PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Hazardous Waste Generation, Treatment, and Disposal 1 {my 1 " 1376 Q This report has been reviewed by the U.S. Environmentai Protection Agency and approved for publication. Approva] does not signify that the contents necessariiy refiect the views and poiicies of the U.S. Environmenta] Protection Agency, nor does mention of commercia] products constitute endorsement by the U.S. Government. An environmental protection pubiication (SW-508) in the soiid waste management series. PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY \‘\\ Hazardous Waste Generation, Treatment, and Disposa1 This final report (SW-508) describes work performed for the Federal solid waste management program under contract no. 68-01a2684 and is reproduced as received from the contractor LU'S' ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENC/YJ 1976 «(90 Warm List of Tables List of Figures 1.0 2.0 3.0 (w- - TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE STUDY STUDY APPROACH CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY WASTE CHARACTERIZATION TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL TECHNOLOGY TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS CHARACTERIZATION OF THE U.S. PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INDUSTRY BY FUNCTION BREAKDOWN OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY BY SIC CODES DOMESTIC SALES OF THE U.S. PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY HISTORICAL GROWTH OF THE U.S. PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ROLE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN GROWTH OF THE U.S. PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PHARMACEUTICAL CONSUMPTION — RECENT TRENDS PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY OUTLOOK FOR 1975-1980 NUMBER OF PHARMACEUTICAL PLANTS AND EMPLOYMENT IN THE INDUSTRY WASTE CHARACTERIZATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 3.1 SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF HAZARDOUS WASTE CRITERIA 3.1.1 Background Information for the Selection of Hazardous Wastes 3.1.2 Selection of Criteria for Classification of Potentially Hazardous Substances from the Pharmaceutical Industry 3.1.3 Application of the Classification Scheme to Categorize Wastes from the Pharmaceutical Industry as Priority 1 or Priority l| Potentially Hazardous Wastes (5735 5-. ‘Dc; \r ,.)\ «1‘1”... gut ., ‘8 N 3 ' m. (J10'lOONM—‘A 11 11 12 13 16 19 22 23 25 31 31 31 32 36 3.0 4.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) WASTE CHARACTERIZATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY (Continued) 3.2 WASTE GENERATION DATA DEVELOPMENT 3.2.1 Approach to the Problem of Obtaining Valid Industry Hazardous Waste Data Wastes from Research and Development Installations Wastes from the Production of Active Ingredients Synthetic Organic Medicinal Chemicals Inorganic Medicinal Chemicals Fermentation Products (Antibiotics) Botanicals Medicinals from Animal Glands Biologicals Pharmaceutical Preparations U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry Process Wastes and Projections to 1977 and 1983 Annual Waste of Pharmaceutical Industry Typical Types of Pharmaceutical Hazardous Wastes and Their Properties Projections of Pharmaceutical Process Wastes to 1977 and 1983 DATA SOURCES FOR SECTION 3.1 DATA SOURCES FOR SECTION 3.2 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL TECHNOLOGIES 4.1 4.2 BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION OF PRESENT TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL TECHNOLOGIES iv Page 38 38 42 43 44 48 49 53 60 63 66 66 74 74 80 85 87 87 87 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.0 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL TECHNOLOGIES (Continued) 4.2.1 Present Treatment/Disposal Technologies for General Process Wastes (Hazardous and Non-hazardous) 87 4.2.2 Present Treatment/Disposal Technologies for Waste Solvents 96 4.2.3 Present Treatment/ Disposal Technologies for Organic Chemical Residues 101 4.2.4 Present Treatment/Disposal Technologies for Potentially Hazardous High Inert Content Wastes (Such as Filter Cakes) 103 4.2.5 Present Treatment/ Disposal Technologies for Heavy Metal Wastes 104 4.2.6 Present Treatment/ Disposal Technologies for Returned Goods and Reject Material from Formulation 104 4.2.7 General Description of Treatment and Disposal Tech- nologies 106 4.3 ANALYSIS OF ON-SITE/OFF-SITE DISPOSAL METHODS 114 4.4 SAFEGUARDS USED IN DISPOSAL 115 4.5 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL TECHNOLOGY LEVELS AS APPLIED TO LAND-DESTINED HAZARDOUS WASTE STREAMS FROM THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 115 4.5.1 Treatment and Disposal Levels for Halogenated and Non-Halogenated Waste Solvents 118 4.5.2 Treatment and Disposal Levels for Organic Chemical Residues 120 4.5.3 Treatment and Disposal Levels for Potentially Hazardous High Inert Content Wastes, Such as Filter Cakes 122 4.5.4 Treatment and Disposal Levels for Heavy Metal Wastes 126 4.5.5 Treatment and Disposal Levels for Returned Goods and Reject Materials from Formulation 127 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY—SECTION 4.0 130 5.0 COST ANALYSIS 133 5.1 BACKGROUND 133 5.2 SUMMARY OF COSTS FOR CONTROLLED TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF LAND-DESTINED HAZARDOUS WASTES 133 5.3 RATIONALE AND REFERENCES USED IN COST ESTIMATING 133 5.4 COSTS FOR TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTES 138 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 5.0 COST ANALYSIS (Continued) 5.4.1 Research and Development 5.4.2 Production of Active Ingredients (SIC 2831 and 2833) 5.4.3 Formulation and Packaging (SIC 2834) APPENDIX A — DESCRIPTION OF HAZARD GRADES APPENDIX B — PROPERTIES OF HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS — EXPLANATION OF SPECIAL TERMS GLOSSARY OF TERMS vi Page 138 138 142 155 161 175 Table No. 1.5 1.6 1.7A 1.7B 2.3A 2.3B 2.30 2.5 2.6 2.8A 2.8B 3.1.2A 3.1.23 3.1.3A 3.1.3B 3.1.3C LIST OF TABLES Estimates of Pharmaceutical Industry Generated Wastes for 1973, 1977 and 1983 Technology Levels for Disposal and Treatment of Pharmaceutical Industry Process Wastes Perspectives on the Pharmaceutical Industry: Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Costs Perspectives on the Pharmaceutical Industry: Cost Impact of Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Shipments of Ethical and Proprietary Products Estimated Domestic Sales of Ethical Pharmaceutical Products Facilities by Sales and Geographic Location Ranking of Research Categories by Number of Compounds Under Study Number of Prescriptions Filled at Retail Pharmacies Estimated Number of Pharmaceutical Plants (SIC 2831, 2833, and 2834) Total Number of Plants and Those with More Than 100 Employees Number of Employees Summary of Hazard Evaluation Criteria Biological Functions and Toxicities of Selected Elements Priority I Hazardous Wastes Characterization of Typical Waste Solvents or Still Bottoms Containing the Listed Chemicals Typical Toxicities of Pharmaceutical Active Ingredients as Measured by Oral LD500n Mice and Rats Estimated Average of Chemical Wastes Generated in Organic Medicinal Chemical Production Typical Antibiotic Production Plant (Procaine Penicillin G) Typical Plant for Producing Botanical Medicinals (Plant Alkaloids) Typical Plant for Producing Botanical Medicinals (Stigmasterol for Hormone Synthesis) Typical Plant for Producing Medicinals from Animal Glands (Insulin) Pharmaceutical Industry Waste Generation Estimate for 1973 Distribution of Pharmaceutical Industry Waste Generation (1973) Estimated Distribution of Waste Generated by the Pharmaceutical Industry in 1973 Summary of Typical Types of Pharmaceutical Hazardous Waste Materials vii Page 10 13 15 17 22 24 26 27 34 35 37 37 39 50 55 56 60 68 70 73 75 Table No. 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7A 4.2.7B 4.3 4.4 4.5.1A 4.5.1B 4.5.2 4.5.3A 4.5.3B 4.5.4 4.5.5 5.2A 5.2B 5.2C 5.3A 5. 3B 5. 3C LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Estimates of Pharmaceutical Industry Generated Wastes for 1973, 1977 and 1983 Projected Distribution by State of Wastes Generated by the Pharmaceutical Industry in 1977 Projected Distribution by State of Wastes Generated by the Pharmaceutical Industry in 1983 Waste Solvent Disposal Methods Organic Chemical Residue Disposal Methods High Inert Content Wastes Disposal Methods Heavy Metal Waste Disposal Methods Disposal Methods for Returned Goods and Reject Material Functions and Waste Types of Currently Used Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Processes Waste Treatment Processes Used to Separate a Waste Destined for Land Disposal Analysis of On-Site/Off-Site Disposal Methods Use of Safeguards in Disposal Operations Treatment and Disposal Technology Levels for Non-Halogenated Waste Solvents Treatment and Disposal Technology Levels for Halogentated Waste Solvents Treatment and Disposal Technology Levels for Organic Chemical Residues Treatment and Disposal Technology Levels for Potentially Hazardous High Inert Content Wastes Treatment and Disposal Technology Levels for Potentially Hazardous High Inert Content Wastes Treatment and Disposal Technology Levels for Heavy Metal Wastes Treatment and Disposal Technology Levels for Potentially Hazardous Returned Goods and Reject Material from Formulation Perspective on the Pharmaceutical Industry: Treatment and Disposal Costs Per Unit of Hazardous Waste Perspective on the Pharmaceutical Industry: Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Costs Perspectives on the Pharmaceutical Industry: Cost Impact of Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Cost of Transporting Wastes Contract Disposal Charges for Hazardous Wastes Capital Investment for Industrial Solid Waste Incineration viii Page 76 78 79 98 101 103 104 105 107 108 116 117 119 121 123 124 125 128 129 134 135 136 137 137 140 Table No. 5.4.3 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Organic Medicinal Chemicals Waste Stream — Non-Halogenated Waste Solvent Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Organic Medicinal Chemicals Waste Stream — Halogenated Waste Solvent Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Organic Medicinal Chemicals Waste Stream: Potentially Hazardous High Inert Content Wastes Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Organic Medicinal Chemicals Waste Stream — Organic Chemical Residues Active Ingredient Production; Fermentation Products; Penicillin Waste Stream — Waste Solvent Concentrate (50% Solids) Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Fermentation Products; Penicillin Waste Stream - Waste Solvent Concentrate (50% Solids) Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Botanicals; Alkaloids Waste Stream — Aqueous Solvent with Solids (30% Solvent, 20% Water, 50% Solids) Treatment and Disposal Costs — Active Ingredient Production; Botanicals; Alkaloids Waste Tream — Halogenated Waste Solvent Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Botanicals; Alkaloids Waste Stream — Non-Halogenated Waste Solvent Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Drugs from Animal Sources; Insulin Waste Stream - Aqueous Alcohol with Organic Solids (25% Alcohol, 25% Solids, 50% Water) Treatment and Disposal Costs: Active Ingredient Production; Biological Products; Plasma Protein Fractions Waste Stream — Aqueous Solvent Treatment and Disposal Costs: Formulation and Packaging (Finished Pharmaceutical Preparations) Waste Stream — Returned Goods and Reject Material Page 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Figure No. 2.3A 2.33 2.5 2.8A 2.88 2.8C 5.3A 5.3B 5.3C LIST OF FIGURES Estimated Domestic Sales at Manufacturers' Level of Ethical Products Industry Concentration of Domestic Ethical Sales Research and Development Expenditures for Ethical Products Number of Plants Number of Plants (> 100 Employees) Pharmaceutical Employment Trends by SIC Codes Typical Synthetic Organic Medicinal Chemical Process Representative Process for Antibiotic Production (Procaine Penicillin G) Representative Process for Botanical Medicinals (Plant Alkaloids) Representative Process for Botanical Medicinals (Stigmasterol for Hormone Synthesis) Representative Process for Medicinals from Animal Glands (Insulin) Diagrammatic Representation of Method 6 Blood Fractionation Pharmaceutical Tablet Production Pharmaceutical Capsule Production Pharmaceutical Ointment Production Solid Waste Disposal Facilities in Puerto Rico In-Plant Storage and Landfill Charges General Industrial Solid Waste Incineration — Capacity Ranges and Investment Costs General Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Operating Costs xi Page 14 18 20 28 29. 30 45 51 54 57 59 62 64 65 67 95 1 39 139 139 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION This report is the result of a study commissioned by the US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assess “Hazardous Waste Generation, Treatment and Disposal in the Pharmaceutical Industry.” This industry study is one of a series sponsored by the Office of Solid Waste Management Programs, Hazardous Waste Management Division. The studies were conducted for information purposes only and not in response to a Congressional regulatory mandate. As such, the studies serve to provide EPA with: (I) an initial data base concerning current and projected types and quantities of industrial wastes and applicable disposal methods and costs; (2) a data base for technical assistance activities; and (3) a background for guidelines development work pursuant to Sec. 209, Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended. The definition of “potentially hazardous waste” in this study was developed based upon contractor investigations and professional judgment. This definition does net neces- sarily reflect EPA thinking since such a definition, especially in a regulatory context, must be broadly applicable to widely differing types of waste streams. Obviously, the presence of a toxic substance should not be the major determinant of hazardousness if there were mechanisms to represent or illustrate actual effects of wastes in specified environments. Thus, the reader is cautioned that the data presented in this report constitute only the contractor’s assessment of the hazardous waste management problem in this industry. EPA reserves its judgments pending a specific legislative mandate. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The study had four basic objectives: 1. to determine the nature and quantities of hazardous wastes originating from the pharmaceutical industry (1973) and to project these wastes to 1977 and 1983; 2. to determine the current treatment and disposal practices within the indus- try; 3. to examine improved control technologies which could be applied to reduce hazards presented by the wastes; and 4. to calculate the cost of implementing three levels of control technology in a typical hypothetical or existing plant. The three levels of technology are: Level I — Technology currently applied by typical facilities; Level II — Best technology currently employed; and Level III - Technology necessary to provide adequate health and environ- mental protection. 