E, ...». a.u- . . . . . . -.l .lx..» .. .. . . . . . . . . ‘.4“I!I'l.)ll.4xylf|;l§.i41¢ alii.-(44 3-44»! . . $!» . ol- .lc'uiltltst l.)-w . . . . . .i." .). ..fllflwïplvkxïma. m . . maii.-ye!!! o . . Muuuuu.unlnu,muvnud|.§ «.... ...-«A.:c-Vnun-Iï. .. '..a..~lJ;n:;-flflwc.o-n. ..v. ;'.-.xii.;15. nv. . . . o.. . ). -.--» ...... »...-132: .. . .. ... . . . . io . . ll'llliirltnulut &:Ji niti?-irat....»h. .N-i- . -\ I.! Uni—QN .- .. 'RI—thuQ' illa--ct...:us...f...1..55(ä...1.. ...,-tu.... . . .,.......-..... . . ...,-...,... .....l.....£u€.-... iv.-......ZL-l! ! te . 3:333:53 32:23:30.}... nu .«. ...-n.,: 3:3 . ...-.l.?133 . . . rivi ).. l . . . . ... . . . «..919...4..1.94.o : . . . . . . . . .. -4(ws.2.$...—..?7.:...T.ïu. au- an.-...! »i .» 190.3032}... «. 13.: cl.-::: :::-A-I-nw» .. .. h’ixlhi‘fdfvbwié: wlr‘iffivvl‘lon ' ...-it.:UIISQI 2 (sua.-8...- r! G &. ol. ( luci-t .! vl- a: .A.-... s- . «!l-0 itp-to..., cfr ...,-r.o... uli.... . i .. . . :l e.. 4A. . . . . . væ .l.. »...- Silanus? .. oi.- . ls R. ...-a- M—k. ..- Iu‘... . , Li.-... 864." .. . flan". Et. os.!- . given '. ...-4.- c . O...- 61' . . . uuu- os.-ui:. . . u :. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .f....- cy- : . . idus-l.! . .. P 5 . æ . . «oti. . r . .... s» »h. . . . . & c . & ot. »- aul ' 4- .. ...,-...! w:: w.«—u . . ., : i:.- ..... s,- ,! bI-an—Qï';$1)tlläää'l.i h .... .nwæ . ... If}, . .' . tuiv-.)— ...-$ ...,. . «a flame. musam . xw. , » ....o. . . ,,... .- . .. :. :... :... . Z... . . up valli-vvv. Z; . ': fr.-r:» . . .... .: . . . $ed-. . .f.-uc. in. a». .. . bl! .»Ozi: . ...-GP. . . . : ("n.:-lulii; ' . 'n'! .. . . . .. J....51ul4. . &. .... .. . . . . .. . . . . $.Lïläfkïäïïi! . . . .- suu—vn- ...-. ...... »..-... ...... ... -u-- ." ..":- ;;;;... b. . .. 3- 333... . ..) .)... .v.. Shah. co.-C.. (lu.-nu. . 0... . (ho . . . L.. . &. . . . . . . . . . .??? . *.»c o.; O.. ont... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ? v . A REPRODUCTION OF A PORTRAIT IN OILS ' BY HENRY RASCHEN AFTER THE ORIGINAL ' ' (ARTIST UNKNOWN) IN THE ART MUSEUM AT MUNICH «AtTOGETIr-IERWITH A REPLICA ‘ PACE FROM THE MAZARIN OR FORTY/TWO LINE BIBLE atTI-IESECOMPRISING WHAT IS TO BE CALLED THE GUTENBERG KEEPSAKE \\\‘" ' \NN ,, ' , 7‘ Wm‘ I“ s ,// . /),/ ,/ ' ‘\\\““ , «manv-m ; w. x x,X'jiwwwjöïwïämäw :? \ , I . ; ‘ ' I M ///A\1\"///'/,..‘.I//):Ii “A I «.?! I'A ---?-—. '.— SENT OUT BY THE ZELDERBACH PAPER COMPANY TO L \\ \\\\\ »\\‘-\\‘~\\\“\\\ ^ " ', \ x \ '» - \ '» THE FRIENDS öt PATRONS OF THEIR HOUSE a! PRINTED FOR THEM BY JOHN HENRY NASH OF SAN FRANCISCO IN THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER OF THE YEAR MCMXXIII ... u 25.“. 'H‘r‘ “""A' "swan-r swam,-. 8 M.. ,, M. e,; ., .. ..-.... ., , ...... “paw“... ”Wu-fl. "'"" W'er'r— aq- - mag; »- nu ...