La) 11 ( & f J ^0 • i F# P. Farquhar Paperi Bancroft Library CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Hotels HOTEL FAIRMONT.....................San Francisco, Cal. D. M. Linnard, President Leroy Linnard, ManagMmMI HOTEL SACRAMENTO.........................Sacramento, Cal. ALBERTMETTiM|pi anager BRET HARTE INN......................Grass Valley, Cal. John FEATHER RIVER INN.........................Blairsden, Cal. Willard W. Bi^rap, Manager HOTEL BROCKWAY.......................Lake Tahoe, Cal. Comstock, Ownef^p* TIOGA LODGE..........................Mono Lake, Cal. W. W. (^^Hengham, Manager YOSEMITE LODGE.............................Yosemite, Cal. D. Temple, ManagM WAWONA INN...................................Wawona, Cal. C. A. Wi^^HjRN, Mc^mcmr HOTEL WHITCOMB.....................San Francisco, Cal. D. M. Linnard, zMce Ernest Drury, Manatfei^M Copyright 1923? , WILLARD W. moWji Feather River Inn Blairsden, Cal. All Eights Reserved CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR California’s Ideal Tour A wondpjjtf^utomobile trip through California’s Scenic Wonjirland. California has bgljBie the famous touring section of tM WeMfor nowhere^Bcan there be found such a ^riety of scenery containM within a small area, wHo many good roads, and ^jMpay points of his- toric you will inn^B taking ^^Kornia’s Ideal Tour, which includes vaj^d scMery of ocean, rolling fa^^^Hnds, mountains Mith panorama of streams, lakM and Surest, with the most enjoyable Ijjature of a nMor-car trip—a first-class hoteLat the end oi^Bh day’s run. ^|B Id^—our carries the touriMthrouM a won- dMandM scenic beauty, a land of snow-cla<^^^B that look down on v^^^^iQncli J^rant, by crystal streams that delight of the angler, mountains through ^^^^^^^^nisleis the winds^BvaMup hill and down dale, with the Mol breezes singing a happy tune through the towering pi^^^f There iMa kaleidmcopic succession of blues and greens and browns and blues, and the purring of the Motor stirs the forest into life. Landscapes are there innumerable that would charm the soul of a Claude Lorraine and inspire the pen of a Words vMth or a Keats. There is the land ojMancy, “a My forever,M where tMKK of the out-of-doors is a trumpet blast^B all the world should hear. '^p in the region covered by ^B Ideal Tour the ^Borted vision M the lower levels vanishes and the tra^^B looks on a new concept. From the Migher vantage points the volcanic cap MLassen may be glim^^^Bnd the great panorama of the mighty Sierras, long sincMburned out and brought under ^B dominion of^B and snow. Here aeons ago Nature with its mighty glaciers, sculptured the rugged ranges and carved out the awful gorges through which the mMing snow now pours in its mad rush to the^seg^^ The IdM Tour offers a comprehensive panorama of California’s variety of charms, from the rich val- leys of the lower levM to the majestic mountains and sublime gorges of the Tioga Pass and the Yo- semite* from the tranquil stretches of the San Joa- quin and the Sacramento to the dashing energy of the roaring streams of the high Sierras, from the CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR quiet pools of the sequestered canyons to the great expanse of Tahoo, “The Lake of the Sky,” with its Miargelous tints that refkM every hue of the azure sky. The Tour starts from and iflHj§s at San Francisco. The first day’s run is throMh He wonderffr'Jruit ranches t© Sacr^Bito; from SagnMento iH the val- ley to Auburn and Grass Val|sMj|| a night stop at Byet Ilarte Inn. ValleMis noted for its in- terest in gold ^^Mg of the pa^; and present, wherej the famousM49 mine%were started in California. Bebond day’s run Mom alley to Nevada City, Downio^B, and Sierra C§H. throuBthe old placer mining district of California—through Yuba Pass to Gold Lake and FeatMr River Inn for a second night stop, where you Me the wonderful Feather RivM Manyon, and you^Bthen in thiffbig'pineMof Cali- fornia. Within of iMther RiMr Inn are Bortwtwo lakes. ^^^^BIBer Inn also has a splen- did golf course. The third day to Sattley, Sierra- ville, Hobart Mills, Truckee, and Lake Tahoe for a night stop at Hotel Brockway. The fourth day’s run from Lake Tahoe around theMke, giving you a beau- tiful view of Emerald Bay and the wonderful Menery of Lake Tahoe to Minden, then Mono Lake for a night stop at Tioga Lodge. Mono Lake is one of the most attrMtim lakes in the mountains. Fifth day from Mono Lake through wond^^n mountain scenery to TuolummPfffeadows for luncheon, then on through Me gorgeous scenery of Yosemit^^B a night stop afl YosemitM Lodge. The sixth day out oM Yosemite througMthg grand scenery of Yosemit^fta WaMna, wjTOy you have a side trip to IheTBig^ TreM and Wawona Inn for a night stop. Wawona ^B has an exceffint goM course. TheMeventh day through the mountains to Merced, and San Fran^S), for a night stop at either the Fairmont or Whiteomb HotSS. California’s Ideal Tour Reversed The Tour may be reversed by starting from San FrancjWfc making Wawona the first night stop— running the reverse way of all maps on each day’s run. CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR^ EntranceM> Grass Valley First Day San Francisco to Grass Valley The'first day’s run to Grass Valley forms a part of the trip through the scenic Sacraifi^nto Valley to Sacram^feto—the Capital of California, and one of the most interestingj&tiMin the State California, with a luncheon stop at pe Sacramento Hotel. From SacramentoI^^^^^B^apey you will pass through a Section of California which* .fairly brghthes SB spirit of ’49. The re^n is full of ta|p of adventure, of love and hate, aucHMand failure. A bigef glance at ^Br nomenclature—Rough and Ready (deSSbed in Bret Harte’s story “The Millionaire of Rough and Ready’® You Bd|if Red Dog, Town Talk (to men- tion only a ||w)—give a hint at^B colorful life of tlie' near long ago. Write to the management of the Bret Harte Hotel at Grass Valley and you will be furniBd Merature which will be helMuMn making extremely interesting this portion of your trip—at pGrassSalley you’nave a night stop at Bret Harte Inn. From mere start the beautiful Sie^BNevada Mountains.CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Grass Valley Gold Mines First Day San Francisco to Grass Valley Running Directions SACRAMENTO f TO GRASS VALLEY cf 60 MILES «WSS A VALLtyBPET ( HARTE I INN —________________________~ -.. CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR ttl^acrant£^ "So I CXÎ SACRAMENTO’S IiEfliCI ’HOTEL Located at Tenth and K Streets ^He Proximity to the Retail Dnt Fire Proof Construction Albert Bettens, Manager ^ Alarle ^ A New Hot^of First Class Construction and Management A Delightful Stopover on the way to Feather River Inn and the Lake Tahoe Country John Tittes, Besident Manager CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Feather River Canyon Second Day Grass Valley to Feather River Inn The second day's run to Feather River Inn is very interest- ing, traveling along the Yuba River through the placer wash- ings of '49 and ’50y though Bevada City to Camptonville, Downieville, all the places mentioned being old mining towns and having mines that are still running. At Sierra City the famous buttes are located. One mine has had over twenty millions in gold taken from it and is still running. From Sierra City on down through the Yuba Pass to Gold Lake we pass Eirough the most picturesque scenery in the Sierra Nevada Mountains From Gold Lake the trip down through the Feather River Canyon is superb—a vast panorama of mountainous scenery, unfolding as one draws nearer the end of the day's trip; and then the arrival at the famous Feather