31775.6 £75 003 GSL J CB Training Education Staff and Retaining Early Care and 7 Bay Area Child-Care Retention Incentive Programs: Evaluation Year One Progress Report g..;.,:ai;-2oo1-2002 Margaret Bridges Jennifer Carlat Policy Brief 03-2 Research ['3 SUDDOFtEd bV: FIRST5 CALIFORNIA lNSTlTUTE or GOVERNMENTAL T K STUDIES? l :I:":>,mr?,v -- (Q 5‘3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, FACE POLICY BRI EF m... ationally, more than half of children under the age of five are in non-parental care while their parents work.‘ Research indicates that children benefit from being with well—trained, consistent early care and education (ECE) staff.2'3"‘ Sensitive and responsive caregiving—charac— teristic of staff with a high level of training in child development—is associated with children’s positive cognitive, social, and emotional development?6 Staff retention is crucial, as frequent turnover impedes the formation of these. positive, nurturing relationships and their benefits to children.7 However, there is evidence of an educationally bifurcated workforce, clustered between those who have high levels of training and those who have little. Furthermore, in both groups, the rates of turnover are high; estimates range from 20-42% annually.8 First 5 California Children and Fami— lies Commission (First 5 California), local First 5 Commissions, and many counties have made a commitment to improving the quality of services for young children by increasing the retention and training of ECE staff. Specifically, they have funded child— care retention incentive (CR1) programs, interventions that award stipends—ranging from $475 to $5,100—t0 ECE staff based on tenure and education.9 Given the relation- ship between high turnover and low wages,‘0 professional development stipends are provided to participants to reward their investment in train- ing, and to encourage retention and continuing education. The CR1 programs in Alameda and San Francisco counties began in 2000, and were followed by 40 other CR1 programs supported by matching funds, which were made available by First 5 California the subsequent year. Evaluation Overview First 5 California funded an evalua— tion designed by PACE to examine the efficacy of CR1 interventions in San Francisco and Alameda counties (hereafter referred to as the Bay Area CR1 programs). Specifically, the evaluation assesses how CR1 pro— grams affect the training and reten— tion levels of participating ECE staff by comparing them to those of non— participating staff in San Mateo, the comparison county. This progress report summarizes findings from 2000—2001, the first year of the Alameda Child Develop— ment Corps (CDC) and San Francisco CARES (SF CARES). The project timeline is included in Figure 1. POLICY BRIEF PACE FIGURE 1. Timeline of Evaluation 2000 2001 2002 2003 j H H Y1 Stipends Distributed Y2 Stipends Distributed H H Y’I Phone Survey Y2 Phone Survey 0 0 Data Analysis 0 0 Y1 Report Y2 Report Preliminary Findings Preliminary findings suggest that the CRI programs in Alameda and San Francisco included a diverse group of center—based ECE staff. In terms of initial training effects, one year after receiving their stipends, significantly more of these CRI recipients had taken ECE college courses and work- shops than staff in the compari— son group. In addition, retention rates were high in both counties, although only recipients in San Francisco stayed in their centers and in the ECE field at a significantly higher rate than those in the comparison group. These findings will be discussed in more detail below. Preliminary data addressing the following research questions will be presented in this report: I Who is participating in Year One of the Bay Area CRI programs? I In Year One are CRI recipients more likely than other ECE staff to participate in training and professional development? I In Year One are CRI recipients more likely than other ECE staff to be retained (to stay in their centers and the ECE field)? This evaluation, running from July 2000 to October 2003, started shortly after the first stipends were distributed in the CRI programs in Alameda and San Francisco. Survey data were collected twice, approxi— mately one year following stipend awards in 2001, and again in 2002. Because the survey assesses whether or not CRI recipients are completing coursework and being retained, a substantial time lag—approximately fl BAY AREA CHILD-CARE RETENTION INCENTIVE PROGRAMS one year—between stipend receipt