-v.. - '» . U OF M"NZ1 \ . nm (V0 .., - C,— F“ We must hearken back to the eloquence of his achievements themselves would we learn much of the man,]obn Gutenberg. For there survive but meager high/lights of a turbulent career. Born just before the dawn of the Fifteenth Century, presumably in Mainz; the exile of a local political flurry ofthe time; inventor of an ingenious method of polishing stones; the Victim on two occasions ofimpatient and grasping partners; the ultimate conqueror of the manifold problems of producing books by means of movable types; the recipient of honors and a pension that acknowledged his genius; died on February 24, [4.68 —such,in epitome, is the life of the great inventor. But there exist a few precious volumes to declare him artist,artisan and engineer. He conceived boldly,wrought hardily and inspired those about him. And while it be that no surviving work bears his name, yet ever on the tongue of all civilization shall endure the name ofjohn Gutenberg,inventor of “typography, of all the other arts the preserver." [The page shown is from the Book of Numbers; the "nu" is on the verso, and the "mHBI" on the recto page.] mm: nume tentatu'iæ uiuum;: magma. zttuuuuea nummatum mutaqtuuz galiugam; ug: mum mupnua In: abu xmmunu tuan mutant: ua- tguiaugfq; nu fugam laualut-tt ft tt natiuum fuam uuuumnug tut ufu; an mfuaauubgtquga aut animate; rit tguïaü-uuha annua nupta-uz mt» niu adeümmua fauauartu mu uultu: it:-g ufi BB: aqualuflpauapta afpttfuf. [ut tut amaui [eginum fuupuetuu. 192 quam um mannan.-lasta- mt mmmmafitagltuma gut mage rit aquaa tgmatamatgmuumua tut ufq; an adactam. guuqum'tchug numuuaua . :uuuuuum fuam aut: '. ma qut lutum qu mium tetigerit-ïm: \ \\ , Wfimufq; afiufpfmmflx . » mutuata; iulii ifrabtl tt grauia , mulmm III mfgttwu liu metu! pun} . .3 maufitngl’am rates. 13mm; aq; tim nuauazæ annua ut maun lu; m.luuq; mulgeat aqua muui? ma: nauata: umum guugftutt aaru: uuafimfizmunuz mam. armatu mum mam marge sua manuum: muui-ha ttt-Ima mu m fuuutnmumut æ uum ura nuatum mmamuuwuam una ftdüifal'reaæ wg m sumtu-æ &!an au latum illuugtftauuu qut {zuuuuuufizt‘iutc ata mgna-uu mutua ut: mala mas natagul'uu æ aquam uu haim an ht: hguuuäluMufu; myrta æ aarnu nuudl'a mulamniut m tahttaatulu ' &mïa-mrumuut muui iu maxuraa; mautguutq; anmxuïaü atq; Dixerunt. Danaae nunu aum dammi uuuuli huma ; æ aum ug tt;:fautü tuiifuutf aaut qua: ut runa;: ulIa-murgumar uu tumit amaruuqluua ma fum ma.!uultufq: : muuuua au marten iumina: uirgam 2: am uur uulummæaamfmugmua-æ nutu,: mim anum mrum auxili-a ua " aquaazgluuq; Iguana aqua Dz ma burgum; mulmm 1: muuuga uua. lulu lua myrta nuuam qugttat m mufuutu am utrumnam-rugw gata mutuamur atg mcam; mutu; mauult! abdita æ magnum gium utputa ua: uniua aqua unuumug nauigium; uzuäïfäguurfæ maht;-3 mmumautrqa " a uuu-tumit; augue larmüupua utpopul? mittet £t uuuaaibtatq; auum? anomazfta tt aarau . nuua un maxumum; tufauttifuatmu me raram fulua au: uuu magnum? Iua panama III ta; rang qua Bahamian aquam;-autre; mannig,-uin turgau funt [191ng murta numgfaudifitafi £&: uam,/. ïu mutu: uuunu utmm maura au rcqau tuma-qut mmuulm manat itate: ulua uuam. gaft: umu‘e' Iaha: mu qut amuqmuupuuagquumnnq Mmmm mammiia þau—14 tautum? {In utuita marcam muuaumumumannämmuuu» tunþu rlamaumgu9annuumrgaw mat uua - uufzntq; auqtlu aui tuæ mtguamtggum.mmuthuaw t!!!! z m tgmuua {nabs uua :mütïzuh: Imamuaut uum-uanum liuat per maxuraa. Haunthuuuap, autumat uamuraazuu migma aquaa u uu: tua uuazfzu manuum: ma uumiui- man umam attan fiuifitam mdi; uauteaziguutg ,. armatae agnata: ' ^ Bit gunmflnu traua: 1an "tut. maum armat? uuuträ abu .. mung, filqgifgauglfiu uita manuum: maa umbram? aquaa maa uua a azara nauta-namma r . x. n . » æ , w ; , \ . .