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Index to North American literature (English) on copper deposits up to and including the year 1905 1905 BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD TARGET University of California at Berkeley Library Master negative storage number: 03-67.53 (national version of the master negative storage number: CU SN03067.53) GLADIS NUMBER: 184798914E FORMAT : BK AD:991102/rZB LEVEL: BlT:am DCF:a CsSC:d MOD: FlL:7 UD: 030708/FVB CP: cau L:eng INT: GPC: BIO: FIC: CON: ARCV: PC:s PD:1905/ REP: Cpl: Fol: TC: II:0 040 CUSecCU 090 SbDISS.STENGER.GEOL 1905 100 1 Stenger, Edward L. 245 10 Index to North American literature (English) on copper deposits up to and including the year 1905. 260 $c1905. 300 54 p. :18c29 om. 610 20 University of California, Berkeley.SbDept. of Geology and Geophysics$xDissertations. 690 0 Dissertations, Academic$SxUCBSxGeologySy1901-1910. Microfilmed by University of California Library Photographic Service, Berkeley, CA FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, 94720 DATE: 7/03 REDUCTION: 10 X PM-1 3%:"x4” PHOTOGRAPHIC MICROCOPY TARGET NBS 1010a ANSI/ISO #2 EQUIVALENT Is 128 25 10 Sh J = bE kk ll= Fae = =o ° = ee LZ lis fie a: Tg Tal sl Ee) or , 2 al bil Sil cit ; 1;1 ,0i1 8 E LIN bin elt i tn oft 1 8 lhl Ed 2 hE DZS S STENGEA oF 1305 EACT INDEX TO NORTH AMERICAN LITERATURE (ENGLISH) ON COPPER DEPOSITS UP TO AND INCLUDING THE YEAR 19085, EDWARD L. STENGER, COLLEGE OF MINING, NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY COPY RE GER TT A. ABERCROMBIE, .R. The Copper River country, Alaska. Frgnklin Inst., Jour., vol, 158, pp. 353-366, 1904. Includes observations on the general geology, and the occurrence of copper and gold ores in Alaska, ADAMS, W.H. The Pyrites Deposits of Louisa Co., Va, Am, Inst, Min. Zmg., Trans., vol. 12, p. 527. ANSTED, D.T, The copper lode of Santiago in Cuba, Geol. Soc., Quart. Jour., vol. 12, pp. 244-153, 1856, = On the San Fernando copper lodes near Cienfuegos in Cuba, Geol. Soc., Quart. Jour., vol. 13, pp. 240-242, 1857, On the copper lodes of Ducktown in East Tennessee, 50¢., Quart, Jour,, vol, 13, pp. 245-254, 1857, cm ts et rn On some copper lode near Sykesville in Maryland, Geol. Soc., Quart. Jour., vol, 13, pp. 242-245, 1857, AUSTIR, W.L. Copper deposits of Mora Co., New Mexico. Abstract: Eng. and Min, Jour., vol, LXV, pp. 370, 1898, Describes the oceurrence and origin of the deposits, ot tt Some New lexico copper deposits, Colo. Sei, Soec., Proec., vol. é, pp. 91-95, 1902. Describes the occurrence and discusses the origin of the ore deposits, et a The ore deposits of Cananea, Mexico, Eng. and Min, Jour, , vol. 76, pp. 310-311, 1903. Describes the character and occurrence of the copper ore deposits, TN ale | B. BAGG, R,M, Secondary enrichment in the Santa Rita district, N.M, Ing. and Min, Jour., vol. 77, pp. 153=154, 1904, Deseribes the character and occurrence of Copper deposits. BAILEY, L.W., The mineral resources of the Province of New Brunswick, Can, Geol, Surv., new ser., vol. X, Rept. M, 129 pp,, 1898. Describes the occurrence of iron, copper, nickel, antimony, lead, silver, gold, etc. BAILEY, J.F. Copper deposits of Adams Co., Pa, Eng, and Min, Jour., Feb, 17, 1883, BAILEY, FRANK. Copper deposits of the Aspen Grove camp, Similkameen, British Columbia. : Min, Rep., vol, 51, pp. 214-215, 1905, BAIN, H,F. Review of the Geology of Castle Mountain mining dist., Montana, by V.,H, Weed and L.V, Pirsson, Jour, Geol., vol, V, pp, 210-212, 1897, et and ULRICH, E,O, The copper deposits of Missourl. U.S. Geol, Surv,, Bull, no, 260, pp. 233-235, 1905, U.5., Geol, Surv., Bull, no, 267, pp. 52, 1905, BALDWIN, L.I. The auriferous copper ores of northern Okanogan Co,, Washington, Mining, vol, III, pp. 112-116, April 1897, Spokane, BARLOW, ALE, On the nickel and copper deposits of Sudbury, Ontario. Ottawa Nat., vol. 5, pp. 51=71, Abstract: Can, Ree, Sei,, vol. 5, pp. 68-68. B. continued. oe te we m—m——————— The Sudbury mining distriet. Can, Geol, Surv,, Summ, Rept, for 1902, pp. 252-2687, 1903, Describes petrographic characters of rock types and discusses the occurrence, character, and origin of nickel and copper ore deposits, et ee ed Report on the origin, geological relations, and composition of the nickel and copper deposits of the Sudbury mining district. Can. Geol, Surv,, Ann, Rept., vol, 14, 1904, BARNEY, W.G, The Silver Bell Mountains, Arizona. Eng. and Min, Jour., vol. 78, pp. 766-766, 1904, Describes the occurrence, character, and geologic relations of copper ore deposits. BARTLETT, F,L. Mines of Maine- lines, Miners and Mining Interests of the U,S,, Phila,, 1882, p, 13% BAUERMAN, H, On the copper mines of the State of Michigan, Geol. So6., Quart, Jour., vol. 22, pp. 448-483, 18686. Good account of minerals, BEADLE, H.M, The persistence of ores in lodes in depth, The Empire lode. Eng. and Min, Jour,, vo}. LV, pp. 154-155, 1807, Remarks on the evidences found in mines in Butte, Montana, eon- cerning the formation of lodes in depth, with a deseription of the Empire lode, BEALS, W, The Seven Devils mining district, Idaho. Eng. and Min. Jour., vol, LXIX, pp. 345-346, 1900, pra To TY TT as B., continued. Describes the general geology of the region and the occurrence of the copper ores. BECK, L.C, Notice of the native copper ores, copper, ete. near New Brunswick, New Jersey- Am, Jour, Sci., lst. ser., XXXVI, p., 107. Geol. of N.,J., Pp. 218-224, BELL, RALSTON, How copper is produced- Min, Rep., vol, 50, pp, 636-637, 662-683, 690-691, 1904, Includes notes on the geologic occurrence of copper. BELL, ROBERT. Report on the Sudbury mining district, with an appendix by Prof, G.,H., Williams. Can. Geol. surv, Reports, vol, 5, new series, part I, 1890-91, Report F, 91 pp. ~ Abstract: Am, Geol., vol. 9, pp. 269=270, Deseribes the Laurentian and Huronian rocks of the region, the occurrence of nickel and copper, and their mineral association in these rocks, and discusses the origin of the ore bodies. rm te The nickel and copper deposits of the Sudbury district. Geol. Soc. Am., Bull., II, Rochester, 1891. BIDDLE, H.C. The deposition of copper by solutions of ferrous salts. Jour, Geol,, Vol, 9, Pp. 430-438, 1901, ; Degeribes certain chemical experiments which show that the con- ditions under which the oxidation of the ferrous salts may result in the deposition of copper are those which are found in the circulation of underground water, a B. continued: BLAKE, W.P. The Rainbow lode, Butte City; Montana. Am, Inst, Win, Eng., Trans., vol, 18, pp. 65-80, 1887. Se The copper deposits of Copper Basin, Arizona, and their origin. Am, Inst, Min, Eng,, Trans., vol, 17, pp. 479-485, 1889, Sg fe The persistence of ores in lodes in depth. Eng, and Min. Jour,, vol, LV, p. 3, 1893, Abstract: North of England Irist, of Min, and Mech. Eng., Trans., vol, XLII, part V, p. 404, 1893, | Remarks on the independence of lode formation of any superficial Phenomena and on the evidences of lateral secretion and vein fill= ing in depth in mines at Butte, Mont., and concludes that lode mineralization is deep seated and in a homogeneous rock formation may extend downward to and beyond the limit that mining Sporations can be conducted, Se x Geology and mineral resources of Arizona, Rept. of Governor to Secretary of the Interior, 1809, pp. 43-183, Describes the general geology of various portions of Arizona and the character and occurrence of ores and economic products. mmmmmmm————- (opper ore and garnet in assoeiation. An, Inst, Hin, Eng., Trans., vol. 34, pp. 886-890, 1904. Hin, and Sci. Press, vol, 89, PP. 72-73, 1904, Min. World, vol, 21, p. 175, 1904, Describes occurrences of copper ore and garnet in association and discusses their origin, B. continued. TY — i wat we wo Go The mass copper of the Lake Superior mines, and the method of mining it. Am, Inst. Min, Eng., Trans., vol. IV, p. 110. et — Notes and recollections concerning the mineral resources of Northern Georgia, and Western North Carolina, Am, Inst. Min, Eng., Trans., vol. XXV, Pp. 7986. BLANDY, J.,F., Topography, with special reference to the Lake Superior copper district, Am, Inst. Min, Eng., Trans,, vol, I, pp. 75=82, 1873, “ ~=-== The Lake Superior copper rocks in Pennsylvania, Am, Inst. Min, Eng., Trans., vol. 7, pp. 3B1=%533, 336, 1879, Discussed by Hunt and Frazer. ft The mining region around Prescott, Arizona. Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans., vol, 11, pp. 286-291, mep, 1883, Eng. and Min, Jour., vol, 38, pp. 53, 34, map, 1883, Abstract: Science, vol, 2, p. 86, 1883, ee et fe The origin of the native copper in the Michigan deposits. : Eng. end Min, Jour,, vol. LXIX, pp, 278-279, 1900, Bf dn An Arizona copper deposit. : Eng, and Min; Jour., vol. 64, p. 97, 1897. Describes the occurrence of copper near the rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. mm————————— Hypothesis of the structure of the copper belt of the south Mountain, ov Am. Inst, Min, Eng., Trans,, vol, 12, p. 82, 1884, B. continued. te - and WILLIAMS, C,P, Some contributions to a knowledge of the constitution of the copper ranges of Lake Superior. Am, Jour, Scli., 24 series, vol. 34, pp. 112-120, 1882, BLUE, JOHN, Copper pyrites mining in Quebec in 1894, : Jour, Gen'l, Min, Assoc. Prov. Quebec, II, 147, 1894, BOND, J, Copper leaching at the American copper mine. : N.J. Geol, Surv,, Ann, Rept, for 1901, pp, 153=~161, 1902, Deseribes experiments made upon copper ores to determine meth= ods of extracting copper, BOUIWELL, J.,M, Ore deposits of Bingham, Utah, ) U.S. Geol, Surv,., Bull, no. 213, pp, 105-122, 1903. U.S. Geol, Surv,, Bull. no. 260, pp. 236=241, 1905, Describes the character, occurrence, and origin of the ores, of which copper is the principal one, and recent mining de= velopments, a Heonomic geology of the Bingham mining distriet, Utah, U.S. Geol, Surv,, Prof. Paper, no. 78, pp. 71-385, 1905, meme mm————— Ope deposits of Bingham, Utah. : Eng, and Hin. Jour, , vol. 79, pp. 11761178, 1905, Ln Genesis of the ore deposits at Bingham, Utah. Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Bi=mo, Bull., no. 6, PP. 1163-1192, 1908, Abstract: Sclence, new series, vol, 21, pp. 662, 1905, Describes the general geology and the character and occurrence of the copper and lead ores; and discusses their origin. B. continued. BREWER, Wels Ducktown, Temn,, copper mining district. Eng. and in, Jour., vol. LIX, p. 271, 18985, Describes the occurrence of copper ores in the southwestern nortion of Temnmessce, BREWER, W,.,M, Harrison Lake, British Columbia. Png. and ¥in, Jour,, vol, 65, p. 640, 1808, Contains brief motes on the occurrence of gold and copper in the region, pp The west coagt of Vancouver Island, BC Eng, and ¥in, Jour., vol. LXVII, p. 176, 1809, Describes cccurrence of ore deposits in the region. ———— ining on Vancouver and Texada Islands, B.C, Eng, and ¥in, Jour., vol. LXVII, pp. 5290=A30, 18909, Describes occurrence of ore bodies in the region. a - Windemere mining division, Fast Kootenay district, B,C, Eng. and ¥in, Jour,, vol, LXVII, pp. 127-128, 18990, Describes general geology and occurrence of Copper ores. i The copper deposits of Vancouver Island, Can, Min, Rev., vol, XVIII, pp. 270-271, 1899, ——————— (on=Anda Texade Island, B,C. : Png. and Min, Jour,, vol, LXIX, pp. 259=260, 1900, Describes the occurrence and character of copper ores carry=- ing geld and silver, SL ad i BR B, continued. - Prospects on Howe Sound, West Coast.of British Columbia, : Eng, and Yin, Jour,, vol, L¥IX, pp. 315-316, 1900, Briefly describes the geology of the region and occurrence of copper ores, m——————————= Vancouver Island, B,C. Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol. LXIX, pp. 465-4668, 1900, Contains notes on the geology of the region, and on the occur- rence of copper ores. ==emmrm———ee-- Progress on Vancouver and Texada Islands, Fng, and Min, Jour., vol, LXX, pp. 34-35, 1900, ee mmme————= The copper deposits of Vaneouver Island, # Am, Inst, Yin. Eng., Trans., vol. 29, pp. 483-488, 1900, - ~ Texada ‘Island, B.C, Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol, 72, pp. 6685=6687, 1901, S———————— White Horse mining district, ; Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol, 73, pp. 1687=168, 1902, Deseribes the general geology of the region and the occurrence of copper and coal, A British Columbia, Boundary mining district, progress in mining ahd smelting. z Eng, end Min, Jour., vol, 73, pp. 617-823, 1902, Describes the general geology and the occurrence of the gold, silver, and copper ores, B, continued. te et ef 2 fe -= White Horse dist., in Yukon Terr.-history, - geology, present conditions, and future prospects of the mining district. Mines and Minerals, vol, 24, pp. 28-31, 1903, Describes the general geology and the occurrence of copper ore and coal deposits, A et pr ee White Horse copper camp, Yukon Terr, Min, and Sci. Press, vol, 89, pp. X08=309, 1904, rrr meme mee fount Sicker mining district, B.C, Min, and Sei, Press, vol. 87, pp. 7=8, 1903, Gives observations on the geology of the district and the occurrence of the copper ores, et et et te ee Bornite ores of British Columbia and Yukon Terr. Can, Min, Rev,, vol, 24, pp. 76-78, 1905, . Can, Min, Inst., Jour., vol, 8, pp. 172«182, 1905, ————————————————— (ODP Er mining in Alabama, | Ala, Ind, and Sei, Séc.,, Proc., vol. 7, Pp. 13-16, 1897, Gives brief notes on occurrence of copper in G1eburne Co. BROCK, R,V, Preliminary report on the Boundary Creek dist., B.C. Can, Geol, Surv,,,Summ, Rept, for 1902, pp. 90-136, 1903, Describes Physiographic features, aeneral geology, character, occurrence, and origin of igneous rocks, the occurrence and origin of the copper, gold, and silver ore deposits and the mining operations. B. continued. BROOKS, AJH, Preliminary report on the Ketchikan mining district, Alagka, with an introductory sketch of the geology of South= eastern Alaska, U.8s Geol, Surv,, Prof, Paper, no, 1, 120 pp., 1902, re Reconnaissance from Pyramid Harbor to Eagle City, Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv,, 21st, Amn, Rept., Pt. II, pp. 3351-301, 1900, BROOKS, T.B, and PUMPELLY, R, On the age of the copper=bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Am, Jour, Sci,, 3d. series, vol. 3, Pp. 428-432, 1872, BROWH, R.G. The ore deposits of Butte City, Hontana, Am, Inst, Min, ng., Trans., vol. 24, pp. 543=558, 1895, Describes the topography of the city and the distribution and character of the several copper and silver belts. BROWNE, D.H, Seggregation in ores and mattes, Can, Rec, Sei., vol. 7, pp. 176-190, 1896, Gives a brief description of the Sudbury, wearin; copper ore deposits, BURGESS, J.D. Secondary enrichment. Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol. 768, pp. 153, 1903, BUSH, E.R. The Sudbury nickel region, Eng. and Min, Jour,, voles LVII, pp. 245=246, 1804, Describes the topography of the region, names the rock varieties in which the nickel and copper occurs, and deseribes the gen=- eral occurrence of the niekelifercus pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, Discusses the origin of the deposits, BYRNE, JOHN, Geography, history, production, Tissure systems, dis=- B. concluded, tribution of ores, character of the ores of the Butte mining district, Montana. 