and data collection is optimal. This progress report includes the first wave of data collection (2001) only. The final report analyzing all evalua— tion data will be completed in the Spring of 2003. Methodology This progress report is focused primarily on data gathered from the Year One telephone survey of center- based Alameda CDC and SF CARES recipients, and of center—based ECE staff from the comparison county, San Mateo, which did not initiate a CRI program until 2001. Information from other evaluation activities was used to provide context for the survey findings and will be incorpo— rated into the final report.11 Sample. The CRI participant survey included a sample of center—based stipend recipients in Alameda and San Francisco counties, and an ECE center—based staff sample from San Mateo county, the comparison group. San Mateo was chosen as the comparison county due to its proximity and relative demographic similarity to Alameda and San Francisco, as well as the key factor that it did not have 3 CR1 program in Year One.” The evaluation was focused on center-based staff because their greater numbers (in comparison to family child—care providers) allowed comparative analyses to be conducted with those in the comparison group. County CR1 programs provided lists of consenting recipients from which to draw the sample, which included 2,436 ECE staff members in Alameda, and 389 in San Francisco. Consenting recipients were stratified according to education levels and the type of center in which they worked (federally—subsidized, state—subsi— dized, or non—subsidized) to capture the range of staff involved in the CR1 programs. In Alameda, given the large size of the program, a random sample of 750 recipients was drawn according to the stratification scheme. All recipients were invited to participate in San Francisco. To build a comparison sample in San Mateo, PACE requested a list of all centers from the local Resource 8r Referral agency. Research staff then visited each center and invited ECE staff who had been working as of May 2000 to participate in the survey as part of the evaluation. Those who had been working in May 2000, but had left the center since, were mailed information about the project and invited to participate. Through this process a sample of 587 staff from 65 centers in San Mateo was obtained. Survey response rates varied across counties. Approximately 60% of the Alameda CDC sample, 80% of the SF CARES sample, and 70% of the comparison sample in San Mateo completed the survey. This rendered a Year One survey sample of 453 CR1 recipients from the Alameda CDC, 312 from SF CARES, and 411 ECE center— based staff from San Mateo County. Telephone Survey. Each member of the sample was called by phone, and asked to participate. All who agreed were administered a 25-minute telephone interview, which contained both closed—and open—ended questions on demographics regarding age, ethnicity, education, and marital/ relationship status; on working conditions, such as current employment, hourly wage, ages of children served, and satisfaction with job factors; on participation in concurrent programs or interventions; and on outcomes, such as training and retention. Participants were paid $25 for their time. Analysis. Researchers examined demographic data and determined differences between the CR1 program participants and the comparison group. For primary analyses, all demographic variables on which the CR1 recipients differed significantly from the comparison group were used as control variables. To assess the impact of these CR1 programs, regression analyses were used. Potential differences among county samples, such as age, education, or wage, were controlled for in analyses to examine whether the retention- incentive programs affected interim training and retention outcomes beyond any systematic differences between Alameda CDC and SF CARES recipients and the participating ECE staff in San Mateo County. Subsequently, county membership—connoting program participation or not—was used to predict outcomes. Limitations of Year One Findings The determination of whether these interventions are effective is based largely on measuring the amount of training recipients completed and the length of time they stayed in their jobs after receiving stipends. Thus, for comparative annual training and retention data, evaluation of the programs is most effectively done one year after stipend receipt. These findings are preliminary, based on the initial 