" 0. -o oC (ore "~~" 53525 ; s , 33am , AYS k EARTH SCIENCES LiBrary set 2 f s A“? e C Makah Format10n~A Deep- Margmal Basm Sedlmentary Sequence of Late Eocene and Ollgocene Age in the Northwestern Olymplc Pemnsula Washmgton GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL P A PER 1162 - B_ BERKELEY S LIBRARY - ywiversity Of CALIFORNIA [ _ oot 16 1980 | % f ¥, g \ science Z _ Makah Formation--A Deep-Marginal-Basin Sequence of Late Eocene and Oligocene Age in the Northwestern Olympic Peninsula, Washington By P.D. SNAVELY, JR., A.R. NEM, N.S. MACLEOD, J.E. PEARL, and W.W. RAU SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY GE O LOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL P A PER 116 2 - B A study of stratigraphy, petrology, paleontology, and paleogeology of a marine sedimentary sequence of the Olympic Peninsula UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1980 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Figure 1. 5. 6-8. 10-11. 12. 13+~14. 16. Table 1. CONTENTS Page cases ere rre sess esas aes e sine aes 1 a a a a a o e e e ee ee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 1 ACKNnOWL@AGMENUS « a a a a a a a a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s 2 Geologic setting and contact relations......3 Physical «« «seee Baada POint MEMbD@L+ » ««« «««« «eee ese ees ess Dtokoah Point MeMbD@Y ««« «««« es es ecesesess12 Carpenters Creek Tuff Members «+ «++ +e Klachopis Point MEMbeY%+« «««« Third BeaCh MEMbD@Y% » »« «««« e «ece Jansen Cre@k MeMbeT+« «««« «««« OCHOL Page Physical characteristics -- Continued Falls Creek Unnamed sandstone PECFOGYAPRY « « « a a a a o e a e ee ee ee ee ee e e ee ee e e e e e 15 Reservoir potential of turbidite sandstone M@MberS+ ++ +s +e ++ ee ee eee ee ee e e e » 16 Age and regional correlations............« «17 Depositional environment.. .s. PalCOG@OLOGY « « « « a a a a a a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s 22 Paleodispersal pattern. SOUrC@ ses es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e e e »25 SUMMATY + a » a a a a a a a a a ee e e e e e e e e ee ee ee e e e e e e a +26 References esses sees ILLUSTRATIONS Sketch map of northern Olympic Peninsula showing area of report and distribution of upper Eocene and Oligocene ..... «««« ees ese es ee e ee e e e e ee en e e e e e e ne e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ece Generalized bedrock geologic map of the northwest Olympic Peninsula showing the relation of the Makah Formation to other Tertiary UNiEUS...}.sss esses cece cs ee ee eee ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e a e e e ee ad Generalized geologic map showing the distribution of the Makah Formation at its composite reference section along the HOkO RLV@N% «%% e «esse ee cece ee e e e ee ee ee ee e e e e e n e e e e e e e e e n e n e e e e e e e ee es +6 Composite type section of the Makah Formation from Waadah Island and Baada Point to KyAAkA POLNt» «««« eee ese seee seee es e e e e e e e me ee e e ee e e e e e e e e e e e e n e e e e e e e e e e e e n e e ee e e e e ee e e e e e e e e e e aie Composite reference section of the Makah Formation along the HOKO ...s «««« «eca cece ce es ee ee es ece Photographs showing: 6. Northeast-trending sandstone dikes cutting a sandstone channel and thin-bedded siltstone and sandstone in the upper part of the Makah FOrMATiON.. ...s} sss esses ece e ee ee ese cece} 7. Aerial view toward southeast of prominent headlands formed by the four turbidite members in the lower part of the Makah FOTMAtiON® ... «« +e «ece e e e e e ee e e ee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ne e e e nai 8. Medium- to very thick-bedded turbidite sandstone beds of the Baada Point Member of the Makah FOTMATLON+ «+. «««« «ses eee see ee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e n e e e e e e e e e e ee ee e e e e ea Generalized stratigraphic sections of the four turbidite members of the Makah Formation at their type cess eee e e e e e e e ee e e n e e e e e a e n e e e a e e n e na n e n e e e e e a e e e e e e n e n e n e n e n e e aik Photograph showing: 10. Flute casts at base of thick amalgamated sandstone of the Dtokoah Point Member at its type seres ece es ne rs ee ene ne ne ns nena ee ne n ren aaa aas 11. Thick beds of turbidite sandstone in the Klachopis Point Ternary diagram showing composition of sandstones in the Makah FOTMAtiON.«.« «ses esses ecs cscs sees Photograph showing: 13. Calcite-cemented biotite-bearing arkosic sandstone in the Third BGACh esas sas cs cs as as ae s ae aa ae be an a bas ae as as aos aa sa a ha na sa s an s soa a a aon aa sa a aa a as 14. Lithic arkosic wacke from Baada Point cease caren erence acne nece cece Paleogeographic map showing the inferred margins of the Tofino-Fuca basin relative to other deep-water marginal basin facies in the Pacific «««« ese csc cscs cece cs es cscs ec cee Rose diagrams showing orientations of flute casts and groove casts in the Makah Formation and three of its cscs cece ce cece ne ne ee a ee ea ea ne e en en a na nen e na na ak Checklist of foraminifers from the Waadah Island section of the Makah Formation showing frequency Of ces ese rece seme sas ane ne ne na nsa na na na ans aa na ana na na nana nana aa aa 18 Checklist of foraminifers from the Hoko River section of the Makah Formation showing frequency of sensi erea e sess ne nene s asana ne na na aa aa na anns ana na na as a20 Page « e a e e e a +2 * « a s e e a e aie ak kk . £7 «ak» . -8 &.... .9 &.... «+.» +10 «+ kk +11 «kkk. ak.. «kkk «% ++ a «... «a.. III Makah Formation--A Deep-Marginal-Basin Sedimentary Sequence of Late Eocene and Oligocene Age in the Northwestern Olympic Peninsula, Washington By P.D. Snavely, Jr., A.R. Niem, N.S. MacLeod, J.E. Pearl, and W.W. Rau ABSTRACT The Makah Formation of the Twin River Group crops out in a northwest-trending linear belt in the north- westernmost part of the Olympic Peninsula, Wash. This marine sequence consists of 2800 meters of predomi- nantly thin-bedded siltstone and sandstone that en- closes six distinctive newly named members--four thick-bedded amalgamated turbidite sandstone members, an olistostromal shallow-water marine sandstone and conglomerate member, and a thin-bedded water-laid tuff member. A local unconformity of submarine origin occurs within the lower part of the Makah Formation except in the central part of the study area, where it forms the contact between the older Hoko River Forma- tion and the Makah. Foraminiferal faunas indicate that the Makah Formation ranges in age from late Eocene (late Narizian) to late Oligocene (Zemorrian) and was deposited in a predominantly lower to middle bathyal environment. The Makah Formation is part of a deep-marginal- basin facies that crops out in the western part of the Olympic Peninsula, in southwesternmost Washington and coastal embayments in northwestern Oregon, and along the central part of the coast of western Vancouver Island. On the basis of limited subsurface data from exploratory wells, correlative deep-marginal-basin deposits underlie the inner continental shelf of Oregon and the continental shelf (Tofino basin) along the southwestern side of Vancouver Island. Directional structures in the Makah Formation in- dicate that the predominantly lithic arkosic sandstone that forms the turbidite packets was derived from the northwest. _ A possible source of the clastic material is the dioritic, granitic, and volcanic terranes in the vicinity of the Hesquiat Peninsula and Barkley Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Vertical and lateral variations of turbidite facies suggest that the four packets of sandstone were formed as depositional lobes on an outer submarine fan. The thin-bedded strata between the turbidite packets have characteristics of basin-plain and outer-fan fringe deposits. INTRODUCTION The Makah Formation is part of a thick deep-water marine sequence of upper Eocene to lower Miocene sand- stone, siltstone, turbidite sandstone, and conglom- erate that crops out in the northwestern part of the Olympic Peninsula (fig. 1) in a northwest-trending linear belt more than 100 km long. The Makah Forma- tion was named and briefly described by Snavely, Niem, and Pearl (1978) from detailed geologic mapping in the western 35 kilometers of this belt, which includes the Makah Indian Reservation in the northwestern part of the study area. The Makah consists chiefly of well- bedded siltstone and thin-bedded turbidite sandstone and contains six lithologically distinctive and map- pable members, described and formally named in this report, and two informal sandstone units. The named members are four thick-bedded amalgamated turbidite sandstone members, a thin but distinctive tuff member, and a penecontemporaneously deformed allochthonous sandstone and conglomerate member that initially was deposited in shallow water. The type locality of the Makah Formation, desig- nated by Snavely, Niem, and Pearl (1978) as the shore cliffs and wave-cut platform exposures along the Strait of Juan de Fuca from Waadah Island and Baada Point to Kydaka Point (fig. 2), is herein redesignated the type section. Rocks exposed in the lower reaches of the Sekiu and Hoko Rivers were selected as refer- ence sections (Snavely and others, 1978). The Makah Formation is equivalent to the middle member of the Twin River Formation of Brown and Gower (1958). Snavely, Niem, and Pearl (1978) raised the Twin River Formation to group rank and divided the Twin River Group into three new formations, from old- est to youngest, the Hoko River, the Makah, and the Pysht Formations. Excellent exposures in the mapped area make it possible to collect detailed sedimentological data on dispersal patterns and lateral and vertical facies changes in the turbidite sandstone units. These data are used in this report to interpret the depositional environment, provenance, and paleogeology of the Makah Formation during late Eocence and Oligocene time. 9 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE 124930° 124° 123°30° 48°30' |- Kydaka -- ~~ Point | 4815' - the Arches Ozette Lake, 18°00F- 10 kilometers V A NC O U VER Area of " h figure 14 W A S HIN G T O N Olympic Mts. 1 S L A N D VICTORIA Crescent and middle Eocene) > Figure 1.--Sketch map of northern Olympic Peninsula showing area of EXPLANATION Marine sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate; minor nonmarine beds in upper part (early Miocene) Thin-bedded marine sandstone, siltstone, turbidite sandstone, and conglomerate (early Miocene to late Eocene) Massive to thin-bedded siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate; contains lens of mudflow breccia (late and middle Eocene) Melange and broken formation consisting of thick-bedded sandstone, conglomerate, and thin-bedded siltstone and sandstone; contains olistostromal blocks of pre-Tertiary rocks at Point of the Arches and Eocene(?) pillow basalt at Portage Head (late Pillow lava and breccia with interbedded basaltic sandstone and siltstone (middle and early Eocene) report and distribution of upper Eocene and Oligocene strata (dot pattern) in relation to other stratigraphic units. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The valuable data on the age and depositional envi- ronment of mollusks in the Makah Formation was pro- vided by Warren O. Addicott. His contribution to this report is gratefully acknowledged. Holly C. Wagner and Howard D. Gower improved the quality of the report by their helpful suggestions. Mobil Oil Canada, Ltd. generously lent the authors slides of foraminifers and thin sections of correlative stratigraphic units from Vancouver Island, Canada. The authors express their appreciation to Diane Lander and Wendy Niem, who assisted in the preparation of illustrations and edit- ing. GEOLOGIC SETTING AND CONTACT RELATIONS 3 GEOLOGIC SETTING AND CONTACT RELATIONS The Makah Formation occurs in the western part of a broad belt of uppermost Eocene and Oligocene strata that crops out along the northern Olympic Peninsula (fig. 1). The Makah is a steeply northward-dipping homoclinal sequence of strata in the upper part of a middle Eocene to lower Miocene marine sedimentary se- quence that is more than 6000 m thick. This marine sequence overlies lower and middle Eocene submarine pillow basalt and breccia of the Crescent Formation (fig. 2) that are interpreted as oceanic ridge basalts and associated seamounts by Snavely and his coworkers (Snavely and others, 1968; MacLeod and Snavely, 1973; Snavely and MacLeod, 1977) and Glassley (1974). The Makah Formation overlies the upper Eocene Hoko River Formation. The contact between the Makah Forma- tion and the Hoko River Formation (Snavely and others, 1978) is mostly covered. This covered interval is less than 50 m wide along Carpenters Creek, Ozette Road, and Little Hoko River. The massive, hackly fractured iron-stained siltstone and very thin bedded sandstone of the Hoko River (fig. 2) are readily dis- tinguished from the well-bedded siltstone and turbi- dite sandstone of the Makah. Subordinate thick lenses of dark-gray lithic (phyllite, and basalt-rich) sand- stone are interstratified with thick-bedded channel- ized lithic conglomerate and minor pebbly mudstone that occur locally in the Hoko River Formation. These lithologies are uncommon in the Makah Formation. East of the mapped area, in Pysht, Lake Crescent, Joyce, and Port Angeles quadrangles, Brown and Gower (1958) and Gower (1960) indicate a conformable contact between the lower and middle members (Hoko River For- mation and Makah Formation equivalents) of their Twin River Formation. Similarly, in the Little Hoko River and in roadcuts along nearby logging roads in the cen- ter of sec. 34, T. 32 N., R. 13 W. (D on fig. 3), the exposed lower contact of the Makah Formation appears to be conformable and gradational over a 50-m inter- val. At these two localities, two to three units (10 m or thicker) of thin-bedded strata of the Makah con- taining clastic dikes alternate with beds of massive siltstone (10 m or thicker) which are more typical of the underlying Hoko River Formation. Although beds of massive siltstone like that of the Hoko River Forma- tion occur higher in the Makah, well-bedded turbidite strata dominate the Makah. A local unconformity occurs within the lower part of the Makah Formation from a point about 2 km west of Jansen Creek eastward to near Charley Creek (fig. 2). From Jansen Creek to the Hoko River, it forms the contact between the Hoko River and Makah Formations. In the area of the Hoko and the Little Hoko Rivers, the unconformity is intraformational, truncating a small syncline and faults that involve the strata in the lower part of the Makah Formation (fig. 3). The unconformity appears to extend eastward almost as far as Charley Creek but was not observed along the Clal- lam River in the easternmost part of the study area. West of Jansen Creek, the local unconformity probably does not extend as far west as Rasmussan Creek, for it was not observed in the almost continuous sequence of the Makah and Hoko River Formations exposed in the stream bed. The local unconformity is readily apparent in the central part of the mapped area (fig. 2), where it forms the contact between the Hoko River and Makah Formations. There the Makah laps onto a broad north- east-trending anticlinal high in the underlying sedi- mentary and volcanic rocks. Several members of the Makah that are exposed elsewhere in the lower part of the Makah are missing, whereas members above the unconformity extend uninterrupted across the struc- ture. The absence of basal conglomerate, the local nature of the unconformity, and the occurrence of deep-water upper Eocene strata directly above and below the unconformity suggest that it is of submarine origin. The small northeast-trending faulted syncline that lies between the Hoko and Little Hoko Rivers (figs. 2 and 3) is interpreted as a small flexure that developed on the east flank of the broad northeast- trending anticlinal fold. The structural trends of strata in both the Hoko River and Makah Formations de- fine this small asymmetric syncline that formed prior to the local unconformity. A thrust fault in the up- per part of the Hoko River Formation along the western flank of the syncline may account for the asymmetry of the fold (fig. 3). The axial part of the syncline is complicated by several small thrust faults. These and other faults not recognized in the poorly exposed ax- ial part of the syncline probably account for the thicker section of strata apparent between the lowest member of the Makah and the local unconformity (figs. 3 and 5). The Makah Formation underlies the upper Oligocene and lower Miocene Pysht Formation--a sequence of thick-bedded sandstone, boulder-and-pebble conglom- erate, and massive siltstone and mudstone (figs. 2 and 3). In most places in the study area, the contact be- tween the Makah and Pysht Formations is masked by gla- cial drift. The contact between them is conformable in a cut on a side road 0.8 km southwest of Eagle Point (NW1/4 sec. 14, T. 32 N., R. 13 W.), where very thick bedded sandstone and channelized boulder-to- pebble conglomerate of the Pysht Formation are intercalated with thin-bedded siltstone and sandstone typical of the Makah. Where exposed in quarry and roadcuts immediately north of the airport 0.6 km northwest of Sekiu, a submarine channel conglomerate and sandstone of the Pysht Formation rests unconform- ably upon an irregular surface cut into thin-bedded siltstone and sandstone of the Makah with as much as a meter of relief; these relations indicate that sub- marine erosion has taken place locally. A thickness of more than 2800 m for the Makah For- mation is estimated at the type section from the base of the unit near the town of Neah Bay to the upper contact at Kydaka Point (figs. 2 and 4). The minimum thickness of the composite section along the Hoko and Little Hoko Rivers is approximately 2500 m (figs. 3 and 5). The Makah thins over the broad anticlinal high in the central part of the mapped area, where about 550 meters of strata in the lower part of the formation is missing. MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE *8L61L tp 'pooto®w *S °N '*ip '4temeus +a *a Aq Abotoab uo paseg *sqtun Azet31a1f 3430 0% OL6L 'WeIN * *v¥ pure 'Tiead *d 3 butmous etnsutuag otduitop JO Abotoap ypoipaq oj uotjewio4 YUPXEW oY3 JO ay pim way woJD]) ¢: :- oy s . om ' yulf P } d ps #I L. .. % f oie > un IP tFA SLo8p Jup C, . } or} ' BL. Site? Ang T ; ; wml) e il omdat | :o " CSX ALL pPPALL L AWL % ' da' ~ AXS % £ XL: rte A R eron " N "W* ae ; I N fesse "sp T<. \ Jurog 91623 ~ #i g ainBi; j0 _ "n_ ,/ jurog exepAy { r R&, peas juiog smug jurog yoaimdiyg [s "b k * ~ ~ ~ C O Cy ty A > yoo) ool) yooy Esmva w 004 / juJ R yoeag \ Keg yean jurog jurog y20401( adey u10g IL 1 a SW 19] .OEobEL StobCL SLobCL GEOLOGIC SETTING AND CONTACT RELATIONS DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS CLALLAM FORMATION PYSHT FORMATION . +'| MAKAH FORMATION Falls Creek unit Jansen Creek Member Third Beach Member Klachopis Point Member Carpenters Creek Tuff Member Dtokoah Point Member Baada Point Member HOKO RIVER FORMATION 7 vre Formation :| ALOWELL FORMATION MELANGE AND BROKEN FORMATION SANDSTONE AND SILTSTONE CRESCENT FORMATION Contact mete. Local unconformity __WV___ Fault-Dotted where concealed; queried where doubtful; U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side ~----y~ Left-lateral strike-slip fault EXPLANATION _a___&. Thrust fault-Dotted where concealed; queried where doubtful; sawteeth on upper plate --- _ Anticline _ Syncline o Synform Strike and dip of beds Po. A Inclined l Overturned Twin River Group CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS ©o 0 lo 0 o 0 0 e xa 00° e 5:0 0 0° 9 o o} [Lr [1] alt. v3 u. C Tm =-- == Tm m Lower Miocene Upper Oligocene Oligocene Lower Upper Eocene Lower(?) Middle and and upper Eocene middle Eocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene V TERTIARY MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE Ao 8f or s STRAIT OF JUAN DE FUCA at .t ~ / Sekiu Point 40 T. 32 N., R. 13 W EXPLANATION CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS {# _ | & & @ a "T 5% I Cogs 5 a. > o > 5 < s 2: 3 7 cc £ i- g $5 i- S LJ DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS TWIN RIVER GROUP: Lower part of Pysht Formation-Siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate Makah Formation Falls Creek unit Klachopis Point Member Carpenters Creek Tuff Member Unnamed tuff Baada Point Member Unnamed sandstone unit Hoko River Formation-Siltstone with sandstone and conglomerate interbeds Contact ~~~ Local unconformity clc Fault-D, downthrown side; U, upthrown side «i=--&- Thrust fault-Sawteeth on upper plate -% _ Strike and dip of beds 0 2 KILOMETERS Eon Figure 3.--Generalized geologic map showing the distribution of the Makah Formation at its composite reference section along the Hoko River from point A (1.6 km east of its mouth) to point B (near the center of section 28) and near the Little Hoko River (between points C and D). PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The most common litholigic type in the Makah For- mation is siltstone in beds 1 to 10 cm thick rhythmi- cally alternating with thin beds of turbidite sand- stone (figs. 4 and 5). The sandstone is fine to very fine grained, medium gray, and quartzo-feldspathic. It is generally parallel laminated to micro-cross lam- inated, has sharp bottom and top contacts, and forms resistant ledges or ribs in outcrop. In wave-cut ex- posures, the thin sandstone beds typically display Bouma (1962) turbidite sequences that lack the basal "a" division (Th-e through Tde), although some beds are entirely ripple micro-trough cross laminated throughout the bed thickness. The siltstone is medium light gray and hackly fractured and commonly contains very fine grained sandstone stringers and carbonaceous laminae. Siltstone interbeds do not stand out as boldly as the numerous sandstone beds that form ribs and ledges. Thin-bedded strata of this typical li- thology occur in the Makah between several thick- bedded amalgamated sandstone members and are well exposed in the roadcuts along Ozette Road adjacent to the Hoko River and on the wave-cut platform along the Strait of Juan de Fuca (figs. 2 and 3). In the stream beds of Rasmussan Creek and the Clallam River, thick units of laminated siltstone occur in the lower part of the Makah and beds of sandstone are rare. The thick- to very thick bedded amalgamated sand- stone units commonly contain Bouma sequences that start with the basal "a" division. Typically, these sandstone beds consist of a thick structureless "a" division overlain by a much thinner carbonaceous par- allel-laminated "b" division and less commonly an overlying convolute or rarely micro-cross-laminated "c" division. Some very thick beds form a series of amalgamated Bouma "a" divisions. Calcareous concretions are found throughout the Makah Formation; they range in size from small sphe- roids to 60 to 150 mm in diameter in the thin-bedded units to resistant zones of ellipsoidal to intercon- nected elongate concretions 0.5 to 4 m in length in the thick amalgamated sandstone units. Some sphe- roidal concretions in the siltstone contain concen- trations of worm burrows; others have formed around pseudomorphic crystals of calcite similar to those described by Boggs (1972). Many small calcareous con- cretions lack obvious nucleii, but a few contain frag- ments of crustaceans or carbonized plant debris. Scattered throughout the thick-bedded amalgamated sandstone at the type section are tiny spherical py- rite concretions with oxidized rims. Clastic dikes occur throughout the Makah Formation (fig. 6). The sandstone in these dikes is fine to medium grained, moderately well sorted, and quartzo- feldspathic in composition. Most dikes are nearly vertical and pinch and swell along strike. Some have been injected along small faults or fractures that had minor displacemenfis, whereas others have been emplaced in an en enchelon pattern along fractures with no apparent displacement. The general trend of the clastic dikes perpendicular to the strike of the Makah suggests that the dikes were intruded along small tear faults formed when segments of the upper part of the B is a 2 |E) 2 o F3 <| € | ud be | ae I w w | c w C 3 & Top not exposed 6 2 tg 33 a“. 3% & METERS r-2880 |-2,800 in & w | a | c uzJ -* g Unexposed 3 E o o a 5 I |-2,400 a N Falls Creek unit (projected) -2- © |-2,000 ix o & 3 % ) Jansen Creek Member - E a brom: & |-1,600 S S S Third Beach Member I-1,200 & S 9 € Klachopis Point Member cC Dtokoah Point Member |-s00 u Baada Point Member Z| 5 (8278) a | 8 (8277) o| & (8322) f- #, (7250) (400 (71348) (8321) (7247) (7133) g (7132) 'N Unexposed 18278) S 2 - 1 _ _- zzz zzz __ __ _- -o # | _ - o -+- a E «=-- o o. t. tez wie» S | & |. P -L EL .L I_ a sl Rolls g |_. _ & $ | » ---> EXPLANATION iiili Siltstone Sandstone ;] Concretionary sandstone 8) Conglomerate Clastic dike Allochthonous penecontemporaneous deformed strata Figure 4.--Composite type section of the Makah Forma- tion from Waadah Island and Baada Point to Kydaka Point. Numbers in parenthesis are foraminifer sample locality numbers (table 1), Waadah Island. 8 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE Hoko River z > wo 2 S #0 |8) & 3 § |E) i) f "55 Top not exposed & e RoR EXPLANATION as )-- pad P@ sL [em' "6 Faz BS8lee...." 232) Conglomerate o 089, me oat a Sandstone ''''''' isc i i n Wed [==a) Concretio ary siltstone 5 Siltstone 33 wl ~ | § Tuff 2 3 LJ o § a é G Penecontemporaneous deformed strata =d 3 g Sandstone dike (5423) (5783, 5784) j- 400 METERS & BS] 3 ful g s £ 5 e (5182, 5187, 7190) 0 * 3 (7191, 5787) b [-J- )-7.. _J . LH . 0 & S & 5 € & Klachopis Point Member 2 !, to | & Little isd Hoko River area Carpenters Creek x Tuff Member -------|»A>->~*A*)G - Carpenters Creek Tuff Member 5 > Unnamed tuff Unnamed tuff E in -_~ -_- Local unconformity Local unconformity sl € | a) - - §| § |- # | & |: Baada Point Member 0 * # Unnamed sandstone unit Figure 5.--Composite reference section of the Makah Formation along the Hoko River from point A in section 14 (1.6 km southeast of its mouth) to point B (near the center of section 28) and between points C and D near the Little Hoko River,. Locations are shown on figure 3. Numbers in parenthesis are foraminifer sample locality numbers (table 2). p BAADA POINT MEMBER 9 Figure 6.--Northeast-trending sandstone dikes cutting a sandstone channel (0.7 m thick at axis) and thin- bedded siltstone and sandstone in the upper part of the Makah Formation on wave-cut platform 0.4 km west of the mouth of the Sekiu River. Man for scale in left center. thick sedimentary prism crept basinward or that the sand was injected along fractures perpendicular to the direction of minimum compressional stress in a manner similar to that of basalt dikes (Nakamura, 1977). The sandstone dikes range in width from 20 mm to 1 m and commonly form carbonate-cemented resistant ridges that stand above the adjacent strata. On the wave-cut platform on the southern shore of Waadah Island, a distinctive set of resistant dikes, 0.9 m and 0.75 m wide, can be traced for more than 300 m southwestward across the lowest thick-bedded turbidite member and the underlying thin-bedded strata before they extend so far below sea level that they can no longer be seen. At Klachopis Point, a 1-m-wide quartzo-feldspathic sandstone dike can be traced for 37 m before it disappears beneath the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Zones of penecontemporaneously deformed strata to several meters thick occur locally in the thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone of the Makah sequence. The disrupted turbidite sandstone beds in these zones appear to have been hydroplastically deformed. Broad slump folds, pull-apart structures, and small recum- bent folded sandstone blocks in structureless concre- tionary siltstone are the most common features. Several diastems with angular discordance of as much as 10° are present within the thin-bedded se- quences of the Makah exposed in roadcuts adjacent to the Hoko River. These unconformities involve several tens of meters of thin-bedded turbidite strata. The angular discordances probably resulted from minor Figure 7.--Aerial view toward southeast of prominent headlands formed by the four turbidite members in lower part of the Makah Formation. Headland in foreground is formed by turbidite of the Baada Point Member. The second headland is formed by the Dtokoah Point Member; the third, the Klachopis Point Member; the fourth, the Third Beach Member. slumping and rotation of large cohesive blocks of sed- iments that were later covered by hemipelagic silt and turbidite sand. Some angular discordance between jux- taposed sequences of thin-bedded strata may be caused by broad channeling and deposition of turbidite sand beds within the channels with initial dips different than those of the underlying truncated strata. The six newly named members of the Makah Formation differentiated on the map (fig. 2) are described below from oldest to youngest. BAADA POINT MEMBER The stratigraphically lowest packet of thick-bedded amalgamated turbidite sandstone in the Makah Formation is here named the Baada Point Member for exposures at its type section at Baada Point. The type section is designated as the wave-cut platform and headland expo- sures at Baada Point (SE1/4NW1/4 sec.12, T. 33 N., R. 15 W.; fig. 7). The member is also well exposed on the wave-cut platform of Waadah Island northwest of Baada Point (fig. 8). At its type section, the Baada Point member is 120 m thick and occurs approximately 450 m above the base of the Makah Formation. Here the member displays gradational contacts with the over- lying and underlying thin- to medium-bedded strata of the Makah; the contacts are arbitrarily chosen at the lowest and uppermost amalgamated sandstone beds that exceed 1.2 m in thickness. The Baada Point Member can be mapped southeastward for about 12.5 km to where it abruptly terminates against the west side of an anticlinal high and is un- 10 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE Figure 8.--Medium- to very thick-bedded turbidite sandstone beds of the Baada Point Member of the Makah Formation exposed on the northwest wave-cut platform of Waadah Island along the Strait of Juan de Fuca north of Baada Point. Note dark-colored zones of calcareous concretions. conformably overlapped by younger strata of the Makah in the central part of the mapped area (fig. 2). East of the Hoko River, the Baada Point Member crops out again in a northeast-trending faulted syncline and ex- tends relatively undeformed southeastward for a dis- tance of about 13 km to the eastern limits of the mapped area and beyond. The member forms a mappable couplet with a thinner unnamed amalgamated sandstone unit that occurs 75 m below it in the area between the Hoko River and Charley Creek (figs. 2, 3, and 5). The member thins from 120 m at the type section to 43 m in the Clallam River in the easternmost part of the mapped area. Between these two localities, the sandstone-to-siltstone ratio decreases from 2.5:1 to 1:1. On Waadah Island and at Baada Point, 3- to 5-m- thick amalgamated sandstone beds are common in the Man for scale in left center foreground. member, whereas in the Clallam River, the thickest sandstone bed is 1.2 m. More than 100 individual me- dium to thick beds of sandstone occur at the type sec- tion. Significant variations in total thickness and number of sandstone beds in the member occur along strike between the type locality and the Clallam River, perhaps related to channeling and lensing of some of the sandstone beds. The sandstone in the Baada Point Member is typi- cally light olive gray on fresh surfaces and weathers to a "dirty appearing" yellow brown. It is porous, quartzo-feldspathic in composition, predominately fine to medium grained, and moderately well sorted. The member consists of several ridge-forming units of thick-bedded amalgamated turbidite sandstone and intervening sequences of less resistant thin-bedded BAADA POINT MEMBER 11 Third Beach Member ie ps a C 5 bs pe & 3 [: a «<1 G o %T: 6 # L. o |. Klachopis Point Member ix © “Q. E @ p; = ya C |. 0 G. |- l. k-! C Co co 15-1 50 Concretionary sandstone FEET m Laminated micaceous sandstone 0+ 0 Thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone R _ Amalgamated sandstone bed, 2-m-thick METERS S - Sandstone marker bed Figure 9.--Generalized stratigraphic sections of the four turbidite members of the Makah Formation at their type sections. Beds represented by R and S referred to in text. See figure 4 for position of the members in type section of the Makah. sandstone and siltstone (fig. 9). In shoreline expo- grained sandstone to laminated or convolute-bedded sures, the sandstones form prominent ribs and thin- very fine grained carbonaceous sandstone that forms bedded sandstone and siltstone form inlets that are the upper several centimeters of each 0.5- to 3-m- partly covered during high tides (figs. 7 and 8). thick bed. In the northwestern part of the outcrop Layers of resistant light-brown calcareous concretions area, scattered dark coarse-grained lithic fragments are common throughout the thick amalgamated sandstone (coarse tail grading) and concentrations of small (fig. 8). Concretions are lenticular to spheroidal in light-gray siltstone rip-ups serve to differentiate shape, are light medium gray when freshly broken, and thinner turbidite beds within seemingly structureless display a case-hardened honeycomb weathering pattern thick amalgamated sandstones. Bouma Ta, Tab, and Tabe on the wave-cut platform. sequences are common in thick beds, whereas in the Bedding in the thick amalgamated sandstone is de- thin sandstone beds in the intervening sandstone, fined by surface indentations produced by differential siltstone units, Bouma Thed and Th-e sequences are erosion of less resistant thin units of laminated to most common. The sharp bases of many thick sandstone convolute carbonaceous sandstone and rare siltstone beds contain load casts and, less commonly, burrow, (fig. 8). Normal grading in the amalgamated beds is flute, and groove casts. characterized by an upward change from massive fine- 12 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE DTOKOAH POINT MEMBER The packet of turbidite sandstone that occurs ap- proximately 165 m above the Baada Point Member is here named the Dtokoah Point Member for exposures at Dtokoah Point (figs. 2 and 7). The type section is designated as the exposures on the point and wave-cut platform in the NW1/4SE1/4 sec. 12, T. 33 N., R. 15 W. The Dtokoah Point Member is separated from the un- derlying Baada Point Member by 165 meters of very thin bedded siltstone and very fine grained sandstone of the Makah (fig. 4), exposed during low tides. At its type section the Dtokoah Point Member is 65 m thick and displays gradational lower and upper contacts with the thinner bedded strata enclosing it. The bottom and top of the member are arbitrarily defined as the lowest and uppermost sandstone beds greater than 0.3 m thick. The member has been mapped for 9 km southeast to where it apparently pinches out east of Bullman Creek (fig. 2). The sandstone in the Dtokoah Point Member is fine to very fine grained, moderately well sorted, and weathers to olive gray,. The sandstone appears to be compositionally and texturally similar to sandstone in the Baada Point Member; it is rich in matrix, contains lithic fragments, and is quartzo-feldspathic. Sand- stone in the Dtokoah Point Member is commonly much thinner bedded than that in the Baada Point Member, the beds generally ranging in thickness from 20 mm to 0.4 m, and contains only a few thick amalgamated beds (Fig::9). At the type section of the Dtokoah Point Member, it forms a low, commonly tide-covered wave-cut platform composed of numerous thin- to medium-bedded sandstone ribs with intervening swales of less resistant lami- nated medium-gray siltstone beds, 20- to 70-mm- thick. The more than 170 sandstone beds in the member commonly display sharp bottom and top contacts. Com- mon features are parallel laminations, convolute bed- ding, micro-trough or micro-ripple cross-laminations, and graded bedding. Bouma Th-2, The, and Tde sequences predominate. A 2-m-thick amalgamated sandstone bed near the top of the unit forms a broad lens that pinches and swells laterally {R on fig. 9). Graded beds within this sandstone are defined by concentrations of siltstone rip-ups, shell fragments, convolute and parallel laminations, and phyllite- and basalt-rich grits. Overlying this sandstone lens is 2 to 4 meters of thin turbidite beds that are channelized, pinch out later- ally, and display cross-cutting stratigraphic rela- tions (fig. 9). A distinctive 3-m-thick amalgamated - sandstone marker bed occurs near the base of the member (S on fig. 9). This concretionary sandstone forms a promi- nent ridge and contains well-developed flute marks that indicate a dispersal pattern to the southeast (fig. 10). Spheroidal calcareous concretions to 0.2 m in diameter are scattered throughout the member. Figure 10.--Flute casts (above hammer) at base of thick amalgamated sandstone of the Dtokoah Point Member at its type section showing southeastward {arrow) dispersal pattern. CARPENTERS CREEK TUFF MEMBER The Carpenters Creek Tuff Member, here named for exposures in Carpenters Creek, is generally 1 m thick and consists of seven thin water-laid tuff beds 40 to 150 mm thick intercalated with 30- to 150-mm-thick siltstone beds. Its type section is in the NW1/4NW1/4 sec. 17, T. 32 N., R. 13 W. It was recognized only in the eastern part of the study area, where it has been mapped for a distance of about 20 km (fig. 2). Near the Little Hoko River, the tuff member occurs approxi- mately 325 m stratigraphically above the Baada Point Member (fig. 5). The tuff is calcified and silicified, even bedded, forms thin resistant ledges, weathers to light-yellow- ish-gray blocks and chips, and displays sharp bottom and top contacts with the intervening, less resistant, hackly fractured siltstone. Individual tuff beds are generally structureless to faintly laminated. More rarely, they are cross laminated. This member may be significant in correlating other units in the Makah along the north side of the Olympic Peninsula because it defines a time horizon. The Carpenters Creek Tuff Member is best exposed near the top of a 20-m-high roadcut in thin-bedded strata of the Makah along Ozette Road east of the Hoko River in the NE1/4 sec. 28, T. 32 N., R. 13 W. Other good exposures of the member occur in the Little Hoko River and along an abandoned railroad grade adjacent to the west bank of the Hoko River (figs. 2 and 3). KLACHOPIS POINT MEMBER 13 Another tuff unit consisting of two to three 20- to 50-mm-thick light-yellowish-gray beds with thin in- tervening siltstone occurs 100 m below the Carpenters Creek Tuff Member (fig. 5); it can be traced for approximately 3 km east of Ozette Road (fig. 3). In the easternmost part of the study area along the Clallam River, several additional tuff beds occur below the Carpenters Creek Tuff Member in the lower part of the Makah Formation. Since these tuff beds have not been recognized west of the Clallam River, the source of the ash probably was from the east. KLACHOPIS POINT MEMBER The packet of thick-bedded turbidite sandstone that occurs 155 m stratigraphically above the Dtokoah Point Member (fig. 4) is here named the Klachopis Point Member for exposures at Klachopis Point. This 73-m- thick member forms the third wave-resistant platform and headland east of Neah Bay at Klachopis Point, the type section for the member (NE1/4SE1/4 sec. 12, T. 33 N., R. 15 W.; figs. 7, and 9). The member displays a gradational contact with the underlying thin-bedded siltstone and sandstone of the Makah Formation. At the type section, the upper contact is covered with beach sand. The contacts are arbitrarily drawn at the lowest and uppermost sandstone beds that exceed 0.7 m in thickness. The Klachopis Point Member consists of 40 or more thick to very thick beds of amalgamated sandstone that form a strike ridge entirely across the mapped area, a distance of 32 km (fig. 2). It gradually thins east, ward. At Charley Creek, in the eastern part of the area (fig. 2), the member is 49 m thick. It is well exposed on Bullman and Rasmussan Creeks, along the Hoko River (fig. 11) and Sekiu River, and along State Highway 112. Sandstone of the Klachopis Point Member is characteristically more micaceous and feldspathic and better sorted than that of the Baada Point and Dtokoah Point Members. Coarse-grained flakes of mus- covite and biotite are ubiquitous. The sandstone typ- ically is iron stained, fine to medium grained, moder- ately well sorted, and porous. At the type section on the coast, this unit, like the Baada Point Member, contains resistant layers of interconnected dark olive-black-stained calcareous concretions. The lower one-third to one-half of the member typically consists of well-laminated micaceous, car- bonaceous sandstone with siltstone interbeds (fig. 9). Varying concentrations of carbonized plant debris and muscovite and biotite flakes along laminae impart a distinctive platy character to the sandstone. Each sandstone bed has sharp upper and lower contacts with the intercalated medium-dark-gray siltstone and very fine grained carbonaceous sandstone. The upper one-half to two-thirds of the member forms a thick resistant ridge composed of several even-bedded, predominantly structureless amalgamated sandstone beds (fig. 9). These beds are 1 to 5 m thick and are separated by very thin intervals of less resistant laminated siltstone and thin- to medium- bedded sandstone. Sandstone-to-siltstone ratios vary from 10:1 to 60:1. Each amalgamated sandstone bed is composed of two or more predominantly structureless parts that range in thickness from 0.15 m to 1 m. Stratification is defined by minor concentrations of siltstone rip-ups, scattered coarse sand-size lithic fragments, and thin beds of less resistant very fine grained carbonaceous sandstone. The carbonaceous sandstone that commonly forms the thin upper part of many structureless beds is parallel laminated to convolute laminated, rarely cross laminated. - Bouma Tar, Tab, and T-h¢ sequences are common. Other sedimentary features in the sandstone beds of the Klachopis Point Member are sharp bottom contacts and gradational upper contacts, bifurcating Sealari- tuba worm burrows, rare dish structures, and flute, frondescent load, and groove casts. THIRD BEACH MEMBER The 43-m-thick packet of turbidite sandstone that occurs 290 m stratigraphically above the Klachopis Point Member is here named the Third Beach Member for exposures in the headland east of Third Beach (fig. 7). The type section of the Third Beach Member is designated as the resistant wave-cut terrace and head- land immediately east of the beach (SE1/4SW1/4 sec. 7, T. 33 N., R. 14 W.; fig. 9). The Klachopis Point and Third Beach Members are separated by an interval of rhythmically alternating very thin- to thin-bedded siltstone and very fine grained sandstone that is sea- sonally covered by beach sand. Figure 11.