R’Qecommended Rir Pollution Index Prepaxed by the Federal lnteragen‘cy Task Force on Air Quality Indicators: CEQ. EPA. DOC Issued by the Council on . . _ _ ‘_ , . . l Environmental ' _ _ _. - , . ' . . . _ .- . Quality ‘ I. _ . ‘_ ' .’ . - I September 1976 .‘ .. ' ,. ~ - 3 - . ' A‘ ‘l ‘1;‘ x. '5 i‘C3; 1 lot": :‘é . : .. I “6",.” ‘ :121.» -an emu-.-” {.L t .5 .3 {1 ‘7 lull 3 l r r. 5 .. E 3 J V; 3' s ‘ \ 5 5*?) ‘ a:- . I; .8“ ‘3. In R ecommended ir Pollution Index .4 Prepared by the Federal Interagency Task Force on Air Quality Indicators: Council on Environmental Quality Environmental Protection Agency Department of Commerce September 1976 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. US. Government Printing Office Washington. DC. 20402 - Price $130 Stock No. 041-001-00138—7 FOREWORD Millions of Americans are regularly exposed to various levels of air pollution. How and when we are affected is a matter of concern to many citizens of urban areas, especially those who suffer from respira- tory and cardiovascular illnesses. It is especially important that the air quality information provided daily to the public —— on television, on the radio, and in print -— be as scientifically accurate and understandable as possible. This report describes a recommended method for providing such information, the Pollutant Standards Index. Use of this index by metropolitan and state agencies will be on a voluntary basis. We would like to express appreciation to the many professional staff from state, local, and Canadian air pollution control agencies for their valuable coopera- tion in providing information for the 1975 CEQ/EPA study of currently used indices and for providing careful reviews and meaningful critiques of the Pollutant Standards Index documentation. Russell W. Peterson Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality 9/ Ru sell E. Train Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency EE:::;fl_I(’71LLvafiLka-_—/ Elliot L. Richardson Secretary of Commerce is}. "5 m CONTENTS Foreword ................................................ iii I. Summary ........ ... .................................. 1 II. Background ................................... . ..... 3 III. Developing a Uniform Index ........................ 7 IV. The Recommended Index .............................. 8 Number of Pollutants .......................... 8 Calculation Method ............................ 8 Example Reports ................. . ............. 12 V. Testing the Index ....................... . ........... 14 VI. Further Work ....................................... 17 Adoption and Implementation ................... 17 Further Testing ............................... 18 A More Sophisticated Indicator ................ 18 VII. References ........................................ 19 Appendix A. "A Critical Review of Air Pollution Index Systems in the United States and Canada" ................................... 20 Appendix B. Guideline for Public Reporting of Daily Air Quality -— Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) ...................................... 31 Members of the Task Force ............................... 65 T D 883 .2 U545 1976 PUBL I. SUMMARY The increasing public awareness of air pollution during the last decade has resulted in many state and local air pollution control agencies' use of daily air pollution indices to inform the public about the magnitude and changes in air pollution levels. Awareness of these levels is most important to those who suffer from illnesses aggravated by air pollution. In addition, most people may well cut down on pollution—generating activities if they are better informed about pollution levels and their significance. The variety of index types in use is confusing and makes air pollution control more difficult. Studies by the National Academy of Sciences and the Congressional Research Service in 1973 and 1974 recommended that the Council on Environmental Quality, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal agencies develop effective air quality indicators. In response, CEQ and EPA conducted a comprehensive survey of air pollution indices in use. Air Pollution Indices: A Compendium and Assessment of Indices in the United States and Canada (December 1975) describes a confusing and scientifically inconsistent array of reporting methods in use today. At least 14 basically different indices are used, and few seem to provide truly meaningful information to the public. In the summer of 1975, CEQ organized the Federal Interagency Task Force on Air Quality Indicators. Participating with the Council were EPA and several offices in the Department of Commerce: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Bureau of Standards, and the Office of Environmental Affairs. The primary mission of the Task Force was to develop an index which the participating agencies could recommend for nationwide daily reporting of air quality. The Pollutant Standards Index was developed by an EPA Technical Working Group in collaboration with CEQ and NOAA. Many of its features are based on the 1975 CEQ/EPA survey. The PSI has been reviewed by Federal, state, and local air pollution control agency officials. In the judgment of the Task Force, it incorporates the best available scientific information and technology in the areas of air pollution health effects, air quality monitoring, and forecast meteorology. In many respects, the index closely resembles some of the better indices currently in use. The government agencies which have partici- pated in the Task Force effort are recommending the PSI for nationwide adoption. The PSI is designed for daily reporting of local air pollution levels to the public through the news media. Its main function is to inform the public of the potential health implications of observed air pollu- tion levels. The PSI is based on the National Ambient Air Quality Standards and the federal episode control criteria. The air pollutants covered by the index are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and total suspended particulates. The index has a range of 0—500 and uses five descriptor words to identify progressively higher levels of air pollution: "good," ”moderate," "unhealthful," "very unhealthful," and "hazardous.” In addition, the PSI can provide information to advise people about possible effects of various pollution levels on their well—being and about what preventive action they might take. II. BACKGROUND During late 1974 and early 1975, a comprehensive study of air pollution indices currently in use was conducted by the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency and the President's Council on Environmental Quality. This survey was in partial response to recommendations made by the National Academy of Sciences1 and the Congressional Research Service.2 The CEQ/EPA findings were reported in Air Pollution Indices: A Compendium and Assessment of Indices Used in the United States and Canada.3 A condensation and update of this report are provided in "A Critical Review of Air Pollution Indices in the United States and Canada"4 (see Appendix A). The study examined the nature, characteristics, and reporting formats of air pollution indices used by air pollution control agencies and reported in the literature. From these data were developed the criteria for the design of a uniform air pollution index as well as the structure of two candidate indices. Information was gathered through: (1) an extensive review of the literature on air pollution indices, (2) a telephone survey soliciting information from 55 air pollution control agencies in the United States and Canadian provinces, and (3) a case study of a three-state metropolitan area (Steubenville—Wheeling—Pittsburgh) where an attempt was being made locally to adopt a uniform tri—state air quality index. After an index classification system was developed, it was possible to analyze and compare the various indices reported in the scientific literature with those used daily by the air pollution control agencies. 0f the 55 U.S. metropolitan air pollution control agencies surveyed, 35 (64 percent) routinely use some form of air pollution index. Six states and the two Canadian Provinces surveyed have uniform indices. Fourteen different types of indices are in use by the 43 agencies surveyed. With two minor exceptions, when descriptor words are taken into account, no two indices are the same. The survey found 41 air pollution descriptor words in currently used indices. These descriptor words and their frequency of use are shown in Table 1. Other evidence of the great diversity and lack of consistency among air pollution indices is the meaning given index numbers in 14 cities. Table 2 shows that a reported index value of "25" is accompanied by 13 different descriptor words in these cities. An individual who does not differentiate between index types and does not understand how index values are calculated would be very confused by descriptor words ranging from "extremely light" to "unhealthy” —— all describing the same index number seen or heard on the news. There is little uniformity in the indices used to inform the public about air quality. Air monitoring networks require substantial public investments in both personnel and equipment. One of the primary uses of the data obtained from these networks is informing the public. Pollution indices provide a link between very technical information and information for the lay public. The overall lack of uniformity among indices and often of a firm scientific rationale is viewed by the Task Force as a serious national communications problem. FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE 41 WORDS USED FOR DESCRIPTOR CATEGORIES BY 43 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCIES Heavy Good Light Unsatisfactory Unhealthy(ful) Moderate Emergency Poor Extremely Heavy Fair Medium Satisfactory Severe Alert Clean Extremely Light Very Poor Acceptable Dangerous Excellent Hazardous 10 H O NNNNwwwwbbbbbkflwO‘O‘VO Normal Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Very Heavy Warning Above Average Acute Average Below Average Endangerment Extremely Poor Harmful High Low Significant Slight Very Dangerous Very Good Very Light Source: Gary C. Thom and Wayne R. Ott, Air Pollution Indices: A Compendium and Assessment of Indices Used in the United States and Canada, December 1975. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H m N N N m N DESCRIPTOR WORDS ASSOCIATED WITH AN INDEX VALUE OF "25" IN 14 U.S. CITIES* City Detroit, Michigan Tampa, Florida Ontario, Canada Alberta, Canada Washington, D.C. Denver, Colorado Nashville, Tennessee Louisville, Kentucky Miami, Florida Albany, New York Los Angeles, California Portland, Oregon New York, New York San Francisco, California Air Pollution Descrigtion Extremely Light Moderate Acceptable Clean Fair Fair Slight Good Normal High Stage 1 Light Unhealthy Severe *An index value of 25 is calculated from individual indexes or is the actual concentration which is the basis of some indices. Source: National Academy of Sciences, Planning Committee on Environmental Indicee, "Planning for Environmental Indices," February 1975. The Task Force solution was to develop a uniform air pollution index for local use throughout the United States. Based on the findings and recommendations of the 1975 CEQ/EPA study, the EPA Technical Working Group set forth the criteria for a uniform index. The criteria for design of the Pollutant Standards Index were: It must be easily understood by the public. It must be based on the health effects of the criteria pollutants for which standards have been set; it must be capable of including new pollutants and new standards in the future. It must be easily calculated from data obtained through existing monitoring networks. It must reflect day—to—day variations commensurate with perceived changes in air pollution levels. It must include forecast capability when appropriate. III. DEVELOPING A UNIFORM INDEX In July 1975 CEQ organized the Federal Interagency Task Force on Air Quality Indicators to bring together the federal agencies involved in the national air quality management effort and those with special expertise. The Task Force included representatives from CEQ; EPA's Offices of Research and Development, Air and Waste Management, and Planning and Management; and the Department of Commerce's Office of Environmental Affairs; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Bureau of Standards. All were selected for their competence in areas related to the develop— ment and implementation of a uniform air pollution index: EPA in index design, health effects, monitoring, data processing, and data management; the Commerce Department's Office of Environmental Affairs in disseminating information and liaison with the industrial sector; NOAA in meteorology and forecasting; and NBS in measurement standardi— zation. As an integral part of the Task Force activity, EPA established a Technical Working Group to develop a recommended index. It put together all the elements of a viable index and prepared the "Guide— line for Public Reporting of Daily Air Quality —— Pollutant Standards Index" (PSI) (Appendix B). NOAA prepared an appendix to the Guideline which addresses the forecasting aspects of index usage. The earlier CEQ/EPA study was used in developing this Guideline, which EPA will officially issue to state and local agencies. IV. THE RECOMMENDED INDEX The Pollutant Standards Index is a health—related air pollution index based generally on the primary short—term National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the health-related Significant Harm Levels.5 The development of the PSI followed the 1975 CEQ/EPA survey. The structure of the PSI is described below. Number of Pollutants PSI includes the five pollutants (commonly called "criteria pollutants"): carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (502), total suspended particulates (TSP), ozone (or photochemical oxidants) (03), and nitrogen dioxide (N02). An additional number, the product of the TSP concentration times the $02 concentration, is included because it has been designated a Federal episode control criterion. The calculation method for the PSI permits the addition or subtraction of pollutants used in the index without changing the index equations or index values for the pollutants covered. Calculation Method The index relates air pollution concentrations to numbers from 0 to 500. The relationships for each pollutant are shown in Figure 1. The PSI breakpoints,* their equivalent concentrations, health effects descriptors, and advisory information are shown in Table 3. An arbitrary breakpoint of 50 for all pollutants, thus creating the "moderate" descriptor, is provided to demonstrate gradation from *A breakpoint on a graph is a point where a shape or direction distinctly changes. m - m - nu [ I I I ,— — _ _. :mnusucv uncncv an ._ uvn u ._ m - mm. m — _ -—I ._ —. E unnmn ; mun-a E m .. mm :4 — E an — mu. m — __ — _. ._ ‘LEIT ALEIY m ._. um 11 -— 19' — uvu m — _. __1 _ _ Ill —— I' mmnv nuns — m — mm" _ “All — mmunv «no: — - 7‘ “nun mm" — IAA” . I I I I I _ I I | I I I II n u u u u I m m m m mo ml CAIIDI unuoxm In... nuns-us AVERAGE). «(-1 sum-nu: numuun nun" nu... name avmu, “1.1) ”' I I I I I '" an autumn uu _ IAMIIIHI uvn m. ._ _ “V“ II. — % _- _ .. “ mum 3 Hanan 3 a! _ “van ' _ E 3.. ._ mu. m. — E m _ um um _ 1n — m _ I“ -— m "mum _ III I—- 35 mun um — “A“, "I __ —|' sex mun: — Mill-III. 