4 ont, Inspector of Mines, 14th, Ann, Rept, pp 26-33, 1903, Includes a brief account of the general geology of the vicinity of Butte, of the fissures and veins, and the oceurrence of the ore deposits of silver and copper ores, C. CABRERA, R. l{ineral Resources of Cuba. Translated from the Spanish by Louis Edward Levy, Franklin Inst, Jour,, vol, CXLVI, pp. 26~-41, 1898, Abstracts: Eng, and Min, Jour., vol. LXVI, pp. 308-200 Hines and Minerals, vol, XIX, 18908, Describes occurrence of asphaltum, copper, iron, manganese, and gold. CALLENDER, J.A, The Lake Superior copper mines, Mining Mag., vol. 2, pp. 249-253, 1854, CARYLYLE, W,A, Report on Trail Creek mining distriet, B.C. Min, and Sei. Press, vol, LXXIII, pp. 236-257; : Mining, vol, 2, pp. 96=100, 124-128, and 143-151, 1896, Describes briefly the occurrence of the gold, silver, and copper ores, and the associated igneous rocks on pages 144-147, C. continued. CARTER, W,E.,H. The mines of Ontario. Can, ¥'n, Inst,, Jour.,, vol. 7, pp. 114-1587, 1904, Includes observations on the oceurrence in Ontario of deposits of gold, silver, copper, nickel, iron, ete’ CATHERINET, J. Copper Mountain, British Columbia, Eng, amd Min, Jour.,, vel, 79, pp. 1265=127, 190K, Discusses the occurrence and origin of the copper ores of thie locality, CAZIN, F.,M.,F. The origin of the copper and silver ores in Triassie sand rock, (Utah and New Mexico, ) ing, and Min, Jour,, Apr. 2%0, 1880; Dec. 1i, 1880, p. 331, er ee pe - The Hacemlento copper deposits. (Utah and N.M.) Eng. and Min. Jour,, Aug. 22, 1885, p, 124, A ———— The genesis of ore deposits, Am, Inst, Min, BEng,, Trans.,, vol. 23, pp. 604-308, 1804, In discussion of paper by F, Posepny on the same subject, . describes the character and structure of the ore bodies of the Vermont copper mines. CHAMBERLAIN, E.J, Work on the copper bearing series of the Upper st. Croix River (ete). i Wieconsin Geol, Surv,, Ann, Rept. for 1877, pp. 9=17, 1878. - te a The copper bearing series of Lake Superior. Seience, Vol. 1, pp. 453-465, 1883, CHAPMAN, E,J. On the occureence of copper ore on the Island of Grand Manon, Bay of Fundy, - Can, Jour., vol, 13, new series, pp. 234-239, 1872, C. continued, C. continued. CHAPMAN, R.C. The geological structure of the Rocky Mountains COOK, G.H, within the Lewis and Clarke timber reserve, - Geol, of New Jersey, p. 675, 1868, Am, Inst. Min, Eng., Trans., Feb, 1899, | CRAWFORD, J.J. Relates to northwest Montana copper deposits, Twelfth Rept, of the State Mineralogist, Cal, State Min, CHURCH, J.A. Enrichment in Veins. Bureau, pp. 1=411, 1894, Eng. and Min, Jour., vol. 80, pp. 695, 1905, Occurrence of economic deposite in the various counties of Cal. COLEMAN, A.P., Copper regions of the Upper Lakes (Ontario). Ont, Bur. of Mines, vol. 8, pp. 121-174, 1899. Thirteenth Ann, Rept, of the State Mineralogist for the two Describes the general physiographic and geologic features . years ending Sept, 15, 1896, 726 pp. of the region and the character and occurrence of the Archean Contains notes on mines of the several counties of the State rocks and Algonkian and Pleistocene deposits, Includes notes of California, on the petrographic characters of the igneous rocks, CROSBY, V,O. The limestone granite contact deposits of Washington ——mmmeamama== COpper in Perry Sound district. (Ontario). - canp, Arizona, Ont, Bur. of Mines, vol. 8, pp. 259-262, 1899, : Tech, Quart., vol, 18, pp. 171=190, 1905; Describes character and occurrence of copper ores. ; ’ Am, Inst, Min, Eng,, Bi=mo, Bull, no. 8, 1905. Copper and iron regions of Ontario. Deseribes the general geology, the character, occurrence, Ont. Bur, of Mines, 9th. Ann. Rept., pp. 143-191, 1900, and origin of the ore deposits, yielding chiefly copper, Contains notes on the copner and iron mines, on Pleistocene and the metamorphism of the contact rocks, and Glacial geology, and on the petrographic characters of CROWTHER, A.M, The copper deposits of the Beaver River Range,Utah, certain rock varieties, Discusses the relations of the Eng. and Min, Jour., vol, 75, p. 965, 19003, Upper and Lower Huronian in Untario. Deceribes the geclogie structure and the occurrence of the ores, COLLINS, J.H. On the Sudbury copper deposits, sig CUMMINS, W,F. : Geol. Soc uart, dour vol, 44 834-838, 1888 : ey Q » e » PPe y ® First Ann. Rept,, Texas Geol. surv.,, Doe 1986, 1889, COMSTOCK, T.B. CURREY, R,O., The copper and iron region of the Floyd=Carroll-Gray- Texas Geol, Surv,, First Ann, Rept 234, 1899, ib , " : Bier bo , ’ gon plateau of the Blue Ridge in Virginia. : (Llane Co., Texas.) | The Virginias, vol, 1, pp. 62=64, 69-71, 74-77,80-81, 95,1880, D. DANA, J.D. The copper bearing-roeks of the Lake Superior region. Am, Jour. Sei.,, 3d. series, vol. 29, pp. 67-68, 1885, Reviewed by R.D, Irving, ibid., pp. 2658=250, DARTON, N.H. Schuyler eopper mine. v.S8., Geol. Surv,, Bull, 87, p. 57. : DICKSON, C,W, Note on the condition of platinum in the nickel-eopper ores from Sudbury, Ont. 2 , Am, Jour, Sei,, 4th. series, vol. 15, pp, 37-139, 1903, Describes the occurrence and erystallographie characters, ne ee Genetic relations of nickel=copper oroge Can, Inst,, Jour., vol. 9, pp. 25. DILLER, J.S. Copper region of northern California, Ing, and Min, Jour,, vel, 73, PD. 857-858, 1902; Science, new series, vol, 15, p, 823, 1902, Describes the occurrence of auriferous quartz veins and copper deposits of the region. em et en Copper in northern California. Min, and Sei. Press, vol. 85, pp. 62, 72, 1902, moi memmmm—= Copper deposits of the Redding region, Cal. U.S. Geol. Surv,, Bull, no, 213, pp. 123-132, 1903, Describes sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks of the region and their geologic relations and character and occurrence of the ore deposits. DOMENECH, M.V, Mineral resources of Porto Rieo. . lines and Minerals, vol. XIX, pp. 529-532, 1899, Describes the occurrence of gold, silver, copper, and iron. D, continued, DOUGLAS, JAMES, Notes on the copper deposits of Harvey Hill. Quebec Lit. and Hist, So¢,, Trans, for 1870-71, pp. 42-50,1871, The native copper mines of Lake Superior. Canadian Nat,, vol, 7, new series, pp. 318=3368, 1875, Quart. Jour, Sei., vol, 11, pp. 162-180, 1864, ———————————— ——— The copper resources of the United States. Sei. Amer, Suppl,, vol, 35, pp. 14183-14186, 1893, Deseribes the copper mines of the Lake Superior, Arizona, Montana, and other districts in the United States. ne te The copper industry of Arizona, : The Mineral Industry, 1897, pp. cR7=-232, 1898, Describes the occurrence of copper in the mines of Arizona, oe ee en ==w=mm= The Copper Queen mine, Arizona. ‘i Am, Inst, Min, Eng,, Trens., vol. 29, pp. 511-548, 1900, Describes the occurrence, character, and relations of the ore bodies and discusses their genesis. Hin, and Sci, Press, vol. LXXXIX, pp. 432-433, 1899, mam ———————— Copper resourdées of the United States. Am . Inst, Min, Png,, Trans., vol. 19, 1891. str ee mmm mee The Copper Queen mine, Am, Inst, Min, Eng,, New York meeting, Feb, 1699. —— The Globe district. Eng. and Min, Jour,, Apr, 9, 1881, p, 243, ” D., continued. mn mms me ween Q1ifton copper mines of Arizona, | Eng. and Min, Jour., Feb, 21, 1880, pe ee 4 et Historical sketch of copper mining in the U.S. Mineral Industry, vol. 4, 1895, pp. 289=286, DRESSER, J.A, The eopper bearing volcanie rocks in the oastern townships of the Provinee of Quebet, Cana Hin, Inst,, Jour,, vol. H, Pp. 81-86, 1902. . Enge and }in, Jour., vol, 73, p. 412, 1902, et ee et et - An investigation of the copper bearing=-nocks of the eastern townships, P.O. Can, Geol, Surv,, Summ, Rept, for 1902, pp. B0R=316, 1903, Discusses the occurrence, geologic position, and character of copper ore deposits, J Can. Min, Rev,, vol. 23, p. 29, 1904. Can, Min, Inst,, Jour., vol, 7, pp. 307-400, 1904, ¥ T481460 TO i Can, Geol, Surv,, Summ, Rept, for 1903, pp. 146«149, 1904. Can, Geol, Surv,, Summ, Rept, for 1904, pp, 2£63=269, 190K, EDWARDS, R.M, and PARNALL, W,E, The Tamarack mine cross-section and the Keweenawan lodes. n Rept. of State Board of Geol, Surv, of Mich. for 1903, PP. 260=270, Robert Smith Pringting Co,, Lansing 1905, 20 E. continued, EGLESTON, T. Copper mining on Lake Superior. ” Am. Inst. ¥in. Eng,, Trans,, vol. 68, pp. 275-278, ELLIS, J.E, On the Spenceville mines. 