sonoma Volcanics exposed along Monticello Road east of Napa _________________________________________________________________________________ 20 12. Ternary diagram showing correlation of the Pinole Tufl' with tuffs in Tessajara area south of Mount Diablo ____________ 20 13. Diagram showing correlation of the Pinole Tuff at Rodeo with tuffs south of Mount Diablo, in the Highland syncline sec- tion, Tassajara area ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 14. Histograms of concentrations of minor and trace elements in volcanic glass of the Lawlor Tuff and its correlatives _______ 20 15. Histograms of concentrations of minor and trace elements in volcanic glass of the Putah and Nomlaki Tuff Members the Tehama Formation _______-____________--________--_________-_-__-___________-__________-__----___, _______ 21 16. Similarity coefficient matrix comparing trace- and minor-element analyses of glass samples of the Putah Tuff Member and tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County __________________________________________________________ 22 17. Dendrogram from cluster analysis of trace- and minor—element data, using distance function ____________________________ 23 III IV TABLE SQP‘PPPE“ CONTENTS TABLES Page List of units studied _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Analytical data on potassium-argon dates _________________________________________________________________________ 7 Summary of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer analytical conditions __________________________________________________ 7 Comparison of glass compositions of a silicic and an intermediate tuf‘f ________________________________________________ 9 Chemical analyses and petrographic data ___________________________________________________________________________ 13 Average minor- and trace-element composition of volcanic glass of the Lawlor Tuff and correlative localities ____________ 21 Trace- and minor-element analyses of volcanic glass of two thin water-laid tuffs in the Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Average similarity coefficients comparing trace- and minor-element analyses of volcanic glass of two thin water-laid tuffs in the Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930) _______________________________________________________________________ 22 CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS IN THE CENTRAL COAST RANGES OF CALIFORNIA BY MEANS OF TRACE- AND MINOR-ELEMENT CHEMISTRY By ANDREI M. SARNA-WOJCICKI ABSTRACT Deformed late Cenozoic tuffs in the central Coast Ranges of California have been correlated by means of trace- and minor- element chemistry of volcanic glass, supported by potassium-argon dates, petrographic data, and stratigraphy. Cluster analysis of the chemical data indicates that four orders of chemical variability exist in the trace- and minor-element composition of volcanic glass. The greatest differences are between tephra of silicic and intermediate composition. Considering silicic tephra alone, the greatest differ- ences are observed between tephra erupted in different volcanic provinces. Differences between samples of silicic tephra erupted within the same volcanic field are smaller, while the smallest differ- ences are observed between samples of tephra from individual erup— tions. Five widespread tuffs and composite tephra units erupted during a period from approximately 1 to 6 million years ago have been recog- nized in the study area. These include the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation, the Putah Tuff Member of the Tehama For- mation, the Lawlor Tuff, the Pinole Tuff and the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County. All except the first were erupted from local central Coast Range sources, probably in the Sonoma volcanic field; the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation was de- rived from the southern Cascade Range, about 320 km north of the main study area. Tufi' correlations indicate that Suisun Bay and Mount Diablo, in the eastern part of the main study area, were formed less than 4 million years ago and that drainage from the Great Valley of California to the ocean in the vicinity of the San Francisco Bay was established some time between 0.6 and 3.3 million years ago. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF STUDY Correlations between the discontinuous exposures of deformed Pliocene and lower Pleistocene strata in the central Coast Ranges of California are important to an understanding of late Cenozoic development of the re- gion because the distribution and structure of these strata record the tempo and style of ongoing deforma- tion in the Coast Ranges. However, late Cenozoic sedimentation has been too rapid and has occurred under environmental conditions too diverse to permit refined correlation on the basis of fossil chronology. Radiometric dating of these geologically young de- posits lacks sufficient precision as a correlation tool owing to the large errors involved in correcting for at- mospheric argon-40 in the potassium-argon method, the effect of detrital contamination, and the general scarcity of material suitable for dating Within sedimentary sections. Because of the problems in fossil and radiometric age correlation, many of the late Cenozoic deposits in the central Coast Ranges are lumped into a broad, ill- defined "Plio-Pleistocene” category. A more detailed regional correlation of these deposits on the basis of tephrochronology, supported by radiometric, strati- graphic, and paleontological data, can serve as one of the basic tools in the solution of several longstanding geologic problems, such as the late Cenozoic paleogeography of the Coast Ranges and the nature and rates of late Cenozoic deformation. The principal approach to correlation discussed in this paper is that of geochemical tephrochronology— comparison of tuff beds in these deposits by means of minor- and trace-element compositions of the volcanic glass (chemical fingerprinting method of Jack and Carmichael, 1968). Other comparative methods, such as mafic-mineral frequency analysis, refractive indices of glass, and potassium-argon dating of some of the main tuff units, serve to support the correlations based on this chemical fingerprinting of the tuff units. This paper is mainly concerned with the results of tuff correlations and their geologic implications. A more detailed discussion of methods and the relative merits of various correlation criteria can be found in the author’s dissertation (Sarna-Wojcicki, 1971). This study is limited to middle and late Pliocene and early Pleistocene deposits in the central Coast Ranges of California, between lat. 37°30’ N. and 38°45’ N. (fig. 1). Some tuff units and volcanic sources outside of this region, in the Clear Lake area and northern Great Valley, were also studied (inset map, fig. 1). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report is based partly on a doctoral dissertation submitted in 1971 to the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, and 1 CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA é? 00 o o (b 00’ ,G' / x - / M 22.27.23 \ VsP‘CQP‘ max , ex Mount Dlablo Klamath Mountains RD FAULT <. . 3" TassaJara >-' 5,66 <\ 63,63A4C I . O : Cosy“ ALA/”J30 6 cos 0% (£14 leel-more . 1‘ 7" 31—34 I ‘/ ‘ :3 5 \o 5 10 MILES \\/\ \ '- : - \ O : I [SANTA CR 0 I ‘ 4% I o 5 1o KILOMETRES- 1 L U2 \ \ / 5 l / / EXPLANATION ’ E’ a: g ., - v — —---- 5 § 2 g Major wide- Major fault . Sample 0 _ . Late Cenozo c sed' E E a: Clear Lake :2 Sonoma -volcanic 353:“ mff 3:112:35; wfigrcifepgroxt locallty imentary deposits “a E volcanic field “‘ field dotted where cor’tcealed FIGURE 1.—Generalized geologic map showing location of samples, central Coast Ranges, Calif. Geology from Strand and Koenig (1965), Koenig (1966), Rogers (1966), Jennings and Burnett (1961), and Ross Wagner (written com- mun., 1974). GEOLOGIC SETTING 3 partly on research performed during 1971—72 at the US. Geological Survey. I thank the following people at the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Berkeley: Robert Jack, who instructed me in XRF analytical procedures and helped in the analyses; Frank H. Brown, who did elec- tron microprobe analyses of volcanic glass and pheno- crysts; Richard L. Hay, Clyde Wahrhaftig, and Donald Savage, who advised me in this research; Garniss H. Curtis, who ran potassium-argon dates on several of the tuff samples in this study; Leonard Vigus, who helped with construction of research equipment; Leonard Leudke, who prepared and polished micro- probe samples; and Katherine Condon, who helped in laboratory preparation of tuff samples. Thanks are given to the following people at the US. Geological Survey in Menlo Park: Alan Bartow, who gave me information on the tuff in the Merced(?) For- mation of Sonoma County; Brent Fabbi, who ran XRF analyses on several tuff samples; Kenneth F. Fox, Jr., who advised me on the use of the cluster analysis pro- gram; and Paul C. Russell, who did glass separation on tuff samples and helped with the drafting. I also thank Donald 0. Emerson, of the University of California, Davis, for information on the Putah Tuff Member. I am grateful for a Penrose Grant from the Geologi- cal Society of America and for a Graduate Research Grant from the University of California. GEOLOGIC SETTING Late Cenozoic deposits in the central Coast Ranges of California are discontinuous sedimentary and vol- canic prisms occupying axes of northwest-trending post-Miocene 'basins, dissected remnants mantling up- lifted northwest-trending ranges, elongate truncated edges of sedimentary prisms upwarped along zones of flexure or faulting between areas of uplift and subsid- ence, and elongate northwest-trending fault-bounded slivers situated along major fault zones. Throughout much of the central Coast Ranges, late Cenozoic de- posits lap onto deformed rocks of Jurassic to Miocene age along major unconformities and are themselves strongly deformed. Late Cenozoic deposits include both sedimentary and volcanic rocks. In the western part of the area, marine Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments are associated with brackish-water deposits and freshwater alluvial and lacustrine deposits of approximately the same age, though the contact relations between them in most places are concealed by younger alluvium or severed by faults. For instance, the marine Merced(?) Forma- tion of Sonoma County probably interfingers to the east and northeast with the brackish-water and fresh- water Petaluma Formation and with the freshwater alluvial Glen Ellen Formation (Bartow and others, 1973), but the transition from one formation to the other is nowhere continuously exposed. In the eastern basins, the late Cenozoic 'sediments are mainly allu- vial, fan, and lacustrine deposits. Throughout most of the study area, the western basins are separated from the eastern by northwest-trending ranges underlain by older rocks. The volcanic rocks, restricted primarily to the northern part of the study area, form thick and extensive fields and interfinger locally with sedimen- tary rocks. Pyroclastic rocks in the study area are found as thick deposits interbedded with flow rocks within the volcanic fields and thinner tuff units inter- bedded with sedimentary deposits. Most of these thin- ner units were probably derived from volcanic fields within the study area. Such tuffs are fairly widespread in late Cenozoic sections throughout the central Coast Ranges, though they constitute but a small percentage of the total sediment volume. These tuffs are a useful tool in correlating stratigraphic sections between widely separated areas, especially between marine and continental sections and between sedimentary and vol- canic sections for which fossil and radiometric data are often inadequate. ‘ Tuffs interbedded in thick volcanic piles were closer to eruptive centers; consequently they contain coarser material than tuffs in the outlying areas. Two such thick volcanic piles within the study area are the Sonoma volcanic field and the Clear Lake volcanic field, but a major potential source of tuffs from outside the Coast Ranges is the area southwest of Mount Las- sen, in the southern Cascade Range of northeastern California (inset map, fig. 1). SONQMA VOLCANIC FIELD The term Sonoma volcanic field, as used herein, refers to an area of middle and late Pliocene volcanism in the northern part of the study area. The Sonoma Volcanics, deformed and partially eroded, is the rock formation defined by Weaver (1949) which represents the present distribution of the Sonoma volcanic field. This formation is composed of pyroclastic deposits and lava flows with associated intrusive dikes. The rocks are predominantly silicic but range in composition from basalt to rhyolite. Two sections in the southeast- ern part of the field were studied in detail: the Monti- cello Road section east of Napa (fig. 1, locs. 17, 45—51) and the Goodyear Station section a few miles north- west of Suisun Bay (fig. 1, locs. 19—21). The Monticello Road section consists of more than 600 m of tuff, brec- cia, and flows of predominantly dacitic composition (figs. 2 and 3). The Clear Lake volcanic field (Becker, 1888; Ander- son, 1936; Brice, 1952), northeast of the Sonoma vol- canic field, was active during late Pliocene and Sample No. Age (K—Ar), in m.y. 47 CLEAR LA tion, in metres column Elevation in sec- Stratigraphic < <% / CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA KE VOLCANIC FIELD Lithology Pebble, cobble,and boulder conglomerate in channels in top of tuff \Reddish paleosol developed in top of unit <<< < 600 - 500 - Tuff with rounded pumice Iepilli as much as 2.5 cm long in fine-grained matrix Tuff with angular to subrounded lithic fragments as much as 0.6 cm in die» meter, and pumice lapilli as much as 2 cm in diameter; lithic fragments are andesite and rhyolite or dacite(?) Pumice-Iapilli tuff-breccia and pumice» block breccia. Massive beds, 0.6—6 m thick, of unsorted, angular, tubular, light-bluishgray to dark-gray pumice fragments 1.3—5 cm in average dia- meter. Pumice blocks as much as 40 cm long. Pumice has pearly sheen, is rather dense and hard, with small vesicles. .\ Matrix consists of pink to brown, soft opaline(?) material and mont- 400 — —’~ 300- morillionite clay, together with vitric ash. Locally, this unit contains welded tuff near top Blocks, as much as 1 m in diameter, of banded dacite and perlite in matrix of pumice breccia and vitric ash Perlite, approximately 3 m thick Light-purplish-gray to gray flow-banded vescicular dacite. Flow banding is very irregular, forming dome-and-basin shapes several metres across. Flow bands are spaced 1-8 cm apart. Ve- sicles are localized along flow bands Massive bluish-gray flow-banded dacite Dacite ._\ Black, porphyritic pitchstone, 10-60 cm thick, containing angular to round lithic fragments (= welded zone7).Un- derlain by a zone of welded dacite(?) 4.220.1‘ 49 50 -5.4 20.21 51 < 200 — breccia approximately 1.5 to 2 m thick, containing lenses of gray porphyritic glass Lithic breccia and tuff-breccia, 6-9 m thick; decrease in amount of lithic fragments downward, with increase in amount of vitric ash and pumice lapilli Creamy,light-gray to white chalkypumice I'apilli and vitric-ash tuff Andesite(?) dike Narrow zone of welded dacitic(?) pumice- Iapilli tuff containing lenses and stream- ers of glass Dark grayishvbrown andesitic ash tuff, 12 m thick, containing black to very dark brown scoria Iapilli and bread crust scoria bombs as much as 30 cm in diameter Light-gray to tannishvgray pumice-lapilli and vitric-ash tuff, 1.5 m thick, in thin beds rangingfrom afew centimetres to 0.6 m thick, interbedded with tuffaceous sandstonecontaining round- ed pumice lapilli as much as 1.2 cm long Lower part of section (upper part of lower part may be partly or wholly correlative with upper part shown at right) Quaternary time (Brice, 1953; G. H. Curtis, oral com- mun., 1971). The volcanic rocks erupted in the Clear Lake area range in composition from basalt to rhyolite. Pyroclastic rocks are rare, suggesting that explosive volcanic activity was unimportant in the development >3 E o u. .s 82 u - ,4 : a -- 2 :x ‘2 E i = o 5‘ .9 E g. E _ c. a. ._ _ o e ~ v o E a s .5 E ° 0) < Lu "‘ in Lithology 3° — v “—JLight-gray to white porphyritic rhyolite 45.141.820.12——~‘~ —‘ flow or welded tuffi?) containing an- " gular lithic volcanic fragments g ” a 0 D”\Black porphyritic pitchstone or obsidian ‘5 2° ’ D with angular lithic fragments and pla- § o o O gioclase feldspar phenocrysts (welded ._ I: ‘2 top of tuff sequence?) 2 0°C Light-tan to grey indurated welded tuff, 3 with flattened pumice-lapilli as much ‘1 V V as 1 3 cm Ian 5 1° ' \ ' g o. \/ Gray crudely stratified poorly sorted d. \/ \l pumice-Iapilli tuff D 46 V Gray, coarse pumice-Iapilli tuff. Lapilli V V as much as 1.3 cm long 0 E i‘.‘ 7 7 x a It? c o 3 6 V v “White massive unstratified coarsepumice- u g lapilli tuff, with pumice lapilli as much a = - , _ .2 —l3 V ' o 17 “0+0 ) v \/ as 2 cm in diameter. Ash flow tuffl?) as .3 0 a 5 3 3: §- 3 o p. I Menkinen, 1972 1 G. H. Curtis, oral commun., 1971 3 Age inferred on basis of correlation with chemically similar Lawlor Tuff, dated at 4.0 t 0.2 m.y. FIGURE 2,—Stratigraphic section exposed along Monticello Road, southeastern part of Sonoma volcanic field (locs. 17, 45—51). ANALYTICAL METHODS SW Older Dacite tuffs Pumice flows breccia :‘ n ’ Young tuffs St. Helena Rhyolite Member of Sonoma Volcanics Oldest NE Tuff WIth tuff scoria bombs 4.0 1 0.23 3.8 t 0.12 METRES FEET 1000 a- o 1/2 1 MILE 150° L I l | I I I n -1000 0 .5 1 KILOMETRE 500 - — 500 0 «— 0 FIGURE 3,—Structure along a section roughly parallel to Monticello Road (sample locs. 17, 45—51), southeastern part of Sonoma vol- canic field. Stratigraphic relations between monoclinal section in southwest and St. Helena Rhyolite Member of Sonoma Volcanics in northeast are not clear, but the St. Helena appears to be youngest unit in section. of the field. However, a small area of tuff is exposed at Cobb Mountain and near Siegler Canyon in the Lower Lake quadrangle (Brice, 1953). At the Siegler Canyon locality, the tuff is a poorly vesiculated pumice breccia forming part of the late Pliocene Cache Formation of Anderson (1936). SOUTHERN CASCADE RANGE VOLCANIC FIELD The large volcanic field in the vicinity of Mount Las- sen, northeast of Sacramento Valley (inset map, fig. 1), has been active throughout late Cenozoic time, from at least the late Pliocene to Holocene time (Macdonald, 1966). Tephra from some of the more explosive erup- tions, such as the Nomlaki Tuff Member 'of the Tehama Formation, was depoSited in northeastern and north- western Great Valley (Russell, 1931; Anderson and Russell, 1939). Although the southern Cascade Range in the vicinity of Mount Lassen is approximately 320 km to the northeast of the main study area, it is a potential source area for some of the water-transported tuffs in the central Coast Ranges because this area has drained through the San Francisco Bay area since at least Pleistocene time (Hall, 1966; this study). All tuff units examined in this study are listed in table 1. A more detailed discussion of the texture, stra- tigraphy, and structure of the tuffs and the strati- graphic sections is given in the description of units. Basic data on radiometric age determinations for this study are given in table 2. ANALYTICAL METHODS Samples of tuff were collected both laterally and ver- tically in a stratigraphic section wherever possible to test for random and systematic variations within each unit. Between 200 and 500 grams of sample were taken for physical and chemical analysis. In addition, larger samples, up to several kilograms, were taken at sev- eral localities for radiometric dating. Laboratory work consisted of five main operations: (1) physical descrip- tion of the tuffs on the basis of microscopic examina- tion, (2) measurement of the refractive indices of glass, (3) mafic-mineral analysis, (4) X-ray fluorescence spec- trometric analysis for minor and trace elements, and (5) radiometric dating of the tuffs. REF RACTIVE INDICES OF GLASS The range of refractive indices for several samples of each tuff were measured under the petrographic mi- croscope after the samples were treated with 8 percent hydrofluoric acid to remove altered and hydrated sur- faces. The Becke line method, a D-line filter, and Car- gille immersion liquids calibrated to 0.002 R.I. inter- vals were used in determinations, and the ranges of refractive indices were corrected for temperature vari- ations. Precision attained for the average refractive index of glass in the sample was $0.001. MAFIC-MINERAL ANALYSIS Samples were crushed and sieved, and the 120- to 60-mesh fraction (0.125 to 0.250 mm) was separated in a Frantz magnetic separator. The magnetic fraction was separated in bromoform, the heavy separate placed in optic oils, and mafic mineral frequencies were determined by line count under a petrographic micro- scope fitted with a mechanical stage. X-RAY FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETRIC ANALYSIS Relative and absolute concentrations of trace- and minor-element concentrations in tuff samples were de- termined by means of a Norelco Universal Vacuum Spectrograph using the analytical procedures de- scribed by Jack and Carmichael (1968; see table 3). Samples were analyzed for iron, titanium, barium, manganese, zirconium, rubidium, strontium, zinc, yt- trium, gallium, niobium, copper, and nickel. Two types of analyses were run: (1) rapid-scan analyses of acid- treated whole-rock samples, which indicate relative proportions of the rubidium-niobium group (rubidium, strontium, yttrium, niobium) on the basis of relative 6 CORRELATION 0F LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA peak intensities (Jack and Carmichael, 1968) and (2) “absolute” analyses of glass separated from the whole- rock sample, which indicate concentrations of all ele- ments listed above by comparison with analyzed standards. Powdered whole-rock samples for rapid scan were treated with 10 percent hydrochloric acid in order to remove strontium in carbonate form, a com- mon groundwater contaminant (Sarna-Wojcicki, 1971). Rapid-scan analyses can be useful in indicating the correlation between specific units. However, when con- sidering a large number of units within a single pet- rographic province, such as those erupted from the Sonoma volcanic field, chemical similarities between units often result in overlap of data for sample groups from different tuff units. Variations in ground-water and detrital contamination and in concentrations of crystals and lithic fragments may cause a spread or scatter of the data, again resulting in apparently over- lapping sample groups. In either case, the results make correlation on a fine scale difficult or impossible. In such situations a procedure that has better resolution than rapid scanning of whole-rock samples is neces- sary. For this reason, volcanic glass of selected samples was separated and scanned to see if the spread of data for individual units could be reduced. Selected samples were crushed and sieved, and glass from the 120- to 60-mesh fraction (0.125 to 0.250 mm) was separated using the Frantz magnetic separator. The glass was treated with 10 percent hydrochloric acid, etched with 5 percent hydrofluoric acid, and cleaned in an ultrasonic vibrator to remove adhering fine particles. The magnetic properties of some samples prevented complete separation of the salic minerals and altered- glass fragments from the clean glass. Some of these TABLE 1.——U nits studied [See figure 1 for locations of samples] Sample Radiometric age locality Material Unit Geologic age (K-Ar), in my. References 1 Water- laid tufl‘ ,,,,,,,,,,,, Merced Formation (type section) 1. Late Plioceone and early Pleistocene 1. 49:0. 75 ,W, Hall (1966). 2 do ______________ Alameda Formation ________________________________________________________________________ do 3. 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Santa Clara Formation. Pliocene and Pleistocene Dibblee (1966) 5 Ash- fall(d?) tuff ____________ Tassajara Formation _____ Pliocene or Pleistocene __ Clark (1943). 6 Water-laid tuff ____________ Ohlson Ranch Formation _ _ Pliocene(?) ____________ Bartow, (oral commun., 1972). 7 Ash-flow tuff ____________ Unnamed formation ______________ Pleistocene ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wilson (1961); Gilbert (1969)" Curtis (oral commun., 1971).* 8—11 do ______________ Nomlaki Tuff Member Late Pliocene ____________________ Anderson and Russel (1939); of Tehama Formation. Evernden, Savage, Curtis, and James (1964):“ 12—15 Water-laid tufi" ____________ Putah Tuff Member of do ______________________ Miller (1966)*; Sims and Tehama Formation. Sarna-Wojcicki (1974). 16 Ash.tufi” __________________ Sonoma Volcanics __________________________ do ________________ Present study. 17 Ash-flow tuff Sonoma Volcanics 11- Weaver ($949). 18 0. 19—21 Ash-flow tuffs __ . Do. 22—28 do 620.16 ____ Patten (1947); present study.* 29, 30 do 1 _ 4.00:1.00 ____ Clark. (1943); present study.* 31, 32 Water- laid tuf‘f" Livermore Gravels 4.46:0.45 ___. Huey. (1948); present study.* of Clark (1930) 33, 34 do r" ____________ do ______________________________________________________________________ Do. 35-37 do Merced(?) Formation _ 5 68.0. 68 ,5” Travis (1952); present study. 38—40 Various types of do _________________________ , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.- ______ Travis (1952); Bartow, Sarna- Wojcicki, tuff. Addicott, and Lajoie (1973). * 41, 42 Water-laid tufi” ,,,,,,,,,,,, Petaluma Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Early or middle and late Pliocene __________________ Bartow, Sarna-Wojcicki, Addicott and Lajoie (1973). 43 do ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tassajara Formation or ______________ Pliocene or Pleistocene ____________________________ Clark (1943). Green Valley Formation. 44 do ______________ Unnamed tuff ____________________ Miocene or Pliocene ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8.18:2.0 111111 Curtis (oral commun., 1971))“ 45—49 Tuff ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sonoma Volcanics ________________ Middle or Upper Pliocene __________ ‘3.79:0.08 “A. Weaver (1947); Curtis (oral commun., 1971)* 50, 51 Tuff with scoria bombs ______________ do ________________________________ do ______________________ 253610.16 ,"1 Do. 52, 52A—C Tu ff ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pinole Tuff ______________________ Middle Pliocene ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a5,210.1 ...... Weaver (1947); Evernden, Savage, Curtis, and James (1964)“ 53, 54 Tuff with scoria bombs ______________ do ________________________________ do ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do. 55—62, 79 Tu if ______________________________ do ________________________________ do _ Do. 63, 63A—C do ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tassajara or ________ do ________________________ Do._ Green Valley Formation of Clark o(1943). 64 do ________________________________________________________ do _ Do. 65, 66 do ,,,,,,,, Green Valley Formation Pliocene ,,,,, Do. of Clark (1943) 67 do _ Tassajara Formation ______________ Pliocene or Pleistocene ____________ Do. 68 Vent breccia. Unnamed breccia .n Pliocene(?) ,,,,,,,,,,,, Travis (1952), 69 Pumice at Nap Sonoma Volcanics ________________ Pliocene __________________________ Weaver (1949); Jack and Glass Mountain. Carmichael (1968). 70 Obsidian at Napa do __________________________ 1,"-.. do ______________________ Do. Glass Mountain. 71 Pumice breccia __________ Cache Formation of Upper Pliocene ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Brice (1953). Anderson (1936) 77 Ash-fem?) tuft ____________ Unnamed tuif ____________________ Pliocene(?) ________________________ Patten (1947). 78 Ash-flow(?) tuff __________ Sonoma Volcanics ________________ Pliocene __________________________ Weaver (1947). *Reference to radiometric age date. lAt top of unit. 2At base of unit. “Near base of unit. METHODS OF EVALUATING CHEMICAL DATA 7 samples were separated in bromoform-alcohol mix- tures, but the use of heavy liquids was generally avoided in order to avoid contamination with bromine, which affects the rubidium analyses in the X-ray fluorescence procedure. The separated glass was then mixed with 20 percent by weight fibrous cellulose binder and pressed into 3.2-cm-diameter discs in a hydraulic press at pressures of about 2,500 kg/cm2 (35,000 lb/in2). The standards were similarly prepared in order to provide uniform surfaces for both sample and standard. Glass separates were then analyzed for “absolute” concentrations of other elements that cannot be easily analyzed by the rapid-scan technique: iron, titanium, barium, man- ganese, zinc, copper, nickel, and gallium, as well as the rubidium-niobium group. The position for each of these elements was calibrated with pure element standards (for example, RbCl for rubidium), and element con- centrations were determined by fixed-time counts at fixed 20 positions. Additional counts were made at ad- joining 26 positions to determine the shape and inten- sity of the background curve. U.S. Geological Survey standards used were G—1 and G2 for all elements ex- cept for gallium, zinc, copper, and nickel, for which W—l was used (Fleisher, 1969; Flanagan, 1969). METHODS OF EVALUATING CHEMICAL DATA Trace- and minor-element analyses were compared (1) graphically, utilizing binary and ternary diagrams and histograms, (2) by calculation of similarity coeffi- cients, using a computer program to perform analyses of similarity, and (3) by cluster analysis, using a com- puter program to calculate Q-mode cluster analysis on distance function, and shown on a dendrogram. GRAPHIC METHODS Rapid-scan analyses of whole-rock samples for the three most abundant elements in the rubidium- niobium group (rubidium, strontium, and zirconium) TABLE 2.—Analytical data on potassium-argon dates [Age determinations were made at the potassium-argon laboratory of the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley. Spectrometric analyses by N, Gilbert. Potassium analyses by J. Hempel] Sample Sample 40 Ar atm. Age loc. no. Unit Material (percent) (percent) (million years) 22 KA2310 Lawlor Tufl‘, Contra Costa Co. Coarse plagioclase crystals 0.7225 75.0 3.96:0.16 (24—48 mesh) 30 KA2319 Tuff in Tassajara Formation, Plagioclase crystals 0.6060 96.0 4.00: 1.00 south of Mount Diablo, Con- (60—120 mesh) tra Costa Co. 31 KA2323 Lower tuff bed in Livermore Plagioclase crystals 0.6030 89.9 4.46:0.45 Gravels of Clark (1930) south (60—120 mesh) of Livermore, Alameda Co. 37 KA2321 Tuff in the Merced(?) Formation Coarse plagioclase crystals 0.7642 92.1 5.68:0.68 near Roblar, Sonoma Co. (24-48 mesh) TABLE 3.—Summary of X—ray fluorescence spectrometer analytical conditions [Standard value of iron in percent; all other values in ppm. Modified in part from Jack and Carmichael (1968)] Exciting Primary Detector Standard (assumed value) Analytical Analyzing radiation beam (with pulse-height weight percent or Element line crystal (50 kilovolts) filter discrimination) Path parts per million LiF 200 W ________ Scintillation ____________ Air ________ G—2 (1.844) LiF 200 W ________ Flow-proportional ________ Vacuum ____ G—l (1560); G2 (2930) LiF 200 W _________ Scintillation ____________ Air ________ G—l (200); G-2 (280) LiF 200 W ________ Flow-proportional ________ Vacuum ____ G-l (1040); G—2 (2030) LiF 200 Mo 0.001”Ti Scintillation ____________ Air ________ W—l (78) LiF 200 Mo 0.001"Ti ____________ do __________________ do____ W—l (110) LiF 200 Mo 0.001”Ti ____________ do __________________ do_-__ W—l (82) LiF 200 Mo 0.001”Ti ____________ do __________________ do____ W—l (16) LiF 220 W ____________________ do __________________ do ___ G-l (220); G—2 (175) LiF 220 W ____________________ do ___________________ do_-__ G—l (250); G—2 (465) LiF 220 W ____________________ do __________________ do___- G—l (13); G—2 (10) LiF 220 W ________ ‘ ____________ do __________________ do____ G—l (210); G~2 (320) LiF 220 W ____________________ do __________________ do__-_ G—l (20); G2 (16) ‘Jack and Carmichael (1968). 8 CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA were recalculated to mutual percentages and plotted on a ternary diagram. Analyses of absolute concentra— tions of trace and minor elements in the purified glass were plotted on histograms and on binary diagrams of one element plotted against another. SIMILARITY COEFFICIENT A coefficient that allows all analyzed variables for a pair of samples to be compared has been derived by Borchardt, Aruscavage, and Millard (1972). This simi- larity coefficient, which is 1 for identical analyses, is given by: M: R.- dm) =" 1,. , (1) where d(A,B) = d(B,A) = similarity coefficient for compari— son between sample A and sample B, i = element number, n = number of elements Ri = XiA/XiB iinBBXiA; otherwise XiB/XiA, XiA = concentration of element i in sample A, and XiB = concentration of element i in sample B. The similarity coefficient is a simple and effective way of comparing any quantitative parameters for any group of samples, and the method is readily adapted to a simple computer program. The only disadvantage to this method involves comparison of a large number of samples. For 50 samples, 1,225 comparisons must be made; for 100, 4,950, and for 200, 19,900 since the number of comparisons increases exponentially with increase of the sample population. For large sample populations, provisions must be made to extract coeffi- cients within a selected range. Borchardt, Aruscavage, and Millard (1972) have also introduced weighting coefficients in order to minimize the effect of the least accurately determined elements on the similarity coefficients. In this study, weighting coefficients were not used. Instead, only those elements were used that were considered reliable, both with re- spect to the precision of the analysis and the natural variability of the elements within the volcanic glass. The reliability of any particular element was evaluated by multiple analyses of samples from a single, extensive tuff bed (locs. 22—28). Analyses were made on samples collected both laterally and vertically in the section in order to test the internal consistency of chemical and physical properties within a single dep- ositional unit. Analyses for only those elements that showed a high degree of consistency (iron, titanium, barium, manganese, zirconium, rubidium, strontium, and zinc) were used in calculating similarity coeffi- cients and the cluster analysis described in the next section. Comparisons of multiple analyses of a single unit indicated that copper, nickel, gallium, and, to a lesser extent, yttrium were not reliable for correlation purposes, mainly because these elements occur in low concentrations not much above the detection limit of the X-ray fluorescence method. Consequently, the pre- cision for analyses of these elements was low and these elements were not included in the comparison proce- dure. In addition, strontium, though abundant, varies greatly owing to ground-water contamination, con- centration in feldspar and mafic microlites and phenocrysts, and concentration in mafic and inter- mediate lithic volcanic fragments. However, strontium is important in distinguishing between tuffs derived from different volcanic fields, so analyses of similarity were run both with and without strontium. CLUSTER ANALYSIS In addition to calculation of similarity coefficients, the chemical data were also compared by means of Q-mode cluster analysis using a computer program by Parks (1970). According to Parks, the program “com- putes an R-mode principal components analysis (factor analysis with unities in the principal diagonal)* * *” using the simple distance function. Factor scores are then calculated, forming a set of “new orthogonal (un- correlated) variables.”1 The formula used for the sim- ple distance function for R-mode analysis is d1,2=1.O—[ Using the new orthogonal variables, the program “computes a Q-mode similarity matrix, comparing each sample with all other samples across all vari- ables,” using the distance function as similarity coeffi- cient. The formula for distance function for Q-mode analysis is N 2 1/2 2 (X1 i—le.) W] . i:1 M 1/2 d1,2= [ Z (Xi 1 ‘Xi 2)2/M] - i=1 The Q-mode similarity matrix now contains the eu- clidian distance between all possible pairs of samples measured in a space with dimensionality equivalent to the number of factors found in the R-mode principal components analysis. This matrix is then searched for the two samples with the least distance between them, which are then combined to form a cluster and the measurements of the pair averaged. All distances be- lSome of the elements analyzed in this study, for instance, iron and manganese, are not independent variables but, on the contrary, show a high degree of correlation for certain sample groups (see fig. 7). RESULTS OF ANALYSES 9 tween either member of the pair and other samples are recalculated using the newly averaged measurements of the cluster. The process is repeated until all the samples are grouped into a number of clusters of prog- ressively greater distance (higher values of the dis- tance function). The program plots all the groups on a dendrogram that shows the relations of all individual samples and all groups of samples to each other, with respect to the distance function. The advantage of this method is that several orders of chemical variability and relations between samples are readily apparent in a two-dimensional format. Since the outcome of the clustering procedure is influ- enced by the composition of every sample present in the sample group, the actual values of the distance function and the resulting clusters formed are affected by the range of compositional types included in the comparison. Inclusion of particularly unusual compo- sional varieties in the cluster analysis results in tighter clustering (smaller values of the distance func- tion) for samples of similar composition, while exclu- sion of such unusual varieties results in a greater spread (higher values of the distance function) between the remaining samples. Inclusion or exclusion of the unusual compositional varieties serves as a device with which to focus on compositional variations be- tween sample groups of particular interest. RESULTS OF ANALYSES Before individual tuff units can be correlated by means of trace- and minor-element chemistry, the var- iability within and between individual eruptive units2 and within and between individual volcanic fields must be established. Greatest differences in trace- and minor-element chemistry were observed between silicic tuffs on the one hand and intermediate pumice- lapilli tuffs on the other. These differences are illus- trated by the two analyses shown in table 4. The group average similarity coefficients between silicic and in- termediate tuff groups range between 0.42 and 0.61, with an overall average of 0.51, the lowest average coefficient for all sample groups considered (fig. 4). Large differences between the silicic and intermediate tephra are also indicated by the dendrogram derived from cluster analysis (fig. 5). Silicic and intermediate samples are grouped at highest values of the distance function (0.25—0.48). Among silicic tuffs, greatest differences are observed between tuffs derived from different volcanic fields. Tuffs that are definitely known to have been erupted in 2An eruptive unit is defined here as a collection of all those outcrops that, on the basis of several criteria, primarily trace- and minor-element chemistry of the volcanic glass but also petrographic characteristics, radiometric age, stratigraphic position, fossil data, and other pertinent information, are considered to be products of a single eruption or of multiple eruptions closely spaced in time. TABLE 4.—Comparison of glass compositions of a silicic and an intermediate tuff [Concentrations of iron and silica, in percent; all other concentrations in parts million] SiOz Fe0+ Fe203 Ti Ba Mn Zr Rb Sample 501 .......... 62.70 6.86 7362 428 1596 207 54 Sample 372 __________ 71.43 1.62 803 698 237 247 181 ‘Intermediate tuff with scoria bombs. 2Silicic tufl‘. the southern Cascade Range, such as the Nomlaki Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation (Anderson and Rus- sell, 1939; Lydon, 1967) and a pumiceous tuff near Mineral (Wilson, 1961; Gilbert, 1969), have higher concentrations of strontium and lower concentrations of iron, zirconium, zinc, and yttrium than tuffs erupted in the Sonoma volcanic field (table 5). The samples of pumice tuff near Mineral (fig. 1, loo. 7) and the Nom- laki Tuff Member (fig. 1, locs. 8—11) have low similarity coefficients when compared with silicic tuffs erupted from the Sonoma volcanic field (fig. 4). Group average similarity coefficients comparing tuffs from the south- ern Cascade Range and the Sonoma volcanic field range from 0.48 to 0.64, with an overall average of 0.60. Tuffs from different volcanic provinces have dis- tance function values of between 0.135 and 0.210 (fig. 5). Differences between tuffs derived from the Sonoma volcanic field, those from the southern Cascade Range, and those of inferred southern Cascade Range prove- nance are graphically illustrated in figures 6 and 7. Silicic tuffs of different ages that are known to have been erupted from the same volcanic field show smaller compositional differences than those erupted from dif- ferent volcanic fields. Age and source criteria inde- pendent of chemical analyses are available to test the validity of this assertion. Relative and absolute ages of many of the units studied are known from stratigraph- ic position and radiometric dates. With respect to source, it is possible to identify those tuffs that were erupted, for example, from the Sonoma volcanic field by several criteria. First, coarse tuffs, tuff-breccias, and agglomerates are interbedded with flow rocks in the Sonoma volcanic field itself, indicating proximity of the tuffs to vents. For instance, north of Suisun Bay (fig. 1, locs. 19—2 1) pumice bombs as much as 30 cm in diameter were found in coarse ash flow tuffs. Second, in outlying areas beyond the Sonoma volcanic field, the source of the more widespread silicic tuffs is indicated by coarseness of the tuffs and by size gradients that increase towards the Sonoma volcanic field. Independ- ent confirmation of the source of these tuffs is obtained from the trace- and minor-element analyses of the vol- canic glass. Most analyses of tuffs in the central Coast Ranges show strong chemical similarities between tuffs of the Sonoma volcanic field and those of the out- 10 CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA l I I I I I ll 1| I I I II I SnmpleLoc.12 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 111213141616171819102122132425282728293081323884 ' 1 1 Tufhlnccntnl 2 93 l mamas: 3 as V ""0“ ' 4 35 33971 1713534113341 3111314314111. °"' “m“ 3“" 5 31 73 31 351 75 66 57 eruptedinsouthem — _ s 76 7384 88 801 cm"‘3'“'° _ 1 5754 7514 5331 1 3 307375771512 551 82 "fifiu‘l‘i‘fifiifl’i 9 313373717312 54 931 63 63 “on 10 31793031 7373 3992931 L _11323314757371 359194901 ' ['1254513353555154323733351 W%W“M;mb°; 13 53 59 54 35 33 54 33 30 35 53 34 911 90 gon(h‘mu_l‘“‘:;“5 14 53 50 55 37 5155 55 30 35 35 54 39 951 78 comhuvetuuuc) 15 3533 39711253 5435717170 33 35391 316 305934333334 3459343433 339393331 ”11 315351313231 5430533334 3232323232 1 “tagg‘ggym' 13 33 53 51513153 53 33 37 37 33 7373173277 911 volnmcmfiim‘ — 19 52 32 53 53 32 33 5153 33 33 35 3073773177 93911 20 535353535253 5034335537 3173733113 9390931 21533353513053 3054535539 7774731973 339293931 '22 335359593253 5253 37 37 53 3130 73 3113 91939394921 93 23 535353533157 5253335355 3230713079 9391339492931 24 305159595953 5351333534 3031307931949393919093931 ”I n 25 325253333157 5153355535 7977733073 91929392929593921 “WT“ ‘ 23 535459593353 5134373735 3077773277 9191919594939591931 27 335339395157 5253515733 3073137913 949197939493939494931 23 523259593057 3233333335 7979773077 92939795929793939593931 _29 553550503353 5053393753 7774133174 3991939293919139939392921 30 523253533151 5133333355 3073733073 939193949195949393959195921 Widespreldsfllcictufls Llwlox’ruffcomll- 31 543431513359 53 33 33 33 57 307377 3377 92 94 9392 94 95 94 94 95 94 94 93 94 941 emptedincentrll — fixtlioumofMount_ 32 53 3359535133 52 33 53 35 53 307373 3013 90 9495 93 93 9795 9495 95 9593 92 94951 CoutRmeI D I” 33 523259595055 5134353554 7473727312 31949137 9091393993909092919193921 34 343431303253 5233573755 7375731973 33923933339139339190399133399292951 '35 555152543354 3139333353 3290913290 7175 12 7233 75 74 77 711172 74 33 72 72 74 1110 33 53 53 3131 54 33 5533523252 33 909030 90 73 74 72 72 33 14 74 73717172 13 33 72 72 73 70 70 Tufflnbaercedlfl) 31 5553 33 3433 34 5130345434 3190 39 3033 75 72 7172 53 74 73 75 70 70 7173 37 717112 31 33 §g$;.°é‘°:my' 33 54 5332343134 57 59 5454 33 3139337735 1439 7070 35117212 53 59 70 70 3470 7039 55 33 39 555753323732 55 33 333339 313134 7533 13 7371113374 7375 70 71 71 7357 7111 723339 _40 525531323533 5553525232 3537347534 741170703773727439397071337010115753 41535934345953 5331535355 3033357335 15 1a 7172 53 74 74 7370 7172 7337 72 71 733339 5"“‘h°m°°"°“""" 42 52 5430 3153 32 52 57 52 5231 34 37 35 7334 747110 70 37 72 72 74 59 39 70 7135 7010 70 33 33 oftuflinthoMer - "damommon 43 55 533334 57 53 5559533333 73 34 353535 73131514 7177737574 74 7375107374 737212 _44 535551525252 5555513130 3190903290 307375757213733175757577117315117474 Uncommedtuthot '54 5353 55 54 53 33 5553333332 3490 923491 33 13 13 73 13 30 79 33 77 17 73 79 13 73 73 73 73 75 centnICoutRanle 55 105511701535 5159717270 303079 3475 74 7774 757515747374 7573 74 751317157573 provenancesouth 1 33 595770101455 5310727271 313130 3577 75 77 74 15 73 75 74 73 14 75 73 74 73 73 1177 73 13 olMountDiano _57 535354535349 4334543234 33 52513332 70 74 74 14 73 73 74 70 77 75 73 7330 13 75 74 77 73 '33 303353 371135 5554707039 3137333233 737373135375 757372721314 33737274 7170 sufgcggn‘z'fiu‘g; 52 595135 33 53 34 5552315753 30 353737 34 7317157311 7315 7174 14 15 11 71 75 75131373 :oéeniivetutusaf 57 53 3752545359 5033315333 7773303773 14 1713 74 17 73 73 73 74 74 72 74 74 72 73 73 74 14 _ _53 533553525559 5432575733 3230733419 353335 35353734 3334 37 3335 33 33 3537 35 33 ‘ suiciccumexpoud ‘45 454353355955 4350525449 59 32525554 33 53 59 33 53 53 33 35 33 39 57 37 59 37 33 35 35 33 snicxcmmmanom nonguonticeuo - 43 555753 59 3553 5159335152 9139337937 3275 30331979 30197730 3079737373 73 7373 ofSonomlvolcanlc — Road _43 41495553 53 55 3054535757 72 70 7154 39 345352 3230 53 52 35315252 5353315132 3130 field . 59 404243493450 4343505050 5359335359 5434 51315952333430515152533132325151 LNm'GmM°“““‘“‘[70 394147435349 4343494949 5533355157 33 33 5130 53 51 31 33 30 59 50 30 53 30 32 32 50 30 ' '51 545143474243 4353575759 5250495149 39333232353131 515332323254 3232333733 Intermzdéntetum 49 515047414741 4454345453 5334323031 39 72 73 11 71 72 72 72 74 72 73 73 7173 71 73 7574 3‘23 fl°ntM°nu 50 33 40 32 33 3135 33 44 44 4344 35 373435 33 374139 33 40 39 39 394033 33 3940 39 40 404343 Hetgotzeneogisntephn ° °R°‘d L41 5050 454544 40 435554 5255 59515157 57 53 57 70 70 70 59 7170 10 39 7170 53 7157 70 7133 0 name ecom- ._ poduonogmole 55 545747434539 3933535154 5250495449 50343433 33533251353453 33 5533543439 59 Tun-1131501101113 _ 55 553547474340 39 55 54 52 53 5351505350 31 35 5534 59 34 33 5235 35 34 34 53 54 5335 70 7o volcmcfleluMon“. . 53 454333393140 4551514931 4543444544 51 55 53 51 54 53 53 53 54 32 32 53 32 53 54 55 5751 “nonmdmfiom IntermedmtePInole 54 50 33 42 4a 40 44 4257555457 5143414943 51 51 30 59 5130 50 50 51503030 5030 31523534 mm 7 59 523555545347 4351315932 5053533053 53 7313 127312 7171 74 72 72 73 7572 73 73 77 77 30 533143494545 4230505730 4345435147 57 57 59 59 5157 51 555030 59 5353 59 59 5331 31 51495242423943 4353555355 5351495150 55 30 53 57 59 50 59 33 59 59 53 59 53 53 39 503354 _ _32 505244444137 3349494350 4344444744 53575355595554 54573355555355 53555050 Volcanic e t. Countyvn s”mm—53 55 32 35 3570 53 5350303457 515733 39 33 32 35 32 5130 34 5152 53 52 50 54 59 50 53 34 32 52 rutt-breccia.Cache —71 713914 14 73 73 3572 14 1512 707213 75 71 33 35 32 32 32 34 34 54 33335353 54 3335543335 Formation of Ander- son (1933 ). c133: Lake area FIGURE 4.——Similarity coefficient matrix. Similarity coefficients are calculated for each sample pair in study group. Individual values of similarity coefficients are given in lower left half of matrix, while average values for main sample groups are given in symmetric positions across the identity diagonal in upper right half of matrix. Calculations were made by comparison of following eight elements: Fe, Ti, Ba, Mn, Zr, Sr, Rb and Zn. No iron analyses were available for samples 1 and 2; consequently these samples were compared with other samples using remaining seven elements. Values of similarity coefficient are given in hundredths, with decimal point omitted. lying areas, including specific correlatives (fig. 1, locs. distance function are between 0.05 and 0.135. 17—34, 47, and 55). Similarity coefficients for silicic Smaller differences in chemical composition of vol- tuffs erupted in the Sonoma volcanic field range from canic glass are observed between samples of the same 0.66 to 0.85, with an average of 0.75, and values of the , tuff unit. The similarity coefficient for seven samples of RESULTS OF ANALYSES 11 1 I I 1 I; |_ I I II 11 II I I 1 II7 I I 85868788394041414844 64656661 (35261 58 45 “I! .910 61495041 5666535455606162 ‘8 'll 63 64 65 57 50 42 44 BE 61 64 64 55 48 50 52 |:0”7_2l 85 78 82 73 66 51 50 Hg 77 73 76 77 69 61 61 61 62 64 _1_ 1 7—7 911 99911 90 9999911 9991199911 99999999991 74 80 71 72 49 47 7 70 9191919991911 999191919199991 91919999999999911 9999999991919191991 L_ 99919999999999999999T I—H—I 19111919111911119119 991 99191119111911119191 91911 79 56 59 55 55 68 71 9999 9191919199999999 9991911 Li 99999199 9199 99 9: 99 99 99 99 99 99 1 mm 99 99 919119 9199 91 9991 99 99 9999 911 68 65 54 53 72 71 19191911191111119119 19999991 99991 1119111219111911999191999999 9999991 99999199999999999199 99919191 99999999 1 mm 99 99 19 99 99 99 19 91 19 99 91191192 19191199 911 62 50 48 67 8 11191111191111111919 11999911 19199191 99991 LJ 19111111111912191111 19919919 99999199 991991 1 I 44 47 '5_9"_' 19119911111919191111 99919119 99999991 999191 911 LIES 19191719191111199199 99999991 19999199 1991191111 1 mm 99 99 9199 919191 99 9991 99 99 99 99 99 999199 99 9191 9999 991 68 44 47 99999991919999999999 91999992 99991199 919919 9999 99191 99999999919199919999 91999999 91919999 919191 1919 1111921 LJLJ 19191911191911199991 91999999 91999199 999119 171119999991 1 ‘ 99191119111919199199 99909199 99919199 919990 1711 19199991 991 7 19191111191919111919 1119199919199191991991 1919 19111199 99991 5 11111911111919191991 91919291 11199199 119112 9292 91999991 1911991 4 99 99 91 91 99 91 9199 9991 9999 9199 99999191 99 9192 1911 99111911 991991111 42 19191119111919111119 19191199 11191992 9999119939 91999999 19191119111 19191111191919199999 92919199 19919999 919119 9191 11999191 9999999999191 11191919111111111911 11999199 19119999 111919 1111 99919919 191919911919111 1911111199191911 1111 111119 91 11191991 919111 9999 19199119 1119991911991919 1 51 1211111999 9919 991911 11 191199 11191991 199999 99 99 19911219 191919 9991919112 91 1 the Lawlor Tuff, for example, range from 0.91 to 0.97 with an average of 0.95. Values of the distance func- tion for samples within the Lawlor Tuff range between 0.015 and 0.050. Values of the distance function for duplicate analyses of single samples and on replicate analyses of samples from single exposures are in the lower part of this range (for example, locs. 3 and 4, 33 and 34, 65 and 66, fig. 1). Graphic analysis of the chemical data was usually sufficient to distinguish between most eruptive units because variations in chemical composition within units were considerably smaller than variations be- tween units. However, in a few instances, for example, the Putah Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation and the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County, differences between tuffs erupted from a single vol- canic province were rather subtle and could be resolved only by statistical comparison of analyses. CORRELATION 0F LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA 12 .3552 mtflm 35.80.:38 E 26382 maxi 89¢ 895m 85.23 2333* mm mp @383 “do «Sodom we :oEmEuom 63982 E has a 59a E pm 2353 :85 $8.8m «Swamp. mo 55852 &:E :3an 89a @353 «55533 w mm ma 038mm Azwcv wwubmaw 3:552» Emma mo mEom ma mfimamifir 3mm: me $583 wvnnoammmfi bnmnoa 0.8 335% a cmtfiw .zwdum Emmoa mo flan 5a 98 as: acmEmQES 5m @3535 :35 gm: Gulmbv «@962 «52m 23 Eoé 838$ 3E .nN HEN gm fim uN “:2 .mm .E. xi .8.“ vwsbmnm moafiwm 2. 8m 550:3 8.82:5 amEmwm awn—gem mum meEmw .8558; mmmfiwnm .5330 mo uzoafia 89¢ Emumoguawn—ld "0:5lo mmaEwm :< .I II I II V. mco: I ._moquu $st5: 1: m. 9.3m; mt...“ UPS .gummg “EM “5233 m 350: 95 mt3 22:“ __< .25 «tau u_u_mou:< B V I Al N 3 a «tau .1 £552 wtflm m \l]\|I>J 3 .I II N. II. . , t3... m 350» Boci ucw mo_:mo_o> 830m oucmm «mmoo cmcwm manommo wEatow £30an ucw m : 30¢:qu o m .l 53ch .o mu_:mo_o> «Eocow *0 £50: 95 mtg 22.5 :< 90 at...» 22:" :< t u . u I [I . . \|l\[J \lj .f \_|>J .Eu. .Eu. _ } _ II F. mecmk 0 33.33... E :u x|j } 30:5“,— Oca .auwmiwwm... .E_u. Shana... +0 mtg _ .Eu $33.52 :3. 5o: a 55:55. In... 3:250 $5.930 } } t .w \|j Ucm «catn— _ E :3. \lsxjmwan. .33. 20:. n. w an ta... m . :5 2:23.00 } In xii—x.) “Eu :3... 5.3m... _ \ , um _, ‘ «"fl}, 4_ _ \l 1/ }}:__ WII}}}‘}_:}WH: " : :1 :: ______ ___ __:: __ _ __:o I, 9 028463 523 M45682 2 83 35 7 9 6 7 908 7 7 $935431]. sews Messssuzm13u22mn2mmmmzwwwswn 1334 summnnunmmmmmwmuwnnmnw >._._ _._< 00:. w4m§~ E Q 1| m .a.... :1 Diablo NVHDO o . leermore nnva svauGNV “‘15 11th oHVM_A_ ’9‘, u o 10 a 9°00. ’39 a 18819 01:11.5) Vd 0 . MI Dmblo San Francixca NVHOO NV uvs o . Lwlrmore AaneA -__——. ~..__ 3:?an GUVMA_VH 1'1an Svaflo 7 <7 3°00, 20 MILES D 10 20 KILOMETHES FIGURE 8.—Maximum known areal distribution of five major eruptive tuff units (horizontal lined areas) identified in present study. A, Tuff at type locality of Merced Formation. B, Putah Tuff Member of Tehema Formation. C, Lawlor Tufi'. D, Pinole Tufl‘. E, Tufl‘ in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County. TUFF CORRELATIONS posits grade upwards into more silicic types. Figure 11 shows rapid-scan analyses on whole-rock samples from both sections. Similarity coefficients for heterogeneous intermediate tephra from the two localities are low, probably for the reasons mentioned above. The highest similarity coefficients for sample pairs from the two sections range from 80 to 87 (locs. 47, 53, 56, 59—62), about the same as the highest internal coefficients for the Pinole Tuff, except for samples from localities 55 and 56, which have a coefficient of 0.96. Intermediate tuffs from the Pinole and Monticello Road sections of the Sonoma volcanic field are more similar to each other than they are to any other analyzed tuff (fig. 4). In addition, radiometric ages support the correlation of these tuffs. A potassium-argon date of 5.2: 0.1 m.y. was obtained on a sample from the Pinole Tuff near the base of the section (10c. 61) (Evernden and others, 1964), whereas a 5.4:0.2-m.y. date was obtained on a sample of tuff with scoria bombs near the base of the Monticello Road section (10c. 50) in the Sonoma volcanic field (G. H. Curtis, oral commun., 1971). Since the pyroclastic rocks in the Monticello Road section are thicker and generally coarser and contain interbedded flow rocks and intrusive dikes, we might suspect that they are closer to the eruptive source than are the Pinole Tuff (fig. 1, locs. 52—62). The tuff con- taining the scoria bombs in the Pinole Tuff, however, is coarser at locality 53 than at the Monticello Road local- ity 50, suggesting that for this unit at least the erup- tive vent was closer to the Pinole localities. Similarities in stratigraphic sequence and glass chemistry at the Pinole and Monticello Road localities, as well as radiometric dates, suggest that the sections are contemporaneous and had a common source. How- ever, because niobium content in volcanic glass of the Monticello Road volcanic rocks is systematically higher (table 5, samples 45—62), it is still possible that tephra was erupted from a series of separate but re- lated vents and need not have had a common source. The Pinole Tuff is correlated in a general way with a 60-m-thick sequence of tuffs and tuffaceous sediments south of Mount Diablo. Rapid-scan analyses again show vertically systematic changes in chemical com- position in both sections (figs. 12 and 13). The similar- ity coefficient between the only complete “absolute” analysis made on a sample from the locality south of Mount Diablo and a tuff in the Pinole Tuff section is 0.91 (locs. 52 and 63). The sample at locality 52, how- ever, was obtained from near the top of the Pinole Tuff at Rodeo, while the sample at locality 63 was obtained from near the base of the section south of Mount Di- ablo; consequently these tuffs may not be correlative. Nevertheless, since the tuff at locality 63 is massive, while that at locality 52 is composed of rounded pumice 17 lapilli in a tuffaceous matrix, it is possible that the tuff at locality 52 was reworked from a more massive unit lower in the Rodeo section. LAWLOR TUFF The known extent of the Lawlor Tuff (fig. 1, locs. 22—30) and its correlatives (fig. 1, locs. 17—21, 29—34) is shown in figure 8. The Lawlor is an ash flow tuff, the distant end of which has been found as far south as the southwestern flank of Mount Diablo (fig. 1, locs. 29, 30), interbedded with the uppermost(?) part of the Tas- sajara Formation; a reworked, water-laid correlative has been found even further south on the north flank of the Diablo Range, south of the town of Livermore, where it is interbedded with the Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930) (fig. 1, locs. 31—34). Three outcrops of ash flow tuff correlative with the Lawlor have also been found within the upper part of the Sonoma Volcanics (fig. 1, 100. 17—21). The average similarity coefficient for analyses of the Lawlor Tuff and its correlatives is 0.93, while values of the distance function in cluster analysis range from 0.015 to 0.035 for all but one sample (29) and from 0.015 to 0.060 for all samples (fig. 5). The similarity of the chemical analyses can be easily visualized when histograms of the analyses are compared (fig. 14). The similarity of the analyses becomes even more remark- able when average values of samples from the physi- cally continuous Lawlor Tuff are compared with aver- age values of samples from all other known correlative but physically separate localities (table 6). Compari- sons of average values indicate greater consistency in concentrations even for some of those elements (yt- trium, gallium, niobium, copper, and nickel) that show considerable scatter in individual sample comparisons. Radiometric ages support correlations made on the basis of chemical fingerprints (fig. 9). A potassium- argon date of 3.96: 0.16 m.y. has been obtained for the Lawlor Tuff at its type locality in Lawlor Ravine in the hills south of Suisun Bay, north of Mount Diablo (fig. 9, locs. 22, 27, 28), a date of 4.01- 1.0 my on an exposure in the Tassajara area, south of Mount Diablo (fig. 9, table 2, 10c. 30), and a date of about 4.46:0.45 m.y. from its southernmost correlative in the Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930) (fig. 9, table 2, lacs. 31, 32). The tuff exposure correlative with the Lawlor Tuff near the top of the Monticello Road section (fig. 9, 10c. 17) is overlain by the St. Helena Rhyolite Member of the Sonoma Volcanics, dated at 3.8-: 0.1 m.y. (G. H. Curtis, commun., 1971), and, if my interpretation of the struc- ture in this area (fig. 3) is correct, is underlain by da- cite dated at 42:01 my. (Mankinen, 1972). At the southernmost locality correlative with the Lawlor Tuff, two thin tuffs in the Livermore Gravels of 18 CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA Clark (1930) are exposed; the lower bed is approxi- by 7.6 m of tuffaceous sediments and were probably mately 3 m thick (fig. 9, locs. 31 and 32), and the upper erupted within a short period of time of each other from bed is approximately 1.8 m thick (fig. 9, locs. 33 and a common vent in the Sonoma volcanic field. Samples 34). Both tuffs are water laid, well bedded, laminated, of the glass separated from the two tuffs have very and, locally, crossbedded. The two tuffs are separated similar minor- and trace-element concentrations and : Central Coast Ranges - E E c E Z . - a u > C : 3 o * > a a 5 8 g, a E E z 2 3 g 2 : _ w m z s g E .‘. o A 3 3 9 SE 5- "' U 3 0-; o QU. .3 'Sfi .1;> go 6” fig 33 § “'2? z: ”’0 5:; g: 725 3‘ a“... ".2 n >-' == * o, “a *= ° = " ° 0 E u u u = o E c c o o a e g 2 E = = g > ° 3 a .u u . .2 q, E u a . a I n o .: o > .- u a u > g 5 w: l‘ 5 >2: ~ ‘55: :30 03“ “1- > I: m “' 3 a 3 ° 0 : ~ -- c I : § 2 "’ j a ~w : m m E . c m o m "' a o E U) E m m C K a 0 o 2 v a O U 0 > O .- 3131: mg) 3) Gig“ r3 :°° i-Em :2” as 0.? c c .. _ ~ ._ " c 3 g q l 0 c §'§‘§ Sgi 3g .13; 3., :53 :35; .ggé gm 53 .. .. ._ .. E - 3:80 5,38 8o 50E :5 5:0 825 n>Z go go 3 u 3 m 3 I o 2 m In é 0 _ |L .9 h:- I—.E— s Hancholabrean\_ 5. _ E \‘auml3 : ... ‘5 L3; ,; r—_-u Uncon-L~_ -‘ L'__l lormit . — I_ _] E —__1 L‘— g r— 4 r_~_ 1 — i n —' - 3 4_’- ‘ Tufl in type section of Merced Formation I | V V — 1.5:03‘ .. 4a .' = ‘8 ‘ E ’- % .:_ i g ": ' .S — '; ._ .1, _ 3;, —_— _: - _ - L w -[ a _ _ u. . 1 "‘ ‘ E" m _ Irvingtoman - —_ L2 _ u: _ _ fauna—m": I < i _?__ -"— _- |"-_J . .9- Provenancel—M l"__,' 'g . change — - ' 5—. __.__ . 3- 2 —' .—. — _ u._' . ' E . h l >- D _ G ' fl 5 . 2 E J E 2‘ L_ - c . u L-_:l .‘g .‘l . _ a 'l m 3; -74 : E q l’ -— r ‘9 a .. 9‘_1 _ - .2 r— F—W < 3 A Upnsrmosr—. . . . '3 Blnncnn_. f _ 3—1 g ' — a» I—S- {-2-} LL! occurrence 0' ‘13- fauna‘ . _ ‘5: _> ___ fauna! l—i [- :1 |_ ScmellasrerI 3: —_- _u_: ‘L _ .— E'l l- 21 < imerh'neara l- ; -_-l ‘24:; l 1 — St. Helena '_ 54 _ Fu-j 5 55—3 t—‘l I.“ eta . or ——W 53:32:." ‘- “j g f- 3" E — —— _ . .-. — _ Member I- W ' > X L—"' r_| a .E- _m_ ,\ 3.13:0.” ErosionaILgl E: LTE‘lE _ ‘ FL. ; g . _ R_ surface 0 1- °'-1 “ 0 _j _| 2 ‘3- ,- § _ .E 45 5 .2 I F— ' . “- Futah Tun Member L5 - E / I -“ g 3-5 t of Tahama Formation _ D- _‘ u. —_ 46 _-_- .2 v V /17 _ < 2249— 19—21 c —VV 1: 31 34 4 ' LawlorTuff— :— V v I 7 V ““02. _ . .w 3 /Uncon— 4.5:05fl . _ . l‘ -l [E'g’l > H, v VV tummy - _ _ R v v V " om _ 47 _ .i [11 l§§ 4 | 7« V v I: _ . In) 4.220.1'043v HM] 1966 ._v ‘ : ‘Hall. [965 ’ 3:—-48 ’Louderbnck. 1951 .0 3V ,9 IDennis Son and R. J. McLaughlin. R7 >V g on] commun.. 19'“ 4'7 2 0.2' E a: g ’G. H. Curtis. on] commun.. 1911 0V > “Miller. use v 5v .2 5 _ “This study V (AV g aSavage. 1951 Vv T: 'Edward Mankinen. oral commun.. 1974 vW > ”Edward Mankinen. 1912 «:v n v V Evernden Incl others 1 9 6 4 s ‘0 . 5.4 I 0.2—— — "Bartuw and others, 1973 _ _ L. ”Jundn, ”55 Pmole Tu" and tufls In lower vv— 51 "Jean Firby-Durham, am commun.. 1974 Part 0' M°“‘IC'“° Road ‘ , WC‘IO" 6 _ FIGURE 9.—Summary of correlations of late Cenozoic tuffs based on chemical fingerprinting and petrographic characteristics of tufi's, stratigraphic position and sequence, potassium-argon ages, and fossil evidence. Solid horizontal lines indicate correlation certain; dashed horizontal lines indicate correlation probable; and queries indicate correlation uncertain. Location of sections shown in figure 1. are hard to distinguish by these analyses (table 7). Neutron activation analyses, however, indicate that the glass composition of the two tuffs is distinct (H. R. Bowman and Sarna-Wojcicki, unpub. data). Similarity TUFF CORRELATIONS | Northern T Sacramento Valley 3 u u = I I! 5 S E 5 a .3 S g E e 0 8: g o c “ 3 a ‘ E )~ . _ l- 5 3 ° 9 w s .2 a 2 g z =- ' ‘5 0 ~ in . i z : o “ 3 ° 3 t “ a > ° § § .: g 0 a c E a l- .5 v- u o o u .. .l g o t a a 8 c 3 °‘ u S 2 " 5 s E s .2 w 5 S e z . - >. ~ 9 E v a; . - 3 2 .~ 0 a E : L ~ . 0 = E : C 2 n o > - ‘— 0 . _ 1’ " 0 0 a o a 2 a o - U c m > a s > U 3 o .2 = 3 > .aa ”a; :2 g: g: g: a_: 2,: i3 83: ES .53 £3 453 5:33 5:33 3.! tags 30 .20 go .20 520 can .— a g > > m > z z D 6: 0.02 7 Erosional urine. 1 1 :::.:::: 1 2 20.7’ Irvingtonian fauna 3 'a o a a t: u s E» _ _ .‘g 8 t—j __'I —_ _E1 *| “>- — ._ - —_ _ 5- mom i c -| :‘_ Bluncan'Lo-u Fttl (Burn 0- ._ .4 . _ PE 4 _~_- fauna hE"; f' E1 ‘_". 841 .fi' 3 °1 - — . l—- u. u‘] - - u, Nomlakl Tu" 7 E 1 '__. E Member 2 0‘ l- '%-| __.__ a (type localitv) I" V‘W a ' - ._ ~ _ v v l” .2" - ' 3 I. .1 to. _ — - 5 so — ' - E EXPLANATION :- E ._ - n 4.0:”)1 {>1 0 E ....«._ : .c 4 '5 7: '3'. = Volc-nic flow rg E .‘u- o z. r g ._ .m e c D ‘ - - ': e r .3 is - ~ 3 E u _ 2 t, .‘E c . 't :— Homphillian' _ N t _ | Clastlc sedimentary deposi I 5- D 3 l' “- WV - i ., s —' We — HempA .— E i'_ «LI — E him“ . . . . l: E L' Tuff 2 fauna _ i- E- I 63c “ L “.1 633 F :31 2 Approximate position of fossil :8 -| '5 assemblage ' at 63A :1 :1 c f-E -l 5 7 63 3 I'. 32.4 Location of chemically analyzed _ '- r_U-_.I \‘5 sample. See fig. 1 i- 2 _. ._ [- __] V _. o c = _ - .1. u 52c 43 5 35-37 33“" 41.4" E: Locution of samples analyzed by v I " V 7 > npid scan method _‘ 5.7106 _ .s.1go_1 __ L :15 ' _ " a ._ .i l'_ .1 _—— L— L —_| Reversed ma netic polarity Green Valley I ‘i "I i' 3—] g Formation F334 34 t 0.4 r- ”I L‘J T‘g E'J K-Ar we. in m.y. L": PM FIGURE 9.—Continued. Fresno County (not shown on fig. 1) Southeastern San Joaquin Valley Pumice ash at Friant < Laucustrino lay Member .l'.|._|.l. u. doran'. E111. Cor 19 coefficients comparing these two tufi‘s with tuffs at other localities correlative with the Lawlor show great- er similarity in every instance between the lower bed and the Lawlor eruptive unit (table 8). San Joaquin I Valley NJ 80 60 4O 20 FREQUENCY, IN PERCENT Brown hornblende Green hornblende Brown hornblende Green hornblende 0 .8 ‘D c : 2 .1; g c L I. O O J: .c l: l: o g 33 9 0 ED FIGURE 10.—Principa1 mafic mineral frequencies of three size fractions of tuff in Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County. Frequency counts were made on coarse pumice-lapilli tufT (10c. 37, table 5). A, 28—48 mesh. B, 35—100 mesh. C, 60—120 mesh. Hypersthene Augite Hypersthene Augite Hypersthene Augite / \ Rb/ \F‘b / \ A .. . O (i\ . .9.” O \9 v v y Sr Zr // \ \ Rb o Rb B ’\ O /.\ . I/ 0". ‘..o l 0 AL AL )1 Sr Zr FIGURE 11.———Correlation of the Pinole Tuff with the Sonoma Volcanics. Mutual percentages of net intensity peaks for Rb, Sr and Zr. Intensity rapid peaks obtained by using rapid X-ray fluorescence scans on powdered whole-rock samples treated with 10 percent HCl. A , Tuffs in the Pinole Tuff at Rodeo, Wilson Point and south of town of Pinole. B , Tuffs and flows of Sonoma Volcanics, Monticello Road, east of Napa. Tufi's of intermediate composition containing bread crust scoria bombs are included within dashed lines. Although the refractive indices of glass for the Law- lor eruptive unit are virtually the same for all samples, the mafic-mineral abundances vary considerably (table 5). These differences cannot be explained by eolian or hydraulic sorting since the tuff at all but one of the localities correlative with the Lawlor appears to be an ash flow. Variations in mafia-mineral frequencies may be due to inhomogeneous distribution of crystals in the magma prior to eruption. Alternatively, the Lawlor 0 CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA EXPLANATION Pinole Tuff I Tuffs in Tassaiara area, south of Mount Diablo Rb Sr Zr FIGURE 12.—Correlation of the Pinole Tufl‘ (loc. 52A, B, and C) with tuffs south of Mount Diablo (loc. 63A, B, and C). Mutual percent- ages of net intensity peaks for Rb, Sr and Zr. Intensity peaks obtained by using rapid X-ray fluorescence scans on powdered whole-rock samples treated with 10 percent HCl. Samples from a, gray pumice-lapilli tuif near the base of the Pinole Tufl' (loc. 52A), and basal tuff south of Mount Diablo (10c. 63A); b, intermediate tufl‘ with scoria bombs in the Pinole Tufi‘ (10c. 52B), and similar finer grained tufi‘ south of Mount Diablo (loc. 63B); 0, silky silvery pumice lapilli from tuffaceous matrix near top of Pinole Tufi‘ (10c. 52A), and from near top of tufi sequence south of Mount Diablo (10c. 63C). Elevation in section. in metres 300 4“/ Contra Costa Group Tassaiara Formation //Tuff with rounded, ‘\ silky, silvery pumice lapilli (loo. 63C) Tuff with scoria lapilli Turf with rounded, silky, silverv pumice lapIIII (loc. 52C) 200‘ Pinole Tuff 2t ' / Tuff with scoria 100 4 5;;‘5 G:;:°§ansile-lapilli bombs (Ioc. 52B) ,’ tuff (Ioc. 63A) Grev pumice-lapilli tuff (loc. 52A) 0 Green Valley Forma- tion of Clark (1943) __/Neroly Formation Rodeo section FIGURE 13.——Correlation of Pinole Tuff at Rodeo (10c. 52A—C) with tufi‘s in Highland syncline section, south of Mount Diablo (10c. 63A—C). Highland syncline section 2000 1600 1200 800 400 1600 1200 800 400 O o c o .— o—- o o c :— .—- n b is in iv in 'o is in i9 27: E: CONCENTRATION. IN PARTS PER MILLION o CONCENTRATION, IN PERCENT (IRON) FIGURE 14.—Concentrations of minor and trace elements in volcanic glass of Lawlor Tuff and its correlatives. A—C, Lawlor Tuff (fig. 5, lacs. 22, 23, 25). D-H, Lawlor correlatives (fig. 5, locs. 17—19, 30, 31). Iron in percent; remaining elements in parts per million. TUFF CORRELATIONS Tuff and its correlatives may actually represent sev- eral separate eruptions closely spaced in time. The Lawlor Tuff and its correlatives form an erup- tive unit extending over 112 km, interbedded with the upper part of the Sonoma Volcanics, the base of the Tehama Formation, the uppermost(?) part of the Tas- sajara Formation, and the Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930). PUTAH AND NOMLAKI TUFF MEMBERS OF THE TEHAMA FORMATION A thin tuff bed (fig. 9, 10c. 16) correlative with the Putah Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation of the western Great Valley (fig. 9, locs. 12—15) has been found south of Suisun Bay, stratigraphically above the Lawlor Tuff. This thin tuff bed is interbedded with sed- iments which have been referred to as the Los Medanos Formation (Clark, 1943) or the Wolfskill Formation (Weaver, 1949) but have been recently designated as the Tehama Formation (Sims and Sarna-Wojcicki, 1975) on the basis of lithologic correlation with the type Putah Tuff Member. This correlation extends the maximum distance between correlative localities (locs. 15, 16, fig. 1; fig. 9) of the Putah Tuff Member to ap- proximately 97 km. The Putah Tuff Member is a composite unit of water-laid tuffs and probably represents several erup- tions closely associated in time. Similarity coefficients for unweathered samples within the Putah (fig. 4, locs. 12, 13, and 14) are 0.91, 0.89, and 0.95. Coefficients between these samples and a weathered sample (fig. 4, Ice. 15) are lower (0.83, 0.86, and 0.89) possibly owing to higher concentrations of barium and strontium in the form of insoluble authigenic sulfate in the weath- ered sample. The southernmost correlative sample (fig. 4, Ice. 16) is most similar (similarity coefficient of 0.96) to the sample (fig. 4, loc. 14) obtained from the lower- 21 Z '2 9 o :i 51.6 E 1600 51.2 51200 §o.83, 800 30.4 E 400 g0.0 E 0 cz;1.<55_1¢;oo :12 31200 :03 : 800 < 50.4: 400 30.05 0 E u U 6 0 FIGURE 15.—Concentrations of minor and trace elements in volcanic glass of the Putah Tuff Member, a Putah correlative south of Suisun Bay, and the Nomlaki Tuff Member (locs. 8—11) from its type locality. A—C, Putah Tuff member of Tehama Formation (locs. 12—14). D, Putah correlative, south of Suisun Bay (10c. 16). E—H, Nomlaki Tuff Member of Tehama Formation (locs. 8—11). most emplacement unit at its type locality. Miller (1966) has shown that the Nomlaki Tuff Member (fig. 1, locs. 8—11), exposed within and near the base of the Tehama Formation in northern Sac- ramento Valley, is not correlative with the Putah (locs. 12—16) although both tuffs are about the same age3 and in similar stratigraphic position. Miller’s conclusions were confirmed during this study by chemical finger- printing of glasses from the two tuffs (fig. 15). Average within-unit similarity coefficients for the Putah and Nomlaki Tuff Members of the Tehama Formation are 0.90 and 0.92, respectively, while the average similarity coefficients between the units is 0.63 (fig. 4). Samples of the Putah (locs. 12—15) and its correlative (10c. 16) are clustered at distance function values of about 0.050; the samples from both the Putah and Nomlaki Tuff Members are grouped at values of 0.260 (fig. 5). 3The Nomlaki has been dated by potassium-argon methods at 3.3104 m.y. (Evernden and others, 1964); the Putah at 33:01 my. (Miller, 1966; G. H. Curtis, oral commun., 1971). TABLE 6.—Average minor- and trace-element composition of volcanic glass of the physically continuous Lawlor Tuff unit compared with average compositions of correlative but physically separate outcrop localities [Sample localities shown in figure 1. Concentrations of iron in percent; all other concentrations in parts per million] Fe Ti Ba . Mn Zr Rb Sr Zn Y Nb Ga Cu Ni Lawlor Tuff, average of seven analyses (1008- 22-29) ______ 1.73 1160 795 444 311 147 56 58 23 19 17 9 11 Lawlor correlatives, average of eleven analyses (locs. 17—21, 29L34) ____________________ 1.72 1193 791 448 311 146 64 60 29 15 17 11 11 TABLE 7 .—Trace— and minor-element analyses of volcanic glass of two thin water-laid tuffs in the Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930) [Concentrations of iron in percent; all other concentrations in parts per million] Sample 10c. Fe Ti Ba Mn Zr Rb Sr Zn Y Ga Nb Cu Ni Upper bed ____________ 34 1.82 1137 718 517 290 137 82 56 24 13 9 8 8 do ________________ 33 1.82 1136 684 502 306 135 74 60 23 14 21 13 11 Lower bed ____________ 32 1.75 1213 733 431 297 143 60 58 25 17 16 11 13 do ________________ 31 1.70 1134 809 422 305 148 71 59 29 17 14 9 12 22 TABLE 8.—Average similarity coefficients comparing trace- and minor-element analyses of volcanic glass of two thin water-laid tuffs in the Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930) with all other outcrop localities of the Lawlor Tuff Tuffs in Livermore Gravels Upper bed Lower bed (loss. 33, 34) (locs. 31, 32) Upper bed __________________________ 10.95 0.92 Lower bed __________________________ .92 2 .96 South of Mount Diablo (sample 30) ______________________ .90 .94 South of Mount Diablo (sample 29) ______________________ .90 .93 Lawlor Tuff (samples 22—28) -L ______ .90 .95 Southeast of Sonoma Volcanics (samples 19—21) __________________ .89 .94 Sonoma Volcanics Monticello Road (sample 17) ______________________ .86 .91 Sonoma Volcanics near Schellville (sample 18) ______________________ .93 .94 'Sample from locality 33 compared with sample from locality 34. 2Sample from locality 31 compared with sample from locality 32. Mafic-mineral frequencies of samples of the Putah Tuff Member (table 3) are similar, as are the refractive indices of glass (table 5); the same is true for the Nom- laki Tuff Member. There are significant differences in mafic-mineral frequencies between the two tuffs; how- ever, differences in refractive indices of glass between the Putah and Nomlaki are very slight (table 5). Trace- and minor-element composition of the vol- canic glass in the Putah Tuff Member is very similar to that of the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County. Although the average similarity coefficient between the Putah and the tuff in the Merced(?) For- mation of Sonoma County is 0.85, individual sample CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA pairs from the two tuffs may have similarity coeffi- cients as high as 0.91 (fig. 4) for the eight-element comparison used. It was not possible to distinguish clearly between the two tuffs using cluster analysis on the main group of eight elements or on a second run using seven elements, omitting strontium. This is due both to the chemical similarity of the glass of the two tuffs and to a rather high variability for manganese, rubidium, and strontium. It appears that chemical var- iability of the glass for some elements can differ for different eruptive units. Elements with consistent con- centrations in one unit may be more variable in another. For instance, amounts of rubidium in the Lawlor Tuff are very consistent, while those in the Putah and the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County are more variable. The two last tuffs are known from independent evidence to be of different age: the Putah was dated by potassium-argon analysis at 3310.1 m.y. (fig. 9, locs. 12—15; G. H. Curtis, oral commun., 1971), while the tuff in the Merced(?) For- mation of Sonoma County was dated at 5.7: 0.6 (fig. 9, locs. 35—37) and 6.1:0.1 m.y. (fig. 9, locs. 38—40). Calcu- lations of similarity coefficients and cluster analysis were performed on samples of these tuffs using only the four most consistent variables: iron, titanium, barium, and zirconium (fig. 16). By this procedure it was possible to distinguish differences in composition between the two tuffs. On the basis of these calcula- tions, the average similarity coefficient between sam- ples of the Putah and the tuff in the Merced(?) Forma- tion is 0.82, while the average internal within-unit similarity coefficient for both units was 0.93. The high- est similarity coefficient for a pair of samples from the two tuffs was 0.88. By means of cluster analysis with Samplei 1°C. 14 13 1215 16 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Putah Tuff Member of 14 1 Tehama Formation 13 .96 1 (loc.12-15)anda 12 .93 .94 1 correlative tuft (10c. 15 .92 .91 .90 1 16) 16 .97 32.92.93 1 35 .87 .88 .83 .80 .84 1 36 .85 .86 .81 .76 .83 .97 1 Tuffinthe Merced(?) 37 .83 .84 .79 .76 .80, .89 .92 1 Formation of Sonoma County 38 .85 .85 .81 .78 .83 .90 .92 .94 1 39 .84 .86 .81.78 .82 .93 .94 .93 .94 1 4o .83 .84 .79 .76 .80 .95 .94 .95 .97 .97 l Tuffin the Petaluma 41 .80 .81 .77 .74 .78 .90 .92 .95 .94 .95 .96 1 Formation 42 .84 .85 .80 .77 .81 .91 .94 .96 .97 .94 .97 .95 1 Tuffsouth ofMount —— 43 .84 .84 .80 .78 .81 .94 .95 .91 .90 .94 .92 .92 .92 1 Diablo Tuffnear Lafayette — 44 .87 .87 .85 .81 .87 .94 .92 .85 .85 .87 .86 .85 .86 .92 1 FIGURE 16.—Simi1arity coefficient matrix comparing trace- and minor—element analyses of glass samples of the Putah Tuff Member of Tehama Formation (locs. 12—16) and the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County. Calculations of coefficients for the four most consistent elements, Fe, Ti, Ba, and Zr. TUFF CORRELATIONS 23 SAMPLE NUMBER a) _n _\ .1 a .a b u J> (.0 (a) w :5 A b (A 0'1 0'! U1 0') 5 O? O) O) on yo mama hmumuwmoAm s: on no) a} 5 mm 0 c__v_, W—4 | < —"_ (D ‘—fir—’ 3 ,.. l _v__, V | , - W »——v—r 9. Fine I 2 W“ ash : fl—I -- .. Coarse g pumice 0- E‘ Z I: 9 5' l- o 1.? 2 3 a Putah TUff Tuff in Merced(?) %- _ m 0'2 _ Member Of Formation of E U Tehama Sonoma County 1'1 ___v_, 2 Formation _v_« o . < _ é‘ Tuff m a —— Pnnole n, Tassajara _ Tuff 1’- Formation o g . 0.3 — _ 0.4— V - FIGURE 17.—Dendrogram from cluster analysis of trace- and minor-element data, using distance function, for Fe, ’I‘i, Ba, and Zr. See text for explanation. Sample number is same as locality number shown in figure 1. only these four elements, it was also possible to distin- guish between the two eruptive units. To emphasize differences between samples, the cluster analysis in this instance was run only on samples of the Putah Tuff Member, the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County, plus several close compositional rela- tives (fig. 17). TUFF IN THE TYPE SECTION OF THE MERCED FORMATION A correlative of the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation of western San Francisco peninsula (fig. 1, loo. 1) has been obtained from a drill hole 10 miles to the east, in sediments of the Alameda Forma- tion beneath San Francisco Bay (fig. 1, 10c. 2): The similarity coefficient for analyses of seven elements (titanium, barium, manganese, zirconium, rubidium, strontium, and zinc) in the volcanic glass of these two tuffs is 0.93. No iron analyses have as yet been made on these two samples, so they are not included in the cluster analysis (fig. 5). A tuff similar to that in the Merced and Alameda Formations was exposed in a trench in the Santa Clara Formation, in the town of Woodside (fig. 1, locs. 3 and 4) approximately 20 miles south of the former localities. Though the tuff at the Woodside locality has the same mineralogy as the tuffs in the Merced and Alameda Formations (table 5), ear- lier analyses had indicated that there are considerable differences in titanium and manganese content of the 24 CORRELATION OF LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA glass. Similarity coefficients between samples 1 and 2 on the one hand, and 3 and 4 on the other, range be- tween 0.81 and 0.87, with an average of 0.84. On the basis of the earlier analyses alone, the correlation of the tuff in the Santa Clara Formation with the tuff in the Merced and Alameda Formations must be consid- ered uncertain. However, new analyses by Brent Fabbi, US. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, of tuff in the Santa Clara Formation and in the type Merced Formation show a high similarity coefficient of 0.97, indicating that the tuffs are correlative (Fabbi and Sarna-Wojcicki, unpub. data). The earlier analyses are probably inaccurate owing to incomplete separation of crystals and lithic fragments from the fine-grained vol- canic ash. The tuff in the Merced Formation is fine grained and probably was deposited by water. It has no coarse- grained facies within the central Coast Ranges that might indicate local eruptive sources, and it differes in glass chemistry from tuffs of local provenance. For in- stance, the similarity coefficients between the tuff in the Merced Formation (sample 1) and tuffs of local Coast Range provenance, such as the Putah Tuff Member (samples 12—15), the Lawlor Tuff (samples 22—28), and the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County (34—40), are low (0.59, 0.62, and 0.54, respectively). The similarity coefficient between the tuff in the Merced Formation and a tuff-breccia in An- derson’s (1936) Cache Formation within the Clear Lake volcanic field (sample 71) is also low (0.66). This indicates that the Merced tuff probably did not have its source in the Clear Lake area either, even though the period of volcanism in the Clear Lake area encompas- ses the age of the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation (G. H. Curtis, oral commun., 1971). A 15:08 m.y.-potassium-argon date on tuff in the Merced Formation (fig. 9, loo. 1; Hall, 1966) is younger than the youngest known potassium-argon age ob- tained on rocks of the Sonoma Volcanics (2.9 m.y., Mankinen, 1972). These ages, if correct, further exclude the Sonoma volcanic field as a likely source of this tuff. However, the similarity coefficient between the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation and the average for the Nomlaki Tuff Member, a unit of known Cascade Range provenance (Anderson and Russell, 1939; Lydon, 1967), is 0.81, a value typical of provincial "relatives,” suggesting that the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation was erupted in this volcanic province. On the basis of glass chemistry and petrography, as well as radiometric ages, it seems likely that the source of the tuff in the type Merced, Alameda, and Santa Clara Formations was in the southern Cascade Range, near the town of Mineral, where two Pleis- tocene pumice ash-flow units crop out (Wilson, 1961). These two pumice ash-flow units yielded scattered potassium-argon ages ranging from 0.26 to 1.1 m.y. (Gilbert, 1969).4 Though earlier analyses have indi- cated that the tuff in the type Merced Formation (fig. 9, loc. 1) is not correlative with one of the ash-flow units, exposed near Lassen Lodge (fig. 1, loc. 7), new analyses (Fabbi and Sarna-Wojcicki, unpub. data) indicate that the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation is probably correlative with another ash-flow unit, ex- posed near Manton Lodge; the similarity coefficient for these two tuffs is 0.90. The mafic mineralogy of the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation (fig. 1, Ice. 1) and its local correlatives (fig. 1, locs. 2—4) is the same as that of the pumice ash flows near Mineral (fig. 1, Ice. 7). Both groups of tuffs have dark-green hornblende and pale pleochroic hypersthene as the principal mafic pheno- crysts (table 5). The mafic mineral frequencies are dif- ferent; the pumice tuff at Mineral has more hypersthene and less hornblende than the tuff in the Merced Formation. These differences can be explained by either hydraulic or eolian sorting of these minerals away from their source. Fragments of the thinner, tabular, and more cleavable hornblende would proba— bly be carried further by wind or water than the stub- bier, equant hypersthene crystals. The refractive in- dices of glass of the tuff in the type section of the Mer- ced Formation and its correlatives are nearly the same as those at Mineral (table 5). DISCUSSION Five widespread late Cenozoic tuffs, ranging in age from approximately 1 to 6 m.y., have been identified in the central Coast Ranges of California by means of chemical analyses of volcanic glass, potassium-argon dating, and petrographic and stratigraphic evidence (fig. 9). These units provide five temporal horizons that make it possible to correlate late Cenozoic volcanic, alluvial, lacustrine, and marine deposits. Four of the five widespread units were erupted from source areas within the central Coast Ranges, probably within the area of the Sonoma volcanic field. These tuffs include the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County, the Pinole Tuff, the Lawlor Tuff, and the Putah Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation. Several tuffs in the central Coast Ranges (fig. 1, locs. 1—6), including one of the five widespread units, the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation (fig. 1, ‘The 1.5:0.75-m.y.-date on the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation is very imprecise owing to high content of atmospheric argon and possible detrital contamination. Ages on its probable chemical correlative in the southern Cascade Range are scattered, ranging from 0.26 to 1.1 m.y. (Gilbert, 1969). Consequently, the age ofthe tut? in the Merced Formation is not well determined but is probably about 1 m.y. or younger. \ DISCUSSION locs. 1—4), were probably erupted in the southern Cas- cade Range. All are fine-grained water-laid or ash-fall tuffs that, unlike tuffs of local derivation, have no coarse—grained correlatives in the central Coast Ranges. These tuffs are similar in composition to tuffs of the southern Cascade Range and differ from tuffs of the Sonoma volcanic field, the Clear Lake area, and the Sierra Nevada. For example, similarity coefficients for Coast Range tuffs of inferred Cascade Range prove- nance compared with tuffs of the Sonoma volcanic field range from 0.50 to 0.66, with an average of0.61 (fig. 4). Within-province similarity coefficients for tuffs of the Sonoma volcanic field average 0.75, while coefficients for southern Cascade tuffs compared with Coast Range tuffs of suspected Cascade Range origin are also 0.75, strongly suggesting that the latter two sets of tuffs are provincial relatives. The tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation is 15—60 cm thick wherever it is found in the bay area and contains glass-coated green hornblende laths and glass shards up to 0.5 mm long. It is unlikely that the ash was carried by air 320 km to the Merced embay- ment, in View of its considerable thickness and rela- tively coarse maximum crystal and shard size. Fur- thermore, prevailing wind directions must necessarily have been northerly, rather than westerly as they are at present, in order to carry the tuff southward by wind. The purity of the tuff at some of its exposures may be due to the low density of the glass shards— \ a drainage basin blanketed with ash of low density (\\,) will probably first move that material before mov- ing the denser normal bedload. Furthermore, if the ‘3 tuff had been carried by wind to the Merced deposi- tional basin, the tephra lens of such an eruption would be at least 320 km long and several tens of kilome- tres wide. The record of such an eruption would likely be preserved throughout the Pleistocene deposits of the northern Great Valley, yet no such tuff has been reported. If this line of reasoning is correct and the tuff in the Merced Formation was erupted in the southern Cas- cade Range, then it seems most likely that the ash was brought to the marine Merced embayment by the an- cestral Sacramento River, rather than transported by air. The presence of a water-transported tuff of Cas- cade Range provenance in the marine Merced Forma- tion therefore indicates that Great Valley drainage to the Pacific Ocean in the vicinity of the bay area had been established by late Merced time, or about 1 my. ago. Whether the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation was actually transported to the Merced em- bayment by air or water, another line of evidence indi- cates that Great Valley drainage to the ocean in the 25 .vicinity of the San Francisco Bay area had been estab- lished by the time the tuff was deposited. Hall (1966) studied the mineralogy of sediments in the type section of the Merced Formation and found an abrupt mineralogical change in the upper part of the forma- tion. Heavy-mineral grains below this change are of local provenance, while those above this change indi- cate a sudden influx of Great Valley sediments into the Merced embayment. The tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation lies 46 m stratigraphically above this mineral change. The Putah and Nomlaki Tuff Members of the Tehama zFormation and the Lawlor and Pinole Tuffs (3.3, 3.4: 4.0 and 5.2 my. old, respectively) are re- stricted to the eastern part of the Coast Ranges and have not been found in coeval marine formations in the western part of the central Coast Ranges, suggesting that a north-south drainage divide existed in the cen- tral part of the Coast Ranges prior to about 1 my. ago and that Great Valley drainage flowed to a southerly outlet during this period. A southerly connection be- tween the ocean and the Great Valley was in existence until late Pliocene time, as indicated by the presence of the upper Pliocene continental and marine San Joa- quin Formation in the southern San Joaquin Valley (Woodring and others, 1940). Subsequently, this southerly connection was closed off, as evidenced by the presence of the extensive lacustrine Corcoran Clay Member of the Tulare Formation beneath Pleistocene alluvium in the San Joaquin Valley (J anda, 1965). The presence of this unit in the southern Great Valley indi- cates that Great Valley drainage was temporarily ponded. The Corcoran interfingers to the west with al- luvial deposits of the Tulare Formation (Wahrhaftig and Birman, 1965), which in turn overlies the marine San Joaquin Formation. The exact age range of the Corcoran is not known, but the member is overlain at Friant by ash and pumice dated at 0.6:002 m.y. (J anda, 1965). The presence of Pleistocene alluvial de- posits above the Corcoran suggests that drainage from the Great Valley to the ocean had been reestablished, probably via a more northerly outlet. The drainage change from a southerly outlet to one near the present site of San Francisco Bay probably took place some- time after 3.3 m.y. ago, after the eruption of the Nom- laki and Putah Tuff Members, but before about 0.6 m.y. ago. The texture of the Lawlor Tuff at all its outcrop localities, except for the southernmost locality south of Livermore (fig. 1, locs. 31—34), is typical of an ash flow. N o stratification, lamination, or vertical size gradients have been observed. The presence of the ash-flow phase of the Lawlor Tuff south of Mount Diablo suggests that neither Suisun Bay nor Mount Diablo existed at the 26 time of the eruption, about 4 m.y. ago, and that these features were formed later. The tuff was erupted in the southeastern Sonoma volcanic field, where its coarsest facies are found, and it would have been difficult or impossible for the ash flow to cross these topographic features had they existed at the time of the eruption. A gentle topography or a slope component probably existed along the line between the southeastern mar- gin of the Sonoma volcanic field and the southernmost exposure of the ash flow, south of Mount Diablo (fig. 1, 10c. 30). Correlative localities of the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County trend diagonally across the central Coast Ranges (fig. 9) and correlative tuffs are found both in the southeast, interbedded with con- tinental sediments, as well as in the northwest part of the study area, interbedded with marine deposits. Heavy minerals in sediments of the Merced(?) Forma- tion of Sonoma County are of local Coast Range prove- nance; there is no evidence that Great Valley material was brought into the embayment during Merced(?) time (Johnson, 1934). Correlatives of some of the tuffs examined in this study, such as the Putah Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation and the Lawlor Tuff, are undoubtedly pre- served to the east under the Quaternary sediments of the Great Valley, beneath which both tuffs dip. Likewise, new correlative localities of the Putah Tuff Member of the Tehama Formation and the Lawlor and Pinole Tuffs will quite likely be found in the future in the Sonoma volcanic field, which has been only peripherally examined in the present study. The tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County, the oldest of the five major eruptive units, may antedate the main period of volcanism in the Sonoma volcanic field or may represent the inception of that volcanism and lie buried under the younger volcanic deposits. Radiometric ages on the youngest tuffs and flows erupted in the Sonoma volcanic field cluster in the range 3.0 to 4.0 m.y. (2.9, 3.3, 3.3, 3.8, 4.0, 4.0, 4.2 m.y.). This cluster of dates defines a maximum age for a late Pliocene or early Pleistocene orogeny that de- formed and uplifted the formations containing the vol- canic units. The eastward shift of progressively younger eruptive units from the Sonoma volcanic field at the western margin of the Great Valley (fig. 8) suggests that uplift and volcanism were proceeding simultaneously. This orogeny, or perhaps displace- ment on the San Andreas fault, or both, closed off the sea connection between the southern Great Valley and the ocean. Sometime after this pulse of deformation and perhaps as a consequence of it,,drainage in the Great Valley found an outlet to the ocean in the vicin- ity of the San Francisco Bay area. CORRELATION 0F LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION OF UNITS THICK SECTIONS OF VOLCANIC DEPOSITS SONOMA VOLCAN ICS, MONTICELLO ROAD SECTION, SOUTHEASTERN PART OF SONOMA VOLCANIC FIELD, EAST OF NAPA (FIGS. 1—3, 9, LOCS. 17, 45—51) Approximately 1 m of gray pumice lapilli tuff at the base is overlain by at least 12 m of a dark andesitic tuff containing round scoriaceous lapilli and bombs as much as 20 cm in diameter. This is overlain in turn by approximately 240 m of light-gray to cream dacitic vit- ric pumice-lapilli and lithic tuff, which is locally welded and intruded in at least one place by andesitic dikes. This group of beds is overlain by approximately 215 m of massive flow-banded dacite. The uppermost 3 m of the unit consists of gray porphyritic perlite, overlain by a jumble of angular dacite and perlite boulders in a tuffaceous breccia matrix derived by infilling from the overlying unit. The dacite flows are overlain by 150 m of coarse daci- tic pumice Iapilli and pumice blocks as much as 40 cm long. The pumice is gray, rather hard, and dense. In- terstices between the pumice clasts are often filled with a creamy soft opaline(?) material and dark- orange-brown clay (nontronitic montmorillonite). The top of this unit is locally channeled, and the channels contain boulders of andesite, dacite, and rhyolite as much as 1 m in diameter. The pumice-block breccia is overlain by approxi- mately 18 m of a lithic pumice-lapilli tuff, with coarse boulders of andesite, dacite, and rhyolite at its base. This unit is overlain in turn by about 24 m of tuffa- ceous sediments containing rounded pumice lapilli. A reddish paleosoil(?) is developed at the top. The unit is channeled at the top; the channels contain pebbles of basalt, andesite, andesite scoria, dacite, and rhyolite. SONOMA VOLCANICS, SOUTHERNMOST SONOMA VOLCANIC FIELD, NORTH OF SUISUN BAY (GOODYEAR STATION SECTION; FIG. 1, LOCS. 19—21) A sequence of pumice-lapilli and pumice bomb tuffs, approximately 150 m thick, is exposed in a deep long roadcut along the frontage road of California Highway 21, just north of Suisun Bay. The entire sequence is massive and shows no stratification except for local changes in particle size and a few zones, presumably at the base of massive pumice-ash flows, where some of the larger lithic fragments have accumulated. The tuffs are overlain by a jointed andesite flow 15 m thick. PINOLE TUFF (LOCS. 52—62) The Pinole Tuff is a sequence of deformed layered DESCRIPTION OF UNITS 27 pyroclastic deposits and tuffaceous sediments about 270 m thick, exposed northwest and south of the town of Pinole and at the town of Rodeo south of San Pablo Bay (Lawson, 1914; Vitt, 1936; Weaver, 1949). The Pinole Tuff overlies andesitic sandstone of the Neroly Formation of late Miocene age. There is no angular discordance between the two formations at Rodeo, but south and west of Pinole the tuffs rest on tuffaceous shales of the lower part of the Monterey Formation (middle Miocene). The section at Rodeo is thickest and at the time of Vitt’s work (1936) was well exposed. At present much of the section has been concealed by con- struction. A similar though somewhat thinner section is ex- posed northwest of Pinole near Wilson Point, along the south shore of San Pablo Bay and south of Pinole where, according to Vitt, the upper part of the tuff is cut off by the Pinole fault. The Pinole Tuff is actually composed of several tuffs, breccias, and tuffaceous de- posits. These various units differ considerably in bed- ding structures, textures, mineralogy, and chemistry. The Pinole Tuff does not contain any flow rocks or intrusive rocks. It does, however, contain scoriaceous andesite bombs as much as 1 m in diameter in the "tuffaceous breccia” unit, which suggests that at least this particular unit was deposited fairly close to source. There are strong similarities between the Pinole sec- tion and the Monticello Road section to the north. Both sections contain fine- to medium-grained gray pumice- lapilli tufi's near the base, are overlain by darker- colored andesitic tuffs containing scoria bombs, and are overlain in turn by lighter-colored more silicic pyroclastic deposits. WIDESPREAD TUFFS INTERBEDDED WITH DETRITAL SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS WESTERN PART OF THE MAIN STUDY AREA TUFF IN THE TYPE SECTION OF THE MERCED FORMATION (LOC. 1) On the west side of the San Francisco peninsula, a 30— to 60—cm-thick fine-grained hornblende-bearing Vitric tuff is exposed in the cliffs along the beach just south of Fleishhacker Zoo, in the type section of the Merced Formation (loc. 1) (Lawson, 1914; Hall, 1966). The tuff was deposited in marine water, is crossbedded and laminated, and in places contains considerable amounts of detrital material. Another outcrop of ap- parently the same tuff is exposed in a steep hillside north of Westmoor School southeast of locality 1. A tuff similar to the one in the Merced Formation has been found in a drill hole at 83 m below sea level in the Alameda Formation beneath west central San Fran- cisco Bay (Trask and Rolston, 1951; fig. 1, loo. 2). Still another tuff (locs. 3 and 4) similar to the one in the type section of the Merced Formation has been un- covered 35 km to the southeast of locality 1, in the Santa Clara Formation, in a trench cut near the San Andreas fault zone at the town of Woodside. Louderback (1951) and Hall (1966) suggested that the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation and the tuff in the Alameda Formation are the same on the basis of refractive indices of glass, grain size, and mineralogy. Hall further suggested that the tuff may have had its source in the southern Cascade Range, near the town of Mineral, where two extensive pumice tuff flows crop out (Wilson, 1961; Gilbert, 1969). TUFF IN THE MERCEDG) AND PETALUMA FORMATIONS OF SONOMA COUNTY (LOCS. 35-42) Northwest of San Francisco in Sonoma County, a tuff of variable texture and grain size is interbedded with the lower and upper Pliocene Merced(?) Forma- tion (Johnson, 1934; Weaver, 1949; Travis, 1952; Bar- tow and Addicott, 1971).. This tuff is exposed almost continuously for a distance of 14.5 km. The tuff, de- posited by water and in places containing detritus and invertebrate marine fossils, is coarsest in the east near Trenton, where pumice bombs as much as 20 cm in diameter are found, and near Roblar, where pumice cobbles several centimetres in diameter are found. To the west it becomes progressively finer and contains more detrital contamination. Johnson (1934), Louder- boack (1951), and Hall (1966) have pointed out that the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County and the tuff in the type section of the Merced Formation differ in mineralogy and refractive indices of glass and are consequently not correlative. The source of the tuff in the Merced(?) Formation of Sonoma County is not known, although judging from the coarse pyroclasts it contains, the source must have been nearby. Still another exposure of a similar tuff has been found at Sears Point, in the Petaluma Formation, just north of San Pablo Bay, approximately 43 km south- east of the Trenton locality (Bartow and others, 1973). This tuff, also deposited by water, ranges in grain size from Vitric-ash tuff to pumice-lapilli tuff. SOUTHEASTERN PART OF THE MAIN STUDY AREA In the east and southeast part of the study area (fig. 1), there are several tuffs exposed in late Cenozoic de- posits most of which have been correlated with the Pinole Tuff by Vitt (1936) on the basis of refractive indices of glass and heavy mineralogy. However, many of these correlations are not justified since the refrac- tive indices of glass and heavy—mineral species and frequencies differ widely between many of these tuffs. 28 CORRELATION 0F LATE CENOZOIC TUFFS, COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA LAWLOR TUFF (LOCS. 22—28) The Lawlor Tuff, named for its type locality in Law- lor Ravine, Nl/z sec. 23, T. 2 N., R. 1 W., Contra Costa County, by Weaver (1949), is well exposed in the hills northeast of Mount Diablo. It trends east-west from near Markley Canyon in the east to near Port Chicago in the west, a distance of 19 km. The tuff is exposed for much of this distance, except for a short interval near Arnold Industrial Highway where, according to Patten (1947), it is cut off from its eastern and western expo- sures by normal faults. The tuff is approximately 18 m thick south of Port Chicago and thins to the east, toward Markley Canyon, where it is about 4.5 m thick. The unit is massive and contains coarse light-bluish-gray to white pumice lapilli and some angular lithic volcanic fragments that are primarily bluish gray and brown felsite. The pumice lapilli are angular and tightly interlocked. The size of the lapilli decreases from west to east, from about 5—8 cm in maximum diameter near Port Chicago to about 0.6-1.2 cm at Markley Canyon. There is no obvious sorting or stratification in the unit. Textural features indicate that the Lawlor was most probably a pumice ash flow. The Lawlor Tuff disconformably overlies the upper Miocene Neroly Formation along much of its length except in the vicinity of Arnold Industrial Highway, where it rests unconformably on the upper Eocene Markley Sandstone Member of the Kreyenhagen For- mation. The uppermost part of the Neroly Formation contains white reworked pumice-lapilli tuff. The Lawlor Tuff is overlain by the upper Pliocene Tehama Formation (Sims and Sarna-Wojcicki, 1975), formerly the Los Medanos Formation of Clark (1943, p. 189) or Wolfskill Formation of Weaver (1949), consist- ing primarily of sand and gravel. A thin discontinuous tuff, approximately 0.6 to 1.2 m thick, is about 8—9 m stratigraphically above the Lawlor Tuff west of Arnold Industrial Highway (10c. 16). The tuff contains rounded pumice lapilli in a matrix of fine glass shards. On the basis of its trace- and minor-element chemistry, mafic phenocryst abundances, and index of refraction, it is correlated with the Putah Tuff. SOUTH ,OF MOUNT DIABLO In the foothills immediately south of Mount Diablo several tuffs are interbedded with tightly folded late Cenozoic continental deposits. These strata are shown on the Geologic Map of California (Rogers, 1966) as “middle and/or lower Pliocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks,” but the middle and upper part of the section may be as young as late Pliocene or Pleistocene, at least partly contemporaneous with the Pliocene and Pleistocene Livermore Gravels of Clark (1930) to the south, on the basis of correlation of the Lawlor eruptive unit. The relative stratigraphic position of at least four tuff units is known. Perhaps three or four additional tuffs have been distinguished during the present study on the basis of their chemistry and mineralogy. Most of the tuffs are discontinuous. Oestreich (1958) has at- tempted to use the tuffs as marker beds for the contact between the Tassajara Formation and the Green Val- ley Formation of Clark (1943). Vitt (1936), again with- out sufficient justification, has correlated all but one of these tuffs with the Pinole Tuff on the basis of refrac- tive indices of glass and heavy-mineral evidence. Three of the tuffs (fig. 13) are exposed along Collier Canyon Road, along the flank of Highland syncline (Oestreich, 1958) (10c. 63, 63A—C). The tuff at the base of the Highland syncline section (10c. 63A) is unsorted and contains pumice lapilli with some angular lithic fragments. This unit, about 2 m thick at most, is probably the peripheral part of an extensive ash flow. The other two tuffs in this section (10c. 63B, C) are reworked pumice-lapilli tuffs and tuf- faceous sediments. The exposed thicknesses of these tuffs and tuffaceous sediments range from about 1 to 2 m, but the units are probably thicker. These three tuffs (loc. 63A—C) are correlated with the Pinole Tuff (loc. 52A—C) on the basis of rapid-scan data. A fourth and youngest tuff is exposed farther west, about 1 mile east of Danville, stratigraphically far above the other tuffs in the area (loc. 5). It is a massive very fine grained biotite-hornblende vitric tuff, about 1 m thick, and is probably a product of direct ash fall. The minor- and trace-element composition of this tuff indicates that it was probably erupted in the southern Cascade Range. On the south side of Livermore Valley, in the Tesla quadrangle, two tuffs are interbedded with the Liver- more Gravels5 of Clark (1930) (fig. 9, locs. 31—34). These tuffs, first mentioned by Huey (1948), are well exposed at only one locality, a roadcut in a ridge be- tween Arroyo Mocho and Arroyo del Valle. The lower tuff is approximately 3 m thick, the upper about 2 m thick. The tuffs are separated by a zone of tuffaceous sediments approximately 8 m thick. The tuffs were de- posited by water: They are well stratified and show graded bedding, laminations, and soft-sediment de- formation structures. A lower, massive part of both tuffs, up to about 30 cm thick, may be directly water- 5The dominant elastic sediments exposed here are clay and mud, with some lenses of gravel. REFERENCES CITED laid ash-fall material. The lower bed is correlated with the Lawlor Tuff on the basis of trace-element chemis- try and petrographic criteria. NORTHEASTERN PART OF THE STUDY AREA (FIG. 9, LOCS. 8—11, 12—15) Two extensive units, the Nomlaki and Putah Tuff Members of the Tehama Formation, are interbedded with continental deposits of the late Pliocene Tehama Formation along the foothills bordering the west side of Sacramento Valley. PUTAH TUFF MEMBER OF THE TEHAMA FORMATION (FIGS. 1, 9, Locs. 12—15) The Putah Tuff Member (Sims and Sarna-Wojcicki, 1975) has been well described by Miller (1966). Accord- ing to Miller, the Putah crops out almost continuously from near Vacaville in the south to a few kilometres south of the Yolo—Colusa County boundary, a distance of about 64 km. The tuff is thickest (about 15 m) south of its type locality, Putah Creek, thinning to the north and south. The tuff is well stratified and in places con- tains rounded hard pumice lapilli, together with detri- tal sedimentary material, indicating that it is water deposited or reworked. NOMLAKI TUFF MEMBER OF THE TEHAMA FORMATION (FIGS. 1, 9, LOCS. 8—11) The Nomlaki Tuff Member is exposed discontinu- ously along the western side of northern Sacramento Valley for a distance of approximately 93 km, from north of Nye Creek to Cottonwood Creek. This tuff has been described by Russell (1931), Anderson and Rus- sell (1939), Lydon (1967), and Miller (1966). At its type locality at the former headquarters of the old Nomlaki Indian Reservation, about 6 miles north- east of Paskenta, the tuff is approximately 4 m thick but elsewhere ranges in thickness from about 1 m to about 30 In. On the basis of its texture, sorting, lack of bedding, and absence of any lateral gradation in particle size, Russell (1931) concluded that the Nomlaki was pro- duced by an ash flow that had its source to the east in the Mount Lassen area, where several exposures of its presumed correlative were found interbedded with the late Pliocene Tuscan Formation. On the Geologic Map of California (Ukiah Sheet, Jennings and Strand, 1960; Santa Rosa Sheet, Koenig, 1963, scale 1:250,000) the Putah is shown as the Nom- laki. However, Miller (1966) has concluded that the two tuffs are different on the basis of refractive index of glass and feldspar composition, conclusions that are 29 here confirmed by trace- and minor-element chemistry of the glasses in the tuffs. 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HUDDLE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 A study ofstratigrapliy, faeies, and coral distribution in the middle Paleozoic (Silurian and Devonian) limestone belt of the central and southwestern Great Basin UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1976 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secrelm‘)‘ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Merriam, Charles Warren, 1905— The Roberts Mountains Formation. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 973) Bibliography: p. 43-45. Includes index. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.162973 1. Geology,Stratigraphicisilurian. 2. Geology,Stratigraphichevonian. 3. Rugosa. 4. Geology——Nevada. 5. Geology! California. I. McKee, Edwin H., joint author. ll. Huddle, John Warfield, 1907— joint author. 111. Title. IV. Series; United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 973. QE661.M45 551.7'3'0979 76—608307 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024—001—02893—0 CONTENTS Page Abstract __________________________________________________ 1 Introduction ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 Purpose and scope of investigation ______________________ 2 Acknowledgments ______________________________________ 2 History of investigation ________________________________ 3 Paleontologic zoning of the Great Basin Silurian and Lower Devonian ________________________________________________ 4 Scarcity of reefs or bioherms in the Roberts Mountains For— mation __________________________________________________ 4 Distribution of Great Basin Silurian limestone and dolomite belts and the regional dolomite problem __________________ 6 Geographic distribution of Silurian limestones ______________ 7 Roberts Mountains Formation of the Roberts Mountains, Nev ,, 7 Type section __________________________________________ 9 Stratigraphic relations to underlying and overlying formations ______________________________________ 9 Facies changes from limestone to dolomite ,,,,,,,,,, 10 Stratigraphic paleontology of the type section ____________ 10 Fossils of units 1 and 2 ____________________________ 10 Fossils of unit 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 Age of the Roberts Mountains Formation of the type section __________________________________________ 10 Roberts Mountains Formation of the northern Simpson Park Mountains __________________________________________ 11 Geologic setting ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Coal Canyon area ______________________________________ 11 Coal Canyon fault zone ____________________________ 11 Physical stratigraphy of the Pine Hill section ,,,,,,,, 12 Stratigraphic paleontology and age of Roberts Moun‘ tains Formation at Pine Hill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 Fossils collected within the Coal Canyon fault zone W 14 Physical stratigraphy of the Pyramid Hill section 1.“ 14 Problem ofthe Silurian-Devonian boundary at Pyramid Hill ____________________________________________ 15 Roberts Mountains Formation, Tuscarora Mountains ,,,,,,,, 15 Physical stratigraphy of the Bootstrap Hill section ,,,,,, 16 Stratigraphic paleontology of the Bootstrap Hill section H 16 Age of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Bootstrap Hill ________________________________________________ 1’7 Roberts Mountains Formation of the northern Monitor Range ,2 18 Physical stratigraphy __________________________________ 18 Stratigraphic paleontology and age of the Roberts Moun- tains Formation at Copenhagen Canyon ______________ 18 Roberts Mountains Formation at Brock Canyon, Monitor Range __________________________________________________ 19 Roberts Mountains Formation at Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range __________________________________________________ 19 Roberts Mountains Formation at Bare Mountain ,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Roberts Mountains Formation of the northern Toquima Range __________________________________________________ 20 Petes Canyon window __________________________________ 22 Ikes Canyon window __________________________________ 22 June Canyon sequence ____________________________ 22 Page Roberts Mountains Formation of the northern Toquima Range—Continued Ikes Canyon window Mill Canyon sequence ______________________________ 22 August Canyon sequence __________________________ 23 Northumberland window ______________________________ 23 Roberts Mountains Formation in the Toiyabe Range __________ 23 Callaghan window ____________________________________ 24 Dry Creek area ________________________________________ 24 Point of Rocks and Straight Canyon ____________________ 24 Pablo Canyon area ____________________________________ 25 Roberts Mountains Formation in the Shoshone Mountains -u- 25 Silurian and Lower Devonian limestones of the northern Inyo Mountains, Calif ____________________________________ 25 Mazourka Canyon ____________________________________ 25 Vaughn Gulch Limestone __________________________ 25 Physical stratigraphy __________________________ 25 Stratigraphic paleontology ______________________ 26 Age __________________________________________ 27 Sunday Canyon Formation ________________________ 28 Age __________________________________________ 28 The Silurian—Devonian boundary in central Nevada __________ 28 An appraisal of stratigraphic and age values of rugose corals and associated fossils, with description of previously unknown key Rugosa __________________________________________ 29 Rugose corals of special stratigraphic value ______________ 29 Silurian nondissepimented Rugosa __________________ 29 Family Kodonophyllidae ________________________ 29 Subfamily Kodonophyllinae Merriam ________ 30 Subfamily Mycophyllinae Hill ______________ 30 Family Streptelasmatidae Nicholson __________ 30 Family Stauriidae Edwards and Haime __________ 31 Family Tryplasmatidae Etheridge ______________ 31 Family Pycnostylidae Stumm __________________ 31 Compact cerioid Pycnostylidae of Silurian limestone facies __________________________________________ 32 Dissepimented Rugosa of the Great Basin Silurian limestone facies ______________________________ 32 Family Spongophyllidae Dybowski ______________ 32 Family Endophyllidae Torley __________________ 34 Family Chonophyllidae Holmes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36 Family Kyphophyllidae Wedekind ______________ 36 Family Calostylidae Roemer ____________________ 37 Family Lykophyllidae __________________________ 37 Fossils associated with rugose corals in Great Basin Silu- rian limestones __________________________________ 37 Dasycladacean algae as indicators of the Silurian "A, 38 Conodonts of the Roberts Mountains Formation by John W. Huddle ________________________________ 38 Locality register of major fossil localities in the Roberts Moun- tains Formation and correlative strata ____________________ 39 Selected references ________________________________________ 43 Index ____________________________________________________ 47 IV PLATE 1. 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9. 10. 11. 12 FIGURE 1. 2. 3. TABLE 1. CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] Stylopleura and Pycnostylus. . Stylopleura and Pycnostylus. . F letcheria and Tryplasma. . M ucophyllum and Kodonophyllum. Tonkinaria, Kyphophyllum, Kodonophyllum, and Brachyelasma. . Spongophyllum, Carlinastraea, and Australophyllum. . Carlinastraea, Chonophyllum, and Calostylis? . Carlinastraea and Australophyllum. Kyphophyllum and Chonophyllum. Verticillopora, Cladopora, Fauosites, Kyphophyllum, Ketophyllum, and Hercynella. Verticillopora, Kozlowskiellina, H omoeospira, Dicoelosia, Plectatrypa?, and Gypidula. . Coelospira, F ardenia, Kozlowskiellina, Conchidium, Cyathophylloides, Brachyelasma, and lycophyllid. Page Index map of part of Great Basin showing distribution of the Roberts Mountains Formation and correlative formations in the intermediate limestone belt in Nevada and California ________________________________________________________ 8 Geologic map of the Coal Canyon area, northern Simpson Park Mountains _____________________________________________ 12 Sketch map of the northern Toquima Range showing Paleozoic sequences that contain Silurian rock in separate thrust sheets“ 21 Page Characteristic fossils of the Great Basin Silurian coral zones _________________________________________________________ 5 . Occurrence chart of conodont species collected from Silurian and Lower Devonian formations in central Nevada __________ 40 THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, A REGIONAL STRATIGRAPHIC STUDY WITH EMPHASIS ON RUGOSE CORAL DISTRIBUTION By CHARLES W. MERRIAM and EDWIN H. lVlCKIiE ABSTRACT A large part of the Silurian and the base of the Devonian Systems are represented in the central and southwestern Great Basin by limestones of the Roberts Mountains and the Vaughn Gulch Forma— tions. In Silurian time the Great Basin region was inundated by northward—trending shelf seaways of three wide facies belts: the eastern regional dolomite belt which bordered the ancient land mass on the east, the intermediate limestone belt here dealt with, and on the west, a chert-shale-graywacke belt with some volcanic rocks that extends into the Pacific Border province, best represented in south- eastern Alaska. Studies of rugose corals show that each of the three belts has distinctive corals and associated fossils not yet found in the other belts; biofacies differences greatly complicate geologic correla- tion across the facies boundaries. The Roberts Mountains Formation, mainly limestone, calcareous shale, and some dolomitic limestone, is widely distributed in the central Great Basin, where it has been mapped from the Tuscarora Mountains on the north to the Toquima and Toiyabe Ranges on the south and west. It is known to be present as far north as south— central Idaho but has been little studied in this region. The Vaughn Gulch Limestone and its lateral shaly graptolitic facies, the Sunday Canyon Formation, occur to the southwest in the Inyo Mountains. Thick eastern regional dolomite facies rocks such as the Lone Moun— tain Dolomite and the Laketown Dolomite come into close proximity to, or intertongue with, limestone of the middle belt in a few areas such as the Roberts Mountains, Bare Mountain near Beatty, Nev., and the Inyo Mountains. In a number of places such as in the Tusca- rora Mountains, the Simpson Park Mountains, the Roberts Mountains, the Monitor Range, and the Toquima Range, the Roberts Mountains limestone has been subdivided into additional lithologic units given new formational names. These include the Windmill Limestone of Johnson, the McMonnigal Limestone, and the Wenban Limestone. The names Masket Shale and Gatecliff Formation were used by Kay for rocks in the Toquima and Toiyabe Ranges that closely resemble parts of the Roberts Mountains Formation elsewhere. In most areas the basal part of the formation is a black cherty limestone or dolo- mite followed upward by calcareous shaly laminated and platy lime- stone that bears graptolites. The upper part consists of thin—bedded laminated limestone and slabby thicker bedded allogenic limestone . and dolomitic limestone yielding corals, brachiopods, and calcareous algae as well as graptolites. The Silurian-Devonian boundary lies within this upper interval. This boundary, defined on the basis of graptolites in the standard time scale, is more than 100 m lower than that based on rugose corals and calcareous algae that uses as reference the well-known section in Gotland, Sweden. INTRODUCTION The name Roberts Mountains Formation applies to limestones, mostly argillaceous, and some dolomitic marine strata occupying a northerly oriented linear belt within the central and west-central Great Basin. Diverse fossil assemblages from many localities indi- cate that in the time-stratigraphic sense this formation probably makes up much of the Silurian and the bot- tom of the Devonian Systems as represented in the Great Basin of the western United States. The Silurian-Devonian boundary lies‘within the upper or even upper middle part of the formation. A reexamina- tion of field relations of the fossil-bearing strata and a review of fossil comparisons with those of standard columns for the Silurian and Devonian Systems indi- cates that the standard time scale based on graptolites includes rocks in the Great Basin that are somewhat older than rugose corals would suggest. The Roberts Mountains Formation is bordered on the east by dolomite that prevails throughout the east-central and eastern Great Basin. On the west, where the boundary is theoretical, the limestones are inferred to grade into shale, graywacke, coarse argil- laceous rocks, volcanic rocks, and subordinate lime- stone of the Pacific border province (Merriam, 1973a). Paleogeographically, three subparallel northward- trending depositional facies belts are definable where the southwest Cordilleran geosynclinal seaways of middle Paleozoic (Silurian and Devonian) time crossed what is today the Great Basin. From east to west these belts are: the eastern dolomite belt, the intermediate limestone belt, and the western or Pacific Border graywacke belt. The transition from the dolomite to limestone belt passes through the classical facies of platform margin carbonate deposition. Limestones of the intermediate limestone belt persist to the south- west margin of the Great Basin, where they are repre- sented by the Vaughn Gulch Limestone in the north- ern Inyo Mountains, Calif. As rugose corals are among the diagnostic fossils of the Roberts Mountains Formation, this study was in- spired by the need for dependable stratigraphic se- quences in deformed Great Basin Paleozoic rocks to 1 2 ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY be used in conjunction with Rugosa and their strati- graphic ranges. Studies of Great Basin rugose corals and associated fossils have demonstrated marked bio- facies differences between the three facies belts that make difficult interbelt paleontologic correlation. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION In Silurian and Devonian limestone areas of the central and southwest Great Basin, geologic mapping within the past 10 years necessitates restudy and re- definition of the Roberts Mountains Formation and correlative units, including those of contiguous dolo- mite areas. Among primary objectives, this effort en- tails search for realistic vertical and lateral formation boundaries which reflect depositional facies relations. The physical stratigraphy depends upon refinement of geologic mapping and paleontologic correlation as background, and the biostratigraphy presented here leans heavily upon zonation of the Great Basin Silu- rian and Devonian by means of corals and associated megafossils (Merriam, 1973a, b, c; 1974). In this coral work, the Gotland, Sweden, Silurian yardstick is the primary standard of comparison and geologic correla- tion. In some sections a wide gap exists between the accepted Silurian-Devonian boundary as determined by the graptolite and conodont specialists and the placement of the boundary by the cdral specialist. For example, the Monograptus uniformis Zone at the base of the Devonian falls as low as the middle part of the Silurian delimited by means of corals. Explanations are sought for these discrepancies. The systematic and descriptive paleontology of many rugose corals listed in this report is treated in recent works (Merriam, 1973a, b). A paleontologic appendix covers stratigraphically relevant but undescribed megafossils and evaluates certain little-known rugose coral groups, calcareous algae, and conodonts for age determination, correlation, and biostratigraphy. As no megafossils were found by the geologists who mapped many exposures of the Roberts Mountains Formation, age designations of these structurally and stratigraph— ically isolated beds are based on conodont studies. Twelve plates illustrate some of the distinctive megafossils of this formation. A detailed report by T. E. Mullens (unpub. data, 1975) covers comparative lithology, sedimentology, and petrology of the Roberts Mountains Formation and its economic potential as a gold-bearing formation. Briefly touched upon herein are the complex en- vironmental and geochemical aspects of the multi- faceted dolomite problem bearing upon the complete change frOm marine limestone to pervasive diagenetic dolomite passing into’the eastern dolomite belt. In recent years the Roberts Mountains Formation has assumed economic importance as host rock for the Cortez and Carlin gold ores of central Nevada. As a result, the known extent of the formation has been intensively explored and prospected. Some economic aspects of ore search, geochemistry, and geophysical prospecting are treated in other reports (T. E. Mullens, unpub. data, 1975). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Geologic mapping used in this report includes re-‘ sults of D. C. Ross in the northern Inyo Mountains, ‘ Calif, Harold Masursky and Jonathan C. Matti in the ‘ northern Simpson Park Mountains, and J. H. Stewart . in the central Toiyabe Range and Shoshone Moun— . tains, Nev. Efforts by these geologists toward clarify- ‘ ing geologic structure and stratigraphy have been ‘ most helpful. Detailed geologic mapping in the south- ern Tuscarora Mountains, Nev., by J. G. Evans, sheds ‘ new light on the source beds of earlier fossil collections made in the Bootstrap mine area before large—scale t0- pographic maps made accurate field location possible. These especially well preserved silicified fossils col- , ‘lected by R. J. Roberts and associates near the Bootstrap mine in the years 1954 to 1958 first demon- strated the northward continuation of the Roberts Mountains Formation beyond the Humboldt River Valley. Rugose corals in Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, were first collected by R. J. Roberts; at a later time, Silurian and Devonian coral collections by J. G. Johnson and A. J. Boucot were contributed for use in this study. Collections of corals by Leland Cress at Maggie Creek, Tuscarora Mountains, revealed the presence of Silurian and Early Devonian corals in this area. A well-preserved colonial rugose coral from the Sunday Canyon Formation in Mazourka Canyon col- lected by C. H. Stevens of San Jose State University is acknowledged with thanks. Jonathan C. Matti made many helpful suggestions on the manuscript and re- viewed the conodont section. Graptolite identifications accompanying this report are the work of W. B. N. Berry. Many detailed stratigraphic sections have been measured across the Roberts Mountains Formation throughout its known extent by T. E. Mullens. Litho- logic data from these sections have been employed in the present report, especially at Bootstrap Hill in the Tuscarora Mountains. J. W. Miller ably assisted Merriam in detailed geo- logic mapping of the Coal Canyon area and other parts of the northern Simpson Park Mountains. In the To- quima Range all the detailed geologic mapping provid- ing the basis for stratigraphic conclusions in that area is the work of E. H. McKee. Earlier geologic mapping INTRODUCTION V ’ 3 of parts of that range was done by Kay and Crawford (1964). All fossil photographs are the work of Kenji Sakamoto. HISTORY OF INVESTIGATION Silurian limestones were first studied in the Roberts Mountains by Merriam while he searched for the base of the Devonian System in that area (Merriam, 1940, p. 11). On the northwest side of Roberts Creek Moun- tain, the lowest beds in the Nevada Formation iden- tified in 1940 contain the Acrospirifer kobehana fauna of Early Devonian age and appeared at that time to conformably overlie massive dolomites identified as the Lone Mountain Dolomite of supposedly, but as yet unestablished, Silurian or perhaps Early Devonian age. Comparison with the Lone Mountain type section 18 miles (29 km) to the south revealed significant lithologic differences. Whereas no limestone is present in the Upper Ordovician or Silurian at Lone Mountain, beneath the Lone Mountain Dolomite at Roberts Creek Mountain is a thick fossiliferous Silurian sequence of limestones and some dolomite named at that time the Roberts, Mountains Formation by Merriam (1940). This unit occupied the stratigraphic interval between the underlying limestone and dolomite of the Hanson Creek Formation and the blocky light-gray dolomite interpreted by Merriam (1940) as the higher part ofthe Lone Mountain Dolomite. Comparison of the sections at Lone Mountain and Roberts Creek Mountain led to extension by Merriam (1940) of the name Roberts Mountains FOrmation to the dark dolomite beneath the type Lone Mountain Dolomite in accord with the view that this was a dolomite facies of the Roberts Mountains Formation. Later mapping in the Roberts Mountains by Winterer and Murphy (1960) clearly demonstrated the lateral equivalence by the inter- tonguing of the Roberts Mountains Formation and the Lone Mountain Dolomite. In a recent study of the stra- tigraphy and paleontology of the Lone Mountain Dolomite at Lone Mountain (Merriam, 1973b), the dark dolomite previously referred to as dolomitic Roberts Mountains Formation has been redesignated as part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite because it was considered desirable to retain the formational term Roberts Mountains for a predominantly limestone unit only. Above the type section of the Roberts Mountains Formation, at Roberts Creek Mountain, the saccharoi- dal Lone Mountain dolomites have yielded no fossils; the possibility remains that the uppermost part of this thick dolomite sequence may correlate with the finer textured Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation. Reconnaissance geology of the northern Monitor Range by Merriam and Anderson (1942) made known a southerly extension of the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion. In Copenhagen Canyon, for example, the Silurian and Lower Devonian were found to be represented by thinly laminated calcareous shaly rocks carrying grap- tolite faunas and thicker graded beds of bioclastic limestone. Kay and Crawford (1964) recognized the oc- currence of the Roberts Mountains Formation (called by them the Masket Shale) farther southwest in the Toquima Range, where various limestone and argil- laceous limestones occupy parts of several separately mappable thrust plates. More recent detailed mapping in that area by McKee (1976) sheds additional light upon the facies, paleontology, and correlation of the Roberts Mountains Formation in the Toquima Range. Northwest of the type area, the Roberts Mountains Formation was extended into the northern Simpson Park Mountains by R. J. Roberts and associates during reconnaissance geologic mapping of northern Eureka County in 1954—58. Knowledge of these rocks was further advanced by Winterer and Murphy (1960) and Johnson (1965). R. J. Roberts and associates extended the distribution of the Roberts Mountains Formation northward into the Tuscarora Mountains and Elko County during the Eureka County .mapping program. Since 1967, parts of the southern Tuscarora Mountains near Carlin, NeV., have been mapped in detail by the US. Geological Survey. Where the formation is locally gold bearing, much has been learned of the complex structure and stratigraphy; geochemical and geophysi- cal investigations have been carried out by economic geologists in connection with drilling exploration be- yond the currently productive belt Geologic mapping of the Cortez quadrangle by Gil- luly and Masursky (1965) and the Mount Lewis area by Gilluly and Gates (1965) extended the known occur- rence of the Roberts Mountains Formation into the Cortez Mountains and northern Shoshone Range. The formation has subsequently become economically im- portant as a gold ore host in that vicinity. In 1968 the economic potential of the Roberts Moun— tains Formation as a source of gold in north-central Nevada became sufficiently evident tojustify a special study by the US. Geological Survey. The lithologic and stratigraphic, aspects of this study‘were undertaken by T. E. Mullens, who worked with quadrangle mapping parties and geochemists in economically promising areas. Mullens has carried out detailed section meas- urement and studies of sedimentary petrology in many areas, including those where mapping was in progress (Mullens, unpub. data, 1975). _ Mapping of the Horse Creek Valley quadrangle in the northern Simpson Park Mountains by Harold 4 ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY Masursky, begun about 1960, carried eastward the geology begun by Gilluly and Masursky in the adjoin- ing Cortez quadrangle (1965). A progress map was transmitted by Masursky in 1971 for the use of the writers in conjunction with the Paleozoic stratigraphy. As the Horse Creek Valley quadrangle includes the Coal Canyon section, first fully described by Johnson (1965) and probably the best reference section for the Roberts Mountains Formation, parts of it have been remapped in more detail by Merriam and Miller, a work still in progress. Interest in southwestern Great Basin Silurian lime- stones as correlatives of the Roberts Mountains For- mation developed in 1946 with geologic mapping of the Cerro Gordo mining district, Inyo Mountains, Calif. (Merriam, 1963). At that time it became evident that westward and northward, the Hidden Valley Dolomite (McAllister, 1952) changed to limestone. Section measurement, reconnaissance geologic mapping, and fossil collecting were begun in 1947 at Mazourka Can- yon, where the coral genera and calcareous algae of these Inyo Silurian beds were found to be closely allied to those of the central Great Basin. Subsequently, Ross (1963, 1966) carried out the refinements of detailed geologic mapping of the northern Inyo areas. A north- ward change of Silurian limestone into shale facies is demonstrated by the Ross mapping. The underlying paleontologic motivation for this study of Silurian limestone dates from the discovery by Merriam of well-preserved Rugosa in the Roberts Mountains in 1933, and in the northern Inyo Moun- tains about 1946. As general worldwide knowledge of Silurian Rugosa progressed rapidly, coral studies lead- ing to a provisional Great Basin Silurian coral zona- tion were initiated by Merriam (1963), providing, to- gether with brachiopod studies, much of the paleon— tologic support for this contribution. Further incentive came with the brachiopod investigations of J. G. Johnson and A. J. Boucot, who introduced European comparisons, and with investigations by W. B. N. Berry of graptolites of Great Basin Silurian and Devo— nian rocks. Conodont studies by Gilbert Klapper coor- dinated with field studies of M. A. Murphy added a wealth of information about the Silurian and Devonian of central Nevada. The most modern discussion of the formation is the study by Matti, Murphy, and Finney (1975). PALEONTOLOGIC ZONING OF THE GREAT BASIN SILURIAN AND LOWER DEVONIAN Rugose corals provide a useful means of strati- graphic zonation in the Great Basin Silurian and De- vonian limestone facies. These fossils, common in nearly all the bioclastic limestones, are generally well preserved and represent several genera known in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden; England; eastern Europe; and Australia. Graptolites, the primary basis for sub- dividing the world Silurian System, are abundant in rocks of the lower part of the Great Basin Silurian and occur at many places well into the Devonian. Great Basin Silurian and Devonian brachiopods are well rep- resented, and much has been done to tie their occur- rences and stratigraphic ranges to mapped areas and measured sections. The large dasycladacean algae of the genus Verticillopora are especially useful in Great Basin Silurian strata. Verticillopora ranges upward, from Great Basin Silurian coral zone B through zone E, apparently reaching a peak of development in coral ‘ zone D (see below). ‘ Conodonts are found through much of the Silurian and Devonian limestone of this province and are cur— . rently being coordinated with age determinations based on associated megafossils. Study of the stratigraphic distribution of Silurian Rugosa in correlative and overlapping reference sec- tions throughout the Great Basin makes possible a . hypothetical fivefold zonation based on the ranges of . species and genera. Provisional zones are designated ‘ by capital letters A through E in ascending strati- graphic order. Gaps in the coral record within a single reference section are filled in correlative sections to complete the overlapping composite zonal scheme. No more than three coral zones have been recognized within any one reference column; further collecting is expected to eliminate some of these local gaps. The five coral zones ranging in age from Early to Late Silurian are: Age Coral zone Late Silurian1 E D Middle Silurian C B Early Silurian A SCARCITY OF REEFS OR BIOHERMS IN THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION Reef and biohermal structures occur in Silurian marine limestone and dolomite rich in calcareous al- gae, stromatoporoids, crinoids, and corals in many areas throughout the world (Lowenstam, 1949). These structures are parts of the Niagaran Series of the Great Lakes and the Gotland of Sweden (Manten, ‘Age designation based on Comparison with the Gotland, Sweden, Rugosa. Coral zone E contains rocks of Lower Devonian age based on the occurrence of Monograptus umfnrmzs, the accepted index for lowermost Devonian in the Great Basin. SCARCITY OF REEFS OR BIOHERMS 5 TABLE 1.—Characteristic fossils of Great Basin Silurian coral zones Geologic Coral age zone Rugose corals Tabulate corals Brachiopods Dasycladacean algae Late Silurian1 ,,,,,, E ______ Stylopleura nevadensis Merriam Orthostrophia sp. Verticillopora annulata Stylopleura berthiaumi Merriam Schellwienella? sp. Rezak Mucophyllum oliveri Merriam Barrandella? sp. Verticillopora cf. V. Kodonophyllum mulleri Merriam Sicorhyncha? sp. annulata Rezak Rhizophyllum cf. R. enorme Rhynchospirina sp. (Oliver) Plectatrypa? sp. Rhizophyllum sp. D Oliver Atrypa sp. Chonophyllum simpsoni Merriam Meristella sp. Australophyllum (Toquima-phyllum) Kozlowskiellina sp. f johnsoni Merriam Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis Merriam Kyphophyllum neuadensis Merriam Kyphophyllum sp. c Salairophyllum? sp.2 D ______ Brachyelasma sp. Dicoelosia sp. r Verticilfiopora annulata Reza Stylopleura berthiaumi Merriam Gypidula sp. r Verticillopora cf. V. annulata Rezak Tonkinaria simpsoni Merriam Homoeospira sp. r Tryplasma duncanae Merriam Atrypa sp. Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis Kozlowskiellina sp. f Merriam Middle Silurian ______ C ______ Tryplasma newfarmeri Merriam Denayphyllum denayensis Merriam Entelophylloides (Prohexagonaria) occidentalis Merriam B ,,,,,, Streptelasmid corals (small) Halysites (Cystihaly- Verticillopora sp. Brachyelasma sp. B sites) magnitubus Ryderophyllum ubehebensis Buehler Merriam Pycnactis sp. K Petrozium mcallisteri Merriam Early Silurian ______ A ,,,,,, Rhegmaphyllum sp. h Cladopora sp. Dalmanophyllum sp. A Palaeocyclus porpita subsp. mcallisteri Merriam Rhabdocyclus sp. d Cyathophylloides fergusoni Merriam Arachnophyllum kayi Merriam Neomphyma crawfordi Merriam Heliolites sp. H alysites sp. Dicoelosia sp. Dalmanella sp. Atrypa sp. ‘Age designation based on comparison with the Gotland, Sweden Rugosa. Coral zone E contains rocks of Lower Devonian age based on the occurrence of Monagraptus uniformis,'the accepted index for lowermost Devonian in the Great Basin. 2Salalrophyllum’.’ from uncertain stratigraphic horizon at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev, Probably from Coral zone E, 1971). The Roberts Mountains Formation, however, shows little evidence of reefal structure, or even of minor bioherms having initial bottom relief. In most places, the lower part of the formation is thin and con- sists of evenly laminated fine-grained argillaceous limestone with no reeflike characteristics. The upper part of the formation contains thin— to medium-bedded bioclastic limestone as well as fine-grained thin lami— nated beds. These rock types represent a facies that must have formed at a moderate depth of water. Cor- als, calcareous algae, and brachiopods, mostly frag- mental, are fairly abundant in parts of the formation, but they have not developed into reeflike structures; indeed, in most places the fossils have been trans- ported with other calcareous debris as debris flows. At Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, deposi- tional breccias may mark the vicinity of small patch reefs or bioherms, but no inclined reef—marginal beds or reef core rock was found. Some limestone strata of the upper Roberts Mountains Formation in the Roberts Mountains rich in corals and other benthonic or- ganisms appear to represent beds and banks of very low bottom relief, but many are thick allodapic beds deposited in basins or on a gentle slope at greater depths than reef formation and below wave base. Stromatoporoids contributed much of the material toward the building of reefs in the Niagaran of Illinois (Lowenstam, 1949) and in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden (Manten, 1971). In the coral-rich Roberts Mountains Formation limestones, stromatoporoids, though present, apparently were not important as reef builders. 6 ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY DISTRIBUTION OF GREAT BASIN SILURIAN LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE BELTS AND THE REGIONAL DOLOMITE PROBLEM Areal distribution of Great Basin Silurian carbonate rocks in contrasting lithologic belts such as the inter— mediate limestone and eastern dolomite belts leads to paleogeographic speculation and review of the multi- faceted unsolved problems of the origin of marine dolomite. It is not a purpose of this report to enter into the complexities of geochemical and metasomatic change. Dolomites of the eastern belt certainly fall in the category of regional dolomite of diagenetic origin as contrasted with localized hydrothermal or meta- morphic dolomites. In several mining districts of this province, the hydrothermal type locally forms very large bodies that may easily be confused with the diagenetic type (Hewett, 1931, p. 57—58). Nonetheless, some interpretation is appropriate in explaining the discrete lithologic and paleogeographic boundary zone separating the eastern dolomite from the intermediate limestone belt within which the Roberts Mountains Formation is found. In relation to regional dolomites of vast extent like the eastern dolomite belt, we may seek explanation of its lateral boundaries from various fields of study in- cluding paleogeography, paleobiology, geochemistry, marine environment and the sources of magnesium in- troduced to produce the double carbonate mineral i dolomite. We may ask: how or why does proximity to the subdued Silurian land mass on the east favor diagenetic dolomitization while offshore limestones remain normal marine limestone? The dolomite question has been reviewed by many workers, including Van Tuyl (1916a, b), Steidtmann (1911, 1917), Skeats (1918), Fairbridge (1957), and, more recently many authors represented in Pray and Murray (eds. 1965), Bathurst (1971), and Hsii and Schneider (1973). Beyond doubt, the Laketown and Lone Mountain Dolomites, like the Niagaran of the continental interior—nearly continuous dolomites that cover thousands of square miles and are locally more than a thousand feet thick—fall into a regional cate— gory. It has long been known that the amount of regional dolomite increases downward through the geologic sys- tems from Holocene to Precambrian (Fairbridge, 1957) and (Daly, 1907, 1909). The Silurian is one of the sys- tems containing much continuous regional dolomite in North America, as in the Great Basin and the conti- nental interior. Ulrich and Schuchert (1902) were perhaps the first to note that certain extensive regional dolomites bor- der upon ancient shorelines. In the Great Basin Silu- rian, the regional dolomite belt lies between the old subdued landmass on the east and the intermediate limestone on the west. Farther west the Pacific border graywacke belt, through its extent from northern California to Alaska, is not known to include dolomite of the diagenetic type. Fossil and lithologic evidence indicates that the Silurian eastern dolomite and the} intermediate limestone both represent shallow marine environments, possibly with some deepening where limestones appear, especially the allogenic graded types, and further deepening into graptolitic fine- grained and laminated beds. The western limit of dolomite, here the Lone Mountain Dolomite, was the western limit of reef development that migrated west— ward by normal landward carbonate accumulation typ- ical of all large carbonate-producing regions. The gen- erally regressive series of carbonate rocks that were deposited in the Great Basin during the lower and middle Paleozoic are strong evidence for the landward accumulation of carbonate sediment (and hence retreat of the sea) produced in the shallow shelf seas. Very extensive tidal flats and mud shoals behind or east of the Lone Mountain reef are the present site of the re- gional dolomites we see today. Studies of rugose corals suggest that the Lone Moun- tain and Laketown Dolomites contain marine faunas differing in biofacies from those of limestones in the Roberts Mountains Formation (Merriam, 1973a). This does not, however, imply that the dolomite facies was initially deposited as dolomite sediment by direct chemical precipitation. Other ecological factors must be sought: for example, differences of water tempera- ture, depth, salinity, and food supply. Fossils are 10- cally abundant in the dolomites, but unless silicified early, that is, prior to dolomitization, they are de- stroyed by dolomitic recrystallization. Among the fac— tors to be considered is the proximity to the shoreline, where extensive mudflats were doubtless very broadly exposed at low tide to bring about diurnal evaporative concentration to produce brines. Percolation of the magnesium-rich brine into the carbonate sediments may have taken place by reflux action seaward from the mudflats as suggested by Adams and Rhodes (1960) or by capillary transfer through the sediments as suggested by Friedman and Sanders (1967). Another theory suggests that drainage from the landmass on the east introduced additional magnesium as well as calcium to become available for the additive process of dolomitization. Movement of the carbonate-bearing ground water upward through the nearshore mud- banks probably was facilitated by evaporation across the banks and the subsequent pumping action created by this system (Hsii and Siegenthaler, 1969, and Hsii and Schneider, 1973). Westward toward the boundary THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS, NEVADA 7 zone between the eastern dolomite belt and the inter- mediate limestone belt, the magnesium calcium ratio became too low for dolomitization because of the ab- sence of shallow water evaporative sites and less ex- tensive tidal mudflats. It is possible that the organic community that popu- lated the nearshore flats (now the dolomitic belt) pro- duced proportionally more high-magnesium calcite or even some dolomite by their biochemical processes, thereby fixing a large amount of magnesium into the system. In slightly deeper water with greater circula- tion, a different assemblage of organisms produced mainly calcite, and limestone was the carbonate depos- ited. Sediments in this region were not dolomitized be- cause magnesium was not available. Concentration of brine magnesium carbonate by evaporation at low tide on mudfiats as a major factor in the dolomitization process has been studied by a number of investigators under a theory involving su- pratidal mudflats to which marine waters are added only occasionally during exceptionally high springtides and heavy storms. Greater concentration of magne- sium in the brines comes about by evaporation and by the solutions percolating downward and seaward (re- flux) to bring about metasomatic dolomitization of un- derlying carbonate muds and sands already containing magnesium in organically secreted calcite matrices. In such evaporative environments, gypsum and other salines should also be represented. Within the past 10 years, penecontemporaneous dolomites attributed to supratidal environments have been found in the Per- sian Gulf (Illing and others, 1965, Hsii and Schneider, 1973, DeGroot, 1973), in the Netherlands Antilles (Deffeyes and others, 1965). These discoveries illus- trate the local hydraulics and geochemistry of contem- porary dolomite formation on a fairly large scale, but they do not appear to provide the entire key to resolv- ing the problem of vast regional dolomites like those of the Great Basin Silurian. In reality, dolomitization on a regional scale as in the eastern Great Basin is probably the product of all the mechanisms suggested. Addition of magnesium concentrated by evaporative processes on the inshore tidal flats, magnesium-rich solute introduced from the land drainage as well as crystalline dolomite clastic debris introduced from exposed and eroding dolomite formations (for example, the Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite), and redistribution of magnesium taken from sea water by organisms and deposited as high magnesium calcite must all be significant factors. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF SILURIAN LIMESTONES Strata of the Silurian intermediate limestone belt are known over a distance of about 325 miles (525 km) in a south-southwesterly direction from the Tuscarora Mountains of Elko County, northern Nevada, to the northern Inyo Mountains, southeastern California (fig. 1). The width of the slightly sinuous limestone band can only be estimated, but in most places, it is more than 50 miles (80 km) wide and may exceed 90 miles (145 km) before passing entirely into the west- ern, predominantly shale-graywacke facies. Whereas the west boundary is inferred at this time because of lack of exposures and subsurface geologic data, the east boundary can be delimited within much narrower limits of error in many places, as, for example, at Roberts Creek Mountain, Bare Mountain near Beatty, Nev., and the Inyo Mountains, Calif, where the lime— stones and dolomites either intertongue, are interbed— ded, or crop out within a few miles of each other. The intermediate limestone belt has been mapped and studied in detail in the Roberts Creek Mountains, the northern Simpson Park Mountains and Cortez Moun- tains, the Copenhagen Canyon area of the Monitor Range, the northern Toquima Range, and the northern Inyo Range. Outcrop areas where the geologic mapping is of a reconnaissance nature, or where the strati- graphic work has been confined to section measure- ment, are the Bootstrap mine area of the Tuscarora Mountains, Swales Mountain in the Independence Range, the Carlin Mine and Maggie Creek area in the Tuscarora Mountains, parts of the northern Monitor Range, and the Wall and Pablo Canyon area of the Toiyabe Range. A number of widely separated outcrop areas of these limestones have been identified and sec- tions measured, but additional mapping or strati- graphic paleontology is needed. These areas include the Mount Callaghan area of the Toiyabe Range; the Ravenswood area of the Shoshone Range; areas near Reeds and Dry Canyons, Toiyabe Range; Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range; the Northumberland area of the Toquima Range; Bare Mountain area near Beatty; and occurrences north of Wells near Antelope Peak. A comprehensive documented stratigraphic summary of these localities and others is presented in T. E. Mullens (unpub. data, 1975). ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION OF THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS, NEV. In the Roberts Mountains, the Roberts Mountains Formation is exposed over a large area on the west and northwest side of Roberts Creek Mountain, the type area of the formation. Other outcrops occur near the north edge of the range between Willow aand Birch Creeks. The Roberts Mountains Formation in its type area includes a variety of dark-gray to bluish-gray lime- 8 ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY l l EXPLANATION oLakeView OREGON I lDAHO ‘ 42., _ I Roberts Mountains Formation and correlative formations Intermediate / . . . . .+. . . I Foss“ localities of stratigraphic importame With regard to the I Limestone / I ._ Roberts Mountains Formation 1 Western Belt +2,5’ 5 Graywacke l E 1. Roberts Mountains Formation, type section. Roberts Creek I _ Mountain, Roberts Mountains. Shale Winnemu‘ica I g 2. Roberts Mountains Formation, reference section. Coal | Belt I 4 Canyon, northern Simpson Park Range. I ’5 3. Roberts Mountains Formation. North pediment slopes of ‘ 5 northern Simpson Park Range. I 4. Roberts Mountains Formation. Cortez Mountains. Pyramid Lovelock I S S. Roberts Mountains Formation. Goat Peak, Shoshone Mountains. 405 Lake I g 6. Roberts Mountains Formation. Dry Creek area, Toiyabe Range. 7. Roberts Mountains Formation. Petes Canyon window, 2 Toquima Range. I 17‘ 1% Cree Lone Mountain 2 S, 8. Roberts Mountains Formation and Tor Limestone. June Mtn 21 015ml“! | 3» Canyon sequence. Ikes Canyon window, Toquima Range. Fallono I o , Oxyoke Canyon 3 I . ~ - - OVii-ginia City I ‘Aus'mia 22 24 >| 9. Roberts Mountains Formation and McMonnigal Limestone. A16 A7 oEly Ibex Mill Canyon sequence. Ikes Canyon Window, Toquima Range. °Carson City I 1'56““) 828 “33.,“ Hill Hills 10. August Canyon sequence. Gatecliff Formation of Kay and Lake I Canvon“ 1 Dobbin Summit Crawford (1964). Ikes Canyon window, Toquima Range. Tahoe \ Walker I A l 1 1. Roberts Mountains Formation. Northumberland window, \ “152% ‘12 13 | Toquima Range. \ o [Manhattano l Eastern 12. Roberts Mountains Formation. Pablo Canyon area, Toiyabe Range. ridgepd-ilfwtome / l Dolomite l 13. Roberts Mountains Formation. Clear Creek and Dobbin o \ Summit area, Monitor Range. 38° Sonora: Mono oTonopah l Belt I 14. Roberts Mountains Formation. Brock Canyon area, Monitor Range. 0 6L } Pioche° 1 S. Roberts Mountains Formation. Bowman Creek area, Toiyabe Range. Goldfield | 16. Roberts Mountains Formation. Point of Rocks and Straight ° ' Caliente Canyons area, Toiyabe Range. Pahranagat 17. Roberts Mountains Formation. Ravenswood area, Shoshone l Rm” Mountains. \ \ I 5 1 8. Roberts Mountains Formation. Callaghan window, Toiyabe Range. “- 19-20 Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of Nevada Formation. Southern part no eatty E of Sulphur Spring Range. 0 n o \ +31 ; 21. Lone Mountain Dolomite, type section. Lone Mountain. Independence Q," \ g 22. Lone Mountain Dolomite. Mahogany Hills. Owenx $ \ i: 2 3. Lone Mountain Dolomite. Southern part of Fish Creek Range. >14”, L, Lake Mead 24. Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of Nevada Formation. Oxyoke (f \ \ Las Vegaso Canyon, Mahogany Hills. 36° “‘1. 2 5 Late Silurian rugose corals in limestone. Antelope Peak, Snake Mountains. \ 4) 2 6. Roberts Mountains Formation, reference section. Bootstrap (3y \é‘,’ Hill, southern part of Tuscarora Mountains. . (do '70 2 7 Roberts Mountains Formation. Maggie Creek area, southern OEakE'Sf‘eld 04. '7 part of Tuscarora Mountains. 6'" 4', \ 28. Rabbit Hill Limestone, type section; Roberts Mountains MIND '7 \ Formation. Copenhagen Canyon area, Monitor Range. 0 o 29. Vaughn Gulch Limestone, type area. Northern part of Inyo 120° ”8 ”GD ”4 Mountains. 30. Sunday Canyon Formation. Barrel Spring area, northern 0 25 50 75 100MILES Inyo Mountains. 31. Lime Mountain Dolomite above dark-gray limestone and 0 40 80 120 160 KI LOMETRES dolomite probably correlative with Roberts Mountains Formation. Bare Mountain area. FIGURE 1.—Part of Great Basin showing distribution of the Roberts Mountains Formation and correlative formations in the intermediate limestone belt and fossil localities of stratigraphic importance with regard to the Roberts Mountains Formation. Approximate limits of the Late Silurian—Early Devonian depositional facies belts are shown by heavy lines. stones that are mostly thin bedded and weather in a platy to flaggy fashion. The basal part of the formation is thin-bedded blue-gray limestone with black chert interbeds and tabular chert nodules. Above this in the lower part of the formation is fine-textured thinly laminated limestone and calcareous shale with a few thin interbeds of coarse limestone. In the middle and upper parts of the formation, there is a change to pre- dominantly coarser slabby-weathering blocky beds, a few centimetres to about 1 m thick, with partings of shale or laminated limestone. Crinoidal debris is abundant in these coarser beds, some of which are crinoidal bioclastic lenses containing abundant corals and brachiopods. As noted by Winterer and Murphy (1960, p. 123—129), some of the thicker beds are fossil- rich calcarenite locally revealing graded bedding. In places, the platy and laminated fine-grained beds con- tain abundant silt-size quartz granules. Coarse deposi- tional limestone breccias or flat-cobble mud breccias with limestone matrix are present as lenses in the upper thicker bedded sequences. Coarse-grained light-gray dolomitic limestone and dolomite occur as tongues and interbeds in the upper part of the formation; these dolomitic rocks can be traced laterally into a continuous dolomite, called Lone Mountain Dolomite. Silicified fossils are characteristic throughout the formation, especially in dolomitic limestones. At the type area, the Roberts Mountains Formation is overlain by the Lone Mountain Dolomite. At some other places, it grades into sequences of laminated limestone interbedded with thicker bedded clastic THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS, NEVADA 9 limestones that have been named the McMonnigal Limestone (Kay, 1960, Kay and Crawford, 1964, and McKee and others, 1972), the Windmill Limestone (Johnson, 1965, Matti and others, 1975), and the Wen- ban Limestone of Gilluly and Masursky (1965). TYPE SECTION The type section of the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion is on the northwest side of Roberts Creek Moun- tain between the south and middle forks of upper Pete Hanson Creek. The formation is about 2,000 feet (600 m) thick in the type section, where it occupies the stratigraphic interval between the Hanson Creek Formation and overlying dolomites classified here as the Lone Mountain Dolomite. It is here about 70 per- cent limestone, with a prominent cherty member at the base and dolomitic limestone and dolomite interbeds or tongues in the upper 200 m. The Roberts Mountains Formation consists of well- bedded laminated dark-gray to slightly bluish-gray, platy, flaggy, and slabby limestone, dark-gray graded bioclastic limestone, calcareous shale, and subordinate black chert in the basal part of the formation. Most of the chert, shale, and laminated to shaly limestones occur in the lower part of the formation; the beds be- come on the whole thicker, coarser textured, and more bioclastic upward, with fewer of the laminated interca- lations. Fossils are abundant in many horizons above the cherty interval, those in the laminated or shaly rocks are mainly graptolites. In the type section, differences in lithology and paleontology make feasible a three-unit subdivision of the Roberts Mountains Formation as unit 1, 100 m; unit 2, 300 m; and unit 3, 200 m, in ascending strati- graphic order. Unit 1.——Unit 1, a fine-textured cherty unit, is made up of a basal chert and dolomite 1—3 m thick overlain by fine-grained thin-bedded laminated dark-gray lime- stone weathering platy and flaggy with shaly partings. The limestones weather light gray. The laminae usu— ally reveal an alternation of calcareous and argilla- ceous or silty layers; in places, millimetre-thick limy layers alternate with layers containing much dark- colored matter probably composed of iron oxides with organic substances (Winterer and Murphy, 1960, p. 123). The laminated strata include dark chert layers and nodules elongate parallel to bedding. The distinc- tive bluish-black chert-bearing interval of varying thickness less than 3 m at the bottom of the formation, is about 75 percent chert that contains subordinate un- chertified and undolomitized limestone lenses. Upward the chert decreases in amount, occurring in discontinu- ous 1—5 cm layers separated by laminated limestone. Fossils are scarce in the laminated limestone, but shaly partings yield graptolites. The basal chert, rest- ing upon the Hanson Creek Formation, which also is cherty in many places, is a widely recognized unit of the Great Basin Silurian. In some other areas it has yielded large pentameroid brachiopods. Unit 2.—Unit 2, thickest of the three units in the type section of the Roberts Mountains Formation, is made up of platy to fiaggy dark bluish-gray fine to fairly coarse textured impure limestones with inter- beds of bioclastic limestone as much as 1 m thick. Cal- careous shaly partings and thin laminated layers sepa- rate the thicker beds, many of which are highly fos- siliferous (bioclastic); much of this debris is crinoidal. The introduction of the thicker, rather coarsely clastic crinoidal beds distinguishes unit 2 from unit 1. Scat- tered black chert lenses and nodules are present as high as about the middle of unit 2. In the upper part of the unit are a few light-gray recrystallized layers that are slightly dolomitic. Tabulate corals, pentameroids, and other brachiopods are abundant in the many bio- clastic beds; the rugose corals are subordinate. Unit 3.—Unit 3 is gradational with unit 2 through an interval wherein coarser textured crinoidal layers containing abundant Conchidium grade upward into a more uniformly thicker bedded sequence of light and dark-gray, somewhat blocky-weathering limestones that include coralline beds. About 75 m above its base, unit 3 becomes prevailingly lighter gray and less well bedded as it passes upward into the interbedded lime- stone and dolomite of the upper half. The lower coral- line beds contain large heads of colonial Rugosa of Great Basin Silurian coral zone C. Light-gray-weath- ering limestones in the upper middle part of unit 3 contain abundant silicified corals of Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone D. Through the upper 122 m, bedding is poorly defined, the weathering more blocky, and fossils become fewer as the mixed carbonate rocks pass up- ward into the coarser saccharoidal dolomite of the overlying Lone Mountain Dolomite. STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS TO UNDERLYING AND OVERLYING FORMATIONS Careful examination of the contact separating the basal chert of unit 1 from the underlying Hanson Creek Formation has disclosed equivocal evidence of disconformity or angular discordance in the type sec— tion. Fossil evidence elsewhere, as in the Tuscarora Mountains (Berry and Roen, 1963), also suggests that some of the earliest Silurian may not be represented at or near the contact and hence a paraconformity exists in this part of the section. The upper limit of the Roberts Mountains Formation in its type section is gradational with the Lone Moun- tain Dolomite (Lone Mountain unit 2 at Lone Moun- 10 tain as redefined by Merriam in 1973). About 500 m of blocky dolomite between Roberts Mountains Forma- tion unit 3 and richly fossiliferous lower beds of the Devonian Nevada Formation (or the McColley Canyon Formation of Murphy and Gronberg, 1970) yielded no fossils. Future study of the Lone Mountain Dolomite at Roberts Creek Mountain may show that the part of it correlates with part of the finer textured Beacon Peak Dolomite Member of the Nevada Formation of the Eureka district. liv\(lll{S CHANGES FROM LIMESTONE 'I‘O DOLOMITE A planimetric map of the upper Pete Hanson Creek area by Winterer and Murphy (1960, p. 120, fig. 2) that includes the type section of the Roberts Mountains Formation illustrates the intertonguing relation of unit 3 limestone to dolomitic beds of the Lone Moun- tain Dolomite. Dolomitic limestones of these unit-3 tongues contain a fauna more closely related to that of the Roberts Mountains limestone facies than to that of the Lone Mountain dolomite facies as known in the Eureka area (Merriam, 1973a, b). It is in Roberts Mountains unit 3 of the type area that we find the most clearly defined marginal interfingering of the inter- mediate limestone belt to the eastern dolomite belt in the Great Basin province. STRATIGRAPHIC PALEONTOLOGY OF THE TYPE SECTION The reference section for two of the five proposed Great Basin Silurian coral zones (Merriam, 1973a) oc- curs in the type section of the Roberts Mountains For- mation, Silurian coral zones C and D in lithologic unit 3 of the formation. The other Great Basin Silurian coral zones have not been recognized in this section. FOSSILS ()F L‘NI’I‘S I AND 2 Poorly preserved Monograptus sp. with plain tubular thecae occur in unit 1 and the lowermost part of unit 2 (W. B. N. Berry, written commun., 1964). Fossils pres- ent in these lower beds are: Massive favositids Small Conchidium-like Cladopora sp. pentameroids Heliolites sp. Dicoelosia Sp. Halysites sp. Eatonia? sp. Orthophyllum sp. Merista? Sp. Pycnostylid Rugosa Atrypa sp. Monograptus sp. The characteristic Lower Silurian rugose corals of Great Basin Silurian coral zone A which would be ex- pected in these lower beds have not been found here; those absent include the genera Palaeocyclus, Dal- manophyllum, Arachnophyllum, and Cyathophyl- loides. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY Fossils of early Middle Silurian (Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone B) were expected in the middle to upper beds of unit 2 but have not been found here. Rugose coral genera present are Tryplasma, Palaeophyllum, Diplophyllum, and Microplasma. Tabulate coral gen- era in these beds are Aulopora, Cladopora, Heliolites, and Halysites. In the uppermost beds of unit 2, brachiopods are abundant, especially medium-sized Conchidium-like pentameroids, some of which have fine radial costae, others radial costae of medium strength. Of the latter, one species (pl. 12, figs. 24—26) resembles the Norwegian Conchidium mdnsteri Kiaer as described and figured by St. Joseph (1938). This species, reported in southern Norway Silurian zone 5b, St. Joseph considered to be Early Silurian (Llandove- rian). Other brachiopods abundant in higher beds of Roberts Mountains unit 2 are the small Coelospira sp. and Ptychopleurella sp. FOSSI LS OF UNIT 3 Unit 3 of the Roberts Mountains Formation includes two Great Basin Silurian coral zones, C and D, and is the reference section for both. Coral zone C lies about 10 m above the base of unit 3 and has yielded only corals, of which the following Rugosa are diagnostic: Entelophylloides (Prohexagonaria) occidentalis Merriam Tryplasma newfarmeri Merriam Denayphyllum denayensis Merriam Coral zone D lies about 90 m above the base and con- tains the following diagnostic Rugosa: Stylopleura berthiaumi Merriam Tonkinaria simpsoni Merriam Tryplasma duncanae Merriam Tabulate corals, dasycladacean algae, and brachiopods were abundant here in a diverse biota. The following are among the common associated fossils of coral zone D: Verticillopora cf. V. annulata Rezak Dicoelosia sp. r Gypidula sp. r Homoeospira sp. r Kozlowskiellina sp. f Atrypa sp. AGE ()1: '1‘H E ROBERTS MOL'NI‘AINS FORMA'I‘IOX ()14‘ THE 'l‘YPl-l SECTION In the time-stratigraphic sense, the greater part, but not all, of the Silurian System as well as the lower part of the Devonian System, is believed to be recorded in the 600 m of Roberts Mountains Formation of its type section. Fossil evidence indicating the early part of Early Silurian (Llandoverian) is lacking; the rest of the system is present and is represented by graptolites, THE NORTHERN SIMPSON PARK MOUNTAINS II conodonts, and shelly fossils of Silurian age. The upper part of the formation is Lower Devonian in age (Klap- per and Murphy, 1974; Berry and Murphy, 1975). The basal chert of the Roberts Mountains Formation (bottom of unit 1), present in the type section and most other Great Basin Silurian carbonate sections of both limestone and dolomite, seems to be a dependable marker unit. That it does transgress hypothetical time planes fromplace to place has been suggested by F. G. Poole (written commun., 1971), and his geologic evi- dence is convincing. It has also been suggested that there may be two or more chert sequences of different ages at this place in the stratigraphic column of the Great Basin (Jonathan C. Matti, written commun., 1974). This possibility remains to be demonstrated. The Silurian age of the basal chert has been estab- lished in several widely separated localities. In the northern Monitor Range at Copenhagen Canyon, the basal chert contains fairly large pentameroid brach- iopods of Silurian character. At Mill Canyon, Toquima Range, a coral assemblage beneath the chert contains Cladopora? sp., three species ofFavosites, Halysites (or Cystihalysites), “Cystiphyllum” sp., and Brachyelasma sp., a fauna suggesting a Silurian age. Graptolites from the chert in the central Toquima Range were identified by W. B. N. Berry as Climacograptus scalaris and Climacograptus cf. C. medias; these species suggest an Early Silurian (Early Llandovery) age. As shown by Berry and Roen (1963), the beds in the southern Tus- carora Mountains that are a few feet above the basal chert marker contain graptolites of the Monograptus riccartonensis Zone of early Wenlockian age. Roberts Mountains unit 2 and the lower part of unit 3 up to and including Great Basin Silurian coral zone C are provisionally classified as Middle Silurian (Wen- lock). The lower and middle beds of unit 3, including coral zone D, are considered to be L'ate Silurian (Lud- lovian); the higher Ludlovian faunas of coral zone E have not been found at the type section. The graptolite succession on which the currently accepted Silurian- Devonian boundary is based indicates that the upper part of unit 3 is Lower Devonian. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION OF THE NORTHERN SIMPSON PARK MOUNTAINS GEOLOGIC SETTING Silurian and Devonian strata are exposed along the lower north slopes of the Simpson Park Mountains (Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada), most of which are blanketed by andesite and basalt flows. In some parts of the foothill area, coarse gravel and fanglomerate obscure the Paleozoic strata. Only that part of the lower north slope of the range between Grouse Creek and Red Hill at the northeast tip is cov- ered in this report. Between Grouse Creek and Red Hill, a distance of about 11 km, the Paleozoic rocks are exposed in two areas: the Coal Canyon area (fig. 2) on the west and the Red Hill area on the east. Between these areas is a wide band of volcanic rock and gravel cover. Over- thrust chert and shale of the Ordovician Vinini Forma- tion crop out extensively in the Fye Canyon area on the southwest; Pennsylvanian or Permian conglomerate and limestone is found within the area and discon- formably overlies the older Paleozoic strata. Between Grouse Creek and Red Hill, the Paleozoic beds dip 200 to about 60° E.; the steeper dips are in the vicinity of faults. Most faults have a northerly strike; in some places, faulting has caused an apparent thick- ening of the stratigraphic section. In general, the beds become progressively younger eastward; the oldest ex- posed rocks are the uppermost beds of the Hanson Creek Formation on the west in a minor canyon half a mile east of the mouth of Grouse Creek Canyon. Nearly all the Silurian and Lower Devonian section is exposed at Pine Hill and Pyramid Hill on the west. COAL CANYON AREA Pine Hill on the west side of Coal Canyon is under- lain by a nearly continuous east-dipping section of Roberts Mountains Formation truncated on the east by the Coal Canyon fault (fig. 2). On the opposite or east side of Coal Canyon, Pyramid Hill is largely Rabbit Hill Limestone of Early Devonian age underlain along the lower east slopes of Coal Canyon by the uppermost beds of the Roberts Mountains Formation. The upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation here was named the Windmill Limestone by Johnson (1965). This unit of finely laminated fine-grained limestone and thin- to medium-bedded clastic limestones is a rec- ognizable formation at a number of places elsewhere in the region. At places along the west slope of Coal Canyon, the Coal Canyon fault is marked by a north-south zone of shearing and brecciation about 76 m wide. Within and adjacent to the fault zone, the east bedding dips are steep and locally reversed to the west. The fault strikes about N. 5° W.; although its overall dip was not de- termined by field observation, it is inferred to be a high-angle normal fault with a possible steep east dip. To the south, the Coal Canyon fault passes beneath volcanic cover. (10A 1. CANYON I-‘AL'IJY ZONE Continuous measurement of the stratigraphic sec— tion across Coal Canyon from Pine Hill through Pyramid Hill must take into consideration a north- 12 116°38‘40” ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY “6 37 24 EXPLANATION 40° 30' COAL CANYON FAULT assisted by J. W. Miller Geology mapped by C. Volcanic rocks Rabbit Hill Limestone Roberts Mountains Formation L—V—JK—v—JRr—JW—J 0RDOVICIAN SILURIAN DEVONIAN TERTIARY Hanson Creek Formation Contact \U.’ D Fault Dashed where uncertain, U, upthrown side: D, downthrown side w. Merriam, 1970—74, , 1969—70 —\ 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 50'00 F E ET I I I I I \22 1 00 M ETR ES (I) 590 1090 5I Strike and dip of beds M1334 CONTOUR INTERVAL 200 FEET . _ © . A A Fossfl locality FAULT Z O >. Z < U .1 < O U A». “fisfi ads... FIGURE 2.—The Coal Canyon area, northern Simpson Park Mountains, showing N _ «as» 5%, §%% 7500' See Iocali 1y register 1 Approximate position of beds with Monograptus praehercynicus 2 Approximate position of beds with Carlinastraea and Stylopleura 7000' wfifik :%%% 6500 ' “Mr M Wmml‘g " 6000' relations of the Roberts Mountains Formation in the vicinity of the Coal Canyon fault. south fault break of undetermined magnitude. The Coal Canyon fault zone follows the steep west wall of the canyon for a distance of 800 m. It is best shown on the main northeast spur of Pine Hill, where its north- south trace is marked by a coarse calcite-impregnated limestone cataclastic breccia some 76 In wide. Minor surfaces disclosing dip and direction of displacement were not found at the margins of this coarse breccia. The general trend of the breccia mass suggests that it continues southward, mostly beneath talus, and passes beneath a volcanic inlier in upper Coal Canyon basin without observed displacement of the volcanic body. The fault appears to have had a steep dip, but the di- rection of inclination has not been determined. It is probably a high-angle normal fault, although it might conceivably be a thrust fault subsidiary to a fault in upper Coal Canyon herein named the Rocky Hills thrust. Mapping in the Pine Hill block reveals a steepening of bedding dip as the Coal Canyon fault zone is approached from the west. The steepened dips are fault drag features suggesting either downward movement of the east or Pyramid Hill block or west- to-east displacement of strata in the west or Pine Hill block on a low-angle thrust fault. The stratigraphic sections on the two sides of the canyon, the Pine Hill block on the west, the Pyramid Hill block on the east, are dealt with separately. PHYSICAL S'IRATIGRAI’HY OF THE PINE HILL SECTION A nearly continuous section of Roberts Mountains Formation is exposed in Pine Hill west of the Coal Canyon fault. Only the uppermost beds of this section have been disturbed within the Coal Canyon fault zone. The Roberts Mountains Formation in the Pine Hill block is about 450 m thick and is here considered as having two IitholOgic units. The lower Roberts Mountains unit of Pine Hill is about 330 m thick; the base is black chert, 1—2 m thick, resting with sharp contact upon thick-bedded light- gray-weathering Hanson Creek dolomite and lime- THE NORTHERN SIMPSON PARK MOUNTAINS stone. The succeeding Roberts Mountains consists of laminated thin-bedded platy and flaggy-weathering dark-gray impure limestone with intercalations of cal- careous shale or calcareous siltstone. There are a few bioclastic limestone interbeds 5 or 6 cm thick contain- ing brachiopods and other fossils. Graptolites are fairly common in the laminated limestone and shaly units. In the lower 30 m above the basal chert, there are a few thin black chert bands and chert nodules. Lamination is a characteristic feature of some of the thin limy beds as in other areas of Roberts Mountains outcrop. In the lower part of the lower 330-m interval, bio- clastic limestone beds are few. A 1-inch, slightly bluish-gray fine-grained limestone is crowded with small silicified corals and brachiopods; another thin bed with unsilicified fossils yielded a smooth medium— sized Pentamerus-like brachiopod. About 140 m above the formation base is a limonite brown or reddish-stained silty sandstone bed contain- ing abundant graptolites. The upper 120-m unit of the Roberts Mountains Formation in the Pine Hill block is an alternating thick and thinly bedded fairly coarse-grained dark- bluish-gray limestone with calcareous shaly and silty intercalations. The lithologic change from the lower unit to the upper unit is distinct, but not abrupt. Most of the thicker limestone beds are bioclastic and contain well-preserved corals and other fossils; the most abun- dant are massive Favosites colonies. About 15 m of this limestone in the upper half of the interval, which car- ries a varied fauna of rugose corals and brachiopods, is referred to as the Carlinastraea beds. Thick beds of depositional breccia occur in the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation on the east side of Coal Canyon in the Toquimaphyllum beds of the Pyramid Hill section. The upper 120-m unit of the formation in the Pine Hill block is terminated on the east by the Coal Can- yon fault. It is possible that the total thickness of this unit in unfaulted sections is much greater than 120 m. STRATIGRAPHIC PALEONTOLOGY AND AGE OF ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION AT PINE HILL Fossils collected through the 450 m of Roberts Moun- tains Formation in the Pine Hill block show the age to range from Early Silurian (late Llandoverian) for the lower beds to the Lower Devonian (Gedinnian) for the upper 100 m or so of the formation. This range in age is assigned on the basis of graptolites identified by W. B. N. Berry (written commun., Nov. 8, 1968). The upper 120-m unit contains abundant corals in the more massive beds; Carlinastraea, which is especially abun- dant, is considered representative of the Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. 13 Coiled graptolites in beds a few feet above the basal chert are reported as late Early Silurian (late Llan- doverian). Graptolite assemblages near the top of the lower 330-m unit include Monograptus praehercynicus J aeger. Some limonitic silty limestone and siltstone beds about 140 m stratigraphically above the base of the Roberts Mountains Formation contain a graptolite as- semblage reported upon by W. B. N. Berry (written commun., Oct. 16, 1972) as: Lobograptus ”scanicus” Monograptus bohemicus? Monograptus colonus Monograptus sp. (of the M. dubius type) The age of this horizon is considered by Berry to be early Ludlovian. Such a low position for early Ludlo- vian, some 310 m below the top of this section, suggests that the Wenlockian part of the formation is relatively thin compared with the Ludlovian. The upper 120-m lithologic unit of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Pine Hill (the type Windmill Limestone of Johnson, 1965) is primarily thick-bedded dark-bluish-gray medium- to fairly coarse grained bioclastic limestone with thin-bedded limestone and calcareous shaly intercalations. The coarse-grained beds are made up of clastic debris, and most are graded. This unit forms prominent outcrops and the change from the platy and laminated limestones of the lower division is gradual. As described by Berry and Mullens (written communs., 1968), the Monograptus praehercynicus beds must lie near the base of this upper unit. Corals and brachiopods, especially corals, are abundant in the upper unit; the most abundant coral is the large, massive Favosites. A zone about 20 m thick above the middle of this unit has yielded the following fossils: Favosites sp. (massive) Cladopora sp. Alveolites sp. Syringopora sp. Striatopora? sp. Rhegmaphyllum? sp. Brachyelasma sp. c Tryplasma sp., cf. T. duncanae (fragmentary) Tonkinaria simpsoni Merriam Stylopleura sp. c, cf. S. berthiaumi Merriam Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis Merriam Gypidula sp. Isorthis sp. (ventral valve) Small dalmanellid brachiopod (dorsal valve) This assemblage containing Tryplasma, Tonkinaria, and Stylopleura suggests that of Great Basin Silurian coral zone D at the Roberts Mountains Formation type section, although its most distinctive coral, Carlina- 14 straea, was not found at the type section. The species of Carlinastraea found at Pine Hill occurs in the upper- most fossil bed at Bootstrap Hill in the Tuscarora Mountains and at locality M1446 on the pediment slope north of Red Hill in the Simpson Park Moun- tains where it is associated with Australophyllum (To- quimaphyllum) johnsoni Merriam and Stylopleura. Such an association, in particular with To- quimaphyllum, suggests that there is no profound stratigraphic separation between the Carlinastraea beds at Pine Hill and those of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E on the east side of Coal Canyon (Pyramid Hill block), in which Australophyllum (Toquimaphyl- lum)johnsoni is the most distinctive rugose coral. Lit- tle is known of the stratigraphic range of any of these seemingly distinctive Rugosa. FOSSILS COLLECTED WITHIN THE (TOAI. (IANYON FAULT ZONE Several important fossil occurrences are within dis- turbed rocks of the Coal Canyon fault zone, and be- cause of this, their true stratigraphic position remains uncertain. Among the fossils are the compact aseptate pycnostylid Stylopleura? sp. c (pl. 2, figs. 1 and 2) from locality M1379,Australophyllum sp. c (pl. 8, figs. 3—7), from locality M1318 and Verticillopora annulata (pl. 10, figs. 1—3) from locality M1411. From their positions in the fault zone, it appears probable that all these fossils came from horizons stratigraphically higher than the Carlinastraea beds. PHYSICAL STRATIGRAI’HY ()1: THE PYRAMID HILL SECTION In Pyramid Hill, east of the Coal Canyon fault zone, about 400 m of east-dipping limestone and thinly bedded calcareous shaly and silty deposits include the uppermost part of the Roberts Mountains Formation (the Windmill Limestone of Johnson, 1965) and the overlying Rabbit Hill Limestone. About 150 m of the Roberts Mountains Formation is present here. The Rabbit Hill underlying most of Pyramid Hill continues eastward. As the depositional contact between the two formations is gradational, placement is arbitrary as understood at this time. The paleontologic change in corals, however, is profound with complete disappear- ance upward of all Rugosa of Silurian affinities and Rugosa classified previously as Silurian types (Mer- riam, 1973a). Only the small solitary variety Syringa- xon is present in the Rabbit Hill Devonian of this sec- tion. Within the Roberts Mountains Formation along the steep lower east slopes of Coal Canyon are bold mas- sive outcrops of the more thickly bedded lenticular and locally fossil-rich limestones. Much of this lower slope ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY is covered by talus mantle that is the source of weath- ered fossil material collected here. Some of the float fossils, like many large Rugosa, however, are traceable to their source beds. The uppermost Roberts Mountains Formation of the Pyramid Hill is made up of fine-textured dark— to medium-dark-gray laminated platy to flaggy lime- stone, and thick-bedded (2 cm—2 In) coarse slightly bluish-gray bioclastic limestones, most of which are graded. Some of the more massive beds are lenticular, and locally they form prominent cliff exposures. The bioclastic beds, which are composed in considerable part of crinoidal debris, also contain abundant corals, brachiopods, and other fossils. In some places all fossils are silicified and weather out a limonite brown color. The thicker bedded limestones above the middle of the unit include numerous lenticular bodies of coarse- textured depositional limestone breccia in which some clasts are more than a foot in greatest diameter and range in shape from subangular to rounded. In some of the beds the corals present are surrounded by a coarse-grained and fine—grained limestone matrix; some beds are graded and of uniform thickness. Above the interval of thicker bedded coral-rich limestone and depositional breccia, the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion becomes thinner bedded in about its uppermost 23 m, approaching the transition interval into overlying Rabbit Hill Limestone. In general, the lower part of the Rabbit Hill is much like the platy thin-bedded Roberts Mountains beds, but coarser textured bioclastic beds of the Rabbit Hill lack the bluish cast of such fossil-rich limestone beds in the Roberts Mountains. Tentaculites is common in the lower part of the Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. The characteristic Leptocoelia of the Rabbit Hill Limestone becomes abundant in Leptocoelia beds about 100 m stratigraphically above the base of the Rabbit Hill as mapped. The dark-gray platy limestones and calcareous shale and silty beds of the Rabbit Hill com- monly weather very light gray. In the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion of the Pyramid Hill section, the coral-rich more massive beds with depositional limestone breccia are referred to as the ”upper coral zone with Toquimaphyl- lum.” On the west side of Coal Canyon in the Pine Hill block, the coral-rich beds are distinguished as the ”lower coral zone with Carlinastraea.” The upper coral zone with Toquimaphyllum is the primary reference section for Great Basin Silurian coral zone E of Mer- riam (1973a). These rocks are Lower Devonian in age based on graptolites. All Pyramid Hill fossils dealt with in this report came from a stratigraphic interval of about 50 m in the middle and upper parts of the Roberts Mountains For- mation on the east side of Coal Canyon. This interval TUSCARORA MOUNTAINS includes the thicker bedded coral-rich limestone and allogenic depositional limestone breccia. Some of the fossil material came directly from the bold outcrops in place, but much of it was collected on the talus below the bold exposures. The common fossils of this 50 m interval are: Stromatoporoids Favosites sp. (massive) Cladopora sp. Alveolites sp. Stylopleura nevadensis Merriam Stylopleura berthiaumi Merriam Mucophyllum oliveri Merriam Kodonophyllum mulleri Merriam Rhizophyllum cf. R. enorme (Oliver) Chonophyllum simpsoni Merriam Kyphophyllum sp. c Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) johnsoni Merriam Orthostrophia sp. Schellwienella? sp. Barrandella? sp. Sicorhyncha? sp. Rhynchospirina sp. Plectatrypa? sp. Atrypa sp. Meristella sp. Kozlowskiellina sp. f Verticillopora cf. V. annulata Rezak The rugose coral assemblages in the coral-rich lime- stone interval of the Pyramid Hill exposures are of Silurian character as compared with assemblages of the Gotland, Sweden, Silurian standard and with those of Silurian strata of the Klamath Mountains, Calif, and Australia. Mucophyllum oliveri, the most distinctive fossil in this fauna, bears a fairly close resemblance to M ucophyllum of the Silurian Gazelle Formation of the Klamath Mountains, Calif., and to Silurian Mucophyl- lum crateroides (Etheridge) of Australia. Similar cor- als from Gotland, Sweden, have previously been re- ferred to Schlotheimophyllum or erroneously t0 Chonophyllum. Kodonophyllum is represented in the Gotland section, as is the slipper coral Rhizophyllum, which does, however, pass upward into the Early De- vonian of eastern Europe. Kyphophyllum is a Silurian genus in Gotland but may range into earliest Devonian in the Klamath Mountains. Toquimaphyllum, pro- posed by Merriam (1973a) as a subgenus of the long- ranging Australophyllum in Silurian and Devonian rocks, is itself known in the Great Basin in later Silu- rian beds. The little-known pycnostylid Rugosa, which include Pycnostylus and Stylopleura, are characteristic of the Silurian System. 15 A float specimen from Coal Canyon assigned to the genus Salairophyllum, first reported from the Ural Mountains of the U.S.S.R., was probably derived from the higher Roberts Mountains limestone. In southeast- ern Alaska, Salairophyllum occurs in the Late Silurian limestones (Merriam, 1972) associated with Con- chidium alaskensis, an index fossil of the Ludlovian Stage in Alaska. Verticillopora, the large dasycladacean alga, is mostly confined to Silurian rocks of the Great Basin. In the Vaughn Gulch Limestone of the Inyo Mountains, it crosses the line into earliest Devonian at the base of the uppermost Vaughn Gulch limestone unit. PROBLEM OF THE SILL'RIAN«DI€\'ONIAN B()L'NI)ARY A'l‘ PYRAMID HILL A systematic study has been made (Merriam, 1973a) of the rugose corals from thick-bedded Roberts Moun- tains limestone of the upper coral zone with T0- quimaphyllum, the reference section of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E as defined by Merriam (1973a). This coral zone contains distinctive genera and sub- genera represented in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden, in the Klamath Mountains Silurian of northern California (Merriam, 1972), and in the Silurian of Aus- tralia. None of these genera range into the overlying Rabbit Hill Limestone. It is significant that no fossils have been collected through a stratigraphic interval of about 100 m from the top of the uppermost Roberts Mountains thick- bedded coralline limestone to the lowest fossils of the Rabbit Hill Limestone. The contact between the two formations as mapped is arbitrary, and from the coral evidence, with reference to Gotland, Sweden, the Silurian-Devonian boundary is discretionary and as- sumed to lie somewhere within the 100 m interval. The rugose coral evidence bearing upon the Silurian-Devonian boundary clearly does not agree with that derived from study of the graptolites and from conodont research. The base of the Monograptus uniformis Zone, which is accepted as defining the base of the Devonian, places the boundary about 250 m lower in the section in the Pine Hill block on the west side of Coal Canyon. To clearly resolve this type of boundary problem will require the cooperative effort of specialists dealing with all the fossil groups repre- sented in these rocks, emphasizing graptolites, cono- donts, brachiopods, and rugose corals. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, TUSCARORA MOUNTAINS As a host rock of gold, the Roberts Mountains For- mation has been traced widely in the Tuscarora Moun- 16 tains and nearby areas of Elko and northern Eureka Counties, Nev. Structural complexity is everywhere characteristic of the formation, where, as part of the autochthonous group of rocks, it is overridden by grap- tolitic shales, argillites, and cherts of the Vinini For- mation (Roberts and others, 1958). Complete strati- graphic sections of the Roberts Mountains Formation are rare here, but the basal chert is exposed 4 miles (6.4 km) southwest of the Big Six Mine (Berry and Roen, 1963) and at the gorge on Maggie Creek 8 miles (12.8 km) northwest of Carlin. Rocks of the unnamed Devonian limestone unit of Mullens (Evans and Mul— lens, 1976; T. E. Mullens, unpub. data, 1975) are above the Roberts Mountains Formation at Bootstrap Mine and at Maggie Creek. The section at the Carlin mine, though much faulted, seems to be nearly complete. An excellent partial section occurs at the Bootstrap mine on Boulder Creek 22 miles (35.2 km) north- northeast of Dunphy, a short distance north of the Eureka-Elke County line. Although the basal chert is not exposed here, about 470 m of strata with several coral-bearing fossil zones has been measured by T. E. Mullens (unpub. data, 1975) at this locality. Evans and Mullens (1976) divide this section of rocks into two units, the lower 180 In called Roberts Mountains For- mation and the upper 275 m termed unnamed Devo- nian limestone. We favor including the lower part of the unnamed Devonian limestone unit in the Roberts Mountains Formation because it is similar to the upper part of that formation at many places in central Ne- vada, in particular, the reference section at Coal Can- yon in the Simpson Park Mountains. The upper part of the unnamed Devonian limestone unit of Evans and Mullens (1976) looks like the Rabbit Hill Limestone and is probably correlative with that formation. An alternative nomenclature, in line with other studies of the Silurian and Lower Devonian in central Nevada, would term the lower part of the unnamed unit of Evans and Mullens (the top of our Roberts Mountains Formation) the Windmill Limestone (Johnson, 1965) and the upper part the Rabbit Hill Limestone. The lumping of rocks into a general unnamed unit obscures basic lithologic similarities and correlations and is a step backward in our understanding of the paleotec- tonics of the region. Collections of unusually well- preserved silicified fossils made in this vicinity by R. J. Roberts during reconnaissance mapping of northern Eureka County convincingly demonstrated the Silu- rian age of some of the limestones. Fossil collections along the Mullens section traversed by Mullens and Merriam make possible a significant correlation with the Coal Canyon reference section and indirectly with the Roberts Mountains Formation type section. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY PHYSICAL STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BOOTSTRAP HILL SECTION Measurement of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Bootstrap Hill by T. E. Mullens (unpub. data, 1975) shows two major lithologic divisions totaling about 470 m. This section does not include the base of the forma— tion, which presumably is the black chert unit. The lower division, 180 m of which is exposed, is made up of platy splitting laminated limestone with thicker inter- beds of bioclastic and pelletal limestone. Of these strata, the fine-textured laminated limestones pre- dominate. The upper 275 m unit consists of thicker bedded coarser bioclastic and pelletal limestone with a few intercalcalations of laminated limestone, espe- cially the lower 50 m. Corals and brachiopods are abundant in some beds of the upper unit. The bioclastic and pelletal beds commonly exhibit graded bedding; many of these beds include breccia fragments and scour surfaces at the base. The Bootstrap Hill section is possibly truncated at the top by a thrust fault (T. E. Mullens, written com- mun., 1972). The coral-bearing bed, that of Carlinas- traea tuscaroraensis, lies about 400 m stratigraphically above the bottom of the section. STRATIGRAPHIC PALEONTOLOGY OF THE BOOTSTRAP HILL SECTION Three faunal zones are recognizable at Bootstrap Hill on the basis of corals and brachiopods. These range in ascending age from possible Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone A to coral zone D or E. The uppermost beds have yielded no coral fauna, but conodonts are varieties found in the Rabbit Hill Limestone. Lowest coral-brachiopod zone—Two fossil collec- tions were made by R. J. Roberts, one from the south- west base of Bootstrap Hill (M1 120) and the other from the west base of the next hill to the south (M1412). Both collections were taken from talus masking the lowest exposed strata. The collection from locality M1412 is diverse and distinctive; it includes, among other fossils, the follow- ing forms: Cyathophylloides sp. f Cladopora sp. Alveolitid tabulate coral Conchidium sp. b Fardenia sp. b Ptychopleurella sp. Coelospira sp. b Kozlowskiellina sp. b Merista sp. The fossils from locality M1120 at the southwest base of Bootstrap Hill are Cyathophylloides sp. f, Brachyelasma sp. b, Heliolites sp., and Favosites sp. TUSCARORA MOUNTAINS 17 The fossils at both localities are silicified and as- sociated with chertified sedimentary material that is characteristic of lower beds of the formation near the basal chert marker. The marker bed presumably is lower in the section but is not exposed. The primitive colonial rugose coral Cyathophylloides in each of these assemblages resembles C. fergusoni of the Great Basin Silurian coral zone A described in collections from the Toquima Range. Middle coral-brachiopod zone—A 60-m strati- graphic interval starting 180 m from the base of the section and at the bottom of the more massive bioclas- tic sequence contains fossil assemblages that include the following forms: Cladopora sp. Coenites sp. Favosites (massive) Stylopleura sp. b Calostylis? sp. Kodonophyllum sp. b Kyphophyllum sp. b Resserella sp. Leptaena sp. Salopina? sp. Gypidula sp. Coelospira sp. Trematospira? sp. Atrypa sp. Howellella sp. Glassia 0r Cryptatrypa sp. Upper fossil zone with Carlinastraea.—Collecti0ns from what is here called the Carlinastraea bed, 70 m stratigraphically below the top of the Bootstrap Hill section, were made by R. J. Roberts in 1958 and were supplemented by additional collections by Mullens and Merriam in 1969. The complex rugose coral Carlina- straea occurs in very large colonies 1 m or more in diameter, as it does at Coal Canyon in the Simpson Park Mountains. Fossils found in the Carlinastraea bed at Bootstrap Hill are: Cladopora sp. Alveolites sp. Favosites (massive) Rhegmaphyllum sp. Syringaxon? sp. Tryplasma sp. cf. T. duncanae Merriam Kyphophyllum? sp., cf. K. sp. b Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis n. gen., n. sp. Salopina? sp. (dorsal valve) Large dalmanellid brachiopod (ventral valve) Abundant crinoidal debris AGE OF THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION AT BOOTSTRAP HILL Coral and brachiopod evidence points to a Silurian age for part of the Bootstrap Hill section with an age range from Early Silurian (Great Basin Silurian coral zone A) for the lower beds containing Cyathophylloides to Late Silurian (Great Basin Silurian coral zone D or E) for the higher beds containing Carlinastraea. Like the the type and reference sections of the Roberts Mountains Formation, the upper part is Lower Devo- nian. This age, as elsewhere, is based on the graptolite standard which in central Nevada places the Silurian-Devonian boundary at a lower stratigraphic position than the corals would suggest. Except for Coelospira sp. b, the brachiopod as- semblage from the lowest faunal zone shows little simi- larity to known assemblages from other areas; the brachiopods of Great Basin Silurian coral zone A are in general poorly known. The faunas of the middle coral-brachiopod zone gen- erally fall in line with a Silurian age, in particular the Rugosa Stylopleura, Calostylis?, Kodonophyllum, and Kyphophyllum. Several of the brachiopods range up- ward into the Devonian; those provisionally assigned to Salopina?, Coelospira, and Glassia or Cryptatrypa are possibly more in harmony with a Silurian age. The remarkable colonial rugose coral Carlinastraea, though resembling Devonian forms conventionally as- signed to Spongophyllum, is generically quite distinct. Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis, which is specifically identical to that from Bootstrap Hill, occurs in the Simpson Park Mountains at Coal Canyon in beds with a coral fauna quite similar to that of Silurian coral zone D in the Roberts Mountains type section. Car- linastraea of a similar kind occurs in association with Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) johnsoni and Stylopleura cf. S. nevadensis in beds assigned to Great Basin Silurian coral zone E at locality M1446 in the northern foothills of the Simpson Park Mountains. Carlinastraea at Bootstrap Hill is therefore suggestive of either Great Basin Silurian coral zone D or E. Studies of graptolites from the lower 180 m of the Mullens section (unpub. data, T. E. Mullens, 1975) (by W. B. N. Berry) give evidence for a higher position in the Silurian System than do the corals. Monograptus in beds from about 45 m above the base to about 90 m include: Monograptus sp. (plain thecae) Monograptus sp. (appears to have thecae with spines similar to those in M. chimaera) Monograptus sp. (of the M. dubius type?) Monograptus sp. (thecae appear to be similar to those of M. uncinatus) 18 Berry’s conclusion (written commun., Nov. 8, 1968) is that these graptolites are possibly of Ludlovian Late Silurian age. Other graptolites from horizons about 175 In and 185 m above the base of the section are: Monograptus angustidens Pribyl Monograptus uniformis Pribyl Their age is given as Earliest Devonian (Monograptus uniformis Zone). ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION OF THE NORTHERN MONITOR RANGE At Copenhagen Canyon near Rabbit Hill in the northern Monitor Range, the Roberts Mountains For- mation is represented by thin-bedded laminated graptolite-bearing silty limestone and thin- to medium-bedded clastic limestones. It is overlain by Rabbit Hill Limestone. These Silurian and Lower De- vonian strata were studied by Merriam and Anderson (1942, p. 1687) and later described in more detail after reconnaissance geologic mapping and stratigraphic measurement by Merriam (1963). A recent study by Matti, Murphy, and Finney (1975) focuses on the stra- tigraphy and environment of deposition of the Silurian and Lower Devonian rocks of this area and revises the reconnaissance map. The most complete and measurable sequence of Roberts Mountains Formation in Copenhagen Canyon underlies an unnamed hill whose summit is about 1.6 km north-northeast of the top of Rabbit Hill in the SW14 sec. 36, T. 16 N., R. 49 E. The formation to the top of the unnamed hill measured about 180 m (Merriam, 1963, p. 38); beds of several hundred metres more are present west of the hill but poorly exposed. A thickness of 480 m was measured by Matti, Murphy, and Finney (1975) on this traverse. The section is made up of platy to shaly weathering argillaceous limestone and cal- careous shale grading upward into thin- to medium- bedded clastic limestones with fine-grained laminated limestone interbeds. On fresh surfaces these argilla- ceous beds are dark gray and fine textured; on weath- ering they become light gray or buff colored. Bioclastic and graded beds occur as sporadic interbeds in the middle part of the section and as the main lithologic type in the upper part; they are about 12 cm thick and are composed largely of fine sandy material with crinoidal debris. The platy silty limestones contain an abundance of graptolites best seen on weathered sur- faces. No thick coarse bioclastic limestone lenses con- taining a diverse colonial coral fauna were found in this section, but brachiopods, which were collected from high in the section, are reported by Johnson, Boucot, and Murphy (1967). The lower 30—40 m of the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion at the unnamed hill is a very cherty limestone ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY that is assumed to be correlative with, or to include, the basal Roberts Mountains chert marker of other Great Basin sections. It is, however, classified as the top of the underlying Hanson Creek Formation by Matti, Murphy, and Finney (1975). This conspicuously banded member consists of interbedded dark-gray or slightly bluish-gray fine-grained limestone and dark- gray chert that weathers limonite brown. Uneven lenses and pinch-and-swell beds of chert, 2—12 cm thick, make up one-third to one-half of this cherty unit. Above the cherty member, for at least 140 m to the top of the hill, are thin—bedded fine-grained argilla- ceous limestones that are dark gray on fresh breaks but weather light gray with buff- and brownish-colored patches. A few dark-gray chert nodules occur at places in this interval. PHYSICAL STRATIGRAPHY The contact at the bottom of the lowest chert bed reveals no convincing physical evidence of erosion and disconformity with the underlying Hanson Creek Formation, of Late Ordovician and Early Silurian age. Of possible significance regarding the system bound- ary is a persistent calcareous sandstone bed that lies about 12 m stratigraphically below the chert. This fine sandstone contains abundant chert granules. Accord- ing to F. G. Poole (oral commun., 1968), a sand of this kind occurs Widely in the central Great Basin in about the same stratigraphic position. This bed provides a useful datum with reference to base of the Silurian System; it is especially valuable in sections lacking the chert marker. The apparent thinning of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Copenhagen Canyon from the relative thick sections to the north is part of the gradual thin- ning of the unit to the west and south. In the Toquima Range to the west, two thrust plates containing rocks that were originally deposited farther west (presuma- bly in the vicinity of the Toiyabe Range) contain com- plete sections of Roberts Mountains Formation that are 106 m thick and less than 3 m thick, respectively. Similarly, in the northern Inyo Mountains, Calif., a northward change of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone to graptolite-bearing shaly deposits was accompanied by a thinning of strata representing the Vaughn Gulch interval (Ross, 1966, p. 32). STRATIGRAPHIC PALEONTOLOGY AND AGE OF THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION AT COPENHAGEN CANYON Studies of graptolites and conodonts provide most of the paleontologic evidence of age of this formation in the Monitor Range; they indicate the age of the forma- DOBBIN SUMMIT, MONITOR RANGE tion as Silurian and Lower Devonian. Generically un- determined pentameroid brachiopods about 3 cm long observed in the field near the top of the cherty unit suggest that this unit is best assigned to the Silurian System, in agreement with the graptolites and cono- donts. The sporadic crinoidal limestone beds may even- tually yield other shell megafossils of diagnostic age significance. Graptolites identified by Ruedemann (Merriam and Anderson, 1942, p. 1687) came from surface rubble a few feet above the chert. These were identified as Monograptus acus Lapworth and M onograptus pandus Lapworth, suggesting to Ruedemann the approximate age of the lower and middle Gala beds of England, or of the Clinton Group (Middle Silurian) and younger Silu- rian beds in New York State. Several graptolite collections made by Mullens and Merriam from higher in the section and identified by Berry include the following forms: (float near top of basal chert, 33 m above base of forma- tion) Cyrtograptus sp. Monograptus priodon (Bronn) Age: In the span of late Llandovery to early Wen- lock. (float 33—84 m above base of formation) Cyrtograptus sp. Monograptus flemingii (Salter) Age: Probably Wenlock. (100 m above base of formation) Monograptus dubius (Suess) Monograptus uncinatus Tullberg Gothograptus spinosus Wood Age: Early Ludlow; Monograptus nilssoni—M. scanicus Zone. (approximately 106 m above base of formation) Monograptus sp. cf. M. nudus type? Monograptus sp. cf. M. jaculum type? Age: In the span of middle Llandovery to Ludlow. (90—150 m above base of formation) Monograptus flemingii (Salter)? Monograptus sp. (of the M. dubius type) Age: Probably late Wenlock. Graptolites reported by Matti, Murphy and Finney (1975) include Monograptus spiralis and Retiolites geinitzianus angustidens 1 m above the top of the chert (33 m above the base of the formation as used here) these forms are late Llandoverian. Collections from high in the formation (in the Windmill Limestone as mapped by Matti and others, 1975) include Monograp- tus birchensis, M. praehercynicus, and M. hercynicus; those species indicate an Early Devonian age. 19 ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION AT BROCK CANYON, MONITOR RANGE At Brock Canyon on the west side of the range, the Roberts Mountains Formation is exposed as parts of two separate thrust plates. One plate contains all the Middle and Upper Ordovician formations (Antelope Valley Limestone, Copenhagen Formation, Eureka Quartzite, and Hanson Creek Formation) recognized to the east around Antelope Valley as well as the Roberts Mountains Formation; the second plate contains Roberts Mountains Formation directly on the Antelope Valley Limestone. The Roberts Mountains Formation in both plates is finely laminated thin-bedded graptoli- tic silty limestone, but the basal chert is present in only one of the two sequences—the plate containing the complete series of Ordovician formations. The for- mation is at least 180 m thick, but the total thickness of the formation in either plate is unknown as it is the youngest unit in the respective sequences. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION AT DOBBIN SUMMIT, MONITOR RANGE In the middle part of the Monitor Range at Dobbin Summit and Clear Creek, the Roberts Mountains For— mation has been mapped by F. J. Kleinhampl (Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1967). In that area the forma- tion is underlain by the Hanson Creek Formation and overlain by Rabbit Hill Limestone. This occurrence of the Roberts Mountains is of special significance as it is partly dolomitic, suggesting proximity to the border zone between the eastern dolomite belt and the inter- mediate limestone belt as at Roberts Creek Mountain and at Bare Mountain near Beatty, Nev. Rocks from the August Canyon thrust sequence in the Toquima Range that are in part correlative with the Roberts Mountains Formation are also dolomitic. The basal chert member was not found. Kleinhampl states: The Roberts Mountains Formation consists of two main units. The lower contains alternating pale brown-weathering slope-forming platy limestone and thinner but conspicuous medium-dark-gray ledgy limestone and dolomite containing abundant macerated fossils (crinoid columnals and corals). This unit closely resembles the Mas- ket Shale ofKay and Crawford (1964, p. 439) in the Ikes Canyon area of the Toquima Range. An overlying gray massive cliffy dolomite and limestone unit is commonly present in the Monitor Range and is tentatively considered to be the upper part ofthe Roberts Mountains. It could be correlative with part of the Lone Mountain Dolomite. Because of the questionable age and name assignment and thinness of units, the Late Ordovician through Silurian strata are shown as undifferentiated dolomite on the northern Nye County geologic map. In the Dobbin Summit area, the Roberts Mountains is no more than about 60—120 m thick and consists mainly of the lower unit. In con- trast, near Clear Creek, the lower member is 90 m thick and the upper gray massive dolomite member is 100 m thick (Greene, 1953, p. 27). Here the top is faulted out according to Greene. The Rabbit Hill Limestone overlies the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion in the Dobbin Summit area. The Rabbit Hill consists of very 20 fossiliferous somewhat platy slope-forming limestone that is poorly exposed and weathers to chips and plates of pale yellowish- and pale reddish-gray and yellowish—brown colors. The formation may form an incomplete section as little as less than 100 to about 245 m thick and truncated at its top by a low-angle fault. The fault zone is marked by a discontinuous very dark gray chert. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION AT BARE MOUNTAIN Of special interest are those localities where the Great Basin Silurian gives evidence of a position near a lateral transition from dolomite of the eastern dolo- mite belt to limestone of the intermediate limestone belt, such as Bare Mountain near Beatty, Nev., and the Roberts Mountains type section of central Nevada. At Chuckwalla Canyon, near Bare Mountain, Cornwall and Kleinhampl (1960) mapped 300 m of Silurian rock as two formations. The upper unit, being entirely dolomite about 114 m thick, was assigned to the Lone Mountain Dolomite; the lower unit, about 190 m thick, was referred to the Roberts Mountains Formation; this lower unit is made up of alternating members of dark-gray limestone, dolomitic limestone, and dolomite; one-third to one-half of this sequence is dolomite. A Silurian age assignment is reasonable, for at Bare Mountain these beds occupy a stratigraphic interval between the Late Ordovician Ely Springs Dolomite and superjacent dolomite assigned to the De- vonian. The Bare Mountain sequence can be compared with the Lone Mountain Dolomite at its type section. As presently interpreted by Merriam (1973b), the type Lone Mountain includes a lower dark-gray dolomite called Lone Mountain Dolomite unit 1 and an upper light-gray dolomite termed Lone Mountain unit 2. Lone Mountain unit 1 is lithologically comparable in many respects to the Roberts Mountains Formation of Cornwall and Kleinhampl at Bare Mountain but dif- fers by containing no limestone. N0 fossils of stratigraphic significance were iden- tified by Merriam (1973b) during the course of his work in the Lone Mountain Dolomite of the type section. The middle part of Lone Mountain unit 1 contains partly silicified brachiopods and corals, locally in abundance. None of the fossils prepared by acid etching were ge- nerically determinable; they include small pentamer- oids, small rhynchonellid brachiopods, and tabulate corals. Lone Mountain unit 2, the upper light-gray unit, has yielded a poorly preserved cerioid rugose coral and in dark—gray lenses of this upper division, colonial forms probably of the genus Entelophyllum. There are unconfirmed reports that larger pentamerids were collected from an unknown part of the Lone Mountain in its type section. In the Mahogany Hills ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY and Fish Creek Range, Eureka County, Nev., identifi- able fossils are present in Lone Mountain unit 2 (Mer- riam, 1973b). At Bare Mountain, the upper formation, or Lone Mountain Dolomite of Cornwall and Klein- hampl, has yielded no fossils. The underlying dark unit (Roberts Mountains Formation) contains abundant silicified fossils in its middle part, in both the lime- stone and the dolomite interbeds. Correlation of the Bare Mountain strata with those of central Nevada is based somewhat more on general lithologic resemblance and stratigraphic sequence than on fossil evidence. The silicified fossil as- semblages from the middle part of the lower dark-gray unit (Roberts Mountains Formation of Cornwall and Kleinhampl), which come mainly from dolomite inter- beds, are not closely related to known faunas of the type Roberts Mountains Formation. Most abundant are pentameroid brachiopods which include a large, smooth Pentamerus-like genus, Conchidium of medium to large size, and Virgiana? sp. A similar Pentamerus-like genus occurs in the lower part of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Coal Canyon, Simp- son Park Mountains, Nev. In the type section, Roberts Mountains pentameroids, especially Conchidium, are present in great abundance near the top of unit 2, that is, near the middle of the formation. The corals at Bare Mountain are Heliolites sp., large Streptelasma—like solitary forms, large solitary Rhabdocyclus sp. B, and Stylopleura sp. resembling S. berthiaumi 0f the Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Near the base of the Bare Mountain section, the colonial Palaeophyllum sp. b oc- curs (Merriam, 1973a). It is significant that a very cherty dolomite member lies at the base of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Bare Mountain. This member occupies the position of the basal chert marker of many Great Basin sections of the Roberts Mountains Formation. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION OF THE NORTHERN TOQUIMA RANGE Good exposures of the Roberts Mountains Formation are found north of Petes Canyon, in the area between Ikes and Mill Canyons, and in the area around East and West Northumberland Canyons in the northern part of the Toquima Range. The formation in these localities occurs in different tectonic plates that have presumably been thrust from sites of deposition west of the Toquimas. A simplified geologic map, figure 3, outlines these structural relations. A total of five sequences of lower and middle Paleozoic rocks are present in the thrust slices; when unraveled palinspas- tically, they represent rocks from a large region in central Nevada. THE NORTHERN TOQUIMA RANGE 21 117°08'36“ 116°33'25" 39°20' Lu L’J E 14/ <7 a: g 0: Petes Canyon window Ill 427 3' a O ‘ B Z O 5 38°46’ 0 5 10 MILES l l l I r | 0 8 16KILOMETRES EXPLANATION Lower plate of Roberts Mountains thrust %—%l Illllllls\\‘§ Eastern and some transitional facies of lower and middle Paleozoic rocks Upper plate of Roberts Mountains thrust Western and transitional facies of lower er Paleozoic rocks and middle Paleozoic rocks Cenozoic, Mesozoi , _.7_ ‘_A—-—' """"""" Fault Thrust fault Sawteeth on upper plate, dotted where concealed Contact Bar and ball on down thrown side FIGURE 3.—The northern Toquima Range showing Paleozoic sequences that contain Silurian rock in separate thrust sheets. Based on geologic mapping by E. H. McKee in 1968—70. 22 PETES CANYON WINDOW The Roberts Mountains Formation in the vicinity of Petes Canyon (fig. 1, loc. 7; fig. 3) is exposed in the Petes Canyon window in the Roberts Mountains thrust (McKee and Ross, 1969). An incomplete section of the formation is present here as the uppermost unit in the autochthon. A number of partial sections including the basal black chert unit are found; the thickest of these, in the central part of sec. 10, T. 16 N., R. 46 E., south- east corner of Lander County, contains more than 100 m of strata. The thickness of the order of 300 m esti- mated by McKee and Ross (1969) should probably be revised to about 200—250 m. p The basal contact with rocks mapped as the Hanson Creek Formation seems conformable, though obscured by small faults or alluvium in most places. No angular discordance was found between the Roberts Mountains and Hanson Creek, but fossil evidence suggests a hiatus between these formations. The Roberts Mountains above the basal black chert is mostly thin-bedded platy-splitting graptolite- bearing argillaceous limestone. A few medium-bedded limestones contain a rich coral fauna, but the strati- graphic relation of these beds is not known because of structural complications. Graptolites, which provide the evidence for the age of lower parts of the formation, include monograptids ranging from upper Lower Silu- rian (Llandovery) into the upper part of the Middle Silurian (Wenlock and possibly lower Ludlow). The coral-bearing limestone beds contain forms typical of the Rabbit Hill Limestone of Early Devonian age. IKES CANYON WINDOW «IUNE CANYON SEQL‘ENCE In the area between Ikes and Mill Canyons, carbo— nate strata of lower and middle Paleozoic age are ex- posed in a window in the Roberts Mountains thrust called the Ikes Canyon window (fig. 1, loo. 8; fig. 3). The Roberts Mountains Formation (or its correlatives) oc- curs in three somewhat different sequences of rocks that have been thrust together and are now exposed in this window. The upper thrust plate, named the June Canyon sequence by Kay and Crawford (1964), con- tains a metre or so of thin-bedded, platy-splitting grap- tolitic limestone between massive beds of Ordovician limestone and the Tor Limestone of Late Silurian and Early Devonian age. The upper contact with the Tor is conformable; the lower contact with Ordovician lime— stone appears conformable but may be a fault. In all places but one (approximately 1,500 m west of Ikes cabin site), the massive limestone units (Ordovician limestone and Tor) are in fault contact, the relatively incompetent Roberts Mountains limestone having been sheared out between them. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY The total thickness of Roberts Mountains Forma- tion, here made up entirely of the thin-bedded graptoli- tic limestone, is about 3 m. Fragments of the graptolite Monograptus aff. M. praehercynicus indicate that the few feet of strata that make up the formation in this thrust plate correlate with the upper part of the forma- tion elsewhere in central Nevada and are of Lower De- vonian age. Corals from the bottom part of the Tor above the graptolite horizon are typical of the Great Basin Silurian coral zone E (McKee and others, 1972), which is included in the Lower Devonian because of the underlying Monograptus praehercynicus. M I LL CANYON SEQL'EN C E The middle thrust plate, named the Mill Canyon se- quence by Kay and Crawford (1964) (fig. 1, loc. 9; fig. 3), contains a complete section of the Roberts Mountains Formation with both graptolites and corals. These strata are well exposed on the ridges above the lower reaches of Ikes Canyon. The formation here is about 110 m thick and consists mostly of thin-bedded platy argillaceous limestone with increasing amounts of medium (5—30 cm) graded beds of clastic limestone toward the top. There is no chert at its base, and it rests with no obvious discon- formity on massive limestone that contains Upper Or- dovician fossils. The lowest fossils (graptolites) in the Roberts Mountains of the Mill Canyon sequence occur within a foot of its base and are Middle Silurian forms (McKee, 1975). The fossil evidence indicates a hiatus representing a time period of considerable duration at the base of the formation. The upper contact with the McMonnigal Limestone, gradational across an interval of about 25 In, was arbitrarily drawn where medium- bedded gray clastic limestone typical of the McMonni- gal becomes the dominant lithology. Graptolites that occur throughout the formation in- clude late Middle Silurian (late Wenlock) forms at the base, Upper Silurian Ludlow) types somewhat higher, and Monograptus praehercynicus, which is Lower De- vonian, in the upper part of the formation and in the bottom of the McMonnigal Limestone. The Roberts Mountains—McMonnigal sequence has yielded coral faunas in normal order representing three, A, D, and E, of the five Great Basin Silurian coral zones. Coral zone A is represented by Arachnophyllum kayi with which Cyathophylloides fergusoni and Neomphyma crawfordi are associated. Above this horizon, coral zone D contains Stylopleura nevadensis, Tonkinaria sp., and large Verticillopora annulata. Coral zones A and D are in the Roberts Mountains Formation; coral zone E lies in the Mc- Monnigal Limestone and includes Australophyllum THE TOIYABE RANGE (Toquimaphyllum) johnsoni and a species of Kypho- phyllum. AUGUST CANYON SEQUENCE Rocks in the lowest thrust plate in the Ikes Canyon window (fig. 1, 10c. 10, fig. 3) were named the August Canyon sequence by Kay and Crawford (1964). It was assumed by these geologists that this sequence of strata is in situ, but it is possible that these rocks, along with the overlying two plates (Mill Canyon and June Canyon sequences), have moved from another region. As its base has not been found, there is no structural evidence bearing on the problem; stratigraphic consid- erations such as regional facies patterns shed little light on the site of deposition of the rocks. These strata contrast so markedly with the strata of equivalent age in the overlying thrust plates that new formational names proposed by Kay (1960) and Kay and Crawford (1964) seem appropriate. Rocks correlative with the Roberts Mountains Formation include all or most of the Gatecliff Formation of Kay (1960), the Bastille Limestone Member of the Masket Shale of Kay and Crawford (1964), and probably the lower part of the upper member of the Masket Shale of Kay and Craw- ford (1964). The name Masket Shale was used by these workers (1964) for strata in the Mill Canyon and June Canyon sequences; in this report and in others (McKee and others 1972; McKee, 1976), those strata are called the Roberts Mountains Formation. The Gatecliff Formation of Kay and Crawford is comprised of three distinctive units, all dolomitic. It overlies with no apparent discordance dark-colored limestone containing a distinctive fauna considered to be Upper Ordovician (McKee, 1976). This Upper Or- dovician limestone was named the Caesar Canyon Limestone by Kay and Crawford (1964). Corals indica- tive of the Silurian have been collected from the basal unit of the Gatecliff (McKee, 1976), which is a light— gray lithographic dolomite. The middle unit of the Gatecliff is dolomite distinctive by the presence of rounded quartz sand grains; no fossils have been found in this rock. The upper unit of the Gatecliff is dolomite and chert similar to the basal chert unit of the Roberts Mountains Formation in most of central Nevada. No fossils have been collected from this chert in the Au- gust Canyon sequence, but a few miles south, s similar chert unit in What is called the Prospect sequence by Kay and Crawford (1964) has yielded graptolites that indicate an Early Silurian age. The Bastille Limestone Member of the Masket Shale of Kay and Crawford is mostly unfossiliferous gray dolomite with medium— bedded bioclastic limestones at the top. These lime- stones contain a rich coral fauna equated with the Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Part or possibly 23 most of Silurian time is represented by the underlying dolomite or at the basal contact with the underlying Caesar Canyon Limestone of Kay and Crawford. The upper part of the Masket Shale of Kay and Crawford is thin-bedded laminated silty limestone, part of which may correlate with the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation and with the Rabbit Hill Lime- stone. It is of Lower Devonian age on the basis of a variety of Lower Devonian conodont forms (McKee, 1976). NORTHUMBERLAND WINDOW About 8 km south of the Ikes Canyon window, east- ern to transitional facies (mostly carbonate) rocks are exposed in the Northumberland window in the Roberts Mountains thrust (fig. 1, 10c. 11; fig. 3). The rocks in this window constitute the Prospect and Striped Hill sequences of Kay and Crawford (1964), presumed to have been thrust from the southwest to their present location in the north—central part of the Toquima Range (Kay and Crawford, 1964, fig. 8). Both the Prospect and Striped Hill sequences con- tain Roberts Mountains Formation (called Masket Shale and Gatecliff Formation by Kay and Crawford, 1964) as their uppermost unit. The formation is typi- cally thin-bedded platy-splitting argillaceous tan- weathering limestone similar to rocks mapped as Roberts Mountains Formation in most other places in central Nevada. Black cherty limestone occurs at the base of the formation. Monograptids from the chert zone at Water Canyon north of East Northumberland Canyon are indicative of the Lower Silurian (lower Llandovery). An Early and Middle Silurian age is as- signed to the overlying platy unit of the Striped Hill sequence by Kay and Crawford (1964, fig. 5). ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION IN THE TOIYABE RANGE The Roberts Mountains Formation crops out in widely separated localities along most of the extent of the Toiyabe Range. Many of these occurrences mark the westernmost exposures of the formation at a given latitude; these outcrops lie approximately along long 117°15’. It is assumed that these outcrops have not been tectonically transported (thrust) from the west as have many thrust plates in the Toquima Range. Localities where partial or complete sections of Roberts Mountains Formation are exposed include: Callaghan window (fig. 1, loc. 18), about 24 km northeast of Aus- tin; Dry Creek area (fig. 1, loc. 6), 11 km south-south- west of Austin; Point of Rocks and Straight Canyon area (fig. 1, 10c. 16), about 27 km southwest of Austin; and Pablo Canyon (fig. 1, 10c. 12), about 16 km west of Round Mountain. The formation crops out at a 24 few other localities in the Toiyabe Range where it has not been studied in detail. CALLAGHAN WINDOW Lower Paleozoic carbonate strata are exposed in the Callaghan window (fig. 1, loc. 18) in the Roberts Moun— tains thrust about 24 km north of Austin (Stewart and Palmer, 1967; Stewart and McKee, 1968). The Roberts Mountains Formation is the top unit in the autoch- thonous sequence and occurs in scattered outcrops in the southern and northwestern parts of the window. Since it is the top unit, its thickness is not known. About 60 m can be measured in partial sections, but the formation is probably three to four times thicker in this part of the Toiyabe Range. The more than 1,000 m reported by T. E. Mullens (unpub. data, 1975) seems excessive on the basis of other measured sections in the region. The Roberts Mountains Formation lies on dif- ferent rock units at localities only a few miles apart. In the Boone Creek area in the northern part of the win- dow, it lies on Antelope Valley Limestone. There is no obvious angular discordance between these forma- tions, but a hiatus spanning the Upper Ordovician and possibly part of the Lower Silurian must be repre- sented at the contact. In the southern part of the win- dow, it rests on rocks originally considered to be equiv- alent to the Hanson Creek Formation (Stewart and Palmer, 1967) but now considered likelier to be cor- relative with the Copenhagen Formation (Stewart and McKee, 1975). About 40 m of strata lithologically dif- ferent from the underlying Antelope Valley Limestone and overlying Roberts Mountains separates these for- mations. At all places in the Callaghan window, the Roberts Mountains consists of a basal black chert about 10 m thick overlain by light-gray platy-splitting silty limestone that contains monograptids. No coral- line limestone has been found in the incomplete sec- tions of the formation in this area. DRY CREEK AREA On the west side of the Toiyabe Range about 11 km southwest of Austin, in the Dry Creek area, the Roberts Mountains Formation (fig. 1, loo. 6) is the up- permost unit of a section that includes Ordovician, Cambrian, and Precambrian strata below. About 120 m of tan- or gray-weathering platy argillaceous limestone makes up the formation in this area. There is no basal chert unit, and the formation lies with ap- parent conformity on medium-bedded Antelope Valley Limestone. A few fragments of Monograptus have been found in these platy rocks, and a collection of poorly preserved corals comes from a thicker bed of limestone near the top of the section. The corals, which include ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY Favosites and Zelophyllum sp., suggest a Silurian age, probably in the upper part of the system. In overall aspect, this section resembles the Mill Canyon se- quence of the Toquima Range, a sequence of strata in a thrust plate assumed to have originated in the general area of the Dry Creek section. POINT OF ROCKS AND STRAIGHT CANYON A faulted sequence of lower Paleozoic strata is ex- posed in the western and central part of the Toiyabe range in an area that includes Straight Canyon and an area of about 10 km2 south of Reeds Canyon, includ- ing Point of Rocks Canyon about 27 km south of Austin (fig. 1, loc. 16). Here the rocks dip generally to the north, forming a homoclinal sequence. This seemingly simple structure is complicated by at least one thrust parallel to the strike of bedding and other faults that cut out, or repeat, parts of the section. Stratigraphic thicknesses are estimates based on a number of trav- erses across the section. The best exposure of the lower part of the Roberts Mountains Formation and under— lying units is in Straight Canyon (sec. 18, T. 16 N., R. 43 E.) about 1.6 km west of the Kingston ranger sta- tion. Here about 3 m of dark chert and limestone that make up the basal part of the Roberts Mountains lies on a composite unit about 15 m thick of cherty lime- stone and dark shale containing cryptolithoid trilo- bites. These rocks are probably best correlated with units in the Toquima Range named Hanson Creek Formation (in Petes Canyon window) or Caesar Can- yon Limestone in the August Canyon sequence of the Ikes Canyon window. There is no angular discordance between the unit and the Roberts Mountains chert, but they are probably separated by a hiatus as elsewhere in central Nevada. Above the chert is about 100 m or more of gray-weathering platy argillaceous limestone typical of the graptolite facies. A few monograptids were found a short distance above the basal chert in Straight Canyon and higher in the section on the west side of Point of Rocks Canyon. The section from Point of Rocks Canyon to the north side of the adjacent un- named canyon to the north (unsurveyed sec. 36, T. 17 N., R. 42 E.) reveals about 300 m of thin-bedded Roberts Mountains Formation. This thickness, how— ever, is subject to speculation and is probably exces- sive, for at least half the section is poorly exposed on the dip slope, and numerous faults mapped at other places in the region are probably present here. Scat- tered graptolites collected in these rocks indicate that they are forms considered to range from late Early Silurian (late Llandovery) to Devonian in age (Stewart and McKee, 1976). Further evidence for unresolved structural complications is that the succession of grap- tolite zones does not correspond to a simple traverse LIMESTONES OF THE NORTHERN INYO MOUNTAINS across the section. It is suggested here that the actual thickness of the formation in this part of the Toiyabe Range is of the order of 150 m. Thin- to medium-bedded bioclastic limestones become more numerous toward the top of the formation. Graptolites in this transition zone are of the Monograptus hercynicus group. Higher in the section, a massive limestone (about 4 m thick) contains the corals Billingsastraea? sp. T, a new species, and a new species of a H exagonaria-like genus. PABLO CANYON AREA A faulted slice of Roberts Mountains Formation oc- curs in Pablo Canyon in the Toiyabe Range about 16 km west of the town of Round Mountain (fig. 1, loc. 12). The top of the formation here is everywhere faulted, and it is faulted at the base in most places. In the few places where the basal chert unit is exposed, it lies on 3—6 m of shaly and cherty rock that contains Ordovi- cian graptolites. Most of the formation is gray- to tan— weathering thin-bedded platy-splitting silty limestone typical of the graptolitic facies seen elsewhere in cen- tral Nevada. The locality in Pablo Canyon is the west- ernmost occurrence of recognizable Roberts Mountains Formation at this latitude. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION IN THE SHOSHONE MOUNTAINS A partial section of Roberts Mountains Formation crops out in the Shoshone Mountains in the Ravens- wood area about 24 km northwest of Austin (fig. 1, loc. 17); the westernmost outcrops of the formation at this latitude are almost directly north of the Point of Rocks and Pablo Canyons sections along long 117°15’W. The formation here, as at the other places at this gen— eral latitude, is mostly graptolite-bearing thin-bedded platy-splitting silty limestone. About 250 m of rocks of this lithologic type occurs above a thin black chert- bearing unit that in turn lies on either Middle Ordovi- cian Antelope Valley Limestone or shale, chert, and limestone of an unnamed unit tentatively correlated with the Copenhagen Formation (Stewart and McKee, 1976). SILURIAN AND LOWER DEVONIAN LIMESTONES OF THE NORTHERN INYO MOUNTAINS, CALIF. MAZOURKA CANYON VAUGHN GULCH LIMESTONE Within the intermediate limestone belt, the south- ernmost Silurian and Lower Devonian rocks of the Great Basin crop out at Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Mountains, Calif. (fig. 1, loc. 29). No exposures of these limestones have been found between the Inyo 25 Mountains and the Toquima or Toiyabe Ranges, a dis— tance of about 200 km. Named the Vaughn Gulch Limestone by Ross (1963, p. B81), these beds were for many years after their first geologic examination in 1912 believed to be entirely Devonian (Kirk, 1918; Stauffer, 1930). Geologic mapping of the Cerro Gordo mining district by the US. Geological Survey in 1946 stimulated renewed interest in these limestones when it was suspected that the Silurian and Lower Devonian Hidden Valley Dolomite (McAllister, 1952) of the southern Inyo and Panamint Mountains changes northward and westward to limestone as represented at Mazourka Canyon. Systematic collecting and study of the Vaughn Gulch and Hidden Valley Rugosa and dasycladacean algae began in 1947 with the Cerro Gordo work, during which the Vaughn Gulch section was measured and mapped. A study of these rocks by Waite (1953) pointed to the Silurian age of most of the formation and demonstrated northward facies changes into more argillaceous graptolite-bearing beds in the Mazourka Canyon area. Detailed geologic mapping of the Independence quadrangle by Ross (1968, 1965, 1966) further clarified the stratigraphic and structural relations, and work by Stevens and Ridley (1974) brought forth additional field evidence of northwest- ward change to graptolitic facies within the Vaughn Gulch. Correlation of the Vaughn Gulch with the Roberts Mountains Formation was made possible by comparative studies of its rugose corals and dasyclada- cean algae in the 60’s. Stratigraphic details and fossil zonation as here presented came mainly from Mer- riam’s field investigation during the years 1946—48 when most of the fossil collecting was done by the US. Geological Survey. PHYSICAL STRATIGRAPHY The Vaughn Gulch Limestone, in its type section, the ridge northwest of Vaughn Gulch near the mouth of Mazourka Canyon 4 km northeast of Kearsarge (Ross, 1963, 1966), is an unbroken sequence about 460 m thick resting conformably upon the Late Or- dovician Ely Springs Dolomite and overlain uncon- formably by Mississippian conglomerate and quartzite of the Perdido Formation (McAllister, 1952, p. 22). The formation consists of well—bedded medium- to dark—gray impure carbonaceous limestone, argillaceous lime— stone, and calcareous siltstone including many fossil- rich beds. Some of the more argillaceous and silty interbeds weather in subdued fashion, becoming light gray, stained pink, or orange in places. Black chert zones are stratigraphically significant, occurring at the base and top of the formation; elsewhere minor chert is present as scattered nodules or thin lenses. Platy and flaggy exposures predominate, with limestone ranging 26 from 2.5 to 15 cm separated by calcareous shaly or siltstone partings. Thicker limestone beds, some ex- ceeding 1 m, are fairly common; many of them are coarsely bioclastic. These thicker beds weather out prominently and are most numerous in the middle part of the formation. As noted by Ross (1966, p. 31), readily mappable lithologic subdivisions were not found within the Vaughn Gulch Limestone of the type section. Its faunal distribution, however, is conveniently subdivided into a lower part 107 m thick, a middle part 220 m thick, and an upper part 140 m thick. Lower division of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone.— This part of the formation, about 107 m thick, consists largely of platy to flaggy partly laminated dark-gray to bluish-gray argillaceous limestone weathering light gray in places. It is more uniformly bedded with fewer bioclastic and fossil beds than higher parts of this for- mation. A persistent dark-gray chert member at the bottom, about 5 m thick, corresponds to that occurring near the base of the Silurian System elsewhere in the Great Basin. Weak partial dolomitization and nodular chert decrease upward to the lowest fossil bed of Great Basin Silurian coral zone A, which lies 40 m above the basal cherty beds. The few fossil beds in this division contain abundant Heliolites and favositids; more dis- tinctive zone indicators like Dalmanophyllum are un- common. Middle division of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone.— The 220 m of limestone constituting the middle part of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone includes prominent medium- to dark-gray richly fossiliferous coralline and bioclastic beds in its upper half, of which the upper- most 100 m falls within Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. The dark-gray bioclastic beds range from 25 cm to more than 1 m and are commonly sculptured into prominent ribs separated by subdued intervals of thin-bedded silty or argillaceous limestone weathering a lighter gray. Much of the bioclastic material of these thick fossil beds is crinoidal debris. Some of the fossils that weather in relief are complete and partially silicified and impregnated with limonite. Below the middle of this 220 m division, the limestones are, in general, thin bedded and show fewer bioclastic mem- bers. No fossil accumulations with true biohermal re- lief were found. Chert is a minor constituent. Some 100 m of beds in the middle of this 220-m division con- tain an abundance of the large dasycladacean alga Verticillopora annulata. Though long ranging, these calcareous algae appear to be most numerous in the Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Upper division of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone—A 140-m upper interval of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone includes those beds between the top of Great Basin ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY Silurian coral zone E and the Mississippian disconfor- mity. Bioclastic beds within the topmost 25 m contain an abundance of poorly preserved fossils. Contorted layers of dark-gray chert in the upper 10 m are as- sociated with massive dark-bluish-gray crinoidal lime- stone with silicified partly macerated limonite-stained brachiopods, favositids, and both solitary and colonial large rugose corals. Below the upper beds, the lime— stone is partly laminated and platy down to the lower strata adjoining coral zone E where thicker bioclastic and coralline beds become more numerous. Graptolite and conodont evidence reported by Stevens and Ridley (1974) indicate that the upper part of the formation is Lower Devonian and probably as young as Middle De- vonian. STRATIGRAPH 1(1 PALEONTOLOGY Large collections of fossils made by Stauffer (1930) from limestone in what is now the type section of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone are the basis for his com- parison and correlation with the Kennett Formation of northern California and assignment at that time of the limestone to the Devonian System. The fossils were meticulously zoned by Stauffer within a 500-m meas- ured section comprising 14 numbered stratal units. In general, these units can be alined fairly well with those of the present measurement. As the Silurian and Devonian Rugosa of western North America were un- known at the time of Stauffer’s work, the listed iden- tifications of these forms in the Vaughn Gulch have little definitive significance by present standards. Nonetheless, the bed-by-bed tabulations by Stauffer clearly reflect the overall coralline nature of much of the formation and reveal the diversity of these coral assemblages. The lists show a relative abundance of tabulate corals including massive F avosites, the slen- der digitate Cladopora, and the less common Heliolites. Stromatoporoids are listed throughout but do not ap- pear to have been especially important as limestone builders here. The spherical sponge Hindia is reported in several beds. Brachiopod and trilobite identifica- tions are largely of questionable value, no doubt partly because the preservation is poor, and these fossil groups are comparatively scarce in the coral-rich beds. The abundant dasycladacean alga Verticillopora was at that time unrecognized in these deposits. The biostratigraphy of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone as here presented is dependent upon study of the rugose corals and dasycladacean algae. Great Basin Silurian rugose coral zonation of Merriam (1973a), treated elsewhere herein, is based upon combined range and distribution data for these fossils in the Roberts Mountains Formation, the Hidden Valley Dolomite, and the Vaughn Gulch Limestone. The LIMESTONES OF THE NORTHERN INYO MOUNTAINS dasycladacean alga Verticillopora, which ranges up- wards from Great Basin Silurian coral zone B to E and above this horizon, is abundant and probably peaks in coral zone D. Of the five Great Basin Silurian coral zones A through E, only zones A and E have been iden- tified with certainty in the Vaughn Gulch Limestone. The Vaughn Gulch Limestone, judged by compara- ble thicknesses and fauna, occupies most or all of the stratigraphic interval of the Hidden Valley Dolomite to the south and east. Great Basin Silurian coral zones A and B are typified by distinctive rugose coral as- semblages in the Hidden Valley, whereas zones C, D, and E have their reference occurrences in the Roberts Mountains Formation. Coral zone A.—Great Basin Silurian coral zone A is represented in the lower 107 m unit of the Vaughn Gulch by beds containing the columellate solitary rugose coral Dalmanophyllum sp. A, about 40 m above the top of the basal chert marker units; also occurring with the genus is a small tryplasmid, a pycnostylid coral, favositids, Heliolites, and Camerotoechia. Other zone A indicators like Palaeocyclus, Arachnophyllum, and Cyathophylloides have not been found in the Vaughn Gulch Limestone. Verticillopora beds.—Strata in the middle part of the 220-m middle unit of the Vaughn Gulch contain an abundance of the large Verticillopora annulata. This algal genus ranges in decreasing numbers on up through the overlying Great Basin Silurian coral zone E into the lowermost beds of the upper 140-m unit of the Vaughn Gulch, above which it has not been found. Although the rugose coral fauna of Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone D has not been found in the Vaughn Gulch, it is not improbable that the beds in which Ver- ticillopora annulata is most abundant occupy that interval in which Silurian Verticillopora appears to have peaked. Coral zone E.—Great Basin Silurian coral zone E occupies the uppermost 100-m interval of the middle unit of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone. These upper beds include units 12, 13, and 14 of Stauffer (1930, p. 86— 89). The large and diverse coral fauna contains an abundance of tabulates including F avosites, Clado- pora, Syringopora, and Heliolites, together with the distinctive Silurian rugose corals Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) sp. similar to A. johnsoni, Kypho- phyllum sp., and Chonophyllum-like species. Rhizo— phyllum sp. D Oliver is represented by float material, doubtless from coral zone E, and probably by “Calceola sandalina Lamarck” of the Stauffer list from his unit 12. Verticillopora ranges upward into coral zone E. With this assemblage is the brachiopod Plectatrypa sp. Crinoidal debris is abundant; the stromatoporoids, though present, appear to be subordinate. 27 Stauffer’s rather lengthy faunal lists from the inter- val of coral zone E include brachiopods, among them Camarotoechia, Atrypa, Gypidula, Athyris, Tremato- spira, Schizophoria, and Eatonia. Fossils of the upper Vaughn Gulch Limestone.— Except for the lowermost 8 m, the upper part of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone has yielded few well-pre- served fossils. The lowermost beds contain the highest known Verticillopora, Australophyllum sp. v, and Cladopora and other favositids. Near the top of the formation at locality M1090 are poorly preserved rugose and tabulate corals, large Atrypa, and indeter- minate spiriferoid brachiopods. Among the Rugosa are a large possible member of the Halliidae that resem- blesAulacophyllum and a colonial genus that has fea- tures of Acinophyllum or Diplophyllum. Other fossils present are cystiphylloids, digitate and massive favo- sitids, and stromatoporoids. Australophyllum sp. v re- sembles A. landerensis of the central Nevada Rabbit Hill Limestone of Early Devonian age. The diverse and highly distinctive Rabbit Hill fauna has not been found in this unit where it would be expected. AGE The age of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone, based on its coral fauna, ranges from Early Silurian (Llandove- rian) to possible Early Devonian. Dalmanophyllum sp. A in the lower unit is an indicator of Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone A. Beds with abundant Verticillopora annulata in the middle of the middle lithologic unit of the Vaughn Gulch probably bracket Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone D although the rugose coral fauna of zone D was not found in these strata, and it is probable that Verticillopora reached its greatest development in coral zone D. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E, at the top of the middle unit, when compared with the Got- land, Sweden, standard, is Late Silurian (late Ludlovian). In the absence of conclusive evidence from the coral faunas, the upper lithologic unit of the Vaughn Gulch is viewed as Late Silurian or Early Devonian. Aus- tralophyllum sp. v at its base resembles, but is not conspecific with, A. landerensis from the Lower Devo- nian Limestone Rabbit Hill. Near the top is a large Aulacophyllum-like coral, possibly of Early Devonian age; the cystiphylloids and the Acinophyllum-like coral might also be Devonian. Graptolite and conodont evidence and correlation with the Sunday Canyon Formation noted by Stevens and Ridley (1974, p. 28) suggests that the formation extends upward to the Middle Devonian. Comparable thicknesses of the Vaughn Gulch Lime- stone and the more easterly Hidden Valley Dolomite, as well as stratigraphic relations with bracketing 28 ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY units strongly suggest that both occupy about the same stratigraphic interval. Because of facies differences, only Great Basin Silurian coral zone A has been recog- nized. As shown by McAlIister (1952), the Hidden Val- ley is largely of Silurian age and includes the reference occurrences of Great Basin Silurian coral zones A and B. The uppermost beds of this dolomite are of Early Devonian age in the Siegenian-Emsian range. It is probable that the highest Vaughn Gulch strata may be correlative with the fossil-bearing part of the Hidden Valley Dolomite. This correlation is made by Stevens and Ridley (1974, fig. 2). SUN DAY CANYON FO RMATK)N The Silurian and Lower Devonian limestones of the intermediate limestone belt change facies to shale lat- erally within a relatively short distance in the Ma- zourka Canyon area of the northern Inyo Range, Calif. Detailed geologic mapping of the Vaughn Gulch Lime- stone northward for 19 km toward Badger Flat by Ross (1966) shows a progressive thinning of the formation and the change to calcareous shale, siltstone, and ar- gillaceous limestone. Tongues of Vaughn Gulch bio- clastic limestone reappear north of the type section, but within 8 km, near Barrel Spring, the general character of the deposits has become such as to justify the use of another name, Sunday Canyon Formation, for rocks correlative with the Vaughn Gulch Lime: stone. The more shaly facies continues northward another 10 km to Badger Flat and becomes prog- ressively thinner. How much of the thinning is due to depositional processes such as initial deepening with less sedimentation of open marine waters toward the north and how much to erosional thinning at the un- conformity with the overlying Mississippian is not known. The calcareous shales yield mainly graptolites, but occasional small Vaughn Gulch-type bioclastic lenses as far north as Al Rose Canyon contain rugose corals. In general, however, the proportion of carbo- nate material decreases toward the north (Ross, 1966, p. 32). AGE The age of the Sunday Canyon Formation has been determined mainly by means of abundant monograp- tids, nearly all collected near the base of the formation. Among the species present are (identified by W. B. N. Berry and R. J. Ross, Jr.): Monograptus cf. M. dubius (Suess) Monograptus dubius (Suess) Monograptus sp. (the M. tumescens type) Monograptus sp. (slender rhabdosomes, thecae) Monograptus sp. (the M. vulgaris type) Monograptus cf. M. scanius Tullberg plain These forms suggest an age range in the Silurian from Wenlock to Ludlow. A locality 45 m above the base of the formation (USGS—D179—SD) yielded Monograptus cf. M. uniformis Pribyl, which is considered to be Early Devonian. The problem of dating the Sunday Canyon is the same as that relating to the Roberts Mountains For- mation in that the standard time scale based on grap- tolites is different than that based on corals and other benthonic organisms and usually suggests relatively younger ages for particular horizons. In the Mazourka Canyon exposures, it is not unlikely that most of the graptolitic deposits are relatively low in the Silurian column. The rugose coral Australophyllum stevensi Merriam, from the upper 12 m of the Sunday Canyon, is of possi- ble Early Devonian age. Stevens and Ridley (1974), on the basis of graptolites and conodonts, indicate that the formation extends to the Middle Devonian. THE SILURIAN-DEVONIAN BOUNDARY IN CENTRAL NEVADA We do not attempt here to delve into the philosophi- cal aspects of stratigraphy with respect to time bound- aries, lithofacies, biofacies, and systemic definitions. Placement of the Silurian—Devonian boundary within the carbonate sequence of the central Great Basin is a problem when attempts are made to compare rugose coral zonation based on similarities with the Gotland, Sweden, sequence with graptolite zonation which is the accepted guide for time boundaries in this part of the geologic column. Any study of the Roberts Moun- tains Formation should, however, point out the con-. flict, where and how it arises, and what the current geologic thinking is on this matter. This problem is a classic one in stratigraphy involving lateral change of facies, time-transgressive rock units, and definition of time boundaries by faunas from different reference sections at different places in the world. Specifically, the Silurian-Devonian boundary is a troublesome boundary that has been the subject of much discussion and a number of international symposia beginning in 1958 and continuing to this time. The Silurian- Devonian Boundary Committee of the International Stratigraphic Commission has established a generally accepted boundary which proves to be Viable in the Great Basin and in most parts of the world. This boundary is based on graptolites. Placement of the boundary in many sections of lower Paleozoic rock in central Nevada is difficult because geo- logic structure is extremely complex and easily inter- preted sequences of strata are rare. We point for exam- ples to the section at Coal Canyon in the Simpson Park STRATIGRAPHIC AND AGE VALUES OF RUGOSE CORALS Mountains (see p. 11), which appears superficially to be simple but contains at least one fault with uncertain offset in a critical part of the section. Detailed mapping is almost always a necessity before attempting strati- graphic studies in this region, and frequently even with careful mapping and repeated visits to the field, the relation of rock units remains clouded. When the geologic difficulties are added to the subtleties of faunal interpretation in a narrow belt of rocks depos- ited at the transition between shallow and deeper water, one realizes why placement of the Silurian— Devonian boundary has been disputed in this part of the world. Part of the problem rests on what fossils are available and what forms are used to define the boundary—what yardstick we are measuring with. When only one form is present, for example corals or graptolites, the section can be matched with similar standards elsewhere in the world. But, where more than one form is present, as in central Nevada, and the rocks have been correlated on the basis oflithology, the faunal yardsticks do not agree. Several basic explana- tions can account for this difference: various forms have different time ranges at different places in the world, or the standard sections such as that at Gotland, Sweden, or the Dinant Basin, Belgium, do not contain rocks wholly correlative. In central Nevada, the grap- tolite Monograptus praehercynicus is used by Berry (1970) to indicate the base of the Monograptus unifor- mis Zone. This zone is considered by most members of the Silurian-Devonian Boundary Committee of the In- ternational Stratigraphic Commission to be the lowest Devonian zone, and hence is accepted here as basal Devonian although no agreement exists on precisely what graptolite species or subspecies should be used to denote the base of the zone. Monograptus praeher- cynicus is found in the Roberts Mountains Formation at a number of places, and in a few places it occurs in a stratigraphic interval that also contains the coralline fauna diagnostic of the Great Basin Silurian coral zone E as defined by Merriam (1973a). In the central Nevada limestone belt represented by the Roberts Mountains Formation, the Silurian-Devonian bound— ary based on graptolites and on conodonts is a hundred metres or more lower in the same sequence of strata than the boundary based on rugose corals and cal- careous algae. AN APPRAISAL OF STRATIGRAPHIC AND AGE VALUES'OF RUGOSE CORALS AND ASSOCIATED FOSSILS, WITH DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN KEY RUGOSA Most of the Cordilleran Rugosa listed and referred to in this report as related to the age and correlation of Great Basin Silurian rocks of the intermediate lime- 29 stone belt are described in papers by Merriam (1972; 1973a) and a paper by Oliver, Merriam, and Churkin, (1975). With continued geologic mapping, new Silurian rugose corals have since been discovered in the central Great Basin, and other Rugosa previously unknown in certain assemblages have been found in association at new localities. The stratigraphic ranges of some genera and species have been extended by further collecting and stratigraphic investigation. Recent researches upon little-known taxonomic groups of Rugosa have resulted in a greatly improved understanding of their internal structure, their value as indicators of the Silurian and Devonian Systems, and their geologic ranges. The two principal groups of corals are those lacking dissepiments (nondissep- imented corals) and those having dissipiments (dis- sepimented corals). The nondissepimented Rugosa with which we are concerned are the Family Kodono- phyllidae, the Family Pycnostylidae, and the Family Tryplasmatidae. The dissepimented Rugosa of special interest here are the Family Spongophyllidae, includ- ing the new colonial genus Carlinastraea. Others of interest are assigned to the Family Endophyllidae, like the subgenus Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) and other forms of Australophyllum. Among the Family Kyphophyllidae, there are new and undescribed species of Kyphophyllum. The dasycladacean algal group including Verticil- lopora is discussed briefly; insofar as known, this large and complex alga commonly associated with Silurian Rugosa ranges upward only into the lower part of the Devonian System. RUGOSE CORALS OF SPECIAL STRATIGRAPHIC VALUE SILL'RIAN NONIHSSEPIMENTED RUGOSA Family KODONOPHYLLIDAE The Family Kodonophyllidae, which so far as known is confined to the Silurian of the Great Basin, com- prises solitary and colonial nondissepimented Rugosa having long lamellar septa, a very wide stereozone, and flat tabulae or distally arched tabellae that may combine with septal tips to form an axial structure and calicular boss. Two subfamilies of Kodonophyllidae are recognized: Kodonophyllinae and Mycophyllinae. These sub- families and their taxonomy have been discussed in some detail by Merriam (1973a). The genus Kodonophyllum Wedekind is present in the Late Silurian (Great Basin Silurian coral zone E) on the east side of the Coal Canyon fault, where it is represented by the large Kodonophyllum mulleri Mer- riam (pl. 4, figs. 5, 6). Kodonophyllum sp. b (pl. 5, 30 figs. 22~24), described below, occurs in the middle coral-brachiopod zone at Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains. Subfamily KODONOPHYLLINAE Merriam Members of the subfamily Kodonophyllinae Mer- riam are very thick walled fasciculate colonial and platelike solitary Rugosa having the characteristics of the family Kodonophyllidae. The tabulae and tabellae arch distally, combining with septal ends to form an axial structure and a calicular boss. Kodonophyllum mulleri Merriam (1973a), of the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation, is a medium to large solitary coral with deep calice and large calicular boss (pl. 4, figs. 5, 6). The major septal count is about 48; septa, somewhat thickened through- out, are excessively thickened in the wide peripheral stereozone and in the axial structure, where they are obscured by merging with stereoplasm and septal terminations. Kodonophyllum mulleri Merriam occurs in the northern Simpson Park Mountains in the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation; locality M1107, Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Kodonophyllum sp. b Plate 5, figures 22—24 Figured material.—USNM 166481. Roberts Moun— tains Formation; Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev., locality M1314. Diagnosis—Slender, subcylindrical Kodonophyllum with axial arching of wide tabulae, moderate to low for the genus. Transverse thin sections.—Thick major septa number about 24, most of which extend to the axial structure. Minor septa buried in stereozone, which is one-fourth of corallite diameter. Septal grooves are broad and shallow. No discrete epitheca. Longitudinal thin sections—Tabulae are rather closely spaced, very uneven; many are complete, peri- axially depressed, and rise nonuniformly toward axis. Axial rise is moderate to low for this genus. Trabeculae in Wide stereozone is steeply inclined outward. Comparison with related forms.—Kodonophyllum mulleri of the Roberts Mountains Formation is a larger, more robust species with more numerous septa than Kodonophyllum sp. b. It also has a more pro- nounced axial rise of tabulae. K. truncatum (Linnaeus) of the Gotland Silurian, a colonial form having ceratoid corallites, has a somewhat wider stereozone than the subcylindrical K. sp. b; otherwise features in detailed thin-section resemble those of the Nevada species. Occurrence—Roberts Mountains Formation; south- ern Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. Bootstrap Hill, locality ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY M1314. In middle coral-brachiopod zone near bottom of upper 275 m lithologic division. The range of Kodonophyllum in the classic Gotland Silurian column is Wenlockian to Ludlovian; occur- rences in Great Britain are reported as Wenlockian. In the Great Basin, the occurrence in coral zone E is late Ludlovian, in the Tuscarora Mountains at Bootstrap Hill in the middle coral-brachiopod zone, perhaps as old as high Wenlock, but more likely Ludlovian. Certain early Middle Devonian (Great Basin Devo- nian coral zone D) occurrences of Kodonophyllum-like corals of the Nevada Formation (Grays Canyon Lime- stone Member of the Eureka area) have the very wide peripheral stereozone of Kodonophyllum; the longitud- inal features are unknown. These forms are probably aberrant developments from the Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) group that is characteristic of Great Basin Devonian coral zone D (Merriam, 1973c). Subfamily MYCOPHYLLINAE Hill Genus Mucophyllum Etheridge Members of the subfamily Mycophyllinae, charac- terized by large discoid to turbinate corallites with a broad calicular platform and a flat-bottomed central pit, are especially characteristic of the Silurian. Septa are numerous and thick and in contact laterally form- ing a wide, thick stereozone. Tabulae are complete and straight to undulant. Longitudinal sections show the fine incremental layering of a very thick stereoone transected by nearly vertical trabecular pillars. Schlotheimophyllum of the Gotland Silurian has a similar growth habit but differs by having a more com- plex axial structure, more like that of Kodonophyllum. M ucophyllum is known from Australia and from the Klamath Mountains, Calif. All occurrences are in Silu- rian deposits of late Wenlockian to Ludlovian age. Mucophyllum oliveri (pl. 4, figs. 1—4) has near- horizontal and undulant tabulae that are thickened where merging with the longer septa. M. oliveri comes from the east block of the Coal Canyon fault at Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Mountains, in the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation; local- ity 1108; Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Family STREPTELASMATIDAE Nicholson Genus Brachyelasma Lang, Smith, and Thomas Simple, solitary, nondissepimented Rugosa with partly complete tabulae ranges from Late Ordovician into the Silurian of the Great Basin. The tabulae bend downward as they approach the wall. Major septa do not reach the axis, though they commonly extend more than half that distance. Some species have a fossula. Brachyelasma resembles the Devonian Breviphren- tis, which has a wider stereozone and undergoes re- FAMILY PYCNOSTYLIDAE STUMM peated rejuvenescence to form long segmented coralla not found in Brachyelasma. Two species of Brachyelasma occur in the Roberts Mountains Formation. Brachyelasma sp. c (pl. 5, figs. 25, 26) comes from locality M1383 in the lower coral beds of the west fault block at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains; Brachyelasma sp. b (pl. 12, figs. 29—33) is from locality M1120 at Bootstrap Hill, Tus- carora Mountains, in the lower coral-brachiopod zone with Cyathophylloides. Family STAURIIDAE Edwards and Haime Genus Cyathophylloides Dybowski Cyathophylloides, a primitive colonial nondis- sepimented rugose coral, is related to Favistella (0r Favistina Flower) and to the phaceloid Palaeophyllum. These corals are common in the Upper Ordovician, but Cyathophylloides and Palaeophyllum range upward into the Lower Silurian. Cyathophylloides forms massive cerioid colonies with narrow corallites having 12—14 smooth, simple lamellar major septa that meet axially where they may be twisted but do not form a discrete axial structure. Tabulae are complete; minor septa are short to fairly long. Cyathophylloides is represented in the Roberts Mountains Formation by C. fergusoni Merriam of Great Basin Silurian coral zone A in the Mill Canyon sequence at Ikes Canyon, Toquima Range. A similar species C. sp. f (pl. 12, figs. 27, 28) comes from the lowermost coral-brachiopod zone at Bootstrap Hill (locs. M1120, M1412). Family TRYPLASMATIDAE Etherid ge The family Tryplasmatidae, characterized by spinose or acanthine septa, is especially common in rocks of the Silurian System. Tryplasmids have been reported in strata of the Devonian (Hill, 1956, p. F312; Oliver, 1960, p. 15) and are known in Late Ordovician rocks of Sweden. Reviews of the classification have been published by Hill (1936) and by Merriam (1973a). They are readily distinguished from the other nondis- sepimented Rugosa that have wide complete tabulae by their acanthine septa, and they do not have the wide stereozone of the Kodonophyllidae or the multiple interior calice offsets of the pycnostylids. The Stauriidae-like Palaeophyllum of the Late Ordovician and Silurian has medium to long lamellar septa. The general characteristics of the tryplasmids are well shown by the undescribed Gotland species Try- plasma sp. g of the Hemse Group (Ludlovian) (pl. 3, figs. 16—19), T. newfarmeri Merriam (pl. 3, figs. 10—15) of Great Basin Silurian coral zone C, and T. duncanae Merriam (pl. 3, figs. 8, 9) of Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. 31 Family PYCNOSTYLIDAE Stumm Pycnostylid rugose corals are among the most abun- dant and distinctive nondissepimented genera in cer- tain facies of the Silurian System. It is possible these corals have Devonian descendants like Cyathopaedium and Fletcherina. None are known in rocks of Late Ordovician age. The pycnostylids are colonial fasciculate Rugosa having subcylindrical corallites. The septa are very short and vertically continuous, or lacking. The stereo- zone is narrow. Most tabulae are complete and un- arched medially. There are no dissepiments. Reproduc— tion is by multiple offsets peripherally from the calice interior. The Silurian genera are Pycnostylus Whiteaves, Stylopleura Merriam, and Fletcheria Edwards and Haime. Cerioid colonial genera like Maikottia Lav- rusevitch and similar large undescribed genera from the Roberts Mountains Formation are provisionally assigned to this family. The taxonomy of the Pycnostylidae has been treated in some detail by Merriam (1973a). Genus Pycnostylus Whiteaves With the type species Pycnostylus guelphensis Whit- eaves of the Guelph Dolomite, Guelph, Ontario, (pl. 1, figs. 16—19), Pycnostylus is characterized by only four internal calice offsets or peripheral offsets. Pycnostylus elegans Whiteaves probably has a greater number of offsets (pl. 1, fig. 20). Pycnostylus is not known to pos- sess the lateral connecting elements of Stylopleura. Several poorly known Asiatic and Australian corals referred to by Hill (1940) as "ampleximorphs” are doubtfully related to Pycnostylus. These corals are re- ported to have amplexoid lamellar septa. Several little-known Silurian corals of similar character have been classified as Pycnostylus by Hill (1940) as Amplexus by Grabau (1930) and by Shimizu, Ozaki, and Obata (1934), and asAmplexoides by Wang (1947). Pycnostylus Whiteaves is probably not a junior syn- onym of F letcheria Edwards and Haime as interpreted by several workers. Fletcheria tubifera Edwards and Haime from Gotland has no septa but it does have a distinctive wall structure, and some of the tabulae (or large tabellae) are distally convex (pl. 3, figs. 1-7). Forms assigned by Norford (1962, pl. 15) to Fletcheria are probably best placed in Pycnostylus. A similar Pyc- nostylus, Pycnostylus sp. 1 (pl. 2, fig. 10), occurs in the Lone Mountain Dolomite but has not been found in the Roberts Mountains Formation. Genus Stylopleura Merriam The genus Stylopleura with type species S. berthi- aumi Merriam (1973a), which was first found in the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation unit 3, 32 is a phaceloid to cerioid coral. It differs from Pycno- stylus by having a large number of subequal peripheral offsets of internal calice offsets and long tubular- connecting elements between corallites. Open bushy forms have trumpet-shaped flaring calices. Of the described species of Stylopleura, Stylopleura berthiaumi of Great Basin Silurian coral zones D and E (pl. 1, figs. 1—9; pl. 2, figs. 8, 9) has a more open phaceloid construction with flaring calices than the other species. S. nevadensis of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E (pl. 2, figs. 3—6) tends to be of more crowded phaceloid to subcerioid compact construction with fewer lateral elements. Also found is Stylopleura cf. S. nevadensis, n. gen., n. sp. (pl. 2, fig. 7.) Stylopleura sp. b Plate 1, figures 10—12 Stylopleura sp. b, known from isolated fragmentary corallites at Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, re- sembles S. berthiaumi, but the specimens in the collec- tion do not include those with reproductive calices. The long tubular connecting processes are well shown. Stylopleura sp. b occurs at localities M1314 and M1315 in the middle coral-brachiopod zone of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Bootstrap Hill, where it is associated with Kodonophyllum sp. b, Kypho- phyllum sp. b, and Calostylis? sp. Stylopleura. sp. 0, of. S. berthiaumi Merriam Plate 1, figures 13—15 Stylopleura sp. c, cf. S. berthiaumi is a fairly compact phaceloid Stylopleura from the lower coral zone of the west block of the Coal Canyon fault at Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Mountains. It has the multiple calice offsets but none of the lateral connecting ele- ments of S. berthiaumi. This form occurs here in the same beds with Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis and Ton- kinaria simpsoni Merriam and is accordingly regarded as an occupant of the approximate interval of Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. COMPACT (IICRIOID PYCNOSTYLIDAE OF SILURIAN LIMESTONE FACII‘ZS Unusually large phaceloid to cerioid Rugosa lacking multiple peripheral offsets and resembling Stylopleura nevadensis Merriam are known from Late Silurian limestones of the Cordilleran belt. Being compact or appressed, these specimens do not show lateral con- necting elements. Some, like Stylopleura? sp. T (Mer- riam, 1973a), have very wide corallites, a very thick wall, and closely spaced tabulae; others, like the large aseptate pycnostylid Stylopleura? sp. 0 from Coal Can- yon in the Simpson Park Mountains, have a very thin wall without septa. The septate forms have short lon- gitudinally continuous septa. ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY Corals provisionally assigned to this informal group are Maikottia sp., cf. M. turkestanica Lavrusevich of the Porcupine River, Alaska (Merriam, 1973a), Sty- lopleura? sp. T of the Ikes Canyon area, Toquima Range, Nev., and the compact thin-walled aseptate pycnostylid species Stylopleura? sp. c from Coal Can- yon, Simpson Park Mountains, here described. Stylopleura? sp. 0 Plate 2, figures 1, 2 Stylopleura? sp. c is a large compact species. Coral- lites are as much as 24 mm wide and have a very thin straight wall. Septa are absent. Tabulae are closely spaced, uneven, and have a pronounced sag axially. Most tabulae are entire, but some near the periphery are short and terminate against a complete tabula. The similarity of this form to the Australian Silurian Yassia Jones in longitudinal section is deceiving, as it lacks the dissepiments of Yassia in the strict sense. Occurrence.—A single incomplete corallum from Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev., locality M1379, in sheared Roberts Mountains limestone at the west edge of the Coal Canyon fault zone. DISSEI’IMI‘INI‘EI) RL'GOSA OF THE. GREAT BASIN SILL'RIAN I.I‘.\'IES'I‘OT\'I{ FACIES Rugose corals with dissepiments, uncommon in the Cordilleran Late Ordovician, had become abundant by mid-Silurian time with the appearance of the lyko- phyllids, Entelophylloides, Petrozium, and other gen- era. Several Late Silurian colonial dissepimented groups disappeared by the end of the Silurian or the earliest Devonian, and new ones appeared in early Middle Devonian time. Families of special importance in the Late Silurian of the Great Basin intermediate limestone belt are the Spongophyllidae and the En- dophyllidae. Family SPONGOPI—IYLLIDAE Dybowski Genus Carlinastraea, n. gen. Type species.—Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis n. gen., n. sp., here designated; Late Silurian, upper beds of the Roberts Mountains Formation, Nev. Diagnosis.-—Cerioid spongophyllid having slender, fairly thick walled corallites, a strong marginarium of large to very large, steeply inclined lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments, and a nonuniform pattern of partially aborted septa in the tabularium of some corallites. Remarks—Direct comparison of Carlinastraea with the most nearly related genus, Spongophyllum Ed- wards and Haime, is not possible as the Edwards and Haime (1853) type material of S. sedgwicki (the type species) has been lost and only the original published illustrations (pl. 6, figs. 1—4) remain as a basis for FAMILY SPONGOPHYLLIDAE DYBOWSKI reappraisal. These illustrations (Edwards and Haime, 1853, pl. 56, figs. 2, 2a—2e) with little doubt figure two different corals: (1) group 1 (pl. 56, figs. 2d, e), a thin- walled genus having many small peripheral lonsdaleioid dissepiments, (2) group 2 (pl. 56, figs. 2, 2a—2c), a genus having narrower, moderately thick- walled corallites, lacking or nearly lacking conspicu— ous lonsdaleioid dissepiments. It is not likely that the two forms fall within the range of variation of a single genus and species; so far this possibility is unknown. The usually accepted characterization of Spongophyl- lum is that of lonsdaleioid group 1, and it is with this group that Carlinastraea is compared. Comparison of Spongophyllum sedgwicki to Lonsdaleia by Edwards and Haime (1851, p. 425; 1853, p. 242) is further evi- dence that the original diagnosis is that of a cerioid rugose coral with well-developed lonsdaleioid dissepi- ments. It is unfortunate that Jones (1929, p. 89) selected as the “neotype” of Spongophyllum sedgwicki a float specimen in "a dark coloured pebble” from "South Devonshire.” Although not figured by Jones in 1929, thin sections of this “neotype” were illustrated by black and white drawings by Birenheide (1962, p. 68—74, pl. 9, fig. 8, pl. 10, fig. 10). The Birenheide figures show a coral without conspicuous lonsdaleioid dissepiments, agreeing reasonably well with non- lonsdaleioid group 2 of the Edwards and Haime type illustrations. Comparing Carlinastraea with group 1 lonsdaleioid Spongophyllum of Edwards and Haime, the new genus Carlinastraea differs by having a much thicker wall with strong wall crests and all corallites have much larger lonsdaleioid dissepiments. The septa of Car- linastraea, being less continuous radially than those of Spongophyllum sedgwicki, are marked peripherally by septal crests. Aborting of septa, a feature of Carlina— straea, is unknown in S. sedgwicki. Mature corallites without lonsdaleioid dissepiments, as in group 2 of the Edwards and Haime S. sedgwicki, were not observed. Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis n. gen., n. sp., occurs in the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation. As recorded by Edwards and Haime, the Spongophyllum types came from Devonian strata of Torquay, Devon- shire, England. The Jones-selected neotype, being a float cobble, fails to confirm this occurrence. Recent studies of southern England Devonian Rugosa by Taylor (1950), Middleton (1959), and Webby (1964) make no reference to Spongophyllum. Two species of Spongophyllum (sp. A and sp. B) have been reported from the McCann Hill Chert of Alaska by Oliver (in Oliver and others, 1975); he considered it to be Early(?) to Late Devonian (Emsian? to Frasnian). Elsewhere in the Cordilleran belt of western North America, there 33 are no records of strongly lonsdaleioid cerioid Devo- nian corals that closely resemble group 1 of S. sedgwicki or the new genus Carlinastraea. Species from the Ural Mountains, USSR, assigned to Spongophyllum by Shurygina (1968) are herein as- signed to the new genus Carlinastraea. Shurygina (1968, p. 121—135, pl. 59, figs. 1—3) reported these ques- tionable species as Lower Devonian. The coral fauna that is included with Spongophyllum [Carlinastraea] by Shurygina in these Ural beds is more suggestive of the forms in the Late Silurian of Gotland. Among the genera from the Urals so listed are Spongophylloides, Tryplasma, Neomphyma, and Rhizophyllum. Also in- cluded is Salairophyllum, which in southeastern Alaska occurs with the large Late Silurian Con- chidium alaskense and, at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev., occurs as float, doubtless from high beds of the Roberts Mountains Formation. Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis n. gen., n. sp. Plate 6, figures 5—7; plate 7, figures 1—4 Type and figured specimens.—Holotype USNM 166482, upper beds of the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion, locality M1313, Bootstrap Hill, Nev. Figured specimens USNM 166483, locality M1384, Coal Can- yon, NeV.; USNM 166484, locality M1409, Cortez, Nev. Diagnosis.—Large massive Carlinastraea. The coralla have several hundreds of very narrow corallites whose septa are marked peripherally by strong wall crests; septa are mostly thin, nonuniform, and irreg- ularly wavy; the largest lonsdaleioid dissepiments sub- tend one-fifth of a corallite circumference. Transverse thin sections.—Wall is stereoplasmically thickened, has about 26 prominent, mostly obtuse wall crests uniformly spaced. Major septa are thin, smooth, unevenly wavy, nonuniform, and number 12—14—the longest reach the axis; septal crests are developed, per- ipherally in some corallites. Lonsdaleioid dissepiments number 6 to about 10 in a peripheral cycle and vary greatly in size; the largest subtend one-fifth of the corallite circumference. Minor septa, weakly de- veloped, show as wall crests and sporadic outer septal crests. Longitudinal thin sections.—Tabularium is less than one-fourth to more than one-third of corallite width; delicate tabulae are only in part complete, sag irregu- larly proximally, and for the greater part are rather closely spaced. Lonsdaleioid dissepiments, predomi- nantly large with very steep axial inclination, are ar- ranged in one to three columns on each side. Fine structure.—Stereoplasmic wall is without dis- crete trabeculae and shows very fine calcitic fibers transversely oriented; faint lamellar texture in some places is developed toward inner wall surface. 34 Comparison with related forms.—Carlinastraea giganteum (Shurygina) of the Ural Mountains, USSR (Shurygina, 1968, p. 135, pl. 59, figs. 1, 2), differs from the new species by having less developed wall crests, straighter septa, and less steeply inclined lonsdaleioid dissepiments. Carlinastraea originalis (thaev), also of the Urals (Shurygina, 1968, p. 134, pl. 59, figs. 3a—b), has less developed wall crests and more aborted septa than C. tuscaroraensis. Occurrence—Upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation, northern Simpson Park Mountains, Nev.: locality M1384, Coal Canyon, west side in beds with a fauna believed to represent Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Tuscarora Mountains, Nev., locality M1313, Bootstrap Hill. Carlinastraea cf. C. tuscaroraensis, Cortez Mountains, Nev., locality M1409, pl. 8, figs. 1, 2. Family ENDOPHYLLIDAE Torley Genus Ketophyllum Wedekind The solitary genus Ketophyllum is common in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden, and in eastern Europe. Only fragments of Ketophyllum sp. t (pl. 10, figs. 18, 19) have been collected by McKee in the Toquima Range, Nev. Some species ofKetophyllum are Virtually indistinguishable from the Devonian Tabulophyllum except for the presence ofa weak fossula in some forms of Ketophyllum (Wedekind, 1927); this structure is usually not visible in Tabulophyllum. Both have a very Wide tabularium and closely spaced straight to some- what undulant tabulae, many of which are complete. Both genera have a peripheral band of large lonsdale- ioid dissepiments, and the thin septa break up periph- erally as septal crests. Ketophyllum sp. t occurs in the Toquima Range at locality M1393 in the Mill Canyon sequence on the south side of Ikes Canyon a mile northwest of the canyon mouth. Genus Australophyllum Stumm Large colonial heads of Australophyllum are com— mon in Great Basin Silurian coral zone E, where it is represented by the subgenus Australophyllum (To- quimaphyllum). Other forms of Australophyllum sensu stricto occur in the same uppermost beds of the Silurian limestone facies and, though sparsely repre- sented, range upward into the Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone. Some Middle Devonian species that were referred to Australophyllum in the past have but few sporadic lonsdaleioid dissepiments and are perhaps best assigned to other genera. The lonsdaleioid subgenus Toquimaphyllum has a worldwide geographic distribution. A similar form oc- curs to which the generic name Klamathastraea has been given (Merriam, 1972) in Late Silurian beds of ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY the Gazelle Formation, Klamath Mountains, Calif. K lamathastraea differs from Toquimaphyllum by hav— ing a much wider tabularium, tabulae with a marginal depression, and a pronounced tendency to abort septa in mature growth stages. Australophyllum (Australophyllum) sp. c Plate 8, figures 3—7 Diagnosis—Large Australophyllum with corallites of greatly varying width; lonsdaleioid dissepiments are in restricted peripheral patches only; tabulae closely spaced, in places crowded; septa are minutely wavy with spines and bumps in the periaxial band. Transverse thin sections.—Corallites, highly var- iable in size, range in diameter from 9 to 28 mm at the same distal corallum surface. Septal count is about 62 in large corallites. Major septa reach the axis and are twisted near it; minor septa range from one-half to three-fourths length of major septa. Septa, locally thickened in dissepimentarium, may be slightly thick- ened in tabularium, wherein they become minutely wavy and ornamented laterally with spines and nodes. Narrower corallites show stereoplasmic wall thick- ening. Some larger lonsdaleioid patches quite irregu- lar. Longitudinal thin sections.—Tabularium width is one-fourth to one-third of corallite diameter. Dissepi- ments are medium to large in as many as nine columns on each side of wider corallites. Outer dissepiments are much less steeply inclined than inner ones. Tabulae are mostly close spaced or crowded; many are complete with a wavy proximal sag. Inner septal extensions have numerous lateral spines and bumps. Comparison with other forms.—Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum)johnsoni Merriam of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E has a much more continuous and uniform marginarium of lonsdaleioid dissepiments that are less steeply inclined; its tabularium is nar- rower than that of Australophyllum sp. c. Australa- phyllum landerensis Merriam has fewer septa, a more fully developed pattern of lonsdaleioid dissepiments, and fewer lateral spines and bumps on axial extensions of septa. Australophyllum sp. v of Late Silurian and Early Devonian beds in the Vaughn Gulch Limestone has a similarly restricted pattern of lonsdaleioid dis- sepiments but it differs by having narrower, thicker walled corallites and fewer septa; the septa are un- thickened and lack the abundant lateral spines and nodes of Australophyllum sp. c. A similar coral from locality M1445 near the Big Six mine, Tuscarora Mountains, has the spiny septal extensions of Aus- tralophyllum sp. c but has very few small lonsdaleioid dissepiments and a thicker wall. The Tuscarora Moun- tains coral also differs by having localized crossbar carinae. FAMILY ENDOPHYLLIDAE TORLEY Occurrence—Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Moun— tains; locality M1318 in Coal Canyon fault zone on west side of canyon. Although this coral head was not collected in place and the locality is in deformed strata within the fault zone, its field location suggests that it may have come from beds stratigraphically above the lower Carlinastraea coral beds of the west fault block. Australophyllum (Australophyllum) sp. v Plate 8, figures 8—11 Diagnosis—Australophyllum has predominantly narrow, fairly thick-walled corallites and a restricted pattern of lonsdaleioid dissepiments; septa are mostly thin with very few nodes and spines in periaxial band. Transverse thin sections.—Septal count is about 42 in average corallites. Some major septa reach axis; minor septa, mostly less than half the length of the major septa, commonly appear only as septal crests peripherally. Septa are slightly wavy. Lonsdaleioid dissepiments are medium and small and are restricted or absent in some corallites. Longitudinal thin sections.—Tabularium is one- third to less than one-fourth of corallite diameter; tabulae are partly complete, closely spaced, and sag- ging. Dissepiments are steeply inclined, 4—7 columns on each side. Periaxial extensions of septa are nearly devoid of nodes and spines. Thickened wall shows no discrete trabecular structure. Comparison to related forms.—Austral0phyllum sp. v is most closely related to A. landerensis Merriam from Lower Devonian beds of the northern Toquima Range, Nev. The Devonian form differs by having somewhat thickened and more wavy septa in the tabularium; the periaxial extensions of septa show more lateral nodes and bumps than in A. sp. v. Aus- tralophyllum sp. c has scattered, much wider coral-' lites with a septal count of 62, and its periaxial septal extensions show abundant lateral spines and nodes. Occurrence and age.—Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Mountains, Calif; upper middle and upper beds of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone. Locality M1093, bottom of the upper unit of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone of Late Silurian and Early Devonian(?) age. Locality M1410 about 50 feet stratigraphically below M1093. Subgenus Toquimaphyllum Merriam (subgenus of Australophyllum Stumm) Toquimaphyllum, a cerioid compact subgenus of Australophyllum, has a wide continuous marginarium of predominantly large lonsdaleioid dissepiments; the peripheral dissepiments are nearly flat or dip axially at low angles. The tabularium is narrow to moderately wide; the tabulae are closely spaced, sagging, and are without a marginal depression. The septa are thin, smooth, fairly straight, and discontinuous peripherally 35 as septal crests. Some mature corallites have much shortened or obsolete septa. Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) differs from Australophyllum sensu stricto by the greater develop- ment of large lonsdaleioid dissepiments forming a con- tinuous marginarium, by the presence of septal crests peripherally, and by its tendency to lose septa in some mature corallites. The septa of Toquimaphyllum lack the carinae reported by Stumm (1949, p. 34) in Aus- tralophyllum sensu stricto. Endophyllum differs by having a much wider tabularium; the tabulae being nearly flat to slightly arched medially with a periph- eral sag. The type species ofEndophyllum shows a ten- dency to lose the outer wall, thus becoming partially aphroid. As known, Endophyllum does not, like To- quimaphyllum, have a tendency to shorten and lose septa. Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) johnsoni Mer- riam (pl. 6, figs. 8—10) is the most abundant and dis- tinctive rugose coral of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E (Late Silurian). The relations of this subgenus and its worldwide distribution are discussed in some detail by Merriam (1972a). The type species Australophyllum (Toquimaphyl- lum)johnsoni Merriam comes from the Roberts Moun- tains Formation of the Mill Canyon sequence of the Ikes Canyon area, Toquima Range, Nev. Much of the study material was collected from the upper beds of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains. Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) johnsoni Mex-riam Plate 6, figures 8—10 Collections from several localities in Silurian lime- stones between the northern Simpson Park Mountains and the northern Inyo Mountains of California contain many complete and fragmentary colonies of this species. Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum)johnsoni has been found only in strata of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. A detailed description of this species and a review of its taxonomy have recently been published by Merriam (1973a) This species is characterized by wide corallites, the major septa normally reach the axis and break up peripherally as septal crests. Most mature corallites have a narrow tabularium and a correspondingly wide dissepimentarium in which the outer dissepiments are nearly flat. Partially aseptate corallites show only abbreviated tips of major septa. ‘ Occurrence—Upper beds of the Roberts Mountains Formation in the Mill Canyon sequence at Ikes Can— yon, Toquima Range; locality M1114 (type locality). Upper beds of the Roberts Mountains Formation in east block of Coal Canyon fault zone, Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Mountains; several localities 36 including M1106 and M1108. Foothill exposures 2.4 km north of Red Hill, SE%NE% sec. 5, T. 25 N., R. 50 E., Simpson Park Mountains; locality M1446. Upper part of middle unit of Vaughn Gulch Limestone (these specimens differ slightly from typical A. johnsoni), Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Mountains; locality M1115. Australophyllum, possibly A.j0hnsoni, occurs in the Antelope Peak section 19 km north of wells, Elko County, Nev. Family CHONOPHYLLIDAE Holmes Genus Chonophyllum Edwards and Haime Chonophyllum shares some characteristics of K etophyllum and other members of the Endophyllidae, but it is solitary and usually has a narrower tabular- ium than most endophyllids. The lonsdaleioid pattern of Chonophyllum is much more irregular or less un- iform and localized in peripheral patches. Chonophyllum simpsoni Merriam (pl. 7, figs. 5, 6; pl. 9, figs. 9, 10) from the uppermost part of the Roberts Mountains Formation is a large trochoid to ceratoid species with major septa reaching the axis and a nar- row tabularium. Its tabulae are closely spaced, undu- lant, and mostly incomplete with marginal tabellae. Inner dissepiments are commonly anguloconcentric in transverse section. Chonophyllum simpsoni Merriam occurs at locality M1108 in the east block of the Coal Canyon fault, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev., the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation. Family KYPHOPHYLLIDAE Wedekind This large and somewhat heterogeneous provisional group of Silurian Rugosa as revised by Merriam (1973a) contains about eight genera as follows: Kyphophyllum Wedekind Strombodes Schweigger Petrozium Smith E ntelophyllum Wedekind Entelophylloides Rukhin (as a subgenus) Entelophylloides (Prohexagonaria) Merriam Neomphyma Soshkina ?T0nkinaria Merriam. Of these genera, Kyphophyllum and Tonkinaria are of greatest importance to the stratigraphy of the inter- mediate limestone facies. Genus Kyphophyllum Wedekind Kyphophyllum builds large bushy phaceloid c01— onies; its subcylindrical corallites have a narrow stereozone and medium-narrow closely spaced tabulae. Restricted segments of the marginarium are occupied by large, irregular lonsdaleioid dissepiments. In the Roberts Mountains Formation and Vaughn Gulch Limestone, this genus is represented by K. nevadensis Merriam, K. sp. b, K. sp. c, K. sp. t, and other unde- ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY scribed species. In the Great Basin, Kyphophyllum oc- curs in Great Basin Silurian coral zone E (Late Silu- rian). Kyphophyllum nevac‘lensis Merriam Plate 9, figures 1—3 Kyphophyllum nevadensis has medium-wide to nar- row corallites of variable diameter with a small number of major septa (about 22) and sporadic groups of relatively large lonsdaleioid dissepiments. Occurrence.—Ikes Canyon (Mill Canyon sequence), Toquima Range, Nev. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1114, northwest side of Copper Mountain in lower part of the McMonnigal Limestone. Kyphophyllum sp. b Plate 5, figures 15—21 Kyphophyllum sp. b has very narrow corallites for the genus, a few wavy major septa (about 20), very few lonsdaleioid dissepiments, and lateral offsets that are attached at former calice rims. The dissepiments are all steeply inclined or vertical. Longitudinal exterior ribbing is strongly developed. Occurrence.—Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. Locality M1314, middle part of the Roberts Mountains For- mation. Kyphophyllum sp. c Plate 9, figures 4—8 Kyphophyllum sp. 0 has large corallites for the genus and a large number (about 60) of long, smooth, somewhat wavy septa, many of which are greatly lengthened minor septa. Longitudinal sections of K. sp. 0 are similar to those of K. nevadensis with a few large localized lonsdaleioid dissepiments. Some coral- lites are joined by lateral processes not observed in K. nevadensis. Occurrence—Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Moun- tains, Nev. Locality M1380, upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation. Kyphophyllum sp. 1; Plate 10, figures 14—17 Kyphophyllum sp. t has narrow corallites of greatly varying diameter. The larger corallites have about 20 long, somewhat wavy major septa and very short minor septa. All dissepiments are steeply inclined. The stereozone is relatively wide for this genus. Occurrence.—Toquima Range, Nev. Late Silurian and Devonian Tor Limestone of the June Canyon se- quence; locality M1397. Genus Tonkinaria Merriam Tonkinaria, a solitary or loosely phaceloid genus, commonly has a flaring trumpet-shaped calice, cera- toid to turbinate corallites, and a narrow tabularium. The wall is a narrow stereozone, the septa are thin, and FOSSILS ASSOCIATED WITH RUGOSE CORALS major septa reach or are slightly withdrawn from the axis. Dissepiments are mostly large, elongate, and steeply inclined. Multiplication is by peripheral calice offsets, of which there may be several on a single flar- ing calice rim. Occurrence.——T0nkinaria simpsoni Merriam, the type species, comes from locality M1100 (pl. 5, figs. 1-9) in Roberts Mountains Formation unit 3 and Great Basin Silurian coral zone D of the reference section; locality M1103 in the Mill Canyon sequence at Ikes Canyon, Toquima Range, Nev., in Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone D; and locality M1383 (pl. 5, figs. 10—14) on the west side of Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Moun- tains, where it occurs in the west block of the Coal Canyon fault together with Carlinastraea tuscaroraen- sis and Stylopleura. Family CALOSTYLIDAE Roemer Genus Calostylis Lindsti‘om Fragmentary and rather poorly preserved solitary rugose corals from Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Moun- tains, are referred provisionally to Calostylis. This Silurian genus occupies a peculiar relation to all other Rugosa (Smith, 1930, p. 294) by possessing perforate septa and a spongy axial structure. Calostylis? sp. (pl. 7, figs. 7, 8) occurs at locality M1314, Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev., in the middle part of the Roberts Mountains Formation. Family LYKOPHYLLIDAE Wedekind Solitary lykophyllid Rugosa have not been found to be among the more abundant corals of the Great Basin Silurian limestone. They may have been overlooked in collecting in limestone, however, as they are fairly numerous in the Hidden Valley Dolomite. This family is well represented in the Silurian of Gotland and elsewhere in Europe where the genera include Phau- lactis, Cyathactis, Pycnactis, and Ryderophyllum. The Lykophyllidae are medium and large solitary Rugosa with many columns of small to medium, rather steeply inclined dissepiments and a fairly wide tabu- larium made up of closely spaced, uneven, mostly in- complete tabulae and flat tabellae. Greatly thickened septa of early growth stages persist ontogenetically to at least early adult growth. A fossula is not generally present in mature transverse sections. In the Great Basin Silurian, the Lykophyllidae are represented by abundant Ryderophyllum in Great Basin Silurian coral zone B of the Hidden Valley Dolomite (Merriam, 1973a) but are unknown in higher horizons of the dolomite facies and have not been iden- tified from limestone facies of the better known sec- tions. A lykophyllid resembling Ryderophyllum from an undetermined stratigraphic horizon in the Tusca- rora Mountains is figured here (pl. 12, figs. 34—36). 37 FOSSILS ASSOCIATED WITH RUGOSE CORALS IN GREAT BASIN SILURIAN LIMESTONES Tabulate corals, crinoids, brachiopods, and dasycla— dacean algae are common members as well as a Her- cynella-like mollusk (pl. 10, fig. 20) of Great Basin Silurian coral communities. In general, the most abundant fossil remains of the limestone coralline facies are favositids, including entire massive heads of Favosites (pl. 10, figs. 9—13) and digitate forms (pl. 10, fig. 8). With these branching corals are the more slen- der ramose genera Cladopora (pl. 10, figs. 5—7) and Coenites. Halysites is rather uncommon and seems to be absent from the higher Silurian beds. Crinoids are represented by large volumes of crinoidal debris filling interstices and making crinoidal limestone, but no ar- ticulated or partial crinoid crowns were collected. Limestone beds that contain silicified fossils yield abundant well-preserved brachiopods during extrac- tion of the Coral material by the acid technique. Among such occurrences are the Great Basin Silurian zone D coralline beds in unit 3 of the Roberts Mountains For- mation type section, the upper coral-rich beds of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, and the lower beds of this formation at Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. A few of the more distinctive brachiopods occurring with Silurian corals are illustrated herein. The follow- ing brachiopods occur in unit 3 of the type section Roberts Mountains Formation: Dicoelosia sp. r (pl. 11, figs. 18—22) Gypidula sp. r (pl. 11, figs. 25, 26) Homoeospira sp. r (pl. 11, figs. 15—17) Kozlowskiellina sp. f (pl. 11, figs. 9—12) Silicified brachiopods from Great Basin Silurian coral zone E on the east side of Coal Canyon are: Kozlowskiellina sp. f (pl. 11, figs. 13, 14) Plectatrypa? sp. 0 (pl. 11, figs. 23, 24) From the Roberts Mountains Formation of the Bootstrap Hill area, Tuscarora Mountains, unusually well preserved silicified brachiopods were collected by R. J. Roberts from a large talus slab at the base of the slope where the lowest beds of the formation are partly exposed. Other rocks in the same collection contained Cyathophylloides sp. f, an indicator of coral zone A. The following associated brachiopods are figured in this report: Conchidium sp. b (pl. 12, figs. 18—22) Fardenia sp. b (pl. 12, figs. 8—15) Coelospira sp. b (pl. 12, figs. 1—7) Kozlowskiellina sp. b (pl. 12, figs. 16, 17, 23) Kozlowskiellina sp. f, which occurs in both Great Basin Silurian coral zones D and E, bears a rather close resemblance to Plicocyrtina sinuplicata Havlicek as figured by Lenz (1972, pl. 1, figs. 1—20). According to 38 Lenz, the Canadian species is of Early Devonian (late Siegenian) age. In the type section of the Roberts Mountains Forma- tion, the brachiopod Conchidium is most abundant and diverse near the top of lithologic unit 2 and below Great Basin Silurian coral zone C. These pentameroid brachiopod faunas have not been studied in detail. The form resembling Conchidium miinsteri Kiaer is illus— trated (pl. 12, figs. 24—26). DASYCIADACEAN ALGAE AS INDICATORS OF THE SILURIAN The family Dasycladaceae of green calcareous algae has a very long geologic range, through the Paleozoic to the present day. One of its subgroups, the Verticil- loporaea (Rezak, 1959), throve in Great Basin Silurian seas, occupying environments favorable for the corals. In the Great Basin province, the family is well repre- sented by the genus Verticillopora Rezak (pl. 10, figs. 1—4; pl. 11, figs. 1—8), some of whose individuals at- tained a relatively large size for the family. Verticil- lopora is a fairly reliable Great Basin Silurian indi- cator, as its remains have not yet been recognized in Ordovician strata and it is rarely found in rocks of early Devonian age. Its usefulness as a Silurian fossil was not recognized until recently; the cylindrical and conical thalli were generally ignored; collectors re- garded them as fragmentary sponges or crinoid colum- nar segments, both of which they resemble in gross surficial features. Moreover, the dasycladaceans not uncommonly occur in crinoidal limestone. The classification of living and fossil dasycladacean algae has been reviewed by Pia (1926, p. 105). In 1959, Rezak described Great Basin Silurian algal forms col- lected by US. Geological Survey mapping parties. Most of these specimens were assigned to the new genus Verticillopora Rezak. This genus is usually pre- served by silicification. Its thallus commonly has the externally jointed appearance of a large crinoid stem with numerous rather uniformly perforated columnar segments. Internally the structure differs markedly from that of a crinoid column by having a wide, com- monly five-sided or polygonal central chamber that housed the stipe (Rezak, 1959, p. 119), surrounded by cycles of small radiating tubes or canals that contained the lateral rays. Externally each segment reveals the small-ray canal pores (pl. 11, figs. 3, 6). Some individ- uals (pl. 10, figs. 1—3) have long, stout, tubular rootlike processes. Verticillopora ranges upward from Great Basin Silu- rian coral zone B through coral zone E and into the Early Devonian. Unlike some rugose coral genera, Verticillopora is present in both limestone and dolo- mite facies of the Great Basin Silurian. This algal ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY group seems to have attained its peak of development in limestone facies of Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. In the Vaughn Gulch Limestone of the Inyo Moun- tains, for example, the middle part of the formation below Great Basin Silurian coral zone E is heavily populated by Verticillopora annulata Rezak. The Ver- ticillopora beds have yielded much of the best study material of this interesting calcareous algal family. (IONODON’I'S OF THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION By _]0HN W. HUDDLE Conodonts are abundant in much of the Roberts Mountains Formation. The presence of these microfos- sils where no megafossils occur makes their use espe- cially important for stratigraphic studies and geologic mapping. Many conodont identifications were made for geologists mapping in the Carlin gold mine vicinity and other areas of the central Great Basin where the Silurian and Devonian strata are intensely deformed and would otherwise remain undated paleontologi- cally. In order to correlate the isolated conodont occur- rences with more continuous sections of the Roberts Mountains Formation, during this investigation cono- dont-bearing material was collected from beds yielding distinctive rugose corals and other megafossils of age significance. Conodont control sections have been measured in areas that have been mapped geologically in the Toquima, Monitor, and Simpson Park Ranges. Much more bed-by-bed conodont collecting remains to be done in these more continuous Silurian and Devo- nian control sections. An important conodont study of the type section of the Roberts Mountains Formation and nearby locations in the Roberts Mountains is that of Klapper and Murphy (1974); this study serves as a reference for comparison of other collected strati- graphic intervals in the central Great Basin. A chart (table 2) of Roberts Mountains Formation conodont assemblages collected from the Toquima Range and localities between the Toquima Range and the Tuscarora Mountains lists conodont stratigraphic ranges. In addition, conodonts from the overlying Rab- bit Hill Limestone are included. The largest assemblages of conodonts listed here come from the upper part of the Roberts Mountains For- mation at Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, on both the west and east sides of the Coal Canyon fault, and in the August Canyon sequence at Gatecliff in the Toquima Range. Here the name Bastille Limestone Member of the Masket shale of Kay and Crawford (1964) is used for strata correlative with part of the Roberts Mountains Formation. Conodont form taxa are used in this report. Some multielement taxa are recognized, but until the mul- LOCALITY REGISTER OF MAJOR FOSSIL LOCALITIES tielement taxonomy is generally used, the form taxa will serve for stratigraphic studies. Comments on some of the collections of specific stra- tigraphic interest are: Locality KV—70—19 (8827—SD) (table 2, No. 6), from the Carlinastraea beds, Coal Can- yon in the Simpson Park Mountains. The presence of Spathognathodus remscheidensis indicates that this collection is Early Devonian according to conodont zonation. The faunal list gives form taxa because it is simpler to use for stratigraphic purposes until the multielement taxonomy is more completely established. Spathognathodus inclinatus and several of the bar-type conodonts listed above (table 2) are part of a mul- tielement taxon called ‘Apparat-H’ by Walliser (1964), Hin- deodella excavata by Jeppsson (1969), and Ozarkodina inclinata by Walliser (1972). Locality KV—70—24 (8829—SD) (table 2, No. 7), Car- linastraea beds, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains. Spathognathodus remscheidensis indicates an Early Devonian age for this collection and Rotundacodina elegans has been reported only from Early Devonian rocks. The new species of Spathognathodus is similar to S. remscheidensis but has aborted and small denticles anterior to the basal cavity. Two conodont assemblages from the upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation on the east side of the Coal Canyon fault in the Pyramid Hill block (table 2, Nos. 8 and 9) are from the interval of Great Basin Silurian coral zone E (collection 8216—SD, table 2, No. 8, made by T. E. Mullens): The list includes only form taxa, and several ofthe bar elements belonged to multielement species. The age of the fauna is Early Devonian according to the known conodont ranges. This age is indicated by Spathognathodus remscheidensis, Spathognathodus transitans, and the form ofSpathognathodus inclinatus, which is the one common in Lower Devonian rocks. The Icriodus is only a small fragment and is not specifically identifiable, but it also suggests a Devonian age. The Scolopodus devonicus is known only from Devonian collections. Many of the other conodonts range from Silurian to Devonian. Although there are few Late Silurian faunas described now (1973), all the evidence available indicates a Devonian age for this collection. Collection 8828—SD (table 2, No. 9): The two species ofRotundacodina were described by Carls and Gandl (1969) from the Lower Devonian of northeastern Spain. These species and Spathognathodus remscheidensis indicate an Early Devonian age for this collection. The new species of Spathognathodus, S. sp., differs from S. remscheidensis by having aborted anterior denticles instead oftall anterior denticles as in S. remscheidensis. Spathognathodus sp. occurs with Spathog- nathodus boucoti Klapper, an Early Devonian species, in a collec- tion made by T. E. Mullens near Carlin, Nev. (USGS 100. 8447— SD). This occurrence supports my opinion that S. n. sp. cf. Spathognathodus remscheidensis is an Early Devonian species. Klapper reports (oral commun., March 1971) the occurrence of what is probably the same species with aborted anterior denticles in the Gedinnian Windmill Limestone of Johnson and Murphy (1969) at a stratigraphic horizon of 1,617 feet (493 m) in the west Coal Canyon section in the Simpson Park Mountains and on Pete Hanson Creek in the Roberts Mountains. It is unfortunate that species of Icriodus are not present in these collections of Silurian Coral Zone E to confirm the Early Devonian age of the Zone in terms of conodont chronology. Klapper and Murphy (1974), re- ported I. woschmidti from Birch Creek in the Roberts Mountains 39 in the upper part of Roberts Mountains Formation. Bed-by-bed collecting will be required to firmly es- tablish conodont zonal distribution in these western Silurian and Devonian strata. Lowermost Devonian on the conodont scale conforms closely to that of the grap- tolite scale, placing the base of the Devonian System below or within Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Al- though only a few conodonts have been identified from the Rabbit Hill Limestone, most of these are distinc- tive Early Devonian forms not recognized in the Roberts Mountains Formation. LOCALITY REGISTER OF MAJOR FOSSIL LOCALITIES IN THE ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION AND CORRELATIVE STRATA Roberts Mountains, Nev. M1100.—Roberts Creek Mountain quadrangle, Nevada. Northwest side of Roberts Creek Mountain on measured section 550 m N. 79° W. of summit 9219 at altitude 8,680 feet. Upper part of Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3. M1102.—Roberts Creek Mountain quadrangle, Nevada. Northwest side of Roberts Creek Mountain. Lower beds of Roberts Mountains Formation unit 3 with Prohexagonaria. In measured reference section. Northern Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. , M1032.——Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. East side of Coal Canyon in NW% sec. 21, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. Rabbit Hill Limestone. Collected by R. J. Roberts, 1954. M1075.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Near mouth of Coal Canyon, east side along top of ridge of summit 6909. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Lower Devonian. M1076.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Near mouth of Coal Canyon, east side. Mostly float below top of ridge of summit 6909 and downslope to west. Rabbit Hill Limestone, Lower Devo- nian. M1105.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon; float at canyon bottom 0.6 km south of mouth of Coal Canyon. Material probably from upper part of the section or upper coral- rich limestone breccia below Rabbit Hill Limestone. M1105a.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon; float at canyon bottom 0.6 km south of mouth of Coal Canyon. Material probably from upper part of the section or upper coral- rich limestone breccia below Rabbit Hill Limestone. M1106.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon near mouth in SE14 sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E.; east side ofcanyon at altitude about 6,300 feet. Coral-rich limestone depositional breccia in upper part of the Roberts Mountains Formation and below Rab- bit Hill Limestone. M1107.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. About 0.6 km south of mouth of Coal Canyon on east side of canyon and about 60 m above canyon bottom. Coral-rich limestone and depositional limestone breccia. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1108.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon, near mouth. Float collections below coral-bearing depositional breccia on east side of canyon below locality M1107. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1110.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon, near mouth. Coral-rich breccia limestone near top of Roberts Mountains section on east side of canyon. Collection made by A. J. Boucot, 1964. M1310.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. SEM; sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. West side of summit 6909 (Pyramid Hill) near top. 40 ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY TABLE 2.—Occurrence chart of conodont species collected from Silurian and Lower Devonian formations in central Nevada [Conodont species listed are form taxa. Identification by J. W. Huddle. Multielement apparatus reconstructions in the sense of Jeppson (1969) and Klapper and Philip (19711 have not been attempted] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Acodina sp ______________________________________________ HH HH HH __ >< HH HH __ HH HH H H HH __ H Belodella devonica (Stauffer) ______________________________ H __ HH __ __ HH H X H H H X X __ H Belodella resima (Philip) ________________________________ H __ H __ __ H H H H X H HH H H H Belodella sp ____________________________________________ H X H H __ X H X X H X _H H H __ Eantiognathus lipperti Bischoff ____________________________ X H H H H H H H H H H HH H H H Hibbardella sp __________________________________________ X H H H H H H H HH __ H H H H HH Hindeodella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X x H x __ x X X x H x X H H H I criodus latericrescens Branson and Mehl (subspecies not de- termined) ____________________________________________ __ H H __ H __ H H H H __ H H H X Icriodus latericrescens huddlei Klapper and Ziegler ________ H __ __ H X __ H H H H HH H H H- HH Icriodus latericrescens subspecies B Klapper1 ______________ A _ __ H X __ H __ H H H H H H H Icriodus latericrescens aff. I . latericrescens subspecies B Klap- per ____________________________________________________ H X __ H __ __ H __ H X H H H H H Icriodus sp ______________________________________________ H H H __ H H __ >< __ X __ H H X X Ligonodina sp __________________________________________ __ H HH __ H HH __ HH X H HH __ H H HH Lonchodina walliseri Ziegler ______________________________ __ H HH __ H H __ X H HH H H H H H Lonchodina sp __________________________________________ __ __ HH H __ H H H X __ HH H HH H H Neoprioniodus excavatus (Branson and Mehl) ______________ H __ >< HH __ X H X X H X x X _H H Neoprioniodus multiformis? Walliser ______________________ HH H __ H __ __ HH >< __ H H H H H H Oneotodus? beckmanni Bischoff HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH >< __ __ H H __ H H H H H H HH H Ozarkodina denckmanni Ziegler __________________________ HH >< __ __ H X x X X H __ HH H H __ Ozarkodina gaertneri Walliser ____________________________ HH H H __ HH H H H H HH H H X H HH Ozarkodina media Walliser ______________________________ __ _H x H H x __ X H HH X H H H H Ozarkodina aff. 0. media Walliser ________________________ H H H HH __ H HH __ _H __ H X _H H H Ozarkodina typica Branson and Mehl HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH __ __ HH H _H HH H x HH __ HH H H H H Ozarkodina ziegleri Walliser HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H HH __ H HH __ HH H H X HH H H Ozarkodina aff. O. Ziegleri Walliser ______________________ HH H __ x H __ __ HH __ H H H __ HH H Ozarkodina sp __________________________________________ >< __ H __ H H __ HH __ __ H H H X H Paltodus afT. P. migratus Rexroad ________________________ H H _H HH __ _H HH __ HH __ HH X X H HH Paltodus sp ____________________________________________ HH H __ HH H __ x X __ HH __ X H HH __ Panderodus sp __________________________________________ __ H X X H __ __ X X HH __ X X HH X Pelekysgnathus furnishi Klapper HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H HH H H HH H HH H H H HH H X Pelekysgnathus sp ________________________________________ HH H __ HH H __ __ HH __ HH H HH X X H Plectospathodus extensus Rhodes HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH H X H HH __ H X __ HH X X H HH H Plectospathodus aff. P. alternatus Walliser ________________ H __ __ HH H H HH X H H HH __ H H H Plectospathodus sp HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH >< __ H H __ X H H X H H H H H H Polygnathus foveolatus Philip and Jackson ________________ H __ H H __ H H __ HH H H H __ H X Prioniodina sp HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH X H H HH HH X HH H HH H HH -H H X __ Rotundacodina elegans Carls and Gandl __________________ HH H __ HH H __ x H X HH H HH H HH H Rotundacodina noguerensis Carls and Gandl ______________ H H H H HH __ H HH >< HH H HH H- H HH Scolopodus deuonicus Bischoff and Sannemann HHHHHHHHHHHH x H HH __ H H __ >< __ H H H H H HH Spathognathodus inclinatus inclinatus Rhodes HHHHHHHHHHHH X H x x __ >< __ X H H HH H H H HH Spathognathodus primus (Branson and Mehl)1 ____________ __ __ __ H __ __ HH H H __ H X H A H Spathognathodus eosteinhornensis Walliser1 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH H H __ HH H H HH H HH H A H HH H Spathognathodus remscheidensis Ziegler1 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH __ H x H _ x X A A H H H H H HH Spathognathodus n. sp., of. S. steinhornensis remscheidensis HH >< __ _H H H X X X H H H H H H Ziegler HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH H __ __ HH __ H X __ H __ H A HH H Spathognathodus transitans Bischoff and Sannemanl ______ H __ __ H H HH __ x H __ H H __ H H Spathognathodus cf. S. transitans Bischot’t' HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH >< __ __ HH __ __ HH H __ H H H H HH H Spathognathodus sp HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HH __ __ x H __ __ HH H HH H H __ H H Synprioniodina sp HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H x H H HH H __ HH __ HH H H H _H Synprioniodina sp ________________________________________ __ H HH H __ H x X x H __ H __ HH H Trichonodella blanda (Stauffer) __________________________ __ __ H HH __ __ __ H X HH H _H H _H H Trichonodella blanda? (Stauf‘fer) HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H __ __ H H X __ HH H HH H H H HH Trichonodella inconstans Walliser ________________________ >< __ H H __ HH H __ H __ H H _H X H Trichonodella sp ________________________________________ __ H __ __ H X x HH X H __ H H H HH Approximate stratigraphic position Geographic locality: Formation: of fossil collection: 1. 9165—SD HHHHHHHHH Toquima Range, Mill Canyon in Bastille Limestone Member of Mas- 31 m above top of chert member of August Canyon structural se- ket Shale of Kay and Crawford Gatecliff Fm. of Kay (1960). quence. (1964). 2. 9166—SD _______________________ do HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Upper member of Masket Shale of 91 m above top of chert member of Kay and Crawford (1964). Gatecliff Fm. of Kay (1960). 3. 8214—SD HHHHHHHHH Mténitor Range, Copenhagen Roberts Mountains Formation H... 119 In above base of formation. anyon. 4. 8304—SD HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH do ______________________________ do ________________ 187 m above base of formation. 5. 9167—SD HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH do ________________ Rabbit Hill Limestone HHHHHHHHHHHH Upper 31 m of formation at type section. 6. 8827—SD HHHHHHHHH Northern Simpson Park Mountains, Thick-bedded upper part of Roberts Carlinastraea beds; unmeasured lo- Coal Canyon. Mountains Formation (mapped cality about 460 In above base of as Windmill Limestone by J ohn- formation of west side of Coal son (1965) and Johnson and Mur- Canyon.2 phy (1969). LOCALITY REGISTER OF MAJOR FOSSIL LOCALITIES 41 TABLE 2.—OCczlrrence chart of conodont species collected from Silurian and Lower Devonian formations in central Nevada—Continued Approximate stratigraphic position Geographic locality: Formation: of fossil collection: 7. 8829—SD _______________________ do ______________________________ do ________________ Carlinastraea beds; unmeasured lo- cality near 8827—SD. 8. 8216—SD _______________________ do ______________________________ do ________________ Unmeasured locality; east side Coal Canyon about 520 m above base of formation.2 9. 8828—SD _______________________ do ______________________________ do ________________ Unmeasured locality; east side Coal Canyon about 550 m above base of formation.2 10. 9168—SD ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, do ________________ Rabbit Hill Limestone ____________ Unmeasured locality; east side Coal Canyon about 70 m above base of formation.2 11. 8228—SD _________ Tuscarora Mountains, Bootstrap Roberts Mountains Formation ,1“ Lower 15 m of exposed section. Hill. 12. 8219—SD _______________________ do ______________________________ do ________________ 37 m above base of exposed section. 13. 8219A—SD _____________________ do ______________________________ do ________________ 119 m above base of exposed section. 14. 8215—SD _______________________ do ________________ Roberts Mountains Formation ____ 244 m above base of exposed section. (thick—bedded facies). 15. 8826—SD _________ Carlin area, Maggie Creek ________ Rabbit Hill Limestone ____________ Unmeasured locality east side of Maggie Creek. ‘ ‘Some occurrences of this taxon are anomalous with respect to its stratigraphic range as previously reported from central Nevada. (Klapper, 1968; Klapper and others, 1971: Klapper and Murphy, 1975), the Canadian Yukon (Klapper, 1969: Fahraeus 1971), and Europe (Ziegler, 1971), and relative to monograptids of the Monograptus umformzs and Monograptus lzercynicus groups. In order to accommodate this discrepancy, the anomalous stratigraphic occurrence of the taxon is shown as a A. 2The cited stratigraphic footage above base of the formation is estimated. Upper 60 m of Rabbit Hill Limestone on this slope platy limestone with abundant trilobites. M131 7.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. West side of Coal Canyon in sec. 20, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. near middle of north bound- ary, altitude about 6,600 feet. About 503 m stratigraphically above base of the Roberts Mountains Formation. Colonial rugose corals in 'place. M1318.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. West side of Coal Canyon, about 152 m west of canyon bottom at altitude 6,400 feet. Float material oflarge Australophyllum, probably from Coal Can- yon fault zone in the Roberts Mountains Formation. M1331.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon. SW%SW% sec. 16, T. 25 N., R. 49 E.; east side of summit 6909 (Pyramid Hill), altitude 6,840 feet just east of section line, 150 m southeast of flag station 6909. Rabbit Hill Limestone. M1332.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon area, top of Pyramid Hill (summit 6909), northwest of M1331, at flag station. Rabbit Hill Limestone. M1333.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon area. West side of Coal Canyon, NEIA; sec. 20 near section line, 305 m northwest of hill 6400 at altitude 6,560 feet. About same zone as M1317. Dark-gray well-bedded limestone with abundant Favosites and other corals including a pycnostylid. Brachiopods present. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1334.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon area. SE14 sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. on west side of Coal Canyon 460 in northwest of hill 6400 at altitude 6,560 feet and 200 on north of M1333, Roberts Mountains Formation. Dark-gray limestone with corals and brachiopods. M1379.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. West side of Coal Canyon near its mouth, SE1/4 sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E.; 460 m N. 78° W. of summit of hill 6909, altitude 6,400 feet. East-dipping limestone of Roberts Mountains Formation, fault sliver in Coal Canyon shear zone. On crest of northeast-extending spur. M1380.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon, 850 in south of canyon mouth; NE‘A sec. 20, T. 25 N., R. 49 E.; 2,200 feet S. 33° W. of summit of hill 6909 on east side near top small knoll in canyon, altitude 6,400 feet. Upper beds of Roberts Mountains Formation, Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. M1381.-—-Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon east side, 760 m south of canyon mouth, 520 m S. 40° W. of summit of hill 6909, altitude 6,320 feet. Upper beds of Roberts Mountains Formation. M1383.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon, west side sec. 17 near middle of south edge, T. 25 N., R. 49 E. At crest northeast spur 670 m S. 79° W. of summit of hill 6909, al- titude 6,580 feet. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1384.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon west side, NEM; sec. 20, T. 25 N., R. 49 E.; 760 m S. 53° W. of summit 6909, altitude 6,520 feet. Roberts Mountains Formation. Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis locality. M1411.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. West side of Coal Canyon 0.8 km south of canyon mouth at altitude 6,360 feet on northwest side of small limestone knob, altitude 6,400 feet. Roberts Mountains Formation with Verticillopora. M1446.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Foothills on north side of Simpson Park Mountains; 2.4 km north of Red Hill in SEMiNEMi sec. 5, T. 25 N., R. 50 E. Low pediment exposures of Roberts Mountains Formation. M1448.——H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. East side of Pine Hill, 150 m south of middle of north edge of sec. 20, T. 25 N., R. 49 E., near north-south midline of section; altitude 6,500 feet. Roberts Mountains Formation. In coral beds with Carlinastraea. M1449.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Top of main northeast spur of Pine Hill, 213 m north of south boundary of sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E., at north-south midline of section. Roberts Mountains Formation. In coral beds with Carlinastraea. M1450.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon, east side about 335 m south of canyon mouth at altitude 6,300 feet. Coral collection mostly float material. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1451.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon, east side about 100 m south of canyon mouth at altitude 6,280 feet. Coral collections mostly loose float material. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1452.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon, west side about 460 m south of canyon mouth, altitude 6,300 feet. Within the Coal Canyon fault zone. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1453.—H0rse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon in NE% sec. 20, T. 25 N., R. 49 E., on top of small knoll 0.8 km south of canyon mouth, altitude 6,400 feet. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains Formation. 42 M1454.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon about 975 In south of canyon mouth, altitude 6,400 feet on top of spur on which the Middle Devonian Woodpecker Limestone Member of the Nevada Formation is apparently overridden by an upper plate comprising parts of the Roberts Mountains Formation and overlying Rabbit Hill Limestone. M1455.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Coal Canyon about 975 m south of canyon mouth, altitude 6,400 feet, on top of spur about 60 in east of M1454. Mixed Devonian assemblage ap— parently from both the Middle Devonian Woodpecker Limestone Member of the Nevada Formation and the Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone tectonically involved in the thrust. M1456.—Horse Creek Valley quadrangle, Nevada. South middle part of sec. 17, T. 25 N., R. 49 E., at crest of main northeast spur, altitude 6,600 feet. In thick-bedded limestone with rugose corals. Roberts Mountains Formation. Cortez Mountains, Nev. M1409.—Cortez quadrangle, Nevada. West base of Cortez Moun- tains about 1.6 km southeast of the town of Cortez. NEl/4 sec. 17, T. 26 N., R. 48 E., 2.6 km N. 76° E. of BM 5748, altitude 6,400 feet. Roberts Mountains Formation. Carlinastraea; probable float material. Sulphur Spring Range, Nev. M1148.—Garden Valley quadrangle, Nevada. Southern part of Sul— phur Spring Range. East side of range in northeast corner sec. 35, T. 23 N., R. 52 E. Lone Mountain Dolomite with corals 0.8 km north-northwest of BM 5867 on east-west spur, altitude 6,100 feet. Southern Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. M1120.—Tuscarora Mountains near north end of Eureka County, Nev.; "Round Mountain,” bottom of hill at southwest end. Col— lected by R. J. Roberts, June 1958. Roberts Mountains Formation limestone. M1313.—Bootstrap mine area, Nevada. Bootstrap Hill section. Roberts Mountains Formation about 400 m stratigraphically above base of section on top of knob. Carlinastraea bed. M1314.—Bootstrap mine area. Bootstrap Hill stratigraphic section 200—250 In stratigraphically above base. Roberts Mountains For— mation. M1315.—Bootstrap mine area. Bootstrap Hill stratigraphic section about 230 m stratigraphically above base. Roberts Mountains Formation. M1412.—Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. Advance quadrangle sheet USGS Tuscarora 3SW (7—7—68); Elko County, Nev., near north edge of Eureka County. Bootstrap Hill area southwest of Bootstrap Hill. Just north of Eureka County-Elko County line at bottom of ridge about 300 m east of Dunphy—Tuscarora road and about 1,830 m S. 17° W. of top of Bootstrap Hill. Probably a large float boulder; contains silicified brachiopods in abundance. M1413.—Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. Northeast Eureka County. Northeast of the Lynn window of R. J. Roberts. Collected by R. J. Roberts, 1958. Corals. Possibly in Jack’s Creek drainage northeast of Big Six mine. Roberts Mountains Formation. Toquima Range, Nev. M1103.—Dianas Punch Bowl quadrangle, Nevada. Ikes Canyon. About 1.6 km up canyon from mouth on north side and about 100 m in altitude above creek bottom, altitude 7,900 feet. South- east of Ikes cabin. Roberts Mountains Formation or Masket Shale of Kay and Crawford (1964). Coral-rich limestone with Verticil- lopora. M1114.—Dianas Punch Bowl quadrangle, Nevada. Ikes Canyon area; 200 m northwest of summit 8474 (Copper Mountain), al- titude 8,300 feet. In McMonnigal Limestone. Coral fauna with Toquimaphyllum. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. M1147.—Northeast corner of Wildcat Peak quadrangle. SW%SW% sec. 16, T. 16 N., R. 46 E., on top of divide west of Henry Meyer ROBERTS MOUNTAINS FORMATION, REGIONAL STUDY Canyon, altitude 6,960 feet. Roberts Mountains Formation in beds with a fauna similar to that in the Rabbit Hill Limestone sur— rounded by graptolitic beds of Silurian age. M1393 .—Dianas Punch Bowl quadrangle, Nevada. South side of Ikes Canyon, a little less than 1.7 km northwest of canyon mouth. McMonnigal Limestone. M1394.—Southeast corner of Wildcat Peak quadrangle. On north side of Mill Canyon 1,525 in west of east border of quadrangle on top of spur, altitude 8,560 feet and 730 m north of south boundary ofquadrangle. Bastille Limestone Member of Masket Shale of Kay and Crawford (1964). M1395.—Southeast corner of Wildcat Peak quadrangle. On north side of Mill canyon, altitude 8,000 feet and 2,400 m west of east border of quadrangle. Bastille Limestone Member of Masket Shale of Kay and Crawford (1964). M1396.——Southeast corner of Wildcat Peak quadrangle, 1,220 m west of east border of quadrangle and 1,130 m north of south boundary of quadrangle; altitude 8,500 feet. Bastille Limestone Member of Masket Shale of Kay and Crawford (1964). M1397.—Wildcat Peak quadrangle, Nevada. South side of Stone- berger Basin, 2.4 km southeast of top of Whiterock Mountain at altitude 9,100 feet, just east of letter "n” in word “Basin” of "Stoneberger Basin” (Wildcat Peak quadrangle). Tor Limestone. Northern Inyo Mountains, Calif. M1090.—~Independence quadrangle, California. East of Kearsarge at mouth of Mazourka Canyon. In NElfli sec. 8, T. 13 S., R. 36 E. Within 6 m of top Vaughn Gulch Limestone. Poorly preserved fossils of probable Early Devonian age. M1091.—Independence quadrangle, California. At mouth of Mazourka Canyon. Near east line of sec. 8, T. 13 S., R. 36 E. at middle of NE‘A, 366 In north of Vaughn Gulch creek bottom, al- titude 4,840 feet. About 46 m stratigraphically above chert unit at base of Vaughn Gulch Limestone. M1092.~Independence quadrangle, California. Same measured sec- tion as M1091, west of east section line of sec. 8 in NE%, altitude 4,880 feet. Middle part of Vaughn Gulch Limestone about 305 m stratigraphically above the Eureka Quartzite equivalent. M1093.—Independence quadrangle, California. East of Kearsarge at mouth of Mazourka Canyon. In NE1/4 sec. 8, T. 13 S., R. 36 E. Base of upper unit of Vaughn Gulch Limestone about 412 m strati— graphically above Eureka Quartzite equivalent and 137 m below top of Vaughn Gulch Limestone. M1115.—Independence quadrangle, California. East of Kearsarge at mouth of Mazourka Canyon. Measured section of Vaughn Gulch Limestone about 34 In stratigraphically below horizon of M1093. Rugose coral bed. _ .. M1116.—Independence quadrangle, California. At mouth of Mazourka Canyon in measured section in which are localities M1092 and M1093. Coral bed about 9—15 m stratigraphically below M1093, near top middle unit of Vaughn Gulch Limestone. M1128.—Independence quadrangle, California. East of Kearsarge at mouth of Mazourka Canyon. In measured section about 52 m stratigraphically below M1093 in higher middle part of the Vaughn Gulch Limestone. Beds with Verticillopora. M1385.—Independence quadrangle, California. Sec. 8, T. 13 S., R. 36 E. Vaughn Gulch Limestone, Silurian. Probably same zone as locality M1128. Verticillopora. Collected by Craig D. Ross, 1961. M1410.—Independence quadrangle, California. Mazourka Canyon east of Kearsarge in measured section. At top of middle unit of Vaughn Gulch Limestone and about 15 m stratigraphically below locality M1093. Gotland, Sweden M1382.—Gotland, Sweden. Hemse Group. Stop 40 of Internat. Geol. Cong. guidebook, 1960. Boardman collection, Sept. 10, 1960. SELECTED REFERENCES SELECTED REFERENCES Adams, J. E., and Rhodes, M. L., 1960, Dolomitization by seepage refluxion: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 44, no. 12 p. 1912—1920. Bathurst, R. G. 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Algae, calcareous , HH. ,_ 2,4,5, 26, 29 dasycladacean ,,,,,,, 4, 5, 10, 15, 25, 26, 27, 29 alternatus, Plectospathodus H , ._H . ,HH ,HH .H, 40 Alveolites spH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 15, 17 Amplexoides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Amplexus HHHHHH. ,HHHH, angustidens, Monograptus H, ,H , Retiolites geinitzianus H, , _ ,,,,,,, _ 19 annulata, Verticillopora ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 14, 15, 22, 26, 27; pls.10, 11 Antelope Peak ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Antelope Valley , ,H H Antelope Valley Limestone H Antilles. Netherlands , , Arachnophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, kayi , ,,,,,,,,, Athyris ,H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , Atrypa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 5, 10, 15, 17 August Canyon sequence _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 24 August Canyon thrust sequence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19,40 Aulacophyllum , ,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 AuloporaHHH. , Australia HHH _ Australophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 29, 34 landerensis ,,,,,,,,, HHHHH.HH 27, 34, 35 stevensi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 (A ustralophylluml sp. c H, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34,- pl, 8 sp, v ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35; pl, 8 (Toquimapliyllum) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 34, 35 5,14,15,17.22,23, 27, 34,35, pl. 6 johnsam H, ,HH. ,__.,, sp. v ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27, 34, 35 (Australophyllum) Sp. c, Australophyllum HH 34,- pl. 8 sp. v, Australophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35; pl, 8 B Badger Flat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Bare Mountain H 7, 19 Roberts Mountains Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Barrandella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15 Barrel Spring ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Bastille Limestone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 40 Bathurst, R, G. C., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Beacon Peak Dolomite Member, Nevada Formation __H, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 10 beckmanni, Oneotodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 40 Belodella devonica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 resima ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Berry, W. B. N., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 11, 13, 19, 28 berthiaumi, Stylopleura ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 13, 15, 20, 31, 32,‘ pls. 1, 2 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Page Big Six Mine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 34 Bighorn Dolomite, Ordovician ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Billingsastraea spi T ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Bioherms, scarcity ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Birch Creek 7 birchensis, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 bohemicus, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 Boone Creek area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains ,,,,,,, 2, 14, 16, 30, 31,32, 33, 34, 41 Bootstrap Hill section, age ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 lowest coral-brachiopod zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 middle coral-brachiopod zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 7 physical stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 stratigraphic paleontolong. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 upper fossil zone with Carlinastraea ,,,,,,,,,, 17 Bootstrap mine area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 7, 16 Boucot, A, J., cited , HH Boulder Creek ,,,,,,,,,, Brachiopods H 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17:18, 20, 26, 27 dalmanellid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 17 pentameroid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 20 rhynchonellid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 silicified ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 spiriferoid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Brachyelasma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 spb ,,,,,,,,, , HHHHHHHHH 16,31;pl. 12 spa HH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13,31;pl.5 5, 11 Breccias, depositional ,,,,,,,, ,HH ._ H 5, 13, 14, 15 Breuiphrentis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 (Breviphrentisl, Siphonophrentis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 C Caesar Canyon Limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ...... 23, 24 Calcarenite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Calceola sandalina ,,,,,,,, Callaghan window Calostylis ,,,,,,,,, sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 32, pl, 7 Camerotoechia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Carlin, Nev ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 41 Carlin gold ores, Nev , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Carlin Mine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 16 Carlinastraea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 14, 17, 29, 32 beds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13,14,17, 35, 40, 41 giganteum H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HH 34 originali’s , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 tuscaroraensis H 5, 13, 16, 17, 32, 33; pls. 6, 7, 8 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pl. 8 [Carlinastraea], Spongophyllum ,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 Cerro Gordo mining district ,,,,,,,,,, 4, 25 Chert granules ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ,,,,,,,,, 18 nodules ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 chimoem, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Chonaphyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 27 simpsoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15; p15, 7, 9 Chuckwalla Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Cladopora ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10,26, 27; pl. 1 sp. v ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pl. 10 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5,10,11,13,15,16,17 Clear Creek , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Climacograptus medias ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Page Clinton Group, New York State ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Coal Canyon, fault zone A ,,,,,,,, HH 11, 12,13, 35 fault zone, fossils ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 Simpson Park Mountains ,,,,,,,,,, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 28, 29,30, 31,32, 33, 35, 40, 41 Coal Canyon area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 40, 41 Coal Canyon basin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 Coal Canyon fault ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 30, 32 Coelospira ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 sp. b ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 17; pl. 12 sp ______________________________________ 10, 17 Coenites sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 colonus, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H. 13 Conchidium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 20 olaskense ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 alaskensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 mfinsteri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10; pl, 12 16; pl. 12 _____ pl. 12 Conodonts ________ 2, 4, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26, 28, 29 Copenhagen Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 7, 11, 18, 40 Roberts Mountains Formation, age ____________ 18 stratigraphic paleontology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Copenhagen Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 24, 25 Coral zone E, age ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Coral zones, reference section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 Corals ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 4, 5, 8, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24 dissepimented ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 nondisspimented ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 pycnostylid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 rugoseHH 1,2, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 26, 27, 29 age value ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 cerioid __________________________________ 32 colonial ,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 9, 17,20, 26, 29, 32 key ____________________________________ 29 lykophyllid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32; pl. 12 special stratigraphic value ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 stratigraphic value ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 zonation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 silicified ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 streptelasmids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 tabulate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 10, 20, 27 alveolitid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 Cordilleran belt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32, 33 Cordilleran geosynclinal seaway H. HH. ,,,,,,,,,, 1 Cortez gold ores, Nev ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Cortez Mountains ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cortez quadrangle ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, crateroides, Mucophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 Crawford, J. P., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 crawfordi, Neomphyma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 22 Cress, Leland, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Crinoids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 8, 14, 17,26, 27 Cryptatrypa sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cyathopaedium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 Cyathophylloides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 17, 27, 31 fergusoni H 5, 17, 22, 31 sp. f ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 31; pl. 12 Cyrtograptus sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cystihalysites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Cystihalysitesl magnitubus, Halysites ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Cystiphyllum sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Cystiphylloids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 47 48 Page D Dalmanella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Dalmanophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 26 sp. A ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 27 Daly, R, A., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 denayensis, Denayphyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10 Denayphyllum denayensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10 denckmanni, Ozarkodina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Devonian System ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 deuonica, Belodella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4O devonicus, Scolopodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Dicoelosia sp. r ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10; pl, 11 sp ,H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10 Dinant Basin, Belgium, standard ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Diplophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 27 Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Monitor Range, Roberts Mountains Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Dolomite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 3, 8, 9 diagenetic origin ,H 6 eastern belt facies, ,,H origin , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Great Basin, Silurian H, 7 Guelph, Ontario hydrothermal type ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lithographic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, marine, origin ,,HH, 6 penecontemporaneous ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 problem ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 reefs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 regional H_, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 7 regional problem ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 6‘ saccharoidal ,,,,,,,,, H 9 Dolomite belts, Great Basin, distribution H H,,,, , 6 Dolomitization ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 26 metasomatic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 regional ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Dry Canyon, Toiyabe Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Dry Creek area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23,24 dubius, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 17, 19, 28 duncanae, Tryplasma ,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 13, 17, 31; pl, 3 E Eantiognathus lipperti ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,_H H,, 40 East Northumberland Canyon ,,,,,,,,, 20, 23 Eastern dolomite belt H ,H, 1, 7, 10, 19, 20 Eatonia sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 elegans, Pycnostylus , , H 31; pl. 1 Rotundacodina , , ,,,,,,, 40 Elko County ,HHHHH ,,,,,H,,,,,,,,, H 3, 7,16 Ely Springs Dolomite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 25 Endophyllidae , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 32, .34 Endaphyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 enorme, Rhizophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15 Entelophylloides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 (Prohexagonarial occidentalis ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10 Entelophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 eosteinhornensis, Spathognathodus Eureka County ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Eureka district , ,,H , Eureka Quartzite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Evans, J, G,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , Evans and Mullens, unnamed Devonian limestone unit excavatus, Neoprioniodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 extensus, Plectospathodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , H 40 F Fairbridge, R. W,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Fardenia sp. b H, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16; pl. 12 Fault, thrust ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H 16 Fauistella , ,,,,,,,, 31 Fauistina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 Fauosites H , 11,13,17, 24,26, 27 sp. (1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,, pl. 10 ,H pl. 10 , 13, 15, 16 Favositids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 26, 27 INDEX Page fergusom, Cyathophylloides ,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 17, 22, 31 Fish Creek Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 flemingii, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 F letcheria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 tubifera ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31; pl. 3 Fletcherina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,H 31 Fossils ,H, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 9 Coal Canyon fault zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 Mullens section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 Pyramid Hill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 silicifiedH H ,H, 8,14,16, 17,20 unit 1 unit 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 unit 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 f'oveolatus, Polygmzthus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 f'urnishi, Pelekysgnathus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Fye Canyon area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H,H, 11 G gaertneri, Ozarkodina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Gala beds, England ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Gatecliff Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 40 Gazelle Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, 15, 34 geinitzianus angustidens, Retiolites ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 giganteum, Carlinastraea ,,,,,,,,,,,, , H, ,,H 34 Glassia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Gothograptus spinosus , ._ H , Gotland, Sweden , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, corals ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 30 reefs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5 rugosa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 15 standard ,,,,,,, Graptolite facies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Graptolite standard, age ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Graptolite zonation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Graptolites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 4, 9, 10,11,131, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 Great Basin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 28 Grays Canyon Limestone Member, Nevada Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 Graywacke belt, Pacific belt ,,,,,,,,, , HH, , H, 6 Great Basin, brachiopods , .H, HHH H,,,._,, H 4 chert sequencesH ,H: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 conodonts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 coral zonation, Silurian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 26 Silurian, reference section H, ,,,,,,, 10, 14 depositional facies belts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 dolomite belts, distribution , ,,,,,,,,,,, 6 eastern dolomite belt ,,,.,,.HH 1, 7, 10, 19, 20 graptolites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 28 intermediate limestone belt ,,,,,,, H 1, 7, 10, 19, 20, 25, 28, 29, 32 limestone facies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Silurian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Lower Devonian, paleontologic zoning , ,,,,,, 4 reference sections ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Rugosa, dissepimented ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Silurian, coral zone A ,,,,,,,,, ,_H 4, 10, 16, 17, 22,26, 27, 28, 31 coral zone B,,, H ,,,,,,,,,,,, 4,10,27,28 coral zone C , . H 4,9,10,11,31 coral zone DH_, ,,,,,, 4, 9,10,11,13,16,17, 20,22, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32,34 coral zone E ,,,,,,,, 4, 11,13,14,15,16,17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29,32, 34, 35 limestones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 distribution ,HH . 6 paleontologic zoning 4 Great Britain ,,,,, , H , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 Great Lakes, reefs , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Grouse Creek ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Grouse Creek Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Guelph Dolomite, Guelph, Ontario ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 guelphensis, Pycnostylus ,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31; pl. 1 Gyptdula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 sp. r ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5,10;pl, 11 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 17 Gypsum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Page H HalliidaeHHH, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H 27 Halysites ,,,,,, 10, 11 (Cystihalysites) magnitubus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H, 5, 10 Hanson Creek dolomite ,,,,,,,,, ,H, ,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 Hanson Creek Formation ,,,,,, 3, 9, 11, 18, 19, 22, 24 Hanson Creek limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , . 12, 13 Heliolites HH,..H,H,H,,,H_, ,,,,,,,, 10, 26, 27 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 16, 20 Hemse Group ,H. HHHH , ,HH, ,H .H, ,HH 31 Hercynella , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H pl, 10 hercynicus, MonograptusHHHHH..H, ,,,,,,, 19, 25 Hexagonaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,H, 25 Hibbardella sp ,.H, Hidden Valley Dolomite ,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 25, 26, 27, 28 Hindeadella sp , ,. ,,,,,,,, Hindia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 Homoeospira sp r ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Horse Creek Valley quadrangle ,,H ,H H Howellella 5p ,,,,,,, Hsii, K. J., cited , , huddlei, Icriodus latericrescens H. Humboldt River Valley , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 l Icriodus latericrescensH ,,,,,,,,, H, H 40 latericrescens huddlez ,,H ,H, H 40 , ,,,,,,, 40 , H , H 40 Ikes Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 20, 22 32, 34, 35 lkes Canyon window ,, H. ,,H, ,H ,HH, 22. 23,24 August Canyon sequence , H,,, ,H ,H 23,24 June Canyon sequence ,,H H,,,,,,, H 22 Mill Canyon sequence ,,,,, 22, 23, 24, 31 34, 35 inclinatus inL‘linatus, Spathognathodus ,H, H,, , 4O inconstans, Trichonodella H H, , 40 Independence quadrangle ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, H, , 25 Independence Range , ,,,,,,,,, ,, HH H, 7 Intermediate limestone belt ,,,,, , H, 1, 7 10, 19, 20, 25, 28, 29, 32 International Stratigraphic Commission H, , 28, 29 Introduction ,,,,,,,,, H. ,,H, , H, , 1 Investigation, history ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 purpose ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H, 2 scope H , 2 Inyo Mountains, CalifH , H, 1, 2, 4, 7, 15, 18, 28, 35 limestones ,. H, ,H, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,H,, 25 InyoRangeH, ,HH H,,,._, HH HH, H, 7 Isorthis sp , ,HHH, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 J jaculum, Monograptus H, 19 Johnson J G, cited H, 2 johnsoni Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum) ,, 5, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23,27, 34,35; pl16 June Canyon sequence , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23 K Kay, Marshall, cited H, H,,, .H, ,H, ,,H, H 3 kayi, Arachnaphyllum H, H, HH, H,HHH , 5, 22 Kennett Formation , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 Ketophyllum H, ,,H .H, HH,, ,,HHHHHH, H 34 sp, tH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34; pl. 10 Klamath Mountains, Calif H , ,,H. 15, 30, 34 Klamathastraea Kleinhampl, F. J,, quoted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Kodonophyllidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HH 29, 31 Kodonophyllinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29,30 Kodonophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 17, 29, 30 mulleri HH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15, 29, 30; pl. 4 truncatum H,,,,, ,,H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 sp. b ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 30, 32; pl, 5 Kozlowskiellina sp. b , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 17; pl. 12 sp. 1" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5,10,15;pl111 Kyphophyllidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Kyphophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,H, ,HH, 15, 17, 23,29 nevadensis, ,,H,,,,,, .,,,,H, H,,,,, 5, pl 9 sp. b ,,,,,,,,,,,,, H, HHHH,, , 1’7, 32; pl. 5 Sp 1: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15; pl 9 Kyphophyllum 7Continued sp. t Laketown Dolomite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lander County ,,,,,,,,,,, landerensis, Australophyllum , lat‘erierescens, Icnodus H huddlei, Icriodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 subsp. B, Icriodus ,,,,, Leptaena sp Leptocoelia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, beds ................................ Ligonodina sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Limestone, argillaceous ......... H H 24, 26 bioclastic H, 13, 14, 16, 23, 25, 26, 28 breccia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12, 14, 15 cherty _____________________________________ 24 crinoidal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 26 dolomitic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 10 facies, Silurian ______________________________ 32 graptolitic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 25 intermediate, Silurian ______________________ 6 Inyo Mountains, Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 marine, reefs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Ordovician ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Roberts Mountains __________ Limestones, Inyo Mountains, Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Lower Devonian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Silurian _____________________ geographic distribution H 7 lipperti, Eantiognathus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Lobograptus scanicus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 Lonchodina walliseri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Lone Mountain _____________________________ 3, 9, 10 saccharoidal dolomites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Lone Mountain Dolomite ,,,,,,,, 3, 6, 8, 9, 19, 20, 31 dolomite facies ______________________________ 10 lateral equivalence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Roberts Creek Mountain H. ,H ,H 3, 10 saccharoidal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 type section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H, 3, 20 unit 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 unit 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 2O Lone Mountain reef ,,,,, 6 Lonsdaleia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ludlovian faunas ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Ludlovian Stage, Alaska ________________________ 15 Lykophyllids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32; pl. 12 M mcallisteri, Palaeocyclus porpita ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Petrozium 5 McCann Hill Chert, Alaska ,,,,,, McColley Canyon Formation HH McKee, E. H,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, McMonnigal Limestone _________________________ 9, 22 Maggie Creek, Tuscarora Mountains ,,,,,, 2, 7, 16, 41 magnitubus, Halysites tCystihalysites) ,,,,,, __H 5 Mahogany Hills ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Maikottia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 turkestanica H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Masket Shale ______ H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 19, 23 Bastille Limestone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 4O Masursky, Harold, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Matti, Jonathan C., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Mazourka Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 4, 25, 28, 35 Mazourka Canyon area H. HH 28 media, Ozarkodina ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 medius, Climacograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Merista sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 16 Meristella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15 M icroplasma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 migratus, Paltodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Mill Canyon, Toquima Range __________ 11, 20, 22, 40 Mill Canyon sequence ,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 35 Miller, J. W., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 INDEX Page Monitor Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H_.HHH 3,7, 11,40 physical stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Roberts Mountains Formation ..... Dobbin Summit ,,,,,,,, Monograptids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H. , 17, 24 acus ,,,,,,,, _ 19 angustidens A ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 birchensis H bohemicus ,,,,,, 1 3 chimaem . , colonus ,,,,,,,, 13 du bius , , flemingu H ........... 19 hercynicus _, jaculum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nilssoni-Monograptus scanicus Zone __________ 19 nudus H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pandus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, praehercynicus H priodon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 riccartonensis Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 scanius ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,, 28 spiralis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, l9 tumescens ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 uncinatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 19 uniformis ________ 4, 18, 28 uniformis Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,H 2, 15, 18, 29 uulgaris ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10,13,17, 19,28 Mount Callaghan, Toiyabe Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Mount Lewis area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Mucophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15,30 crateroides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 oliueri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H. 5, 15, 30; pl, 4 Mudflats ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Mullens, T. E,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,, HH 2,16,17 Mullens section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 16, 17 mulleri, Kodonophyllum ,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15, 29, 30; pl. 4 multiformis, Neoprioniodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 mflnsteri, Conchidium , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10; pl, 12 Murray, R. C, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Mycophyllinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 30 N Neophyma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 crawfordi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 22 Neoprioniodus excavatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 multiformis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Nevada Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 10, 30 Beacon Peak Dolomite Member ,,,,,,,,,, 3, 10 Grays Canyon Limestone Member ____________ 30 nevadensis, Kyphophyllum , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5; pl. 9 Stylapleura ,,,,,,,,,,, H_ 5, 15, 17, 22, 32; pl. 2 newfarmeri, Tryplasma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 31; pl, 3 Niagaran Series, reefs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5 noguerensis, Rotundacodina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Northumberland area, Toquima Range ,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Northumberland window ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Prospect sequence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Striped Hill sequence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nudus, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, O occidentalis, Entelophylloides (Prohexagonaria) H 5, 10 oliveri, Mucophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15, 30; pl. 4 Oneotodus beckmanni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 originalis, Curlinastraea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 Orthophyllum sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 Orthostrophia sp ,,,,, 5, 15 Ozarkodina denckmanni gaertneri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, media ,,,,,,,,, typiCa ,,,,,,,,,,, Ziegleri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, P Pablo Canyon, Toiyabe Range ____________________ 7 Pablo Canyon area HH 49 Page Pacific Border graywacke belt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 6 Pacific border province ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 Palaeocyclus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 27 porpzta mcallisteri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Palaeophyllum ................................ 10, 31 sp. b ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Paleontologic zoning, Great Basin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Paleozoic rocks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Paltodus migratus , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4O Panamint Mountains ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Panderodus sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pandus, Monograptus H, , Pelekysgnathus furmshi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 513 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Pentamerus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H_. 20 Perdido Formation ,,,,, , 25 Persian Gulf ,HH,, 7 Pete Hanson Creek ,,,,,, 9 Pete Hanson Creek area 10 Petes Canyon ,,,,, ,. 20 Petes Canyon window ,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,, H 22, 24 Petrozium mcallisterz ,,,,,,,,,,, . 5 Pine Hill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11,12 age H. H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 stratigraphic paleontology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 Pine Hill section, physical stratigraphy HH 12, 14, 15 Plectatrypa sp. c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pl. 11 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15, 27 Plectaspathodus alternatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 extensus .H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Point of Rocks area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 24, 25 Polygnathus faveolatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H. .H 40 Porcupine River, Alaska ,,,,,,, 32 porpita mcallisteri, Palaeocyclus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 praehercynicus, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,, 13, 19, 22, 29 Pray, L. C., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 primus, Spathognathodus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 priodon, Monograptus‘ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Prioniodina sp ,,,,,,,,,,, HHH 40 (Prohexagonarial occidentalis, Entelophylloides _ , 5, 10 Prospect sequence, chert unit , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Ptychopleurella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 16 Pycnactis Sp. K ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,, 5 Pycnostylid _ ,,,,,,,, HH HH 10, 14, 15, 31 Pycnostylidae ,,,,,,,,, . ,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 31 cerioid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Pycnostylus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , _____ 15, 31 elegans ,,,,,,,,,,,, HH 31; pl, 1 guelphensis ,,,,,,, HH 31; pl, 1 sp. 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31; pl, 2 Pyramid Hill , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 12, 14 Silurian-Devonian Boundary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 Pyramid Hill section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 14 physical stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 R Rabbit Hill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Rabbit Hill Limestone ,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 34, 40, 41 Ravenswood area, Shoshone Range ,,,,,, .H 7, 25 Red Hill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14 Reeds Canyon, Toiyabe Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 24 Reef, Lone Mountain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Reefs, building ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 core rock ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 dolomite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Gotland, Sweden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5 Great Lakes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 marginal beds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H 5 marine limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Niagaran Series ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5 patch ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Roberts Mountains Formation, scarcity ,,,,,,,, 4 scarcity ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, remscheidensis, Spathognathodus HH Spathognathodus steinhornensis H resima, Belodella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50 Resserella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Retiolites geinitzianus angustidens ,,,,, Rhabdocyclus sp, B ,,,,, sp. d ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rhegmaphyllum Sp, h ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 17 hazophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 33 enarme ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15 sp, D ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 27 Rhynchaspirina sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15 Roberts Creek Mountain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 7, 9, 10, 19 Roberts Mountains, Nev ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 14 rugosa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 4 Silurian limestones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Roberts Mountains Formation, age ,,,,,, 1, 2, 11, 20 August Canyon sequence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 24 Bare Mountain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 black chert unit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23, 24, 25 Bootstrap Hill section, age ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 physical stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 stratigraphic paleontology ,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 32 Brock Canyon, Monitor Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Callaghan window ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 24 chert marker ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18, 19, 20 cherty dolomite member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Coal Canyon area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15,35 Coal Canyon fault zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Coal Canyon section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 16, 20 conodonts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Copenhagen Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 18 age ______ 18 stratigraphic paleontology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Cortez Mountains ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Dobbin Summit, Monitor Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 dolomite facies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 10 origin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 dolomite problem ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Dry Creek area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23,24 facies changes ,,,,,,, geologic mapping ..... geologic setting ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gold ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 graptolite faunas ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Great Basin ,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 4 Ikes Canyon window ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23, 24 June Canyon sequence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23 lateral equivalence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 5, 14 limestone facies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 lithology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24 lower coral zone with Carlinastmea 1111111111 14 Mill Canyon sequence ,,,,,, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 35 Monitor Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 physical stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Pablo Canyon area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23,25 Petes Canyon window ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 24 Pine Hill, age ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,_ 13 stratigraphic paleontology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 Pine Hill section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12, 14, 15 Point of Rocks area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 24, 25 Prospect sequence Pyramid Hill, Silurian-Devonian Boundary, problem ______ c. 15 Pyramid Hill section ,,,,,, physical stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,, h 14 redefinition 2 reefs, scarcity ,_, 4 reference section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 16, 17 Roberts Creek Mountain ,,,,,,,,,, Roberts Mountains, Nev ________ Shoshone Mountains ,,,,,,,,,, Shoshone Range _______________ 3 Silurian limestones ,,,,,,,,,, __c_ 4 Simpson Park Mountains ._ 3, 11 Straight Canyon area ___- stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,, stratigraphic paleontology, stratigraphic relations . Striped Hill sequence H, __________________ 23 INDEX Page thickness ,,,, 9,12,13, 14, 16, 18,19, 20, 22, 25 Toiyabe Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Z3, 25 Toquima Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 20, 24 Tuscarora Mountains ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 type area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 8, 10 type section ________________ 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 20 age ' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 unit 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 11 unit 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 10, 11,20 unit 3 _________ , fl ,,,,, 9, 10, 11, 31 upper coral zone with Toquimaphyllum ,,,,,, 14 Roberts Mountains thrust ________________________ 22 August Canyon sequence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Ikes Canyon window ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23 June Canyon sequence ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23 Mill Canyon sequence ____________________ 22, 23 Northumberland window ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Petes Canyon window ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 Roberts, R, J., cited ___________________________ 2, 16 Rocky Hills thrust ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 Ross, D, C., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Ross, R, J., Jr., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Rotundacodina elegans 11111111111111111111111111 40 noguerensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Round Mountain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Rugosa ______ 2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17,25, 26, 27, 29 age value ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 assemblages ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 27 Australia ,,,,,,,,,, 4, 15 cerioid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 colonial ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 9, 17, 20, 26, 29, 32 dissepimented ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 eastern Europe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 England ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Getland, Sweden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 15 key ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Klamath Mountains, Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 lykophyllid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32; pl. 12 nondissepimented, Silurian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 pycnostylid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 14, 15 Silurian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 15 Silurian, stratigraphic distribution ,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 special stratigraphic value ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 stratigraphic value ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 zonation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Ryderophyllum ubehebensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 S Salairaphyllum 111111111111111111111111111111 15, 33 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Salopina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sandalina, Calceola ,,,,,,,,,,,, scalaris, Climacograptus scanic us, Lobograptus ,,,,,,,,,, scanius, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,, Schellwienella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15 Schizopharia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, h 27 Schlotheimophyllum ______ Schneider, J., cited 1.1 ,, Schuchert, Charles, cited .. , 6 Scolapodus deuanicus ,,,,,,,,,, _. 40 sedgwicki, Spongophyllum 11111 , , pl. 6 Shales, graptolitic ,,,,,,,,,,, 16 Shale-graywacke facies , ______ 7 Shoshone Mountains, Nevi 2 Shoshone Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Sicorhyncha sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15 Silurian-Devonian boundary 1, 2, 11, 15, 17 central Nevadai 1. ,,,,,,,,, 28 problem ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 Pyramid Hill -1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 Silurian-Devonian Boundary Committee 1, __ 28, 29 Silurian limestone, Great Basin, distribution ______ 6 Silurian limestones, geographic distribution cccccc 7 Silurian System ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 10, 15, 19, 26, 31 Silurian zone 5b, Norway ________________________ 10 Simpson Park Mountains ,,,,,,,,,, 2, 3, 7, 14, 16, 17, 32, 35, 40 simpsoni, Chonophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15; pls. 7, 9 Page simpsoni, Chonophyllum—Continued Tonkinaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 13, 32; pl. 5 Siphonophrentis (Breviphrentis) m Skeats, E. W., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Spathognathodus eosteinhornensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 inclinatus inclinatus ,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 primus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 remscheidensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 steinhornensis remscheidensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 transitans ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 spinosus, Gothogmptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 spiralis, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "h 19 Sponge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A," 26 Spongophyllidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 32 Spongophylloides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 Spongaphyllum _,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 32,33 sedgwicki _______________________ 32, 33; pl, 6 [Carlinastmea] _, sp. A sp, B ,,,,, Stauriidae ,1, "a. ,_,c Steidtmann, Edward, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 steinhornensis remscheidensis, Spathognathodus 1, 40 Stevens, C, H,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 stevensi, Australophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Stewart, J. H., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Straight Canyon area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Streptelasma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Streptelasmatidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Striatapora sp ,,,,,,,,,,, Striped Hill sequence ,,,,, Stromatoporoids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 15, 26, 27 Stylopleum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 14, 15, 17,31 berthiaumi ,,,,,, 5, 10, 13, 15, 20, 31,32; pls, 1, 2 neuadensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15, 17, 22, 32; pl. 2 sp. b ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17,32; pl, 1 sp. c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 14,32; pls. 1, 2 sp _______________ Sunday Canyon Formation age Swales Mountain , , , , Synprioniodina sp , , Syringaxon _ . _ sp ,,,,,,, Syringopora ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 T Tabulophyllum ccccccc Tentaculites , Thrust fault . Thrust plates ,. ,,,,,, 18,19, 22, 23, 24 Toiyabe Range ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 18, 23, 25 Tankinaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 simpsoni A ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5,10, 13, 32; pl, 5 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 Toquima Range ,,,,,,,,,, 2, 3, 7, 11, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 34,35, 40 Ikes Canyon area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32, 35 Mill Canyon sequence _, ., 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 35 Roberts Mountains Formation ,,,,,,,,,, 3, 20, 24 Toquimaphyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 34, 35 beds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 (Toquimaphyllum), Australaphyllum 111111 29, 34, 35 johnsoni, Australophyllum __________ 5, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23,27, 34, 35; pl. 6 sp., Australophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Tor Limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 Torquay, Devonshire, England ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 transitans, Spathognalhodus _______ 40 Trematospira ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Trichonodella blanda 1111111 40 inconstans ,,,,,, 40 sp .............. 40 Trilobite ,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 cryptolithoid __ _, 24 truncatum, Kodanaphyllum 1111111111111111111111 30 Page Tryplasma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 13, 33 dueranae _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5,10, 13, 17, 31; pl. 3 newfarmeri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 31:131. 3 so g ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31; pl. 3 “MN"... 13,17 Tryplasmatidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 31 Tryplasmid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27, 31 tubifera, Fletcheria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31; pl, 3 tumescens, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 turkestanica, Maikottza ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Tuscarora Mountains, Nev ____________ 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 15,16, 30, 34, 41 tuscaroraensis, Carlinastraea ___________ 5, 13, 16, 17, 32, 33; pls. 6, 7, 8 typica, Ozarkodina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 U ubehebensis, Ryderophyllum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Ulrich, E. 0,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 uncinatus, Monograptus ,,,,,,,,,,, uniformis, Monagraptus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 18, 28 Ural Mountains, U.S.S.R ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 33, 34 INDEX Page V Van Tuyl, F. M,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Vaughn Gulch ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Vaughn Gulch Limestone ,,,,,,,, 1, 15, 18,25, 34, 35 age ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 black chert zones ______________________________ 25 chert member , 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 coral zone A ________________________________ 27 coral zone E ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 lower division ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 middle division ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, physical stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,, stratigraphic paleontology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 thickness ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 type section... _________________________ 25, 26 upper, fossils _... ____________________________ 27 upper division ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 Verticillopora beds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Vaughn Gulch limestone unit __________________ 15 Verticillopora ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 15, 26, 27, 29 ranges ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 annulata "H 5, 10,14, 15, 22, 26, 27; pls. 10,11 51 Page Verticillopora—Continued sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5; pl. 10 Vinini Formation , 111 16 Virgiamz sp ,,,,,,,,, ,, 20 vulgaris, Monograptus _________________________ 28 W Wall Canyon, Toiyabe Range ,,,,,, walliseri, Lorwhadina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Water Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Wenban Limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 West Northumberland Canyon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Western graywacke belt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 Willow Creek ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Windmill Limestone ,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 40 Y, Z Ya'ssia ____________________________________________ 32 Zelophyllum sp ,,,,,, z'wgleri, Ozarkodina , , PLATES l— 12 [Contact photographs of the plates in this report are available, at cost, from the US. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225] PLATE 1 FIGURES 1—9. Stylopleura berthiaumi Merriam 1-6. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Nev. 1. View ofbroken calice interior showing three offsets. Paratype, USNM 159384a. X2. 2. Lateral view of two corallites from a large colony (paratype USNM 165359) showing connecting elements. X 1. 3. Calice View showing multiple calice budding. Paratype USNM 159383. X2. 4. Partial lateral View of holotype. USNM 159382. X11/2. 5. Partial lateral View of paratype showing lateral element attached to Cladopora branch. USNM 159384. X1. 6. Longitudinal thin section. USNM 165358a. X2. 7—9. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1106, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. USNM 159385. X1. 7. Lateral view. 8. Calice view. 9. Partial interior view showing calice offsets. 10—12. Stylopleura sp. b 10—11. Silurian Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1314, Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. 10. Lateral View of broken corallite. X 11/2. 11. Lateral view of piece of corallite showing base of hollow lateral element. X2. 12. Longitudinal thin section. X2. Silurian. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1315, Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. 1&15. Stylopleura sp. c, cf. S. berthiaumi Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1317, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. X2. 13. Longitudinal thin section. 14, 15. Transverse thin sections. 16, 17. Pycnostylus guelphensis Whiteaves? Longitudinal and transverse sections. X2. Unenlarged copies of plate X, figures 4, 4a in Lambe (1901). Silurian, Guelph Dolomite; Ontario, Canada. 18, 19. Pycnostylus guelphensis Whiteaves. Unenlarged copies oftwo of Whiteaves’ type illustrations (Whiteaves, 1884, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b). Silurian, Guelph Dolomite; Ontario, Canada. X1. 18. Transverse section of corallum. 19. Lateral view of broken corallite with two remaining offsets; note lack of exterior longitudinal ribbing. 20. Pycnostylus elegans Whiteaves. Anterior end of a mature corallite with several offsets. Note external ribbing. X 1. Unen- larged copy of one of Whiteaves’ (1884) type illustrations. Silurian, Guelph Dolomite; Ontario, Canada. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 1 ‘0 v. '- . ,~ STYLOPLEURA AND PYCNOSTYL US PLATE 2 FIGURES 1, 2. Stylopleura? sp. c Transverse and longitudinal thin sections. X2. Silurian, Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1379, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 3—6. Stylopleura neuadensis Merriam Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains Formation. Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 3, 4. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections of same colony. Paratype, USNM 159431a. X2. Locality M1380. 5. Upper surface of holotype, USNM 159431. X1/2. Locality M1107. 6. Longitudinal thin section of holotype showing a lateral connecting element. USNM 159431. X2. Locality M1107. 7. Stylopleura cf. S. nevadensis n. gen., n. sp. Longitudinal thin section. X2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains For- mation. Locality M1381, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 8, 9. Stylopleura berthiaumi Merriam Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Locality M1103, Ikes Canyon, Toquima Range, Nev. 8. Lateral View of flaring calice. X1. 9. Lateral View of same individual showing connecting element. X 1. 10. Pycnostylus sp. 1 Longitudinal thin section. X3. Silurian, Lone Mountain Dolomite. Locality M1148, south- ern Sulphur Spring Mountains, Nev.; 4.8 km south of Romano Ranch. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 2 A}. ‘, , '. x-_ K ‘ 5 ,v'r.‘1m$.. m. STYL OPLEURA AND PYCNOSTYL US PLATE 3 FIGURES 1—7. Fletcheria tubifera Edwards and Haime. 1. Lateral view of corallum. Copy of original type figure of Edwards and Haime (1851, pl. 16, fig. 5). Silurian, Gotland, Sweden. X11/2. 2—7. Silurian, Slite Group (Wenlockian); Slite, Lannaberget, Gotland, Sweden. 2. Lateral View of corallum showing corallite surface ornamentation. X2. 3. Transverse thin section. X2. 4, 5. Longitudinal thin sections. X2. 6, 7. Transverse sections showing multiple calice offsets and wall structure. Note ab- sence of septa. X6. 8, 9. Tryplasma duncanae Merriam Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains, Formation, unit 3. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Roberts Mountains, Nev. 8. Lateral View of holotype, USNM 159374. X2. 9. Oblique calice view of paratype, USNM 159375. X5. 10—15. Tryplasma newfarmeri Merriam Great Basin Silurian coral zone C. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3. Locality M1102, Roberts Creek Mountain, Nev. 10, 11. Longitudinal thin sections of holotype, USNM 159377. X3. 12, 13. Longitudinal thin sections of holotype, USNM 159377. X8. 14, 15. Transverse thin sections of holotype, USNM 159377. X8. 16—19. Tryplasma sp. g These figures are all of the same corallum. Silurian, Hemse Group (Ludlovian); locality M1382, Gotland, Sweden. 16. Transverse thin section. X2. 17. Transverse thin section. X4. Enlargement of part of figure 16. 18, 19. Longitudinal thin sections. X2. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FLETCHERIA AND TR YPLASMA PLATE 4 FIGURES 1-4. Mucophyllum oliueri Merriam Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1108, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Moun- tains, Nev. 1. Longitudinal section of paratype, USNM 159391. Photographed in water. X1. 2. Transverse section of holotype, USNM 159390. Smoothed surface photographed in water. X 1. 3. Longitudinal thin section of holotype. USNM 159390. X4. 4. Part of transverse thin section of holotype, USNM 159390, showing pattern of trabeculae. X2. 5, 6. Kodonophyllum mulleri Merriam Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype, USNM 159386. X44 Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1107, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MUCOPHYLL UM AND KODONOPHYLL UM PLATE 5 FIGURES 1—14. Tonkinaria simpsoni Merriam 1—9. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Roberts Mountains, Nev. 1, 2. Lateral (XII/2) and calice (X2) Views of paratype, USNM 159402. 3, 4. Transverse (X4) and longitudinal (X31/2) thin sections of paratype, USNM 159404. 5. Transverse thin section. USNM 159405. X2. 6. Calice View. X2. 7. Longitudinal thin section of same individual. X3. 8, 9. Lateral exterior and calice Views of holotype, USNM 159403. X 11/2. 10—14. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1383; Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 10. Oblique lateral View of corallum showing bases of three offsets at calice rim. X2. 11-13. Calice rim of three coralla showing offsets. X2. 14. Calice view. X2. 15—21. Kyphophyllum sp. b Silurian, Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1314; Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Moun- tains, Nev. 15. Lateral View of corallite showing a single offset. X2. 16. Lateral view of partial corallum X2. 17. Lateral View of calice interior. X2. 18, 19. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of corallite. X3. 20, 21. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of corallite. X3. 22—24. Kodonophyllum sp. b. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of three corallites. X3. Silurian, Roberts Moun- tains Formation. Locality M1314, Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. 25, 26. Brachyelasma sp. c. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of same individual. X11/2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains. Formation. Locality M1383; Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 5 TONKINARIA, KYPHOPHYLL UM, KODONOPHYLL UM, AND BRA CHYELASMA PLATE 6 FIGURES 1—4. Spongophyllum sedgwicki Edwards and Haime. Copies of original figures of the type material of Edwards and Haime (1850—54, pl. 56, figs. 2a, c, d, e). Torquay, England; according to Edwards and Haime from the Devonian strata. 1. Transverse section enlarged (Edwards and Haime, fig. 2d, >< 11/2). 2. Longitudinal section enlarged (Edwards and Haime, fig. 2e, ><1‘/2). This section is conceivably from same corallum as figure 1. 3, 4. Transverse sections enlarged (Edwards and Haime, figs. 2c and 2a, >< 11/2). These figures probably do not represent the same species and are possibly not congeneric with corals illustrated by figures 1 and 2 of this plate. 5—7. Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis n. gen, n. sp. 5. Transverse thin section. ><3. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1384, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 6, 7. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype, USNM 166482. X2l/z. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1313, Bootstrap Hill. 8—10. Australophyllum (Toquimaphyllum)johnsoni Merriam Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype, USNM 150420. X2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1114, Ikes Canyon, Toquima Range, Nev. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 6 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1 ‘éa‘l'é‘fi‘ £5! 1. Q’ “a‘é’fi .. I fiaflfi " w W» ‘ ‘ ‘ . l‘. g" l. tfii'vmh ‘VHL :9 >1’14‘19E , I 55! m 6 ".I 5 1 v fig ag‘mmfi; N ‘f SPONGOPHYLL UM, CARLINASTRAEA, AND A USTRAL OPHYLL UM PLATE 7 FIGURES 1—4. Carlinastraea tuscaroraensis n. gen, n. sp. 1—3. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype, USNM 166482. X6. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1313, Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. 4. Longitudinal thin section. X6. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1384, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 5, 6. Chonophyllum simpsoni Merriam Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of holotype, USNM 159408. Xll/z. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1108, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 7, 8. Calostylis? sp. Transverse thin sections. X3. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1314, Bootstrap Hill, Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. ' _ . V - _. \umflwfinnmwwuw». f, . _ Wpanel”...Iiivian-umww’lséyflwmay 3», .2... fiwngfixfifiwwfix . a. .. nan. . ., . .1. .3. b .x if?!) . . .9 . ... fl. ., 3&9.‘ . . . . .s .3 .. , r7 u: . 2.. \ V i V ..‘ 3.. I l l! L» .xw a ... . . . . I. . h. a. a p PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 7 . Mr. ‘S‘ufiw y . Lu 3“... \K‘k . . ‘ . / ' . , l . figuréwfnfl. a d .3 . I. 4‘33. a... \. . ‘ktnx \mxflfitfiflfiv ._ .. ...%71¢. we,” GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CARLINASTRAEA, CHONOPHYLL UM, AND CALOSTYLIS ? PLATE 8 FIGURES 1, 2. Carlinastraea sp., cf. C. tuscaroraensis, 1). gen., n. sp. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of same corallum. ><2. Roberts Mountains Forma- _ tion. Locality M1409, Cortez Mountains, Eureka County, Nev. 3—7. Australophyllum (A ustralophyllum) sp. c Locality M1318, west side of Coal Canyon in fault zone, Northern Simpson Park Moun- tains, Nev. All the thin sections are from same corallum. 3—5. Transverse thin sections. X2. 6, 7. Longitudinal thin sections. X2. 8—11. Australophyllum (Australophyllum) sp. v Vaughn Gulch Limestone. Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Mountains, Calif. 8, 9. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of same corallum. X2. Locality M1410. 10, 11. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of another corallum. ><2. Locality M1093. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 6.. 14 . mu. .4 .c r. 1.. 1? Alt.) . h; n t‘ \ W‘vb \ v34 3%! an $3M}, PM. \ “I: . ., .x‘4 “a . .‘In» 2‘» . T ., . ‘w ‘..a t J,” 4" ‘ tawny. ‘ M an». CARLINASTRAEA AND A USTRALOPHYLL UM PLATE 9 FIGURES 1—3. Kyphophyllum nevadensis Merriam Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1114, Ikes Canyon, Toquima Range, Nev. Holotype7 USNM 159425. 1. Transverse thin section. X4. 2. Transverse thin section. X2. 3. Longitudinal thin section. X2. 4—8. Kyphophyllum sp. c Transverse and longitudinal thin sections. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1380, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 4, 6, 8. Transverse thin sections. X2. 5, 7. Longitudinal thin sections. X2. 9, 10. Chonophyllum simpsoni Merriam Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of paratype, USNM 159409. X2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1108, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 9 KYPHOPHYLL UM AND CHONOPHYLL UM FIGURES 1—3. 5—7. 9—11. 12, 13. 14—17. 18, 19. 20. PLATE 10 Verticillopora annulata Rezak. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1411, west side of Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. All figures are of the same individual. 1. Latex impression of exterior. X 1. 2. Chert filling of internal cavity. X 1. 3. Latex impression of interior. X 1. . Verticillopora sp., cf. V. annulata Rezak. End view showing central cavity and small radial canals to exterior. Xl/g. Roberts Moun- tains Formation, upper part. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1106, east side of Coal Canyon near mouth, northern Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. Cladopora Sp. v. Lateral views of pieces of branching colonies. X2. . Digitate favositid. Lateral View of piece of branching colony. X11/2. Vaughn Gulch Limestone, basal beds of upper unit. Locality M1093, Mazourka Canyon, northern Inyo Mountains, Calif. Favosites sp. c. Transverse and two longitudinal thin sections. X2. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1411, west side of Coal Canyon, northern Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. Favosites sp. d. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of form with very narrow corallites. X 2. Roberts Mountains Formation, upper part. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1106, east side of Coal Canyon near mouth, northern Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. Kyphophyllum sp. t. Lower part of Tor Limestone. Locality M1397, Toquima Range, Nev. All figures are of the same corallum. 14. Transverse thin section. ><2. 15—17. Longitudinal thin sections. X2. Ketophyllum sp. t. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of same corallum. X2. McMonnigal Limestone. Locality M1393, Toquima Range, Nev. Hercynella-like mollusk. Lateral view. ><11/2. Near locality M1106, Coal Canyon, east side near mouth. Northern Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 10 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY . .‘i i ‘10.."F50‘ ,. Ila. , 4‘ ‘i‘lfi. n\\ Q. E}! \ 1 N‘ \ , .V 3% .. a Uthwmamwww VER TICILLOPORA, CLADOPORA, FA VOSITES, KYPHOPHYLL UM, KETOPHYLL UM, AND HERCYNELLA PLATE 1 1 FIGURES 1—6. Verticillopora annulata Rezak. 1—4. Great Basin Silurian coral zones D—E. Upper middle part of Vaughn Gulch Limestone. Locality M1128, Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mountains, Calif. 1. Transverse view. Xll/z. 2, 3. Transverse and lateral views of same individual. X11/2. 4. Lateral View. XII/2. 5. Lateral view. X1. Great Basin Silurian coral zones D—E. Locality M1385, Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mountains, Calif. 6. Transverse view. X 11/2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Locality M1103, Ikes Canyon, Toquima Range, Nev. Roberts Mountains Formation. 7, 8. Verticillopora cf. V. annulata Rezak. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3 near top. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Nev. 7. Weathered specimen showing wall of internal cavity. X3. 8. Weathered interior showing radial canals. X2V2. 9—14. Kozlowskiellina sp. f 9—12. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3 near top. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Nev. 9, 10. Exterior and interior of same ventral valve. X2. 11, 12. Interior and exterior of same dorsal valve. X3. 13, 14. Exterior and interior of same ventral valve. X2. Great Basin silurian coral zone E. Upper part of Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1106, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 15—17. Homoeospira sp. r Dorsal, ventral, and anterior views of same individual. X2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3 near top. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Moun- tain, Nev. 18, 21, 22. Dicoelosia sp. r Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3 near top. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Nev. 18. Interior of dorsal valve. X4. 21, 22. Dorsal and ventral exterior views of same individual. X4. 19, 20. Dicoelosia sp. r. Interior and exterior views of same ventral valve. X21/z. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3 near top. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Nev. 23, 24. Plectatrypa? sp. 0 Dorsal and ventral exterior of same individual. X2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone E. Locality M1106, Coal Canyon, Simpson Park Mountains, Nev. 25, 25. Gypidula sp. r. Dorsal and ventral interior of same individuals. X2. Great Basin Silurian coral zone D. Roberts Mountains Formation, unit 3 near top. Locality M1100, Roberts Creek Mountain, Nev. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 11 VER TICILL OPORA, KOZL 0 WSKIELLINA , HOMEOSPIRA , DICOEL OSIA, PLECTA TR YPA ?, AND G YPID ULA FIGURES 147. 8—15. 16, 17, 23. 18—22. 24—26. 27, 28. 2&33. 34—36. PLATE 12 Coelospira sp. b Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1412, Bootstrap Hill, southern Tuscarora Mountains. 1. Exterior view of ventral valve. X4. 2, 3. Dorsal valve and ventral valve exterior views of same shell. X4. 4. Exterior view of dorsal valve. X4. 5. Interior View of dorsal valve. X4. 6. Interior view of ventral valve. X4. 7. Interior view of dorsal valve. X4. Fardenia sp. b Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1412, Bootstrap Hill, southern Tuscarora Mountains. 8. Interior View of ventral valve. X2. 9, 10. Exterior and interior views of same dorsal valve. X2. 11, 12. Exterior and interior views of same dorsal valve. X2. 13, 14. Exterior and interior views of same dorsal valve. X2. 15. Interior view of ventral valve. X2. Kozlowskiellina sp. b Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1412, Bootstrap Hill, southern Tuscarora Mountains. 16, 17. Exterior and interior views of same ventral valve. X2. 23. Exterior view of dorsal valve. X2. Conchidium sp. b. Roberts Mountains Formation. Locality M1412, Bootstrap Hill area, southern Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. 18, 19. Exterior and interior views of same ventral valve. X 1. 20. Exterior view of ventral valve. X2. 21, 22. Exterior and interior views of same dorsal valve. X2. Conchidium sp., cf. C. miinsteri Kiaer. Type section of Roberts Mountains Formation on Pete Hanson Creek. Upper beds of unit 2. Roberts Creek Moun- tain, Nev. 24, 25. Exterior ventral and lateral views of same ventral valve. X 1. 26. Lateral View of same shell as in figures 24 and 25 split longitudinally to show medium septum and spondylium. X 11/2. Cyathophylloides sp. f. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections. X 4. Locality M1412, Bootstrap Hill area, southern Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. Brachyelasma sp. b. Locality M1120, Bootstrap Hill southwest side, southern Tuscarora Mountains, Nev. 29, 30. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of same corallum. X2. 31—32. Transverse thin sections of same corallite. X2. 33. Longitudinal thin section of corallite in figures 31 and 32. X2. Lykophyllid rugose coral. Locality M1413, northeast of Lynn window of R. J. Roberts, Tuscarora Mountains, northeast Eureka County. 34, 35. Transverse and longitudinal thin sections of same corallum. X2. 36. Transverse thin section. X2. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 973 PLATE 12 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FARDENIA, KOZLOWSKIELLINA, CONCHIDIUM, CYA THOPHYLLOIDES, BRACHYELASMA, AND LYCOPHYLLID COEL OSPIRA, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ASSISTANT PUBLIC PRINTER (SUPERINTENDENY or DOCUMENTS) WASHINGTON. u.c. 20402 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID —_~_ OFFICIAL BUSINESS 413 SPEC FOURTH CLASS RATE 880K IGSOIQ4720EARTHOOOE R 1 EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY CA 94720 mm 7 7 DAYS sclENCfis “In” {a C L Type Sections and Stratigraphy of the Members of the Blackleaf and Marias River Formations (Cretaceous) of the Sweetgrass Arch, Montana - -_ — — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 974 )CT 1 \976 roS-SoDo Type Sections and Stratigraphy of the Members of the Blackleaf and Marias River Formations (Cretaceous) of the Sweetgrass Arch, Montana By W. A. COBBAN, C. E. ERDMANN, R. W. LEMKE, and E. K. MAUGHAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 974 A report ofafieral subdivision and age assignments ofa classic Cretaceous area UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1976 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPP E, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Cobban, William Aubrey, 1916— Type sections and stratigraphy of the members of the Blackleaf and Marias River Formations (Cretaceous) of the Sweetgrass arch, Montana. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 974) Bibliography: p. 61—63. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.162974 1. Geology, Stratigraphic—Cretaceous. 2. Geology, Stratigraphic—Nomenclature—Montana. l. Cobban, William Aubrey, 1916— II. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 974. QE687.T94 551.7'7'09786 76—608181 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Olfice Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024—001—02874—3 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract __________________________________________________ 1 Blackleaf Formation—Continued Introduction ________________________________________________ 2 Bootlegger Member ____________________________________ 31 Acknowledgments ______________________________________ 2 Marias River Shale ________________________________________ 36 Historical summary ____________________________________ 2 Floweree Member ______________________________________ 37 Blackleaf Formation ________________________________________ 5 Cone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Flood Member __________________________________________ 6 Ferdig Member ________________________________________ 44 Taft Hill Member ______________________________________ 15 Kevin Member ________________________________________ 50 Vaughn Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 References cited ____________________________________________ 61 Index ______________________________________________________ 65 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Index map of the Sweetgrass arch and surrounding area __________________________________________________________ 3 2. Photograph of type section of the Flood Member of the Blackleaf Formation ________________________________________ 6 3. Photograph of very large sandstone concretion in the Flood Member ________________________________________________ 9 4. Photograph of fresh-water limestone bed near the top of the Kootenai Formation ____________________________________ 10 5. Lithologic column of the type section of the Flood Member and map showing line of section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 6. Photograph of the upper part of the Taft Hill Member of the Blackleaf Formation __________________________________ 18 7. Lithologic column of the type section of the Taft Hill Member and map showing line of section ______________________ 20 8. Photograph of type section of the Vaughn Member of the Blackleaf Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 9. Photograph of the upper part of the Vaughn Member _______________________________________________________________ 28 10. Lithologic column of the type section of the Vaughn Member and map showing line of section _______ , ________________ 29 11. Lithologic column of the type section of the Bootlegger Member of the Blackleaf Formation and map showing line of section _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 35 12. Photograph of the Floweree Member of the Marias River Shale at its type locality __________________________________ 38 13. Lithologic column of the type section of the Floweree Member and map showing line of section ______________________ 39 14. Photograph of the upper part of the Cone Member of the Marias River Shale at its type locality ______________________ 42 15. Lithologic column of the type section of the Cone Member and map showing line of section __________________________ 43 16. Lithologic column of the type section of the Ferdig Member of the Marias River Shale and map showing line of section 48 17. Photograph of bentonite beds in lower part of the Kevin Member of the Marias River Shale __________________________ 51 18. Photograph of the upper part of the Kevin Member overlain by the Telegraph Creek Formation ______________________ 53 19. Lithologic column of the type section of the Kevin Member and map showing line of section __________________________ 54 III TYPE SECTIONS AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS (CRETACEOUS) OF THE SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA By W. A. COBBAN, C. E. ERDMANN, R. W. LEMKE, and E. K. MAUGHAN ABSTRACT Rocks of Albian—Santonian age, cropping out on the Sweetgrass arch in north-central Montana, consist of the Blackleaf Formation, 186 to 253 m (610—830 ft) thick, and the overlying Marias River Shale, 280 to 363 m (920—1,190 ft) thick. In general, the Blackleaf thickens southward, and the Marias River thickens westward. Each formation has four named members. The members of the Blackleaf Formation are, from oldest to youngest, Flood, Taft Hill, Vaughn, and Bootlegger. Quartz sandstone and very dark gray shale characterize the Flood Member, which rests disconformably on green and red mudstones of the non— marine Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation. The Flood Member is 42 m (138 ft) thick in its type section, where it consists of a basal ledge-forming thin-bedded flaggy sandstone, a medial slope-forming dark-gray shale, and an upper thick cliff— forming sandstone that contains huge sandstone concretions. Trace fossils, chiefly small tracks, trails, and burrows, are abundant in the flaggy beds and suggest a shallow—water near-shore marine envi- ronment for most of the member. On the east flank of the Sweetgrass arch, Inoceramus comancheanus Cragin, of late Albian age, was found in sandstone at the top of the member. This pelecypod is known from the Skull Creek Shale of the Black Hills area of South Dakota, the Kiowa Shale of Kansas, and the South Platte Formation of Colorado. Glauconitic sandstone and medium-gray soft bentonitic silty shale characterize the Taft Hill Member, which is 74 m (242 ft) thick in its type section. The lower contact is gradational and the upper sharp and disconformable. The member is divisible into three units by a thick glauconitic sandstone separating a lower and an upper unit of silty bentonitic shale and thin glauconitic sandstone beds. Fossils, which are scarce in the member, include Inoceramus bellvuensis Reeside, of late Albian age. The Vaughn Member, 26 m (86 ft) thick in its type section, is a nonmarine sequence of light-colored bentonitic clay, siltstone, and sandstone that rests sharply on the marine Taft Hill Member. In general, the Vaughn Member consists of a lower unit of pale—yellow friable arkosic sandstone and an upper unit of bentonitic clay and tuffaceous siltstone and minor amounts of bentonite and sandstone. Minute crystals of a red zeolite (clinoptilolite) are so abundant in the upper clayey unit as to impart a pinkish aspect to the outcrops. The Vaughn Member is usually poorly vegetated and erodes into bad- lands. Fossil logs are present in the lower sandstone unit, and a few fossil leaves and fragments of reptilian bones occur in the upper clayey unit. The Bootlegger Member, a westward sandy equivalent of the Mowry Shale, totals 100 m (329 ft) in thickness in the type section and consists of thin beds of medium-gray very fine to fine-grained sandstone, gray siltstone, dark-gray shale, and bentonite. The sandstone, siltstone, and shale are usually interlaminated. At least 12 beds of bentonite are present in the type section; the two thickest beds (2—3 m) contain hard lenslike masses of zeolitic tuff. Thin beds of black-coated chert pebbles are present locally, and one, just below the top, contains pebbles as much as 5 cm in diameter in a matrix of coarse-grained salt—and-pepper sandstone that includes abundant fish bones. Many of the beds of sandstone, siltstone, and shale are hard, resulting in ledge-forming outcrops. Both contacts of the member are sharp. The Bootlegger thins westward largely by the lower part grading into nonmarine beds assigned to the Vaughn Member. Over much of the Sweetgrass arch, the Bootlegger Member is divisible into lower and upper hard sandy units separated by a medial unit of softer shale. Fish scales and bones are common in the upper sandy unit. Neogastroplites, an ammonite believed to be of latest Albian and earliest Cenomanian age, has also been found in the upper sandy unit. The Marias River Shale consists of the Floweree, Cone, Ferdig, and Kevin Members. The Floweree Member unconformably overlies the Bootlegger Member and is 19.4 m (63.5 ft) thick at its type section. It consists chiefly of a sequence of dark-bluish-gray shale, lighter gray sandy shale, and thin beds of siltstone and sandstone. Thin layers of chert granules or small pebbles are present locally. Gray septarian limestone concretions occur on the east flank of the Sweetgrass arch. The Floweree Member is softer and darker than the underlying Bootlegger Member. Trace fossils, consisting of small tracks, trails, and burrows, are common on the sandstone and siltstone layers. These sandy beds have also yielded a few impres- sions of inoceramids and ammonites, including M etoicoceras muelleri Cobban and M. mosbyense Cobban, of late Cenomanian age. A slightly older late Cenomanian ammonite, Calycoceras canitaurinum (Haas), was found in one of the septarian limestone concretions. These fossils occur in the lower half of the Greenhorn Formation of the Black Hills area. The Cone Member is a thin calcareous unit of latest Cenomanian and earliest Turonian age. A rather uniform thickness of 15—18 m (50—60 ft) is consistent over most of the Sweetgrass arch. Most of the member is dark-gray calcareous shale that weathers light bluish gray first and then yellowish white. The upper half of the member, and especially the uppermost part, contains thin beds of argillaceous or crystalline limestone that tend to form low ridges. Septarian lime- stone concretions occur at several horizons; the most conspicuous bed is just above the base and contains closely spaced concretions that weather pale lavender gray. Several beds of bentonite are present, and one, at the top of the lower third of the member, attains a thick- ness of nearly a metre. The contacts of the member are sharp and marked by an abrupt change from the limy shale of the Cone to the noncalcareous shale of the underlying Floweree and overlying Fer- dig Members. A thin layer of limonitic siltstone at the base, contain- ing shale pebbles, soft white siltstone nodules, and fish teeth and bones, probably marks a disconformity. Invertebrate fossils are abundant and reveal the zones of Sciponoceras gracile (Shumard) 1 2 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA and Inoceramus labiatus (Schlotheim) which are found in the upper part of the Greenhorn Formation of the Black Hills area. The Ferdig Member, 68.6 m (224 ft) thick in its type section, is a sequence of gray noncalcareous shale containing thin hard sandy partings and gray- to yellow—weathering limestone concretions and dusky-red-weathering dolostone concretions. Three units make up the member—a lower dark-bluish—gray sandy shale containing gray- and yellow-weathering calcareous concretions, and an upper dark- bluish-gray shale containing gray-weathering calcareous concre- tions. Thin beds of bentonite are sparingly present. A very thin, but persistent, layer of conglomeratic sandstone in the upper part of the member contains polished granules and small pebbles of black, gray, brown, and green chert, as well as pebbles of quartz, quartzite, and argillite. The contact of the Ferdig with the underlying Cone Member is sharp and disconformable; it is marked by a thin layer of limonitic siltstone containing, in places, fish teeth, small pebbles of black chert, and larger gray and brown phosphatic pebbles. In well cuttings, the shale in the upper part of the Ferdig may show finely disseminated pyrite. The contact with the overlying Kevin Member is conformable. Molluscan fossils are common and reveal at least three zones. Prionocyclus hyatti (Stanton), of middle Turonian age, is found in the lower unit, characterized by dusky-red dolostone concre- tions. Scaphites nigricollensis Cobban, of middle late Turonian age, is present through much of the medial sandy unit. Scaphites corvensis Cobban, of slightly later Turonian age, occurs at the top of the sandy unit and in the overlying upper shale unit. The Kevin Member, 188 m (617 ft) thick in its type section, is a dark-gray shale that contains some thin sandy parts, numerous thin layers of bentonite, and many beds of calcareous concretions that weather gray, yellow, or dusky red. The member is divisible into three units on the basis of abundance of bentonite beds and composi— tion of concretions. Numerous beds of bentonite and gray- to yellow-weathering limestone concretions characterize the lowest unit, which is 53—55 m (175»180 ft) thick. The many thin layers of light—gray bentonite give the outcrop a distinctive banded appear- ance. The medial unit, about 60 m (200 ft) thick, contains numerous beds of orange— to dusky—red-weathering ferrocalcareous concretions and a few thin layers of bentonite and very fine grained sandstone. An important marker bed, the MacGowan Concretionary Bed, lies in the middle of this unit. The MacGowan Bed is a conglomeratic bed of concretionary dolostone that weathers light brown, orange brown, and dusky red, and contains polished granules and small pebbles of gray and black chert and larger pebbles of gray phosphatic siltstone. One or two thin layers of greenish-gray phosphatic pebbles are pre- sent in the medial unit in the interval 8~10 m above the MacGowan Bed. The upper unit of the Kevin Member consists of about 60 m (200 ft) of dark-gray shale that contains many beds of yellowish- gray-weathering limestone concretions and a few thin beds of bento- nite and very fine grained shaly sandstone. The upper half of this unit is in part calcareous. The boundary between the Kevin Member and the overlying Telegraph Creek Formation is sharp but conform- able; it is marked by a change from the dark—gray shale of the Kevin Member to the lighter gray shale and siltstone of the Telegraph Creek Formation, interlaminated with very fine grained sandstone. Molluscan fossils are abundant and varied in the Kevin Member. The lower unit, ofearly Coniacian age, contains a zone ofInoceramus erectus Meek below and a zone of Inoceramus deformis Meek above and is correlated with the Fort Hays Limestone Member of the Nio- brara Formation of the central Great Plains. The middle unit, characterized by the red-weathering ferrocalcareous concretions, contains three faunal zones; from oldest to youngest, a zone of I n— oceramus (Voluiceramus) involutus Sowerby—Scaphites ventricosus Meek and Hayden of Coniacian age, a zone oflnoceramus stantoni Sokolow~Scaphites depressus Reeside of early Santonian age, and a zone of I noceramus cordiformis Sowerby—Clioscaphites vermiformis (Meek and Hayden) of middle Santonian age. The upper unit con- tains the rest of the C. vermiformis zone and the younger Santonian zones of C. choteauensis Cobban and Desmoscuphites erdmanni Cobban. INTRODUCTION Rocks formerly assigned to the Colorado Shale (Fisher, 1909, p. 36) on the Sweetgrass arch of north- central Montana (fig. 1) are divided in this paper into an older Blackleaf Formation and a younger Marias River Shale, both formations of the Colorado Group. The Blackleaf Formation is assigned to the Lower Cre- taceous and is subdivided into four members, from old- est to youngest: Flood Member, Taft Hill Member, Vaughn Member, and Bootlegger Member. The Marias River Shale, of Late Cretaceous age, is subdivided also into four units, from oldest to youngest: Floweree Member, Cone Member, Ferdig Member, and Kevin Member. Although these formations and members have been previously defined by the authors (Cobban and others, 1959), type sections, fossil lists, and the regional stratigraphy were not presented. The purpose of the present report is to complete this presentation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Other geologists with the US. Geological Survey who have aided in the measurement of some of the sections on the Kevin-Sunburst dome are B. R. Alto, A. F. Bateman, and W. L. Rohrer. Geologists, formerly with the US. Geological Survey, who have partici- pated in the study of the Colorado Shale on the Kevin-Sunburst dome are V. K. Koskinen, J. W. Nordquist, J. T. Gist, G. W. Beer, and K. H. Holmes. HISTORICAL SUMMARY The earliest investigation of the rocks later assigned to the Colorado Group in Montana was undertaken in 18‘61 by Meek and Hayden, who gave the name “Fort Benton Group, Formation No. 2” to the “Dark gray laminated clays, sometimes alternating near the upper part with seams and layers of soft gray and light- colored limestone. Inoceramus problematicus, I. ten— uirostratus, I. latus?, I. fragilis, Ostrea congesta, Ven- ilia Mortoni, Pholadomya papyracea, Ammonites Mul- lani, A. percarinatus, A. vespertinus, Scaphites war— reni,‘ S. larvaeformis, S. ventricosus, S. vermiformis, Nautilus elegans? etc. Extensively developed near Fort Benton 0n the Upper Missouri” (Meek and Hayden, 1861, p. 419). Of these fossils, Inoceramus tenuiros- tratus, Veniella mortoni (as Venilia Mortoui), Pholadomya papyracea, Scaphites ventricosus, Clio— scaphites vermiformis (as Scaphites vermiformis), and Cymatoceras nebrascense (as Nautilus elegans?) came from “Chippewa Point*** some twenty odd miles below INTRODUCTION 3 L B E A BORDER-RED COULEE _ _ _I . 4 4,, y’asls 3 ,6 AC 1 E R "\-.-\ 33 x N A T I o N A L - ; INDIAN y RESER TION D Dupuyer EXPLANATION Blackleaf or Marias River Formation M- Oil field Gas field Ei] Area covered by US. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle II] Marius Puss IEI Dent Bridge IEI Cascade IE Heart Butte Fairfield IE] Carter E Sunburst Vaughn @ Tunis A El Shelby E] Great Falls Lander Crossing , WolfCreek E] Dutton Portage [El Valier ‘ 5 4 o 10 20 30 40 50 MILES L I I I I I I I I I I I I I j o 10 20 30 4o 50 60 7o 80 KILOMETRES FIGURE 1.——Sweetgrass arch and surrounding area. Fort Benton” (Meek and Hayden, 1862, p. 21—28. Those the Niobrara River in Nebraska. Thus, inadvertently fossils are now known to be of Niobrara age. Meek and they included rocks of Niobrara age in the Benton Hayden did not know that their chalky “Niobrara Di- Group which later was reduced to formation rank, the Vision, Formation No. 3” underwent a facies change Benton Shale, and restricted to beds of Graneros, northwestward from its type locality at the mouth of Greenhorn, and Carlile age. 4 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Weed (1899, p. 2) applied the name Colorado For- mation to the following highly generalized 565-m (1,850—ft) sequence on the southeastern part of the Sweetgrass arch, whose descriptive text has been taken from the columnar section sheet of the Fort Ben- ton Folio: Top “Drab or lead-colored clay shale, carrying round or oval concretions of gray limestone. Black shale with interbedded sandstones and a bed of tuff. Red shale and sandstones in thin beds. Lilac-colored sandstone, red clay, and thin lime- stone.” This formation rested on Weed’s Dakota Formation, a sequence of “Red shale with limestone nodules capped by sandstone, and sandstone at the base.” Over- lying the Colorado Formation was a sandstone to which Weed gave the name Eagle Formation. The lower part of this unit probably includes the Telegraph Creek Formation, the basal formation of the Montana Group. Willis (1902, p. 315, 326, 327), in describing the geology of what is now Glacier National Park, used the name Benton Shale for the uppermost or “lead-colored clay shale” member of Weed’s Colorado Formation and the name Dakota Sandstone for the next-to-the-top unit. Willis listed several plant fossils from his Dakota Sandstone and a dozen marine molluscan genera from his Benton Shale. ‘ The geology of the Great Falls coal field, south and southeast of Great Falls, was described by Fisher briefly in 1907 and in much more detail in 1909. He applied the term Colorado Shale to the upper two units (black and gray shales and interbedded sandstones) of Weed’s Colorado Formation. The lower two units (red), as well as Weed’s Dakota Formation, were assigned to the Kootenai Formation. The thickness of the strata referred to the Colorado Shale was therefore reduced to about 463 m (1,520 ft). Regarding the boundaries, Fisher (1909, p. 38) stated: “The Colorado shale rests with apparent conformity upon the underlying Kootenai, and is overlain conformably by the Eagle sandstone.” Fisher (1907, p. 163; 1909, p. 37) gave a generalized section through the lower or sandy part of the Colorado Shale at Belt Butte. Stanton (1913) extended the terms Colorado Shale and Eagle Sandstone into the Blackfeet Indian Reser- vation west of the crest of the Sweetgrass arch. In the following year, Stebinger (1914) used the name Vir- gelle in place of Eagle, inasmuch as the sandstone in the reservation represented only the lower or Virgelle Sandstone Member of the Eagle Sandstone. Stebinger (1914, p. 62) pointed out that the Virgelle Sandstone Member was massive in the upper part, whereas the lower half was "slabby"‘*"< becoming shaly toward the base.” A little later, Stebinger (1916, p. 124; 1917, p. 285, 287, 289) applied the name Colorado Shale as far west as Glacier National Park, where the formation then included Willis’ Dakota Sandstone and Benton Shale. In the course of mapping the Disturbed belt along the Rocky Mountain front between Sun River and Birch Creek (southern boundary of Blackfeet Indian Reservation), Stebinger (1918, p. 154, 158—161) divided the Colorado Shale into a lower member, the Blackleaf Sandy Member, 183—213 111 (600—700 ft) thick and an upper shale member 365 m (1,200 ft) thick. A gener- alized columnar section (Stebinger, 1918, p. 158) was given for the Blackleaf Sandy Member and basal part of the overlying shale member. The stratigraphic posi- tions of five fossil collections were shown and the fos- sils listed (Stebinger, 1918, p. 160). Beginning about 24 m (80 ft) above the top of the Blackleaf, Stebinger re- corded a “bituminous shale and maltha limestone” se- quence, about 18 m (60 ft) thick, which contained abundant I noceramus labiatus (Schlotheim). This unit had been noted earlier by Powers and Shimer (1914, p. 557), who noted “dark arenaceous shale” with abun- dant Inoceramus labiatus (Schlotheim) and Lingula sp. near the Sun River. Stebinger used the name Virgelle for the sandstone overlying the Colorado Shale and placed the boundary between the two formations “at the position where the amount of sandstone exceeds that of the shale in the transition beds.” Romine (1929, p. 786—788) brought Stebinger’s name Blackleaf to the Sweetgrass arch. Collier (1929 [1930], p. 70—72) presented a generalized section of the member in the area a few miles north of Vaughn and listed 39 species of invertebrate fossils, identified by J. B. Reeside, Jr., from 17 localities on the Sweetgrass arch. The stratigraphic positions of the fossils were given in feet below the top of the Colorado Shale. Also, Dobbin and Erdmann (1930) used several sandstone units of the Blackleaf Sandy Member in structural mapping on the Sweetgrass arch. Before 1939, the boundary between the Colorado Shale and the Virgelle Sandstone was placed either within the sandy transition beds (Stebinger, 1918, p. 164, 165) or at the top of the transition beds (Dobbin and Erdmann, 1930). Erdmann and Davis (1939) treated the transition beds as a separate formation des- ignated "transition zone.” Later (Erdmann and Schwabrow, 1941, p. 280—282; Blixt, 1941, p. 334, 335), the transition zone was considered as the lower member of the Eagle Sandstone. Erdmann (1948) applied the name Telegraph Creek(?) Formation to the transition beds. Later, Cobban (1950) was able to re- BLACKLEAF move the query by listing fossils of Telegraph Creek age from the formation. The upper part of the Colorado Shale on the Kevin- Sunburst dome was divided into two formations, Car- lile and Niobrara, by Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947). A detailed columnar section of the Nio- brara Formation was presented. The stratigraphic pos- itions of key marker beds (lettered A through M) were indicated from near the top of the formation down- ward. Bed “F,” near the middle of the Niobrara Forma- tion, was described as a persistent and easily identified mud pellet conglomerate (later identified as con- glomeratic phosphorite) that weathers orange buff and contains some chert pebbles. Bed "N,” a thin hard layer of gray sandstone that contains gray and black chert pebbles, was used as the top of the Carlile Formation of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947). In a later report by Erdmann (1949), on the Lothair area just southeast of the Kevin-Sunburst dome, the term Col- orado Shale was used again. Cobban (1951a) showed that the Colorado Shale on the Sweetgrass arch was divisible into many distinc- tive lithologic units that could be correlated by their fossil content and, in places, by their lithologic features with the formations and members of the Colorado Group of the Black Hills area of South Dakota. Most of the guide fossils were figured (Cobban, 1951b, 1955b). More recent refinements in correlation have been made possible by new fossil discoveries (Cobban and others, 1956, 1958). Cobban, Erdmann, Lemke, and Maughan (1959), in recognition of a need for a more precise nomenclature in connection with geologic mapping on the Sweetgrass arch, divided the Colorado Group into an older Black- leaf Formation and a younger Marias River Shale. The Blackleaf Formation was assigned to the Early Cre- taceous and divided into four members, from oldest to youngest: Flood Member, Taft Hill Glauconitic Member, Vaughn Bentonitic Member, and Bootlegger Member. The Marias River Shale was divided into four members, from oldest to youngest: Floweree Member, Cone Calcareous Member, Ferdig Shale Member, and Kevin Shale Member. Aside from Stebinger’s work (1918) in the Sun River—Birch Creek area, little had been published con- cerning the Colorado Shale in the Disturbed belt along the Rocky Mountains front until fairly recently. Some of the Cretaceous outcrops along the south side of Glacier National Park were identified by their fossil content and lithologic characteristics by Cobban (1956). Schmidt (1963, 1966), in his studies of the Dearborn River area, and Mudge (1965), in his studies of the Sun River area, applied the nomenclature of Cobban, Erdmann, Lemke, and Maughan (1959) ex- FORMATION 5 cept for dropping the adjectival part of the name for the Taft Hill and Vaughn Members. Fox and Groff (1966) and Fox (1966) also applied the nomenclature of Cob- ban, Erdmann, Lemke, and Maughan (1959) but dropped the adjectival parts of all member names. In order to be consistent, all adjectival terms are also eliminated in the present study. One other important work is that by Cannon (1966), who presented much information concerning the lithology, thickness, paleo— current patterns, and genesis of the members of the Blackleaf Formation. BLACKLEAF FORMATION In defining his Blackleaf Sandy Member, Stebinger (1918, p. 158) stated: The lower 600 to 700 feet of the Colorado shale comprises an alterna- tion of dark marine shales and gray sandstone in beds 20 to 75 feet thick, forming a unit clearly distinguishable from the remaining shaly portion of the Colorado. For convenience in reference and de- scription it is here designated the Blackleaf sandy member, the name being taken from Blackleaf Creek, along which the beds are well developed. The exposures on Blackleaf Creek are in the Dis- turbed belt along the Rocky Mountains front, about 6—11 km (4—7 mi) west of Blackleaf in western Teton County (Heart Butte quadrangle). With the exception of a small area near the south edge of his map, Stebin- ger included the Blackleaf with the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks as an undifferentiated cartographic unit. Without referring to any specific locality, Stebinger (1918, p. 158, fig. 33) presented for his Blackleaf only a generalized columnar section in which the base of his member was “bluish-gray shale” and the top was "coarse gray sandstone.” Reference to his geologic map (pl. xxiv), however, indicates that the locality probably is about 43 km (27 mi) northwest of Choteau, in sec. 18, T. 26 N., R. 8 W., andisec. 13, T. 26 N., R. 9 W., Teton County. Notation of several fossil collections on the column from various places in the Disturbed belt seems to imply that the column might be composite, but evidently these collections were inserted to show the horizons at which fossils were found. In addition to the Blackleaf, the columnar section shows two overly- ing units of shale, the lower about 24 m (80 ft) thick with a 0.15—m (6—in.) pebble bed about 9 m (30 ft) above the base, and the upper about 24 m (80 ft) thick, which consist of “bituminous shale” and “maltha lime- stone.” Stebinger noted an abundance of the pelecypod Inoceramus labiatus (Schlotheim) in the bituminous unit..This unit, on the Sweetgrass arch, is the Cone Member of the Marias River Shale. In north-central Montana, the contact of this calcareous unit with the overlying noncalcareous shale is very sharp and is 6 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA readily determined in well cuttings and on electric logs. This is the contact that is commonly used infor- mally as the top of the Blackleaf by most of the pe- troleum geologists and scouts and to some extent for- mally in the literature (Collier, 1929, p. 70; Erdmann and Davis, 1939; Blixt, 1941, p. 337). The Blackleaf Formation is recognized in the area between the Missouri River and the international boundary and between the Rocky Mountains front and about the longitude of Fort Benton. (See fig. 1.) To some extent, the name has been used in southern Al- berta adjacent to the Montana boundary (Russell and Landes, 1940, p. 24, 25). Throughout this area, the Blackleaf rests sharply on the Kootenai Formation of continental origin. At any one locality a disconformity is not apparent, but re- gional studies suggest a hiatus and that the Blackleaf was deposited on an uneven surface with a relief possi- bly amounting to about 30 m (100 ft). The basal metre of the Blackleaf has the appearance of having been reworked from the upper part of the Kootenai by the earliest transgression of the Lower Cretaceous sea. This initial advance may have been comparatively rapid, for there is no evidence that marine life had time to become established. FLOOD MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION The Flood Member, the lowest member of the Blackleaf Formation, is a transgressive-regressive ma- rine unit that marks the earliest appearance of the Lower Cretaceous sea. The unit isthe black-gray shale and quartz sandstone member of Cobban (1951a, p. 2175—2176). The Flood was named formally by us (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2787) for exposures along the bluffs on the west bank of the Missouri River valley in the vicin- ity of Flood, a siding on the Burlington Northern Rail- way in the NWM; sec. 34, T. 20 N., R. 3 E., Cascade County, Mont., 8 km (5 mi) southwest of the City of Great Falls. The type section is about 8 km northwest of Flood on the south bank of Sun River in a shallow reentrant (fig. 2) in the bluffs in the NW cor. NEIA sec. 7, T. 20 N., R. 3 E., about 7.2 km (4.5 mi) west of Great Falls (fig. 2A). Most of the measurements were made on the west wall of the reentrant, but the upper 6 In (20 ft) of the middle unit is better exposed across the reen- trant to the southeast and was mostly measured there. For descriptive purposes, the type section was sub- divided into three units (lower, middle, and upper). Since the construction in 1959 of a stretch of U.S. Interstate Highway 15 between Great Falls and the village of Vaughn, two easily accessible and more or FIGURE 2,—Type section of the Flood Member in the NE‘A sec. 7, T. 20 N., R. 3 E., Cascade County, Mont. The threefold subdivision is well shown. Man, holding 4.3-m (14-ft) rod, is standing on top of lowest subdivision. less completely exposed composite sections of the Flood Member have been studied and described from cuts and natural outcrops on the north side of the highway, each about 2.4 km (1.5 mi) north of the type section, between the vicinity of Emerson Junction and the Manchester Exit. One section, about 4.8 km (3 mi) west of Great Falls, in the SW%SE% sec. 32, T. 21 N., R. 3 E., and hereafter referred to as the "reference section,” exposes the Flood Member nearly continuously from top to bottom. The second section, about 6.4 km (4 mi) west of Great Falls in the center NWIASEMi sec. 31, T. 21 N., R. 3 E., exposes completely the upper 11.9 m (39 ft) of the Kootenai Formation, approximately the lower half of the Flood Member, and discontinuously exposes the remaining part of the member. The Flood Member is also completely exposed about 4 km (2.5 mi) south- east of the type section in a composite section along Gore Hill in the NE% sec. 21, T. 20 N., R. 3 E. These three sections supplement one another nicely and, to- gether with the type section, reveal the character of the member in full. THICKNESS On the South arch of the Sweetgrass arch, the Flood Member ranges in thickness from 26 to 60 m (85 to 197 ft). At its type section the member is 42 m (138 ft) thick; it is 36.5 m (120 ft) thick in the reference section, 2.4 km (1.5 mi) northeast across Sun River valley. From this vicinity the member thins northeastward to FLOOD MEMBER 7 29.6 m (97 ft) along the Missouri River, 25.7 km (16 mi) northeast of Great Falls, and to 25.9 In (85 ft) on Belt Creek, 32 km (20 mi) east of Great Falls. Westward from the axis of the Sweetgrass arch, the Flood Member thickens as it approaches its source area. Fox (1966, p. 61—63) measured a total thickness of 60 m (197 ft) on the southwestern flank of the Sweetgrass arch. Along Sun River near the Rocky Mountain front, the member attains thicknesses of 457—1676 In (150— 550 ft) (Mudge, 1972, p. A6). Near Drummond, in T. 11 N., R. 12 W., Missoula County, about 169 km (105 mi) southwest of Great Falls, Gwinn (1961) re- ported thicknesses of 207—213 In (680—700 ft). Along the route of the Burlington Northern Railway 6.4 km (4 mi) southwest of East Glacier, the Flood Member is at least 68.6 m (225 ft) thick. Well cuttings from the South arch indicate thickness— es of 15—46 m (50—150 ft), whereas cuttings from the northern part of the Sweetgrass arch reveal thickness- es of 15—30 111 (50—100 ft). Reasons for these thickness variations, particularly local ones, are not well under- stood; they may be due to erosional relief on the under- lying Kootenai Formation, or they may be due to channeling or scour between or within the units of the Flood Member. ()L'TCROI’ DISTRIBL‘TION On the Sweetgrass arch, the Flood Member crops out only across the southern part of the South arch. The thick sandstone at the top forms conspicuous bluffs along the Sun River from Great Falls westward for several kilometres, along the west side of the Missouri River valley between Great Falls and Flood, along both banks of the Missouri River valley between Flood and Ulm, and on both banks of the Smith River from Ulm southward for many kilometres. The member is ex- posed at many places in the southern and eastern parts of the Portage quadrangle northeast of Great Falls and in the Belt Creek valley 24—29 km (15—18 mi) east of Great Falls. The Flood Member also is present in the Disturbed belt along the Rocky Mountain front, from Glacier Na- tional Park southeastward to Wolf Creek, where the thick sandstone at the top of the member forms promi- nent hogbacks wherever well exposed. Cobban (1956, p. 1001, 1002) has drawn attention to easily accessible outcrops along the US. Highway 2 and the Burlington Northern Railway south of the village of East Glacier, although recent highway construction has invalidated mileage details of his road log. (iliNliRAl. DESCRIPTION The strata of the Flood Member at the type section and in the vicinity can be separated into three individ- ually distinctive lithologic units (fig. 2): (1) an incon- spicuous lower unit of sandstone and siltstone, which constitutes about 16 percent of the total; (2) a middle unit of soft dark-gray somewhat carbonaceous shale, which is usually concealed in slopes and constitutes about 36 percent; and (3) an upper unit of cliff-making sandstone, which accounts for the remaining 48 per- cent. The three lithologic units are herewith described in a general way. Further details are given in the type section and in other nearby sections. Lower unit—The boundary of the lower unit with the underlying Kootenai Formation appears to be dis- conformable. The upper part of the Kootenai in this area consists for the most part of beds of olive—gray siltstone, red to maroon mudstone, olive graywacke, and yellowish-gray sandstone of continental origin. The basal 1.5—2.4 In (5—8 ft) of the lower unit of the Flood Member has the appearance of having been re- worked from this part of the Kootenai by the earliest transgression of the Lower Cretaceous sea. Thus, even at close distance, the boundary between the Kootenai Formation and the lower unit of the Flood Member may be indistinct, and the distinction between the lower unit and the Kootenai is not as simple as farther east, where the uppermost Kootenai strata are dusky red. Locally, the distinction between the Kootenai and the lower unit of the Flood is based on more uniform bedding and better development of fissility in the shale of the lower unit of the Flood and of better sorting in the sandstones, the prevalence of a grayish tone that increases in intensity upward from the boundary with continued mixing in of normal sediment from land, considerably less elastic mica in the sandstones, the absence of graywacke, and the appearance of thin laminae of reworked carbonaceous shale or coal in the siltstone. Moreover, the olive-gray beds here assigned to the Flood Member do not contain the freshwater “gastropod” limestone that is diagnostic of the upper part of the Kootenai Formation along the mountain front to the west. The lower unit at the Flood type section and at other nearby exposures consists of about 6.7 m (22 ft) of shale, siltstone, and sandstone. Approximately the basal 1.5 m consists of soft olive-gray siltstone and fis- sile gray silty shale. This basal section commonly is overlain by a few feet of olive-gray siltstone with short irregular laminae of reworked carbonaceous debris and local thin films of coal. Layers of fine-grained quartz sandstone, less than 0.3 m thick, make resistant ledges in the siltstone. Approximately the upper 4.3 m (14 ft) of the unit at the type section consists mostly of a light—gray silty to fine-grained generally noncalcare- ous sandstone that forms a ragged cliffy outcrop. The 8 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA sandstone, which occurs as uneven lenticular layers 13—51 cm (0.5—20 in.) thick, is separated by films of dark—gray shale or gray siltstone. In places it shows ripple marks and a “torrential” or planar type of crossbedding that dips southwest. Nearly every bed- ding plane between the sandstone and shale or silt- stone exhibits casts of trace fossils (trail grooves?) and narrow elongate trains of sand that possibly were left as alimentary waste of marine worms (Mudge, 1972, fig. 31). Northeastward from the type section, the sandstone tends to thin and be replaced by shale. In the eastern part of the Portage quadrangle, only a few thin lenses of sandstone persist in this part of the Flood Member. Middle unit.—This unit of the Flood Member con- sists mostly of medium-dark-gray shale about 15 m (50 ft) thick that rests rather sharply but conformably on the lower unit and probably represents the culmina- tion of the first transgression of the Lower Cretaceous sea. The unit is largely concealed by colluvium and talus in the type section but is fairly well exposed in the reference section approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mi) north of Emerson Junction (west of Great Falls in the NE1/4 sec. 5, T. 20 N., R. 3 E.) and in several exposures along Gore Hill, southeast of the type section (fig. 3). The basal 6 m (20 ft) of the unit includes several sandstone and siltstone beds up to about 0.6 m (2 ft) thick. Some siltstone beds contain abundant worm(?) castings or burrows. Sparingly present in lenticular sandstones representing some kind of channel fill are concretionary masses of compact olive-gray (brown- weathering) dolostone as well as a scattering of spheri- cal concretions of marcasite. The shallow channels in which the concretions are found probably are of cur- rent origin and may have a general eastward trend. The middle 6 m (20 ft) of the unit consists chiefly of gray shale that is darker, more firm, and more fissile than most of the shale in the Blackleaf Formation. A 0.6-m (2-ft)-thick bed of grayish-black papery shale at the base of this middle part is so highly carbonaceous that its weathered surface resembles coal bloom. Ap- proximately the upper 3 m (10 ft) of the unit consists chiefly of nodular sandstone with thin laminae and interbeds of dark-gray fissile shale, and it possibly rep- resents the final stillstand of the first marine trans- gression. For want of an easily recognizable boundary, the top of the middle unit has been placed arbitrarily on a 13-cm-thick bed of gray silty limestone having cone-in-cone structure that overlies a 0.5-m (1.7-ft)- thick bed of calcareous siltstone containing small dark chert pebbles and granules. Upper unit.—A conspicuous cliff-forming sandstone about 20 m (66 ft) thick at the type section constitutes the upper unit (fig. 2). Essentially the entire unit is exposed at the type section. More limited outcrops occur in bluffs along the Sun River valley to about 16 km (10 mi) west of Great Falls, where the west dip of the Sweetgrass arch carries it under the bed of the river in the SW14 sec. 32, T. 21 N., R. 2 E. Closely related exposures occur in highway cuts west of Great Falls along the north valley wall of the Sun River, where in places the boundary between the Flood Member and the overlying Taft Hill Member is well revealed. Approximately the lower 4.6 m (15 ft) of the unit at the type section consists of light-gray poorly sorted homogeneous siltstone and silty fine—grained sand- stone that has a chunky or massive appearance and that weathers yellowish gray. Small amounts of fine carbonaceousmaterial is locally intermixed. The sand- stone is friable, noncalcareous, and erodes easily to slightly undercut the overstanding cliff. Thus, expo- sures are uncommon because of concealment by collu— vium and talus. Small granules of dark chert are pres- ent in the basal bed. Trace fossils are common on the undersides of two persistent fine-grained sandstone beds that form narrow resistant ledges. This is the last appearance of these enigmatic forms in the Flood Member and probably results from the lack of fine mud that constituted their environment as the sea became shallower and there was greater depositional energy. Approximately the middle 10.6 m (35 ft) of the unit is the principal cliff-making part of the Flood Member. It consists of a fairly homogeneous firm noncalcareous fine-grained sandstone with individual beds, 0.9—4 m (3—13 ft) thick, of slightly different hardness and tex- ture. It is light gray to very light olive gray where fresh and various shades of grayish and yellowish orange where weathered. Sorting is moderate and suggests incomplete reworking of fluvial sand in an infralittoral (subbeach) environment. Subangular grains of clear quartz predominate, but some beds con- tain as much as 10 percent chert. Small spherical con- cretions of marcasite are accessory. Clay galls occur in some upper beds. Porosity is good. Trace fossils are absent, and no other fossils have been found in either the type section or nearby sections. The upper part of the unit varies considerably in thickness and lithology within short distances of the type section and appears to rest on an erosion surface. Thicknesses range from 3 to 8 m (10 to 27 ft). At least five different lithologies are present. More or less in order of deposition, they are (1) intraformational con- glomerate with lumps of ferruginous sandstone, (2) sandstone similar to that in the middle part of the unit (most abundant lithology but not present at every 10- cality), (3) medium- to coarse-grained crossbedded sandstone, finely conglomeratic, with chert granules, FLOOD MEMBER 9 (4) dark-gray carbonaceous shale, in places with inter- beds of olive cherty sandstone, and (5) huge concretions of hard, resistant, calcareous sandstone. Of these five lithologies, the huge brown-weathering sandstone con- cretions of group 5 constitute the most conspicuous element of this part of the unit. Two horizons of concre- tions are present, the stratigraphic interval between their respective tops ranging from 3.7 to 5.5 m (12 to 18 ft). The concretions in both horizons are similar in ap- pearance. Generally, they occur as Widely separated discrete masses, but, where abundant, they nearly co- alesce into a continuous layer. They commonly range from simple tabular forms 2.7 by 2.7 by 0.3 m thick to huge paraelliptical masses 6.4 by 5.5 by 3 m thick (fig. 3). Some occupy channels. Internal structure gen- erally is massive, but in places it is rudely concentric. Some of the crossbedded sandstone of group 3 alter- nates and interfingers with the marine sandstone of 2 in typical scour-and-fill arrangement. These sandstones may have been formed in a deltaic envi- ronment with distributary streams or in a barrier bar island environment. If these sandstones are upper del- taic deposits, it presupposes that the sea had all but disappeared either by infilling or by withdrawal to- ward the east, thus recording a regression of the Lower Cretaceous sea from the southern part of the Sweet— grass arch. The only fossils found in this part of the unit were bits of wood and a small fragment of a rib bone. The top of the unit, which is the Flood—Taft Hill boundary, is marked in places by a disconformity of small-time value where marine shale rest on thin cherty crossbedded sandstone. CHARACTER ()1: H.001) MEMBER IN THE NOR’I‘HERN S\\'l-Il{T(}R.v\SS ARCH AND DlSTl‘RBl‘ZI) BELT A threefold division of the Flood Member suggestive of that shown by the outcrops in the vicinity of Great Falls can be noted in the subsurface in numerous tests for oil and gas along the crest of the Sweetgrass arch. For example, in the central part of the Kevin-Sunburst dome, T. 34 N., R. 1 W., 121—129 km (75—80 mi) north of Sun River, the Flood Member is about 30 m thick and consists of three units of sandstone separated by two shale units. In all probability they are paracon- temporaneous homotaxial equivalents of some of the units of the type section, but direct correlation has not been established. Generally the lower sandstone, 3—7.6 m (10—25 ft) thick, is fine grained and tightly cemented. Commonly, however, it is so interbedded with shale that it is logged as sandy shale, and in con- sequence, only one or two massive sandstones are rec- ognized. On the north flank of the dome, the shale con- tent decreases and the grain size and porosity increase. There, the uppermost sandstone is commonly 1.5—9 m FIGURE 3.—Very large sandstone concretion in upper part of the upper unit of Flood Member in the N1/2 sec. 36, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., Cascade County, Mont. (5—30 ft) thick, fine to slightly coarse grained, and slightly to moderately porous. Water has been found in it at several localities, as in the Border—Red Coulee oil field, where the “1900-foot water sand” (Erdmann and Schwabrow, 1941, p. 318) appers to be a homologous equivalent of the upper unit of the Flood. In the Disturbed belt west of the South arch, the basal sandstone of the Flood Member is thin and is partially replaced by shale. Farther northwest from Badger Creek, at least as far as the St. Mary River, a unit of freshwater shale and limestone lies between the massive varicolored mud rocks typical of the Kootenai Formation and the black fissile shale typical of the Flood Member (fig. 4). These freshwater beds are well exposed along the Burlington Northern Railway tracks, 6.4 km (4 mi) southwest of East Glacier in the west center of SE14 sec. 35, T. 31 N., R. 13 W. (Cobban, 1956, p. 1001, 1002). Here the beds consist of the fol- lowing sequence, numbered from oldest to youngest: Disconformity. M Ft 4. Shale, olive-gray; some hard layers of siltstone at top 3.6 12.0 3. Limestone, sandy, fossiliferous; weathers brown 1. .8 2.7 USGS Mesozoic 10c. D950: Protelliptio douglassi (Stanton) Unio reesideanus Yen Unio farri Stanton Stantonogyra silberlingi (Stanton) 2. Shale, olive-gray ________________________________ 4.4 14.5 1. Limestone, gray, massive; weathers brown; crowded with small poorly preserved gastropods (Reesidella montanaensis Stanton?). See fig. 4 ______________ 1.2 4.0 These olive-gray freshwater shales disappear eastward in the subsurface somewhere between the Disturbed belt and the Cut Bank oil and gas field on the west flank of the Kevin-Sunburst dome. Wells drilled 10 FIGURE 4.—Limestone bed largely formed of freshwater gastropods in upper part of Kootenai Formation in the SE% sec. 35, T. 31 N., R. 13 W., Glacier County, Mont. Hammerhead rests on top of green mudstone unit that underlies the gastropod limestone bed. Olive— gray shale containing hard layers of siltstone overlies the gas- tropod bed. southwest of the Cut Bank field in the area between Birch Creek and the Pondera oil field generally show 3—6 m (10—20 ft) of black-gray slightly sandy shale that forms the base of the Flood Member and rests on mas- sive varicolored mudstone of the Kootenai Formation. The question arises whether the olive-gray shales should be assigned to the Kootenai Formation or to the Blackleaf Formation. The dark color and fissility of the shales favor a Blackleaf assignment, whereas the greenish cast of the shale and the typical Kootenai fauna suggest a Kootenai assignment. Perhaps the ul- timate assignment will depend upon which is more useful to the fieldman, but in this paper they are as- signed to the Kootenai Formation. In the subsurface on the Sweetgrass arch, the lower contact of the Flood Member can be easily determined in well cuttings by the abrupt change downward from black-gray shale and light-gray flaggy quartzose sandstone to massive varicolored mudstone and len- ticular fluviatile sandstone beds of the Kootenai For- mation. The sandstones in the upper part of the Kootenai are generally some shade of greenish gray and consist of a great variety of colored grains in con- trast to the predominance of colorless quartz grains in the sandstones of the Flood Member. The sharpness of the Kootenai-Blackleaf boundary is considered to indi- cate a disconformity although all exposed beds noted appear conformable. Erdmann and Schwabrow (1941, p. 284) also have described a conspicuous disconformity between the Kootenai and Blackleaf Formations in the BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Border—Red Coulee oil field on the north flank of the Kevin-Sunburst dome. The upper boundary of the Flood Member cannot be determined in well cuttings as readily as that of the lower. It is marked by the change downward from gray soft bentonitic shale and greenish-gray glauconitic sandstone of the Taft Hill Member to the light-gray quartzose sandstone and black-gray shale of the Flood Member. The contact usually can be determined within a stratigraphic range of 3—4.5 m (10—15 ft). AGE ASSIGNMENT AND (I()RR1{1.A'I‘I()N The upper part of the Flood Member is assigned a late Early Cretaceous age (late Albian). The lower part is undated. On the east flank of the South arch, 9.6 km (6 mi) south of Floweree in the SE%SW% sec. 19, T. 22 N., R. 6 E. (USGS Mesozoic locality D755), Inoceramus co- mancheanus Cragin and what may be an undescribed species of Anomia were found in the sandstone at the top of the Flood Member. Inoceramus comancheanus, a marine species of late Albian age, is characteristic of the Skull Creek Shale of the Black Hills, the Kiowa Shale of Kansas, and the South Platte Formation of the Front Range of Colorado. The dark shale forming the greater part of the mid- dle unit of the Flood Member in the type section may have formed in a marine environment, or it may have been deposited in a brackish-water lagoonal environ- ment. Only trace fossils have been found in these shale beds. Some of these forms occur as casts of smooth sinuous comparatively elongate trail grooves(?) 3 mm wide and as much as 18 cm long on the underside of thin beds of sandstone parted by shale or siltstone. No evidence of hard parts or segmentation have been noted, and the forms are believed to have been made by Some species of nematode worm moving over the sur- face of the mud. Burrows are present but very uncom- mon. The thin irregular sandstones in the upper part of the lower unit of the reference section are charac- terized by two or three other kinds of trace fossils, noticeably on top of the beds. A very abundant form consists of short unstriated sinuous trains of very fine sand 1—2 mm in diameter and as much as 3 cm long, which may have been left as alimentary waste by worms. Other trains, less common in occurrence, are 6—15 mm wide, as much as 4.5 cm long, and commonly are overlain by the smaller form. Nearly all of both types seem to have been broken. Even more rare is the form resembling Ophiomorpha, but which is fairly common in the outcrop just south of the Great Falls municipal airport. Insofar as known, no other member of the Blackleaf Formation contains such an abun- dance of trace fossils. The fragile nature of the re- FLOOD MEMBER mains, particularly in their original condition, obvi- ously precluded much water movement or reworking and suggests that they originated at or just below wavebase in an infralittoral or upper neritic environ- ment and that their parent organisms probably fol- lowed that environment regardless of how ephemeral it may have been. Thus, although of little worth for age determination by paleontologic methods, they are val- uable intrinsic objects for local recognition of the Flood Member. The brown-weathering ripple-marked quartzose sandstone forming the basal part of the Flood Member resembles the sandstone (First Cat Creek sand, an economic term) found at the base of the Colorado Shale in central Montana as well as some of the sandstone beds of the Fall River Formation of the Black Hills. The characteristic black-gray shale middle unit of the Flood Member resembles closely the 76 m (250 ft) of black-gray shale that immediately overlies the basal quartzose sandstone of the Colorado Shale of central Montana. It is also the type of shale that is charac- teristic of the very dark Skull Creek Shale of the Black Hills. The presence of late Albian fossils in the Skull Creek Shale is further evidence for correlating the basal part of the Flood Member with the Fall River Formation and with at least part of the Skull Creek Shale. DESCRIP'I‘IVE SECTIONS OF 'I‘HE H.001) MEMBER The type section and the reference section for the Flood Member of the Blackleaf Formation described below are based primarily upon field descriptions. Only a few representative specimens have been examined under a binocular microscope, tested for solubility, or analytically screened for grain size or sorting; none has been analyzed petrographically or mineralogically. Further study along these lines, however, should prove very interesting and worthwhile. In order to make the two described sections strictly comparable and fully complementary, the same sub— divisions have been made for each section. Color de- scriptions follow the Rock-Color Chart of the National Research Council (Goddard and others, 1948). Cross- references within the bed descriptions and to the text also have been used where identification of individual beds seems important. Type section of Flood Member [Measured thicknesses by R. W. Lemke and C. E. Erdmann, May 15, 16, 1963, on the bluffs along the south side of Sun River valley, 7.2 km 14.5 mil west of Great Falls. in the SW‘QNW‘ANE‘Q sec. 7. T. 20 N., R. 3 E., Cascade County (Great Falls quadrangle] Ifig. 5!} M Ft Pleistocene glacial lakebed silt. Blackleaf Formation: Taft Hill Member, basal part: 33. Bentonite ________________________________ 0.2 0.5 32. Shale, medium-gray, soft, slumped ________ .6 2.1 11 Type section of Flood Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Disconformity. Flood Member: Upper unit: M Ft 31. Shale, gray; interbedded with 2—4-cm layers of cherty ripple—marked medium-light- gray sandstone that weathers to olive gray .9 2.9 30. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, silty, fine- grained, thinly and irregularly bedded; weathers to light brownish orange; slight carbonaceous wisps along parting planes (current bedding). This is the horizon con- taining concretions which are not present on northwest side of draw but are present on southeast side of draw and abundant on north side of Sun River valley in NWWNE‘ANE‘A; sec. 5, T. 20 N., R. 3 E. __ 3.2 10.4 LITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS Sandstone E Siltstone :1 E D. S Shale METHES FEET . —~ . [H1111] E —E Bentonite —— 20 — 40 SEC. 7 .. T. 20 N., E R. 3 E. :2 s s I) _ T W a ‘E 60.18 E 20 — T E o 1M|LE o 1 KILOMETRE E 3 a i o .1 FIGURE 5.—-Type section of the Flood Member of the Black- leaf Formation and map showing line of measured section, sec. 7, T. 20 N., R. 3 E. Numbers on the left side of the column are key beds in the measured section. On the map, the arrow points upward stratigraphically; B, base, and T, top of member. 12 Type section of Flood Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Flood Member—Continued Upper unit—Continued M 29. Sandstone, medium-light-gray salt—and- pepper appearing, generally massive; weathers yellow gray stained with limo— nite; consists mostly of well-rounded to subrounded quartz and slightly less (3:2) chert and a few brown grains in a matrix of secondary calcite 28. Sandstone, concretionary, calcareous, medium-light-gray (N 6); weathers dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/3) to moderate brown. Probably nearly equal parts of sec— ondary calcite cementing fine channel sand containing a small amount of ferruginous material. Concretion about 12 m (40 ft) long with maximum thickness at southeast end. Top flat, thinly bedded, flush with sur- face of underlying bed; lower part massive, definitely truncating bedding of underly- ing sandstone. Unit thins to featheredge 1.4 27. Sandstone, grayish-yellow, fine-grained, very friable; bedding indistinct; thickness varies 3.0 26. Sandstone, grayish—yellow, medium—grained, well-sorted; some chert; crossbedded, with dip of foreset beds to the southwest. Gener- ally massive except for about five distinct parting planes. Looks like a near-beach deposit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.6 25. Sandstone, grayish—yellow, fine-grained, in- distinctly bedded, friable, slightly calcare— ous ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.9 24. Sandstone, grayish-yellow, ‘fine— to me- dium-grained, massive; weathers to gray- ish orange yellow; mostly quartz. Top sur— face has a thin film of medium-gray clay. Forms a prominent ledge overhanging beds below 23. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, indistinct- ly bedded, fairly friable and erodible. Up- per 36 cm weathers yellowish orange (10YR 6/6) and is thinner bedded than part below ____________________________ 22. Sandstone, light-olive-gray; fine-grained, hard to soft; weathers pale yellowish brown to yellowish gray. Some flute casts and abundant casts of trace fossils ...... .7 3.8 1.4 21. Sandstone, light-gray, fine—grained, silty, poorly sorted; some finely macerated car- bonaceous debris; nodular or chunky ap- pearance. Trace fossils on some bedding surfaces. Basal part shaly siltstone 111111 .9 20. Sandstone, light-gray, silty, poorly sorted; a few rounded granules of dark chert; nodu- lar or chunky. Contains occasional discrete masses of concretionary marcasite as large as 6 by 10 cm. Supports a low rounded bench ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _& Thickness of upper unit .............. 20.1 Disconformity. Ft 1.1 4.5 10.0 5.1 6.2 12.6 4.7 2.3 3.2 m 55‘!“ 00: BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of Flood Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Flood Member—Continued Middle unit: 19. Limestone, medium-dark-gray, silty; weath- ers light gray to pale yellowish gray; con- cretionary, with cone-in-cone structure __ 18. Siltstone, medium-gray; highly calcareous, grading upward into sandy calcareous siltstone containing a few granules of polished dark chert ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17. Shale, dark-gray (N 3), very fissile ........ 16. Sandstone, medium—gray, medium- to coarse-grained; thin nodular layers sepa- rated by laminae of dark-gray shale. Poorly exposed ________________________ 15. Slope concealed by colluvium and talus. Probably soft dark-gray fissile shale 14. Shale, grayish-black, carbonaceous, soft, fis- sile, papery ____________________________ 13. Shale, medium-dark-gray, poorly exposed -1 12. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, medium-grained; upper surface ripple marked, ferruginous, weathers medium brown. Lower 2 cm silty, containing small fragments of mineral charcoal (fusain) and trace fossils. A local asymmetric channel sand trending approx— imately east; maximum width about 12 m (40 ft) with thickest section on north side 11. Shale, dark-gray, silty, fissile ............ Thickness middle unit ________________ Lower unit: 10. Sandstone, light-gray, fine— to medium— grained, slightly ferruginous; in wavy layers 12—23 cm thick, alternating with somewhat thinner beds of siltstone. More indurated and better sorted than lower part of unit. Crossbedding, dipping south— west. Uppermost layer, 15 cm thick, of hard medium-gray sandstone conspicu- ously overhangs beds below. Forms a rag— ged cliffy slope ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9. Siltstone, shaly, yellowish-gray, moderately friable; weathers grayish orange; contains three or four thin more resistant beds of fine—grained quartz sandstone with a little clastic mica. Trace fossils. Forms a ragged cliffy slope ____________________________ 8. Sandstone, light—olive-gray, quartzose; in- terbedded with about equal amounts of shaly siltstone with laminae marked by films of carbonaceous matter; trace fossils sparsely present, poorly preserved. Beds parted by short 1-cm-thick lentils of medium-dark-gray shaly siltstone which appear to represent mud-filled troughs of ripple marks. Depositional environment probably marine tidal fiat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7. Slope, concealed by colluvium ,,,,,,,,,,,, 6. Siltstone, yellowish-gray (5Y 7/2), poorly fis- sile; rests on light-olive-gray silty shale (5Y 6/1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Thickness of lower unit .............. Total measured thickness of Flood Member M Ft .1 .4 .5 1.6 .5 1.5 1.3 6.0 6.3 20.7 .6 2.0 4.6 15.0 .6 2.0 .6 2.0 15.3 50.2 1.0 3.7 3.1 10.0 1.0 3.2 1.0 3.2 i 2.0 E 2.1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42.1 138.3 Type section of Flood Member—Continued Disconformity. Kootenai Formation, upper part: 5. Sandstone, arkosic, light-gray; fine- to medium-grained, friable, slightly to mod- erately calcerous; weathers light tan 11-- 4. Shale, sandy, light-olive-green, only slightly fissile __________________________________ 3. Sandstone, grayish-brown, very fine grained, vertically jointed, calcareous, well- indurated ______________________________ 2. Shale, sandy, maroon, only slightly fissiled 1. Shale, sandy, light-olive-green, slightly fis- sile _____________________________________ Total measured thickness of part of Kootenai Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Reference section of Flood Member FLOOD MEMBER M Ft .5 1.6 .2 .7 .2 .8 2 .7 _-.5_ u 1.7 5.5 [Measured by C. E. Erdmann, Oct. 4—10, 1965, on south-pointing spur on north valley wall of Sun River, about 5.6 km (3.5 mi: northwest of the city of Great Falls, 0.5 km (0.3 mi) northeast of Emerson Junction of Burlington Northern Railroad spur track of Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway. Base of section is in the NW‘ANE‘ANE‘A sec. 5. T. 20 N., R. 3 13.; top of section is in the SW‘ASW‘ASE‘A sec. 32, T. 21 N., R. 3 E] Pleistocene deposits (very thin). Blackleaf Formation: Taft Hill Member, basal part: 64. Shale, dark-gray, fissile, poorly exposed__-, 63. Sandstone, medium-coarse, cherty, calcare- ous. Surface weathers dark brown ,,,,,, 62. Shale, very dark gray, very fissile ________ Flood Member: Upper unit: 61. Sandstone, concretionary, fine-grained, cal- careous, moderately gray. Concretions (large) are epigenetic and occupy scour channels in underlying sandstone ,,,,,, 60. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, fine- grained, calcareous. Irregular wavy bed— ding 3—6 cm thick, parted by thin 6-mm laminae of medium-gray shale ,,,,,,,,,, 59. Sandstone; similar to bed 56 below. Poorly sorted. Fine horizontal laminae. No cross— lamination ____________________________ 58. Sandstone, grayish-orange, fine—grained, calcareous. Similar to upper part of bed 53 ____________________________________ 57. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, fine- to coarse-grained, poorly sorted, cherty, tuf- faceous, cross-laminated; thin planar layers dip 20° S.—20° W. Makes ledge 1-1, 56. Sandstone, grayish-orange, fine-grained. Similar to upper part of bed 53 below ___, 55. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, medium- grained, massive, hard. Makes ledge with small overhang ________________________ 54. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, fine- grained, calcareous; weathers grayish orange. Irregular wavy layers 3-6 cm thick parted by thin (0.5 cm) laminae of me- dium-gray shale ________________________ 53. Sandstone, as immediately above, but fresh, light-yellowish-gray, unweathered. Makes top of excavated slope __________________ 52. Sandstone, olive-gray, medium-grained, poorly sorted, soft; contains irregular M Ft 0.6+ 2.0+ .3 1.0 1.7 5.5 1.7 5.6 3.3 10.7 .2 .5 1.3 4.3 .4 1.4 .6 2.0 .4 1.2 2.0 6.7 2.6 8.5 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 13 Reference section of Flood Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Flood Member—Continued Upper unit—Continued Sandstone, etc.—Continued masses and partings of soft medium-gray shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, hard, massive. Trace fossils on both base and top ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained; thin (3-cm) partings of medium-gray fissile shale at 15-cm intervals ________________ Siltstone, olive, soft, clayey ______________ Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, faintly calcareous; traces of carbonaceous debris; in small lenticular to nodular masses 3—7 cm long, commonly enclosed by thin (1 cm) rinds of sandy gray clay. Bedding indis- tinct; resistant, ledge making. Upper 0.5 m weathers grayish orange ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, medium—gray (east side of spur) -11, Sandstone, olive, soft, massive; irregular in- clusions of shale ________________________ Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, poorly sorted, fine- to medium-grained, hard, faintly calcareous; a sprinkle of fine to coarse grains of rounded polished black chert, flakes of carbonaceous material, and clay galls; in small lenticular and nodular masses 2—8 cm long and 2—10 cm thick, some of which are encased or wrapped by rinds of light-medium-gray clay. Bedding very indistinct. Makes broken rubbly ledge. Lower 3—6 cm weathered dark yel- lowish orange (possible diastem) ________ Total thickness of upper unit ________ Middle unit: 44. Siltstone, olive-gray, sandy; in layers about 43. 42. Shale, olive, fissile 15 cm thick interbedded with medium- dark-gray shale and olive shale. Surface weathers into tough structureless mud— stone __________________________________ Shale, medium-dark-gray; thin lentils of olive sandstone ________________________ 41. Sandstone, light-olive-gray, poorly sorted, fine- to coarse-grained, subangular, non- calcareous, soft, friable; surface weathers dark yellowish orange with small internal splotches of dusky yellow and light olive brown, phasing into the external color; some rounded granules of gray chert; all in a matrix of light-gray clay which also marks indistinct laminae ______________ 40. Shale, dark-gray, fissile (as below) ________ 39. Sandstone, olive-gray, fine-grained; thin slabby layers. Base slightly wavy (un- dulating), marked by 1 cm of dark-yellow ochre __________________________________ 38. Shale, black, very fissile (papery). Very thin layer of light-gray fine-grained finely laminated sandstone 0.8 m above base of bed ____________________________________ M Ft 5 1.5 1 .3 1.0 3.3 1 .4 1 7 5.5 8 2.5 .6 2.0 _6 1.9 17.9 58 3 2 4 8.0 1 2 4.0 3 1.0 1 .4 1.7 .3 .9 1.4 4.5 14 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Reference section of Flood Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Flood Member—Continued Middle unit—Continued M 37. Sandstone, olive-gray, fine-grained, finely laminated; weathers brown. Base exhibits casts of worm trails and a burrow. Top marked by 1 cm of dark-yellowish-orange siltstone whose surface shows trace fos- sils ____________________________________ .1 36. Shale, dark—gray, fissile; laminae very thin, almost papery, soft 35. Siltstone, light-olive-gray ________________ .1 34. Sandstone, light-olive-gray to medium— light—gray, fine-grained, poorly sorted, massive, poorly stratified; weathers light yellowish brown to dark yellowish orange. Organically reworked; numerous galls and small irregular masses of dark-gray clay shale may represent burrow fillings from overlying bed. Oval siltstone casts of flat- tened tubes (worm burrows?) ____________ .7 33. Shale, dark—gray, soft, fissile. Thickens to 1.7 m on west side of spur ______________ .8 32. Siltstone, light-olive-gray; encloses a 12-cm pale—yellowish-brown bed in middle. Thin layers of shaly sandstone at base and top. Unit thickens to 0.9 m on west side of spur __________________________________ .5 31. Shale, light-olive-gray. Similar to bed 29, below __________________________________ 1.8 30. Siltstone, pale-yellowish-brown (10YR 6/2) .1 29. Shale, light-olive—gray (5Y 6/1), poorly fis- sile, soft 28. Siltstone, light-olive—gray; in beds 12—15 cm thick parted by 1-cm laminae of fine- grained olive sandstone. Numerous trace fossils (worm castings or trails?) on each upper surface. Thin layer of siltstone in middle weathers reddish brown. Layer of reddish—weathering marcasite(?) nodules at top, 3—6 cm thick ____________________ .5 27. Siltstone, light-olive—gray. Contains thin 3—6-cm-thick sandstone layers; those in middle show ripple-marked upper surfaces with relief of 2 cm. Numerous trace fos- sils ____________________________________ is 26. Dolostone. Hard compact masses about 60 cm in diameter. Usually considerably shat— tered. Fresh surfaces medium gray, but weather to moderate brown (5YR 4/4) in rinds as much as 2 cm thick. Some frac- tures are dusted with small calcite crys- tals ___________________________________ 25. Siltstone, light-medium-gray, soft, clayey W Total thickness of middle unit ,,,,,,,,,, ._i w . . N) N) H II- Diastem(?) Lower unit: 24. Sandstone, light-yellowish-brown, fine- grained; in layers 9—15 cm thick parted by laminae of medium-gray siltstone. Trace fossils (casts of worm trails?) on upper sur- faces. Rock breaks into flat slabby hand- sized pieces 1—2 cm thick ________________ 1.2 Ft 2.4 2.8 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.3 4; Ham.» 3.8 Reference section of Flood Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Flood Member—Continued Lower unit—Continued M 23. Siltstone, light—olive-gray, sandy, soft ,,,,,, .2 22. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, fine— grained; in layers 9-15 cm thick, interbed- ded with light-olive sandy siltstone. Upper surfaces show trace fossils ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .4 21. Siltstone, light-olive—gray; 15-cm layer of light-olive-gray fine-grained massive sandstone in middle which is overlain by a 6-cm layer of medium-dark-gray siltstone. Trace fossils on upper surface of the sandstone ______________________________ .5 20. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, fine— grained; small flakes of carbonaceous de- bris, faintly calcareous; in even ELI2—cm finely laminated layers separated by thin (6 mm) laminae oflight-gray siltstone with worm castings. Hard, resistant. Makes subdued ledge with slightly undulating top 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .7 19. Sandstone, light—yellowish-gray, very fine grained; in 6—12-cm layers interbedded with layers of light-olive-gray siltstone of about same thickness. Bedding marked by very thin laminae (films) of gray clay. Trace fossils (casts of worm trails?) present but fragmentary ________________________ .4 18. Sandstone, light-olive, very fine grained, silty __________________________________ .3 17. Siltstone (or very fine grained sandstone), light-olive-gray, massive, nonfissile, tough __________________________________ .3 16. Sandstone (or siltstone), light—yellowish— brown to moderate—yellowish-brown (10YR 5/4), fine-grained. Makes weak massive ledge. Contact with underlying bed grada- tional __________________________________ .6 15. Claystone, bentonitic, silty; predominantly medium dark gray but olive at base and top. Breaks with subconchoidal fracture; becomes flaky upon weathering ,,,,,,,,,, A Thickness of lower unit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Total thickness of Flood Member Erosional disconformity. Kootenai Formation, upper part: 14. Siltstone, light-olive—gray (5Y 6/1), thinly lami« nated; Chippy where sandy __________________ 0.4 13. Mudstone, medium-dark-gray, sandy, poorly fis- sile, hard, tough; some slight mottling by light olive green ________________________________ .2 12. Siltstone, light-yellowish-gray, soft, clayey ___, .1 11. Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, medium- grained, noncalcareous, firm, massive; makes subdued ledge ______________________________ .5 10. Claystone; light-greenish-gray when damp; weathers light yellowish gray ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1 9. Claystone, soft; predominantly dusky red with some mottling (blebs) of dusky yellow green (5GY 5/2) __________________________________ 1.9 8. Siltstone; dull medium olive gray mottled pale Ft .6 1.2 1.7 2.2 1.4 1.0 1.8 1.3 1.6 6.2 TAFT HILL MEMBER Reference section of the Flood Member—Continued Kootenai Formation, upper part—Continued 8. Siltstone, etc—Continued M Ft olive gray by small rounded masses of fine sandstone. In flat layers 9—15 cm thick contain- ing fine carbonaceous debris. Slakes down into thin flakes. Some manganese stain with a dull-purplish cast __________________________ .8 7. Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained; cemented by calcareous clay; medium gray with greenish cast; some joint faces weather moderate brown. Unit is a lenticular body about 12 m wide. Bed- ding in lower 30 cm is thin and indistinct; upper part more resistant, with hard 6— 9-cm-thick massive layers that weather into large rounded blocks. Upper surface cut by sand-filledjoint cracks 5 cm wide that strike N. 60° E. Occurrence suggests a lenticular depres- sion fill trending N. 40° W. but not a running- water or channel sand because of the absence of planar cross-lamination. Other sand bodies occur nearby at same horizon 6. Mudstone, brownish—red. A wedge thinning rapidly to the northeast into a basin of overly- ing sand mass and seems to come up on other side. Local absence may result from scour in channel or it may have been squeezed out by load effect. Top gradational upward __________ .2 .8 5. Siltstone, sandy, light-olive-gray. Lower part clayey with nodular weathering. Upper 2.5 cm thinly laminated. Base cut into underlying bed ________________________________________ .5 4. Mudstone, clayey; alternate layers of brownish red and light olive gray but locally is all brown- ish red; crossbedded ________________________ .8 3. Mudstone, grayish-red (10R 4/2); similar to bed 1. Thin (6 cm) layer of greenish-gray siltstone 21 cm above base. Nodular weathering very well developed above green layer and indicates stratification. Nodules are oval in cross section and may be 3.6 cm long and 1.5 cm thick ”-1 .7 2. Siltstone, light-olive-gray, clayey, firm, compact, massive; joint faces smooth, but interior of bed has nodular structure. Thickness fairly uni- form ______________________________________ .4 .14 1. Mudstone, grayish-red (10R 4/2), silty, finely micaceous, firm, massive, compact. Base con- cealed 2.6 1.5 5.0 1.5 2.5 2.3 1.2+ 4.0+ Total measured thickness of part of Kootenai Formation 9.3+ 27.4+ TAFT HILL MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION The Taft Hill Member overlies the Flood Member and underlies the Vaughn Member. The Taft Hill Member consists chiefly of medium-gray soft bentonit- ic clayey to silty shale and fine-grained greenish-gray glauconitic sandstone; the unit is the glauconitic sandstone member of Cobban (1951a, p. 2177—2179). The member represents shelf deposits of the neritic zone of the first major transgression of the Lower Cre- 15 taceous sea. Cobban, Erdmann, Lemke, and Maughan (1959, p. 2790) named the member for exposures along the east and north slopes of Taft Hill, a prominent dissected bench extending from 2.4 to 9.6 km (1.5—6 mi) south of the Village of Vaughn (Vaughn and Cascade quadrangles). The type section is a composite of meas- urements from four localities south of the Sun River between the east face of Taft Hill and a point 8 km (5 mi) farther east, the top being near the NM; cor. sec. 12, T. 20 N., R. 1 E. (Vaughn quadrangle), and the base at Newman Spring, in the center ofsec. 9, T. 20 N., R. 2 E. (Great Falls quadrangle). In general the beds in the lower half are so soft and poorly indurated that 10—20 percent of the total thickness of the type section is con- cealed. However, exposures made in 1960 and 1961 north of the Sun River during construction and rerout— ing of U.S. Interstate Highway 15 between Great Falls and Vaughn junction permitted study of excellent sec- tions of the lower part of the member and of the under— lying Flood Member. Descriptions and measurements from these localities, which are 5.6—8 km (3.5—5 mi) north and northeast of the type section of the Taft Hill Member, are described in this report as a composite reference section. Thus only about 1 In of the lower 40 m (132 ft) of the member in the Great Falls area has not been described from surface exposures and this interval was penetrated during 1960 by the U.S. Corps of Engineers in core hole I—10 (310x), NWMiNWI/i sec. 19, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., near Vaughn junction. ’I‘HICKNESS The Taft Hill Member is 74 m (242 ft) thick in its type section south of the Sun River and is 76 In (249 ft) thick north of the Sun River in the area of the refer- ence section. It has a comparatively uniform thickness over the central and eastern part of the Sweetgrass arch, with the thickness in the Great Falls area being about average. On the east flank of the South arch, Cobban measured 81 m (266 ft) in outcrop in sec. 17, T. 22 N., R. 6 E. (Lander Crossing quadrangle), and 74 m (242 ft) between the depths of 718.7 and 792.5 m (2,358 and 2,600 ft) in the Texas Company—Kiemele well 1 in the SE%NW%NE% sec. 26, T. 31 N., R. 13 E., Hill County. This line represents the east limit of the area in which the name may properly be applied. Farther east in the Bearpaw Mountains, Kerr and others (1957) reported 30—46 m (100—150 ft) of glauconitic beds in the Newcastle Sandstone equivalent in the Colorado Shale. Cuttings from a few tests for oil and gas along the crest of the South arch and high up on its west flank reveal thicknesses of 61—82 m (200—270 ft) for the Taft Hill. In the Pondera oil field (T. 27 N., R. 4 W.), there is a good sample thickness of 73 m (240 ft). In several old wells in the central and eastern part of 16 Kevin-Sunburst dome (Tps. 32—34 N., Rs. 1 E.—1 W.), where in one well the member was cored, thicknesses range from 70 to 72 m (230 to 235 ft). In the West Kevin district (T. 35 N., R. 3 W.), however, the member has thinned to 68.6 m (225 ft), and in one well in the Border—Red Coulee field (T. 37 N., R. 4 W.) to 61 m (200 ft). Apparently the thinning to the west and north re— sults from replacement by nonmarine sediments (dis- cussed in description of the Vaughn Member). In tests drilled along the southwest margin of the Sweetgrass arch, the Taft Hill Member thins to 55 m (180 ft) or slightly less. Farther west, in the. Sun River Canyon area, Mudge (1972, p.A58—A60) noted that the Taft Hill Member thickened westwardly from 68 to 183 m (225—600 ft). In more recent investigations, Gwinn (1961) applied the name Taft Hill Member of the Blackleaf Formation to 273—305 m (900—1,000 ft) of strata in the noncontiguous Drummond area (T. 11 N., R. 12 W., Granite County), about 80 km (50 mi) south- west of Great Falls, where he described the lower 91 m (300 ft) as “crossbedded marine sandstones.” However, Gwinn did not mention the presence of glauconite (the definitive mineral at the type section), and although his basal unit well may be the time equivalent of some part of the type Taft Hill Member, further study is required before the name can be definitely applied in the Drummond area. Old—CROP INSTRIBLJ'I‘ION Outcrops of the Taft Hill Member on the Sweetgrass arch are most extensive on the southern part of the South arch. Some of the best exposures, including parts of the type and reference sections, are near Vaughn, where they have been mapped by Maughan (1961). West from Vaughn the member crops out upstream along the south bank of the Sun River for 8 km (5 mi) before the regional west dip of the South arch carries it below the valley floor. South of Vaughn the upper part of the member is exposed extensively along the east side of Taft Hill from the north edge of sec. 35, T. 21 N., R. 1 E., in the Vaughn quadrangle, south at least to a point 6.4 km (4 mi) west of Ulm in sec. 3, T. 19 N., R. 1 E., in the Cascade quadrangle. Locally, the lower part is exposed in ravines or along roadcuts for 3.2—4.8 km (2—3 mi) east of Taft Hill. Northwest from Vaughn the member crops out fairly continuously up Muddy Creek for about 6.4 km (4 mi). Eastward it is exposed across the southern part of the Great Falls quadrangle, and northeastward through the Portage quadrangle to the Missouri River where outcrops extend into the Lander Crossing quadrangle and swing south along the west flank of the Highwood Mountains. Exposures also have been observed in the Sweetgrass Hills Where the member is distinguished by a 6—15-m (20—50-ft) glau— BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA conite-bearing sandstone that probably is equivalent to the Second Whitlash sand of economic usage at Whitlash dome (Bartram and Erdmann, 1935, p. 274). Along the Rocky Mountains front west of the South arch, a nonglauconitic marine time-equivalent of the Taft Hill Member crops out in the Disturbed belt. It is well exposed along the western edge of the tier of town- ships from T. 20 N., R. 8 W., north through T. 25 N., R. 8 W., and, thence, northwest to Birch Creek in T. 28 N., R. 10 W. Farther to the northwest, along the southeast boundary of Glacier National Park, those strata undergo a facies change by interfingering with and finally complete replacement by the nonmarine bento- nitic Vaughn Member. Glauconitic sedimentation, probably in an environ- ment paralleling its occurrence in the Taft Hill Member, also may have operated more or less contem- poraneously with the deposition of the Spinney Hill Member of the Joli Fou Formation in west-central Saskatchewan (Edwards, 1960), and the Bluesky For- mation at the base of the Fort St. John Group in the Peace River country of northern Alberta. Equivalents of both the Joli Fou and the Bluesky Formations occur at the base of the Colorado Group as that group is used in that report area. Indirect correlation with the Taft Hill is suggested by the relationship of the Joli Fou Formation to the Skull Creek Shale in the southern part of the Williston basin (Edwards, 1960, p. 150). A much more direct correlation may be the development of glauconite in sandstone that rests directly on the Kootenai Formation in the Northern Pump-Emil Guertzgen well 1, SW%NW%NE%. sec. 2, T. 31 N., R. 19 E., Bowes field, Blaine County, north of the Bear- paw Mountains. In the absence of the Flood Member which has wedged out farther west, the occurrence of Taft Hill lithology on Kootenai is directly analogous to the Spinney Hill sand—Mannville Formation relation- ship in Saskatchewan. GENERAL DESCRIl’l'ION As noted previously, the boundary of the Taft Hill Member with the underlying Flood Member is essen- tially transitional and has been placed arbitrarily at the first appearance of marine rocks following the final episode of deltaic or barrier-island deposition marking the close of the Flood Member. The contact with the overlying Vaughn Member appears to be a disconform- ity marking a change from a marine to a continental environment. Dark-gray soft bentonitic shale and greenish-gray glauconitic sandstone characterize the Taft Hill Member. The shale constitutes about 35 percent of the member in the type section and in the reference sec- tion, glauconitic sandstone about 25 percent, and TAFT HILL MEMBER nonglauconitic sandstone, siltsone, and thin concre— tionary limestone beds about 40 percent of the member. The sandstone beds generally crop out as low rounded ledges, whereas the shale beds form medium- gray poorly vegetated spongy slopes. Some of the con- cretionary limestone beds exhibit cone—in-cone struc- ture and weather brown. On the basis of lithology, the member can be sub- divided into three units. The lower unit consists chiefly of bentonitic shale, the middle unit of glauconitic sand- stone, and the upper unit of mostly quartzose sandstone, siltstone, and bentonitic shale. The follow— ing detailed descriptions of these units are based upon descriptions of lithologies in the type and reference sections and in other exposures in the vicinity. (See descriptions and graphic sections that follow later.) Lower unit.——The lower unit is approximately 22 m (72 ft) thick at the type section. Shale, medium-dark- gray and poorly to moderately fissile, is the predomi- nant lithology. Siltstone and glauconitic sandstone constitute most of the remainder. A few thin beds of bentonite account for the rest. A bentonite bed 0.6 m (2 ft) thick and about 0.3 m above the base of the unit in the type section makes an easily recognizable marker for differentiating the Taft Hill Formation from the underlying Flood Member because of the absence of bentonite beds in the underlying member. The bento- nite bed is overlain by approximately 7 m (23 ft) of dark-gray fissile shale which closely resembles the shale of the middle unit of the Flood Member. Overly- ing the shale is a 0.6-m (2-ft)-thick glauconitic sandstone, which, locally, is the first appearance of glauconite in the Taft Hill Member. Above the glauconitic sandstone is about 6 m (20 ft) of soft dark- gray to medium—light-gray shale and siltstone. The upper approximate 7.6 m (25 ft) of the unit consists ofa series of glauconitic sandstones and interbedded thin bentonites. The glauconitic sandstones are similar to those of the overlying middle unit, but they are more poorly indurated and, except for the lowest 1.5-m (5- ft)-thick sandstone, are rarely exposed. Knowledge of this part of the unit is obtained from the composite reference section. Middle unit—This unit is approximately 9 m (30 ft) thick at the type and reference sections. Because of the predominant lithology, it has commonly been referred to as “the glauconitic sandstone.” Beds immediately underlying the middle unit are not exposed in the type section or in other natural outcrops in the area. How- ever, the basal part of the unit and about a 7.6-m (25- ft) section of the underlying beds of the middle unit are exposed in a highway cut about 0.6 km to the east (NEMISElfli sec. 19, T. 21 N., R. 2 E.), and about 0.3 In of shale is exposed overlying the unit in a highway cut at 17 Vaughn junction (approximate center of sec. 19, T. 21 N., R. 2 W.). In the absence of a more continuous se- quence of beds, the middle unit in the type section and in other places has been positioned into the reference section of the member by aerial projection, taking into account the local dip of the beds. In the type section, the middle unit has been described as one bed (bed 14). In the reference section, this unit has been subdivided into a number of beds, more or less transitional with each other. Parts of the unit crop out in a number of places from Vaughn eastward across the southern parts of the Vaughn and Great Falls quadrangles. Farther east the glauconitic sandstone thins or grades laterally into shale, as indicated by its absence along the Missouri River in the eastern part of the Portage quadrangle. Southwest of the type section, the unit ap- pears to thicken, 15 m (50 ft) of very glauconitic sandstone being penetrated at depths of 104—119 In (340—390 ft) in a well 4.8 km (3 mi) to the south in the NW%SE% sec. 12, T. 20 N., R. 1 E. Also, glauconitic sandstone as thick as or thicker than in the well crops out farther south in the SW% sec. 17, T. 17 N., R. 1 E., but the strata are much disturbed and an accurate measurement has not been made. The glauconitic sandstone is mostly olive green (10Y 5/2 to 10Y 5/4), fine to medium grained, and in layers (beds) commonly 15—60 cm (0.5—2 ft) thick. A few thin clay-ironstone concretionary masses having cone-in—cone structure constitute about the only varia- tions in an otherwise essentially homogeneous unit. The upper part of the sandstone generally is thicker bedded and coarser grained than the lower part. The upper part also commonly exhibits a planar (“torren— tial”) type of cross lamination, which is indicative of a shallow current entering quiet water of greater depth. Bedding surfaces in places show worm(?) castings or borings on ripple marks. Chunks of petrified wood, 8—10 cm long, were found near the top of the sand- stone unit at one locality (NWIANWMI sec. 26, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., just east of Vaughn. The lower part of the sandstone unit is argillaceous and generally more friable. Samples from the middle and upper parts of the sandstone from the type section 2.4 km (1.5 mi) south of Vaughn and from an exposure at the junction of US. Highways 89 and 91 about 0.4 km east of Vaughn were studied for mineral composition by W. T. Pecora (Cob- ban, 1951a, p. 2177—2178). He reported that the sam- ples consisted of approximately 30 percent clear quartz, 25 percent murky chert, 10 percent glauconite, 5 percent fresh feldspar, and 30 percent coarse calcite (cementing material). The quartz and chert grains are well rounded and well sorted. Pecora stated that the glauconite was an impure type formed “in a marine 18 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA environment by replacement of material that was orig- inally ferromagnesian, such as hornblende.” Upper unit—In the type section the upper unit is approximately 43 m (140 ft) thick. The entire unit is exposed at the type section, except approximately the basal 1.2 m, which probably is bentonitic shale. The thickness of the covered 1.2 m interval between the upper unit and the middle unit was estimated by areal projection between the two localities, taking into ac- count the local dip. The upper unit consists predominantly of bentonitic shale and bentonitic siltstone, which, together with three beds or bentonite beds, form a generally gray poorly vegetated spongy slope (fig. 6). A bed of brown- weathering calcareous concretions, characterized by cone-in—cone structure, is present 3.7 m (12 ft) above the base. Beds of sandstone are present here and there but are thickest and most numerous near the top. They are chiefly light olive gray, fine grained, and somewhat glauconitic and bentonitic. About 3 m below the top of the unit in the type section is a 1.1—m—thick bed of fine-grained sandstone that persists as a ledge former across the Vaughn and Great Falls quadrangles and into the Portage quadrangle, where it thickens to 2.4 In. On the east face of Taft Hill, a thin bed of coarse- grained sandstone lies about 0.9 m below this ledge maker. Locally, south of the county road near the center of the north line of sec. 18, T. 20 N., R. 2 E., this coarse bed is represented by conglomerate that consists of pebbles as much as 5 cm in diameter of gray, green, and reddish quartzite and black-coated gray, black, and brown chert. In the type section, this bed (bed 31) is fine to coarse grained, thin bedded to massive, and has undetermined green grains. It contains a few poor- ly preserved molds of freshwater unios and gastropods and fragments of large bones, probably dinosaurian. Possibly the bed represents a littoral deposit into which the freshwater elements were washed. Deposi- tion in either shallow marine water or brackish water is indicated for the 3.1 m (10.2 ft) of sandstone (bed 34) at the top of the member by the presence of the brachiopod Lingula subspatulata Hall and Meek. A015. ASSIGNMENI' AND CORRELATION Fossils are scarce in the Taft Hill Member in its type section west of GreatFalls. A small marine fauna with FIGURE 6.—Upper bentonitic part of upper unit Taft Hill Member on the north face of Taft Hill in the SVzSE‘/4 sec. 1, T. 20 N., R. 1 E., Cascade County, Mont. Sandstone, forming ledges on upper part of slope on right side of photograph, is basal unit of Vaughn Member. TAFT HILL MEMBER 19 Early Cretaceous (late Albian) affinities was collected from near the base of the member between Great Falls and Vaughn. The specimens that are lowest strati- graphically (USGS Mesozoic loc. D3920, D4319, and D4320) were collected approximately 4.2 m (14 ft) above the base of the Taft Hill Member. This horizon has yielded the following fauna: Anomia n. sp. I noceramus bellvuensis Reeside Phelopteria sp. A worm burrow Two other collections made by Cobban (1951a, p. 2179) in the N1/2 sec. 27, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., and in the S1/2 sec. 10, T. 20 N., R. 2 E., from a horizon approxi- mately 3 m stratigraphically higher, include the fol- lowing: Discinoid brachiopod I noceramus cf. L. caddottensis McLearn Inoceramus sp. Phelopteria cf. P. salinaensis (White) Anchura cf. A. quitmanensis Stanton Fragment of a smooth compressed ammonite This same zone crops out below the equivalent of the middle unit, the glauconitic sandstone, in a very lim- ited area in the SE. cor. SEIASWIA sec. 17, T. 17 N., R. 1 E. Collections by C. E. Erdmann and K. S. Soward contained the following fauna: USGS Mesozoic loc. D2931 (upper bed): Lingula cf. L. subspatulata Hall and Meek Ostrea anomioides Meek Ostrea larimerensis Reeside Trigonia Sp. Cardium kansasense Meek Callistina? belviderensis (Cragin)? Cyrena? dakotensis Meek? USGS Mesozoic loc. D2930 (lower bed): Lingula cf. L. subspatulata Hall and Meek Phelopteria sp. Anomia sp. Trigonia sp. Anchura sp. The middle unit (glauconitic sandstone) of the Taft Hill Member appears not to contain any fossil mol- lusks; at least none have been found. But a broken isuroid shark tooth, generically and specifically inde- terminate, and a small (10 by 12 by 27 mm) striated coprolite were collected from near the base of the unit at Vaughn junction. The explanation for the absence of a marine molluscan fauna in this unit and other glau- conitic facies of the Taft Hill is believed to be related to the chemical character of the water in which they were laid down. The sea at that time probably was brackish, with a low concentration of calcium carbonate and a seasonally variable pH value centering around 7.5. Hence, sufficient CaCO3 may never have accumulated for marine animals to make shells, or, if they did, sub- sequent lower concentrations or increases in acidity (lower pH values) might have caused the carbonate to go back into solution. Fossils consisting of the long-ranging pelecypod gen- era N ucula, N uculana, and Lucina were found in the upper part of the member in soft silty gray shale ex- posed in a streambank 3.2 km (2 mi) north of Vaughn in the NW%SW%NW% sec. 7, T. 21 N., R. 2 E. (USGS Mesozoic loc. D529). Also, as noted previously, the brachiopod Lingula subspatulata Hall and Meek has been reported from the uppermost bed of the type section. The best dating for the lower part of the Taft Hill Member has been from collections made by M. R. Mudge at the Rocky Mountains front, on Sun River, about 92 km (57 mi) west of Vaughn. There, Mudge (1972, p. A62—A63) collected Inoceramus comanchean- us Cragin and other marine pelecypods and gastropods of late Albian age from many levels. Both 1. coman- cheanus Cragin and I. bellvuensis Reeside also have been reported by Stelck (1958, p. 3) from the Joli Fou Shale in northern Alberta, but, unfortunately, their position with respect to the Spinney Hill Member, which may not have been present there, is not stated. In the United States, these fossils indicate a correla- tion with at least part of the Skull Creek Shale of the Black Hills region and the Kiowa Shale of Kansas. Evidently they indicate a normal shallow-water ma- rine environment. The strata containing I. coman- cheanus Cragin on Sun River have not been correlated with the type section, so the stratigraphic relationship of the fossiliferous beds to the middle unit, the glaucon- itic sandstone, is not known in Montana either. There is some reason to believe, however, that they may be equivalent to the lower part of the member, or even somewhat older, since it is possible to show that some of the upper part of the Taft Hill may be early late Albian in age. Cobban (1951a, p. 2177) originally considered the beds herein assigned to the middle unit of the Taft Hill Member as “the probable equivalent of the Newcastle sandstone” of the Black Hills, inasmuch as both units overlay black shale of Skull Creek age (late Albian). Mudge’s recent discovery of late Albian fossils in the Taft Hill equivalent west of Vaughn suggested the pos- sibility that the member as a whole represents an inner sublittoral facies of the upper part of the Skull Creek Shale. The Cyprian Sandstone Member at the middle of the Thermopolis Shale in the Little Rocky Mountains of north-central Montana also has been suggested as a Newcastle Sandstone equivalent by Knechtel (1959, p. 740). When referred to the base of 20 the Colorado Group (top of Kootenai Formation), the base of the Cyprian Sandstone Member, which is about 7.6 m (25 ft) thick, occupies approximately the same stratigraphic level as the thin littoral conglomerate (bed 31, type section), 5.1 m (16.6 ft) below the top of the Taft Hill Member. Although no direct correlation has been established between these two units, this cor- respondence of horizon is roughly suggestive of equiva- lence. There also is noticeable similarity in the ap- pearance of their chert pebbles. The sandstones at the top of the Taft Hill, therefore, may likewise be equiva— lent to the Newcastle Sandstone. Knechtel (1959, p. 740) also pointed out that the Cyprian Sandstone Member "is considered to be equiv— alent to the Viking Sandstone of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada.” The Viking Sandstone over- lies the Joli Fou Formation in eastern Alberta and west-central Saskatchewan, and the probable correla- tion of the glauconitic Spinney Hill Member of the Joli Fou with the middle (glauconitic sandstone) and lower units of the Taft Hill has been suggested. According to Stelck (1958, p. 3), the “Viking sandstone belongs to the base of the upper Albian substage near the top of the Lower Cretaceous,” but in his correlation chart (1958, fig. 1, p. 4) it has been placed somewhat higher, with the Joli Fou Formation at the base of the upper Albian, overlapping slightly into the upper part of the middle substage of the Albian. DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS OF TAFT HILL MEMBER The following descriptions of type and reference sec- tions of the Taft Hill Member of the Blackleaf Forma- tion are based primarily upon field descriptions. Only a few representative specimens have been studied pet- rographically and mineralogically. In order to make the two described sections as comparable and comple- mentary as possible, each section has been subdivided into three units. Cross-reference within the bed de— scriptions and to the text have been used where iden- tification of individual beds seems important. Type section of Taft Hill Member [Composite section from measurements by R, W. Lemke and E. K, Maughan at four local— ities south and southeast of Vaughn in the Great Falls and Vaughn Quadrangles. Units 2-6 were measured in the center of sec. 9, T. 20 N., R. 2 E.; units 7713 in SE‘A sec. 2, T. 20 N., R. 2 E.; unit 14 on south bank ofSun River in the SW‘A sec. 25, T. 21 N., R. 1 E.; and units 1&35 in the SW‘ASEI/a sec. 1, T. 20 N., R. 1 E. (fig. 7)] Blackleaf Formation: Vaughn Member (entire member exposed at this 10- cality but only basal bed described here): 35. Sandstone, light—gray to buff, poorly consoli- dated, friable to platy. Lower third is cal- careous and contains carbonized plant fragments; rest of unit is noncalcareous, slightly bentonitic near base, and weathers yellowish orange. Platy beds are fine to BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA C _. I o l— o ‘2 O SYMBOLS Middle unit (I) (I) m s 3 z: % o H O 3 :7 m m Shale @Q 9 e Calcareous concretions HEIDI] C 3: 3 C i. . J a) Bentonlte n i u) o o. _l a E 3 Carbonaceous shale METRES FEET o ——— o —# 20 — 40 R. 1 E —— 60 20 — 1 2 3 MILES 1 2 3 4 KILOMETRES R. 2 E 5 4 3 1 S 2,»- B -‘ 8 2.6-. 10 11 12 FIGURE 7.—Type section of the Taft Hill Member of the Blackleaf Formation and map showing line of measured section, secs. 2 and 9, T. 20 N., R. 2 E., sec. 1, T. 20 N., R. 1 E., and sec. 25, T. 21 N., R. 1 E. Numbers on the left side of the column are key beds in the measured section. On the map, the arrow points upward strati- graphically; B, base, and T, top of member. TAFT HILL MEMBER Type section of Taft Hill Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Vaughn Member—Continued 35. Sandstone, etc—Continued medium grained, calcareous, and locally crossbedded; these thicken northward into massive crossbedded sandstone. Top of bed forms a flat conspicuous bench 30-60 m (100—200 ft) wide ________________________ Taft Hill Member: Upper unit: 34. Sand, light-olive-gray, glauconitic, fine- grained, slightly bentonitic; weathers light yellowish gray; contains carbonaceous fragments and locally numerous small brachiopod (Lingula) shells. At top and 2 m from base are lenses of platy light—olive- gray (5Y 6/1) to greenish-gray (SGY 6/1) glauconitic sandstone that weather purplish gray __________________________ 33. Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, thin- bedded, well-jointed; weathers light bluish gray; top of bed forms a ledge 32. Sand, slightly bentonitic; contains thin lenses of black carbonaceous materialh" 31. Sandstone, pale-olive (10Y 6/2); fine- to coarse-grained, calcareous, finely stratified to massive, welljointed (N. 72° W.); weath- ers dark greenish gray. Composed largely of poorly sorted well—rounded to sub— rounded grains of clear and smoky quartz, dark chert, and undetermined green grains, as well as some black chert pebbles and abundant fish teeth and bones _______ 30. Claystone, chiefly very light gray and buff, silty to sandy, fine-grained, slightly ben- tonitic; contains thin siltstone layers near top. A few brown-weathering calcareous concretions that have cone-in-cone struc- ture are 2 m above base _________________ 29. Siltstone, olive-brown, bentonitic, soft. Weathered surface is spongy and medium gray mottled with yellow. At base are a few calcareous concretions that have cone—in- cone structure ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28. Shale, light-olive—gray, silty, indistinctly fis- sile, slightly calcareous; outcrop weathers to conspicuous grayish white (fig. 6) and can be traced for many kilometres. Locally contains hard thin siltstone layers and ovoid to round calcareous siltstone or argil- laceous limestone concretions about 1 m in diameter; these concretions, light greenish buff on fresh fracture, weather to rounded nodules that are grayish buff mottled with dark brown ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27. Bentonite, greenish-yellow, impure; forms a lightvgray spongy bench ________________ 26. Siltstone, light-gray, glauconitic, moder- ately well bedded; weathers light bluish gray; consists chiefly of subangular frosted quartz grains with some hornblende and glauconite. Contains carbonaceous frag- ments along bedding surfaces. Few very M Ft 6.2 20.3 3.1 10.2 1.1 3.6 .9 2.8 0.2 0.6 4.6 15.1 2.9 9.6 1.7 5.7 .7 2.2 21 Type section of Taft Hill Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Taft Hill Member—Continued Upper unit—Continued 26. Siltstone, etc—Continued small crystals of red clinoptilolite in frac- tures at top of unit. Here and there are brown'weathering concretions that have cone-in—cone structure __________________ 25. Shale, dark-gray; fissile, slightly bentonitic; becomes lighter gray and silty upward. At base is a discontinuous bed of brown- weathering limestone that has cone-in- cone structure __________________________ 24. Shale, nearly black, bentonitic, partly fissile; weathers to a gray spongy slope. Includes a lenticular brownish-weathering bed of light-greenish-gray medium-grained slightly friable calcareous sandstone that contains a few grains of glauconite, horn— blende, and mica ______________________ 23. Bentonite, greenish-yellow, nearly pure; forms spongy bench. Scattered irregularly shaped gray siltstone concretions contain- ing carbonaceous fragments. Forms a dis- tinct spongy bench 22. Siltstone, dark-gray; gray 21. Sandstone, fine—grained, bentonitic, soft; in— terbedded with dark-gray bentonitic shale and in upper 1 m iron-stained bluish- gray-weathering siltstone ______________ 20. Sandstone, olive-buff, fine-grained, distinct- ly laminated, calcareous, bentonitic, soft; weathers to spongy surface marked by dark—gray bands, some of which are stained orange 19. Sandstone, light-gray, mostly silty and fri— able, massive, moderately calcareous; con— tains brown—weathering concretionary lenses of fine- to medium-grained gray cal- careous sandstone through most of upper two-thirds of bed. Top of unit is lenticular bed as much as 24 cm thick of dark-gray argillaceous limestone that weathers brown and has indistinct cone-in-cone structure _______________________________ 18. Shale, bentonitic; weathers to light-gray spongy surface. Lower part is dark gray except for basal 0.6 m, which is nearly all yellowish-green bentonite; limestone con- cretions occur 1.8 m and 3.7 In (6 ft and 12 ft) above base. Upper part is distinctly fis- sile and silty and weathers to a gray spongy surface; a thin bentonite bed is 5.5 m (18 ft) above base _____________________ 17. Cone-in-cone concretions, medium—dark- gray, calcareous; weather brown; some as large as 1 m in diameter ________________ 16. Shale, bentonitic; weathers to a light-gray spongy surface 15. Covered Middle unit: 14. Sandstone, olive-green (10Y 5/2—10Y 5/4), fine— to medium-grained, platy and friable weathers bluish M Ft 3 .9 1.5 5.0 4.1 13.5 7 2.3 2 .6 3.4 11.1 2.9 9.5 3.0 9.8 7.9 25.8 2 .6 2.4 8.0 1.2 4.0 22 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of Taft Hill F ormation—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Taft Hill Member—Continued Middle unit—Continued 14. Sandstone, etc—Continued M Ft to massive and well—cemented, locally crossbedded; mostly quartz with abundant glauconite, chert, and calcite; silty to shaly near base. Unit weathers to rough irregu- lar surfaces. An impure greenish-yellow bentonite layer 18 cm thick lies 2.4 m (8 ft) above base. Some very thin lenses of black-weathering siderite occur about 0.5 m below top ____________________________ 9.1 30.0 Lower unit: 13. Covered ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.3 140+ 12. Concretions, dark—brown, highly fractured; argillaceous and ferruginous limestone about 10 cm thick and 30—60 cm in diame- ter, showing prismatic structure ,,,,,,,, .2 .5 11. Covered ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .9 3.0 10. Sandstone, olive-green, medium-grained, glauconitic, friable, noncalcareous ______ 1.5 5.0 9. Siltstone, bluish-gray, friable ............ 0.6 2.0 8. Siltstone, gray, clayey, partly fissile; a few bentonite beds 3—6 cm thick ............ 1.4 4.5 7. Shale, black, fissile; a few bentonite beds 3—6 cm thick ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.4 14.5 6. Sandstone, dusky-yellow (5Y 6/4), medium- grained, well—sorted, porous, friable, indis— tinctly laminated, slightly glauconitic-__- .6 2.0 5. Shale, grayish-yellow, sandy, bentonitic, poorly exposed ........................ .9 3.0 4. Shale, black, distinctly fissile; includes a few beds of bentonite about 3 cm thick ______ 6.1 20.0 3. Bentonite, greenish-yellow ________________ .6 2.0 2. Shale, black, fissile ______________________ __.3_ 1.0 Total Taft Hill Member (rounded) "e- 74 242 Flood Member (top): 1. Sandstone, light-gray, poorly exposed; weath- ers tan __________________________________ 3.7+ 120+ Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Taft Hill Member [Measured by C. E. Erdmann, Oct. 1962 and May 1967, along US. Interstate 15 northwest of Great Falls between the S‘a sec. 36, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., and Vaughn junction (sec. 19, T. 21 N., R. 2 EL), Cascade County, Mont. Beds 7&82 were measured along Manchester exit road between secs. 26 and 25, T. 21 N., R. 2 E.; beds 77753 were measured in the center of sec. 19, T. 21 N., R. 2 E; beds 52—35 were measured in the NE‘ASE‘A sec. 19, T. 21 N., R. 2 15].; beds 34~19 were measured in the NE cor. NW%SW% sec. 26, T. 21 N., R. 2 E.; and beds 1&1 were measured in the NE%NW‘/4 sec. 36, T. 21 N., R. 2 E.] M Ft Pleistocene: Pre-Wisconsin. Terrace gravels along the Sun River consisting chiefly of argillite and quartzite from the Belt Supergroup; lime coated, loosely consolidated in a sandy matrix 111111111111111111111111111111 2.1 7.0 Unconformity. Blackleaf Formation: Taft Hill Member: Upper unit: 82. Siltstone, soft; weathers rusty ____________ .6 2.0 81. Bentonite, light-gray, soft, weathered 111111 .1 .3 80. Siltstone, medium-light-gray; weathers rusty __________________________________ 3.1 100 Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Taft Hill M ember—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Taft Hill Member—Continued Upper unit—Continued M Ft 79. Bentonite, light—yellowish-gray ............ 78. Siltstone, medium-light-gray, soft, fissile; contains a few thin limonitic laminae. Base darker (N 3), with 0.6-cm-thick laminae of light-olive-gray shale at inter- vals of about 3 cm ______________________ 2.7 9.0 ,_. 'co Diastem(?) Middle unit (the glauconitic sandstone): 77. Sandstone, olive-gray, fine-grained; thin 0.6-cm horizontal wavy layers. Top irregu— lar with local relief of 50 cm ____________ .2 .5 76. Sandstone, light-olive-gray, fine—grained. Top irregular and marked by a thin film of dark-gray sandy clay (graded bedding?) Below this upper 15 cm there is exhibited planar (“torrential”)-type cross-lamination with true dip 20° S. to 11° E. Bedding in lower 10 cm essentially horizontal. Homogeneous (nonlaminated) layers are here and there calcareous .............. 2 .8 75. Sandstone, light-olive—gray, fine-grained. Upper half cross-laminated with 2- cm-thick beds dipping 20° S. to 15° W. (component dip?); lower part massive, with thin horizontal laminae ................ .3 1.0 74. Sandstone, light—olive-gray, thin, soft, fri- able __________________________________ 1 .3 73. Sandstone, light-olive—gray, fine-grained, firm; consists of moderately resistant 5- to 15-cm-thick layers. 15-cm-thick bed, in middle, has 0.6-cm-thick laminae in planar-type cross—lamination dipping 15° S ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .6 2.1 72. Sandstone, light-olive-gray, fine-grained. Top marked by horizontal laminae of dark-gray silty shale. Lower 15 cm has 0.6-cm—thick sandstone laminae in planar-type cross-lamination dipping 15° S __________________________________ .2 .8 71. Sandstone, light«olive-gray, fine-grained; weathers dusky yellowish brown to dark yellowish brown in scabby ferruginous crusts 0.3—0.6 cm thick. Locally persistent ______________________________ .1 .3 70. Sandstone, light—olive—gray, finevgrained; in 5-cm-thick noncalcareous layers. Softer than underlying bed ____________________ .6 2.0 69. Sandstone, light-olive-gray, fine-grained, calcareous, hard, resistant; makes a thin ledge on freshly cut slope. Base irregular. Locally persistent ______________________ .2 .7 68. Sandstone, light—olive-gray, fine-grained; in thin 1- to 5-cm soft friable layers. Top 10— cally undercut __________________________ .4 1.3 67. Shale, light-olive—gray (5Y 5/2), soft, finely laminated, fissile; weathers dusky yel- lowish olive to dark yellowish orange ”-1 .1 .2 66. Sandstone, olive-gray, medium-grained, thinly laminated, soft, glauconitic ______ .1 .4 65. Clay ironstone, compact aphanitic to sandy, Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Taft Hill Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Taft Hill Member—Continued Middle unit, etc—Continued 65. Clay ironstone, etc—Continued 64. 63. 62. 61. 60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. hard, brittle; more or less completely weathered through with dark-yellowish- orange concentric structures; surface commonly brownish black with manganese oxide stain and fine-textured botryoidal forms; contains short thin lentils of loosely consolidated glauconitic sand that weath- ers out to leave small flat elliptical cavities. A broken isuroid shark tooth and a small (10 by 12 by 27 mm) striated copro— lite have been found on surface of bed. Lo- cally persistent ________________________ Sandstone, light-olive-gray, fine- to medium-grained; in soft friable horizontal 5-cm-thick layers ______________________ Sandstone; as above, as 5-cm-thick layers with laminae of detrital glauconite. Casts of trace fossils on bedding surfaces. Top marked by thin film of olive-gray (5Y 4/1) fissile shale; 15—cm-thick upper bed exhibits planar cross-lamination dipping 10°—12° S. 10° W. Makes an indistinct ledge __________________________________ Sandstone, light-olive-gray, fine-grained, glauconitic; softer and more friable than underlying bed; bedding indistinct ______ Sandstone, light-olive—gray, fine-grained, glauconitic. Upper half soft; lower half firm, calcareous ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sandstone, as immediately above; contains epigenetic banded crusts 0.6—1 cm thick of very dusky red clay ironstone in lentils 10 cm long and 3 cm thick, which are espe- ' cially well developed in lower part ______ Sandstone, light-olive-gray, fine-grained, glauconitic; more thinly bedded than above. Entire sequence makes indistinct ledge __________________________________ Cone«in-cone calcite, light- to medium-gray; occurs as radiating fibers in asymmetric brushlike aggregates 3—8 cm long replac— ing yellowish-gray bentonite, some of which remains intergrown at point (base) of cones. Contains 0.6-cm-thick crusts of very fine fibrous yellow-brown calcite with silty luster ____________________________ Cone—in-cone calcite; weathers dark yellow- ish orange. More massive than overlying bed, into which it grades ________________ Sandstone, light-olive-gray, hard, massive, calcareous; grades upward into fine- grained bentonitic sandstone that weath- ers dark yellow orange. Entire sequence very distinct, locally persistent, making a valuable marker bed ____________________ Sandstone, light-olive-gray, glauconitic, fine-grained; in 3- to 20-cm-thick layers separated by softer more finely laminated partings. Slightly irregular bedding sur- faces are marked by thin laminae of detri- TAFT HILL MEMBER 1.0 0.2 Ft 2.2 2.0 3.2 0.5 Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Taft Hill Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Taft Hill Member—Continued Middle unit, etc.—Continued 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. Sandstone, etc—Continued tal glauconite which show trace fossils (worm trails?) and other markings ______ Siltstone, olive-gray, soft; transitional into bed above ______________________________ Bentonite, light—yellowish-gray (5Y 8/1), tuf- faceous, firm, compact; weathers light yel- lowish orange. Breaks with flat subcon- choidal fracture. Thickens and thins ____ Sandstone, olive-gray, glauconitic. Lower part is shaly and thinly laminated with medium—dark-gray shaly partings weath— ering light olive gray __________________ Sandstone, olive-gray, glauconitic. Top makes weak ledge. Lower part is thinly laminated, with partings of soft medium- dark-gray fissile shale that weathers light olive gray ______________________________ Sandstone, light-olive-gray, fine- to medium-grained, glauconitic; upper part makes protruding ledge ________________ Sandstone, olive-gray, fine-grained, silty, soft ____________________________________ Sandstone. Upper 30 cm is light olive gray, fine grained, less silty, noncalcareous, but firm and resistant, and forms lowest ledge marker of middle unit. Lower 18 cm is soft- er, weathers into rounded form by spalling corners off joint blocks. This is the basal bed of the glauconitic sandstone. Can actu- ally be seen to wedge out to the east with base stepping upward __________________ Measured thickness of middle unit 11,- Lower unit: 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. Sandstone, light-olive—gray, glauconitic, fine-grained, silty, soft, friable. Stratifica- tion marked here and there by thin rusty-weathering bentonitic(?) laminae -_ Bentonite; upper part is clayey, light olive gray (5Y 5/2), and weathers dark yellowish orange. Lower part is more bentonitic, is light yellowish gray, soft, and weathers dark yellowish orange __________________ Sandstone, light-olive-gray (5Y 5/2), glau- conitic, fine-grained, silty, soft, friable. Traces of thin laminae of olivevgray shale Sandstone, olive—gray, clayey ____________ Bentonite, soft, silty; weathers grayish orange ________________________________ Sandstone, olive-gray, clayey; weathers downward into thin scales. Contains two or three thin (0.6 cm) bentonite beds 111111 Bentonite, light-olive-gray, soft, clayey. Base sharp and distinct; top gradational Sandstone, pale-olive-gray; 5-cm (2—in.)- thick layer of soft dark-olive-gray clayey silt at base ____________________________ Bentonite, dark-yellowish-orange, com- pletely weathered, soft, flakey. Base sharp; top gradational ________________________ la j. (X) {D H- 1.1 23 Ft 2.7 1.0 1.3 be M (DH [00} ll- '0: 2.2 3.5 24 TAFT HILL MEMBER Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Taft Hill Member—Continued Taft Hill Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Taft Hill Member—Continued Taft Hill Formation—Continued Lower unit—Continued M Ft Lower Unit—Continued 38. Sandstone, pale—olive—gray, glauconitic 11,, .3 .9 28. Siltstone, etc—Continued M Ft 37 Bentonite, light-yellowish-gray t0 grayish— intervals of 9—15 cm by many short lentils orange, soft, fissile. Base sharp; top grada- of finely laminated fine-grained light- tional 7777777777777777777777777777777777 .1 .2 olive-gray sandstone ____________________ 1,1 3.7 36. Sandstone, pale-olive—gray, glauconitic, 27. Bentonite, light-yellowish-gray; weathers fine-grained, silty, soft, friable, poorly con- rusty at base and top __________________ .1 .2 solidated. Very homogeneous; indistinct 26. Siltstone, medium-dark-gray; contains short bedding marked by thin laminae of bento- thin lentils of intraformational microcon- nite __________________________________ 0-9 3-0 glomerate in a matrix of light-medium- 35. Interval concealed ______________________ 1.1 3.5 gray fine-grained calcareous sandstone 34. Bentonite, very light yellowish to greenish- that weathers light olive gray. A more or olive-gray, soft, weathers dark yellowish less persistent layer 3—6 cm thick contain- orange; clayey, with waxy luster. Top gra- ing fragments of Inoceramus occurs in dational ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .1 .3 middle of unit. A very thin olive-brown 33. Siltstone, medium-dark—gray, soft, fissile. fine» to medium—grained poorly sorted Weathered surface shows numerous thin sandstone layer at base contains fragments translucent sheets and films of secondary of very dark gray carbonaceous mudstone selenite eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .8 2.5 and impressions and fragments of In- 32. Sandstone, olive-gray to moderate—olive- oceramus ______________________________ .7 2.3 brown, fine- to medium-grained, cherty, 25. Siltstone, medium-dark-gray, soft, flaky; glauconitic, soft, noncalcareous; matrix some laminae weathering olive gray ____ .9 3.0 of dusky-yellow silt; contains thin fiat- 24. Vitric crystal tuff, very light gray to light- tened galls of medium-dark-gray siltstone yellowish—gray, partially devitrified, firm, as much as 3 cm across. Top marked locally compact, porous; cutting easily, but by a thin layer of very fragile light-brown slightly more resistant than enclosing Inoceramus prisms. Estimated percentage siltstone; weathering or stained dark yel- composition of sand fraction: subangular lowish orange at some localities. Very fine quartz, 60, with yellowish-gray dust from grained, breaking with subconchoidal frac- matrix; chert, dark gray to black, subangu- ture; largest crystal fragments range from lar to subround, unpolished, 25; glauconite about 0.007 to 0.155 mm ................ .1 .2 (first appearance in Taft Hill Member), 23. Siltstone, medium-dark-gray; some laminae dusky yellowish green, smooth ovoidal or weather light olive gray; very thin light- lobate grains and compound spherical gray layer of bentonite near base ________ .3 1.1 masses ranging in diameter from 0.5 to 1.3 22. Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, cherty; mm, loosely embedded in the sandstone calcareous cement; soft and friable where but not in the clay galls; nondetrital, auth- weathered. Occurs in thin (3 cm) short len- igenic (diagenetic), but with afew irregu- tils. Locally, a thin (3 cm) rusty- lar intergranular masses as much as 2 cm weathering bentonite at base ____________ .2 .6 across; accessory muscovite, rare ________ .3 1.0 21. Siltstone, medium-dark-gray, soft, fissile; a 31. Siltstone (mudstone), medium-dark—gray; few rusty laminae —————————————————————— -4 1-2 contains scattered concretions of light- 20. Bentonite, light-gray (grayish-white), 80ft, yellowish-gray calcite with cone-in-cone clayey; weathers dark yellowish orange; structure; weathers brownish gray to base locally irregular __________________ .4 1.2 dusky red, in very complex intergrowths 19. Shale, medium-dark-gray, fissile __________ 1.1 3.6 with mudstone. Individual masses as much 18. Sandstone, medium-gray, fine-grained, as 1 m long and spaced variably at inter- clayey, calcareous. Contains a few thin vals of 3—15 m. Lower surface of concre— granules of polished brownish-gray chert tions is irregular, cutting across bedding. as much as 3 mm in diameter, and clay- Where cone-in—cone structure has not de- stone pellets 3 by 6 cm and 1 cm thick. veloped, base of unit may contain flat oval Flute casts on base; bedding irregular; top masses 5 by 20 cm of massive olive-gray irregular, With ripple marks in places in a calcareous siltstone that contain frag- thin film 0f brown ferruginous sandstone ments ofInoceramus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .2 .5 with wavelength of 6 cm and amplitude of 30. Siltstone, medium—dark-gray ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .2 .5 1 CID. Worm tubes filled with gray clay -_ .1 .3 29. Bentonite, light-gray, soft, clayey; in local 17- Shale, medium—dark-gray; weathers YUSW lenses, some of which show a thin basal brown along sandy laminae eeeeeeeeeeee 2 -6 layer of very light gray vitric tuff ______ .1 .2 16. Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, noncal- 28_ Siltstone, medium-dark-gray; locally shows careous. In short lentils ———————————————— ~2 -7 thin olive laminae in upper 30 cm. Middle 15- Shale, dark—gray, poorly exposed "a. rrrrrrr .3 1-0 and lower part characterized at vertical 14. Shale and sandstone; in thin layers. Sand- VAUGHN MEMBER 25 Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Taft Hill Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Taft Hill Formation—Continued Lower unit—Continued 14. Shale and siltstone, etc—Continued M Ft stone is light medium gray and fine grained; shale is medium dark gray --__ .1 .3 13. Sandstone, conglomeratic, medium-light- gray, calcareous, hard; firm and compact when fresh; weathers light yellowish brown in places. In finely laminated lenses of variable thickness and width separated by thinner irregular partings of soft olive clay. Sand facies or matrix fine to medium grained, subangular, and with salt-and- pepper appearance. Conglomeratic facies characterized by usually small (2 mm or less) rounded granules and pebbles of brownish and dark-gray chert; also charac- terized by subrounded granules as much as 5 mm in size of very light gray yellowish- gray to white aphanitic tuff. Percentages vary, but chert and tuff combined may make about 40 percent, and when about equal give the rock a very distinctive ap pearance. Fish scales and vertebrate bones are rare as accessories ------------------ .1 .4 12. Sandstone, light-gray, calcareous, hard, firm; makes a weak ledge -------------- .2 .6 11. Sandstone, olive to light-yellowish-gray, fine grained, soft; weathers rusty brown in places. Occurs in thin (0.5—1 cm) lentils separated by thin partings 0f dark'gray clay 10. Shale, medium-dark-gray, clayey, soft, plas- tic. Less fissile than that just below ------ .4 1.4 9. Shale, medium-darkgray, fissile, papery; thin layer of fine-grained sandstone at top ---------------------------------- .3 1.1 8. Clay, dark-gray, soft. Contains thin laminae of fine-grained rusty sandstone ---------- .2 .6 7. Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained. In small lentils or pods -------------------- .1 .2 6. Clay, sandy, but soft and plastic; olive-gray when moist. Contains here and there brown-weathering concretions of calcare- ous olive mudstone 60 cm in diameter and 13 cm thick, with a layer of cone-in—cone structure on top ________________________ .1 .4 Intramember erosional disconformity. 5. Sandstone, medium-gray, calcareous, hard; weathers brownish gray; makes ledge; fine to medium grained, with a sprinkling of small granules of dark chert cemented by authigenic crystals of calcite. Top slightly irregular; rusty brown __________________ 5 1.7 Thickness of partial section of Taft Hill Member (rounded) __________________ 31 Erosional disconformity. Flood Member: 4. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, medium-grained, subangular, weakly cemented, friable; good porosity and permeability; predominantly Composite reference section for approximately the lower half of the Taft Hill Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Flood Member—Continued 4. Sandstone, etc—Continued M Ft clear glassy quartz whose crystal faces glisten brightly, with about 5 percent yellowish-gray weathered feldspar and 5 percent dark min- erals (chert) ------------------------------ 1.1 3.4 3. Sandstone, yellowish-gray, fine- to medium— grained (as above). Largely concealed by rub- ble -------------------------------------- 4.9 2. Sandstone, yellowish-gray; as above, with a few small spherical concretions of orange—brown limonitic sandstone. Top makes resistant ledge ____________________________________ 2.6 8.5 1. Sandstone, medium—gray, fine-grained; in short lentils or nodules separated by thin partings 16.0 of medium-gray siltstone and shale -------- . 2.0+ Thickness of partial section of Flood Member (rounded) -------------- 9.0 30.0 VAUGHN MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION Strata of the Vaughn Member of the Blackleaf F or- mation were formerly referred to as the “red speck zone” (Erdmann and Schwabrow, 1941, p. 284; Blixt, 1941, p. 337) and the "nonmarine member” (Cobban, 1951a, p. 2180). Later, in subdividing the Colorado Group, the strata were called the Vaughn Bentonitic Member of the Blackleaf Formation by us (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2790) with the intent of including rocks of nonmarine origin between the Taft Hill Glauconitic Member below and the Bootlegger Member above. As first measured by us (Cobban and others, 1959) and illustrated by Maugham (1961), the type section of the member included transitional beds at the base that are only locally present. These strata are now believed to be of marine origin and have been assigned to the Taft Hill Member in this paper. The Vaughn Member by definition is exclusively continental in origin. The Vaughn Member is named from excellent expo- sures north and south of Vaughn, 19 km (12 mi) west of Great Falls. The type section crops out along the east bank of an unnamed intermittent wash in the N1/2NE14 sec. 6, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., and on a southwest-pointing spur in the SEIASWMiSEMi sec. 31, T. 22 N., R. 2 E. (Vaughn quadrangle) (fig. 8). This locality is somewhat inaccessible in that it cannot be seen or quickly reached from any main road. The easiest approach to it is over an unsurfaced road from the north and down an abrupt escarpment between secs. 31 and 32, T. 22 N., R. 2 E., to the NE. cor. sec. 6, T. 21 N., R. 2 E.; from there it is about a 0.8-km (0.5 mi) walk to the west. For greater accessibility, a composite reference section of the member designated in this report has been meas- ured and described in detail 4 km (2.5 mi) to the 26 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA FIGURE 8.-Type section of the Vaughn Member about along the center line of the NEM; sec. 6, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., Cascade County, Mont. The sandstone cropping out in the upper middle part of the photograph below the light-gray bentonitic unit bare of vege- tation marks the base of the member. R. W. Lemke is standing on a limestone bed 8.5 m (28 ft) below the top of the Taft Hill Member. southwest, along US. Highway 91 (Interstate 15), in the NE% sec. 11 and SEM; sec. 2, T. 21 N., R. 1 E. THICKNESS In its type section the Vaughn Member has a thick- ness of approximately 26 In (86 ft). As first defined (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2790), the thickness given was 29.6 m (97 ft), but this thickness included underly- ing probable marine strata now assigned to the Taft Hill Member. The thickness in the composite reference section, about 4 km southwest, is 26 m (86 ft). In an outcrop 17.7 km (11 mi) east (escarpment north of Blackhorse Lake Flat east of the Bootlegger Trail, 11.2 km or 7 mi north of the city of Great Falls), the thick- ness has decreased to 15.9 m (52 ft). The member con- tinues to thin to the southeast toward Belt Butte, where its thickness is only 7.9 m (26 ft) in sec. 30, T. 19 N., R. 7 E. The increase in thickness to the west, how- ever, is more rapid. Schmidt (1963) assigned 114 m (375 ft) of strata to the member in the Wolf Creek area; south of the town of East Glacier, Vaughn lithology seems to have completely replaced the Taft Hill Member and the Bootlegger Member. s Although not commonly recognized in old cable-tool drillers’ logs, some part of the Vaughn usually can be identified microscopically in formation samples, and it serves as a general marker for the middle part of the Blackleaf Formation. No part of it, however, provides a satisfactory datum for regional structural mapping. Thicknesses in the subsurface on the Sweetgrass arch seem not to be so systematic in their range as those in outcrops. A number of factors, singly or in combina- tion, probably contribute to this condition: (1) The internal character of the boundaries changes from place to place in consequence of the variable continen- tal lithology; (2) the top may be affected by a slight erosional disconformity, with some variation in the overlying units; and (3) local absence of the diagnostic mineral clinoptilolite. Apparently some anomalous thicknesses result from disaggregation and "washing VAUGHN MEMBER out” of montmorillonite from the claystone. For these reasons the top of the member is not a good datum plane for regional structural mapping. The Vaughn is 45 m (150 ft) thick in the Brady oil field, 69 m (227 ft) thick near the west edge of the Pondera oil field, 22 m (74 ft) thick at the top of the Kevin-Sunburst dome (sec. 15, T. 34 N., R. 1 W.), 37 m (120 ft) thick on the west side of the Cut Bank oil and gas field (sec. 13, T. 35 N., R. 6 W.), and 160 In (525 ft) thick in the Chicago Petroleum Corporation’s Mabel Armstrong Well 1 Allotted 168 in sec. 35, T. 36 N., R. 8 W. The member thins eastward from the Kevin— Sunburst dome and has not been recognized east of the Sweetgrass Hills. OL'TC R0 1’ DISTR 1B UTION On the Sweetgrass arch the Vaughn Member crops out only on the southern part of the South arch. Begin- ning with the outcrops along the Missouri River in the northeastern part of the Portage quadrangle, the belt of outcrop extends southwestward across that quad— rangle to the Blackhorse Lake Flat area, 8—13 km (5—8 mi) north of the city of Great Falls. From Blackhorse Lake Flat, the belt of outcrop trends slightly north of west and crosses the Great Falls quadrangle just be- low its middle. The outcrop continues west into the Vaughn quadrangle and up Muddy Creek to a point in the SE14 sec. 32, T. 22 N., R. 1 E., where it dips below the valley floor. Along the Sun River the member is exposed from a point 1.6 km (1 mi) west of Vaughn on up the valley for 9.6 km (6 mi) to the southern part of sec. 36, T. 21 N., R. 1 W., where the top disappears below the river. South of Vaughn the member is very well exposed along the east side of Taft Hill and southward through the Cascade quadrangle. The out- crop crosses the Missouri River at Riverdale and con- tinues south up Bird Creek valley for 16 or 17 km. West of the South arch the Vaughn Member is ex- posed at many localities in the Disturbed belt from 3.2 km (2 mi) northeast of Wolf Creek in sec. 31, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., northwest to the southeast boundary of Glacier National Park, where the Vaughn has com- pletely replaced the Bootlegger Member. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Light-colored bentonitic clay, siltstone, and sandstone largely compose this member. Most of the rocks are soft and readily erode into poorly vegetated badlands that are conspicuous in the Cascade, Vaughn, Great Falls, and Portage quadrangles (Cobban, 1955a, fig. 2). In the type section northeast of Vaughn (fig. 8), the basal unit of the member consists of 4.6 m (15 ft) of pale-greenish-yellow medium-grained very friable ar- 27 kosic sandstone. At a locality 13 km (8 mi) to the south, along a road ascending Taft Hill, in the SE%SW% sec. 7, T. 20 N., R. 2 E., the base ofthis sandstone bed is coarse grained, contains some gray shale pebbles, and is channeled into the underlying fine-grained glauconitic sandstone of the Taft Hill Member. This basal sandstone bed of the Vaughn Member persists across the South arch eastward at least as far as the Missouri River, in the Lander Crossing quadrangle. The bed has been mapped by Dobbin and Erdmann (1930) as “sandstone A.” A freshwater origin is proba- ble for this bed. Fossil wood can be found on almost any outcrop: and locally, large logs are present. In a few places in the eastern part of the Portage quadrangle, beds of lignitic shale are at the top of the sandstone. The rest of the Vaughn Member consists dominantly of clayey beds that are light to dark gray, greenish gray, grayish green to olive green, greenish yellow, pink, or chocolate brown and generally are very ben— tonitic. The clayey beds are interbedded with thinner lenticular units of gray to green bentonitic siltstone and sandstone that are commonly tuffaceous and, in places, are orthoquartzites. Some of the beds of clay, siltstone, and sandstone contain small crystals of orange-red clinoptilolite (determined by L. G. Schultz, U.S. Geol. Survey). Locally, as in the small badland area traversed by US. Highway 91, about 5.6—6.4 km (3.5—4 mi) northwest of Vaughn, this zeolite is so abundant that it imparts a pinkish color to the out- crops. Bentonitic clay containing clinoptilolite forms the uppermost 8.5 m of the type section. About 6 km to the west, along Muddy Creek, black carbonaceous shale, which has been prospected for coal, forms the top of the member (fig. 9; also Cobban, 1955a, text fig. 2). The Vaughn Member is easily recognized in cuttings from wells drilled for oil and gas on the Sweetgrass arch. The clays are largely light to medium shades of gray or green, and the sandstones are generally light gray to white. The rocks are very bentonitic, and most contain small crystals of the orange-red zeolite. The sandstones are fine to medium grained, massive, soft, and clayey. They are composed mainly of subangular grains of clear quartz and white, gray, black, brown, yellow, green, and pink grains of quartz, chert, and other minerals, including some mica. Abundant white clay serves as a cement. Most wells reveal whitish fine- to medium-grained sandstone 1.6—10.7 m (5—35 ft) thick at or near the base of the member. Wells drilled low on the west flank of the Sweetgrass arch, where the Vaughn Member is 61—91 m (200—300 ft) thick, may show as many as four beds of white sandstone 4.6 m (15 ft) or more thick. Black carbonaceous shale has been penetrated at the top of the member in some wells in the Pondera and Kevin-Sunburst oil fields. 28 FIGURE 9.—Upper part of Vaughn Member (light-gray bentonitic beds bare of vegetation) capped by layer of lignitic shale (black band) and overlain by lower part of Bootlegger Member 6.5 km (4 mi) northwest of Vaughn in the NE‘A sec. 4, T. 21 N., R. 1 E., Cascade County, Mont. The top of the Vaughn Member is readily deter- mined in well cuttings by the abrupt change downward from dark—gray more or less sandy shale to light- colored clay or, more rarely, white bentonitic sandstone or black lignitic shale. The lower contact is not so easily placed. A unit, 6 m to more than 11 m thick, of medium- to dark-medium-gray soft silty shale commonly lies between the lowest whitish bentonitic sandstone typical of the Vaughn Member and the up- permost greenish glauconitic sandstone typical of the Taft Hill Member. lnterbedded with this silty shale are thin beds of light- to medium-gray very fine to fine- grained shaly sandstone and siltstone that are slightly glauconitic. Locally, these beds contain tiny specks of the orange-red zeolite in addition to the glauconite. These beds are considered to represent intertonguing of the Vaughn and Taft Hill facies and are here as- signed to the Taft Hill Member. AGE ASSIGNMENT ANI) CORRELATION The fossil record from the Vaughn Member consists of leaves, logs, and, rarely, fragments of reptile bones. The fossil plants, all from the vicinity of Vaughn, have been identified by R. W. Brown (Cobban, 1951a, p. 2180) as Pinus sp., Araucarioxylon sp., Anemia fremonti Knowlton,Nelumbites sp., Dryandroides? sp., and Tempskya knowltoni Seward. Zeller and Read (1956) regarded the genus Tempskya as a possible guide to rocks of Albian (late Early Cretaceous) age. Other evidence which suggests a possible late Albian age is the position of the Vaughn Member below the Bootlegger Member. The Bootlegger Member is an BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA equivalent of part or all of the Mowry Shale of other areas. The Mowry Shale contains Neogastroplites, In- oceramus cf. 1. anglicus Woods, and other mollusks that are considered as being probably of very late Al- bian age (Reeside and Cobban, 1960, p. 28—30). A re- cent addition to the fossil flora from the Vaughn Member is Tempskya grandis Read and Brown. Formerly the Vaughn Member was thought to be equivalent to the lower part of the Mowry Shale (Cob- ban, 1951a, p. 2180), but in light of the discovery by Mudge (1972, p. A62) of Skull Creek fossils in the Taft Hill equivalent, a correlation of the Vaughn Member with the Newcastle Sandstone of the Black Hills seems more logical. DESCRIPTIVE SECTIONS OF THE VAUGHN MEMBER The following type section and reference section are based chiefly upon field descriptions. Only a small amount of mineralogical work, mainly related to iden- tification of the minerals clinoptilolite and chamosite, has been done. The type section was originally meas- ured by R. W. Lemke and E. K. Maughan in 1956, with minor revisions by R. W. Lemke and A. F. Bateman in 1973. The reference section was measured by C. E. Erdmann in 1968 and 1969. The lithology in both sec— tions is similar, but the stratigraphic units have been subdivided considerably more by Erdmann in the re- ference section. Also, similar strata in the two sections are not always described in exactly the same way, and therefore correlation of beds between the two sections is not always possible. In addition, the reference sec- tion, unlike the type section, is subdivided into three units (upper, middle, and lower), based upon the in- ferred environmental conditions that existed during deposition of the units. In spite of these inconsisten- cies,we believe that description of both sections herein is desirable. Type section of Vaughn Member [Measured by R. W. Lemke and E. K. Maughan, 5.&6.1 km (3.32.8 mi) north-northeast of Vaughn in the NWI/ANE'A sec. 6, T. 21 N., R. 2 E,, and SWVaSE‘A sec. 31, T. 22 N., R, 2 E,, Cascade County (Vaughn quadrangle) (fig. 10)] M Ft Blackleaf Formation: Bootlegger Member (basal beds): 21. Sandstone, gray, fine-grained, moderately fri- able; weathers mottled bluish gray and orange brown; shaly at base, becoming more sandy toward top; upper 18 cm is greenish gray (5GY 6/1) that weathers pale olive (10Y 6/2), is platy, and contains Lingula sp ,,,,,, Vaughn Member: 20. Shale, distinctly fissile, grayish-black, nonben- tonitic, noncalcareous, carbonaceous, par- ticularly in basal part. Forms a grassy slope, in contrast to nonvegetated beds below ____ 19. Concretions, dark-brown, noncalcareous, fer- 2.1 6.8 3.3 10.9 VAUGHN MEMBER LITHOLOGIC SVMBOLS METR ES FEET 0—1 7 TTVIW <12 5.? -— 3 8 o. H r. 3 3 (D (D —— 20 Shale ——40 99 99 Calcareous concretlons —60 E 2° # Bentonite s/Vx/v/ VVVVV Zeolitized tuff El Carbonaceous R‘ 2 E’ shale 0 1MILE 0 1 Kl LOMETRE FIGURE 10.—Type section of the Vaughn Member of the Blackleaf Formation and map showing line of measured section, sec. 6, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., and sec. 31, T. 22 N., R. 2 E. Numbers on the left side ofthe column are key beds in the measured section. On the map, the arrow points upward stratigraphi- cally; B, base, and T, top of member. Type section of Vaughn Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Vaughn Member—Continued 19. Concretions, etc—Continued M Ft ruginous; weather to a very dark metallic brown to bluish black ____________________ .1 .2 18. Clay, bentonitic; contains red specks of clinopt- ilolite. Divisible into several subunits that form distinct benches (mostly with spongy surfaces) separated by low scarps; subunits range in color from light greenish gray through dark gray to chocolate brown. In- cludes 18 cm of dark-gray siltstone and 1.6 m of alternating beds of hard tuffaceous siltstone and light~gray bentonitic clay. Forms nonvegetated slope ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8.4 27.8 17. Siltstone, medium-light-gray (N 6), very hard and dense, tuffaceous, lenticular; weathers very light gray (N 8); has very fine uneven laminae; contains red clinoptilolite grains and small nodules of light-green clay. Local- 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 29 Type section of the Vaughn Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Vaughn Member—Continued 17. Siltstone, etc—Continued ly, upper 15 cm has a distinct red appear- ance, owing to abundance of finely dissemi- nated clinoptilolite ______________________ Clay, bentonitic, noncalcareous; contains red grains of clinoptilolite. Divisible into several subunits that form distinct benches (mostly with spongy surfaces), separated by low scarps. Subunits are light greenish gray to dark gray (a few are greenish gray to olive green). Includes two beds of dark'gray hard and dense tuffaceous siltstone 30 cm or less thick and also a few beds ofpapery shale near top. Forms nonvegetated slopes ,,,,,,,,,,,, Clay, bentonitic, slightly silty, moderately greenish yellow (10Y 7/2) to grayish-green; mottled with markings of medium-gray (N 5) clay that may be of organic origin or fillings in small desiccation cracks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sandstone, light—gray, fine-grained, dense, noncalcareous; weathers salmon pink; breaks along indistinct joints into rectangu- lar blocks about 30 cm long and 15 cm wide Siltstone, light-gray, locally clayey ,,,,,,,,,,, Siltstone, medium-olive-gray (5Y 5/1), tuffa- ceous(?), dense, and very hard; weathers yel- lowish gray with some light-brown-stained surfaces; many sharply angular quartz grains, some light-green grains, and a few black grains and small black plant frag- ments. Breaks into very small, sharply angu- lar pieces ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Clay, light-gray, silty, slightly bentonitic 1"- Sandstone, gray, fine-grained, resistant, slightly calcareous; breaks into irregular blocks owing to indistinct jointing. Abundant fossil wood at base _________________________ . Claystone concretions, dark-brown, tabular (as much as 0.6 m in diameter), slightly fer- ruginous, very resistant, noncalcareous; weather to very dark metallic brown to metallic bluish black; some plant fragments ________________________________ Clay, greenish-gray and buff, bentonitic, non- calcareous ______________________________ Ironstone concretions, dark-brown, tabular, slightly calcareous; weather bluish and brownish black with a slight metallic luster ____________________________________ Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, fine— to medium-grained, hard, dense, noncalcare- ous; weathers medium to dark brown; well— developed parallel joints about 7.5 cm apart cause sandstone to break into blocks 30—46 cm long. Abundant rushlike plant remains ________________________________ Sandstone, pale—greenish-yellow (10Y 8/2), medium-grained, very friable, thinly bedded to massive, somewhat crossbedded, arkosic, porous, slightly calcareous; consists chiefly of subangular to subrounded quartz grains, abundant feldspar, and some dark grains (in- M Ft 5 1.5 4.9 16.2 1.0 3.2 2 .8 6 2.0 3 1.0 6 2.0 2 .5 1 .4 1.3 4.4 1 .2 1 .3 30 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of the Vaughn Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Vaughn Member—Continued 15. Sandstone, etc—Continued M Ft cludes chert, magnetite, and biotite); light- colored petrified wood in logs as much as 1.8 In long. Locally, 1.8—2.7 m (6—9 ft) above base is a finer grained more resistant sandstone that is grayish brown, massive, and highly calcareous. Scattered ironstone concre— tions ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, g E Total Vaughn Member ________________ 26.3 86.4 Taft Hill Member (part of upper unit): 4. Siltstone, light- to dark-gray, shaly to sandy, thinly bedded, noncalcareous to highly cal- careous; weathers light yellowish gray (cut by fracture fillings that weather yellow orange); includes, near the top, sandstone lenses several feet long and as much as 0.5 m thick that are medium gray, fine grained, calcareous, dense, and weather orange brown. Local lenticular sandstone near base. Upper boundary gradational __-1 3.2 10.4 3. Clay, gray to greenish—gray, shaly to silty, ben- tonitic; weathers light gray with crackly sur- face; scattered nodular fine-grained concre— tions and local platy sandstone as much as 0.8 m (2.5 ft) thick in upper part. Lower 1.2 m is more bentonitic and contains a few red clinoptilolite grains ______________________ 5.4 17.7 2. Limestone, yellowishgray (5Y 8/1), coarsely crystalline, layered; weathers brown; poorly developed cone—in-cone structure; breaks in- to small irregularly shaped brown frag- ments ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .1 .3 1. Siltstone, light-olive-gray (5Y 5/2) to dark- greenish-gray (5GY 4/1), dense, hard, proba- bly glauconitic, slightly calcareous to noncal- careous, contains Lingula sp. and macerated fossil plants. A clayey carbonaceous shale 15 cm thick divides the siltstone into two sub- units. Unit cut by well-developed parallel joints that strike N. 71° W ________________ .9 3 0 Total measured thickness of part of Taft Hill Member (upper unit) 9.6 31.4 Reference section of Vaughn Member [Measured by C. E. Erdmann, June 25»0ct. 3, 1968, and Dec. 17721, 1969. Base ol'section starts in north center NEl/iNW‘ANEM} sec. 11, T. 21 N., R. 1 E.,just below surface ofU.S. Highway 91 (Interstate 15!. Measurements extend along northeast side of highway to summit of small conical hill in NE. cor. SW‘ASW'ASE‘A sec. 2, T. 21 N., R. 1(E.;|thence northeast to southwest face of escarpment. Top ofmeasurement in center NE‘ASW‘ASE‘A sec. 2. Vaughn quadrangle, Cascade County, Mont] M Ft Blackleaf Formation: Bootlegger Member (basal part): 28. Sandstone, greenish-gray (5GY 6/1), fine grained, compact, thin slabby layered, cal- careous, hard, resistant; weathers olive brown; contains trace fossils ______________ 0.3 1.0 27. Shale, medium-dark-gray, clayey, poorly fis- sile. Rusty laminae at intervals of about 3 cm in lower 1.5 m. Weathers into cracked clay slope ____________________________________ 4.3 14.0 Reference section of Vaughn Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation (basal part)—Continued Disconformity; erosional relief slight, about 1 m in this vicinity. Vaughn Member: Upper unit (lake or swamp environment): 26. Sandstone, yellowishgray, thin and platy layered, fine— to medium-grained, locally crossbedded. Surface of upper bed may show irregularities resembling oscillation ripple marks: wave length, 1.0 ft; amplitude, 0.1; strike, S. 55° E. Contains small carbonized logs. Usually makes a massive unit that supports resistant bench. Upper surface also may be marked by inclusion of small irregular reworked lumps of light-bluish-gray (53 7/1) siltstone containing broken laminae and thin pods of medium- to coarse-grained yellowish-gray, cherty sandstone, and an- gular fragments of brownish-gray car- bonaceous shale ________________________ 1.8 25. Sandstone, yellowish-gray; in thin (5—10 cm) layers separated by somewhat greater thicknesses (15—30 cm) of soft yellowish- gray clayey siltstone ____________________ 2.6 24. Shale, brownish-gray, silty, carbonaceous, soft, flaky ______________________________ .2 23. Clay, olive-gray, silty, slightly carbonace- ous. Weathered surface cracks or checks; unvegetated ____________________________ 9" N) Measured thickness of upper unit 111. Middle unit (pyroclastic clays, water laid): 22. Mudstone, medium-gray; weathers light gray; contains numerous small dark gran- ules of chamosite. Matrix firm, moderately resistant, weathering out of slope. Base ir- regular ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21. Claystone, very dark gray, nearly black; has small undetermined light—gray specksd" 20. Claystone; weathers pinkish gray, as in unit 18 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .1 19. Tuff, vesicular, water laid (as in unit 17). Pale olive gray, with vesicles occupied by orange-pink clinoptilolite. Compact; tough .2 18. Claystone; weathers pinkish gray (5YR 8/1) 3.0 17. Tuff, vesicular, silty, light-greenish-olive— gray; weathers very light pinkish gray. In thin layers. Vesicles 0.2—0.6 mm in diame- ter and filled with clay. Some layers are hard, silicified, and float from them is characterized by a grayish~red (10R 4/2) to dark-reddish—brown (10R 3/4) clinoptilolite patina, giving the pieces the appearance of be ‘m a reconstituted igneous rock ____________ .7 16. Claystone, greenish-olive-gray. Probably largely montmorillonite ________________ 1.1 15. Claystone, pink; contains clinoptilolite 1", .2 14. Claystone, light—olive-gray ________________ .9 13. Claystone, light-olive-gray to pinkish; con— tains small grains of clinoptilolite. Weath— ers into soft spongy unvegetated surface layer with expanded "popcorn” texture, which flows downslope when wet. Thin siltstone layer at top ____________________ 2.4 '2» [. Ft '01 H 6310 «)0 H- 1.0 1.9 2.2 3.7 3.1 8.0 BOOTLEGGER MEMBER 3 1 Reference section of Vaughn Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Vaughn Member—Continued Middle unit, etc—Continued 12. Tuff and siltstone, medium-gray and greenish-gray. Tuff has vesicles occupied by light-olive-green clay ________________ 11. Sandstone; in rounded, flattened, oval balls. Hard, light gray, fine grained, clayey, with a few galls of greenish clay. Top of bed slightly undulating ____________________ 10. Mudstone (claystone), light-yellowish-gray. Surface cracked, tough. Makes unvege- tated slope ____________________________ 1. Measured thickness of middle unit A“- 11. R 3; ._.. 'cc in 1.5 R1 U! 01 l I- oo 4:. r—A K] H “- Lower unit (fluviatile): 9. Sandstone, light-gray, fine- to medium- grained. Upper 15 cm contains small pel- lets of light-gray clay. Thinly laminated by slightly more resistant brownish-gray crusts that may be a variety of parting lamination ____________________________ .4 1.3 8. Sandstone, very light yellowish gray (5Y 9/1); predominantly fine to medium angu- lar to subangular quartz with some chalky feldspar, with about 6 or 8 percent dark grains, of which biotite in flakes as much as 0.1 mm wide are most abundant, with chert next, in a tight cement of very light gray (white) clay. Becomes light greenish gray (5GY 8/1) upon weathering through color change ofcement, and friable upon its loss. In thin (1—24 cm) massive layers, some of which show low-angle east-dipping cross-lamination. Hard and tough when fresh, forming a low resistant ledge ______ 2.5 8.3 7. Sandstone, clayey; light-gray; orange mot- tling; soft _______________________________ 1.4 4.5 6. Sandstone, light-gray, fine- to medium- grained; in thin alternating layers with softer clayey sandstone. Poorly exposed __ 2.7 9.0 5. Sandstone, light— to medium-gray, fine- to medium-grained; in massive 10- to 15-cm layers, but strongly crossbedded where thinner; lower 30 cm hard, brown, and fer- rug‘inous in places. Base irregular. Con- tains thin lentils of conglomeratic sand- stone noticeably characterized by rounded lumps of soft grayish-yellow (5Y 8/4) clay ranging in size from 0.5-cm pellets to ir- regular fragments 7—10 cm long and 2 cm or more thick. Flattened clay galls are abundant on bedding surfaces. In addition, the matrix of coarse, cherty, subangular, light-olive-gray sand with clay cement exhibits sharp angular 1-cm pieces of firm compact yellowish-gray to pale-olive silt- stone; subround pebbles of dark-gray chert 3—12 mm in diameter; and clear glassy quartz in subround grains 2 mm in diame- ter that break with conchoidal fracture. This facies in particular, which is uncom- mon, makes the basal conglomerate of the Vaughn Member ______________________ 1.2 4.0 Reference section of Vaughn Member—Continued Blackleaf FormationfiContinued Vaughn Member—Continued Lower unit (fluviatile)—Continued M F‘ Measured thickness of lower unit ___. g 27.1 Total measured thickness of Vaughn Member (rounded) ________________ 25.0 86.0 Disconformity; slight erosional relief. Taft Hill Member (part of upper unit): 4. Sandstone, medium—yellow-orange, soft, fri- able, fine-grained; weathers moderate brown ________________________________ 5 1.7 3. Sandstone, medium-grained; light olive at top ____________________________________ .2 7 2. Sandstone, clayey (mudstone), soft; surface cracks. Poorly exposed __________________ 3.4 11.2 1. Clay ironstone; in fragmented Chippy mounds that have diameters of 0.5—1 m at intervals of 3 m or more, on thin gray- green sandstone. Ironstone surface over- lain by thin light—brown recrystallized cal- cite. Base concealed by alluvium ,,,,,,,, _2 Measured thickness of part of Taft Hill Member (upper unit) BOOTLEGGER MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION The Bootlegger Member is the “upper member of sandy shale and sandstone of marine origin” that was correlated with the upper part of the Mowry Shale by Cobban (1951a, p. 2180). The member was named by us (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2791) from the exposures along the east-trending escarpment that is crossed by the Bootlegger Trail 11—13 km (7—8 mi) north of Great Falls near the common corner of Tps. 21 and 22 N., R. 3 E., and Tps. 21 and 22 N., R. 4 E., Cascade County (Great Falls quadrangle). Inasmuch as the member is not completely exposed at any one locality, the section presented here as the type is composite from measure- ments at several places along the escarpment west- ward for more than 24 km (15 mi) from the crossing of the Bootlegger Trail. Although parts of the section are not well exposed, the total thickness can be measured in roadcuts along US. Highway 91 (Interstate 15) and Vicinity northwest of Vaughn in secs. 34 and 35, T. 22 N., R. 1 W. Thin beds of medium-gray sandstone, gray siltstone, dark-gray shale, and yellowish bentonite, compose most of the Bootlegger Member. Much of the sandstone, siltstone, and shale is interlaminated. THICKNESS The composite type section is 100 m (329 ft) thick. However, the overall thickness of the member in sec. 3, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., and sec. 34, T. 22 N., R. 2 E., is 84 m (275 ft). This difference in thickness appears to result 32 chiefly from thinning of bed 3 and also above bed 30 of the type section as it is traced westward. Along Muddy Creek, in sec. 4, T. 21 N., R. 1 E., and sec. 33, T. 22 N., R51 E., the Bootlegger is 72.5 m (238 ft) thick. Farther nort‘heast in sec. 4, T. 22 N., R. 6 E., and in sec. 16, T. 23 N., R. 6 E., Lemke and Maughan measured a total thickness of 87.2 m (286 ft). In the subsurface Cobban (1951a, p. 2180) noted that the member “thins westward from 320 feet on the east flank of the Sweet- grass arch to 60 feet on the west flank. This westward thinning is due to gradual facies change of the lower part into non-marine sediments.” OUTC ROP D IS’I‘RIB UTION On the South arch the Bootlegger Member forms a conspicuous escarpment that extends from Gordon on Muddy Creek near the center of the Vaughn quad- rangle eastward across the middle of the Great Falls quadrangle to Blackhorse Lake Flat. From there the escarpment strikes northeastward across most of the Portage quadrangle but is obscured by overlying gla- cial deposits. The member crops out here and there northeastward at least as far as the Missouri River in the Lander Crossing and Carter quadrangles. In the Vaughn quadrangle the Bootlegger is exposed from the vicinity of Vaughn northwestward 17 km (10.5 mi) up Muddy Creek to the center of sec. 2, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., where it disappears below the valley floor. West of Vaughn the Bootlegger crops out along the Sun River valley as far as 2.4 km (1.5 mi) beyond the town of Sun River. South of Vaughn the basal part of the member caps Taft Hill in the Vaughn and Cascade quadrang- les. Outcrops 0f the Bootlegger Member are restricted to the central part of the Kevin—Sunburst dome in sec. 5, T. 33 N., R. 1 W. (Shelby quadrangle) where the upper 3.5~4.5 m crops out, and the very top also was exposed during the excavation of the stock watering pond in the NWl/ZiNEMi sec. 32, T. 34 N., R. 1 W. These exposures bear very close resemblance in texture and composi— tion to typical Bootlegger where it is crossed by US. Highway 91 about 9.5 km north of Vaughn. Outcrops of Bootlegger lithology are not known in the Disturbed belt, owing to its probable replacement by the Vaughn Member. GENERAL DESCRIPTION On Taft Hill south of Vaughn a 10-m-thick fine- grained massive bed of sandstone forms a light-brown cliff at the base of the Bootlegger Member. This sandstone, mapped by Dobbin and Erdmann (1930) as ”sandstone B,” is equivalent to the 17 m (56 ft) of sandy beds that form the basal part of the Bootlegger Member in its type section. There the basal part of the BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA member consists of 8.2 m (27 ft) of light-gray fine- to medium-grained thin-bedded sandstone overlain by 4 m of shaly siltstone and in turn by a fine- to medium- grained sandstone unit of two 0.3-m-thick beds of hard ledge-forming sandstone separated by 1.4 m of softer shaly sandstone. The lower of these 0.3 m ledges weathers dark brown and contains Lingula, a brachiopod genus found in both brackish-water and normal marine water. Lemke and Maughan traced these two ledges of sandstone from Muddy Creek, in the center of the Vaughn quadrangle, eastward across the Great Falls and Portage quadrangles and into the Lander Crossing quadrangle where the two beds of sandstone dip below the Missouri River at the mouth of Black Coulee. They found that the interval separating the two sandstone ledges varied from 1.5 to 4.5 m. In the Portage quadrangle the lower ledge is the more conspicuous of the two, whereas the upper ledge is gen- erally the more prominent in the western half of the Great Falls and Vaughn quadrangles. The sandy to shaly interval underlying these hard sandstone ledges and overlying the Vaughn Member thins westward from the type section into the Vaughn quadrangle. About 4 km northwest of Vaughn, the lower sandstone ledge lies a metre or so above the Vaughn Member. In the type section the upper of the two ledges of sandstone is overlain by 6.4 m (21 ft) of dark-gray shale that contains a layer of bentonite 25 cm (10 in.) thick. Above this shale is 4.4 m (14.3 ft) of sandy siltstone characterized by irregular vertical and diagonal fractures. A thin brown-weathering bed of hard medium-grained sandstone forms a small ledge on top of the siltstone. Above the sandstone is 1.7 m (5.4 ft) more of shaly siltstone. This siltstone and sandstone sequence thins eastward and is very shaly where it dips under the Missouri River below the mouth of Black Coulee in the northwestern part of the Lander Crossing quadrangle. Locally, particularly along the escarpment north of Blackhorse Lake Flat in the Great Falls quadrangle, and at a few other places in the Portage and Vaughn quadrangles, the siltstone and sandstone sequence is well indurated and forms well—defined benches. The silty unit in the type section of the Bootlegger Member is overlain by 10.8 m (35.3 ft) of very dark gray shale that contains a bed of bentonite 0.7 m (2.2 ft) thick in the basal part. Above this shale is a unit about 12 m (40 ft) thick (beds 17—21 of type section) of thinly bedded sandstone and siltstone with a local bed of black-coated chert pebbles near the middle. This sandy unit is believed to be the equivalent of the sandstone along Highwood Creek (Reeves, 1929, p. 162, bed 24). Another shaly unit about 9.5 m (31 ft) thick overlies these sandy beds and contains a 2- BOOTLEGGER MEMBER 33 m-thick bed of greenish-yellow bentonite near its base that forms a conspicuous light-colored poorly vegetated band for many miles westward along the escarpment from the type section. The 12-m (39-ft) thickness of beds above this shaly unit is largely concealed but in- cludes two thin conglomeratic beds with black-coated chert pebbles as much as 5 cm in diameter. The next 7.6 In (25 ft) consists of poorly exposed beds of dark shale and thick layers of bentonite including one 3 m (10 ft) thick. The 3-m-thick bentonite contains, espe- cially in its upper part, lenselike masses of zeolitic tuff and forms a conspicuous white band along the escarp- ment westward for more than 24 km. It is probably the westward extension of the Arrow Creek Member of the Colorado Shale of central Montana (Reeside and Cob- ban, 1960, p. 8, pl. 1). A black chert sandstone bed as much as 0.9 m thick just below the base of the bento- nite bed forms the upland surface over several square miles west and northwest of the type section. The rest of the Bootlegger Member, about 21 m (70 ft), is mostly interbedded and interlaminated sandstone, siltstone, and sandy shale that contain abundant fish scales. Several layers of bentonite are present, and one that is about 15 cm thick lies at the top. Just beneath this uppermost layer of bentonite is a brown medium- to coarse-grained massive bed of hard sandstone about 30 cm (1 ft) thick crowded with fish bones and scales and, here and there, black-coated chert pebbles as much as 5 cm in diameter. This conspicuous bed of coarse sand- stone is present from the western part of the Great Falls quadrangle westward across most of the Vaughn quadrangle. It can be seen readily along US. Highway 91 about 9.6 km (6 mi) northwest of the intersection near Vaughn with US. Highway 89 and forms the up- land surface for some distance to the north and northeast. The upper and lower contacts of the Bootlegger Member are sharp. Along Muddy Creek in the Vaughn quadrangle, gray shaly fine-grained sandstone at the base rests abruptly on black carbonaceous shale that forms the top of the Vaughn Member (fig. 9; Cobban, 1955a, text fig. 2). At other localities gray shaly sandstone or darker sandy shale forming the basal bed of the Bootlegger rests sharply on light-gray clay or white crossbedded sandstone at the top of the Vaughn (fig. 8). The boundary between the Vaughn and Boot- legger Members can be seen clearly in a cut on US. Highway 91 about 4.8 km (3 mi) northwest of Vaughn, south of the center of sec. 2, T. 21 N., R. 1 E. The upper boundary is determined easily in most places by a 15— cm-thick layer of bentonite that rests on the hard bed of coarse-grained to pebbly sandstone which contains abundant brown fish bones. The overlying Floweree Member of the Marias River Shale contains no bento- nite and only rarely fish scales or bones. That contact can be seen on the north, west, and south sides of the hill that bears the Cone triangulation station in sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., about 4.8 km west of US. High- way 91 in the Vaughn quadrangle. Wells drilled for oil and gas on the Sweetgrass arch reveal a threefold division for the Bootlegger Member at many localities on both the South arch and Kevin- Sunburst dome. In general the basal unit is sandy, the medial unit is soft shale, and the upper unit is sandy, hard, and contains fish scales. The basal subsurface unit, about 30 m (100 ft) thick, is chiefly gray fine-grained thin-bedded sandstone in- terbedded with darker sandy shale. Small black car- bonaceous flakes are common. Glauconite is sparingly present, and pyrite occurs in a few places. One or two thin layers of black chert granules or small pebbles are present in some wells; one such layer commonly marks the top of this unit. The medial subsurface unit is dominantly dark-gray soft shale with a few thin beds of fine-grained sandstone and bentonite. Glauconite and pyrite are present but sparse. Granules and small pebbles of black chert occur locally. The thickness of this soft shaly unit averages about 15 m. The upper subsurface unit, 18 m to more than 30 m thick, is characterized by thin beds of hard medium- gray sandstone and siltstone interlaminated and in- terbedded with darker gray silty shale. Fish scales are abundant. Several beds of bentonite are present. Al- most all well cuttings show a few centimetres of very coarse sandstone or conglomerate at the top of this unit. The sandstone consists mostly of poorly sorted clear grains of quartz showing secondary crystal faces, subrounded to rounded colorless frosted quartz grains, and lesser amounts of subangular gray and black chert. Pebbles are chiefly gray chert that has a black patina. Brown fish bones are generally present. Locally the sandstone is somewhat an orthoquartzite. Small amounts of pyrite occur in the sandstone in some of the well cuttings. The boundaries of the Bootlegger Member can be determined as readily in the subsurface as on the out- crop. The coarse more or less conglomeratic sandstone layer at the top is an excellent key bed. Where it is absent, the top can be placed at the abrupt change from the dark—gray shale of the Floweree Member to the lighter gray fish-scale-bearing interlaminated and in- terbedded sandstone, siltstone, and silty shale of the Bootlegger. The lower contact is equally as sharp. It marks the change from dark-gray silty or sandy shale of the Bootlegger to light-colored clay, white bentonitic sandstone, or black carbonaceous shale at the top of the Vaughn Member. 34 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA AGE ASSIGNMENT AND CORRELATION The Bootlegger Member contains the common Mowry fish scales described by Cockerell (1919) as Holcolepis transversus, Leucichthyops vagans, and Erythrinolepis mowriensis. The ammonite genus Neogastroplites has been found in the member on Belt Butte 29 km (18 mi) southeast of Great Falls and at several localities on the Sweetgrass arch north, north- west, and west of Great Falls. This ammonite seems to range in age from latest Albian to early Cenomanian. The Bootlegger Member is correlated with the Mowry Shale of central Montana and the Black Hills region. Both units contain Neogastroplites and abun- dant fish scales. However, the Bootlegger Member is much less siliceous than the Mowry Shale, lacks the silvery—white weathering, and is very much sandier. It can be interpreted as a near-shore facies of the Mowry Shale. Exposures of the upper part of the Bootlegger Member near Carter Ferry (Carter quadrangle) suggest a gradation to typical Mowry Shale aspect. Here these beds are more siliceous and in part weather grayish white. TYPE SECTION OF THE BOOTLEGGER MEMBER The following type section is based almost entirely upon field descriptions. Only a limited amount of pet- rographic and mineralogic work was done. This was confined mostly to the identification of zeolitic tuff in some of the bentonite beds, which previously had been referred to as porcellanite. Because no great thickness of section is exposed at any one place, the type section is a composite section extending over a distance of ap— proximately 32 km (20 mi). Therefore, the member at no one locality has the thickness or exactly the lithol- ogy described in the type section. Type section of the Bootlegger Member [Measured by R. W. Lemke and E. K. Maugham, along escarpment that is crossed by the Bootlegger Trail 96 km (6 mi) north of Great Falls, Cascade County, Great Falls quad— rangle, and near Cone triangulation station, Teton County, Vaughn quadrangle: Units 1'10, SW% sec. 31, T. 22 N., R. 4 E.; units 11730, SEl/a sec. 36, T. 22 N., R. 3 E.; units 31738, SEl/a sec. 35, T. 22 N., R. 2 E; units 39452, NEl/4 sec. 33, T. 22 N., R. 2 E.; units 53—54, SE‘A sec. 29, T. 22 N., R. 2 E.; units 54—55, SEQ/4 sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W. (fig. 11)] M Ft Marias River Shale: Floweree Member (part of basal unit): 56. Siltstone, dark—gray, sandy to shaly, thinly bedded, somewhat platy; weathers to bluish gray with yellow-brown mottling __________ 1.5 5.0 Blackleaf Formation: Bootlegger Member: 55. Bentonite, grayish-yellow; impure with small selenite crystals __________________________ .2 .6 54. Sandstone, yellowish—brown to brown (weath— ered), medium- to coarse-grained, resistant, blocky, contains abundant fish bones and scales. Locally contains numerous black- Type section of the Bootlegger M ember—Continued Blackleaf F ormation—Continued Bootlegger Formation—Continued 54. Sandstone, etc—Continued M Ft coated gray chert pebbles as much as 5 cm long. Forms upland surface over many square kilometres to the north ____________ .3 1.0 53. Covered 11.0 52. Sandstone, light-gray, fine—grained, platy; weathers grayish tan; upper 0.9 m is calcare- ous. Contains fish scales __________________ 2.7 9.0 51. Covered ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3.2 10.5 50. Bentonite, yellowish-brown ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .2 .5 49. Siltstone, dark-gray, sandy, platy; alternates with silty brownish-gray platy sandstone. Contains fish scales ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.1 7.0 48. Covered ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.5 5.0 47. Bentonite, yellowish-white __________________ .3 1.0 46. Siltstone, dark-gray, sandy, thin-bedded, platy; contains fish scales ________________ 1.4 4.5 45. Covered __________________________________ 1.7 5.5 44. Siltstone, dark-gray, sandy, thin-bedded, platy; contains fish scales ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 .5 43. Bentonite; greenish-yellow and pure in lower part; grades upward into light-gray silty im- pure bentonite __________________________ 9 3.0 42. Siltstone, dark-gray, sandy, thin—bedded, platy; contains fish scales ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .6 2.0 41. Shale, gray to tan, sandy __________________ .5 1.8 40. Bentonite, greenish-yellow __________________ .1 .4 39. Siltstone, dark-gray, sandy, thin-bedded, platy; alternates with fine-grained medium- gray sandstone that weathers bluish gray. Contains fish scales ______________________ .6 2.0 38. Siltstone, dark—gray, sandy; alternates with silty shale. Thin layer of impure bentonite about midway in unit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.5 5.0 37. Bentonite, greenish-yellow __________________ 1.1 3.5 36. Siltstone, dark—gray; weathers yellowish orange on flat surfaces; shaly ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.1 3.6 35. Bentonite, greenish-yellow __________________ .3 .9 34. Shale, brown, silty ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .3 1.0 33. Shale, silty, moderately fissile; nearly black except for yellow powder along bedding planes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.5 4.9 32. Bentonite; yellowish green at base grading upward into gray silty impure bentonite at top. About midway in interval are lenslike masses, commonly 1—3 In long and 0.3—0.6 m thick, of white thin and irregularly bedded zeolitic tuff that breaks into angular t0 rounded splintery pieces. Bentonite is iron stained and impure in upper 1.2 m iiiiiiii 3.0 31. Shale, dark—gray to black, silty, distinctly fissile ____________________________________ .5 1.5 30. Sandstone, light-gray, fine- to coarse-grained, resistant, blocky, noncalcareous; mostly quartz with a few black chert grains; fairly numerous gray-blue flat claystone nodules as much as 10 cm long. Contains fish scales. Locally conglomeratic with very numerous black-coated chert pebbles 3—50 mm long. Unit locally as much as 0.9 m thick 29. Covered. A bentonite bed indicated at base of interval ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.9 10.0 22.5 29 32 54 53 Top BOOTLEGGER MEMBER FLZE. H.3E. .36 35 LITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS Chert pebbles m 2’! m 2;: _ 3~ H a g g 0 .;.; D '.‘. (D 0 Shale — m 3 m = a 51’. o o 3 3 _. 0 F6 concretions D Covered METRES FEET O O (I)!!! | | 8 | 8 f 6° 20 1 2 3 MILES 2 3 4 KILOMETRES H.3E. R.4E. "36 FIGURE 11.—Type section ofthe Bootlegger Member of the Blackleaf Formation and map showing line of measured section, sec. 31, T. 22 N., R. 4 E., sec. 36, T. 22 N., R. 3 E., secs. 29, 33, and 35, T. 22 N., R. 2 E., and sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W. Numbers on the left side ofthe column are key beds in the measured section. On the map, the arrow points upward stratigraphically; B, base, and T, top of member. 36 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of the Bootlegger Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Bootlegger Member—Continued Sandstone, gray, blocky, resistant, calcareous; weathers dark gray. Conglomeratic with very numerous black-coated gray chert peb- bles mostly about 3 mm long. Contains fish scales ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Covered __________________________________ Bentonite; greenish yellow at base grading upward into bentonitic black clay ,,,,,,,,,, Siltstone, gray, shaly, sandy, noncalcareous; weathers to irregular ledge ______________ Shale, nearly black, distinctly fissile. Bentonit- ic near top ______________________________ Bentonite; dark yellowish green in lower part grading upward into grayish-green silty im— pure bentonite at top. Contains tuffaceous lenses similar to unit 32 __________________ Clay, dark-gray, bentonitic ________________ Siltstone, thinly bedded; alternates with fine— grained sandstone and grades upward into dark—gray fissile shale; weathers to irregular ledge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sandstone, light-gray, blocky, resistant, thin— bedded, noncalcareous ____________________ Poorly exposed. Float indicates sandstone and siltstone beds ____________________________ Sandstone, light-gray, lenticular, resistant, thin-bedded, noncalcareous; weathers yel— lowish tan. Upper part breaks into rectangu- lar blocks on surface. Locally contains abun- dant black-coated chert pebbles ____________ Siltstone, dark—gray, sandy, thin-bedded; alv ternates with medium—gray sandstone. Forms irregular ledge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, silty, noncalcareous __________________ Sandstone, silty, irregularly bedded, noncal- careous. Contains scattered flat dark—brown calcareous ironstone concretions about 30 cm in diameter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, very dark gray, distinctly fissile, non- calcareous. Ferruginous sandstone layer about 24 cm above base. Poorly exposed,,-, Bentonite; yellowish green in lower half grad- ing upward into olive-green bentonitic shaly clay. Scattered brown ovoid-shaped ironstone concretions at top as much as 50 cm in diameter ________________________________ Shale, dark-gray, silty, noncalcareous ,,,,,, Siltstone, light- to medium-gray, shaly, friable, noncalcareous; orange»brown stained films Sandstone, medium-gray, medium-grained, rev sistant; weathers medium brown ,,,,,,,,,, . Siltstone, bluish-gray, sandy, friable, irregu- larly (vertical) fractured, noncalcareous; stained orange—yellow in places. Lenses of fine-grained sandstone throughout interval; a 15—cm-thick thin-bedded sandstone layer at base. Upper halfis covered east of Bootlegger Trail but is well exposed west of road where it is a thin-bedded friable noncalcareous light-gray sandstone containing thin films of carbonaceous material that weathers mot- tled gray and orange brown ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, M Ft 4 1.3 4.4 14.5 3 .9 2.4 7.7 4.6 15.0 2 0 6.5 3 1.0 1.6 5.3 2 .8 2.4 8.0 3 1.0 3.4 11.0 2.4 7.9 1.8 5.8 7.5 24.7 .7 2.2 2.6 8.4 1.7 5.4 .2 7 4.4 14.3 Type section of the Bootlegger Member—Continued Blackleaf Formation—Continued Bootlegger Member—Continued M Ft 8. Shale, dark-gray, distinctly fissile, noncalcare- ous; yellow and orange-yellow films along parting planes. Bentonite bed, 25 cm thick, 1.2 m above base ________________________ 6.3 20.8 7. Sandstone, light-gray; fine- to medium- grained, resistant, noncalcareous; weathers light gray with orange-brown stains along vertical fractures; contains small wormlike trails __________________________________ .3 1.0 6. Sandstone, silty to shaly, irregularly fractured, noncalcareous; grades upward into silty shale ____________________________________ 1.4 4.5 5. Sandstone, dark—gray, medium-grained, resis- tant, lenticular, calcareous, fossiliferous (Lingula sp.). Upper half weathers very dark brown and forms fairly continuous outcrops. Lower part is finely bedded, locally crossbed- ded, and weathers grayish tan ____________ .3 1.0 4. Siltstone, shaly, noncalcareous; grades later- ally into sandstone beds alternating with shaly siltstone; irregularly fractured and fri- able and forms gentle slopes; weathered sur- face is mottled bluish gray and orange brown 4.1 13.5 3. Sandstone, lightvgray, fine- to medium- grained, thinly bedded (mostly less than 10 cm thick), noncalcareous; some thin films of dark-gray carbonaceous material; weathers mottled bluish gray and orange brown. Well-developed vertical joint pattern strik- ing N. 70° W. Upper 30 cm is more resistant than remainder and forms a conspicuous ledge with well-developed ripple marks. Lower part includes Some thin beds of sandy to silty shale and is rarely exposed 11111111 _8_2_ 27.0 Total Bootlegger Member (rounded) ____100.0 329.0 Vaughn Member (uppermost): 2. Shale, bentonitic, distinctly fissile, noncalcare- ous; medium gray at base to dark gray at top 2.9 9.4 1. Shale, nearly black, bentonitic; contains red clinoptilolite grains; distinctly fissile at top and noncalcareous ________________________ fi __13_.2 Total Vaughn Member (measured) 111111 6.9 22.6 MARIAS RIVER SHALE The name Marias River Shale was given by us (Cob- ban and others, 1959, p. 2793) to the 275—365 In (900— 1,200 ft) of dark-gray Upper Cretaceous shale that lies between the Blackleaf and Telegraph Creek Forma- tions on the Sweetgrass arch and westward into the Rocky Mountains front. The name is from the excellent exposures along the Marias River, which crosses the Sweetgrass arch between the South arch and the Kevin-Sunburst dome. Here most of the formation is exposed in a synclinal area, known as the Marias River saddle (Dobbin and Erdmann, 1955), along the bound- ary between Toole and Pondera Counties. The Marias River Shale includes all but the uppermost sandy FLOWEREE MEMBER transitional beds of Stebinger’s (1918, p. 161) “shale above the Blackleaf sandy member” in the Birch Creek—Sun River area where he noted that “The re- mainder of the Colorado shale above the Blackleaf member forms the principal body of shale in this area and by its thickness alone is readily differentiated from the other shale units present.” The Marias River Shale also more or less includes Willis’ (1902, p. 315, 326, 327) Benton Shale in the Glacier National Park area and the upper or “lead-colored clay shale” part of Weed’s (1899) Colorado Formation. We (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2793) divided the Marias River Shale into four members, which are from oldest to youngest, Floweree, Cone, Ferdig, and Kevin. The type sections of the Floweree and Cone Members are on the South arch, whereas those of the Ferdig and Kevin Members are on the Kevin-Sunburst dome. In terms of the standard stages of the Upper Cretaceous the Floweree Member is late Cenomanian, the Cone is late Cenomanian and early Turonian, the Ferdig is middle and late Turonian, and the Kevin is Coniacian and early Santonian. The Marias River Shale occupies the surface over much of the Sweetgrass arch. It crops out also around the Sweetgrass Hills and in the Disturbed belt. In gen- eral the formation thickens from east to west. East of the Kevin-Sunburst dome the thickness is about 283 In (930 ft) in the West Utopia oil and gas field and as little as 277 In (910 ft) in wells drilled 16—19 km (10—12 mi) east of this field. Northward from the West Utopia field, the formation thickens to 293 In (960 ft) in the Sweetgrass Hills. The full thickness of the Marias River Shale is not known along much of the crest of the Sweetgrass arch inasmuch as the upper part of the formation has been eroded. Wells drilled in and about the Cut Bank oil and gas field, west of the Kevin- Sunburst dome, show a rather uniform northwest thickening from 311 In (1,020 ft) in the southern part of the Cut Bank field to 363 m (1,190 ft) on the Chalk Butte nose 16 km (10 mi) northwest of this field. A westward thickening is shown by wells drilled on the northwest flank of the South arch where the formation is 311—332 In (1,020—1,090 ft) thick. FLOWEREE MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION The Floweree Member was named for exposures about 3.2 km (2 mi) northeast of Floweree along Black Coulee in secs. 16 and 17, T. 23 N., R. 6 E., Chouteau County (Carter quadrangle). It is chiefly dark-gray shale and medium-gray shaly siltstone. The member was correlated earlier by Cobban (1951a, p. 2174) with the Belle Fourche Shale of the Black Hills and that 37 part of the Colorado Shale of central Montana that lies between the Mowry Shale Member and the Mosby Sandstone Member. ’I'HICKNESS The Floweree Member varies greatly in thickness. A total thickness of 19.4 m (63.5 ft) was measured by Lemke and Maughan at the type section. In the Vaughn quadrangle to the west and in the northern part of the Cascade quadrangle, most measured sec— tions reveal thicknesses of 6—14 m (20—45 ft). At the Cone triangulation station (type section for the Cone Member) in sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., the member is 10.7 m (35 ft) thick. In sec. 6, T. 21 N., R. 1 E., 9.7 km (6 mi) northwest of Vaughn, Maughan (1961) noted the member to be only 3 In (10 ft) thick. In the subsurface, the greatest thicknesses known are in the Bears Den district of the Sweetgrass Hills where as much as 45.7 In (150 ft) has been recorded (Cobban, 1951a, p. 2183). Thicknesses revealed by wells on the Kevin-Sunburst dome are commonly 23—30 In (75—100 ft). On the South arch thicknesses greater than 15 In (50 ft) are rare. In the Pendroy area west of the Pondera oil field, the member thins to as little as 4 In. The member crops out at many places along the Rocky Mountains front. The thickness is 11.6 In (38 ft) at the southeast edge of Glacier National Park (Cob- ban, 1956, p. 1003) and is about 9 m in the Sun River Canyon area (Mudge, 1972, p. A66) 97 km (60 mi) west of Great Falls. ()UTCROP DISTRIBUTION The Floweree Member is exposed on the southern part of the South arch, on the crest of the Kevin- Sunburst dome, in the Sweetgrass Hills, and along the Rocky Mountains front. The largest outcrop area is on the South arch. From the Missouri River below Carter Ferry in the south- eastern corner of the Carter quadrangle, the belt of outcrop (largely concealed by glacial deposits) extends west and slightly southwest to the Benton Lake area in the northeast part of the Great Falls quadrangle. From there it trends west across the Great Falls and Vaughn quadrangles to Muddy Creek where the top of the Floweree Member dips below the stream level 3.2 km southeast of Power near the center of sec. 2, T. 22 N., R. 1 W. Southeastward from that point the outcrop fol- lows along the west side of the valley of Muddy Creek and crosses the divide separating the Muddy Creek drainage from the Sun River drainage in sec. 8, T. 21 N., R. 1 E. From there the outcrop extends up Sun River valley almost to Fort Shaw. South of the Sun River valley the member forms a narrow south- 38 trending outcrop in the eastern part of the northwest quarter of the Cascade quadrangle. On the Kevin-Sunburst dome the Floweree Member crops out around the apex of the dome, making a “ring” possibly as much as 2.4 km in width, that in large part is obscured by glacial deposits. The principal area of exposure is in sees. 28, 29, 30, and 31, T. 34 N., R. 1 W., in the Shelby quadrangle where measurements have revealed the lower 9 m. The total thickness in this area probably is of the order of 24.4 m (80 ft). West of the Sweetgrass arch the Floweree Member is exposed near the Missouri River 3.2 km northeast of Wolf Creek in sec. 31, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., and from the Sun River in the SW. cor. T. 22 N., R. 8 W., north to T. 26 N., R. 8 W., and from there northwest to the south- east boundary of Glacier National Park. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Dark-bluish-gray shale, lighter colored sandy shale, and thin beds of sandstone and siltstone (fig. 12) characterize the member. Both contacts are sharp; the lower is marked by an abrupt change from the dark- BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA gray shale of the Floweree to either a bentonite bed or coarse fish-bone-bearing sandstone at the top of the Bootlegger Member, and the upper boundary is marked by an equally abrupt change from noncalcare- ous shale to the limy shale of the Cone Member. In the type section, 8.2 km northeast of Floweree on the east flank of the South arch, the basal part of the Floweree Member consists of 1.5 m of dark-gray shale that grades upward into 4.3 m (14 ft) of gray shaly siltstone. Part of the siltstone is characterized by odd ellipsoidal partings that give a nodularlike appearance to the beds. These ovoid-shaped masses weather bluish gray with orange-yellow rinds. A crude shaly structure is present although the overall appearance is massive. Numerous inclined fractures filled with yellowish- brown siltstone cross the beds. A 2.1-m-thick bed of dark-bluish-gray shale overlies the siltstone unit. It contains large sandy calcareous concretions that weather light yellowish brown. A fine- to medium- grained layer of sandstone, less than 0.3 m thick, rests on the shale. Above the thin bed of sandstone is 4 m of shaly siltstone cut by diagonal fractures. Distantly FIGURE 12.—Floweree Member of the Marias River Shale at its type section in Black Coulee in the SE%SW%NE% sec. 17, T. 23 N., R. 6 E., Chouteau County, Mont. FLOWEREE MEMBER spaced gray sandy calcareous septarian concretions are present near the top of this siltstone unit. Another thin layer of yellowish-brown-weathering sandstone over- lies the shaly siltstone. Above it is nearly 1.2 m of siltstone that contains numerous gray septarian lime- stone concretions. Dark-gray shale forms the upper approximate 6 m. i The calcareous concretions noted in the type section are absent on the west flank of the South arch but are well exposed in secs. 28 and 29, T. 34 N., R. 1 W., on the Kevin-Sunburst dome, where at least nine beds of con- cretionary limestone are present. Local layers of chert granules and small pebbles are present on the crest and west flank of the South arch as well as on the east flank at the type section of the member. Well cuttings show the presence of chert granules and pebbles locally at other places on the Sweetgrass arch. None of these beds are conspicuous, and all seem to be an inch or less in thickness. AGE ASSIGNMENT AND CORRELATION The sandstone and siltstone layers in the Floweree Member contain numerous worm(?) burrows or cast- ings and a few well-preserved worm(?) tracks. About 3.2 km southwest of Power in the NW%NW%SW% sec. 2, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., thin hard sandy layers in the upper half of the member contain the following marine fossils (USGS Mesozoic loc. D535): Inoceramus aff. I . mesabiensis Bergquist Metoicoceras muelleri Cobban Metoicoceras mosbyense Cobban These fossils occur in the Mosby Sandstone Member of central Montana. The Mosby, which contains the am- monite Dunveganoceras albertense (Warren) of late Cenomanian age, is correlated by its fossil content with the middle part of the Greenhorn Formation of the Black Hills. At the type section of the Floweree Member, a still older ammonite has been found in the bed of calcareous septarian concretions 7.6 m (25 ft) below the top of the member. This ammonite, Calycoceras? canitaurinum (Haas), originally described as Mantelliceras canitaurinum (Haas, 1949, p. 9—14, pls. 1—4, text figs. 1—4) from the lower part of the Cody Shale of Wyoming, occurs in the basal limestone bed of the Greenhorn Formation in the Black Hills area (Cobban, 1951a, p. 2184). Fossils other than worm(?) burrows or castings have not been found in the lower half of the Floweree Member. Possibly this half is equivalent to some part of the Belle Fourche Shale of the Black Hills. However, inasmuch as the Belle Fourche Shale attains thick- nesses of more than 150 m (500 ft) and contains several Cenomanian ammonite zones, the probability that this 39 thin undated part of the Floweree Member represents much of Belle Fourche time seems unlikely. TYPE SECTION OF THE FLOWEREE MEMBER The following type section is based entirely upon field descriptions. Measurements were made along a 1.2-km (0.8-mi) segment of Black Coulee along the val- ley wall. Distinguishable beds, mostly concretionary beds, were traced laterally. Where not exposed, the beds were projected upstream taking into account the local dip. The thickness of the section is believed to be accurate to within half a metre. Type section of the F loweree Member [Section measured by R. W. Lemke and E. K. Maugham on the north side of Black Coulee about 3.2 km (2 mi) northeast ofFloweree, Chouteau County (Carter quadrangle). Base of section starts above creek bed of Black Coulee along a north-south sectiondine fence in SE‘ASE‘ANE‘A sec. 17, T. 23 N., R. 6 E. Top ofsection is in NWIASE‘ANW‘A sec. 17, T. 23 N., R. 6 E. (fig. 13)] M Ft Marias River Shale: Cone Member (basal bed; most of member exposed upslope): 12. Limestone, concretionary, argillaceous; weathers light grayish lavender; commonly 15—30 cm thick, 0.5—1 m in diameter, and spaced 1 to several metres apart; septarian with veins of yellow calcite; enclosed by fis- sile medium-brownish-gray calcareous shale 0.3 Floweree Member: 11. Shale, very dark gray, distinctly fissile, non— 1.0 METRES o _ -Dl'|56 —D1155 Calcareous concretions 20— 2 MILES 0 1 2 3 KILOMETRES FIGURE 13.—Type section of the Floweree Member of the Marias River Shale and map showing line of measured section, sec. 17, T. 23 N., R. 6 E. Numbers on the left side of the column are key beds in the measured section; numbers on the right side are USGS Mesozoic collections. On the map, the arrow points upward stratigraphically; B, base, and T, top of member. 40 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Marias River Shale—Continued Floweree Member—Continued 11. Shale, etc—Continued calcareous; some yellow powder along bed- ding planes. A few beds of sandy siltstone less than 2 cm thick. A few lenses consisting of chert granules and small pebbles. Poorly exposed and forms gentle slope. Inoceramus sp ______________________________________ 10. Siltstone, medium-bluish-gray, shaly to sandy; contains scattered light-gray argillaceous limestone concretions 15 cm thick and 30—60 cm in diameter which are septarian with veins of yellow to brown calcite. Near base some orange-brown ironstone that weathers to orange-brown chips. Rarely a fossil ______ USGS Mesozoic loc. D1156: Inoceramus sp. Anomia? sp. Pecten (Syncyclonema) sp. Callista? sp. 9. Sandstone, gray, noncalcareous, thin-bedded, resistant, locally platy; weathers to yellowish—buff or orange-brown ledge; con- tains some worm(?) tracks. Top surface ripple marked __________________________________ 8. Siltstone.Upper one-third is sandy and weath- ers light bluish gray with orange-yellow films along fracture surfaces. Lower two— thirds, which is shalier and less resistant than upper part, contains yellow powder along bedding planes and is cut by diagonal fractures with veinlike fillings. A fine- grained sandstone about 6 cm thick divides the two parts. Near top are a few gray cal- careous septarian concretions that yield- ed a single specimen of Calycoceras? canitaurinum (Haas). USGS Mesozoic loc. D1155. __________________________________ . Sandstone, fine- to medium-grained, somewhat platy, lenticular; weathers grayish buff; forms small ledge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . _______ . Shale, dark—bluish-gray, moderately fissile; upper part softer and more papery than lower part and interbedded with thin layers of siltstone. Unit cut by diagonal fractures that have been filled with yellow and brown cal— cite. Calcareous sandstone concretions as much as 1.5 m in diameter occur 0.6 In below top and weather buff yellow to buff brown,, . Siltstone, shaly; cut by diagonal fractures that have been filled with brown sandy siltstone . Siltstone, somewhat shaly; consists of ovoid masses 5—10 cm long that are grayish blue with rinds of orange yellow. Cut by diagonal fractures filled with yellowish-brown sandy siltstone. Top 2 cm is brown sandstone that contains very small black chert pebbles ",1 . Siltstone, light-gray, sandy, thin-bedded; in- terbedded with dark—gray silty shale ,,,,,,, . Shale, dark-gray, noncalcareous; upper part papery, with yellow powder along bedding planes and interbedded with shaly siltstone. Type section of the F loweree Member—Continued 5.7 1.2 4.0 2.1 1.5 1.4 1.5 Ft 18.8 3.8 13.0 7.0 4.8 4.5 4.8 Type section of the F loweree Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Floweree Member—Continued 2. Shale, etc—Continued M Ft Grades into overlying unit ________________ g E Total Floweree Member (rounded) ______ 20.0 64.0 Blackleaf Formation: Bootlegger Member (top): 1. Bentonite; weathers yellowish orange; impure near top ________________________________ 6 1.9 CONE MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION The Cone Member is the so-called Greenhorn Lime- stone of the Sweetgrass arch. It is the calcareous shale and chalk marl member of Cobban (1951a, p. 2186), the resistant shale member of Dobbin and Erdmann (1930), the black lime of drillers (Erdmann and Schwabrow, 1941, p. 283), and equivalent probably to part of the rocks mapped around the Highwood Moun- tains east of Great Falls by Reeves (1929, p. 162, pl. 44) as the Mosby Sandstone Member of the Colorado Shale. The unit was given the formal name Cone Cal- careous Member of the Marias River Shale by us (Cob- ban and others, 1959, p. 2794) for the excellent expo— sures on the slopes of the conspicuous hill on which the Cone triangulation station is situated, 6 km (3.7 mi) south of Power near the center of sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., Teton County (Vaughn quadrangle). The term cal- careous is dropped from the formal name. The type section was measured on the south slope of the hill. Very calcareous dark—gray shale largely composes the member. THICKNESS A rather uniform thickness of about 15—18 m (50—60 ft) is maintained by the Cone Member over much of the Sweetgrass arch. The thickness is 16.5 m (54 ft) at the type section. Stebinger (1918, p. 162) gave 15.2 m (50 ft) as an average for this member west of the Sweet- grass arch in the Birch Creek—Sun River area. Along the southeast boundary of Glacier National Park, the thickness appears to be of this order although a com— plete section has not been measured by us. In the sub- surface the member thickens eastward from about 15—18 m (50—60 ft) on the Kevin-Sunburst dome to as much as 24 m (80 ft) in wells drilled near the Sweet- grass Hills. Westward from the Sweetgrass arch, the Cone thickens to about 30 m in the Sun River Canyon area (Mudge, 1972, p. A66). OUI‘CRO l’ D lS'l‘RlB L’TION The Cone Member is well exposed at many localities on the South arch. From the type section on Cone hill this member is exposed northwest up Muddy Creek 5.6 CONE MEMBER km (3.5 mi) nearly to the center of sec. 34, T. 23 N., R. 1 W.; there it dips below the stream level. Eastward from Muddy Creek the member forms a belt 3—6 km wide across the north-central part of the Vaughn and Great Falls quadrangles and the northern part of the Portage quadrangle to Floweree. From the type section on Cone hill the member crops out southward along the west side of Muddy Creek valley to the Muddy Creek—Sun River divide in sec. 7, T. 21 N., R. 1 E. West from there the outcrop follows the Sun River valley about to Fort Shaw, where the Cone dips below the stream level. South of the Sun River valley the member is poorly exposed. The line of outcrop seems to trend south more or less along the eastern edge of the west third of the Cascade quadrangle. The outcrops continue southward from this quadrangle and follow Willow Creek in T. 17 N., R. 1 E. On the Kevin-Sunburst dome the member is poorly exposed at several places near the crest of the struc- ture. Some of the best exposures are on Raglan Butte in N1/2 sec. 13, T. 34 N., R. 2 W., 6 km (4 mi) southwest of Ferdig. Here the beds are much disturbed owing to glacial action. Perry (1928, p. 5) considered these rocks as an equivalent of the Mowry Shale. The same beds crop out just south of the NE. cor. sec. 13, T. 34 N., R. 3 W. The member crops out at many localities in the Dis— turbed belt. Powers and Shimer (1914, p. 557) recorded it as “dark arenaceous shale” and noted the abundance ofInoceramus labiatus [Mytiloides]. Stebinger (1918, p. 158, 161—164) described the member as “bituminous shale and maltha limestone” and observed its occur- rence at several places in the Birch Creek—Sun River area. Cobban (1956, p. 1002—1004) has drawn attention to many outcrops along the southeast boundary of Glacier National Park. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The limy character of the Cone Member readily dis- tinguishes it from the other members of the Marias River Shale. Calcareous shale is the chief constituent. Other constituents include argillaceous limestone, crystalline limestone, limestone concretions, bento- nite, and noncalcareous shale. The boundaries of the member are extraordinarily sharp. Both are marked by an abrupt change from the limy shale of the Cone to the noncalcareous shale of the underlying Floweree Member and of the overlying Ferdig Member. A thin layer, commonly less than 2 or 3 cm, of soft rusty limonitic silt or siltstone marks the base in many places. It consists of a mixture of silt, limonite, and crystals of selenite, with here and there gray shale pebbles, fish teeth and bones, and soft white silty 41 nodules. This contact layer is well exposed in the vicin- ity of the hill capped by the Cone triangulation station in sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., and along the county road about 4.3 km (3 mi) south-southwest of Power in the NWlfliNWlfliSWlfli sec. 11, T. 22 N., R. 1 W. (Vaughn quadrangle). Overlying the thin limonitic basal layer is a bed of limy shale less than 60 cm thick that contains closely spaced limestone concretions. Most of the concretions are 30—40 cm thick and a metre or more in diameter. They are dark gray on fresh fracture but weather to a pale lavender gray. The fresh and weathered surfaces show numerous minute white specks. Most concretions are septarian, with calcite veins that show as many as three orders of crystallization. The outer wall of the veins consists of a thin layer of small brown calcite crystals. The inner and greater part of most veins con- sists of larger crystals of translucent white or yellowish-white calcite. Some of the thicker veins have larger crystals of barite deposited on top of the light- colored calcite crystals. The barite is mostly translu— cent and pale bluish gray to pale lavender gray, but a few clear colorless crystals are present. These septa- rian concretions are remarkably widespread and ap- parently extend all the way from Glacier National Park (Cobban, 1956, p. 1003) southeastward at least as far as Mosby 270 km (167 mi) southeast of Great Falls (Cobban, 1951a, p. 2186). The calcareous shale, which composes most of the Cone Member, is very dark gray where fresh and con- tains abundant minute white specks. Goodman (1951) believed these specks were coccoliths and rhabdo- spheres. Crystalline limestone beds are present only in the upper part of the member. These limestones are thin, shaly, silty, and irregularly bedded. They are medium gray where fresh and brownish gray where weathered. Part of the limestones is composed of pelagic Foraminifera and tiny calcareous prisms from macer- ated M ytiloides shells. Small oysters and fragments of Mytiloides are abundant. The limestones are hard and crop out as a series of small ledges in contrast to the slope formed by the shales of the lower part of the member (fig. 14). These ledge-forming beds around the Highwood Mountains were mistaken for the calcareous Mosby Sandstone Member by Reeves (1929, p. 162, pl. 44). Limestones in the middle of the member are argil- laceous and shaly and softer than those higher in the member. They are very dark gray but weather light blue and then orange brown. Minute white specks, pelagic Foraminifera, and Mytiloides mytiloides (Man- tell) are numerous. Seven bentonite beds are present in the type section. 42 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA FIGURE 14.—Upper part of Cone Member ofMarias River Shale at its type section in the SEM; sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., Teton County, Mont. The lowest and thickest is a 0.9-m white low-swelling bed 4.3 m (14 ft) above the base. This bed is very widely distributed and extends from Glacier National Park southeastward at least as far as Mosby, a distance of 434 km (270 mi) (Cobban, 1956, p. 1002). Over this great distance the bed seems to maintain a thickness of between 0.9 and 1.5 In. The Cone Member is readily determined in well cut- tings by the change downward from dark-gray fissile noncalcareous shale to massive black-gray or very dark gray calcareous shale containing minute white specks, and the fragments of gray limestone with numerous inoceramid prisms. The 0.9-m-thick bed of bentonite in the lower part of the member is easily recognized in cuttings. On electric logs the top of the Cone Member is represented by the well-known “Greenhorn kick.” The bluish-weathering argillaceous limestone and shale (unit 5) immediately overlying the 0.9-m-thick bed of bentonite contains numerous Mytiloides mytiloides (Mantell) of early Turonian age. In the cen— tral Great Plains, M. mytiloides is abundant in the Bridge Creek Limestone Member of the Greenhorn Limestone. The soft calcareous shale (unit 11) higher in the type section of the Cone Member contains the ammonite Watinoceras reesidei Warren which is known also from the Disturbed belt (Cobban, 1956, p. 1003, 1004). Bed 14, 7~11 feet below the top of the member, con- tains Mytiloides labiatus. The overlying 2.1 m of the member contains fragments of Mytiloides which ap- pear to be M. labiatus. On the Kevin—Sunburst dome the ammonite Collignoniceras woollgari (Mantell) has been found 1.8 m below the top of a dark-gray slightly calcareous white-speckled shale (Cobban and others, 1956). This unit does not occur in the type section of the Cone Member and may represent strata that ‘elsewhere are in the hiatus at the top of this member. ‘Collignoniceras woollgari is a middle Turonian am- monite that is a guide to rocks that are equivalent in age to the Fairport Chalky Shale Member of the Car- lile Shale of the central Great Plains. AGE ASSIGNMENT AND (IORRELA'I‘ION The Cone Member contains numerous marine fos- sils. At the type section limestone concretions at the base of the member (bed 2) and at the top of the shale (bed 3) that immediately underlies the 0.9 m bentonite bed contain Sciponoceras gracile (Shumard). This ammonite is a guide to the latest zone of the Cenoma- nian Stage of the Late Cretaceous. In the central Great Plains, S. gracile is confined to the basal beds of the CONE MEMBER Bridge Creek Limestone Member of the Greenhorn Limestone. In the bentonite are tuffaceous siltstone concretions, not found at the type section, that commonly are fos- siliferous. A collection (USGS Mesozoic loc. 25029) from these concretions in the NW%SW%SW% sec. 28, T. 21 N., R. 1 W., has been identified by J. B. Reeside, Jr., as follows: Inoceramus sp. Phelopteria gastrodes (Meek) Nymphalucina aff.N. subundata (Hall and Meek) Drepanochilus ruida (White) Sciponoceras gracile (Schumard) Watinoceras aff. W. coloradoense (Henderson) Type section of the Cone Member [Measured by W. A. Cobban on the south side of the hill on which is the Cone triangulation station 6.3 km (3.9 mi) south ofPower in the SEM; sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W., Teton County (Vaughn quadrangle) (fig. 15)] M Ft Marias River Shale: Ferdig Member (lower part): 23. Bentonite; lower part rusty brown; upper part gray; impure, nonswelling ________________ 22. Shale, black-gray, fissile, noncalcareous; tends to resist weathering; contains a few thin lay— ers of yellowish- and bluish-weathering hard siltstone or very fine grained sandstone with worm(?) tracks on the bedding surfaces. Basal 2—3 cm limonitic and silty __________ 0.5 1.5 8._1 26.6 Total part of Ferdig Member measured -1 8.6 28.1 Disconformity Cone Member: 21. Limestone, dark-gray, shaly; weathers bluish gray and tan; contains minute white specks __________________________________ 20. Bentonite, gray, somewhat limonitic, impure .2 .7 19. Limestone, dark-gray, shaly; weathers bluish gray and tan; forms small ledge; contains fish bones and scales, some fragments of Mytiloides, and abundant pelagic Forami— nifera 18. Shale, dark—gray, calcareous. Few very thin bluish-weathering limestone layers. A 2- cm-thick layer of bentonite 18 cm above base 17. Bentonite, limonitic, shaly, impure __________ . 16. Shale, limy, hard; weathers bluish __________ .1 .4 15. Shale, calcareous; contains many very thin limestone layers that weather brownish gray and contain pelagic Foraminifera, worm(?) burrows or castings, and fragments of Myti- loides and Ostrea sp _______________________ 14. Limestone; dark medium gray on fresh frac— ture, buff gray on weathering; in thin layers as much as 2 cm thick separated by gray limy shale; 'forms ledges. Contains abundant pelagic Foraminifera, small oysters, and fragments ofMytiloides labiatus (Schlotheim), USGS Mesozoic loc. D559 ________________ 13. Shale, gray, limy, soft. Some thin layers as much as 1 cm thick of medium-gray argil- laceous limestone that contain fragments of ,_. to 1.1 3.7 1.2 4.0 FEET O METRES 0 _~ llllll —740 I» l Calcareous shale F— 60 20 —— egim 0; SEC. 13, Th2: iii, Calcareous ' '2 concretions % 0 1KIL0METRE Bentonite 2 22 FIGURE 15.—Type section of the Cone Member of the Marias River Shale and map showing line of measured section, sec. 13, T. 22 N., R. 1 W. Numbers on the left side of the column are key beds in the measured section; numbers on the right side are USGS Mesozoic collections. On the map, the arrow points upward stratigraphi— cally; B, base, and T, top of member. Type section of the Cone Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Cone Member—Continued 13. Shale, etc—Continued Mytiloides and numerous pelagic Forami- nifera 2.0 12. Bentonite, dusky-yellow, limonitic, impure __ .1 .3 11. Shale, dark—gray, very calcareous, soft, papery; weathers medium gray. Contains at least two beds of very hard and distantly spaced limestone concretions that are dark gray on fresh fracture but light bluish gray where weathered. The concretions range in size from 2 cm thick and 5 cm in diameter to 5 cm thick and 30 cm in diameter. Each is enclosed by a softer limonitic rind 1—3 cm thick. The concretions and the shale of the unit contain minute white specks and the following fossils USGS Mesozoic 10c. D558: Mytiloides mytiloides (Mantell) s.l. Watinoceras reesidei Warren Scaphites delicatulus Warren 4.8 15.7 10. Limestone; weathers bluish; shaly; forms ledge; contains fish scales, small oysters, and fragments ofMytiloides mytiloides (Mantell) s. 1. ____________________________________ 9. Shale, medium-gray, calcareous, soft ,,,,,,,, .3 8. Limestone, argillaceous, somewhat shaly; weathers gray; forms ledge. Abundant frag- ments of small oysters and Mytiloides myti- loides (Mantell) s. 1 _______________________ .1 .3 7. Shale, soft, calcareous; weathers light buff gray 6. Bentonite, dusky-yellow, nonswelling ________ .2 .7 H h; 44 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of the Cone Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Cone Member—Continued M Ft 5. Shale, dark-gray; weathers light blue; very limy, in part an argillaceous shaly limestone; contains abundant minute white specks and pelagic Foraminifera. A 2-cm bentonite layer 43 cm from top. Basal 46 cm and uppermost 61 cm moderately hard and form low bluish- gray ledges. Unit crowded with Mytiloides mytiloides (Mantell) s. 1. USGS Mesozoic 10c. D557 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.4 4.5 4. Bentonite, white, low-swelling ______________ .9 3.0 3. Shale, dark—gray, soft, papery, slightly cal- careous to noncalcareous. At very top are small light-gray-weathering limestone con- cretions 2—5 cm thick and 8—10 cm in diame- ter that contain poorly preserved and crushed fossils ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, USGS Mesozoic loc. D556: Inoceramus sp. Nymphalucina sp. Sciponoceras gracile (Shumard) 2. Shale, medium-brownish—gray, soft, papery, calcareous; basal 2—3 cm is limonitic and con— tains soft white silty nodules. Contains closely spaced lavender-gray-weathering septarian limestone concretions commonly 0.4 m thick and 1 m in diameter and smaller and harder light-gray weathering nonseptar- ian concretions. The veins in the septarian concretions are made up of a thin outer wall of brown finely crystalline calcite and a thick inner part of coarsely crystalline white cal- cite; a few veins have still more coarsely crystalline colorless to pale-bluish-gray ba- rite deposited on the white calcite. Fossils are rare and poorly preserved ________________ .5 1.8 USGS Mesozoic 10c. D555: Inoceramus sp. Sciponoceras gracile (Shumard) Ichthyodectes sp. (scales) Total Cone Member (rounded) zzzzzz 1 .0 5 .0 Floweree Member (uppermost bed): 1. Shale, dark-bluish—gray, fissile, noncalcareous; few thin lenses of gray siltstone and fine— grained sandstone _________________________ 1.1 3.5 3.7 12.2 FERDIG MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION The name Ferdig Shale Member of the Marias River Shale was given by us (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2794) to a unit of gray firm noncalcareous shale that contains numerous thin hard sandy partings and con- cretions of gray- and yellow-weathering limestone and red-weathering ferruginous dolostone. The term shale is removed from the formal name. This member over- lies the limy Cone Member and underlies the softer and less sandy Kevin Member. The Ferdig Member comprises the beds described by Cobban (1951a, p. 2191, 2192) as the equivalent of the Carlile Shale of the Black Hills. The name is taken from the post office of Ferdig in sec. 31, T. 35 N., R. 1 W., Toole County, about 9.7 km (6 mi) north of the summit of the Kevin- Sunburst dome (Sunburst quadrangle). The type sec— tion is composite from exposures 5—8 km (3—5 mi) northwest of Ferdig as well as from outcrops 13 km (8 mi) southeast of Ferdig. ’l'HICKNESS The Ferdig Member is 68.6 m (224 ft) thick in its type section in T. 35 N., R. 2 W., on the Kevin- Sunburst dome. Wells drilled on both the east and west flanks of this dome also show thicknesses of this order. The member is about 70 m (230 ft) thick as far east as the West Utopia oil and gas field 41.8 km (26 mi) east of the top of the Kevin-Sunburst dome. On the South arch the Ferdig Member thickens northwestward from 31 m (101 ft) at its outcrop, 4.8 km (3 mi) north of the town of Sun River, to about 63 m (205 ft) in wells drilled in the Pondera oil and gas field and 67—73 111 (220—240 ft) in wildcat wells drilled in the Pendroy— Birch Creek area. OUTCROI’ DISTRIBUTION The Ferdig Member makes a wide concentric “ring” around the outcrops of the Bootlegger, Floweree, and Cone Members on the Kevin-Sunburst dome and greatly strengthens the areal geologic expression of the dome. In places this belt has a width of 11 km ( 7 mi), emphasizing the difficulty of obtaining an accu- rate section. The best exposure, from the top (unit 50 of the type section) down to unit 15, is on the west-facing escarp- ment extending through secs. 1, 12, and 13, T. 35 N., R. 2 W., where, because of the north dip, approximately 80 percent of the member can be seen in excellent de- tail free of glacial cover. Another extensive exposure of the middle part, from unit 36 down to unit 15, is in low west-facing slopes along the east bank of the north fork of Antelope Coulee from near the SW cor. sec. 19, T. 33 N., R. 1 E., northward through secs. 18, 7, and 6; thence westward into sec. 1, T. 33 N., R. 1 W.; and north again into sec. 36, T. 34 N., R. 1 W. Units below unit 15 are exposed in places as along the south and west sides of sec. 36, where the type section was com- pleted. The Ferdig Member also is exposed in the Sweet- grass Hills. South of Kevin-Sunburst dome an inlier of the upper part of the Ferdig Member occurs where the Marias River has trenched into the Marias River sad- dle, the west end of the exposure being where US. Highway 91 crosses the river. On the South arch the Ferdig Member crops out from FERDIG MEMBER 45 Fort Benton on the Missouri River westward across the southern part of the Tunis, Carter, and Dent Bridge quadrangles. The outcrop pattern swings south a little and crosses the northern part of the Great Falls quad- rangle in the high country north of Lake Creek. The outcrop continues westward across the northern part of the Vaughn quadrangle and into the northeastern corner of the Fairfield quadrangle. From there it ex- tends southeast along the west side of Muddy Creek valley to the Sun River—Muddy Creek divide in sec. 7, T. 21 N., R. 1 E., and west up the Sun River 2—3 km (1—2 mi) west of Fort Shaw. From the Sun River valley the outcrops extend south through the western part of the Cascade quadrangle. In the Disturbed belt the Ferdig Member crops out 3.2 km (2 mi) northeast of Wolf Creek in the NWM; sec. 31, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., and near the Rocky Mountains front from T. 20 N., R. 8 W., north through T. 28 N., R. 8 W., and northwest to the eastern boundary of Glacier National Park. GEN ERA 1. DESCRIPTION On the Sweetgrass arch the Ferdig Member consists of a lower dark-bluish-gray shale unit that contains hard red-weathering concretions of ferruginous dolo- stone, a medial gray sandy shale that contains gray- and yellow-weathering calcareous concretions, and an upper dark-bluish-gray shale unit with small gray cal- careous concretions. The lower unit, about 15 m (50 ft) thick, beds 1—15 in the type section, is a rather firm dark-bluish-gray shale that contains a few very thin sandy partings and numerous beds of reddish—weathering concretions or thin layers of ferruginous dolostone and limestone. These concretions or layers are dark gray to dark olive gray on fresh fracture and very fine grained and hard. They weather from rusty brown to grayish red and very dusky red. They are so abundant on the outcrops near the crest of the Kevin-Sunburst dome that a red- dish color is imparted to the hillsides. The concretions may be readily seen on the hill east of US. Highway 91 about 0.6 km (0.4 mi) south of Four Corners in the NW% sec. 3, T. 34 N., R. 2 W., and along the Kevin- Oilmont road (Shelby quadrangle). On the South arch the concretions can be seen along both sides of the val- ley followed by US. Highway 89 and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway northwest of the town of Sun River (Vaughn quadrangle). They may be seen also near US. Highway 2 along the southeast boundary of Glacier National Park (Cobban, 1956, p. 1002, mileages 7.8, 8.4; p. 1004, mileage 10.5). In the Glacier National Park area a bed of black, gray, and greenish chert pebbles occurs in the ironstone unit (Cobban, 1956, p. 1004). Bentonite is sparingly present in the lower unit. A gray to brownish bed 15—46 cm thick occurs 8.2 m (27 ft) above the base of the unit on the outcrops in the Sun River—Power area on the South arch; this bed is pres- ent also on the Kevin-Sunburst dome. The medial part, about 46 m (150 ft) thick in the type section (beds 16—42), is a resistant bluish—gray- weathering shale that contains some thin layers of sandstone and tends to form smoothly rounded poorly vegetated slopes. Much of the surface is flecked by small thin flakes of rusty iron-stained shale that ap- pears to result from the oxidation of laminae of pyritic shale or bentonite. These chips make about 25 percent of the surface litter for a total of about 15 m of the medial unit and provide a very useful widespread gross characteristic for the recognition of this part of the Ferdig. The sandstone, very fine grained and relatively resistant, is present chiefly as individual wavy layers or lentils an inch or less in thickness, though in places in assemblages of a few feet, that are light gray (N6) to light olive gray (5Y6/ 1) on fresh fracture and brownish where weathered. Upper bedding surfaces are com- monly ripple marked and may show well-preserved tracks, trails, impressions, and burrows that appear to have been made by small crustaceans, annelids, and ammonites. The lowest of these sandstones is the thin layer in bed 18, which seems to represent the north wedge-edge of the bed capping the hill at triangulation station Cone. Other distinctive features of the middle part of the Ferdig Member are various concretionary lithologies that occur in no other part of the Marias River Shale, such as the layered concentric septarian limestone masses in bed 20, and also the replacement of bentonite by selenite in the upper part of bed 39. On the Kevin-Sunburst dome a thin but very persis- tent layer of conglomeratic sandstone marks the top of the medial unit of the Ferdig Member. This layer (unit 42 of the type section and bed N of Erdmann and others, 1947) consists of light-gray to light-olive-gray very fine to fine-grained sandstone that contains polished granules and small pebbles of black chert and some pebbles of white, gray, brown, and green chert, quartz, quartzite, and argillite. This pebbly layer, 0.3—5 cm thick, is irregularly bedded and commonly contains trails and burrows of small organisms and here and there a coprolite or an impression of a scaphite. Locally the bed is represented by light-olive- gray-weathering sandy calcareous concretions that contain a sprinkling of pebbles on their upper surfaces. In the type section this pebbly bed lies 60.7 m (199 ft) above the base of the member and 8.2 m (27 ft) below the top. This bed readily can be seen west of the Kevin-Sunburst road 5—6 km (3.2—3.8 mi) north- northeast of Kevin in the W1/2 sec. 13, T. 35 N., R. 3 W. 46 (Sunburst quadrangle). It possibly is equivalent to the conglomerate unit in the Bighorn (Cardium) Forma- tion of southwestern Alberta. The Bighorn Formation has been recognized in wells in the Pincher Creek gas field 26 km (16 mi) north of the international boundary in sec. 24, T. 3 N., R. 29 W., 4th Meridian (Douglas, 1952, cross-section A—C); it has not been identified, however, farther east in structurally higher areas on the north extension of the Sweetgrass arch (Spratt, 1931, fig. 3). In the Disturbed belt, about 3.2 km (2 mi) east- northeast of Wolf Creek in the NW% sec. 31, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., a 6-m-thick ridge-forming bed of brownish— gray sandstone lies at the top of sandy beds that seem to be correlative with the medial unit of the Ferdig Member of areas farther east. The sandstone is fine grained, thin bedded, and ripple marked. It is capped by a thin layer of coarser sandstone that contains gray and green smooth argillite pebbles derived from the Belt Supergroup of Precambrian age, gray and black chert, and a few pebbles of light- to medium-gray dolomite with crinoid columnals of possible derivation from the Madison Limestone of Mississippian age. Most pebbles are 1—2 cm in diameter, but some are as much as 5 cm. The small pelecypod Cardium pauper- culum Meek is abundant in the uppermost beds. This fossil, together with the lithologic character and thick- ness of the beds, suggests correlation with the Bighorn (Cardium) Formation of the Crowsnest River area of southwestern Alberta (Webb and Hertlein, 1934, fig. 2, p. 1394—1396). The eastward thinning of the Bighorn is well recognized in southern Alberta (Scruggs, 1956, p. 25—29). It is evident that eastward thinning also pre- vails in Montana in beds at this horizon. The mechanism of the thinning is believed to be onlap of the strata onto the rising Sweetgrass arch; further ref- erence is made to it in the discussion on the upper unit of the member. Thin pebbly layers characterize the medial unit at several other localities. Wells drilled in an area about 40 km (25 mi) long, extending from the Brady oil field northeast to the Marias River, consistently penetrate a pebbly bed 30 In (100 ft) above the base of the Ferdig Member. On the north side of Sun River 2.4 km (1.5 mi) north of Fort Shaw, a 3—5-cm-thick pebbly layer is 24 m (78 ft) above the base of the member. The sandy medial unit of the Ferdig is well exposed along US. Highway 91 from 1.5 to 3 km (1-2 mi) northeast of Power (Vaughn quadrangle) and from the same highway 13 km (8 mi) north of Shelby north- northwestward for 3.2 km in secs. 4 and 9, T. 33 N., R. 2 W. (Shelby quadrangle). The upper unit, 8.2—10.7 In (27—35 ft) thick on the BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA north flank of the Kevin-Sunburst dome, is chiefly dark-gray shale that contains a few thin beds of gray concretionary limestone. The top consists of a persis- tent layer of concretionary limestone 10—25 cm (4— 10 in.) thick that is olive gray where fresh and grayish yellow to yellow brown where weathered. It has a con- spicuous hackly fracture. This bed was mapped by Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist and Beer (1947) and desig- nated bed M. The most accessible place to see the upper unit of the Ferdig is just west of the Kevin-Sunburst road in the north center of sec. 13, T. 35 N., R. 3 W. Here, about 3 m below the top, fossils of late Carlile age (late Turonian) were collected. Not far away, in the south center of sec. 12, fossils of very early Niobrara age (early Coniacian) were collected 5.2 m (17 ft) above the top of the Ferdig. There appears to have been con- tinuous deposition from upper Ferdig into lower Kevin. Comparison of the type section of the Ferdig Member with a section measured by Lemke and Maughan in the center ofthe N1/2 sec. 15, T. 21 N., R. 1 W., indicates that much of the middle unit of the Ferdig is absent at this locality on the South arch. The contact of the. Ferdig Member with the Cone Member is very sharp. The lower boundary of the Fer- dig could not be determined in the type section owing to poor exposures of the basal beds. On the basis of correlation with sections on the South arch, only a few feet of beds may be concealed. However, the base of the Ferdig on the Kevin-Sunburst dome can be seen on the south bank ofa coulee in the SW. cor. NE%SW% sec. 5, T. 32 N., R. 1 E., where it is overlain by a few feet of beds not observed at the Cone type section. This is believed to result from the disconformity between the Cone and Ferdig Members. On the South arch the base of the Ferdig Member is commonly marked by a thin layer of soft limonitic siltstone 2—3 cm thick which may locally contain fish teeth, small pebbles of black chert, and larger gray and brown phosphatic pebbles. The basal bed with fish teeth and pebbles can be seen along the county road 8.5 km (5.3 mi) southeast of Cascade in the SE%NE% sec. 20, T. 17 N., R. 1 E. On the Kevin-Sunburst dome the boundary with the Kevin Member is drawn at the top of the persistent concretionary bed M of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947). On the South arch this contact is not so easily determined and is placed at the change upward from nonbentonitic dark-gray shale to medium-olive-brown shale with numerous beds of bentonite. In well cuttings the shale forming the upper part of the Ferdig Member is slightly harder and darker than that of the Kevin Member and may contain pyrite. In addition the upper part of the Ferdig lacks bentonite FERDIG MEMBER 47 whereas the lower part of the Kevin contains several beds. AGE ASSIGNMENT AND CORRELATION Three faunal zones and possibly a fourth are known from the Ferdig Member. The unquestioned zones are, from oldest to youngest, Prionocyclus hyatti, Scaphites nigricollensis, and Scaphites corvensis (Cobban and Reeside, 1952, correlation chart). The questionable zone is that of Collignoniceras woollgari, which is based on the impression of a single juvenile ammonite that seems assignable to C. woollgari (Mantell) var. regulare Haas. This impres- sion is in a piece of ferruginous siltstone from near the base (bed 2) of the type section of the Ferdig Member. Because of the great variation within ammonite species, additional material is needed before the zone of C. woollgari can be stated definitely as present in the basal Ferdig beds. The zone of Prionocyclus hyatti can be demonstrated for at least the upper part of the lower or dolostone- bearing part of the Ferdig Member. Poorly preserved juveniles of this ammonite have been found in dolo— stone at many localities on the South arch and Kevin- Sunburst dome. Scaphites carlilensis Morrow, a guide fossil for this zone, was collected from bed 12 of the type section. Scaphites carlilensis and Prionocyclus hyatti are restricted to late Turonian rocks equivalent to the Blue Hill Shale Member of the Carlile Shale of Kansas. The late Turonian ammonite Scaphites nigricollen- sis is the next youngest species known from the Sweet- grass arch. In the type section of the Ferdig Member,S . nigricollensis has been found in the middle part (beds 26—36) of the medial unit associated with Baculites yokoyamai Tokunaga and Shimizu. Over much of the western interior region between the Black Hills of South Dakota and the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico, three zones of ammonites (S caphites war— reni, Scaphites ferronensis, and Prionocyclus wyomingensis wyomingensis) lie between the zones of Prionocyclus hyatti and Scaphites nigricollensis. Fos— sils indicative of these three zones have not been found on the Sweetgrass arch, and the time span of these zones is probably represented by a hiatus. The middle unit of the Ferdig is correlated with the upper part of the Turner Sandy Member of the Carlile Shale of the Black Hills. Equivalent rocks seem to be absent in Kansas. The top bed of the middle unit of the Ferdig Member (bed 42 of the type section) and the overlying upper unit of the Ferdig lie in the latest Turonian zone of Scaphites corvensis. This part of the Ferdig correlates with the Sage Breaks Member of the Carlile Shale of the Black Hills. Type section of the Ferdig Member [Measured by C. E. Erdmann beginning 7.4 km (4.6 mi) north-northwest of Ferdig in the NE%SW% sec. 1, T. 35 N., R. 2 W., Toole County (Sunburst quadrangle). The section extends south through sec. 12 into the SW‘ANW‘A sec. 13, T. 35 N., R. 2 W., and termi- nates in sec. 36, T. 34 N., R. 1 W. (fig. 16). The original field measurements were in feet and inches] M Ft Marias River Shale: Kevin Member (basal bed): 51. Shale, olive-gray, flaky, noncalcareous ,,,,,, 2.5 8.3 Ferdig Member: 50. Limestone, olive-gray, concretionary, hard, aphanitic; weathers grayish yellow to mod- erate yellowish brown; surface rough, hackly, with epigenetic prismatic structure; a continuous resistant layer making struc- tural benches. Bed M of Erdmann and others (1947) __________________________________ .2 .5 49. Shale, gray, fissile ________________________ 4.6 15.0 48. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary; shat- tered noncontinuous discoid masses 30—40 cm in diameter __________________________ .1 .2 47. Shale, gray, fissile, as above ________________ 1.2 4.0 46. Shale, dark-gray, fissile; contains small discoid septarian concretions of dark-gray limestone weathering light olive gray ______________ 7 2.3 45. Shale, dark-gray; as above, but without concretions ______________________________ .6 2.0 44. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary, septar- ian, much shattered; weathers light yel- lowish gray. Makes small mounds with diameter of 0.8 m at infrequent intervals, but horizon is locally persistent. Fossiliferous " .1 .3 USGS Mesozoic loc. 20912: Inoceramus sp. "Martesia" sp. Scaphites sp. 43. Shale, dark-gray; a few thin concretions of gray limestone about 20 cm above base of bed. Slope heavily littered with small thin brown chips ______________________________ .8 2.7 42. Sandstone, light-gray to gray, very fine- to fine-grained; upper surface sprinkled with rounded, polished granules of black chert and accessory gray chert, quartz, and arg‘illite with thin black patina. Bed N of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) ,,,,,,,,,, .1 .2 USGS Mesozoic locs. 20911 and D1256 Inoceramus sp. Scaphites coruensis Cobban S. corvensis var. bighornensis Cobban Prionocyclus sp. 41. Shale, brownish-olive—gray, noncalcareous, soft, flaky; a few thin ochreous yellow and brown laminae. A 1-cm-thick bed of rusty bentonite at base ________________________ 1.6 5.2 40. Shale, dark-gray, soft, fissile; scattered flat, oval (20 by 40 by 5 cm) septarian concretions of gray limestone ________________________ 2.7 8.8 39. Bentonite, gray, soft, sandy textured; weathers light yellowish gray and moderate yellow to dark yellowish orange; in places replaced by caramel-brown-weathering prismatic calcite, 48 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA —20912 —01252 ~01251 “01250 - -DIZ49 ~20911,01256 Chert pebbles (I) m 3 Q. m ,_, O 3 m ‘2’ r: m H O :3 to Shale 0 0 Q Calcareous and Iron stone concretions E Bentonite METR ES FEET o —‘ 0 —~ 20 — so 7 so 20 7 1 MlLE o 1KILOMETFlE R 'lW. T. 34 N. Type section of the F erdig Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Ferdig Member—Continued 39. Bentonite, etc—Continued with development of incipient cone-in-cone and gnarly structure, and further local epigenetic development of selenite rosettes in upper part. Bed is lenticular, breaking up into discrete concretionary masses, but is persistent ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38. Shale, gray, flaky; contains at base gray lime- stone concretions 1 by 2.5 by 0.3 m at inter- vals of 15—30 m __________________________ 37. Shale, dark—gray; contains thin stringers and laminae of fine-grained gray sandstone and ferruginous siltstone _______________________ 36. Shale, dark-gray, fissile; 0.3-0.6-cm-thick layers of yellowish-gray siltstone and gray fine-grained sandstone at intervals of 15 cm or less. Scattered discoid septarian concre- tions of gray fossiliferous concretionary lime- stone at base ____________________________ USGS Mesozoic loc. 23666: Baculites sp. Scaphites nigricollensis Cobban S. nigricollensis var. meeki Cobban 35. Shale, dark-gray, fissile; in beds 20—25 cm thick parted by thin 0.5-cm—thick laminae of fine-grained gray sandstone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34. Shale, dark-gray; contains yellowish-gray- weathering septarian limestone concretions 10—50 cm in diameter and 520 cm in thick- ness ____________________________________ 33. Shale, dark-gray ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32. Shale, brownish-olive-gray; contains thin layers of ferruginous siltstone and a 2- cm-thick layer of bentonite near top ______ 31. Shale, brownish-olive-gray', middle part con- tains small concretions of fossiliferous gray limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, USGS Mesozoic loc. D1255: Inoceramus sp. Scaphites nigricollensis Cobban S. pisinnus Cobban 30. Shale, brownish-olive-gray, silty, soft, noncal- careous; contains a few very thin layers of light-gray fine-grained sandstone and thin layers of rusty-brown ferruginous siltstone. A few concretions of fossiliferous limestone at base __________________________________ USGS Mesozoic 10c. D1254: Inoceramus cf. 1. fragilis Hall and Meek M Ft 3 1.0 6 2.0 10.5 34.3 1.1 3.6 1.5 5.0 .9 2.9 6 2.0 1.7 5.7 2 .8 6 2.1 FIGURE 16.—Type section of the Ferdig Member of the Marias River Shale and map showing line of measured section, sec. 36, T. 34 N., R. 1 W., and secs. 1, 12, and 13, T. 35 N., R. 2 W. Numbers on the left side of the column are key beds in the measured section; numbers on the right side are USGS Mesozoic collections. On the map, the arrow points upward stratigraphically; B, base, and T, top of member. FERDIG MEMBER 49 Type section of the Ferdig Member—Continued Type section of the Ferdig Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Ferdig Member—Continued Ferdig Member—Continued M Ft 30. Shale, etc—Continued M Ft 19. Limestone, olive-gray (5Y 4/1), concretionary, Baculites cf. B. besairiei Collignon aphanitic; weathers grayish yellow, with Scaphites nigricollensis Cobban minor mottling by moderate to dark reddish 29. Shale, brownish-olive-gray; contains scattered brown. Locally persistent ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 .8 small oval limestone concretions at top and a 18. Shale, dark-gray, noncalcareous, poorly ex- thin rusty-brown siltstone layer in middle__ .5 1.6 posed, Contains a 3-cm-thick fine-grained 28. Limestone, dark-gray; weathers light gray; platy sandstone layer 0.5 m above base ____ 3.1 10.2 Concretionary, discrete oval septarian forms 17. Limestone, dark—gray, ferruginous, concre- 15 by 20 to 20 by 25 cm with partitions of tionary; weathers rusty brown with minor light-brown calcite. In places rests on a very dusky red (maroon); flat, panlike masses thin sandstone. Fossiliferous 77777777777777 .1 .2 1-1.5 m in diameter. Lower 10 cm stratified; USGS Mesozoic loc. D1253: rest concretionary with prismatic structure; Inoceramus Sp. discrete forms on about 15-m centers ______ 2 .5 Scaphites nigricollensis Cobban 16. Shale, dark-gray, moderately fissile, noncal- 27_ Shale, brownish—olive-gray; contains rusty- careous; weathers into thin flakes; contains a brown-weathering very thin resistant layers few thin (0-5 cm) layers 0f gray 50ft fine- of ferruginous siltstone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.7 8.7 grained sandstone ———————————————————————— 3-7 12-0 26. Limestone, dark—gray, concretionary; masses 15~ Dolostone, dark-gray, concretionary, ankerit— of shattered angular fragments which weath- 10(7), very hard, aphanitic; weathers brown to er orange, brown, and dusky red and whose dark brown; small noncontinuous much- centers commonly remain gray. Locally shattered oval masses. Cores of massive developed ________________________________ .2 .5 maroon—weathering dolostone are enclosed in USGS Mesozoiciloc. 23667: thin Chippy dolostone weathering moderate Baculites cf. B. besairiei Collignon brown —————————————————————————————————— 1 -2 Scaphites nigricollensis Cobban 14. Shale, dark-gray, moderately fissile, noncal- S. nigricollensis var. meeki Cobban cereous —————————————————————————————————— 12 3~8 25. Shale, dark-gray; weathers bluish; contains a 13~ Shale, dark—gray, noncalcareous, poorly fissile. few small (diameter 15—20 cm) oval septarian Contains dusky-red-weathering concretions concretions of gray limestone ______________ 1.6 5,1 of hard dolostone at top and at 0.5, 1.3, and 24. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary, ferrugi— 2-3 m above base ———————————————————————— 3~3 10-7 nous; weathers predominantly maroon (dark 12. Dolostone, olive-gray (5Y 4/1); weathers mod- reddish brown, 10R 3/4, to very dusky red, erate brown to very dusky red (maroon); con- 10R 2/2) with minor crusts of moderate yel- cretionary, syngenetic, in discrete but nearly lowish brown (IOYR 5/4) to dark yellowish coalescent oval forms as much as 40 by 55 cm orange (lOYR 6/6) concentric about the ma- in diameter supporting a small bench ,,,,,, 1 .3 roon. Centers commonly light-yellowish-gray USGS Mesozoic loc. D1252: septarian limestone. Discrete masses as Scaphites carlilensis Morrow much as 1 m in diameter making low mounds 11. Shale, medium-dark-gray, flaky, noncalcare- on 3—4 m centers ________________________ .1 .4 ous ______________________________________ 1 5 5.0 23. Shale, medium-dark-gray (N5), moderately fis— 10. Shale, medium-dark-gray, noncalcareous; a sile, noncalcareous; poorly exposed in slope“ 4.9 16.0 thin bentonite in middle and at top ,,,,,,,, 6 2.1 22. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary, clayey; 9. Bentonite, yellowish-gray (5Y 8/1); weathers weathers tan to dark yellowish orange (10YR dark yellowish orange ____________________ 1 .3 6/6). Continuous resistant layer with pris- 8. Shale, medium-dark-gray, noncalcareous ____ 1 8 6.0 matic structure at top, locally slabby, mak- 7. Limestone, concretionary, dark-olive-gray; fer- ing ledges, benches, or dip slopes. Small flat ruginous; weathers moderate brown; breaks concretions of dark-gray ferruginous aphani- down into Chippy fragments in inconspicuous tic limestone weathering orange brown rest mounds 0.3 by 1 m; fossiliferous __________ 1 .3 on top with irregular spacing and make low USGS Mesozoic loc. D1251: Chippy mounds __________________________ .2 .5 Inoceramus cf. 1. fragilis Hall and 21. Siltstone, dark-olive-gray, poorly fissile, non- Meek calcareous, finely micaceous. Surface littered Scaphites sp. with small rusty fragments ______________ 3.4 11.0 6. Shale, medium-dark‘gray, noncalcareous ____ 1.1 3.5 20. Siltstone, dark-olive-gray; as unit 21. Scat- 5. Limestone, brownish-black;weathers dark yel- tered throughout at irregular vertical and lowish brown and dusky red; concretionary; horizontal intervals are very finely crystal- sandy texture. Inoceramus sp. ____________ 1 .2 line light-olive-gray septarian limestone 4. Shale, medium-dark-gray, flaky, noncalcare- concretions weathering yellowish gray and ous ______________________________________ 3.6 11.7 having a thickness of 0.3 m and a diameter of 3. Limestone, olive-gray; weathers yellowish 1 m ____________________________________ 1.8 6.0 gray; weathers rusty where locally ferrugi- 50 Type section of the Ferdig Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Ferdig Member—Continued 3. Limestone, etc—Continued M Ft nous; concretionary; flat, discrete oval forms 0.5—0.6 m in diameter, with radial and con- centric structure developed by septae of white and light-brown calcite. Sparingly fos- siliferous in softer silty brecciated outer crust. Widely spaced; usually much shat— tered, making inconspicuous chunky mounds .1 .3 USGS Mesozoic 10c. D1250: Inoceramus fragilis Hall and Meek Collignoniceras sp. Ichthyodectes sp. (scales) 2. Shale, medium—brownish-olive-gray, noncalcareous. A thin yellowish-orange- weathering ferruginous fossiliferous siltstone layer at base ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .6 USGS Mesozoic loc. D1249: Collignoniceras cf. C. woollgari (Mantell) var. regulare Haas 1. Shale, medium»brownish—olive-gray, noncal- careous, papery ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .9 3.0 fissile, 2.1 Total measured Ferdig Member (rounded) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 69.0 224.0 Base concealed by alluvium KEVIN MEMBER NAME AND DEFINITION The Kevin (pronounced Kee-vin) Member of the Marias River Shale was named by us (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2797) for the very good exposures a few kilometres north and northwest of the town of Kevin on the northwest side of the Kevin-Sunburst dome. The type section was measured in the N1/2 T. 35 N., R. 3 W. (fig. 20), the same township in which Kevin is located. The member consists of dark-gray marine shale that contains some thin sandy partings, numerous thin layers of bentonite, and many beds of calcareous con- cretions weathering gray, yellow, or red; the term shale is removed from the formal name. This is the member of the Colorado Shale described by Cobban (1951a, p. 2193—2195) as equivalent to the Niobrara Formation of the Black Hills. THICKNESS In its type section on the northwest side of the Kevin-Sunburst dome the Kevin Member is about 189 m (620 ft) thick. It thickens westward to 213 m (700 ft) in the Cut Bank oil and gas field. Eastward from the type section, the thickness changes very little. It is 177 m (580 ft) thick in the West Utopia oil and gas field in T. 33 N., R. 4 E., and 171 m (560 ft) thick in the Bears Den oil field in T. 36 N., R. 6 E. On the South arch the Kevin thickens westward from 203 m (665 ft) a few kilometres north of the Pondera oil field to 232 m BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA (760 ft) in wells drilled at the eastern edge of the Dis- turbed belt. ()L'TCROP DISTRIBUTION The Kevin Member has the greatest outcrop area of any of the members of the Marias River Shale. It forms the bedrock on the crest of the Sweetgrass arch begin- ning at a point 24 km (15 mi) north of Great Falls and extending northwest and north beyond Shelby. On the flanks of the Sweetgrass arch the Kevin crops out from Cascade northward to about one kilometre (within a mile) of the international boundary and southeast from there to Fort Benton. The member is exposed also around the flanks of the Sweetgrass Hills. In the Dis- turbed belt the Kevin crops out in a narrow northwest-trending belt about 16 km (10 mi) long north and east of Wolf Creek and a much larger area bordering the Rocky Mountain front from Sun River to the international line. (IEN I‘ZRAI. DESCRI I’I'ION The Kevin Member can be subdivided into three units on the basis of the abundance of bentonite and the type of concretions. The lowest unit is correlated with the Fort Hays Limestone Member of the Niobrara Formation of the central Great Plains, and the middle and upper units are correlated with the lower and mid- dle parts of the Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Nio- brara Formation of the central Great Plains. The lowest unit, 53—55 m (175—180 ft) thick, is characterized by many beds of bentonite, calcareous concretions, and concretionary limestone. It includes beds between I and M of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947). Most of the concretions in the unit are composed of oval masses of limestone that are dark gray on fresh fracture and medium light gray to yel- lowish gray where weathered. They range in size from 5—30 cm (2—12 in.) in thickness and 10—50 cm (4—20 in.) in diameter. Many are highly fossiliferous. Along the Marias River 8 km (5 mi) south of Shelby, brown- weathering ferruginous concretions, not present in the type section, occur in the lower part of the unit. In the upper part of the unit beds of hard gray aphanitic lime- stone consist of concretionary lenses 15-75 cm (6—30 in.) thick and 1—3 m long. Some of the limestone is septarian with veins of brown or white calcite. Gnarly cone-in-cone structure characterizes a few of the beds. Two conspicuous beds of limestone mapped by Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) were des- ignated beds J and K. Sandstone beds, a very minor constituent in the unit, are thin, very fine grained, and shaly, and they weather brown. Some have borings and trails made by small marine organisms. Bentonite is abundant; 20 layers 2—35 cm (1—14 in.) thick are pres- KEVIN MEMBER 51 ent in this unit in the type section. Yellowish-brown- weathering prismatic calcite associated with two of the beds of bentonite were mapped by Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) and designated beds I and L. The many layers of light-gray bentonite impart a banded appearance to the outcrops; this feature can be seen in figure 17. This lowest unit of the Kevin Member can be seen readily along the county road 3.2 km (2 mi) north of Fort Shaw (Fairfield quadrangle), along U.S. Highway 91 about 6.4 km north-northeast of Power in the SW. cor. sec. 6 and NW. cor. sec. 7, T. 23 N., R. 1 E. (Dutton quadrangle), along the north bank of the Marias River where it is crossed by U.S. Highway 91 about 8 km (5 mi) south of Shelby, just out of Shelby on Highway 91 in SWIASWIA sec. 21, T. 32 N., R. 2 W., and at the type section of the Kevin Member 4.8 km (3 mi) north- northwest of Kevin. Cobban (1956, p. 1004) has drawn attention to outcrops along the southeast side of Glacier National Park. Above the bentonitic unit with its gray limestone concretions and concretionary limestone is a unit of shale about 61 In (200 ft) thick that is characterized by numerous beds of reddish—weathering ferruginous con— cretions and concretionary limestone and dolostone. It includes the rocks from bed I to about midway between beds D and E of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947; beds 58—143 of type section). The beds and con- cretions of limestone, commonly with gnarly cone-in- cone structure at the top, are dark gray to olive gray where fresh and yellowish gray to yellowish brown where weathered. The dolostone is ferruginous and oc- curs as concretions or concretionary layers which weather reddish brown to very dusky red. The beds of limestone commonly are 30 cm thick whereas the beds of dolostone rarely exceed 10 cm in thickness. Very thin layers of gray to olive-gray sandstone occur here and there. The sandstone is very fine grained, weath- ers brownish, and in places contains borings and trails of small marine organisms. A few thin layers of bento- nite are present. An important marker bed, bed F of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947), lies near the middle of the red concretion unit. This bed was first noted in geologic literature by Clark (1923, p. 267) as “the yellow lime chert conglomerate.” It is a conglomeratic bed of dolo- stone and limestone that weathers light brown, orange brown, and very dusky red. It contains polished rounded granules and small pebbles of gray and black chert as much as 2 cm in diameter and larger pebbles of light-olive-gray, medium-olive—gray, and medium- gray phosphatic siltstone as much as 5 cm in diameter. The phosphatic pebbles are much more numerous than the chert pebbles. A few dark phosphatic pebbles were FIGURE 17.—Numerous thin beds of white bentonite in the lower part of the Kevin Member of the Marias River Shale in the SW% SW1/4 sec. 18, T. 31 N., R. 2 W., Toole County, Mont. 52 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA originally small pelecypods or parts of ammonites. Koskinen (1951) has described this bed in further de- tail. The structure Of many hundreds of square miles of the Kevin-Sunburst dome was mapped by means of this thin but distinctive pebbly bed. Reconnaissance shows that the bed is present from the Rocky Moun- tains front eastward across the Sweetgrass arch to the Bearpaw Mountains and southward from there at least as far as Shawmut in south-central Montana. Because of its widespread extent and ease of recognition, the bed was named by us (Cobban and others, 1959, p. 2795) the MacGowan Concretionary Bed for exposures on the MacGowan lease in the SE%SW%NE% sec. 4, T. 35 N., R. 3 W., about 8.5 km (5.3 mi) north-northwest of Kevin in the Kevin-Sunburst oil and gas field (Sun- burst quadrangle). Bed 100 (p. 58) which was meas- ured at this locality, is the type section. Here the bed is 0.5 m thick and lies in the middle of the Kevin Member (96 m or 314 ft below the top). The interval from the MacGowan Concretionary Bed to the top of the Kevin Member may show much variation, as in the SE%NE% sec. 31, T. 30 N., R. 3 E., where it is only about 67 m (220 ft) thick, the decrease probably being due to a hiatus and absence of up to 24 In (80 ft) of strata in the upper part of the Clioscaphites chateauensis zone, and perhaps another small hiatus in the Scaphites depressus zone. One or two incon- spicuous layers of phosphatic pebbles in places lie 3 short distance above the MacGowan Concretionary Bed. Three metres above the MacGowan Bed at its type locality is a 2-cm-thick bed of rounded to subrounded phosphatic siltstone and sandstone pebbles. These pebbles are greenish gray (5GY6/1) to olive gray (5Y4/ 1) with darker crusts, and some have a close irregular light-gray reticulation. They range in size from 0.6—4 cm. On the south bank of the Marias River near the center of the S1/2 sec. 17, T. 31 N., R. 3 W. (Valier quadrangle) two layers of phosphatic pebbles are pre- sent above the MacGowan Concretionary Bed. The lower pebbles, 5.8 m (19 ft) above the MacGowan Bed, consist of light-olive-gray glauconitic siltstone with an outer dark-greenish-gray surface (5GY4/1) crossed by irregular lighter greenish-gray (5G6/1 to 5GY6/ 1) lines. These pebbles attain diameters up to 2.5 cm. The upper pebbles, 10.4 m (34 ft) above the MacGowan Bed, are smaller, darker, and lack the greenish cast of the lower bed. They are dark gray (N3) with irregular light-olive-gray (5Y6/1) lines on the outer surface. Glauconitic, phosphatic pebbles similar to those of the lower bed occur on the southeast flank of the South arch 10.8 km (6.7 mi) northeast of Carter in the SEMLSEM; sec. 16, T. 24 N., R. 7 E. (Tunis quadrangle). The medial unit of the Kevin Member can be seen readily a few kilometres northwest of Kevin at many places in the NW% T. 35 N., R. 3 W., and T. 36 N., R. 3 W. (Erdmann and others, 1947). On the South arch the unit is well exposed 0.8—3.2 km (0.5—2.0 mi) north of US. Highway 87 from 24—113 km (1.5—7.0 mi) north- east of Carter (Carter and Tunis quadrangles). In the Disturbed belt easily accessible outcrops of these beds are along the Burlington Northern Railway tracks from the bridge over Two Medicine Creek (1.6 km or 1 mi northeast of East Glacier) northeastward for 6.4 km (4 mi) (Marias Pass quadrangle). Overlying the medial red concretion unit of the Kevin Member is about 61 m (200 ft) of dark-gray shale that contains many beds of yellowish—gray- weathering concretionary limestone and a few thin layers of shaly sandstone and bentonite. The upper half or more of the shale is calcareous and, in places, sandy. LimeStone occurs as concretionary lenses 2—60 cm (1—24 in.) thick and as much as 2.7 m (9 ft) in diameter. The limestone is dark gray to olive gray where fresh and yellowish gray to yellowish orange where weathered. Some of the beds of limestone are sandy and finely laminated. A few have cone-in-cone structure. Sandstone is represented by thin more or less shaly very fine-grained beds that weather yel- lowish gray. A few thin beds of bentonite are present. Thin layers of light-gray calcite occur in abundance associated with one of the beds of bentonite (bed A of Erdmann and others, 1947; bed 178 of type section) about 9 m (30 ft) below the top of the Kevin Member. The boundary between the Kevin Member of the Marias River Shale and the overlying Telegraph Creek Formation (basal unit of the Montana Group) is very sharp on the west flank of the Kevin-Sunburst dome and can be recognized on the basis of both color and lithology (fig. 18). The highest bed (top of unit 187) is a thin persistent bentonite that commonly is obscured by colluvium, at which places it may be traced by refer— ence to the resistant chips of light-gray translucent calcite from bed A (unit 178). The upper bentonite is underlain by about 1.2 m of dark-olive—gray shale that contains the “first white specks,” which are a widely recognized subsurface marker for this horizon. South- ward in Marias River valley, the color contrast in the basal part of the Telegraph Creek Formation disap- pears together with the shaly calcareous sandstone (units 180, 183, and 184), but the upper bentonite and bed A persist. The best outcrops of the upper unit of the Kevin Member are north and northwest of Kevin, in Tps. 35 and 36 N., R. 3 W., and along the Marias River south- west of Shelby, in the northern part of the Valier quadrangle. KEVIN MEMBER 53 FIGURE 18.—Upper part of Kevin Member of Marias River Shale (dark) overlain by lighter gray sandy Telegraph Creek Formation and that, in turn, by thecliff—forming Virgelle Sandstone in the Nl/zNEMiNWM; sec. 24, T. 35 N., R. 4 W., Toole County, Mont. AGE ASSIGNMENT AND CORRELATION Most of the guide fossils from the Kevin Member have been listed by Cobban (1951a, p. 2194, 2195). They show that the member is of Coniacian and Santo- nian age and correlated with most of the Niobrara Formation of the central Great Plains. The lower unit—characterized by many layers of bentonite, numerous beds of gray concretionary lime- stone, and the brown-weathering ferruginous concre- tions in the Marias River valley—contains two faunas. The lower part of the unit with the ferruginous concre- tions contains a pelecypod close to if not identical to Inoceramus erectus Meek and the ammonites Scaphites preventricosus Cobban, S. preventricosus var. artilobus Cobban, S. mariasensis Cobban, and S. mariasensis var. gracillistriatus Cobban. The rest of the unit contains I noceramus deformis Meek, Veniella goniophora Meek, Baculites mariasensis Cobban, B. sweetgrassensis Cobban, Scaphites preventricosus, S. preventricosus var. sweetgrassensis Cobban, S. im- pendicostatus Cobban, Pteroscaphites auriculatus (Cobban), and Actinocamax n. sp. The entire unit is correlated with the Fort Hays Limestone Member of the Niobrara Formation on the basis of the presence of I noceramus deformis in this limestone. The middle unit, marked by the red ferruginous con- cretionary limestone and dolostone and by the phos- phatic pebble beds, contains three faunal zones. The lowest embraces the rocks below the MacGowan Con- cretionary Bed. Guide fossils to this zone include the pelecypod Inoceramus (Volviceramus) involutus Sow- erby (=Inoceramus umbonatus Meek and Hayden) and the ammonites Scaphites ventricosus Meek and Hayden and Scaphites tetonensis Cobban. The middle zone, which includes the MacGowan Bed and the over- lying shales with the phosphatic pebble layers, con- tains I noceramus stan toni Sokolow, S caphites depres- sus Reeside, and Scaphites binneyi Reeside. The upper zone contains I noceramus (Cordiceramus) cordiformis Sowerby, Clioscaphites vermiformis (Meek and Hayden), and C. montanensis Cobban. All three zones indicate correlation with the lower part of the Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Niobrara Formation. Cob- ban, Erdmann, Alto, and Clark (1958, p. 658) have pointed out that rocks containing the Scaphites depressus fauna on the Kevin-Sunburst dome are not known to exceed a thickness of 16.8 m (55 ft), whereas in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming the Scaphites depres- 54 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA ~01334 ‘01333 01240, 01332 108 36 E (I) <3 :0 fir 20 m‘.’ C Chert pebbles m m 3 Q u: H O 3 (D ‘1’ z m A. o :1 ('D Shale - e Limestone Calcareous concretions G 0 E Bentonite lronstone concretlons _L__l_ _|_ I Calcareous shale METRES FEET 0-—'f0 llHl _40 —-w 20-— FIGURE 19.—Type section of the Kevin Member of the Marias River Shale and map showing line of measured section, secs. 3, 4, 12, 15, and 17, T. 35 N., R. 3 W. Numbers on the left side of the column are key beds in the measured section; numbers on the right side are USGS Mesozoic collections. On the map, the arrow points upward stratigraphically; B, base, and T, top of member. KEVIN MEMBER sus fauna ranges through as much as 183 m (600 ft) of the Cody Shale. The thinness of the rocks representing this fauna on the Kevin-Sunburst dome together with the presence of as many as three beds of phosphatic pebbles suggest breaks in deposition or at least very slow deposition. The upper unit of the Kevin Member contains the rest of the Clioscaphites vermiformis zone and two younger zones, 3 lower marked by Clioscaphites choteauensis Cobban and an upper characterized by the ammonites Baculites thomi Reeside,Scaphites leei Reeside, Clioscaphites novimexicanus (Reeside), and Desmoscaphites erdmanni Cobban. These zones, for- merly believed to represent the youngest part of Nio- brara time, are probably of middle Smoky Hill age, inasmuch as the upper part of the Smoky Hill Chalk Member is now believed to be of early Campanian age and to include rocks equivalent in age to the Telegraph Creek and Eagle Formations (J eletzky, 1955). The upper zone also contains I noceramus (Sphenoceramus) lundbreckensis McLearn (1929, p. 77, pl. 15, fig. 4; pl. 16, fig. 2). This species may be the same as I. patooten- siformis Seitz (1965, p. 107, pls. 20—25). Type section of the Kevin Member [Measured by C. E. Erdmann at the following localities in T. 35 N., R. 3 W., Toole County, Sunburst quadrangle. Many other measurements also have been made but the strata are best exposed at these localities. The original field measurements were in feet and inches (fig. 19)] Units (beds of Erdmann and others, 1947) Locality 1 (base)—12 (L) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NE%SW% sec. 12. 12 (L)—40 (K) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, North-center sec. 15. 40 (K)—51 (J) __________________________ SE%SW% sec. 3. 51 (J)—57 (l) ____________________________ NE'ASW‘Asec. 3. 57 (I)—81 (G) 81 (G)—100 (F) __________________________ NW%SW%sec. 3. ________________________ NWMiSWM; sec. 3 to SE%SE%NE% sec. 4 (type section MacGowan Concretionary Bed). R.3W. 2 3 MILES 2 3 4 KILOMETRES FIGURE 19.—Continued. Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Units (beds of Erdmann and others, 194 7) Locality 100 (F)—124 ____________________________ NE‘ASE‘Asec. 4 (locality Scaphites depressus zone). 124—156 (D) ____________________________ NEIANEMisec. 17. 156 (D)—187 (top) ______________________ NW‘ANE‘Asec. 1’7. Telegraph Creek Formation (basal part): 189. 188. Sandstone, buff (10YR 6/4), fine-grained ---_ Shale, pale-yellowish-brown (10YR 6/2). Thinly laminated with fine sand ---------- Marias River Shale: Kevin Member: 187. 186. 185. 184. 183. 182. 181. 180. 179. 178. 177. 176. 175. 174. 173. 172. Shale, dark-olive-gray, fissile; some silt or very fine sand. A 3-cm-thick ferruginous bentonite bed at top. Horizon of ”first white specks” ________________________________ Limestone, concretionary, olive-gray; weath- ers yellowish gray; discrete oval masses as much as 1 m in diameter in a nearly con- tinuous bed. Contains Baculites sp., Ostrea sp., and fragments of fossil bones ________ Shale, dark-gray, sandy, fissile ------------ Sandstone, gray, fine-grained; in thinly lami- nated crossbedded layers with thin partings of soft sandy shale. Makes a massive com- paratively resistant ledge ---------------- Shale, dark—gray, sandy, thinly laminated; contains a few thin layers of dark-gray fine-grained sandstone. Transitional into overlying unit -------------------------- Shale, dark-gray, sandy, thinly laminated; contains scattered limestone concretions -- Shale, dark-gray, papery; more sandy toward top Sandstone, gray, soft, fine-grained, thinly laminated, crossbedded; in thin 1— 5-cm-thick layers interlayed with minor amounts of gray sandy shale ------------ USGS Mesozoic loc. 20695, 60 cm below top of bed: Ostrea sp. Baculites n. sp. aff. B. haresi Reeside Baculites thomi Reeside Shale, dark-gray, fissile Bentonite and calcite, light-gray; weathers yellowish gray. Bed A of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) -------------- Shale, gray, flaky; thin sandy layers and laminae. A layer of thin discrete limestone concretions occurs 1.5 m above base ------ Shale, dark-gray, fissile. A 6-cm-thick bento- nite bed at base and a very thin bed at top Shale, gray, soft, flaky. A 3-cm-thick gray sandy thinly laminated limestone bed at base ------------------------------------ Shale, gray, firm, calcareous, fissile ________ Limestone, gray, sandy. Makes a thin resist- ant ledge Shale, gray, firm, calcareous, flaky -------- M 0.3+ 1.2 1.1 1.6 5.3 1.2 55 Ft 1+ 1.2 4.1 1.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 3.8 3.0 5.2 1.8 17.5 4.0 17.1 1.5 31.5 56 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of the Kevin Member——Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 172. Shale, etc—Continued USGS Mesozoic loc. 20299, 1.5 m above the base of this unit: Inoceramus lundbreckensis McLearn Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) Clioscaphites novimexicanus Reeside Desmoscaphites erdmanni Cobban 171. Limestone, gray, sandy. Makes thin resistant ledge. Thickness variable. Bed B of Erd- mann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) W USGS Mesozoic 10c. D1237: Inoceramus lundbreckensis McLearn Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) Baculites thomi Reeside Shale, gray, calcareous; contains small nodu- lar concretions and a few thin (1 cm) layers of gray sandy limestone __________________ USGS Mesozoic 100. 20690, 2.4 m above base of this unit: Pseudomelania n. sp. aff. P. hendricksoni Henderson Shale, gray, calcareous, nonfissile __________ Limestone, gray, sandy, concretionary. Local— ly makes a thin ledge. Bed C of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) Shale, gray; small nodular concretions of gray limestone Shale, sandy; thin layers of sandstone 111111 170. 169. 168. 167. 166. 165. Shale, gray; numerous small (5—30 cm in diameter) thin nodules of gray limestone __ Limestone, gray; concretions 1 m in diameter Shale; thin layers of sandstone as much as 3 cm thick ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, gray, sandy ________________________ Shale, gray, sandy; thin layers of fine-grained gray sandstone __________________________ Shale, gray, nonfissile; weathers into granu— lar fragments Bentonite, rusty-brown, weathered ,,,,,,,, Shale, gray, nonfissile; weathers into small granular fragments ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sandstone, gray, fine-grained; 1-cm-thick beds interbedded with thin layers of sandy shale __________________________________ Limestone, gray, concretionary, sandy, finely laminated; weathers yellowish gray to medium yellowish orange. Individual masses as much as 3.5 by 2 m in plan, mak- ing an almost continuous resistant layer, with interstices occupied by gray shale. Bed can be followed easily and makes a good marker. Fossiliferous. Bed D of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) USGS Mesozoic loc. D1246: Baculites asper Morton B. codyensis Reeside Clioscaphites vermiformis (Meek and Hayden) 155. Shale, gray, soft, poorly exposed 154. Limestone, dark-gray; weathers yellowish gray; concretionary: thin tabular masses, 164. 163. 162. 161. 160. 159. 158. 157. 156. 5.5 1.4 1.1 2.1 1.4 Ft 1.5 18.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 3.7 7.0 4.5 4.0 2.7 2.0 2.3 Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 154. Limestone, etc—Continued M widely spaced. In a few places very fos- siliferous USGS Mesozoic loc. D1245: Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) Baculites asper Morton B. codyensis Reeside Clioscaphites mon tanensis Cobban C. vermiformis (Meek and Hayden) 153. Shale, gray, soft. At base a 6—cm-thick bed of gray fine-grained soft sandstone __________ 1.3 152. Claystone, gray, nonfissile ________________ 2.6 151. Sandstone, gray, fine-grained, thinly lami- nated, and crossbedded __________________ .1 150. Shale, gray, flaky, noncalcareous __________ .5 149. Limestone, gray, concretionary, very fine grained; weathers yellowish gray; flat oval masses 1 m in diameter, much shattered. Locally one is larger, weathers yellowish orange, and exhibits cone-in-cone structure. Widely separated. Fossiliferous __________ .1 USGS Mesozoic 10c. 21666: Inoceramus sp. Baculites codyensis Reeside Clioscaphites montanensis Cobban C. vermiformis (Meek and Hayden) 148. Shale, gray, flaky ________________________ .6 147. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary; weath- ers yellowish gray; upper surfaces rounded; aphanitic, hard, breaks with conchoidal fracture; locally makes continuous layer with minor development of cone-in-cone structure. Fossiliferous ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .2 USGS Mesozoic loc. D1244: Membranipora sp. Inoceramus n. sp. Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) Baculites codyensis Reeside Clioscaphites montanensis Cobban C. vermiformis (Meek and Hayden) 146. Shale, gray, flaky, noncalcareous. At base is a thin medium-olive-gray fine-grained finely laminated sandstone bed containing a few baculites ________________________________ 1.5 145. Limestone, concretionary; in thin, discrete masses densely packed with Baculites codyensis, replaced by white crystalline cal- cite ____________________________________ .1 USGS Mesozoic loc. D1243: Baculites codyensis Reeside Clioscaphites montanensis Cobban 144. Shale, medium-dark-gray; contains a very thin finely laminated layer of sandstone in middle and a few small dolostone concre- tions in lower 15 cm ____________________ 1.5 143. Dolostone, olive-gray, concretionary, hard, aphanitic, fairly continuous; weathers brown to very dusky red. Top of middle unit of member ______________________________ 142. Shale, brownish-olive-gray, soft, flaky ______ 141. Dolostone, olive-gray, concretionary; weath- Viki—l Ft 4.2 8.5 2.0 5.1 4.8 Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 141. 140. 139. 138. 137. 136. 135. 134. 133. 132. 131. 130. 129. 128. 127. 126. 125. 124. O Dolostone, etc—Continued ers brown to dusky red; small, infrequent oval masses; very fossiliferous ____________ USGS Mesozoic 10c. 21665: N uculana sp. Inoceramus sp. Baculites asper Morton B. codyensis Reeside Clioscaphites montanensis Cobban C. vermiformis (Meek and Hayden) Shale, brownish-olive-gray, soft, flaky; con- tains a 3-cm-thick layer of bentonite ______ Limestone, dark—gray (N3), aphanitic, hard; weathers yellowish gray (5Y 7/2). Contains abundant baculites and a few fragments of scaphites Shale, olive-gray, flaky ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Limestone, gray, concretionary, ferruginous; weathers yellowish gray ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Siltstone, brownish-olive-gray, noncalcare- ous; weathers down into sharp granular fragments and chips ____________________ Dolostone, olive-gray, concretionary, aphanit- ic, hard; weathers reddish brown and dusky red. Contains lentils of gray septarian lime- stone with dark-brown calcite septae. A per- sistent layer, making a small bench. Bed E of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, brownish-olive-gray, flaky, noncal- careous; some thin sandy partings ________ Limestone, brownish-olive-gray, concretion- ary; weathers light yellowish gray. Shat- tered oval masses 1—2 m in diameter spaced at intervals of 3—6 m. Very fine grained at base, becoming prismatic toward top with some gnarly cone-in-cone structure. A fairly persistent bed __________________________ Shale, olive-gray, flaky, noncalcareous ,,,,,, Limestone, gray, concretionary, ferruginous: weathers brown to light yellowish brown. Discrete tabular masses about 1 m in diameter ________________________________ Shale, dark-gray, fissile Limestone, olive-gray, dolomitic, concretion- ary, aphanitic; weathers reddish brown and very dusky red. Tabular masses 1 m or more in diameter USGS Mesozoic loc. 21664: Inoceramus Sp. Baculites sp. Clioscaphites sp. Shale, dark-gray, flaky, noncalcareous; be- comes light olive gray toward top ,,,,,,,, Shale, gray ______________________________ Limestone, gray, sandy; weathers yellowish brown. Coquina type; many shell fragments Shale, dark-gray; interlaminated with thin brownish—gray siltstone __________________ Sandstone, medium-olive-gray, fine-grained, hard, brittle, noncalcareous, very finely KEVIN MEMBER M .1 1.0 2.4 4.6 1.7 Ft .2 3.2 7.8 15.2 1.2 5.7 Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 124. 123. 122. 121. 120. 119. 118. 117. 116. 115. 114. 113. 112. 111. 110. 109. 108. Sandstone, etc—Continued laminated; weathers medium yellowish brown __________________________________ USGS Mesozoic loc. D1242: Inoceramus cf. I . cordiformis Sowerby Baculites codyensis Reeside Clioscaphites? sp. Shale, medium-dark-gray, silty, noncalcare— ous. A thin fine-grained sandstone bed at base ____________________________________ Shale, brownish—olive—gray ________________ Bentonite, light-gray ______________________ Shale, brownish-olive-gray; as unit 119 ____ Shale, brownish-olive-gray. At top and base are bentonite beds about 7 cm thick ______ Shale, brownish-olive-gray (between 5YR 4/1 and 5Y 4/1), noncalcareous, poorly fissile -1 Limestone, light-olive-gray, concretionary, sandy textured, finely and evenly lami- nated; weathers yellowish brown. Oval masses 1—2 m in diameter, muchjointed and shattered; spaced at intervals of 10 m or more and may not be present in local sec- tions __________________________________ USGS Mesozoic loc. 21663: Inoceramus sp. scaphite undet. Shale, brownish-olive-gray, silty, soft, non- calcareous, flaky ________________________ Bentonite, grayish-orange (10YR 7/4), granu— lar textured, finely and smoothly laminated; considerable biotite. Rests on 10 cm of hard finely crystalline concretionary limestone that weathers grayish to yellowish orange, but which may be locally absent 1111111111 Shale, gray, flaky, noncalcareous __________ Sandstone, medium-gray, calcareous; firm, relatively resistant, making a thin ledge. Very fine grained; with wavy lamination developed by short thin lentils of dark-gray noncalcareous sandstone. Locally grades laterally into circular masses of gray con- cretionary limestone 1 by 2.7 m __________ Shale, dark-brownish-olive gray; a few thin layers of fine-grained platy sandstone in upper 1.2 m. Lower 2.1 m is dark gray (N3) soft, fissile, noncalcareous ________________ Shale, medium- to dark-gray, flaky, noncal- careous. A 6-cm-thick bed of bentonite at top Calcite and bentonite; grayish-orange, soft, friable; medium— to coarse-grained con- cretionary calcite and gray very micaceous bentonite Shale, olive-gray (5Y 4/1), soft, flaky, noncal- careous, poorly exposed __________________ Phosphatic pebble bed. A concentration of smooth rounded concretions of phosphatic siltstone and sandstone, making a thin ar- mored pavement-type surface over very lim- ited areas, with here and there low mounds 57 M Ft .1 .2 1.6 5.2 1.5 5.0 .1 .3 3.3 11.0 5 1.8 1.9 6.3 3 .9 4 1.2 .2 .7 3 1.0 2 .5 3.3 11.0 5 2.0 8 2.5 2.0 6.5 58 BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 108. 107. 106. 105 104 103 102 101 100 Phosphatic pebble bed—Continued that contain small oval limestone concre— tions. The pebbles are greenish gray (5GY 6/1) to olive gray (5Y 4/1), with darker crusts, and some have a close, irregular light-gray reticulation. Size range: 5—40 mm, with mean 12—20 mm. All are rounded or subrounded and a few spindle shaped; many are broken, apparently along desicca— tion cracks. Here and there a small scaphite among the pebbles. Accessory limestone concretions are of two types, both similar to facies of the MacGowan Concretionary Bed: (1) moderate yellowish-brown limestone in nodules 15 by 10 by 5 cm, weathering dark yellowish orange, and containing pellets of light-gray phosphatic siltstone; (2) a single discoid mass of ferruginous limestone 25 by 20 by 5 cm, weathering very dusky red (10R 2/2) with small embedded pebbles as above. Fossiliferous ______________________ USGS Mesozoic coll. D1334: Inoceramus sp. Scaphites sp. Shale, olive-gray (5Y 4/1), soft, flaky, noncal- careous Limestone, moderate—brown to grayish-red, concretionary, ferruginous; upper surface very dusky red. Thin hard resistant layer USGS Mesozoic loc. D1333: Inoceramus stantoni Sokolow Scaphites depressus Reeside var. stantoni Reeside Baculites asper Morton Baculites codyensis Reeside Shale, olive-gray, silty, soft, flaky. At base was found a large fossil bone, probably a rib, nearly 2 ft long Limestone, olive-gray, concretionary, apha- nitic; weathers moderate brown; uniform persistent layer USGS Mesozoic loc. D1240 and D1332: Inoceramus sp. Baculites asper Morton Baculites codyensis Reeside Scaphites depressus Reeside Shale, medium-gray, noncalcareous, silty; contains near top dusky-red-weathering dolostone concretions ____________________ Dolostone, dark-greenish—gray to olive-gray, concretionary, aphanitic; weathers very dusky red (maroon); in small hard discrete nodules as large as 8 by 15 cm. Sparingly fossiliferous ____________________________ Shale, olive-gray (5YR 4/1), noncalcareous, soft, poorly fissile. Thickness variable ____ MacGowan Concretionary Bed. Bed F of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947). Type section. 100c. Dolostone, brownish-gray (5YR 4/1), ferrug‘inous, hard; weathers dark reddish .1 2.4 Ft 1.5 2.0 2.6 8.0 Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale——Continued Kevin Member—Continued 1001c. Dolostone, etc—Continued 99. 98. 97. 96. brown (10R 3/4) to very dusky red (10R 2/2); aphanitic, breaking with subconchoidal fracture. Matrix contains a few small pellets (possibly reworked) of light-gray phosphatic siltstone. Bed caps underlying limestone concretions and fills interstices between them __________________________________ 100b. Limestone, brownish-olive-gray (be- tween 5YR 4/1 and 5Y 4/1); weathers to light orange brown (between 10YR 6/6 and 5YR 5/6) and shades of moderate brown (5YR 4/4 and 5YR 3/4) with mottling or splotches of moderate (10R 4/6) to dark reddish brown (10R 3/4); concretionary, conglomeratic; matrix aphanatic. A few concretions remain predominantly gray, weathering dull yellowish brown. Indi- vidual forms are flat-based round-topped fractured oval masses, noticeably septarian, that vary in diameter from 30 to 50 cm and are packed so closely as to form a continuous layer. Conglomeratic facies consist of errat— ic concretions and patches of irregularly shaped smoothly rounded pellets of yellowish—gray (5Y 8/1) to light-olive-gray (5Y 6/1) phosphatic mudstone as long as 2 cm, although usually smaller; cover as much as 10 percent or more of the outer sur- faces of the concretions as crusts and are embedded more sparingly in the matrix. These pellets, with sharp color contrast to the weathered surface, plus an accessory sprinkling of 1 percent or less of smoothly rounded well-polished pebbles of black to olive-gray chert as much as 2 cm in diame— ter, but usually much finer, are the princi- pal diagnostic features of the bed. Entire unit makes a thin resistent ledge capping spurs or dip slopes, whose surfaces are par- tially covered with a thin litter of angular fragments ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 100a. Shale, dark-gray, noncalcareous, poorly fissile. At base a thin concretionary light- brown- to moderate-reddish-brown- weathering bed of limestone. Base of Mac- Gowan Bed Shale, dark-olive-gray; a few thin laminae of fine—grained chippy sandstone in middle and at top __________________________________ USGS Mesozoic loc. D1238: Inoceramus sp. Shale, olive-gray (5Y 4/1); small thin widely spaced septarian concretions of gray lime- stone Shale, gray, sandy, poorly exposed Limestone, gray, concretionary; in thin flat discoid masses 30 cm in diameter that weather yellowish gray; dark-greenish- olive-gray hard aphanitic dolostone, with accessory marcasite and weathering dusky M bah; Ft 1.0 1.3 2.1 KEVIN MEMBER 59 Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 96. Limestone, etc—Continued M red and yellowish orange ________________ .1 USGS Mesozoic loc. 23753: Inoceramus (Volviceramus) involutus Sowerby Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) Baculites sp. 95. Shale, gray; occasional discrete oval concre- tions of dark-gray limestone, 30 by 15 cm, that weather yellowish gray. At base a thin lightolive-gray fine-grained soft finely laminated sandstone bed ________________ .9 94. Limestone, olive-gray, concretionary, apha- nitic; weathers yellowish gray; in discrete oval masses 30 cm in diameter. Septarian veins of dark calcite. Breaks into angular fragments ______________________________ .2 93. Shale, gray; contains a very thin gray fine- grained soft thinly laminated layer of sandstone ______________________________ 1.3 92. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary; weath— ers lighter gray; small (diameter 30 cm) oval septarian forms ____________________ .2 91. Shale, gray, silty, soft, noncalcareous ______ 1.7 90. Limestone, gray, concretionary, finely gran- ular (sandy); weathers yellowish orange and dark yellowish orange to yellowish brown. Lower 15 cm may exhibit rude cone-in-cone and prismatic structures. Thickness 0.3—0.5 m, diameter 1—3 by 4.5 m. Persistent, but occurring at large horizontal distances 89. Shale, gray; as below ______________________ .3 88. Limestone, dull-red, concretionary, sandy; makes persistent layer locally ____________ .1 USGS Mesozoic loc. D1331: Scaphites ventricosus Meek and Hayden 87. Shale, gray, soft, gypsiferous (radiating fibrous selenite crystals). Contains a few sandy ferruginous limestone concretions __ 2.2 86. Shale, dark—gray, soft, clayey; carries an occa- sional concretion of ferruginous limestone in lower 1.5 m. A very thin fine-grained sandstone bed at top ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.9 85. Limestone, gray; weathers buff to yellowish gray; concretionary; in fairly large isolated conspicuous masses making a small bench; flat and slabby at base, discrete oval forms at top; cone-in-cone structure in places W1- .1 84. Limestone, dark-gray; ferruginous, aphanitic; weathers very dusky red. Fossiliferous “—4 .1 USGS Mesozoic loc. 20698: Inoceramus (Voluiceramus) involutus Sowerby I noceramus (Volviceramus) undabundus Meek and Hayden 83. Shale, gray, soft, clayey; contains a thin gray—weathering limestone bed at base overlain by a thin fine-grained sandstone Ft .3 3.1 4.3 1.5 1.0 7.4 9.6 Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 83. Shale, etc—Continued M Ft bed. Actinocamax sp. ____________________ 1.9 6.2 82. Shale, gray, soft; makes slope; poorly exposed 3.7 12.3 81. Limestone, dark—gray, concretionary, fer- ruginous, hard, aphanitic, persistent; weathers very dusky red and dark yellowish orange. Bed G of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .1 .3 USGS Mesozoic loc. 20295: Inoceramus sp. Baculites sp. Scaphites ventricosus Meek and Hayden 80. Shale, gray, clayey, gypsiferous; contains scattered thin sandstone and small oval limestone concretions near middle and a thin gray fine—grained chippy sandstone bed at base ________________________________ 3.4 11.1 79. Shale, gray, soft, flaky ____________________ .2 .5 78. Limestone, dark-gray; concretionary, fer- ruginous; weathers very dusky red; oval to platy shapes; fairly continuous __________ .1 .2 77. Shale, gray, clayey; scattered concretions of ferruginous limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.1 3.8 76. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary, fer- ruginous, aphanitic; weathers very dusky red and brown; in large flat forms about 1 m in diameter ____________________________ .1 .2 USGS Mesozoic loc. 20291: Inoceramus (Volviceramus) undabundus Meek and Hayden Baculites asper Morton Scaphites ventricosus Meek and Hayden Actinocamax sp. 75. Shale, gray, sandy, soft, flaky; contains a gray fine-grained thinly laminated sandstone layer at base ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .6 2.0 74. Shale, dark-gray, clayey; contains a few small nodular concretions of ferruginous lime— stone weathering very dusky red ________ 1.8 6.0 73. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary, ferru- ginous; weathers very dusky red __________ .1 .3 72. Shale, dark-gray __________________________ .3 1.0 71. Limestone, dark—gray, concretionary, hard, aphanitic, brittle; weathers very dusky red; discrete masses commonly 30—50 cm long, and smaller nodules. Fossiliferous. One con- cretion contained a weathered bone nearly 1 m long and 15 cm in diameter ,,,,,,,,,,,, .1 .3 USGS Mesozoic loc. 20292: Inoceramus (Volviceramus) involutus Sowerby I. (Volviceramus) undabundus Meek and Hayden Spondylus sp. Baculites asper Morton Scaphites ventricosus Meek and Hayden 70. Shale, gray, soft, clayey ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.1 3.5 69. Limestone, gray, concretionary; weathers yel- 60 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61. 60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. BLACKLEAF AND MARIAS RIVER FORMATIONS, SWEETGRASS ARCH, MONTANA Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 69. Limestone, etc—Continued lowish gray; in discrete masses with poorly developed cone-in-cone structure; resting on thin gray sandy bentonite. Makes a persist- ent marker. Bed H of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) ______________ Shale, dark-gray, soft, clayey; checked sur— face stained by white efflorescent salt -___ Shale, dark-gray, soft, clayey; contains a few small oval concretions of limestone and thin 1—3-cm-thick gray chippy sandstones at intervals of 50—60 cm ____________________ Shale, dark—gray, soft, clayey (bentonitic); checked surface stained by white efflores- cent salt ________________________________ Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary; oval septarian masses about 30 cm long spaced at intervals of 3 In ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, dark-gray, soft, poorly fissile ________ Bentonite, gray, gritty; weathers tan ______ Shale, gray, soft, poorly exposed Limestone, gray, concretionary, aphanitic; oval septarian masses about 30 cm long with much brown and white crystalline cal— cite spaced at intervals of 1—6 m __________ Shale, gray, soft, poorly exposed Bentonite, gray, sandy ____________________ Shale, soft, poorly exposed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Calcite, light-yellowish-gray, sandy, prismat» ic (fibrous); weathers tan to caramel brown; poorly developed cone-in-cone structure. Probably a calcareous replacement of a layer of bentonite; fairly resistant, makes a bench and caps small outliers. Bed I of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947). Top of lower unit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Siltstone, gray, noncalcareous, firm; brittle, with a harsh feel; contains fossiliferous oval concretions of gray aphanitic limestone 10—15 cm thick and 30—50 cm long in middle part ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, USGS Mesozoic loc. 20696: Inoceramus aff. I. corpulentus McLearn Ostrea n. sp. Bentonite, gray l, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, gray ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Limestone, concretionary, gray; small rough oval masses Siltstone, gray, firm; harsh feel; weathers into granular fragments ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Limestone, gray, concretionary, aphanitic; weathers brownish; sandy at top, with some gnarly cone-in—cone structure; in rounded flat—topped much-fractured masses with septae of brown calcite; commonly 1 m in diameter but as much as 3 by 4 m. Makes ledge in main slope. BedJ of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, gray ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sandstone, gray, fine-grained, thinly lami— nated; weathers brownish; some shale part- 3.3 2.1 3.9 iei—chic 1.7 1.8 Ft 7.0 13.0 3.8 1.3 1.5 4.0 5.5 12.0 6.0 1.0 2.5 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 49. Sandstone, etc—Continued ings; bedding surfaces show worm (?) trails and related markings ____________________ Limestone, gray, concretionary, aphanitic; small flat oval forms. Contains Scaphites sp. and Inoceramus sp _______________________ Shale, gray, soft, flaky; contains a few oval concretions of gray limestone with frag- ments of Scaphites sp. Limestone, gray, concretionary, aphanitic; small discrete masses at 6-m intervals. Con- tains Inoceramus sp. and Ostrea sp. ______ Shale, gray, soft; poorly exposed on slope. A 3-cm—thick layer of bentonite at top ...... Bentonite, gray, sandy, weathered; at top a thin layer of caramel-brown secondary fibrous calcite; makes slight ledge ________ Shale, gray, soft; a few hand-sized concretions of gray limestone; makes slope Limestone, dark—gray, concretionary; weath- ers light yellowish gray; in small 30—50- cm-thick much-fractured oval masses with septae of brown calcite; fossiliferous. Makes a rather distinct bench ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shale, gray, soft; poorly exposed on slope; con- tains 6-cm-thick layers of bentonite at base and middle _______________________________ Limestone, gray, concretionary, aphanitic, gnarly; weathers rusty brown; veined with more or less white crystalline calcite; hard, resistant; massive discrete forms 0.5—3.0 In in diameter spaced on 3—5-m centers mak- ing small mounds. A conspicuous marker bed. Bed K of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) Bentonite, sandy; weathered rusty Shale, dark—gray, soft, clayey; contains a 3-cm—thick layer of bentonite at base ______ Shale, dark-gray, soft, clayey ______________ Bentonite, sandy; weathers rusty __________ Shale, gray, soft, clayey; makes slope ______ Limestone, gray, concretionary, fossiliferous; in oval discrete forms as much as 50 cm long USGS Mesozoic loc. 20300: Scaphites sp. Actinocamax sp. Bentonite, gray, sandy; weathers rusty H" Shale, gray, soft, clayey ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Limestone, concretionary, gray ,,,,,,,,,,,, Bentonite, gray, sandy; weathers rusty A," Shale, brownish—gray, clayey, bentonitic ___, Limestone, gray, concretionary, aphanitic, hard, smooth; weathers yellowish gray; in discrete oval forms 30 cm in diameter ,,__ USGS Mesozoic loc. 20296: Inoceramus sp. Ostrea sp. Baculites mariasensis Cobban Scaphites preventricosus Cobban Actinocamax Sp. Bentonite, gray, sandy; weathers rusty --.._ 26. Shale, gray, flaky; top is silicified ,,,,,,,,,, M .4 3.8 1.2 '0: 2.5 i—ai—‘i—t'wi—A Ft 1.3 12.5 4.1 2.0 8.4 2.6 10.5 3.0 1.2 1.5 REFERENCES CITED 61 Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued M F! 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. Limestone, gray, concretionary, aphanitic; small (diameter 30 cm) smooth discrete oval masses Bentonite, gray __________________________ Shale, dark-gray, soft, flaky. A very thin layer of bentonite in middle ______________ 1.4 4.9 Bentonite, light-gray ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .2 .5 Shale, dark-gray, soft, flaky Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary; weath- ers yellowish gray; smooth oval discrete forms ___________________________________ USGS Mesozoic 10c. 20298: Inoceramus deformis Meek Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) Ostrea n. sp. Pholadomya papyracea Meek and Hayden Veniella goniophora Meek Drepanochilus? sp. Baculites mariasensis Cobban B. sweetgrassensis Cobban Scaphites preventricosus Cobban Shale, dark—gray, soft, flaky Bentonite, rusty—brown, weathered; stain of white efflorescent salt above bed 1111111111 . Siltstone, dark-gray, soft; makes slope ______ 2.7 9.0 Bentonite, gray, sandy; weathers tan; upper part of bed littered with caramel-color sec- ondary prismatic calcite that has some cone-in-cone structure ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 1.0 Siltstone, dark-gray, soft; weathers into gumbo with stains of white efflorescent salt. Poorly exposed in slope __________________ 4.6 15.0 Bentonite, light-brownish-gray, sandy ______ .2 .5 Shale, dark—olive-gray, soft, flaky, noncal- careous; contains a very thin rusty-brown fine«grained finely laminated sandstone bed near base ______________________________ Bentonite, yellowish—gray; contains much light-brownish-gray (5YR 4/1) prismatic calcite that has a tendency toward cone-in- cone structure and weathers moderate yel- lowish brown (caramel). A few small flat- topped oval-shaped concretions of dark- brownish-gray aphanitic limestone. Bed L of Erdmann, Gist, Nordquist, and Beer (1947) __________________________________ .3 1.0 Shale, dark-olive-gray, soft, noncalcareousr .4 1.3 Shale, brownish-gray, clayey, bentonitic. A 6—cm-thick pale-yellowish-brown micaceous bentonite bed at base ____________________ 4.0 13.1 . Shale, dark—gray, soft, poorly fissile, noncal- careous . Siltstone, dark—gray, soft; weathers brownish .4 1.3 . Limestone, dark-gray, aphanitic, concretion- ary, hard, fetid-smelling, fossiliferous; weathers light yellowish gray; in discrete oval types (30 cm in diameter) in places sep- tariate with veins of white and brown crys— talline calcite; spaced at intervals of about 3 m ____________________________________ .1 .4 USGS Mesozoic 10c. 20289: Type section of the Kevin Member—Continued Marias River Shale—Continued Kevin Member—Continued 7. Limestone, etc.——Continued M Ft Anomia cf. A. subquadrata Stanton Inoceramus sp. Scaphites preuentricosus Cobban S. preventricosus var. sweetgrassensis Cobban 6. Siltstone, dark-gray, poorly fissile, soft, non- calcareous; weathers into small granular particles; some thin rusty laminae ________ 2.9 9.5 5. Limestone, dark-gray, concretionary; weath~ ers medium olive gray to light yellowish gray; almost a continuous bed of small (di- ameter 30 cm) closely packed discrete sep- tarian masses that have rough upper sur- faces and partitions of white calcite ______ .2 .5 USGS Mesozoic loc. D1247: Inoceramus sp. Oxytoma sp. Tessarolax hitzii White 4. Siltstone, medium-dark-gray, noncalcareous; contains small (10-cm-thick) nodules of gray clayey limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .5 1.5 3. Siltstone, medium—dark-gray, noncalcareous. Surface littered with thin rusty-brown chips of clay ironstone. Unit also contains small l-cm-thick irregularly shaped nodules or concretions of soft moderate—yellow silt, weathering dusky yellow, that have the same shapes and appearance as kernels of buttered popcorn ________________________ 1.6 5.3 2. Bentonite, yellowish-gray (5Y 8/1), sandy, highly weathered ________________________ .2 .5 1. Siltstone, dark-gray, noncalcareous, poorly fissile. Base of Kevin Member ,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.9 9.6 Total Kevin Member (rounded) 11111111 188.0 617.0 REFERENCES CITED Bartram, J. G., and Erdmann, C. E., 1935, Natural gas in Montana, in Geology of natural gas: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists [June], p. 245—276. Blixt, J. E., 1941, Cut Bank oil and gas field, Glacier County, Mon— tana, in Levorsen, A. L, ed., Stratigraphic type oil fields: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists [Dec], p. 327—381. Cannon, J. 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Page A Acknowledgments _____________________________ 2 Antelope Coulee ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 Arrow Creek Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 B Badger Creek ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 Bearpaw Mountains ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 16, 52 Bears Den district H, 37 Bears Den oil field ________________________ ._- 50 Belle Fourche Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37, 39 Belt Butte ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 26, 34 Belt Creek ________________________________ 7 Benton Lake ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H- 37 Benton Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 4, 37 Bighorn Basin __________________________________ 55 Bighorn Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Birch Creek _____ __ 4, 5, 10, 16,37, 40, 44 Bird Creek ,_ W, 27 Black Coulee e." 39 Black Hills ,,,,,,,,, _ 5, 19, 37, 39, 44,47, 50 Blackhorse Lake Flat _____ 26, 27, 32 Blackleaf Creek ______ , 5 Blackleaf Formation 1,. W 2, 5 Blackleaf Sandy Member , 4 Bluesky Formation __ H, 16 Bootlegger Member _____ 2, 5, 31 Border—Red Coulee oil field 1. 9, 16 Brady oil field ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 27, 46 Bridge Creek Limestone Member ,,,,,,,,,, ___ 42 C Cardium Formation. Carlile Formation Carlile Shale , Carter Ferry w- Chalk Butte nose _ Chert pebbles Cody Shale" Colorado Formatiom Colorado Group _ Colorado Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cone Calcareous Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 40 Cone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 5, 37, 40, 46 Cone triangulation station ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37, 40 Crowsnest River ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Cut Bank oil and gas field ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 27, 37, 50 Cyprian Sandstone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 D, E Dakota Formation 4 Dearborn River. ,, ,,,,,,,,,, n, 5 Disturbed belt 1 4, 5, 9, 16, 27, 37, 45, 46, 50, 52 Eagle Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "a _..__ 4, 55 F Fairport Chalky Shale Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 Fall River Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Ferdig Member .1" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 5, 44 First Cat Creek sand _ ,,,, 11 Flood Member q“ ,,,,,, 2, 5, 6, 9,11,16 Floweree Member W 2, 5, 33,37 Fort Benton Group, Formation No. 2- H, 2 Fort St. John Group ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Page Fort Hays Limestone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50 Fossils: Actinocamax sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 59, 60 Ammonites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34, 39, 47, 53, 55 Ammonites mulani _____ 2 percarinatus _______ 2 vespertinus ,,,,,,,,, 2 Anchura quitmanensis sp Anemia fremonti _______ Anemia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 19, 40 Subquadrala , a, Araucariouxylon sp _____ Baculites asper ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 56, 57, 58, 59 besairlei ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 49 codyensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 56, 57, 58 haresi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 55 mariasensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53, 60, 61 sweetgrassensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53, 61 thomi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 55, 56 yokoyamai ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 48, 55, 57, 59 Brachiopods __________________________ 18, 19, 21, 32 Callista sp ________________________________ ,___ 40 Callistina belviderensis __________________________ 19 Calycoceras canitaurinum ____________________ 39, 40 Cardium kansasense ____________________________ 19 pauperculum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Clioscaphites chateauensis ____________________ 52, 55 montanensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53, 56, 57 nauimexicanus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 56 uermiformis sp _______________________________ 57 Coccoliths _____________________ Cmyatoceras nebrascense ,,,,,,, Collingnoniceras regulare ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47, 50 woollgari ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42, 47, 50 sp ___________________ Cyrena dakotensis Desmoscaphites erdmanni ____________________ 55, 56 Dinosaur bones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Drepanochilus ruida ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61 Dryandroides sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Dunueganocerus albertense ______________________ 39 Erythrinalepis mowriensis ________________________ 34 Fish bones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21, 33, 34 Foraminifera ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41, 43 Gastropods ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 18 Holcalepis lransuersus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 Ichthyodecles sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44, 50 Inaceramus anglicus , _ _ _ bellvuensls ,,,,,,,,,,, caddottensis _ V _ s 1.. .. comancheanus _ . , _ cordiformis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 57 corpulentus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 60 deformls ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __ 53, 61 erectus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53 fragilis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 48, 49, 50 labiatus 4 [Mytilaides] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41 latus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 lundbreckensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 56 mesabiensls ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39 patootensiformis problematicus 2 stantoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53, 58 Page lnoceramus —Continued tenuirostratus 2 (Cordiceramus) cordiformis ,,,,,,, (Sphenoceramus) lundbreckensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 55 (Volviceramus) inuolutus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53, 59 undabundus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 59 sp 19, 24,40, 43, 44,47, 48, 49,56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 Leuel'ehthyops vagans , Lingula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, subspalulata ____________________________ 18, 19 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 21, 29, 36 Lucina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mantelliceras canitaurinum ,,,,,,,,,,, Martesia sp Membranipora sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Metaicoceras masbyense ,,,,,,, muelleri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mollusks ,,,,,, Mytiloides ,,,,, labiatus ________________________________ 42, 43 mytiloides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42, 43, 44 Nautilus elegans ,,,,,,, Nelumbites sp _________ Neogastroplites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28, 34 N ucula N uculana sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 57 Nymphalucina subundata ________________________ 43 sp __________________________________________ 44 Ophiomorpha ____________________________________ 10 Ostrea anomioides ______________________________ congesta _________________________ larimerensis sp ,-_ 43, 55,60 Oysters ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oxytoma sp Pecten syncyclomema sp ,,,,,, Pelecypods ________________________________ 5, 19, 46 Phelopteria gastrodes ____________________________ 43 salinaensis _________________________________ 19 sp _________________________________________ 19 Phaladomya papyracea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 61 Plans sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 28 Prionacyclus hyatti ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 47 wyomingensis wyomingensis _ 47 sp ______________________ , 47 Protelliptio douglassi H" , 9 Pseudomelania hendricksoni ,1 _ 56 Pseudoperna cangesta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 56, 59, 60 Pteroscaphites auriculatus __________________ Reesidella montanaensis ,,,,,,, Rhabdospheres _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Scaphites artllobus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53 bighornensis __________ 47 binneyi ,,,,,,,, 53 carlilensis ___. 47,49 coruensis_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 47 delicatulus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 43 depressus _ , ferronensis W - 47 gracillistriams . , 53 larvaeformis , _ 2 leei ______ mariasensis meeki _ A _ nigricallensts pendicostatus ,,,,, pisinnus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 48 65 66 Page Scaphites —Continued preventricosus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53, 60, 61 stantoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 58 sweelgrassensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53, 61 tetonensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53 ventricosus ________________________ 2, 53, 59 uermiformis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 55, 56, 57 warreni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 47 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47, 49, 58, 60 Sciponoceras gracile ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42, 43, 44 Shark tooth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 23 Spondylus sp H, W ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 59 Stantonogyra silberlingi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 Tempskya grandis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, knowltoni ,1, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Tessarolax hitzii , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 61 Trigonia sp 1.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 U nio farri ,,,,, 9 reesideanus 9 Unios ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Veniella goniophora ,,,,,,, 53, 61 mortoni ,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Venilia mortoni ,,,,,,,,,, 2 Watinoceras coloradoense , __ 43 reesidei ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __ . H W 42, 43 worm burrows ,,,,,,,, 8, 10, 14, 17, 19, 23, 24, 39, 43 G, H Glacier National Park ,u. 4, 7, 16, 27, 37, 40, 45, 51 Gore Hill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 8 Greenhorn Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39 Greenhorn Limestone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40, 42 Highwood Creek ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Highwood Mountains ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 40, 41 Historical summary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 l, J, K Introduction ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Joli Fou Formation 1 ,, INDEX Joli Fou Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘ Kevin Member __________________________ 2, 46, 50 Kevin Shale Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Kevin-Sunburst dome 5, 27, 32, 33, 36,37, 40, 44, 46, 50,52, 53 Kiowa Shale _________________________________ 10, 19 Kootenai Formation _________________ 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14 L Lake Creek ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 M MacGowan Concretionary Bed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52, 53 Madison Limestone _______________________________ 46 Mannville Formation ____________________________ 16 Marias River Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 5, 36 Missouri River ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 16, 27, 32 Montana Group ________________________________ 4 Mosby Sandstone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37, 39, 40 Mowry Shale _____________________ 28, 31, 34, 37, 41 Muddy Creek ______________ 16, 27, 32, 33, 37, 40, 45 N Newcastle Sandstone ,,,,,,,,, Newman Spring ,,,,,, Niobrara Division, Formation Not 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Niobrara Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 50, 52 Niobrara River ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 P Phosphatic pebbles ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51, 53, 55 Pincher Creek gas field ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Pondera oil field ________________ 10, 15, 27, 37, 44, 50 R Raglan Butte ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, References cited Page S St, Mary River ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 Sage Breaks Member ____________________________ 47 San Juan Basin _________________________________ 47 Second Whitlash sand ____________________________ 16 Skull Creek _____________________ 28 Skull Creek Shale _______________________ 10, 16, 19 Smith River ____________________________________ 7 Smoky Hill Chalk Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50, 53, 55 South arch ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 15, 16, 33, 36, 37, 44, 46 South Platte Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 Spinney Hill Member ________________________ 16, 19 Stebinger, Eugene, quoted 111111111111111111111111 5 Sun River 4,5,6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 27, 32,37, 40, 45, 46, 50 Sweetgrass arch ,, 2, 4, 6,9, 15,27, 33, 36, 40, 50, 52 Sweetgrass Hills ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 27, 37, 44, 50 T Taft Hill Glauconitic Member ____________________ 5 Taft Hill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27, 32 Taft Hill Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 13, 15, 30, 31 Telegraph Creek Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 52, 55 Thermopolis Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Turner Sandy Member ___________ Two Medicine Creek ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 V Vaughn Bentonitic Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 25 Vaughn Member _____________________ 2, 16, 25, 33 Viking Sandstone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Virgelle Sandstone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 W West Utopia oil and gas field ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37, 44, 50 Whitlash dome ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Williston basin _____________ .__ Willow Creek ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41 WolfCreek ”Hun.” v. .. 7,26, 27, 38, 45, 46, 50 mwnwyfiw” J, Q75 svv I? ‘DA Se; v5? 6' MARY OF IFICANT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ral resources -r resources eering geology .ii‘l’SZLlii’y RESEARCH l 975 blic lands . information d analysis sfigations in her countries S OF— sfigafions in rogress perating agencies logical Survey GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 975 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH I975 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 975 A summary of recent significant scientific and economic results accompanied by a list of geologic and hydrologic investigations in progress and a report on the status of topographic mapping UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, DC: I975 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 68-46150 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024-001-027747 FOREWORD “Geological Survey Research 1975” is the 16th annual synopsis of the results of U.S. Geological Survey investigations.These studies are largely directed toward the development of knowledge that will assist the Nation to use and conserve the land and its physical resources wisely. They are wide ranging in scope and deal with almost every facet of solid-earth sci- ence and fact finding. Many of the studies reported here are continuations of investigations that have been in progress for several years or more. But others reflect the increased attention being given to problems that have assumed greater importance in recent years—problems relating to mineral fuels and min- eral resources, water quality, environmental impact of mineral resources, land-use analysis, earthquake hazards reduction, subsidence, and the ap- plications of LANDSAT data, to cite a few examples. These changes in program emphasis are paralleled by new develop- ments in earth science and technology, and the two combine, as they have throughout the Survey’s history, to keep these investigations dynamic in their character and direction. 0- €. \Iwe ((vfi‘j/ vey, Director. III CONTENTS Foreword Abbreviations and metric-English equivalents _______ Mineral-resource and mineral-fuels investigations ___- Geology of mineral occurrences ________________ Geologic studies in potentially mineralized areas- Areal mineral appraisal __________________ Mineral investigations related to the Wilder- ness Act ___________________________ Primitive areas ______________________ Wilderness areas _____________________ Study areas _________________________ Mineral commodity appraisal ______________ Office of Minerals Exploration ____________ Minerals Discovery Loan Program _____ Mineral-resource exploration technology _________ Resource analysis ____________________________ Coal resources _______________________________ Oil and gas resources _________________________ Oil-shale resources ___________________________ Nuclear-fuels resources _______________________ Geothermal resources _________________________ Regional geologic investigations ___________________ New England ——-—--—--.— ______________________ Structural and stratigraphic studies _______ Quaternary geology ______________________ Appalachian Highlands and the Coastal Plains _- Central region and Great Plains _______________ Kentucky ________________________________ Michigan and Wisconsin __________________ Minnesota _______________________________ Nebraska and Kansas _____________________ Rocky Mountains _____________________________ Stratigraphic studies _____________________ Igneous studies ___________________________ Structural and geophysical studies _________ Geothermal resource studies ______________ Basin and Range Province ____________________ Stratigraphic and structural studies _______ Geochemical and geochronological studies ___ Pacific coast region ___________________________ California _______________________________ Oregon __________________________________ Washington ______________________________ Alaska ______________________________________ General __________________________________ Northern Alaska _________________________ West-central Alaska ______________________ East-central Alaska ______________________ Southern Alaska _________________________ Southwestern Alaska _____________________ Southeastern Alaska ______________________ Puerto Rico __________________________________ Regional geologic investigations—Continued Geologic maps _______________________________ Large-scale geologic maps ________________ Intermediate-scale geologic maps ___________ Maps of large regions ____________________ Water-resource investigations Northeastern region __________________________ Connecticut Indiana ___________; ______________________ Maryland _____ F __________________________ Massachusetts ____________________________ Michigan _________________________________ Minnesota New Jersey ______________________________ New York _______________________________ Pennsylvania Virginia _________________________________ West Virginia ____________________________ Southeastern region __________________________ Alabama Florida __________________________________ Georgia Kentucky ________________________________ North Carolina ___________________________ Puerto Rico ______________________________ South Carolina ___________________________ Tennessee Central region ________________________________ Arkansas Colorado _________________________________ Kansas '-_________; _______________________ Louisiana ________________________________ Montana Nebraska ________________________________ New Mexico _____________________________ North Dakota ____________________________ Oklahoma ________________________________ South Dakota ____________________________ Texas Utah Wyoming ________________________________ Western region _______________________________ Multistate studies ____________; ___________ Alaska Arizona Oregon __________________________________ Page 73 73 73 76 '78 80 81 81 82 82 83 84 86 86 8'7 87 87 88 88 89 92 93 93 94 94 95 96 97 97 100 101 103 104 105 105 106 107 107 108 109 VI CONTENTS Page Waters-resource investigations—Continued Special water-resource programs _______________ 115 Saline water _____________________________ 115 Data coordination, acquisition, and storage ____ 116 Office of Water-Data Coordination _____ 116 Water-Data Storage System ___________ 117 Urban water program ____________________ 118 Urban. water-resource studies _________ 118 Urban runoff and floods ______________ 119 Quality of storm runoff in urban areas __ 120 Hydrologic effects of waste disposal in urban areas ____________________ 120 Water use _______________________________ 121 Coordinate water-quality programs ________ 122 International Hydrological Decade, 1965—1974 123 Marine geology and coastal hydrology investigations- 125 Marine and coastal geology ___________________ 125 Atlantic continental margin _______________ 125 Shelf geophysical, structural, and resource studies ______________________ - 125 Shelf environmental studies ___________ 125 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean continental margin _____________________________ 126 Geophysical, structural, and resource studies ________________________ 126 Coastal environmental studies _________ 127 Pacific continental margin _________________ 127 Geophysical, structural, and resource studies ________________________ 127 Coastal environmental studies _________ 128 Arctic-Alaska continental margin __________ 129 Geophysical, structural, and resource studies ________________________ 130 Coastal environmental studies _________ 130 Shelf environmental studies ____________ 130 General oceanic and international studies ___ 132 Estuarine and coastal hydrology _______________ 134 Atlantic coast ____________________________ 134 Gulf coast _______________________________ 1 135 Pacific coast _____________________________ 135 Management of natural resources on Federal and Indian lands _______________________________ 137 Classification and evaluation of mineral lands __- 137 Waterpower classification—preservation of reser- voir sites ______________________________ 138 Supervision of mineral leasing _________________ 138 Cooperation with other Federal agencies _______ 138 Geologic and hydrologic principles, processes, and tech- niques _____________________________________ 140 Experimental geophysics ______________________ 140 Heat flow _______________________________ 140 Rock magnetism __________________________ 141 Computer modeling _______________________ 142 Geomagnetism ___________________________ 143 Applied geophysics techniques _________________ 145 Geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology ________ 147 Experimental and theoretical geochemistry __ 147 Mineral studies and crystal chemistry _____ 149 Crystal chemistry of the silicates ______ 149 ~ Mineralogic studies ___________________ 149 Volcanic rocks and processes _______________ 149 Hawaiian volcano studies _____________ 149 Geologic and hydrologic principles, processes, and techniques—Continued Geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology—Continued Volcanic rocks and processes—Continued Columbia plateau studies _____________ Caldera studies Petrologic and petrochemical studies _-_ Plutonic rocks and magmatic processes _____ Metamorphic rocks and processes __________ Geochemistry of water and sediments ______ Statistical geochemistry and petrology _____ Isotope and nuclear geochemistry _____________ Isotope tracer studies ____________________ Stable isotopes ___________________________ Advances in geochcronometry ______________ Geothermal systems __________________________ Sedimentology _______________________________ Variability of sediment yields _____________ Sediment transport and deposition _________ Channel scour ____________________________ Aerial photography ______________________ Glaciology ___________________________________ Paleontology _________________________________ Paleozoic of the United States ____________ Mesozoic of the United States ______________ Cenozoic of the United States ______________ Other paleontologic studies ________________ Ground-water hydrology ______________________ Surface-water hydrology ______________________ Chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water _______________________________ Relation between surface water and ground water Soil moisture ________________________________ Evapotranspiration ___________________________ Limnology and potamology ____________________ Plant ecology ________________________________ New hydrologic instruments and techniques _____ Computer programs for modeling and solving hydrologic problems __________________ Sea-ice studies _______________________________ Analytical chemistry _________________________ Isotope dilution __________________________ Activation analysis _______________________ Emission spectroscopy ____________________ Analysis of water ____________________________ Geology and hydrology applied to the public welfare" Earthquake studies ___________________________ Geophysical studies _______________________ Geologic studies _________________________ Engineering geology __________________________ Studies related to land use and environment _____ Urban geologic studies ____________________ Environmental geology of cities and counties Coastal environmental geology _____________ Volcano hazards __________________________ Environmental problems resulting from mining _____________________________ Investigations related to nuclear energy ________ Underground nuclear explosions ____________ Relation of radioactive wastes to the hydrolbgic environment ______________ Sites for nuclear-power reactors and other facilities Page 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 159 160 162 164 167 167 170 170 170 170 171 172 174 175 176 177 181 183 185 186 188 188 192 192 194 194 195 196 196 197 197 199 199 199 202 206 208 209 210 211 212 212 213 213 214 CONTENTS Page Geology and hydrology applied to the public welfare Topographic surveys and mapping _________________ —Continued National‘mapping program ____________________ Floods ______________________________________ 216 Mapping coordination and requirements ________ Outstanding floods _______________________ 217 National Cartographic Information Center ______ Flood-frequency studies ___________________ 217 Mapping accomplishments ———————————————————— Flood mapping ___________________________ 219 National Atlas _______________________________ Water quality and contamination ______________ 220‘ Programs in Antarctica ——————————————————————— Environmental geochemistry ___________________ 224 International (”Operation —————————————————————— Land subsidence ______________________________ 225 Research and development ___________ , ________ Astrogeology _____________________________________ 228 Field surveys ———————————————————————————— Planetary studies _____________________________ 22s Photogrammetl'y ------------------------- Lunar investigations __________________________ 229 03145031“th ————————————————————————————— Terrestrial analogs and experimental studies ___ 231 Computer technology _____________________________ Crater investigations _____________________ 231 Reston computer system ______________________ Mineralogical investigations _______________ 233 Time-sharing systems _________________________ Lunar sample investigations __________________ 233 Data communications _________________________ Remote sensing and advanced techniques ____________\ 237 Data-base management system ________________ Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) New software support ________________________ program _______________________________ 237 New facilities ________________________________ Western region ——————————————————————————— 238 US. Geological Survey publications _________________ Central region ——————————————————————————— 239 Publications program _________________________ Eastern region ——————————————————————————— 240 Publications issued ___________________________ Foreign areas ——————————————————————————— 240 How to obtain publications ____________________ Remote-sensing experiments by other Bureaus 242 Over the counter _________________________ luminescence studies _____________________ 242 By mail ________________________________ :pplicatlons to geologic studies --------------- 243 References cited __________________________________ Aggllzztlzgz 1:) giggithlzugtiliies—::::::: 31,51 Cooperators and other financial contributors during Applications to geographic studies _____________ 249 fiscal year 1975 """""""""""""""" Land use and environmental impact ________________ 252 Federal cooperators --------------------- Resource and Land Investigations program ______ 252 State, county, and local cooperators ____________ Council of State Governments Task Force ___ 252 Other c00perators and contributors ———————————— PTOdUCt evaluation project ________________ 252 US. Geological Survey offices ______________________ Environmental assessment with application to Headquarters ofl‘ices __________________________ Western coal development ___________ 253 Principal field offices __________________________ Land'Use Data a:‘nd Aniflym ngmm and 0th.” Selected field offices in the United States and geographic stud1es ______________________ 253 P - - . . uerto R1co ____________________________ Env1ronmental impact studies __________________ 256 . . . Analysis of environmental impact statements 257 Computer'Center lesmn """"""""" Environmental impact research ____________ 257 Conservatlon Dmsxon. ____________________ International cooperation in the Earth sciences ______ 258 Regional ofiioes —————————————————————— Technical assistance and cooperation ___________ 258 Area and dlStI‘ICt offices ——————————————— International commissions arid programs _______ 263 Earth Resources Observation Systems Response to natural disasters _________________ 264 program ___________________________ Minerals attaché program ______________________ 264 Geologic Division ________________________ Summary by countries _______________________ 265 Regional Offices ______________________ Argentina _______________________________ 265 Offices _______________________________ Bollwa ______ _._ __________________________ 265 . . . . . Brazil ___________________________________ 265 Publicatlon D1vrs10n ______________________ Colombia ________________________________ 266 Public Inquiries Offices _______________ Costa Rica ______________________________ 266 Distribution centers ___________________ Indonesia ________________________________ 266 Topographic Division _____________________ Kenya ___________________________________ 267 Water Resources Division _________________ Mexico __________________________________ 267 Regional offices ______________________ Nepal ___________________________________ 268 District offices _______________________ Oman ——————————————————————————————————— 268 Offices in other countries ______________________ Pakistan ————————————————————————————————— 268 Geologic Division _________________________ 1;er d """""""""""""""""""" :23 Water Resources Division ________________ 8:13;; A;;1—);_:::::::::::::::::::::: 269 Investigations in progress in the Geological Survey __ Thailand _________________________________ _ 271 Indexes __________________________________________ Yemen Arab Republic ____________________ 271 Subject index ________________________________ Antarctica ___________ \— _______________________ 2'72 Investigator index _____________________________ VII Page 274 2'74 274 2'75 276 281 282 284 284 284 286 289 293 293 293 293 294 294 294 295 295 296 296 296 297 298 309 309 310 317 318 318 318 319 319 319 319 319 321 321 321 322 322 322 322 323 323 323 32A 324 325 326 361 361 367 VIII FIGURE TABLE 2" 9‘ 5” 95°98? CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS Published geologic quadrangle maps of Kentucky as of May 1, 1975 _______________________________ Index map of the conterminous United States showing 1:250,000—sca1e geologic maps published as of De- cember 31, 1974 ____________________________________________________________________________ Index map of Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico showing geologic maps published or on open file as of December 31, 1974 _________________________________________________________________________ Index map of the conterminous United States showing areal subdivisions used in the discussions of water resources ____________________________________________________________________________ Unit discharges of 7-d droughts of 10—yr duration in Mississippi tributaries below St. Paul, Minn., in re- lation to drainage areas _____________________________________________________________________ Status of 1:24,000- and 1:62,500-scale mapping -_____-________' ____________________________________ Revision in progress, 1:24,000-sca1e topographic maps _____________________________________________ Revision of 1:250,000-scale topographic maps _____________________________________________________ Status of State base maps ______________________________________________________________________ Status of publication of 1:1,000,000-scale topographic maps. Work in progress is being done by the USGS ____________________________________________________________________________________ TABLES Concentrations of selected elements in a whole-rock sample and its leachate, Pando area, Eagle County, , Colorado __________________________________________________________________________________ Mineral production, value, and royalty for fiscal year 1975 ______________________________________ Technical assistance to other countries provided by the USGS during fiscal year 1975 _______________ Technical and administrative documents issued in calendar year 1974 as a result of USGS technical and scientific cooperative programs _______________________________________________________________ Page 42 74 7:; 80 86 277 278 279 280 281 283 Page 16 138 260 ABBREVIATIONS a-c ______________________ alternating current f-l- ____________________________ focal length AEC ______ Atomic Energy Commission (now a __________________________________ gravity Nuclear Regulatory Com- GOES "Geostationary Operational Environ- mission) mental Satellite AID "Agency for International Development. GRASP _____ Geologic Retrieval and Storage U.S. Department of State Program AIDJEX ________ Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint h ______________________________________ hom- Experiment HFU __________________________ heat-flow unit atm ............................. atmosphere hp ....................... horsepower _______ barrel HUD ___----Housing and Urban Development Hz _________________ hertz (cycle per second) IGC ___ _International Geological Congress IGU ______ International Geographical Union ____________________ calorie IGY ___ ___--International Geophysical Year CCT ______________ computer-compatible tape IHD -- --International Hydrological Decade Ci ____________________________________ curie IHP -_ "International Hydrologic Program CIPW __________ Cross, Iddings. Pirsson, and IUGS ______ International Union of Geological Washington Sciences CRIB “Computerized Resources Information J _____________________________________ jouie Bank , JOIDES ____Joint Oceanographic Institutions CRT ___- ____________ cathode ray tube Deep Earth Sampling :1 ___- _______________________ day JTU ________________ JBCRson turbidity unit dc ________________ mean diurnal temperature __________________ kelvin d-c ___________________________ direct current __kilocalorie DCP _Data Collection Platform KREEP ______ potassium, rare-earth elements, DCS _________________ Data Collection System phosphorus D0 ________________________ dissolved oxygen LANDSAT -.Land Satellite (formerly ERTS) ____Department of Defense lat __________________________________ latitude DSDP _____________ Deep Sea Drilling Project loc. __ ____location dy“ ------------------------ :__dyn-e long ............................... longitude emu __ _______________ electromagnetic unit mb _________________________ millibar EPA __ ___Environmental Protection Agency M V """" ERDA ____Energy Resource and Development e """""""""""" megaelectronvolt Administration ms/l ............ milligram per litre. or ppm EREP -Earth Resources Experiment Package mGal ------------------------------- milligal EROS “Earth Resources Observation Systems min _________________________________ minute ERS ________________ Earth Resources Survey mo __________________________________ month mol ___________________________________ mole MSS ___________________ multispectral scanner m.y. __ __________________ million years II-z/E __________ microgram per gram, or ppm ug/l ___________ microgram per litre, or ppb ug/ml ._ _microgram per millilitre, or ppm )1th _____________________________ micromho NASA ______ National Aeronautics and Space Administration NAWDEX -_National Water Data Exchange nm ______________________________ nanometres NOAA ___National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSF __________ National Science Foundation ohm-m ___________________________ ohm-metre Pa _________________________________ pascale pI-I -_ _-_measure of hydrogen ion activity ppb ________________________ part per billion ppm ____part per million ppt ___ ______________ part per thousand RALI ______ Resource and Land Information REE __ ________________ rare-earth element rms _______________________ root mean square s ____________________________________ second SLAR -_ "side-looking airborne radar SMOW __________ standard mean ocean water TAPS _________ trans-Alaska pipeline system TVA ___ ___Tennessee Valley Authority U.N. ________________________ United Nations UNESCO _______ United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization USGS ________________ U.S. Geological Survey USPHS __________ U.S. Public Health Service UTM ________ Universal Transverse Mercator V ___- _____________________________ volt yr _____________________________________ year METRIC-ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS English equivalent Length 0.03937 inch (in) 3.28 feet (ft) Metric unit millimetre (mm) metre (m) kilometre (km) .62 mile (mi) Area square metre (m!) 10.76 square feet (ft?) square kilometre (km‘-’) 386 square mile (mi’) II H II hectare (ha) 2:47 acres Volume cubic centimetre (cm?!) 0061 cubic inch (inn) cubic inches 35.31 cubic feet (fta) 0.00081 acre-foot (acre-ft) .7 litre (1) cubic metre (m3) cubic metre II H II II II H II II H cubic hectometre (hma) acre-feet litre 2.113 pints (pt) litre 1.06 quarts (qt) litre 26 gallon (gal) cubic metre :00026 million gallons (Mgal or 6 10 go) barrels (bbl) (1 bb1=42 gal) cubic metre : 6.290 Weight gram (g) = 0.035 ounce. avoirdupois (oz uvdp) gram = .0022 pound, nvoirdupois (lb avdp) tonne (t) : 1.1 tons, short (2,000 lb) tonne .98 ton, long (2,240 lb) 'fic combinations ([1 '5 O a .- kilogram per square centimetre (kg/cmi') = 0.96 atmosphere (atm) kilogram per square centimetre = .98 bur (0.9869 atm) cubic metre per second (ma/s) : 35.3 cubic feet per second (ft-Vs) Metric unit English equivalent Specific combinations——Continued litre per second (l/s) cubic metre per second per square kilometre [(mB/svkm’] metre per day (In/d) metre per kilometre (m/km) kilometre per hour (km/h) metre per second (m/s) metre squared per day (mil/d) cubic metre per second (ma/S) cubic metre per minute (ms/min) litre per second (l/s) litre per second per metre [(l/s)/m] kilometre per hour (km/h) metre per second (m/s) gram per cubic centimetre (g/cms) gram per square centimetre (g/cm?) gram per square : .0353 cubic foot per second : 91.47 cubic feet per second per square mile [(fta/s)/mi*] 3.28 feet per day (hydraulic conductivity) (ftZd) 5.28 feet per mile (ft/mi) .9113 foot per second (ft/s) 3.28 feet per second H II Ii = 10.764 feet squared per day (ftz/d) (transmissivity) = 22.826 million gallons per day (Mga /d) =264.2 gallons per minute (gal/min) : 15.85 gallons per minute = 4.83 gallons per minute per foot [(gal/mln) m1 = .62 mile per hour (mi/h) = 2.237 miles per hour : 62.43 pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft“) : 2,048 pounds per square foot (lb/ft”) centimetre .0142 pound per square inch (lb/in’) Temperature degree Celsius (’C) = 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit ("1“) degrees Celsius (temperature) = [ (1.8 X °C) + 32] degrees Fahrenheit IX GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS GEOLOGY 0F MINERAL OCCURRENCES Metallogeny and global tectonic theory P. W. Guild proposed that many apparent con- flicts between theories of metallogeny such as those based on- geosynclinal development, relationship to median'massifs‘ and regions of “autonomous activi- zation,” lineament control, and other factors can be resolved by principals of global tectonics. Endogenic mineral deposits can form in at least four plate en- vironments: (1) at accreting plate margins (rift or ocean rise, ophiolite-associated deposits), (2) over subducting zones near converging margins (cordil- leran, island-arc deposits), (3) above hot spots or mantle plumes in the interior of plates (Mississippi Valley and other types), or (4) in regions of conti- nental‘reactivization that may result from upwelling of material from the asthenosphere behind a sub- ducting plate of oceanic lithosphere (Great Basin and Rocky Mountain deposits of the general Lara- mide type). Chemical elements in ores may be de- rived from the mantle directly or by two-stage or multistage processes; their provenance and mode of concentration into mineral deposits differ in many ways that can be accounted for by the models pro— posed. Geochemical anomalies near the Haile gold mine Preliminary compilation of geochemical data from small streams in the Haile mine area of Kershaw and Lancaster Counties, S.C., was carried out by Henry Bell III. The data obtained by semiquantitative spec»- trographic analysis show that a large area low in iron coincides with the southeast-trending contact between coarse volcaniclastic rocks and overlying argillite in the Carolina slate belt. The low-iron area encloses smaller areas with anomalous tin in heavy- mineral concentrates as well as in massive pyrite bodies at the Haile mine. Gold-bearing alluvium in the same area, however, seems to reflect a pre- Triassic shear zone trending northwest between two granite plutons. Structural control of the Hamme tungsten deposit, North Carolina At the Hamme tungsten deposit, J. E. Gair found that the principal mineralized veins strike north-northeast, dip steeply southeast, are lenticular and en echelon, and in places have warps and buck- les that plunge steeply to the south. Lenticular veins contain and are separated by seams of sericite schist, which contain small drag folds that also plunge to the south. The tungsten lodes generally are elongated steeply downward to the south in the plane of the vein system. Lodes, warps, buckles, and drag folds plunge along approximately similar axes. The flow of silica-rich solutions and the later min- eralizing fluid therefore appears to have been chan- neled along the principal axes of warping and drag folding. Within the veins, huebnerite-sulfide—fluorite mineralization may be scattered quite irregularly but commonly is distributed along sheeting (con- spicuous parting parallel to the vein walls) and along schist seams that diverge from sheeting and strike northward across the northeast-trending veins. Sheeting and schist seams were principal pathways for mineralizing fluids moving through the quartz veins. Tungsten mineralization is con- fined to a large westward bulge in the northwestern part of the Hamme granodiorite-tonalite pluton. The bulge may be a last stage of multiple intrusion, representing a late magma phase. Zoned ore bodies in the Cave-in-Rock district, Illinois Underground mapping of bedded ore bodies in the Cave-in-Rock district by D. M. Pinckney showed that the minerals form tw0 sets of zones. Fluorite is zoned relative to calcite, fluorite occupy- ing the central position. Sphalerite is zoned relative to barite, Sphalerite occupying the central position. 1 2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The two sets of zones, fluorite-calcite and sphalerite. barite, overlap, but the boundary between minerals of one set generally does not coincide with the boundary between minerals of the other set. Char- acteristically, the interior of an ore body consists of fluorite and sphalerite. Occurrences of zinc in Kansas Library research by M. H. Miller found references (Lee, 1940, p. 78) to two occurrences of sphalerite in the Mississippian limestones of Kansas, which are the main host rocks of the tri-state zinc district deposits. The first occurrence is in a drill hole at a depth of 1415.8 to 1417.3 m in probable Burlington Limestone in sec. 16, T. '16 S., R. 28 W., Lane County, central western Kansas. The second occur- rence is in sec. 17, T. 33 S., R. 6 W., southwest of Wichita, in Harper County, Kan., where sphalerite occurs associated with chert (or jasperoid?) and crystals of white calcite in the Cowley Formation at a depth of 1347.8 to 1352.4 m. Such occurrences may be related to deeply buried Mississippi Valley- type ore deposits. Geologic setting of the Mogollon mining district, New Mexico- a reappraisal Reappraisal of the geologic setting of the Mogol- lon, N. Mex., mining district based on geologic map- ping and geophysics by J. C. Ratté, G. P. Eaton, D. L. Gaskill, and D. L. Peterson (1974) indicated a significant potential for discovering additional ore bodies of precious or base metalsvwithin or adjacent to the district. The Mogollon district is astride the topographic margin of the Bursum Caldera of Ter- tiary age and lies mainly within the structural moat between the caldera wall and a resurgent dome. Recognition of the caldera setting of the district leads to new interpretations and correlations of the volcanic stratigraphy within the district and in adjoining parts of the Gila Wilderness and Gila Primitive Area. Most important, perhaps, has been the discovery of the intrusive relationship of the Fanney Rhyolite, both Within and beyond the” dis- trict. At the eastern edge of the Mogollon 71/2-min quadrangle, the Fanney Rhyolite intruded older andesites and erupted through a vent to form a thick layer of pyroclastic material that previously was mapped as a younger unit. Within the district, similar crosscutting contacts of the Fanney Rhyolite previously attributed to either faulting or rough pre—Fanney topography are now considered to be intrusive contacts. These observations confirm the speculations by earlier investigators about a rela- tionship between the distribution of the Fanney Rhyolite, the ring fracture zone of the Bursum Ca1- dera, and mineralization in the Mogollon district. In addition to the rhyolite intrusions, several small intrusions of hornblendic, latitic, or dacitic rocks have been discovered recently within this ring frac- ture zone. Thus, the geologic setting seems to be favorable for extensive intrusion at depth along the ring fracture zone and particularly where the cal- dera margin is intersected by regional northeastern and northwestern fracture belts. Gravity and magnetic anomalies are spatially as- sociated with the Mogollon district, and a gravity high over the district is part of an elongate high that continues southeastward to the Silver City and Santa Rita mining districts. In a preliminary inter- pretation of this gravity anomaly, Eaton related it to the probable presence of Paleozoic carbonate rocks in the subsurface, which provide a density contrast with the dominant volcanic surface rocks. Calcite veins, as much as 20 m wide north of the Mogollon district, provide additional support for this interpretation. The mineral potential of the Mogollon mining district, as well as of other parts of the Bursum Caldera ring fracture zone, is enhanced by the possibility of extensive intrusion at depth along the zone and the probabilityof a Paleozoic carbonate section at depth adjacent; to the area of intense volcanic eruptions and caldera subsidence. Zeolite in southwestern New Mexico Several extensive areas of rhyolitic tuif in the Winston, N. Mex., area were mapped by C. H. Max- well. The tuff has been altered over large areas to material identified by R. A. Sheppard as being com- posed largely of clinoptilolite and having a good economic potential for industrial use. Resources may be of the order of 45 million tonnes. Four auriferous gravel units in the Hillsboro Las Animas district, Sierra County, New Mexico The western edge of the Rio Grande Trench and the fringing Las Animas Hills, near lat 33 N. in New Mexico, display four gravel units, according to Kenneth Segerstrom and J. C. Antweiler III. These are: 1. A calcite-cemented deposit that occurs in the sub- surface east of the hills and in eroded remnants on the flanks of the hills. The probable age is 7 to 9 my (latest Miocene or earliest Pliocene). 2. An ow rlapping gravel that mantles piedmont slopes descending eastward toward the Rio Grande and contains as many as four or five soil- calcite layers. This thick fill deposit is about 500,000 yr old (mid-Pleistocene). 3. A gravel unit, lenticular in cross section and with .one or two buried soil-caliche layers, that partly fills shallow valleys cut in the No. 2 deposit. This MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 3 unit is of late Pleistocene and (or) early Holocene age. 4. Modern stream deposits without carbonate ce- ment. Vertical channel samples from trenches and stream-cut banks in units 1, 2, and 3 consistently have visible gold in pan concentrates as far as 3 km east of the Animas Hills. Gold is Visible in pan con- centrates from unit 4 as far as 15 km east of the Animas Hills, but not consistently. A law cauldron subsidence feature at Silver Cliff-Johnson ulch A gravity study and careful consideration of sur- face geology by W. N. Sharp led to identifying a previously unrecognized subsidence cauldron 4.8 km northeast of Silver Cliff, Colo. At the surface, an oval-shaped depression, 1.6x2.4 km in size, is marked by thin-bedded to massive white rhyolitic water-laid tuff. This rock unit was mapped as early as 1883 by Whitman Cross (1896, p. 322) and de- scribed as “. . . a local and unimportant lake-bed deposit. The surface geology is deceptive. The tuif unit occupies a generally depressed area in the moderately dissected Precambrian gneisses. Two sides of the tufl" unit are bounded by intersection faults. The low scarps of these structures“ and the modest-appearing offset allowed a small collecting basin to preserve the tuff beds.” The geologic evidence showing that the Precam- brian gneisses are the walls of a subsided cauldron is modest but in order. The tufl" beds dip inward along the contact in the few places that they can be seen. In one place, the contact is marked by a zone of coarse breccia—mostly Precambrian rocks with some volcanic blocks, tightly packed, angular, and all stained and highly weathered. This unit appears to be breccia associated with collapse. Precambrian rocks at and near the contact are fractured at many places and sufficiently iron stained to attract pros- pecting. At one such place the fractures are filled with black manganese-iron oxides, a common occur- rence at the neighboring Silver Cliff volcano. Gravity measurements made during a survey of the Silver Cliff volcanic area gave conspicuously low values at stations over the tuff, outlining an 8-mGal low. A review of a low-altitude aeromagnetic survey of the region showed a coinciding magnetic low. A preliminary assessment of the thickness of the tuff unit, from the average density contrast of the in- volved rocks, indicates about 600 m of tufl'like ma- terial filling a steep-walled structure in the Precam- brian granite. Minerals of economic interest in the Phosphoria Formation vanidiferous zone, Afton, Wyoming Electron microprobe studies by G. A. Desborough of unweathered rocks from the vanadium-rich zone in the Phosphoria Formation near Afton, Wyo., re— vealed that cadmium-rich zinc sulfide, a calcium- ,molybdenum mineral, and a new titanium-iron-sul- phur oxide are present. Could Belt carbonates contain stratabound lead-zinc ores? Can the concept of “infiltration” for the forma- tion of stratabound lead-zinc deposits in carbonate rocks be applied to the Precambrian Belt Super- group? The concept specifies redistribution of lead and zinc during diagenesis and dewatering of sedi- ments where these metals are trapped. Recent geo- logic mapping by J. E. Harrison in the south-central part of the Wallace 2° sheet, Montana and Idaho, revealed a typical carbonate sequence in the Helena and the upper part of the Wallace Formation con- sisting of carbonate shelf deposits in the east, slope deposits including large slumps and sedimentary breccia farther southwest, and black shale still far— ther west. Some of the sedimentary breccia deposits contain small replacement-type fluorite deposits along with trace amounts of copper, lead, and zinc, all of which suggest that the infiltration process may have been active. Chle’mifial characteristics of hydrothermal alteration at Bingham, a Chemical variations in igneous host rocks of the disseminated copper ore body at Bingham, Utah, are systematically related to the distribution of potas- sium silicate (biotite : potassium feldspar) and plagioclase-destructive sericitic (sericite : kaolinite : montmorillonite) alteration assemblages, accord- ing to W. J. Moore. Potassium silicate alteration is present throughout the copper ore zone. Primary pyroxene and amphibole in equigranular monzonitic rocks from the southeastern half of the ore zone are totally replaced by hydrothermal biotite (average magnesiumzmagnesium + iron, 0.74). Chemical changes between these rocks and their unaltered equivalents include a slight gain in silica and a moderate loss of A1203, Fezog, and CaO; FeO, MgO, Na20, and K20 are generally unchanged, although K20 is added locally. Hydrothermal orthoclase is a prominent phase in potassium silicate assemblages from the aplitic por- phyry. Bulk compositions of these cryptoperthitic feldspars (Oral) are more potassic than those from unaltered monzonitic rocks (01'73). Determinations of structural state for hydrothermal orthoclase in- dicate an intermediate degree of aluminum-silicon 4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 ordering. Cooling of the hydrothermal system through the microcline stability field (T=4,000°C) was rapid enough to preclude an inversion to tri- clinic forms. Pervasive sericitic alteration is largely confined to host rocks from the northwestern half of the ore zone. This alteration was superimposed upon the potassium silicate assemblage as the hydrothermal system cooled. Rocks from the sericite zone show substantial gains in silica and potassium oxide rela- tive to those from the southeastern half of the ore body; all other major elements show losses. In monzonitic rocks peripheral to the ore zone, primary pyroxene is commonly rimmed or totally replaced by fibrous (uralitic ?) amphibole, and plagioclase crystals are rimmed by orthoclase. These reactions apparently predated the main period of hydrothermal activity and signify a new direction of magmatic evolution leading to the generation of hydrous fluids responsible for successive stages of potassium silicate and sericitic alteration. Age of volcanism, intrusion, and mineralization in western Utah The history of volcanism, intrusion, and mineral- ization in J uab County, western Utah, was outlined by D. A. Lindsey, C. W. Naeser, and D. R. Shawe with the aid of 26 new fission-track age dates. Three distinct ages of volcanic and intrusive rocks were established: (1) volcanic flows and ash-flow tufl’s at 38 to 39 m.y., (2) ash-flow tuffs and intrusives at 30 to 32 m.y., and (3) alkali rhyolite flows at 6 to 10 my. Fluorspar and beryllium mineralization at Spor Mountain followed extrusion of topaz rhyolite 6 my. ago. Complex igneous and mineralization history at Round Mountain, Nevada Geologic mapping has clarified the complex his- tory of igneous activity and mineralization in the Round Mountain area of Nevada, according to D. R. Shawe. About 3 km southeast of the town of Round Mountain, a swarm of northeasterly oriented rhyolite dikes of Oligocene age intrudes Cretaceous granite that was cut by veins of quartz tungsten in Late Cretaceous time. Locally intense mineralization that followed intrusion of the rhyolite dikes possibly ac- counts for metal anomalies (as much as 1,550 ppm Mo and 15,000 ppm Cu) in the vicinity of the dikes. A small biotite diorite stock was emplaced near the northeastern‘end of the swarm of rhyolite dikes. Tourmaline found in granite and rhyolite near the diorite stock was probably formed during or shortly after the intrusion of the stock. A volcanic mélange unit, consisting of blocks of large size and compositional variety in an ash-tufl" matrix, was deposited in the northern part of the Round Mountain quadrangle and probably was de- rived from a volcano at Jefferson, 2 km east of the quadrangle. Extensive rhyolitic ash-flow tufl’s de- posited in early Miocene time probably were de- rived from the Mount Jefferson volcanic field north- east of the quadrangle. Gold mineralization in the rhyolitic welded tufi‘ at Round Mountain occurred about 1 my after emplacement of the tufl’. Bedded barite in southwestern Nevada Sedimentary barite deposits of Cambrian and Or- dovician age were reported by F. G. Poole in the southern Montezuma Range and southwestern Can- delaria Hills of southwestern Nevada. The barite in the Montezuma Range occurs as fine-grained con- glomeratic barite interbedded with limestone, silty limestone, and minor chert. The major barite bed is more than 1 m thick and is associated with a silty limestone unit that contains fragments of Lower Cambrian trilobites. In the Candelaria Hills, lam- inated to very thin bedded dark fine-grained barite in beds as much as several metres thick is inter- calated with eugeosynclinal dark mudstone and chert of Ordovician age. Genesis of turquoise deposits, Shoshone Range, Nevada Studies by C. T. Wrucke and R. A. Koski showed that turquoise (a copper-bearing phosphate) in the northern Shoshone Range, Nev., occurs mainly along steep faults and thrust zones at the fringes of areas mineralized in gold and base metals. Host rocks are eugeosynclinal siltstone, argillite, and chert of Paleozoic age. Other phosphate minerals in the same environment but not occurring together are crandallite, variscite, and goyazite(?); all are from veins and fillings between fault breccia. Asso- ciated minerals include quartz, sericite, and kaolin- ite. Phosphate for the turquoise could have been de- rived from sparse but Widespread phosphorite in the eugeosynclinal rocks, but whether deposition was by supergene processes, to which it is usually ascribed, or by a low-temperature hydrothermal event asso- ciated with hot springs is uncertain. Some gold mineralization in the area is thought to be of hot- spring origin. Features of Carlin-type gold deposits Collaborative studies by A. S. Radtke (USGS) and F. W. Dickson (Stanford Univ.) indicated that the MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 5 fine-grained, disseminated gold deposits designated as Carlin-type deposits were formed by the action of ascending hot waters that penetrated tothe surface or to shallow depths. Conditions during ore deposi- tion ranged from the low temperatures and pres- sures of a hot-spring environment to epithermal conditions of as‘much as 225°C and 25 bars. The Carlin-type deposits constitute a previously unrec- ognized class of ore deposits. They are characterized by the association of gold, pyrite, silica, and organic carbon; exceedingly fine-grained ore minerals; in- troduced organic compounds; localization of gold in brecciated, carbonaceous, silty carbonate rocks and along high—angle faults that commonly contain al- tered dikes; fine-grained silicified rocks and jasper- oids; and' argillized rocks. Visible gold is rare, and base-metal minerals are uncommon. Abnormally large amounts of arsenic, antimony, and mercury occur in the gold ore and in the surrounding country rocks. Thallium occurs in high-arsenic ores. Most deposits contain veinlets of quartz, barite, and cal- cite. Pyrite occurs as preore syngenetic or diage- netic grains in host rocks and with the ore and also was deposited from the hydrothermal solutions be- fore and possibly during gold deposition. Ore deposition was in response to drops in tem- perature‘and pressure, reaction with wall rocks, and boiling. Boiling took place over a vertical distance of at least 100 m and perhaps as much as 300 m. During the waning stages of hydrothermal activity, the upper level of boiling lowered progressively, and previously mineralized rocks were thus exposed to oxidation. Soluble compounds produced by oxidation migrated downward to react with the hydrothermal solutions and to form late sulfate and carbonate mineral veins. Stocks and metal dep05its in the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona Geologic mapping by S. C. Creasy and T. G. Theo- dore in the Santa Catalina Mountains, Ariz., sug- gested that the base-metal deposits are spatially and probably there-fore genetically related to the Leatherwood Quartz Diorite and not to the younger, highly sheared Samaniego Quartz Monzonite. The large volumes of pegmatite-aplite probably derived from the Samaniego Quartz Monzonite indicate a water-rich magma. Mineralogic differences Within the Samaniego Quartz Monzonite are probably re- lated to compositional differences in the contiguous country rocks. The existence in the heart of the Arizona copper province of an ore-poor quartz mon- zonite derived from a hot, water-rich magma is noteworthy. The economic significance, if any, of the intense deformation that transformed much of the Samaniego Quartz Monzonite into a gneiss is not known. Fluid inclusion studies on ore from Ray, Arizona Preliminary study by T .G. Theodore of fluid in- clusions in quartz-bearing ore collected by N. G. Banks from the porphyry copper deposit at Ray, Ariz., yielded results different from those typical of most such deposits. Most significantly, at Ray there is a marked paucity of the gas—rich varieties and polyphase types of inclusions common in many other porphyry copper deposits. Fluid inclusions of both primary-pseudosecondary and definitely secondary origins at Ray are unsaturated at room temperature with respect to sodium chloride (<26 weight per- cent sodium chloride equivalent), and they are com- posed primarily of liquid plus a small vapor bubble. All inclusions yield relatively low filling tempera- tures, with a range of 195° to 350°C and an approxi- mate mean of 270°C, irrespective of host-rock or sulfide-vein mineralogy. Paragenetically late galena— sphalerite—pyrite-quartz veins yielded some of the highest filling temperatures; this relation is some- what enigmatic because thermal declines with time are ascribed to most such sulfide-silicate systems. Actual trapping temperatures, however, may have been much higher than these temperatures because of potentially large corrections to filling tempera- tures required by the uncertain pressure environ- ment during metallization. Laramide plutonism and mineralization west of Safford, Arizona Recent mapping by P. M. Blacet in the Santa Teresa and Turnbull Mountains, northwest of Saf- ford, Ariz., demonstrated that the Santa Teresa Granite and the Goodwin Canyon Quartz Monzonite are mutually gradational facies of an early Ter- tiary( ?) batholith exposed over an area of approxi- mately 330 kmz. This unusually large epizonal plu- ton, probably the largest mass of Laramide granitic rock exposed in Arizona, intrudes rock at least as young as the Pinkard Formation of Upper Creta- ceous age and has an apparent lead-alpha age of 60:10 my. (Simons, 1964). Disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite occur in altered coarse-grained granite at several localities in the south-central part of the batholith. Small re- placement deposits of magnetite and the manganese pyroxene johannsenite were discovered in skarn de- 6 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 veloped from lower Paleozoic limestone and shale in a roof remnant in the central part of the batholith. South of the batholith, in the Eagle Pass area, a swarm of Laramide( ?) porphyry dikes is associated with widespread alteration and mineralization. Ex- otic secondary copper minerals apparently have leaked through a Miocene thrust plate that covers the western part of the dike swarm 18 km southeast of Klondyke. The dike swarm is interpreted as part of a major Laramide tectometallogenic zone trending approximately N. 70° E. through San Manuel, Saf- ford, and Morenci. This belt occupies a central po- sition in the famed copper quadrilateral and is the locus of three of the largest porphyry copper dis- tricts in the United States. GEOLOGIC STUDIES IN POTENTIALLY MINERALIZED AREAS AREAL MINERAL APPRAISAL Black sands in the Lake Superior beaches A geochemical surVey in the Michigan part of the Sault Ste. Marie 2° quadrangle to find areas that may have potential for economic metallic and non- metallic deposits was conducted by J. W. Whitlow, J. F. Windolph, T. W. Broadhead, and D. L. Pear- son. Dark-gray to black sands in a bed or beds up to 30 cm thick in the beaches along the south shore of Lake Superior were found to contain as much as 11 percent Ti02, 0.2 percent V, and greater than 20 percent Fe. No other areas with potential for ores of metals were found. Geochemical sampling indicates belt of copper mineralization in Calamine quadrangle, Lafayette County, Wisconsin Chemical and semiquantitative spectrograph'u: analyses of soil and stream sediment samples col- lected by W. S. West showed a belt of copper min- eralization at least 12.9 km long extending north- south across the Calamine quadrangle, Wisconsin. The mineralized belt may extend northward to the copper occurrence at Mineral Point and southward to the Apple River quadrangle. The north-south trend of this copper mineraliza- tion contrasts with the general east-west trends of the lead and zinc mineralization in the Upper Mis- sissippi Valley district. Copper potential in the eastern half of the Tucson 2° quadrangle, Arizona A map showing the relative potential for the occurrence of copper deposits in an area of more than 10,000 km2 extending from the Tucson Moun- tains to Sulfur Springs Valley near Willcox, Ariz., was prepared by the US. Geological Survey (1974) for use by land-use planners, governmental agen- cies, conservation groups, and companies or indi- viduals interested in the mineral industry, accord- ing to P. M. Blacet. The map outlines areas of rela- tively high, intermediate, and low potential for hosting copper deposits and, to a lesser extent, in- dicates favorable areas in which to explore for asso- ciated zinc, lead, gold, and silver deposits. The zones of relative mineral potential are plotted on a sim- plified geologic map along with the locations of known copper deposits and minor copper occur- rences. The map is the second of a series planned for part of southern Arizona to. classify. land accord- ing to its relative mineral potential. Mineralization in Hillsboro area, New Mexico Geologic maps of the Hillsboro-San-Lorenzo 15- min quadrangles New Mexico, were completed in 1974, and three selected mineralized areas were mapped in detail. D. C. Hedlund reported that three areas of detailed resource mapping were the Copper Flat copper porphyry in the Animas Hills district (126,000 and 1 :24,000) , the Kingston silver district (1:6,000), and base-metal deposits in the Swartz (Carpenter) mining district (1:24,000). The small quartz monzonite body of Copper Flat is a relatively nonweathlered subvolcanic stock that has intruded andesite and andesite breccias of Late Cretaceous age. The stock has an area of about 1.0 km2 and, on the basis of limited drill-hole data, appears to have steeply expanding contacts with the surrounding andesite. ‘Biotite from the quartz monzonite has been dated by the K-Ar method as 73.4:25 m.y. (R. F. Marvin, H. H. Mehnert, and V. M. Merritt, unpub. data, 1974). The copper min- eralization is confined mainly to the altered central part of the intrusion where numerous fracture fill- ings and disseminations of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and bornite are localized in the sericitized quartz mon- zonite. I In the Kingston district, fissure veins that con- tain silver-bearing base metals are localized along major faults that strike N. 10°—20° W. The silver content of the unoxidized ores is as much as 790 ppm and averages about 440 ppm (six analyses). The chief silver minerals are cerargyrite, argentite, and polybasite; the galena is argentiferous and con- tains as much as 1,300 ppm Ag. Other ore minerals include sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and alaban- MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 7 dite. The sphalerite contains exsolution-type blebs of chalcopyrite, and electron microprobe analyses of the pyrite-associated sphalerite indicate 1.91 to 2.40 mole percent FeS. This low FeS content suggests relatively low depositional temperatures. Sphalerite-rich base-metal deposits of middle Ter- tiary age (about 33 m.y.) are localized along strong faults that strike N. 10°—20° W. through the Swartz mining district. Both fissure veins and bedding re- placement bodios are also closely associated with a zone of thermal metamorphism that extends for at least 9.7 km along the strike of faulted Paleozoic carbonate rocks. The contact metamorphic assem- blage of diopside, epidote, tremolite, wollastonite, grossular garnet, phlogopite, fluorite, helvite, and magnetite suggests temperatures of about 500°— 650°C under very small load pressures. This thermal metamorphism preceded the mineralization, but both events are attributed to the intrusions of rhy- olite stocks, plugs, and dikes into the Paleozoic strata. MINERAL INVESTIGATIONS RELATED TO THE WILDERNESS ACT The Wilderness Act of 1964 directs the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to review the suitability of lands being considered for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. To aid in evaluating suitability for wilder- ness inclusion, the USGS and the U.S. Bureau of Mines are making mineral—resource appraisal sur- veys of primitive and other areas of the national forests, as well as of wilderness areas established by the Act. PRIMITIVE AREAS Mineral surveys have been completed on all 34 primitive areas, totaling about 2.9 million ha. Re- ports on 31 of the areas have been published as USGS Bulletins, and reports on the remaining three were open filed during 1973; they will be printed dur— ing 1975 and 1976. WILDERNESS AREAS Mineral surveys have been completed on 15 of the 54 wilderness areas that were established before or by the Wilderness Act of 1964. A report on the Scapegoat Wilderness, Mont, was published in 1974, and a report on the San Pedro Parks Wilder- ness, N. Mex., was published in 1975. Field work has been completed and the reports are in prepara- tion in five wilderness areas, and field work is un- derway in three areas. Maroon Bells-Snowmass Geologic mapping in the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Area of Colorado by V. L. Freeman and Bruce Bryant demonstrated Oligocene faulting along Avalanche Creek in the Redstone quadrangle. The fault that extends from the intrusions asso- ciated with Mount Sopris on the north to the Snow- mass pluton at the south trends north-northwest, is probably nearly vertical, and has a displacement of about 100 m, the southwestern side being relatively unlifted. Some right-lateral movement is possible. Movement along the fault occurred prior to or con- temporaneously with intrusion of granodiorite o-f Oligocene age. STUDY AREAS Mineral surveys of 77 of the 295 areas being studied by the Forest Service for the Wilderness System have been completed. Investigations of 13 of the completed study areas are included in reports on primitive and wilderness areas. An Eastern Wil- derness Act signed in 1975 established 17 study areas to be studied in 5 yr. Studies of three areas are complete, and the study of one area is in pro- gress. Open-file reports have been released for the Saw- tooth Recreation Area, Idaho; the Trinity Alps addi- tion, Calif; the Du Noir area, Wyo.; and the Cougar Lakes-Mount Aix and Alpine Lakes additions, Wash. Results from some of the areas are given below. Boulder Pioneer study area, Idaho Dominantly allochthonous rocks underlie about 2,500 km2 in the Pioneer Mountains, Idaho. J. H. Dover, S. W. Hobbs, W. E. Hall, F. S. Simons, C. M. Tschanz, and R. J. Ross, J r., recognized at least six major thrust plates of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, each with its own distinctive stratigraphic sequence and (or) structural-metamorphic style. Parautoch- thonous ( ?) Precambrian gneiss and lower to middle Paleozoic shelf sediments are exposed in three struc- tural windows. Evidence is accumulating that major structures of Antler (mainly Mississippian) age have been moved into the Pioneer Mountain area upon large thrust faults of Mesozoic age. Cumula- tive crustal shortening of at'least some tens of kilometres, and perhaps as much as 150 km, is sug- gested by reconstruction of early Paleozoic paleofa- 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 cies combined with intense deformation over an ex- tensive area within the allochthons. Eastern part of Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho The eastern part of the Sawtooth National Rec- reation Area covers about 2,100 km2 in central Idaho. The mineral-resource study was done by C. M. Tschanz, T. H. Kiilsgaard, and D. A. Seeland (USGS) and R. M. Van Noy, James Ridenour, N. T. Zilka, F. E. Federspiel, R. K. Evans, E. T. Tuchek, and A. B. McMahon (US. Bureau of Mines) (1974). The geology of the area is complex and consists of deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks that have been intruded by granitic rocks and over- lain by volcanics, glacial deposits and alluvial de- posits. The study area is near the southeastern mar- gin of the composite Idaho batholith, which under— lies the northwestern third of the area and encloses the smaller, younger Sawtooth batholith immedi- ately to the west. The Idaho batholith intrudes metasedimentary rocks of probable Precambrian age in the northwestern part of the area. Folded and faulted sedimentary rocks that range in age from Ordovician to Permian form an arcuate belt trending northerly through the center of the area and are intruded by the Idaho batholith, the White Cloud, Horton Peak, and Boulder Mountains stocks, and by several smaller stocks. In most of the eastern third of the area, the sedimentary rocks and intru- sives of the composite Idaho batholith are overlain by the Challis Volcanics and intruded by hypabyssal porphyries that are related to the volcanics. The area is in one of the most highly mineralized and potentially productive regions in Idaho and con- tains large undeveloped mineral resources. The mineral evaluation of the area is based on the past mineral production, the results of recent exploration by claim owners, and the results of this study. The value of past mineral production from the area, at prices prevailing at the time of production, is esti- mated from incomplete records to be at least $5 million. The total estimated production from mining districts within 16 km of the study area exceeds $50 million. The potential value of known mineral resources in the area exceeds the value of the total past pro- duction by a factor of between 70 and 100. The most important deposits are large marginal resources of molybdenum near Boulder Creek and large re- serves of zinc recently determined in the Hoodo Mine; cadmium occurs with the zinc and adds appre- ciably to the value of the large reserves. Many tungsten, molybdenum, and uranium deposits have been discovered or developed since 1952 in accessible areas within or near the study area. The principal resources, in estimated order of decreasing potential value, are molybdenum, zinc, silver, gold, lead, fluorite, antimony, cadmium, and graphite. Niobium, uranium, thorium, rare earths, and titanium are potential coproducts of placer gold mining. Small amounts of tin, tungsten, bismuth, mercury, selen- ium, and tellurium also occur in the area. Target areas that may contain additional mineral resources were indicated by the results of geochemi- cal and geophysical surveys. The most promising are zinc anomalies at Mill Creek and at several streams in the Slate Creek drainage, Where zinc- cadmium deposits similar to the deposit at the H00- doo Mine are inferred in the Mississippian and De- vonian( ?) rocks, and zinc and silver-lead anomalies at Grand Prize Gulch. The results of electromag— netic surveys indicate conductors that may repre- sent mineralized zones in these areas, as well as in the Buckskin and Valley Creek mine areas near the northern boundary, where gold-silver-bearing veins are present. Some silver-lead-bearing veins in the area con- tain small amounts of tin in the form of cassiterite and stannite. The present economic value of the tin resources is uncertain; however, these deposits are unique in the United States, and they are a possible future source of this domestically rare, important metal. Cougar Lakes-Mount Aix study area, Washington The Cougar Lakes-Mount Aix study area covers approximately 673 ka, chiefly along the eastern side of the crest of the Cascade Range on the east of Mount Rainier National Park in Yakima and Lewis Counties, Wash. The mineral-resource study was done by G. C. Simmons (USGS) and R. M. Van Noy and N. T. Zilka (US. Bureau of Mines). Most of the study area is underlain by volcanic and intrusive rocks; perhaps 10 percent are under- lain by older sedimentary rocks. These rocks are intruded by younger granitic rocks followed by rhyod-acite. Most of the mineralization is in pyri- tized and altered zones along the margins of the younger intrusives. Following intrusion and min- eralization, the area was alternately eroded and partly covered during three periods of volcanism. The area contains small, uneconomic deposits of copper, mercury, zinc, and manganese, and the only potential for a large metalliferous body is near Mesatchee Creek, in an area that is presently being MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 9 explored for copper. A small amount of mercury was produced from the Red Spur mine, and small shipments of manganese ore reportedly have been made from the Fig property, both in the southeast- ern part of the area. Although the exposed mercury occurrences are submarginal, the potential for dis- covering other small deposits of this metal exists in the area. A potential zinc resource exists in the area near Little Twin Sister Lake. In the Miners Ridge district, outside the study area, copper, silver, and tungsten were mined from northwesterly striking shear zones that extend toward the crest of Miners Ridge and possibly into the study area. Data on the geology and analyses of spring water indicate that part of the area may have a potential for geothermal energy. Alpine Lakes study area and additions, Washington The Alpine Lakes study area and additions lie along the crest of the central Cascade Range in Chelan, King, and Kittitas Counties, Wash. The mineral-resource evaluation of the study area and additions, consisting of 1,551 kmz, was done by J. L. Gualtieri and G. C. Simmons (USGS) and H. K. Thurber, M. S. Miller, A. B. McMahan, and F. E. Federspiel (US. Bureau of Mines). The area is divided into an eastern block and a western block by the northwest-trending anastomos- ing Deception Creek Fault; the eastern block is characterized by pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of granitic, mafic, and ultramafic composition that are cut by thrust faults and minor high-angle faults. The western block is characterized by late Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary, volcanic, and granitic rocks with only minor amounts of pre-Cretaceous rocks. Most of the mineralization is in highly altered shear zones and veins near the Mount Stuart bath- olith of Cretaceous age and the Snoqualmie batho- lith of late Miocene age. The mineral evaluation is based on reconnaissance geologic mapping, geochemical sampling, an aero- magnetic survey, and examination of mines, pros- pects, and claims. The drainage basins of Gold Creek, Mineral Creek, Van Epps Creek, Lemah Creek, and the Snoqualmie River have a potential for low-grade copper resources in mineralized bree- cia zones. Granitic rocks in the Gold Creek Valley area may contain disseminated copper sulfide min- erals at depth. Several vein-type mineral deposits are in the area; some of them contain moderately high values of copper and silver, and some contain minor amounts of gold. A poorly defined zone of disseminated copper de- posits appears to extend from the area of the Sno- qualmie River southward through the Gold Creek area to the Mineral Creek area. The Porter-Crawford Creek area has a potential as a large low-grade copper resource. The Porter- Hemlock-Condor mineralized zones are presently being explored, and they may contain large commer- cial deposits of copper. The Three Brothers zone may contain as much as 1.8 million tonnes of min- eralized rock averaging 0.8 percent Cu. The Red Face.mineralized zone of low-grade disseminated copper may be a potential resource. Anomalous stream sediment and rock samples from Big Creek, Cougar Creek, Lennox Creek, the Miller River, and Gouging Lake areas suggest the presence of undiscovered vein deposits of silver, copper, and molbydenum. The Cleopatra mine is estimated to contain over 90,000 tonnes of mineral- ized rock grades ranging from 187.5 to 531.3 mg of silver per kilogram. Detectable amounts of gold were found in many places in the study area, but only the Lennox mine in the Lennox Creek drainage has produced gold ore MINERAL COMMODITY APPRAISAL Summary of the principal findings of Professional Paper 820 The encyclopedic nature of “United States Mineral Resources” (USGS Professional Paper 820) seems to have inhibited its widespread use by people other than professional geologists. A summary of the principal findings and conclusions of Professional Paper 820 is presented in Circular 698 (W. D. Pratt and D. A. Brobst, 1974), which gives special regard to the resources of 27 mineral commodities of ma- j or importance to our industrial civilization (on the basis of dollar value) and to the problems involved in using the resources of the 10 most important non- ferrous metals, the 11 principal ferrous metals, and the 6 principal fossil and nuclear fuels. New appraisal of alunite resources A reappraisal of alunite resources in the Western States by R. B. Hall was stimulated by revived in- terest in nonbauxite sources of aluminum. Depos- its at Marysvale, Utah, well studied during both World Wars as a potential source of aluminum and potash, are insufficient to serve as a long-term re- source; however, recent exploration by a private consortium has found large reserves in Tertiary volcanic terrane in Beaver County, Utah, that place 10 alunite in a more favorable light as a possible do- mestic source of aluminum and a partial alternative to imported bauxite. Potassium sulfate fertilizer and sulfuric acid are potential byproducts, the re- covery of which is essential to the economic utiliza- tion of alunite ore. Large tonnages of alunite-bear- ing rock exist in solfatarically altered volcanic rock-s of Tertiary age in southern Nevada, southern Arizona, and the San Juan Mountains of southwest- ern Colorado, but the tenor in these deposits is not known. Alunite-processing technology seems well established, although its economic feasibility is not yet proven. Pilot plant testing of Utah ore by a private consortium has been in progress for several years. Chemical differences between types of ultramafic bodies M. L. Bird, in a microprobe study of ultramafic rocks, found that the differences in composition of chromite, olivine, and pyroxene, the respec- tive trends in cbmpositional variation, and the major-element distribution between the respective minerals serve to distinguish the alpine, strati- form-, and concentric-type ultramafic bodies. The platinum-containing concentric-type bodies can be distinguished from the alpine type, and, within the alpine type, those bodies that may contain metal- lurgical-grade chromite can be distinguished fro-m those containing refractory-grade chromite. Strati- form bodies that may contain sulfides are distin- guished from the other types. Fluorspar districts controlled by major tensional faults Review of the principal fluorspar districts of the United States by R. E. Van Alstine showed that they are associated with continental rifts and other major zones of tensional faulting. In Illinois and Kentucky, the deposits are along and near thejunc- tion of the New Madrid and Shawneetown-Rough Creek fault zones. In the Rocky Mountains, they are along and near the Rio Grande rift zone and its northward projection to the Canadian border. In Nevada and Utah, the deposits are in tensional faults of the Basin and Range province. The western deposits commonly are located in high-angle normal faults, are low-temperature and low-pressure types, have silicified wall rocks, and are middle to late Tertiary in age. Locally, the de- posits or their controlling structures are associated with Tertiary silicic or alkalic intrusive rocks, flows or hypabyssal bodies of basalt, silicic or alkalic rhyolitic volcanic rocks, calderas, hot springs, and GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 gravity-low areas. The high heat flow in and near the tensional structures suggests that magma and volatiles were transferred upward; volatile fluorine from the mantle or lower crust probably was the ultimate source for the near-surface fluorspar de- posits. Commercial fluorspar deposits are associated with zones of tensional faulting elsewhere in the world: for example, Mexico, the Rocky Mountain trench of Canada, the rift zone-s of Africa, and the Rhone and Rhine grabens of Spain, France, and Germany. Tools for prospecting for vermiculite Vermiculite deposits are associated with ultra- mafic rocks and are formed in the zone of weather- ing. About one-third of our production comes from South Carolina, where Weathering is deep, the rocks generally are not well exposed, and the ultramafic bodies have areas of only a few hectares. The mag- netic susceptibility. of ultramafic rocks is commonly greater than that of granitic rocks, so that A. L. Bush suggested that aerom-agnetic survey might pin- point anomalies caused by the ultramafic bodies. A survey of about 650 km2 in Laurens County, 8.0., revealed about 20 anomalies, but field examination showed that susceptibility contrasts were too low to distinguish between ultramafic and granitic rocks associated with the vermiculite deposits, and the amonalies could not be used to identify potential ultramafic host rocks. Western termination of Negaunee Iron-Formation The Negaunee Iron-Formation (Precambrian X) is the principal iron-producing unit of the Marquette Iron Range in northern Michigan. In the past, it has yielded ore as far west as the town of Michigamme. Westward from that point, the unit thins rapidly from about 150 m just west of Michigamme to 45 m or less within about 1 km along strike, according to W. F. Cannon. Still farther west, the Negaunee is not exposed but has been traced by magnetic surveys for about 8 km. Near the town of Three Lakes, about 5 km west of Michigamme, several diamond-drill holes penetrated about 15 to 30 m of iron—formation, and a magnetic anomaly of about 10,000 gammas is caused by the iron-formation. The anomaly is about 5,000 gammas 1.5 km farther west, and it disappears completely within another 1.5 km. Environmental impact of mining peat in Maine C. C. Cameron (1975) determined from studies of five physiographic forms of peat deposits in Wash- MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 11 ington and southern Aroostook Counties, Maine, that exploitation during the past 75 yr has made little impact on the heath-covered dome-shaped bogs that are best suited for the production of commer- cial-quality Sphagnum moss peat. This exploitation has so little effect because the peat was removed from the parts of the domes lying above the regional water table and because remaining remnants of heath flora regenerated new peat. So long as a re- gional ground-water table is little changed by keep- ing drainage ditches at minimum depth and some patches of heath flora are left undisturbed, peat min- ing in sphagnum dome-shaped bogs, such as those that occur in Maine, may not cause permanent change. However, recent usage of modern machinery for rapid clearing of the heath surface and for ditching makes preliminary studies of the regional and perched water-table positions and relationships, the physiographic form of the deposit, and its biol- ogy important in order to prevent unnecessary dam- age to the environment. Economic geology of phosphate deposits Until recent years, only tonnage, P205 content, and geographic location were enough to characterize, economically, most phosphate deposits. Because most phosphate rock today is used to make sophisticated chemical fertilizers (for example, triplesuperphos- phate, polyphosphate, diammonium phosphate, and phosphoric acid), a great many other chemical analyses must be made to determine the economics and potential uses of phosphate rock from any de— posit. Lime (CaO) in amounts greater than needed in the apatite mineral is deleterious in acidulation because of greater use of sulfuric acid and is de- leterious in thermal phosphate manufacturing be- cause of the need to add silica to turn all of the CaO into calcium silicate flux. The ratio of Ca0:P205 in marine apatites is about 1.5; anything greater than 1.5 indicates that some calcite is probably pres- ent. Iron and alumina, as FeZO3 and A120,, are both deleterious in making phosphoric acid or thermal phosphates because of the formation of insoluble aluminum and iron phosphates and the formation of ferrophosphate. The total content of aluminum and iron oxides in phosphate rock should be less than about 3.5 percent, and the lower the better. Mag- nesium oxide (MgO) in amounts greater than 0.2 percent is bad for the manufacture of phosphoric acid. Chlorine in amounts greater than about 0.15 percent causes serious corrosion problems in the manufacture of phosphoric acid. Organic material should be less than 0.5 percent because of problems with foaming when phosphate rock is acidulated with sulfuric acid. Pyrite is deleterious because of formation of hydrogen sulfide (HZS) on acidulation. If any of these elements are present in amounts that are too large, processing must be changed, or the deposit may be uneconomic. Certain minor elements either are being recovered or could be recovered in processing phosphate rock. For example, fluorine is being recovered as a by- product; uranium was recovered from Florida phos- phate rock, and plants are currently being built to recover uranium. Vanadium has been recovered as a byproduct in thermal processing of phosphate rock in the western field, and the rare earths are present in amounts that may be recoverable. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze phosphate rock for these ele- ments to determine if they can be recovered in processing. The elements B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, and Zn are required in very small amounts for optimum plant growth. These so-called micronutrients are present in most marine pho-sphorites in minor amounts but are largely removed in chemical processing. They must then be added to the final products for best plant growth. The carbon dioxide (00,.) content of the carbon- ate fluorapatite, the apatite mineral of the marine phosphorites, varies widely. The apatite mineral is more soluble in acid ground water with increasing amounts of 002, and, in addition, the high-002 apatites are easier to acidulate than the low-002 apatites. The amounts of C02 present in the apatite, then, are a measure of how successful the particu- lar rock may be in direct application to soil, and the CO2 content may determine methods of chemical treatment. Thus, economic appraisal of a phosphate deposit requires, today, very sophisticated chemical analyses and considerable study by the geologist. Lithium demand may soon exceed supply The lightest of all metals, lithium, is currently in short supply for conventional uses such as ceramics, multipurpose greases, aluminum reduction, and ab- sorption of carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, research on rechargeable lithium batteries for electric vehicles and off-peak power storage suggests that a vastly in- creased demand for lithium may soon develop. Over- shadowing these uses is the potential future require- ment for lithium in thermonuclear power plants, Where it serves as a source of the fuel element tri- tium and also assists in the absorption of thermal neutrons. 12 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Although data on lithium production and con- sumption are regarded as privileged information by the industry, recent estimates suggest a 10 percent/ yr growth since 1968, when the production was esti- mated at about 2.6><106 kg, or about 4.5><10‘s kg in 1974. If 10 percent of the autbmobiles produced in the United States were to convert to lithium—battery power, the demand for lithium could increase ten- fold. The requirement for stationary lithium bat— teries for off-peak power storage has not been de- termined. Although the requirement for thermo- nuclear powerplants varies with design, one typical design calls for 930 kg of lithium per million watts of electrical power (MWe). The anticipated 500,000- MWe thermonuclear power capacity by the year 2020 would require 460x106 kg of lithium metal. Thus, we are on the threshold of a tremendous po- tential increase in the demand for lithium. Our lithium resources are not as great as recent published estimates have suggested. The Clayton Valley brinefield near Silver Peak, Nev., is currently estimated to contain a reserve of about 45><106 kg of lithium, or about one-hundredth of the amount suggested in preliminary estimates. Until new re- sources can be developed, the anticipated discrep- ancy between supply and demand will have to be made up by increasing the rate of production of spodumene from the Kings Mountain pegmatites, which have total resources of about 500x106 kg. Lithium in the Rocky Mountain region Reconnaissance by E. B. Tourtelot throughout the Rocky Mountain States suggested several areas of abnormally high lithium content. The preliminary data point to a relationship between lithium anoma- lies and volcanic activity—for example, lithium anomalies occur in the sedimentary rocks in the moats of calderas. Anomalous amounts of lithium also have been found in sedimentary rocks that have been hydrothermally altered and in clays associated with hydrothermal veins. Lithium apparently tends to stay in solution and may travel further than other ore metals. The relationship between lithium, borates, and volcanic activity Anomalous concentrations of lithium occur throughout a large part of the Western United States. Some of these anomalies are associated with nonmarine evaporite deposits in both modern and ancient closed basins, according to R. G. Bohannon. The high ratio of lithium to sodium in most of these deposits precludes any possibility of a simple origin by concentration of seawater or by solution and re- concentration of marine evaporites. The common association of lithium with borates suggests the pos- sibility of a common origin. One possibility is that both lithium and boron are derived from late Ter- tiary volcanic activity and the assoCiated geothermal waters in areas such as the Long Valley caldera. " Subsurface brines may be a source for lithium Lithium is one of the most soluble alkali metals; it tends to move in aqueous solution and remain in a natural brine solution even beyond the precipita- tion of potassium salts. Evaporation of seawater to the stage at which potassium salts are precipitated results in approximately 30 mg/l of lithium still in solution, losses being caused by fluid inclusion in precipitated salt. Collin (1974), in an article on po- tential marketable minerals in oilfield waters, listed seven localities with saline brines equal to or ex- ceeding this lithium concentration. A limited review of the literature by R. K. Glanzm‘an indicated that a lithium concentration of 300 mg/l occurs in several subsurface brines in the United States. Cycling of platinum metals in the Stillwater Complex, Montana N. J Page reported that platinum, palladium, and rhodium analyses done by Joseph Hafi‘ty for basal zone rocks of the Stillwater Complex, Mont, show (1) a distribution of values that cycle or oscillate in a manner similar to those of the rock types and (2) chemical and physical properties of the silicate and oxide minerals. This correlation of cyclic pat- terns suggests that the chemical and physical param- eters, such as magma composition, temperature, and partial pressure of oxygen, that control the accumu- lation of the rocks also exert some control over the concentration of the platinum metals. Analogous patterns of cycling for platinum metals were found within an olivine cumulate unit of the ultramafic zone in the complex. New polymetallic tin province in central Idaho A new province of polymetallic tin-bearing sulfide veins was found during the evaluation of the mineral resources of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area by the USGS and the US. Bureau of Mines (C. M. Tschanz and others, 1974). Narrow tin-bearing veins in 35 silver-lead prospects form an arcuate north- trending belt about 46.7 km long in Carboniferous sedimentary rocks. The principal metals in these veins are Ag, Pb, Zn, Sb, Sn, and smaller amounts of Cu and Au. Ten veins contain at least 0.5 percent Sn, and three locally contain 2 to 6 percent. Tin con- tents greater than 0.7 percent are confined to two MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 13 areas 19.3 km apart. In the northern area, the pre- dominant valuable minerals are lead sulfantimo- nides, sphalerite, and stannite and(or) cassiterite. In the southern area (Galena district), the‘predorn— inant mineral is galena, but, locally, as many as 25 metallic minerals are present, including many tin and silver minerals. Tin minerals studied by B. F. Leonard in one sam- ple containing 2.2 percent Sn from the Galena dis- trict include four minerals of the stannite family, cassiterite, tellurium canfieldite, minute inclusions of several unidentified sulfidic tin minerals in galena, and the oxidation product termed varlamofli’oe. The stannite family includes an unknown zincian stan- nitelike mineral, kesterite (zinc analog of stannite) , “isostannite”(?), and “brown stannite”(?). Mic-ro- probe analyses by G. A. Desborough indicated 7 per- cent Zn in the unknown mineral and 15 percent Te in the canfieldite. This occurrence of tellurium can- fieldite, which is the principal silver mineral in the specimens studied, is the third to be reported. The tin-bearing silver-base—metal veins are un- usual in the United States but resemble some pro- ductive sulfidic tin deposits in Bolivia, Siberia, and Canada. The only known comparable domestic de- posits are those sampled by A. V. Heyl in the Delno district, Elko County, Nev., but somewhat similar deposits might be found in other western silver-lead districts. Although the present economic value of tin is doubtful, the Idaho tin province is one of few potential domestic sources of tin that has not been prospected thoroughly. Titanium resources Four investigators (Norman Herz, 1975; M. C. Blake, Jr., and B. A. Morgan, 1975; E. R. Force, 1975) contributed reports discussing new types of , titanium resources or new viewpoints on old types. Topics include: (1) partitioning of titanium between silicates and oxides; (2) the relation between titani- um placer deposits and the metamorphic grade of source terranes; (3) rutile in blueschists; (4) titani- um deposits in anorthosite; (5) titanium deposits in alkalic rocks; and (6) titanium minerals in deposits of other commodities. Alkalic rocks and blueschists containing titanium minerals are new and potentially major types of resources. llmenite in Pleistocene beach sands of Virginia E. R. Force has made a map at 1 : 250,000 of heavy mineral resources in Pleistocene beach sands of southeastern Virginia based on new mapping and on existing mapping by R. Q. Oaks and N. K. Coch (formerly of Yale Univ.) and by G. H. Johnson (College of William and Mary). Fifty channel sam- ples through the sand bodies were evaluated for re- sources of titanium. Bodies of sand up to 12 m in average thickness contain as much as 1 percent ilme- nite and thus constitute marginal TiO2 resources. Zeolites in Pliocene lacustrine rocks, Durkee basin, Baker County, Oregon Zeolites, potassium feldspar, silica minerals, and clay minerals of diagenetic origin occur in altered silicic tuffs of lacustrine deposit in the Durkee basin, Oreg. According to R. A. Sheppard and A. J. Gude III (1975), the zeolites are chiefly chabazite, clinoptilolite, and erionite, although minor amounts of analcime, phillipsite, and mordenite have been identified. The zeolitic tufl’s are less than 1 cm to about 2 m thick, but most are more than 15 cm thick. Some of the relatively thick chabazite— and erionite- rich tuffs have economical potential. Zeolitic and feldspathic tuffs are restricted to the central part of the ancient lake basin and to the lower half of the stratigraphic section. Tuffaceous rocks in the mar- ginal part of the basin contain fresh vitric material that is locally altered to montmorillonite. Tuifaceous beds in the upper half of the section consist mainly of fresh glass and are interbedded with thick diato- mite beds. Except for analcime, the zeolites are 10- cally associated with relict glass. Neither analcime nor potassium feldspar is associated with relict glass. Textural evidence indicates that analcime formed from chabazite, clinoptilolite, erionite, and phillipsite; potassium feldspar formed from anal- cime and .clinoptilolite. The distribution of zeolites and other diagenetic silicate minerals in the tuffs is due to the original chemical variations of the lake water. Probably the water was relatively fresh in the marginal part of the basin but increased in sal- inity and alkalinity basinward. Botential for metals in glauconitic sandstones P. L. Weis and Helmuth Wedow, Jr., reported that certain marine sandstones, chiefly those with a strong glauconitic component, in the Eastern United States have a potential for stratabound base-metal deposits. Of particular import for copper are the Lower Cambrian Rome Formation and its strati- graphic equivalents in the Appalachian region from Alabama to eastern Canada and the Upper Cam- brian Franconia Formation in Wisconsin and Min- nesota. Anomalous zinc appears to be widespread in the Devonian' Huntersville, Oriskany, and Helder- berg Formations in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, 14 and Virginia. In addition, gold has been reported to be associated with greensands of the Franconia as well as with those of the Mississippian Floyd Knob Formation in Kentucky and in the Tertiary of eastern Texas. The glauconite is deposited locally with siderite in a mildly reducing iron-formation en- vironment. It is postulated that this environment is also especially favorable for the precipitation of other metals, chiefly by entrapment of metals ions in the rather open glauconite lattice. Introduction of sulfur into this system from decaying organic matter or by bacterial reduction of sulfate would precipitate the metals as fine-grained interstitial sul-* fides. Further concentration would result after early remobilization and later reprecipitation in the pores of early structural or stratigraphic traps or by later movement into well-developed fractures and pores formed during younger orogenic disturbances. OFFICE OF MINERALS EXPLORATION MINERALS DISCOVERY LOAN PROGRAM Financial assistance on a participating basis to private industry to explore deposits of certain min- erals is offered by the USGS’s Office of Minerals Ex- ploration (OME) under Public Law 85—701, ap- proved August 21, 1958. Individuals or private firms must meet the eligibility requirements of the pro- gram, and approved project proposals must offer reasonable geologic probabilities that significant dis- coveries of ore may be made by the exploration work. Contracts for the exploration work are prepared for approved applications. Repayment of Government funds expended on contracts and payment of simple interest are made through a royalty of 5 percent on the value of minerals produced from properties dur- ing the period of the exploration work. If the Gov- ernment issues a certificate of possible production based on favorable results of completed contract work, the obligationfor royalty payments continues for not less than 10 yr or until the principal and in- terest are repaid in full, whichever occurs first. No repayment is required if there is no production, and the Government is not obligated to purchase any minerals produced. At present, the following 27 minerals or metals are eligible for Government participation in 50 per- cent of the allowable costs of exploration: Asbestos Bauxite Beryllium Kyanite (strategic) Manganese Mica (strategic) o GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Cadmium Monazite Chromite Nickel Cobalt Quartz crystal Columbium (piezoelectric) Copper Rare earths Corundum Selenium Diamond (industrial) Sulfur Fluorspar Talc (block steatite) Graphite (crucible flake) Tellurium Iron ore Thorium Molybdenum Uranium The following nine minerals or metals are eligible for Government financial assistance in 75 percent of of the allowable costs of explorations: Antimony Rutile Bismuth Silver Gold Tantalum Mercury Tin Platinum-group metals Combinations of the minerals or metals listed in the 50- and 75-percent assistance groups may be eligible for Government financial assistance in 62.5 percent of the allowable costs of exploration. Activity on the OME program in calendar year 1974 and totals for the program through December 31, 1974, were as follows: Calendar year Program totals, 1974 1953 through Applications : In process of review Jan. 1, 1974 ________ 10 Received ______________ 5 1 945 Denied ________________ 1 387 Withdrawn or inactive" 13 350 Approved _____________ 1 208 In process of review Dec. 31, 1974 ________ 0 Contracts: Executed _____________ 1 208 Total value ___________ 2 $157,120 3 $13,281,354 Government share ______ 2 $75,770 3 $7,644,277 Disbursements ________ $138,313 a $4,775,897 Repaid to Government through royalties on production __________ $7,996 $412,933 Estimated recoverable value of reserves at _ . present metal prices .. $4 million $167 million 1 Total estimated cost of proposed exploration, $90 million. 2 Includes value added to an existing contract by two amendments. 3 Revised total. Silver and gold exploration projects accounted for about 66 percent of the total value of contracts con- ducted on the program from 1958 through 1974: MINERAL—RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 15 Per- .mmw... my- 53.2: mg,” it Tue 0 co t ta contracts tafzé Silver _______________ 74 $5,505,000 41 Gold ________________ 64 3,145,000 24 Mercury _____________ 17 1,162,000 9 Copper ______________ 14 858,000 6 Lead-zinc ____________ 7 682,000 6 Lead-zinc-copper _____ 11 488.000 4 Molybdenum _________ 3 384,000 3 Iron ________________ 3 200,000 1 Beryllium ___________ 3 127,000 1 All others (cobalt, fluorspar, mica, nickel, platinum, uranium) _________ 12 1 730,000 6 Total (15 com- modities) ___ 208 $13,281,000 100 1 Revised. MINERAL-RESOURCE EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGY Trace-element dispersion patterns, Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho Some of the known mineral belts and associated geochemical dispersion patterns in the Coeur d’Alene district, Idaho, were founded by G. B. Gott and J. B. Cathrall to be displaced as much as 24 km by post-ore faulting. Through the use of map models relating geochemical dispersion patterns to major faults in the district, the approximate original posi- tion and geometric relations of the mineral belts at the time of emplacement of the ore deposits could be determined. These maps revealed that dispersion patterns of As, Cd, Pb, S. and Sb formed huge con- centric aureoles around the original positions of monzonite stocks and showed that the major north- west-trending mineral belts were interrupted by these aureoles. The aureoles probably were caused by the heat from the monzonite intrusives during an event that was independent of the formation of the mineral belts. The picture that emerged from this modeling by geochemical and geologic maps indicated that about 90 percent of the ore that has been mined in the dis- trict came from the area of the aureoles around the stocks. Unexplored segments of these aureoles con- stitute favorable ground for future prospecting. Studies of alluvial materials from Alaska Comparison of alluvial materials for use as geo- chemical sample media.—In a study of minor ele- ments in alluvial materials from the Candle and Solomon quadrangles, Alaska, Sam Rosenblum and T. G. Lovering compared the contents of Ag, Ba, Be, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, W, and Zn in 190 magnetic con- centrates with those in 267 nonmagnetic concen- trates and 274 conventional samples of alluvial silt. The magnetic concentrates proved to be best in locat- ing anomalies of barium, nickel, and zinc. The mag- netic and nonmagnetic concentrates were about equal in locating anomalies for beryllium and tin, but the conventional samples of silt were not as ef- fective. Nonmagnetic concentrates were better than the other two media in identifying localities with anomalous tungsten and were equal to the conven- tional samples of silt in showing anomalous silver. The conventional samples were more effective than the other two media for locating anomalies of cobalt, copper, and lead. Thus, as a group, the concentrates appeared to be the more effective sample media for 7 of these 10 elements. Contaminants in magnetic concentrates—Micro- scopic examination by W. C. Overstreet of 680 mag- netic concentrates from Alaska disclosed that detri- tal magnetite was significantly interwoven with other minerals or with particles of rock. These grains from the subarctic contrasted strongly with the nearly monomineralic detrital magnetite in magnetic concentrates from the humid temperate southeastern United States and the arid subtropics of Saudi Arabia. In the humid temperate region, mineral grains are disaggregated by chemical weath- ering of the source rocks, and, in the arid subtropics, the grains are separated by thermal shock under extreme diurnal changes in temperature. If frost action is an important factor in degrading rocks in the subarctic, then frost action yields a much less perfect separation of magnetite from other compo- nents of the rocks than chemical weathering or ther- mal shock. The result of this difference, so far as the use of detrital magnetite as a sample medium for geochemical exploration in the subarctic is con- cerned, is that the abundances of the minor ele- ments show greater dispersion, because of contam- ination of the magnetite, than those of magnetites from the humid temperate and arid subtropical cli- matic zones. Cyanogenic plants affect the geochemical cycle of gold As a contribution to a study of the geochemistry of gold (Shacklette, 1974) in the weathering cycle, H. T. Shacklette measured the cyanide content of 151 species of plants (mostly trees and shrubs) occur- ring in 12 vegetation types in Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. High cyanide concentra- tions were found in 11 percent of the species an- alyzed; 10 percent contained low concentrations of cyanide; cyanide was not detected in 78 percent of the species. Some cyanogenic species~were found in all 12 vegetation-type areas, which occurred in habi- 16 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 tats ranging from alpine to desert. If these selected species secrete cyanide to the extent known for some other species, then large amounts (but probably low concentrations) of cyanide are available to solubi- lize gold in substrates near the plant roots. Geochemical and isotopic zoning, Leadville district, Colorado The zoning of ore deposits in the Leadville district of Colorado, described by Loughlin and Behre ( 1934) ,was corroborated in part by J. C. Antweiler III, W. L. Campbell, and E. L. Mosier, by studying varia- tions in the composition of gold and galena and by performing isotopic analyses of lead from galena. Characteristically, when the distance from a center of mineralization in the district increased, the con- tent of silver in gold was found to increase, and the number of other trace elements in the gold was found to decrease. Galena near a center of mineral- ization contained many trace elements, but, as the distance away from the center increased, the amounts of most elements in the galena decreased, with the exception of magnesium, calcium, stron- tium, and barium. Lead-isotope analyses showed that lead from the galena becomes increasingly radiogenic away from a center of mineralization. Selective leaches enhance anomalies in areas of limonite Representative samples of limonite—impregnated quartzite, shale, sandstone, quartz latite porphyry, and vein material were collected by A. V. Heyl from an area near Pando in Eagle County, 0010., that is characterized by replacement bodies of ferruginous tungsten-bearing jasperoid in middle Paleozoic car- bonate rocks. A portion of each sample was leached by J. G. Viets with an oxylate solution to dissolve the limonite, this method being similar to the one developed by H. V. Alminas for the analysis of the limonitic fraction of stream sediments. The dried leachates and corresponding samples of ground whole rock were then analyzed spectrographically by E. L. Mosier. All samples of the ground Whole rock in which tungsten was detected showed a strong in- crease in the tungsten content of the leachate, usually by at least a factor of 10. Other associated indicator elements were similarly enriched in the leachate, as the following data on a typical sample of limonite-impregnated quartzite (table 1) illus- trate. The oxylate leach method thus appears to have strong potential for enhancing geochemical anom- alies. TABLE 1.-—Coneentrations of selected elements in a whole- roek sample and its leachate, Panda area, Eagle County, Colorado . [N, not detected at concentration shown in parentheses. L, detected but in a concentration less than value shown in parentheses] Whole ac Element ( 53:5) prple’e 300 20,000 100 7,000 1.5 15 5 200 30 300 20 700 70 1,500 N (5) 1 5 5 200 L ( 5 ) 200 N ( 10) 30 20 200 New instrument developed for detecting helium in soils A portable helium detector developed by Irving Friedman was installed in a four-wheel-drive vehicle for field use. In-place measurements of helium in soil gases were made by driving a steel probe 6 mm in diameter 0.6 to 1.5 m deep into the soil. The measure- ment took about 1 to 2 min and was precise to :50 ppb or about one-hundreth of the normal abundance of helium in air. The instrument was used success- fully to measure anomalously high values of helium in soils above geothermal areas. New method for analysis of antimony in geologic materials An atomic-absorption method was developed by E. P. Welsch and T. T. Chao for determining trace amounts of antimony in geologic materials. The method is rapid and free from common interferences and has a sensitivity that is adequate for geochemi- cal exploration. In this method, antimony in the sample is first volatilized as SbI;,. The released anti- mony is chelated and extracted by using trioctyl- phosphine oxide and methyl isobutyl ketone and then analyzed by atomic-absorption spectrophotom- etry. For a set of 50 samples covering a wide range of geologic materials, the correlation coeflicient be- tween values for antimony obtained by the atomic- absorption method and those obtained by the rhoda- mine-B colorimetric method is 0.94. As many as 80 samples per man—day can be analyzed by the new method. New compilation of chemical methods useful in geochemical exploration A compilation of new and refined methods of trace analysis useful in geochemical exploration was made by F. N. Ward. Methods of chemical analysis useful in geochemical prospecting for ore deposits are pre- MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 17 sented along with limited repeatability data and some examples of applications. Methods for Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Co, Cu, F, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn are included. These elements were determined by using molecular or atomic-absorption spectropho- tometry, fluorescence, or chemical sensing of ion activity. Thirty-eight trace elements occurring in native gold were determined by semiquantitative emission spectriscopy. RESOURCE ANALYSIS Resource data bases Interest in the USGS Computerized Resource Information Bank (CRIB) data base continued throughout 1974, especially among outside organiza- tions. In November, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) began accessing the CRIB file via its remote terminal at Knoxville. Various types of arrange- ments also have been made or are being discussed with several other outside organizations. These de- velopments helped to broaden the CRIB data-acqui- sition system and user community. The Geologic Di— vision is becoming a leader in the data processing of mineral-resource information. In this connection, the CRIB project staff has been called upon with in- creasing frequency to provide guidance, training, and orientation in data-base design and management for scientists from a number of countries and or- ganizations, including Peru, Bolivia, TVA, ERDA, and the State Surveys of Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, and South Dakota. During 1974, the CRIB file in- creased to about 35,000 records. CRIB operations became more effective following the implementation of on-line ‘disk storage and the time-sharing mode of operation (TSO). Further development of the Geologic Retrieval and Storage Program (GRASP) by R. W. Bowen and J. M.. Botbol included interactive graphic dis- play of the data accessed by the system. A new data file was added to GRASP for the Branch of Coal Re— sources by S. M. Cargill and A. C. Olson, namely, USCOAL. This file contains a 16,000-record tonnage inventory of coal resources, indexed by resource categories (for example, depth, thickness, relia- bility, and rank) and by area (state, county, town— ship/range, and section). USCOAL is the first US data file accessed by GRASP that is a daily produc- tion environment; it is being used by the Branch of Coal Resources to answer the many questions re- ceived on US. coal resources. Resource estimates A preliminary estimate by C. S. Bromfield of the lead-zinc potential in possibly concealed carbonate replacement deposits of the Leadville-Oilman type in the central portion of the Colorado mineral belt suggested that ore containing 6 to 18 million tonnes of lead and zinc remains to be discovered. In this area, about 30 million tonnes of lead and zinc have been recovered in 100 yr of mining from deposits of this type discovered in outcrops of pre-Pennsyl- vanian Paleozoic host rocks. The favorable host rocks are exposed mainly in a narrow band along the flanks of the principal mountain ranges in central Colorado. Elsewhere in the mineral belt, where these favor- able host rocks are not absent through erosion or nondep‘osition, they are concealed by younger rocks. Speculative resources were estimated on the premise that concealed host rocks are potentially as produc- tive as exposed and maturely prospected rocks. K. C. Watts, Jr., E. L. Mosier, and H. V. Alminas found that base-metal anomalies, delineated in areas covered by thick Tertiary volcanic sequences in southwestern New Mexico, on the basis of spectro- graphic analyses of oxalic acid leachates of rock, soil, and stream sediment samples, appear to give evidence of blind postvolcanic mineralization. These presumed leakage halos show a close relationship to major structural and aeromagnetic features within this area. Mineral resources are known in all the major geo- graphic subdivisions of Alaska and, along with that geology of these mineral resources and the surround- ing areas, have been described in reports and maps prepared by Federal and State agencies. These re- ports and maps have been indexed by 1 :250,000 top- ographic quadrangles and the resulting reference lists released to open files (E. H. Cobb, 197 4a—h) . Resource model studies Analysis by D. A. Singer, D. P. Cox, and L. J. Drew (1975) of the average grades and total ton- nages of porphyry, stratabound, and massive sulfide copper deposits has shown that tonnages and grades are approximately lognormally distributed; this dis- tribution makes it possible to predict the probability of various grade-tonnage classes for a resource esti- mate. In addition, the discovery that grades are in- dependent of tonnages for porphyry copper deposits suggests that very large tonnage, low-grade deposits are just as rare as very large tonnage, high-grade deposits. 18 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The exploration play mechanism was found by L. J. Drew (1975) to be the fundamental unit by which petroleum resources are converted into reserves. A two-stage regression model of the exploration proc— ess was constructed in which the wildcat drilling rate and the deposit discovery rate are explained in terms of a suite of economic and physical variables. Several important conclusions were reached when this model was used to analyze the exploration his- tory of the Powder River Basin, Wyo.: (1) the rate at which wildcat wells were drilled is highly cor- related with the discovery expectations of the ex- ploration operators; (2) the number of deposits dis- covered is highly correlated (nonlinear) with the wildcat drilling rate; (3) the aggregate volume of petroleum discovery is independent of the wildcat drilling rate; (4) a learning effect was found to oc- cur within an exploration play; and (5) the rate at which deposits were discovered is independent of the level of physical exhaustion of the basin. For the most part, these results are a direct consequence of the manner in which the exploration play mechanism operates. A comprehensive data storage and retrieval sys- tem for the DEC 10 System was designed by J. K. Pitman to estimate oil yield, thickness, and resources on the basis of oil-shale Fischer assay and saline mineral data for core holes in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. These estimates have provided the basic data for evaluating lands involved in exchanges be- tween the Federal Government and private industry, as well as for determining areas suitable for in-place or underground recovery methods. Mineral resources and geology of South Dakota A comprehensive report entitled “Mineral and Water Resources of South Dakota” was published in 1975 by the US. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs and as a bulletin of the South Dakota Geological Survey. This report is a greatly revised edition of a similar volume issued in 1964. Senator George McGovern requested that the USGS be the lead agency in preparing the new edition; other con- tributing organizations were the South Dakota Geo- logical Survey, the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, the US. Bureau of Reclamation, and the US. Bureau of Mines. J. J. Norton was edi- tor of the mineral-resource and geologic sections of the report. Flat-lying sedimentary rocks are at or near the surface over most of the State. In the west, however, the most striking feature is the Black Hills, a domal uplift with Precambrian rocks exposed in its core and a belt of Tertiary intrusions crossing its north- ern end. East and northeast of the Black Hills is a thick lens of sedimentary rocks constituting the southern part of the Williston Basin. Other aspects of the subsurface geology across the State are less pronounced. Precambrian rocks reappear at the sur- face in the southeast and northeast. The drainage system of the region is dominated by the Missouri River, which bisects the State. East of the river, much of the surface has a cover of glacial deposits. The Black Hills have the chief mineral deposits, mainly because their Precambrian rocks are the source of the gold that has furnished more than half of the nearly $2 billion mineral output of the State. The several pegmatite minerals (feldspar, mica, lithium minerals, beryl, and tantalite—columbite), as well as decorative stone and mineral specimens, have also been important,“ and monite iron will ultimately become a significant contributor to the economy. Sedimentary rocks on the flanks of the Black Hills have gold-silver, lead-silver, and tung- sten deposits and also bentonite, other clays, ura- nium, and gypsum. South Dakota is unique in having a State-owned cement plant, Which is located in Rapid City on the eastern side of the Black Hills and draws its raw materials from nearby. Oil output from the South Dakota segment of the Williston Basin is small but rapidly increasing. Lignitic coal is abundant in the northwestern part of the State, although none is being mined now. Granite dimen- sion stone is the basis for a small but significant in- dustry near the northeastern border of the State. Production of sand, gravel, and crushed stone is, as in all States, an important industry. The report treats each resource in some detail and covers, as well, all aspects of the geology that bear on exploration and development. Chapters on geo- physics and geochemistry show that these fields may have much more to offer in South Dakota than they have yielded thus far. Examination of the environ- mental effects of resource development indicates that damage has been spotty and can in the future be eliminated or brought within reasonable limits. In addition to its other uses, the volume serves as a guidebook to the geology of South Dakota. Many maps show the geology and the distribution of resources. One of the maps is a new attempt to organize the Precambrian rocks of the Black Hills into a plausible stratigraphic and structural ar- rangement. This map should facilitate exploration for gold because it indicates where rocks of the kind containing gold deposits (especially the famous Homestake deposit) are likely to be found in the MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 19 subsurface. Another map shows the locations of all the oil tests ever drilled in the State. Gold almost certainly will continue as South Da- kota’s most important mineral product. The outlook for finding new deposits is especially favorable. The authors of the report indicate that other commodi- ties also show promise. The ones that most deserve increased attention are iron, oil, coal, uranium, lead- silver, decorative stone, molybdenum, and zeolites. COAL RESOURCES U.S. coal resource estimate increased 23 percent According to a recent compilation by Paul Averitt (1975) , the revised estimates of U.S. coal resources remaining in the ground as of January 1, 1974, total 3,600 billion tonnes. This huge tonnage constitutes about one-fifth of the total world supply. The revised figure is 23 percent more than previous recent esti- mates; the increase is based on geologic mapping, exploration, and study conducted during the last few years by Federal and State governmental agencies and by private'indu-stry. Resources of 1,570 billion tonnes have been identified by mapping and explora- tion, and an additional 2,030 billion tonnes, classed as hypothetical, are estimated to be present in un—' mapped and unexplored areas and in the deeper parts of known coal basins. Uranium in coal of the northern Great Plains V. E. Swanson reported that the possibility of re covering uranium as a byproduct of coal combus- tion and the apprehension of environmental con- tamination by radioactive products in the vicinity of coal-fired electrical generating plants have in- spired a renewed widespread interest in the uranium concentration in coal of the northern Great Plains. Approximately 250 samples of subbituminous coal and lignite were chemically analyzed for 43 elements as a part of the Department of Interior’s Northern Great Plains Resource Program (V. E. Swanson, Claude Huffman, Jr., and J. C. Hamilton, 1974; U.S. Geological Survey and Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1974). The samples represented coal from all of the 15 major operating mines in the re- gion and from 40 cores in areas proposes to be mined in the future. Uranium contents of the 250 coal sam- ples were determined by H. T. Millard, J r., using the delayed neutron activation method. The following data compiled from the analyses may dispel concern: 1. The mean uranium content of the coal is 0.9 ppm; the range is 0.1 to 7.5 ppm U. 2. The average uranium content of coal shipped from eight major lignite mines in western North Dakota and eastern Montana is 1.0 ppm, and from individual mines it ranges from 0.8 to 1.2 ppm. The average uranium content of coal shipped from the seven major subbitumi- nous mines in the Powder River Basin is 0.8 ppm, and from individual mines it ranges from 0.4 to 1.1 ppm. 3. Uranium is nonreactive and nonvolatile at the temperatures of powerplant combustion, so the element is concentrated in the ash, a fact supported by analyses of bottom- and fly-ash samples from power plants. If, for example, a coal contains 1.0 ppm U and 10 percent ash, the powerplant ash contains 10 ppm N. Coal in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana A study by N. M. Denson, W. R. Keefer, and J. H. Dover revealed that the low-sulfur subbituminous coal beds extending over a wide area in the Powder River Basin in“ Wyoming constitute one of the world’s largest known coal deposits and are prime targets for future mining. One prominent bed, the Wyodak-Anderson coal, ranges from 15 to 30 m in thickness and lies at depths of less than 61 m in a strip 130 km long and 3 to 5 km Wide (approxi- mately 75,000 ha) (Densbn and Keefer, 1974; Den- son, 1975). The bed contains approximately 13 billion tonnes of coal in the tract that lies 61 m or less below the surface. Available analyses of the coal indicate averages of less than 1 percent S and 6.3 percent ash and a heat value of 21 million J /kg. The study is based on sonic-density, gamma—ray, and electric logs from numerous oil and gas tests and from recent coal drill-hole data compiled by the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. A preliminary evaluation of the distribution of coal beds in the Recluse mine site model area in northern Campbell County, Wyo., was made from 340 geophysical well logs by R. G. Hobbs, E. R. Landis, A. R. Norton, and J. D. Sanchez. Seven per- sistent, named coal beds were traced in the Tongue River Member of the Fort Union Formation of Paleocene age in a rectangular area of four 71/2-min quadrangles. A drill program is underway to obtain core samples that will be analyzed to determine the quality and composition of the coal and the charac- teristics of the intervening rocks. These geologic and geochemical data and additional resource, geophysi- cal, and hydrological information will be used to de— termine the critical, geologically related parameters 20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 necessary for the development of the natural re- sources in the model area. Lignite resources, Denver basin P. E. Soister (1974) estimated that between 9 and 18 billion tonnes of lignite underlie part of the Den- ver basin in an area approximately 48 km wide and 120 km long from near Denver to south of Ramah and Calhan, Colo. Three lignite beds present in most of the area range from 3 to 16.6 m in thickness 10- cally and average between 3 and 8 m thick region- ally. Coal beds related to tectonics in Utah Detailed stratigraphic studies by Fred Peterson (1969) in Kane County, southern Utah, indicated that the subsidence of the Kaiparowits structural basin and the development of three northwest-trend- ing anticlines within the basin significantly influ- enced the distribution and thickness of commercially valuable coal deposits in the Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation. Regionally, most of the coal beds thicken northwestward toward the deeper part of the Kaiparowits basin. Locally, the coal beds thin over the crests of the ancestral Nipple Bench, Smoky Mountain, and Rees Canyon-Rock Creek an- ticlines. The areas of thinner coal demonstrate that continued or recurrent movement immediately pre- ceding the classic Laramide orogeny occured on these structural features during middle Turonian- early Campanian time. If areas of active growth of structural features during deposition are properly identified and evaluated with respect to the local structural setting, clastic sediment sources, and shoreline trends, knowledge of them may prove val- uable for coal exploration, development, and re- source evaluation in other parts of the Colorado Plateau. Deformed coal in the Bering River coalfield. Alaska Thick coal is spectacularly exposed locally in the Bering River coalfield in Alaska. The coal beds ap- pear to change thickness abruptly; the extent and continuity of individual beds are difficult to deter- mine because of the complex structure of the coal- bearing strata. According to recent studies by R. B. Sanders, the coal was found in boudinlike pinches and swells along the limbs of folds, along fault planes, and especially in dilations along the axes of What appears to be a series of faulted chevron folds. The coal ranges in rank from low volatile bitumi- nous to semianthracite, has a low sulfur content, and is, in part, of coking quality. The highest rank coal is found in apparently more continuous beds located within the easternmost part of the coalfield, where structure appears to be less complex. Supplemental bibliography and index of coal-related publications A bibliography and index of about 200 coal-re- lated reports and maps published by the USGS dur- ing the 31/2-yr period January 1971 through June 1974 were compiled by F. K. Walker (1975). The listings are supplemental to those in USGS Bulletin 1377 (Averitt and Lopez, 1972) . Most of the publica- tions cited may be consulted in large public libraries and in most college and university libraries; some that are not yet out of print can be ordered from the USGS. OIL AND GAS RESOURCES Possible petroleum accumulations in Baltimore Canyon Trough area, offshore Atlantic Ocean In the mid-Atlantic area (Baltimore Canyon Trough area), Lower Cretaceous rocks, which prob- ably contain ( 1) marine sandstones associated with deltaic sequences and (2) terrigenous sediments in- terfingering with carbonates, are prospective petro- leum targets (W. J. Perry, Jr., and others, 1974). These Lower Cretaceous sediments extend from about 1,500 m below the water bottom to 6,100 m along the axis of the Baltimore Canyon Trough. Ac- cording to R. Q. Foote, trapping mechanisms for petroleum on the shelf in the Baltimore Canyon Trough area are expected to fall into four cate- gories: (1) relief over piercement structures (ig- neous intrusions and salt domes), fault blocks, and possible reefs; (2) possible reefs; (3) stratigraphic traps; and (4) closure against faults. The preliminary results of a seismic survey indi- cate that a Cretaceous reef structure may underlie the Continental Slope in the Baltimore Canyon Trough area (R. E. Mattick, unpub. data, 1975). Petroleum may have migrated from potential source beds beneath the slope and rise and been entrapped in the reef (E. C. Rhodehamel, unpub. data, 1975). This structure, even though it is in water depths of 1,200 m, could prove to be a significant petroleum trap. Revised petroleum data for the Appalachian basin The area of the Appalachian basin, which is of interest to the petroleum geologist, lies between the crest of the Cincinnati arch extended on the west and the western edge of the Blue Ridge anticlinor- ium, the Reading Prong, and the Hudson Highlands MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 21 on the east; the southern side of the Adirondack Mountains or the Canadian border on the north; and the northern edge of the overlapping Gulf Coast Cretaceous rocks to the south in Alabama. Accord- ing to Wallace de Witt, Jr., the basin cover-s about 540,450 km2 and is subdivided along the Allegheny front into the larger, western, generally petrolifer- ous Appalachian Plateaus, covering 424,300 kmz, ‘ and the eastern, smaller, generally petroliferous, structurally complex Valley and Ridge, province, covering 116,000 kmz. V To date, more than 2.5X109 bbl of oil have been produced in the basin, almost all from rocks under- lying the Appalachian Plateaus. More than half of this volume, 1.7X109 bbl, came from strata of De- vonian age, and more than 75 percent occurred in ‘quartzose elastic reservoir rocks. Remaining re- serves producible by existing methods amount to about 3.0X103 bbl. In contrast, sparse data suggest that the volume of currently nonproducible oil re- maining in reservoir rocks of the Appalachian basin ranges from 8><1010 to 12><101° bbl. Producing any quantity of this oil will require extensive drilling in the relatively untested parts of the basin, including the eastern half of Lake Erie, as well as the develop- ment of new and imaginative techniques for im- proved recovery in areas of oil production, which may or may not have been partly enhanced by sec- ondary recovery methods in addition to the original period of primary production. Paleogeographic reconstruction—a method for estimating crustal shortening in the southern Valley and Ridge province of the Appalachian basin L. D. Harris found that integration of regional stratigraphic data from many surface sections of the Nolichucky Shale in several fault slices northwest of the Saltville thrust outlines a lobate algal stromato- lite bank in this Late Cambrian formation. Because the algal bank has limited geographic extent, both edges could be identified from northwest to south- east in the Pine Mountain, Wallen Valley, Clinch- port, and Copper Creek fault belts. The faults tran- sect the algal bank at a wide angle, which juxtaposes bank and nonbank facies of the Nolichucky across the thrust. Paleogeographic reconstruction of the bank from facies data in the several fault slices gave a reason- able configuration for the bank before thrusting. By fitting individual thrust slices into their proper geo- metric position in the original bank, on the basis of the shape and extent of the segment of the bank . within each fault slice, the amount of movement on the Pine Mountain, Wallen Valley, Clinchport, and Copper Creek thrusts can be estimated as approxi- mately 64 km. Although these data apply only to the western half of the Valley and Ridge province, they suggest that a similar or greater amount of shortening may have occurred between the Saltville thrust and the west- ern edge of the Blue Ridge thrust. Although this method for estimating crustal short- ening requires an abundance of good stratigraphic data and the presence of well-defined identifiable facies in several thrust slices, it may be readily applicable in other parts of the Valley and Ridge or in tectbnically similar areas such as the Foothills belt of western Canada. Pennsylvanian sedimentation, Carbon, Sweetwater, and Fremont Counties, Wyoming Detailed examination and description of rocks and bed forms in cores drilled in the Lost Soldier and Wertz oil fields, south-central Wyoming, by M. W. Reynolds, T. S. Ahlbrandt, J. E. Fox, and P. W. Lambert (unpub. data, 1975) demonstrated that the Pennsylvanian Tensleep Sandstone was deposited in an interfingering succession of shoreface, foreshore, and eolian dune and interdune environments. The shoreline fluctuated across an 8-km belt between the oil fields, so that Tensleep strata at Lost Soldier oil field on the west are of mixed shoreface and fore- shore facies, whereas the strata at Wertz oil field on ' the east are dominantly of foreshore and eolian origin. Only during deposition of the upper part of the Tensleep did eolian deposits regress westward across the area of the Lost Soldier field. The dis- tribution of oil, cementation, and fractures in the facies support the existing interpretation that oil accumulation in the Lost Soldier field was controlled late by fractures, whereas the control of accumula- tion in the Wertz field resulted from a combination of facies and cementation, the fracturing playing a less important role than it did at Lost Soldier. Continental sedimentation and hydrocarbons in Tertiary rocks, northeastern Utah More than 750 million barrels of measured, indi- cated, and inferred oil reserves have been discovered in stratigraphic traps in marginal and open lacu- - strine facies of the Green River Formation. Delta- front, distributary channel, and overbank sandstones are the primary reservoir units. Overpressured res- ervoirs are found in the lower part of the Green River Formation above the Colton Formation and in the Flagstaff Member of the Green River Forma- 22 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 tion; these reservoirs are at depths generally below 3,000 m west of the Green River, Where lacustrine rocks abruptly change facies laterally to the rela- tively impermeable alluvial and open lacustrine facies that serve as part of the trap mechanism, according to T. D. Fouch, 1975a. Nonassociated gas is produced from stratigraphic traps in marginal lacustrine rocks of the Green River Formation and from traps Within the paludal-alluvial facies of the North Horn Formation and the Wasatch Formation. Channel sandstones and associated overbank sand- stones serve as reservoirs for gas in nonlacustrine rocks. Fouch (1975b) has found that traps are re- lated to the following: (1) change in clay content of the sandstone within a single channel, (2) change from one genetic sandstone type to another, and (3) regional facies changes. Excellent potential remains for stratigraphically trapped gas. Petroleum source-rock studies, Permian System E. K. Maughan has found that the organic-rich Meade Peak and Retort Phosphatic Shale Members of the Permian Phosphoria Formation in western Wyoming and adjacent parts of Utah, Idaho, and Montana are probable source beds of the oil and gas found in upper Paleozoic rocks of the region. The Meade Peak and Retort contain as much as 8.8 per- cent residual organic carbon. Some thin beds in the Meade Peak and Retort contain as much as 30.7 and 21.4 percent organic carbon, respectively. The Meade Peak occupies an area of approxi- mately 115,000 km2 and has a maximum thickness of about 50 m in eastern Idaho and northern Utah. The Retort occupies an area of approximately 100,000 km? and has a maximum thickness of about 35 m in southwestern Montana and in central western Wyoming. Volumetrically, the Meade Peak com- prises about 2,025 km3 and the Retort about 1,225 km3 of sediment. The Phosphoria Formation was deposited along the Continental Shelf east of the late Paleozoic mobile belt. Subsequently, at least 2 km of overlying sediment was deposited by the end of the Triassic in the western part of the region and, because of slower rates of deposition, by the end of the Cre- taceous in the eastern part of the region. This depth of burial probably produced adequate pressure and temperature for generation of hydrocarbons from the organic substances. An attempt was made to exploit the Retort as an oil shale near Dillon in southwestern Montana, where it yielded an average of 84 l of oil per tonne. Elsewhere, Fischer oil assays yielded little or no petroleum from the Retort ; the Meade Peak, where it has been tested, seems to be below detectable limits. Organic-rich Devonian eugeosynclinal rocks in north-central Nevada F. G. Poole found that the allochthonous Devonian Woodrufl" Formation in the Pinon Range, south- western Eiko County, Nev., locally contains as much as 17 percent organic carbon and yields as much as 5,200 ppm soluble hydrocarbons. The Woodruff, which consists principally of dark-colored marine .chert, mudstone, siltstone, minor sandstone, and limestone and dolomite, is believed to have been deposited in a Devonian .marginal ocean basin west of the continental edge and east of an offshore island arc. The eugeosynclinal Woodruff deposits were subsequently deformed and obducted eastward onto the Outer Continental Shelf as part of the Roberts Mountains allochthon during the Late De- vonian and Mississippian Antler orogeny. Palyno- morph and conodont alteration colors indicate a postdepositional history of persistent low tempera- tures that probably never exceeded 100°C, and it seems possible that organic matter in the Woodrufi' could have generated petroleum in the late Paleo- zoic. Similar Paleozoic eugeosynclinal rocks in the Western Uni-ted States should be examined and evaluated for their petroleum potential. Petroleum source beds in the Pilot Shale of the eastern Great Basin The Upper Devonian (lower Famennian) lower unit of the Pilot Shale .has been found to contain dark-gray mudstone and. limestone beds of sufficient thickness, areal distribution, and organic richness to merit consideration as source beds for petroleum generation, according to C. A. Sandberg and F. G. Poole. The interval of lower Famennian source beds, which lies between the Lower Palmatolepis crem’da and Lower P. marfinifem conodont zones, is 93 m thick, has an average organic carbon content of 2.2 percent, and yields about 160 ppm total soluble hy- drocarbons in the Confusion Range, Utah. The lower unit of the Pilot was deposited on a miogeosynclinal carbonate shelf in a rapidly subsiding basin cen: tered in White Pine County, eastern Nevada, and adjacent Millard County, Utah. Alteration colors of contained conodonts indicate that these source bed-s Were never subjected to temperatures in excess of 90°C in Utah and 140°C in Nevada. These beds may have generated and expelled petroleum for distant eastward migration into the western Rocky Moun- MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 23 tains region as well as for local accumulations within adjacent formations in western Utah. Neogene stratigraphy and structure, California continental borderland Bedrock samples collected along geophysical tra- verses on the California continental borderland show that Neogene strata constitute most of the exposed bedrock south of the northern group of Channel Islands and west of the mainland shelf. Preliminary study of these rocks by J. G. Vedder, L. A. Beyer, Arne Junger, G. W. Moore, A. E. Roberts, J. C. Taylor, and H. C. Wagner (1974) indicated that they are composed primarily of hemipelagic calcare- ous claystone with subordinate amounts of volcanm genic and terrigenous detritus at places. Microfossil assemblages identified and correlated by R. E. Arnal and J. D. Bukry show that most of Miocene time is represented by truncated stratal sequences along the crest of Santa Rosa-Cortes Ridge. Miocene volcanic rocks are concentrated on the compound-ridge sys- tem that connects Santa Cruz Island, San Clemente Island, and Santa Catalina Islands and that extends southeastward to Fortymile Bank. These volcanic rocks range in composition from rhyodacitic to basalt; " it are chiefly andesitic. Thick sequences of Pliocene frata (>400 m) are restricted to topo- graphic basins except for local areas on and near the mainland shelf. In general, major structures inferred from geo- physical surveys trend northwest throughout the borderland south of the northern island group. One exception is the east-trending fault zone that forms the northern edge of the San Nicolas basin. Normal, reverse, and strike-slip separations are inferred on faults that range in age from Miocene to Holocene. Large folds in the outer ridges and basins are nearly symmetrical and have low amplitudes and broad wavelengths, in contrast to those along the mainland coast. Possibly early Miocene, late Mio- cene, and Pliocene unconformities of local extent are recognized on acoustic-reflection records, which were interpreted by J unger and Wagner. Development of substantial structural relief is suggested by the presence of locally derived clastic detritus in some early and middle Miocene strata. The restriction of thick Pliocene sequences to basins implies the existence of a well-defined basin and ridge topography by that time. Some of the shaly units that range in age from early Miocene to early Pliocene contain suflicient organic matter to generate fluid hydrocarbons if their deformational and thermal histories have been appropriate. Structures suitable for large accumula- tions of petroleum are commonplace; but, until these structures are tested for their reservoir character- istics, resource appraisals will remain conjectural. Measured sections of West Foreland and Tyonek Formations, Kenai Peninsula Borough, south-central Alaska Exposure of Tertiary rocks on the northwestern flank of the Cook Inlet basin near Capps Glacier and along Chuitna River were measured, described, and sampled in detail for heavy-mineral and paly- nological studies by W. L. Adkison, J. S. Kelley, J r., and K. R. Newman (1975). The rocks are assigned to the West Foreland and Tyonek Formations. The West Foreland, possibly of Eocene age, consists of a conglomerate 366 m thick and lies unconformably on Mesozoic rocks. In the basin to the southeast, the Hemlock Conglomerate overlies the West Foreland and is the most important oil reservoir in the area. At the exposure near Capps Glacier, the Hemlock is missing because of erosion or nondeposition. This conclusion is based on the palynological determina- tions by NeWman and on a heavy-minerals study by Kelley (unpub. data, 1975). The Tyonek Forma- tion, which unconformably overlies the West Fore— land, consists of conglomerate and sandstone in the lower part and sandstone, siltstone, and coal in the remainder. The total thickness exceeds 671 m. Strat- igraphic relationships between four measured sec- tions were only partly determined because of major faulting or the lack of exposures in large areas. These measured sections provide valuable surface control for subsurface stratigraphic units that pro- duce oil and gas in the Cook Inlet Tertiary basin. Energy resources of the Earth M. K. Hubbert (1972) described the Earth’s en- ergy resources as consisting of three continuous energy fluxes and of certain stores of energy beneath the Earth’s surface. The continuous energy fluxes are: (1) solar radiation at a rate of 174,000X1O12 thermal watts; (2) geothermal energy, 32X1012 W; and (3) tidal energy, 3X10” W. The stores of en- ergy within an accessible depth of about 10 km beneath the Earth’s surface consist of thermal en- ergy, the chemical energy of the fossil fuels, and nuclear energy. During the last million years, the human species has risen to a position of dominance among the world’s animals by progressively developing means for controlling ever-larger-amounts of these energy resources, particularly the fossil fuels. This control has made possible the rise of the present industrial 24 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 civilization; it has also created one of the most drastic ecological disturbances of the Earth’s plant and animal populations ever known. Most of this disturbance has occurred during the last century, and it is estimated that the bulk of the world’s oil will be consumed within the next 60 yr, and the bulk of all kinds of fossil fuels Within the next 3 centuries. For the United States, the peaks in the production of both oil and gas have already been passed, and most of the remaining 'oil and gas will be consumed by the end of the present century. Ultimately, if such a civilization is to survive, it must be based upon a sustained energy source of an appropriate magnitude. The most likely choice for this source eventually will be the energy from solar radiation. Oil reserves of deep basins Investigations by L. C. Price and M. A. Ratclifl‘, Jr., provided evidence of a hot, deep origin and migration of crude oil. Areas of investigation include the organic geochemistry of shales and crude oils and the geology of oil occurrence. One study shows that oil gravity correlates more strongly with the salinity of associated waters than with depth and thus suggests that changes occurring in reservoired crude oils with increased depth are due to crude-oil degradation and not to thermal cracking. Thus, we might expect to encounter reservoired crude oil at depths much greater than those predicted by more conventional hypotheses. Detailed examination of oil occurrence in many different basins has shown that the oil occurs precisely where it should if it is moving up from the deep basins along faults. Thus, this model offers a powerful new oil-exploration tool. Geochemical-geologic evidence also shows that we may expect large reserves of dissolved crude oil in deep-formation waters of some sedimentary basins. Organic matter and hydrocarbons in barrier island quartzose sands Field and laboratory studies by J. G. Palacas, P. M. Gerrild, A. H. Love, and A. A'. Roberts of three quartzose sand facies of barrier islands extending from Pascagoula, Miss., to Tarpon Springs, Fla., showed that the relative amount of organic con- stituents is as follows: pond facies>lagoon facies> marine facies. In the same order, average organic carbon contents were about 0.3, 0.1, and 0.05 per- cent, and hydrocarbon contents were 10, 3, and 1.5 ppm. Gas chromatographic data and quantitative parameters indicated that the hydrocarbons were derived from aquatic and terrestrial organisms and were not due to oil pollution. Hence, the hydrocar- bon contents in these sands are considered as base- line concentrations. With regard to later diagenesis and the origin of petroleum, if approximately 5 percent of the organic matter were thermally con- verted to petroleum at depth, then 50 to 300 ppm of hydrocarbons could be generated in these rela- tively clean sands. These amounts of hydrocarbons in sand would then represent a potential source for ready migration and accumulation of petroleum. Origins of natural gases in Montana Three basic types of natural gas in Montana have been identified by D. D. Rice (1975): (1) gas of biogenic origin (immature) ; (2) gas occurring With oil, designated associated gas (mature); and (3) high-temperature gas (postmature). Most Montana gas is biogenic, generated from predominantly ma- rine organic source material. Biogenic gases are produced near the surface and to depths of 800 m by anaerobic bacteria. This gas is characterized by a high methane (CH) content (>90 percent) and by enrichment in the light C12 isotope (8013, —60 permill). As depth and (or) temperature increase, thermal metamorphism predominates, and associ- ated gas is formed. This gas has a higher content of heavier hydrocarbons and a greater 013/012 ratio (8013, —55 to —45 permill). In some areas surrounding the Bearpaw Mountains and Sweet Grass Hills, which were sites of Tertiary igneous activity, high-temperature gas was generated. This gas is distinguished by a further increase in the 013/012 ratio (8013, —40 permill) and high methane content. Some biogenic gases have been altered by thermal metamorphism to form gases of mixed origin. The identification of gas types by origin, When combined With an analysis of all geologic factors, is an invaluable aid to the exploration geologist. He can identify new areas for exploration, predict the type of accumulation that should occur, and estimate reserves. Possible petroleum prospect located in Denver basin A possible petroleum-related geochemical anomaly in surface rocks in the Denver basin near Boulder, 0010., was identified during the summer and fall of 1974. The chance discovery resulted when T. J. Donovan and R. L. Noble (1975) were developing aerial reconnaissance and mapping techniques using light aircraft as an observation platform. The geo- chemical anomaly is halo shaped and suggests a MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL—FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 25 prospective area of about 20 ka. Regional sub- surface data support the possibility of a buried de- posit in Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs. Portable helium detector for energy resource exploration Preliminary work by A. A. Roberts, Irving Fried- man, T. J. Donovan, and E. H. Denton (1975) indi- cated that a helium-survey technique may be ap- plicable as an exploration tool for geothermal resource areas, as well as for petroleum and natural— gas deposits. Using a portable mass-spectrometer- type leak detector, they were able to show anomal- ously high helium concentrations in soil gases near hot springs and other abnormally warm areas. In contrast, the soil gases near cold regions have con- tained only the normal background level of helium. Further preliminary work suggests anomalous hel- ium concentrations in soil gases over petroleum deposits. Manganese as a petrolum pathfinder element T. J. Donovan, R. L. Noble, Irving Friedman, and J. D. Gleason (1975) showed that manganese con- centrations in the carbonate lattices of surface— cemented rocks overlying petroleum deposits vary in a systematic and mappable way that appears to reflect the subsurface distribution of petroleum. The concentrations typically range through one or two orders of magnitude and have been found over known and suspected oil deposits. Both anomalous apical and aureole patterns over anticlinal traps haVe been documented. The preliminary data sug- gest that manganese may be a suitable petroleum pathfinder element for geochemical-exploration pro— grams. Summary of factors controlling porosity distribution J. E. Fox, P. W. Lambert, R. F. Mast, N. W. Nuss, and R. D. Rein have found that a general critical depth appears to be controlling the degree of poros- ity. At depths less than approximately 3,050 m in the Bighorn and Wind River Basins, Wyo., and less than approximately 2,440 m in the greater Green River Basin, Wyo., the porosity of the Tensleep is highly variable and ranges from 2 to 26 percent and 2 to 12 percent, respectively. Petrographic indica- tions are that several types of cements control the porosity at these shallower depths. These cementing agents include calcite, dolomite, anhydrite, and sec- ondary silica. At depths greater than approximately 3,050 m and 2,440 m, the variability of porosity is less, ranging frOm 2 to 6 percent. At these greater depths, dominantly quartz overgrowths and sec- ondary silica cement fill the pore spaces. These prob— ably reflect the influence of greater pressure on the more deeply buried aren-aceous sandstone. The de- gree of porosity can be predicted more easily below the critical depth than it can be at shallower depths, where it is more variable. Applications of chalk diagenesis to petroleum-exploration problems Petrographic, scanning-electron-microscopic, and oxygen-isotopic analyses of chalk samples from 22 wells in the North Sea area, plus Deep Sea Drilling Project (J OIDES) cores and outcrop samples from England and Ireland, indicated to P. A. Scholle that an orderly sequence of diagenetic changes oc- curs with progressively ‘deeper burial. Burial is accompanied by loss of porosity (hardening) due to redistribution of carbonate by pressure solution. The reprecipitated carbonate forms mainly as over- growths on\ coccolith plates and as fillings of foram chambers. At the same time, progressive recrystalli- zation leads to alteration of the bulk-oxygen-isotopic values of chalks. As a result , these isotopic values can - be used to determine maximum depth of burial of chalks (and their associated section), paleogeother- mal gradients, and proximity to zones of deforma- tion. The termination of further diagenesis by oil entry into the chalks can be used to date the time of oil migration into the reservoir. Chalks contain- ing oil have anomalously high porosity and unusu- ally slight recrystallization for their depth of burial, indicating that the presence of oil may have helped retain favorable reservoir characteristics. Isotopic analysis can be used with full cores, side‘ wall cores, or cuttings, and, unlike most organic geochemical methods, it does not require special sample handling. Application of this technique al- lows the regional mapping of paleogeothermal pat- terns and may enable the detection of ancient ther- mal highs and structurally deformed zones from sample points 10 to 50 km away. New method for determining environmental history by using corals, Dade and Monroe Counties, Florida Massive coral heads, Montastrea annularis, were cored by J. H. Hudson and R. B. Halley with a newly developed hydraulic coring device at Hens and Chickens Reef ofl" Snake Creek in the Florida Keys. Hens and Chickens Reef was selected because it was observed by E. A. Shinn to have suffered severe mortality in the latter part of 1969. Although this time period had an unusually severe cold weather, blame for coral deaths was attributed to manmade 26 factors by some, such as ( 1) silt from dredge opera- tions, (2) aerial mosquito spraying on the nearby Florida Keys, (3) septic-tank leakage through por- ous limestone into marine environments, and (4) oil pollution. Tree-ringlike annual density bands re- vealed in X-r-adiographs of coral cores showed that the coral growth rate at Hens and Chicken-s has re- mained constant over the past 40 yr; this constant rate shows no signs of man’s activities. Corals that survived the 1969 event continued to grow at the same annual growth rate (approximately 1 cm) as they did in the early 1940’s, when human population and development were far less significant than they have been in the pas-t 10 yr. The event that killed 80 percent of the corals at Hens and Chickens in 1969 is clearly recorded in X-radiographs of the surviving corals as a “stress band” of unusual den- sity. Other stress bands that correlate with unsea- sonably low temperatures occurred in 1964, 1958, and 1942. The 1942 stress band is of even greater density than the one associated with the 1969 kill. Use of the permanent tree-ringlike method, in com- bination with oxygen-isotope temperature analysis, will allow environmental reconstruction of the past 500 yr or more and thus provide researchers a base- line upon which to evaluate man’s recent impact on the tropical and subtropical environment. The method also allows comparison of modern coral growth rates with those of corals of Pleistocene age, which built up what are now the Florida Keys some 125,000 yr ago. Physical properties data banks to become a reality As a part of the USGS Energy Resources Pro- gram, C. K. Fisher reported a proposal to establish a national system of. core libraries, operated per- manently by either State Surveys or an equivalent agency and supported by Federal, State, university, and industry funds. The USGS will provide a large part of the initial investment needed to organize and develop these facilities. Preliminary planning has indicated that 8 to 10 core libraries will be needed to properly accommodate the material in all regions of exploration activity, both onshore and offshore. New facilities will be established to complement ex-. isting State repositories, and support money for expansion and operation of the established facilities will be made available, hopefully, beginning in fiscal year 1977. A core repository for the Rocky Moun- tain area is now being developed near Denver for any material not required or requested by a State agency. Also, steps are being taken to provide finan- cial support for the operating fund of an industry- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 State-Federal cooperative core facility at California State College in Bakersfield. Secondary recovery of oil via microbial stimulation To determine microbiological-biochemical tech- niques that may accelerate or optimize water-injec- tion methods now being used in the field for sec- ondary recovery of oil, some preliminary laboratory studies were made by F. E. Senftle and.F. D. Sisler. These studies show that microorganisms that pro- duce surface-tension-reducing chemicals during oxi- dation of petroleum hydrocarbons (a desirable end product of metabolism that increases migration of oil through dense formations) reach a temporary end point when these surfactant chemicals cause autolysis of cells. This effect can be controlled by continuous introduction of .additional water and nutrients. OIL-SHALE RESOURCES Fossil-bearing pebbles in the Uinta Formation, Piceance Creek basin, Colorado In the east-central part of the Piceance Creek basin, Colo., a lenticular bed of conglomerate, which included a few fossil-bearing pebbles, was found by R. B. O’Sullivan near the top of the Uinta Formation of Eocene age. The angular dark-gray cherty lime- stone pebbles were as much as 20 mm across and contained fusulinids and impressions of brachiopods and crinoid stems. The fusulinids were poorly pre- served but appeared to be of Late Pennsylvanian or Early Permian age. The pebbles suggest that Pale- ozoic rocks were exposed, possibly to the east of the Piceance Creek basin, during deposition of the Uinta Formation. Marlstone stratigraphic marker beds in the Uinta Formation, Colorado Mapping by W. J. Hail, Jr., in the south-central part of the Piceance Creek basin, Colo., showed that certain marlstone beds continue to provide useful stratigraphic markers for subdividing the domi- nantly elastic Uinta Formation of Eocene Age. Two previously ‘unmapped marlstone units found in the upper part of the Uinta Formation in the upper Stewart Gulch area south of Piceance Creek were mapped and are thought to be tongues of’ the Para- chute Creek Member of the Green River Formation. Although both the marlstone units in the Uinta For- mation and the tongues of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation found in the Uinta Formation locally contain oil-shale beds, the beds are too thin or too low in grade to be of eco- nomic value. MINERAL—RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 27 Contribution of analcime to silicon concentration in caustic leachates from pyrolyzed oil shale Investigations by G. A. Desborough of hot-water leaching on analcime-bearing and analcime-free non- dawsonitic spent-shale residue obtained from Fis- cher assays showed that pyrolyzed analcime-bearing oil shale contributes more water-soluble sodium, aluminum, and silicon than analcime-free oil shale. The total amount of dissolved solids leached from the spent shale is largely a function of the mineral- ogy of the oil shale. Examination of the leachate obtained after hot caustic leaching of the analcime- bearing and analcime—free oil-shale residue from Fischer assays showed that analcime contributed significant amounts of silicon to the leachate. This silicon may inhibit hot caustic extraction of alumi- num, on a commercial scale, from dawsonite-bearing shale if analcime is present (Desborough, Mountjoy, and Frost, 1975). Excess aluminum in oil shale, Parachute Creek Member, Green River Formation, Colorado. Sample current-image electron-microprobe and X-ray studies performed by G. A. Desborough on analcime and dawsonite-bearing oil shale from the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River For- mation in the Piceance Creek basin, Colo., revealed an aluminum compound that occurred in grains 10 to 20 ,um in diameter and contained no sodium, potas- sium, or silicon. The X-ray diffraction studies re- vealed no X-ray peaks that could be attributed to this compound, and thus the compound may be amorphous. This observation confirmed the presence of an apparently amorphous aluminum compound and verified calculations that indicated the presence of excess aluminum in bulk chemical analysis of some oil-shale samples. Oil-shale resource, Piceance Creek basin, Colorado An evaluation of the shale-oil resources in the rich oil shales of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation in the Piceance Creek basin, Colo., by C. W. Keighin indicated that, in beds 3.05 m or greater in thickness and yielding 7.25 kg or more of oil per tonne, there are 68 billion tonnes of oil in place. Of this amount, 47 billion tonnes are in beds that yield 8.7 kg or more per tonne. Re- sources calculated for beds yielding 10.15 kg/tonne and 11.6 kg/tonne are 25 billion tonnes and 11 bil- lion tonnes, respectively. It appeared that approximately 30 percent of the shale oil contained in beds 3.05 m or greater in thickness and yielding 7.25 kg or more of oil per tonne in the Piceance Creek basin was contained in the Mahogany zone. NUCLEAR-FUELS RESOURCES Uranium leaching in granitic rock Rosholt and others (1973) suggested that the granite of the Granite Mountains, Wyo., had been depleted in uranium to depths as great as 50 m and that this uranium might have formed the ore de- posits that surround the Granite Mountains. Pre- liminary results, obtained by J. S. Stuckless and I. T. Nkomo from shallow (3 m) drill holes and one deep (405 m) drill hole, support this hypothesis and suggest that the depth of uranium leaching is in excess of 400 m. The leached samples are gen- erally fresh in appearance but are 50 to 80 percent depleted in uranium relative to the radiogenic daughter-product lead. Core samples of the granite are highly variable in chemical and petrologic characteristics. The rock in the upper portion of the drill hole (approxi- mately the upper 215 m) is typically hypidiomor- phic-granular granite to quartz monzonite contain- ing averages of 12 ppm U, 52 ppm Th, 54 ppm Pb, and 4.4 percent K. Within this portion, the uranium content ranges from 5 to 23 ppm. Samples from the lower portion of the drill hole (215 to 405 m) are xenomorphic-granular quartz-rich rocks that con- tain lesser amounts of uranium (7.0 ppm) and thorium (6.8 ppm) and more variable amounts of potassium (0.5 to 6.3 percent). Fracture zones, 0.5 to 3.0 m thick, in both portions of the core exhibit secondary enrichment of uranium (50 to 500 ppm). Geologic controls of uranium depositional processes Studies of the F. Brysch uranium mine, FallsCity, Tex., by K. A. Dickinson and M. W. Sullivan sug- gested that the deposit was originally an unoxi- dized ore roll that was later oxidized. The host rock, the lower unit of the Deweesville Sandstone Member of the Whitsett Formation of the upper Eocene Jackson Group, is well-sorted medium-grained felds- pathic sandstone deposited in a beach environment at or near a delta. A fluvial channel connected to this delta may have formed the passageway for uranium-bearing ground water and later for oxidiz- ing water. The host sandstone contains much sili- cified wood that, before alteration, may have pro- vided a reducing environment for the precipitation of the uranium. The ore minerals are meta-autunite and metatyuyamunite. The upper unit of the De— weesville in this mine comprises a lower part con- 28 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 taining corroded volcanic shards that appear to have partially altered directly to montmorillonite and an upper part lacking both montmorillonite and shards but containing small lathy clinoptilolite crystals in the interstices of the sandstone. Studies by M. W. Green and C. T. Pierson revealed the geologic factors that controlled deposition of small uranium deposits in basal Dakota Sandstone of Early( ?) and Late Cretaceous age in the Gallup area of New Mexico. The uranium was either dis- solved from preexisting deposits in the Morrison Formation or leached from arkosic Morrison sedi- ments. Uranium-bearing ground water from the Morrison entered the Dakota in areas where either the upper part of the Brushy Basin Member was permeable because of sandy facies or the Brushy Basin had been removed by erosion. A relatively large accumulation of carbonaceous material in the basal Dakota provided the reducing environment that precipitated the uranium. Fluvial drainage patterns of Eocene age and their implications for uranium exploration Paleocurrent maps of the Eocene Wind River For- mation in the Wind River Basin, Wyo., by D. A. Seeland defined promising uranium-exploration target areas in which favorable lithologic conditions are likely to occur and in which the rocks were de- rived from the granitic core of the Granite Moun- tains. These targets ranked in decreasing order are ( 1) the lower few kilometres of the Eocene streams that drained northeastward from the Granite Moun— tains just south of their confluence with the Eocene Wind River, (2) the 40-km segment of the Eocene Wind River extending westward from near Powder River, and (3) the southeastern part of the Wind River Basin, where the Eocene Wind River Forma- tion has 21 Granite Mountain source, but upstream from the area ranked first. Crossbedding orientation measurements in the Eocene fluvial sandstones of the Wind River Basin were used to construct vector mean and moving average paleocurrent maps, which define the stream systems and source areas of the Eocene rocks of the basin. The Eocene “Wind River” flowed east-south- east across the northern part of the basin, left the basin near the present town of Powder River, and flowed eastward across the Casper arch into the Powder River Basin. Northeasterly trending streams carried coarse-grained arkosic sandstones in which the Shirley Basin and Gas Hills uranium deposits are found. Formation rate at roll-type uranium deposits Roll-type uranium deposits are commonly associ- ated with large altered sandstone tongues that oc- cupy areal extents of several tens of square kilom- etres. Calculations by H. C. Granger and C. G. .War- ren suggested that the alteration of most of these tongues probably took less than 1 my. and commonly must have occurred before the rocks were deeply buried or indurated. The calculations are based on estimates that relate the flow rate (Darcy’s law) to dissolved oxygen content (Henry’s law) to ground water, diagenetic pyrite content of the host rock, and probable chemi- cal reactions between the pyrite and the oxygen. In a typical example, ground water probably percolated through the rocks about 4,000 times as fast as the altered zone advanced. If 50 ppb U were extracted from the altering solutions, a moderately large uranium deposit could be formed in about 50,000 yr. Uranium potential of Lower Cretaceous rocks. Colorado Plateau Lower Cretaceous rocks in Colorado and Utah may have potential for uranium deposits because of their similarity to the major uranium-bearing for- mations of the Colorado Plateau. Studies by L. C. Craig indicated that the Lower Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation consists of a sequence of alter- nating sandstone and mudstone that was derived in part from source areas south of the Four Corners area. The sediment was deposited in a fluvial system that trended northward in southwestern Colorado and adjacent Utah and eastward to northeastward in west-central Colorado. The subsurface extensions of two sandstone lobes in west-central Colorado along the southwestern margin of the Piceance Creek basin may have provided the proper geologic habitat for uranium deposition. Uranium potential of Upper Cretaceous rocks, Crook County, Wyoming ' The Fox Hills and overlying Lance Formations, which accumulated on a coastal plain during the final regression of the Cretaceous interior sea, are ob— jects of increasing uranium-exploration activity. Studies by H. W. Dodge, Jr., and J. D. Powell indi- cated that the Fox Hills was deposited in marine delta-front and strand-plain environments and that the Lance was deposited in fluvial upper-deltaic- plain environments. The Fox Hills consists of 25 m of lenticular to tabular claystone, siltstone, and sandstone. The Lance contains a distributary chan- nel facies and an interdistributary facies. The chan- MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS nel facies consists of fine-grained to very fine grained, partly calcareous sandstone; lag deposits containing dinosaur bones, claystone clasts, and wood fragments; and slump breccias in the larger channels. Largescale trough crossbedding is com- mon in the channels, and ripple structure is com- mon in the upper parts of smaller channels. The channels are nearly straight, and the bases are con- vex downward in cross section. Transport directions in the channels are generally southeast. Organic- rich mudstone, clayey siltstone, and sandstone were deposited in the interdistributary areas of the Lance. Epigenetic uranium deposits of intermediate grade have been found in the Fox Hills and Lance Formations. Reconnaissance radiometric surveys re- vealed several low-intensity anomalies ranging from 3 to 10 m in diameter in the lower part of the ' Lance. The uranium deposits may be related to local structural features and to natural gas deposits. Uranium-bearing pegmatites in the Kettle River Range Uranium-bearing pegmatites in the Kettle River Range,‘ northern Ferry County, Wash., are concen- trated in the wall rocks of gneissic granodiorite that is equivalent to the Cascade Granodiorite of Daly (1912). Geologic mapping by R. C. Pearson in the Togo Mountain quadrangle showed that most ,pegmatites lie within 2 km of the several grano- diorite plutons. Only those near the largest pluton, mainly in the vicinity of Mount Leona, show evi- dence of having been prospected. No uranium min- erals were observed during the mapping of the pegmatites near the granodiorite bodies in the north- eastern part of the quadrangle (Independence Creek and north of Little Boulder Creek), but they may warrant further investigation. The Midnite uranium mine, Stevens County, Washington The Midnite mine in Stevens County, Wash., is one of only two mines in the United States cur- rently producing uranium from discordant deposits in crystalline host rocks. According to J. T. Nash (USGS) and N. Lehrrnan (Dawn Mining Co.), the orebodies are in metamorphosed, steeply dipping Precambrian pelitic and calcareous rocks of a roof pendant adjacent to a Cretaceous porphyritic quartz monzonite pluton. Annual production is about 120,- 000 t of ore containing an average of 0.23 percent U308. Irregular orebodies as much as 75 m wide, 200 m long, and 50 m thick are found within 100 m of the pluton. Near-surface ore is oxidized, but ore at depth contains pitchblende, coffinite, and abundant, 29 pyrite and marcasite. The ore is in disseminations along foliation in replacements and stockwork frac- ture fillings. The richest ore is found in high-angle fault and shear zones and in stockworks of hornfels near irregular intrusive contacts. Ore deposition ap- parently was not stratigraphically controlled. The host rocks are graphitic phyllite and schist. Amphib- olite sills and dacite dikes locally contain ore. Al- teration of diopsidic bands to green montmorillonite is the only common ore-associated alteration noted. Background uranium values in the pluton are about 12 ppm, but these rocks are not strongly altered, and no veins or significant ore has been found there. A simple genetic link between the pluton and the orebodies is not apparent. Several processes of uran- ium emplacement, including some supergene enrich- ment, probably occurred in this mine. Uranium- and coal-bearing Tertiary rocks One of the most important coal-bearing areas in the Powder River Basin, if not in all of the United States, is the area surrounding and extending about 80 km south of Gillette, Wyo. Important uranium deposits are present in the southern and southwest- ern parts of the basin. Uranium and coal are present in the upper part of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation and the lower part of the Eocene Wa- satch Formation. Low-grade uranium deposits are reported from carbonaceous beds in the lower part of the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation north and east of Gillette. These conclusions are the result of continued regional mapping and study of subsurface data throughout large areas in the Powder River Basin of eastern Wyoming and adjoining parts of southeastern Montana by N. M. Denson and G. H. Horn (1975). Uranium vein localized near old erosion surface In the Cochetopa district, Saguache and Gunni- son Counties, Colo., studies by J. C. Olson indicated that the principal uranium deposit in the district, at the Los Ochos mine, is localized near the old erosion surface on which Oligocene volcanic rocks were de- posited. Contours drawn on this ancient surface show the position of the valley of the ancestral Cochetopa Creek, which flowed northward through the district, slightly east of its present position. The uranium vein is located along the Los Ochos fault near the point where it is crossed by the prevolcanic Cochetopa valley. This localization suggests the pos- sibility that the intersection of the fault and the prevolcanic valley may have provided the conditions necessary to cause deposition of uranium from Ter- 30 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 tiary ground or from surface waters moving down the ancient surface on pre-Tertiary rocks. Four varieties of thorite in Colorado pegmatite Four rare-earth-rich varieties of thorite, charac- terized by different colors (brown, yellow, orange, and black), are present in narrow fracture fillings in the Seerie pegmatite near Pine, Colo., according to M. H. Staatz. The orange and black varieties are metamict; the brown and yellow varieties are not. The black, orange, and yellow varieties are com- monly found together; the black variety forms a core surrounded first by orange and then by yellow. The black variety has 15 percent U03, the yellow and orange varieties have 7 percent U03, and the brown has only about 3 percent U03. The brown variety contains 5 percent Fe, about fifteen times as much as the other varieties. Rare-earth content of the four thorites ranges from 17 to 20 percent, more than has been reported from any other thorite. The rare earths in these minerals are also unusual in that they are principally of the yttrium group. Ytterbium is the commonest lanthanide in all four thorites. A nuclear-track technique for uranium analysis of water A nuclear-track technique for rountine sub-part- per-million uranium analysis of water was developed for use at the USGS reactor facility by G. W. Reim- er. A small quantity of water, typically less than 1 ml, is placed into a similarly sized container. This procedure can be done in the field if desired. A fission-track detector is placed in the container, which is then sealed. The container is placed in a nuclear reactor and irradiated; the detector is re- moved and etched to develop the fission tracks that have resulted from the irradiation. Finally, the tracks recorded in the detector are counted by using a microscope. The number of tracks is related di- rectly to uranium concentration. The method is rapid, requires only a small quantity of sample, and reduces the risk of sample contamination. Y Thorium deposits, Wet Mountains, Colorado Thorium deposits in the Mount Tyndall quadran- gle and vicinity are found in carbonatite dikes, syenite dikes, barite veins, smoky quartz-barite veins, and iron-oxide-rich shear zones and fractures, according to T. J. Armbrustmacher. The carbonatite dikes, also commonly rich in rare-earth elements, are more abundant in the northern part of the quadrangle near the alkalic igneous complexes at McClure Mountain, Gem Park, and Democrat Creek. GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Raft River geothermal area, Idaho Extensive geophysical, geological, and hydrologic studies by the USGS during 1974 in the Raft River area of southern Idaho led to the siting of a 1,526-m' exploratory well drilled by the Idaho National En- gineering Laboratory (ERDA) . Bottom-hole temper- ature is 147°C, slightly greater than the 135° to 145°C predicted by Mitchell and Young (1973) from SiO2 and Na—K-Ca analyses of water from shallow wells. Artesian flow from the deep well exceeded 60 l-s—1 initially but has since decreased to about 20 1s“. The Raft River valley lies at the northern margin ~of the Basin and Range province and is a north- trending late Cenozoic downwarp bounded by normal range-front faults on the western, southern, and eastern sides. Faulting within the basin along fault sets parallel to the basin margins continued into late Pleistocene time. Geologic studies by P. L. Williams and K. L. Pierce (unpub. data, 1975) showed that the geothermal anomaly near Bridge in the south- ern part of the valley is located along such a north- trending fault set where it intersects an east-north- «east structure, probably a right-lateral fault, that passes through the Narrows of the Raft River and separates widely different structural styles in the southern Jim Sage Mountains west of the valley. The Raft River anomaly appears to be an example of fault-intersection control of hot-water movement. Gravity, magnetic, refraction, seismic, resistivity, audiomagnetotelluric, self-potential, and telluric cur- rent surveys have been made in the Raft River area by D. R. Mabey, A. A. R. Zohdy, H. D. Ackerman, ~ D. B. Hoover, D. B. Jackson, and J. E. O’Donnell. The geophysical data suggest that the maximum thickness of Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rock underlying the valley is about 2 km and that the valley is bounded by normal faults on the east and south and by a complex system of faults on the west. Large gravity, magnetic, and total-field resistivity highs within the valley immediately east of the Jim Sage Mountains reflect an igneous rock mass, at a relatively shallow depth, too old to relate directly to a geothermal system. The seismic interpretation di- vides the valley into four separate areas in which the Cenozoic rocks have distinctive seismic velocities. These areas appear to relate to known or inferred structures and to a suspected zone of shallow warm water. Resistivity anomalies reflect compositional variations in the Cenozoic rocks and variation in degree of induration and alteration. The resistivity MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS soundings show a 2 to 5-ohm-m resistivity unit with a thickness of 1 km underlying a large area of the valley, which may in part be indicative of hot water. Observed self-potential anomalies are believed to mark zones where warm water is ascending toward the surface. The geological and geophysical investigations at the Raft River were supplemented by 4 core holes 83 to 433 m deep, drilled under the supervision of E. G. Crosthwaite. Data collected from these holes included cores, temperature logs, radioactive logs, electrical logs, caliper logs, depths to water, pres- sure heads, and information on fluid chemistry. Late Cenozoic ring faulting and volcanism in the Coso geothermal area of California The Coso Mountains of southeastern California are underlain principally by Mesozoic granitic rocks that are partly veneered by late Cenozoic volcanic rocks. In apparent decreasing age, the volcanic units include (1) widespread basaltic flows, mostly in the southeastern and central parts of the range, (2) dacitic flows and tuff capping ridges along the west- ern side of the range, and (3) rhyolitic domes and flows and basaltic cones and flows in the south-cen- tral part of the range. Recent mapping by W. A. Dufiield (1975) showed that all of these volcanic rocks are encompassed by an oval-shaped zone of late Cenozoic ring faulting that measures about 40 km east-west and 45 km north-south and defines a structural basin. Most of the Coso Mountains and a slice of the adjacent Sierra Nevada lie within this ring structure. The young rhyolites range in age from 960,000 to 40,000 yr (Lanphere and others, 1975) and, with associated active fumaroles, occupy a north—trending structural and topographic ridge about 18X10 km near the center of the basin. The ring structure and associated volcanic rocks suggest a large underlying magma chamber that has period- ically erupted lava to the surface during the past few million years. Planned geophysical and seismic studies will search for any remaining magma to help assess the geothermal resources of the area. Quaternary volcanism in the Clear Lake area, California Geologic mapping of the Clear Lake volcanic field, Calif., by B. C. Hearn, Jr., J. M. Donnelly, and F. E. Gaff (unpub. data, 1975) has shown that faults are numerous and predominantly northeast and north- northwest. There is evidence for recent strike-slip movement on one north-northwest zone. Potassium- argon age, magnetic polarities, and C-14 dates from the complex volcanic sequence range from 2.5 my to about 15,000 yr. Much of the field is younger than 31 about 1.1 m.y., and the central part is younger than 0.55 m.y. The youngest silicic eruption is 0.9 m.y. Geophysical evidence suggests that there is a par— tially fluid magma chamber at depth beneath the volcanic field. Repeated silicic volcanism, lack of welded tuf‘fs, and lack of large-scale caldera collapse suggest that the volcanic system is in an early evolu- tionary stage. According to the model of Smith and Shaw (1973), the size and youth of the Clear Lake system infer that the volcanic field and its surround- ings have considerable geothermal potential. Youthful volcanism in the San Francisco volcanic field, Arizona Geologic mapping by E. W. Wolfe, G. E. Ulrich, R. B. Moore, and R. F. Holm, with K-Ar dating by E. H. McKee (USGS) and P. E. Damon (Univ. of Arizona), showed that very young silicic rocks are present in the eastern part of the San Francisco volcanic field. Among the youngest are obsidian in Doyle Saddle on San Francisco Mountain (0.68: 0.01 m.y.) , the Mount Elden dacite dome (0.55-£0.03 and 0.56:3 m.y.), the Sugarloaf rhyolite dome (0.21:0.02 my. and 0.13:0.1 m.y.), the O’Leary Peak rhyodacite (0.23:0.04 and 0.14:0.07 m.y.), and the Robinson rhyodacite dome (0.27 10.2 and 0.15:0.1 m.y.). Even younger ages (50,000:L-14,000 yr and 46,000t46,000 yr) have been determined for basaltic andesites from vents with small rhyodacite plugs. These occurrences suggest that an area in- cluding San Francisco Mountain and extending east- ward about 32 km from the mountain ought to be a prime target area for geophysical detection of intru- sive bodies, anomalous seismicity, and geothermal energy. This area also contains most of the known young basaltic volcanic rocks, including the 910-yr- old Sunset Crater. Gravity mapping by J. D. Hendricks showed an arcuate activity low west of the San Francisco Mountain area. The gravity low, in an area where silicic volcanic rocks are concentrated, suggests the possibility of a low-density silicic intrusion Within the crust in this area. Geothermal significance of rhyolite age progression in Oregon Late Cenozoic rhyolitic domes, vent complexes, and associated ash-flow tuffs in southeastern Oregon, which are similar in many respects to silicic volcanic complexes that are associated with most of the world’s electric-power-producing geothermal fields, were studied by N. S. MacLeod and E. H. McKee. Most of the 150 domes occur in two diffuse 250-km- long belts that trend N. 75° W. The northern belt, in the High Lava Plains province, extends from New- 32 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 berry Volcano near the Cascade Range to beyond Harney Basin; the southern belt, in the northern part of the Basin and Range province, extends from Yamsey Mountain, 80 km south of Newberry, to or beyond Beatys Butte near Catlow Valley. A few domes occur between the two belts, particularly in the western part of the area. The domes show a re- markably regular increase in age towards the east, on the basis of 38 K-Ar dates, and thus an earlier suggestion by G. W. Walker is confirmed. The young- est rhyolites are associated with Newberry Volcano on- the western end of the northern belt, where many obsidian flows and ash falls and flows are less than 7,000 yr old. The dome at McKay Butte, on New- berry’s western flank, is 0.6 m.y.; China Hat, on the eastern flank, is 0.8 m.y. Progressing eastward, the dome at East Butte is 0.9 m.y.; Quartz Mountain is 1 m.y.; Long Butte is 2.3 m.y.; Squaw Ridge is 3.6 m.y.; Fredericks Butte is 3.9 m.y.; Cougar Mountain is 4.3 m.y.; and Glass Butte is 4.9 m.y. Twelve dated domes farther east are progressively older to Duck Butte, which is 10 m.y. The youngest dated dome in the southern belt, at its western end near Yamsey Mountain, is 4.7 m.y. Progressing to the east and southeast, the dome at Partin Butte is 5.0 m.y.; Black Hills is 5.4 m.y.; and Hager Mountain is 5.9 m.y. Seven dated domes farther east progress in age to 10.4 m.y. at Beatys Butte. Dated domes between the two belts include one near Stams Mountain, which is 4.5 m.y., one near Bald Mountain, which is 5.1 m.y., and three near Horse Mountain, which range from 6.7 to 6.9 m.y. The regularity of the age increase towards the east permits the construction of isochrons that can be used to predict the age of most undated domes to within about 0.5 m.y. Avail- able K-Ar dates on extensive ash-flow tuff sheets indicate that their probable vent areas also fit this age progression. Graphs of areal extent of domes versus age and of number of domes versus age both suggest a major period of rhyolitic volcanism about 7 m.y. ago, followed by a progressive decline that extends to the late Quaternary. The only domes that are less than 2 m.y. occur in the immediate vicinity of N ewberry Volcano. Geothermal areas east of the Cascade Range that have cooling silicic intrusive bodies as their heat source thus are probable only near Newberry. Geothermal reconnaissance of young volcanic areas around the Colorado Plateau Age and composition data on upper Cenozoic vol- canic rocks were collected by P. W. Lipman along the margins of the Colorado Plateau, in the volcano- tectonic setting where a significant geothermal re- source is currently being developed in the Jemez volcanic field of northern New Mexico. Upper Ceno- zoic silicic rocks that might indicate' the presence of sizable shallow magma chambers seem to occur mainly in the White Mountains of Arizona and in the Mount Taylor and Taos Plateau volcanic fields of New Mexico, although some do occur in the J emez Mountains and the San Francisco Mountain area of Arizona as well; these latter areas are currently being studied in detail by other USGS geothermal projects. Stratigraphic and age relations of young rocks are poorly known in the two New Mexico vol- canic fields, and so brief field reconnaissance studies have been supplemented by K-Ar dating by H. H. Mehnert. In the Mount Taylor area, volcanism began about 3 m.y. ago with the widespread eruption of pre- viously unrecognized lava flows and domes of vis- cous trachyte that extend from the site of the over- lying Mount Taylor cone northeastward for at least 30 km. The Mount Taylor stratovolcano was con- structed of rocks ranging from alkali andesite to rhyolite between about 3 and 2 m.y. ago, concurrent with the eruption of silicic alkalic basalt around its flanks. The youngest basalt capping adjacent high mesas is about 1.5 m.y. old. The Taos Plateau volcanic field consists of a clus- ter of at least 25 stratovolcanoes and shields, rang- ing in composition from olivine andesite to silicic rhyolite, that are concentrated mostly within an area about 40 km in diameter within the Rio Grande graben in northern New Mexico. These volcanoes are all morphologically young, and one rhyolite lava dome is about 4 m.y. old. The Taos Plateau volcanoes were partly buried by flows of tholeiitic and alkalic basalt as young as about 2 m.y. This young vol- canism is more voluminous and compositionally di- verse than any other within the Rio Grande graben, with the exception of the J emez volcanic field. The clustered, compositionally diverse volcanoes of the Taos Plateau field may have resembled the Jemez field prior to the ash-flow eruption and collapse of the Valles caldera, but any large, shallow body of silicic magma underlying the Taos Plateau prob- ably had largely crystallized by the time the basalts erupted from within the volcanic cluster. Fault-controlled hot-spring systems of central Colorado Several hot springs lie in the Buena Vista and Poncha Springs quadrangles in central Colorado, mapped by G. R. Scott. Poncha, Mount Princeton, Hortense, and Cottonwood Hot Springs lie along MINERAL-RESOURCE AND MINERAL-FUELS INVESTIGATIONS 33 intensely brecciated fault zones bordering the Upper Arkansas Valley graben segment of the Rio Grande Trough. These fault zones have been recurrently ac- tive at least since early Miocene time and apparently project to great depth. Zeolitized rock locally ex- tends thousands of metres out into the footwalls of some of the faults and probably formed in the roots of hydrothermal systems at an early stage of the faulting. The modern hot springs apparently lack an adequate recent source for magnetic heat and thus derive their heat from deep circulation of water along the faults ystems. Exploration of geothermal systems by aerial thermal infrared surveys Although thermal infrared surveys provide a di-‘ rect measure of surface heating, the variations in surface temperature due to geologic-topographic factors tend to mask the effects of geothermal heat- ing. A thermal model was used by Kenneth Watson (1974) to demonstrate that measurements of the mean diurnal temperature, together with reflectance measurements and slope information, can be used to map the geothermal flux. Theoretical calculations show that the error estimate of the mean diurnal temperature (Vac) falls off rapidly with increasing sample measurements per diurnal cycle (650 HFU at 1 sample/cycle and 75 HFU at 3 samples/cycle). The thermal model was also‘used to examine the optimum times in the diurnal cycle at which to ob- tain an estimate of Vac. A thermal image and a re- flectance image of the Raft River area in Idaho ac- quired at the optimum time for 1 sample/ cycle show the presence of warm thermal anomalies, which do not coincide with changes in the reflectance image, Probe measurements in the vicinity of this area con- firm the presence of such an anomaly. Reservoir engineering of vapor-dominated geothermal systems ~ Manuel Nath'enson calculated various properties for the vapor-dominated reservoir system of Larder- ello, Italy, by using available published data. Meas— urements made to date on flowing steam wells have almost always been taken at the wellhead. To better understand the reservoir mechanics, these wellhead quantities were converted to values at the well bot— tom. In two sample wells, large variations in well? head temperature with flow at a particular time are shown' to correspond to nearly constant tempera- tures at the well bottoms. For a third well, trends in wellhead values correspond to similar trends at the bottom of the well. Wellhead temperatures .in flow- ing wells measured over a period of years have also been converted to equivalent bottom temperatures. These calculated temperatures can increase, de- crease, or remain nearly constant, depending on the local environment of the particular well. The initial fluid mass in place in the northeastern zone of Larderello has been estimated by using data on shut-in pressures and total mass production. The reservoir thickness needed to store this mass of fluid has been calculated as a function of porosity and initial volume fraction of water in average pores. The thickness is 19 km if it is assumed that there is 5 percent porosity with steam as the only fluid to 832 m and 20 percent porosity and 10 percent pore volume to be liquid water. Annotated bibliography of volumetric properties of geothermal brine A complete annotated bibliography of the volu- metric properties of geothermal brines was compiled from the 1928—1974 literature by R. W. Potter III, D. R. Shaw, and J. L. Haas, Jr. (1975). This compi- lation contains data useful in designing energy ex— traction systems for geothermal brine fields. Lab- oratory experiments to fill the many data gaps are presently being undertaken by Potter. Ground movement in geothermal areas of California and Idaho B. E. Lofgren reported that survey networks of vertical and horizontal control are now monitoring possible ground movement in The Geysers and Im- perial Valley, Calif., and the Raft River valley, Idaho, geothermal areas. During the summer of 1975, similar nets were established in Long Valley, Calif. Also, vertical extensometers and tiltmeters are being installed at selected sites in Imperial Val- ley to detect tectonic trends prior to geothermal de- velopment. Three significant occurrences measured by the monitoring program prior to geothermal develop- ment are: 1. A northward tilt in Imperial Valley of about 13 cm in the 85 km from Calexico on the north to the county line north of Niland from spring 1972 to spring 1974. 2. An apparent 5 mm/yr of right-lateral ground movement along a northwest-trending fault zone in the Buttes area, Imperial Valley. 3. As much as 0.8 m of land subsidence in an area of heavy ground-water pumping north of Malta in the Raft River valley. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS NEW ENGLAND Geologic quadrangle mapping at 1:24,000 by the USGS in cooperation with the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts progressed satisfactorily in 1974. More than 56 percent of the bedrock and 49 percent of the surficial geologic quadrangle mapping of Massachusetts has been completed. In Connecticut, 97 percent of the bedrock and 82 percent of the sur- ficial geologic quadrangle mapping has been com- pleted. In addition, substantial progress was made toward compilation of revised intermediate-scale (1:125,000) bedrock geologic maps of both States. These compilations have been facilitated by the use of moderately new remote-sensing data from aero- magnetic, airborne radiometric, and gravity sur- veys, plus side-looking radar imagery. These data,. combined with published and open-filed geologic quadrangles, yield an overall regional structural synthesis for this complex metamorphic terrane. Geophysical data in offshore areas have indicated major structural trends as well as the nature of unconsolidated sediments. The USGS. is presently engaged in cooperative programs with the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. Results of last year’s research, summarized below, show a concentration of effort in Massachusetts, the. State with the greatest financial participation. STRUCTURAL 'AND STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES Structural pattern in southern New England A summary of geologic interpretations of geo- physical, topographic, radar, and LANDSAT line- aments in southern New England by P. J. Barosh showed that the pervasive faulting known in the Triassic rocks of the southern Connecticut River valley is also present in the older basement rocks. Lineaments indicative of fault extensions and prob- able faults, along with mapped faults, show that southern New England is cut by several important northeast-trending fault zones. Northerly trending faults lie between these zones in places and cut some 34 of the northeast-trending faults. Several important easterly trending fault zones are also present, mainly in southeastern New England. These three trends appear to have formed contemporaneously because they cut one another. All three are cut by prominent northwest-trending faults with little displacement. Several northeast-trending faults have apparent right-lateral displacement. Base of the Quinebaug Formationr'southeastern Connecticut Layered metavolcanic rocks as much as 800 m thick structurally below and in the Honey Hill-Lake Char fault zone in the northern Old Mystic quad- rangle and southeastern J ewett City quadrangle (Ice. 1, index map) lie conformably on quartzite and schist of the Plainfield Formation. Some of these metavolcanic rocks are similar to those of the Quine— I’q'TAx / NEW ENGLAND STATES I \r‘ MAINE TI EST—“J~ T 5 {3“6144. 6 4—3-— :CONNECTICUT' . IRI‘ 15 13 .1 1 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 35 baug Formation lying in and above the Honey Hill fault zone. No clear stratigraphic boundary between the two metavolcanic sequences can be readily dis- cerned through the cataclasis. However, the meta- volcanic rocks of the lower plate seem to be more quartzose and contain layers of mafic—poor felsic rock not found in the metavolcanic rocks of the up- per plate except in the fault zone. On this basis, metavolcanic rocks above the fault zone are being mapped by H. R. Dixon and Richard Goldsmith as Quinebaug Formation, whereas those below the fault zone are being mapped as a separate metavolcanic unit above the Plainfield Formation. It is pos ible that the metavolcanic rocks on both sides of the fault zone represent one continuous sequence in which the mafic—poor felsic layers occur only in the lower part. If so, little displacement need have occurred along the Honey Hill-Lake Char fault system, as Lundgren and Ebblin (1972) suggested. However, the situa- tion is perhaps analogous to that along strike in eastern Massachusetts, Where K. G. Bell (1973, p. 28) described two metavolcanic units in juxtaposi- tion. He postulates an unconformity between meta- volcanic rocks of the Blackstone Series in a terrane extensively intruded by Dedham Granodiorite, and metavolcanic rocks of the overlying Marlboro and Nashoba. Formations in a terrane in which there is no Dedham Granodiorite. Three periods of cataclastic deformation in southeastern Connecticut Three periods of cataclastic deformation were demonstrated by H. R. Dixon and Richard Gold- smith in the area of the Preston Gabbro in the Jew- ett City and Old Mystic quadrangles (loc. 1). The earliest deformation involved regional metamor- phism and subsequent early cataclasis of the Quine- baug Formation and overlying metasedimentary rocks, followed by intrusion of the gabbro, as shown by intrusive relationships. The southern end of the gabbro near Ayer Hill and Prentice Mountain is a composite mass consisting of a core of hornblende gabbro surrounded by hornblende diorite and with discontinuous masses of quartz diorite, locally trondhjemite. These rocks appear to be comagmatic. The quartz diorite phase, in places showing little or no foliation or cataclasis, cuts and encloses fine- grained mylonitic rocks of the Quineb-aug Forma- tion. On the northwestern and southwestern sides the gabbro or its trondhjemite differentiate, with a primary igneous fabric, crosscuts layering and folia- tion of the Quinebaug and contains inclusions of gneissic or mylonitic Quinebaug. A second stage of cataclastic deformation affected the entire gabbro body and surrounding rocks. The most intense deformation was along the eastern and southern sides of the gabbro, where the gabbro and underlying rocks of the Plainfield Formation and alaskite gneisses of the Sterling Plutonic Group are converted to mylonite in a belt a few tens of metres thick. These mylonites are along the southern limit of the Lake Char fault and the eastern limit of the Honey Hill fault, where the two faults join. All rocks are cut by a north-south-trending system of normal faults accompanied by brecciation, hydrothermal al- teration, and silicification. These faults belong to the third stage of deformation and are part of the Lan- tern Hill fault system of probable Triassic age. Radiometric chronology and maior structures of the Berkshire massif, western Massachusetts Three groups of rocks, interlayered with the Hoosac Formation (Lower? Cambrian or older) along the east margin of the Berkshire massif (loc. 2), have been dated by Rb—Sr whole-rock techniques. Cataclased foliated granite yielded an age of 894-: 58 my. A suite of metavolcanic or metaigneous rocks yielded an ageiof 1.11 :31 by. Weakly foliated gran- ites, interpreted to be in fault contact with the Hoosac, yielded an age of 605:50 my. (D. G. Brook- ins and S.A. Norton, 1975). These results suggested to Norton the following (partial) history of the rocks at the east margin of the Berkshire massif: Volcanic rocks deposited, 1.1 b.y. Grenville orogeny plus intrusion of granite gneiss, 0.9 b. . Intrision of granites, 0.61 b.y. Deposition of Hoosac Formation and younger rocks, 0.6 to 0.44 by Tectonic intercalation of Precambrian rocks with Paleo- zoic metasedimentary rocks, probably during Taconic time. A 30-km-long east-west cross section of the Berk- shire massif along lat 42°15’ N. (loo. 3), extending from miogeosynclinal rocks of the Stockbridge Val- ley on the west to the overthrust eugeosynclinal Hoosac and younger sequence on the east, is com-, plete. On the basis of the results of this study, N. M. Ratclifl‘e suggested that the Precambrian massif at its widest part is composed of nested low-angle over- thrusts that extend eastward in complexly deformed synclinal and anticlinal structures. The youngest and structurally highest thrust slices are confined to the central portion of the massif. The geometry of these slices indicates that‘the major structure of the massif is broadly synclinal rather than anticlinal, and thus the term Berkshire anticlinorium is mis- I 36 leading. Structural analysis of minor drag folds from zones of blastomylonite indicates slip line azi- muths from 70° to 160°. The Beartown Mountain slice overrides the Paleozoic miogeosynclinal se- quence for a minimum distance of 21 km, and a higher slice, the October Mountain slice, in turn overrides the Beartown Mountain slice for a mini- mum distance of 15 km in the slip direction. A mini- mum of 36 km of tectonic foreshortening is sug- gested for the rocks of the Berkshire massif. Later folding of the thrusts may account for an additional 10_ km of shortening. The cross section indicates that the outcrop width of massif rocks may have been in excess of 45 km prior to Taconic orogenesis. The rocks may have been situated at least 21 km farther east than their present location with respect to the underlying miogeosynclinal sequence. A re- stored position places the rocks above the crest of the regional positive Bouguer anomaly. Major structures east of the Monson Gneiss, central Massachusetts A northeast- and north-trending 1.6-km-wide syn- cline or synclinorium, composed chiefly of layered rocks of the Mount Pisgah Formation, was mapped by J. D. Peper east of and adjacent to the Monson Gneiss in the Palmer quadrangle (loc. 4). Evidence for overturning is based on a few relict sedimentary structures that indicate tops of beds to the east. The Bone Mill Brook fault, a major regional fault asso- ciated with cataclastic rocks along the eastern edge of the Monson Gneiss in the Stafford Springs, Mon- son, and Palmer quadrangles, truncates the axis of the syncline near the border of the Monson and Palmer quadrangles. A discordant northward-widen- ing body of foliated porphyritic quartz monzonite invades the east limb of the syncline and invades and obliterates a north-trending anticline in the east- ern and northeastern parts of the Palmer quad- rangle. Lithostratigraphic sequence in East Brookfield quadrangle, Massachusetts Recent mapping by J. S. Pomeroy demonstrated that the subdivision of a thick sequence of high- grade metamorphic rocks in northeastern Connec- ticut (Peper, Pease, and Seiders, 1975) can be ex- tended northward into the East Brookfield quad- rangle (loc. 5). A sequence of mostly gray to less common, slightly rusty weathering felsic gneiss is the dominant- rock type in the eastern part of the quadrangle. Thin units of sulfidic schist occur locally throughout this part of the section. Terrigenous sands and silts with minor euxenic muds and silts GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 were the probable original sediments. Overlying these rocks to the west are mappable units of roughly equal proportions of rusty-weathering gneiss/sulfidic schist and gray-weathering felsic gneiss. The latter sequence represents an assortment of euxenic muds and silts with influxes of terrigen- ous and possible volcaniclastic debris. Rare occur- ences of relict graded bedding in gray garnetiferous gneiss indicate that the section is right side up. Folded graded beds in the Worcester North quadrangle A gray phyllite to mica schist unit with prominent arenaceous graded beds crops out in the central part of the Worcester North quadrangle (loc. 6). This unit contains graded beds similar to those reported by Peck (1972) in the Clinton quadrangle and in- terpreted by him as a metaturbidite. According to J. C. Hepburn, bedding reversals observed in large exposures along Interstate 290» indicate a series of isoclinal folds plunging moderately to the north- northwest with amplitudes on the order of 100 m. Deformation in rocks of the Concord-Framingham-Natick area, eastern Massachusetts Rocks in the Concord-Framingham-Natick area (loo. 7) were deformed during three periods of de- formation, according to A. E. Nelson. During the first period, metamorphic schistosity (SI) formed in the upper Cambrian to lower Paleozoic( ?) rocks in response to ductile deformation that occurred in the early stage of regional metamorphism. Near the close of metamorphism, minor folds developed as initial structures of the second deformation. As the second deformation period continued, regional north- to northeast-trending folds formed, schistosity (8,) was folded, and a slip cleavage (Sz) developed 10- cally. Cataclastic foliation (SK) associated with deep-seated faulting was formed in the rocks during a long interval. The third (Alleghenian) deforma- tion period folded and faulted the Carboniferous rocks of the Boston Basin. At this time a cleavage (8,) also formed in some Carboniferous rocks, but this cleavage has not been observed in the older rocks west of the Boston Basin. Basement structure beneath Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts A basement structure contour map of Cape Cod Bay (loo. 8) compiled by R. N. Oldale and C. J. O’Hara showed a prominent lineament trending northeast from a point just north of Cape Cod Canal to a point just south of Provincetown. This line- ament, made up of a number of basement lows, may represent a fault boundary separating strata of Triassic or Jurassic age to the south from igneous REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 37 and metamorphic rocks of pre-Triassic age to the north. Inferred post-Tertiary history of Cape Cod Bay Interpretation of seismic profiles by R. N. Oldale and C. J. O’Hara suggested the following geologic history for Cape Cod Bay. During Tertiary time the area underwent deposition and erosion similar to those of the unglaciated Atlantic Coastal Plain. To- ward the end of Tertiary time, erosion removed much of the coastal plain strata, exposing basement rocks and producing an extensive drainage system. This surface is deeply buried by glacial drift deposited in large part during the advance and retreat of the last ice sheet. Fluvial erosion of the drift followed ice retreat as sea ‘level rose toward its present level. As the Holocene transgression proceeded, drowned valleys became sites of estuarine deposition. Barrier beaches and lagoons developed locally. These beaches, now submerged to depths of 30 m or more, constitute a significant source of deposits of sand and gravel. Most recently, beach and bar deposits are forming in shallow water, and silt and clay are being deposited in deep water. Volcanic sediments in the Boston Basin Study of the rocks of the Boston Basin (loo. 9) by C. A. Kaye showed that much of the sediment is vol- canically derived from fine- and coarse-grained pyro- clastics, most of which were somewhat reworked and water deposited. The ashy tufi's have been tra- ditionally classified as argillites, and the reworked, coarser material as conglomerate and tillite. At least three important intervals of eruption are recognized; the first two were dominantly andesitic, and the third was rhyolitic but with some mafic lavas. Two cones have been identified: a very large stratovol- cano that centers on Mattapan and a small andesitic cone with evidence of hydrothermal (fumerolic) a1- teration. Both cones were involved in the deforma- tion of the basin and are lying on their sides. Intrusion of Lucerne pluton, Hancock County, Maine The Lucerne pluton (loc. 10) moved laterally dur- ing intrusion, according to studies by D. R. Wones. Mylonite zones subparallel to the western edge and drag folds found in the metamorphosed Ellsworth Schist on the eastern edge of the pluton both imply motion from the south toward the northeast. Grav- ity studies by J. ‘H. Sweeney (SUNY, Buffalo) indi- cated that the Lucerne pluton is thicker toward the south. A model of a rising magma flowing laterally to the northeast explains the shape of the pluton, its observed internal deformation, and the deforma- tion of the intruded metasediments. QUATERNARY GEOLOGY Recessional moraines in southeastern Connecticut Review by Richard Goldsmith (USGS) of map- ping done in 1962 by J. W. Gaffney (then a student at the Univ. of Massachusetts) in the Old Mystic quadrangle (loc. 11), New London County, Conn., clearly confirmed the continuity of a set of minor recessional moraines that extend from Long Island Sound west of New London through the Stonington area into Rhode Island. The two moraines lie 13 km and 20 km, respectively, north of and parallel to the terminal Charlestown-Harbor Hill moraine. The northern moraine (Ledyard moraine) can be traced northwestward as a positive feature across the Old Mystic quadrangle from the western edge to the northeastern corner. The southern moraine, called the Rocky Hollow moraine by Gafi'ney, extends as a line of patches of ablation till, till ridges, and ice- contact deposits of sand and gravel from near 01d Mystic to about 1 km south of North Stonington Village. The Rocky Hollow moraine is alined with two closely spaced moraines in the Niantic area to the southwest and with morainic features mapped by J. P. Schafer in the central Ashaway quadrangle to the east. Schafer, in reconnaissance, has traced this moraine for about 77 km from the Niantic area into south-central Rhode Island (Schafer and Harts- horn, 1965). The Ledyard moraine has not been recognized in Rhode Island. The moraines consist of loose bouldery till in places, with minor sand and gravel, usually showing hummocky topography; accumulations in’ a few places of boulders piled on one another without in- terstitial fine material; low linear ridges of compact till without exceptional boulder accumulations; and ice-contact deposits of sand and gravel, locally with flowtill. The low linear ridges are alined with other morainic features and lie at an angle to the trend of bedrock units. The morainic deposits lie along a somewhat sinuous, usually single line, but with a generally uniform east-northeast trend. The Ledyard moraine, however, splits into two parallel segments east and north of Lantern Hill. Boulder accumula- tions of stacked and piled boulders so spectacularly displayed at a few places, particularly along the Led- yard morainehare considered to have formed where accumulations of bouldery till at the active ice-stag- nant ice interface were washed by local ephemeral melt-water streams. On the tops of some high rocky ridges Where outcrops are abundant, the moraine is 38 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 identified by a greater number of dispersed erratics than is usually found on such sites or by a low linear ridge of till without bedrock outcrops. Heads of out— wash are more or less alined along the moraines, with some, usually fragmentary, coarse— to fine-tex- tured ice-contact deposits of sand and gravel lying north of the line of the moraine. This outwash is considered to have been deposited by streams drain- ing the zone of stagnant ice lying between the for- mer active-ice interface and a new interface situated to the north. Gaffney describes ice-shove features in gravel deposits in the moraines and suggests that the moraines represent slight readvances rather than mere stillstands during ice retreat. Such re—. advances are, however, probably, of little signifi- cance. One would not expect an interface of live ice with dead ice to remain completely static in position. Four levels of glacial Lake Danbury, southwestern Connecticut Mapping by W. B. Thompson showed that degla- ciation of the Danbury—New Milford area (10c. 12) resulted in the formation of glacial Lake Danbury, which occupied the Still River valley and part of the Housatonic River valley. Retreat of the ice front opened successively lower spillways and resulted in four lake levels. Glacial lakes also occupied the Dan- bury Fairgrounds area and probably the Lake Can- dlewood valley. Triassic rock-derived drift east of the border fault, central Connecticut The restriction of Triassic rocks to the northwest side of the border fault, which traverses the Glaston- bury quadrangle (loc. 13), provides the basis for some estimates of drift transport by continental glacier ice and melt-water streams, according to sur- ficial mapping by W. H. Langer, Reddish-brown till, composed primarily of material derived from Trias- sic sedimentary roéks, is common only within 2 km southeast of the border fault, although local deposits of reddish-brown till have been mapped as far as 6 km southeast of the fault. Stratified drift deposits, however, include significant amounts of Triassic material throughout the quadrangle, and material derived from Triassic rocks has been reported ear- lier by D. W. O’Leary (unpub. data, 1974) as far as 16 km southeast of the border fault in the Salmon River valley in the Moodus quadrangle, Connecticut. Preglacial bedrock weathering and pre-Wisconsinan weathering of lower till, central and western Connecticut Within the eastern Triassic border fault zone in Somers, Conn. (loc. 14), a 3-m section of severely weathered rock was excavated this summer in a large borrow pit on the southeastern slope of an 18-m-high ice-streamlined bedrock hill. The weath- ered rock is highly jointed breccia. Large pockets, up to 1 m in diameter, are completely kaolinized, containing fine-grained quartz masses up to 13 cm in diameter. Many joint surfaces'are partly coated with a soft pink mineral (montmorillonite?) and (or) small semihedral to euhedral quartz crystals. C. T. Hildreth found that rock exposed by excavation on the northwestern side of the hill is fresh, and unweathered bedrock caps the hill. Apparently, the severe weathering is preglacial, and this small area survived glacial scouring because of its sheltered position in the lee of the bedrock hill. The feature is a large-scale example of cragLand-tail morphology. Preglacially weathered marble from the Inwood Limestone, near Danbury, makes up a large portion of clasts in both the uppenand the lower till (Scha- fer and Hartshorn, 1965), according to W. B. Thompson. The upper (Wisconsinan) till has a total carbonate content of 50 percent at one locality. Car- bonate minerals have been leached from most ex- posures of lower till. . Weathering effects in the oxidized zone of the lower till at Thomaston Dam, Conn. (10c. 15), have been studied by B. D. Stone, using X-ray and thin section techniques. Illite shows increasing expan- sion by hydration upward through this zone, and garnets are dissolved and coated by iron oxide rims. Values of pH are as low as 5.5 in the oxidized zone but are as high as 7 or greater in fresh till. These results suggest that the altered zone may be the base of a soil profile that predated classical Wisconsinan glaciation. Correlation with Midwest till weathering sequences is precluded because of the noncalcareous nature of the lower till at Thomaston Dam and be- cause of truncation byuthe last ice sheet. Active-ice deglaciation of the Triassic Lowland, Massachusetts Three types of evidence indicated deglaciation of the western side of the Triassic Lowland, central Massachusetts (loc. 16) , by an active valley ice lobe, according to F. D. Larsen. The evidence is found in the Easthampton quadrangle along the north-north- east-trending contact of crystalline rocks of the New England Upland on the west and reddish-brown Triassic rocks on the east. The stratigraphic evidence consists of reddish- brown till overlying grayish-brown till along the North Branch of the Manhan River 1.2 km south- east of Loudville, 0.5 km east of the crystalline- Triassic contact. The older grayish-brown till is in- ferred to have been derived from crystalline rocks and deposited during the glacial maximum by ice REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 39 that moved south into the Triassic Lowland from the New England Upland. The younger reddish-brown till was derived from Triassic rocks and was de- posited at the southwestern edge of an active valley ice lobe just prior to ice retreat. Southwestern ice movement is indicated by the reddish-brown color of the till and southwest-trending striations. Striations trending S. 75° W. at Loudville and S. 52° W. at a locality 3.5 km S. 20° E. of Loudville indicate a radial movement of ice in the southwest- ern part of the Easthampton quadrangle. These striations and those in the northern part of the Mount Tom quadrangle to the south form a distinct lobate pattern that extends across the lowland from Loudville to Mount Tom. In addition, erratics derived from the Triassic Lowland have been transported west of, and higher than, the nearest Triassic rocks at the crystalline- Triassic contact on the southeastern slope of Pom- eroy Mountain. This occurrence is similar to the 2- to 3-km-wide belt of erratics derived from Triassic rocks that lie west of the crystalline-Triassic con- tact in the Southwick quadrangle, Massachusetts- Connecticut (Schnabel, 1971) . Quaternary stratigraphy, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, determined from seismic reflection From a high-resolution seismic reflection survey, J. M. Robb distinguished four sedimentary units underlying Buzzards Bay, Mass. (10c. 17). He in- ferred that nearly ubiquitous Holocene marine muds overlie probable glacial outwash deposits, which in turn overlie well-stratified sediments filling valleys cut into probable glacial till. Some of the valleys ex- tend from valleys cut into bedrock that crops‘ out along the northwestern side of the bay. J Glaciomarine deposits in northeastern Massachusetts l Glacial outwash graded to a marine baselew‘el in the Marblehead North quadrangle (Ice. 18) is not found higher than 17 m above present mea sea level, as maps completed by M. J. Carnevale showed. To the north, work in the Merrimack River Valley near Newburyport (loc. 19) by A. F. Shride s owed large ice-contact glaciomarine deltas graded 0 an upper marine limit of 27 to 30 m above present sea level. A few maximum marine strandline features such as wave-cut cliffs and berms occur at 0 just above the 100-foot (30 m) contour. In the same area, extensive sand plains at the 50-foot (15 m) cdntour surface apparently represent extensive erosio and deposition on grade with a lower, younger marine baselevel. These evaluations provide a more complete I l picture of postglacial crustal rebound along the New England coast. Distribution of lacustrine and marine sediments in southern Lake Champlain An EG&G Uniboom system was used to profile 205 km of track between Ticonderoga Bay and Split Rock Point, NY. (loc. 20). Total sediment thickness is least (10 m) south of the Crown Point Bridge and greatest (165 m) between Barber Point and Split Rock Point, NY. Several prominent acoustic reflectors appear to be the same as those reported to the north by Chase and Hunt (1972) and include the approximate boundaries betWeen Lake Vermont, Champlain Sea, and Lake Champlain sediments. Those presently inferred to be of Lake Vermont age range from 0 to 125 m thick, and those of more recent age from 0 to 60 m thick. A prominent terrace at 0 to 3 m above sea level (26 to 29 m below present lake level) probably is due to erosion during a low lake level stand during Champlain Sea or early Lake Champlain time. APPALACHIAN HIGHLANDS AND THE COASTAL PLAINS Conodont color alteration, an index to diagenesis of organic matter According to A. G. Epstein, J. B. Epstein, and L. D. Harris (1974), mapping of conodont color alteration by geologic system throughout the Ap- palachian basin and laboratory experiments induc- ing color alteration showed that (1) the sequence of color change from pale yellow to black to white found in field collections is the same as that pro- duced by heating alone; (2) color alteration is progressive, cumulative, and irreversible; (3) color alteration is time and temperature dependent and virtually independent of pressure; and (4) color alteration in conodonts correlates well with fixed carbon, vitrinite reflectance, mineral diagenesis, and isopach data. The color alteration index of conodonts is a valuable method for assessing thermal metamor- phism because (1) it is rapid and inexpensive and requires only standard laboratory techniques and a binocular microscope; (2) conodonts extend vir- tually intact into garnet-grade metamorphism, well beyond the range of other organic indexes; (3) conodonts are most abundant and most easily con- centrated from marine carbonate rocks, whereas phytoclasts are least abundant in and often absent from these same rocks; and (4) vitrinite, one of the main types of phytoclast, is limited to post- 40 . GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Silurian rocks, whereas conodonts extend into the Cambrian. Thermal effect on Triassic rocks by contact metamorphism Triassic fluvial and lacustrine sedimentary rocks in the Culpeper basin, Va. (loo. 1, index map), con- sist chiefly of conglomerate, siltstone, shale, and calcisiltite. According to K. Y. Lee, these rocks were extensively metamorphosed in contact with diabase. After deposition, they were monoclinally tilted westerly and northwesterly; block-faulted, locally folded, and synkinematically intruded dia- base fissure flows emanated from near-surface dia- base intrusions; and contact aureoles formed adja- cent to the diabase. The progressive advance Of thermal effects in the aureoles is characterized by different mineral assemblages. Biotite--cordierite- quartz spotted hornfels and hypersthene-quartz quartzites represent arenaceous and argillaceous sediments near diabase succeeded outwardly by cor- dierite-quartz-andalusite spotted hornfels and the appearance of chlorite, epidote, and quartz. Lime garnet-diopside—tremolite—idocrase skarns form in calcareous sediments. Subsequently, hydrothermal alteration and copper and iron mineralization oc- curred in the aureoles, diabase bodies, and fissure flows during the late stage of diabasic magma dif- ferentiation. The width Of the aureoles is generally less than 1.6 km, but a Wider aureole was formed in areas of soft sandstone and conglomerate in contact with a large alkaline diabase mass. Probable Miocene age for the Pensauken gravel in the Delmarva Peninsula J. P. Owens reported that dating the widespread gravel sheets of the emerged northern Atlantic Coastal Plain (loo. 2) has long been conjectural be- cause of the almost total absence of fossil remains. In the lower Delmarva Peninsula, however, one of these gravel sheets (the Pensauken Formation) ap- pears to interfinger with a thick sequence of inter- bedded dark-colored clay, sands, and gravels. Locally, these beds cOntain fossils that are latest Miocene in age. On the basis of this relationship and the regional relationship of this gravel sheet to others in the same general area, it now seems that most of the widespread gravels Of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain are Miocene or perhaps earliest Pliocene in age. Conodont geother‘mometry indicates slaty cleavage formed at elevated temperatures Reconnaissance field investigations in the Appala- chian basin by J. B. Epstein and A. G. Epstein STATES IN APPALACHIAN HIGHLANDS K AND THE COASTAL PLAINS New YORK i l—--~~~ '; 7 I ' PENNSYLVANIA 3- )1 I L— ~- ,xersr V «Y VIRGINIA]. \\ 9 / KENTUCKY , /\.'.. - VIRGINIA \) j l-g—--‘--_g:_.7_ ________ ,J“ I er 5 I a v I TENNESSEE IL/ NORTH CAROLINA ) I ‘ ~ 7‘ - — _ ’— - -‘ _‘. _ L _ I Q _\ l I SOUTH ' \ \ CAROLINA / . l \ \ , ALABAMA ) GEORGIA ‘ \ l (i using conodonts as geothermometers showed that a temperature of about 200°C coincides with the initiation of slaty cleavage. The color Of conodonts changes from amber to black with increasing time and temperature, as shown by experimental heating and corroborated by the field studies. Overburden is the cause Of increased-temperatures. The Martins- burg Formation of eastern Pennsylvania (loc. 3), with its well-developed cleavage, appears to have reached about 300°C. These observations support the argument that slaty cleavage develops under metamorphic conditions. Slumping reactivated in bluffs of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey Slumping of considerable displacement renewed in the pile of chiefly unconsolidated marine sedi- ments in the Atlantic Highlands of New Jersey (loo. 4) in late summer 1972, according to J. P. Minard. Older slump blocks were mapped and de- scribed by Minard (1969). During restudy, several interesting aspects of the role of natural processes and the influence of man on these features were re- vealed. It was learned that One large block had slumped as recently as 1972. This block had a sur- face area of possibly 16 ha and may have included as much as several million cubic metres of soil and rock. The pre-1972 slumping probably was caused REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 41 l by a combination of factors such as a high wateir table and undercutting of bluffs by waves and tidal currents. The slumping renewed in-1972‘ involved la land surface about 0.8 km long, up to 76 m wide, arid possibly from 15 m to 61 m deep, a total volume of perhaps 600,000 to 800,000 m3 of soil and rock. The slump blocks may not have been recognized by municipal planners or construction engineers; con- struction of sewer lines and large buildings was planned and undertaken at locations of definite po- tential geologic hazards. Results of the study are published (Minard, 1974). This slumping also prob- ably involved a combination of natural factors but ' may have been more influenced by man’s activities than_was the earlier slumping. Tectonics and geochronology in the Piedmont of northeastern Virginia The Fredericksburg complex (Ice. 5), as defined by Louis Pavlides and others (1974, p. 569), is a tectonic unit that consists chiefly of schist and gneiss that have been extensively intruded by felsic plu- tons and dikes and sills. It is overlain on its eastern side by Coastal Plain sediments; its western bound- ary coincides with the first appearance (eastward) of felsic dikes and sills. Recent mapping by Pavlides near the Rappahannock River and west of Fred- ericksburg, Va., has shown that the Fredericksburg complex contains at least two mappable formations. In its westernmost part the Fredericksburg com- plex includes part of the Quantico Slate, which here is a high-grade crystalline schist. The other forma- tion is a biotitic hornblende gneiss that occurs in the eastern part of the complex and conformably overlies the Quantico. Although a few generally poorly developed sedimentary features suggest that the biotitic hornblende gneiss stratigraphically as well as structurally overlies the Quantico, it is pos- sible that the gneiss has been thrust above the Quan- tico. Both the Quantico and the biotitic gneiss have a pronounced foliation (8,) parallel to and generally conformable with bedding (So) as defined by schis— tose and gnei-ssic quartzitic layers within each for- mation. Both So and S1 have been folded along northeast-trending axes to produce a series of open, upright, northeast-plunging folds with local axial plane foliation (Sz). A gently plunging (10° to 35°) lineation, which is ubiquitous in the Fredericksburg . complex, is parallel to the axes of some of these folds. The number of granitic dikes and sills increases from west to east across the Fredericksburg com- plex, as does the grade of metamorphism, from staurolite in the west to sillimanite in the east. A microcline granite gneiss with two foliations occurs in the northeastern part of the Salem Church quad- rangle and the southeastern part of the Storck quadrangle and is herein named the Berea pluton. This pluton appears to be a generally concordant intrusion within the biotitic hornblende gneiss, which it also locally crosscuts near its contact. A weak foliation (S1) defines its general structural concordance with the folds of the enclosing gneiss. Well-developed, steeply dipping, northeast—trending biotite folia define the regional foliation (82) of this pluton, which is concordant with the 82 of the enclosing gneiss. Zircons separated from one locality in the microcline granite gneiss of the Berea pluton and analyzed by T. W. Stern give the following nearly concordant ages by use of the most recently ascertained half lives: 2°“Pb/238U yields an age of 346.8 m.y., 2°7Pb/235U yields 348.6 m.y., and 2"PW 206Pb yields 360.6 m.y. These ages indicate that the youngest regional foliation (S2) within the Berea pluton and its enclosing country rocks is younger than 360 my. and is a structure of Acadian age or younger. Palynology According to L. A. ,Sirkin, studies of the pollen and spores from a few localities in the barriers cropping out at elevations near 24 m above sea level near Charleston, SC. (loc. 6), showed these micro- flora to have characteristic Tertiary (as evidenced by the presence of Pterocarya) aspects rather than Pleistocene aspects. Apparently, the Pleistocene sea did not exceed this level in this area, although any number of ‘authors have indicated that it did. Abundance of Catoctin mafic dikes in Virginia indicates scale of late Precambrian crustal distention G. H. Espenshade reported that metadiabse feeder dikes to the upper Precambrian Catoctin Metabasall lavas are widespread in the older Precambrian plu- tonic rocks and overlying metasedimentary rocks (Lynchburg and Swift Run Formations) in the northern part of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium (loc. 7). Continuous exposures in pipeline trenches in the Rectortown quadrangle showed these dikes to be far more abundant than surface exposures suggest. The total thickness of dikes in a section of pipeline trench 4.5 km long amounted to about 20 percent of the total rocks; in another section of trench 1 km long, the dikes made up 15 percent of the total. About 90 percent of the dikes are less than 15 m thick; very few dikes are more than 30 m thick. 42 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The great volume of Catoctin Metabasalt lavas and metadiabase dikes in the Blue Ridge anticlinorium was probably erupted during a period of continental rifting in the late Precambrian _(Rankin, 1972). In northwestern Newfoundland, very similar basalt flows fed by dikes cutting the older Precambrian basement are also judged to have been erupted during a rifting stage, either in the late Precam- brian or early Paleozoic (Strong and Williams, 1972). Some measure of the scale of crustal disten- tion accompanying this continental rifting and basalt eruption is given by the total volume of feeder dikes. In the Rectortown quadrangle, crustal ' distention appears to have been on the order of 15 to 20 percent. Gravity data indicate mafic body near District of Columbia Gravity measurements in the District of Columbia and Maryland (loc. 8) revealed a northeasterly elongated gravity high with sharp gradients ac— cording to D. L. Daniels. The anomaly, which is 5X17 km, extends from the center of Washington, D.C., to College Park, Md., and may be caused by a mafic body in the Piedmont rocks, here covered by a thin veneer of Coastal Plains deposits. The body is probably related to the so-called Baltimore Gabbro Complex, as used by Herz (1951), which is on trend to the north. Prominent spheroidal features exposed by strip mining Large spheroidal features in the highwall strata of strip mines were noted by V. A. Trent during the geologic mapping of the Anawalt quadrangle (Ice. 9) in McDowell County, W. Va. These features are up to several metres in diameter, have a flattened ellipsoidal to round shape, and occur in competent and incompetent strata consisting of sandstone, silt- stone, and shale of the Pocahontas and New River Formations of Pennsylvanian age. These features are most conspicuous near the tract of the axial plane of the Dry Fork anticline, a major structural feature in the area, and appear to be related to jointing. CENTRAL REGION AND GREAT PLAINS KENTUCKY Geologic mapping A cooperative project with the State, begun in 1960, was more than 86 percent completed by May 1, 1975, when 512 geologic maps had been printed (fig. 1), another 52 maps had been approved for FIGURE 1.—-Pub1ished geologic quadrangle maps (patterned area) of Kentucky as of May 1, 1975; small .squares are 7%-min quadrangles. publication, and an additional 45 were undergoing editorial review. Geologic mapping was in progress in 75 quadrangles. About 710. maps will be pub- lished to cover 763 71/2-min quadrangles that are wholly or partly within the State. The geologic maps are printed on recent editions of topographic base maps of quadrangles, at 124,000 scale, and published in the geologic quadrangle map series. Lithostratigraphy and depositional environments of the Lexington Limestone E. R. Cressman (1973) found that the Ordovician Lexington Limestone of central Kentucky (10c. 1, index map) consists of 11 complexly intertongued members that are composed of fossiliferous and bioclastic limestone and shale that were deposited in a marine intralittoral zone of the Appalachian geo- syncline. Transgression and regression of rock types resulted from varying rates of subsidence that were unrelated to the Cincinnati arch or the Jessamine dome. Subsidence of the southern part of the area during the later part of Lexington time may have been the result of displacement along the Kentucky River and the Irvine-Paint Creek fault zones. Ca1- carenites of the Lexington contain an average of 2.4 percent P205 present as cryptocrystalline carbonate- fluorapatite that occurs as fillings and replacements of small fossils. New data an eastern Kentucky coal resources Mapping of low- to medium-sulfur coal beds in southern Lawrence and northern Johnson Counties Ky. (10c. 2), by P. T. Hayes, C. L. Pillmore, D. E. Ward, D. C. Alvord, and C. W. Connor added to the national coal resources in the proven and indicated categories. Many well-known coal beds that are com- mercially developed to the southeast thin toward and within the mapped area. Although a few of these beds are locally thick enough to be stripped, REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS l‘"—--—-. .-J‘ . T 1v. I‘ .\,~. I . ' NORTH DAKOTA ‘ . L_ I MINNESOTA - . --_ . . ' '- " , 7 on . . \ . 'wf I SOUTH DAKOTA I L‘WISCONSIN c; . , ‘ 4‘ ' a l—--—--_-- i—"—"—\. I \-~ : \ __ ' \ m ‘7 L NEBRASKA . .4 . I OKLAHOM ' A \ ARKANSAS /' . "““--n~--~\i‘l J; STATES IN CENTRAL REGION AND GREAT PLAINS they have little potential for large—scale underground mining. Geologic and hydrologic information for land-use planning in the Kentucky River Area Development District Experimental maps were prepared by W. L. Newell and R. E. Davis largely from preexisting data for the headwaters area of the Kentucky River (loc. 3) , eastern Kentucky, an eight-county region designated the Kentucky River Area Development District (KRADD) by the Appalachian Regional Commis- sion. These maps have been presented to KRADD planners in a format and terminology usable by 10- cal people untrained in Earth science. Time and cost limitations required a regional analysis with de- tailed, large-scale examples of selected localities. Most of the maps produced to meet these needs show the abundance and distribution of naturally occurring materials and the domain and intensity of geomorphic processes. Three types of maps show- ing current land use, slope, and flood-prone areas present both basic and derived data directly appli— cable to specific land-use decisions. Basic map in- formation on quality and quantity of surface and ground water, bedrock and surficial geology, and mineral fuels can be interpreted for a wide variety of current and potential uses. Accompanying texts explain bedrock control of geomorphic processes, distribution of surficial de- posits, and hydrologic characteristics of the intense- ly dissected eastern Kentucky terrane. Within this 43 conceptual framework, geomorphic processes and the landscape can be evaluated in humanly significant terms of low to high potential risk and thus indicate the opportunities and limitations for land use. MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN Preglacial topography Research by geochemical methods in the Michigan part of the Sault Ste. Marie 2° quadrangle (loc. 4) to find areas that may have potential for economic metallic and nonmetallic deposits was begun by J. W. Whitlow and J. F. Windolph. A study of avail- able data indicates an overburden comprising la- custrine and glacial deposits up to 130 m thick. The overburden locally is thickest near Lake Superior and thins southward to a thickness of 64 m near the north shore of Lake Michigan. Bedrock crops out at many places and ranges from dolomite and limestone south of lat. 46°20’ N. to sandstone and minor quartzite north of lat. 46°20’ N. Bedrock out- crops and available water-well data were used to outline roughly the valleys and hill areas of the pre- glacial topography, which had greater relief than the present topography. Paleomagnetic studies in Houghton County, Michigan According to K. G. Books, results of preliminary paleomagnetic determinations for rock samples from Keweenawan lava flows at Silver Mountain and Sturgeon Falls in Houghton County, Mich. (loo. 5), showed a reversed polarity and a direction of rema- nent magnetization similar to those in the South Range lava flows near Ironwood as well as to those in other Keweenawan rocks around Lake Superior. This polarity and this direction of magnetization are unique to lower Keweenawan rocks in the Lake Superior area. Archean volcanic pile, Wakefield area. Michigan Metamorphosed volcanic rocks of Archean age (Precambrian W) in the Wakefield area (loc. 6) form a south-dipping monocline composed of older andesitic flows and mafic to intermediate pyroclastic rocks to the north and younger felsic schists and pyroclastic rocks to the south. W. G. Prinz postu- lated that these volcanic rocks represent the rem- nants of the central and .upper parts of what was once probably a much larger differentiated volcanic pile. The andesitic flows in the Wakefield area are similar to flows found in the central parts of more completely exposed Archean volcanic piles in Canada. 44 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The flows pass upward (southward) and westward into felsic rocks typical of the upper parts of Archean volcanic piles. Thickening of the felsic schists to the west suggests that the Wakefield area lies on the eastern side of a center of felsic erup- tion. The western side of this center is cut oil? by intrusive quartz monzonite. Basaltic flows typical of the base of Archean volcanic piles are not exposed in the Wakefield area; they may lie at depth to the north or may have been removed by erosion prior to deposition of overlying Precambrian X rocks. Proposed repetition of strata by faulting, eastern Gogebic County, Michigan, and north-central Wisconsin Six northeast-trending units have been mapped between Marenisco and Watersmeet in eastern Gogebic County, Mich. (Fritts, 1969). The pre- dominant lithologies in these units are (from north- west to southeast) metavolcanic, graywacke, meta- volcanic, graywacke, metavolcanic, and graywacke. Iron-formation occurs in each volcanic unit and in the southernmost graywacke unit. The units dip steeply to the southeast, and the top directions, as determined by graded bedding in the middle gray- wacke and pillow structures in mafic flows in the southernmost metavolcanic unit, all face southeast. Fritts interpreted this as a thick conformable se- quence forming a simple monocline. C. E. Dutton traced the extensions of these units as far as 72 km to the southwest into Wisconsin (10c. 7). He noted that the two oldest units, according to Fritts’ interpretation, are free of granitic intrusive rocks and are of low metamorphic grade, whereas the postulated younger units are cut by intrusive rocks and are of high metamorphic grade. Dutton concluded that these six units do not represent a continuous section. He suggested that the three metavolcanic units are correlative, as are the three graywacke units, and that they are repeated along northeast-trending strike faults. The individual vol- canic units are older and are overlain conformably by the graywacke unit to the southeast, whereas the middle and southern metavolcanic units are faulted against the graywacke unit to the northwest. The twofold metavolcanic-graywacke sequence is thus repeated three times across the area. In Wisconsin, the southernmost unit has been folded along northeast-trending axes and intruded along its southern limit by granite, accompanied by the development of kyanite and, locally, staurolite in schists formed from the graywacke. MINNESOTA Volcanic sedimentary sequences in the Vermilion district, Minnesota Two sequences of Precambrian W volcanic-sedi- mentary rocks were distinguished by P. K. Sims in the Vermilion district, northeastern Minnesota (10c. 8). The two sequences, which are separated by a major dip-slip fault that has an estimated vertical displacement of at least 1,000 m, differ in meta- morphic grade and possibly are of different ages. The sequence on the southern side of the fault is weakly metamorphosed and has long been considered the classical sequence of lower Precambrian rocks in northern Minnesota. It consists of a lower mafic volcanic succession (Ely Greenstone, about 6,500 m thick) that is succeeded upward stratigraphically by felsic volcanic rocks and volcanogenic graywacke- argillite (Lake Vermilion Formation, about 3,000 m thick, and Knife Lake Group, about 4,500 m thick). A second younger mafic yolcanic succession (New- ton Lake Formation, about 1,500 m thick) overlies the Knife Lake Group. It contains numerous differen- tiated mafic-ultramafic sills or flows as much as 200 m thick that have been interpreted by K. J. Schultz (Univ. of Minnesota) as having been formed from a magnesian basalt magma by crystal settling. The ultramafic rocks at the base of the sills contain about 5,000 ppm Cr; nickel concentrations associated with the sills have not been found. The sequence on the northern side of the fault consists of amphibolite-facies volcanic and sedimen- tary rocks and is associated with granitic rocks in the Vermilion Granite—migmatite massif (Southwick, 1972). Geologic mapping by Sims in the Shagawa Lake 71/g-min quadrangle near Ely has shown that this northern sequence consists mainly of metamor- phosed basaltic lava flows, some of which have dis- cernible pillow structures, metagabbro, felsic tufi', and graywacke-argillite. The oldest unit in the Shagawa Lake quadrangle is a dacitic tufi' or flow, which apparently was partially mobilized during the Vermilion Granite magmatic episode. Because of its physical appearance, trondhjemitic composition, and intrusive relation to adjacent rocks, this rock unit was earlier named the Burntside Granite Gneiss by F. F. Grout (1926). NEBRASKA AND KANSAS Bedrock geologic map and thickness of Quaternary deposits Data from test-hole logs, published and unpub- lished maps, and field notes from the files of the REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 45 Nebraska Geological Survey were used by G. E. Prichard (USGS) and R. R. Burchett, E. C. Reed, and V. H. Dreeszen (Nebraska Geological Survey) in compiling a bedrock geologic map of-part 'of eastern Nebraska and northernmost Kansas (10c. 9). Bed- rock outcrops are shown. The map, which also shows the combined. thickness of Quaternary surficial de- posits of loe?ss, till, alluvium, and lake sediments, is at a scale of 1:250,000. The map should be useful for land-use planning and other activities such as mining and water-well drilling. ROCKY MOUNTAINS Multiple ages of middle Tertiary mineralization in the western San Juan Mountains Potassium-argon and fission-track ages on vein feldspars and micas, as well as on mineralization-re- lated intrusions, indicated that middle Tertiary mineralization in the Western San Juan Mountains in Hinsdale County (loo. 1, index map) occurred intermittently from about 30 to 10 my ago, accord- ing to P. W. Lipman, F. S. Fisher, H. H. Mehnert, and C. W. Naeser. This span is essentially the same as that of the associated igneous activity. MONTANA WYOMING I l l .14 .5 I COLORADO I .1 : .6 | I I 18 7 o I ' ‘ ' I ROCKY MOUNTAIN STATES I NEWIQMEXICO ' . . l ' I | I . _____l I _ _ .I— ' L- Mineralization recurred during the waning stages of evolution of individual volcanic centers, including several precaldera central volcanoes and also the large Uncompahgre, San Juan, Silverton, and Lake City calderas. Much of the richest mineralization, localized within the Silverton caldera area, was em- placed 5 to' 15 my. later than the time of caldera formation about 27.5 m.y. ago, however, and appears genetically unrelated to evolution of this caldera and its associated magmatic system. This economically significant mineralization seems most closely related to volumetrically minor intrusions of quartz-bearing silicic porphyry, an association that is also common ‘ elsewhere in the Rocky Mountain region. STRATIGRAPHIC STU DIES Ordovician sedimentation in the Western United States R. J. Ross, Jr., found that Ordovician sedimenta- tion in the Western United States was influenced mainly by the changing position of the transcon— tinental arch relative to the Earth’s latitudinal belts and to sea level. Paleomagnetic studies have shown that in Early Ordovician time the North American Continent was near the equator and that the arch was oriented east-west at about lat. 10° S. (McElhin- ney and Opdyke, 1973). Carbonates of Tremadocian and Arenigian Age south of the arch were mostly dolomite, formed under shallow restricted water in the horse latitudes (about 20° from the equator). A gastropod-nautiloid fauna of low diversity in- habited this environment. North of the arch, abun- dantly fossiliferous limestone formed in well-circu- late-d equatorial waters. Late Arenigian (late Canadian) lowering of sea level exposed older sedimentary rocks and crystal— line rocks along the site of the arch and on the Canadian Shield to extreme tropical weathering. Quartz sand was released and swept westward south of the transcontinental arch by the southern trade winds to form the Everton Formation and parts of the Simpson Group; as sea level rose, the transgres- sive St. Peter Sandstone and sands of the upper part of the Simpson Group were deposited. North of the arch, the sand (Winnipeg Formation, Swan Peak Quartzite, and Eureka Quartzite) was swept westward by northern trade winds to over- whelm the carbonate deposits on the platform and shelf beneath .a prograding blanket. By middle Caradocian to Ashgillian (Cincinnatian) time, the source area of the sand on the Canadian Shale was inundated. 46 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 As transgression reached its maximum, evapora- tion of this enormous expanse of shallow sea caused centripetal flow of normal marine surface water and centrifugal flow of hypersaline bottom water. The latter converted lime muds to dolomite. A gastropod (Maclum'tes) nautiloid fauna characterized the re- sulting facies. Sessile bottom—dwelling organisms could survive only where surface water washed car- bonate banks. Dilution of the underflowing brines with normal seawater caused the precipitation of dissolved silica as chert to form the peripheral facies, which con- tains graptolites and radiolarians. Mississippian history of the northern Cordilleran region In a synthesis of stratigraphy of the Mississippian of the northern Cordilleran region, W. J. Sando recognized two principal depositional cycles sepa- rated by a cycle of epeirogenic uplift and erosion. Each depositional cycle is divisible into phases that represent significant changes in depositional pat- terns. During cycle I (early Kinderhookian to early Meramecian), predominantly carbonate and evapo- rite deposition occurred on a broad cratonic shelf bordered on the east by land and on the west by a deep trough that received terrigenous sediments from an adjacent western land mass. Kinderhookian transgression was followed by regression during the Osagean and early Meramecian. Regional uplift dur- ing latest early Meramecian time (cycle II) drained the shelf area and caused the sea to be_ confined to the western trough. During cycle III (middle Mera- mecian to Chesterian) the sea again transgressed onto the craton, which was differentiated into the ' Big Snowy-Williston, Wyoming, and Uinta basins and which received‘terrigenous and carbonate sedi- ments. The Big Snowy-Williston basin was uplifted during late-st Chesterian time and lost its identity, but the Wyoming basin continued to expand into the Pennsylvanian, when it engulfed most of the Cor- dilleran platform and breached the transcontinental arch. Stratigraphy of southern Beaverhead Mountains, Idaho G. F. Embree, R. D. Hoggan, E. J. Williams (all of Ricks College) and Betty Skipp (USGS) (1975) reported that a 3,000-m-thick incomplete sequence of mainly miogeosynclinal Paleozoic rocks occurs in the southern Beaverhead Range, Clark and Lemhi Counties (loc. 2), where it is unconformably under- lain by the Wilbert Formation (Precambrian Z) and capped by a remnant of Triassic rocks. The Wilbert Formation is more than 600 m thick and is over- lain by as much as 30 m of Kinnikinc Quartzite (Ordovician). Above the Kinnikinic, the Jefferson Formation (Devonian) ranges from 0 to 65 m thick. Thin, unnamed Upper Devonian and Lower Missis- sippian shale, siltstone, and limestone unconforma- bly overlie all older rocks and are gradationally over- lain by about 1,000 m of limestone of the Middle Canyon Formation (Mississippian). About 300- to 400-m-thick, intensely deformed massive limestones of the Scott Peak Formation (Mississippian) over- lie the Middle Canyon. Less deformed Mississippian limestones of the South Creek and Surrett Canyon , Formations locally overlie the Scott Peak and are about 200 m thick. The uppermost Mississippian formation, the Big Snowy, which is about 200 m thick, is conformably overlain by Pennsylvanian sandstone, which grades upward into Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian alternating sandstone, limestone, and dolomite totaling about 975 m in thickness. The uppermost 95 m of the Paleozoic sequence is inter- bedded chert and phosphatic limestone and shale of the Phosphoria Formation (Permian). Local eastern source for Pennsylvanian turbidites in Wood River Formation, Idaho Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian turbidite con- glomerate and sandstone with an eastern source— probably an emergent Copper Basin Formation (Mis- sissippian) flysch terrane—are present in the east- ernmost known exposures of the Wood River Forma- tion in Blaine County, Idaho (loo. 3) (Skipp and Hall, 1975). A folded and faulted thrust, the trace of which trends about N. 20° W. for 9.6 km across the Fish Creek Reservoir area, brings the Wood River Formation over the Copper Basin Formation. The Wood River Formation is more than 520 m thick in the Fish Creek area. Turbidite conglomerate is abundant only in easternmost exposures and is in- terbedded with the typical fine-grained limy sand- stone and sandy limestone of the Wood River in its type area. General lithologies, faunas identified by R. C. Douglass, and petrographic studies by J. N. Batchelder showed that the conglomerate derived from the, east occurs in stratigraphic sequences that correlate with units 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (lower part) of the Wood River Formation in the type area. Conglomerates of unit 1, the Hailey Conglomerate Member of the Wood River Formation, probably have a different source than the local turbidites of the higher stratigraphic units discussed here. Stratigraphy of the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous) in the northwestern Denver basin Recent investigations of the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous) in southeasern Wyoming and northern REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 47 Colorado (loo. 4) by L. W. Kiteley (1975) provided evidence that sandstone units previously assigned to the Terry Sandstone Member are both older and younger than the type Terry near Fort Collins, Colo. The type Terry, so far, has not been traced on the surface beyond its type locality. The sandstone that is called Terry in the subsurface of the Denver basin may be only partly equivalent to the type Terry. Mapping of outcropping sandstone units at Francis Ranch in southeastern Wyoming, which are younger than Baculites jensem' and older than the Fox Hills Sandstone, has demonstrated that these units range in thickness from about 30 to 120 m and were de- posited in shoreface and foreshore environments as very fine to medium-grained sands. The correlation of outcrops and well logs indicates that these sand- stones are Widespread in the northern Denver basin.[ Comparison of the outcropping Pierre Shale at Francis Ranch with laterally equivalent rocks in the Denver, Hanna, Laramie, and Powder River basins indicates that use of the names Sussex and Shannon Sandstone Members of the Steele Shale, and Park- man Sandstone Member of the Mesaverde Forma- tion, when applied to rocks in the Denver basin, should be abandoned. The Sussex and Shannon, at the type sections'in the Powder River Basin, are equivalent in age to the upper part of the Niobrara Formation and overlying Gammon Ferruginous Member (equivalent) of the Pierre Shale in the Denver basin. The Hygiene Sandstone Member of the Pierre Shale in the Denver basin is about the same age as the Rock River Formation in the Lara- mie Basin and the Parkman Sandstone Member of the Mesaverde Formation in the Powder River Basin. In the Denver basin, the name Hygiene Sand- stone Member should be substituted for Shannon, the name Terry Sandstone Member should be sub- stituted for Sussex, and the names Rocky Ridge, Larimer, and Richard Sandstone Members should be substituted for Parkman. Castle Rock Conglomerate extended Separate studies by P. E. Soister and L. W. Mc- Grew in the Denver basin (loc. 5) extended the area known to be underlain by the Castle Rock Con- glomerate of Oligocene age. Originally, much of the Tertiary rock of the region was assigned to the so- caJled Monument Creek beds and considered to be Miocene (Hayden, 1874) or Oligocene (Darton, 1905). After Lee (1902) and Richardson (1912) separated the Monument Creek beds into two forma- tions—the Dawson Arkose of Eocene (later called Late Cretaceous and Paleocene) age and the Castle Rock Conglomerate of Oligocene age—the area be- lieved to be underlain by Oligocene rocks was con- siderably restricted (Richardson, 1915). Vertebrate fossils collected during the recent work and identi- fied by G. E. Lewis (USGS) and P. O. McGrew (Univ. of Wyoming) showed that the Castle Rock Conglomerate extends northeast from the area mapped by Richardson (1915) to 40 km east of Denver. Reconnaissance by both Soister and Mc- Grew suggested that erosional remnants of the Castle Rock Conglomerate extend 10 to 20 km south- east of those mapped by Richardson (1915) . Ammonite zonation of upper part of Lewis Shale, San Juan basin A study by W. A. Cobban, E. R. Landis, and C. H. Dane (1974) of the ammonite faunal zones of the upper part of the Lewis Shale of Cretaseous age along the eastern side of the San Juan basin in Rio Arriba County (loc. 6) confirmed the previously pub- lished conclusions of J. E. Fassett and J. S. Hinds (1971) that there is a southwestward increase in the age of the top of the Lewis Shale across the basin. The uppermost part of the Lewis Shale in the Dulce area probably lies in the zone of Baculites compressus, whereas in the Regina area about 80 km south of Dulce the uppermost part of the Lewis lies several ammonite faunal zones lower. Cretaceous stratigraphy. southern San Juan basin The Borrego Pass Lentile (Upper Cretaceous) of the Crevasse Canyon Formation (Correa, 1970) can be differentiated from the overlying Mulatto Tongue of the Mancos Shale in the southern part of the San Juan basin in New Mexico (loo. 7), ac- cording to J. F. Robertson. The differentiation is based on lithologic character, depositional environ- ments, and the separation of these formations by an unconformity. The Borrego Pass, informally called the stray sandstone, consists of very light gray, very fine to medium-grained, well-sorted sandstone and interbedded carbonaceous siltstone and shale that were apparently deposited in a strand plain en- vironment. Thin lenticular beds at the base of the Mulatto Tongue, on the other hand, generally consist of poorly sorted, calcareous, fine-grained to conglom- eratic sandstone that contains fossil clam shells and shark’s teeth and that grades in many places into a hash of broken shells. , 48 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 IGNEOUS STUDIES Lower crustal and upper mantle nodules in the Ming Bar diatreme, Big Belt Mountains The Ming Bar diatreme penetrates a complexly folded and thrusted sequence of sedimentary rocks in the northern Big Belt Mountains of Montana and was discovered by G. D. Robinson and M. E. Mc- Callum during mapping of the Beartooth Mountain quadrangle (loo. 8). The pipe contains nodules of granulite, pyroxenite, and peridotite of probable lower crustal and upper mantle origin. The matrix is alkali olivine basalt of unusually magnesian com- position and contains abundant megacrysts of olivine and chrome diopside. The upper portion of the pipe is choked with large foundered blocks of Cretaceous sedimentary units, and material along the pipe mar- gins is intensely brecciated and granulated. Microprobe analysis of representative nodule and matrix suites by D. H. Eggler (Geophysical Labor- atory) permitted the determination of P—T equili- bration values for mineral phases and thereby pro- vided a basis for estimating depths of crystalliza- tion. Pyroxene and spinel chemistry indicates that granulites and pyroxenites are related to each other and most likely originated in the lower crust. The more magnesian peridotite assemblage includes spinel lherzolite, harzburgite, and wehrlite and was probably derived from an upper mantle source. Olivine and chrome diopside megacrysts may also- be accidental inclusions of mantle or may be cognate to the magnesian basalt of the diatreme, which con- tains phenocrysts that are chemically indistinguish- able from the megacrysts. The wehrlite could also be cognate to the basalt. Eocene volcanic rocks in the Pioneer Mountains, Montana Volcanic rocks, dominantly basaltic to latitic flows, occur in the Pioneer Mountains, Mont. (loc. 9), and nearby areas, where they are being studied by E-an Zen. The presence of oxidized rubble and columnar jointing shows the emplacement to be entirely sub- aerial. Individual flows range from a few metres to as much as 50 m thick, and the intercalation of flows of different compositions and silica contents indi- cates the simultaneous presence of magma chambers from which these lavas were tapped. There are also several ash beds consisting mainly of rhyolitic pumice that include both water-laid reworked mate- rial and air falls. Some pumice fragments contain / megascopic euhedral plutonic biotite, suggesting the presence of a granitic magma body whose top bare- ly breached the land surface. Most, if not all, latitic and basaltic eruptions were through fissures (now dikes) rather than discrete centers; how the magmas of different compositions maintained their discrete plumbing systems is a mystery. Five K-Af whole- rock dates by R. F. Marvin and H. H. Mehnert are from 46 to 49 my (lower and middle Eocene). These volcanic rocks are thus contemporaneous with the Lowland Creek Volcanics near Butte or the Ab- saroka Volcanic Group east of the Yellowstone Park; petrographically, they are vastly different, and the flows may define a new volcanic field. The volcanic rocks are emplaced after the last folding and thrust- ing episodes in the area but are about synchronous with the development of regional shear cleavage, which affected some of the rocks, but elsewhere the cleavage surfaces provided conduits for the lava. Bimodal. rhyolite-basalt sequence on the northern margin of the eastern Snake River ,Plain, Idaho Raymond Jeanloz (Amherst College) and D. L. Schleicher (USGS) (1975) mapped an unusually Well exposed sequence of interlayered Pliocene to Holocene rhyolite and basalt about 400 m thick at Rattlesnake Point, 80 km northwest of Idaho Falls, Idaho (10c. 10). A rhyolitic welded tuf’f <10 m thick is intercalated with basalt flows that rest on Penn- sylvanian limestones. Sources for the basalts include three pyroclastic cones; a fine-grained gabbro plug cuts one of the cones. A rhyolite flow about 3 km across and 250 m thick caps the basalt flows and cones. South of and topographically below the basalts are three other rhyolite flow masses whose map pattern suggests >130 m of displacement on a steeply dipping east-striking fault. The basalt flows intertongue northward with coarse fan gravels, which overlie more steeply dip- ping welded-tuff sheets, including the Edie School Rhyolites of Scholten and others (1955). The inter- tonguing suggests contemporaneous volcanism and sinking of the plain relative to the surrounding highlands. The eastern Snake River Plain, a composite volcano-tectonic depression The eastern Snake River Plain (10c. 11) is a north- east-trending volcano-tectonic depression of Pliocene to Holocene age that cuts across earlier north-south- and northwest-trending Laramide and Basin and Range structures. Reconnaissance geologic mapping and synthesis of available data by H. J. Prostka and P. L. Williams indicated that the plain is a com- posite feature whose formation began with caldera collapse associated with major eruptions of rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs. These events were followed by re- REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 49 peated graben faulting and gentle warping inter- spersed with renewed rhyolitic and basaltic vol- canism as shown by progressively steeper plains- ward dips of successively older volcanic units. North- eastward migration of major rhyolitic volcanism with time is indicated by progressively younger ages ' of basal ashTfiows tuffs in this direction. Subsidence of the plain was accompanied by con- tinued subsidence of marginal basins along reacti- vated Basin and Range faults. However, relatively greater subsidence of the plain itself along deep graben faults is suggested by the concentration of hot springs along both borders of the plain and by the alined abrupt terminations of the Lost River, Lemhi, and Beaverhead Ranges at the north edge of the plain. The continued influence of Basin and Range faults beneath the plain is suggested by the alinement of many young basaltic vents and rift zones on trend with major Basin and Range faults outside the plain. Basaltic volcanism and rift zones in the Snake River Plain Basaltic volcanic eruptions in the eastern Snake River Plain (10c. 11) are alined along rift zones, which may be related, in part, to older structures outside the plain, according to P. J. I. LaPoint. All of the most recent eruptions (Craters of the Moon, Wapi lava field, Hell’s Half Acre lava field) are as- sociated with north- to northwest-trending rift zones that are roughly parallel to Basin and Range faults on the adjacent flanks of the plain. A broad rift zone extends approximately 70 km west-north- west from Island Park. Small flows, alined fissure vents, small craters, and discontinuous fissures mark the location of the rift zone. The rift zone is rough- ly parallel to and approximately 25 km south of the crest of the Centennial Range. Future basaltic eruptions are more likely to occur on the most recently active rift zones in the Snake River Plain or on projections of active faults adja- cent to the plain. ‘ Emplacement and deformational history of the Keystone Quartz Diorite pluton, Wyoming The Keystone Quartz Diorite of Houston and others (1968) borders the western and southwestern margins of the Lake Owen Mafic Complex of Stans- rud (1962) in the southern portion of the Albany quadrangle in Albany and Carbon Counties, Wyo. (loc. 12). Although relationships of the quartz dio- rite pluton with rocks of the layered mafic sequence are uncertain, mapping by M. E. McCallum sug- gested that the quartz diorite is younger than the mafic complex. Gabbroic inclusions are abundant locally, and several larger, irregular to lenticular masses of gabbro are characterized by “intrusive breccia” contacts where quartz diorite has clearly invaded the gabbro. The gabbro and the quartz dio- rite both may have been derived from the same fractionating magma. Younger gabbroic and granitic magma invaded the quartz diorite along planes of primary foliation to form sills, some of which con- tain intrusive(?) breccia that consists of felsic material engulfing mafic fragments and blocks. The latter hybrid sills may represent products of “mixed . magma” crystallization. The sills were subsequently folded; several granitic dikes cut across this “fold fabric;” locally, Copper-bearing faults postdate the dikes. . Rawah batholith, a pluton of Boulder Creek age in northern Colorado A large pre-Silver Plume pluton emplaced into a sillimanite-grade metasedimentary sequence was re- cently recognized by M. E. McCallum in the Medi- cine Bow Mountains of northern Colorado (10c. 13). Its precise limits have not been established yet; however, the pluton exceeds 965 km2 in area and underlies the Rawah Range for which it has been named. Batholith rocks range from quartz diorite to granite, but the predominant rock type is a bio- titic plagioclase-rich quartz monzonite that is locally hornblende bearing. Appreciable assimilation is re- flected by variation in bulk composition adjacent to host-rock inclusions. Medium- and coarse-grained equigranular rocks are most abundant; fine-grained and porphyritic rocks also occur; the latter locally have a rapakivi texture. Foliation is commonly well developed and is mainly of cataclastic origin, although alinement of tabular feldspars and biotite along with schlieren and small inclusions in some rocks is probably primary. At least two unrelated major episodes of pre-Silver Plume cataclasis af- fected these rocks. The first episode of cataclasis (and in part protoclasis) apparently accompanied and followed syntectonic intrusion associated with the high-grade regional metamorphic events re- sponsible for the sillimanite-facies metamorphism and produced foliations roughly conformable with those of deformed host rocks. The second cataclasis occurred well after batholith emplacement and is re- lated to shear zones. Compositional, textural, and structural relation- ships show similarities to those of plutons of the 1,700+ m.y. Boulder Creek Granite to the south. Preliminary Rb-Sr whole-rock ages determined by 50 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 C. E. Hedge are approximately 1,710 my. and con- firm a Boulder Creek age for the Rawah batholith. Eocene porphyries in the Colorado mineral belt Potassium-argon ages of biotite from monzonite, quartz monzonite, and porphyritic quartz monzonite collected by Bruce Bryant in Summit and Park Counties east and southeast of Breckenridge, Colo. (10c. 14), determined by Bruce Bryant, R. F. Mar- vin, H. H. Mehnert, and C_. W. Naeser (1975) are 49.4:1.7, 43011.5, and 43.8:15 m.y., respectively. These ages show that intrusion and mineralization in that part of the Colorado mineral belt were of late Eocene age. The intrusive rocks are younger than the latest movements on the Williams Range-Elk- horn fault system at the western margin of the Front Range. Fission-track ages of zircon, sphene, and apatite from these rocks determined by Naeser are con- cordant within the limits of analytic uncertainty, but they are 5 to 10 my. younger than the K-Ar ages. Biotite from a bed of crystal tufi' about 1,500 m above the base of‘ the Tertiary basin fill in South Park is 58.41-20 my. old, an age comparable with the K-Ar whole-rock age of 56.8-52.6 m.y. of an andesite from near the base of the fill reported by Sawatzky (1969). These deposits are folded and overridden along the Elkhorn reverse fault by Pre- cambrian rocks of the Front Range uplift. STRUCTURAL AND GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES Five distinct types of thrust faults in the eastern Holter Lake region, northern Big Belt Mountains Several types of thrust faults are well expressed in the eastern Holter Lake portion of the Montana disturbed belt (loc. 15). At least five distinct thrust types were recognized from mapping by G. D. Robin— son, W. D. Myers, W. H. Hays, and M. E. McCallum, and these thrusts apparently reflect two dissimilar, major, time-related styles of deformation. The first and earliest deformational style is expressed by shallow-dipping thrust sheets of large displacement, some of which were folded during transport (type 1) and some of which were apparently folded mainly or entirely after transport (type 2). Type 1 thrusts are highly deformed (overturned and recumbent traces are common), and plates are generally over- ridden by the progressively younger, less deformed type 2 thrusts [e.g., the Eldorado thrust in Upper Holter Lake quadrangle (Robinson and others, 1969)]. The second and younger deformational style is expressed by higher angle thrusts that are concentrated primarily in a belt along the north- eastern margin of the zone of thrusting. Some of these faults cut plates of the older deformed sheets. Included in the group of higher angle thrusts are three types: (1) high-angle folded thrusts, (2) imbricate, attenuated limb thrusts associated with . overturned folds, and (3) postfolding high-angle thrusts. Similar thrust types have been defined by R. G. Schmidt in his work to the north and north- west. Thrusting in the Wood River area, Idaho Mapping by W. E. Hall, Betty Skipp, J. H. Dover, and J. N. Batchelder showed that allochthonous, sheets of the Milligen and~Wood River Formations in the Wood River area, Blaine.County, 'Idaho (loc. 3), underlie an area 80 km long in a north-northwest— south-southeast direction and 40 km wide. The Milli- gen allochthon is composed of a 1,220+ m thick sequence of tightly folded Devonian deep-water sili- ceous marine elastic rocks that were thrust over a gneissic dome complex in the Pioneer Mountains and the flysch sequence in the Copper Basin Forma- ‘tion (Mississippian) . The Wood River allochthon lies on the Milligen allochthon. Geologic studies indicate: 1. The Milligen Formation was tightly folded and emergent before deposition of the Wood River Formation. 