'IIMAIIV IAAB I I l I l l I . l I ' I no mo mu no. no. mu m m m m “9' '3" atom: (um "mum. uni-.1 :uuua nmxm! Imu- nuuuma AvmnatL ”M III .. _ mun-u u- - uvn _ m -— .— 3 mum“ _‘ nu —' _ a Human 2 ma ‘E' at — uvn ._.. Altnv 2" — uvn ma -— mm at — ._ mu u la — — In _— __ . l l | l I I I l J I ma 1m an: an new un- . Irrnocu mm: m— nvunzud-J I" 1' JD M I. mm swmntn umcuun It so, Inn-Mun! unsunuun. v01 lad-HI Figure l — Relationship Between Pollutant Concentration and Index Values of PSI. Source: Environmental Protection Agency, "Guideline for Public Reporting of Daily Air Quality -- Pollutant Standards Index" OI TABLE 3 . COMPARISON OF PSI VALUES WITH POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS, DESCRIPTOR WORDS , GENERALIZED HEALTH EFFECTS, AND CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS POLLUTANT LEVELS TSP 802 CO 03 N02 HEALTH lNl'i X AIR OUALITV (24-hour), (24-hour), (8-hour), (1-hour). (1-hour), EFFECT VALUE LEVEL pwm3 pym3 mym pym3 nym3 oescnwron GENERALHEALTHEFFECTS CAUWONARYSTATEMENTS — 500 —-—5'G:fl§/IANT 1000 2620 57.5 1200 3750 Premature death of ill and elderly. All persons should remain indoors, Healthy people will experience ad- keeping windows and doors closed. verse symptoms that affect their All persons should minimize PhYSI‘ normal activity. cal exertion and avoid traffic. '—-‘OO —— EMERGENCY 875 2100 46.0 1000 3000-— HAZARDOUS Premature onset of certain diseases Elderly and persons with existing in addition to significant aggrava- diseases should stay indoors and tion of symptoms and decreased avoid physical exertion. General exercise tolerance in healthy persons. population should avoid outdoor activity. --— 300 -—--—- WARNING 625 1600 34.0 800 2260 Significant aggravation of symptoms Elderly and persons with existing VERY and decreased exercise tolerance in heart or lung disease should stay UNHEALTHFUL persons with heart or lung disease, indoors and reduce physical with widespread symptoms in the activity. healthy population. -— 200 ALERT 375 800 17.0 400° 1130 Mild aggravation of symptoms in Persons with existing heart or susceptible persons, with irritation respiratory ailments should reduce UNHEALTHFUL symptoms in the healthy popula physical exertion and outdoor tion. activity. — 100 NAAOS 260 365 10.0 160 I MODERATE -— so ———50% or NAAOS-——— 75b sob 5.0 so a GOOD L——0 n 0 o n a ‘No index values reported at concentration levels below those specified by "Alert Level" criteria. bAnnual primary NAAOS. c400 ug/m3 was used instead of the O3 Alert Level of 200 pg/m3 Source: Environmental Protection Agency, "Guideline for Public Reporting of Daily Air Quality “ Pollutant Standards Index" ”moderate" region "good" to "unhealthful." The designation of a recognizes the fact that although daily levels of a pollutant may never exceed its short—term standard, over the course of a year its average may violate its respective annual standard. In order to maintain continuity between the health—related PSI and presently established local episode prevention protocols, the Technical Working Group set the index breakpoints between the primary standards and the Significant Harm Levels at the recommended Federal Episode Alert, Warning, and Emergency Levels, except for photochemical oxidants. For oxidants, 400 micrograms/cubic meter was selected at the breakpoint between 'unhealthful" and "very unhealthful" because this level appears more consistent with health effects information than the currently suggested administrative alert level of 200 micrograms/ cubic meter. For N02 and 802 times TSP, no index value is reported below the Alert Level because no short-term standards have been established for this range. Each pollutant is examined individually by comparing its measured concentration with the index plot shown in the figure. The calculation may be performed manually, graphically, or by minicomputer. The maximum index value for each pollutant may be reported if the user wishes. At a minimum, however, the highest single index value computed for all the pollutants should be reported to advise the public of the worst air pollution in the community or region. On days when two or more pollu— tants violate their respective standards (that is, have PSI values above 100), each pollutant may be mentioned. When the air pollution index indicates that the air quality is "unhealthful," "very unhealthful," or "hazardous," both the precautionary statements and the generalized health effects should be reported by the media. 11 Example Reports The index was designed to be as flexible as possible for reporting air quality to the public. Either short or detailed reports may be used. For television, the report could read: ”Today the air pollution index is 40; the air quality is good." However, when the air pollution level becomes unhealthful (PSI over 100), there are several possible reports for television, the news media, or telephone recordings. For example, when oxidant pollution reaches a concentration of 280 micro- grams/cubic meter (0.14ppm), the report may take one of several forms: (1) "Today, the air pollution index is 150. The air is unhealthful. The pollutant ozone is responsible.” (2) Add the following precautionary statements: "Persons with existing heart or respiratory ailments should reduce physical exertion and outdoor activity." (3) Include the language of (l) and (2), adding that "'unhealthful' air can cause mild aggravation of symptoms in the healthy population." (4) "According to our meteorology forecast, we can expect that the level of ozone will decrease [increase or remain at about the same level] tomorrow." Table 3 should be consulted in preparing the daily air pollution report for the public. Figure 2 uses the above ozone example in a Visual for television and the newspapers. The figure provides essential information, including the PSI value, the critical pollutant, and health implications for the public. 12 “RHEALTHFUL U1 O a PSI = 150 POLLUTANT: Oxidants TODAY’S HEALTH IMPLICATIONS: Respiratory ailment and heart disease patients should reduce exertion and outdoor activity. FORECAST: No change. Figure 2 - A Possible PSI Report Source: Environmental Protection Agency, "Guideline for Public Reporting of Daily Air Quality -- Pollutant Standards Index" 13 V. TESTING THE INDEX Following development of the PSI structure, EPA examined the performance of the index with actual air quality data.5 With a specially designed computer program, EPA evaluated air quality data from eight monitoring stations in eight cities. Five of the cities with the most reliable data were examined in detail: Lennox, Calif.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Anaheim, Calif.; Camden, N.J.; and Newark, N.J. For each station in these five cities, the index value was calculated once per day. An example of daily PSI values from the evaluation is shown in Figure 3. In this plot for the downtown Los Angeles station, each vertical line represents the index value for 1 day of the year, and the small letter at the top of each line denotes the "critical pollu- tant" whose concentration was responsible for the maximum index value. This figure shows that oxidants and C0 predominate as the critical pollutants in Los Angeles. Carbon monoxide dominates the index from mid—October to March, and oxidants are usually highest in the remaining months. The figure also displays the variation of index values from day to day as well as the violations of the NAAQS (values of PSI over 100). Similar diagrams for the other seven stations indicate that the PSI values are consistent with the pollutant—by—pollutant data. The evaluation also showed that, for cities where two pollutants are frequently above the NAAQS, reporting only the maximum pollutant tends to underemphasize the second pollutant. Although it is important to alert the public to the pollutant with the highest concentration, the problem of underemphasizing a second pollutant may be corrected by reporting all the pollutants for which the PSI exceeds 100. 14 POLLUTANI’ SVAMDARDINDEX POLLUIANV SYANDAHD INDEX VULLUHUNSIANUAMU muu FDLLIHANT SYANDARD INDEX 300 rllvtr¥llllllllllllI’l'lllYlllYlll'll'llllf'llllll"WYIIIIIIInna-.onlII.A- vI|V|ll c——cnnaouMon-nxms o—oxmm Very 250 t-- ~—rARncuun{ -uquAL1MuL c zoo—-———— _~. °—- - — , —-—— ~E-- , —-~.« 1 r l r . . . 150- “r Cc c c r ‘uunEALturul c : _ : r c _ r o ,c . mo c c cc 0 C C c u v c C CC: CC C c C c 0 no t o c 0 Moderate 51» c c c »5 [[ccc cCCOCo o c o o c 0 c H: I Ill 3’ “I lllhlm fl , , , ,, , " JANUARV FEBRUARY l MARCH I 300 I'llIl'VlTVTfirllllllllTVTlTl'ferll‘rllilllfll'lIl'lllIll'T'KrrlIllX'l'IYTlllllT‘fl'lllYYll’r Very 250 ~ —UNMEAL1HFUL I 1 no ————————————— —————— ~<-—~——-—-~»——————~—¢—< J 1 o t 150— o e n _ o o n n" UNHEALTHFUL 1 1 1 ~" 0 11 7 "A n 0 oo oo o no 6 c o o 00 u 0 D Moderate n o o 1 o L on u o 00 c 501.4 “A. y—jpl. D 1.0 r J 0 0 m . . . '“0 . r ~ .uH 4 a 0a 0 c o t i I l I II I l l l ' APRIL ' AY [ JUNE [M an IlllllllllllllllY'lIIIIYIIlllvrllllII'l'llI'lrl'rlllIIIVIIIVII‘I'I'II'IIII[ITYI’T'IIII’I'YTT Very 250 ,_ - UNHEALTNFUL In 200————-——- -- r—‘-—-'———-—‘———-—-—————‘——U-— —-< r———«—— 1 1 7 n no 1 150» 1 n 1” n 1 n n n n n) 0 n UNREALTRFUL 1 r n o 1 1 n 1 1. C 1 Wu 0 U o '10 o 0 Moderate 5u——p DfiH-- ”-1.1 -1. m 4— . H_<_ H, ._H. E'. . -- .a I l soon 0 JULY 1 AUGUST SEPTEMBER no Trll'lr:‘erITTlI'lT'TTDlVllll‘lllll"!VIIIV‘IY'IVIVIllI'V‘TlYl'r'll’“71‘lIIIIIVVYIIY'IIVIl Verv zsn~ ~ ' unuuuuruu. I. ~ ~r I "n ‘ ‘ ~ r ‘- -___ _ ___________ _ .__ E“; it ~,____ 200 g 1— r. H", F [ . . r “0 r r r c F c « ” On n . r 'c r . r P c UNNEALTHFUL n F F r m- r F C mu u ' r r r C c C c nL C C c C 0C0 C 0 cc c c C cc 0 fioderate Sn >< —- » D F — - H >\—' r—t- NH-{H—i >4 c < l coco u l OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Figure 3 — Time series plot of PSI in the downtown Los Angeles site in 1974 Source: Evaluation Study, William Hunt and Wayne Ott, 15 Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) Environmental Protection Agency, April 1976. The evaluation demonstrates that the PSI presents data in an understandable form which approximates the air quality levels measured at each station. The PSI appears to be an effective tool for presenting and interpreting air quality data, reflecting day-to-day variations of air pollutant concentrations. 16 VI. FURTHER WORK The Federal Task Force on Air Quality Indicators is not planning to continue formally after release of this report. However, the parti- cipating agencies will implement the report's recommendations. This section briefly describes future efforts. Adoption and Implementation The agencies which participated in the Federal Task Force on Air Quality Indicators will encourage and endeavor to facilitate the adoption and use of the Pollutant Standards Index by local and state agencies. Local and state use of the index is a voluntary effort. The Task Force hopes that the user community and the public will recognize the potential value of the recommended index in enhancing the meaning— fulness and often the accuracy of public information about air quality conditions. Specific actions planned by the agencies are: Through existing mechanisms, the Environmental Protection Agency will foster and facilitate local and state use of the recommended index. EPA will provide technical advice to local, state, and news media personnel regarding use of the index and any problems which may arise. CEQ and EPA will jointly review nationwide progress toward adoption and use of the index. It may be appropriate at some future time to evaluate public understanding and response to the index. 17 Further Testing Following the preliminary testing of the Pollutant Standards Index described earlier, more detailed studies are being conducted by CEQ and EPA to assess its usefulness as an indicator of national air quality conditions and trends. The index will be tested against historic air quality data from approximately 20 major urban regions. If it proves valuable as an indicator of trends, it will be useful in the preparation of various federal reports discussing air quality, including the CEQ Annual Report. A More Sophisticated Indicator CEQ and EPA will continue to work toward the development of more sophisticated and meaningful indicators of air quality conditions and trends. Although the Task Force considers the Pollutant Standards Index the best standardized indicator for public reporting today, there are important factors which the index does not incorporate. They include the spatial distribution of air pollution levels in relation to population density, human mobility, and the variations in human response to urban air pollution levels. A number of approaches are being considered for addressing these factors and eventually for developing more comprehensive indices. 18 VII. REFERENCES National Academy of Sciences, Planning Committee on Environmental Indices, "Planning for Environmental Indices," February 1975. Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, Environ- mental Indices, Status of Development Pursuant to Sections 102(2)(b) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, a report for the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 1973. Gary C. Thom and Wayne R. Ott, Air Pollution Indices: A Compendium and Assessment of Indices Used in the United States and Canada, December 1975. Wayne R, Ott and Gary C. Thom, "A Critical Review of Air Pollution Index Systems in the United States and Canada," Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, Vol. 26, No. 5, May 1976. William Hunt and Wayne Ott, Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) Evaluation Study, Environmental Protection Agency, April 1976. 19 APPENDIX A a critical review of AIR POLLUTION INDEX SYSTEMS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Wayne R. on U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and Gary C. Thom Consultant to the Council on Environmental Quality An extensive survey was conducted of all the air pollu- tion indices that are presently utilized or are available. The data were obtained from a literature review; from telephone discussions with personnel in State, local, and Provincial air pollution control agencies; and from material received from these agencies. 0f the 55 met- ropolitan air pollution control agencies surveyed in the United States, 35 used some form of daily air pollution index. These indices were so varied that it was necessary to develop a system to classify indices according to four criteria: (1) number of variables, (2) calculation method, (3) calculation mode, and (4) descriptor categories re- ported with the index. Using the classification system, 14 basically different index types were identified. With two minor exceptions, it was found that no two indices were exactly the same. The survey results and agency comments were used to identify the general structural characteristics and criteria for a candidate uniform air pollution index. 20 In recent years, many state and local air pollution control agencies have responded to the need to inform the public of daily air quality levels by developing or adopting air pollution indices. Awareness of these levels is important not only to those who suffer from illnesses aggravated by air pollution but also to members of the general public, who, if cognizant of daily variations in air pollution levels, may choose to alter their activities accordingly. However, because many different index types have come into routine use, a citizen who travels to different cities will receive a confusing picture of air pollution levels in each city. Further, existing indices, because of their diversity, cannot be used to assemble a national picture of air pollution levels or trends. When we initially reviewed the air pollution indices pro- posed in the literature, we found a confusing array of different index types. Further, although many indices had been de- veloped, few of those proposed in the literature were being used in practice—either by governmental decision makers or by state and local agencies seeking to report air quality levels to the public. Instead, the agencies tended to develop their own indices. Two important questions were evident: (1) What are the technical characteristics of all the air pollution indices proposed or in use? (2) Does any “common index" emerge from these characteristics and, if so, what does it look like? Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association To develop an extensive data base on all the indices in ex- istence, whether proposed or currently in use, we surveyed the 55 largest metropolitan air pollution control agencies in the United States. State air pollution control agencies and Ca- nadian provincial agencies known to use air pollution indices were also surveyed. The complete results of this survey are reported in Air Pollution Indices: A Compendium and As— sessment of Indices Used in the United States and Canada.1 This review is a condensation and update of the Compendium. The need for a uniform national air pollution index has been noted in several recent reports?‘5 Although the literature reveals a variety of attempts to develop candidate air pollution indicesf’“8 none of these indices has received widespread ac- ceptance by state and local air pollution control agencies, probably because none has received the active support or endorsement of the Federal Government. However, in re- sponse to our study of this problem, progress has been made at the federal level toward the goal of recommending a na» tional air pollution index.9 In July 1975, the Council on En- vironmental Quality established a Federal Task Force on Air Quality Indicators, with members from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Offices of Research and Development, Air and Waste Management, and Planning and Management; the Department of Commerce's Office of Environmental Af~ fairs; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a uniform index structure to this Task Force and is consid. ering publishing it in its guideline document series10 as a recommended national air pollution index. Hopefully a uni- form national air pollution index would reduce the confusion created by the diverse array of indices currently in use. Detlnltlon ot Index An “air pollution index" may be defined as a scheme that transforms the (weighted) values of individual air pollution~ related parameters (for example, carbon monoxide concen- tration or visibility) into a single number, or set of numbers (Figure 1). The result is a set of rules (for example, an equa- tion) that translates parameter values—by means of a nu- merical manipulation—into a more parsimonious form. (In set theory, this process is viewed as mapping of elements contained in one sample space into another sample space.) The following evaluations were made to determine whether an agency used an “index." If an agency reported just the ac- tual air pollutant concentration values to the public—mi- crograms per cubic meter (ug/m3) or parts per million (ppm)—or concentration values along with standards, this was not considered an “index." Rather, an index must be based on some set of rules which translates the values into a new variable or makes interpretations of these values. At the very least, an index is any system in which specific concentration ranges are grouped into air quality “descriptor categories." For example, a system which designates 0-3 ppm carbon monoxide as “good,” 3—15 ppm as “satisfactory," and 15—40 ppm as “unsatisfactory" was considered to be an index. In its most elaborate form, an index is an equation which combines many pollutants in some mathematical expression to arrive at a single number for air quality. Some cities use episode warning systems that report de- scriptor categories whenever concentrationsexceed specified levels. If this happens frequently, the distinction between an episode warning system and a daily informational index he- comes blurred. Thus, air pollution agencies with episode warning systems are classified as having indices. Parameter X1-’ Pa —. rameter X 2 Transformation Parameter X3- 80“. X2. X3, ”'xn) Parameter Xn" <— Index Flguro 1. Index calculation. May 1976 Volume 26, No. 5 A Clasoltlcatlon System tor Indlcos To facilitate comparisons among the various air pollution indices, we developed an index classification system based on four criteria: - Number of variables included in the index. - Calculation method used to compute the index. - Calculation mode (combined or uncombined). - Descriptor categories reported with the index. Number 0! Varlablu This number designates the number of variables incorpo~ rated into an air pollution index. These variables include the NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards), visibility, particle scattering, and other measures of air pollution. Calculation Method Our index classification system employs four calculation methods, three of which (Types A, B, and C) involve an equation: A. Nonlinear. Exponential function with coefficient or other nonlinear relationship. Coefficients may be constant or may vary, but the relationship contains at least one vari- able raised to a power. The equations for the nonlinear (Type A) index may take several forms. One is the Oak Ridge Air Quality Index (ORAQI),7 which may include one to five pollutants, where C denotes concentration and S denotes the air quality stan- dard for pollutant i. ORAQI = [5.7 i (Ci/801137 [-1 ORAQI values may also be determined with the aid of a no- mograph. Another Type A index is the Ontario Air Pollution Index (API):11 API = 0.2(30.5 COH + 126.0 8010135 It includes only two pollutants—coefficient of haze (COH) and sulfur dioxide (802). A third example is the Measure of Un- desirable Respirable Contaminants (M.U.R.C.) Index.l2 It includes only one pollutant and is calculated using the equa- tion: M.U.R.C. = 70(COI-I)°-7 B. Segmented linear function. Linear function of one or more variables with nonconstant coefficients. There are no ex- ponents, but the slopes are different for different ranges of the pollutant variable. Figure 2 shows a plot of the segmented linear function for carbon monoxide (CO) used in the Washington, DC index. Mathematically, this function can be represented by the fol- lowing equation, where I denotes the index value, C denotes pollutant concentration (ppm CO), and each pair of values (xj, y,) are the coordinates of breakpoint j (represented as a dot): 1=ZJ'+_ILVJ(C_XJ.)+” xJ'H—Ij wherej=0,l,...,5 for Xj < C 5x141 The function shown consists of five straight line segments, each with different slopes, K, = (yin - yj)/(Xj+1— 35,-). The index value for any CO concentration can be determined di- rectly from the curve. For example, at 80 ppm CO, the index value is 200. C. Linear. Linear function of one or more variables in which the slope K, for each variable i remains constant: I = KiC.‘ Coefficients may be chosen as K ,- = 1/C,,,, where C,, is the standard for pollutant i, giving a proportionate relation- ship; or they may be chosen as K,- = 100/C,,, giving a per- centage relationship; or they may be arbitrary and not related to any standard. D. Actual concentrations. Concentrations reported in sci- entific units (pg/m3, ppm) or standard units from some commonly used measurement technique (coefficient of haze, for example). An agency reporting just actual concentration values is classified as not having an index and is not coded; however, when the agency reports actual concentrations and descriptor categories, its index is Type D. Calculation Mode Another important aspect of the calculation method is how the index variables are treated. Does the agency report indi- vidual index values for each variable? Does the agency report an index value only for the variable which has the maximum value of all the index variables? Does the agency’s index combine the variables in some fashion? Thus, the mode identifies whether the index is combined or uncombined. Uncombined indices include those in the individual or max- imum mode category; combined indices are sometimes re- ferred to as aggregated indices. The mode is indicated by ap- pending a subscript to the calculation method classification: 1. Individual. An index value is reported for each variable comprising the index. 2. Maximum. Only the index value for the maximum variable is reported. 3. Combined. The index variables are aggregated, through some type of mathematical manipulation, to give one index value. Descriptor Categories The descriptor categories result when the index range is subdivided. The words assigned to each category describe qualitatively the air quality. For example, an index may list 0—25 as “good," 26—50 as “satisfactory," 51—99 as “unsatis- (110.750) (X5. Y5) e Index breakpoints I, index value § § l I ‘s’ (90,250) (X4. Y. ) § (60.!00) (X3. m (35.50) (20.25) X2, Y2) o 1 X1. Y1 l i 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 CO concentration, ppm Figure 2. Example oi a segmented linear iunction ior carbon monoxide. 120 22 factory," and 100—199 as “unhealthy.” If an index reports actual pollutant concentrations, several concentration ranges may be used for the descriptor categories. Index descriptor categories can be based on standards, episode criteria, or an arbitrary basis: A. Standards. The category breakdown is based on Federal, State, or local ambient air quality standards—for example, index values above 100 exceed the Federal Primary NAAQS and those below fall into several categories par- tially based on the Federal Secondary NAAQS. If actual concentrations are reported, then these concentrations are related to the standards. B. Standards and episode criteria. Type A (above) is ex- tended to accommodate index values above 100. These values are based on the Federal, State, or local episode criteria—for example, 100 is the Alert Stage, 200 is the Warning Stage, etc. For indices reporting actual pollutant concentrations, these concentrations are related to the episode criteria. C. Arbitrary. Categories of this type are semiempirically based and usually designed to fit the specific requirements of the index values. This classification also covers indices with no descriptor categories. Summary and Example Application ot the index Classification System The result of the classification system is a four character code which describes any index. Thus ORAQI can be coded as “5A3A" (Figure 3). The number “5” indicates that the index includes five pollutants or variables; “A3" denotes the calcu- lation method and mode (i.e., it is nonlinear and the variables are combined to give one index value); “A" refers to the basis for the descriptor categories (i.e., the categories reported with this index are based on the NAAQS). Survey at Existing Indlces lndlcee Reported In the Literature The literature on air pollution indicess‘s" 1—17 has previously focused on the development of long-term trend indices. Little has been published on the short-term indices commonly used by state and local air pollution agencies. Although many long-term indices have appeared in the literature, our dis- cussions with governmental personnel have revealed few cases in which such indices have actually been used to evaluate air pollution data to make decisions or policies. Each of the 11 air pollution indices reported in the literature (Table I) differs either in terms of the number of applicable pollutants, method of index calculation, or descriptor cate- gories. As a result, the overall meaning of each index is dif- ferent. Several of the indices were designed for specific pur- poses; for example, the Extreme Value Index was designed to describe air pollution episodes. For a more complete de- scription of each index, the reader should consult the literature reference. Three of these indices are currently in use by agencies: M.U.R.C. (Detroit, Memphis), Ontario Air Pollution Index (Ontario), and ORAQI (Tampa, Minnesota). indices Used by Agencies The air pollution literature provides little information about the routine use of indices by air pollution control agencies. To learn which air pollution indices are in common use and to gain insight into the experiences of air pollution control agencies with these indices, an in-depth survey of these agencies was required. In this survey, agencies throughout the United States and Canada were telephoned and asked to send information describing their index. The data base in this in- vestigation was assembled from notes taken during the tele- Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association Calculation Descriptor method categories 5A3 A Number of 2. oolluhnb Calculation mode ’ 1. 