River Inn, in its beautiful setting of stately big pines, while a few hundred feet away is the remarkably fine golf course—one of the best in KjMifornia, with its excellent grass greens, or, if one prefers to fish, there are forty-two mountain lakes within easy hiking, driving, or motoring distance, where the limit may always be caught. There is also splendid fishing in the Feather River, directly in front of the Inn, or B Jamison Creek near by, which affords ample opportunity for the eager angler to test his ability. It may truthfully be said that Feather River Inn repre- sents California's Ideal TcB in the wilderness. ■mm ------i iiiiiBiâiâ ÉMfsÉii HÜÊ CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Gold Lake near Feather River Inn Second Day Grass Valley to Feather River Inn Running Directions BB ÎAY EAGLE SIERRA CITY ■ 5THER RIVER INN 282 MULES BRANDY CITY DOWNIEVILLE _ SIERRA CITY GRASS VALLEY GOODYEAR’S BAR SIERRA* CITY am MILES CAMPTONVILLE NEVADA CITY GRASS VALLEY Éiâifflîs mË mÊÊ pp CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR FEATHER RIVER INN Blairsden, Plumas Co. CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL MOUNTAIN RESORT Feather River Inn and Chalets Open June 15th to October 1st Altitude 4300 Feet Oiljiof the most charming Summer jfflotels in the CMifornia ijountains. Fine golf cofg^g-grass greens. Fine lake aigij stream trout fishing—horseback riding—hiking—motoring— swimming, tennis, bowling. Fine orchestra, dancing every evening, qjrood Garage. MMMN •'Itou h4'ì.i<’< mmm .J - .U M%âM4%ÈWË ■Bi Feather River Inn Golf Course VAN NOY-INTERSTATE COMPANY, OWNERS Willard W. Brown, Manager ¡¡¡g.........p _____ CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Lake Tahoe Third Day Feather River to Lake Tahoe On the third day’s run, from Feather River Canyon to Lake Tinm passes through the big pines to Satti^HSierra- ville, and Hobart Mills. From Hobart Mills on to Truckee, noted for its winter sports and wonderful scenery. From Truckee direct t^^Btel Brockway for a night stop at Lake Hahoe. first imj^^HonKf Lake Tahoe is one of supreme P§$8#ity—a granHir of sizgj^TOibinei^ with a flo36ti$ti^S|pf color contrasts and a diversity first impres- si&jj never bifl ever grows mor^^ vivid with longer fffflfnaint^^^^B. Over fi^^Hmrs ago Mark Twam^wf^^H t‘ At last tlul|la]mtiHrst upon u9|^»bl^^^9Si blue water lifted six thousandHiree hundred feet above the level mr the sea, and walleWuBjbv a br|m of snow-clad peaks thaWowered aloft full three ^^^^^Mfe^Bhigh^^ll. I thought it must ji^^^be the fairest picture the whole earth Lake rests in the crest of^^^Krra Nevada Moun- tains. It is 23 mi® long, 13 miles we. Down through m^rncss of its great depths, the water is nH m^j$|flyJ trans- parent, but brilliantly mountain side the wild flowers* bloom in great variety all summer long. Snow plant, feather genti^fc, m^rig^dsfl^ndian paint brush, sunflowers, and a hundred other varieties brighten ihe forest floor with bits of color. 1 CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Lake Tahoe from Brockway Third Day Feather River to Lake Tahoe Running Directions FEATHER RIVER INN CALPINE BROCKWAY BROCKWAY. HE ^===^j£ TAHOE ■Eh Mû CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR '* ~ "“"tv* "C ■* ^ ^ ^ ^lj| Hotel Brockway BROCKWAY HOT SPRINGS Hotel and Cottages Lake Tahoe Tahoe’s modern and new resort, located at H)rth end of Lake Tahoe. Direct automobile road from Truckee to Brockway—14 miles. Natural Hot Water piped to all rooms—open air swimming pool—Saddle Horses—Hiking—Dancing H-Excellent Trout Fishing in boats equipped with outboards. For illustrated booklet and rates, address Lawrence & Comstock Brockway, Lake Tahoe, California. ?» ¡¡¡¡toilFOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS, SPECIAL CARS OR DRIVERS WHO KNOW THIS TOUR, SEE CALIFORNIA INFORMATION BUREAUS, INC., FAIRMONT OR WHITCOMB HOTELS BROCKWAY HOTEL FtATHfB HIVER INN SOSANVU.4.