2. The Wood River Formation was deformed into broad open folds with north-south axes prior to thrusting. 3. The Milligen and Wood River Formations were thrust toward the northeast. Distal ends are tightly folded and~overturned. Stratigraphic separation is at least 3,000 m in the Wood River allochthon with respect to the Milligen. Amount of transport is estimated to be 48 km for the Milligen allochthon and 16 km for the Wood River allochthon. 4. The principal period of thrusting was probably during the Sevier orogeny, although the Milli- gen allochthon may have been involved in thrusting during the Antler orogeny. Origin of the Helena Valley Recent geologic mapping by G. D. Robinson, W. B. Myers, and R. G. Schmidt (USGS) and M? L. Bregman (Univ. of New Mexico) established that Helena Valley in northwestern Montana (loc. 16) is bounded on the northeast by a major northwest- trending normal fault of large displacement named the Helena Valley fault. At the northwestern end of the valley, rocks of the Spokane Formation of the / REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 51 Ravalli Group of the Belt Supergroup on the south- ern (valley) side of the fault are dropped down more than 1,000 m against rocks of the Greyson Shale of the Ravalli Group of the Belt Supergroup on the northern side of the fault. To the southeast the fault is mostly concealed by deposits of Tertiary and Quaternary age but is inferred to extend along the base of a low range of hills at the northeastern margin of the valley and along the base of the Spokane Hills that border the valley on the south- east. At the southeastern end of the valley the fault appears to swing south of the Spokane Hills and enter Townsend Valley, perhaps to end against fault structures that border the western side of that basin. Locally, along the base of the Spokane Hills. the fault may displace sedimentary beds of Tertiary age downward against rocks of the Belt Supergroup, but this relation has not yet been fully substantiated. The uniform eastward dip of Tertiary beds in the eastern part of the valley suggests that they have been downwarped along the fault. The presence of the Helena Valley fault establishes Helena Valley as a downwarped basin whose structure is broadly similar to that of other downfaulted intermontane basins in western Montana. Dating a Laramide orogeny, northwestern Wyoming The relatively short time involved in one major mountain-making event of Laramide age and related episodes of erosion and deposition in Teton County, northwestern Wyoming (10c. 17), can be demon- strated by structural and stratigraphic studies by J. D. Love, pollen determinations by R. H. Tschudy, and a K-Ar age determination by J. D. Obradovich. These data and additional studies in adjacent areas demonstrated the following succession of events, all in Maestrichtian (latest Cretaceous) or late Cam- panian time: 1. Deposition of 3,600 m of the Harebell Formation, which contains many horizons of fossiliferous marine or brackish-water sedimentary rock and thick quartzite-boulder gold-bearing con- glomerates in its upper half. Pollen of early Maestrichtian to late Campanian Age occurs below the conglomerate. 2. Uplift of the Washakie Range, a fold that ex- tends southeastward from Yellowstone Lake for 120 km. The southwestern margin of this fold is bounded by a thrust fault that puts Paleozoic rocks on Upper Cretaceous rocks. 3. Erosion that accompanied and followed the up- lifting until the Paleozoic core was exposed. About 7,600 m of rock was removed from the uplift before the next depositional event. 4. Deposition of the Pinyon Conglomerate, 1,220 to 1,525 m thick, laid down on an unconform- ity across vertical and overturned, eroded strata of the Harebell Formation on the east- ern side of Gravel Peak. The basal part of the Pinyon contains a 330-m-thick bed of biotite— rich tufi' with a K-Ar age of 67:07 my. Late Maestrichtian pollen is found about 400 m stratigraphically above the tufl'. Inasmuch as the Maestrichtian Stage began about 70 my. ago, all four events must have occurred dur- ing a time span of about 3 to 6 my Influence of Precambrian structural trends in the 'Rio Grande trough Preliminary interpretation by L. E. Cordell of aeromagnetic maps of a large part of the Rio Grande trough in central New Mexico (10c. 18) indicated prominent intersecting northeastern and northwest- ern structural trends in the Precambrian crystalline basement. Precambrian structural grain appears to have influenced the pattern of Cenozoic extensional faulting along the trough. Pleistocene faulting in the Rio Grande trough Recent mapping by G. O. Bachman and M. N. Machette demonstrated that faulting of Pleistocene age has displaced the Llano de Albuquerque geo- morphic surface near San Acacia south of the con- fluence of the Rio Puerco with the Rio Grande (10c. 19). The Llano de Albuquerque surface thus ex- tends southward into a local graben farther than previously recognized. Recent K-Ar dating of basalts by R. F. Marvin, H. H. Mehnert, and V. M. Merritt indicated that the Llano de Albuquerque surface is less than 1.1 to 1.3 my. old. Therefore, faulting of this surface is much younger than 1 my. because extensive caliche had formed on the surface before faulting occurred. Correlation of the Llano de Albu- querque surface is based on mapping and caliche morphology. GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE STU DIES Hydrothermal and seismic activity in southwestern Montana E. C. Robertson found that the hot springs in southwestern Montana occur along three major alinements, one of which, from Gradiner to Marys- ville, coincides with earthquake epicenters (10c. 20). Fault zones, rather than volcanic flows and igneous 52 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 intrusives, seem to control the locations of the hot springs. Ground water circulates to a depth of about 4 km and is heated to 115°C, as estimated from its silica content. The surface temperature and dis- charge of the springs are constant, and thus a stable supply is provided for resort use; however, the temperatures of the water are too low for the springs to be a geothermal power resource. In- creased depth of circulation owning to the head of water at the recently built Canyon Ferry Dam might enhance movement on a nearby fault. Well drilled in Raft River valley, Idaho, hits hot water A flow of about 2,000 l/min of water at 147°C was produced from an initial-discovery ERDA well completed in the Raft River valley (loc. 21) early in 1975. The discovery resulted from coordination of integrated geologic (Central Environmental Branch), geophysical (Regional Geophysics Branch), and hydrologic (Water Resources Divi- sion) exploration begun a year and a half earlier by the USGS. Drilling of additional boreholes now is in progress. Known occurrences of thermal water of about 100°C in the southern Raft River basin are located near the intersection of the north-trending faults and the Narrows structure, a northeast-trending linear feature with regional geophysical expres- sion, probably a basement shear, that passes through the southernmost Jim Sage Mountains. Nearly coin- cident with this structure is a concealed northeast- to east-northeast-trending fault through the Nar- rows that separates widely different structural styles in the Salt Lake Formation and is expressed by gravity and resistivity. North-trending faults do not cross this structure. The drill site for RRGE 1 was selected near the intersection of the Narrows structure and the north- trending Bridge fault; the well was predicted to intersect the Bridge fault and produce hot water at or below a depth of 1,400 m; actually, the fault zone and flow of water were encountered between depths of 1,240 and 1,320 m. Seismic and resistivity studies predicted that basement rocks would be en- countered in the well at a depth of about 1,600 m; actual depth to basement is 1,375 m. The seismic study showed low-velocity basement under the well site, probably owing to fractured rock, and this proved to be the case. BASIN AND RANGE PROVINCE STRATIGRAPHIC AND STRUCTURAL STUDIES Distribution and economic potential of lower Miocene rocks in the Goldfield Hills, Nevada Lower Miocene volcanic rocks, mainly trachyan- desitic and rhyodacitic flows and tufl's, host the ma- jor epithermal precious-metal deposits at Goldfield and Tonopah, Nev. Mapping in the Goldfield quad- rangle and the south half of the Mud Lake quad- rangle (loo. 1, index map) by R. P. Ashley showed that most of the lower Miocene volcanic rocks in the Goldfield Hills came from a center about 8 km in diameter that occupies the central and topo- graphically highest part of the Goldfield Hills, the Goldfield mining district being at its western edge. On the eastern side of the Goldfield Hills, the rocks of this center interfinger with several flows that may be from another center, perhaps from the Cactus Range, 10 to 20 km farther to the east. A smaller volcanic center, with vents concentrated in an area probably only a few kilometres in diameter, is located about 15 km north-northeast of Goldfield. Only the rocks in the relatively large volcanic center near Goldfield are strongly fractured and extensively altered and thus have good potential for epithermal ore deposits. Rocks on the eastern side of the Gold- fields Hills are unaltered except for an altered area of 1 km2 that contains a low-grade gold prospect. This prospect, however, is located on the Northern Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range. The small vol- canic center north-northeast of Goldfield shows little fracturing and hydrothermal alteration, and thus potential for epithermal deposits there seems low. Allocthonous Paleozoic rocks in south-central Idaho Dominantly allochthonous rocks underlie about 2,500 km2 in the Pioneer Mountains region (loc. 2) of south-central Idaho. J. H. Dover, S. W. Hobbs, W. E. Hall, F. S. Simons, C. M. Tschanz, and R. J. Ross, J r., recognized at least six major thrust plates of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, each with its own distinctive stratigraphic sequence or struc- tural-metamorphic style. Parautochonous(?) Pre- cambrian gneiss and lower to middle Paleozoic shelf sediments are exposed in only three structural windows. Evidence is accumulating that major struc- tures of Antler (mainly Mississippian) age have been moved into the Pioneer Mountain area on large thrust faults of Mesozoic age. Cumulative crustal shortening of at least some tens of kilometres, and perhaps as much as 150 km, is suggested by recon- struction of early Paleozoic paleofacies and by the extent and intensity of deformation within the allochthons. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 53 I i l I L_-—— I 6 | 10 'l . .11 I 7 I I.4 I I \.8 NEVADA l ‘ \ l UTAH \ I \\ .1 i L— \ '- -______ \ . 3 l \\ F“ . I . l \ ‘ I ' 'I X ARIZONA | NEW MEXICO \ II ' . 2 i ' \\ :9 __J—-——-—_ New interpretation of the Supai Group of the Grand Canyon, Arizona Revision of concepts regarding the paleogeog- raphy, age, and correlation of the newly described formations that constitute the Supai Group of Penn- sylvanian and Permian age was proposed by E. D. McKee. Paleontological data indicate that the Mor- rowan, Atokan, Virgilian, and Wolfcampian ages are represented in the Supai Group. Isopach lines suggest that the Grand Canyon area (loc. 3) was an embayment that extended eastward from the south- ern Nevada seaway during much of Pennsylvanian and Early Permian time. Periodically, this embay- ment also was connected with the Sonoran geosyn- cline to the southeast, the Paradox basin to the northeast, or both. The complex stratigraphic pat- tern and the tectonic record of positive and negative elements in the Arizona-Utah region are clarified by the isopach trends and by~fossil data. Geologic hazards in Washoe Valley, Nevada Long-term geologic hazards in Washoe Valley, - Nev. (loo. 4), can result from seismic shaking, flood- ing, and landsliding. Recent mapping by R. W. Tabor and S. D. Ellen of the very large Slide Mountain landslide, first described by Thompson and White (1964), indicated that the deposit includes at least eight major debris flow events. The earliest debris flow deposits are probably pre—Tahoe in age—that is, older than approximately 60,000 yr—and the youngest deposits may be less than 500 yr old, as indicated by a C14 age of 630:200 yr for carbonized wood from beneath the fourth major debris flow mapped in the sequence. The debris flows appear to originate in highly fractured granodiorite distrib- uted in a wide zone along the eastern Sierra Nevada frontal fault system. Considerable hazards may still exist at the mouths of canyons beneath this shattered rock. Patterns of Cenozoic volcanism in Nevada A complex pattern of changing volcanism with time was revealed by a synthesis of data from the newly completed Preliminary Geologic Map of Nevada. This synthesis by J. H. Stewart and J. E. Carlson indicates that volcanic rocks ranging in age from 43 to 34 my consist of ash-flow tuffs and andesitic to rhyolitic lava flows in northeastern Nevada and of andesitic to rhyolitic lava flows and sparse ash-flow tufl’s in a broad, poorly defined belt trending east-west across central and eastern Ne- vada between lat 38°30’ and 40°30’. The east-west belt of lava flows is apparently a westward con- ' tinuation of rocks of similar age and character in Utah. A large percentage of volcanic rocks ranging in age from 34 to 17 my consist of ash-flow tuffs and occur in an irregular belt trending west-north- west and lying between lat 37° and 39° at the east- ern border of Nevada and between lat 38° and 40° at the western border. This belt extends into Utah on the east and into the Sierra Nevada region of California on the west. Volcanic rocks less than 17 my old are extensively exposed in northern, west- ern, and southern Nevada. Of particular importance in this age bracket are rocks consisting dominantly of ash-flow tuffs that are exposed in an east-west belt between lat 36°30’ and 37 °30’. This belt extends into the Sierra Nevada region of California. It is parallel to and overlaps the southern margin of the ash-flow tufl" belt defined by rocks 34 to 17 my old. One component of the complex pattern of Cenozoic volcanism appears to be a southward migration of volcanic activity from the belt of 43- to 34-m.y.-old rocks in central and eastern Nevada to the belt of rocks 17 my. old and younger in southern Nevada. Tertiary sediments in eastern Elko County, Nevada Examination by R. R. Coats of Tertiary sediments in Elko County, Nev. (loo. 5), east of the longitude 54 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 of the Ruby Range, showed that most of them con- tain a large component of silicic volcanic debris, which suggests that they are younger than the Eocene clastic and limy sediments of the Carlin- Pinyon Range area, found by J. P. Smith and K. B. Ketner to contain little or no volcanic debris. Most of the Tertiary sediments in eastern Elko County are directly underlain by poorly consolidated, nearly horizontal tuffaceous sediments, presumably equiva- lent to the Humboldt Formation of Miocene age, but substantial areas of deformed and lithified tuffs and tuffaceous sediments, presumably older, are also present. Age of the former Leach Formation in Nevada Conodonts collected in the East Range of Nevada by D. H. Whitebread from the former Leach Forma- tion were identified as Ordovician in age by J. W. Huddle and thus further support correlation of much of the “Leach” with the Valmy Formation of north- central Nevada. The section containing the conodont- bearing limestones was tentatively included in the Havallah sequence of Pennsylvanian to Permian age by Stewart and Carlson ( 1974a) . A thrust fault with- in the former Leach Formation separates this section from a quartzite-bearing unit recognized earlier to be equivalent to part of the Valmy Formation. The former Leach Formation is not entirely of Ordovician age, however, because locally some rocks formerly included in the Leach are now recognized as part of the Havallah sequence. Possible new member of Oquirrh Formation in central Utah Stratigraphic studies by H. T. Morris in two areas in the southernmost part of the East Tintic Moun- tains (loc. 7) in central Utah disclosed a possible new member of the Oquirrh Formation that is younger than any rocks exposed in the type area of the formation in the Oquirrh Mountains. This se- quence of rocks is about 1,675 m thick and contains fusilinids of Virgilian and Wolfcampian age. It is comparable to beds in .the uppermost part of the Oquirrh Formation in the southern Wasatch Moun- tains and is overlain by the Diamond Creek Sand- stone. Characteristics of active faults in the Nevada seismic zone Investigation by R. C. Bucknam of the chemical and petrographic characteristics of a volcanic ash layer that is widespread in the near-surface alluvium of Mineral County, Nev. (loo. 8), indicated that it probably was erupted from Mono Craters, Calif. Several C” dates of organic material associated with the ash indicate an age of about 1,100 yr. Locally, the ash represents a useful stratigraphic marker horizon, and it serves to date the prominent fault scarp in alluvium along the Wassuk Range south of Hawthorne, Nev., at more than 1,100 yr old. GEOCHEMICAL AND GEOCHRONOLOGICAL STUDIES Geochemical anomalies in the Peloncillo Mountains; New Mexico Geochemical maps showing the distribution of Cu, Pb, Zn, Bi, W, Mo, and Ag in the central Peloncillo Mountains, N. Mex. (Ice. 9), were compiled by A. K. Armstrong, R. B. Carten, M. L. Silberman, and V. R. Todd. Concentrations of anomalous copper, lead, zinc, and silver occur within garnet-bearing meta- morphic rocks adjacent to quartz monzonite por- phyry, felsite, and latite porphyry dikes of middle Oligocene age emplaced along the northwest-trend- ing Johnny Bull fault and nearby parallel faults and along the northeast-trending Preacher Mountain fault where it intersects several northWest—trending faults. Lesser, but still anomalous, concentrations of metals occur in the dike rocks. Anomalous concentra- tions of copper, lead, zinc,'and silver are also associ- ated with lead-zinc replacement deposits near McGhee Peak that are controlled by northeast-trend- ing felsite dikes branching from a larger quartz monzonite sill. Farther east, an anomalous zone of lead, zinc, and silver at the Carbonate Hill mine oc- curs within and adjacent to another large felsite dike. At Granite Gap, anomalous concentrations of base metals and silver are in small, largely oxidized, hydrothermal sulfide veins in fractured limestone. Smaller areas of anomalous copper, lead, and zinc appear north of Granite Gap, where quartz monzon- ite porphyry and latite porphyry dikes intruded and metamorphosed the sedimentary rocks. Trace-element ratio maps indicate a well-defined zoning pattern with a relative enrichment of copper along and near the Johnny Bull fault in the McGhee Peak area and a relative enrichment of lead, zinc, and silver farther east towards the Carbonate Hill mine. Similar zoning patterns are found elsewhere along the Johnny Bull and Preacher Mountain faults. Spatial association of the mineral deposits with the quartz monzonite and latite porphyries and the presence of a small outcrop of mineralized quartz monzonite porphyry north of McGhee Peak suggest that mineralization is related to the middle Oligocene igneous event. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 55 Fission tracks record uplift of Wasatch Range, Utah The time and rate of uplift of the Wasatch Range (10c. 10), relative to the adjacent basin of the Great Salt Lake, are recorded by fission-track dates, deter- mined by C. W. Naeser, of apatites from Precam- brian gneissic rocks exposed in the area near Ogden, Utah, that is being mapped by M. D. Crittenden, J r., and M. L. Sorensen. Ages of apatites from the Boun- tiful Peak area range from 9.6: 1.9 m.y., collected at 9,334 km, to 72.6:145 m.y. at 13,084 km. Apatites collected at intermediate elevations have yielded in- termediate ages. Apatites collected in Weber Canyon, along an approximately level line, range in age from 5111.0 m.y. at the Wasatch fault to 18233.6 m.y. near the easternmost exposures of Precambrian rocks near Mountain Green, Utah. This eastward in- crease of fission-track ages implies a pattern of up- lift in which the range has risen along its western side and has tended to pivot along its eastern side. Two samples of apatites from Little Mountain at the edge of Great Salt Lake west of Ogden gave fission- track ages of 65: 6 my. and 73:7 m.y. Experimental data indicate that fission tracks in apatite are annealed by heating to 100°C for periods on the order of 1 my These data cannot be inter- preted to yield a single specific cooling history be- cause the annealing process is dependent on both' time and temperature; however, it is reasonable to assume that the apatite dates record approximately the time that the rocks passed through the 100°C isotherm. When typical geothermal gradients are assumed, it can be inferred that the rocks lay at a depth of about 3,000 m at approximately the times indicated. On that basis, the rocks Within the range are assumed to have been uplifted on the order of 3,000 m in 7 to 9 m.y., or 330 to 430 m/m.y. In con- trast, the rocks of the block beneath Great Salt Lake have not been subjected to that degree of heating or burial since approximately 70 my ago. Age of basaltic dikes in the Roberts Creek Mountains, Nevada Mapping by E. H. McKee showed that northwest- trending dikes of basaltic composition make up about 15 percent of the surface outcrops in the northern part of the Roberts Creek Mountains, Nev. (loc. 11) . The anastomosing network of dikes is expressed as a strong aeromagnetic belt in line with outcrops of basalt flows exposed to the northwest. The dikes yield a K-Ar age of about 16 m.y., which is the same as the age of basalt flows to the northwest. These basalts represent the oldest Cenozoic basalts in this part of the Great Basin. The presence of basalt along the belt suggests some sort of major rift features related to the inception of Basin and Range tectonism. Submarine-sediment gravity flows H. E. Cook and M. E. Taylor (1975) found that the Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in the Basin and Range province consist of basinal sediments in cen- tral Nevada and shallow-water platform and broad tideflat sediments in eastern Nevada. A wide variety of allochthonous carbonate debris deposits occurs in the basinal facies. This debris was transported basin- ward by submarine-sediment gravity-flow mechan- isms from upslope basinal and shoal-water carbonate environments to the east. Fossil assemblages in these allochthonous deposits are related to the North American province, whereas fossil assemblages in the in-place basinal lime mudstones and wackestones bear no similarity, being related instead to the Asian faunal province. One implication of large-scale im- portance in reconstructing the geologic history of the Cordilleran continental margin is that the in-place basinal sediments containing the Asian fauna are not simply part of a hypothetical crustal fragment left behind after an Asian plate and a North American plate collided and later separated. Rather, these in- terbedded divergent faunas reflect fluctuations of the boundary between two distinct marine environ- ments: the North American continental platform and adjacent ocean basin. Potentially similar rela- tionships between other ancient faunal provinces should be studied to avoid misuse of fauna] data in paleogeographical reconstructions of lithospheric plates. PACIFIC COAST REGION CALIFORNIA Blueschist, quartz diorite, and quartz keratophyre in eastern Klamath Mountains Geologic mapping by P. E. Hotz in the McConaug- by Gulch and upper Moffett Creek areas, northeast- ern Etna and northwestern China Mountain quad- rangles (10c. 1, index map), eastern Klamath Moun- tains, Calif., revealed a belt of mafic and siliceous phyllites and semischists and lawsonite-bearing blue- schist that is exposed in a window of the Mallethead thrust. The Mallethead thrust brings lower Paleo- zoic(?) phyllites over sedimentary rocks of Ordo- vician to Devonian age. Altered, brecciated quartz 56 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 .16 _—- I . I WASHINGTON l I \ ‘ ,,,--——» _,.\_- OREGON diorite and quartz keratophyre occur in conjunction with the phyllites and semischists. The quartz dio— rite is probably the same as Lower Ordovician plu- tonic rocks in the Gazelle-Callahan area to the east (Potter, 1973; Rohr and Potter, 1973). The phyllites, semischists, and blueschist have not been dated. They are 20 to 24 km south and southeast of a previ- ously reported (Hotz, 1973) belt of blueschist be- tween serpentinite and an upper Paleozoic green— stone-chert assemblage. Magnetic anomalies may define former subduction zones Interpretation of regional aeromagnetic data in the Coast Ranges (loc. 2) of northern California by Andrew Griscom, M. C. Blake, J r., and Isidore Zietz showed that broad low-amplitude magnetic anoma- lies over the Franciscan assemblage form lineaments up to 150 km long along which are found small ser- pentinite masses. It appears likely that the anoma- lies may define mélange units and that detailed aero- magnetic data may provide a way to map such units more accurately. The same investigators also noted two linear mag- netic anomalies near Eureka, Calif., that trend northeast and are interpreted to be oceanic magnetic stripes within the subducted Gorda plate beneath the Franciscan assemblage. The anomalies are at a depth of approximately 8 km below the surface and are 55 km east of the inferred location of the out- cropping subduction zone at the base of the conti- nental slope. Paleozoic and Mesozoic contact in northern Sierra Nevada Metavolcanic rocks exposed in the southwestern part of the Berry Creek quadrangle (loo. 3), accord- ing to Anna Hietanen, rest on Paleozoic (Permi- an?) metasedimentary rocks and are continuous with the Mesozoic metavolcanic rocks to the south. Chemically, these rocks are similar to the Franklin Canyon Formation (Devonian?) in the Bucks Lake and American House quadrangles, but they are less deformed and less thoroughly recrystallized. In many outcrops, phenocrysts consisting of augite in meta- basalt, of plagioclase in meta-andesite and metada- cite, and of quartz in meta-sodarhyolite are well preserved, undeformed, land have sharply defined crystal faces. Outside the contact aureole of the Bald Rock pluton, the ground mass is poorly recrystal- lized. Tiny crystals of epidote, clinozoisite, amphi- bole, and chlorite can be recognized only under a high-powered lens. Fragments in volcanic ejecta and amygdules are undeformed, in contrast to elongate shapes of bombs, lapilli, and amygdules in most Pale- ozoic rocks. Structure and metamorphism of Franciscan rocks and their relation to ophiolite in The Geysers steam field, California An investigation of the structure of upper Meso- zoic rocks that underlie The Geysers steam field of northern California (loo. 4) by R. J. McLaughlin revealed that these rocks form a 6- to 8-km-wide southeastward-plunging antiform. The antiform is flanked on the northeast and southwest by major northwest-trending steeply dipping fault zones, and its core is composed of complexly deformed and metamorphosed marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Franciscan assemblage. Metamorphosed Franciscan sandstones in the core of the antiform exhibit a progressively higher degree of textural re- constitution in the direction of the structurally high- est rocks, and the sequential upward appearance of the metamorphic minerals pumpellyite, lawsonite, sodic amphibole, and jadeitic pyroxene indicates that structurally higher sandstones were subjected to increasingly higher presures during their meta- morphism. Ultramafic and mafic intrusive and extrusive rocks interpreted to represent oceanic crust (ophiolite) REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 57 overlie the Franciscan assemblage, and the lower part of this ophiolite is in part sheared into the un- derlying Franciscan rocks. Ophiolite in the south- eastern part of the map area, near Mount St. Helena, is offset right laterally along-the N. 40°—50° W.- trending Geyser Peak fault a minimum of 8 to 10 km from ophiolite exposed at Geyser Peak and Black Mountain on the southwestern side of the fault. An— other steeply dipping strike-slip fault to the south- west of Geyser Peak and subparallel to the Geyser Peak fault offsets upper Tertiary (Pliocene?) non- marine strata and may be active. Unconformity with the Sonoma Volcanics Recent work by K. F. Fox, J r., documented the existence of a major unconformity within the So- noma Volcanics (Pliocene). These rocks form a northwest-trending volcanic field 88.5 km long and 32 km wide located in the northern part of the San Francisco Bay area, Calif. (loc. 5). Rocks above the unconformity consist of a thick sequence of ash flOWS (many of which are welded or partially welded) and tuff‘, tuff-breccia, agglomerate, and rhyolite that are locally capped by basalt flows. These rocks form the northern half of the field and, on the basis of dating‘ by earlier workers, are about 3 to 4 my. old. They have been collectively referred to as the “Sonoma Tuff‘.” Rocks below the unconformity form the southern half of the field. They are geographically divided by intervening alluvium-floored tectonic valleys into three linear, northwest-trending blocks. They consist chiefly of basalt or andesite, With subordinate inter- layered ash flows and rhyolite flows, in contrast to the predominantly tuffaceous rocks of the younger part of the field to the north. Remnants of redwood forests that grew on ash flows directly above the unconformity at the base of the Sonoma Volcanics are preserved at the locally famous Petrified Forest. The structure and stratigraphy of the volcanic rocks are of interest to bay area environmental ge- ologists because the field overlaps four important northwest-trending fault systems: the Green Valley, Maacama-Carneros, Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek, and Tolay faults. Amino-acid dating of marine terraces The lack of a widely applicable technique for dat- ing geologic materials in the 40,000- to 1,000,000- yr.-B.P. range has been a serious stumbling block in many aspects of Quaternary research. In the past 5 yr, research by P. E. Hare (Carnegie Institute of Washington), John Wehmiller (Univ. of Delaware), Etta Peterson and K. A. Kvenvolden (Ames Re- search Center), and J. L. Bada (Scripps Institute of Oceanography) has demonstrated that racemization ratios of amino acids in some fossil materials can be used to estimate geologic ages in this time range. A joint project involving scientists from Ames Re- search Center and the USGS was set up in late 1973 to investigate the reliability and applicability of this potentially useful dating technique. C. M. Went- worth, D. P. Adam, E. J. Helley, and K. R. Lajoie (USGS) supplied known-age samples of wood, bone, tooth, and shell for an initial feasibility study. Racemization analyses of seven amino acids in these samples by Peterson and Kvenvolden yielded encour- aging results. In general, the racemization ratios in- creased with the age of the sample, but several glaring discrepancies existed, and it was apparent that data from different types of samples could not be directly compared. A more tightly controlled ex- periment was set up to remove some of. the uncertain- ty in the first set of analyses. Lajoie and R. H. Wright selected a suite of fossil gastropod and pelecypod shells from emergent ma— rine terraces between San Francisco and San Diego to investigate (1) variability among different taxa, (2) variability among numerous specimens of the same species from the same outcrop, (3) variability in one species from the lowest emergent terrace over a broad range in latitude, and (4) systematic varia- tion with age in one species going up a flight of ter- races. Peterson’s initial results on this second suite of samples indicated that thick-shelled aragonitic mollusk shells yield the most reproducible and rea- sonable results. Analyses by Wehmiller and Peterson on an ex- panded suite of pelecypod samples from the emergent marine terraces confirmed that racemization ratios of amino acids from gastropods are significantly different and far less consistent than those of amino acids from pelecypods of the same age. These differ- ences are due in part to contamination of the more fragile gastropod shells analyzed and in part to a significant taxonomic effect on racemization rates. The geologic correlations and age estimates de- rived from the amino-acid data provide critical ind formation for other studies such as coastal tectonics recorded in emergent marine terrace deformation. Racemization ratios for eight samples of pelecy- pods from the lowest terrace in the Santa Cruz area 58 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 have a reproducibility of i 10 percent, which is simi- lar to values obtained from multiple analyses on fos- sils from several localities along the southern Cali- fornia coast. Preliminary results of these feasibility studies in- dicate that'racemization ratios of fossil mollusks will be very useful for correlating and dating late Pleisto- cene events. Tentative geologic conclusions can be drawn from the results obtained to date. Similar racemization ratios in fossils from the first (lowest) emergent terrace at Afio Nuevo, Santa Cruz, Cayu- cos, Newport Beach, and Torrey Pines and from' the second terrace on San Nicolas Island correlate these widely separated wave-cut features. The esti- mated amino-acid age of 140,000i50,000 yr for this group of terrace remnants is in close agreement with U-series coral ages of 130,000i30,000 yr for the Cayucos terrace (Veeh and Valentine, 1967) and >87,000:F_12,000 but <120,000:t20,000 yr for the second terrace on San Nicolas Island (Veeh and Valentine, 1967 ). Slightly higher mean racemization ratios in samples from southern California are inter- preted to be the effect of slightly higher tempera- tures (due to lower latitude) during diagenesis. Different racemization ratios in fossils from the first terraces at Goleta and Huntington Beach indi- cate that these two terrace remnants do not corre- late with those listed above. Slightly lower ratios at Goleta yield an estimated age of 60,000i20,000 yr, and significantly higher ratios at Huntington Beach yield an estimated age of 300,000-160,000 yr. Racemization ratios in fossils from the fifth (122 m) and the tenth (244 m) terraces on San Nicolas Island are successively higher than those at.Hunt— ington Beach and yield estimated ages of 0.4 my. and 0.6 m.y., respectively, which agree with the >200,000—yr U-series coral age of the ninth (221 m) terrace (Valentine and Veeh, 1969) . Kinetic studies and several tightly controlled field experiments are presently being organized to at- tempt to reduce the age-estimate uncertainties and extend the range of the technique to late Pliocene time. Age of San Francisco Bay E. J. Helley and B. F. Atwater finished radiocar- bon dating of the Holocene marine transgression of San Francisco Bay (loo. 6). Modern estuarine water first entered the Golden Gate and reached the vicini- ty of the proposed southern crossing between 9,600 and 9,300 radiocarbon years ago. The San Mateo- Hayward crossing was reached at 8,400 yr BR, and the vicinity of the Dumbarton Bridge was reached at about 6,200 yr B.P. The environments of deposi- tion of the radiocarbon dated cores are being ana- lyzed to allow determination of the tidal level rela- tive to the radiocarbon dates. This analysis will allow construction of a sea-level curve for San Francisco Bay. New northeast-trending active fault discovered in San Francisco Bay region Field studies by D. G. Herd indicated that the Las Positas fault is a zone of steeply dipping imbricate fractures extending from the southeast corner of Livermore Valley sputhwestward 14 km to near the San Antonio Reservoir in La 'Costa Valley. Pliocene and Pleistocene Livermore gravels and Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium northeast of Arroyo Valle are downthrown on the northern side of the fault. Southwest of Arroyo Valle, Tertiary marine sedi— ments are in fault contact with northeast-dipping Livermore gravels. Sediments of the Tassajara Formation (Pliocene or Pleistocene) and Livermore gravels were de- formed during the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene into a series of northwest-trending folds in Liver- more Valley. The units apparently tore with a scis- sors effect at depth along the fault from the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary rocks of the Diablo Range. Recent seismic activity and displacements in upper Holocene alluvium indicate that the fault is still active. Landslides are expensive At least 335 landslides have damaged manmade structures in Alameda County, Calif. (loc. 6), from 1940 to 1971, according to a study by T. H. Nilsen, F. A. Taylor, and E. E. Brabb (1975). About 85 percent occur on slopes greater than 15 percent. Over $5 million worth of damage was caused by landsliding during just one rainy season alone, 1968— 69. This cost averages to about $400 per developed acre of land on slopes greater than 15 percent, or about $100 per dwelling unit. Chemical correlation of upper Cenozoic tuffs in California A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki and others have been working on a tephrochronology project, the purpose of which is to correlate upper Cenozoic deposits in ‘ California. X-ray-fluorescence analyses of trace and minor elements are being made by B. P. Fabbi (USGS), neutron activation analyses are being run by Harry Bowman (Lawrence Radiation Labora- REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS tory) , and fission-track dating is being done by D. G. Herd (USGS) . Noteworthy preliminary results to date include: 1. The tuff in the type section of the Merced Forma— tion south of San Francisco has been correlated by means of trace- and minor-element chemis- try with other tufi's within the San Francisco Bay area, as well as with a tuif.320 km to the north in the southern Cascade Range near Mount Lassen pumice ash flow near Mineral, Calif. A recent zircon fission-track date by C. W. Naeser gives 1.1i0.4 my on the type Merced tufi', confirming the chemical correla- tion with the pumice ash flow near Mineral, Calif. (K-Ar age of 1.1:05 m.y.). The age of this tuff is important not only because it gives a maximum age for faulting and folding of Pleistocene deposits but also because the pres- ence of this water-transported tuff in the Mer- ced Formation dates the inception of Great Valley drainage across the central Coast Ranges in the vicinity of the San Francisco Bay area and thus provides an important piece of information on the paleogeography of the bay area and the Great Valley. 2. Recently, computer analyses have been made of chemical data on tephra and other silicic vol- canic rocks from upper Cenozoic volcanic source areas in California, as well as on wide- spread ashes and tuffs deposited in sedimen- tary basins. The purpose of this project is to identify the volcanic provinces from which ashes and tufi's were erupted. In the case of water-transported ashes and tufi's, this kind of information may also provide paleogeographic evidence (as in the preceding paragraph). Two different computer programs have been used to determine the degree of similarity between silicic volcanic rocks. One program calculates a similarity coefficient for each sample pair in the group. The other is a cluster analysis with dendrogram, which clusters samples into groups of progressively greater difference by means of the distance function or the correla- tion coefficient. Preliminary results of this study indicate that provincial chemical simi- larities exist between the pumice ash at Fri- ant, the Bishop Tufi', Mono Craters, and Mono Glass Mountain; all the above differ markedly from the Inyo Craters. A thick, water-laid tufl’ in the Purisima Formation (Pliocene) of 59 provincial similarities with tephra of the southern Cascade Range. This tufi‘ was proba- bly transported by streams southward along the ancestral drainage outlet of the Great Val- ley to a marine basin west of the San Andreas fault and was subsequently shifted northwest- ward at least 180 km. Results of trace- and minor-element analyses on another thick, wa- ter-laid tufi‘ within the San Joaquin Formation (Pliocene) in the 'Kettleman Hills indicate that it is correlative with the Nomlaki Tufl" Member of the Tehama Formation (K-Ar age of 3.4:04 m.y.) at Gas Point in northwestern Sacramento Valley, about 540 km to the north- west. If further verified, this correlation would further support the conclusion that through late Pliocene time the drainage in the Great Valley was southerly, to a southwestern con- nection with the ocean. 3. Samples of three different tufi's were obtained from a core hole drilled by Earth Science As- sociates for the Pacific Gas and Electric Com- pany, in a foundation investigation study for a proposed nuclear reactor site at Collinsville, in the delta country just west of the Montezuma Hills. Preliminary results of neutron activation analysis indicate that the middle tufi’ is cor- relative with the Lawlor Tuff north of Mount Diablo, previously K-Ar dated at 4.0:02 m.y. Correlatives of the other two tuffs have not as yet been recognized. 4. Preliminary results of neutron activation analy- ses indicate that one of the major ash-flow tufi‘s in the Petrified Forest area of the Sonoma Vol- canics, central Coast Ranges, is correlative with a tuff in the Pliocene Rio Dell Formation of Ogle (1953) at Cape Mendocino, near Fern- dale. If further verified, this correlation would be over a distance of about 250 km. The tuf’f at the Petrified Forest has been K-Ar dated at 3.4 my, and this correlation would thus date the tuff in the Rio Dell Formation. Early Tertiary history of San Andreas fault Paleogeographic reconstructions of lower Tertiary deposits in the Gualala area (loc. 7), Santa Cruz Mountains, and northern Gabilan Range by T. H. Nilsen (USGS) and T. R. Simoni, Jr., and M. H. Link (L.A. Harbor College), together with those of the central Diablo Range, Temblor Range, and San Emigdio Mountains, indicate the presence of an elon- Santa Cruz Mountains, however, has strong gate continental borderland in Paleogene California 60 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 that was emplaced by pre-Eocene right-lateral slip along a proto-San Andreas fault. Large deep-sea fans were deposited in isolated basins that were lo- cated within and adjacent to the borderland. These basins developed by extensional tectonic activity characteristic of continental transform faults. The modern San Andreas fault came into existence dur- ing Miocene time and has been responsible for a total of about 305 km of right-lateral offset. Evolution of Panoche Valley Field studies by T. W. Dibblee, Jr., indicated that the Panoche Valley (loc. 8), about 70 km northwest of Coalinga, is underlain by alluvium and Pliocene and Pleistocene alluvial sediments. These presum- ably rest on the beveled surface of the very thick Cretaceous “Great Valley sequence” that overlies the Franciscan complex of the Diablo Range to the west and dips eastward through the Panoche Hils toward the San Joaquin Valley to the northeast and south— ward under the mountains to the south. Remnants of the alluvial sediments on the crests of the Panoche Hills, where they contain gypsiferous caliche of eco- nomic value, indicate that these hills as well as the Panoche Valley became part of the San Joaquin Val- ley in Pliocene and Pleistocene time. Since that time, the Panoche Hills were elevated, partly on the Orti- galita fault system, to isolate Panoche Valley from the San Joaquin Valley, and the mountains to the south were elevated anticlinally and in part by thrusting toward Panoche Valley. Gravity changes, Pixley subsidence area A repeat gravity survey by W. F. Hanna in a 13X 20-km region of the Pixley, Calif. (Ice. 9), sub- sidence area indicates that tide-corrected changes in observed gravity during the period 1969—74 are as- sociated more with subsurface changes of mass than with changes in surface elevation. The areally sys- tematic gravity changes, which range from —0.04 to +0.17 mGal, show very little correlation with subsi- dence patterns but remarkably strong correlation with the subsurface featheredge of the Corcoran Clay Member of the Tulare Formation, a major con- fining unit of underground aquifers. The main cause of inferred increase of mass beneath the western part of the area may be a watering of the uncon- fined zone above the Corcoran, although elastic volumetric effects in the underlying confined zone cannot be dismissed. Refined interpretations by Han- na and B. E. Lofgren will incorporate subsurface compaction and water table data. Results are ex- pected to apply to repeat gravity surveys made else- where to detect elevation changes associated with tectonic activity or with sediment compaction. Cooling history of the eastern Transverse Ranges About 110 40K—“Ar ratios were determined for minerals from granitic rocks of the eastern Trans- verse Ranges and southern Mojave Desert (100. 10) by F. K. Miller and D. M. Morton. These ratios yield ages that range from 55 my. to 122 my. Most co- existing mineral pairs yield concordant ages, but three lines of evidence suggest that none of the dates is an emplacement age: ( 1) rocks known to be Pre- cambrian yield Cretaceous ages on the basis of con- cordant K-Ar dates from coexisting minerals; (2) rocks from different parts of a single pluton yield different apparent ages; and (3) biotite ages can be contoured in a regular manner; the contours in no way relate to the shapes of individual plutons. The configuration of the biotite age contours is interpreted to reflect the cooling history of the re- gion. As a result, K-Ar ages from any rock in the eastern Transverse Ranges or southern Mojave Desert have little relation to age of emplacement, and the age yielded by any sample is mainly a func- tion of its geographic position. The trend of the biotite age contours in the south- ern Mojave parallels the northwestern structural grain of the region. Northwest-trending biotite age contours also exist in the northern part of the San Bernardino Mountains but appear to be offset from those on the Mojave by a system of reverse faults on the northern side of the range. The trend of less well defined age contours in the southern part of the San Bernardino Mountains appears to be east-west, parallel to the structural grain of the Transverse Ranges. Biotite age contours in the southern part of the eastern San Gabriel Mountains appear to trend about east-west, but enough data points are not available as yet to contour the apparent ages unequivocably. Ground fissuring in part of the San Jacinto Valley, southern California According to D. M. Morton, ground fissuring is a surface manifestation of subsidence in the San Ja- cinto Valley (10c. 11), southern California. The sub- sidence is occurring in a deep alluvial-filled graben located between the Casa Loma and San J acinto faults. Tectonic subsidence of the graben is estimated at 0.3 to 0.6 cm/yr. Subsidence due to ground-water REGIONAL GEOLOGIC withdrawal is estimated at a maximum of 3.5 cm/ yr. Ground fissuring is occurring primarily on the western side of a closed depression in the graben. The area of ground fissuring has expanded from 1 km2 in 1953 to 12 km2 in 1974. Individual fissures have attained-lengths of 850 m. The ultimate extent of the ground fissures is not known. Cenozoic tectonics of eastern Mojave Desert Work in the Parker, Ariz., area and adjacent Cali- fornia (loc. 12) by W. J. Carr and D. D. Dickey indi- cated the virtual absence of active faults. The young- est surficial fault activity appears to be of early Pleistocene age. Absence of active faulting is sup- ported by a lack of low-level seismicity and by the subdued geomorphic expression of the basins and ranges. The Tertiary structural, volcanic, and sedi- mentary records suggest that major faulting in the region ended about 14 m.y. ago. The Cenozoic struc- ture of the area is one of persistent southwest-dip- ping Tertiary rocks repeated by low to moderate northeast-dipping faults. In the Whipple Mountains these faults shoal out to join a major low-angle fault of Tertiary age that involves Tertiary and Precam- brian rocks. These structures can be interpreted as having formed in an episode of major regional strike-slip faulting. Mylonitic rocks in the Peninsular Ranges batholith west of the Elsinore fault zone Preliminary results of detailed geologic mapping in the Peninsular Ranges batholith in the Laguna Mountains of eastern San Diego County (10c. 13) by V. R. Todd indicated the existence of a zone (or zones) of mylonitic rocks that roughly parallels‘ the north-south to northwest regional structural grain in this part of the batholith. Rocks showing varying de- grees of dynamic metamorphism have been found in a zone at least 24 km long and 12 km wide. Textures seen thus far range from augen gneiss, in Which ex- tensive recrystallization has accompanied cataclasis, to ultramylonite. Mylonitization occurs in plutonic rocks and in metaigneous( ?) gneiss and schist. The intensity of cataclasis appears to vary in an irregu- lar manner within a given area of mylonitic rock. The mylonitic rocks are significant because younger crush zones appear to follow zones of mylonitization. At least one of these crush zones is the trace of a fault with relatively young topographic expression. As far as is known, this occurrence of mylonite is the first reported in crystalline rocks west of the Elsi- «t INVESTIGATIONS 61 full extent of these rocks and their relationship, if any, to mylonites east of the Elsinore fault. OREGON New breakdown of Applegate Group in southwestern Oregon N. J Page reported that within the southern part of the Medford 2° quadrangle (10c. 14), the Apple- gate Group of Late(?) Triassic age can be broken into five mappable units separated by tectonic boun- daries: (1) meta-andesitic to metadacitic flows and uffs interlayered with argillites, (2) metasedimen- tary rocks with local lenses of metavolcanic rocks, (3) metasedimentary rocks containing an abundance of quartz-rich sedimentary rocks, (4) mélange con— sisting dominantly of serpentinite and metasedimen- tary rocks, and (5) mélange consisting dominantly of serpentinite and metabasaltic rocks. The areal dis- tribution of these rock units correlates well with the distribution of aeromagnetic highs (metavolcanic rocks) and lows (metasedimentary rocks). The highs show some correlation with the broad distribu- tion of known mineral occurrences. Complex terrane along northwestern border of Josephine peridotite in southwestern Oregon Detailed studies by R. A. Loney and G. R. Himmel- berg along the northwestern border of the Josephine ultramafic complex in southwestern Oregon (10c. 15) showed that the Vulcan Peak alpine-type peridotite is a harzburgite body that has been intensely de- formed and recrystallized at high temperatures in the upper mantle before being thrust at low tempera- tures against the high-grade metamorphic and igne- ous complex to the north and then against the low- grade Dothan Formation to the west (Himmelberg and Loney, 1973). The complex consists of intensely folded amphibo- lite and ultramafic rocks of unknown age that are intruded by hornblende gabbro of Late Jurassic age. The oldest rocks are the amphibolites, which are thinly foliated rocks of mainly andesitic composition that have undergone metamorphism of the amphibo- lite facies. The less deformed, younger ultramafic rocks consist of intensely recrystallized clinopyrox- enite, wehrlite, and dunite that contain relict cumu- late textures. Such clinopyroxene—bearing cumulates are lacking in the Vulcan Peak peridotite and seem also to be lacking in the Josephine ultramafic com- plex as a Whole. They do resemble basal sections of cumulate gabbros in some ophiolite complexes, but nore fault. Further field studies should determine the the presence of amphibolite negates this resem— 62 I GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 blance, and the fragmentation by the intrusive gab- bro makes further comparison difl‘icult. The horn- blende gab'bro commonly shows a marked gneissic magmatic flow structure; its chemical composition is similar to that of tholeiitic basalt. WASHINGTON New age determinations from the Okanogan Range New K-Ar age determinations from six localities representing four plutons that occupy an area of 1,300 km2 or more in the central Okanogan Range (10c. 16) were recently obtained by C. D. Rinehart and K. F. Fox, Jr., and showed minimum ages of about 81 to 108 my Discordance in the ages of min- eral pairs is least (3 percent) in the youngestpluton and greatest (13 percent) in the oldest. Three of the plutons are partly nested and successively younger inward, and their relative ages are well established from field relations. The youngest (81 my.) of the three plutons is also the youngest thus far dated in the range. Four mineral pairs from the older plutons show much overlap, although the oldest age (108 my.) is also from the pluton whose intrusive rela- tions show it to be \the oldest. Of the ages of the three plutons, those of both the oldest and the young- est corroborate fairly well the radiometric ages of these units reported by Menzer (1970, p. 576, 577), although he reported a Rb-Sr age of 129 my. from the intermediate unit. Farther north, a single biotite age of 98 my. was obtained from a sample of the Cathedral batholith, agreeing well with a 94-m.y. age reported by Hawkins (1968, p. 1789) . Thus the number of plutons known to be dated in the Okanogan Range is increased to nine; the oldest —the Loomis (Rinehart and Fox, 1972, p. 4446)— is 194 my. lntracanyon flows of Yakima Basalt along the Snake River, southeastern Washington Isolated remnants of at least five intracanyon basalt flows occur along the Snake River for 160 km between Devils Canyon and a point 12 km upriver from Asotin, Wash. These flows partly fill an ances- tral Snake River Canyon eroded more than 300 m into the Yakima Basalt. The flows were once con- sidered early Pleistocene in age, but D. A. Swanson and T. L. Wright (USGS) and the late Richard Clem (Whitman College) interpreted them to be in the upper part of the Yakima Basalt on the basis of K-Ar dates and similar chemical and petrographic characteristics. The youngest flow extends eastward from Devils Canyon for at least 85 km. The two flows of intermediate age occur along most of the 160-km distance and are correlated with the Pomona and Elephant 'Mountain Flows of the Yakima on the basis of chemistry, petrography, paleomagnetic po- larity, and the presence of a distinctive vitric tuff that underlies and forms a peperite with the Po- mona. The oldest flow and the least known flow may extend from Devils Canyon upriver for at least 50 km and 150 km, respectively. Sources‘for the flows are unknown, but unusually thick flow remnants near Asotin, interpreted as lava dams that blocked the ancestral Snake River Canyon, suggest proximity to vent areas for the Pomona and Elephant Mountain Flows. Imbricated gravel of metamorphic, plutonic, and basaltic derivation underlies several remnants and indicates a westward gradient for the ancestral Snake River Canyon. Canyon cutting began about 13 to 15 my. ago during an eventful period of regional subsidence, changing magma chemistry, and decreas- ing rate of magma production. The intracanyon flOWS were erupted during several successive stages of canyon development, after most of the regional sub- sidence but before significant deformation of the Lewiston downwarp and other folds east of the Saddle Mountains. ALASKA Significant new scientific and economic geologic information has resulted from many field and topical investigations in Alaska during the past year. Dis- ‘ cussions of the findings are grouped under seven subdivisions corresponding to six major geographic regions and a general statewide category. Outlines of the regions and locations of the study areas are shown on the accompanying index map of Alaska. GENERAL Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Program The Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Pro- gram (AMRAP), authorized by Congress to begin in 1974, calls for an accurate appraisal of Alaska’s mineral endowment within 10 yr. A rapid assess- ment of this vast and potentially mineral rich re- gion is required both to plan a viable long-range na- tional minerals policy and to assist in decisions on Alaskan land use and development over the next decade. The program is administered by H. C. Berg. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 63 66° 62°§ ( ' St Mich 1 . Qt W“ McGrath 60 58° 56° 156° 168° 162' Because mineral appraisals of such remote and little-known regions as Alaska are still largely ex- perimental, the program begins with an interdisci- plinary experiment to develop specific guidelines, techniques, and products as a model for a statewide mineral inventory. Called the Prototype Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Program (PAMRAP) , this 2-yr program of reconnaissance geologic map- ping and other field and laboratory studies will also provide greatly improved mineral-resource informa- tion for selected prototype study areas. Four 1:250,000-sca1e (1° X 3°) qu-adrangles totaling 71,225 km2 are undergoing resource appraisal under PAMRAP. The second (statewide) phase of the pro- gram is called AMRAP and is simply the long-range continuation of PAMRAP. AMRAP began on July 1, 1975, and will continue for approximately 10 yr. Nine 1:250,000-scale quadrangles, totaling about 121,729 km”, tentatively are scheduled for resource appraisal in the next 2 yr under AMRAP. Alaska geothermal study As part of a statewide study to assess the geo- 150° 70' 68" Location of study , area or feature discussed in text 66° RE GI ONS Northern 64 . West-central East-central Southern Southwestern Southeastern aspen? 62° 100 200 MILES o , Z 100 o 100 200 KILOMETERS ,60" 100 O 58° 56° 54° 144 Smith completed reconnaissance geologic mapping of the calderas of the Alaska Peninsula between Katmai National Monument and Unimak Island in the eastern Aleutian Islands. The distribution of ash flOWS surrounding the calderas has been determined, and laboratory studies are continuing on their com- position and age. These studies, the first to be done on most of these calderas, should provide general understanding of the volcanic history of these erup- tive centers. Gravity anomalies associated with igneous rock units in southeastern Alaska D. F. Barnes completed gravity traverses along all the shorelines of southeastern Alaska, and the re- sulting series of 1:250,000 simple-Bouguer-anomaly maps reveals some important correlations between lithologic units and the gravity field. Earlier recon- naissance and marine gravity surveys had shown that the dominant feature of the gravity field is a re- gional gradient from positive anomalies along the western coast of the archipelago to a low of about —100 mGal along the Canadian border (Barnes, thermal potential of Alaska, T. P. Miller and R. L. 1972). The more detailed gravity data show that 64 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 this gradient is not constant but flattens out and is locally reversed‘along a central belt that extends from Lynn Canal through Clarence Strait. The posi- tive anomalies along this belt are generally asso- ciated with known mafic outcrops, the largest posi- tive anomalies being associated with the Duke Island Ultramafic Complex (Irvine, 1967) in the south and the gabbro near Haines in the north, each of which causes local gravity highs of 30 to 40 mGal. An outer belt of positive anomalies follows the mafic rocks on the western coast of Baranofl‘ Island, north- ward through the entrance to Cross Sound and prob- ably to the La Perusse intrusive, where no data have been obtained. A wide variety of anomalies is associated with the granitic intrusives. Many are gravity lows, but an equally large number are gravity highs, and the differences may reflect the age and environment of the intrusive. For example, a marked gravity low is associated with the Tertiary granitic intrusive near Baranoif Hot Springs, but nearby intrusives of simi- lar age and lithology appear to be gravity highs. NORTHERN ALASKA New graptolite discovery indicates Lower Ordovician rocks in southwestern Brooks Range A thin calcareous mudstone interval within the thick metacarbonates of the Baird Group around Hub Mountain, in the northwestern Baird Mountains quadrangle, yielded a stratified and exceedingly well preserved graptolite fauna (loc. 1, index map). The new locality occurs on the southern edge of the car- bonate terrane, about 38 km south of the original graptolite locality (Tailleur and others, 1973). I. L. Tailleur, W. B. Hamilton, and C. F. Mayfield(USGS) and G. H. Pessel (Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys) collected two graptolite as- semblages from mudstone beds within 5 m north of a steeply dipping marble contact. Claire Carter iden- tified forms indicative of Darriwillian (Middle Or- dovician) and Castlemainian (Early Ordovician) Ages in one of the collections and Bendigoni-an Age (Early Ordovician) in the other. Most of Early Ordovician and some Middle Ordo- vician time seems to have been condensed into about 6 m of strata in which graptolites survived regional metamorphism. Mudstone, interbedded black mud- stone and carbonate, and light-colored carbonate be- low the cbllections comprise enough thickness to ex- tend the sedimentary record into Cambrian time, nearly completing the Phanerozoic record for one of the juxtaposed sequences in the western Brooks Range. The thick Paleozoic carbonate section with a thin interval of Lower and Middle Ordovician basinal deposits nearly duplicates the coeval section in the York Mountains on Seward Peninsula. Metamorphism in the southwestern Brooks Range Continuing examination of field and petrologic data from the Ambler River quadrangle and the eastern half of the Baird Mountains quadrangle is being carried out by C. F. Mayfield (USGS) on rocks collected since 1955 by G. H. Pessel and R. E. Garland (Alaska Division of Geological and Geo- physical Surveys), by W. P. Brosgé, R. B. Forbes, T. P. Miller, W. W. Patton, Jr., H. N. Reiser, and I. L. Tailleur (USGS), and by a mining company (10c. 2). Preliminary results indicate a belt of sedi- mentary, volcanic, and plutonic rocks along the southern edge of the Brooks Range (Pessel and others, 1973a) up to 40 kmwide that has been rr gionally metamorphosed'to the greenschist facies. Pelitic schists contain quartz, albite, muscovite, chlorite, and varying amounts of chlbritoid, calcite, tourmaline, magnetite, and carbon. Metabasites con- tain albite, chlorite, and sphene and occasionally amphibole, epidote, calcite, pyrite, or magnetite. Granitic orthogneisses contain quartz, potassium feldspar, albite, muscovite, and minor amounts of biotite, zircon, pyrite, or magnetite. Garnet-bearing schist zones occur discontinuously within this belt in the southeastern Ambler River quadrangle and the northeastern and central Baird Mountain quadran- gle. Retrograded glaucophane, suggesting an early stage of high-pressure metamorphism, occurs in metabasites and a few pelitic schists (Forbes and others, 1973) within the garnet zone in the south- eastern Ambler River quadrangle and is preserved only in metabasites from the garnet zones of the central and northeastern Baird Mountains quad- rangle. A gradual decline of metamorphic grade oc- curs both north and south of the schist belt, pumpel- Iyite-grade metamorphism in scattered mafic rocks trailing off to a terrane of virtually unmetamor- phosed basaltic rocks and sediments. At least two regional metamorphic events are in- dicated by superimposed and widely divergent planes of schistosity, both in thin section and in outcrop. Potassium argon ages on muscovite for two samples of quartz mica schist, one from the central Baird Mountains quadrangle and the other from nearby in the Selawik quadrangle, are 122:3.7 my. and 108.5:33 m.y., respectively. It is likely that these ages date the waning stages of greenschist meta- morphism in the area. This is in contrast to a 213- REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 65 m.y. isochron from K-Ar dates on paragonite, which Turner (1973) accepts as the age of the culminat- ing metamorphic event in the eastern part of the Ambler River quadrangle. Light-colored orthogneisses scattered throughout the metamorphic belt had a wide variety of compo- sitions ranging from granite and syenite to quartz diorite and diorite. Alkalic metaigneous rocks occur as small stocks, plugs, and dikes exclusively in the Kallari-chuk Hills of the central Baird Mountains quadrangle. They exhibit a weak metamorphic tex- ture even tho-ugh they are often enclosed by highly schistose and garnetiferous country rocks, which indicate their intrusion either at a late stage of the last metamorphic event or after a strong metamor- phic even but before a second weaker event. Significant stratiform sulfide mineralization of high-grade copper, lead, zinc, and silver occurs With- in the garnet zone from the eastern Ambler River quadrangle. Proven reserves are estimated in ex- cess of $2 billion (C. C. Hawley, unpub. data, 1973) with good prospects for finding additional reserves. Mining companies consider the sulfides to be of vol- canogenic origin. WEST-CENTRAL ALASKA Regional geologic controls of the gold deposits near Name The strong areal localization of the gold placer areas within the regionally metamorphosed terranes of the central Seward Peninsula has been recog- nized since the earliest geologic fieldwork 75 yr ago. The additional association of placer areas with cer- tain rock types has also been known. However, for want of viable stratigraphy of the country rocks of the region, the gross geologic controls to account for the established empirical relationships could not determined. The combined results of both the early workers and the more recent field investigations by C. L. Sainsbury, C. L. Hummel, and others throughout the central Seward Peninsula established the gen- eral distribution of several gross suites of country rocks and their northward trend north and south of the eastward-trending Kigluaik and Bendeleben up- lifts. But the major regional structures accounting for their distribution and trend were not determined. All previous work suggested that only in the southwestern portion of the Seward Peninsula (loo. 3) are the exposure, character, and structure of the metamorphic rocks comprising the bedrock ade- quate to allow them to be subdivided and mapped extensively and, thereafter, to be used to delineate regional structural elements. These tasks have now been largely accomplished by Hummel through- out the 5,000-km2 portion of the southwest Seward Peninsula that encompasses the most productive placers on the entire peninsula, unmined placers of high potential, and the lodes from which the placers were derived. Two placer belts, which have yielded the greatest production and still contain the greatest potential of the region, extend northward from Nome and Solomon for approximately 50 km. Both belts are now interpreted to coincide with the axial anticlines that constitute deformed remnants of folds that once extended northward across the entire central Se- ward Peninsula; however, their central portions were destroyed by and over the younger Kigluaik uplift. The main localization of the gold-quartz and base- metal veins and the gold placers derived from them were preferentially effected in the rocks making up the cores of the anticlines where they were tran- sected by major northeast-striking strike-slip faults and by a coordinate but subordinate set of north- west-striking lesser faults and fractures. Southeastern Seward Peninsula Reconnaissance studies by T. P. Miller of three large granitic plutons in the southeastern Seward Peninsula (loo. 4) showed that the Darby pluton has well above average amounts of uranium and thorium (11.2 ppm and 58.7 ppm, respectively), the Kachauik pluton has average to above average uran— ium and thorium (5.7 ppm and 22.5 ppm, respec- tively) , and the Bendeleben pluton contains average amounts of uranium and thorium (3.4 ppm and 16.7 ppm, respectively). These three plutons show com- positional and textural differences indicative of dif- ferent source materials and (or) crystallization his- tories that may have controlled the distribution of uranium and thorium. New information on the Kaltag fault Ground and aerial inspections of the Kaltag fault between Tanana and Unalakleet were carried out by W. W. Patton, J r., R. M. Chapman, George Plafker, and W. E. Yeend (Ice. 5). No fresh breaks or other evidences of modern activity along this part of the fault were found. However, offset streams, ponded drainages, and slice and shutter ridges of bedrock and' gravel along the fault zone attest to significant movement in Holocene time. Tilted nonmarine coal- bearing deposits of probable late Tertiary age were observed at three localities within the fault zone. 66 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 In the Melozitna quadrangle, blueschist facies rocks were discovered in Precambrian(?) and Pa- leozoic metamorphic assemblagesmorth of the fault. These blue amphibole—bearing recks appear to rep- resent the ofl'set extension of the blueschist facies terrane in the Kaiyuh Hills (Forbes and others, 1971) and provide additional support for previously published estimates (Patton and Hoare, 1968) of about 140 km of right-lateral offset along this seg- ment of the Kaltag fault since Cretaceous time. EAST-CENTRAL ALASKA The Mount Doonerak structural high The southernmost Carboniferous rocks in the cen- tral Brooks Range are in the northern Wiseman quadrangle (loo. 6). Two distinct sequences, one on the northern flank of the Doonerak structural high and the other in the Savioyok synclinorium, pro- vide distinct contrasts in depositional and structural styles. North of Doonerak, a relatively thin, autochtho- nous sequence of elastic limestones and limy mud- stones (Lisburne Group) overlies the thin Kayak Shale, which, in turn, unconformably rests on lower Paleozoic volcanic rocks that make up the structural high. This sequence is similar to the one recently mapped in the northeastern Brooks Range where the Lisburne underlain by a thin Mississippian clas- tic unit unconformably overlies strongly folded and faulted lower Paleozoic rocks. In contrast, the thicker Lisburne sequence in the Savioyok synclinorium displays rapid facies changes in a relatively short north-south distance. Light— colored shelf dolomites dominate on the southern flank of the basin, while deeper water dark lime- stones and shales predominate on the north. In this structure, the Lisburne and Kayak are underlain by a thick sequence of Upper Devonian clastic rocks, the more normal pattern for most of the central Brooks Range. Detailed fieldwork by H. N. Reiser and J. T. Du- tro, J r., indicated that large-scale displacements are not necessary to explain the occurrence of these contrasting sequences in such close geographic re- lation. Detailed lithologic and biostratigraphic study of the Lisburne of these sequences by A.» K. Arm- strong is continuing. Mated metamorphic beds in southern Brooks Range Previous work has shown that garnet and amphi- bole rocks, including both blueschist and amphibo- lite, occur in a zone about 10 km wide within the pelitic schists that form the southern edge of the Brooks Range in the southeastern part of the Am- bler River quadrangle (Forbes and others, 1971; Pessel and others, 1973b). Petrographic data have, recently been compiled by W. P. Brosgé, H. N. Reiser, I. L. Tailleur, R. B. Forbes, and C. F. May- field (USGS) and by G. H. Pessel (Alaska Division of Geology and Geophysical Surveys) for the adja- cent Survey Pass, Wiseman, and Chandalar quad- rangles (loc. 7) to be used in preparing a small- scale metamorphic facies map of Alaska. These data show that within the schists of lower greenschist facies that characterize most of the southern Brooks Range, a zone of garnet-bearing schist 5 to 15 km wide extends eastward almost continuously for about 340 km from the southeastern Ambler River quadrangle to the northeastern part of the Chan- dalar quadrangle. In the western 150 km of this zone, chloritoid and biotite are also common, and glaucophane was found every 15 or 30 km in sam- ples from metasedimentary as well as mafic rocks. Kyanite occurs east of the last known glaucophane locality, in samples from the eastern Survey Pass and western Wiseman quadrangles. In most of the Wiseman and Chandalar quadrangles, glaucophane and kyanite are absent in the garnet zone, chloritoid is rare, and biotite is common, but at the eastern end of the zone, glaucophane occurs again as almost completely chloritized relics in retrograded amphi- bole schist. Elsewhere in the zone, the glaucophane is fresh to partly chloritized. Granitic plutons crop out a few kilometres north of the zone in the Survey Pass quadrangle where the partially altered glaucophane and garnet and local biotite in the western half of the zone indicate a thermal overprint on an earlier high-pressure as- semblage previously described in the southeastern Ambler River quadrangle (Alaska Division of Geol- ogy and Geophysical Surveys, 1973, p. 34—36). Gran- itic plutons lie within the zone in the Chandalar quadrangle, and the garnet-biotite assemblage in the Wiseman and Chandalar quadrangles indicates that most of the eastern half of the zone is the product of low-pressure thermal metamorphism. However, the rare occurrence of almost completely altered glaucophane and garnet near the granite at the east- ern end of the zone suggests that the high-pressure assemblage may originally have extended through- out the zone- In any case, it seems that a long, nar- row zone of thermal metamorphism was either co- extensive with or in linear continuity with a long, narrow zone of high-pressure metamorphism. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 67 Age revision suggested for chert unit in the Kuskokwim Mountains A widespread unit of chert, with some interbedded gray slate and slaty shale, that forms the northern end of the Kuskokwim Mountains in the Kantishna River quadrangle (loc. 8) was examined during re connaissance geologic mapping by R. M. Chapman. W. W_. Patton Jr. and W. E. Yeend. This unit, which was originally outlined by H. M. Eakin (1918) and designated as probably early Mesozoic in age, forms a belt 16 to 26 km wide and about 72 km long that extends southwest from the upper Zitziana River to near Lake Minchumina. The chert is predominantly medium to medium- dark gray and, in minor part, varicolored and forms prominent hills that generally range in altitude from 487 to 792 m. The chert outcrops and rubble weather to various shades of light yellow, tan, and orange and give the semibarren ridges a distinctive appear- ance. The beds generally strike northeast and dip steeply south to near vertical. No reliable estimate of thickness can be made on the basis of present in- formation, but probably the unit is at least 600 to 700 m in thickness. Complex folding is apparent, and, in part, the section may be overturned; there- fore, the unit is probably not as thick as might be in- ferred from the width of the outcrop belt. Provisionally, this chert unit is believed to be cor- relative with a similar chert unit in the Dugan Hills, about 80 km northeast and just north of the Tan‘ana River. The chert unit in the Dugan Hills has been identified by Péwé, Wahrhaftig, and Weber (1966) as the upper part of the Nilkoka Group of Precam- brian or early Paleozoic age. An early Paleozoic, possibly Ordovician, age for both of these chert units is most probable, based on recent regional in— terpretations. The probably early Mesozoic age in- ferred by Eakin (1918) for the chert unit in thr Kantishna River quadrangle no longer seems ten- able. Vertebrate fossil discovery A vertebrate fossil site discovered by F. R. Weber on Canyon Creek in the Big Delta quadrangle (loc. 9) was examined by Weber, D. M. Hopkins, and T. D. Hamilton. Bones of a small horse, Camelops, bison, mammoth, Saiga, wolf, rabbit, and caribou ( ?) from the same stream channel fill have been identi- fied by C. A. Repenning. Although remains of these animals are common in Alaskan Pleistocene deposu its, they are seldom found in stratigraphic context, and this find, probably the first authentic association of Camelops, an extinct North American camel, with Saiga, an extant Asiatic antelope, suggests the mixing of major faunal types across the Bering Straits land bridge, probably in late Pleistocene time. Mineral potential in the Big Delta B-1 quadrangle Reconnaissance geologic mapping in the Big Delta A-1 and B-1 quadrangles (10c. 10) by H. L. Foster, F. R. Weber, and T. E. C. Keith indicated that gran- itic plutons of the same type that appear to be re- lated to copper-molybdenum mineralization in the neighboring Eagle and Tanacross quadrangles ex- tend into the Big Delta quadrangle, especially in the vicinity of Tibbs Creek. Other metallic minerals in the B-1 quadrangle include previously mined gold and antimony and molybdenum. Metamorphosed peridotite in southeastern Big Delta quadrangle Several small metamorphosed peridotite bodies were found by H. L. Foster, T. E. C. Keith, and F. R. Weber in the Big Delta quadrangle (loc. 11) dur- ing reconnaissance geologic mapping. The ultramafic rock is foliated and folded and has been subjected to the same regional metamorphism as the surrounding country rock. The ultramafic rocks appear to have a different history than those recently described in the Eagle quadrangle, with the exception of one body in the Eagle A-6 quadrangle south of Mount Harper. The several separate small bodies originally may have been part of one or more larger bodies that were tectonically broken up and separated. Mankomen Group (Pennsylvanian and Permian) revised The Mankomen Formation was raised to group rank in its type area, the Eagle Creek valley, by D. H. Richter and J. T. Dutro, Jr. (10c. 12). Two new formations are recognized. The Mankomen is under- lain conformably by the Tetelna Volcanics, consist- ing of massive volcanic flows and volcaniclastic rocks of Pennsylvanian age. The Nikolai Greenstone of Middle and (or) Late Triassic age rests unconform- ably on the Mankomen. Fusulinids in the lowermost volcaniclastic part of the Mankomen are Pennsylvanian (Atokan) in age. Fossils higher in the group range from Wolfcampian to Leonardian and, possibly, Guadalupian age. The Tetelna Volcanics reflect the development of a late Paleozoic volcanic arc whose waning stages are represented by the volcaniclastic rocks of the lower Mankomen. Lithologies of the Tetelna-Manko- men strata and the new age data suggest that this 68 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 are had become virtually inactive by Early Permian time (Richter and Dutro, 1975). SOUTHERN ALASKA Depositional environments of coal-bearing group According to I. F. Ellersieck and Clyde Wahrhaf— tig, the Healy Creek Formation and Suntrana For- mation below the number one bed are characterized by crosscutting lenses of sand and conglomerate that are not continuous along strike for more than a few metres (loc. 13). The Suntrana Formation above the number one bed and the Lignite Creek Formation have repetitive fining-upward sequences of sedimentation. Individual cycles in these forma- tions consist of, from base to top, conglomerate, coarse pebbly sandstone with lag accumulations of pebbles, crossbedded sandstones, silty clay, and coal. These idealized sequences are often truncated by an erosional surface above which a new cycle begins. Complete cycles range from 5 to 30 m thick. Ultramafic rocks in the eastern Alaska Range Regional mapping and petrologic studies by W. N. Sharp and D. H. Richter indicated that the alpine ultramafic rocks in the low greenschist facies meta- morphic terrane north of the Denali fault in the eastern Alaska Range (10c. 14) are confined to two parallel, but possibly genetically distinct, narrow belts. The belts, approximately 25 km apart, trend N. 70°—75° W. and are transected on the west by the Denali fault. Ultramafic rocks along the 175-km-long northern belt consist principally of intimately mixed serpen- tinite and clinopyroxene-dominant serpentinized py— roxenite, peridotite (wehrlite), and dunite. Rodin- gite inclusions, sometimes with nephrite rims, and chromite segregations are locally common. The host rock for the entire northern belt is a phyllite-marble sequence that has been locally converted to chrome- spinel-bearing assemblages of magnesite, dolomite, and wollastonite at the ultramafic contact. Ultra- mafic rocks in the shorter southern belt are more homogeneous than those in the northern belt and consist principally of orthopyroxene-dominant ser- pentinized peridotite (lherzolite) associated with gabbro, hornblende gabbro, and anorthosite. Both the mafic and ultramafic rocks occur within a se- quence of metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks; no evidence of thermal metamorphism is apparent. These briefly described features suggest that the ultramafic rocks in the northern belt were injected as a hot crystal mush along a major crustal frac- ture, whereas those in the southern belt were em- placed mechanically, and while relatively cold, into a subducted volcanoplutonic arc. Granitic plutonism and metamorphism in the eastern Alaska Range Evaluation of K-Ar mineral ages by D. H. Richter, M. A. Lanphere, and N. A. Matson, Jr., indicated that plutonic rocks in the eastern Alaska Range (10c. 15) were emplaced in Late Pennsylvanian time (282 to 285 my.) and during two distinct intervals in Cretaceous time (105 to 117 my. and 89 to 94 m.y.). Development of a large plutonic-metamorphic complex, consisting of diorite and quartz diorite in- timately associated with banded gneiss and other metamorphic rocks, apparently occurred during Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic time (163 to 199 my) . A smaller plutonic-metamorphic complex is Miocene in age (17 m.y.). The younger Cretaceous plutons are recognized only in the regionally metamorphosed Devonian and older terrane north of the Denali fault. Plutons of the older Cretaceous and Pennsylvanian events are restricted to Pennsylvanian and younger terrane south of the Denali fault and are associated with coeval volcanic rock assemblages. The major plu- tonic-metamorphic complex is also restricted to the terrane south of the Denali fault and may relate to collapse of a late Paleozoic volcanic arc in Triassic time, followed by syntectonic magmatism in the Jurassic. The Miocene plutonic-metamorphic com- plex may reflect the time of initial movement along the Denali fault. Genesis of Kennecott-type copper deposits Detailed stratigraphic and petrographic studies by A. K. Armstrong and E. M. MacKevett, Jr., of carbonate rocks that host Kennecott-type copper deposits, augmented by previous geologic studies, indicated that sabkha processes were involved in the ore gensis. The Kennecott deposits are local- ized in the largely dolomitic lowermost 100 In of the Chitistone Limestone (Upper Triassic) (loc. 16). The lowermost 100 m of the Chitistone formed in cyclic subtidal to supratidal environments and con- tains abundant stromatolites, mud chips, and pseu- domorphs of sulfate-bearing evaporites. This se- quence disconformably underlies marine limestone. The copper in the Kennecott-type deposits was probably derived from the Nikolai Greenstone, a thick, widespread subaerial succession of basalt subjacent to the Chitistone that has an intrinsically REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 69 high copper content. A hydrologic regimen during which highly oxygenated water dissolved substan- tial amounts of copper from the Nikolai and subse- quently deposited the copper in the reducing en- vironment of the sabkha is postulated. The present configurations of the deposits may reflect some re- mobilization and displacement during Jurassic or Cenozoic tectonic and plutonic events. Relations between Alexander and Taku-Skolai terranes in the McCarthy quadrangle Field investigations in the McCarthy quadrangle (Ice. 17) by E. M. MacKevett, Jr., and D. L. Jones provided additional data in support of the contention that the Taku-Skolai and Alexander terranes, two of the major subj-acent structural units of south- eastern Alaska, eastern south-central Alaska,‘ and nearby parts of Canada (Berg and others, 1973), are juxtaposed by faulting. The westernmost known extent of the Alexander terrane—in the eastern part of the McCarthy quad- rangle—is represented by the mid-Paleozoic Kas- kawulsh Group (Canadian usage), which contains locally fossiliferous marble and some schist and amphibolite. These‘rocks are flanked on the north, west, and south by 10cally metamorphosed upper Paleozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks and asso- ciated intrusive rocks of the Taku-Skolai terrane. Although most boundaries of the two terranes are concealed by snow, ice, and Wrangell Lava (Ceno- zoic), the southern and southwestern contacts, in places, are well exposed. These contacts are faults that dip 50° to 60° southwest to west and separate Alexander terrane marbles from a gabbro complex or metamorphic rocks of the Skolai Group (Per- mian). The gabbro complex underlies the Skolai Group and is interpreted as a basal part of the Taku- Skolai terrane. The complex is cut by abundant mon- zonite plutons of late Paleozoic age. Contacts mark- ing the northern boundary of the Alexander terrane are concealed or partly obscured, but they also ap- pear to be faults. The mechanics of the faulting and the amount of movement that occurred are conjectural. The con- figuration of the bounding fault .(or faults), char- acterized by a large diversity in strikes, suggests that the Taku-Skolai terrane was thrust over the Alexander terrane along a major regional mega- thrust with many tens of kilometres of displace- ment. The fact that no klippen of Taku-Skolai rocks have been found on the Alexander terrane may be attributable to the extreme Cenozoic uplift and at- tendant vigorous erosion of the region and to the limited, broad reconnaissance nature of field investi- gations, both in Alaska and in Canada. Petrography, age, and tentative correlation of the schist at Willow Creek, southwestern Talkeetna Mountains Detailed geologic investigations by Béla Csejtey, Jr., and K-Ar age determinations by J. G. Smith on the enigmatic schist at Willow Creek suggested that the schist had a complex and still not fully known geologic history (loc. 18). The schist crops out in an approximately 16>< 6-km block in the southwestern Talkeetna Moun- tains. The block was intruded on the north by Up- per Cretaceous and lower Tertiary plutons, and it is bounded on the south by the Cenozoic Castle Mountain fault. Rocks lith-ologically similar to the schist at Willow Creek have not been found in near- by regions. Lithologically, the schist at Willow Creek is a highly schistose, medium-grained rock with uniform lithology throughout its exposure area. Its ubiqui- tous constituents are quartz, muscovite, albite, chlorite, numerous chloritized grains of garnet and subordinate biotite, and sparse stringers of carbo- naceous material. Small, open folds and crenula— tions are common througoutthe schist block. The axial planes of these crenulations form an incipient slip cleavage at a large angle to the primary schis- tosity. . The present mineral assemblage of the schist is that of the greenschist metamorphic facies. How- ever, it is retrograde from higher metamorphism, possibly the amphibolite facies, as evidenced by the chloritized garnet and biotite crystals and sparse mineral outlines consisting now of chlorite, which are probably pseudomorphs after hornblende. The time relation between this retrograde metamor- phism and the incipient slip cleavage is unknown, as is the time gap between these later events and the primary metamorphism. ' Potassium-argon age determination on muscovites from three separate localities yielded early Ter- tiary ages, around 60 my Although it is not known which metamorphic event or what thermal effect. these dates identify, they tend to disprove, in con- junction with regional geologic considerations, the previously assigned Precambrian or early Paleozoic metamorphic age for the schist. The uniform petrography of the schist at Willow Creek, the presence of serpentinized ultramafic bodies, and the lack of similar rocks in adjacent re- gions suggest that the schist block is a tectonically emplaced fragment of a larger metamorphic terrane. 70 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Ongoing petrologic research and additional K-Ar age determinations will hopefully decipher the com- plex geologic history of the schist at Willow Creek. Rocks within the schist block are similar in lithol- ogy and K-Ar ages to metamorphosed Upper Pa- leozoic rocks, about 200 km to the east, in the Chugach Mountains north of the Border Ranges fault (H. C. Berg, unpub. data, 1974). These rocks are interpreted by MacKevett and Plafker (1974) to be part of the upper plate of a late Mesozoic and early Tertiary subduction system. SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA Tectonic significance of Lower Cretaceous rocks in the Bristol Bay area Recent studies by J. M. Hoare, W. L. Coonrad, R. L. Detterman, and D. L. Jones yielded interesting new data on the age and structure of the Mesozoic rocks north of Bristol Bay (10c. 19). Strata of Early Cretaceous age, which are exposed in the Goodnews A-3 quadrangle and parts of the adjoining A-2 and B-2 quadrangles, are particularly interesting be- cause (1) they are 2,500 to 3,500 m thick and are the least deformed thick section of Lower Cretaceous rocks known in southwestern Alaska; (2) they are richly fossiliferous; (3) they include a coeval lime- stone facies and a conglomeratic facies; (4) they contain clear evidence of Late Jurassic tectonic activity; and (5) they are restricted to a small area and were preserved by tectonic activity. These Lower Cretaceous strata unconformably overlie Lower Jurassic volcanic rocks in an area of about 450 km2 between the Ungalikthluk and Kulu— kak Rivers. They were apparently preserved from erosion in a structurally low tectonic block largely defined by the Ungalikthluk and Kulukak faults. The Valanginian strata were deposited as two con- trasting lithologic facies, both of which contain co- quinas of Euchiu ci'ossz'colis. One facies consists of 180 m of limy grit and fine conglomerate with inter- bedded Buchz‘ar-shell limestone. The other consists of about 1,000 to 1,500 m of conglomerate with inter- bedded siltstones and Buchia coquinas. The unlike clasts indicate that the two facies had different source terranes. The two facies must have been de- posited some distance apart, but they now crop out in two parallel belts that are only 2 to 5 km apart. The belts are on either side of a reverse fault that dips southeastward. The facies have apparently been telescoped by southeastern compression. The highly calcareous strata of Valanginian age contain abundant phyllite and fine-grained schist clasts. The source of these clasts is the Lower Jur- assic volcanic rocks, which are locally metamor- phosed in the vicinity of faults. The Lower Jurassic volcanic rocks were apparently metamorphosed by tectonic activity in Late Jurassic time because no rocks of Late Jurassic age are known and no meta- morphic clasts were found in a thick marine section of Middle Jurassic age. The restricted occurrence of the Lower Cretaceous rocks can probably be explained in one of two ways. The simple explanation is that they were preserved from erosion in a structurally low tectonic block between reverse faults that dip steeply southeast. A more radical explanation is that they were pre- served beneath a large allochthonous plate of Jur- assic volcanic rocks and are now exposed in an erosion window. Precambrian rocks in southwestern Alaska The Kanektok basement complex is a narrow, dis- continuous belt of schists and gneisses in southwest- ern Alaska (loc. 20). It is named for the Kanektok River, which flows westward across the complex. The belt, about 130 km long, extends northeastward from near Jacksmith Bay on the Bering Sea coast along the northwestern flanks of the Ahklun and Kilbuck Mountains. The complex was originally de- fined by J. M. Hoare and W. L. Coonrad (1959, 1961) during the reconnaissance mapping of the Bethe] and Goodnews 1:250,000-sca1e quadrangles. A Precambrian age was assigned to the crystalline rocks in the complex because they are strongly metamorphosed, whereas nearby fossiliferous strata of Devonian and Permian age, although severely de- formed, are not significantly metamorphosed. Confirmation of the occurrence of Precambrian rocks in Alaska has recently become a matter of considerable interest, particularly in relation to plate tectonic modeling of Alaska. R. B. Forbes, in a petrographic study of the specimens collected dur- ing the original investigation, identified sedimentary and volcanic rocks as well as some mafic and gran- itic intrusive rocks metamorphosed in the upper greenschist and lower almandine—amphibolite facies. Potassium-argon dating of mineral separates from three different specimens by D. L. Turner (Geophys- ical Institute, Univ. of Alaska) yielded hornblende ages of 1,072:32 my and 533i16 my and a bio- tite age of 437:13 m.y. These initial data suggest that the rocks. are indeed of Precambrian age and that they were subjected to thermal overprinting in Ordovician time or later. The Kanektok complex is apparently the first Alaskan terrane to yield K-Ar dates suggesting a REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 71 Precambrian age. Additional work is being under- taken to obtain more isotopic age measurements and to delineate the age relationship within the Kanektok complex. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Tertiary granitic rocks dominate Coast Range batholithic complex in northern southeastern Alaska New studies along the international boundary in the Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness Study Area by D. A. Brew, A. B. Ford, and D. A. Grybeck, con— tinuing studies by Brew and Ford in the Juneau Ice- field area, and available reconnaissance information on intervening and adjacent areas indicated that granodiorite and quartz monzonite of established or inferred middle Tertiary age probably underlie most of the Coast Range batholithic complex be- tween the Stikine River and the Skagway area (10c. 21). Several bodies are represented, the largest of which appears to be the 50-m.y.-old “Turner Lake” body of the Juneau Icefield area. In general, the bodies intrude granitic gneisses to the southwest, but, locally, they extend across the granitic gneiss belt almost to the schist belt that forms the south- western boundary of the Coast Range batholithic complex. To the northeast, the bodies intrude ther- mally metamorphosed rocks that are largely of Mesozoic age. At a very few places the Tertiary granitic bodies are associated with volcanic rocks that may be comagmatic. Timing of metamorphism and plutonism in the Coast Moun- tains near Ketchikan New K-Ar determinations by J. G. Smith from southern southeastern Alaska (loc. 22) delineated three belts, each with a distinctive pattern of ages that coincides with major rock units in the Coast Range metamorphic-plutonic complex. More than 70 K-Ar determinations, including 30 biotite-hornblende pairs, were made on metamorphic and plutonic rocks collected across the Coast Range from Stewart, British Columbia, to near Ketchikan, Alaska. From east to west, the ages most probably represent (1) intrusive ages of Eocene plutons, (2) a middle Ter- tiary thermal-metamorphic event, and (3) partial to complete resetting of'older ages, probably by the middle Tertiary thermal event. The eastern belt consists, with but one exception, of concordant 50-m.y. biotite-hornblende ages from unfoliated leucocratic quartz monzonite and grano- diorite plutons (for example, Hyder Quartz Monzo- nite, Boundary Granodiorite). The single exception is the Texas Creek Granodiorite, a small pluton that gives strongly discordant ages of 200 my. on hom- blende and 120 my. on biotite. This pluton is intruded by the Hyder Quartz Monzonite. The preservation of older ages in a terrane of younger plutons and the closely concordant 50-m.y. biotite and hornblende ages suggest that the 50-m.y. ages are intrusive ages and not a reflection of the regional cooling history. Ages in the central belt are mildly discordant: hornblende averages about 50 my, and biotite about 44 my Rocks in this belt are sillimanite- and ky- anite—grade schists, gneisses, and migmatites and foliated diorite, quartz diorite, and granodiorite. Mineral ages show no correlation with rock type or position in the belt. Instead, biotite ages are about the same throughout the belt, as are hornblende ages, although there is a 6-m.y. difference between the two groups. This pattern of apparent ages in a high-grade metamorphic terrane suggests that the ages were set by a middle Tertiary thermal-meta- morphic event. The western belt consists of apparent ages that increase from 52 my. (hornblende) and 44 my (biotite) in the east to 80 to 85 my. along the western shore of Revillagigedo Island. Rocks in this belt are metasedimentary and metavolcanic schists and gneisses of greenschist to lower amphib- olite facies and foliated quartz diorite and sub- ordinate granodiorite. Biotite and hornblende ages increase from east to west, but at different rates. Discordance is about 8 my. in the east, increases to 20 my near the middle of the belt, and decreases to a few million years in the west. This pattern sug- gests that rocks yielding apparent ages of 80 to 85 my. Were reset by a heat source to the east. PUERTO RICO Age relations in the San Lorenzo batholith The San Lorenzo batholith occupies an area of approximately 500 km2 in southeastern Puerto Rico. Recent geologic mapping in the area by C. L. Rogers and new radiometric age determinations by R. F. Marvin furnished a clearer picture of the nature and sequence of intrusion of the batholith. At least three intrusive phases are present. The oldest rocks in the batholith range in com- position from diorite to gabbro, have a radiometric age of about 78.1:22 my, and occur in small plutons clustered around the margin of the batho- lith. The major part of the batholith, perhaps 75 percent of the surface area, is granodiorite to quartz in composition and has an average age of about 73.5123 m.y. The youngest unit forms a number of scattered small to moderately large plutons that 72 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 range in composition from quartz monzonite and granodiorite near the center of the batholith to quartz diorite near the margin. Age data are not yet available, but almost certainly, this unit was in- truded during latest Cretaceous to early Tertiary time. Back-arc-basin sedimentary rocks and the protrusion of bastite serpentinite Analysis of faunal and physical characteristics of the Yauco Mudstone, Lago Garzas Formation, and Sabana Grande Andesite of Mattson (1960) in the Ponce Pefiuelas, and Yauco quadrangles of south- western Puerto Rico suggested to R. D. Krushensky that these units were deposited in shallow, warm water in near-shore shelf or lagoonal environments. Features indicative of high-energy shoals or banks and forms indicative of lagoonal environments are both separate and mixed. When they are mixed, coarseness and extreme angularity of the consti- tuent clasts suggest only very short transport be- fore final deposition. Small-ripple bedding and flaser bedding, both abundant in the Yauco, are also char- acteristic of shallow deposition. Flaser bedding sug- gests, in addition, alternation in supply of silt and clay, perhaps indicating changes in. sediment supply in the wet and dry seasons. Southwestward direc- tion of transport in soft-sediment deformation, crossbedding, and coarsening in the Yauco, as well as northward thickening of the Lago Garzas and the Sabana Grande, suggest that the paleoslope dipped to the south-southwest. Polarity of the arc-trench association suggests that these rocks were deposited in a back-arc basin. Alpine-type bastite sepentinite was emplaced within and beneath these units, perhaps as protru- sive diapirs. Although all previously known contacts are sheared and have been considered faults, one newly exposed contact of serpentinite with the Yauco Mudstone appears unequivocally intrusive, but contact metamorphic effects, even the recrystal- lization of the calcareous cement of the Yauco, are not apparent. Presumably, these serpentinite bodies are derived from the uppermost mantle or from oceanic crust undergoing subduction. Their rise may have been triggered by a decrease in strength at- tendant on dehydration that could accompany move- ment into areas of higher temperature, by a de- crease in density accompanying shearing (Lock- wood, 1972), by tectonic movement, or by a com- bination of these factors and perhaps others. The bastite serpentinite of southwestern Puerto Rico appears to correspond to the thermal diapir en- visaged by Karig (1971) as intruding the back-arc basins of the western Pacific. Stratigraphic relations of Cretaceous rocks Detailed field studies by R. P. Volckmann of Upper Cretaceous rocks in the San German and Puerto Real quadrangles indicated that revision of earlier stratigraphic concepts is necessary. The strati- graphic units involved include the Mayaguez Group and the San German Formation (Mattson, 1960). As originally described (Mattson, 1960), the Maya- guez Group comprised seven lithofacies: the Par- guera, Brujo, and Melones Limestones, the Yauco Mudstone, the Sabana Grande Andesite, and the E1 Rayo Volcanics and Maricao Basalt. The Maricao Basalt crops out north of the area under study and is not included in this discussion. Mattson (1960) believed that each of these seven lithofacies inter- fingers locally with all of the others and that the Melones Limestone is the youngest of the group. The entire sequence was believed to range in age from Santonian(?) to early Maestrichtian. The San Ger- man Formation (Mattson, 1960), thought to be middle Maestrichtian in age and to rest uncomform- ably on the Brujo Limestone of the Mayaguez Group, consisted of two units: a basal series of andesite flows and agglomerates and a thick, massive lime- stone, the Cotui Limestone Member, near the top Of the formation. Recent field mapping shows that the San German Formation consists of three units: (1) a basal series of hornblende-rich lavas and breccias, (2) the Cotui Limestone Member, and (3) an upper series of pyroxene-rich tuifs, mudstones, and thin lenses of massive limestone. The Cotui is found to be equiva- lent to the Brujo Limestone, and, therefore, the San German Formation is not un-conformable on the Brujo. The Cotui has been paleontologically dated as late Campanian or older. The upper unit of the San German Formation bears fossils that indicate a Cam- panian to Maestrichtian age and is lithologically similar to sequences in the Sabana Grande Andesite of the Mayaguez Group. Thus, it is probable that the San German Formation does not overlie the Maya- guez Group. In fact, the lower San German may be older than the Mayaguez Group, whereas the middle and upper parts of the San German are equivalent to the Mayaguez Group. The Melones Limestone, originally thought to be of early Maestrichtian age (Mattson, 1960), was considered to be at the top of the Mayaguez Group, overlying the El Rayo Volcanics and stratigraph— ically lower than the San German Formation. How- REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS 73 ever, recent mapping has shown that the Melones consists of several lenses interbedded with the El Rayo. N. F. Sohl dated the Melones paleontologically as middle Maestrichtian. These data suggest that the El Rayo, With the interbedded Melones Lime- stone, overlies the rest of the Mayaguez Group in the San German area. GEOLOGIC MAPS Much of the work of the USGS consists of map- ping the geology of specific areas, mostly for pub— lication as quadrangle maps at scales of 1:24,000, 1: 62,500, and 1 : 250,000. Mapping the geology of the United. States is a mandate of the Organic Act estab- lishing the USGS; a long-range goal is the comple- tion of geologic maps of the country at scales that will fulfill foreseeable needs and uses. The systematic description and mapping of rock units serve a major scientific objective by showing local and regional relationships, but most maps also serve more specific purposes. Some of the studies are for the purpose of extending geologic knowledge in areas of know interest; some are to gain detailed knowledge for engineering planning or construction. Still other mapping studies are carried on with the primary objective of providing solutions to prob- lems in paleontology, sedimentary petrology, or a wide variety of other specialized topics. LARGE-SCALE GEOLOGIC MAPS Large-scale geologic mapping, principally at scales of 1:24,000 and 1:62,500, constitutes about four- fifths of the geologic mapping program of the USGS. Such large-scale maps are available for about a quarter of the conterminous United States. Approxi- mately half these maps have been produced by the USGS; most of the remaining maps have been pro- duced by various State organizations and by educa- tional institutions. The ‘ USGS is carrying out large-scale geologic mapping projects in many parts of the country, with extensive cooperative programs underway in Con- necticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Puerto Rico. Other areas where mapping is underway include the Pacific Northwest, California, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the Rocky Mountain States. Large-scale geologic maps play a vital role in fur- thering scientific knowledge of the Earth and also have many applied uses. Maps of mineralized areas not only help determine the scientific principles that govern formation and distribution of ore deposits but are also used as the basis for exploration of eco- nomic mineral deposits and for the preparation of reserve and resource estimates. Many geologic maps are prepared in the search for a better understanding of the processes and mechanisms that affect the Earth’s crust. Uses of these maps are growing in number and importance in the field of planning for more logical land use and for such large—scale engineering works as dam- sites, highway alinements, and subway routes. Actual construction is aided by locating vital con- struction materials and by providing the basis for site-preparation cost estimates. Another extremely valuable use of geologic maps is as an aid to avoiding hazards such as landslides, swelling clays, and areas possibly subject to extensive damage during floods and earthquakes. INTERMEDIATE-SCALE GEOLOGIC MAPS Geologic mapping at a scale of 1:250,000 makes up an increasingly important part of the USGS geo- logic investigations program. The 1:250,000-scale and smaller scale geologic maps generally are com- piled from available large-scale geologic maps and supplemented by reconnaissance geologic mapping at intermediate scales. Mapping at 1:250,000 has now expanded to constitute more than one-fifth of the geologic mapping program of the USGS. Many State geological surveys also have 1: 250,000—scale geologic mapping programs underway or completed. These efforts by Federal and State surveys as a nationwide program promise to provide geologic map coverage of two-thirds of the United States by 1985; at pres- ent, nearly 40 percent is covered. Figures 2 and 3 show the areas of the United States for which 1 1250,000-scale maps have been published. The USGS is participating in mapping programs that will provide 1:250,000—sca1e geologic maps for all or most of Alaska, Colorado, and Nebraska within a few years. Single-sheet 1° X2° geologic maps have been started in parts of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Caro- lina, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. Intermediate-scale geologic maps have a variety of uses. They help define areas where the need for larger scale maps is most critical, and they direct attention to broad geologic problems involving large segments of the Earth’s crust. They have proved ideal for geologic analysis of major tectonic and stratigraphic problems, for analysis of mineral prov- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 74 .32 .5 “3:589 we as wasmmfisq max—n omwofiowm ofioméoodmm ”H ungonm magnum uBED macaw—humans 25 mo #9: xwvcmld $52k memo—8w.» .550 was 33m an “55:35 \ \\\\\\§ mBocwmd Fatah A: cosmmE—i 2N . \3. W] K 20.223me om“ \x \X‘ .um ‘ \\\\\\ \ xx \\ k \x xx p \\ V \\~ \ \ on \ o \ \\ \ ‘\ § I be ‘ r/ \\\\\ «x \ \\ \\\\ \\ \\. \1 .m: w J \ x o: \ , ,4 .% .om \ \x .J , owm M .8 .on . \ 9: go: v \\ .vm a : . .OP omww .\ Ego .NS 75 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS .33 Am uBEwooQ mo .3 3a :28 :o .8 simian 3.2: ofio—SM wEBopm 8E 3.85m ES ///// mm ~UZHU< mag—.0 UzrmhH>flDw A<10—3 m/d, respectively. High nutrient concentration largely confined to the conservation areas canal system B. F. McPherson and H. C. Mattraw, Jr., found that the nutrients in organic nitrogen and phosphor- us (B. G. Waller, 1975) are largely removed from canal water as it moves from a canal into the Ever— glades marsh. Within several hundred metres of the canals, nutrient concentrations approach the back- ground level of those found in the interior marshes of conservation areas. However, most of the nutrient- rich water pumped into the conservation areas stays in canals, where uptake is less than in the shallow marshes. Physical characteristics of a shallow aquifer defined by test holes and wells The thickness, relative permeability, and water- table surface of the shallow aquifer in Palm Beach County were investigated by H. G. Rodis, L. F. Land, and J. J. Schneider. The aquifer is thickest (about 140 m) in the southeastern part of the county and thinnest (about 45 m) in the western part of the county. Data also show that the aquifer is most per— meable in the southeastern part and becomes less permeable as it thins because of the increased con- tent of finer sand, silt, and marl. These finer ma- terials also occur at depth and make the lower third much less permeable than the top two-thirds. The water-table surface is highest in the conservation and wildlife areas near the center of the county. In eastern areas of the county, the water table conforms generally to the topography, but, in the southwestern part, most water-table fluctuations are controlled by canal pumpage. Potentiometric levels of Floridan aquifer in Seminole County C. H. Tibbals (1975) reported that ground-water use is greatest in southwestern Seminole County, an area of rapid urbanization, and in the central and northwestern parts of the county, where large amounts of water are used to irrigate vegetable crops. From 1955 to 1974, potentiometric levels of the Floridan aquifer have declined about 1.5 m in southwestern Seminole County and about 0.6 m in the agricultural areas. The chloride concentration has remained virtually unchanged in southwestern Semi- nole County. Slight declines in the potentiometric level in the agricultural areas generally result in in'- creased chloride concentration because these are areas where the‘ interface between saltwater and freshwater occurs at a relatively shallow depth. Water resources of Manatee County The western part of Manatee County has rapidly changed-from an agricultural and retirement area to an urban industrial area; in so doing, it has created water-resource problems for the area. To evaluate the regional effects of development, a hydrologic data base for surface and ground water was established. A preliminary analysis of an aquifer test within a proposed phosphate—mining area in eastern Manatee County was made by D. P. Brown and A. F. ,Robert- son. The lower Ocala and upper Avon Park zones (229 to 381 m below land surface) of the Floridan aquifer were pumped for 5 d at a rate of 142 US. Maximum estimated values of the hydraulic parameters are: transmissivity, 6,210 mZ/d; storage coefficient, WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS 91 1X10—3; and leakance, 6.7 X10—4. Aquifer test data definitely indicate anisotropy, but additional analyses will be necessary to determine the axes and values of the hydraulic parameters that would result from this concept. Connector well completed in DeSoto County W. E. Wilson III and C. B. Hutchinson reported that a connector well was drilled at a 9,700—ha citrus grove in northeastern DeSoto County. The well con- nects the surficial sand aquifer with the deep, highly transmissive Florida limestone aquifer. Because of natural head differences, water moves by gravity flow from the upper aquifer into the lower aquifer. The connector well has two 25vcm-diameter sand- packed screens (one in the upper unit and the other in the lower unit of the sand aquifer), about 120 m of 15-cm casing through confining beds and a secondary limestone aquifer, and about 76 m of open hole in the Floridan aquifer. The expected recharge rate of the connector well is about 10.7 l/s under steady-state conditions. The well captures water normally lost by runofl". Treatment of brackish ground water best outlook for continuing supply for the Venice-Englewood area According to Horace Sutclifi'e, Jr., limited quanti— ties of ground water suitable for public or domestic supplies are available in some parts of the Venice- Englewood area. However, treatment of brackish ground water will be necesary to provide a continuing supply for the area’s rapidly expanding population. Two reverse-osmosis plants having capacities of as much as 0.09 m3/s are either operating or under con- struction. One area between Englewood and Venice, yet to be investigated, might yield an additional 0.13 to 0.18 ms/s of treatable water to the district. Hydrology of the sand and gravel aquifer in central and southern Escambia County A sand and gravel aquifer is the only freshwater aquifer in the Pensacola area. Although its thickness locally exceeds 300 m in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, most of the clean sand layers are no more than 140 m below land surface in the Pensacola area, according to Henry Trapp, Jr. (1974). Ground water moves southward from an area of higher head in northern Escambia County, but virtually none of it reaches Pensacola. A reversal in gradient represented by the combination of (1) the large compound cone of depression produced by industrial pumping at Cantomnenit and (2) the natural depressions associ- ated with stream valleys form a barrier to further southward movement. Virtually all of the ground water pumped from wells south of the reversal in gradient comes from local recharge. The unadjusted carbon-14 age of a sample of fresh- water from a well in the sand and gravel aquifer was found to be 14,050 yr. According to L. J. Schroder II (oral commun., 1974), the most probable corrected age is 8,200 to 9,600 yr. The age range reflects the uncertainty in the values for the soil, air, and lime- stone factors required for correction. The 98-m-deep well is located at Fort Pickens on an island in Pensacola Bay. Other wells on the island have yielded saline water from the same depth. The age of the water suggests that the well taps an iso- lated lens of fossil freshwater that entered the aqui- fer when the sea level was lower. Saltwater intrusion endangers some coastal municipal wells in Palm Beach County The extent of saltwater intrusion near municipal coastal wells in Palm Beach County was defined in an investigation by H. G. Rodis, L. F. Land, J. J. Schneider, and W. B. Scott. All well-field areas were found to have been intruded to some extent. There is no immediate threat to well fields at Riviera Beach, West Palm Beach, and Lake Worth, where the dis- tance to the saltwater wedge is about 1 km. Lantana, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, and Boca Raton also appear to be in no immediate danger, although the wedge is about 0.5 to 1 km from their wells. How- ever, at Juno Beach and Tequesta, the wedge is less than 200 m from wells. Ground-water resources of DeSoto and Hardee Counties Results of a study of the hydrogeologic framework of the middle Peace River basin by W. E. Wilson III indicated that ground water in the area is obtained from the surficial aquifer and the Floridan aquifer. The surficial aquifer consists principally of fine sand; _ the estimated average transmissivity is 120 mZ/d. Wells yield 1 Us or more for domestic, lawn-irriga- tion, and stock-watering supplies. The Floridan aquifer consists of two units, both primarily limestone and dolostone. The average thickness of the upper unit (Hawthorn Formation and the limestone unit of the Tampa Limestone) is about 55 m. Near Arcadia, transmissivity is probably more than 280 mZ/d. Wells yield from 1 Us to more than 6 Us and are used mostly for domestic supplies. The average thickness of the lower unit (Suwanee Limestone, Ocala Group, Avon Park Limestone) is more than 275 m. The few wells that are open to the lower units yield more than 631/3. 92 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 A confining bed of clay and marl separates the surficial aquifer and the upper unit of the Floridan aquifer. In much of the area, the sand and clay unit of the Tampa Limestone is a confining bed between the upper and lower units of the Floridan aquifer. Artificial-recharge study concluded The surficial sand aquifer overlying the limestone Floridan aquifer in the Hillsborough-Pasco-Pinellas tricounty area will be a key factor in the manage- ment of the area’s water resources. According to W. C. Sinclair, experiments with several recharge techniques indicate that the most successful would be a network of subsurface drain tiles that provide flow of water by gravity to wells open to the Floridan aquifer. Such a system would divert more water to the Floridan aquifer while maintaining the water table at a level low enough to facilitate infiltration. Tests of an experimental drain field indicate that long-term flow of about 375 m3 (1*1 ha-1 can be ex- pected under conditions in the study area. In the area affected by drainage, the water table is maintained about 1 m lower than it is in undrained control areas. Specific yield of the surficial sand is about 0.24; thus, a hectare of land underlain by drain tile may be in- filtrated by 2,400 In3 more water than an undrained hectare. Water availability in an expanding urban area According to H. J. McCoy (1974; B. F. McPherson and H. J. McCoy, 1974) , the safe yield of the coastal aquifer in Collier County was reached during the 197 3—7 4 dry season. Additional water supplies for the 1974—7 5 dry period were obtained by pumping from a borrow pit. This additional water should suffice for the next 2 yr until the large well field, 24 km inland, is completed and hooked up to the distribution system. Landfill study in Hillsborough County Monitoring of the water quality at a landfill near Eureka Springs in eastern Hillsborough County indi- cates movement of leachate through shallow aquifers toward residences bordering the eastern side of the site. According to Mario Fernandez, Jr., no notice- able changes have occurred in the chemical quality of water from the deep limestone aquifer at the land- fill site and at nearby residences. Monitoring of a landfill near Rocky Creek in the northwestern part of the county indicates no lateral or vertical move- ment of contaminants from that site. Testing water-management schemes by an analog model E. H. Cordes reported that two concepts for man- aging the Biscayne aquifer ground-water system were tested on the USGS’s electric-analog model at Reston, Va. One model study proposed the addition of a second control structure on the Smoke Cre‘ek Canal, about 19 km inland from the coast. This sec- ondary control would operate in response to up- stream and downstream water levels and, in addition, would simulate flow criteria. A second modeling concept, called “Forward Pump- ing,” was programed to test the utility of creating ground-water storage by pumping from the aquifer in anticipation of periods of abundant rainfall that would recharge the system. Protection of water resources by management Broward County’s largest supplier of fresh ground water—Fort Lauderdale’s Prospect well field—in- creased withdrawals during the critically dry period of 1973—74- without experiencing an inland advance of the nearby saltwater front, according to H. J. McCoy and C. B. Sherwood, Jr. This task was accom- plished by using an almost completed feeder canal to furnish enough replenishment water to the aquifer to maintain freshwater heads at levels high enough to retard saltwater movement inland and by'locating additional supply wells as far inland as possible from the saltwater front. GEORGIA Surface geophysical methods aid ground-water study Surface geophysical methods were used for the first time in a hydrologic investigation of the Paleo- zoic strata of Georgia by C. W. Cressler and H. E. Blanchard, Jr. Resistivity and gravity surveys have been used to delineate buried hydrologic units, to determine their thickness, and to detect unexposed geologic structures commonly associated with high permeability. Gravity data for Cartersville in Bartow County in- dicate that a string of industrial wells having unusu- ally high yields—as much as 220 l/s—i-s located along a buried reverse fault. The fault, which uplifted quartzite of the Chilhowee Group into contact with the Shady Dolomite, probably has a displacement of nearly 100 m. Weathering in the fault zone ranges from 30 to more than 60 m deep. Deep weathering of the Shady Dolomite has produced a highly permeable zone that yields large volumes of water to wells. A gravity survey conducted 6 km north of Car- tersville indicates that a large industrial park, previ- WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS 93 ously thought to lie on shale and sandstone of the Rome Formation, is underlain by dolomite of the Conasauga Formation. Gravity data show that, over a broad area, a flat thrust fault brought shale and sandstone of the older Rome Formation westward into a position over the dolomite ‘of the Conasauga. Erosion of 'the thrust sheet has exposed the dolomite at the industrial park and resulted in a window through the fault 0.4 km to the north. The dolomite seems to be nearly 100 m thick, and its potential for large well yields is good. Test well reveals water-quality anomaly A study of well cuttings from a USGS test well in the Valdosta area shows that the principal artesian aquifer, a limestone and a dolomitic limestone of Tertiary age. can be divided into two distinct water- bearing zones. R. E. Krause (USGS) and T. M. Kra- mer (Georgia Department of Natural Resources) found that the upper zone contains a calcium-bicar- bonate-type water with a dissolved-solids concentra- tion of less than 250 mg/l, whereas the lower zone contains a calcium-magnesium-sulfate-type water with a dissolved-solids concentration greater than 2,800 mg/l. A 15- to 30-m-thick layer of dense, less permeable limestone separates the two zones. Terti- ary tectonism has fractured this confining bed, and differences in hydraulic head permit migration of brackish water into the freshwater zone, principally in areas where heavy pumpage causes greater head differentials. Cuttings from nearby oil test wells and prelimi- nary examinations of cores from the USGS test well indicate the presence of evaporite deposits in the lower zone. These deposits include calcium sulfate minerals, principally gypsum, and they probably are the source of the high dissolved-solids sulfate-type water. Intervals below gypsiferous zones within the lower water-bearing zone yield water high in stronti- um concentration, probably due to celestite. KENTUCKY Wells tapping limestone in north-central Kentucky In the Elizabethtown area of north-central Ken- tucky, T. W. Lambert found that the average well is 28 m deep and contains 16 m of water. The depth of wells ranges from 9 to 102 m. The deepest wells are in areas of surficial sand and clay deposits that were derived from the weathering of sandstone and lime- stone of Mississippian age. Most wells tap the St. Louis Limestone of Mississippian age and yield water having a conductance of 390 at 25°C. Wells that tap the basal St. Louis Limestone yield water that has conductance greater than 1,000 ,1th at 25°C and contains sulfate in amounts greater than 250 mg/l. Beaver Creek strip-mined area restudied The hydrologic environment of two small sub- basins in southern Kentucky was studied during the period 1955—59 (J. J. Musser, 1963; C. R. Collier, Jr., and others, 1964; C. R. Collier, Jr., R. J. Pickering, and J. J. Musser, 1970). Parts of one of the sub- basins, Cane Branch, had been strip mined intermit— tently from 1955 to 1959. There was no mining in the other subbasin, Helton Branch. The project was re- activated for the 1974 water year. Many of the parameters, such as streamflow characteristics and transported chemical and sediment loads, that had been measured in the original study were remeas- ured. According to J. A. McCabe, preliminary results showed that differences still exist between the two subbasins but to a lesser degree than in the earlier study, this fact indicating that there has been some natural restoration of the strip-mined subbasin. Water quality in the Kentucky River basin, eastern Kentucky The upper part of the Kentucky River drains a large part of the very actively mined eastern Ken- tucky coalfield. Results of a study by R. W. Davis showed that the predominant type of water in streams in the coal-mining area is not acid; however, acid drainage from mines is present. The water is generally alkaline (pH greater than 7), and about half of its dissolved-solids content is sulfate. The sulfate in the water is probably a product of the oxidation of iron sulfide minerals associated with coal beds, and the alkalinity that more than neutralizes most acid mine drainage is thought to come from calcareous material within the Pennsylvanian rocks in the area. NORTH CAROLINA Flow model of the Chowan River Estuary A deterministic flow model based on the continuity equation has been developed to provide estimates of daily flow past selected points on the Chowan River of northeastern North Carolina. Perhaps the single most important feature of the model, designed by C. C. Daniel III and programmed by F. E. Arteaga, is its ability to calculate changes in storage for the riv- er and- the lower portions of four major tributaries. 94 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The Chowan River is an estuarine body of water extending from the confluence of the Blackwater and Nottoway Rivers near the North Carolina-Virginia line to the mouth of the Albemarle Sound near Eden- ton, N.C. Two other important tributaries are the Meherrin and Wiccacon Rivers, both of which enter from the west. The estuary is about 80 km long and has an open water surface of approximately 120 kmz. Determination of the change in storage that corres- ponds to a change in stage is complicated by the pres- ence of extensive swamps that border much of the river and its tributaries. These swamps have a total surface area nearly equivalent to that of the open water surface, their surface elevations are generally less than 1.5 m above mean sea level,-and they are subject to frequent flooding. Lunar-tide variation in the river is only about 0.3 m, but wind tides are much more significant and cause as much as 1.2 m of varia- tion in the water surface at irregular time intervals. In order to determine the area of swamp subject to flooding and thus make an estimate of the volume of water that can be stored, maps have been drawn by using changes in vegetation as the criteria for topo- graphic changes. Cypress and tupelo gum trees cover low areas subject to frequent flooding and tidal inun- dation, whereas pine trees grow on the higher, drier elevations within the swamp. Maps showing areas of differing vegetation were drawn on photomosaics at a scale of 1162,500; delineation of vegetation types was facilitated by the use of LANDSAT (formerly ERTS) photographs taken in the red and near-infra- red spectral ranges. Data from these maps, together with bathymetric data for the river channel, were combined to formulate the stage and storage rela- tionships that are used in the model. The model takes as input continuous hydrologic and meteorological data from numerous stations and converts these data into measurements of inflow, outflow, and changes in storage for selected segments of the estuary. The model then solves the continuity equation to provide estimates of flow through the estuary. Ground-water resources of Wilson County The most significant sources of ground water for Wilson County are (1) the sand beds of the Cre- taceous aquifer system in the Coastal Plain section of the county, where maximum sustained yields of individual wells are estimated to be about 16 to 19 VS, and (2) the bedrock aquifer system of the Pied- mont section, where the maximum sustained yield is» estimated to be about 7.9 US in stream valleys having perennial streams as sources of recharge. A general decline of the water level associated with the Cretaceous System is centered around the Sara- toga-Stantonsburg area, where the decline rate has averaged nearly 0.45 m/ yr between 1942 and 1974. M. D. Winner, Jr., estimated that there is about 15 to 18 m of drawdown available before water levels will decline to the top of the uppermost sand beds of the system and dewatering could occur around a pumping well. Distance-drawdown curves for a water-table aquifer T. M. Robison used a digital computer to generate distance—drawdown curves for an idealized Coastal Plain water-table aquifer. The radial form of Darcy’s law was used to compute the head differences across concentric cylindriCal rings at increasing distances from a hypothetical pumping well. The inputs to the system were captured evapotranspiration and inter- cepted base flow. These inputs varied with drawdown and were computed for the top area of each cylin- drical ring. The answers for each ring were deter- mined by iteration. PUERTO RICO Alluvial aquifer and stream potential in Maunabo Valley In the Rio Maunabo valley in southeastern Puerto Rico, water from present wells will continue to meet municipal and agricultural needs if the wells are not overpumped. However, if the valley is to undergo considerable industrial development, water needs will have to be supplemented by surface-water control structures in the upper reaches of the Rio Maunabo' and by moderate-capacity wells in the upper part of the alluvial valley, according to D. G. Adolphson, M. A. Seijo, and T. M. Robison. Storage and control structures would aid in storing water from peak run- off periods for distribution when it is needed and in controlling floods. _ In order to retain the maximum potential for ground-water resources in the upper part of the al— luvial valley, additional wells could be located along the river. A digital model of the alluvial aquifer and data from test holes and existing wells indicate that the safe yield to the proposed wells would be about 13 to 32 US. Pumping rates in this range would insure that there would be no further encroachment of salt- water into the aquifer. SOUTH CAROLINA Flow and water-quality models of the lower Santee River S. J. Playton collected data to calibrate J. P. Ben- nett’s many-branched estuarine flow model. In addi- WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS 95 tion, water-quality data were collected to attempt calibration of auxiliary transport models for sub- stances such as sediment (for scour and degradation computations), BOD, and DO. These models will de- pict existing conditions and will predict discharge and water quality in the lower Santee River, in terms of temporal and spatial distribution, after a weekly average of 360 m3/s have been rediverted from the Cooper River into a channel that now routinely car- ries 14 m3/s. Water-quality data collected to date indicate that, with minor exceptions, water in the lower Santee River is of excellent quality. Ground-water resources of southernmost South Carolina A study of the ground-water resources of Beau- fort, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper Counties (“low country”) was conducted by L. R. Hayes. Prelimi- nary data from more than 300 wells and test holes indicate that most of the ground water in the study area comes from a limestone artesian aquifer com- posed of several Tertiary formations ranging in age from middle Eocene to early Miocene and from a deep artesian aquifer composed of sand of Late Cre- taceous age. The limestone aquifer underlies Florida, southeastern Georgia, and adjacent parts of Alabama and South Carolina and is one of the most productive aquifer systems in the United States. In the north- ern and northwestern parts of the study area, the deep artesian sand aquifer will yield large quantities of soft good-quality water. However, in places, water from this aquifer has a high temperature and con- tains excessive amounts of fluoride. High-fluoride-content ground water along the Grand Strand According to A. L. Zack, there may be a relation- ship between the ionic fluoride (as much as 5 mg/l) occurring in ground water along the Grand Strand of Horry and Georgetown Counties and the occurrence of thin, limy, rock layers interbedded within the water-producing zone. Thin sections of the limestone indicate the presence of the mineral collophane, a massive apatite (Ca5(P04)3F). If aquifers with such rock layers are bypassed during well construction, high-fluoride—content ground water can be avoided. TENNESSEE Linear features provide clue to ground-water supplies Linear features proved to be hydrologically signifi- cant in the search for ground-water supplies in the Manchester area, according to D. R. Rima. The Man- chester area is situated on the eastern Highland Rim of central Tennessee and is underlain by relatively flat-lying carbonate and siliceous rocks of Early Mississippian age. The uppermost 10 to 20 m of these rocks are deeply weathered and form a thick zone of residuum. Linear features that were apparent on aerial pho- tographs were drawn on topographic maps. After field examination, sites were selected for test drill- ing. Eleven of 14 test wells drilled on linear features in the area had yields ranging from 12.6 to 25.2 US. Specific yields of the 11 wells ranged from 2 to 4 l S" ms1 of drawdown. These values are 4 to 10 times greater than the median values recorded for about 200 wells that were drilled in the area between 1963 and 1974. Gains and losses in streamflow related to geologic structure in karst area D. R. Rima reported that, in the karst area of Murfreesboro, a relationship has been established between geologic structure and gaining and losing reaches of streams. Gaining reaches usually occur downstream from the axes of synclines and upstream from the axe-s of anticlines. Conversely, losing reaches usually occur upstream from the axes of synclines and downstream from the axes of anti- clines. In the Murfreesboro area, most of the gain or loss in streamflow occurs where streams cross the outcrOp area of the bottom of the Ridley Limestone, which appears to be the most vulnerable to solution by circulating ground water. Highland Rim-Central Basin aquifer The Manchester aquifer occurs in the Highland Rim portion of the upper Duck River basin. This areally extensive artesian aquifer is the result of the weathering of cherty limestones of Mississippian age. It is composed of a chert rubble layer 6 m thick or solution openings in the bedrock. It is bounded on the top by 18 m of clay-sized chert and at the bottom by the Chattanooga Shale. Some wells in the aquifer yield 25 l/s, with specific capacities of 3 l s—1 m—1 of drawdown. Relatively pure, dense Ordovician limestone in the Central Basin weathers and leaves a clay soil about 1 m thick. Solution openings along bedding planes and joints have deve10ped, and secondary porosity has thus been created. The limestone is limited, how- ever, in its ability to develop an areally extensive aquifer because of the discontinuous nature of solu- tion openings and because of a 1.2-m-thick layer of bentonite 9 to 30 m below the land surface. The bentonite is a barrier to the downward move- ment of water and the upward movement of natural 96 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 gas. Significant solution openings do not develop be- low it. According to C. R. Burchett (C. R. Burchett and E. F. Hollyday, 1974), only one of 15 test wells drilled in the Central Basin yielded more than 6.3 US. The average yield was 0.8 l/s, and six of the holes were dry. All of the water-producing zones in the 15 test wells were at depths of less than 30 m below land surface, and most were between 6 and 15 m below land surface. CENTRAL REGION Hydrologic activities in the central region during the past year continued, with strong emphasis on studies related to energy development, the environ- ment, and other water problems of national import- ance as well as collection and timely publication of regional water-resource data. Water-resource investigation programs related to coal and oil-shale mining and processing continued and made substantial progress during the year. De- sign and implementation of a network to define en- vironmental baseline conditions were modified to pro- vide for the special interests of other agencies that have management development or regulatory re- sponsibilities in the field of energy development. Of special significance to coal development was the initi- ation of the plan of study for quantitative investiga- tion of the Madison Limestone system underlying parts of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Several reports describing the impact on the hydrologic system of surface mining and recla- mation in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah were completed. Another major effort was the prepa- ration of environmental impact statements for coal areas in Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming and a potash area in New Mexico. Investigations of the Edwards Limestone aquifer in the vicinity of San Antonio, Tex., including deep test-well drilling and lithologic and geophysical studies, were begun. The investigations are expected to provide data leading to the development of meth- ods for accurate measurements of hydrogeologic parameters that are needed for optimal development of the aquifer. In the Houston, Tex., area, investigations of the increasingly serious land-surface subsidence result- ing from industrial and municipal ground-water pumpage continued. Digital models for hydrologic studies were developed and used extensively. For ex- ample, in Colorado, the digital model of the aquifer system in the San Luis Valley was used to evaluate the operation of the present waterasalvage project to reduce evapotranspiration from nonbeneficial vegeta— tion. The digital model of the stream-aquifer system in the Arkansas River valley of eastern Colorado was used to evaluate the impact of diverting canal water to establish and maintain a permanent pool in the John Martin Reservoir. A digital model was de- veloped and used to determine the impact of oil-shale development on the hydrology of the Piceance basin. Snowmelt models are being developed to determine the snowmelt streamflows from snow-packed areas on Pikes Peak. A digital model of the Platte River basin in Nebraska was prepared to determine the effects of irrigation on the stream-aquifer system. Surfacewater activities again were an important part of the regional program. Many gaging stations were installed in Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wy- oming to monitor the quantity‘and quality of stream discharge in the coal and'oil-shale areas of those States. District offices throughout the ,region made substantial progress in mapping flood-prone areas, and type-15 flood-inundation studies of specific cities were made in several States. Flood-frequency studies were completed in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Dakota; studies are in progress in Mon— tana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. Urban hydrology studies underway in several metro- politan areas will define changes in runoff, water quality, and flood peaks of streams. Studies of the effects of waste disposal and con- tamination on water quality of streams and aquifers are being made throughout the central region. Waste-assimilation studies in Arkansas have pro— vided water-quality data for many Arkansas streams. Maps have been prepared showing location and quali- ty of water in lakes in the Front Range urban corri- dor extending from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs, Colo. USGS scientists, in cooperation with Canadian scientists, are studying the quality of water and the biology of Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River, in northwestern Montana and northern Idaho, to de- termine nutrient levels and chemical quality in a stream and reservoir common to the United States and Canada. In the Platte River valley of central Nebraska, studies of nitrates in ground water are underway to determine the level and sources of con- tamination resulting from application of commercial fertilizers to agricultural lands and other possible point sources of contamination such as sewage la- goons and feedlots. Hydrologic research in the central region included many activities related to energy development, such WATER—RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS 97 as hydrochemistry of water from surface coal mines in Campbell County, Wyo., hydrologic impacts of surface mining on ground-water aquifers and the quality of water, and studies of changes in the or- ganic quality of water with energy-related develop- ment. Other investigations are related to the chemi- cal quality of water; they include a study of the salinity control in the Colorado River, development of modeling techniques for the prediction of solute transport in ground water, and development and cali- bration of a sediment transport model. Research on the hydrology of geothermal systems is being conducted by field investigations and by the design and testing of downhole probes. Instruments have been designed and are now being tested under the extreme pressure and heat of geothermal wells. An instrument truck that carries 4,875 m of four-con- ductor cable for handling these probes was placed in operation during the year. Field studies of geo- thermal areas are underway in Colorado and New Mexico and are being planned to start early in fiscal year 1976 in Montana and Utah. Grant arrangements are in effect with two State agencies in Colorado for examining kno.wn geothermal resource areas and for a general Statewide reconnaissance. ARKANSAS Recharge to Cache River alluvial aquifer M. E. Broom reported that, in 1973, recharge to the alluvial aquifer in the heavily pumped rice- growing area between the Cache River and Crowleys Ridge in eastern Arkansas was about 0.185 ‘km‘. The principal area of recharge, underlain by relic dunes and dissected by perennial streams, is bounded by the White‘River and the Ozark Plateau escarp- ment on the west and by the Cache River on the east. Pumpage from the aquifer in 1973 was about 0.493 kmg. A comparison of the recharge with the pumpage indicates that about 60 percent of the pumpage is in excess of annual recharge. Pumpage in excess of re- charge is reflected by the water table, which declines locally about 0.3 m/yr. Waste-assimilation studies incorporate low-flow frequency data M. S. Hines reported that the comparison of flow- duration data and low-flow frequency data for 107 regular gaging stations in Arkansas reveals that, for all practical purposes, the 99-percent duration value is equal in magnitude to the 7-d 10-yr low flow. The 7-d 10-yr low-flow data that have been used for stream waste-assimilation studies indicate that the 7-d 10—yr low flow probably will be exceeded 99 per- cent of the time. COLORADO Drainage problem near Pueblo Seepage from surface reservoirs and recharge from irrigation maintain the water table at or near land surface in an alluvial aquifer near Lake Min- nequa in south-central Colorado, according to D. L. Bingham and P. J. Emmons. The aquifer ranges in thickness from about 0 to 7 m and is composed pri- marily of silt and fine sand. Because of the high water table, the area is marshy and the soil is water- logged. Possible solutions to the waterlogging prob- lem include construction of a cutoff trench or a drain- tile system to improve’drainage and lower the water table. Selenium in ground water from the San Jose Formation During ground-water resource studies of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, E. R. Hampton found that selenium in amounts exceeding USPHS drinking-water standards (10 ,g/l) occurs commonly in water from the San Jose Formation of Eocene age. Forty-one samples from the San Jose were analyzed for selenium concentrations. Four samples contained selenium concentrations of 700, 450, 240, and 110 ,g/l; 26 other samples contained smaller selenium concentrations that exceeded the USPHS limit for selenium in drinking water. Most of the water was obtained from domestic or stock wells that tap frac- tured varicolored shale-s interbedded with massive, poorly permeable sandstone. Water from the underlying Animas Formation of Cretaceous and Paleocene age contained selenium concentrations of 45 ,g/l in 4 of 33 analyzed water samples from wells that tap the Animas. Water-level declines projected for western Yuma County W. E. Hofstra (W. E. Hofstra and T. J. Major, 1974) used a digital model of the ground-water sys- tem in a 2,000—km2 area in western Yuma County to predict water-level declines as of the year 2000. Re- sults of the study indicate that the maximum decline of the water table will be centered near the town of Yuma, where the saturated thickness (about 50 to 100 m) is greatest. A projected 15- to 26-m‘decline will occur in an area with from 30 to 76 m of water saturation in the Ogallala aquifer. " Quality of ground water in Jefferson County The quality of the water in a mountainous area of Jefferson County is generally good, according to 98 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 W. E. Hofstra and D. C. Hall. The average dissolved- solids concentration in surface water is about 110 mg/l. The dissolved-solids concentrations in ground water are about 230 mg/l in water from the frac- tured Precambrian aquifer and 180 mg/l in water from the alluvial aquifer. Bacterial contamination is more frequent in water from the alluvial aquifer than in water from the Precambrian aquifer; coliform bacteria contamination was found in 35 percent of the samples from the alluvial aquifer and in 14 per- cent of the samples from the Precambrian aquifer. Fecal coliform contamination was found in 4 percent of the samples from the alluvial aquifer and 2 per- cent of the samples from the Precambrian aquifer. Chemical degradation of well water by leach-field leachate did not decrease significantly (95-percen-t confidence level) until distances from wells to leach fields were greater than 65 m. Investigations in a coal-mining area A geologic investigation and a surface-water re- connaissance of a coal-mining area were made by W. E. Hofstra and E. C. Linden. The study, which in- cluded determination of the dissolved-solids concen- trations of streams and springs, was made during August 1974 in the coal-producing Yampa Valley and Danforth Hills area. Dissolved-solids concentrations in streams originating in the Williams Fork, 110s and Mancos Formations commonly ranged from 550 to 700 mg/l. The trace-metal content of streams was greatest during spring peak flows, and the dissolved- solids concentration was greatest during the fall and winter base-flow period. Bicarbonate was the pre- dominant anion during peak flow, and sulfate was the predominant anion during low flow. Magnesium con- tent increased much more than calcium content dur- ing the base-flow period. Water-quality variations noted in Park County Ground-water Quality is an important part of a water-resource study of Park and Teller Counties. According to J. M. Klein and K. E. Goddard, the Idaho Springs Formation of Precambrian age in northeastern Park County contains ground water that has more than 200 mg/l of dissolved solids, whereas the Pikes Peak Granite of younger Precam- brian age contains ground water that has less than 100 mg/l of dissolved solids. Salt Works Ranch Spring, which originates in the Maroon Formation of Pennsylvanian and Permian age in southwestern Park County, yields water that has a dissolved-solids concentration of 28,200 mg/l, a chloride concentration of 15,000 mg/l, and a sodium concentration of 9,400 mg/l. Salt Works Ranch is in an area of numerous sinkholes that result from local dissolution and caving of evaporite beds. Appraisal of water resources of southwestern El Paso County R. K. Livingston, J. M. Klein, and D. L. Bingham recently completed a water-resource study of south- western El Paso County, where the annual water supply consists of precipitation, surface-water inflow, and imported water. A large part of the supply (71 percent) is estimated to be consumed by evapotrans- piration. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 25 to 64 cm and is a function of altitude; fluctuations in annual and monthly precipitation are extreme. The chemical quality of surface water is generally good except for local high-fluoride concentrations that ex- ceed USPHS recommended standards for drinking water. The addition of sewage effluent to lower Foun- tain Creek deteriorates the water quality. Ground water occurs in the Widefield aquifer, in the alluvium in Fountain and Jimmy Camp Valleys, and in several bedrock aquifers. A mathematical model was prepared for the Dawson aquifer to simu- late the effects of future withdrawals on the poten- tiometric surface and on hydraulically connected systems. Gain-and-loss investigations indicated that Fountain Creek is the primary source of recharge for the Widefield aquifer. The Widefield aquifer is the principal source of water for domestic use in south- western El Paso County. The chemical quality of ground water generally is good. Artificial-recharge experiments in Fountain Valley Artificial-recharge experiments were conducted in five pits excavated in the unsaturated zone above the alluvial aquifer in Fountain Valley, according to O. J. Taylor. The artificial-recharge rates ranged from 0.03 to 1.37 m/d and varied with stage in the pits. The five pits, which have a total surface area of 4,650 mg, are capable of artificially recharging at least 450,000 m3/ yr to the alluvial aquifer. Artificial- recharge operations can contribute to better water management in Fountain Valley by reducing short- ages in water supply and improving water quality. Electric-analog analysis of proposed changes in irrigation methods in the San Luis Valley 0. J. Taylor used an electric-analog model of the San Luis Valley to simulate the effects of proposed changes in irrigation practices. The reduction of surface- and ground-water irrigation in an area southwest of Alamosa will cause a decrease in stor- WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS 99 age in the unconfined aquifer and an increase in stor- age in the confined aquifer. Additional effects of the changes will be an increase in the flow of the Rio Grande and Conej os Rivers and a decrease in the flow of the Alamosa River. Conversion to sprinkler irriga- tion throughout the valley will increase streamflow and storage in both aquifers. However, the predicted rise in the water table will result in a large increase in evapotranspiration. Hydrologic evaluation of mine sites Possible sites for an oil-shale mine in the Piceance Creek basin were studied by J. B. Weeks and G. H. Leavesley. The proposed mine will consist of a verti- cal shaft sunk through water-saturated sediments to the high-grade oil-shale deposits in the base of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Forma- tion. Four sites, selected on the basis of their geo- logic and mineral resources, are being evaluated to determine which site will minimize the impact of the mine on the water resources of the Piceance Creek basin. A digital model of the ground-water system is be- ing used to estimate mine-shaft-dewatering rates for each site. Preliminary results indicate that construc- tion of the mine shaft at a site on Ryan Gulch, a tributary of Piceance Creek, Will produce the small- est amount of ground-water discharge and the low- est concentration of dissolved solids. Ground-water discharge during construction of the mine shaft may be as much as 0.57 m3/s, and the concentration of dissolved solids may be 5,000 to 10,000 mg/l. Hydrology of oil-shale lands The hydrology of the Piceance and Yellow Creeks drainage basin, an area of about 2,330 km2 in north- western Colorado, was investigated by J. B. Weeks, G. H. Leavesley, F. A. Welder, and G. J. Saulnier, Jr. (1974), in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Natural Resources. The annual volume of runoff from the basin is estimated to be 19.2 mm. About 80 percent of the annual runoff is supplied by ground- water discharge. Runoff from the basin is affected by irrigation di- versions and by consumptive use by crops, native vegetation, and evaporation. Streamflow depletions resulting from irrigation are estimated to be 5.9 hma/yr. If there were no irrigation, the mean runoff from the basin would be 25.2 hm3/ yr. The period of lowest flow normally occurs during spring and sum- mer when irrigation diversions are greatest. How- ever, peak flows from snowmelt and thunderstorms occur during this period. A regional analysis, made by using the index-flood method, estimated flood fre- quencies in the absence of irrigation diversions. The estimated mean annual flood rates are 22.7 m3/s for Piceance Creek and 11.0 m3/s for Yellow Creek. The peak flow observed during the 5 yr of record on Piceance Creek was 11.5 m3/s, or about one-half the estimated mean annual flood rate. Yellow Creek is only slightly affected by irrigation diversions, and the peak flow for the single year of record was 13.3 m3/s. Irrigation return flows and ground-Water discharge affect the quality of surface water in the Piceance basin. The concentration of dissolved solids ranges from less than 500 mg/l in the upper reaches to more than 5,000 mg/l in the lower reaches of Piceance Creek and from about 700 to 3,000 mg/l in Yellow Creek. Water quality deteriorates in the downstream direction owing to ground-water discharge from the Green River and Uinta Formations. The ground-water system in the basin consists of two principal aquifers separated by the Mahogany zone in the Green River Formation. Recharge to the aquifers occurs mainly from snowmelt along the basin margins above an altitude of 2,130 m. Ground water flows from the margins toward the north-central part of the basin, where it is dis- charged in Piceance and Yellow Creek valleys as evapotranspiration and streamflow. Recharge and discharge from the aquifer system are estimated to average 32.3 hm" annually. About 80 percent of the recharge is discharged in Piceance Creek drainage. Estimates of the volume of water in storage in the aquifers range from 3,100 to 31,000 hm3. Sodium minerals in the aquifer below the Ma- hogany zone are actively being dissolved by ground water. The Mahogany zone impedes the flow of water between the aquifers, and large chemical differences have developed. Water in the upper aquifer generally contains less than 2,000 mg/l dissolved solids, where- as the water in the lower aquifer exceeds 30,000 mg/l dissolved solids in the northern part of the basin. Digital models were used to simulate the hydro- logic system. A watershed model was adapted to the drainage above the gage on Piceance Creek below Ryan Gulch to evaluate the possible effects of pre- cipitation changes on the hydrologic system due to the introduction of atmospheric pollutants from oil- shale development or from cloud seeding. Each 10- percent change in precipitation was found to result in a 40-percent change in ground-water recharge. 100 The model study indicates that a 10-percent decrease in October-May precipitation results in a 30-percent decrease in mean annual runoff, whereas 10- and 20- percent increases in precipitation result in 40- and 85-percent increases, respectively, in mean annual runoff. A digital model of the ground-water system was used to evaluate the effects of mine dewatering on the hydrologic system. Hypothetical mines in oil- shale lease tracts C-a and C-b were considered. Both mines were assumed to be in the Mahogany zone and to be 10.4 km2 in area. Dewatering of the mines was assumed to occur simultaneously for a period of 30 yr. For the hypothetical dewatering scheme simu- lated, the model study indicates that the mine in tract C-a will not produce enough water to meet the demand for processing and disposal of oil shale, whereas the mine in tract C-b will produce water in excess of the demand. The concentration of dissolved solids in the water discharged from the mines may not exceed 5,000 mg/l for the hypothetical dewater- ing scheme considered. Dewatering the hypothetical mines will affect ground-water discharge in the Yellow Creek drainage only slightly. However, the model indicates that, after 30 yr of dewatering, ground-water discharge would cease in a 16-km reach of Piceance Creek near tract C-b. The decrease in ground-water discharge in this reach could cause an increase in the concentra- tion of dissolved solids in the downstream reach of Piceance Creek. After 30 yr of dewatering, the hy- draulic head in the aquifers would be decreased in 75 percent of the basin area, and about 620 hm“ of water would be removed from storage in the aquifers. Large ground-water reservoirs discovered in Rocky Mountain National Park According to F. A. Welder and R. A. McCullough, seismic traverses in valleys in the northwestern part of the Rocky Mountain National Park (about 260 kmfl) indicate that Quaternary glacial and alluvial deposits are as much as 122 m thick and contain as much as 1,230 hm3 of ground water. Ground water in the park is essentially a calcium and sodium bicar- bonate type. Specific conductance of the ground wa- ter ranges from about 100 to 300 ,lmho/cm at 25°C; the specific conductance of surface water is usually less than 100 ymho/cm. Aquifer tests in four wells tapping Quaternary deposits indicated transmissivi- ties of 2.5, 75, 290, and 440 mZ/d. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 KANSAS Recharge-discharge relation in the Great Bend Prairie In an investigation of water resources in the Great Bend Prairie, S. W. Fader and L. E. Stullken found that natural recharge to the ground-water reservoir averages about 300 hm3/yr in the 5,800-km2 area. The recharge is equivalent to about 50 mm of water over the entire area. Withdrawals of ground water for irrigation in 1974 amounted to about 170 hm“, which was applied to about 10 percent of the land in the Great Bend Prairie. The withdrawals exceed the recharge rate in the irrigated area, but water levels in wells generally recover between pumping seasons because total withdrawals do not yet exceed total recharge. Availability of ground water in Ness County Results of a reconnaissance study of the water re- source-s of Ness County by E. D. Jenkins and M. E. Pabst showed that water for irrigation and municipal supplies in the county is obtained principally from wells in the Pawnee River and Wet Walnut Creek valleys. Fifteen municipal wells and 160 irrigation wells are located in alluvium in the stream valleys. Wells in the Pawnee River valley reportedly yield 6 to 76 l/s. Wells in the Wet Walnut Creek valley yield from 2 to 321/s. The eastern edge of the Ogallala Formation, which is the principal aquifer in western Kansas, crosses Ness County. However, only 15 municipal or irriga- tion wells tap the formation because well yields from the Ogallala in Ness County are marginal (maximum of 131/5) for these uses. An irrigation well that reportedly yields 82 Us and several domestic and stock wells tap the Dakota For- mation, which underlies Ness County. Water from these wells generally is unsuitable for irrigation be- cause it contains high concentrations of sodium. Ground-water withdrawals for irrigation cause water-level declines in west-central Kansas The rate of water-level decline is increasing in west-central Kansas, according to M. E. Pabst and E. D. Jenkins (1974). From 1950 to 1966, the average rate of decline was 0.2 m/yr. Records from 1966 to 1974, however, show that the average rate has in- creased to 0.4 m/yr. The increased rate of decline is attributed primarily to the effect on water levels of the rapidly expanding development of ground water for irrigation. Annual withdrawals of ground water for irrigation in west-central Kansas have increased from about 50 hm3 in 1950 to 560 hm3 in 1973. WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS Planning for prevention of water shortages during droughts in eastern Kansas Results of a study of public water supplies in 43 counties’in eastern Kansas showed that water-supply improvements are needed in many towns and rural water districts to prevent shortages in future droughts. H. G. O’Connor (Kansas Geological Sur- vey) found that many of the smaller towns and dis- tricts do not maintain basic records of static and pumping water levels in wells or of changes in well yields as water levels decline during droughts. A pro- gram for preventing shortages has been proposed that includes (1) test drilling and water sampling to determine the quantity and quality of ground water available and to guide planning and development as water needs increase, (2) regular measurements of water levels and well yields to determine the per- formance of wells and aquifers, and (3) periodic evaluation of the records to anticipate impending shortages. Statistical techniques used to estimate ground-water withdrawals in the Great Bend Prairie, south-central Kansas Because accurate information on annual ground- water withdrawals needed by State and local plan- ning and management agencies in Kansas is unavail- able, various methods of estimating withdrawals are being investigated. For the Great Bend Prairie, L. E. Stullken and S. W. Fader obtained promising results by using statistical analyses of data from 32 wells randomly selected from a total of 1,160 irrigation wells in an area of 14,000 kmg. On the basis of re- peated measurements of discharge from the sample wells, Withdrawals for irrigation were estimated to be about 148 hm3 in 1974. The statistical analyses indicate a 7 0-percent probability that the estimate is within 15 percent of the true value. The analyses also indicate that a 90-percent probability could be ob- tained for the same accuracy level if 100 wells were included in the sample. Effects of pumping ground water from wells in the Dakota Formation in Ford and Hodgeman Counties Between 9.5 and 18.5 hm“ of ground water was pumped from irrigation wells in the Dakota Forma- tion in Ford and Hodgeman Counties in 1973. Accord- inng to E. C. Weakly (Kansas Geological Survey), the water, which was used to irrigate 3,120 hm'l, occurs primarily in sandstone lenses in the forma- ‘tion. Well yields and effects of pumping depend on the thickness, areal extent, cementation, and hy- draulic connection of the sandstone lenses. The water is confined in some areas but unconfined in others. 101 Water-level fluctuations differ greatly in response to the degree of confinement and quantity of water pumped. Water-level declines in wells in the counties ranged from 0 to 12 in during the period 1968—74. LOUISIANA New sources of fresh ground water discovered in St. James Pafish D. C. Dial reported that results of test drilling in St. James Parish along newly completed Interstate Highway 10 in a previously inaccessible backswamp area showed that water in the upper part of the re- gional Gonzales-New Orleans aquifer is suitable for public-supply use but that the lower part of the aquifer contains salty water. This fact is the first information on the southern limit of freshwater in the aquifer in St. James Parish. New information for another site about 3 km northeast of Gramercy indicates that the Gramercy aquifer contains freshwater in an area where it was previously believed to contain slightly saline water. However, the areal extent of this zone of freshwater and the relations with the zone of slightly saline water have not yet been determined. Quality of the Red River Treated and raw municipal waste is discharged in- to the Red River at several locations between Shreve- port and Moncla. Results of studies by D. E. Everett indicated that fecal coliform concentrations exceed 1,000 colonies per 100 m1 most of the time and occa- sionally exceed 10,000 colonies per 100 ml. The high- est concentrations generally occur downstream from Shreveport. On May 8, 1974, the fecal coliform con- centration at Coushatta was 31,000 colonies per 100 ml. New information on shallow aquifers in the Baton Rouge area Recharge to the “400-ft” and “GOO-ft” sands, the principal aquifers in the Baton Rouge area, occurs mainly in an area of about 1,600 km2 that is centered approximately 40 km north of Baton Rouge. Results of a study by A. J. Gogel indicated that water levels in the recharge area probably are not affected by heavy pumping in the Baton Rouge area; rather, water-level trends in the recharge area tend to reflect precipitation trends. The initial pumping test of a large-capacity well in.the recharge area indicated that the transmissivi- ty is about 660 mg/d, the hydraulic conductivity about 18 m/d, and the storage coefficient about 4 X 10". 102 Ground-water quality in Lake Charles area According to D. J. N yman, two bodies of water in which the chloride concentration ranges from 50 to 440 mg/l have been defined in the “500-ft” sand of the Chicot aquifer in the Lake Charles industrial area of southwestern Louisiana. The bodies occur along the sides of a cone of depression resulting from in- dustrial pumping about 10 km southwest of Lake Charles. The source of the chloride in the water is appar- ently unrelated to industrial discharge; however, movement of saline water into the cone of depression is related to changes in the ground—water gradient as the cone of depression deepens. It is believed that the source of the saline water is isolated pockets con- tained in natural sedimentary traps at the bottom of the aquifer. The water in adjacent aquifers (“200- ft” sand and “700-ft” sand) and confining clays has a chloride concentration of less than 100 mg/l; the water in the aquifer between old oilfields to the northeast and the saltwater interface to the south generally has chloride concentrations of 20 to 50 mg/l. Storage changes in the terrace aquifer in central and northern Louisiana The increas‘éd ground-water storage in the terrace aquifer of central and northern Louisiana that re- sulted from abovenormal rainfall during 1973 and 1974 could be beneficial to water users by increasing short-term supplies, according to T. H. Sanford, Jr. However, when long-term supplies are being planned, water users should take into account that storage varies with rainfall trends and decreases during peri- ods of rainfall deficiency. Long-term v'vater-level rec- ords indicate that as levels decline from high stages to levels typical of deficient rainfall periods, well yields may decrease as much as 25 to 35 percent. Availability of ground water in the upland terrace aquifer, Bossier Parish The terrace aquifer has not yet been used as a source of water for public-supply wells in most of the area of suburban development in southern Bossier and southwestern Webster Parishes. However, the Wilcox aquifer, the present source of public supplies, may not be able to meet all future demands. Analyses of water samples from test holes installed in the ter- race aquifer during site studies by J. L. Snider indi- cated that in some localities the aquifer contains water with an iron concentration greater than 0.3 mg/l and a hardness greater than 180 mg/l but that in other localities the water has low concentrations GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 of iron and hardness. The yields of two new public- supply wells in the terrace aquifer were 9.1 and 10 l/s. The sustained yield to continuously pumped wells in the terrace aquifer is estimated to be about 2.4 l s—1 kin—2. Effect of Hurricane Carmen on water quality in Atchafalaya River basin According to F. C. Wells, water quality in the southeastern part of the Atchafalaya River basin was affected by Wind and rain associated with Hurri- cane Carmen, which passed just west of the basin on September 7 and 8, 1974. A deterioration in water quality was noted in an area south of Little Bayou Pigeon and east of the main channel of the Atcha- falaya River. On September 17, 1974, DO concentrations were less than 0.5 mg/l at] five key stations in the back- swamp area of the basin: The pHvalue of the water at the five stations was 6.6, sulfide concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 4.1 mg/I, and BOD concentrations ranged from 4.1 to 6.5 mg/l. On October 11, 1974, a reconnaissance of the five key stations in the basin showed that concentrations of DO ranged from 0.5 to 3.3 mg/l, pH values ranged from 6.8 to 7.2, sulfide concentrations were less than 0.5 mg/l, and BOD concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 1.9 mg/l. The degradation in quality on September 17 proba- bly resulted from (1) a large amount of biodegrad- able organic matter from the bed material of the relatively shallow bayous that was put into suspen- sion by wave action from Hurricane Carmen and (2) organic matter along the banks that was washed into the bayous by runoff created by the rainfall accompanying Carmen. Water quality of the Red River alluvial aquifer M. S. Whitfield, Jr., reported that chemical analy- ses of samples collected from 185 wells during 1974 indicate that the Red River alluvial aquifer normally yields water that is hard and has a very high con- centration of iron. In 12 small areas, water in the alluvium contains excessive concentrations (>250 mg/l)_ of chloride and sulfate. The following-table shows the general ranges and the extreme ranges of the more troublesome chemical constituents: Typical 'rrmges (mg/l) Extreme ranges (mg/l) Low High Low H ig‘h Hardness _________ 300 600 28 1,100 Iron _____________ 3 1 0 0.05 40, Chloride __________ 1 0 80 0.4 4,600 ~ Sulfate ___________ 10 96 0 870 WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS Only 11 of the wells sampled produced water that was either soft (<60 mg/l of hardness) or low in iron concentration (<0.3 mg/l), and only one well produced soft water with a 10W iron concentration. The water of better quality can be related to rapid infiltration or precipitation, lateral and vertical flow from adjacent units, or recharge from streams dur- ing high stream stage. MONTANA A hydrologic study of the Flathead Indian Reservation Mission Valley, on the eastern side of the Flathead Indian Reservation, is underlain by Quaternary glaci- al deposits. The glacial deposits range from slightly permeable silt and clay (lakebed deposits) in the middle of the valley to permeable sand and gravel along the mountain front to the east. According to A. J. Boettcher, losses in streamflow result when streams flow from the Precambrian rocks of the Mission Range onto the coarse glacial deposits. The recharge water moves through the coarse deposits toward the middle of the valley Where the aquifer is confined by the overlying lakebed deposits. Flowing wells have been developed from the coarse deposits in the Ronan area. Artesian springs are found in places where the lakebed deposits are thin or have been eroded away. Ground water in the Libby area An appraisal by A. J. Boettcher and K. R. Wilke of ground water in the Libby area of northwestern Montana indicated that the aquifer system (alluvial and glacial deposits of Quaternary age) could sup- port increased ground-water Withdrawal. An aquifer test indicated that transmissivity is about 370 mz/d, and the well yield is more than 30 1/5. Analyses of water samples from 91 wells show that the ground water is suitable for domestic supplies. However, some relatively high concentrations of ni— trate (1.5 to 29 mg/l) in rural areas undergoing heavy residential growth indicate the presence of septic—tank effluent in ground water. During an unseasonable flood in January 1974, maximum flows for most of the smaller streams equaled or exceeded a 50-yr flood, and water levels in wells along creeks rose markedly. Ground-water study in a potential strip-mining area near Ashland A study of the reclamation potential of strippable coal deposits in southeastern Montana was conducted by W. R. Hotchkiss on about three sections of coal- rich land between Threemile and Home Creeks, tribu- 103 taries to Otter Creek near Ashland. The Knoblock coal unit, about 18 m thick, and 13 lesser coal seams of the Tongue River Member of the Fort Union For- mation of Paleocene age are the major shallow aqui- fers in the area. Ground water flows west to south- west through the area and discharges to the bound- ing streams. The yield of water to wells from the Knoblock coal unit ranges from 0.2 to 0.3 1/ s; specific capacity is about 0.02 l s*1 m“. Major constituents in water from the coal are sodium and bicarbonate or sodium and sulfate; the dissolved-solids concentra- tion ranges from 1,210 to 4,090 mg/l. A digital-computer model will be utilized to esti- mate the response of the local hydrologic framework to various stages and intensities of strip mining. Flowing wells can be completed in Madison Group W. R. Miller reported that flowing wells can be complete-d in the Madison Group in part of the Fort Union coal region south of the Yellowstone River. A preliminary potentiometric surface map, based on data from drill-stem tests, shows that water levels range from 90 m to more than 240 m above land sur- face along the Powder and Tongue Rivers. However, in the interstream areas, the potentiometric surface ranges from about 60 m to as much as 300 m below land surface. Shallow aquifers above the Pierre Shale Investigations looking into the hydrologic effects of strip mining of coal in southeastern Montana indi- cated that several aquifers exist above the Pierre Shale. According to R. S. Roberts, B. D. Lewis, and J. D. Stoner, the Fox Hills-basal Hell Creek aquifer overlies the Pierre and locally yields as much as 12 1/ s of water to wells less than 300 m deep. The upper Hell Creek Formation may yield 3 1/3 to wells gen- erally less than about 240 m deep. Overlying the Hell Creek is the Fort Union Formation, Which consists of three members. The upper unit, the Tongue River Member, contains discontinuous sandstone and coal beds that form the aquifer usually developed for do- mestic and stock supplies. Yields to wells are gen- erally less than 3 1/3 at depths less than 150 m. Alluvium along major valleys is reported to yield as much as 45 US to wells 18 m deep; however, most yields are less than 61/s. NEBRASKA Stream-aquifer models for basinwide resource planning, Platte River basin The limits of .the water-resource potential of the 105,700-km2 Platte River basin were described by 104 means of digital models, according to E. G. Lappala. Because of the large size of the area and the detail desired, the basin was divided into five subbasins, each of which was modeled and integrated into the whole. Models used were finite—difference ground- water-flow models that incorporated features of base flow and evaporation salvage. Steady-state methods were used to calibrate four of the models by compar- ing computed recharge and discharge with historical precipitation and streamflow. The fifth model was calibrated by comparing transient water level changes. Net recharge or discharge for calibration and predictive analyses were computed by means of a model of monthly rainfall versus runoff and soil moisture. Water—resource development has been un- derway in the basin for nearly a century, first by stream diversion and later by ground—water with- drawal. At the present time, 3,240 km2 is irrigated by stream diversions and 6,070 km2 is irrigated by ground water, and it is projected that 16,000 km2 will be irrigated by ground water by the year 2020. Results of the study are to be used in a comprehen- sive plan for water-resource management of the Platte River basin in Nebraska. NEW MEXICO Geothermal hydrology of the Jemez Mountains According to F. W. Trainer, ground-water data for the southwestern part of the Jemez Mountains vol- canic mass in north-central New Mexico suggest that much of the subsurface drainage from Valles caldera follows marginal faults at the western side of the Rio Grande rift zone. (The mountain mass stands astride the marginal fault zone.) Thermal springs and several cold springs and wells in San Diego Can- yon, some of them near or associated with faults, yield waters believed to be mixtures of NaCl thermal water and shallow nonthermal ground water. The presence of thermal springs, together with observa- tions in the canyon just outside the caldera rim— temperature observations in a well and the presence of a small fumarolic area—indicate active subsurface drainage of thermal water. This drainage contributes substantially to the chemical load of water in the J emez River and in its alluvium by adding constitu- ents, such as As, B, Cl, F, and Li, that are considered characteristic of volcanic water. In a few places, con- centrations bf the minor constituents have been found to exceed amounts established by the USPHS for potable water. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 NORTH DAKOTA Geohydrology of formations of Cretaceous and Tertiary age in Morton County D. J. Ackerman investigated the availability and quality of water from aquifers in formations of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary age in Morton County. The aquifers are very fine to medium-grained sandstones that are interbedded with and grade into siltstones and silty shales. The formations dip to the northwest at a rate of about 2 m/km. Ground-water movement is generally eastward toward major discharge areas in the deep valleys of the Heart, Cannonball, and Missouri Rivers. The quality of water from these for- mations varies within individual aquifers and from one aquifer to another. The hydrologic conditions within these formations are highly variable. However, a preliminary analysis of the collected data indicates that differences may be predictable. Spiritwood aquifer extends into LaMoure County C. A. Armstrong reported that test drilling in Dickey and LaMoure Counties has shown that the Spiritwood aquifer extends from the northern border of LaMoure County to the southeastern part of the county. The aquifer averages about 10 km in width through much of the county and generally ranges from about 10 to 40 m in thickness. Estimates of well yields, based on aquifer thickness and the grain size of the material in the aquifer, indicate that as much as 160 l/s can be obtained in some of the thicker parts of the aquifer. Yields of about 65 to 95 l/s should be obtainable from most of the central part of the aquifer. Analyses of two water samples show that the water is a very hard, sodium-bicarbonate type containing 732 and 911 mg/l of dissolved solids. Iron and manganese concentrations are high, and the sodium-adsOrption ratios in the two analyses are 3.4 and 4.9. Availability of ground water from lignite R. L. Klausing reported that data collected during investigations of ground-water resources in Dunn County indicate that the majority of water wells drilled in the county are completed in lignite beds in the Sentinel Butte Member of the Fort Union Forma- tion. The water-bearing lignite beds tapped by wells range in thickness from about 1 to 6 m. Yields from these wells, generally ranging from about 0.5 to 6 l/s, are adequate for stock and domestic purposes. Data from aquifer tests indicate that locally some of the lignite aquifers may yield from 1.9 to 6.3 l/s. VVATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS Short-term tests in two lignite aquifers gave trans- missivities of about 70 and 1,800 mz/d. Extensive aquifer in Grant and Sioux Counties P. G. Randich reported that test drilling in Grant and Sioux Counties has shown that the Fox Hills Sandstone is the most extensive aquifer in the two- county area. It crops out in the southeastern part of the area (Sioux County) and lies about 300 m below the landsurface in the northwestern part (Grant County). Estimated potential yields to wells pene- trating the aquifer range from about 0.2 to 10 l/s. Dissolved solids in 27 samples analyzed ranged from 296 to 2,020 mg/l and averaged 1,310 mg/l. OKLAHOMA Appraisal of ground water in the (Barber-Wellington aquifer, central Oklahoma Results of a study by J. E. Carr of the Garber- Wellington aquifer within the area between the Cimarron River and the North Canadian River indi- cated that there is a considerable quantity of water in storage. The aquifer supplies water for municipal, industrial, and domestic use. The maximum yield for deep wells is about 30 Us and the average yield is about 15 l/s. Yields from shallow wells are generally about 2 to 6 l/s. The lower part of the aquifer contains brackish or saline water. The thickness of the freshwater inter- val (water with a dissolved-solids concentration of less than 1,000 mg/l) in the aquifer ranges from about 30 m north of Cottonwood Creek to about 240 m near Oklahoma City. Well data in the outcrop area indicate that water generally is unconfined in the upper sands and that artesian conditions prevail in the deeper sands. Data show a water-level mound between Cottonwood Creek and Deep Fork. Ground water is discharged to most of the larger streams in the outcrop area. Availability and quality of ground water in the Vamoosa aquifer J. J. D’Lugosz reported that the Vamoosa aquifer underlies an area of about 6,480 km2 in central Okla- homa and furnishes water for domestic and indus- trial uses and municipal supplies. However, the amount of water used is a small fraction of the total available. Because of the variation in lithology, sorting, and grain size, porosity in the aquifer ranges from less than 10 percent to about 30 percent. Recovery tests show the aquifer to range in transmissivity from 28 105 to 46 m‘Z/d and the hydraulic conductivity to vary from 2 to less than 1.5 m/d. Water in the upper part of the Vamoosa aquifer is fresh; dissolved-solids concentrations usually are less than 500 mg/ 1. The lower part of the aquifer, how- ever, contains brackish or saline water. The zone con- taining water with a dissolved-solids concentration of less than 1,500 mg/l ranges from nearly 0 to about 220 m in thickness. In most of the area, water in the Vamoosa aquifer is a bicarbonate type containing less than 50 mg/l of sulfate or chloride. Locally, however, bromide-chloride ratios show that the aqui- fer has been invaded by saline water. Investigations of ground-water supplies in the Antlers Sand, southeastern Oklahoma Data compiled by D. L. Hart, Jr., showed that the Antlers Sand of Hill (1894) (Cretaceous) in southern Oklahoma has considerable quantities of water in storage. The areal extent of the aquifer is about 10,360 kmg, and thickness ranges from about 0 to 275 m. In about half the area, water in the aquifer is confined; in outcrop areas, however, the water is un- confined. The maximum measured well discharge is 41 US, but average well yields are about 151/s. Recharge to the aquifer from precipitation occurs throughout most of the outcrop area. Discharge oc- curs primarily by ground-water losses to tributaries of the Red River, but some water is pumped from the aquifer for municipal and industrial uses. Addi- tional quantities leave the area by downdip move- ment to Texas, and some water is discharged from flowing wells in the Vicinity of the Red River. The water in the outcrop area generally is a sodi- um-bicarbonate type containing less than 1,000 mg/l of dissolved solids. Locally along the Red River and in southeastern McCurtain County, the water is a sodium-chloride type containing more than 3,000 mg/l of dissolved solids. SOUTH DAKOTA Development of aquifers in north-central South Dakota An estimated 8 million litres of water per day are withdrawn from glacial-outwash aquifers in Faulk, Edmunds, and McPherson Counties, an 8,500-km2 area in north-central South Dakota. L. J. Hamilton reported that the pumpage, because it is evenly dis- persed over the area and is only a small fraction of the annual recharge, has no large or lasting effects on water levels. Several aquifers in the area can sup- ply wells yielding from 6 to as much as 60 VS. 106 The very hard water from shallow glacial aquifers generally is of suitable quality for irrigation, since its sodium content averages less than 50 percent of the cations and its dissolved-solids concentration averages only about 800 mg/l. Water from deep glacial aquifers also is very hard but is unsuitable for irrigation because of a high sodium content (>50 percent of the cations) and a dissolved-solids concen- tration averaging about 1,300 mg/l. Withdrawals of water from bedrock aquifers, mostly sandstone, are estimated to be 22 million litres per day. Since 1880, water levels have declined more than 76 m in wells in the Dakota Sands-tone. Similar declines can be expected for the deeper high- pressure aquifers now being developed unless flows are carefully restricted. The water from the bedrock aquifers is not of suitable quality for irrigation use. Test drilling in northeastern South Dakota Aquifers in glacial-outwash deposits were pene— trated by 25 of the 50 test holes drilled in 1974 in Clark County, a 2,500-km2 area in northeast: ern South Dakota. According to L. ‘J. Hamilton (USGS) and C. N. Christensen (South Dakota Geo- logical Survey), the thickness of most of the outwash is less than 9 m. However, test holes in 5 widely spaced areas penetrated as much as 18 m of medium to coarse sand and gravel. The age of the outwash is considered to be younger than late Wisconsin because the outwash is overlain by up to 70 m of till. As much as 20 m of the till has been oxidized to a yel- lowish-brown color during a period of interglacial weathering. Shallow glacial aquifer delineated in Hand County A shallow glacial aquifer in northeastern Hand County has been delineated as a result of a test drill- ing program directed by N. C. Koch (USGS) and Ron Halgerson (South Dakota Geological Survey). The sand and gravel aquifer underlies an area of about 780 kmg, principally in the main drainageways of Medicine, Wolf, and Turtle Creeks. The sand and gravel bodies in these drainages are interconnected by a complex system of sand and gravel layers sepa- rated by gravelly clay. The sand and gravel, which occurs near the land surface, is about 5 to 27 m thick. The three creeks derive part of their flow from ground-water discharge from the aquifer. The aqui- fer can provide yields of about 10 to 32 VS to wells. The water is very hard but is of generally suitable quality for irrigation use. The sodium content is less than 50 percent of the cations, and dissolved-solids concentrations are generally less than 2,000 mg/l. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Extensivebasal-outwash aquifer in northeastern South Dakota Test wells, which averaged 159 m in depth at 84 sites in Deuel and Hamlin Counties in northeastern South Dakota, revealed a buried basal~outwash aqui- fer that underlies a 1,750—km2 area. Jack Kume re- ported that sand and gravel penetrated in drilling ranged in thickness from 1 to 31 .m and was en- countered at depths of 49 to 250 m. Its average thick- ness was about 11 m. The aquifer was mapped as the lowermost outwash deposit in the thickest (268 m) glacial drift in South Dakota. It lies upon bedrock—Pierre Shale or Nio- brara Formation (Upper Cretaceous)—or, in a few places, upon a thin layer of till adjacent to the bed- rock. TEXAS Exploration for fresh ground water in basins of western Texas J. S. Gates, D. E. White, and J'. T. Smith drilled. three deep test holes in the Salt Basin alluvial fill to determine its saturated thickness and water quality. The test hole drilled south of Valentine on Ryan Flat penetrated alluvium to about 120 m, thin volcanic flows and alluvium consisting mostly of reworked vol- canic material to about 400 m, volcanic flows and tuff to about 460 m, and tufi' to 610 m. Four water sam- ples collected at depths between the water table (69 m) and 350 m were fresh. The test hole drilled northeast of Van Horn on Wildhorse Flat penetrated alluvium to about 365 m and Cox Sandstone of Early Cretaceous age to 400 m. Water samples collected at depths between the water table (115 m) and 378 m, including a sample from the Cox Sands-tone, were fresh. The test hole drilled southwest of Van Horn on southeastern Eagle Flat penetrated alluvium that consisted mostly of clay and silt with thin beds of sand and gravel to 610 m. Water samples collected at depths between the water table (about 225 to 268 m) and 425 m were fresh. Occurrence of porous evaporitic rocks in the Edwards Limestone R. W. Maclay and T. A. Small reported that the re- . sults of studies of newly designated stratigraphic units of the Edwards Limestone in southern Te‘xas indicate that some highly porous zones in the Ed- wards aquifer are associated with the evaporitic rock Units previously identified by P. R. Rose (1972). Several cycles of marine to supratidal deposits occur within the middle third of the Edwards Limestone in the Bexar County area. A typical cycle originally con- sisted of a lower, pelleted mudstone unit, a mudstone WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS and wackestone unit containing algal mats and other tidal-flat structures, and an upper supratidal unit containing sucrosic dolomite and nodular gypsum or anhydrite. These supratidal deposits were exposed on extensive salt plains or “sebkhas” that were infre- quently flooded by marine waters, which dissolved some of the nodular evaporites. The Kirschberg Evaporite Member (Rose, 1972) is one of the more laterally extensive units that can be identified from cores and geophysical logs. After burial and subSe— quent to faulting, meteoric water gained access to these rocks along fractures in the subsurface. These evaporitic units probably contribute much to the high transmissivity of the Edwards throughout Bexar and Comal Counties. Digital-model study of ground-water hydrology in the El Paso area A digital model of the hydrology of the Hueco Bol- son near El Paso was constructed by W. R. Meyer to simulate historical water-level declines and to predict future water-level declines. The model indicates that additional water—level declines ranging from about 14 to 21 m can be expected in the area by the year 1991. The model also indicates that seepage losses from the Rio Grande will increase from about 14,800,000 m3/ yr to about 19,500,000 m”, yr by 1991. The model can be used as an aid in determining the optimum areal distribution of wells, and different pumping procedures can be simulated to assist in de- termining a pumping pattern that will result in more uniform drawdown in the area of production. UTAH High transmissivity in northern part of Parowan Valley According to L. J. Bjorklund and C. T. Sumsion, an aquifer test in the northern part of Parowan Valley indicated that the water-bearing material has a high transmissivity. Water-level measurements made in March 1974, before the pumping season, indicated that the poten- tiometric surface of the ground-water reservoir had an almost horizontal gradient—about 0.09 m ”km. Water-level measurements made in October 1974 also indicated a flat potentiometric water-level sur- face, but it was about 0.6 m lower than the March surface because water was removed during the irri- gation season. An aquifer test in Buckhorn Flats indicated a transmissivity of about 18,600 m‘-‘ "d; almost uniform results were observed in nine observation wells in an area of about 3,240 hmi. An irrigation well was pumped at rates between 190 and 250 l ”s, and water- 107 level observations were made in wells at radial dis- tances ranging from 900 to 3,700 m. Drawdown of the water level in a well 900 m distant was observed within 10 min after pumping began and increased to 0.39 m during 16.4 d of pumping. The maximum drawdown in the pumped well was 6.1 m. The pumped well penetrated 125 m of unconsolidated material consisting of near-surface silt and clay underlain by silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders, mostly of volcanic origin. WYOMING Water losses from streams to the Madison Limestone Thirty—two gaging stations were established on 17 streams in the fall of 1974 in northeastern Wyoming to collect streamflow data for use in determining po— tential recharge to the Madison Limestone aquifer. The outcrop areas are along the northern and north- eastern flanks of the Laramie Mountains, the eastern slopes of the Bighorn Mountains, the western part of the Black Hills uplift, and the Hartville uplift near Jay Em. More than 50 stream channels were investi- gated during the geologic and hydrologic field recon— naissance. F. C. Boner reported that discharge meas- urements made during the fall of 1974 indicate that nearly all streams crossing the outcrop areas in the Laramie Mountains lost water to the aquifer. In the Bighorn Mountains, about 60 percent of the streams showed gains and the remainder showed losses; how- ever, volumes of gains and losses have not yet been calculated. Streams in the western Black Hills uplift showed gains. Geohydrology of the Albin and La Grange areas In the Albin area, the Ogallala Formation was found to be saturated only in coarse-grained channel deposits from which most of the irrigation wells pump, according to W. B. Borchert. Water levels in parts of these channel deposits have declined about 1.2 to 2.1 m since pumping began in 1968. However, in the area southeast of Albin, about 1.2 m of the 2.1 m of decline can be attributed to a 170-percent in- crease in ground-water pumpage between 1973 and 1974. In parts of the La Grange area, the net effect of ground-water pumpage and surface-water recharge since 1969 has resulted in a rise of about 1.2 m in water level. In two large-diameter wells drilled into the Brule Formation, secondary porosity was located by using caliper logs and acoustic borehole televiewer logs. Geophysical logs were run in these wells. At known depths of secondary porosity, the response of 108 the geophysical logs to secondary porosity in the Brule Formation was evaluated and a basis for future comparisons established. Hydrologic analysis of the valley-fill aquifer, North Platte River valley, Goshen County Water-level measurements taken in observation wells indicated that little change in storage occurred in the valley fill in Goshen County during a 1-yr peri- od. M. A. Crist (1975) reported that annual recharge to ground water from precipitation, seepage from canals, and seepage from surface-water irrigation amounts to about 89.4>< 106 m3 and is nearly equal to the 94.1 X 100 m3 estimated as the ground-water con- tribution to the North Platte River. The valley fill is estimated to contain about 2.1><109 m3 of water in storage. A digital model developed during the investi- gation can be used to predict the general effects of changes in stress that might be applied to the system. Impacts of coal development on topography and shallow aquifer in Gillette area R. F. Hadley and W. R. Keefer. (1975) reported that results of studies in an area of about 2,500 km2 in central Campbell County showed that the Wyodak- Anderson coal bed is less than 60 m below land sur- face in approximately 30,000 ha and less than 90 m below land surface in an additional 13,500 ha. Topo- graphic cross sections have been prepared to show some of the broad~scale changes that can result from surface mining. For example, if a “swell” factor of 25 percent is assumed, the surface would be IOWered about 19 m in those areas where the coal bed is 30 m thick beneath an average overburden of 46 m. Cross sections also show the inferred effect on the ground- water system of a hypothetical surface-mining opera- tion. Water levels in wells tapping shallow aquifers may be substantially lowered within about 6 km of individual mining operations. Determining the longevity of the lowered ground—water levels and their possible recovery to premining levels will re- quire monitoring of wells under actual mining conditions. Hydrologic investigations related to fossil fuels R. E. Hodges, Joe Sena, and L. M. MacCary began a research program on borehole geophysics as applied to coal-related studies. Coal deposits are easily identi- fied on the density, neutron, and resistivity logs. In areas where the coal bed is the aquifer, geophysical logs will be used to estimate the effective porosity, and televiewer logs will be used to determine the type GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 and orientation of the fractures. Logging of the Madison Limestone in Wyoming has been initiated in coal-related studies to determine the availability of ground water for coal-slurry operations and coal- fired steamplant operations. The Madison Limestone has been logged at depths of about 915 m, but it attains depths of 3,650 m in the deeper parts of the Powder River Basin. A newly acquired logging truck with a capacity of 4,875 m will be used for geophysi- cal measurements in these areas. Dye-recovery study in Tongue River Cave The occurrence of subterranean stream diversion between two surface-drainage basins on the eastern flank of the Bighorn Mountains has been established by a quantitative dye-recovery study conducted in Tongue River Cave. This limestone cave, located in Tongue River Canyon, contains a free-surface stream having a low-flow discharge of 0.04 mg/s. D. T. Hoxie reported that 396 ml of Rhodamine- WT dye was introduced into the Little Tongue River near the point where it sinks into the Bighorn Dolo- mite of Ordovician age; 35 percent of the injected dye was eventually detected in the cave stream. The Little Tongue River is nominally tributary to the Tongue River; however, under conditions of normal and low flow, water in the main fork sinks into the streambed upon flowing onto the Bighorn Dolomite; this reach is located approximately 4 km south of the cave and is some 760 m higher in elevation. The sharply peaked dye-recovery curve suggested the presence of a single solution conduit linking the cave and the sink. The time required for the dye to travel from its injection point into the cave was approxi- mately 24 h. WESTERN REGION Water-resource studies in the western region cov- ered a wide range of topics, and both old and new instruments and techniques were used to accomplish objectives. The increasing need for real-time data for (1) the daily operation of river systems for flood forecasting and warnings and (2) the determination of water- quality parameters has resulted in expanded pro- grams in several States but primarily in the Colum- bia River basin. Radios, direct~line telemetry, and the transmission of data by satellite are among the techniques now in use at many sites. The intensive water-quality assessment of the Willamette River basin in Oregon is a successful pilot WATER—RESOURCE effort to define the basin’s past and present quality and to develop mathematical models to project quali— ty conditions under alternative plans for basin de- velopment. Results of this work‘ will provide bases for similar assessments of other river basins across the Nation. Ongoing programs include the following: (1) Quantification of geothermal resources at known geo- thermal areas, (2) San Francisco Bay region en- vironment and resources planning study, (3) studies to define the areas inundated by 100- and 500-yr floods for flood-insurance purposes, and (4) collec- tion and analyses of data for surface and ground water and water quality. M U LTISTATE STU DIES Great Basin ground-water appraisal As one of a number of summaries of the Nation’s ground-water resources (Pacific Southwest Inter- Agency Committee, 1972) , an appraisal was made of ground-water resources in the Great Basin by T. E. Eakin, Donald Price, and J. R. Harrill. They re- ported that ground-water withdrawals from wells in the Great Basin region were about 1.4 km3 in 1970. The region could sustain an annual net pumpage of about 3.2 km3. Larger withdrawals could be sustained ‘if only part of the pumped water is used consump- tively, if conflicts with existing surface-water rights are resolved, and if extensive treatment, artificial re- charge, and reuse of water prove feasible. Ground water stored in the upper 30 m of the saturated de- posits of the valley ground-water reservoirs is on the order of 370 kmg. Total ground-water storage exceeds several thousand cubic kilometres. Similar appraisals have been started in the Lower Colorado River basin and in the Pacific Northwest, and an appraisal of the California region is nearing completion. ALASKA Channel erosion surveys Channel surveys and low-altitude vertical aerial stereophotography at 24 sites along the trans—Alaska pipeline route in central Alaska were used to docu- ment topography before construction. Resurveys and photography were obtained after partial construc- tion of a haul road and construction camps for the pipeline. J. M. Childers (1972) reported that gravel extraction from flood plains has removed large areas of flood-plain vegetation and formed deep and exten- sive floodway basins. The haul road constricts flood- INVESTIGATIONS 109 ways and may concentrate floodflow to promote or accelerate channel erosion. Gas-saturation studies at salmon-rearing sites G. A. McCoy collected gas-saturation data at the following locations: Crystal Lake hatchery near Petersburg; Fire Lake hatchery near Eagle Riveri several streams in south-central Alaska; and at rear- ing pens at George Inlet near Ketchikan, Starrigavan near Sitka, and Halibut Cove Lagoon. The three rear- ing pens are in a gravel-bed stream, saltwater, and an estuary, respectively. Data on saturation of nitrogen and DO have been obtained. Measurements for methane have been made, but none has been detected. Significant super— saturation of dissolved gases has been found only at the Crystal Lake hatchery. Hydrologic and limnologic investigation of the Karluk River basin G. A. McCoy and D. R. Scully collected streamflow, chemical, and physical data for streams and lakes in the Karluk River basin on Kodiak Island. Three stream-gaging and water-temperature recording sta- tions have been established on tributaries to Karluk Lake. Chemical and physical data were collected on tributaries to Karluk Lake, Karluk Lake itself, Kar- luk Lake outlet, and Thumb Lake. Preliminary re- sults indicate that water quality is good in this area. Karluk Lake is oligotrophic, and conductance of wa- ter in all streams is less than 100 ’11th at 25°C. Hydrologic reconnaissance of St. George Island G. S. Anderson conducted a hydrologic reconnais- sance to determine the potential for developing pot- able ground water on St. George Island. Existing wells, which produce saline water, are believed to be either too deep or too close to the ocean. The fresh ground-water lens is thought to be thin because the island is small, the rocks are permeable, and recharge is low. However, it should be possible to skim limited quantities of fresh ground water if new wells are drilled farther inland and reach the freshwater lens. ARIZONA Effects of vegetation change on water and sediment yield Precipitation, streamflow, and sediment data were collected from two similar watersheds in the Syca- more Creek area to define changes that may take place in runoff and sediment yield if the dense native Chaparral in one of the watersheds is replaced by gra'ss. Each watershed occupies about 11.7 kmg, and their physiographies and climates are similar. Ac- 110 cording to H. W. Hjalmarson, analyses of streamfiow and precipitation data indicate that any appreciable change in runoff owing to the replacement of native Chaparral by grass can be determined quantitatively. Statistical analyses indicate that under optimum con- ditions an increase in runoff of as little as 19 percent may be evaluated at the 95—percent level of confi- dence. Because the natural variation in suspended- sediment yield is large, a change caused by a substi- tution of vegetation is difiicult to assess. Ground-water resources of southern Navajo County According to L. J. Mann, the Coconino aquifer that underlies southern Navajo County furnishes about 46.9 hm3 of water per year to wells. In addition, about 2.17 hm3 of water is obtained from the Pinetop- Lakeside aquifer in the southeastern part of the county, and about 1.23 hm3 is withdrawn from the alluvium along the channels and flood plains of the Little Colorado River and its major tributaries. In the southern part of the area, ground water general- ly contains less than 350 mg/l of dissolved solids— mainly calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. In the northern part, however, the water contains from 500 ‘ to as much as 68,200 mg/l of dissolved solids—main- ly sodium and chloride. The Coconino aquifer includes the Coconino Sand- stone, the uppermost beds of the underlying Supai Formation, and the overlying Kaibab Limestone. Most of the water withdrawn from the aquifer is used for agricultural and industrial purposes. Sever- al small cones of depression have formed near the large agricultural and industrial areas. Although water-level declines of as much as 15 m have been measured, declines generally are less than 1.5 m. The Pinetop—Lakeside aquifer includes a bedded se- quence of sedimentary rocks, rim gravel, and basaltic rocks. Ground water in the Pinetop—Lakeside aquifer and in the alluvium generally is hydraulically sepa- rated from that in the underlying Coconino aquifer. The Pinetop—Lakeside aquifer supplies water to re- sort areas near Pinetop and Lakeside. The alluvium may yield sufficient quantities of water for irrigation, but mos-t wells that tap this unit furnish water for domestic and livestock uses. Perched ground water in the northern part of the La Posa Plain According to D. W. Wilkins, two known areas of perched ground water are present along Tyson Wash in the northern part of La Posa Plain——one area sur- rounds the town of Quartzsite and the other is about 13 km south of Quartzsite. The shallow ground water GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 is perched on the Bouse( ?) Formation. In the area surrounding Quartzsite, the depth to water ranges from about 8 m below the land surface near Tyson Wash to 39 m below land surface about 2 km east of the wash. In the area south of Quartzsite, the depth to water ranges from 34 to 46 m below the land sur- face. The perched ground water is recharged from flow in Tyson Wash. Two flow events in July and August of 1974 caused water-level rises of as much as 1.5 m in wells adjacent to the wash. The chemical quality of the perched ground water is good; dis- solved-solids concentrations range from about 100 to 700 mg/l. Geology and ground-water resources of the Sedona area G. W. Levings identified the Verde Formation, the Supai Formation, and the Redwall Limestone as the major aquifers in the Sedona area. Although faults in the area do not seem to have a significant effect on ground-water movement, localized fractures, joints, and solution channels may significantly increase the secondary permeability of the formations and may be associated with the increase in well yields. A com- parison of water levels measured in the late 1950’s with those measured in the early 1970’s shows that there has been no water-table decline. The water is of suitable chemical quality for domestic and municipal uses and for irrigation; the main constituents are calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. CALIFORNIA Madera area ground-water model A digital-computer simulation model of the ground-water system in the Madera area of the east- central San Joaquin Valley was constructed by using immediately available data. The first attempts at model calibration quickly demonstrated that signifi- cant errors existed in available water-level and pumpage data. According to W. D. Nichols, a reevalu- ation of water-level data strongly sugggests that the major cause of poor calibration is pumpage data com- puted from power consumption. This conclusion re- quires a complete reevaluation and probably a recal- culation of pumpage data for the area being modeled. The model results will assist in designing data-collec- tion programs to obtain the more reliable data needed for calibration. Ground water in Garner Valley T. J. Durbin reported that Garner Valley is an intermontane alluvial basin in the San J acinto Moun- tains. An alluvial aquifer with a surface area of 54 WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS km2 underlies the valley floor. A mathematical repre- sentation of the aquifer was used to compute average annual recharge and discharge. The aquifer is in a state of equilibrium, and re- charge from precipitation equals ground-water dis- charge to phreatophytes and to Lake Hemet, a reser- voir in the northern part of the valley. The average annual recharge is 2.7 hmz. The average annual dis- charge to phreatophytes is 1.4 hms, and the average annual discharge to other minor sources is 0.1 hmg. Water purveyors in an adj acent drainage basin are considering the annual export of 0.5 to 1.1 hm3 of ground water from Garner Valley, which would cause an equal reduction of the natural ground-water dis- charge in the valley. Rainfall-runoff data prepared for urban hydrology‘study in Poway region According to J. A. Skrivan, rainfall data at five sites in the Poway Creek basin covering about 110 km2 and streamflow data at the basin outlet have been collected since November 1969. All precipitation and streamflow data were obtained at 5-min intervals and have been punched on cards for use in a rainfall- runofl’ digital model. Photographs of the region are being taken annually to record land-use changes. Urban runoff and erosion studies in Perris Valley Since 1969, the effects of urbanization on the hy- drologic regimen of the Perris Valley area have been studied. According to R. P. William-s, data collection emphasizes rainfall-runoff relations, sediment pro- duction, and general water quality. Because rainfall was low during most of the proj- ect, few events are available for analysis. When‘run- off does occur, sediment concentrations are evaluated every 15 min at four sites. Suspended-sediment con- centrations of 10,000 mg/l are common during storm events. The results of the study will be used for land-use planning in other areas of Riverside County. Isotope study of California ground-water recharge Several California ground-water basins are being recharged with surface water imported from north- ern California. T. B. Coplen 11, L. A. Eccles, and P. A. Emery investigated the feasibility of tracing the re- charge water through the ground-water system by using stable isotopes of hydrogen (D/H) and oxygen (018/016) . They have found that northern California water can be differentiated from “native” ground water in the vicinity of San Jose. 111 Nitrate in ground water, Redlands area According to L. A. Eccles, agricultural develop- ment and urbanization in the Redlands area depend on multiple use and reuse of ground water. The re- cycling of water to the saturated zone has resulted in degradation of the water, especially by nitrate, most- ly in the vicinity of agricultural operations and points of waste discharge. The most probable causes of nitrate accumulation in the ground water are pre- viously high application rates of nitrogen on citrus crops, low soil-denitrification potential, and high in- filtration rates, aggravated by recycling of ground water. Since the advent in the 1960’s of requirements for leaf analysis of nitrogen-fertilized citrus crops, the largest source of nitrate in ground water has been greatly reduced. Some citrus growers irrigating with water having a high-nitrate content have not applied nitrogen fertilizer for more than 5 yr. The projected high cost of nitrogen fertilizer will also serve to reduce this source, as will the trend toward urbanization. The largest potential source of nitrate is the un- saturated zone. There is a considerable time lag be- tween the application of nitrogen on the surface and its appearance at the water table. An experiment by other researchers on a soil solution taken below the root zone has shown that with a nitrogen-fertiliza- tion rate of 390 kg. hm—Z/yr—1 and a leaching frac- tion of 0.4, there was a nitrate concentration of 198 mg/l. If the water table were to remain static, the rate of nitrate migration might be low enough to prevent an increase of nitrate in the saturated zone, but an increase in the elevation of the water table would lead to higher nitrate concentrations beneath areas of previously high nitrogen application. The most recent nitrate data for the area show a declining trend, although locally some wells produce water with nitrate concentrations in excess of 90 mg/l. This trend is expected to continue, although there may be periodic increases in nitrate concentra- tions in some wells. Quality of ground water in western Sacramento Valley Ground-water samples from 222 wells located on the western side of the Sacramento Valley were analyzed for mineral constituents. G. L. Bertoldi re- ported that results of the analyses show that the native ground water is of a calcium magnesium bi- carbonate type with a dissolved-solids content of gen- erally less than 300 mg/l. Two small areas of sodium- chloride-type water and four areas underlain by wa- 112 ter having boron concentrations in excess of 0.75 mg/l (the recommended maximum limit for boron- sensitive crops) were also found. With the exception of locally high boron concentrations, the water is suitable for irrigation of almost all types of crops and generally is of good quality for domestic use. Storage capacity, ground-water discharge, and ground-water movement in the Fresno area Estimates of storage capacity and ground-water discharge were made for an area of about 344 km2 northeast of Fresno. According to R. W. Page, total storage capacity in the upper 61 m of the ground- water reservoir is about 1,357 hm3, and ground-water discharge from the area is about 74 to 86 hm3/yr. Water demands for urban use were larger in January 1975 than in January and February 1963, but the change in water use did not greatly affect the general direction of ground-water movement between 1963 and 197 5. Ground-water resources evaluated in the Ocotillo-Coyote Wells region J. A. Skrivan reported that the principal source of recharge for the alluvial aquifer in the Ocotillo- Coyote Wells area is precipitation in the mountains to the west and southwest. The general ground-water movement is from these recharge are-as eastward to the Salton Sea and southward to Mexico. Wells in Ocotillo can produce 25 to 32 VS of water with a dissolved-solids content of about 500 mg/l. However, just 8 km to the east, the dissolved-solids content of water from some wells is 18,000 to 24,000 mg/l. The Elsinore fault, which bisects the region in a southeasterly direction, probably is an effective ground-water barrier separating the high-quality ground water in the western part from the poor- quality water to the east. Artificial-recharge feasibility in the upper Santa Ana River area Results of a study of the feasibility of artificial recharge for the upper Santa Ana River area by D. H. Schaefer and J. W. Warner indicated that a maximum of 100 hmg/yr could be recharged. Water from the State Water Project will be available in a few years for artificial recharge in this area. The upper Santa Ana River area is well suited for artificial recharge because it is largely underlain by permeable river-channel deposits. Test drilling indi- cated some local sandy clay layers, but they were not extensive enough to impede recharge. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Ground-water hydrology in Round Valley Preliminary results of studies by K. S. Muir indi- cated that there was no overall decline in water levels in Round Valley between 1951 and 1974. The quan- tity of ground water pumped from wells in 1974 did not exceed the yield of the basin, and the ground- water reservoir remained full. Potential recharge was rejected as streamflow. ' The quality of the ground water was found to be excellent for irrigation and had not changed signifi- cantly since previous studies made in 1951. Anza-Terwilliger geologic and hydrologic study W. R. Moyle, Jr., completed a study in the Anza- ' Terwilliger area of Riverside County that included the Cahuilla Indian Reservation. The study deals with geology, steady and transient states of ground water, net depletion of ground water, chemistry of water, precipitation, and land and water use in the area. It also includes a complete Bouguer gravity map, geologic and hydrologic cross sections, and hy- drographs. The data show that more water was con- sumed in 1973 within the study area than is being recharged by average annual precipitation and that water levels have declined locally as much as 23 m between 1950 and 1973. Temecula gravity map W. R. Moyle, Jr., and D. J. Downing (1975) pre- pared a complete Bouguer gravity map of the Teme- cula area in Riverside County in cooperation with the Joint Administration Committee of the Santa Mar- garita and San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agen- cies to aid in the exploration for and development of ground-water supplies. The map shows the relative thickness of alluvial deposits that contain ground water and areas where the basement complex is near the surface. HAWAII Hydrology and sediment transport, Moanalua Valley Five years of intensive data collection in Moanalua Valley resulted in some observations concerning the rainfall-runoff and rainfall-sedimentation character- istics of the 8.65-km2 basin (B. L. Jones and C. J. Ewart, 1973). According to Ewart, average annual rainfall for the period 1969—73 ranges from 1,700 mm at the downstream boundary of the project to 4,040 mm near the headwater area. A water budget con- structed for the upper half of the basin reveals that runoff, evapotranspiration, and ground-water re— charge comprise 15, 25, and 60 percent of the annual W'ATER-RESOURCE rainfall, respectively. Analyses of the suspended- sediment data collected from two locations in the valley indicate a good correlation between total sedi- ment discharge during a storm and peak discharge. Observations indicate that the stream frequently transports very large boulders (in excess of 0.6 m in diameter). Water resources of eastern coast of Kauai Kauai County officials believe that municipal water supplies under drought conditions are not adequate to meet increasing demands for water resulting from urban expansion and resort development in the towns on the eastern coast of Kauai. Currently, the only source of domestic supply is ground water from wells and tunnels. R. J. Burt reported that most of the pumpiage is from perched-water bodies in the gen— erally poorly permeable lava flows of the Koloa Vol- canic Series, the younger of the two major volcanic rock formations of the island. Recently drilled wells in the Koloa rocks have not provided the needed ad— ditional water. The Koloa lava flows are thick and dense and over- lie an undefined erosional surface of the older Napali Formation of the Waimea Canyon Volcanic Series. The Napali Formation rocks are generally highly fractured and permeable, but they are considered to be too deep near the towns for economical develop— ment of ground water. However, in a few locations, the Napali rocks protrude as steptoes or “islands” above the Koloa rocks. These areas have not yet been fully explored for ground water. A well in the pro- truding Napali rocks might be effective in draining water from the Koloa rocks because the “island” of permeable Napali rocks may act as a giant infiltra- tion gallery. Water levels in both the Napali Forma- tion and the Koloa Volcanic Series are high owing to the confining effect of the Koloa rocks. Although the streams of Kauai have relatively uniform and high base flows in comparison with other streams in Hawaii, ground water has been pre- ferred for domestic use because it is clear and does not require treatment. IDAHO Effects of pumpage on Thousand Springs Ground-water withdrawals for irrigation in Good- ing and Jerome Counties during 1973 were computed by J. A. Moreland. Pumpage, computed from power- company records,‘totaled about 105 hm3. A digital hydrologic model was constructed to simulate water- level fluctuations and spring discharges in the Snake INVESTIGATIONS 113 River Plain aquifer. The model was successfully cali- brated for 1966 conditions on the basis of inputs sup- plied by the Idaho Water Resources Research Insti- tute. Several alternative water-use plans were simu— lated on the model to evaluate the effects of the plans on ground-water levels and spring discharges. Water resources of Henrys Fork basin above Ashton The USGS, in cooperation with the Idaho Depart- ment of Water Resources, is conducting a 2-yr water- resource investigation of the 2,764—km2 Henrys Fork basin above Ashton. R. L. Whitehead, W. A. Harenberg, and H. R. Seitz reported that monitoring networks for ground-water, surface-water. and quality-of—water data have been established to determine the chemical and physical characteristics of the basin’s water resources. The basin is in a nearly primal state, but its abundant recreational features serve to attract an increasing number of people each year. It is therefore important to establish a data base from which effects of future recreational activities and developments can be evaluated. Generally, analyses of samples from more than 60 selected sites within the basin indicate that the water is of excellent quality. Water resources of the Weiser River basin A 2-yr investigation of the water resources of the Weiser River basin was initiated by H. W. Young, W. A. Harenberg, and H. R. Seitz. The first year’s effort consisted primarily of the establishment and operation of monitoring networks to assist in describ- ing and characterizing the water resources in the basin. Included in this network are 22 surface-water measuring sites, 25 ground-water observation wells, 13 surface-water sediment sites, and 3 quality-of- surface-water sites. An inventory of approximately 350 wells in the basin indicates that both artesian and water-table aquifers are present. Ground-water-level fluctuations in the basin respond chiefly to spring runoff, surface- water irrigation, and pumpage for ground-water irrigation. A seepage study on the Weiser River indicates that very little relation exists between the surface- and ground-water resources except in the lower part of the basin. Flow in Silver Creek J. A. Moreland began a study to evaluate the rela- tions between ground water and surface water in the Silver Creek area of Blaine County. A network of 114 about 75 wells has been selected for monthly water- level monitoring to document ground-water fluctua- tions. Much of the basic information on well con- struction, use of water, owner’s name, and drillers’ logs has been collected for entry into the computer file. NEVA DA Water-resource appraisal of Carson River basin The Carson River basin study area encompasses about 9,600 km2 in western Nevada. According to P. A. Glancy and T. L. Katzer, estimated average an- nual inflows to the area during the 1919—69 study period are: (1) About 1,800 hm3 of precipitation, (2) 390 hm3 of Carson River flow from California, (3) 7 hm3 of Humboldt River tailwaste, and (4) 220 hm3 of water imported from the Truckee River drainage. Estimates of major annual outflow budget com- ponents include (1) an undetermined quantity of pre- cipitation that evaporates, (2) about 370‘ hm3 of shallow ground-water evapotranspiration and con- sumptive crop use, and (3) about 310 hm3 of evapora- tion from surface-water bodies. However, the com- bined 1971 domestic, municipal, industrial, and live- stock use was estimated at about 10 hma. Available data suggest that, aside from riverflow, the Carson Valley ground-water reservoir at the upstream end of the area is the best available source of large quan- tities of high-quality water. In contrast, Carson Desert, at the terminus of the area, has a vast quan— tity of ground water in storage, but it is believed to be largely unacceptable for most uses. Intervening hydrographic subbasins generally have significantly large quantities of stored ground water of intermedi- ate quality. Effects of pumping on the water resources of Smith Valley In 1972, inflow to Smith Valley in the West Walker River basin was below normal, and thus the supply of irrigation water available from the river was de- creased. Supplemental water pumped from wells re- sulted in the net mining of approximately 7.4 hm3 of water from ground-water storage. According to F. E. Rush and C. V. Schroer, the ground water will be replenished by the large amount of infiltration of ir- rigation water to the water table during years of above-normal river flow. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 OREGON Ground water in the Columbia River Basalt Group on the Umatilla Indian Reservation J. B. Gonthier reported that a local poorly defined zone of very low hydraulic conductivity occurs at depths between 60 and 110 m in the Columbia River Basalt Group aquifer on the Umatilla Indian Reser- vation just east of Pendleton. Ground water in the basalt above this zone is part of a shallow local flow system that discharges to the Umatilla River in winter and spring. Many wells tapping this shallow system at lower elevations in the Umatilla River val- ley, west of the Indian agency near Mission, flow under low head during that period. However, wells deeper than 110 m generally tap a regional flow sys- tem that is defined by static water levels more than 60 m below the land surface. Ground water leaks downward from the shallow flow system to the deeper regional system through uncased wells. This leakage probably is increasing because the number of deep wells that penetrate both systems is increasing. Local permanent water-level declines in the shallow flow system could result, and movement of waterborne contaminants through the wells is also possible. A local seasonal decline of ground-water levels re- sults from the concentration of pumpage in a small area (secs. 4, 5, and 7—10, T. 2 N., R. 33 E.). Pump- age has gradually increased because of the growth of the population and the use of ground water for irri- gation. Local declines are suflicient to require deep- ening of individual wells; as pumpage continues to increase, the problem will become more extensive areally. Flow of the Warm Springs River Studies on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation by Antonius Laenen and J. H. Robison showed that the Warm Springs River receives nearly all of its base flow from highly permeable young volcanic rocks in the Cascade Range. Little additional flow is gained after the river emerges from the mountain front onto the plateau formed on poorly permeable Tertiary rocks. Seepage measurements during a base-flow period showed that springs abruptly in- creased discharge of the river from 0.14 m3/s to 1.9 m3/s in one reach of less than 0.5 km. Base flow of Lincoln County streams Measurements made by Antonius Laenen and F. J. Frank ,showed that base flows are low for streams . along the coast of Lincoln County. Variations in the WATER~RE SOURCE INVESTIGATIONS base flows and the yields of well-s are directly related to local geology. The following table shows relative base flows of streams in several geologic units deter- mined from a series of measurements made during September 1972: Base flow Geologic unit Aye (m3 5’1 km-2) Tyee Formation (Sandstone) __middle Eocene 0.0005 to 0.002 Marine terrace deposits _______ Pliocene 0.0010 to 0.009 Siletz River Volcanics ________ early and middle Eocene 0.0050 to 0.007 Sand dunes _________________ Quaternary 0.0060 to 0.016 During a higher base-flow period in August 1974, flows were measured in the Yachats River basin in southern Lincoln County. In that area, base flows from Eocene marine siltstones and sandstones were low (about 0.003 m3 s—1 km”). The highest‘base flows, in streams along the contact between thema- rine sediments and Eocene basalts, were about 0.008 m3 s—1 km—z. Base flows from the basalts were slight- ly less, about 0.007 m3 s—1 km—z. Diamond Lake inflow streams Streams flowing into Diamond Lake show marked- ly different flow characteristics that reflect differ- ences in the geology of their drainage areas. An evaluation by D. D. Harris of inflow to the lake for the 1972 and 1973 water years showed that runoff was exceptionally high in 1972 and very low in 1973. Long-term records for nearby streams indicate that runoff in 1972 was the second highest and in 1973 was the third lowest in more than 30 yr. Silent Creek, the largest contributor to the lake, flows into the southern end of the lake from the water-retentive pumice-covered area on the slopes of ancient Mount Mazama north of Crater Lake. The mean flow of Silent Creek in the 1972 water year was 1.02 m3/s, with a maximum daily flow of 1.44 m3/s and a minimum daily flow of 0.91 m3/s. In 1973, the mean flow was 0.93 m3/s or 92 percent of the 1972 mean flow. The maximum daily flow in the 1973 wa- ter year was 1.13 m3/s, and the minimum daily flow was 0.82 m3/s. The .second largest contributing stream is Short Creek, which also drains the pumice- covered area to the south and had average discharges of 0.40 m3/s and 0.34 m3/s in the 1972 and 1973 water years, respectively. The 1973 flow was 86 percent of the 1972 flow. In contrast to the steadily flowing streams from the pumice-covered areas, streams that drain the area of less water retentive, older igneous rocks east and west of the lake have large variations in flow. The combined average discharge from these areas was 0.22 m3/s in the 197 2 water year compared with 115 0.008 m3/s in 1973, only 4 percent of the 1972 flow. Mean monthly flows during the 2 yr varied from 0.71 m3/s to no flow. WASHINGTON Seismic profile lines in the Spokane area According to H. H. Tanaka, results of seismic ob- servations along four profile lines in the Spokane and Little Spokane River valleys indicate that the crys- talline and metamorphic bedrock underlying the un- consolidated gravel aquifer ranges in depth from less than 90 m to more than 360 m. A north—south profile line 3 km west of the Washington-Idaho border shows a V-shaped valley with bedrock 390 m deep about 1.6 km north of the Spokane River, between secs. 2 and 3, T. 25 N., R. 35 E. A northeast-south- west profile from the base of Five Mile Prairie across the Spokane River indicates that bedrock is over 270 m deep 300 m east of the river in sec. 28, T. 26 N., R. 42 E. An east—west profile in the Hillyard area shows bedrock about 240 m deep between seCs. 20 and 21, T. 26 N., R. 43 E. A northeast-southwest profile line in the Little Spokane River valley shows that bed- rock is less than 90 m deep beneath the river in sec. :3, T. 26 N., R. 42 E. Information from the seismic survey will be used to analyze the quantitative ground-water flow in the Spokane area. SPECIAL WATER-RESOURCE PROGRAMS SALINE WATER Houston Ship Channel identified as source of saline water entering the Chicot aquifer in the Houston, Texas, area Large ground-water withdrawals from the Chicot aquifer in the area of the Houston Ship Channel have caused artesian water-level declines of as much as 107 m, and saline water is now leaking into the aqui- fer from surface-water bodies. Results of water- quality studies by D. G. Jorgensen indicated that the Houston Ship Channel is the main source of saline water entering the aquifer and that simple disper- sion (water mixing) is the main chemical—transport agent. A preliminary analysis of the data indicates that, although the ship channel is a source of con- tamination, saltwater intrusion has not yet caused a significant deterioration of water quality in the aquifer. Freshwater-saltwater interface on Cape Cod, Massachusetts M. H. Frimpter, J. H. Guswa, and C. J. Londquist reported that two groups of observation wells were 116 drilled during the initial phases of a program de- signed to locate and monitor the transition zone be- tween freshwater and saltwater on Cape Cod. In Wellfleet, wells were drilled in sand approxi- mately 150 m from the high—tide line of Cape Cod Bay at depths of 9, 14, 21, and 29 m. The chloride concentrations in water samples collected from these wells were 58, 93, 8,100, and 11,000 mg/l, respective- ly, these values indicating that at this site the fresh- water lens is about 15 m thick. At Head of the Meadow in Truro, the wells were drilled approximately 150 m from the high-tide line of the Atlantic Ocean but less than 30 m from the edge of a salt marsh. At depths of 5, 12, 19, and 27 m, the chloride concentrations in water samples were 8,600, 4,500, 240, and 2,300 mg/l, respectively. The pattern of chloride concentration is evidence of the existence of the edge of a freshwater lens that is being recharged with brackish water from the tidal marsh. Similar conditions were observed in shallow wells, less than 2 m deep, in two tidal marshes. Seawater intrusion in Dade County, Florida Continuing studies of seawater intrusion by J. E. Hull and D. J. McKenzie (1974) indicated landward movement of the salt front during 1974 to within 1.4 km of the Miami-Dade well field in Miami Springs and into the well field at Homestead Air Force Base. Saltwater-freshwater mapping, West Virginia Structure contour maps of the upper surface of saline ground water in West Virginia show areas in which saline water occurs at shallower than normal depths. The “shallow” saline water occurs both nat- urally and artificially through upward migration re- sulting from man’s activities. In stream and river valleys, saline water moves upward along faults or fracture zones from the connate brines that are pres- ent at depth. Oil and gas wells that were not properly cased or that have been abandoned and not adequate- ly plugged have provided avenues for upward move- ment of saline water. Other occurrences of saline water at shallow depths are associated with subsur— face disposal of brines from oil separators and the reduction in the freshwater head in valleys by the dewatering of permeable zones under adjacent hills where there are coal mines. J. B. Foster has been checking geophysical well logs and brine well data in an effort to differentiate areas of naturally occurring “shallow” saline water from areas that have been contaminated by industrial activities. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 DATA COORDINATION, ACQUISITION, AND STORAGE OFFICE OF WATER-DATA COORDINATION Water-data coordination activities continued dur- ing the year with special emphasis on field coordina- tion of data-acquisition activities, development of recommended methods for water-data acquisition, and preparation of hydrologic unit maps of the Na- tion. Closely related activities included implementa- tion of river-quality assessment activities and the level I accounting network and further work on the design of NAWDEX. The ninth meeting of the Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data was held on October 22, 1974, in Res-ton. Members of the non-Federal Ad— visory Committee on Water Data for Public Use were invited to attend this meeting. The “Summary of Plans for Acquisition of Water Data by Federal Agencies, Fiscal Year 1976,” re- leased in June 1975, contains a digest of plans for water-data acquisition in each of the 21 regions designated by the Water Resources Council (WRC) and information on activities of national scope as reported by officials at headquarters level. Activities covered during this field coordination cycle included specific plans on long-term stations for surface-water stage, flow, and quality and for ground-water quality and general information on other water-data needs. The field coordination activity planned for fiscal year 1977 was initiated in May 1975 to cover the same activities and to update the “Catalog of Information on Water Data.” The 1974 edition of the catalog, pre- pared in 21 separate volumes corresponding to the water-data acquisition activities in the 21 regions, reflected activities as of January 1, 1974, for those stations being operated for a period of 3 yr or more. The new edition will contain a cross-reference list to tie the coding system (map number and letter used on the catalog station-location maps) to the new eight-digit hydrologic unit codes used on the State Hydrologic Unit Maps. The new State Hydrologic Unit Maps will replace the 1:1,000,000-sca1e station- location maps previously published (latest edition, 1972) in conjunction with the catalog. The new series of USGS base maps, “State Hydro- logic Unit Maps,” prepared by the Office of Water Data Coordination in cooperation with the WRC, re— ceived the approval of the National Programs and Assessments Committee of the WRC. The first 27 of the 1:500,000-scale maps were published and are be- WATER-RESOURCE ing sold by the USGS. The remaining 26 maps are expected to be published early in 1976. The Coordinating Council for Water-Data Acquisi- tion Methods, established in 1974 with A. 1. Johnson as methods coordinator, held three meetings during the year. Sixteen agencies are now represented on the council, which met in October 197 4 and February and June 1975 to plan and discuss participation of the working groups involved in developing the hand- book of “Recommended Methods for Water-Data Ac- quisition,” advise the working groups on their recom- mendations, and approve the outlines of the 10 chap- ters submitted by the groups. Ten working groups were established by the council to expand the hand- book into 10 chapters covering (1) surface water, ‘(2) ground water, (3) sediment, (4) biologic and bacteriologic quality of surface and ground water, (5) chemical, inorganic and organic, and physical quality of surface and ground water, (6) soil mois- ture, (7) basin characteristics, (8) evaporation and transpiration, (9) snow and ice, and (10) hydrome- teorological observations. The groups held their ini- tial meetings in Washington, DC, from January 13 to 24, 1975; 120 participants represented 21 Federal agencies. The working groups met for 3 d of sessions and elected chairmen and Vice-chairmen for their respective groups, prepared preliminary chapter out- lines, assigned various tasks to the members, and prepared recommendations for action by the Coordi- nating Council. Non-Federal involvement in the rec- ommended-methods activity was initiated by organ- izing the Ad Hoc Working Group on Recommended Methods, made up of nine members from the Ad- visory Committee on Water Data for Public Use. This group held meetings in February and May 1975, with the result that over 100 non-Federal experts and agencies were asked to review the detailed chap- ter outlines for the new handbook of “Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition.” The second 1-yr NAWDEX contract with Planning Research Corporation was completed in May 1975 and included the following: (1) Definition of the for- mat and contents of a Master Water-Data Index and the procedures for its implementation, (2) develop- ment of a memorandum of understanding for partici- pants, (3) identification of sources of water-related data, and (4) preparation of an operations manual for the system. In addition to the completion of con— tractual efl’orts, limited access to the data file of the National Water Data Storage and Retrieval System (WATSTORE) was made available to other Federal agencies and major non-Federal cooperators as of INVESTIGATIONS 117 June 1, 197 5. This access is initially restricted to the Station Header File and the Daily Values File of the WATSTORE system. A user’s manual containing a detailed description of the WATSTORE files and complete instructions for access to the files was also developed and made available to all users of the system. WATER-DATA STORAGE SYSTEM The USGS users a digital computer to process, store, retrieve, and display water-resource data. The computer is also used with water-resource studies that require capabilities in statistical and analytical techniques, graphical display and map presentation of data, and mathematical modeling of hydrologic systems. The computer system consists of a central computer located in Reston, Va., and remote terminal facilities located in 45 States. Data on daily discharge, collected by the USGS and cooperating Federal and State agencies at about 10,000 regular streamfiow stations, are stored on magnetic tape. The volume of data holdings is'equiv- alent to about 280,000 station years of record. More than 78 percent of all streamflow data collected un- der this program are covered. The data are stored in discrete units containing figures for daily water discharge for each gaging station and for each year of record; thus, the data are compatible with a varie- ty of statistical programs for analysis on the basis of calendar years, water years, climatic years, or any other desired period. An automated system for storage and retrieval of surface-water-quality data has been in use since 1959. All data collected since then, plus selected long- term historical records, have been entered into the system. The system contains the following types of data: (1) Chemical and physical analyses of surface water, (2) suspended sediment, (3) water tempera- ture, (4) specific conductance, and (5) multi-item data collected by digital monitors. A new automated system for storage and retrieval of ground-water data has been introduced. The Ground-Water Site Inventory data base operates under a proprietary data-base management system that allows data retrieval on the basis of the values of about 30 key parameters. Information in the new file includes data on location, physical characteristics, construction history, geohydrology, aquifer charac- teristics, field quality determinations, water levels, and water withdrawals for wells, springs, or other sources of ground water. By the end of June 1975, records of about 100,000 wells and springs had been 118 converted from the older punch—card format and en- tered into the new system. URBAN WATER PROGRAM During.1975, the USGS continued its program of hydrologic investigations in urban areas. A. F. Pen- dleton, Jr., reported that 225 active projects were directly related to urban water problems, and many others were indirectly related to urban problems. The 225 projects represent about 20 percent of the total water-resouroe-investigation projects in prog- ress during the year. URBAN WATER-RESOURCE STUDIES Alaska . G. O. Balding reported that a project is underway to develop ground-water resources in Mendenhall Valley for the city and borough of Juneau. In order to delineate the physical, chemical, and hydrologic properties of the aquifer, a 61-m-deep test well is being drilled in the glacial-o-utwash deposit-s in the valley. Drilling is being done by cable-tool methods, and cutting samples are being collected every 1.5 m or less. The well has been drilled to a depth of 26 m with 1.2 m of screen exposed between depths of 23.8 and 25.0 m in a zone of coarse sand and pea gravel. Observation wells have been drilled at distances of 30 to 46 m from the test well. Chemical analyses indi- cate a calcium bicarbonate type of water with low dissolved-solids concentrations (less than 100 mg/l) and dissolved-iron concentrations ranging from 40 to 1,100 ,ig/l. According to C. E. Sloan, both surface and ground water are locally abundant in the area between Cop- per Center and Summit Lake. Surface-water flow ap- proaches zero during the winter months in all streams except major rivers such as the Tazlina and the Gulkana. Turbidity affects water quality in glaci- al lakes and streams during the high summer-flow period. Color is high in sluggish streams, such as Sourdough and Haggard Creeks, that drain exten- sive muskeg or swampy areas. Most surface water is of a dilute calcium bicarbonate type, low in dissolved solids and usually clear. Summit and Paxson Lakes also contain dilute calcium-bicarbonate-type water that is very clear except in places near the major in- flow areas, which temporarily increase in turbidity. Both lakes are thermally stratified by late summer, but they are near saturation with respect to DO throughout the water column during the entire year. Ground-water quality is poor in the central part of GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 the Copper River basin, particularly in the vicinity of Glennallen, owing to high salinity and hardness. L. L. Dearborn, Chester Zenone, and D. E. Don- aldson reported significant results of their hydrologic studies at Anchorage. According to Dearborn, rapid residential growth in the Hillside area southeast of metropolitan Anchorage may cause depletion of aqui- fers and pollution of ground water as a result of extensive development of small-lot tracts. Ground- water yields are low and may even be inadequate for single-family requirements in some parts of the area. The low permeability of surficial glacial sediments limits the efficient operation of septic-tank systems in this unsewered residential area. Zenone concluded that the cumulative effect of reclamation of muskeg (swamp) terrain, installation of municipal sewers, and residential and commercial development prac- tices have altered hydrologic-budget factors and caused declining water levels in Sand Lake, an urban lake in the Anchorage area. Donaldson reported that urban-area runoff into Sand Lake from melting snow and ice in March 1974 contained the following con- centrations of toxic metals: 20,000 ,ug/l of Fe, 600 Mg/l of Pb, and 40 ,ug/l of Cu. These concentrations greatly exceed the background levels of those consti- tuents in the lake itself. Water-availability studies in the Anchorage area, where a rapidly growing population is creating in- creased water demands, continued under the direc- tion of G. S. Anderson. Artificial-recharge experi- ments have proved the feasibility of increasing po- tentiometric. heads locally near production wells to augment their yields. Analyses of aquifer test data in the southern part of Anchorage indicate that a production well there would be capable of yielding 3.8 to 5.7 million litres per day. G. W. Freethey reported that water supplies needed for expansion of fish-rearing facilities along the lower reaches of Ship Creek can probably be provided through the conjunctive use of water from the stream itself and the underflow in the alluvium adjacent to the stream channel. Florida An urban-hydrology study of the Tampa Bay re- gion began in April 1974. Information collected as part of the study will provide a current data base on the quantity and quality of precipitation and stream- flow for small urban watersheds under various types of development. Data that are synthesized by the use of urban watershed models will enhance planning and management evaluations and facilitate decisions re- WATER-RE SOURCE INVESTIGATIONS garding proposed future development and water- management alternatives. G. E. Seaburn reported that current work activi- ties include the planning and installation of data net- works and the compilation of data describing water- shed characteristics. Streamflow and rainfall instru- ments have been installed in 10 basins. Studies are underway to determine the feasibility of supplement- ing rainfall data with available radar imagery and to evaluate the use of automatic water-quality sam- pling equipment and continuous water-quality moni- tors to collect data on the chemical quality of rainfall and runoff. If currently available equipment does not prove reliable, samples will be hand collected at each stream site during storm periods. L. V. Causey, R. B. Stone, and M. I. Backer pre- pared 18 maps (1124,000 scale) that show geohydro- logic information needed for urban land-use plan- ning for an area of about 780 km? in the southwest- ern portion of Duval County. Recharge occurs in about 60 percent of the area; the water table is with- in 1.5 m of land surface in about 90 percent of the area; the potentiometric surface of the Floridan aquifer ranges-from less than 7.6 m to about 18 m above sea level; land surface ranges from near sea level to 31 m; and artesian wells will flow in about 35 percent of the area. Drainage maps show basin divides, drainage areas, gaging sites, and the direc- tion of surface runoff. Maryla nd W. F. White and E. G. Otton reported that con- cern over adequate domestic ground-water supplies and safe underground disposal of domestic sewage efl‘luent in the Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D.C., areas has resulted in the preparation of a series of environmental geohydrologic maps at a 124,000 scale. These maps, beginning with the White ~Marsh, Md., 71/2-Inin quadrangle prepared by Otton (1974), show areal geology, location of wells and springs, depth to water table, availability of ground-water supplies, and geohydrologic constraints on under- ground sewage disposal. The maps should be useful to local government agencies, engineers, planners, and members of the general public who are con- cerned about problems of water supply and sewage disposal in urban areas without public utilities. Minnesota D. C. Larson, S. P. Larson, and R. F. Norvitch used a variation of Darcy’s law to determine the relative distribution of steady-state leakage downward to the Prairie du Chien-Jordon aquifer, the major aquifer 119 in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Available data and estimates of vertical hydraulic conductivity for geologic units indicate that major leakage to the aquifer occurs in formation subcrop areas, especially where these areas are overlain by the most perme- able glacial drift. The relative distribution of addi- tional leakage downward to the aquifer, resulting from increased pumpage during the summer, was also determined. Calculations indicate that 10 to 20 percent of the increased summer pumpage is derived from increased leakage. The remainder is probably from captured natural discharge and induced re- charge from major streams within the influence of summer cones of depression. URBAN RUNOFF AND FLOODS Kansas A flood-insurance study for Wichita was recently completed by D. B. Richards and C. O. Peek for the Federal Insurance Administration of HUD. Results of the study include (1) water—surface profiles of the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-yr floods, (2) water-surface contours of the 100-yr flood, (3). flOOd-hazard factors, and (4) the location of regulatory floodway bound- aries (the 100-yr flood is the regulatory flood). The index-flood method was selected for the study to determine the flood-frequency discharges (Qm) for ungaged stream sites and for varying degrees of urbanization (as measured by the percentage of the drainage area having an impervious surface) for the city of Wichita. The index flood is the 2-yr flood (Q2). The basic curve of this method is the ratio of Qm/Q2 (for rural conditions) versus recurrence in- tervals (RI). This curve was calculated after con- sideration of (1) statewide flood-frequency analyses and reports (including channel geometry), (2) ap- plication of the RAREVENT computer program (Carrigan, 1973), (3) analyses of flood-frequency results from basins in central Kansas with 30 or more years of homogeneous flood records, and (4) other published flood—frequency results. Regression analysis of the 2- and 100-yr floods pro- duced the generalized relationships for Q2 and. Q10.) discharges in cubic metres per second. The function- al relationships betWeen the Qm and the contributing drainage area (A) in square kilometres and the per- centage of the basin drainage area covered by ‘im- pervious surface (%I) are: Q2=2.77 (A)0.60 (%I) 0.26 QIOO = 15-70 (A) 0'64 (701) 0'17 These results support conclusions from previous in- vestigations, namely, that urbanization significantly 120 increases the magnitude of the 2-yr flood (two or three times) but has less effect on high-magnitude floods. New Jersey S. J. Stankowski (1974) developed a rapid and in- expensive technique for estimating flood-peak mag- nitudes having selected recurrence intervals ranging from 2 to 100 yr for drainage basins in New Jersey larger than 2.59 km2 with various degrees of exist- ing or projected urban and suburban development. Four parameters are required for use of the method. Three of these—basin size, channel slope, and sur- face storage within the basin—can be measured from topographic maps. The fourth is an index of man- made impervious cover that can be determined for existing and future development conditions from census data and population projections that are readily available from regional, State, and local plan- ning agencies. This index is based on correlations be- tween population density and the proportions of land area in each of six urban and suburban land-use categories found in 567 New Jersey municipalities with population densities ranging from less than 40 persons/km2 to over 15,000 persons/km? By weight- ing the proportions of land use with average per- centages of manmade impervious cover found in cor- responding land-use categories, a relation was de— veloped between population density and the propor- tion of manmade impervious cover resulting from different degrees of urban and suburban develop- 'ment. Mathematical relationships for estimating peak discharges for selected recurrence intervals were developed from thorough analyses of flood peaks and watershed characteristics for 103 sites in New Jersey. In the analyses, flood characteristics for each site were determined from frequency analysis of the annual flood-peak record and related by multi- ple regression to the characteristics of the water- shed. Urban and suburban development is shown to increase flood peaks up to 3 times at the 2-yr recur- rence interval and up to 1.8 times at the 100—yr recur- rence interval as statewide averages. New York D. A. Aronson reported development of a mathe- matical procedure for analyzing the operating char- acteristics of storm-water basins on Long Island. By using finite-difference equations, maximum storage of storm runoff during theoretical high-intensity storms was determined for the typical storm-water basin in Nassau County. Analyses indicate that the test basin would fill to only 30 percent of available GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 storage capacity during a storm having a recurrence interval of 100 yr, given an observed infiltration rate of 0.46 m/h. The apparently large safety factor in- herent in this basin and similar basins on Long Island is due primarily to the fact that contemporan- eous exfiltration (leakage losses) during inflow of runoff is not considered in basin-design criteria. The large unused storage capacity of many storm-water basins makes them well suited for the simultaneous recharge of highly treated waste-water and storm runoff, as long as infiltration rates at the basin walls are not reduced appreciably and waste-water storage is kept to a minimum. Tennessee According to H. C. Wibben, preliminary data indi- cate that urbanization in metropolitan Nashville will increase the magnitude of 2-yr—flood discharges about 30 to 40 percent and the magnitude of 100-yr— flood discharges less than 20 percent. Current de- velopment practices include very few improvements to the natural drainage systems; however, natural channel conveyance is quite good. Soils in Davidson County are thin and relatively impermeable, and rock outcrops are prevalent throughout most of the coun- ty. Consequently, the effects of urbanization upon flood discharges are less pronounced in Davidson County than those indicated by previous studies in other parts of the country. QUALITY OF STORM RUNOFF IN URBAN AREAS Florida C. B. Sherwood, Jr., and H. C. Mattraw, Jr., re- ported that an automatic storm-data collection sys- tem is being used to collect rainfall, flow, and water- quality samples in a small residential area north of Fort Lauderdale. The study location is a moderate- density single-family residential neighborhood with swale drainage. Season, antecedent dry condition, and rainfall influence magnitudes of most water- quality parameters. Total coliform bacteria counts as high as 2 million colonies per 100 ml indicate that storm-water runoff is a major source of surface- water contamination. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OF WASTE DISPOSAL IN URBAN AREAS Alaska Water-quality and lithologic data from test Wells drilled in the city of Anchorage landfill indicate that it is highly unlikely that two nearby municipal wells will be polluted by leachate from the landfill, accord- WATER-RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS ing to L. L. Dearborn and D. E. Donaldson. Solid- waste disposal in this high-water-table area has caused serious localized pollution of shallow (0.6 m) unconfined ground water, but municipal—supply aqui- fers between depths of 55 and 100 m are confined beneath and protected from landfill pollutants by thick, poorly permeable clay-silt deposits. Florida H. J. McCoy and C. B. Sherwood, Jr., reported that shallow wells (Biscayne aquifer) were sampled in the vicinity of a proposed deep-injection well in Fort Lauderdale. A core hole was drilled to obtain detailed lithologic data on the aquifer to a depth of 61 m. Three salinity test wells were drilled to more ac- curately delineate the position of the saltwater front at depth in the Biscayne aquifer. Geohydrologic data on the deep Floridan aquifer were compiled and pro- vided to the cooperator, the city of Fort Lauderdale, for use in preparation of injection-well plans. The city of West Palm Beach, with financial assist— ance from EPA, is constructing a new secondary sewage-treatment plant to handle the increasing amounts of domestic waste water. EPA personnel have advocated disposal of the effluent by deep-well injection. F. W. Meyer and W. A. J. Pitt, Jr., as part of a cooperative program with the city, collected data from a 1,07 Q-m-deep test well, presently under construction, to evaluate the capability of a saline, deep artesian aquifer to accept treated effluent. Quarterly sampling of test wells located in and around the NW. 58th Landfill, Dvade County, con- tinued. Downgradient movement of a wide variety of landfill leachates has been established. J. E. Hull reported that most parameters of environmental con- cern have decreased to near-background concentra- tions within several hundred metres of the original deposition site. New York Results of a study of declining water levels in an 83-km2 sewered area in Nassau County by M. S. Gar- ber and D. J. Sulam showed that ground-water levels in the area have declined an average of 3.6 m relative to a nearby unsewered area to the east. Although sewering did not begin until 1953, water-level fluctua- tions were analyzed by the double-mass—curve tech- nique for the period 1938—72 in order to establish a correlation between sewered and unsewered areas. Pumpage effect was evaluated with a five—layer ana- log model of the Long Island ground-water reservoir. Pumpage in adjacent Queens County accounted for 1.5 m of the 3.6-m decline. The remaining 2.1 m of 121 decline is attributed to sewering. Streamflow in the study area has also declined as a result of lowered ground-water levels. Total storage in the ground- water system for the period 1953—7 2 is estimated to be 1.3x 103 m“. WATER USE Effects of 1974 oil embargo on water use for electric-utility energy production The USGS has published estimates of water use in the United States every fifth year since 1950 (C. R. Murray and E. B. Reeves, 1972). Interim estimates of water used in 1974 for thermoelectric-energy pro- duction (the largest withdrawal use) and hydroelec- tric-power production (a nonwithdrawal use) were made from the US. Federal Power Commission’s (1975) preliminary data for 197 4 power production. Murray noted from the data that, although total electric-utility production in 1974 was about 1.865X 1012 kWh (an increase of 0.5' percent over 1973), power output by fuel-burning plants declined to about 1.565><1012 kWh (1.3 percent less than 1973). An estimated 189 km“ of water was used for thermo- electric-power production in 1973 (Murray, 1974). The 1973 estimate should also be representative for 1974; a 1.3-percent decrease is well within the proba- ble range of error of the water-use estimate. In con- trast, water use for thermoelectric-power production was 33 percent greater in 1970 than in 1965. There- fore, it appears that the 1973—74 oil embargo did strongly affect thermoelectric-power production and water withdrawals. Nuclear fuel was used for about 7.2 percent of the thermoelectric power produced in 1974, a 35-percent increase over 1973. Nuclear powerplants use slightly larger amounts of water for power production than coal-, oil-, or gas-fueled plants. The increased nuclear- fuel use and its attendant larger water use can be ascribed in part to the oil embargo. On the other hand, hydroelectric-power production in 1974, which was about 16 percent of total electric- utility power production, increased 10.5 percent over 1973. The quantity of water used in producing the approximately 0.300>< 1012 kWh of hydroelectric pow- er was estimated to be about 4,600 km3. Repetitive use of this water is evident—the amount used far exceeds the total annual runoff of about 1,650 km3 in the conterminous United States. Use of water for rice irrigation increases in the Grand Prairie area in Arkansas H. N. Halberg reported that the amount of water used for rice irrigation in the Grand Prairie region 122 in Arkansas in 1974 averaged 665.5 mm and that the median value was 632.5 mm, although precipitation during the 1974 growing season was greater than normal. These values exceed the average of 558.8 mm and the median of 553.7 mm determined for 1928, 1929, and the period 1937—40 (Kyle Engler, D. G. Thompson, and R. G. Kazmann, 1945). In the are-a between. Bayou Meto and the Arkansas River, the amount of water used for rice irrigation averaged 952.5 mm, and the median value was 858.5 mm in 1974. Water supply and demand in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area R. F. Norvitch reported that per capita use of both surface water and ground water in the Minneapolis- St; Paul, Minn., metropolitan area increased from 2401/d in 1900 to 680 l/d in 1970. Total surface-water use in 1970 (exclusive of thermoelectric-power use) was 5.81 mR/s, whereas total ground-water use was 8.98 m“/s. Future demand on both water sources by the year 2000 is estimated at 26.2 m3/s, or about 760 l/d per person. Total average streamflow, gaged near Where the three major streams enter the metropolitan area, is about 232 m“/s; however, during times of extremely low flow, there is not enough water available to fully satisfy all demands. About 43.8 m3/s of ground water can be obtained by increasing pumpage in both the Prairie de Chien-Jordan and the Mount Simon-Hinck- Iey aquifers. This water would partially compensate for surface-water shortages during extended low- flow periods. Use of water from public supplies in southwestern Pennsylvania The jurisdictional and developmental complexities of providing water service to municipal areas are graphically illustrated in a 1:125,000—sca1e map by R. M. Beall (1974) . The map shows areas serviced by water-supply agencies within the 11,650-km2 six- county greater Pittsburgh region in southwestern Pennsylvania. Selected data for the 153 systems mapped show that more than half serve fewer than 1,000 residential customers; only 11 systems serve more than 10,000 residential customers. Residential water use within the 11 largest systems accounts for 37 percent of the water used; the remainder is dis- tributed among commercial, industrial, and other customers and bulk sales and systems losses. Data collected during the study show that the proportion of .water used by the several classes of customers varies widely among systems. The total estimated average water use in 1973 by all listed systems was GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 about 1,400,000 m3/d. Privately supplied domestic, commercial, industrial, and institutional systems, which used water at perhaps 10 times the rate of public systems, were not included in the assessment. COORDINATE WATER-QUALITY PROGRAMS Significant advances have been made in the imple- mentation of the National Stream Quality Account- ing Network (NASQAN), part of the level I ac- counting element of the National Water Data Net- work. J. F. Ficke reported that, during the 1975 fiscal year, 245 stations were added to NASQAN, this addition bringing the network to a total of 345 stations, 66 percent of the ultimate design size of 525 stations. T. D. Steele, E. J. Gilroy, and R. O. Hawkinson (1974) analyzed temperature and chem- ical-quality data from 88 NASQAN stations and detected significant long-term changes in tempera- ture at 15 of 80 stations and significant changes in dissolved-solids content at 15 of 88 stations. Accord- ing to R. J. Pickering, NASQAN is designed to report annually on the quality of the Nation’s sur- face water and to give an accounting of water disp charge and loads of selected constituents for each of the 330 river-basin accounting units. Stations are now operating in each of the accounting units. De- tails of NASQAN design are described in a report by Ficke and Hawkinson (197 5). During fiscal year 1975, the National Pesticide Water Monitoring Program, a subnetwork of NAS- QAN operated cooperatively by the USGS and EPA, was fully implemented to include quarterly sampling of water and bottom sediment at 153 NASQAN sta- tions by district personnel of the USGS Water Re- sources Division. Each sample was analyzed for about 20 different pesticide compounds by Han Tai and his staff at EPA’s pesticide laboratory at Bay St. Louis, Miss. Since 1967, the USGS has operated a Hydrologic Bench—Mark Network designed to provide continu- ing uniform data on streamflow and water quality in more than 50 small stream basins that are ex- pected to remain in their present natural condition. In a study of water-quality data for bench-mark sta- tions, J. E. Biesecker and D. K. Leifeste (1975) reported that, although natural water quality gen- erally is very good, a sample from Bear Den Creek near Mandaree, N. Dak., contained 3,420 mg/l dis- solved solids. This high concentration in the “nat- ural”,environment illustrates the difi‘iculty of dis- tinguishing between manmade pollution and natural water quality and indicates that natural processes WATER—RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS can be principal agents in modifying the environ- ment. Biesecker and Leifeste also observed Wide- spread but very low-level occurrence of pesticide residues in the natural environment. On the other hand, of 642 analyses for minor metals, about 65 percent were below the level of detectability. The dissolved-solids content and the relative abundance of the major chemical constituents clearly reflected the type of rock underlying the stream basin. As part of a continuing activity to provide statis- tical techniques for data analyses and evaluation of water-quality networks, T. D. Steele (1974) further developed and documented a harmonic—analysis tech- nique for depicting the seasonal variability of stream temperatures; his computer program contains op- tions for assessing the effects of reduced sampling schedules on annual stream-temperature depiction and for analyzing the serial dependenceof continu- ous records and harmonic residuals. T. D. Steele and T. R. Dyar (1974) reported on the application of this technique to temperature data for streams in Georgia. Nonparametric tests were used by S. P. Larson, W. B. Mann IV, and T. D. Steele (USGS) and R. H. Susag (Twin Cities Metropolitan Sewer Board) ( 1974) to statistically determine significant long-term trends and make various graphic depic- tions of water-quality records for the Minneapolis- St. Paul, Minn., metropolitan area. Steele has also demonstrated the utility of a bivariate-regression model for taking advantage of correlated inorganic chemical-quality variables by using several foreign data sets. The intensive river-quality assessment of the Willamette River basin in Oregon continued with the assistance of the ad hoc Working Group on River Quality Assessment of the USGS Advisory Com- mittee on Water Data for Public Use; the field work for the Willamette River study was completed dur- ing the year. River quality in two additional river basins—the Chattahoochee River basin in‘Georgia and Alabama and the Yampa River basin in Colorado and Wyoming—is being intensively studied. In 1975, the Central Laboratory System (com- posed of the Doraville, Ga., Salt Lake City, Utah, Albany, N.Y., and Denver, Colo., facilities) analyzed some 100,000 water-quality samples. About 1.2 mil- lion individual tests were performed, an increase of 50 percent over the number performed in 1974. The increase in sample analyses resulted from new en- ergy studies and from other expanded district and Federal program activities. Federal programs pro- duce about 15 percent of the total sample load for _ the Laboratory System, and district needs contribute 123 85 percent. The Central Laboratory System has the analytical capability to routinely perform about 400 different tests on water, sediments, and biota. INTERNATIONAL HYDROLOGICAL DECADE, 1965—1974 The 10-yr program of cooperative international studies in scientific hydrology, known as the Inter- national Hydrological Decade (IHD), drew to a close on December 31, 1974. However, the United States, together with many of the approximately 100 other countries participating in the IHD program, will continue its studies as part of the International Hydrological Program (IHP), which will be spon- sored by UNESCO. Following a recommendation of the Panel on Post- Decade Procedures of the US. National Committee for the IHD, the USGS.~was given the responsibility for the guidance and operational direction of the IHP. A secretariat for US IHP activities will be established in the Office of International Activities of the Water Resources Division at the USGS Na- tional Center in Reston, Va. During the year, USGS scientists continued their participation in the IHD program. The network of 82 river stations that observe and record streamflow, chemical quality, and suspended-sediment load was maintained. This network provides a general index of the discharge of surface water and of the dis- charge of dissolved and suspended material from the continent to the oceans. Collection of hydrologic data also was continued at 23 lake and reservoir stations and at 34 selected observation wells; these stations provided information on water-level fluctuations and on the chemical quality of lake, reservoir, and ground water. Hydrologic bench. marks established early in the decade provide continuing information at 46 locali- ties throughout the country on natural hydrologic conditions largely removed from man’s activities. Measurements of the tritium content of water in the 20 principal rivers in the United States and of the tritium in precipitation at 16 localities are being used to evaluate the efi’ect-s of precipitation on the chemical character of inland waters. Observations at all of these stations will be con- tinued as part of the United States effort in the IHP. During the year, USGS hydrologists participated in international meetings of working groups, inter- country exchange of experts, discussions of selected activities chosen for particular years, and hydrologic research at selected areas in the United States where 124 the results are expected to have international inter- est or application. I. J. Winograd participated in the International Symposium on the Hydrology of Volcanic Rocks, March 4—8, 1974, on Lanzarote, Canary Islands, sponsored by UNESCO, the United Nations Develop- ment Program, and the Spanish Government. E. L. Hendricks served as one of the vice-chairmen at the ninth and final session of the Coordinating Council for the IHD at UNESCO House in Paris, August 29—30, 1974. Hendricks also was Chief of the US. delegation to the End-of-Decade Conference on the Results of the IHD and on Future Programs in Hydrology, also held at UNESCO House from September 2—14, 1974. R. L. Nace (1974) and J. S. Cragwall, Jr., partici— pated in the conference as members of the US. dele- gation. During the conference, the Tercentenary of Scien- tific Hydrology was celebrated September 9—12, 1974. Nace presented a report, “General Evolution of the Concept of the Hydrological Cycle.” During the End-of-Decade Conference, two sym- posia were sponsored by the International Associa- tion of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). H. P. Guy, R. F. Hadley, and R. H. Meade, J r., presented reports at the Symposium on Effects of Man on Erosion and Sedimentation, and H. H. Barnes, Jr., and G. F. Smoot presented reports at the Symposium on Flash Floods. Barnes also served as a reporter at the ses- sions. Nace continued his IHD activities as a member of the Working Group on Water Balances. During the year, he contributed some minor revisions and addi- tions to the compendium report on the world water balance. R. E. Oltman and A. 1. Johnson participated in the IAHS Bureau meeting held in Paris during the End-of—Decade Conference. Johnson acted as US. coordinator for the Tercentenary of Scientific Hy- drology and its symposia. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 R. L. Cory continued water-quality monitoring and studies of the epifauna in the South, Rhode, and West Rivers, small estuarine tributaries on the west- ern side of Chesapeake Bay in Anne Arundel County, Md. E. J. Pluhowski continued related studies on radiation balances in the same estuaries. G. H. Davis served as Chairman of the UNESCO IHD Working Group on Ground-Water Studies until the IHD ended in December 1974. Davis was also a member of the Working Group on the Application of Nuclear Techniques in Hydrology and served with W. S. Keys and F. J. Pearson, Jr., of the US. Na- tional Committee for the IHD. G. C. Taylor, J r., was appointed to the IHP Panel . of Editors for the “Guidebook on Ground-Water Studies.” The two IHD programs on snow and ice continued under the direction of M. F. Meier until the end of the IHD. Reports on the ice and water balances of Gulkana, Wolverine, South Cascade, and Maclure Glaciers for the 1967 water year were prepared, and a streamlined program for the publication of data for subsequent years was designed by R. M. Krim- meI, L. R. Mayo, and W. V. Tangborn. An inventory of the multitude of small glaciers and tiny masses of perennial ice in California is being completed by Austin Post (USGS) and W. H. Raub (San Jose State College). G. L. Faulkner participated in the bilateral US.- Yugoslavia Seminar on Karst Hydrology and Water Resources, held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 2—7, 1975, and presented a report titled “Flow Analysis of Karst Systems with Well-Developed Underground Circulation.” R. F. Hadley, chairman of the US. National Com- mittee for the IHD Work Group on Representative and Experimental Basins, assisted in the preparation of a final report of the group’s activities; he sum- marized accomplishments of the small-basin hydrol- ogy programs in the United States during the IHD. MARINE GEOLOGY AND COASTAL HYDROLOGY INVESTIGATIONS MARINE AND COASTAL GEOLOGY The continental margins are an important poten- tial source of the fuel and raw mineral resources required by our growing and increasingly urbanized population. Knowledge of the geology, mineral re- sources, geologic processes, and environmental rela- tionships of the coastal zones, the adjacent shelves, and the deep ocean is urgently needed to solve the problems generated by the increased and often com- petitive demands placed on the resources of these regions. The USGS is continuing its diversified geologic investigations in the marine environment surround- ing the Nation. Studies are being conducted in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, and Alaskan con- tinental margins and in the Caribbean Sea. Partici- pation in the International Decade for Ocean Ex- ploration and the DSDP has extended these studies to the deep ocean as well. Many of the investigations involve cooperative arrangements with other Fed- eral agencies, State governmental agencies, univer- sities, oceanographic institutions, and international organizations. Results of the past year’s research programs in marine and coastal geology are sum- marized below. ATLANTIC CONTINENTAL MARGIN SHELF GEOPHYSICAL, STRUCTURAL, AND RESOURCE STUDIES In the past 3 yr, J. C. Behrecndt and J. S. Schlee obtained multichannel (24 and 48) common-depth- point seismic profiles from the coast to a 4500-m water depth between Georges Bank and Florida. The surveys show a thick section of presumed Mesozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary rock beneath Georges Bank andthe Baltimore Canyon Trough ofl’ Delaware and New Jersey; this rock has seismic velocities of 5 km/s in its lower part. These velocities, typical of carbonates, were interpreted in previous seismic refraction studies as being those of crystalline base- ment rocks. The new seismic data do not support the existence of the basement ridge postulated to exist beneath the Outer Continental Shelf off Maryland but do correlate with a platform 6 km beneath the outer shelf off New Jersey. The platform is inferred to be an Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous car- bonate horizon or reef, and weak reflectors are ob- served beneath it. Along the outer shelf off Georges Bank, the seismic data suggest an irregular ridge at a depth of 3 km that may be associated with the intersection of a fracture zone (New England sea- mounts) and the continental margin. Profiles across Georges Bank east of New England show up to 8 km of sediments of probable Mesozoic and Cenozoic age in the ridgeabounded basin. Sea- ward of the ridge, beneath the lower continental slope and rise, about 4 to 5 km of sediment of pre- sumably the same age overlie oceanic basement. The northeasterly trending Baltimore Canyon Trough thickens to over 12 km seaward of New Jersey, Dela- ware, and Maryland but is broadly warped by an igneous intrusion to the north. Off Maryland, the sedimentary accumulation is a wedge that thickens in a seaward direction and appears to be faulted beneath the continental slope; this section of the rise and lower slope is thicker (6 to 7 km) than that off New England. The sedimentary wedge and trough north of Cape Hatteras are interpreted to have formed after rifting of North America and Africa. SHELF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES H. J. Knebel estimated the within-station variance to show which of 31 variables are likely to be effec- tive indicators of textural differences within the Baltimore Canyon Trough area on the Atlantic Con- tinental Shelf. The variables that are most diagnos- tic of differences between stations are the percent: ages of gravel and sand, median and mean phi sizes, skewness, kuttosis, and percentages of coarse, medi- um, and fine sand. Some of the 1Alpphi-sized fractions within the sand range cannot define areal trends effectively. The textural variability within the Balti- more Canyon Trough area reflects the reworked and sorted sediments that cover this part of the shelf and that differ from the more gradational sediments that 125 126 overlie areas like the Continental Shelf off Washing- ton State. The magnitude of the withinastation vari- ance is not only important geologically, but it also has environmental and legal ramifications for any study that characterizes shelf areas with economic potential. GULF OF MEXICO AND CARIBBEAN CONTINENTAL MARGIN GEOPHYSICAL, STRUCTURAL, AND RESOURCE STUDIES Salt structures and petroleum migration in the Gulf of Mexico R. G. Martin, J r., studying the continental margin of the northern and western Gulf of Mexico, found it composed of thick transgressive and regressive sec- tions of Tertiary and Quaternary classic sediments deposited in offlapping wedges over mainly carbon- ates of Cretaceous age. Large volumes of salt be- neath these deposits have played an important role in the morphological development of the gulf basin. In the northern gulf, salt masses and shale ridges have pierced and uplifted the sedimentary prism from DeSoto Canyon‘to northern Mexico and from the coastal plain to the foot of the continental slope. These diapirs end abruptly along the Sigsbee and Rio Grande Escarpments. Salt domes beneath the northern gulf margin can be grouped into morphological belts. Deep-seated salt chimneys dot the inner shelf and adjacent coastal plain, broad isolated salt stocks characterize the middle shelf region, and broad semicontinuous diapiric uplifts associated with shale masses domi- nate the outer shelf and upper slope. Virtually the entire continental slope from the Mississippi fan to northeastern Mexico is underlain by massive salt structures that interconnect at relatively shallow subbottom depths. Salt structures on the middle slope appear as very broad flat-topped steep-flanked mas- sifs; structures under the lower slope are large pillowlike swells between broad sedimentary basins in shallow depressions in the salt mass. The grouping of salt structures by relief, size, and shape in the northern gulf region defines belts of decreasing diapiric maturity fro-m the coastal plain to the foot of the continental slope. The least mature features in the cycle of salt tectonism in the northern gulf are the Sigsbee Escarpment south of Texas and Louisiana and the Rio Grande Escarpment to the west. They represent the fronts of an advancing salt “wave” that is responding to the load of sediments accumulated in the gulf coast geosyncline. C. W. Holmes analyzed samples from 330-m drill holes on the Outer Continental Shelf and upper con- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 tinental slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Sediments from these features show significant mineralogical and chemical variations, although the similarity of sedi- ment types suggests constant sedimentation at least since Pliocene time. In the sediments over the salt intrusions on the outer shelf, t e abundance of ex- panded clays (17 A) com-pare with that of the nonexpanded material (10 A) decreases with depth. Correspondingly, the cation exchange capacity and total organic content decrease with depth. These trends were not detected in the sediments away from salt structures. The chemistry of the “pore water” and trace metals adsorbed on the clay material re- veals that a diffusion gradient has become estab- lished. The driving forces appear to be heat diffu- sion from the salt masses plus the migration of the extracted water from the collapsing clay minerals. These reactions have significant effects on the trace- metal content and the anthropogenic mineral compo- sition of the sediments; they also appear to be im- portant in hydrocarbon migration. Caribbean tectonic map Compilation of a preliminary geologic-tectonic map of the Caribbean region was nearly completed during 1974 by J. E. Case. Analysis of the combined onshore-offshore data provides a generalized chron- ology for many of the younger deformed belts of the region. Neogene to Holocene fold belts extend (1) from the southern margin of the eastern Cayman Trench through Hispaniola and along the southern borderland of Puerto Rico to Anegada Passage; (2) along the Venezuelan-Colombian borderland into the Sinu-Atlantico basin of Colombia; (3) along the northern Panama borderland into the Limon basin of Costa Rica and Panama; and (4) east of the Lesser Antillean are from Anegada Passage to the delta of the Rio Orinoco. “Laramide” folds of the Yucatan Peninsula and northern Guatemala extend offshore along the Yucatan borderland to northern Cuba and probably eastward to the Virgin Islands. “Laramide” deformation of northern South America can be traced eastward to at least Tobago and prob- ' ably to Barbados. For the most part, the interior Yucatan, Colombian, and Venezuelan basins have been tectonically stable during Neogene to Holocene time. Modern uplift of Antillean arc The most recent tectonic movement on the north- ern Antillean island arc appears to be a differential axial uplift, at least in the Mona Passage area, be- tween Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. The MARINE GEOLOGY AND COASTAL HYDROLOGY INVESTIGATIONS Isla de Mona lies in the middle of the passage but south of the east-striking tectonic axis. A modern sea-level nip is strongly developed on all the lime- stone clifl‘s of the island, as well as on its neighbor Monito, and small remnants of a fossil-elevated nip are preserved‘in the cliffs at scattered localities. Careful measurement of the height of the fossil nip by J. V. A. Trumbull (USGS) and R. W. Rodriquez (Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources) demonstrates an upward tilt toward the north of the island during the unknown but clearly short time between the formation of the two nips. The tilt gradient at the island is 0.4 m/km, and linear pro- jection north to the tectonic axis gives an uplift there of 24 m. N 0 time base with which to measure the tilt rate has been established. However, most talus blocks show a fully developed modern nip; hence, formation of the nip must be rapid. The rate of cliff spalling is unknown. COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Submarine valleys off Puerto Rico Numerous uniformly developed submarine valleys indent most of the insular slope along the northern coast of Puerto Rico. J. V. A. Trumbull and Jose Muniz (USGS) and R. W. Rodriguez (Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources) found that each present-day river mouth on the northern coast has a corresponding submarine valley but that there are many more submarine valleys than river mouths. These “extra” submarine valleys are located off known or highly plausible former locations of river mouths and may be a direct guide to previously un- known locations of former river mouths. This new information, when fully studied, will contributeto the knowledge of the geomorphic history of Puerto Rico. Mercury in Matagorda Bay, Texas C. W. Holmes found that the mercury content in the sediments of the Matagorda Bay system was anomously high in certain regions. These mercury- rich sediments accumulated because of tidal currents in the major channels of the bay and the general sedimentological regime of the bay. In this system, the tidal currents remobilized the mercury through a combination of biochemical and physical factors and thus reintroduced the mercury into the estuarine circulation in a region where the turbidity maximum was most prevalent. As a result, the mercury-rich sediments accumulated in the upper reaches of the bay. 127 PACIFIC CONTINENTAL MARGIN Geophysical computer-processing equipment D. H. Tompkins was engaged in designing a marine-integrated data acquisition and processing system (MIDAP) to be used in exploring the geol- ogy and geophysics of the Outer Continental Shelf and adjoining deep-sea areas off the Western United States. The system will be located aboard the USGS RV Samuel P. Lee and will construct the geologic structure of these offshore regions from measure- ments of the Earth’s magnetic and gravitational fields, deep-penetration multichannel seismic reflec- tion profiles, bathymetry, and high-resolution pro— files of the upper hundred metres of sea floor. Since the MIDAP system will provide real-time processing of these data types,‘ on-board scientific personnel will be able to interact With the processing and receive graphical representations of processed data as required. MIDAP is intended to provide the scientist increased field flexibility by producing a controlled real-time look at his data While the ship is underway. GEOPHYSICAL, STRUCTURAL, AND RESOURCE STUDIES Southern California borderland 0n the basis of recent geophysical and sampling cruises in the California continental borderland, J. G. Vedder, J. C. Taylor, and G. W. Moore compiled new maps that show the distribution of rocks by age. Of particular interest are the pre-Miocene rocks, Which include basement rocks of probable pre—middle Cretaceous age and marine strata that have been paleontologic‘ally dated by R. E. Arnal and J. D. Bukry as middle Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, Eocene, and Oligocene. The basement rocks consist of diverse types that show no detectable regional zonation and include zeolite-bearing wacke and argillite, blueschist, greenschist, amphibolite, pyrox- enite, serpentinite, and saussuritized gabbro. Strata older than early Miocene have not been found in depositional contact on exposed basement ridges. Miocene strata in the region south of the northern island group seem to be limited to the Santa Rosa- Cortes Ridge and the San Nicolas and Santa Cruz basins, where subsurface interpretations on sparker records have been made by Arne J unger and H. C. Wagner. Upper Albian to lower Turonian claystone has been cored from the unnamed ridge that forms the southwestern. flank of Tanner basin, and Upper Cretaceous siltstone is present on the knoll 25 km west of San Nicolas Island. Eocene strata probably 128 are confined to the area encompassed by the Santa Rosa-Cortes Ridge and the Santai Cruz-San Nicolas basin systems. Marine claystone of Oligocene age is present at Cortes and Tanner Banks and directly south of Santa Rosa Island, but correlative non- marine beds, which are widespread on the mainland, have not been found in the borderland. Paleogeographic reconstructions of Paleogene strata by D. G. Howell suggested large—scale post- Eocene lateral dislocations in the borderland and adjacent areas. However, the apparent lack of re- gional zonation in the metamorphic rocks precludes interpretive restoration of the basement terranes to their pre—Tertiary positions until more work is done. Central California The large shelf basins off the central California coast, including the Santa Maria, Santa Cruz, Outer Santa Cruz, Bodega, and Point Arena basins, orig- inated in the late middle Miocene, according to oil- company drilling results reported by Hoskins and Griffiths (1971). E. A. Silver determined that this timing coincides with a change in the direction of motion between the Pacific and American plates from about N. 22° W. earlier than 10 my. to N. 38° W. between 10 and 5 my and N. 37° W. later than 5 my. These changes predict extensional movement across earlier, more northerly trending boundary faults; seismic reflection studies show that faults along the edge of major basins have this same trend. The reported synchroneity in the ages of formation of these shelf basins is explained more easily by a regional tectonic event related to changing plate mo- tions than by local events or time-progressive tec- tonics such as migrating triple junctions. H. G. Greene and J. C. Ingle, Jr., found that ben- thic foraminiferal assemblages of rocks dredged from Monterey Bay represent greater depths than their present occurrence; this discovery suggests a late Pliocene-early Pleistocene uplift within the cen- ter of the bay. Pleistocene megainvertebrate and microinvertebrate fauna collected in this region and analyzed by W. O. Addicott and J. C. Ingle, J r., sug- gested a Pleistocene paleoclimate much cooler than today’s and marine water conditions similar to those of the present Bering Sea. Washington Geologic mapping by P. D. Snavely, J r., and J. E. Pearl, supported by paleontological studies of foraminifera by W. W. Rau, progressed on the so- called Tertiary core rocks of the Olympic Mountains in northwestern Washington. These strata record GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 two major orogenic events that may reflect con- vergence between the Juan de Fuca and American lithe-spheric plates. The earliest period of inferred underthrusting involved middle and middle upper Eocene deep-water turbidites and siltstone, which are intensely deformed and cut by landward-dipping thrust faults. This assemblage is represented by mélange, composed of sheared middle Eocene silt- stone with exotic blocks of lower Eocene basalt, large infolded blocks of turbidite sandstone, and broken formations. The first compressional tectonic event was followed by regional subsidence and un- conformable deposition of deep-water marine silt- stone and sandstone (of latest Eocene to middle Mio- cene age) on newly formed lower Tertiary “orogenic crust.” In late middle Miocene, renewed underthrust- ing along the plate boundary is inferred to have reoccurred, and the upper Eocene to middle Miocene strata were strongly deformed by the second episode of compressional folding and thrusting. In offshore basins, these structurally complex middle Tertiary sedimentary rocks are unconform- ably overlain by uppermost Miocene and Pliocene siltstone and sandstone, which are gently folded except where they have been penetrated by shale diapirs. COASTAL ENVIRON MENTAL STUDIES San Francisco Bay D. H. Peterson, T. J. Conomos, W. W. Broenkow, and E. P. Scrivani, utilizing dissolved silica as a tracer of seasonal nonconservative processes in the San Francisco Bay estuary, found that physical (conservative) processes have a strong influence on nonconservative distributions. For example, the effects of time-dependent phytoplankton processes are partly controlled by the physically controlled variations in water residence time. River discharge provides a seasonal modulation of residence time in the estuary. Estuarine circulation imposes a spatial variance. Thus, it seems that both of these factors should be considered in developing mathematical models of processes that relate to the distribution of nonconservative properties such as phytoplankton. D. H. Peterson and T. J. Conomos found that the lack of long-term current velocity and salinity field observations representative Of a variety of spatial, tidal, wind, and river discharge condition-s is the major difficulty in quantifying physical processes influencing the nontidal circulation in San Francisco Bay. One of the more detailed surveys (State of California, 1955) is located along one cross-channel MARINE GEOLOGY AND COASTAL HYDROLOGY INVESTIGATIONS section near the head of the estuary (null zone). The data include near-hourly current velocity and salinity observations taken over a 2-week period at 14 stations and 2 depths and therefore provide an opportunity to estimate the tidal and nontidal con- tributions to the freshwater and salt flux. As expected, preliminary results indicate that the salt flux is dominated by processes of tidal periodic- ity. Nontidal contributions associated with the in- fluence of the density current were found to be negligible because these currents are weak (ap- proach zero) in the null zone. Results not anticipated were that the mean sea- ward water flux attributed to the compensation cur- rent for landward transport by the tidal wave was large, equivalent to a river current produced by a freshwater discharge of 170 to 230 m/s. For com- parison, the freshwater discharge during this period, estimated from river hydrograph data, varied from 130 to 250 m/s. These river hydrograph data showed almost no relation to the freshwater discharge varia- tions estimated from the cross-channel survey data. From this anomalous behavior, it appears that non- tidal currents near the null zone are not dominated directly by river flow during low river discharge conditions. Oregon-Washington H. E. Clifton observed on a variety of coasts—the open coast of southern Oregon, the southeastern coast of Spain, the eastern coast of Florida, and sandy beaches in Willapa Bay, Wash.,——that a con- sistent pattern of sand bed forms develops in re- sponse to shoaling waves. The pattern can be illus- trated by a model controlled by four variables: maximum orbital water velocity at the sea floor, asymmetry of this orbital velocity, wave period, and sediment grain size. Ripples and megaripples con- sistently tend to be asymmetric Where the landward component of orbital velocity exceeds the seaward component by 5 cm s“; Where the difference in velocity is less than 1 cm s“, structures consistently tend to be symmetric. Within the symmetric ripple field, the size of the ripples depends directly on the orbital diameter of the water motion if the ratio of orbital diameter to grain diameter is less than 1,000 and directly on grain size if this ratio exceeds 5,000. The size of symmetric ripples is gradational from the largest to the smallest ripples. In contrast, the size of asymmetric ripples may increase abruptly as velocity increases, similar to changes in size of structures produced by unidirectional flow. Asym- metric ripples migrate in the direction of wave 129 propagations, whereas symmetric ripples may re- main in place as long as the generating waves do not change significantly. Both symmetric and asym— metric bed forms convert to a flat bed as sheet flow develops at higher orbital velocities. The relation- ships within the model provide a means of interpret- ing ancient wave-worked sediment and identifying active processes in the present-day marine environ- ment. ALASKA-ARCTIC CONTINENTAL MARGIN GEOPHYSICAL, STRUCTURAL, AND RESOURCE STUDIES Gulf of Alaska Preliminary interpretation of deep geophysical data in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska by T. R. Bruns and R. E. von Huene indicated that the area is structurally complex and consists of several areas with markedly differing structural styles. Complex- ity appears to increase from east to west. Between Cross Sound and Icy Bay, there is only one structural high, the Fairweather ground, a large shelf-edge arch that roughly parallels the coast. De- formed rocks, probably of Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary age, crop out in the core of the arch. The rest of the area is underlain by a broad basin whose- axis lies near the coast. Between Icy Bay and Kayak Island, the shelf is underlain by two types of struc- tures. The first type is a series of asymmetric linear folds Whose axes trend northeast obliquely across the shelf. These structures are apparently less com- plex than those on the adjacent land areas, although some of the offshore anticlines are bounded on the southeast by northwest-dipping overthrust faults. The second type is a large shelf-edge arch between Kayak Island and the Bering Trough. Its axis strikes parallel to the coast and has a very gentle surface dip. Between this arch and the coast is a broad downwarp as much as 95 km Wide, perhaps contain— ing some local unwarped areas. The shelf between Kayak and Middleton Islands includes a broad zone of complex structures trending northeast, subparallel to these two islands and to the Aleutian Trench. Structural highs tend to be asym- metric and bounded by thrust faults on their south- eastern limbs. Uplift and deformation are greater than those of the Icy Bay structural trend features. The crests of many of the highs appear to be eroded and truncated, and thus complexly deformed Ter- tiary rocks are exposed at the sea floor. Northwest of Middleton Island, there are two large northwest- trending structural highs separated by a deep basin. These structures, which have trends divergent from 130 those of Icy Bay and Kayak and Middleton Islands, show severe deformation on the flanks, and no struc- ture is resolvable within their cores.‘ Middleton Island lies on the northwestern flank of a large northeast-trending anticline and appears to be sep- arated from the northwest-trending structures by a relatively deep‘ basin. Shoreward of the Kayak- Middleton structural zone, acoustic basement ap- pears to be high, and structure is not well defined by the marine data. This area includes much of the Hinchinbrook Seavalley, the Tarr Bank, and the Copper River Delta. Sound penetration on the seismic reflection pro- files is generally less than 1 s (one-way time) and is probably only within rocks of late Miocene age and younger. Like the adjacent onshore geology, the deeper structure offshore may be markedly more complex than near-surface structure. Bering Sea D. W. Scholl studied seismic reflection records col- lected by the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office and found a number of strong reflectors of “bright spots” Within the sedimentary section of the northern Aleu- tian Basin in the Bering Sea. The bright spots and the anomalous deformed structures beneath them may be indicative of significant hydrocarbon de- posits. A. K. Cooper interpreted the magnetic data in the Bering Sea basin and noted a series of north-south oceanic-type magnetic anomalies. These anomalies have been provisionally dated as 117 to 132 my. in age; the crust from which the anomalies originate is thought to be the “trapped” Kula plate, which for- merly collided with eastern Siberia and the eastern Bering Sea margin during the Mesozoic. M. S. Marlow and D. W. Scholl, utilizing recon- naissance geophysical surveys of the eastern Bering Sea margin, recognized geologic basins and three geologic ridges beneath the shelf. The Mesozoic fold- belt of southern Alaska has been traced from the Alaska‘ Peninsula through the shelf to eastern Siberia. Beneath the shelf, two of the largest basins, Navarin and St. George, contain an estimated 8 to 10 km of Upper Cretaceous( ?) and Cenozoic strata. The basin fill is extensionally deformed along the flanks of these grabens and half grabens by high- angle normal “growth-type” faults. Within the sedi- mentary section, there is a divergence or disconform- ity of probable Miocene age. This basinward-dipping divergence may represent a major change in sedi- mentation rates over the shelf as a result of a change in the drainage of the Yukon River from the Pacific GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 to the Bering Sea. The basin fill and the thick sedi- mentary section beneath the shelf are immediate petroleum prospects. COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Turnagain Arm A. T. Ovenshine, S. R. Bar-tsch-Winkler, N. R. O’Brien, and D. E. Lawson have accumulated evi- dence that Turnagain Arm, a 70-km-long estuary near Anchorage, Alaska, is flood dominant with re- spect to its longeterm sedimentation budget. The principal results leading to this conclusion are: 1. The sand that fills most of the arm includes sig- nificant quantities of mineral (andalusite, staurolite, garnet, biotite, muscovite, and chlor- ite) and rock (pumice and coal) fragments that could not have come from the bedrock sur- rounding Turnagain Arm. These probably were derived from the drainage basin of the Susitna River and have been transported by tidal cur- rents across Knik Arm and the upper Cook Inlet into Turnagain Arm. 2. Clast size and imbrication directions of gravel exposed on Girdwood Bar in 1974 indicate the predominance of eastward transport toward the head of the arm. 3. A transgressive deposit of intertidal sediment has formed at Portage in response to subsidence caused by the Alaskan earthquake of March 27, 1964. Mineral and rock fragments in the deposit indicate that its source was seaward in Turnagain Arm and not in the streams that flow from the surrounding mountains into the Portage area. The flood-dominant character is environmentally significant in wetland management in the upper Cook Inlet area; there seems to be a high probability that a portion of any solid or liquid wastes dis- charged into Cook Inlet near Anchorage would be driven by tidal currents into Turnagain Arm. SHELF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Beaufort Sea Erk Reimnitz and P. W. Barnes utilized LAND- SAT—l and NOAA satellite imagery to make a sea- sonal study of the shear zone between the shore fast ice covering the inner shelf and the pack ice on the Arctic Ocean. The midwinter shear line marks the seaward boundary of the relatively undisturbed fast ice and forms between the 10- and 20-m depth con- tours along the northern coast of Alaska; its location MARINE GEOLOGY AND COASTAL HYDROLOGY INVESTIGATIONS appears to be controlled by bathymetry and coastal configuration. The intensely deformed “shear zone” forms seaward of this shear ‘line and contains a dense pattern of major pressure ridges. This shear zone intermittently shifts position when the ice moves westward at approximately 5 km/d. Major pressure ridges form during such movements, and their keels may extend to the sea floor and plough the bottom. Eventually, the pressure ridges become so firmly grounded that the ice in the shear zone resists further deformation; these winter conditions cause (1) a seaward extension of the fast ice up to 20 to 25 km along relatively straight stretches of coastline and (2) formation of new shear lines fur- ther seaward. Monitoring several periods of ice de- formation shows that the ice along the active shear line is moving at similar or even faster rates than the ice seaward of the Continental Shelf. Ice Within the 20- to 25-km-wide zone remains in place well into the period of general sea-ice breakup during the following summer, apparently because of the exist- ence of firmly grounded pressure ridges in this zone. Bottom surveys‘made after the sea-ice breakup delineate (1) a dense pattern of sea-floor gouges produced by ice in the zone of major pressure ridges on the central shelf and (2) a remarkably smooth bottom landward of the midwinter shear line (Reimnitz and Barnes, 1974). Box cores fro-m the shear zone show that sediments are intensely mixed (Barnes and Reimnitz, 1974). Close inshore, the seasonal fast ice at the end of the winter is relatively undisturbed, even where it comes in contact with the beaches. After ice melt, the beach face shows little evidence of ice deforma- tion, except at shoreline promontories. Because the energy of sea-floor processes is concentrated seaward of 10 m depth, and not within the surf zone as it is on lower latitude shelves, offshore construction and shipping face formidable environmental problems off the northern coast of Alaska. Barnes and Reimnitz found that rivers flood prior to the melting and breakup of the sea ice along the Beaufort Sea coast of Alaska. This flooding causes a freshwater overflow (1 m or more in depth) onto the sea ice in the vicinity of river mouths. The flood- waters carry very little sediment because the initial melting involves only the snow overlying the frozen soils and sediments. As the water drains through strudel in the ice canopy offshore, the bottom is extensively scoured. As the season progresses, the ice immediately offshore from the deltas melts owing to the influx of warmer river waters. Very little of this freshwater is mixed with the seawater, and a 131 large freshwater reservoir results. The weak ocean currents, the small tidal range, and the presence of the ice cover nearby reduce mixing. Examination of LANDSAT imagery indicates that the rivers of the North Slope overflow in sequence from southeast to northwest, apparently in response to the variance of solar insolation at different lati- tudes. Flooding of the sea ice by the Sa‘gavanirktok River apparently began May 23, 1973, and still had not reached its maximum extent 5 d later. During the period of LANDSAT observation, the area of inundated sea ice increased from approximately 18 to 48 ka. If the area were covered to an average depth of 0.75 m, this volume would represent a freshwater lake on the sea‘ice of at least 32X106 m3, disregarding drainage and subsequent river flow. Chukchi Sea Side-scan sonar and high-resolution seismic pro— filing equipment together with underway sampling were used by Arthur Grantz to detail morphology and associated sediment types in the eastern Chukchi Sea. Detailed survey tracks were made around Cape Lisburne, between Point Franklin and Point Barrow, and along the northwestern perimeter of a newly discovered grounded ice mass approximately 180 km northwest of Point Barrow. Along each track line, sediment samples were collected by using grabs, gravity cores, and underway samplers. The sedi- mentological data were then correlated with sono- graphs taken over the sample site. The sonographs revealed extensive regions of ice scouring that was associated frequently with sand-wave ribbons or fields. Large sand-wave fields, apparent current fur- rows, and localized sharp sediment boundaries also were observed. Bering Sea C. H. Nelson found that Holocene sediments from the Yukon River form thin deposits (tens of centi- metres) in parts of central Norton Sound and form thick deposits (several metres) off the present sub- delta and around the margins of Norton Sound. These deposits typically contain thin horizons of shells and pebbles and also thin sand interbeds that, are flat laminated, low-angle cross laminated, and ripple marked. The coarser grained interbeds are interpreted to be lag deposits of storm waves and associated storm-surge currents that have reworked the shallow sea floor of Norton Sound (£20 m deep) and have carried the finer grained resuspended sedi- ment northward from the Bering Sea. 132 Well-preserved sedimentary structures are present only in the shallowest water near the fringe of the present Yukon subdelta; there the frequency of formation of lag deposits is greatest, and low salinity may inhibit benthic fauna] activity. Elsewhere in the northeastern Bering Sea, bioturbation has de- stroyed most wave— and current-formed sedimentary structures. The distribution of sediments off western Alaska has important implications for the interpretation of ancient epicontinental shelf sediments. Some parts of an epicontinental shelf—«for example, Bristol Bay—may exhibit classical gradation fro-m coarse to fine deposits offshore. Other parts, like the Chirikov basin, may display a complex mosaic of gravel, sand, and mud lenses unrelated to shoreline sources. Sedi- ment thickness, like sediment grain size, may show no relation to source. Thick accumulations of H010- cene sediment, apparently from the Yukon River, cover extensive areas of the Chukchi Sea north of nondepositional areas in the Bering Sea; only thin accumulations occur in some places close to the present delta. Transgressive sand and gravel layers may be extremely thin over large regions like margins of the Chirikov basin. Offshore epicontinen- tal shelf sediments in a low-energy region like the northern Bering Sea may lack preserved physical sedimentary structures, except in areas where un- usual conditions inhibit faunal activity. Gulf of Alaska Study of high-resolution seismic profiles in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska by B. F. Molnia and P. R. Carlson indicated that at least four distinct sediment types are exposed on the sea floor: (1) Undeformed Holocene sediments, (2) deformed Holocene sediments, (3) Quaternary morainal ma- terials, and (4) tilted, folded, and lithified Tertiary and Pleistocene deposits. The stratigraphic relation between the four sediment types varies from locality to locality; not all types are present in each area. The ages of the four types are unknown and may vary over the study area. Tertiary or Pleistocene deposits that may be the Yakataga, Poul Creek, or Katalla Formations crop out on Tarr Bank, the Middleton Island and Kayak Island platforms, and the Pamplona Sea Ridge and in the area south of Yakataga. Morainal materials compose the surficial sediment near Yakutat Bay, Icy Bay, and Bering Glacier. Holocene sediments mantle the remainder of the shelf area, the maxi- mum sediment thickness approaching 300 m near the Copper River; these thick deposits commonly GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 show slump structures that may be seismically in- duced. West of Kayak Island, the Copper River is the primary source of Holocene sediment. Interpretation Of seismic profiles and LANDSAT imagery indicates that Copper River sediment is supplied to Prince William Sound through the Hinchinbrook entrance, the Hawkins Island Cutoff, and the Orca Inlet and spreads eastward toward Controller Bay. In addi- tion, some Copper River sediment bypasses Tarr Bank and is deposited on the Outer Continental Shelf. East of Kayak Island, the major sediment sources are streams draining the larger ice fieids, notably the Malaspina and Bering Glaciers. Trans- port of bottom and suspended sediment is predomi- nantly westward. GENERAL OCEANIC AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Project FAMOUS For the French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Study (FAMOUS), J. G. Moore participated in 6 of 13 dives made by the submerisble Alvin to the rift-valley floor of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 36° N. Project FAMOUS also included dives by the French submersibles Archimede and Cyana. The typical dive was to a depth of 2600 to 2800 m, traversed a dis- tance of 700 m on the bottom, occupied four stations Where rock, water, and sediment samples were taken, and took several hundred photographs from external and internal cameras. Studies made from the sub- mersibles showed that the rift-valley floor is ex- tremely rugged. Collection and mapping of pillowed basaltic lava flows suggested that the age of the lava appeared to increase systematically outward from a 1-km-wide zone at the rift-valley axis. The entire rift-valley floor is cut by a system of cracks and faults that are about parallel to the axis and that increase in width and throw outwards. The width of the cracks ranges from a few centimetres to 10 m. Deep Sea Drilling Program M. A. Lanphere and G. B. Dalrymple determined K-Ar ages on basalts from three Pacific Ocean sites drilled on legs 33 and 34 of the DSDP. The age of crystallization of basalt is 91.2i2.7 my in hole 315A from the Fanning Island volcanic edifice in the Line Islands. Previously, scientists from leg 33 sug- gested that paleontologic evidence and sedimenta- tion-rate extrapolation for sites 315 and 316 indicate that volcanism ceased at about the same time be- tween 79 and 85 my. ago at all three sites. They thus concluded that the Line Islands were approxi- MARINE GEOLOGY AND COASTAL HYDROLOGY INVESTIGATIONS mately coeval and were not formed by movement of the Pacific plate over a mantle “hotspot.” Lanphere and Dalrymple believe that only the volcanism at site 315 is precisely dated. The basalt at the bottom of hole 165 has not been dated; because of poor core recovery and uncertainty in the location of fossil zones within the core, the age of basalt based on sedimentation-rate extrapolation is ambiguous. The minimum age of the basalt basement in hole 165 could be greater than 100 my. Basalt was not reached in hole 136, but Campanian volcanogenic sediments, which occur at the bottom of the hole, suggest a minimum age of 81 to 83 my. for cessation of volcanism. Thus, there is no evidence at this time that the Line Islands do not become younger from north to south, and the melting spot hypothesis must be retained as a viable working hypothesis for the origin of this linear volcanic feature. The minimum age of the basalt basement in hole 317A, leg 33, from the Manihiki Plateau is 106.0i3.5 m.y., and the estimated crystallization age, based on the relative degree of alteration of whole-rock samples, is approximately 110 to 120 my This esti- mated age is in reasonable agreement with poorly preserved fossils recovered from sediments above the basalt basement from the Bauer deep, a depres- sion between the active East Pacific Rise to the west and the inactive Galapagos Rise to the east. A K-Ar age of >130: 1.5 m.y. from hole 319A, leg 34, was measured on relatively fresh basalt. This age should be close to the age of crystallization. It agrees Within analytical uncertainty with the age of 15:1 my. for the Orbulina datum, which occurs a few metres above the sediment-basalt contact, and with the age of the crust inferred from sea-floor spreading rates. Peru-Ecuador deep.sea biostratigraphy Pliocene and Quaternary phytoplankton assem- blages have been recovered by continuous coring at DSDP sites 157 (2° 8.), 320 (9° 8.), and 321 (12° 8.), all about 350 km west of Ecuador and Peru, and beyond the coastal area of strong present— day upwelling. J. D. Bukry reported that paleoen- vironmental indicator taxa in the phytoplankton as- semblages show that the Quaternary water was warmer than the upper Pliocene water, and the upper Quaternary (Brunhes magnetic epoch) water was especially warm. The cocolith Cocolithus pelagi- cus, indicating cool water, is consistently present in the Pliocene but disappeared locally in the early Quaternary. The silicoflagellate genus Distephanus, indicating cool water, occurs in significant numbers 133 (10 to 25 percent of the total population) only in the Pliocene. In Quaternary assemblages, which are dom- inated by the warm-water genus Dictyocha, Disteph; anus is absent or less than 5 percent. The lowest numbers of Distephcmus are in the youngest silico- flagellate zone, the Dictyocha epiodon Zone, which is correlative with the Brunhes magnetic epoch (approximately 0.0 to 0.7 m.y.). The biogenic sedi- mentation rate in the Pliocene, which is higher than that in the Quaternary, at DSDP 157 probably indi- cates more nutrients and stronger upwelling, which also correlate with cooler surface water. This evi- dence suggests that Quaternary large-scale air-water circulation patterns related to glaciation nearer the poles are associated with less upwelling at these sites off northern South American than they were in the Pliocene. Marine geology from Tahiti to Panama, equatorial Pacific H. E. Cook found that North American strati- graphic principles, as developed by geologic mapping on continents, can be applied to deep-sea sediments. The ability of the DSDP to obtain long cored inter- vals at numerous ocean-basin sites can provide suffi-y cient data for the definition and recognition of rock stratigraphic units (formations). Synthesis of these data into various types of maps and cross sections can help provide a stratigraphic and sedimentologic framework within which our interpretations must lie. This approach brings the Tertiary geologic his- tory of the equatorial Pacific into better focus. This history is complex and is not adequately explained by a simple model of sedimentation in which deposi- tion took place in progressively deeper water as sea- floor spreading moved the sites westward. Paleoequator reconstructions using chronostrati- graphic isopachs support earlier hypotheses that, in the middle Tertiary, the north-northwestward mi- gration of the Pacific plate took a more west-north- westward trend. Data in this study suggest that this change took place sometime in the early to middle Miocene (15 to 25 my. B.P.). Marine geology of Line Islands, equatorial Pacific H. E. Cook found that the po-stvolcanic strati- graphic succession along the Line Islands is divisible into five lithologically distinct units that can be cor- related at least 1,200 km between JOIDES DSDP sites 165, 315, and 316. The uppermost two units are lithologically and stratigraphically correlative to the east with the Clipperton Oceanic Formation, which is recognized as far west as the East Pacific Rise. 134 Downhole induration changes (from ooze to chalk and from chalk to limestone) are not merely a func- tion of burial depth. The degree of cementation in the ooze-chalk-limestone transition may depend more on initial sediment composition and time than on depth of burial. This independence of depth of burial and degree of chalkification is becoming better docu- mented as more drilling is done in deep-sea sedi- ments. The following people contributed to the study of the marine geology of the Line Islands: H. E. Cook and E. D. Jackson (USGS), S. O. Schlanger (Univ. of California, Riverside), A. G. Kaneps, E. L. Win- terer, and R. E. Boyce (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), H. C. Jenkyns (Univ. of Durham), D. A. Johnson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti- tute), K. R. Kelts (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale), E. Martini (Geologisch-Pal'aontologisches Institut), and C. L. McNulty (Univ. of Texas). Results from the leg 33 “hotspot” cruise in the Line Islands and site 165 of leg 17 indicated that flow volcanism ceased on a 1,27 O-km-long segment of the chain between 79 and 85 my. B.P. The similarities of the postflow geological histories of all Line Island sites indicate the following: (1) early to middle Camp‘ani‘an volcanoclastic deposition, (2) Campan- ian to Maestrichtian reef buildups nearby, and (3) Oligocene emergence of atolls atop the ridge. No “hotspot” hypothesis that requires systematic move- ment of the Pacific plate over a fixed melting anom- aly can account for the geochronology of Line Island volcanism. Site 318 on the Tuamotu Ridge revealed that volcanic edifices of the ridge had been built, eroded, and capped by reefs by early Eocene time 50 my. RP. Consequently, the Tuamotu “elbow” is probably older than the Hawaii-Emperor “elbow,” which was recently estimated to be approximately 42 my. old. A thick section of Cretaceous volcano- genic sediments on the Manihiki Plateau contained flecks of native copper and signs of hydrothermal alteration. Submarine sediment gravity flows.