1.3 STUDY APPROACH Our study consisted of four interrelated tasks: 1. Industry characterization (Section 2.0); 2. Waste characterization (Section 3.0); 3. Treatment and Disposal Technology (Section 4.0); and 4. Cost Analysis (Section 5.0). Since no Federal law (except the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, Public Law 92-516) has yet been passed requiring industry to obtain and report data on non-radio- active hazardous wastes destined for land disposal, we had to obtain the voluntary coopera- tion of companies that represented a significant portion of the pharmaceutical industry. Fortunately, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PMA) supported the planned attempt to obtain useful information on which EPA’s Office of Solid Waste Management Programs could base part of its future planning‘ and programs. The PMA Environmental Control Committee lent us its support and assisted in obtaining the cooperation of several major pharmaceutical producers. Because the industry had never had to report detailed composition of waste streams, we realized that mailing of questionnaires would not produce usable information. We there- fore chose to conduct in-depth interviews and plant inspections at the plants of the cooper— ating companies. We visited the principal production facilities of companies which repre- sented an estimated 27 percent of the total US. sales of ethical pharmaceuticals and an even higher percentage of active ingredient production of the industry. All 14 facilities we visited had multiple plants and multiple operations, so that in all we surveyed more than 35 com- ponent plants. Good representative information was obtained on research and development (R&D), fermentation, biological products, organic synthesis, extraction of animal glands, and formulation and'packaging operations in the United States, including Puerto Rico. We checked the information we received in the interviews and by letter and confirmed it with the companies. We then extrapolated the collected data to obtain information applicable to the entire industry. During the course of the study we also visited eight landfills and four contractors that were treating wastes, principally by incineration. We also interviewed 11 contractors by tele- phone to confirm information obtained frém plant visits. 1.4 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY For this report we found it advantageous to characterize the industry by function as well as by SIC codes. The main function of the pharmaceutical industry is to provide delivery of active therapeutic substances in stable, useful dosage forms, such as tablets, injectables, capsules, and the like. However, the overall pharmaceutical industry can be considered to have four functional sections: 2 1. Research and Development (R&D) — The function of R&D is to discover new drugs and to develop and improve formulations of these and older drugs. 2. Production of Active Ingredients — This stage involves the production of the basic active drugs in bulk form. 3. Formulation and Packaging — Bulk drugs are formulated into dosage forms, such as tablets, ointments, syrups, injectable solutions, and the like, that can be taken or used by patients easily and in accurate amounts. 4. Marketing and Distribution — To get pharmaceuticals to doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and ultimately to the patient or consumer, pharmaceuticals are promoted by pharmaceutical companies and distributed either directly or through wholesalers. Pharmaceuticals promoted by advertising directly to the consumer are called “proprietary pharmaceuticals” and those advertised to the medical, dental and veterinary professions are called ‘ethical pharmaceuticals.” The US. Department of Commerce has divided the pharmaceutical industry into three SIC codes: 2831, 2833, and 2834. SIC 2834 (Pharmaceutical Preparations) is essentially the same as the Formulation and Packaging function described above. SIC 2833 covers the major portion of bulk active ingredient manufacture. SIC 2831 covers a group of products which were formerly regulated by the Division of Biologics Standards in the National Institute of Health and not by the Food and Drug Administration. Because the manufacturing and isola- tion procedures are similar to those in SIC 2833 (Medicinals and Botanicals), the SIC 2831 (Biological Products) operations are combined with SIC 2833 for the purposes of this'study. While the Department of Commerce indicated a 1972 total of 1058 plants in the United States manufactured pharmaceutical products, only 416 of those plants had 20 or more employees. These 416 plants were distributed as follows: SIC 2834 — 302 plants, SIC 2831 — 60 plants, and SIC 2833 — 54 plants. Employment in these three SIC categories in 1972* totaled approximately 130,000. Estimated U.S. domestic sales of ethical pharmaceuticals in 1973* were approximately $5.5 billion and sales of proprietary pharmaceuticals were about $1.9 billion. 1.5 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION The largest tonnage of process wastes currently being landfilled comes from the produc- tion of antibiotics by fermentation. In the fermentation industry the antibiotics are produced * Employment figures are based on Census of Manufactures data which are published every five years (the last being 1972), whereas sales figures have been estimated by ADL utilizing US. Department of Commerce data for 1973 and other sources. as by-products of the growth of microorganisms (molds and bacteria). During operations to recover the antibiotics, the microorganisms are filtered off , usually with the addition of an inorganic filter aid, such as diatomaceous earth. This discarded product is usually called “mycelium.” Because mycelium wastes consist only of cells of organisms, filter aid and residual nutrients, the product is not considered hazardous. However, due to the large quantities pro- duced by a typical fermentation plant and the tendency of the mycelium to emit odors on decomposition, the waste can be a nuisance if not properly handled. The fermentation industry likewise produces a high BOD effluent stream, similar to that produced in the brewing industry, that must be treated in an activated sludge system. Neither the mycelium waste nor the biological sludge from treatment of the effluent streams contains significant quantities of hazardous materials. Hazardous wastes are produced during the recovery of antibiotics in the form of waste solvents and still bottoms. These solvents are usually nonhalogenated and are relatively non- toxic, but they are hazardous due to their flammability. The production of organic medicinal ingredients represent the major source of hazard- ous wastes and a significant source of nonhazardous wastes. Of the roughly 90,700 metric tons of organic medicinals (excluding antibiotics) produced in the United States in 1973, only about 34,000 metric tons were produced by the pharmaceutical industry itself. The remainder was produced by closely allied suppliers to the industry. Production of organic medicinals resulted in wastes consisting of filter cakes, carbon, filter paper, sewage process sludge, unrecoverable halogenated and nonhalogenated solvents, and still bottoms. Wastes produced by the packaging and shipping sections of the industry are mostly glass, paper, wood, rubber, aluminum, and the like, that are discarded. We estimate only a small fraction of 1 percent of this material to be active pharmaceutical ingredient. We further estimate that 75,000 metric tons of this rubbish is disposed of in regular municipal landfills, along with cafeteria wastes, office wastes, and the like. Goods returned to the pharmaceutical producer are received by the formulation and packaging section of the industry. We estimate that the approximately 10,000 metric tons of returned goods consist of approximately 85% glass, paper, water, and the like. Of the remaining 15% solids, the active ingredient may range from 100% down to approximately 1%. Because of the low concentration of active ingredient in many products and the low toxicity of the active ingredients, the resulting mix of materials disposed of on land is considered nonhazardous. However, a small number of compounds, such as mercurials, controlled drugs, and the like, are segregated and treated by environmentally acceptable methods. The only hazardous waste of major concern produced in sufficient quantity from R&D installations is waste solvents (1500 metric tons). Because of the generally flammable nature and the wide variety of solvents in the mixed solvents disposed of, all of these materials are considered hazardous. Many of the R&D personnel are scattered in small groups throughout the industry, but some companies may employ from 200 to over 2000 researchers at a single location. 4 We classified waste streams from the various industry segments as hazardous or nonhazardous according to criteria explained in Section 3.1.2. Estimates of waste quantities are summarized in Table 1.5. ‘ We expect quantities of both nonhazardous and hazardous wastes to increase in propor- tion to production in the future with no significant effect of air and water guidelines for 1977 and 1983. We estimate production will increase only at a 3% compounded annual rate from 1973 to 1977 due to the present energy shortages and economic recession. We anticipate economic recovery and the passage of national health insurance will take place in 1976. There- fore, we expect production and concomitant wastes to increase at an annual compounded rate of 7% from 1977 to 1983. Waste projections for 1977 and 1983 are also included in Table 1.5. Approximately 244,000 metric tons of land-destined process wastes (on a dry basis) were produced by the pharmaceutical industry in 1973. The amount of hazardous wastes is about 25 percent of the total waste, or 61,000 metric tons in 1973. The total wastes are expected to grow to nearly 400,000 metric tons per year and hazardous wastes to 100,000 metric tons per year by 1983. 1.6 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL TECHNOLOGY Approximately 85 percent of total wastes and 60 percent of hazardous wastes are esti- mated to be treated and disposed of by contractors. Of the total wastes, ADL estimates that 60 percent, or 150,000 metric tons, are finally disposed of on land. About 9 percent, or 5,600 metric tons of the hazardous wastes, are finally disposed of on land. These percentages reflect the extensive use of incineration, both on-site and by contractors off-site, by the pharma— ceutical industry. Where possible, materials are recovered for reuse. Also secure chemical land- fills and encapsulation are being used now — and will most probably be used in the future — for the disposal of heavy metal wastes and the like, which are too dilute or contaminated for re- covery, and general process wastes of a nonhazardous nature. In the disposal of a major portion of hazardous wastes generated in the pharmaceutical industry, Level I technology will be adequate for Level II and Level III also. This is true for those wastes such as solvents and organic chemical residues that-are presently disposed of by incineration. Some other pharmaceutical wastes that are presently landfilled, such as returned goods and rejected product and high inert content wastes, such as filter cakes, may require incineration to meet Level II and III criteria. The heavy metal wastes or high inert content wastes, such as filter cakes, that contain heavy metals and are presently landfilled, may require further treatment to meet Level II and Level III criteria. Table 1.6 presents a summary of the treatment and disposal technology levels for pharma- ceutical industry process wastes determined to be hazardous. 1.7 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS We have calculated costs for “end-of-pipe” treatment and disposal of each hazardous pharmaceutical waste. These costs do not include charges for in-process changes made to 5 TABLE 1.5 ESTIMATES OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY GENERATED WASTES FOR 1973, 1977 AND 1983* (All Figures in Metric Tons Per Year) 1973 1977 1983 Non-Hazardous Hazardous NonHazardous Hazardous Non-Hazardous Hazardous mam” 5.9...." Dry Basis w“ 3355’ Dry Basia Wat Basist Dry Basis Wat Buis' Dry Basis We! easis' Dry Basis Wet Buis' Dry Buis Wet Basisf RaiD Solvent — - 1,500 1,500 -— — 1,900 1,900 — — 2,700 2,700 Total R&D - - 1,500 1,500 — — 1,900 1,900 —- — 2,700 2,700 SIC Code 2833: Production of Active Ingredients Organic Medicinal Chalniuls (34,000 Metric Tons/Yr) Biological Sludge (from wastewater treatment) 47.500 476.000 — - 53,500 536,000 — — 80.400 304,000 - — High Inert Content (filter aid, carbon) 3.400 6,800 - — 3,800 7,6m — - 5,700 1 1.400 - — Contaminated High Inert Content (i.e., filter aid and solvent) — — 1.700 3.400 — — 1.900 3,800 — — 2,900 5,800 0‘ Organic Chemical Residues (tars, mud, still bottoms) — - 13,600 13,600 — — 15.300 15,300 -— — 23,000 23,000 Halogenated Solvent — — 3,400 3,400 - —- 3,800 3,81!) — — 5,700 5,700 Non-Halogenated Solvent — — 23,800 23,800 - — 26,800 26,800 —— — 40.000 40,000 Heavy Metal Wastes Zinc Compounds —- — 2,200 2,200 — — 2,500 2,500 - — 3,700 3,700 Arsenic Compounds — - 450 450 — — 500 500 — — 750 750 Chromium Compounds — - 20 2O - - 22 22 -— — 35 35 Copper Compounds — — 4 4 — — 4 4 — —— 6 6 Mercury Compounds — — 1 1 — -— 1 1 — — 1 1 Total for Organic Medicinal Chemicais 51,000 482,800 45,175 46,875 57,400 543,600 50,827 52,727 86,100 - 815,400 76,092 78,992 Rounded to: 51,000 480,000 45,000 47,000 57,000 540,000 51,000 53,000 86,000 815,000 76,000 79,000 Inorganic Medicinal Heavy Metals (i.e., selenium waste) - - 200 200 - — 225 225 — — 350 350 Antibiotics (by Fermentation, 10,01” Metric Tons/Yr) Mycelium (plus filter aid and sawdust) 75.000 300.000 — — 84,400 338,000 — — 127.000 508.000 — — Biological Sludge 35,000 350,000 — — 39,400 394,000 — — 60,000 600,000 — - Waste Solvent Concentrate — — 12.000 12.000 - - 13.500 13.500 — — 20.000 20.000 Total for Antibiotics 110,000 650,000 12,000 1 2,000 123,800 732,000 13,500 13,500 187,000 1,108,000 20,000 20,000 Rounded to: 110,000 650,000 12,000 12,000 124,000 730,000 14,000 14,000 190,000 1,100,000 20,000 20,000 Botanicals (Plant Alkaloids, 2,000 Metric Tons/Yr Plant Material) Wet Plant Material 2.000 4.000 - — 2.250 4.500 -— — 3,400 6,800 — -— Aqueous Solvent Concentrate - — 720 850 — — 810 960 - — 1,200 1,400 Halogenated Solvent 5- — 60 60 — —- 70 70 — — 100 100 Non—Halogenated Solvent - — 120 120 — — 140 140 - — 200 200 Total for Plant Alkaloids 2.000 4,011) 900 1,030 2,250 4,500 1,020 1,170 3,400 6,800 1,400 1,700 Botanical: (Plant Steroids, 150 Metric Tons/Yr Stigmaterol) Fused Plant Steroid Ingots 750 750 — - 840 840 — — 1,000 1,000 - ~ TABLE 1.5 (Continued) 1973 1977 1983 Non—Hazardous Hazardous Non-Hazardous Hazardous Non-Houdini: Hazardous lndunry Segment Dry Basis Wet auas' Dry Basis Wet Bais' Dry m w« Basis' Dry Basis w" anis‘ Dry Basis Wet Basis' Dry am Wet auis' Medicinals from Animal Glands (8,01!) Metric Tons Glands/Yr) Extracted Animal Tissue 7,500 7,500 - — 8,400 8,40) — — 12,500 12,500 - - Fats or Oils 350 350 — — 400 400 — — 600 600 - - Filter Cake (Containing protein) 250 500 - — 280 560 — — 420 840 — — Aqueous Solvent Concentrate — — 800 1,600 — — 900 1,800 — — 1.350 2.700 Total Medicinals from Animal Glands 8,100 8,350 800 1.600 9,0w 9,360 900 1,800 13,520 13,940 1,350 2,7“) Total for Production of Active Ingredients (SIC Code 2833) 172,000 1,143,000 59,000 62,000 193,000 1,285,000 67,000 70,011) 294,000 1,937,000 99,000 103,000 SIC Code 2831: Biological Products Aqueous Ethanol Waste from Blood Fractionation — — 250 600 - - 280 680 — — 400 1.000 Antiviral Vaccine — — 300 300 — — 350 350 — — 500 500 Other Biologicals — — 200 200 — — 225 225 - — 350 350 Total lor Biological Products - — 750 1,100 —- — 855 1,255 — — 1.250 1.850 SIC Code 2334: Phrmaoeutiul Preparations Returned Goods 10.0“) 10,000 — - 11,300 11,300 — — 17,000 17,0“) - — Contaminated or Deoomposed Active Ingredient — — 500 5!!) — — 600 600 -— — 900 900 10,000 10,000 500 500 1 1,300 1 1,3“) 603 600 17,1130 17,000 900 900 Totals for All Industry Segments 181,850 1,153,011) 61,650 65,100 204,300 1,836.31” 70,445 73,755 311,0“) 1,954,000 103,850 1w,450 Rounded to: 182,000 1 ,153,000 62,000 65,011) 204,000 1 336,0“) 70,000 74,000 310.0“) 1,954,000 104,000 1w.000 ”Source: Arthur D. Little, Incl. estimates. tWet weight estimates are given for all wastes. The two wastes that typically have the highest moisture content are biological sludge and myoelium from fermentations. Where the wet waste estimates are the some as on the dry basis, the waste is usually disposed of with only a minor amount of moisture. However, disposal practices vary from plant to plant, depending on the form in which the waste is produced. TABLE 1.6 TECHNOLOGY LEVELS FOR DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY PROCESS WASTES‘r Industry Segment 0 R&D Solvent Animals Heavy metals 0 Active Ingredient Production -— Organic Medicinal Chemicals Non-halogenated waste solvent Halogenated waste solvent High inert content wastes — containing flammables only — containing heavy metals or corrosives Heavy metal wastes Organic chemical residues — Inorganic Medicinal Chemicals Heavy metal wastes Fermentation Products Waste solvent concentrate Botanicals Aqueous solvent Halogenated waste solvent Non-halogenated waste solvent — Drugs from Animal Sources Aqueous alcohol —— Biologicals Aqueous alcohol Antiviral vaccines Other biologicals (toxoids, serum) 0 Pharmaceutiml Preparations Returned goods and reject material Level I Treatment and Disposal Technology Level II Level III Incineration Incineration l Recovery Incineration Incineration Landfill or incineration Incineration * Landfill Secure chemical landfill 7 Secure chemical landfill” Level I and recovery Recovery and engineered storage Incineration '7 Chemical |andfi|l*** Secure chemical landfill*** r Incineration » : Incineration 7 Incineration r Incineration * Incineration 4 Incineration * Incineration fl. Incineration ’ Landfill Incineration ; *Neutralize waste or precipitate heavy metal prior to placing in landfill. MConvert heavy metal to most insoluble form and place in drum prior to placing in landfill. *“Waste is dilute; therefore, Level II technology will involve a more secure landfill rather than a recovery operation. tSource: Arthur D. Little, Inc. minimize or to change the hazardous nature of the wastes. More detailed analyses are given in Section 5.0. Table 1.7A and 1.7B summarize generalized costs of treatment and disposal systems either currently in use or recommended for future use in pharmaceutical production facilities. Because typical plants were used to develop an estimate of the total industry cost of treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes, the total industry costs should be taken only as an indication of the order of magnitude of such costs rather than as the outcome of a detailed industry survey of the costs. Issues such as site specific costs, different products or product mixes, local disposal rates, and available disposal methods were not included in this estimate. TABLE 1.7A PERSPECTIVES ON THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTST Total Annual Costs, $000“ 1973 1977 1983 Product Category 0 Bulk Active Ingredient Organic Medicinal Chemicals 3,800 4,295 6,140 Inorganic Medicinal Chemicals* — — —— Fermentation Products 1,440 1,620 2,300 Botanicals 165 180 260 Drugs from Animal Sources 115 130 180 Biologicals 50 60 85 0 Pharmaceutical Preparations 15 40 50 Partial Tota|+ 5585 6325 9015 *One hazardous waste cost is included in organic medicinal chemicals. ”December 1973 dollars. +Excludes R&D costs. 1Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc. TABLE 1.7B PERSPECTIVES ON THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: COST IMPACT OF HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL? Estimated Hazardous Waste Control Cost as Percent of Price“ Price Product Category Level Level I Level II Level III $/k9 0 Bulk Active Ingredient Organic Medicinal Chemicals 22 0.2% 0.22% as Level II Inorganic Medicinal Chemicals “V — — — -—‘ Fermentation Products 44 0.34% as Level I as Level I Botanicals *** Drugs from Animal Sources *** < 0.1 as Level I as Level | Biologicals ' *** * Manufacturers selling price in the case of pharmaceutical preparations; value of sales, that is, the net selling value FOB plant or warehouse, or delivered value, whichever represents the normal practice for bulk activity ingredient. ** Representative data not available because most inorganic medicinal ingredients that might produce a hazardous waste are purchased from the chemical industry. *** Data not available; the selling price of many of these products is stated in terms of biological activity. TSource: Arthur D. Little, Inc. 10 2.0 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE US. PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 2.1 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INDUSTRY BY FUNCTION The pharmaceutical industry can be described or characterized in several ways, depend- ing on the needs of the particular study. For purposes of this report, we found it advantageous to break down the industry-along functional lines in addition to classifying it by SIC codes. The main function of the pharmaceutical industry is to provide delivery of active therapeutic substances in stable, useful dosage forms. Thus it may be distinguished from the chemical industry, the function of which is to synthesize various chemicals which may be useful in a variety of applications. It is true that the pharmaceutical industry may integrate vertically and become involved in the synthesis of active ingredients, but its major function is to prepare the tablets, injectables, ointments, capsules, and the like, to provide what is needed, where it is needed, and when it is needed. The production and sale of pharmaceuticals may be outlined in a four-step series: 1'. Research and Development: New drugs are discovered and developed by research laboratories (principally those of the pharmaceutical industry itself, but also those of government and educational institutions). After clinical trials and government approval, the drugs are ready for general production and sale. 2. Production of Active Ingredients: At this stage, the basic active drugs used in medicine are produced in bulk. These drugs can be categorized according to their principal ingredients as follows: 3. organic medicinal chemicals (such as aspirin), inorganic medicinal chem- icals (such as magnesium sulfate), fermentation products (such as peni- cillin and tetracycline), botanicals (such as quinine), and drugs from animal sources (such as insulin); and b. biological products, including vaccines (such as smallpox vaccine), toxoids (such as tetanus toxoid), serums (such as tetanus antitoxin), and products from human blood (such as plasma). 3. Formulation and Packaging: The basic drugs, which are manufactured in bulk, are formulated into various dosage forms such as tablets, ointments, syrups, lotions, injectable solutions, and the like, that can be taken by patients easily and in accurate amounts. The formulated products are pack- aged in appropriate containers. 11 4. Pharmaceutical Marketing and Distribution: To get the pharmaceuticals to doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and ultimately to the patient or consumer, they are promoted by the pharmaceutical Companies and distributed either directly by the companies or through wholesalers. Pharmaceuticals promoted by advertising directly to the consumer are called “proprietary pharmaceu- ticals” and those advertised to the medical, dental, and veterinary profes- sions are called “ethical pharmaceuticals.” The larger, established pharmaceutical companies engage in all four functions - re- search, production, formulation, and marketing — although these may be carried out by separate divisions, often located many miles apart. Other companies, however, specialize in only one phase, such as producing medicinal chemicals in bulk or in formulating pharmaceu- tical products from purchased raw materials. 2.2 BREAKDOWN OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY BY SIC CODES The drug industry as defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce actually consists of three industries, consisting of producers of biological products, medicinal chemicals and botanical products, and pharmaceutical preparations. Under the 1972 SIC system, the three industry codes are assigned as follows: 0 SIC 2831—Biological Products: Establishments primarily engaged in the production of bacterial and virus vaccines, toxoids and analogous prod- ucts (such as allergenic extracts), serums, plasmas, and other blood derivatives for human and veterinary use. 0 SIC 2833—Medicz'nals and Botanicals: Establishments primarily engaged in (1) manufacturing bulk organic and inorganic medicinal chemicals and their derivatives; and (2) processing (grading, grinding, and milling) bulk botanical drugs and herbs. Also included in the industry are establish- ments primarily engaged in manufacturing agar-agar and similar prod- ucts of natural origin, endocrine products, manufacturing or isolating basic vitamins, and isolating active medicinal principals, such as alka- loids, from botanical drugs and herbs. 0 SIC 2834—Pharmaceutical Preparations: Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing, fabricating, or processing drugs in pharmaceutical prep- arations for human and veterinary use. Most of the products of these establishments are finished in the form intended for final consumption, such as ampuls, tablets, capsules, vials, ointments, medicinal powders, solutions, and suspensions. Products of this industry consist of two important lines, namely (1) pharmaceutical preparations promoted pri- marily to the dental, medical, or veterinary professions; and (2) phar- maceutical preparations promoted primarily to the public. 12 While there is no SIC code for Research and Development, the other SIC codes — 2831, 2833, and 2834 — can be fitted into the functional classification of the industry. SIC 2834 (Pharmaceutical Preparations) is essentially the same as the Formulation and Packaging function described in Section 2.1. SIC 2831 (Biological Products) has many manufacturing and isolation procedures similar to those in SIC 2833 (Medicinals and Botanicals). Therefore, for purposes of this study, "we combined plant operations of both SIC 2831 and 2833 under Production of Active Ingredients. 2.3 DOMESTIC SALES OF THE US. PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Total dollar volume of shipments for ethical products and proprietary products by the three sectors, according to Census Bureau figures, rose nearly 8% per year between 1954 and 1972, increasing from $2.05 to $7.54 billion, as shown in Table 2.3A. TABLE 2.3A SHIPMENTS OF ETHICAL AND PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS-r ($ Millions) 1954 1958 1963 1967 1972 Biological Products (SIC 2831) 66.6 63.8 167.3 220.6 481.1 Medicinals and Botanicals (SIC 2833) 281.0 322.3 434.0 593.8 782.6 Pharmaceutical Preparations (SIC 2834) 1,700.5 2,591.8 3,000.2 4,139.7 6,276.0 Total 2,048.1 2,977.9 3,601.5 4,954.1 7,539.7 fSource: US. Department of Commerce During the comparable period, U.S. domestic sales for ethical products grew at a 9% annual rate to $5.45 billion in 1973 from $1.00 billion in 1953, as shown in Figure 2.3A. Proprietary pharmaceutical sales are estimated at $1.9 billion for 1973 compared to approximately $0.4 billion in 1953. Prior to World War II, proprietaries outsold ethicals but the tremendous increase in new active ingredients has led to a remarkably accelerated growth of pharmaceuticals under prescription and other pharmaceuticals only promoted as ethicals. We expect ethical pharmaceuticals to continue to be the dominant factor in the expanded markets of the future. Table 2.3B shows the estimated domestic sales of ethical pharmaceutical products and their growth rates by major therapeutic classes for selected years during the past decade. Within these major categories, the growth rates have varied substantially — from a slight decline in sulfonamides to a 19% growth for anti-arthritics. The most important factors stimulating demand during the period were: 13 Sales ($ Millions) 6, 000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2, 000 1,000 JJIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJ 1955 1960 1965 1970 Year 1’Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates. FIGURE 2.3A ESTIMATED DOMESTIC SALES AT MANUFACTURERS' LEVEL OF ETHICAL PRODUCTS? 14 (DNv-POSNMOLDM‘O‘) I— I— F N. 2 0 NF may 3 82 ES”. 33 8mm. 5.580 .a:=:< emf. :TP own mm mm hm mNm mv mNN 0.; own va m 5 mm mm own mN— w: cum .1 *GFQP owes.” mwm. F mum EV mm mm omv :V CON 8.. MNN hmm mum Na : om own 0.. F m.‘ .. NmN «has 80.... 0mm; com mw mm mm mmc N¢ ch P RN F mm — wvm 0mm mm no ham ..o.. mop CNN th.‘ owmfi Dew mum we we we mm com on mm mm mm P 8N m Fm on mm mm mm.» no mm ow P mom .. Amcc==e fl. .mEmEzmw :oc. 6.3... .n. 555 "850mb mwmd m 5 com om mm mm mm m: on mm mm cm or F mm.. mm mm mm mum ON on om mom .. 633:8 283.35: 60.5 95.8 2230835.: “4... .30... 9.2.5 38:52 was mEESS 82828.5 $;u>mm flcmxflwm 283.2 mace—:5... 8.55:..2. >929... 2355 20.5.88; 20.06% 5950 22385.28 8.xEB< moEoEmmam3c< floater". >u_mwno.wc< 8:.ESmE.E< BEEtmzc< 8.03.5 mo.mum.w:< .520 03:329.... +mPUDDOmn. ...m<...m 4_m<_._n_ .:< .5». ON...— E wZOFmEUmwm—m u—O mums—DZ 9N m..m<._. 