& HOBART > • NHU.T TRUCKEE SIERRAVriXE ^^FEATHER RIVER: ^•^BliiRRA CITY ■p|ïN ^DOWNIEVILLE CAMPTONVILLE WÊ^MÊmm....-f : ,sn/$Ran%:,gar\ QV/AtCY TALLAC- NEVADA CITY MINDEN jgÀ TÏWS GRASS VALLEY mm KWX&OQÛ BRIDGEPORT ■kW AUBURN,; \EImPÖ$ÄÖO\ ROCKLIN^ v ROSEVILI *■ mp ^ eit/FF ^S#s#&C •* sacramento » : -t W‘<. -ikv .«¿a #. «... Er^MPnR ! MllOWS davjs ■m h /ONE JA, CHS ON ^vr ioga 2* PASS PEaiHWld SAN ANORERS ■ CORDELIA 11. ~ SONORA r^®L/?oafo X X. VALI, CJO S ^*F£/wr , H B ROCKETT ■*% ; mi'” • • • Ami ISLAND CARIO m STOCHTON RICHMOND. .OAKLAND Is. aH IrSSémlî&^BLvi*-' ; «sSv STATION MÀigl i^iïS-ivVAWONA CATHAY MANTECA PL AN APA" LIVERMORE HAYWARD * ëmu - . 1 TRACY ALTAMONT MODESTO 5ÀN FRANCISCO TURLOCK Y/ÛJJTfti N(i TONNear ifflsro Lake Fourth Day Lake Tahoe to Mono Lake The fourth day’s run, from Brockway to Mono Lake, is around Lake Tahoenp^fcing Emerald Bay, where one gets one of the most gorgeous lake and mountain views in the United Stft^H on around the lake, where every turn of the road is a magnificent panorama in the ever-changing fece^^^ffect. Turning away from Tahoe, ^^W)ga Pass B^^^h crosses»«California line info Nevada %nffldrops down the Kingsbury Grfl^^RRo the fertrHranching country of the Carson Valley to Minden. The trail of “Kit” Carson and General Fremont in their exploration of this region, which binso much to make the United States a.unity from the Atlantic to the Pacific, is followed, ■’here are signs to indi- cate where these pioneers camped during their arduous ex- pedition. Three beautHil valleysvare seen on “‘Tioga Pass Boute.” Southbound, Carson Valley comes first; then Little Antelope Valley, and the third is Bridgeport Valley. Iplevada i^left and California entered again at Topaz Lake, between Minden and Antelope VallH Picturesque Walker Biver Canyon to Bridgeport. Mono Lake is the scene qRhe advent^Hwvhich Mark Twain described in ‘ ‘ Boughing It. ’ ’ When he declared that Mono Lake was ‘ ‘ one of the strangest freaks of nature to be S!||und in any land,” he might have been writing for “Tioga Pass Boute” passengers, for the description still holds good. This weird inland sea, bordered by extinct volcanoes, has a chemical content which includes 92,000,000 tons of cooking soda in its great expanse of nearly 100 square miles, and nothing lives in it except a minute shrimp. In the lake are two islands, one of which is the tip of a submerged volcanic cone. Tioga Lodge is a charming night stop. CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Mono Lake, California Fourth Day Lake Tahoe to Mono Lake Running Directions CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Mono Lake from Tioga Lodge TIOGA LODGE Mono Lake Elevation 6450 Feet Tioga Lodge is in tpe heart of California’s best trout fishing. Electric lights—p(H-office—«tore and garage. ' No mosquitoes-—good boating, bathing, hiking, iKpxle-back riding. W. W. (jiNNiNGHAM, Manager. CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Tuolumne Meadows Fifth Day Mono Lake to Yosemite The fifth day’s run, from Mono Lake to Yosemite National Park, through the pines and rugged Srerras, through Tioga Pass tcBuolumne Meadows, a delightful place for a luncheon stop. Then from Tuolumne Meadows down to Yosemite. When you get in sight of YosemtjpValley, it is without ques- tion the most gorgeous scenery in all the United States, and the drop from the top of Yosemite down to the floor of the canyon is one of the most wonderful afflimobilj? trips one has ever taken. You have a five-mile run through the basin of Yosemite, with a night stop at Yosemite Lodge. Yosemite National Park has a great many points of interest which one can take for side trips for one day, or