—H. E. Cook (USGS), H. C. Jenkyns (Univ. of Durham), and K. R. Kelts (Geological Institute, Zurich) discovered. during coring on leg 33 of the DSDP a Wide variety of Cretaceous to Quaternary submarine sediment gravity-flow deposits along the Line Islands. At cer- tain stratigraphic intervals, these allochthonous de- posits comprised up to 50 percent or more of the section. Texturally, they ranged from beds composed of silt-sized grains to breccias with clasts up to 2X5 cm in cross section. The sandasized debris exhibits a GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 number of primary sedimentary structures, whereas the breccias are massive and often devoid of any internal structures. These sediments, which contain pelagic, volcaniclastic, and shoal-water reefal debris, were derived from three major sources: shallow- marine carbonate complexes along the Line Islands, volcanic terranes in shallow and (or) deeper water, and basinal deep-marine environments. Various mechanisms were probably involved during their transport and deposition. These possibly included a spectrum from viscous, turbulent motion for the graded and laminated sands to plasticoviscous mo- tion (Coulomb viscous or Bingham) of a debris flow type for the massively bedded mud-rich breccias. Diagenesis of limestone.+—H. E. Cook found that, during leg 33 of the DSDPKa 30-m-thick porous dolomite sequence was cored in deep-sea sediments along the Line Islands. In this area, the deep—marine sediments are up to 1,000 m thick and range in age from Santonian to Holocene. They consist of nanno— fossil-foraminiferal oozes, ch‘alks, and limestones with liberally interspersed sediment gravity-flow de- posits derived from upslope basinal and shallow- water carbonate environments. The dolomite occurs 450 m below the sea floor in Eocene sediments, yet well above the Santonian basaltic basement at 900 m. Its textural characteristics and stratigraphic posi- tion strongly suggest that it-represents a dolomitized deep-marine limestone. Details of its origin are not yet known. Under the pro-per geologic setting, porous dolomitized deep-marine sediments could form petro- leum reservoirs. ESTUARINE AND COASTAL HYDROLOGY ATLANTIC COAST Preliminary analyses by F. A. Johnson *of the Edisto and Ashepoo estuaries in South Carolina in- dicated vertically well-mixed conditions at high slack tide. Saltwater was detected about 11 km farther up- stream in the Ashepoo than in the Edisto because of lower flow in the Ashepoo. This effect is expected to be more pronounced during drought conditions. Selected samples indicated good-quality water in both estuaries; no pesticides were detected in the water column, and very little was found in the bot- tom sediments. R. ’L. Cory and J. M. Redding (R. L. Cory, J. M. Redding, and M. M. McCullough, 1974) completed data summaries of 4 yr of physical, chemical, and biological studies in the Rhode River estuary on the MARINE GEOLOGY AND COASTAL HYDROLOGY INVESTIGATIONS western side of the Chesapeake Bay in Anne Arundel County, Md. At a monitor station, water at the 1-m level ranged from 0.7° to 32.6°C, salinity ranged from 1.05 to 14.03 ppt, turbidity ranged from 5 to 80 JTU, DO ranged from 0 to 19.8 mg/l, and pH ranged from 6.8 to 10.1. The maximum water-level range was 1.8 m, with a mean tide range of 0.5 m. Daily estimates of net plant production and night respiration of oxygen were made for an entire year by using DO, temperature, and salinity data from the monitor station. Net oxygen production ranged from 0.1 to 8.6 g m—3 d—l, and nighttime oxygen respiration ranged from 0.1 to 8.2 g m—3 d—l. Mean monthly values of both ranged from a February low of 0.4 to an August high of 4.5 g m—3 d—l; there was no evidence of spring or autumn pulses. Day-to-day variations of both values were large, and a summa- tion of the entire year’s data indicated a balanced system with a net production equal to night respira- tion. The average of the daily pH range at the monitor station for the month of August in the years 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974 shows the effects of Hurricane Agnes (1972) runoff. Values are 0.90, 1.42, 1.00, and 0.98 pH units, respectively; it appears that the Chesapeake Bay’s metabolism decreased after reach- ing 1.42 in 1972. GULF COAST The flow of the Vermilion River in southwestern Louisiana is affected by lunar and (or) wind tides as far upstream as Lafayette, La. (about 72 km upstream from the Gulf of Mexico), according to L. D. Fayard. Data from dye-tracer tests made dur- ing a low-flow period showed no net downstream water movement during two consecutive tide cycles. The river cannot assimilate biodegradable wastes during low-flow periods, and DO levels range from 2.0 to 4.0 mg/l during summer and early fall. G. E. Seaburn and M. E. Jennings used a steady- state digital water-quality model to assist the Florida Department of Pollution Control in making waste- load allocation analyses of several small estuaries on the Florida gulf coast. In applying the model to the analysis of DO, they learned that photosynthesis and respiration by submerged aquatic plants in Crystal River, a spring-fed estuary, are major factors in the oxygen balance of the estuary. In areas of dense submerged plants, DO ranged from less than 3 to more than 10 mg/l over a 24-h period. C. R. Goodwin reported that detailed bottom con- tours of Tampa Bay, Fla., compiled from hydro- 135 graphic and photogrammetric data, are being in- cluded on revised topographic quadrangle sheets of the area. The new maps are experimental and not intended for navigational purposes. They will be of value for engineering, scientific, and recreational purposes. Results of Goodwin’s two-dimensional digital sim- ulation modeling of the hydrodynamics of Tampa Bay have been used by the Corps of Engineers to help define the effects of the proposed deepening of the main ship channel. A recent study showed that a few large elongated islands constructed from dredged material are more effective for inducing beneficial circulation in the bay than many smaller islands; flow can be directed and‘controlled to a much greater degree with larger islands. Goodwin’s proposal to place a one-way tide gate on an existing culvert in a causeway in Old Tampa Bay, Fla., may result in significant water-quality improvement in the region at savings of well over $0.5 million. A previous plan called for construction of a four-lane bridge With a 100-m span. Tests, made in conjunction with the Florida Department of Transportation, showed that 0.34X 106 m3/ d of good- quality water could be induced to flow through the degraded region by installing a tide gate. PACIFIC COAST Parameters of a digital model, developed by W. L. Haushild and E. A. Prych, of the stratified Du- wamish River estuary in Washington include effects due to flow, transport, and individual parameters and constituents such as salinity, temperature, phy- toplankton, BOD, and DO. Model results give phy- toplankton growth rates and peak concentrations that agree with those reported in the literature. The model predicts a maximum decrease of 2 mg/l in the average monthly DO concentration if the dis- charge of secondary treated wastes increases from the 1971 level of 1.05 m3/s to an anticipated rate of 6.31 m3/s. Other study findings show that nutri- ent concentrations in the estuary are high enough not to limit growth of Cyclotella sp. or oval flagel- lates, the summer “bloom” phytoplankton. Also, the net primary productivity of periphyton responds to changes in environmental conditions and nutrient concentrations between the mountainous, valley, and estuarine reaches of the Green and Duwamish Rivers. , Seasonal changes in the relative influence of sedi- ment-transport mechanisms were observed by J. L. Glenn in the intertidal environments of three estu- 136 aries along the Oregon coast. Major changes in transport mechanisms were related to seasonally varying wave climate, tides, and river flows, but other mechanisms were locally important and also varied seasonally. During the relatively dry summer months, sand transport by flotation was Widespread; this mechanism was particularly effective Where burrowing organisms produced accumulations of sediments that protruded above the general level of the surrounding tide flat. Generally, materials trans- ported by flotation moved toward higher parts of tide flats. Rain splash and sheet runoff were the dominant transport mechanisms associated with hard winter rains. These resulted in offshore sedi- ment movement on tide flats located around the estuary margins. On midestuary flats, rain splash and sheet runoff resulted in sediment movements from high areas to adjacent low areas. High winter ground-water levels in supratidal deposits caused extensive seepage and rill development across ad- jacent exposed tidal flats. Although little sediment was observed moving in these rills, the presence of the rills indicates that erosion and offshore sedi- ment movements had occurred. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The effect of salinity variations on exchangeable cations in suspended sediment from the Mattole River and estuary in California was investigated by V. C. Kennedy and R. J. Avanzino. They found that magnesium reached a maximum percentage of the exchangeable cations at about 3 ppt salinity and then decreased with further increase in salinity. Sodium, however, increased steadily with increas ing salinity. These results do not agree with other results given in the literature because of differences in the methods used for eliminating the effects of interstitial saline water. Kennedy and Avanzino ap- plied an interstitial water correction to the concen- trations of exchangeable cations found in the desorb— ing solution, whereas other investigators washed off saline water with distilled water before desorbing and thus shifted the adsorbed cation ratio before the desorption step. The result is that relatively high magnesium and low sodium contents have been pre- viously reported as exchangeable cations on marine sediments. The‘ study by Kennedy and Avanzino shows the reverse to be true. IMANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 0N FEDERAL AND INDMN The Conservation Division is responsible for carrying out the USGS’s role in the management of the mineral and water resources on Federal and Indian lands, including the Outer Continental Shelf; that role includes, in particular, the conservation, evaluation, and development of the leasable mineral resources and waterpower potential of these areas. Primary functions are (1) mapping and evaluation of mineral lands, (2) delineation and preservation of potential public-land reservoir and waterpower sites, (3) promotion of orderly development, con- servation, and proper utilization of mineral re- sources on Federal lands under lease, (4) supervi— sion of mineral operations in a manner that Will assure protection of the environment and the realiza- tion of a fair value from the sale of leases and that will obtain satisfactory royalties on mineral pro- duction, and (5) cooperation with other agencies in the management of Federal mineral and water re- sources. CLASSIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF MINERAL LANDS The organic act creating the USGS gave the Di- rector the responsibility of classifying and evaluat- ing the mineral resources of public-domain lands. There are about 101 million hectares of land for which estimates of the magnitude of leasable min— eral occurrences have been only partly made. Such appraisals are needed to reserve valuable minerals in the event of surface disposal and to assist in de- termining the extent of our mineral resources. Esti- mates are based on data acquired through field map- ping and the study of available geologic reports in addition to spot checks and investigations made in response to the needs of other Government agen- cies. As an aid in this assessment of certain min- erals, guidelines have been prepared setting forth limits of thickness, quality, depth, and extent of a mineral occurrence that are necessary before land is considered to be mineral land. LANDS Classified land As a result of USGS investigations, large areas of Federal land have been formally classified “mineral land.” Mineral-land classification complements the leasing provisions of the several mineral-leasing laws by reserving to the Government, in disposals of public land, the title to such energy resources as coal, oil, gas, oil shale, asphalt, and bituminous rock and such fertilizer and industrial minerals as phos- phate, potash, sodium minerals, and sulfur. These reserved minerals on public lands are sub- ject to development by private industry under the provisions of the Mineral Leasi'ng Act of 1920. All minerals in acquired lands and on the Outer Con- tinental Shelf are subject to development under com- parable acts. Known Geological Structures (KGS) of producing oil and gas fields By the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to grant to any applicant qualified under the act a non- competitive lease to prospect for oil and gas on any part of the mineral estate of the United States that is not within any KGS of a producing oil or gas field. Lands within such known structures are competi- tively leased to the highest bidder. During fiscal year 1975, over 94,344 ha of onshore Federal land were determined to be in KGS’s. Known Geothermal Resources Areas (KG-RA) The Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 provides for development by private industry of federally owned geothermal resources through competitive and non- competitive leasing. During fiscal year 1975, 101,803 ha were included in KGRA’s, and 9,234 ha were classified as valuable prospectively for geothermal resources. A total of $5,588,924 was received for 66,887 ha leased through competitive bidding in 15 lease sales. During fiscal year 1975, 53 noncompetitive leases totaling 36,520 ha were issued. 137 138 Known leasing areas for coal and potassium During fiscal year 1975, six Known Coal Leasing Areas (KCLA) totaling 580,956 ha were defined in North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. An addition of 26,981 ha was made to the known potash leasing area in New Mexico. WATERPOWER CLASSIFICATION— PRESERVATION 0F RESERVOIR SITES The objective of the waterpower-classification program is to identify, evaluate, and segregate from disposal or adverse use all reservoir sites on public lands that have significant potential for future de- velopment. Such sites are an increasingly scarce and valuable natural resource. USGS engineers study maps, photographs, and waterflow records to dis- cover potential damsites and reservoirs. Topo—' graphic, engineering, and geologic studies are made of selected sites to determine if the potential value is sufficient to warrant formal classification of any Federal land within the site. Such resource studies provide land-administering agencies with informa- tion basic to management decisions on land disposal and multiple use. Previous classifications are re- viewed as new data become available, and, if the land is no longer considered suitable for reservoir development, itvis released for return to the unen— cumbered public domain for other possible disposi- tion. During fiscal year 1975, about 17,000 ha of previously classified lands were released, and the re— view program was carried on in 10 river basins in the Western States and Alaska. There is an increasing trend toward the develop- ment of pumped-storage hydroelectric projects. By using reversible equipment that can serve for both pumping and generating, these developments usual- ly provide peaking capacity at a relatively low unit construction cost. During fiscal year 1975, USGS engineers conducted studies on several of the most favorable pumped-storage sites affecting Federal lands in Idaho and Oregon. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 SUPERVISION 0F MINERAL LEASING Supervision of competitive and noncompetitive leasing activities to develop and recover leasable minerals in deposits on Federal and Indian land-s is a function of the USGS, under delegation from the Secretary of the Interior. It includes (1) geologic and engineering examination of applied-for lands to determine whether a lease or a permit is appro- priately applicable, (2) approval of operating plans, (3) inspection of operations to insure compliance with regulations and approved methods, and (4) verification of production and the collection of royalties. (See table 2.) Before recommending a lease or permit, USGS engineers and geologists consider its possible effects upon the environment. Of major concern are the esthetic value of scenic and historic sites, the preser- vation of fish and wildlife and their breeding areas, and the prevention of land erosion, flooding, air pol- lution, and the release of toxic chemicals and danger- ous materials. Consideration is also given to the amount and kind of mining-land reclamation that will be required. Louisiana and Texas Outer Continental Shelf lease sales for oil and gas Four sales of Federal Outer Continental Shelf leases for oil and gas were held in fiscal year 1975. In sales held in July 1974, October 1974, February 1975, and May 1975, 1,353 tracts comprising 2,807,390 ha were offered for lease. High bids total— ing $1,966,099,135 were accepted for 732,438 ha in 326 tracts. USGS geologists, geophysicis-ts, and engi- neers evaluated each tract offered to insure receipt of fair market value to the Government. COOPERATION WITH OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES The USGS acts as a consultant to other Federal agencies in land-disposal cases. In response to their TABLE 2.—Mineral production, value, and royalty for fiscal year 1975 1 . Gas - - 2 alt Lands (4022.5) cugz‘fisefigs) Gliiiicégids (9:33:35) (33315:) (15353;) Public ____________________________ 22,688,000 30,449,000 1,939,637,000 41,833,000 $1,855,600,000 $196,945,000 Acquired _________________________ 827,000 875,000 14,054,000 685,000 186,671,000 11,755,000 Indian ____________________________ 4,128,000 3,405,000 203,274,000 21,128,000 332,054,000 41,761,000 Military __________________________ 47,000 666,000 81,964,000 ________ 11,548,000 1,852,000 Outer Continental Shelf ____________ 46,156,000 92,686,000 7,839,425,000 1,426,000 3,546,667,000 553,037,000 Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 _____ 272,000 110,000 52,354,000 ________ 14,619,000 1,691 00 Total _____________________ 74,118,000 128,191,000 10,130,708,000 65,072,000 5,947,159,000 807,041, 00 ‘ Estimated in part. 2 All minerals except petroleum products; includes coal, potassium, sodium minerals, and so forth. MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ON FEDERAL AND INDIAN LANDS 139 requests, determinations are made as to the mineral vision that are proposed for sale, exchange, or other character and water-resource development potential disposal. About 15,000 such reports were made dur- of specific tracts of Federal lands under their super- ing fiscal year 1975. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES EXPERIMENTAL GEOPHYSICS HEAT FLOW Geothermal setting of Long Valley caldera Heat-flow and heat-production measurements have been made by A. H. Lachenbruch, J. H. Sass, R. J. Munroe, and T. H. Moses, Jr., in the vicinity of Long Valley 0 to 30 km from the rim of the caldera and up to 30 km on either side of the boundary of the Basin and Range province at the eastern scarp of the Sierra Nevada. The data show no conspicuous effect of the province transition, possibly a small local heat-flow anomaly near the caldera’s eastern rim and a very substantial anomaly near the western rim. Simple heat-conduction models suggest that Long Valley caldera is the surface expression of a deep magmatic system; an upper crustal magma chamber probably could not have sustained molten material throughout the 2-m.y. eruptive history unless it was resupplied with heat from deep crustal magmatic sources. Ther— mal models for the near-normal heat flow at the eastern rim justify speculation that magma beneath the eastern part of the caldera was exhausted during the eruption of the Bishop Tuff 0.7 m.y. ago and that the resurgent dome, which subsequently formed in the west-central caldera, marks the location of a residual chamber more circular in plan. High heat flow indicated by the single measurement near the western rim can be attributed to a simple shallow magma chamber beneath the western caldera or to recent local magmatism along the Sierra frontal fault system. Near-surface hydrothermal regime of Long Valley caldera Temperature measurements in 29 shallow holes (~30 m) drilled by R. E. Lewis in Long Valley cal- dera were interpreted by A. H. Lachenbruch, M. L. Sorey, R. E. Lewis, and J. H. Sass. Temperatures at 5- to 10-m depths can be contoured systematically; they correlate well with the character of the thermal gradient to 30 m. Where the temperature at a depth of 10 m is less than 11°C (group I), the gradients to 140 30 m are practically zero; Where the 10-m tempera- ture is between 11° and 16°C (group II), the gradi- ents are 200° to 400°C/ km and uniform, correspond- ing to conductive heat flows of 4 to 8 HFU. Where the 10-m temperatures exceed 16°C (group III), gradients are larger and irregular with local heat flows to 50 HFU. Thermal considerations suggest that the first group represents hydrologic recharge, the second group a conductive regime to substantial depth, and the third group hydrologic discharge. This interpretation is supported by limited drilling to depths up to 300 m. Regimes in the first group in the peripheral part of the caldera suggest that it is an area of recharge. The hot springs discharge in a fault zone characterized by near-surface regimes in groups II and III; chemical evidence indicates that their source temperature is about 200°C. Evidently, the springs are fed by local fractures; if the background regime is conductive, their source is probably less than 1 km deep. Hydrologic and isotopic data indi- cate that gross circulation in the hydrothermal sys- tem is from west to east and suggest that the hot springs gain their heat in the western part of the caldera. The large amount of heat presently being removed from the caldera by flowing water and the inference that hydrothermal activity was more in- tense in the past support the view that Long Valley has been resupplied frequently with heat from deep magmatic sources throughout its eruptive history. Heat flow at The Geysers. California T. C. Urban (USGS), I. M. Jamieson (Pacific Ener- gy Corporation), and W. H. Diment and J. H. Sass (USGS) (1975) have analyzed temperature profiles in three cased holes close to thermal equilibrium over a known part of The Geysers steam field and in one hole near Cloverdale some 13 km to the west. The linearity of the temperature curves to the maximum depths examined (200 to 1000 m) suggests conduc- tive transport of heat. Moreover, linear extrapola- tion of these temperatures to the depth of “first steam” (where known) yields a temperature close GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES to that of the steam reservoir, which is generally re- garded as about 240°C. It is thus suggested that heat transport is mainly conductive through the whole interval between the surface and the reservoir, at least at this locality. It is also suggested that the reservoir temperature has remained relatively con- stant for thousands of years. Heat flows of greater than 3 “cal/cm2 s for Cloverdale and 9, 11, and 12 iical/cm2 s for the three holes over the known por- tion of the field were estimated. Elementary calcula- tions show that the conductive heat removal in and about the field is very small relative to that of pres- ent steam production but that energy stored above ambient temperature is large with respect to annual steam production. Heat flow on the southern flank of the Snake River rift Rifting in southern Idaho has been active for some time. Holocene volcanism, abundant hot springs, and hot-water wells attest to an anomalous geothermal regime. Preliminary heat flows obtained in this re- gion by T. C. Urban and W. H. Diment (1975) are as high or higher than most in the Basin and Range province to the south. The “reduced” heat flows (those obtained after allowance is made for the radioactive heat production of the igneous rocks) also are high with respect to those in the Basin and Range. The highest values are from holes in the Raft River valley, and they probably reflect hydrothermal convection at depth. Convective heat flow at Yellowstone National Park The estimated heat discharged by chloride-rich thermal waters east of the Continental Divide in Yellowstone National Park was reevaluated by R. O. Fournier, D. E. White, and A. H. Truesdell by means of a chloride inventory method. Flow rates and chloride contents of rivers draining regions of hot- spring activity were measured, and chloride contents and temperatures of deep hot-water aquifers were calculated by using compositions of spring waters. This information provided estimates of the volume of hot-spring water reaching the rivers and the original heat content before adiabatic and conductive cooling. The heat discharged by spring water above 4°C (the mean annual temperature) in the Madison River drainage is 6.4><10S cal/s and in the Yellow- stone River drainage is 4.0X108 cal/s. The Upper, Midway, Lower, and Norris Geyser basins discharge into the Madison‘ River drainage. West Thumb, Mud Volcano, and Mammoth basins discharge into the Yellowstone River drainage. The convective heat flow due to thermal waters within the portion of the Yel- 141 lowstone caldera draining to the east of the Conti- nental Divide (2,313 kmz) is 9.3)(10S cal/s, and the average heat flux is 40 ,ucal/cm‘z s. Oxygen-18 in chert as an indicator of ancient geothermal gradients Irving Friedman analyzed oxygen-isotope abun- dances in diatoms and various forms of chert col- lected by K. J. Murata from Miocene rocks of the Temblor Range, Calif. The analyses suggest that the diatoms grew at 21° to 28°C, the cristobalitic chert formed at about 45°C, and the quartzitic chert formed at 80°C. These temperatures can be trans- lated into geothermal gradients and indicate a low- er heat flow in the Miocene in the Temblor Range (0.75 “cal/cm2 s) compared to the present value of 1.3. Similar analyses of cherts from the Monterey Shale in the Taft area show that the Miocene geo- thermal gradient was normal (heat flow~1.2 heal/ cm2 s) in that area. ROCK MAGNETISM Paleomagnetic intensities of subaerial and submarine basalts S. C. Grommé (USGS) and Michel Prévot (Univ. of Paris) (1975) compiled measurements of the in- tensity of remanent magnetization for 177 subaerial basalt flows ranging in age from historic time to 10 my. and for 204 submarine basalt samples from the North Atlantic basement. No significant difference in mean intensity is observed between subaerial basalts younger than 700,000 yr and older, normally mag- netized basalts, and, after partial demagnetization in 200 Oe, no difference is seen between historic basalts and older basalts of either polarity. Grommé and Prévot conclude that (1) no significant decay in the intensity of remanent magnetization in subaerial basalt occurs for several million years after eruption and (2) no large increase of the geomagnetic field intensity occurred during the Brunhes normal polari- ty epoch and, hence, such an increase cannot be the cause of the larger amplitude of the axial magnetic anomaly over midocean ridges. For oceanic basalts, the mean intensity of magnetization decreases by about two-thirds from the bottom of the median val- ley to the flanks of the ridge. This diminution is com- parable to the parallel decrease in amplitude of mag- netic anomalies and results from low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite. Magnetism in deep-sea basalts of the Nazca plate, eastern Pacific Ocean Magnetic properties of basaltic basement rocks from the Nazca plate that were obtained on leg 34 of 142 the DSDP were investigated by S. C. Grommé and E. A. Mankinen. Paleomagnetic inclinations measured in the drill cores indicate that no detectable change in the latitude of the Nazca plate has occurred since late Eocene time. Evidence of moderate to extreme low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite to titanomaghemite was found in all samples. This oxi- dation has not affected most of the paleomagnetic directions but in one case has proceeded far enough to cause a self-reversal of natural remanent mag- netization. Oxidation has markedly reduced the in- tensity of magnetization and the susceptibility but appears to have increased the coercivity of remanent magnetization. An improved method of alternating- field demagnetization has been found necessary to remove secondary magnetizations acquired by these rocks during the drilling operations. Paleomagnetic dating of Pleistocene lava flows, Grand Canyon, Arizona Upper Pleistocene lava flows have dammed the Colorado River in the lower Grand Canyon, Ariz., on two or more occasions. Paleomagnetic measurements made by S. C. Grommé and E. A. Mankinen on 32 erosional remnants of these basalts show normal polarity, which indicates that the formation of the lava dams and their subsequent breachings all oc— curred within the last 950,000 yr and most probably within the last 700,000 yr. The two main groups of natural magnetization directions that are observed may represent two main pulses of eruptive activity because the same shift in direction occurs in two separate stratigraphic sections and corresponds ap- proximately to a known erosional interval. Analysis of paleolatitudes and paleomagnetic inclinations in the northwestern Pacific area A method of analysis was developed by A. V. Cox for obtaining correct paleolatitudes from paleomag- netic inclinations that are measured in azimuthally unoriented vertical drill cores. The correction factor, derived from probability arguments and added to the apparent paleolatitude to obtain the true one, ranges from 13° at 71° latitude to zero at the equator. Con- fidence limits for paleolatitudes have been derived. from an empirical model for paleosecular variation. The correctness of the paleolatitude correction and of the confidence limits has been confirmed by compar- ing them with Quaternary paleomagnetic data from Nun-ivak and the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. This meth- od of analysis has also been applied to paleomagnetic inclinations measured in cores of Cretaceous basaltic basement obtained by the DSDP from the Pacific GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 plate. The inclinations have been combined to give a paleomagnetic pole that is very close to the one ob- tained by earlier workers, who used magnetic anoma- ly data over Cretaceous seamounts in the Pacific. Precambrian magnetic reversals and polar wandering: application to geologic correlations between Arizona and Montana The geomagnetic polarity chronology recorded in the Unkar Group and overlying Nankoweap Forma- tion of the Precambrian Grand Canyon Supergroup in northern Arizona was found by D. P. Elston to consist of a very long interval of normal polarity fol- lowed by at least five brief periods of reversed polari- ty. Preliminary results indicate a similar pattern in much of the Precambrian Belt Supergroup of Mon- tana. The onsets of reversals in these two sedimen- tary rock sequences apparently represent the same point in time, a point that is also broadly indicated by the results of radiometric dating. This correlation means that the middle part of the Snowslip Forma- tion of the Missoula Group of the Belt Supergroup is equivalent to the upper middle part of the Dox Sand- stone of the Unkar Group. Most of the preliminary polar wandering path obtained from the Belt Super- group does not coincide with the established polar wandering path for the Grand Canyon Supergroup. Points on the two paths corresponding to a time of 1,100 my. ago are 30° of arc apart. This discordance suggests that the Belt Supergroup was transported to its present position relative to the Arizona Pre- cambrian rocks some time in latest Precambrian or earliest Paleozoic time. Reversed magnetic polarity in lavas from Antarctica Lava cores recovered from two boreholes in the McMurdo Volcanics of Antarctica by the Dry Valley Drilling Project were investigated by H. R. Spall. All the lavas have reversed magnetic polarity, which in- dicates that they are older than 700,000 yr. A de- tailed study of one 44-m-thick lava flow has shown that it is magnetically very stable and that, when the lava was erupted, the paleointensity of the geo- magnetic field was about 0.1 Oe, about one-fifth of its present value. COMPUTER MODELING Earthquake modeling D. J. Andrews reported that, from computer mod- els of earthquakes in seismic gaps, systematic rela- tionships were found between the energy and moment of an earthquake and the parameters char- acterizing the initial state. From more detailed GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES models of the rupture front, it was found that energy must be absorbed for other components of shear stress to be finite. W. D. Stuart proposed a model invoking extensive fault creep before earthquakes to explain transient geophysical phenomena observed before earthquakes. The model so far appears to be consistent not only with published observations but also with recent sur- face tilt anomalies associated with moderate earth- quakes on the central San Andreas fault. The dila- tancy fluid-diffusion hypothesis currently in fashion seems to be incompatible with the tilt data. Unlike the fluid-diffusion model, the premonitory creep model suggests that substantial slip on the fault plane near the focal region occurs before the earth- quake and is accompanied by decreasing shear stresses. In this construct, the earthquake plays a minor role in fault dynamics, although, of course, it causes the greatest cultural damage. Resistivity interpretation A. A. R. Zohdy developed the necessary formulas for the calculation of the various bipole-dipole ap- parent resistivity maps that will be obtained when a current bipole is placed near a vertical contact sepa- rating two homogeneous and isotropic media of dif- ferent resistivities. The azimuth of the current bi- pole with respect to the strike of the surface trace of the vertical contact is variable. The problems where the current bipole is on one medium and where the bipole straddles the contact were both solved. A com- puter program for the bipole-dipole simple total-field apparent resistivity was written by R. J. Bisdorf. The calculation of such maps will be valuable in in- terpreting field surveys that have already been made in Long Valley and Hollister, Cal-if, Raft River valley and the Snake River Plain, Idaho, and other geo- thermal areas. GEOMAGNETISM Geomagnetic observatories Recordings of the temporal variations in the three components of the Earth’s magnetic field (horizontal intensity, vertical intensity, and direction) were made at a worldwide network of 12 geomagnetic ob- servatories. Absolute field measurements are made every few days at each of the observatories to pro- vide baseline control and to provide data for long- term geomagnetic secular change studies. Recordings and observations are disseminated to the world sci- entific community through the World Data Centers. J. D. Wood is responsible for the operation of the 143 observatory network, and R. J. Main is responsible for data processing and quality control. Repeat magnetic surveys Measurements and recordings of absolute values and variations in the direction and in the horizontal and vertical intensities of the Earth’s magnetic field are acquired at more than 200 repeat stations scat- tered throughout the conterminous United States, Alaska, and the Pacific islands. These data are pri- mary input to the compilation of the U.S. and World Magnetic Charts and to magnetic secular change studies. Twenty stations were occupied in 1974 (in Eastern and southeastern States) to complete the U.S. data collection for the 1975 U.S. and World Mag- netic Charts. The observation program was planned by J. D. Wood, and field work was accomplished by G. W. Brougham. The repeat survey data are de- posited in the World Data Centers for worldwide distribution. As part of the master field of U.S. mag- netic data, these data are a major source‘of input to the nautical and aeronautical chart navigation data. The nautical and aeronautical chart circulation ap- proaches 50 million copies per year. U.S. and world magnetic charts Under the direction of E. B. Fabiano, magnetic data from more than 600,000. surface, marine, and aeromagnetic measurements from 1939 to 1974 were used to prepare magnetic charts of the United States and the world for epoch 1975. The U.S. chart series consists of separate charts for inclination, horizontal intensity, vertical intensity, and total intensity prepared every 10 yr, plus _a chart of declination (compass variation) prepared at 5-yr intervals (Fabiano, 1975). Preliminary results show that the high rate of secular change in the United States has been sustained or increased, particularly in. the southeastern United States. The maximum rate of change is 120 nT (gammas) per year off the south— ern coast of Florida. A mathematical model using 168 spherical har- monic coefficients for the main field and 80 coeffi- cients for the secular change field is being used to prepare the world magnetic charts. The complete series of world charts for five magnetic components will be published by the Defense Mapping Agency. Preliminary evaluation of this model shows an over— all root-‘mean-square residual fit of less than 200 nT for the main field and 6 nT for the secular change field. 144 Geomagnetic instrumentation R. W. Kuberry and A. W. Green, Jr., completed the design of a new geomagnetic data acquisition system for the US. magnetic observatory network. The sys- tem employs a three—component fluxgate magnetome- ter as well as a proton magnetometer. The com- ponents of declination, horizontal intensity, and vertical intensity, plus total field, are available in both analog and digital forms in real time. Perma- nent records are made on 1/2-inch digital magnetic tape and on analog paper charts (in world standard observatory formats). The new systems, which are being installed at selected geomagnetic observatories, will provide a computer-compatible product to inves- tigators in the USGS and in the world scientific community. Geomagnetic secular change L. R. Alldredge completed a study of the causes of the rather sudden changes in the rate of change of geomagnetic components at observatories. Some sci- entists assumed that the “impulses” came from the core of the Earth. This idea demanded conductivities in the mantle that were orders of magnitude less than those derived from other concepts. Alldredge (1975) showed that the “impulses” could be ex- plained by the sunspot cycle and the related west- ward-flowing ring—current variations. Alldredge was further able to quantify the first—order effects of the 11-yr solar cycle on the observatory component values and to derive a prediction for them that may hold 5 to 10 yr ahead and be useful in prediction. D. G. Knapp, through modeling studies of the main geomagnetic field, has shown that the quadrupole field of the Earth has undergone a fairly constant rotation of 15 min of are per year for the past sev- eral decades. The center of this clockwise rotation is in the north Pacific Ocean near the Gulf of Alaska. Long-period geomagnetic field variations W. H. Campbell analyzed geomagnetic records from 64 world observatories by computing variation amplitude spectra for the period range from 5 min to 4 h. A search was made for systematic behavior in the spectral composition that could be associated with time of day, season, solar cycle, activity level, component direction, or geographical location of the station. No consistent frequency location for peaks in spectral composition was found. Rather, the dis- plays of spectral amplitudes A were mostly “linear” in form, often obeying A~T"‘, where T is the period. The spectral slope m was usually close to 1.0 but GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 varied at times from 0.5 to 2.0. The amplitudes al— ways showed a maximum at the auroral zone lati- tudes, a minimum near 20° to 40°, and a minor maximum near the equator. The positions shifted equatorward with increasing activity. The relative growth in amplitude with rising activity varied with latitude. Seasonal peaks in activity were found in equinoctial months. A summertime minimum occur— red at auroral zone stations; elsewhere, an enhance- ment occurred during the summer. General findings, emphasizing the North American Hemisphere and 1965, are presented in a number of tables and graphs (Campbell, 1976). Since induced currents from geomagnetic variations can interfere with corrosion monitoring systems on long fuel pipeline-s and can contribute to corrosion, particularly at auroral lati- tude and equatorial electroject locations, this study is being used to evaluate potential induced—current problems on the Alaska oil pipeline. Source fields of geomagnetic pulsations A. W. Green, Jr., conducted theoretical and experi- mental studies on the source fields of geomagnetic pulsations in the frequency range from 10—3 to 10—1 Hz. This study is aimed at achieving a better under- standing of natural electromagnetic sources used in magnetotelluric investigations of the Earth’s crust. A specific objective is to determine the relative roles played by “wavelike” and “currentlike” sources in the production of anomalous vertical electric- and magnetic-field components that give rise to erroneous geologic interpretation and data scatter. As part of the experimental program, Green has built a system for sensing and recording all six components of the electromagnetic field in the range from 10—3 to 2.0 Hz and placed it in operation at the Boulder magnetic observatory. As another part of this research, A. W. Green, Jr., and C. O. Stearns (USGS) and V. A. Troitskaya (In- stitute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, USSR.) have been studying the relationship between the worldwide characteristics of geomagnetic pulsations and some parameters of the Earth’s magnetotail. Simultaneous high-resolution recordings of geo- magnetic pulsations of the class Pi 2 have been ana- lyzed at a network of 10 Soviet and US. observa- tories. Analysis of spatial amplitude patterns sug- gests that the Pi 2 source is along the geomagnetic field lines in the midnight meridian, which pass through the inner edge of ,the magnetotail plasma sheet. The Pi 2’s were treated as aperiodic events, and a spectral analysis was made by the Fourier in- GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND‘TECHNIQUES tegral transform method. The dominant spectral peaks were shown to be harmonically related and glob-ally coherent. A significant result of this investi- gation is the discovery of large-amplitude power spectra peaks at periods much longer than the “visual period” and of the order of 300 s. The fre— quencies of these peaks are in excellent agreement with a theoretical magnetohydrodynamic model of Pi 2 generation at the plasma sheet edge, followed by guided-mode propagation along a narrow field-line path. Inasmuch as the theoretical model is frequency sensitive to the position of the edge of the magneto— tail plasma sheet, observed shifts of the longest period spectral peak in the computed data are be- lieved to be diagonostic of the position of the plasma sheet edge and the auroral oval. APPLIED GEOPHYSICS TECHNIQUES Resistivity of oil shales Vertical electrical soundings by D. L. Campbell in the Piceance basin, 0010., showed coefficients of elec- trical macroanisotropies in the lower oil shales rang- ing from about 2 in the basin center to about 9 on the flank of the basin. These are among the largest macroanisotropies ever reported and are probably due to a complex of isolated horizontal aquifers with- in the lower part of the shale section. Laboratory measurements on a rich oil-shale sample from the Piceance basin indicate a value of 2.1 for the coeffi- cient of electrical microanisotropy. The field study indicates that the “leached zone,” an aquifer in the upper Green River Formation oil sh'ales that is well defined near the basin center, splays into many thin water-bearing horizons extending throughout the oil- shale section toward the basin flanks. These thin horizons are probably recharged through a complex of near-vertical fissures that appears to become denser and to penetrate more deeply toward the basin flanks. Electrical soundings in the Triassic basin A resistivity study of the Deep River Triassic basin near Durham, NC, by H. D. Ackermann showed a marked resistivity contrast between the Triassic rocks and the underlying metasedimentary and plutonic rocks. The thickness of the Triassic rocks was determined by 32 Schlumberger soundings, and the interpretation of one of the soundings agreed with the depth to pre-Triassic basement projected from a nearby deep well. Resistivity surveys appear to be the most effective geophysical method yet 145 tested for investigating the depths and internal structures of the Triassic basins. Digital magnetotelluric system developed W. D. Stanley, in cooperation with the National Bureau of Standards, built and tested a magneto- telluric system using a three-component cryogenic magnetometer. The magnetometer has a sensitivity of better than 10—“, a frequency response of 1 kHz, and a dynamic range of 500 nT. A lightweight cartridge-type digital recorder provides 12-bit digiti- zation of the 3 magnetic-field and 2 electric-field channels. The recorder has a communications output interface so that data can be sent over standard telephone lines from the field to USGS computers. A microcomputer system currently under development will be used as a system controller and for processing magnetotelluric data in the field to make for more efficient field operations. The magnetotelluric sound- ing system has been tested in Yellowstone National Park and will be used in its initial field applications for detecting deep conductive hydrothermal systems and for investigating possible heat sources, such as magma chambers. It is capable of magnetotelluric soundings to depths of 100 km and will thus provide information on the electrical properties of the upper mantle. The basic instrument system can also be used for making controlled-source electromagnetic sound- ings and direct-current and magnetostatic mapping to depths of 3 to 5 km. Logging of waste-disposal wells W. S. Keys and A. E. Hess made geophysical well logs of waste-injection and waste-monitoring wells at Stuart, Fla., to determine the zones of highest per- meability and porosity suitable for waste injection and to locate zones of low permeability that would prevent contamination of overlying aquifers. Tem- perature, natural gamma, caliper, density, acoustic velocity, neutron, resistivity, and acoustic televiewer logs were run. The acoustic velocity logs indicate porosities in the range of 10 to 35 percent for lime- stone and 15 to 40 percent for dolomite. Numerous fractures located and oriented from the televiewer pictures have a mean angle of dip 54° to the south- east. The logs suggest that the porosities are gen- erally high in the two wells having two well-defined zones of high permeability, one at about 610 m and one near the bottom of each hole below 884 m. Resis- tivity measurements indicate that, in permeable zones below 884 m, water resistivity may be less than 0.18 ohm-m, or the equivalent of approximately 35,000 m/l of dissolved solids. 146 Cauldron near Silver Cliff, Colorado A gravity survey by M. D. Kleinkopf and D. L. Peterson defined a 12-mGal gravity low that was interpreted as indicating a previously unrecognized volcanic subsidence cauldron about 4 km northeast of Silver Cliff, Colo. Subsequent surface geologic studies verified the feature, which is expressed as a topographic depression covered mainly with rhyolite tuff and breccia and surrounded by Precambrian gneiss. Three-dimensional modeling of the gravity data indicates that about 1,000 m of low-density ma- terial fills the subsidence feature. A new satellite model of the geomagnetic field J. C. Cain, W. M. Davis, and R. D. Regan recently constructed the most detailed satellite model yet pro— duced using data from the Polar Orbiting Geophysi- cal Observatories. Three spacecraft, POGO—l, 2, and 3, carried rubidium-vapor magnetometers that meas- ured the Earth’s magnetic field from late 1965 through 1970 at altitudes ranging from 397 to 1,500 km at all latitudes. This model was derived by sepa- rating from the measured field readings the effects of the electrical currents in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. The resulting model, the most pre- cise so far calculated: ‘ represented the data to an accuracy of only 3 nT (the Earth’s field range-s from 24,000 to 72,000 nT). The results of this work show that the signals from the magnetized crust have half wavelengths as large as 1,400 km. It was previously thought that the geological structures were much too small to have such a large scale. This result is being evaluated for its relation to new developments in global tectonics. Smaller magnetic features have also been observed in central and western Africa, at several locations in the oceans, and near Kursk in the U.S.S.R. This last anomaly is the most intense and appears to be as- sociated with the 200,000-nT anomaly observed near the surface. The Russian-s had previously claimed that this feature was very narrow and was not de tectable at aircraft altitude-s of 3 km. Although none of these newly discovered magnetic anomalies have yet been interpreted, they must arise from intensely magnetized material covering areas of several hun- dred kilometres. Exploration for uranium T. W. Offield directed a study of a uranium area in the Texas coastal plain involving (1) aerial and ground magnetometry and very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic surveys; (2) aerial four- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 channel gamma-ray spectrometry, multiband pho- tography, and thermal infrared imagery; (3) induced polarization profiling; (4) resistivity profiling and soundings; and (5) gravity profiling. Preliminary analysis of the field data indicates that ground mag- netic profiles show significant differences between the oxidized and reduced geochemical cells on op- posite sides of shallow uranium roll fronts. Conglom- eratic channel fillings (potential uranium host rocks) in the Gatahoula Formation have higher thermal inertia than surrounding rocks and commonly show in predawn thermal images as distinctly warm areas. Study by B. D. Smith, J. W. Cady, J. J. Daniels, and D. L. Campbell of the induced polarization pseudo- sections suggests very subtle effects associated with either uranium roll fronts or the geochemical changes across them. As the metallic mineral content of the rocks is extremely small, the observed polarization effect may relate in part to variations in clay min- eralogy associated with the occurrence of ore. In ground VLF profiles taken by J. N. Towle and V. J. Flanigan, conductivity variations were not indicative of ore bodies but served to distinguish between dry, wet, and silicified fault zones. Exploration for coal W. P. Hasbrouck and M. L. Botsford conducted experiments in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming to evaluate the effectiveness of gravity exploration in locating the edges of thick‘ and strippable coals and to develop a magnetic method to assist geologists in mapping the boundary between burned and un- burned coals. Preliminary indications are that high- precision gravity surveys can be used to trace the sharp edge of a thick seam and that magnetic sur- veys indicate the extent of a~burned-coal facies. If these early findings are substantiated, better esti- mates of strippable coal reserves can be made with ~ much less costly exploratory drilling. West Texas ground-water study Three test holes drilled in Culberson, Jeff Davis, and Pres-idio Counties, Tex., substantiated the inter- pretation of vertical electrical soundings made by W. D. Stanley. A hole near Valentine confirmed that a 10-ohm—m zone interpreted from resistivity data was a tuff unit with good-quality water. Another hole near Van Horn also confirmed the resistivity interpretation of a good producing aquifer down to 340 m. A third hole, southwest of Van Horn, pene- trated a, massive clay aquiclude predicted by the resistivity interpretations. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES Electromagnetic fields about grounded wire Formal mathematics and computer programs were developed for computing all three components of both electric and magnetic fields on or above the sur- face of a layered Earth for a grounded dipole or finite wire source. The computer programs, according to W. L. Anderson, are designed to use either im- proved numerical integration techniques or convolu- tion for evaluation of the integrals. In addition to the fields themselves, coupling ratios are computed for a number of special cases. The results can be expressed in either the frequency domain or the time domain. Geomagnetic field models in magnetic surveys As part of the satellite magnetometer experiment, R. D. Regan and J. C. Cain have studied the utility of geomagnetic field models in the reduction of mag- netic survey data. The results are directly applicable to standard magnetic surveys where global geomag- netic field models, usually computed from spherical harmonic series, are becoming of increased import- ance. Basically, when used correctly, a numerical model of sufficient complexity, including adequate secular variation correction, provides a suitable representation of the regional field. The best known and mostly widely used of the available field models is the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF). However, the IGRF may not be suitable for the reduction of all magnetic survey data because of its' imperfect fit to the main field, particularly for the years since 1963. A possible transform fault at Kilauea Volcano Self-potential (SP) studies in the lower eastern rift zone of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii by C. J. Za- blocki revealed a small-amplitude linear anomaly about 1 km in length and trending transverse to the direction of the rift. This feature, near Puu Honuau- la, coincides with a general epicentral area of recur— rent shallow earthquake swarms and with an ap- parent offset in the rift zone. A possible interpreta- tion is that the SP anomaly is caused by a permeable vertical fracture containing hot water from a heat source at depth. Ground deformation west of the anomaly and frequent earthquakes south of the rift zone support the earlier concept that the southern flank is moving seaward owing to forceful diking in the rift zone. East of the anomaly, however, the dis- tinct aseismicity of the rift zone suggests that hori- zontal dilation caused by intrusions is symmetrical and that no appreciable strains accumulate. The‘net differential horizontal ground movements on oppo- 147 site sides of this suspected fault may resemble those that develop across transform faults along mid- oceanic ridges. GEOCHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, AND PETROLOGY EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL GEOCHEMISTRY Neutralization of acid mine water F. E. Senf‘tle and F. D. Sisler demonstrated by laboratory experiments that anerobic activity will neutralize acid mine water. The process is accelerated by inserting electrodes in the bottom and surface of the water. Sewage sludge can be used as the nutrient source, and the process generates some electrical power and forms elemental sulfur. Lead isotopes, ore genesis, and ore-prospect evaluation Lead-isotope analyses of two Kuroko-type ores (submarine volcanic exhalative) and one epigenetic ore from Japan, three epigenetic series from Indo- nesia, and two ores from Peru by M. H. Deleveaux showed lead compositions that overlap those of open- ocean pelagic and continental sediments. The iso- topic composition of these leads does not correspond with that of ocean—ridge or intraplate volcanic rocks that represent oceanic mantle. The Tonga-Kermadec are also has been shown to have oceanic mantle values (Oversby and Ewart, 1972). Tatsumoto (1969) has shown that volcanic rocks on the eastern side of Japan also contain leads characteristic of pelagic sediments. B. R. Doe and R. E. Zartman, in attempting to place the lead data into the context of plate tectonics, demonstrated that submarine ex- halative ores of Devonian and Triassic age, collected by W. E. Hall from the Shasta district, have lead- isotope ratios characteristic of oceanic mantle. Rocks and ores of Jurassic age and younger in the Shasta district have lead values similar to those of pelagic sediments. P. W. Lipman (unpub. data, 1975) sug- gested that the Devonian and Triassic arc environ- ment in the Shasta district was a primitive arc simi- lar to Tonga and Kermadec. The subduction of lithi- fied pre-Jurassic sediments as proposed by Hamilton (1969) explains these data. This model suggests that lithification controls the subduction of sediments. Lithified sediments are apparently available in ma- ture island arcs and continental margins but are not available in primitive island arcs. 148 Thermochemistry of fossil-fuel formation The thermochemistry of 140 common organic com- pounds with respect to deoxygenation reactions was examined by Motoaki Sato. In general, oxygen-rich compounds of organic remains could transform to carbon-hydrogen-rich compounds of fossil fuels through spontaneous decarboxylation and dehydra- tion reactions, even at room temperature. Given geo- logic time, fossil fuels could form from buried organic remains in an ordinary diagenetic environment. High temperatures would accelerate the rate of transfor- mation but are not an essential requirement for the formation of fossil fuels. The transformation reac- tions are exothermic, so that the process itself could create abnormal temperature gradients and thus accelerate itself. Calorimetric studies R. A. Robie and B. S. Hemingway determined the heat capacities of muscovite, pyrophyllite, magnesite, KAISi3O8 glass, and NaAlSigog glass, measured be- tween 12 and 385 K, and their standard entropies determined by means of adiabatic cryogenic calo- rimetry. The heat capacities of 10W albite, analbite, sanidine, microcline, magnetite, hematite, muscovite, pyrophyllite, and periclase were determined by dif- ferential scanning calorimetry between 300 and 800 K. New values for the enthalpy of formation of kao- linite, muscovite, low albite, anorthite, and gibbsite were obtained from heat-of—solution measurements using HF (aqueous) or the solvent. Alteration processes in mafic and ultramafic rocks An experimental evaluation of mineral stability relations in the system MgO-SiOZ-HZO at elevated pressures and temperatures has been made by J. J. Hemley and J. W. Montoya (Anaconda Company) and P. B. Hostetler and C. L. Christ (USGS). The activity of silica is the dominant control on geo- chemical processes in this system and therefore on processes involving mafic and ultramafic rocks. The results of this study apply particularly to serpentini— zation, talc-carbonate alteration such as that associ- ated with mercury deposits, development of brucite, retrograde reactions of metalliferous skarns, and the controls of talc-bearing assemblages in high-grade metamorphic terrane. In this type of study, reactions involve both the fugacity of water and the activity of silica, so that plots of the intersections of one type of data can define invariant points of the other. Combined stud- ies provide more information than simple dehydra- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 tion studies. Aqueous equilibria studies reach equi- librium faster than solid-liquid reactions. This study defines a value of Aszgg for talc of — 5526.8 kJ/mol. Laser Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions Edwin Roedder (USGS), in a cooperative effort with G. J. Rosasco (National Bureau of Standards) and J. H. Simmons (Catholic Univ.) looked into the feasibility of laser-excited Raman spectroscopy for nondestructive analysis of specific phases in single fluid inclusions. The technique uses a low-power He- He laser for optical alinement; then a powerful argon laser is focused on the inclusion with micro- scope optics perpendicular to the first set. Scattering and fluorescence in this intense illumination (50 MW/cmz) make the beam visible even in gases, so that it can be directed into the desired phase. Raman emission (from the given phase only) is detected with special electronics and processed via several procedures. A series of special samples was prepared and run, and, even at this early stage, some fascinat- ing potentials have been proven. It will not be a panacea, but its greatest promise is in some other- wise intractable analytical problems such as SO, in daughter crystals (and its distinction from sulfide in solution), C020 vs HCOr1 vs CO.‘2 in solution, or- ganics in water solution, nitrogen and CO in liquid C02, and perhaps C‘Z/C” ratios on 10—8-g samples. Several of these have already been verified by good peaks on a nice, clean, low-background spectrum from natural inclusions. Na-K distribution between hornblende and melt: a possible geothermometer R. L. Helz calculated the distribution coefficient for the reaction: Na+ (A site of hornblende) +K+ (melt) + K+ (A site of hornblende) + Na+ (melt) + for the 24 hornblende-melt pairs obtained by partial melting of three basalts at PH20=5 kb. The distri- bution coefficient: (K/ Na) hornblende kb =—-—————— (K/Na) melt shows a well-defined linear variation with tempera- ture and may be a usable broadgage geothermom- eter, if the composition of the melt in equilibrium with a. given hornblende can be determined. Bulk analysis of thin sections by electron microprobe Bulk chemical analyses of thin sections by electron microprobe (US. Geological Survey, 1972, p. 197) by J. R. Lindsay on sections furnished by G. W. Leo GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES generally supported field relations and petrographic observations. The thin sections represent a suite of 18 samples including altered diabase, amphibolite, and calc-silicate hornfels produced by progressive contact metamorphism and associated with metaso- matic magnetite deposits in the Samli area of west- ern Turkey (Leo, 1972). Although some of the analy- tical values exhibit excessive scatter for petro- graphically similar rocks, the analyses in general are acceptable, given the small sample size (2 to 10 mg) and consequent analytical uncertainties. Nor- mative plots indicate that (1) diabase and amphib- olite are compositionally related and are similar to average compositions of basalts and well-studied orthoamphibolites and (2) calc-silicate hornfels ap- pears to have been derived in part from amphibolite and in part from dolomitic limestone, which under- lies much of the region. MINERAL STUDIES AND CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF THE SILICATES Cation distribution in pyroxenes Two pyroxenes, one a low-calcium pigeonite (W04.2En40.6F555,2) from a relatively quickly quenched andesitic pitchstone (Virgo and Ross, 1973) and the other a hypersthene (WomEnm,6 Fsim) from lunar anorthosite 15415 (Stewart and others, 1972), were studied by H. T. Evans, Jr., who used X-ray methods to determine the degree of ordering of the cations on the M 1 and M2 crystallo- graphic positions in the crystal structure. For the Mull pigeonite, least-squares analysis of 861 X-ray intensities measured with the Picker automatic dif- fractometer revealed that M 1 position contains [Mg0,GS(Fe, Mn)0,31Ti0_m] and the M2 position con- tains [Mg0.13(Fe, Mn)o.7gCa0.os]. This represents a degree of ordering with respect to iron in M2 of about 44 percent. Least-squares refinement of 327 X-ray intensities from the lunar hypersthene shows that the M1 and M2 sites contain (MgofigFeofl) and (MngFe,UgMnOMCaM.), respectively. This repre- sents a degree of ordering with respect to iron in M2 of about 58 percent. Growth rates of pyroxene exsolution lamellae J. S. Huebner calculated the time required to grow augite lamellae in pigeonite by a diffusion- driven exsolution process. Augite lamellae up to 30 ,um thick have been found in low-calcium pyroxenes in the ancient lunar noritic breccia 77215 as well as in pyroxenes from many other lunar and terrestrial 149 rocks. The growth of lamellae can be described in terms of Ca-(Mg, Fe) volume diffusion at 800° to 1,150°C.The minimum suggested diffusion rate, ob- tained by extrapolation to 800°C of data for cal- cium, magnesium, and iron diffusion in oxides and silicates, is 10—19 cm2 s—l. The maximum time needed to enlarge the augite lamellae from a discrete plane several hundred angstroms thick to 30 ,um thick is 50,000 yr. The presence of such lamellae is not evi- dence for a longer period of annealing. Thus, We do not have to assume that the breccia was buried at great depth so as to maintain high-temperature dif- fusion processes for millions of years. MINERALOGIC STUDIES An index method for mineral identification R. E. Wilcox demonstrated how indices of refrac- tion of immersed mineral fragments can be deter- mined more rapidly and reliably by using disper- sion coloration effects instead of the conventional Becke—line effect. The several means for producing this coloration have been tested extensively; one of the most practical and easiest to set up in the polariz- ing microscope is “central focal masking,” in which a narrow beam of white light is produced by a con- stricted aperture at the focal point of the substage lens assembly and blocked by a central opaque dot at the focal point of the objective. The result is that the irregularities of the immersed fragment are sharply imaged on a dark field; they are red or orange if the immersion liquid is of slightly lower index, green or blue if the liquid is slightly higher in index, and a deep violet color if the frag- ment and liquid have matching indices. This tech- nique is also useful in the quality control of mineral separations, where undesired constituents can be made to stand out in a strongly divergent color by mounting the sample in an immersion liquid that has a refractive index closely matching that of the desired constituent. VOLCANIC ROCKS AND PROCESSES HAWAIIAN VOLCANO STUDIES Summary of 1974 Kilauea activity Kilauea Volcano exhibited a variety of activity in 1974. The staff of the Hawaiian Volcano Observa- tory, with D. W. Peterson as Scientist-in-Charge, observed and recorded the activity, measured the deformation of the ground, monitored the seismicity, and conducted related studies. Other professional members of the observatory staff during the year 150 included R. I. Tilling, C. J. Zablocki, J. D. Unger, J. P. Lockwood, R. Y. Koyanagi, and E. T. Endo. From January to June, the vents at Mauna Ulu overflowed repeatedly, and the lava shield reached a height of more than 120 m above the pre-1969 ground surface. Much of the lava was erupted dur- ing well-defined episodes characterized by foun- tains as high as 70 m and lava flows that traveled as far as 9 km from the vent. Each episode was ac- companied by sharp deflation at Kilauea’s summits monitored by tiltmeters. Between episodes, lava was generally confined to the immediate vicinity of the vents, though some quiet overflows occurred. During these intervening periods, Kilauea’s summit rein- flated, and the number of shallow earthquakes in the caldera increased. Beginning in early June, ac- tivity at Mauna Ulu progressively declined, the sur- face of the lava column steadily dropped, and re- peated rockfalls from the vent walls produced a crater that ultimately measured about 100 m in diameter. In late July, the lava disappeared below the rubble-choked floor of the crater, and nearby seismographs stopped recording harmonic tremor. Copious fumes were emitted until the end of the year, but eruptive activity was not renewed. Brief but spectacular eruptions took place else— where on.Kilauea on July 19—22, September 19, and December 31, 1974. The July eruption was located along fissures in the southern and southeastern parts of the summit region. Lava covered the floors of Keanakakoi Crater, Lua Manu Crater, the south- eastern part of the caldera, and adjacent areas. About 10><10G m3 of lava was erupted. The Septem- ber eruption was mostly within Halemaumau and also along a fissure that extended southwestward across the caldera floor to the wall. The new lava in Halemaumau reached a depth of about 19 m be- fore draining back to leave a new pond about 10 m deep that completely buried the previously exposed 1968 and 1971 lava. The new lava on the caldera floor partly buried the flows erupted in September 1971. The eruption lasted 8 h; a total of 10.9><106 m3 of lava was erupted, but, after drainback, about 6.1><10G m3 remained. The December 31 eruption took place along an in-place system of fissures between the caldera, the Koae fault system, and the southwestern rift zone. Fountains had a maximum height of 100 m, and flows had a total length of 12 km. During the 6—h eruption, about 15><106 m3 of lava was erupted. The eruption was accompanied and followed by a large deflation of the Kilauea summit region and an in- tense earthquake swarm along and near the south- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 western rift zone. Between December 31 and Janu- ary 5, nearly 200 earthquakes of magnitude 3 (Rich- ter scale) or stronger were recorded, 5 of which ex- ceeded magnitude 5. Mauna Loa Volcano stirs Mauna Loa Volcano, quiet since 1950, showed pre- liminary signs of reinflation during 1974. The aver- age daily count of shallow (0 to 5 km deep) caldera earthquakes recorded at Mauna Loa’s summit by the seismic network of the Hawaiian Volcano Ob- servatory increased abruptly from less than 10 to several dozen in late April. The annual monitor of precision-measured geodimeter lines in August re- vealed significant extension along several lines. To provide improved surveillance, two new seismic sta- tions were installed at the summit; and additional geodimeter lines were established. After a brief seismic swarm in August, when the earthquake count one day reached a maximum of 455, the daily count varied from 40 to 180 until December. From December 7 to 20, an intense seismic swarm was centered below the summit caldera; during this time, the daily earthquake count reached as high as 1,500, including several that exceeded magnitude 3 and one that measured 4.5. An emergency reoccupation of the geodimeter network, with the assistance of a U.S. Marine helicopter, revealed further significant extension of lines. After the swarm subsided, the daily count dropped back to between 30 and 120. Preliminary locations have been determined for earthquakes larger than about M =2.5. They general- ly form an alinement from the summit caldera ex- tending for a few kilometres down the southeastern margin of the southwestern rift zone. Focal depths are generally about 5 km. Scattered fiurries of earth- quakes also occur beneath the southeastern and western flanks of the volcano. Dike intrusion causes rift-zone dilation Examination by D. A. Swanson, W. A. Duflield, and R. S. Fiske of triangulation, trilateration, and leveling data obtained throughout the 20th century showed that the southern flank of Kilauea was dis- placed upward and away from the rift zones by as much as several metres. The amount of horizontal displacement approximates the probable amount of dilation that accompanies the intrusion of dikes in the rift zones and is greatest for periods of most intense activity, as is evidenced by the frequency of eruptions. The displacement and seismic events that take place on the southern flank soon after intrusive activity indicate that the displacement is the result GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES of forceful intrusion in the rift zones, not the cause of relatively passive intrusion. In contrast to the southern flank, seismic and geodetic data indicate that the northern flank is Virtually immobile, prob- ably because Kilauea was built on the southern slope of Mauna Loa and was consequently influenced by Mauna Loa’s gravitational stress system, which favors displacement away from the volcanic edifice. The northern flank is unbuttressed and free to move away from the edifice when prompted by the force- ful intrusion of dikes. The active part of Kilauea’s eastern rift zone has apparently migrated several kilometres sbuthward with time, as is shown by the location of recent vents along the southern edge of the rift zone. The loca- tion of the axis of a positive gravity anomaly along the northern edge of the active rift zone also sug- gests southward migration. The Hilina fault system is considered to be a gravity-dominated system not directly related to the rift zones. Gravitational instability resulting from uplift and seaward displacement is eventually re- lieved by normal faulting along the seaward part of the southern flank. The Hilina faults are thought to bottom at shallow depth without intersecting magma reservoirs, except possibly along part of the lower eastern rift zone, where the fault system im- pinges upon the rift zone. Strains have been accu- mulating within the Hilina system throughout this century, and a high level of instability may have been reached. Finite-element analysis of cooling of Alae lava lake The analysis of the cooling of Alae lava lake, Hawaii, that was started by D. L. Peck (USGS) in a cooperative program with J. C. Jaeger (Australian National Univ.) (US. Geological Survey, 1974, p. A127) was extended by means of a computer prb- gram developed by H. R. Shaw and M. S. Hamilton. The program, which is based on finite-element anal- ysis, takes into account the cooling by rainfall as well as the latent heat of the basalt and can use either a constant or a variable thermal diffusivity for the lava. The abundant temperature data col- lected over a 4-yr period from the 15-m-thick ponded basalt flow can be approximately duplicated by com- puted temperatures based on a constant diffusivity for the basalt of 0.006 cmz/s and a latent heat of 80 cal/g. A better match can be achieved by using a variable diffusivity. The computations indicate that the thermal conductivity decreases significantly with increasing vesicularity of the basalt, in agreement with conclusions by Robertson and Peck (1974) 151 based on laboratory measurements; the computa- tions also indicate that conductivity increases sig- nificantly with increasing temperature, in agree- ment with unpublished laboratory studies of sam- ples from Alae crater by K. Kawada (Univ. of Tokyo). Cooling by the abundant rainfall, which averaged 2.50 m/yr, did not substantially decrease the 1.14-yr time for solidification of the lava lake. It did, however, drastically decrease the duration of postsolidification cooling; the total time for cooling to 100°C, for example, was decreased from 19.6 to 4.0 yr. Mechanism of formation of pillow lava Underwater observations and motion pictures taken by J. G. Moore of growing pillows off the southern coast of Hawaii demonstrated that pillows do not grow by stretching of an outer plastic skin, as is commonly thought. Rather, they expand, branch, and lengthen as fresh lava inside the pillow (fed from upslope) distends and cracks the outer crust. New crust is continuously formed adjacent to one or more incandescent opening cracks. The pillow lobe grows sporadically downslope as a given crack stops spreading and a new one forms more toward the distal end of the growing pillow tongue. Hence, most young pillowed lava flows are composed of a tangled mass of cylindrical interconnected flow lob-es. Independent discrete sacks are rare. Fast-spreading cracks (~5 cm/s) are commonly zigzag in form and produce corrugations perpendi- cular to the crack. Slow-spreading cracks (~0.1 cm/s) produce smaller fault slivers parallel to and tilted away from the crack. Ridges of both types record the history of grthh of the pillow crust; they account for the parallel ribbed appearance of fresh pillows in ocean-bottom photographs. The development of pillow crust adjacent to open- ing cracks is analogous to sea-floor spreading in which oceanic lithosphere is form-ed at and diverges from oceanic spreading ridges. The fault slivers in pillow crust can be compared with the outward tilted fault blocks that bound slow-spreading ocean-. ridge systems. Age of some Pacific seamounts Many thousands of seamounts, most the remnants of extinct volcanoes, particularly those that form linear chains, can be explained by the eruption of material from “hotspots” in the mantle onto moving plates. Most, however, must either form at or near spreading ridges or be the result of random mid- plate eruption-s. To test these two hypotheses, 152 G. B. Dalrymple and D. A. Clague dated four sea- mounts in the north-central Pacific by means of con- ventional K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar techniques. Khachaturian and Rachmaninoff seamounts in the Musicians seamounts are 65212.6 and 86.6:52 my. old, respectively. A single boulder of rhyolite dredged from the northern slope of the seamount beneath Necker Island in the Hawaiian chain has an age of 77 .6: 1.7 m.y., which suggests that Necker, previously dated as about 10 my. old, is a compos- ite seamount constructed of both Cretaceous and upper Tertiary volcanoes. The minimum age of Wentworth seamount, which sits atop the Hawaiian Ridge near Midway, is 71:5 m.y. Like Necker, Wentworth appears to be another Cretaceous vol- cano that was subsequently incorporated into the Hawaiian volcanic chain. The ages of these four Cre- taceous seamounts, which are equal to or slightly less than the age of the adjacent sea floor inferred from extrapolation of magnetic anomalies, indicate that these seamounts formed at or near the crest of the East Pacific rise. “Absolute" plate-motion models based on “hotspots” premature It has been proposed that linear volcanic chains on the Pacific plate, of which the Hawaiian chain is the best known example, were formed by the steady passage of older Pacific lithosphere over fixed melt— ing anomalies in the asthenosphere or the deep mantle, at least during the last 70 to 80 my. It has further been proposed that the active shield—build- ing southeastern ends of these chains form part of a fixed reference frame on Earth from which “abso- lute” plate motions can be derived. E. D. Jackson, (1974) however, recently pointed out that age data on volcanoes of chains in the Pacific are not linear when plotted against distance along the chains. This scatter appears to be a result in some cases of the use of inappropriate age data, in others of dating lavas of volcanoes whose tholeiitic and alkalic suite rocks have extended life spans, and in still others of dating volcanic rocks that represent a period of re- juvenated volcanism on older shields. However, in many cases, the scatter is demonstrably the result of real variable rates of emplacement of volcanic edifices along chains. The time scale of apparent ir- regular progression, where documented or suspected, ranges from 1 or 2 to 30 or 40 my, and the detailed rate of volcanic progression in the Hawaiian chain ranges from as little as —7 to as much as +24 c/yr. On the other hand, students of magnetic anomaly time scales maintain that spreading rates along GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 oceanic rift systems in the major oceans of the world, including the Pacific, have been relatively constant over the last 70 to 80 my. Jackson suggests at least three major possibilities that may explain this apparent lack of kinematic agreement: (1) The rate of volcanic propagation of linear volcanic chains is not directly proportional to the rate of Pacific plate motion; (2) the East Pacific rise, While main- taining a steady spreading rate, has jumped or mi- grated in an irregular manner with time; or (3) the magnetic anomaly time scale is not linear. Of these alternatives, the weight of evidence at present favors the first, although all three mechanisms may be involved. COLUMBIA PLATEAU STUDIES Linear vent systems and eruption rates of Yakima Basalt D. A. Swanson, T. L. Wright, and R. L. Helz found that flows belonging to two sequences of flood basalt in the Miocene part of the Yakima Basalt, the vast Roza Member (volume, >1.5X 103 km3) and the less extensive Ice Harbor flows (velume, <10 kma), were erupted from linear vent systems tens of kilometres long and a few kilometres wide. The Roza vent sys- tem is near the eastern edge of the Columbia Plateau, and the Ice Harbor system is near the center of the plateau. The vent systems parallel the trend of the Chief Joseph dike swarm and are characterized by remnants of spatter and tufi' cones, local accumula- tions of thin pahoehoe flow units, bedded pumice, and dikes. The Roza flows cover vast areas and advanced many tens of kilometres from their vents. The Ice Harbor flows are much less extensive and are local- ized near their vents. Linear vent systems for other units can be inferred from outcrop patterns, and such systems may be typical for the Yakima Basalt. Using the dimensions of the vent systems and the rheologic model of Shaw and Swanson (1970) , Swan- son, Wright, and Helz estimate that the Ice Harbor flows were erupted at rates comparable to those of Kilauea and Mauna Loa, whereas the Roza flows were erupted at rates three to four orders of magnitude higher. The heat energy released during the short- lived Roza eruptions equals or exceeds the yearly global energy loss by conducted heat flow. Long-term rates of production for Yakima magma were com- parable to rates of production for Hawaiian and Ice- landic basaltic magma and do not necessarily imply unusually large concentrations of heat energy in the mantle. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES CALDERA STUDIES Caldera collapse breccia, San Juan Mountains, Colorado In four large Oligocene calderas in the western San Juan Mountains—Lake City, Silverton, San Juan, and Uncompahgre——P. W. Lipman found that spectacular breccias are intermixed with thick intra caldera ash—flow tuffs that accumulated during cal- dera collapse. These breccias are divided into two intergradational types: mesobreccia, in which num- erous small clasts are visible within single outcrops, and megabreccia, in which many clasts are so large that the fragmental nature of the deposit is obscure in many individual outcrops. In general, mesobreccia occurs as thin tabular de- posits locally interlayered with upper parts of the intracaldera ash-flow accumulations; it is readily interpretable as resulting from rockfalls and rock- slides from the caldera walls. In contrast, the mega- breccia is the dominant lower part of the caldera- filling sequence and contains only minor intermixed ash-flow material. The megabreccia is difficult to dis- tinguish from possible precollapse caldera floor in places, but local lenses of welded tuif near the deep- est exposed stratigraphic levels within the calderas indicate that these rocks are mostly megabreccia resulting from slumping and caving of caldera walls —but on a much greater scale——during the initial stages of caldera collapse. Megabreccias similar to those in the western San Juan calderas occur on other eroded collapse struc- tures in the Western United States, and the presence of such deposits may be useful guides to the roots of caldera structures in deeply eroded, highly altered, or structurally complex old volcanic terranes. Megabreccia in Mount Aetna complex, Colorado Priestley Toulmin III reported that identification and mapping of megabreccia and fossil landslide de- posits have permitted more precise delineation of the outline of the caldera associated with the volcanic center near Mount Aetna in the southern Sawatch Range, Colo. Despite the nearly chaotic nature of the breccia accumulation, a crude internal stratigraphic succession seems to exist: the lower part of the mass consists principally of monolithologic breccia derived from the underlying bedrock, whereas more polymict breccias and breccias with a significant volcanic com- ponent are more prominent upward and toward the interior of the caldera. Such a succession implies that talus and landslide deposits along the margins of the depression are progressively overridden by trans- 153 ported and volcanogenic materials as the depression deepens and eruptive activity intensifies. Age of rhyolite volcanism, Coso Mountains, California The age and volume of rhyolitic volcanism in the Coso Mountains geothermal area of southern Cali- fornia were determined by M. A. Lanphere, G. B. Dalrymple, and R. L. Smith. The silicic eruptive cen- ters, which include at least 31 recognizable rhyolite domes and flows, are distributed within an area of about 120 kmz. The total volume of erupted rhyolitic lava is about 2.4 km3. Two basalt flows provide limits on the age of the rhyolite domes and flows. A basalt thought to be older than any of the rhyolites on field evidence has an age of 3.24:0.10 m.y. A basalt that has an age of 0.038i0.0‘32 m.y. is thought to be younger than any of the rhyolites. The K-Ar ages measured on 16 of the domes range from about 0.04: 0.02 to 0.96:0.15 m.y. Most of the units, however, appear to be between 0.05 and 0.15 my. old. There is no geographic progression or pattern of ages with- in the rhyolite dome field. Volcano-tectonic implications of Glass Mountain and Mono Craters, California Close similarities between the petrochemistries and structural settings of the Glass Mountain rhyo- lite complex, on the northeastern rim of Long Valley caldera, and the much younger Mono Craters, north- east of the caldera, suggested to R. A. Bailey that the evolution of the former provides information on the possible future evolution of the latter. Geologic mapping of Glass Mountain by Bailey has shown that the lavas are more crystal rich in the lower part of the complex and that there is an ap- parent upward progression from early-stage sub- liquidus rhyolites to late-stage superliquidus rhyo- lites. Potassium-argon dates of 1.92 m.y. (Bailey and others, 1976) and 0.9 m.y. (Gilbert and others, 1968) indicate that this progression developed over a period of at least 1 m.y. The fact that the eruptive centers of Glass Mountain are on an arc concentric with the walls of Long Valley caldera suggests that they are on an outer caldera ring fracture and represent early leakage from the Long Valley magma chamber prior to its evisceration by the eruptions that produced the Bishop Tuff 0.7 m.y. ago. R. W. Kistler (1966) has noted that the Mono Craters also lie on an arcuate ring fracture having an apparent diameter of 14 km. Additional, more extensive arcuate fractures and faults mapped by Bailey indicate that the ring-fracture zone is nearly 18 km in diameter and shows a cumulative down- 154 ward displacement of at least 200 m centripetally. These structural relations together with (1) the remarkable chemical homogeneity of the Mono Cra- ters (Carmichael, 1967), (2) their very cloSe petro- chemical similarity to the older but structurally ‘analogous rhyolites of Glass Mountain ,( Jack and Car- michael, 1968; Noble and others, 1972), and (3) their very young age (31,000 to 1,300 yr (Dalrymple, 1967 ; Friedman, 1968)) imply that the Mono Craters overlie a large, possibly active magma chamber. A tentative estimate of the depth to the chamber based on Carmichael’s (1967) data is 6 to 22 km. If the evolution of the Mono Craters is similar to that of Glass Mountain, pumice and ash eruptions can be expected to continue for several hundred-year intervals. Conceivably, these eruptions could even- tually culminate in caldera-forming ash-flow erup- tions similar to those that produced the Bishop Tuff and Long Valley caldera, but such an event would occur far in the future and would undoubtedly be preceded by abundant forewarning seismic activity. If the Mono Craters are underlain by an active mag- ma chamber, it may be a potential source of geo- thermal energy, provided the “dry—hot-rock” method of heat extraction can be successfully developed. PETROLOGIC AND PETROCHEMICAL STUDIES Laramide magmatism and uranium-thorium fractionation, central Front Range, Colorado In a continuing study of the petrology and chemis- try of the early Laramide intrusions and volcanic rocks of the central Front Range, Colo., George Phair discovered that alkalic, alkali-calcic, calc-alkalic, and calcic, as well as tholeiitic, magma types all occur within this relatively small region. Recognition of this marked diversity invalidates earlier studies in‘ which all of the chemical variations were assigned to a single line of descent. Phair found that, although the magma types are closely related in time, they are geographically sep- arable. N epheline-bearing alkalic rocks occur only in the extreme north and south of the region. Northeast of the medial northwest-trending junction Ranch Breccia Reef, the region is potassic; southwest of the reef, it is sodic. The potassic province is further separable into a predominantly alkalic to alkali-calcic subprovince to the southwest and a predominantly calc—alkalic to calcic subprovince to the northeast by the Livingston Breccia Reef, which is in part fol- lowed by the tholeiitic Iron Dike. High concentrations of uranium and thorium cor- relate with high sodium contents in the rocks and GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 reach maximum value in the southwestern sodic province. Even greater enrichment of these elements occurs in the later sodic porphyry and calcium-poor rocks of the region, which is well known for its hy- drothermal deposits of pitchblende. The relations strongly suggest that these deposits are the result of magmatic fractionation of uranium and thorium. Trace-element variations, Summer Coon Volcano, Colorado R. A. Zielinski completed a trace-element study of the Oligocene Summer Coon stratovolcano, eastern San Juan Mountains, Colo. The rocks range in com~ position from basaltic andesite to rhyolite and have similar ages. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns are strongly fractionated in comparison with oceanic- arc andesite-dacite sequences. Enrichment factors relative to chondritic abundances are 80 to 120 for La but less than 10 for Yb and Lu. Small negative europium anomalies characterize the rhyolites. Al— kali and alkaline earth elements vary greatly. As Si02 increases, Ba increases from 900 to 2000 ppm, Rb increases fro-m 35 to 90 ppm, Sr decreases from 900 to 350 ppm, K/Rb decreases slightly, Ba/Sr in- creases, U increases from 0.5 to 2.5 ppm, and Th increases from 2 to 7 ppm. Nickel in the andesites ranges from 40 to 70 ppm. The origin of the andesites is interpreted in terms of nonmodal partial melting of a trace-element-en- riched garnet-bearing plagioclase—poor source, possi- bly subducted crust that has converted to eclogite. Rhyodacite and rhyolite are interpreted as low- pressure crystal factionation products of andesite, in which crystallizing phases are hornblende rich in REE and plagioclase. Chromite-ulvéspinel solid solution in alkalic basalts M. H. Beeson reported that a wide variety of oxide phases showing extensive solid solution among the various end-members occurs in the basaltic lavas of the East Molokai Volcano, Hawaii. Some chromite grains, which occur as microphenocrysts in the groundmass and also as inclusions in olivine, contain more than 50 percent CrzOg. Many of those chromite grains not entirely enclosed in olivine phenocrysts are continuously zoned from chromite at the core to ulvospinel at the margins. Continuous solid solu- tion between chromite and ulvospinel has been re- ported previously in the tholeiitic lavas of Kilauea Iki and Makaopuhi and from lunar basalts, but this report of chromite-ulvospinel solid solution in an alkalic rock suite appears to be the first. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES Ultramafic inclusions in basalts Xenoliths in basalts from the Western United States consist of magnesian spinel lherzolites in which at least four types of gabbroic and pyroxene- rich bands have formed, according to H. G. Wilshire and S. W. Shervais (1975). Gabbroic bands range from amphibole-rich olivine gabbro to gabbronorite and anorthosite. Nonfeldspathic bands include garnet pyroxenites and spinel pyroxenites of several types, amphibole-rich pyroxenite, and pure kaersutite. Each variety of compositional band has both igneous and metamorphic subtypes, and members of each group reveal a complex history of crystallization, subsolidus unmixing, recrystallization, and renewed fusion. Composite xenoliths show that there is also a broad sequence of emplacement of the main groups start- ing with chromium-rich magnesian spinel and gar- net clinopyroxenites and ending with gabbros. This history suggests generation of the melts in an active diapir of upper mantle peridotite. PLUTONIC ROCKS AND MAGMATIC PROCESSES Granitic rocks of the southern part of Yosemite National Park, California The granitic rocks of the Yosemite Valley, which were described in the classic report of Calkins (1930), were restudied by D. L. Peck with emphasis on their regional extent and interrelations. The El Capitan Granite forms a ,large pluton that extends 25 km southeast-of the valley and is intruded by several small masses of the related finer grained Taft Granite. The younger Bridalveil Granite and Leaning Tower Quartz Monzonite are in small bod- ies near the southern wall of the valley. The Sentinel Granodiorite as mapped by Calkins consists of at least four distinct granitic units from three plutons; from east to west near Glacier Point, these plutons consist of the following: (1) The marginal phase of the Tuolumne Intrusive Series, (2) the marginal and core phases of a zoned pluton that is exposed over a large area in the drainage basin of Yosemite Creek, north of the valley (Kistler, 1973), and (3) the marginal phase of a large zoned pluton exposed along Buena Vista Crest, south of the valley. The latter pluton and another large zoned pluton cen- tered on Washb-urn Lake, east of the valley, are both zoned from tonalite and granodiorite at the margin to fine-grained granite and granite po-rphyry at the core and are intermediate in age between the older El Capitan Granite and the younger Tuolumne In- trusive Series. 155 Mineralogical layering suggests multiple injections of magma in Lake Owens Mafic Complex, Wyoming R. S. Houston and J. L. Ridgley reported that the Lake Owens Mafic Complex of Houston and others (1968) of southeastern Wyoming can be subdivided into three and possibly four units that may repre-_ sent separate injections of magma. The lowermost unit, possibly only the exposed top of a thicker layer, consists largely of magnetite gabbro containing rela- tively sodic plagioclase (Angst). Two successively overlying units are each marked by olivine (F080) and calcic plagioclase (Anm), as well as by upward iron enrichment in the olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene and upward enrichment of sodium in the plagioclase (to An“). The upper part of each of these two units is magnetite gabbro, similar to the lowermost unit. Poorly exposed rocks suggest yet another overlying intrusive unit that is similar but whose initial olivine is more iron rich and whose plagioclase is less calcic—a situation that perhaps suggests fractional crystallization of the source magma. Garnet pyroxenites from Sabah, Malaysia Garnet pyroxenites and corundum-garnet amphib- olites from the Dent Peninsula of eastern Sabah (North Borneo) were investigated by B. A. Morgan. These rocks occur as blocks in a slump b-reccia de- posit of late Miocene age. The earliest formed min- erals include pyrope-almandine garnet, tschermaki- tic augite, pargasite, and rutile. Cumulate textures are present in two of the six specimens studied. The earlier fabric has been extensively brecciated and partly replaced by plagioclase, ilmenite, and a fib- rous amphibole. The bulk composition and min- eralogy of these rocks are similar to those of garnet pyroxenite lenses within ultramafic rocks. Estimated temperature and pressure for the origin of the Sabah garnet pyroxenites are 850i150°C and 191-4 kb, respeetively. Origin of garnets in plutonic rocks, central Sierra Nevada batholith, California Garnets, conspicuous though rare constituents of some plutonic rocks of the Sierra Nevada batholith, were studied by F. C. W. Dodge and L. C. Calk. The garnets have two different modes of origin. The less common almandine garnet probably formed at low prevailing oxygen pressure, possibly at considerable depth, during magmatic crystallization, whereas the more common almandine-spessartite or spessartite garnets have resulted from the concentration of manganese relative to iron in highly differentiated 156 melts. Contamination of granitic magmas by argil- laceous impurities or metamorphism of the plutonic rocks do not seem to be likely modes of origin for the Sierra Nevada garnets. Geochemistry and differentiation of a gabbro-diorite-tonalite- trondhjemite suite, Finland Investigation of the Precambrian hornblende gabbro-biotite diorite~biotite tonalite-trondhjemite suite of the Uusikaupunki-Kalanti area, southwest- ern Finland, by J. G. Arth, Fred Barker, Z. E. Peter- man, Irving Friedman, and G. A. Desborough showed that this suite with a continuous variation in SiO2 from about 42 to 74 percent is the most com- plete trondhjemite suite known. Major and minor elements, including rare earths and rubidium, stron- tium, and barium, show consistent variations that fit a model of origin in which a slightly alkaline and moderately wet olivine-tholeiite liquid (K20= 0.7 to 0.9 percent and H20=3 to 4 percent) differen- tiated by first settling out hornblende, then horn- blende and plagioclase, and lastly hornblende, plagio— clase, and biotite. Emplacement and crystallization of the Humbug stock, Colorado M. A. Kuntz reported that the Humbug stock, a relatively homogeneous quartz monzonite body in the Ten Mile Range, 'Colo., was emplaced as a semi- solid mass of partially crystallized magma; emplace— ment was achieved in part by faulting along the margins of the body. A hornblende-rich facies oc— cupies the central and northern parts of the stock, and a biotite-rich facies characterizes the western, southern, and eastern margins. Differences of quartz, plagioclase, and alkali feldspar between the two facies are not statistically significant. Age data so far obtained present a complex and somewhat confusing picture but may provide useful information on the cooling history of the body. Po- tassium~argon ages of biotite (determined by C. E. Hedge) and fission-track ages of zircon and apatite (determined by C. W. Naeser) suggest that the stock crystallized at 41:2 m.y. (on the basis of biotite ages), cooled relatively slowly to a temperature of about 300°C at 34:4 m.y. (on the basis of zircon ages), and reached a temperature of 100°C about 151-5 m.y. ago (on the basis of apatite ages). Al- ternatively, the apatite ages may reflect a reheating event about 15 m.y. ago. Origin of compositionally zoned plutons of the Sierra Nevada batholith, California Investigations by P. C. Bateman showed that the marginal rocks of compositionally zoned plutons of GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 the Sierra Nevada typically contain abundant horn- blende and biotite but little quartz and little or no K-feldspar, whereas interior rocks contain abundant quartz and K-feldspar but little or no hornblende. Analysis of modal patterns in the light of experi- mental data shows that such plutons solidified in- ward by the marginal accretion of crystals. Because crystallization proceeded with falling temperature, successively less refractory minerals were available for marginal accretion. Typical Sierran magmas were saturate-d in plagioclase, hornblende, and bio- tite when they reached the present level of exposure and consisted of both crystals and melt. Most mag- mas were also saturated in quartz but had been un- dersaturated earlier. The magmas became saturated in K-feldspar only after the temperature of the mag- ma had fallen appreciably below that at the time of emplacement. K-feldspar megacrysts grew where K-feldspar was being precipitated faster than crys- tals were being deposited on the plutons wall or set- tled downward. In magmas containing little potas- sium, K-feldspar began to crystallize much later than quartz, Whereas in magmas moderately rich in potassium, K-feldspar began to crystallize shortly after quartz. In the eastern part of the batholith (White Mountains), where potassium-rich magmas crystallized to rocks with more K-feldspar than quartz, K-feldspar probably began to crystallize be- fore quartz. Movements of core magmas during solidification produced discontinuities and concentrically ar- ranged “nested” plutons. Penetrations of the core magma through the crystallized carapace produced plutonic sequences in which the concentric arrange- ment has been lost. METAMORPHIC ROCKS AND PROCESSES Age of amphibolites associated with alpine peridotites in the Dinaride ophiolite zone, Yugoslavia M. A. Lanphere and R. G. Coleman (USGS), Steven Karamata (Univ. of Belgrade), and Jakob Pamic (Institute for Geological Research, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia) completed a geochronologic study of amphibolites associated with two alpine p-eridotite masses in the Dinaride ophiolite zone of Yugoslavia. Pargasite from corundum-pargasite amphibolite in- terlayered with peridotite in the Krivaja-Konjub and Zlatibor massifs and amphibole from garnet amphibolite at Zlatibor yielded K-Ar ages of 160 to 170 m.y. The amphibolites and peridotites occur within a complex sedimentary-volcanic assemblage that is similar in lithology and tectonic style to the Franciscan of the Western United States. The am- GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES phibolites are considered products of a Jurassic metamorphic event that may represent deep-seated metamorphism initiated by tectonic emplacement of the Yugoslavia ophiolites into the sedimentary-vol- canic assemblage. By analogy with California, the associated alpine peridotites, gabbro, diab-ase, and basalt can be interpreted as Jurassic oceanic crust and upper mantle that probably formed with the ancient Tethyan Sea. Reassessment of the concept of “burial metamorphism" Elan Zen made a review of several low-grade metamorphosed terranes that have been referred to as altered by “burial metamorphism.” (For example, see D. S. Coombs, 1961). Burial metamorphic rocks are mainly of low grade and have been metamor- phosed without being affected by penetrative defor- mation, i.e., without development of schistosity. Many burial metamorphic rocks characteristically show zeolitic assemblages. Rocks with similar min- eral assemblages occur in orogenic belts (for ex- ample, in Silurian-Devonian rocks of New Bruns- wick, Canada, and in the Helvetian realm of the western Alps). Experimental data of the phase equilibria of the typical zeolite minerals laumontite and analcime give the maximum stability fields for the metamorphism of these rocks. In nature, other factors such as additional chemical components and the condition of P320 less than Pm,“ tend to restrict the stabilities of these zeolites to lower pressures, perhaps to no more than 1 to 2 kb. Under such con- ditions, massive volcanic rocks and graywackes tend to fail by brittle fracture rather than by developing penetrative schistosity. Thus, many instances of burial metamorphism may merely signify metamor- phism at very shallow depth and low temperatures. GEOCHEMISTRY OF WATER AND SEDIMENTS The primary objectives of geochemical studies in hydrology are (1) to understand the hydrochemical processes that control the chemical character of water, (2) to increase understanding of the physics of the flow system by application of geochemical principles, and (3) to understand the rates of chemi- cal reactions and rates of transport of physical and chemical masses Within the hydrologic system. Water near an actiye volcano Water samples were periodically collected by C. J. Zablocki and R. I. Tilling in 1973 and 1974 from the top of the fluid column (approximately 488 m below the surface) in the 1,262-m-deep Kilauea Vol- 157 cano in Hawaii. Chemical analyses of these samples by Zablocki, Tilling, and B. F. Jones indicate that the waters are mildly saline and are of the sodium sulfate type and that seawater is not part of the hydrogeologic regime above the magma reservoir, as had been previously suggested by some investi- gators. Chemical and temperature data also indi- cate measurable dilution effects (lower salinity and temperature) in a sample collected the day after a period of high rainfall. Silica diagenesis Diagenetic cristobalite is Widely present in the Monterey Shale of the Templer Range, Calif., and its d.“1 spacing contracts from 0.411 to 0.404 nm with increasing depth of burial. Lines of constant d101 spacing, derived by contouring many determinations of the spacing over a given area, represent virtual- ly horizontal, isothermal surfaces that prevailed in the original pile of sediment. K. J. Murata and R. G. Randall (1975) tested the possible use of the spacing in structural studies by X-raying 100 samples of cristobalitic porcelanite from an area near Taft. They found that the lines of constant dm. spacings accurately delineated the folded structure of the Monterey Shale. Saline environments Further treatment of previously published data and 87 new solution analyses from the Lake Magadi area, Kenya, have extended information on the chemical evolution of alkaline saline waters. Accord- ing to B. F. Jones, the dominant influence of evapo- rative concentration has been documented by con- stant chloride to sodium and chloride to bro-mine ratios. The new data also show the loss of fluorine, boron, and sulfate, as well as alkaline earth, silica, potassium, and total carbonate during the concen- tration process. The greatest compositional changes probably are caused by evaporation to dryness and only partial re-solution. Calculations suggest that all water compositions in the Magadi system can be derived through proportional mixing of dilute in- flow with lake—surface brines at various stages of development. L. N. Plummer (1975) reported that the effect of mixing seawater or saline subsurface water with fresh calcium-carbonate type ground water was evaluated theoretically, by use of the computer pro— gram, MIX2. The results document the amount of subsaturation of calcite in mixtures and show the dependence of the mixing effect on partial pressure of carbon dioxide, temperature, ionic strength, de- 158 gree of saturation with respect to calcite, and pH of end-member solutions prior to mixing. The mix- ing calculations define geochemical environments that favor (1) development of increased‘porpsity and permeability in limestone aquifers; and (2) freshwater dolomitization of calcium carbonate by replacement. Gases in ground water' Methane, propane, and ethane—Partial pressures of dissolved gases were determined for 17 samples of ground water from major aquifers of the north- ern Great Plains. These include samples from sev- eral members of the coal-rich Fort Union Forma- tion and from underlying Cretaceous aquifers. D. W. Fisher and M. G. Croft found that nitrogen to argon concentration ratio-s in these waters ex- ceed the calculated value for air-saturated recharge. The increased ratios probably result from release of nitrogen during the course of degradation of or- ganic matter in the formations. Nitrogen and argon pressures determined for two samples from flowing artesian wells were substantially lower than the cor- responding calculated values for lair-saturated re- charge water. However, methane partial pressure in each of these waters was greater than 100,000 Pa. Apparently rapid evolution of methane from the dis- charging Wells has stripped some of the dissolved air gases from the formation. This stripping effect was not evident in other water samples, although two of them contained methane at comparably high pressures. ' The range of methane pressures determined was from about 500 Pa to more than 200,000 Pa; all of the high values were for samples from the deeper Cretaceous aquifers. Three of these waters con- . tained measurable quantities of ethane, and one sample from a 190-m deep well had a detectable pro- pane content. Sulfate concentrations were less than 150 mg/l in all samples with more than 10,000 Pa methane pressure; however, the inverse correlation is not regular. In contrast, sulfate in shallow Fort Union water often exceeds 600 mg/l, whereas ob- served methane pressures in the uppermost aquifers are less than 5,000 Pa. Ammonia—Although ammonia, as N, is barely detectable in most ground water pumped in the Gen- tral Platte Natural Resources District, Nebr., sig-* nificant concentrations evidently percolate to the ground-water reservoir. L. R. Petri and R. A. Eng- berg reported that ammonia concentrations ranging from 0.64 to 3.9 mg/l were detected in the upper GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 30 cm of ground water at 10 study sites in late winter or early spring of 1974. The ammonia that reaches the water table evi- dently is oxidized to nitrate at rates that depend somevx hat on soil permeability. Where soil perme- ability is high, concentrations in the upper 30 cm of the ground-water reservoir gradually diminished only slightly from spring to summer and persisted throughout the year. Carbon dioxide—The hydrogeochemistry of Ber- muda ground water was studied by L. N. Plummer (USGS), H. L. Vacher (Washington State Univ.), F. T. MacKenzie (Northwestern Univ.), 0. P. Bricker (The Johns Hopkins Univ.), and L. S. Land (Univ. of Texas) in order to clarify the chemical processes active during phreatic di'agenesis of Pleis- tocene carbonate sediments. The three processes that control the chemistry of Bermuda ground water are ( 1) generation of elevated CO2 partial pressures in soils and marshes, (2) dissolution of metastable car- bonate minerals (principally aragonite), and (3) mixing with seawater. 'Nonequilibrium dissolution and precipitation reactions coupled with seasonally variable fluxes of CO2 to and from the ground water are important in accounting for the carbonate min- eral formation. Kinetics of calcite solution L. N. Plummer followed the dissolution of Iceland spar in COZ-saturated solutions at 25°C and 101,325 Pa total pressure by measurement of pH as a func- tion of time. Surface concentrations of reactant and product species were calculated from bulk-fluid data using mass-transport theory and are near bulk-solu- tion values, demonstrating that calcite dissolution under the experimental conditions is controlled by -the kinetics of surface reaction. An empirical-rate relationship was developed and applied to predicting the rate of calcite dissolution in natural environ- ments. STATISTICAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROLOGY Q-mode factor analysis Continuing investigations by A. T. Miesch of the application of an extended form of Q-mode factor analysis to problems in geochemistry and petrology led to the concept of compositional structure in igneous rock bodies. The compositional structure of a body is reflected by the quasi-rank of a represen- tative matrix of chemical or mineralogic data. The quasi-rank of the data matrix is low, and the com- positional structure of the body- is simple, if the GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES matrix is similar to a matrix of low true rank. Use of this method means that the major features of compositional variation and covariation in the body can be explained by the mixing or unmixing of rela- tively few end-members; that is, the igneous body probably formed by a relatively simple combination of processes. Simple compositional structures have been found in (1) a rhyolite—basalt complex in Yel- lowstone National Park, Wyo., (2) lavas and pu- mices from the 1959 summit eruption at Kilauea, Hawaii, and (3) granitic batholiths of the Sierra Nevada, Calif., and the Alaska-Aleutian Range. Complex compositional structures occur in rock bodies that acquired their compositional variation largely by complex combinations of processes, such as those that operate in magmatic differentiations. Complex structures have been identified in several igneous bodies, including the Pikes Peak batholith in Colorado, a recent basalt flow in New Mexico, and the layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion, Greenland. Some of the above investigations and the methods used were Miesch (1975a, b), and a computer program was published by Klovan and Miesch (1975). Whether the compositional structure of the igne- ous body is simple or complex, petrologic models can be developed by searching for end-member com- positions. Commonly, the end-member compositions are those of mineral species within compositional systems such as albite-anorthite, forsterite-fayalite, or wollastonite-enstatite—ferrosilite. The end-mem- ber compositions may also be those of mineral clus- ters such as, for example, those in the system quartz- orthoclase-albite-anorthite. Compositions within two-, three-, or four-component systems can be systematically examined for compatibility with the compositional variation in an igneous body by using a new computer program, QSCAN, and compatible species may constitute end-members for petrologic models. Commonly, QSCAN identifies mineral spe- cies actually present in the igneous body, as deter- mined by conventional petrologic methods. In other applications, QSCAN has pointed to compositions of minerals that may have been early differentiates or of materials that might have been incorporated into the primary magmas. Simulation of sampling problems A new interactive computer program, SAMPLE, was prepared by A. T. Miesch for the simulation of sampling problems encountered in either geochemi- cal exploration or general geochemical surveys. The 159 purpose of the program is to observe the effects of random errors in sampling and analysis on efforts to detect geochemical anomalies or regional trends. The results are providing guidelines for judging the required sampling density and analytical precision for sampling programs. Geochemical discriminant for sandstones J. J. Connor and N. M. Denson reported that sam- ples of sandstone near the Fort Union-Wasatch con- tact in the Powder River Basin have been success— fully assigned to their respective stratigraphic posi- tion by using a discriminant function based on bulk chemical composition. The following discrimination index has correctly classified 81 of 99 sandstone samples collected near the Fort.Union-Wasatch con- tact around its outcrop belt: Z = 2.38 log Fe + 2.09 log Mn + 4.29 log Ba + 0.89 log Na A sandstone sample can be classified if its bulk con- centrations of iron and sodium (in percent) and manganese and barium (in parts per million) are knOwn. Any sample having an index (Z) above 14.92 is assigned to the Wasatch Formation, and any sam- ple with an index less than 14.92 is assigned to the Fort Union Formation. This index correctly classi- fied 26 of 27 samples that were not used to define the index. The samples were collected from the Wasatch Formation near the contact with the Fort Union in northern Campbell County, Wyo. Three sandstone samples from the lower part of the Fort Union and four more from the underlying Lance Formation were tested bythe discriminator and found to be chemically similar to the Wasatch. All of these results support previous work (Denson and Pipiringos, 1969) based on heavy mineral suites and confirm the suspicion that sandstones in the upper part of the Fort Union Formation are distinct from those in the lower part of the Wasatch Formation, the Tullock Member of the Fort Union, and the Lance Formation. ISOTOPE AND NUCLEAR GEOCHEMISTRY ISOTOPE TRACER STUDIES Source and history of island-arc magmas Samples from the basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite suites of Rabaul and Talasea, New Britain, were studied for rare-earth content by J. G. Arth and for strontium isotopic composition by Z. E. Peterman. The 878r/“Sr ratios in both suites are 160 nearly constant, averaging 0.7037 for Rabaul and 0.7035 for Talasea. The chondrite-normalized rare- earth patterns for both suites are relatively flat and show increasing concentrations from basalt to da- cite. Europium anomalies are not found in pheno- ' cryst-poor basalt and are increasingly negative from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. The data are compati- ble with a model for the origin of the basaltic mag- mas by 20 to 30 percent melting of mantle perido— tite and a model for the origin of the basaltic ande— sites, andesites, dacitevs, and rhyolites by fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, and Opaques in varying proportions from the basalt magmas. The trace-element and isotopic character- istics of both suites are not consistent With an origin by melting of subducted oceanic crust. Genesis of Boulder Creek Granodiorite A study of regional variations in the trace-element and strontium isotopic composition of granodiorites of Boulder Creek age (1.7 by.) in Colorado was started by C. E. Hedge. Thus far, samples from cen- tral Colorado have higher rubidium, strontium, and barium contents and more fractionated rare-earth patterns than samples to the north and south. The differences are thought to reflect differences in source materials and genetic processes. Tentatively identified processes include anatexis of amphibolite and metagraywacke and fractional crystallization of mantle-derived mafic magma. The inferred processes are distinct from those that could be expected in any simple Cenozoic tectonic analog. Any tectonic model must explain the generation of large volumes of magma over a broad area and within a brief span of geologic time. A two-stage model for terrestrial lead-isotope evolution J. S. Stacey proposed a two-stage model for ter- restrial lead-isotope evolution. This construct utilizes the solar system age of 4.57 by. and the composi- tion of primordial lead determined by Mitsunobu Tatsumoto, along with the recently determined values for the half-lives of uranium. The model al- lows the ages of many “volcanic exhalative” lead- ore deposits to be approximated by their lead-iso- topic composition to within i 50 my of their known age by other methods. Lead-isotopic composition in basalts and sediments from the Nazca Plate Lead-isotopic compositions and uranium, thorium, and lead concentrations have been determined by Mitsunobu Tatsumoto and Dan Unruh in 11 basalt and 3 sediment samples from leg 34 of the DSDP. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The 232Th/238U ratios and the lead-isotopic composi- tion of the basalts are typical of oceanic tholeiites and suggest that the magmas were extruded at the extinct Galapagos rise. Lead-isotopic compositions, when corrected for in-place uranium decay, are simi- lar for all basalt samples analyzed. The similarity suggests that the magmas originated either from a ‘ portion of the mantle in which lead-isotopic compo- sition is homogeneous or from one in which partial melts from different sources have been mixed in the same proportions for the last 45 my The lead concentration in a sample of Pliocene sediment is about average for deep-sea sediments but about 10 to 20 times higher than that of samples of lower and middle Miocene sediments. The low lead concentration in the Miocene sediments can be attributed to carbonate accumulation. The similarity of the lead-isotopic compositions in sediments and basalts supports a hypothesis that the metallic ele- ments in the metalliferous sediments of the Nazca plate are of ocean-ridge origin. STABLE ISOTOPES Berridale batholith, Australia Two contrasting types of Paleozoic granitoids oc- cur widely in southeastern Australia and can gen- erally be distinguished by their chemistry, min- eralogy, field occurrence, and initial strontium iso- tope ratios. Previous work has shown that the granitoids are derived by partial melting of two dif— ferent types of source materials: (1) Igneous or “I type” and (2) sedimentary or “S type.” J. R. O’Neil (USGS) and B. W. Chappell (Aus- tralian National Univ.) measured oxygen and hy- drogen isotope compositions on 59 whole-rock sam- ples of fresh and altered granitoids and xenoliths. For S-type plutons, average 3018 values range from 9.9 to 10.5, whereas for the I types the range is 7.9 to 9.4. Xenoliths are about 1 per mil lighter in O18 and generally heavier in deuterium than the host rocks. The average 3D values (and water con- tents) are ~62i4 (1.10 percent) and —77:12 (—0.73 percent) for S and I granitoids, respectively. Individual 8D values range fro-m —52 to ——108 and correlate very well with water content: the more water-rich the melt, the greater the deuterium con- tent. This effect must be related to the physical and chemical conditions of the ascent and crystallization history of the granitoids. The rather large AO18 (quartz-biotite) values range from 5.0 to 6.9 (independent of type) with a mean of 6.0. Thus, typical isotope temperatures GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES of ~520°C are inferred and may be retrograde ef- fects. O”Z compositions of trondhjemites Fred Barker, Irving Friedman, and J. D. Gleason analyzed the O18 composition of whole-rock samples of 75 Precambrian and Phan‘erozoic trondhjemites and acidic metavolcanic gneisses of 19 cogenetic mafic to intermediate rocks from North America, Eennoscandia, and southern Africa. Trondhjemites, metadacites, and metarhyodacites (average contents of 72.2 percent SiO2 and 1.93 percent K20) that probably are isotopically undisturbed give an aver- age 8018 of +7.2 per mi] and a range of +5.5 to 8.3. The mafic to intermediate rocks show a wide range of values, the extremes of which indicate exchange during or after emplacement with either isotopically light meteoric waters or isotopically heavy wall rocks but which in part show relatively undisturbed 8018 values of +4.5 to 5.5 per mil. The 3018 values of the trondhjemites and compositionally similar metavolcanic rocks, which are definitely lower than those of most granites and quartz monzonites, are in accord with the several models of derivation of these rocks from basaltic parents by partial melting or igneous differentiation. Fossil thermal gradients in the Ruby Mountains The K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages in crystalline rocks in the northern Ruby Mountains, Nev., are less than’the ages of the host rocks. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of all the dated min- erals and quartz have been determined. R. W. Kistler and J. R. O’Neil interpreted the re- duced mineral ages to reflect cooling during uplift, along an arch of regional extent with a trend of about N. 30° E., that began during emplacement of the 36—m.y.-old Harrison Pass pluton into the central part of the range. Petrologic data indicate that the exposed crystal- line terrane was at depths that ranged from about 13 to 8 km prior to uplift and erosion 36 my. ago. Temperatures from top to bottom in this depth in- terval at the beginning of uplift are estimated to have ranged from 350° to 560°C on the basis of the critical temperatures required to permit complete retention of radiogenic daughter products in the minerals dated. Oxygen isotope geothermometry in- dicates oxygen equilibration temperatures that ranged from 400° to 650°C from top to bottom of the same depth interval. The thermal gradient in- dicated by the oxygen isotopic data closely approxi- mates the thermal gradient that must have existed 161 during Mesozoic amphibolite-facies metamorphism of the crystalline terrane. Magmatic or meteoric water in are fluids Studies by R. 0. Rye (USGS) , G. P. Landis (Univ. of New Mexico), and F. J. Sawkins (Univ. of Min- nesota) on the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic com- position of numerous Tertiary hydrothermal ore de- posits in the Andes of South America indicated that magmatic fluids are nearly always present at some stage during the history of the hydrothermal fluids. The hydrothermal fluids in these Tertiary ore de- posits are probably not dominated by meteoric waters, as are those in similar deposits in the West- ern United States, because of the relatively dry climate in the Andes during ore deposition. The study suggests that the dominance of meteoric water in the hydrothermal fluids of certain ore deposits may be related to local climate and hydrology rather than to anything fundamental about ore deposition. Copper Canyon deposit J. N. Batchelder found that the fluid-inclusion water in quartz from the Copper Canyon deposit at Battle Mountain, Nev., has 8D values that range from —101.5 to —75.6 per mi]. The calculated 8018 of water from quartz ranged from +3.1 to 10.9 per mi]. The calculated 8D for water (from biotite anal- yses) ranged from —71.2 to ~111.5 per mil, and the calculated 8018 of water from biotite ranged from +0.5 to +5.0 per mil. These data indicate that the ore-forming solutions were most likely com- posed of magmatic water mixed with significant amounts of meteoric water. Antarctic climates Irving Friedman and G. I. Smith showed that CaClg-6H20 (antarcticite) grown at —20° to —30°C is enriched in O13 by 11.3 per mil and deplete-d in D by 16 per mil relative to the solution. With this information, it is possible to explain the anomalous isotopic composition of the brines of Don Juan Pond, Victoria Land, Antarctica. It is also possible to explain the brine composition in nearby Lake Vanda and to decipher the climatic history of this interesting warm lake located 528 km from the South Pole as follows: (1) Fjord formed 75 my ago during warm Antarctic climate; (2) fjord blocked, trapping sea water ~50,000 yr ago; (3) sea water evaporated, climate cooler than present, desiccation yielded CaClg-6H20 crystals, winds blew NaCl and MgCl2 away; (4) brief climatic warming occurred 2600:200 yr ago, climate slightly warmer 162 than present; (5) climate cooled and lake desiccated again; (6) another climatic warming occurred about 1,000 yr ago, initial warming slightly warmer than at present. The present high temperature (25° to 28°C) in the lower part of this saline lake is due to solar heat- ing, not geothermal heating. Climate and deuterium in tree rings Irving Friedman made deuterium analyses of wood (tree rings) from bristlecone pine collected from the White Mountains, California-Nevada. The variation in 8D appears to correlate with the Euro- pean climate from 200 AD. to 1950. There are some specific points that do not show an exact correlation, and this discovery may be important to theories of ‘ climatic change. Additional work is now underway on living trees to determine the relationship between the SD of tree wood and known climatic factors. Growth of oats in light water While growing oats from seeds in closed jars, Irv- ing Friedman and J. D. Gleason observed that seeds growing in water from the Antarctic and depleted in O18 and deuterium grew much more rapidly than seeds growing in water of more normal isotopic composition. This observation was confirmed in sev- eral sets of experiments conducted at different tem- peratures. ADVANCES IN GEO-CHRONOMETRY Thermoluminescence dating technique for Hawaiian basalts A technique for dating young Hawaiian basalts using thermoluminescence (TL) was developed by R. J. May. The basic method, which has been used for radiation dosimetry in health physics and for‘ age measurements in archeologic studies, depends on the measurement of a very small amount of light emitted when dielectric crystals are heated in the laboratory. The amount of light given off by a sam- ple is a function of the age of the sample, the natural radiation dose rate, and the “sensitivity” of the crystals. The ages of alkalic basalts from the island of Hawaii can be reproduced to within about :10 per- cent when they are compared with carbon-14 and K-Ar ages on the same lavas. The TL ages on tho- ]eiitic basalts are less accurate, primarily because low elemental concentrations of uranium and thor- ium make~these two important sources of natural radiation difficult to measure. The method, which appears to have a range of from about 5><103 to GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 5><105 yr, fills an important gap between the useful ranges of the carbon-14 and the K-Ar dating tech- niques and should be applicable to other igneous rock types. Uranium-lead ages and open-system behavior of pitchblendes, Shirley Basin, Wyoming Uranium-lead isotope apparent ages of several pitchblende and pitchblende-pyrite samples from roll-type uranium deposits of the Shirley Basin dis- trict, Wyo., were determined by K. R. Ludwig, and all have been found to be moderately to very strong- ly discordant. The discordance and variability of ap- parent ages, even from clearly cogenetic and closely spaced samples, show that isolated uranium-lead analyses of roll-type pitchblende samples can be mis- leading. The pitchblende samples haVe lost both lead (greater than 40 percent for some samples) and 238U intermediate daughters such as 2”Rn or 226Ra (greater than 65 percent for some samples). In- corporation of an old radio-genie lead component by the pitchblende has not significantly altered the ap- parent ages. The oldest apparent ages, which are the least discordant, indicate that some of the ura- nium mineralization in the district began earlier than 34 my. ago. Age of disseminated uraninite, Wheeler Basin, Colorado K. R. Ludwig determined the isotopic ages of spe- cimens, collected by E. J. Young, from the dissemi- nated uraninite occurrence at Wheeler Basin, Grand County, Colo. Uranium and lead isotopic analyses of monazite and uraninite indicate that these min- erals formed 1,446i20 m.y. ago. This time correlates well with the intrusion of the Silver Plume Granite. The uraninite and monazite were also affected by a later disturbance at 8801-130 m.y. but show essen- tially no effects of subsequent events. This second- ary disturbance may have been due to intrusion of dikes related to the Pikes Peak batholith, dated at 1,041 i 13 my. ago. Problems in dating sericite Potassium-argon dating of sericite, a common wall-rock alteration mineral in epithermal ore de- posits, has been used to date alteration associated with mineralization. M. L. Silberman found, how- ever, that the K-Ar ages of sericite may be anomal- ously high in host rocks that have a detrital mica component. In two Nevada epithermal mineral deposits, seri- cite has yielded strongly anomalous ages of minerali- zation. In both cases, it is possible to establish limits GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES for the age of mineralization from geologic field re- lationships. In both cases, sedimentary rocks, in which mica occurred as a detrital component, were the host rocks. Fluid-inclusion filling temperatures indicate that temperatures of 200° to 300°C are reached in hydro- thermal fluids in epithermal ore deposits. Evidently, these temperatures are not high enough or do not persist for long enough time periods to release all prealteration radiogenic argon from muscovite dur- ing a typical hydrothermal event, despite severe al- teration of the host rocks. Dating early Pleistocene men by the uranium-series method B. J. Szabo (USGS) dated fossil bones associated with several Neanderthal man discoveries by means of the uranium-series method. K. P. Oakley (British, Museum), supplied a tooth at Elephas Atlanticus that was associated with remains of the Ternitine man of Algeria. The tooth yielded a Th230 age of 210,000-135,000 yr. Correction for a small amount of excess Pa231 would indicate an open-system age of 180,000-140,000 yr. Bone samples from several Neanderthal man 10- calities in Great Britain were furnished by D. Col- lins (University of London). The Swanscombe man was apparently reliably dated at 300,000 yr, but samples from the Stutton and Brunden localities yielded only open~system ages of 125,000:20,000 and 174,000:30,000 yr, respectively. Geochronology in Indonesia Some 35 samples from Indonesia, dominantly from Sulawasi and Sumatra, were dated by J. D. Obradovich in cooperation with P. W. Richards, W. H. Nelson, and the late D. E. Wolco-tt. The work on Sulawasi (formerly Celebes Island) has been re- stricted to the southwestern arm where basaltic vol- canism commenced on a pre—Cretaceous basement 17 to 18 m.y. ago. This activity was followed by a period of voluminous andesitic volcanism 9 m.y. ago and lesser amounts of dacitic eruptions 4 to 5 m.y. ago. Andesites that appear to be of Holocene age occur at the southernmost end of the southwestern arm. Plutonic activity (dioritic to granitic) spans a period of some 9 to 10 m.y. from ~14 to 5 m.y. ago. The largest exposed granitic body near Mad- jene was dated at 6.2 m.y. However, one of the few shows of mineralization in this region is associated with a nearby but much smaller and younger body dated at 5.5 m.y. Sampling in the northern part of Sumatra was re- stricted primarily to the numerous granites that 163 crop out along the western margin, although a few samples of upper Cenozoic andesites and tufl’s were collected. The oldest granite found so far is from a small outcrop exposed along the easternmost fault bound- ary of Lake Singkarak. The K-Ar age of ~290 m.y. on muscovite must be considered simply a mini- mum, since the granite shows east-west segregation bands and north—south fracture system. Although other Sumatran granites have been reported to be of Permian and Carboniferous age or older, this geo- chronometric confirmation is the first. Two large granitic masses, one at and to the east of Sibolga and the other east of Sisawah, indicate a period of Triassic plutonism ~210 to 215 m.y. ago. , . Late Triassic-earliest Jurassic plutonism (~190 m.y. ago) is indicated just to the east of Kutanopan. The pluton to the east of Singaimas (northeast of Lake Singkarak) was emplaced in the latest Jurassic (~145 m.y. ago). ' The Lassi Granite (southeast of Lake:.Singkarak) may be another of latest Jurassic or earliest Cre- taceous age; however, the large analytical uncer- tainty of its age currently precludes any definitive statement. The same can be said for the large granite mass ~25 km to the southeast of Sawahlun-to. Pre- liminary data indicate a possible age range of 110 to 155 m.y. A small granite body of middle Cretaceous age (105 m.y.) north of Kutanopan seems to be the youngest intrusive mass along the western margin except for a granite ~11 km south of Padangpand- jang, which yields an age of ~8 m.y. However, this granite body sits in the midst of the young andesitic volcanic field, and the age of 8 m.y. may reflect ther- mal resetting. The geologic constraints of the post- Permian and pre-Late Cenozoic do little to solve this problem. Two of the upper Cenozoic andesites, one south of Solok and the other from the caldera rim around Lake Manindjau, were dated at 1.66 and 0.80 m.y., respectively. The age of 0.80:0.20 m.y. places a ' lower limit on the age of the nearby but demonstrab- ly younger andesitic volcanoes of Singgalang, Tandi- kat, and Marapi. Although Tandikat and Marapi have a record of historic eruption, only Marapi has active fumaroles. Uranium-series dating of marine deposits Recent drilling and trenching by the Department of Defense on Eniwetok Atoll provided excellent samples of coral for dating by the uranium-series 164 method. Four samples from two cores, supplied by J. I. Tracey, Jr., were dated by B. J. Szabo. Three and possibly five unconformities are recognized in these cores. These unconformities are related to periods of coral growth during the warm cycle and higher sea level of the interglacial period, which was followed by a lowering of the sea level at the on- set of glaciation and subsequent erosion of the upper surfare of the reefs. A sample taken from hole PAR-16 at a depth of 7.9 Hi, just above the upper unconformity, has a Th2’30 date of 8,700i500 yr, which appears reliable be- cause the Um/U238 ratio of 1.14:0.01 is concordant for that age. A second sample from that hole taken at a depth of 9.9 In, just below the upper uncon- formity, yielded an age of 130,000i7,000 yr. A sam- ple from hole PAR-15 at a depth of 14.9 m, between the upper and next lower unconformity, also has an age of 130,000i7,000 yr. The Um/U238 ratios of 1.12:0.01 and 1.10:0.01 indicate that these sam- ples remained closed with respect to uranium and thorium isotopes and that these ages are reliable. These data show that a hiatus in coral growth of about 120,000 yr duration can be observed because, during that time, the level of the ocean did not rise enough to submerge the reefs and allow coral growth. If it is assumed that there was no unac- countable uplift during this interval, these dates define the last major glacial period in this region of the Pacific, which occurred from about 130,000 to 9,000 yr ago. An additional sample from hole PAR-15 at a depth of 38.7 In, just below the third or possibly the fourth unconformity, did not yield suitable age results. The sample apparently underwent both dissolution of some aragonitic structure and calcitic infilling. The Th230 date of 165,000 yr can be considered only as a minimum age; the age calculated from the meas- ured U“’3“‘/U238 ratio (1.04:0.01) of 460,000:100,— 000 yr can be considered as a maximum. Five coral and five shell samples from the Fal- muth Formation of Jamaica have been dated; the samples were collected from three localities by W. Moore (US. Naval Oceanographic Ofiice) along the north shore of Jamaica. The marine terrace is dis- tinct, with an elevation above sea level up to 10 m. Only one of the corals yielded concordant Th230 and Pa231 dates of 129,000-110,000 yr. For the other four corals, open-system dates were calculated. The aver- age of the five dates, 130,000:7,000 yr, appears to be a reliable age for the Falmuth Formation of Jamaica. Two of the shell samples yielded concord- ant dates (but ages that were too young) of 70,000 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 and 95,000 yr, respectively; however, these results do not agree with the dates for the coral samples. One shell yielded an open-system date of 137,000: 20,000 yr that is in agreement with the average date of corals. The other two shell samples showed evi- dence of extensive migration of uranium isotopes and their long-lived daughter elements; thus, no ages could be calculated for these samples. Uranium-series dating of fossil shells and bone was completed on material supplied by L. M. Gard, Jr. The results yielded an average age of 127 ,000:8,000 yr for the fos-siliferous deposit of the South Bight II marine transgression at Amchitka Island in the Aleutian Islands. These Pleistocene beds were de- posited during an interglacial high-sea stand con- temporaneous with the well-dated period of coral reef formation on Hawaii and Barbados about 125,- 000 yr ago and with our more recent dates of about 130,000 yr for coral reef formation on Jamaica and Eniwetok. GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS Magma beneath Yellowstone National Park Geophysical andgeological data gathered by the USGS over the past 10 yr confirm the 1911 hypoth- esis of R. A. Daly that a body of magma lies at moderately shallow depth beneath Yeliowstone Na- tional Park (Eaton and others, 1975). The Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field is less than 2 my. old, lies in a region of intense tectonic and hydrothermal activity, and probably has the poten- tial for further volcanic activity. The youngest of three volcanic cycles climaxed 600,000 yr ago with an immense ash-flow eruption and the collapse of two contiguous cauldron blocks. Intracaldera dom- ing 150,000 yr ago, voluminous rhyolite extrusion as recently as 70,000 yr ago, and the present-day high convective heat flow suggest a new magmatic in- surgence. The existence beneath the Quaternary rhyolite plateau of a body composed at least partly of magma is supported by the following evidence: (1) A major gravity low with steep bounding gradients, (2) an aeromagnetic low possibly indicating the existence of material above the Curie temperature at shallow depth, (3) substantial delays in the P velocity of seismic waves passing beneath the plateau, and (4) minor seismicity within the caldera, compared to a high level of seismic activity in some adjacent areas. The gravity low that extends beneath a postglacial arcuate fault zone just northeast of the Yellowstone GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES caldera suggests that the magma extends under the Tertiary 'volcanic rocks in that area. Origin of spring and geyser vents in Yellowstone National Park G. D. Marler and D. E. White completed a report on Seismic Geyser and its bearing on the origin and evolution of geysers and hot springs in Yellowstone Park. Seismic started as a fracture resulting from the Hebgen Lake earthquake of August 17, 1959. Over the next 5 yr, the fracture evolved through the progressive stages of a new fumarole, a small spouter, then a small geyser, and finally a large geyser erupting to 15 m in height. Its channel in the meantime had evolved from a narrow crack to a vent 12 m in diameter and with a probed (mini- mum) depth of 6.4 m. The formation and evolution of Seismic, along with the results of research drilling (White and others, 1975), provide the keys for understanding the origin of craters and vents of other geysers and probably also of the large smooth-walled pools. New fractures result from vigorous seismic disturbance of large high-temperature convection systems with fluid pressure gradients 10 to 50 percent above hy- drostatic. Near-surface enlargement of vents results from flashing of water to steam in partly cemented sinter and sediments; typical volume increases of the fluid phases are 75 to 150 times the initial liquid water volume (at 125° to 150°C) when erupted to atmospheric pressure. Deeper enlargement of the channel and local reservoir of each geyser probably occurs because of extreme pressure gradients prob- ably locally much above the lithostatic gradient. Fountain-type geysers such as Seismic form where near-surface rocks are incompetent enough to pro- duce an upward-flaring vent as decompression oc- curs and as wall materials are fragmented and ejected. Cone-type geysers probably form where near-surface rocks are relatively competent and re- sist extensive fragmentation; most erupted water drains away from the vent as Si02 is deposited lo- cally to form cones or mounds. Giant hydrothermal explosion crater in Yellowstone National Park Evidence of a gigantic hydrothermal explosion on the northeastern margin of Yellowstone Lake was found by G. M. Richmond. The explosion deposit forms a hemielliptic‘al ridge as much as 18 m high that encloses an area about 4.8 km long northeast of Mary Bay and about 2.4 km inland from the bay. The deposit consists of large and small angular slabs and chips of silica-cemented lake sand, silt, and till in an unsorted matrix of sandy, silty clay. Some 165 rounded pebbles and cobbles, including a number of glacial erratics, also occur in the material. The explosion deposit overlies lake sand or varved silt underlain by till of the last glaciation; all three are locally silica cemented. The outer margin of the deposit intrudes a thin organic lake-bottom sedi- ment, carbon-14 dated by Meyer Rubin as 13,650: 650 yr old (W2894). The deposit is overlapped by fine lake sand containing near its base a thin layer of volcanic ash identified by R. E. Wilcox as the 12,000— or 12,600-yr-old Glacier Peak Ash, or pos- sibly the St. Helens J. Ash. Charcoal 2 m above the ash has been carbon-14 dated by Rubin as 10,900: 350 yr old (W2736). Muflier and others (1971) have suggested that a sudden lowering of hydrostatic pressure would touch ofl? a hydrothermal explosion and that such a lowering could be brought about by rapid draining of a lake. The sudden release of an ice-dammed lake that existed in the northern ,part of the Yellowstone Lake basin at that time prob- ably caused the explosion. Yellowstone’s deep plumbing New studies of Yellowstone hot-spring waters by A. H. Truesdell, R. O. Fournier, W. F. McKenzie, and Manual Nathenson were made by using geother- mometer methods capable of indicating the tempera— tures of progressively deeper parts of geothermal systems (silica and cation geothermometers, mixing model calculations, and the sulfate-water isotope geothermometer). These investigations, combined with the recent geophysical evidence that the Yel- lowstone caldera may be underlain with magma at shallow (10 km?) depths, suggest that the caldera contains an extensive aquifer with hot (370i°C), moderately saline (1,000 ppm NaCl) water that escapes upward where suitable fractures exist. Many relatively small and cooler reservoirs exist in the shallow parts of the hydrothermal system. Although the residence time of water within these reservoirs is variable, the overall rate of upward flow between reservoirs and to the surface is rapid. The chemistry of the ascending waters is altered by dilution, reac- tion with rocks, and steam separation. The highest temperature likely to be attained by dilute convect- ing vapor-saturated water is about 370: °C because heating to slightly higher temperatures induces very substantial increases in volume (30 percent increase between 370° and 374°C). Thus, convecting fluid near the critical point may serve to regulate tem- peratures in deep geothermal systems. 166 Geothermal reservoir temperatures estimated from the oxygen- isotope composition of dissolved sulfate and water from hot springs The 013/016 and D/H ratios of waters and 015/ 016 ratios of dissolved sulfates from hot springs were determined in six major geothermal systems in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., by W. F. Mc- Kenzie and A. H. Truesdell. Values of 8018/ (H20) varied with chloride content, but 8018 (804—2) was nearly constant (—12i1 per mil relative to SMOW) for most waters studied. Steam-loss and mixing models were used to estimate the 018/016 ratio of the deep reservoir water for each system. The residence time of dissolved sulfate in the deep reservoir is sufficient to ensure isotopic equilibrium between dissolved sulfate and water, and waters as- cend to the surface rapidly in relation to the rate of isotopic exchange. Except for waters containing sulfate of surficial origin, calculated temperatures of last sulfate-water isotopic equilibrium ranged from 320° to 420°C for all geothermal areas within the Yellowstone caldera. These temperatures are higher than those indicated by other geothermo- metric methods. Calculation of deep reservoir temperatures from chemistry of boiling hot springs of mixed origin Geothermometers based on the contents in hot springs of SiOZ, Na, K, and Ca are successful in in- dicating subsurface temperatures below 200° to 300°C. For higher temperatures, reequilibration us- ually occurs during passage of the water to the sur- face. If hot and cold waters mix in the subsurface, indications of maximum temperatures may be pre- served. Computations based on the chemistry of mixed springs of less than 80°C have been previous- ly described by Fournier and Truesdell (1974). A new method was devised by A. H. Trusdell and R. O. Fournier to calculate deep temperatures and hot-water fractions for mixed springs that issue at boiling temperatures. In the following equations, Cl is the chloride content; Hw, H8, and Hm, are spe- cific enthalpies at the surface temperatures of water, steam, and evaporation, respectively; H.“ is the enthalpy of liquid water at the temperature indi- cated by the silica geothermometer; and the super- scripts m, n, and 6 indicate mixed, nonmixed, and cold springs, respectively. The parameters H" and X are the specific enthalpy and mass fraction of the hot. component of the mixed water: Cl"'Hwa"(Ha’"—Hallm) +Cl’"Hm'”(Hsn"'—Hu-‘) —- ClCHwa’U‘st'" X: Cl"stm(Hs"—-Hw°) —Cl°le"Hw-"' GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Hsilm_ch X Temperatures are determined from specific en- thalpy by reference to standard steam tables. The method has successfully predicted observed deep temperatures for drilled geothermal systems in New Zealand and Chile. Geothermal modeling H”: +va To gain experience in solving multiphase flow equations, several one-and two-dimensional finite element and finite difference models were developed by J. W. Mercer, C. R. Faust, and G. F. Finder and applied to the classical Buckley-Leverett problem of water flooding a petroleum reservoir. Using their experience from isothermal‘ multiphase modeling, they developed and solved partial differential equa- tions describing heat transport in a steam-water- rock system by means of a Galerkim finite element method. The final equations are in terms of the dependent variables pressure and enthalpy and are valid for flow of compressed water, steam-water mixtures, and superheated steam; thus, the numeri- cal model is capable of simulating both hot-water and vapor-dominated geothermal reservoirs. The model also allows for phase changes and therefore can simulate the transition of a hot-water reservoir to a steam-water reservoir (for example, the Wair- akei, New Zealand, geothermal field). Numerical tests have been successfully conducted; however, no field application has been attempted thus far. Traces of deep saline brines in most subsurface dilute waters D. E. White concluded that probably huge quan- tities of saline fluid-s of various origins have circu- lated through the “fossil” geothermal system of old hydrothermal ore deposits. The ore fluids, common- ly ranging from 1 to 40 percent in dissolved salts, were generally being diluted by meteoric water dur- ing ore depositions and were eventually completely flushed by such water. Deep saline waters of all kinds are eventually dis- placed as a general consequence of compaction, pro- gressive metamorphism, and convective flushing re- lated to igneous activity and may generally leave no obvious permanent record of their earlier passage such as recognizable ore deposits. Total volumes of such saline fluids are unknown but must be many thousands of cubic kilometres. An important con- sequence of this conclusion is that any water of low to moderate salinity is likely to have a small propor- tion of “deep” saline water, commonly of non- meteoric origin. Chemical and isotopic criteria are GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES not yet precise enough to identify very small propor- tions of such waters, but characteristic “signatures” _ may eventually prove useful. In recent years, many geochemists have explained the chemical compositions of subsurface waters as products of the interaction of meteoric waters with their associated rocks, without involving any saline component of “deep” or mixed origin. However, the common occurrence of ore fluids of high salinity and diverse origins and the evidence for dilution and eventual flushing of such fluids by meteoric water imply that most subsurface waters of moderate sa- linity are likely to be mixtures of saline and dilute waters. Structural control of steam resources in The Geysers steam field, California Comparison of recent geologic, geoelectric, and microearthquake data in the Geysers-Clear Lake area by R. J. McLaughlin and W. D. Stanley indi- cated that economically significant steam resources can be related to local fault-controlled structural traps in two areas. In one area of steam production near the Geysers ,Resort, extensive hydrothermal alteration and numerous microearthquakes are as- sociated with N. 30°—40° W.-trending faults that dip steeply to the northeast. Evidence of recent fault activity, including tilted 750:105-yr-old steam de- posits,- reinforces a correlation of the fault zone with the microearthquakes. The association of the micro- earthquakes and the hydrothermal alteration is in- terpreted to indicate that rocks in the fault. zone are saturated by a high column of hot water that over- lies the steam reservoir. A few kilometres southeast of the Geysers Resort, near Castle Rock Spring, steam production is from an area of anomalously low resistivity, also presum- ably due to rocks saturated by a structurally high column of hot water above the steam reservoir. The area underlain by these rocks of low resistivity is overlain by southeastward-dipping graywacke, ba- salt, and serpentinite and is bounded on the north and south by steep-dipping N. °80 W.-trending faults and on the east by steep-dipping N. 50° W.-trend- ing faults. SEDIMENTOLOGY Sedimentology, the study of sediment and sedimen- tary rock, encompasses investigations of principles and processes of sedimentation and includes develop- ment of new techniques and methods of study. Sedi- 167 mentology studies in the USGS are directed toward (1) solution of water—resource problems and (2) de- termination of the genesis of sediment and applica- tion of this knowledge to sedimentaryrocks for more precise interpretation of their depositional environ- ment. Many USGS studies involving sedimentology apply to other topics such as marine, economic, and engineering geology and to regional stratigraphic and structural studies; these are presented elsewhere in this volume under their appropriate headings. Studies of fluvial sedimentation are directed to- ward the solution of water-resource problems in- volving water-sediment mixtures. Sediment is being considered more and more as a pollutant. Inorganic and organic sediment, transported by streams to sites where deposition takes place, carries major quantities of sorbed toxic metals, pesticides, herbi- cides, and other organic constituents that accelerate the eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs. Knowl- edge of erosion processes, the movement of sediment in rivers and streams, and the deposition of sediment in stream channels and reservoirs isiof great eco- nomic importance to the Nation. VARIABILITY 0F SEDIMENT YIELDS Sediment yields of Ohio streams P. W. Anttila and R. L. Tobin defined fluvial sedi- ment yields and characteristics in Ohio, incorporating 5 yr of periodic data from 39 sites on natural-flow streams with current and historic daily sediment data from 12 streamflow stations. Extension of the daily sediment data to a 25—yr base period, 1946-70, showed that annual suspended-sediment yields in Ohio range from 54 to 185 t/kmz. The extended yields were determined by°a least squares regression of the logs of annual suspended-sediment discharge with the log of the product of annual mean water discharge and the sum of annual peak-water dis- charge above a given base discharge. Standard errors of estimate for the regressions ranged from 12 to 36 percent. Bedload, estimated by using Maddock’s classificar tion, was found to be less than 10 percent of the total annual suspended-sediment discharge for most streams. Data from suspended-sediment particle-size analy- ses suggested a good correlation with soil types and State physiography. Clay content in excess of 80 percent was common in the northwestern quarter of the State, but decreased to slightly less than 50 per- cent in the eastern part of Ohio. Sand content gen- 168 erally represented less than 10 percent of the sus— pended sediment, averaging less than 5 percent in the northwestern part of the State and less than 15 percent in the Appalachian Plateau in the south- eastern part of the State. Estimates of sediment yield in the Arkansas River basin, Kansas W. R. Osterkamp’s studies of sediment yields in the Arkansas River basin of Kansas led to-develop- ment of a method of estimating sediment yields from unsampled basins. Average slope is determined from topographic maps, and average runoff is measured; runoff is interpolated from data for nearby basins if discharge data are otherwise unavailable. A normal sediment yield is determined from an empirically derived curve that relates average annual sediment yield to mean runoff. The estimated yield for the basin is adjusted by applying an exponential power of the slope. Preliminary comparisons of estimated sediment yields with actual yields determined from suspended- sediment samples indicate that runoff and slope are primary determinants of sediment yield. Geologic variations generally seem to cause only minor differ- ences, whereas land-use practices, hydraulic struc- tures, and other man-induced changes have signifi- cant effects. Sediment discharge in the Umpqua River basin Annual sediment yields in the central and upper parts of the Umpqua River basin, Oreg., range from less than 105 to 700 t/kmz. Results of studies by D. A. Curtiss (1975) showed that the lowest yields are from the Upper Cow Creek, Olalla Creek, and South Umpqua River in the southern part of the basin. Yields are greatest from Lookingglass Creek and the South Umpqua River below the mouth of Cow Creek in the central part of the basin. That area is characterized by cultivated broad alluvial valleys, whereas the upstream areas are essentially forested. Sediment yield from the North Umpqua River basin is moderate, 214 t/km2 from a 3,480-km2 area, much of which is forest. Sediment yields of Minnesota streams Estimates of the annual suspended-sediment yield and of the expected range of suspended-sediment concentrations were made for rivers in Minnesota. These estimates by C. R. Collier (1974) were based on 4 yr of record of 21 daily or periodic stations on 18 rivers throughout the State. Estimated annual sediment yields range from 0.7 to 7 t/km2 in the forested northeastern and north- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 central lake regions of the State, 14 to 42 t/km2 in the lower Minnesota River basin in the south-central part, to more than 175 t/km2 in the extreme south- eastern part. Peak suspended-sediment concentra- tions during storm runoff seldom exceed 500 mg/l in most northern streams but may approach 10,000 mg/l in southeastern streams. During periods of uni- form flows, suspended-sediment concentrations are generally less than 50 mg/l in the northern streams compared to nearly 200 mg/l in the southeastern streams. Sediment yields high in Oregon coast streams Sediment yields from 13 streams along the central Oregon coast range from moderate to high, accord- ing to Antonius Laenen and F. J. Frank. The 13 streams drain basins on the western slope of the Coast Range and vary in size from 4.7 to 865 kmz. The smallest sediment yield, about 80 t/kmz, was from Beaver Creek, which drains an area of 37 kmz. The highest yield, nearly 490 t/kmz, was from Drift Creek, which drains a 97 .4-km2 area. Most streams had yields of about 140 t/kmz. These sediment- determinations were based on synthesized daily sediment records developed by cor- relating data from miscellaneous sampling with daily data from nearby sediment stations in the Alsea River basin. The determinations should be reliable because of the excellent correlations obtained. Sediment yield in the Lake Tahoe basin, California The relative magnitude of sediment contributed to Lake Tahoe from State highway cuts was demon- strated in a study by C. G. Kroll (1974). During water years 1972—74, less than 100 t/ yr of sediment finer than 62 um was contributed by State highway cuts. An unknown portion of the estimated 100 t/ yr was contributed to the highway surface as mud fall- ing from passing vehicles. The estimated long-term annual sediment discharge into the lake from 6 streams is 6,440 t, of which 2,090 t is finer than 62 am. During the period 1972—74, 65 percent of the water and sediment discharge occurred during snow- melt runoff. In most streams, almost all sediment is transported in suspension. Sediment transport from highway construction sites Suspended sediment transported by several small streams was measured to determine the effectiveness of sediment-control measures in reducing sediment transport from highway-construction sites. J. F. Truhlar, J r., and L. A. Reed (W. G. Weber and L. A. Reed, 1975) found that the sediment transported GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES from a construction site was predominantly clay; clay made'up about 65 percent of the sediment trans- ported even though the construction soils were only 20-percent clay. The large amounts of clay restrict the effectiveness of sediment-control techniques, such as rock dams and sediment traps. The study is being done in cooperation with the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission and the State De- partment of Transportation. Sediment-transport characteristics of North Carolina streams The sediment-transport characteristics of streams were determined in a 15,540-km2 area of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions of eastern North Caro- lina during the period 1969—73. The study by C. E. Simmons (1975) covered all or parts of 21 counties and included data for 28 sediment-sampling stations. Annual suspended-sediment yields ranged from 4.4 to 115 t/kmg. There is a decrease in suspended-sedi- ment yield in an eastward direction from the Pied- mont to the Coastal Plain. Sediment characteristics are directly affected by topography, storm runoff, geology, land use, and manmade detention structures. At one sampling sta— tion during the 1973 water year, 44 percent of the annual suspended-sediment load was transported during 34 d of high flow. In the Piedmont region, sediment yields vary indirectly with the percentage of forest cover in the basin, but no definite relation- ship is apparent between forest cover and yield in the Coastal Plain. Most suSpended sediment transported during floods in Piedmont streams ranges in size from sands to silts, whereas the suspended material in flooding streams in the Coastal Plain generally is clay size. Sediment yields in Colorado oil-shale region Sediment yields were estimated by D. G. Frickel, L. M. Shown, and P. C. Patton (1975) for 32 typical subbasins in the oil-shale region of Colorado, using a qualitative rating system involving climatic, geo- logic, basin, and channel characteristics. The esti- mates ranged from 48 to 333 kam2 for basins with areas from 0.8 to 1,629 km2 under present, unmined conditions. Erosion transects on 26 hillslopes and 11 channels showed little change during 1 yr of observation. Erosion from coal-mining spoils in Wyoming During the summer of 1974, G. C. Lusby applied simulated rainstorms of 38 mm in 45 min to small basins in two coal surface-mining areas in Wyoming. Runoff and sediment yield resulting from these 169 storms were measured on reclaimed spoil piles and from nearby undisturbed areas. The test areas aver- aged about 232 m2 and were on slopes of about 18 percent. Two tests were made at each site; the first was made during prevailing antecedent moisture con- ditions and the second was made after the site had dried somewhat from the first test. A good stand of introduced grasses was present on the spoils at area 1. Density of vegetation was about 17 percent greater than on the nearby undisturbed area. Despite the greater amount of vegetation pres- ent, runoff was about 12 percent greater and sedi- ment yield was about 3 times greater from the re- claimed area than from the undisturbed area. At area 2, runoff was about 9 times greater and sediment yield was 90 times greater from the reclaimed area than from the undisturbed area. These large differ- ences apparently resulted from the replacement of surface soils with soils containing more clay. Soils on the reclaimed areas contained' about 20 percent more clay than the natural soil. Determining sediment discharges from continuous turbidity records J. F. Truhlar and W. P. Schaffstall reported that turbidity data were useful in computing suspended- sediment discharge in streams affected by highway construction. Data collected at several sites down— stream from areas of active construction in Penn- sylvania showed good correlation for individual streams between discharge-weighted daily mean tur- bidity and discharge-weighted daily mean suspended- sediment concentration. When suspended—sediment data were insufficient for computing suspended-sedi- ment discharge, the discharge-weighted daily mean turbidity was computed from continuous turbidity records and water-discharge data. The discharge- weighted daily mean suspended—sediment concentra- tion was then determined from the correlation curve and used to compute the suspended-sediment dis- charge. This method is a significant improvement over estimating the suspended-sediment, discharge from a sediment-transport curve for streams affected by construction, and it may also yield better results for streams not affected by construction. Effects of off-road vehicles on sediment yield Information obtained during the 4-yr study of an area in western Fresno County, Calif., by C. T. Sny- der showed that areas used for hill climbing by off- road vehicles produced larger amounts of runoff and sediment and seemed to develop pipes or solution channels more readily than an area not so used 170 (R. F. Miller and C. T. Snyder, 1973). The under- ground channels enlarge during storms, thus con- tributing to increased sediment yield. It had been speculated that rodent holes might be the focal point for the piping, but this argument was not. supported by any increase in the number of pipes in the unused area. The vegetative cover, originally damaged by motorcycles and later damaged by a series of un- usually dry years, 'was not improved greatly by pre— cipitation during the 1974—75 winter. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT AND DEPOSITION Unstable sediments on the Mississippi Delta In cooperation with investigators from the Coastal Studies Institute of Louisiana State University, a series of four borings were made into the submerged portion of the Mississippi Delta by L. E. Garrison and J. S. Booth in order to gain a better understand- ing of the mechanisms responsible for sediment in- stabilities. The sites, which lay in depths of water ranging from 25 to 100 m, were drilled to depths of 30 to 60 m below the mudline. The locations chosen represented a variety of bottom conditions, ranging from areas with a known history of failure to areas where the shallow acoustic stratigraphy indicated stability throughout Holocene time. Geochemical analyses of the pore waters in recov- ered samples showed the presence of methane in amounts as high as 1.7 ml/l. These methane amounts bore an inverse relationship to dissolved sulfate, lending support to geochemical model results of methane generation by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Furthermore, a fairly good correlation of high methane with low shear strength indicates that methane was present in a gaseous state and played an important role in the loss of sediment strength. The area selected for its stable history contained a. 25-m-thick zone high in methane content and low in shear strength, suggesting that gas generation in delta sediments spreads radially from centers of de- position and mobilizes deposits which have previous- ly been stable. Rates at which this process proceeds , have not yet been established. CHANNEL SCOUR Fluvial morphology at bridge crossings W. J. Randolph and T. L. Kelly reported that an investigation of 19 western Tennessee bridge scour sites, including four sites Where bridge failure oc- curred, indicates that scour problems at bridge cross- ings are often caused by manmade changes in the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 channel or flood plain after construction of the bridge. Channel enlarging and straightening resulted in lowering and widening the channel, channel degra- dation (or sometimes aggradation) owing to change in hydraulic slope, and increased scour at bridges owing to increased velocities. Flood-plain modifications at some sites resulted in less efficient flow conveyance and higher stages. EX- amples of flood-plain modifications ranged from channel encroachments and fill material pushed un- der overflow spans to the complete blockage of two overflow bridges by a downstream levee. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Sources of erosion in the Broad River basin, South Carolina In order to locate sources of erosion in an area within the Broad River basin and to determine the feasibility of correlating film density with suspended- sediment concentration, S. J. Playton studied aerial photographs and suspended-sediment samples for two flow regimes. Playton determined that no signifi- cant quantities of sediment are gained or lost to the system except in Parr Shoals Reservoir. In Parr Shoals Reservoir, it appeared that during low- to average-flow conditions, suspended sediment was deposited, and during higher streamflows the de- posited material was resuspended and transported downstream. Little success was realized in the at- tempt to correlate film density with suspended-sedi— ment concentration during low streamflow, and the quality of aerial photographs collected during higher streamflow was not good enough to allow correlation. GLACIOLOGY Research in glaciology—the study of seasonal snowcover, ice, glaciers, and ground ice—by USGS scientists is directed mainly toward a better under- standing of snow and ice as a water resource. Snow- melt produces much of the Nation’s streamflow; gla- cier ice contains vast amounts of water in storage, self-regulates the release of this water, and may provide sensitive indications of climate change; river and ground ice may make difficult the develop- ment of water resources and transportation corri- dors in Alaska and other northern states. Tidal glacier studies Columbia Glacier, the largest tidal glacier in Prince William Sound, Alaska, has maintained a calv- ing front at about the same location for the last GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES several centuries, whereas other tidal glaciers have catas-trophically retreated. Austin Post postulated that Columbia Glacier presently ends on a shoal en— closing a deep, glacier-filled fiord and that a small retreat of the terminus could result in a catastrophic breakup of as much as 30 km of the glacier in a period of about 50 yr. Post, M. F. Meier, and L. R. Mayo, using the University of Alaska’s research vessel, Acona, and its radio-controlled boat, Firefish, made a hydrographic survey of the water depth at the front of Columbia Glacier. Shoals from 2 to about 30 m deep were found along the glacier’s ter- minus, confirming Post’s hypothesis. Glacier hydrology A pilot study by S. M. Hodge (1975) during 1973 and 1974 on South Cascade Glacier, Wash., demon- strated that borehole-drilling techniques can be used to assess a subglacial water system. The water level in the boreholes probably represents a direct meas- urement of the basal water pressure. Indications are that a single borehole is representative over a do— main at least 10 m in extent. Pronounced fluctuations in borehole water levels (up to 40 m) occur typically over periods of several days and seem to follow by about 2 d period-s of increased water input at the glacier surface. The long—term trend in water levels supports the idea of seasonal storage and release of liquid water in glaciers. Numerical methods in glaciology L. A. Rasmussen (1974a) described a digital- oomputer program that provides bihourly direct- beam solar-radiation values and daily totals for one or more sites anywhere on the Earth, for one or more days of the year, for eight different atmospheric transmissivity values. A site may have arbitrary ele—‘ vation above sea level and arbitrary topographic horizon, and the plane of the site may have arbitrary inclination from the horizontal (including vertical). The program gives the true solar times of sunrise and sunset as well as of the beginning and conclusion of other topographical obstructions of the Sun. Mathematical relationships are used to determine the instantaneous position of the Sun, its angle of inci- dence on the plane of the site, and the depletion of radiation due to atmospheric absorption and scatter- ing. Simple algebraic expressions are used that close- ly approximate published empirical data for atmos- pheric refraction and for the length of the atmos- pheric path traversed by the Sun’s rays. The annual variation of solar declination and intensity is ac- cepted by the program as input data. This provides 171 the user the option of supplying the data for any particular year. Care has been taken in the FOR- TRAN coding to enhance the ease of installation of the program on the widest possible selection of computers, both existing and anticipated, of the preparation of input data and the use of the output data, and of possible modification of the program to serve specialized purposes. The results are useful in modeling snowmelt and in many other applications. The computer programming of the generalized three-dimensional, time-dependent flow model for temperate glaciers described by L. A. Rasmussen and W. J. Campbell (1973) was documented by Ras- mussen (1974b). The term “generalized” is used be- cause the dynamic behavior of a glacier is specified by means of the following four flow parameters: (1) the type of flow law to be used; (2) the exponent in the power-law relationship in the selected flow law; (3) the ice-to-ice viscosity coefficient for a Newtoni- an viscous fluid; and (4) the ice-to-bed friction co- efiicient. After the four parameters have been deter- mined, the glacier is completely defined by specifying only the topography of the surface underlying it and the mass balance distribution. To aid in shortening computation time, an initial thickness distribution is estimated. Calculation of the flow of the glacier can then be carried out for a period of arbitrary length. The model was developed for the purpose of deducing the optimum values of the four flow parameters by applying it to existing glaciers. Care has again been taken in the FORTRAN coding to enhance the ease of installation of the program on the widest selection of computers, both existing and anticipated, of the preparation of the input data and the use of the output data. and of possible modification of the program. PALEONTOLOGY Research by USGS paleontologists involves bio- stratigraphic, .paleoecologic, taxonomic, and phylo- genetic studies in a wide variety of plant and animal groups. The results of this research are applied to specific geologic problems related to the USGS pro- gram of geologic mapping and resource investigation and to providing a biostratigraphic framework for synthesis of the geologic history of North America and the surrounding oceans. Some of the significant results of paleontological research obtained during the past year, many of them as yet unpublished, are summarized in this section by major geologic age and area. Many additional paleontologic studies are car- 172 ried out by USGS paleontologists in cooperation with USGS colleagues. The results of these investigations are ordinarily reported in “Regional Geological Investigations.” PALEOZOIC OF THE UNITED STATES Redeposited trilobites in the Upper Cambrian of Nevada The lower part of the Hales Limestone of the Hot Creek Range in central Nevada contains Late Cam- brian trilobites, according to M. E. Taylor. Two types of trilobite assemblages are recognized on the basis of sedimentological characteristics: (1) Basinal as- semblages that are characterized by numerous com- plete exoskeletons, poor size sorting, and association with thinly bedded dark-gray pyritic lime mudstones and shaley partings between lime mudstone beds and (2) allochthonous assemblages that consist of broken and abraded fossil debris that occurs in lighter colored lime grainstones and in the matrix of some limestone breccias. The basinal assemblages are thought to contain trilobites that lived in deeper water basinal habitats, whereas allochthonous assem- blages represent redeposited exuviae of trilobites that lived in the upper slope or the shoal-water habitats of a carbonate platform located in eastern Nevada and western Utah. Basinal assemblages contain trilobites that are widespread in southeastern and northwestern China. Allochthonous assemblages mostly contain elements of the so—called “Hungaia magnified fauna,” which was restricted to North American outer platform and platform margin sites during the Late Cam- brian. The interbedding of trilobites with widely different paleobiogeographic affinities provides a basis for more refined correlations between the Upper Cam- brian rocks of the Western United States and cen- tral Asia. Depositional environments of Ordovician fossiliferous volcaniclastic rocks Differences in water depth and distance from shore around Early Ordovician volcanic islands are inferred from contrasting fossiliferous volcaniclastic rocks interbedded with lavas found at four places on New World Island, Newfoundland, by R. B. N euman (USGS) and G. S. Home (Wesleyan Univ.). At one place, poorly sorted, obscurely bedded conglomeratic sandstone consisting of red volcanic debris contain- ing abundant gastropods and cephalopods as well as abraded and broken brachiopods indicates nearshore accumulation in shallow, turbulent water. Water- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 laid tuifs at three places show different amOunts of reworking that, together with differences in (1) the abundance of calcareous algae, (2) the composition of invertebrate fossil assemblages (largely brachio- pods), and (3) the nature of fossil preservation (in— cidence of shell articulation, evidence of shell bor- ings), indicate deposition in progressively deeper water. These interpretations should be useful in identifying centers of volcanic activity in similar rocks in Maine and elsewhere in the northern Appalachians. Early Devonian ostracodes from Nevada A rich assemblage of silicified ostracodes has been picked from residues from the Eurelcaspirifer ping/o- nensis zone of the McCoIley Canyon Formation (Emsian) provided by J. G. Johnson (Oregon State Univ.). J. M. Berdan (USGS) reported the presence of more than 35 taxa, of which 3 genera and many of the species are new. The assemblage is a mixture of Appalachian forms and forms with Eurasian affini- ties and includes one species that hitherto has been found only in the Early Devonian part of the Mc- Cann Hill Chert in Alaska. Septal carinae in Devonian corals Study of the microstructure of carinae in Middle Devonian Heliophyllum (rugose coral) from New York by W. A. Oliver, Jr., and J. E. Sorauf (S.U.N.Y., Binghamton) showed that three distinct types exist. Type I (simple, monacanthine trabe— culae) is the only type found in earlier H eliophyllum and in the early ontogenetic stages of all H eliophyl— lum. Types II (compound trabeculae, branching pro- lifically) and III (compound, branches few and parallel) appear higher in the section but only in the mature stages of individuals. In the higher part of the section (Tioughnioga Stage), all samples studied have one dominant carina type that appears in over 75 percent of the individuals studied from that sample, but different types predominate in different stratigraphic (that is, lithologic) units. Thus a selection pressure favor- ing the type best adapted to the local environment is suggested. Colonial H eliophyllum have been stud- ied only in collections from the Deep Run Member of Cooper (1930) of the Ludlowville Formation; predominant types are as follows: branching colon- ies, type I; massive colonies, type III; and solitary Heliophyllum from the same unit, type II. Further study of colonies may help determine whether this apparent linkage of growth form and carina type is constant or also varies with stratigraphic unit. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES Late Ordovician Bryozoa in Western United States Collections of Ordovician bryozoans from Nevada and Wyoming submitted to O. L. Karklins for iden- tification by T. B. Nolan and R. J. Ross, J r., extended the geographic range of the trepostomes Callopo- rella, Batostoma manitobense Ulrich, Rhombotrypa cf. R. multitabulata Utgaard and Perry, and cryp- tostomes Goniotrypa, Pachydictya hexagonalis U1- rich, and Sceptropo'ra. Calloporella, Batostoma cf. B. mam'tobense, Goniotrypa, and Sceptropom are found in a yet unnamed lithic unit, probably of Late Ordovician age, in Beacon Peak quadrangle in Ne- vada. Of these bryozoans, Gom‘otrypa and Sceptro- para occur in the Stony Mountain Formation in Manitoba, Canada, and in the Eastern United States, but Calloporella occurs only in the eastern regions. In Kentucky, Calloporella appears to be restricted to the Garrard Siltstone (Weir and Greene, 1965) in south-central Kentucky. Batostoma manitobense, however, occurs in the upper member of the Bighorn Dolomite in the Hidden Tepee Creek quadrangle and in the Stony Mountain Formation but has not been reported from the eastern regions. Rhombotrypa cf. R. multitabulata and Pachy- dictya hexagonalz's occur in the upper member of the Bighorn Dolomite and in the Stony Mountain For- mation. Of these bryozoans, only Rhombotrypa mul- titabulata is found in the Whitewater Formation of Indiana and Ohio (Utgaard and Perry, 1964). North American Mississippian coral zoogeography A study by W. J. Sando, E. W. Bamber, and A. K. Armstrong of the distribution of coralliferous facies and the degrees of endemism and generic similarity of Mississippian coral faunas permitted recognition of five zoogeographic provinces and five zoogeo- graphic subprovinces in North America. Analysis of indices of endemism and similarity suggests the fol- lowing major conclusions: (1) Zoogeographic regions on the periphery of the North American continent had favorable connections for migration to other coralliferous areas of the world, which permitted maximum gene flow; (2) zoogeographic regions in the interior of the North American continent were relatively isolated genetically and were characterized by coral faunas with low to high endemism through- out Mississippian time; (3) gene flow was highest along continuous shallow-water carbonate shelves and was impeded by areas of terrigenous sedimenta— tion and areas of deeper water; and (4) similarities between faunas of different zoogeographic regions generally tend to vary inversely with the migration 173 route distance between these regions, but other fac- tors that affected gene flow modified the distribution patterns significantly. Biostratigraphy of the Mississippian Leadville Limestone, San Juan Mountains. Colorado In the San Juan Mountains, the Leadville Lime— stone disconformably overlies the Ouray Limestone, which is of Devonian (Famennian) age. Generally, the Leadville Limestone can be divided into two parts. The lower part, 2 to 50 m thick, consists of an unfossiliferous dolomite and lime mudstone that were deposited in subtidal to supratidal environ- ments. Their age is uncertain. Overlying these are 2 to 26 m of pelletoid-echinodermmid-foraminiferal packstones-wackestones that contain a mi-crofossil assemblage of zone 9, which is of Keokuk age (Osagean, late Tourn‘aisian). These fossiliferous limestones were deposited in open, shallow marine waters. A regional unconformity and a pre-Pennsylvanian erosion surface at the top of the Leadville Limestone represent a stratigraphic hiatus encompassing Mera— mecian, Chesterian, and probably parts of early Mor- rowan time. The lowermost beds of the overlying Pennsylvanian Molas Formation formed as a residu- um composed of nonmarine mudstone, solution- rounded limestones, and cherts on top of the Lead- ville Limestone. A major marine transgression occurred in zone 9 (late Osagean) time in northern Arizona, southern Colorado, New Mexico, and southern Utah. The crinoidal-foraminiferal limestones of the Leadville Limestone of the San Juan Mountains are part of a once—extensive carbonate sheet. Time-stratigraphic equivalents, open marine carbonate rocks, are the Mooney Falls Member of the Redwall Limestone of the Grand Canyon in Arizona to the west and the Kelly Limestone of west—central New Mexico to the south. The Espiritu Santo Formation, to the south- east in north-central New Mexico, is a subtidal- supratidal facies of the zone 9 beds of the Leadville Limestone. Upper Devonian conodont biofacies in Western United States Conodont faunas of the upper Famennian Poly- gnathus stym’acus zone were recognized by C. A. Sandberg in a large region of the Western United States extending from northern Montana southward to southern New Mexico and from central Nevada eastward to central Wyoming. The faunas were de— posited in environments ranging from bathyal to nearshore marine. The eugeosynclinal and miogeo— 174 synclinal biofacies are well diversified and contain many species that are readily correlatable with spe- cies of the standard Upper Devonian conodontzona- tion in Germany. The faunas of the cratonic plat- form, however, contain few deep-water species and become progressively more specialized shoreward. Highly specialized nearshore cratonic biofacies con- tain poorly known bizarre species that would be dif- ficult to assign zonally were it not for their minor mixing with better known deep-water species in some outer cratonic platform biofacies. Recognition of the great diversity of conodont bio-facies in a single conodont zone permits paleoecologic interpre- tations that will aid in analyzing depositional en- vironments of petroleum source beds and also makes possible age determinations of many previously un- datable conodont collections from the cratonic in- terior. Invertebrate assemblages from the Kanawha Formation, West Virginia Sections described for the proposed Pennsylvanian System stratotype in West Virginia have yielded brachiopod faunas in several beds of Middle Penn- sylvanian age. Preliminary evaluation of brachio- pods collected and identified by T. W. Henry from the Eagle limestone of White (1891) indicated a correlation with the upper Morrowan Linoproductus nodosus zone of the midcontinent region. This occur- rence suggests that the top of the Morrowan Series is actually within rather than at the base of the Mid- dle Pennsylvanian Series, as early correlations had indicated. Evidence of Vojnovskyales in north-central Texas The identification of the Vojnovskyales, typified by Vojnovskya paradoxa N euburg 1955, is based on gymnospermous fragments from the Lower Permian of Siberia. These plants are characterized by fan- shaped leaves and bisexual fructifications contain- ing winged seeds and long, narrow polleniferous organs; relationships of the plants within the gym- nosperms are completely enigmatic. A large suite of Permian plants from Texas and Kansas, collected by S. H. Mamay, contained many fan-shaped leaves, detached winged seeds, and one partial cone with attached leaves and structures re- sembling pollen organs; together, these organs close- ly resemble those of Neuburg’s Vojnovskya. The American fossils are much like the Vojnovskyales and appear to represent a close link between the American and Siberian floras, both morphologically and chronologically. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Palynological analyses Thirteen samples of the Laurel coal and associated roof and seat rock collected from the Isonville quad- rangle in eastern Kentucky were prepared and examined for spore-pollen content by R. M. Kosanke. The most abundant genus is Laevigatosporites; L. globosus is the most abundant species, followed by L. minutus and L. ovalz's. A single specimen of Zos- terospom’tes triangularz’s was identified from the seat-rock sample. This taxon previously had been reported from the Princess No. 5 through the Prin- cess No. 5B coal. Two samples of the Laurel coal contained several specimens provisionally assigned to Schopfites, which previously had been identified from the Princess No. 6 and No. 7 coals of north- eastern Kentucky. The e‘vidence suggests that the Laurel coral does not correlate with either the Prin- cess No. 5B or the Princess No. 6 coal but rather occurs between these two coals. The occurrence of a coal between the Vanport Limestone Member of the Breathitt Formation and the Princess No. 6 coal is not unique. The Lawrence coal of Lawrence County, Ohio, occurs at approximately this posi- tion. MESOZOIC OF THE UNITED STATES Ammonoid fauna in Nacatoch Sand A varied ammonoid fauna of very Late Cretaceous age (Maestrichtian) was discovered in the Naca- toch Sand in Hempstead County in southwestern Arkansas by B. F. Clardy and W. V. Bush (Arkansas Geological Commission). Collections made in 1973 and 1974 by Clardy with W. A. Cobban and R. E. Burkholder (USGS) include Nostocems altematum (Tuomey) and Solenoceras nitidum Cobban, species previously known only from the Ripley Formation of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Other ammo- noids in the collections from the Nacatoch Sand con- .sist of representatives of the genera Anagaudry- cems?, Pseudophyllites, Baculz'tes, Discoscaphites, and Sphenodiscus. Fossil gymnosperm seeds from the Morrison Formation Although remain-s attributed to the araucarian conifers are common in Mesozoic rocks of the United States, first proof that the modern Southern Hemi- sphere genus Araucaria was present is furnished by hundreds of silicified cone scales from a locality in the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of Utah. These fossils; studied by M. E. J. Chandler and R. A. Scott, show that two sections of the extant genus are represented, one still living in Australia and GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES the other extinct but related to the modern section containing Amucaria bidwelli. About 10 other genera of pteridosperms and cycadophytes are also represented by reproductive structures at this 10- cality. These plants are strikingly different from previously described forms and reveal a floral di- versity for Morrison time not suspected from the scanty leaf fossils already known. No angiosperm fossils are present. CENOZOIC OF THE UNITED STATES Latitudinal floral differentiation in the Paleocene The presence of pollen grains of Thomsom'pollis in the Paleocene part of the Dawson Formation of Colorado is evidence for a latitudinal difference in floras during the Paleocene, according to R. H. Tschudy. Pollen of this genus is absent or extremely rare in the Paleocene of Wyoming, Montana, and North and South Dakota. This pollen, however, is common in the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene of southern Colorado and New Mexico and in the up- permost Cretaceous, Paleocene, and lower Eocene of the Mississippi embayinent region. The northern limit of the Thomsonipollis‘ floral province was prob- ably about the latitude o-f Denver, Colo. Pollen floras of the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition, west Snake River Plain, ldaho Rocks of the Idaho Group of the western Snake River Plain contain a variety of plant fossils, in- cluding fossil wood, fruits, leaves, and pollenl The combined evidence gathered by earlier workers, in- cluding evidence from a recent pollen study by E. B. Leopold, revealed the following vegetation sequence for the old flood plain of the Snake River, near Glenns Ferry, Idaho: ‘ 1. Hemphillian (Poison Creek Formation, Ban- bury Basalt, and Chalk Hills Formation) : mixed conifer and hardwood forest and wood- land. Hardwood genera such as Cam/a, Ulmus, Framinus, Alnus, Abies, and Salicaceae grew at least near the river. Conifers were largely Pinus. 2. Early Blancan (Glenns Ferry Formation) : Pinus-Juniperus savanna a n d woodland. Grasses predominated as understory. Climate presumed to be moister than it is now. 3. Late Blancan and Irvingtonian (Bruneau For- mation of middle Pleistocene age) : Artemisia steppe, very open and treeless, as it is now. Climate was probably as dry as it is now. Some 175 horizons (younger, undated) suggest an ad- vance of Picea on the Snake River Plain. The major phases of contrasting vegetation are of interest in considering the environmental'setting in which the rich local faunas of these periods oc- curred. Since the modern vegetation of the area is sage steppe, the late Tertiary fossils indicate a cli- mate considerably more moist than that of today, lasting at least until the beginning of the'Pleisto- cene. In effect, the lower ledge of tree line has moved upslope some 600 to 900 m since the Pleistocene. Pliocene diatoms from the Teewinot Formation, Wyoming A sequence of samples collected by J. D. Love and G. W. Andrews from the Teewinot Formation at the Boyle Ditch locality in the Jackson Hole National Elk Refuge contained 75 taxa of nonmarine diatoms. The frequent occurrence of at least seven extinct nonmarine diatom taxa suggests an age not younger than late Pliocene. The diatom assemblages contain many benthic taxa, which suggest deposition in a shallow lacustrine environment. Increases in the abundance of the planktonic species M elosira italica and M. granulata suggest occasional deepening of the waters. The assemblages are predominantly freshwater in character, but some contain compo- nents of saline, salt-indifferent, and salt-tolerant freshwater taxa. These suggest that seasonal fluc- tuations in alkalinity and salinity occurred during deposition. However, the common element running through the sequence of assemblages indicates that no profound environmental change occurred during the deposition of these Teewinot sediments. Delmontian diatoms and silicoflagellates J. A. Barron investigated the diatom and silico- ~ flagellate biostratigraphy of the type Delmontian Stage (upper Miocene) near Monterey, Calif. Early late Miocene diatoms and silicoflagellates character- istic of the lower Mohnian Stage at Newport Bay, Calif., are present in the type Delmontian strata. These results support the benthonic foraminiferal studies of R. L. Pierce and suggest that the Del- montian is coeval, at least in part, with the Mohnian. The type section of the Bolivina obliqua Zone conformably overlies the Mohnian stratotype near Los Angeles, Calif, and contains early Pliocene dia- toms and silicoflagellates. This configuration sug- gests that the Mohnian Stage extends into the Plio- cene. 176 Miocene biostratigraphy, western Washington New molluscan data from the Clallam Formation, an 800-m-thick sandstone exposed along the north- ern margin of the Olympic Peninsula, Wash., indi- cated reassignment from the middle Miocene to the lower Miocene, according to W. O. Addicott. Inner sublittoral assemblages of the Clallam mark the con- cluding phase of a late Eocene to early Miocene .de— positional cycle in northwestern Washington. They also represent a previously unrecognized time-strati- graphic unit of at least zonal, if not stage, magni- tude. This unnamed unit is co-eval with the upper part of the “Vaqueros Stage” of California. It is referable to the later part of the provincial lower Miocene. Miocene and Pliocene Cetacea from the Lee Creek phosphate mine, North Carolina The open-pit phosphate mine of Texasgulf, Inc., at Aurora in Beaufort County, NC, is the richest known source of fossil marine mammals in the world. The fossils come from the Pungo River For- mation of middle Miocene age and the Yorktown Formation of early and late Pliocene age. As they are dug up by a 56-m3 dragline, the bones are mostly fragmentary, but one partial baleen whale skull, several porpoise skulls, and one pygmy sperm whale skull were preserved in calcareous con- cretions. Despite the fragmentary nature of the ma- terial, F. C. Whitmore, Jr. (USGS), and J. A. Kal- tenbach (George Washington Univ.) identified 11 genera of Cetacea from the Pungo River Formation and 10 from the Yorktown Formation. The Pungo River fauna shows closest affinity to the fauna of the Calvert Formation of Maryland. Particularly common, as in the Calvert, are remains of the long-beaked porpoises Rhabdosteus and Far- hinodelphia, the latter also being well known from the Miocene of Belgium. At least three species of Squalodontidae are present: Phocageneus cf. P. yenustus Leidy, Squalodon cf. S. tiedemani Allen (similar to, but not conspecific with, S. dalpiazi Fabiani of the middle Miocene of Italy), and S. calvertensis (probably conspecific with forms from the Bolderian (middle Miocene) -of Belgium). Other porpoise genera also found in the Calvert are Ken- tm‘odon, Delphinodon, and Lophocetus. A few tiny ear bones resemble those of the porpoise Normali- thax from the Temblor Formation (lower and mid- dle Miocene part) of California. Cetotheres (primi- tive whalebone Whales) are present but cannot be identified as to genus. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Whereas the Pungo River fauna consists of ex- tinct genera, the Yorktown Formation, which in- cludes representatives of living genera, has a de- cidely modern aspect. More specimens are recovered from the Yorktown, and it is possible to make a rough estimate of the dominant members of its fauna. On the basis of the number of earbones found, the dominant Cetacea are dolphins (Del- phinidae), pygmy sperm whales (Kogiinae), and belugas (Delphinapterinae). The abundance of the latter two is surprising: the pygmy sperm whale, although known to have worldwide distribution, is rare today, and the beluga, a small white Whale that inhabits estuaries, is a cold-water animal and rare- ly ventures south of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Neither of these subfamilies is represented in the extensive collections of Pliocene Cetacea from Bel- gium in the Museum National d‘Histoire Naturelle in Brussels. Many teeth of large sperm whales are found in the Yorktown; some are indistinguishable from teeth of the modern genus Physeter. The modern beaked-whale genera Mesoplodon and Ziph- ius are present, although rare. Among the baleen whales, Balaenopteridae" (finbacks) and Balaenidae (right whales) are common. OTHER PALEONTOLOGIC STUDIES New information on early Paleozoic bivalves Significantnew information and discoveries about the functional morphology, systematics, biological placement, biostratigraphy, and phylogeny of early Paleozoic bivalves were obtained by John Pojeta, Jr. (USGS), in conjunction with Bruce Runnegar (Univ. of New England, Armidale, Australia) and J. H. Shergold and Joyce Gilbert-Tomlinson (Aus- tralian Bureau of Mineral Resources). They dealt with the long poorly understood fossils known as the Ribeirioida, Conocardioida, and Fordilla, troy- ensis. Pojeta and Runnegar were able to show that F. troyensis is the oldest known pelecypod mollusk and that it is the only member of its class presently known from the Cambrian. They also noted that, in the earliest Cambrian, mollusks had already di— versified into three classes: Monoplacophora, Gas- tropoda, and Rostroconchia; subsequently, in the late Early Cambrian, rostroconchs gave rise to the Pelecypoda. Previously, it had been thought that these classes of mollusks arose later in the Cam- brian or in the Early Ordovician. Poj eta and Runnegar have shown that the ribeiri- oids and conocardioids form a new class of mollusks GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES called the Rostroconchia, which are neither bivalved arthropods nor pelecypods. They have provided a new biostratigraphic tool—a group of organisms heretofore neglected because they were not recog- nized as a biological entity—and have monographed all known Cambrian and Ordovician species from North America, western and central Europe, Si- beria, north Africa, and Manchuria. Pojeta, Gilbert- Tomlinson, and Shergold have monographed all known Cambrian and Ordovician rostroconchs from Australia and have established a rostroconch bio- stratigraphy for the Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician. Canadian Arctic Albian (Cretaceous) foraminifers Samples from the Christopher Formation on the Amund Ringnes Island of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago have yielded an Albian foraminiferal assemblage consisting of 30 species. These faunas represent an important biogeographic link between Albian species recognized in Alaska and those recog- nized in European localities, especially England and northwestern Germany. The faunas are indica- tive of a middle Albian age and are unusual by Arctic standards in the number of calcareous spe- cies represented. The species comprise a neritic as- semblage from a section whose environment of depo- sition‘ passed from a transgressive to a regressive phase, according to W. V. Sliter. Recognition of the successive bathymetric assemblages of these Albian foraminifers provides important data for the paleoe- cologic interpretation of Alaskan and Californian species of similar age. Metazoan imprints from 620-m.y.-old rocks in North Carolina Large U- and J-shaped imprints of soft-bodied Metazoa are abundant on a small bedding-surface exposure about 16 km north of Durham, NC, in the Carolina slate belt. They show a strong preferred orientation, with the long axes trending N. 55° E. to S. 55° W. It is believed that this orientation and per- haps the U and J shapes were produced by currents that carried the flaccid tubular structures down- slope from the coast of an adjacent volcanic land area. Available radiometric dating implies an age near 620 my The most common type of U- and J- shaped imprint is described as a new genus; it is a sedentary, deposit- or filter-feeding polychaete an- nelid. Other taxa may be present, including possibly a turbellarian flatworm. These imprints constitute the first record in the United States of the glob-a1 burst of soft-bodied metazoan diversification that ushered in the Paleozoic Era and Phanerozoic eon. 177 Since its marine volcanogenic sediments are both fossiliferous and capable of being radiometrically dated at many points, the slate belt is a promising region for delineating the base of the Paleozoic and Phanerozoic and the relations betWeen Ediacarian and Cambrian. P. E. Cloud, Jr. (USGS), is prepara ing a report on these objects in collaboration with James Wright (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara) and Lynn Glover III (Virginia Polytechnical Insti— tute). GROUND-WATER HYDROLOGY USGS ground-water hydrology research continues to cover a broad range of subjects with the common objectives of (1) better understanding ground-water systems and (2) developing and applying new tech- nical methods of study to improve management of ground water as an important national resource. Artificial-recharge studies.ranged from geological and geochemical aspects of artificial recharge to quantitative tests of percolation basins. , Research on the hydrology of carbonate-rock ter- ranes included aquifer testing to determine the water-bearing properties and the movement of con- taminants through fractures. Model simulation of aquifer systems, oriented to- ward studying both flow and quality changes in ground water, received much attention during the year. Mathematical contributions included the de- velopment of a finite-difference model for simulation of ground-water flow in three dimensions. Geophysical methods, including high-resolution seismic reflection and direct-current resistivity, were used successfully in investigating stratigraphic posi- tions and lithologic characteristics of aquifers. Results of other studies showed that ground-water movement is influenced by the presence of subsidence fissures in fractured rocks that overlie areas of mined-out coal beds and that resultant changes in ground-water circulation in these rocks may ac- count for some capture of flow from wells and springs, greater flooding of mines, and increased acid mine-water discharge to streams. Artificial recharge Alaska.——Artificial-recharge operations were con- ducted from May through November 1974 at a 40,500-m2 pit near Ship Creek in the Anchorage area. G. S. Anderson and N. A. Matson, Jr., reported that the infiltration rate of 0.3 to 0.45 m/d, total recharge rate of 15,100 ma/d, and increase in potentiometric 178 head of 5.5 m in the vicinity of the pit are similar to values obtained from a 2-mo test in 1973. Tempera- ture logs from a Well at the edge of the pit indicate that the 10° to 15°C Ship Creek water, which was used for recharge operations, caused a local‘increase in ground-water temperature. Normally; ground— water temperature in the Anchorage area is between 3° and 4°C. Florida—Predicted water shortages in southern Florida have led to an investigation by F. W. Meyer of the feasibility of injecting seasonal surpluses of freshwater runoff into saline artesian aquifers as a water-conservation measure. A 335-m test well is under construction at a site near the city of Miami’s water-treatment plant at Hialeah to identify poten- tial injection zones. Plans call for initial injection of ground water to determine the feasibility of recover- ing the injected water. Kansas—Ponds used for artificial-recharge tests in western Kansas gradually became plugged by sediment deposition and biological activity that re- duced recharge rates. J. B. Gillespie showed that till- ing of the native sod (derived from loess) in the ponds restores the recharge capacity of the ponds. In 1973, 40.5 m of water was recharged through a pond in 27 d; in 1974, after the deposited sediments were tilled, the test pond recharged 40 m of water in a similar period. Texas—Results of laboratory studies by D. C. Signor, W. W. Wood, and R. F. Brown showed that the condition of a sand-grain surface has a major effect on retention of infiowing clay and clogging of a porous matrix. Washed and acidized sand from the Ogallala Formation retained a coating of clay and iron oxide on the grains. Repacked columns of sand of two size ranges (74—595 pm and 120—1,680 pm) and with the same relative particle-size distribution were subjected to a clay-suspension inflow. The clay suspension was 500 mg/l of a sodium montmorillonite with an initial inflow velocity of 0.2 cm/s. After 230 min of flow, the average intrinsic hydraulic conduc- tivity was reduced by 93 percent for the 74- to 595- ,im sand size and 78 percent for the 120- to 1,680-Mm sand size. In a similar experiment, a major part of the clay coating was removed from the sand grains by me- chanical stirring, but the particle—size range and dis- tribution were changed only slightly. After 284 min of clay-suspension inflow, the intrinsic hydraulic con-‘ ductivity of the fine material was reduced 60 percent, and that of the coarse material was reduced 57 percent. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Evaluation of factors affecting clogging should aid in site evaluation when feasibility of artificial re- charge is to be determined. Wisconsin—Results of a study by R. P. Novitzki showed that recycling water to the ground-water system is an effective means of increasing the quan- tity of water available for use, of controlling or avoiding environmental pollution, and of controlling water temperatures. Waste water from a fish hatch- ery was recharged to the ground-water system through an infiltration pond for 15 mo. Subsequent calculations showed that 83 percent of the recharge water was recirculated to a nearby water-supply well. Nitrate nitrogen levels in the water supply did not exceed 4 mg/l throughout the recycling period. Mass- balance equations relate nitrate nitrogen levels to imposed loading and to the efficiency of the recycling system. Estimates indicate that the local aquifer could sup- port operation of a hatchery producing more than 50,000 kg of cold-water fish without significant degradation of the local water supply or the regional ground-water system. The temperature of the water supply also could be predicted. Equations were developed that related water-supply temperature to air temperature, the size of the recycling system, and the recycling effi- ciency. During operation of a full-scale hatchery, utilizing continuous recycling, water-supply tem- peratures would range from 7° to 15°C. Water-sup- ply temperatures could be maintained in an optimum range (10°—16°C) if recycling were practiced for 8 mo of each year. Hydrology of carbonate-rock terranes In a continuing evaluation of the water-bearing po- tential of carbonate rocks in east-central Iowa, K. D. Wahl used air-inflated packers above and below a submersible pump for testing selected zones to deter- mine ground-water yield. The specific capacity of zones tested in one well ranged from 1.76 to 0.0021 1‘s”1 m—l. Further refinement by borehole flow meter indicated that the zone having a specific capacity of 1.7 6 was fed by one major opening at a depth of 65 m. Packer tests also allowed heads to be measured in the different zones and resulted in a better under- standing of ground-water movement in the area. Carbonate rocks are a major source of ground water for municipal, commercial, and domestic users in eastern Wisconsin. Results of a study by M. G. Sherrill indicate that-in areas of ground-water re- charge, contaminants can enter the dolomite aquifer GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES through thin soil and glacial-drift cover and move with ground-water flow through a well-developed fracture system. Vertical fractures provide the ave- nues by which both organic and inorganic contami- nants enter the aquifer. Mathematical methods in ground-water hydrology A finite-difference model for simulation of ground- water flow in two dimensions, originally developed by G. F. Pinder (1970), was subsequently modified by Pinder, (unpub. data, 1970), P. C. Trescott (1973), and Trescott, Finder, and S. P. Larson (unpub. data, 1975). The most recent version is more completely documented than previous versions and includes the following options for solution of the simultaneous finite-difference equations: (1) The IADI (iterative alternating direction implicit) procedure, (2) line- successive overrelaxation, and (3) the strongly im- plicit procedure. Three options for numerical solu- tion are included because the IADI procedure has not converged for all problems. A finite-difference model for simulation of ground- water flow in three dimensions was written by Tres- cott (unpub. data, 1975). The model uses the strong- ly implicit procedure, a numerical procedure that H. G. Weinstein, H. L. Stone, and T. V. Kwan (1969) claim is less subject to roundoff error and converges faster than IADI. The model has been used to obtain a steady—state solution for ground-water flow in the Piceance Creek basin in northwestern Colorado. Twenty-one hundred nodes were used to simulate two aquifers and an intervening confining bed; the solution required 90 s of computer time on the IBM 370/155. J. B. Weeks (J. B. Weeks, G. H. Leavesley, F. A. Welder, and G. J. Saulnier, Jr., 1974) obtained a steady-state solution for this problem with a quasi- three-dimensional model developed by J. D. Brede- hoeft and G. F. Pinder (1970), but that model re— quired more computer time, and numerical difficulties were encountered. ' Aquifer model studies As part of a continuing study of the alluvial aqui- fer of the Ohio River valley in Kentucky, J. M. Ker- nodle used a two-dimensional digital flow model to simulate the aquifer’s observed response to a flood on the river. Data for the model were obtained from five sites at which two 3.81-cm-diameter observation wells were augered and cased, and continuous water- level recorders were installed. The results from four of these sites were summarized by H. F. Grubb (1975) . .l 179 Simulated aquifer response was matched to the observed response by adjusting the modeled hy- draulic conductivity and specific yield of the aquifer, as well as the hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed and river bank. After obtaining a suitable match, the digital model was used to illustrate theoretical aquifer response to various simulated well-field de— signs and pumpage rates. Results of the study showed that the technique of using the passage of a flood-generated wave through the alluvial aquifer to calibrate a digital ground- water flow model is both practical and, when com- pared to conventional aquifer tests, relatively inexpensive. The USGS digital ground-water flow model (P. C. Trescott, 1973) was used by L. F. Land to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the shallow aquifer at the sites of several pumping tests in Palm Beach County, Fla. The aquifer responds as an artesian aquifer with an overlying leaky confining bed. The artesian sandstone aquifer of southeastern Wisconsin and adjacent northeastern Illinois was modeled by H. L. Young, using 1880—1973 pumpage data. The digital-computer model covers 15,000 km2 in Wisconsin and 18,000 km2 in Illinois. Modeled transmissivity ranged from 0.22><103 to 0.29X103 mg/d. Verification was obtained using vertical hy- draulic conductivity ranging from 2.0X10—4 to 1><10—3 m/d in the recharge area, and from 1.2x 10‘6 to 0.8X10—4 m/d for the confining bed (Maquo- keta Shale). Reasonable approximations of the actual drawdown from 1880—1973 and from 1961—73 were achieved. The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Plan- ning Commission will use the model in their planning activities. T. J. Durbin and J. A. Skrivan designed a computer algorithm for the calibration of distributed-parame- ter mathematical ground~water models. The algo- rithm, based on the Gausse-Legendre least-squares curve-fitting method (D. J. Wilde and C. S. Beightler, 1967), has been used to estimate transmissivity and specific yield for a model of the Coachella Valley, Calif. Water-quality modeling S. G. Robson used a profile-oriented water-quality model to simulate hydrologic conditions in a well- documented area in southern California where water- quality degradation is associated with subsurface waste disposal. The model was used to examine data requirements, model parameter sensitivity, and ad- vantages and disadvantages of the profile model 180 compared with those of an existing areal-oriented water-quality model. The profile model may be used to simulate confined or unconfined aquifers with nonhomogeneous aniso- tropic hydraulic conductivity and nonhomogeneous storage coefficient, porosity, and saturated thickness. The model input parameters were more difficult to quantify for a profile model than the corresponding parameters had been for the areal-oriented model. However, the sensitivity of the profile model to the input parameters is such that moderate errors of parameter estimation allow acceptable model results. Simulation of hypothetical groundwater-manage- ment practices indicated that the profile model is applicable to problem-oriented studies and can pro- vide quantitative results for a variety of manage— ment practices. R. E. Fidler used a computer program to prepare contour maps for selected ground-water-quality parameters based on approximately 200 chemical analyses of water from wells drilled in the limestone and dolomite aquifers of western Ohio. This contour- ing program is a flexible and relatively simple method for comparing water-quality data to a regional ground-water flow system. One map shows lines of equal concentrations of dissolved solids which range from 317 mg/l to 3,120 mg/l. The areal distribution of dissolved-solids content as represented by the contours suggests that areas of high mineral concen- trations are areas of ground-water discharge and areas of low mineral concentrations are areas of recharge. A comparison between surface- and ground-water quality was made by superimposing the data from chemical analyse-s of stream base flow onto the ground-water—quality contour maps. The level of concentration of selected parameters for base flow is shown by a color pattern along the stream channel and can be compared to the contours depicting ground-water quality. Geophysical methods A high-resolution seismic—reflection investigation of offshore areas adjacent to Lee and Collier Coun- ties, Fla., was made by T. M. Missimer and T. H. O’Donnell to determine the stratigraphic position and geometry of the upper and lower Hawthorn aquifers in the coastal areas. Seismic profiles were made to depths in excess of 500 m with good resolution by using a kilojoule sparker. The seismic profiles showed that the subsurface formations are extensively folded and that the structural fabric trends about GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 N. 5° W. In one area, where, interaquifer leakage of saline water has occurred, the seismic record indi— cated the presence of high-angle fractures with little vertical displacement. It is not known Whether the interaquifer leakage is the result of these fractures or if other mechanisms are involved. Direct-current resistivity measurements were made in two small alluvial valleys in eastern Wyo- ming to determine alluvium characteristics and ground-water potential. Schlumberger depth sound- ings by W. J. Headand R. W. Knottek in the Beaver Creek valley in Weston County have resistivity values ranging from 0.7 ohm—m to 5.5 ohm-m. Un- usually low values are attributed to montmorillonite clay weathering products which contain water high in dissolved salts. Small resistivity changes noted in each of the soundings suggest a similarity of the grain size, moisture content, and composition of the sediments. The water-yielding potential of this ma- terial is virtually nonexistent. Depths to the consoli- dated Pierre Shale of Cretaceous age range from 11 to 57 m. Results at one site were confirmed by auger test drilling. Soundings of the alluvium in the Horse Creek val- ley in Goshen County have resistivity values ranging from 30 ohm-m to 74 ohm-m. Initial interpretation indicates the higher values to be associated with clay-free gravels containing freshwater. Depth of alluvium to the Brule Formation of Oligocene age ranges from 9 to 22 m. The Brule is a fairly conduc- tive clay-rich siltstone layer that contains large quantities of freshwater in zones of secondary porosity. Underground waste disposal R. M. Waller reported that injection of brine into a new disposal well below a depth of 366 m near Seneca Lake in New York was started by a salt- mining company in late 1974. A network of existing wells and streams was selected to monitor the chemi- cal composition of the overlying shallow freshwater aquifer. The monitoring program was complicated by a 37,900-m3 spill from a brine pond a month prior to the start of injection. The spill, however, demon- strated the movement of brine from the pond area to one of the monitor wells. Previously observed varia- tions in chloride concentration of the shallow ground water were probably caused by similar pond leakage or spills. Ground-water movement in fractured bedrock Ground-water circulation in shallow bedrock units consisting of sandstone, limestone, shale, claystone, GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES coalbeds, and underclays of the Conemaugh and Mo- nongahela Groups of Pennsylvanian age in Allegheny County, Pa., is controlled chiefly by joint and frac- ture systems and to some extent by bedding planes. Joint and fracture systems of these bedrock units commonly have limited hydraulic connection, and although the relative rates of ground-water move— ment in these units have not been determined, the units are generally considered to have low hydraulic conductivity. According to Seymour Subitzky, in areas where these units are underlain by mined-out parts of the Upper Freeport and Pittsburgh coal- beds, subsidence fissures resulting from mine-roof collapse transect the joint and fracture systems of the overlying bedrock units. Although soil particles commonly fill the upper segments of these fissures, it is believed that they remain open at depth. Where hydraulic connection between these fissures and the joint and fracture systems occurs, ground-water cir- culation in the bedrock increases. Locally, the greater hydraulic connection in these units has captured flow that supported some wells and springs. Where hy- draulic connection of fissures with joint and fracture systems occurs in bedrock units overlying mined-out areas in the county, ground-water inflow to mines tends to be enhanced and contributes to mine flood- ing. Where mine flooding occurs and remains una- bated in above-drainage and unsealed mines, acid mine-water discharge to streams is increased. New tritium data reduce estimates of ground-water velocity From 1966 through 1970, USGS scientists sam- pled and tested tritium concentrations of well waters collected along two traverses extending from the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, Calif., across the valley trough into the recharge area. J. F. Poland and G. L. Stewart (1975) summarized the findings and concluded that ground-water velocities are less than one-eighth as rapid as those reported by others in an earlier paper based on 1963 sampling for ther- monticlear tritium analysis. SURFACE-WATER HYDROLOGY The objectives of research in surface-water hy- drology are to define the magnitude and variation of streamflow in time and space, both under natural and manmade conditions, to understand the flow process in stream channels and estuaries, and to define the rates of movement and dissipation of pollutants in streams. 181 Hydraulic and hydrologic modeling V. R. Schneider used a theoretical potential-flow model to estimate more accurately the length along which losses are computed in approach sections to highway encroachments. The contracted—opening method yielded more accurate estimates of discharge and of backwater when a more accurate estimate of length was used. An improved method of estimating energy loss in the expansion reach also was devised. M. E. Jennings reported the development of com- puter models of surface-water systems. Those for stream-quantity analyses include streamflow and reservoir-routing programs, stream-aquifer interre- lationships, reservoir-systems analyses, sediment- transport computations, and data—management rou- tines. Computer models for stream quality include unsteady-state DO analyses for streams, steady-state estuarine DO analyses, and BOD analyses. A daily-flow model was developed for reproducing historical flow data in the Cape Fear River basin, North Carolina, according to F. E. Arteaga. With a slight modification of input parameters the model can simulate daily flows at any point along the main channels, both under present conditions and with proposed reservoirs in place. Applications of dye tracing Dye tracing was used by L. A. Wagner and P. H. Hamecher to define the dispersion pattern and time of travel of effluent discharged into Cayuga Inlet at Ithaca, N.Y. The dye (Rhodamine—WT) was injected into the outfall pipe from the Ithaca sewage-treat- ment plant. Dispersion in the inlet was monitored by a fluorometer in a boat. At the end of 4 d the dye had dispersed as far as 1.6 km. E. R. German measured the travel time of soluble substances in a 56-km reach of Shades Creek in J ef- ferson County, Ala., using Rhodamine-WT dye. Stream discharge ranged from about 110 1/ s at the upper end of the reach to 650 US at the lower end. Travel time for the entire reach was 233 h for the leading edge of the dye cloud and 260.5 h for peak concentration. Velocities ranged from 0.13 km/h upstream to 0.37 km/h downstream below substan« tial waste-water inflows. A. O. Westfall and E. E. Webber measured disper- sion characteristics and travel times of potential point-source pollutants in a 17 O-km reach of the Tus- carawas River above its confluence with the Wal- honding River in Ohio. The fluorescent-dye-tracer technique was used. For the whole reach, and at stream discharges near 50 percent on the duration 182 curve, the travel times for the leading edge of the dye cloud and for the peak concentration were 119 and 137 h, respectively. This information will be used by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to estimate DO recovery rates and travel times of accidental pollutant spills. Estimating streamflow characteristics from channel size Regional relations between streamfiow character- istics and stream-channel size offer a promising al- ternative to available methods of estimating flow characteristics for ungaged sites, particularly in semiarid regions. Some agreement on standardiza- tion of methods was reached in April 1974 among about a dozen investigators. A summary of recom- mended practices with respect to flood characteristics was reported by H. C. Riggs (1974) . Reliability of flow estimates from channel size de- pends partly on the user’s ability to recognize a suit- able channel reach and the reference levels in that reach. K. L. Wahl set up a test in northern Wyoming to determine how consistently trained individuals could measure channel size for three different refer- ence levels. Seven participants independently visited 22 sites and measured channel dimensions in sections of their choosing. Assuming the functional relation between a discharge characteristic, Q, and channel width, W, is log Q=f(1.5 log W) and that the aver- age log W from seven measurements is the best esti- mate of log W at a site, an average standard error of about 30 percent for discharge measurements was attributed to differences in width measurements alone. E. R. Hedman measured width and average depth* of the active channel cross sections to define rela- tionships for mean annual runoff in six hydrologic regions in the Missouri River basin. Hedman has defined the relationship of 10-yr peak discharge to channel size for five hydrologic regions. Standard errors of these relationships range from 30 to 35 percent. L. M. Shown related flood-peak characteristics to width and depth of ephemeral stream channels in southwestern Utah, northwestern Arizona, and southeastern Montana. For a given width, the peaks on Montana streams are an order of magnitude smaller than those on Utah and Arizona streams. Statewide relationships for estimating peak-flow characteristics and mean annual flow from channel width have been developed by H. W. Lowham for Wyoming streams. The standard error of 47 percent is smaller than that for relationships estimated from basin characteristics. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 A modified slope-area method for computing discharge in natural channels Discharge of a stream may be computed from the slope of the water surface, the cross-sectional area, and an estimate of the roughness coeflicient. This, the slope-area method, is Widely used to compute flood-peak discharges from high-water marks. Relia- bility of a computed discharge depends largely on the roughness coefficient, which must be estimated. An analysis by H. C. Riggs showed that results of com— parable accuracy can be obtained from area and slope alone in natural channels; a roughness coefficient is not needed because roughness and slope are related. Velocity pulsation measurements B. L. Neeley, Jr., reported that velocity measure- ments were made on the Mississippi River at Baton Rouge, La., when the discharge was 20,600 m3/s. Velocity 2 m below the water surface was recorded continuously for 5 h at two locations. From these records, average velocities were computed for 5-min intervals beginning every 20 s during the 5-h period. Average velocities during the first 20 s, 40 s, 60 s, 80 s, 2 min, and 3 min of each 5—min interval also were computed. Standard errors of 3.1, 2.5, 2.2, 1.9, 1.5, and 1.0 percent, respectively, were obtained when the partial-period mean velocities were related to the 5-min mean velocities. A mathematical model for density-stratified flows E. R. Holley developed a mathematical model for computing steady-state flows in a rectangular chan- nel connecting two stationary bodies of water with different elevations and densities. The model solves appropriate equations of motion for each of three possible regimes (one-layer undirectional flow, ar- rested-wedge undirectional flow, and two-layer two- way flow) and chooses a correct solution for given boundary conditions by a sequential elimination process. Numerical solutions of flow through culverts of the Great Salt Lake Causeway are in acceptable agreement with 49 field measurements. The com- puted flow is sensitive to errors in measurement of water-surface elevation. Thermal loading models of natural streams Nobuhiro Yotsukura (USGS) and W. W. Sayre (Univ. of Iowa) found that the steady-state two- dimensional mixing equation, derived earlier by Yotsukura and E. D. Cobb (1972) for uniform flows, can be extended to nonuniform flows with a small modification. Use of a natural coordinate system with the longitudinal axis parallel to a curved stream GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES axis provides a distance-correction coefficient, rang- ing around unity, that is entered into the equation. This analytical work explains why closed—form solu- tions to the YotsukuraCobb equation agree with tracer and thermal data. for two-dimensional mixing observed in a number of meandering natural streams. Levee erosion The relative amounts of levee erosion caused by natural forces (wind—generated waves and floodflows) and by small-boat traffic were studied in the Sacra- mento—San Joaquin Delta, Calif., by J. T. Limerinos and Winchell Smith (1975) . In- the narrow channel of Georgiana Slough, which is subject to winter flood- flows and to heavy summer boat traffic, about 70 percent of the energy dissipated annually against the levee was attributed to tractive stress, about 20 .per- cent to boat-generated waves, and about 10 percent to wind-generated waves. In False River, a channel subjected to continual tidal action but relatively un- affected by floodflows, energy dissipated by boat-gen- erated waves was shown to range from about 45 to 80 percent of the total, depending on wind-movement assumptions. FIood-hydrograph synthesis G. S. Craig, J r., and J . G. Rankl developed a dimen- sionless hydrograph of storm runoff from 298 hydro- graphs on 28 small drainage basins in Wyoming. They tested its reliability by synthesizing hydro- graphs from peaks and volumes of observed events, including some events not used in its derivation, and by comparing the synthesized with the observed hy- drographs; a close agreement was found. They also developed (1) equations for estimating flood-peak discharges and flood volumes (at recurrence intervals of 10, 25, 50, and 100 yr) from drainage-basin char- acteristics and (2) a relationship between flood vol- ume and peak discharge. These. relationships can be used with the dimensionless hydrograph to estimate design hydrographs at ungaged sites on Wyoming streams draining less than about 28 km2. Predicting summer runoff in the northern Cascade Range, Washington L. A. Rasmussen and W. V. Tangborn (1976) de- veloped a hydrometeo-rolo-gical method for predicting summer runoff from drainage basins in the northern Cascade Range. The method, based on a linear rela- tion between winter precipitation and annual runoff, relates streamflow for a season beginning on the day of prediction to the spring storage (including snow, ice, soil moisture, and ground water) on that day. 183 The spring storage is inferred from an input-output relationship based on winter precipitation and win- ter runoff. Some advantages of the method are: (1) Monthly distribution of the predicted summer run- off can be computed; (2) the altitude distribution of estimated potential runoff or storage can be inferred; (3) only existing low-altitude runoff and precipita- tion stations are used; and (4) snow surveys are not needed. CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER Hydrogen-ion concentration in southern New Jersey stream Fishkills in Oyster Creek, near Waretown, N.J., are attributed by J. C. Schornick, J r., to rapid de- creases in pH levels from anormal of about 4.2 to about 3.6. These decreases occur during periodic flushing of a surrounding swamp but are not related necessarily to rainfall; the time interval between rains seems to be more important than the amount of rain. There is a direct linear relationship between the swamp and the stream pH levels. The acidity is probably the result of the oxidation of sulfides to sulfate in the open waters of the swamp. Nitrification in acidic streams Results of studies in southern New Jersey by J. C. Schornick, Jr., and N. M. Ram showed that many streams that receive secondary sewage effluent are characterized by pH levels of 4 to 7. Because ni- trification occurs ideally at a pH level of 8.5 and de- creases rapidly at pH levels below 7.0, four acidic streams were investigated to determine the effect of stream acidity on nitrification. The effluent pro- vided enough buffering capacity to enable nitrifica- tion to occur, although the degree of nitrification varied considerably from one stream to another. The NH+, N02: N03—, and bacteria curves showed that growth and decay increased with distance down- stream. Reaeration measurements in streams R. E. Rathbun, D. J. Shultz, and D. W. Stephens used a nonradioactive-tracer technique to measure reaeration coefficients of a reach of West Hobolo-. chitto Creek near Millard, Miss. Rhodamine-WT dye was used as the dispersion and dilution tracer. Ethylene was used as the tracer gas, and concentra- tions (pg/l) in water samples were determined by gas chromatography. Measured reaeration coeffi- cients were within the range of coefficients predicted by other equations. 184 Nuclear magnetic-resonance spectroscopy of humic acid derivatives Proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic-resonance spectroscopy has been used extensively for the eluci- dation of the chemical structure of organic com- pounds. In previous attempts to measure the nuclear magnetic-resonance spectra of humic acids, the in- vestigators were unable to obtain spectra measure- ments because free radical concentrations in the preparations broadened absorption peaks so much that none of the peaks were detectable. In order to eliminate this problem R. L. Wershaw, D. J. Pinck- ney, and S. E. Booker prepared the methyl esters of the humic acid fractions, using a new methyla- tion procedure which they developed. The proton nuclear magnetic-resonance spectra of these deriva- tives have well-defined absorption lines which can be used for structural interpretation. Also, prelimi- nary results strongly indicate that it is possible to obtain measurements of carbon-13 spectra. Sacramento River water-quality investigation As part of an intensive water-quality study of the Sacramento River in California, physical, chemical, and biological constituents were measured at three locations at a site on the river. Measurements made periodically over two 24-h periods included those for water temperature, DO, pH, specific conduct- ance, selected major ions, plant nutrients, and phyto- plankton. L. J. Britton and R. C. Averett reported that con- stituent concentrations were often erratic, but they did not differ significantly between locations during the same time period nor with depth at individual locations. Regional distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus, and specific conductance studied in Florida surface waters M. I. Kaufman and L. J. Slack mapped chemical- type and regional-distribution patterns of specific conductance of Florida surface waters (Kaufman, 1972; Slack and Kaufman, 1973). The five chemical types mapped in terms of dominant cations and anions are: (1) Calcium and magnesium bicarbo- ate, (2) sodium bicarbonate and chloride, (3) mixed type, (4) sodium chloride, and (5) calcium and magnesium sulfate. Most surface waters in the State are of type 1 or type 3. In studying nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon distribution in Florida surface waters, Kauf- man and J. E. Dysart observed that organic nitrogen is the dominant nitrogen species in most surface waters, whereas nitrate nitrogen is dominant in GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 shallow ground waters. Other studies showed rain- fall and atmospheric fallout to be important sources of both nitrogen and phosphorus. Chemical and biological effects of sanitary landfill leachate Although the sanitary landfill serving the towns of Catskill, Athens, and Cairo, N.Y., is operated carefully, leachate from the landfill is believed by T. A. Ehlke to have caused profound changes in the biology of a nearby stream, Bell Brook. The benthic invertebrates, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Heterodonta, that were in the affected reach are be- ing replaced by Naididae and Tendipedidae. Con- centration-s of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon and levels of pH in the affected reach of the stream have changed very little. The benthic invertebrate types in the stream are determined by the content of cer- tain trace elements in ground water below the streambed. Iron and manganese are believed to be the most important trace elements affecting benthic invertebrates. Inhibition of microbial plugging of laboratory columns G. D. Ehrlich investigated the causes of plugging: of experimental sand columns in the laboratory; plugging commonly occurs even when deionized water passes through washed sand. Certain bacteria and fungi can grow in these extremely dilute solu- tions and are sustained by traces of nutrients de- rived from the laboratory atmosphere and experi— mental apparatus. Plugging does not occur if ade- quate concentrations of mercury ions are present. Low levels of mercury (5X10—5M Hg”) caused se- lective inhibition of slime-forming organisms, whereas mercury-tolerant organisms multiplied in large numbers in the columns containing deionized water. Plugging did not occur until the mercury concentrations were less than 5><10—7 M. Mathematical model of a small stream Chloride, sodium, and stable strontium were in- jected for 3 h at a constant rate into Uvas Creek, Calif, to determine transport processes in a small mountain stream. S. M. Zand, V. C. Kennedy, G. W. Zellwege-r, and R. J. Avanzino reported that comparison of field results with a simplified mathe- matical model of the experiment indicated the domi- nance of convection in the behavior of solutes in the stream. Concentrations of chloride and sodium can be closely simulated by the model, but strontium concentration cannot. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES Specific surface area as an index of reactivity D. W. Brown (D. W. Brown and J. D. Hem, 1975) used several laboratory methods to measure the specific surface areas of four different materials— a sand consisting mainly of feldspar grains, a vol- canic ash, a kaolinitic clay, and a montmorillonite. The areas, ranging from 550 to 0.5 mz/g, correlated well with the cation-exchange capacity of the ma- terial. It seems possible that surface-area measure- ments will provide a useful index of the extent to which river sediments and surfaces of subsoil and aquifer material may react with and retain or de- crease movement of pollutants in introduced waste. Prediction of stream temperatures in New England G. D. Tasker and A. W. Burns (1974) have fitted periodic stream-temperature data from 27 stations in New England to a harmonic function with a period of less than 365 d to account for the winter period when stream temperatures are at or near 0°C. Regression analyses were used to relate character- istics of the harmonic function to mean basin alti- tude and station latitude. These generalized equa— tions make possible the prediction of harmonic mean stream temperature and streamflow at any site in New England. Such information may be useful for general-purpose planning, reconnaissance, and site- comparison studies. Stream-temperature study in Indiana W. J. Shampine reported that periodic tempera- ture data collected by the USGS since 1950 and by the Indiana State Board of Health since 1957 are being analyzed, using a simple harmonic-curve-fit— ting procedure. The percentage of stream-tempera- ture variability explained by the harmonic function exceeds 80 percent for 293 of the 304 stations. The Indiana State Board of Health collects tem- perature data every 2 weeks, whereas most USGS data are collected monthly. Comparison of the har— monic mean, amplitude, and phase coefficient, cal- culated using 43 stations common to both sources and having overlapping periods of record, showed no statistically significant differences that could be attributed to the difference in sampling frequency. On‘ individual streams, however, the calculated values derived from the two harmonic relationships may have more than a 10-percent difference in har- monic mean ‘and amplitude, particularly in streams near large urban areas. 185 RELATION BETWEEN SURFACE WATER AND GROUND WATER Stream-aquifer modeling Twenty-three sites on the alluvial flood plains of five major tributaries to the Ohio River in Kentucky were selected by P. D. Ryder (1974, 197 5) in a study to determine aquifer characteristics. A pair of ob- servation wells was installed in the alluvium at each site, and recorded ground-water levels resulting from the passage of a flood wave in the river were analyzed by computer to determine the ratio of transmissivity to storage coefficient. This ratio was helpful in se- lecting transmissivity and storage coefficients to be used in an iterative digital model together with streambed thickness and hydraulic conductivity, water levels in the river, and location of bedrock valley walls. The models were verified by comparing computed ground-water levels of a passing flood wave in the river with observed data.. The methods, successful at only three of the sites, resulted in the following values: The ratio of trans- inissivity to storage coefficient ranged from 4.5X104 to 3.2><106 mZ/d; transmissivity from 9.3><1Ol to 2.2X102 mz/d; storage coefficient ranged from 3X 10—5 to 6X10—3; streambed hydraulic conductivity ranged from 1.6X10—4 to 1.0><10-1 m/d with a streambed thickness of 1 m; and recharge from the bedrock valley wall ranged from 0 to 1.3x 10—2 m/d. Analyses were unsuccessful at 20 sites because (1) one or both wells did not penetrate aquifer material, (2) there was significant aquifer inhomogeneity be- tween wells, or (3) a combination of very low storage coefficient and large transmissivity values prevented the determination of unique, best-fitting, theoretical type curves. Bank storage A significant volume of water is stored in the banks of Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake in northeastern Washington. Preliminary results from a computer model developed by T. H. Thompson for determining bank-storage volumes indicate that an additional 5 to 10 percent of the usable storage is in the banks. The usable storage is 6.25><109 m3 between the nor- mal operating-stage elevations of 368 m and 393 m. The parameters of the model are being further re- fined by comparing the model results with water- budget residuals. The model will be used to determine the volume of additional water from bank storage that may be available under various operating condi- tions at Grand Coulee Dam. The water may be used 186 for on-site power generation and downstream bene- fits such as irrigation and power generation. The model may be modified for use at other reser- voirs in the Pacific Northwest where bank storage may be significant. Ground-water emergence in trout-spawning areas in spring-fed ponds In a study of the hydrology of spring-fed ponds and the hydrologic effects of trout-habitat improve- ment practices, W. J. Rose (USGS) and R. F. Carline (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) found a correlation between the location of redds (brook-trout spawning areas) and the rate of ground-water emergence. A portable device for measuring the rate of ground-water emergence through 0.255 m2 of pond-bottom area was devel- oped. Rates of ground-water emergence, which were determined by placing the device over redds, were found to be as much as 15 times greater than rates of ground-water emergence from nearby areas where there were no redds. These findings suggest that, in ground-water discharge areas, local hetero- geneity of aquifer materials strongly influences the movement of ground water to points of emergence and that brook trout select places having high rates of ground-water emergence as sites for redd con- struction. Surface-water-ground-water relationships in the Springfield, Missouri, area Some streams in the Springfield, Mo., area have interrupted flow during the summer. To determine whether the water disappears into the channel fill and moves downstream within the fill or is lost to the underlying limestone, John Skelton and L. F. ‘ Emmett made seepage runs during the winter when the streams flow without interruption. Although winter base flows were large during the seepage runs, losses in certain stream reaches were identified and found to flow into the underlying limestone aquifer. These reaches are potential sources of ground-water contaminatic‘m. Artesian-aquifer recharge causes contamination of ground water Results of a study by R. E. Krause indicate that the Withlacoochee River, flowing over a limestone se- quence north of the city of Valdosta in southern Georgia, recharges the principal artesian aquifer with more than 850 l/s of water. During periods of low flow, the entire flow of at least 708 l/s discharges into the limestone aquifer. A southeasterly flow path of recharged ground water is indicated by measure- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 ments of water levels and field determinations of pH and conductance in water from a network of wells surrounding the recharge area. Downstream, Where the head relationships are reversed, the aquifer dis- charges as much as 2,4071/s of water to the river. North of Valdosta, where flow is not maintained during periods of low flow, treated and untreated sewage efl‘luent is discharged into the river and is undiluted until base flow from a shallower aquifer and the artesian aquifer enters the channel. Wells tapping the aquifer in the flow path of the locally recharged water are abandoned because of high organic color, which cannot be economically removed. Decreasing ground-water recharge from canals in the Miami Springs-Hialeah area, Florida F. W. Meyer (1972) and~W. L. Miller found that infiltration from the Miami Canal system to major well fields in the Miami Springs-Hialeah area is de- creasing as a result of a buildup of fine-grained sedi- ments. Measurements of seepage losses from canals closest to the well fields during May 1973 indicated that only 50 percent of the average daily pumpage (4.5X105 m3) was contributed by the canals. This was a decrease of about 8 percent over a 5-yr period. Ways to improve infiltration and prevent further de- cline in the water table are being investigated. SOIL MOISTURE An understanding of soil-moisture retention and movement is vital to the knowledge and control of our environment. USGS scientists are conducting field and laboratory investigations of the mech- anisms involved in infiltration, evaporation, transpi- ration, and movement of water to the water table. A soil-moisture model for predicting soil-water storage and use Because of great fluctuations in annual and sea- sonal precipitation patterns, the use of soil-moisture models may permit closer approximations of soil- moisture storage and use than do periodic seasonal measurements of soil moisture. The model previous- ly proposed by I. S. McQueen and R. F. Miller (1974) for approximating soil-moisture character- istics from limited data was further tested by McQueen, Miller, and F. A. Branson, utilizing moisture-content and moisture-stress data acquired from intensive field studies. Results indicate that water is adsorbed to the surface of soil particles as films and that these films become thicker as the soil becomes more moist. Water retained in contact angles by capillary forces apparently adheres to the adsorbed film's. Evidence of capillary moisture ad- GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES hering to adsorbed moisture was obtained only at sites where capillary moisture was at equilibrium with a water table. Where no water table was pres- ent, evidence indicated that moisture was adsorbed only as films. This was true even at levels of stress usually associated with the capillary moisture-reten- tion range. Field evidence of capillary rise was lim- ited to somewhat more than 2 m. This coincides with the level of stress where quantities of water present in either the adsorbed or capillary state are equivalent. This equilibration occurs at a soil-mois- ture stress of approximately 2.24 m of water (22 kPa). Evapotranspiration losses from stream channels Phreatophytes along almost 2,000 km of stream channels in central Arizona were mapped to provide estimates of present and future evapotranspiration losses from these channels. The estimate of evapo- transpiration will be based on a method of integra- tion of the phreatophytes. Using the integration method for a reach of channel along Oak Creek, T. W. Anderson found that the estimate of consump- tive use along the channel was in good agreement with that determined by a study of the base flow of Oak Creek near the Cornville gaging station. Several other sites are being investigated to deter- mine the utility of the integration method. The base- flow analysis will be used again to check the results of the integration method. Analytical solution for evapotranspiration rate from ground water J. F. Daniel developed a type-curve solution for the constant rate of ground-water withdrawal by evapotranspiration; this is an extension of the work by M. I. Rorabaugh (unpub. data, 1975) . The method uses streamflow hydrographs transformed to dimen- sionless time. Application of the method to “a 1963 segment of the hydrograph for Indian Creek near Troy, Ala. (Coastal Plain), resulted in an evapo- transpiration rate slightly less than 5 mm for a 30- d period during the months of May and June. Use of reflectivity coefficient for heat budget in watershed model J. F. Turner reported that a watershed model is being calibrated for several streams in west-central Florida. As in most watershed models, a measure of daily potential evapotranspiration is used as input. For many models, pan evaporation is normally used as a measure of potential evapotranspiration. How- ever, for west-central Florida, only meager pan- evaporation data exist and therefore daily evapo- transpiration values were calculated by use of a 187 computer program based on H. L. Penman’s (1948) equations. In Penman’s method, daily evaporation and a daily heat budget are required for computing potential evapotranspiration. Calculations of a daily heat bud- get require a reflectivity coefficient which is the ratio of reflected incoming radiation to total in- coming radiation. The reflectivity coefficient, or albedo, is primarily a function of reflecting char- acteristics of the basin surface, angle of the rays of the Sun to the surface, and wavelength of the in- coming radiation. Because of the regional variation of the surface, the reflectivity coefl‘icient must be determined experimentally. A reflectivity coefficient of 0.15 gave good results . for the Tampa Bay area. The value was obtained by adjusting values of the reflectivity coefficient until simulated evapotranspiration agreed with basin evapotranspiration. Basin evapotranspiration was computed from long-term runofl" and rainfall rec- ords. A mass-transfer equation calibrated by pan evaporation in evaporation studies ‘ Use of some mass-transfer equations for the pur- pose of measuring evaporation requires the deter- mination of a coefficient. This can be done by measuring evaporation by the water-budget method or the energy-budget method while collecting the necessary data for the mass-transfer equation. How- ever, determining the coeflicient by the water-budget or energy-budget method is expensive and slow. Studies of Lake Michie and Hyco Lake, in North Carolina, indicate that pan-evaporation data may be used to determine the coefficient at less cost. G. L. Giese noted that although pan data converted to lake evaporation by a pan-to-lake coefficient do not give reliable results on a daily or monthly basis, they do provide reliable estimates on an annual basis. A pan-to-lake coefficient of 0.72“ was found to be generally applicable in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Using lake evaporation data determined from the water-budget method, a coefficient was determined for the mass-transfer equation and compared to the coefficient determined from pan data. The values agreed within 12 percent, which is considered to be in the allowable error for evaporation studies in the Piedmont area. Hence, lake evaporation as deter- mined over a long time interval (at least 1 yr) may be determined by multiplying nearby pan evapora- tion by the proper pan-to-lake coefficient (0.72 in the Piedmont section of North Carolina). 188 Using Harbeck’s (1962) mass-transfer equation E=Nu(eo_ea)9 in which E=evaporation, in inches per day; N =a coeflicient of proportionality, called the mass-transfer coefficient; u=wind speed, in miles per hour, at some height above the water surface; a numerical subscript, if used, indicates the height in meters; eo=saturation vapor pressure in milli- bars, corresponding to the tempera- ture of the water surface; ea: vapor pressure of the air, in millibars; a numerical subscript, if used, indi- cates the height in meters, the lake evaporation is set equal to the sum of the daily expressions of Nu (co—ea) over the same time interval. The coefficient N is the only unknown in this equation. Daily values of wind speed and vapor pressures were generated from measurements of wind speed 2 m above the water surface, water temperatures, and wet- and dry-bulb air tempera- tures. This method of calibration yielded an N co- efficient of 0.000187 for Hyco Lake as compared to a coefficient of 0.000167 derived from the water- budget method of calibration. These two values are in reasonably close agreement (12 percent) and are considered equally accurate, but the pan-evaporation method of calibration is both much cheaper and faster. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION Evapotranspiration, the conversion by plants of water to vapor that is mixed with the atmosphere, accounts for the expenditure of approximately 70 percent of the 760-mm average annual precipitation in the conterminous United States. Because a large part of our water resource is being lost by evapo- transpiration, measurements of the losses are very important for planning purposes. Most of the significant results of evapotranspira- tion studies during the past year were from studies of stream channels and ground—water storage areas. Indirect methods of measurement, such as the water budget, were used in these investigations. Studies of indirect methods are continuously being made in order to improve their accuracy and to reduce their cost. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Relation of consumptive-use coefficient to the description of vegetation The consumptive-use coefficient for the Blaney- Criddle evapotranspiration equation depends on vege- tation characteristics. According to R. C. Culler, R. L. Hanson, and J. E. Jones, the basis for this rela- tionship was found to exist when the measured evap- otranspiration for the Gila River Phreatophyte Proj- ect in Arizona was compared to the conventional botanical survey. The survey includes species identi- fication and canopy measurements which represent an integration of growth and transpiration charac- teristics during the life of a plant. Average seasonal coefficients have been calculated, but application of these coefl‘icients is restricted to areas having similar seasonal climatic and enviromnental conditions to those of the project area. A densitometric interpretation of repetitive color- infrared photography was developed for the project area to describe the spatial and temporal variability in foliation. The photographic measure of vegetation was related to the consumptive-use coefficient to pro— vide a method of defining the seasonal variability in the coefficient by contemporary observations. LIMNOLOGY AND POTAMOLOGY Lake reconnaissance Lake-reconnaissance surveys provide baseline in— formation, identify problems for more intensive investigation, and form a basis for regional classifi— cation of lakes. Reconnaissance limnological surveys in Pennsyl- vania at 52 recreational lakes were completed during the months of July and August between 1971 and 1974. In addition to providing a baseline of informa— tion for future hydrobiological investigations, the data will allow the lakes to be classified as to condi- tion in compliance with Section 314 of Public Law 92—500. According to J. L. Barker, the surveys have disclosed that 18 of the 52 lakes display symptoms: of, or the potential for, an enriched status. Because eutrophication of these lakes is due to natural and nonpoint sources of enrichment, control and restora- tion will be difl‘icult. Reconnaissance surveys by M. V. Shulters, Antoni- us Laenen, and J. H. Robison of 23 lakes in the high Cascade Range of northern Oregon showed the lake water to be of very high quality. The lakes range in size from 0.75 to 180 ha and dissolved-solids content is less than 60 mg/l; dissolved-solids content of 14 of. the lakes is less than 20 mg/l. Light transparency, GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES measured by a Secchi disk, exceeded that of many smaller lakes; a maximum reading of 12 m was re- corded in Lost Lake near Mount Hood. Lake sedi- ments generally were unconsolidated and supported very little bottom vegetation. No fecal coliform bac- teria were found in any of the lakes surveyed. Dur- ing the September and October sampling period, thermal stratification was significant in only three of the largest lakes. The lakes surveyed are typical of many Cascade Range lakes; they were formed large- ly as a result of glacial or volcanic activity and are used primarily for public recreation. The several lakes that are protected Within Portland’s Bull Run watershed probably will remain in their present con— dition, but other Cascade Range lakes may receive greater recreational use in the future, which may result in water-quality changes. G. A. McCoy collected chemical and physical data on Redoubt, Green, and Blue Lakes near Sitka, on Swan and Spurt Lakes near Petersburg, and on Os- prey Lake near Port Walter, all in southeastern Alaska. The lakes are oligotrophic and, except for Redoubt Lake, conductivity was less than 50 [ at 25°C. Nitrogen content was low and phosphorus content was generally less than 0.01 mg/l. DO ex- ceeded 50-percent saturation at the bottoms of all lakes except Redoubt, which is meromictic. The up- per 100 m of Redoubt Lake is freshwater and the lower 200 m is saltwater. The lower layer (monimo- limnion) is anoxic. The upper layer (mixolimnion) of Redoubt Lake is well oxygenated and much higher in conductivity and dissolved-solids concentrations than the other lakes. It is high in sodium and chlor- ide, probably owing to upward diffusion from the monimolimnion. Spurt, Swan, Blue, and Green Lakes have calcium bicarbonate type waters of very similar chemical composition. Osprey Lake, however, has a predominantly sodium chloride water, probably be- cause of its high annual rainfall, low altitude, and proximity to the sea. Data for 76 lakes with surface elevations ranging from 1,698 to 3,613 m were collected in the Front Range Urban Corridor, 0010., between lat. 38°37’30” N. and lat. 39°22’30” N. The lakes varied from stably stratified to thoroughly mixed, and water tempera- tures ranged from 6° to 24°C when sampled in mid- summer. Secchi-disk transparency measurements were 1.2 m or less in six of the lakes but as much as 5.0 m in Mesa Reservoir. D. B. Adams reported that most of the lakes have water of good chemical quali- ty. The range in specific conductance was from 25 ,umho/cm at 25°C in Big Tooth Reservoir to nearly 189 1,100 pmho/cm at 25°C in an unnamed lake and pH levels ranged from 7.6 in Big Tooth Reservoir to 10.6 in Big Stratton Reservoir. DO as percent of satura- tion ranged from 68 percent in Big Johnson Reser- voir to 186 percent in an unnamed reservoir. Chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton were sampled in 13 of the larger lakes and reser- voirs. Sixteen different genera of algae were identi- fied as dominants or codominants in the lakes sampled; the most common were Anacystis, Synedm, Cyclotella, 0601182323, and Dinobryon. Algal concen- trations ranged from 380 to 57,000 cells/ ml. All lakes sampled were rated for degree of organic loading by the algal index method of C. M. Palmer (1969). Only one lake, at Broadmoor Country Club, showed evi- dence of high organic loading on the basis of algal samples. Relation of ground water to lakes A preliminary hydrologic classification of lakes in the north-central United States was developed by T. C. Winter. Several forms of factor analysis were used to identify the independent factors that led to the most hydrologically meaningful classification system. In the principal component analysis, the first five factors account for 80 percent of the variance in the original 13 parameters. The loadings show factor 1 characterized by atmospheric water and chemical parameters, factor 2 by streamflow parameters, fac- tors 3 and 4 by parameters that are related to ground-water flow, and factor 5 by overland runoff parameters. Maps of each of the five factors show distinctive patterns of areal variations within the study area. The statistical analysis is based on a random sample of 150 lakes. Limnology of Lake Loiza The chemical, physical, and biological characteris- tics of Lake Loiza, in Puerto Rico, Were evaluated during a 1-yr period by Ferdinand Quifiones-Mar- quez. The quality of the water in the reservoir is affected by partially treated sewage and agricultural runoff. Total-nitrogen and total-phosphorus concen- trations in the reservoir averaged 1.5 to 0.3 mg/l, respectively. Dense blooms of water hyacinths (Eichorm’a crassipes) occurred throughout the year. Transport of sediments by tributaries to the reser- voir decreased light penetration, limiting blooms of microalgae. Phytoplankton communities were domi- nated by Anacystics, Melosira, and Cyclotella. Com- munity productivity in the reservoir, measured by the diurnal oxygen curve, averaged from 3 to 12 g 02 m—3 d—l. The dominant zooplankters were 190 species of Macrocyclops, Paracyclops, Halicyclops, and Moina. Vertical and diurnal fluctuations of the zooplankton were affected by low DO concentrations. DO varied seasonally with the intensity and magni- tude of the lake turnover. During the low-flow sea- son, most of the reservoir was anaerobic below 3 to 4 m. During the wet season, from September to December, DO concentrations of 2 to 3 mg/l were measured at depths of 10 to 12 m. Some thermal stratification occurred in Lake Loiza. During the winter months, top to bottom temperatures ranged from 24.5° to 28.0°C. In the summer and during high flows into the reservoir, nearly complete mixing occurred, and water temperature averaged 29.0°C. The bottom sediments of Lake Loiza contained an average of 2,000 mg/kg of total nitrogen and 850 mg/kg of total phosphorus. Bottom sediments were about 5 percent sand, 40 percent silt, and 55 percent clay. Nearly 10 percent of the upper 30 cm of sedi- ments was organic matter. Limnology of Laguna Tortuguero A 1-yr study of the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of Laguna Tortuguero, in Puerto Rico, was started in July 1974 by Ferdinand Quifiones-Marquez. The lagoon is a near- ly freshwater body with an average specific conduc- tance of about 2,500 ,umho/cm at 25°C and an aver- age chloride concentration of 800 mg/l. The lagoon is unstratified, has an average depth of about 2.5 m, and is constantly mixed by winds. The bottom is covered with a thick layer of sediment which is 6 to 8 m deep in some parts. The lagoon is affected by sea- water flows from the zone of diffusion. Sea salts are present in concentrations proportional to seawater, but a canal discharges about 0.4 m3/s into the ocean, maintaining a low salinity in the lagoon. The phyto- plankton of the lagoon was dominated by Anacystis and other blue-green algae. The bottom of the lagoon was covered with a mat of periphyton, most of which were diatoms. There were more than 50 species of diatoms in the assemblage. The zooplankton was dominated by species of Diaptomus, Testudinella, Keratella, Diaphanosoma, and Ceriodaphnia. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations in the lagoon averaged 1.7 mg/l and 0.005 mg/l, respec- tively. Initial limnological observations of Raystown Lake D. R. Williams observed that during the first few months of water impoundment in Raystown Lake, Huntingdon County, Pa., no significant thermal or DO stratification occurred. At the time of these GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 observations the lake elevation was at 233 m, about 3 m below the winter-pool elevation of 236 m and 7 m below the recreational-pool elevation of 240 m. Only in the upper, more shallow reaches of the 43- km—lor g lake was there evidence of anaerobic condi- tions on the lake bottom. In the deeper parts of the lake, approximately 5.6 km upstream from the dam- site, DO concentrations as high as 7.6 mg/l were recorded on the lake bottom, 41 m below the surface, indicating that there had been no extensive decom- position of organic matter. Bacteriological data col- lected on the lower 23—km reach of the lake indicated very low concentrations of fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus bacteria. High flows from the main inflow feeding the lake increased the bacteria counts considerably in the upper 21-km reach of the lake but had little if any effect on‘the lower reach. Diversity indices in water-quality studies Diversity indices are used to summarize species- abundance tables and some other characteristics of biological systems. The most commonlyused diver- sity index in water-quality studies is theone derived from J. L. Wilhm’s and T. C. Dorris’ (1968) infor- mation theory. Some shortcomings of using diversity and redundancy, its associated parameter, as unique indicators for the health of aquatic communities were found by S. M. Zand. Redundancy, R, as defined by Wilhm and Dorris (1966), is Hmax;H Hmax_Hmin where Hmax and Hm,“ are maximum and minimum diversity indices using the Brillouin formula, while H is the diversity index using the Shannon equation. This intermixing of the two equations occasionally results in negative values. for R. It is suggested that (1) biological sample collection and analysis be standardized prior to use or comparison of diversity index and its associated parameters among various aquatic systems and (2) if necessary, a more appro- priate term be selected for redundancy, an expres- sion in which Brillouin and Shannon equations are not arbitrarily intermixed. R: Invertebrate drift in Alaskan streams Drifting benthic invertebrates were collected at nine stream sites along the trans-Alaska pipeline route during 1972 by J. W. Naum-an and D. R. Kernodle (1974) . The samples were taken with drift netshexposed for 1-h periods during daylight on three occasions designated as typical of spring, sum- mer, and fall. Collectively, the dominant groups were GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES 191 water fleas (class—Crustacea), midges (family— Chironomidae), blackflies (family—Simuliidae), and mayflies (order—Ephemeroptera). 0A total of 14,249 organismswere enumerated, and 86 taxa were identified fro-m the 27 samples. Water fleas were dominant in. an Alaskan North Slope stream, whereas midges Were the most common invertebrate in a maritime stream near Valdez. From pooled samples for all three seasons at each site, brown- water streams had more species, whereas clear-water streams had greater species diversities. The midges were the most diverse, with 25 different taxa identi- fied. Midges tended to be more diverse in Arctic Slope streams as compared to the other stream sites samples. Drift biomass was variable both seasonally and for different stream sites. However, bio-mass tended to increase during spring and fall, ranging from 0.06 to 3.0 g/h. Comparison of sampling methods for benthic invertebrates During a study of the Dietrich River, a mountain stream of arctic Alaska, K. V. Slack, J. W. Nauman, and L. J. Tilley compared the results obtained using the following techniques for collecting benthic in- vertebrates: (1) A 1-h drift-net collection was ob- tained at. five upstream stations that had not been disturbed by other sampling. The net, held perpen- dicular to the flow, had an opening of 30x30 cm and 0.471-tm mesh. (2) A dip net with 0.210-um mesh was used to sample the major aquatic habitats at the five stations. Sampling effort in each habitat was about in proportion to its occurrence at each station. (3) Ten streambed rocks were lifted at random from the major habitats, scrubbed with a brush in a bucket of water, and the combined sample was con— centrated on a sieve with O.210-,um mesh. Most groups of organisms were more abundant and diverse in the dip-net samples. A few groups, notably certain shore-living insects (Collembola) and aquatic mites, were most abundant and diverse in the drift-net samples. Although the 10-rock samples were similar in composition to many of the samples taken with the dip net, the lO-rock samples were apparently too small to include some of the less abundant taxa. Collection of some midge (Chirono- midae) larvae was more effective with the 10-rock method than with either of the other methods. The manner of scrubbing the rocks for the 10-rock sample may have resulted in more complete re- moval of ‘small or burrowing larvae from rocks or masses of algae and moss. Because of the prepon- derance of Chironomidae in the Dietrich River benthos, the 10-ro-ck method proved to be about as effective as the dip-net method in collecting benthic invertebrate individuals but only about half as effec- tive in collecting the different taxa. More taxa were collected by the drift-net method than by the 10-rock method, and as many individuals were collected by the drift-net method as by the 10-rock method. More- over, the drift-net samples contained many pupae, adult insects, and terrestrial invertebrates which did not occur in the other samples. The following conclu- sions resulted from the study: (1) The number of taxa collected from a station was increased when more than one method of sampling was used; (2) dip'net effectiveness probably could be enhanced by more thorough scrubbing of rock surfaces to dis- lodge clinging or burrowing organisms; and (3) the value of a simple drift net as a passive collection method was shown. Finer mesh-size netting with an adequate percentage of open area should increase the effectiveness of drift sampling by retaining the smaller individuals. Evaluation of artificial substrates for benthic invertebrates Four types of artificial substrates—Bar-b—que basket, Bull basket, Flexiring, and Hester-Dendy multiple plate—were placed in the Eel River and Elder Creek near Branscomb, Calif. R. F. Ferreira studied the effects of artificial substrate type, sam- pling period (late spring to late summer), stream (river or creek), and habitat (pool or riffle) on benthic invertebrate colonization of artificial sub- strates. There was a significantly higher number of organisms and of different taxa on each of the four types of artificial substrates placed in riffies than were found in pools. However, diversity-index values did not show a significant difference in benthic in- vertebrates colonized between riffles and pools. Stream and sampling period had no effect on coloni- zation of the artificial substrates. The main factor ‘affecting colonization by benthic invertebrates was the artificial substrate type. A significantly higher number of organisms and number of taxa occurred on the Bull and Bar-b-que basket substrates than on the Flexiring and Hester-Dendy multiple-plate sub- strates. The difference was also shown by a signifi- cantly higher diversity index calculated for the Bar- b—que and Bull basket samples. However, the Bar-b- que basket substrate had advantages over the Bull basket; the Bar-b-q'ue basket is easier to construct, can be placed on the stream bottom in any position, and does not fill with silt as quickly as the Bull basket. 192 PLANT ECOLOGY Computer model predicts forest changes A computer model is being developed by R. L. Phipps to simulate population dynamics of mixed stands of southern wetlands forests. The model, which is basically a tree-growth model utilizing aver- age or typical growth characteristics of trees on site, is intended to be used as a tool for predicting vege- tation change as a function of hydrologic change. It is being tested by Phipps, using data from the White River National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Arkansas. A tentative conclusion is that relatively great changes in flood frequency and duration result- ing from manmade flood-control measures may change the composition of tree species in undisturbed forests very little. However, any disturbance to the forest canopy, such as lumbering or managed en- hancement of wildlife mast production, could be ex- pected to result in pronounced changes in species composition. Saltcedar establishment related to seed production and reservoir water levels Field studies of three aspects of saltcedar (Tam- arix chinensis) ecology were conducted in southeast- ern Arizona by R. M. Turner (D. K. Warren and R. M. Turner, 1975). Seed production, seedling establishment, and seed mortality from submergence were examined because of the important bearing each has on the spread of this species in the South- west. Seed production in a dense stand of saltcedar yielded 17 seeds/cm2 during the seed-producing sea- sons. During the 5.5-mo period of seed production there was one major production peak and one minor production peak. Seed production of two native ri- parian species, seepwillow (Baccharis glutinosa) and cottonwood (Populus fremontiz‘), was studied and compared with saltcedar seed production. The rate of establishment of saltcedar seedlings on the banks of a reservoir with receding water levels corresponded closely to the rate of seed pro- duction of nearby plants. The period of greatest establishment occurred between early May and mid- June; 47 seedlings were found in one 6-cm2 area. Mature saltcedar plants were able to survive com- plete sub-mergence for as long as 70 (1. Plants that were not completely submerged survived longer periods of flooding—the maximum was 98 (1. Natural reforestation less on coal strip mines than on abandoned farmland T. M. Yanosky and R. S. Sigafoos compared natu- ral reforestation of coal strip-mine spoils in south- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 eastern Kentucky to that on nearby abandoned farm fields. They estimated that abandoned-farmland plots yield about four times as many trees per acre as do mine-spoils plots. On the farmland, crown density of pine trees is nearly twice that on the spoils and the total cross-sectional area of tree trunks is seven times greater. The lesser quantity of vegetation on the spoils is probably related to poorer site conditions; there are greater distances between trees on mine spoils than between the same species of trees on farmland. NEW HYDROLOGIC INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNIQUES G. F. Smoot and H. 0. Wires reported that 12 op- erational models of a streamside, multiparameter, automatic water-quality monitor are giving excellent service and additional units will soon be in use. Wires reported that an automatic orifice-purge capability added to field stage-recording manom- eters has increased the accuracy of records at alluvial streamflow _sites. According to Wires, digital data-collection sys- tems installed at big-dam field sites have been modi- fied to improve reliability and system flexibility. Wires also reported that specifications have been drafted and a bid has been accepted for additional satellite hydrologic data-collection platforms to be used with LANDSAT or with GOES. Three automatic storm-water data-collection sys- tems have been installed in northern Broward County, Fla. The data-collection systems were de- veloped by USGS personnel to simultaneously record rainfall and storm-sewer flow and to collect multi- ple water—quality samples throughout a storm event. According to C. B. Sherwood, Jr., and Jack Hardee, sample collection will continue for 2 yr at each of the three sites. Sites selected for study are a single— family residential area, a segment of six-lane di- vided highway, and a major shopping center. A. M. Sturrock, Jr., and H. E. Jobson reported that radiation data were recorded continuously at two southern California field sites about 26 km apart. Solar radiation was sensed at both sites by Eppley precision spectral (shortwave) pyranom- eters. Atmospheric radiation was sensed at one site by an Eppley (longwave) pyrgeometer and the total (all-wave) radiation was sensed at the other site by a Beckman-Whitley flat-plate radiometer. The atmospheric radiation at the flat-plate radiom- eter site was determined to be the difference be- GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES tween the instantaneous all-wave and the instantan- eous shortwave components. On a daily average basis, both instruments gave results which appeared to be of comparable accuracy, and the measured values of the longwave component agreed reasonably well with values computed from formulas. On an instantaneous basis, the Eppley pyrgeometer gave results‘which agreed fairly well with the computed longwave values. The ratio of the mean maximum output to the mean minimum (nighttime) output was stable in the range of 1.3 to 1.4. The measured flat-plate radiometer values, on the other hand, ap- peared to be too low at night and too high during the day. The ratio of the mean maximum output to the mean minimum output was 3.5 for the 35 days analyzed. This ratio decreased somewhat with in- creasing cloudiness. W. S. Keys is making logs of holes deeper than 1,372 m, using a logging truck which has a large hoist unit with 4,877 m of high-temperature 7-con- ductor cable. Keys reported that the following field— proven high-temperature probes are now being util- ized in geothermal studies: (1) Temperature, (2) natural gamma, (3) gamma-gamma, (4) neutron, (5) caliper, and (6) normal resistivity. Keys also reported that acoustic televie-wer logs were used to interpret the results of a hydraulic fracturing test in a geothermal well in New Mexico and to identify sources of hot water in test holes in Idaho. I. L. Burmeister reported that the Mississippi River at Clinton and Keokuk, Iowa, is being sampled with the use of a special boom mounted on a garden tractor. The standard USGS base-and-boom rig could not be used at the Keokuk site because of a confined 81-cm-wide sidewalk. The special rig, de- signed by Burmeister, consists of a davit-type boom with a type E—53 power reel mounted on a model VH70, 7-hp-John Deere garden tractor. The maxi- mum width of the tractor is 69 cm. The alternator on the tractor provides sufficient charge to the 12—V battery of the tractor to operate the power reel and safey light. An extra Hot Shot battery is required to operate the 45-V solenoid of the P-61 sampler. A case of sediment bottles is strapped on the hood. The rig is towed on a small, low-bed trailer to a site; the operator then drives it onto a bridge and takes samples. It is also used on bridges without sidewalks. Its 8-km/h speed and its flashing safety light make it easier, faster, and safer to use than a standard base-and-boom rig. Also, the rig has been used to make complete discharge measurements. 193 J. V. Skinner and J. P. Beverage tested some new- ly developed commercial instruments for sampling and for analyzing sediment. In one flume study a small pumping sampler was used to extract samples from the flow. Samples were then compared with siphoned samples extracted through the same intake tube. The intake tube passed through the flume wall and extended 5 cm into the flow. Angled down- stream to shed debris, the intake extracted samples at nearly right angles to the flume flow. Under ad— verse conditions (3-m vertical lift, battery-power mode) the pump maintained velocities of approxi- mately 60 cm/s in the 0.6-m intake line. This velocity proved to be adequate for transferring particles from the mouth of the intake to the discharge side of the pump. The sediment concentration in the test suspension consisted of Missouri River sand; 95 per- cent of the material was finer than 400 pm and 5 percent was finer than 62 ,im with D50 of 180 Mm. Compared to samples extracted isOkinetically, both pumped and siphoned samples were lower in sedi- ment concentration, but this deficiency was a char- acteristic of the intake and not of the pumping sam- pler itself. To reduce cross contamination of sam- ples, the sampler was designed to backflush with air, but the tests revealed that in long horizontal runs, traces of sediment did remain in the intake line. More serious errors were caused by deposition within the sampler’s distributor system, which routes samples from the pump to sample containers. However, the sampler proved to be very reliable, and its small size and battery-powered feature make it attractive for use at sites where the bulk of ma- terial in suspension is silt and clay. A laboratory-based particle sizer was evaluated for routine laboratory analysis. A sample was il- luminated by a rotating laser beam which detected light scattered by suspended particles, and the pulses were used to count and size individual particles. Concentrations as low as a few parts per billion were detected, but drift was too large to permit size-distribution measurements. In cooperation with J. M. Killen (Univ. of Min- nesota), Beverage and Skinner tested a modification of the falling-drop technique. In this technique, a single drop of test suspension is placed in an im- miscible liquid; the fall velocity of the drop is measured and, by calibration, the sediment concen- tration within the drop is determined. Anisole was used for the immiscible liquid in the original devel- opment work performed by J. M. Pezzetta (Univ. of Wisconsin). Because anisole is quite toxic, a special instrument oil was substituted for anisole in 194 the modified technique. With very precise tempera- ture control, the lower limit of detection was found to be about 200 mg/l. _ Beverage and Skinner constructed a special hy- drometer for rapid measurement of concentration. With temperature controlled to within i0.5°C, the lower limit of detection was about 50 mg/l. USGS investigators, in cooperation with R. H. Rust (Univ. of Minnesota), are evaluating a com- mercial optical size analyzer. Particles are first de- posited on a membrane filter which, through chemi- cal treatment, is rendered transparent. By means of an electronic scanner and microscope, particles are automatically counted and classified by size. Re- sults are encouraging, but the relationship between particle weight and registered particle size requires additional study. Beverage and Skinner made a preliminary evalua- tion of errors in sampling through nappes at the free outfall of a narrow channel. To date, the range of conditions studied has been limited to outfall flows 30 cm wide and 10 cm deep. A DH—48 sampler was used to collect depth-integrated samples a few millimetres downstream from the lip. The sampler’s air exhaust was completely ventilated in the shal- low flow, and this effect, combined with adverse ap- proach conditions, reduced the sampler’s intake ve- locity by about 10 percent. The material in transport was Missouri River sand in suspension. For each run the sampling error was based on the difference be- tween sediment discharge computed from sample concentrations and sediment feed rate measured at a vibrating feeder that injected sediment into the flow 8.8 m upstream from the outfall. The mean sampling error was 0.5 percent with a standard deviation of 13 percent. Additional tests would prob- ably reveal a larger mean error, but the existing data do not suggest a serious systematic sampling bias. Results of these tests are applicable to field sampling at culvert outfalls. Results show that a number of closely spaced verticals must be sampled even if the nappe width is narrow. Because of the 30-cm outfall-flow width, a minimum of three ver- tical samplings was necessary to adequately ac- count for the large concentration gradients in the lateral direction. Also, in the laboratory as in the field, collection of precise discharge-weighted sam- ples is difficult. The problem stems largely from shallow depth and high velocity. For most accurate results, the sample from each vertical should be analyzed separately. This permits an assessment of the magnitude of the gradients, and then, if neces- sary, the concentrations can be discharge weighted GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 in the computational phase. Unfortunately, this com- putation requires a knowledge of velocity distribu- tion with the nappe. The investigators hope to ex- tend the study to a wider range of conditions, and, by making additional runs within each group, strengthen the statistical significance of the con- clusions. COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR MODELING AND SOLVING HYDROLOGIC PROBLEMS R. S. Chicko developed a computer program that solves for porosity and lithology, given digitized acoustic velocity, density, and neutron porosity logs. The computer program formulates the lithology problem as a linear-programming model and then solves this model by the simplex method. The com- puter program has many advantages over previous- ly attempted approaches, such as cross-plot tech- niques and the solution of simultaneous linear equa- tions. The linear-programming formulation does not permit negative solutions and, thus, ends a long- standing problem. Also, the computer program is able to solve more unknowns than previous numeri- cal techniques. Because the computer program in- corporates statistical analyses of core data, the com- puted solutions are forced to conform with actual lithology. Chicko and T. A. Taylor developed a system to generate a multiplexed data base for condensed stor- age and rapid access to digitized borehole geophysi- cal logs. Logs made with the research equipment are digitized in the field on magnetic or punched tape. Existing analog records may be digitized com- mercially. Digitized data are input, stored, processed, and summarized for a reference library and rapid ‘ computer interpretation. SEA-ICE STUDIES Many advances have been made in using remote- sensing techniques to study the morphology and dy- namics of sea ice, and the resulting data are being applied to numerical models of pack ice. Remote- sensing techniques have been used in recent sea-ice experiments, and results have been highly successful. Remote-sensing studies of sea ice Results derived by W. J. Campbell (D. C. Meeks, R. O. Ramseier, and W. J. Campbell, 1974) from a comparative study of. 13.4-GHz passive-microwave surface measurements of physical, chemical, and structural properties of Arctic sea ice illustrate dis- tinct decreasing microwave emissions for first-year, GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES transitional, and multiyear sea-ice types. There is a structural relationship for microwave emissions by transitional and multiyear sea ice. Both vertically and horizontally polarized measured brightness tem- peratures decrease linearly with increasing average ice porosity. In first-year ice, however, measured brightness temperatures are comparatively uniform and microwave emission appears to be more strongly influenced by high near-surface salinity combined with the occurrences of uniform porosity. Another study (R. O. Ramseier, W. -J. Campbell, W. F. Weeks, L. D. Ars-enault, and K. L. Wilson, 1975) in- volved the use of LANDSAT— imagery acquired over a 1-yr period to study in detail the ice dynamics and morphology of parts of the Arctic Ocean and‘the Canadian Archipelago. The use of remote-sensor imagery to describe one complete cycle of ice freeze- thaw processes and drift patterns saved an enormous amount of time, expense, and manpower. Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Bering Sea Experiment The joint U.S.-USSR. Bering Sea Experiment (BESEX) took place in February and March 1973 and involved both Soviet and American aircraft, the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker, Staten Island, and the Soviet weather ship, Priboi, in a detailed remote- sensing study of the Bering Sea. A NASA aircraft, the Galileo, was equipped with cameras and passive- microwave and infrared radiometers for imaging the morphology and distribution of sea ice in the Bering Sea. According to W. J. Campbell (W. J. Campbell, Per Gloersen, and R. 0. Ramseier, 1974; Per Gloersen, R. O. Ramseier, W. J. Campbell, P. M. Kuhn, and W. J. Webster, J r., 1974 ; R. 0. Ram- seier, Per Gloersen, W. J. Campbell, and T. C. Chang, 1974; Per Gloersen, R. 0. Ramseier, W. J. Campbell, T. C. Chang, and T. T...Wilheit, 1974) , the following five distinct ice types Were discernible; (1) Gray ice, 20 cm thick; (2) gray-white ice, 40 cm thick; (3) white ice, 60 cm thick; (4) white and first-year ice, 100 cm thick; and (5) transition-zone ice (frazil, grease, and small pancake ice). Most of the pack ice is formed in the Bering Strait. The pack ice is entirely first-year and younger, and dur- ing the experiment its concentration ranged from 74 to 90 percent within a roughly constant geographic area of approximately 10,000 kmz. Anticyclonic ac- tivity in the area advected the ice southward with strong divergence and a regular lead and polynya pattern; cyclonic activity advected the ice northward with ice convergence, or slight divergence, and a random lead and polynya pattern. 195 Skylab—4 photographs used for floating-ice studies In addition to data which were collected by the in- struments comprising the Skylab Earth Resources Experimental Package (EREP) , the Skylab—4 astro- nauts obtained photographs, taken by hand-held cameras, of target areas designated for floating-ice studies. The main objective of the study was to gath- er information on sea ice in the Gulf of St.- Lawrence and lake ice in Lake Ontario. The Skylab—4 crew obtained photographs of sea ice in the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, and James Bay and of large tabular icebergs in the South Atlantic. W. J. Camp- bell (W. J. Campbell, R. O. Ramseier, W. F. Weeks, and J. A. Wayenberg, 1974) reported that the se- quential photographs provided very useful informa- tion on distribution of ice and ice types, overall de- formation patterns, and amount of ice movement be- tween flows. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Spectrofluorometric determination of thalliumin silicate rocks A sensitive spectrofluorometric procedure to deter- mine submicrogram and microgram quantities of thallium in silicate rocks was developed by M. M. Schnepfe (unpub. data, 1975). Samples are decom- posed with a mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids and then treated with hydrochloric acid. Thallium is extracted as the dithizonate from an alkaline medium containing ascorbate, citrate, and cyanide salts by using chloroform and is then back-extracted with dilute nitric acid. The organic matter is destroyed, and the sample is treated with bromine, hydrochloric acid, aluminum chloride, and rhodamine B. The rho- damine B chlorothallate is extracted with benzene, and its fluorescence is compared with standards. With this procedure, 10 ng T1 in pure solution can be determined with a relative standard deviation of 5 percent; the determination limit is thus set at ap- proximately 10 ng for a 1-g sample. The thallium content of USGS standard rocks G—1 and W—1, ac- cording to duplicate determination with this pro- cedure, is 1.09:0.01 ,rg/g T1. Determination of trace amounts of bismuth W. H. Ficklin and F. N. Ward used an atomic ab- sorption spectrophotometer equipped with a graphite furnace to determine trace amounts of bismuth down to 10 ng in soils and rocks. This analytical technique can be used to differentiate crustal abundance levels of bismuth from enrichment levels to outline targets of mineral deposits of possible economic importance. 196 Enhanced sensitivity of a spectrophotometric germanium determination L. P. Greenland, in continuing studies of the ger- manohe-teropoly acid complex of molybdate, de- veloped the most sensitive known color reaction of germanium. A tributyl phosphate-cyclohexane ex- traction of the yellow heteropoly acid yields a molar absorptivity of 21,000 at 310 nm in comparison with values of 2,400 and 9,100 cited by Sandell for the yel- low and the blue heteropoly acids, respectively, and a value of 14,500 for the germanium phenylfluorone complex. Interferences are removed prior to the de- termination by extracting the GeCl4 with 0014 or with 02014 with equal efl‘iciency. The latter extraction technique has the advantages of lower volatility and toxicity. A working range of 0.1 to 1 pg Ge is ob— tained in a 5-ml volume by using a 5-cm light path. Rock analysis procedures revised In a revised USGS Bulletin, Leonard Shapiro (1975) described rapid methods of analysis for 16 major constituents. Spectrophotometric methods are used for Si02, A1203, Fe203, Ti02, P205, and MnO, whereas CaO, MgO, Na20, and K20 are determined by using atomic absorption spectrometry; H20+, H201 FeO, C02, F, and S are determined by other techniques. ISOTOPE DILUTION Rapid determination of lead in rocks P. J. Aruscavage developed a substoichiometric isotope dilution method for the rapid determination of lead in rocks. After acid decomposition of samples containing 1 to 5 ,lg Pb in the presence of Pb“ tracer, lead is extracted with dithizone and reacted with a substoichiometric amount of ethylenediamine tetra- acetic acid. Lead content is calculated from the spe- cific activity of the complex after removal of excess lead with dithizone. Results obtained with standard rocks show excellent precision and accuracy in com- parison with isotope dilution-mass spectrometry. Determination of nanogram amounts of silver A rapid procedure for the routine determination of nanogram amounts of silver in rocks was described by E. G. Lillie (1975). After dissolution of the sam- ple with a hydrofluoric-nitric-perchloric acid mixture in the presence of Ag110 tracer, the silver is separated by (1) extraction as the dithizonate into xylene and (2) back-extraction into dilute hydrochloric acid. After evaporation and removal of the hydrochloric acid, the silver is taken up in an acetic acid-sodium GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 tartrate buffer solution and reacted with a constant amount of radioactively labeled iodide. The silver iodide formed is isolated by extraction into amyl alcohol, and silver is determined by the ratio of the counting rate of the iodide to the counting rate of the silver in the silver-iodide complex. The method can determine as little as 0.005 ,Lg/ g Ag in 0.5-g sample. ACTIVATION ANALYSIS A semiautomated processing technique for analysis A computerized semiautomated system for proc- essing samples by instrumental neutron activation analysis was completed when P. A. Baedecker wrote the computer program to generate a printed sum— mary of analytical results. This program, now‘in use, produces a printed report that lists concentration and sigma based on counting statistics for Fe, Ba, Co, Cr, Ca, Hf, Rb, Sb, Ta, Th, Zn, Zr, Sc, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, and Lu. This procedure eliminates the need for typing a report. Sample changes permit the multichannel analyzers to automatically collect gamma-ray spectra onto magnetic tape, after which the gamma-ray data are computer-processed to de- termine the concentrations. When more than one gamma-ray peak is used for the calculations, the pro- gram provides a weighted average for the concentra- tion to be reported. Concentration data are transfer- red to a disk for collation with additional counting data for the samples. Data are finally taken from the disk and processed to provide the final report of the analysis. Radiochemical determination of low concentrations of nickel in rocks and minerals R. A. Zielinski (unpub. data, 1975) developed a radiochemical procedure for the determination of very low concentrations of nickel in rocks and min- erals. Accuracy and precision are estimated to be :5 percent to levels as low as 0.1 ,ug Ni. Sensitivity is 0.1 pg Ni. These values represent a marked im- provement over possible competing analytical tech- niques. Samples are irradiated, combined with a nickel carrier, and treated by a series of purification procedures including collection of nickel in a lead bead by means of a fire assay technique; refusion of the lead bead and precipitation of basic element hy- droxides; washing and dissolution of precipitate; and anion exchange chromatography and precipita- tion of nickel dimethylglyoxime. The precipitate is weighed to determine chemical yield and counted for beta activity along with a precipitate from an irradi- ated nickel standard solution. GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES, AND TECHNIQUES Fission-track technique for the measurement of uranium in [solutions A fission-track procedure for the determination of uranium concentrations in aqueous solutions was tested by R. A. Zielinski. A standard and a sample solution (1.0 ml) and submerged squares of low- uranium fused-quartz glass are heat sealed in lengths of polyethylene tubing and irradiated for up to 4 h at a neutron flux of 2.5><1012 n/crnz/s. The glass platelet-s are recovered and etched for 1 min in 48 percent HF to develop fission tracks. Track densities produced by the samples and the standard are deter- mined by microscope observation and compared. Track densities are linearly proportional to uranium concentrations over the investigated range of 100 ng/ g to 100 ,g/ g. Uranium concentrations as low as 10,11/ g can be measured by this technique. Corrections must be applied for solutions with Um/U235 ratios differing from the natural ratio. EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY Improved accuracy in computerized emission spectrographic analysis of geologic materials The transport and excitation of atomic vapors in the d-c arc plasma determine the time-integrated spectral line intensities that are measured by com- puterized emission spectrography. These processes must be similar for samples and standards to assure accurate analyses for elements in the samples. D.W. Golightly, C. P. Thomas, A. F. Dorrzapf, Jr., and C. S. Annell (1975) investigated these processes for more than 60 constituent elements in diabase, gran- ite, andesite, peridotite, and shales by means of auto- mated microphotometry and computerized data proc- essing. Intensities, integrated over the arcing time, for major constituent elements are found to be similar. A calculator program for quantitative spectrographic analysis A. L. Sutton, J r., wrote a program for either the Wang 520 or the Wang 600 calculator to make all the calculations required for quantitative spectrographic analysis. This program has subroutines for both the Crosswhite—Deike and the ASTM 2-step emulsion calibration methods, a second-degree fit for analytical curves, and subroutines to evaluate the polynomials and calculate the final analytical results for samples. Provisions are also made for dilution factor and back- ground corrections. The minimum machine require- ments are 1,848 program steps, a printer, and a tape cassette unit. The program is available in the 197 form of magnetic tapes and instructions directly from Sutton. High-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer for uranium-series isotope studies A recently developed high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer permits identifications, in the labora- tory and in the field, of several uranium-series iso- topes that are not resolved by conventional detectors. The planar intrinsic germanium detector, developed by R. M. Moxham, permits detailed examination of the 10- to 200-keV gamma- and X-ray region, where many closely spaced spectral lines from the uranium- series nuclides are found. In-thigh—grade ore, these include 238U, 235U’ 234Th, 231Th’ 230Th, zzeRa’ 223Ra’ 214Pb, and 21°Pb. The preliminary studies in the laboratory indicate that uranium can be determined quantitatively inde- pendent of the state of secular'equilibrium and that the state of equilibrium can be measured for some members of the series. The amplitudes of these peaks in low—grade material have yet to be determined. Borehole logging with a neutron activation probe A nuclear marine probe was constructed by using a 252Cf neutron source and a Ge(Li) detector cooled by a prefrozen propane canister technique developed in the physics laboratory in Reston, Va. The probe was used to test the feasibility of making in-place captive gamma-ray spectrometry measurements in bottom sediments in a marine environment. Chlorine causes serious interferences in the spectra and an energy hardening of the average neutron flux dens- ity, so that pure thermal neutron capture is not attained in practice. ANALYSIS OF WATER Aluminum species in solution Aluminum hydroxide particles small enough to pass a 0.1-pm-diameter-pore filter may occur in natural water. Dissolved-aluminum concentration values used in thermodynamic calculations should not include these aluminum species. R. B. Barnes ( 1975) found that only the ionic forms of aluminum are determined if a complexing agent (oxine) is added to the sample at the time of collection, and the sample is immediately extracted with methyl- isobutyl ketone. Selenium An atomic-absorption spectrophotometric method for determining selenium in water was developed 198 by Myra Lansford, E. M. McPherson, and M. J. Fishman (1974'). The method involves evolution of hydrogen selenide by reduction of selenite with stannous chloride in 6-M hydrochloric acid solution. The hydrogen selenide is subsequently swept from the sample solution by a stream of nitrogen into a hydrogen flame and its absorption is measured at 196 nm. Arsenic interference can be avoided by care- ful control of the amount of stannou's chloride added. Mercury interference occurs when its concentration exceeds 25 pg/l. As little as 1 ,g/l of selenium can be measured. Incorporation of preliminary digestion of a sample ensures decomposition of organic sele- nium compounds. Nitrogen compounds The use of a Technicon aluminum-block digestor to decompose organic nitrogen compounds in water samples was evaluated by D. E. Erdmann and found to be satisfactory for determining ammonia plus organic nitrogen. Forty samples are digested simul— taneously during a 2.5-h heating period on an elec- tric hotplate; only 20 ml of sample is required. The digested sample is cooled and adjusted to pro-per vol- ume, and the resultant ammonium salts are deter- mined by an automated procedure involving the col- orimetric reaction of ammonium ion with sodium salicylate, sodium nitroprusside, and sodium hypo- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 chlorite in an alkaline solution. As little as 0.1 mg/l of ammonia plus organic nitrogen can be determined by this procedure. Ferricyanide and thiamine M. C. Goldberg and J. K. Wilson found that ferri- cyanide or thiamine in water can be determined by measuring the fluorescence of the complex formed between these two compounds. Several substances, including cyanides, interfere. Cyanide interference can be prevented by complexing with silver ion. Neutron activation analysis The carrier-sulfide radiochemical separation used in the neutron-activation analysis of water some- times gives erratic results for arsenic, antimony, and zinc. L. L. Thatcher modified the procedure by using thioacetamide and introducing new elements into the carrier; as a result, recovery of arsenic, antimony, zinc, and 14 other elements improved, and there was less sodium contamination. The tech- nique was used to analyze snow samples from Den- ver, Colo.; aluminum, copper, and manganese were found, possibly correlating with certain aspects of urban pollution. The technique was also applied to investigations of interactions between dissolved metallic ions and sediment particles. GEOLOGY AND HYDRQLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE EARTHQUAKE STUDIES GEOPHYSICAL STU DIES Seismicity The USGS program of earthquake monitoring in the seismically active southern California region con— tinued to expand in 1974 with the installation of a 27-e1ement seismograph network in the Mojave Desert. D. P. Hill and G. S. Fuis reported that results thus far support earlier indications that most of the seismic activity occurs in the western half of the Mojave Desert (west of long 115°30’ W.). A swarm of local earthquakes, several of them larger than magnitude 4, occurred in August 1974 near the Pis— gall fault just outside the northern margin of the Mojave net. Composite first—motion plots indicate right-lateral strike-slip motion on a plane parallel to the northwest-trending Pisgah fault. The southern Alaska seismic net continued to ex- pand its coverage, and, with the installation of 19 new telemetered stations in the Yakataga seismic gap by E. E. Criley, M. E. Blackford, R. A. Page, and G. E. Loo, the total number has now been increased to 51. This region, between Prince William Sound and Yakutat Bay, has not experienced any great earth- quakes since the 1899 and 1900 magnitude 8+ earth- quakes, and, during the past 15 yr, only a small num- ber of earthquakes have been located in this region by distant worldwide seismic stations. Microseismic activity recorded there since network installation in September 1974 has been low relative to that re- corded in the Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet regions. Two biaxial borehole tiltmeters were in- stalled by C. E. Mortensen, M. J. S. Johnston, and Page on Middleton Island, at the western margin of the seismic gap. Preliminary data indicate active tilting of the island. J. C. Lahr and Page used the local net supple- mented by teleseismic data to delineate the extent and configuration of the Beniofl" zone beneath south- ern Alaska. The upper part of the zone has a low dip and extends up to 400 km northwest of the Aleutian trench, then steepens and descends to a depth of 150 to 200 km, and reaches as far north as the northern foothills of the Alaska range. J. D. Unger and P. L. Ward made a careful study of the seismic P-wave travel-time residuals from the April 26, 1973, magnitude 6.2 earthquake off the northwestern coast of Hawaii in order to infer upper mantle structure beneath the Hawaiian Islands. The 30 USGS stations on Hawaii permit precise location of the quake and the determination 'of its origin time. These measurements, in turn, allow a determi- nation of very accurate absolute travel times to more distant stations. Differences between observed and expected travel times give clues to the structure be- neath Hawaii, and it appears that P—wave velocities are abnormally low in the upper mantle beneath the island of Hawaii or to the southwest of it. w. H. Bakun and c. G. Bufe reported that body- wave spectra from central California earthquakes recorded at local stations have shown large spatial variations in attenuation and propagation path char- acteristics. Shear-wave attenuation cOefficients differ by at least a factor of 3 betweenpropagation paths \in the San Andreas fault zone and those in the Gabi- lan Range to the west of the fault. A. C. Tarr and K. W. King used data from a new 10-station seismographic net installed in South Caro— lina in 1974 to survey the seismicity and help assess the earthquake hazard in that State. Preliminary results from a local five-station network in the Charleston-Summerville region indicate microearth- quake activity in the area of the destructive 1886 Charleston earthquake. Elsewhere, seismicity is scat- ~ tered in small local clusters, and, at present, the-re is no evidence for a northwest-trending zone from Charleston to the Appalachians, as has been postu- lated by several previous investigators. S. W. Stewart and L. B. Nichols developed a time- shared interactive graphics computer system to speed up the daily analysis of earthquake waveforms. The system uses a low-cost storageetube-type com- puter graphics terminal connected by telephone line to a large-scale computer. Earthquake waveforms are 199 200 read into the computer from magnetic tapes. By typing in simple commands at the keyboard, the sci-1 entist may display and manipulate two or more earthquake waveforms at a time. A key feature of the system is that it allows the scientist to interact and guide the processing of each earthquake wave- form through the computer. Earthquake prediction The USGS central California seismic. net, now comprising 132 stations, was used increasingly in 1974 as a research tool in earthquake prediction ex— periments designed to detect possible seismic-wave velocity changes prior to moderate local earthquakes. R. L. Wesson, Russell Robinson, C. G. Bufe, W. L. Ellsworth, J. H. Pfluke, and J. A. Steppe reported changes in P-Wave velocity measured by observing travel paths from local earthquakes through the zones of two imminent earthquakes, one of magni- tude 4.6 and the other of magnitude 5.0. In addition, for three other events between magnitudes 4 and 5, anomalously deep microearthquake activity was ob- served prior to the shocks. J. H. Healy and colleagues have been carrying out an intensive experiment in the Bear Valley, Calif, region to determine crustal structure of the San Andreas fault zone and to search for seismic velocity changes preceding earthquakes. The experiment sup- plements the central California network stations with a very dense portable array of up to 100 stations, which are telemetered by radio or by hard wire back to a single tape recorder. Results obtained thus far indicate that velocity changes, if they exist, are either small or at considerable depth in the fault zone. The portable system that has been developed for this experiment will also be useful in other de- tailed seismological investigations, such as the ex- ploration of geothermal areas. Bufe, Pfluke, and Wesson found that the mean apparent focal depths of microearthquakes occurring along a 20-km stretch of the San Andreas fault southeast of Hollister, Calif, increased by 25 per— cent some 60 days before the magnitude 4.6 Stone Canyon earthquake of September 4, 1972. The shape of the time-depth anomaly is virtually identical to the time plots of Vp/V, preceding moderate earth- quakes at Garm in the USSR. A less well defined depth anomaly occurred from October to December of 1971, preceding the Limekiln Road earthquake swarm of December 1971 and the magnitude 5.0 Melendy Ranch earthquake of February 1972. The observed depth anomalies can be attributed to dila- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 tancy biasing of hypocenters, although true vertical migration of seismicity cannot be ruled out. Using an array of fourteen 2—component borehole tiltmeters located near the San Andreas fault in central California, M. J. S. Johnston and C. E. Mor- tensen learned some details of the form of crustal deformation associated with small to moderate strike-slip earthquakes (M =2.5 to 5). To date, pre- cursors in tilt magnitude and direction have been observed before more than 10 earthquakes or groups of earthquakes, and no similar effect has yet been seen without the occurrence of an earthquake. In- stallations in other tectonic settings (Alaska and southern California) are providing data to test models of the earthquake mechanism developed with data from the central California test section. A magnitude 5 earthquake on Thanksgiving Day, 1974, in the midst of the heavily instrumented cen- tral San Andreas fault zone near San Juan Bautista provided the first observations of several different types of precursory signals for the same earthquake. Both tilt and magnetic field precursors were ob- served, and a possible preearthquake velocity de- crease is also currently being investigated. Laboratory experiments by J. D. Byerlee provided observations relevant to several mechanisms pro- posed to account for precursory earthquake phe- nomena. Byerlee observed that under differential stress the permeability of granular materials is an- isotropic, this condition introducing an additional complication into precursory mechanisms requiring fluid flow. However, it was also observed that pre- failure velocity changes may occur even if the rock is dry throughout the strain cycling. Crustal strain studies J. C. Savage and W. H. Prescott analyzed geodetic data in the region of the 1872 Owens Valley, Calif, earthquake in order to determine the current rate of strain accumulation there. Right-lateral deforma- tion since 1934 across the valley is occurring at a rate of 4i1 mm/yr, with possible extension across the valley of lil mm/yr. Repeated level surveys show tilts equivalent to a 2.210.4-mm/yr uplift of the western edge of the valley (that is, the base of the Sierra Nevada scarp) relative to the center of the valley. Although the measured deformations are scarcely above the survey noise, they all indicate an accumulation of strain that would be consistent with a repeat of the 1872 earthquake. W. R. Thatcher examined the approximately 100- yr record (1860—1960) of triangulation surveys on GEOLOGY AND HY‘DROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLICWELFARE the northern San Andreas fault system in order to reconstruct the history of crustal deformation in this region. High rates of shear straining preceded and followed the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, and data are consistent with an accelerated slip deep on the fault plane prior to the earthquake and a post- earthquake relaxation immediately beneath the seis- mic zone following 1906. However, since about 1940 and perhaps earlier, faults to the east of the San Andreas have played an important role in the strain accumulation: within the data uncertainties, strain- ing is uniform across an 80-km-wide region to the east of the San Andreas fault in the San Francisco Bay area; the maximum shear strain direction is approximately parallel to the Calaveras fault and is distinctly different from both the strike of the San Andreas fault and the local direction of relative mo- tion between the Pacific and North American plates. North of San Francisco, the rate of strain accumula- tion appears to decrease. R. O. Burford, R. D. Nason, and P. W. Harsh used data from the central California seismic net and creep meter records for 1969—73 to estimate the ra- tio between the total computed seismic slip and the total observed surface creep along the central San Andreas fault. In the currently most seismically ac- tive section of the fault, 70 km southeast of San Juan Bautista, surface creep exceeds seismic slip by at least a factor of 30; ratios for other less seismical- ly active segments of the fault average 1 to 2 orders of magnitude lower. Seismic risk and earthquake hazards reduction Analyses completed by 16 researchers in various Earth-science and engineering disciplines and using existing geological and geophysical knowledge sug- gest that seismic zonation in the San Francisco Bay area is feasible (R. D. Borcherdt, 1975). Summary results derived as basic tools for this regional zona— tion include the following; 1. R. L. Wesson, R. D. Brown, Jr., E. J. Helley, K. R. Lajoie, and C. M. Wentworth completed a map showing active faults and delineating areas of potential surface faulting (that is, the location of potential sources of strong ground shaking). 2. R. A. Page, D. M. Boore, and J. H. Dieterich col- lected attenuation data for bedrock shaking and made estimates of peak ground motion parameters at bedrock sites located at dis- tances greater than 10, 20, and 40 km from earthquakes of magnitude 5, 6, and 7, respectively. 201 3. Lajoie and Helley compiled geologic data that provide the basis for extrapolating results of local site studies to larger areas. The purpose of this work is to define and map groups of geologic units significant for ground response, liquifaction, and slope stability. 4. Borcherdt, W. B. Joyner, R. E. Warrick, and J. F. Gibbs prepared a map showing qualitative ground response and delineating those areas for which site amplification of ground motion is expected to be important. 5. T. L. Youd, D. R. Nichols, Helley, and Lajoie prepared a liquifaction potential map showing areas in which existent clay-free granular lay- ers have a low, moderate, or high potential for liquifaction. 6. T. H. Nilsen and E. E. Brabb completed a land- slide susceptibility map that classifies areas into five categories of relative slope stability on the basis of landslide deposit distribution, bedrock geology, and slope. These six basic tools were applied along a demonstra- tion profile for a postulated magnitude 6.5 earth- quake on the San Andreas fault to illustrate a methodology for seismic zonation of the San Fran- cisco Bay area. S. T. Algermissen and colleagues M. G. Hopper, C. J. Langer, and A. M. Rogers prepared maps show- ing the estimated distribution of Modified Mercalli intensity in the regions of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Puget Sound, Wash., for earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 and 7, respectively. A. F. Espinosa and Algermissen surveyed the dam- age and distribution of intensity resulting from the October 3, 1974, magnitude 71/2 earthquake in Lima, Peru. They find a correlation between the dominant period of the earthquake and the damage sustained by high-rise structures. Joyner and A. T. F. Chen developed a new method for calculating the earthquake response of one- and two-dimensional soil configurations that rigorously treats the nonlinear hysteretic behavior of soils. Comparison with the widely used equivalent linear method indicates that, for a thick soil column and strong earthquake excitation, the equivalent linear method significantly underestimates the short-period components of motion. Algermissen and D. M. Perkins completed a pre- liminary seismic risk map for all of the continental United States except California. The map depicts horizontal ground acceleration having a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 yr (47 5—yr return 202 period peak acceleration). This kind of risk map reflects economic risk better than previous maximum intensity maps, which do not explicitly take earth- quake occurrence rates into account. For example, three areas, each appearing in zone 3 (maximum risk high intensity, heavy damage expected), now have the following extreme accelerations: Charles- ton, S.C., 0.1 to 0.2 9; New Madrid, Mo., 0.2 to 0.4 g; and western Nevada, 0.4 to 0.6 g. GEOLOGIC STU DIES Possible active fault in Ventura R. F. Yerkes and A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki mapped a prominent linear topographic scarp about 10 km long and up to 12 m high trending east-west along the hill front immediately north and east of Ventura, Calif. This feature is inferred to be a fault-line scarp formed by reverse-oblique displacement on a north- dipping frontal fault because: 1. It is located at the steep southern front of one of the east-trending Transverse Ranges, directly analogous to the scarp of the San Fernando fault, and on trend with a known active fault, the Pifas Point fault, previously mapped for more than 20 km in the eastern Santa Barbara Channel, where it displaces Holocene deposits but not the sea floor and has an apparent ver- tical separation of about‘25 m up on the north. 2. The hill front immediately north of the scarp is underlain by uplifted, tilted, and faulted upper Pleistocene marine and nonmarine terrace deposits. 3. Steeply dipping older Pleistocene strata of the hill front locally exhibit tight folds having near-vertical axes. Larger drainages are deflected at the scarp. At one locality, a well-developed, buried (Sanga- mon?) soil with a thick oxidized B horizon is sharply flexed just north of the scarp and is not present south of it. At another locality, a younger soil is less sharply flexed near the scarp; since this latter soil is developed in a Holocene(?) fan, its deformation may reflect Holocene movement at depth. 6. The scarp cannot be explained by erosion related to present-day drainage. The scarp is modified by erosion, cultivation, and construction and locally may be buried by very young stream de- posits. Although unequivocable evidence of Holocene displacement has not been found, the fact that the scarp postdates the emergence of 9"!“ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 a low marine terrace in this area of continuing seismicity indicates that its age and activity should be thoroughly investigated. Holocene movement on the Garlock fault The Garlock fault, a major left-lateral fault in southern California, trends northeast to east for a distance of about 250 km. Its total displacement is estimated to be about 65 km. The fault trace provides abundant evidence of geologically recent activity, but no historic displacements have been recorded. Where its trace lies along the southern edge of Searles and Panamint Valleys, alluvial and lacustrine sediments‘ of late Quaternary age are offset. Near Christmas Canyon in Searles Valley, stratigraphic and geomor- phic relations noted by G. 1. Smith suggest that two horizontal displacements totaling 8 m have probably occurred during the last 10,000 yr. The fault in that area consists of a single trace that has a zone about 15 cm wide dipping steeply to the south. The older of the two displacements cuts lacustrine gravels esti- mated to be 10,000 yr old or older and was probably covered by alluvial gravels, estimated by strati- graphic correlation with dated subsurface sediments to have ceased deposition 6,000 to 8,000 yr ago. The younger of the two displacements cuts those alluvial gravels but is covered by others that are probably a few hundred but not more than about 2,000 yr old. Along the southern end of Panamint Valley '(30 km east of the Christmas Canyon area), the Garlock fault last displaced a thin alluvial unit tentatively correlated with deposits in Searles Valley estimated to be about 2,000 yr old. If displacements in both areas occurred at the same time, these relations sug- gest that the next—to—the-last offset occurred 6,000 to 10,000 yr ago and that the last offset occurred between a few hundred and 2,000 yr ago. The sum of the two horizontal displacements is 8'm. If the last displacement were so recent that little or no strain has accumulated, the implied rate of strain accumu- lation is 0.8 mm/yr. However, if the last displace- ment occurred at about the same time that the younger alluvial gravels were deposited (about 2,000 yr B.P.), then the implied rate of strain accumula- tion would be E1 mm/yr. Late Quaternary faulting in coastal California Mapping of Quaternary features along the San Mateo County coastline by K. R. Lajoie, G. E. Weber, and J. C. Tinsley III documented the type and age of movements along a major fault zone that branches off the San Andreas fault at Bolinas Lagoon north GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE of the Golden Gate and extends 150 to 200 km south- southeast subparallel to the California coastline. In the vicinity of Point Sur, south of Monterey, it is represented by the Palo Colorado fault. The fault zone lies offshore for most of its length but transects the San Mateo County coastline for 4 km north of Half Moon Bay, where it is called the Seal Cove fault, and for 26 km between San Gregorio and Point Afio Nuevo, where it is called the San Gregorio fault. De- formed emergent marine terraées record general movements to about 0.5 to 0.7 m.y. B.P., and de- formed Holocene deposits document very recent dis- placement. Seismic activity along the seaward exten- sion of this fault zone south of Point Afio Nuevo documents modern activity. Four strands of the San Gregorio fault zone, ex- posed in the sea cliffs on the southern shore of Point Afio Nuevo, offset the Sangamon wave-cut platform and the overlying marine and alluvial deposits of the first emergent terrace, this offset indicating move- ment in the last 70,000 to 140,000 yr (Weber and Lajoie, 1974). Northwest of Point Afio Nuevo, tec- tonic movements associated with the San Gregorio fault zone have tilted a series of at least six emergent marine terraces. Succes-sively greater terrace de- formation with age suggests continued movement during middle to late Pleistocene time with north- west tilting of the block west of the main strand of the San Gregorio fault zone. Stratigraphic offsets and the pattern of faulting indicate that most of the movement along the fault‘zone is right-lateral strike slip with smaller and variable vertical components associated with internal defamation of the blocks within and on either side of the fault zone. Holocene movement is indicated on one of the fault strands at Afio Nuevo by deformation of fluvial and estuarine deposits along the shear zone. Charcoal from a deformed bed of silty clay in these deposits yields a 1“C age of 9,5101- 140 yr B.P. Gentle folding and vertical fault offset of emergent marine terraces at Half Moon Bay record late Pleis— tocene tectonic movements alonga 23-km segment of the Seal Cove fault and its offshore extension to . the south, which joins the San Gregorio fault. The wide, continuous lowest terrace (Sangamon?) and the discontinuous second terrace are warped suc- cessively more tightly into a gentle syncline that plunges obliquely to the northwest into the fault zone. Linear joint-controlled stream courses drain- ing the coastal uplands are deflected toward the syn- clinal axis as they cross the lowest terrace. Streams crossing the downwarped part of this terrace ad- 203 j acent to Half Moon Bay are depositing alluvial fans, whereas streams crossing the uplifted part of the terrace south of the bay have incised and abandoned their late Pleistocene flood plains, which themselves are incised into the thick cover of marine terrace deposits. Half Moon Bay developed as the Holocene transgression flooded the synclinal trough formed in the lowest terrace (Lajoie and others, 1975). North of Half Moon Bay, the lowest terrace is offset vertically 45 m (west side up) across the Seal Cove fault to form the narrow linear Pillar Point headland and ridge. North of Half Moon Bay, discon— tinuous remnants of at least four higher marine ter- races are offset vertically along five short fault strands subparallel to and northeast of the Seal Cove fault. Evidence of recent tectonic activity is a 0- to 1.5-m west-facing scarp across the Holocene alluvial fan of Denniston Creek parallel to and 1.0 km northeast of the Seal Cove fault. Data on marine terraces along the entire western coast of the United States being compiled by B. R. Hamachi and P. A. McCrory will» serve as the basis for an expanded coastal tectonics project. Data on tectonic movements recorded in the deformation of late Pleistocene emergent terraces and in the region- al variability of deposits formed by the Holocene transgression probably can be integrated with and provide background for other coastal’tectonic proj- ects, such as regional studies of active faults by J. I. Ziony, J. M. Buchanan-Banks, and E. H. Pampeyan and studies of present crustal movements using geo- detic and tide-level data by R. 0. Castle. Field studies related to the preparation of geologic environmental maps of coastal California have veri- fied the existence of late Quaternary faulting in two areas where information was previously lacking or little known. One area, between the Newport-Ingle- wood fault in southern California, was defined by Ziony, C. M. Wentworth, Buchanan-Banks, and H. C. Wagner (1974) on a 1E250,000-scale map de- signed to show the tectonic environment of coastal southern California from Mexico to Point Arguello. A second area lies near San Luis Obispo, in central coastal California, where detailed geologic mapping by C. A. Hall, Jr. (1973a, b, 1974) , and reconnaissance by Pampeyan defined a northwesterly trending zone as much as 2 km wide and 120 km long, in which Pleistocene deposits are offset. The Edna fault, a west-northwest—trending fault with probable strike- slip displacement, is near the southern end of this zone. At the northern end is an unnamed set of northwest-trending lineaments, evidenced onshore 204 near San Simeon by several prominent parallel val- leys, along which stream channels are offset in a right-lateral sense. Offshore, this set of lineaments appears to control the coast between Cape San Mar- tin and Point Estero. However, with the offshore data presently available, no simple clear-cut connec- tion can be found. If the ends do not define a single continuous zone of strike-slip faulting, they are at least parts of a larger system along with the offshore Hosgri fault. The geometry and tectonic environ- ment in this area are significant in land-use planning, because tectonic elements in the zone are close to (less than 12 km) a proposed deepwater supertanker port facility and a nuclear powerplant. Seismic response studies in San Francisco Bay region Geologic maps of upper Quaternary unconsolidated deposits in the San Francisco Bay region by E. J. Helley and K. R. Lajo-ie provided the basis for inter- preting and extrapolating seismic velocity data (P and S) in a study to predict how each geologic unit in the alluviated flatlands will respond in a local earthquake and how the entire alluviated area will respond relative to the surrounding bedrock terrane. Results of a preliminary study by J. F. Gibbs, R. E. Warrick, T. E. Fumal, R. D. Borcherdt, Lajoie, and L. T. Youd showed that the average seismic velocities (P and S in metres per second) over a 0- to 30-m depth interval range from 1,500 and ‘90, re— spectively, for the Holocene Bay mud to 1,670 and 380 for saturated upper Pleistocene alluvium, to 1,850 and 490 for Pliocene sandstones, to 2,700 and 275 for greenstone of the Franciscan Formation (Cretaceous part), and to a maximum of 3,900 and 1,450 for the deeply weathered granodiorite of Mon- tara Mountain. Results to date indicate that shear- wave velocities correlate with seismic amplitude re- sponses determined from nuclear explosions and the 1906 earthquake intensities. Preliminary data indi- cate that the differences in seismic velocities and engineering properties between Holocene and upper Pleistocene alluvium are significant only where these units lie above the water table. Upper Pleistocene alluvium in the lower parts of the bay basin, adja- cent to and beneath the bay, probably has never been dessicated and therefore shows no signs of precon- solidation. In higher parts of the alluvial plain sur- rounding the bay, upper Pleistocene alluvium has probably been above the water table throughout much of its history and is therefore preconsolidated. In these areas, overlying Holocene alluvium is not yet preconsolidated, so its physical properties are GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 different from those in the upper Pleistocene alluvi- um. Test sites are being selected to investigate the role of depth to ground-water table on seismic re- sponse characteristics. History of recent movement on the Elsinore fault Recent field investigation by M. M. Clark (1975) showed that right laterally offset drainages occur at several places along the 150-km section of the Elsi- nore fault zone that lies in Imperial and San Diego Counties. However, fault-offset topographic features are either greatly eroded or missing entirely from much of this southeastern part of the fault zone. Only in a 15 km-long section at the common county line does the fault show the impressive continuity of very recently offset alluvial surfaces and channels that is typical of active parts of the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults. Southeast of this section and northwestward through Mason Valley, the fault zone is marked by either well-eroded or very discontinu- ous horizontal and vertical offsets of the ground sur- face. Northwest of Mason Valley, most of the re- maining 70 km of the fault zone in San Diego County is characterized by fault topography that either no longer preserves the amount of original offset or is entirely of erosional origin rather than tectonic origin. In the 30-km interval immediately northwest of the common county line, recent movement has oc- curred only along a subparallel group of normal faults that lie 3 to 4 km to the northeast of the pro- j ected trend of the otherwise straight Elsinore fault zone. This spotty distribution of evidence for recent movement along the southeastern part of the Elsi— nore fault zone, combined with the presence of active faults to the northeast between the Elsinore and San J acinto fault zones, suggests that recent release of crustal strain in this region has complex distribution and, perhaps, timing. Release of strain is not con- centrated uniformly along the southeastern part of the Elsinore fault zone. Earthquake recurrence intervals from deformational structures in young lake sediments Examination of the silty sediments in the Lower Van Norman Reservoir after the 1971 San Fernando, Calif., earthquake revealed three zones of deforma- tional structures in the 1-m-thick sequence of sedi- ments exposed over about 2 km2 of the reservoir bot- tom. These zones are correlated with moderate earth- quakes that shook the San Fernahdo area in 1930, 1952, and 1971. The success of this study, coupled GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE with the experimental formation of deformational structures similar to those from Van Norman Reser- voir, led to a search for similar structures in Pleisto- cene and Holocene lakes and lake sediments in other seismically active areas. Thus, studies have been started by J. D. Sims in Pleistocene and Holocene silty and sandy lake sediments in the Imperial Valley in southeastern California, in Clear Lake in northern California, and in the Puget Sound area of Washington. The Imperial Valley study has yielded spectacular results: five zones of structures in the upper 9 m of upper Holocene sediments of ancient Lake C‘ahuilla near the Imperial fault 3 km south of Brawley have been correlated over an area of approximately 100 km2 by using natural outcrops (Sims, 1974). These structures are similar to those of the Van Norman Reservoir and are interpreted to represent at least five moderate to large earthquakes that affected the southern Imperial Valley area during late Holocene time. Eleven holes were drilled and sampled continu— ously in these ancient lake sediments. The holes range in depth from 11 to 26 m and extend the knowledge already gained from limited outcrops at least threefold. Examination and analysis of these cores are now underway. The Clear Lake study has provided ambiguous re- sults with respect to the determination of earthquake recurrence intervals because the cores studied are in clay-rich organic sediments that have low liquefac- tion potential (Sims and Rymer, 1975). A study of upper Pleistocene varved glaciolacus- trine sediments has been started in the Puget Sound area of Washington, and 13 sites have been exam- ined. One has yielded 18.75 m of sediments that con- tain 1,804 varves and 14 deformed zones interpreted as being caused by earthquake because they are identical to structures formed experimentally by simulated seismic shaking. These structures have been used to construct a preliminary earthquake his- tory for the Shelton, Wash, area (Sims, 1974). This history shows two episodes of earthquake activity. The first period of earthquake activity lasted about 400 yr and consists of six subequally spaced earth- quakes. A second episode lasted about 900 yr and consists of five subequally spaced earthquakes. Correlation of deformation structures with seis- mic events is based .on (1) proximity to presently active seismic zones; (2) presence of potentially liquefiable sediments; (3) similarity to structures formed experimentally; (4) small-scale internal structures within deformed zones that suggest lique- 205 faction; (5) structures restricted to single strati- graphic intervals; (6) zones of structures correlat- able over large areas; and (7) absence of detectable influence by slopes, slope failures, or other sedimen- tological, biological, or deformational processes. Metagraywacke in the Salinian block—recantation and reevaluation Field studies by D. C. Ross showed that the meta- graywacke terrane in the Santa Lucia Range of Cali- fornia is intruded along its western side by Meso- zoic granitic rocks. Thus, Ross’s previous sugges- tion—that the western contact of the metagraywacke marked a significant strike-slip fault zone—must be abandoned. Nevertheless, this lithologically distinctive belt in the Salinian block, extending across Salinas Valley, is structurally significant as a ‘,‘barrier” against strike—slip movements in the area and thus counters a previous suggestion of Ross and Brabb (1973). The metagraywacke also limits strike slip on the northern extension of the Rinconada fault zone of Dibblee (1972). The metagraywacke belt and other bedrock rela- tions in the Gabilan and Santa Lucia Ranges suggest a coherent basement block without significant strike- slip displacement from the San Andreas fault west as far as the Palo Colorado fault on the western flank of the Santa Lucia Range. Anyone proposing models of Salinian block reconstruction should note that “slivering” of the Salinian block at this latitude, or continuation northward of the Rinconada strike-slip fault zone, must occur west of this block. Influence of bedrock structure on seismicity Analysis of the San Andreas fault system in cen- tral and northern California by W. P. Irwin resulted in the discovery of a close relationship between re- gional geologic structure and seismic behavior. “Locked” fault segments have little seismic activity between occasional earthquakes of large magnitude, whereas other segments are highly active and are characterized by frequent earthquakes of small mag- nitude and by creep. The principal locked segment is the main strand of the San Andreas fault from near San Juan Bautista northward to beyond Point Arena; a second locked segment extends southward from Cholame. The active segments include (1) the San Andreas fault southward from near San Juan Bautista to Cholame and (2) the Sargent, Calaveras, and Hayward faults in the San Francisco Bay region. 206 The significant aspect of the regional geologic structure is the remarkably close correlation between the truncated end of the upper plate of the Coast Range thrust and the zones of creep and frequent small-scale seismicity along the San Andreas, Hay- ward, and Calaveras faults. The faults tend to be highly active Where they regionally cut the upper plate, which consists of rocks of the Great Valley sequence, but-they are locked elsewhere. In this structural model, serpentinite, which occurs locally along the base of the Great Valley sequence, is in con— tact with the segments of the faults that cut the upper plate and is perhaps plastically injected and sheared along the faults by right-lateral drag. Another possibly related factor affecting seis- micity is the distribution of springs in the Francis- can metamorphic terrane, which Irwin studied joint- ly with Ivan Barnes. Where Franciscan rocks are capped by the upper plate of the Coast Range thrust, water from metamorphic rocks may migrate to the faults that cut the upper plate; this water may fill and lubricate the fractures in dilated rocks and thereby cause continuous creep rather than allow large strains to accumulate. The terrane cut by the principal locked segment of the San Andreas fault in northern California is devoid of springs that de- rive water from metamorphic rocks. Fault scarp morphology as a key to age R. E. Wallace’s study of historic and older fault scarps in north-central Nevada, such as those formed during the 1915 and 1954 earthquakes and those formed before and after the high stand of glacial Lake Lahontan (12,000: yr), showed progressive degradation accompanied by a decrease in maximum slope angle. Historic scarps have two major slopes: the upper slopes (free faces) range from 60°.to overhanging, whereas the lower slopes (debris slopes) have maximum angles of about 35°. In some places, the two different slopes may persist for more than 1,000 yr. The maximum slopes of scarps older. than 12,000 yr are concentrated in the 7° to 20° range, and those of scarps younger than 12,000 but older than a few thousand years are in the 15° to 35° range. Other characteristics, such as the curvature of the scarp crest and the ratio of free face to debris slope, are also age criteria. Analysis of scarp geomorphology indicates re- peated movement on some faults, such as the 1915 earthquake fault, and suggests recurrence intervals for major displacements measured in thousands of years. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Slope stability investigations What is probably the largest known landslide in the United States caused by lateral spreading (a result of liquefaction) was discovered 16 km north of Salt Lake City, Utah, by Richard Van Horn. Two such landslides occur in Davis County, Utah, be- tween Farmington and Great Salt Lake and comprise the area named the Farmington Siding landslides. The younger slide covers about 9 km2 and is proba- bly less than 2,000 yr old. The older covers at least 8 km2 and is between 2,000 and 5,000 yr old. An unknown amount of the older landslide lies hidden under the younger. The Farmington Siding landslides contain longi- tudinal ridges, undrairred depressions, and distinc- tive internal structures indicating sliding, shearing, and liquefaction. A preliminary version of a new topographic map of Great Salt Lake and vicinity re- vealed seven other areas around the lake that have topographies similar to the topography of the Farm- ington Siding landslides. Thus, landslides of this type may be common near Great Salt Lake, and land users and land-use planners should develop an awareness for potential landslides on the gently sloping plains surrounding Great Salt Lake. Reports from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and other northern earthquakes were reviewed, and incidents of ground failure described therein were identified, classified, and tabulated and their loca— tions plotted on modern maps by T. L. Youd and S. N. Hoose. The results were used to (1) further identify and clarify the types of ground failure asso- ciated with earthquakes; (2) provide a guide to engineers, planners, and others responsible for mini- mizing seismic hazards; and (3) form a data base for further geotechnical studies of earthquake-trig- gered ground failure. Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading of recent flood-plain deposits and filled areas, particularly in the city of San Francisco, is among the most common and most destructive types of ground failure trig- gered by earthquakes in northern California. Hill- side landslides on steep slopes, such as coastal bluffs, also are a very common and very destructive type of ground failure. . Continued studies by D. H. Radbruch-Hall of the gravitational creep of rock masses indicate that large-scale slope movement of this type may be wide- spread in the United States, especially in mountain- ous regions. This type of slow landsliding, in which GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE zones of creep can extend more than 100 m below the surface, is distinct from more well-known types of movement of surficial material, such as solifluction and debris flows. Since large-scale gravitational creep may change to sudden catastrophic slide movement, recognition and understanding of this phenomenon are vital in site selection for and design of major engineered structures, particularly in high mountains. In places where valley sides are moving horizontally or bulg- ing outward, engineered structures in the valley bot- tom will be subjected to both upward and lateral pressures, owing to the bowing up of the valley bot- tom or the closing in of the sides. Large-scale rock creep on slopes has been observed and described by various investigators, including Radbruch-Hall, in different parts of the world: Europe, New Zealand, Iran, South America, and the United States. Measured rates of such movement range from 2 cm/yr to 20 cm/d. Creep proceeds in several different ways in differ- ent geologic settings; (1) By valleyward extrusion of weak ductile rocks overlain by, or interbedded with, more rigid rocks, resulting in tension fractur- ing and outward movement of the more rigid rocks as well, sometimes with upward bulging in the cen- ters of valleys; (2) by distortion and buckling of dipping, interbedded strong and weak rocks or by creep of rigid rocks over soft rocks without buck- ling; (3) by movement distributed over a thick zone in relatively uniform material; (4) by deep—seated bending, folding, and plastic flow of rocks on slopes; (5) by incremental movements along a dipping rough-surfaced plane; and (6) by bulging, spread- ing, and fracturing of steep-sided ridges in moun- tainous areas. There may be still other types of creep. that have not yet been recognized. Some of these different types of gravitational creep occur in the United States in the Allegheny Plateau region, in Utah, in Yellowstone National Park, in northern New York State, in California, in the Olympic Mountains of Washington, in Alaska, and in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Research in rock mechanics Strain data obtained in laboratory and field experi- ments by T. C. Nichols, Jr., and F. T. Lee (USGS) and J. F. Abel (Colorado School of Mines) indicated that large amounts of energy can be concentrated and stored within rock masses and that such energy is available for release. Strains resulting from ener- gy release were measured on surfaces of individual 207 rock specimens cut under conditions that isolated the specimen from strain-inducing confining pressure or temperature conditions. The igneous rock speci- mens tested released strain energies that measured more than 1X103 ergs/cm3 and, in some specimens, as much as 1X 10G ergs/cmg. These strains, measured on the specimen surfaces, were produced from inter- nal energy and were dependent on the original size and shape of the rock. The strain was released both as instantaneous energy and as energy released over a longer period of time. The amount of energy meas- ured was similar to those amounts, previously esti- mated by other investigators, that were released during rock bursts in similar rocks. Therefore, the present investigators suggest that surface and un- derground burst failures in large part are due to internal energy released by natural or manmade changes in the geometry of rock masses. The deter— mination of internally stored energy may be critical for the design of mining operations, either above or below ground. Release of stored energy in large rock masses might cause rock failures and some moderate-sized earthquakes. Coal mine subsidence studies conducted in the Somerset coal mining district of Colorado during the past 2 yr by C. R. Dunrud reVealed that the stresses produced by subsidence in moderately deep to deep overburden above room—and-pillar mine workings control, in a significant way, stress levels in the mine workings as well as disruption of the ground surface. Analyses of subsidence measurements and deforma- tional features mapped at the surface and within the mine workings show that the process-es of subsidence comprise two different stress and yield conditions in response to the excavation of mine workings. First, arcuate zones of compressive stress, called compres- sion arches, tend to develop above and below the mine workings and to transfer the overburden load to adjacent solid coal or barrier pillars. Second, the strata within these arches tend to cave and flex downward or heave upward and increase the stresses in the mining area again and reduce them on adja- cent barrier pillars or solid coal boundaries. With time, the compression arches migrate up- ward into the superj acent strata and downward into the su-bjacent strata; this movement further in- creases the stresses in the mining areas and reduces them on the barrier pillars or mine boundaries. The arches may eventually migrate to the ground surface and cause compression fracturing or overthrusting. This activity is commonly followed by local tension 208 fracturing and further compression failure as a re- sult of the downward flexing of strata into the mine workings. This fracturing can threaten other valua- able deposits in the overburden, the surface environ- ment, or the works of man. The rate of migration of the compression arches, and consequently the rate of stress transfer or time before the ground surface is affected, is controlled by the thickness of the over- burden, the strength of the overburden and the strata below the mine workings, the rate and se- quence of mining, and mine geometry. Mine safety and coal production could therefore be increased if the geologic and engineering factors affecting subsi- dence were better known. Companies mining the coal stand to benefit from subsidence research as much as those concerned with protecting the environment. Research in soils engineering Work on the engineering characteristics of hillside materials in the San Francisco Bay region by C. M. Wentworth, S. D. Ellen, and others yielded new promise for an old test for swelling clays. Numerous methods are used by civil engineers to evaluate the expansiveness of soils and clayey rocks, but most are too expensive for reconnaissance work, and simpler tests either have not been effectively correlated with field performance or have been considered too crude. However, extensive reconnaissance fieldwork and simple and inexpensive measurements of the free swell (Krynine and Judd, 1966, p. 144) of hundreds of samples indicate (1) that a wide range of free swell values is obtained from various geologic units in the bay region (<20 to 200 percent swell) and (2) that material shown by field evidence to shrink or to become sticky or tough when wet to moist yields free swell values above a threshold of about 50 percent. Careful testing in a commercial laboratory of 25 samples representing the range of free swell values encountered demonstrates that free swell values cor- relate well with loaded swell values (which are ac- cepted by civil engineers). Reconnaissance field observations and the simple free swell test thus can be used as an indication of the likelihood that material is expansive (of suffici— ent swell potential to damage roads, slabs, or light structures) and may be a useful guide to the magni- tude of swell potential as well. Engineering-geologic reports used by government and nongovernment agencies During the past year, 13 Veterans Administration hospital sites were evaluated geologically by T. C. Nichols, J r., as a continuation of an evaluation pro- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 gram begun after the 1971 San Fernando, Calif, earthquake. Eleven of these sites were examined briefly in the field. Administrative reports for all sites were transmitted to the Veterans Administra- tion; the potential geologic and earthquake hazards that might affect the future safety of the hospital buildings and patients were delineated. USGS geologic maps and reports on the geology and water resources of the Anchorage, Alaska, area, such as the one by Chester Zenone, H. R. Schmoll, and Ernest Dobrovolny (1974), have been used by the Planning Department of the Greater Anchor- age Area Borough in a variety of ways, ranging from subdivision review and analysis to the preparation of a comprehensive plan for the development of the entire borough. A subdivision ordinance on hillside development requires in-depth review of the effects of topography, geology, hydrology, and engineering where the terrain has slopes in excess of 25 percent. On more gently sloping ground, subdivision develop- ment conforms to geologic and hydrologic con- straints. The comprehensive plan provides guidelines for certain long-range projections of community needs, including (1) development of additional water-supply facilities; such as damsite locations, and reservation of land for artificial ground—water recharge; (2) location of sites for waste disposal; and (3) selection of open-space areas. A request for the release of results of testing of physical properties of soils and-rocks was received from Purdue University’s National Rock Informa- tion Center. Data obtained from such testing in the Engineering Geology Laboratory under the direction of R. A. Farrow were entered into a file coded on magnetic tape. A copy of this tape, a description of the coding scheme, and results of the testing were released to the public through the National Technical Information Service (Farrow and Chleborad, 1974) . STUDIES RELATED TO LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENT Earth‘science studies oriented to land use and environment resulted in a broad spectrum of reports and maps that discuss and depict geologic hazards, influences of geologic conditions on man’s utilization of the environment, and basic data for land-use decisionmakers. GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE URBAN GEOLOGIC STUDIES Tunneling conditions for 34 urban areas surveyed In studies of 34 urban areas, E. M. Cushing and R. M. Barker found that the most common ground condition was one of hard bedrock underlying less consolidated materials at depths of less than 80 m and that bedrock at depths of 15 m or less was the prevailing condition in 21 areas. Of the areas studied, soft-ground tunneling conditions to depths of more than 80 m occur only at Houston, Memphis, and New Orleans. Ground water is everywhere close to the land surface in the Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and New Orleans areas. In most other urban areas, ground-water conditions are complex, and both wa- ter-table and artesian conditions exist within 80 m of the land surface. “Special features” that would affect construction and maintenance of tunnels include flood-prone areas, buried alluvium-field stream channels, solution cavities, active faults, and deeply weathered bedrock. Each American urban area differs geologically and hydrologically from all others; only the Dallas-Fort Worth and Fort Lauderdale-Miami areas are similar in any considerable way. This information was compiled from existing sources during a study funded by the US. Depart- ment of Transportation and is included in an ad- ministrative report submitted to that agency. Land-use information needs being met in Colorado Front Range urban corridor Studies along the Front Range urban corridor of Colorado, centered on Denver, proceeded down sev- eral avenues of land use, urban mineral resources, and urban hydrology. Enactment of land-use legisla- tion by the Colorado legislature in 1974 and a grow- ing environmental awareness on the part of the pub- lic have resulted in a-large demand for products of the urban study. A map showing mined areas in the Boulder-Weld coalfield by R. B. Colton and R. L. Lowrie was quickly sold out and was reprinted to meet the continuing demand. Maps showing gravel resources by Colton, D. E. Trimble, and H. R. Fitch have been popular with community leaders and land developers as Well as with gravel operators. Maps recently released by J. F. McCain and W. R. Hotch- kiss show flood-prone areas and are expected to have widespread and immediate applications for a wide spectrum of users. Maps showing the kinds and sites of hydrologic data by E. R. Hampton and the loca- tion and quality of water in lakes by T. W. Danielson 209 in the greater Denver area will aid water—resource and land-use planners and managers. Mountain soils mapping in Front Range urban corridor The suitability of mountain areas along the Colo— rado Front Range as sites for the works of man de— pends partly on the thickness and engineering prop- erties of the soil. 'K. L. Pierce and P. W. Schmidt studied the distribution, thickness, and character of mountain soils (including saprolite and transported alluvium-colluvium) as they relate to urbanization. Drafts of seven quadrangle maps at a 1:24,000 scale were enthusiastically received by planners. Studies continued in other quadrangles. Maps are prepared on the basis of geologic recon- naissance, water-well logs,‘ airphoto interpretation, refraction seismology, and regional geomorphic relap tionships. Map units are selected on the basis of their potential usefulness to planners, developers, and land owners. They consist of five simple soil ter-rane units: mostly soil, soil with subordinate rock, rock with subordinate soil, mostly rock, and alluvium. Each unit within a given area is defined by the ratio of soil or weathered rock to hard bedrock. Alluvium is used as a separate mapping unit because of its dis- tinctive lithology. Liquefaction map put to use in San Francisco Bay area A preliminary map of the liquefaction potential of unconsolidated sediments prepared for the southern part of the San Francisco Bay region has been wide- ly used in the preparation of environmental impact reports and city and county seismic safety elements. Seismic safety elements describe seismic and geo- logic hazards that may affect a given community and establish goals and policies for dealing with these hazards. The map was prepared by T. L. Youd, D. R. Nich- ols, E. J. Helley, and K. R. Lajoie. Map zones are established on the basis of detailed geologic mapping. Liquefaction potential for each zone is estimated from an analysis of lithologic, water-table, and standard penetration test data. Sediments found to have the highest potential for liquefaction are clean granular deposits (Holocene in age) that lie within the younger bay sediments and within flood-plain deposits. Other Holocene deposits generally have moderately low potential for liquefaction. Pleisto- cene deposits in the region have a generally low liquefaction potential. 210 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY OF CITIES AND COUNTIES Thickness of overburden in Fairfax County, Virginia ‘ Preliminary analysis of the thickness of the ‘over- burden in Fairfax County by A. J. Froelich and A. E. Nelson based on water-well and construction data and field studies indicates that residuum on Triassic sedimentary rocks in the western part of the county rarely exceeds 6 m; saprolite on Piedmont crystalline rock in the central upland part of the county locally exceeds 50 m; unconsolidated Coastal Plain and younger upland deposits in the eastern part of the county form an eastward-thickening prism more than 100 m thick. Fresh bedrock is commonly ex- posed along stream valleys in the Triassic and Pied- mont crystalline areas and locally crops out through upland surfaces underlain by quartz bodies and ul- tramafic and mafic rocks. Each type of overburden has radically different physical, chemical, and min- eralogical properties that strongly influence land-use and development capabilities. Computer mapping for environmental planning A computer mapping system using cell-formatted storage, analysis, and display has been used to com- bine existing geologic, hydrologic, and other physical information for environmental analyses of Mont- gomery County, Md. Working with county environ- mental planners, J. N. Van Driel produced computer- composite maps showing the occurrence and dis- tribution of shallow bedrock, unstable surface ma- terials, steep slopes, surface water, mature trees, and other factors considered by planners to be lim- itations to various types of urban development. These composite maps have been received enthusi- astically by the county and are being used as the- basis for drafting area development plans and also as a standard for determining the environmental consequences of established plans. Geology-related problems at Memphis, Tennessee W. S. Parks (USGS) and R. W. Lounsbury (Mem- phis State Univ.) found that urbanization and in- dustrialization of the Memphis area commonly re- sult in geology-related problems. These problems are associated with foundation materials, aggregate sup- plies, flood hazard, water supply, solid waste dis- posal, and earthquake risk. Consideration of these topics as parts of an overall problem in environmen- tal management provides an insight into their close interrelations and points out the need for coordi- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 nated studies of the geology and hydrology of the area. Earth materials in Memphis are suitable for the foundations of residences and light buildings in most places. Site investigations are necessary to deter- mine the bearing capacities of the materials for heavy construction and high—rise buildings. Aggre- gate supplies are abundant in the immediate vicinity of Memphis and in outlying areas. Nevertheless, the high cost of land and zoning restrictions could be- come significant factors in their continued develop- ment and use. Flood hazard is an immediate local problem where fills and excavations are rapidly con- stricting or altering the natural flood plain of small creeks and rivers. Both ground- and surface-water resources are abundant, but contamination by leak- age and land subsidence could result from continued increases in annual withdrawals from the major aquifer. Earthquake risk was proven to exist in the Mississippi River valley by the New Madrid earth— quakes in 1811 and 1812 and by the large number of shocks that have occurred since. Knowledge of the expected magnitudes, frequencies, and destructive effects of earthquakes in the Memphis area is at best rudimentary. Some information is now being col- lected with seismographs at Memphis and in the immediate vicinity. Landslides and other disturbed ground in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Forty-three maps at 1:24,000 scale prepared by J. S. Pomeroy and W. E. Davies in cooperation with the Appalachian Regional Commission include the 1,890 km2 of Allegheny County and show landslides, mine-related features (strip mines, dumps, subsi- dence evidence), cuts, fills, excavations, and recent land modifications for housing and other develop- ment. Over 2,200 prehistoric and approximately 800 recent (historic and active) landslide deposits are lo- cated, and the maps also show the outlines of the zones considered most susceptible to slope failure on the basis of landslide incidence, rock and soil materi- als, topography, and other parameters. About 83 per- cent of Allegheny County’s recent landslides occurred in soils and weathered rock derived from the 180- to 200-m-thick Conemaugh Group, the highest percent- age of slope failure taking place in the upper half of the unit. The maps are expected to be used as the areal basis for preparation of model zoning ordinances or for other land-use management guidance by the Alle- gheny County Department of Planning and Develop- GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE ment. This department has figures showing that landslide damages in the county may average $2,000,000 a year. COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY San Mateo County, California Old topographic maps (1851—66) , subdivision maps (1906—10), aerial photographs (1926—41), and his- torical ground photos (1900 ?—50) provided the basis for establishing historic sea-cliff erosion rates in San Mateo County. Erosion rates are plotted with lith- ologic and physiographic data on planimetric pro- files of the coastline in an attempt to determine fac- tors controlling coastal erosion. Preliminary conclu- sions are as follows: 1. The most rapid historic cliff erosion (~0.3 m/ yr) occurs Where the wave-cut platform of the lowest emergent marine terrace (usually San- gamon) lies at present sea level and wave ero- sion is merely stripping unconsolidated marine deposits from these old surfaces. 2. The least historic erosion (virtually nil) is along segments of the coast composed of granodiorite at Montara Mountain and the highly indurated Pigeon Point Formation (Upper Cretaceous). 3. segments of coastline composed of unconsoli- dated marine terrace deposits (usually Sanga- mon) generally have low to moderate historic erosion rates (0.1 to 0.2 m/yr) owing to dy- namic coastal equilibrium (controlled by head- land geometry and wave patterns) but have extremely high erosion potential if this tenuous equilibrium is disturbed (as it was at Half Moon Bay, where erosion rates increased to as much as 2.0 m/yr just south of a breakwater built in 1959) . 4. Sea-cliff retreat does not proceed in a steady, continuous manner but rather proceeds inter- mittently, most ‘material being removed cata- strophically during heavy storms or during the winter months when the waves are highest. 5. Landsliding (rotational slumps, debris slides, and block falls) is a dominant coastal process, es- pecially where active faults intersect the coast- line. 6. Marine caves are common along segments of coastline consisting of the highly jointed Puri- sima Formation (Pliocene). 7. The San Mateo County coastline is a sand-defi- cient coastal regime with sandy beaches pro- viding protection to backshore features only in 211 covesand embayments, across the mouths of drowned valleys, and along the northern sides of headlands (such as Point Afio Nuevo) where sand has collected due to southward littoral drift. 8. No data currently are available on the relative proportions of beach sand supplied by direct coastal erosion or stream transport, but stream transport appears to be the dominant agent. The data gathered in this study have been incor— porated into land-use policy by the Central Coast Regional Commission of the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission and have been used by other Federal, State, and local agencies for numer- ous land-use problems in the San Mateo County coastal zone. This local study is intended to serve as a prototype for future regional studies of coastal processes. San Francisco Bay region The report on coastal geologic processes being pre- pared as part of the USGS-HUD San Francisco Bay Region Environmental Study served as a prototype for making Earth—science data available to the Gen- tral Coast Regional Commission of the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission. Data com- piled by P. A. McCrory, “J. C. Tinsley 111, H. G. Greene, and K. R. Lajoie on coastal morphology, lithology, and sea-cliff erosion rates provided the basis for establishing three relative coastal stability categories in San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties. Segments of the coastline characterized by inherently unstable materials such as landslide de- posits or sand dunes andby historic sea—cliff erosion rates in excess of 0.3 m/yr were labeled unstable. Segments characterized by inherently stable material such as granite and by historic sea-cliff erosion rates less than 0.1 m/yr were labeled stable. Segments where historic sea-cliff erosion rates fell between these values, or where data were not adequate to establish a precise rate, were labeled moderately stable. The Central Coast Regional Commission adopted land-use policies based on the particular geologic constraints within these three stability cate- gories. These local policies in turn served as the model for statewide policies adopted by the State Commission relating geologic factors and land use along the coastal bluffs. Data on other geologic features and processes in this segment of the coastal zone are being compiled by Greene, McCrory, and Lajoie in cooperation with the Central Coast Regional Commission. Seismic haz- 212 ard data are being compiled at a 1 :200,000 scale for regional planning purposes. Slope stability data are being compiled at a 1:62,500 scale. Location and original extent of various coastal environments such as beaches, dune fields, and estuaries are being com- piled at 1:200,000 and 1 :62,500 scales. All this in- formation is used by the Coastal Commission in gen- eral planning and in evaluating development propos- als and environmental impact reports. VOLCANO HAZARDS Increased hydrothermal activity at Mount Baker, Washington An increase in the emission of steam was first noted March 10, 1975, in Sherman Crater at Mount Baker, and unusually voluminous fumarolic activity was still continuing in late April, according to D. R. Crandell (USGS). The crater is breached on the eastern side and drains into a hydroelectric power reservoir in the Baker River valley. Studies by J. H. Hyde (Univ. of Washington) indicated that many large mudflows of hydrothermally altered rock have originated at the volcano in postglacial time and have moved into the Baker River valley. The possible consequences of another mudflow, as well as the possibility of a pyroclastic eruption, have led to the initiation of several types of monitoring. Seismo- graphs have been installed by University of Wash- ington geophysicists, and other scientists have ex- amined the composition of fumarolic gases; USGS Water Resources Division personnel have been moni- toring pH and the chemistry of the stream that drains the crater. According to Stephen Malone (Univ. of Washington), the seismographs did not record any earthquakes of unequivocal volcanic origin during their first few weeks of operation. The US. Forest Service is considering placing restric- tions on certain kinds of future visitor use in the area of the volcano. David Frank (Univ. of Washing- ton) is compiling and synthesizing all data pertinent to the current activity as they become available. Potential volcanic hazards in northern California Hot pyroclastic flows and lahars of volcanic rock debris from two eruptive centers repeatedly spread across the area between the communities of Weed and Mount Shasta, Calif., during Holocene time. Studies of the resulting deposits by C. D. Miller and D. R. Crandell showed that pyroclastic flows and lahars of nonvesicular rock debris moved westward from Shastina, a parasitic cone on Mount Shasta Volcano, about 9,200 yr ago. Similar events recurred GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 between 9,200 and 5,000 yr ago during the formation of the Black Butte plug dome, which is situated 11 km southwest of Shastina. Pyroclastic flow deposits of nonvesicular rock debris and pumice formed at that time extend from north of Black Butte south- ward beyond Mount Shasta City. Evidence of as much as 10 m of vertical displacement along east- trending faults during the interval between two of the youngest pyroclastic flows from Black Butte sug- gests that the adjacent area subsided during a late stage of formation of the plug dome. The eruption of new plugs or domes on the western or southern sides of Mount Shasta could result in hot pyroclastic flows and lahars that might endanger life and prop- erty in communities near the flanks of the volcano. Volcano hazards at Lassen Volcanic National Park Owing to geologic hazards in the Chaos Crags area on the northern side of Lassen Peak, the Na- tional Park Service recently closed the Manzanita Lake visitor facilities in Lassen Volcanic National Park. However, Lassen Park remains open. Lassen Peak, the only volcano in the conterminous United States that has erupted in this century, dominates the 1127-ka park. A period of activity took place be- tween 1914 and 1921. The activity appears to have ceased, and today Lassen Peak is believed to be a dormant volcano. Other features of the park are fumaroles, hot springs, and geysers. The decision to close the visitor facilities was based on USGS studies made by D. R. Crandell, D. R. Mullineaux, R. S. Sigafoos, and Meyer Rubin. After studying the area, the USGS scientists concluded that rock avalanches could occur without warning in the highly unstable Chaos Crags area east of Man- zanita Lake. In a recent neWs release from the Na- tional Park Service, the situation at Manzanita Lake was likened to an event that occurred at Hebgen Lake in Gallatin National Forest near Yellowstone National Park in 1959, where 28 persons lost their lives in an earthquake-caused landslide that de- stroyed a Forest Service campground. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS RESULTING FROM MINING Surface subsidence over bituminous coal mines, southwestern Pennsylvania Kent Bushnell compared overburden, mining, and other bituminous coal mining factors with the dis- tribution of recorded damaging surface subsidence events related to the mining of the Pittsburgh and GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE Upper Free‘port coal beds. His findings suggest that the time of mining (before or after April 27, 1966) is more critical to the potential for future damaging subsidence than other factors. April 27, 1966, was the effective date of the Pennsylvania law requiring that coal be left in the ground to support certain structures and to make the opportunity for similar protection available to others. The thickness of over- burden above mined—out areas also is a significant factor. Areas with certain overburden thicknesses that were undermined before 1966 have a greater likelihood of future damaging subsidence than areas mined after 1966 or mineable in the future. Damag- ing subsidence has been known to take place more than 30 yr after cessation of mining. Bushnell’s re— sults are contained on a 1:125,000-scale map that is a general classification of land relative to subsidence potential. Surface-mine reclamation in the eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming Reclamation of surface-mined lands traditionally has been considered in terms of reestablishing soils and vegetation on abandoned spoils. However, in large areas of the Powder River Basin of northeast— ern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, strippable coal deposits are thick in comparison with overbur— den. The changes in topography, erosion patterns, and surface- and ground-water systems resulting from coal extraction likewise are of critical im- portance in evaluating reclamation potential. In the Gillette areas along the eastern side of the basin, for example, surface mining of the Wyodak-Anderson coal bed will lower the ground surface 15 m or more in many places as well as create a narrow linear trough as much as 30 m deep at the high wall. Maps now in preparation, showing how the landscape may appear after mining and b-ackfilling and based on present topography and coal and overburden thick- nesses, indicate where special planning is required in the premining stages in order to minimize per- manent environmental damages and to determine proper reclamation practices. INVESTIGATIONS RELATED TO NUCLEAR ENERGY UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS The USGS, through interagency agreements with ERDA and DOD, investigates the geologic and hydrologic environments of each site where under- 213 ground nuclear explosions are conducted. Most of these sites are at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Geologic and hydrologic data are needed to evaluate the safety, engineering feasibility, and environ- mental effects of nuclear explosions. Hydrologic studies at and near the NTS have revealed several noteworthy observations in rela- tion to the nuclear testing program. W. W. Dudley and G. C. Doty completed a water- table map of Yucca Flat that incorporates correc- tions for the effect of head losses at various depths on composite water levels in observation wells that penetrate the aquifer. Detailed hydraulic testing by D. I. Leap of the carbonate aquifer at an experimental tracer site in the Amargosa Desert (southwest of the NTS) re— vealed that the greatest transmissivity is subparallel to the strike of thrust and Basin and Range normal faults. Amplitudes and wavelengths of water-level oscillations are directly related to the size of solu- tion—enlarged fractures within the carbonate aqui- fer. Water moving downward through fractures in Rainier Mesa at the NTS was shown by H.'C. Claassen to retain a high percentage of bivalent cations, whereas water perched in ash-fall tufl’s changes to predominantly monovalent cations. Analyses by A. F. White of ground water from Oasis Valley (west of the NTS near Beatty) showed that solute compositions are determined principally by hydrolysis and dissolution of volcanic glass in the varied lithologic sequence of the Pahute Mesa (northwestern part of the NTS) ground-water basin. Increased concentration of the solutes within the valley indicates that about half of the ground- water replenishment is consumed from the ground- water reservoir by evapotranspiration. Hydrologic conditions at Project Faultless, a nuclear explosion conducted off the NTS in north- ern Nye County, Nev., on January 19, 1968, have been continuously monitored since that date. Water- level measurements in a drill hole that penetrates the collapse chimney above the explosion show that the water level in the chimney had remained stable at about 518 m below the local water level until it began to rise in October 1974. According to G. A. Dinwiddie and D. D. Gonzalez, the water level in the chimney has risen at the rate of 0.3 m/d dur- ing October, November, and December of 1974. Radiochemical analyses show a decrease in tritium in the water, presumably because of dilution. The rate of chimney infill is being continuously moni- tored, and water samples are being collected at bi- 214 monthly intervals in order to effectively document the change of hydrologic conditions that began in October 1974. Permanent offsets in ground-water levels, meas- ured with respect to preexplosion water levels, oc- curred as a result of the Rio Blanco nuclear explo- sion of May 17, 1973, in the Piceance Creek basin in Colorado. The offsets are as much as —5.2 m in the upper aquifer, +1.5 m in the lower aquifer, and 0.15 m in the Douglas aquifer. According to J. E. Weir, Jr., and Gonzalez, these offsets prob- ably are the result of changes in the effective porros- ity of the respective aquifers and were observed as far as 29 km from ground zero. Analyses of hydro- graphsof wells in the vicinity of the Rio Blanco site imply an associated increase in permeability in some parts of the basin. the result being more ef— fective recharge from snowmelt. Hydraulic fracturing of the gas-bearing formation at the Rio Blanco site conducted in October 1974 did not produce any observable effects on ground- water levels measured in the same wells measured during the Rio Blanco nuclear explosion. On Amchitka Island in Alaska, W. C. Ballance, Gonzalez, and William Thordarson collected water samples from streams and lakes near the site of the Cannikin nuclear explosion. These samples were analyzed for tritium, gross alpha, and gross beta/ gamma content. No appreciable differences were found between these data and the data obtained from water samples collected prior to the Cannikin event. Investigations into the geomechanical charac- teristics of the geologic medium are used in site evaluation and development at the NTS. These in- vestigations, conducted primarily in the tunnels under Rainier Mesa, have spawned the development of new instrumentation and techniques, as well as studies to evaluate and improve existing technology. An air-injection technique to study fracturing around a tunnel in volcanic rocks was developed by C. H. Miller, D. R. Cunningham, and M. J. Cunning- ham. The method uses a permeameter apparatus to indicate the intensity and depth of natural, stress- induced, and blast-induced fractures around under- ground openings. Although to date this technique has been used only in the volcanic tuffs of Rainier Mesa, it can be applied in other rock types where permeability is confined to fractures. The evaluation of in-place rock stress in Rainier Mesa has taken on increased importance in the last few days. Rock stress information is used in the engineering design of underground excavations and GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 in the containment evaluation for underground nuclear explosions. USGS efforts are directed to- ward the determination of in-place stress and the examination and evaluation of various stress deter- mination methods. The primary method of stress determination in Rainier Mesa is the US. Bureau of Mines overcore technique. This method has been well developed and is considered to give reliable results. Stress de- terminations made by this method are used as the standard against which the stress determinations of other methods are compared. Miller and G. R. Terry experimented with the hydrofracture method of stress determination in the tunnels of Rainier Mesa. Several fracturing experiments using colored water'were conducted in horizontal and vertical holes. Some of the holes were then mined out, and the induced fractures ex- amined and mapped. Whenever possible, the hydro- fracture stress measurements were compared With stress measurements obtained by the overcore method. In some cases, stress measurements ob- tained by the hydrofracture method provided good data, whereas, in other instances, the results were questionable. Work is continuing, with emphasis on improving hydrofracture techniques and equip- ment. R. D. Carroll and M. J. Cunningham made exten- sive crosshole, uphole, refraction seismic, and sonic velocity measurements in the tuffs on Rainier Mesa. These measurements revealed a horizontal velocity anisotropy of nearly 2:1; the direction of lower velocity is at right angles to the direction of fault- ing in the area. RELATION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES TO THE HYDROLOGIC ENVIRONMENT Development of nuclear-energy facilities has re- sulted in nuclear wastes in gases, liquids, and solids. These wastes must be isolated from the hydrologic environment for varying periods of time, depend- ing upon the radioactive half-life of the waste prod- ucts. USGS research, sponsored by ERDA, has been directed toward methods of disposing of these waste products and understanding geohydrological processes and principles of waste movement from storage and disposal sites. Mobility of buried radioactive wastes A study was made to evaluate the geohydrologic and geochemical controls on the possible subsurface migration of radionuclides from a radioactive solid- GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE waste burial ground. The Idaho National Engineer- ing Laboratory burial ground is located in eastern Idaho above the Snake River Plain aquifer. The subsurface strata (are basalt and interbedded sedi- ments. According to J. T. Barraclough, J. B. Robert- son, and V. J. J anzer, some waste products have ap- parently been carried by percolating precipitation and runoff water from the surface burial sites to a sediment bed about 34 m deep. However, owing to statistical error and some possibilities of sample contamination, conclusive proof of the apparent migration is lacking. Therefore, additional subsur- face sampling appears to be warranted. Numerical model of subsurface nuclear-waste percolation A quasi—three—dimensional numerical model was developed by J. B. Robertson to simulate the mi- gration of aqueous radioactive wastes from disposal seepage ponds at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. In the model, finite-difference tech- niques are used to solve equations of water flow and solute transport for a perched ground-water system with vertical leakage through the bottom. The model adequately simulates“ observed field data from the real field system and Will be used to help analyze present and future subsurface distribution of waste isotopes such as 90Sr. The system incorporates hori- zontal and vertical flow, nonhomogeneous media, effects of radioactive decay, ion exchange, and hy- draulic dispersion. The model indicates that no de- tectable concentration of 90Sr will percolate into the Snake River Plain aquifer, 137 m below the ponds, within the next 25 yr. Burial-ground monitoring at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Solid wastes contaminated by radioactive sub- stances are usually buried to remove the potentially hazardous materials from man’s environment. All though contaminants may be leached from the waste, burials are made on the assumption that leached nuclides will be retained in the geologic en- vironment by sorption or ion exchange and thus restrained from pathways leading back to man. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, an estimated 170,000 m3 of waste have been in- terred in six burial grounds. D. A. Webster re- ported that the monitoring system is adequate for quantifying contaminants contained in surface water released to the Clinch River but is inadequate for defining contaminant origin and for monitoring the transport of contaminants in ground water from the burial grounds to the surface drainage. 215 Disposal of radioactive wastes in shale Low- and intermediate-level liquid radioactive wastes (specific activity less than 0.53 Ci/l) were mixed with cement and clay and injected by hy- draulic fracturing into a dense, nearly impervious shale formation with nearly horizontal bedding. The injected wastes were thereby immobilized and contained within a thin zone of the shale, where they were isolated from the biosphere. This tech- nique was used to ascertain whether bedding-plane fractures can be induced hydraulically in shale and Whether the orientation of the induced fractures can be determined by a reliable and economical method. ' Results of research projects conducted at West Valley, N.Y., and Oak Ridge, Tenn., proved that bedding—plane fractures can be‘induced and propa- gated hydraulically in shale, at least at a shallow depth (600 m). R. J. Sun (1969) developed a mathe- matical model to describe the relationship between the uplift of the ground surface and the induced horizontal fractures. Sun (1973: Sun: and C. E. Mongan, 1974) demonstrated that the orientation of induced fractures can be predicted by injection pressure and pressure decay. The predicted results can be verified by gamma-ray survey-s made in ob- servation wells located within a radial distance of 60 to 100 m from the injection well if the injected fluid is tagged with gamma-activity isotopes. A hydraulic fracturing site for disposal of radio- active wastes at the Holifield National Laboratory (formerly the Oak Ridge National Laboratory) was evaluated by the methods developed during the re- search projects. Borehole gamma spectrometry used to locate radioisotopes T. A. Taylor and W. S. Keys, using borehole gamma spectrometry, were able to locate and iden- tify artificial radioisotopes in a cased well adjacent to the Maxey Flats radioactive-waste burial ground in Kentucky. The investigators were able to iden- tify GOCo, 134Ce, and 137Ce behind the casing in test hole 12E. By using energy discrimination through threshold detectors, they were able to make a con- tinuous gamma log that responded mainly to the two cesium isotopes and to make another gamma log that responded mainly to 6"Co. Two spectral probes (with outside diameters of 4.76 and 10.16 cm) have been developed and suc- cessfully tested; their present depth limitation of 1,800.m and temperature limitation of approxi- mately 65°C can be extended by modifications of the probes. 216 Waste management, Paradox Basin, Utah The salt-bearing Middle Pennsylvanian Paradox Member of the Hermosa Formation is diapiric in nature and has a thickness of at least 3,400 m in the core of the northwestern end of the Salt Valley anticline in Grand County, Utah, according to R. J. Hite and S. W. Lehman (1973). The Paradox is characterized by a sequence of salt units alternating With units of anhydrite, dolomite, and black shale. Because the Paradox beds have flowed from adja- cent synclines into the anticline, the internal struc- ture of the saltabearing rocks is complex. In the collapsed and breached axis of the anticline, the top of the salt rises to within 200 to 250 m of the sur- face beneath a caprock of insoluble residuum that has resulted from the removal of salt by solution. Results of field studies by L. M. Gard, Jr., and R. P. Snyder showed that the oldest post-Pennsyl- vanian rocks exposed in blocks foundered in the caprock are the upper part of the Brushy Basin Shale Member of the Jurassic Morrison Formation overlain by the Burro Canyon Formation, the Da- kota Sandstone, and the Mancos Shale of Cretace— ous age. These foundered blocks of Mesozoic rocks are folded and faulted far less intensely than the contorted sandstone, limestone, and shale beds of the Paradox Member. Waste emplacement in bedded salt C. L. Jones, L. M. Gard, Jr., A. L. Brokaw, and G. O. Bachman completed field studies to determine the geologic and hydrologic conditions in a part Of ‘ highest well—developed buried soil has been collected southeastern New Mexico that is being considered as a possible site for emplacement of nuclear wastes in the bedded salt of the Salado Formation. Two exploratory boreholes (923 and 1,194 m deep) were drilled to investigate the hydrogeologic framework and obtain samples for mineralogical, chemical, and other studies. Hydraulic tests indicated that the rocks above the Salado are not saturated with ground water and have a very low transmissivity. Other factors favorable to the area include ( 1) very high geologic stability ranging over 225><106 yr, (2) probable protection from exhumation by ero— sion and from invasion by meteoric ground water for several hundred thousand years, and (3) avail- ability of remote public lands with thick (>500 m) salt deposits. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 SITES FOR NUCLEAR-POWER REACTORS AND OTHER FACILITIES Reactor-site investigations Twenty—two reactor sites in various states and Puerto Rico were reviewed and evaluated at the re- quest of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (for- merly the Atomic Energy Commission) during the past year by R. H. Morris and other members of the Reactor Site Investigations Project. The purpose of these investigations was to allow engineering design criteria for nuclear facilities to be chosen on the basis of thorough local and regional geologic data collected by an applicant who wishes to build a nu- clear-power reactor. Site seismicity Seismic evaluations submitted by applicants con- sider the seismic history of a reactor site and its relation to the tectonic framework of the area. At the request of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, S. R. Brockman and J. F. Devine reviewed the evalu- ations of sites in areas of differing seismicity and when necessary appeared as expert witnesses at hearings. Quaternary dating techniques Loess stratigraphy in southern Idaho, near the National Reactor Testing Station, shows several buried soils more developed than the surface soil. K. L. Pierce defined four episodes of loess deposition, each followed by a soil—forming interval. Material from a thin volcanic ash in the loess beneath the for fission-track dating. Superhydration age esti- mates by V. C. Steen-Mclntyre indicated that the ash is much older than 7,000-yr-old ash and significantly younger than 600,000-yr—old ash; the ash is probably about 100,000 yr old. F LOODS Three major phases of USGS flood studies are ( 1) measurement of stage and discharge, (2) definition ' of the relation between the magnitude of floods and their frequency of occurrence, and (3) delineation of the extent of inundation of flood plains by specific floods or by floods having 'specific recurrence intervals. GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE OUTSTANDING FLOODS Hydrologic assessment of a flash flood in Eldorado Canyon, Nevada A devastating flash flood of thundershower origin struck Eldorado Canyon, a 9-km2 drainage area in southern Nevada, at about 2:30 p.m., September 14, 1974. The flood killed at least 9 people, destroyed 5 trailer homes and damaged many others, obliterated a restaurant, and destroyed 38 vehicles, 19 boat trail- ers, 23 boats, half of the boat-docking facilities, and the gas dock. The severe runoff resulted fro-m intense basinwide rain and hail at rates of up to 76 mm of precipitation per half hour. The storm moved down- basin and generally increased in intensity with time, this increase compounding the runoff rates. In a report by P. A. Glancy and Lynn Harmsen (1975), peak discharge was estimated to be 2,150 m3/s just upstream from the developed area near the canyon terminus. Runoff deposited an estimated 53,500 m3 (about 91,000 metric tonnes) of inorganic sediment in Lake Mohave and throughout the downstream can- yon reach. It also delivered an estimated 4,930 m3 of organic or floating debris to Lake Mohave as well as about 2,500,000 m3 of water. The inorganic sediment was estimated to consist of less than 1 percent boul- ders, 40 to 60 percent gravel, 20 to 40 percent sand, and 10 to 25 percent silt clay. The recurrence inter- val for runoff of this magnitude is great, but a simi- lar event could occur in any given year. Although it is common in the desert Southwest, this type of hy— drologic event is not fully understood and is frequent- ly ignored; thus, the danger to developed areas is ever present. With proper understanding and plan- ning, the risk of damage from similar floods in the future may be greatly reduced. Flooding on St. Croix and St. Thomas, V.|. Extensive flooding on St. Thomas and St. Croix, V.I., resulted from heavy rains on November 12, 1974; as much as 102 mm of rain fell in a 4-h period. Estimated damage exceeded $1 million on St. Croix and also on St. Thomas. W. J. Haire and K. G. John- son reported that flood magnitudes approached those of the May 1960 flood. The extent of flooding was delineated on topographic maps (scale 1:4,800) ; flood profiles were obtained for about 24 km of channel. FLOOD-FREQUENCY STUDIES Flood-frequency analyses of California streams S. E. Rantz and J. R. Crippen (1975) developed a method for estimating the long-term value of the 217 logarithmic skew coefficient for use with the log- Pearson type III distribution in computing the flood- frequency curve for a gaged site. They developed regional equations that relate the logarithmic skew coefficient to logarithmic transformations of (1) mean annual basinwide precipitation and (2) mean annual peak discharge per square kilometre. The technique seems to be satisfactory for use in the greater part of California where, over large areas, the peak discharge in any year is usually associated with a single widespread general storm—or with a series of such storms where snowmelt runoff is in- volved—rather than with localized precipitation events. Flood-flow studies in Connecticut L. A. Weiss analyzed the magnitude and frequency of annual maximum peak streamflows for the period of record at 105 stream—gaging stations and the magnitude and frequency of the annual maximum rainfall for storm durations of 1, 4, 6, 12, and 24 h. Historical data at long-term stream-gaging sites were used to compute skew coefficients; these in turn were used to relate magnitude to frequency. Long- term skew and standard deviation were plotted on isopleth maps and were then used to compute skew and standard deviation at short-term sites. Ratios between long-term mean and short-term mean for long-term sites were applied to short-term sites to make them comparable to the long-term sites. A regression analysis of the 2- and 100-yr floods for nonurbanized sites was found to be related to parameters such as drainage area, main-channel length divided by the square root of main-channel slope, and rainfall duration and frequency. The standard error of estimate for nonurbanized streams with drainage areas ranging from 2.6 to 26 km? was :35 percent for the 2-yr flood and :48 per- cent for the 100-yr flood. The standard error for streams with drainage areas larger than 26 km2 was :27 percent for the 2-yr flood and :35 percent for the 100-yr flood. For eight urbanized streams in the Connecticut River basin in the State of Connecticut, the ratio of the computed to the actual 2- and 100-yr floods was found to be related to the percentage of the drainage area that is storm sewered. For 100- percent sewering, the ratio of the urbanized to non- urbanized 2-yr flood was 3:1, and for the 100—yr flood it was 2:1. Flood profiles of the Alafia River in west-central Florida The Alafia River basin in west—central Florida drains about 109,000 ha of land that is undergoing 218 rapid urban development. Some residential develop- ments are on the flood plain of the river, which dis- charges into East Tampa Bay. A. F. Robertson re- ported that recurrence intervals of seven different floods and flood elevation profiles have’been’ deter- mined for 67 km‘ of the river and its two principal tributaries. Depth and frequency of floods in Illinois B. J. Prugh, Jr., developed multiple-regression equations for predicting the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr flood depths from data collected from 177 gaging stations in Illinois. Relationships based on area, slope, and 2- and 100-yr flood discharges were studied. The 2-yr flood discharge was selected as the best variable to predict the various frequencies of flood depths. The final equations had standard errors of estimate that varied from 31 percent for the 2—yr flood depth to 23 percent for the 100-yr flood depth. The equations will be useful for advanced planning and preliminary flood-plain evaluations but are not designed to replace detailed hydrologic studies. Duration and frequency of high flows on Iowa streams A report by O. G. Lara (1974), which contains sta- tistical data on flood volumes for 97 recording gaging stations in Iowa, has been published. Data included in tables, are the magnitude and the frequency of occurrence of maximum annual average flows and the corresponding volumes for selected periods rang- ing from 1 to 183 consecutive days. The tables also include the water-surface elevations corresponding to‘the listed elevations. Estimating peak discharges in Massachusetts G. D. Tasker (C. G. Johnson and Tasker, 1974a) compared a modification of the Potter method (W. D. Potter, 1957) with another multiple-regression tech; nique to predict the 10- and 50-yr peak discharges at 77 gaging stations in Massachusetts. The predicted peak discharges made by each method were compared with the peak discharges estimated from station fre- quency curves. Results indicate that, although the random error for both methods is about the same, the modified Potter method systematically predicts peaks that are higher (150 percent) than those estimated from station frequency curves. Flood-frequency studies in Minnesota A multiple-regression analysis of all gaging-station records in Minnesota is underway to derive equations that will provide flow estimates for various frequen- cies of floods. L. C. Guetzkow reported that initial GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 analyses of station frequency curves indicate that the results of the log-Pearson type III method are unac- ceptable. Computation of a log-Pearson distribution using an assigned regional value for the skewness of the logarithms has been adapted to derive data values for the regression analysis that are based on the study of individual gaging-station frequency relations. Flood-frequency study on small streams in Missouri L. D. Hauth (1974) reported that the USGS rain- fall-runoff model was used in Missouri to provide small-stream peak-flow data in a statewide flood- frequency study. Regional skew coefficients defined by'C. H. Hardison (1974) were used in large-drain- age-area station frequency curves developed by the log-Pearson type III distribution. The definition of estimating equations based upon combined large- and small-stream data indicated that the assumption of a linear relation between the loga- rithms of the variables was inadequate. Alternative curvilinear models and variable transformations were tested, and the most satisfactory model found was in the form Q: b1Ab2A’MS’“, where A is the basin size and S is the main-channel slope. Constants in the logarithmic transformation, log Q=log b1 +b2Ab“ log A+bl log S, could not be evaluated di- rectly by linear multiple regression; however, re- peated trial and error solution indicated that when b3= —0.02, multiple-regression analysis to deter- mine the remaining constants provided relations having the minimum standard error of estimate. Estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in North Carolina N. M. Jackson, Jr., conducted a study to develop equations for estimating the magnitude and fre— quency of floods on ungaged natural streams in North Carolina. The step-backward multiple-regres- sion technique relating flood peaks to basin and cli- matic characteristics was used. Preliminary results ‘indicate that two sets of equations, one for the Coast- al Plain and one for the mountains and the Piedmont province, are necessary. Small-area flood-frequency study in North Dakota Flood data from 126 sites have been analyzed by regression analysis to provide relations for estimat- ing the magnitude of floods in small basins in North Dakota. Equations were developed by O. A. Crosby for the 10-, 25-, and 50-yr floods. The State was di- vided into three regions to improve the estimating relationships: The parameters found significant in de- fining these relationships were drainage area, stream GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE density, soil-infiltration index, and evaporation. The standard errors of estimate for the regression equa- tions ranged from —53 to +115 percent. The rela- tions developed can be used for any site in North Dakota in a drainage area ranging from 0.2 to 260 km2 where the flood flow is unregulated. Floods from small drainage areas in New Mexico A. G. Scott (1974) reported that a trial extension of the record of annual flood peaks for one station in New Mexico was made by utilizing a rainfall-runoff hydrograph simulation model. A comparison of the frequency curves of annual peaks for recorded and simulated data indicates that results of the simula- tion are reasonable. Flood-frequency relations in Pennsylvania Regression models relating floods with recurrence intervals of 2.33, 10, 25, 50, and 100 yr to drainage basin characteristics were completed for eight de- fined flood regions that cover Pennsylvania. H. N. Flippo, Jr., reported standard errors of estimate in the range of 9 to 37 percent for those models applica- ble to drainage basins larger than 39 kmz. The high- est standard error of estimate for those models ap- plicable to drainage areas from 5 to 39 km2 is 56 percent. Small-area flood hydrology of Massachusetts and Vermont C. G. Johnson and G. D. Tasker (1974a, b) devel- oped a technique for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods on streams in Massachusetts with drainage areas between 0.65 and 1,290 km2 and on streams in Vermont with drainage areas between 0.70 and-2,700 km-. Multiple- regression techniques using basin characteristics and data collected at a network of gaging stations defined the relation be- tween flood peaks. Results show that flood peaks can be estimated from knowledge of a basin’s drainage area, its average seasonal snowfall, the area of its lakes and ponds, and its maximum 24—h rainfall hav- ing a recurrence interval of 2 yr. FLOOD MAPPING Flood-hazard study—IOO-yr flood stage for Apple Valley Dry Lake, California A study of the flood hydrology of Apple Valley, Calif., was undertaken by M. W. Busby to determine the 100-yr flood stage for Apple Valley Dry Lake. Synthetic hydrologic techniques were used because no adequate hydrologic or meteorologic data for the basin were available. The ‘100-yr flood-zone stage 219 was estimated to be at an elevation of 886.82 m above mean sea level. Flood maps of Cypress Creek, Florida W. R. Murphy, Jr., developed flood profiles of the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr flood-peak discharges for the lower reach of Cypress Creek under existing hydrologic conditions. The study area includes a stream reach that may become a flood-detention area. Flood-prone areas in Minnesota L. C. Guetzkow reported that studies are being conducted on designated reaches of streams and iso- lated communities (Guetzkow, 1971, 1972a, b; G. H. Carlson, 1971a, b, 1972; Guetzkow and Carlson, 1974; K. T. Gunard, 1972; C. W. Saboe, 1973) to provide information required by Minnesota State regulations to implement comprehensive flood-plain management programs for flood—prone areas. Priorities for the selection of study areas are based on the degree of flood—damage potential and development pressures. The reports contain flood- frequency analyses, flood profiles, flood~inundation maps, and floodway evalua- tions. These data have contributed significantly to making the public aware of potential flood dangers and have provided community officials with the in— formation necessary for adoption of land-use control measures. Flood-insurance studies in Puerto Rico Investigations were conducted by W. J. Haire to identify flood-hazard areas and to provide the flood profiles and flood-elevation frequency data that are used to establish the actuarial rate structure for flood insurance. The data are also used to evaluate land-use control measures that local governmental units must adopt to maintain eligibility for Federal flood insurance. Flood-prone areas in Puerto Rico Flood discharges on the Rio Tallabo-a, Rio Coamo, Rio Utuado, Rio Guadiana, and Rio Jayuya with re- currence intervals of 50 and 100 yr were determined by regional analyses. W. J. Haire and K. G. Johnson, using step-backwater techniques to define flood pro- files, delineated areas subject to flooding. The data are used to evaluate required land-use control meas- ures for local government agencies. Hypothetical earthquake-caused floods in Jackson Hole, Wyoming At the request of the National Park Service, the USGS prepared a flood map for the Snake River from Jackson Lake dam to a point 61 km down- 220 stream. Hypothetical floods were routed downstream for three cases: (1) Instantaneous destruction of the outlet structure, (2) instantaneous destruction of the entire dam, and (3) waves overtopping the dam. As— suming worst case antecedent conditions, W. R. Glass, J. G. Rank], and T. N. Keefer utilized an ac- celerated discharge due to the travel of a negative wave through the reservoir and Muskingum storage— routing techniques to develop outflow hydrographs for the first two cases of dam failure. For the case of wave overtopping, a 3-m wave was assumed to be propagated from the upstream end of the reservoir. A multiple-linearization flow-routing model was cali- brated with streamflow records and modified to han- dle supercritical flow. Peak discharge rates calculated as outflow from Jackson Lake were 5,340, 13,740, and 990 mg/s, respectively, for the three cases; modeled results indicated that these peaks had attenuated 48 km downstream to 5,220 and 12,710 m3/s for the first two cases. The rate of tributary inflow used in the computation was 330 m3/s. Maps of flood—prone areas Areas inundated by the 100-yr flood are outlined on topographic maps as part of the National Program for Managing Flood Losses. The objective of this program is to quickly inform cities and towns of the general extent of their potential flood problems. About 12,000 such maps have been completed for all of the States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The program has progressed in two phases. The first phase, which began in 1969, was directed toward defining flood limits in populated areas where sig- nificant flood problems were known and flood infor- mation was urgently needed. The second phase, im- plemented during 1972, expanded the areal coverage to include areas in which future development was envisioned. lnundation maps of urban areas Maps showing areas inundated by major floods, flood profiles, discharge-frequency relations, and stage-frequency relations were published during the year as Hydrologic Investigation Atlases for the fol- lowing areas: Waiahole-Waikane, Oahu, Hawaii (C. J. Ewart and Reuben Lee, 1975); Saunders to Man, W. Va. (G. S. Runner, 1974) ; and Ipswich River (L. A. Swallow and D. J. Fogarty, 1974) and Nepon- set River, Mass. (L. A. Swallow and G. K. Wood, 1974). GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 WATER QUALITY AND CONTAMINATION Arsenic and mercury in proposed reservoir environment R. F. Middelburg, Jr., reported that two toxic trace elements, arsenic and mercury, are known to be present in an area that will form part of a new reservoir, Lake Sonoma, in Sonoma County, Calif. The problem primarily centers around a small tribu- tary, Little Warm Springs Creek, which will be flooded by the proposed reservoir. Located on a 200-m section of the creek are three geothermal hot springs known as Skaggs Springs, numerous geothermal seeps, and an abandoned quicksilver mine. Arsenic has been detected in the outflow of the springs, and realgar crystals (AsS) can be found in outcrops within the area. Very little mercury has been detected in the waters emanating from the area, but it can be detected in elevated concentra- tions in sediments and biota. Asbestos was thought to be a potential hazard, but it has not been detected in any of the water samples. Boron concentration levels may be high enough to affect boron-sensitive plants such as grapes, Which are grown extensively in the valley below the proposed reservoir. Monitoring areal and temporal water-quality variation in the San Lorenzo River basin, California The San Lorenzo River basin is experiencing rapid urbanization, and, as a result, heavy demands are being made on the water resources and waste- water disposal capabilities of the basin. Water- quality data from previous studies have not been adequate to define baseline conditions or to assess sources of degradation. In order to determine areal and temporal varia- tions and problem reaches in the basin, a monitor- ing system of 15 stations was established. The gen- eral scheme was to locate one station upstream from a community and one station downstream to assess possible contamination from community septic tanks. Samples were collected monthly. Although the routine monitoring provided in- formation on monthly and seasonal variations in water quality, shorter period effects were not detect- able. Therefore, an intensive diel survey was made. Preliminary results after 6 mo of sampling indi- cate similar water quality among stations. Water quality is generally Within State standards. No sig- nificant diel variations have been noticed. Temporal water—quality degradation corresponds to periods of high flow caused by rainfall runoff. GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE Contamination of ground water by seleniferous sediments Water from certain domestic wells in the vicinity of Golden, 0010., contains selenium in concentra- tions as high as 450 ,ug/l——45 times the maximum level set by the USPHS for drinking water. The selenium is dissolved from organic-rich Cretaceous sediments of the Arapahoe Formation. R. E. Moran reported that such high selenium concentrations are areally discontinuous in the ground water and are associated with high gross alpha activities (80 to 160 lug/l as natural uranium) and high sulfate (300 to 1,500 mg/l), nitrate (7 to 22 mg/l as nitro— gen), and strontium (1,700 to 9,400 pg/l) concen- trations. Saltwater intrusion through corroded well casings Results of an investigation conducted by D. H. Boggess indicated that saltwater intrusion has oc- curred in the upper Hawthorn aquifer at several places in the Cape Coral area in Florida. Chloride concentrations in water from the aquifer, which normally range between 100 and 200 mg/l, have increased to a maximum of 9,500 mg/l in one area. The source of the intruding saltwater has been iden- tified as the water-table aquifer, which in some places contains water with chloride concentrations of 27,000 mg/l. The intrusion occurs as a result of corrosion of metal well casings in individual wells, which permits downward leakage of saltwater into the upper Hawthorn aquifer. Rural runoff The loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, organic car— bon, dissolved solids, pesticides, and trace metals entering a rural canal in southern Florida in runoff were studied by B. G. Waller. Criteria were to be established for the acceptable loads of nitrogen and phosphorus that may enter this canal in runoff from rapidly expanding urban developments. The waters within the canal are backpumped into Conservation Area 3 for storage purposes and drainage of this subbasin. The maintenance of high-quality water Within the South New River canal and the adjacent conservation area is dependent on preventing con- taminated runoff from entering the canal. Contaminants in Broward County, Florida, controlled canal system Quarterly samplings for nutrients and bacterio- logical paranieters and did studies of dissolved oxygen, pH, and alkalinity in the Broward County controlled canal system showed a slight decrease in contaminants caused by man’s activities, according 221 to H. W. Bearden and C. B. Sherwood, Jr. These changes may be the result of local agencies’ efforts to reduce the amount of treated sewage effluent en- tering the canal system. Coliform contamination of Floridan aquifer well Analyses of water samples collected from three isolated sections of the Floridan aquifer in north Tampa (Temple Terrace) by J. W. Stewart, C. L. Goetz, and L. R. Mills showed that the upper sec- tion (30 to 36 m below land surface) had a higher color reading, more dissolved iron, and a higher concentration of coliform bacteria than the other sections tested. Fecal streptococci Were found only in the middle section (37 to 40 m below land surface). The bottom section (40 to 47 m below land surface) had the lowest concentration of iron and coliform bacteria. Domestic water supplies contaminated in Hillsborough County, Florida Chemical and biological analyses of water sam— ples collected in an area where a sinkhole occurs in a lake in the southwestern part of Hillsborough County, Fla., indicate that the sinkhole is intercon- nected with several domestic water-supply wells that are developed in the limestone aquifer. Ac- cording to A. D. Duerr and C. L. Goetz, living copepods, typical of those in lake-bottom habitats, were recovered from two wells. Color units near the lake sink and two wells were recorded as 225, 120, and 150, respectively; tannin and lignin values were 2.5, 1.8, and 2.0 mg/l, respectively, and total organic carbon was 16, 13, and 14 mg/l, respec- tively. Sewage effluent disposal by spray irrigation Since 1966, the city of Tallahassee, Fla, has been experimentally disposing of up to 5,700 m3/d of secondary treated sewage effluent by spray irriga- tion. Effluent has been sprayed on a sandy soil with a variety of crop cover: undisturbed forest, rye, ryegrass, pearl millet, kenaf, sorghum-sud— angrass, Argentine behiagrass, and corn. Bedrock is generally 9 to 15 m below land surface. Ground- water levels in the area are generally coincident with bedrock. In some respects, the quality of the sprayed efllu- ent was improved by filtration through the soil and rock materials. L. J. Slack (1974) reported that BOD was reduced to less than 5 mg/l, fecal coli- form bacteria were removed, almost total phos- phorus removal was achieved, and from 31- to 100- percent denitrification took place in irrigation fields 222 that received from 50 to 200 mm of effluent per week. High-rate efl‘luent application of 350 mm/week onto 7.3 ha of undisturbed forest resulted in in- creased chloride and nitrogen to depths of at least 82 m and extending laterally about 550 m. Natural chloride and nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in this freshwater aquifer are 2 and 0.05 mg/l, respectively. Chloride and nitrate-nitrogen concentrations ranged from 14 to 51 and from 3.7 to 32 mg/l, respective- ly, for samples collected from depths of 13 to 82 m at a well downgradient of the heavily sprayed area. Landfill contaminants in eastern Pinellas County, Florida Mario Fernandez, Jr., reported that contaminants from a sanitary landfill site in eastern Pinellas County, Fla, are moving away from the site through the shallow sand aquifer. However, pre- liminary findings at a nearby sludge-disposal opera- tion, which began in November 1974, indicate that leachate from the sprayed sludge is being retained Within the disposal area. Underground disposal of liquid industrial wastes Since 1963, more than 38 million cubic metres of acidic industrial waste has been injected under high pressure into a confined saline-water-filled limestone aquifer of low transmissivity between 430 and 520 m below land surface near Pensacola, Fla. G. L. Faulkner and C. A. Pascale (1975) reported that, by 1975, injection rates averaged about -145 l/s. Wellhead pressures at the two injection wells averaged 12 kg/cm2 (1,177 kPa). The pressure at two deep monitor wells in the injection zone 3.1 km north and 2.4 km south of the injection site averaged 7.9 kg/cm2 *(775‘kPa). At the injection site, pressure in a shallow monitor well in the aquifer immediately above the 67-m-thick confining layer averaged about 2.1 kg/cm2 (206 kPa) and continued to decline slightly. A regional monitoring program revealed that, by mid-1974, the waste body occupied an area of slight- ly more than 18 km2 in the upper approximately 15 m of the injection zone. There are no indications that waste has leaked upward through the 67-m- thick confining layer or that pressure increases in the injection zone have had any effect on pressure in the aquifer above the confining layer. By mid— 1974, pressure in the injection zone at the injection site had increased eightfold since injection began, and it is calculated that pressure effects in the in- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 jection zone extended over an area of more than 13,000 kmz. Increases in alkalinity and dissolved organic car- bon concentration at the southern monitor well, a noticeable increase in gas content, and a distinctive odor of injected waste indicated the arrival of dilute waste at the southern monitor well in mid—1973; organic analyses of the well water also showed that a dilute form of the organic waste had reached the well. The gases methane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, and helium were detected in both deep moni- tor wells. The amount of methane in gas samples from the southern monitor well was 11/2 times higher (79.5 percent by volume) than that in sam- ples from the northern monitor well. Sulfate-chloride ratio decrease indicates waste migration M. I. Kaufman and D. J. McKenzie (1975) found that geochemical data from an industrial deep—well waste injection system southeast of Lake Okee- chobee, Fla., indicate a decrease in sulfate con- centration concomitant with an increase in hydro- gen-sulfide concentration, which is a result of the oxidation of injected organic waste by anaerobic bacteria. Subtle decreases in the sulfate-chloride ratio suggest that the waste migrated upward to a shallow monitor well about 27 mo after waste in- jection began and again within 15 mo of the re- sumption of waste injection after the injection well was deepened. The possibility of a hydraulic con- nection between the injection zone and the overly- ing monitoring zone is implied. The decrease in the sulfate-chloride ratio appears to be a sensitive indi- cator of waste migration. Stream-temperature characteristics Intermittent water-temperature measurements collected at 147 stream-gaging stations in Georgia were analyzed by T. D. Steele and T. R. Dyar by means of a harmonic curve-fitting technique. Re- gional analyses of data for most unregulated streams indicate a high degree of correlation of both harmonic mean temperatures and seasonal variation with the latitude of the measurement site. The altitude of a gaging-station site is an impor- tant variable for predicting water temperatures in the northern mountainous part of Georgia. Harmonic analyses of temperature measurements for highly regulated rivers such as the Savannah and the Chattahoochee largely reflect the influence of reservoir releases and thermal powerplants. Time-trend analyses of those sites with relatively long records clearly reflect changes in stream-tem- GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE perature patterns that were caused by man’s ac- tivities. Central Illinois urban-runoff study Four gaging stations and one precipitation re- corder have been established on Sugar Creek and its tributaries in the Bloomington-Normal area to study the water-quality aspects of combined. sewer runoff. B. J. Prugh, Jr., reported that water samples are collected at monthly intervals and during storm events in an effort to develop concentration hydro- graphs for the various parameters being studied. Items such as coliform bacteria, chlorides, sus- pended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, organic carbon, pesticides, herbicides, and 10 com— mon metals are being examined along with dis— solved oxygen, pH, conductivity, discharge, and rainfall. Investigation reveals source of mineralized water in southwestern Kansas Naturally occurring contamination of ground water was identified by E. D. Gutentag, D. H. Lob— meyer, and S. E. Slagle at four sites in Meade and Seward Counties Where fresh ground water in un- consolidated deposits of Pleistocene age is hydrauli-, cally connected to highly mineralized water in un- derlying rocks of Permian age. Water-level meas- urements in observation wells at the sites showed that hydraulic head in the Permian rocks is as much as 3 m higher (adjusted for density) than head in the unconsolidated deposits. This difference in head caused'water containing 19,000 to 34,000 mg/l of dissolved solids to move upward into the uncon- solidated deposits, which generally contain water with a dissolved-solids content of about 250 mg/l. At the four sites where contamination was identi- fied, water in the unconsolidated deposits contained as much as 2,400 mg/l of dissolved solids. Graphic computer displays aid water-quality evaluation Isopleth maps of DO concentration were devel- oped by S. P. Larson, W. B. Mann IV, and T. D. Steele for a 177-km segment of the Mississippi River in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., metro- politan area. A general-purpose computer contour- ing program was used to draw isopleths based on periodic monthly sample data collected for 1971— 73 at 13 stations. The lowering of DO concentra- tions downstream of waste-water discharge points is evident during periods of low flow. Dilution dur- ing periods of high flow is also clearly evident. In general, the isopleth maps provided a means of con— 223 current graphic evaluation of the spatial (location along the river) and temporal variations of DO concentration. Time-series and time—trend analyses of 35 to 47 yr of data at five stations indicated significant changes in some water-quality variables subsequent to construction of the major metropolitan waste- treatment plant in 1938. Diversion of most of the domestic waste load from the river through the combined sewer system for treatment is evidenced by decreased BOD and coliform levels and increased D0 concentrations at stations upstream from the treatment plant. Although water at stations down- stream from the plantvwas affected by treatment efl‘luent, changes in water-quality characteristics subsequent to plant construction can be detected by graphic time-series analyses. Nitrate in the water of a supply well at Hawthorne Naval Ammunition Depot, Nevada On the basis of hydraulic and chemical data from the supply well at the Hawthorne Naval Ammuni- tion Depot and 17 nearby test wells, A. S. Van Denburgh and F. E. Rush concluded that as much as 20 mg/l of nitrate (as nitrogen) originates in sewage ponds 370 m from the supply well. The percolating sewage effluent is contaminating ground water in the upper alluvial aquifer, which is about 23 m deep. The contaminated ground water has also moved downward from the upper aquifer (prin- cipally by leakage through a 152-m supply well dur— ing long periods of disuse) to locally contaminate deeper alluvial aquifers. Effect of sludge disposal on ground-water quality The controlled land disposal of anaerobic digested sludge is being studied in Ocean County, N.J., to determine several factors, one of which is its effect on the shallow ground-water system. Three differ- ent soil-type sites have been subdivided into 12 plots; each plot receives a different application of sludge, consisting of about 5 percent solids, at a rate of from 22 to 90 t ha“1 yr—l. William Kam (Kam and J. J. Murphy, 1974) reported that pre- liminary results indicate that ground-water con- tamination is greatest under the 90—t/ha plot. Dur- ing the 575 d since the start of sludge application in June 1973, the nitrate-nitrogen concentration in- creased from 1ess,than 1 mg/l to about 65 mg/l under one of the 90-t/ha plots, 7 mg/l under one of the 45—t/ha plots, and about 9 mg/l under one of the 22-t/ha plots. 224 Impact of land-use change on water quality The suburbanization of rural Winslow Crossing (formerly Sicklerville), N.J., has had its greatest impact to date on the area’s surface- and ground- water quality. J. J. Murphy reported that sediment loads, carried by storm runoff from land being pre— pared for home construction, have increased from 4.5 to \450 t/ha. As homes are completed and oc- cupied,‘ the sediment load is gradually diminishing. Conversely, the nutrient, pesticide, and toxic-metal load in the streams and bottom sediments is increas— ing. Small storm-runoff detention ponds within the developed areas exhibit thin layers of algae on their surfaces during the summer months. Sewage disposal by means of infiltration ponds has resulted in contamination of the aquifer sur- rounding the sewage-plant area. Nitrogen content in nearby observation wells has reached 30 mg/l. The shallow water-table aquifer discharges to nearby Fourmile Branch Creek, and the nitrogen loading of this stream is gradually increasing. Ground-water contamination by landfills Plumes of leachate-contaminated ground water emanating from two solid-waste landfills were mapped in the upper glacial aquifer on Long Island, N.Y., by G. E. Kimmel and O. C. Braids (1975). The contaminated water flows, because of density differences, to the bottom of the aquifer and then} downgradient for 3,000 m and 1,500 m from the‘ two landfills. Dispersion of the contami- nants does not extend laterally more than 100 m in the 3,000 m of travel, but longitudinal dispersion is considerable. The coefficient of longitudinal dis- person is estimated to be 9.3, mZ/d. Ground water near the landfills is characterized by dissolved-solids concentrations of as much as 3,000 mg/l, organic-carbon concentrations of as much as 2,250 mg/l, and an extremely pungent odor. Much of the obnoxious character of the water, how- ever, is lost within a thousand metres of the land- fills, although the contaminated water remains higher than ambient water in Na, Ca, H003, Cl, and, in some instances, 80,. Of the elements As, B, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, and Zn, only Fe, Mn, and Se were found to exceed the standards set by the USPHS for drinking water. Ground-water temperature was as high as 28°C. Most of the heat generated by the landfills is not carried far downgradient with the contaminants but is dissipated near the landfills. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Stream reaeration measurements made with radioactive tracers R. S. Grant (USGS) made reaeration measure- ments on 10 small Wisconsin streams (0.01 to 1 m3/s) by using radioactive tracers and following procedures developed by E. C. Tsivoglou (EPA) (1972). Tracers were released near sewage—treat- ment-plant outfalls, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources collected BOD data to be used with the reaeration data for waste-load allocation studies on three of the streams. Measured reaera- tion coefficients (base 6 at 20°C) ranged fro-m 1.56/ d (Q=0.2 m3/s) for a short riffie—free reach to 49.5/ d for a steep pool and riflle reach. Evaluation of the coefficient 0 in the predictive model, K2=c(h/t), is in progress; K2 is the base 6 reaeration coefficient (per hour) for a given reach, h is the drop in water- surface elevation in the reach (in metres), and t is the time of flow through the reach (in hours). ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY .. Geochemical survey of Western coal regions An interdisciplinaryreconnaissance geochemical survey of those regions of the Western United States containing economic deposits of coal has been underway since July 1973. This work is di- rected especially toward an aspect of geochemical variability that is particularly difficult to come to grips with: testing for the presence of regional geo- chemical patterns in near—surface landscape mate- rials. The work is patterned after the recently com- pleted geochemical survey of Missouri (US. Geo- logical Survey, 1973, p. 225—227) and is intended to establish geochemical baselines for the coal-basin landscapes against which future changes can be measured. Work to date has focused on the northern Great Plains and the Powder River Basin and has covered large parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming, as well as southern Sask- katchewan. R. R. Tidball, J. A. Erdman, and R. J. Ebens, in a geochemical study of ground lichen (Parmelia chlorochroa), sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), soil, and soil parent in the Powder River Basin, found that only boron in the soil parent (C hori- zon) and copper, lead, fluorine, and mercury in ground lichen (the first two elements being meas- ured in lichen ash) exhibit statistically significant variation at scales larger than about 10 km in the basin (US Geological Survey, 1974b). This gen- eral lack of important broad-scale variation indi- cates that basinwide patterns, if present, tend to be weak; any attempts to map them would be GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE costly. Moreover, the absence of important basin- wide patterns means that a basinwide baseline can be defined rather simply as an “expected” concen- tration or an “expected” range of concentrations. Such ranges for a few trace elements of especial en— vironmental interest are listed here: Powder River Basm Sampling “baseline" Element medium (ppM) Cd _______ Sagebrush ash 2.0—18 Cd _______ Lichen ash 1.3-9.3 Hg ______ Sagebrush (dry material) 0.012—0.041 Mo ______ Sagebrush ash 3.2—17 Pb _______ A-horizon soil 11—34 Pb __- _____ B—horizon soil 12—28 Pb _______ C—horizon soil 12—25 Se _______ Sagebrush (dry material) 0.055—1.7 The range is that expected to be found in 95 per- cent of a suite of randomly selected samples from the basin. Samples with concentrations outside these ranges must be viewed as highly unusual. An independent study of trace-element variation in surface soil and sagebrush (A. tridentata) in the basin by J. J. Connor, J. R. Keith, and B. M. Ander- son confirmed the general lack of significant basin- wide geochemical patterns in these materials. Erdman, in a continuing study of the “species effect” in plant chemistry, determined that big sagebrush (A. tridentata) is distinct from silver sage (A. cana) in 9 of 21 chemical properties meas- ured. Ash of A. tridentata is significantly higher in Al, Cr, Fe, Ti, and V and significantly lower in B, Mg, and Sr and also produces significantly less ash upon combustion than A. coma. Urban geochemistry Geochemical maps of surficial materials in the Front Range urban corridor demonstrate the promi- nent control of the geochemical environment by the geologic substrate. H. A. Tourtelot and H. G. Nei- man (1974) reported that B, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sc, and V are significantly more highly concentrated in areas underlain chiefly by fine-grained rocks of Cretaceous age than they are in areas underlain by rocks of Tertiary age or young wind-blown deposits. In contrast, barium, yttrium, ytterbium, and zir- conium display low concentrations in areas under- lain by Cretaceous rocks and high concentrations in areas underlain by Tertiary rocks. Imposed upon this basic pattern are local areas exceptionally high in Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Mo, Ag, and Sn; these metals are thought to reflect additions from urban tech- nological activities (US. Geological Survey, 1974c, p. A205). 225 One activity that may have an important effect on the geochemical environment is disposing of metal-rich sewage wastes by plowing them into agricultural land. Tourtelot, in cooperation with J. A. Erdman (USGS) and Burns Sabey (Colorado State Univ.), investigated the trace-element changes in wheat grown in sewage-treated experi- mental plots. Preliminary results suggest that ad- ditions of up to 55 tonnes (dry) of sewage per acre result in little change in the total metal concentra- tion in soil, with the noticeable exception of copper and silver. However, the ash of wheat grains grown on treated plots is significantly higher in Ni, Fe, Mn, and Zn and significantly lower in A1 and Ba. Nickel exhibits the strongest response. Geochemistry and health R. A. Tidb‘all (USGS) and L. A. Selby (Univ. of Missouri) reported that a significantly high pro- portion of the variations in birth defects reported in swine in Missouri for the years 1969—71 can be described in terms of the gross soil chemistry of the State. Techniques of stepwise multiple regression result in the prediction equation: DF= 69 — 0.6 log Na+ 2.110g Ti —— 930 \/P + 3,800P—23,000P2+ 78,0001)3 where DF is an estimate of the square root of the total birth defect rate in swine by county and Na, Ti, and P are mean soil concentrations of sodium, titanium, and phosphorus, respectively, in percent by county. The terms on the right account for 46 percent of the variation in DF. Variations in spe- cific defects related to sensory organs, sex organs, and legs in newborn swine are also moderately well described in terms of soil phosphorus. The import- ance of phosphorus in predicting these defect rates may reflect some aspect of the extremely important role this element plays in physiological processes. LAND SUBSIDENCE Studies of land subsidence caused by the intensive withdrawal of ground water continued in Arizona, California, Louisiana, Nevada, and Texas. Multiple- depth extensometers were installed in Texas and Baton Rouge, La., to measure changes in the thick- ness of aquifer systems subject to stresses exceeding preconsolidation stress; the deepest extensomete-r wells are about 900 m deep and utilize free pipes rather than anchored cables. The stress-strain rec- ords from these sites, together with those from ex- tensometers in Arizona, California, and Nevada that a 226 have been operating for 5 to 15 yr, should add con- siderably to the knowledge of the mechanical and hydrologic properties of compressible aquifer sys- tems and the storage characteristics of the inter- bedded clayey aquitards and confining beds. Sinkhole problems-in Alabama J. G. Newton (1975), in a cooperative investiga- tion with the Alabama Highway Department, evalu- ated most areas of recent sinkhole activity in Ala- bama. Sinkholes, as related to cause, are defined as “induced” and “natural.” Induced collapses are by far the greatest problem. It is estimated that 4,000 induced collapses or related features have occurred in Alabama since 1900, most of them since 1950, where- as records indicate that fewer than 50 natural col- lapses have occurred since 1900; a significant number of these natural collapses may have been related to man’s activities. Mos-t induced sinkholes are caused by declines in the water table; others are caused by construction. Collapses due to construction are caused mostly by diversion and concentration of drainage over air- filled openings in bedrock. Few induced collapses result from roof failures of openings in bedrock; al- most all‘result from failures of the roofs of cavities in unconsolidated deposits that form where deposits migrate downward into openings in underlying bedrock. Some degree of solution of carbonate rocks pre- cedes the development of all natural sinkholes. The first displacement of the land surface forming a new natural sinkhole results from the continuous solution of bedrock, a natural decline in the water table, or a combination of both. The displacement generally oc- curs in one of three ways: (1) Roofs consisting of bedrock or of unconsolidated deposits collapse into an opening in bedrock progressively enlarged by solu- tion; (2) cavities in unconsolidated deposits that have formed asaresult of their downward migration collapse into underlying openings in bedrock; and (3) slow subsidence results from solution of the up- per surface of bedrock or the downward migration of unconsolidated deposits in areas where the rate of subsidence exceeds the rate of deposition. All natural collapses in Alabama are comparable in size to in- duced sinkholes. Many sinkholes develop with little or no warning; others are preceded by recognizable features that can be observed on the ground and from the air. Aerial photography and other remote-sensor imagery are used to locate sinkholes and related openings, lineaments, water loss, and vegetative stress or GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 anomalous plant Vigor. This information, combined with geologic and topographic maps and available water records, allows an evaluation of sinkhole haz- ards with a minimum of fieldwork along proposed highway corridors. Monitor wells installed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana Large concentrated withdrawals of ground water in the Baton Rouge, La., area had increased to about 5.7x 105 m3/d by 1970 and are projected to increase to about 11.4)(105 m3/d by 1980, according to G. T. Cardwell. The artesian head in the eight principal aquifers in the freshwater section, which extends to a depth of about 880 m, has declined sharply in re- cent years. Water-level declines from initial condi- tions range from a minimum of 35 m (“2,800-ft” sand) to a maximum of about 140 m (“2,000—ft” sand) and averages about 60 m for all aquifers. Lev- eling by the National Geodetic Survey (formerly the US. Coast and Geodetic Survey) in 1965 indicated a maximum subsidence of about 30 cm for the period 1934—65, and measurable subsidence covered 650 km2 in a bowl-shaped area generally coinciding with the cone of depression. Leveling in 1969, which was part of a Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute project, indicated 9 cm of subsidence in the center of the pumping cone. In recognition of the need for better information on the rate of subsidence, particularly in the heavily pump-ed area, the USGS began a data-collection pro- gram in fiscal year 1974, in cooperation with State and local agencies. Three specially constructed wells, equipped with extensometer and water-level record- ers, were completed. The extensometers monitor compaction or expansion of sediments to depths of 254, 518, and 913 m, which represent the shallow, intermediate, and deep aquifer zones, respectively. The wells are also constructed so that head changes for the “GOO—ft,” “1,200-ft,” and “2,800-ft” sands can be monitored. Land-surface subsidence near Texas City and Seabrook, Texas R. K. Gabrysch and C. W. Bonnet (1974) reported that pumping of water from the subsurface in Harris and Galveston Counties, Tex., has caused declines in fluid pressure, which in turn have resulted in subsi- dence of the land surface at Seabrook in Harris County and,Texas City in Galveston County. With- drawals of water by large-capacity wells began in Harris County in the 1890’s and in Galveston County about 1894. Artesian-head declines of as much as 73 m in the town of Seabrook and 46 m at Moses Lake GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY APPLIED TO THE PUBLIC WELFARE near Texas City have caused 1.01 m of subsidence in Seabrook and 0.55 m at Moses Lake. The field history of subsidence in relationship to water-level changes and clay thickness was used to predict ultimate subsidence. On the basis of con— tinued loading until 1995, it was estimated that ulti- mate subsidence in Seabrook and at Moses Lake would be 3.0 and 1.4 m, respectively. Subsidence bench-mark network established in Tucson, Arizona A network of leveling controls was established in the Tucson, Ariz., area to monitor possible land sub- sidence caused by ground-water pumping, according to E. S. Davidson. The network extends from bedrock bench marks across areas of maximum water-level decline and the thickest sections of water-bearing deposits. Where available, old level lines were incor- porated in this network. Preliminary results indicate less than 1 cm of subsidence on any of the old lines during the 30 to 40 yr since leveling began. Land subsidence in southern Idaho caused by ground-water withdrawal In an area of land subsidence north of Malta, Idaho, heavy ground-water pumping has caused wa- ter levels to decline more than 42 m, according to B. E. Lofgren. Relevelin‘g of bench marks along State Highway 81 in the autumn of 1974, in conjunction with geothermal studies in the Raft River valley, in— dicated that there had been as much as 0.8 m of subsidence since 1934 in an affected area of about 100 kmg. A northwest-trending earth fissure first recognized in the early 1960’s apparently was caused by horizontal seepage stresses on the westernlmar- gin of the subsidence depression. Land-surface changes in San Jacinto Valley, California A detailed analysis of 4 yr of correlative records of water-level, extensometer, and land-surface changes suggests that there are three types of ver- tical ground movement in the San Jacinto Valley, Calif., according to B. E. Lofgren (1976): (1) An elastic undulation of the land surface of about 0.02 m/ yr in close response to roughly 15 m of seasonal water-level fluctuation-s; (2) a long—term compaction of water-bearing deposits of about 0.001 m/ yr; and (3) a deep settlement of 0.003 to 0.006 m/ yr, proba- bly caused by continuing downfaulting in the graben trough. At the extensometer site, the specific com- paction of the aquifer system was about 1.3 X 10—2 m of compaction per metre of artesian-head decline, 227 and specific expansion decreased from 1.3X10—3 to 0.95><10—3 m of expansion per metre of artesian- head rise during the period between 1971 and 1974. Model parameters for idealized aquitards in the Santa Clara Valley Twelve years of field records of stress and strain at four sites in the Santa Clara Valley, Calif., and a digital model were used to approximate average values for hydrologic parameters. D. C. Helm (1975) developed a model that computes the comp‘action of a series of idealized aquitards from known changes in effective stress and from assumed parameter values. The idealized aquitard specifications (charac- teristic thickness and number) are estimated from the evaluation of a microlog of the real aquifer sys- tem. By adjusting parameter values so that com- puted compaction simulates ‘observed compaction, the “best fit” set of parameter values is considered to be diagnostic for the series of idealized aquitards at a particular site. Preliminary diagnostic constant values for the four sites in the Santa Clara Valley are as follows: vertical hydraulic conductivity ranges from 3.3 to 16.0><10—7 m/d; nonrecoverable specific storage ranges from 3.3 to 13><10—4 m“; and re- coverable specific storage ranges from 4.9 to 33X 10—0 m—l. Preliminary stress—dependent estimates for vertical hydraulic conductivity range from 1.3 to 52X 10—7 m/ d, and, for nonrecoverable specific stor- age, estimates range from 2.4 to 13 X 10‘4 m—l. Land surface in Santa Clara Valley, California, rebounding Water imports to Santa Clara County through the Hetch—Hetchy and South Bay aqueducts averaged about 171 hmi‘/yr in the period 1972—74—only 18.5 hm3 less than the annual pumpage. About two-thirds of the imported water was used directly, and one- third was delivered to spreading basins to replenish the ground-water supply. J. F. Poland reported that, ~as a result of the increased imports and the above- average precipitation during those years, the arte— sian head at the longtime index well in San Jose rose from a spring high of 21 m below land surface in 1972 and 1973 to 18 m below land surface in 1974; it rose to about 12 m below land surface in early 1975, the highest water level since 1946. This rise of nearly 9 m since 197 3 was reflected in the response of the water-bearing sediments. During 1974, the land surface rebounded 6 mm, as measured by extensome— ters in San Jose and Sunnyvale. ASTROGEOLOGY PLANETARY STUDIES Interpretive studies of Mars D. E. Wilhelms made a detailed comparison of cratered terrains on Mars and the Moon. On the basis of differing crater frequencies, three major types of cratered terrain were mapped. The result- ing pattern is similar on both the Moon and Mars, except that the terrains with intermediate crater frequencies are slightly more common on Mars. The similarity in pattern suggests a similar cratering history: an early heavy flux followed later by a much lower flux. The work also pointed to the possibility of massive flooding of intercrater areas within the cra- tered terrain, probably by old volcanic deposits. M. H. Carr explored possible mechanisms for the formation of a bulge of the Martian crust centered on the Thar- sis region. The bulge is several thousand kilometres across and 7 km high at the center. Close to the cen- ter are the large shield volcanoes of Tharsis, and radial fractures extend outward from this region to cover almost half the planet. The coincidence of the bulge, the radial fractures, and the planet’s most prominent volcanic region suggests that their origins are related. Carr proposed that the bulge formed 1 to 2 by. ago and that the fractures resulted from crustal extension during its formation. Volcanism was later preferentially located at the center of the bulge, partly because the intense fracturing allowed . easy egress of magma to the surface. Systematic geologic mapping of Mars A program of systematic geologic mapping of Mars at a scale of 1:5,000,000 by both university and USGS personnel is approximately one-third com- pleted. In the 11 quadrangles so far mapped, channel deposits generally are in the upper part of the strati- graphic column. They appear to be the same age as the younger plains materials and younger than the volcanic features. However, most of the area map- ped so far is within the densely cratered terrane where volcanic features are generally older than those in the sparsely cratered plains. The relative ages of the channels and the volcanic features of the 228 plains are still to be determined. The plains range widely in age, judging from the number of superim- posed craters. Many have lobate flow fronts and ridges resembling those on the lunar maria, so that a volcanic origin is suspected. Other plains lack these features but have numerous albedo features that suggest an eolian origin. Several ancient volcanic shields have been recognized in the densely cratered terrane. The large number of impact craters super- imposed on these shields indicates formation very early in Martian history. Topographic mapping of Mars A new version of the 1 :25,000,000 topographic map of Mars incorporates several features not included in an earlier preliminary version made soon after com— pletion of the Mariner 9 mission. Generalized con- tours have been added. These were derived by com- bining all available data on Martian elevations into one consistent set. Terrestrial radar, occultations, and the MM’71 ultraviolet spectrometer were the main data sources. These data were referred to a fourth-order harmonic of the planet’s figure. Eight 1:5,000,000 topographic maps were completed, each including shaded relief, albedo, and contours. Viking support A miniaturized X-ray fluorescence spectrometer was designed, built, and installed on the first Viking lander, which was launched toward Mars in August 1975. The instrument was tested in simulated Mar- tian conditions and returned good-quality data, which permitted the identification of an unknown sample. A bench-top version of the instrument is in opera- tion at Reston, Va. The Viking Inorganic Analysis Experiment, which will utilize the instrument, is be- ing directed by a team of scientists from the USGS and other institutions: Priestley Toulmin III and H. F. Rose, Jr. (USGS), A. K. Baird (Pomona Col- lege), B. C. Clark (Martin Marietta Corporation), and Klaus K'eil (Univ. of New Mexico) . Mercury In 1974, Mercury joined the Earth, the Moon, and Mars as a planet for which enough detailed informar ASTROGEOLOGY tion is available to make meaningful geologic com- parisons. Mariner 10 flew by Mercury on March 29 and September 21, 1974, and returned over 2,000 close-up pictures. The closest planet to the Sun and one of the smallest major planets, Mercury bears some striking resemblances to and has some in- triguing differences from the Moon (Trask and Guest, 1975) . The Mercury pictures support the view that ter- minal heavy bombardment, dated from lunar sam- ples at about 4 b.y., was an episode that character- ized the entire inner solar system. The Earth very probably also underwent a comparable bombard- ment, which must be included in any reconstruction of terrestrial history. The largest impacts on the Moon and Mercury produced huge basins that were probably excavated initially to a depth of 100 to 200 km; permanent modification of the host material certainly occurred to some appreciably greater depth. Many such events on Earth 4 by. ago must have created physical and chemical heterogeneities in the upper mantle and probably reset all radiometric dates. LUNAR INVESTIGATIONS Lunar basins Photogeologic investigations combined with data from lunar mapping, cratering experiments, and remote sensing resulted in revised interpretations of lunar impact-basin development and morphologic expression of accompanying structures and deposits. J. F. McCauley proposed a revised model for the Orientale basin. In this model, the original rim of the crater formed by the impact event is generally coincident with the crest of the Rook Mountain ring some 600 m in diameter. The knobby material of the Rock Mountain unit, previously described as secondary slump products, is now considered to re- sult directly from the cratering event; its texture and distribution pattern suggest that it is the upper- most part of the overturned flap of the crater rim and that it overlies the radially lineated Hevelius Formation. The coarse knobs represent coherent material quarried from well beneath the lunar low- velocity surface layer (depth about 25 km) that was churned up by pre-Orientale saturation bom- bardment. These relatively coherent blocks, now seen as widely scattered knobs, had their source deep within the transient crater. Since these ma- terials were the last to leave the crater, they had considerably less radial momentum than the other ejecta facies associated with Orientale, and they 229 were partly confined by the outer ring fault now marked by the Cordillera scarp. The Hevelius For- mation, now exposed mostly outside the Cordillera scarp, is ejecta of shallower origin; it is an earlier excavation product that was less cohesive than the knobby unit. The formation consists of ballistically redistributed debris from the heavily cratered upper part of the pre-Orientale surface, and this unit, like its counterpart, the Fra Mauro Forma- tion, records a complex multiplicity of cratering events. The difference in the depth of the source region and the greater radial momentum together account for the distinctive braided appearance. Ejecta relations similar to those around Orientale are seen in the DOD’s experimental crater Dial Pack, which is located in Nevada. Preliminary study and mapping by D. J. Roddy of the structures seen on the floor of this crater and that of the Prairie Flat crater, also in Nevada, suggest that anticlines and domes are present on the floors of these experi- mental craters, and Roddy and McCauley inter- preted the ridges and domes seen within the crackled inner-basin unit of Orientale as analogous compressional features. These features are formed late in the cratering event by inward motion of deep-seated material. The preparation of structural sketch maps of the interior of the basin has led to the recognition of numerous radial faults hundreds of kilometres in length that cut the inner rings into segments and that locally extend outward through the Cordillera scarp. Translations on individual blocks appear to be in the inward direction and to be controlled in part by the lunar grid. These move— ments are considered to have occurred during the cratering event and are not thought to be related to postcrater slumping. They appear to be similar in general character to some of the tear faults in the walls of Meteor Crater as it was originally mapped by Shoemaker. D. H. Scott used gravity data to calculate the volume of the Orientale basin where topographic control is inadequate for reliable estimates of basin geometry. The results indicate that the present volume of Orientale is about 2X10G kma but that the original volume, and thus the amount of ma- terial ejected, must have been more than 5 X 106 km3. Stratigraphic studies using these results, combined with mapping of the ejecta blanket and its distribu- tion, by McCauley and Scott resulted in the subdi- vision of the Orientale ejecta blanket into six dis- tinct stratigraphic units. These stratigraphic units will be designated as members and formations, and all basin-related materials will be elevated to group 230 status. The new mapping reconfirmed the asym- metry of the basin ejecta, which are. thought to re- flect nonvertical incidence of the impacting bolide or the influence of older nearby basins on rock strength, fracture propagation, and the formation of topographic barriers. Geologic remapping on the central near side of the Moon (50° N. to 50° 8., 50° E. to 50° W.) by D. E. Wilhelms, which incorporated the results from sampling and remote-sensing missions of the last 5 yr, led to a reevaluation of features now thought to be related to impact basins. In particu- lar, the rock samples returned by Apolloyhave neces— sitated reinterpretation of certain mantles, plains, hills, pits, and furrows of the terrae that were pre- viously thought to be of volcanic or tectonic origin. Most such features on the central near side are now seen to be related to impact basins, especially Im- brium, but also to the younger Orientale and the older Nectaris, Humorum, Serenitatis, and Crisium basins. For example, the Descartes Mountains at the Apollo 16 site are believed to consist of primary and secondary Imbrium material overlying Nectaris material. Secondary craters of basins and the masses of basin ejecta that flowed along the sur- face are more extensive than was once thought. The ground ejecta arrives at a given radial distance from the basin later than the secondaries. The re- sulting override of the secondaries produces many of the complex superposition relations that once seemed to require volcanic origins. Also pertaining to lunar impact basins are studies of gravity anomalies found on the Moon’s near side by the Apollo missions and evaluated by Scott. Some of the positive anomalies are nearly circular and probably represent previously unrecognized basins or subbasins. Two lie along a line connecting the Serenitatis and Nectaris mascons; one is cen- tered over the crater Lamont and the other near the old crater Torricelli R north of Theophilus. The gravity data show the probable presence of a large mascon in northern Mare Serenitatis substanti- ating previous geologic mapping, which postulated that the northern part of this basin was formed by separate impact. Gravity values obtained at two dif- ferent spacecraft altitudes over Lamont allowed some discrimination in calculating the configuration and depth of this mascon. Calculations indicated that adisk-shaped mass having a radius of about 85 km and a thickness of about 1.8 km would pro- duce the anomaly observed at both altitudes. Compilation by Scott, J. M. Diaz, and J. A. Wat- kins of all lunar morphologic features believed to GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 be associated with volcano-tectonic processes such as ridges, troughs, rilles, domes, cones, and linea— ments indicated that two major mare—ridge sys- tems are present on the Moon: (1) basin-concentric ridges associated with circular mascons and (2) long linear ridge systems in Oceanus Procellarum that appear to correlate with positive gravity trends. The magnitudes of the gravity anomalies associated with the linear ridge systems are much less than those of the circular mascons. It is thus suggested that a large number of basaltic dikes in themselves are not primary contributors to mascon gravity anomalies. Thus, pluglike mascon models possibly extending through the crust to the lunar mantle seem more appropriate than relatively thin disk~shaped mascons supported by the crust and fed by dikes. Apollo 17 mission results B. K. Lucchitta, V. S. Reed, G. E. Ulrich, A. G. Sanchez, and E. W. Wolfe continued to study the Apollo 17 landing region. Using both photogeologic interpretation and the gravity data of D. H. Scott, which indicate that Mare Serenitatis is underlain by two basins instead of one, Wolfe and Reed sug- gested that the Apollo 17 landing area is located ap- proximately at the third ring of a basin structure similar to but slightly larger than the fresher Orientale basin. The strikingly similar shapes, sizes, and distributions of the massifs and sculp- tured hills in the Taurus-Littrow area and the massifs and related knobby-textured terrane in the outer Rook Mountain ring (ring 3) of the Orientale basin indicate that these are analogous structural features. Extrapolating from ring 3 of the Orientale structure, which has been interpreted as the ap- proximate rim of the transient cavity, to the slight- ly larger third ring of the southern Serenitatis basin structure, Wolfe and Reed estimated that per- haps 15 km of ejecta was emplaced adjacent to the southern Serenitatis transient cavity. Subsequent development of the ring structure and the radial grabens and emplacement of more ejecta created the mountainous landscape that was later flooded by mare basalt to form the Apollo 17 landing valley. The investigative team summarized the geology of the landing valley as follows: the radial graben in whichthe Taurus—Littrow valley is located was partially filled by about 1,400 m of basaltic lava. The uppermost part, texturally variable but chemi- cally uniform olivine-normative basalt, may be on the order of 100 m thick. Large boulders of quartz- .ASTROGEOLOGY normative basalt on the rim of Camelot Crater may represent an underlying flow unit. Basalt extrusion in the valley terminated about 3.75 b.y. ago and was quickly followed by deposition of a unit of glass beads of probable pyroclastic origin. A remnant of this unit in the Shorty Crater target is repre- sented by orange and black droplets on the Shorty Crater rim. The glass—bead unit in combination with the overlying regolith forms an unconsolidated surficial deposit with an average thickness of about 14 m, thick enough to permit abnormally rapid de- gradation of the smaller craters, especially those <200 m, so as to create a subdued appearance. Admixture of glass-bead material gives the surface a distinctive dark color, which, in combination with its subdued appearance, led to the erroneous pre- mission interpretation of a young dark mantling unit of pyroclastic origin. Impact-generated regolith consists mainly of local materials from the subfloor basalt, the glass-bead unit, and the nearby high- lands. In its upper part, the regolith contains basalt- rich ejecta from crater clusters that pepper the valley floor. Most of the craters are part of a sec- ondary cluster formed by projectiles from Tycho; the light mantle is a deposit of secondary ejecta or an avalanche or both, set in motion by the impact of Tycho secondary projectiles on the South Massif. The central cluster and the light mantle, and hence Tycho, were probably formed between 15 to 20 and 70 to 95 my. ago. In order to elucidate the relationship between dark mantle and orange materials in the landing area, Lucchitta (USGS) and H. H. Schmitt (NASA) investigated a dark mantle area on the opposite side of the Serenitatis basin. Orange and red material had been observed and photographed during the Apollo 17 orbital paths in that area, and a later examination of photographs showed that it occurs only within the dark mantle that overlies old rilled mare and highland units and is absent on the younger mare unit in this area. The orange and red material occurs predominantly as halos, patches, or rays around fresh impact craters ranging in diameter from less than 50 to 250 m and in layers exposed at the base of the dark mantle deposit in the sweep walls of a depression and a graben. Red material is present in the highland subsurface, possibly as dikes. The study suggested that orange material, locally underlain by red ma- terial, occurs in the dark mantle to a depth of about 50 m as locally stratified but discontinuous pyroclastic materials that erupted during the later stages of accumulation of the older mare basalt 231 units. These observations confirm that the geologic settings of dark mantle areas on both sides of Mare Serenitatis are similar. Craters Testing extraterrestrial craters and candidate terrestrial analogs for morphologic similitude was treated by R. J. Pike as a problem in numerical taxonomy. According to a principal-components solution and a cluster analysis, 402 representative craters on the Earth, the Moon, and Mars divide into two major classes with contrasting shapes and modes of origin. Craters of net accumulation of material (cratere-d lunar domes, Martian “calderas,” and all terrestrial volcanoes except maars and tufi' rings) are in a group apart from craters of excava- tion (terrestrial meteorite-impact and experimental explosion craters, typical Martian- craters, and all other lunar craters). Maars and tuf’f rings belong to neither group but are transitional. The classifi- cation is based on criteria of topographic geometry. Of these, the morphometric differences between crater bowl and raised rim are the strongest. Al- though single topographic variables cannot confi- dently predict the genesis of individual extrater- restrial craters, multivariate statistical models constructed from several variables can distinguish consistently between large impact craters and vol- canoes. TERRESTRIAL ANALOGS AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES CRATER INVESTIGATIONS Lonar Crater A geologic investigation of Lonar Crater in Ma- harashtra, India, by the Geological Survey of India, i‘Nith the participation of D. J. Milton (USGS), has been in progress. The crater is 1,830 m across and nearly 150 m deep. It is similar in structure, age, and state of preservation to the better known Arizona Crater. The crater is in the Deccan Traps, the only terrestrial crater known in basalt, and so presents petrographic features particularly analogous to cra- ter materials on the Moon. Earlier results (Fredriks— son and others, 1973) for the first time established the impact origin on the basis of shock features, in- cluding shock—melted basalt bombs and spherules in the ejecta, isotropized plagioclase in moderately shocked fragments, and shatter coning in weakly shocked breccia in drill cores in the crater floor. As 232 yet, no meteoritic material has been identified. Cur- rent investigations center on the mode of deposition of the ejecta. Ejecta-filled depressions in the sub- strate near the outer margin of the ejecta blanket are apparently secondary impact craters. Fragments of substrate soil are incorporated into the basal parts of the ejecta blanket. Their distribution is be ing studied for its relevance to the mixing of lunar breccias. Ries Crater studies A complete suite of shocked granodiorites from the Ries Crater suevite was assembled by E. C. T. Chao, J. A. Minkin, and C. L. Thompson and classified according to the degree of shock from 1 to 7 on the basis of shock features observed in quartz, plagio- clase, and b-iotite. The correlation of microscopic and megascopic classifications of the degree of shock was established for the first time. Samples of shocked granitic pegmatite from Lake Lappajarvi, Finland, were chosen for detailed sys- tematic study by optical, X-ray, and electron micro- scope techniques. These samples, the best naturally shocked specimens that the investigators have seen, contain large single crystals of shocked quartz and feldspar and cover a complete range of the degree of shock. Several single crystals of shocked quartz . studied by X-ray precession technique were all found to be Dauphiné twinned, even crystals that were only very weakly shocked as judged by refractive indices and lack of lamellar features. The consistent presence of Dauphiné twinning in weakly shocked quartz crystals indicates that it may be a dominant form of yielding in quartz at low shock pressures. Elko craters, Nevada A field of probable impact craters near Elko, Nev., was studied in reconnaissance by D. J. Roddy. An aerial search extended the known length of the field from 20 to 21.5 km to the northeast, with a maximum width of 2.7 km. The total number of craters recog- nized now exceeds 200. Aerial reconnaissance of many hundreds of square kilometres surrounding this area located only one other small field 8 km west, which contains several small craters less than 10 m in diameter. The larger craters in the main field are as deep as 3 m and have well-defined rims. Both single and multiple craters are common; the largest multiple crater is approximately 250 m across. Most of the crate-rs tend to occur in clusters of three or more and are concentrated along a northeast-south- west centerline; single isolated craters are most com- mon along the outer edges of the field. The fact that GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 the crater distribution does not appear to be influ- enced by topographic or structural control strength- ens the impact hypotheses. Soil samples from the largest Elko craters have been examined for mag- netic, glassy, and shocked materials. To date, only magnetite, derived from mineralized zones that lie 3 to 4 km to the west, has been identified. Shock-wave-cratering mechanics, impact, and explosion cratering D. J. Roddy participated in large-scale explosion experiments conducted by the DOD in both Canada and the United States over the last decade. These experiments have repeatedly yielded similar types of structural deformation in craters formed from hemi- spheres and spheres of high explosives detonated at and above the ground surface. Structural deforma- tion in these craters, which are up to 100 m in di- ameter, includes central uplifts, inward and upward movement of the crater floor, faulted, folded, and uplifted rims, and massive overturned flaps with ray- like extensions. Other aspects common to these cra- ters include the ballistics and distribution of ejecta, fused material, shatter cones, and certain types of solid—state shock-metamorphic features, such as planar elements formed under shock-wave pressures in crystal lattices. The craters formed in these explosion experiments provided the confirmation necessary to show that certain types of major structural deformation are related to charge size and geometry and to height of burst and that target media are critical but do not control the basic styles of deformation. Several of these cratering experiments were used for astronaut training and in the NASA-sponsored USGS lunar geologic surface experiments. The topo- graphic and structural similarities between these and earlier craters generated by surface explosions and terrestrial, lunar, and Martian craters have been of assistance in discussing the hypervelocity impact origin and in understanding large-scale impact cra- tering processes. The cratering sequences determined in these ex- periments reemphasize their similarities with craters formed by hypervelocity impact and shock vaporiza- tion of a low-density body, such as a comet, which does not penetrate deeply and produces a surface- generated very high energy shock wave. The numer- ous structural similarities between these surface- generated explosion craters and certain very large terrestrial and lunar craters up to tens of kilometres across suggest that this analogy can be extended to include the largest of the natural sites. For example, ASTROGEOLOGY an unusually good morphological comparison can be made between Mixed Company 3, Snowball (500-t TNT surface hemisphere), and the lunar crater Co- pernicus (95 km across). A similar comparison can be made between the Prairie Flat (500-t TNT sur- face sphere) and Dial Pack (500-t TNT surface sphere) craters in Nevada and the ringed lunar structure Mare Orientale (over 1,000 km across). MINERALOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Mars eolian winnowing simulated J. G. Hammarstrom and Priestley Toulmin III car- ried out size and mineral analyses of material de- livered to a model of the Viking X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRFS) in a series of wind-tunnel tests simulating atmospheric conditions on the Martian surface. The original material was a mixture of quartz, augite, magnetite, and mus-covite, each sized to approximate the grain-size distribution of the lunar fines. The material was dropped from a Viking sampler head into a Viking XRFS funnel from sev- eral heights at different wind velocities and direc- tions. Analysis of the material that actually got into the funnel confirmed the expected dependencies on height, Wind, density, and shape but indicated that, if the sampler head is placed close to the funnel, even high winds (up to 70 m/ s) should have very little effect on the sample composition. Fluid inclusion studies on simulated Martian samples Edwin Roedder studied some simulated Martian samples in an attempt to evaluate the effects of vari- ous suggested sterilization procedures on the scien- tific information obtainable from a returned Mars sample. Fluid inclusion studies are particularly ap- propriate here in that they can yield much informa- tion from very tiny samples, even those in the l-ng range. Although almost any sterilization protocol would seriously affect or totally negate the results of at least some petrological, geochemical, or geophysi- cal experiments performed'on the samples, Roedder found that sterilization at 275°C for 1 d in helium at 1 atm had almost no noticeable effect on the signifi- cance of the data obtainable from a study of fluid inclusions. However, these results cannot necessarily be extrapolated to higher temperatures or to other types of sample materials. Experimental shock research The transmission interference microscope is a pow- erful tool for the study of microstructures such as 233 closely spaced parallel fractures, twinning, and lamel- lar structures produced by static and shock deforma- tion. In an investigation of experimentally shocked quartz conducted by E. C. T. Chao, it was possible to distinguish microfractures from lamellae only by this technique. LUNAR SAMPLE INVESTIGATIONS Petrology of lunar rocks During the Apollo 17 mission, several large boul- ders of highlands rock derived from the North and South Massifs were sampled. Samples were selected to represent the major rock types in each boulder, and the field relations were carefully documented. In recognition of the unique value of these samples, interdisciplinary consortia of investigators were es- tablished to study the suites of rocks from each boulder. E. C. T. Chao led the consortium studying samples collected frOm the boulder at Station 7. A similar consortium led by O. B. James was estab- lished to study two samples from Station 3 (although these rocks were collected from regolith, they appear to be related to samples taken from a boulder at Station 2). Four samples (77135, 77115, 77075, and 77215) were collected from the boulder at Station 7. Studies of these samples by Chao, J. A. Minkin, and C. L. Thompson (1974) led to the following conclusions: 1. Sample 77215, the oldest of the four samples as determined by field relations, is a breccia con- taining fragments of norite. The norite appears to be of relatively deep—seated origin, for it contains orthopyroxene grains with thick ex- solved lamellae of augite. Some impact process excavated the norite and brought it to the upper levels of the lunar crust. 2. Samples 77075 and 77115 crystallized from frag- ment-laden melts that diked and enclosed, re- spectively, the mass from which 77215 was taken. Field relations suggest that these two melts could have been contemporaneous, formed by the same event. 3. The rock units from which 77075, 77115, and 77215 were taken are shock fractured as a block; this block is enclosed by unfractured feldspathic pigeonite basalt, represented by 77135. Sample 77135 crystallized from a frag- ment-laden melt formed in an event that took place after the 7707 5 and 77115 melts formed. 4. Detailed studies of 77135 suggest three possible sources for the melt from which it crystallized: (1) An impact melt formed by the Serenitatis 234 event, (2) an endogenous igneous melt unre- lated to the Serenitatis event, or (3) a premare endogenous igneous melt intruded into the wall of the Serenitatis basin after the .basin was formed. Regardless of the source of the‘77135 melt, this rock represents one of the maj or rock types of the lunar highlands. Studies of theStation 3 consortium have thus far concentrated on sample 73215 (James, 1975a). The bulk of this breccia consists of an aphanitic matrix containing competent mineral and lithic clasts plus bands and patches of granulated clastic materials. The matrix is quite variable, and several types are distinguishable; these vary in color, cohesiveness, content of shear-induced porosity, and content and composition of clast-derived schlieren. The consorti- um studies, which thus far have been primarily of matrix, have shown that all types of matrices consist of abundant small lithic and mineral clasts set in a dark groundmass of minute grain size and that the groundmass crystallized from a melt. It is unlikely that this breccia originated as regolith breccia or unconsolidated regolith in which an original frag- mental glassy matrix was melted by a shock or ther- mal event. Instead, characteristics of the rock tex- ture and fragment assemblage suggest that the brec- cia represents an aggregate of impact melt (which crystallized to form the groundmass) and pulverized rock, all of which formed in a large impact event; the event may have been one of the basin-forming impacts. The rock shows well-developed structures formed by differential flow and shear of the matrix and clast materials, and these structures demon- strate that shear and flow processes may have been very important in lunar highland breccias. One particular class of lunar breccias holds great potential for study of the early history of the lunar‘ crust. This class formed as a result of major impacts that generated mare basins and the largest lunar cra- ters. Such impacts would have excavated rocks from an extensive section of the lunar crust, and from these a partial reconstruction of the preimpact crust could be made. James (1975b) evaluated the differ- ent types of lunar breccias in an attempt to identify those that may have had major-impact origins, and it appears that many types may indeed be related to major impacts. Apollo 17 light-gray breccias may be analogous to terrestrial suevites. Many different types of lunar breccias formed as aggregates of melt plus fragmental debris; among these are Apollo 17 blue-gray breccias, green-gray breccias, some of the light-gray breccias, Apollo 16 poikilitic rocks, and GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 the most common types of clasts in Apollo 14 ther— mally metamorphosed breccias and Apollo 16 friable feldspathic breccias. These types of breccia differ primarily in ratio of fragments to melt and crystalli- zation history of the melt, but bulk compositions of the aggregates are all quite similar. Rock textures and fragment assemblages suggest that all these types of breccia formed as aggregates of impact melt and crushed rock gene-rated during major impacts. Other types of lunar breccias related to major im- pacts are (1) cataclastic anorthosites, in which the cataclasis was the result of shock during an impact, and (2) “black and white rocks” (which consist of cataclasites diked by fragment-laden impact melts and subsequently remobilized), in which the cata- clasis, intrusion by impact melts, and remobilization were all impact induced. , A glass-coated half-metre boulder was sampled by the Apollo 17 astronauts at Station 8, near the front of the Sculptured Hills. E. D. Jackson, R. L. Sutton, and H. G. Wilshire (1975) studied the re- turned samples of this boulder. The rock is a coarse- grained (0.5 cm) plagioclase-orthopyroxenecumulate and is the only true norite among the returned lunar samples. Lunar surface photographs of the boulder showed it to contain at least nine structural surfaces and four glass veins. Hand-specimen examination of three of the returned samples resulted in the identi- fication of six surfaces and one vein. One of the struc- tural surfaces visible in the boulder was identified as a primary cumulus planar lamination folded through an angle of at least 35° between two oriented sam- ples; fracture sets representing the other structural surfaces were coincident. The boulder is believed to be a sample of the deeper highlands or submare lunar crust, derived from a depth of 8 to 30 km; it was somewhat shock metamorphosed during at least two impact events. The cumulus texture of the rock pre- cludes its being representative of any magmatic liquid composition and suggests that plagioclase sank, not floated, in at least some of the magmatic liquids that formed the lunar crust. Moreover, the evidence that cumulus processes have operated in the lunar crust indicates that the crust is probably heterogeneously layered. Wilshire, D. E. Stuart-Alexander, and E. C. Schwarzman completed a comprehensive study of Apollo 16 breccias. They consider that all major types were derived by rebrecciation of a first-cycle breccia that consisted of clasts of feldspathic plutonic rock in a matrix of fine grain size. The first-cycle breccia, because of the nature of its clast assemblage, is thought to represent material derived from consider- ASTROGEOLOGY able depth in the lunar crust and excavated by a basin-forming event. Relict clasts that survived the brecciation processes show that the feldspathic plu- tonic rocks originally formed as igneous cumulates; however, thermal metamorphism caused local re- crystallization in most of these clasts. The first major impact event that affected these rocks pro- duced extensive pulverization, melting, and thermal metamorphism. ' Wilshire (1974) summarized some of the most im- portant characteristics of the provenance of lunar highland breccias. These breccias contain relics of plutonic source rocks that have had long igneous and metamorphic histories. Most of these plutonic rocks have extremely feldspar-rich bulk compositions. The compositions and textures indicate that the rocks must have formed by igneous fractionation and that they had lengthy periods of postconsolidation an- nealing in environments not frequently plumbed by impact. These characteristics are consistent with for- mation of the rocks in a plutonic environment at depths perhaps greater than 10 km, from which they were excavated by large basin-forming impact events. Edwin Roedder (USGS) and P. W. Weiblen (Univ. of Minnesota) (1975) reported an anomalous type of silicate melt inclusion of unexplained origin in the Apollo 17 mare basalts. Ilmenite crystals in all seven mare basalt samples examined contain relatively large silicate melt inclusions. These are now either wholly glass or glass that contains a few feathery crystals. Bulk compositions are of two types. (Some individual small ilmenite grains have both types of inclusions.) The less abundant type is of potassic granite composition (6.4 percent K20 and 76.7 per- cent SiOZ) and formed by late-stage immiscibility of the silicate melt; similar inclusions are found in most lunar mare basalts and some terrestrial basalts. The more abundant type has identical SiOz content, 76.4 percent, but only 0.03 percent K20 (average of 29 analyses) ; the difference is made up largely by an increased CaO content, and most other oxides have similar concentrations in the two types. At present, none of the theories proposed for the origin of these anomalous “low-potassium” inclusions satisfactorily explains all the observations. Experiments on the partial melting of pyroxenes at 1 atm (J. S. Huebner, 1975) suggest that the silica content of a primary mare basalt magma may indicate its depth of origin. During partial melting of augite, aluminum and titanium are strongly frac- is depressed. Thus, melts coexisting with augite can tionated into the liquid phase, and its silica activity 235 have as few as 1.75 cations of silicon per 6 oxygen atoms. During partial melting of the calcium-poor pyroxenes, orthopyroxene, and pigeonite, aluminum and titanium are even more strongly fractionated into the liquid phase. However, in the case of these pyroxenes, there is a lower limit below which the silica activity of the coexisting partial melt cannot be depressed. If the silica content of a melt coexisting with a calcium-poor pyroxene drops below about 1.9 cations per 6 oxygen atoms, the pyroxene is con- verted to olivine, and silica is released to the liquid. Experimentally produced melts coexisting with cal- cium-poor pyroxene (and minor olivine) commonly have about 1.9 cations of silicon and 0.5 cations of aluminum per 6 oxygen atoms; The silicon content of lunar mare basalts ranges from 1.66 to 1.86 cations per 6 oxygen atoms. Therefore, these melts cannot be in equilibrium with, or derived from the low-pressure partial melting of, mantle consisting of calcium-poor pyroxene plus or minus olivine. However, the increas- ing pressure of the partial melting of calcium-poor pyroxene will progressively decrease the silica con- tent .of the coexisting melt. Silica contents of the mare basalts suggest that their parent magmas may have formed by partial melting over the pressure range of 2 to 25 kb, the less silicic of the melts being derived at the greater pressures. Lunar glasses and lunar fines R. B. Finkelman, Sol Berman, R. P. Christian, E. J. Dwornik, J. R. Lindsay, H. J. Rose, Jr., and M. M. Schnepfe studied the mineralogy and chem- istry-of the ultrafine fraction of Apollo 16 regolith samples. Some of their data were reported by Fink- elman, Christian, Schnepfe, ”and Berman (1975). The Apollo 16 ultrafines (less than 30 pm in size) show a more restricted mineral assemblage than the Apollo 14 ultrafines. The fact that particles" of mare-derived ferromagnesian minerals are sparse indicates that the range over which significant transport of ultrafine crystalline particles can take place is less than the distance from the Apollo 16 site to the nearest mare surface. The ultrafine frac- tion has a higher excess reducing capacity than the coarser fraction (30 am to 1 mm) ; this difference in- dicates that the ultrafine particles have been ex- posed at the lunar surface for longer times on the average than the coarser particles. The ultrafines are enrichedjn Pb, Zn, Ba, Ga, Rb, Sc, and Yb and depleted in Co and Ni relative to the coarser frac- tions. The observed elemental enrichments may be due to one or more of the following processes: (1) Volatilization and subsequent condensation (since 236 the ultrafines have a relatively greater surface area than the coarser fractions, enrichment of condens- ing volatiles would be greater); (2) an influx of minute grains of KREEP-rich material; and (3) comminution of mesostasis of locally derived rocks. A. N. Thorpe, F. E. Senftle, C. L. Briggs, and C. C. Alexander (1973) studied the magnetic sus- ceptibility of 11 small glass spherules and 2 sam- ples of a large spherical glass shell from Apollo 15, 16, and 17 fines. Measurements were made over temperatures ranging from room temperature to the temperature of liquid helium. All but one speci- men showed the presence of antiferromagnetic inclusion-s. Measurements of the magnetic suscep- tibility on five specimens at closely spaced tempera- ture intervals below 77°K showed antiferromag- netic temperature transitions (Néel transitions). In one specimen, these transitions could be ascribed to ilmenite, but, in the other four, they do not cor- respond to transitions in any known antiferromag- netic compounds. Age determinations The uranium, thorium, and lead concentrations and the lead isotopic compositions of selected Apollo 17 soil and rock samples were studied by Mitsunobu Tatsumoto and P. D. Nunes. Concordia treatment of the data for the mare basalts and highland rock samples suggests several early thermal events ap— proximately 4.5 b.y. ago. Current information from all uranium-thorium- lead lunar chronology data suggests that the Moon had a multistage uranium-lead evolution history, probably dominantly caused by complex planetary bombardment from 4.5 to 3.9 by. ago. Events at approximately 4.0, 4.2, and 4.4 to 4.5 by. are evi- dent on whole-rock frequency versus 207Pb/W‘Pb age histograms. Each of these events in itself probably reflects multiple cratering episodes. For mare basalts, it appears that complete resetting of the source-rock uranium-lead systems was often ap- proached after a major planetesimal impact (caused by lead loss relative to uranium). It further appears that, during later melting and extrusion of the basalts, 500 to 800 my. after basin formation, the . uranium-lead total-rock systems were negligibly disturbed, whereas the 40Ar/39Ar whole-rock and rubidium-strontium mineral systems were complete— ly reset. Chemical composition The Surveyor 3 spacecraft landed at the Apollo 12 site 31 mo prior to the Apollo mission and GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 scooped up a sample of regolith. During the Apollo 12 mission, the astronauts retrieved the Surveyor scoop and the lunar fines (sample 12029) therein. The results of analyses of this material by E. J. Dwornik, C. S. Annell, R. P. Christian, Frank Cut- titta, R. B. Finkelman, D. T. Ligon, Jr., and H. J. Rose, J r., led to the following conclusions: (1) The green glass components in the fines appear to have been derived from anorthositic norite or troctolite parent materials; (2) the presence of a significant meteoritic component is indicated by relatively high nickel content, abundant metallic iron-nickel blebs and spheres (diameters less than 20 pm) , and sparse particles of a copper-rich phase; and (3) the fines had a genesis and history like those of fines sample 12070, collected on the rim of a small crater about 165 m to the northwest. Twenty-four samples of rocks and fines returned by the Apollo 17 mission have been analyzed by Rose, Cuttitta, Sol Berman, F. W. Brown, M. K. Carron, Christian, Dwornik and L. P. Greenland. Some of their data have been reported by Rose, Christian, Dwornik, and M. M. Schne-pfe (1975). The fines samples are extremely variable in compo- sition, but these compositions fall into three broad groups: (1) Light mantle and South Massif fines, (2) dark mantle and valley floor fines, and (3) North Massif fines. One of the analyzed fines sam- ples, 76501, is unique, and its composition cannot be explained by mixing of the three groups listed above; it is depleted in most trace elements relative to the other samples. The dark mantle and valley floor fines samples are compositionally similar to fines collected at the Apollo 11 site, except that the former have a smaller excess reducing capacity and a higher nickel-iron ratio than the latter; the dif- ferences suggest that the fines at the Apollo 11 site had a greater exposure to solar-wind irradiation but contain a smaller meteoritic component than the fines on the valley floor at the Apollo 17 site. The Apollo 17 mare basalts all appear to have had a common source; their compositions are similar to those of the Apollo 11 mare basalts. Comparisons of compositions of the regolith breccias and fines samples at Van Serg Crater yield important infor- mation on the process of breccia formation: The breccias are identical in composition to unconsoli- dated regolith, and they probably represent regolith indurated or compacted during the impact event that formed the crater. REMOTE SENSING AND EARTH RESOURCES OBSERVATION SYSTEMS (EROS) PROGRAM The EROS program continued to support and co- ordinate the applications research involved in LAND- SAT (formerly ERTS) experiments and remote-sens- ing applications demonstrations Within various Bureaus and Offices of the Department of the Interior. Special emphasis was placed on making the program more responsive to users’ needs; signifi- cant improvements were made at the EROS Data Center (Sioux Falls, S. Dak.) in production schedul- ing, reproduction of remote-sensing data, number and types of training programs, and staffing to assist users with application problems. Additional user-assistance centers, offering vary- ing degrees of service, were developed. Comprehen- sive services, including assistance in the ordering and analysis of data, and access to data-manipulation equipment and basic remote-sensing literature are now available at six locations in the United States and the Canal Zone. . Costs and benefits of operational ERS systems A 3-yr study to develop information about the eco- nomic, social, and environmental benefits of an ERS satellite system was completed. The study was con- ducted under an EROS contract by the Earth Satel- lite Corporation (1974) ; the firm of Booz, Allen, and Hamilton served as subcontractor. Principal empha— sis was placed on a benefit-cost analysis of three ERS systems postulated for the 10-yr period 1977—86: an aircraft system, a one-satellite system, and a two- satellite system. Ranges were developed for both the costs and the benefits of each system. For each al— ternative, the benefit-cost ratio was less than 1 for the low ranges and greater than 1 for the high ranges. Many of the diverse benefits recognized, in- cluding significant social, educational, and environ- mental benefits, could not be quantified, although such benefits may be substantial. The clear implica- tion is that the computed benefits are conservative and that additional experience, research, and analy— ses are needed to evaluate the net value of future operational ERS systems. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES ERTS—l, A New Window on Our Planet An EROS-sponsored compilation of brief reports relevant to the missions of the Bureaus of the De- partment of the Interior was prepared by scientists active in research with imagery and (or) DCP infor- mation from the first Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS—l, renamed LANDSAT—1). The 85 different reports (USGS Professional Paper 929) represent documented examples of scientific and operational applications of ERTS—l data to certain types of geologic, hydrologic, cartographic, biologi- cal, and other environmental studies and programs. Oil-slick detection with LANDSAT data Morris Deutsch (USGS), in collaboration with Alan Strong (NOAA), determined that major oil slicks on marine water can be detected by LAND- SAT. By employing optical techniques for process- ing MSS data, it was possible to separate and color code (1) oil floating on coastal waters, (2) water not covered by oil, and (3) submerged features such as shallow reefs and kelp beds. Optical enhancements were prepared for apparent oil slicks on the Gulf of Suez, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean near Assateague Island, Va. Linear features of the conterminous United States Studies of the linear and curvilinear features identified on the LANDSAT mosaic of the contermin- ous United States (1:1,000,000 scale) by B. K. Luc- chitta, G. G. Schaber, and W. D. Carter continued. Selected areas were enlarged to scales of 1:250,000 and compared with geologic maps of the same areas. Although the maps showed considerably more detail, there was a high correlation between major features identified on the mosaics and those shown on the maps. There were other features identified on the mosaics that did not correlate with mapped features and are yet to be explained. These anomalous areas will be compared with geophysical information where it exists. Where such information is lacking, anoma- lies may suggest areas where future geophysical studies should be undertaken. E. H. Lathram com- piled information for the western third of the United 237 238 States as part of the Circum-Pacific Cooperative Map- ping Program, using the interpretations described above as a base for the conterminous United States. WESTERN REGION Remote-sensing techniques aid agriculture W. A. Lidster (Bureau of Reclamation) reported that satellite data may benefit irrigators in the arid West by providing an early warning system to detect potential seepage problems on irrigated lands. Stud- ies being conducted by the Remote Sensing Institute of South Dakota State University with EROS funds are showing significant correlation between water- table depth and remotely sensed data. A multiple- regression analysis utilizing aircraft and LAND- SAT—1 data resulted in a 91-percent-co-rrect classifi- cation of water-table—dep-th occurrence (greater than or less than 2 m). These results indicate that LAND- SAT data may provide reliable indications of water- table depth; thus, some optimism is warranted for using this technology in developing an early warning system for detection of water tables approaching 2 m. Such a system would provide sufficient lead time to design protective drainage works without loss of crop production due to a high water table. Remote sensing of Elephant Butte-Fort Quitman proiect The Remote Sensing Center at Texas A&M Uni- versity, under an EROS-funded contract from the Bureau of Reclamation, carried out research on the use of remote—sensing data from LANDSAT in the management of irrigation projects. The Elephant Butte-Fort Quitman project along the Rio Grande River was used as a study site. Initial work was done in developing a data base of satellite images that provide agricultural and mineral-resource informa- tion. Through various interpretive and analytical techniques, information was derived that can be utilized in the formulation of a regional development plan. Darrell Mach (Bureau of Reclamation) coordi- nated the efforts of the university with the ongoing Rio Grande Regional Environmental Project. Space data aid lineament analysis Paul Merifield and Donald Lamar (California Earth Science Corporation) continued their contract study of lineaments on LANDSAT and Skylab images and the relation of these lineaments to fault tectonics and earthquake hazards in southern Cali— fornia. They reported that northeastern, northern, and northwestern lineaments on the images com— monly coincide with known faults and that some GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 represent previously unmapped faults. One, the Thing Valley fault, seems to be offset right laterally between 700 and 1,300 m by the Elsinore fault. Northeastern and west-northwestern faults are . truncated by major northwest-trending faults and seem restricted to basement terrane. Spectral stud— ies in the Mojave Desert using band-ratio techniques showed a general correlation between spectral levels and the age and elevation of alluvial surfaces. LANDSAT data useful in range management E. L. Maxwell and G. R. Johnson (Colorado State Univ.) (1974) studied the usefulness of LANDSAT and other remote-sensing systems as rangeland man- agement tools. A field measurement program sup- ported and verified the successful use of LANDSAT imagery for computer classification of vegetation type, range condition, and green biomass. Biomass classification was accomplished on three successive LANDSAT images without retraining the computer; this achievement indicates that biomass classifica- tion may be less critical than expected. Extensive statistical analysis of LANDSAT data has shown that the MSS band 5 and the ratio of band 7 to band 5 are the most significant data for vegetation type and biomass classifications. Cross-classification re- sults of vegetation type and biomass provide a basis for summarizing biomass availability by specie-s group and by the area covered by each group. A 256,000-ha region was automatically classified for less than $500, this accomplishment suggesting that satellite imagery is a feasible range-management tool. Spatial precipitation estimation using space data P. A. Davis and S. M. Serebreny (Stanford Re- search Institute) (1974) analyzed polar-orbiting- ‘satellite data in developing and testing a technique for estimating spatial precipitation over the moun- tainous terrane of northwestern Montana. The study was supported Jointly by the USGS, the Bonneville POWer Administration, and the US. Army Corps of Engineers. Cloud patterns, classified on visible or infrared images, were used to characterize circula- tion and saturation over time and space. Tests of the precipitation estimation technique showed excellent results for the April-June period and a moderate underestimate for the October-December period. The same cloud category for a given basin in different seasons tended to occur with approximately the same probable basin precipitation. Temporal changes in the measurements of snow extent over a given basin REMOTE SENSING AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES varied in the same manner as the measurements of snow depth and water content. The fact that spatial differences between the snow extent in two basins did not correspond to the differences between snow depth and water content suggested a significant vari— ation in terrane influence on precipitation. Tectonic and resource significance of geostructures E. H. Lathram, assisted by N. R. D. Albert and R. G. Raynolds, continued his study of the giant (>1,000 km) linears seen for the first time on Nim- bus images and LANDSAT mosaics of Alaska and the Western United States. The study concentrated on characterizing major geologic differences on op- posite sides of selected linears in order to identify the giant linears that have significantly influenced the tectonic developments of large parts of Alaska and may have influenced the movement of mineraliz- ing solutions and consequently the localization of mineralized areas. Three major, nearly orthogonal sets of such linears have been recognized; many of the giant linears separateareas showing significant- ly different geologic or tectonic histories (Lathram and Albert, unpub. data, 1975). Pacific Northwest demonstration project In response to the request of resource-agency per- sonnel of the Pacific Northwest States and the Land Resource Inventory Task Force of the Pacific North- west Regional Commission for recommendations on the use of remote sensing in State resource inventory and management problems, the EROS program and Ames Research Center (NASA) suggested the estab- lishment of a Pacific Northwest demonstration proj- ect. The project, which was approved by the Gov- ernors of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington in October 1974, was entered into jointly by the Commission, the Department of the Interior, and NASA. Land- resource analyses and inventories of selected areas are being conducted at Ames Research Center by employees of the Pacific Northwest States, who re- ceive support, assistance, and guidance from USGS and NASA resource and technology specialists and use both satellite and high-altitude—aircraft data provided by EROS and NASA. The goal of the proj- ect is to equip State resource-agency personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize the synoptic, multispectral, multitemporal, and digital characteristics of LANDSAT data and thereby pro- vide the information required to formulate appropri- ate and effective management decisions. Problem areas for initial studies have been identified by 28 I 239 participating State agencies, a number of workshops have been held, and specialists from the EROS Data Center, the USGS Geography Pro-gram, and NASA/ Ames have been working with State personnel. Resource inventory for the Crow and Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservations The Raytheon Company (1975), under an EROS- funded Bureau of Indian Affairs contract, made a study of the comparative usefulness of LANDSAT data and aerial photographic data in taking a re- source inventory on the Crow and Northern Chey- enne Indian Reservations. LANDSAT was found useful for collecting broad-area data on forest stand distribution, surface and subsurface hydrology, land use, and landforms. The cost savings projected for the use of LANDSAT data were substantial in com- parison with the cost of generating information of equal detail from the aircraft images. CENTRAL REGION Estimates of center-pivot irrigation systems from LANDSAT images Center-pivot irrigation systems are readily ob- served on LANDSAT images, particularly on band 5 (600 to 700 nm), where the contrast between irri- gated and nonirrigated areas is marked. In recent years, deployment of center pivots has increased rapidly; Nebraska, for example, is currently adding about 2,000/yr. In some areas, the increased deploy- ment could affect the local water table. Both the University of Nebraska and the EROS program used LANDSAT images experimentally to count the num- ber of center pivots in use during the irrigation sea- son. The number of center pivots in part of Holt County, Nebr., for example, increased from 508 in July 1972 to 555 in July 1973 and 740 in August 1974. Wetlands inventory using LANDSAT data The Remote Sensing Institute of South Dakota State University (R. G. Best, D. G. Moore, and Robert Lindler (South Dakota State Univ.), 1974) employed LAN DSAT data to inventory the wetlands of Codington County, S. Dak. The locations, spatial distributions, areal extents, and vegetative cover types were determined for the county, which is typi- cal of the Prairie Potholes region of the northern Great Plains. Change-s in the number of wetlands and their areas were determined between April 25, 1973, and October 4, 1973. The investigation indicated that LANDSAT data can be used to measure the effects of land changes on wildlife. 240 Analyses were made by optical processing tech- niques in which enlargements of the original images to scales as great as 1:60,000 were prepared. At this scale, recognition of open-water wetlands by photo- interpretation was effective for areas as small as stockponds for certain landscapes. Vegetation classi- fication and recognition of vegetation-filled wetlands were limited to areas of approximately 4 ha or larger. A light snow cover on the landscape made it easier to interpret and map the occurrence of emergent vegetation within wetlands. Areas larger than 24 ha were measured with errors of less than 10 percent with an inexpensive compensating planimeter. LANDSAT imagery aids ground-water exploration G. K. Moore and Morris Deutsch (1975) investi- gated applications of LANDSAT imagery to ground- water investigations. The imagery oifers an oppor- tunity to apply satellite data to nationwide water- resource studies, since it can be used both as a tool and as a form of basic data. Its main advantage is its reduction of the need for field work. Broad regional features, which are difficult or impossible to see on the ground, can be seen easily on LANDSAT images. Some present and potential uses indicated from ex- aminations of satellite data are as follows: (1) Loca- tion of ground water indicated by phreatophytes growing along the Rio Grande River east of Los Alamos; (2) delineation of areas of recharge by means of playas in the southern High Plains of Texas; (3) improvement of aquifer development and management by delineating urban sprawl and growth in the Chicago area; (4) improved delineation of landforms and geologic structures in Missouri, New York, and Pennsylvania; and (5) delineation of water—bearing faults and joints in Tennessee. LANDSAT data useful for surface‘water mapping The Remote Sensing Institute of South Dakota State University developed optical processing tech- niques for enhancing LANDSAT data as a source of surface-water information, including areal extent and the presence of suspended sediments, algae, and emergent vegetation (D. G. Moore, M. E. Wehde, and V. I. Myers (South Dakota State Univ.), 1974). Black-and-white prints of the several MSS bands were differentially exposed to depict contrasting tones in water and comparatively interpreted by using both multispectral and temporal approaches. Enlargements were registered to USGS topographic maps at scales as large as 1:62,500, and lakes as small as 2.4 ha were planimetered. For color com- posites of multispectral data from LANDSAT, bands GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 4, 5, and 6, instead of the customary combination of bands 4, 5, and 7, were used to produce maximum contrast within the water. MSS band 7 provides the greatest contrast for locating surface-water bound— aries but yields relatively little information on water characteristics. EASTERN REGION Flood mapping from space Morris Deutsch and F. H. Ruggles, Jr. (USGS) , to- gether with George Rabchevsky (Photo Science, Inc.) (Deutsch, Ruggles, and Rabchevsky, 1974; Deutsch and Ruggles, 1974), analyzed LANDSAT data covering the floods that occurred during 1973 on the Mississippi and Connecticut Rivers in the United States and the Indus River in Pakistan. They deter- mined that areas in flood can be quantitatively deter- mined by optical data—processing techniques. They also observed that the effects of flooding on the re- flectance characteristics of the surface make it possi- ble to delineate areas from which floodwaters have receded by using postflood data; this procedure eliminates the necessity for (1) continuous tracking with images of the flood crest and (2) reduction of the volume of data required. Interpretations of flood conditions as well as delineation of floodwater bound- aries were made from color composites of MSS near-infrared bands 6 and 7. A flood wave of July 1973 on the Connecticut River was projected onto a 1124,000-sca1e USGS topographic map by using an MSS band-7 image. The flood boundary was accurate- ly delineated, as determined by-field checks and com- parison with conventionally acquired data. For the Indus River flood, spectrally enhanced images were used not only to delineate flooded area but also to reveal areas of ponded water, leakage under a dam, canal breaks, regional hydrologic conditions, and flood-plain details. FOREIGN AREAS Remote sensing in Iceland During a long-term, binational, multidisciplinary remote-sensing research project conducted by the USGS and various Icelandic scientific organizations, LANDSAT imagery in particular, as well as NOAA imagery, color and color-infrared aerial photography, and aerial thermography (thermal infrared image- ry), was used to study various dynamic environ- mental phenomena of Iceland; primary emphasis was placed on Icelandic geothermal areas, volcanoes, glaciers, and rangeland areas (R. S. Williams, Jr., and others, 1973a, b). REMOTE SENSING AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES Of particular scientific importance was the study of the area encompassed by Icelandic glaciers and icecaps. Initial analysis of the available LANDSAT- 1 images has shown the importance of repetitive imagery for: 1. Recording relatively short term glaciological changes. According to measurements made on two LANDSAT—1 images taken 11 mo apart, an outlet glacier in the northeastern part of Vat'najokull surged 1.8 km. A combination of field observations and LANDSAT image analy- sis showed a total surge in excess of 3 km, which probably took place in a few months, perhaps in as little as a few weeks. Contorted moraines on another of Vatnajokull’s outlet glaciers, Skeidararjokull, on the southeastern coast, showed a movement of 600 m in 11 m0, even though the snout of the glacier remained in essentially the same position. Several glacier-margin lakes were observed to change in size during the year (1972—73), particularly Graenalén, which enlarged each time that it was imaged until its size dimin- ished markedly after a jokulhlaup partially emptied the lake in August 1973. Seasonal changes in the size of sediment plumes along the coast, where glacial rivers debouch their sediment-laden water into the ocean, were observed in a time-lapse manner (Williams and others, 1974). 2. Furnishing the data necessary to reViSe certain glaciological features on maps and to produce orthoimage maps of icecaps directly from LANDSAT images at map scales of 1:250,000. Sufficient LANDSAT images of Iceland from the late summer and early fall of 1973 now exist to planimetrically map accurately the 90 percent of Iceland that is covered by glacial ice. The best possible images (minimum snow cov- er, maximum exposure‘ of glacial ice) have been obtained of Vatnajokull, Langjékull, Hofsjokull, Myrdalsjokull, and Eyjafjallajo- kull, or five of the seven largest icecaps in Ice- land and five of the smaller (less than 50 kma) icecaps as well. On August 19, 1973, Hofsjokull had an area of 915 km2 on LANDSAT image-s. Its area has usually been cited as 996 kmz. On a 1945 Danish Geodetic Institute map (1 :500,000 scale), the area is 981 kmz; 1969 US. Army maps (1:250,000 scale) show an area of 943 km? (Williams and others, 1975). 3. Mapping subglacial volcanic and structural fea- tures. Within or at the margins of the icecaps 241 and outlet glaciers, a number of new glaciologi- cal, structural, and volcanic features can be mapped from LANDSAT—1 images, particular- ly at low solar illumination angles (<10°); these features include several probable sub- glacial central volcanoes, calderas, and tectonic lineaments. Some of the effects of j 6kulhlaups can be mapped, including subsidence cauldrons resulting from subglacial volcanic activity or intense geothermal activity (R. S. Williams, J r., and Sigurdur Thorarinsson, 1973; Thorar- insson and others, 1973; Williams and others, 1973c). LANDSAT imagery aids hydrogeologic mapping in North Yemen LANDSAT imagery was selected to support a study of the hydrogeology of North Yemen. Optical enhancements of the images reveal details of alluvial fans and coastal plain sediments that will signifi- cantly reduce the time needed for field observations and improve hydrogeologic mapping accuracy. Struc- tural controls on the movement of ground water were readily observe-d by M. J. Grolier and Morris Deutsch. Whereas sand dunes in the northeastern part of the country could not be delineated on unen- hanced LANDSAT images, the enhanced images re- vealed the dune distribution in detail and, in some areas, the distribution of subdunal bedrock. Applications of LANDSAT data to land-system mapping in Australia C. J. Robinove, working with coinvestigators in Queensland, Australia, studied the application of LANDSAT data to land-system mapping, a unique Australian approach to describing and mapping land capability, primarily for agricultural purposes. Digi— tal computer analysis of LANDSAT-image magnetic tapes is a promising tool for classifying and mapping land systems and may supplement to a great degree normal photointerpretation and field-mapping procedures. Ground-water exploration in Kenya Morris Deutsch (1975) assessed the potential of remote-sensing techniques for ground-water explora- tion along the Tana River in Kenya. Anomalous vege- tation distribution resulting from the presence of shallow ground water in an otherwise semiarid re- gion was readily observed on low-altitude color-in- frared images. Emitted radiation measurements taken from the low-flying aircraft with a precision radiation thermometer showed an inverse relation- 242 ship between infrared transmittance of vegetation and the radiometric temperatures. Application of LANDSAT data to mineral exploration in South America A followup experiment to evaluate ‘LAN‘DSAT multispectral imagery as a tool in exploring for mineral resources in the Andes Mountains of South America was conducted by W. D. Carter in coopera- tion with geologists from Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. Emphasis was placed on the use of sea- sonal data to determine how time-variant phenomena (sun angle, soil moisture, snow distribution, vegeta- tion) aid or hamper the recognition of areas where mineral resources are likely to occur. The association of prominent linear features with the distribution of known deposits and mapped fault zones was estab- lished by earlier work. CCT’s from the LANDSAT MSS system were analyzed on an interactive com- puter analysis system. Reflectance signatures .for known rock outcrop areas (the copper-bearing Totora Formation and freshwater limestone) have been ex- tended throughout a scene covering 34,225 kmz. Future work of this type will attempt to develop signatures for alteration zones associated with major porphyry copper deposits of northern Chile and to subdivide the salt deposits of major salars such as Uyuni and Coipasa in Bolivia. REMOTE-SENSING EXPERIMENTS BY OTHER BUREAUS The EROS program continued to support investi— gations conducted by other Bureaus to assess the utility of remote sensing in resource inventory. A summary of the progress of these experiments follows. Monitoring weather parameters for the High Plains Cooperative Program A. M. Kahan (Bureau of Reclamation) developed and tested an automatic system, using LANDSAT DCS capabilities, for the collection of precipitation and meteorological parameters from the Bureau’s High Plains Cooperative Program cloud-seeding site near Miles City, Mont. The design incorpbrates a network of digital precipitation gages, developed as a part of this program, operating within a 19-km radius of a LANDSAT DCP station. The design also includes a concept for data collection by aircraft from a network of gages operating over an area of several thousand square kilometres. These prototype GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 networks were installed near Miles City for the sum- mer operating season. Colorado River natural-resource and land-use data acquisition R. L. Hansen (Bureau of Reclamation) worked with the University of California at Berkeley to transfer the university’s computer software systems to the computer system at the Bureau’s Engineering and Research Center in Denver, Colo. Bureau per- sonnel were assisted in making the necessary modifi- cations to the software. Trained Bureau personnel will do complete analyses of LANDSAT images from CCT’s for agricultural inventory as it relates to use of irrigation water. Cooperative efforts with the uni- versity will continue through calendar year 1976 to fully develop the Bureau’s in-house capability for digital analysis of remotesensing data, not only for agricultural inventory but‘also for a variety of natur- al resources. This technology should lead to better development and management techniques for water resources in the arid West. Use of LANDSAT data in fishery management J. B. Reynolds (US. Fish and Wildlife Service) utilized LANDSAT imagery as a resource manage- ment tool for solving fishery management problems in Midwestern States. Methodologies for conducting inventories of small impoundments were developed through the use of LANDSAT imagery and ground- truth data provided by an interagency working for- um composed of investigators from eight States. Accurate inventories of small impoundments are re- quired for the allocation of fishery management efforts, extension activities, and distribution of hatchery fish. Comparative analyses were made of inventory in- formation previously gathered by the States and information derived from LANDSAT and aircraft imagery. Reynolds feels that computer analysis of LANDSAT images will provide more rapid inven- tories of key areas within the Midwestern States. LUMINESCENCE STUDIES The Fraunhofer line discriminator (FLD) is an electro-optical device that operates as a nonimaging radiometer and permits detection of solar-stimulated luminescence several orders of magnitude below the intensity detectable by the human eye. R. D. Watson and W. R. Hemphill reported that airborne tests of the FLD permitted measurement of significant dif- ferences in the luminescence of trees growing in soils containing geoohemically high concentrations of cop- REMOTE SENSING AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES per (near Denver, Colo.) and molybdenum (near Reno, Nev.) and that of trees growing in background areas nearby. In other airborne tests, the FLD dis- tinguished luminescing phosphate rock from gypsum and barren sandstone near Pine Mountain, Calif; dispersal of oil in a natural seep from uncontami- nated seawater in the Santa Barbara Channel in California; sewage effluents near Denver; and paper- mill and phosphate-processing efliuents in eastern and central Florida. Supporting measurements made by using a fluores- cence spectrometer demonstrated the technique of predicting in the laboratory the optimum FLD wave—‘ length required to detect the luminescence of a ma- I terial prior to mounting an airborne test. Lumines— cence spectra were measured for each material and corrected for wavelength variation in source and de- tector sensitivity, and the results were compared to the luminescence of a dilute standard solution of rhodamine WT dye. The luminescence of each ma- terial was then related to the FLD, which has a sensitivity of 0.25 ppb rhodamine WT dye in 1/2 m of water. The optimum Fraunhofer wavelength for detecting metal-stressed vegetation with an FLD was found to be 656.3 nm; for each of the other ma- terials, the wavelength was 486.1 nm. Results of theSe laboratory measurements are as follows: Luminescence expressed as rhodammc equivalent WT dye con- centra- Material tion (ppb) Oil seep _______________________________________ 4.0 Metal-stressed vegetation ________________________ 0.3—0.7 Phosphate rock ________________ ‘ _________________ 0.7 Phosphate-processing effluent _______-___-_'_ _______ 0.8—2.4 Paper-mill efl‘luent ______________________________ 0.30—1 . 6 APPLICATIONS TO GEOLOGIC STUDIES The radiobrightness of moist or frozen soil The radiobrightness of soil is profoundly affected by the amount and state of included liquid water because the relative permittivity and loss tangent of liquid water are far greater than those of truly dry rock or soil. If the included moisture is frozen, how- ever, the bulk dielectric properties approach those of the dry host material. A. W. England and G. R. Johnson reported that this characteristic can be used to remotely obtain the depth of a phase boundary (either frozen soil over moist soil or moist soil over frozen soil) from the spectral character of the radio- brightness. That is, the energy at appropriately short wavelengths originates Within the layer, 243 Whereas energy at relatively longer wavelengths originates within both the layer and the underlying half-space. The resulting variation with wavelength of the radiometric temperature is interpretable in terms of layer thickness. Theoretical models of the effect are consistent with observations at 21 cm. It is possible, therefore, to remotely sense a ther- mal anomaly that affects the thickness of seasonally frozen ground. It should also be possible to remotely observe the rate of melting of an active layer over permafrost and to infer moisture content. Mineral-resource studies using LANDSA'I' images A technique that combines digital computer proc- essing and color compositing was developed by L. C. Rowan and P. H. Wetlaufer (USGS), A. F. H. Goetz and F. C. Billingsley (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), and J. H. Stewart (USGS) (1974) for enhancing subtle spectral reflectivity differences among exposed rock and soil units. This technique has been used to detect and map hydrothermally altered areas and to distinguish among many rock types in a LANDSAT— 1 MSS image of a part of south-central Nevada. Field evaluation shows that altered areas appear as anom- alous color patterns on the color-ratio composite and that these areas agree very closely with those map- ped on the ground. Most of the distinctions realized through this approach cannot be obtained by using MSS color-infrared composite images or Skylab/ EREP color images. Landform analysis using LANDSAT—l MSS images and image mosaics of Nevada showed that linear features compiled without respect to length have approximately 25 percent coincidence with map- ped faults. However, the major lineaments (> 10 km in length) and the mapped faults have about 80 per— cent coincidence, and substantial extension of locally mapped faults is commonly indicated. Seven major lineament systems identified by Rowan and Wetlauf- er (1975) appear to be old zones of crustal weakness that have served as preferred conduits for rising magma through periodic reactivation. Reactivation of these zones approximately 30 my ago led to mi- gration of silicic volcanism from the central basin to a crudely circular feature 150 km in diameter, the central Nevada volcanic complex. The horizontal and vertical extents of this feature are substantiated by aeromagnetic, gravity, and seismic refraction data. Known metal mining districts are concentrated along five of these major lineament systems. However, the central Nevada volcanic complex occupies an area of low productivity, which is probably due to burial of 244 older deposits by a thick sequence of silicic volcanic rocks deposited between 30 and 19 m.y. ago. Lineaments in South Carolina and the Mississippi Embayment In a LANDSAT study by T. W. Offield of the At- lantic Coastal Plain of South Carolina, long, straight drainage lines were the dominant lineaments; these trend northwest, parallel to and commonly coinciding with alinements transverse to the general trend in the magnetic basement, and possibly mark the posi- tions of Triassic dikes. All but 2 of 22 crudely located historic epicenters in South Carolina lie along topo- graphic drainage lineaments, and most are near lineament intersections. Lineaments mapped by D. W. O’Leary and S. G. Simpson from LANDSAT images of the northern Mississippi Embayrnent generally showed groupings of several orthogonal sets, which varied somewhat in trends and intensity of development from one geo- morphic-tectonic province to another. The dominant lineament group trends N. 40°—50° E. throughout the region, regardless of local tectonic setting, only slightly skew from the location of microearthquake activity. A second major lineament trend, N. 40°— 50° W., approximates a subsidiary trend in the seis- mic data. Near-infrared reflectance anomalies of andesite and basalt High-reflectivity anomalies in the near infrared (1.0 to 2.6 pm) were observed by H. A. Pohn on scan— ner images obtained by the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan on flights over southern Cali- fornia and southwestern Nevada and, more recently, on all three Skylab missions. These anomalies almost always occur in andesites or more mafic rocks. Laboratory spectra obtained from the rocks collected in the anomalous areas show that some rocks ex- hibit the highest reflectivity from their natural sur- faces, whereas others show a distinctly higher re- flectivity from cut surfaces. In the last case, the material (as yet unknown) giving rise to the anoma- lous reflectivity seems to have been emplaced at the same time that the host rocks were deposited and to have been altered at the surface by weathering. If this occurrence is common enough and if its cause can be determined, the intensity of the anomaly might be used as a relative age-dating factor for volcanic materials. Principal lineament systems seen in orbital images reflect ancient major breaks in basement rocks Lineaments, fractures, and faults mapped by D. P. Elston at a 124,000 scale correlate with lineaments GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 and lineament systems mapped from orbital images. The major lineament systems mapped for central Arizona occur in sets of orthogonal pairs that closely correspond to the principal directions of fracturing and folding in Precambrian rocks of the Grand Can- yon of northern Arizona. The principal lineament systems trend northeast and north, can be traced across parts of the Colorado Plateau in rocks that are only a few million years old, and reflect throughgoing fracture systems [in the Precambrian basement. Paleomagnetic orientations of the principal fault and lineament systems (1,700, 1,100, and 850 m.y. ago) describe a general clockwise rotation through about 220° of arc. Senses of displacement on the fault sys- tems as they rotated through time to the present suggest that most compressive stresses originated from a westerly (Pacific) direction and that most normal faults stepped down to the east. Detection of geothermal areas from Skylab thermal data Skylab—4 S~192 X—5 thermal data from The Gey- sers, Calif, area were analyzed by H. A. Pohn to determine the feasibility of using midday Skylab images to detect geothermal areas. The hot-test ground areas indicated on the Skylab image corres- ponded to south-facing barren or sparsely vegetated slopes. Thermal well No. 4, a geothermal area ap- proximately 15X30‘m, coincided With one of the hot- test areas indicated by Skylab. However, this area could not be unambiguously distinguished from the . other areas, which are believed to be hotter than their surroundings as a result of topography and micrometeorological conditions. A simple modifica- tion of a thermal model (Watson, 1971) was made, and the predicted temperatures for the hottest slopes were in good agreement with the observed data. It is concluded that data from a single midday Skylab pass cannot be used to locate geothermal areas. Characterization of surface roughness in Death Valley, California The conclusions of the Death Valley radar study conducted by G. G. Schaber are summarized as follows: 1. Small-scale roughness of natural sedimentary surfaces can be distinguished and measured by means of long-wavelength SLAR image data obtained at high antenna depression angles. 2. The radii of curvature of surface irregularities responsible for an observed breakpoint between weak and strong diffused backscatter (within the Rayleigh region of scatter) are restricted to a size range of between 0.08 )t and 0.14 A. At REMOTE SENSING AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES the 25-cm wavelength, the range is between 2 and 3.5 cm. 3. The breakpoint on the Rayleigh region of the backseatter function can be predicted by using a model of Rayleigh backseattering from an array of spheres on a plane. A plot of the radar cross section, normalized to the resolution ele- ment area, shows that, at a radius of curvature of 0:01 A, an inflection occurs in the curve. The agreement of the theoretical model and the field observations suggests that even single- frequency SLAR systems, when properly cali- brated for return power, can be useful tools for geologic mapping. 4. Antenna depression angles restricted to between 45° and 90° appear to optimize the image data for surface backscatter evaluation by provid- ing more return power and by eliminating ex- tensive radar shadowing effects. APPLICATIONS TO HYDROLOGIC STUDIES Remote sensing used successfully in two hydrologic studies in Alabama J. G. Newton, in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Alabama, used photography, thermal imagery, and radar as supportive tools for a variety of water-resource investigations. There were two significant results. 1. Color-infrared photography was the primary tool used in locating one of the highest yielding wells in Alabama. The well, which taps lime- stone, is near Centreville, in an area where previous test drilling failed to locate satisfac- tory supplies. It has been pumped at a rate exceeding 63 l/s, with a drawdown in water level of less than 1 m. The well was located at the intersection of a lineament and a line of previously unmapped sinkholes. The lineament was formed on sands and clays of Cretaceous age that rest on limestone of Paleozoic age. It extends more than 8 km from an area near the limestone outcrop to an area in which large springs discharge. The lineament is formed largely by the afinement of surface drainage and accompanying variations in vegetation. It is parallel to the strike of Paleozoic strata and probably reflects faulting or post-Cretaceous solution of the underlying purer carbonate strata (W. M. Warren and C. C. Wielchowsky, 1973). 245 2. Color-infrared and black—and-white-infrared pho- tography were utilized in Shelby County to define linear trends formed by active sinkhole development. These trends defined areas most prone to sinkhole development and the location of one fault. The photography, used in con— junction with photography taken in 1960, also helped to determine the relationship between collapses in an area of large water withdrawals and construction. In one small area containing 33 recent collapses, 26 collapses (79 percent) were located where timber had been removed or were within 15 m of a highway, its drain, and a gas pipeline. Icing surveys along the TAPS corridor LANDSAT images, high- and low-altitude aerial photographs, thermal—infrared images from an air- borne scanner, and photographs taken with a hand- held camera from light aircraft were used by C. E. Sloan to map the location and extent of icings along the TAPS corridor. Large icings, also called “aufeis,” occur in wide braided channels of major streams along the route. Small-channel and hillside icings are common in geologic terrane that has the capacity for shallow ground-water storage. Both surface- and ground-water sources feed and sustain the growth of icings. Ground disturbance in permafrost terrane tends to aggravate the icing problems. Icings, where they overtop roads, may cause flooding and erosion and impair traffic flow. Determining lake depth on the Alaskan North Slope with SLAR SLAR images of the North Slope of Alaska be- tween Barrow and Harrison Bay, obtained by the USGS Mohawk remote-sensing aircraft in April and May 1974, were used to study the tundra lakes in that region. According to W. J. Campbell, the SLAR images indicate that the tundra lakes can be sep- arated into two classes based on the strength of the returns. Correlations between the areal patterns of the returns, limited ground observations of lake depths, and the information obtained from LAND- SAT images strongly suggest that freshwater lakes giving weak returns are completely frozen, whereas lakes giving strong returns are not. Brackish lakes also give weak returns even when they are not com- pletely frozen, presumably because the brine present in the lower portion of the ice cover limits the pene- tration of x-band radiation into the ice. The physical cause for the differences in radar backseatter has not been determined. The ability to separate tundra 246 lakes rapidly and easily into two classes by using SLAR images will be useful in many ways, including the determination of the annual dependable water- supply for a given lake. Effect of dual-wavelength excitation on Raman scattering intensities Recent use of the anti-Stokes lines to examine hy- drogen plasmas suggested the use of a dual-wave- length excitation to enhance Raman signal intensi- ties. Several calculations were made by M. C. Gold- berg and J. R. Riter, Jr., who used known Raman cross sections to investigate the limits of this effect against a water background. Particular attention was given to maintaining all variables at reasonable values and examining the lower limits of the number of scatterers in solution to determine detection sensi- tivities for solutes in dilute aqueous solutions. The dual-wavelength technique suffers from a large amount of water signal, and the calculations indicate that minimum detection levels are 1,000 mg/l for solutes similar to the nitrate ion. Remote-sensing techniques applied to hydrologic problems in Florida A. E. Coker and A. L. Higer (A. E. Coker, A. L. Higer, R. H. Rogers, N. J. Shah, Lawrence Reed; and Sylvia Walker, 1975) compared wave- lengths from Skylab and LANDSAT scanners to determine their adaptability to land—water classifica- tion. The longer wavelength bands on Skylab’s 8—192 scanner were found to enhance land-water features. A. L. Higer, A. E. Coker, and E. H. Cordes (1974) reported that the USGS acquisition network using LANDSAT data is a viable approach for obtaining the near-real-time data needed to solve hydrologic problems. Selected water-quantity and water-quality data obtained from ground stations are transmitted through LANDSAT to NASA receiving stations. This data relay has been reliable, and, by coupling ground information with LANDSAT images, a mod- eling technique is available for water-resource man- agement in southern Florida. Land use and vegetation in the Green Swamp, Florida Using Skylab MSS data, A. E. Coker categorized the land-water cover types of the Green Swamp area of central Florida. The categories are shown on a color-coded computer-generated thematic map of the swamp area. The'Green Swamp, the fountainhead of five rivers, is a broad, flat wetland comprising about 2,250 km2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 of the central highlands of the Florida Peninsula. The swamp was chosen as a Skylab/EREP test site; data were from the June 13, 1973, NASA/Skylab pass No. 10. A. E. Coker, A. L. Higer, R. H. Rogers, N. J. Shah, Lawrence Reed, and Sylvia Walker (1974) reported that automatic mapping with MSS data produced a nine-category land-water cover map. A map series report of land-water categories in the Green Swamp was prepared by Coker, B. F. McPherson, and Higer. The categories represent selected vegetation composites and land-use prac- tices and were derived by computer processing of Skylab MSS data as part of a NASA/EREP study of the area. A map that depicts wetlands and inter- 'mittently wet and well-drained uplands should be helpful for estimating drainage conditions for land- use planning in the Green Swamp area. Remote sensing used in Minnesota water-resource investigations To determine the usefulness of remote sensing in water-resource investigations in Minnesota, G. F. Lindholm and R. F. Norvitch evaluated Skylab, LANDSAT, and NASA high-altitude images and photographs in selected areas. Analyses include image-enhancement techniques made possible by using special equipment at the EROS Data Center near Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Results indicate that photo- graphs taken in the spring (May) are best for de lineating areas of surficial sand. Sand areas are best defined on LANDSAT color composites or Skylab color-infrared photographs. The repetitive coverage of LANDSAT demonstrates temporal changes in the areal extent of the Snake River during the peak- runoff period of 1973. The effects of changing ground-water levels on features visible on high—alti- tude photographs are not readily apparent on images made in 1973 when both spring and fall recharge were well below normal. Image enhancement for hydrologic studies Results of experiments conducted by G. K. Moore showed that composite viewing of LANDSAT images may enhance the determination of both the lithology and the geologic structure in the southeastern United States. In the first series of experiments, LANDSAT images made during different seasons of the year were reproduced on high-contrast film and combined on a color—additive viewer. A sharp boundary (mark- ing the edge of hydrologically significant thicknesses of sand and gravel) along the Cretaceous and Paleo- zoic contact in northwestern Alabama was defined by differences in tone, texture, and drainage patterns. None of . these factors is apparent on any single LANDSAT scene. REMOTE SENSING AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES In the second series of eXperiments, composite viewing (with a mirror stereoscope) of LANDSAT images made on different dates showed many more lineaments than could be seen on any single LAND- SAT scene. LANDSAT images used to improve estimates of streamflow characteristics LANDSAT images were used by E. F. Hollyday to discriminate the physiographic characteristics of drainage basins in an effort to improve equations used to estimate streamflow characteristic-s at un- gaged sites. Records of 20 gaged basins on the Delmarva Penin- sula of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia were analyzed for 43 statistical characteristics of stream- flow. Hollyday formulated multiple-regression equa- tions that related these characteristics to basin characteristics. Physiographic characteristics ob- tained only from maps and images were used in a control group of equations. Characteristics from images were forest land, riparian vegetation, water, and combined agricultural and urban land. These characteristics were separated photographically by using film-density-discrimination techniques. The area of each characteristic in each basin was meas- ured photometrically. Comparison of control-group equations with ex- perimental-group equations revealed that 15 out of 40 equations were improved (standard error of esti-' mate reduced by more than 10 percent). For ex- ample, the equation for the 5-yr-recurrence flood peak was improved by 32 percent; the mean month- ly streamflow equation for September was improved by 25 percent; the 7-d 2-yr—recu‘rrence low-flow equa- tion was improved by 20 percent; and the 3-d 2-yr- recurrence flood-volume equation was improved by 60 percent. It was concluded that using data from LANDSAT images can significantly improve the equations, and therefore the estimates, for some streamflow characteristics at ungaged sites on the Delmarva Peninsula. The potential exists for im- proving estimates in other physiographic regions. Snow measurements from LANDSAT images A snow-covered area was measured from LAND- SAT images by M. F. Meier (USGS) and W. E. Evans (Stanford Research Institute). Two mountain massifs and 16 drainage basins were measured on images made on many dates during two melt seasons. It was determined that snow cover can be monitored 247 by using LANDSAT images—assuming that clouds and a closed forest canopy do not interfere—and that some satisfactory results are possible when only single-band radiance slicing is used; however, more precise determinations require two-band ratioing or other more complicated pattern-recognition tech- niques. Areal values in drainage basins can be used to calculate the equivalent snowline altitude, which‘ has value for extrapolation to other nearby basins that may be cloud covered or appear only partially on images. Applications of remote-sensing techniques to the study of seasonal snow cover Results of studies by M. F. Meier" (1973, 1974) showed that the areal extent of snow can be meas- ured by means of manual, optical, electronic, or digi- tal techniques from data supplied by visible and‘near- visible light sensors carried on Earth-resource and meteorological satellites. These techniques cannot routinely detect snow under clouds or a forest cano- py. Active or passive microwave systems may permit such detection over large areas, but the physics of these possible techniques is not yet sufl‘iciently un- derstood. The wetness or the temperature of a snow surface can be measured by thermal-infrared radi- ometers; wetness throughout a snowpack can be measured by microwave radiometers. The electro- magnetic scattering properties of snow have not been defined. APPLICATIONS TO CARTOGRAPHIC STUDIES During fiscal year 1975, the Topographic Division was‘funded by NASA and the EROS program of the - Department of the Interior to investigate specific cartographic application-s of space imagery and high- altitude photography. The principal emphasis was placed on data from LANDSAT—1 and LANDSAT—- 2, with secondary emphasis on Skylab missions SL—2 through SL—4. LANDSAT investigations for cartographic appli- cation began with the first LANDSAT launch in 1972, were augmented by data from the second launch in early 1975, and resulted in recommenda- tions to NASA concerning specifications for LAND- SAT—C, scheduled for launch in 1977. Skylab was launched early in fiscal year 1974, and experiments continued with data from the S—190A, S—190B, and S—192 sensors. 248 Satellite-image maps Prototype image maps were prepared from LAND- SAT and Skylab images at scales ranging from 1:125,000 to 1 : 1,000,000 and in standard and experi- mental formats. Some maps were produced in several versions—monochromatic, sepia tone, and multicolor, with varying cartographic enhancement. The Florida satellite-image mosaic is the product of innovative procedures combining computational photogrammetry, image geometric control, photo- mechanical mosaicking, and color lithography. Flori- da presented a new set of cartographic problems, since it extends across seven LANDSAT orbits, two basically different vegetation patterns, and two UTM zones. The assembly of 17 images was controlled pho- togrammetrically by using 27 points scaled from 1:24,000-sca.le topographic maps as ground control. The mosaics were prepared by contact printing through precise exposure Windows onto high-resolu- tion stable-base film. The MSS band-5 mosaic was used to prepare both the magenta and yellow plates, and the MSS band-7 mosaic, the cyan plate. This two-band three-color printing process yielded an image that closely resembles the usual false-color (infrared color film) rendition. A fitted UTM grid (computed from ground control points) and the text were overprinted in black. The accuracy of well- defined points measured from the grid on the printed map is estimated at 200 m. All the individual image- format maps of Florida are being prepared as a by- product of the mosaic; four covering southern Flori— da at 1:500,000 scale are in press. Black-and—white 1:250,000-sca1e standard-format satellite-image m0- saics are being prepared from the Florida band-5 mosaic. The second version of the 1:500,000-scale satellite- image map of Arizona was published. In contrast to the first version, which was simply a black-and-white gridded image mosaic, this map is a sepia-tone image overprinted with blue water features and a black UTM grid, selected culture, and text. A similar sepia edition of the 1:250,000-sca1e Phoenix image map also shows red roadfill. Two black-and-white photomaps of the State of Connecticut are being prepared, one from S—190A panchromatic photographs formatted to the 1:250,000-scale Hartford topographic map and the other from S—19OB color and color-infrared photo- graphs formatted to the 1:125,000-scale Connecticut State base map. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 i Marking LANDSAT images with solar reflectors On October 1, 1974, in collaboration with W. E. Evans (Stanford Research Institute), the USGS suc- ceeded in marking a LANDSAT—1 MSS image with three mirrors positioned at the National Center in Reston, Va. The mirrors—one slightly convex and two plane—were oriented to reflect the Sun’s rays to the satellite and thus generated cones of light of 05° (the angular diameter of the Sun as seen from the Earth). The plane mirrors produced two bright spots on the image, and the convex mirror produced a less visible spot. The mirror flashes registered as high radiometric response levels—2 to 5 times those of adjacent pixels .(the smallest element recorded by the scanner)—on the digital tape readout. After the October experiment, various types of mirror support and methods of pointing were tested. On November 24, LANDSAT—1 was flashed with a plane mirror oriented by an autocollimation technique using a Wild T2 theodolite and computer-generated data. As before, the response in bands 4, 5, 6, and 7 reached the saturation level for the mirror-site pixel. This marking technique will have little carto- graphic application in the United States (with the possible exception of Alaska) because the country is relatively well mapped, and suitable LANDSAT- identifiable features can be described to an accuracy better than the sensor pixel (about 79x79 m or 1 acre). In poorly mapped areas lacking identifiable points, the technique does have cartographic poten- tial for marking such features as offshore oil rigs, small islands, or poorly defined points in Antarctica or the Amazon Basin. If points are geodetically lo- cated, they would then be located with respect to all other features imaged by LANDSAT in the same area, and thus the utility of the geodetic control would be extended. Digital processing of LANDSAT images Mead Technology Laboratories (Dayton, Ohio), under contract to USGS, is investigating the feasi- bility of enhancing the photographic quality of LANDSAT MSS images by digitally processing and combining successive images of the same Earth scene. CCT’s of MSS images from five passes over Phoenix and five passes over upper Chesapeake Bay are being digitally processed and correlated and con- verted to hard copy for comparison with the hard copy produced from a single MSS pass. If the quality of LANDSAT imagery can be improved by digital techniques, the scope of cartographic and other ap- plications could be expanded. ' REMOTE SENSING AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES Cartographic evaluation of LANDSAT From the mapping viewpoint, LANDSAT exceeded expectations. The results of LANDSAT—1 carto- graphic experiments, conducted by USGS and other foreign and domestic mapping and charting agen- cies, justified a resource satellite program that should continue for a decade. The comprehensive cartographic evaluation continued with the objective of defining requirements and specifications for an operational LANDSAT-type satellite based on world- wide cartographic needs. To date, the following applications of LANDSAT- type imagery are considered feasible: 1. Serving as an image base for photomapping at scales of 1:250,000 and smaller and in a variety of formats. 2. Aeronautical charting, both for revision of gross features on line charts and as an image base for selective thematic mapping. Mapping of shallow sea areas. Extending control from mapped areas into and across unmapped areas. 5. Identifying artificial points by marking images with a small mirror. Automated correlation to the figure of the Earth. 7. Revising gross features on line maps at scales of 1:250,000 and smaller. 8. Thematic mapping of water, infrared-reflective vegetation, snow and ice, collective works of man in some areas, and spatial changes in these themes. 9. Precise delineations of waterlines at various stages. Future evaluations will be based on the develop- ment of a variety of LANDSAT cartographic prod- ucts and applications of various scales, waveband treatments, formats, and processing techniques. Product utility and potential economic value will be determined through sales analysis and specific re- sponse from those applying“ LANDSAT imagery cartographically. P99 9’ Specifications for LANDSAT—c General requirements and specifications for LANDSAT—C were recommended by the EROS pro- gram on behalf of the Department of the Interior. The recommendations, which were based on input from most of the Department’s concerned user agen- cies, Canadian and Australian mapping agencies, and the World Bank, were evaluated and combined by the EROS Cartography Coordinator. Further study was suggested on such options as the wavelength of band 249 4, variable gain settings, and range of the thermal channel. APPLICATIONS TO GEOGRAPHIC STUDIES Phoenix and southern Arizona land-use mapping project The final report on the NASA—Sponsored test of the utility of LANDSAT film imagery in updating a land-use map of the Phoenix, Ariz., 1:250,000-scale quadrangle, which had been previously compiled from high-altitude aerial photographs, was com- pleted and accepted by NASA (Place, 1974). This investigation showed that the satellite color-compos- ite transparencies could aid in the interpretation of land use and complement the high-altitude aerial photography in monitoring seasonal changes of vegetation and water bodies. Central Atlantic Regional Ecological Test Site (CARETS) project The CARETS project, jointly sponsored by NASA and the USGS, continued to analyze the usefulness of remote sensors as sources of land-use and land-cover data for input to a regional environmental informa— tion system. This system is based on the flow of land-use and related environmental data through several stages, from acquisition by remote-sensing techniques to users, and involves user evaluations and feedback. The basic assumption of the CARETS project is that there is a measurable environmental impact associated with land use and land-use change as determined with remote-sensor data, and, there- fore, such data sets can be used to provide regional planners and other users with an understanding of the environmental changes occurring in their areas. The CARETS research involves three interrelated subtasks: 1. Land-use analysis: An analysis of the accuracy of the CARETS land-use maps was completed for a l-percent sample of the test-site area. Maps using level II of the USGS land-use—land-cover classification, produced at three scales (1:24,000, 1:100,000, and 1:250,000) from high—altitude aircraft photographs, were com- pared with one another and with other data ob- tained by field surveys. The same procedures were employed to determine the accuracy of the level I land-use maps produced at a 1:250,000 scale from high-altitude aircraft photographs and LANDSAT images. By simple comparison of point data samples from maps with field-survey data, the accuracy of the 250 level II maps was determined to be 84.6 per- cent at a 1:24,000 scale, 76.8 percent at 1: 100,000 scale, and 73.0 percent at a 1 :250,000 scale. Part of the difference in accuracy is at- tributed to increasing generalization of data when they are mapped at smaller scales. How- ever, accuracy computations differ for different major land-use categories, and a 'simple per- centage calculation of the correspondence be- tween sample points and field data is not con- sidered tobe a fully adequate statement of accuracy for land-use maps. The accuracy of the level I 1:250,000-scale maps was 76.6 per- cent from aircraft photographs and 71.8 per- cent from LANDSAT images. 2. Environmental impact assessment: A series of related investigations to evaluate and assess the impact of land-use patterns and changes on the environment continued. H. P. Guy and E. J. Pluhowski experimented with using level I and II land-use data derived from LANDSAT and aerial photography sources to evaluate the ef— fectiveness of CARETS land-use data in im- proving estimates of streamflow characteristics in selected Maryland drainage basins. Of 40 streamflow characteristics tested, 7 showed more than 10 percent improvement (reduction of the standard error) in prediction equations, and 2 showed more than 10 percent impair- ment in the predictions. Improvements were posSible because of the information on the amounts of urban, forest, and agricultural land in the drainage basins. J. E. Lewis, S. I. Outcalt, and R. W. Pease investigated the usefulness of aerial and satel- lite thermal imagery combined with land-use data in simulating the urban climate. The most recent research along these lines was an experi- ment using thermal data from the Skylab satellite as an input to an urban climate model.‘ A regional environmental study was con- ducted for Virginia Beach, Va. It was deter- mined that environmental problems such as barrier-beach stabilization, beach replenish- ment, and sewage disposal resulted from deci- sions based on faulty knowledge of the coastal and wetland ecosystems that are vital to the city. Further environmentally related research in- volved the use of remote sensing to identify the causes of manmade ground-water pollution. Results indicate that certain remote-sensing ‘ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 data sets are useful in identifying land-use types that have ground-water pollution poten- tial associated with them. 3. User evaluation: The user interaction and evalua- tion phase of the CARETS project was set up to obtain the assistance of local, regional, State, and Federal agency users of land-resource in- formation in designing an experimental re- gional information system. The evaluation re- vealed that many user agencies at all levels of government require data more detailed than those provided by the CARETS project. Few agencies found the generalized LANDSAT level I land-use—land-cover maps useful. Although the level II data were considered valuable by several users, most found them to be of sec- ondary utility to their needs. The products considered most useful were the high-altitude color-infrared photographs and the USGS orthophotoquads. The digitization of CARETS land-use—land- cover data by the Canadian Geographic Infor- mation System progressed in several stages. The 1:250,000-scale level I land-use—land-cover maps prepared from LANDSAT images were digitized, and computer-printed land-use area summaries, by county, were completed for the entire CARETS area. A separately funded research effort, con- tained within the CARETS framework, was an evaluation of the Skylab S—190B Earth terrain camera. A 1:24,000-scale land-use map of Fair- fax, Va., was produced from Skylab photo- graphic data and compared with a 1:24,000- scale field-corrected land-use map prepared from high-altitude aircraft photographs. Both maps utilized level III land-use categories. By means of a point sampling technique, the rela- tive accuracy of the Skylab map was deter- mined to be approximately 83 percent. Comparative urban studies Another aspect of geographic applications research and analysis dealt with comparative land-use studies of a selected sample of U.S. urban areas using data received from remote sensors aboard high-altitude aircraft and satellites. Land-use maps and statistical summaries were prepared by manual photographic interpretation and area analysis techniques for Bos- ton, Mass.; New Haven, Conn.; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz.; and Pontiac, Mich. REMOTE SENSING AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES Products for all these demonstration areas (except Boston and New Haven) included maps of land-use changes for the period 1970—72, tabulations of land areas and changes by land-use category, and census tracts. Summaries by urban area for 1979—72 were prepared for most of the test sites. Researchers ap- plied observable land—use boundary segments equiva- lent to the intent of the US. Bureau of the Census urbanized-areas definition so that urban-area changes in the intercensual period could be mon- itored by remote—sensing techniques. Land-use data acquired from Skylab images made over some of these demonstration areas were com— pared with data from aerial photographs and ground surveys. Results of this comparison show that uses of satellite imagery and (or) conventional sources of data depend upon the aim and needs of the user. Extensive briefings and discussion were held with user groups to acquaint them with the applications and limitations of the various experimental products. Under a contract with the Association of American Geographers, the USGS completed two tasks insup- portive research in 1975. One of these was an analy- sis of Washington, DC, land-use data derived from airborne remote sensors in order to construct and test an urban spatial model and to relate land-use changes during 197 0—72 to an urban growth model. The second task—the preparation of a guide to assist users of remote-sensing data with land-use 251 mapping and inventory—resulted in the completion of a publication (Wiedel and Kleckner, 1974) that is essentially a description of analytical tasks and a1- ternatives primarily in the use of airborne remote- sensing data. The publication illustrates options in the uses of these data and cites examples from vari- ous Geography Program research projects. Meanwhile, research continued in learning about and applying ways to generate land-cover informa- tion and to monitor land-use changes by direct com- puter-aided interpretation of multitemporal and multispectral data acquired from LANDSAT. One applications thrust was to gather and analyze land- cover information for comparative urban regional studies, compare the data with information acquired by conventional means, and assess general applica- tions benefits and costs. Another thrust sought to demonstrate specifically the feasibility of using computer-processed satellite data to complement inputs required for the USGS Land-Use Data and Analysis (LUDA) program, which is primarily dependent on manual compilation from higher resolution sourCe materials. Results are incomplete but are showing the capabilities and lim- itations of the different approaches. This research, therefore, suggests ways not only to exploit the com- plementary features for the LUDA program but also to identify other applications of monitoring data acquired in digital form from satellite platforms. LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT RESOURCE AND LAND INVESTIGATIONS PROGRAM The RALI program established the following short-term tasks to be implemented in fiscal year 1975: 1. Identify and assess the utility to the State and local planning community of selected data and information products (such as maps), systems (such as geographic data systems), and sources. This activity concentrated initially on programs of the USGS and subsequently on those of other Department of the Interior Bu— reaus and Ofl‘ices. Its purpose is to develop the ability to knowledgeably advise State and local planners on the availability, sources, extent of coverage, uses, and limitations of data. 2. Develop and disseminate information products, including a series of directories of data hold- ings and special information products of the Department of the Interior. 3. Identify technical expertise in the Department that is required by the regional, State, and local planning community and develop pro- cedures to make appropriate personnel avail- able for consultation. 4. Continue to support and coordinate the prepara- tion of methodological guidebooks that will im- prove the state of the art in resource manage- ment methods and techniques and further the proper application of existing methods and techniques in areas of interest to the Department. COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS TASK FORCE The National Symposium on Resource and Land Information initiated a 1-yr study of State land-use programs and policies by the Task Force on Natural Resource and Land Use Information and Technology. The symposium brought together approximately 200 persons representing the executive and legislative branches of State government, Federal agencies, in- terest groups, and other organizations. 252 The task force was sponsored by the Council of State Governments under a grant from the RALI program and in cooperation with the Office of Land Use and Water Planning of the Department of the Interior. A series of background papers on land-use policy and program analysis was published in late 1974 and 1975 (Task Force on Natural Resources and Land Use Information and Technology, 1974a—e, 1975a—c). The task force report describes the difficulties in- volved in land planning and management in terms that permit better evaluation by political institu— tions. The task force examined State experience and evaluated the options available to States in establish- ing or strengthening land-management programs. It also reevaluated the Federal role in land manage- ment and provided a State perspective for future Federal legislation. PRODUCT EVALUATION PROJECT The purpose of this project was to design and demonstrate a process of feedback between selected State land and natural-resource data users and the RALI program. Specifically, the aim was to have the Council of State Governments, as an intermediary third party, canvass State data users to determine (1) how much use they can make of selected feder- ally prepared data products, (2) what use they are currently making of natural-resource data, and (3) the best means for continuing a product evaluation feedback mechanism that would facilitate communi- cation between State users and Federal data producers. Samples of natural-resource data products con- sidered by their producers to be new and innovative were obtained from various Federal agencies; these were largely map products. Criteria devised to evalu- ate each product were presented as questions to users in seven States. The States were chosen largely on the basis of the States’ involvement in the particular pro-gram areas. The user responses to the particular products re- viewed in this project and other results of discus- LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT sions with State program officials indicate, in some areas, a significant consensus as to what is needed by State data users. For example, among the most fre- quently used or required items are USGS 71/2-min topographic quadrangles, USDA Soil Conservation Service detailed soil surveys, high-resolution aerial photography, information on the location and quan- tity of surface water and ground water, and recent land-use—land-cover data. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WITH APPLICATION TO WESTERN COAL DEVELOPMENT RALI has recognized the need for making a com- prehensive analysis of the potential impacts associ- ated with the development of Western coal resources and in particular for making the information avail- able in useful form to the planning community. Dur- ing fiscal year 1975, RALI’s efforts to meet these requirements have taken the form of two investiga— tions, each of which has resulted in published reports. The purpose of the first study was to describe the type of commercial activities that might be expected in the development of Western coal reserves. Coal mining is the primary activity and is likely to be accompanied by the development of means to trans- port coal from mining areas to centers of consump- tion. Slurry pipelines and unit trains are examined for the transportation of coal over significant dis- tances. Alternatives considered to transporting coal out of the region include the local conversion of coal to synthetic fuels or electric power, the production of substitute natural gas by coal gasification, and the generation of power at the mine location. De- scriptions of these alternatives are given by Anthony Bisselle and others (1975) . The second investigation was directed toward the development of a systematic way to forecast “higher order” impacts, as distinct from direct or “primary” air, water, and land effects. Higher order impacts are long-term consequences on the physical, social, and economic conditions in a region, caused by repercus- sions along the web formed by the network of cause and effect events. To determine the present state of the art and to aid development of analytical methodology, an anno- tated bibliography of techniques was prepared and published by G. Bennington and others (1974). The methodology developed in this research en- tails combining a series of primary environmental impacts expected as a result of future activities with a matrix of environmental impact relationships. Each 253 term in this matrix relates a change in one cause in one year to a change in effect the following year. Thus, the forecasts for each of a set of environment- al activities are produced that consider both direct and higher order impacts. This research is described by Benjamin Schlesing- er and Douglas Daetz (1975) . LAND-USE DATA AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM AND OTHER GEOGRAPHIC STUDIES The Land-Use Data and Analysis (LUDA) pro- gram was initiated late in 1974 to provide a sys- tematic and comprehensive collection and analysis of land-use and land—cover data on a nationwide basis. The initial nationwide collection of those data will be completed within a 5-yr period. Periodc revision of these data is planned. LUDA maps are being compiled at a scale of ap- proximately 1:125,000. For each land-use—land—cover map produced, overlays are also compiled showing Federal land ownership, hydrologic units, counties, and census county subdivisions. State land owner- ship is shown when such information is made avail- able by the appropriate State agency. These overlays are keyed to the standard topographic map series at 1:250,000 scale. By June 1975, 1,100,000 km2 of land- use—land-cover data were compiled, and 128 quad- rangles were in production. The compilation of these map sets is being accomplished through regional mapping centers of the Topographic Division with specifications, quality control, and accuracy checks to insure standardization and with consultation on program development provided by the Geography Program. A series of tests was conducted by the Geography Program to determine the most effective means of assessing the accuracy of maps prepared under the LUDA program. A combination of two methods proved to be the most efl‘icient means. Low-altitude aerial photography and ground-traverse data are used to identify problem areas observed by inter- preters as well as to provide a systematic check on general interpretations throughout the map area. Land—use—land—cover data are compiled at a scale of 1:125,000 and then reduced and keyed to the com- bined black and blue color-separation plates of the standard 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The mini- mum mapping unit for urban and built-up uses, water areas, confined feeding operations, other agricultural land, and strip mines, quarries, and gravel pits is 4 ha. All other categories are delineated with a mini- 254 mum unit of 16 ha. Federal land holdings are shown for tracts of 16 ha or larger. Land-use and land-cover data are digitized in a polygon format. Conversion of land-use polygonsto land-use grid cells of varying sizes can be made when desired. There are three stages of release of maps and data: 1. Maps are available on open file in USGS libraries and may be reproduced upon request, at a nomi- nal cost, on ozalid paper, ozalifoil, semistable ozalid, cronar, or cronaflex materials. The standard land-use—land-cover maps and accom- panying overlays showing counties, hydrologic units, Federal land ownership, and census coun- ty subdivisions are available at a scale of 1:250,000. These products can also be obtained upon request at scales within a reasonable range of the compilation scale of approximately 1:125,000. For example, under a cooperative agreement with the State of Florida, land-use- land~cover maps were supplied at a scale of 1 : 126,720 to match the scale of county highway maps in common use in that State. 2. Computer-generated maps and statistical data are made available upon request about 6 mo after lahd-use—land-cover maps and accompany- ing overlays have been made available as indi- cated above. Magnetic tapes are also available for sale as well as documented software needed for the use of the computer-generated data. Of course, computer-generated maps can be sup— plied at any scale compatible with the original compilation scale of approximately 1:125,000. It would be inappropriate, however, to use land- use—land-cover data compiled at 1:125,000 for preparing maps at scales such as 1:24,000, 1 : 50,000, or 1 : 1,000,000. 3. Lithographed maps are to be published in color. Because of the dynamics of land use, the emphasis in the preparation and distribution of all products will be on supplying information to the users in the shortest possible time. Applied research in data and information requirements, inventory methods, and data use, as well as interpretative studies, are also being carried out under the LUDA program in order to supply to State and Federal planners, resource managers, and other users a basis for the most effi- cient and effective use of these land-use—land-oover data. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 LUDA map and data uses in Louisiana Louisiana was among the first States to be com- pletely mapped under the nationwide LUDA mapping program. Louisiana ofl‘icials promptly used these data, along with satellite images of the State, to determine how many hectares of various types of land were inundated by spring floods during 1975. A computerized analysis completed within 2 weeks of peak flooding and 4 d after the last satellite pic- ture was taken showed that 440,000 ha of Louisiana were flooded at the highest stages on the Mississippi, Red, Ouachita, Black, and Atchafalaya Rivers. By comparing the LUDA land-use maps with flood- time L'ANDSAT images, State officials determined that floodwaters covered approximately 3,200 ha of urban and other highly developed regions, 120,000 ha of farmlands, 43,600 ha of upland forests, 279,200 ha of wetland forests, and 1,120 ha of sand and silt deposits. Aided by the LUDA computerized data and a computer program specialist from the Geography Program, the Louisiana Office of State Planning staff broke down these totals for each parish (county) that had been flooded. This effort marked the first time that land-use and land-cover maps and data were used to give a State Governor prompt, detailed information on how many hectares of each land-use type, by county or other area, had been affected by flooding. Selected experimental LUDA demonstration proiects In the State of Georgia, a land-use map of the Atlantic metropolitan region was prepared at a scale of 1:100,000 for use by the State Geologist’s Oflice. The land-use map overlays the regional topographic map at the same scale. The LUDA land-use—land- cover information is used in conjunction with exist- ing data such as those on mineral resources, soils, seismicity, nuclear-reactor-site location, and ground water ,already available to the State Geologist’s Ofl‘ice. Land-use maps at 1:24,000 were also produced for selected portions of the 1: 100,000 map of the Atlanta area. For planning and demonstration purposes, a complete county and the entire Peachtree Creek drainage area were mapped at this larger scale. The Atlanta Regional Commission used these ' LUDA data for planning activities within the eight- county region. The standard LUDA data were aug- mented by information on urban parkland and insti- tutional areas and a further breakdown of hydro- logic units compiled by the commission. LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Environmental impact uses of LUDA data A land-use—land-cover map was prepared for the region being studied by the Interagency Task Force on Development of Phosphate Resources in South- eastern Idaho. This 1:100,000-scale map enabled the task force to relate environmental impact problems to population distribution and other patterns of human and natural resources. Large-scale land-use maps were compiled for the Soda Springs area as an aid in assessing the effect of increasing population pressures on urban development and community services. These maps will be included in the .final environmental impact statement released by. the task force. Land-use—Iand-cover classification system The land-use—land-cover classification system pro- posed by the USGS after many meetings and consul- tations with representatives of Federal and State agencies is resource oriented. In developing such a land-use—land— system, several basic as- sumptions, needs and requirements were recognized: 1. Recognition of existing, frequently used cate- gories of land use and land cover. Sophisticated but unfamiliar terminology was carefully avoided, although a more refined or detailed ap- proach to the classification of land use and land cover might be more acceptable to those seeking to institute a classification system that relies more on logic than on practicality. 2. Flexibility in using the proposed approach to standardization at the more generalized levels of classification. 3. Application of an available and rapidly expanding array of remote-sensor technology. 4. Recognition of the need for a means of quantify— ing the use and character of land-use—land- cover data on a consistent repetitive basis. 5. The assignment of a single use or cover designa- tion to a given area so that a multiplicity of uses could be handled by using the overlay method rather than by using combinations of use and cover categories. The revision of USGS Circular 671 (J. R. Ander- son, E. E. Hardy, J. T. Roach, and R. E. Witmer, in press) will have “land cover” added to its title to indicate more clearly the intermixing of land-use and land-cover terminology in the classification system. To some, this intermixture is undesirable. However, a careful evaluation of alternatives led to the con- clusion that unfamiliar or infrequently used terms would be introduced if strict adherence to one ter- 255 minology or the other was observed. This approach to land—use—land-cover mapping permits the aggre— gation of level II categories into level I categories. Even more important, it allows level III land-use— land-cover categories to be added as desired by users. Such categories would represent further subdivision of the level II land-use—land-cover categories al- ready compiled. For example, under a cooperative agreement with the State of Florida, land-use and land-cover data are being compiled at level II. At the request of the Florida State Department of Planning, an overlay of selected level III categories-is being prepared. Some of the level III categories being overlaid and fitted to the level II categorization are (1) citrus groves separated from other groves, nurseries, and so forth, (2) mangrove swamps and cypress bogs separated out of the level II “forested wetland” category, and (3) mudflats separated out of nonforested wetland. Cooperative land-use data proiects A cooperative agreement between the Ozarks Re- gional Commission and the USGS to provide land- use—land-cover maps and data for portions of the Ozarks'region was completed in 1974. During 1975, amendments 1, 2, and 3 were completed. Work com- pleted under the agreement was used as a basis for the development of the LUDA program. Amendment 1 extended land-use mapping and data coverage to all areas of the State of Arkansas that had not been previously covered. A complete land- use—land-cover data base for Arkansas is now avail- able in graphic format and with computer—assisted analysis capability for land-use studies within the State. The data base contains land-use information delineated in compliance with level II land-use—land- cover categories, political boundaries, public land ownership, and drainage areas. The Arkansas High— way Dep-artment used these data for highway corri- dor planning. Amendment 2 provided for compilation of addiz tional data for those counties bordering the Arkan- sas River from its junction with the Mississippi River to Tulsa, Okla. These data consist of overlays keyed to the standard 1:250,000-scale maps and show the 100-yr-old flood-plain outline, mineral deposits, utility lines, surface transportation, fish and wildlife areas, and historic sites. The Arkansas River Development Corporation used these data in combination with a previous study to determine land-use changes within a selected area along the Arkansas River. Amendment 3 provided for the digitizing of land- use—land-cover data covering a four-county area in 256 central Arkansas. Data from a soils-capability map were combined with the flood-plain, mineral-deposit, and fish and wildlife data from the Arkansas River project to provide nine levels of resource information to be used in statistical data development for Faulk- ner, Perry, Pulaski, and Saline Counties. A final report, prepared jointly by the Ozarks Re- gional Commission and the USGS Geography Pro~ gram, describing the research and experimental work involved in the land-use—land-cover mapping and data project was published and distributed by the Ozarks Regional Commission at Little Rock, Ark. (Loelkes and McCullough, 1975) . Land-use maps and statistical data for Louisiana were completed to fulfill a cooperative agreement be- tween the State of Louisiana and the USGS. These data include land use, land ownership (Federal and State), river basins, State and county boundaries, and census tract enumeration districts and were mapped at a scale of 1:250,000. These data were also digitized and already have been used for delineating flooded areas during the spring of 1975. The land- use—land-cover maps and data were supplied to the Louisiana Office of State Planning at Baton Rouge to complete the terms of this cooperative agreement. Similar land-use maps were prepared at a scale of 1:50,000 for Lycoming County and the six counties in the Pittsburgh, Pa., area (Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties). Geographic information system development The Geography Program carried out research and development work on a geographic information sys- tem to provide the capability for computer-aided storage, editing, manipulation, and retrieval of a geographic data base for the LUDA program and other land-use—land-cover research projects of the USGS. The system includes: (1) Digitization of maps of land-use—land-cover and other environmental data, (2) editing and updating of the geographic data base, and (3) manipulation and retrieval of those data in order to perform area measurements, map-composit- ing analysis, and statistical and other computer- aided operations. Routine digitizing, editing, and correction of land- use and land-cover overlays for all of the State of Louisiana and part of the State of Florida were com— pleted in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory and by using the Geography Pro- gram’s Graphic Input Procedure (GIP). A prelimi- nary version of documentation for the GIP was com~ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 plete-d and supplied to planning groups in Louisiana and Florida for use in their own computer facilities. Digitization of LUDA products with a laser scan- ner began under a contract with the I/O Metrics Corporation. The procurement and implementation of the Ad- vanced Interactive Digitization (DIGIT) system and the CART/8 computer-aided map-compilation sys- tem were completed in January 1975. These systems are being utilized as an alternative procedure for the operational digitizing, editing, and correction of land- use and land-cover maps prepared for the LUDA program and other Geography Program research projects. A grant made to the IGU’s Commission on Geo- graphical Data Sensing and Processing for advice and guidance on problems relating to the develop- ment of a geographic information system in the USGS was completed. The draft of the final report included an examination of selected geographic in- formation systems in the United States and Canada and a description and analysis of five spatial-data encoding techniques. An additional grant to the IGU commission, con- cluded in June 1975, for the review and analysis of the LUDA/USGS data base development provided for (1) determining the status of data base-structure development in the USGS, (2) evaluating the ap- plicability of existing software for computer-aided spatial-data manipulation, data management, data analysis, and computer-aided mapping and graphics, and (3) analyzing CART/8 and the Information for Management After Graphic Evaluation (IMAGE) capabilities for use in the USGS Geography Program. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDIES The Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) pro- gram was officially established within the Land In- formation Analysis office on April 10, 1975. The EIA program provides direction, coordination, and exper- tise in the preparation of environmental impact statements (EIS) for which the USGS is the lead or joint agency and provides technical information and expertise in support of the preparation of EIS’ to which the USGS is only a contributor. The EIA pro- gram provides technical analysis, review, and com- ment on EIS’ prepared by other agencies and stimu- lates, promotes, and conducts environmental research related to the work and anticipated needs of the program. LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS Some environmental research studies are involved with analyzing the areas of environmental concern and the problems of collecting, integrating, and pre- senting environmental data. These analyses provide the basis for guidebooks designed to assist the EIA program, and other organizations with similar re- sponsibilities, in the preparation and review of EIS’ and for suggesting topical investigations and re- search needed to formulate and implement policies for the USGS and the Department of the Interior. During fiscal year 1975, the EIA program reviewed approximately 2,100 EIS’ prepared by other agencies. On the basis of a sampling of 1,400 EIS’, the subject matter of these reviews breaks down approximately as follows: Subject of £15 Percentage Road construction __________________________ 29 Hydrologic projects ________________________ 26 Airport construction _______________________ 10 Building construction ______________________ 8 National forest management ________________ 7 Nuclear power __________________ __ 4 Wilderness proposals _____________ _ I; 3 2 4 National park management _________________ Sewage-treatment facilities _________________ Utility-line installation _____________________ Others ____________________________________ Total _______________________________ W Energy-related EIS’ account for 13 percent of the reviews received but require 20 percent of the total review time. EIS’ that are primarily concerned with mineral resources account for 4 percent of both the number of reviews received and the time required for their processing. Because construction projects make use of crushed rock, sand, and gravel, these natural resources are of secondary concern in ap- proximately 75 percent of the EIS’ reviewed. On the basis of an analysis of these 1,400 EIS’ with geologic implications, 4 percent are considered outstanding in that they present enough pertinent, detailed geologic information to permit the reader to make an independent evaluation of the impact of a proposed action. Treatment of geologic elements is more or less adequate in 56 percent of the statements 257 and clearly inadequate in 20 percent, which fail to describe geologic conditions adequately enough to support even a crude assessment of environmental impact. Geology is ignored in 20 percent of the EIS’ reviewed. This analysis indicates a need for a greater awareness of the significance of geology in planning not only for the extraction of minerals or mineral fuels but also for the emplacement of the many types of engineering structures that produce major altera- tions of the adjacent physical, economic, and cultural environments. The EIA program is instigating needed guidance in the form of technical assistance, training sessions, and guidebooks for both govern- mental organizations preparing EIS’ and private or- ganizations assembling data required for an environ- mental impact analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT RESEARCH Other environmental research studies are con- cerned with delineating the thresholds at which EIS’ are required, determining which aspects of the en- vironment are important or critical to environmental impacts, and evaluating techniques for analyzing the potential impacts as well as monitoring the actual impacts of various actions reported in EIS’ and assessing them, especially in terms of land-use decisionmaking. W. J. Schneider, task force leader for the South- eastern Idaho Phosphate Resources EIS, reported that land-use maps of that area are being prepared at compilation scales of 1:125,000 and 1:24,000 to provide visual support for the EIS being prepared for that area. Prestripping and current land-use patterns are being delineated to provide a basis for assessing the impact of stripping on land use. Continuing strip- mining activity will be monitored by remote sensing supported by ground checking, as required. Ancillary research such as trace-element analysis of slag, soil, water, and air contamination associated with mining or ore processing is currently supported by the Federal Interagency Task Force on South- eastern Idaho Phosphate Resources. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES With the development of new concepts and tech- niques in the Earth sciences, the growth of scientific capability in developing countries, and changes in the US foreign assistance program, the emphasis of the USGS’s continuing program of cooperation with other countries changed from largely technical as- sistance to cooperative research and scientific ex- change. In the past, a large part of the work was done under the auspices of the AID (Department of State) and its predecessor agencies, whereas an in- creasing number of projects are now sponsored by, and funded by, the cooperating country or through international organizations. AID continues to spon- sor some selected projects of the USGS. The USGS international program can be broken ; down into four major categories: (1) Technical assistance to strengthen Earth-resource institutions and programs in developing countries; (2) scientific and technical cooperation on subjects of mutual con- cern; (3) participation in international commissions and programs; and (4) response to natural disaster. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND COOPERATION The year 1974 was a period of significant develop- ment and change in the USGS’s international pro- gram. Three long-continued projects (Brazil, Co- lombia, and Indonesia) were substantially completed; extension-s into 1975 were made only on a limited ‘ basis to permit completion of reports and previously scheduled activities. In Brazil, USGS scientists were given short-term assignments during the first part of 1975 for demonstration and training in hydrologic and geologic subjects, and Brazilian participants con- tinued to visit the United States for supplementary instruction, 'as requested by the Government of Brazil. In past years, the program included: (1) Ex- ploration and appraisal of a wide variety of minerals, including uranium and the well-known iron deposits of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero; (2) hydrologic in- vestigations; (3) education projects in Earth sci- ences and techniques; (4) remote sensing; (5) geo- 258 chemistry; (6) geophysics; and (7) advisory serv- ices designed to strengthen the Brazilian Earth- science institutions. In Colombia, assistance to the National Institute for Geology and Minerals was ter- minated during the first part of 1975. The Colombian program, which ran from 1963 to 1975, consisted largely of assistance in mineral exploration and geo- logic mapping, training in Earth sciences, and insti- tutional development. The 5-yr Indonesian project was terminated by P. W. Richards and R. W. Schaff in early 1975. The project accomplished its stated ob- jective of assisting the Geological Survey of Indo- nesia in improving its systematic geologic mapping capabilities and its capacity to identify, map, and evaluate mineral and other geologic resources. During 1974, new cooperative programs were initi- ated in Bolivia and Yemen. The USGS and the Bolivi- an Ministry of Mines and Metallurgy signed a Memorandum of Understanding covering a 5-yr peri- od; under the terms of this agreement, the USGS will provide reimbursable technical assistance to ap- propriate Bolivian agencies to help strengthen, en- large, and intensify their mineral exploration and development activities. The first projects under this Memorandum of Understanding involve assistance in initiating a mineral exploration fund and estab- lishing a computerized data bank for mines and mineral deposits. Under an agreement with Yemen sponsored by AID, the USGS began a 3-yr investigation of ground- water and mineral possibilities in the northern part ~ of the country using conventional geologic techniques and LAN DSAT—l satellite data. Objectives are to provide information useful for the development of water and mineral resources and to lay the ground- work for further study by the Yemeni Government, as well as to train Yemeni scientists and technicians so that they can continue this work in the future. In response to a request by the Algerian Ministry of Hydraulics, the USGS entered into discussions concerning a program to provide technical assistance to the Ministry in training Algerian personnel in the techniques of remote sensing and to develop a facility for processing remote-sensing data. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES The long-range Saudi Arabian project, scheduled to end in 1975, was extended to 1978, and the USGS program in Thailand continued under the direction of J. 0. Morgan. The USGS was also involved in a cooperative program with Mexico, discussed below. Personnel of the USGS participated in a number of Earth-science activities of the Central Treaty Or- ganization (CENTO) during 1974. T. P. Thayer and N. J Page took part in field studies of ophiolites and the mineral deposits associated with them in Turkey and Pakistan. R. P. Sharp served as the US. partici- pant at a meeting of the Working Group on Recent Tectonics held in Quetta, Pakistan. J. B. Cathcart, D. F. Davidson, R. A. Gulbrandsen, and J. W. Mytton led field excursions in the northwestern and south— western phosphate fields of the United States; 10 scientists from CENTO regional countries and the United Kingdom also participated. Also, E. H. Bailey again participated in the summer field-training course in applied mining geology for students from the CENTO countries. These courses have been given since 1966, and, thus far, 119 geologists and mining engineers have received training. The second and third International Training Courses on Remote Sensing were held from May 30 to June 28 and September 19 to October 12, 1974, respectively, at the EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, S. Dak. The courses were part of a cooperative program developed by AID and the USGS to provide training .for scientists and engineers of developing countries. The purpose of the courses was to train participants in (1) the practical applications of LANDSAT satellite imagery and (2) the types of aerial remote-sensing data that might be readily available to them. At the earlier course in the spring, 34 scientists from 21 nations attended, and, in the fall, 20 sci- entists were present from‘ll nations. S. J. Gawarecki, J. 0. Morgan, and C. J. Robinove participated as consultants in remote sensing at the Seminar on the Application of Remote-Sensing Tech- nology to Natural Resources Development held in Bangkok, Thailand. The 1.-week seminar was spon- sored by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, a United Nations organization. Eighty-three participants from 20 countries and 5 specialized agencies and intergovernmental bodies attended. Following the seminar, Gawarecki and Morgan participated as instructors in the 3-week Mekong Coordinating Committee Training Course and Work- shop on Application of ERTS Data to the Develop- ment of the Mekong River Basin. The course was 259 attended by eight trainees, two each from Thailand, the Khmer Republic, Laos, and Vietnam. After the seminar, Robinove went to Australia, where he pre— sented five 2—d courses and one 1-d course in remote sensing, with emphasis on LANDSAT data, in Sid- ney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, and Brisbane. The lecture circuit was sponsored by the Australian Government. The USGS and various other US. Federal agen- cies are participating in joint technical cooperation agreements that have been or are being Executed between the United States and several Middle East- ern countries. In Saudi Arabia, the USGS is present- ly helping to plan specific water-resource develop- ment projects and a national water-resource assess- ment. Discussions have been held concerning coopera- tion with Iran and Egypt. ~ Under a Memorandum of Understanding between the United States and the United Nations, the USGS provides consultation and advisory services in sup- port of the Coordinating Committee for Joint Pros- pecting of Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP), a nine—nation committee supported by the UN. Development Program. These services include the assignment of a marine geology consultant, Frank Wang of the CCOP secretariat stafi in Bang- kok, to assist in planning, conducting, and coordinat- ing regional projects sponsored by CCOP. These in- clude a major program of research on the tectonic development of the continental margin of Southeast Asia in which the CCOP countries are participating in cooperation with the Intragovernmental Oceano- graphic Commission and the US. NSF. The USGS also provides consultation to CCOP in analyzing satellite imagery to support this research. USGS participation in cooperative scientific ,in- vestigations with other countries under the Depart- ment of Interior’s Special Foreign Currency Program (SFCP) continued during the year. Ongoing projects in Yugoslavia include investigations of techniques for mapping permeability in karst areas, seismic in- vestigations of deep crustal structure, problems of earthquake reconstruction, and investigations of rare metals associated with alkalic plutons. In Poland, projects in 1974 included studies in mining hydrolo- gy and investigations of base-metal deposits in car- bonate rocks. Two new SFCP projects were proposed for Poland: studies of the geochemistry of coal and of the comparative geology of coal basins. Three have been proposed for India: applications of remote sens- ing and geophysical techniques to the search for ground water and to the search for ore deposits and studies of the seismicity of the Himilayan front. 260 In support of the US. Antarctic Research Pro- gram (USARP) sponsored by the NSF, the USGS is publishing various map series and cartographic products. Four maps in the 1:250,000—scale series, Mount Berlin, Grant Island, Cape Burks, and Hull Glacier of the Hobbs Coast-Marie Byrd Land area, were compiled and are scheduled for printing. A re- vised index, Topographic Maps, Antarctica, which shows all maps published in Antarctica by the USGS, is also scheduled for printing. Seventeen maps in the 1:250,000-sca1e series are in various phases of com- pilation. Work on these maps, which cover an area along the Marie Byrd Land Coast between the Jones Mountains and the Hobbs Coast, will continue during fiscal year 1976. Under joint NSF-NASA funding, cartographic ex- periments with LANDSAT—1 imagery included re- vision of the 1:1,000,000—scale Ross Ice Shelf plan- ning map along the shelf’s front and updating of the 1:1,000,000-sca1e McMurdo Sound region map. Both maps are in final stages of compilation. The McMurdo Sound region map will be the first map of Antarctica that conforms to International Map of the World specifications. A single LANDSAT scene of the Ross Island, McMurdo Sound, and southern Victoria Land-Dry Valley areas was enlarged to scales of 1:250,000 and 1:500,000. Control was identifiedbn the com- pilation image, and a fitted grid was printed on the final products, which await publication. This experi- mental product was developed to determine what uses and demands could be made of similar single- scene products within the polar scientific and logis- tic community. In further support of investigations GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 maps and (or) mosaics of 14 coastal areas are be- ing prepared at a 1:1,000,000 scale. A companion sketch map will also be available for those areas where LANDSAT images indicate significant coastal changes. The 14 LANDSAT image mosaics will be paneled into a LANDSAT image mosaic of the continent. The resulting product, at a 125,000- 000 or 1:10,000,000 scale, will provide the first sin- gle photoimage mosaic of Antarctica. Copies of all maps and cartographic products are made available to polar scientists associated with the USARP and to scientists of the 11 member na- tions represented on the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). To date, 77 1:250,000- scale topographic maps covering about 820,000 km2 have been published by USGS and distributed to SCAR. As part of the USGS technical assistance and co- operation programs abroad, 150 Earth scientists and engineers from 38 countries pursued academic or intern experience in the United States during fiscal year 1975. Types of assistance to, or exchange of scientific experience with, each country during the fiscal year, are summarized in table 3. Under USGS guidance, 1,542 participants from 95 coun- tries had completed research, observation, aca- demic, or intertraining programs in the United States as of June 197 5. Since the beginning of the technical assistance work in 1940, more than 2,214 technical and admin- istrative documents authored by USGS personnel have been issued. During calendar year 1974, 98 administrative and (or) technical documents were prepared, and 94 reports or maps were published on cartographic experiments, LANDSAT image or released in open files. (See table 4.) TABLE 3.——Techm'cal assistance to other countries provided by the USGS during fiscal year 1975 USGS personnel assigned to other countries Scientists from other countries trained in United States Geochemical exploration: granites. Country Number Type naggigfl Number Field of training Latin America Argentina ________ 2 Geologist _________________ D ________ _ _ 3 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ _ _ 1 Structural engineer ________ __ Bolivia ___________ 2 Geologist _________________ __ 1 Hydrologist _____ ._ _________ __ 1 Structural engineer ________ -_ Brazil ____________ ' 1 Chemist __________________ 12 Minerals exploration. 1 Geochemist _______________________ 1 Economic, structural, and regional geology. 15 Geologist _________________ A C, D ___ 1 Hydrology, water-quality studies. 1 Geophysicist ______________________ 2 Remote sensing. ' _ 6 Hydrologist _______________ A, D ____ 2 Geologic evaluation of mineral deposxts. 2 Computers: mineral resources. 1 Airborne magnetometer techniques. 6 Hydrology. ‘ 1 Sedimentology. 1 1 Evaporite deposits: exploration methods and interpretation. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES 261 TABLE 3.——Techm'cal assistance to other countries provided by the USGS during fiscal year 1975—Continued USGS personnel assigned to other countries Scientists from other countries trained in United States Country Number Type a’ldis’igitgfl Number Field of training Latin America—Continued Brazil—Continued 1 Analytical chemistry and atomicabsorp- tion techniques. 1 Geochemistry. 1 Geochemistry; mineralogy and petrology. 3 Minerals drilling. 1 Analytical techniques. Chile _____________ 1 Geologist _________________ A ________ _ _ 1 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ __ 1 Structural engineer _________ D ________ __ Colombia _________ 1 Chemist __________________ A ________ 2 Seismic research observatories. 11 Geologist _________________ A, D ______ __ 1 Samples expert ___________ A ________ __ 1 Structural engineer ________ D ________ __ Costa Rica ________ 2 Geologist _________________ D ________ __ 1 Geophysicist ______________ D ________ _ _ Ecuador .......... 1 Structural engineer ________ D ________ 1 Remote sensing. 1 Hydrology. Guatemala ________ 1 Geologist _________________ D ________ _ _ Honduras _________ 1 Geologist _________________ D ________ __ Mexico ___________ 1 Geologist _________________ D ________ _ - 2 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ _ _ Nicaragua ________ 1 Geologist _________________ D ________ 2 Earthquake hazard reduction. 2 Geophysicist ______________ A ________ 1 Remote sensing. Panama __________ 1 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ _ _ Paraguay _________ 1 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ __ Peru _____________ 5 Geologist _________________ C. D ______ -_ 5 Geophysicist ______________ C, D ______ __ 1 Research civil engineer ____ D ________ __ 1 Structural engineer ________ D ________ __ Trinidad-Tobago ___ 1 Structural engineer ________ D ________ 1 Hydrology. Venezuela ________ 1 Geologist _________________ D ________ __ 1 Structural engineer ________ D ________ __ Africa Algeria ___________ 1 Civil engineer _____________ D ________ __ 2 Geologist _________________ D ________ __ 1 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ __ 1 Administrative officer ___________________ __ Egypt ____________ 2 Geologist _________________ D ________ __ Ghana _____________________________________________________________ 1 Remote sensing. Ivory Coast _______ 2 Geologist _________________ A ________ __ Kenya ____________ 2 Hydrologist _______________ B, C ______ 6 Do. 1 Hydrology. Lesotho ____________________________________________________________ 1 Remote sensing. Nigeria ____________________________________________________________ 1 Do. Somalia __________ 1 Research forester __________ D ________ __ Near East-South Asia Afghanistan _______________________________________________________ 1 Remote sensing. 2 Hydrology. Bangladesh ________________________________________________________ 1 Remote sensing. India ______________________________________________________________ 1 o. 5 Hydrology. 1 Exploration geology. 1 Ground-water development. 1 Hydrogeology. 2 Borehole geophysics in hydrogeologfic investigations. 2 Water-quality studies. 1 Atomic minerals exploration. Iran _____________ 4 Geologist _________________ C, D _____ 4 Seismic research observatories. ‘ 4 Remote sensing. Israel _____________________________________________________________ 1 Operation of magnetic observation. Jordan ___________ 1 Geologist _________________ C, D _____ __ Nepal ____________ 2 Hydrologist _______________ A, B, C __- 3 Ground-water investigation and hydrology. 1 Remote sensing. 1 Hydrology. 1 Ground-waterinvestigation—water chemistry. Oman ____________ 1 Geologist _________________ D ________ 262 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 TABLE 3,—Technical assistance to other countries provided by the USGS during fiscal year 1975—Continued USGS personnel assigned to other countries Scientists from other countries trained in United States Country Number Type “{{gfitgfl Number Field of training Near East-South Asia—Continued Pakistan __________ 1 Agricultural specialist _____ D ________ 1 Atomic absorption spectrometry. 3 Geologist _________________ D ________ 2 Remote sensing. 1 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ _ _ 1 Physical scientist _________ D ________ _- 1_ Topographic engineer ______ D ________ __ Saudi Arabia _____ 4 Administrative officer ___________________ 1 Computer applications. 1 Cartographer _____________ A, B _____ 2 Computer electronics. 1 Cartographic technician ___- A, __ 2 Chemist __________________ B __ 2 Computer specialist ________ B __ 3 Editor ____________________ A, _ 6 Electronic specialist _______ A, B, C ___ __ 2 General service oflicer ___________________ _- 20 Geologist _________________ A, B, C, D- __ 2 Geophysicist ______________ A, B, --- _- 3 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ _- 1 Photographer _____________ A ________ __ 1 Topographic engineer ______ A ________ __ . Turkey ___________ 1 Geologist _________________ D ________ 7 Remote sensing. 1 Cartography. 1 Cartography—shaded relief. 1 Analytical methods for geochemical exploration. 1 Seismology. 1 Sedimentology of carbonates. Yemen ___________ 2 Hydrologist _______________ A, B, C ___ __ 2 Geologist _________________ D ________ -_ Far East Burma ____________________________________________________________ 1 Field geology and geological mapping. 1 Geochemistry. China _____________________________________________________________ 2 Remote sensing. 2 Seismology. Indonesia _________ 1 Cartographer ______________ A, B, C __ 5 Remote sensing. 8 Geologist _________________ A, B, C, D- 1 Publication of geologic maps. 1 Publications specialist _____ D ________ 1 Geological mapping. Japan ____________ 2 Geologist _________________ A, B, C ___ 1 Sediment discharge and slope failure. 1 Remote sensing. Khmer Republic ___ 1 Geologist _________________ A, B, C ___ __ Korea ____________ 3 Geologist _________________ A, B, C, D- 2 Remote sensing and interpretation. Malaysia _________ 1 Geologist _________________ A, B, C ___ __ New Zealand _______________________________________________________ 1 Seismic research observatories. Philippines _______ 3 Geologist _________________ A, B, C __ 1 Remote sensing. 3 Hydrology. Singapore ________ 2 Geologist _________________ A, B, C __ __ South Vietnam ___- 2 Geologist _________________ A, B, C __ 1 Remote sensing. Taiwan ___________ 1 Geologist _________________ A, B, C __ __ Thailand ___________ 7 Geologist _________________ A, B, C __ 3 Do. Western Samoa __- 1 Geologist _________________ A ________ __ Other Australia _________ 1 Geologist _________________ A ________ 1 Remote sensing. 2 Seismology. 1 Research on geology of ore deposits; geochemical exploration. Austria ___________ 1 Economist ________________ D _________ __ 3 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ _- 1 Physicist _________________ D ________ __ France ___________ 1 Geologist _________________ D _________ 1 Paleointensity determinations. 2 Geophysicist ______________ A, D ______ 1 Photogeology—astrogeology. 3 Hydrologist _______________ A, D ______ __ Germany _________ 1 Hydrologist _______________ A ________ 1 Remote sensing. Iceland _____________________________________________________________ 1 Radioactive logging. Italy _____________ 2 Hydrologist _______________ A ________ 2 Remote sensing. Netherlands ________________________________________________________ 1 Geochemistry. Norway ___________________________________________________________ 1 Remote sensing. Poland ___________ 1 Hydrologist _______________ A ________ - _ Romania __________________________________________________________ 1 Mathematical modeling in hydrology. Spain ______~ ______________________________________________________ 1 Remote sensing. , 1 Water management. 1 Hydrology. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES 263 TABLE 3.—Techm'cal assistance to other countries provided by the USGS during fiscal year 1975—Continued USGS personnel assigned to other countries Scientists from other countries trained in United States Type of Country Number Type activity 1 Number Field of training Other—C ontinued Sweden ___________ 1 Hydrologist ________________ A ________ _ _ Switzerland _______ 1 Hydrologist _______________________ _ _ United Kingdom ___ 2 Geologist.-____________;_-- A B, C __- __ 1 Geophysicist ______________________ _ _ 1 Mining engineer __________ D ________ _ _ 1 Physicist _________________ A ________ _ _ USSR ____________ 1 Hydrologist _______________ D ________ _ Yugoslavia _______ 2 Geophysicist ______________ D ________ 1 Remote sensing. ‘A, broad program of assistance in developing or strengthening Earth- science institutions and cadres; B, broad program of geologic mapping and appraisal of rresources; C, special studies of geologic or hydrologic phenomena or resources; D, short-range advisory help on geologic or hydrologic prob lems and resources. TABLE 4.——Techm'cal and administrative documents issued in calendar year 1974 as a result of USGS technical and scien- tific cooperative programs Reports or maps prepared Ap- proved Proj- for Pub- ect publica- lished Pub- Country or admin- tion by in lished region istra- USGS tech- by tive or nioal USGS report: counter- journals part agencies Afghanistan _______ _ _ 1 1 1 Africa _____________ 2 5 _ _ 4 Algeria ____________ 1 _ _ _. _ _ _ Bangladesh ________ _ _ 1 _ _ 1 Brazil _____________ 1 13 _ _ 10 Central America _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ Chile ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 Colombia __________ 2 2 1 1 Costa Rica _________ 2 1 _ _ - _ Ethiopia ___________ _ _ 1 _ _ 1 Indonesia __________ 6 3 1 2 Jordan ____________ __ 2 _- 2 Liberia ____________ 1 11 3 32 Libya _____________ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ Nicaragua _________ __ 2 __ __ Nigeria ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Pakistan __________ _ - 1 _ _ 3 Peru ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Saudi Arabia ______ 6 1 7 16 5 Spain _____________ 1 - _ _ _ - _ Thailand ___________ 5 2 1 _ _ Turkey ____________ _ _ 1 _ _ 2 General ___________ 5 1 _ _ 2 Total ________ 32 66 23 71 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS AND PROGRAMS On behalf of the American Association of Petro- leum Geologists, the CCOP, and the Pacific Science Association, the USGS is coordinating a multina- tional effort to compile geologic, tectonic, and re- source maps of the Pacific region. This effort is called the Circum-Pacific Map Project. All countries in the Pacific region are collaborating, and par- ticipation has been organized in five panels—one panel for each of the four quadrants of the Pacific re- gion and one for the Pacific-Antarctic region. J. A. Reinemund is serving as general chairman of the project. The project plans to compile geologic, tec- tonic, mineral, energy, and base maps of each of the four Pacific quadrants and of thePacific-Ant- arctic region at a 1: 10 million scale and tectonic and base maps of the entire Pacific area at a 1 :20 million scale. The base maps are expected to be ready for publication this year, and the other maps in the suc- ceeding 3 yr. The project is also attempting to de- velop computerized data banks.of the information used in compiling the maps; this bank can be used in future revisions and updating of the maps and will be accessible to all participating countries. A number of USGS scientists have been involved in the International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP), which is a joint activity of the IUGS and UNESCO. Reinemund is a member of the Board of the IGCP, and P. W. Guild is a member of one of the IGCP scientific committees. USGS scientists are co- ordinators for two approved IGCP Projects: P..C. Bateman for the project on circum-Pac-ific plutonism and A. L. Clark for the project on standards for computer applications in resource studies. In addi- tion, E. H. Bailey, M. C. Blake, and R. G. Coleman participate in the project on ophiolites, R. B. Neu- man in the project on the Caledonian orogen, and G. M. Richmond in the project on Quaternary glaciation. In line with the USGS’s primary responsibilities for the U.S. Federal geothermal exploration pro- gram, R. O. Fournier headed the U.S. Organizing Committee for the Second U.N. Symposium on De- velopment and Use of Geothermal Resources held in San Francisco in May 1975. The symposium, spon- sored jointly by the United Nations, the Department of the Interior, the State of California, and other public and private agencies, was the first such gath- ering to be held in the United States and was part 264 of an effort to foster international cooperation in developing new and alternative sources of energy. Approximately 1,000 attending geoscientists, includ- ing about 90 from the USGS, represented about 50 countries. Of the 130 papers delivered by representa- tives from 17 nations, about half were concerned with finding and evaluating sources of geothermal energy, and half dealt with uses of this resource and economic and legal problems. An abstract volume of 358 selected abstracts was published and available at the meeting. The International Energy Agency, which was formed as a result of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s Energy Conference of 1973, held its first meeting in 1974; C. D. Masters was the USGS repre- sentative. This organization, based in London, acts as a clearing house for data on coal resources and re- serves gathered from 16 member nations. The data are sent to the USGS for inclusion in the World Resource Data System. Knowing the coal resources and reserves available will help the United States and other member countries to make realistic plans for coal utilization and to make current economic assessments of new sources of energy and of the im- pact of new technology on coal production. G. H. Wood, Jr., is the U.S. representative for the Interior Department and the USGS. D. M. Kinney, vice president for North America for the Commission of the Geologic Map of the World, and P. W. Guild, president of the Subcom— mission for the Metallogenic Map of the World, at- tended the Commission’s plenary session held in Paris in April 1974. Kinney reported on the progress of small-scale geologic mapping in North America in 1972—74. D. F. Davidson, delegate, and A. L. Clark, observer, represented the USGS at the COGEO- DATA (Committee on Storage, Automatic Process- ing, and Retrieval of Geologic Data) Biennial Meet- ing held in conjunction with the Map Commission meeting. COGEODATA is concerned with applying computer-based techniques to advance the science of geology. Among the many other international commissions, conferences, and programs in which USGS scientists participated were the First Circum-Pacific Confer- ence on Energy and Mineral Resources held in Hono- lulu, Hawaii, at which seven USGS members pre- sented papers; the International Ophiolite Confer- ence in Medellin, Colombia, attended by J. E. Case, R. G. Coleman, and M. R. Brock; and the Second Pan-Arab Mineral Conference in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, attended by T. H. Kiilsgaard, J. A. Reine- mund, and E. W. Tooker. Reinemund also was a GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 member of the delegation to the UN. Natural Re- sources Committee meeting in Tokyo, Japan, and J. E. Case represented the USGS in a workshop sponsored by the Intragovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the NSF, which was held in Hon- duras in June to plan a program of research for the Caribbean region under the International Decade of Ocean Exploration. D. F. Davidson was the U.S. delegate to the Minerals Advisory Committee of CENTO at the annual meeting held in Teheran, Iran, in December 1974 and to the CCOP meeting in Seoul, Korea, in August. On behalf of UNESCO, R. K. McGuire served as consultant in preparing for a survey of the seismicity of the Andean region (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad, Tobago, and Venezuela). S. T. Algermissen and D. M. Perkins initiated a project for a seismic risk map of southern Europe under an agreement with UNESCO as a part of the UNESCO Balkan Seismologic Project. J. P. Albers, as U.S. delegate, attended the UN. Law of the Sea Conference, which was held in Caracas, Venezuela, for 10 weeks in June through August 1974; V. E. McKelvey attended the third session of the conference in Geneva, Switzer- land, early in 1975. RESPONSE TO NATURAL DISASTERS The USGS has been designated by the Department of State as the lead agency in coordinating the U.S. response to natural disasters. As part of this effort, AID provided funds for the USGS to assist in estab~ lishing a Nicaraguan Center for Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Managua. The center will study seis- micity and geologic hazards and determine basic requirements for regional zoning and construction design. During 1974, USGS personnel on part-time assignments advised on the installation of necessary equipment and trained three Nicaraguans. On behalf of AID, C. J. Robinove completed a study of the potential uses of satellite imagery for warning and assessment of disasters throughout the world. Floods, fire, glacial movement, and drought are the disasters most amenable to satellite sensing. Appli- cations to other disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are promising. MINERALS ATI'ACHE PROGRAM An expanded minerals attaché and reporting pro- gram, proposed jointly by the USGS and the Bureau of Mines, was approved and is being established by the Department of State. Attachés will be stationed INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES initially in Johannesburg, South Africa; Rio de . Janeiro, Brazil; New Delhi, India; Kinshasa, Zaire; La Paz, Peru; and Canberra, Australia. Orientation courses to acquaint these attaches with the opera— tions and information needs of the USGS and the Bureau of Mines have been developed; the first course will be given early in 1976. Minerals attachés will have greater responsibilities than they did in the past, since there is a serious need for accurate information not only on worldwide production of minerals in short supply in the United States but also on the availability of foreign supplies of these minerals for meeting world requirements in the future. SUMMARY BY COUNTRIES ARGENTINA J. M. Botbol and R. W. Bowen completed a 6-week assignment with the United Nations to evaluate the initial design stages of a data bank project. Their study analyzed the mineral-resource data bank, its relation to other projects, its design, and its poten- tial for growth. BOLIVIA In a recently completed study of cadmium—rich de- posits of the Berenguela district near the common corner of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, C. M. Tschanz reported that the rare cadmium sulfide, hawleyite, and sphalerite and wurtzite containing as much as 18 percent cadmium were found in concentrically banded schalenblende nodules from lead-zinc-cadmi- um-copper-silver veins collected by T. H. Kiilsgaard in the early 1960’s. Several systems of cadmium-rich veins and cad- mium-bearing thermal spring deposits are within an area of about 50 kmz. The veins average 2 to 6 per- cent Cd but locally contain as much as 13 to 15 per- cent. The district is within a north-south belt just east of an active volcanic chain that contains several other widely scattered cadmium-rich basemetal deposits. The highest cadmium content and the lowest zinc- cadmium ratios (1.1 to 1.5) are in concentrically banded nodules that contain a few thin layers of orange hawleyite and many layers of sphalerite, wurtzite, galena, and other minerals. The hawleyite, i earlier identified by M. E. Mrose (written commun., 1969), was the third reported occurrence of this mineral. The extremely high cadmium content of g 265 some sphalerite and wurtzite, which was identified from X—ray powder-diffraction films of hand-picked grains by Tschanz, was first suspected by B. F. Leon- ard because of the expanded cell dimensions and later proved by G. A. Desborough’s microprobe analyses. In one nodule containing hawleyite layers, Des- borough found ranges of from 0.14 to 18.0 percent Cd and 56.9 to 65.9 percent Zn in 26 zinc sulfide lay- ers with very low contents of iron and manganese. Ten of these layers contained 11.5 to 18.0 percent Cd, in comparison with a maximum of about 4.7 percent in layers of sphalerite and wurtzite previ- ously reported in the literature. Only six zinc sulfide layers contained less than 1.8 percent Cd. Two or three zinc sulfide layers analyzed in‘ two other nodules had cadmium contents of 0.32 to 2.6 and 4.6 to 9.8 percent. The higher values were in a nodule that did not contain layers of hawleyite. Greenockite, the only cadmium mineral reported in the literature on the district, was not found and probably was re- ported as the result of erroneous identification of mixtures of hawleyite, wurtzite, and sphalerite. BRAZIL The program of technical cooperation with Brazil was focused in 1974 on training participants in the United States, on technical training and consultation by USGS personnel on short assignments in Brazil, and on consultation visits to the United States by senior Brazilian officials. A total of 37 Brazilian geologists, hydrologists, and technicians received formal training at univer- sities in the United States and in laboratories and field programs of the USGS. Specific advisory assist- ance and technical training included field and lecture courses in (1) field geology, (2) sedimentary, igne- ous, and metamorphic petrology, (3) structural ge- ology, (4) weathering processes, (5) field geochemis- try, (6) photogeology and remote sensing, and (7) magnetic surveying. A total of 24 USGS specialists on short-term assignments in Brazil provided the training and advisory assistance. In October 1974, agreement was reached between AID, the USGS, and the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy on an extension, through 1975, of the loan program, which was to have expired in 1974. Studies of regional aeromagnetic data from Minas Gerais made by W. F. Hanna and A. H. Chidester as part of a training course in Rio de Janeiro indicated that highly distinctive anomalies are associated with various types of igneous rocks having limited ex- 266 posures. Broad areas of short-wavelength anomalies corresponding to diverse magnetization inclinations correlate with extensive basaltic flows, presumably possessing strong remanent magnetization. Narrow northwest-trending linear anomalies that extend continuously for over 150 km are associated with nearly vertical diabase-dikes outlining zones of crust- al weakness. Of great economic interest are high- amplitude equidimensional negative anomalies, each flanked by smaller positive anomalies to the north and to the south, which are caused by the induced magnetization of alkalic igneous rock intrusions and their weathering products, rich in Nb, Ta, Sn, Tl, U, and rare-earth elements. The aeromagnetic data pro- vide an almost indispensable tool for regional geo- logic mapping. During 1974, six USGS short-term advisors as- sisted Brazilian agencies with measuring stream discharge by indirect methods, using satellite data for river-basin management, analyzing hydrologic data, collecting and evaluating water-quality data, and applying mathematical modeling to hydrology. C0 LOM BIA The cooperative program between the USGS and its Colombian counterpart, the Instituto Nacion-al de Investigaciones Geologica-Mineras (INGEOMINAS), neared completion in 1974. AID agreed to an exten— sion of the loan through 1975, but activity after April 1975 was to be limited to training and consulta- tion‘ by USGS personnel on short-term assignments in Colombia and to academic training of Colombian participants in universities and USGS facilities in . the United States. Under the program in 1974, purchase and installa- tion of equipment in analytical and laboratory facili- ties brought these facilities to a high level of compe- tence. Academic training in the United States was provided to Colombian participants. On-the—j ob train- ing and instruction in geologic mapping and mineral- resource evaluation provided valuable experience to a cadre of Colombian geologists in the Popayan dis- trict; associated investigations disclosed potential mineral resources. USGS consultants provided tech- nological assistance in the development of identified potential mineral deposits. Under the direction of D. L. Rossman, 10 Colombi- an geologists almost completed geologic mapping and geochemical~ sampling of an area of nearly 15,000 km? in the vicinity of Popayan. An ancient gold placer was rediscovered, and several areas of anoma- lously high Cu, Au, Sb, Zn, and Hg were noted. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Several of these areas having potential economic value will be investigated further. M. R. Brock and J. H. McCarthy, Jr., sampled a bed of limestone adjacent to a lead-silver vein in the Ubala area. Spectrographic analysis of the samples indicates a content of 2 percent Pb and 93 g Ag per tonne. A program of shallow drilling in this area and prospecting in the vicinity of numerous similar oc- currences in the region was planned by INGEO- MINAS to evaluate the possible Mississippi Valley- type base-metal deposits. . Geochemical investigations were carried out by J. G. 'Evans and Colombian counterparts in the Buca- ramanga area and by McCarthy in the Gachala- Ubala areas. Analytical work on the samples is being done by INGEOMINAS. J. B. Cathcart reported that geologic investigap tion and mineral-beneficiation studies of phosphate deposits in Colombia indicate that several deposits can be mined in the near future and that potential phosphate resources in Colombia are large. The TVA has undertaken a program of sampling, physical and chemical testing, and beneficiation at Sardinata, fol- lowing a plan devised by Cathcart. COSTA RICA A. M. Rogers served as an instructor in seismo- graphic data recording and data analysis for the Escuela Centroamerica de Geologia at San José, Costa Rica, under the sponsorship of the Organiza- tion of American States. He also evaluated the pres- ent seismograph stations in Costa Rica. W. D. Carter advised the AID mission in methods . of obtaining data for a cadastral survey of the Rio Chambacu area of north-central Costa Rica. INDONESIA USGS assistance project The AID-sponsored Indonesian project was con- cluded December 31, 1974, after completing its sched- uled 5-yr program. Although its main efforts were devoted to increasing the geologic mapping and map publication activities of the Geological Survey of Indonesia (GSI), support was also provided in geo- physics, analytical work, fission-track age dating, and geochemistry. GSI is publishing geologic quadrangle maps of Java in color at a 1:100,000 scale and off Java at a 1:250,000 scale. In addition, the geology of 16 maps covering all of Indonesia at a 1:1 million scale is being compiled from previous work and current geo- INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES logic mapping. At the end of 1974, five maps of Java, one of Sumatra, and two of Sulawesi had been pub- lished. Color proofs were being reviewed of 3 Java maps, 1 Sumatra map, 1 island of Sumbawa map, and the first of 16 maps at a 1 : 1 million scale. Cartogra- phy or field work were in progress on another 15 maps. Most of the maps cover areas of economic interest and provide the geologic background for mineral studies. Other maps. such as those of Sulawesi and Timor, cover areas critical to the interpretation of plate tectonics. A two-man project continued the geological map- ping and map publication support into the first 3 mo of 1975. Topographic mapping As a result of a request from the Government of Indonesia and AID, the Topographic Division of the USGS agreed to send a mapping specialist to Indo- nesia to evaluate its mapping capabilities and assist the Government in developing a coordinated national mapping plan. This plan would meet requirements for natural-resource appraisal and development, land-use studies, and identifying priorities with sur- veying and mapping to meet short— and long-range objectives. The report resulting from this study was completed and transmitted to Indonesia. Multispectral remote-sensing projects A multidisciplinary remote-sensing project was initiated in 1973 in Indonesia using the relatively simple multispectral aerial camera as a remote- sensing tool. In January 1974, a team consisting of S. J. Gawarecki, K. H. Szekielda, and R. R. Thaman assisted Indonesian scientists in interpreting multi- spectral data from an aerial survey of the island of Bali. Eleven Indonesian investigators from agencies involved 1n agriculture (soils and pest control), fish- eries, forestry, geology, land-use studies, and oceanography participated. Plate tectonics of the Indonesian region The integration of data from onshore and offshore geologic investigations with marine geophysical and seismological data yielded much insight into plate- tectonic history and processes in W. B. Hamilton’s continuing study of Indonesia and a large surround- ing region. Throughout Cenozoic time, this region absorbed the complex subduction and strike-slip faulting by which Australia and the Indian Ocean moved northward and the Pacific Ocean moved west northwestward relative to mainland Asia. As the 267 megaplates move steadily along, small plates break off or form by spreading, deform internally, or fuse to other plates; subducting arcs on the edges of plates collide with other arcs or plates; subduction ceases at one side of an arc and starts at the other. Great wedges of mélange and imbricated sedimen- tary and crystalline rocks are scraped off against the overriding plates of the subduction zones. Some of the processes under study are also those that cause the formation of deposits of metallic minerals and of some types of oil fields; the developing synthesis has already assisted in focusing the search for metals and fuels in the region. KENYA; N. E. McClymonds, in cooperation with the Ken- yan Ministry of Water Development, made recon- naissance ground-water studies in Northeastern Province. Drilling of test holes and production wells, intended primarily to support Kenya’s National Range and Ranch Development Project, began at the end of 1974. MEXICO The 5—yr Mexico-US. cooperative program of min- eral exploration in the Sonoran environment, spon- sored by the NSF, emphasizes copper exploration. As a part of this program, M. D. Kleinkopf and counter- part collaborated on establishing the Inter-American Geodetic Survey datum at new gravity bases at Nacozari and other points and made plans for the continuation of the geophysical program. G. H. Allcott, principal investigator for the pro- gram, and his associates completed geochemical sam- pling in the La Florida-Barrigon district, and a geo- logic map at a 1 : 10,000 scale was prepared covering 40 km2 of the district in the area of the north-trend- ing Sierra Copercuin. In May 1974, in cooperative investigations with the Consejo de Recursos Naturales No Renovables of Mexico, the USGS discovered a phosphate deposit in the Miocene _ Monterrey Formation. Fieldwork showed that the deposit has a strike length of 50 km, is at least 100 m wide at the outcrop, and can possibly be mined for at least 200 m under some overburden; the thickness of the bed ranges from about 1 to at least 2.5 m. The P205 content ranges from 5 to about 20 percent and probably averages about 15 percent. The rock consists of (1) carbonate fluorapatite in rounded pellets and scattered nodules and (2) quartz grains cemented by a mixture of clay (kaolinite), cristobalite, and clinoptilolite. Sparse calcite is pres- 268 ent in some samples, and some pellets may be phos- phatized foraminifers. Since drilling has not yet been done, the‘extent of the deposit in the subsurface is not known. From the surface data, at least 30 mil- lion tonnes of material may be present close enough to the surface to be mined by open-pit methods. The potential for this deposit is very large; similar phos- phate is present in the Miocene of southern Califor- nia. If the phosphate beds are continuous or semi- continuous, the deposit could be very large. Rock minable under present conditions, however, may be limited to the moderate tonnage that can be mined by open-pit methods. NEPAL G. C. Tibbitts, Jr., and William Ogilbee, in coopera- tion with the Nepalese Department of Irrigationand Hydrology, completed two ground-water exploration projects in the western Terai of Nepal. In the 1,800—km2 Bheri Zone, 45 test holes (a total of 8,077 m drilled) showed that largeyield wells are not uniformly distributed. In the northeastern part of the zone, adjacent to the Siwalik Range, naturally flowing wells occur. Analyses of water from wells in the area showed a low to very low sodium content and medium to high salinity. In the Seti and Mahakali zones, an area of 3,720 km2 west of the Bheri Zone, 45 test holes (a total of 5,882 m drilled) showed that well yields vary, but the potential for irrigation water from wells is good. In much of the area, artesian pressure is high, and pre— cautions must be taken in constructing wells. Analy- ses of water from wells indicated that sodium con- tent is low to very low and salinity is average. OMAN The mineral resources of northern Oman were in- vestigated by R. G. Coleman and E. H. Bailey under an agreement between the USGS and the Ministry of Development of the Sultanate of Oman during late 1973 and early 1974. The purpose of the investiga- tion was to evaluate the mineral potential of north- ern Oman and to recommend ways to utilize any viable mineral deposits that were found. Economical- ly, the most important rock unit in the Al Hajar (Oman Mountains) is the Semail ophiolite because nearly all the ore deposits are associated within it. The Semail ophiolite is considered to be a slab of ancient oceanic crust thrust onto the edge of the Arabian plate during Late Cretaceous time. The oceanic crust apparently formed at a spreading cen- ter within the Tethyan Sea some time during the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Mesozoic. The most significant ore deposits are cop- per-bearing massive sulfides situated near the top of the Semail pillow lavas; commonly associated with these sulfide bodies are iron-rich sediments (um- bers). The surface expression of these massive sul- fides is characterized by brightly colored gossans, and ancient slag piles are situated near many of them. Archeological evidence suggests that the Oman copper deposits may have been worked as early as 2500 RC. and could have been the source of copper used in the ancient city of Dilmun, on the island of Bahrain. The geologic similarity between the copper-bearing massive sulfide deposits of Cy- prus and Oman is striking. From this analogy and the most recent research on the origin of the Cyprus deposits, it seems that the Oman deposits are pro- duced by sea-floor-spreading processes rather than from a postemplacement hydrothermal source. Drill- ing of the gossans by a Canadian exploration firm (Prospection Ltd.) revealed considerable tonnage of ore-grade copper. The USGS investigation revealed also the presence of chromite in the ultramafic parts of the Semail ophiolite, along with extensive Maes- trichtian iron laterite developed on the tops of the exposed ophiolite. PAKISTAN Maps prepared by digital computer classification of LANDSAT—l MSS data were used by R. G. Schmidt to select 30 prospecting targets in the Chagai District of Pakistan; 5 of these proved to be areas of hydrothermally altered porphyry containing abundant pyrite. At least part of the mineralized porphyry is copper bearing. The known porphyry copper deposit at Saindak was used as a control or training area from which empirical maximum and minimum apparent reflec- tance limits were selected for each of four MSS bands in each rock type classified, and a relatively unrefined classification table was prepared. Where the values for all four bands fitted within the limits designated for a particular class, a symbol for the presumed rock type was printed by the computer at the appropriate location, and a classification map was formed. Drainage channels, areas of mineralized quartz diorite, areas of pyrite-rich rock, and the ap- proximate limit of propylitic alteration were very' well delineated on the computer-generated map of the control area. The classification method was then applied to the evaluation of 2,100 km2 in the western Chagai Hills east of the control area. During October 1974, a par- INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES tial check of the results was made in the field in co— operation with the Government of Pakistan’s Re- source Development Corporation. Thirty prospecting targets were selected by evaluating the digital classi- fication map, and 19 were visited. Of these, 5 locali- ties comprising a total outcrop area of 4.7 km2 are hydrothermally altered rock, mostly silicified and containing sericite and clay minerals and 5 to 10 percent pyrite. The pyritic rock is believed to be the pyrite zones of porphyry copper-type deposits. One sample of unleached rock contained 0.3 percent Cu, but the presence of copper or other valuable metals beyond trace amounts has not been established for most of the altered area. Three of the five sites may be parts of the same partly hidden mineralized area. Surficial rock in the altered areas is intensely leached; the former presence of sulfides is indicated by voids, ochers, and iron-oxide stains. Residual blocks still containing fresh sulfide are relatively rare. Secondary copper minerals are present at a few places but are very sparse in most of the leached rock. Schmidt was not able to judge how much cop- per was present before leaching, but, if even a minor amount was there, the possibility of a secondary en- riched zone at depth seems very good. The results of the experiment show that outcrops of hydrothermally altered and mineralized rock can be identified from LANDSAT—l data under favor- able conditions. The empirical method of digital com- puter classification of the M88 data is relatively un- refined and rapid. The five mineralized prospecting sites identified are in a generally favorable region, but no sulfide mineralization was known near these places when the investigation began. PERU Excellent short- and long-period seismograms reg- istered a large landslide in the Peruvian Andes. The approximate location was 185 km southeast of Huan- cayo. The landslide, which took place April 25, 1974, created a very large natural dam on the Mantaro River. A microearthquake field unit was deployed by the Instituto Geofisico del Peru in order to monitor the postlandslide activity. Some of the results of this study are: (1) The seismic recordings showed a mul- tiple landslide mechanism (the largest landslide had a magnitude of 4.7) and a total seismic release ener- gy of 6X 1019 ergs; (2) the time delay between land- slides is between 40 and 50 s; and (3) the total time duration was 4 min. This landslide was the first of this order of magnitude to be recorded so clearly to distances of 580 km on long- and short-period seismo- 269 graph systems. This work was a joint effort by mem- bers of the Instituto Geofisico del Peru and a member of the Geological Survey of Peru, with USGS participation. POLAND The USGS, under a Department of Interior agree- ment with the Government of Poland under the Spe- cial Currency Program (Public Law 480), is responsi- ble for monitoring Poland’s Earth-science research projects. One project involves the influence of mining on the water economy in an area near Katowice in the Upper Silesian lead-zinc and coal basin. G. C. Tay- lor, Jr., and A. V. Heyl reported that 10 to 12 t of water must be pumped for each tonne of ore taken from mines in karstic dolomites and limestones in a 4,500-kmg area. About 500 mein of water of ac- ceptable chemical quality is pumped from lead-zinc mines in Triassic carbonate rocks, and about 180 m3/ min is pumped from coal mines in carboniferous elastic rocks. An additional 420 mein of water from coal mines is saline and cannot be used; carbon- 14 analyses of the coal mine saline water showed that it is more than 40,000 yr old. SAUDI ARABIA A work agreement for investigations in Saudi Arabia was signed by the USGS and the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Re- sources in 1963, and work begun then has been extended four times, each extension for a 3—yr period. The third extension of the work agreement became effective December 1, 1972, and ran until September 12, 1975. However, the USGS negotiated a fourth extension of the work agreement to begin in July 1975 and continue for 3 yr in accordance with the Hegira calendar. Emphasis in the third program was on detailed geologic mapping as an aid to mineral exploration and on the improvement of the Ministry’s technical capability. Mahd adh Dhahab R. G. Worl and R. J. Roberts (USGS) and Abdul- aziz Bagdady (Saudi Arabian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources) reported that the geologic perspective of the Mahd adh Dhahab gold-silver dis- trict in the central part of the Arabian Shield sug- gests a significant resource that may be minable in the near future. This evaluation is based upon de- tailed mapping, surface geochemical surveys, de- tailed study and analysis of core samples from eight diamond-drill holes, examination and synthesis of 270 all older geologic and economic data, a detailed re- port prepared by an outside consultant, and the examination and evaluation of the district by several mining and exploration firms. Two types of deposits are being evaluated: rela- tively high grade but erratically distributed vein de- posits and large-tonnage low-grade deposits. Both types are situated in a north-trending zone of vein- ing, shearing, alteration, and metallization 1,000 m in length and at least 200 m in width. Limited dia- mond drilling in the southern and central parts of the zone has penetrated several metal—bearing veins. The largest metallized intercept is 24 m of core length (19.2 In true width) that averages 11 ppm (g/t) Au, 60 ppm (g/t) Ag, 0.5 percent Cu, and 1.2 percent Zn. A higher grade zone within this 24 m is a 6-m core length (4.8 m true width) that averages 42 ppm (g/t) Au and 207 ppm (g/t) Ag. Further ex- ploration is planned in this zone. The area of the low- grade deposit, in the northern end of the zone, was intensively mined during ancient times (1000 RC. and 7 50—1258 AD.) and by the Saudi Arabian Min— ing Syndicate in 1930—54. Early production is not known but may have exceeded 31,103 kg gold-silver bullion; production in 1939—54 totaled 23,818 kg fine gold and 31,166 kg silver. Most of the high- grade veins have been mined from this deposit, but significant gold-silver values remain in intervein areas and in veins too narrow to be stoped. The de- posit is exposed over an area of about 100,000 m2; further studies to evaluate the grade of material in this block are planned. Kutam Regional and detailed mapping by R. E. Anderson in the Kutam area clarified events bearing on the genesis of mineralization. The sequence of events follows: 1. Ancient layered sedimentary and volcanic rocks were tilted and invaded by quartz porphyry sills. Subsequently, all rocks were metamor- phosed to'the amphibolite facies and were local- ly silicified. 2. Subsequently, during retrograde metamorphism, biotite, muscovite, and garnet were replaced by chlorite. Plagioclase was replaced by epidote, zoisite, and calcite. 3. Later, temperature was reelevated; during em- placement of large granodioritic to quartz mon- zonitic plutons, the rocks were recrystallized, and hornblende, plagioclase, and biotite were formed. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 4. Subsequent copper and zinc mineralization evi- dently followed the recrystallization period. Gahnite in association with quartz indicates anomalous concentrations of zinc in a contact metasomatic environment. Examination under the microscope indicates that the gahnite was partially altered to mica and sphalerite during the simultaneous deposition of zinc and copper sulfides, the suggestion being that the environ- ment degraded from a high-temperature meta- somatic to a lower temperature hydrothermal. Possibly the anomalous mass of highly foliated rock at the Kutam prospect served as a perme- able channelway for the passage of metal— bearing solutions during the final phases of the contact metasomatic recrystallization event and a subsequent lower temperature hydro- thermal event. Accordingly, the sulfide min- eralization and associated silicific-ation are in- terpreted as being the final events in a long and complex metamorphic history. Genesis of massive sulfide and disseminated deposits Massive and disseminated iron, nickel-iron, and copper-zinc sulfide deposits in Saudi Arabia are be- ing studied in the field and laboratory. Field studies by R. J. Roberts, R. G. Worl, F. C. W. Dodge, W. R. Greenwood, R. E. Anderson, and T. H. Kiils— gaard showed that the deposits formed in both vol- canic and plutonic rocks. Some deposits in volcanic rocks show finely laminated pyrite (Wadi Wasat, iron; Wadi Qatan, iron and nickel). Initially, these deposits may have accumulated syngenetically, but they have been metamorphosed and complexly de- formed. The source of nickel in the Wadi Qatan de- posit is considered by Dodge to be late—stage hydro- thermal. Assays of samples from the Wadi Wasat deposit indicate a low nickel content; apparently, late-stage hydrothermal processes were weak or absent here. copper-zinc massive sulfide deposits at Wadi Bidah are partly in calcareous tuff and partly in intrusive quartz porphyry. R. L. Earhart in earlier work con- sidered these deposits to be volcanogenic, but Roberts and Worl consider them to be epigenetic. Dissemi- nated copper-zinc deposits at Kutam are in a sericite and chlorite schist and in a quartz porphyry intrusive body. According to R. E. Anderson, the sulfide min- erals occur mainly at the intersections of two cleav- ages and are epigenetic. Studies on lead isotopes are being carried on by B. R. Doe and M. H. Delevaux; these studies should further clarify the geologic his- tory of the ore deposits. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES Cratonization in the Arabian Shield The Arabian Shield in southWestern Saudi Arabia was cratonized during the late Proterozoic, accord- ing to W. R. Greenwood, D. G. Hadley, R. E. Ander- son, R. J. Fleck, and D. L. Schmidt. Early cratonal 1 development began with the deposition of calcic to calc-alkalic and basaltic to dacitic volcanic rocks and ' immature sedimentary rocks that subsequently were moderately deformed, metamorphosed, and intruded about 960 my. ago by dioritic batholiths of mantle derivation (ST Sr/S6 Sr=0.7028) . A thick sequence of calc-alkalic andesitic to rhyo- dacitic volcanic rocks and volcanoclastic wackes was deposited unconformably on this neocraton. Regional greenschist-fades metamorphism, intensive defor- mation along north-trending structures, and intru- sion of mantle-derived (”Sr/“Sr=0.7028) dioritic to granodioritic batholiths occurred at about 800 my At about 785 m.y., granodioritic to quartz monzonitic gneisses (“Sr/“Sr=0.7028 and 0.7035) were em- placed in part as gneiss domes surrounded by am- phibolite- to granulitE-facies metamorphic rocks. Ex- tensive deposition of similar volcanic and clastic rocks elsewhere in the region seems to have been in part synchronous with orogeny at 785 my and to have followed it. These deposits and the older rocks were deformed along north-trending structures, metamorphosed to greenschist facies, and intruded by calc-alkalic plutons (“Sr/so Sr=0.7035) between 600 and 650 m.y. B.P. g Late cratonal development involved extensive graywacke sedimentation associated with small amounts of andesitic and rhyolitic volcanism, struc- tural deformation, metamorphism to greenschist facies, and intrusion of quartz monzonite and granite between 570 and 550 my Cratonization appears to have evolved in an intraoceanic island-arc environ- ment of comagmatic volcanism and intrusion. New gravity data in southern‘ Red Sea A complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Farasan Islands and the adjacent coastal plain was compiled on the basis of 145 observations. The prin- cipal features of the map are a troughlike gravity minimum over the Farasans, a row of gravity highs along the eastern part of the coastal plain, and an extremely steep gravity gradient (4 to 5 mGal/km) in the eastern part of the mapped area. The trough- like gravity low over the shelf is interpreted to be caused by anomalous thicknesses of evaporites, and the gravity highs are believed to be associated with observed high-amplitude magnetic anomalies and, in some cases, with exposures of mafic igneous intrusive 271 ; rocks. Two classes of models were devised, one as- suming a downfaulted continental crust‘beneath the coastal plain and shelf sediments and the other an oceanic crust under the coastal plain and shelf. Com- puted gravity profiles for the two models show that only the oceanic crust model, which has sediments thinning toward the Arabian Shield, produces a pro— file that fits bo-th the shape and the magnitude of the observed gravity gradient. This suggests that the gradient, located along the eastern edge of the coast- al plain, demarcates the boundary of the continental margin. THAILAND D. R. Shawe and R. J. Hite, working in cooperation with counterparts in the Royal Thai Department of Mineral Resources, completed a field appraisal of the geology of parts of Thailand and a study of the rela- tion of known mineral deposits to the geology. It is anticipated that the work will result in a better esti- mate of the mineral-resource potential than now exists. Hite continued to cooperate with the Department of Mineral Resources and with scientists of the Gov- ernment of Laos in evaluating the potential for potash deposits in rocks of the Khorat Plateau. LANDSAT program The building of a viable Thai LANDSAT program continued under the leadership of J. 0. Morgan, USGS project coordinator, and the sponsorship of the United States Operations Mission in Bangkok. All major Thai agencies involved with agriculture, fores- try, geology, and land use are now using LANDSAT data for mapping purposes. A photographic labora- tory to print and process LANDSAT images for dis- tribution within Thailand is being furnished and is in operation. YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Topographic mapping Eleven 1 :20,000-scale metric contour orthophoto- base maps of Wadi Mawr were delivered in Novem- ber 1974 to the Director General of the Tihama Development Authority. Additional work is needed to make the geographic names conform to the trans- literation system developed for Arabic by the US. Board on Geographic Names. The maps are being used for preliminary planning by irrigation engineers and other specialists making agricultural, population, social, and environmental studies in the area. 272 Ground-water studies J. J. Jones reported that a 3—yr project begun in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Minerals and Petroleum Authority of the Yemen Arab Republic has three segments: (1) A ground- water survey north of lat 15° N., (2) compilation and interpretation of LANDSAT images of the en- tire country, and (3) a minerals survey north of lat 15° N. The first two activities have begun. Reconnaissance of water resources was made in selected areas, and five test holes totaling 512 m were drilled. Water levels in the $an‘a’ basin de— clined about 2 m during the year, and those in the ‘Amran valley declined at varying but lesser rates. LANDSAT images were compiled for part of the country, and field checking of ground truth was un- derway at the year’s end. ANTARCTICA Geologic field studies were not undertaken by USGS personnel during the 1974--75 austral summer in Antarctica. However, work continued on map com- pilation and on laboratory studies of the petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, and paleontology of samples collected during previous expeditions to the southern part of the Antarctic Peninsula, the Pensa- cola Mountains, and the central part of the Trans- \ 1000 KM INDEX MAP GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 antarctic Mountains. (See index map.) These contin- uing studies, which are part of USARP, are in coop- eration with the Office of Polar Programs of the NSF. Progress in Antarctic aerial photography and topographic mapping, which are functions of the USGS, is reported in the next chapter. Chloritic replacement of anthracite plant remains , Woody plant fragments from the southern part of the Antarctic Peninsula are strongly metamorphosed and usually composed of coal similar to that in as- sociated thin beds of anthracitic coal. Plant pieces generally are strongly cleated, having joints charac- teristically resembling a dense boxwork and contain- ing angular pieces of coal in interstitial spaces. In some examples, however, interstitial material is not coal but consists of a nonswelling chloritic mineral, probably of metamorphic origin, that so closely dup- licates the coaly joint pattern that physical replace- ment is indicated. Even at elevated temperatures in a coke oven, anthracite remains insoluble and inert. However, the Antarctic occurrences suggested to J. M. Schopf that, under high confining pressures in a natural environment, anthracite may dissolve so that bulk interchange with chloritic constituents can take place. Environmental studies in the Pensacola Mountains The PensaCola Mountains lie in a remote and sel- dom-visited part of Antarctica. The area is relatively uncontaminated by the effects of human activity or animal visitations in comparison with areas near Antarctic stations or other more traveled regions. Prior to 1974, except for a brief visit by a 1957 IGY party, the Pensacola Mountains had been visited only by reconnaissance geologic, geophysical, and geodetic survey parties of the USGS. In the expecta- tion that activity in this area will increase in future years, A. B. Ford (USGS), during a brief visit to the northern Pensacola Mountains in January 1974, collected aseptic samples of soils for baseline studies by which to monitor possible effects of future con- tamination. Three sampled sites are on Rosser Ridge in the Cordiner Peaks, and three are on Mount Lech- ner in the Forrestal Range. The soils were analyzed for abiotic properties and microorganism contents by R. E. Cameron (Darwin Research Institute). The Rosser Ridge soils are comparatively more weathered than the Mount Lechner soils and have moisture and mineral contents more favorable for microorganism activity. Coliforms and fungi are absent in the soils from both areas, and bacterial INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE EARTH SCIENCES contents are generally low in comparison with those from other' Antarctic areas (Cameron and Ford, 1974). Age and distribution of radiogenic argon in Antarctic basalt flows and dolerite sills Jurassic basalt flows and dolerite sills of the Fer- rar Dolerite in the central Transantarctic Mountains yield ages ranging from 110 to 180 m.y. by conven- tional K—Ar analysis. Because these rocks are vir- tually undeformed and, being the youngest strati- graphic units in the region, were never deeply buried, postcooling thermal disturbance of the ages cannot be invoked as a cause for young ages. Both a reliable time of extrusion of the basalts and a confirmation of an argon-loss interpretation are provided by ”Ar/ 39Ar incremental heating experiments. Flows with 273 the oldest conventional K-Ar ages yield “Ar/”Ar age spectra with plateaus typical of undisturbed samples. These ages group closely between 170 and 175 m.y. The fact that conventional ages less than 170 m.y. are also poorly reproducible suggests inhomogeneous distribution of radiogenic argon. The “Ar/”Ar age spectra from these samples are similarly variable but clearly indicative of argon loss, since ages of gas fractions vary from 180 to 120 m.y. Because age disturbance is greatest in samples with considerable amounts of devitrified glass and is not observed in the few originally holocrystalline rocks, R. J. Fleck (USGS) and J. F. Sutter and D. H. Elliot (Ohio State Univ.) concluded that progressive devitrification of the basalts is responsible for the inhomogeneous dis— tribution of argon, some of which was lost from the rock systems. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING NATIONAL MAPPING PROGRAM New requirements for basic data to inventory, develop, and manage the country’s natural resources are reshaping the national mapping program. A major function of the USGS has been to prepare and maintain maps in the national topographic series, which covers the United States and its outlying areas. This role is now expanding to include basic map data as well as a family of general-purpose maps. ' The national mapping program is initially focusing on 11 categories of base-map data: reference sys- tems, hypsography, hydrography, vegetative cover, nonvegetative features, boundaries, transportation systems, other manmade features, geodetic control and survey monumentation, geographic names, and orthophotographic imagery. Other map data of pub- lic value may also be incorporated into the program; under a cooperative agreement, the agency responsi- ble for the data can arrange for the preparation of maps or other forms suited to its needs. The major products of the program are: 1. Digital data. The program’s goal is to supply the base-map data in digital form for reasonable areas of the country within 30 d of a request. Orthophotos. Once a byproduct of the mapping process, the orthophoto has become an im- portant product in its own right. Orthophotos are produced quickly and inexpensively and provide a wealth of information not available on line maps. . Cartographic data. The availability of base data in graphic form is being expanded. Reproduci- bles that are feature separated as well as color separated facilitate the preparation of special- purpose maps. , 4. Line map-s. The traditional multipurpose line map is still an important tool and will continue to be produced. In addition to the standard series now available, new series at scales of 1 : 50,000 and 1 : 100,000 are being produced. 5° 00 274 Procedures for obtaining map products are given in the section “How to Obtain Publications” in the chapter on “US. Geological Survey Publications.” MAPPING COORDINATION AND REQUIREMENTS The .USGS has the authority to coordinate feder- ally funded domestic mapping activities. For an ef- fective and economical response to national mapping needs, the USGS coordinate‘s departm'entwide geo- detic and mapping control surveys; identifies and evaluates national mapping requirements; fosters cooperative mapping, charting, and geodesy research and development; and operates the National Carro- graphic Information Center for ready exchange of cartographic data gathered by government agen- cies and some private organizations. During the past year, this coordination included several noteworthy projects: 1. Consulting with the Bureau of Land Management to determine requirements and refine specifica- tions for intermediate-scale maps to support area studies and planning for programs of national concern. 2. Assisting the Bureau of the Census with its spe- cific cartographic requirements, such as the full-line UTM grid and single-line road sym- bols, to minimize the task of converting USGS quadrangles into computer-compatible base maps of road networks. 3. Confirming Soil Conservation Service (SCS) re- quirements for an intermediate—scale base map. According to a cost—sharing agreement, the USGS will prepare planimetric bases for farm- soil inventories for selected counties in each State, and the SCS will add soil data and han- dle publication. 4. Preparing 1:24,000-scale orthophotoquads for SCS use as bases for soil—survey publications. This eost—sharing program comprises 52 proj— ects, or 1,700 orthophotoquads; an additional 1,600 orthophotoquads will be authorized shortly. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING 5. Producing a handbook on coastal zone mapping to help States comply with the Coastal Zone Man- agement Act of 1972. The handbook is a joint effort of the USGS and NOAA‘and will be com- pleted by December 1975. 6. Experimenting in combining National Ocean Sur- vey bathymetric contour data with topographic maps to produce a topographic-bathymetric map series for coastal zones. 7. Cooperating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the preparation of aerial photo- graph indexes needed for wetland inventories. 8. Documenting the need for a large-scale urban map series. Private mapping firms prepared, to USGS specifications, large-scale orthophoto- graphic maps for Fort Wayne, Ind.; Charles: ton, S.C.; Frederick, Md.; and San Francisco, Calif.; the maps are now in the hands of users who will provide feedback on applications. As the various functions of city and county gov- ernmental agencies become clearer, the USGS will learn how they can be better served by maps or related cartographic data. 9. Surveying the requirements of selected Federal and State agencies, regional planning commis- sions, universities, and county surveyors. Most favor the full UTM grid on 71/2-min quad- rangles, particularly where digitization of map data is planned. Slope maps appear desirable for areas prone to flooding, faults, and land- slides. State highway departments generally view a county map series as useful in‘ their work, provided that the information can be easily updated. NATIONAL CARTOGRAPHIC INFORMATION CENTER The National Cartographic Information Center (N 010) was established in 1974 to provide a central repository for information on all U.S. cartographic data—maps, charts, aerial photographs and space images, geodetic control, and spatial data in digital form. Cartographic data are acquired and held by over 30 Federal agencies, all States, and innumerable private organizations, but the data have not all been easily accessible, and some duplication of effort has resulted. The NCIC plans to meet the increasing need for cartographic data for resource exploration and de- velopment, land and water-resource management, land-use planning, and environmental protection. In order to become a single service center for all carto- 27 5 graphic materials, the NCIC is inventorying the holdings of various agencies and developing informa- tion systems to make these data readily available, initially through referral and ultimately through di- rect handling of orders. In August 1974, over 30 Federal agencies confer- red with the USGS on the objectives of the NCIC. During March and June 1975, the NCIC met with agencies that have major holdings of aeriaLimages to discuss automated indexing systems and arrange for input. Data management agreements are being pursued; some are already in effect, such as those with the National Ocean Survey for consolidating geodetic control information and with the EROS Data Center on aerial imagery programs. . The NCIC has formed a high-altitude photography summary record system (HAP) ,that will rapidly provide participating agencies with information on existing and planned high-altitude photography. Summary records describe the geographic extent and general characteristics of aerial photographs that are acquired, in progess, or planned by an agency. The system output is computer-generated listings and graphics showing the available coverage meet- ing specified criteria. A standard set of graphics will be published and distributed regularly by the NCIC; users will also be able to request special searches. Negotiations are underway with Federal agencies for direct input to HAP. In fiscal year 1976, HAP will be expanded to include aerial imagery holdings and plans of State and local agencies and private organizations. System design is also well underway on the map and chart information system. The data bank already includes a complete listing of all USGS topographic maps, both current and historic. These maps are also being microfilmed on 35-mm black-and-white film. . The computerized quadrangle map file will be ex- panded to include maps and charts of various sources and kinds covering any area of the United States. The system is scheduled to be in operation by July 1976, when it will be possible to query the file from remote terminals at several locations across the country. The Defense Mapping Agency digital terrain tapes are now available from the NCIC. These tapes con- tain data digitized from the 1:250,000-scale topo- graphic map contours for the 48 contermino-us States. The NCIC also offers status and ordering in- formation for digital data on land use, census tracts, political boundaries, hydrologic basis boundaries, and Federal land ownership, which are being collected for the USGS Land-Use Data and Analysis program. 276 The success of the NCIC depends largely on the cooperative efforts of the organizations that collect, produce, and distribute cartographic data. First re- actions from 20 Federal agencies have been highly favorable. The NCIC publishes a quarterly newslet- ter, and a “User Guide” to NCIC services will be available soon. MAPPING ACCOMPLISHMENTS Quadrangle map coverage of the Nation General-purpose topographic quadrangle map cov- erage at scales of 1 :24,000, 1 : 62,500, 1:63,360 (Alas- ka), and 1:20,000 (Puerto Rico) is now available for about 92.6 percent of the total area of the 50 States, Puerto Rico, the US. Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Included in this coverage is about 3.8 percent of the total area, not yet published but available as advance manuscript prints. During fiscal year 1975, 1,468 maps were pub- lished covering previously unmapped areas, equiva- lent to about 2.3 percent of the area of the 50 States and territories referred to above. In addition, 484 new maps at a scale of 1:24,000, equivalent to about 0.8 percent of the total area, were published to re- place 15-min quadrangle maps (1:62,500 scale) that did not meet present needs. Figure 6 shows the ex- tent and. location of the current topographic map coverage. Map revision and maintenance As maps become out of date, revision is necessary to show changes in the terrain and changes and addi- tions to manmade features, such as roads, buildings, and reservoirs. During fiscal year 1975, 907 general- purpose quadrangle maps of the 71/2-min series (1:24,000 scale) were revised. Most of these revised maps are in large metropolitan areas and their ex- panding suburbs and in States that are completely mapped in the 71/2-min series that have cooperative programs for a regular updating. About 57 percent of the 1,746 maps currently in the revision program (fig. 7) are being updated by photorevision—a low- cost rapid production method that relies primarily on photointerpretation. Recent aerial photographs of the areas to be revised are inspected, and changes in cultural and other planimetric features are mapped and printed in purple on the revised map. An inspection program, started in fiscal year 1972, has contributed substantially to reducing the revi- sion backlog. During fiscal year 1975, 1,569 71/2-min quadrangles were inspected, and 1,044 were found to need revision. Those not needing revision are noted GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 on the sales indexes, and the inspection date appears on the reprinted maps. The maps in the revision program that are not ph-otorevised will receive a more complete overhaul, which will include a field check and revision of some or all of the color-separation drawings. In fiscal year 1975, approximately 1,280 general- purpose quadrangle maps were reprinted to replen- ish stock. 1:250,000-scale map series The 48 conterminous States and Hawaii are com— pletely covered by 473 topographic maps at 1:250,000 scale. Originally prepared as military edi- tions by the Defense Mapping Agency (formerly the US. Army Map Service), the series is now main- tained by the USGS. Maps are revised in an average 8-yr cycle, and standard metropolitan statistical areas are revised every 5 yr, provided that adequate source materials are available. Figure 8 shows revi- sions in progress on 1 : 250,000—scale maps. Of the 153-sheet Alaska reconnaissance series, all but a dozen have been replaced with standard maps based on larger scale source materials and on new photogrammetric compilations; these maps are part of the US. 1:250,000 series. An active revision pro- gram has been established to maintain the currency of the Alaska series: In cooperation with NOAA, a program to produce topographic-bathymetric editions of 1:250,000-scale maps of the coastal zones of the United States was started in fiscal year 1974. The Beaufort, N.C., ex- perimental quadrangle is the first joint edition; ele- vations are shown in feet, and water depths are shown in metres. Five additional maps in the series are in progress: Appalachicola, Providence, Gaines- ville, Tampa, and Plant City, Fla. Topographic-bathy- metric editions will be prepared as bathymetric data become available. Maps in the 1:250,000-scale series are used by the USGS as base copy for the preparation of the State base-map series, the International Map of the World series, and special small-scale maps such as the land- use—land-cover series now in production. The 1:250,000—scale series has also been designated by the Board on Geographic Names as a basic reference for geographic nomenclature in Govern- ment publications. State base-map series State base maps are published at scales of 1 : 500,000 and 1 : 1,000,000 for all States except Alas- 277 ’ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING $5.35: «338$; as .2543 we “Build fine—m 28m ocndoa a com «o; . 0.00m 000 Va; mwoo n<2 mhmwdm mza. Mi 7, SE ctuan 9.32 dam:— ufiqfiwonoa o—«Sécqann £8593 5 :OEFoMIE EDGE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 BoEEOU .o 22:56 & :96: 325 52335 ‘ -Bozv mouaocsfitoE. - nae Av . x; .. mmuxooma 2. 20559... 0 a $9.8 mza. . ' 278 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING x\ ll §\\-\\\\ “sag? V .\\\\\\\,\ ‘\\t\\ h _\. . .\\\\\\\\\\\s-r " ~s\\\\‘\\‘ My -\ ox p \ as . (gasses. s \ - Ass 1 .\\\\\§ §:\§“ /. a, ”///// / x z' ,. 1’ .‘z '/ , “ . . . L 7 a la L1. 1 L. *‘L , §\\\\\\\ Q ,1 v 3 p {-7 +, L" £61 Rfi"J JUNE30.1975 " " - ‘1; “Ma“ LJ 1, 'iEL—j L// Revision inProgress (a Q 0" In 4" to ‘~ . I (E \ \i‘? \ ”"1950, HAWAII . 1“,. ‘__. v .Q¢§"QE a. ALASKA [g9 .. FIGURE 8.——Revision of 1:250,000-scale topographic maps. ka. State base maps of Alaska are published at scales ' of 1:1,584,000, 1:2,500,000, 1:5,000,000, and 1:12,— 000,000. A State base map of Connecticut is also available at a scale of 1 : 125,000. The maps are gen- erally prepared in three editions—base, topographic, and shaded relief—and show urban areas, major communications routes, major hydrographic fea: turos, and county boundaries. The series consists of 46 maps covering the 50 States and the District of Columbia; 17 maps are in progress. Figure 9 shows revision progress on the State base-map series. National park map series Special topographic maps have been prepared for 50 of the national parks, monuments, historic sites, and other areas administered by the National Park Service that are large enough to require separate editions. They are usually made by combining the existing quadrangle maps of the area into one map sheet, but, occasionally, surveys are made covering only the park area. Many of the maps are also avail- able in a shaded-relief edition. Other parks, monu- ments, and historic sites are shown on maps in the general-purpose quadrangle series. New or revised maps in preparation include: Arches National Monument, Utah Big Bend National Park, Tex. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, N.C.-Tenn. Mount Rainier National Park, Wash. North Cascades National Park, Wash. Point Reyes National Seashore, Calif. New or revised maps published in fiscal year 1975 include: Canyonlands National Park, Utah Death Valley National Monument, Calif.-Nev. Glacier National Park, Mont. Mesa Verde National Park, Colo. Mammoth Cave National Park, Ky. Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska Theodore Roosevelt National Park, N. Dak. 280 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 of», :6; 9699 %‘e‘§»%% g, . V9 9 ‘31; oooflem e‘” §§$¢Vfi $°§°¢€§§€€€Q 94> a: {fume 0 9”» 039 e e . «90 v e 3&‘9900 - °¢° 4,0 29? JUNE 30,1975 PUBLISHED Contour 8. Planimetric IN. PROGRESS I -" Contour Edition ALASKA PuERro RICO -«= " ' '< . . 33:2: Rewsnon HAWAII a FIGURE 9.—Status of State base maps. Small-scale map series The International Map of the World (IMW) series at a scale of 1:1,000,000 is part of an international program to attain worldwide coverage at a uniform scale and format. The maps are published in accord- ance with technical agreements and specifications adopted at UN. conferences in 1962 and 1964. Thirty of the 54 IMW maps required to cover the oonterminous United States and Hawaii have been published. Twenty—one additional maps of the con- terminous States and 13 maps of Alaska were pub- lished by the Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center from 1955 to 1959 in a military series at a 121,000,000 scale. Although these maps do not meet the IMW specifications in all respects, they are recog- nized by the UN. Cartographic Office as provisional editions in the IMW series (fig. 10). Work in progress includes three new maps—An- dreanofl’ Islands, Cold Bay, and Blue Ridge—and ' four revisions—Cascade Range, Hudson River, Lake Erie, and Savannah. Four maps have been published since June 30, 1974—Des Moines, Ozark Mountains, Hawaii, and Attu Islands. Orthophotographic products Orthophotoquads are black-and-white photoimage maps in 71/2-min-quadrangle format with little or no cartographic treatment. There is increasing demand for this product, either as an interim map in areas unmapped at 1:24,000 scale or as a companion prod- uct to a published line map. The goal for 1978 is orthophotoquads for all areas of the conterminous United States that are unmapped at 1:24,000 scale. Orthophotoquads are also being prepared under cost- sharing agreements with the Soil Conservation Serv- ice, the Forest Service, the‘Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Bureau of Land Management and under co- operative programs with several States. Approxi- mately 4,000 orthophotoquads were prepared by the TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING 281 \ \\ \.- . X // I / {HI/A / '1’ V, /, \\ . \\\\\\‘ /— // .\\\\\\ /. \\\\\\\\\\ """" z u a \V s 3“‘\ §.\\ -\ \\ c .s\\ ~. e \ \\ 5 \ \ \\\ , \ 3. \x . \ \‘ \ \ \\ / //// ¢ / é; // // JUNE 30.1975 PUBLISHED MAPS V § International Map World (IMW) DMA Military Series-Provisional IN PROGRESSUMW only) New Revision FIGURE 10.—Status of publication of 1: 1,000,000-scale topographic maps. Work in progress is being done by the USGS. USGS in fiscal year 1975; 10 percent of these will be l lithoprinted, depending on projected distribution, and the remainder will be reproduced by the diazo process. Orthophotomaps are color photoimage maps with substantial cartographic treatment that have be- come the standard 71/g-min maps for certain are-as of the country where conventional topographic maps cannot adequately portray featureless terrain. The swamps of the Florida Everglades, the lake region of northern Minnesota, and coastal areas of Louisiana and Georgia are major orthophotomapping projects. About 300 orthophotomaps are in the current program. Intermediate-scale map series The need for map products between the 1124,000- and 1:250,000-scale series led to an intermediate- scale mapping program. Its goal is complete national coverage with 1:100,000—scale topographic quad- rangles and selected coverage with 1 : 50,000— and 1:100,000-sca1e county maps. Agreements with Fed— eral and State agencies provide for the USGS to pro- duce 195 30X60-min quadrangle maps at 1:100,000 scale. Agreements for county maps include 62 at 1 : 50,000 scale and 121 at 1 : 100,000 scale; a uniform scale will be maintained within a State. NATIONAL ATLAS The National Atlas of the United States of Ameri- ca, published in 1971, was compiled as a reference and research tool for use by public ofl‘icials, business and industrial organizations, libraries, educational institutions, and scholars who seek information about the United States. Preparation of the 431-page 282 volume involved the cooperation of more than 80 Federal agencies and bureaus, organizations, com- mercial firms, and individual specialists. It contains 336 pages of multicolor maps and related informa- tion and an index with more than 41,000 entries. Twenty-eight new or revised separate sales sheets are in preparation. The following individual map sheets are available as separate sales items: United States general reference Physiography and physio- graphic divisions Land-surface form Classes of land-surface form Tectonic features (Alaska) Tectonic features (conterminous United Distribution of principal kinds of soils: orders, suborders, and great groups Potential natural vegeta- tion of Alaska and Hawaii Potential natural vegeta- tion (conterminous United States) States) Population distribution, Geology urban and rural: 1960, Monthly average tem- 1970 perature Federal lands . . Population trends: Monthly minimum tem- . changes, dens1ty, and perature urban-rural Congressional districts for the 91st Congress Shaded relief (contermin- ous United States) Shaded relief (Alaska) Monthly sunshine PROGRAMS IN ANTARCTICA The US. Antarctic Research Program is admin- istered and funded by the Office of Polar Programs of ‘the NSF. The USGS participates in this program by administering the field-mapping operations, win- terover Doppler research programs, and the carto- graphic programs. Surface water Principal uses of water Territorial growth Major forest types Annual sunshine, evapora- tion, and solar radiation Field operations During the austral summer, R. D. Worcester and M. C. Crutcher established precise positions by Geo- ceiver observations at selected strain-rate sites in support of the Ross Ice Shelf Project. The USGS participated for the second year in the University of Nebraska’s Antarctic program for measuring ice thickness, movement, and structure over several years. E. G. Schirmacher and A. I. Malva-Gomes estab- lished control for the Lindsey Islands map during the Pine Island Bay expedition, which had been post- poned from the previous summer. The ship returning the men to Palmer Station encountered hazardous ice conditions for a few days off the coast of Thur- ston Island. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 W. M. Voight conducted Doppler observations dur- ing the austral summer to establish positions at Byrd Station and Sip-1e Station, on the polar plateau at Dome Charlie, and around M-cMurdo Station. Several LC—130 cargo planes were damaged during support operations at Dome Charlie, but no one was injured. The two year-round projects conducted at Casey and South Pole Stations continued. Experiments at both sites are supporting ice movement, scintillation, and polar-motion studies with Doppler satellite ob- servations. R. J. Neif is wintering over at Casey Sta- tion, having relieved D. L. Schneider. Nef’f operates the, Geoceiver on inland traverses with the Australi- an field survey parties to support the International Antarctic Glaciological Program. R. G. Boschert and ‘J. E. Serensen relieved M. Y. Ellis and T. K. Meunier at the South Pole Sta- tion. A year-round Doppler satellite base tracking station is operated by USGS personnel. Results based on several years of Doppler data collected at Pole Station indicate that the ice is moving approximately 9 to 10 m/yr in the direction N. 43° W. New Pole Station, first occupied this year, was located so that it will eventually drift over the geographic South Pole. The abandoned Pole Station was originally lo- cated about 830 m downstream from the pole and is now 1,000 m downstream. The men are also monitor- ing the seismological equipment for the USGS Office of Earthquake Studies. Cartographic activities In accordance with Resolution 3 of the Third Meet- ing of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Re- search (SCAR) Working Group on Geodesy and Car- tography, the USGS continues to supply published materials and maps of Antarctica to SCAR member nations. A collection of maps and related materials from SCAR members are available through the Ant— arctic SCAR Library at the N CIC (National Center, STOP 507, Reston, Va. 22092). The status of USGS mapping in Antarctica is shown in figure 11. Compilation continues on 12 1:250,0-00-sca1e maps of the coast of Marie Byrd Land and on a 1:500,000-scale sketch map of Palmer Land at the base of the Antarctic Peninsula. Several 1:250,000-scale maps were approved for printing, but the publication date has not been set. A special large-scale map of McMurdo Station is being pre- pared with both metric and conventional units for use by contractors in planning utilities and other construction. 90 ”a", '1 / l ' t9 / / O . \\ //// O 7 . \/ / 7 ‘ 4? .g‘, : ANTARCTIC " "ENINSULA TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING 283 -;I__. THURé‘jW lswl I‘m \ \\ \ / / 120 WALLET S'AYION \\ \ "\\se,47° 150 \ \ ELL 180 MAPPING IN PROGRESS PUBLISHED MAPS Topographic with Reliel Shading STATUS OF MAPP|NG Topographic with Relief Shading Planimetric Manuscripts 1:500.000 scale Various scales Sketch Maps with Reliet Shading 1500.000 scele 1:250,ooo scale by C] 1:250,ooo scale US. Geological Survey e 1 c 1 rn-l Loo; JULY 1,1975 D . b s In Reproduction,oooe 112,188,800 Ross Ice Shell Planning Map r'l LJ 1150,000 Topoguphic 111,000,000 FIGURE 11.—Index map of Antarctica, showing status of topographic mapping. 284 LANDSAT experiments Investigations continue under the NASA—funded project SR—149, “The Cartographic Applications of LANDSAT Imagery in Polar Regions.” Several map products were completed during this period: a com- panion 1:1,000,000-sca1e IMW mosaic of the McMur— do Sound region; 1:1,000,000-scale mosaics of Vic— toria Land and of the Thurston Island-Jones Moun- tains area; a single-scene map at 1:500,000 and 1:250,000 scales of the Dry Valley region; and a 1 : 500,000-scale mosaic of the Ellsworth Mountains. LANDSAT images are being used to revise 1:250,000-sca1e maps and the 1 :10,000,000—scale map of Antarctica published by the National Geographic Society. LANDSAT imagery has also proved valu- able in monitoring the movements of large icebergs and ice islands and the seasonal changes in ice fronts associated with Antarctic ice shelves and in the ice- pack that surrounds the continent. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Mexico The first product of the USGS-CETENAL (Co- misién de Estudios del Territorio Nacional) agree- ment for the exchange of information was viewed at a joint meeting in Mexico City in July 1974. The 1:50,000—scale metric topographic map of the Rio Grande Valley marks the beginning of joint map- ping of U.S.—Mexico border areas. Another USGS- CETENAL meeting was held in February 1975 in Menlo Park, Calif., to discuss aerial photography, geodetic control, and exchange of map products. Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) The USGS continued to provide administrative and staff support for the US. member of the Commission on Cartography and for the chairman and US. mem- ber of the Committee on Topographic Maps and Aerophotogrammetry. Six USGS personnel are con- tributing to PAIGH activities. The US section of the Commission on Cartogra- phy and the chairman of the US. National Section held two meetings in Reston, Va., during the fiscal year. In September 1974, they met to discuss the results of the fifteenth meeting of the Directing Council held in Mexico City. In March 197 5, they met to consider actions taken by the authorities of PAIGH at Caracas, Venezuela, regarding new proj- ects and programs of the various commissions. Color separates for the “Atlas of Volcanic Phe- nomena” were delivered in July 1974 to the PAIGH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Secretary General in Mexico City. The atlas is an active sales item in the United States, and PAIGH plans to publish a Spanish edition for distribution throughout Latin America. Saudi Arabia The USGS is continuing to assist the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its effort to increase the permanent capacity for geological and resource investigations and to direct the mining industry toward the best possibilities for mineral exploration and develop- ment. The fourth extension agreement with the Min- istry was completed in June 1975 and approved by the Director of the USGS. The agreement, covering a 3-yr period starting July 10, 1975, was forwarded to the Ministry for approval. In support of this pro- gram, the USGS continues to assign personnel to Saudi Arabia. In the latter part of 1974, R. C. Nixon replaced K. S. McLean as a field surveys specialist, and C. M. Robins replaced F. G. Lavery as a photo- grammetric specialist. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FIELD SURVEYS Inertial surveying After more than 16,000 km of trial surveying by the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) with the Jeep— mounted Position and Azimuth Determining System (PADS), several government agencies recognized that, by applying the system in closed traverses, PADS can probably establish positions accurate enough for public-land and map-control surveys. Such applications are intended for the Auto-Sur- veyor, a civilian version of PADS being developed by Litton Systems, Inc., for the Bureau of Land Man- agement (BLM). The Auto-Surveyor consists of an inertial measuring unit, a digital processing unit, a control and display unit, a power supply unit, and a cassette recorder. With a battery and electrical cables, the system weighs 150 kg and fills the passen- ger space, behind the pilot and operator, of an FH— 1100 helicopter. The innovation that makes an inertial navigation system perform so accurately is the development of the zero-velocity update procedure. The vehicle is periodically brought to a standstill, and the system automatically levels the platform to the local gravity vector and analyzes the residual velocity values to obtain correction terms. As the traverse continues, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPINGr with periodic zero-velocity updates, the computer accumulates information about and compensates for systematic observational errors and the systematic changes in the gravity field. Less accurate results are obtained when the line has an abrupt change in direction, such as a right-angle turn. The accuracy of the Auto-Surveyor in a flat desert environment (near Phoenix, Ariz.) was tested in December 1974 by the BLM. A major part of the test was trying different combinations of procedures, 3- or 5-min periods between landing or hovering updates, over straight survey lines about 38 km long. A preliminary evaluation of test data indicates a high level of accuracy—standard deviations of 0.74, 0.71, and 1.00 m in latitude, longitude, and elevation, respectively—and significantly improved accuracy with 3-min updates. To obtain accuracies suitable for map control, lines must be nearly straight, no longer than 50 km, and double run. The average travel time for one 38-km run was 30 min. Some developmental work is needed to extract the highest accuracy obtainable with the present hardware. For USGS use, improved accuracy in vertical measure— ments is necessary before the Auto-Surveyor can be applied with full practicality. A system that will provide ground profiles by measurement from an aircraft, the Aerial Profiling of Terrain System (APTS), is being developed by the USGS and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass. The proposed APTS, to be carried by a light single- or twin-engine plane, comprises: (1) An inertial measuring unit to continuously de- termine latitude, longitude, and elevation of the air- craft; (2) a laser tracker unit to measure on posi- tioned ground retrorefiectors for periodic updating of the inertial system; (3) an imaging instrument (TV or camera) to record the flight path; (4) a com— puter to process and adjust the measurements and to provide in-fiight guidance; and (5) a tape recorder to store the profile data. The terrain profiling system in operation is visualized as a powerful tool for flood studies as well as for map-control surveys. Geodetic data management agreement The NOAA-USGS Memorandum of Understanding of June 13, 1974, established joint policies and pro- cedures for the exchange, maintenance, and distribu- tion of geodetic control data. That agreement re- affirms the mandate of the Federal Mapping Task Force to establish a central file of geodetic data and thus will improve service to the user by recognizing the' National Geodetic Survey Information Center (NGSIC) as the primary source for Federal geodetic 285 control data. The USGS is committed to transferring all the geodetic data that it has acquired to NGSIC by 1980. By this agreement, the USGS will provide data on monumented, recoverable control points of third-order accuracy or better that are connected to the National Horizontal and Vertical Control Net- works in a computer-compatible form specified by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). To date, only the software for handling horizontal control has been developed by the NGS. Present plans are based on the 30-min quadrangle as the basic unit area for storage and retrieval of data. The USGS is modifying the NGS horizontal adjustment program for use in preliminary evaluation of the data. The NGS wants a good elevation on every horizontal sta- tion, based on whatever data the USGS can supply, including elevations scaled from published maps. In contrast to horizontal control, even doubtful vertical data are desired because repetitive leveling is in— creasingly important in identifying and quantifying surficial movement. USGS mapping centers have undertaken pilot projects to discover problems, solu— tions, and best methods. The NCIC is maintaining files and supplying data on request during the trans- fer period and warning against the use of old USGS marks (not considered of third-order accuracy and therefore not transfered to NGS responsibility) for extending geodetic control. Also, the NCIC is investi- gating ways and means of developing a system to store, retrieve, and supply photogrammetric control along with pertinent images. Equipment improvements Ground verification of mapworthy features is an essential but painstaking and costly phase of topo- graphic mapp-ing. In an effort to streamline these field operations, a windowed van was custom fitted to provide a comfortable and well-equipped mobile work station. The vehicle is a 34-ton upgraded Chevy Van with a wide sliding door on the side and double doors at the rear. Sitting about 0.5 In higher than the average car, the van affords a better view of the terrain. The basic work station is a cut-down draft- ing table with a built-in light box and drawers for supplies, photographs, maps, and fieldsheets. The desk chair is mounted on rails, with a variable- position locking device. Special brackets inside and outside the van conveniently store stadia rods, plane- tables, and tools. First field trials of the custom van won immediate approval, largely because on-the-spot scribing is particularly helpful in revision surveys and in annotating orthophoto bases. 286 Two USGS liquid-damped and two Keuffel and Esser air-damped alidades were modified for mount- ing directly on tripods. With the proper tripod, an instrument height of about 2 m is possible. Tangent screws were added to provide smooth slow motion in the horizontal direction. Also, the optics of the Keuf— fel and Esser alidade were modified so that the scale- reading eyepiece is located beside the main telescope. The increased instrument height provided by tripod mounting raises the line of sight, and the effect of heat waves is lessened. The instrumentman can take readings from an erect position rather than a stoop- ing positiOn. In use, the tripod alidade significantly improves the efficiency of surveys for supplemental vertical control while it maintains specified accuracy. Special surveys and investigations Monumentation and leveling observations were completed on a test course established around the National Center at Reston, Va. Eighteen stations were set and leveled over, including one in the lobby and one at the flagpole. During the year, the course was used for evaluating several new instruments as well as for training employees. Horizontal positions will be established on the course this year. In addi- tion, a station (Powell) has been set on the roof of the National Center and will soon be tied into the NGS triangulation network. In five cases of boundary disputes (portions of the Maine-New Hampshire boundary; the Dorchester County-Wicomico County, Md., boundary; the Shen- andoah National Park, Va., boundary; the Ever- glades National Park, Fla., boundary; and the Louisi: ana-Texas boundary), mapping expertise was called on to supply surveyed positions or traverses, maps, and court testimony. Releveling in the Isleton, Calif., delta area indi- cated an average of 6 to 9 cm subsidence with some localized sinking of more than 30 cm since 1967. In contrast, a low range of hills on the western edge of the delta showed an uplift of 3 to 6 cm. A network of new leveling and releveling was completed in the Raft River Valley, Idaho, to serve as a monitor network for the study of vertical crustal movement. The val- ley is a fertile agricultural area where ground water is being used for irrigation; it is also a potential geo- thermal area. The releveled bench marks revealed that up to 80 cm of subsidence has occurred in the central part of the valley since 1958. To monitor and control saline-water pumping for mineral extraction at Searles Lake, Calif., a monitor level network was recently established for the Con- servation Division. Local crustal changes were indi- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 cated in at least two separate areas around the lake. Fifteen monitor level lines have now been estab- lished across a number of western fault zones to measure vertical movement. The releveling of the Fairview Peak, Nev., monitor line showed vertical creep of as much as 4 cm in a l—yr period. PHOTOGRAMMETRY Digital photogrammetry The computer industry is offering increasingly flexible software and hardware at a small fraction of the cost a decade ago, a‘circumsta‘nce having con- siderable effect on all aspects of civilian mapping. Through digital techniques, it is conceivable that, with a minimum of effort, mapmakers will be able to respond to users’ needs in a matter of hours or days rather than years. The goal is to produce maps digitally at any scale and in a variety of formats. To do so, cartographic data must be converted to numerical data in ma- chine-readable form. A single topographic quad- rangle map contains more than 100 million discrete bits of information, so that creating a digital map data bank is forrnidably complex. Also, the data bank must be designed to connect with other geographical- ly related information and management systems. With the assistance of the Rome Air Development Center (RADC), Griffiss Air Force Base, N.Y., the USGS conducted a pilot project to discover problems in digitization—both deriving digital map data from the stereomodel and generating graphics from the data. The AS—11B—1 analytical plotter was used to extract digital planimetric and terrain data from un- conventional source material for the Estrella SW, Ariz., quadrangle. An interactive system allowed automatic plotting from magnetic tape with the Car- tographic Digitizing Plotter, fast manual editing with disk storage, and automatic tape correcting. Additional smoothing of the data will be done auto- matically with RADC’s Batch Processing System. When data editing is completed, the updated tape will be used to drive a first-order plotter and produce the finish-quality color-separation negatives. Map control from superwide-angle photographs High-altitude superwide-angle photographs can be used to provide pass points for wide-angle mapping photographs and thereby reduce the amount of ver- tical ground control needed. Early tests with 3,350- and 6,700-m superwide—angle photographs failed to meet vertical accuracy requirements and indicated unsatisfactory point transfer. In a third trial with TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING the 6,700—m photographs, acceptable results were , achieved after test procedures were changed: All un- targeted points were drilled on the diapositive plates; four readings were taken on fiducial and image points, two normal and two with optics rotated 90°; the block was adjusted as a whole; new camera cali- bration data were used (made possible by improve- ments in the USGS camera calibrator) ; radial lens distortion was corrected by a newly devised grid method; and independent afl‘ine transformations to the calibrated fiducial mark coordinates were made for each day’s measurements. The resultant rms residuals were 1.1 m (3.6 ft) horizontally and 0.5 m (1.6 ft) vertically. The 1:24,000-scale topographic maps are now being compiled by using the photocon- trol established by the refined solution. Map control from high-altitude photographs A study is underway to assess the practicality of using high-altitude quad-centered photographs and semianalytical aerotriangulation to establish verti- cal control for normal production compilation with low-altitude photographs. Horizontal and vertical control points, previously selected on low-altitude photographs, were pin-pricked on quad-centered 12,000-m photographs of the La Gloria, Tex., quad- rangle and 10,800-m photographs of the Gillette, Wyo., quadrangle. Observed 9c, y, and z coordinates of all points were measured with a 05 Stereoplani- graph and adjusted by four versions of a semiana- lytical aerotriangulation program that treat the error surface in turn as a plane, a sphere, a spheroid, and a cylinder; 50 to 60 vertical control points-are available in each quadrangle so that dispersion pat- terns could be chosen for each assumed error sur- face. The adjustments were first computed with all known elevations treated ' as control. Then only known elevations for the selected control patterns were used as control in the second series of adjust- ments, and the rest of the points were used as test points. The object was to find the error surface most closely approximating the intrinsic errors of the stereomodel. The lowest residuals were obtained from the adjustment based on a spheroidal error sur- face; for both study are-as, rms residuals were less than 1.52 m (5.0 ft) at control points and averaged 1.60 m (5.25 ft) at test points. The error surfaces were plotted with the Calcomp General Purpose Con- touring Program and Perspective Drawing Software System (Three-D). The graphic displays enabled easy detection of major errors in original elevation data. 287 Aerotriangulation of quadcentered photographs The stepped-up production of orthophotoquads calls for the aerotriangulation of hundreds of quad- centered photographs each month. The unique grid of camera positions allows a minimum of pass points to serve many purposes—as model and flight ties and as orthophoto scaling points. All points and point transfers to the scanning plates are marked with a Wild PUG. An efficient and accurate adjustment is the simultaneous block adjustment of models, aver- aging 2 s of central processing unit (CPU) time per model on the IBM 370/155 computer. A fully ana- lytical adjustment of refined comparator measure- ments averaged 8 s of CPU time per plate. With either mode, the rms horizontal errors of test points varied from 1.5 to 3 m (5 to 10 ft). Compilation from large-scale maps A test was conducted to find out if large-scale engi- neering plans can be efficiently incorporated into standard 1:24,000-sca1e maps. A film positive of a 1 : 2,400-scale engineering plan of a portion of Lewis- ton, Maine, was reduced to 1124,000 and projected at 1:4,800 in a Kelsh plotter. Map detail was traced mono-scopically and reduced to 1:24,000 through a pantograph. Difficulties were encountered in extract- ing the desired information because of the lack of culture classification on the large-scale plans and the fine detail of the contours, which had to be general- ized for 1:24,000 portrayal. For comparison, a stere-omodel of the Lewiston area, which covered about 2.5 times the test area, was compiled by stand- ard methods in about the same time required for the monoscopic plot. On the basis of compilation tests and limited field checking, large-scale engineering plans cannot be used to advantage in compiling 1 : 24,000 topographic maps. Model orientation with pocket calculators S Pocket-size programable calculators are being ap- plied to model orientation with optical—train stereo- plotters. For the relative orientation of models dur- ing semianalytical aerotriangulation with a Wild A 7 or Kern PG 2, the analytical procedure requires only one or two iterations, in comparison with the two to six normally required. The technique is particularly helpful for setting up stereomodels with rugged ter- rain or large tilts. With camera orientation data from fully analytical aerotriangulation, the calcu- lator is programed to compute the Wild B 8 settings for relative and absolute orientations. The resulting stereomo-dels are correctly scaled, nearly clear of y parallax, and nearly level. 288 Large-scale planimetric mapping A largewscale (1 cm=24 m) planimetric map was produced with the Kelsh stereoplotter. The area of approximately 2.6 km2 (1 mi?) was compiled from materials and control data acquired previously for the Fort Wayne, Ind., large-scale orthophoto project. The photographs were taken with a 152-mm f.l. camera from 1,400 m. The manuscript was compiled at model scale on a plotter with an optimum projec- tion distance of 525 mm. Contours were not compiled, but, given standard-accuracy supplemental vertical control, 5-ft contours could be compiled easily. Copies of the experimental map are being evaluated by the Topographic Division and Fort Wayne officials. Correcting radial lens distortion A new method of correcting for radial lens distor- tion was devised, in which corrections are applied according to the grid location of the point rather than the radial distance from the point of autocol— limation. This method provides corrections for asym- metrical and irregular distortions and for nonflatness of the magazine platen. The data for the corrections are obtained by meas- uring collimator images on a series of film exposures made with the camera on the calibrator at various orientations. The distortions, or differences between measured and true (calibrated) positions of the col- limator images, are computer converted to con-tour form. Then a distortion grid is derived from the math model, typically a 5-mm grid for a 23-cm square format. The x, y correction for a given point is determined by interpolation between nearest grid coordinates. Automatic image correlation A study was completed on the evaluation of den- sity factors causing difficulties in the automatic cor- relation of stereoimages. Transparencies of a low- altitude stereopair were scanned with a J oyce-Loebl microdensitometer, and the density profiles were mathematically and visually compared. Density peaks were visually correlated wherever possible along corresponding density profiles. An arbitrary origin was chosen (where parallax was zero), and distances of peaks from the origin were measured with the Bendix DataGrid digitizer; the differences in measurements for matched peaks represented parallax differences and were later used to calculate elevation differences for constructing profiles. The results indicate that many factors contribute to losses of automatic correlation. The easily detect: able difficulties are attributed to: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 1. Objects that appear in only one photograph, like the side of a building. 2. Large objects obstructing small objects on only one photograph. 3. Sitautions in which a series of density peaks represent density changes rather than changes in elevation. Other possible causes of difficulties are: 4. Slope of terrain. 5. Correlation of leafless trees with their shadows. 6. Problems with electrical noise when the signal-to- noise ratio is low (i.e., very little density varia- tion in the photograph), as in snow—covered or heavily forested areas. 7. Objects that equal the scanning-spot size in one photograph and are smaller than the spot size in the other photograph and thereby produce different density patterns. 8. Effect of light intensity on density variation. The center of one photograph corresponds to the edge of the adjacent photograph, and, as a result, the density variation is larger in one profile than in the other. Panel photography by helicopter A Hasselblad 70-min camera installed in the chin of each USGS helicopter is being used to obtain im- proved panel photographs. Since paneling rarely can be timed for the panels to show on the mapping pho- tographs used for aerotriangulation, each panel must be photographed from a small aircraft so that the surrounding ground features can be related to those on the mapping photographs. The helicopter installa- tion was designed to obtain a vertical photograph having a relatively large format and a scale that can be matched with that of the mapping photographs. The pilot makes his run over the panel in a cardinal direction if possible and usually 600 to 900 m above terrain. Two frames are exposed for each panel to yield a stereopair. In the field, a system of leapfrog- ging the paneled points allows the pilot to fly without passengers on one trip over any given panel and thus makes it easy to climb to the required altitude. The saving is in taking panel photographs while the crew is on the spot, particularly when it is necessary to take up the panel materials afterwards, as it is in wilderness and other controlled areas. The helicopter system is producing photographs that make identifi- cation and correlation of paneled points easier and cheaper than in the past. ’ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING CARTOGRAPHY San Juan's new metric map The standard topographic maps of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are a mixture of 71/2-min quad- rangles at 1:20,000 scale with metric contours and 71/;X6-min quadrangles at 1:24,000 scale with con- tours in feet. The Puerto Rico maps measure 74x81 cm on the average, and thus only one can be printed in a press run. As the maps are in need of extensive revision, it was proposed to reformat all Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands maps at 1 :20,000 scale in 45x60- cm quadrangles (representing a ground area of 9X 12 km), a design which would enable printing four at a time on the large five-color Harris press. With other improvements in symbols and portrayal, the new series would represent another step toward promoting simplicity and economy for future maps. Rather than map Puerto Rico in the extremities of UTM zones 19 and 20, a UTM zone 19.5 was estab- lished (central meridian at 66° longitude) for the proposed series. The San Juan area was selected for the experimental map because of its wide variety of mapped features, although 1969 field data had to be used. The grid format was constructed by a combina tion of automatic plotting and hand plotting. Archival negatives were reproduced and feature separated as well as color separated. Many new sym- bols and line weights were used that simplify draft- ing and lend themselves to digitizing (for example, dots were eliminated from spot and linear symbols). Only two type styles (Souvenir and Univers) served both the body and the margin of the map. The repro- duction negatives were prepared by using mezzotint screens to subdue or enhance features and to obtain good color combinations. The maps were printed four up on 44x 54-in paper and are being distributed for evaluation. Five-color interim revision maps Interim-revision maps, constituting over 15 per- cent of the USGS line maps prepared annually, are normally printed in the five standard map colors plus purple for added features. Printing in six colors is inefficient with the new five-color press, since an ad- ditional impression on another press is required. Color schemes must be designed that will produce the full range of map colors with no more than five impressions. To determine the feasibility of a five-color scheme for interim-revision maps, the North Miami, Fla., 71/g-min map was first contact photoprinted from normal color-separation materials in the three pri- 289 mary colors—yellow, magenta, and cyan—plus black and brown. Random-pattern mezzotint density screens were used to blend colors and obtain desired variations in the basic colors. The second experi- mental printing was prepared by using biangle screens and 120-1ine-screen tints with the five com- bined reproduction negatives to achieve the desired effect. The cost advantage of the five-color printing scheme ranges from $244 per map printed on a two- colo-r press to $64 per map printed on a five-color press plus a two-color press for the additional color. In addition, turnaround time in the plant is improved 2.5 times by printing interim—revision maps in five colors rather than six colors with three passes through two-color presses. Land-use map overlays Methods and formats for classifying and delineat- ing land use are still under investigation. Personnel in USGS mapping centers have been trained in the compilation of land-use lines, and several experi- mental projects were started. One approach is to compile land-use information at 1:125,000 scale, which will be reduced to 1:250,000 scale and regis- tered with the standard map base and other bound- ary overlays. Level 11 (Anderson and others, in press) classification for quadrangles in Virginia and Florida is in progress. Level III classification will be attempted at 1:24,000 scale for 12 71Ag-min quad- rangles in the Atlanta, Ga., area. In another project, land-use information was compiled stereoscopically and monoscopically at scales of 1:160,000 and 1: 125,000 for quadrangles in Arkansas. An overlay, “Level I Land Use and Land Cover Classification,” was prepared for the 1973 Hender- son, Tex., 71/3-min quadrangle map. Five categories are shown: urban and built-up land in light magenta, agricultural land in yellow, forest land in green, water in blue, and wetland in grey tint with swamp symbol. The overlay was contract printed on clear polyester film, which gives good transparency and register. This type of overlay is being considered for displaying land status and ownership, terrain slope, and additional themes for the National Atlas. Flood-plain maps Sixteen watershed areas in St. Louis County, Mo., are being mapped as a joint venture with the Water Resources Division (WRD) for the HUD flood-insur- ance program. The project comprises 24 maps at 1:6,000 scale, which will be a combination of ortho- p-hotoimagery and linework. The flood-prone areas will be contoured at 3-ft intervals from 1,200-m 290 photographs. Profiles compiled at small intervals will be used by the WRD to compute probable flood levels, which will also be delineated on the maps. 50-State map In response to manyrequests over the past few years to graphically portray the 50 States of the United States in correct pro-portion, position, and relationship to one another, a 126,000,000-sca1e map of the 50 States was prepared. The projection is a wide-band Lambert conformal conic with standard parallels at 37° and 65°. Highways, rivers, bound- aries, railroads, cities, towns, and names were com- piled from the National Atlas general reference map (127,500,000) and global navigation charts (1:5,000,000) and at two levels of content so that maps at smaller scales can be derived. The map can also serve as a base for future thematic editions. The five-color 50-State map measures 92X144 cm (36X56.6 in) and can be purchased from USGS map sales offices. Slope maps Another method has evolved for making slope maps. The contour negative is not projected but is secured to a stationary glass above and in light con- tact with film on an orbiting table. Exposure is made with a remote pinpoint light source. There are sev- eral advantages to this method: (1) The contour negative is not reduced, (2) the film and contour negative (or spread positive) are stud registered rather than visually registered, (3) the precision in line spreading and choking is greater, (4) the ten- dency to fog with very wide chokes is diminished, and (5) light intensity is greater, particularly im- portant with the broader spreads and chokes. 1:100,000-scale maps Several experimental projects are underway to produce samples of 1:100,000-sca1e topographic maps. The Healdsburg, Calif., map (northeast quar- ter of the 1 :250,000 Santa Rosa map) was prepared partly by enlarging the 1 : 125,000 San Francisco Bay region maps and updating on the basis of 1972 U—2 high-altitude photographs; eight 71/2-min quad- rangles, reduced and mosaicked, completed the map. Color-separation plates were designed for flexible reproduction; the contours and land lines were scribed without breaks to facilitate digitizing. Metric equivalents are shown in red for all spot elevations. The Watford City, N. Dak., map (southeast quar- ter of the 1 :250,000 Watford City map) is in prepara-. tion. The 32 71/2-min quadrangles covering the area GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 were reduced to 1:100,000 scale and mosaicked. Metric contours will be interpolated. Digital cartography Converting cartographic data—point, linear, and areal—to digital data can be approached in several ways. Experiments started last year in contour digit- izing by automated line-following proved the capa- bility of the i/o Metrics Sweepnik digitizer. A com- puter-controlled laser beam digitized land-use bound- aries at 1 : 24,000 scale from four experimental Fred- ericksburg, Va., overlays, with readings recorded every 250 ,im (the instrument is capable of 5mm increments). The same device is also‘used to plot from digital data by exposing film with the laser. More experiments with the Sweepnik are in progress, including the compilation of additional land-use plates at scales of 1:125,000 and 1:250,000 for the Land-Use Data and Analysis program and contour and drainage plates at 1:24,000 scale for the Geo- logic Division coal resources program. Preliminary feasibility studies with digitizers that scan with a photodiode linear array (push- broom) show promise for highly automated carto- graphic applications. As the pushbroom scans the line copy, the intersections (line positions) are re- corded. The advantages of this type of device over the line-following device are (1) three to four times faster digitization of a quadrangle; (2) virtually automatic operation (a line-follower requires an at- tendant to insure continuous operation) ; (3) batch- process computer editing rather than interactive ‘manual editing; and (4) draft-quality copy input rather than finish-quality input. ‘ The USGS recently purchased a computer-con- trolled automated drafting system (model 1232) from Gerber Scientific Instruments, Hartford, Conn. The system offers high-precision (25 am) low-speed drafting (up to 9.5 cm/s) and the capability of ink- ing or scribing on a drafting surface or exposing on photographic film. The plotter is controlled by a Hewlett-Packard 2100A minicomputer. The 1.2X1.5- m (4X5 ft) flatbed easily handles extra-large base sheets for State and regional maps. The system is now producing high-accuracy grids for hardware calibration, low-frequency gratings for generating orthophotos, line screens for cartographic and print- ing applications, and computer-generated projections for special projects. Examples are the Albers equal- area and Lambert conformal conic projections of off- shore areas under study by the Geologic Division, plotted from control and data tapes generated by Version IV of the Cartographic Automatic Mapping TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS AND MAPPING program now stored on the USGS computer. Com- puter programs have been written for generating and plotting base sheets and orthophotoquad grati- cules and grids with the Gerber system. The digital orthophoto system (DOS) will produce digital profile information from a stereoscopic model, store the information on magnetic tape, and use the information off-line to control the photographic unit that produces the orthophoto. The electronic units are designed with the flexibility to adapt to several types of profiling and exposing units. DOS comprises three subsystems: 1. The prototype of a profiling device is being built to attach to a Kelsh or ER—55 for translating the platen in z and the guide-rail carriagein x, y under servo control. A prototype device for the Kern PG 2 has been tested. 2. The electronic subsystem consists of a profile re- cording assembly (magnetic tape) now being tested and a playback or scanning assembly. 3. The orthophoto output instrument consists of a projector equipped with a three-axis servo sys- tem for off—line exposure of orthophotos. First tests of the complete system will consist of profiling with a 05 Stereoplanigraph and scanning and exposing with a GZ 1 Orthoprojector. Orthophoto systems The USGS is evaluating orthophoto systems for standard quadrangle mapping. Tests with the Gestalt Photo Mapper GPM—Z, Galileo-Santoni Ortho Simplex, Wild AVIOPLAN, ICOS, Gigas—Zeiss GZ 1, Danko-Arlington K—320, Wild PP 08, and Jenoptik Orthophot B have been completed. Additional tests are planned with OLOPS at the DMA, the Kern OP 2 Orthoprojector, and the Matra SFOM—910. Steps have been taken to purchase the PP 08, Orthophot B, and GPM—2. A GZ 1 acquired from the DMA will be adapted for off-line seaming under control of a USGS-designated electronic unit. USGS Orthophoto- scopes are continually ' being improved; variable transformers enable more precise light control dur- ing exposure, and adhesive is replacing vacuum units for holding the film. Orthophoto scan masks Masking techniques were applied to the problem of scan lines on orthophotos. The Gerber plotter was used to construct a 5-mm (scan width) grating, from which two masks were prepared, one having alter- nating clear and opaque 5-mm bars and the other having the reverse. In orthophoto production, each 291 mask is stud registered over the film; the first ex- posure is made through the open bars of mask 1, and then the operation is repeated with mask 2 until the entire film is exposed. The fact that the first trial resulted in a simulated orthophoto with uniform- width scan lines suggests that these lines could be eliminated. The next step is to prepare new masks of different dimensions. Orthophoto image quality It is desirable to have continuous image tone from one quadrangle to the next throughout an orthopho- toquad project. Thus, density levels and ranges for photographic products must be planned in advance for the complete project. Project planning is based on the principle that the output density range and level for each item remain proportional to the same parameters measured on a sample of the input to the system. Achieving tone match between items by project planning may produce one or more orthopho- toquads of less-than-satisfactory quality-and usabili- ty. An example is the effect on low—density-range items in a high-density-range project where item contrast is increased very little or even decreased in the end product. In this situation, a deviation from the project plan is warranted to achieve the more desirable product. Planning the image quality for orthophotoquad projects has been programed for the computer. An adjustment in contrast is based on a parabolic func- tion derived by the program to fit product specifica- tions. The amount of adjustment varies with the item: the lowest range item receives the largest boost in contrast, and the highest range item re- ceives little or no adjustment. The prototype pro- gram is being used by the Western Mapping Center with encouraging results. Large-scale orthophotographic maps Four contract urban mapping projects started last year are nearly completed, and large—scale orthopho- tographic maps will soon be in the hands of users to determine their suitability for dealing with urban problems. The USGS has served as technical advisor and monitor, with the objective of developing stand- ards for urban mapping. The projects are in various stages of completion: 1. Fort Wayne, Ind. (10w, rolling topography and 180,000 population)—440 1:2,400-scale ortho- photographic maps covering 570 km2 are com- pleted and being used for city and county projects. 292 2. Charleston, SC. (coastal city with relatively flat topography and 75,000 population)——590 1:2,400-scale orthophotographic maps covering 1,080 km2 are 80 percent complete. 3. San Francisco, Calif. (coastal city with wide range of topography and 700,000 population) — Orthophotographic maps of 145 km2 at 1 : 6,000 scale and of selected areas at scales of 1:2,400 and 1: 1,200 are 85 percent complete. 4. Frederick, Md. (rolling topography with 25,000 population)—64 1:2,400-scale orthophoto- graphic maps of 160 km2 are 90 percent complete. Private mapping firms were further sampled in a project to determine their capabilities for orthopho- tomapping urban areas with considerable relief. Six firms having different instrumentation prepared five 1:2,400-scale orthophotos from 1,800-m, 153-mm fl. and 3,600-m, 305-mm f.1. photographs of Ambridge, Pa. (120-m relief), and from 1,200-m, 153-mm f.1. photographs of Jackson, Mo. (30-m relief). The or- thophotos were prepared with the Matra SFOM, Zeiss Ortho 3, Kelsh K—320, J enoptic Orthophot, Gestalt Photo Mapper GPM 1, and Wild PP 08. Each orthophoto was tested for relative accuracy, the dif- ference between orthophoto and stereomodel coordi- nates at 35 test points. The resulting accuracies were considered acceptable for an orthophoto of rugged terrain, but it was significant that the results did not favor any one firm. The 153—mm photographs produced better resolution than the 305-mm photo- graphs; however, they required more careful scan- ning. The fact that the orthophotos made from 305- mm photographs had fewer image mismatches in rugged terrain indicates that the angle of projection is more favorable with 305-mm photographs than with 153-mm photographs. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Experimental orthophoto products Six 1110,000-sca1e orthophotoquads of the Sapelo Island research project covering the Doboy Sound, Ga, 71/3-min quadrangle were completed. The coastal wetlands were interpreted from color-infrared photo- graphs and classified according to major plant spe- cies associations. The annotated orthophotoquads are available as oz-alid paper prints. Two orthophotoquads and companion line maps at 1 : 125,000 scale are being prepared for the Connecti- cut Valley urban area study. The 99 71A;-min ortho- photoquads of the Connecticut Valley will be reduced to a scale of 1:80,000 and mosaicked onto control bases. The mosaics will then be reduced to 1: 125,000 scale and combined with the collar. The line maps will be prepared from the State base map for the southern map and from published quadrangle maps for the northern map. The maps will bear minimal name and collar information. Three experimental color orthophotoquads of the Tioga, N .Y., area were prepared from 1280,000-scale 153-mm F.L. color photographs. The diapositives were made by Earthsat Corporation, Washington, DC, and the color orthophotos were made by Geo- metric Systems, Inc., Kirkwood, N.Y., with the J en- op‘tic Orthophot. The resulting color balance was poor, characteristic of color film exposed at high altitudes. Dry Valley, Antarctica, is being mapped with 1:50,000-scale orthophotoquads with 50-m contours. Vast snowfields combined with sharp jagged relief caused loss of._the stereoview and unavoidable breaks in the scans. In many photographs, the density range is extremely low but graded across the exposure, so that density matching in mosaicking was nearly im- possible. The mosaics of 1:35,000-sca1e prints were retouched before reduction to 1 : 50,000 scale. COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY With its scientists engaged in research into every existing and potential source of energy, the USGS is increasingly charged with providing direction to both Government and industry in all phases of energy— related exploration, development, and production. Concomitantly, USGS requirements for increased computational capacity accelerated in fiscal year 1975. This growth pattern was typified by a transi- tion from rudimentary batch-processing techniques to more sophisticated interactive processing meth- ods, using time-sharing systems, and the use of data- base-management software packages. The Computer Center Division (CCD) continued its expansion of computation facilities to meet the needs of the USGS’s scientific community. Future expansion was formally addressed in a comprehensive planning document, “The USGS Automatic Data Processing Management Plan,” that identified requirements for a 5-yr period (1976—80) . RESTON COMPUTER SYSTEM During fiscal year 1975, the bulk of USGS batch- processing requirements was met by the IBM 370/155 computer system located in the National Center at Reston, Va. The system accommodated the batch requirements of local users, as well as those of the remote batch-processing sites throughout the United States. Action was taken to acquire and in- stall a second IBM 37 0/ 155 when analysis predicted saturation of the single system by July 1975. The two central processing units will be identically configured and possess equal memory capacity (4 million bytes each). The planned configuration will ensure that either processor could execute any current or future program designed to run on the existing system. A software load-leveling technique designed to balance the processing load on each processor is being de- veloped. In case of a processor failure, the remaining processor will have the capability to assume the full workload, albeit at a reduced throughput rate. The two-computer configuration became operational in September 1975. The second IBM 370/155 is an interim computer system, as was the initial system. The combined capacity of the two computers will experience satura- tion late in fiscal year 1976. Accordingly, the CCD plans to procure a larger computer system to replace the two IBM 370/ 155 computers. TIME-SHARING SYSTEMS To provide automatic data-processing support to its energy program and related activities, the USGS plans to procure three fully compatible time-sharing- oriented computers to be used in Denver, 0010.; Men- lo Park, Calif.; and Reston, Va. All three computers will be accessed by numerous terminals. Sixteen large data bases will be maintained on the computers. Image-manipulation techniques using CRT graphic devices and minicomputers monitoring scientific in- strumentation will be used in support of scientific computations. DATA COMMUNICATIONS Expanding requirements Remote processing of data by an expanding data- communications network continued to increase dur- ing 1975. Approximately 70 terminals are connected to National Center computers for remote job-entry processing of batch—oriented tasks, an increase of over 30 percent from 1974. The greatest increase was realized in the technique of interactive processing, where keyboard and CRT terminals provide the fa- cility for accessing data bases, retrieving informa- tion, executing computational algorithms, or creat- ing computer programs in a conversational mode with computers. Nearly 140 interactive terminals are currently installed throughout the United States for use by USGS scientists. Dedicated network The planned acquisition of three compatible time- sharing computers for Menlo Park, Denver, and Res- 293 294 ton will generate a further increase in datacommuni- cations traffic within the USGS. A study is currently in progress to determine the parameters and cost of a dedicated USGS network to efficiently accommo- date data-communications requirements from 1976 to 1980. Planning inputs forecast nearly 600 termi- nals in use by 1980, with a 100/500 split of remote job-entry versus interactive processing. The planned network will make use of the most current data-com- munications technology and will be modular in concept. Problem diagnosis The CCD has developed and incorporated into the data-communications control program a software routine that isolates communications problems. The routine determines whether the problem is associated with remote terminal hardware or with the com- munications line and thereby reduces the time re- quired for problem solving. The routine also incor- porates an automatic disconnect feature to prevent overloading of data-communication ports during periods of excessive line problems. DATA-BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The USGS has procured System 2000, a general- purpose data-base management system. The basic system 2000 provides the user with a comprehensive set of data-base management capabilities, including the ability to define new data bases, modify the defi- nition of existing data bases, and retrieve and update values in these data bases. System 2000 was installed in the fall of 1974 and is currently being used for the Ground-Water Site Inventory System by the Water Resources Division. Other divisions within the USGS are planning and designing systems to be implemented by using the flexible power of System 2000. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 NEW SOFTWARE SUPPORT Significant enhancements were made to the control program of the IBM 370/155 in the fall of 1974. Analysis of performance-measurement information revealed that one routine of this program consumed an exorbitant amount of central processing unit (CPU) time. By modifying this routine, a better than threefold reduction in CPU time was realized, and an additional 4 h of available time was gained for user applications. This enhancement forestalled the saturation of the single IBM 370/155 by nearly a year. NEW FACILITIES Rolla, Missouri A Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc., model 86 computer system was installed in March 1975. This system replaced the IBM 360/20 computer ter- minal and provides more efficient and flexible support for the Midcontinent Mapping Center. The computer system can operate as a computer terminal to the Reston IBM 370/ 155 complex as well as concurrently provide local computational support. This increased support enables the implementation of new methods of analytical aerotriangulation and will encourage investigations into new computer applications for more efficient operations. Sioux Falls, South Dakota A contract has been awarded for the installation of a Burroughs Corporation B 6700 computer system at the EROS Data Center. Installation was accom- plished in September 1975. The system will replace the existing IBM 360/30 and will continue the sup- port needed to (1) catalog the data of the ERS pro- gram and ongoing aircraft photography programs; (2) answer requests and fill orders from the public; and (3) schedule the operation of the EROS Data Center. In addition, the system will support new applications in digital image processing and analysis. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS PROGRAM Books and maps Results of research and investigations by the USGS are made available to the public through pro- fessional papers, bulletins, water-supply papers, cir- culars, miscellaneous reports, and several map and atlas series, most of which are published by the USGS. Of these reports, books are printed by the Government Printing Ofiice, and maps are printed by the USGS; both books and maps are sold by the USGS. All books, maps other than topographic quadrangle maps, and related USGS publications are listed in the catalog “Publications of the Geological Survey, 187 9—1961” and “Publications of the Geological Sur- vey, 1962—1970” and in yearly supplements, available on request, that keep the catalogs up to date. New publications, including topographic quad- rangle maps, are announced monthly in “New Publi- cations of the Geological Survey.” A free subscrip- tion to this list may be obtained on application to the U.S. Geological Survey, 329 National Center, Res- ton, VA 22092. State list of publications on hydrology and geology “Geologic and Water-Supply Reports and Maps, [State],” a series of booklets, provides a ready refer- ence to these publications on a State basis. The book- lets also list libraries in the subject State where USGS reports and maps may be consulted; these booklets are available free on request to the USGS. Surface-water and quality-of-water records Beginning with the 1961 water year, surface-water records have been released on a State-boundary basis in separate annual reports entitled “Water Resources Data for [State]: Part 1, Surface Water Records.” The records will also be published in the USGS series of water~suprply papers at 5-yr intervals. The first group of “Surface Water Supply” papers covers the water years 1961—65. Publication of quality-of-water records began in the annual State series in 1964 as “Water Resources Data for [State]: Part 2, Water Quality Records.” The annual publication in the USGS water—supply papers of “Quality of Surface Water of the United States” by drainage basins has been continued. Dis- tribution of the State water-resource data, Parts 1 and 2, is limited and primarily for local needs. These reports are free on request to Water Resources Divi- sion district offices (listed on p. 323) in areas for which records are needed. Indexes, by drainage basins, of surface-water rec- ords to September 30, 1970, are published 'in the USGS series of circu’rars, issues of which are free on application to the Branch of Distribution, U.S. Geo- logical Surveg, 1200 South Eads Street, Arlington, VA 22202. These indexes list all streamflow and reservoir stations for which records have been pub- lished in USGS reports. State water-resource investigations folders ~ A series of folders entitled “Water-Resources In- vestigations in [State]” is a project of the Water Resources Division to inform the public about its current program in the 50 States and Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. As the programs change, the folders are revised. The folders are available free on request to the U.S. Geological Survey, 435 National Center, Reston, VA 22092, or to the Water Resources Division district offices listed on page 323. Open-file reports Open-file reports, which consist of manuscript re- ports, maps, and other preliminary material, are made available for public consultation and use. Ar- rangements can generally be made to reproduce them at private expense. The date of release and places of availability for consultation are given in news re- leases or other forms of public announcement. Since May 1974, all reports and maps released only in the open files have been listed monthly in “New Publica- tions of the Geological Survey.” For reports issued before this date, alisting has been published annually in the circular series. Most open-file reports are placed in one or more of the three USGS libraries: .295 296 950 National Center, Reston, Va; Box 25046, Fed- eral Center, Denver, Colo.; and 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, Calif. Other depositories may include one or more of the USGS offices listed on page 318 and interested State agencies. Many open-file reports are superseded later by formally printed publications. Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey The “Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey” is a bimonthly periodical designed to pro- vide relatively rapid publication of short scientific papers by USGS personnel. It replaces the short- papers chapters of the annual “Geological Survey Re- search” series of professional papers, issued from 1960 through 1972. Earthquake Information Bulletin The “Earthquake Information Bulletin” is pub- lished bimonthly by the USGS to provide informa- tion on earthquakes and seismological activities of interest to both general and specialized readers. It also lists pertinent publications and selected future professional meetings of Earth-science groups. PUBLICATIONS ISSUED Duzfimgifiscallyml'mmemmwfimfl WI mpsmmmmmmemm;mmes,asfidflwszv ' Kind of map printed .1975 Topographic ._---_....____.._._ _____ 4,532 (Geologic and hydrologic ________________ 366 Maps for inclusion in book reports _______ 42 Miscellaneous ,(includin’glmaps Liorr‘mfller l agencies ,_____.___________-____.___-__ _ i1‘6 Total .. ______________________ 4:956 In addition, 6 issues of the “Journal of Research” ‘uomprising about 752,280 copies, 6 issues of the 3 “Earthquake Information Bulletin” comprising about , mmmmmnusmmmmmmam! mmmwmmwmmummi mflfimoupfiesafl’mpsaufllhwkmhmmw hfieMkWWJfiWflmm,’ ummmfimpmfimfindlulimgmmm‘ maps, wane W. Amtmiinmtdly 31$ miilliun t mm were sum, and 8mm was When the Miscellaneous ammonium US. Treasury. , The USGS also distributed 384,925 "copies of tech nical book reports, without charge and for official use, and 1,475,600 copies of booklets, free of charge, chiefly to the general 'public'; 289,550 copies of the monthly publications announcements and 108,500 copies of a sheet showing topographic map symbols were sent out. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 The total distribution resulted from receipt of 782,475 individual orders. The following table com- pares USGS map and book distribution (including booklets but excluding map-symbol sheets and monthly announcements) during fiscal years 1974 and 1975: Number of maps and books distributed Fiscal year Change Distribution points 1974 197 6 c555)- Eastern (Arlington, Va.) __ 6,010,586 6,499,087 +8 Central (Denver, Colo.) ____ 4,598,479 4,938,330 +7 Alaska (Fairbanks) _______ 123,317 129,949 +5 12 other USGS offices ______ 794,435 857,234 +7 Total _________________ 11,526,817 12,424,600 +7 HOW TO OBTAIN PUBLICATIONS OVER THE COUNTER Book reports Book reports (professional papers, bulletins, wa- ter-supply papers, “Topographic Instructions,” “Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations,” certain leaflets in bulk quantity, and some miscel- laneous reports) “can be purchased from the Branch (of Distrtbutz’om, ILS. Wow/oat Stormy, 1200 South Emisflbnwtdnzlongtm VA.22m,andfmflne USGS Public Inquiries ’Oifioes Histmi on page 322 (authorized agents of the Superintendent of E Documents)- Some book publications that can no longer be ob- ; tained from the Superintendent of Documents are ; available for pmhase from the above aim-them " agents of the Superintendent of Documents. fmpsand charts Maps and charts may be purchased at the follow- WWW: moo South W‘s Sit... AW Va. 9% Pimp Sit, Bambi, Mo. Bum 25286, Wall 015mm,, Denver, Colo. 345W MMM (Mitt llliromn 4141, W Whigs, we Went Ninth $12,, llama, when 311%) lFiirslt Ave, William, Alaska Public {inquiries (Offices listed tom page 322 USGS [maps are also sold by some 1,500 tomnmer— cial dealers throughout the United States. Prices charged are generally higher than those charged by USGS ofl'ices. ' Indexes showing topographic maps published for each State, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS Guam, American Samoa, and Antarctica are avail- able free on request. Publication of revised indexes to topographic mapping is announced in the monthly “New Publications of the Geological Survey.” Each index also lists special and U.S. maps, as well as USGS offices and commercial dealers from which maps may be purchased. Maps, charts, folios, and atlases that are out of print can no longer be obtained from any official source. These may be consulted at many libraries, and some can be purchased from secondhand-book dealers. BY MAIL Book reports Technical book reports, certain leaflets in bulk quantity, and some. miscellaneous reports can be ordered from the Branch of Distribution, ‘U.S. Geo- logical Survey, 1200 South Eads Street, Arlington, VA 22202. Prepayment is required and should be made by check or money order payable to the U.S. Geological Survey. Postage stamps are not accepted; please do not send cash. On orders of 100 copies or more of the same report to the same address, a 25- percent discount is allowed. Circulars and some mis- cellaneous reports may be obtained free from this Branch. Maps and charts Maps and charts, including folios and hydrologic atlases, are sold by the USGS. Address orders to Branch of Distribution, U.S. Geological Survey, 1200 South Eads Street, Arlington, VA 22202, for maps of areas east of the Mississippi River, includ- ing Minnesota, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and to Branch of Distribution, U.S. Geologi- cal Survey, P0. 302: 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, for maps of areas west of the Mississippi, including Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, Guam, and American Samoa. Residents of Alaska may also or- der maps of their State from the Alaska Distribu- tion Section, U.S. Geological Survey, 310 First Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Prepayment is required. Remittances should be by check or money order payable to the U.S. Geological Survey. On an order amounting to $300 or more at the list price, a 30-percent discount is allowed. Prices are quoted in lists of publications and in indexes to topographic mapping for individual States. Prices in- clude the cost of surface transportation. 297 Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey and Earthquake Information Bulletin Subscriptions to the “Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey” and the “Earthquake In- formation Bulletin” are by application to the Super- intendent of Documents, Government Printing Of- fice, Washington, DC 20402. Payment is by check payable to the Superintendent of Documents or by charge to your deposit account number. Single issues may also be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents. Advance material from mapping Advance material available from current topo- graphic mapping is indicated on individual State index maps, which are issued quarterly. This materi- al, which includes such items as aerial photography, geodetic control data, and maps in'various stages of preparation and editing, is available for purchase. Ordering information is contained in the text of the indexes. Requests for the indexes or inquiries con- cerning the availability of advance material should be directed to the National Cartographic Informa- tion Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 507 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. EROS Data Center materials USGS aerial photography, NASA aircraft pho- tography and imagery, LANDSAT (formerly called ERTS) imagery, and Skylab imagery and photogra- phy are sold by the USGS, as are copies of the pho- tography and imagery produced on 16-mm browse film, which are designed for prepurchase evaluation. LANDSAT Standard Catalogs are also sold. Ad- dress requests for price list, additional information, and orders to EROS Data Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Sioux Falls, SD 57198. Prepayment is re- quired for orders. Remittances should be made pay- able to the U.S. Geological Survey. National Technical lntormation Service Some USGS reports, including computer pro- grams. data and information supplemental to map or book publications, and data files, are released through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). These reports, available either in paper copies or in microfiche or sometimes on magnetic tapes, can be purchased only from National Techni- cal Information Service, U.S. Department of Com- merce, Springfield, VA 22161. USGS reports that are released through NTIS, together with their NTIS order numbers and prices, are announced in the monthly “New Publications of the Geological Survey.” REFERENCES CITED Adkison, W. L., Kelley, J. S., Jr., and Newman, K. R., 1975, Lithology and palynology of Tertiary rocks exposed near Capps Glacier and along Chuitna River, Tyonek quadrangle, southern Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey open- file rept., 58 p., 1 pl. Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, 1973, Annual report: Juneau, Alaska, p. 34—36. Alldredge, L. R., 1975, A hypothesis for the source of im- pulses in geomagnetic secular variations: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 80, no. 11, p. 1571—1578. Anderson, J. R., Hardy, E. E., Roach, J. T., and Witmer, R. E., 1975, A land—use and land-cover classification sys- tem for use with remote-sensor data: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof.VPaper 964. [In press.] Averitt, Paul, 1975, Coal resources of the United States, January 1, 1974: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1412, 131 pu Averitt, Paul, and Lopez, Lorreda, 1972, Bibliography and index of U.S. Geological Survey publications relating to coal, 1882—1970: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1377, 173 p.: Bailey, R. A., Dalrymple, G. B., and Lanphere, M. A., 1976, Volcanism, structure, and volcanism of Long Valley caldera, Mono County, California: Jour. Geophys. Re- search, v. 8. [In press] Barnes, D. F., 1972, Sixteen 1:250,000 simple Bouguer gravity anomaly maps of southeastern Alaska showing station locations, anomaly values, and generalized 10-milligal contours: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 16 sheets. Barnes, P. W., and Reimnitz, Erk, 1974, Observations of arctic shelf processes from marine geologic studies con- ducted off the northern coast of Alaska, in Reed, J. C., and Sater, J. E., eds., The coast and shelf of the Beaufort Sea: Montreal, Arctic Inst. North America, p. 439—474. Barnes, R. B., 1975, The determination of specific forms of . aluminum in natural water: Chem. Geol., v. 15, no. 3, p. 177—191. Beall, R. M., 1974, Map showing areas serviced by public water-supply agencies in 1973, greater Pittsburgh region, southwestern Pennsylvania: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF—607. ‘ Bell, K. G., 1973, Major unconformity beneath the type Marl- boro and associated metavolcanic rocks and above the Dedham pluton and the rocks it intrudes, in Geological Survey research 1973: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 850, p. 28. Bennington, G., and others, 1974, Methodologies for environ- mental analysis, environmental assessment: Springfield, Va., U.S. Dept. Commerce, Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, PB 244600/AS, 160 p. Berg, H. C., Jones, D. L., and Richter, D. H., 1973, Gravina- Nutzotin belt—Tectonic significance of an upper Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic sequence in southern and south- eastern Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 800-D, p. D1—D24. 298 Best, R. G., Moore, D. G., and Lindler, Robert, 1974, Inven- tory of wetlands using ERTS—l data, Codingbon County, South Dakota: S. Dak. State Univ. Remote Sensing Inst. interim rept. 74—19 on U.S. Geol. Survey contract no. 14—08—0001—13576, 11 p., 3 app. Biesecker, J. E., and Leifeste, D. K., 1975, Water quality of hydrologic bench marks—An indicator of water quality in the natural environment: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 460—E, 21 p. Bisselle, Anthony, and others, 1975, An approach to environ- mental assessment with application to Western coal development: Springfield, Va., U.S. Dept. Commerce, Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, PB2 44974/AS, 137 p. Blake, M. 0., Jr., and Morgan, B. A., 1975, Rutile and sphene in blueschist and related high-pressure facies rocks: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 20 p. Borcherdt, R. D., ed., 1975, Studies of seismic zonation of the San Francisco Bay region: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 941—A, p. A1—A102. Bredehoeft, J. D., and Pinder, G. F., 1970, Digital analysis of areal flow in multiaquifer groundwater systems—A quasi three-dimensional model: Water Resources Re- search, v. 6, no. 3, p. 883—888. Brookins, D. G., and Norton, S. A., 1975, Rb/Sr whole-rock ages along the Precambrian-Cambrian contact, east side of the Berkshire massif, Massachusetts [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs, v. 7, no. 5, p. 30—31. Brown, D. W., and Hem, J. D., 1975, Reactions of aqueous aluminum species at mineral surfaces: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1827—F. [In press] Bryant, Bruce, Marvin, R. F., Mehnert, H. H., and Naeser, C. W., 1975, Upper Eocene porphyries in the Colorado mineral belt and the history of the west margin of the Front Range uplift [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs, v. 7, no. 5, p. 591. Burchett, C. R., and Hollyday, E. F., 1974, Tennessee’s newest aquifer [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs, v. 6, no. 4, p. 338. Calkins, F. C., 1930, The granitic rocks of the Yosemite region, in Matthes, F. 0., Geologic history of the Yosem- ite Valley: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 160, p. 120— 129. Cameron, C. C., 1975, Some peat deposits in Washington and southeastern Aroostook Counties, Maine: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1317—C, p. 01—040. Cameron, R. E., and Ford, A. B., 1974, Baseline analyses of soils from the Pensacola Mountains: Antarctic Jour. U.S., v. 9, no. 4, p. 116—119. Campbell, W. H., 1976, An analysis of spectra of geomagnetic variations having periods from 5 minutes to 4 hours: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 81. [In press] REFERENCES CITED Campbell, W. J., Gloersen, Per, and Ramseier, R. 0., 1974, Synoptic ice dynamics and atmospheric circulation dur- ing the Bering Sea experiment, in Results of the U.S. contribution to the joint U.S./U.S.S.R. Bering Sea Ex— periment: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Preprint X—910—74—141, p. 1—30. Campbell, W. J ., Ramseier, R. 0., Weeks, W. F., and Wayen- berg, J. A., 1974, Preliminary results of lake and sea ice experiment, in Skylab—4 visual observations project report: NASA Tech. Memo. TM X—58142, p. 11-1—11—10. Carlson, G. H., 1971a, Flooded area of Lakeland Shores, Min- nesota: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 5 p. 1971b, Flooded area of Lake St. Croix Beach, Minne- sota: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 4 p. 1972, Flooded area of Montevideo, Minnesota: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 6 p. Carmichael, I. S. E., 1967, The iron-titanium oxides of salic volcanic rocks and their associated ferromagnesium sili- cates: Contr. Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 14, p. 36—64. Carrigan, P. H., Jr., 1971, A flood-frequency relation. based on regional record maxima: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 434—F, p. F11—F22. Chao, E. C. T., Minkin, J. A., and Thompson, C. L., 1974, Preliminary petrographic description and geologic impli- cations of the Apollo 17 Station 7 boulder consortium samples: Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v. 23, p. 413— 428. Chase, J. S., and Hunt, A. S., 1972, Sub-bottom profiling in central Lake Champlain—A reconnaissance study: Conf. on Great Lakes Research, 15th, Proc., p. 317—329. Childers, J. M., 1972, Channel erosion surveys along proposed TAPS route, Alaska, July 1971: U.S. Geol. Survey open- file rept., 79 p. Clark, M. M., Character and distribution of recent movement alt * southeastern part of the Elsinore fault zone, SOUL. ‘ '“ia [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programz, .. A, 5‘ n. 304. Cobb, E. H., 1974a, Geological “ '- "wen-file reports on Alaska indexed by quadrangw 1. Survey open- file rept., 116 p. 1974b, Selected U.S. Bureau of Mines reports on Alaska indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 40 p. 1974c, Geological'Survey maps (other than topographic maps) of Alaska indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Geo]; Sur- vey open-file rept., 38 p. 1974d, Reports of the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys and predecessor agencies, 1913— 1973, indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey open- file rept., 112 p. 1974c, Geological Survey published reports on Alaska, 1960—1973, indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 163 p. 1974f, Geological Survey published reports on Alaska, 1940—1959, indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 71 p. 1974g, Geological Survey published reports on Alaska, 1915—1939, indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey open—file rept., 159 p. 1974h, Geological Survey published reports on Alaska, 1884-1914, indexed by quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey open—file rept., 126 p. 299 Cobban, W. A., Landis, E. R., and Dane, C. H., 1974, Age relations of upper part of Lewis Shale on east side of San Juan Basin, New Mexico, in New Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 25th Field Conf., Ghost Range, central- northern New Mexico: p. 279—282. Coker, A. E., Higer, A. L., Rogers, R. H., Shah, N. J., Reed, Lawrence, and Walker, Sylvia, 1975, Automatic categori- zation of land—water cover types of the Green Swamp, Florida, using Skylab multispectral-scanner (S—192) data [abs], in Schneider, W. C., and Hanes, T. E., eds., Ad- vances in the astronautical sciences: Am. Astronautical Soc. 20th Ann. Mtg, Los Angeles 1974, Prob, v. 31, p. 670. Collier, C. R., J r., 1974, An approximation of sediment yields from watersheds in Minnesota: Am. Soc. Agr. Engineers Paper 74-2506, 9 p. Collier, C. R., Jr., and others, 1964, Influences of strip min- ing on the hydrologic environment of parts of Beaver Creek basin, Kentucky, 1955—59: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 427—B, 83 p. Collier, C. R., Jr., Pickering, ‘R. J., and Musser, J. J., eds., 1970, Influences of strip mining on the hydrologic environ- ment of parts of Beaver Creek basin, Kentucky, 1955—66: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 427—0, 77 p. Collin, A. G., 1974, Geochemistry of oil field brines, in De— velopments in petroleum science: New York, American Elsevier, v. 1, 430 p. , Cook, H. E., and Taylor, M. E., 1975, Basinal environments and trilobites of the Cambrian-Ordovician Hales Lime- stone [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Ann. Mtg., v. 2, p. 13. Coombs, D. S., 1961, Some recent work on lower grades of metamorphism: Australian Jour. Sci., v. 24, p. 203—214. Cooper, G. A., 1930, Stratigraphy of the Hamilton group of New York: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., v. 19, p. 116—134, 214—236. Correa, A. C., 1970, Borrego Pass Lentil, a new member of the Crevase Canyon Formation, southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico: Mtn. Geologist, v. 7, no. 2, p. 99—102. Cory, R. L., Redding, J. M., and McCullough, M. M., 1974, Water quality in Rhode River at Smithsonian Pier near Annapolis, Maryland, April 1970 through December 1974: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Resources Inv. 10—74, 18 p. Cressman, E. R., 1973, Litho‘stratigraphy and depositional en- vironments of the Lexington Limestone (Ordovican) of central Kentucky: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 758, .61 p. [1974]. Crist, M. A., 1975, Hydrologic analysis of the valley-fill aquifer, North Platte River valley, Goshen County, Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Survey Water Resources Inv. 3—75, 60 p. Cross, Whitman, 1896, Geology of Silver Clifl" and the Rosita Hills, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey 17th Ann. Rept., pt. 3, p. 263403. Curtiss, D. A., 1975, Sediment yield in streams in the Umpqua River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 1 sheet. Dalrymple, G. B., 1967, Potassium-argon ages of recent rhyolites of the Mono and Inyo Craters, California: Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v. 3, p. 289—298. Daly, R. A., 1912, Geology of the North America cordillera at the forty-ninth parallel: Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 38, 840 p. Darton, N. H., 1905, Age of the Monument Creek Formation: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 4, p. 178-180. 300 Davis, P. A., and Serebreny, S. M., 1974, Application of satellite imagery to estimates of precipitation over north- western Montana: Stanford Research Inst. Proj. 2013, final rept. on U.S. Geol. Survey contract 14—08—0001— 13271, 90 p. Denson, N. M., 1975, Map of Wyodak-Anderson coal bed in the Antelope Creek-Reno Junction area, Converse and Campbell Counties, Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map I—842—E. [In press.] Denson, N. M., and Horn G. H., 1975, Geologic structure map of the southern Powder River Basin, Converse, Niobrara, and Natrona Counties, Wyo.: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Inv. Map I—877. Denson, N. M., and Keefer, W. R., 1974, Map of Wyodak- Anderson coal bed in the Gillette area, Campbell County, Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Inv. Map I—848—D, scale 1:125,000. Denson, N. M., and Pipiringos, G. N., 1969, Stratigraphic implications of heavy-mineral studies of Paleocene and Eocene rocks of Wyoming, in Wyoming Geol. Assoc. Guidebook, 21st Ann. Field Conf., 1969: p. 9—18. Desborough, G. A., Mountjoy, Wayne, and Frost, Irving, 1975, Influence of caustic and water leaching on analcime— bearing and analcime-free pyrolyzed oil shale from the Green River Formation, Piceance Creek basin, Colo.: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 28 p. Deutsch, Morris, 1975, East Africa seminar and workshop on remote sensing of natural resources and environment: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 169 p. Deutsch, Morris, and Ruggles, F. H., Jr., 1974, Optical data processing and projected applications of the ERTS—li imagery covering the 1973 Mississippi River valley floods: Water Resources Bull., v. 10, no. 5, p. 1023—1039. Deutsch, Morris, Ruggles, F. H., J r., and Rabchevsky, George, 1974, Flood applications of the Earth Resources Tech- nology Satellite: Bowie, Md., U.S. Environment and Re- sources Council, Inc., 174 p., 28 figs. Dibblee, T. W., Jr., 1972, Rinconada fault in the southern Coast Ranges, California, and its significance: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs, v. 4, no. 3, p. 145—146. Donovan, T. J., and Noble, R. L., 1975, Identification of a petroleum-related geochemical anomaly in surface rocks, Denver basin, Colorado, through the use of light aircraft [abs.]: Conf. on Remote Sensing for Energy Resources, Lawrence, Kans., Feb. 18—20, 1975, Proc., p. 15. Donovan, T. J., Noble, R. L., Friedman, Irving, and Gleason, J. D., 1975, A possible petroleum-related geochemical anomaly in surface rocks, Boulder and Weld Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 11 p. Drew, L. J., 1975, Linkage effects between deposit discovery and postdiscovery exploratory drilling: U.S. Geol. Survey Jour. Research, v. 3, no. 2, p. 169—179. Dufl‘ield, W. A., 1975, Late Cenozoic ring faulting and vol— canism in the Coso Range area of California: Geology, v. 3, no. 6, p. 335—338. Eakin, H. M., 1918, The Cosna—Nowitna region, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 667, p. 30—33. Earth Satellite Corporation, 1974, Economic, environmental, and social costs and benefits of future Earth Resources Survey systems: Springfield, Va., U.S. Dept. Commerce, Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, PB—238702—SEP, 12 v. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Eaton, G. P., Christiansen, R. L., Iyer, H. M., Pitt, A. M., Mabey, D. R., Blank, H. R., Jr., Zietz, Isidore, and Gettings, M. E., 1975, Magma beneath Yellowstone Na— tional Park: Science, v. 188, no. 4190, p. 787—796. Embree, G. F., Hoggan, R. D., Williams, E. J., and Skipp, Betty, 1975, Stratigraphy of the southern Beaverhead Range, Clark and Lemhi Counties, Idaho [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs, v. 7, no. 5, p. 607. Engler, Kyle, Thompson, D. G., and Kazmann, R. G., 1945, Ground-water supplies for rice irrigation in the Grand Prairie region, Arkansas: Arkansas Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 457, p. 24—25. Epstein, A. G., Epstein, J. B., and Harris, L. D., 1974, In- cipient metamorphism, structural anomalies, and oil and gas potential in the Appalachian Basin determined from conodont color [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Pro— grams, v. 6, p. 723—724. Ewart, C. J., and Lee, Reuben, 1975, Floods in the Waiahole— Waikane area, Oahu, Hawaii: U.S. Geol. Survey Hydrol. Inv. Atlas HA—531. Fabiano, E. B., 1975, Magnetic declination in the United States—Epoch 1975.0: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Inv. Map I—911. Farrow, R. A., and Chleborad, A. F., 1974, Magnetic tape containing results of physical properties testing of soils and rocks: Springfield, Va., U.S. Dept. Commerce, Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, PB—235—002/AS. Fassett, J. E., and Hinds, J. S., 1971, Geology and full re- sources of the Fruitland Formation and Kirtland shale of the San Juan basin, New Mexico and Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 676, 76 p. Faulkner, G. L. and Pascale, C. A., 1975, Monitoring regional effects of high pressure injection of industrial waste water in a limestone aquifer: Ground Water, v. 13, no. 2, p. 197—208. Ficke, J. F., and Hawkinson, R. 0., 1975, The National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN)—Some questions and answers: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 719, 23 p. Finkelman, R. B., Christian, R. P., Schnepfe, M. M., and Berman, Sol, 1975, Observations on the Apollo 16 ultra- fines, in Lunar science VI: Houston, Tex., Lunar Sci. Inst, p. 263—265. Forbes, R. B., Hamilton, Thomas, Tailleur, I. L., Miller, T. P., and Patton, W. W., Jr., 1971, Tectonic implications of blueschist facies metamorphic terranes in Alaska: Nature, Phys. Sci., v. 234, p. 106—108. Forbes, R. B., Turner, D. L., Gilbert, W. G., and Garden, J. R., 1973, Ruby Ridge traverse, southwestern Brooks Range: Alaska Div. Geol. and Geophys. Surveys Ann. Rept. 1973, p. 34—36. Force, E. R., 1975, Titanium minerals in deposits of other minerals: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 16 p. Fouch, T. D., 1975a, Lithofacies and related hydrocarbon accumulations in Tertiary strata of the western and central Uinta basin, Utah, in‘Rocky Mtn. Assoc. Geol. Guidebook. [In press] 1975b, Early Tertiary continental sedimentation and hydrocarbon accumulations, northeastern Utah [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 59, no. 5, p. 909. REFERENCES CITED W,ROWMWLH”1W4,WM mammmmamof‘ temperature and fraction of hot water mixed with cold ‘ water: U.S. Geol. Survey Jour. Resenrch, v. 2, mm 3, p. 263—270. Freihihson, E., Dube, A., Milt/m, D. J., and Balasundaran, ' maimmmm;uwmh basalt:Sc'nnce,v.180,p.862—864. W,D.G,smnm.,andmr.c,1ms,m' enlationofhflslopeandchnnelemsioninthePieeQnee‘ hs‘n, (blond): Colorado Water Cm. Board Water RmChnSO.[hm] Friedman, Irving, 1968, Hydration rim! dates rhyolite flows: , Science, v. 159, p. 878—888. Fritts, C. E., 1969, Bedrock geologic map "of the Marenisco- Watermeet area, Gogebic and Ontomgon Counties, Mich— ' igan: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map I—576, scale 1248,000, 5 p. of text. Gabrysch, R. K., and Bonnet, C. W., 1974, Land-surface sub- sidence in the Houston-Galveston region, Texas: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 23 p. Gilbert, C. M., Christensen, M. N., Rawi, Y. A., and Lajoie, K. R., 1968, Structural and volcanic history of Mono Basin, California-Nevada: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 116, p. 275-329. Glancy, P. A., and Harmsen, Lynn, 1975, A hydrologic assess- ment of the September 14, 1974, flood in Eldorado Canyon, Nevada: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 69 p. Gloersen, Per, Ramseier, R. 0., Campbell, W. J., Chang, T. G., and Wilheit, T. 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Sun, R. J ., 1969, Theoretical size of hydraulically induced hori- zontal fractures and corresponding surface uplift in an idealized medium: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 74, no. 25, p. 5995—6011. 1973, Hydraulic fracturing as a tool for disposal of waste in shale, in Braunstein, Jules, ed., Underground waste management and artificial recharge, 2d International Symposium: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geolo- gists, v. 1, p. 219—270. Sun, R. J., and Mongan, C. E., 1974, Hydraulic fracturing in shale at West Valley, New York—A study of bedding- plane fractures induced in shale for waste disposal: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., 152 p. Swallow, L. A., and Fogarty, D. J., 1973, Flood of March 1968 on the Ipswich River, Massachusetts: U.S. Geol. Survey Hydrol. Inv. Atlas HA—482, 2 sheets, scale 112,000 [1974]. Swallow, L. A., and Wood, G. K., 1973, Flood of March 1968 on the Neponset River, Massachusetts: U.S. Geol. Survey Hydrol. Inv. Atlas HA—500, 1 sheet, scale 1:12,000 [1974]. 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Virgo, David, and Ross, Malcolm, 1973, Pyroxenes from Mull andesites: Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book, v. 72, p. 535—540. Walker, F. K., 1975, Bibliography and index of U.S. Geologi- cal Survey publications relating to coal, January 1971— June 1974: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 709, 14 p. Walker, G. W., 1973, Preliminary geologic and tectonic maps of Oregon east of the 1215t meridian: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF—495, 2 sheets. Waller, B. G., 1975, Distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the conservation areas in south Florida from July 1972 to June 1973: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Resources Inv. 5—75, 33 p. 308 Warren, D. K., and Turner, R. M., 1975, Saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis) seed production, seedling establishment, and response to inundation: Arizona Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 10, no. 3. [In press] Warren, W. M., and Wielchowsky, C. C., 1973, Aerial remote sensing of carbonate terranes in Shelby County, Alabama: - Ground Water, v. 11, no. 6, p. 14—26. Watson, Kenneth, 1971, A computer program of thermal modeling for interpretation of infrared images: Spring- field, Va., U.S. Dept. Commerce, Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, PB2—03578, 33 p. 1974, Geothermal reconnaissance from quantitative analysis of thermal infrared images: Internat. Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 9th, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., April 15—19, 1974, Proc., p. 1919—1932. Weber, G. E., and Lajoie, K. R., 1974, Holocene displacement on the San Gregorio fault, San Mateo County, California [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs, v. 6, no. 3, p. 273—274. Weber, W. G., and Reed, L. A., 1975, Sediment runofl" during highway construction: Civil Eng. [In press] Weeks, J. B., Leavesley, G. H., Welder, F. A., and Saulnier, G. J ., J r., 1974, Simulated effects of oilshale development on the hydrology of Piceance basin, Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 908, 84 p. Weinsten, G. H., Stone, H. L., and Kwan, T. 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S., Jr., Bodvarsson, A., Fridriksson, S., Pélma— son, G., Rist, S., Sigtryggsson, H., Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, and Thorsteinsson, I., 1973a, Satellite geological and geo- physical remote sensing of Iceland—Preliminary results from analysis of MSS imagery: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Symposium on Significant Results Obtained from ERTS—l, Greenbelt, Md., March 1973, Proc., p. 317—327. Williams, R. S., J r., Bodvarsson, A., Fridriksson, S., Pélmason, G., Rist, S., Sigtryggsson, H., Saemundsson, Kristjan, Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, and Thorsteinsson, I., 1973b, Ice- land—Preliminary results of geologic, hydrologic, ocean- ographic, and agricultural studies with ERTS—l imagery: Am. Soc. Photogrammetry Symposium on Management and Utilization of Remote Sensing Data, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1973, Proc., p. 17—35. Williams, R. S., J r., Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, and Saemundsson, Kristjan, 1973c, Vatnajiikull area, Iceland—New volcanic and structural features on ERTS—l imagery [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs, v. 5, p. 864—865. 4 Williams, R. 8., Jr., B6dvarsson, A., Fridriksson, S., Palmason, G., Rist, S., Sigtryggsson, H., Saemundsson, Kristjan, Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, and Thorsteinsson, I., 1974, En- vironme'ntal studies of Iceland with ERTS—l imagery: Internat. Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 9th, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., April 15—19, 1974, Proc., v. 1, p. 31—81. Williams, R. 8., Jr., Bodvarsson, A., Rist, S., Saemundsson, Kristian, and Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1975, Glaciological studies in Iceland with ERTS—l imagery [abs]: Jour. Glaciology, v. 15, no. 73. [In press] Wilshire, H. G., 1974, Prominence of terra breccias, in Lunar science V: Houston, Tex., Lunar Sci. Inst, p. 846—847. Wilshire, H. G., and Shervais, J. W., 1975, Al-augite and Cr- diopside ultramafic xenoliths in basaltic rocks from West- ern United States: Phys. Chemistry Earth, v. 9, p. 257— 272. Yotsukura, Nobuhiro, and Cobb, E. D., 1972, Transverse dif- fusion of solutes in natural streams: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 582—C, 19 p. Zenone, Chester, Schmoll, H. R., and Dobrovolny, Ernest, 1974, Geology and ground water for land planning in the Eagle River-Chugiak area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey open—file rcpt, 25 p., map. Ziony, I. I., Wentworth, C. M., Buchmn-Banks, J. M., and Wagner, H. G., 1974, Preliminary map showing recency of faulting in coastal southern California: U.S. Geol. Sur~ vey Iisc. Field Studies Map MF—585, scale l:250,000. Zwart, H. J., Corvalan, J., James, H. L., Miyashiro, A., Sag. gerson, E. P., Sobolev, V. S., Subramaniam, A. P., and Vallanee, T. G., 1967, A scheme of metamorphic facies for the cartographic representation of regional metamorphic belts: Internat. Union Geol. Sci. Geol. Newsletter, v. 1967, no. 2, p. 57—72. COOPERATORS AND OTHER FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS I DURING FISCAL YEAR 1975 [Cooperators listed are those with whom the U.S. Geological Survey had a written agreement for fiscal cooperation in fiscal year 1975. cosigned by responsible officials of the Geological Survey and the cooperating agency. Agencies with whom the Geological Survey had research contracts and to whom it supplied funds for such research are not listed. Parent agencies are listed separately from their subdivisions where separate cooperative agreements for different projects were made with the parent agency and with a subdivision of the parent agency] FEDERAL COOPERATORS Department of Defense—Continued Defense Mapping Agency (IAGS) Defense Nuclear Agency Department of Agriculture: U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Agriculture Research Service Forest Service Soil Conservation Service Statistical Reporting Service Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service Department of the Air Force: Department of Housing and Urban Development AFWL/PRP Kirtland AFB Air Force Academy Department of the Interior: Air Force Headquarters, Washington, DC. Alaska Power Administration Air Force Systems Command Bonneville Power Administration Air Force Weapons Laboratory (PRP) Bureau Of Indian Affairs Alaskan Air Command Bureau of Land Management Edwards Air Force Base Bureau of Mines Eglin Air Force Base Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Headquarters (AF-SC) Bureau of Reclamation Headquarters (AFTAC/AC) Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters Pacific Air Forces National Park Service mm 321% Combat firmer-t Group (SAC) Fomst Service WWW“ OfficeoflmndUseandWaterPlanning Office of Scientific Research Office of Salim Water Rocket Propulsion laboratory Office of Water Resources Research Vandenbmg Aja- Fume Base U.N. Geothermal Symposium Water Resources Council Department of the Army: " Amy Electronics Command Dapamtment of Justice Army Research Office Cold Regions Research and Ehgineefing Ballot-atom Department of the Navy: Construction Engineering March Laboratory Key West Naval Station Corps of Engineers ‘ Wire Corps, Camp Pendleton White Sands Missile Range Naval Air Development Center Naval Facilities Engineering Command Department of Com National Comic and Atmospheric Naval Weapons Center Wham: Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reel-we: Buoy Oflh Office of Naval Resend: mm Data Suwiee W Works Gunter» Gum W 12de W W lihvirmmrtal W Service unrtment of (State: W” mm Am for Intentional W WOUeanvaey WWWMWamOmum W Weaiflaer Service [MW Joint Commission W of Default: Department 11$sz Advanced Research hofiects Agency Federal Highway Administration Defense Intemgence Agency Office of the Secretary 309 310 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Energy Research and Development Administration: Albuquerque Operations Office Division of Applied Technology Division of Administrative Services Division of Reactor Research and Development Idaho Operations Office Nevada Operations Office Oak Ridge Operations Office Office of the Director of Regulation Richland Operations Office Rocky Flats Division San Francisco Operations Office Savannah River Operations Office Environmental Protection Agency: Management Division National Environmental Research Center Office of Radiation Programs V Office of Research and Development Office of Solid Waste Office of Water Programs . Pacific Northwest Environmental Research Laboratory Water and Hazardous Materials Federal Energy Administration General Services Administration National Academy of Sciences National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Emergency Preparedness Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission Tennessee Valley Authority Veterans Administration STATE, COUNTY, AND LOCAL COOPERATORS Alabama: Alabama Forestry Commission Alabama Highway Department City of Mobile County of Jefferson Geological Survey of Alabama Alaska: Alaska Department of Aviation Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska Geological Survey Alaska—Continued City and Borough of Juneau City of Anchorage City of Cordova City of Kenai City of Kodiak City of Seward Department of Environmental Conservation Greater Anchorage Area Borough Kenai Borough North Star Borough University of Alaska Arizona: Arizona Game and Fish Department Arizona Highway Department Arizona Water Commission City of Flagstaff City of Nogales City of Safford City of Tucson City of Williams Department of Health Services Flood Control District of Maricopa County Gila Valley Irrigation District Lyman Water Company Maricopa County Municipal Water Conservation District No. 1 Office of the Governor Pima County Board of Supervisors Salt River Valley Water User’s Association San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District Show Low Irrigation Company University of Arizona Arkansas : Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology Arkansas Division of Soil and Water Resources Arkansas Geological Commission Arkansas State Highway Commission California : Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Alameda County Water District Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Berrenda Mesa Water District Big Bear Lake Pest Abatement District California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology California Department of Fish and Game California Department of Water Resources California Division of Highways, Materials and Research Department California Water Resources Control Board Casitas Municipal Water District Chino Basin Municipal Water District City and County of San Francisco: Hetch Hetchy Water Supply Water Department COOPERATORS AND OTHER FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS 311 California—Continued City of Modesto, Public Works Department City of Redding City of San Diego City of San Jose City of San Rafael City of Santa Barbara City of Santa Cruz Coachella Valley County Water District Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District County of Fresno County of Madera County of Modoc County of Sacramento, Department of Public Works County of San Diego, Board of Supervisors County of San Mateo Department of Transportation, Office of Structures Desert Water Agency East Bay Municipal Utility District Fern Valley Water District Georgetown Divide Public Utility District Goleta County Water District Hoopa Valley Tribe Imperial County Department of Public Works Imperial Irrigation District Indian Wells Valley County Water District Kern County Kern County Water Agency Lake County Flood Control and Water Conservation District _ Livermore Amador Valley Water Management Agency Los Angeles County, Department of County Engineers Los Angeles County Flood Control District Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Madera Irrigation District Marin Municipal Water District Merced Irrigation District Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Mojave Water Agency Montecito County Water District Monterey County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District North Marin County Water District Orange County Flood Cdntrol District Orange County Water District Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District Pacheco Pass Water District Paradise Irrigation District Placer County Department of Public Works Riverside County Flood Control and. Water Conservation District San Benito County Water Conservation and Flood Control District San Bernardino County Flood Control District San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council California—Continued San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Santa Ana Watershed Planning Agency Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Santa Barbara County Water Agency Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District Santa Cruz County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Santa Cruz County Planning Department Santa Margarita and San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agencies Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Solano Irrigation District Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District Terra Bella Irrigation District Tulare County Flood Control District Turlock Irrigation District United Water Conservation District University of California: Department of Engineering School of Forestry and Conservation Scripps Institute of Oceanography Valley Community Services District Valley Sanitary District Ventura County Flood Control District, Riverside County Western Municipal Water District Waodbridge Irrigation District Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Colorado : Arkansas River Compact Administration Cherokee Water District City and County of Denver, Board of Water Commissioners City of Aspen City of Aurora, Department of Public Utilities City of Colorado Springs, Department of Public Utilities City of Fort Collins City of Pueblo Colorado City Water and Sanitation District Colorado Department of Local Affairs Colorado Department of Natural Resources: Division of Water Resources Division of Wildlife Geological Survey Colorado Department of Public Health, Water Pollution Control Commission Colorado River Water Conservation District Colorado Water Conservation Board Eagle County Commissioners El Paso County Board of Commissioners El Paso County Water Association Huerfano County Conservation District Jefferson County Health Department Kiowa-Bijou Groundwater Management District 312 Colorado-Continued Larimer County Planning Office Lower South Platte Water Conservation District Metro Denver Sewage Disposal District No. 1 Northern Colorado Water Conservation District Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Pitkin County Board of County Commissioners Rio Grande Water Conservation District San Luis Valley Water Conservation District Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District Southern Ute_ Indian Tribe Southwestern Water Conservation District State of Colorado, Department of Highways Teller County Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Connecticut: City of Hartford, Department of Public Works City of New Britain, Board of Water Commissioners City of Torrington Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey Department of Environmental Protection Department of Transportation State of Connecticut, Office of State Planning Town of Fairfield Delaware : Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware Department of Highways and Transporation, Division of Highways District of Columbia: Department of Environmental Services Florida: Brevard County Broward County Broward County Air and Water Pollution Control Board Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District City of Boca Raton City of Clearwater City of Cocoa City of Deerfield Beach City of Fort Lauderdale City of Fort Myers City of Gainesville City of Hallandale City of Hollywood City of Jacksonville City of Juno Beach City of Miami, Department of Water and Sewers City of Pensacola City of Perry City of Pompano Beach City of Riviera Beach City of St. Petersburg City of Sarasota City of Tallahassee City of Tampa City of Temple Terrace GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Florida—Continued City of West Palm Beach Collier County Collier County Water Management District No. 1 Collier County Water Management District No. 7 Department of Pollution Control Drvm' ‘ 'on of State Planm‘ng East Central Florida Regional Planning Council Englewood Water District Escambia County Florida Department of Natural Resources: Bureau of Geology Division of Parks and Recreation Florida Department of Transportation Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Hendry County Hillsborough County Jacksonville Area Planning Board Jacksonville Recreation and Public Area Lake County Lake Worth Drainage District Lee County Loxahatchee River Environmental Control District Manasota Basin Board Manatee County, Board of County Commissioners Marion County Martin County Metropolitan Dade County Northwest Florida Water Management District Orange County Osceola County Palm Beach County Pinellas County Reedy Creek Improvement District Sarasota County School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami Division of Planning Seminole County Southwest Water Management District St. Johns River Water Management Suwanee River Authority Suwanee River Water Management District Tampa Bay Regional Planning Commission Tampa Port Authority Village of Tequesta Volusia County Walton County Georgia : Chatham County City of Brunswick Dekalb County Department of Natural Resources: Earth and Water Division Environmental Protection Division Department of Transportation Hawaii : City and County of Honolulu Honolulu Board of Water Supply COOPERATORS AND OTHER FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS Hawaii—Continued State Department of Health State Department of Land and Natural Resources State Department of Transportation Idaho: City of Kellogg Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Idaho Department of Highways Idaho Department of Transportation Idaho Department of Water Administration Idaho State University Idaho Water Resources Board Southeast Idaho Council of Governments Illinois: Bloomington and Normal Sanitary District City of Springfield Cook County, Forest Preserve District Du Page County Environmental Protection Agency Fountain Head Drainage District Fulton County Illinois Institute of Environmental Quality Kane County Lake County McHenry County Regional Planning Commission Sanitary District of Bloom Township State Department of Registration and Education: Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois State Water Survey State Department of Transportation: Division of Highways Division of Water Resources Management The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Indiana: City of Indianapolis Indiana Board of Health Indiana Department of Natural Resources Indiana Highway Commission Town of Carmel Iowa: City of Cedar Rapids City of Des Moines City of Fort Dodge Iowa Geological Survey Iowa Natural Resources Council Iowa State Highway Commission, Highway Research Board Iowa State University Iowa State University, Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station Linn County University of Iowa, Institute of Hydraulic Research Kansas: City of Wichita Kansas State Department of Health Kansas—Continued Kansas State Water Resources Board Kansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Commission State Geological Survey of Kansas State Highway Commission of Kansas Kentucky: Bureau of Highways, Department of Transportation Department of Natural Resources Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Research Foundation Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Highways Louisiana Department of Public Works Louisiana Office of State Planning Louisiana State University Sabine River Authority of Louisiana Sabine River Compact Administration Maine: Department of Environmental Protection Maine Department of Economic Development Maine Department of Transportation Maine Geological Survey Maine Public Utilities Commission Maryland: City of Baltimore, Water Division Department of Natural Resources, Water Resources Administration Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Maryland Department of Transportation, The State Highway Administration Maryland Geological Survey Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Montgomery County Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Massachusetts: Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mineral Resources Department of Public Works: Division of Highways Division of Waterways Metropolitan District Commission State Water Resources Commission: Division of Water Pollution Control Division of Water Resources Michigan: Michigan Department of Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation Division Michigan Department of Natural Resources: Geological Survey Division Water Resources Commission Minnesota: Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area Metropolitan Sewer Board of the Twin Cities Area Minnesota Department of Highways 314 Minnesota—Continued Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters, Soils, and Minerals Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Minnesota State Planning Agency Pelican River Watershed District Mississippi : City of Jackson Harrison County Development Commission Jackson County Board of Supervisors Jackson County Port Authority Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission Mississippi Board of Water Commissioners Mississippi Geological Survey Mississippi Research and Development Center Mississippi State Highway Department Mississippi State University Pat Harrison Waterway District Pearl River Basin Development District Pearl River Valley Water Supply District Yellow Creek Port Authority Missouri : Curators of the University of Missouri Department of Natural Resources: Division of Environmental Quality, Clean Water Commission Research Technical Information Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Missouri Department of Business and Administration, Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources Missouri State Highway Commission Missouri Water Pollution Board St. Louis County Montana: Endowment and Research Foundation—~Montana State University Lewis and Clark County, Board of County Commissioners Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Montana Department of Intergovernmental Relations Montana Department of Natural Resources Montana State Fish and Game Department Montana State Highway Commission Old West Regional Commission Nebraska : Clay County Ground Water Conservation District Filmore County Ground Water Conservation District Hamilton County Ground Water Conservation District Kansas-Nebraska Big Blue River Compact Administration Lower Loup Natural Resources District Lower Platte South Natural Resources District Nebraska Department of Environmental Control Nebraska Department of Water Resources Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Nebraska Natural Resources Commission Seward County Ground Water Conservation District State Department of Roads GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Nebraska—Continued University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District York County Ground Water Conservation District Nevada : Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Nevada State Highway Department New Hampshire: New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development New Hampshire Water Resources Board New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission New Jersey: Bergen County Camden County Board of Freeholders Delaware River Basin Commission New Jersey Department of Agriculture, State Soil Conservation Committee New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection New Jersey Department of Transportation North Jersey District Water Supply Commission Passaic Valley Water Commission Rutgers State University Township of Cranford New Mexico: Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority City of Las Cruces Costilla Creek Compact Commission Elephant Butte Irrigation District Interstate Stream Commission New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources New Mexico State Engineer New Mexico State Highway Department Pecos River Commission Rio Grande Compact Commission University of New Mexico New York: Board of Hudson River—Black River Regulating District Central New York State Parks Commission City of Albany City of Auburn City of New York: Board of Water Supply Environmental Protection Agency County of Chautauqua County of Cortland County of Dutchess: Board of Supervisors Department of Public Works County of Nassau, Department of Public Works County of Onondaga: Department of Public Works Water Authority County of Orange COOPERATORS AND OTHER FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS I 315 New York—Continued County of Putnam County of Rockland Drainage Agency County of Suffolk: Department of Environmental Control Water Authority County of Ulster, Ulster County Legislature County of Westchester, Department of Public Works County of Wyoming Department of Environmental Conservation: Environmental Management Environmental Quality Environmental Research Facilities and Construction Management Department of Transportation Monroe County Water Authority New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences New York State Department of Health New York State Education Department, Museum and Science Service Oswegatchie-Cranberry Reservoir Commission Power Authority of the State of New York State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry Town of Brighton Town of Clarkstown Town of Middlebury Town of Warwick Village of Nyack North Carolina: City of Asheville, Public Works Department City of Burlington City of Charlotte City of Durham, Department of Water Resources City of Greensboro City of Winston-Salem North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, Division of Mineral Resources North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Office of Earth Resources North Carolina Department of Water and Air Resources State Department of Transportation Triangle “J” Council of Governments Water Research Institute Wilson County North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Oliver County, Board of County Commissioners State Highway Department State Water Commission Ohio : City of Canton City of Columbus, Department of Public Service Miami Conservancy District Ohio Department of Natural Resources Ohio Department of Transportation Ohio Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Ohio—Continued Three Rivers Watershed District Oklahoma: City of Oklahoma City, Water Department Oklahoma Department of Highways Oklahoma Geological Survey Oklahoma Soil Conservation Board Oklahoma Water Resources Board State Department of Health, Environmental Health Service Oregon: Burnt River Irrigation District City of Astoria City of Corvallis City of Eugene, Water and Electric Board City of McMinnville, Water and Light Department City of Portland, Bureau of Water Works City of The Dalles Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board Coos County, Board of Commissioners Cowlitz County Douglas County Lakeside Water District Lane County, Department of General Administration Oregon State Board of Higher Education Oregon State Game Commission Oregon State Highway Commission Oregon State Water Resources Department Pennsylvania : Chester County Commissioners Chester County Health Department Chester County Water Resources Authority City of Bethlehem City of Easton City of Harrisburg City of Philadelphia, Water Department Department of Environmental Management Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources: Bureau of, Topographic and Geologic Survey Bureau of Water Quality Management Office of Engineering and Construction State Soil and Water Conservation Commission Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Pennsylvania Office of State Planning and Development Susquehanna River Basin Commission Rhode Island: City of Providence, Department of Public Works State Department of Natural Resources: Division of Fish and Wildlife Division of Planning and Development State Department of Transportation, Division of Roads and Bridges State Water Resources Board South Carolina: Commissioners of Public Works, Spartanburg Water Works 316 South Carolina—Continued South Carolina State Development Board State Development Board, Division of Geology State Highway Department State Land Resources Conservation Commission State Pollution Control Authority State Public Service Authority State Water Resources Commission South Dakota: Black Hills Conservancy Subdistrict City of Sioux Falls City of Watertown East Dakota Conservancy Subdistrict South Dakota Department of Natural Resource Development South Dakota Department of Transportation and State Geological Survey Tennessee: Chickasaw Basin Authority City of Chattanooga City of Franklin City of Lawrenceburg City of Manchester »City of Memphis, Board of Light, Gas, and Water Commissioners Lincoln County Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County Murfreesboro Water and Sewer Department Tennessee Department of Conservation: Division of Geology Division of Water Resources Tennessee Department of Highways Tennessee Department of Public Health, Division of Water Quality Control Tennessee Department of Transportation Tennessee Game and Fish Commission Tennessee State Planning Office University of Tennessee Texas: City of Austin City of Dallas, Public Works Department City of Fort Worth City of Houston County of Dallas Sabine River Compact Administration Texas Highway Department Texas Water Development Board Utah: Bear River Commission Salt Lake County State Department of Highways State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Utah Legislative Council GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Vermont : State Department of Highways State Department of Water Resources, Planning and Development Division Vermont Geological Survey Virginia: City of Alexandria City of Newport News, Department of Public Utilities City of Norfolk: Department of Utilities Division of Water Supply City of Roanoke City of Staunton County of Chesterfield County of Fairfax Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Mineral Resources Virginia Department of Highways Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Virginia State Water Control Board Washington: Chehalis Tribal Council City of Port Angeles City of Seattle, Department of Lighting City of Tacoma: Department of Public Utilities Department of Public Works Clark County Public Utility District Coleville Business Council Cowlitz County Public Utility District Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Pacific County Quinault Business Committee Squaxin Indian Tribe Swinomish Tribal Council The Evergreen State College Tulalip Tribal Council University of Washington Washington State Department of Ecology Washington State Department of Fisheries Washington State Department of Game Washington State Department of Highways Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines and Geology Yakima Tribal Council West Virginia: Clarksburg Water Board Morgantown Water Commission West Virginia Department of Highways West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey Wisconsin : City of Madison City of Middleton Dane County COOPERATORS AND OTHER FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS Wisconsin—Continued Douglas County Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission State Department of Natural Resources State Department of Transportation, Division of Highways The University of Wisconsin-Extension, Geological and Natural History Survey Town of Kronenwetter Wyoming: City of Cheyenne, Board of Public Utilities State Highway Commission of Wyoming Wyoming Department i 1‘ Economic Planning and Development Wyoming Game and Fish Commission Wyoming State Agriculture Commission Wyoming State Department of Environmental Quality Wyoming State Engineer OTHER COOPERATORS AND CONTRIBUTORS Appalachian Regional Commission Coastal Plains Regional Commission Government of Algeria Government of American Samoa Government of Brazil Government of Burma Government of Colombia Government of Guam 317 Government of Iran Government of Jordan Government of Nepal Government of Nicaragua Government of Oman Government of Peru Government of the Philippines Government of Saudi Arabia Government of Thailand Government of Turkey Government of Yemen Northern Grant Plains Resources Programs Ozarks Regional Commission Permittees and licensees of the Federal Bower Commission Puerto Rico: Gobierno Municipal De Bayamon Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources i’uerto Rico Environmental Quality Board Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands United Nations Virgin Islands, Department of Public Works U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OFFICES Official and (or) office Director ....................... Associate Director ............... Senior Scientist ................. Assistant Director, Research ....... Assistant Director, Programs ....... Assistant Director, Environmental Conservation. Assistant Director, Administration . . . Assistant Director ............... Chief, Office of Land Information and Analysis. Earth Resources Observation Systems Program. Earth Sciences Applications Program. Environmental Impact Analysis . . . Geography Program ............ Resources and Land Information Program. Chief, Administrative Division ...... Chief, Computer Center Division Chief, Conservation Division ....... Chief, Geologic Division ........... Chief, Publications Division ........ Chief, Topographic Division ........ Chief, Water Resources Division ..... Official and (or) office Assistant Director, Eastern Region . . . Assistant Director, Central Region . . . Assistant Director, Western Region 318 HEADQUARTERS OFFICES Name and telephone number V. E. McKelvey (703 860-7411) W. A. Radlinski (703 860-7411) Frank E. Clarke (202 343-3888) James R. Balsley (703 860-7488) . . . . Dale D. Bajema (acting) (703 860-7435). Henry W. Coulter (703 860-7491) Edmund J. Grant (703 860-7201) Montis R. Klepper (703 860-7481) James R. Balsley (acting) (703 860-7488). ‘ John M. DeNoyer (703 860-7881) . . . Donald R. Nichols (703 860-7547) Daniel B. Krinsley (703 860-7455) James R. Anderson (703 860-6344) . J. Ronald Jones (703 860-7435) Edmund J. Grant (703 860-7201) Carl E. Diesen (703 860-7106) ...... Russell G. Wayland (703 860-7524) . . Richard P. Sheldon (703 860—6531) . . Harry D. Wilson, Jr. (703 860-7181‘) Robert H. Lyddan (703 860-6231) Joseph S . Cragwall, Jr. (703 860-6921). PRINCIPAL FIELD OFFICES Name and telephone number William B. Overstreet (703 860-7414) . Thad G. McLaughlin (303 234-4630) . Joel M. Johanson (415 323-2711) Address 101 National Center. 102 National Center. Rm. 4441, Interior Bldg.,Washington, DC. 20240. 104 National Center. 105 National Center. 106 National Center. 201 National Center. 171 National Center. 104 National Center. 1925 Newton Sq. East, Reston, Va., 22090. 104 National Center. 760 National Center. 115 National Center. 105 National Center. 201 National Center. 801 National Center. 600 National Center. 911 National Center. 341 National Center. 516 National Center. 409 National Center. Address 109 National Center. Bldg. 25, Federal Center, Denver, Colo. 80225. 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, Calif. 94025. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OFFICES 319 SELECTED FIELD OFFICES IN THE UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICO [Temporary offices are not included; list is current as of July 1. 1975. Correspondence to the following offices should be addressed to the Post Office Box. if one is given] Location Arizona, Flagstaff 86001 .......... California, Menlo Park 94025 ...... Colorado, Denver 80225 .......... Missouri, Rolla 65401 ............ South Dakota, Sioux Falls 57198 Location Central Region: Denver, CO 80225 ............. Eastern Region: Washington, DC 20006 ......... Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Operations: Metairie, LA 70011 .......... Western Region: Menlo Park, CA 94025 .......... Location Alaska, Anchorage 99510 ......... Arizona, Phoenix 85003 .......... California, Los Angeles 90012 ...... Bakersfield 93301 ............. Menlo Park 94025 ............. Sacramento 9 58 25 ............. Santa Barbara 93102 ........... COMPUTER CENTER DIVISION Official in charge and telephone number James E. Crawforth (602 774-1312) James L. Mueller (415 323-2661) . Frederick B. Sower (303 234-5277) . . Glenn A. Ridgeway (314 364-6985) Ralph J. Thompson (605 594-6555) CONSERVATION DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICES Official in charge and telephone number George H. Horn, Regional Conservation Manager (303 234-2855). George F. Brown, Regional Conservation Manager (202 343-4685). A. Dewey Acuff, Conservation Manager (504 680-9381); Willard C. Gere, Regional Conservation Manager (415 323-2108). AREA AND DISTRICT OFFICES Official in charge and telephone number Rodney A. Smith, Alexander A. Wanek (907 278-3571). Vacant (602 261-3766) ........... Fred J. Schambeck, Keith A. Yenne (213 688-2846). Donald F. Russell (805 861-4186) . . . Leo H. Saarela (415 323-2108). Henry L. Cullins, Jr. (415 323-2563). Reid T. Stone (415 323-2841). Robert D. Morgan, (acting) (916 484-4219). Michael F. Reitz (805 963-3305) . . . . Address 601 East Cedar Ave. 345 Middlefield Rd. Rm. E2608, Bldg. 53, Federal Center. PO. Box 41. EROS Data Center. Address Bldg. 25, Federal Center; Villa Italia, Wadsworth and Alameda. Suite 316, 1825 K St., NW. P.O. Box 7944; 336 Imperial Office Bldg, 3301 North Causeway Blvd. 345 Middlefield Rd.; 701 Laurel St. Address PO. Box 259; 212 Skyline Bldg, 218 E St. Rm. 208, 522 North Central Ave. Rm. 7744, Federal Bldg., 300 North Los Angeles St. Rm. 309, Federal Bldg., 800 Truxtun Ave. 345 Middlefield Rd.; 701 Laurel St. Rm. W-2231, Federal Bldg., 2800 Cottage Way. Rm. 214, Post Office Bldg, 836 Anacapa St. 320 Location Colorado, Denver 80225 .......... Durango 81301 ............... Grand Junction 81501 .......... Idaho, Pocatello 83201 ........... Louisiana, Houma 70360 .......... Lafayette 70501 .............. Lake Charles 70601 ............ Metairie 70011 ................ Mississippi, Jackson 39201 ......... Missouri, Rolla 65401 ............ Montana, Billings 59103 .......... New Mexico, Artesia 88210 ........ Carlsbad 88220 ............... Farmington 87401 ............. Hobbs 88240 ................. Roswell 88201 ................ Oklahoma, McAlester 7 4501 ....... Oklahoma City 73118 .......... Tulsa 74135 .................. Oregon, Portland 97208 ........... Texas, Freeport 77541 ............ Utah, Salt Lake City 84138 ........ Washington, D.C. 20006 .......... Wyoming, Casper 82601 .......... Newcastle 8 27 0 1 .............. Rock Springs 82901 ............ Thermopolis 82443 ............ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Official in charge and telephone number James A. Carter, (acting) (303 234-3984, 4484). John P. Storrs (303 837-4751). Sterling R. Osborne (303 234-5042). Daniel A. Jobin (303 234-4435). Jerry W. Long (303 247-5144) ...... Peter A. Rutledge, James W. Hager (303 242-3281). John T. Skinner (208 235-6262) John Borne (504 868-4033) ........ Elmo G. Hubble, (318 232-6037) . Robert Darrow (318 478-6440) ..... Harry McAndrews (504 680-9341). Donald W. Solanas (504 680-9333). Jake B. Lowenhaupt (504 680-9251). ~ Charles B. Mullins (504 680-9301). Thomas E. Godfrey (601 969-4405) . . C. V. Collins (314 364-8411) ....... Albert F. Czarnowsky '(406 245-6181). Jim S. Hinds (406 245-6185). Virgil L. Pauli (406 245-6368). James A. Knauff (505 746-4841) . . . . Robert S. Fulton (505 885-6454) J. E. Fassett, Philip T. McGrath (505 325-4572). Arthur R. Brown (505 393-3612) N. 0. Frederick, Donald M. VanSickle (505 622-9257). Alexander M. Dinsmore (918 423-5030). Charley W. Nease (405 231-4806) . Edward L. Johnson, Floyd L. Stelzer (918 581-7631). Jesse L. Colbert (503 234-4796) Vacant (713 233-2604) ........... Donald C. Alvord (801 524-5643). Edgar Guynn (801 524-5650). Jackson W. Moffitt (801 524-5646). William B. Gazdik, Harry A. Dupont, John A. Lees (acting) (202 343-4685). Charles J. Curtis (307 265-3407). Edward Haymaker (307 265-3247). Elmer M. Schell (307 265-3421). Glenn E. Worden (307 746-2737) John A. Fraher (307 362-6422). Arne A. Mattila (307 362-7350). George Kinsel (307 864-3477) ...... Address Bldg. 25, Federal Center. P.0. Box 1809; 125 West 10th St. PO. Box 2939; Federal Bldg, 4th St. and Rood Ave. PO. Box 1610; Federal Bldg., 150 South Arthur St. P.O. Box 1269. PO. Box 52289; 239 Bendel Rd. P.O. Box 6088, Drew Station. P.O. Box 7944; 336 Imperial Office Bldg, 3301 North Causeway Blvd. PO. Box 7966. 505 Unifirst Federal Savings & Loan Bldg. PO. Box 936; Suite 101, 400 Main St. PO. Box 2550; 217 Post Office Bldg. Drawer U; 105 South 4th St. P.O. Box 1716; Federal Bldg, 114 South Halagueno St. PO. Box 959; Petroleum Club Plaza, 3535 East 30th St. P.O. Box 1157; 205 North Linam St. Drawer 1857; Federal Bldg. and U.S. Courthouse, Richardson Ave. at 5th St. P.O. Box 816; 509 South 3d St. Suite 404, 50 Penn Pl. 6136 East 32nd Pl. PO. Box 3202, 830 NE. Holladay St. P.O. Box 2006. Rm. 8422, 8426, and 8432, Federal Bldg, 125 South State St. Suite 316, 1825 K St., N.W. P.O. Box 2859 and 2373; Rm. 2002 and 2001, Federal Bldg. and Post Office, 100 East B St. PO. Box 219; Suite 201, 100% West Main St. PO. Box 1170; Rm. 201 and 204, First Security Bank Bldg, 502 South Front St. P.O. Box 590; Rm. 202, Federal Bldg. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OFFICES 321 EARTI-I RESOURCES OBSERVATION SYSTEMS PROGRAM Location Mississippi, Bay St. Louis 39521 South Dakota, Sioux Falls 57198 Location Central Region: Denver, CO 80225 ............. Eastern Region: Reston, VA 22092 ............. Western Region: Menlo Park, CA 94025 .......... Location Alaska, Anchorage 99501 ......... College 99701 ................ Arizona, Flagstaff 86001 .......... Arkansas, Little Rock 72204 ....... California, La Jolla 92037 ......... San Francisco 94105 ........... Connecticut, Middletown 06457 . Florida, Miami 33139 ............ Hawaii, Hawaii National Park 96718 . . Kentucky, Lexington 40503 ....... Massachusetts, Boston 02110 ....... Woods Hole 02543 ............. New Mexico, Albuquerque 87115 Ohio, Columbus 43210 ........... Pennsylvania, Carnegie 1 5106 ...... Puerto Rico, San Juan 00936 ....... Tennessee, Knoxville 37902 ........ Texas, Corpus Christi 78411 ....... Utah, Salt Lake City 84111 ........ Washington, Seattle 98105 ......... Spokane 99201 ............... Wyoming, Laramie 82070 ....... -. . Official in charge and telephone number Gary W. North (601 688-3541) ..... Allen H. Watkins (605 594-6123) GEOLOGIC DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICES Official in charge and telephone number Ralph L. Erickson, Regional Geologist (303 234-3624), Eugene H. Roseboom, Jr., Regional Geologist (703 860-6631). David L. Jones, Regional Geologist (415 323-2214). OFFICES Official in charge and telephone number Donald H. Richter (907 344-2663) Florence R. Weber (907 479-7 245) Michael H. Carr (602 774-5261, ext. 1455) Boyd R. Haley (501 371-1616) ..... George W. Moore (714 453-2820) Ralph B. Matthiesen (415 556-7725) . Fred Pessl, Jr. (203 346-5542) ...... E. A. Shinn (305 350-4239) ........ Robert I. Tilling (808 967-7485) . . . . Wilds W. Olive (606 252-2552) ..... M. H. Pease, Jr. (617 223-7202) ..... John C. Behrendt (617 548-8700) Jon R. Peterson (505 264-4637) James M. Schopf (614 421-2393) Reginald P. Briggs (412 644—2920) . . . John M. Aaron (809 766-5340) ..... Robert A. Laurence (615 524-4268). Louis E. Garrison (512 888-3241) . . . Lowell S. Hilpert (801 524-5640) Thane H. McCulloh (206 543-5059) . . Albert E. Weissenborn (509 456-4677). J. David Love (307 745-4495) ...... Address Bldg. 1 1 00, National Space Technology Laboratories. EROS Data Center. Address Bldg. 25, Federal Center. 953 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. 345 Middlefield Rd. A dd ress 216 Skyline Bldg., 218 E St. P.O. Box 80586. 601 East Cedar Ave. 3815 West Roosevelt Rd. PO. Box 271; 8604 La Jolla Shores Dr. Rm. 7067, 390 Main St. P.O. Box 470. Fisher Island Station. Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, 2035 Regency Rd. 80 Broad St. U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole. Albuquerque Seismological Center, Kirtland AFB, East Bldg. 10002. Orton Hall, Ohio State Univ., 155 South Oval Dr. PO. Box 420. GPO Drawer 2230. 301 West Cumberland Ave. P.O. Box 6732; Univ. of Corpus Christi. Rm. 8416, Federal Bldg, 125 South State St. Dept. of Oceanography, WB 10, Univ. of Washington. West 920 Riverside Ave. Box 3007, Univ. Station, Geology Hall, Univ. of Wyoming. 322 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 PUBLICATIONS DIVISION PUBLIC INQUIRIES OFFICES [Each of the following offices provides over-the-counter sales service for Survey book reports and geologic and topographic maps relating to its geographic area. and for selected Survey reports of general interest] Location Alaska, Anchorage 99501 ......... California, Los Angeles 90012 ...... San Francisco 94111 ........... Colorado, Denver 80202 .......... District of Columbia, Washington 20244. Texas, Dallas 75202 .............. Utah, Salt Lake City 84138 ........ Virginia, Reston 22092 ........... Washington, Spokane 99201 ....... Official in charge and telephone number Margaret I. Erwin (907 2770577) . . . Lucy E. Birdsall (213 688-2850) Jean V. Molleskog (415 556-5627) Sylvia T. Huhta (303 837-4169) Bruce A. Hubbard (202 343-8073) Mildred V. Smith (214 749-3230) Wendy R. Hassibe (801 524-5652) . . . A. Ernestine Jones (703 860-6167) Eula M. Thune, (acting) (509 456-2524). DISTRIBUTION CENTERS Address Rm. 108, Skyline Bldg., 508 2d Ave. Rm. 7638, Federal Bldg, 300 North Los Angeles St. Rm. 504, Custom House, 555 Battery St. Rm. 1012, Federal Bldg, 1961 Stout St. Rm. 1028, General Services Bldg., 19th and F Sts., NW. Rm. 1045, Federal Bldg., 1100 Commerce St. Rm. 8102, Federal Bldg, 125 South State St. - Rm. 1C402, National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. Rm. 678, US. Court House, West 920 Riverside Ave. [Survey maps are distributed by mail and over-the-counter from the following centers] Location Virginia, Arlington 22202 1‘ 2 ...... Colorado, Denver 802253 ......... Alaska, Fairbanks 997014 ......... Location California, Menlo Park 94025 ...... Colorado, Denver 80225 .......... Missouri, Rolla 65401 ............ South Dakota, Sioux Falls 57198 Virginia, Reston 22090 ........... Reston 22092 ................ Official in charge and telephone number John J. Curry (703 557-2751) ...... Dwight F. Canfield (303 234-3832) . . Natalie A. Cornforth, (907 452-1951, ext. 174). TOPOGRAPHIC DIVISION Official in charge and telephone number Roy R. Mullen (415 323-2411) ..... Albert E. Letey (303 234-2351) A. Carroll McCutchen (314 364-3680). Allen H. Watkins (605 594-6123) Roy E. Fordham (703 471-1711) Peter F. Bermel (703 860-6352) 1 For maps of areas east of the Mississippi River (including Minnesota). 2 Also, provides mail and over-the-counter distribution for Survey book reports. 3For maps of areas west of the Mississippi River (including Louisiana). 4For residents of Alaska. Address 1200 South Eads St. Box 25286, Federal Center. 310 First Ave. Address 345 Middlefield Rd. Bldg. 25, Federal Center. PO. Box 133; 9th and Pine Sts. EROS Data Center. 1925 Newton Sq. East. 567 National Center. Location Northeastern Region: Reston, VA 22092 ............. Southeastern Region: ' ‘ Atlanta, GA 30309 ............ Central Region: Denver, CO 80225 ............. Western Region: Menlo Park, CA 94025 .......... Location Alabama, Tuscaloosa 35486 ........ Alaska, Anchorage 99501 ......... Arizona, Tucson 85701 ........... AArkansas, Little Rock 72201 ....... California, Menlo Park 94025 ...... Colorado, Denver 80225 .......... Connecticut, Hartford 06101 ....... Delaware ...................... District of Columbia ............. Florida, Tallahassee 32303 ......... Georgia, Doraville 30340 .......... Hawaii, Honolulu 96815 .......... Idaho, Boise 83724 . . . . , ......... Illinois, Champaign 61820 ......... Indiana, Indianapolis 46202 ........ Iowa, Iowa City 52240 ........... Kansas, Lawrence 66045 .......... Kentucky, Louisville 40202 ........ Louisiana, Baton Rouge 70806 ..... Maine ........................ Maryland, Parkville . 21 234 ......... U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OFFICES WATER RESOURCES DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICES Officialln charge and telephone number Joseph T. Callahan, Regional Hydrologist (703 860-6985). Leslie B. Laird, Regional Hydrologist (404 526-5395). Alfred Clebsch, Jr., Regional Hydrologist (303 234-3661). William H. Robinson (acting), Regional Hydrologist (415 323-8111). DISTRICT OFFICES Official in charge and telephone number William J. Powell (205 752-8104) Harry Hulsing (907 277-5526, 5527) . Horace M. Babcock (602 792-6671). Richard T. Sniegocki (501 378-5246). Lee R. Peterson (415 323-8111, ext. 2326, 2327, 2465, 2466). James E. Biesecker (303 234-5092) . . Frederick H. Ruggles, Jr. (203 244-2528). Walter F. White, Jr. (301 661-4664) ............ do Clyde S. Conover (904 386-1118) . . . John R. George (404 455-1211) Frank T. Hidaka (808 955-0251) . Hal K. Hall (208 342-2711, ext. 2537). Lawrence A. Martens (217 359-3918). James L. Cook (317 269-7101) ..... Sulo W. Wiitala (319 338-5521) ..... Joseph S. Rosenshein (913 864-4321). Robert V. Cushman (502 582-5241). Albert N. Cameron (504 387—0181, ext. 281). John A. Baker (617 223-2822) ..... Walter F. White, Jr. (301 661-4664) . . 323 Address 433 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 200, 1459 Peachtree St. NE. Bldg. 25, Federal Center. 345 Middlefield Rd. Address PO. Box V; Rm. 202, Oil and Gas Board Bldg., Univ. of Alabama. Skyline Bldg., 218 E St. Federal Bldg., 301 W. Congress. Rm. 2301, Federal Office Bldg., 700 West Capitol Ave. 855 Oak Grove Ave. Bldg. 53, Federal Center. P.0. Box 715; Rm. 235, Post Office Bldg., 135 High St. See Maryland District Office. Do. Suite F-240, 325 John Knox Rd. Suite B, 6481 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. 1833 Kalakaua Ave. PO. Box 036; Rm. 365, Federal Bldg. and US. Courthouse, 550 West Fort St. P.O. Box 1026; 605 North Neil St. 1819 North Meridian St. P.O. Box 1230; Rm. 269, Federal Bldg. 1950 Avenue “A”—Campus West, Univ. of Kansas. Rm. 572, Federal Bldg., 600 Federal Pl. P.O. Box 66492; 6554 Florida Blvd. See Massachusetts District Office. 8809 Satyr Hill Rd. 324 Location Massachusetts, Boston 02114 ....... Michigan, Okemos 48864 .......... Minnesota, St. Paul 55101 ......... Mississippi, Jackson 39206 ......... Missouri, Rolla 65401 ............ Montana, Helena 59601 ........... Nebraska, Lincoln 68508 .......... Nevada, Carson City 89701 ........ New Hampshire ................. New Jersey, Trenton 08607 ........ New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 New York, Albany 12201 . . .I ...... North Carolina, Raleigh 27602 ..... North Dakota, Bismarck 58501 ..... Ohio, Columbus 43212 ........... Oklahoma, Oklahoma City 73102 . . . Oregon, Portland 97208 ........... Pennsylvania, Harrisburg 17108 ..... Puerto Rico, San Juan 00934 ....... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina, Columbia 29201 . . . . South Dakota, Huron 57350 ....... Tennessee, Nashville 37203 ........ Texas, Austin 78701 ............. Utah, Salt Lake City 84138 ........ Vermont ...................... Virginia, Richmond 23220 ......... Washington, Tacoma 98402 ........ West Virginia, Charleston 25301 Wisconsin, Madison 53706 ......... Wyoming, Cheyenne 82001 ........ Location Brazil, Rio de Janeiro ............. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Official in charge and telephone number John A. Baker (617 223-2822) ..... T. Ray Cummings (517 372-1910, ext. 561). Charles R. Collier (612 725-7841, 7842). Lamar E. Carroon (601 969-4600) . . . Anthony Homyk, Jr. (314 364—1599) . George M. Pike (406 442-9040, ext. 3263). Kenneth A. MacKichan (402 471-5082). John P. Monis (702 882-1388) ...... John A. Baker (617 223-2822) ..... Harold Meisler (609 599-3511, ext. 212). William E. Hale (505 766—2246) ..... Robert J. Dingman (518 472-3107) . . Ralph 0. Heath (919 755-4510) ..... Walter R. Scott (701 255-4011, ext. 227, 228). James F. Blakey (614 469-5553) . James H. Irwin (405 231-4256) ..... Stanley F. Kapustka (503 234-3361, ext. 4776, 4777, 4778). Norman H. Beamer (717 782-3468) . . Ernest D. Cobb (809 783-4660) John A. Baker (617 223-2822) .. . .. John S. Stallings (803 765-5966) . . . . John E. Powell (605 352-8651, ext. 293, 294). Stanley P. Sauer (615 749-5424) 1. Dale Yost (512 397-5766) ....... . Theodore Arnow (801 524-5663) John A. Baker (617 223-2822) ..... William E. Forrest (804 782-2427) John F. McCall (206 593-6510) ..... Edwin E. Harris (304 343-6181, ext. 310, 311, 339). Charles L. R. Holt (608 262-2488). Samuel W. West (307 778-2220, ext. 2111) OFFICES IN OTHER COUNTRIES GEOLOGIC DIVISION Officer in charge S. Anthony Stanin ............... A dd ress Suite 1001, 150 Causeway St. 2400 Science Parkway, Red Cedar Research Park. Rm. 1033, Post Office Bldg. 430 Bounds St. PO. Box 340; 103 West 10th St. PO. Box 1696; Rm. 421, Federal Bldg., 316 North Park Ave. Rm. 127, Nebraska Hall, 901 North 17th St. Rm. 229, Federal Bldg., 705 North Plaza St. See Massachusetts District Office. P.O. Box 1238; Rm. 420, Federal Bldg., 402 East State St. P.O. Box 4369; Geology Bldg., Univ. of New Mexico. PO. Box 1350; Rm. 343, U.S. Post Office and Courthouse. P.O. Box 2857; Rm. 440, Century Sta. Post Office Bldg. PO. Box 778; Rm. 332, New Federal Bldg., 3d St. and Rosser Ave. 975 West 3d Ave. Rm. 621, 201 NW. 3d St. P.O. Box 3202; 830 NE. Holladay St. P.O. Box 1107; 4th Floor, Federal Bldg., 228 Walnut St. P.O. Box 34168; Bldg. 652, Fort Buchanan. See Massachusetts District Office. Suite 200, 2001 Assembly St. P.O. Box 1412; Rm. 231, Federal ' Bldg. Rm. A-413, Federal Bldg., and U.S. Court House. Rm. 630, Federal Bldg., 300 East 8th St. Rm. 8002, Federal Bldg., 125 South State St. See Massachusetts, District Office. Rm. 304, 200 West Grace St. Rm. 300, 1305 Tacoma Ave., South. Rm. 3303, Federal Bldg. and U.S. Courthouse, 500 Quarrier St., East. Rm. 200, 1815 University Ave. P.O. Box 2087; 4015 Warren Ave. A dd ress U.S. Geological Survey, USAID/Rio de _ Janeiro/ENGR, APO New York 09676. Colombia, Bogota Indonesia, Bandung Saudi Arabia, Jiddah Location Thailand, Bangkok . .' ............. Location Kenya, Nairobi .................. Yemen, San‘a’ ' Paul w. Richards U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OFFICES Officer in charge Maurice M. Brock ................ Thor H. Kiilsgaard Joseph 0. Morgan WATER RESOURCES DIVISION Officer in charge Neal E. McClymonds G. Chase Tibbitts, Jr. ............ 325 Address U.S. Geological Survey, USAID, c/o American Embassy, APO New York 09895. U.S. Geological Survey, c/o American Embassy, USAID/ENGR, APO San Francisco 96356. U.S. Geological Survey, c/o American Embassy, APO New York 09697. Office of Agricultural Development, USOM--Thailand, APO San Francisco 96346. Address U.S. AID/Nairobi, U.S. Dept. of State, Washington, DC 20521. U.S. Geological Survey, USAID/San‘a’, Agency for International Development, Washington, DC 20521. INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS IN THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Investigations in progress during fiscal year 1975 are listed below, together with the names and headquarters of the individuals in charge of each. Headquarters at main centers are indicated by (NC) for the National Center in Reston, Va., (D) for Denver, 0010., and (M) for Menlo Park, Calif.; headquarters in other cities are indicated by name (see list of offices, p. , for addresses). Inquiries regarding projects for which no address is given in the list of offices should be directed to the appropriate Division of the Geological Survey, Reston, Va. 22092. The lowercase letter after the name of the project leader shows the Division technical responsibility: c, Conservation Division; 1, Land Information Analysis; w, Water Resources Division; no letter, Geologic Division. The projects are classified by principal topic. Most geologic-mapping projects involve special studies of stratigraphy, petrology, geologic structure, or mineral deposits, but are listed only under “Geologic Mapping” unless a special topic or commodity is the primary justification for the project. A reader interested in investigations of volcanology, for example, should look under the heading “Geologic Mapping” for projects in areas of volcanic rocks, as well as under the heading “Volcanology.” Likewise, most water-resources investigations involve special studies of several aspects of hydrology and geology, but are listed only under “Water Resources” unless a special topic—such as floods or sedimentation—is the primary justification for the project. Areal geologic mapping is subdivided into mapping at scales smaller than 1 :62,500 (for example, 1:250,000), and mapping at scales of 1:62,500, or larger (for example, 1224,000). Abstracts. See Bibliographies and abstracts. Aluminum: Resources of the United States (S. H. Patterson, NC) Analytical chemistry: Activation analysis (J. J. Rowe, NC) Analytical methods: Textural automatic image analyzer research (M. B. Sawyer, D) Water chemistry (M. W. Skougstad, w, D) Analytical services and research (J. I. Dinnin, NC; C. Huffman, Jr., D; C. O. Ingamells, M) Assessment of neutron activation methods (V. J. Janzer, w, D) Instrumentation (J. F. Abell, NC) Mineral deposits, characteristic analysis (J. M. Botbol, NC) Natural organic, macromolecules in water (R. L. Wershaw, w, D) Organic geochemistry and infrared analysis (I. A. Breger, NC) Organic substances in water (D. F. Goerlitz, w, M) Plant laboratory support (J. J. Connor, D) Radioactivation and radiochemistry (H. T. Millard, D) Reactor support (G. P. Kraker, Jr., w, D) Rock chemical analysis: General (D. R. Norton, D) Rapid (L. Shapiro, NC) Sample control (Harry Bastron, M) Services (L. B. Riley, D) Spectrochemistry (E. L. Mosier, D) Trace analysis methods, research (F. N. Ward, D) Ultratrace analysis (H. T. Millard, D) )g-ray spectrometer for Viking lander (P. Toulmin III, NC) See also Spectroscopy. 326 Arctic engineering geology (Reuben Kachadoorian, M) Barite: Geology, geochemistry, and resources of barite (D. A. Brobst, NC) Base metals. See base-metal names. Bibliographies and abstracts: Geophysical abstracts (J. W. Clarke, NC) Lunar bibliography (J. H. Freeberg, M) Vanadium, geology and resources, bibliography (J. P. Ohl, D) Borates: California: Furnace Creek area (J. F. McAllister, M) Searles Lake area (G. I. Smith, M) Chromite. See Ferro-alloy metals. Clays: Bentonite, resource evaluation in Rocky Mountain region (C. A. Wolfbauer, D) State: Georgia, kaolin investigations (S. H. Patterson, NC) Coal: Resources of the United States (Paul Averitt, D) States: Alaska: Bering River coal field (R. B. Sanders, c, Anchorage) Cape Beaufort-Corwin Bluff coal field (J. E. Callahan, c, Anchorage) Kukpowruk River coal Anchorage) Nenana (C. Wahrhaftig, M) Colorado: Brook Cliffs coal field (G. D. Fraser, c, D) Buckhorn Lakes quadrangle (R. G. Dickinson, c, D) field (J. E. Callahan, c, INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 327 Coal—Continued States—Continued Colorado—Continued Citadel Plateau (G. A. Izett, c, D) Courthouse Mountain quadrangle (R. G. Dickinson, c, D‘ Danforth Hills area (M. J. Reheis, c, D) Denver basin, Tertiary coal zone (P. E. Soister, c, D) Disappointment Valley, eastern (D. E. Ward, D) Douglas Creek Arch area (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Little Snake River coal field (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Middle Park—North Park area (G. A. Izett, c, D) North Park area (D. Hill, c, D) Savery quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Smizer Gulch and Rough Gulch quadrangles (W. J. Hail, D) Washboard Rock quadrangle (R. G. Dickinson, c, D) Watkins and Watkins SE quadrangles (P. E. Soister, c, D) Yampa coal field (M. E. Brownfield, c, D) Montana: Decker quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper, Wyo.) Hardy quadrangle (K. S. Soward, c, Casper, Wyo.) Jordan quadrangle (G. D. Mowat, c, Billings) Monarch quadrangle (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Pearl School quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper, Wyo.) Rocky Reef quadrangle (K. S. Soward, c, Casper, Wyo.) New Mexico: Gallup East quadrangle (E. D. Patterson, c, Roswell) Gallup West quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farmington) ' Manuelito quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farmington) Samson Lake quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farmington) 'fivin Butte quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farmington) Western Raton field (C. L. Pillmore, D) North Dakota: Clark Butte 15-minute quadrangle (G. D. Mowat, c, Billings, Mont.) North Almont quadrangle (H. L. Smith, 0, D) White Butte 15-minute quadrangle (K. S. Soward, c, Casper, Wyo.) Pennsylvania (NC): Northern anthracite field (M. J. Bergin) Southern anthracite field (G. H. Wood, Jr.) Utah (c, D, except as otherwise noted): Alton coal field (W. E. Bowers) Basin Canyon quadrangle '(Fred Peterson) Big Hollow Wash quadrangle (Fred Peterson) Blackburn Canyon quadrangle (Fred Peterson) Butler Valley quadrangle (W. E. Bowers) Canaan Peak quadrangle (W. E. Bowers) Collet Top quadrangle (H. D. Zeller) East-of-the-Navajo quadrangle (Fred Peterson) Fourmile Bench quadrangle (W. E. Bowers) Horse Mountain quadrangle (W. E. Bowers) Jessen Butte quadrangle (E. M. Schell, c, Casper, Wyo.) Kaiparowits Plateau area (H. D. Zeller) Needle Eye Point quadrangle (H. D. Zeller) Pete’s Cove quadrangle (H. D. Zeller) Ship Mountain Point quadrangle (H. D. Zeller) Sooner Bench quadrangle (Fred Peterson) Sunset Flat quadrangle (Fred Peterson) Virginia and West Virginia, Central Appalachian Basin (K. J. Englund, NC) Coal-Continued States—Continued Wyoming: Acme quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper) Alpine quadrangle (H. F. Albee, c, Salt Lake City, Utah) Appel Butte quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) Bailey Lake quadrangle (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Browns Hill quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Bull Creek quadrangle (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Cottonwood Rim quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Coyote Draw quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) Creston Junction quadrangle (R. B. Sanders, c, D) Deer Creek quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Fortin Draw quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper) Four Bar-J Ranch quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) Gillette Coal Field (W. L. Rohrer, c, Casper) Gillette East quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper) Gillette West quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper) Greenhill quadrangle (S. P. Buck, c, Casper) Grieve Reservoir quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Hanna Basin area (L. F. Blanchard, c, D) Kemmerer area (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Ketchum Buttes quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Little Snake River coal field (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Monarch quadrangle (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Oil Mountain quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Oriba quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper) Pickle Pass quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Pleasantdale quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, c, D) Poison Spider quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Ranchester quadrangle (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Rawlins—Baggs area (G. M. Edson, c, D) Reid Canyon (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Riner quadrangle (R. B. Sanders, c, D) Rock Springs uplift (P. J. LaPoint, c, D) Saddlehorse Butte quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, c, D) Savery quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Scraper Reservoir quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, c, D) Sheridan Pass quadrangle (W. L. Rohr. Rohrer, c, Casper) Ship Mountain Point quadrangle (H. D. Zeller, c, D) Stewart Peak quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) The Gap quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) The Gap southwest quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, C, D) Tullis quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Weston southwest quadrangle (R. W. Jones, c, Casper) Construction and terrain problems: Electronics instrumentation research for engineering geology (J. B. Bennetti, D) Engineering geology laboratory (R. A. Farrow, D) Geotechnical measurements and services (H. W. Olsen, D) Plowshare special studies (F. W. Stead, D) Reactor hazards research (K. L. Pierce, D) Reactor site investigations (R. H. Morris, D) Regional slope-stability studies, California and Pennsylvania (D. H. Radbruch-Hall, M) Research in rock mechanics (F. T. Lee, D) Sino-Soviet terrain (L. D. Bonham, NC) Soil engineering research (T. L. Youd, M) Special intelligence (L. D. Bonham, NC) Subsurface waste emplacement (Harley Barnes, D) Volcanic hazards (D. R. Crandell, D) 328 Construction and terrain problems—Continued States: ' Alaska: Arctic engineering (George Gryc, M) Geologic investigations, Amchitka Island (L. M. Gard, Jr., D) California (M): Geologic environmental maps for land-use planning (E. H. - Pampeyan, Jr.) San Francisco Bay sediments, engineering geology studies (D. R. Nichols, Julius Schlocker) Colorado (D): Coal mine deformation studies, Somerset mining district (C. R. Dunrud) Engineering geology mapping research, Denver region (H. E. Simpson) Massachusetts, sea-cliff erosion studies (C. A. Kaye, Boston) Nevada (D, except as otherwise noted): Engineering geophysics, Nevada Test Site (R. D.- Carroll) Geologic and geomechanical investigations (J. R. Ege) Geologic effects of nuclear explosions (F. A. McKeown) Geologic investigations, Nevada Test Site (P. P. Orkild) Geophysical support, Nevada Test Site (G. D. Bath) Interpretation of geophysical logs, Nevada Test Site (R. D. Carroll) Seismic engineering program (K. W. King, Las Vegas) Surface effects of nuclear explosions (R. P. Snyder) Pennsylvania (Carnegie): Disturbed ground, Allegheny County (R. P. Briggs) Greater Pittsburgh region (R. P. Briggs) Landslides, Allegheny County (R.'P. Briggs) Utah, coal-mine bumps (F. W. Osterwald, D) See also Urban geology. Copper: United States and world resources (D. P. Cox, NC) States: Alaska, Southwest Brooks Range (I. L. Tailleur, M) Arizona, Ray porphyry copper (H. R. Cornwall, M) Maine and New Hampshire, porphyry, with molybdenum (R. G. Schmidt, NC) Michigan: Greenland and Rockland quadrangles (J. W. Whitlow, NC) Michigan copper district (W. S. White, NC) Crustal studies: See Earthquake studies; Geophysics, regional. Earthquake studies: Active fault analysis (R. E. Wallace, M) Aftershock studies (R. L. Wesson, M) Automatic earthquake data processing (S. W. Stewart, M) Comparative elevation studies (R. 0. Castle, M) Computer fault modeling (J. H. Dieterich, M) Computer operations and maintenance (T. C. Jackson, M) Crustal strain (J. C. Savage, M) Crustal studies (ARPA) (Isidore Zietz, NC) Earth structure studies (J. H. Healy, M) Earthquake field studies (W. J. Spence, C. J. Langer, J. N. Jordan, M) Earthquake-induced ground failures (T. L. Youd, M) Earthquake-induced sedimentary structures (J. D. Sims, M) Engineering seismology (W. B. Joyner, M) Fault-zone geophysical studies (W. H. Jackson, M) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Earthquake studierContinued Fault-zone tectonics (J. C. Savage, M) Fluid injection, laboratory investigations (J. D. Byerlee, Louis Peselnick, M) Geologic parameters of seismic source areas (F. A. McKeown, D) Ground motion studies (R. D. Borcherdt, R. P. Maley, M) Microearthquake data analysis (W. H. K. Lee, M) , National Earthquake Information Service (A. C. Tarr, Boulder, Colo.) National Strong-Motion Instrumentation Network (R. B. Matthiesen, San Francisco, Calif.) Nicaragua, Central America, technical assistance in establishing center for earthquake hazard reduction (P. L. Ward, M) Plate-tectonic studies (E. D. Jackson, M) Portable seismic arrays (W. H. Jackson, M) Reactor-site seismicity (AEC) (W. V. Mickey, D) Relative activity of multiple fault strands (M. G. Bonilla, M) Seismic monitoring of dams (W. V. Mickey, D) Seismic-risk studies (S. T. Algermissen, D) Seismic-source studies (W. R. Thatcher, M) Seismicity and Earth structure (J. N. Tagart, D) Seismicity patterns in time and space (C. G. Bufe, M) Seismological research observatories (J. R. Peterson, Albuquerque, N. Mex.) Soil engineering research (T. L. Youd, M) Stress studies (C. B. Raleigh, M) Tectonic studies (W. B. Hamilton, D) Theoretical seismology (A. F. Espinosa, D) Worldwide, network of standard seismographs (J. R. Peterson, Albuquerque, N. Mex.) States: Alaska: Earthquake hazards: Anchorage (Ernest Dobrovolny, D) Coastal communities (R. W. Lemke, D) Juneau (R. D. Miller, D) Sitka (L. A. Yehle, D) Southern part (George Plafker, M) Microearthquake studies (R. A. Page, M) Turnagain Arm sediments (A. T. Ovenshine, M) California (M, unless otherwise noted): Basement rock studies along San Andreas fault (D. C. Ross) Central California microearthquake studies (C. G. Bufe) Continental Shelf fault studies (S. C. Wolf) Earthquake hazards: San Francisco Bay region (E. E. Brabb) Southern part (D. M. Morton, Los Angeles) Geophysical studies, San Andreas fault (J. H. Healy) Microearthquake studies: Central part (R. L. Wesson) Southern part (D. P. Hill) New Melones microearthquake studies (J. C. Roller) Recency of faulting: Coastal California (E. H. Pampeyan, Jr.) Eastern Mojave Desert (W. J. Carr, D) Salton Trough tectonics (R. V. Sharp) Tectonics: Central and northern part (W. P. Irwin) Central San Andreas fault (D. B. Burke, T. W. Dibblee, Jr.) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS Earthquake studier-Continued States—Continued California—Continued Tectonics—Continued Southern part (M. M. Clark) Colorado, Rangely (C. B. Raleigh, M) Idaho, active faults, Snake River Plain (S. S. Oriel, D) Missouri, New Madrid fault- -zone geophysics (M F. Kane, D) Montana, Yellowstone National Park, microearthquake studies (A. M. Pitt, M) Nevada, tectonics, western part (E. B. Ekren, D) New Mexico, seismotectonic analysis, Rio Grande rift (E. H. Baltz, Jr., D) South Carolina, microearthquake studies (A. C. Tarr, D) Utah, earthquake hazards, Salt Lake City (Richard VanHorn, D) Washington (M): Earthquake hazards, Puget Sound region (H. D. Gower, P. D. Snavely, Jr.) Hanford microearthquake studies (J. H. Pfluke) Engineering geologic studies. See Construction and terrain problems; Urban geology. Environmental assessment: Northern Great Plains, methodological guidebook (B. B. Hanshaw, 1, NC) South Florida environment (B. F. McPherson, w, Miami) Environmental geology: Colorado, mountain soils of the Front Range urban corridor (K. L. Pierce, D) Montana, Butte region (H. W. Smedes, D) Pennsylvania (Carnegie): Greater Pittsburgh regional studies (R. P. Briggs) Land-use limitations (R. P. Briggs) See also Construction and terrain problems; Urban geology. Evapotranspiration: Evapotranspiration (F. A. Branson, w, D) Evapotranspiration data analyses (T. E. A. van Hylckama, w, Lubbock, Tex.) Evapotranspiration theory (0. E. Leppanen, w, Phoenix, Ariz.) Mechanics of evaporation (G. E. Koberg, w, D) State. Arizona, phreatophyte project, Gila River (R. L. Hanson, w, Tucson) Extraterrestrial studies: Lunar analog studies: Catalogue of terrestrial impact features (M. J. Grolier, NC) Channeled scablands (H. G. Wilshire, M) Ejecta flows (J. F. McCauley, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Elko craters, Nevada (D. J. Roddy, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Experimental-shock research (E. C. T. Chao, NC) Explosion craters (D. J. Roddy, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Ignimbrites (D. H. Scott, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Impactite petrology (H. G. Wilshire, M) Lava ridges and rings (C. A. Hodges, M) Lonar Lake, India (D. J. Milton, M) Nevada Test Site (H. J. Moore II, M) Ries Crater (E. C. T. Chao, NC) San Francisco volcanic field (E. W. Wolfe, Ariz.) Flagstaff, 329 Extraterrestrial studies—Continued Lunardata synthesis: Apollo 15-17 photogeology (H. J. Moore, M) Apollo 17 electromagnetic sounder (R. E. Eggleton, Flagstaff, Ariz. ) Apollo surface atlas (E. W. Wolfe, Flagstaff, Ariz. ) Color provinces (L. A. Soderblom, Flagstaff, Ariz. ) Dark mantles (B. K. Lucchitta, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Imbrium and Serenitatis rim geology (E. W. Wolfe, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Lunar breccia types (E. C. T. Chao, NC) Lunar depth gauge (D. B. Stewart, NC) Lunar geochemical mapping (G. A. Swann, Flagstaff, Ariz. ) Lunar geologic mapping (D. H. Scott, Flagstaff, Ariz. ) Orientale Basin (J. F. McCauley, Flagstaff, Ariz. ) Sample petrology and stratigraphy (H. G. Wilshire, M) Scarps and ridges (B. K. Lucchitta, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Synoptic lunar geology (D. E. Wilhelms, M) Lunar field geology: Apollo 11-15 (G. A. Swann, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Apollo 16, 17 (W. A. Muehlberger, Austin, Tex.) Lunar sample investigations: Chemical and X-ray fluorescence analysis (H. J. Rose, Jr., NC) Glass, magnetic properties (F. E. Sentfle, NC) Impact metamorphism (E. C. T. Chao, NC) Mass spectrometry (Mitsunobu Tatsumoto, D) Mineralogical analyses (R. B. Finkelman, NC) Oxygen fugacities and crystallization sequence (Motoaki Sato, NC) Petrographic identification (H. G. Wilshire, M) Petrologic studies (E. W. Roedder, NC) Pyroxenes (J. S. Huebner, NC) Planetary analog studies: Canyonland development (B. K. Lucchitta, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Internal structure of calderas (K. A. Howard, M) Mass movements (E. C. Morris, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Peruvian coastal desert (J. F. McCauley, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Planetary investigations: Eolian processes (J. F. McCauley, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Geologic mapping of Mars (D. H. Scott, J. F. McCauley, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Geologic synthesis of Mars (Harold Masursky, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Image processing studies (L. A. Soderblom, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Mariner Jupiter-Saturn (L. A. Soderblom, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Mariner Venus-Mercury TV (N. J. Trask, NC) Mars mineralogy and chemistry-Viking lander (Priestley Toulmin III, H. J. Rose, Jr., NC) Mars topographic synthesis (S. S. C. Wu, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Planetary cartography (R. M. Batson, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Planetary remote sensing (L. C. Rowan, NC) Radar applications (G. G. Schaber, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Viking lander (E. C. Morris, Flagstaff, Ariz. ) Viking orbiter TV (M. H. Carr, M) Viking- physical properties of Mars (H. J. Moore, M) Viking site analysis (Harold Masursky, Flagstaff, Ariz.) 330 Ferro-alloy metals: Chromium resource studies (T. P. Thayer, NC) Molybdenum, Maine and New Hampshire, with porphyry cepper (R. G. Schmidt, NC) Molybdenum-rhenium resource studies (R. U. King, D) Tungsten, North Carolina, Hamme district (J. E. Gair, NC) State: Oregon, John Day area (T. P. Thayer, NC) Flood characteristics of streams at selected sites: Alabama, flood studies and bridge-site investigations (C. O. Ming, w, Montgomery) Iowa, flood information at selected bridge sites (0. G. Lara, w, Iowa City) New Mexico, peak flood-flow characteristics of small streams (A. G. Scott, w, Santa Fe) Oregon, flood profiles, Umpqua River and tributaries (D. D. Harris, w, Portland) Tennessee (W. J. Randolph, w, Nashville) Flood discharge from small drainage areas: Colorado (G. L. Ducret, Jr., w, D) Connecticut (M. D. Thomas, w, Hartford) Delaware (R. H. Simmons, w, Dover) Florida (W. C. Bridges, w, Tallahassee) Illinois (J. W. Curtis, w, Champaign) Maryland (D. H. Carpenter, w, College Park) Massachusetts (C. G. Johnson, Jr., W, Boston) Minnesota (L. C. Guetzkow, w, St. Paul) Mississippi (B. E. Colson, w, Jackson) Rhode Island (C. G. Johnson, Jr., w, Boston, Mass.) Virginia (E. M. Miller, w, Richmond) Flood frequency : Alabama, flood frequency synthesis for small streams (C. O. Ming, w, Montgomery) Iowa (0. G. Lara, w, Iowa City) Kentucky, magnitude and frequency (C. H. Hannum, w, Louisville) New Jersey, magnitude and frequency and effect of basin characteristics (S. J. Stankowski, w, Trenton) North Carolina, flood frequency and high-flow studies (N. M. Jackson, Jr., w, Raleigh) Flood hazard mapping: United States (E. J. Kennedy, w, NC) Alabama (J. R. Harkins, w, Tuscaloosa) Arkansas (M. S. Hines, w, Little Rock) California (J. R. (hippen, w, M) Colorado (J. F. McCain, w, D) Florida (S. D. Leach, w, Tallahassee) Connecticut (F. H. Ruggles, w, Hartford) Georgia (McGlone Price, w, Doraville) Hawaii (C. J. Ewart, w, Honolulu) Illinois (J. D. Camp, w, Champaign) Indiana (J. B. Swing, w, Indianapolis) Louisiana (A. S. Lowe, w, Baton Rouge) Maine (R. A. Morrill, w, Augusta) Maryland (W. B. Solley, w, Parkville) Massachusetts (S. W. Wandle, Jr., w, Boston) Michigan (R. L. Knutilla, w, Okemos) Minnesota (L. C. Guetzkow, w, St. Paul) Mississippi (K. V. Wilson, w, Jackson) Missouri (E. E. Gann, w, Rolla) Montana (M. V. Johnson, w, Helena) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Flood hazard mapping—Continued Nebraska (F. B. Shaffer, w, Lincoln) Nevada (D. 0. Moore, w, Carson City) New Hampshire (S. W. Wandle, Jr., w, Boston) North Carolina (K. L. Lindskov, w, Raleigh) North Dakota (0. A. Crosby, w, Bismarck) Oklahoma (W. B. Mills, w, Oklahoma City) Oregon (D. D. Harris, w, Portland) Pennsylvania (L. V. Page, w, Harrisburg) Puerto Rico (W. J. Haire, w, San Juan) South Carolina (W. T. Utter, w, Columbia) South Dakota (0. J. Larimer, w, Huron) Tennessee (C. R. Gamble, w, Nashville) Texas (J. D. Bohn, w, Austin) Vermont (S. W. Wandle, Jr., w, Boston) Virginia (E. M. Miller, w, Richmond) West Virginia (G. S. Runner, w, Charleston) Wisconsin (C. L. Lawrence, w, Madison) Wyoming (J. F. Wilson, Jr., w, Cheyenne) Flood insurance studies: Alabama (J. R. Harkins, w, Tuscaloosa) Arizona (B. N. Aldridge, w, Tucson) California (J. R. Crippen, w, M) Colorado (R. U. Grozier, w, D) Connecticut (M. A. Cervione, w, Hartford) Florida (S. D. Leach, w, Tallahassee) Illinois (A. W. Noehre, w, Oak Park) Indiana (P. B. Rohne, Jr., w, Indianapolis) Iowa (A. J. Heinitz, w, Iowa City) Kansas (D. B. Richards, w, Lawrence) Louisiana (F. N. Lee, w, Baton Rouge) Michigan (R. L. Knutilla, w, Okemos) Minnesota (L. C. Guetzkow, w, St. Paul) Missouri (E. E. Gann, w, Rolla) Nebraska (G. G. Jamison, w, Lincoln) New Jersey (E. G. Miller, w, Trenton) New York (K. I. Darmer, w, Albany) Ohio (D. K. Roth, w, Columbus) Oklahoma (T. L. Huntzinger, w, Oklahoma City) Oregon (D. D. Harris, w, Portland) Pennsylvania (L. V. Page, w, Harrisburg) Puerto Rico (W. J. Haire, w, San Juan) South Carolina (B. H. Whetstone, w, Columbia) Texas (J. D. Bohn, w, Austin) Washington (E. G. Nassar, w, Tacoma) Wisconsin (W. B. Gannon, w, Madison) Flood-inundation mapping: Idaho (W. A. Harenberg, w, Boise) Illinois, northeastern (A. W. Noehre, w, Oak Park) Flood investigations: Documentation extreme floods (H. H. Barnes, Jr., w, NC) States: Arkansas (M. S. Hines, w, Little Rock) California, Lake-Playa flood study (M. W. Busby, w, Laguna Niguel)— Colorado, flood plain mapping (J. F. McCain, w, D) Florida (w, Tampa): Flood hazard evaluation, Myakka River (W. R. Murphy, Jr.) , Flood plain mapping (W. R. Murphy, Jr.) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS Flood investigations—Continued States—Continued Georgia, Atlanta, flood characteristics (H. G. Golden, w, Doraville) Hawaii, flood gaging (R. H. Nakahaxa, w, Honolulu) Illinois, flood-depth frequency (J. D. Camp, w, Champaign) Indiana, flood frequency (L. G. Davis, w, Indianapolis) Iowa (w, Iowa City): Flood profiles, statewide (O. G. Lara) Flood profiles and flood-plain information, Cedar Rapids (0. G. Lara) Flood profiles and flood-plain information, Linn County (0. G. Lara) Minnesota, flood-plain studies (L. C. Guetzkow, w, St. Paul) Nebraska, magnitude and frequency of floods (E. W. Beckman, w, Lincoln) Nevada (w, Carson City): Environmental study, western Nevada (P. A. Glancy) Flood investigations (Lynn Harmsen) New York, peak discharge of ungaged streams (Bernard Dunn, w, Albany) Oklahoma, small watersheds (W. 0. Thomas, Jr., w, Oklahoma City) Pennsylvania, flood frequency (H. N. Flippo, Jr., w, Harrisburg) South Carolina, flood frequency statewide (B. H. Whetstone, w, Columbia) Vermont, floods, small drainage basins (C. G. Johnson, Jr., w, Boston) Virginia, statewide (E. M. Miller, w, Richmond) Washington, flood-inundation mapping (J. H. Bartells, w, Tacoma) Wisconsin, Dane County, flood-inundation study (W. B. Gannon, w, Madison) Wyoming, flood investigations (H. W. Lowham, w, Cheyenne) Fluorspar : Colorado, Bonanza, and Poncha Springs quadrangles (R. E. Van Alstine, NC) Illinois-Kentucky district, regional structure and ore controls (D. M. Pinckney, D) Foreign nations, geologic investigations: Brazil, mineral resources and geologic training (S. A. Stanin, Rio de Janeiro) Earthquake studies (R. L. Wesson, M) Indonesia: Dieng geothermal Bandung/Jakarta) Geologic mapping and training (P. W. Richards, Bandung) Short-term applied remote sensing (S. J. Gawarecki, Jakarta) Saudi Arabia, crystalline shield, geologic and minerals reconnaissance (T. H. Kiilsgaard, Jiddah) Spain, marine mineral resources (P. D. Snavely, Jr., M) Thailand, remotesensing program (J. 0. Morgan, Bangkok) _ studies (P. W. Richards, 331 Geochemical distribution of the elements—Continued Cambrian and Ordovician rocks, western United States (A. T. Miesch, D) Coding and retrieval of geologic data (T. G. Lovering, D) Data of geochemistry (Michael Fleischer, NC) Data of rock analyses (Marjorie Hooker, NC) Data systems (R. V. Mendes, D) Dispension of elements in the zone of weathering (R. W. White, D) Geochemistry of food plants (H. T. Shacklette, D) Light stable isotopes (J. R. O’Neil, M) Metals in volcaniclastic rocks (D. A. Lindsey, D) Sedimentary rocks, chemical composition (H. A. Tourtelot, D) Selenium, tellurium, and thallium, geochemical exploration (H. W. Lakin, D) States: California, Sierra Nevada batholith, geochemical study (F. C. Dodge, M) Colorado, Mt. Princeton igneous complex (Priestley Toulmin III, NC) Pennsylvania, Greater Pittsburgh region, environmental geochemistry (R. P. Briggs, Carnegie) Geochemical prospecting methods: Application of silver-gold geochemistry to exploration (H. W. Lakin, D) Botanical exploration and research (H. L. Cannon, D) Elements in organic-rich material (F. N. Ward, D) Exploration for geothermal energy (M. E. Hinkle, D) Gamma-ray spectrometry (J. A. Pitkin, D) Geochemical exploration studies with volatile elements (J. H. McCarthy, D) Geochemical exploration techniques in alpine and subalpine environments (G. C. Curtin, D) Geochemical exploration techniques of the arid environment (M. A. Chaffee, D) Instrument development (W. W. Vaughn, D) Jasperoid—‘relations to ore deposits (T. G. Lovering, D) Lateritic areas, southern Appalachian Mountains (W. R. Griffitts, D) Mercury, geochemistry (A. P. Pierce, D) Mineral-exploration methods (G. B. Gott, D) Minor elements in detrital minerals (W. C. Overstreet, D) Mobile spectrographic laboratory (D. J. Grimes, D) Ore-deposits controls (A. V. Heyl, Jr., D) Sulfides, accessory in igneous rocks (G. J. Neuerberg, D) Trace analyses (J. B. McHugh, D) States: , Idaho, geochemical exploration in Coeur d’Alene (G. B. Gott, D) New Mexico, basin and range part, geochemical reconnaissance (W. R. Griffitts, D) Geochemistry , experimental: Environment of ore deposition (P. B. Barton, Jr., NC) Experimental mineralogy (R. O. Fournier, M) Foreign nations, hydrologic investigations. See Water resources, foreign countries. Fuels, organic. See Coal; Oil shale; Petroleum and natural gas. Gas, natural. See Petroleum and natural gas. Geochemical distribution of the elements: Botanical exploration and research (H. L. Cannon, D) Fluid inclusions in minerals (E. W. Roedder, NC) Fluid zonation in metal deposits (J. T. Nash, M) Geologic thermometry (J. S. Huebner, NC) Hydrothermal alteration (J. J. Hemley, NC) Impact metamorphism (E. C. T. Chao, NC) Kinetics of igneous processes (H. R. Shaw, NC) 332 Geochemistry, experimental-Continued Late-stage magmatic processes (G. T. Faust, NC) Mineral equilibria, low-temperature (E-an Zen, NC) Neutron activation (F. E. Senftle, NC) Organic geochemistry (J. G. Palacas, D) Organometallic complexes, geochemistry (Peter Zubovic, NC) Solution-mineral equilibria (C. L. Christ, M) Stable isotopes and ore genesis (R. 0. Rye, D) Geochemistry, water: Chemical constituents in groundwater, spatial distribution (William Back, w, NC) Chemical reactions at mineral surfaces (J. D. Hem, w, M) Computer modeling of rock-water interactions (J. L. Haas, Jr., NC) Elements, distribution in fluvial and brackish environments (V. C. Kennedy, w, M) Factors determining solute transfer in the unsaturated zone (Jacob Rubin, w, M) Gases, complexes in water (D. W. Fischer, w, NC) Geochemistry of geothermal systems (Ivan Barnes, w, M) Geochemistry of San Francisco Bay waters and sediments .(D. H. Peterson, w, M) Geothermal trace element reactions (E. A. Jenne, w, M) Hydrologic applications of quantitative mineralogy (Robert Schoen, w, NC) Hydrosolic metals and related constituents in natural water, chemistry (J. D. Hem, w, M) Interaction of minerals and water in saline environments (B. F. Jones, w, NC) Mineral-fluid reactions (Ivan Barnes, w, M) Mineralogic controls of the chemistry of ground water (B. B. Hanshaw, w, NC) Organic geochemistry (R. L. Malcolm, w, D) Trace element partitioning (E. A. Jenne, w, M) See also Quality of water. Geochemistry and' petrology, field studies: Basalt, genesis (T. L. Wright, NC) Basin and Range granites (D. E. Lee, D) Environmental geochemistry of western powerplant sites (J. R. Keith, D) Epithermal deposits (R. G. Worl, D) Geochemical halos, Utah-Nevada (R. L. Erickson, D) Geochemical studies in Southeastern States (Henry Bell III, NC) Geochemistry of diagenesis (K. J. Murata, M) Geochemistry of sediments, San Francisco Bay, Calif. (D. S. McCulloch, M) Geochemistry of Tippecanoe Sequence, Western Craton (L. G. Schultz, D) Hawaiian ankaramites (M. H. Beeson, M) Humates, geology and geochemistry, Florida, New Mexico, and Wyoming (V. E. Swanson, D) Inclusions in basaltic rocks (E. D. Jackson, M) Layered Dufek intrusion, Antarctica (A. B. Ford, M) Layered intrusives (N. J Page, M) Mercury, geochemistry and occurrence (A. P. Pierce, D) Niobium and tantalum, distribution in igneous rocks (David . Gottfried, NC) Oil shale, organic geochemistry (R. E. Miller, D) Petrology of the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana (R. L. Christiansen, M) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Geochemistry and petrology, field studies—Continued Rare-earth elements, resources and . geochemistry (J. W. Adams, D) Regional metamorphic studies (H. L. James, M) Residual minor elements in igneous rocks and veins (George Phair, NC) Services (P. H. Held, M; H. J. Miller, NC) Solution transport of heavy metals (G. K. Czamanske, M) Submarine volcanic rocks, properties (J. G. Moore, M) Tertiary-Laramide intrusives of Colorado (E. J. Young, D) Thermal waters, origin and characteristics (D. E. White, M) Titanium, geochemistry and occurrence (Norman Herz, Athens, Ga.) Trondhjemites, major and minor elements, isotopes (Fred Barker, D) Ultramafic rocks, petrology of alpine types (R. G. Coleman, M) Uranium, radon, and helium—gaseous emanation detection (G. M. Reimer, D) Weathering, igneous rocks (R. W. White, D) Western coal regions: Geochemical survey of rocks (R. J. Ebens, D) Geochemical survey of soils (R. R. Tidball, D) Geochemical survey of vegetation (J. A. Erdman, D) States: Alaska: La Perouse layered intrusion (R. A. Loney, M) Metasedimentary and metaigneous rocks, Southwestern Brooks Range (I. L. Tailleur, M) Arizona (M): Ray program: , Mineral Mountain (T. G. Theodore) Silicate mineralogy—geochemistry (N. G. Banks) Stocks (S. C. Creasey) California: Kings Canyon National Park (J. G. Moore, M) Long Valley caldera-Mono Craters volcanic rocks (R. A. Bailey, NC) Ritter Range metavolcanic rocks (R. S. Fiske, NC) Sierra Nevada metamorphism (B. A. Morgan III, NC) Sierra Nevada xenoliths (J. P. Lockwood, M) Colorado: Petrology of the Mt. Princeton igneous complex (Priestley Toulmin III, NC) Regional geochemistry—Denver urban area (H. A. Tourtelot, D) San Juan volcanic field, east and central (P. W. Lipman, D) Idaho, Wood River district (W. E. Hall, M) Michigan, Sault St. Marie 2-degree quadrangle (J. W. Whitlow, NC) Missouri (D): Geochemical survey of rocks (R. J. Ebens) Geochemical survey of soils (R. R. Tidball) Geochemical survey of vegetation (J. A. Erdman) Montana: Boulder batholith, structure and petrology (H. W. Smedes, D) Diatremes, Missouri River Breaks (B. C. Hearn, Jr., NC) Geochronology, north-central Montana (B. C. Hearn Jr., NC; R. F. Marvin, R. E. Zartman, D) Wolf Creek area, petrology (R. G. Schmidt, NC) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 333 Geochemistry and petrology, field studies—Continued States—Continued Nevada, igneous rocks and related ore deposits (M. -L. Silberman, M) New Mexico, Valles Mountains (R. L. Smith, NC) South Dakota, Keystone pegmatite area (J. J. Norton, Rapid City) Geochronological investigations: Carbon-14 method (Meyer Rubin, NC) Geochronoldgy—Denver (C. E. Hedge, D) Geochronology and rock magnetism (G. B. Dalrymple, M) Geochronology of uranium ores and their host rocks (K. R. Ludwig, D) Igneous rocks and deformational periods (R. W. Kistler, M) Lead-uranium, lead-thorium, and lead—alpha methods (T. W. Stern, NC) Magnetic chronology, Colorado Plateau and environs (D. P. Elston, E. M. Shoemaker, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Radioactive-disequilibrium studies (J. N. Rosholt, D) State: Alaska, K—Ar dates, Southwest Brooks Range (I. L. Tailleur, M; R. B. Forbes, D. L. Turner, Fairbanks) See also Isotope and nuclear studies. Geologic mapping: Geologic map of the United States (P. B. King, M) Map scale smaller than 1 :62,500: Antarctica: Dufek Massif and Forrestal Range, Pensacola Mountains (A. B. Ford, M) ‘ Neptune and Patuxent ranges, Pensacola Mountains (D. L. Schmidt, D) Belt basin study (J. E. Harrison, D) Columbia River basalt (D. A. Swanson, M) States: Alaska (M, except as otherwise noted): Ambler River and Baird Mountains quadrangles (I. L. Tailleur, M) Charley River quadrangle (E. E. Brabb) Compilations of Alaska geology (E. H. Lathram) Craig quadrangle (G. D. Eberlein, Michael Churkin, Jr.) Delong Mountains quadrangle (I. L. Tailleur) Geologic map (H. M. Beikman) Geology of Alaska (George Gryc) Glacier Bay National Monument (D. A. Brew) Hughes-Shungnak area (W. W. Patton, Jr.) Iliamna quadrangle (R. L. Detterman) Juneau and Taku River quadrangles (D. A. Brew) Metamorphic facies map (D. A. Brew) Natural landmarks investigation (R. L. Detterman) Northern part, petroleum investigations (George Gryc) St. Lawrence Island (W. W. Patton, Jr.) Tracy Arm-Fords Terror (Thundering Fiords) Wilderness study area (D. A. Brew) Arizona (Flagstaff): North-central part (D. P. Elston) Phoenix 2-degree quadrangle (T. N. V. Karlstrom) Shivwits Plateau (Ivo Lucchitta) Arkansas (B. R. Haley, Little Rock) Colorado (D): Denver 2-degree quadrangle (B. H. Bryant) Geologic mapping-Continued Map scale smaller than 1162,500—Continued States—Continued Colorado—Continued Geologic map (0. L. Tweto) Leadville 2-degree quadrangle (O. L. Tweto) Montrose 2-degree quadrangle (W. J. Hail, Jr.) Pueblo 2-degree quadrangle (G. R. Scott) Sterling 2-degree quadrangle (J. A. Sharps) Idaho (D, except as otherwise noted): Challis Volcanics (D. H. McIntyre) Dubois 2-degree quadrangle (D. L. Schleicher) Idaho Falls 2-degree quadrangle (D. L. Schleicher) Preston 2—degree quadrangle (S. S. Oriel) Snake River plain, central part, volcanic petrology (H. E. Malde) Snake River plain region, eastern part (S. S. Oriel) Spokane-Wallace region (A. B. Griggs, M) Montana: Butte 2-degree quadrangle (M. R. Klepper, NC) Spokane-Wallace region (A. B. Griggs, M) Nevada: Elko County (R. A. Hope, M) Elko County, central (K. B. Ketner, D) Elko County, western (R. R. Coats, M) Geologic map (J. H. Stewart, M) Nevada Test Site geologic investigations (P. P. Orkild, D) New Mexico (D): North Church Rock area (A. R. Kirk) Sanostee (A. C. Huffman, Jr.) Socorro 2-degree quadrangle (G. O. Bachman) West half of Santa Fe 2-degree quadrangle (E. H. Baltz, Jr.) Pennsylvania, Greater Pittsburgh region geology (W. R. Wagner, Carnegie) Utah: Delta 2-degree quadrangle (H. T. Morris, M) Glen Canyon Recreation Area (A. L. Brokaw, D) Tooele 2-degree quadrangle (W. J. Moore, M) Washington, Spokane-Wallace region (A. B. Griggs, M) Wyoming: , Geologic map (J. D. Love, D) Preston 2-degree quadrangle (S. S. Oriel, D) Map scale 1:62,500, and larger: States and territories: Alaska: Anatuvuk Pass (R. B. Sanders, c, Anchorage) Anchorage area (Ernest Dobrovolny, D) Bering River coal field (R. B. Sanders, c, Anchorage) Cape Beaufort-Corwin Bluffs coal field (J. E. Callahan, c, Anchorage) Geology and mineral resources of the Ketchikan quadrangle (H. C. Berg, M) Juneau area (R. D. Miller, D) Kukpowruk River coal field (J. E. Callahan, c, Anchorage) Nelchina area Mesozoic investigations (Arthur Grantz, M) Nenana coal investigations (Clyde Wahrhaftig, M) Nome area (C. L. Hummel, M) 334 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Geologic mapping—Continued Map scale 1:62,500 and larger—Continued Geologic mapping—Continued Map scale 1162,500 and larger—Continued States and territories—Continued Arizona: Bowie zeolite area (L. H. Godwin, c, NC) Cochise County, southern part (P. T. Hayes, D) Cummings Mesa quadrangle (Fred Peterson, c, D) Garnet Mountain quadrangle (P. M. Blacet, M) Hackberry Mountain area (D. P. Elston, Flagstaff) Mt. Wrightson quadrangle (H. D. Drewes, D) Ray district, porphyry copper (H. R. Cornwall, M) Sedona area (D. P. Elston, Flagstaff) California (M, except as otherwise noted): Coast Range, ultramafic rocks (E. H. Bailey) Condrey Mountain-Hornbrook quadrangle (P. E. Hotz) Geysers-Clear Lake area (R. J. McLaughlin) Long Valley caldera (R. A. Bailey, NC) Malibu Beach and Topanga quadrangles (R. F. Yerkes) Merced Peak quadrangle (D. L. Peck, NC) Palo Alto, San Mateo, and Montara Mountain quadrangles (E. H. Pampeyan) Point Dume and Triunfo Pass quadrangles (R. H. Campbell) Ryan quadrangle (J. F. McAllister) Searles Lake area (G. I. Smith) Sierra Nevada batholith (P. C. Bateman) Colorado: Barcus Creek quadrangle (W. J. Hail, D) Barcus Creek SE quadrangle (W. J. Hail, D) Bonanza quadrangle (R. E. Van Alstine, NC) Buckhorn Lakes quadrangle (R. G. Dickinson, 0, D) Central City area (R. B. Taylor, D) Citadel Plateau (G. A. Izett, c, D) Coal mine deformation studies, Somerset mining district (C. R. Dunrud, D) Cochetopa area (J. C. Olson, D) Courthouse Mountain quadrangle (R. G. Dickinson, c, D) Denver basin, Tertiary coal zone (P. E. Soister, c, D) Denver metropolitan area (R. M. Lindvall, D) Disappointment Valley, geology and coal resource (D. E. Ward, D) Front Range, northeastern part, Fort Collins area (W. A. Braddock, D) Indian Hills Precambrian (B. H. Bryant, D) Lake City caldera (P. W. Lipman, D) Middle Park—North Park area (G. A. Izett, c, D) Northern Park Range (G. L. Snyder, D) Philadelphia Creek quadrangle (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Platoro caldera and related volcanic rocks, southeastern San Juan Mountains (P. W. Lipman, D) Poncha Springs quadrangle (R. E. Van Alstine, NC) Rangely NE quadrangle (H. L. Cullins, c, Metairie, La.) Rough Gulch quadrangle (W. J. Hail, D) San Juan mining area (R. G. Luedke, NC) Savery quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Smizer Gulch quadrangle (W. J. Hail, D) Strasburg SW quadrangle (P. E. Soister, c, D) Thornburgh quadrangle (M. J. Reheis, c, D) Ward and Gold Hill quadrangles (D. J. Gable, D) Washboard Rock quadrangle (R. G. Dickinson, c, D) States and territories—Con tinued Colorado—Continued Watkins and Watkins SE quadrangles (P. E. Soister, c, D) Connecticut: Cooperative mapping program (M. H. Pease, Jr., Boston, Mass.) Taconic sequence (E-an Zen, NC) Florida, Attapulgus-Thomasville area, fuller’s earth deposits (S. H. Patterson, NC) Idaho: Alpine quadrangle (H. F. Albee, c, Salt Lake City, Utah) Bayhorse area (S. W. Hobbs, D) Boulder Mountains (C. M. Tschanz, D) Goat Mountain quadrangle (M. H. Staatz, D) Grouse quadrangle (B. A. Skipp, D) Hawley Mountain quadrangle (W. J. Mapel, D) Malad southeast quadrangle (S. S. Oriel, D) Montour quadrangle (H. E. Malde, D) Palisades Dam quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Patterson quadrangle (E. T. Ruppel, D) Poker Peak quadrangle (H. F. Albee, 0, Salt Lake City, Utah) Upper and Lower Red Rock Lakes quadrangles (I. J. Witkind, D) Wood River district (W. E. Hall, M) Yellow Pine quadrangle (B. F. Leonard, D) Indiana: > Ohio River Quaternary (M. P. Weiss, DeKalb, Ill.) Ohio River valley, Quaternary geology (L. L. Ray, NC) Kentucky, cooperative mapping program (D. W. Olive, Lexington) Maine (NC, except as'otherwise noted): Blue Hill quadrangle (D. B. Stewart) Castine quadrangle (D. B. Stewart) Chain Lakes area (E. L. Boudette) Orland quadrangle (D. R. Wones) Rumford quadrangle (R. H. Moench, D) The Forks quadrangle (F. C. Canney, D) Maryland (NC): Delmarva Peninsula (J. P. Owens) Northern Coastal Plain (J. P. Minard) Western Maryland Piedmont (M. W. Higgins) Massachusetts (Boston, except as otherwise noted): Boston and vicinity (C. A. Kaye) Cooperative mapping program (M. H. Pease, Jr.) Taconic sequence (E-an Zen, NC) Michigan (NC): Gogebic Range, western part (R. G. Schmidt) Wakefield quadrangle (W. C. Prinz) Montana: Bearpaw Mountains, petrology (B. C. Hearn, Jr., NC) Boulder Batholith region (H. W. Smedes, D) Butte North quadrangle (H. W. Smedes, D) Cooke City quadrangle (J. E. Elliott, D) Craig quadrangle (R. G. Schmidt, NC) Crazy Mountains Basin (B. A. Skipp, D) Decker quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper, Wyo.) Diatremes, Missouri River Breaks (B. C. Hearn, Jr., NC) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 335 Geologic mapping—Continued Geologic mapping—Continued Map scale 1262,500 and larger—Continued Map scale 1 :62,500 and larger—Continued States and territories—Continued Montana—Continued Elk Park quadrangle (H. W. Smedes, D) Hardy quadrangle (K. S. Soward, c, Casper, Wyo.) Jordan quadrangle (G. D. Mowat, c, Billings) Lemhi Pass quadrangle (M. H. Staatz, D) Melrose phosphate field (G. D. Fraser, c, D) Monarch quadrangle (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Northern Pioneer Range, geologic environment (E-an Zen, NC) Pearl School quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, Casper, Wyo.) Rocky Reef quadrangle (K. S. Soward, c, Casper, Wyo.) Wickiup Creek quadrangle (H. W. Smedes, D) Wolf Creek area, petrology (R. G. Schmidt, NC) Nevada: Austin quadrangle (E. H. McKee, M) Bellevue Peak quadrangle (T. B. Nolan, NC) Carlin region (J. F. Smith, Jr., D) Jordan Meadow and Disaster Peak quadrangles (R. C. Greene, M) . Kobeh Valley (T. B. Nolan, NC; C. W. Merriam, M) Midas-Jarbidge area (R. R. Coats, M) Pinto Summit quadrangle (T. B. Nolan, NC) Spruce Mountain 4 quadrangle (G. D. Fraser, c, D) New Hampshire, cooperative mapping program, surficial (Carl Koteff, Boston, Mass.) New Mexico: Acoma area (C. H. Maxwell, D) Apache Springs and Galisteo quadrangles (R. B. Johnson, D) Church Rock-Smith Lake (C. T. Pierson, D) Cretaceous stratigraphy, San Juan basin (E. R. Landis, D) Gallup East quadrangle (E. D. Patterson, c, Roswell) Gallup West quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farmington) Hillsboro quadrangle (D. C. Hedlund, D) Iron Mountain (A. V. Heyl, Jr., D) Manuelito quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farmington) Manzano Mountains (D. A. Myers, D) Pinos Altos Range (T. L. Finnell, D) Raton coal basin, western part (C. L. Pillmore, D) Samson Lake quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farming-ton) Twin Butte quadrangle (J. E. Fassett, c, Farmington) Valles Mountains, petrology (R. L. Smith, NC) New York (NC): Pope Mills and Richville quadrangles (C. E. Brown) Taconic sequence (E-an Zen) North Carolina, Central Piedmont (A. A. Stromquist, D) North Dakota: Clark Butte 15-minute quadrangle (G. D. Mowat, c, Billings, Mont.) North Almont quadrangle (H. L. Smith, c, D) White Butte 15-minute quadrangle (K. S. Soward, c, Casper, Wyo.) Pennsylvania (NC): Claysville—Avella area (S. P. Schweinfurth) Northern anthracite field (M. J. Bergin) Southern anthracite field (G. H. Wood, Jr.) States and territories—Continued Pennsylvania—Continued Western middle anthracite field (H. H. Arndt) Wind Gap and adjacent quadrangles (J. B. Epstein) Puerto Rico (J. M. Aaron, San Juan) South Dakota: Black Hills Precambrian (J. A. Redden, Hill City) Keystone Pegmatite area (J. J. Norton, NC) Rapid City area (J. M. Cattermole, D) Texas, Tilden-Loma Alta area (K. A. Dickinson, D) Utah: Basin Canyon quadrangle (Fred Peterson, c, D) Big Hollow Wash quadrangle (Fred Peterson, c, D) Blackburn Canyon quadrangle (Fred Peterson, c, D) Butler Valley quadrangle (W. E. Bowers, c, D) Canaan Peak quadrangle (W. E. Bowers, c, D) Coal-mine bumps, Sunnyside mining district (F. W. Osterwald, D) Collet Top quadrangle (H. D. Zeller, c, D) Confusion Range (R. K. Hose, M) Crawford Mountains (W. C. Gere, c, M) East-of-the-Navajo quadrangle (Fred Peterson, c, D) Fourmile Bench quadrangle (W. E. Bowers, c, D) Horse Mountain quadrangle (W. E. Bowers, c, D) Jessen Butte quadrangle (E. M. Schell, c, Casper, Wyo.) Matlin Mountains (V. R. Todd, M) Needle Eye Point quadrangle (H. D. Zeller, c, D) Oak City area (D. J. Varnes, D) Ogden 4 NW quadrangle (R. J. Hite, c, D) Pete’s Cove quadrangle (H. D. Zeller, c, D) Salt Lake City and vicinity (Richard VanHorn, D) Seep Flat quadrangle (E. V. Stephens, c, M) Sheeprock Mountains, West Tintic district (H. T. Morris, M) , Ship Mountain Point quadrangle (H. D. Zeller, c, D) Sooner Bench quadrangle (Fred Peterson, c, D) Sunset Flat quadrangle (Fred Peterson, c, D) Upper Valley quadrangle (W. E. Bowers, c, D) Wah Wah Summit quadrangle (L. F. Hintze, Salt Lake City) ' Wide Hollow Reservoir (E. V. Stephens, c, M) Willard Peak area (M. D. Crittenden, Jr., M) Virginia (NC): Culpepper Basin (K. Y. Lee) Delmarva Peninsula (J. P. Owens) Northern Blue Ridge (G. H. Espenshade) Rapidan-Rappahannock (Louis Pavlides) Washington: Chewelah No. 4 quadrangle (F. K. Miller, M) Glacier Park area (F. W. Cater, D) Loomis quadrangle (C. D.'Rinehart, M) Olympic Peninsula, eastern part (W. M. Cady, D) Olympic Peninsula, northwestern part (P. D. Snavely, Jr., M) Stevens County (R. G. Yates, M) Wisconsin: Black River Falls and Hatfield quadrangles (Harry Klemic, NC) Lead-zinc district (W. S. West, Platteville) 336 Geologic mapping—Continued Map scale 1 :62,500 and larger—Continued States and territories—Continued Wyoming: Acme quadrangle (B. E. Law, 0, Casper) Albany and Keystone quadrangles (M. E. McCallum, Fort Collins, Colo.) Alkali Butte quadrangle (M. W. Reynolds, D) Alpine quadrangle (H. F. Albee, c, Salt Lake City, 'Utah) Appel Butte quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) Badwater Creek (R. E. Thaden, D) Bailey Lake quadrangle (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Browns Hill quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Bull Creek quadrangle (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Camp Davis quadrangle (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Cottonwood Rim quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Coyote Draw quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) Crawford Mountains (W. C. Gere, c, M) Creston Junction quadrangle (R. B. Sanders, c, D) Deer Creek quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Devils Tooth quadrangle (W. G. Pierce, M) Four Bar—J Ranch quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) Gillette Coal Field (W. L. Rohrer, c, Casper) Greenhill quadrangle (S. P. Buck, c, Casper) Grieve Reservoir quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Ketchum Buttes quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Monarch quadrangle (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Oil Mountain quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Oriba quadrangle (B. E. Law, c,‘ Casper) Pickle Pass quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Pine Creek quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Pleasantdale quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, c, D) Poison Spider quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Ranchester quadrangle (B. E. Barnum, c, D) Reid Canyon quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Riner quadrangle (R. B. Sanders, c, D) Saddlehorse Butte quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, c, D) Savery quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Scraper Reservoir quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, c, D) Sheridan Pass quadrangle (W. L. Rohrer, c, Casper) Ship Mountain Point quadrangle (H. D. Zeller, c, D) Square Top Butte quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Stewart Peak quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) The Gap quadrangle (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) The Gap southwest quadrangle (S. L. Grazis, c, D) Tullis quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Wapiti quadrangle (W. G. Pierce, M) Weston southwest quadrangle (R. W. Jones, c, Casper) Geomagnetism (D): External geomagnetic-field variations (W. H. Campbell) Geomagnetic-data analysis (C. O. Stearns) Geomagnetic observatories (J. D. Wood) Geomagnetic secular variation (L. R. Alldredge) Magnetic-field analysis and U.S. charts (E. B. Fabiano) World magnetic charts and analysis (E. B. Fabiano) Geomorphology: Channel adjustment, Cochiti Dam (J. D. Dewey, w, Albuquerque, N. Mex.) Forest geomorphology, Pacific coast (R. J. Janda, w, M) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Geomorphology—Continued Morphology, provenance, and movement of desert sand (E. D. McKee, D) Ohio River Quaternary (M. P. Weiss, DeKalb, Ill.) Ohio River Valley, geologic development (L. L. Ray, NC) Stream channelization (J. C. Brice, w, M) Studies of erosion control (N. J. King, w, D) Quaternary landforms and deposits interpreted from Landsat-1 imagery, midwest and Great Plains (R. B. Morrison, D) States: Arizona, post-1890 A.D. erosion features interpreted from Landsat-1 imagery (R. B. Morrison, D) Colorado, mountain soils, regolith (K. L. Pierce, D) Idaho, eastern Snake River plain, Quaternary geology (E. T. Ruppel, D) Indiana, Ohio River Quaternary (M. P. Weiss, Dekalb, Ill.) Massachusetts, sea-cliff erosion studies (C. A. Kaye, Boston) New Mexico, Chaco Canyon National Monument (H. E. Malde, D) Oregon, coastal sedimentation (R. J. Janda, w, M) Wyoming (D): Wind River Mountains, Quaternary geology (G. M. Richmond) Yellowstone National Park, glacial and postglacial geology (G. M. Richmond) See also Sedimentology; Geochronological investigations. Geophysics, regional: Airborne and satellite research: Aeromagnetic studies (M. F. Kane, D) Electromagnetic research (F. C. Frischknecht, D) Gamma radioactivity studies (J. A. Pitkin, D) Regional studies (Isidore Zietz, NC) Satellite magnetometry (R. D. Regan, NC) Antarctica, Pensacola Mountains, geophysical studies (J. C. Behrendt, Woods Hole, Mass.) Basin and Range, geophysical studies (W. E. Davis, M) Crust and upper mantle: Aeromagnetic interpretation of metamorphic rocks (Isidore Zietz, NC) Aeromagnetic studies of the United States (Isidore Zietz, NC) Analysis of traveltime data (J. C. Roller, M) Fault-zone geophysical studies (W. H. Jackson, M) Seismicity and Earth structure (J. N. Taggart, Boulder, Colo.) Seismologic studies (J. P. Eaton, M) Engineering geophysics (H. D. Ackermann, D) Florida Continental Shelf, gravity studies (H. L. Krivoy, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Gravity survey, Maryland cooperative (D. L. Daniels, NC) Ground-water geophysics (W. D. Stanley, D) Magnetic chronology, Colorado Plateau and environs (D. P. Elston, E. M. Shoemaker, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Mobile magnetometer profiles, eastern United States (M. F. Kane, D) National aeromagnetic survey (J. R. Henderson, D) New England, magnetic properties of rocks (Andrew Griscom, M) Program and systems development (G. I. Evenden, W. L. Anderson, D) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 337 Geophysics, regional-Continued Rocky Mountains, northern (D. L. Peterson, M. D. Kleinkopf, D) Southeastern States geophysical studies (Peter Popenoe, NC) Southwestern States geophysical studies (D. L. Peterson, NC) Ultramafic rocks, geophysical studies, intrusions (G. A. Thompson, M) United States, aeromagnetic surveys (E. R. King, NC) Yellowstone National Park, geophysical study (H. R. Blank, Eugene, Oreg.) States and territories: Alaska, Ambler River and Baird Mountains quadrangles gravity (D. F. Barnes, M) California, Sierra Nevada, geophysical studies (H. W. Oliver, M) Idaho, Snake River Plain (D. L. Peterson, D) Maryland, Cooperative Survey (J. L. Meuschke, D) Massachusetts : Cooperative survey (J. L. Meuschke, D) Geophysical studies (M. F. Kane, NC) Minnesota (NC): Keweenawan rocks, magnetic studies (K. G. Books) Southern part, aeromagnetic survey (E. R. King) Nevada (D): Applied geophysics, Nevada Test Site (G. D. Bath) Engineering geophysics, Nevada Test Site (R. D. Carroll) New Mexico, Rio Grande graben (L. E. Cordell, D) Pennsylvania, magnetic properties of rocks (Andrew Griscom, M) Puerto Rico, seismicity of Puerto Rico (A. C. Tarr, D) Geophysics, theoretical and experimental: California, mass properties of oil field rocks (L. A. Beyer, M) Crustal studies (ARPA) (Isidore Zietz, NC) Earth structure studies (J. H. Healy, M) Earthquakes, local seismic studies (J. P. Eaton, M) Elastic and inelastic properties of Earth materials (Louis Peselnick, M) Electrical properties of rocks (R. D. Carroll, D) Electrical resistivity studies (A. A. R. Zohdy, D) Experimental rock mechanics (C. B. Raleigh, M) Gamma-ray spectrometry (J. A. Pitkin, D) Geophysical data, interpretation using electronic computers (R. G. Henderson, NC) . Geophysical program and systems development (G. E. Andreasen, NC) Ground motion studies (J. H. Healy, M) Infrared and ultraviolet radiation studies (R. M. Moxham, NC) In-situ stress (R. V. de la Cruz, M) Interpretation of geophysical logs, Nevada Test Site (R. D. Carroll, D) Magnetic and luminescent properties (F. E. Senftle, NC) Magnetic model studies (G. E. Andreasen, NC) Magnetic properties laboratory (M. E. Beck, Jr., Bellingham, Wash.) Microwave studies (A. W. England, D) Paleomagnetism, Precambrian and Tertiary chronology (D. P. Elston, Flagstaff, Ariz.) » - Remanent magnetization of rocks (C. S. Grommé, M) Geophysics, theoretical and experimental—Continued Resistivity interpretation (A. A. R. Zohdy, D) Rock behavior at high temperature and pressure (E. C. Robertson, NC) Seismicity patterns in time and space (C. G. Bufe, M) Stress studies (C. B. Raleigh, M) Thermodynamic properties of rocks (R. A. Robie, NC) Ultramafic intrusions, geophysical studies (G. A. Thompson, M) Volcano geophysics (E. T. Endo, M) Geothermal investigations: Energy transport in ground water (A. F. Moench, w, M) Geochemical exploration (M. E. Hinkle, D) Geochemical indicators (A. H. ’I‘ruesdell, M) Geothermal geophysics (D. R. Mabey, D) Geothermal hydrologic reconnaissance (F. H. Olmsted, w, _ M) ' Geothermal studies (A. H. Lachenbruch, M) Heat flow (J. H. Sass, A. H. Lachenbruch, M) Oxygen isotopes (J. R. O’Neil, M) Physics of geothermal systems (W. H. Diment, M) Regional volcanology (R. L. Smith, NC) ' Remote sensing (Kenneth Watson, D) Rio Grande geothermal (P. H. Jones, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Rock-water interactions (R. O. Fournier, M) Seismic exploration (P. L. Ward, M) Thermal waters (D. E. White, M) States: Alaska, geothermal reconnaissance (T. D. Miller, M) Arizona, geothermal consultation (T. W. Anderson, w, Flagstaff) California: Clear Lake-Geysers area (B. C. Hearn, Jr., NC) Clear Lake-Geysers microearthquake monitoring (C. G. Bufe, M) Geology of Long Valley-Mono Basin (R. A. Bailey, NC) Imperial Valley geothermal (J. J. French, w, Garden Grove) Imperial Valley microearthquake monitoring (D. P. Hill, M) Long Valley active seismology (D. P. Hill, M) Long Valley hydrology (R. E. Lewis, w, Laguna Niguel) Pre-Tertiary geology of The Geysers-Clear Lake area (R. J. McLaughlin, M) Seismic noise, The Geysers area (H. M. Iyer, M) Colorado: Colorado geothermal (M. S. Bedinger, w, D) Geothermal resources (G. L. Galyardt, c, D) Idaho (w, Boise): Geothermal resources (H. W. Young) Test drilling, Raft River valley (E. G. Crosthwaite) Nevada, geothermal reconnaissance (R. K. Hose, M) Oregon: Geothermal reconnaissance (N. S. MacLeod, M) Hydrologic reconnaissance of geothermal areas (E. A. Sammel, w, M) Utah, geothermal resources (J. E. Smedley, 0, Salt Lake City) Wyoming, Yellowstone thermal areas, geology (L. J. P. Muffler, M) ' 338 Glacial geology, Antarctica, Pensacola Mountains (D. L. Schmidt, D) Glaciology : Glaciological research, International Hydrological Decade (M. F. Meier, w, Tacoma, Wash.) Sea-ice dynamics (W. J. Campbell, w, Tacoma, Wash.) Water, ice, and energy balance of mountain glaciers, and ice physics (M. F. Meier, w, Tacoma, Wash.) World Data Center A -- glaciology (M. F. Meier, w, Tacoma, Wash.) State: Alaska (L. R. Mayo, w, Fairbanks) Gold : Composition related to exploration (J. C. Antweiler, D) Gold resources of the United States (W. C. Prinz, NC; F. S. Simons, D) . Great Lakes region (D. A. Seeland, D) Placer deposits, New Mexico (Kenneth Segerstrom, D) States: Alaska (M): Gulf of Alaska, nearshore (E. H. Lathram) Seward Peninsula, nearshore (D. M. Hopkins) Arizona, Gold Basin-Lost Basin district (P. M. Blacet, M) California, Klamath Mountains (P. E. Hotz, M) Montana (D): Confederate Gulch (W. B. Myers) Cooke City quadrangle (J. E. Elliott) Southwestern part, ore deposits (K. L. Wier) Nevada (M): Aurora and Bodie districts, Nevada-California (F. J. Kleinhampl) Carlin mine (A. S. Radtke) Comstock district (D. H. Whitebread) Dun Glen quadrangle (D. H. Whitebread) Goldfield district (R. P. Ashley) North Carolina, Gold Hill area (A. A. Stromquist, D) Oregon-Washington, nearshore area (P. D. Snavely, Jr., M) South Dakota, Keystone area (W. H. Raymond, D) Wyoming: Northwestern part, conglomerates (J. C. Antweiler, D) See also Heavy metals. Ground water-surface water relations: Bank storage reconnaissance (W. D. Simons, w, M) States: California: Confined aquifer, San Bernardino (J. S. Singer, w, Laguna Niguel) Tuolumne gas wells (R. W. Page, w, Sacramento) Florida (w, Miami, except as otherwise noted): Biscayne aquifer analog model (E. H. Cordes) Hydrologic base, Dade County (J. E. Hull) ' Miami Canal infiltration (F. W. Meyer) Well fields, west-central Florida (E. R. Close, w, Tampa) Idaho (w, Boise): Hydrology: Island Park—Henrys Lake (R. L. Whitehead) Weiser Basin (H. W. Young) Minnesota, sewage treatment and lake quality (R. J. Wolf, w, St. Paul) Missouri, hydrology of Ozarks Basins (John Skelton, w, Rolla) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Ground water-surface water relations—Continued States—Continued Nebraska, Platte Basin water resources (E. G. Lappala, w, Lincoln) New Mexico, Pecos River-miscellaneous (G. E. Welder, w, Roswell) North Carolina, effect of channel improvement on hydrologic conditions in Creeping Swamp (M. D. Winner, w, Raleigh) Ohio, Franklin County digital model (R. E. Fidler, w, Columbus) Pennsylvania, level monitoring, Matamoras (W. C. Roth, w, Harrisburg) Rhode Island, hydrology, Branch Blackstone (H. E. Johnston, w, Providence) Washington, Water Yakima Reservation (D. O. Gregg, w, Tacoma) Wisconsin (w, Madison): Hydrology of the Arboretum Marsh (H. L. Young) Hydrologic effects of dredging small spring ponds (W. J. Rose) Hydrology of Cedar Lake (R. S. McLeod) Hydrology of wetlands (R. P. Novitzki) Nederlo Creek hydrology (P. A. Kammerer, Jr.) Wetland hydrology (E. A. Bell) Heavy metals: Appalachian region: Mineral resources, Connecticut-Massachusetts (J. P. D’Agostino, NC) South-central (A. A. Stromquist, D) Hydro- and bio—geochemistry (T. T. Chao, D) Mineral paragenesis (J. T. Nash, M) Regional variation in heavy-metals content of Colorado Plateau stratified rocks (R. A. Cadigan, D) Rocky Mountain region, fossil beach placers (R. S. Houston, Laramie, Wyo.) Solution transport (G. K. Chamanske, M) Southeastern states, geochemical studies (Henry Bell III, NC) States: Alaska (M): Gulf of Alaska, nearshore placers (Erk Reimnitz) Hogatza trend (T. P. Miller) Southeastern part (D. A. Brew) Southern Alaska Range (B. L. Reed) Southwestern part (J. M. Hoare) Yukon-Tanana Upland (H. L. Foster) Idaho, Washington Peak quadrangle (D. A. Seeland, D) Nevada: Aurora and Bodie districts, Nevada-California (F. J. Kleinhampl, M) Basin and Range (D. R. Shawe, D) Hydraulics, ground water: Computer analysis—ground-water Papadopulos, w, NC) Mechanics of ground-water flow (G. F. Pinder w, NC) Transient phenomena in ground-water flow (C. E. Mongan, w, Boston, Mass.) Transport processes in fluid flows (Akio Ogata, w Honolulu, Hawaii) problems (S. S. 1 INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 339 Hydraulics, surface flow: Dispersion by turbulent flow in open channels (Nobuhiro Yotsukura, w, NC) Effect of temperature on winter runnoff (W. D. Simons, w, M) Mechanics of flow structure and fluid resistance—movable boundry (R. S. McQuivey, W, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic phenomena by digital computer (V. C. Lai, w, NC) Time-of-travel studies, New York (L. A. Wagner, w, Albany) Unsteady flow and saline intrusions in rivers and estuaries (R. A. Baltzer, w, NC) See also Hydrologic instrumentation. Hydrologic-data collection and processing: Data file for well records (R. S. McLeod, w, Madison, Wis.) Hydrologic probability models (W. H. Kirby, w, NC) Statistical inferences (E. J. Gilroy, w, NC) Store-retrieve hydrologic data (D. E. Vaupel, w, Mineola, N.Y.) See also Hydrologic instrumentation. Hydrologic instrumentation: Analog model unit (E. P. Patten, Jr., w, NC) Drilling techniques (Eugene Shuter, w, D) Ground-water network (L. C. Dutcher, w, M) Hydrologic classification (L. M. Shown, w, D) Instrumentation and environmental studies (G. E. Ghering, w, D) Instrumentation research—“water (H. 0. Wires, w, Bay St. Louis,'Miss.) Interagency sedimentation project (J. V. Skinner, w, Minneapolis, Minn.) Laboratory research, instruments, water (G. F. Smoot, w, NC) Lake and sea ice experiment (W. J. Campbell, w, Tacoma, Wash.) Remote sensing quality of water (M. C. Goldberg, w, D) Satellite data relay project (R. W. Paulson, w, NC) Satellite data relay support (D. M. Preble, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Techniques of flood-plain mapping (G. W. Edelen, Jr., w, NC) See also Hydrologic-data collection and processing. Hydrology, ground-water: Alluvial fan deposition (W. E. Price, Jr., w, NC) Aquifer test analysis (J. F. Daniel, w, Tuscaloosa, Ala.) Borehole geophysics (W. S. Keys, w, D) Consultation and research (C. V. Theis, w, Albuquerque, N. Mex.) Digital modeling ground-water flow (S. P. Larson, w, NC) Geothermal modeling (J. W. Mercer, w, NC) Ground-water staff functions (S. W. Lehman, w, D) Ground-water tracer studies (R. J. Sun, w, NC) Ground-water type curves (R. W. Stallman, w, D) Gulf coast hydrodynamics (P. C. Trescott, w, NC) Hydrologic laboratory (F. S. Riley, w, D) Hydrology of carbonate rocks (H. E. LeGrand, w, Raleigh, N.C.) Hydrology of Wilcox formation with reference to liquid waste emplacement in the Gulf Coastal Plain (P. H. Jones, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Impact of mining on aquifers (N. J. King, w, D) Hydrology, ground water—Continued Limestone hydraulic permeability (V. T. Stringfield, w, NC) Microbes in ground water (G. G. Ehrlich, w, M) Modeling of geothermal systems (M. L. Sorey, w, M) Recharge feasibility factors (Jacob Rubin, w, M) Regional ground-water studies coordination (E. M. Cushing, w, NC) Role of confining clays (R. G. Wolff, w, NC) States: Alabama, water management, Madison County (W. F. Harris, Jr., w, Huntsville) Arizona: Ground water to Colorado River (0. J. Loeltz, w, Yuma) Special site studies (H. M. Babcock, w, Tucson) Water supply, Lake Mead area (R. L. Laney, w, Phoenix) -- California (w, Laguna Niguel, except as otherwise noted): Barstow quality-of-water model (S. G. Robson) Cahuilla Indian Reservation water resources (W. R. Moyle, Jr.) Napa County ground water (J. P. Akers, w, M) Water resources, Upper Coachella (L. A. Swain) Water resources, Vandenberg AFB (F. W. Giessner) Florida: Broward County (H. J. McCoy, w, Miami) Deep well injection, Ft. Lauderdale (C. B. Sherwood, Jr., w, Miami) Digital model, aquifer system (A. F. Robertson, w, Tampa) ’ Freshwater in saline aquifers (F. W. Meyer, w, Miami) Geohydrology, citrus irrigation (W. E. Wilson III, w, Tampa) Injecting wastes in saline aquifers (F. W. Meyer, w, Miami) Sarasota disposal well, phase 1 (Horace Sutcliffe, Jr., w, Sarasota) Storage of storm waters (G. E. Seaburn, w, Tampa) Water resources, Everglades (A. L. Higer, w, Miami) Indiana (w, Indianapolis): Dewatering effects at Bailly +1 (J. R. Marie) Ground-water cost study (J. R. Marie) Ground water near Carmel (D. C. Gillies) Iowa, hydrology of glaciated carbonate terranes (W. L. Steinhilber, w, Iowa City) Kansas: Artificial recharge, west Kansas (J. B. Gillespie, w, Lawrence) ' Geohydrologic maps, southwest Kansas (E. D. Gutentag, w, Garden City) Arbuckle Group, southeastern Kansas (K. M. Keene, w, Lawrence) Ford and Hodgeman Counties (E. C. Weakly, w, Garden City) Great Bend prairie (S. W. Fader, w, Lawrence) Greeley and Wichita Counties (S. E. Slagle, w, Garden City) Saline water, Little Arkansas Basin (R. B. Leonard, w, Lawrence) Scott and Lane Counties (E. D. Gutentag, w, Garden City) Water resources, Ness County (E. D. Jenkins, w, Garden CitY) 340 Hydrology, ground water—Continued States—Continued Kentucky (w, Louisville): Pennyrile Plain potentiometric map (T. W. Lambert) Water in Elizabethtown area (T. W. Lambert) Maryland, Maryland Aquifer Studies III (E. G. Otton, w, Parkville) Massachusetts, ground water on Cape Cod (M. H. Frimpter, w, Boston) Minnesota, recharge fissured rocks (H. O. Reeder, w, St. Paul) Missouri, water, southeast Missouri lowlands (E. J. Harvey, w, Rolla) ‘ Nebraska, test-drilling data collection (C. F. Keech, w, Lincoln) Nevada (w, Carson City): Fort McDermitt ground water (J. R. Harrill) Pumping effects on Devils Hole (W. W. Dudley, Jr.) Storage depletion, Las Vegas (J. R. Harrill) Storage depletion, Pahrump Valley (J. R. Harrill) New Jersey (w, Trenton): Digital model, Potomac-Raritan-Magothy (J. E. Luzier) Geohydrology aquifer system (H. E. Gill) Geohydrology, east-central New Jersey (G. M. Farlekas) Mount Laurel-Wenonah Formations (Bronius Nemickas) Pumpage inventory (William Kam) New Mexico (w, Albuquerque, except as otherwise noted): Effects of development in northwest New Mexico (T. E. Kelly) Geothermal hydrology, Jemez Mountains (F. W. Trainer) Lower Rio Grande valley (C. A. Wilson) Navajo Indian Health Service (W. L. Hiss) Northern High Plains (E. G. Lappala) Roswell Basin, quantitative (G. E. Welder, w, Roswell) Sandia-Manzano Mountains (J. B. Cooper) Taos and Cerro irrigation (F. C. Koopman) Water resources, Acoma Reservation (F. P. Lyford) Water resources, Lagune Reservation (F. P. Lyford) Water resources, Mimbres Basin (J. S. McLean) Water resources, Santa Fe (W. A. Mourant) . Water supply, Tijeras Canyon (J. D. Hudson) New York, recharge of treated sewage (John Vecchioli, w, Mineola) Ohio, Dayton digital model (R. E. Fidler, w, Columbus) Oklahoma, Ogallala model, Texas County (R. B. Morton, w, Oklahoma City) Pennsylvania: Ground-water flooding, Kingston (D. J. Growitz, w, Harrisburg) Hydrogeology, Crawford County (G. R. Schiner, w, Meadville) Hydrogeology, Erie County (G. R. Schiner, w, Meadville) Well data from driller cards (D. W. Speight, w, Philadelphia) South Carolina (w, Columbia): Capacity use study (A. L. Zack) Low country capacity use study (L. R. Hayes) South Dakota, basic hydrologic research (E. F. LeRoux, w, Huron) Utah (w, Salt Lake City): Hydrology, Beaver Valley (R. W. Mower) Navajo Sandstone ground water (R. M. Cordova) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Hydrology, ground water—Continued States—Continued Washington (w, Tacoma): Ground-water hydrology, east-central Washington (A. J. Hanson, Jr.) Pullman (H. H. Tanaka) Wisconsin (w, Madison): A study of ground—water pollution in the Niagara dolomite of Door County, Wis. (M. G. Sherrill) Fish-hatchery water management (R. P. Novitzki) Ground-water pollution in dolomite aquifer (M. G. Sherrill) Shallow aquifer recharge (R. D. Cotter) Wyoming, Paleozoic hydrology, Powder River Basin (W. G. Hodson, w, Cheyenne) Hydrology, surface-water: , Atchafalaya River Basin model (M. E. Jennings, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Evaluation of low-flow runoff (W. D. Simons, w, M) Flow in a compound channel (H. J. Tracy, w, Atlanta, Ga.) Hydrology defined by rainfall simulation (G. C. Lusby, w, D) Modeling principles (J. P. Bennett, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Open channel experiments (F. A. Kilpatrick, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Operation models (M. E. Jennings, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Physical modeling (V. R. Schneider, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Runoff simulation (P. H. Carrigan, Jr., w, NC) Water availability, nuclear power (H. C. Riggs, w, NC) Water quality model development and implementation (R. A. Baltzer, w, NC) States: Alabama, travel-time studies (E. R. German, w, Tuscaloosa) Alaska, water resources fish sites (G. A. McCoy, w, Anchorage) Arizona: Effects of vegetation changes (H. W. Hjalmarson, w, Phoenix) Flood hydrology of Arizona (B. N. Aldridge, w, Tucson) California: Flood hydrology, Butte Basin (R. G. Simpson, w, Sacramento) Special studies (L. R. Peterson, w, M) Delaware River Master activity (J. V. B. Wells, w, Milford, Pa.) Florida hydrograph simulation studies (J. F. Turner, Jr., w, Tampa) Georgia, small area flood hydrology (H. G. Goldeh, w, Doraville) Idaho, special studies (C. A. Thomas, w, Boise) Kansas (w, Lawrence): Channel geometry (E. R. Hedman) Flood investigations (H. R. Hejl, Jr.) Soldier Creek (W. M. Kastner) Streamflow characteristics (C. V. Burns) Streamflow models (P. R. Jordan) Urban runoff, Wichita (D. B. Richards) Kentucky, small area flood hydrology (R. V. Swisshelm, Jr., w, Louisville) Louisiana (w, Baton Rouge): Bridge-site computations (B. L. Neely, Jr.) Characteristics of streams (M. J. Forbes Jr.) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS Hydrology, surface-water.—Continued States—Continued I Louisiana—Continued Small stream flood frequency (L. A. Martens) Montana (w, Helena): Bridge—site investigations (M. V. Johnson) Peak flow, small drainage areas (M. V. Johnson) New Jersey (w, Trenton): Low-flow frequency (E. G. Miller) Tidal stage (A. A. Vickers) North Carolina, stream system modeling (F. E. Arteaga, w, Raleigh) Ohio (w, Columbus): Flood hydrology, small areas (E. E. Webber) Hydraulics of bridge sites (R. 1. Mayo) Low-flow of Ohio streams (R. 1. Mayo) Time—of-travel studies of Ohio streams (A. O. Westfall) Oregon, Alsea River basin, effects of logging on streamflow, sedimentation, and temperature (D. D. Harris, w, Portland) South Carolina (w, Columbia): Data reports, flood forecasting (H. H. Jeffcoat) Low-flow characteristics (W. M. Bloxham) South Dakota (w, Huron): Flood frequency study (L. D. Becker) Small streams flood frequency (L. D. Becker) Tennessee (w, Nashville, except as otherwise noted): Hydrologic effects of strip mining (S. P. Sauer) Memphis urban flood frequency (C. W. Boning, w, Memphis) Metro urban development alternatives (H. C. Wibben) Small streams modeling (H. C. Wibben) Tennessee bridge scour (W. J. Randolph) Texas (w, Austin, except as otherwise noted): Hydrology of small drainage areas (E. E. Schroeder) Small watersheds (R. D. Hawkinson) Trinity River time of travel studies (R. H. Ollman, w, Fort Worth) Virginia, urban hydrology, Fairfax County (P. L. Soule, w, Fairfax) Washington (w, Tacoma): Anadromous fish hydraulics (C. H. Swift 111) Low flow (P. J. Carpenter) Wisconsin (w, Madison): Flambeau River digital model (R. S. Grant) Flood frequency study (D. H. Conger) Low-flow study (W. A. Gebert) Water-quality control (W. A. Gebert) See also Evapotranspiration; Flood investigations; Marine hydrology; Plant ecology; Urbanization, hydrologic effects. Industrial minerals. See specific minerals. Iron: Resource studies, United States (Harry Klemic, NC) Michigan (NC): Gogebic County, western part (R. G. Schmidt) Negaunee and Palmer quadrangles (J. E. Gair) Wisconsin, Black River Falls (Harry Klemic, NC) Isotope and nuclear studies: Instrument development (F. J. Jurceka, D) Interface of isotope hydrology and hydrogeology (I. J. Winograd, w, NC) 341 Isotope and nuclear studies—Continued Isotope fractionation (T. B. Coplen II, w, Laguna Niguel, Calif.) Isotope ratios in rocks and minerals (Irving Friedman, D) Isotopes in hydrology (C. T. Rightmire, w, NC) Isotopic hydrology (F. J. Pearson, w, NC) Lead isotopes and ore deposits (R. E. Zartman, D) Mass spectrometry and isotopic measurements (J. S. Stacey, D) Nuclear irradiation (G. M. Bunker, D) Nuclear reactor facility (G. P. Kraker, Jr., w, D) Radioisotope dilution (L. P. Greenland, NC) Stable isotopes and ore genesis (R. 0. Rye, D) Upper mantle studies (Mitsunobu Tatsumoto, D) See also Geochronological investigations; Geochemistry, water; Radioactive-waste disposal. Land resources analysis, Idaho, eastern Snake River Plain region (S. S. Oriel, D) Land subsidence: Geothermal subsidence research (B. E. Lofgren, w, Sacramento, Calif.) Land subsidence, Idahome area (E. G. Crosthwaite, w, Boise, Idaho) Land subsidence studies (J. F. Poland, w, Sacramento, Calif.) Mechanics of aquifer systems (J. F. Poland, w, Sacramento, Calif.) Sinkhole studies along public roads (J. G. Newton, w, Tuscaloosa, Ala.) Subsidence at Texas City and Seabrook (R. K. Gabrysch, w, Houston, Tex.) Land use data and analysis (LUDA) ' program (J. R. Anderson, 1, NC) Lead, zinc, and silver: Lead resources of United States (C. S. Bromfield, D) Zinc resources of United States (Helmuth Wedow, Jr., Knoxville, Tenn.) States: Alaska, Southwest Brooks Range (1. L. Tailleur, M) Arizona, Lochiel and Nogales quadrangles (F. S. Simons, D) Colorado (D): San Juan Mountains, eastern, reconnaissance (W. N. Sharp) San Juan Mountains, northwestern (F. S. Fisher) Illinois-Kentucky district, regional structure and ore controls (D. M. Pinckney, D) Nevada (M): Comstock district (D. H. Whitebread) Silver Peak Range (R. P. Ashley) Utah, Park City district (C. S. Bromfield, D) Wisconsin, lead-zinc (W. S. West, Platteville) Limnology: Artificial substrates (R. C. Averett, w, M) Colorado Lakes reconnaissance (D. A. Wentz, w, D) Hydrology of lakes (G. C. Bortleson, w, Tacoma, Wash.) Hydrology of lakes in Wisconsin (R. P. Novitzki, w, Madison, Wis.) Impoundment water quality (D. R. Williams, w, Harrisburg, Pa.) Interrelations of aquatic ecology and water quality (K. V. Slack, w, M) 342 Limnology—Continued Limnological study of Maine lakes (D. J. Cowing, w, Boston, Mass.) Limnology of selected Ohio lakes (R. L. Tobin, w, Columbus, Ohio) Oxygen cycle in streams (R. E. Rathbun, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Quality of water: Lago Carraizo (Ferdinand Quinones-Marquez, w, San Juan, PR.) Laguna Tortuguero (Ferdinand Quinones-Marquez, w, San Juan, PR.) Lopez Reservoir (R. C. Averett, w, M) Relation of ground water to lakes (T. C. Winter, w, D) Stream health, Chester County, Pa. (B. W. Lium, w, West Chester) Water quality of impoundments (J. L. Barker, w, Harrisburg, Pa.) See also Quality of water. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Marine geology—Continued States and territories—Con tinued Alaska—Continued Beaufort-Chuckchi Sea Continental Shelf (Arthur Grantz) Beaufort Sea environment sstudies (P. W. Barnes) Bering Sea (D. W. Scholl) Bering Sea floor, northern (C. H. Nelson) Coastal environments (A. T. Ovenshine) Continental Shelf resources (D. M. Hopkins) Gulf of Alaska (B. F. Molnia) Seward Peninsula, nearshore (D. M. Hopkins) Tectonichistory (R. E. von Huene, NC) California (M, except as otherwise noted): I Borderlands, geologic framework (A. E. Roberts) Borderlands, southern part (A. A. Wagner; G. W. Moore, La Jolla) Continental Margin, central part (E. A. Silver) La J olla marine geology laboratory (G. W. Moore, La Jolla) Lunar geology. See Extraterrestrial studies. Manganese. See Ferro-alloy metals. Marine geology: Monterey Bay (H. G. Greene) San Francisco Bay (D. S. McCulloch) ' San Francisco Bay, geochemistry of sediments (D. H. Atlantic Continental Shelf: Environmental impact of petroleum exploration and production (H. J. Knebel, Woods Hole, Mass.) Geophysical studies (J. C. Behrendt, Woods Hole, Mass.) Gulf of Maine section, geologic studies (M. F. Kane, Woods Hole, Mass.) Magnetic chronology (E. M. Shoemaker, D. P. Elston, Flagstaff, Ariz.) New England coastal zone (R. N. Oldale, Woods Hole, Mass.) Resources (R. Q. Foote, NC) Site surveys (W. P. Dillon, Woods Hole, Mass.) Stratigraphy (J. C. Hathaway, Woods Hole, Mass.) , Stratigraphy and structure (J. S. Schlee, Woods Hole, Mass.) Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico: Coastal environments (H. L. Berryhill, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Estuaries (C. W. Holmes, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Mississippi delta studies (L. E. Garrison, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Natural resources and tectonic features (R. G. Martin, Jr., Corpus Christi, Tex.) Oil migration and diagenesis of sediments (C. W. Holmes, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Tectonics, Caribbean (J. E. Case, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Tectonics, gulf (L. E. Garrison, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Marine mineral resources, worldwide (F. H. Wang, M) Pacific coast sedimentology (H. E. Clifton, M) Pacific Ocean, biostratigraphy, deep ocean (J. D. Bukry, La Jolla, Calif.) Pacific reef studies (J. I. Tracey, Jr., NC) Spain, Spanish Continental Margin (Almeria Province) (P. D. Snavely, Jr., H. G. Greene, H. E. Clifton, W. P. Dillon, and J. M. Robb, M) Volcanic geology, Mariana and Caroline Islands (Gilbert Corwin, NC) World offshore oil and gas (T. H. McCulloh, Seattle, Wash.) States and territories: Alaska (M, except as otherwise noted): Arctic coastal marine processes (Erk Reimnitz) Peterson) Oregon, landsea transect, Newport (P. D. Snavely, Jr., M) Oregon-California, black sands (H. E. Clifton, M) Oregon-Washington, nearshore (P. D. Snavely, Jr., M) Puerto Rico cooperative program (J. V. A. Trumbull, Santurce) Texas barrier islands (R. E. Hunter, Corpus Christi) Marine hydrology: Hydrologic-oceanographic (F. A. Kohout, w, Woods Hole, Mass.) Skylab data applications (A. L. Higer, w, Miami, Fla.) States and Territories: Connecticut, Long Island Sound regional study (F. H. Ruggles, Jr., w, Hartford) Maryland, effects of water quality changes on biota in estuaries (R. L. Cory; w, NC) North Carolina, flow of Chowan River (C. C. Daniel, w, Raleigh) Puerto Rico, San Juan lagoons (S. R. Ellis, w, San Juan) South Carolina, flow and quality of water model (S. J. Playton, w, Columbia) See also Hydrology, surface water; Quality of water; Geochemistry, water; Marine hydrology. Mercury : Geochemistry (A. P. Pierce, D) Mercury deposits and resources (E. H. Bailey, M) California, Coast Range ultramafic rocks (E. H. Bailey, M) Meteorites. See Extraterrestrial studies. Mineral and fuel resources—compilations and topical studies: Alteration study, Summitville district, Colorado (R. E. Van Loenen, D) I Arctic mineral resources investigations (W. P. Brosge, M) Basin and Range, geologic studies (F. G. Poole, D) Colorado Plateau (R. P. Fischer, D) Information bank, computerized (J. A. Calkins, NC) Iron resources studies, United States (Harry Klemic, NC) Lightweight-aggregate resources, United States (A. L. Bush, D) Metallogenic maps, United States (P. W. Guild, NC) Metals in volcaniclastic rocks (D. A. Lindsey, D) Mineral deposit controls, ce'ntral states (A. V. Heyl, Jr., D) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 343 Mineral and fuel resources—compilations and topical studies— Continued Mineral-resources map, Utah (L. S. Hilpert, Salt Lake City) Mineral-resources surveys: Northern Wisconsin (C. E. Dutton, Madison) Primitive and Wilderness Areas: Alpine-Enchantment Lakes study area, Wash. (J. L. Gualtieri, Spokane) Beartooth-Absaroka addition study area, Mont. (J. E. Elliott, D) Bob Marshall Wilderness Area, Montana (R. L. Earhart, D) Boulder-Pioneer study area, Idaho (F. S. Simons, D) Bradwell Bay Wilderness and Sopchoppy River study area, Florida (C. C. Cameron, NC) Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Area, Mont. (J. D. Wells, D) Cougar Lakes-Mt. Aix study area, Wash. (G. C. Simmons, D) Galiuro Wilderness Area, Ariz. (S. C. Creasey, M) Granite Fiords Wilderness Area, Alaska (George Gryc, M) Hells Canyon, Oregon-Idaho (G. C. Simmons, D) Indian Peaks Area, Colo. (R. C. Pearson, D) Jarbidge Wilderness Area, Nev. (R. R. Coats, M) Laramie Peaks study area, Wyo. (Kenneth Segerstrom, D) Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Area, Colorado (V. L. Freeman, D) Mount Zirkel Wilderness Area, Colo. (G. L. Snyder, D) North Absaroka Wilderness Area, Wyo. (W. H. Nelson, , M) Pioneer Mountains study area, Idaho (F. S. Simons, D) Sawtooth Recreation Area, Idaho (C. M. Tschanz, D) South Warner Wilderness Area, Calif. (W. A. Duffield, M) Teton study area, Wyo. (J. D. Love, D) Teton Wilderness Area, Wyoming (J. C. Antweiler, D) Tracy Arms-Fords Terror study area, Alaska (D. A. Brew, M) Trinity Alps Primitive Area, Calif. (P. Holz, M) West Elk Wilderness Area, Colo. (D. L. Gaskill, D) White Mountain Wilderness Area, N. Mex. (Kenneth Segerstrom, D) Puerto Rico (D. P. Cox, Santurce) Southeastern United States (R. A. Laurence, Knoxville, Tenn.) Nonmetallic deposits, mineralogy (B. M. Madsen, M) Peat resources, Northeastern States (C. C. Cameron, NC) Wilderness Program: Geochemical services (D. J. Grimes, D) Geophysical services (M. F. Kane, D) States: Alaska (M, except as otherwise noted): Geology (George Gryc) Southwestern Brooks Range (I. L. Tailleur) Michigan, base and precious metals in Archean greenstones (W. C. Prinz, NC) Pennsylvania, Greater Pittsburgh region clay and shale, limestone (B. J. O’Neill, Jr., Carnegie) Nevada, igneous rocks and related ore deposits (M. L. Silberman, M)- Mineral and fuel resources-compilations and topical studies- Continued States—Continued Texas, mineral resource appraisal, Van Horn-El Paso area (T. E. Mullens, D) See also specific minerals or fuels. Mineralogy and crystallography, experimental: Crystal chemistry (Malcolm Ross, NC) Crystal structure, sulfides (H. T. Evans, Jr., NC) Diagenesis of feldspars (R. W. Luce, M) Electrochemistry of minerals (Motoaki Sato, NC) MineralOgic services and research (M. L. Smith, NC; A. J. Gude, D) Mineralogy of heavy metals (F. A. Hildebrand, D) Planetary mineralogical studies (Priestley Toulmin III, NC) Rapid mineral analysis (L. G. Schultz, D) Research on ore minerals (B. F. Leonard, D) See also Geochemistry, experimental. Minor elements: Geochemistry (George Phair, NC) Niobium: Colorado, Wet Mountains (R. L. Parker, D) Niobium and tantalum, distribution in igneous rocks (David Gottfried, NC) Phosphoria Formation, stratigraphy and resources (R. A. Gulbrandsen, M) Nonpegmatite lithium resources (J. D. Vine, D) Rare-earth elements, resources and geochemistry (J. W. Adams, D) Trace-analysis methods, research (F. N. Ward, D) Model studies, geologic and geophysical: Computer modeling of rock-water interactions (J. L. Haas, Jr., NC) Computer modeling, tectonic deformation (J. H. Dieterich, M) Model studies, hydrologic. See Water resources; Hydrologic instrumentation. Molybdenum. See Ferro-alloy metals. Moon studies. See Extraterrestrial studies. Nickel. See Ferro-alloy metals. Nuclear explosions, geology: Applied geophysics, Nevada Test Site (G. D. Bath, D) Engineering geophysics, Nevada Test Site (R. D. Carroll, D) Geologic effects of nuclear explosions (F. A. McKeown, D) Geologic investigations: Amchitka Island, Alaska (L. M. Gard, Jr., D) Nevada Test Site (P. P. Orkild, D) Geomechanical investigations, Nevada Test Site (J. R. Ege, D) Peaceful uses of nuclear explosions (F. W. Stead, D) Nuclear explosions, hydrology: Hydrologic studies of small nuclear test sites (G. A. Dinwiddie, w, D) Hydrology in nuclear-explosive underground engineering (J. E. Weir, Jr., w, D) Hydrology of Amchitka Island Test Site, Alaska (W. C. Ballance, w, D) Hydrology of Central Nevada Test Site (G. A. Dinwiddie, w, D) Hydrology of Nevada Test Site (W. W. Dudley, Jr., w, D) Oil shale: Organic geochemistry (R. E. Miller, D) 344 Oil shale—Continued Oil shale and associated minerals (J. L. Renner, c, D) Petrology (J. R. Dyni, D) States: Alaska, Anatuvuk Pass (R. B. Sanders, c, Anchorage) Colorado (D, except as otherwise noted): East-central Piceance Creek basin (R. B. O’Sullivan) Lower Yellow Creek area (W. J. Hail) Piceance Creek basin (J. R. Donnell) State resources (D. C. Duncan, NC) Utah (W. B. Cashion, Jr., D) Wyoming-Colorado, Eocene rocks (H. W. Roehler, D) Paleobotany, systematic: Diatom studies (G. W. Andrews, NC) Floras: Cenozoic, Pacific Northwest (J. A. Wolfe, M) Cenozoic, Western United States and Alaska (J. A. Wolfe, M) Devonian (J. M. Schopf, Columbus, Ohio) Paleozoic (S. H. Mamay, NC) Fossil wood and general paleobotany (R. A. Scott, D) Plant microfossils: Cenozoic (E. B. Leopold, D) Mesozoic (R. H. Tschudy, D) Paleozoic (R. M. Kosanke, D) Paleoecology : Faunas, Late Pleistocene, Pacific coast (W. O. Addicott, M) Foraminif era : Cenozoic, larger forms (K. N. Sachs, Jr., NC) Ecology (M. R. Todd, NC) Recent, eastern Pacific (P. J. Smith, M) Ostracodes, Recent, North Atlantic (J. E. Hazel, NC) Paleoenvironment studies, Miocene, Atlantic Coastal Plain (T. G. Gibson, NC) Pollen, Recent distribution studies (E. B. Leopold, D) Te mpskya, Southwestern United States (C. B. Read, Albuquerque, N. Mex.) Vertebrate faunas, Ryukyu Islands, biogeography (F. C. Whitmore, Jr., NC) Paleontology, invertebrate, systematic: Brachiopods: Carboniferous (Mackenzie Gordon, Jr., NC) Ordovician (R. B. Neuman, NC; R. J. Ross, Jr., D) Permian (R. E. Grant, NC) Upper Paleozoic (J. T. Dutro, Jr., NC) Bryozoans: Ordovician (O. L. Karklins, NC) Cephalopods: Cretaceous (D. L. Jones, M) Jurassic (R. W. Imlay, NC) Upper Cretaceous (W. A. Cobban, D) Upper Paleozoic (Mackenzie Gordon, Jr., NC) Chitinozoans, Lower Paleozoic (J. M. Schopf, Columbus, Ohio) Conodonts: Devonian and Mississippian (C. A. Sandberg, D) Paleozoic (J. W. Huddle, NC) Corals, rugose: Mississippian (W. J. Sando, NC) Silurian-Devonian (W. A. Oliver, Jr., NC) Foraminif era : Fusuline and orbitoline (R. C. Douglass, NC) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Paleontology, invertebrate, systematic—Continued Foraminifera—Continued Cenozoic (M. R. Todd, NC) Cenozoic, California and Alaska (P. J. Smith, M) Mississippian (B. A. Skipp, D) Recent, Atlantic shelf (T. G. Gibson, NC) Tertiary, larger (K. N. Sachs, Jr., NC) Gastropods: Mesozoic (N. F. Sohl, NC) Miocene-Pliocene, Atlantic coast (T. G. Gibson, NC) Paleozoic (E. L. Yochelson, NC) Graptolites, Ordovician-Silurian (R. J. Ross, Jr., D) Mollusks, Cenozoic, Pacific coast (W. A. Addicott, M) Ostracodes: Lower Paleozoic (J. M. Berdan, NC) Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary (J. E. Hazel, NC) Upper Paleozoic (I. G. Sohn, NC) Pelecypods: Inoceramids (D. L. Jones, M) Jurassic (R. W. Imlay, NC) Paleozoic (John Pojeta, Jr., NC) Triassic (N. J. Silberling, M) Radiolaria (K. N. Sachs, Jr., NC) Trilobites, Ordovician (R. J. Ross, Jr., D) Paleontology, stratigraphic: Cenozoic: Coastal plains, Atlantic and Gulf (Druid Wilson, NC) Diatoms, Great Plains, nonmarine (G. W. Andrews, NC) Foraminifera, smaller, Pacific Ocean and islands (M. R. Todd, NC) Mollusks: Atlantic coast, Miocene (T. G. Gibson, NC) Pacific coast, Miocene (W. O. Addicott, M) Pollen and spores, Kentucky (R. H. Tschudy, D) Vertebrates: Pleistocene (G. E. Lewis, D) Atlantic coast (F. C. Whitmore, Jr., NC) Pacific coast (C. A. Repenning, M) Panama Canal Zone (F. C. Whitmore, Jr., NC) Mesozoic: Pacific coast and‘Alaska (D. L. Jones, M) Cretaceous: Alaska (D. L. Jones, M) Foraminifera: Alaska (H. R. Bergquist, NC) Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains (H. R. Bergquist, NC) Pacific coast (R. L. Pierce, M) Gulf coast and Caribbean (N. F. Sohl, NC) Molluscan faunas, Caribbean (N. F. Sohl, NC) Western interior United States (W. A. Cobban, D) Jurassic, North America (R. W. Imlay, NC) Triassic, marine faunas and stratigraphy (N. J. Silberling, M) Paleozoic: Devonian and Mississippian conodonts, Western United States (C. A. Sandberg, D) Fusuline Foraminifera, Nevada (R. C. Douglass, NC) Mississippian biostratigraphy, Alaska (A. K. Armstrong, M) Onesquethaw Stage (Devonian), stratigraphy and rugose corals (W. A. Oliver, NC) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS Paleontology, stratigraphic—Continued Paleozoic—Continued Paleobotany and coal studies, Antarctica (J. M. Schopf, Columbus, Ohio) Palynology of cores from Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 (R. A. Scott, D) Subsurface rocks, Florida (J. M. Berdan, NC) Ordovician : Bryozoans, Kentucky (0. L. Karklins, NC) Stratigraphy and brachiopods, Eastern United States (R. B. Neuman, NC) Western United States (R. J. Ross, Jr., D) Silurian-Devonian : Corals, northeast United States (W. A. Oliver, Jr., NC) Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian, Eastern United States (J. M. Berdan, NC) Mississippian : Stratigraphy and brachiopods, northern Rocky Mountains and Alaska (J. T. Dutro, Jr., NC) Stratigraphy and corals, northern Rocky Mountains (W. J. Sando, NC) Pennsylvanian : Fusulinidae: Alaska (R. C. Douglass, NC) North-central Texas (D. A. Myers, D) Spores and pollen, Kentucky (R. M. Kosanke, D) Permian: Floras, Southwestern United States (S. H. Mamay, NC) Stratigraphy and brachiopods: Alaska (R. E. Grant, NC) Southwestern United States (R. E. Grant, NC) Upper Paleozoic, Western States (Mackenzie Gordon,’ Jr., NC) Paleontology , vertebrate, systematic: Artiodactyls, primitive (F. C. Whitmore, Jr., NC) Pinnipedia (C. A. Repenning, M) Pleistocene fauna, Big Bone Lick, Ky. (F. C. Whitmore, Jr., NC) Tritylodonts, American (G. E. Lewis, D) Paleotectonic maps. See Regional studies and compilations. Petroleum and natural gas: Oil and gas map, North America (W. W. Mallory, D) Organic geochemistry (J. G. Palacas, D) Source rocks of Permian age in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana (E. K. Maughan, D) Western United States: Devonian and Mississippian (C. A. Sandberg, D) Devonian and Mississippian flysch source-rock studies (F. G. Poole, D) Properties of reservoir rocks (R. F. Mast, D) Williston basin, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota (C. A. Sandberg, D) World, petroleum-resource evaluation (A. B. Coury, D) States: Alaska (M): Cook Inlet (L. B. Magoon III) North Slope, petroleum geology (R. D. Carter) California (M, except as otherwise noted): Eastern Los Angeles basin (T. H. McCulloh, Seattle, Wash.) Salinas Valley (D. L. Durham) 345 Petroleum and natural gas—Continued States—Continued California—Continued Southern San Joaquin Valley, subsurface geology (J. C. Maher) Colorado: Citadel Plateau (G. A. Izett, c, D) 'Denver Basin, Tertiary coal zone and associated strata (P. A. Soister, c, D) Grand Junction 2-degree quadrangle (W. B. Cashion, D) Savery quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Montana: Bearpaw Mountains area (B. C. Hearn, Jr., NC) Decker quadrangle (B. E. Law, c, Casper, Wyo.) New Mexico, San Juan basin (E. R. Landis, D) North Dakota, White Butte 15-minute quadrangle (K. S. Soward, c, Casper) Pennsylvania, Greater Pittsburgh region oil and gas fields (W. S. Lytle, Carnegie) Utah: Canaan Peak quadrangle (W. E. Bowers, c, D) Collet Top quadrangle (H. D. Zeller, c, D) Grand Junction 2-degree quadrangle (W. B. Cashion, D) Upper Valley quadrangle (W. E. Bowers, c, D) Wyoming: Browns Hill quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Lander area phosphate reserve (W. L. Rohrer, c, D) Oil Mountain quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Poison Spider quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Reid Canyon quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Savery quadrangle (C. S. V. Barclay, c, D) Square Top Butte quadrangle (W. H. Laraway, c, Casper) Stratigraphy, Frontier Formation, northeastern Wyoming (E. A. Merewether, D) Petrology. See Geochemistry and petrology, field studies. Phosphate: Phosphoria Formation, stratigraphy and resources (R. A. Gulbrandsen, M) Southeastern United States, phosphate resources (J. B. Cathcart, D) States: Alaska, Anatuvuk Pass (R. B. Sanders, c, Anchorage) Florida, land-pebble phosphate deposits (J. B. Cathcart, D) Idaho (c, Salt Lake City, Utah, except as otherwise noted): Alpine quadrangle (H. F. Albee) Palisades Dam quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Poker Peak quadrangle (H. F. Albee) Montana, Melrose phosphate field (G. D. Fraser, c, D) Nevada, Spruce Mountain 4 quadrangle (G. D. Fraser, c, D) Utah: Crawford Mountains (W. C. Gere, c, M) Ogden 4 NW quadrangle (R. J. Hite, c, D) Wyoming: Alpine quadrangle (H. F. Albee, c, Salt Lake City, Utah) Bull Creek quadrangle (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Camp Davis quadrangle (M. L. Schroeder, c, D) Crawford Mountains phosphate deposits (W. C. Gere, c, M) Pickle Pass quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) Pine Creek quadrangle (D. A. Jobin, c, D) 346 Plant ecology: Basic research in vegetation and hydrology (R. S. Sigafoos, w, NC) Hydrology and pinyon-juniper (R. J. Owen, w, D) Periodic plant-growth phenomena and hydrology (R. L. Phipps, w, NC) Transport processes (C. F. N ordin, w, D) Vegetation changes in southwestern North America (R. M. Turner, w, Tucson, Ariz.) See also Evapotranspiration; Geochronological investi- gations; Limnology. Platinum: Mineralogy and occurrence (G. A. Desborough, D) Montana, Stillwater complex (N. J Page, M) Wyoming, Medicine Bow Mountains (M. E. McCallum, Fort Collins, Colo.) Potash: Colorado and Utah, Paradox basin (0. B. Raup, D) New Mexico: Carlsbad, potash and other saline deposits (C. L. Jones, M) Southeastern, distribution map of potash deposits (P. C. Aguilar, E. T. Sandell, c, Roswell) Primitive areas. See under Mineral and fuel resources— co mpilations and topical studies, mineral-resources surveys. Public and industrial water supplies. See Quality of water; Water resources. Quality of water: Development of biological methods (B. W. Lium, w, Atlanta, Ga.) Geochemistry, western coal region (G. L. Feder, w, D) Heat transfer (H. E. Jobson, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Identification of organics in water (M. C. Goldberg, w, D) Modeling (D. B. Grove, w, D) Organics in oil shale residues (J. A. Leenheer, w, D) Pesticide monitoring network (R. J. Pickering, w, NC) Pesticide pollutants (R. L. Wershaw, w, D) Radioanalytical methods (L. L. Thatcher, w, D) Radiochemical network (R. J. Pickering, w, NC) Stream temperature patterns (E. J. Pluhowski, w, NC) Surface-water-quality modeling (S. M. Zand-Yazdani, w, M) Thermal pollution (G. E. Harbeck, Jr., w, D) Trace element availability in sediments (E. A. Jenne, w, M) Transport in ground water (L. F. Konikow, w, D) States: Alabama (w, Tuscaloosa): Water problems in coal-mine areas (A. L. Knight) Water quality of Alabama streams (E. R. German) Water resources in oil fields (W. J. Powell) Alaska, quality-of-water analyses (R. L. Madison, w, Anchorage) Arkansas, waste-assimilation capacity (C. T. Bryant, w, Little Rock) California: Ground-water quality, Barstow (J. L. Hughes, w, Laguna Niguel) Hydrology, Sagehen Creek (R. G. Simpson, w, Sacramento) Quality of water, California streams (G. A. Irwin, w, M) Santa Maria water quality (J. L. Hughes, w, Laguna Niguel) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Quality of water—Continued States—Continued Colorado (w, D): , Effects of feedlots on ground water (S. G. Robson) Effects of sludge on ground water (S. G. Robson) Florida: Coastal quality of water modeling (D. A. Goolsby, w, Tallahassee) Contaminants, Broward County (C. B. Sherwood, w, Miami) Deep-well waste injection (C. A. Pascale, w, Ocala) Florida barge canal water quality (A. G. Lamonds, Jr., w, Winter Park) ,. Injection wells, Santa Rosa County (C. A. Pascale, w, Tallahassee) Lakes Faith, Hope, and Charity (A. G. Lamonds, Jr., w, Winter Park) Loxahatchee River Basin model (H. G. Rodis, w, Miami) Nutrient uptake study (B. F. McPherson, w, Miami) Storm water quality, south Florida (H. C. Mattraw, Jr., w, Miami) Subsurface waste storage (G. L. Faulkner, w, Tallahassee) Water quality, Broward County (C. B. Sherwood, w, Miami) Water quality, South New River Channel (T. N. Russo, w, Miami) Hawaii, ground-water monitoring network (D. A. Davis, w, Honolulu) Illinois, quality-of-water monitoring, Fulton County (C. R. Sieber, w, Champaign) Indiana (w, Indianapolis): Landfill monitoring, Marion County (R. A. Pettijohn) Stream temperature study (W. J. Shampine) Watershed water quality (M. A. Ayers) Kansas (w, Lawrence): South Fork, Ninnescah River basin (A. M. Diaz) Western Kansas (J. S. Rosenhein, L. R. Hathaway) Kentucky (w, Louisville): Effects of coal mining, Kentucky River (K. L. Dyer) Subsurface waste disposal (R. W. Davis) Louisiana (w, Baton Rouge): Pollution capacity of streams (D. E. Everett) Water quality, Atchafalaya Basin (F. C. Wells) Minnesota, watershed water-quality appraisal (M. R. Have, w, St. Paul) Nebraska, ground-water quality (R. A. Engberg, w, Lincoln) Nevada (w, Carson City): Ground-water contamination, Hawthorne (F. E. Rush) Ground-water contamination by explosives wastes (A. S. Van Denburgh) New Jersey (w, Trenton): Channel geometry—New Jersey streams (M. C. Yurewicz) Waste-water reclamation (William Kam) New Mexico, Malaga Bend evaluation (C. C. Cranston, w, Carlsbad) New York (w, Albany, except as otherwise noted): Biology of landfill leaching (T. A. Ehlke) Public water supply, New York State (G. E. Williams) Solid-waste sites, Suffolk (G. E. Kimmel, W, Mineola) Pennsylvania (w, Harrisburg): Anthracite mine discharge (D. J. Growitz) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS Quality of water—Continued States—Continued Pennsylvania—Continued Ground-water quality in Pennsylvania (C. W. Poth) Lakes, eastern Pennsylvania (J. L. Barker) Water quality in Tioga River basin (J. R. Ritter) South Carolina (w, Columbia): Quality, Cooper River rediversion (K. F. Harris) Savannah River plant (D. I. Cahal) Texas, Colorado River salinity (Jack Rawson, w, Austin) Virginia, quality of ground waters (S. M. Rogers, w, Richmond) Washington, waste effects, coastal waters (W. L. Haushild, w, Tacoma) Wisconsin (w, Madison): Irrigation and ground-water quality (S. M. Hindall) Nederlo Creek biota (P. A. Kammerer, Jr.) Str‘eam reaeration (R. S. Grant) ,Waste assimilation in streams (R. S. Grant) also Geochemistry; Hydrologic instrumentation; Hydrology , surface water; Limnology; Marine hydrology; Sedimentology; Water resources. Quicksilver. See Mercury. Radioactive materials, transport in water. See Geochemistry, water. Radioactive-waste disposal: Digital model, waste transport (J. B. Robertson, w, Idaho Falls, Idaho) Hydraulic fracturing (R. J. Sun, w, NC) Hydrology of nuclear landfill (A. D. Randall, w, Albany, N.Y.) ‘ Hydrology of subsurface waste disposal, National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho (J. T. Barraclough, w, Idaho Falls) Maxey Flats investigation, Kentucky (H. H. Zehner, w, Louisville) Radioactive waste burial (George DeBuchananne, w, NC) Radioactive waste burial study (J. M. Cahill, w, Columbia, SC.) Radiohydrology technical coordination Buchananne, w, NC) Solid radioactive waste burial sites, Webster) solid-waste disposal, Los Alamos, N. Mex. (T. E. Kelly, w, Albuquerque) Waste disposal sites (S. S. Papadopulos, w, NC) Waste emplacement: 1 Preliminary overview (Harley Barnes, D) Southeast New Mexico '(A. L. Brokaw, D) See also Geochemistry, water. Rare-earth metals. See Minor elements. Regional studies and compilations, large areas of the United States: Basement rock map (R. W. Bayley, M) Paleotectonic-map folios: . Devonian System (E. G. Sable, D) Mississippian System (L. C. Craig, D) Pennsylvanian System (E. D. McKee, D) Remote sensing: Geologic applications: Airborne and satellite research: Aeromagnetic studies (M. F. Kane, D) See (George Tennessee (D. A. De- 347 Remote sensing—Continued Geologic applications—Continued Airborne and satellite research—Continued Application of LAN DSAT imagery to worldwide disaster monitoring (C. J. Robinove, 1, NC) Development of an automatic analog earthquake processor (J. P. Eaton-,4 M) Electromagnetic research (F. C. Frischknecht, D) Fraunhofer line discriminator studies (R. D. Watson, D) Gamma radioactivity studies (J. A. Pitkin, D) Geochemical plant stress (F. C. Canney, D) Geothermal resources (Kenneth Watson, D) Infrared surveillance of volcanoes (J. D. Friedman, D) Interpretation studies (R. H. Henderson, NC) LANDSAT and Skylab data for evaluation of faults and earthquake hazards (E. H. Lathram, P. M. Merifield, M) Linear features of the conterminous U.S. (W. D. Carter, 1, NC) National aeromagnetic survey (J. R. Henderson, D) Regional studies (Isidore Zietz, NC) Remote sensing geophysics (Kenneth Watson, D) Satellite magnetometry (R. D. Regan, NC) Surficial and thematic mapping (T. N. V. Karlstrom, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Terrain mapping from Skylab data (H. W. Smedes, D) Urban geologic studies (T. W. Offield, D) Volcanic gas monitoring (Motoaki Sato, NC) Application of LANDSAT data to resources inventories of small impoundments (G. A. Thorley, J. B. Reynolds, 1, NC) Comparison of land use, hydrology, and land form analysis made from LANDSAT imagery and from aerial orthophotographs (G. A. Thorley, A. M. W011, 1, NC) LAN DSAT data for surface-water estimates (Morris Deutsch, D. G. Moore, 1, NC) LANDSAT-1 experiments: Analysis of multispectral data, Pakistan (R. G. Schmidt, NC) CARETS—A prototype regional environmental information system (R. H. Alexander, 1, NC) Census cities experiment in urban-change detection (J. R. Wray, 1, NC) Computer mapping of terrain using multispectral data, Yellowstone National Park (H. W. Smedes, D) Effects of the atmosphere on multispectral mapping of rock type by computer, Cripple Creek-Canon City, Colo. (H. W. Smedes, D) Evaluation of Great Plains area (R. B. Morrison, D) Evaluation of Iranian playas, potential locations for economic and engineering development (D. B. Krinsley, NC) Geologic mapping, South America (W. D. Carter, 1, NC) Identification of geostructures, evaluation (George Gryc, M) Investigations of the Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau boundary, Arizona (D. P. Elston, Ivo Lucchitta, Flagstaff) Iron-absorption band analysis for the discrimination of iron-rich zones (L. C. Rowan, NC) mineral resource 348 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Remote sensing—Continued Hydrologic applications: Remote sensing—Continued Geologic applications—Continued LAN DSAT-l experiments—Continued Land-use mapping and modeling for the Phoenix quadrangle (J. L. Place, 1, NC) Monitoring changing geologic features, Texas Gulf Coast (R. B. Hunter, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Morphology, provenance, and movement of desert sand seas in Africa, Asia, and Australia (E. D. McKee, D) North-central Arizona Test Site (D. P. Elston, Flagstaff) Post-1890 A.D. episode erosion, Arizona Regional Ecological Test Site (R. B. Morrison, D) Prototype volcano surveillance network (J. P. Eaton, M) Remote sensing of permafrost and geologic hazards in Alaska (0. J. Fer‘rians, Jr., M) Structural, volcanic, glaciologic, and vegetation mapping, Iceland (R. S. Williams, Jr., 1, NC) Studies of the inner shelf and coastal sedimentation environment of the Beaufort Sea (E. Reimnitz, M) Study of multispectral imagery, Northwestern Saudi Arabia (A. J. Bodenlos, NC) Suspended particulate matter in nearshore surface waters, Northeast Pacific Ocean and the Hawaiian Islands (P. R. Carlson, M) Thermal surveillance of active volcanoes (J. D. Friedman, NC) LAN DSAT-2 experiments, mineral resource inventory and exploration, Andes Mountains (W. D. Carter, 1, NC) LANDSAT imagery and DOS to relate water depth to observed area of inundation of coastal marshes (G. A. Thorley, W. Herke, 1, NC) Monitoring weather parameters for the High Plains Cooperative Program with LANDSAT DCS (G. A. Thorley, A. M. Kahn, 1, NC) Northern Great Plains wetlands from LANDSAT data (Morris Deutsch, G. Moore, 1, NC) Skylab/EREP studies: Effects of the atmosphere on multispectral mapping of rock type by computer, Cripple Creek-Canon City, Colo. (H. W. Smedes, D) Evaluation of Great Plains area (R. B. Morrison, D) Marine and coastal processes on the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Platform (J. V. A. Trumbull, Corpus Christi, Tex.) Multispectral mapping of terrain by computer, Yellowstone National Park (H. W. Smedes, D) Post-1890 A.D. episode erosion, Arizona Regional Ecological Test Site (R. B. Morrison, D) Remote sensing geophysics (Kenneth Watson, D) Urban and regional land-use analysis—CARETS and census cities experiment (R. H. Alexander, 1, NC) Skylab/visual observations: Desert sand seas (E. D. McKee, D; C. S. Breed, Flagstaff, Ariz.) Volcanologic features (J. D. Friedman, D) Time-lapse satellite data for monitoring dynamic hydrologic phenomena (Morris Deutsch, S. Serebreny, 1, NC) Application of aerial-measurement techniques (M. L. Brown, w, Prescott, Ariz.) Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (H. E. Skibitzke, w, Prescott, Ariz.) Arizona Test Site (H. H. Schumann, w, Phoenix) Basin precipitation from satellite data (Morris Deutsch, P. A. Davis, 1, NC) Delaware River basin LANDSAT project (R. W. Paulson, w, Harrisburg, Pa.) Delineation of shallow glacial drift aquifers in eastern South Dakota (Morris Deutsch, P. Rahn, 1, NC) Development of aerial-measurement techniques (H. E. Skibitzke, Prescott, Ariz.) Detection of oil on marine waters using LANDSAT data (Morris Deutsch, 1, NC) Image-map atlas of the Lake Ontario basin (Morris Deutsch, A. Falconer, 1, NC) LAN DSAT snowcover mapping (M. F. Meier, w, Tacoma, Wash.) LANDSAT—South Florida (A. L. Higer, w, Miami, Fla.) LANDSAT data for ground-water exploration (Morris Deutsch, 1, NC) Measurement of areal and temporal differences in surface-water conditions in migratory bird habitat (G. A. Thorley, D. S. Gilmer, 1, NC) Microwave remote sensing (G. K. Moore, w, Bay St. Louis, Miss.) Monitoring center pivot irrigation, Holt County, Nebraska (W. R. Hemphill, 1, NC) Optical enhancement of LANDSAT imagery for hydrogeological appraisal, north Yemen (Morris Deutsch, 1, NC) Polar-ice remote sensing (W. J. Campbell, w, Tacoma, Wash.) Remote sensing of Elephant Butte-Fort Quitman Project (G. A. Thorley, D. Mach, 1, NC) Remote-sensing techniques (E. J. Pluhowski, w, NC) Remote sensing, wetlands (V. P. Carter, w, NC) Snowpack measurements by radar (M. F. Meier, w Tacoma, Wash.) Usefulness of remote sensing imagery to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (G. A. Thorley, R. N. Colwell, 1, NC) States: Alabama, remote-sensing data collection (J. G. Newton, w, Tuscaloosa) Arizona, snowcover mapping (H. H. Schumann, w, Phoenix) Connecticut, Connecticut River estuary (F. H. Ruggles, Jr., w, Hartford) Minnesota, remote sensing for water management (G. F. Lindholm, w, St. Paul) South Carolina, sediment sources and loading (S. J. Playton, w, Columbia) Land resources applications: Applications of LANDSAT imagery to land systems mapping, Australia (C. J. Robinove, 1, NC) Colorado River natural resources and land—use data acquisition (G. A. Thorley, R. L. Hansen, 1, NC) a INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS Remote sensing—Continued Hydrologic applications—Continued Investigation of remote sensing techniques to assess agricultural drainage (G. A. Thorley, W. A. Lidester, I, NC) LANDSAT imagery for aiding objectives of the IFYGL (Morris Deutsch, A. Falconer, 1, NC) LAN DSAT imagery for archaeological resource inventory and management potential in Chaco Canyon National Monument, New Mexico (G. A. Thorley, T. R. Lyons, 1, NC) LAN DSAT imagery for range condition (Morris Deutsch, E. L. Maxwell, 1, NC) Model to project land uses and encroachment patterns, Denver area (G. A. Thorley, L. D. Miller, 1, NC) Pacific Northwest land cover inventory (E. H. Lathram, M) Repetitive satellite imagery for the delineation and monitoring of State/Federal Recreation Research Management Zones (G. A. Thorley, B. J. Niemann, Jr., 1, NC) Spatial importance of open space and recreational facilities in urban environments (G. A. Thorley, W. H. Key, 1, NC) Reservoirs. See Evapotranspiration Resource and Land Investigations: Colville Indian reservation case study on land-use planning (E. T. Smith, 1, NC) Council of State Governments: Task force on natural resources and land-use information and technology (Olaf Kays, I, NC) . Data and information product evaluation (Olaf Kays, 1, NC) Designation of critical environmental areas (E. A. Imhoff, 1, NC) Environmental assessment (E. A. Imhoff, 1, NC) Environmental planning and western coal development (E. T. Smith, 1, NC) Methodology for siting onshore facilities associated with OCS development in the New England region (W. W. Doyel, 1, NC) Mined-area reclamation and related land-use planning (E. A. Imhoff, 1, NC) Regional workshops related to RALI-funded methodological guidebooks (Olaf Kays, 1, NC) South Florida environment (T. J. Buchanan, w, Miami) State land inventory systems (Olaf Kays, 1, NC) Utility corridor selection (W. W. Doyel, 1, NC) Utility of geologic and soils maps to land-use planners (W. W. Doyel, 1, NC) Rhenium. See Minor elements and Ferro-alloy metals. Saline minerals: Mineralogy (B. M. Madsen, M) States: Colorado and Utah, Paradox basin (0. B. Raup, D) New Mexico, Carlsbad potash and other saline deposits (C. L. Jones, M) Wyoming, Sweetwater County, Green River Formation (W. C. Culbertson, D) Salt-water intrusion. See Marine hydrology and Quality of water. and Sedimentology. 349 Sedimentology: Arctic fluvial processes, landforms (K. M. ,Scott, w, Laguna Niguel, Calif.) Bedload-transport research (W. W. Emmett, w, Boise, Idaho) Channel morphology (L. B. Leopold, w, Berkeley, Calif.) Circulation, San Francisco Bay (T. J. Conomos, w, M) Coon Creek morphology (S. W. Trimble, w, NC) Estimation of sediment yield (P. R. Jordan, w, Lawrence, Kans.) Estuarine intertidal environments (J. L. Glenn, w, D) Highway sediment, Lake Tahoe (P. A. Glancy, w, Carson City, Nev.) Nemadji River sediment study (S. M. Hindall, w, Madison, Wis.) Sediment characteristics (L. M. Nelson, w, Tacoma, Wash.) Sediment movement in rivers (R. H. Meade, Jr., W, D) Sediment, Snake and Clearwater Rivers, Idaho (W. W. Emmett, w, Boise) Sediment transport phenomena (D. W. Hubbell, w, D) Sedimentary petrology laboratory (H. A. Tourtelot, D) States: Alaska, coastal environments (A. T. Ovenshine, M) Kansas (w, Lawrence): Sediment and geometry of channels (W. R. Osterkamp) Sediment, Arkansas River (W. R. Osterkamp) Kentucky, sediment yields (W. F. Curtis, w, Pikesville) Louisiana, sediment in Lake Verret basin (L. D. Fayard, W, Baton Rouge) Nevada, sediment transport, Incline Village (P. A. Glancy, w, Carson City) Ohio, sediment characteristics of Ohio streams (P. W. Anttila, w, Columbus) Pennsylvania (w, Harrisburg): Evaluation of erosion-control measures used in highway construction (L. A. Reed) Study of cobble bed streams (J. R. Ritter) See also Geochemistry, water; Geochronological investigations; . Hy draulics, su rface flow; Hydrologic data-collection and processing; Stratigraphy and sedimentation; Urbanization, hydrologic effects. Selenium. See Minor elements. Silver. See Heavy metals; Lead, zinc, and silver. Soil moisture: Effects of grazing exclusion (G. C. Lusby, w, D) Effects of vegetation changes (G. C. Lusby, w, D) Infiltration and drainage (Jacob Rubin, w, M) See also Evapotranspiration. Spectroscopy: Mobile spectrographic laboratory (D. J. Grimes, D) Spectrographic analytical services and research (A. W. Helz, NC; A. T. Myers, D; Harry Bastron, M) X-ray spectroscopy (H. J. Rose, Jr., NC; Harry Bastron, M) Stratigraphy and sedimentation: Alaska Cretaceous (D. L. Jones, M) Antler flysch, Western United States (F. G. Poole, D) Cretaceous stratigraphy, western New Mexico and adjacent areas (E. R. Landis, D) East-coast Continental Shelf and margin (R. H. Meade, Jr., Woods Hole, Mass.) Louisiana Continental Shelf (H. L. Berryhill, Jr., Corpus Christi, Tex.) 350 Stratigraphy and sedimentation—Continued Middle and late Tertiary history, Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains (N. M. Denson, D) Paleozoic rocks, Ruby Range, Montana (E. T. Ruppel, D) Pennsylvanian System stratotype section (G. H. Wood, Jr., NC) Phosphoria Formation, stratigraphy and resources (R. A. Gulbrandsen, M) Rocky Mountains and Great Basin, Devonian and Mississippian conodont biostratigraphy (C. A. Sandberg, D) Sedimentary petrology laboratory (H. A. Tourtelot, D) Sedimentary structures, model studies (E. D. McKee, D) Stratigraphy, Florida and Alabama (J. A. Miller, w, Raleigh, NC) Williston basin, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota (C. A. Sandberg, D) States: Arizona: Hermit and Supai Formations (E. D. McKee, D) Magnetic chronology, Colorado Plateau and environs (D. P. Elston, E. M. Shoemaker, Flagstaff) California, Southern San Joaquin Valley, subsurface geology (J. C. Maher, M) Colorado, Jurassic stratigraphy (G. N. Pipiringos, D) Nebraska, central Nebraska basin (G. E. Prichard, D) Oregon-California (M): Black sands (H. E. Clifton) Hydrologic investigations, black sands (P. D. Snavely, Jr.) Utah, Promontory Point (R. B. Morrison, D) Wyoming (D): Lamont-Baroil area (M. W. Reynolds) South-central part, Jurassic stratigraphy (G. N. Pipiringos) See also Paleontology, stratigraphic, and specific areas under Geologic mapping. Structural geology and tectonics: Contemporary coastal deformation (R. 0. Castle, M) Rock behavior at high temperature and pressure (E. C. Robertson, NC) Structural studies, basin and range (F. G. Poole, D) Tectonics of southeast Arizona (Harold Drewes, D) Transcurrent fault analysis, western Great Basin, Nevada-California (R. E. Anderson, D) See also specific areas under Geologic mapping. Talc, New York, Pope Mills and Richville quadrangles (C. E. Brown, NC) Tantalum. See Minor elements. Thorium: Analytical support (C. M. Bunker, D) Investigations of thorium in igneous rocks (M. H. Staatz, D) States: Colorado (D): Cochetopa area (J. C. Olson) Thorium resources appraisal, Wet Mountains (T. J. Armbrustmacher) Montana-Idaho, Lemhi Pass area (M. H. Staatz, D) Titanium, economic geology of titanium (Norman Herz, NC) Tungsten. See Ferro-alloy metals. Uranium: Basin analysis of uranium-bearing Jurassic rocks of Colorado Plateau, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico (Fred Peterson, D) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Uranium—Continued Colorado Plateau tabular deposits, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah (R. A. Brooks, D) Exploration techniques: Geochemical techniques (R. A. Cadigan, D) Geochemical techniques of halo uranium (J. K. Otton, D) Hydrogeochemical (C. G. Bowles, D) Morrison Formation (L. C. Craig, D) Ore-forming processes (H. C. Granger, D) Organic chemistry of uranium, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Texas (J. S. Leventhal, D) Paleomagnetism applied to uranium exploration (R. L. Reynolds, D) Radium and other isotopic disintegration products in springs and subsurface water (R. A. Cadigan, J. K. Felmlee, D) Resources of radioactive minerals (A. P. Butler, Jr., D) Resources of United States and world (W. I. Finch, D) Roll-type deposits, Wyoming, Texas (E. N. Harshman, D) Southern High Plains (W. I. Finch, D) United States: Eastern: Basin analysis as related to uranium potential in Triassic sedimentary rocks (C. E. Turner, D) Uranium vein deposits (R. I. Grauch, D) Southwestern, basin analysis related to uranium potential in Permian rocks (J. A. Campbell, D) Western, relation of diagenesis and uranium deposits (M. B. Goldhaber, D) Uranium-bearing pipes, Colorado Plateau and Black Hills (C. G. Bowles, D) Uranium daughter products in modern decaying plant remains, in soils, and in stream sediments (K. J. Wenrich-Verbeek, D) Uranium potential of Basin and Range Province, Arizona, Nevada, Utah (J. E. Peterson, D) Uranium in streams as an exploration technique (K. J. Wenrich-Verbeek, D) Volcanic source rocks (R. A. Zielinski, D) States: Arizona (R: E. Thaden, D) Colorado (D): Cochetopa Creek uranium-thorium area (J. C. Olson) Marshall Pass uranium (J. C. Olson) Schwartzwalder mine (E. J. Young) Uranium-bearing Triassic rocks (R. D. Lupe) New Mexico (D): Acoma area (C. H. Maxwell) Church Rock-Smith Lake (C. T. Pierson) North Church Rock (A. R. Kirk) San Juan Basin uranium (M. W. Green) Sanostee (A. C. Huffman, Jr.) Texas: Coastal plain, geophysical and geological studies (D. H. Eargle, Austin) Tilden-Loma Alta area (K. A. Dickinson, D) . Uranium disequilibrium studies (F. E. Senftle, NC) Utah-Colorado (D): Moab quadrangle (A. P. Butler, Jr.) Uinta and Piceance Creek basins (L. C. Craig) Wyoming (D): Badwater Creek (R. E. Thaden) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 351 Uranium—Continued States—Continued Wyoming—Continued Crooks Peak quadrangle (L. J. Schmitt, Jr.) Granite as a source rock of uranium (J. S. Stuckless, D) Northeastern Great Divide Basin (L. J . Schmitt, Jr.) Powder River Basin (E. S. Santos) Sagebrush Park quadrangle (L. J. Schmitt, Jr.) Stratigraphic analysis of western interior Cretaceous uranium basins (H. W. Dodge, Jr.) Urban geology: States: Alaska (D): Anchorage area (Ernest Dobrovolny) Juneau area (R. D. Miller) Sitka area (L. A. Yehle) Sniall coastal communities (R. W. Lemke) Arizona, Phoenix-Tucson region resources (T. G. Theodore, M) California (M): Coastal geologic processes (K. R. Lajoie) Earth science planning applications (W. J. Kockelman) Flatlands materials and their land-use significance (E. J. Helley) Geologic factors in open space (R. M. Gulliver) Hillside materials and their land-use significance (C. M. Wentworth, Jr.) Malibu Beach and Topanga quadrangles (R. F. Yerkes) Palo Alto, San Mateo, and Montara Mountain quadrangles (E. H. Pampeyan) Point Dume and Triunfo Pass quadrangles (R: H. Campbell) Regional slope stability (T. H. Nilsen) San Francisco Bay region, environment and resources ' planning study: Bedrock geology (M. C. Blake) Marine geology (D. S. McCulloch) Open space (C. S. Danielson) San Andreas fault—basement studies (D. C. Ross) San Andreas fault—basin studies (J. A. Bartow) San Andreas fault—regional framework (E. E. Brabb) San Andreas fault—tectonic framework (R. D. Brown) San Mateo County cooperative (H. D. Gower) Sargent-Berrocal fault zone (R. J. McLaughlin, (D. H. Sorg) Sediments, engineering-geology studies (D. R. Nichols, Julius Schlocker) ’ Seismicity and ground motion (W. B. Joyner) Colorado (D): Denver-Front Range urban corridor, remote sensing (T. W. Offield) Denver metropolitan area (R. M. Lindvall) Denver mountain soils (regolith), Front Range urban corridor (K. L. Pierce, P. W. Schmidt) Denver urban area, regional geochemistry (H. A. Tourtelot) Denver urban area study: Geologic map, Boulder-Ft. Collins-Greeley area (R. B. Colton) Geologic map, greater Denver area (D. E. Trimble) Urban geology—Continued States—Continued Colorado~Continued Denver urban area study—Continued Geologic map, Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area (W. R. Hansen) Land-use classification, Colorado Front Range urban corridor (W. R. Hansen, L. B. Driscoll, D) Engineering geology mapping research, Denver region (H. E. Simpson) Terrain mapping from Skylab data (H. W. Smedes) Connecticut (Middletown): Connecticut Valley urban area study: Distribution of clay deposits (Fred Pessl, Jr.) Depth to bedrock (Fred Pessl, Jr.) Maryland, Baltimore-Washington urban area study (J. T. Hack, NC) Massachusetts, Boston and vicinity (C. A. Kaye, Boston) Montana, geology for planning, Helena region (R. G. Schmidt, NC) New Mexico, geology of urban development (H. E. Malde, D) Pennsylvania : Areas of subsidence due to coal mining (K. O. Bushnell, Slippery Rock) Coal mining features, Allegheny County (W. E. Davies, NC) Disturbed ground, Allegheny County (R. P. Briggs, Carnegie) . Greater Pittsburgh regional studies (R. P. Briggs, Carnegie) Landslides, Allegheny County (R. P. Briggs, Carnegie) Land use affected by landsliding (R. P. Briggs, Carnegie) Limitations of land, Allegheny County (R. P. Briggs, Carnegie) Pittsburgh coal bed outcrop (K. O. Bushnell, Slippery Rock) Rock types, Allegheny County (W. R. Kohl, Pittsburgh) Susceptibility to landsliding, Allegheny County (J. S. Pomeroy, NC) \ Upper Freeport coal bed outcrop (K. O. Bushnell, Slippery Rock) South Dakota, Rapid City area (J. M. Cattermole, D) Utah, Salt Lake City and vicinity (Richard Van Horn, D) Virginia, geohydrologic mapping of Fairfax County (A. J. Froelich, NC) Urban hydrology? Geohydrology, urban planning (J. R. Ward, w, Lawrence, Kans.) Hydrogeologic regime in land-use planning (Seymour Subitzky, w, Trenton, N.J.) Hydrogeology of landfills (H. H. Zehner, w, Louisville, Ky.) Investigation of urban hydrologic parameters (W. J. Schneider, w, NC) RALI southern Florida (T. J. Buchanan, w, Miami, Fla.) Studies for tunnel construction (E. M. Cushing, w, NC) Urban areas reconnaissance (W. E. Hale, w, Albuquerque, N. Mex.) Urban sedimentology (H. P. Guy, w, NC) 352 Urban hydrology—Continued West Coast gasline environmental impact statement (D. M. Culbertson, w, M) States and territories: Alabama: Jefferson County floodway evaluation (A. L. Knight, w, Tuscaloosa) Urban study, Madison County (R. C. Christensen, w, Huntsville) Arizona, Tucson-Phoenix urban area pilot study (E. S. Davidson, w, Tucson) California: Erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediment (W. M. Brown III, w, M) Flood inundation (J. T. Limerinos, w, M) Land waste disposal and pollution potential (K. S. Muir, w, M) Morphology, San Francisquito (J. R. Crippen, w, M) Perris Valley (M. W. Busby, w, Laguna Niguel) Poway Valley (J. A. Singer, w, Laguna Niguel) San Francisco Bay area, urbanization (R. D. Brown, Jr., w, M) Colorado: Climatological atlases, Colorado Front Range urban corridor (W. R. Hansen, D) Denver urbén-area pilot study, effects on water resources (E. R. Hampton, w, D) Distributi'on and thickness of mountain soils (K. L. Pierce, D) Flood frequency, urban areas (L. G. Ducret, Jr., w, D) Flood-prone area maps, Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Colorado Front Range urban corridor (J. F. McCain, w, D) Storm runoff quality, Denver (J. C. Briggs, w, D) Connecticut: Connecticut Valley urban area study (Fred Pessl, Jr., Middletown) Connecticut Valley urban pilot study (R. B. Ryder, w, Hartford) Drainage areas (Fred Pessl, Jr. Middletown) Florida: Bay Lake (A. L. Putnam, w, Winter Park) Tampa Bay region (G. E. Seaburn, w, Tampa) Hawaii, hydrology, sediment Moanalua (C. J. Ewart, w, Honolulu) Illinois, quality of water monitoring, Bloomington-Normal (B. J. Prugh, Jr., w, Champaign) Iowa, flow models, Walnut Creek (0. G. Lara, w, Iowa City) Kentucky (w, Louisville): Hydraulics of bridge sites (C. H. Hannum) Water use and availability (D. C. Griffin) Maryland, Rock Creek-Anacostia River (T. H. Yorke, Jr., W, College Park) Mississippi (w, Jackson): Bridge-site investigations (C. H. Tate) Hydraulic performance of bridges (B. E. Colson) Missouri, stream hydrology, St. Louis (T. W. Alexander, w, Rolla) New Mexico, hydrologic test sites (F. C. Koopman, w, Albuquerque) Ohio (P. W. Anttila, w, Columbus) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Urban hydrology—Continued . States and territories—Continued Oregon, Portland runoff study plan (D. J. Lystrom, w, Portland) Pennsylvania (w, Harrisburg): Philadelphia (T. G. Ross) Storm-water measurements (T. G. Ross) Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (V. J. Latkovitch, w, San Juan) South Carolina, hydraulic-site reports (B. H. Whetstone, w, Columbia) Texas: Austin (M. L. Maderak, w, Austin) Dallas County urban study (B. B. Hampton, w, Fort Worth) Dallas urban study (B. B. Hampton, w, Fort Worth) Fort Worth urban study (R. M. Slade, Jr., w, Fort Worth) Houston urban study (S. L. Johnson, w, Houston) San Antonio urban study (R. D. Steger, w, San Antonio) Washington (w, Tacoma): Puget Sound urban area studies: Availability and relative value of ground water, Seattle-Tacoma area (B. L. Foxworthy) Solid waste disposal sites, Seattle-Tacoma area (R. T. Wilson) Waterwell records in land-use planning (B. L. Foxworthy) Wood-waste disposal and water quality, Snohomish County (B. L. Foxworthy, B. D. Robertson) Urbanization, hydrologic effects: Effect on flood flow, North Carolina, Charlotte area (W. H. Eddins, w, Raleigh) Vegetation: Elements in organic-rich material (F. N. Ward, D) See also Plant ecology. Volcanic-terrane hydrology. See Artificial recharge. Volcanology: Cascade volcanoes, geodimeter studies (D. A. Swanson, M) Cauldron and ash-flow studies (R. L. Smith, NC) Columbia River basalt (D. A. Swanson, M) Regional volcanology (R. L. Smith, NC) Volcanic ash chronology (R. E. Wilcox, D) Volcanic hazards (D. R. Crandell, D) States: Arizona, San Francisco volcanic field (J. F. McCauley, M) Hawaii (M, except as otherwise noted): Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (R. I. Tilling, Hawaii National Park) Seismic studies (P. L. Ward) Submarine volcanic rocks (J. G. Moore) Idaho (D): Central Snake River Plain, volcanic petrology (H. E. Malde) Eastern Snake River Plain region (P. L. Williams, H. J. Prostka) Snake River basalt (P. L. Williams, H. J. Prostka) Montana, Wolf Creek area, petrology (R. G. Schmidt, NC) New Mexico, Valles Mountains, petrology (R. L. Smith, NC) Wyoming, deposition of volcanic ash in the Mowry Shale and Frontier Formation (G. P. Eaton, D) Water resources: Central Region field coordination (J. L. Poole, w, D) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 353 Water resources-Continued Chattahoochee intensive river quality (R. N. Cherry, w, Atlanta, Ga.) Columbia-North Pacific ground water (B. L. Foxworthy, w, Tacoma, Wash.) Comprehensive studies, Pacific Northwest (L. E. Newcomb, w, M) Dams, weirs, and flumes (H. J. Tracy, w, Atlanta, Ga.) Data coordination, acquisition and storage: NAWDEX Project (S. M. Lang, w, NC) Systems Analysis Laboratory (N. C. Matalas, w, NC) Water Data Coordination (R. H. Langford, w, NC) East Triassic waste-disposal study (G. L. Bain, w, Raleigh, N.C.) Environmental impact analyses support (W. J. Schneider, w, NC) Evaluation of land treatment (R. F. Hadley, w, D) Foreign countries: Canada: Gasline environmental impact statement (D. M. Culbertson, w, M) Gas pipeline (V. K. Berwick, w, Anchorage, Alaska) Brazil, surface water, national program (D. C. Perkins, w, Rio de Janeiro) India, ground-water investigations in states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Mysore (J. R. Jones, w, NC) Kenya (w, Nairobi): Hydrogeology of eastern Kenya (W. V. Swarzenski) 'Range water resources (N. E. McClymonds) Nepal, hydrogeology off Terai region (G. C. Tibbitts, Jr., w, Katmandu) Yemen, water and mineral survey, north Yemen (J. R. Jones, w, San‘a’) General hydrologic research (R. L. Nace, w, Raleigh, N.C.) Ground-water appraisal, middle Atlantic region (Allen Sinnott, w, Trenton, N.J.) Ground-water appraisal, New England region'(Allen Sinnott, . w; Trenton, N.J.) Ground water, Missouri Basin (0. J. Taylor, w, D) Ground-water, Southeastern States (D. J. .Cederstrom, w, NC) Intensive river quality assessment (D. A. Rickert, w, Portland, Oreg.) Intermediate-depth drilling (L. C. Dutcher, w, M) Madison Limestone plan of study (E. M. Cushing, w, D) National assessment (S. M. Lang, w, NC) Northeast drought (M. T. Thomson, w, NC) Northeastern Region field coordination (J. W. Geurin, w, NC) Northwest water-resources data center (N. A. Kallio, w, Portland, Oreg.) Off-the-road vehicle use (C. T. Snyder, w, M) Pilot study, greater Pittsburgh (R. M. Beall, w, Pittsburgh, Pa.) Powell arid lands centennial (R. F. Hadley, w, D) Quality-of-water accounting network (R. J. Pickering, w, NC) Rating extensions (K. L. Wahl, w, NC) Rehabilitation potential, energy lands (L. M. Shown, w, D) Reservoir bank storage study (T. H. Thompson, w, M) Water resources—Continued ‘ Southeastern Region field coordination (M. D. Hale, w, Atlanta, Ga.) Subsurface waste emplacement potential (P. M. Brown, w, Raleigh, N.C.) Water-resources activities (J. R. Carter, w, D) Water-supplies from Madison Limestone (F. A. Swenson, w, D) Water-supply exploration (N. J. King, w, D) Waterway treaty engineering studies (J. A. Bettendorf, w, NC) ' Western Region field coordination (G. L. Bodhaine, w, M) States and territories: Alabama (w, Montgomery, except as noted otherwise): Cretaceous aquifer simulation (R. A. Gardner) Drainage areas (C. O. Ming) Geology and hydrology along highway locations and rest areas (J. C. Scott) Hydraulics of bridge design (J. W. Board) Low flows of Alabama streams (W. J. Powell, E. C. Hayes, w, Tuscaloosa) Plans, reports, and information (W. J. Powell, w, Tuscaloosa) Tennessee River basin (J. R. Harkins, w, Tuscaloosa) Alaska (w, Anchorage, except as noted otherwise): Alaskan gas pipeline environmental impact statement (A. J. Feulner) Arctic resources (J. M. Childers) Coal resources study (A. J. Feulner) Cordova water resources (G. S. Anderson) Hydrology: Anchorage area (G. O. Balding) Greater Juneau Borough (J. A. McConaghy, Juneau) Hydrologic environment of the trans-Alaska pipeline system (TAPS) (J. M. Childers) Hydrologic planning, resource team (A. J. Feulner) Hydrologic studies for Alaskan Air Command (R. J. Madison) Kenai Peninsula Borough (G. S. Anderson) Municipal water supply (D. A. Morris) Surface water, Valdez-Copper Center project (C. E. Sloan) American Samoa, surface-water resources (Iwao Matsuoka, w, Honolulu, Haw.) Arizona: Black Mesa hydrologic study (R. M. Myrick, w, Tucson) Black Mesa monitoring program (G. W. Levings, w, Flagstaff) Channel loss study (T. W. Anderson, w, Phoenix) Coconino Sandstone water budget, Navajo County (L. J. Mann, w, Flagstaff) Copper Basin study (B. W. Thomsen, w, Phoenix) Ground-water appraisal, Lower Colorado River (E. S. Davidson, w, Tucson) National eutrophication survey (E. B. Hodges, w, Tucson) Sedona ground-water availability (G. W. Levings, w, Flagstaff) Arkansas (w, Little Rock): Bayou Bartholomew systems study (M. E. Broom) Cache River aquifer-stream system (M. E. Broom) Characteristics of streams (M. S. Hines) 354 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Water resources—Continued States and territories-Continued Colorado (w, D, except as noted otherwise )—-Continued Water mources—Continued States and territories—Continued Arkansas (w, Little Rock )-Continued Ground-water appraisal, AWRRB (M. S. Bedinger) Ground water—Continued Investigations and hydrologic information (R. T.‘ Southwestern Colorado (E. R. Hampton) Sniegocki) U.S. Bureau of Mines prototype mine (J. B. Weeks) National eutrophication survey (M. S. Hines) Hydrology 1 Red River navigation study (A, H_ Ludwig) Arkansas River basin (0. J. Taylor, w, Pueblo) Time-of-travel study (T. E. Lamb) E1 P 930 County (13- L- Bingham) Urban effects on Hot Springs (M_ S. Bedinger) Parachute-Roan Creek Basin (G. H. Leavesley) California (w, M, except as noted otherwise): Rocky Flats (R. T. Hurr) Antelope Valley ground-water model (S. G. Robson, w, San Luis Valley (0. J. Taylor, w, Pueblo) Laguna Niguel) South Platte River basin, Henderson to State line Ground water: (R. T. Hurr) Antelope Valley area (F. W. Geissner, w, Laguna National eutrophication survey (H. E. Petsch, Jr.) Niguel) National Parks (J. E. Biesecker) City of Modesto, ground-water planning (R. W. Page, Quality of water: Sacramento) Clovis (R. W. Page, w, Sacramento) Death Valley National Monument hydrologic reconnaissance (G. A. Miller, w, Laguna Niguel) Geohydrology of Garner Valley (T. J. Durbin, w, Laguna Niguel) Geochemical investigation (S. G. Robson) Hydrology of Jefferson County (W. E. Hofstra) Sediment yield, Piceance Basin (V. W. Norman) Water-quality monitor network (J. E. Biesecker) Water resources, Boxelder alluvium (R. T. H urr) West slope aquifers (E. R. Hampton) Geohydrology, Round Valley (K. S. Muir) Spring hydraulics (J. B. Weeks) Indian Wells Valley (J. H. Koehler, w, Laguna Niguel) Water resources, Park-Teller County (0. J. Taylor, w, Joshua Tree'(G. A. Miller, w, Laguna Niguel) Pueblo) Madera area, ground-water model (W. D. Nichols, w, Connecticut (w, Hartford): Sacramento) Hydrogeology, south-central Connecticut (R L. Melvin) Redlands nitrate study (L, A. Eccles, w, Laguna Hydrology of Canaan hydro site (F. H. Ruggles, Jr.) Niguel) Part '7, Upper Connecticut River basin (R. B. Ryder) Sacramento Valley (R, M. Bloyd, Jr., w, Sacramento) Part 8, Quinnipiac River basin (D. L. Mazzaferro) Santa, Barbara-San Luis Obispo (G_ A, Miller, w, Part 9, Farmington River basin (H. T. Hopkins) Laguna Niguel) Part 10, lower Connecticut River basin (L. A. Weiss) Santa Cruz (K. S. Muir) Short-term studies (F. H. Ruggles, Jr.) South California (W. R. Moyle, Jr., w, Laguna Niguel) Delaware, aquifer-model studies (R. H. Johnston, w, Dover) Withdrawals, statewide (H. T. Mitten, w, Sacramento) Florida (w, Tallahassee, except as noted otherwise): Indian reservations (J. W. Wark) Bridge-site studies (W. C. Bridges) Quality of water: Broward County (C. B. Sherwood, w, Miami) Ground-water quality, Suisun Bay (Chabot Kilburn) Digital model, Palm Beach County (L. F. Land, w, Highway erosion, Tahoe basin (C. G. Kroll, w, Tahoe Miami) City) Ground water: Lakes and reservoirs (R. C. Averett) Aquifer mapping, south Florida (K. E. Vanlier, w, Trace metals control, Sacramento (R. F. Ferreira, w, Miami) Sacramento) Artificial recharge, west-central Florida (W. C. Sinclair, Surface water: ’ w, Tampa) Floods—small drainage areas (A. O. Waananen) Coastal springs (W. C. Sinclair, w, Miami) National eutrophication survey (J. R. Crippen) Fort Lauderdale area, special studies (H. J. McCoy, w, Sediment, Redwoods National Park (J. M. Knott) Miami) Urbanization, Santa Clara County (J. M. Knott) Hallandale area, (H. W. Bearden, w, Miami) Colorado (w, D, except as noted otherwise): Hollywood area (H. W. Bearden, w, Miami) Coal rehabilitation (W. E. Hofstra) Hydrogeology, middle Peace basin (W. E. Wilson III, w, Evaporation, Colorado lakes (D. B. Adams) Tampa) Ground water: Hydrology, Cocoa well field (J. B. Holly, w, Winter Aquifer testing (J. B. Weeks) ‘ Park) Geophysical logging (J. B. WeekS) Hydrology, Manatee County (Horace Sutcliffe, Jr., w, High Plains of Colorado (W. E. Hofstra) Sarasota) Near Lake Minnequa (O. J. Taylor, w, Pueblo) Hydrology, Sarasota County (Horace Sutcliffe, Jr., w, Potentiometric surface mapping (J. B. Weeks) Sarasota) Recharge, Bijou Creek (W. E. Hofstra) Southern Ute lands (E. R. Hampton) North Brevard County aquifer study (H. F. Grubb, w, Winter Park) ' INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS Water resources-Continued States and territories—Continued Florida (w, Tallahassee, except as noted otherwise)— Continued Ground water—Continued Ochlockonee River basin investigation (C. A. Pascale) Oklawaha shallow aquifer study (Warren Anderson, w, Winter Park) Palm Beach County flatlands (K. E. Vanlier, w, Miami) Peace and Alafia River basins (A. F. Robertson, w, Tampa) Potentiometric St. Petersburg-Tampa (C. B. Hutchin- son, w, Tampa) Recharge, Orange County (P. W. Bush, w, Winter Park) Salt-water intrusion, Fernandina (R. W. Fairchild, w, Jacksonville) Sand-gravel aquifer, Pensacola (Henry Trapp) Santa Fe River basin (J. C. Rosenau) Sewage effluent disposal, irrigation (L. J. Slack) Shallow aquifer, Brevard County (J. M. Frazee, Jr., w, Winter Park) Shallow aquifers, Alafia and Peace (J. D. Hunn, w, Tampa) Southwestern Hillsborough County (J. W. Stewart, w, Tampa) Springs of Florida (J. C. Rosenau, w, Ocala) Technical assistance, Hillsborough County (J. W. Stewart, w, Tampa) Technical assistance, south Florida (Howard Klein, w, Miami) Urban hydrology, Englewood area (H. Sutcliffe, Jr., w, Sarasota) Verna well field (Horace Sutcliffe, Jr., w, Sarasota) Water resources, Duval-Nassau (G.W. Leve, w, Jacksonville) Water resources, Martin County (H. G. Rodis, w, Miami) Water resources, Tequesta (L. F. Land, w, Miami) Water-supply potential, Green Swamp (H. F. Grubb, W, Winter Park) Hydrogeologic maps, Seminole County (W. D. Wood, w, Winter Park) Hydrologic suitability study (L. V. Causey, w, Jacksonville) Hydrology of lakes (G. H. Hughes) Hydrology, Volusia County (P. W. Bush, w, Winter Park) Lake recharge investigations (Warren Anderson, w, Winter Park) . Lee County (D. H. Boggess, w, Ft. Myers) Mapping, Green Swamp (B. F. McPherson, w, Miami) Marion County flood studies (Warren Anderson, w, Ocala) Osceola County (J. M. Frazee, w, Winter Park) Palm Beach County (H. G. Rodis, w, Miami) Quality of water: Chemistry of Florida streams (D. A. Goolsby) Estuarine hydrology, Tampa Bay (C. R. Goodwin, w, Tampa) Landfill and water quality (J. E. Hull, w, Miami) Solid waste, Hillsborough County (Mario Fernandez, Jr., w, Tampa) 355 Water resources—Continued States and territories—Continued Florida (w, Tallahassee, except as noted otherwise)— Continued Quality of water—Continued Solid waste, St. Petersburg (Mario Fernandez, Jr., w, Tampa) Subsurface disposal, Pinellas (J. J. Hickey, w, Tampa) Technical assistance, Department of Pollution Control (D. A. Goolsby) Water supply, Temple Terrace (J. W. Stewart, w, Tampa) Riviera Beach investigations (L. F. Land, w, Miami) Seminole County (C. H. Tibbals, w, Winter Park) Special studies, statewide (C. S. Conover) Surface water: Drawdown of Lake Carlton (Warren Anderson, w, Winter Park) Hydrology study, Fakah'atchee Strand (L. J. Swayze, w, Miami) Lakes in southwest Florida (J. D. Hunn, w, Tampa) Manasota planning report (Horace Sutcliffe, Jr., w, Sarasota) Manasota technical assistance (Horace Sutcliffe, Jr., w, Sarasota) Technical assistance: Northwest Florida Water Management District (J. C. Rosenau) St. Johns River (G. W. Leve, w, Jacksonville) Suwannee River Water Management District (J. C. Rosenau) Technical support, ground water (A. F. Robertson, w, Tampa) ’I‘ri-county investigation (C. B. Bentley, w, Jacksonville) Waccasassa Basin hydrology (G. F. Taylor, w, Winter Park) Water atlas (S. D. Leach) Water resources, Hendry County (T. M. Missimer, w, Miami) Water resources of Orange County (C. H. Tibbals, w, Winter Park) Western Collier County (H. J. McCoy, w, Miami) Georgia (w, Doraville, except as noted otherwise): Cretaceous (R. C. Vorhis) Information system (J. R. George) National eutrophication survey (R. F. Carter) Northwest Georgia geology and water (C. W. Cressler, w, Calhoun) Valdosta hydrology (R. E. Krause) Hawaii (w, Honolulu): Data management, Guam (C. J. Huxel, Jr.) Ground water in Waialua, Oahu (R. H. Dale) Kauai water resources survey (R. J. Burt) Regional study (B. L. Jones) Topical studies (F. T. Hidaka) Idaho (w, Boise): Flow in Silver Creek, Idaho (J. A. Moreland) Hydrologic environment, White Clouds area (W. W. Emmett) Kootenai Board—WWT (H. K. Hall) National eutrophication survey (H. A. Ray) 356 Water resources—Continued States and territories—Continued Idaho (w, Boise)—-Continued Snake Plain aquifer studies (E. G. Crosthwaite) Illinois, stream dispersion (L. G. Toler, w, Champaign) Indiana (w, Indianapolis): Ground water, Indianapolis hydrology (William Meyer) Ground water near Ft. Wayne (Michael Planert) Maumee River Basin level B (Michael Planert) Streamflow summaries (R. G. Horner) Time of travel regionalization (S. E. Eikenberry) Iowa (w, Iowa City): Bedrock mapping (R. E. Hansen) Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer (W. L. Steinhilber) Low flow, Iowa streams (O. G. Lara) National eutrophication survey (I. L. Burmeister) Sediment data (J. R. Schuetz) South-central (J. W. Cagle, Jr.) Water resources, east-central Iowa (K. D. Wahl) Kansas (w, Lawrence, except as noted otherwise): Kansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Commission (E. R. Hedman) Miscellaneous investigations (H. G. O’Connor) National eutrophication survey (M. L. Thompson) Numerical modeling of Little Arkansas River basin, south-central Kansas (J. C. Halepaska, D. B. Richards) Prairie National Park (D. R. Albin) Saline ground-water resources of Kansas (K. M. Keene) Report processing (H. E. McGovern) Saline water from Permian rocks (D. R. Albin) Water supply in droughts (F. C. Foley) Kentucky (w, Louisville): Covington-Lexington-Louisville triangle (D. S. Mull) Ground water: Alluvium of major Ohio River tributary streams (P. D. Ryder) Hydrology, Princeton area (R. O. Plebuch) Ohio River valley (P. D. Ryder) Hydrology, Beaver Creek strip mine (J. A. McCabe) Kentucky River Area Development District project (R. W. Davis) London-Corbin area (R. W. Davis) National eu'trophication survey (H. C. Beaber) Louisiana (w, Baton Rouge): Baton Rouge area (C. D. Whiteman, Jr.) New Orleans area (D. C. Dial) Ground water: Gramercy area (G. T. Cardwell) Kisatchie Forest area (J. E. Rogers) Terrace aquifer, central Louisiana (T. H. Sanford) Water quality in upper Mississippi River Delta alluvium (M. S. Whitfield) Reports on special topics (M. F. Cook) Site studies (R. L. Hosman) Southwestern part (D. J. Nyman) Surface water: Flood hydraulics and hydrology (B. L. Neely, Jr.) National eutrophication survey (A. J. Calandro) Velocity of Louisiana streams (A. J. Calandro) Tangipahoa-Tchefuncte River basins (D. J. Nyman) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Water resources—Continued States and territories—Continued Maine (w, Augusta): Ground water, North Wi’ndham-Freeport (G. C. Prescott, Jr.) Highway research (R. A. Morrill) Maryland (w, Parkville, except as noted otherwise): Baltimore-Washington urban hydrology (W. F. White) Geohydrologic studies, Carroll County (J. M. Weigle) Ground-water resources-urbanization, Harford County (L. J. Nutter) Low-flow studies in Maryland (K. R. Taylor) National eutrophication survey (K. R. Taylor) Special studies, ground water (E. G. Otton) Trap efficiency, Rock Creek (T. H. Yorke, Jr., College Park) Massachusetts (w, Boston): Charles River basin (E. H. Walker) Coastal southeastern Massachusetts, Wareham to Seekonk (G. D. Tasker) Connecticut River lowlands (E. H. Walker) Deicing chemicals, ground Water (L. G. Toler) Mathematical. modeling of Ipswich River basin (I. C. James II) Nashua River basin (R. A. ,Brackley) Northeastern coastal basins (F. B. Gay) Northeastern river basins (R. A. Brackley) Southeastern coastal drainage (J. R. Williams) Water and related land resources for southeastern New England (M. H. Frimpter) Michigan (w, Okemos, except as noted otherwise): Erosion in St. Joseph Basin (T. R. Cummings) Geohydrology, environmental planning (W. B. Fleck) Ground-water models, Muskegon County (W. B. Fleck) Ground water, West Upper Peninsula (C. J. Doonan, w, Escanaba) Minnesota (w, St. Paul): Deep aquifers near Broote'n (H. O. Reeder) Evaluation, quality-of—water data for management (S. P. Larson) Ground water in Park Rapids area (J. O. Helgesen) Impact of copper-nickel mining (P. G. Olcott) Lake Superior watersheds (G. F. Lindholm) Reconnaissance of sand-plain aquifers Anderson, Jr.) River basin summaries (G. F. Lindholm) Twin Cities level B study (C. R. Collier) Water budget, Shagawa Lake (D. W. Ericson) Mississippi (w, Jackson): Alcorn, Itawamba, Prentiss, and Tishomingo Counties (B. E. Wasson) Ground water: Aquifer maps for Mississippi (E. H. Boswell) Ground-water use (J. A. Callahan) Hydrology, Tennessee-Tombigbee (J. D. Shell) Southern delta (J. M. Bettandorff) Water, subcoastal Mississippi (J. V. Brahana) Information to the public (K. V. Wilson) National eutrophication survey (J. D. Shell) Waste assimilation (J. K. Arthur) Water in north delta (G. J. Dalsin) (H. w. INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 357 Water resources—Continued States and territories--Continued New Jersey (w, Trenton)—Continued Water resources, Wharton Trace (William Kam) Water temperatures (M. G. McDonald) New Mexico (w, Albuquerque): Water resourcerContinued States and territories—Continued Mississippi (w, Jackson )—Continued Water use (J. A. Callahan) Missouri (w, Rolla): Ground-water resources - Springfield area (L. F. Emmett) National eutrophication survey (John Skelton) Small lakes in Missouri (J. H. Barks) Water quality, scenic riverways (J. H. Barks) Montana (w, Helena, except as noted- otherwise): Ground water: Central Powder River valley (W. R. Miller, w, Billings) Clark Fork basin (A. J. Boettcher) Fort Belknap (R. D. Feltis) Fort Union Formation (W. B. Hopkins, w, Billings) Hydrology, lower flathead (A. J. Boettcher) Madison Group (W. R. Miller, w, Billings) Mined lands reclamation (W. R. Hotchkiss) Northern Judith basin (R. D. Feltis, w, Billings) Quality of water near Libby (A. J. Boettcher) “Saline seeps” (R. G. McMurtrey) Southern Powder River valley (W. R. Miller) Special investigations (D. L. Coffin) Water availability, Madison (W. R. Miller, w, Billings) Water supplies for national parks, monuments, and recreation areas (D. L. Coffin) Mining effects, shallow water (R. S. Roberts) , National eutrophication survey (R. R. Shields) Nebraska (w, Lincoln): Assessment of ground-water quality (L. R. Petri) Ground-water resources of Boyd County (V. L. Souders) Ground-water use, Blue River basin (E. K. Steele, Jr.) Hydrogeology of southwest Nebraska (E. G. Lappala) Movement of nitrogen into aquifers (L. R. Petri) National eutrophication survey (G. G. Jamison) Seward County (M. J. Ellis) Time—of—travel data (L. R. Petri) Water in" the Loup River basin (R. Bentall) Nevada (w, Carson City): Aquifers in the Fallon area (P. A. Glancy) National eutrophication survey (D. 0. Moore) Smith Valley (F. E. Rush) Statewide reconnaissance (F. E. Rush) Topical studies (J. P. Monis) Water supply, Cold Spring Valley (A. S. Van Denburgh) Water supply, mining districts (H. A. Shamberger) New Hampshire, ground-water reconnaissance, river basins (J. E. Cotton, w, Concord) New Jersey (w, Trenton): Automatic processing of ground-water data (William Kam) Base-flow studies (E. G. Miller) Camden County, geology and ground-water resources (G. M. Farlekas) Miscellaneous Federal work (Harold Meisler) Nitrification in southern New Jersey (J. C. Schornick, Jr.) Problem river studies (J. C. Schornick, Jr.) Quantification non-point pollution (J. C. Schornick, Jr.) Short-term studies (Harold Meisler) Test drill geophysical logging (J. E. Luzier) Time-of-travel study (E. A. Pustay) Bureau of Indian Affairs water-supply investigations (F. P. Lyford) Cimarron Basin analysis (P. L. Soule) Coal-lease areas, northwest New Mexico (Kim Orig) Ground water: Capitan Reef (W. L. Hiss) Gallup ground-water exploration (W. L. Hiss) Harding County (F. D. ’I‘rauger) Miscellaneous activities, State Engineer (J. E. Cooper) White Sands Missile Range, water levels and pumpage (H. D. Hudson) Surface water: National eutrophication survey (L. P. Denis) Pojoaque River analyses (L. J. Reiland) New Mexico data bank (P. L. Soule) Rio Grande Commission (P. L. Soule) New York (w, Albany, except as noted otherwise): Basin recharge with sewage effluent (R. C. Prill, w, Mineola) Column-basin studies (M. S. Garber, w, Mineola) Deep-well waste disposal in western New York (R. M. Waller) Delaware basin water-quality study (G. E. Williams) Hydrogeology Qf/southeast Nassau County (H. F. H. Ku, w, Mineola) Hydrologic modeling (R. T. Getzen, w, Mineoloa) Long Island recharge (R. C. Prill, w, Mineola) Long Island water quality (S. E. Ragone, w, Mineola) Nassau County, ground-water system study (Chabot Kilburn, w, Mineola) Suffolk County, hydrologic conditions (H. M. Jensen, w, Mineola) Suffolk County, water-quality observation well program (Julian Soren, w, Mineola) Supplemental recharge by storm basins (D. A. Aronson, w, Mineola) Water resources, South Fork, Long Island (D. E. Vaupel, w, Mineola) North Carolina (w, Raleigh): Ground water: Automatic data processing program (C. C. Daniel) Springs, Blue Ridge Parkway (C. C. Daniel) Wilson County (M. D. Winner) Hydrology of Albemarle—Pamlico area (R. C. Heath) Northeastern part of State (H. B. Wilder) Public water supplies (N. M. Jackson) Surface water: Evaporation, Hyco Lake (G. L. Giese) Hydrology of estuaries (H. B. Wilder) Low-flow and water-availability studies (H. G. Hinson) Requests for data (H. G. Hinson) Time-of-travel studies (W. G. Stamper) North Dakota (w, Bismarck, except as noted otherwise): Ground water: Billings-Golden Valley Slope (M. G. Croft) 358 Water resources—Continued States and territories—Continued North Dakota (w, Bismarck, except as noted otherwise)— Continued Ground water—Continued Dickey-Lamoure (J. S. Downey) Dunn County (R. L. Klausing) Grant and Sioux Counties (P. G. Randich) Hydrologic changes due to mining (O. A. Crosby) Morton County (P. G. Randich) Northern Great Plains (M. G. Croft) Ramsey County (R. D. Hutchinson, w, Grand Forks) Ransom-Sargent (C. A. Armstrong) Special investigations (Q. F. Paulson) National eutrophication survey (0. A. Crosby) Ohio (w, Columbus): Big Island aquifer test (S. E. Norris) Ground water: Regional flow systems (R. E. Fidler) Southeastern part, principal aquifers (A. C. Sedan) Water inventory, hydrologic studies (D. D. Knochenmus) Oklahoma (w, Oklahoma City): Ground water: Antlers sand (D. L. Hart, Jr.) Edmond-Guthrie area (J. E. Carr) Vamoosa Formation (J. J. D’Lugosz) National eutrophication survey (W. B. Mills) Requests, special investigations (J. H. Irwin) Oregon (w, Portland): Ground water: Coos Bay, dune aquifers (J. H. Robison) Drain-Yoncalla area (J. H. Robison) Harrisburg-Halsey (F. J. Frank) Lincoln County coast (F. J. Frank) Near Winston (D. D. Harris) Newberg area (A. R. Leonard) Surface water: National eutrophication survey (Antonius Laenen) Oregon lakes and reservoirs (R. B. Sanderson) Warm Springs Reservation (J. H. Robison) Umatilla Reservation water (J. B. Gonthier) Pennsylvania (w, Harrisburg, except as noted otherwise): Geohydrology of Berks County (C. R. Wood) Geology and groundwater resources of Monroe County (L. D. Carswell, w, Philadelphia) Ground water: Chester County (L. J. McGreevy, w, West Chester) Cumberland Valley (A. E. Becher) Ground-water resources of the Williamsport area (0. B. Lloyd) Summary report of the ground-water resources of each county in Pennsylvania (C. R. Wood) Low flow, Susquehanna River basin (J. T. Armbruster) Quality of water: Highway construction effects on streams (J. F. Truhlar, Jr.) Sediment from highway construction (J. F. Truhlar, Jr.) Steamflow characteristics (L. V. Page) Western Pennsylvania (H. E. Koester) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Water resources—Continued States and territories-Continued Puerto Rico (w, San Juan): Contingent requests (D. G. Jordan) Ground water, North Coast model (J. E. Heisel) Hydrologic systems modeling (M. A. Lopez) Maunabo Valley (D. G. Adolphson) Quality of water, hydrologic effects of copper mining (L. J. Mansue) Surface water, floods investigation program (W. J. Haire) South Carolina (w, Columbia): Cooper River re-diversion (C. A. Spiers) Reconnaissance of estuaries (F. A. Johnson) Short-term planning studies (P. W. Johnson) South Dakota (w, Huron, except as noted otherwise): Brown County (N. C. Koch) Cheyenne and Standing Rock Indian Reservations (L. W. Howells) Clark County (L. J. Hamilton) Deuel and Hamlin Counties (J. Kume, w, Vermillion) Douglas and Charles Mix Counties (J. Kume, w, Vermillion) Ground water: Eastern part of State, basic research (E. F. LeRoux) Hand and Hyde Counties (N. C. Koch) McPherson, Edmunds, and Faulk Counties (L. J. Hamilton) Mineral and water resources (J. E. Powell) National eutrophication survey (0. J. Larimer) Tennessee (w, Nashville, except as noted otherwise): Caney Fork, Upper (D. R. Rima) Duck River basin, upper (C. R. Burchett) Flow characteristics (V. J. May) Hydrogeology of linear features (D. R. Rima) Memphis area (J. H. Criner, Jr.) Miscellaneous data services (V. J. May) National eutrophication survey (V. J. May) Terrace-deposits study (W. S. Parks, w, Memphis) Water for Murfreesboro (D. R. Rima) Texas (w, Austin, except as noted otherwise): Ground water: - Artificial recharge research (R. F. Brown, w, Lubbock) El Paso (W. R. Meyer, w, El Paso) Galveston County continuing quantitative studies (R. K. Gabrysch, w, Houston) Houston (R. K. Gabrysch, w, Houston) Model study, Chicot and Evangeline aquifer (D. G. Jorgensen, w, Houston) Orange County (G. D. McAdoo, w, Houston) Rio Grande environmental study (J. S. Gates, w, El Paso) Salt encroachment at Houston (D. G. Jorgensen, w, Houston) San Antonio (R. D. Reeves, w, San Antonio) Hydrologic investigations: Drainage-area determinations (P. H. Holland) Limestone hydrology study (R. W. Maclay, w, San Antonio) National eutrophication survey (L. G. Stearns) Quality of water, bays and estuaries (D. C. Hahl) INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 359 Water resources—Continued States and territories—Con tinued Texas (w, Austin, except as noted otherwise)—Continued Trust territory, water resources information (D. A. Davis, w, Honolulu, Hawaii) Utah (w, Salt Lake City, except as noted otherwise): Altering Great Salt Lake (K. M. Waddell) Environmental impacts (Donald Price) Ground water: Cedar City and Parawon (L. J. Bjorklund, w, Cedar City) Oil shale hydrology (F. K. Fields) Reconnaissance, White Valley (J. C. Stephens) Statewide ground-water conditions (J. C. Stephens) National parks, monuments, and historical sites (C. T. Sumsion) Northern Uinta basin (J. W. Hood) . Program enhancement (Theodore Arnow) Quality of water: Flaming Gorge Reservoir (E. L. Bolke) Surface water, Duchesne River (J. C. Mundorff) Surface water: Canal-loss studies (R. W. Cruff) Flood frequency and magnitude (F. K. Fields) Inflow to Great Salt Lake (J. C. Mundorff) Mined lands rehabilitation (G. W. Sandberg, w, Cedar City) National eutrophication survey (R. W. Cruff) Vermont (w, Montpelier): Ground water: ’ Barre-Montpelier area (A. L. Hodges, Jr.) Mad River area (A. L. Hodges, Jr.) Upper Winooski Basin (A. L. Hodges, Jr.) White River junction (A. L. Hodges, Jr.) Virginia (w, Richmond, except as noted otherwise): Coastal plain studies (W. F. Lichtler) Ground water: Geohydrologic data (R. L. Wait) Hydrology of Prince William Forest (G. A. Brown) South of James River (0. J. Cosner) Hydrologic monitoring, Fairfax (P. L. Soule, w, Fairfax) National eutrophication survey (P. N. Walker) Service work (R. L. Wait) Surface water, project planning and public inquiries (R. L. Wait) Water quality, sediment transport in the Occoquan watershed (W. D. Silver) Washington (w, Tacoma): Centralia strip mining and monitoring (J. S. Zogorski) Ground water: Long Beach (J. V. Tracy) Movement of contaminants (J. V. Tracy) Special hydrologic problems (B. L. Foxworthy) Spokane Basin water resources (H. H. Tanaka) Squaxin Indian Reservation (K. L. Walters) Swinomish (K. L. Walters) Test drilling (K. L. Walters) Model simulation for water management (R. D. MacNish) National eutrophication survey (P. J. Carpenter) Real-time data collection (R. R. Adsit) Water resources—Continued States and territories—Continued Washington (w, Tacoma)~Continued Tulalip water resources (K. L. Walters) Yakima Indian Reseri‘ration, water quality (M. O. Fretwell) West Virginia (w, Charleston, except as noted otherwise): Coal River study (J. S. Bader) Elk River basin study (G. R. Tarver) Jefferson County study (W. A. Hobba, Jr., w, Morgantown) Quantitative mine-water studies (G. G. Wyrick) Salt water in State (J. B. Foster) Small drainage areas (G. S. Runner) Studies for unforeseen needs (G. G. Wyrick) Wisconsin (w, Madison): Ground water: Columbia County (C. A. Harr) Jefferson County (G. E. Hendrickson) St. Croix County (R. G. Borman) Washington-Ozaukee Counties (H. L. Young) Hatchery development (R. P. Novitzki) Low flow of small streams (R. W. Devaul) Menomonee River basin (M. G. Sherrill) Quality of water: Ground-water quality monitoring (C. A. Harr) Menomonee River sediment study (S. M. Hindall) Pine River basin (P. A. Kammerer, Jr.) Washington County sediment study (S. M. Hindall) Southeastern part of State, digital model (H. L. Young) Statewide map series (R. W. Devaul) Surface water: Drainage areas (B. K. Holstrom) Recreation reservoirs (W. A. Gebert) Wyoming (w, Cheyenne): Arikaree/alluvium, Dwyer Junction (G. C. Lines) Arikaree Formation, Lusk (M. A. Crist) Effluent monitor, national parks (E. R. Cox) Green River Basin water supply (H. W. Lowham) Ground water, Albin-Lagrange (W. B. Borchert) Hanna Basin water resources (K. D. Peter) National eutrophication survey (K. G. Polinoski) Stream loss to Madison Limestone (F. C. Boner) Water resources, Powder River Basin (M. E. Lowry) Weston County (M. E. Lowry) . Waterpower classification: Alaska, Chakachamna Lake, study of potential powersite (G. C. Giles, c, Tacoma, Wash.) California (c, Sacramento): Lower Trinity River, review of withdrawals (R. D. Morgan) Pit River, review of withdrawals (S. R. Osborne) Smith River, review of withdrawals (R. D. Morgan) Colorado, Dolores River Basin, review of withdrawals (G. A. Lutz, c, D) Oregon (c, Portland): Clackamas River Basin, review of withdrawals (L. O. Moe) Nestucca River Basin, review of withdrawals (K. J. St. Mary) 360 Waterpower classification—Continued Oregon (c, Portland)—Continued North Umpqua River, review of withdrawals (J. L. Colbert) South Umpqua River, review of withdrawals (J. L. Colbert) Washington (c, Tacoma): Blanca Lake and Troublesome Creek pumped-storage site, Skykomish River (J. B. Dugwyler, Jr.) Columbia River, vicinity of developed Wells Project, review of withdrawals (J. B. Dugwyler, Jr.) Wood Plateau-Coyote Creek and John Day pool pumped-storage site, Columbia River (J. B. Dugwyler, Jr.) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESEARCH 1975 Waterpower classification—Continued Wyoming (c, D): Greybull and Shoshone Rivers, review of withdrawals (G. A. Lutz, c, D) Wind River Basin, review of withdrawals (S. R. Osborne, c, D) Wilderness Program. See Primitive and Wilderness Areas under Mineral and fuel resources-compilations and topical studies, mineral-resources surveys. Zeolites: Bowie area, Arizona (L. H. Godwin, c, NC) Southeastern California, Oregon, and Arizona (R. A. Sheppard, D) Zinc. See Lead, zinc, and silver. SUBJECT INDEX [Some discussions cover more than one page, but only the number of the first page is given. See also “Investigations in Progress” (p. 326)] A Aerotriangulation, topographic applica- tions _____________________ Age determinations. See Geochronologyh as well as under individual States. Alabama, acid mine drainage _________ cooperating agencies _____ _ engineering hydrology -- _ hydrology ______________ - quality of water __ __ remote-sensing studies _ subsidence USGS offices ..................... Alaska, Alaska Mineral Resource Assess- ment Program (AMRAP) _ alluvial materials artificial recharge benthic invertebrates, sampling tech- Page 287 88 310 89 245 88 245 226 323 niques coal __________________ cooperating agencies _____________ 310 copper __________________________ 68 copper-molybdenum miii‘eralization _ 67 erosion surveys __________ + _______ 109 gas-saturation studies _ _ 109 geochronology __. _ 69, 70 geologic mapping __. - 77 geophysical studies _______________ 129 glaciology ........................ 