24 2.8 NUMBER OF PHARMACEUTICAL PLANTS AND EMPLOYMENT IN THE INDUSTRY The latest available Census of Manufactures lists a total of 1058 establishments in 1972 for the SIC codes under evaluation. In addition, there were 42 plants in operation in Puerto Rico in 1974. Overall, a total of approximately 1100 plants are currently producing drug products in the United States and its territories. Most of these plants are small. Of the 1058 plants listed in the 1972 Census of Manufactures, in fact, only 416 had 20 or more employees each. For this study it is noteworthy that in the important function of producing organic chemical-active ingredients (SIC 2833), only 54 plants in the United States had 20 or more employees. Only 60 plants in the production of biologicals (SIC 2831) were in the comparable category and 302 were of this size in the formulation and packaging sector (SIC 2834). Because Government data on a state-by-state basis were not complete at the time of this study, we have estimated the number of pharmaceutical plants in some of the States and Puerto Rico as shown in Table 2.8A. Totals of plants by EPA regions and for the individual states are presented on the map in Figure 2.8A. The corresponding map for plants with more than 100 employees is presented in Figure 2.8B. As may be observed in these tables and figures, drug industry production is concentrated primarily in the northeastern and north central regions, with relatively heavy involvement also in California. As designated by EPA regions, these include Regions II (282 plants— 26% of total), Region V (215 plants —— 20% of total), and Region IX (143 plants — 13% of total). It should be noted that the new Puerto Rican facilities are incorporated into the total number of plants for Region II. For the continental United States, Region 11 contains 240 plants (22% of total). A further indication of the geographic concentration of the US. pharmaceutical industry is the fact that five states have nearly 50% of all plants — New York (12%), California (12%), New Jersey (10%), Illinois (7%), and Pennsylvania (6%). Not only is the total number greater in these states, but the plants are also the largest in the industry. As shown in Figure 2.8B, these five states and Puerto Rico contain nearly two-thirds of the plants which have more then 100 employees.- An interesting observation from the Census data is that the total number of establish- ments in the continental United States dropped from 1359 facilities in 1958 to 1058 in 1972 (a decrease of 22%), but establishments with more than 20 employees increased from 403 to 416 during the same period (an increase of 3%). This shift is a further indication of the smaller producer disappearing from the industry with the larger manufacturers becoming even more dominant factors. The number of employees in the various sections of the pharmaceutical industry from 1947 to 1972 are listed in Table 2.8B and presented graphically in Figure 2.8C. The industry employed a total of 129,300 workers in 1972, 67,400 of which were production workers. During the period 1958 to 1972, total employment increased by 26%, while production workers increased by 19%. This substantial increase in employment took place during the period noted above in which total plants decreased — again an indication of the concentration occurring within the industry. 25 TABLE 2.8A ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PHARMACEUTICAL PLANTS (SIC 2831, 2833, AND 2834) TOTAL NUMBER OF PLANTS AND THOSE WITH MORE THAN 100 EMPLOYEESI EPA Region IV X IX VI IX VIII I III III IV IV IX X V V VII VII IV VI IV VII VIII VII IX II VI II IV VIII VI IV VIII State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Total Plants1 % of Total2 Plants @ >100 Employees % of Plants2 >100 Employees I 7) 0 I 8) I 2) 134 I 15) 16 28 18 78 26 16 12 I 11) 23 31 39 I 21) 44 112 128 I 18) 69 42 I 4) 26 * *axo *ddNNOONwO*ddN sum-bum *-—r d * *0» uni at: *QOMNOOO =0: *-I>o) * _a —‘ ownooo—wocowoowaooovaoooooo —| _.\ 4; M omomcDAOmommomoomoo—‘M dd 0 nr #000) *ooooo *aboaoo *01 * *OOO * *OU‘I M —\ *OMONMOHCO *ONCO O TABLE 2.8A (Continued) - Plants @ % of Plants2 >100 >100 EPA Region State Total Plantsl % of Total2 Employees Employees IV Tennessee 16 1 7 3 VI Texas 50 5 4 2 VIII Utah I 3) * 1 * I Vermont 0 0 0 0 III Virginia I 16) 1 3 1 X Washington I 7) * 0 * |I| West Virginia ( 3) * 0 * V Wisconsin 17 2 1 * VIII Wyoming 0 0 0 * National Totals 1100 219 Regional Totals I 54 5 8 4 II 282 26 87 40 III 115 10 24 11 IV 106 10 19 9 V 215 20 40 18 VI 68 6 4 2 VII 81 7 16 7 VIII 20 2 2 * IX 143 13 18 8 X 16 - 1 1 * 1. Figures in parentheses are Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates, based on 1967 Census of Manufactures and Dun and Bradstreet 1974 data; all others from 1972 Census of Manufactures (Preliminary). 2. *designates less than 1%. 1Sources: Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates and Census of Manufactures. TABLE 2.83 Number of Employeesf SIC 2831 SIC 2833 SIC 2834 Total Industry Production Production Production Production Total Workers Total Workers Total Workers Total Workers 1947 2,987 NA 13,097 NA 65,143 NA 81.227 NA 1954 3,965 NA 1 1,541 NA 76,555 NA 92,061 NA 1958 3,692 2,567 10,246 6,640 82,000 45.708 95.938 54.915 1963 5.800 3.600 8,100 5,300 85,100 45,900 99,000 54,800 1967 7,400 4,800 8,400 5,600 102,000 55,200 117,800 65,600 1972 9, 800 5,500 8,700 5,300 1 10,800 56,600 129,300 67,400 fSource: Census of Manufactures 27 83 we” Alaska Wm. I — 54 Me (7) f N. Oak, Minn. r"\\ H _ 282 (3) ()reg. ~ ~ \ , ’E X‘ 16 Idaho 0 Wis ‘\? o w o S. Oak ‘ ’ I N yo, Mich. s I 33- I 128 M Cam. (9) VIII 20 (2) (21) ‘ I w- 1 a. . (4) NeV. 0 Iowa 17 39 I I ’ 00““ Utah New, ’ P3 0 ”L Ind. 01110 69 NJ. Com. ‘6 — 21 oeI- (4) 1x 143 9 Mo. 34 wme 115 Kans. 26 (3) VII — 81 73 W" ‘3’ (16) l (15 (5) (1) Aug. N“ max 12 44 N.C. x ”fex, Okla» Ark. Tenn- 16 (18) 5.0. Hawaii 3 Mi 5’ Am Ga. 0 134 (5) S (6’ Puerto Rico (II) (2) IV 106 42 0 La. ) (8) v| _ 68 (8) (7) 18 Fla. 50 (11) 28 N.B.: Numbers in parentheses are Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates; Roman numerals designate EPA regions. fSouroes: Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates and Census of Manufactures, 1972 (preliminary). FIGURE 2.8A NUMBER OF PLANTS? 62 Wash. Mont. N. Oak. Minn. 0 0’89. Alaska X _ 0 Metro 0 Wis 0 s. Dak. WYO, Cam. ‘ vm — 2 2 Week 0 10wa Utah Nebr. C0|o_ 3 IX 18 2 Mo Kans. 1 VII — 16 0 flail. 1 1 N“ MBX‘ Okla Tex, I Ark 0 18 L V o 0 a VI — 4 Hawaii 0 4 N.B.: Roman numerals designate EPA regions. fSource: Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates. I”. 10 1 _ 8 Me. -‘x ”—87 0 ~\ V‘ \ ’1 N- Mi h. \ ’ . a. C x ' 26 W ’/ N-V RA. 0 1 10 z” Pa con“ ma. Ohio 19 45 V—40 Md 061 5 W-Va' Va 0 9 M m 24 13 3 0 N.C Term. 5 s.c. M155. 9‘3- ea“ 2 IV 19 0 1 Ma. Puerto Rico (ll) 16 1. FIGURE 283 NUMBER OF PLANTS(>100 EMPLOYEES)? Number of Employees 140,000 SIC 2834 Pharmaceutical 130,000 _. SIC 2833 Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products SIC 2831 Biological 120,000 _ 110,000 ,- 100,000 _ 2834 90,000 _ 2833 2831 Total Employees 80,000 I/ 70,000 — 2834 __ / /__, __ _— / 60,000 _ I,/ 2834, 2833, 2831 ______ /’ ’,-""'""'"‘ 50,000 _ [z 2834 ______ x, 40,000 _ Production Employees 30,000 _ 20,000 — 2833 Total Employees {2831 } Production Employees 10,000 =— 2833 ._——-——- Total Employees _ _ __ __________ ,—— 2831 ________________,____ Iliiilliiil—‘I—Iliiiiliill 1947 1954 1958 1963 1967 1972 TSource: Census of Manufactures FIGURE 2.8C PHARMACEUTICAL EMPLOYMENT TRENDS BY SIC CODES? 30 3.0 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 3.1 SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF HAZARDOUS WASTE CRITERIA 3.1.1 Background Information for the Selection of Hazardous Wastes In the studies covering various industries, the individual contractors were asked to: . . identify and describe the wastes generated by each industry which pose a potential health or environmental hazard upon final disposal. In performing his analysis, the contractor should pay particular attention to wastes which contain any of the following specific substances, or types of substances: asbestos, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, cyanides, lead, mercury, halogenated hydrocarbons, pesticides, selenium, and zinc. EPA believes these substances, on the basis of initial analysis, to have the potential for producing serious public health and environmental problems when contained in wastes for disposal. Other wastes, believed by the contractor to be of a hazardous nature, such as car- cinogens, should also be identified. ” To identify the wastes that pose a potential health or environmental hazard upon final disposal, we had to develop a set of criteria to select the hazardous wastes generated by the pharmaceutical industry. Whereas some industries have only a few well defined inorganic substances to classify, the pharmaceutical industry manufactures or purchases an estimated 15,000 inorganic and organic chemicals to make its formulated pharmaceutical products. Potential hazards of these chemicals range from essentially nonhazardous to highly hazard- ous due to such characteristics as flammability or toxicity. We studied other hazard classification schemes to assist in developing criteria for selecting potentially hazardous and highly hazardous wastes generated in the pharmaceutical industry, but found no universally applicable scheme for classifying the types of hazards and the degree to which they are hazardous. Each classification scheme was selected to meet specific needs. Industrial toxicologists selected criteria to assist them in handling the toxic materials produced in industry, and public health toxicologists assembled criteria to assist the physician in treating acute poisoning by various chemicals and commercial products. Classification schemes designed to aid the physician in treating acute poisonings were usually developed on the basis of LD5 0 values alone, while the industrial hygienist was often more concerned with the toxicity of inhaled vapors, irritation to the skin, allergic reactions, and flammability of products. While none of the other systems have addressed the same problems that the Office of Solid Waste Management Programs will face, the Coast Guard addressed a related problem in the safe handling of materials in bulk water transportation. During 1965-66 the National 31 Academy of Sciences (NAS) developed an initial evaluation system for the Coast Guard.* In this system the substances were rated on a simple numerical scale of 0, l, 2, 3 or 4, indicating an increasing degree of hazard in each of 10 categories describing different types of hazards (flammability, human toxicity, etc.). The publication was revised from time to time;the current edition is dated 1970rwith additions to September 22, 1972. Comments were received from overseas sources including the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO), the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, suggesting the need for further extension and amplification of the guidelines to define the ratings more precisely. Thus in 1974 the NAS submitted a revised publication, “System for Evaluation of the Hazards of Bulk Water Transportation of Industrial Chemicals,” which brought the grade classifications for human toxicity and aquatic toxicity into agreement with grade classifica- tions developed by IMCO and one hazard category (effect on amenities) was dropped. The suggested classification scheme now has nine hazard categories as follows: (1) fire, (2) skin and eyes, (3) vapor inhalation, (4) gas inhalation, (5) repeated inhalation, (6) human toxicity, (7) aquatic toxicity, (8) water reaction, and (9) self reaction. The same rating scale of O, 1, 2, 3 and 4 was retained and used for all hazard categories. We also examined the IMCO system which was developed by the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution to review the environmental hazards of transporting substances besides oil. In contrast to the NAS system which has nine categories of hazards, the IMCO system has only five categories: (1) bio-accumulation, (2) damage to living resources, (3) oral intake hazard to human health, (4) skin contact and inhalation hazard to human health, and (5) reduction of amenities. 3.1.2 Selection of Criteria for Classification of Potentially Hazardous Substances from the Pharmaceutical Industry Classification of materials as hazardous or nonhazardous is an arbitrary process. Whether or not a substance is hazardous depends on its quantity, concentration, location, and the species affected. Even air and water can be hazardous in certain situations. For example, air injected into a vein may cause a fatal air embolism. Likewise water can be fatal if too much water gets into the lungs by blocking access of air to the lungs and seriously disrupting the ionic balance of the blood. On the other hand, a substance such as hydrochloric acid, which can be fatal if ingested in concentrated form, can also be beneficial in dilute solutions for patients who have a deficiency of normal hydrochloric acid secretions in the stomach. Despite the difficulties of developing a universally applicable scheme for grading hazardous materials, materials with the highest potential for environmental damage and human hazard can be identified for various handling or disposal techniques. Theoretically, such a classification scheme should take in all possible hazards. In observing the pragmatic ”Described in NAS publication No. 1465, "Evaluation of the Hazard of Bulk Water Transportation of Industrial Chemicals —— A Tentative Guide." 32 approaches taken by IMCO, NAS-Coast Guard, and the Hazardous Substances Branch of EPA’s Office of Water Planning and Standards, it is apparent that firm decisions had to be made to eliminate or exclude certain hazard categories. For example, effects on amenities was eliminated in the 1974 NAS proposed system and bio-accumulation was not included as a hazard category. Likewise, the IMCO scheme did not include consideration of flamma- bility in its hazard ratings, presumably because it is concerned with dumping of materials from ships on the high seas where toxicity is a more important consideration than flammability. Because of the wide range of hazards considered in the NAS scheme, and because of the extensive data that had been collected for the scheme, we proposed that the 1974 modification suggested to the Coast Guard by NAS be used as a basis for evaluating the hazards of materials for disposal on land. Initially, we suggested classifying substances which fell into hazard grades 3 and 4 in any category of the NAS scheme as highly hazardous and those in grades 1 and 2 as moderately hazardous as shown in Table 3.1.2A. Another contractor (TRW, Inc.) suggested expansion of the NAS-Coast Guard classification to include bio-accumulation to toxic levels and addition of substances that are carcinogenic, foncogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic. Since the classification scheme developed for this preliminary study of hazardous wastes would not bind EPA to the same criteria, the Office? of Solid Waste Management Programs, ADL, and TRW agreed that both contractors would luse the expanded classification scheme for the pharmaceutical and organic chemical indusv ltries, but with a modification involving the water pollution hazards. The criteria for highly hazardous wastes were retained and, therefore, included any substances falling into hazard l grades 3 or 4 in any category of the NAS classification scheme. Criteria for moderately hazardous wastes included any substance falling in grades 1 or 2 in any category, except that under the “water pollution” heading substances falling in grade 1 were considered non- hazardous unless they presented a hazard upon collection. We thus have nine graded criteria to use in making preliminary judgments in evaluating the hazard of a given material. In addition, bio-concentratable materials are raised to the next higher hazard classification and suspected carcinogens* are rated as Grade 4, highly hazardous. A summary of the classifica- tion criteria is presented in Table 3.1.2A with the boundaries between the three hazard classifications (highly hazardous, moderately hazardous, and essentially nonhazardous) delineated by heavy lines. A more detailed explanation of the criteria for hazard grades in each of the nine categories is given in Appendix A. When one attempts to apply the classification scheme developed above to a specific industrial situation, other precautions must be observed. The problems of quantity and concentration arise immediately when we consider the inorganic chemicals (heavy metals and fluorides, for example) that are usually considered to be toxic. The assumption that any exposure to a toxic chemical is harmful at any dose is erroneous; for many chemical substances a deficiency is known to be every bit as injurious as an excess. Several examples illustrate that substances can be nutritional at one level and toxic at another. For example, fluorine is essential for life (Table 3.1.2B) and is a demonstrated growth factor in rats. A fluorine deficiency leads to tooth decay, but in slight excess this .