2. 3. A: Nonlinear 1: Individual A: Standards a; Segmented linear 2: Maximum 3: Standards and c: Linear 3: Combined episode criteria D: Actual concentrations C1 Nbim'y Figure 3. index classification system. phone conversations and from written materials received from the agencies. Survey Population. The population surveyed in this in- vestigation consisted of the 55 largest metropolitan (city and county) air pollution control agencies in the United States, along with state air pollution agencies in the United States known to operate state-wide air pollution index systems. It also included the Canadian Provinces with air pollution control agency staffs of 10 or more persons and one Canadian city which uses an index. To select the survey population, the total number of staff members from every city and county air pollution agency was computed using the 1973 Directory of Governmental Air Pollution Agencies, published by the Air Pollution Control Association.18 Only those US. air pollution agencies having 10 or more staff members were included in this survey population (Table II), In the United States, the resulting survey population con- sisted of 55 agencies. Telephone inquiries revealed that, in 14 of these cities, the index was operated as part of a general state-wide or regional index system. Six states were operating this type of system: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Min- nesota, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio. These state indices serve 67 cities (Table III), but many of these air pollution agencies have staffs less than 10 persons. Also, the agencies in Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, and Portland, OR, are oper- ated by the state but are not part of a state-wide system. In Portland, the state not only reports the air pollution index but it operates the entire city air pollution control agency as well. In Baltimore, on the other hand, the state reports the index, but the local air pollution agency is organizationally separate from the state agency. In Canada, only Montreal operates a city air pollution control agency. Therefore, all provinces with staffs of 10 or greater were included in the survey population. Alberta and Ontario operate province-wide air quality indices. Eight cities within these Provinces issue daily indices (Table IV). Survey Approach. Telephone calls were made to the agencies in the survey population from August to December 1974. For each agency, a respondent was sought who was very familiar with the agency’s air pollution index, if any. In small agencies, this usually turned out to be the agency’s director; in the larger agencies, a public information specialist or a professional in the field of monitoring and data analysis usually was the respondent. With the respondent on the telephone, the investigator went through an informal ques- tion-and-answer session. Each respondent was asked, “Can you provide any literature or description of your index?" Of the 55 agencies on the major list (Table II), 28 supplied written May 1976 Volume 26, No. 5 material. Typically, it covered the nature of the index, its method of calculation, the history of its development, and the way in which it is reported. In some cases, the telephone dis- cussion provided sufficient information about the index and no mailed material was necessary. Some agencies not using indices provided material that discussed their reasons for not adopting an index or their experience with a previously dis- continued index. Analysis and Evaluation oi Indices Initially, information from the mailed responses and from notes taken during each telephone conversation was con- densed and compiled into tables. The tabular compilation was found to be inadequate, however, due to the varied and sometimes extensive information received from the agencies. Consequently, the information was assembled into the three appendices which appear in the Compendium.1 An index analysis record was developed to present detailed factual in. formation about each index in a uniform format; informal comments from the agencies were copied into an extended table; examples of the ways in which indices are reported by the news media were also recorded. A summary and analysis of the data extracted from these appendices are presented here. For more detailed information, the reader should consult the Compendium. Table I. Characteristics of indices reported in the literature. Variablesa Classification CO SO, N02 0,, COH TSPOthcr Green's Combined Index” 2A3C o ’ e M.U.R.C.” lA,C e Combustion Products Index” 2Cl C b Ontario Air Pollution Index“ 2A,B I 0 Air Quality nC,C c I e e . Index” (n = l to 5) PINDEX‘ 7C3C e o e s o c Oak Ridge Air Quality Indcx" nAlA e o e e o (ORAQI) (n = l to 5) Mitre Air Quality nA,A e e o o o IndexI (n = l to 5) Extreme Value nA3A e e o 0 Index“ (7: = l to 4) STARAQS Air Quality lndcx Model" 7B,A e o e e o e d Canadian Air Quality indices” SAJA e e o e o o c Total 7 9 6 7 5 7 30x, oxidant; COH, coefficient of haze; TSP, total suspended articulate. Fuel burned and ventilating volume. cHydrocarbons and SO, X TSP. dVisibility. cVisibility and industrial emissions. Index Varlables The variables included in the 11 indices reported in the literature are given in Table I. Ten of the 11 indices include Table II. The 55 U.S. city/county air pollution control agencies with staffs greater than 10. Ma- te- ri- In- all dex Agency re- in City/County size ceived use Comments Birmingham, AL 17 I Phoenix, AZ 25 I Discontinued Index Anaheim, CA 24 I Replaced Index Los Angeles, CA 380 I I Replaced Index Riverside, CA 26 San Bernardino, CA 53 San Diego, CA 53 San Francisco, CA 220 I I Replaced Index Denver, C03 54 I I New Haven, CNb I I I I Replaced Index Washington, ch l4 . o Bradenton, FL 1 1 Jacksonville, FL 15 I I Miami, FL 50 I I Sarasota, FL 21 Tampa, FL 16 I 0 Atlanta, GA 14 e 0 Chicago, IL 175 I I Gary, IN 18 Indianapolis, IN 15 Louisville, KY 39 e 0 Baltimore, MD3 90 I I Replaced Index Montgomery Co., MDb 10 I Boston, MA3 87 I Springfield, MA 12 Detroit, MI 77 I I St. Paul, NW) 13 o 0 Kansas City, MO 15 St. Louis, MO 35 Albuquerque, NM 15 Albany, Mb 237 0 Buffalo, NW 44 e o Mineola, NW 37 0 New York City, NY 382 I Rochester, NYb I2 I Charlotte, NC 14 Akron, OHb 13 0 Cincinnati, Crib 65 o . Replaced Index Cleveland, cab 30 e 0 Dayton, OHb 45 I Replaced Index Toledo, OHb 25 I Oklahoma City, OK 15 I Discontinued Index Portland, OR"1 20 e 0 Philadelphia, PA 94 I I Replaced Index Pittsburgh, PA 82 I I Chattanooga, TN 22 I Memphis, TN 14 0 Nashville, TN 17 I I Dallas, TX 21 I I El Paso, TX 10 Houston, TX 76 I Pasadena, TX 45 Fairfax Co., VAb 12 . Seattle, WA 39 I I Milwaukee, WI 25 aCity index is operated by State but is not part of State-wide index system bCity index is part of State-wide or regional index system 24 a measure of suspended particulate—OOH or total suspended particulate (TSP)—and nine include 802. It is interesting to note that the two newest indices, STARAQS and the Cana- dian Indices, include all of the pollutant variables listed, in addition to other indirect measures of ambient pollution levels, visibility, and industrial emissions. The variables included in US. city/county air pollution indices are shown in Table V. If COH and high-volume sam- pler measurements of TSP are lumped together as measures of particulate matter, then particulate becomes the most common air pollutant included by these agencies in their in- dices. Of these 35 agencies, 33 (94%) include either COI-I or TSP; COH is used by 22 agencies and TSP by 11 (Jacksonville, FL uses both). The popularity of the COH measurement may be due to the increasing use of telemetered air monitoring networks which cannot readily handle TSP data determined by the high volume sampler and to the shorter averaging time (2 hr). CO and 802 are the next most common pollutants to be included in these indices—26 agencies (74%) for each. The next most popular pollutants are oxidant (20 agencies, 57%) and N02 (16 agencies, 45%). Visibility is included in one agency’s index, and particle scattering is the only variable making up another agency‘s index. When the air pollution indices used by states (or regions) and Canadian provinces are examined (Table VI), a similar pattern emerges. The most common pollutants are CO, 802, and particulates (COI-I and TSP). The least common pollu- tant is N02, with only two agencies—Ohio and the District of Columbia—reporting it in their indices. The two Canadian Province indices report different numbers of pollutants; the smaller agency, Alberta, reports five air pollutants, while the larger, Ontario, reports only two. Results cl Clauflleatlon The classification system described earlier was applied to all the indices reviewed in this study. Indices Reported in the Literature. Table I shows the classification of the 11 indices reported in the literature. Eight of the 11 use a combined calculation mode (Type 3), and seven of these use a nonlinear (Type A) calculation method. Three of the last four indices listed (i.e., excluding STARAQS) em- ploy what has been termed a root-mean-square (RMS) index equation. Although this equation tends to emphasize high pollutant concentrations, it is so complex that it confounds the interpretation of these concentrations, thereby confusing the layman. This, and the general complexity of other “A3” type index equations, may have contributed to the limited use of these indices by local air pollution control agencies. lndices Used by Agencies. Application of the index classi- fication system to the 32 index systems reviewed in the survey of air pollution control agencies revealed 14 basic types‘ (Table VII). To simplify comparison of these index types, they are grouped according to their calculation method. Agencies which either discontinued or replaced their indices did so ei- ther because the indices were not consistent with air pollution levels as perceived by the public, or to improve their old index system, or to conform to state-wide index implementation. Classification of the various indices used by the survey re- spondents revealed a striking diversity and few clear patterns. Of the 35 city/county agencies, 13 (37%) include five variables in their index calculation (Table VIII). This is due mainly to the fact that five agencies in Ohio and four in the Baltimore- Washington, DC, area use indices incorporating five vari- ables. In fact, each of these nine agencies used the 5BQB type of index. ' A basic type refers to the calculation method and descriptor categories. but not to the number of variables. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association Table III. State-wide air pollution index systems Agency State Applicable City or County Sizea Connecticut Bridgeport <10 Danbury — Derby — Enfield 7 Greenwich <10 Groton — Hartford lOSb New Britain - New Haven 1 1 Stamford <10 Torrington 7 Waterbury — District of Columbia Alexandria, VA <10 Arlington Co., VA <10 Fairfax Co., VA 12 Montgomery Co., MD 10 Prince Georges Co.. MD <10 Washington, DC 14b Minnesota Duluth <10 Minneapolis 37b Rochester <10 St. Paul 13 New jersey Ancora 7 Asbury Park 7 Atlantic City — Bayonne 7 Burlington — Camden — Elizabeth <10 Freehold 7 Hackensack 7 Jersey City 1 1 ._. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. _. 9° 2 , .— 2 . IO 23. 24. Dr. Ott is Senior Systems Analyst for uality Assurance with the Monitoring Technology Division, ffice of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460. Mr. Thom is a doctoral de ree candidate in chemistry at The American University, ashington, DC. He currently serves as a consul~ tant to the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, 722 Jackson Place, N,W., Washington, DC 20006. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association APPENDIX B GUIDELINE FOR PUBLIC REPORTING OF DAILY AIR QUALITY--POLLUTANT STANDARDS INDEX (PSI)* Preface 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. The EPA Recommended Daily Indicator--Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) 3.1 Number of Pollutants 3.2 Calculation Method 3.3 Descriptor Categories 4. Reporting Procedures 4.1 Reporting the Index 4.2 Reporting the Federal Episode Criteria 4.3 Forecasting the Index 4.4 Flexible Media Reporting 5. Monitoring Requirements 5.1 Need for Monitoring Uniformity 5.2 Network Considerations 5.3 Measurement Practices and Reporting Frequencies 6. References 7. Appendix A. Information Needs for Forecasting PSI *Prepared_by EPA Working Group To Develop an Air Quality Index, August 1976. 