1 70 gold ______________________________ 65 gravity studies ___________________ 63 ground water .................... 109 heavy minerals ___________________ 23 hydrology _______ 109 igneous studies __ 68 limnology ____________ 109 marine sedimentation __________ 130, 132 metamorphism __________ 64, 66, 67, 68, 71 palynology _______________________ 23 petrography ______________________ 69 plutonism ________________________ 68, 71 potamology _______________________ ~19 0 remote-sensing studies _______ 245 stratigraphy ______ __ 64, 67, 70, 71 structural geology _ 65, 66, 69, 129 tectonics _________________________ 70 thorium __________________________ 65 uranium _________________________ 65 urban hydrology __________ ~ ________ 1 18 USGS ofiices __________ 319, 321, 322, 323 vertebrate fossils _________________ 67 volcanism ________________________ 67 waste disposal, hydrologic effects in urban areas .............. 120 Alunite ______________________________ 9 Antarctica, environmental studies __-.. 272 geochronology ____________________ 273 paleobotany ______________________ 272 paleoclimates ..................... 161 reversed magnetic polarity in lavas 142 technical assistance 272 topographic mapping 282 Page Antillean arc, modern uplift _ 126 Antimony, analysis of ________________ 16 Appalachian Highlands and Coastal Plains, results of geologic investigations ____________ 39 Applied geophysics techniques _________ 145 Apollo 1'7 mission ____________________ 230 Aquifers, geophysical methods ________ 180 model studies _____________________ 179 See also Ground water, as well as under individual States. Aa'eal mineral‘ appraisal ______________ 6 Argentina, technical assistance ________ 265 Arizona, aquifer studies _-____-_____-__ 110 cooperating agencies _____________ 310 copper ___________________________ 6 evapotranspiration 187 fluid inclusions ________ 5 ground water -___ 110 land-use mapping 249 magnetism _______ 142 mineralization ____________________ 5 plant ecology ____________________ 192 plutonism _..________; _____________ 5 remote-sensing studies _________ 244,249 stocks and metal deposits _________ 5 structural geology ________________ 53 subsidence ________________ 227 USGS offices ___________ _ 319, 321, 323 vegetation changes, effect on runoff and sediment yield _______ 109 volcanism ________________________ 31 Arkansas, aquifer studies _____________ 97 cooperating agencies _____________ 310 geologic mapping paleontology USGS ofiices ______ waste assimilation water, use in irrigation __________ Astrogeology, results of investigations _ Australia, Berridale batholith _________ land-system mapping _____________ remote-sensing studies ____________ Basemetal deposits ___________________ Basin and Range Province, results of geologic investigations ___ Beaufort Sea, sea-ice studies __________ Bering Sea, geophysical studies _______ marine sedimentation ____________ U.S.-U.S.S.R. joint experiment _-_- Bolivia, technical assistance __________ Brazil, technical assistance ____________ USGS offices _____________________ Caldera studies ______________________ California, artificial recharge _________ benthic invertebrates, artificial sub- strates _________ ~_ _________ 13 52 130 130 131 195 265 265 324 153 112 Page California—Continued chemistry of water __ 184 cooperating agencies 310 environmental geology, coastal ____ 211 environmental studies, coastal ____ 128 erosion __________________________ 183 estuarine hydrology _______________ 136 flood-frequency analysis __________ 217 flood-risk studies _________________ 219 geochemistry _____ _ _ 58 geochronology _____________ -- 58, 153 geologic mapping, submarine _ __ 127 geology __________________________ 112 geomorphology ___________________ 60 geophysical studies _______________ 56 geothermal studies __________ 31, 33, 141 gravity map, aid in ground-water exploration _______________ 112 gravity studies ____________________ 60 ground movement, geothermal areas 33 ground water ________ 110, 111, 112, 181 heat flow __________ ;. _____________ 140 hydrology ________________________ 112 isotope studies ___________________ 111 landslides ________________________ 58 liquefaction map _________________ 209 paleoclimates ____________________ 162 paleontology __ ___ 175 petrology ___ _ 155, 157 plutonism _____________ 155, 156 quality of water ____________ 111, 184, 220 remote-sensing studies _________ 238, 244 San Andreas fault ________________ 59 sedimentology ____________________ 168 seismic studies ____________ 202, 204, 205 shelf basins ______________________ 128 soil engineering __ ..... 208 stratigraphy ______ __ 23, 57, 58 structural geology ______ 23, 55, 57, 58, 61 Structure and metamorphism, The Geysers steam field _______ 57 subsidence ______________________ 60, 227 tectonics _______________________ 128, 153 urban geology ____________________ 209 urban hydrology __________________ 111 USGS ofiices ______ 318, 319, 321, 322, 323 volcanism ' volcano hazards Calorimetric studies __________________ 148 Caribbean region, tectonic mapping -- 126 Cartography _______________ 289, 290, 291, 292 Cenozoic of the United States. results of investigations _________ 175 Central Atlantic Regional Ecological Test Site (CARETS) project ______________ 249 Central Laboratory System ___________ 123. Central region and Great Plains, results of geologic investigations -_ 42 Chemistry, analytical __________ 195, 196. 197 Chukchi Sea, geomorphology .......... 131 361 362 Page Coal. bibliography ____________________ 20 geochemical survey, Western re- gions ____________________ 224 gravity studies ........ -_ 146 northern Great Plains _ _ 19 Powder River Basin ______________ 29 relation to tectonics ______________ 20 resources _________________________ 19 Coastal hydrology __________________ 134, 135 Colombia, technical assistance ________ 266 USGS oflices _____________________ 325 Colorado, artificial recharge __ __ 98 caldera collapse breccia _ __ 153 cooperating agencies -_-- -_ 311 engineering geology ______________ 209 engineering hydrology ____________ 97, 99 geochemistry _____________________ 16 geochronology _______________ 50, 153, 156 geochronometry __________________ 162 geologic mapping ________________ 76 geothermal studies __ 32 gravity studies ..... ---_ 146 ground water __ __ 97, 98, 100 hot springs _______________________ 32 irrigation ________________________ 98 land-use planning ________________ 209 lignite resources __________________ 20 magmatism ________________ 154 oil shale _______ 27 ore deposits ___ ___ 16 paleontology - 173, 175 petroleum ___ ______ 24 plutonism __________________ 49, 156, 160 quality of water ______________ 97, 98, 221 remote-sensing studies ___________ 242 sedimentology ____________________ 169 soil mapping _____________________ 209 stratigraphy ______________ 26, 46, 47, 153 structural geology _--_ 7, 153, 156 subsidence ________________________ 3, 146 thorite ___________________________ 30 thorium __________________________ 30 traceelement studies ______________ 154 uranium _________________________ 28, 29 uranium-thorium fractionation _ - _ _ 154 urban geology ____________________ 209 urban hydrology __________________ 209 USGS offices __ 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323 volcanism ______________________ 153, 154 water resources __________________ 98 water-supply studies ______________ 97, 98 Columbia plateau ..................... 152 Computer technology _______________ 293, 294 CRIB ............................ 17 environmental planning _ _ 210 GRASP ________________ _ 17 hydrologic problems _ -_ 194 MIDAP __________________________ 127 modeling __________________ 142, 143, 147 QSCAN __________________________ 159 SAMPLE ________________________ 159 USCOAL ______________ l7 water-quality evaluation __ 223 Connecticut, aquifer studies __ 81 cataclastic deformation _ 35 cooperating agencies --__ 312 floods ____________________________ 217 glacial geology ___________________ 38 r'ecessional moraines ______________ 37 structural geology ________________ 34, 38 USGS offices _______ _ 321, 323 weathering ________________ _ 38 Conodonts, as geothermometers _ _ 40 color alteration __________________ 39 Continental margin, Alaska-Antarctic -_ 129 Atlantic _________________________ 125 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean _____ 126 SUBJECT INDEX Page Continental margin—Continued Pacific ___________________________ 127 results of investigations __________ 125 Costa Rica, technical assistance ______ 266 Council of State Governments Task Force ____________________ 252 Crater investigations ______________ 231,232 Crystal chemistry, results of investiga- tions _____________________ 149 D Deep Sea Drilling Program __________ 132 Delaware, cooperating agencies _______ 312 hydrology ________________________ 247 remote-sensing studies ____________ 247 USGS offices _____________________ 323 District of Columbia, cooperating agencies _________________ 312 gravity studies ___________________ 42 USGS oflices ______ 318, 319. 320, 322, 323 E Earthquake Information Bulletin ___. 296,297 Earthquake studies _____________ 199, 200, 201 Earth Resources Satellite (ERS) systems __________________ 237 Economic geology ___________________ 3, 6, 11 See also under individual States. Ecuador, biostratigraphy, deep sea _ __ 133 Energy resources of the Earth _______ .. 23 Engineering geology, results of investigations ______ 206, 207, 208 Environmental geochemistry __________ 224 Environmental geology ____________ 210,211 Environmental studies, Environmental Impact Analysis program 256, 257 LUDA data ______________________ 255 mining studies __ _ 212 EROS, Data Center ________ _ 294 materials, how to obtain _________ 297 program _________________________ 237 Estuarine hydrology, Atlantic coast ___ 134 Gulf coast ________________________ 135 Pacific coast _____________ 135 results of investigations 134 Evapotranspiration, results of investiga- tions ___________________ 187, 188 F Far East. See individual countries listed on p. 265. Faults. See Structural geology under individual States. Finland, geochemistry ________________ 156 Flood-frequency studies, results of in- vestigations ___- _ 217 Flood mapping ____________ - 219 remote-sensing studies ____________ 240 urban areas ______________________ 220 Floods, National Program for Managing Flood Losses _____________ 220 outstanding ______________________ 217 results of investigations __________ 216 Florida, aquifer studies _______ 89, 90, 91, 186 artificial recharge -__ _ 92, 178 chemistry of water _. _ 184 coastal hydrology ________________ 89 cooperating agencies ______________ 312 environmental studies ____________ 25 estuarine hydrology ______________ 135 evapohranspiration _______________ 187 flood mapping ___________________ 219 Page Florida —Continued flood profiles _____________________ 217 ground water ____________________ 89 hydrology ________________________ 246 land use _________________________ 246 quality of water ______ 90, 91, 92, 221, 222 remote-sensing studies __ 246 saline water, intrusion ______ 91,116,221 storm runoff, urban areas ________ 120 urban hydrology __________________ 118 USGS oflices ___________________ 321, 323 waste disposal _____________ 121, 145, 222 water management _______________ 92 water resources __________________ 90, 91 water-supply studies __ _____ 92 Fluid inclusions _________ ___ 5,148,233 Fluorspar ____________________________ 10 Fuels, mineral, results of investigations 1 See also Coal, Petroleum, as well as under individual States. G Geochemical and geoehronological studies, results of ________ 54 Geochemical studies, Western coal re- gions ____________________ 224 Geochemistry ______________ 1, 6, 15, 148, 158 computer simulation of sampling problems _________________ 159 experimental and theoretical ______ 147 health ____________________________ 225 isotope, results of investigations __ 159 new methods _____________________ 16 nuclear, results of investigations __ 159 sediments ________________________ 157 urban areas ______________________ 225 water ___________________________ 157 Geochronometxry ____________________ 162, 163 See also under individual States. Geodetic data management 285 Geographic studies, results of ________ 253 Geologic mapping, intermediate-scale __ 73 large regions ____________________ 76 large-scale _______________________ 73 Mars ____________________________ 228 New England ____________________ 34 Geomagnetic studies _______ 143, 144, 146, 147 Geophysics, experimental _____________ 140 See also under individual States. Georgia, aquifer studies .............. 186 cooperating agencies _____________ 312 ground water ____________________ 92 LUDA, experimental demonstration projects 254 quality of water _____________ _ 93, 186 stream-temperature characteristics _ 222 USGS oflices _____________________ 323 Geothermal resources, results of investi- gations __________________ 30, 51 See also under individual States. Geothermal studies, brine ____________ 33 calculation of deep reservoir tem- peratures - - 166 infrared surveys _____ 33 Long Valley caldera 140 modeling _________________________ 166 remote-sensing studies ____________ 244 Ireservoir engineering _____________ 3 structural control of steam resources 167 Geothermal systems, results of investiga- tions _____________________ 164 Germany, crater investigations ________ 232 Page Glaciology, numerical methods ........ 171 remote-sensing studies ____________ 240 results of investigations __________ 170 Global tectonic theory, relation to metal- logeny ___________________ 1 Gold, Carlin-type deposits ____________ 4 geochemical cycle ________________ 15 See also under individual States. Gravel _______________________________ 40 Gravity studies. See under individual States. Ground movement, geothermal areas _- 33 Ground water, dissolved gases ________ 158 multistate studies ________________ 109 remote-sensing studies ____________ 240 See also Aquifers, as well as under individual States. Ground-water hydrology, results of in- vestigations ______________ 177 Ground-water-surface-water relation- ship, results of investiga- tions _____________________ 185 See also under individual States. Gulf of Mexico, salt structures and petroleum migration ______ 126 H Hawaii, cooperating agencies _ 312 geochemistry _____________ 157 geochronology __ __________ 151 petrology ___________________ 154 sediment transport ________________ 112 structural geology ________________ 150 tectonics _______________________ 147, 152 thermoluminescence dating technique USGS offices ___- volcanology _____ water resources __________________ Iieat flow __________________________ 140,141 Heavy minerals ______________________ 23 Helium, determination in soils ........ 16 energy resource exploration ______ 25 Hot springs __________________________ 32 Hydrocarbons ____________________ 24 Hydrologic Bench-Mark Network _ 122 Hydrology, carbonate-rock terranes ___ 178 coastal ________________________ 134, 135 computer programs _______________ 194 estuarine _________________________ 134 ground water ____________________ 177 new instruments and techniques __ 192 relation to radioactive wastes _-_- 214 remote-sensing studies ________ __ 246 surface ‘water __________ ___- 181 See also under individual States. Hydrothermal alteration, chemical characteristics ___________ 3 l Iceland, remote-sensing studies ________ 240 Idaho, cooperating agencies geochemistry ____________ geothermal studies ____________ ground .water ____________________ ground-water—surface—water relationship ______________ 113 heat flow ___________ 141 igneous studies _-_ 48 mineral resources 8 ore deposits ______________________ 15 palynology _______________________ 175 SUBJECT INDEX ~ Page Idaho—Continued remote-sensing studies ____________ 239 stratigraphy _____________________ 46 structural geology ..... _ 7, 50, 52 subsidence _____________ __ 227 tm ___________ _-_ 12 USGS offices - ______ 320,323 volcanism ________________________ 49 volcano-tectonic depression ________ 48 water resources __________________ 113 Igneous studies, results of ____________ 48 ultramafic inclusions _____________ 155 Illinois, cooperating agencies -- _ 313 floods ____________________ _ 218 ore bodies ________ _ 1 quality of water __ ________ 223 USGS ofiices ___________________ 323 India, crater investigations ___________ 231 Indiana, cooperating agencies ________ 313 quality of water __________________ 81 surface water ____________________ 185 USGS offices ______________________ 323 Indonesia, geochronology _____________ 163 plate tectonics ____________________ 267 remote-sensing studies ____________ 267 technical assistance _____ - 266 topographic mapping -_ _ 267 USGS oflices ____________ _ 325 Inertial surveying ____________________ 284 Infrared surveys, geothermal systems -_ 33 International cooperation, Earth sciences 258 International Hydrological Decade, 1965— 1974 _____________________ 123 Iowa, cooperating agencies _____ __ 313 floods _________________ -_ 218 USGS oflices __________________ 323 Isotope tracer studies, results of ______ 159 J Journal of Research of the US. Geologi- cal Survey ____________ 296,297 K Kansas, artificial recharge ____________ 178 cooperating agencies _____________ 313 floods ____________________________ 119 geologic mapping ________________ 45 ground water __________________ 100, 101 quality of water _________________ 223 sedimentology ___- __ 168 USGS offices _______ -_ 323 water management __ __ 101 water-supply studies _____________ 100 zinc ______________________________ 2 Kentucky, coal ___________ 42 cooperating agencies _____ 313 geologic mapping ________________ 42 land-use planning ________________ 43 lithostratigraphy and deposition _ _ 42 palynology _______________________ 174 quality of water - 93 plant ecology ___________ -_ 192 stream-aquifer modeling ___ 185 USGS offices __________________ 321,323 wells _____________________________ 93 Kenya, ground water _-__ 241 remote-sensing studies ____________ 241 technical assistance ______________ 267 USGS oflices _____________________ 325 Known Geologic Structures (KGS) ___ 137 Known Geothermal Resources Areas (KGRA) _________________ ’ 137 363 Page L LANDSAT imagery, uses of ___- 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249 Landslides ___________________________ 40 Land subsidence. See Subsidence. Land-Use and Data Analysis (LUDA) program _______________ 251, 253 environmental impact ____________ 255 geographic information system de- velopment ________________ 256 land-use data projects ____________ 255 Land-use and environmental impact, re- sults of investigations ___- 252 Land-use—land-cover classification sys- tem ______________________ 255 Land-use planning, cartographic tech- niques ‘_ __________________ 289 See also under individual States. Land-use studies, remote sensing _____ 246 Lead ________________________________ 160 See also under individual States. Lead—isotope analysis _________________ 147 Lead-zinc ores __ ____________ 3 Limnology __________________________ 188, 189 See also under individual States. Lithium _____________________________ 11, 12 Louisiana, aquifer studies ___________ 101, 102 coastal hydrology _____ -_ 135 cooperating agencies __ __- 313 ground water ____________ - 101, 102 LUDA map and data uses ________ 254 quality of water ________________ 101, 102 subsidence _______________________ 226 surface water ___________________ 182 unstable sediments _______________ 170 USGS offices ______________ 319, 320, 323 water-supply studies ______ 102 Luminescence studies ___________ __ 242 Lunar studies, Apollo 17 results _ __ 230 basins __ 229 craters ___________________________ 231 results of investigations __________ 229 Lunar samples, chemical composition __ 236 geochronology ____________________ 236 glasses and fines _________________ 235 petrology ______________ 233 results of investigations 233 Magmas, Yellowstone National Park _- 164 Magmatic processes, results of investiga- tions ____________________ 155 Magnetics _____________________ 141, 142, 145 Maine, cooperating agencies __________ 313 environmental studies ________ _ 1 0 plutonism ____________ - 37 USGS offices _______________ 323 Malaysia, petrology __________________ 155 Mapping, accomplishments ___________ 276 Antarctica _______________________ 282 field surveys _____________________ 284 intermediate-scale ________________ 281 international cooperation - - 284 national parks ___ _ 279 orthophotoquads ___________ _ _ 280 quadrangle map coverage ________ 276 revision and maintenance ________ 276 scale 1:250,000 ___________________ 276 small-scale _______________________ 280 special surveys and investigations __ 286 364 Page Mapping—Continued State base maps _________________ 276 See also Cartography, Photogrammetry, Topogra- phic mapping, as well as under individual States. Mapping program, national __________ 274 Marine geology, equatorial Pacific ___- 133 results of investigations __________ 125 Marine terraces, uranium-series dating _ 163 Mars, geologic mapping _ 228 interpretive studies ______________ 228 mineralogical investigations ______ 233 topographic mapping ____________ 228 Viking support __________________ 228 Maryland, cooperating agencies -_-__-_' 313 environmental geology ___________ 210 estuarine hydrology ______________ 134 ground water _ 82 hydrology ________________________ 247 remote-sensing studies ___________ 247 urban hydrology __________________ 119 USGS offices _____________________ 323 Massachusetts, aquifer studies ________ 82 cooperating agencies _____________ 313 floods __________________________ 218,219 freshwater-saltwater interface _ _ _ _ 115 geochronology ____________________ 35 glacial geology ___________________ 38 glaciomarine deposits ____________ 39 ground water ____________________ 82,83 lithostratigraphy _________________ 36 quality of water __________________ 82 stratigraphy _______ 39 structural geology __-.. ____________ 36,37 USGS offices ___________________ 321, 324 volcanism ‘ 37 water resources __________________ 82, 83 water-supply studies _____________ 83 Mercury _____________________________ 229 Metallogeny __________________________ 1 Metamorphic rocks, northern Sierra Nevada __________________ 56 Metamorphic rocks and processes, re- sults of investigations _--_ 156 Metamorphism, “burial” ______________ 157 contact __________________________ 40 Mesozoic of the United States, results of investigations ________ 174 Mexico, technical assistance __________ 267 topographic mapping _____________ 284 Michigan, cooperating agencies _______ 313 economic geology _________________ 6 environmental studies ___. _________ 83 ground water ____________________ 84 iron ______________________________ 10 paleomagnetism __________________ 43 preglacial topography ____________ 43 quality of water __________________ 83 structural geology ________________ 44 USGS oflices ___________ ‘ _________ 3 24 volcanism ________________________ 43 Mineral commodities, appraisal of ___- 9 Mineral identification, index method __ 149 Mineral investigations, primitive areas __ 7 study areas ______________________ 7 wilderness areas __________________ 7 Mineral lands, classification and evalua- tion _____________________ 137 Mineral leasing, supervision __________ 138 Mineral occurrences, geology of ______ 1 Mineral studies, results of investigations 149 Mineralogic studies, results of ________ 149 Mineralogy, alteration in mafic and ultramafic rOCAS __________ 148 crystal chemistry ________________ 149 SUBJECT INDEX Page Mineralogy—Continued Na-K distribution, hornblende and malt _____________________ 148 See also under individual States. Mineral resources, exploration ________ 15 remote-sensing studies ________ _ 243 results of investigations ___- _ 1 Minerals attaché program _____ _ 264 Mining, environmental problems _ 212 Minnesota, aquifer studies ______ _ 85 cooperating agencies ____ _ 313 engineering hydrology _ __ 83 floods ________________ 218, 219 ground water _______ _ 84,85 quality of water _______ _ 223 remote-sensing studies _ 246 sedimentology __________ _ 168 urban hydrology _ 119 USGS offices _____ _ 324 volcanism _______ __ 44 water resources ___- ___ 85, 246 water-supply studies __________ 84, 85, 122 Mississippi, chemistry of water _______ 183 cooperating agencies _ 314 remote-sensing studies 244 USGS oflices _______________ 320, 321, 324 Missouri, birth defects in swine _______ 225 computer technology - 294 cooperating agencies _ _________ 314 flood mapping _ __ ________ 289 floods ____________________________ 218 ground-water—surface-water relationship _______________ 186 USGS offices __________ 319, 320, 322, 324 Montana, aquifer studies _____________ 103 coal _________________ 19 cooperating agencies __ ________ 314 ground water _ 103 hot springs ___- _____ 51 igneous studies _____ 48 natural gases ________ 24 platinum ____________________ 12 remote-sensing studies _ ______ 238, 242 structural geology __ __________ 50 USGS offices ______ ___- 320, 324 water resources __________________ 103 N National Atlas ______________________ 281 National Cartographic Information Cen- ter (NCIC) _____________ 275 National Stream Quality Accounting Network _________________ 122 National Technical Information Service 297 Natural gases, origins of _____________ 24 Natural-resource management, Federal and Indian lands ________ 137 Near East. See individual countries listed on p. 265. Nebraska, cooperating agencies ______ 314 geologic mapping ________________ 45 remote-sensing studies ___________ 239 USGS offices ____________________ 324 water management _______________ 103 Nepal, technical assistance ___________ 268 Nevada, cooperating agencies ________ 314 crater investigations _____________ 232 economic geology ________ 52 floods _______________________ 217 fossil thermal gradients. 161 geochronology _______________ 54, 55 geologic hazards __ 53 geologic mapping ________________ 76 Page Nevada—Continued igneous studies ___________________ 4 ore-forming solutions ____________ 161 paleoclimates ____________________ 162 paleontology ______________________ 172 petroleum ________________________ 22 quality of water __________________ 223 remote—sensing studies ____________ 244 sedimentary rocks ________________ 53 seismic studies ___________________ 206 stratigraphy ___________________ 4, 54, 55 turquoise deposits ________________ 4 USGS offices ______________________ 324 volcanism ____________ '. ___________ 5 3 water resources __________________ 114 water-supply studies ______________ 114 New Britain, island-arc magmas ______ 159 Newfoundland, paleontology __________ 172 New Hampshire, cooperating agencies _ 314 USGS offices _____________________ 324 New Jersey, aquifer studies __________ 86 chemistry of water _______________ 183 cooperating agencies _____________ 314 floods ____________________________ 120 ground water, saline _____________ 86 landslides ________________________ 40 quality of water _______________ 223,224 USGS offices ____________________ 324 New Mexico, cooperating agencies __-_ 314 floods ____________________________ 219 geochemical anomalies ___________ 54 geothermal studies _______________ 104 gold ______________ L _____________ 2 mineral resources ________________ 6 Mogollon mining district, geologic reappraisal ______________ 2 stratigraphy _____________________ 47 structural geology ________________ 51 USGS ofl'ices _______________ 320, 321, 324 zeolites __________________________ 2 New York, aquifer studies ____________ 86 cooperating agencies _____________ 314 paleontology ______________________ 172 quality of water ________________ 184, 224 sedimentation, lacustrine and marine __________________ 39 storm runoff _____________________ 120 USGS offices _____________________ 324 waste disposal __________________ 121, 180 water~supply studies ______________ 86 North America, coral zoogeography -___ 173 metallogenic map ________________ 76 NorthoCarolina, aquifer studies _______ 94 cooperating agencies ______________ 315 estuarine hydrology ______________ 93 evaporation ______________________ 187 floods ____________________________ 218 ground water ____________________ 94 paleontology ___________________ 176, 177 resistivity studies _________________ 145 sedimentology ____________________ 169 structural geology ________________ 1 tungsten _________________________ 1 USGS offices _____________________ 324 North Dakota, aquifer studies ______ 104, 105 cooperating agencies _____________ 315 floods ____________________________ 218 geohydrology _____________________ 104 ground water ____________________ 104 USGS offices ______________________ 324 Nuclear energy, results of investigations 213 Nuclear explosions, underground ______ 213 Nuclear-fuels resources, results of in- vestigations _- 27 Nuclear-power reactors _______ 216 Nuclear test-site studies _______________ 213 Page 0 Oflice of Minerals Exploration ________ 14 Discovery Loans Program ________ 14 Office of Water-Data Coordination ____ 116 Ohio, cooperating agencies ____________ 315 sedimentology ____________________ 167 USGS offices ___________________ 321, 324 Oil, reserves _________________________ 24 secondary recovery ________________ 26 Oil and gas resources, results of in- vestigations ______________ 20 Oil shale, hydrology of oil-shale lands .- 99 resistivity ________________________ 145 results of investigations _________ 26,27 Oklahoma, cooperating agencies ______ 315 ground water ____________________ 105 USGS offices _______ _ 320, 324 Oman, technical assistance - 268 Ore ___________________________ _ 1 deposits, lead-isotope analysis 16 hydrothermal fluids _-- - 161 Oregon, base flow ________ _ 114 cooperating agencies _ _ 315 estuarine hydrology _ 136 geologic mapping _ _ 76 geomorphology - 129 geothermal studies _- __ 31 ground water ____________________ 114 inflow streams ___________________ 115 metamorphism ___________________ 61 remote-sensing studies ____________ 239 sedimentology ____________________ 168 structural geology ________________ 61 USGS offices ____________________ 320, 324 zeolites ___________________________ 13 Orthophotos, experimental products ___ 292 image quality ____________________ 291 systems __________________________ 291 maps, large-scale ________________ 291 scan masks ______________________ 291 p Pacific coast region, results of geologic investigations ____________ 55 Pacific Ocean, marine geology ________ 133 Pakistan, technical assistance ________ 268 Paleogeography, crustal shortening esti- mates ____________________ 21 Paleontology, bivalves, early Paleozoic __ 176 Bryozoa, Western United States __ 173 conodont alteration _______________ 173 foraminifers _____________________ 177 results of investigations __________ 171 See also Biostratigraphy, Paleontology under indivi- dual States. Paleotectonic maps ___________________ 77 Paleozoic of the United States, results of investigations _________ 172 Palynological studies __________________ 23 See also under individual States. Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) ___ 284 Pennsylvania, cooperating agencies ___ 315 floods ____________________________ 219 ground water ___________________ 87, 180 landslides ________________________ 210 limnology ________________________ 190 public water supplies ____________ 122 saline water _____________________ 87 subsidence _______________________ 212 USGS offices ___________________ 321, 324 Peru, biostratigraphy, deep sea ______ 133 technical assistance ______________ 269 SUBJECT INDEX Petroleum, Appalachian basin __ Denver basin ______________ _ exploration problems _- manganese as a detector ____ migration, Gulf of Mexico _ offshore Atlantic Ocean _____ _ sourCe beds ______________ _ source-rock studies ________________ See also under individual States. Petrology _____________________ results of investigations __________ See also under individual States. Page 20 24 25 25 126 20 22 22 - 155.161 Petrochemistry, results of investigations 154 Phosphate ___________________________ 11 See also under individual States. Photogrammetry _______________ 286, 287, 288 Physical properties data bank ________ 26 Planetary studies, results of investiga- tions _____________________ 228 Plant ecology, results of investigations 192 See also under individual States. Plant physiology _____________________ 162 Plutonic rocks, results of investigations 155 Poland, technical assistance __________ 269 Potamology _________________________ 188, 189 Potentially mineralized areas, geologic studies ___________________ 6 Project FAMOUS ____________________ 132 Publications program, USGS _________ 295 publications, USGS, how to order __________________ 296, 297 USGS, number issued ____________ 296 USGS, out of print, how to obtain 296 Puerto Rico, flood-insurance studies __ 219 flood-prone areas _________________ 219 geochronology ____________________ 71 geomorphology ___________________ 127 igneous studies ___________________ 72 limnology _______________________ 189, 190 stratigraphy ______________________ 72 topographic mapping ____________ 289 USGS offices ___________________ 321, 324 water-supply studies ______________ 94 Q Q-mode factor analysis _______________ 158 Quality of water, acid mine water, neutralization ____________ 147 diversity indices __________________ 190 laboratory measurements __________ 185 modeling techniques ______________ 180 results of investigations __________ 220 Radioactive wastes, relation to hydro- logic environment -_ 214,215,216 Regional geologic investigations, results of ________________________ Remote-sensing studies, agricultural ap- plications ________________ advanced techniques ______________ cartographic applications _________ digital image processing __________ ERTS—l, A New Window on Our Planet ___________________ experiments by other Bureaus ____ fishery management ______________ flood mapping ____________________ geographic applications __________ geologic applications ______________ geothermal areas _________________ 34 238 237 247 248 237 242’ 242 240 249 243 244 365 Page Remote-sensing studies~Continued ground water ____________________ 240 hydrologic applications ___________ 245 image-marking technique _________ 248 Indian reservations ______________ 239 land use _________________________ 246 mapping, linear features __________ 237 mineral-resource studies __________ 243 near-infrared reflectance anomalies 244 oil-leak/spill studies ______________ 237 Raman signal intensities __________ 246 rangeland management ___________ 238 satellite-image maps _____________ 248 sea ice _________________________ 130, 194 snow studies _____________________ 247 soil studies ______, ________________ 243 surface-water mapping ___________ 240 TAPS corridor ___________________ 245 tectonics _________________________ 239 urban studies ____________________ 250 See also EROS, LANDSAT imagery, as well as under individual States. Resistivity -__.__.-________________‘-_ 143, 145 Resource analysis, results of investiga- tions ____________________ 17 Resource and _Land Investigations (RALI) program ______ 252, 253 Resource data bases __________________ 17 Resource estimates ___________________ 17 Resource model studies _______________ 17 Rhode Island, cooperating agencies ___ 315 USGS offices _____________________ 324 Rock mechanics ______________________ 207 S Saline water, deep brines 166 intrusion _________________________ 115 See also under individual States. Salt structures, Gulf of Mexico ________ 126 Saudi Arabia, economic geology ___ 269,270 gravity studies ._ _____ ___ 271 mineralization ____ ._ 270 structural geology __. _ 271 topographic mapping _ 284 USGS offices ....... _ 325 Sea ice, Beaufort Sea --__ __ 130 remote-sensing studies __ _ 194,195 results of investigations __________ 194 U.S.—U.S.S.R. joint Bering Sea ex- periment _________________ 195 Sediment-control techniques 168 Sedimentology, results of investiga- tions ______________ 167, 169, 170 Seismic studies, computer modeling ___ 142 See also under individual States. Silicates, crystal chemistry of ________ 149' Skylab ________________________ 238,244,246 Slope-stability studies _________________ 206 Soil-moisture, remote-sensing studies __ 243 results of investigations __________ 186 South America, remote-sensing studies- 242 South Carolina, cooperating agencies __ 315 erosion _______________________ 170 estuarine hydrology ___ _______ 134 geochemical anomalies _______ 1 ground'water ________________ 95 palynology ___________ 41 quality of water ______ -_-_ 94, 95 remote-sensing studies __ ______ 244 USGS offices _______________ 324 vermiculite _________________ 10 366 Page South Dakota, aquifer studies ______ 105,106 cooperating agencies 316 computer technology 294 mineral resources ____________ 18 remotesensing studies ____________ 239 USGS offices __________ 319, 321, 322. 324 Stable isotopes, results of investigations 160 Statistical geochemistry, results of in- vestigations ______________ 1 58 Statistical petrology, results of investi- gations __________________ 158 Stratigraphy, results of investigations _ 45, 46 See also under individual Statcs. Stratigraphic and structural studies. results of ________________ 52 , See also under individual States. Structural and geophysical studies, re- sults of __________________ 50 See also under individual States. V Subsidence ___________________________ 3, 225 Sec also under individual States. Surface water, remote-sensing studies- 240 temperature studies ______________ 185 See also under individual States. Surface—water hydrology, results of in- vestigations ____________ 181, 182 See also under individual States. T TAPS corridor, remote-sensing studies _ 245 Tectonics, eastern Mojave Desert ______ 61 See also under individual States. Tectonic mapping, Caribbean region __ 126 Tennessee, aquifer studies ____________ 95 cooperating agencies ______________ 316 environmental geology ____________ 210 floods ____________________________ 120 fluvial morphology ________________ 170 ground water _____________________ 95 streamflow, ksrst area ____________ 95 USGS ofl‘ices ___________________ 321, 324 water—supply studies _____________ 95 Terrestrial analogs and experimental studies ___________________ 231 Texas, aquifer studies ________________ 106 artificial recharge ________________ 178 cooperating agencies ______________ 316 ground water ______________ 106, 107, 146 mercury 127 paleontology ______________________ 174 remote-sensing studies ____________ 238 subsidence _______________________ 226 uranium ________________________ 27, 146 USGS ofiices __________ 320, 321:322, 324 Thailand, remote-sensing studies ______ 271 technical assistance ______________ 271 USGS offices _____________________ 325 Thermochemistry, fossil-fuel formation 148 Thorium _____________________________ 160 See also under individual States. Tin __________________________________ 12 See also under individual States. Titanium resources ____.L _____________ 13 Topographic surveys and mapping _-._ 274 cartography ______________________ 289 coordination and requirements ____ 274 equipment improvements _________ 285 SUBJECT INDEX Page Topographic surveys and mapping—Continued field surveys ______________________ 284 Mars ____________________________ 228 photogrammetry __________________ 286 research and development _____ 284 Transverse Ranges. geochronology - - - - 60 U Ultramafic rocks, chemical differences __ 10 United States, geologic map __________ 76 seismotectonic map ______________ 77 Uranium ________________________ 29, 160, 162 analysis of water ________________ 30 byproduct of coal combustion _____ l9 depositional processes ____________ 27 exploration _______________________ 28 in pegmatites ____________________ 29 leaching _________________________ 27 Midnite mine ____________________ 29 Powder River Basin ______________ 29 remote-sensing studies ____________ 146 roll-type deposits ________________ 28 See also under individual States. Urban-area studies, geochemistry _____ 225 remote-sensing studies ____________ 250 water resources __________________ 118 See also under individual States. Urban geology, results of investigations 209 See also under individual States. Urban hydrology. See under individual States. Utah, aquifer studies _________________ 107 coal ______________________________ 20 cooperating agencies ______________ 316 geochronology ____________________ 55 geochronometry __________________ 4 hydrothermal alteration __________ 3 paleontology ______________________ 174 sedimentation ____________________ 21 stratigraphy _____________________ 54‘ USGS offices __________ 320, 321, 322, 324 V Vermiculite, prospecting tools ________ 10 Vermont, cooperating agencies ________ 316 floods ____________________________ 219 USGS offices _____________________ 324 Virgin Islands, floods _________________ 217 Virginia, cooperating agencies _ _ 316 environmental geology _____ _ 210 geochronology __________ _ 41 hydrology ____________ _ 247 mineral resources -_-_ _ 13 quality of water ________ _ 87 remote-sensing studies _- _ 247 structural geology ______ _ 41 tectonics ___________________ 41 USGS offices ______ 318, 321, 322, 323, 324 water-supply studies _____________ 87 Volcanic rocks and processes, results of investigations ____________ 149 Volcanism ____________________________ 149 See also under individual States. Volcano hazards _ 212 Volcanology __________________ _ 31, 152 See also under individual States. Page W Washington, bank storage ____________ 185 biostratigraphy ___________________ 176 cooperating agencies ______________ 316 estuarine hydrology .............. 135 geochronology _ 62 geomorphology 129 glacier hydrology _________________ 171 mineral resources _________________ 239 remote-sensing studies ____________ 289 runoff .' ___________________________ 183 seismic studies ___________________ 115 structural geology ________________ 62, 128 uranium _________________________ 29 USGS offices ______________ 321. 322, 324 volcano hazards __________________ 212 Washington, D.C. See District of Columbia. Waste disposal, hydrologic effects in urban areas ______________ 120 logging of wells __________________ 145 Water, analysis of ____________________ 197 chemical, physical, and biological characteristics ____________ 183 geochemistry, laboratory techniques 184 humic-acid derivatives, determina- tion of _'_ ________________ 184 uses of ______ ‘ ___________________ 1 21, 122 See also Ground water, Hy- drology, Surface Water, as well as under individual States. Water-data storage system ____________ 117 Water-power classification. preservation of reservoir sites ________ 138 _ Water quality, coordinate programs ___ 122 See also Quality of water. Water-resource programs, special _____ 115 Water-resource studies, central region _ 96 northeastern region ______________ 80 remote-sensing studies 246 results of investigations _-___.' _____ 78 southeastern region _______________ 88 western region ___________________ 108 See also Ground water, Sur- face water, Quality of water, as well as under in- dividual States. West Virginia, acid mine drainage ____ 87 cooperating agencies _____________ 316 ground water ____________________ 88 paleontology ______________________ 174 quality of water __________________ 87 saltwater~freshwater mapping ____ 116 structural geology ________________ 42 USGS ofl'ices _____________________ 324 Wisconsin, artificial recharge _________ 178 cooperating agencies _____________ 316 copper ____________________________ 6 geochemical sampling _____________ 6 ground water ____________________ 186 quality of water __________________ 224 structural geology ________________ 44 USGS oflices _____________________ 324 Wyoming, aquifer studies ____________ 108 coal _________________________ 19, 29, 146 cooperating agencies ______________ 317 economic geology _________________ 3 engineering hydrology ____________ 108 erosion ___________________________ 169 flood mapping ____________________ 219 fluvial drainage patterns __________ 28 fossil fuels _______________________ 108 geochemical discriminant, sandstone 159 geochronology ____________________ 51 geochronometry ___________________ 162 Page Wyoming—Continued geologic mapping ________________ 77 geohydrology _____ ______________ 107 geothermal studies _ _ 166 hot springs _________ __ __ 165 hydrothermal explosion crater _ __ 165~ paleontology _ _ _ _' __________________ 17 5 petrology __________-.' _____________ 155 porosity studies __________________ 25 sedimentation ____________________ 21 stratigraphy _____________________ 46 Page A Abel, J. F. __________________________ 207 Ackerman, D. J. _____________________ 104 Ackerman, H. D. ___________________ 30,145 Adam, D. P. __________________________ 57 Adams, D. B. ________________________ 189 Addicott, W. 0. _ - 128, 176 Adkison, W. L. _ __ 23 Adolphson, D. G. -- _ 94 Ahlbrandt, T. S. ____________ _ 21 Albers, J. P. ________________ _ 264 Albert, N. R. D. _____________________ 239 Alexander, C. C. _____________________ 236 Algermissen, S. T. __________________ 201,264 Allcott, (3.11. ________________________ 267 Alldredge, L. R. _ 144 Alminas, H. V. __ 16,17 Alvord, D. C. ___- _ 42 Anderson, B. M. _____________________ 225 Anderson, G. S. ________________ 109, 118,177 Anderson, H. W., Jr. ________________ 85 Anderson, J. R. ______________________ 255 Anderson, R. E. ____________________ 270, 271 Anderson, T. W. _____________________ 187 Anderson, W. L. _ __ 147 Andrews, D. J. ..-_ __ 142 Andrews, G. W. __ 175 Annell, C. S. _________________________ 236 Anttila, P. W. _______________________ 167 Antweiler, J. C. III __________________ 2, 16 Armhrustmacher, T. J. ________________ 30 Armstrong, A. K. ____________ 54, 66, 68, 173 Armstrong, C. A. ____________________ 104 Arnal, R. E. ______ _ 23, 127 Aronson, D. A. __ _ 120 Arsenault, L. D. _ - 195 Arteaga, F. E. ______________________ 93,181 Arth, J. G‘. _________________________ 156, 159 Aruscavage, P. J. ____________________ 196 Ashley, R. P. ________________________ 52 Atwater, B. F. _ __ 58 Avanzino, R. J. _ _- 136, 184 Averett, R. C. __ _ 184 Averitt, Paul ________________________ 19 B Bachman, G. O. _____________________ 51,216 Backer, M. I. ________________________ 119 Bada, J. L. __________________________ 57 Baedeeker, P. A. _____________________ 196 Bagdady, Abdulaziz - _______ 269 Bailey, E. H. __ Baird, A. K. ___ _______ 228 Bakun, W. H. ________________________ 199 Balding, G. 0. ________________________ 118 SUBJECT INDEX Page Wf’oming—Continued " struc’tural geology ________________ 49 subterranean streams, dye-recovery study ____________________ 108 surface water ___________ __ 183 surface-mine reclamation _-__ 213 uranium ______________________ 27, 28, 29 USGS offices _______________ 320, 321, 324 Y Yemen Arab Republic, ground water __ 272 INVESTIGATOR INDEX Page Ballance, W. C. ______________________ 214 Bamber, E. W. ______________ 173 Banks, N. G. ________________ 5 Barker, Fred _______________________ 156, 161 Barker, 188 Barker, 209 Barnes, 63 Barnes, 124 Barnes, 206 Barnes, 130 Barnes, . . 197 Barosh, P. J. ________________________ 34 Barraclough, J. T. ___________________ 215 Barron, J. A. ________________________ 175 Bartsch-Winkler, S. R. ________________ 130 Batchelder, J. N. ________________ 46, 50, 161 Bateman, P. C. -___ _- 156, 263 Beall, R. M. _____ _ 122 Bearden, H. W. _ _ 221 Beeso‘n, M. H. ________________________ 154 Behrendt, J. C. ______________________ 125 Beightler. C. S. ______________________ 179~ Beikman, H. M. ______________________ 76 Bell, Henry III _______________________ 1 Bell, K. G. ___________________________ 35 Bennett, J. P. __ 94 Bennington, G. __ 253 Berdan, J. M. ___ 172 Berg, H. C. __________________________ 62,70 Berman, Sol ___, _____________________ 235, 236 Bertoldi, G. L. _______________________ 111 Best, R. G. __________________________ 239 Beverage, J. P. _______________________ 193 Beyer, L. A. __________________________ 23 Biesecker, J. E. Billingsley, F. C. Bingham, D. L. Bird, M. L. __________________________ Bisdorf, R. J. ________________________ 143 Bisselle, Anthony _____________________ 253 Bjorklund, L. J. ______________________ 107 Blacet, P. M. ___________ 5,6 Blackford, M. E. ___ 199 Blake, M. 0., Jr. __-_ _ 13,56 Blanchard, H. E., Jr. _____________ 92 Boettcher, A. J. _____________________ 103 Boggess, D. H. _______________________ 221 Bohannon, R. G. _____________________ 12 Boner, F. C. _________________________ 107 Bonnet, C. W. 226 Booker, S. E. _-_ 184 Books, K. G. - 43 Boore, D. M. -_ 201 Booth, J. S. _________________________ 170 Borcherdt, R. D. ____________________ 201, 204 Borchert, W. B. ______________________ 107 Boschert, R. G. ______________________ 282 Page Yemen Arab Republic —Continued hydrogeologic mapping ___________ 241 remote-sensing studies ___- __- 241 topographic mapping __ _ 271 USGS ofiices ________ __ 325 Yugoslavia, geochronology ____________ 156 Z Zeolite _______________________________ 2,13 ‘ Page Botbol, J. M. ________________________ 17,265 Botsford, M. L. Bowen, R. W. _____ Bowman, Harry Boyce, R. E. _________________________ 134 Brabb, E. E. _________________________ 58, 201 Brackley, R. A. ______________________ 82 Braids, O. C. ________________________ 224 Branson, F. A. ______________________ 186 Bredehoeft. J. D. __ 179 Bregman, M. L. __ ________________ 50 Brew, D. A. ___- ................ 71,77 Bricker, 0. P. _______________________ 158 Briggs, C. L. _________________________ 236 Britten, L. J. -__- 184 Broadhead, T. W. _ 6 Brobst, D. A. ___- 9 Brock, M. R. ______________________ 264,266 Brockman, S. R. _____________________ 216 Broenkow, W. W. _______________ 128 Brokaw, A. L. __________________ 216 Bromfield, C. S. _ 17 Brookins, D. G. ______________________ 35 Broom, M. E. ________________________ 97 Brosgé, W. P. _______________________ 66 Brougham, G. W. ____________________ 143 Broussard, W. L. _____________________ 85 Brown, D. P. 90 Brown, D. W. 185 Brown, F. W. 236 Brown, R. D., 201 Brown, R. F. 178 Bruns, T. R. _________________________ 129 Bryant, Bruce _______________________ 7,50 Buchanan-Banks, J. M. ______________ 203 Bucknam, R. C. ______________________ 54 Bufe, C. G. _________________________ 199,200 Bunt, R. J. ___ -_ 113 Burchett, C. R. __ - 96 Burchett, R. R. _ - 45 Burford, R. O. ________________________ 201 Burkholder, R. E. ____________________ 174 Burky, J. D. ________________________ 127, 133 Burmeister, I. L. _____________________ 193 Burns, A W Busby, M W Bushnell, Kent Byerlee, J. D. ________________________ 200 C Cady, J. W., Jr. _____________________ 146 Cain, J. C. ____________________ Calk, L. C. __________________________ 368 Cameron, C Cameron, R Campbell, D Campbell, W. Campbell, W. J. Campbell, W. L. ____________________ 16,171 Cannon, W. F. ________________________ 10 Cardwell, G. T. 226 Carline, R. F. __ 186 Carlson, G. H. _ 219 Carlson, J. E. ________________________ 53,76 Carlson, P. R. ________________________ 132 Carnevale, M. J. ______________________ 39 Carr, J. E. ___________________________ 105 Carr, M. H. __ 228 Carr, W. J. __________________________ 61 Carroll, R. D. ________________________ 214 Carron, M. K. ________________________ 236 Carten, R. B. ________________________ 54 Carter, W. D. Case, J. E. --- Castle, R. O. _- Caswell, W. W. ______________________ 83 Cathcart, J. B. ____________________ 259,266 Cathrall, J. B. _______________________ 15 Causey, L. V. ________________________ 119 Chandler, M. E. J. _ 174 Chao, E. C. T. _____________________ 232,233 Chao, T. '1‘. ___________________________ 16 Chang, T. C. _________________________ 195 Chapman, R. M. ______________________ 65, 67 Chappell, B. W. __ _ 160 Chen, A. T. F. -_ _ 201 Chicko, R. S. _____ _ 194 Chidester, A. H. ______________________ 265 Childers, J. M. ________________ 109 Chisholm, J. L. 87 Christ, 0. L. ____-____________________‘ 14s Christensen. C. N. 106 Christian, R. P. ____________________ 235,236 Claassen, H. C. ______________________ 213 Clague, D. A. ________________________ 152 Clardy, B. F. _______________________ 76,174 Clark, A. L. -_ ______________ 263, 264 Clark, B. C. ___ ............. 228 Clark, M. M. ___- __ 204 Clem, Richard ________________________ 62 Clifton, H. E. ______________________ 129 Cloud, P. E., Jr. 177 Coats, R. R. _______ 53 Cobban, W. A. Coch, N. K. ___ __ 13 Coker, A. E. ___ __________ t 246 Coleman, R. G. _ _ 156, 263, 264, 268 Collier, C. R., Jr. ___________________ 93,168 Collins, D. ___________________________ 163 Colton, R. B. _____ _ 209 Connor. C. W. __ 42 Connor, J. J ___ _ 159,225 Conomos, T. J. _______________________ 128 Cook, H. E. _____________________ 55, 133, 134 Coombs, D. S. ________________________ 157 Coonrad, W. L. ______________________ 70 Cooper, A. K. ___. 130 Coplen, T. B., II ______________________ 111 Cordell, L. E. _______________________ 51 Cordes, E. H. _______________________ 92,246 Cory, R. L. ________________________ 124,134 Cosner, 0. J. __ 87 Cox, A. V. __-- 142 Cox, D. P. _________ -_ 17 Cragwall, J. S., Jr. __________________ 124 Craig, G. 5., Jr. _____________________ 183 Craig, L: C. _________________________ 77 Crandell, D. R. _______________________ 212 Creasy, S. C. _________________________ 5 INVESTIGATOR INDEX Page Cressler, C. W. ______________________ 92 Cressman, E. R. _______________ _ 42 Criley, E. E. _-_ - 199 Crippen, J. R. _______________________ 217 Crist, M. A. __________________________ 108 Crittenden, M. D., Jr. ________________ 55 Croft, M. G. _________________________ 158 Crosby, O. A. _ _ 218 Cross, Whitman ___ _________________ 3 Crosthwaite, E. G. __________________ 31 Crutcher, M. C. _____________________ 282 Csejtey, Béla _________________________ 69 Culler, R. C. ...... _ 188 Cunningham, 'D. R. _ _ 214 Cunningham, M. J. __ _ 214 Curtiss, D. A. _______________________ 168 Cushing, E. M. _______________________ 209 Cuttitta, Frank _______________________ 236 D Daetz, Douglas ____~_ __________________ 253 Dalrymple, G. B. _______________ 132, 152, 153 Daly, R. A. ________ '_ ____________ 164 Damon, P. E. ______________ _ 31 Dane, C. H. ______ _ 47 Daniel, C. C., III _____________________ 93 Daniel, J. F. _________________________ 187 Daniels, D. L. _______________________ 42 Daniels, J. J. ________________________ 146 Danielson, T. W. - 209 _Davidson, D. F. ____________________ 259,264 Davidson, E. S. _______________________ 227 Davies, W. E. _______________________ 210 Davis, G. H. Davis, P. A Davis, R. E. Davis, R. W. Davis, W. M Dearborn, L. Deleveaux, M. H. Denson, N. M. ___ _ 19,29, 159 Denton, E. H. ___ ____________ 25 Desborough, G. A. _________ 3, 13, 27, 156, 265 Detterman, R. L. _____________________ 70 Deutsch, Morris _____ _ 237,240,241 Devine, J. F. _______ 77,216 de Witt, Wallac‘e, Jr. _ 21 Dial, D. C. ___________________________ 101 Diaz, J. M. ___________________________ 230 Dibblee, T. W., Jr. ___________________ - 60 Dickey, D. D. _________________________ 61 Dickinson, K. A. _ 27 Dickson, F. W. _______________________ 4 Dietrich. J. H. ______________________ 201 Diment, W. H. ____________________ 140,141 Dinwiddie, G. A. ______ .5, _____________ 213 Dixon, H. R. _____ _ 35 D’Lugosz, J. J . _________________ 105 Dobrovolny, Ernest ___________________ 208 Dodge, F. C. W. ___________________ 155,270 Dodge, H. W., Jr. ____________________ 28 Doe, B. R. ________ __ 147,270 Donaldson, D. E. ___ __ 118,121 Donnelly, J. M. _- _ 31 Donovan, T. J. ______-_-_, _____________ 24,25 Doonan, C. J. ________________________ 83 Dorris, T. C. ...... 190 Dorrzapf, A. F., Jr. 197 Doty, G. C. _________ 213 Douglas, R. C. _______________________ 46 Dover, J. H. ____________________ 7,19,50,52 Downing, D. J. _______________________ 112 Drew, L. J. __________________ __ 17,18 Dudley, W. W. - 213 Duerr, A. D. ________________________ Z 221 Dufiield, W. A. _____________________ 31,151 Dunrud, C. R. _______________________ 207 Page Durbin, T. J. ______________________ 110,179 Dutro, J. T., Jr. _____________________ 66,67 Dutton, C. E. ________________________ 44 Dwornik, E. J. _____________________ 235,236 Dyar, T. R. ________________________ 123,222 Dysart, J. E. __________________ 2 ______ 184 E Eakin, H. M ________________________ 67 Eakin, T. E. _________________________ 109 Earhart, R. L. 270 Eaton, 2 Ebens, 224 Eccles, . . 111 Eggler, D. H. _______________________ 48 Ehlke, T. A. _________________________ 184 Ehrlich, G. D. ......... _ 184 Ellen, S. D. ____________ __ 53,208 Ellersieck, I. F. _ - 68 Elliot, D. H. _________________________ 273 Ellis, M. Y. __________________________ 282 Ellsworth, W. L. _______________ ___ 200 Elston, D. P. -Q ________________ _- 142,244 Emery, P. A. __ __ 111 Embree, G. F. ___ ________________ 46 Emmett, L. F. ._ ___________________ 186 Emmons, P. J. ______________________ 97 Endo, E. T. _________________________ 150 Engberg, R. A. ___- 158 England, A. W. __ 243 Engler, Kyle ______ 122 Epstein, A. G. _________________ : ______ 39,40 Epstein, J. B. ____________1 __________ 39, 40 Erdman, J. A. ___________ 224,225 Erdmann, D. E. ________ _ 198 Ericson, D. W. ___. _ 85 Espenshade, G. H. ___________________ 41 Espinosa, A. F. ______________________ 201 Evans, H. T., Jr. _ 149 Evans, J. G. _ 266 Evans, R. K. ___ 8 Evans, W. E. 247,248 Everett, D. E. ________________________ 101 Ewart, C. J. ________________________ 112,220 F Fabbi, B. P. _________________________ Fabiano, E. B. _______________________ Fader, S. W. ________ Farrow, R. A. -. ______ Fassett, J. E. __ Faulkner, G. L.” ____________________ 124,222 Faust, C. R. _________________________ 166 Fayard, L. D. __________ ' _____________ 135 Federspiel, F. E. ____________________ Felsheim, P. E. _______ Fernandez, Mario, Jr. Ferreira, R. F. ______________________ Ficke, J. F. __________________________ 122 Ficklin, W. H. _______________________ 195 Fidler, R. E. ___- Finkelman, R. B. Fisher, C. K. Fishman, M. J. Fiske, R. S. __ Fitch, H. R. ___- Flanigan, V. J. ______________________ 146 Fleck, R. J. ________________________ 271,272 Fleck, W. B. ___ Flippo, H. N., Jr. _ 219 Fogarty, D. J. _ - _ 220 Foote, R. Q. _________________________ 20 Forbes, R. B. ________________________ 66, 70 Force, E. R. _________________________ 13 Page Ford, A. B. _________________________ 71,272 Foster, H. L. _________________________ 67 Foster, J. B. _________________________ 116 Fouch, T. D. __________________ 22 Fournier, R. O. -__- - 141, 165, 166, 263 Fox, J. E. ___________________ 21,25 Fox, K. F., Jr. ______________________ 57,62 Frank, David ________________________ 212 Frank, F. J. _______________________ 114,168 Frederick, B. J. ______________________ 82 Freeman, V. L. __ 7 Freethey, G. W. ______________________ 118 Frickel, D. G. _______________________ 169 Friedman, Irving ____ 16, 25, 141, 156, 161, 162 Frimpter, M. H. _____________________ 115 Froelich, A. J. __ _ 210 Fuis, G. S. -_- 199 Films], T. E. _________________________ 204 G Gabrysch, R. K. _____________________ 226 Gafl, F. E. ___________________________ 31 Gafiney, J. W. _______________________ 37 Gair, J. E. __________________________ 1 Gallaher, J. T. __ __ 87 Garber, M. S. __ _____________ 121 Gard, L. M., Jr. ___________ 164,216 Garrison, L. E. ______________________ 170 Gaskill, D. L. _________________________ 2 Gates, J. S. .___ Gawarecki, S. J. German. E. R. - Gerrild, P. M. _______________________ Gibbs, J. F. _______________________ 201,204 Giese, G. L. _____________ _ 187 Gilbert-Tomlinson, Joyce _ _ 176 Gillespie, J. B. __________ _ 178 Gilroy, E. J. _________________________ 122 Glancy, P. A. ______________________ 114,217 Glanzman, R. K. ________ _ 12 Glass, W. R. ____________ __ 220 Gleason, J. D. _ 161,162 Glenn, J. L. _________________________ 135 Glick, E. E. ________________________ 76 Gloersen, Per ......................... 195 Glover, Lynn, 111 ____________________ 177 Goddard, K. E. _- .. 98 Godfrey, R. G. _-. ....... 82 Goetz, A. F. H. _____________ 243 Goetz, C. L. ........................ 89,221 Gogel, A. J. _________________________ 101 Goldberg, M. C. ._-- 198,246 Goldsmith, Richard __ -_ 35,37 Golightly, D. W. _-- 197 Gonthier, J. B. _______________________ 114 Gonzalez, D. D. ____________________ 213,214 Goodwin, C. R. nu _ 135 Gott, G. B. _________ - 15 Granger, H. C. - - 28 Grant, R. S. _________________________ 224 Gnntz, Arthur _______________________ 131 Green, A. W., Jr. _-_ _ 144 Green, M. W. _______ .. 28 Greene, H. G. _- -128, 211 Greenland, L. P. ___________________ 196,236 Greenwood, W. R. __________________ 270, 271 Griscom, Andrew ______________ _- 56 Grolier, M. J. _________________ _- 241 Grommé, S. C. .. 141,142 Grout, F. F. _________________________ 44 Growitz, D. J. ______________________ 87 Grubb, H. F. ________________________ 90,179 Grybeck, D. A. _______________________ 71 Gualtieri, J. L. __ - 9 Gude, A. J., III __- _________________ 13 Guetzkow, L. C. _ _______________ 218,219 Guild, P. W. __________________ 1, 76, 263, 264 INVESTIGATOR INDEX Page Gulbrandsen, R. A. __________________ 259 Gunard, K T. ..... . 219 Guswa, J. H. ____ ____ 82,115 Gutentag, E. D. _ _____ 223 Guy, H. P. ________________________ 124,250 H Haas, J. L, Jr _____________________ 33 Hadley, D G ________________________ 271 Hadley, J B _. ____ 77 Hadley, R. F. _ Haeni, F. P. -- _____ 81 Haffty, Joseph ________________________ 12 Hail, W. J., Jr. Haire, W. J. _______ Halberg, H. N. Haley, B. R. _____ Halgerson, Ron Hall, C. A., Jr. Hall, D. C. Hall, R. B. Hall, W. E. Halley, Hamachi, B. R. ______________________ 203 Hamecher, P. H. _____________________ 181 Hamilton, J. C. ______________________ 19 Hamilton, L. J. -_ 105,106 Hamilton, M. S. . _______________ 151 Hamilton, T. D. .- __________ 67 Hamilton, W. B. _____________________ 267 Hammarstrom, J. G. __________________ . 233 Hampton, E. R. _____ .__ 97, 209 Hanna, W. F. . ..... 60. 265 Hansen, B. P. _ _______ 82 Hansen, R. L. ________________________ 242 Hanson, R. L. ________________________ 188 Hardee, Jack _______________ 192 Hardison, C. H. ____________ 218 Hardy, E. E. __ _______ 255 Hare, P. E. __________________________ 57 Harenberg, W. A. ____________________ 113 Harmsen, Lynn ______________________ 217 Harrill, J. R.’ ________________________ 109 Harris, D. D. -._ _ 115 Harris, L. D. _________________________ 21, 39 Harrison, J. E. _______________________ 3 Harsh, P. W. _______________________ 201 Hart, D. L., Jr. ______________________ 105 Hasbrouck, W. P. _ -_ 146 Haushild,W. L. _ ______ __ 135 Hauth, L. D. ____________ __ 218 Hawkinson, R. O. ____________________ 122 Hawley, C. C. _______________________ 65 Hayes, L. R. _. _ 95 Hayes, P. T. ___ __ 42 Hays, W. H. ___ _- 50 Head, W. J. _________________________ 180 Healy, J. H. ________________________ 200 Hearn, B. C., Jr. ____________ 31 Hedge, C. E. ___________ _ 50, 156,160 Hedlund, D. C. -_ ______ 6 Hedman, E. R. _______________________ 182 Helgesen, J. O. ______________________ 85 Helley, E. J. Helm, D. C. _______ Helz, R. L. __ Hem, J. D. __________________________ Hemingway: B. S. ____________________ 148 Hemley, J. J. ________________________ 148 Hemphill, W. R. ______________________ 242 Hendricks, E. L. - 124 Hendricks, J. D. _____________________ 31 Henry, T. W. _______________________ 174 Hepburn, J. C. ______________________ 36 Hard, D. G. _________________________ 58,59 Herz, Norman _______________________ 13 369 Page Hess, A. E. ___________________________ 145 Hey], A. V. ______________________ 13,16, 269 Hietanen, Anna _______________________ 56 Higer, A. L. ___________________ __ 246 Hildreth, C. T. - __ 38 Hill, D. P. _______________________ 199 Himmelberg, G. R. __________________ 61 Hinds, J. S. _________________________ 47 Hines, M. S. _________________________ 97 Hite, R. J. _______ 216,271 Hjalmarson, H. W. _________ 110 Hoare, J. M. _________________ 70 Hobba, W. A., Jr. ___________________ 88 Hobbs, Hobbs, Hodge, Hodges, R Hofstra, W. E. _______________________ 97,98 Hoggan, R. D. _______________________ 46 Holley, E. R. ________________________ 182 Hollyday, E. F. _____________________ 96, 247 Holm, R. F. _____ _-__ 31 Holmes, C. W. _ ____________ 126,127 Hoose, N. ______________________ 206 Hoover, D. B. ________________________ 30 Hopper, M. G. _______________________ 201 Hopkins, D. M. ...... __ 67 Horn, G. H. _________ -___ 29 Horne, G. S. _________ __-_ 172 Hostetler, P. B. ______________________ 148 Hotchkiss, W. R. ___________________ 103, 209 Hotz, P. E. ______________ _ 55 Houston, R. S. ____________ __ 155 Howell, D. G. ___- .. 128 Hoxie, D. T. ________________________ 108 Hubbert, M. K. _______________________ 23 Huddle, J. W. _________________ _ 54 Hudson, J. H. __________________ ___ 25 Huebner, J. S. _______ 149,235 Huffman, Claude, Jr. _________________ 19 Hull, J. E. ________________________ 116,121 Hult, G. F. ___________________________ 85 Hummel, C. L. _______________________ 65 Hunn, J. D. ...... -_ 89 Hutchinson, C. B. _ ______ 89, 91 Hyde, J. H. __________________________ 212 I Ingle, J. C., Jr. _____________________ 128 Irwin, W. P. 205 J Jackson, D. B. _______________________ 30 Jackson, E. D. ______ Jackson, N. M., Jr. __________________ 218 Jaeger, J. C. __________________________ 151 James, O. B. _________________________ 233 Jamieson, I. M. ______________________ 140 Janzer, V. J. __-- 215 Jeanloz, Raymond 48 Jenkins, E. D. ___ 100 Jenkyns, H. C. __________________ 134 Jennings, M. E. _________________ _- 135 Jobson, H. E. _ 192 Johnson, A. I. - ________________ 117,124 Johnson, C. ________________ 218,219 G Johnson, D. A Johnson, F. A. Johnson, G. H. Johnson, G. R Johnson, J G Johnson, K. G. ____________________ 217,219 Johnston, M. J. S. ________________ 199,200 Jones, B. F. 157 Jones, B. L. -_ ____________________ 112 Jones, C. L. ________________________ 216 370 Page Jones, D. L. _________________________ 69,70 Jones, J. E. __ 188 Jones, J. J. _____ _ 272 ' Jorgensen, D. G. __________ _ 115 Joyner, W. B. ____________ _ 201 Junger, Arne _______________________ 23, 127 K Kahan, A. M. ________________________ 242 Kaltenbach, J. A. 176 Kam, William ______ 223 Kaneps, A. G. __________________ 134 Karamata, Steven ______________ 156 Karklins, O. L. ______________________ 173 Katzer, T. L. ________________________ 114 Kaufman, M. I. __ 184,222 anada, K. ___: ______________________ 151 Kaye, C. A. ______________ 37 Kazmann, R. G. 122 Keefer, T. N. ________________________ 220 Keefer, W. R. -_ __________ 19, 108 Keighin, C. W. _ ___________ 27 Keil, Klaus __ _ 228 Keith, J. R. __________________________ 225 Keith, T. E. C. ______________________ 67 Kelley, J. 5., Jr. Kelly, T. L. __ Kelfs, K. R. _ Kennedy, V. C. _________________ Kernodle, D. R. Kernodle, J. M. ___________________ 179, 190 Ketner, K. B. ________________________ 54 Keys, W. S. _____ 124, 145, 193, 215 Kiilsgaard, T. H. _ 8, 264, 265, 270 Killen, J. M. _______________ 193 Kimmel, G. E. _______________________ 224 Kimrey, J. O. ________________________ 90 King, K. W. - ____________ 199 King, P. B. _- ____________ 76 Kinney, D. M. _ __ 264 Kistler, R. W. _____________________ 153,161 Kiteley, L. W. _______________________ 47 Klausing, R. L. _ Klein, J. M. Knapp, D. G. ________________________ Knebel, H. J. ________________________ 125 Knight, A. L., Jr. ___________ 88 Knottek, R. W. _________________ 180 Koch, N. C. ___ 106 Kosanke. R. M. Koski, R. A. _____________________ Koszalka, E. J. _ Koyanagi, R. Y. Kramer, T. M. _ Krause, R. E. _________________ Krimmel. R. M. Kroll, C. G. __________________________ Krushensky, R. D. ____________________ 72 Kuberry, R. W. __ .. 144 Kuhn, P. M. __________________ _ 195 Kume, Jack Kuntz, M. A. ________________________ 156 Kvenvolden, K. A. ___________________ 57 Kwan, T. V. ________________________ 179 L Lachenbruch, A. H. __________________ 140 Laenen, Antonius ______________ 114, 168, 188 Lahr, J. C. ___________________________ 199 Lajoie, K. R. ___________ 57,201, 202,204,211 Lamar, Donald _______________________ 238 Lambert, P. W. __ __ 21,25 Lambert, T. W. ____________ __-_ 93 Land, L. F. _____________________ 90,91,179 INVESTIGATOR INDEX Landis, E. R. __ Landis, G. P. - Langer, J. ____________________ Langer, W. H. _______________________ 38 Lanphere, M. A. ____________ 68,132, 153,156 Lansford, Myra ______________________ 198 LaPoint, P. J. I. _ _ 48 Lappala, E. G. ________ 103 Lara, O. G. ____________ 218 Larsen, F. D. ________________________ 38 Larson, D. C. ________________________ 119 Larson, S. P. ___ _ 84, 119, 123, 179, 223 Lathram, E. H. _ ______ 237,239 Lavery, F. G. ___ __ 284 Lawson, D. E. _______________________ 130 Leap, D. I. __________________________ 213 Leavesley, G. H. ___________________ 99, 179 Lee, F. T. ___________________________ 207 Lee, K. Y. __ 40 Lee, Reuben _____________________ 220 Lehrman, N. Leifeste, D. K. Leo, G. W. __________________________ Leonard, B. F. Leopold, E. B. Levings, G. W. Lewis, B. D. _________________________ Lidster, W. A. -- Ligon, D. T., Jr. _____________________ 236 Lillie, E. G. __________________________ 196 Limerinos, J. T. ______________________ 183 Linden, E. C. ________________________ 98 Lindholm, G. F. __ __ 85,246 Lindler, Robert ________________ ___ 239 Lindsay, J. R. __________________ _ 148, 235 Lindsey, D. A. _______________________ 4 Lindskov, K. L. ______________________ 85 Link, M. H. _____ 59 Lipman, P. W. ______________ 32, 45, 147, 153 Lobmeyer, D. H. ______________________ 223 Lockwood, J. P. _____________________ 150 Lofgren, B. E. ___________________ 33, 60, 227 ‘Lohman, S. W. - _-_- 216 Londquist, C. J. ________ __ 82, 115 Loney, R. A. ____________ __ 61 Lounsbury, R. W. ____________________ 210 Love, A. H. __________________________ 24 Love, J. D. __ Lovering, T. G. _ ________ 15 Lowham, H. W. __ 182 Lowrie, R. L. _______________________ 209 anchitta, B. K. ___________________ 230, 237 Ludwig, K. R. __ ________ 162 Lusby, G. C. _ ________ 169 Luzier, J. E. _________________________ 86 M Mabey, D. R. ________________________ 30 MacCary, L. M. _________ 108 Mach, Darrell ___________ 238 Machette, M. N. _____________________ 51 MacKenzie, F. T. ____________________ 158 MacKevett, E. M., Jr. - _ 68,69 Maclay, R. W. -___ _- 106 MacLeod, N. S. - _ 31 Main, R. J. __________________________ 143 Major, T. J. _________________________ 97 Malone, Stephen ___ 212 Malva-Gomes, A. I. 282 Mamay, S. H. _____ 174 Mankinen, E. A. 142 Mann, L. J. _________________________ Mann, W. B., IV Marler, G. D. __ Marlow, M. S. Martin, R. G., Jr. __________________ 126 Martini, E. ___________ Marvin, R. F. _-- Mast, R. F. _-- Masters, C. D. _________________ 264 Matson, N. A., Jr. __________________ 68,177 Mattick, R. E. _______________________ 20 Mattraw, H. C., Jr. _________________ 90,120 Maughan, E. K. - 22 Maxwell, C. H. 2 Maxwell, E. L. 238 May, R. J. __________________________ 162 Mayfield, C. F. ______________________ 66 Mayo, L. R. ..... ___ 124,171 McBride, M. S. -_ _____ 84 McCabe, J. A. __-- - 93 McCain, J. F. ______________________ 209 McCallum, M. E. _________________ 48, 49, 50 McCarthy, J. B., Jr. ................ 266 McCauley, J. F. ______________________ 229 McClymonds, N. E. 267 McCoy, G. A. ...................... 109,189 McCoy, H. J. _______________________ 92,121 McCrory, P. A. ____________________ 203,211 McCullough, M. M. ___________________ 134 McCullough, R. A. _ 100 McGrew L. W. __ 47 McGrew P. 0. ___ 47 McGuire, R. K. ___-.---_’ ______________ 264 McKee, E. D. ________________________ 53,77 McKee, E. H. ________________________ 31, 55 McKelvey, V. E. ______________________ 264 McKenzie, D. J. _- McKenzie, W. F. ___________________ 165 166 McLaughlin, R. J. McLean, K. S. _______________________ 284 McMahon, A. B. _____________________ McNulty, C. L. _____ McPherson, B. F. _ McPherson, E. M. _ McQueen, I. S. _______________________ Meade, R. H., Jr. ___________________ Meeks, D. C. _______ Mehnert, H. H. _ .. 6, 32, 45, 48, 50, 51 Meier, M. F. ___- _______ 124,171,247 Meisler, Harold ______________________ 86 Melvin, R. L. _________________________ 81 Mercer, J. W. __ _ 166 Merifield, Paul __ 238 Merritt. V. M _____ 6, 51 Meunier, T. K. ______________________ 282 Meyer, F. W. _________________ 121, 178, 186 Meyer, W. R. ___ _______ 107 Miesch, A. T. _________ _ 158,159 Middleburg, R. F., _ 220 Millard, H. T., Jr. ___________________ 19 Miller, C. D 212 Miller, C. H 214 Miller, F. K 60 Miller, M. H 2 Miller, M. S 9 Miller, R. F ______________________ 170,186 Miller, T. P _____________________ 63, 64, 65 Miller, W. L 186 Miller, W. R. 103 Mills, L. R. 221 Milton, D. J. 231 Minard, J. P. 40 Minkin, J. A. _____________________ 232,233 Missimer, T. M. _ _ 180 Molnia, B. F. ___ ________ _ 132 Mongan, C. E. _ ________ _ 215 Montoya, J. W. ______________________ 148 Moore, D. G. ______________________ 239,240 Moore, G. K. ______________________ 240,246 Moore, G. W. _______________________ 23,127 Moore, J. G. - _ 132,151 Moore, R. B. _________________________ 31 Page Moore, W. ___________________________ 164 Moore, W. J. _____ 3 Moran, R. E. ______________ 221 Moreland, J. A. ___________ _ 113 Morgan, B. A. _________________ 13,155 Morgan, J. O. ._- ._ 259,271 Morris, H. T. __________________ _ 54 Morris, R. H. __________________ 216 Mortensen, C. E. ___ _ 199,200 Morton, D. M. _______________________ 60 Moses, T. H., Jr._; ___________________ 140 Mosier, E. L. ___- Moxham, R. M. ______________________ 197 Moyle, W. R. ________________________ 112 Mrose, M. E. ___- __ 265 Muir, K. S. ______________________ 112 Mullineaux, D. R. _________________ 212 Muniz, Jose _____ -_ 127 Munroe, R. J. ___ ____________ 140 Murata, K. J. ___ ___________ 141,157 Murphy, J. J. ...... __ 223,224 Murphy, W. R., Jr. _____ 219 Murray, C. R. .......... 121 Musser, J. J. ______________ _- 93 Myers, V. I. ________________ _ 240 Myers, W. D. _. _ 50 Mytton, J. W. _______________________ 259 N Nace, R L _________________________ 124 Naeser, C W 55,59,150 Nash, J T. 29 Nason, R. D. ....... _- 201 Nathenson, Manuel __________________ 33, 165 Nauman, J. W. ____________________ 190,191 Neeley, B. L., Jr. ___. 182 282 225 _ 36, 210 131 Nelson, W. H. _______________________ 163 Nemickas, Bronius _ Neuman, R. B. ___ Newell, W. L. ___ Newman, K. R. --. -__- 23 Newton, J. G. ___- 226,245 Nichols, D. R. -_ __ 201,209 Nichols, L. B. _________________ 199 Nichols, T. 0., Jr. _____ _ 207 208,209 Nichols, W. D. _____________ 110 Nilsen, T. H _______________ _ 58, 59, 201 Nixon, R. C ________________ - 284 Nkomo, I. T -- _ 27 Noble, R. L. _________________________ 24,25 Nolan, T. B., Jr. _____________________ 173 Norton, A. R. 19 Norton, J. J. _________________________ 18 Norton, S. A. ________________________ 35 Norvitch, R. F. ._ _ 119, 122,246 Novitzki, R. P. - __________________ 178 Nunes, P. D. ________________________ 236 Nuss, N. W. ___ 25 Nutter, L.VJ. _- 82 Nyman, D. J. ________________________ 102 O Oakley, K P ________________________ 163 Oaks, R. Q. ......................... 13 Obradovich, J. D. ___________________ 51,163 O'Brien, N. R. ___- -_ 130 O'Connor, H. G. _ _________________ 101 O'Donnell, J. E. __ _________________ 30 O’Donnell, T. H. __ ___ 180 Oilfield, T. 'W. __ ___________ 146, 244 Ogilbee, William .. _______________ 268 O’Hara, C. J. ________________________ 36,37 INVESTIGATOR INDEX Page Olcott, P. G. _________________________ 85 Oldale, R. N. ___ __ 36,37 O’Leary, D. W. _ _________________ 38,244 Qliver, W. A., Jr. ____________________ 172 29 124 O’Neil, J. R. _____________ 160,161 Osterkamps, W. R. ______ _ 168 O’Sullivan, R. B. ________ 26 Otton, E. G. ___________ 119 Outcalt, S. I. _________________ __ 248 Ovenshine, A. T. _ 130 Overstreet, W. C. __ 15 Owens, J. P. _________________________ 40 Palaces. J. G. -- _____ 24 Palmer, C. M. 189 Pamic, Jakob 156 Pampeyan, E. H. ___ 203 Parks, W. S. ___ ______________ 210 Pascale, C. A. _ _____________ 89,222 Patton, P. C. _______ 169 Patton, W. W., Jr. _ _____ 65,67 Pavlides, Louis __________ 41 Pearl, J. E. ________________ 128 Pearson, D. L. ___________ 6 Pearson, F. J., Jr. 124 Pearson, R. C. _________________ 29 Pease, R. W. ________________________ 248 Peck, D. L. -_ 151,155 Peek, C. O. __________________________ 119 Pendleton, A. F., Jr. __________________ 118 Penman, H. L. _________ 187 Peper, J. D. __ Perkins, D. M. _____________________ 201,264 Perry, W. J., Jr. Pessel, G. H. ______ Peterson, D; H. Peterson, D. L. Peterson, D. W. Peterson, Etta Peterson, Fred Petri, L. R. _____ Pettijohn, R. A. _____________________ 81 Pezzetta, J. M. 193 Pfluke, J. H. - 200 Phair, George _ 154 Phipps, R. L. ________________________ 192 Pickering. R. J. - _____ 93,122 Pierce, K. L. __ _________ 30,209,216 Pierce, R. L. __ _______________ 175 Pierson, C. T. ___- __ 28 Pike, R. J. _______________ 231 Fillmore, C. L. _-_ ________ 42 Pinckney, D. J. ___- __ 184 Pinckney, D. M. ___- ___ 1 Pinder, G. F. ___- _- 179 Pitman, J. K. ___________ _- 18 Pitt, W. A., Jr. ________ __ 121 Plafker, George .- __ 65 Playton, S. J. ________________ _. 94, 170 Pluhowski, E. J. _____________ _ 124,250 Plummer, L. N. _ 157,158 Pohn, H. A. _________________________ 244 Pojeta, John, Poland, J. F. Pomeroy, J. S. ______________________ 36,210 Poole, F. G. _________________________ 4,22 Post, Austin 1'24,171 Potter, R. W., 111 ____________________ 33 Potter, W. D. ________________________ 218 Page Powell, J. D. _________________________ 28 Powell, W. J. _________________ 88 Pratt, W. D. _______________ 9 Prescott, W. H. _________ __ 200 Prévot, Michel __________ _- 141 Price, Donald _____ -- 109 Price, L. C. _________________________ 24 Prichard, G. E. ______________________ 45 Prinz, W. G. _____ 43 Prostka, H. J. _______________________ 48 Prugh, B. J., Jr. __________________ 218,223 Prych, E. A. ________________________ 135 Q Quifiones-Mérquez, Ferdinand _______ 189, 190 R Rabchevsky, George __________________ 240 Radbruch-Hall, D. H. -_ 206 Radtke, A. S. ._ ....... 4 Ram, N. M. ____________ 183 Ramseier, R. 0. _______ _ 194,195 Randall, A. D. ________ ..._ 86 Randall, R. G. ..... 157 Randich, P. G. _______________ 105 Randolph, W. J. ____________ 170 Rankl, J. G. ______ 183,220 217 Rasmussen, L. A. ___________________ 171, 183 Ratclifi, M. A., Jr. - 24 Ratclifie, N. M. _____________________ 35 Rathbun, R. E. _ ________________ 183 Ratté, J. C _______ 2 Rau, W. W ______________ 128 Raub, W H ___- 124 Raynolds, R. G. ........... 239 Redding, J. M. ____________ - 134 Reed, E. C. _____ 45 Reed, Lawrence 246 Reed, L, A. 168 Reed, V. S. 230 Reeves, 121 Regan, R. D. _______________________ 146,147 Reimer, G. W. 30 Reimnitz, Erk - 180 Rein, R. D. ________________________ 25 Reinemund, J. A. -_ 263,264 Reiser, H. N. ______________ 66 Repenning, C. A. __ ________ 67 Reynolds, J. B. ______ __ 242 Reynolds, M. W. _____________ 21 Rhodehamel, E. C. _- ______ 20 Rice, D. D. _________________ _ 24 Richards, D. B. ____________ __ 119 Richards, P. W. --- ___ 163 Richmond, G. M. ___________________ 165,263 Richter, D. H. _______________________ 67,68 Ridenour, James 8 Ridgley, J. L. ________________________ 155 Riggs, H. C. _________________________ 181 Rima, D. R. 95 Rinehart, C. D. _______________________ 62 Riter, J. R., Jr. _____________________ 246 Roach, J. T. Robb, J. M. Roberts, A. Roberts, A. Roberts, R. Roberts, R. ___- Robertson, A. - 90,218 Robertson, E. C. _____ __- 51 Robertson, J. B. --_ 215 Robertson, J. F. _____________ 47 Robie, R. A. _____________________ 148 Robinove, C. J. _ _ 241, 259, 264 Robins, C. M. ________________________ 284 372 Page Robinson, G. D. ______________________ 48,50 Robinson, Russell ___ Robison, J. H. ___. Robison, T. M. ________________ Robson, S. G. _________________ Roddy, D. J. _______________________ 229,232 Rodis, H. G. _________________________ 90,91 Rodriquez, R. W. _ Roedder, Edwin _____ Rogers, A. M. _______ Rogers. C. L. ________________________ Rogers, R. H. ________________________ 246 Rogers, S. M. _-__ 87 Rorabaugh, M. I. _ 187 Rosasco, G. J. ___ 148 Rose, H. F., Jr. ________________ 228, 235, 236 Rose, P. R. _________________________ 106 Rose, W. J. _________________________ 186 Rosenblum, Sam ______________________ 15 Ross, D. C. _______ 205 Ross, R. J., Jr. _______________ 7, 45, 52, 173 Rossman. D. L. 266 Rowan, L. C. _________________________ 243 Rubin Meyer, ______________________ 165,212 Ruggles, F. H., Jr. _ __ 240 Runnegar, Bruce ______ __ 176 Runner, G. S. _________ ___ 220 Rush, F. E. ________________________ 114,223 Rust, R. H. _________________________ 194 Ryder, P. D. __ 185 Rye, R. 0. ___. 161 S Sabey, Burns _________________________ 225 Saboe, C. W. _________________________ 219 Sainsbury, C. L. _____________________ 65 Sanchez, A. G. _______________________ 230 Sanchez, J. D. ______________________ 19 Sandberg, C. A. __ __ 22,173 Sanders, R. B. _______________________ 20 Sando, W. J. _______________________ 46,175 Sanford, T. B., Jr. __________________ Sarna-Wojcicki, A. M. ____________ Sass, J. H. __________ Sato, Motoaki Saulnier, G. J., Jr. ____________ Savage, J. C. ________________________ 200 Sawkins, F. J. ______________________ 161 Sayre, W. W. --_ _-_ 182 Schaber, G. G. _________ -_ 237, 244 Schaefer, D. H. ________ _ 112 Schafer, J. P. ____________________ .__ 37 Schafi‘stall, W. P. ____________________ 169 Schiner, G. R. ___- Schirmacher, E. G. __ Schlanger, S. 0. ____ __ 134 Schlee, J. S. _________________________ 125 Schleicher, D. L. _____________________ 48 Schlesinger, Benjamin _______ 253 Schmidt, P. W. __ _ __.__;_ 209 Schmidt, R. G. ___ Schmitt, H. H. ______________________ 231 Schmoll, H. R. ______________________ 208 Schneider, D. L. __ ______________ Schneider, J. J. -- Schneider, V. R. __ Schneider, W. J. ______________ _ __ 257 Schnepfe, M. M. _______________ 195,235,236 Scholl, D. W. ________________________ 130 Scholle, P. A. ________________________ 25 Schopf, J. M. _1_-__ - 272 Schornick, J. 0., Jr. ___ 183 Schroder, L. J., H ______ __ 91 Schroer, C. V. _______________________ 114 Schultz, K. J. _______________________ 44 Schwarzman, E. C. _ .234 Scott, A. G. ________ 219 INVESTIGATOR INDEX Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott, . . Scrivani, E. P. ______________________ 128 Scully, D. R. _ Seaburn, G. E. Seland, D. A. _______________________ 8, 28 Segerstrom, Kenneth _________________ 2 Seijo, M. A. _________________________ 94 Seitz, H. R. ___ _ 113 Selby, L. A. _________ _ 225 Sena, Joe __________________ 108 Senftle, F. E. __________________ 26, 147,236 Serebreny, S. M. _____________________ 238 Shacklette, H. T. _ _________ 15 Shah, N. J. ________________ 246 Shampine, W. J. __ __ 185 Shapiro, Leonard _____________________ 196 Sharp, R. P. _____ * ____________________ Sharp, W. N. -_ Shaw, D. R. __ Sheppard, R. A. Shergold, J. H. Sher-ill, M. G. ________________________ Shervais, S. W. ___- Sherwood, C. B., Jr. _ __ 92, 120,121,192, 221 Shinn, E. A. 25 Shown, L. M. ______________________ 169,182 Shride, A. F. ________________________ 39 Shulters, M. V. __ 188 Shultz, D. J. __ 183 Sigafoos, R. S. _ 192,212 Signor, D. C. _________________________ 178 Silberman, M. L. ____________________ 54,162 Silver, E. A. _____ Simmons, C. E. Simmons, G. C. Simmons, J. H. Simoni, T. R., Jr. ___________________ 59 Simons, F. S. ________________________ '7, 52 Simpson, S. G. _ ________________ 244 Sims, J. D. ______ 205 Sims, P. K. ‘ ___________________ 44 Sinclair, W. C. Singer, D. A. _________________________ Sirkin, L. A. ._ Sisler, F. D. __ Skelton, John ______________ Skinner, J. V. _______________ ___ Skipp, ’Betty _________________________ 46, 50 Skrivan, J. A. _________________ 111, 112, 179 Slack, K. V. Slack, L. J. Slagle, S. E. Sliter, W. V. Sloan, C E. Small, T A. Smith, B. D. Smith, G. 1. Smith, J G. Smith, J P. Smith, J. T. Smith, R. L. Smith, Winchell Smoot, G. F. ______________________ 124, 192 Snavely, P. B., Jr. ____________________ 128 Snider, J. L. Snyder, R. P. Sohl, N. F. ___________________________ Soister, P. E. Sorauf, J. E. 172 Sorensen, J. E. ______________________ 282 Sorensen, M. L. ______________________ 55 Stanley, W. D. _________________ 145, 146, 167 Stearns, C. O. _______________________ 144 Steele, T. D. ___________________ 122, 222, 223 Steen-McIntyre, V. C. 216 Stephens, D. W. ______________________ 183 Steppe, J. A. _________________________ 200 Stern, T. W. _________________________ 41 Stewart, G. L. _______________________ Stewart, J. H. __ Stewart, J. W. __ Stewart, S. W. __ Stone, C. G. Stone, D. B. Stone, H. L. Stone, R. B. Stoner, J. C. Strong, Alan _________________________ 237 Stuart, W. D. L _______________________ 143 Stuart-Alexander, D.‘ E. _ ___________ 234 Stuckless, J. S. - ____ 27 Stulken, L. E. ______ 100,101 Sturrock, A. M., Jr. _________________ 192 Subitzky, Seymour ____________________ 181 Sulam, D. J. _________________________ 121 Sullivan, M. W. ______________________ 27 Sumsion, C. T. __ ' 107 Sun, R. J. ________________ 215 Susag, R. H. _________________ 123 Sutclifl‘e, Horace, 91 Sutter, J. F. _________________________ 273 Sutton, A. L., Jr. _ _ 197 Sutton, R. L. ________ - 234 Swallow, L. A. _____________ 220 Swanson, D. A. _________________ 62, 150, 152 Swanson, V. E. Sweeney, J. H. _ Szabo, B. J. _-‘. Szekielda, K. H. Tabor, R. W. ________________________ Tai, Han ____________________________ Tailleur, I. L. _______________________ Tangborn, W. V. Tarr, A. C. __‘___ Tasker, G. D, ______________ 84, 185, 218, 219 Tatsumoto, Mitsunobu ______________ 160,236 Taylor, F. A. ________________________ Taylor, G. C., Jr. Taylor, J. C. _____ Taylor, M. E. _________ Taylor, 0. J. _________ Taylor, T. A. ______________________ 194,215 Terry, G. R. _________________________ Thaman, R. R. ___ Thatcher, L. L. _. Thatcher, W. R. _ Thayer, T. P. ________________________ Theodore, T. G. ______________________ 5 Thomas, C. P. Thompson, C. L. Thompson, D. G. Thompson, T. H. Thompson, W. B. Thorarinsson, Sigurd“: _______________ 241 Thordarson, William __________________ 214 Thorpe, A. N. 236 Thurber, H. K. 9 Tibbals, C. H. ________________________ 90 Tibbitts, G. 0., Jr. ___________________ 268 Tidball, R. R. ______________________ 224,225 Tilley, L. J. _________________________ 191 Page Tilling, R. I. _______________________ 150,157 Tinsley, J. C., III ___- _ 202,211 Tobin, R. L. ______________ 16’! Todd, V. R. ___ ___- 54, 61 Tomkins, D. H. _______________________ 127 Tooker, E. W. _______________________ 264 Toulmin, Priestley, III __ Tourtelot, E. B. _____________ 12 Tourtelot, H. A. _- _ 225 Towle, J. N. __________________________ 146 Tracey. J. 1., Jr. 164 Trainer, F. W. 104 Trapp, Henry, 91 Trent, V. A. 42 Trescott, P. C. 179 Trimble, D. E. 209 Troitskaya, V. . 144 Tmesdell, A. H. ________________ 141, 165. 166 Truman J. F., Jr. _____ 168,169 Trumbull, J. V. A. ___ __________ 127 Tschanz, \C. M. ...... __ 7, 8, 12, 52, 265 Tschudy, 1R. H. ____________________ 51,175 Tsivoglou, E. C. ______________________ 224 Tuchek, E. T. _________ . 8 Turner, D. L. _______________ 70 Turner, J. F., Jr. 89,187 Turner, R. M. ________________________ 192 Twenter, F. R. ______________________ 84 Tweto, O. L. ________________________ 76 Ulrich, G. E. Unger, J. D. Urban, T C V Vacher, H. L. ______________________ 158 Van Alstine, R. E. ._ 10 Van Denburgh, A. S. 223 Van Driel, J. N. ____________________ 210 Van Horn, Richard _________________ 206 Van Noy, R. M. ........ __ 8 Vedder, J. G. __-_ ________ 23,127 Viets, J. G. ______________ 16 Voight, W. M. ______________________ 282 Volckmann, R. P. ____________________ 72 von Huene, R. E. ____________________ 129 W Wagner, H. C. _________________ 23,127,203 Wagner, L. A. ______________________ 181 Wahl, K. D. ________________________ 178 Wah], K. L. ___________ 181,182 Wahrhaftig, Clyde _______ ___- 68 Walker, E. H. --_ ___ 82, 83 Walker, F. K. _ __________________ 20 Walker, G. W. ______________________ 32, 76 Walker, R L , Jr. __________________ 86 INVESTIGATOR INDEX Page Walker, Sylvia ______________________ 246 Wallace, R. E. ________________________ 206 Waller, B. G. ___ - 90,221 Waller, R. M. ___ _____ 180 Wandle, S. W., Jr _____ 83 Wang, Frank ________________________ 259 Ward, D. E. ________________________ 42 Ward, F. N. _____________ _ 16,195 Ward, P. L. ____________ 199 Warner, J. W. -- _ 112 Warren, C. G. _______________________ 28 Warren, D. K. ______________________ 192 Warren, W. M Warrick, R. E. ______________ Watkins, J. A. Watson, Kenneth ____________________ 33 Watson, R. D. ________________________ 242 Watts, K. 0., Jr. ____________________ 17 Wayenberg, J. A. ____________________ 195 Weakly, E. C. 101 Webber, E. E. Weber, F. R. Weber, G. E. Weber, W. G. Webster, D. A. ______ Webster, W. J., Jr. __ Wedow, Helmuth, Jr. Weeks, E. P. ________________________ Weeks, J. B. ________________________ Weeks, W. F. ________ Wehde, M. E. ______ Wehmiller, John _- 7 Weiblen, P. W. ______________________ 235 Weinstein, H. G. ____________________ 179 Weir, J. E., Jr. ________________ __ 214 Weis, L. A. ___________________ -_ 217 Weis, P. L. _- ' ______ 13 Welder, F. A. __________________ 99,100,179 Wells, F. C. _________________________ 102 Welsch, E. P. ________________________ 16 Wentworth, C. M. __________ 57, 201,203, 208 Wershaw, R. L. _ ___________ 184 Wesson, R. L. __ ______________ 200,201 West, W. S. _____________________ 6 Westfall, A. D. ______________________ 181 Wetlaufer, P. H. _____________________ 243 White, A. F. White, D. E. White, W. F. Whitebread, D. H. ___________________ 54 Whitehead, R. L. ____________________ Whitfield, M. 8., Jr. Whitlow, J. W. ______ Whitmore, F. 0., Jr. Wibben, H. C. ______________________ Wielchowsky, C. C. Wilcox, R. E. _____________ Wilde, D. J. ____________ Wilheit, T. T. ________________ Wilhelms, D. E. Wilhm, J. L. ________________________ Wilke, K. R. ________________________ 373 Page Wilkins, D. W. ______________________ 110 Willey, R. E. ________________________ Williams, D. R. ______________________ Williams, E. J. ______________________ Williams, J R. ______________________ Williams, N F. ___ Williams, P. L. ___ Williams, R. P. ___ Williams, R 8., Jr. Wilshire, H G. ____________________ 155,234 Wilson, J. K. 198 Wilson, K. L. 195 Wilson, W. E.. 90 Windolph, J. F. ______________________ 6,43 Winner, M. D., 94 Winograd, I. J. 124 Winter, T. C. 189 Winterer, E. L. 134 Wires, H. 0. _ 192 Witmer, R. E. 255 Wolcott, D. E. 163 Wolf, R. J. __________________________ 85 Wolfe, E. W. Wones, D. R. Wood, G. H., Jr. Wood, G. K. Wood, J. D. Wood, W. W. ________________________ Woodward, M. B. ___________________ 76 Worcester, R. D. Worl, R. G. _____ Wright, James Wright, R. H. _______________________ Wright, T. L. ______________________ 62,152 Wrucke, C. T. _______________________ 4 Y Yanosky, T. M. Yeend, W. E. __-_ Yerkes, R. F. Yotsukura, Nobuhiro __________________ 182 Youd, T. L. ___________________ 201,206,209 Young, E. J. ________________________ 162 Young, H. L. ___. _ 179 Young, H. W. __________________ 113 Z Zablocki, C. J. ____________ ‘ 147,150,157 Zachry, D. L. ___ ‘ _______ 76 Zack, A. L. __________________________ 95 Zand, S. M. __________________________ 184 Zartman, R. E. ______________________ 147 Zellweger, G. H. ____________________ 184 Zen, E-an ________ ___ 48,157 Zenone, Chester __ _______________ 118,208 Zielinski, R. A. _- ___________ 154,196,197 Zietz, Isidore ________________________ Zilka, N. ____________________________ Ziony, J. I. ____ Zohdy, A. A. R. , “30 77" 7DAYS Molluscan paleontology of the lower Miocene Clallam Formation, northwestern Washington GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 aggxry"brz:zzg;;t $3“ (7,3 %\ ”/3 I7 / I NOV 19 1976 \(i; \\ ,/ 'r ,_,< .. xx; “iiqfric; ,9?“ / (m? I 1976' Molluscan paleontology of the lower Miocene Clallam Formation, northwestern Washington By WARREN O. ADDICOTT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1976 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Serrelary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Diredor Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Addicott, Warren 0. Molluscan paleontology of the lower Miocene Clallam Formation, northwestern Washington. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 976) Bibliography: p. 36—39. Includes index. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16976 1. Mollusks, Fossil. 2. Paleontology—Miocene. 3. Paleontology—Washington (State) I. Title. II. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 976. QE801.A2 564’.09797’9 76—608062 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Priming Oflice Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024—001—0287 1-9 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract __________________________________________________ 1 Molluscan paleontology—Continued Introduction ______________________________________________ 1 Pelecypods ____________________________________________ 27 Acknowledgments ______________________________________ 3 Nuculidae ________________________________________ 27 Previous faunal studies ____________________________________ 3 Nuculanidae ______________________________________ 27 Molluscan fauna __________________________________________ 4 Solemyidae ________________________________________ 28 Biostratigraphy ____________________________________________ 6 Arcidae __________________________________________ 28 Introduction __________________________________________ 6 Glycymerididae ____________________________________ 28 Clallam Formation ____________________________________ 6 Mytilidae __________________________________________ 28 Provincial chronostratigraphy ______________________________ 12 Pectinidae ________________________________________ 29 Age and correlation ____________________________________ 12 Lucinidae ________________________________________ 30 Pillarian Stage ________________________________________ 18 Thyasiridae ______________________________________ 30 Paleoecology ______________________________________________ 18 Ungulinidae _--____-; ______________________________ 30 Bathymetry __________________________________________ 18 Carditidae ________________________________________ 30 Paleoclimate __________________________________________ 19 Cardiidae ________________________________________ 30 Molluscan paleontology ____________________________________ 20 Mactridae ________________________________________ 31 Gastropods ____________________________________________ 21 Solenidae __________________________________________ 31 Turritellidae ______________________________________ 21 Tellinidae ________________________________________ 31 Epitoniidae ________________________________________ 21 Veneridae ________________________________________ 33 Calyptraeidae ____________________________________ 21 Hiatellidae ________________________________________ 34 Naticidae __________________________________________ 22 Thraciidae ________________________________________ 34 Cassididae ________________________________________ 22 Cephalopods __________________________________________ 34 Ficidae ____________________________________________ 23 Hercoglossidae ____________________________________ 34 Muricidae ________________________________________ 23 Scaphopods ____________________________________________ 35 Neptuneidae ______________________________________ 23 Dentaliidae ________________________________________ 35 Fusinidae ________________________________________ 24 Fossil localities ____________________________________________ 35 Volutidae ________________________________________ 25 References cited __________________________________________ 36 Cancellariidae ____________________________________ 25 Index ____________________________________________________ 41 Turridae __________________________________________ 26 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] PLATE 1. Crepidula, Semicassis, Neverita, Epitonium, Trochita, Turritella, Natica, Sinum, Polinices, Ficus, Trophosycon. 2. Bruclarkia, M olopophorus, Priscofusus, Trophonopsis, Crepidula, Cancellari‘a, Rectiplanes, Trophosycon. 3. Acila, N uculana, Amharax, Yoldia, Megasurcula, Ophiodermella, Xenuroturris, Ancistrolepis, M usashia. 4. Vertipecten, Solamen, Dentalium. 5. M ytilus, Glycymeris, Lucinoma, Modiolus, Anadara, Dentalium, Cyclocardia, Clinocardium, F elaniella. 6. Sp'wula, Macoma, Conchocele, Clinocardium, Cyclocardia, Solen. 7. Spisula, Macoma, Tellina. 8. Macoma, Katherinella, Dosinia. 9. Securella, Thracia, Panopea. Page FIGURE 1. Index map showing area of the report ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 2. Generalized geologic map showing distribution of the Clallam Formation and fossil localities ________________________ 2 3—7. Photographs showing: 3. Intertidal zone exposure of Dentalium-bearing concretionary sandstone ______________________________________ 7 4. Massive fossiliferous sandy siltstone at top of the upper member of the Twin River Formation __________________ 8 5. Intertidal zone exposure of the Clallam Formation showing intensively bioturbated sandstone __________________ 9 6. Conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone lens in the Clallam Formation ____________________________________ 10 7. Intertidal zone exposure of basal concretionary sandstone of the Clallam Formation __________________________ 11 8. Chart showing stratigraphic position of fossil localities in measured sections ________________________________________ 12 9. Photograph showing chaotic blocks of sandstone in intertidal zone exposure of the Clallam Formation __________________ 13 10. Diagram showing correlation of the Clallam Formation with other sequences in the Pacific Northwest States and the provincial marine chronologies ________________________________________________________________________________ 17 III IV TABLE 1. \‘IO’CHJKCOM CONTENTS TABLES Page Mollusks from the Clallam Formation near Slip Point listed by Reagan (1909) with taxonomic revisions by D31] (1922) and names recognized in this report __________________________________________________________________________ 4 . Mollusks from the Clallam Formation, northern Olympic Peninsula, Wash __________________________________________ 5 . Stratigraphic ranges of species from the Clallam Formation in the Pacific Coast Tertiary ____________________________ 14 . Specifically identified mollusks from the Clallam Formation that are not known to occur in other formations _________ 15 . Mollusks characteristic of the Clallam Formation __________________________________________________________________ 15 . Mollusks from the Clallam Formation suggestive of a provincial early Miocene age __________________________________ 16 . New species of mollusks described here and other species believed to be new but represented by material that is inade- quate for formal description __________________________________________________________________________________ 20 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY OF THE EARLY MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON By WARREN O. ADDICOTT ABSTRACT The Clallam Formation is a predominantly marine sandstone with minor conglomerate and siltstone exposed along the Strait of Juan de Fuca in northwestern Washington. Marine mollusks occur through- out the 600— to 800-m-thick formation but are especially abundant in the lowest 240 m. New molluscan data from the Clallam provide the paleontologic base for the Pillarian Stage, a provincial time- stratigraphic unit of late early Miocene age. Until this study, the Clallam had been assigned to the middle Miocene. The new lower Miocene stage, characterized by the restricted stratigraphic range of Vertipecten fucanus (Dall) and the restricted and overlapping ranges of several other mollusks, can also be recognized in coastal Oregon and southwestern Washington. Formations coeval with the Clallam, and referable to the Pillarian Stage, include the Nye Mudstone, the lower part of the Astoria Formation in the Grays Harbor and Astoria-Grays River embayments, and at least part of the Hoh rock assemblage. On the basis of molluscan data, the Clallam Formation is also correlative with the upper part of the "Vaqueros" Stage of California and, presumably, the uppermost part of the Poul Creek Formation in the Gulf of Alaska. These correlations are compatible with evidence from benthonic foraminiferal assemblages. The molluscan fauna of the Clallam consists of 76 taxa, about evenly divided between gastropods and pelecypods. Several species are undescribed but only five new species—Semicassis pyshtensis, Priscofusus goweri, P. slipensis, Ophiodermella olympicensis, and Solamen snavelyi—are represented by material adequate for formal description. All the Clallam molluscan assemblages represent inner sublittoral depths (less than about 100 In). Qualitative analysis of these assemblages indicates a gradual shallowing during deposition of the formation. The highest strata in the Clallam contain coal beds and are presumably nonmarine. This trend is the concluding phase of an Eocene to Miocene depositional cycle in which maximum depths, as determined from foraminiferal and lithologic evidence, were attained during the Oligocene. INTRODUCTION The Clallam Formation is a moderately thick, pre- dominantly marine sequence of sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate with a limited onshore distribution along the northwestern margin of the Olympic Penin- sula, western Washington (fig. 1). The Clallam repre- sents the shallow-water regressive phase of a late Eocene to Miocene depositional cycle, the greater part of which is represented by the underlying Twin River Formation. The Clallam is exposed between Clallam Bay and mouth of the Pysht River (fig. 2). Resistant sandstone and conglomerate strata within the Clallam form a bold 12-km-long segment of coast bordered on the west and the east by generally finer grained strata of the Twin River Formation. Marine mollusks are abundant in the lowest few hundred metres of the formation, generally occurring as scattered individuals entombed in place. Molluscan assemblages also occur near the top of the formation. The Clallam may be as thick as 800 m (Gower, 1960). This report is a biostratigraphic and systematic analysis of molluscan assemblages Within the Clallam Formation. Biostratigraphic characterization of the Clallam Formation and evaluation of the biogeo- graphic significance of the fauna are both dependent upon systematic analysis of the fauna. 124° 123° w ' i m \243/7 VANCOUVER “\3‘ \ ‘ OPJ 12‘s 9 §> D I> 04,1, - 35L,» 0 Ca 6 \‘06‘ 7 A P \Q, 7;, Flattery \ <5}, BRIT] UMB‘J‘J Area of 3 \~fl"%mos report WA 1 48° _ Port Angeles Rafi; _, OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS ’U :> ('1 ._. 1; ~ ('3 Seattle OLYMPIC PENINSULA Q Q in: Q g Q ‘qllTacoma 3> .- 0 Z 47 - Aberdeen . Olympla _ I O 20 40 MILES 0 20 40 60 KILOMETRES FIGURE 1.—Index map of northwestern Washington showing area of report (fig. 2). 2 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON 124° 1 5' I [40:89, UW 270, UW 490 \ \ / M5886 M40/5/l $7394]? Slip Point M4677 , / / M4414, M4881, muss \ 48° 1 5' — Clallam Bay EXPLANATION I) 5 E Clallam Formation 2 : ll! _I|--- 45 9 E Upper member g “- Ttrc, conglomerate and sandstone En E 5 :4 .E 5 . (— Middle member Contact, approximately located Dorted where concealed Fault, approximately located U, uprhmwn side; D, downthrowrr ride ._+_. Anticline, approximately located _+_. Syncline, approximately located _fl.—o Overturned syncline, approximately located .——4 Measured section at M4414 Fossil locality 0,0 1 / 5 / /Pi||ar Point M4676, M5881 Pl LLAR POINT STATE RECREATIONAL "II" "III’; AREA 3M|LES l | l | l I 5 Kl LOMETR ES o—ro FIGURE 2. —Distribution of the Clallam Formation and fossil localities. Based on mapping by Gower (1960) with minor modifications made by Gower and Parke Snavely (written commun., January 1975). The biostratigraphy of the Clallam is of especial interest because the formation serves as the type sec- tion for the Pillarian Stage (Addicott, 1976). It is also important in recognition and correlation of the bound- ary between the provincial lower and middle Miocene. The provincial early-middle Miocene boundary has been previously placed at the contact between the Clal- lam and the underlying Twin River Formation by Moore (1963), Addicott (1970a) and other molluscan specialists. Although there is a well-defined change in the megafauna across this boundary, evidence consid— ered in this report suggests reassignment of the Clal- lam to the provincial early Miocene. Foraminiferal specialists, however, have generally placed the provin- cial Oligocene-Miocene boundary at the base of the Clallam Formation. This coastal section is well suited as a standard section because fairly diverse, shallow- water molluscan assemblages occur in both the Twin River and Clallam Formations. Benthonic foraminifers also occur across this boundary, permitting correlation with the provincial microfaunal chronology. The geographic location of the Clallam Formation is especially critical in that it provides a potential biogeographic tie between Miocene assemblages of the Gulf of Alaska and Alaska Peninsula, far to the north- west, with those of the conterminous United States (lat 33°—48° N.). The Clallam assemblages define the northernmost occurrence of a late early Miocene mol- PREVIOUS FAUNAL STUDIES 3 luscan province of relatively warm-water aspect in coastal Washington and Oregon. This province is characterized by a small, but persistent, element of mollusks that are closely related to species living in subtropical faunas at much lower latitudes along the Pacific coast. A modern taxonomic evaluation of the currently known molluscan fauna is a necessary prelude to the biostratigraphic and biogeographic analyses. Although interest in the Clallam mollusks has spanned more than 70 years since they were first noted in connection with the discovery of coal seams near the top of the formation (Arnold, 1905), there has never been a thorough taxonomic or biostratigraphic treatment of the entire fauna. A generalized systematic study of the fauna was made by Reagan (1909) who recognized 25 mollusks in the Clallam, less than one-third the number now known from the formation. Paleontologic sampling of the Clallam Formation for mollusks and other larger invertebrates during the period 1968—74 has yielded a fairly diverse fauna of 76 species of mollusks, about evenly divided between gas- tropods and pelecypods. Of the 11 taxa that are unde- scribed, only five are represented by specimens suffi- ciently well-preserved for formal description. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I was aided in my fieldwork by Parke Snavely, Jr., Rowland Tabor, Norman MacLeod, Saburo Kanno, John Miller, and James Pearl. Howard Gower and Parke Snavely provided field maps and aerial photo— graphs in addition to helpful discussions on the stratigraphy and geologic structure of the Twin River and Clallam Formations. Weldon Rau furnished data on foraminiferal assemblages from the Twin River and Clallam Formations. A. Myra Keen of Stanford Uni- versity kindly lent material from the early collections made by Harold Hannibal (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913) for photography and laboratory study. V. Stan- dish Mallory made available collections from the Burke Museum, University of Washington, for study. Saburo Kanno, Tokyo University of Education, Japan, furnished a specimen of Mytilus from Hokkaido for il- lustration here. The critical comments of Howard Gower, Ellen Moore, and Parke Snavely were benefi- cial. Fossil photography is by Kenji Sakamoto. PREVIOUS FAUNAL STUDIES Molluscan fossils of the Clallam Formation attracted the interest of several geologists during the early 1900’s after the discovery of coal seams near the top of the formation (Gilman, 1896; Arnold, 1905). Notewor- thy are the reports of Ralph Arnold (1905, 1906, 1909, and 1913 [with Harold Hannibal] ), Albert B. Reagan (1909), and Charles E. Weaver (1912, 1916a, 1916b). These geologists briefly described the stratigraphic se- quence of the Clallam Formation and also identified molluscan assemblages from the coastal area between Clallam Bay and Pillar Point. A few new mollusks were described from these exposures by Reagan (1909) and Weaver (1012). However, paleontologic investiga- tion of the larger marine invertebrates of the Clallam has not passed beyond the reconnaissance phase. Vir- tually no additional work was done on the mollusks or their biostratigraphy during the ensuing 60 years. A few publications during this period, however, do con- tain incidental references to Clallam taxa (Tegland, 1929; Etherington, 1931; Slodkewtisch, 1938; Durham, 1944; Stirton, 1960; Moore, 1963; Addicott, 1969, 1970a). While interest in the Clallam mollusks lan- guished, detailed taxonomic studies of the closely re- lated Miocene fauna of the Astoria Formation of Ore- gon and southwestern Washington (Etherington, 1931; Moore, 1963) and the early and middle Miocene faunas of the Gulf of Alaska (Kanno, 1971) were completed. Although these are useful in working with the Clallam mollusks, the fauna of the Clallam contains many taxa not previously known from Miocene formations in the Pacific Northwest States and Alaska and is sufficiently unique to warrant systematic description and analysis. Arnold (1906) included marine shale, sandstone, and conglomerate lying stratigraphically above the Eocene Crescent Formation in his original description of the Clallam Formation. Now almost all of this sequence is included in the Twin River Formation of Brown and Gower (1958). The name Clallam is retained for the uppermost part of this middle Tertiary sequence be- cause Arnold designated exposures at the very top of his formation, between Clallam Bay and Pillar Point (fig. 2), as the type locality. He recognized five faunas [faunal assemblages] in his unrestricted Clallam For- mation; only two are from the Clallam, as redefined here; the other three are from the underlying Twin River Formation. The two uppermost localities were near Slip Point (fig. 2); 18 mollusks were listed from them. Reagan (1909) first described and illustrated mollus- can fossils from the Clallam. Within the Clallam For- mation as defined here, he recognized three successive faunal “horizons”——actually assemblages—from three localities at East Clallam [near Slip Point]. One of these was described as intermediate between Arnold’s (1906) two localities that are from the redefined Clal- lam Formation. Twenty-seven of Reagan’s (1909, p. 170—173) species were from these three Miocene localities in the Clallam. Six of these species, and a variant of Tellina arctata (Conrad) [=Macoma arctata 4 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON TABLE 1.—Mollusksfrom the Clallam Formation near SlipPoint listed by Reagan (1909, p. 1 72-1 73, and 181) with taxonomic revisions by Ball (1922 ) and names recognized in this report [A larger list of mollusks from the Clallam Formation (Reagan, 1909, p. 197—198—east Clallam»Neah Bay series) includes many species from strata now mapped as Twin River Formation] Reagan (1909) Gastropods: Trochita inornata Gabb ________________________ Polynices (Lunatia?) olympidii Reagan, n. sp ,___ Polynices (Neverita) saxea Conrad ______________ Sigaretus scopulosus Conrad __________________ Pisania clallamensis Reagan, n. sp ____________ Pelecypods: N ucula (Acila) castrensis Hinds ________________ Yoldia impressa Conrad ______________________ Petunculus patulus? Pecten (Chlamys) fucanus Dall? ________________ Pecten (Chlamys) wattsi, var. morani Arnold? __ Pecten (Patinopecten) propatulus Conrad? ______ Phacoides acutilineatus Conrad ________________ Mactra gibbsana Meek ________________________ Tellina arctata Conrad ________________________ Tellina arctata, var.juana Reagan, 11. var ______ Tellina clallamensis Reagan, n. sp ____________ Metis alta Conrad ____________________________ Saxidomus gibbosus Gabb ____________________ Venus (Chione) clallamensis Reagan, n. sp ______ Venus (Chione) olympidea Reagan, n. sp. ______ Venus (Chione) angustifrons Conrad ____________ Trochita inornata Gabb ______________________ Amauropsis? oregonensis Dall D ___________________________________________ o Sinum scopulosum Conrad __________________ ?B uccinum clallamensts Reagan ______________ Nucula (Acila) conradi Meek ________________ Yoldia reagani Dall, n. nom Phacoides acutilineatus Conrad ______________ Spisula albaria Conrad ______________________ Tellina arctata (Conrad) var.juana Reagan __ Tellina arctata (Conrad) var.juana Reagan __ D0 Tellina oregonensis Conrad __________________ Marcia oregonensis Conrad __________________ Chione securis Shumard ____________________ Antigona olympidea Reagan ________________ o Cyclinella? sp ______________________________ Dal] (1922) This report ?Calyptraea sp. ______________ Not determined. Sinum scopulosum (Conrad). Bruclarkia oregonensis (Con. rad). Acila conradi (Meek). Yoldia supramontereyensis Arnold. Glycymeris sp. Vertipecten fucanus (Dall). Not determined. Vertipecten fucanus (Dall). Lucinoma acatilineata (Con- rad). Spisula albaria (Conrad). Macoma arctata (Conrad). Tellina emacerata Conrad. Not determined. Katherinella angustifrons (Conrad). Secufiella ensifera (Dall). Katherinella angustifrons (Conrad). Panopea generosa Gould ______________________ Panope abrupta Conrad ______________________ Panopea abrupta (Conrad). Teredo sp ____________________________________ Teredo sp. indet ____________________________ Teredo sp. Teredo bulbosus Reagan, n. sp ________________ Xylotrya? substriata Conrad ________________ Do. Scaphopod: Dentalium substriatum Conrad ________________ Conrad], were described as new. Dall (1922) reexamined the specimens that Reagan (1909, pls. 1—3) illustrated and made significant taxonomic revisions. These are correlated with names used in this report in table 1. Subsequent study of other collections from the up- permost part of Arnold’s (1906) Clallam Formation added a few more taxa to the known fauna; Arnold and Hannibal (1913) listed 34 species of mollusks from five localities in the Clallam, and Weaver (1916a) listed 43 species from two localities. Neither of these, nor any of the subsequent reports in which Clallam mollusks have been listed (Etherington, 1931; Durham, 1944; Moore, 1963), dealt specifically with the biostratig- raphy of the formation or the molluscan taxonomy. Relatively little work has been done on other kinds of marine organisms from the Clallam Formation. A few benthonic foraminifers have been recorded from the Clallam by Rau (1964); these, and stratigraphic relations, suggest assignment of the Clallam to the Saucesian Stage of Kleinpell (1938). A marine carni- vore was described from the Clallam Formation by Stirton (1960) who also noted the occurrence of ceta- cean bones and shark teeth. Late Paleogene and Neogene provincial molluscan stages for the Pacific Northwest States and western Dentalium? substriatum Conrad ______________ Dentalium pseudonyma Pilsbry and Sharp. Canada were described in two reports published after this manuscript was completed (Armentrout, 1975, and Addicott, 1976). Unfortunately processing of this manuscript had reached a stage where only limited referencing of these stages was feasible following final editing and completion of the artwork. MOLLUSCAN FAUNA Collections obtained during this investigation have tripled the size of the previously known fauna of the Clallam Formation. Among the previously unreported mollusks are a few newly described species— Semicassis pyshtensis, Priscofusus goweri, P. slipensis, Ophiodermella olympicensis, and Solamen snavelyi. In addition, six other mollusks appear to be undescribed but are represented by poorly preserved material in- adequate for formal description. In all, 76 molluscan taxa are identified from the Clallam (table 2). Taxonomically, gastropods and pelecypods are about evenly represented in the Clallam Formation: 34 gas- tropod and 39 pelecypod taxa. In some assemblages, however, there may be twice as many species of pelecypods as gastropods, and in individual collections pelecypods usually far outnumber gastropods in num— bers of individual specimens. MOLLUSCAN FAUNA TABLE 2. —Mollusks from the Clallam Formation, northern Olympic Peninsula, Wash. [X, present as identified; cf., similar form; a112, comparable but apparently different form;, ‘? doubtful identification] o o assazssssssesssssssmsss;g O O O Vi V‘ (D {D 50 {D to {D to {D m w 00 (D m m w v-1 v-1 v-1 v v v v <- <><><§3,1 ,‘><>< cf. Cephalopod: Aturia angustata (Conrad) ‘ X X xxf X11 cf. -¢X cf. >< Most of the Clallam genera are monospecific. A few genera, however, include several species each: Macoma, Spisula, Crepidula, Priscofusus, and Cancel- laria. Appreciable taxonomic diversity within these genera is not unusual in early and middle Miocene molluscan faunas of the middle latitudes (Loel and Corey, 1932; Moore, 1963; Addicott, 1970b). The generally poor preservation of shell material is an important factor in the systematic study of the Clal- lam molluscan fauna. Only in the silty, very fine to fine-grained sandstones of the lowest part of the Clal- lam Formation (fig. 3) are the aragonitic-shelled species preserved with original shell material. The few calcitic-shelled mollusks, such as the mytilids and the pectinids, are preserved with shell material. They con- stitute slightly more than 5 percent of the fauna. In many localities, however, internal molds of both bivalves and gastropods are preserved with fair to very good representation of the original surface sculpture. Most of the gastropods illustrated here are totally de- void of shell material but nevertheless, exhibit suffi- ciently detailed sculpture to permit confident specific identification. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Molluscan assemblages from the Clallam Formation are especially significant in the chronostratigraphic classification and correlation of the lower part of the Neogene sequence of the Pacific Northwest States. The Clallam forms the biostratigraphic base for a recently recognized provincial stage of early Miocene age, the Pillarian Stage (Addicott, 1976). New biostratigraphic data from the present study permitted recognition and definition of this stage and, for the first time, determi- nation of the boundary between it and the underlying Juanian Stage, a unit that is coeval with the upper parts of the so-called Blakeley Stage (Weaver and others, 1944, chart 11) and the Matlockian Stage (Ar- mentrout, 1975). Heretofore, there was a sizeable gap in faunal control between the type section of the upper part of the “Blakeley” Stage and the stratigraphically higher molluscan assemblages of the Clallam Forma- tion (the type section of the Echinophoria apta zone (Durham, 1944) in the upper part of the upper member of the Twin River Formation forms the biostrati- graphic basis for the upper part of the "Blakeley” Stage). Recent collections from a previously unrecog- nized fossiliferous i‘terval of a few hundred metres thickness at the to; of the Twin River Formation (USGS locs. M4676, M4682, M4688, M5881, M5882, M6374) show that the boundary between these two lower Miocene stages, the J uanian and the Pillarian, is at, or very close to, the contact between the Twin River and Clallam Formations. CLALLAM FORMATION The Clallam Formation was described by Arnold (1906) who included the entire stratigraphic sequence lying above the Eocene Crescent Formation in his unit. The name was subsequently abandoned by Arnold and Hannibal (1913) who substituted the term Monterey Formation for the pppermost 600 m of the post- Crescent sequence. heir lignitic sandstone exposed near Clallam Bay in ludes strata later assigned to the Clallam Formation ( rown and Gower, 1958; Gower, 1960). The lower par‘ of Arnold’s (1906) Clallam For- 1 ) BIOSTRATIGRAPHY FIGURE 3.—Intertidal zone exposure of Dentalium-bearing concretionary fine-grained sandstone (USGS loc. M4049) in lower part of the Clallam Formation about 3 km west-northwest of Pillar Point. mation has a complex nomenclatorial history (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913; Weaver, 1937). Current usage places the basal sandstone and conglomerate overlying the Crescent in the Lyre Formation (Brown and others, 1956) and the stratigraphically higher sequence of ar- gillaceous rock in the Twin River Formation (Brown and Gower, 1958). These units have a combined maximum thickness of about 6,300 m. The name Clallam is here retained for strata ex- posed between Slip Point, on the west, and Pillar Point, on the east, in keeping with Arnold’s (1906) original designation of strata at the very top of his formation in this area as the type locality. As recognized here con- glomerate and sandstone exposed between Last Creek and Reed Creek and along the coast from the village of Seiku westward about 5 km to the mouth of Hoko River are reassigned to the upper member of the Twin River Formation. The strata in the latter area were included by Weaver (1937, p. 173) in the Clallam For- mation. In both areas the strata contain clasts of fos- siliferous sandstone from which an assemblage of early Miocene mollusks referable to the Echinophoria apta zone of Durham (1944) has been collected. Sandstone at the top of the conglomerate near the mouth of Pysht River (USGS loc’s. M4676 and M5881) contains in situ mollusks that suggest assignment to the E. apta zone. Molluscan assemblages from the uppermost 40 m of the Twin River Formation (fig. 4; USGS loc’s. M4688, M5883, and M6374) differ appreciably from the fauna of the Clallam Formation. One species, Turritella yaquinana Addicott, suggests correlation with rocks in Oregon referable to the E. apta zone. Concurrent ranges of several other species point to a provincial early Miocene age and inclusion in the E. apta zone even though the zonal index species does not occur in these assemblages. The Clallam is estimated to be as thick as 600—800 In (Weaver, 1937; Gower, 1960). It is dominantly marine sandstone (fig. 5), but it also contains sandy siltstone and, locally, granule to cobble conglomerate (fig. 6). Thin coal beds and carbonaceous siltstone exposed in a synclinal structure near the top of the formation (Gower, 1960) indicate nonmarine deposition. The con- tact with the underlying sandy siltstone of the Twin 8 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON FIGURE 4.—Massive, fossiliferous (USGS 10c. M4688) sandy siltstone at top of the upper member of the Twin River Formation about 2.5 km west-northwest of Pillar Point. Base of l-m-thick sandstone at right edge of photograph marks the base of the Clallam Formation. River Formation is conformable and gradational (fig. 7). It is well exposed on the west flank of the anticline near Pillar Point and, also, on the east flank of the anticline near Slip Point. There is no evidence of an unconformity between the two formations as reported by Weaver (1942, p. 131, 174—175). The top of the Clal- lam is not exposed. Folding, faulting, and penecontemporaneous defor- mation in some segments of the coastal exposures of the Clallam Formation make it difficult to place many of the fossiliferous strata in stratigraphic succession and also preclude accurate determination of the overall thickness of the formation. Nevertheless, exposures of the lowest 240 m of the formation on the facing flanks of the two anticlines between Slip Point and Pillar Point (fig. 2) are relatively undisturbed. Stratigraphic sections (fig. 8) measured on the facing flanks of these two structures indicate that the contact between the Twin River Formation and the Clallam tends to be gradational. Exposures on the east flank of the anti- cline west of Pillar Point, however, are bounded by a fault (Gower, 1960) and include some giant, house-size rotated blocks theit preclude determination of the stratigraphic positibn of the fossiliferous strata near Pillar Point. The top of the measured section on the west flank of this anticline is marked by a zone of se- verely brecciated sandstone (fig. 3) that marks an east-west-trending fault. To the west of this fault there are some giant rotated blocks of sandstone (fig. 9) with a few fossiliferous strata (USGS locs. M4679 and M4680) of undetermined stratigraphic position. Strata on the northwest flank of the anticline east of Slip Point generally strike in an east-west direction and appear to be less disturbed than strata at the east end of the outcrop belt. Fossiliferous strata on the east flank of the anticline near Slip Point (USGS locs. M4414 and M4681) and on the west flank of the anticline near Pillar Point (USGS locs. M4050, M5879, M4049, M5878, M5885) can be arranged stratigraphically with a considerable degree of precision (fig. 8). Several other assemblages seem to be from this part of the Clallam Formation but they cannot be located with confidence. Although the contact of the Clallam BIOSTRATIGRAPHY 9 FIGURE 5.——Intertidal zone exposure of the Clallam Formation showing intensively bioturbated fine- to medium-grained marine sand- stone overlain by finely laminated sandstone with scattered biogenic structures. Locality is about 220 m above the base of the Clallam Formation and 3 km west-northwest of Pillar Point, with the Twin River is not exposed on the south limb of the overturned syncline at Slip Point (fig. 2), the stratigraphic position of two localities there (M6029 and M4677) are estimated to be about 130 and 180 m, respectively, above the base of the formation. The con- tact of the Clallam with the Twin River Formation is not exposed on the faulted north limb of the syncline at Slip Point (fig. 2), but localities there (M4051, M4413, and M5886) may be in the lowest 100 to 300 In of the formation, judging by lithologic similarity to better known sections. The stratigraphic position of the other fossiliferous localities cannot be determined with certainty. One of these (M4678), however, seems to be at or near the top of the formation judging by its position near the appar- ent axis of the broad synclinal structure (Weaver, 1937, pl. 14; Gower, 1960) about midway between Slip Point and Pillar Point. In view of the structural complications, the Clallam assemblages are placed in two broadly defined strati- graphic packages based on geologic mapping by Gower (1960). One includes the tectonically undisturbed basal 240 m of the formation that conformably overlie the Twin River Formation; the second includes a single locality (M4678) near the top of the formation at an undetermined interval above the lower unit, possibly as much as 800 m (Gower, 1960). Several localities can be confidently placed in stratigraphic sequence in the basal part of the Clallam (fig. 8), as previously shown, but most cannot. Most, if not all, of these other as- semblages, however, are similar to the material from the lower part of the Clallam and may well represent that part of the formation. There is a distinct faunal hiatus between molluscan assemblages of the upper member of the Twin River Formation and those of the Clallam Formation. Nearly two-thirds of the specifically determined mollusks from the Clallam (table 3) are not known to occur in the Twin River or in coeval early Miocene, or older, faunal assemblages. This faunal hiatus is attributed to the 10 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON FIGURE 6.—Steeply dipping conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone lens in the Clallam Formation that form a prominent point about 2.5 km east-southeast of Slip Point. View northwest. significantly greater taxonomic diversity of the Clal- lam fauna, a reflection of the much warmer and shal- lower water environment. Several mollusks are unique to the Clallam Forma— tion (table 4) and, for this reason, are of potential value biostratigraphically. Among these are new species de— scribed here as well as several taxa represented by individual specimens, or by poorly preserved material, that differ significantly from known species and that probably are new. Another species that occurs in the Clallam, and that is restricted in stratigraphic occur- rence to coeval strata in Oregon, is Vertipecten fucanus. This distinctive giant pectinid, which occurs in more collections than any other species, is perhaps the most characteristic mollusk in the Clallam. Its restricted stratigraphic occurrence in the middle Tertiary se- quence of coastal Oregon suggests that it can serve as a zonal index for part of the provincial early Miocene. The Clallam is best characterized biostratigraph- ically by the unique co-occurrence of several species that are also known from younger or older strata in western Washington and western Oregon. Species that appear in older stratigraphic units but that do not range into strata younger than the Clallam include: Archarax dalli (Clark), Spisula hannibali Clark and Arnold, S. sookensis Clark and Arnold, Macoma twinensis Clark, Thracia schencki Tegland, Pris- cofusus stewarti (Tegland), and Ancistrolepis rearensis (Clark). Many species that have their lowest occur- rence in the Clallam also occur in stratigraphically younger parts of the Astoria Formation of Oregon and southwestern Washington (table 3). Others that have their lowest occurrence in the Clallam and that range into strata of late Miocene age or higher include: Cre- pidula princeps Conrad, Spisula albaria goodspeedi Etherington, and Macoma astori Dall. Some of the species in these groups from the Clallam Formation are doubtfully identified. Mollusks that are characteristic of the Clallam For- mation in terms of frequency of occurrence are given in table 5. Most of these have a stratigraphic distribution that is limited to the Clallam and to the middle Miocene Astoria Formation of Oregon, as indicated in the table. One pelecypod, Vertipecten fucanus (Dall), is BIOSTRATIGRAPHY 1 1 FIGURE 7 .—Intertidal zone exposures of basal 14-m-thick fine-grained concretionary sandstone of the Clallam Formation about 2.5 km west-northwest of Pillar Point. Sandstone at right edge of photograph is 2 m thick. View southwest. restricted to the Clallam and to the coeval late early Miocene Nye Mudstone as well as other formations of this age. Analysis of the few assemblages from tectonically .undisturbed sections in the lowest 240 m of the Clal- lam Formation indicates certain faunal changes that may be of local biostratigraphic significance. Several species from the lowest parts of the Clallam do not range into stratigraphically higher assemblages. Collections from the basal 60 m of the Clallam (locs. M4050 and M5879) contain several mollusks restricted to this stratigraphic interval: Archarax dalli (Clark), Anadara aff. A. lakei (Wiedey), Modiolus n. sp.? aff. M. restorationensis Van Winkle, Conchocele disjuncta Gabb, and M usashia indurata (Conrad). This collection is from a moderately deep sublittoral assemblage, sig- nificantly deeper than stratigraphically higher ones in the Clallam. The absence of these species from higher assemblages in the Clallam, together with the appear- ance of many shallow inner sublittoral mollusks, points to a shallowing of the depositional environment. This change of bathymetric facies reflects the regres- sive phase of an Eocene to Miocene depositional cycle in northwestern Washington. Faunal change in the stratigraphically higher as- semblage from locality M4414, which is believed to be from a somewhat higher stratigraphic position (fig. 8) seems to reflect continued shallowing of the deposi- tional environment. This assemblage is smaller than that from M4050 and M5879, yet more than half of the taxa are not represented in the stratigraphically lower collections. It is composed principally of inner sublit- toral bivalves that reflect the inferred shallowing of the depositional environment. Only one species, Semicassis pyshtensis n. sp., is restricted to this as- semblage. By far the largest assemblage from the Clallam is from a stratigraphic interval about 190—210 In above the base of the formation (locs. M4049 and M5878). Several species are restricted to this interval: Clinocardium n. sp. aff. C. nuttalli (Conrad) Moore, Macoma cf. M. twinensis Clark, Priscofusus aff. P. geniculus (Conrad), Priscofusus cf. P. stewarti (Teg- land), Cancellaria cf. C. siletzensis Hanna, C. cf. C. 12 Pillar Point area Slip Point area Fault '.-': <—M6373 ‘- }-M4049,M5878 ‘7‘““4677’ South flankof syncline at Slip +?—(M6029) P°'"‘ Clallam Formation . M4414,M4681 . . J-_- (Float in rock slide) — . .~ }M4050,M5879 No exposures Rock slide }M6375 (From cliff west of slide) } M4688,M5883 —-----— _____ }M6374 Upper member of the Twin River Formation EXPLANATION Sandstone _~j .Q'. . Concretionary C? ..© sandstone 100 METR ES - —- Silty sandstone Sandy siltstone and mudstone FIGURE 8.—Stratigraphic position of fossil localities in measured sec- tions of the Twin River and Clallam Formation near Pillar Point and Slip Point. O simplex Anderson, and C. wynoocheensis Weaver. The presence of so many seemingly restricted species is di- rectly related to the unusually large number of species in the assemblage. It probably also reflects the com- mingling of mollusks from different communities, in- asmuch as this assemblage is from layered shell ac- cumulations possibly brought together by storm waves whereas those from almost all of the other localities in the Clallam consist of widely scattered mollusks depos- ited in place. Differences between these collections from the low- est 200 m—those from the basal 60 In and those from 190 to 210 m—of the Clallam may prove useful in characterization and recognition of units within the lower part of the formation. However, because they seem to be influenced, to a large degree, by progressive shallowing and, perhaps, warming of the depositional environment, regional chronologic significance cannot be attached to them. The small assemblage from what is believed to be MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON the upper part of the Clallam Formation (loc. M4678), about midway between Pillar Point and Slip Point, has only three species that do not occur in collections from the lower part of the formation. One is a poorly known tellinid, Macoma n. sp. aff. M. secta (Conrad). Another, a split-ribbed form of Anadara devincta (Conrad), which occurs elsewhere in strata assigned to the Pil- larian Stage is not, therefore, indicative of a signifi- cantly younger age than assemblages from the lower part of the Clallam. The third species, N uculana che- halisensis (Weaver), is known from middle Miocene strata in Oregon and California. This highest collection from the Clallam is not con- sidered to represent a distinct biostratigraphic unit, as there is a very close similarity, if not identity, with assemblages from the lower part of the formation. Ac- cordingly, all the faunal assemblages from the Clallam are here regarded as representing a single biostrati- graphic unit, of late early Miocene provincial age, cor- relative with the upper part of the “Vaqueros” Stage of California. PROVINCIAL CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY AGE AND CORRELATION Molluscan specialists have generally assigned the Clallam Formation to the provincial middle Miocene. There is a very strong resemblance between the Clal- lam molluscan assemblages and the well-known mid- dle Miocene molluscan fauna of the Astoria Formation of Oregon, a fact long evident to stratigraphers (Ar- nold, 1906; Arnold and Hannibal, 1913; Ethering‘ton, 1931). Many species in the Clallam also occur in the fauna of the "Temblor” Stage of central California, the standard for the provincial middle Miocene, therefore some specialists considered the Clallam to be coeval with the “Temblor” Stage (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913; Etherington, 1931; Durham, 1944; Addicott, 1969). Until now, however, data on the Clallam fauna were so few that correlation with the California sequence was doubtful (Addicott, 1970a, p. 36). The stratigraphic occurrence of several of the mol- lusks now known from the Clallam (table 6) suggests that the formation is of provincial early Miocene age. These assemblages indicate correlation with the upper part of the "Vaqueros” Stage of the California Coast Ranges. This relation is implicit in the foraminiferal correlations between the Clallam Formation and California Coast Range sections based on benthonic assemblages (Kleinpell, 1938; Rau, 1964). Still, most, if not all, of the previous age assignments of the Clal- lam by molluscan specialists (Etherington, 1931; Durham, 1944; Moore, 1963; Addicott, 1967, 1969, 1970b) have been middle Miocene, or have implied a PROVINCIAL CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 13 FIGURE 9.—Chaotic blocks of sandstone in intertidal zone exposure of the Clallam Formation about 1 km west of triangulation station at Pillar Point. Concretionary bed extending from lower left toward upper right defines a west-northwest dipping block underlain by a provincial middle Miocene age by correlation of this fauna with the Barker’s Ranch fauna of the Temblor Formation (Addicott, 1970a) of the San Joaquin basin, California. And these age assignments have not dealt directly with the disparity in correlation based on foraminifers. The evidence suggesting revision of the provincial age of the Clallam is primarily from molluscan data. Species given in table 6 suggest, in their totality, a provincial early Miocene age. Because of doubtful identifications of some species and limited strati- graphic range data for others, practically all of these mollusks cannot here be considered as index species at this time. Spisula sookensis, an early Miocene species from southwestern British Columbia, is not known to occur in strata of middle Miocene age in the Pacific North- west. Similarly, the Oligocene and early Miocene species Archarax dalli suggests a pre-middle Miocene age. The doubtfully identified species, S. hannibali, Thracia schencki, and Macoma twinensis are known north-northeast dipping block in the lower right indicated by con- cretionary lenses striking toward lower right hand corner of photo- graph. View north. only from the late Oligocene and early Miocene “Blakeley” or Matlockian Stage of this region. Two other bivalves are more diagnostic of provincial age and correlation. M ytilus n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi is known elsewhere in the eastern North Pacific only from the early Miocene “Vaqueros” Stage of California (Allison and Addicott, 1976). This rugose species has sometimes been confused with the middle Miocene index M. middendorffi (Allison and Addicott, 1976), a species that may be its progeny. The more commonly occurring and more Widespread pectinid, Vertipecten fucanus, provides the strongest evidence of an early Miocene age in terms of the mega-invertebrate se— quence. According to J. T. Smith (oral commun., Sep- tember 1974: UCMP loc. B1660), this species occurs in the lower Miocene J ewett Sand of the San Joaquin ba- sin, California, a unit that also carries lower Saucesian benthonic foraminifers. In the Newport Embayment of the northwestern Oregon coast, VL' fucanus appears in the early Miocene (Addicott, 1974) and occurs strati- graphically below Patinopecten propatulus, a wide— 14 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON TABLE 3.—Stratigraphic ranges of species from the Clallam Formation in the Pacific Coast Tertiary [Ranges indicated by a dotted line (. . ,) are of species not known to occur in other formations. No attempt is made to show relative stratigraphic occurrence within the Clallam. Ranges shown for doubtfully identified mollusks (i.e., Natica cfi N. clarki) indicate the known stratigraphic occurrence of the unequivocably identified species. Pacific Northwest stages are from Armentrout (1975) and Addicott (1976)] Miocene Series ____________________________________ Ol' Lower Middle Upper California molluscan stage _________________________ Unnamed "Vaqueros" "Temblor" "Margaritan" "Blakeley" Pillarian Newportian Wishkahan Pacific Northwest molluscan stage _________________ Matlockian Juanian Montesano Formation of Weaver (1912) Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Twin RiVEr Formation, Astoria upper member Clallam Formation Formation Pelecypods: Acila conradi (Meek) ________________________________ Nuculana calkinsi (Moore) __________________________ N uculana chehalisensis (Weaver) ____________________ N uculana elmana Etherington ______________________ Yoldia supramontereyensis Arnold __________________ Archarax dalli (Clark) ______________________________ Anadara devincta (Clark) ___________________________ Anadara aff. A. lakei (Wiedey) ______________________ . . . . . . . ...... Modiolus n. sp.? aff. M. restorationensis Van Winkle _- ........ . . . . . Mytilus n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi Makiyama ________ Solamen snauelyi, n. sp. ____________________________ Vertipecten fucanus (Dall) __________________________ Lucinoma acutilineata (Conrad) ______________________ Conchocele disjuncta Gabb __________________________ Feloniella parilis (Conrad) __________________________ Cyclocardia subtenta (Conrad) ______________________ Clinocardium n. sp. aft". C. nuttalli (Conrad) Moore ____ Spisula albaria (Conrad) ____________________________ Spisula albaria goodspeedi Ethering‘ton ______________ Spisula cf. S. hannibali Clark and Arnold ____________ Spisula sookensis Clark and Arnold __________________ Solen conradi Dall __________________________________ Tellina emacerata Conrad __________________________ Macoma albaria Conrad ____________________________ Macoma arctata (Conrad) ____________________________ Macoma astori Dall ________________________________ Macoma sookensis Clark and Arnold _________________ Macoma n. sp.? Moore ______________________________ Macoma n. sp. aff. M. secta (Conrad) _____-____: _____ .. . . .. . . . Macoma cf. M. twinensis Clark ______________________ Katherinella angustifrons (Conrad) __________________ Dosinia whitneyi (Gabb) ____________________________ Securella ensifera (Dall) ____________________________ Panopea abrupta (Conrad) __________________________ Panopea ramonensis (Clark) ________________________ Thracia trapezoides (Conrad) ________________________ Thracia cf. T. schencki Tegland ______________________ Cephalopod: Aturia angustata (Conrad)? __________________________ Gastropods: Turritella oregonensis (Conrad) ______________________ Epitonium clallamense Durham ______________________ Trochita n. sp. Moore ________________________________ Crepidula praerupta Conrad ________________________ Crepidula princeps Conrad __________________________ ~ Crepidula rostralis (Conrad) ________________________ Natica cf. N. clarki Etherington ______________________ Natica vokesi Addicott ______________________________ Neverita jamesae Moore ____________________________ Polinices victorianus Clark and Arnold ______________ Sinum scopulosum (Conrad) ________________________ Semicassis pyshtensis, n. sp. _____________________________ . ....... Ficus modesta (Conrad) ______________________________ Trophosycon clallamensis (Weaver) ............................... Ancistrolepis rearensis (Clark) ______________________ Bruclarkia oregonensis (Conrad) ____________________ Bruclarkia yaquinana (Anderson and Martin) ________ Molopophorus n. sp. aff. M. newcombei (Merriam) _-__ .. . . ......... PROVINCIAL CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 15 TABLE 3.—Stratigraphic ranges of species from the Clallam Formation in the Pacific Coast Tertiary—Continued Miocene Series, ,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,, Oligocene Lower Middle Upper California molluscan stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Unnamed "Vaqueros” “Temblor” “Margaritan” "Blakeley" Pillarian Newportian Wishkahan Pacific Northwest molluscan stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matlockian Juanian F t’ Twin River Formation A toria Montesano (Irma 10“ 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777 upper member l Clallam Forination Formation 0f Formation Weaver (1912) Gastropods:—Continued Priscofusus aff. P. geniculus (Conrad) Moore __________ Priscofusus goweri, n. sp _____________________________ Priscofusus cf. P. stewarti (Tegland) __________________ ............. Priscofusus slipensis, n. sp ___________________________ M usashia indurata (Conrad) ________________________ Cancellaria birchi Addicott __________________________ Cancellaria cf. C. oregonensis Conrad ________________ Cancellaria cf. C. siletzensis Hanna __________________ Cancellaria cf. C. simplex Anderson __________________ Cancellaria wynoocheensis Weaver __________________ Xenuroturris antiselli (Anderson and Martin) Ophiodermella olympicensis, n. sp. __________________ Megasurcula cf. M. wynoocheensis (Weaver) __________ Scaphopods: Dentatium pseudonyma Pilsbry and Sharp ____________ Dentalium schencki Moore __________________________ spread species restricted to the provincial middle Miocene. Data presented by Moore (1963, table 2) show that these two taxa have virtually exclusive strati- graphic distributions in the Newport Embayment. Oc- currences of V. fucanus are in strata mapped as Nye Mudstone (Snavely and others, 1969; 1976) whereas those of Patinopecten are in the stratigraphically higher Astoria Formation. At or near the Nye-Astoria contact, however, Moore (1963, table 2, ICC. 181) does report the two taxa from the same locality. This co- occurrence is believed to be the transitional overlap between the two species. The co-occurrence of these genera in an old collection from Astoria, Oreg. (Moore, 1963, table 2, loc. 121), may represent the same situa- tion. It is also possible that this collection includes material from a substantial stratigraphic interval—— both the early and middle parts of the section there— TABLE 4.—Specifically identified mollusks from the Clallam Forma- tion that are not known to occur in other formations Gastropods: Semicassis pyshtensis, n. sp. Trophosycon clallamensis (Weaver) Molopophorus n. sp. aff. M. newcombei (Merriam) Priscofusus goweri, n. sp. Pelecypods: Anadara aff. A. lakei (Wiedey) Modiolus n. sp.? aff. M. restorationensis Van Winkle Macoma n. sp. aff. M. secta (Conrad) as the older collections from the Pacific coast com- monly do. The uniquely orbicular species Macoma n. sp. Moore (1963) also occurs in the Nye Mudstone and the Clal- lam Formation. This distribution complements the provincial early Miocene distributions of M ytilus n. sp. and Vertipecten fucanus. Three gastropods are especially suggestive of pro- vincial early Miocene age. Ancistrolepis rearensis has TABLE 5.-—Mollusks characteristic of the Clallam Formation (species that are identified, without doubt, from at least six collections) [Species marked with an asterisk (*l also occur in the provincial middle Miocene fauna of the Astoria Formation and, so far as is known, are restricted to the lower Miocene Pillar- ian Stage and middle Miocene Newportian Stage] Gastropods: *Trochita n. sp. *Bruclarkia yaquinana (Anderson and Martin) *Ophiodermella olympicensis, n. sp. Pelecypods: *Nuculana calkinsi (Moore) Vertipecten fucanus (Dall) *Cyclocardia subtenta (Conrad) Spisula albaria (Conrad) Tellina emacerata Conrad *Macoma albaria Conrad *Katherinella angustifrons (Conrad) *Securella ensifera (Dall) Thracia trapezoides (Conrad) Scaphopod: *Dentalium schencki Moore 16 been previously recorded only from the late Oligocene and early Miocene <”Blakeley” Stage [=Matlockian Stage of Armentrout, 1975]. Priscofusus aff. P. geniculus (Conrad) Moore is restricted to exposures of the Nye Mudstone in coastal Oregon (as mapped by Snavely and others, 1976) and is bracketed, strati- graphically, by occurrences of Vertipecten fucanus (Dall) (Moore, 1963, table 2). Its occurrence strati- graphically below the Patinopecten propatulus as- semblages of the middle Miocene Astoria Formation is likewise suggestive of provincial early Miocene age. Molopophorus n. sp. aff. M. newcombei seems to form a phylogenetic link between the early middle Miocene M. matthewi Etherington and the early Miocene species M. newcombei. It is suggestive, therefore, of a provincial late early Miocene age. Another gastropod that is doubtfully identified because of poor preserva- tion, Priscofusus cf. P. stewarti, may be identical to a species known only from the provincial early Miocene of the Pacific Northwest. Long-range correlation with central and southern California based on benthonic foraminifers (Rau, 1964) substantiates a late early Miocene provincial age for the basal part of the Clallam Formation in terms of the California sequence. The boundary between the Zemorrian and Saucesian stages is at, or very close to, the contact between the Twin River Formation and the overlying Clallam Formation (Rau, 1964); the basal part of the Clallam is presumably of early Saucesian age inasmuch as there is no indication of a depositional hiatus between the two formations (fig. 3 and Gower, 1960). This microfaunal boundary, as discussed by Ad- dicott (1973, 1974), falls within the lower Miocene "Vaqueros” Stage of the California provincial mega- invertebrate chronology; in California the lower part of the Saucesian Stage is equivalent to the upper part of the “Vaqueros” Stage. The “Vaqueros” Stage is based on tropical and subtropical species restricted to California and more southerly latitudes during the early Miocene. In the Pacific Northwest, the early Miocene is represented by the cooler water molluscan assemblages of the J uanian Stage [=upper part of the “Blakeley” or Matlockian Stage] and the overlying fauna of the Pillarian Stage, represented by the Clal- lam Formation and the Nye Mudstone. Although the discrepancy between mollusks and foraminifers in provincial age classification of the Clal- lam Formation—early Miocene versus middle Miocene—has long been apparent, it seems to have been disregarded, perhaps because of the reported un- conformity at the base of the Clallam and the alleged erosion of more than 600 m of the upper member of the Twin River Formation (Weaver, 1937, p. 175; Weaver and others, 1944). This supposed unconformity has MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON been regarded, at least by some specialists (Weaver and others, 1944), as representing the missing early Miocene “Vaqueros” Stage. It is shown by Durham (1944, fig. 7) as a faunal hiatus between the two forma- tions. In actuality, data considered here show that as- semblages from the basal part of the Clallam are coeval with the fauna of the early Miocene “Vaqueros” Stage of California as are those from the uppermost part of the Twin River Formation (Addicott, 1967). These assemblages are not, as previously maintained (Durham, 1944; Addicott, 1969), coeval with the mid- dle Miocene fauna of the “Temblor” Stage. There is, therefore, no faunal disconformity or hiatus between the two formations as is clearly implied by the con- formable and gradational lithologic contact first re- ported by Gower (1960). Correlation of the Clallam Formation with other key sequences on the Pacific coast is shown in figure 10. Of note is the evidence for assignment of the Astoria For- mation of the Newport Embayment, Oreg., t0 the pro- vincial middle Miocene. Howe (1926), Moore (1963), and Addicott (in Snavely and others, 1964) have corre- lated the Astoria molluscan fauna with the middle Miocene “Temblor” Stage of California. Foraminiferal studies support this correlation. Rau (in Snavely and others, 1964) has shown that benthonic foraminifers from the Astoria Formation and the Nye Mudstone which unconformably underlies the Astoria Formation in the Newport Embayment are of Saucesian age. The Astoria can be referred to the upper part of the Sauce- sian Stage on the basis of the reported occurrence of upper Saucesian foraminifers in the upper part of the underlying Nye Mudstone by Heacock and Boyd (1954). According to Rau (in Snavely and others, 1964) it may also contain assemblages of Relizian age. Pre- sumably most of the Nye Mudstone, including the localities from which distinctive pre-middle Miocene assemblages containing Vertipecten fucanus have been TABLE 6.—Mollusks from the Clallam Formation suggestive of a pro- vincial early Miocene age Pelecypods: Archarax dalli (Clark) Macoma cf. M. twinensis Clark Macoma n. sp. Moore Mytilus n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi Makiyama Spisula sookensis Clark and Arnold Spisula cf. S. hannibali Clark and Arnold Thracia cf. T. schencki Tegland Vertipecten fucanus (Dall) Gastropods: Ancistrolepis rearensis (Clark) Epitanium clallamense Durham Molopophorus n. Sp. aff. M. newcombei (Merriam) Priscofusus aff. P. geniculus (Conrad) Moore Priscofusus cf. P. stewarti (Tegland) PROVINCIAL CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 17 Benthonic California Pacific Northwest Northern Southwestern Newport Embayment, Gull of Alaska Provincial foraminiferal molluscan molluscan Olympic Mountains Washington Oregon Yakataga District series Stage (W Stag: th Stage Washington (Wolfe and McKee, 1972; (Snavalv and others, (Kanno, 1971; Miller, (Kleinpell,1938) ”4:13:20: 1:72) (Addicott,1976) (This report) Ran, 1967) 19693.1974) 1971) Luisian(?) and . Relizian Middle -+ ------ . Astoria Yakataga . "Temblor" New ortian . Miocene p Formation Formation S . Astoria . 1 I aucestan Formation . . Clallam Nye Pillarian . Formation Mudstone Lower Miocene '1 " Vaqueros Upper part of Y uina Poul»Creek Juanian aq . Formation Formation Upper member of Upper part of Zemorrian Twin River Lincoln Creek Formation Formation lJPDGI' Unnamed Matlockianuor Upper part ”1 Oligocene Blakeley Alsea Formation FIGURE 10.—Correlation of the Clallam Formation with other sequences in the Pacific Northwest States and the provincial marine chronologies. collected, are of early \ Saucesian age. Elsewhere in Oregon and in southwestern Washington (fig. 10) the lower part of the Astoria Formation is of provincial early Miocene age. The fauna of the Clallam Formation may be coeval with molluscan assemblages from the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation at the head of the Gulf of Alaska. The percentage of species in common with the Poul Creek is small (Kanno, 1971, table 4), perhaps because of the much cooler water aspect of the Alaskan early Miocene fauna. Collections from the uppermost 200 m of the Poul Creek Formation in a measured sec- tion at Cape Yakataga (Kanno, 1971) contain meager assemblages with few stratigraphically distinctive species. One of these, however, Ancistrolepis rearensis (Clark), is restricted to the lower Miocene of north- western Washington. Two mollusks that are restricted to the Pillarian Stage represented by the Clallam Formation and its molluscan fauna do occur in the upper part of the Poul Creek, but their stratigraphic position within that interval is not known. These species are Vertipecten fucanus [V. sp. Kanno (1971)] and Epitonium clallamense Durham. Mollusks that do not range into post-early Miocene strata in Oregon and Washington and correlative strata in California, Aturia, M usashia weaveri (Tegland), Thracia schencki Tegland, and Acila gettysburgensis (Reagan), also occur in the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation (Kanno, 1971; MacNeil, in Miller, 1971). Elsewhere in the lower and upper parts of the Poul Creek, Liracassis apta (Tegland), a species restricted to the Juanian Stage—the lower part of the lower Miocene of Oregon and Washington, has been recorded from several localities (see Kanno, 1971). Close to two-thirds of the mollusks from the Clallam also occur in the middle Miocene part of the Astoria Formation—the Newportian Stage—0r are rep- resented by closely allied, possibly conspecific, taxa (table 3). Several Clallam species, however, are re- stricted to formations of provincial early Miocene age in addition to many others whose concurrent strati- graphic ranges, or position in an inferred evolutionary sequence, are indicative of a pre-middle Miocene age. The strong similarity between the late early Miocene (Pillarian) fauna of the Clallam and the younger mid- dle Miocene (Newportian) fauna of the Astoria Forma- tion is not unique among middle latitude early and middle Miocene faunas of the eastern North Pacific. The faunas of the lower Miocene "Vaqueros” and the middle Miocene “Temblor” Stages of California also have many species in common. Consequently, differ- entiation between these California stages is difficult. In comparison with middle Miocene faunas, the early Miocene faunas of both the “Vaqueros” and the Clal- lam Formation are characterized by a much lower level of taxonomic diversity. This relation further compli- cates recognition and differentiation of provincial early Miocene faunal assemblages. In summary, reevaluation of the provincial age of the Clallam Formation, based principally on new 18 faunal data and further analysis of the stratigraphic ranges of key species in other Pacific coast sequences, suggests that the molluscan assemblages of the Clal- 1am Formation are of early Miocene rather than mid- dle Miocene provincial age. They represent the later part of the provincial early Miocene and are readily separable from the fauna of the J uanian Stage and the coordinate upper parts of the “Blakeley” and Matlock- ian Stages [Echinophoria apta Zone of Durham (1944)]. They form the faunal basis for the recently named Pil- larian Stage (Addicott, 1976). Benthonic foraminiferal correlations with the provincial microfaunal standard sections in California (Kleinpell, 1938; Rau, 1964) support this reassignment. PILLARIAN STAGE The Clallam Formation has been designated the type section for the Pillarian Stage (Addicott, 1976). This stage, which represents the upper part of the lower Miocene of Oregon and Washington (fig. 10), is represented by the fauna of the Nye Mudstone of the Newport Embayment, the lower part of the Astoria Formation in the type area near Astoria, Greg, and in the Grays River quadrangle and possibly other areas in southwestern Washington, and the Hoh rock as- semblage (Rau, 1973) of the western margin of the Olympic Mountains, Wash. The Pillarian is equivalent to the upper part of the so-called Vaqueros Stage (see Addicott, 1972) of the California Coast Ranges. PALEOECOLOGY BATHYMETRY All the molluscan assemblages from the Clallam Formation represent inner sublittoral depths (less than 100 m). Qualitative analysis of assemblages from the tectonically undisturbed sections in the lower part of the Clallam Formation (fig. 8) points to a gradual shallowing of the depositional environment. This trend is an extension of the shallowing of depositional envi- ronments in the upper part of the Twin River Forma- tion indicated by benthonic foraminiferal assemblages (Rau, 1964). This shoaling is the concluding phase of an Eocene to Miocene depositional cycle in which maximum deepening took place during the Oligocene. Elsewhere in western Washington the concluding phase of the transgressive-regressive cycle is rep- resented by the middle Miocene part of the Astoria Formation (Rau, 1967, p. 25; Wagner, 1967). The stratigraphically lowest assemblage from the Clallam (10c. M6375) consists of a few taxa suggestive of deposition in the middle part of the sublittoral zone. Most of these species also occur in the much larger, and more environmentally definitive, collections from a MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON 7 -m interval nearly 60 m above the base of the Clallam (locs. M4050 and M5879). Modern depth ranges of gen- era and species composing this assemblage suggest dep- osition in the middle to lower parts of the inner sub- littoral zone—possibly 50—75 m. Species composing this assemblage occur as isolated individuals, presum- ably in place. The bivalves are articulated. The as- semblage is moderately large for the Clallam—25 species—but considerably smaller than a stratigraphi- cally higher assemblage of current or storm wave de- posited mollusks that occurs about 130 m stratigraphi- cally higher in the section (loc. M4049). The basal assemblage from the Clallam contains a few living species of moderately deep inner sublittoral aspect: Conchocele disjuncta Gabb, Panopea abrupta (Conrad), and Thracia trapezoides (Conrad). Available data on the depth ranges of these species in the modern eastern North Pacific indicate an overlap in the inter- val between 18 and 75 m (Kanno, 1970; unpub. data from Rae Baxter [Thracia] and Lynn Glover [Panopea]). Other mollusks characteristic of moderate depths in the sublittoral zone, but that extend down- ward well into the bathyal zone, include Archarax, Lucinoma, Solamen, and M usashia. Collectively, these mollusks suggest that water depths were in the lower part of the interval indicated by living species— probably no shallower than 50—7 5 m. Archarax lives at depths greater than about 110 m off the eastern North Pacific coast today. M usashia is locally extinct but is represented by species that live at depths of 100 m or greater off the coast of Japan (Habe, 1964). The other genera are suggestive of somewhat shallower water conditions in terms of their known depth ranges. Sol- amen ranges from about 30 m into the upper bathyal zone (Soot-Ryen, 1955) along the Pacific coast, and Lucinoma annulata (Reeve), a homologue of the Oligocene and Miocene species L. acutilineata, ranges from about 15 m (Smith and Gordon, 1948) to bathyal depths (Parker, 1963) in the eastern North Pacific. The outer sublittoral environment suggested by modern bathymetric data for M usashia and Archarax seems anomalously deep for this assemblage in that many of the other mollusks are of inner sublittoral aspect. For this reason, it is inferred that during the early Miocene these two genera were living at some- what shallower depths than they are now found and that they were not restricted, as indicated by their modern bathymetric occurrences, to the outer part of the sublittoral zone or greater depths. A somewhat higher assemblage from the east flank of the anticline near Slip Point (loc. M4414) records shallowing to depths in the middle to upper part of the inner sublittoral zone. Most of the species in it also occur in the collections from the lowest 55 m of the PALE OECOLOGY Clallam, but there are none of the deeper water indi- cators. Among the mollusks not found in stratigraphi- cally lower collections, Mytilus n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi Makiyama is probably the most signifi- cant bathymetric index. Mytilus is characteristic of shallow inner sublittoral to intertidal depths along the eastern North Pacific coast today. It is of fairly com- mon occurrence in this and other localities in the lower 300 m of the Clallam, but does not occur in the lowest 55 In of the formation. The appearance of Dosinia is also suggestive of shallower water conditions as well as probable increase in marine water temperature in terms of its modern distribution in the eastern North Pacific (Keen, 1971). By far the largest assemblage (locs. M4049 and M5878) in the lower part of the Clallam Formation is from intertidal zone exposures on the west flank of the anticline near Pillar Point about 190—210 In above the base of the formation (fig. 8). Fossils in this assemblage occur as layered concentrations whereas stratigraphi— cally lower fossils occur as isolated individuals, appar- ently in place. The larger size of the assemblage from localities M4049 and M5878 may well be due to the mode of formation as current or storm wave concentra- tions; the assemblage may include specimens from more than one community. The size of the assemblage from localities M4049 and M5878 permits qualitative comparison with the mod- erately large assemblage from near the base of the Clallam (loc. M4050). It is interesting to note that none of the deeper sublittoral genera and species from the lowest assemblage (M4050) reappear in this one, par- ticularly in View of the fact that this assemblage may include representatives from more than one biotope. There are several mollusks that do not occur in strati- graphically lower collections. And these are suggestive of inner sublittoral depths appreciably shallower than near the base of the Clallam—possibly from about 15 to 35 m. Shallow inner sublittoral depths are suggested by the occurrence of Clinocardium n. sp. aff. C. nuttalli, Yoldia supramontereyensis, and the abundance and diversity of mactrids comparable to species living at depths of less than 35 m along the Pacific coast (Smith and Gordon, 1948; Quayle, 1973). An upper limit of about 15 to 20 m for the large assemblage from M4049 and M5878 is indicated by mollusks that are either still living today or are closely related and perhaps ancestral to living species: Thracia trapezoides, Lucinoma acutilineata [L. annulata], Megasurcula cf. M. wynoocheensis [Megasurcula spp.], and Macoma cf. M. astori [M. brota]. A smaller assemblage from about 110 m above the base of the Clallam (10c. M4681 and NP163) does not differ significantly in taxonomic composition from 19 M4049. It consists mostly of bivalves suggestive of shallow inner sublittoral depths comparable to the 15- to 35-m range inferred for locality M4049. The collection believed to be from near the top of the Clallam Formation (10c. M4678), on the basis of its location near the center of the synclinal structure be- tween Pillar Point and Slip Point (see Gower, 1960), has only three mollusks that are not recorded from stratigraphically lower assemblages. One of these, a tellinid resembling the modern species Macoma secta which is an intertidal and upper inner sublittoral species (Coan, 1971), may be of bathymetric signifi- cance. However, the only‘ suggestion that this part of the section may be of appreciably shallower bathymet- ric facies than the lowest part of the Clallam comes from faunal data of Arnold and Hannibal (1913). They list a species of Anadara as the sole mollusk from a locality (NP162) at the Clallam coal mine which is within a few hundred metres, geographically, of local- ity M4683, and presumably at, or near the top of, the Clallam Formation. The occurrence of this bivalve, without any other mollusks, may be indicative of ex- tremely shallow water, possibly intertidal, conditions inasmuch as Anadara in the northern part of its mod- ern geographic distribution off Mexico today is charac- teristic of low taxonomic diversity assemblages from lagoonal and mangrove swamp environments (Parker, 1963; Keen, 1971). PALEOCLIMATE Most of the still-living molluscan genera from the Clallam Formation are found today in temperate mid- dle latitudes along the Pacific coast. None of the genera are restricted to cooler, more northern latitudes, but a few are found living in warm temperate to subtropical latitudes far to the south of western Washington. The appreciable representation of warm-water taxa in the Clallam assemblages suggests that water tempera- tures were significantly warmer at this latitude than they are today. The warm-water gastropods are Troch- ita, Natica, Neverita, Ficus, Semicassis, and Cancel- laria. Some species of Cancellaria are referable to the warm-water subgenus Euclia (Addicott, 1970a). Only two of the pelecypods are of warm-water aspect— Anadara and Dosinia. Both of these may have lived in cooler water assemblages during the middle and late Tertiary than they are found in today (Addicott, 1970b; Stanton and Dodd, 1970; Kern, 1973). By and large all of these warm-water taxa are limited to only one or two assemblages, and within these assemblages they are of relatively rare occurrence. This kind of occurrence suggests that they were not particularly characteristic of the Clallam assemblages and introduces the possi- bility of seasonal recruitment from warmer water 20 populations living to the south of the fossil localities (Addicott, 1966a, p. 14—15; Zinsmeister, 1974). It seems doubtful that temperatures were as warm as would be indicated by a strict application of modern occurrences of the tropical to subtropical genera Trochita, Cancellaria (Euclia), Ficus, Dosinia, and Anadara s.s. that have their northernmost latitudinal occurrences in, or close to, the modern Surian mollus— can province (Valentine, 1966) today, a biographic unit situated off the west coast of southern Baja California, Mexico. Strict uniformitarian interpretation seems especially inappropriate because two of these taxa seem to have changed their temperature tolerance since the middle or late Tertiary during which time they occurred with relatively cooler water as- semblages. Moreover, the apparent lack of large popu- ' lations of these warm-water genera suggests possible seasonal recruitment from warmer, more southern latitudes. Nevertheless, this element of distinctly warm-water taxa does argue for at least cycles of water temperature appreciably warmer than occur at this latitude today and, there are no data suggesting cooler water conditions. In view of the reclassification of the age of the Clal- lam fauna from provincial middle Miocene to late early Miocene, the paleoclimatic diagram for the middle and late Tertiary of northwestern Washington (Addicott, 1969) needs to be modified so as to position the Clallam data in the uppermost part of the “Vaqueros” Stage rather than in the overlying “Temblor” Stage. This change remains consistent with the inferred early Oligocene to middle Miocene warming trend in the middle latitudes of the eastern North Pacific (Addicott, 1969). Although the faunas of the Sooke and the Clal- lam Formations are now believed to be of early Miocene age, they are not coeval. The apparent warm— ing that occurred from the time of deposition of the Sooke to the time of deposition of the Clallam is merely condensed into a shorter period. Neither the warm-temperate aspect of the molluscan assemblages inferred from modern distributions of component genera nor the apparent warming of the shallow inner sublittoral marine environment during the early Miocene seem to be indicated by benthonic foraminiferal assemblages. Rau (1964) infers continu- ing cool-water conditions during the progressive shal- lowing of the bathymetric environment that took place during deposition of the upper member of the Twin River and the overlying Clallam Formation. The dif- ferent interpretations based on the two kinds of benthic organisms seems perplexing, but it may be no more than an indication of a very shallow thermocline below which water temperature remained fairly con- stant but above which shallow inner sublittoral waters MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON become progressively warmer during the late Oligocene and early Miocene. MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY The molluscan fauna of the Clallam Formation con- sists of 76 taxa identified from collections made by the writer and from fairly extensive Stanford University collections made by Harold Hannibal (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913) more than 60 years ago. Conventional systematic description of these mollusks is dispensed with in favor of taxonomic notes indicating significant morphologic features that either typify a taxon or dis- tinguish it from similar species. Many of the taxa have been treated in Moore’s (1963) monograph of the As- toria Formation of Oregon. Others were considered in a study of the California early and middle Miocene by Addicott (1970a). Where pertinent, synonyms not con- sidered in Moore (1963) or Durham (1944) are noted and discussed. Original descriptions of previously named taxa identified here are referenced in the taxonomic notes. Newly described species and other species that ap- pear to be undescribed but that are represented by material inadequate for formal description are treated more thoroughly (table 7). Practically all the mollusks from localities in the Clallam Formation are illustrated. Also illustrated are some of Reagan’s (1909) specimens (table 1) from the Clallam that were originally figured by line drawings, most of which are crudely drawn and extremely dif- ficult to relate to actual fossil material. The systematic flow is patterned after the familial classification of gastropods by Taylor and Sohl (1962) and of bivalves by McCormick and Moore (1969) that is based on the earlier classification of Newell (1965). The check list of species from the Clallam Formation (table 2) is arranged in the same sequence and may be used TABLE 7.-—New species of mollusks described here and other species believed to be new but represented by material that is inadequate for formal description Gastropods: Trochita n. sp. Semicassis pyshtensis n. sp. Molopophorus n. sp. aff. M. newcombei (Merriam) Priscofusus goweri, n. sp. Priscofusus slipensis, n. sp. Ophiodermella olympicensis, n. sp. Pelecypods: Modiolus n. sp.? aff. M. restorationensis Van Winkle Mytilus n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi Makiyama Solamen snavelyi, n. sp. Macoma n. sp.? Moore Macoma n. sp. aff. M. secta (Conrad) GASTROPODS as a generalized index for locating taxonomic notes in this section. GASTROPODS TURRITELLIDAE Turritella oregonensis (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 1, figs. 10, 11, 17]. Specimens of this small Turritella occur in localities near the top of a measured section on the west flank of the anticline near Pillar Point. They have a pair of strong primary spirals in the anterior part of the whorls and a single strong primary spiral rib in the posterior part (pl. 1, figs. 11, 17). This sculptural pat- tern is different from other figured specimens of this species (Merriam, 1941, pl. 20, figs. 17, 19, 20; Moore, 1963, pl. 1, figs. 9—12; Addicott, 1970a, pl. 2, fig. 15), all of which have clearly differentiated pairs of primary and secondary spiral ribs. Nevertheless, Moore (1963, p. 25) states that "Above the paired spirals may be 1 or occasionally 2 secondary spirals” indicating that three rather than four ribs may be the more common pat- tern. Accordingly, the Clallam specimens are iden- tified as T. oregonensis rather than as a new species. In the Newport Embayment of northwestern Ore- gon, Turritella oregonensis occurs in the upper part of the Nye Mudstone (USGS loc. 15965) and in the As- toria Formation. These are indicative of an early to middle Miocene provincial range. EPITONIIDAE Epitonium clallamense Durham (1937) [pl 1, figs. 8, 13]. Specimens from locality M4413 near Slip Point have 9 axial ribs, falling within the range of 8 to 10 ribs described by Durham (1937, p. 491, pl. 56, figs. 27, 28). The types of this species are from the east end of Clallam Bay (Addicott, 1970a, p. 74), presumably from the lower part of the Clallam Formation because re- connaissance study of this area indicates that strata referable to the Clallam are exposed during the lowest seasonal tides. This species also occurs in an old collec- tion from exposures immediately east of Slip Point (SU loc. NP89), very close to the broadly defined type local- ity. This species is restricted to the Clallam Formation in northwestern Washington. It occurs in the presum- ably coeval faunas of the Jewett Sand in central California (Addicott, 1970a) and the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation of the Gulf of Alaska (Kanno, 1971). Its earliest occurrence is in the lower Miocene Sooke Formation of Vancouver Island (Addicott, 1970a) and not in probable middle Oligocene strata as initially reported (Durham, 1937, p. 491). CALYPTRAEIDAE Trochita n. sp. [pl. 1, figs. 9, 12, 18]. One of the most commonly occurring gastropods in the Clallam Forma- 21 tion is a moderately coarse ribbed calyptraeid (pl. 1, figs. 12, 18) that is conspecific with a poorly known taxon from the Astoria Formation of Oregon, Trochita? n. sp.? Moore (1963, p. 26, pl. 1, fig. 23). In profile, specimens vary from nearly smooth to slightly shoul- dered. This is clearly an undescribed species but the specimens from the Clallam and the known specimens from coastal Oregon (Moore, 1963) and southwestern Washington (Wolfe and McKee, 1972) are too poorly preserved to adequately determine surficial sculpture and permit formal description. Trochita n. sp. resem- bles, somewhat, the modern tropical eastern Pacific species T. spirata (Forbes) and T. trochiformis (Born). Trochita n. sp. is much flatter and, although all avail- able specimens are decorticated to varying degrees, the spiral sculpture is much more subdued. An early Miocene species T. sookensis (Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 168, pl. 36, figs. 1 and 2) from the southwestern coast of Vancouver Island is distinguished from Trochita n. sp. by its finer and more numerous radiating ribs. The spire of T. sookensis species is of variable height; specimens from USGS locality M4060 are very low spired, comparable in this respect to Trochita n. sp. Another poorly preserved early Miocene species from California, Trochita cf. T. spirata (Forbes) (Addicott, 1970a, p. 61-62), has coarser spiral sculpture than Trochita n. sp. and is unusually strongly shouldered. The common Miocene and Pliocene species T. filosa (Gabb, 1866, p. 15, pl. 2, figs. 25, 25a) has extremely fine spiral ribs, at least three times as many as Trochita n. sp. Crepidula praerupta Conrad (1849) [p]. 1, figs. 1, 22; pl. 2, fig. 24]. This species, occurring in several collec— tions from the Clallam Formation, is externally simi- lar to C. princeps Conrad, with which it occurs in the Clallam, but the internal septum is different. The ex- ternal morphology of these two species is so variable, that it cannot always be used to distinguish them. On specimens of C . praerupta the insertions of the internal septum are approximately equidistant from the beak (pl. 1, fig. 1) whereas on C. princeps the edge of the septum defines a broadly open “S” and the insertions of the septum are at unequal distances from the beak (pl. 1, fig. 7). Crepidula praerupta ranges from the early Miocene (Loel and Corey, 1932; Kanno, 1971) to the late Miocene (Moore, 1963). Crepidula princeps Conrad (1855) [pl. 1, figs. 6, 7]. A few deformed specimens of this moderately large Cre- pidula occur in the Clallam. The strongly curved septal margin of this species (pl. 1, fig. 7) is one of the most distinctive specific characters. Crepidula princeps ranges from the early Miocene to the Pleistocene along the Pacific coast (Addicott, 1970a, p. 64). This is the first record of C. princeps from the Pacific Northwest 22 States. A moderately large, suborbicular Crepidula from the Sooke Formation of southwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada (USGS 10c. M4060), has the same septal configuration as C. princeps; it may represent this species, but the weakly inflated, suborbicular shell and the blunt apex suggest that it is a distinct species, possibly C. sookensis Clark and Arnold. Crepidula rostralis (Conrad, 1865) [pl. 2, figs. 23, 25]. The Clallam record of this species constitutes another range extension; it was previously known only from provincial middle Miocene strata (Addicott, 1970a). The illustrated specimen is deformed, as are most of the specimens of Crepidula from the Clallam. It is slender and elongate during the early stages of growth; the flattening is inferred to have been caused by sub- sequent deformation. This specimen has the pointed beak overhanging, or extending beyond, the aperture; this beak is characteristic of C. rostralis and enables this species to be readily differentiated from other species. Crepidula sp. [pl. 1, fig. 23]. A small Crepidula with an orbicular aperture and a very high, more or less vertically oriented beak. It seems to be distinct from other species in the Clallam Formation. The septal in- sertions are almost opposite each other. Since this is a very small, presumably immature, specimen, it could be an aberrant form of one of the other Clallam species—C. praerupta—which has similar septal inser- tions. NATICIDAE Natica cf. N. clarki Etherington (1931) [pl. 1, figs. 19, 27, 28]. A few small naticids from the Clallam resem- ble the early and middle Miocene species N. clarki Etherington (1931, p. 93, pl. 12, fig. 12). These speci- mens have a well—developed, fairly broad umbilical cal- lus that is unlike the callus on the holotype but com- parable to the calluses of other specimens included in this species by Marincovich (1973, p. 235—236). Natica vokesi Addicott (1966b) [pl. 1, figs. 14—16]. This is the most common naticid in the Clallam. Specimens have a slender umbilical callus reflecting a broad, but indistinct, funicular rib comparable to type material from Oregon (Addicott, 1966b, p. 638—639, pl. 77, figs. 2—5). Many of the large, undetermined naticids from localities in the Clallam probably are this species, but the preservation is too poor to permit specific iden- tification. Neverita jamesae Moore (1963) [pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, 20, 24]. A poorly preserved specimen (pl. 1, fig. 24) from USGS 10c. M4684 has the widely open umbilicus, small bilobed callus, and broad apical angle characteristic of this species (Moore, 1963, p. 28—29, pl. 2, figs. 5, 15, 19). MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON This species was identified by Arnold and Hannibal (1913, p. 588, 10c. NP161) as “Polinices saxea Conrad.” P. saxea Conrad is a doubtful species that cannot be recognized because the type material is lost and the original description and illustration are vague (Moore, 1963, p. 28). Polinices victorianus Clark and Arnold (1923) [pl. 1, fig. 25]. This early to middle Miocene species is known from only two localities in the Clallam. It is charac- terized by a narrow umbilical opening with a distinct, somewhat enlarged umbilical callus (Clark and Ar- nold, 1923, p. 170, pl. 33, figs. 1 and 5). As is the case with the other Clallam naticids, it may be represented by poorly preserved, specifically indeterminate mate- rial in other Clallam collections. Sinum scopulosum (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 1, figs. 21, 26]. Specimens of this long-ranging naticid are generally preserved as internal molds. Often the fine spiral sculpture is imprinted on these steinkerns (pl. 1, fig. 21). CASSIDIDAE Semicassis pyshtensis, n. sp. Plate 1, figures 2, 3 This fairly well-preserved cassidid has a low spire consisting of about four whorls; the penultimate whorl has prominent protractive axial ribs that are stronger than the straplike spiral ribs. These axial ribs are very subdued on the body whorl tending to be replaced by very faint irregular lines of growth. Spiral sculpture on the body whorl consists of 15 straplike ribs that are strongest toward the base. These are separated by fine secondary spirals. The face of the body whorl im- mediately adjacent to the aperture was covered by an apparently thin callus, a part of which is preserved on the fossa and on the base of the whorl. The holotype (USNM 215928) is from USGS locality M4414. It is 42 mm high and 28 mm wide. Semicassis pyshtensis differs from other middle and late Tertiary species from Oregon and Washington principally by its unique rib count. It is most similar to S. aequisulcatum (Dall, 1909, p. 63—64, pl. 5, figs. 1, 4), a late Miocene species from Oregon and southwestern Washington but differs from S. aequisulcatum in hav- ing 15 rather than 19 spirals. S. pyshtensis seems to form an evolutionary link between this finely sculptured late Tertiary species and the coarsely ribbed Oligocene species S. iani (Schenck, 1926, p. 80, pl. 13, figs. 8—11) which has only 11 spiral bands on the body whorl. , S. aequisulcatum and S. iani were previously as- signed to Phalium (Schenck, 1926, Weaver, 1942). Morphologically they are much closer to species of GASTROPODS Semicassis from Japan. The Japanese species have a very thin parietal callus that is smooth except for spi- ral plaits near the base of the apertural margin (Habe, 1964, p. 69—70, pl. 21). The Japanese species are from the inner sublittoral zone, 10—100 m. Semicassis pysh- tensis differs from the modern 8. centiquadrata (Valen- ciennes), a very shallow water species from the Pan- amic molluscan province (Keen, 1971, p. 501, fig. 949), in lacking a granulated or pustulose callus surface. FICIDAE Ficus modesta (Conrad, 1848) [pl. 1 figs. 29, 30]. This bulbous, finely sculptured species is definitely known from only one of the collections studied during this investigation. Mature specimens reach a moderately large size and are smooth except for spiral sculpture of alternating fine and ultrafine ribs crossed by fine axial lines of growth. The intersection of these axial and spiral systems produces a finely reticulate network. The relatively smooth exterior of this species permits differentiation from the coarsely noded Trophosycon clallamensis (Weaver) (pl. 1, fig. 31) which also occurs in the Clallam Formation. Ficus modesta occurs in the middle Miocene part of the Astoria Formation of southwestern Washington (Etherington, 1931; Ad-' dicott in Wolfe and McKee, 1972) and coastal Oregon (Moore, 1963). Trophosycon clallamensis (Weaver, 1912) [pl. 1, fig. 31; pl. 2, fig. 34]. A small specimen with an unusually broad body whorl and broad apical angle was collected from near Slip Point (USGS loc. M4051). It has two prominent rows of nodes and a few relatively strong spiral ribs. These features distinguish it from Ficus modesta which is doubtfully recorded from the same locality. Trophosycon clallamensis resembles the wide- spread early Miocene to Pliocene species T. kernianum (Cooper), but it differs from T. kernianum in having a broader body whorl and weak, vertically elongated nodes (Addicott, 1970a, p. 75). MURICIDAE Trophonopsis sp. [pl. 2, fig. 20]. An incomplete ex- ternal mold of the body whorl of a minute gastropod from loc. M4677 near Slip Point has well-preserved sculpture characteristic of Trophonopsis. The body whorl is angulated a short distance below the suture, the somewhat sinuous axial ribs are bladelike, and there is a long anterior canal. This may be the earliest record of the muricid genus along the Pacific coast. The earliest previous record seems to be from the late Miocene of the Cuyama Valley area of the central California Coast Ranges (Eaton and others, 1941, pl. 2, fig. 4). 23 NEPTUNEIDAE Ancistrolepis rearensis (Clark, 1932) [pl. 3, fig. 26]. Only one specimen of this neptuneid has been collected from the Clallam. This species is characterized by a rounded whorl profile and a subsutural spiral rib situated high on the body whorl. The presence of the subsutural spiral rib distinguishes it from the presum- ably ancestral Oligocene species, A. clarki Tegland (1932, p. 131, pl. 12, fig. 14) on which this rib is indis- tinct from the suture (Durham, 1944, p. 177). Ancis- trolepis clarki teglandae Durham (1944, p. 177, pl. 17, fig. 2) was shown by Kanno (1971, p. 118—119, pl. 13, figs. 5, 9; pl. 14, figs. 4—6) to be a junior synonym of this species. The occurrence of A. rearensis in the Clallam constitutes a range extension from the early Miocene Echinophoria apta zone of Durham (1944) from which it was previously known in the conterminous United States. The occurrence in the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation presumably is coeval judging by the co-occurrence with the “E.” apta (see Kanno, 1971). Bruclarlcia yaquinana (Anderson and Martin, 1914) [pl. 2, figs. 5, 7—9]. This species, the most commonly occurring of the two species of Bruclarkia in the Clal- lam Formation, is characterized by four, or sometimes five, coarsely noded spiral cords on the body whorl. The cords become progressively weaker toward the base of the whorl. The body whorl is bordered posteriorly by a well-developed subsutural collar on both small and large individuals. Specimens from near the base of the Clallam are identical to material from the lower Miocene of the San Joaquin basin in California (Ad- dicott, 1970a, pl. 10, figs. 8, 12, 13). As recognized here, B. yaquinana is a small species. A large doubtfully identified internal mold (pl. 2, fig. 5) from the vicinity of Slip Point has very coarsely noded spiral cords simi- lar to B. yaquinana but the cords are more widely spaced. Since the earlier ontogenetic stages of this specimen are not preserved, definitive comparison with B. yaquinana cannot be made. Bruclarkia oregonensis (Conrad, 1848) [pl 2, figs. 1—3]. This is a larger, more rounded species which dif- fers from B. yaquinana, with which it sometimes oc- curs, in having uniformly finer spiral sculpture through all stages of growth. Nevertheless, differentia- tion of the two species is sometimes very difficult. Specimens from locality M4051, for example, seem to link these two species. A few of these specimens are clearly B. yaquinana (pl. 1, fig. 9). Other specimens seem to more closely resemble B. oregonensis (pl. 2, figs. 4, 6, 19). Still others have intermediate sculptural characteristics. The observed stratigraphic relation be- tween these two species in central California (Addicott, 1970a, p. 91) is not so clearly evident in northwestern 24 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER Washington. It is suggested in a general way however, by the almost exclusive occurrence of B. oreg nensis at the top of the formation and by the decided prevalence of specimens of B. yaquinana at, and near, the base. Bruclarkia oregonensis is best represented by mate- rial from near the top of the Clallam Formation (loc. M4678). These specimens (pl. 2, figs. 1—3) are relatively large, are weakly sculptured, and have a poorly de- veloped subsutural collar, if' any at all. They are very similar to specimens from the Astoria Formation of southwestern Washington (Etherington, 1931, pl. 11, figs. 1, 3, 4, 7). Molopophorus n. sp. aff. M. newcombei (Merriam, 1897) [p]. 2, fig. 16]. The external mold of a Molopophorus from the basal part of the Clallam near Pillar Point (loc. M5879) seems to be an undescribed species. It is most closely allied, morphologically, to M. newcombei (Merriam, 1897, p. 65), an early Miocene species from the Sooke Formation of nearby Vancouver Island, British Columbia. When compared with M. newcombei (pl. 2, figs. 10, 11), the Clallam specimen has generally weaker sculpture with both fewer spiral and axial ribs. Besides being weaker and more widely spaced, the spiral ribs of M. n. sp. aff. M. newcombei (Merriam) are obsolete on the posterior quarter of the body whorl. This apparently new species differs from the middle Miocene species M. matthewi Etherington (1931, p. 97, pl. 13, figs. 3, 6, 8, 9, 13) in having a sculptured body whorl and a well-developed subsutural collar. Molopophorus n. sp. may possibly provide an evolutionary link between the early Miocene M. new- combei and the middle Miocene M. matthewi. M olopophorus does not seem to be closely related to M. anglonana (Anderson, 1905, p. 205, pl. 16, figs. 74—76), an early and middle Miocene species characterized by a flat body whorl segment bordered by a noded sub- sutural collar and a noded basal angulation. FUSINIDAE Priscofusus aff. P. geniculus (Conrad) Moore (1963) [pl. 2, fig. 12]. Two deformed and incomplete fusinids from the lower part of the Clallam Formation appear to be conspecific with this undescribed species of Pris- cofusus from the Nye Mudstone (Snavely and others, 1969b, pl. 1) south of Newport, Oreg. The body whorl of this taxon is unusually strongly angulated, and it has a relatively long, gently inclined subsutural slope. Available specimens are too incomplete to permit for- mal description of this species, which appears to be restricted to the late early Miocene of the Pacific Northwest States. Priscofusus goweri, n. sp. Plate 2, figures 14, 17, 18, 21 Fairly abundant specimens of Priscofusus from IOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON localities on the west flank of the anticline near Pillar Point appear to be different from known species of this genus. These specimens are characterized by about 15 vertically oriented axial ribs that occupy the upper half of the body whorl. The axial ribs extend from su- ture to suture on the penultimate whorl. The body whorl carries about 20 fine spiral cords; secondaries are intercalated between the uppermost of these. The holotype (USNM 215962) is from USGS locality M4049. It is 18 mm high and 8 mm wide. Paratypes (USNM 215960, 215961, 215963) from this locality range from 16 to 23 mm in height and from 8 to 12 mm in width. This species is named in recognition of Howard Gower who completed the first detailed geologic map- ping of the Clallam Formation (Gower, 1960). This species seems closest morphologically to Pris- cofusus clarki Kanno (1971, p. 122—123, pl. 13, fig. 8, pl. 14, figs. 8, 9, 15) from Alaska and P. stewarti (Tegland, 1933, p. 129—130, pl. 12, figs. 4—8) from Washington. The holotype ofP. clarki (Kanno, 1971, pl. 3, fig. 8), the only well-preserved specimen illustrated, has angu- lated whorls unlike P. goweri and unlike Clark’s (1932, p. 833, pl. 20, figs. 1—3) Fusinus cf. F. hannibali Clark and Arnold, which Kanno included as a synonym of his recently named Alaskan species. Clark’s specimens, although poorly preserved, have a rounded whorl pro- file and a lower rib count (see illustrations in Addicott and others, 1971, figs. 2a, 2d—2f). Priscofusus goweri differs from P. stewarti in having axial ribs rather than nodes, or elongated nodes, on the shoulder of the body whorl. Moreover, the whorls are rounded rather than angulated in profile. The axial ribs on P. goweri are narrower and more numerous than on P. hannibali (Clark and Arnold, 1923, pl. 30, figs. 1, 2), an early Miocene species from the Sooke Formation of south- western Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It seems most likely that Clark’s (1932) poorly preserved speci- mens are conspecific with P. hannibali, as originally indicated. Priscofusus slipensis, n. sp. Plate 2, figure 13 A well—preserved, nearly complete specimen of Pris- cofusus from exposures near Slip Point is conspecific with Moore’s (1963, p. 42, pl. 6, figs. 8, 11)Priscofusus n. sp.? This species is characterized by strongly angu- lated whorls. On the penultimate whorl, the axial ribs extend from suture to suture; at the medial angulation, they form a thin, spirally elongated node. On the lower two thirds of the penultimate whorl, fine secondary spiral cords alternate with the primary spiral cords. The body whorl has 12 vertically oriented axial ribs GASTROPODS that are strongest in the central part of the whorl just below the angulation. These ribs quickly fade out above the angulation and do not reach the suture. Spi- ral sculpture on the slightly concave subsutural shoul- der consists of finely beaded primary spiral cords that are separated by fine secondary threads of variable strength. The same pattern continues below the angu- lation with the infrequent addition of a tertiary spiral thread. The holotype (SUPTC 154049) is from University of Washington locality 490. It is 27 mm high and 16 mm wide. The sculpture of Priscofusus slipensis is identical to that of the specimen from near Spencer Creek, Lincoln County, Oreg., described by Moore (1963, p. 42, pl. 6, fig. 11) as Priscofusus n. sp.? This species differs from the known species of Priscofusus from the eastern North Pacific margin in having vertically elongated nodes that extend across the penultimate whorl and across the medial third of the body whorl. Its occur- rences here and in the Astoria Formation of Oregon define a late early Miocene to middle Miocene range. Priscofusus hannibali (Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 158, pl. 30, figs. 1, 2) from the lower Miocene Sooke Forma- tion of Vancouver Island is similar to P. slipensis but differs in having rounded axial ribs that extend from the suture to near the base of the body whorl. Priscofusus cf. P. stewarti (Tegland, 1933) [pl. 2, fig. 15]. A small crushed specimen with angulated and strongly noded whorls resembles the early Miocene species P. stewarti from the upper Oligocene type Blakeley Formation near Seattle, Washington. The angulation on the body whorl is relatively close to the suture. The angulated and strongly noded whorls dif- ferentiate P. stewarti from P. goweri n. sp. from the same locality. If correctly identified as P. stewarti, this occurrence constitutes a range extension from the upper Oligocene Echinophoria rex zone (Durham, 1944). VOLUTIDAE Musashia indurata (Conrad, 1849) [131. 3, fig. 27]. An undoubted specimen of the coarsely ribbed volute, M usashia indurata, was collected from the basal part of the Clallam Formation near Pillar Point (loc. M4050). The axial ribs are well developed on the spire but weaker and irregularly spaced on the body whorl. About 18 axial ribs occur on the last half of the penul— timate whorl and the first half of the body whorl. This rib count is the same as that on specimens of M. in- durata from the Astoria Formation of Oregon (Moore, 1963, p. 43—44, pl. 7, figs. 1—9, 11; pl. 8, figs. 1—5). Faint spiral sculpture is evident on the upper part of the body whorl of the Clallam specimen, and the ribs show the 25 characteristic curvature just below the suture. Musashia corrugata (Clark, 1932, p. 831—832, pl. 21, figs. 4, 5, 11) from the Gulf of Alaska has fewer axial ribs than M. indurata, about 13—15 (Kanno, 1971, p. 125), and a much more slender shell. The Alaskan species is reported from the Oligocene and early Miocene (Kanno, 1971, p. 126); the earlier provincial occurrence of M. corrugata and its morphological similarities to M. indurata suggest that it could be the precursor of the early to middle Miocene species. Musashia indurata had previously been recorded only from the provincial middle Miocene. The Clallam record constitutes a definite range extension from the middle Miocene into the provincial early Miocene. M usashia indurata was doubtfully reported from the lower Miocene of the southern San Joaquin basin on the basis of fragmental material (Addicott, 1970a, p. 105, pl. 13, fig. 8). CAN CELLARIIDAE Cancellaria birchi Addicott (1970a) [pl. 2, figs. 36, 37]. A moderately high-spired cancellariid from the basal part of the Clallam is somewhat more spinose than specimens from the type locality in central California but is otherwise similar. This record of C. ‘birchi constitutes a range extension; C. birchi was pre- viously known only from the provincial middle Miocene of the southeastern San Joaquin basin, California. Cancellaria cf. C. oregonensis Conrad (1865) [131. 2, figs. 26—28]. Poorly preserved specimens from two localities resemble a slender, relatively high-spired form of C. oregonensis Conrad from the Astoria Forma- tion of Oregon (Moore, 1963, pl. 9, fig. 19). The axial ribs on the Clallam specimens are variable and gener- ally fewer in number than on the material from the Astoria Formation. As with other species of Cancel- laria from the Clallam, decortication makes species identification difficult. Cancellaria cf. C. siletzensis Hanna (1924) [pl. 2, fig. 29]. This doubtfully identified cancellariid is based on a poorly preserved, deformed specimen from near the base of the Clallam Formation. It has the fine spiral sculpture and broadly rounded axial ribs characteristic of C. siletzensis; heretofore, C. siletzensis has been re- ported from the Astoria Formation of Oregon (Moore, 1963, p. 44, pl. 9, figs. 2, 5). One of the Astoria localities, USGS locality 18901, may be from the up- permost part of the Nye Mudstone according to recent geologic mapping (Snavely and others, 1976) and of provincial early Miocene age. Cancellaria cf. C. simplex Anderson (1905) [pl. 2, figs. 30, 31]. Decorticated specimens from USGS local- ity M4049 near the base of the Clallam Formation 26 have widely spaced, swollen axial ribs and a relatively large body whorl similar to the strongly sculptured form of C. simplex Anderson of Addicott (1970a, pl. 14, figs. 19, 20, 27), a Miocene species from central and southern California. These doubtfully identified specimens are much closer to C. simplex than they are to typical C. oregonensis from the Astoria Formation. If this doubtful occurrence could be validated by better material, it would constitute a range extension from the middle Miocene into the early Miocene. Cancellaria wynoocheensis Weaver (1916b) [pl. 2, figs. 32, 35, 38]. This is possibly the most distinctive cancellariid in assemblages from the Clallam Forma- tion. It is characterized by fine spiral ribbing and numerous, closely spaced axial folds. There are consid- erably more axial folds on this species than on C. oregonensis with which it occurs in the Astoria Forma- tion of Oregon and southwestern Washington. This record is a range extension from the provincial middle Miocene into the provincial early Miocene. TURRIDAE Xenuroturris antiselli (Anderson and Martin, 1914) [pl. 2, fig. 22, pl. 3, figs. 21, 23]. A poorly preserved, decorticated turrid from the Clallam has spiral ribbing identical to Moore’s (1963, pl. 10, figs. 6, 12, 13, 15) “Thesbia” antiselli (Anderson and Martin) from the Astoria Formation of Oregon. Moore’s species was sub- sequently included as a coarsely ribbed form of X. an- tiselli (Anderson and Martin) by Addicott (1970a, p. 128). This form is characterized by five coarse, strap- like spiral ribs on the body whorl. It has been doubt- fully recorded from the lower Miocene Jewett Sand of the San Joaquin basin, California (Addicott, 1970a). ?Rectiplanes sp. [pl. 2, fig. 33]. The external mold of a small, high-spired turrid seems to represent Recti- planes. The proportions and the smoothly rounded pro- file of the whorls are similar to late Tertiary and Quaternary specimens from the Pacific coast. The closest described species from the Miocene of Oregon or Washington is Spirotropis washingtonensis Etherington (1931, p. 113, pl. 14, figs. 8, 22, 34) from the Astoria Formation. This species differs from ?Rec- tiplanes sp. in having a prominent, and sometimes noded, angulation on the body whorl and on some of the whorls of the spire. Ophiodermella olympicensis, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 18—20, 22 A small turrid characterized by strongly developed spiral ribbing is described as Ophiodermella olym- picensis n. sp. This species has distinctive characteris- tics and can therefore be differentiated from known MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON Miocene turrids with little difficulty. It is known mostly from internal molds which provide an incom- plete record of details of surface sculpture. The spire is sculptured by 4 spiral cords. Two primary spiral cords are flanked by a weaker spiral cord at the anterior suture and a fine spiral cord posteriorly. The rounded body whorl has eight spiral ribs that tend to be strongest on the medial part of the whorl. The upper- most spiral rib varies in strength and position with respect to the suture; sometimes it adjoins the suture but usually it is separate. This spiral rib and the next two spiral ribs may be separated from the lower five by a somewhat broader interspace (pl. 3, fig. 19). On many specimens, however, all the spiral ribs are of about equal length and may be equidistant from each other (pl. 3, fig. 18). The posterior notch is fairly deep and similar in configuration to species included in the genus by Powell (1966, p. 92). The holotype (USNM 215992) is from USGS locality M4051. It is 16 mm high and 6.5 mm wide. Paratypes from this locality (USNM 215993, 215994, 215995) range from 11.5 to 17 mm in height. This species is assigned to Ophiodermella because of the configuration of the posterior siphonal notch and because the general aspect of ribbing is similar to the Pliocene species 0. graciosana (Arnold, 1907, p. 430— 431, pl. 54, fig. 18). Ophiodermella olympicensis differs from O. worken- sis (Etherington, 1931, p. 111—112, pl. 14, figs. 12, 24, 26, 28, 30) from the Astoria Formation of southwestern Washington in having a rounded, rather than flat- tened, whorl profile and in having bolder spiral rib- bing. Xenuroturris antiselli (Anderson and Martin) re— sembles this species somewhat but it differs in having an angulate body whorl with a concave profile between the angle and the posterior suture. Ophiodermella olympicensis is most likely to be con- fused with 0. muirensis (Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 157—158, pl. 30, figs. 4—6), an older early Miocene species from the Sooke Formation, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The Sooke species differs from O. olympicensis in having more spiral ribs and in lacking the gap between the two prominent cords on the body whorl. A similar and possibly related species identified as Ophiodermella n. sp. by Addicott (in Wolfe and McKee, 1972) occurs in the Astoria Formation of the Grays River quadrangle, southwestern Washington. This turrid has similar spiral sculpture (pl. 3, figs. 24, 25) but seems to differ in having a very wide interspace between the upper two or three spirals and the lower set of five. Because of these minor differences, it is doubtfully included with the Clallam species as Ophiodermella cf. 0. olympicensis. This species also oc— PELECYPODS curs in the nearby Raymond quadrangle (USGS 10c. M2287) in southwestern Washington. Megasurcula cf. M. wynoocheensis (Weaver, 1912) [pl. 3, figs. 16, 17]. A very well preserved Megasurcula from near Slip Point is similar to M. wynoocheensis (Weaver, 1912, p. 70—71, pl. 9, figs. 87-89), a middle Miocene species from the upper part of the Astoria Formation of southwestern Washington. It resembles a rather low-spired form of this species reillustrated by Weaver (1942, p. 527, pl. 98, fig. 8) but it differs in having a less concave subsutural slope. Another differ- ence is in the much closer position of the nodes to the posterior edge of succeeding whorl. Megasurcula cf. M. wynoocheensis is differentiated from M. condonana (Anderson and Martin), a Miocene species from Oregon and California, on the basis of its much higher and less evenly conical spire. PELECYPODS NUCULIDAE Acila conradi (Meek, 1864) [pl. 3, figs. 1—3]. This Acila is of fairly common occurrence in the Clallam Formation. It has not been found in the stratigraphi- cally lowest collections from the Clallam near Pillar Point (USGS locs. M4050 and M5879). The lowest oc- currence is in a float collection near Slip Point repre- senting an interval from 40 to 110 m above the base of the formation (USGS loc. M4681). This species com— monly has a secondary bifurcation of the radial rib pattern. Strong concentric ribbing is developed near the ventral margin on most of the larger specimens. This species has been recorded from many localities of Miocene age by Schenck (1936, p. 84) including one California early Miocene record from the Freeman Silt of Addicott (1970a), a unit that contains foraminiferal assemblages of early Saucesian age. A previous record from the Hoh Formation of Schenck (1936, p. 83—84) of the western Olympic Peninsula, Wash., represents a second early Miocene occurrence because it occurs there with the early Miocene index species Vertipecten fucanus (Dall). Although this species has long been thought to be restricted to rocks of provincial middle Miocene age, there are at least three early Miocene records, therefore the occurrence in the Clallam is not a range extension. NUCULANIDAE Nuculana calkinsi (Moore, 1963) [pl. 3, figs. 4, 6, 10, 12—14]. This species occurs in molluscan assemblages from the finer grained strata of the Clallam Formation. Specimens are characterized by centrally located beaks, strongly inflated valves, and equally spaced 27 ribbing. Many of the specimens are deformed, espe- cially those from localities M4049 and M5878. Some individuals are larger than Moore’s (1963) material from the Nye Mudstone and the Astoria Formation of Oregon, and others tend to be somewhat more elon- gate. Nuculana chehalisensis (Weaver, 1912) [pl. 3, fig. 11]. A small species previously reported from the mid- dle Miocene of southwestern Washington, Oregon, and central California (Etherington, 1931, p. 66) occurs in an assemblage from what appears to be the highest part of the Clallam Formation (USGS loc. M4678). This nuculanid is relatively high in proportion to its length and has a strongly concave posterior dorsal slope. It has been compared with N. eparchis Moore (1963, p. 55), but it differs from that species by its less elongate valves and, also, by its coarser concentric sculpture. Nuculana cf. N. elmana Etherington (1931) [pl. 3, figs. 8, 9]. Nuculanids from the lower 40 m of the Clal- lam Formation near Slip Point resemble the moder- ately elongate species N. elmana Etherington from the Astoria Formation of the Grays Harbor basin, south- western Washington. The principal difference between them is the somewhat more pointed posterior of the specimens from the Clallam. This taxon differs from N. calkinsi (pl. 3, figs. 10, 12, 14) in having a long rela- tively straight posterior dorsal slope and in lacking the faint sinus in the anterior part of the valves. Other nuculanids that are too poorly preserved for specific identification occur in the collections from localities M4050, M4414, M4681, and M4683. Yoldia supramontereyensis Arnold (1908) [pl. 3, figs. 7, 15]. Specimens from a few localities in the Clallam represent the initial record of this species north of the type area inthe San Francisco Bay region of central California. Material from locality M4680 indicates some variation in the concavity of the posterior dorsal slope. The beaks tend to be situated medially which permits this species to be differentiated from the Oligocene to middle Miocene species Y. tenuissima Clark (1918, p. 78—79, pl. 8, figs. 5, 9). This record con- stitutes a range extension into the provincial lower Miocene; the holotype is from the unnamed sandstone of Dibblee (1966) which overlies the Page Mill Basalt that has been dated as 14.4 :24 my (Turner, 1970, p. 106). Benthonic foraminifers from this sandstone are of provincial middle Miocene (Relizian or Luisian) age (Clark, 1968, p. 177). Until now all records of Y. sup- ramontereyensis were from strata of provincial middle Miocene age (Loel and Corey, 1932). Undetermined, poorly preserved specimens of Yoldia from localities M4681, M4683, and M4684 may repre- sent Y. supramontereyensis. 28 SOLEMYIDAE Archarax dalli (Clark, 1925) [pl. 3, fig. 5]. Specimens of Solemya from the lowermost part of the Clallam Formation near Pillar Point (USGS loc. M4050) are identical to probable topotypes of A. dalli from the upper member of the Twin River Formation. The out- line of the valves and the position of the beaks are the same. This species is difficult to distinguish from the middle Miocene species A. ventricosa (Conrad). Weaver (1942) and Tegland (1933) cite the more posterior loca- tion of the beaks on A. dalli as being the significant specific determinant. Tegland (1933, p. 103) separated A. ventricosa from A. dalli on the basis of two large quadrate specimens from the upper Eocene and lower Oligocene Keasey Formation that were later namedA. willapaensis (Weaver, 1942, p. 21—22). According to Weaver (1942, p. 20), the length of the anterior seg- ment of the dorsal margin averages 75 percent of the length of the shell onA. dalli, whereas onA. ventricosa it averages only 60 percent. This means of differentia- tion seems suspect because the position of the beaks on the lectotype of A. ventricosa is about 75 percent of the length of the dorsal margin (Moore, 1963, pl. 11, fig. 8). Although the two species are very similar, they do seem to differ in the outline of the valves. Specimens of A. ventricosa, including the paratype and the lectotype (Moore, 1963, pl. 11,”figs. 8, 11), are much higher in proportion to their length than are specimens of A. dalli. A. dalli is known from the upper member of the Twin River Formation and the basal part of the Clal— lam. A. ventricosa is not known to occur in strata older than middle Miocene along the Pacific coast; a late Oligocene or early Miocene record attributed to Teg- land (1933) by Moore (1963, p. 52) is in error. ARCIDAE Anadara aff.A. lakei (Wiedey, 1928) [pl. 5, figs. 8, 9]. Decorticated specimens of an Anadara from the lowest part of the Clallam Formation near Pillar Point (USGS locs. M4050 and M5879) are similar toA. lakei, a mid- dle Miocene species from central California. Identifica- tion of these specimens is doubtful owing to their poor preservation. They have about 25 ribs that are grooved medially. ThisAnadara is similar to the late Oligocene to early Miocene species A. submontereyana (Clark, 1918, p. 128—129, pl. 16, fig. 2) from California but has more radial ribs—25 rather than 22 to 24. Anadara devincta (Conrad), the common Miocene species from the Astoria Formation of Oregon and southwestern Washington which occurs stratigraphically higher in the Clallam Formation, can be readily differentiated from this species by its much higher rib count—29—32 (Reinhart, 1943, p. 44). Anadara devincta (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 5, fig. 10]. This MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON Anadara occurs in strata that appear to be near the top of the Clallam Formation near the center of the syncline between Pillar Point and Slip Point (Gower, 1960). This species is distinguished fromA. aff. A. lakei (Wiedey), which occurs in the lower part of the Clallam Formation, by having a larger number of radial ribs about 29 rather than 25. As shown by Reinhart (1943), the number of radial ribs is a critical specific character in this genus. The ribs are split by two grooves in the anterior part of the valve and by a single groove in the medial and posterior parts (pl. 5, fig. 10). The present specimens are identical to the split—ribbed form of A. devincta of Moore (1963, p. 59—61) which occurs in both the Nye Mudstone (USGS locs. 18830, 18831, 18941, and 19050) and the Astoria Formation in the Newport Embayment, Oreg. GLYCYMERIDIDAE Glycymeris sp. [pl. 5, fig. 3]. Specifically indetermi- nate internal molds of Glycymeris occur at two localities (M4414 and M4684) in the Clallam F orma- tion. The genus has not previously been recorded from this formation nor has it been found in the upper member of the Twin River Formation. MYTILIDAE Modiolus n. sp.? aff. M. restorationensis Van Winkle (1918) [pl. 5, fig. 5]. A rather small Modiolus with weakly inflated valves occurs in the lowermost part of the Clallam Formation (locs. M4050 and NP161). It is similar to M. restorationensis Van Winkle, a late Oligocene species from western Washington, but differs in having a convex, rather than straight or concave, dorsal margin and a less broadly flattened extremity. These differences suggest that it is an undescribed species, but there are too few specimens to rule out the possibility that it might be a form of M. restorationensis. Mytilus n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi Makiyama (1934) [pl. 5, figs. 1, 2, 16, 18]. An undescribed rugose mytilid from the Clallam Formation resembles Mytilus tichanovitchi Makiyama (1934, p. 134—135, pl. 5, figs. 11, 12) from the Miocene of Hokkaido, Japan (pl. 5, fig. 14), and M. ochotensis (Slodkewtisch, 1938, p. 117, pl. 49, fig. 4, pl. 50, fig. 1), presumably a synonym of M. tichanovitchi from the Miocene of Kamchatka. The Clallam species has strongly inflated valves character- ized by a broad umbonal angle, a flared dorsal margin, and a strong umbonal ridge together with a secondary ridge occupying the posterior part of the depression between the ridge and the dorsal wing (pl. 5, figs. 1, 2). The dorsal alation on specimens from the Clallam is of variable strength owing, in part, to deformation of PELECYPODS most of the specimens. The secondary ridge distin- guishes the Clallam species from M. tichanovitchi. As noted by Allison and Addicott (1976), this Mytilus n. sp. also occurs in strata of provincial early Miocene age in central California and in strata of early middle Miocene age (Gladenkov, 1974) in western Kam- chatka. The California occurrence is based on speci- mens from the southern San Joaquin basin that have been confused with M. middendorffi Grewingk (Ad— dicott, 1965). Although the two species resemble each other superficially, the margins of the valves of M ytilus n. sp. are straight whereas those of M. middendorffi fold sinuously. The Kamchatka record is based on specimens figured by Il’ina (1963, pl. 11, figs. 1, 6) from the Kuluven Suite, possibly erroneously, as M. ochotensis Slodkewtisch and on an additional specimen from the same unit figured by Allison and Addicott (1976, pl. 2, figs. 2, 5). Solamen snavelyi, n. sp. Plate 4, figures 6, 9 Previously undescribed elongate, strongly inflated specimens of Solamen similar to the Oligocene species S. porterensis (Weaver, 1912, pl. 14, fig. 116) are here named S. snavelyi. The elongate-ovate valves of this species are sculptured by 100 or more fine flat-topped ribs. In the medial part of the valve, these ribs are separated by very narrow interspaces. Near the an- terior margin, the radial ribs are much finer and the interspaces are relatively wider. Irregularly spaced concentric growth lines, some of which are strongly constricted, occur at increasingly closely spaced inter- vals toward the ventral margin. The holotype (USNM 216008) is from USGS locality M4051. It is 14 mm long and 21 mm high. A paratype (USNM 216007) from USGS locality M4050 is 14 mm long and 19 mm high. Solamen porterensis, an Oligocene species from Washington, differs from S. snavelyi in having bifur- cating radial ribs and more quadrate valves as indi- cated by a topotype (pl. 4, figs. 3, 11) from Porter Bluffs, Wash. Crenella cf. C. porterensis Weaver (Moore, 1963, p. 63, pl. 15, fig. 6) from the Astoria Formation of Ore- gon seems to belong to S. porterensis in view of its similar shape and pattern of bifurcating ribs. If so, it represents a range extension from the Oligocene “Lin- coln” Stage and the lower part of the Matlockian or “Blakeley” Stage (Durham, 1944) to the provincial middle Miocene. Solamen snavelyi also occurs in the Astoria Forma— tion of southwestern Washington (Addicott in Wolfe and McKee, 1972, table 13, as Crenella cf. C. porteren- 29 sis Weaver). The provincial range of this species is from the early Miocene to the middle Miocene. This species is named for Parke D. Snavely, Jr., in recognition of his contributions toward deciphering the geological history of western Oregon and Washington. PECTINIDAE Vertipecten fucanus (Dall, 1900) [pl. 4, figs. 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 12]. This pectinid is the most characteristic mollusk in assemblages from the Clallam Formation. It is usu- ally represented by disassociated valves, complicating, somewhat, differentiation from fragmental specimens of the somewhat similar giant pectinid, Patinopecten propatulus (Conrad), a middle Miocene species from the Pacific Coast. The left valves of these species are distinct but the ribbing of the right valves, as noted by Moore (1963, p. 65), is similar. There are, however, important morphological differences between the right valves of these two giant pectinids that have not been previously considered. The ears of V. fucanus, for example, are relatively much larger than those of P. propatulus. Specifically, the length of the ears on specimens of V. fucanus is considerably more than half the width of the valves whereas on P. propatulus the ears are less than half the width of the valves. A second difference is the initially flat or slightly concave profile of right valves of V. fucanus during early growth stages. This profile contrasts with the regularly convex profile of P. propatulus. In adult specimens of V. fucanus, the initially flat profile of V. fucanus usually develops into a gently convex profile similar to that of P. propatulus. Finally, the ribbing on right valves of V. fucanus is much more irregular than on P. propatulus, especially in the lateral areas. Many specimens of V. fucanus have one or more irregular ribs in the medial part of the disk and most specimens have a widening and deepening of the medial interrib corresponding to the strongly raised opposing rib of the left valve. Some earlier workers (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913; Arnold, 1906; and Weaver, 1916a) identified both of these large pectinids in assemblages from the Clallam. Study of available collections reinforces the apparent conclusion of later investigators (Etherington, 1931; Durham, 1944) that there is only one large pectinid, V. fucanus, in the Clallam. All the left valves examined are referable to V. fucanus because of the characteris- tic pattern of a strongly raised medial rib and some- what less accentuated flanking ribs that divide the disk into quadrants. These valves also differ from those of P. propatulus in being much more convex. Specimens in the collections average about 80—90 mm in greatest diameter. These averages are mislead- ing because the relatively small specimens are easiest to collect. In the field, most specimens exceed 100 mm 30 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON in maximum diameter, and there are several speci- mens in the stratigraphic collections that are as large as 110—120 mm. The right valves have 17 or 18 some- what irregular flat-topped ribs. This valve also has a reticulate, or honeycombed, microsculpture that covers both the ribs and the interspaces. There are usually 15 or 16 crested ribs on the left valves; the medial rib is much stronger than any of the others and most are scaly or imbricated. Both valves have fine, irregular lateral ribs. As indicated elsewhere in the text, Vertipecten fucanus seems to be a very useful species in biostrati- graphic correlation of Miocene formations in the Pacific Northwest States. Its restricted stratigraphic occurrence in the Nye Mudstone of western Oregon and the J ewett Sand of central California is indicative of provincial early Miocene age. It also occurs in the Hoh rock assemblage of Rau (1973) along the western side of the Olympic Peninsula, Wash. (10c. M4146) with shallow-water mollusks that also occur in the Clallam and are presumably coeval. LUCINIDAE Lucinoma acutilineata (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 5, figs. 4, 7, 15]. Scattered and usually poorly preserved specimens of this lucinid occur in some parts of the Clallam For- mation. As is characteristic of this species, the density of concentric lamellae is variable, but the spacing is equidistant over the greater part, if not all, of the valves (Moore, 1963, p. 70). This species is almost al- ways preserved with articulated valves. It ranges from the middle part of the provincial Oligocene (Hickman, 1969) to the middle Miocene (Addicott, 1973). It is difficult to distinguish this species from some of the late Oligocene specimens from the Blakeley Formation of Washington figured as L. hannibali (Clark) by Teg- land (1933, pl. 8, figs. 10, 12). The holotype ofL. hanni- bali (Clark, 1925, pl. 22, figs. 2, 4) differs from L. acutilineata in having less regularly rounded valves and much more anteriorly situated beaks. The early Miocene species L. columbiana (Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 144—145, pl. 25, fig. 2) that is from the Sooke Formation of Vancouver Island may be a synonym of L. acutilineata. THYASIRIDAE Conchocele disjuncta Gabb (1869) [pl. 6, fig. 7]. The essentially straight anterior margin of this species permits differentiation from the similar Tertiary species C. bisecta (Conrad) which has a concave an- terior margin and more prominent umbones (Bernard, 1972). Many Cenozoic molluscan specialists have con- sidered C. disjuncta to be a junior synonym of C. bisecta (see, for example, discussions in Moore, 1963, and Bernard, 1972). Although C. disjuncta is some- times treated as a deep-water taxon, a modern north- eastern Pacific occurrence from only 10 m was de- scribed by Kanno (1971). Conchocele disjuncta occurs in collections from the lowest part of the Clallam For- mation. UNGULINIDAE Felam'ella sp. [pl. 5, fig. 17]. The outline of a small bivalve from locality M4413 is suggestive of Felaniella, a fairly common genus in Oligocene and Miocene faunas from the Pacific Coast States. Felaniella parilis (Conrad) was reported from Slip Point, about a mile west of locality M4413, by Etherington (1931, checklist facing p. 31). CARDITIDAE Cyclocardia subtenta (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 5, fig. 12; pl. 6, figs. 9, 10]. Specimens from the Clallam have about 22 radial ribs that become narrower toward the pos- terior part of the valve. The outline of the valves is variable and the beaks usually are prominent. Cyclo- cardia castor (Dall, 1909, p. 116, pl. 11, figs. 1, 3) from the upper member of the Twin River Formation, on the east side of the mouth of East Twin River, has a similar rib count and valve outline. It may well be a synonym of C. subtenta, but according to Weaver (1942, p. 139— 140) it differs in having a more deeply impressed lunule and weaker but broader radial ribs. Cyclocardia yakatagensis (Clark) from the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation, Gulf of Alaska, may also be a synonym of this species. It has a similar rib count, 23—25 radial ribs. The form named by Dall (1909, p. 115) as “Venericardia subtenta var. quadrata” from specimens collected near Slip Point in the vicinity of USGS locality M4413 (“one mile east of Clallam Bay”) was differentiated from C. subtenta on the basis of its larger, more quadrate valves. Dall’s taxon, however, falls within the range of variation of C. subtenta (Moore, 1963, p. 70). CARDIIDAE Clinocardium n. sp. aff. C. nuttalli (Conrad, 1837) [pl. 5, fig. 13; pl. 6, fig. 8]. A few poorly preserved cardiids from the Clallam Formation may represent an unde— scribed species. Although decorticated, specimens of Clinocardium n. sp. appear to have had at least 18 coarse ribs anterior of the posterior inflection. The ribs on one specimen (pl. 5, fig. 13) are broad and rather flat topped. The other specimens are decorticated to such an extent that the original rib configuration cannot be determined. The beaks are inclined as in other species of Clinocardium. In all probability, this is the same PELECYPODS species as Moore’s (1963, p. 73, pl. 30, figs. 1, 2) Clinocardium aff. C. nuttalli (Conrad) from Coos Bay, Oreg. Clinocardium yakatagense (Clark, 1932, p. 813, pl. 18, fig. 8), a somewhat similar species from the mid— dle Miocene part of the Yakataga Formation, Gulf of Alaska, has a similar rib count but differs at least from the best preserved specimen of Clinocardium n. sp. from the Clallam (pl. 5, fig. 13) in having crested rather than broadly rounded, or flat-topped, ribs. The other specimens from the Clallam are too poorly pre- served to permit confident distinction from other mid- dle Tertiary species. An early Miocene cardiid from the Sooke Formation of Vancouver Island, British Colum- bia, C. sookensis (Clark and Arnold, 1923, p. 145, pl. 22, figs. 1 and 2), differs from Clinocardium n. sp. in having almost twice as many radial ribs. MACTRIDAE Spisula albaria (Conrad, 1848) [pl. 6, fig. 3; pl. 7, figs. 2, 3, 11]. This moderately large mactrid is charac- terized by a concave anterior dorsal slope, a convex posterior dorsal slope, and prominent beaks that tend to be situated posterior to the midline of the valves. The anterior extremity is pointed; the posterior ex- tremity is much broader. Moore (1963, p. 82—83, pl. 28, figs. 1—3, 5; pl. 31, figs. 9, 11) assigned all mactrids from the Astoria Formation of Oregon to this species, recognizing a broad range of variation in the outline of the valves. Reagan’s (1909, p. 187, pl. 2, fig. 19) Mactra gibbsana Meek (pl. 7, figs. 2, 3) is a synonym of this species as originally noted by Dall (1922). The anterior part of the specimen is deformed. This species is one of the most commonly occurring and abundant bivalves in the Clallam Formation. It is easily differentiated from other Spisula from the Clallam by its characteris- tic elongate-trigonal valves. Spisula albaria goodspeedi Etherington (1931) [pl. 6, fig. 14; pl. 7, fig. 1]. This nearly equilateral trigonal mactrid was described from the upper Miocene Mon- tesano Formation of Weaver (1912) of southwestern Washington. The unique outline of the valves permit differentiation from S. albaria, but in the context of the broad range of variation recognized by Moore (1963, p. 82—83), it would very likely be treated as only a form of the latter species. This species also occurs in the mid- dle Miocene part of the Astoria Formation of south- western Washington (Etherington, 1931). Spisula cf. S. hannibali Clark and Arnold (1923) [pl. 6, fig. 11]. This mactrid has an unusually broad apical angle and long, more or less straight, dorsal slopes. It is represented by poorly preserved material, con- sequently the identification is doubtful. Spisula han- nibali has been reported from strata of provincial early Miocene age near Seattle that are correlated with the 31 upper part of the "Blakeley” Stage (Durham, 1944). The principal difference between S. hannibali and both S. albaria and S. albaria goodspeedi is the unusually broad apical angle. As in the case of S. albaria goodspeedi, it seems possible that this taxon could fall within the broad range of variation of S. albaria recog- nized by Moore (1963, p. 82—83) although it was not included as a synonym of that species. Spisula equilateralis (Clark, 1932, p. 819—820, pl. 11, fig. 8), an early Miocene species from the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation, Gulf of Alaska (Kanno, 1971, p. 72), may be a synonym of S. hannibali but appears to differ in having relatively longer valves. Spisula sookensis Clark and Arnold (1923) [pl. 6, figs. 1, 16]. Another Spisula originally described from the lower Miocene Sooke Formation of nearby Vancouver Island, Canada, occurs at a few localities in the Clal- lam. It is a large, thin-shelled mactrid similar in out- line to the Miocene-to-Holocene species S. catilliformis (Conrad) (Packard, 1916, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2; Fitch, 1953, fig. 53). Both Spisula sookensis and S. catilliformis have a rib just below the posterior dorsal margin, but S. sookensis differs from S. catilliformis in having more quadrate valves with the beaks situated closer to the anterior extremity. It seems possible that some Miocene records of S. catilliformis from California (Loel and Corey, 1932, p. 170, 232, pl. 44, fig. 8; Pack- ard, 1916, p. 286, pl. 9, figs. 1, 2) could be of this species. If so, a provincial early Miocene (Vaqueros Formation of Loel and Corey, 1932) to late Miocene (San Pablo Group of Clark, 1915) age would be indi- cated. Spisula sp. [p]. 6, fig. 6]. A specimen from locality M4049 is so different from the other species in the Clal- lam that it is treated, tentatively, as a separate taxon. It is most similar to S. albaria, but the outline of the valves differs from this commonly occurring species in the anterior location of the beaks. SOLENIDAE Solen conradi Dall (1900) [pl. 6, fig. 12]. A small Solen with a slightly convex ventral margin and a straight or slightly concave dorsal margin is conspecific with S. conradi Dall (1900, p. 953), a species originally de- scribed from the Astoria Formation of Oregon. The few specimens from the Clallam are from the lowest 240 m of the formation. Solen conradi ranges from the early Miocene to the middle Miocene (Moore, 1963). TELLINIDAE Tellina emacerata Conrad (1849) [pl. 7, figs. 5, 7, 10]. This is the most commonly occurring tellinid in the Clallam Formation. It can be readily differentiated 32 from the other Clallam tellinids by the prominent, in— clined internal rib in the anterior half of the valve (pl. 7, figs. 5, 10). This feature is apparent on most of the Clallam specimens because practically all lack shell material. The plane of commissure is flexed posteriorly resulting in a slight bending of the valves. The surface is sculptured by very fine, evenly spaced concentric grooves. Reagan’s (1909, p. 186—187, pl. 2, fig. 18) T. clallamensis is a synonym of this species; it is refigured on plate 7, figure 10. Tellina emacerata ranges from the early Miocene to the middle Miocene in Oregon and Washington. It may be represented by Tellina (Oudar— dia) sp. Kanno (1971, p. 75—76, pl. 10, figs. 4, 5) from the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation in the Gulf of Alaska region. In California, this species ranges from the late Oligocene to the late Miocene (Addicott, 1973, p. 32). Macoma albaria Conrad (1849) [pl. 7, figs. 13—15, 17, 20]. This small tellinid, characterized by posteriorly located beaks and valves that are weakly flexed poste- riorly, occurs at a few localities in the Clallam Forma- tion. Almost all the right valves of this species have been bored by gastropods. The right valve is the more strongly flexed of the two valves. The flexing and the position of the borings near the middle of the right valve suggest that this species lived very close to the surface and that the plane of commissure was oriented parallel to the sediment-water interface with the right valve above the left one. This species and two other small Macomas from Oligocene and Miocene forma- tions in Oregon and Washington, M. twinensis Clark and M. arnoldi Tegland, are very similar. Both M. al- baria and M. twinensis Clark (1925, p. 96, pl. 12, fig. 7) have posteriorly located beaks and are much less strongly flexed posteriorly. As an alternative to dis- crimination as separate species, it seems possible that the two taxa could be treated as forms of a variable species. Macoma arnoldi Tegland (1933, p. 119—120, pl. 9, figs. 2—8), a small species of late Oligocene age, dif- fers from these two in having higher, more trigonal shaped valves and more centrally located beaks (pl. 7, figs. 16, 19). Reagan’s (1909, pl. 2, fig. 15) M. albaria could be M. arnoldi; as noted by Moore (1963, p. 50) it is not M. albaria. Macoma arctata (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 7, figs. 4, 6, 8, 14, 18, 22]. The elongate valves of this large species are bent or flexed posteriorly as in the late Cenozoic species M. nasuta (Conrad); the. left valve is more strongly flexed than the right one. The beaks are lo- cated in the posterior part of the valve. Some speci- mens (pl. 7, figs. 8, 14), preserved with shell material or as internal molds, have faint radial ribbing in the anterior ventral part. Some of the best specimens are from locality M4051; the shell material has been MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON leached but the exterior sculpture has been transferred to the internal molds and is fairly well preserved. This probably is the type locality for Reagan’s (1909, p. 186, pl. 1, fig. 17) Tellina arctata var. juana. The holotype of this taxon is refigured on plate 7, figure 14. Specimens from near the base of the Clallam (10c. M4049) may represent the earliest occurrence of large species of Macoma in Oregon and Washington. Material iden- tified as M. arctata from the uppermost part of the Lin- coln Creek Formation (Armentrout, 1975) could be coeval; the associated assemblage contains only a few species, none of which are diagnostic of provincial age. This species appears in the provincial late Oligocene in California (Addicott, 1973, p. 33). Its highest strati— graphic occurrence in California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska (Moore, 1963; Kanno, 1971; Addicott, 1973) is in strata of middle Miocene age. This species also occurs in the western North Pacific where it has the same geological range. The oldest record is from the late Oligocene 0f Honshu Island, Japan (Kanno, 1960); the youngest (Il’ina, 1963, p. 81) from middle Miocene (Gladenkov, 1972, p. 169) strata of Kam- chatka, Russia. Macoma cf. M. twinensis Clark (1925) [pl. 6, fig. 5]. A few, small articulated tellinids from the Clallam For- mation are doubtfully identified as Macoma twinensis. They are more elongate and have more centrally lo- cated beaks than the more commonly occurring speci- mens of Macoma albaria Conrad. Macoma twinensis was described from exposures of the upper member of the Twin River Formation about 2 miles west of Twin River (Weaver, 1942, p. 210). This species also differs from M. albaria in having more strongly flexed valves. Specimens of M. twinensis from near the base of the type section of Durham’s (1944) Echinophoria apta zone (loc. M4032) are illustrated on plate 6 (figs. 2, 4, 13, 15) and plate 7 (fig. 12). Identification of this species in the Clallam is doubtful because of the simi- larity to M. albaria and because the valves are not so strongly flexed as on undoubted specimens of M. twinensis. The latter condition could be due to defor- mation of the valves. Macoma twinensis ranges from the provincial late Oligocene to the early Miocene. The doubtful record of this species in the Clallam is the youngest in the Pacific Coast Tertiary. Macoma astori Dall (1909) [pl. 7, fig. 21]. Significant morphologic features of this taxon are its pointed and relatively strongly flexed posterior extremity, its long and nearly straight posterior dorsal margin, and its almost medially located beaks. One moderately large specimen from the Clallam (pl. 7, fig. 21) is almost identical to Dall’s type specimen (see Moore, 1963, p. 81, pl. 29, fig. 12). Macoma astori seems to be more similar to the late Tertiary and Quaternary species M. PELECYPODS nasuta (Conrad) than to any of the other bent-nosed Oligocene and Miocene species from Oregon and Washington. Some paleontologists (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 369; Faustman, 1964, p. 22; Talmadge, 1972, p. 413) consider M. lipara Dall (1916), a Pliocene to Holocene species, to be indistinguishable from M. as- tori and, by inference, a synonym of this species. This treatment seems inadvisable in view of longer, and straight rather than convex, posterior dorsal margin of M. astori. Moreover, the right valve of M. astori is much more strongly flexed than that of M. lipara. Macoma sookensis Clark and Arnold (1923) [pl. 7, fig. 23; pl. 8, figs. 1, 2, 5]. Left valves ofa large, fairly thick shelled Macoma from the lowest 40—110 m of the Clal- lam Formation (USGS locs. M4681 and NP161) are identical to Clark and Arnold’s (1923) species from nearby Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This species is similar to M. nasuta (Conrad), a commonly occurring modern taxon that ranges back into the Miocene. Like M. nasuta it has anteriorly located beaks and a ligamental nymph indicative of an elon- gate ligament. The overall shape of the valves is simi- lar, but the valves of these specimens of M. sookensis are less strongly flexed and are broadly rounded, rather than pointed, posteriorly. This rounding plus the less strongly sloping posterior dorsal margin give the valves of this species a more quadrate outline than M. nasuta. Macoma sookensis seems to be restricted to strata of provincial early Miocene age. Macoma n. sp. aff. M. secta (Conrad, 1837) [pl. 8, fig. 6]. A single specimen of an incomplete internal mold of a right valve, somewhat similar to Macoma secta, may represent an undescribed species. It is referred to the subgenus Rexithaerus because of the flange developed along the posterior dorsal margin. It differs from M. secta in being more elongate and in having a broadly truncate posterior margin. This taxon also differs from M. flagleri Etherington (1931, p. 85, pl. 10, figs. 3, 4) in having anteriorly, rather than centrally, located beaks. A specimen of M. flagleri is illustrated (pl. 8, fig. 3) for comparison. A widening of the dorsal margin just posterior to the beaks indicates that this bivalve had an external ligament. Macoma n. sp. Moore (1963) [pl. 8, fig. 4]. An orbicu- lar specimen that is almost as high as it is long appears to be the same as Moore’s (1963, p. 81, pl. 29, figs. 10, 11) Macoma n. sp. from near Newport, Oreg. This species was described as “thin shelled, high in propor- tion to length, and perhaps almost circular in outline” (Moore, 1963, p. 81). Although recorded from the As- toria Formation (Moore, 1963), later mapping has shown that the seacliff localities 2—3 miles south of Newport are in the upper part of the Nye Mudstone (Snavely and others, 1969b, 1976). Data considered 33 elsewhere in this report indicate a provincial early Miocene age for the Nye Mudstone. VENERIDAE Dosim'a whitneyi (Gabb, 1866 [pl. 8, figs. 9, 10]. Small, orbicular specimens of Dosinia from localities M4414, M4683, M4684, NP160, and NP161 are identical with material from the Astoria Formation of Oregon iden- tified as D. whitneyi (Gabb) by Moore (1963, p. 73, pl. 24, figs. 1—10). These specimens are sculptured by fine concentric ribs and are of variable outline owing to deformation. The genus is of very rare occurrence in the Miocene of Oregon where it is known definitely only from dredgings of middle Miocene age at Coos Bay (Moore, 1963, p. 73). It also occurs in middle Miocene strata in southwestern Washington (Etherington, 1931; Addicott in Wolfe and McKee, 1972, table 13) where it is also rare. The extremely small size of these specimens suggests that they may represent the north- ernmost limits of distribution of this warm-water genus during the early Miocene. Middle Miocene specimens from southwestern Washington (Etherington, 1931) and western Oregon (Moore, 1963) are of much smaller size than those from Oregon. The genus has been recorded from middle Miocene strata as far north as Kodiak Island, Alaska (lat 58° N.), but that occurrence may have been related to a western North Pacific lineage (Addicott, 1969). Katherinella angustifrons (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 8, figs. 7, 8, 11—18]. Specimens from the Clallam are extremely variable in outline and in thickness. Nevertheless they can be separated into two forms. One has inflated valves that tend to be of quadrate shape; the other is only weakly inflated, tends to attain a larger adult size, is relatively thin shelled, and is usually, but not always, more orbicular in outline. Some of the thin orbicular forms attain a relatively large size (pl. 8, fig. 18). The inflated form (pl. 8, figs. 15, 17) occurs in col- lections from locs. M4051, M4413, M4677, M4683, and NP163; the thin form (pl. 8, figs. 8, 12, 14, 16, 18) in M4049, M4050, M4414, M4684, and M5878. The in- flated form is similar to the type and to specimens from the Nye Mudstone and the Astoria Formation of the northwest Oregon coast (Moore, 1963, pl. 24, figs. 11—14, pl. 25, figs. 1—3, 5—15, pl. 26, figs. 4—6, 8). Speci- mens from localities NP89, NP161, and NP163 are not differentiated. Katherinella arnoldi ethringtoni (Teg— land, 1929, p. 283, pl. 23, figs. 12—14), described from the Clallam Formation and also recorded from the upper member of the Twin River Formation (Durham, 1944, p. 149), is a synonym of this species. Securella ensifera (Dall, 1909) [p]. 9, figs. 1—3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13]. This species is one of the most abundant bivalves in the Clallam, however, most of the speci- 34 mens are devoid of shell material thereby making specific identification difficult. The external concentric sculpture has, nevertheless, been partially preserved on many of the internal molds. On a few specimens the sculpture is so well preserved that the fine radial sculpture underlying the concentric ribbing is exposed. The original surface sculpture of S. ensifera consisted of bladelike concentric ridges gently inclined toward the beaks. Almost all the species, however, have undergone abrasion or decortication that has exposed a layer characterized by fine radial ribbing. This species has been treated systematically by Moore (1963, p. 75—7 6). Specimens described as Venus clallamensis and V. olympidea by Reagan (1909, p. 182—183, pl. 1, figs. 12 and 13) are synonyms of this species. These are refigured in this report (pl. 9, figs. 3, l3). Securella, a genus that became extinct during the provincial Pliocene, is differentiated from the similar warm- water genus Chione by its deeply sunken ligament and V-shaped pallial sinus (Parker, 1949). A specimen from the basal part of the Clallam identified as S. alas- kensis (Clark, 1932, p. 815, pl. 18, figs. 2, 3) by Parker (1949, p. 588) and Chione sp. (Durham, 1944, p. 146) presumably belongs to this species. Clark’s (1932) species from the middle Miocene part of the Yakataga Formation, Alaska [not Poul Creek Formation as stated by Parker (1949)—see Kanno (1971, p. 87)], may be a synonym of this species. HIATELLIDAE Panopea ramonensis (Clark, 1925) [pl. 9, fig. 15]. This species has consistently longer valves in proportion to the height than does P. abrupta, which, also occurs in the Clallam Formation. The beaks on this species vary from medial to a position anterior to the midline of the valves (Addicott, 1973, p. 37—38). The elongate form of Panopea ramonensis was previously recorded and fig- ured from the Clallam by Weaver (1942, p. 264, pl. 59, fig. 11). That record was used by Hickman (1969, p. 60) and Addicott (1973) in defining a middle Oligocene to middle Miocene range for this species. This range must be revised to middle Oligocene to early Miocene in keeping with the revised provincial age of the Clallam (Addicott, 1975). Panopea abrupta (Conrad, 1849) [pl. 9, figs. 7, 8, 16]. This Panopea has more quadrate valves and occurs more commonly in the Clallam Formation than P. ramonensis. Panopea abrupta occurs in Miocene to Holocene formations along the Pacific coast and was recently recorded from the middle Oligocene of Oregon (Hickman, 1969, p. 65). Kanno’s (1971, p. 93—94, pl. 11, fig. 3) Panopea n. sp.? from a locality in the upper part of the Poul Creek Formation, Gulf of Alaska, is very MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON similar to P. abrupta, differing principally in having a strongly sloping anterior dorsal margin. THRACIIDAE Thracia trapezoides Conrad (1849) [pl. 9, figs. 4, 12]. This late Oligocene to Holocene species, originally de- scribed from the middle Miocene part of the Astoria Formation of Oregon, is fairly abundant in the Clallam Formation. It differs from the late Oligocene to early Miocene species T. schencki Tegland (1933, p. 112—113, pl. 6, figs. 6—11) and the Oligocene species T. condoni Dall (1909, p. 135—136, pl. 19, fig. 5) in having straight or slightly concave anterior and posterior segments along the ventral margin creating a lobate ventral margin. The ventral margin tends, therefore, to be more convex than in theother species. A further differ- ence is the generally larger , size of the Oligocene species (Moore, 1963; Hickman, 1969). On most species of T. trapezoides, the umbonal ridge setting off the near-vertical posterior segment of the valve is much sharper than on older species. The valves of both T. schencki and T. condoni also tend to be longer in pro- portion to their height than those of T. trapezoides. The lowest stratigraphic occurrence of this species is in the Echinophoria rex zone of northwestern Washington (Durham, 1944). Thracia cf. T. schencki Tegland (1933) [pl. 9, figs. 11, 14]. Small elongate specimens from locality M4051 near Slip Point seem to represent this species. Identifi- cation is doubtful because of limited material and poor preservation of the specimens. Thracia schencki Teg- land has a much less convex dorsal margin and has more elongate valves than T. trapezoides. It also lacks the broad sinus between the posterior umbonal ridge and the midline of the valves that is characteristic of T. trapezoides. CEPHALOPODS HERCOGLOSSIDAE Aturia angustata (Conrad, 1849). This species is doubtfully identified from a locality about 65 m above the base of the Clallam Formation (USGS loc. M5878). There is an undoubted record from the basal part of the Clallam Formation on the east flank of the anticline near Slip Point (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913, p. 588; Miller, 1947, p. 87). Aturia angustata is definitely iden- tified from near the top of the underlying upper member of the Twin River Formation close to the mouth of Pysht River (Schenck, 1931) and is of more common occurrence in collections from the type section of the lower Miocene Echinophoria apta zone near the mouths of the Twin Rivers several kilometres farther east (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913; Durham, 1944). FOSSIL LOCALITIES Occurrences of Aturia angustata in the California Miocene are very rare. The two records listed by Schenck (1931) are from strata northeast of Bakers- field, Calif., that are referable to the upper part of the “Vaqueros” Stage of Addicott (1972). The lowest of these records is from near the base of the Temblor Formation according to Schenck (1931). Records from Oregon (Moore, 1963) seem to be from the lower Miocene Nye Mudstone of the Newport Embayment or from the lower Miocene part of the Astoria Formation in more northern Miocene embayments. This taxon has not been recorded from the Astoria Formation in southwestern Washington. The fragmentary strati- graphic evidence points toward a pre-middle Miocene range for this species. Tentatively, it is considered to have become extinct during the later part of the pro- vincial early Miocene. SCAPHOPODS DENTALIIDAE Dentalium pseudonyma Pilsbry and Sharp (1898) [pl. 4, figs. 4, 8]. This radially ribbed species is of less com- mon occurrence in the Clallam than the larger smooth-shelled D. schencki Moore. Further differences from D. schencki are the relatively thinner shell and straighter, less tapered form. Dentalium schencki Moore (1963) [pl 5, fig. 11]. This relatively large smooth-shelled species, strongly ta- pered, is fairly abundant in the Clallam Formation. Both Dentalium schencki Moore and D. pseudonyma also occur in the middle Miocene part of the Astoria Formation of the Newport Embayment, Oreg. (Moore, 1963). FOSSIL LOCALITIES IN THE CLALLAM FORMATION, CLALLAM COUNTY, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON US. Geological Survey localities, Menlo Park register M4049. Sea cliff and intertidal zone exposures near center of El/z of sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 11 W., 2,300 ft north, 1,300 ft west of SE cor. sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. From three l-m—thick beds in an interval between 191 and 207 In above the base of the formation. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1968, and Addicott and J. W. Miller, 1974. Same as UCMP A3962. Sea cliff and intertidal zone exposures 1,800 ft north, 700 ft west of SE cor. sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15- minute quadrangle. From interval 52—59 m above the base of the formation. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1968. Same as UCMP A3693. Macoma arctata beds about 10 m thick exposed in sea cliff almost 1 km east of Slip Point, 4,550 ft north, 700 ft west of SE cor. sec. 21, T. 32 N., R. 12 W., Pysht 71/2-minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1968. M4050. M4051. M4413. M4414. M4675. M4677. M4678. M4679. M4680. M4681. M4683. M4684. M5878. M5879. M5885. M5886. M6029. M6373. 35 Intertidal exposure of sandstone with scattered Vertipecten and Epitonium about 1V2 km east of Slip Point, 3,000 ft north, 2,400 ft east of SW cor. sec. 22, T. 32 N., R. 12 W., Pysht 15—minute quadrangle. Collected by W. 0. Ad- dicott, 1970, and Addicott and J. W. Miller, 1974. Talus from seacliff exposure nearly 3 km east of Slip Point, 600 ft north, 2,100 ft east of SW cor. sec. 23, T. 32 N., R. 12 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. From an interval approximately 40—110 m above the base of the forma- tion. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1970. Seacliff and intertidal zone exposures about two-thirds of a kilometre west of Pillar Point, 100 ft north, 500 ft east of NW cor. sec. 3, T. 31 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott and J. E. Pearl, 1971. Intertidal zone exposures at north end of gravel beach at Slip Point, 4,900 ft north, 200 ft west of SE cor. Clallam Bay 15-minute quadrangle. Approximately 180 m above the base of the formation. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1971. Natural exposure on south side of logging road at top of steep sea cliff, 600 ft north, 800 ft west of SE cor. sec. 25, T. 32 N., R. 12 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. Eleva- tion 880 ft. Near the top of the formation. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1971, and Addicott and J. W. Miller, 1974. Intertidal zone exposure about 4 km west of Pillar Point, 4,400 ft north, 300 ft east of SW cor. sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1971. Intertidal zone exposure about 150 In southeast of M4679, 4,100 ft north, 400 ft east of SW cor. sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15—minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1971. Same as M4414. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1971. Intertidal zone exposure about 11/2 k west of Pillar Point, 500 ft north, 3,700 ft east of SW cor. sec. 33, T. 32 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott and J. E. Pearl, 1971. Intertidal zone exposure approximately two-thirds of a kilometre west of Pillar Point, 250 ft north, 400 ft east of NW cor. sec. 3, T. 31 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15—minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott and J. E. Pearl, 1971. Same as M4049. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1973. Same as M4050. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1973. Intertidal zone exposure at base of sandy beach approxi- mately 3 k west of Pillar Point, 2,800 ft north, 3,300 ft east of SW cor. sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 11 W., Pysht 15- minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott and J. E. Pearl, 1973. Prominent point about one-half a kilometre east of Slip Point, 5,100 ft north, 1,400 ft west of SE cor. sec. 21, T. 32 N., R. 12 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1973. Intertidal exposure of massive, Vertipecten-bearing sandstone at base of gravel beach at Slip Point Light- house compound, 300 ft west, 4,250 ft north of SE cor. of Clallam Bay 15-minute quadrangle. Approximately 130 In above the base of the formation. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1973. Intertidal zone exposure of l-m-thick fossil bed 27 m N. 26° W. of M4049 and 12 m stratigraphically above M4049, in Nl/ZNl/ZSEIA sec. 32, T. 32 N., R. 12 W., Pysht 15-minute quadrangle. Approximately 230 m above the base of the 36 MOLLUSCAN PALEONTOLOGY, LOWER MIOCENE CLALLAM FORMATION, NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON formation. Collected by W. 0. Addicott and J. W. Miller, 1974. Large blocks of silty sandstone at base of cliff about 100 m west of giant talus pile 550 ft north, 1,850 ft east of SW cor. sec. 23, T. 32 N., R. 12 W., Pysht 15-minute quad- rangle. Lowest 20—40 m of the formation. Collected by W. O. Addicott and J. W. Miller, 1974. M6375. Stanford University localities [These descriptions are from the Stanford University locality register. Published descriptions in Arnold and Hannibal (1913, p. 589) are different in some respects] NP89. Oligocene-Miocene, Monterey basal sandstone, seacliffs eastward from Slip Point for half a mile, Clallam Bay, Wash. Collected by A. B. Reagan and Harold Hannibal, 1911, 1912. USGS localities M4051 and M5886 are from the same area. Monterey sandstone, seacliffs at Pillar Point, straits east of Clallam Bay, Wash. Collected by Harold Hannibal, 1912. USGS localities M4675, M4683, and M4684 are from the same area. Monterey shale and sandstone, seacliffs 1‘/2 miles west of Pillar Point, Clallam Bay, Wash. Collected by Harold Hannibal, 1912. USGS localities M4049 and M4050 are from the same area; the assemblage from M4049 most closely resembles that of NP161. Monterey carbonaceous sandstone, seacliffs at coal mine, straits east of Clallam Bay, Wash. Collected by Harold Hannibal, 1912. Probably stratigraphically higher than M4678 which is from the same area. Oligocene-Miocene, Monterey shaly sandstone east of Clal— lam Bay, Wash. Collected by Harold Hannibal, 1912. Probably same locality as M4681. NP160. NP161. NP162. NP163. Washington University (Seattle) localities UW270. Cliff, south shore of Strait of Juan de Fuca, Clallam County, sec. 23, T. 31 N., R. 12 W. (Weaver, 1942). Very shaly sandstone in cliff, beach section 11,000 ft southeast of Slip Point and 13,000 ft due east of the town ofClallam Bay, Clallam County, NEIASE‘A sec. 22, T. 32 N., R. 12 W. (Weaver, 1942). UW490. REFERENCES CITED Addicott, W. 0., 1965, Miocene macrofossils of the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California, in Geological Survey research 1965: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 525—C, p. ClOl—C109, 4 figs. 1966a, Late Pleistocene marine paleoecology and zoogeog- raphy in central California: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 523—C, p. 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E., Chm., and others (20), 1944, Correlation of the marine Zinsmeister, W. J ., 1974, A new interpretation of thermally anom- Cenozoic formations of western North America: Geol. Soc. alous molluscan assemblages of the California Pleistocene: J our. America Bu11., v. 55, no. 5, p. 569—598. Paleontology, v. 48, no. 1, p. 84—94. Page A abrupta, Panope __________________________________ 4 Panopea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 6, 14, 18, 34, pl. 9 Acila __________________________________________ 27 conrudi ______ 4, 5, 14, 27, pl. 3 gettysburgensis ___________________ 17 (Acila) castrensis, Nucula _ _________ 4 conradi, N ucula _____________________________ 4 Acknowledgments ________________________________ 3 acutilineata, Lucinoma ______ 4, 5, 14, 18, 19, 30, pl. 5 acutilineatus, Phacoides _________________________ 4 aequisulcatum, Semicassis ___________________ Age _____________________________________ Alaska .... Alaska Peninsula, Miocene assemblages ____________ 2 alaskensis, Securella ____________________________ 34 albaria, Macoma __________________ 6, 14, 15, 32, pl. 7 Spisula ________________ 4, 5, 14, 15, 31, pls. 6, 7 gondspeedi, Spisula ________ 5, 10, 14,31, pls. 6, 7 alta, Metis _______________________________________ 4 Amauropsis oregonensis ,,,,,,,, A. 4 Anadara ________ -_ we 19, 28 devincta , _ 5, 12, 14,28, pl. 5 lakei , 14, 15,28, pl. 5 5.5 ,,,,, __ 20 submontereyamz ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Ancistrolepis clarki ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 clarki teglandae ___________________________ 23 rearensis __________ 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17,23, pl. 3 anglonana, Molapophorus ________________________ 24 angustata, Aturia __________________________ 6, 14, 34 angustifrons, Katherinella ,, 4, 6, 14, 15, 33, pl. 8 Venus, (Chione) . _.__ 4 annulata, Lucinoma , _ 18, 19 Antigona olympidea ______________________________ 4 antiselli, Thesbia ________________________________ 26 Xenuroturris ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15,26, pls. 2, 3 apta, Echinophoria ______________ _.__ ___ 23 Liracassis _______________________________ l7 Archarax ________________________________________ 18 dalli _______ 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16,28, pl. 3 uentricosa .. _____ __ 28 willapaensis _ 28 Arcidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 arctatu, Macoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 4, 6, 14,32, pl. 7 Tellina ____________________________________ 3, 4 juana, Tellina ______________________ 4, 32, pl. 7 Armentrout, J. M., cited ________________________ 16 Arnold, Ralph, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 7 arnoldi, Macoma , 32, pl. 7 ethringtoni, K atherinella _ _ _ astori, Macoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 10, 14, 19, 32, pl. 7 Astoria, Oreg ________________________________ 15, 18 Astoria Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26, 33 age ________________________________________ 16 benthonic foraminifera ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 contact ___________________ fauna, Newportian _ middle Miocene ,,,,, molluscan fauna ,,,,,, Miocene fauna ________________________ W 3, 16 Newport Embayment, Oreg __________________ 28 Oregon ________________ 3, 10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35 southwestern Washington ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 10, 17, 23, 24, 26, 27,28, 29, 31, 35 type area __________________________________ 18 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Aturia ,,,,,,,,,, angustata ____________________________ 6, 14,34 B Baja California, Mexico _________________________ 20 Bakersfield, Calif _____________________ __- 35 Barker’s Ranch fauna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.- 13 Bathymetry ______ _t, 18 Biostratigraphy _ birchi, Cancellaria, ______ 5, 15,25, pl. 2 bisecta, Canchocele ______________________________ 30 Blakeley Formation, Washington ______________ 25, 30 Blakeley Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 13, 16, 18, 29, 31 British Columbia ___________ brota, Mocoma _________________________________ 19 Bruclarkia ______________________________________ 23 aregonensis _ _ 4, 5, 14,23, pl. 2 yaquinana ,,,,, . ,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 15, 23, pl, 2 Buccinum clallamensis ,, -1 bulbasus, Teredo ,,,,,,,,,, C California, Coast Ranges ____________________ 12, 18 formaminiferal correlation __________________ 16 middle Miocene strata ____________________ 12, 20 Temblor Stage __________________________________ 12 Vaqueros Stage _________________________ 12, 13 calkinsi, Nuculana _______________ 5, 14, 15, 27, pl. 3 Calyptraea sp _______________________________ 4 Calyptraeidae ..... 21 Canada, western, provincial molluscan stages 1 4 Cancellaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, birchi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fl 5, 15,25, pl. 2 oregonensis ,1 5, 15,25, 26, pl. 2 siletzensis _ ______________ 5, 11, 15, 25, p]. 2 simplex _____________________ 5, 12, 15,25, pl. 2 wynoocheensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 12, 15,26, pl. 2 (Euclid) _________________________________ 20 Cancellariidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cape Yakataga, Alaska _________________ Cardiidae ______________ Carditidae ______________ Carnivore, marine Cassididae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, caster, Cyclacardia _____________________________ 30 castrensis, Nucula (Acila) catilliformis, Spisula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, centiquadrata, Semicassis Cephalopods ,,,,,,,,,, Cetacean bones _______ chehalisensis, Nuculana Chione ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, securis sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Chione) angustifrons, Venus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W 4 clallamensis, Venus __________________ olympidea, Venus W" (Chlamys) fucanus. Pecten ,, wattsi morani, Pecten ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Clallam Bay __________________________ 1, 3, 6, 21, 30 Clallam coal mine Clallam County, Washington __________________ 35 Washington, fossil localities _________________ 35 Clallam fauna, late early Miocene _ n, 20 Clallam Formation __________ Clallam Formation—Continued benthonic foraminifera __ contact ______________ correlation ______ depositional cycle depositional environment _____ exposures _________________________________ 1, 8 fauna _____________________ 3, 4, 5, 6, 16, 17,20 Pillarian ________________________________ 17 faunal assemblages A. 10, 11, 12, 18, 19 fauna] hiatus ________ __, 9, 10, 16 fossil localities 8, 9, 11, 35 fossils“ lithology __ _____________________ 1, 7 living Species ________________________________ 18 marine carnivore ____________________________ 4 marine mollusks __________ 1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 17, 18 microfaunal boundary _______________________ 16 Miocene assemblages ,,,,,,, 2, 7, 12, 19 Miocene boundary ,1 _, 2 molluscan fauna __,, _ 20 nomenclatorial history ______________________ 6, 7 Oligocene-Miocene boundary _________________ 2 provincial chronostratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,,, restricted species _____ stratigraphy thickness ___________ type locality type section ______________________ , 18 unconformity _ _ __ _ 16 Washington ______ _ __________ 21 clallamense, Epitonium V 5, 14, 16, 17,21, pl. 1 clallamensis, Buccinum __________________________ 4 Pisania ______________________________________ 4 Tellina ______________________________ 4, 32, pl. 7 Trophosycon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 15, 23, pls. 1, 2 Venus 1.- 34, pl. 9 (Chiane) ____________________ 4 clarki, Ancistrolepis- ..... 23 Natica ___ _____ 5, 14,22, pl. 1 Priscofusus _________________ 24 teglandae, Ancistrolepis _____________________ 23 Clinocardium W, _____________________________ 30 nuttalli _______________ 5, 11, 14, 19, 30, pls. 5, 6 sookensis ___________________________________ 31 yokatagense __________________________ 31 A. 30, pls. 5, 6 Coast Ranges, California . 12, 18, 23 columbiana, Luciuoma , Conchocele bisecta ..... disjuncta _________________ 5, 11, 14, 18,30, pl. 6 condonana, Megasurcula ______________________ 27 condoni, Thracia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 conradi, Acila ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 14,27, pl. 3 N ucula (Acila) ____________________ 4 Solen _______________ 6, 14,31, pl. 6 Coos Bay____ _______ 33 Correlation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 foraminiferal ________________________ 12, 13, 16 molluscan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12, 16 corrugata, M usashia , ,, Crenella porterensis ,,,,, Crepidula ____________________________________ 21, 22 praerupta _ 5, 14, 21, 22, pls, 1, 2 princeps A, e, 5, 10, 14,21, pl. 1 rostralis e_ 5, 14,22, pl. 2 sookensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5,22, pl. 1 41 42 Crescent Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cuyama Valley area, California _____ _ 23 Cyclinella sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Cyclocardia Castor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 subtenta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 15,30, pls. 5, 6 yakatagensis ,,,,,,, D dalli, Archarax 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 28, pl. 3 Dentaliidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 Dentalium pseudonyma ,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 15,35, pl. 4 schencki ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15,35, pl. 5 substriatum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 devincta, Anadara ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 12, 14,28, pl. 5 Dibblee, T. W., Jr., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 disjuncta, Conchocele _________ 5, 11, 14, 18, 30, pl. 6 Dosinia ,,__ ___________________________ 19, 20, 33 whitneyi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 14, 33, pl. 8 E East Clallarn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 East Twin River ________________________________ 30 Echinophoria apta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 apta zone ____________________ 6, 7, 18, 23, 32, 34 rest zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25, 34 elmana, Nuculana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 27, pl. 3 emacerata, Tellina ______________ 4, 6, 14, 15,31, pl. 7 ensifera, Securella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 6, 14, 15, 33, pl. 9 Eocene-Miocene depositional cycle ________________ 1 eparchis, Nuculana ______________________________ 27 Epitoniidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 Epitonium clallamense ,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 16, 17,21, pl. 1 equilateralis, Spisula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 ethringtoni, Katherinella arnoldi , Euclia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Euclid), Cancellaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 F F elaniella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 parilis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, 30 Sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 30, pl. 5 Ficidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Ficus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 20 modesta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 23, pl. 1 filasa, Trochita ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, flagleri, Macoma ,, Foraminifera, benthonic“, 2, 4, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 27 Jewett Sand ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 Luisian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Relizian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Saucesian ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 16, 27 Fossil, bathymetric index ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Fossil localities, Clallam County, Washington J" 35 Clallam Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 Stanford University ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36 stratigraphic sequence J, ,,,,,,,, 8, 9 U.S.G.S., Menlo Park register ________ 8, 9, 11, 35 Washington University (Seattle) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36 Fossil species, Oregon ____________________________ 10 Washington ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 10 Fossils, Astoria, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 15 index species ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, M, 13 preservation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W 6, 16 restricted species ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 10, 11 zonal index species ....... "M 10 Freeman Silt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ J 27 fucanus, Pecten (Chlamys) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Vertipecten ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27,29, pl. 4 Fusinidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 Fusinus hannibali ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 G Gastropod fauna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Gastropods ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 20,21 generosa, Panopea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 INDEX Page geniculus, Priscofusus __________ 5, 11, 15, 16, 24, pl. 2 gettysburgensis, Acila __________ gibbosus, Saxidomus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 gibbsana, Mactra ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 31, pl. 7 Glycymerididae _______________________ . 28 Glycymeris ______ _. 28 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 28, pl. 5 goodspeedi, Spisula albaria .J- 5, 10, 14, 31, pls. 6, 7 Gower, H. D., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _. 9, 24 goweri, Priscofusus ____________ 4, 15, 20,24, 25, pl. 2 graciosana, Ophiodermella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 Grays Harbor basin, Washington ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Grays River quadrangle, southwestern Washington ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18, 26 Gulf of Alaska ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 25, 30, 31, 32 Miocene fauna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 17, 21 H Hannibal, Harold, cited .......................... 20 hannibali, Fusinus ,,,,,,, ,, 24 Lucinoma ,,,,,,,,,, 1, 30 Priscofusus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24, 25 Spisula ___________ 5, 10, 13, 14, 16,31, pl. 6 Hercoglossidae ...... , 34 Hiatellidae ,,,,,,,,,,,, __ 34 Hoh Formation ,_ _ . . Hoh rock assemblage Hokkaido, Japan _ Hoko River _______ iani, Semicassis impressa, Yoldia , _ indurota, Musashia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 11, 15,25, pl. 3 inornata, Trochita ________________________________ 4 Introduction ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 6 J jamesae, Neuerita ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 22, pl. 1 Japan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18, 23 Jewett Sand ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13, 21, 26, 30 juana, Tellina arctata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 32, pl. 7 Juanian Stage ________________________ 6, 16, 17, 18 K Kamchatka ,,,,,,, Russia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Katherinella angustifrons ,,,,,,,, 4, 6, 14, 15,33, pl. 8 arnoldi ethringtoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 Keasey Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,, kernianum, Trophosycon ,,,,,, Kodiak Island, Alaska Kuluven Suite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L lakei, Anadara ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 11, 14, 15,28, pl. 5 Last Creek Lincoln Creek Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lincoln Stage lipara, Macoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Liracassis apta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lucinidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lucinoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, acutilineata ,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 14, 18, 19,30, pl. 5 annulata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, columbiana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 hannibali ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 (Lunatia) olympidii, Polynices Lyre Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 M McCormick, Lavon, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Macoma Page Momma—Continued albaria ______________________ 6, 14, 15, 32, pl. 7 arctata ______________________ 3, 4,6, 14, 32, pl. 7 amoldi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32, pl. 7 astori ,, 6, 10, 14, 19,32, pl. 7 19 flagleri ________________________________ 33, pl. 8 lipara ______________________________________ 33 nasuta __________________________________ 32, 33 secta _____________ 6, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 33, pl. 8 sookensis ____________________ 6, 14, 33, pls. 7, 8 twinensis ,,,,,, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 32, pls. 6, 7 n. sp _________________ 6, 14, 15, 16, 20,33, pl. 8 Mactra gibbsana ______________________ 4, 31, pl. 7 Mactridae _______________________________ A, 31 Mactrids _____ W., 19 Marcia oregonensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Matlockian Stage __________________ 6, 13, 16, 18, 29 matthewi, Molapophorus ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,___ 16, 24 Megasurcula ____________________________________ 27 condomzna __________________________________ 27 wynoocheensis ________________ 5, 15, 19,27, pl. 3 middendorffi, Mytilus 1,, Miocene, index species ._ Miocene assemblages A Miocene boundary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 mollusks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Miocene fauna, Astoria Formation ________________ 3 Gulf of Alaska ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 modesta, Ficus ______________________ 5, 14,23, pl. 1 Modiolus ________________________________________ 28 restorationensis ,,,,,,,, 5, 11, 14, 15, 20,28, pl. 5 n. sp ______________ 20, 28, pl. 5 Molluscan fauna fl- 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 18,20 Molluscan paleontology __________________________ 20 Molluscan province, late early Miocene ,,,,,,,,,, 2, 3 Mollusks, depth ranges ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 index species ________________________________ 13 living genera ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 stratigraphic distribution .......... 10, 11, 13, 15 Molopophorus _ _ _ anglonana _ - _ matthewz ________________________________ 16, 24 newcumbei ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 15, 16, 20,24, pl. 2 n. sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 24, pl. 2 Monterey Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Montesano Formation, Weaver ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 Moore, E. J., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 21, 25, 27 Moore, R. C., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, morani, Pecten (Chlamys) wattsi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 muirensis, Ophiodermellu ,. Muricidae ________________ M usashia corrugata indurata ______________________ 5, 11, 15, 25, pl. 3 weaveri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Mytilidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Mytilids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Mylilus _____________________________________ 3, 19 middendorffi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .11, 13, 29 ochotensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28, 29 tichanouitchi ,,,,,, 5, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20,28, pl. 5 n. sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 20, 28, pl. 5 N nasuta, Macoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32, 33 Natica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ______ 19 clarki ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -_ 5, 14, 22, pl. 1 vokesi ________________________ __ 5, 14,22, pl. 1 Naticidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 Neptuneidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Neverita ________________________ , _- ,. 19 jamesae ,,,,,,, _ 5, 14, 22, pl. 1 (Neverita) saxea, Polynices ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 newcombei, Molapophorus __ 5, 14, 15, 16, 20,24, pl. 2 Newell, N. D., cited ______________________________ 20 Page Newport, Oregon ____________________________ 24, 33 Newport Embayment, Oreg-- 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 28, 35 Newportian Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 N ucula (Acila) castrensis _______ (Acila) conradi Nuculana calkinsi ________________ 5, 14, 15,27, pl. 3 chehalisensis __________________ 5, 12, 14,27, pl. 3 elmamz ________________________ 5, 14, 27, pl. 3 eparchis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Nuculanidae ____________________________________ 27 N uculidae ___________________________________ 27 nuttalli, Clinocardium ______ 5, 11, 14, 19, 30, pls. 5, 6 Nye Mudstone _____________ 11, 15, 16, 25, 27, 28, 33 age ______________________ . 16, 17 benthonic foraminifera ______________________ 16 contact ______________________________________ 15 fauna . ________ 16, 18,21, 24 Oregon ,,,,,,, O ochotensis, Mytilus __________________________ 28, 29 Oligocene-Miocene boundary, foraminifera ,,,,,,,,,, 2 Olympic Mountains, Wash ______________________ 18 Olympic Peninsula, Washington ____________ 1, 27, 30 olympicensis, Ophiodermella ..-. 4, 5, 15, 20, 26, pl. 3 alympidea, Antigona . _____________ 4 Venus ,,,,,,,,,, 1-. 34, p]. 9 (Chione) ___________ olympidii, Polynices (Lunatia) ________ 4 Ophiodermella __________ 26 graciosana _____ .-- 26 muirensis __________ 26 olympicensis ___________ 4, 5, 15, 20, 26, pl. 3 workensis ____________ n. sp ______________________________ Oregon, middle Miocene strata ,,,,,,,, molluscan province ..-. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nye Mudstone ___________________________ 16 zonal index species __________________________ 10 oregonensis, Amauropsis __________________________ 4 Bruclarkia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 14, 23, pl. 2 Cancellaria _________________ 5, 15,25, 26, pl. 2 Marcia _________________________ 4 Tellina ______________________________________ 4 Turritella _______________________ 5, 14,21, pl. 1 (Oudardia) sp., Tellina __________________________ 32 P Pacific coast __________________________ 19, 21, 23, 32 Pacific Northwest States, provincial molluscan stages _________________________ 4 Page Mill Basalt ___________________ Paleoclimate ________________________ Paleoecology __________ Panamic molluscan province Panope abrupta _________________________________ 4 Panopea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18, 34 abrupta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 6, 14, 18, 34, pl, 9 generosa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 ramonensis ______________________ 6, 14, 34, pl. 9 n, sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 parilis, Felaniella ____________________________ 14, 3O Patinopecten ____________________________________ 15 propatulus __________________________ 13, 16, 29 (Patinopecten) propatulus, Pecten ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 patulus, Petunculus ______________________________ 4 Pecten (Chlamys)fucanus ________________________ 4 (Chlamys) wattsi morani ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 (Patinopecten) propatulus ______________________ 4 Pectinidae ______________________________________ 29 Pectinids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 10, 13 Pelecypod fauna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Pelecypods ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 20,27 Petunculus patulus _______________________________ 4 Phacoides acutilineatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Phalium _____________________________________ 22 Pillar Point ______ 3, 7,8, 9, 12, 19, 21,24, 25, 27, 28 Pillarian Stage ____________________ 6, 12, 16, 17, 18 INDEX Page Pillarian Stage—Continued type section ____________________ 2, 18 Pisam‘a clallamensis __ Polinices saxea _________ victorianus ________ Palynices (Lunatic) olympidi (Neverita) saxea _________ Porter Bluffs, Washington---. porterensis, Crenella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Salamen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 29, pl. 4 Poul Creek ______________________________________ 17 Poul Creek Formation, Gulf of Alaska ______________ 21, 23, 30, 31, 32, 34 molluscan assemblages ______________________ 17 praerupta, Crepidula ,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14,21, 22, pls. 1, 2 Previous faunal studies __________________________ 3 princeps, Crepidula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 14,21, pl. 1 Priscafusus __________________________________ 24, 25 clarki ______________________________________ 24 geniculus ________________ 5, 11, 15, 16,24, pl. 2 goweri ____________________ 4, 15, 20, 24, 25, pl. 2 hannibali _______________________________ 24, 25 slipensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 15, 20, 24, pl. 2 stewarti ____________ 5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 24,25, pl. 2 n. sp _________________________________ 24, 25 propatulus, Patinopecten __________________ 13, 16, 29 Pecten (Patinopecten) __________________________ 4 Provincial chronostratigraphy ____________________ 12 Provincial molluscan stages ______________________ 4 pseudonyma, Dentalium ,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 15, 35, pl. 4 Pysht River ________________________________ 1, 7, 34 pyshtensis, Semicassis.__. 4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 20,22, pl. 1 Q quadrata, Venericardia subtenta __________________ 30 R ramonensis, Panopea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 14, 34, p]. 9 Raymond quadrangle, Washington ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Reagan, A. B., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 20 reagani, Yoldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..._ 4 rearensis, Ancistrolepis _. 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17,23, pl. 3 Rectiplanes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 sp __________________________________ 5, 26, pl. 2 Reed Creek ______________________________________ 7 References cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36 Relizian Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 restorationensis, Modiolus .. 5, 11, 14, 15, 20,28, pl. 5 Rexithuerus ____________________________________ 33 rostralis, Crepidula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14,22, pl. 2 S San Francisco Bay region, California ______________ 27 San Joaquin basin, Calif ,,,,,,,,,, 13, 23, 25, 26, 29 San Pablo Group ________________________________ 31 Saucesian Stage ______________________________ 4, 16 foraminiferal assemblages ______ .... _..- 27 saxea, Polinices ____________________ _..- .__, 22 Polynices (Neuerita) __________________________ 4 Saxidomus gibbosus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Scaphopods ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 15,35 Schenck, H. G., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 schencki, Dentalium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15,35, pl. 5 Thracia ,,,,,,,,,,,, 6,10,13, 14, 16, 17,34, pl. 9 scopulosum, Sinum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 14,22, pl. 1 scopulosus, Sigaretus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 secta, Macoma ,,,,,,,,,, 6, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20,33, pl. 8 Securella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 alaskensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 ensi era ____________________ 4, 6, 14, 15, 33, pl. 9 securis, Chione -_ - Seiku ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Semicassis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, aequisulcatum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 pyshtensis ,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 20,22, pl. 1 centiquadrata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 mm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 Shark teeth _________________________________ 4 Sigaretus scopulosus __________________ ..__ .. 4 siletzensis, Cancellaria ____________ 5, 11, 15,25, pl. 2 simplex, Cancellaria ______________ 5, 12, 15,25, pl. 2 Sinum scopulosum ________________ 4, 5, 14,22, pl. 1 Slip Point ______________ 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24,27, 28, 30, 34 slipensis, Priscofusus ____________ 4, 5, 15, 20,24, pl. 2 Snavely, Parke D. Jr,, cited ______________________ 29 snavelyi, Solamen ______________ 4, 5, 14, 20, 29, pl. 4 Sohl, N. F., cited ________________________________ 2O Solamen ____________________________________ 18, 29 porterensis ____________________________ 29, pl. 4 snavelyi ____________________ 4, 5, 14, 20, 29, pl. 4 Solemya .... Solemyidae. . Solen Solenidae Sooke Formation, fauna_-__ Vancouver Island ...... 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 sookensis, Clinocardium __________________________ 31 Crepidula _________________________________ 22 Macoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..-. 6, 14, 33, pls. 7, 8 Spisulu ________________ 6, 10, 13, 14, 16,31, pl. 6 Trochita ____________________________________ 21 Species, index __________________________________ 27 Spencer Creek, Lincoln County, Oreg ____________ 25 spirata, Trochita _______________ __ .- _______ 21 Spirotropis washinglonensis _____ _.__ ....... 26 Spisula ________________________________________ 31 albaria ________ 4, 5, 14, 15, 31, pls. 6, 7 goodspeedi ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 10, 14, 31, pls. 6, 7 catilliformis ________________________________ 31 equilateralis ________________________________ 31 hannibali ______________ 5, 10, 13, 14, 16,31, pl. 6 sookensis ______________ 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 31, pl. 6 sp __________________________________ 6, 31 , pl. 6 Stanford University collections __________________ 20 stewarti, Priscnfusus ____ 5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 24,25, pl. 2 submontereyana, Anadara . _ _ substriata, Xylotrya ______________________ substriatum, Dentalium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 subtenta, Cyclocardia _________ 5, 14, 15,30, pls. 5, 6 quadrata, Venericardia ______________________ 30 supramontereyensis, Yoldia ,,,,,, 4, 5, 14, 19, 27, p11 3 Surian molluscan province ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 T Taylor, D. W., cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, teglandae, Ancistrolepis Clarki - Tellina arctata arctata juana -- clallamensis ....... emacerata ,,,,,,,,,, oregonensis -__ (Oudardia) sp Tellinids .......... Tellinidae ........ Temblor Formation _ Temblor Stage ....... central California tenuissima, Yoldia _ Teredo bulbosus .... sp .......... Thesbia antiselli Thracia ........ condoni .... schencki ..... 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17,34, pl. 9 trapezoides ... -. 6, 14, 15, 18, 19,34, pl. 9 Thraciidae ....... Thyasiridae .............. tichanovitchi, Mytilus .. 5, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20,28, pl. 5 trapezoides, Thracia ........ 6, 14, 15, 18, 19, 34, pl. 9 trochiformis, Trochita .......... .. 21 Trachita ............................ _ 19, 20 filosa ........................ . 21 inornata ........... _. 4 sookensis .................................... 21 44 Page Trochita—Continued spirata ______________________________________ 21 troc hiformis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 1 n. sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 15, 20, 21, pl. 1 Trophonopsis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 23, pl. 2 Trophosycon clallamensis ______ 5, 14, 15, 23, pls. 1, 2 kernianum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Turner, D. L., cited 0, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Turridae ____________________________________ 26 Turritella _,__ _____________________________ 21 oregonensis , __________________ 5, 14,21, pl. 1 yaquinana", ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Turritellidae ____________________________________ 21 Twin River __________________________________ 32, 34 Twin River Formation ______________ 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 16, 28, 3 , 2, 33, 34 age ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 benthonic foraminiferal assemblages ,,,,,,,,,, 18 contact ______________________________________ 16 depositional environment ________________ 18, 20 fauna] hiatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 molluscan assemblages ________________________ 7 mollusks __________________________________ 2, 7 twinensis, Macoma 1, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16,32, pls. 6, 7 U Ungulinidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 INDEX Page U.S.G.S. fossil localities ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 35 V Vancouver Island ________________________________ 21 British Columbia, Canada ,,,,,, 22, 24, 26, 31, 33 Vaqueros Formation ___________________ ____ 31 Vaqueros Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 35 California ____________________ 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 Venericardia subtenta quadrata __________________ 30 Veneridae _____________________________________ 33 ventricosa, Archarax ___________________________ 28 Venus Clallamensis _______________________ 34, pl. 9 olympidea ___________________________ 34, pl. 9 (Chione) angustifrons u, 4 clallamensis ,,,,,,,,, 4 olympidea _______________________________ 4 Vertipecten fucanus ________________ 4, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 29, pl. 4 sp ______________________________________ __ 17 victorianus, Palinices ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 22, pl. 1 uokesi, Natica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14,22, pl. 1 Volutidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 W Washington ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 depositional cycle ______ molluscan province ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 3 Page washingtanensis, Spirotropis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 wattsi morani, Pecten (Chlamys) __________________ 4 Weaver, C. E., cited ______________________________ 27 weaveri, Musashia ______________________________ 17 whitneyi, Dosinia ____________________ 6, 14, 33, pl. 8 willapaensis, Archarax __________________________ 28 workensis, Ophiodermella ________________________ 26 wynaocheensis, Cancellaria _______ 5, 12, 15, 26, pl. 2 Megasurcula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15, 19,27, pl. 3 X Xenuraturris antiselli ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15,26, pls. 2, 3 Xylotrya substriata ________________________________ 4 Y Yakataga Formation, Gulf of Alaska ,,,,,,,,,, 31, 34 yakamgense, Clinocardium ______________________ 31 yakatagensis, Cyclocardia ________________________ 30 yaquinana, Bruclarkia ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 15, 23, pl. 2 Turritella ___________________ __A 7 Yoldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 impressa __________________________ reagani ___________________________ supramantereyensis W .1, 4, 5, 14, 19,27, pl, 3 tenuissima ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 Z Zemorrian Stage ________________________________ 16 PLATES 1—9 Contact photographs of the plates in this report are available, at cost, from US. Geological Survey Library, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225. FIGURES 2, 3. 4, 5, 20, 24. 6, 7. 8, 13. 9, 12, 18. 10, 11, 17. 14—16. 19, 27, 28. 21, 26. 23. 25. 29, 30. 31. 1, 22. PLATE 1 [All specimens are from the Clallam Formation] Crepidula praerupta Conrad. 1. Length 43 mm, width 24 mm. USNM 215926. USGS 10c. M5886. 22. Length 22 mm, width 18 mm. USNM 215927. USGS 10c. M4050. Semicassis pyshtensis, n. Sp. Holotype. Height 42 mm, width 28 mm. USNM 215928. USGS loc. M4414. Neverita jamesae Moore. 4, 5. Height 20 mm, width 24 mm. SUPTC 10182. SU loc. NP161. 20, 24. Height 11 mm, width 15 mm. USNM 215929. USGS 10c. M4684. Crepidula princeps Conrad. 6. Length 42 mm, width 26 mm. USNM 215930. USGS loc. M5886. 7. Length 37 mm, width 19 mm. USNM 215931. USGS 10c. M4414. Epitonium clallamense Durham. 8. Height 24 mm, width 14 mm. USNM 215932. USGS 10c. M4413. 13. Height 28 mm, width 18 mm. USNM 215933. USGS 10c. M4413. Trochita n. sp. Moore. 9. Height 11 mm, width 31 mm. USNM 215934. USGS loc. M4678. 12. Height 14 mm, width 32 mm. USNM 215935. USGS loc. M4681. 18. Height 9 mm, width 20 mm. USNM 215936. USGS 10c. M4049. Turritella oregonensis (Conrad). 10. Height 18 mm, width 4 mm. USNM 215937. USGS 10c. M4049. 11. Height 18 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215938. USGS loc. M4049. 17. Height 14 mm, Width 8 mm. USNM 215939. USGS loc. M4049. Natica vokesi Addicott. 14, 15. Height 17 mm, width 19 mm. USNM 215940. USGS loc. M4680. 16. Height 13 mm, width 14 mm. USNM 215941. USGS 10c. M4680. Natica cf. N. clarki Etherington. 19. Height 15 mm, width 18 mm. USNM 215942. USGS 10c. M5886. 27. Height 7 mm, width 9 mm. USNM 215943. USGS 10c. M4681. 28. Height 12 mm, width 13 mm. USNM 215944. USGS loc. M5886. Sinum scopulosum (Conrad). Height 13 mm, width 19 mm. USNM 215945. USGS 10c. M4678. Crepidula sp. Height 10.5 mm, width 16 mm. USNM 215946. USGS 10c. M4683. Polinices victorianus Clark and Arnold. Height 16 mm, width 17 mm. USNM 215947. USGS loc. M4681. Ficus modesta (Conrad). Height 53 mm, width 40 mm. USNM 215948. USGS Ioc. M4678. Trophosycon clallamensis (Weaver). Height 78 mm, width 55 mm. SUPTC 10183. SU 100. NP89. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 1 31 CREPIDULA, SEMICASSIS, NEVERITA, EPITONIUM, TROCHITA, TURRITELLA, NA TICA, SINUM, POLINICES, FICUS, TROPHOSYCON FIGURES 1—3. 4, 6, 19. 5, 7—9. 10, 11. 12. 13. 14, 17, 18, 21. 15. 16. 20. 22. 23, 25. 24. 26—28. 29. 30, 31. 32, 35, 38. 33. 34. 36, 37. PLATE 2 [Specimens are from the Clallam Formation unless otherwise specified] Bruclarkia oregonensis (Conrad). 1. Height 40 mm, width 30 mm. USNM 215949. USGS 10c. M4678. 2, 3. Height 43 mm, width 28 mm. USNM 215950. USGS loc. M4678. Bruclarkia cf. B. oregonensis (Conrad). 4. Height 29 mm, width 19 mm. USNM 215951. USGS 100. M 4051. 6. Height 24 mm, width 15 mm. USNM 215952. USGS loc. M4051. 19. Height 23 mm, width 13 mm. USNM 215953. USGS loc. M4050. Bruclarkia yaquinana (Anderson and Martin). 5. Height 34 mm, width 30 mm. SUPTC 10184. SU loc. NP89. 7. Height 25 mm, width 17 mm. USNM 215954. USGS loc. M4050. 8. Height 22 mm, width 15 mm. USNM 215955. USGS loc. M4050. 9. Height 17 mm, width 17 mm. USNM 215956. USGS 10c. M4051. Molopophorus newcombei (Merriam). 10. Height 29 mm, width 16 mm. USNM 215957. USGS loc. M4060, Sooke Formation, lower Miocene, southwest coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 11. Height 34 mm, width 18 mm. USNM 215958. USGS 10c. M4060, Sooke Formation, lower Miocene, southwest coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Priscofusus af‘f. P. geniculus (Conrad). Height 28 mm, width 16 mm. USNM 215959. USGS loc. M4049. Priscofusus slipensis, n. sp. Holotype. Height 27 mm, width 16 mm. UW 13337. UW loc. 490. Priscofusus goweri, n. sp. 14. Paratype. Height 16 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215960. USGS loc. M4049. 17. Paratype. Height 18 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215961. USGS loc. M4049. 18. Holotype. Height 18 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215962. USGS loc. M4049. 21. Paratype. Height 23 mm, width 12 mm. USNM 215963. USGS loc. M4049. Priscofusus cf. P. stewarti (Tegland). Height 19 mm, width 13 mm. USNM 215964. USGS loc. M4049. Molopophorus n. sp. aff. M. newcombei (Merriam). Height 26.5 mm, width 18 mm. USNM 215965. USGS loc. M5879. Trophonopsis sp. Height 10 mm, width 6 mm. USNM 215966. USGS loc. M4677. Xenuroturris antiselli (Anderson and Martin). Height 11 mm, width 6 mm. USNM 215998. USGS loc. M4683. Crepidula rostralis (Conrad). Length 27 mm, width 19 mm, height 13.5 mm. USNM 215967. USGS loc. M4051. Crepidula praerupta Conrad. Length 22 mm, width 18 mm, height 15 mm. USNM 215967. USGS loc. M4050. Cancellaria cf. C. oregonensis Conrad. 26. Height 14 mm, width 7 mm. USNM 215969. USGS loc. M4675. 27, 28. Height 13 mm, width 7 mm. USNM 215970. USGS loc. M4049. Cancellaria cf. C. siletzensis Hanna. Height 19 mm, width 11.5 mm. USNM 215971. USGS loc. M4049. Cancellaria cf. C. simplex Anderson. 30. Height 23 mm, width 17 mm. USNM 215972. USGS loc. M4049. 31. Height 24 mm, width 17 mm. USNM 215973. USGS loc. M4049. Cancellaria wynoocheensis Weaver. 32. Height 16 mm, width 16 mm. USNM 215974. USGS loc. M4049. 35. Height 19.5 mm, width 13.5 mm. USNM 215975. USGS 10c. M4049. 38. Height 23 mm, width 14.5 mm. USNM 215976. USGS loc. M6375. ?Rectiplanes sp. Height 17.5 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215977. USGS 10c. M4049. Trophosycon clallamensis (Weaver). Height 22 mm, width 21 mm. USNM 215978. USGS loc. M4051. Cancellaria birchi Addicott. Height 12 mm, width 6 mm. USNM 215979. USGS loc. M5879. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 2 36 BRUCLARKIA, MOLOPOPHOR US, PRISCOFUSUS, TROPHONOPSIS, CREPIDULA, CANCELLARIA, RECTIPLANES, TR OPHOS YCON FIGURES 4, 6, 10, 12—14. 7, 15. 8, 9. 11. 16, 17. 18—20, 22. 24, 25. 21, 23. 26. 27. 1—3. PLATE 3 [Specimens are from the Clallam Formation unless otherwise specified ] Acila conradi (Meek). 1. Length 19 mm, height 16 mm. SUPTC 10185. SU loc. NP163. 2. Length 21.5 mm, height 19 mm. USNM 215980. USGS 10c. M4681. 3. Length 22 mm, height 19 mm. USNM 215981. USGS 10c. M4681. Nuculana calkinsi (Moore). 4. Length 17 mm, height 10 mm. USNM 215982. USGS 10c. M4677. 6. Length 14 mm, height 8.5 mm. USNM 215983. USGS loc. M4677. 10. Length 30 mm, height 18 mm. USNM 215984. USGS loc. M4049. 12, 13. Length 19.5 mm, height 11 mm. USNM 215985. USGS 10c. M5878. 14. Length 16 mm, height 10 mm. USNM 215986. USGS loc. M4049. . Archarax dalli (Clark). Length 61 mm, height 22 mm. USNM 215987. USGS loc. M4050. Yoldia supramontereyensis Arnold. 7. Length 41 mm, height 27 mm. USNM 215988. USGS 10c. M4680. 15. Length 24 mm, height 13 mm. USNM 215989. USGS 10c. M4680. N uculana cf. N. elmana Etherington. Length 21 mm, height 12 mm. USNM 215991. USGS loc. M6375. N uculana chehalisensis (Weaver). Length 14 mm, height 8 mm. USNM 215990. USGS loc. M4678. Megasurcula cf. M. wynoocheensis (Weaver). Height 31 mm, width 15 mm. UW 13339. UW loc. 490. Ophiodermella olympicensis, n. sp. 18. Holotype. Height 16 mm, width 6.5 mm. USNM 215992. USGS loc. M4051. 19. Paratype. Height 14.5 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215993. USGS loc. M4051. 20. Paratype. Height 11.5 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215994. USGS loc. M4051. 22. Paratype. Height 17 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215995. USGS 10c. M4051. Ophiodermella cf. 0. olympicensis Addicott, n. sp. 24. Height 20 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215996. USGS 10c. M2514, Astoria Formation, lower or middle Miocene, Grays River quadrangle, southwestern Washington. 25. Height 14 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 215997. USGS loc. M2514, Astoria Formation, lower or middle Miocene, Grays River quadrangle, southwestern Washington. Xenuroturris antiselli (Anderson and Martin). 21. Height 11 mm, width 6 mm. USNM 215998. USGS loc. M4683. 23. Height 13 mm, width 6 mm. USNM 215999. USGS 10c. M4683. Ancistrolepis rearensis (Clark). Height 47 mm, width 28 mm. UW60271. UW 100. 490. M usashia indurata (Conrad). Height 74 mm, width 34 mm. USNM 216000. USGS loc. M4050. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 3 24 ACILA, NUCULANA, ARCHARAX, YOLDIA, MEGASURCULA, OPHIODERMELLA, XENUROTURRIS, ANCISTROLEPIS, MUSASHIA PLATE 4 [Specimens are from the Clallam Formation unless otherwise specified ] FIGURES 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 12. Vertipecten fucanus (Dall). 1. Length 64 mm, height 68 mm. USNM 216001. USGS 10c. M4049. 2. Length 79 mm, height 75 mm. USNM 216002. USGS 10c. M4414. 5. Length offragment 56 mm. USNM 216003. USGS loc. M4678. 7. Length 46 mm, height 44 mm. USNM 216009. USGS loc. M4049. 10. Length 51 mm, height 60 mm. USNM 215968. USGS-10c. M4678. 12. Length 80 mm, height 85 mm. USNM 216004. USGS loc. M4049. 3, 11. Solamen porterensis (Weaver). Length 10 mm, height 12 mm. USNM 216005. USGS 10c. 18977, Lincoln Creek Formation, upper Oligocene, Grays Harbor basin, southwestern Washington. 4, 8. Dentalium pseudonyma Pilsbry and Sharp. 4. Length 28 mm, width 6 mm. SUPTC 10188. SU loc. NP89. 8. Length 19 mm, width 4 mm. USNM 216006. USGS 10c. M4049. 6, 9. Solamen snavelyi, n. sp. 6. Paratype. Length 14 mm, height 19 mm. USNM 216007. USGS 10c. M4050. 9. Holotype. Length 14 mm, height 21 mm. USNM 216008. USGS 10c. M4051. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY VER TIPECTEN, SOLAMEN, DENTALIUM FIGURES 1, 2, 16, 18. 4, 7, 15. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 17. PLATE 5 [Specimens are from the Clallam Formation unless otherwise specified ] Mytilus n. sp. aff. M. tichanovitchi Makiyama. 1. Length 42 mm, height 82 mm. SUPTC 10189. SU loc. NP89. 2. Length 36 mm, height 84 mm. SUPTC 10190. SU loc. NP89. 16, 18. Length 38, height 102 mm. SUPTC 10191. SU loc. NP89. . Glycymeris sp. Length 27 mm, height 26 mm. USNM 216010. USGS loc. M4684. Lucinoma acutilineata (Conrad). 4. Length 26 mm, height 23 mm. USNM 216011. USGS loc. M4050. 7. Length 38 mm, height 35 mm. SUPTC 10192. SU 10c. NP163. 15. Length 33 mm, height 32 mm. USNM 216012. USGS loc. M4414. . Modiolus n. sp.? aff. M. restorationensis Van Winkle. Length 29 mm, height 56 mm. USNM 216013. USGS loc. M4050. . Anadara cf. A. devincta (Conrad). Length 40 mm, height 29 mm. USNM 216014. USGS loc. M4678. Anadara aff. A. lakei (Wiedey). 8. Length 40 mm, height 32 mm. USNM 216015. USGS loc. M4050. 9. Length 32 mm, height 27 mm. USNM 216016. USGS 10c. M4050. Anadara devincta (Conrad). Length 44 mm, height 32 mm. USNM 216017. USGS loc. M4678. Dentalium schencki Moore. Length 38 mm, width 8 mm. USNM 216018. USGS loc. M4049. Cyclocardia subtenta (Conrad). Length 21 mm, width 20 mm. USNM 216019. USGS loc. M5878. Clinocardium n. sp. aff. C. nuttalli (Conrad) Moore. Length 38 mm, width 36 mm. USNM 216020. USGS loc. M4681. Mytilus tichanouitchi Makiyama. Length 135 mm, height 79 mm. USNM 216021. Ashai Formation, Miocene, central Hokkaido, Japan (Kanno and others, 1968). Felaniella sp. Length 22 mm, height 22 mm. USNM 216022. USGS loc. M4413. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 5 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MYTIL US, GL YCYMERIS, LUCINOMA, MODIOL US, ANADARA, DENTALIUM, CYCLOCARDIA, CLINOCARDIUM, FELANIELLA PLATE 6 [Specimens are from the Clallam Formation unless otherwise specified ] FIGURES 1, 16. Spisula sookensis Clark and Arnold. 1. Length 64 mm, height 57 mm. USNM 216023. USGS loc. M4049. 16. Length 81, height 70 mm. SUPTC 10193. SU loc. NP89. 2, 4, 13, 15. Macoma twinensis Clark. 2, 4. Length 31 mm, height 22 mm. USNM 216024. USGS loc. M4032. Upper member of the Twin River Formation, lower Miocene, western Washington, 13, 15. Length 26 mm, height 18 mm. USNM 216025. USGS 10c. M4032. Upper member of the Twin River Formation, lower Miocene, western Washington. 3. Spisula albaria (Conrad). Length 54 mm, height 46 mm. USNM 216026. USGS loc. M4051. 5. Macoma cf. M. twinensis Clark. Length 23 mm, height 14 mm. USNM 216027. USGS loc. M4677. 6. Spisula sp. Length 65 mm, height 48 mm. USNM 216028. USGS loc. M4049. 7. Conchocele disjuncta Gabb. Length 43 mm, height 51 mm. USNM 216029. USGS 10c. M4050. 8. Clinocardium n. sp. aff. C. nuttalli (Conrad) Moore. Length 43 mm, height 43 mm. USNM 216030. USGS loc. M4049. 9, 10. Cyclocardia subtenta (Conrad). 9. Length 20 mm, height 20 mm. USNM 216031. USGS loc. M4049. 10. Length 15 mm, height 15 mm. USNM 216032. USGS loc. M4677. 11. Spisula cf. S. hannibali Clark and Arnold. Length 65 mm, height 46 mm. USNM 216033. USGS loc. M4675. 12. Solen conradi Dall. Length 43 mm. height 13 mm. USNM 216034. USGS loc. M4050. 14. Spisula albaria goodspeedi Etherington. Length 58 mm, height 49 mm. USNM 216035. USGS loc. M4414. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 6 16 SPISULA, MACOMA, CONCHOCELE, CLINOCARDIUM, CYCLOCARDIA, SOLEN PLATE 7 [Specimens are from the Clallam Formation unless otherwise specified] FIGURES 1. Spisula albaria goodspeedi Etherington. Length 49 mm, height 40 mm. USNM 216036. USGS loc. M4049. 2, 3, 11. Spisula albaria (Conrad). 2, 3. Mactra gibbsana Meek of Reagan (1909). Length 55 mm, height 40 mm. USNM 32832. Probably from the east side of Clallam Bay near Slip Point. 11. Length 31 mm, height 25 mm. USNM 216037. USGS loc. M4051. 4, 6, 8, 14, 18, 22. Macoma arctata (Conrad). 4. Length 52 mm, height 31 mm. USNM 216038. USGS loc. M4051. 6. Length 41 mm, height 25 mm. USNM 216039. USGS loc. M4051. 8. Length 50 mm, height 32 mm. USNM 216040. USGS loc. M5886. 14. Holotype of Tellina arctata var. juana Reagan (1909). Length 55 mm, height 33 mm. USNM 328319. Near Slip Point. 18. Length 45 mm, height 28 mm. USNM 216041. USGS 10c. M4049. 22. Length 61 mm, height 35 mm. USNM 216042. USGS 10c. M4049. ' 5, 7, 10. Tellina emacerata Conrad. 5. Length 37 mm, height 21 mm. USNM 216043. USGS loc. M4684. 7. Length 32 mm, height 18 mm. USNM 216044. USGS 10c. M4051. 10. Holotype of Tellina clallamensis Reagan (1909). Length 33 mm, height 19 mm. USNM 328320. Near Slip Point. 9. Macoma cf. M. astori Dall. Length 38 mm, height 28 mm. USNM 216045. USGS 10c. M4049. 12. Macoma twinensis Clark. Length 34 mm, height 23 mm. USNM 216048. USGS loc. M4032. Upper member of the Twin River Formation, lower Miocene, western Washington. 13—15, 17, 20. Macoma albaria Conrad. 13, 17, 20. Length 22 mm, height 15 mm. USNM 216046. USGS 10c. M4050. 14, 15. Length 17 mm, height 12 mm. USNM 216047. USGS 10c. M4677. 16, 19. Macoma arnoldi Tegland. Length 32 mm, height 26 mm. USNM 216049. USGS loc. M4042. Blakeley Formation, upper Oligocene, Restoration Point, Washington. 21. Macoma astori Dall. Length 52 mm, height 46 mm. USNM 216050. USGS loc. M4049. 23. Macoma sookensis Clark and Arnold. Length 54 mm, height 41 mm. SUPTC 10194. SU loc. NP161. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SPISULA, MA COMA, TELLINA PLATE 8 [Specimens are from the Clallam Formation unless otherwise specified] FIGURES 1, 2, 5. Macoma sookensis Clark and Arnold. 1. Length 58 mm, height 43 mm. SUPTC 10195. SU loc. NP161. 2. Length 50 mm, height 48 mm. USNM 216051. USGS 10c. M4681. 5. Length 49 mm, height 38 mm. USNM 216052. USGS loc. M4681. 3. Macoma flagleri Etherington. Length 44 mm, height 31 mm. USNM 216053. USGS loc. M1495, As— toria Formation, lower or middle Miocene, Grays Harbor basin, southwestern Washington. 4. Macoma n. sp. Moore. Length 46 mm, height 42 mm. USNM 216054. USGS loc. M4683. 6. Macoma n. sp. aff. M. secta (Conrad). Length 41 mm, height 30 mm. USNM 216055. USGS loc. M4678. 7, 8, 11~18. Katherinella angustifrons (Conrad). 7. Inflated form. Length 31 mm, height 30 mm. USNM 216056. USGS loc. M4677. 8, 1 1. Thin form. Length 37 mm, height 35 mm. USNM 216058. USGS loc. M4049. 12. Length 40 mm, height 36 mm. SUPTC 10196. SU 10c. NP163. 13. Length 58 mm, height 45 mm. USNM 216057. USGS loc. M4051. 14, 16. Thin form. Length 41 mm, height 41 mm. USNM 216059. USGS loc. M4050. 15, 17. Inflated form. Length 46 mm, height 43 mm. USNM 216060. USGS 10c. M4050. 18. Thin form. Length 64 mm, height 57 mm. USNM 216061, USGS loc. M4049. 9, 10. Dosinia whitneyi (Gabb). 9. Length 25 mm, height 22 mm. USNM 216062. USGS loc. M4684. 10. Length 30 mm, height 31 mm. USNM 216063. USGS loc. M4683. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 8 17 MACOMA, KA THERINELLA, DOSINIA PLATE 9 [All specimens are from the Clallam Formation] FIGURES 1—3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13. Securella ensifera (Dall). 1. Length 55 mm, height 51 mm. USNM 216064. USGS 10c. M4678. 2. Length 42 mm, height 36 mm. USNM 216065. USGS 10c. M4683. 3. Holotype of Venus clallamensis Reagan (1909). Length 43 mm, height 34 mm. USNM 328312. Near Slip Point. 5. Length 49 mm, height 47 mm. SUPTC 10197. SU 100. NP89. Length 49 mm, height 40 mm. SUPTC 10198. SU loc. NP89. 9. Length 39 mm, height 39 mm. USNM 216074. USGS 10c. M4049. 10. Length 33 mm, height 32 mm. USNM 216066. USGS loc. M4051. 13. Holotype of Venus Olympidea Reagan (1909). Length 35 mm, height 31 mm. USNM 328311. 4, 12. Thracia trapezoides Conrad. 4. Length 59 mm, height 45 mm. SUPTC 10199. SU 10c. NP163. 12. Length 34 mm, height 30 mm. USNM 216067. USGS 10c. M4051. 7, 8, 16. Panopea abrupta (Conrad). 7. Length 53 mm, height 37 mm. USNM 216068. USGS loo. 9‘ M4678. 8. Length 50 mm, height 28 mm. USNM 216069. USGS loc. M4683. 16. Length 78 mm, height 42 mm. USNM 216070. USGS 10c. M4050. 11, 14. Thracia cf. T schencki Tegland. 11. Length 35 mm, height 23 mm. USNM 216071. USGS 10c. M4051. 14. Length 33 mm, height 20 mm. USNM 216072. USGS 10c. M4051. 15. Panopea ramonensis (Clark). Length 82 mm, height 43 mm. USNM 216073. USGS 10c. M467 8. \ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 976 PLATE 9 SECURELLA, THRACIA, PANOPEA GPO 692-104 fad? 9, 5.5m» v 4:05;: 7 DAYS v. Stratigraphic distribution of some pollen types from the Campanian and lower Maestrichtian rocks (Upper Cretaceous) mm of the Middle Atlantic States IIENCES (}El()14()(}1 CIALI. S [IIK‘V'E‘Y I’I{()I?EZSESIIC)PJ1XI; PiAlPlilk Sl7 7 /€‘?:3\‘Y 0i: CHLI\;7P\\ w. / \'\ , if ,, xvii}.- ' l 5 lglfi em. oc UMENTS DEPARTMENT UNIV" LIBRARY cRSlTY 0F CALIFORNII X Stratigraphic distribution of some pollen types from the Campanian and lower Maestrichtian rocks (Upper Cretaceous) of the Middle Atlantic States By JACK A. WOLFE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 977 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1976 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secretatjv GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Wolfe, Jack A. 1936— Stratigraphic distribution of some pollen types from the Campanian and lower Maestrichtian rocks (Upper Cretaceous) of the Middle Atlantic States. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 977) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs. no.: 119.162977 1. Pollen, Fossil. 2. Paleobotany—Cretaceous. 3. Paleobotany~Middle Atlantic States. I. Title. II. Series: United States. Geological Survey Professional Paper 977. QE993.2.W64 560'.13 76—608052 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Oflice Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024-001~02816-6 CONTENTS Abstract __________________________________________________ Introduction ______________________________________________ Geologic occurrence ________________________________________ Biostratigraphy Significance to lithostratigraphic units ______________________ Correlations with pollen assemblages from the Mississippi embayment Page 1 1 1 3 7 Page Correlations with pollen assemblages from the Cape Fear arch ____________________________________________________ 9 Paleoecology ______________________________________________ 9 Significant pollen types ____________________________________ 11 Fossil localities ____________________________________________ 17 References cited __________________________________________ 17 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow references] PLATE 1. Campanian and Maestrichtian pollen, NA—l—NH—l. 2. Campanian and Maestrichtian pollen, NJ—l—PR—7. 3. Campanian and Maestrichtian pollen, C3A—1—CP3B—5. 4. Campanian and Maestrichtian pollen, CP3B—6—MPI—1. Page FIGURE 1. Map of the sample locations in the Middle Atlantic States ____________________ 2 2. Post-Magothy Cretaceous rock sections ______________________________________ 3 3. Graph showing abundance of major pollen types ______________________________ 10 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Stratigraphic distribution of selected taxa of dicotyledonous pollen in the Campanian and Maestrichtian rocks of the Middle Atlantic States ________________________ 4 2. Comparison of ages predicted on the basis of climatic cycles with radiometric ages in Campanian and Maestrichtian rocks of the Middle Atlantic States ____________ 11 III STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF SOME POLLEN TYPES FROM THE CAMPANIAN AND LOWER MAESTRICHTIAN ROCKS (UPPER CRETACEOUS) OF THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES ' A. WOLFE ABSTRACT Analysis of 74 pollen samples from the Cliffwood beds of the upper part of the Magothy Formation and from the younger marine Creta- ceous rocks indicates that 10 informal biostratigraphic subdivisions can be made of this Campanian and lower Maestrichtian section. Comparison of these subdivisions in the northern Raritan embayment with those in the southern Salisbury embayment indicate that the Woodbury Clay in the north is a facies of the upper part of the Merchantville Formation to the south. The pollen data can be inter- preted to support the concept that the lower part of the Mount Laurel Sand in the south is the biostratigraphic equivalent to the Wenonah Formation in the north. The “Matawan” previously recognized on the west shore ofChesapeake Bay is shown to be “Monmouth” and equiva- lent in age to part of the Navesink Formation of the Monmouth Group. The biostratigraphic subdivisions proposed form the basis for correla- tions of the Late Cretaceous rocks of the Mississippi embayment with those ofthe Atlantic Coastal Plain. Fluctuations in the relative abun- dance of bisaccate coniferous pollen are interpreted as climatic fluctu- ations. A total of 104 dicotyledonous pollen types are briefly discussed and illustrated. INTRODUCTION The difficulties of correlating the Campanian and Maestrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) rock units on the At— lantic Coastal Plain have been amply discussed by Sohl and Mello (in Owens and others, 1970). The marine faunas contain few ammonites, and many of the faunas contain long-ranging taxa or are of low diversity. Further, because of preservational factors, determina- ble mollusks are uncommon in many of the units. It was thought, therefore, that pollen studies might provide a supplementary and more consistent means of correlat- ing these rocks. Some pollen assemblages had, in fact, been described from these rocks (Gray and Groot, 1966), but the described taxa were few, and some of the sam- ples were obviously stratigraphically misplaced (Owens and others, 1970), particularly those from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. In 1969 an extensive series of samples was collected for analysis. These samples, which were collected with the assistance of J. P. Minard, J. P. Owens, and N. F. Sohl, were supplemented with a few samples collected earlier by Owens and Sohl. The productivity of the sam— ples was remarkable; of the 58 samples collected from these marine horizons, 57 contained determinable material. With the exception of the Tinton Sand, all the Campanian and Maestrichtian units have produced pol— len assemblages. In addition, the assemblages of the upper part of the Magothy Formation have been pre— liminarily studied based on 17 samples; these samples are also of Campanian age. For their advice and assistance on various aspects of this study, I wish to thank E. B. Leopold, J. P. Minard, J. P. Owens, N. F. Sohl, and R. T. Tschudy. GEOLOGIC OCCURRENCE In the Middle Atlantic States, the Campanian and Maestrichtian rocks occur in a belt extending from northeastern New Jersey south to the vicinity of Washington, DC. (fig. 1). Studies ofthese rocks (Owens and others, 1970) indicate that the depositional history in the northern area—the Raritan embayment (central and northern New Jersey)——was somewhat different than in the southern area—the Salisbury embayment (Maryland, Delaware, and southern New Jersey). Sev- eral of the units can be traced from one embayment to the other, but other rock units are present in only one embayment (fig. 2). Whether the absence of some litho- stratigraphic units is due to facies changes and time transgressive phenomena cannot be certainly deter- mined without resort to paleontologic work. Older studies (for example, Clark, 1916) divided the Campanian and Maestrichtian rocks into two basic units: the Matawan Formation (or Group) and the Monmouth Formation (or Group), the Matawan of sup- posed Campanian age and the Monmouth of supposed Maestrichtian age. Further, the underlying Magothy Formation was considered to be of Turonian age and unrelated to these other units. From the east shore of Chesapeake Bay and north, Owens, Minard, Sohl, and Mello (1970) have shown that the subdivision into Matawan and Monmouth along the age-stage boundary 1 2 STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION POLLEN, CAMPANIAN AND MAESTRICHTIAN ROCKS l 0 10 20 3O 40 MILES m I l | I I I I I I I T 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 KILOMETRES 40° - + PENNSYLVANIA "7 . . I314. ,4,, 11‘ "unnssamfras ‘8 4 I:- o 1>\.121o ’11 9,. 39° 'I 'I i. DELAWARE 'I I l "217,1 215 O "219 "222w I “221 1112111224 "223 . .11225 .1122, 11225 ’ '11229 NEW JERSEY 75 74“ FIGURE 1.—General location of sampling sites in the Coastal Plain of the Middle Atlantic States. Numbers refer to USGS paleobotany localities, details for which are given in the section on "Fossil localities.” is simplistic and that much of the “Monmouth” is, in fact, of Campanian age. Further, the upper part of the Magothy Formation (the Cliffwood beds and equivalent horizons) has been shown to be of probable earliest Campanian age (Wolfe and Pakiser, 1971). On the west shore of Chesapeake Bay, where mapping has not yet progressed to the stage where the units mapped by Owens, Minard, Sohl, and Mello (1970) can be recog- nized in most areas, the older terminology of Matawan and Monmouth is still applied. About half the samples were collected from central and northern New Jersey and represent all the Campa- nian and Maestrichtian units except for the Mount Laurel Sand (the one sample collected from this unit was barren) and the Tinton Sand. In eastern Maryland, Delaware, and southern New Jersey, all the units rec- ognized by Owens, Minard, Sohl, and Mello (1970) pro- duced pollen assemblages. On the west shore of Chesapeake Bay, the supposed Matawan was sampled, but, as discussed in the section on “Biostratigraphy,” this Matawan is equivalent in age to part of the Navesink Formation and is thus assignable to the Monmouth. The Campanian-Maestrichtian boundary recognized in this report (within the Navesink Formation) is based on the work of Sohl and Mello (in Owens and others, BIOSTRATIGRAPHY 3 MN I)? 0°19 e ’70 Red Bank Sand ANV Mon outh 11225 m““°“ Forrrrl‘ation 11210 1 11212 11223{ 5"“,‘90 W 11212 ( Mount Laurel Sand - _ 11233 < Wenonah Formatlon 11234.11213 11225 ' n atlo 11 FM“ - 11230 11361 - Marshautow "”6 1 560“ 0 ? 11231 115““) 1|226{ _ 11174 9‘9 - 11173 01% d _ 11172 yo 11221 0 0 WW { $° go \ «0 .\\\° 11211 e .500 6' 11219 $9 11213 -W FIGURE 2.—Genera1ized sections of the post-Magothy Cretaceous rocks of the Middle Atlantic States. A, New Jersey; B , Delaware and eastern Maryland; C, Western shore of Chesapeake Bay. Numbers indicate approximate stratigraphic position of localities. A and B modified from Owens and Minard (in Owens and others, 1970). 1970). Other workers, specialists in planktonic Fora- minifera in particular, would place the boundary lower, probably at or near the base of the Mount Laurel Sand. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Six major divisions are proposed for Campanian to lower Maestrichtian rocks of the Raritan and Salisbury embayments; the divisions are based on the strati- graphic ranges of dicotyledonous pollen (table 1). Four of these major divisions have recognizable subzones; thus a total of 10 informal biostratigraphic units are recognized. A sequence of informal palynologic zones for the Potomac Group and Raritan Formation, which has been proposed (for example, Brenner, 1963), are num- bered sequentially in roman numerals. Although it might be desirable to continue the numbering sequence for the zones discussed in this report, the number of zones between the Raritan and Magothy Formations cannot now be determined and the Magothy pollen floras need further study to determine the zonation. Considering the unknown number of zones that may eventually be recognized between the Raritan Forma- tion and the rock units of Campanian age, I have started a new numbering sequence prefixed by “CA,” which stands for Campanian, and “MA,” which stands for Maestrichtian. Subzones within the major zones are denoted by suffixes, for example, “A” for the lowest subzone. Zone 6, which is of both Campanian and Maes- trichtian age, has the prefix CA—6/MA—1. The fact that most zonal and subzonal boundaries proposed here are approximately coincidental with lithostratigraphic boundaries (table 1) may be a reflec- tion of incomplete sampling across lithostratigraphic boundaries. For example, one of the most distinct as- semblages, that of Zone CA—4, is based on samples from the middle part of the Englishtown Formation. Had the lower and upper parts of the Englishtown been sampled, Zone CA—4 might not appear as palynologically distinc- tive as described in this report. However, in the instance of the boundary between Zones CA—l and CA—2, the assemblage from 11217—H at the top of the Magothy Formation is clearly distinct from that from 11218 at the base of the Merchantville; the latter assemblage, nevertheless, does have features intermediate between the uppermost Magothy assemblage and the as- semblages from the middle part of the Merchantville (11219—A—F). The differences between the assemblages such as those from 11217—H and 11218 may reflect a definite hiatus; indeed, a sharp disconformity separates the Magothy and Merchantville (Owens and others, 1970). Zone CA—I and older Magothy strata—Pollen as- semblages from the Magothy Formation have been dis- cussed and partly illustrated elsewhere (Wolfe and Pakiser, 1971). Additional samples not reported on be- fore have been studied to a limited extent, but the work has not progressed to the stage of presentation other than to indicate that the Magothy sequences in the Raritan embayment appear different than those in the Salisbury embayment. I emphasize that these sugges- tions may be premature. The Magothy sequence in the Raritan embayment (in descending order) appears to be: Cliffwood beds (Zone CA—l): Normapolles- dominated assemblage that has some strong similarities to the Merchantville, particularly the basal Merchantville. Morgan beds (Santonian): Similar to the Cliffwood, as well as to the Amboy stoneware clay. Amboy Stoneware Clay Member (Santonian): Normapolles dominated, but greater diversity than in Morgan beds. Old Bridge Sand Member (Coniacian?): Conifer dominated (bisaccates), low diversity of Nor- mapolles (Pseudoplicapollis, Trudopollis, STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION POLLEN, CAMPANIAN AND MAESTRICHTIAN ROCKS TABLE 1.—Stratigraphic distribution of selected taxa of dicotyledonous pollen SALISBURY EMBAYMENT POLLEN SPECIES FORMATIONSAND HNN mmh HNMHNMMNM—(N HNM .4... HNMHNHHNHNEQV'LD .4—1 -<—n IIITIII?|IIII llll ”T anIIHNHNIII IIIIIIIIfiNIIF‘F‘IIF‘“m “w" MWAMTES <<<<<<<ééégééé ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZmemmmmm 1‘ + + + f i + + i 5 + ,+ + i + + + + + + + z + a a f + 1“ + i + a i a + 5 1? Inn—H ++ 5 + + 5 i + + + + i .5 ++ 3 11212-6. ; g 5 § 5 H; 2 + 5 i a 5 E g 5 5 11210—12 + 5 + 5 a s s E + 5 + + 5 5+ E 5 11212“: 5 + 5 5 5+ 5 + 5 5 E 5 5 5 5 5 11210—0 : a s a 2+ 5 + 5 s a s 2: 2 5 Monmouth “ZN—E 5 5‘5- 5 ‘5' 5 '5' 5 5 5 Formation 11212—1) 5 5 5 5 5+ 5 + 5 5 5 5 5+ 5 5 11210—0 5 3 g 5 5+ 5 a s E i E 5 5 5 5 11212—c g i 5 z s g + + 5 g a g 5 11212-8 a s 5 i i a i a 5 a i .= a 11210-13 5 § 5 5 5 E 5 E 5 E 5 5 5 11212—A § 5 5 3 s g + g + i 5 § 5 1121o-A g g 5 + 5 5 + + 5 E 5 E ,5 i i a + + i + +- g + + + E 5‘ 5 5 Jr 3 + 5 z E Mount Laurel Sand 11233 + i i i + + ++ +- ++ +§ g E + + E + ++ + + +: ++ ++ ii 5 5: + 5 + é + 5+ + + .= 3 ++ +5 +a.+ i i 5 + + a s 3 5 E i + 5;f +5 +5 +5 3 § a+ i it C + + + 5+ 2 + i 5 s 2 a s a a g+++ a + FY5235; 11213 B 5 + 5+ +5 + ‘5' +5 5 5 +5 5 5 +4." 5 ‘5' '5' A + 5 +5 5+ 1* 5 5+ +4: 5+ §+ + ,5 T Marshalltown 11234 I + + + 4-— + Formation . . E E : :+ ++ : ‘f‘ : 11230 + s . a 2+ ++ ++ + s + 11176 +5 ' , 5 5 + 5 +5 5 5 + 5 Englishtown + + 5 _ + 5 .f'. + + + + + .1. + Formation + +— + 5 5 3 + +. E 1- g 1’ + .+ . 5 . . 5 + + ++ 5 1L 7‘ + + + :5 5+ + 2 + + a '2 5+ 5 5 5 5 F ‘5‘ 5 ‘5’+. + 5 5 5' + E + 5 ++ ‘5' + + 5 D + 5 2+ 2 + + 11231 c + 5 ++ 5 E 5 B + 5 +4: 5 5 5 A 1‘ 5 5+ + 5 5 Jr E ++ 5 + + 1' + a 5+ 2 + + t 5 5+ + + '5' 5 +5 5 + a + 6+ 5' 5 5 1’ 5+ + + 5 s + 9+ + s s' + + i Merchantville i + + I Formatlon + + §+ + + 11174 5 + s + 5+ 5 + 11173 a + . s + 5+ 5 5 11172 5 5 +. 5 + 5 5 5 5 “155 ‘5 5 ‘5' E E ++ 5 g + ++ + + 1- ++ + + + + + 11228,11229.11232 +4» + 4'- 4'- Magothy Formation Plicapollis, Complexiopollis) and Trisectoris. In the Salisbury embayment, the Magothy samples from exposures in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and at Florence Bluffs contain assemblages that are very similar palynologically to the Cliffwood as- semblages. The assemblages from the Magothy on the Severn River (a short distance from the type Magothy) are not directly comparable to any assemblages from samples from the Raritan embayment Magothy. The Severn River Magothy has a low diversity of Normapol- les types, although somewhat greater than in the Old Bridge. Unlike the low occurrences in the Old Bridge, Normapolles are common in the Severn River Magothy, along with an assemblage of tricolpate and triocolporate types; some of these types are found in the Amboy Stoneware Clay member. On this basis, I suggest that BIOSTRATIGRAPHY in the Campanian and Maestrichtian rocks of the Middle Atlantic States POLLEN SPECIES RARITAN EMBAYMENT HNmHvam‘DDwHNHNMHv-{NF‘ l I I || I IHflH NMH HHN T‘M’TTTTTTTTTT<<<ééééédédéonnoéééwgIIgéélzééir FORMATIONSAND SUB ZONE STAGE <<<<