*Does not include list of "suspected carcinogens” published by NIOSH in the Federal Register, 48, No. 121, pp 26,390-26,496, June 23, 1975. NIOSH is asking for information on the carcinogenicity of compounds on this list. 33 17$ TAB LE 3.1.2A SUMMARY OF HAZARD EVALUATION CRITERIA “Priorities are discussed in Subsection 3.1.3 Note: Bio-concentratable materials are raised to next higher hazard classification. Suspected carcinogens are rated as Grade 4. Hazard Categories G I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX R 3 A E Health Water Pollution Reaction .. D > i E [ Skin and Vapor Gas Repeated I Woman Aquatic I i Water I =. 3 Eyes Inhalation Inhdation Inhalation Toxicity Toxicity Reaction Self-Reaction ‘3 '§ — __ —— a 3 Not lnsignif. I" g Applicable Hazard 5 0 All not All not Non-combust- described described OSHA 2 LB“ > TL"I > 1WD mg/IZ No appreciable ible below below 1000 ppm 5000 mg/kg self-reaction 1 . FPcc > 140° F Corrosive Depressants, All not OSHA LO; 0 TLm 8.9., CI, May polymerize 3 (60°C) to eyes asphyxiants described 1001000 ppm 5005000 mg/kg 1001000 mg/IZ with low heat _ g below evolution g: 8 Contamination E g 3 may cause g 2 FPcc e.g., NH; polymerization; 2 100°F-140°F Corrosive Lcso Lcso OSHA L050 TLm no inhibitor (37.8°-60°C) to skin 2002000 ppm 200-2000 ppm 10100 ppm 50500 mg/kg 10100 mg/Q required 3 (373°C) LDso _ FPcc < 100°F 20200 mg/kg May polymerize; 13: BP > 100°F 24-hr. skin L050 50200 ppm LCso OSHA LD50 requires ‘_ E _ (318°C) contact or 0.5-2 mg/ll 50200 ppm 1.10 ppm 550 mg/kg TLm 1-10 mg/Il 8.9., Oleum stabilizer E i: a . .g 2‘ 3 4 (37.8 C) Self-reaction ‘- i. FPcc < 100° F L050 < 20 mg may cause 1 BP < 100°F 24-nr. skin Lcso < 50 ppm explosion or (373°C) contact or < 0.5 mg/IZ LCso < 50 ppm OSHA < 1 ppm LDso < 5 mg/kg TLm < 1 mg/Il e.g., $03 detonation TABLE 3.1.23 BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS AND TOXICITIES OF SELECTED ELEMENTS Element Hydrogen Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Sodium Magnesium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Potassium Calcium Vanadium Chromium Manganese lron Cobalt Copper Zinc Selenium Molybdenum Tin Iodine Biological Function' Constituent of water and organic compounds Essential in some plants; function unknown Constituent of organic compounds Constituent of many organic compounds Constituent of water and organic compounds Growth factor in rats; possible constituent of teeth and bones Principal extracellular cation Required for activity of many enzymes Shown essential in chicks; pos- sible structural unit in diatoms Essential for biochemical synthesis and energy transfer Required for proteins and other biological compounds Principal extracellular anion Principal cellular cation Major component of bone; required by some enzymes Essential in lower plants: certain marine animals and rats Essential in higher animals; related to action of insulin Required for activity of several enzymes Most important transition metal ion essential for hemoglobin and many enzymes Required for activity of several enzymes; in vitamin B. 1 Essential in oxidative and other enzymes and hemocyanin Required for activity of many enzymes; deficiency causes anemia Essential for liver function Required for activity of several enzymes Essential in rats; function unknown Essential constituent of thyroid hormones Toxlu'ty" Used in insecticides and rat poisons; fluorides are protoplasmic poisons, removing essential body calcium inter- fering with enzyme reactions causing death from respiratory or cardiac failure High plasma levels can result in respira- tory depression and death Quite toxic, especially as V105 dust Carcinogenic in rats and mice; industrial exposure has resulted in dermatitis, skin ulcers, liver injury, and lung cancer. industrial exposure to dust has resulted in a neurological syndrome and a pneumonitis Excessive doses have caused severe symptoms and a high proportion of deaths, especially in children; acidosis, cardiovascular collapse and tissue damage to the gastro- intestinal tract, liver and kidneys Produces polycythemia, nephritis, etc. Excessive doses damage liver, kidneys, capillaries, and central nervous systems Relatively nontoxic to mammals; yet causes illness due to inhalation of Zn compounds High toxicity, similar to Te and As; Even natural levels cause serious disease (blind staggers) in cattle: inhibits enzyme function lodism in some persons: irritation of mucous membranes and mum-intestinal tract “from E. Frieden, Scienfific Americm, V01227, No. 1, p 52 (July 1972). “ “from J.R. DiPalma (ed.l. Drill's Pharmacology in Medicine, l3rd ed.l, McGraw~Hill Book Co., New York (1965). same element produces an unsightly mottling of tooth enamel. In large excess it is a very dangerous poison — the active ingredient, in fact, in some insecticides and rat poisons. Another example is zinc.» Many enzymes require this element yet it can be an industrial health hazard and has been responsible for fish kills. The list of chemical elements essential to life is growing fast. It includes eight other “toxic heavy metals” — vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, and tin — which were listed by Frieden in 1972 (cf. Table 3.1.2B). 3.1.3 Application of the Classification Scheme to Categorize Wastes from the Pharmaceutical Industry as Priority | or Priority ll Potentially Hazardous Wastes As was discussed in Section 3.1.2, the toxicity or degree of hazard presented by a given waste depends on many factors. In this preliminary survey of hazardous wastes from the pharmaceutical industry potentially destined for land disposal, we were unable to make final judgments on the degree of “hazard” for wastes from the industry. We recognize that more information will be required on a plant by plant basis before the hazards at an individual plant can be evaluated. In this report, we have focused on the “potential hazard” in a given waste, choosing to label the potentially highly hazardous materials as Priority I Hazardous Wastes, and the potentially moderately hazardous materials as Priority II Hazard- ous Wastes. Priority I hazardous wastes include all “elementary” toxic materials, viz., materials whichare potentially harmful, regardless of their state of chemical combination. Priority I hazardous wastes also include materials which owe their hazardous properties to their mole- cular arrangement and which fall in hazard grades 3 or 4 in Table 3.1.2A. Priority II hazardous wastes owe their hazardous properties to their molecular arrange- ment and fall in hazard grades 1 or 2 in Table 3.1.2A. All other process wastes are considered essentially nonhazardous in this study if they fall in the essentially nonhazardous section of Table 3.1.2A. A list of Priority I inorganic chemicals was made up and used during interviews as a checklist to see whether the plant had any of these materials in its waste (see Table 3.1.3A). As the study proceeded, we found that we had to make some judgments as to whether cer- tain wastes had significant concentrations of “hazardous” metals, as trace quantities of metals can be found in almost any waste. Because of the approximately 15,000 active ingre- dients used in the pharmaceutical industry, a similar list for organic compounds was im- practical. The industry also uses some quantity of practically every organic solvent com- mercially available, either in its R&D groups or production plants. As will be described later, wastes from these solvents are incinerated. In this preliminary study-we were not attempting to catalog all possible components of waste streams, but were merely trying to identify major hazardous wastes. In general, we were looking for information on waste solvents, still bottoms, and solid wastes such as process “muds” or presscakes that were discharged from the plants manufacturing active medicinal ingredients. Representative solvents and still bottoms containing these solvents are characterized in Table 3.1.3B. 36 TABLE 3.1 .3A PRIORITY I HAZARDOUS WASTES Inorganic Elements and Compounds Mercury Molybdenum (molybdates) Cadmium on first proposed toxic pollutant list* Nickel Cyanide Nitrites Antimony Osmium Arsenic Selenium Azides Silver Barium Thallium Beryllium Tin Chromium (chromates) Uranium Cobalt Vanadium Copper Zinc Fluorides Radioactive elements Lead *Published in the Federal Register, 38FR 35388, December 27, 1973. TABLE 3.1.3B CHARACTERIZATION OF TYPICAL WASTE SOLVENTS OR STILL BOTTOMS CONTAINING THE LISTED CHEMICALS Priority l Priority ll (Highly Hazardous) (Moderately Hazardous) Acetone Ethylene Glycol Acetonitrile Monomethyl Ether Amyl Acetate Heptane Benzene Methylene Chloride Butanol Naphtha Butyl Acetate Chloroform* Ethanol Ethylene Dichloride lsopropyl Alcohol Methanol Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Toluene Xylene *Chloroform would normally be in the Priority ll classification, but possible carcinogenic action causes its shift to Priority l. 37 Anyone considering landfilling of returned pharmaceuticals or disposal of active ingredients is concerned with the possible hazardous properties of the ingredients. Formu- lated pharmaceuticals and most active medicinal ingredients are not hazardous because of flammability, reactivity with water, self-reactivity, or corrosiveness to skin or eyes. Likewise these products do not usually produce vapors that are toxic on inhalation. The principal hazard categories that would place these pharmaceuticals or ingredients in the hazardous classification are aquatic toxicity (TLm ), oral toxicity (LDSO), bio-concentration or car- cinogenicity. It is unlikely that the Food and Drug Administration would leave a pharma- ceutical on the market for general use that is a known carcinogen. There are essentially no data on the TLm values of these compounds and on their bio-concentration in natural flora and fauna. However, there are extensive data on the oral toxicity of these compounds in test animals. We therefore decided to evaluate the toxicity of the most common products in five of the largest selling pharmaceutical categories: analgesics, antibiotics, ataractics, cardio- vasculars, and hormones. The oral LDSO values of typical compounds under each pharma- ceutical category are listed in Table 3.1.3C. As indicated in the summary at the end of Table 3.1.3C, 48 out of 66 compounds were in toxicity grade 1 (LDso of 500 to 5000 mg/kg — essentially nonhazardous), 17 of the 66 were in grade 2 (50-500 mg/kg — moder— ately hazardous) and only one compound was in grade 3 (5 to 50 mg/kg — highly hazardous). While the pharmaceutical ingredients sometimes may have a high activity for man when they are injected or ingested, the most active ones are usually dispensed in highly diluted forms so that only a small percentage of active ingredient is present in the dosage form. Although some of the active ingredients can qualify as moderately hazardous, we do not consider the typical mix of returned goods that would actually ‘be disposed of on land to be hazardous. It is highly unlikely that the diluted ingredients would be ingested. Never- theless, some companies have a few products (such as mercurial ointments) that they screen out of their returned goods to ensure that the discarded material is environmentally accept- able. If a company takes the conservative position that all returned goods and discarded products are considered as moderately hazardous until they are examined, the handling and disposal of these compounds can be done without hazard to personnel or the environment. 3.2 WASTE GENERATION DATA DEVELOPMENT 3.2.1 Approach to the Problem of Obtaining Valid Industry Hazardous Waste Data No Federal law has yet been passed requiring industry to obtain and report data on hazardous materials produced as wastes destined for land disposal. To conduct this study it was therefore imperative to obtain the voluntary cooperation of companies that represented a significant portion of the US. production of pharmaceutical products. Fortunately, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PMA) supported the planned attempt to obtain useful information on which EPA’s Office of Solid Wastes Programs could base its future planning and programs. The PMA Environmental Control Committee lent us its support and assisted in obtaining the cooperation of several major pharmaceutical producers. 38 TABLE 3.1.3C TYPICAL TOXICITIES OF PHARMACEUTICAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AS MEASURED BY ORAL LDso ON MICE AND RATS* Oral LD50 (mg/kg) Drug Class Compound Mouse E Reference Analgesics A 2404 1 B 815 1500 2,3 C 4025 4 D 748 4 E 542 5 F 18 1 G 170 6 H 95 7 I 887 8 J 693 9 K 1650 10 L 84 5 M 1890 1 N 1600 11 Antibiotics A > 3750 12 3 1188 1 C 2500 13 D 3400 1 E 3000 12 F 2618 14 G 2372 1 H 2000 15 I 4600 16 J 1447 1 K > 4000 17 L > 2880 12 M 4800 18 N 300 1 O 808 807 1 P 3579 1 0 3550 1 R 702 1 *Table references follows table. 39 Drug Class Ata ractics Cardiovasculars Hormones Toxicity Grade Analgesics Antibiotics Ataractics Cardiovasculars Hormones Total TABLE 3.1.3C (Continued) Compound Zgr‘KL—Im'nmUOmp OZ§P7<‘—‘Immm00co> DOW> Oral LDso (mg/kg) Mouse 126 148-176 >515 980 150 1250 1350 330 213 292 300 680 890 > 2500 1737 950 Rat 433 548 710 346-460 840 710 1552 318 1800 995 740 56 2600 1 000 2221 1 100 1750 >80 440 300 2500 1 000 3200 >300 2952 Reference 19 20,1 1 21 . 1 22 23 24,1 19 25 4,26 1 27,26 28 33,34 Oral LD50 Summary of Typical Classes of Pharmaceuticals (Classified by lower of rat or mouse toxicity values) 4 (05) 3 (550) 2 (50500) 1 (5005000) 0 (> 5000) 0 1 3 10 o o o 1 18 o o o 6 8 0 o o 6 9 0 _°_ _0 _1 _3 1 o 1 17 48 0 4o PWNP‘WPPNT‘ Add 19?? 