31 PREFACE The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's recommended "Pollutant Standards Index" (PSI) is the result of a joint effort on the part of EPA's Offices of Research and Development, Air and Waste Management, and Planning and Management. The guideline was prepared by the EPA Working Group to Develop an Air Quality Index in response to a request from the Federal Interagency Task Force on Air Quality Indicators of which EPA is a member. The Federal Task Force, chaired by the Council on Environmental Quality, was created as a result of a joint EPA/CEQ report1 which pointed out existing problems resulting from the present diversity of indices used in the United States and Canada. This guideline suggests the use of the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) for those local and state air pollution control agencies wishing to report an air quality index on a daily basis. The PSI places maximum emphasis on protecting the public health; that is, it advises the public of any possible adverse health effects due to pollution. In order to err on the side of public safety, the index stresses reporting on the basis of the stations with the highest pollutant concentrations and assumes that other unsampled portions of the community will also experience high con- centrations. In addition, its emphasis is upon acute health effects occurring over very short time periods (24 hours or less) rather than chronic effects occurring over months or years. It is not intended for, and should not be used for, ranking urban areas in terms of the severity of their air pollution problems. Such rankings require the use of many other kinds of environmental data not incorporated in this index. Finally, Appendix A discusses the meteorological information needs of forecasting relative index changes. This was prepared by personnel from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 32 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This guideline suggests the use of the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) for those local and state air pollution control agencies wishing to report an air quality index on a daily basis. The document also includes appropriate monitoring and reporting guidance. The guideline is the result of an earlier study1 showing that of all the air quality indices in use today, no two are exactly the same. A potentially serious problem of public confusion can occur in regions where neighboring states and cities use different indices. The PSI also responds to the request of several state and local agencies that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency provide them with a reconmended uniform air quality index. The recommended index incorporates five pollutants--carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, total suspended particulate, photochemical oxidants, and nitrogen dioxide-—for which there are short-term (24 hours or less) health— related National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS),2 and/or Federal Episodr Criteria,3'5 and Significant Harm Levels.3’4’6 A sixth variable—-the product of total suspended particulate and sulfur dioxide--is computed and is included in the index equation. This variable and also nitrogen dioxide are treated differently than the other pollutants because they have no short-term NAAQS. Therefore, they are reported when they exceed the Federal Episode Criteria and Significant Harm Levels. Because of the basic design of the index, any further pollutant requiring NAAQS, Federal Episode Criteria, and Significant Harm Levels can be readily added. The index uses a "segmented linear function"* to convert each air pollutant concentration into a normalized number. The NAAQS for each pollutant corresponds to PSI=lOO, and the Significant Harm Level corresponds to PSI=500. At a minimum, PSI reports the pollutant with the highest index value of all the pollutants being monitored, a dimensionless number, and a descriptor word. On days when two or more pollutants violate their * A segmented linear function consists of two or more straight lines, drawn between successive coordinates (”breakpoints") where each line may have a different slope. 33 respective NAAQS, eacn of the pollutants should be reported. Five descriptor words have been chosen to characterize daily air quality: "good," “moderate,“ ”unhealthful," "very unhealthful," and "hazardous." In addition, for each descriptor word, generalized health effects and cautionary statements are provided for use when the air is characterized as "unhealthful" or worse. For large metropolitan areas comprised of many smaller cities and suburbs where significant air quality differences may exist, the air pollution control agency may wish to report separate index values for each community. This has the advantage of showing the public how air pollution varies over the larger metropolitan area. The pollutants would be monitored at population-oriented locations where the maximum concen- tration for the particular pollutant is expected to occur, and the public within each community would be made aware of the worst air quality to which it is exposed. Further guidance is given on the measurements practices and monitor siting considerations (Section 5). PSI should not be used to rank cities. An evaluation of PSI in eight cities7’8 illustrated the difficulties of attempting to Compare air quality levels in different cities using this or any other index. PSI is designed for the daily reporting of air quality to advise the public of potentially acute, but not chronic health effects. To properly rank the air pollution problems in different cities, one should rely not just on air quality data, but should include all data on population characteristics, daily population mobility, transportation patterns, industrial composition, emission inventories, meteorological factors, and the spatial represena tativeness of air monitoring sites. A correct ranking should also consider the number of people actually exposed to various concentrations, as well as the frequency and duration of their exposure. Adoption of PSI should reduce the confusion due to the existence of many indices. PSI has several advantages: (1) it is simple and can be -easily understood by the public, (2) it can accommodate new pollutants, 34 (3) it is based on a reasonable scientific premise, (4) it relates to NAAQS, Federal Episode Criteria, and Significant Harm Levels, (5) it exhibits day-to-day variations, and (6) a qualitative trend in the index can be forecast for periods up to a day in advance, especially during episodic conditions. 2. INTRODUCTION A major area of concern in the field of air pollution control is how to best report daily air quality to the public. A recent CEO/EPA Report1 indicates that of the 55 largest U. S. metropolitan air pollution control agencies, 33 use an air pollution index. In addition, five states and two Canadian Provinces operate state-wide (or Province-wide) index systems. With two minor exceptions, no two indices were found to be exactly the same. The public confusion generated by the use of so many indices is particularly evident in bordering states using different indices. Therefore, there is a need to develop a uniform index to report the daily status of air pollution. A recent paper9 emphasizes the need for a truly meaningful index to have a sound scientific basis. The paper suggests that such an index be based on the relationship between pollutant concentration and adverse health (welfare) effects-—that is, a "damage function ” Unfortunately, it is an extremely complex undertaking to relate measured air pollutant concen- trations to the many diverse effects of air pollution--for example, aggra- vation of disease in susceptible people, increased incidence of respiratory illness in healthy persons, impairment of human motor function, reduced visibility, corrosion of materials, and soiling of buildings. Arriving at an air quality standard for a given pollutant--which is just one point in a damage function-—has required vast quantities of data, medical advisory conmittees, detailed epidemiological studies, and other extensive research. The air quality criteria documents published for the major air pollutantslo'14 reflect the complexity of the process. The recent paper9 also emphasizes the importance of an index accounting for the adverse effects associated with combinations of 35 pollutants--that is, synergism. For example, the criteria document on sulfur oxidesH states that adverse health effects attributable to sulfur oxides are intensified in the presence of particulate matter. Under- standing synergistic effects adds greatly to the problem of obtaining a truly meaningful air quality index. These problems stress the need for additional research to develop pollutant—related damage functions that take into account synergistic effects on health and welfare. As an interim solution to these problems, this guideline recommends a uniform index to report daily air quality, along with appropriate monitoring guidance, This index will serve until a more meaningful air quality index can be created. If adopted, a uniform index should end the confusion associated with the use of many varied indices. 3. THE EPA RECOMMENDED DAILY INDICATOR--POLLUTANT STANDARDS INDEX (PSI) The Pollutant Standards Index (PSI or w) is the result of a joint effort by EPA's Offices of: Research and Development, Air and Waste Management, and Planning and Management. Its evolution has included formulation of several candidate index structures,]5’16 and the index has undergone an extensive review process involving state and local air pollution control agencies, public organizations, and media repre- sentatives. The recent CEO/EPA compendium of air pollution indices1 developed an “index classification system” to analyze and compare the various indices used by state, Provincial, and local agencies. Indices were categorized according to four criteria: (1) number of pollutant variables measured, (2) calculation method used to compute the index, (3) descriptor categories reported with the index, and (4) method of reporting (whether it is “combined," "maximum," or "individual"). The report found that the greatest number of the indices in use1 incorporate five of the six National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) pollutants (hydrocarbons are excluded because there are no direct health veffects associated with the pollutant. It is controlled because it is a 36 precursor to the formation of photochemical oxidants.); (2) use a segmented linear function*; (3) are based on the maximum of one of the pollutant variables; and (4) use three to five descriptor categories. In the following sections, the structure of PSI is presented accord- ing to the "index classification system” categories. 3.l Number of Pollutants PSI includes five pollutants: carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (502), total suspended particulate matter (TSP), photochemical oxidant (03) and nitrogen dioxide (N02). Primary (that is, health related) NAAQS, and/or Federal Episode Criteria, and Significant Harm Levels exist for all five. In addition, one pollutant product TSPxSOZ is included becags: it has ’ As with N02, which has no short-term primary NAAQS, the product is reported when the Federal Episode or Significant Harm Levels are exceeded. Finally, because of the structure of the index, any pollutant identified in the future for which NAAQS, Federal Episode Criteria, and Significant Harm Levels are adopted can be added without modifying the basic form of the index. both Federal Episode Criteria and a Significant Harm Level. 3.2 Calculation Method A segmented linear function is used relating actual air pollution concentrations to a normalized number. For example, PSI (w) equals l00 when the NAAQS for each pollutant is reached, while u equals 500 when the Significant Harm Level for each pollutant is reached. The normalized number should be easier for the general public to understand because it does not require one to know specific NAAQS concentrations or the many different Federal Epsiode and Significant Harm Levels. The index breakpoints are listed in metric units (Table l) and in parts per million (Table 2). The first breakpoint separates the descriptor * A segmented linear function consists of two or more straignt lines, drawn between successive coordinates ("breakpoints") where each line may have a different slope. 37 82 TABLE 1. Breakpoints for PSI (¢) in Metric Units PSI TSP S02 C0 03 N02 Va1ue ug/m3 ug/m3 TSPxSOz mg/m3 ug/m3 ug/m3 Breakpoints (w) 24—hr. 24-hr. (ug/m3)2 8 hours l-hr. l—hr. 50:; of primary short- 50 75a 80a b 5.0 80 b term NAAQS Primary short-term NAAQS 100 260 365 b 10.0 160 b A1ert Leve1 200 375 800 65x103 17.0 400c 1130 Warning Leve1 300 625 1600 261x103 34.0 800 2260 Emergency Leve1 400 875 2100 393x103 46.0 1000 3000 Significant Harm Leve1 500 1000 2620 490x103 57.5 1200 3750 aAnnua1 primary NAAQS. bNo index va1ue reported at concentration 1eve1s be1ow those specified by the A1ert 1eve1 criteria. c . .For the PSI index 400 ug/m3 appears to be a more consistent breakpoint between the descriptor words ”unhea1thfu1" and "very unhea1thfu1” than the 200 ug/m3. 03 A1ert Leve1 of 68 TABLE 2. Breakpoints for PSI (w) in Parts Per Mi11ion PSI 502 TSPXSOZ c0 03 N02 Breakpoints Va1ue 24-hr. (pg/m3x 8 hours 1-hr. 1-hr. (w) ppm) 50% of primary NAAQS 50 .036 b 4.5 0.04 b Primary NAAQS 100 .14 b 9.0 0.08 b A1ert Leve1 200 .30 22.727 15.0 0.20 C 0.60 Warning Leve1 300 .60 91.259 30.0 0.40 1.20 Emergency Leve1 400 .80 137.413 40.0 0.50 1.60 Significant Harm Leve1 500 1.00 171.329 50.0 0.60 2.00 aAnnua1 primary NAAQS. bNo index va1ue reported at concentration 1eve1s be1ow those specified by the A1ert Leve1 criteria. CFor the PSI index 0.2 ppm appears to be a more consistent breakpoint between the descriptor words Punhea‘thfu1" and ”very unhea1thfu1“ than the 0.1 ppm. 03 A1ert Leve1 of categories ”good" and ”moderate.” For C0 and 03, the first breakpoint was chosen at 50 percent of the primary NAAQSs. In the case of TSP and $02, concentrations equal to their respective primary annual NAAQS were chosen because the frequent occurrence of values greater than these concentrations could lead to violations of their respective annual NAAQS. In an area where a violation of either the annual primary TSP or SO2 standard occurs, approxi- mately 50 percent or more of the days will thus be classified as ”moderate“ or worse. This approach minimizes the potential for public confusion which might arise from a preponderance of days reported as “good," followed by the report that the annual health-related standard has been violated. The breakpoints between the primary NAAQS and Significant Harm Levels are somewhat arbitrarily set at the Federal Episode Alert, Warning, and Emergency Levels, except for oxidants. In the case of oxidant, 400 ug/m3 was used as the PSI breakpoint for the descriptor words ”unhealthful” and "very unhealthful“ because it appears to be more consistent with the descriptor words than the suggested administrative Alert level of 200 ug/m3.