12 months of program implementation in Alameda and San Francisco, and may reflect particular circumstances that are best under— stood when multiple years of imple- mentation are considered. The final report of the Bay Area CR1 program evaluation, available in the Spring of 2003, will provide results based on two years of retention and training information in these counties. These data represent CR1 programs in two counties; in 2001, 40 addi— tional counties across the state PROGRAM EVALUATION PROGRESS REPORT 3 PACE (including San Mateo) implemented CRI programs, through the Matching Funds for Retention Incentives Program. Several of these Matching Funds counties are being evaluated in a similar manner and may enhance our understanding of the effective- ness of these retention-incentive programs.'3 The Year One progress report for the Matching Funds for Retention Incentives for Early Care and Education Staff: Evaluation will be available in the Spring of 2003, and the final report will be available in 2004. Year One Findings POLICY BRIEF I Who is participating in Year One of the Bay Area CRI Programs? In the first year, these programs drew from a more established group of ECE staff—in terms of education and tenure——than has been described in past studies of county ECE staff.14 This is important because if these programs are designed to retain and train the ECE workforce, it is imperative to understand for whom, and under what conditions, they have effects. Tables 1—4 highlight the characteris— tics of CR1 recipients in Alameda and San Francisco in comparison to data on other samples of ECE staff from each county. In addition, these tables provide characteristics of the com- parison group in San Mateo County with similar information for a general sample of ECE staff. As shown in Table 1, Year One CRI recipients were ethnically diverse—in fact, more so than other recent estimates of the ECE workforce in these counties. This is particularly true for recipients at the teacher and assistant teacher levels in Alameda and San Francisco counties. This tendency—for greater ethnic diversity in the survey sample than in other recent samples—also holds for the comparison group. In terms of education level, it appears that the CRI recipients had higher levels of education than the general ECE staff in the counties (see Table 2). For example, among recipients in the Alameda CDC and SF CARES, 90% of assistant/associate teachers had at least some college (but no B.A.) compared to 76% for the counties’ ECE staff generally. Recipi— ents were required to have at least six units to be eligible for SF CARES and 12 units for the Alameda CDC, which may account for this difference between the samples within coun— ties.15 In the San Mateo comparison group, participants had approxi— mately the same level of education as a general sample of county ECE staff. As indicated in Table 3, the hourly wages of CR1 recipients generally is close to or above (for assistant/ associate teachers) the “average highest wage” as reported by county center directors.” This may, in part, reflect the relatively higher levels of education held by CRI recipients. In comparison with the general ECE sample, both the CRI recipients and u BAY AREA CHILD-CARE RETENTION INCENTIVE PROGRAMS the San Mateo comparison group were more likely than the general ECE staff samples to have worked in their centers for one or more years (see Table 4). CR1 program eligibility requirements included “tenure at the center” for the previous nine months. However, the phone surveys were conducted approximately one year after stipend receipt, which could account for some recipients having started new jobs in the interim (i.e. reporting tenure of “less than 6 months”). In terms of tenure in the field, CRI recipients reported working in ECE for an average of 15 years. This average held across job titles and is higher than has been reported in previous studies. The comparison group reported working in ECE for an average of 12 years. Remaining questions. In assessment of the Year One CRI program partici- pants, several questions remain: Do these Year One recipients look similar demographically—that is, are they of a similar ethnicity, age, and educational status, and earning similar hourly wages as recipients in Years 2 and 3?” Programmatic changes, in part attributable to funding and the greater amount of time with which the programs had to conduct outreach and implementation, may affect the composition of the