« t « ,0 r ' ... : \ f . . .. .. I .; _ .. - u : .» , 7 .* ... . M , . :». € . . . A . . ' x V ; .. . . ; u.. a v I . : . . . ï ., . o- , . . .... \ b V . . . x . .. , . , .; a . . a . . . . .. . l.! ,cxxl-II..(:U ;..frt' ; w.,... . . (. 1- Hi . cru-.f.? lu.... ).3l..1ï f;..ïxx :. . .... n; ,. 5 n LA uui-lvii; 'Aut-I).! 051.th [l'h'qlis . . . , . .-.! s . ..... , . .! . ,. .. av . rL. 4 a yr .- .E.,—.». lt »G....alc lx.! ..;-.L. ...-..! xit.? a... ui:-.! .! v .. (xxxta.-sv llt-lb. ut! [(10 lv \ "«: 1 1 i \ r 1. - ' "^* » -- . . . ..-. --.. . . . V u- - . -- - x - . -. . ... >1» ., « A **... ,, ., & ". . . ._;- . - . . V .. "x, , V wur u— rag" mafia”; km}- ———'-^""-?'*' ": «r vawx »vn—"«. «Li,; us:— ««...—mmm». «:«. LW-mmmmg-k. ,., N“ a, v .1‘ ’ , , ' ' * * f . * . ' ' » ', ;'., ???? lee'ïcertairi of the rare clam-ants, the-existence- ofthe "ut’enherg Bible Was _ forecastedlong before the first copyWasdiscoveted in’ the library of. the ' ' " eminent Cardinal Mazarin. So ithas been named thel??M)azarin,” and some; ‘ times the " forty/two line’ ’ Bible. Call; it a, curiosity, if you wfll, this replica u f page from the first printed Bible —- and perhaps the first book printed from, ' ‘ movable types. Or revere it as a souvenir of that mighty invention that swept civilization into accelerated stride. Or marvel at the noble format and the maj esty of margin and the deathless black of an ink that dried on the page forty years before Columbus wandered westward—just as how and arrow and arquebus launched in England the Wars of the Roses! But open your eyes wider, gaze into the perspective of the dim years and appraise it as a well; " nigh superhuman achievement of one inspired man. For the original of this - page,so‘ faithfully reproduced by the cunning of the engraver as to the black of the type and the colored accents of the illuminator,represents more: than the simple application of a single invention that it was inevitable someone should hit upon in that Fifteenth Century.The conception was the flash of a moment; to dress it in tangibilitywas the labor of a round ten years! John Gutenberg displayed a prodigiousresourcefulness in applying his new prin/ ciple. He supervised the design of letters and the cutting of counter/punches ~ _ f. ._ _ and punches. He devised a casting method. A satisfactory type alloywasper/ : ï feéted, after what failures we can but guess. A worthy paper was selected and ' an ink of new viscosity evolved. The difficulty of holding the type in rigid block was met; there was even no precedent for so simple a thingas printing on both sides of the same sheet! And it was his patience and resolution and vision that guided the hands of those stolid workmen who assisted. And the result, this Mazarin Bible I - no apologetic makeshift of an initiatory period, but a glorious triumph of full perfection worthy of emulation in these easier modern days. John Gutenberg sired the art of printing; it sprang from him lusty and full grown as has no other art or craft or process in all of history! III:-lln' n.:-'., [.« J i, ; vi?-239.- ” " ” I I I I ” tili/ïm i/ii/i/i/Iifi/II/ lI/I/ nil/1mm“ ! CDCIBSBLHLIB .\ . ‘i . .. I x^ » ., u . « -M I- . » ,. ,L» 4 ,9?! . « , .i... : .. ,1c.v.. (altrixylullavï ,. V .: