UC BERKELEY MASTER NEGATIVE STORAGE NUMBER 00-136.4 (National version of master negative storage number: CU SNO00136.4) MICROFILMED 2000 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE USAIN State and Local Literature Preservation Project Funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities REPRODUCTION AVAILABLE THROUGH INTERLIBRARY LOAN OFFICE MAIN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720-6000 COPYRIGHT The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials including foreign works under certain conditions. In addition, the United States extends protection to foreign works by means of various international conventions, bilateral agreements, and proclamations. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. University of California at Berkeley reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. Hodgkins, Pilsbury Life of Pilsbury Hodgkins, better known throughout California as "Chips" [s. |] [19097] BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD TARGET University of California at Berkeley Library USAIN State and Local Literature Preservation Project Master negative storage number: 00-136.4 (national version of the master negative storage number: CU SN00136.4) Author: Hodgkins, Pilsbury, 1825-1892. Title: Life of Pilsbury Hodgkins, better known throughout California as "Chips", 1909? Description: 68 p. ; 28 cm. Notes: Typescript. Author describes life in mines in great detail, describes his duties and activities as express man, and, eventually, employee of Wells Fargo. Mentions Pony Express. After narrative are transcripts of newspaper obituraries. Mr. Hodgkins was born in Nobleboro, Maine. Left in 1841 for Boston, where apprenticed to Dolbeare and Son, Shipwrights and Calkers. In 1848 left for California,working his passage as a carpenter on ship, York (Pacific Company). Landed in San Francisco and immediately headed for diggings out of Jamestown (Tuolumne County). Worked variety of sites including Jackass Gulch, out of Sonora. In 1851, in addition to mining business, worked for Reynold's Express as expressman, delivering throughout mining camps. In 1853 sold out mining business, concentrating on express business. In 1857, company bought out by Wells Fargo. From 1857 to 1870 worked for Wells Fargo on steamer going between Stockton and San Francisco, 1870-1877 worked between San Francisco and San Diego, 1877-1886 was in charge of Company's steamer dept. and from 1886-1891 was in charge of Collection Dept. Had made his home in Stockton. Subjects: Hodgkins, Pilsbury, 1825-1892. Wells, Fargo & Company -- Employees -- Biography. Reynold's Express. Voyages to the Pacific coast. Gold miners -- California -- Biography. Pioneers -- California -- Biography. Gold mines and mining -- California. Express service -- California -- History. Express service -- Employees -- California -- Biography. Pony express. Steamboats -- California. California -- Gold discoveries. Stockton (Calif.) -- Biography. Call numbers: CSL State Lib q B H689 California Rare Bk Microfilmed by University of California Library Photographic Service, Berkeley, CA Filmed from hard copy borrowed from California State Library, Sacramento, Calif. CONDITIONS OF USE For information about restrictions on use of the original document or the content of this title in microfilm, contact California History Room Room 200 California State Library 900 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-654-0176 http://www .library.ca.gov/ FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, 94720 DATE: 11/00 REDUCTION RATIO: 10 PM-1 3%."x4" PHOTOGRAPHIC MICROCOPY TARGET NBS 1010a ANSI/ISO #2 EQUIVALENT I 128 2.5 I 10 She = kg 3 Ba 7.1 2 Il = ——— ° Lo Es be = l= 2 JL 1s FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, 94720 DATE: 11/00 REDUCTION RATIO: 10 LIFE OF PILSBURY HODGKINS BPPTER KNOWN THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA AS CHIPS. I was born in Nobleboro, Maine, Feb. 17th, 1825, My father died when I was three years old, and ny mother became an invalid, when I was only eight, and contimed in 111 health to the time of her death, which wes in the fall after I was fifteen. It is a great source of cone solation to me now, to know that I was of rmech service to ny nother during her sickness. lany comforts, umeh nursing and nearly all little attentions that she received were through wy exertions. Attor ry father's death, the old homestead ( o lew Pngland farm ) with good buildings, and well stocked, fell into the hands of iy oldest Lrother. I was much younger than the rest, and ot the age of eight was put to work at whatever I could do on the farm. Our District School was only for a few weeks in summer, and the same in winter, so my educatlon wes very limited. I remained with my brother till March 1841, going to school in the winter. My treatment was not what it should have been from an elder brother, as 1 was left to look out for myself os best I could. One fine Sunday wmerning directly after breakfast, I pocked up a few things and went over to one of ny sisters on the next farm, and made ry intention known to her and o cousin, that lived there. Ile took ny bundle to avoid suspicion and passed by ny old home, I followed about fifteen minutes later. After reaching the place agreed upon, we parted company, I hurried on to where I hored to board a vessel tha would take me away from ny native state; I walked seven miles, made good time, found the schooner Albion and saw Capt. Robinson. After stating my case he put me in the cabin, in his room where I remained until noon, when they cast off, and I could hear the vessel rushing through the water (a most welcome sound.) o , SS ¥ 00 > FP SN eo. we, S&L : 1 Bb hh) Dh HN NN PM-1 3%"x4” PHOTOGRAPHIC MICROCOPY TARGET NBS 1010a ANSI/ISO #2 EQUIVALENT = zs l= fi 71 a l= * lie 2 lis ps REIT in iti IE iyi HH Hin ihn HH IW wncl| 12] 18] 14] 5| 6 7] g| 9 1/011 12113 11415 END OF TITLE