CR1 programs in subsequent years. With administrative data made available through the Matching Funds for Retention Incentives program evaluation, we will be able to address this question in the final report. TABLE 1. Ethnicity: Comparison of Participants with County ECE Staff Alameda County San Francisco County San Mateo County CRI ECE CRI ECE Comparison ECE Recipients Staff* Recipients Staff* * Group Staff* * * Assistant/Associate (n = 342) (n = 93) (n = 74) (NA) (n = 94) (NA) White 24% 35% 8% 23% 36% 41% Black 35% 23% 22% 18% 3% 7% Asian 15% 10% 47% 37% 20% 14% Hispanic 16% 28% 18% 12% 29% 34% Other 5% 3% 2% 7% 4% 4% Multi-Ethnic 4% 1% 4% (NA) 7% (NA) Teacher (n = 1033) (n = 122) (n = 184) (NA) (n = 189) (NA) White 43% 43% 24% 37% 52% 61% Black 21% 25% 16 13% 3% 5% Asian 15% 13% 38% 31% 15% 13% Hispanic 14% 14% 13% 12% 20% 16% Other 5% 2% 5% 7% 4% 6% Muiti-Ethnic 3% 3% 3% (NA) 6% (NA) Teacher-Director (n = 385) (n = 86) (n = 59) (NA) (n = 48) (n = 77) White 53% 46% 34% 58% 69% Black 29% 24% 21% 6% 5% Asian 5% 9% 30% 10% 12% Hispanic 10% 17% 11% 15% 13% Other 3% 2% 0% 4% 1% Multi-Ethnic 1% 2% 4% 6% 0% Admin. Director (n = 184) (n = 79) (n = 35) (NA) (n = 19) (n = 58) White 43% 56% 22% 74% 75% Black 26% 22% 22% 11% 9% Asian 10% 7% 39% 0% 5% Hispanic 12% 13% 14% 0% 6% Other 1% 1% 0% 5% 3% Multi—Ethnic 9% 1% 4% 11% 3% NOTE: Due to rounding, cells may not sum to 100%. For this report, PACE combined the Center for the Child Care Workforce’s categories "American indian” and ”Other" to match the CRI ethnicity categories. * Burton, A., Duff, 8., & Laverty, K. (2001 ). A Profile of the Alameda County Child Care Center Workforce: 1995-2001. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. ** Burton, A., Whitebook, M, & Sakai, L. (2000). A Profile of the San Francisco Child Care Center Workforce: 7999. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. *** Belim, D., Burton, A., & Duff, B. et. ai. (2002). A Profile of the San Mateo County Child Care Workforce: Findings from the 2007 Survey of Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. PROGRAM EVALUATION PROGRESS REPORT 3 POLICY BRIEF PACE TABLE 2. Education Level: Comparison of Participants with County ECE Staff Alameda County San Francisco County San Mateo County fl CRI ECE CRI ECE Comparison ECE Recipients Staff* Recipients Staff* * Group Staff* * * Assistant/Associate (n = 354) (n = 103) (n = 75) (n = 50) (n = 95) (n = 70) Up to HS/CED 10% 24% 23% 14% 33% 32% Some College 67% 67% 38% 67% 36% 54% AA+ 16% 2% 28% 4% 19% 5% BA+ 7% 7% 11% 14% 12% 9% Teacher (n = 1057) (n = 133) (n = 192) (n = 62) (n =192) (n = 96) Up to HS/GED 5% 3% 3% 1% 6% 1% Some College 34% 52% 30% 54% 29% 41% AA+ 24% 18% 28% 10% 27% 20% BA+ 37% 27% 39% 36% 38% 37% Teacher—Director (n = 407) (n = 96) (n = 61) (n = 32) (n = 49) (n = 79) Up to HS/GED 3% 1% 0% 0% 4% 0% Some College 24% 30% 18% 20% 25% 20% AA+ 31% 17% 30% 19% 33% 28% BA+ 42% 52% 52% 61% 38% 52% Admin. Director (n = 186) (n = 81) (n = 38) (n = 41) (n =19) (n = 60) Up to HS/GED 4% 3% 3% 0% 5% 0% Some College 13% 25% 8% 2% 11% 15% AA+ 21% 15% 24% 6% 37% 12% BA+ 62% 56% 65% 92% 47% 73% NOTE: Due to rounding, cells may not sum to 100%. * Burton, A., Duff, 3, & Laverty, K. (2001). A Profile of the Alameda County Child Care Center Workforce: 7995-2001. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. ** Burton, A., Whitebook, & M., Sakai, L. (2000). A Profile of the San Francisco Child Care Center Workforce: 1999. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. *** Bellm, D., Burton, A., & Duff, B. et. al. (2002). A Profile of the San Mateo County Child Care Workforce: Findings from the 2001 Survey of Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. likely to take ECE college coursework and other training than ECE staff in the comparison group. This is of I In Year One are CRI recipients more likely than other ECE staff to participate in training and professional development? One year after stipends were first distributed, CRI recipients in the Alameda CDC and SF CARES reported taking significantly more ECE college classes than did ECE staff in the comparison group. particular importance because of the Recipients in the Alameda CDC and link between more education and the SF CARES were significantly more provision of higher quality care. a BAY AREA CHILD-CARE RETENTION INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Similarly, these CRI recipients reported participating in ECE workshops at a significantly higher rate than did