* Figures 1 through 5 show the segmented linear function for each of the NAAQS pollutants, and Eigure 6 showsthe function for the product of TSP and $02. If NAAQS for new pollutants are adopted in the future, they can be accommodated by drawing a new segmented linear function. 3.3 Descriptor Categories PSI is primarily a health related index as shown by the descriptor words: ”good,” ”moderate," "unhealthful,” “very unhealthful,“ and "hazardous,” (Table 3). The breakpoints used to separate these descriptor words are somewhat arbitrary. 0n the basis of health effects data above, it is not possible to establish a sharp demarcation between any two descriptor words. However, when the five pollutants were examined in the context of severity of health effects, their NAAQS and EPA suggested administrative Alert, Warning, and Emergency levels tended to provide convenient breakpoints, except for the oxidant Alert 3 level, which was replaced with 400pg/m , as discused earlier. *Several air pollution control agencies are using 400 ug/m instead of 200 pg/m3 as their Alert level with concurrence by the Environmental Protection Agency. 40 H7 TABLE 3. COMPARISON OF PSI VALUES WITH POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS, DESCRIPTOR WORDS GENERALIZED HEALTH EFFECTS, AND CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS POLLUTANT LEVELS TSP 802 CO 03 N02 HEALTH INDEX AIR QUALITY (24—hour), (24-hour), (8-hour), (1-hour). (1»hourl, EFFECT VALUE LEVEL ug/m3 uglm3 mg/m3 ug/m3 pig/mal DESCRIPTOR GENERAL HEALTH EFFECTS CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS ——- 500 ———5'GzLFF:§AANT 1000 2520 57.5 1200 3750 Premature death of ill and elderly. All persons should remain indoors, Healthy people will experience ad- keeping wrndows and doors closed. verse symptoms that aflect their All persons should Minimize physi- normal activity. cal exertion and avord traffic. —-400 —— EMERGENCY 875 2100 46.0 1000 3000—— HAZARDOUS Premature onset of certain diseases Elderly and persons with existing in addition to significant agyava- diseases should stay indoors and (ton of symptoms and decreased avord physical exertion. General exercise tolerance in healthy persons. population should avoid outdoor ' actmty. ~— 300 ——WARNING 625 1600 34.0 800 2260 Significant aggavation of symptoms Elderly and persons with existing VERY and decreased exercise tolerance in heart or lung disease should stay UNHEALTHFUL persons with heart or lung disease, indoors and reduce physical wash widespread symptoms in the activniy. healthy population. — 200 —— ALERT 375 800 17.0 400‘: 1130 Mild awavation of symptoms in Persons with existing heart or ‘ susceptible persons, with irritation respiratory ailments should reduce UNHEALTHFUL symptoms in the healthy popula» physical exertion and outdoor tron. actsvrlv >——‘100 —— NAAOS 260 365 10.0 160 a ; MODERATE l i——- 50 -——-50% 0F NAAOS —l— 755 Bob 5.0 80 a l I GOOD L— 0 0 0 0 n a aN0 index values reported at concentration levels below those specrfied by "Alert Level" criteria. bAnnual primary NAAQS. c400 yg/m3 was used instead ol the 03 Alert Level 01200 ug/m3 (see text). m - m ; su I I I I y-—I —‘ F— - tuucncv muctncv m -—- uvu. a — M - mm m —- 5 mama 3 mama 1' m— uvn u -—- E Jfllr— mm m - ALERT nu! ma ._ uvu 11 — m — uvu m "" ._ —I _ _ "II —- W mm" mun: — Inn —- m mm" .. MAME -— snmmuuuu — ~7’ ”mun. rammv "‘ nuns ' .— . I l I I I . I . l I I o In In n In a u I m m m no mo nu CAIIDI IDIOIIUI (Ia-1 luflflmfl AVIIAGI). Did-1 “BK-DH! IAI'ICUIATI HAITI! Rum IUNNIDI IVIIABK LIID’) “‘° I I I I I '" _ ——I '_ _. m IMEIBENCV «a __ mama um. um ._ ’_ “V“ Ion — - 3 manna * Intanmcv _._ _ E 390— um. um __ 2 1'“ mm. m _ m _. Am" uvn m ._ 1" — m '— n— —. b. I— m III M —- N5 mun" nuns - ’— nu“)? ’— " ...n m nuns .— AMIUAL IIIMAIV NAADS . I I I L I ., IL I I l I a no me me am mu m ‘“ m m “M '1“ Inn: A a SULFUR DIOXIDE [luau RUNNING AVIR‘GUJIVN’ ‘ I, u AVER‘CELHVI miners“ m -- mu _ an — .— 5 __ 5 1°. '— _ g mum E an — um. .— All" I” “ mm nu -- nut m - _. um. I: m _. _ m — .— . I I I I I I ma mo am «no ma no. u L I I I I I no. no m m In at Imam mono! In... "man. an! rout wrung unncuun I so; nun-Hunt unusual"). mum Figures 1—6. PSI Functlons . . I, . . Source: Env1ronmental Protectlon Agency, Guldellnes for Public Reporting of Daily Air Quality —— Pollutant Standards Index" 42 Air pollution levels between the short-term primary NAAQS and the Alert level for TSP, 502, and CO and 400 ug/m3 for 03 are deemed "unhealthful," because mild aggravation of respiratory symptoms in susceptible persons and irritation symptoms in the healthy population occur at some point above the short-term primary NAAQS and at and below the Alert levels for TSP, 502, and C0 and 400 ug/m3 for 03.10'13 N02 is not reported until concentrations exceed the Alert level because no short-term NAAQS has been established.14 Air pollution concentrations above the Alert level but below the Warning level are classified as "very unhealthful," while concentrations above the Warning level are "hazardous.” These classifications are related to generalized health effects and appropriate cautionary statements (Table 3).17 A single set of generalized health effects and cautionary statements is indicated for the descriptor words "unhealthful" and "very unhealthful." The “hazardous" category has two sets of generalized health effects and cautionary statements. The first set is reported when the index exceeds 300 and the second when the index exceeds 400 indicating the increasing severity of the air pollution levels. ‘ In the case of TSP and $02, short—term secondary air quality standards also exist below their primary NAAQS. Secondary standards are designed to protect against the adverse effects of pollution on the public welfare (animals vegetation, materials, visibility, etc.), According to PSI, if their short- term secondary NAAQSs are violated, the concentrations would be classified as "moderate" or worse. While this descriptor word is valid from a health view- point, the air quality is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of welfare effects. Because PSI is a health-related index, the user may wish to report on the possible welfare effects when either the short-term TSP or $02 NAAQS is violated. 4. REPORTING PROCEDURES PSI has been designed to be as flexible as possible in allowing air pollution control agencies to decide for themselves the information to include in their reports to the various media. This section examines the recommended method of reporting the index, the reporting of the Federal Episode Criteria, and the concept of flexible media reporting. 43 4.l Reporting the Index Since each pollutant is examined separately by comparing its measured concentration with the NAAQS, the Episode Levels, and the Significant Harm Level, each pollutant can be reported separately. At the minimum, the pollutant with the highest index value should be reported to advise the public of the worst air pollution to which it is exposed. On days when two or more pollutants violate their respective NAAQS——that is, have PSI values greater than lOO--then each of the pollutants should be reported. The index values of the other pollutants may also be reported for complete- ness. When the air pollution level is reported as “unhealthful,” “very unhealthful," or ”hazardous," cautionary statements should also be used. In addition, the generalized health effects can be used. Users of PSI may wish to report on the health effects of each pollu- tant individually, thereby providing more detailed language on each pollutant than is available in Table 3. In preparing such information for the public, the user is encouraged to seek appropriate medical advice and to consult the literaturem'14 4.2 Reporting the Federal Episode Criteria When the Federal Episode Levels for each pollutant are exceeded, the user should report the administrative actions associated with the Alert, Warning, or Emergency Levels. The issuance of administrative actions depends, of coarse, upon the forecast of meteorological conditions affecting future pollution levels. Issuance of administrative actions also apply to the product of TSP and $02, which has both Federal Episode Criteria and Significant Harm Levels.2’3 Although available health effects information has not been codified to tie the descriptor words to the product of TSP and $02, the product is included for purposes of administrative completeness. 4.3. Forecasting the Index The forecasting of a quantitative index for periods up to a day in advanc< would be difficult without extensive meteorological data and specialized exper tise that some air pollution control agencies may not possess. However, qualitative index forecasting is practicable using the National Weather 44 Service's Air Pollution Weather Forecast Program.]8’19 With this weather information, along with available emissions and air quality trend data, agencies can develop techniques or procedures to forecast the relative change in the index by using the following word descriptors: No signifi- cant change, decrease, or increase. The principal responsibility for obtaining the necessary emission and air quality information lies with the air pollution control agency using the index. The air pollution con- trol agency would integrate the meteorological information and apply the predictive methods to generate the forecast. The information needs for forecasting relative index changes is discussed further in Appendix A. 4.4 Flexible Media Reporting The index has been designed to be as flexible as possible in reporting the status of air quality to the public. Either short or long reports can be used. For television, the report could read, “Today the air pollution index is 50, the air quality is good." However, when the air pollution becomes unhealthful, then several possible reports could be considered for television, the news media, or telephone recordings. For example, when oxidant pollution reaches a concentration of 280 ug/m3 (0.14 ppm), the report could take several different forms. (1) Today, the air pollution index is 150. The air is "unhealthful." The pollutant 03 is responsible. (2) An air pollution alert has (or has not) been called based on the forecast for the remainder of the day (and/or) tomorrow. (3) Repeat the above and add the following cautionary statements: ”Persons with existing heart or respiratory ailments should reduce physical exertion and outdoor activity." (4) The report could include everything said in (l), (2), and (3) and then add that ”unhealthful" air can cause "mild aggravation of symptoms in susceptible persons, with irritation symptoms in the healthy population." (5) Finally, the report could conclude with the forecast of tomorrow's air pollution level, such as "no change in the air pollution level is expected.” Table 3 should be referred to in preparing the air pollution status reporttm theinmlic. Figure 7 illustrates the above ozone example 45 “RHEALTHFUL PSI = 150 POLLUTANT: Oxidants TODAY’S HEALTH IMPLICATIONS: Respiratory ailment and heart disease patients should reduce exertion and outdoor activity. FORECAST: No change. Figure 7. Example of possible PSI report for television. 46 by showing possible reports for television and newspaper. The figure provides essential information, indicating the PSI value, the critical pollutant, the health implications for the public, and the next day's forecast. Each of the descriptor categories has been given equal weight. The information is displayed so that it can be presented as rapidly as possible in an easy-to- understand format. 5. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Need for Monitoring Uniformity In order for PSI to be readily accepted, the data used in calculating the index must be comparable from site to site within a region. Since these data are to be obtained at existing air monitoring sites, certain easily implementable practices can eliminate considerable variability in the data. Among these are using: (1) uniformity of site types--that is, residential, commercial, etc.; (2) Federal Reference Methods or their equivalent; (3) standardizing sampling height and probe exposure; and (4) good housekeeping and quality control procedures to provide high quality data. 5.2 Network Considerations Air pollution control agencies need not undertake additional monitoring requirements in the implementation of PSI, but can simply select sites from their existing network. The sites selected, however, should generally meet two basic criteria: (1) sites should be representative of population exposure-~that is, not unduly influenced by a single emission point or background-oriented, and (2) sites should be located in areas of maximum concentration for the pollutant of interest, but should not be unduly in- fluenced by any single source. Areas suitable for monitoring, by pollutant are - TSP - populated areas substantially downwind of large sources or in the midst of numerous area sources. - $02 - populated areas substantially downwind of large sources or in the midst of numerous area sources. 47 - C0 - densely populated, high-traffic volume areas, including areas in the center city. - 03 - populated areas substantially downwind of areas of maximum hydrocarbon emissions density, such as the central business district. The site should be 100 meters or more removed from major traffic arteries or parking lots. - N02 - populated areas downwind of areas of high traffic density. If a pollutant(s) is (are) measured at several locations within a metropolitan area, it would be desirable (if possible) to base the index on the site showing the highest reading on a given day. This would mean that different sites would be used on different days. For large metropolitan areas comprised of many smaller cities and suburbs where significant air quality differences may exist, the air pollution control agency may wish to report separate index values for each community. This has the additional advantages of showing the public how air pollution varies over the larger metropolitan area. Furthermore, for example, the photochemical pollutants tend to be higher in the suburban fringe. 