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. REFERENCES TO TABLE 3.1.30 Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 18, 185, 1971. (TXAPA9 —- Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 23, 537, 1972. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 99, 450, 1950. (JPETAB —- Toxic Substance List, 1973) Merck Index. (12VXA4 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 134, 332, 1961. (JPETAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 103, 147, 1951. (JPETAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 92, 269, 1948. (JPETAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Food Cosmet. Toxicol., 2, 327, 1964. (FCTXAV — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther., 190, 124, 1971. (AIPTAK — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 1, 240, 1959. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 89, 205, 1947. (JPETAB —— Toxic Substance List, 1973) Spector, W.S., ed. Handbook of Toxicology, Volume I: Acute Toxicities. W.B. Saunders Co. (Philadelphia), 1956. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 8, 398, 1966. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 21, 516, 1972. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 10, 402, 1967. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Antibiot., 19, 30, 1966. (JANTAJ — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 6, 746, 1964. (TAP — Journal) Acta Pol. Pharm., 24, 451, 1967. (APPHAX — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 21, 315, 1972. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Mouse — Physicians Desk Reference (PDR), 1974 and Proc. Eur. Soc. Study Drug Toxicity, 8, 177, 1967. Rat — Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 181, 185, 1971 (PSDTAP and TXAPA9 —- Toxic Substance List, 1973) Physicians Desk Reference (PDR), 1974 J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 127, 318, 1959. (JPETAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Am. lnd. Hyg. Assoc. J., 30, 470, 1969. (AIHAAP — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Mouse — J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 129, 75, 1960. Rat — Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 18, 185, 1971. (JPETAB and TXAPA9 -— Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 21, 302, 1972. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Barnes, C.C., Eltherington, L.G., Drug Dosage in Laboratory Animals — A Handbook, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 1965. (DDLA — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Smith, Kline and French Laboratories (Philadelphia ) — Mouse. Barnes, C.C., Eltherington, L.G., Drug Dosage in Laboratory Animals —— A Handbook. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 1965) (SKFL and DD LA — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 127, 318, 1959. (JPETAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 128, 22, 1960. (JPETAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 7, 598, 1965. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 179, 580, 1971. (JPETAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Arch. ltal. Sci. Farmacol., 6, 153, 1937. (AISFAR — Toxic Substance List, 1973) J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 121, 179, 1960. (JPPMAB — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther., 180, 155, 1969. (AIPTAK — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 107, 1,068, 1963. (ANYAA9 —- Toxic Substance List, 1973) Toxicol. App. Pharmacol., 21, 253, 1972. (TXAPA9 — Toxic Substance List, 1973) Klin. Wochenschr., 18, 156, 1939. (KLWOAZ — Toxic Substance List, 1973) 41 Because the industry had never had to report detailed composition of waste streams, we realized that mailing of questionnaires would not produce usable information. We therefore chose to conduct in-depth interviews and plant inspections at the plants of the cooperating companies. We visited the principal production plants of companies repre- senting 27 percent of total US. sales of ethical pharmaceuticals. These plants represented an even higher percentage of the active ingredient production of the industry. All facilities visited had multiple operations so that good representative information was available on R&D, fermentation, biological products, organic synthesis, extraction of animal glands and formulation and packaging operations in the United States, including Puerto Rico. Infor- mation given to us in the interviews and by letter was checked and confirmed with the companies. From the collected data we extrapolated to obtain information applicable to the entire industry. During the course of the study we also visited eight landfills and four contractors that were treating wastes, principally by incineration. We also interviewed 11 contractors by telephone to confirm information obtained from plant Visits. As explained in Section 2.0 of this report, the SIC codes of the US. Department of Commerce do not exactly follow functional divisions of the pharmaceutical industry. For example, we were interested in obtaining information on R&D wastes and the R&D category does not have a SIC code. Another complication in data collection from the plants was that many of the pharmaceutical plants producing active ingredients were diversified, i.e., some parts of the manufacturing complex produced materials for animal feeds, cos— metics, pesticides, fine organic chemicals, etc., as well as medicinal ingredients. For this study we have attempted to isolate those wastes that are associated only with the phar- maceutical production. The information that we collected on plant visits was categorized under three of the four functional divisions of the pharmaceutical industry: (1) Research and Development, (2) Production of Active Ingredients, and (3) Formulation and Packaging. The fourth functional division, Marketing and Distribution, did not dispose of significant quantities of process wastes or hazardous wastes, as damaged or outdated goods were normally returned to the formulation plants for disposition. As indicated in Section 2, we considered plants listed as 2831 and 2833 under the production of active ingredients category and plants listed as 2834 under the formulation and packaging category. Wastes from Research and Development Installations Based on surveys conducted by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association that show a total of approximately 23,000 personnel employed in research and development (R&D) activities in its member firms, we estimate that total pharmaceutical R&D personnel 42 amount to about 25,000. About one-half of the R&D staff is made up of scientific and professional people and the other half is about equally divided between technical and . supporting staff. R&D activities are often concentrated in research centers run by the industry that employ from 200 to over 2000 R&D personnel so that sizable quantities of wastes may be generated in these centers. On the other hand, some R&D activities are dispersed throughout the individual companies so only a few R&D personnel may be in a given plant, and the R&D wastes may not be segregated. Depending on the type of research being done the wastes from these activities may involve a heavy use of solvents in one installation while at another installation most of the work may involve tests on animals. Thus in one case there will be waste solvents to be disposed of and in the other there will be test animals to be incinerated. We found that the average mixed solvent waste at the installations we visited was about 66 liters per man-year or a yearly total of approximately 1500 metric tons in the United States. Other hazardous wastes occurred in much smaller amounts than the solvents and were usually handled as specified by the “Laboratory Waste Disposal Manual” issued by the Manufacturing Chemists’ Association. Heavy metal wastes, such as mercury or mercury salts, were often stored until a sufficient quantity was on hand to sell to a reprocessor. Wastes from the Production of Active Ingredients In addition to the active ingredients that it produces itself, the pharmaceutical industry purchases many of its active ingredients from chemical companies that are not really in the pharmaceutical industry. Most of the plants listed under SIC 2831 (Biological Products) are a part of the pharmaceutical industry and manufacture active ingredients consumed by the industry. On the other hand, many of the products listed under “Medicinal Chemicals” by the US Tariff Commission are manufactured by chemical companies that are not in the pharmaceutical business. A good example of the latter is choline chloride in the “Medicinal Chemicals” category, which is made almost entirely by chemical companies, but which is used almost entirely in animal feed production. We have subtracted substances such as choline and other materials that are made mostly by the chemical companies to arrive at the active ingredient production that could be assigned to SIC code 2833. We estimate that the pharmaceutical industry’s 1973 production of organic medicinal ingredients, excluding antibiotic production, was no more than 34,000 metric tons (75 million pounds). In the subsections that follow, we discuss methods of active ingredient production and the generation of process and hazardous wastes. We have selected the processes shown from the open literature, and they are typical of industry practice, but do not refer to a specific company’s installation. 43 3.2.1 .2.1 Synthetic Organic Medicinal Chemicals The production of organic medicinal chemicals may involve the chemical (or biologi- cal) modification of an antibiotic, botanical, or drug from animal sources, or it might be the complete chemical synthesis of a complex chemical, such as vitamin A, whose synthesis starts with acetone, acetic acid, acetylene, and methyl vinyl ketone. Unlike the “heavy chemicals,” those chemicals which are. produced by the chemical industry in thousands of tons annually, the total annual production of any given organic chemical medicinal might only be 1 or 2 tons. Heavy chemicals are produced in continuous processes and generate a uniform waste stream, but many different medicinals are produced in single batches which causes a wide variation in their waste streams. The amount of process waste generated per ton of product will vary greatly, depending on the number of synthesis steps, the yield in each step, and the solvents used. The chemical synthesis may only require a two-step synthesis with recovery of unreacted raw materials, such as in aspirin production, or as many as 13 steps as in the production of vitamin A. With an overall yield of over 80%, less than 0.2 kg of organic residue waste would be generated per kg of aspirin, whereas the overall yield in the production of vitamin A might be as low as 15-20%, thus generating as much as 7 kg of organic waste per kg of product. The by-product organic residue waste material is separated from the main product by any of a number of methods such as extraction, distillation, precipitation, crystallization, or filtration, and may be recovered as hard still bottoms, chemical muds, or in a solvent solution. This residue may still contain residual hazardous organics such as hydroquinone, pyridine, or oxalic acid. Wastewater from the production of organic medicinal chemicals (containing up to several thousand ppm of biodegradable organics such as isopropanol, acetone, ethanol, or acetic acid) must be treated to meet effluent requirements.* This wastewater is usually treated biologically, such as an activated sludge treatment, either on-site or in local municipal treatment systems. This biological treatment, in turn, generates from 0.3 to 0.7 kg of biological sludge solids per kg of organic solids removed, the remainder being converted to carbon dioxide and water by the biological sludge organisms. The volume of solvent waste generated depends on the degree to which the solvent is contaminated, to what extent solvent recovery is practiced, and the type of reaction and solvent required. Some reactions, such as hydrogenation, may require no solvent at all; some may use ethanol or acetic acid which is diluted and discharged to biological treatment, while still others may use toluene or benzene which must be recovered or incinerated. A “typical” synthetic organic medicinal chemical production process might be summarized as shown in Figure *State or Federal. 44 Finished Medicinal Products Raw Materials (500,000 kg) (5,000,000 kg) Recycle Solvents Aqeous Wastes 8,000,000 kg) (1,400,000 kg) (solids) Waste Solvents Biological Wastewater Solid Wastes (dry) (400.000 k9) Treatment (300,000 kg) 1 I ‘\ Biological [sludge‘ \ 0n Ite (700,000 kg) (solids) \ By Con ractor l ‘/ On Site ' Onb‘te \ fig." / ractor \ Landfill Incineration FIGURE TYPICAL SYNTHETIC ORGANIC MEDICINAL CHEMICAL PROCESS 45 Based on interviews and waste figures provided us by the industry, we have estimated the average quantities of waste generated per ton of product as shown in Table]. The production of aspirin will generate less waste than the averages given in this table while the production of certain tranquilizers and vitamins will generate more waste per ton of product. We believe that the averages we present in Table represent the waste generated for a typical or “average” mixture of synthetic organic medicinal products. The wastes as shown in this table are segregated into solvents, organic residues, biological sludge, solid inorganic wastes containing materials such as filter aid and carbon and heavy metal wastes. Most of the hazardous waste generated in the synthesis of organic medicinal chemicals is organic in nature (composed of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen) and is generally disposed of by incineration. A limited amount of heavy-metal wastes, such as those containing mercury, chromium, copper, arsenic, and zinc, is also generated, however. Zinc waste generally occurs in pharmaceutical chemical production as metallic zinc, zinc oxide, or zinc chloride. Metallic zinc is used as a reducing agent and its salts as a catalyst. It is usually recovered (for disposal or recycle) from the reaction mixture by filtration. The waste zinc salts are recovered by precipitation or solvent evaporation. TABLE ESTIMATED AVERAGE OF CHEMICAL WASTES GENE RATED IN ORGANIC MEDICINAL CHEMICAL PRODUCTION‘r Kilogram of Waste per Non-Hazardous Waste Metric Ton Product (dry basis) — Biological Sludge 1400* (14,000 wet) (from Organic Chemical Wastewater Treatment) » — High Inert Content Wastes (Filter and, Activated Carbon) 100 Kilogram of Waste per Heavy Metal Content Metric Ton Product (kg Per Metric Ton Product Hazardous Wastes“ (dry basis) of Waste) — Halogenated Solvent 100 — Non Halogenated Solvent 700 — Organic Chemical Residues (Tars, Muds, Still Bottoms) 400 — Contaminated High Inert Content Wastes (Filter and, Activated Carbon) 50 — Solid Heavy-Metal Wastes Zinc 70 30 Arsenic 15 0.3 Chromium 0.7 0.3 Copper 0.1 0.04 Mercury 0.02 0.01 ‘From 2800 kg of solids in organic chemical wastewater. ”Contains some heavy metal, corrosive chemical, or flammable solvent fSource: Interviews and A.D. Little, lnc., estimates. 