as many as you wishlrencluding Glacier Point, Bainbow View, Sentinel Inspiration Point, El Ca^^H, and Elephant Bock. Yosemite National Park, primarily a place for recreation, is ajmSa great^^Hational force, an outdoor school, a laboratory for the study of natural hf|Epry, with unequaled opportunities for obtaining scientific guidance (Ssubj^is in which visitors may be inte^^^^H The Park H administered by the Department oCthe Interior througlBthe Nanuffll Park Servic% ^ which Stephen T. Mather is Director. He is represented in Yosemite by a Super- intendent, Chief Banger, and other officials, all of whom will be found ready and eager to be of service to visitors. Govern- ment headquarters in Yosemite Village is a source of accurate information about roads and trails.CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Cathedral Spires, 2154 Feet Above Yosemite Valley Fifth Day Mono Lake to Yosemite Running Directions CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR El Capitan, near Yosemite Lodge Yosemite Lodge Yosemite Lodge is the center of life in Yosemite Valley. Situated in a grove of magnificent pines at the foot of Yo- semite Falls, just across the Merced River meadows from the Hcturesque village, ‘‘The^^^^^^as^it^ pleasantly known, is convenient Hall roads and trails and; makes an ideal base for a Yosemite vacation. Charming redwood cabins, with and without bath, grouped around a community center including dining-room, broad verandas, writing-rooms, HB-air theater, outdoor dancing pavilioHBwimming pool, and nightly campfire, comprise this unique and deli||H^| resort. All the conveniences of the better city hotels—long-distance ^^H|gbne, telegram! daily mail service, medical, hosfjHl, barber shop, beffift^j parlor, etc. —are to be had by Lodge patrons. The Lodge's swimming pool deserves mention by itself. It is 120 feet long, filled with crystal mountain water heated by steam and bordered by a sHd beach, and is the sdene of one of the big Pacific Hntests. The nightly campfire and concert in the open-air theaw|, the out-ofilpors dancing to the music of an excel- lent orchestra, are recrc^non fHpures which make a stay at 'Yosemite Lodge long to be remembered. ^ All of the living cabins are comfortably furnished, and virtually all have twin beds. ManyR the cabins wjth^aths have[^^^^^^HHng porches and the bathroom equijmpfftt is of spotless porcelain of the most types. Individual splice is given at tatH in the American Plan dining-room by uniformed waitr^^H Americam^^H rates Sbr cabins wit^^^Kyale $9.00 single, $7.50 double,$7.00 each for three or more persons in. single cabin or one-half of d®lM cabin. American Plan rates for cabins without batj] are $7.00 single and $6B double. For reservatrhH address Yosemite National Park^M Yosemite National Park, (jfH or call at one of the following agencies: ^689 Market Street, San Francisco,South Spring Street, Los Angeles. CALIFORNIA’S IDEAL TOUR Wawona Hotel and Annex Sixth Day Yosemite to Wawona The sixth day's run is a short one to wonderful Wawona. Leaving Yosemite Lodge, the run is through the H>or of the valley to iHpiration Point; from Inspiration Point over the crest Hthe divide to Wawona. From Wawona a ^p can be made to the Big Trees district The distancHo Big Trees is seventeen miles, making a won- derful side trip. The Big as popularly called, are found only in^Bfornia. Their ^^fltific name is ‘c Sequoia, Hgiven in honor of Sequoyah, a Cherokee Indian, wlHinvented an alpha- bet for his triHjp’IThe Mariposa of Big Trees Hcludes more than is withou^^Hbt the i^rest grove of the IseieralHat are H California. Here can be seen the ‘ ‘ Grizzly and the rings this Hi King of He Grove, as^mientists* count them, Hpu H a life of several thousand years]! Many other noted are in the Mariposa Grove, among them *