--Thick beds of turbidite sandstone in the Klachopis Point Member exposed at boundary between secs. 21 and 28, T. 32 N., R. 13 W., along the Ozette Road, Hoko River area. 14 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE The Third Beach Member forms a spectacular linear dip-slope seacliff from the type section 2 km south- eastward to Sail River. The member terminates abrupt- ly at Bullman Creek (fig. 2), possibly the result of post-depositional uplift and slumping, as biotite-rich arkosic sandstone blocks similar in composition to sandstone in the Third Beach Member occur in a younger penecontemporaneously deformed siltstone unit 5 km farther east near Jansen Creek (fig. 2). The position of the siltstone unit approximately 100 m strati- graphically above the Third Beach Member precludes their origin by submarine landsliding of sandstone of the Third Beach Member alone; rather, the sandstone was buried and indurated before it was uplifted and slumped in the basin. Because the lower and upper contacts on the Third Beach Member are generally covered by beach sand at the type section, the contacts are arbitrarily placed at the uppermost and lowest amalgamated sandstone beds more than 3 m thick. The sandstone in the Third Beach Member is similar to that in the upper half of the underlying Klachopis Point Member, being predominantly thick- to very thick-bedded, concretionary, clean, micaceous, and feldspathic (fig. 9). It differs by containing more abundant and larger (to 1.5 mm), ubiquitous black biotite flakes that impart a distinctive salt-and- pepper appearance to fresh hand specimens. More than 45 sandstone beds occur in the member. The sandstone weathers to an iron-stained grayish orange to light gray and is fine to medium grained. At its type section, the Third Beach Member con- sists of three very thick bedded amalgamated sandstone ridges separated by a few beds of less resistant thin- to medium-bedded turbidite sandstone and siltstone (fig. 9). Each sandstone ridge consists of three or more 0.5- to 6-m-thick predominantly structureless concretionary beds. Less resistant laminated and con- volute-bedded very fine grained carbonaceous sandstone in the upper part of each bed delineates stratifica- tion within the amalgamated sandstones. Trough cross- laminations, large penecontemporaneous slump folds, siltstone rip-ups, and rare dish structures are pre- sent. Bouma Ti, Taib, and less commonly, Tabe se- quences, occur. Between the amalgamated sandstone ridges, several thin rib-forming sandstone beds are intercalated with laminated siltstone and very fine grained carbonaceous sandstone. The fine- to medium-grained sandstone beds have sharp bottom and gradational upper contacts, even bedding, load casts, rare siltstone rip-ups, and Tub, mbe, and -e Bouma sequences. JANSEN CREEK MEMBER The Jansen Creek Member, here named for exposures along the shoreline adjacent to the mouth of Jansen Creek (SE1/48EB1/4 sec. 26, T. 33 N., R. 14 w.), is composed of large tabular and penecontemporaneously deformed strata of shallow-water marine conglomerate and fossiliferous sandstone enclosed in deep-water marine siltstone and sandstone. The type section of this olistostromal unit is designated as the discon- tinuous exposures in the sea cliffs, wave-cut plat- forms, and sea stacks from the headland 0.5 km east of Bullman Creek to a point 0.7 km southeast of Brush Point (NE1/4NW1/4 sec. 6, T. 32 N., R. 13 W.; fig. 2). The Jansen Creek Member is approximately 200 m thick and is separated from the underlying Third Beach Member by about 250 meters of thin-bedded siltstone and sandstone. In the type section of the Jansen Creek Member, large tabular blocks, 5 to 100 meters in length, of interbedded fossiliferous shallow-marine basaltic sandstone and pebble conglomerate are common. These blocks are infolded or are aligned sub, parallel to the enclosing deep-water marine thin- bedded turbidite sandstone and siltstone and massive hackly fractured concretionary siltstone. The type section contains very thick bedded fossiliferous shal- low-water marine sandstone that forms massive resis- tant overhanging cliffs that can be traced for several kilometers along strike. In places the sandstone beds are folded into broad antiforms and synforms. The yellowish-gray basaltic to feldspathic sandstone is mottled and bioturbated and contains irregular olive, gray calcareous concretionary masses. Scattered fos- sils in the allocthonous fine- to medium-grained sand- stone include the mollusks Conchocele, Luctnoma, and Ostrea, and a few bryozoans and Teredo-bored carbon- ized wood fragments. Several thin coquina-like beds consist of pelecypods, gastropods, and encrusting stromatolitic calcareous algae. The sandstone beds are interbedded with, and overlain by, well-stratified basalt-pebble conglomer- ate as much as 10 m thick. The calcite-cemented olive-black conglomerate beds are best exposed at low tide on the wave-cut terraces, where they form resist- ant ribs or large loose blocks. Individual conglomer- ate layers are moderately to poorly sorted and range in thickness from 80 mm to 0.2 m. The well-rounded to subrounded pebbles and cobbles consist predominantly of finely crystalline to aphanitic basalt, discoid to spherical in shape and locally imbricated. On the wave-cut platform from Seal Rock to Ship, wreck Point, basaltic pebble conglomerate and shallow, marine sandstone form a series of disharmonic folds with axes dipping as much as 50° to the north or south. The amplitude of these infolds is as much as 100 m. Locally, undeformed clastic dikes cut across the penecontemporaneously deformed strata. The basal contact of the allochthonous shallow, marine sandstone and conglomerate blocks with the un- derlying undeformed deep-water marine strata of the Makah Formation is planar to irreqular with little or no shearing. In the wave-cut platform at the mouth of Rasmussan Creek, the contact between the Jansen Creek Member and older strata is sharp and appears conform, able. In several roadcuts along State Highway 112 be- tween Bullman Creek and Rasmussan Creek, the basal contact is discordant. Thin siltstone beds within overturned blocks of the massive shallow-marine sand- stone display 60° to 90° disparity in attitude with the underlying strata. The Jansen Creek Member is overlain by undeformed thin-bedded siltstone and sand- stone of the Makah that contain a few broad channels of sandstone. This upper contact is sharp in the few places where it is exposed during very low tides. PETROGRAPHY 15 Near Brush Point the member is overlain by inter- bedded basaltic sandstone and pebble conglomerate of the Makah Formation that contain displaced shallow, water mollusks. These basaltic strata are exposed at Brush Point and eastward on the wave-cut platform as far east as the mouth of the Sekiu River. In these coastal outcrops, they are gently flexed and are in- terbedded with typical thin-bedded siltstone and feld- spathic sandstone of the Makah. The similarity in composition of the basaltic sandstone and conglomerate to that of some detached blocks and infolds in the Jansen Creek Member suggests that the basaltic sedi- ments were derived from a source area similar to that of the basaltic beds of the olistostromal Jansen Creek Member but were deposited by normal sedimentary proc- esses. OTHER UNITS Falls Creek unit A poorly exposed sequence of amalgamated turbidite sandstone beds, informally called the Falls Creek unit, crops out in the northeastern part of the mapped area (fig. 2). This thick-bedded lithic arkosic sand- stone forms a dip slope along the southwestern margin of Clallam Bay and is well exposed in Falls Creek 1.1 km southeast of Sekiu Point. It is overlain by numer- ous beds of thin- to medium-bedded siltstone and sand- stone, exposed along the beach at low tide. The Falls Creek unit is more than 30 m thick and is separated from the underlying Jansen Creek Member by an esti- mated 450 meters of poorly exposed thin-bedded sand- stone and siltstone of the Makah Formation (fig. 4). Although the unit is poorly exposed, it probably ex- tends along strike for about 5 km from Falls Creek westward to the junction of State Highway 112 and the Ozette Road. Here a poorly exposed sandstone bed more than 5 m thick is exposed in the roadcut. Unnamed sandstone unit A 15-m-thick unnamed unit, composed of approxi- mately 11 beds 0.15- to 1.5-m-thick of fine-grained sandstone, crops out between the Hoko and Little Hoko Rivers (fig. 3) approximately 75 m stratigraphically below the Baada Point Member (fig. 5). The sandstone beds display sharp to amalgamated contacts and convo- lute bedding. The unit may correlate with a similar thick 11-bed unit that crops out in the Clallam River about 8 km east and perhaps with thicker sandstone units exposed below the Baada Point Member in Charley Creek about 5.5 km east. PETROGRAPHY Sandstone of the Makah Formation and its members ranges in composition from basaltic to arkosic wacke and arenite but is predominantly lithic arkose (fig. 12). It is generally fine to medium grained and is compositionally and texturally immature .to sub- mature. Most sandstone in the Makah is moderately sorted (range: very poorly sorted to moderately well sorted) and is composed of angular to subangular grains. Matrix abundance of both detrital and diagenetic varieties ranges from a trace to 22 percent. The more abundant diagenetic matrix was formed from in situ chemical alteration and crushing of volcanic-rock grains (pseudomatrix of Dickinson, 1970). The matrix consists of celadonite, chlorite, and scattered angu- lar silt-size quartz, feldspar, and mica flakes. Common cementing materials are calcite in the concretionary sandstone (10 to 50 percent; fig. 13) and diagenetic clays (including chlorite and cela- donite) in the more abundant wacke. Other cements in- clude hematite, limonite, and sparse laumontite. Sparry calcite cement apparently formed early in the burial history of the concretionary sandstone prior to formation of diagenetic clay matrix. Framework clasts are supported and partially replaced and embayed by the surrounding pore-filling calcite cement. The num- ber of grain-to-grain contacts and percentage of clay matrix are abnormally low. As a result, the calcare- ous sandstone is compositionally arenite. Minor chlo- rite and/or celadonite cements are present as coatings on lithic grains and as pore fillings in some sand- stone. Plagioclase grains in some samples are par- tially laumontized, and laumontite occurs locally as cement that preserves chlorite or celadonite coats. Using a classification modified from Williams, Turner, and Gilbert (1954), sandstone in the Baada Point and Dtokoah Point members and in the intervening thin-bedded strata of the Makah is chiefly lithic Quartz, chert, quartzose \spaihic | \ I I a | I A0 A / D a | *~ * Lithic 50 | 50 4 9 K K M! fo ° cP 0 7 M*, ' / T1 [l Lithic e | & arkosic I is // 85 I JO all B / d Volcanic 'o / V. Feldspar 10 50 Unstable lithic fragments M Thin-bedded sandstone of the Makah Formation J Deformed sandstone in Jansen Creek Member @ Arenite O Wacke B Baada Point Member D Dtokoah Point Member K Klachopis Point Member T Third Beach Member Figure 12.--Ternary diagram showing composition of sandstone in 'the Makah Formation and its members. Modified from Williams, Turner, and Gilbert (1954). 16 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE Figure 13.--Calcite-cemented biotite-bearing arkosic sandstone in the Third Beach Member. Horizontal field of view, 3.5 mm (crossed nicols). arkosic arenite and wacke (figs. 12 and 14). Major framework constituents are quartz, feldspar, volcanic rock fragments, and micas together with minor amounts of heavy minerals and metamorphic rock fragments. Subangular to subrounded quartz is the most abun- dant grain type, making up 10 to 34 percent of the sandstone. Quartz varieties include strained and un- strained monocrystalline quartz, polycrystalline quartz, and chert. Tiny fluid inclusions containing oscillating bubbles (2-phase fluid inclusions) are present in some monocrystalline quartz grains. Feldspar constitutes 13 to 31 percent of the sand- stone; it includes both albite-twinned plagioclase (An3-64) and minor potassium feldspar. The plagio- clase-to-potassium feldspar ratio is approximately 4:1, Orthoclase and microcline are the most abundant potassium feldspars. Lithic fragments are mainly ba- salt and andesite (3 to 10 percent), celadonite- replaced amygdaloidal basalt, metabasalt (greenschist facies), and silicic volcanic fragments. Other lithic fragments include minor elongate carbonaceous phyllite clasts, quartz mica schist, and metaquartzite frag- ments. Biotite flakes form 1 to 4 percent of the sandstone, chlorite flakes 1 to 7 percent. Traces of muscovite are present. Heavy minerals are dominated by clinozoisite, actinolite, epidote, zircon, pink and colorless garnet, hypersthene, apatite, magnetite, and pyrite. Sandstone in the Klachopis Point and Third Beach Members ranges from micaceous arkosic to lithic arkosic arenite and wacke (fig. 12). The sandstone contains less matrix, has a somewhat higher abundance of quartz, micas, and feldspar, and contains fewer lithic fragments than sandstone in the Baada Point and Dtokoah Point Members (compare figs. 13 and 14). In general, the composition and relative abundance of the different lithic and mineral types in all four of these members are nearly the same except that sand- stone in the Third Beach Member consistently contains more coarse-grained biotite flakes than sandstone in the other members. The shallow marine sandstone in the Jansen Creek Member differs significantly from the turbidite sand- Figure 14.--Lithic arkosic wacke from Baada Point Member. Horizontal field of view, 1.25 mm (crossed nicols). stone members in composition and texture; it is vol- canic arenite (fig. 12) and is generally coarser grained. Metabasalt (greenschist facies) and basalt fragments make up as much as 24 percent of this sand- stone. Other characteristic grain types are monocrys- talline quartz, plagioclase, silicic volcanic rock fragments, actinolite (to 5 percent), clinozoisite, chlorite, and molluscan shell fragments. Minor con- stituents include biotite, augite, pyrite, magnetite, epidote, and algal stromatolites. Calcite cement is ubiquitous and constitutes as much as 53 percent of the rock. Granule-and-pebble basalt clasts in conglomerate of the Jansen Creek Member are rounded to subrounded. Basalt, gabbro, and metabasalt are the predominant clast types. Other pebble constituents include minor silicic volcanic rock, metatuff, and molluscan shell fragments. The Carpenter Creek Tuff Member is composed of abundant sickle and rarer bubble wall-glass shards set in a devitrified siliceous clay matrix. Shards are commonly altered to a cherty groundmass. Other con- stituents include scattered grains of plagioclase, monocrystalline quartz, biotite, muscovite, and chlo- rite flakes, rare cherty siliceous volcanic fragments, hypersthene, ilmenite grains altering to limonite, and clinozoisite. Patches of secondary sparry-calcite ce- ment are locally abundant. Deposition of this rhyo- dacitic ash in a marine environment is indicated by the presence of a few foraminifers. RESERVOIR POTENTIAL OF TURBIDITE SANDSTONE MEMBERS Three surface samples from thick amalgamated tur- bidite sandstone of the Baada Point and Klachopis Point Members have relatively low permeabilities and moderately low effective porosities on the basis of quantitative laboratory analyses. The low porosities and permeabilities probably result from the abundance of detrital and diagenetically formed clay matrix and the calcite and less common limonite, hematite, and laumontite cements that have almost completely filled AGE AND REGIONAL CORRELATIONS the pore spaces between framework grains. This make-, up is particularly evident in the two matrix-rich samples of the Baada Point Member, each with moderate- ly low porosity (20.4 to 20.7 percent) and low permea- bility 2.0 to 7.5 millidarcies), and probably in the calcareous concretionary zones of all the members. The samples from the Klachopis Point Member has the highest effective porosity and a moderately high permeability (24.6 percent and 657 millidarcies) and also tends to be more friable and cleaner in thin sec- tion than the sandstone from the Baada Point and Dtokoah Point Members. It could act as a permeable reservoir rock in the subsurface. At one locality, a 1-m-thick sandstone bed in the Klachopis Point Member emitted a petroliferous odor when freshly broken. The arkosic sandstone of the Third Beach Member, like the sandstone of the Klachopis Point Member, generally contains less pore-filling clay matrix than the more lithic sandstone of the Baada Point, Dtokoah Point, and Jansen Creek Members and may represent an impor- tant permeable unit. All the amalgamated sandstone members are enclosed by thick (hundreds of meters) sequences of thin- to very thin-bedded siltstone and turbidite sandstone that could act as both cap rocks and contiquous source rocks in the subsurface. Hydrocarbon analyses of surface samples by George Claypool (reported in Snavely, Pearl, and Lander, 1977, table 3), however, indicate that upper Eocene and Oligocene siltstone in this area is generally geothermally immature, containing only minor quantities of light hydro- carbons. The Klachopis Point Member, being among the thick- est, most widespread, and highest in permeability and porosity, and to a much lesser extent the Baada Point Member, - probably have the highest reservoir po- tential. The Third Beach and Dtokoah Point Members have much more limited distribution and therefore lower reservoir capacity (particularly the thinner bedded sandstone of the Dtokoah Point Member). The olistostromal shallow-marine sandstone and conglomer- ate of the Jansen Creek Member are too discontinuous, chaotically arranged, and tightly cemented by calcite to represent an important reservoir unit in the sub, surface. Onshore, where the homoclinal sequence is breached by erosion, the petroleum potential of the four north- ward-dipping turbidite members is limited. Strati- graphic traps may exist in the lower part of the Makah Formation, where it laps onto the broad anticlinal high in the central part of the study area. As these units dip and strike beneath the Strait of Juan de Fuca, structural and/or stratigraphic traps may exist in this area. AGE AND REGIONAL CORRELATION Foraminiferal assemblages, sparse and - varied throughout the Makah Formation, indicate that the se- quence ranges in age from late Eocene to late Oligo- cene. Foraminifers from the lower part of the Makah at Waadah Island (table 1) indicate that the lower 325 meters of section exposed below the Baada Point Member (fig. 4) ranges from the upper Narizian Stage of 17 Mallory (1959) to the Refugian Stage of Schenck and Kleinpell (1936). On the basis of the known range of species within the Tertiary of the Pacific Northwest (Rau, 1958, 1964, 1966; Fulmer, 1975; Armentrout and Berta, 1977}, the 100 meters of the Makah stratigraphically below the Baada Point Member on Waadah Island is best re- ferred to the Refugian (fig. 4). This age assignment is based on the presence of Melonis halkyardi, Elphidium ealifornicum, Sigmomorpnhina cf. S. schencki, and in particular Ceratobulimina washburni (table 1). Foraminifers from the interval 100 to 325 m below the Baada Point Member on the east side of Waadah Island have greater affinities for the Narizian Stage than for the Refugian Stage. The high occurrence of Vulvulina curta, Anomalina garsaensis, Pleurostomella nutalli, and Quinqueloculina goodspeedi all signify a Narizian age. The upper part of the Makah Formation, strata be- tween the Third Beach Member and the base of the Pysht Formation (fig. 4), are Oligocene (Zemorrian) in age. The checklist of foraminifers (table 2) shows the occurrence of species in the middle and upper parts of the Makah in the Hoko River reference section (A to B on figs. 3 and 5). - Dentalina quadrulata, Uvigerina cf. U!. gesteri, and U!. galloway are among diagnostic Zemorrian species occurring in the upper part of the section at Hoko River between localities 7190 and 7609 (table 2, fig. 5). The precise boundary between the Zemorrian and Refugian Stages is difficult to define in the Hoko River section, as several key species found elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest (Rau, 1958, 1964, and 1966) that define the Zemorrian Stage and the Refugian Stage occur together in a 1200-m-thick stratigraphic inter- val (table 2, fig. 5, localities 7387 to 7190). 1f the total assemblage is considered, the Refugian- Zemorrian boundary is best placed between localities 5789 and 5788 (table 2, fig. 5). Several siltstone samples collected on Waadah Island and near the Little Hoko River contain foramin- ifers indicative of Ulatisian and early Narizian ages. These anomalous foraminifers are probably re- worked from older Eocene strata. Submarine erosion across growing broad anticlinal highs in the pre-Makah strata, as at Cape Flattery and in the central part of the study area (fig. 2), undoubtedly contributed re- worked older sediments and their Ulatisian to early Narizian microfossils to the younger strata that were being deposited in synclinal low areas. Foraminiferal assemblages from the Makah Formation (see tables 1 and 2) clearly indicate deep-water open- sea conditions. Almost all of those foraminifers consistently occurring throughout the formation sug- gest bathyal conditions. Moreover, most of these taxa support no less than middle bathyal depths. Many, such as GCyroidina soldanii, Stilostomella, hispid uvigerinids, Bulimina alsatica, and Pullenia bulloides, probably thrived at lower bathyal depths. The minor but consistent occurrence throughout the formation of planktonic taxa (Giobigerina) supports open-sea conditions. 