3 Mineral Resources of the U.S., U.S. Geol. surv,, p., 340,1884, ELLS, R,W, Copper in Quebec. Geol, Surv. of Canada, vel, 9, 1890, EMMONS, S.F. Tintie Special folio, Utah, : U.S, Geol, Surv,, Atlas of U,S,, folio no. 65, 1900, S————— on Secondary enrichment of ore deposits, : Am, Inst, Win, Eng,, Trens., vol, 30, pp, 177-217, 1901, Contains brief account of occurrence of copper, nm ---=- Platinum in copper ores in Wyoming, : U.S. Geol. Surv,, Bull, 213, pp, 94=07, 1903, Gives a brief account of the topography and geology of the Medicine Bow Range in Wyoming and the occurrence of platinum , in the copper ores of the New Rambler mine, tt ee The Virginius mine, : Eng, and Win, Jour,, vol, 77, p. 311, 194, c Glves observations upon the occurrence and geologic relations of the ore bodies of copper and galena. | m—m—m—————— QCCUrrence of copper ores.in Carboniferous limestone in the region of the Grand Canyon of Colorado. ’ Abstract: Sclence, new series, vol, 20, pp, 7680-761, 1904. ——————————————— — Copper in the Bwe Beds of the Colorado Plateau region, U.S, Geol, Surv,, Bull, no. 260, pp, 221-235, 1905, E, continued, F, continued, rr eB The Cactus copper mine, Utah. FRAZER, P, On the copper~bearing rocks of the lMesgozsoic formati U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull, no. 260, pp. 242-248, 1005, bi : Haven : (near Gettysburg.) a————————— — —— -= Reonomic geology of the Bingham mining district,Utah, : ‘ j . : Phil, Acad, Sci Proe¢,, vol, 29, pp. 17-19, 1877. { U.S. Geol, Surv,, Prof, Paper, no, 38, 1905, 4 : r 2 : [ | ———————— Some copper deposits of Carroll County, Marvland. et er ee en Geological distributions of the useful metals in <9 J Am, Inst, ¥in, Eng, Trans,, vol. 9, pp. 33-40, 1881, the United States, te tt The geology and copper deposits of Adams Co., Penn. Am, Inst, ¥in, Fng., Trans., vol. 22, pp. 53-905, and 737-738, ; ; ’ Eng. and Min, Jour., vol. 35, p. 112, 1883, 1894. | ot me An hypothesis of the structure of the copper belt of the met et -= Hotes on the geology of Butte, Montana. : er : South Mountain, Pemmsylvania, Am, Inst, Yin, FEng., Trans., vol, 16, p. 49, . a - ( Referring to Gilpin Co., Colorado.) FURMAN, J.F, Geology of the copper region of northern Texas and Tenth Census, vol, 13, p, 68, . Indian Terr, ————— ce sp and TOWER, G,W. Economie geology of the Butte : : ’ N.Y, Acad, of Sei,, Trans-+, p., 15, 1881-83, special district, liontana. vv UsS. Geol, Surve, folio no, 38, 1897. : G, Deseribes the flssure systems, the distribution of the ores, GAGE, J.R. The Ste, Genevieve Co. copper mine, the ore deposition, the minerals occurring with the ores, and | Kansas City Review, vol, 1, pp. 603-805, 1878, ‘the character and oceurrence of the lodes, BB GARLAND, J, Copper mining at the Cove, Newfoundland. ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL, The copper mining distriet of Cornwall RoyalGeol. Soe¢,, Trans., vol, 11, pp. 09-105, 1888. Michigan and its industries. GILBERT, G.K. On the general geology of the Black Mountain district. Ing, and Min, Jour., vol. 50, pp. 368-361, 1880. (United Verde mine.) | ee Rt Blue Hill district, Maine. | : Wheeler's Ssurv., part III, p. 35, Eng, and Min, Jour,, Aug. 28, p. 140, 1880, | GILPIN, E, Ores of Nova Scotia. —————————————- Elizabeth copper mines. | Gold, lead and copper deposits, { Eng. end Min, Jour., Nov. 6, p., 327, 1884, Rept, to Comm, of Publie Vierks and Mines, 46 pages and map, ET a. EE EH The Stone Hill copper mine and works, Cleburne, ‘Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1898, Alabama. GOODALE, C.,W., The coneentration of ores in the Butte distriet, Montana. ® G., continued. - - J Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans., vol, 26, p., 599, 1108, GOODWIN, J.C, Reformed copper ores, Min, and Sci, Press, vol. 85, pp. 60, 75, 85, 1902, Discusses the occurrence and origin of copper ore deposits. { GRANT, U,S. The name of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. i ! 1 | ! i I I Lm, Geol, vol. 15, pp. 192=104, 18095, Discusses use of terms Xeweenawan and Nipigon. Prelininary reportion the copper=bearing rocks of Douglas Co., Wisconsin, Vis. Geol. and Nat, dist, Surv,, Bull. no. 8, Econ, ser, no, 3, 1900, Reviews: Am, Jour. Sec¢i,, 4th ser,, vol, 10, p, 249; Jour. Geol. vol. 8, p. 370, 1900, Describes the topographic features of the county, the occurrence and character of the Keweenawan and Lake Superior sandstone beds, the distribution of the copperw~bearing rocks, and the mode of occurrence of copper. Wis. Geol, and Nat, Hist, Surv., Bull. no. 8, 24 ed., 83 pages, 1001, Abstract: Am, Geol,, vol. 28, pp. 323-324, 1901, Contains the material of the first edition end the results ‘of the field work of 1900 in the same region, GREGORY, J VW. The Mount Lyell mining field, Tasmania, with some account of the geology of other pyritic bodies, Am, Inst. Min, Eng., vol, 10, p, 26y 2.96, 1905, Review: Econ, Geol, vol, 1, noe 1, 1905, by F.L. Ransome, GWILLIM, J.C, HANKS, H.G. On .Calaveras C6. mines. G, continued. Some west Kootenay ore bodies, British Columbia. Federated Can, Min, Inst. Jour,, vol, 8B, pp. 19=26; Can, Nin, Reve, vol, 18, pp. 17-19, 1898, Describes the eccurrence and character of the gold, silver, and copper ores of the region. H. HAGUE, J.D, (Referring to Gilpin Co., Colo.) / U.S, Geol, Surv,., 40th, Parallel surv,, vol. 3, De 4903, HALL, C,W, Field Rept. en Lake Superior region, inn, Geol, and Nat. Hist. Surv., 7th. Amn, rept, for 1878, PP. 26=29, 1879, Minn, Geol. and Nat, Hist. Surv,, Sth, Ann, rept, for 1879, pp. 126-138, 1880, A —————— A brief history of copper mining in Minnesota. Minn, Aead, Sei., Bull,, vol, 3, part 1, pp. 105=111, 1880, Prefasced by an account of the Keweenawan formation,nand brief discussion of its extent in Minnesota. Eng. and Min, Jour,, Mareh 18th., p. 141, 1882, & Fourth Ann, Rept. Cal, State Mineralogist, 1890, ’ Rept, of Cal. State Miner. for 1884, p, 151, 1884, He Continued. HARVORTH, E. and BENNETT, J. Hative copper near nid, Oklahoma. Geol, Soc, Am,, Bull,, vol. 12, pp. 2-4, 1900, Deseribes the occurrence in small fractures in ied Beds of the region, and discusses the origin of the copper’ HAYES, C.W, An expedition through the Yukon district. Nat, Geog* lag., vol. 4, pp. 117=1F0, 1892, (Placer gold is widely disseminated and copper occurs at several localities, ) et ~, VAUGHN, T.,W., and SPENCER, AT. Report on a geological reconnaissance of Cuba, Washington 1901, 123 pages, Describes the physiography, the general character and distribution of the igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks, the geologic history and occurrence of gold, copper, manganese, iron, etc, HENDERSON, C,H, The copper deposits of the South lountain, Am, Inst. Min, ing., Irans°, vol. 12, pp. 85=00, 1884. HENRICH, C, The copper ore deposits near liorenci. # Ing, and Min, Jour,, vol, 43, pp. 202«203,; 2190=220, 1887, ———— The United and Champion copper mines of New Zealand, Eng, and Min, Jours, vol, 46, pp. 414-418, 18883, . Describes geologic relations of great "serpentine” dikes in which ores occur, A ————————— — The Ducktown ore deposits und the freaftment of The Ducktown copper ores, Am, Inst. Nin. ng., Trans., vol. 25, pp. 173-245, 1896, oie — The San Pedro copper mine in Hew Mexico. Enge and Min, Jour., vol. 43, p. 183, 1887, H, eontinued,. HENWOOD, W,J, On native copper of Lake Superior, Royal Geol. Soe, of Cormwall, Trens., vol, 8, part 1, pp, 385-489 1871, HERRICK, C,L, The oceurrence of copper anc lead in the San Andreas and Caballo mountains, Ni, Am, Geol,, vol, 22, Pp. 285-201, 187°, Describes their occurrence in Carboniferous rocks and diseusses the origin of tic ore devosits, SU SSR WW Sov J Sa fo Seeondary enrichment of Basal veine in regions of small erosion, Hin, and Sci, Press, vol, 87, Pp. 27, 1907, Hill, R.T. The ore deposits of Cananea, Mexico., Eng, and ¥in, Jour,, vol, 76, p. 421, 19085, Gives observations upon the general geclogy, structural features, and the origin of the ores, rr ———— CUananea revisited, Eng. and .in., Jour., vol, 76, pp, 1000-1001, 1903, Describes the geology of the region, the occurrence and sequence of the igneous rocks, the fissuring and faulting, and the oecurrence and origin of the copper ore deposits, HITCHOOCK, C,H, - Geology of New Hampshire, vel, 3, Part 3, p, 47 HIXON, H.W, Geol, of the Sudbury dist,, Ont, Ing. and Min. Jour,, vol, 79, pp. 354-335, 19085, HOBSON, J.B, Report of Cal, State Hineralogist for 1890, p. 392, He, continued. I. HOLLISTER, L.L. Gold and silver mining in Utah, INGALL, E.D., Geology of the Bruce Mines dist., Ontario. ’ An, Inst, Min, Png., Trans-, vol. 18, p. 10. Can, Geol. Surv,, Swms, Rept. for 1902, pp. 242-252, 1903, Geologic structure and ores of Copperopolis vein, Utah. Deseribes the character and occurrence of rocks, the occurrence ( HUBBARD, L.L, The relation of the vein at the Central mine, of copper and iron ore deposits, and the mining operations. Yeweenaw Point, to the Kearsarge conglomerate, Michigan, mam Report on mines and mining on Lake Superior, Lake Superior lin, Inst., Proec., vol, 3, pp. 74-83, : Can. Geol. Surv., Ann, Rept., new series, vol. 3, 1887-8, W—— icine a er wrt Two new goological sections of Keweenaw Point. Abstracts Am, Geol., vol. 5, p. 242. Lake Superior Min, Inst,, Proe., vol. 2, IRELAN, W., (On Newton mines, Amador Co., California.) HUNT, T.5. On the copper deposits of the Blue Ridge, : Rept. Cal, State Miner. , p. 108, 1888, Am, Jour. Seci,, 3d, series, vol, 6, pp. 5-308, 1873, | IRVING, R.D. On the age of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake et em et The Ore Xnob correr mine and some related deposits, Superior, and on the westward continuation of the Lake Am, Inst. ¥Win, ™ng., Trans., vol.2, pp. 123-129, 130, 1874, Superior synelinal, Discussed by R.W,., Raymond, Am, Jour. Sei., 3d. series, vol. 8, Pp. 46-58, 1874, I J et et On the position of the copper=bearing rocks of Lake ——————————— The eopper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior, Superior and Pennsylvania, : | U.S. Geol, Surv,, 3d. Ann, Rept. for 1881-82, pp. 89-188, Am, Inst. Min. BEng., Transs, vol. 7, Pr. 333=338, 330, 1879. : Washington, 1882, m—————————— Liat of localities in which ores of copper have been U.S. Geol, Surv,, Monograph 5, 464 pages, 1883, : melt with in rocks of the Quebec group in eastern Canada, : Science, vol, 1, pp. 140-141, 359-360, 422, 1883, Appendix; Report of Progress, 184%-62, @eol, Surv. of Canada. Reviewed by A,R,C, Selwyn, p. 221; M,E, Wadsworth, pp. 248-249; ’ ee te pes A new ore of copper and its metallurgy, Berks Co,,Pa. | 'N.H., Winchell, p. 334, ; ( Am, Inst, Min, Bng., Trans., vol. 4, p. 325, : | : Am, Jour, Sei., 3d. series, vol, 29, pp. 258-259, 1885, : S——————————- Supplementary note on the geology of the north shore | Reviews; J.D. Dana, p. 67, N,H., Winchell, pp. 339-340, . of Lake Superior, mm————————— KoWeenaw Point with particular reference to the An, Inet, Min, Eng,., Irems., vol, %, p. PS, felsites and their associated rocks, i HUNTLEY, D.B. (Refers to Tintic region, Utah.) Geol. Surv. of Mich.) vel. 6) Part 2, 1889. Benth Census, vol. 13, p., 456, a Je JACKSON, C.T. On the copper and silver of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, Am, Jour, Sei., vol, 49, pp. 81-93, 1845, v Assoc, Am, Geol., Proc, of the 6th. meeting, pp. 5%-60,1845, em -- On the Leke Superior mining distriet. ; Boston Soc. Nat, Hist,.,, Proc., vol. 2, p. 110-114, 1848, tt St Remarks on the geology, minerology, and mines of Lake Superior, An, Assoc, Adv, Sei., Proec., vol. 2, pp. 283-287, 18490, ee tt On Lake Superior cupriferous rocks, Hagle River. Boston Soc, Nat, Hist,, Proe., vol, 5, PDP. 280-281, 18586. es et tf On the so-called copper mine at Elk Run, Fauquier Cos., Virginia. Boston Soe, Nat, Hist,, Proc., vol, 8, p. 183, 1857, ee ee tn ee ee Sketch of the great copper=bearing belt of Canada. Boston Soc, Nat, Hist., Proec.,, vol. 9, Pp. 202-203, 1862, JACKSON, J.F. Copper mining in Upper Michigan, a deseription of the region, the mines, and some of the methods and machinery used, Mines and Minerals, vol, 23, PP. F3h=540, 1903, Contains observations on the occurrence of ths copper ore deposits. JACKSON, W. ( Refers to deposits in Utsh and New Mexieo,) Rept. Director of the Mint, 1880, p, 334. 320 J. continued. JACOBS, E. Ore quarrying in the Boundary distriet, B. Ce Eng, Mag., vol. 26, pp. 236-249, 1903, Describes, briefly the occurrence and character of eopper / ore deposits. JENNINGS, E.P. Am, Inst. Describes deposits, BNE wee Gin er SH DOO Wo I Do [0 Ye Can, Min, The copper deposits of Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, Hin, Fng., frens’; vol. 34, pp. 839-840, 1904, the general geology and occurrence of the ore containing eopper chiefly. Lost Packer copper=gold lode. Inst., Jour., vol. 9, Pe Se JENNY, W.P. The chemistry of ore deposition, Am, Inst, Abstracts Min, and Sei, Press, vol, 86, 1903. Discusses the action of earbon and hydrocarbons in forme ation of ore deposits, The copper claims of Aspen Grove and Aberdeen camp, British Columbia, Can, Geol, Surv,, Summ, Rept, for 1904, PP. 74-80, 1905, ww ine Ke. continued, KEITH, A. KEYES, C.R., A report on Mine la Motte sheet, including portions U.S, Geol, Surv., Harper's Ferry folio, of Madison, St, Francois, and Ste, Genevieve counties, Mo. KEMP, ALF, A holiday visit to the Acton copper mines, ‘ Mo, Geol, Surv,, vol, 2, 132 pages, Canadian Nat,, vol. 5, pp. 349-362, 1860, . : ’ Eng, and ¥in, Jour., vel, 62, p, 485, 1894, KEMP, J.F. Minerals of the copper nines of Ducktown, Tennessee. : . Describes the physiograph the relations, lithologic character seience, new series, vol, 8, pp. 839-840, 1898, E ye : o- and structure of the Archean and Cambrisn formations, and the memmmmmm= The deposits of copper ore of Duektown. occurrence of lead, iron, copper, ete, Am, Inst, Min, Eng,.,, Trans., vol, 31, pp. 244-2685, 1902. : dink KUTMEL, H.,B, Notes on copper mines in New Jersey. Describes the topography of Ducktown, mode of occurrence : ; J Neds Geol. osurv,, Anm, Rept, of 1899, pp. 171-175, 1900. and character of the ore and associated minerals, and possible . | : Gives notes on the occurrence of copper ore in several mines origin of the ore bodies, | in New Jersey, ——————— The copper deposits at San Jose, Tamaulipas, lMexieo, ( mere esmmmenenae The mining industry, New Jersey. Am, Inst. Min, Eng., Bi=-mo, Bull. no. 4, pp. 885-012, 19085. ‘ N.J. Geol, Surv,.,, Ann, Rept, for 1900, pp. 197=217, 1901. rr Secondary enrichment in ore deposits of copper, Fe ' : N.J. Geol, Surv,, Ann, Rept, for 1901, pp. 133-161, 1902, Eeon, Geol, vol, 1, pp. 167-180, 1905, Contains statistics and notes on iron, zinc, and copper, sor re pa The order of formation of minerals in the Ducktown veins, . L; Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans., 1899, KENNEDY, J.C. The Wyoming copper region. 2 : LAKES, A, Butte mining district, Montana, Eng, and Min, Jour,.,, vol, 66, pp. 640-641, 1898, fines and Minerals, vol, 20, PP. 348-360, 1900, 4 Deseribes the general geology of the locality in southern w Hines and Minerals, vol, 20, pp. 308-397, 469-471, 520-531,1900, Wyoming, and the occurrence of copper, Sh | ———— Copper deposits of the Ajo basin, Gila basin, Arizona. KERBY, E.B. The ore deposits of Rossland, B.C. Wines and Minerals, vol, 21, pp. 12-15, 1900, lin. Rept., vol, 50, pp. 326-328, 1904, { Min, and Sei, Oress, vol, 88, pp. 331, 347, 1904, Can, Min, Rev., vol., 23, pp. 680-64, 1904, Can. Min, Inst., Jour., vol, 7, PP. 47=69, 1904, J L. continued. a wo 0 Secondary enrichment of ore deposits-its causes and effeets-~the conclusions of various authorities, Mines and Minerals, vol. 25, p. 347, 1903, nt - Grand Rnosuphonit Soppes district of Wyoming. Some notes on the geology and a description of the de= velopment work. Mines and Minerals, vol. 25, PDs 200-201, 1904, tt ce (On Gilpin Co,, Colorado). Ann. Rept. Colo. State School of Mines, p. 102, 1887, LARE, A.C. Magmatic differentiation in rocks of the copper bearing series, Abstract: Geol. Soe. of Am., Bull., Vol. 10, pp. 15-18,1899; Science, new series, vols 8, p. 465; Am, Geol,, vol. 22, p. 251, 1898, lm The theory of copper deposition, Mich. Miner, vol. 6, no, 2, pp. 9-11, no, 3, pp.9-11, 1904, Am, Geol., vol. 34, pp. 297-309, 1904, Discusses the theory of copper deposition with especial reference to the copper ore deposits of the Lake Superior region, mn i The Tamarack mine cross-section and the Keweenw- awan lodes, Mich, Geol, Surv., Ann, Rept, for 1903, pp. 251-270, 19065. L. continued. a on et et tt Geological report on Isle Royale. Mich, Geol, Surv,, Ann, Rept, 6, Pt. 1, 281 pages, 1898, LANG, - H, Iron Mountain mine, Shasta “o0., California, Eng. and Min, Jour., Apr, 15, 82, and May 13, 1899, The paper also mentions other copper minesin this region. LAWSON, A.C, Note on the occurrence of native copper in the Animikie roeks of Thunder Bay. Am, Geol., vol. 5, pp. 174-178, 1890, Geologic relations and petrographic characteristics of con=- taining rocks, LAYTON, H.B. Copper mining at Placeritos de Ndcosari, Sonora, Mex. Min, and Sei. Press, vol, 80, pp. 344-346, 1900, LEDOUX, ALR, The Union copper mines, Gold Hill, North Carolina, Eng, and Yin, Jour,, vol. 69, pp, 167-170, 1900, Describes the general character and occurrence of the gold and copper ores, and the underground workings, | | —mmm————— The production of copper in the Boundary distriet,B.C, Can, Min, Inst., Jour,, vol. 5, PP. 17-177, 1902, Min, and Soi. Press, vol, 84, p. 307, 1902, Describes the character and occurrence of the ores, LINDGREN, W, ; U.S, Geol, Surv., Sacramento folio, no. 5, 1894, ———————— and TURNER, H,V,. : . U.S. Geol, Surv., Smartsville folio, no, 18, 18985, U.S. Geol. Surv., Placerville folio, L. continued. es ~--= The copper deposits of the "Seven Devils Idaho. Min, and Sei, Press, vol, 78, p. 125, 1899, Describes general geolagic features. and occurrence of copper ores of the region, ee ee Copper deposits at Clifton, Arizona. v.35, Geol, Surv., Bull, no. 213, pp. 133140 , 1903, Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol, 95, pp. 705-707, 1903, ec ee The copper deposits of the Clifton-Morenei district, Arizona. : v.5, Geol, Surv,, Prof, Paper, no, 43, pp, 27-375, 1905, ee ee Clifton folio, Arizona, : U.S. Geol. Surv,, folid ne, 129, 1905. en pt Chemistry of copper deposits. : Fhe. and ¥in, Jour., vol, 79, pp. 189, 1905, op Character and Genesis of certain contaet deposits, Am, Inst, Min, Eng,.,, vol. = Genesis of Ore Deposits, Brief reference to copper literature. tn maa Mf gtagomatic processes in fissure veins. Am, Inst, of Min, Eng.,, vol. = Genesis of Ore Deposits, P. 564, Bilotite=gold=-copper veins; p., 5968=~serieitic=eopper= gllver veins; p, 608, =zeolitic copper veins, LOCKE, J. Geology of Porter's Island and Copper Harbor, Am, Phil, Soe¢,, Trans., vol, 9, pp. 311=312, 1848, re Geological observations (upper peninsula of Michigan, U.S. General Land Office, Rept. for 1847, pp, 186=199, L. continued, LOGAN, W,.E, Remarks on the mining region of Lake Superior, and report on mining locations on the Canadian shores of the lake, 31 pages, Vontreal, 1847, J te tt tt On the age of the copper=bearing rocks of Lake Superior and Lake Huron, and various facts relating to the physical strueture of Canada, : British Assoc., Report, vol, 21, pp. 59-82, 1852. ee et Considerations relating to the Quebec group, and the upper copper=bearing roeks of Lake Superior, Canadian Nat,, vol, 6, pp. 199-207, 1861, : : Am, Jour, Sci,, 2d, series, vol. 33, pp. 320-328, 1881, LOWRY, J.D, ining in Lower California, ; Eng, and Hin, Jour,, vol. 72, pp. 452-458, 1901, Contains notes on the occurrence of gold, silver and copper. LUKIS, E, du B, A new copper deposit in Mexico. S Eng, and Min, Jour,, vol, 65, pp, 279-280, 1898. Deseribes occurrence in the state of Puebla, LUNT, ALF, The copper deposits of the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, Am, Inst, Min. Eng,, Trans., vol, 34, pp. 089=090 1904, LYMAN, B.S. Copper traees in Bucks and Vontgomery counties, Pa, Franklin Inst, Jour,, vol, 146, pp. 418-425, 1898, Describes the character of the formation in whieh they occur, 38 M. | M, continued, MACDONALD, B. The ore deposits of Rossland, British Columbia. | MeCALLIE, S,V, The Duektown copper mining district. | Eng, and Nin, Jour., vol, 78, pp. 198-199, 1903, Eng, and Yin, Jour,, vol, 74, pp. 439-441, 1902, Describes the geologic structure of the region and the Contains notes on the geology of this area. occurrence and origin of the gold copper ores, HeCORMICK, E, The copper deposits of southwestern Nevada. MACFARLANE, T. On the Laurentian, Huronian, and Upper coppers - 1 Min, and Sel. Press, vel, 81, p., 401, 1900, bearing rocks of Lake Superior. | | Gives a brief deseription of deposits near Iuning,Nevada, Appendix: The rocks and ecupriferous beds of Portage Lake,Mich 1IcCORN, A.L. The Planet copper mines, Arizona. . Can, Geol, Surv., Report of Progress, 1883-88, Eng, and Min, Jour., vol, 78, pp. 26-27, 1904, ee te Contributions to the history of the Aeton copper Describes the general geology and the oecurrence and character mine, : *h a ~ of copper ores on Big Williams Fork, Arizona. Canadian Nat,, vol, 7, pp. 447-471, 1882, MEADS, A. The copper district of Lake Superior, HARVINE, ALR. Deseriptive eross=section of the Eagle River distriet | Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol. 70, p. 694, 1900, (copper region.) MENDENHALL, W.C, Chitna copper district, Alaska, Geol. Surv, Mich,, upper peninsula, 1869-1873, vol, 1,parte, Abstract: Science, new series, vol, 17, p. 387, 1903, PP. 117=140, New York, 187%, CL ——— no Geology of the central Copper River region, Alaska, mt ee menee — mewe Brilef detall of the Verde valley. U.S. Geol, Surv,, Prof. Paper no, 41, 133 pages, 1905, Wheeler's Survey, III, p, 209, ( United Verde mines.) | seman S31 SOHRADER, F.C, The mineral resources of the Mt. MATHEW, G,F, Cupriferous rocks of south=eastern New Brunswick n Wrangell distriet, Alaslka, : compared with those of the eastern townships, Canada, ; U.S. Geol, Surv., Prof. Paper no, 15, 21 pages, 1903, Abstract: Am, Jour, Sei., 2d. series, vol. 39, p. 356, 1885, TE mmm =wewae == Copper deposits of Mt. Wrangell HMATHEZ, A, Geology of the Cananeas, lexico, : region, Alaska, : Min, and Sel, Press, vol, 88, pp, 353, 1903. 5 U.S. Geol, Surv,, Bull. no, 213, pp, 141-148, 1903, Describes the geology of the region and the occurrence of | | Gives a brief account of the geology and occurrences of copper= eopper ore deposits, | bearing ores in this region, and the mining developments, He continued. KILLER, G.V, The Verde mining district, Arizona, iin, and Sci. Press, vol. 86, pp. 70=71, 1903, Gives an account of the geology and the occurrence of the copper deposits. ee 0 np Geology of the Butte mining district, lontana, Ores and Metals, vol. 13, no, 10, pp. 15«18; no. 11, pp. 19-20 1004 te MOFFET, F.A, the copper mines of Cobre, Santiago de Cuba, fibstract: Am, Geol,, vol, 32, p. 64, 1903; Science, new ser., vol, 18, p, 18, 1903, HOXiAM, E.C, The "Great Gossan lead" of Virginia, sm, Inst, Min, ing., Trans., vol. 21, pp. 135-138, 1893, Describes the extent and character of an ore body in south- west Virginia which carries copper and iron, with especial reference to the iron content, MURRAY, A. Report on the copper district of the Thersalon and Hisslssaqui rivers, (reol, Surv, Canade., Report of Progress, 1852, pp, 687«104, Montreal, 1859, Abstract: im, Jour, Sei., 2d. ferries, vol. 31, pp. 123, 1859, MUSGRAVE, R, Copper deposits of Mt. Licker, Vancouver, B.C, ng, end Min, Jour., Vol. 78, pp. 673=879, 1904, Deseribes the occurrence, character, and geologic relations of copper ore deposits, He. NEWBERRY, V.E. Hotes on the production of copper inh Arizona, School of Mines Quarterly, vol. VI, p. 70. NEWBERRY, J.S. Copper in Utah, Triassic sandstones. Png, end ¥in, Jour,, vol, 31, p. 5; also oct, £3, 1860, p. 2693 Jan, 1, 1881, p. 4; see also Tenth Census, vol. 135, Freclous Metals, Pp. 40, 478, WICHOLSON, ¥, A review of the Ste. Genevieve copper deposit, Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans., vol. 10, pp. 444-456, 1882, NORTON, R.,H. A Washington copper deposit. Eng, and Min, Jour,, Feb. 11, 1899, p. 175, Describes the vein in King County. Ce gp -y 2 : Tr OILOIT, E.E. Ore Xnob copper mine and reduction works. Am. Inst. Min. Ing., Trans., vol. 3, Pp. 391, P. PACKARD, R,L. On an occurrence of copper in Western Idaho. Am, Jour, Sci., Bd. series, vol. 50, pp. 298-300, Deseribes the occurrence of copper in the mountains separating Oregon from idaho, and the petrographic and chemical characters of the diorite with which it is associated. PALACHE, ,C, The erystallization of calcite from the copper mines of Lake Superior, : Mich, Geol, Surv,, vol. 6, Pt. 2, appendix, pp. 161-184, 1898, PEARCE, R, The association of minerals in the Gagnon vein, Butte, Montana, Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans,, vol. 18, P. 62, On the occurrence of goslarite in the Gagnon mine, Butte, Hontanea.. Proe¢., Colo, Sei, See,, vol, 2, Pt, 1, p. 12, PENROSE, R.A,F, The superficial alteration of ore deposits, Jour. Geol., vol, 2, pp. 288-317, 1894, Discusses the relation of alteration in ore deposits and in eountry rocks, the agents, mentod, chemical and physical effects and depth of alteration, and the characteristics of alteration in iron, manganese, eopper, lead, zinc, gold, and silver, and other metallic deposits, PERCIVAL, J.G. Report on Geol. of Conn, p. 77. PERKINS, G.H. Report of state geologist on the mineral resources of Vermont, 1899-1900, Burlington, Vermont, 83 pages, 1900. Describes the occurrence of copper, slate, ete. P., continued. PETERS, E,D, Hotes on the Oscura copper fields and other mines in New Mexico. Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol. 34, p. 270, 1882, . Mineral Resources of the United States, p. 374,1883-84, (Relative to Butte, ) and WILLIAMS, A, On Butte, Montana, Eng. and Min, Jour,, Mar, 23, 1885, p. 208, PETERS, W,J., and BROOKS, A,H, Report on the White River-Tanane expedition, Alaska, U.S, Geol, Surv,, expl, in Alaska, pp. 64-75, 18990, Describes physiography, the occurrence of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, and the occurrence of gold and copper. PETTIT, No Remarks coneerning the conrer district of Lake Superior. Franklin Inst,Jour., 3d. series, vol. 13, pp. 338-345, 1847, PHELPS, F.B. The copper region of Michigan, | Eng, lMag., vol, 4, pp. 47-63, Abstract: North of Fngland Inst, Min, and Meeh. ng., Trans., vol, 42, p. 423, 1802, Gives a brief sketeh of the geology of the region and an account of mining operations, PHILLIPS, W.B. Copper deposits of North Carolina. Eng, and Min, Jour,., Apr. 1, 1899, p. 382. POOLE, H, liichipicoten Island and its copper mines, Eng. and Min, Jour., Aug. 6, 1892, p., 125; Sept. 3, p. 220. PRESTON, E.B. Calaveras County, California. Cal. State Min, Bur., 11th. Rept., pp. 167-178, 1893. Contains notes on the occurrence of copper in the Metamorphie P., continued, slates west of the Gold Belt and on gold mines, te Tuolumne County, California. : Cal, State iin, Bur., 11th, Rept., pp. 493-513, 1893, PROBERT, F,H. Secondary enrichment, Ing, and lin, Jour., vol. 76, PP. 958=089, 1903, Describes the general geology and the origin of the copper ore deposit of the Ciifton=-liorenci district, Arizona, PUNPELLY, R. The paragenesis and derivation of coprer and its associates on Lake Superior. Am, Jour, Sei., 3d. series, vol.2, pp. 188-198, 24 3-258, 347-355, 1871, te ee te Copper district, Michigan. ¢ © oO Geol. Surv. lich., upper peninsula, 1869-73, vol. l, part ¢ i 143 pages, New York. Includes reports of A.R. Marvine, tt Bm tn lHetasomatic development of the copper=bearing rocks of Lake Superior, Am. Acad., Proc,, vol, 13, pp. 253-310, 1878, Abstract: Am, Jour, Sei., 3d. series, vol, 18, pp. 143-144 ,1878, -—m-we= ond BROOKS, T.B. On the age of the copper=bearing rocks of Lake Superior. : Am, Jour, Sei., 3d. series, vol, 3, pp. 428-432, 1872. PURINGTOR, C,W, Secondary enrichment, Eng. and Min. Jour., vol, 75, pp. 472, 190%, RICKARD, T.A, RANSOME, F.I. Geology of the Globe copper distriet, Arizona. U.S, Geol, Surv,, Prof. Paper no. 12, 168 bages, 1903, U.S. Geol. Surv., folio no. 111, 1904, === JOPper deposits of Bisbee, Arizona, VS, Geol, Surv., Bull, ne, 21 Eng. and 1 3, PP. 149-151, 1903, Hin, Jour,., vol. 75, pp. 444-445 Am, Inst, Min, , 1903, Eng., Trans., vol, 4, pp. 818-624, 1904, The geology and ore deposits of the Bisbee Quadrangle, Arizona, TE Sh Ma tr. Tt U.S, Geol, surv,, Prof, Paper no, 21, 168 pages, 1904, U.S. Geol, surv,, folio no, 112, 1904, READ, T.T, Copper mining in the Incampment » Wyoming, and Pearl, Colorado, districts, Hin. Rept., vol, 850, pp. 462-463, 1904, Describes the general geology and the occurrence and chayw acter of the copper ores, REID, G,D, The Burre Mt, copper district, New Mexico, : Eng, and ¥in, Jour., vol, v4, pp. RICHARDS SON ym, 778-779, 1902, Copper ore of Stafford, Vermont. Am, Jour. Sei., lst. RICKARD, F, series, vol, 21, n, 583. Copper deposits in Sinaloa =nd southern Sonora, Mexico. Eng, and Hin, Jour Fr vol, 78, PP. 97-08, 1904, Copper mines of ILale Superior, Eng. and Min, Jour., vol, 78, 1904. Includes a deseription of the general geology of the region, the character and occurence of the copper ore deposit 8, and the mining operations, R. continued. a te ee ee The copper mines of Lake Superior. Eng, and Min, Jour,,Hew York, 1905, 164 pages. ROGERS, A,W, The mines and mills of Gilpin Ce., Colorado. Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans., vol. 2, p. 29. ROHN, O. Reconnaissance of the Chitna and Skolai mountains, Alaska, UsS, Geol, Surv,, 21st, Ann, Rept.,, Pt. 2, pp. 398=-440, 1000. ROLKER, CM, The Allonez mine and ore dressing, as practiced in the Lake Superion copper district, Am, Inst, Min, FEng,, Trans., vol. 5, pp. 584-606, 1877, Remarks by Eggleston, pp. 601-611, wmmmem= The silver sandstone distriet of Utah, Am, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans,, vol. 9, p. 21. ROMINGER, C, Copper regions of Michigan. Mich, Geol. Surv,, vol, 5, p, 85, 1895, ROTHWELL, R.P. Quoted in Tenth Census, vol, 13, p. avs. RUGGLES, D, (Relating to copper mines of Lake Superior.) Am, Jour. of Sel., 2d. series, vol, 49, pp. 64-72, 1845, Se SCHMITZ, B.Jd. Copper ores in the Permin of Texas. Am, Inst, Yin. Eng., Trans., vol, 26, pp. 97-108, 1896, Describes the stratigraphic and lithologic features of the district and the occurrence and character of the ore bodies. SCHOOLCRAFT, H.R, Account of the native copper on the southern shorc of Lake Superior, with historical eitations and miscell= aneous remarks, in a report to the Department of Var, Aw, Jour, Sei., vol. 3, PD. 201-216, 1821, ; Abstract: Quart, Jour. Sei., vol. 12, pp, 422-423, 1822, nt et eft et et et On the number, value, and position of the copper mines on the southern shores of Lake Superior. 17th, Cong., 2d. sess., Senate papers, Doc. 5, 33 pages, ~~ Washington, 1822. SCHRADER, F.C, Report on Prince William Sound, and the Copper River region, Alaska. U.S. Geol, Surv., expl. in Alaska, pp. 51-83, 1899, Deseribes the physiography, the occurrence of Cretaceous or Tertiary strata, and the occurrence of copper and gold. EE Reconnaissance of a part of Prince William Sound and the Copper River district, Alaska, in 1898, U.S. Geol. Surv., 20th, Ann, Rept., Pt. 7, PP. 341-i23, 1900, Se continued. mam eesmf ld SPENCER, AC. The geology and mineral resources of a portion of the Copper River dlstrict, Alaska. U.S. Geol. surv, , (Special reports on Alaska.) 94 pages, 1901, v.55. Geol, Surv+, Bull. no. 221. O.N, The ore deposits of Gopper liountain, Similkameen, Le Can, Min, Inst. Jour., vol. 5, PD. 493-502, 1902, Can, Min, Rev., vol, 21, pp. 173-1768, 1902. SELWYN, A.R,C, The copper-=bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Science, vol. 1, pp. 2215 1883, Review by R,D, Irving, pp, 140-141, 359-350, SCHAEFFER, C,A, Native silver in New Jersey eopper ore, Eng. and Min, Jour,, Feb, 1882, p, 90, SHEPARD, C,U, Geol. of Conn., 1837, p. 47. SHEPERD, F, Remarks on a boulder mass of native copper from the southern shore of Lake Superior. : Am, Jour, Sei., 24. series, vol, 4, pp. 115-1168, 1847, SHUMARD, B.F,. Observations on the geology of the county of Ste. Genevieve, lo. St. Louis Acad. Sei,, Trans., vol. 1, p. 40, Abstract: Am, Jour, Sei,, 2d. series, vol, 28, p. 128. SILLIMAN, B, and WHITNEY, J.D, Notice on the geological position character of the copper mine at Bristol, Conn, | ’ Am, Jour, Sci., 2d. series, vol, 20, pp. 361-388, 1855, Se continued, The mineral regions of southern New Mexico. Am, Inst. Min, Eng., Trens., vol, 16, p. 427. SMITH, F.D.,- The Ely mining district, Nevada, Eng. and Min. Jour., vel. 70, p. 217, 1900, Contains notes on the occurrence of gold and copper ores. MIZTH, D.T. The geology of the upper region of the main Walker River, Nevada. Cal, Univ. Dept. Geol., Bull. vol. 4, pr. 1-32, 1904, Contains something on the character and occurrence of the gold and copper ore deposits, SMITH, P.S. and SMYTH, H,L., The copper deposits of Orange Co., Vb. 1 Eng, and Min, Jour.,, vol. 77, DD. 877-678, 1904, SNOW, C.H. Copper erystallizations at the Copper Glance and Potosi mines, Grant Co,, New Mexico. ; Am, Inst. Min, FEng., Trans., vol. 21, pp. 208-313, 1893, SPENCER, A.C, ineral resources of the Encampment copper region, Wyoming, : ! U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. nos 213, pp. 158-162, 1903. Gives an account of the general geology of this region and the character and eccurrence of the copper deposits. Reconnaissance examination of the copper deposits at Pearl, Colorado. | : U.S. Geol, Surve, Bull, no. 213, rp. 183-169, 1903, Gives a brief account of the geology of this region and describes the mining development, 3, continued. The copper deposits of the Encampment