5.3 Measurement Practices and Reporting Frequencies 5.3.1. Use of Federal Reference Methods Since PSI is based on the NAAQS, the Federal Reference Methods (FRM) or equivalent should be used where possible. Such methods are consistent with the averaging time of the primary standards. Further, continuous methods should be used, where possible, to facilitate the reporting of the index numbers two or three times per day. 5.3.2 Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Ozone The FRM for C0 is based on the nondispersive infrared measurement principle. The proposed method for N02 and the existing method for 03 employ the chemiluminescence measurement principle and give continuous data. A FRM or equivalent method for CO, N02, and 03 must alga meet performance specifications set forth in the Federal Register. 5.3.3 Sulfur Dioxide The FRM for $02 is the pararosaniline 24-hour bubbler method. The solution may be analyzed automatically or manually at the central labora— tory. Serious logistics problems can arise if an index number must be 48 calculated from multiple sites two or three times per day. Fortunately, there are procedures for designating continuous SO2 analyzers as equivalent to the FRM,20 Therefore, the use of the continuous SO2 analyzer is recommended to collect the data used in the index. If one is not available, then a pararosaniline 24-hour bubbler method can be used if several precautions are taken. To prevent deterioration in the sample, the sample should be collected at ambient temperature or no warmer than l5°C if ambient tempera- tures are below freezing.' The sample should then be analyzed as soon as possible, with no later than a six-hour.delay from end of sampling to analysis. and from these 24-hour running averages are easily obtained. 5.3.4 Total Suspended Particulate The FRM for TSP uses a high-volume sampler and specifies a midnight- to-midnight 24-hour sample followed by a 24-hour equilibration at a relative humidity less than 50 percent. This leads to a two-day delay in the reported value. .For index reporting, the simpleuzmodification to the FRM is to make thezsampling time more convenient—-that is, 8 a.m.-to— 8 a.m. or noon-to—noon, etc. The sample could be weighed immediately to provide a TSP value for the index. Later a true value could be calculated after the recommended equilibration time of 24 hours. A study in EPA Region IV has shown that the true TSP values are usually within 10 percent of the values measured immediately after collection.21 The true value would be recorded as the correct one, reported to the National Aero- metric Data Bank, and used to calculate annual averages and maxima. Staggered high-volume sampler measurements During episode conditions, the air pollution control agency may find it necessary to infonn the public of existing conditions two or three times per day. Therefore, several high—volume samplers could run for 24 hour periods staggered every 4 to 6 hours throughout the episode. The sample could be weighed immediately, and that weight used in deciding what action should be taken concerning the possible 49 emergency. Then the filter would be equilibrated for 24 hours and reweighed. Alternative measurements The paper tape sampler and the integrating nephelometer can be used to indicate the need for overlapping high-volume sampler measurements. The paper tape sampler has been used in most previous indices and has both Federal Episode Criteria and a Significant Harm Level. The Coefficient of Haze (COH) value from the paper tape sampler, however, is poorly correlated with TSP levels. In addition, the paper tape sampler has not been determined to be an "equivalent method” to the FRM. Therefore, its use should be limited to index repOrting and must not be used to determine compliance with the NAAQS for particulate matter. A newer instrument relatively untested in routine field applications is the integrating nephelometer. It measures the scattering of light from small particles and correlates well with visibility and TSP measure- ments. Both the paper tape sampler and the nephelometer can produce a running 24-hour value which can be used as a qualitative indicator of TSP loadings in the atmosphere. 5.3.5 Frequency of Reporting and Appropriate Averaging Times The frequency of reporting is left up to the agency, within these suggested ranges. It may be desirable to report the index once a day but probably not more than three times per day. Because the high-volume sampler has a 24-hour averaging period, agencies might consider operating two or more high-volume samplers at the same station but with off-set time periods, ending between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. to provide reporting infor- mation during the most desirable period. If the agency desires, the paper tape sampler or integrating nephelo- meter could be used in conjunction with the high—volume sampler to provide 50 estimates of the most recent ambient particulate loading. Thus used, the paper tape sampler provides some guidance on whether or not to undertake more intensive measurements during high air pollution levels. Appropriate averaging times for which the index should be tabulated and reported for each pollutant are: 6. y“: . - TSP - TSP values taken with the high-volume sampler are discrete 24-hour values. Monitoring and data collection should be on a schedule consistent with the agency's need to report the air quality index. Other overlapping times may be employed by those agencies wishing to report more than one index value per day. - $02 - The suggested reporting value is the most current 24-hour running average since the last reporting period. - C0 - Although there are two standards for CO (8 hours and l hour), the 8-hour standard is usually considered the limiting one and will be the one violated in the vast majority of cases. The most current 8-hour running average since the last reporting should be used. In addition, the agency could also report the index value associated with the highest 8—hour average during the reporting period. - 03 — The suggested reporting value for O3 is the highest hourly value since the last reporting period. The reporting periods are usually 24 hours or shorter. ~ N02 - Although the standard for N02 is an annual one, there are hourly values associated with episode criteria; therefore, using the highest hourly value since the last reporting period is recom- mended. REFERENCES Thom, Gary, and Wayne R. Ott. Compendium Analysis, and Review of United States and Canadian Air Pollution Indices, joint study by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Council on Environmental Quality, December 1975. Federal Register, Vol. 36, April 30, l97l, pp. 8l86-820l. 51 l0. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Federal Register, Vol. 36, November 25, l97l, pp. 22390-224l4. Federal Register, Vol. 36, December 17, l97l, p. 24002. Federal Register, Vol. 36, March l3, l974, p. 9672. Federal Register, Vol. 40, August 20, l975, pp. 36330-36333. Ott, Wayne R. and William F. Hunt., Jr. "A Quantitative Evaluation of the Daily Air Pollution Index Proposed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.” Presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Portland, Oregon, June 1976. Hunt, William F., Jr., and Wayne R. Ott. Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) Evaluation Study, Joint Office of Air and Waste Management and Research and Development Report, U. 5. Environmental Protection Agency, April 1976. Hunt, William F., Jr., William M. Cox, Wayne R. Ott, and Gary Thom. A Common Air Quality Reporting Format, Precursor to an Air Quality Index, presented at the Fifth Annual Environmental Engineering and Science Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 3—4, l975. Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter, USDHEW, PHS, CPEHS, NAPCA, WaShington, D.C., January I969, No. AP-49. Air Quality Criteria for Sulfur Oxides, USDHEW, PHS, CPEHS, NAPCA, Washington, D.C., January 1969, No. AP-SO. Air Quality Criteria for Carbon Monoxide, USDHEW, PHS, CPEHS, Washington, D.C., March l970, No. AP-62. Air Quality Criteria for Photochemical Oxidants, USDHEW, PHS, CPEHS, Washington, D.C., March l970, No. AP-63. Air Quality Criteria for Nitrogen Dioxide, EPA, APCO, Washington, D.C., January l97l, No. AP-84. Thom, G.C. and W.R. Ott, Atmospheric Environment, lg, 26l(1976). Thom, G.C., W.R. Ott, W.F. Hunt, and J.B. Moran. "A Recommended Standard Air Pollution Index,” presented at l7lst National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, N.Y., April l976. Knelson, John H., U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, memorandum to Raymond Smith, U. 5. Environmental Protection Agency, December l5, 1975. 52 18. 19. 20. 21. National Weather Service, Operations Manual, Air Pollution Weather Forecasts,.WSOM Issuance 75-l3, Part C, Chapter 30, April 1975. National Weather Service, Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 122: Air Stagnation Guidance for Facsimile and Teletype (3rd Edition), October 21, 1974. (Supersedes previous TPB's Nos. 52, 58, and 69). Federal Register, Vol. 40, February 18, l975, pp. 7049-7070. Helms, G.F. U. 5. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, Atlanta, Georgia. Personal communication, December 1975. 53 APPENDIX A INFORMATION NEEDS FOR FORECASTING PSI INTRODUCTION The information needed to qualitatively forecast the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) is of two types: (1) pollutant- related and (2) meteorological. The pollutant-related information may include data on source locations, physical source characteristics and emissions, atmospheric—physio- chemical transformation processes, and actual air quality measurements and trends. Meteorological information that may be included are data on synOptic weather features, on meteorological parameters indicative of the dispersive capability of the lower atmosphere, and of the photochemical potential. It might also include information on the effect of local terrain complexities upon meteorological parameters. Together, pollutant-related and meteorological information form the input to locally tailored predictive techniques such as mathematical models, statistically derived methods, or other techniques that may be applied along with subjective judgment to some degree. The necessary pollutant-related information is to be obtained by the air pollution control (APC) agency having local responsibility for issuing the Index. The National Weather Service (NWS) is the primary agenCy supplying the needs of APC agencies for meteorological information. NWS ser- vices include issuance of advisories on air pollution potential and air stagnations. However, some APC agencies and/or their consultants may also collect and interpret meteorological information to supplement that available from the NWS. GENERAL DATA NEEDS The types and amounts of pollutant-related information needed will vary depending on the particular pollutant(s) of concern and the source to monitoring site configurations in the particular geographical area. For example, in the Los Angeles Basin, photochemical oxidant is the primary pollutant of concern and since precursor sources (mainly mobile) are widespread, the potential for maximum impact exists over a rather large area. In contrast, in Pittsburgh and Birmingham where suspended particulate matter from 54 industrial ferrous emissions will most likely cause elevated pollutant levels, the maximum impact will probably be more localized; thus, pollutant-related information may not have to be as extensive. It is also important to know the diurnal, weekly, and seasonal characteristics of emissions. For instance, carbon monoxide concentrations are closely associated both spatially and temporally with automobile emissions. Typical diurnal patterns reflect morning and evening peaks in vehicular traffic. High concentrations may shift weekly in response to changes in workday versus weekend automotive travel patterns. Seasonal patterns may shift in some areas with vacation travel. Generally, an up—to-date emissions inventory should be available for communities where PSI is to be utilized in order to adequately assess the source to monitoring site impact relationships. For point sources (usually > 100 tons/ year of a pollutant) information should include the source location, pollutants emitted, emission rates, and stack parameters. Area source data, including lesser point emissions, are not normally as specific. Available area emissions, in tons per year, are usually quantified by city or county. Vehicular emissions may be estimated by com- bining local traffic pattern information with documented vehicle—fleet emissions rates. These emissions data are available from the EPA National Emissions Data System (NEDS), state planning agencies, and private sources. It may be necessary to supplement these data with emissions information affecting the various temporal cycles; for instance, information on the normal operating schedules of large point sources and on traffic volume cycles in con- gested areas. Trends in the concentrations of pollutants can also be useful in predicting the PSI. Trend information might include the day—to-day variation in peak hourly values or 24-hour averages. Trends data should always be evaluated relative to changes taking place or anticipated in emissions or meteorology. Persistence of a trend would especially aid in arriving at the PSI forecast if no definitive changes in emissions or meteorological features are indicated. Interpretations of trends infor- mation, on a day—to—day basis, require care and experience because of the fluctuations that for varied reasons tend to occur about a mean trend. The types of meteorological information that could be used for forecasting the PSI have been rather well defined through past experience with forecasting methods developed in support of air pollution control activities. 