18 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE Table 1.--Checklist of foraminifers from the Waadah Island section of the Makah Formation [Symbols of frequency of occurrence: C, common; ?, questionable identification] F, few; R, rare; Pacific Northwest Reference Collection No. Species o n a n o o § an m o o aL a on ala dd os & c co m com m comm m o qQuinquelOcUuliNna SPPe'« « s «s s s es i a + a % a %' ¢. s R R R/R R - R R - R R - Dentalina cf. D. pauperata (@'Orbigny) . . . . . . anc 's F R - |R R ? - - Ro- - - Stilostomella sp. (large final chamber). . . . . . iol ie ie R - -|- < < < ~ - - - 4 Nodosaria longiscata @'Orbigny . . . . . . . . . . +/+ % % R R FR R R C F F R F F Pseudoglandulina inflata (Bornemann) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fo? -|- - ? ? - ? - Ro? Gyroidina soldanii @'Orbigny . . . . . . . . . . . + onl C - -|- R- R RF - - R Melonis pompilioides (Fichtel and Moll). . . . . . . . . . . . . ? - <~ly < & - pe- 4s Pursenkoint (Virgulina) 8p. . « « « « a a « 10s a sorcs cs R - -|- - < < < _- _- ~ - *melonis halkyardi (Cushman) . . . . . . . . . . . 1ol0s 's Fo- -|- - < _- _- _ _- - - Cibicides cf. C. lobatulus (Walker and Jacob). . . 1% %% is Ro- -|? ? - - ? - - -- *Elphidium californicum Cook MS. . . . . . . . . . is te R - -|- < < < < ~ ~ -~ GLObDIGEPINA SDD» s 's « «.@. a s % is s s a s i% s le: 5g R F R/F R R F - F R R R Guttulina irregularis d'Orbigny. . . . . . . . . . s % 's. % R - -|- _< < ~ ~ ~- _- ~~ Eggerella bradyt (Cushman) . i . % . . . . . . . . . . a . . .o. ? - R|? R - - R ? R - R Karreriella chilostoma (Reuss) . . . . . . . . . . ob s sos % R R -|- - - - - -- ? - *Cassidulina galvinensis Cushman and Frizzell. . . . . . . . . . ? - -|- p < < < -~ - - - Globocassidulina globosa (Hantken) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? - -|- - - - RP - - R Oifbicides cf. C. Bau « . . . . . . . . k . . . . a % r R F -|R - - F R - R - - *Ceratobulimina washburni Cushman and Schenck. . . sk sos kos R - <-]- < < < < - - _- - CibIGiGCE SPD. . 1 s « soaks os s k % s ros a a r : ror sos % 0% R R R/R R R R - - R - - Spiroloculina cf. S. texana Cushman and Ellisor. . sls. + celle: s = R -|- - - -- R R - - *Sigmomorphina cf. S. schencki Cushman and Ozawa . . . . . . . . = R <]< - - < < - -& ~ 4 Vaginulinopsis saundersi (Hanna and Hanna) . . . . . . . . . . . = R -]< < < < ~ _- - ~~ Bulimina cf. B. instabilis Cushman and Parker. . . s t rilei's % = R -|- Fo- ? - - rp - - TALADAOMING sp. « «os a alack or als as s a a aos s) a i = R -|- - - < < ~ ~- -- Anomalina cf. A. californiensis Cushman and Hobson . . . . . . . - R -|- R- - - R F R R Fponides umbonatus (ReUSg) ; « « a % « « «o . . % a ror r as % r - ? -|- ? - R R R R - F Pullenia bulloides A'Orbigny . «.% . 9+ - a . . . . 0% s 3 %. x - ? -|- R- ? RF R - F @lobobulimina ef. G. pacifica Cushman,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - R R|? R - ? - - - - - Martinottiella cf. M. nodulosa Cushman . . . . . . . . . . . . . - = Re -< < <- - -- R - figmoilint sp. . % 1 . %s aos ia x als sow a s s s 19s r i% % - = Re - < < < _- _- -~ Commuspird sp. . « s) alislnns aca) s sor s + a r a or aos. s - = Re < < < < < _- ~- Stilostomella cf. S. sanctaecrucis (Kleinpell) . . i. t s alle a - - FRF ? F F R R R R Chilostomelloides cf. C. cyclostoma (Rzehak) . . . . . . . . . . - - R- R R - - F F F R Canerie jJoauguinensis Smith . . 1 . . .o . . . . .}. N =- = R|? - - ? R - --- Gyroidina soldanii a'Orbigny var. (rounded edges). s % % - - -|]R - - - Ro- RF - *Vulvulina curta Cushman and Siegfus . . . . . . . +x [s. 10% '% -o- -|- ? - Fo FoF - -- Nodosaria clavaeformis Neugeboren. . . . . . . . . Doe a -o- -|=e R- _- ~- _ ~ ~ ~ Nodosaria pyrula @'Orbigny . . . . . . . . . . . . ron ls x & % = = -|- Re - -- --- Praeglobobulimina cf. P. pyrula (@'Orbigny). . . . . . . . . . . - = -|- R- - R- --- *Anomalina garzaensis Cushman and Siegfus. . . . . . . . . . . . = = -|- Ro- - 2 - - -o? Mollusks are sparse in the deep-water sedimentary rocks of the Makah Formation and occur chiefly in olistostromal blocks of shallow-water basaltic sand- stone and conglomerate in the Jansen Creek Member. Addicott (written communs., 1973-1977) identified the following species collected from the Jansen Creek Member on the coast near the southwest corner of sec. 22, T. 33 N.} B. 14 W.: Gastropods: Acrilla n. Durham Naticid Perse sp. Turritella cf. T. porterensis Weaver Undet. fragments - 3 spp. sp. ? aff. A. olympicensis AGE AND REGIONAL CORRELATIONS 19 Table 1.--Checklist of foraminifers from the Waadah Island section of the Makah Formation -- Continued Pacific Northwest Reference Co%}ection No. Species o n >- re i % kos % - -= =|= RR - - - - - - *Pleurostomella nuttalli Cushman and Siegfus . . soa kok sos % -o- -=|= Ro- - - - R- ? Gyroidina condoni (Cushman and Schenck). . « & « & + + + + + + + < < -|- - - R- - 2 -- Lenticul{ina spp» + + + + . + + + + + s e e + + > w ok ok k kos - - -|- - - - R R R - R Plectofrondicularia cf. P. gracilis H. P. Smith. . . . . . . . % < - -|- - - - R- ? -- Cibicides spiropunctatus Galloway and Morrey . . kok s s k kos _ _ _< - - p - -~ -- Cibicides sp. (large, variable, incised sutures, coarse perferate). . . » + + + + + + + > Cassidulina sp. (@iscoid, rounded perf.) . ?rFursenkoina (Virgulina) sp. (narrow). . . PyPgO Spe % « « + + + e e + « + + + + + > Quinqueloculina imperialis Hanna and Hanna . *Quinqueloculina goodspeedi Hanna and Hanna. Pullenia salisburyi R. E. and K. C. Stewart. Praeglobobulimina cf. P. ovata (@'Orbigny) *Key species Pelecypods : Conchocele cf. C. disjuncta (Gabb) XCrenella sp. Cyelocardia hannibali (Clark) Luecinom cf. L. columbiana (Clark and Arnold) Nemocardium cf. N. weaveri (Anderson and Margin) Ostrea sp. Scaphopods : Dentalium porterensis Weaver Addicott assigned a late Eocene age (Lincoln Stage of Weaver, 1937) to this collection and suggested a middle or outer sublittoral environment of deposition for the basaltic sandstone. Foraminiferal assemblages in the Jansen Creek Member indicate a Refugian (late Eocene) age, a Lincoln equivalent, and a shallow-water depositional environment. The penecontemporaneously deformed member is both underlain and overlain by younger (Zemorrian) strata of the Makah that were deposited at lower to middle bathyal depths. This relation supports the interpretation that the shallow, marine sandstone and conglomerate of the Jansen Creek Member - are allochthonous deposits derived from Refugian Narizian Late Eocene uplifted older (Refugian) strata along an ancient narrow shelf that bordered the deep marginal basin of the Makah to the north. These shallow-water Refugian deposits were transported into the deep marginal basin by a large submarine slide during Zemorrian time. The Makah Formation represents part of an upper Eocene to Oligocene deep marginal marine facies that crops out in the northwestern part of the Olympic Pen- insula, on western Vancouver Island, in southwestern- most Washington, and in northwestern Oregon but is also widespread on the inner continental shelf of Oregon (Snavely and others, 1977). The Makah Forma- tion is in part correlative with upper Eocene and Oligocene strata of the Hoh rock assemblage in the Hoh-Quillayette area of the western coastal area of the Olympic Peninsula (Rau, 1973, 1975, 1979). Strata similar to the Makah Formation in lithology, age, and depositional environment are exposed in the Hesquiat Peninsula and Nootka Island area along the central part of the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This sequence, described in detail by Jeletzky (1954, 1973, 1975) and Cameron (1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1979), was named the Hesquiat Formation by Jeletsky (1975). Shallow-water sandstone, siltstone, and conglom- erate that correlate with the Makah Formation fringe the south side of Vancouver Island from Sombrio Point westward to near the entrance to Nitinat Lake. - These 20 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE Table 2.--Checklist of foraminifers from the Hoko River section of the Makah Formation [Symbols of frequency of occurrence: C, common; F, few; R, rare; ?, questionable identification.] Pacific Northwest s § Reference Collection No. T n in in in in in in in in m im in mom n in in in m in in in in o m Lenticulina cf. L. inornatus (@'Orbigny). . . CR =- «~ "« BRs s? - B=ss R R- =- -~ s -R R - - Marginulina glabra @'Orbigny. . . . . . . . . "A = «'='s - PIRUM en Dor line lime! ine \ me mn imm Stilostomella cf. S. sanctaecrucis (Kleinpell) R ~ == R? ? = - = R= = R R R[R - P -=- r -~ ~- Dentalina pauperata (@'Orbigny) . . . . . . . ? F - - Ro- - < < s- - - m e - -|4 4 k -& - - -~ - Dentalina consobrina a'Orbigny. . . . . . . . ? Fos ?t - «= P- --< f e mos e pe pops Nodosaria cf. N. soluta (Reuss) . . . . . . . R - -o- - <- - - - -~ R - - - «FLR 4 ~ - Re - -- *Dentalina quadrulata Cushman and Laiming . . F F = - R- <-- Re -< &_ « s|4 4 .s ~ ses s Sigmeilina sp . + «or so s w 10% ior r vos : R - = - = RR - =-- -= R= R~ - +--- RC - Etflostomella frisselli (Rau) . . . . . . . . Ro = - -o- - - -o - ~ < - ~ - ~s -o- < < < - < - - Stilostomella advena (Cushman and Laiming). . R R - - -o -- -~ - - -- ? ? - -|- -< -~ --- ? - - Eponides umbonatus (Reuss). . . . . . . . . . ? ?o - - - R? - - - - R- - F R- - - R- -- -oF *Anomalina californiensis Cushman and Laiming F F - R? - - - C FoF o- Fo ? - -|- - p- p- r -- Guttulina cf. G. problema . . . . . R -= -o --- -- =o - =o -o- -o- -| e - e e ~ s } } 4 Gyroidina soldanii d'Orbigny. . . . . . . . . R F - - F- ? ? F- F F R R R -| R R R R F R R - R Praeglobobulimina cf. P. ovata (@'Orbigny). . Ro- - = RP - -- - ? - ? R- ?(C F- - F R- -- *Uvigerina cf. U. gesteri Barbat and von EStOFFE . .+ i ak isi k kos a air's s s R - = R - - -< - - - - _- - ~ -& wow wom om oom ose ome m Uvigerina garsaensis Cushman and Siegfus. . . C R- -- F--- - R- =- ? R R[RF -- R -C- - *Sphaeroidina variabilis Reuss. . . . . . . . C < < < < < < < - - - - - - +4 RIR = « - - - - -- GLOPIGeriMmA sp. . oa s s ao % s or r s a r . R - - R R - R- - F R R - - R -|- R- - - RF R R Globobulinina cf. G. pacifica Cushman . . . . R R - - --- - R - --- - -- -o- - F- -~ --- Nodosaria longiscata @'Orbigny. . . . . . . . - R - R R - R R - R R - - R- F/R R R F R R R - R Pseudoglandulina inflata (Bornemann). . . . . - F R R R R R R - - R R - R R F- - - - - - - - R Melonis pompilioides (Fichtel and Moll) . . . = R - ~ =o =o owo som «o_ - eos -o =/ sos eom m om sem reps « . sil sok. ror ls a soe . = R - Ro- - =-- R R - -- -- RJ- - - R - Ro- - - *Bulimina alsatica Cushman and Parker . . . . =- F - - =- RR - - R R Ro- - R R- - R ? F- F- - *Florulis cf. F. incisum (Cushman). . . . . . = Fo- - ? ? F- - - -- ? R - -|- - <- --- R - - Quinqueloculina weaveri Rau . . . . . . . . . - ? - < < < ~ - & - -- Fo- - -|- - - R- - - -- Cassidulina crassipunctat@ Cushman and Hobson - Co- - F- ? - - ? C- Fo? - -| R -- --- ? - - Fursenkoina (Virgulina) sp. . . . . . . . . . = R - < < < < < e e e - - 4 - 4 R = = or = = % = o= Martinottiella cf. M. nodulosa (Cushman). . . = = R R R - - - R- - - - -- RI - - - R- -- -- SPD % & ale s souls slack ca aon bon s r = = R R - = = < <- - < & 44 F -| R R- F - Ro- -=- Epistomina eocenica (Cushman and Hanna) . . . = = ? ? Fo- - = Re -< --- ~~ = Ro- < <- < --> Cibfoided spp . « toa ians s ach . 1 = sR s s) > -= =~ Ro- sl mosomn socom m ibe R galloway? cushman. . . . . . . . . ris r PQs es ss s s/s sons sos aos a *Casatdultnofdes sp « @ . . + a a ao . som -Ca om s Ts <<-- -- R = = *Buccella mansfieldi oregonensis (Cushman, R. E. and Stewart, K. C.) . . . . . . . . . = t -t Pom sles ce soe sssle sos som sos on m strata were referred to the Carmanah Formation by the range and the deep-water marine Alsea Formation Clapp (1912) and are mapped and described by Muller along the central Oregon coast (Snavely and others, (19271, 1977). 1975). In the northern Oregon Coast Range, the Makah The Makah Formation correlates in part with the Formation is in part coeval with the shallow-marine Lincoln Creek Formation (Weaver, 1937; Beikman and Pittsburg Bluff Formation (Schenck, 1927; Moore, others, 1967) of southwestern Washington, the deep- 1976), the upper member of the Keasey Formation water marine Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (Schenck, 1927; Moore and Vokes, 1953) in the north- (Fulmer, 1975; McLean, 1977) of the Puget Sound eastern part of the range, and the lower part of the area. In the southern and central Oregon Coast Range, deep-water marine mulstone of Oswald West on the the time-stratigraphic equivalents are the shallow, northwestern flank of the range (Niem and Van Atta, marine Eugene Formation on the southeastern flank of 1973). DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT 21 mable 2.--Checklist of foraminifers from the Hoko River section of the Makah Formation -- Continued Pacific Northwest Reference Collection No. Species a o mn -s in # Nm O-n Nm o 0 on - 0 0 N Ok 0 ® ~ © © o o o ~ ~ ~ p a~ ~ ~ ao o ® n ® ~ coos co 6 a som m Rh god cs doh doc Ro- -o- -o- - -- *Karreriella chilostoma (Reuss) . . . . . k k 0 | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -o = R - - R- - F- - sp . « sok. . . . . k. k. sok -or wok [| - - sos s - & e & io s m se m k Ro- ~- --< -~ Guttulina problema a'Orbigny. . . . k. k k k k 0 | = =o =o =o =o =o = =o -= -= - - -= - -- = Ro- - - - - -- Eponides? sp. . . . . . . k k k k k k e k e e 0 | = = = = = = = =o =o = = = = = - - - _- R -- R ~~ *?Cibicides hodgei Cushman and Schenck. . . « _ | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = o =|= - - - -- R - - Glomospira charoides corona Cushman and JAYVAR« '. . . . .o. kos k kow W rok r b oa y &om om w NCR cm rife elite me one ne [im ime me ne ome me ote R - Bp . . k k k k & k kok k k k k k k | -o- ~ om wo - - - _ _ - < s- s&s - -s; R *Key species | Zemorrian T Refugian Oligocene + Late Eocene DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT stone, one olistostromal unit of penecontemporaneously deformed shallow-marine strata, and a thin but dis- The Makah Formation consists of a 2800-m-thick tinctive tuff unit. The microfossil assemblages from sequence of thin-bedded turbidite sandstone and silt, siltstone beds throughout the formation indicate depo- stone punctuated by four distinct, areally widespread sition in an open-marine lower to middle bathyal envi- packets of thick-bedded amalgamated turbidite sand- ronment. The paleoecology, total thickness, turbidite 29 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE nature, and geometry of this upper Eocene and Oligo, cene sedimentary sequence indicate rapid deposition in a submarine-fan setting. Applying the criteria developed by Mutti and Ricci Lucchi (1972, 1975) for recognizing turbidite facies in ancient submarine-fan sequences, the vertical and lateral turbidite facies variations of the Makah Formation best fit the depositional lobe setting of an outer submarine fan. The amalgamated sandstone mem- bers appear to have been deposited as lobes; the thick sequences of thin-bedded strata between the sandstone packets have the sedimentary characteristics of basin- plain and outer-fan fringe deposits. In the turbidite facies scheme of Walker and Mutti (1973), the sandstone strata of the Baada Point, Klachopis Point, and Third Beach Members appear to be a sequence of alternating proximal C and B turbidite facies with minor intervening D facies. The high sandstone-to-siltstone ratio, several thickening, upward cycles (as in the Baada Point Member), abundant , Trh, and Trbe Bouma sequences, thick even bedding, coarse tail grading, and overall sheetlike geometry are characteristic of turbidite sands deposited as a depositional lobe of an outer submarine fan (Mutti and others, 1978). The minor sequences of thin-bedded turbidite within each thick amalgamated sandstone mem- ber (facies D of Walker and Mutti, 1973) may reflect deposition between shifting lobes. Variations in in- dividual sandstone thickness along strike within the members may reflect the influence of submarine topo- graphy and other depositional factors (Mutti and others, 1978). The Dtokoah Point Member, being thinner bedded and less amalgamated (fig. 9) and having more Thed turbidite sequences and a lower sandstone-to-siltstone ratio than the other turbidite sandstone members, may represent a transition from sedimentation on a deposi- tional lobe to sedimentation on an outer-fan fringe. The local thin-bedded channelized strata in this mem- ber appear to be a channel margin of interchannel facies of a depositional lobe as described by Mutti (1977). The very thick bedded amalgamated facies B turbidite sandstone units of the Klachopis Point and Third Beach Members at their type sections (fig. 9) with thick intervals of Bouma "a" divisions and some dish structures may reflect a transition from deposi- tional-lobe to a middle-fan channelized facies. In the thick sequences of thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone strata between the amalgamated sandstone members, the sandstone-to-siltstone ratio is low. Thin to very thin, sharp, even turbidite sandstone beds alternate with siltstone beds, and internal sedi- mentary structures occur in Bouma Th-e through - Td-e sequences. No systematic upward thickening or thin- ning cycles are recognized. These features are char- acteristic of sediments deposited in the basin-plain or outer-fan fringe environment (turbidite facies D and G of Walker and Mutti, 1973; Mutti and Ricci Lucchi, 1972; Ricci Lucchi, 1975). Deposition on a slope and subsequent overloading and slumping of the sedimentary pile are indicated by minor intraforma- tional unconformities and by clastic dikes and prolapsed bedding observed throughout the formation. Higher in the section, conglomerate in the olisto- stromal blocks of the Jansen Creek Member that con- tains a displaced Refugian fauna consists of well- rounded basalt clasts that are well bedded, moderately sorted, and imbricated and contain scattered broken molluscan valves. These features suggest that the conglomerate was originally deposited in a littoral zone in Refugian time. Massive bioturbated basaltic sandstone that is interstratified with the conglom- erate contains coquina of disarticulated fossil shells and scattered articulated gastropods, pelecypods, par- ticularly Ostrec, and stromatolitic algae. These characteristics and faunas (Addicott, written communs., 1972-1977) indicate that sand deposition occurred under fluctuating high-energy conditions at neritic water depths. At the present time, no lithologically similar shelf facies of Refugian age is exposed on the south- western part of Vancouver Island, but the Oligocene section there is incompletely preserved. The nearest outcrops of compositionally similar thick-bedded basaltic sandstone and conglomerate containing mollus- can coquinas and metabasalt clasts are in the younger Sooke Formation of southern Vancouver Island (Clapp, 1912, 1913; Clapp and Cooke, 1917), an upper Oligocene and lower Miocene strandline formation, also derived from erosion of the underlying Eocene Metchosin Volcanics (correlative of the Crescent Formation). The Sooke Formation depositional setting may therein be analogous to the environment that produced the com- positionally and lithologically similar, but older, Refugian Jansen Creek Member that slid into the Makah marginal basin in Zemorrian time. The olistostromal blocks and penecontemporaneous folds of the Jansen Creek Member form a thin strati- graphic unit that is traceable for 9 km. The linear trend of this olistostromal belt parallel to the pre- sumed shelf margin suggests that the lithified blocks slid off an ancient fault scarp or elongate high along the northern margin of the basin of deposition of the Makah Formation. PALEOGEOLOGY During late Eocene and Oligocene time, deep-water sediments were deposited in the Pacific Northwest in several marginal basins that may have been intercon- nected but had different sediment-source areas (Snavely and Wagner, 1963). The Makah Formation is part of this deep marginal basin facies that now crops out only in the northwestern Olympic Peninsula, in southwestern Washington and northwestern Oregon, and along the coast of central western Vancouver Island. On the basis of limited subsurface data from explora, tion wells, correlative deep-marginal-basin deposits of late Eocene and Oligocene age also underlie the in- ner continental shelf of Oregon (Snavely and others, 1977) and the Tofino basin along the western side of Vancouver Island (Shouldice, 1971). In all but the northernmost basin, Tofino-Fuca basin (fig. 15), the upper Eocene and Oligocene strata consist chiefly of deep-water siltstone with minor sandstone interbeds. The Tofino-Fuca basin in which the Makah occurs was unique because of the abundance of turbidite sands de- posited in it. PALEOGEOGRAPHY 23 EXPLANATION MARINE Deposits CI Tuffaceous sand and silt; shelf facies 7, Silt and minor sand, deep marginal M basin facies m Turbidite sand and thin bedded sand and silt in Tofino-Fuca basin CONTINENTAL DEPOSITS Pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits Pre-late Eocene rocks Volcanic vent ’ Source areas of coarse clastic turbidite * debris ~a - Inferred disposal pattern . --- Inferred contact +5 Shell-Canada test wells P A CI FIC # A & /‘/ <1 DCA lq Tos n v 6 ¢ 4 ~ £2; Fi 43,1 ye! o 50 _ 100 _ 150 < mo Mien Toonen cow GP a vss ap ton KILOMETERS OCEAN O/IIN \vAvr_;/. + 4 H k‘“ v SL- B a50|- 43° 1 Figure 15.--Paleogeographic map showing the inferred margins of the Tofino-Fuca basin relative to other deep-water marginal basin facies in the Pacific Northwest during the late Eocene and Oligocene. Modified from Snavely and others (1975). B, Brooks Peninsula; N, Nootka Island; H, Hesquiat Peninsula; BS, Barkley Sound; PSJ, Port San Juan; LR, Lyre River; O, Ozette Island; MCB, Minter Creek Basin; and F, Forks. Numbers represent Shell Canada Ltd. off- shore exploration wells: 1, Apollo; 2, Zeus I-65; 3, Zeus D-14; 4, Pluto; and 5, Prometheus. 24 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE The Tofino-Fuca basin (fig. 15), an elongate deep, narrow depositional basin or trough, is inferred to have extended from the Kyuquot uplift near the Brooks Peninsula in northern Vancouver Island (Tiffin and others, 1972) southeastward to, and perhaps east of, the Lyre River on the central part of the northern flank of the Olympic Peninsula, a distance of more than 350 km (fig. 15). The southwestern margin of the basin, though now difficult to delineate because of post-early Miocene deformation, erosion, and cover by younger strata, may once have been along a welt of lower and middle Eocene volcanic rocks. This welt may have been defined by the Prometheus magnetic high off southwestern Vancouver Island (Shouldice, 1971; MacLeod and others, 1977) and a ridge formed by vol- canic rocks of the Crescent Formation along the north- western flank of the Olympic Mountains (figs. 1 and 2). Upper Eocene and Oligocene deep-water marine tur- bidite strata on Nootka Island and the Hesquiat Penin- sula (Cameron, 1973, 1975) suggest that the north- eastern margin of the late Eocene and Oligocene basin probably was several kilometers shoreward of the pre- sent coastline of Vancouver Island between the Brooks Peninsula and Barkley Sound (Tiffin and others, 1972). Southeast of the sound, this margin must have been southwest of the present shoreline, for neritic strata of late Eocene and Oligocene age (Carmanah Formation of Clapp, 1912; see also Muller, 1971) crop out locally along the Vancouver coast between Barkley Sound and Sombrio Point. This deep marginal basin would therefore encompass the Tofino basin on the Van- couver shelf (Shouldice, 1971) and the Fuca basin along the northwestern flank of the Olympic Mountains (fig. 15). Paleobathymetry based on foraminiferal assemblages suggests that the Fuca part of this marginal basin was deep from late Eocene through late Oligocene time during deposition of the Makah Formation (fig. 2) and the overlying Pysht Formation (fig. 2). Shoaling and filling in early Miocene time were marked by deposi- tion of shallow-water and nonmarine strata of the overlying Clallam Formation (Gower, 1960; Addicott, 1976). PALEODISPERSAL PATTERN Dispersal of clastic material into the Olympic part of the Tofino-Fuca basin during Makah time was from two distinct directions. The turbidite sandstone was introduced from the northwest by longitudinal filling from sources that may have existed between Barkley Sound and the Hesquiat Peninsula (fig. 15). The other more northerly dispersal direction is represented by submarine landslide blocks in the Jansen Creek Member that were derived from slumping of shallow-water marine strata off the southern Vancouver Island shelf margin. The abundant basalt and metabasalt clasts in sandstone and conglomerate of the Jansen Creek Member were most likely derived from the locally metamor- phosed basalt in the Metchosin Volcanics that crops out along the southern margin of Vancouver Island. A northwestern source area for the four thick amalgamated turbidite members of the Makah Formation and the intervening thin-bedded strata is indicated by Flute casts Groove casts f Makah Formation Baada Point Member Op Total flute (63 readings) (6 readings) casts (116 readings) Dtokoah Point Member %(25 readings) Klachopis Point Member Total groove casts (95 readings) §§> (28 readings) (89 readings) 25 30 Scale (Number of readings) Figure 16.--Rose diagrams showing orientation of flute casts and groove casts in the Makah Formation and three of its members. Bearings are plotted to the nearest 30° after correcting for tectonic tilt of beds. a general coarsening and thickening of turbidite sand- stone beds and increase of total thickness of each member in that direction and because paleocurrent di- rections of flute marks in these units display a south to southeastward dispersal pattern parallel to that of groove cast orientation (fig. 16). It is possible that post-Makah tectonic rotation may have had minor effect on these observed paleodispersal trends. Projecting the dispersal pattern and thickening trend of the Makah turbidites northwestward, thick turbidite sandstone beds are expected to occur in the Tofino basin. The Hesquiat Formation, which crops out on the Hesquiat Peninsula and Nootka Island area of western Vancouver Island (the northeasternmost part of the late Eocene and Oligocene Tofino-Fuca basin; fig. 15), lies along this northwest trend. This correla- tive unit consists predominantly of a sequence of sandstone and siltstone more than 1500 m thick and minor channel conglomerate (Jeletzky, 1954, 1973, 1975; Cameron, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975). Foraminifers from stratigraphic sections from the Hesquiat Formation along the Vancouver Island coast kindly loaned to the U.S. Geological Survey by Mobil Oil Canada, Ltd., are late Eocene (Refugian) and Oligocene (Zemorrian) in age. These microfossils in- dicate cold deep-water conditions that ranged from upper bathyal to middle bathyal. (f SOURCE AREAS The sandstones of the Hesquiat and Makah Formations have similar amounts of quartz, feldspar, muscovite, and biotite. The proportions of lithic components are nearly identical; basalt, andesite, and felsic volcanic-rock fragments predominate over phyllite and schist clasts. The marked similarities in age, depositional envi- ronment, and lithology of the two units suggest that these strata are coeval and were deposited in the same deep marginal basin. Accordingly, from paleocurrent patterns in the Makah Formation and from age and lithologic data, the turbidite sandstone of the Makah Formation was transported along the axis of the Tofino-Fuca deep marginal basin, possibly from sources between the Hesquiat Peninsula and Barkley Sound area (fig.. 15). The Fuca part of the basin in which the Makah Formation occurs was apparently deeper, as it acted as a sink for turbidite deposits and as a result is 1000 m thicker than the Hesquiat sequence that Cameron (1979) considers to represent proximal turbi- dites. A difficulty with this paleogeographic reconstruc- tion is that thick sandstone units are absent in two offshore wells drilled in the west-central part of the Tofino basin between the outcrops of upper Eocene and Oligocene sandstone on the Hesquiat and Olympic Peninsulas. These two wells, Shell Canada Ltd. Zeus I-65 and Pluto (wells 2 and 4 on fig. 15), penetrated a predominantly deep marine siltstone section of late Eocene and Oligocene age (Shouldice, 1971). The ab- sence of upper Eocene and Oligocene turbidite sand- stone in these two test wells can be interpreted in three ways: (1) a structural high existed along the southwestern margin of the Tofino basin during the late Eocene and Oligocene, and turbidite sands were not deposited across it; (2) most sands from the Hesquiat Peninsula source area bypassed the Tofino basin and were deposited as a turbidite facies in the deeper part of the marginal basin (Fuca basin) to the southeast. Because the upper Eocene and Oligocene se- quence in the study area is almost twice as thick as that reported by Shouldice (1971) for the correlative sequence in the Tofino basin, this part of the deep marginal basin must have subsided at a faster rate than the Tofino basin during the late Eocene and Oli- gocene, forming a natural depositional sink for turbi- dite sand transported through the Tofino basin; (3) post middle Miocene left-lateral strike-slip movement along the offshore extension of the Calawah fault (fig. 2), which lies along the seaward margin of the Tofino-Fuca basin (MacLeod and others, 1977), offset correlative turbidite sandstone of the Makah south of the fault to the southeast and brought a predominantly siltstone sequence into the position of Shell Canada's Zeus I-65 and Pluto wells (fig. 15). The third hypothesis is supported by the presence of infolded strata and blocks (broken formation) of Oligocene and lower Miocene turbidite sandstone that occur in melange along the northwestern Olympic coast as on Ozette Island and in Minter Creek basin, 14 km south of Forks (fig. 15). Some of these infolded sandstone masses and blocks are compositionally simi- lar to the micaceous quartzo-feldspathic sandstone of the Makah Formation. We suggest that these Oligocene 25 turbidite sandstone units were originally deposited along the southwestern margin of the Tofino basin and were offset to their present locations by left-lateral movement along the Calawah fault (fig. 2) in post- middle Miocene time. If this interpretation is cor- rect, then the Oligocene section penetrated in Shell Canada's Pluto and Zeus I-65 exploratory wells (Shouldice, 1971) would lie south of the offshore ex- tension of the Calawah fault (MacLeod and others, 1977) and was deposited farther northwest in the basin, away from the major source of the (coarse clastic detritus derived in the Hesquiat Peninsula source area. A 24-channel seismic reflection profile collected by the senior author aboard the U.S. Geological Survey research vessel S. P. Lee across the offshore exten- sion of the Calawah fault about 40 km northwest of Cape Flattery further supports the strike-slip hypoth- esis. This profile shows more than 2500 meters of northeastward-dipping strata on the northeast side of the fault to be unconformably overlain by a gently de- formed unit of Miocene(?) and Pliocene(?) age. The 2500-m section lies along the strike of the thick sed- imentary sequences of the Hoko and Makah Formations on land. On the southwest side of the fault, this se- quence of probable late Eocene and Oligocene age is missing, and the Miocene and Pliocene strata rest un- conformably on a high-velocity acoustic basement, probably basalt of the Crescent Formation that forms the Prometheus magnetic anomaly (MacLeod and others, 1977). Shell Canada's Prometheus test well (fig. 15) drilled 30 km north of the seismic profile (near the axis of the Prometheus magnetic anomaly) penetrated 1785 meters of Miocene and younger strata unconform- ably overlying basalt similar to that of the Crescent Formation (Shouldice, 1971). Southwest of the Calawah fault, the upper Eocene and Oligocene turbidite strata either were never deposited, were removed by erosion following post-Oligocene uplift (Shouldice, 1971; Tiffin and others, 1972), or were displaced southeast, ward to the west coast of the Olympic Peninsula by left-lateral movement along the Calawah fault prior to the unconformable deposition of the upper Miocene and younger strata on the Crescent volcanic basement. SOURCE AREAS The abundant strained and unstrained monocrystal- line quartz, coarse-grained flakes of biotite, espe- cially in the Klachopis Point and Third Beach Members, and grains of sodic and calcic plagioclase, ortho- clase, and microcline in the turbidite sandstone indi- cate a volumetrically important dioritic to granitic source for the Makah Formation. Extensive Eocene plutons and the middle Jurassic Island Intrusions (Muller, 1971, 1977; Carson, 1972) crop out on Vancouver Island east of the Barkley Sound-Hesquiat Peninsula area. These rocks may have been the grano- diorite and gneissic sources for the quartzo- feldspathic and micaceous turbidite sandstone of the Makah. Pearl (1977), in a scanning electron micro- scope study, noted the close similarity of Fe/Mg ratios of biotite in the turbidite sandstone beds of the Makah and biotite from a granodiorite intrusive body midway between Barkley Sound and Port San Juan. 26 MAKAH FORMATION--A DEEP-MARGINAL-BASIN SEQUENCE The subordinate amount of basalt, andesite, meta- basalt, and silicic volcanic fragments and associated heavy minerals in the turbidite sandstone units of the Makah also indicates a contribution of lithic detritus from a volcanic terrane. On Vancouver Island, possi- ble sources for the Makah include the Paleozoic Sicker and the Mesozoic Bonanza and Karmutsen Groups that surround the granodiorite intrusive bodies north of the San Juan fault (Muller, 1971, 1977). A southwest, ward dispersal pattern noted in the coeval Hesquiat Formation (Cameron, oral commun., 1978) suggests that west-central Vancouver Island probably was a major source area for the lithologically similar turbidite sandstone of the Makah (fig. 15). The only other nearby source area likely to have been exposed during the late Eocene and Oligocene lay due north or northeast across the Strait of Juan de Fuca on southern Vancouver Island. If the paleodis- persal of the turbidite sandstone of the Makah had been from the northeast before Olympic tectonism, graphitic schist and phyllite detritus from the Paleo- zoic Leech River Formation and basalt from the Eocene Metchosin Volcanics that form much of southern Vancouver Island (Muller, 1971, 1977) should be more abundant in these sandstone beds. This terrane does appear to be a source of detritus in the underlying Hoko River Formation, which contains abundant phyllite and basalt clasts in sandstone and conglomerate chan- nels. Although these source rocks probably were ex- posed during Makah time, as in places they are major constituents in the coeval nearshore sedimentary rocks on southern Vancouver Island and the basaltic sand- stone of the Jansen Creek Member, the mineralogy of the sandstone of the Makah suggests little contribu- tion from these sources. A source area directly to the north is unlikely for the turbidite of the Makah because the coeval neritic facies rocks that crop out along the coast between Port San Juan and Barkley Sound (fig. 15) are predominantly of neritic massive tuffaceous siltstone and well-bedded to massive con- cretionary sandstone that contain abundant mollusks. A volumetric problem exists when one attempts to explain the high abundance of framework minerals de- rived from dioritic and granitic rocks relative to volcanic and metamorphic clasts in the sandstone of the Makah Formation because the crystalline basement of Vancouver Island consists chiefly of Paleozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and metamorphic rocks (Muller, 1971, 1977). Possibly the fine grain size of the sandstone of the Makah precludes the presence of many lithic fragments from other Vancouver source rocks, since metamorphic, volcanic, and intrusive clasts commonly are chemically altered to clays before they are re- duced to a fine sand size (Pettijohn, 1975). The large Mesozoic Coast Range batholith on the British Columbia mainland may be an alternative source for the thick micaceous quartzo-feldspathic sandstone of the Makah. Detritus shed from this upland area in late Eocene and Oligocene time may have been transported via a major westward flowing river(s) across a low- lying ancestral Vancouver terrane to the late Eocene and Oligocene shoreline somewhere east of the present Hesquiat Peninsula-Barkley Sound area, and hence by turbidity flows into the Tofino-Fuca basin. SUMMARY In late Eocene and Oligocene time, a submarine fan that now forms the Makah Formation prograded over the hemipelagic siltstone and rarer interbedded phyllitic sandstone and conglomerate channels of the underlying upper Eocene (Narizian) sequence (Hoko River Forma- tion, fig. 2), forming a gradational contact. The ge- ometry of the sandstone packets, together with the paleocurrent orientations, suggests that growth of the fan was by sand and silt turbidity flows that swept southeastward down the axis of the Tofino-Fuca basin (fig. 15). A well-developed active submarine channel system on the upper and middle fan (presumably located northwest of the study area) temporarily funneled many sheetlike high-density flows into the outer-fan depositional en- vironment in rapid succession to form thick widespread depositional lobes. Several changes in the channel system led to shifting of lobe sedimentation over outer-fan deposits to form the interstratification of thin-bedded outer-fan and basin-plain strata with four thick amalgamated sandstone members. The farthest ex- tent of the prograding depositional lobe was the Klachopis Point Member, which spread across and beyond the study area. A local submarine unconformity in the lower part of the Makah Formation that formed prior to deposition of the Klachopis Point Member was produced by minor compressional folding and faulting of underlying Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks as well as the lower part of the Makah Formation locally. In middle(?) Zemorrian time, deposition of the Makah submarine-fan--basin-plain strata was interrupt, ed by a large landslide that carried olistostromal blocks of Refugian basaltic conglomerate and sandstone into the basin from the continental shelf to the north, thus producing the deformed zone of sedimentary rocks, the Jansen Creek Member. Basin-plain--outer- fan sedimentation of the Makah resumed after the Jansen Creek Member episode and was temporarily inter- rupted by progradation of a minor depositional lobe that formed the unnamed amalgamated turbidite unit at Falls Creek. Outer-fan and basin-plain deposition of the upper part of the Makah Formation was followed by the accu- mulation of the conformably overlying upper Oligocene conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone of the Pysht Formation (fig. 2). 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M., 1954, Petrography: San Francisco, W. H. Freeman, 406 p. GPO6GR09-143 PRINT 2 Age and Correlation of California Paleogene Benthic Foraminiferal Stages By RICHARD Z. POORE $ HO R TE R CON T RJB U FLG N S,:1 0 85 TR A-T I UCR A PHY GEOLOGIC AE SU RV E Y ; PRO RE S S8.LO N A L- PAPER 1 J 6 2-C UNITED STATES WASHING EON :_-1980 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Poore, Richard Z Age and correlation of California Paleogene benthic foraminiferal stages. (Shorter contributions to stratigraphy) (Geological Survey professional paper ; 1162-C) Pibliography: p:. CS Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16;1162-C 1. Geology, Stratigraphic--Tertiary. 2. Strati- graphic correlation--California. 3. Foraminifera, Fossil--California. 4. Geology--California. I. Title. II. Series. III. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Professional paper ; 1162-C. QE691. P66 551.1T'82 80-607073 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 mmnnmemmmmement (a FicurE w~ o o a co *n CONTENTS Page Abstract? 22 - 2292202 nr rile so ae be aaa o nie ab a s ariba s oan cee nie ninae be oe a en en a C1 Introduction c... -:... -. cs. 22s. ceci dae renal punk i nel nan s a n annie ane aan dees nana 1 Acknowledgments. -_- ...-. 2d .. ol ln nna L ila e lenee neenee neben naal 1 Planktic zonations and age 1 ¥nefian to Nartrian Stages; cn 2 Narizian SLage : ..- .._ 200 coo eel Piece. nee one adie a anal r cada n o wamems aes 4 Stage meanders oce. coeee 4 SLage "N2. .. . SCT. .l nee e due dels an aun nnn bete dank whe'nlan a aimed a aie ae 4 Discussion . .--. l. not _.. i.. o ee nae s onine dee ina na l odin ina 7 References Cited -.... csf et one can- aloo 8 ILLUSTRATIONS Page California Paleogene benthic foraminiferal stages and their generally accepted age assignments ____________________ C2 Correlation of planktic foraminiferal zonation and calcareous nannofossil zonations with California Paleogene benthic foraminiferal flages. ne occ le recne oc so lee 2 Ceneral location ofisections and areas discussed 4MMAeXt _...; .... __ l ded elec nro edie ncr an wn e neenee les 4 Correlation of calcareous nannofossil zones with the benthic foraminiferal Y¥nezian to Narizian Stages ______________ 5 Correlation of planktic foraminifer zones with the benthic foraminiferal stages ___________________________________-- 5 Benthic foraminiferal stages, and planktic foraminifer and calcareous nannofossil zone assignments for lower part of Arroy0 el BulitO SECON EZ .. ... loll eer ne caecal cone een ame sr nek < ae ane oo ane ane n wee enn s ae 6 Correlation of calcareous nannofossil zones with the Narizian through Zemorrian Stages __________________________ 6 Correlation of planktic foraminifer zones with the Narizian through Zemorrian Stages ___________________________- 6 II SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY AGE AND CORRELATION OF CALIFORNIA PALEOGENE BENTHIC FORAMINIFERAL STAGES By Ricnarp Z. Poors ABSTRACT Comparisons of age determinations and correlations derived from calcareous plankton with those derived from benthic foraminifers in a number of sections in California show significant overlap in time of the ¥nezian through the Ulatisian Stages. Thus interbasin time cor- relations deduced from these stage assignments must be treated with caution. Calcareous plankton occasionally associated with benthic foraminifers diagnostic of the Narizian through the Zemorrian Stages indicate that the Narizian-Refugian boundary is within the upper Eocene of international usage and that the Refugian is en- tirely upper Eocene. Overlap of the Narizian and the Refugian ap- pears to be minimal. The Zemorrian correlates, mostly, with the Oligocene, although the upper limit of the Zemorrian might be in the lower Miocene. INTRODUCTION Age assignments and correlation of Paleogene marine strata of California are usually accomplished through the use of the benthic foraminiferal stages of Schenck and Kleinpell (1936), Kleinpell (1938), and Mallory (1959) (fig. 1). Although type sections or areas are designated for these stages, they are recognized and defined, in large part, by associations of benthic foraminifers (Oppel-zones). Thus, outside of the type section or area, assignment of strata to a stage and the resultant age assignment and correlation to other strata are derived from benthic foraminiferal as- semblages. An increasing body of data on calcareous plankton (planktic foraminifers and calcareous nan- nofossils) found associated with benthic foraminifers shows that the traditional age assignments of these benthic foraminiferal stages need revision and, more important, that correlations made by equating stage assignments in different sections may be significantly time-transgressive. This paper documents in terms of calcareous plank- ton the range in age of benthic foraminiferal as- semblages characteristic of the benthic stages and thereby determines the reliability of these benthic foraminiferal assemblages for interbasin time-strati- graphic correlations. This report represents an initial part of an ongoing project aimed at developing an in- terrelated set of biostratigraphic zonations based on various microfossil groups suitable for use in the Pacific Coast Province. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank David Bukry, Kristin McDougall, and W. V. Sliter for discussions and suggestions concerning this manuscript. A. D. Warren kindly provided access to data in press on calcareous nannofossils in the Arroyo el Bulito and San Lorenzo River sections. PLANKTIC ZONATIONS AND AGE ASSIGNMENTS Hardenbol and Berggren (1978) have formulated a Paleogene time scale that correlates the planktic foraminiferal zonation of Blow (1969) and Berggren (1969, 1972) with the calcareous nannofossil zonation of Martini (1971) and further relates these zonations to standard ages guided by nannofossil data derived from European stage type sections. For the purposes of this paper the time scale of Hardenbol and Berggren (1978) is accepted as the standard (fig. 2). Because I prefer the nannofossil zonation of Bukry (1975) to that of Martini (1971), Bukry's zonation is also plotted on figure 2, and nannofossil assemblages discussed below are reported in terms of Bukry's zonations. Subzones of Bukry (1975), however, are not used as these subzones are often difficult to resolve in California sections, and the finer resolution gained by their use is not critical to this study. Note that possible sources of error in the time scale of Hardenbol and Berggren (1978) include correlation of the nannofossil and foraminiferal zonations to one another and correlation of the combined zonations to standard ages. Nonetheless, the scheme of Hardenbol and Berggren represents the best biostratigraphic standard available to evaluate the time-stratigraphic significance of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages used to recognize the California stages. C1 planktic foraminifer zone assignments are compatible with age assignments and correlations between sec- tions indicated by calcareous nannofossils (fig. 5). Additional information concerning correlation of early Paleogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages that are diagnostic of California benthic foraminiferal stages to planktic zonations comes from the lower part of the Arroyo el Bulito section in the Santa Ynez Mountains (Gibson, 1976). My present interpretation (fig. 6) of the foraminiferal data, however, differs slightly from that given by Gibson (1976, tables 2 and 3). Briefly, changes in interpretation of planktic foraminifer data include: (1) removal of Zone P 1-P 3 assignment for samples 67-81b because the as- semblages reported are too sparse to allow confident zone assignments, (2) placing the top of Zone P 4 be- tween samples 34 and 34a because the last occurrence of Planorotalites pseudomenardii (Bolli) is in sample 34a, (3) correlating samples 11 through 20 with Zone P 8 because of the lowest occurence of "Subbotina" senni (Beckmann) in sample 20 followed by the highest oc- C23 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY Epoch Benthic foraminiferal stage _ ® 5 § Cally Saucesian a ® C g Zemorrian .J 6 . Refugian les Narizian ® C § |- o g Middle Ulatisian Early Penutian 0 tas 5 Late Bulitian 3 @ a Early ¥nezian FicurE 1.-California Paleogene benthic foraminiferal stages and their generally accepted age assignments. Both mollusks and benthic foraminifers were originally used to characterize the Refu- gian Stage. YNEZIAN TO NARIZIAN STAGES I have reinterpreted and synthesized data for benthic foraminifers, planktic foraminifers, and calcareous nannofossils for several lower Tertiary sections (fig. 3, 1-12) covering a wide geographic area of California (Poore, 1976). Results of that study indicated that the ages of benthic foraminiferal stages as recognized in these sections could vary significantly. For example, benthic foraminifers indicative of the Bulitian Stage are associated, depending upon the section examined, with nannofossils of the upper Paleocene Discoaster multiradiatus Zone through the upper lower Eocene Discoaster lodoensis Zone, whereas benthic foraminif- ers indicative of the Penutian Stage are associated with nannofossils of the lower Eocene Tribrachiatus orthostylus Zone through the middle Eocene Discoaster sublodoensis Zone. Both Bulitian and Penutian benthic foraminiferal assemblages are associated with nan- nofossils of the Tribrachiatus orthostylus Zone and the Discoaster lodoensis Zone. The correlations of benthic foraminiferal stage assignments and calcareous nan- nofossil zones from the sections covered by Poore (1976) are shown on figure 4. Planktic foraminiferal as- semblages in two of these sections contained diagnostic taxa that allowed reliable zone assignments. These curence of Morozovella formosa formosa (Bolli) in sam- ple 11, and (4) correlating sample 1 with Zone P 11 because the assemblage from this sample contains Globigerinatheka index rubriformis (Subbotina). The only change to Gibson's benthic foraminiferal stage assigments is in placing the Penutian-Ulatisian boundary between samples 24 and 25 because a dis- tinct faunal change which includes the lowest occur- rence of Anomalina midwayensis (Plummer) and Den- talina delicatula Cushman in sample 24 (Kristin McDougall, oral commun., 1978) occurs between these samples. Correlation of California stage assignments and planktic zones for the lower part of the Arroyo el Bulito section shown on figure 6 are plotted on figures 4 and 5. Also shown on figure 4 are the association of calcareous nannofossil zones and the benthic foraminiferal stage assignments in the Devils Den aqueduct section (War- ren, 1980) and those reported for several localities in the Coast Ranges of California by Bukry, Brabb, and Vedder (1977). Note that the results from the Arroyo el Bulito section suggest older ages for the Penutian and Ulatisian Stages than the other studies. Even if one considers data from the Arroyo el Bulito section an anomaly and removes them from figures 4 and 5, there is still significant overlap of many of the benthic foraminiferal stages. On the other hand, the Ulatisian-Narizian boundary closely coincides with the Discoaster sublodoensis Zone-Nannotetrina quadrata Zone boundary in all sections. Thus correlations made by equating the Ulatisian-Narizian transition in dif- ferent sections are probably reliable and according to the time scale of Hardenbol and Berggren (1978; see fig. 2), the Ulatisian-Narizian boundary approximates, AGE AND CORRELATION OF CALIFORNIA PALEOGENE BENTHIC FORAMINIFERAL STAGES Planktic Cal inf alcareous European forggxgufer nennolosei Calcareous nannofossil Benthic Epoch stage Blow 1969 zone zone foraminifer Berggren | Martini 1971 Bukry 1975 zone 1972 Not studied mary r ma r N r ss a ar a mira N x/ r a x Xx" ! X" Z N Aa ~ N6 NNS Sphenolithus belemnos s § Burdigalian NN2 ne tae 3p © NS $2 > 3) & Triquetrorhabdulus // = NN1 inat 2 Aquitanian cannails // N4 ze 4 NP25 P22 Sphenolithus ciperoensis ‘3 Chattian P21 yP24 «] 2 3 Sphenolithus distentus lg, P20 Zemorrian 6 NP23 Sphenolithus predistentus P19 > 7 Rupelian u NP22 P18 Helicosphaera reticulata ase z nu NP21 P17 ap ~. 1 ~- m s 19 Pi6 Refug|an///, | Priabonian NP19 Discoaster barbadiensis | amet h we £15 NP18 P14 NP17 Bartonian P13 Reticulofenestra umbilica Narizian g NP16 C g 3 P12 o o tH Lutetian P11 NP15 Nannotetrina quadrata P10 a [ice | NP14 Discoaster sublodoensis P9 Ulatisian NP13 Discoaster lodoensis x P8 5 Ypresian P7 NP12 Tribrachiatus orthostylus $ $& [- NPH Trak Discoaster diastypus 00° 500° P6 NP10 * gy p5 NP3 Discoaster multiradiatus < & i | Ihenetion P4 NP8 Discoaster nobilis i PM NP7 Discoaster mohileri C 8 P3 NPG Heliolithus kleinpellii 0 4g NP5 Fasciculithus tympaniformis > a p2 NP4 + # NP3 Cruciplacolithus tenuis ® Danian Cheneyan to P1 [* NP2 N NP1 FIGURE 2.-Correlation of planktic foraminiferal zonation and calcareous nannofossil zonations with California Paleogene benthic foraminiferal stages. Columns 1 through 4 from Hardenbol and Berggren (1978) for the Paleogene, and Ryan and others (1975) for the Miocene. Correla- tion of Bukry's zonation to Martini's zonation follows Bukry (1978). Correlation of benthic foraminiferal stages to calcareous plankton zonations is discussed in text. Dashed lines denote areas where data points are limited. 0 100 KILOMETERS 33° L_12cd ex r" EXPLANATION 1. Vaca Valley _. 12. Simi Valley 2. Pacheco syncline 13. San Lorenzo River, 3. Tres Pinos Zayante Creek, and 4. Upper Reliz Creek Kings Creek sections, (Reliz Canyon) Santa Cruz Mountains 5. New Idria 14. Ano Nuevo section 6. Lodo Gulch 15. Northern Santa 7. Oil City Lucia Range 8. Garza Creek 16. Arroyo el Bulito 9. Media Aqua Creek section, Santa Ynez 10. Upper Canada de Mountains Santa Anita 17. Devils Den aqueduct 11. Las Cruces section 18. Los Sauces Creek Fraur® 3.-General location of sections and areas discussed in text. Modified from Poore, 1976. but is slightly younger than, the lower Eocene-middle Eocene boundary of international usage. NARIZIAN STAGE In the previous section it was shown that the lower limit of the Narizian Stage approximates the lower Eocene-middle Eocene boundary. Data allowing esti- mation of the upper limit of the Narizian Stage are available from the Santa ¥nez Mountains and the Santa Cruz Mountains. Warren and Newell (1980) studied calcareous nan- nofossils from the upper part of the Arroyo el Bulito section in the Santa ¥nez Mountains. Here they found the Reticulofenestra umbilica Zone-Discoaster barbadi- SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY ensis Zone boundary within the upper Narizian stage. Similar results were obtained from sections in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Studies of calcareous plankton from the San Lorenzo River section (Poore and Brabb, 1977; Poore and Bukry, 1980) show that the planktic foraminifer Zone P 14-Zone P 15 boundary and the calcareous nannofossil Reticulofenestra umbilica Zone-Discoaster barbadiensis Zone boundary occur at about the same stratigraphic level within rocks as- signed to the Narizian Stage. The observations made at the San Lorenzo River section are corroborated in the nearby Kings Creek section where nannofossils from a sample containing lower Narizian benthic foraminifers are assigned to the middle Eocene Reticulofenestra umbilica Zone (Bukry and others, 1977) whereas planktic foraminifers from a sample higher up in the section containing upper Narizian benthic foraminifers are referable to upper Eocene Zone P 15 or Zone P 16 (Poore and Bukry, 1980). Following the correlation of Hardenbol and Berggren (1978), these data from the Santa Ynez Mountains and the Santa Cruz Mountains (figs. 7 and 8) indicate that the upper limit of benthic foraminiferal assemblages characteristic of the Narizian Stage is in the upper Eocene of international usage (fig. 2). REFUGIAN STAGE In the Arroyo el Bulito section in the Santa Ynez Mountains, nannofossils of the Discoaster barbadiensis Zone are associated the Refugian benthic foraminifers (Warren and Newell, 1980; Lipps and Kalisky, 1972). The Church Creek Formation in the northern Santa Lucia Range yields benthic foraminifers characteristic of the Refugian Stage and nannofossils of the Discoas- ter barbadiensis Zone (Brabb and others, 1971). In ad- dition, planktic foraminifers from several localities in the Church Creek Formation are correlative with Zones P 16 or P 17 (Poore and Bukry, 1980). A final correlation point for the Refugian Stage is derived from the San Lorenzo River section of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Here Warren and Newell (1980) recorded a sparse nannofossil assemblage refer- able to the Discoaster barbadiensis Zone associated with Refugian benthic foraminifers. These data (figs. 7 and 8), albeit limited, indicate that the Refugian Stage is upper Eocene. ZEMORRIAN STAGE Most of the data bearing on correlation of the Zemor- rian Stage to planktic chronologies are found in the Santa Cruz Mountains. AGE AND CORRELATION OF CALIFORNIA PA LEOGENE BENTHIC FORAMINIFERAL STAGES C5 Benthic foraminiferal stage Calcareous Poore, 1976 Modified from Gibson, 1976 Bukry and others, 1977 Warren, 1980 [el o 3 he] o 2 Ct ® nannofossil zone ¥nezian ( | Bulitian S Penutian Ulatisian > ¥nezian 9 Bulitian < Penutian § | Ulatisian 5 ¥nezian ) | Bulitian > Penutian < ¥nezian Bulitian ¥nezian { | Bulitian Ulatisian ) 'annotetrina quadrata K 5 Penutian | 4 Narizian B x 5 Z [D fl Narizian fl Narizian Discoaster sublodoensis I fl Narizian Discoaster lodoensis eee | | Ulatisian Tribrachiatus orthostylus eemamsmizes | _/ | Ulatisian E .6 io ~ & ® a_ ~ x) Discoaster diastypus Discoaster multiradiatus Discoaster nobilis 01 differentiated Not differentiated Discoaster mohieri Nof differentiated Not differentiated € Heliolithus kleinpelli Fasciculithus tympaniformis Cruciplacolithus tenuis FiGURE 4.-Correlation of calcareous nannofossil zones with the benthic foraminiferal Y¥nezian to Narizian Stages. Heavy vertical bars delineate range of nannofossil zones associated with each stage. Diagonal lines delineate inferred association. Benthic foraminiferal stage Planktic Poore, 1976 Gibson, 1976 Composite foraminiferal c @ zone 5| 5 é é S| |§)| s) § é 8| !s é 5| 5 8|€|) 2) =) € 3323.5 3332-71,” Ie ® | z i- ® | & z t i Flale|Sl#| amman nny arangxj ~ Aart te. P11 P 9 :o pF, 3 L--] |- |-8- [2-4 L.-] F-] #] |E|E E- f P 6 G| |©] © o- f £ -I E- P5 Z| |3 | z += P 4 20's P 3 P 2 P4 Figure 5.-Correlation of planktic foraminifer zones with the benthic foraminiferal Y¥nezian to Narizian Stages. Heavy vertical bars delineate range of foraminifer zones associated with each stage. Diagonal lines delineate inferred association. In the San Lorenzo River section, Poore and Brabb (1977) record planktic foraminifers assigned to zonal interval P 19-P 20 associated with benthic foraminif- ers diagnostic of the Zemorrian Stage. Nannofossils from a sample in this same interval of the San Lorenzo River section were tentatively assigned to the Sphen- olithus distentus Zone by Bukry, Brabb, and Vedder (1977). These authors reported nannofossils suggesting a generalized upper Oligocene (Sphenolithus predisten- tus Zone to Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone) position from two samples yielding Zemorrian benthic foraminifers at nearby Mountain Charlie Gulch. Simi- larly, Poore and Bukry (1980) recorded upper Oligocene (Sphenolithus predistentus Zone to Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone) nannofossils from sam- ples assigned to the Zemorrian Stage at the Zayante Creek section and nannofossils of the Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone from Zemorrian rocks at the nearby coastal Ano Nuevo section. Qutside of the Santa Cruz Mountains, published data on the occurrence of calcareous plankton in rocks assigned to the Zemorrian Stage are sparse. Lipps and Kalisky (1972) recorded Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay, Mohler, and Wade) (listed as Reticulofenestra scissura Hay, Mohler, and Wade) from upper Zemorrian rocks at Los Sauces Creek. The occurrence of Dictyococcites bisectus indicates that the Zemorrian here is no younger than Oligocene, but the calcareous nannofos- sil assemblage Lipps and Kalisky (1972, fig. 6) re- corded cannot be assigned to a specific zone or zonal interval on their own. Although planktic foraminifers from the Zemorrian rocks at Los Sauces Creek recorded by Lipps (1964, 1966, 1967a, 1967b) are not especially diagnostic, Lamb and Hickernell (1972) recorded sparse specimens of G@lobigerinoides primordius Blow and Banner from this locality. The association of Dictyococcites bisectus and Globigerinoides primordius indicates an upper Oligocene Zone P 23 to N 4 and C6 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY Benthic Calcareous Planktic Sample| Series | foraminiferal | nannofossil | foraminiferal stage zone zone 1 P11 2 Nannotetrina 5 quadrata 7 .s 6 > ? 7 7a # C 8 a P9 9 i Discoaster P8 or P9 10 i sublodoensis g _________ 11° |g y 15 16 ~ "C Discoaster ® lodoensis > 19 5 % 20 A:: Tribrachiatus P8 orthostylus | ~~~] 21 os 1a Discoaster P6 or P7 diastypus 22 24 25 Discoaster 26 multiradiatus 5 29 g P5 30 & Discoaster 31 nobilis 32 33 |$ 34 3 & 34a | @ |? Discoaster mohleri G P4 E .3 as? 5:2 9 66 R 3 6 67-72 (333 > 6 af No occurrences or data too sparse for zone assignment 75-81b FicurE 6.-Benthic foraminiferal stages, and planktic foraminifer and calcareous nannofossil zone assignments for lower part of Arroyo el Bulito section. See Gibson (1976, fig. 3) for stratigraphic column and sample locations. Benthic foraminiferal stage Calcareous nannofossil zone > Refugian m > Zemorrian )) |Narizian Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus Sphenolithus ciperoensis Sphenolithus distentus Sphenolithus predistentus Helicosphaera reticulata Discoaster barbadiensis Reticulofenestra umbilica IC Figure 7.-Correlation of calcareous nan- nofossil zones with the Narizian through Zemorrian Stages. Heavy vertical bars de- lineate range of nannofossil zones associ- ated with each benthic foraminiferal stage. ( Benthic foraminiferal Planktic slags foraminiferal Pe C: 5 zone 5 | .s | 'E fig I g $ | 8) $ WNW/v N 1 P22 P21 P20 P19 I P18 P17 I P16 P15 P14 P13 MW C-" FigurE 8.-Correlation of planktic foraminifer zones with the Nari- zian through Zemorrian Stages. Heavy vertical bars delineate range of planktic foraminifer zones associated with each ben- thic foraminiferal stage. Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone assignment for these Zemorrian rocks. Aside from the data from Los Sauces Creek and the Santa Cruz Mountains, there is no documentation of direct association of stratigraphically diagnostic cal- careous plankton with benthic foraminifers diagnostic of the Zemorrian Stage in California onshore sections. AGE AND CORRELATION OF CALIFORNIA PALEOGENE BENTHIC FORAMINIFERAL STAGES C7 Thus, the available data (figs. 7 and 8) indicate correla- tion of the Zemorrian Stage at least in part with the Oligocene. The upper limit of the Zemorrian Stage can be esti- mated from the occurrence of calcareous plankton in rocks assigned to the Saucesian Stage. Calcareous nannofossils listed by Lipps and Kalisky (1972) from the lower (but not basal) type section of the Saucesian Stage at Los Sauces Creek are indicative of the lower Miocene Sphenolithus belemnos Zone. Bukry, Brabb, and Vedder (1977) also report nannofossils referable to the Sphenolithus belemnos Zone from samples assigned to the lower Saucesian in the San Rafael Mountains. Bandy, Morin, and Wright (1969) recorded planktic foraminifers from the "upper part of the lower Sauce- sian" in Reliz Canyon that could be correlated with Zone N 5, which is in agreement with the stratigraphic assignment suggested by the nannofossils. In the Ano Nuevo section (fig. 3), a sample (Mf 4664) considered by McDougall (1980) to be very near the Zemorrian-Saucesian boundary, but still judged to rep- resent the Zemorrian, yields nannofossils of the Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone (Poore and Bukry, 1980). In a study of dart core samples from the Califor- nia Continental Borderland, Crouch and Bukry (1979) report the association of Zemorrian benthic foraminifers (2 samples) and Saucesian benthic foraminiers (1 sample) with nannofossils of the Sphenolithus belemnos Zone. Therefore, the upper limit of Zemorrian Stage benthic foraminifers and the Zemorrian-Saucesian boundary appears to be within the interval from the Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone through the Sphenolithus belemnos Zone (fig. 2). DISCUSSION The associations of calcareous plankton with benthic foraminifers characteristic of the California benthic foraminiferal stages shown in figures 4, 5, 7, and 8 were used to correlate these stages with the Hardenbol and Berggren time scale in figure 2. In discussing the age assignment of his stages, Mal- lory (1959, p. 74) noted that his early Paleocene Yne- zian Stage was younger than the European Danian Stage. The results of this study confirm his correla- tions. The only Danian (that is lower Paleocene of Har- denbol and Berggren) documented in California is from the type section of the Cheneyan Stage (of Goudkoff, 1945) in the Jergins Oil Company Cheney Ranch Well No. 1 (Loeblich, 1958). Planktic foraminifers reported from this well by Loeblich are referable to Zone P 1. The oldest determination for the Y¥nezian in this study was a questionable assignment to the Heliolithus kleinpellii Zone (fig. 4). Data are insufficient to esti- mate the upper limit of the Cheneyan Stage, and the Cheneyan Stage and the Y¥nezian Stage are separated by question marks on figure 2. The correlations shown on figure 2 indicate that the ¥nezian through Ulatisian Stages as currently recog- nized on the basis of benthic foraminifers are in large part coeval. Nannofossil data from this interval are substantial. Diagnostic planktic foraminifers in this interval, though more limited, corroborate the pattern and degree of time-overlap suggested for the benthic stages by calcareous nannofossils. Aside from minor discrepancies, the observed correspondence of planktic foraminifer and calcareous nannofossil zones closely matches the correlation proposed by Hardenbol and Berggren (1978) except for the Discoaster sublodoensis Zone. According to the model shown on figure 2, one would expect to find planktic foraminifers referable to Zone P 10 associated with nannofossils of the Discoas- ter sublodoensis Zone. In the Arroyo el Bulito section planktic foraminifers associated with the Discoaster sublodoensis Zone are assigned to Zones P 8 and P 9 (see fig. 6), and the same association occurs in the Media Agua Creek section (Poore, 1976). These dis- crepancies could be due to incorrect zone assignments for the planktic foraminifers, as in both sections the zone assignments are based on secondary rather than primary markers. Alternatively, these discrepancies may reflect miscorrelation of nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal zones by Hardenbol and Berggren (1978). Fewer data are available for correlation of the Nari- zian, Refugian, and Zemorrian Stages, but where they occur together, age assignments indicated by planktic foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils are compati- ble. The Narizian Stage correlates with most of the middle Eocene and the lower part of the upper Eocene, and the Refugian Stage with the remainder of the upper Eocene. Ovelap of the Narizian Stage with the Refugian Stage appears to be minimal. The Zemorrian Stage correlates with the Oligocene, though the upper limit of Zemorrian benthic foramini- fers could be in the lower Miocene (probably no higher than the Sphenolithus belemnos Zone). At the present time correlation points for determin- ing the relation of the Refugian-Zemorrian boundary and the Zemorrian-Saucesian boundary to planktic microfossil zonations are sparse, and future work on these boundaries is necessary to establish more confi- dent age relations. In conclusion, it is clear that many if not all of the California Paleogene benthic foraminiferal stages as presently defined and recognized are in need of revi- sion. Benthic foraminifers, however, cannot be aban- doned as a correlation tool as they occur throughout most of the California marine section in abundance, whereas the occurrence of other microfossil groups is sporadic. Some of the type sections or areas of the C8 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRATIGRAPHY benthic foraminiferal stages contain diagnostic cal- careous plankton that could be used to fix these stages to an international standard such as the one proposed by Hardenbol and Berggren (1978). Such action, how- ever, does little to solve the problem of interbasin cor- relations based on benthic foraminifers. A more appropriate research strategy is to identify and study Pacific coast sections that contain planktic microfossils (calcareous or siliceous or both) and benthic foraminifers. By using planktic microfossils for time control, it should be possible to recognize benthic foraminiferal events suitable for defining a zonation (or zonations) that can be used for reliable time- stratigraphic correlation over a wide geographic area and in a variety of environments. REFERENCES CITED Bandy, O. L., Morin, R. W., and Wright, R. C., 1969, Definition of the Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone in the Saucesian Stage, California: Nature, v. 222, p. 468-469. Berggren, W. A., 1969, Cenozoic chronostratigraphy, planktonic foraminiferal zonation and the radiometric time scale: Nature, v. 224, p. 1072-1075. 1972, A Cenozoic time-scale-Some implications for regional geology and paleobiogeography: Lethaia, v. 5, p. 195-215. Blow, W. H., 1969, Late middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, in Bronnimann, P., and Renz, H. H., eds., Proceedings of First Planktonic Conference: Leiden, E. J. Brill, p. 199-422. Brabb, E. E., Bukry, David, and Pierce, R. L., 1971, Eocene (Refu- gian) nannoplankton in the Church Creek Formation near Monterey, central California, in Geological Survey research 1971; U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 750-C, p. C44-C47. Bukry, David, 1975, Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 32, in Larson, R. R., Moberly, R., and others, Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project: Washington, ULS. Govt. Printing Office, v. 32, p. 677-701. 1978, Biostratigraphy of Cenozoic marine sediment by cal- careous nonnofossils: Micropaleontology, v. 24, p. 44-60. Bukry, David, Brabb, E. E., and Vedder, J. G., 1977, Correlation of Tertiary nannoplankton assemblages from the Coast and Penin- sular Ranges of California: Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia Memoria, v. 3, p. 1461-1483 (Venezuela Boletin de Geologia Publicacion Especial no. 7). Crouch, J. K., and Bukry, David, 1979, Comparison of Miocene pro- vincial foraminiferal stages to coccolith zones in the California Continental Borderland: Geology, v. 7, p. 211-215. Gibson, J. M., 1976, Distribution of planktonic foraminifera and cal- careous nonnoplankton, Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene, Santa ¥nez Mountains, California: Jour. Foram. Research, v. 6, no. 2, p. 87-106. Goudkoff, P. R., 1945, Stratigraphic relations of Upper Cretaceous in Great Valley, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 29, p. 956-1007. Hardenbol, J., and Berggren, W. A., 1978, A new Paleogene numeri- cal time scale: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, Studies in Geology no. 6, p. 213-234. Kleinpell, R. M., 1938, Miocene stratigraphy of California: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, 450 p. Kleinpell, R. M., and Weaver, D. W., 1963, Oligocene biostratigraphy of the Santa Barbara embayment, California: California Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., v. 43, 250 p. Lamb, J. L., and Hickernell, R. L., 1972, The Late Eocene to Early Miocene passage in California: in Stinemeyer, E. H., and Church, C. C., eds., The Pacific Coast Miocene biostratigraphy symposium: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, Bakersfield, Calif. p. 63-88. Lipps, J. H., 1964, Oligocene in California: Nature, v. 208, p. 885- 886. 1966, Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera. I. Wall structure, classification and phylogeny of genera. II. California mid- Cenozoic biostratigraphy and zoogeography: California Univ. Los Angeles, Ph. D. thesis, 271 p. 1967a, Planktonic foraminifera, intercontinental correlation and age of California mid-Cenozoic microfaunal stages: Jour. Paleontology, v. 41, no. 4, p. 994-999. 1967b, Miocene calcareous plankton, Reliz Canyon, Califor- nia, in Gabilan Range and adjacent San Andreas Fault: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists-Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Secs., Guidebook, p. 54-60. Lipps, J. H., and Kalisky, Maurice, 1972, California Oligo-Miocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and paleoecology, in Stinemeyer, E. H., and Church, C. C., eds., The Pacific Coast Miocene biostratigraphic symposium: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Sec., Bakersfield, Calif., p. 239-254. Loeblich, A. R., Jr., 1958, Danian Stage of Paleocene in California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42, p. 2260-2261. McDougall, K. A., 1980, Biostratigraphy of benthic foraminifers from the upper Eocene to lower Miocene sections in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper (in press). Mallory, V. S., 1959, Lower Tertiary biostratigraphy of the Califor- nia Coast Ranges: Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, 416 p. Martini, E., 1971, Standard Tertiary and Quaternary calcareous nannoplankton zonation, in Farinacci, A., ed., Proceedings of Second Planktonic Conference: Roma, E. Tecnoscienza, p. 739- 785. Poore, R. Z., 1976, Microfossil correlation of California lower Ter- tiary sections: A comparison: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 743-F, p. F1-F8. Poore, R. Z., and Brabb, E. E., 1977, Eocene and Oligocene planktonic foraminifera from the Upper Butano Sandstone and type San Lorenzo Formation, Santa Cruz Mountains, California: Jour. Foranr. Research, v. 7, p. 249-272. Poore, R. Z., and Bukry, David, 1980, Eocene to Miocene calcareous plankton from the Santa Cruz Mountains and adjacent areas, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper (in press). Ryan, W. B. F., Cita, M. B., Rawson, M. D., Burckle, L. H., and Saito, Tsunemasa, 1975, A paleomagnetic assignment of Neogene stage boundaries and the development of isochronous datum planes between the Mediterranean, the Pacific and Indian Oceans in order to investigate the response of the world ocean to the Mediterranean "Salinity crisis": Riv. Italiana Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, v. 80, p. 631-688 (1974). Schenck, H. G., and Kleinpell, F. M., 1936, Refugian Stage of Pacific Coast Tertiary: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 20, p. 215-225. Warren, A. D., 1980, Nannoplankton biostratigraphy of the Devils Den Aqueduct and type Lodo sections, western San Joaquin Val- ley, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper (in press). Warren, A. D., and Newell, J. H., 1980, Plankton biostratigraphy of the Refugian and adjoining stages of the Pacific Coast Tertiary, in Orville Bandy Memorial Volume: Cushman Foundation Spe- cial Publication (in press). Studies of the Permian Phosphoria Formation and Related Rocks, Great Basin- Rocky Mountain Region Bruce R. Wardlaw, Editor Transgression of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation (Permian) in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming By BRUCE R. WARDLAW The Murdock Mountain Formation: a new unit of the Permian Park City Group By BRUCE R. WARDLAW, JAMES W. COLLINSON, and EDWIN K. MAUGHAN Stratigraphy of Park City Group Equivalents in southern Idaho, northeastern Nevada, and northwestern Utah By BRUCE R. WARDLAW, JAMES W. COLLINSON, ard EDWIN K. MAUGHAN Biostratigraphic zonation of the Park City Group By BRUCE R. WARDLAW ard JAMES W. COLLINSON GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL -PAPER-1165-A.-_B.-C.-D UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1979 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 79-607907 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 024-001-03257-1 (A) (B) (C) (D) CONTENTS [Letters designate the chapters] Transgression of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation (Permian) in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, by Bruce R. Wardlaw ----------- The Murdock Mountain Formation: a new unit of the Permian Park City Group, by Bruce R. Wardlaw, James W. Collinson, and Edwin K. Maughan -------------------------- Stratigraphy of Park City Group Equivalents in southern Idaho, northeastern Nevada, and northwestern Utah, by Bruce R. Wardlaw, James W. Collinson, and Edwin K. Maughan Biostratigraphic zonation of the Park City Group, by Bruce R. Wardlaw and James W. Collinson III Page 17 Transgression of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation (Permian) in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming By BRUCE R. WARDLAW STUDIES OF THE PERMIAN PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1163 - A CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Brachiopod evidence Montana localities Idaho localities Utah localities Wyoming localities References cited ILLUSTRATIONS FiGuRE 1. Map of location of geologic sections 2. Fence diagram of Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Forma- tion, showing occurrences of brachiopods immediately below the Retort --- 3. Diagram of relative age of the base of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming ------ Page 09 DD DQ BQ to Page STUDIES OF THE PERMIAN PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION TRANSGRESSION OF THE RETORT PHOSPHATIC SHALE MEMBER OF THE PHOSPHORIA FORMATION (PERMIAN) IN IDAHO, MONTANA, UTAH, AND WYOMING By BRUCE R. WARDLAW ABSTRACT The transgression of the Permian Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation is dated by the occurrence of diagnostic brachiopods. The complex pattern of this transgression reflects the paleogeography and indicates two initial basins of deposition: one in southwestern Montana and one in southeastern Idaho. INTRODUCTION Relative ages for the Phosphoria, Park City, and Shedhorn Formations of Idaho, Montana, and Wyo- ming can be determined by an application of the regional biostratigraphic zonation proposed by Wardlaw and Collinson (1977; 1978a; this volume, Chapter D) for the Park City Group in Nevada and Utah. Many of the key brachiopods are the same in both areas; conodonts also support this determination (Wardlaw and Collinson, 1978b, 1979). Most of the brachiopod collections referred to in this report are listed by Wardlaw (1978). The brachiopods are not always present but are prevalent enough for dating the time of initial transgression of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation. Brachiopods are rare and seem to have found it un- favorable to live in the environments of deposition of the Phosphoria and Park City Formations in or below the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member in much of western Wyoming. Elsewhere, in the Retort deposi- tional area, brachiopods seem to be fairly common. Wardlaw and Collinson (1977, 1978a) proposed three Wordian (lower Guadalupian') zones. They are, in ascending order: the Thamnosia depressa Zone, the Kuvelousia leptosa Zone, and the Yakovlevia multistriata-Neogondolella bitter Zone. The zones have since been more simply referred to (Wardlaw, Col- 'Assigned to the Early Permian by the U.S. Geological Survey. linson, and Maughan, this volume, Chapter C) as the Thamnosia, Kuvelousia, and Yakovlevia Zones. All three of the diagnostic brachiopods (Thamnosia, Kuvelousia, and Yakovievia) are found in much of the area discussed. Other diagnostic brachiopods of the Yakovlevia Zone are Timaniella n. sp. and Bathy- myonia n. sp. B (Wardlaw and Collinson, 1978a, 1979). Because the brachiopods maintain a consistent biostratigraphic position over the Great Basin-Rocky Mountain area in many different facies, it seems reasonable to use the zones as relative time indicators. The zones show a complex transgression of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Forma- tion over Wyoming and Utah. Geologic sections used to illustrate the transgression are shown in figure 1. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member and the brachiopods that occur just below it. Though much of the data is taken from the thrust belt in Idaho and Wyoming, and inter- pretations are made across it, the thrusts do not ap- pear to alter the relative position of each section for the scale of this analysis. Sections on different thrust plates show similar east-west trends and these trends vary north and south. BRACHIOPOD EVIDENCE MONTANA LOCALITIES Dalys Spur. depressa (Cooper) occurs just below the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member in the Shedhorn Sandstone, indicating correlation of initial deposition of the conformable Retort during the Tham- nosia Zone. Big Sheep Creek. -Thamnosia depressa (Cooper) oc- curs just below the Retort in the Shedhorn Sandstone, indicating initial deposition of the Retort during the Thamnosia Zone. 2 PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 113° 112° 111° 110° 109° 46° T T T T 108° as | ap Datys Spur MONTANA [WYOMING Big Sheep Creek I,\ : g_ ~~ -J ~ IDAHO 44°|- Anchor Canyon Teton Pass Tosi Creek Fall Creek Bull Lake ago- Trail Creek 4206 -- ese Crawford Mountains 0 10 20 30 40 50 L I | 1 L J Dry Bread Hollow KILOMETERS Awh—lfil-L _____ neige ilo hn meade me us ae moraes is an FIGURE 1.-Location of geologic sections. IDAHO LOCALITIES Fall Creek. -Neospirifer striatoparadoxus (Toula) oc- curs below the Retort in the Franson Member of the Park City Formation, along with several other brachiopods (Wardlaw, 1978). This probably represents a fauna at or near the Thamnosic- Kuvelousia zonal boundary. Only a few feet of Retort exist here, the majority having been eroded away before Triassic deposition. Trail Creek. -In the divide between Trail Creek and Wood Canyon, Kuvelousia leptosa Waterhouse occurs just below the Retort in a cherty carbonate of the Rex Chert Member of the Phosphoria Formation, in- dicating initial deposition of the Retort during the Kuvelousia Zone. Montpelier Canyon. depressa (Cooper) occurs just below the Retort in the Franson Member of the Park City Formation, indicating initial deposition of the Retort during the Thamnosia Zone. UTAH LOCALITIES Crawford Mountains.-No diagnostic fossils exist below the Retort, but at the Frank mine prospect, in a very thin Retort, occurs an abundant brachiopod fauna including Timamiella n. sp. This probably represents sedimentation beginning at or near the Kuvelousia- Yakovlevia zonal boundary. The Retort has been greatly reduced by erosion prior to Triassic sedimenta- tion. Dry Bread Hollow. -Kuvelousia leptosa Waterhouse occurs below the Retort in the Franson Member of the Park City Formation, indicating initial deposition of the Retort during the Kuvelousia Zone. WYOMING LOCALITIES Teton Pass.-No diagnostic fossils occur below the Retort in the Franson Member of the Park City Forma- tion. Tosi Creek. -No diagnostic fossils occur below the Retort in the Franson Member of the Park City Forma- tion. Bull Lakee-Yakovlevia multistriata (Meek) and Timaniella n. sp. occur just below the Retort in the Franson Member of the Park City Formation. In the Ervay Carbonate Member of the Park City Formation (just above the Retort), Yakovleviae multistriata (Meek), Timaniella n. sp., and Bathymyonia n. sp. B oc- cur at its base. Therefore, diagnostic fossils of the Yakovlevia Zone bracket the Retort. Anchor Canyon. n. sp. and Bathy- myonia n. sp. B occur just below and in the very thin Retort, indicating initial deposition of the Retort dur- ing the Yakovlevia Zone. Twin Creek. -Timaniella n. sp. and Bathymyonia n. sp. B occur in the Retort, indicating initial deposition of the Retort during the Yakovlevia Zone. The inferred age for the base of the Retort (fig. 3), along the traverses shown in figure 1, indicates a rather straightforward transgression from south- western Montana into Wyoming through most of Wordian time. The pattern is more complex in Idaho and Utah, where the complexity of the transgression reflects a paleogeography of minor basins and rises that were differentially transgressed. It appears that the beginning of Retort deposition was nearly simultaneous in southwestern Montana and south- eastern Idaho, whereas deposition in central-eastern Idaho began later. This implies two separate initial basins of deposition. A depositional basin developed in Utah in middle Wordian time. This basin was sep- arated from the southeastern Idaho basin until late Wordian time. TRANSGRESSION OF THE RETORT PHOSPHATIC SHALE MEMBER 3 o-- 2 _J METERS 20 10 A]! ZONES DIAGNOSTIC BRACHIOPODS] Yakovievia Y," Kuvelousia K Thamnosia Th EXPLANATION K Kuvelousia leptosa Th Thamnosia depressa T Timaniella "pseudocameratus" Y Yakovievia multistriata F A few fairly diagnostic brachiopods N No diagnostic brachiopods -- Conformable contact Am~ Unconformable contact 0 KILOMETERS 50 | 1 | I 1 g FIGURE 2.-Fence diagram of Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation, showing occurrences of brachiopods immediately below the Retort. Localities as in figure 1. REFERENCES CITED Wardlaw, B. R., 1978, Update and revision of brachiopod collections of the Phosphoria, Park City, and Shedhorn Formations (Per- mian) of the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-692, 81 p. Wardlaw, B. R., and Collinson, J. W., 1977, Biostratigraphic zona- tion of the Park City Group: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-853, 15 p. 1978a, Stratigraphic relationship of the Park City Group (Permian) in eastern Nevada and Western Utah: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 62, no. 7, p. 1171-1184. 1978b, Youngest Permian conodont faunas from the Great Basin: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 10, no. 5, p. 240-241: _____1979, Youngest Permian conodont faunas from the Great Basin: Brigham Young University Geology Studies. (In press.) 4 PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Yakovievia Zone "4 Kuvelousia r 6 Zone - Thamnosia _/ Zone A WORDIAN TIME \ AI MONTANA __| IDAHO | wyoming Yakovievia Zone Kuvelousia Zone /\ Thamnosia _—/ \/ A Zone WORDIAN TIME A” 1 MONTANA __ | IDAHO | UTAH FiGURE 3.