diestriect, Wyoming. Uu.S. Geol, Surv., Prof. Paper, no, £5, 107 pages, 1004, On the Nipigon or copper=-bearing rocks of Lake Superior with notes on copper mining in that region. Can. Nat., vol, 8, new series, DD. 55-81, 1875, SPOFFORD, S.L. Albert Mines and Capelton Chemical Vorks. Jour. Gen'l Min. Assoc. Prov, Quebees, II, p. 147, 1894, STARBIRD, H.B. Secondary enrichment in arid regions. Eng. and Min, Jour., vol. 75, PP. 702-703, 1903, Describes occurrence and origin of gold and copper ores, A.A, The ore deposits of La Cananea, lexico. Eng, and Min, Jour., vol, 78, DD. 453-460, 1903, Gives observations upon the geology and the charactor and occurrence of the ore deposits, STPEERWITZ, W.H., ( Refers to Llano Co., Texas.) Mineral Resources of the U.S., p. 342, 1084, STEVENS, W.H, The prospects of the Lake Superior mining region. Mining Mag., vol. 2, PDP. 149-153, 1864, VENS, H.Jd. General information of the geology and mines of the Lake Superior copper district. Am, Inst. Min. Eng.,nBi=mo. Bull. no. 1, PP. 208-222, 19085. STEVENS, B. Geology of some copper deposits in Alaska. ng, end Min, Jour., vol, 75, p. 782, 1903, 5. continued. STOKES, H.N, On pyrite and marcasite. UeS. Geol, Surv., Bull, no, 186, pp, 1-50, 1901; J Am, Jour, Sei., 4th, series, vol. 12, pp. 414-420, 1901, Describes the uncertainty of the methods of distinguishing pyrite and marcasite and a nethod for the quantative determine ation of the minerals when in mixture, and discusses the relat on of these sulphides to those of copper, STONE, G.H, Note on the minerals associated with copper in parts of Arizona and New Mexico. Abstracts: Seience, new series, vol. 14, pp. 786-797, 1901; Sel. Am, Suppl., vol. 52, p, 21505, 1901, STRETCH, R,H. Notes on the White Horse copper belt, Yukon Territory, ng. and Min, Jour,, vel, 70, pp. 277-278, 1900, The Silverton mining district, Snohomish Co., Wash, Eng, and Min. Jour., vel, 72, p. 105, 1901, Describes briefly the occurrence of copper ores. a Copper ores in the Caseade lHountains, Ing, and Min, Jour., vol, 78, pp. 789-790, 1904, SULLIVAN, E.C, The chemistry of ore deposition, Precipitation of copper by natural silicates. Eeon, Geol., vol. 1, no, i, 1905, SUTTON, W,J. The geology and mining of Vancouver Island. Nanchest er Geol, and Min, Soc,, Trans,, vol. 28, pp. 307-314,1904 § Describes the general geology and the occurrence and econonmie development of coal and copper ore deposits, Se continued. St ¥ 2 » wm ’ SWEET, E.T. Report of work on the cocpper range in Bayfield and Ti R.G. Yer R h rE Dougles Sounides (Hisdonsta). TAYLOR, R emoir of the character and prospects of the copper ob - ; region of Gibora, and a sketch of the geology of the northeast : Geol, Surv., Wiseonsin, Amn, Rept. for 1877, pp, 4=9, ladison,1878. ; r = . part of Cuba. ( SWORD, J.D. The Tall Creek gold mining district, B.C. . Am, Phil, Soc¢,, Trans., vol, ©, new series, pr. 204-219, 1848, ‘ederated Can Hin Inet J - » ’ ’ . s $y Pre s oe HALle he our. ’ vol 5 i PD * 82%=0F 1204 - , ; TOWER, G.W. and SWITH, G.D, Geology and mining industry of the Tintie Deseribes the occurrence of gold and copper ores. distriet, Utah. c U.S. Geol, Surv,, 19th, Amn, Rept., Part III, pp. 601-787, 1899, a l (copper ninerals, pp. 601-807, 696-702, TRIPPEL, A. Occurrence of gold and silver in oxidized copper ores in Arizona. ( Eng. and Min. Jour., June 16th., 1883, p. 435, TRIPPLE and CREDNER, Report of the Duektom region to the American Bureau of mines, 13886, TROWBRIDGE, J. The copper deposits of Adams Co., Pennsylvania. Eng. and Min, Jour., vol, 35, pp. 88-89, 1883, Reviewed by Frazer, p. 112. \ TUCKEY, MM, A brief notice of some faecte commected with the Ducktown, Ew Tennessee, copper nines, ; Am, Jour. Sei., 24. series, vel, 19, pp. 181-182, 1885, TURNER, H.V. The Greemback copper mine, Kern Co., Californie. Eng. and lin, Jour,, vol, 74, pp. 547-548, 1002, memmm——————— The copper depcsits of the Slerra Oscura, New lexico. { | im, Tnet, Yin, Tng., Trens., vol. ©5, pp. 678-681, 100%, Te continued, Native copper in greenstone from the Pacific Coast. Eng. and Min, Jour,, vol, 77, p. 276, 1904, Discusses the origin and occurrence of native copper. mre meme ( Amador Co., California). U.5. Geol, Surv., Jackson folio. and RANSOME, F.L, Sonora folio. U.S5¢ Geol, Surv, Copper deposits in areas in California covered by this folio. V. VAN PFURMAW, H, Hdgpimi mines, lMexico. Colo. Sei.,Soeewy Proe., Jan, 1900, VAN HISE, C,R. Some principals eontrolling the deposition of ores. Am, Inst. Min, Ing., vol. Genesis of Ore Deposits, Pp.284=-427, Contains notes on copper, VAUGHAN, T.V, The copper mines of Santa Clara province, Cuba. Eng, and Hin, Jour., vel. 72, pp. 814-816, 1901, Deseribes:the geology and occurrence and character of the ore bodies. VOGT, J.H.L. Problems in the geology of ore deposits. Am, Inst, Min, Eng., vol. Genesis of Ore Deposits, Brief reference to copper . We Welle Copper mining at Kemloops, British Columbia. Ing. and Min, Jour., vol, 46, pp. 898-800, 1898, Gives brief notes on the occurrence of copper. WADSWORTH, M,E, On the age of the copper=bearing rocks of Lake Superior, Abstract: Am. Assoc. Adv, Sei., Proc., Vol. 29, pp, 429-430,1880 Eng. and Min, Jour., vol, 32, p. 270, 18920, - On the filling of amygdaloidal cavities and veins in the Keweenaw Point district. A reply to Prof. J.D. Dana. Boston Soe, Nat, Hist,, Proe., vol. 21, pp. 91-103, 1883, es Hotes on the geology of the copper and iron district of Lake Superior, Harverd Coll,, lus, Comp, Zool., Bull., vol, 7, pp.1=-157, 1880, Bibliography. Reviewed by J.D. Dana, Am, Jour, Sci,, 3d. series, vol, 20, pp, 330-332, 1880, » Abstract: ibid., vol. 22, pp. 4035-408, 1881, A sketch of the geology of the iron, gold, and copper districts, Michigan. Mich., Rept. of the State Board of Geol. Surv,, 1891 and 1892, pp. 79-174, | w— The origin and mode of occurrence of the Lake Superior copper deposits. ¢ An, Inst, Min, Eng., Trans., vol. 27, pp. 669-804, 18908, Ve continued. ( On Lake Superior region). . 5 Pamphlet of the Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic R.,R,, 1890, WATSON, Tele. Copper-bearing rocks of Virginia copper district, Virginia and North Carolina. Geol. Soc, Amn,, Bull,, vel, 13, pp. “53=376, 1902, Describes the megascopic and microscopic characters of the rocks} the evidences of eruptive character and the ore deposits. Denison Univ,., Sei, Lab,, Bull,, vol. 12, pp, 97=127, 1003, Contains review of previous work done. -= The Seminole copper deposit of Georgia, UseSe Geol, Surv,., Bull, no, 225, pp. 182-185, 1904, Wels ( Del Norte Co., California). jal. State Min, Bur., llth. Rept., pp. 195109, 180%, ( Marin Co., California). pp, 249-254, 1893, Brief notes on coppeor,ete, WEED, V.He Types of copper deporits in the southern United States, Am, Inst. Hin, Ing., Trans,, vol, 0, pp. 440-504, 1901, wmmm————— Recent development of southern copper deposits, Eng, and in, Jour., vol, 74, pp. 80=81, 19002, -=w= The Cananea copper deposits, lNexico. : ing, and iin, Jour,, vol, 74, Pp. 744-745, 1002, wan OI0 deposits at Butte, lontana , & Use Geol, Surv,, Bull, no, 215, pp. 170=180, 1905, Copper deposits of the Applachian States, UseSe Geol, Surv., Bull, no. £13, pp. 181-185, 1903, (§.J., Hd., Vir., §,0,, Term,) Ve continued. m————————-w= Butte (Idaho) copper veins. Ing. and Min, Jour., vol, 28, pp. 7-8, 1004. VISLIZENUS,=-=-- On the Santa Rita miness Memoir of a Tour in Northern llexico, 1844w17, Pe 47; An, Jour, Sei., 2d. series, vol, 6y Pe 385, 1048, WOLFY, J.Es Ccourrence of native copper at Franklin Furnace, N.J, Am, Acad, Arts and Sei., Proc,, vol, 33, pp. 430-471, 1008, WRIGHT, C.E. Geology of the Lake Superior iron region, iron mines, copper nines, brownstones, slate, ete, lst. Amn, Rept. of the Commissioner of mineral statistics of Michigan for 1877=78, 200 pages, Marquette, 1879. (@opper mines by J,1, Foster.) Ye M.Bs and MC COLLERY, R.S,. The ore deposits of the San Pedro district, Hew lexico. Aa, Inst, Min. ng., Trens,, vol. 53, pp. 550=382, 1005: ng. and Yin, Jour., vel. 75, DP. RO7-200, 1903, Describes the general geology of the region, and the occurrence, | geologic relations, and character of the copper, silver, lead, and gold deposits, END OF TITLE