ECE staff in the com- parison group. However, participation in general education (GE) college courses did not differ between groups. Remaining questions. These findings regarding training raise several additional questions. First, what particular classes are these CRI recipients taking? Data are being gathered to assess the impact of the CRI programs on the local commu- nity colleges; anecdotal evidence indicates that enrollments in ECE courses are up substantially.l8 Are recipients enrolling in courses that allow them to move up on the Child Development Permit Matrix?l9 By tracking CRI recipients’ course completion and permit acquisition in Year Two of this evaluation, progres- sion on the Matrix can be quantified and linked to stipend receipt. I In Year One are CRI recipients more likely than other ECE staff to be retained (to stay in their centers and the ECE field)? The vast majority of recipients in the Alameda CDC and SF CARES stayed in their centers and the ECE field in the year following stipend receipt. Although these data are preliminary, the retention of recipients is a positive indicator because of the evidence linking staff stability to the quality of care provided. In overall terms, the retention rates of CR1 recipients in Alameda CDC and SF CARES were higher than those in the comparison group. However, only for recipients of SF CARES were the retention rates significantly higher in comparison to ECE staff in San Mateo County. Relatively speaking, ECE staff in the comparison group also stayed in the field at a higher rate than has been reported previously. Stipend amount TABLE 3. Average Hourly Wage: Comparison of Participants with County ECE Staff Alameda County San Francisco County San Mateo County CRI ECE CRI ECE Comparison ECE ' Recipients StaffT * Recipients Stafff * * Group Staff‘r * * Assistant/Associate (n = 321) $8.31 - (n = 63) $7.78 - (n = 88) $9.19 - $11.45 $10.17 $11.61 $9.57 $10.79 $11.70 Teacher in = 894) $10.42 — (n = 173) $10.02 - (n = 169) $12.58 - $14.95 $14.86 $15.47 $14.21 $15.01 $18.00 Teacher-Director (n = 349) $14.79 - (n = 47) $13.89 — (n = 42) $17.20 - $17.59 $18.25 $15.80 $16.68 $17.59 $21.75 Admin. Director (n = 135) $19.66 - (n = 28) $15.76 — (n =18) $19.62 - $22.08 $24.61 $17.60 $20.45 $25.24 $24.79 * All "ECE Staff" wages represent the average lowest and average highest wage for each job title in each county, not a range Of wages. * Burton, A., Duff, 8., & Laverty, K. (2001 ). A Profile of the Alameda County Child Care Center Workforce: 1995-2007. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. NO sample sizes were provided for these averages. ** Burton, A., Whitebook, M, & Sakai, L. (2000). A Profile of the San Francisco Child Care Center Workforce: 7999. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. No sample sizes were provided for these averages. *** Bellm, 0, Burton, A., & Duff, B. et. al. (2002). A Profile of the San Mateo County Child Care Workforce: Findings from the 2001 Survey of Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. NO sample sizes were provided for these averages. PROGRAM EVALUATION PROGRESS REPORT PACE POLICY BRIEF did not predict retention for CRI recipients in Year One. Remaining questions. Several key questions remain regarding the effects of the CRI programs on staff retention. First, of the CRI recipients in these counties, who is being retained? Given the evidence that more training is associated with higher quality care, is staff with higher levels of ECE education being retained at a similar rate as those who have lower levels of education? With dramatically changing economic conditions in the Bay Area in 2000—2001, examin- ing retention rates at the end of the evaluation, approximately two years after the initial stipend receipt, is essential for a more valid estimation of staff retention. TABLE 4. Average Center Tenure: comparison Of Participants With county ECE Staff ‘ Alameda County San Francisco County San Mateo County CRI ECE CRI ECE Comparison ECE Recipients Staff” Recipients Staff* * Group Staff* * * Asst/Associate (n = 554) (n = 95) (n = 74) (n = 46) (n = 95) (n = 68) < 6 months 4% 17% 5% 15% 8% 24% 6 — 11 months 5% 16% 2% 9% 15% 20% 1 — 5 years 42% 45% 28% 48% 65% 46% > 5 years 52% 25% 64% 50% 16% 11% Teacher (n = 1057) (n = 125) (n = 192) (n = 48) (n = 192) (n = 95) < 6 months 8% 10% 4% 20% 7% 10% 6 — 11 months 5% 9% 5% 17% 10% 11% 1 — 5 years 56% 45% 51% 50% 51% 45% > 5 years 55% 56% 61% 18% 52% 55% Teacher-Director (n = 407) (n = 87) (n = 62) (NA) (n = 49) (n = 79) < 6 months 5% 2% 2% 4% 5% 6 — 11 months 2% 4% 8% 2% 4% 1 — 5 years 55% 45% 55% 55% 50% > 5 years 59% 49% 57% 61% 65% Admin. Director (n = 186) (n = 75) (n = 58) (NA) (n = 19) (n = 58) < 6 months 1% 0% 0%} 16% 4% 6 — 11 months 0% 5% 6% 5% 2% 1 - 5 years 40% 57% 21% 21% 29% > 5 years 59% 60% 70% 58% 65% NOTE: Due to rounding, cells may not sum to 100%. * Burton, A., Duff, 8., & Laverty, K. (2001 ). A Profi/e of the Alameda County Child Care Center Workforce: 1995-2007. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. ** Burton, A., Whitebook, M, & Sakai, L. (2000). A Profi/e of the San Francisco Child Care Center Workforce: 1999, Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. *** Bellm, 0, Burton, A., & Duff, B. et. al. (2002). A Profile of the San Mateo County Child Care Workforce: Findings from the 2001 Survey of Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. fl BAY AREA CHILD-CARE RETENTION INCENTIVE PROGRAMS TABLE 5. Year One Participation in Training and Professional Development Alameda San Francisco San Mateo CRI Recipients CRI Recipients Comparison Group ECE Classes 63%* 64%* 50% ECE Workshops 92%* 90%* 75% *Significantlv different from the comparison group at the p<.05 level. TABLE 6. Year One Retention in the Center and ECE Field Alameda San Francisco San Mateo CRI Recipients CRI Recipients Comparison CI'OUD Center Retention 93% 94%* 88% Field Retention 95% 98%* 94% *Significantly different from the comparison group at the p<.05 level. Initial Policy Implications This progress report provides initial findings, as well as raises important questions for program designers and policymakers as they work toward increasing the retention and training of the ECE workforce. Although these implications are derived from first—year findings only, there are several that may be relevant to program development and implementation. CRI programs must specify their target populations for retention and training. The CRI programs would be strengthened by targeting the inter— vention activities toward particular groups. Programs included many ECE staff with relatively high levels of education and experience, which is consistent with the aim of retaining highly trained staff and continuing their professional development. Given the generally low levels of education and training among the ECE workforce, a fast expansion of the ECE workforce to meet current proposals for universal preschool will require inclusion of entry—level aides and classroom teachers with minimal experience. Developing a program component targeted at entry—level staff, to draw them into the field and increase their eligibility for the Child Development Permit, is essential. CRI programs could develop alternative components for entry—level staff to determine how to do this most effectively, while maintaining high training standards. Providing accessible, afiordable, high-quality training for CRI recipients is essential. The CRI programs require coordina- tion and cooperation with the community colleges, Resource and Referral agencies, and other ECE training facilities in their counties to train recipients and ECE staff (who may be future recipients). Develop- ing the capacity to support recipi- ents’ training activities through advising and coordination may be essential to program success in regards to training outcomes. Streamlining retention program activities into existing systems may increase program success. Some aspects of these training and retention programs could be streamlined into existing systems and infrastructure. Given budget con— cerns, creative solutions may help CRI programs to reach more ECE staff at a lower cost. For example, could the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the organization that currently verifies coursework to award the Child Development Permit, assist in the cumbersome verification process counties use to determine stipend eligibility? Explor— ing potential coordination of services among the groups involved in ECE training and permitting may be a promising option for counties implementing CRI programs. PROGRAM EVALUATION PROGRESS REPORT a POLICY BRIEF PACE Areas for Future Research In evaluating the effectiveness of the Bay Area CRI programs, many important questions remain about how we can train and retain ECE staff and provide higher quality care most effectively. Several of these questions are discussed briefly below. How are the CRI programs affecting training and retention? The vast majority of CR1 recipients report staying at their centers—and in the ECE field—and being satisfied with their involvement in the Alameda CDC or SF CARES. Yet, questions remain about how these CR1 programs affect retention and training. Is it primarily through the direct, financial impact of the sti— pend, through an increased sense of professional identity, or through increased availability of training and professional development? Are the current programs the most effective and efficient means to increase retention and training among ECE staff? With the current state budget shortfalls, resources are likely to be increasingly scarce. Ascertaining the most effective method of retaining and training ECE staff may be one of the most crucial lines of inquiry related to this evaluation. Do CRI programs improve the quality ofcare provided by CRI recipients? This evaluation will provide important data in addressing questions about strengthening the ECE workforce through training and retention. However, the most basic issue is outstanding: what effect, if any, are these changes in the workforce having on the quality of care pro- vided to children? An observational study of ECE staff is needed, includ- ing staff at a range of levels and working in a variety of types of centers, to assess them before and after they participate in a CRI program. Moreover, given each county’s different program components, this work could include multiple program designs in an effort to specify the most promising practices of improv— ing the quality of care. Which aspects of training are most closely associated with improvements in ECE quality? Additional research is needed to examine the types—and components of those types—of training that are most likely to benefit children. There is evidence that participating in a comprehensive ECE training pro— gram is more likely to improve the quality of care provided to children than is completing individual classes.20 However, completing ECE trainings and workshops has been shown to improve the quality of care provided?l How much training and coursework is needed to have an effect? Which classes and types of workshops have the most impact? Further research in this area is needed, as interventions like the CRI pro— grams are developed to improve the quality of care provided to children in the most effective and efficient way. m BAY AREA CHILD-CARE RETENTION INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Endnotes ' Lamb, M. E. (1998). Nonparental child care: Context, quality, correlates. In W. Damon, 1. E. Siege], & K. A. Renniger (Eds), Handbook ofChild Psychology: Vol. 4. Child Psychology in Practice 5‘" ed., 73-134. New York: Wiley. 3 Cryer, D., Hurwitz, 5., 8( Wolery, M. (2001). Continuity of caregiver for infants and toddlers in center-based child-care: Report on a survey of center practices. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15, 497-514. " Howes, C. (1997). Children‘s experiences in center-based child—care as a function of teacher background and adult child ratios. Merrill-Pulitzer Quarterly, 43, 404—425. “ NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2000). Characteristics and quality of child care for toddlers and preschoolers. Applied Developmental Sciences, 4, 116—135. ‘ Burchinal, M. R. (1999). Child care experiences and developmental outcomes. The Annals oftheAnzerican Academy, 563, 73-97. “ Lamb, M. E. (1998). Nonparental child care: Context, quality, correlates. In W. Damon, 1. E. Siegel, & K. A. Renniger (Eds.), Handbook ofChild Psychology: Vol. 4. Child Psychology in Practice 5‘h ed., 73—134. New York: Wiley. 7 Cryer, D., Hurwitz, S., & Wolery, M. (2001). Continuity of caregiver for infants and toddlers in center—based child—care: Report on a survey of center practices. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15, 497—514. “' Center for the Child Care Workforce (2001). Current data on child care salaries and benefits in the United States. Washington, DC. " Caspary, K. (2002). California‘s pioneering training and retention initiatives for early childhood educators: lessons from San Francisco and Alameda counties. PACE Policy Brie/024. Berkeley, CA: UC Berkeley. 10Whitebook, M., Howes, C., & Phillips, D. (1998). Worthy Work, Unlivable Wages: The National Child Care Staffing Study. Washing— ton, D.C.: Center for the Child Care Workforce. ‘1 Additional sources of data for the evalua— tion include: 1) a Qualitative Implementation Study (Q18) centered around a series of focus groups and interviews with Alameda CDC and SF CARES program planners, community stakeholders, and CR1 program participants; 2) cost analyses of the CRI programs; 3) a retrospective overview of community college course enrollment in the program counties; and 4) a summary of Child Development Permit applications from the relevant counties over the past seven years. ‘3 San Mateo implemented a CRI program in 2001, which changed the nature of their involvement as a comparison county. Subsequently, the non«participating staff from the original sample in San Mateo will be used as the comparison group, holding differences between the staff in the counties constant. Additionally, in Year Two of the evaluation, analyses will be conducted to determine which factors, if any, predict whether or not ECE staff in San Mateo became CRI recipients. ‘5 Hamre, B., Grove, R., 8: Louie, I. (2003). Matching Funds for Retention Incentives for Early Care and Education Staff: Evaluation Year One Progress Report: 2001—2002. PACE Policy Brief. Berkeley: UC Berkeley. '4 Burton, A., Duff, B., & Laverty, K. (2001). A Profile ofthe Alameda County Child Care Center Workforce: 1995—2001. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. Burton, A., Whitebook, M., 8: Sakai,L . (2000) A Profile ofthe San Francisco Child Care Center Workforce: 1999. Washington, DC: Center for the Child Care Workforce. ‘5 Caspary, K. (2002). California’s pioneering training and retention initiatives for early childhood educators: lessons from San Francisco and Alameda counties. PACE Policy Brief 02—1. Berkeley, CA: UC Berkeley. ‘6 In Year One, SF CARES included low wages (within each qualification level) as a prioritization factor for awarding stipends. '7 Year 3 data will be available through the Matching Funds Evaluation administra— tive data. ‘8 Caspary, K. (2002). California’s pioneering training and retention initiatives for early childhood educators: lessons from San Francisco and Alameda counties. PACE Policy Brief 02-]. Berkeley, CA: UC Berkeley. ‘9 Initial data indicate that there was a 237% increase in permit-holders from 2000-2001 in Alameda county. 3“ Howes, C. & Brown, I. (2000). Improving child care quality: A guide for the Proposition 10 commissions, in E. Shulman, M. Shannon, and M. Hochstein, eds., Building Community Systemsfor Young Children, UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities. 2‘ Burchinal, M.R., Cryer, D., Clifford, R. M., 8( Howes, C. (2002). Caregiver training and classroom quality in child care centers, Applied Developmental Science, 6, 2—1 1. LIIBRAR IES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||I|I|III|I Cll‘llalt76'? PROGRAM EVALUATION PROGRESS REPORT In PACE POLICY BRIEF University of California Graduate School of Education 3653 Toiman Hall Berkeley, CA 94720-1670 Stanford University Graduate School of Education Stanford, CA 94505 RELATED PACE PUBLICATIONS—EARLY EDUCATION Bridget Hamre, Rebecca Grove and Justin Louie. Matching Funds for Retention Incentives for Early Care and Educa- tion Staff: Evaluation. Policy Brief 03-1, February 2003. Elizabeth Burr and Bridget O’Brien. Training and Retaining Early Care and Education Staff Training Projects: Evaluation. Policy Brief 03-3, February 2003. Susanna Loeb, Bruce Fuller, and Diane Hirshberg. Estimating Unmet Need for Child Care and Preschool: Alternative Definitions and Analytic Tools. November 2002. New Lives for Poor Families? Mothers and Children Move Through Welfare Reform. 2002. From the Growing Up in Poverty Project. $25. Bruce Fuller, Yueh—Wen Chang, Sawako Suzuki, and Sharon Lynn Kagan. Child-Care Aid and Quality for California Families: Special Focus on San Francisco and Santa Clara Counties. Working Paper Series 01-2, Spring 2001. From the Growing Up in Poverty Project. $10. Judith Carroll. How to Pay for Child Care? Local Innovations Help Working Families. Policy Brief 01—1, Spring 2001. From the Growing Up in Poverty Project. Available on our website, or may be ordered for $10. James F. Mensing, Desiree French, Bruce Fuller, and Sharon Lynn Kagan. Child Care Selection Under Welfare Reform: How Mothers Balance Work Requirements and Parenting. August 2000. Available on our website. Remember the Children: Mothers Balance Work and Child Care Under Welfare Reform. 2000. From the Growing Up in Poverty Project. $25. To obtain copies, please send a check payable to UC Regents to PACE. 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