-Relative age of the base of the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phosphoria Formation in Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, following traverses A-A' and A-A ", shown in figure 1. Dashed where inferred. The Murdock Mountain Formation:: A New Unit of the Permian Park City Group By BRUCE R. WARDLAW, JAMES W. COLLINSON, ard EDWIN K. MAUGHAN STUDIES OF THE PERMIAN PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION GEOLOGIC AL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1 163 -B CONTENTS Page Abstract 5 Introduction 5 Discussion 5 References cited 6 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 4. Map showing location of the type section of the Murdock Mountain Forma- tion, Leach Mountains, Nevada 6 5. Columnar section of the Murdock Mountain Formation cle eases 6. Diagram of subdivisions of the Permian 8 =] STUDIES OF THE PERMIAN PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION THE MURDOCK MOUNTAIN FORMATION: A NEW UNIT OF THE PERMIAN PARK CITY GROUP By BRUCE R. WARDLAW, JAMES W. COLLINSON,!' and EDWIN K. MAUGHAN ABSTRACT A new formation is proposed for middle Permian rocks of a transi- tional facies positioned laterally between the Rex Chert Member of the Phosphoria Formation in northeastern Utah and southeastern Idaho and the Plympton Formation in northeastern Nevada and northwestern Utah. INTRODUCTION The Murdock Mountain Formation is proposed here for a sequence of dolomitic chert, dolomite, fine- grained sandstone, and siltstone that occurs as a mid- dle formation within the Park City Group of north- eastern Nevada and northwestern Utah. The type sec- tion is located on the east flank of Murdock Mountain, north-center sec. 36, T. 39 N., R. 67 E., Loray 7/-minute quadrangle, Leach Mountains, Elko Coun- ty, Nev. (fig. 4). The beds form a homoclinal section striking N. 39° E. and dipping at about 27° W. The for- mation conformably overlies the Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Tongue of the Phosphoria Formation and is conformably overlain by the Gerster Limestone. The Murdock Mountain Formation is laterally equivalent to the Plympton Formation, also of the Park City Group, in west-central Utah and east-central Nevada, and to the Rex Chert Member of the Phosphoria Formation in southwestern Idaho. (See also Chapter C, this volume.) DISCUSSION A diagrammatic section of the Murdock Mountain Formation at the type section is shown in figure 5. The formation is 385.5 m thick at the type section. The lower contact is gradational; phosphatic mudstone and 'Department of Geology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; research associate with U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO. phosphorite in the underlying Meade Peak Tongue grade upward into less phosphatic beds of cherty siltstone, chert, dolomite, and limestone in the basal Murdock Mountain Formation. Most of the Murdock Mountain Formation is composed of slope-forming cherty siltstone, silty chert, fine-grained sandstone, and thin beds of dolomite. Thick units of dark-gray bedded chert form prominent ledges throughout the se- quence. Lateral gradation of chert to cherty limestone within beds and relict limestone textures and fabrics in the chert indicate that much of the bedded chert form- ed by secondary replacement of limestone. The chert interval near the base of the formation contains less secondary chert and is, therefore, much like the chert of the Rex Chert Member of the Phosphoria Forma- tion. Two chert units in the lower part of the Gerster Limestone in the Leach Mountains (Nevada) and the Terrace Mountains (northwestern Utah) probably represent tongues of the Murdock Mountain Forma- tion. (See Chapter C.) A well-preserved fauna from near the base of the Murdock Mountain Formation contains Cancrinella phosphatica Girty, Crurithyris arcuate Girty, Echinalosia n. sp., Leiorhynchoidea weeksi Girty, Hindeodus sp., Neogondolella idahoensis (Y oungquist, Hawley, and Miller), and Xaniognathus abstractus (Clark and Ethington). This fauna indicates a Roadian Age (stage name of Furnish, 1973). Diagnostic fossils were not found in the middle and upper parts of the for- mation. However, the overlying Gerster Limestone, the upper formation of the Park City Group, has been dated as Wordian by its abundant brachiopod and con- odont faunas (Wardlaw, 1977; Wardlaw and Collinson, 1977; this volume, Chapter D). The Murdock Mountain Formation is therefore Roadian to earliest Wordian in age (Early-Late Permian according to Furnish (1973) or Early Permian according to the U.S. Geological Survey) (fig. 6). 6 PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 114° nevapa g I Leach Mountains 41°|- 0 20 | | KILOMETERS KILOMETER 1 FIGURE 4.-Location of the type section of the Murdock Mountain Formation in the Leach Mountains, Elko County, Nev. Contour interval 200 ft (61 m). Base from U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000 Loray (1967). The Murdock Mountain Formation is transitional in character between the equivalent Plympton Formation of west-central Utah and east-central Nevada and the Rex Chert Member of the Phosphoria Formation in northeastern Utah and southeastern Idaho. The Mur- dock Mountain Formation contains a lesser proportion of bedded chert than the Rex Chert Member to the north and a greater proportion of fine-grained sand- stone and chert than the predominantly dolomitic Plympton Formation to the south. Much of the chert within the unit is secondary. REFERENCES CITED Furnish, W. M., 1973, Permian stage names, in Logan, A., and Hills, L., eds., The Permian and Triassic Systems and their mutual boundary: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 2, p. 522-548. Wardlaw, B. R., 1977, Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Gerster Limestone (Permian) in Nevada and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-470, 125 p. Wardlaw, B. R., and Collinson, J. W., 1977, Biostratigraphic zona- tion of the Park City Group: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-853, 15 p. MURDOCK MOUNTAIN FORMATION GERSTER LIMESTONE 99 21 19 [ 2 a ) 18 'Les ok-el 17 -L. _L _L ] Cherty Formation - -* CEDAR MOUNTAINS o Thaynes Formation CASSIA MOUNTAINS | 1 v a / f / \/ FQ po bonth e® y. 'a \y < Plymptor} 32 € /A Meo. ote Formatagn/> Murdock A / < "an - -- 15 - 18 __-_..________.______r____-_—___ 13 14 6-12 T5 eca esses 76 Peniculauris bassi- Neostreptognathodus sulcoplicatus Zone (2) Leonarpian stage ' aim <0 Peniculauris ivesi- Neostreptognathodus prayi Zone (1) BRACHIOPOD RANGES AAA A wrnoo. wwa ® w CONODONT RANGES 1 Of Furnish (1973). 2 workers do. The Wordian-Capitanian boundary is recognized as the division. The U.S. Geological Survey does not recognize the Roadian-Wordian boundary as the Lower Permian-Upper Permian boundary as some American BIOSTRATOGRAPHIC ZONATION OF THE PARK CITY GROUP 19 Behnken (1975, p. 290) indicated that Neogondolella idahoensis occurs with N. prayi in the West Texas se- quence. A broken fragment identified by Baird (1975) as N. cf. N. idahoensis was found in the upper part of the N. prayi Zone in eastern Nevada. The brachiopod Peniculauris ivesi (Newberry) is common in the Toroweap Formation in southern Utah and northern Arizona. It sporadically occurs elsewhere from the up- per part of the Pequop and Loray Formations in Nevada and one occurrence in the lowermost part of the Kaibab at Spruce Mountain in Nevada. All occur- rences fall within the range of N. prayi. PENICULAURIS BASSI-NEOSTREPTOGNATHODUS SULCOPLICATUS ZONE (2) The base of this zone is marked by the lowest occur- rence of N. sulcoplicatus (Youngquist, Hawley, and Miller), and Neostreptognathodus sp. B (Baird, 1975). The top of this zone is defined by the lowest occurrence of Neostreptognathodus sp. C (Baird, 1975). The N. sulcoplicatus Zone occurs in the upper Kaibab Lime- stone and presumably the lower part of the Plympton Formation of eastern Nevada and western Utah and in the lower two-thirds of the Kaibab at its type section in southern Utah. Youngquist, Hawley, and Miller (1951) first described this species from the lower Phosphoria Formation in southeastern Idaho. Clark and Ething- ton (1962) described N. sulcoplicatus along with Xanio- gnathus abstractus (Clark and Ethington) from the Meade Peak Member of the Phosphoria Formation in southeastern Idaho and Wyoming. Neogondolella idahoensis was also described from these rocks by Youngquist, Hawley, and Miller (1951) and Clark and Ethington (1962). An important component of the Meade Peak cono- dont fauna, Neogondolella serrate (Youngquist, Hawley, and Miller), has not been reported from eastern Nevada or western Utah, probably because the phosphatic shale facies has not been adequately sam- pled. We, nevertheless, believe that the N. sulcoplica- tus Zone in eastern Nevada and western Utah is equivalent to the Meade Peak fauna, which Furnish (1973) assigned to the Roadian Stage. This age assign- ment eliminates the problem posed by Behnken (1975, p. 290) that conodont species of '"Roadian age'" in Texas range into strata of "Wordian age'" in Nevada. The brachiopods Penmiculauris bassi (McKee), Rugatia occidentalis (Newberry), Kozlowskia sp., Meekella sp.. Megousia eucharis (Girty), and Neophricadothyris sp. A are abundant in this zone. From the many sections of the Permian of the western United States examined by the authors, this seems to be the highest occurrence of Meekella and Kozlowskia in the West. They are widespread, occurring throughout the Grandeur Member of the Park City Formation in Montana and Wyoming and in the Kaibab Limestone in Arizona and Utah, as well as in the Concha Limestone in Arizona. Kozlowskia is strict- ly a Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian form. P. bassi, R. occidentalis, and Neophricadothyris are the dominant FIGURE 14 (left). -Generalized range chart of brachiopod and conodont species from the Park City Group. 1. Peniculauris ivesi (Newberry) 25. Bathymyonia sp. A 2. Lissochonetes sp. A 26. Derbyia sulca (Branson) 3. Peniculauris bassi (McKee) 27. Xestotrema pulchrum (Meek) 4. Derbyia sp. A 28. Hustedia sp. A 5. Rhynchopora taylori Girty 29. Spiriferellina sp. A 6. Neophricadothyris sp. A 30. Thamnosia sp. A 7. Megousia eucharis (Girty) 31. "Echinauris" subhorrida (Meek) 8. Meekella sp. 32. Kuvelousia leptosa Waterhouse 9. Echinauris sp. A 33. Waagenites sp. A 10. Quadrochonetes sp. A 34. Dyoros sp. A 11. Kozlowskia sp. 35. Dielasma cf. D. phosphoriensis 12. "Cancrinella" sp. Branson 13. Rugatiaficcidentalis (Newberry) 36. Clefothyridina sp. A 14. Composita cf. C. parva Branson 87. Bathymyonia nevadensis (Meek) 15 Waagefifvconcha sp: 38. Composita mira Girty 16: Neospirifer sp. 39. Ctenalosia fixata Cooper and 17. Spiriferellina? 18. Cenorhynchia sp. Stehli 19. Phrenophoria sp. A 40. Cleiothyridina sp. B 20. Liosotella? 41. "Grandaurispina" sp. A 21. "Echinosteges" 42. Sphenosteges hispidus (Girty) 22. Sphenalosia sp. A 43. Phrenophoria sp. B 23. Dielasma sp. A 44. Cenorhynchia sp. A 24. Thamnosia depressa (Cooper) 45. Spiriferella scobina (Meek) 46. Phrenophoria sp. C 67. Neostreptognathodus sp. D 47. Petasmatherus sp. A 68. Neostreptognathodus clinei 48. Rostranteris sp. Behnken 49. Girtyella? 69. Xaniognathus abstractus (Clark 50. Heterelasma sp. A and Ethington) 51. Plectelasma sp. A 70. Ellisonia festiva (Bender and Stop- 52. Echinalosia sp. A pel) 53. Waagenites sp. B 71. Anchignathodus sp. A 54. Odontospirifer sp. A 72. Neogondolella idahoensis (Young- 55. Cenorhynchia sp. B quist, Hawley, and Miller) 56. PI lect'elasma. sp. B 73. Neostreptognathodus sp. B 57. Hemiptychina sp. A 74. Neostreptognathodus sulcopli- 58. Quadrochonetes sp. B catus (Youngquist, Hawley, and 59. Timaniella "pseudocameratus" Miller) 60. Yakovlevia multistriata (Meek) 75. Xaniognathus tribulosus (Clark 61. Liosotella delicatula Dunbar and Ethington) 62. Heteralosia sp. 76. Neostreptognathodus sp. C 63. Kochiproductus sp. 77. Neospathodus arcucristatus Clark 64. "Grandaurispina" cf. "G." arctica and Behnken (Waterhouse) 78. Ellisonia sp. A 65. Dielasma spatulatum Girty 79. Neogondolella bitteri (Kozur) 66. Neostreptognathodus prayi 80. Neospathodus divergens (Bender Behnken and Stoppel) 20 PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION elements of the fauna of the Grandeur but also carry through to the Meade Peak. Megousia eucharis is com- mon in the Grandeur and Meade Peak. The highest oc- currence of Peniculauris and Rugatia in the West Texas Permian is Roadian. PENICULAURIS BASSI-NEOSTREPTOGNATHODUS SP. C ZONE (3) The base of this zone is determined by the first oc- currence of Neostreptognathodus sp. C (Baird, 1975). Examples of this form dominate the conodont fauna of the upper 45 m of the type section of the Kaibab Limestone in southern Utah (Noble, 1928) and also oc- cur in the lower part of the Plympton Formation in the Confusion Range in western Utah. The upper limit of this zone is not well defined, because the top of the Kaibab in southern Utah is truncated by an uncon- formity; and in western Utah the lower part of the Plympton is sparsely fossiliferous. For example, Behnken (1975, p. 293) reported a "very meager'' cono- dont assemblage from the lower part of the Plympton Formation including Neostreptognathodus clinei (Behnken). Further sampling, particularly in the Phosphoria and related rocks, is likely to narrow this gap. Brachiopods are poorly preserved in this zone. Peniculauris is the only identifiable brachiopod found so far from the lower Plympton. The Kaibab brachiopod assemblage and the conodont faunas typified by species of Neostreptognathodus became ex- tinct at this time. The presence of Peniculauris and the age of the overlying brachiopod faunas indicate a Roadian Age for this zone. The upper boundary pro- bably marks the Artinskian-Guadalupian boundary. THAMNOSIA DEPRESSA ZONE (4) This zone is based on the nearly coincident ranges of Thamnosia depressa (Cooper) and Bathymyonia sp. A. T. depressa occurs in the limestone tongues of the up- per part of the Plympton Formation, the limestone tongues in the Rex Chert Member of the Phosphoria Formation, and at El Antimonio, Mexico. Sphenalosia and "Echinauris'' subhorrida (Meek), Derbyia sulca (Branson), Xestotrema pulchrum (Meek), and Hustedia sp. A start in this zone. The highest occurrence of Rugatia occidentalis is in the upper Plympton Forma- tion. Rugatia, which is more common in the Great Basin than in West Texas, appears to have a longer range here than in West Texas, ranging into the lower Wordian equivalents. ~ This zone is more or less equivalent to the Neospathodus arcucristatus "Fauna" of Clark and Behnken (1971) from the upper Plympton Formation and basal Gerster Limestone at Palomino Ridge (Phalen Butte). The upper Plympton Formation con- tains a sparse conodont assemblage including N. ar- cucristatus, Ellisonia sp. A (E. Marcantel, 1975), and Anchignathodus sp. A (E. Marcantel, 1975=A. minutus of Behnken, 1975). Yochelson and Fraser (1973) reported an unusually well preserved molluscan faunule from unit 5 of the Plympton Formation in the southern Pequop Moun- tains. Silicified pelecypods from approximately the same horizon in the Spruce Mountain section are prob- ably examples of the genus Schizodus (D. W. Boyd, written commun., 1975). KUVELOUSIA LEPTOSA ZONE (5) The base of this zone is determined by the first oc- currence of Kuvelousia leptosa Waterhouse, Ctenalosia fixata Cooper and Stehli, Waagenites sp. A, and several other Gerster brachiopods. The range of K. leptosa is commonly equivalent to this zone. The zone ends with the first occurrence of several upper Gerster brachiopods such as Timaniella "pseudocameratus." K. leptosa is widespread, occurring in all Gerster sec- tions, the upper limestones of the Rex Chert Member of the Phosphoria Formation, the Franson Member of the Park City Formation, the Diablo Formation at Candelaria, Nev., and the lower part of the Seven Devils Group and related rocks, Oregon and Idaho. Kuvelousia is strictly an Upper Permian genus. Con- odonts are rare in this zone. Only Neospathodus ar- cucristatus and Ellisonia sp. A occur. The range of An- chignathodus sp. A ends below this zone in unit 5 of the Plympton and the range of Neogondolella bitteri starts in the upper Gerster in the zone above. YAKOVLEVIA MULTISTRIATA-NEOGONDOLELLA BITTERIL ZONE (6) The base of this zone is determined by the first oc- currence of the brachiopods Timaniella "pseudo- cameratus," Petasmatherus sp. A, Heterelasma sp. A, Echinalosia sp. A, Odontospirifer sp. A, Plectelasma sp. A and B, Hemiptychina sp. A, and others. The range of the widespread and abundant Yakovievica multistriata (Meek) is totally inclusive within this zone. Y. multistriata occurs elsewhere in the Edna Mountain Formation, Nevada, and the upper part of the Franson and the lower part of the Ervay Members of the Park City Formation in Wyoming. T. "pseudocameratus" is also widespread, occurring in the Edna Mountain Formation, in the Diablo Forma- 1 Medicine Range BIOSTRATOGRAPHIC ZONATION OF THE PARK CITY GROUP 2 Cherry 3 £53; Palomino autry. Range e- = -- heat --*~~- Arcturu$ 115° 114° = | I Wendover © 6 40°- -| NEV E l UTA < * \, a|5 Z .ELY | | 0 50 KILOMETERS fe icst Lcd Spruce METERS 0 100 4 200 y 5 \ Southern \_ Pequop Bissey E Limestone E Dolomite Chert Siltstone and fine- grained sandstone Conglomerate Silty Cherty Confusion Range Gerster Limestone Park City Group Plympton Formation 3 +- "CPC ~ Kaibab Limestone *% 1 (1 . 964) \\ \\\ NQ EXPLANATION L__L_ _J mm: Dolomitic I: Covered MP _ Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member of Phosphoria Formation ————— Zone boundary --- Formation contact -- -- Formation and zone boundary ~~~~~~ Unconformity m Part of sequence with no fossil data 3 Brachiopod-conodont zones FIGURE 15.-Distribution of biostratigraphic zones in the Park City Group. 21 22 PHOSPHORIA FORMATION AND RELATED ROCKS, GREAT BASIN-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION tion at Candelaria, Nev., at Taylorsville, Calif., and in the Retort Phosphatic Shale Member of the Phos- phoria Formation in Wyoming. In West Texas, Yakovlevia occurs in Roadian and Wordian beds; Petasmatherus occurs in Lower Permian and Wordian beds of Furnish (1973); Echinalosia occurs only in Wordian beds. The name N. bitteri was propsed by Kozur (1975, p. 19-20) for the form assigned by Clark and Behnken (1971, p. 424, 434-435) to Gondolella rosenkrantzi Bender and Stoppel. This zone is similar to the "Gondolella rosenkrantzi" Zone plus the Neospathodus divergens "Fauna" of Clark and Behnken (1971, p. 428). Behnken (1975, p. 293) later combined the Neospathodus arcucristatus "Fauna'' with the "Gondolella rosenkrantzi'"' Zone, because he found these two forms occurring together throughout the central Butte Mountains (30-mile Ranch) sequence. He suggested that the stratigraphic separation of these two forms at the Phalen Butte (Polomino Ridge) section was "ecologic'' rather than biostratigraphic. We agree that the distribution of these forms is in part facies controlled, but the biostratigraphic overlap is slight in all of our sections, including the one from the central Butte Mountains. A few examples of N. divergens (Bender and Stoppel) were found near the top of our sections in the central Butte Mountains, Cherry Creek Range, Palomino Ridge and, possibly, the Medicine Range (Marcantel, 1975). (See fig. 15.) This is the same interval that Behnken (1975, p. 293) included in the Neogondolella "rosenkrantzi"-Neospathodus divergens Assemblage Zone. He also reported the brachiopod Xestotrema puichrum (Meek) and elements of the conodont Xaniognathus tribulosus (Clark and Ethington). These conodonts in addition to the many species of brachiopod are also common in our section of the upper part of the Gerster Limestone, but N. divergens was not abundant enough in our collections to recognize this as a separate zone. REFERENCES CITED Baird, M. R., 1975, Conodont biostratigraphy of the Kaibab Forma- tion, eastern Nevada and west-central Utah: Columbus, Ohio, The Ohio State University, M.S. thesis, 71 p. Behnken, F. H., 1975, Leonardian and Guadalupian (Permian) cono- dont biostratigraphy in western and southwestern United States: Journal of Paleontology, v. 49, no. 2, p. 284-315. Bissell, H. J., 1964, Ely, Arcturus, and Park City Groups (Penn- sylvanian-Permian) in eastern Nevada and western Utah: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 48, p. 565-636. Clark, D. L., and Behnken, F. H. 1971, Conodonts and biostratigraphy of the Permian: Geological Society of America Memoir 127, p. 415-439. Clark, D. L., and Ethington, R. L., 1962, Survey of Permian con- odonts in western North America: Brigham Young University Geology Studies, v. 9, p. 102-114. Furnish, W. M., 1973, Permian stage names, in Logan, A., and Hilles, L., eds., The Permian and Triassic Systems and their mutual boundary: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 2, p. 522-548. Hedberg, H. D., ed., 1975, International stratigraphic guide-a guide to stratigraphic classification, terminology, and pro- cedure: New York, John Wiley, 200 p. Kozur, H., 1975, Beitrage zur conodontenfauna des Perm: Geol. Palaont. mitt. Innsbruck, v. 5, no. 4, p. 1-44. Marcantel, E. L., 1975, Conodont biostratigraphy and sedimentary petrology of the Gerster Formation (Guadalupian) in east- central Nevada and west-central Utah: Columbus, Ohio, The Ohio State University, Ph. D. dissertation, 203 p. Noble, L. F., 1928, A section of the Kaibab Limestone in Kaibab Gulch, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 150-C, p. 41-60. Steele, G., 1960, Pennsylvanian-Permian stratigraphy of east- central Nevada and adjacent Utah, in Geology of east-central ' Nevada: Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, 11th Annual Field Conference, Guidebook, p. 91-113. Wardlaw, B. R., 1974, The biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Gerster Formation (Upper Permian) in Nevada and Utah: Cleveland, Ohio, Case Western Reserve University, Ph. D. dissertation, 215 p. Yochelson, E. L., and Fraser, G. D., 1973, Interpretation of deposi- tional environment in the Plympton Formation (Permian), southern Pequop Mountains, Nevada, from physical stratigraphy and a faunule: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 1, no. 1, p. 19-32. Youngquist, W. L., Hawley, RW., and Miller, A. K., 1951, Phosphoria conodonts from southeastern Idaho: Journal of Paleontology, v. 25, no. 3, p. 356-364. # U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1979-677-129/20