55 This support has largely dealt with forecasting indices and episodic conditions. The meterological features and parameters that are most often utilized in forecasting air quality indices at the present time are: - Character and Movement of Air Masses and Fronts - Areas of Air Mass Subsidence - Incidence, Intensity, and Height of Inversions - Mixing Layer Height - Prevailing Wind Direction - Mean Wind Speed (Surface and Mixing Layer) ' Ventilation (Mixing Layer Mean Wind Speed x Mixing Heighi - Precipitation - Temperature - Total Sky Cover Of course, the emphasis placed on particular features and parameters listed above will vary with location and pollu- tant(s) of concern. NWS INFORMATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES The NWS operates a comprehensive Air Pollution Weather Forecast Program. The program is administered from NWS National and Regional Headquarters with operational program elements at the National Meteorological Center (NMC) and local Weather Service Forecast Offices (WSFO's). Details of the program are contained in the NWS Operations Manual and Technical Procedures Bulletins. This program generates a variety of national, regional, and local air pollution weather forecast products which are issued to the public, to control agencies, or to both, as appropriate. The NMC is responsible for providing the large—scale meteorological guidance used by field offices in the pre— paration of advisories and other products which are parti- cularized and tailored to specific geographic areas to user requirements. The air pollution weather products of NMC are comprised of the following elements: a. Forecast Air stagnation Charts. Issued every morning on facsimile, these four panel computer based charts depict expected areas of atmospheric stagnation (Figure l). b. Air Stagnation Narrative. This plain language teletype meSSage describing the Air Stagnation Charts, is issued every morning. 56 L9 Forecast Area of Air Stagnation Valid in 12 Hours Forecast Area of Air Stagnation Valid in 24 Hours Forecast Area of Ai Forecast Area of Ai stagnation Va11d 1H 36 Stagnation Valid in Hours 48 Hours Figure 1. Sample of Stagnation Chart sent on facsimile‘ depicting significant areas of large scaie stagnation. Shaded area indicates area of 1arge-scaie stagnation. hatched area indicates area that is under 1arge-sca1e stagnation on all four nanei c. Air Stagnation Data. This computer derived tele- type message currently consists of today's mixing height and transport wind speeds for selected NW5 stations. The WSFO's have responsibility for local forecast products within designated geographic boundaries, including the issuance of the following three basic air pollution products: a. Air Stagnation Advisories (ASA). Issued to the public and control agencies when locally established critical values of transport wind, mixing height, and ventilation are forecast to be reached and cenditions are expected to persist for at least 36 hours, causing probable significant decrease in air quality. b. Special Dispersion Statements. A special product issued only to control agencies when a potential air pollution situation is determined by an NWS forecaster to exist but no ASA will be issued because such an issuance would not be in the public interest. c. Dispersion Outlooks. A routine product issued by all WSFO's where it has been determined that the APC needs routine meteorological information to facilitate day—to—day operations and adequate manpower is available at the WSFO. The format, content, and issuance times of this product is determined by the WSFO and APC. The Dispersion Outlook is issued only to the APC. Occasionally, air pollution episodes of public concern may occur during non-stagnant situations. These involve predesignated episode levels that require control actions to improve the air quality condition. In these situations, the WSFO provides the appropriate government agencies with the meteorological support necessary for pollution control or abatement procedures. In conjunction with these services, the NWS provides supplemental, low—level upper air soundings at designated stations upon request from agencies and/or WSFO's. This program which provides for greater spatial and temporal detail on dispersion conditions, eSpecially during episodes or potential episodes, is available for several cities. These locations are listed below, together with the sounding scheduled: 58 Location Program Birmingham, Ala. 1 per day routine week day, weekend and second daily observation on call Charleston, W. Va. 1 per day routine week day, weekend and second daily observation on call Chicago, Ill. 1 per day routine week day, weekend and second daily observation on call El Monte, Ca. 2 per day routine week days except occasionally omit afternoon soundings on well ventilated days Houston, Tex. l per day routine week day, weekends and second daily sounding on call Los Angeles, Ca. 2 per day, 7 days a week Philadelphia, Penn. all observations on call Additionally, special low—level soundings are available on an on— call basis at the regular upper air observation facilities near Denver, Co., New York, N.Y., Oakland, Ca., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Washington, D.C. An aircraft sounding is available at Sacramento, Ca. Through a Cooperative effort, state APC agencies take soundings as needed in Seattle, Boston, Portland, Ore., and San Jose, Cai These are taken at special facilities that were established by the NWS. The NWS has, up until recently, not been too closely involved nationwide in predicting conditions conducive to buildup of photo- chemical pollutants. Because of recent interest and increasing demand for such information, the NWS is in the process of evaluating possible techniques with the objective of modifying or adding to current air pollution weather forecast products and services. DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICTION METHODOLOGY The available services and information briefly described above form the basis for developing a local community procedure for making local qualitative forecasts of the PSI. These forecasts can be reasonably made for periods up to a day in advance in terms of fig Significant Change, Increase, or Decrease. It is advisable for agencies planning to use the index along with a forecast procedure to have personnel on their staffs familiar with meteorological data and how these data may be applied in development of index prediction methodology. 59 Considering the wealth of information available from the NWS, it seems logical that the issuance of an index forecast should be scheduled at intervals complementary to operations at the NWS. This would allow the APC agency to have the advantage of the most current NMC weather products and WSFO air pollution forecast services. In addition, it would encourage further cooperation and support of the local NWS facility. However, while it can be expected that NWS meteorologists will be able to closely coordinate with a local agency in arriving at index change predictions during potential or actual episodic conditions, they will most likely not be able to give such attention to routine day-to-day forecasting of the index. Also, NWS personnel would not be ex- pected to have detailed knowledge of pollutant-related factors. Where an APC agency may have developed the expertise necessary to make quantitative predictions of the PSI for the following day, they should be encouraged to make these predictions. HOWever, it should be cautioned that making quantitative predictions of air quality or air quality indices should not be attempted without a reasonable expec- tation of success based on well—tested techniques. Other- wise, a less than satisfactory forecast record could result, which would tend to have an adverse effect on public accept- ance of the PSI. Mathematical air quality simulatiOn models have to date not been used to any appreciable extent in index prediction. Because of their relative complexity, cost of modifying for local use, and time and expense that may be involved in making day-to-day predictions, their use for predicting the index qualitatively will initially be limited. However, where APC agencies may progress to the point of making quantitative forecasts, the use of models may become necessary. A listing and brief description of possible air quality models that could be applied are contained in OAQPS Guideline No. 1.2-031. CURRENT USE OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION IN INDEX PREDICTION Approximately half of the 25 local agencies currently issuing air pollution indices make forecasts of their index a day in advance. Of these, only one third have meteoro~ logists on their staffs, while the remainder rely upon NWS meteorologists for interpretation of meteorological data. Three of the local agencies were selected to serve as examples of how varying degrees of meteorological information can be incorporated into air quality index forecasting. 60 One of the more sophisticated forecast techniques, the Air Pollution Dispersal Index, was developed six years a o by the State of Colorado Department of Health in Denver. A forecast is issued each morning for four time periods, a.m. today, p.m. today, a.m. tomorrow, and p.m. tomorrow. The technique developed by department meteorologists is based upon concepts of mixing heights and wind speed discussed by Holzworth in AP-lOl, and employs a nomogram of wind speed vs. mixing heights, with isolines of constant venti- lation factor values serving to demarcate four diSpersion categories. These categories are: Ventilation Factor (m2/sec) (Wind Speed x Mixing Height) Associated Dispersion < 2000 Bad > 2000 to 4000 Fair > 4000 to 6000 Good > 6000 Excellent The mixing heights used for the "today" forecast are deter- mined from a plot of the Denver morning upper air sounding, the morning minimum surface temperature at Stapleton Airport plus 3° to 4°C, and the forecast afternoon maximum temperature. The "tomorrow" mixing heights are determined from the fore— cast 24—hour minimum and 36-hour maximum temperature, and a forecast of the Sounding using locally-tailored analytical techniques. All tranSport wind speeds are derived from either observed or forecast NWS data. Critical factors in Denver are the typical low-level morning inversions which {serve to deteriorate air quality and the occurrence or forecast of rain or snow which automatically leads to a forecast of improving air quality. The City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health4 uses general meteorological conditions and a NWS Air Stag- nation Index to predict the Philadelphia Air Quality Index. The local agency receives meteorological information twice daily from the Philadelphia NWS office. Parameters of most concern are wind speed, gustiness and the likelihood of a frontal passage with its associated turbulent mixing. Wind direction is not a vital concern since emission sources in the city are relatively Well distributed in all directions. Specifically, the Air Stagnation Index is formulated from the algebraic sum of several weighted meteorological para- meters as shown in Table 1. To determine the index value, the weights associated with each observed parameter are summed. When at least one of the meteorological values is m l TABLE 1. Air Stagnation Check Sheet Meteorological Value parameters categories Weights morning > 10 STOP wind speed i 10 > 8 —1 (knots) : 8 > 6 +1 : 6 +2 afternoon and > 11 STOP evening : 11 > 9 -1 wind speed < 9 > 6 +1 (knots) E 6 +2 morning > 1500 STOP mixing height < 1500 > 750 -1 (meters) 3 750 > 500 O afternoon > 8000 STOP ventilation factor 2 8000 > 6000 -2 (meter /sec) 5 6000 > 4000 0 i 4000 +1 1 Philadelphia Forecast Office National Weather Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. U.S. Department of Commerce Sum of weights —1, -2, —3 0 +1 +2, +3 associated with a "STOP," excellent diSpersion is forecast. Otherwise, dispersion is forecast according to the following scheme: Forecast dispersion good marginally good marginally poor 62 poor However,'due to the nature of the Philadelphia Air Quality Index, a dramatic change in dispersion is required to effect a change in the index values. The Department of Public Health in Dallas4 uses meteoro- logical data in a very qualitative manner. The general weather situation is examined daily with primary importance directed toward stagnating high pressure systems, cold frontal passages, and prevailing wind direction. NMC trajectory analysis data, surface Weather patterns, and prognostic charts are used in a non-rigorous manner. For example, geographical plots of smoke and haze reports are occasionally used to determine the area extent and approach of pollutants due to large scale circulation patterns. Improving conditions are forecast with the occurrence of precipitation, a frontal passage, and increasing Wind speed. Deteriorating air quality is predicted when trajec- tories persist from local or more distant sources or sources areas. REFERENCES National Weather Service, Operations Manual, Air Pollution Weather Forecasts, WSOM Issuance 75—13, Part C, Chapter 30, April 1975. National Weather Service, Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 122: Air Stagnation Guidance for Facsimile and Teletype (3rd Edition), October 21, 1974. (Supersedes previous TPB's Nos. 52, 58, and 69.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Guidelines for Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis, Volume 12: Applying Air Quality Models to Air Quality Maintenance Areas, EPA—450/4-74-012, September 1974 (OAQPS No. 1.2—031), Research Triangle Park, N.C. Thom, G., and Wayne R. Ott, "Compendium Analysis, and Review of United States and Canadian Air Pollution Indices," Joint Study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Council on Environmental Quality, Washington, D.C., December 1975. Holzworth, G.C., "Mixing Heights, Wind Speeds, and Potential for Urban Air Pollution Throughout the Contiguous United States," U.S.jEnvironmenta1 Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. January 1972 (AP-101). 63 MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL TASK FORCE ON AIR QUALITY INDICATORS Council on Environmental Quality .................. James J. Reisa* (Chairman of the Task Force) Kay H. Jones Gary C. Thom** (Technical Secretary of the Task Force) Environmental Protection Agency ................... Raymond Smith* (Office of Air and Waste Management) Robert Neligan William Hunt (Office of Planning and Management) ............. Barry C. Korb* (Office of Research and Development) ............ Wayne R. Ott* John H. Knelson John Moran Department of Commerce ............................ George S. Gordon* (Office of Environmental Affairs) (National Bureau of Standards) .................. James R. McNesby* (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) ............................. Isaac Van Der Hoven* E. L. Martinez *Official representative **Consultant 65 :7 H, S_ (EOV'I‘IHNEVIPIN'I' PRINTING OFFICE: 1‘I7n 0 - 200-662 " \\. [incl-iiiiiimflill (020200535