46 To put the 2,200 metric tons/yr of zinc waste landfilled by the pharmaceutical in- dustry in perspective, an estimated 36,000 metric tons of zinc oxide annually finds its way into landfills throughout the United States as photocopy paper. Arsenic wastes are generated in the pharmaceutical industry as a by-product of arsenical production and where arsenic compounds are used as catalysts or oxidizing agents. We do not believe there is widespread use of chromium or chromium salts in the pharmaceutical industry. The oxide is used in the heavy chemical industry as one of many catalysts for hydrogenation and oxidation, and as an oxidizing agent in some organic chemical syntheses. However, many of these oxidation (dehydration) reactions can be conducted, using other oxidizing agents, such as chlorates, peroxides or permanganates. In the one case where we know that chromium is being used in the pharmaceutical industry, the chromium waste is reCovered by precipitation and filtration and then sold. We know of only one pharmaceutical company which produces a copper waste, and it is presently disposed of by deep-well injection. We estimate that organic mercury wastes containing about 270 kg of elemental mercury are produced by the pharmaceutical industry annually. A limited number of pharmaceutical companies produce the mercurial products which include nitromersol and thimerosal. These companies take considerable care to ensure that mercury is removed from the plant wastewater effluents. There are a number of processes available for the removal of mercury from wastewater. Ion exchange, solvent extraction, carbon adsorption, sulfide precipitation, cementation, and reduction/precipitation have all been used with varying degrees of success. The type of mercury-removal process that should be used for a specific application depends on the following: 0 Concentration of mercury in the wastewater; 0 Maximum allowable concentration of mercury in effluent; 0 Chemical form of the mercury to be removed; 0 Type and quantity of other chemical constituents in the wastewater; and O Desirability of recovering metallic mercury. According to our investigations, reduction/precipitation processes are being used in- creasingly where the wastewater flow rate is relatively small and intermittent. Mercury is recovered either as pure metallic mercury or as an amalgam. 47 In the most common reduction/precipitation process, which is currently being com- mercialized, a caustic solution of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) is mixed with the mercury- containing wastewater where the ionic mercury is directly reduced to metallic mercury which rapidly precipitates out of solution. The following reaction occurs: 4Hg2++BH4—+ 8 OH” =4Hg+ B(OH)4‘+4H20 If the mercury solution is in the form of an‘organic complex, the driving force of the reduction reaction may not be sufficient to break the complex. In that case, the wastewater must be chlorinated prior to the reduction step to break down the metal-organic bond. When elemental mercury recovery is not desired, the reduction process can be used to form mercury amalgams to produce a less hazardous solid waste for ultimate disposal by encapsulation and landfill. 3.2.1 .2.2 Inorganic Medicinal Chemicals Antacids make up a major share of inorganic medicinal chemical production. Generally antacids have magnesium hydroxide or aluminum hydroxide as their primary active ingredi- ent. These antacids are produced by precipitating a water—insoluble compound from a solution of a soluble aluminum or magnesium salt by a sodium salt. Some formulations also include magnesium trisilicate, calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, alumina gel, and bismuth aluminate. The waste stream generated contains no toxic metals or salts and is usually a solution of sodium chloride or sodium sulfate. Bad batches of antacid active ingredient may occasionally be produced, and these are either reprocessed or disposed of by landfilling, but they would also be considered nonhazardous. We did find one toxic metal-containing waste generated in the production of inorganic medicinal chemicals. This waste contains about 0.2% selenium and amounts to about 160,000 kg annually. The pharmaceutical industry produces several laxatives of botanical origin such as senna, cascara, and a synthetic organic medicinal, phenolphthalein. However, milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide suspension) is the principal inorganic laxative. The produc- tion of magnesium hydroxide for this use would also generate aqueous sodium sulfate or sodium chloride. Active ingredients for many other inorganic medicinals are purchased for products such as mouthwashes, throat lozenges, and topical medicinals, such as the mercurials, zinc oxide ointments, and foot powders. Since these purchased active ingredients are produced by the chemical industry (rather than the pharmaceutical industry), the only waste containing these purchased ingredients is that generated in the compounding and packaging of pharma- ceutical preparations. 48 3.2.1 .2.3 Fermentation Products (Antibiotics) Most commercial antibiotics are the products of living microorganisms, such as fungi (molds) or bacteria. The crude antibiotic produced by the microorganism is recovered from the fermentor broth (a water solution containing nutrients) by extraction, precipitation, or adsorption, depending on the type of antibiotic. Bacitracin, the penicillins, cephalosporins, and erythromycins are usually recovered from the filtered broth by solvent extraction. Chlortetracycline is recovered by solvent extraction of the whole broth (containing mycelium) or filtered broth. Streptomycin is recovered from the filtered broth by ion ex- change. Oxytetracycline is recovered from the filtered broth by precipitation with a quaternary ammonium compound. Following recovery from the fermentor broth, the antibiotic is purified, in most cases, by several stages of recrystallization. Other antibiotics, such as the semi-synthetic penicillins and cephalosporin derivatives, are produced by chemically modifying antibiotics produced by fermentation. The production of antibiotics results in the generation of several large waste streams: the filtered micro-organism (mycelium*); the filtered, extracted, fermentor broth; and contaminated solvent generated in the solvent recovery operation. The fermentor broth is sometimes concentrated and sold as an animal feed supplement, but in most cases the fermentor broth and other wastewater streams are treated biologically to meet effluent requirements. The 0.3 to 0.7 kg of biological sludge generated per kg of dis- solved organics removed in wastewater treatment is either landfilled or incinerated. A good example of antibiotic production (and a large volume product) is penicillin as shown in Table and Figure Commercial penicillin is produced by the submerged-culture fermentation process in which a strain of Penicillium mold is grown in an aerated, stirred tank, the fermentor, in a water medium. This medium contains carbohydrates (starches, sugars) as an energy source, nitrogen in the form of ammonium salts or corn-steep liquor solids for mycelium cell wall protein, and trace minerals, such as magnesium, which are necessary for growth; Rapid growth of the mycelium takes place during the first 24 to 48 hours and the production of penicillin takes place from 24 to 120 hours. _*The term mycelium should be reserved for describing the thread-like growth of molds, such as Penicillium, or the analagous growth in Actinomyces. However, the term is commonly used in the industry to designate the mixture of cells, filter aid, undigested grain solids, etc., that is filtered off and discarded from all types of fermentations, including bacterial fermentations that do not produce true mycelia. 49 TABLE TYPICAL ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCTION PLANT (PROCAINE PENICILLIN G) A. Annual Production 950,000 kg B. Waste Characterization Weight per 1000 kg Product Non-Hazardous Waste Stream No. Dry Wet Mycelium G) 2,300 kg 10,000 kg Biological sludge (9 3,500 kg 35,000 kg Non-Hazardous Waste to Biological Treatment Liters per 1000 kg Product Waste fermentation broth © 56,000 Crystallization water @ 100 Phosphate buffer solution @ 3,000 Crystallization water (3 100 Potassium chloride solution 4,000 Hazardous Waste Liters per 1000 kg Product Solvent Waste Concentrate ® . 1,200 Solvent (butyl acetate) 600 Dissolved organics (fats, protein) 600 Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates. Carbohydrate is fed to the fermentor over the course of the fermentation as an energy source for the mycelium. After the initial mycelium growth phase, a precursor, such as phenylacetic acid or its salts, is added to increase production of a specific type of penicillin. The mold uses this precursor directly in producing the penicillin. With phenylacetic acid, the yield of penicillin G is greatly increased. The strain of penicillium, the exact composition of the growth medium, the yield of penicillin, and some details of the purification of the penicillin are trade secrets of the manufacturers. The penicillin produced and recovered from the fermentation may also be chemically modified to produce one of many commercial penicillins, but the fermentation process for initially producing the basic penicillin is generally the same. A typical penicillin production process (Figure 3.2.1 .23) consists of the initial fermen- tation in which the antibiotic is produced by the micro-organism, the recovery of the crude antibiotic from the fermentation broth by several stages of solvent and aqueous buffer extraction, crystallization of the crude antibiotic, and finally the sterilization of the antibiotic. The same process steps are used by many producers, but the exact conditions of pH and temperature and extraction procedures (type of extractor, type of solvent, etc.) will vary from producer to producer. Likewise there was some variation in quantity of mycelium waste reported by our industrial contacts. Nonetheless we believe that the system for penicillin production, as shown in Figure, is representative of industry practice and is representative of the types and quantities of waste generated in penicillin production and antibiotic production in general. 50 Sodium Phenylecetete CO (loogkg) (300 kg) Nutrients _ Ferrnentors Cleril‘ier Broéh (6700 kg) M'd" (280,000 lam") R°""V pH 7.0 end 25 C Sterilization (7‘ 000 l) Vecuum Corn Steep Liquor Solids . ' 9' , pm" Hydrolyzed Sterch Worklng c'm'w Glucose Ammonium Nitrate Magnesium Sullete (10,000 kg) Wet Seed Culture 5 'I A' Mvcglium Weste F "" ’ " (2,300 kg dry solids) Air Sterile Broth Compressor Filter Chiller _ Makeup Butyl Acetate (700 litersl _ Butyl Acetate l (4200 liters) Sulfuric Acid (9 Butyl " ' ' (400 kg) Solvent Waste Butyl Acetate . (1200 liters) Bu’tavl A"‘"° 3900 liters 7000 liter: Podblelnlek 5 ecoverv .. 600 kg autyl Acetate ‘ ,1 ex‘mm" pH 2.0 Broth at pH 7.0 ‘3‘ . U 600 kg Sollds l Extracted Broth end 4 C E. 3 L® Penincillin in E Butyl Acetate E 5% Phosphate Butter :3. Solution at pH 7.5 or ‘ S | P db‘ | . k Potassium Acetate Solution E o vent 0 le ma . (3000 I t 5 N30” —"—'. Stripping f Extractor I or i i (300 kg) Butyl Acetate .- O N i I a“ O _ ‘ ~ 6) w s l ‘ r E Q 3 % E Waste Fermentation Broth "I". .0 “"°" ° - “ 8 3 _. (56‘000 liters) n-Butenol Penmlllln at pH 6.5—6.8 E E g g (6700 kg solids) (300° "‘9'” Sulmic Acid g m 3 " r * { Alternate A Alternate B r (20 kg) "a pH 2.0 «C C "r ( Butyl Acetate ‘5 . Butanol 'Yflfl '18 '00 Podbielniek (3000 liters) :5 Water Pheserto Disposal *— Recovery (precipitation) ‘————- Extractor “00 "‘3'” Water Phfll to Procaine Penicillin Product Solvent 5“" (1000 kg) and Disposal (3 liters) E a 7 Butvl Acetate g E: % Solution of ‘ a, VSCW'“ Penicillin E g -“ . Egg Fm" Potmium Acetate _—.l § L‘. | (200 kg) S a 3 Potauiurn Chloride Procaine a Centrifuge .___. Water Waite HCI ISolvent and Water Condeneer (4000 More) ‘— 2 .- . V and o (180 kg KCI) Solvent Waste to end efflulunfion mam" Butyl Acetate 0 Recovery 5‘3”" Diesolving (1 20 men) 0 Filter *— ka ® Water Phat. to CD Filter Solvent Stripplng end Dupes-l (100 liters) . Sterile , . J Mix Tank ‘ Filter Dlmlzlng ‘ T." Crude Foteuium Penicillin (700 kg) Sources: Brunner. Elder, Prescott, Rehm, Standen, Underkofler; Webb and Arthur D. Little, Inc., estlrnates (see Blbllography at end of Section). FIGURE REPRESENTATIVE PROCESS FOR ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCTION (PROCAINE PENICILLIN G) 51 (9 Biological Sludge (3500 kg dry wt.) Nutrients necessary for mycelia growth and penicillin production are dissolved in water to form the fermentation medium which is then sterilized by heat, either before or after being added to the fermentor. Then the medium is cooled to near room temperature (20—24°C) and inoculated with a concentrated culture of the Penicillium organism, about 5% by volume. The inoculated medium is agitated by a turbine-type impeller and compressed, sterile air necessary for the growth of the mycelium is sparged into the fermentor. After 24 hours the mycelium has grown to near its maximum concentration in the fermentor and penicillin production by the mycelium increases rapidly. Penicillin production continues with supplemental additions of carbohydrates and a precursor to the end of the fermenta- tion cycle, about 5 days, when the penicillin reaches near maximum concentration. At this point the fermentor is harvested and the mycelium is filtered from the spent growth medium (broth). The filtered broth is chilled to prevent penicillin deterioration and acidified to liberate penicillic acid which is extracted by a water-immiscible solvent such as butyl or amyl acetate. The waste broth from this extraction may be neutralized and discharged to a biological treatment system or concentrated for sale as an animal feed supplement. The solvent containing the penicillin is extracted with an alkaline buffer to form the sodium or potassium salt and remove it from the solvent into a water solution. At this point the crude sodium or potassium salt may be precipitated out directly with a solvent, or acidified and re-extracted by a water-immiscible solvent followed by neutraliza- tion and crystallization. Finally, the crude salt is redissolved in water passed through a sterile filter to a mix tank where it is combined with a sterile precipitating agent, and the insoluble sterile salt is recovered by centrifuging and then dried in a vacuum drier. As an alternative to recovery as the potassium or procaine salt, the penicillin may be chemically modified to other penicillin derivatives before sterilization. In this report, the chemical modification of antibiotics is considered to be part of the organic medicinal chemical segment of the industry. Since the medium in which this living organism, the mycelium, is grown is not toxic to the organism, the spent medium would also be expected to have low toxicity. This is generally true. The mycelium from the spent medium (fermentor broth) is incinerated, landfilled, or used as a soil builder. Some states require that mycelium have a solid content of 30% or more before it is landfilled, since higher concentrations of water might cause leaching of hazardous materials from other substances in the landfill. To increase the solids content of the mycelium from penicillin production, a filler such as sawdust may be added. Mycelia from other antibiotic fermentations contains filter aid which is necessary for the filtration of the more gelatinous mycelia produced in these fermentations, and this increases the solids concentration to an acceptable level. The extracted, acidified fermentation broth must be neutralized before it can be disposed of by one of several methods such as incineration, biological treatment, or concentration and sale as an animal feed supplement. In the case of biological treatment, the resulting sludge must also be disposed of by incineration or landfill. In figure we have assumed biological treatment of the spent broth and other wastewater streams. 52 The only hazardous wastes resulting from antibiotic production are the waste solvents which contain organic material from the extracted broth and which are generated in the recovery of the major portion of the solvent used in the process. In this report, any chemical wastes from antibiotic modification are considered to be part of synthetic organic medicinal chemical production. Botanicals The pharmaceuticals produced from plant material — leaves, bark, and roots - include the alkaloids such as quinine and reserpine, plant steroids for chemical synthesis of cortisones and oral contraceptives, and laxatives such as emodin from cascara bark. 3.] Alkaloid Production from Botanicals Alkaloids are usually defined as basic (alkaline), nitrogenous botanical products which produce a marked physiological action when administered to animals. Commercial alkaloids include quinine, emodin (a cascara alkaloid), reserpine, and vincristine (a new anticancer drug). The alkaloid content of the plant material can vary greatly. For example, quinine is present in amounts of up to 10% in cinchona bark, while vinscristine is present in Vinca rosea (periwinkle) leaf in a concentration of only about 0.02%. A process flow sheet for the production of a (alkaloid) botanical medicinal from plant material is presented as Figure, and Table summarizes the waste- streams. The dried, ground plant material (roots, bark, seeds, or leaf) is generally extracted with an acidified water-miscible solvent such as alcohol and this leachate, in turn, is ex- tracted with a water-immiscible solvent such as ethylene dichloride. Variations in this pro- cedure include: (1) using an aqueous solvent mixture of water and alcohol for the initial extractions, and (2) concentration of the initial alcohol extract before the second (liquid- liquid) extraction, transferring the alkaloid into the water-immiscible solvent. The equipment used for the initial extraction may be a series of stirred tanks, each followed by a filter to remove the plant material, or a series of vessels with wire screen supports to hold the plant material while the leaching solvent is changed after each extraction. ‘ The crude alkaloid is recovered from the second (water-immiscible) solvent by vacuum evaporation and further purified by crystallization, precipitation, ion exchange, or chrom- atography. Waste solvent containing plant extract is the hazardous waste generated in the extrac— tion of the crude alkaloids from plant materials. (The subsequent conversion of these alkaloids to other derivatives may create additional hazardous wastes, but these wastes would be included in organic medicinal chemical production.) The extracted plant material waste must be steamed, however, to remove residual solvent that would otherwise pose a fire hazard. 53 ® Dried Leaves, Root, Seeds or Bark (330 kg) Solvent 60% wt Methanol Extraction 40% Wt Water 0 . A 'd . rgamc ca (leaching) (3500 IIteI'S) (40 kg) *— Makeup Recovered Methanol/Water Methanol/Water (130 liters) (300 liters) 4. Wet Plant Material To Land III Plant <—‘ and e Material Concentrate Concentrated Methanol/Water Extract (1100 liters) Steam (200 kg) Chlorinated Solvent l . ‘b Methanol/Water (700 liters) mm'sc' '9 (1100 liters) Solvent Makeup Exchange Chlorinated Solvent Sodium Hydroxide A ‘7 ”‘9'5’ (10 kg) Alkaloid in Methanoll Chlorinated Water Solvent (3200 liters) V Chlorinated Crude Alkaloid Solvent ‘— Recovery Methanol/Water Recovery (vacuum evaporation) Recovery Crude Alkaloid G) l Solvent Waste (130 liters) 40 kg Methanol Waste Precipitation 20 kg Water Chlorinated Chromatography 70 kg Plant Extract and Solvent or lon Exchange Solvent E 5 Organic Acid Salt (7 liters) Waste l Active Alkaloid (1 kg) (30 liters) Source: Forbath, Manske, Nobler and Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. (See Bibliography) FIGURE REPRESENTATIVE PROCESS FOR BOTANICAL MEDICINALS (PLANT AL KALOIDS) 54 TABLE TYPICAL PLANT FOR PRODUCING BOTANICAL MEDICINALS (PLANT ALKALOIDSI Annual Production 680 kg Waste Characterization Stream No. Weight per kg Product Non-Hazardous Waste m VB: Wet botanical material (D 330 kg 660 kg kg per kg Botaniwl Material Quantity per kg Product Liters lg Hazardous Waste Halogenated solvent (E 0.03 7 9 Methanol — water concentrate @ 0.36 130 120 Non-halogenated solvent ® 0.06 30 20 Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates. 55 The solvent waste generated in the initial extraction will contain alcohol, water, and dissolved plant extract (resins, fats, etc.). In the second step of alkaloid isolation, extraction of the alkaloid from the aqueous leaching solvent into a water-immiscible solvent, much of the water-soluble organic material is left behind in the aqueous solvent. Consequently, not as much of this second solvent (e.g., chlorinated solvent) becomes waste in this process. In the final purification steps (e.g., crystallization, precipitation) of the alkaloid, additional waste solvent is generated. Steroid Production from Botanicals Most of the steroid products now produced commercially were originally extracted from animal organs, requiring tons of animal organs to produce a few grams of hormone. When the structures of the various hor- mones and other steroids were determined and synthesis routes were developed, it became possible to produce many of these hormones commercially on a large scale from steroids present in plant materials. Soybeans and Mexican yams now supply the steroids stigmas- terol and diosgenin, respectively, used in the commercial production of cortisone derivatives and oral contraceptives. In 1964, over 70% of the cortical hormones were produced from diosgenin from Mexican yams. Since a high export tax must be paid in Mexico on shipments of crude product, the diosgenin is extracted from the yams and purified or converted to other steroid derivatives before export to the United States. Stigmasterol is produced in the United States by the solvent extraction of soybean oil distillation residue. Table summarizes the wastestreams and Figure shows a representative flow diagram for the latter process. TABLE TYPICAL PLANT FOR PRODUCING BOTANICAL MEDICINALS (STIGMASTEROL FOR HORMONE SYNTHESIS) A. Annual Production of Stigmasterol 130 Metric Tons B. Waste Characterization Weight per MT Product Non-Hazardous Waste Fused Soybean Steroid lngots 5000 kg Still bottoms from soybean oil refining, which contain around 20% stigmasterol and about 45% B-sitosterol, are dissolved in a hot solvent mixture of hexane and ethylene dichloride. About 1000 kg of 97% stigmasterol product and 5000 kg of residue are generated from 6000 kg of feed steriods through a series of crystallizations from a solvent mixture of 63% ethylene dichloride and 37% hexane by volume. In each crystallization step, 56 lngot Casting of Fused Soybean Waste Molten Sterdids —__'+ Steggctgolflgots 10,000 kg Heptane 35,000 kg Ethylene Dichloride Solvent Recovery Steroid Melting Steroid 4 Solution Solvent Crystallization Drying Filtration Steroid Solution l Feed Dissolving Residue from Soybean and Filtering ‘———— Oil Refining (6000 kg) Filter Cake Recycled Solvent Steroid Solution Filter Cake Dissolving 4’ Crystallization Filtration l 1000 kg Stigmasterol Raw Material for Hormone Production Sources: Poulos et al and Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. (See Bibliography) FIGURE REPRESENTATIVE PROCESS FOR BOTANICAL MEDICINALS (STIGMASTEROL FOR HORMONE SYNTHESIS) 57 Recycled Solvent successively purer stigmasterol is crystallized out by cooling the hot (60°C) solvent solution to 30°C. The crystals of stigmasterol are recovered by filtration and then redissolved in the solvent mixture for the next crystallization. At the end of the process, the 97% pure stigmasterol containing 45-50% solvent is dried in a vacuum oven to less than 0.06% solvent. Unlike many other’of the extraction processes, the production of the steroid raw material, stigmasterol, does not generate a hazardous waste stream, but instead generates a solid waste of fused plant material steroids. The waste residue of soybean steroids from this extraction process is fused at 160°C which, after cooling to a solid mass, is stored or landfilled. As an alternative, this mixture of steroid residues (containing about 50% B—sitosterol) can be processed for recovery of the fi-sitosterol which also can be used as a steroid raw material. The other major steroid raw material source, diosgenin from Mexican yams, is imported from Mexico. In January 1975, GD. Searle & Company announced plans to produce raw material for steroid synthesis by fermentation of the steroid, {i-sitosterol. Some of the B-sitosterol which was formerly a waste product may thus be recycled to produce other products. The conversion of these steroids to cortisone and oral contraceptives is done by a combination of fermentation and chemical synthesis steps. The wastes generated in these conversion steps is included as part of the production of synthetic organic medicinal chemicals (Section 3.2.1 .2.] ). Medicinals from Animal Glands The major medicinal products obtained from animal glands are insulin from beef and hog pancreas and heparin from lung tissues. Since the extraction processes are similar, we will use insulin production as an example. On a small scale in the laboratory, insulin can be extracted from the pancreas by acidic water alone, but on a commercial scale this is impractical, so acidic 90% denatured alcohol is used. A process for commercial production of medicinals from animal glands (insulin) is presented in Figure, and Table 3.2.1 .2.5 summarizes the wastestreams. The ground glands are extracted with acidic ethanol or methanol and the extract recovered from the ground glands by centrifugation or filtration. Neutralization of the extract with concentrated ammonium hydroxide to pH 8.0 precipitates extraneous protein. A stronger alkali, such as sodium hydroxide, or too high a pH will decompose the insulin. The precipitated extraneous protein is filtered, and the extract is acidified and then concentrated to about a seventh of its original volume by vacuum evaporation at 20°C. The concentrated extract is raised quickly to 50°C to release solubilized fats, then cooled to 20°C. The fats are skimmed and recovered for soap manufacture and the extract filtered to remove additional precipitated protein. Crude insulin is precipitated by dissolving sodium chloride in the concentrated clarified extract. The crude insulin is further purified by redissolving the insulin in acidic water and iso—electric precipitation at pH 5.2 and 4°C. In a final step, zinc insulin is prepared by 58 Ground Glandular Material (3200 kg) (7000 liters Extraction I Ethanol pH 2.5 Methanol Water Hydrochloric Acid Extracted Pancreas (3000 kg) Centrifugation Rendered for Fat Recovery (clarification) Sold as Feed Protein 36% Hydrochloric Acid _—————p (80 kg) l Neutralization Conc. (30%) pH 8.0 <——-'Ammonium Hydroxide (1 10 kg) Precipitated Protein anéilter “who, Makeup Finer Aid to Landfill (200 liters) “60 k9 wet) (80 kg solids) Acidification Sulfuri; 1 kg Purified Bulk Zinc Insulin A 'd P” 3-0 ‘— °' 9 9‘ eo Liters Acidified (65 kg) Water Recycled Ethanol Methanol _ Dissolving Water Evaporgtlon and ‘_.__.._ Zinc Acetate 3‘ 2° C Precipitation (0 2 kg) 55 H o ' Recovered Solvent ( 00 I are) Haat t° 5° C E (70° "m" 1000 liters @ 50°C A thanol pH 2_2_5 Methanol Water ® Skim Tank Fat: to Cool to 20°C '——-> Recoverv Wm w n ( 140 kg) r a a (80 liters) Precipitated @ Waste Solvent Solvent Protein and . F' . . £33m ‘— Recovery 4:124) lam-ms» Al h I Landfill Acidified Water F co 3.] (40 kg wet) 0.04 kg Sulfuric Acid ats, l s l (20 kg solids) Dissolving and . . Crude lsoeIectric Sodium Hydroxide Sigrglkcrlorlde Insulin —-—. Precipitation I (0.04 k9) g Precipitation Crude at pH 5.2, 4°C Insulin (1.2 kg) Solvent Strip I Ammonium Sulfate Sodium Chloride Waste (400 kg) @ 70 liter: @ Water Waste Sources: Standen, Webb, and Arthur 0. Little, Inc., estimates. (See Bibliography) FIGURE REPRESENTATIVE P (INSULIN — 1 KG OF PRODUCT) 59 ROCESS FOR MEDICINALS FROM ANIMAL GLANDS TABLE TYPICAL PLANT FOR PRODUCING MEDICINALS FROM ANIMAL GLANDS (INSULIN) A. Annual Production 284 kg kg per kg Animal k g per k Product Stream Glands 4— 8. Waste Characterization No. (Dry Wt.) D_rv VE' Non-Hazardous Waste Rendered pancreas ® 0.94 3000 - Protein and filter aid (2) 0.025 80 160 Recovered fats © 0.04 140 — Protein and filter aid @ 0.006 20 4O Ammonium sulfate/sodium ® 0.125 400 chloride Insulin precipitation wastewater (3 0.022 - 70 Quantity per kg Product Liters I2 Hazardous Waste Waste solvent concentrate © 0.10 350 320 (Ethanol, methanol, water, fats, oils) Precipitation wastewater 0.025 80 80 (May contain traces of zinc) (1~5 gm Zn per kg product) Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc., estimates. redissolving the insulin in acidified water and then adding zinc acetate to precipitate zinc insulin, or plain insulin may be precipitated by using acetone. The solution of sodium chloride in water and alcohol is solvent-stripped to recover solvent and is then discarded. The extracted glands are rendered to recover fat (and remove alcohol) and then are sold as animal feed protein. The precipitated protein containing filter aid is landfilled. The hazardous wastes generated in this process are the solvent concentrate (containing fats and oils) left behind when the aqueous alcohol is recovered in the solvent recovery system and the wastewater from insulin precipitation which may contain traces of zinc salts. (Treatment of this wastewater with alkali would precipitate any zinc as the hydroxide which can then be removed by filtration.) 3.2.1 .2.6 Biologicals The biological products listed in SIC code 2831 include vaccines, toxoids, serum, and human blood fractions. The vaccines (such as influenza vaccine) are produced by growing virus mutants in chicken egg embryos, extracting the eg with a salt solution, and precipitat- ing the active antigen with ammonium sulfate for use in vaccine production. Most toxoid production today is effected by tissue cell culture of the virus, followed by formaldehyde treatment of the culture medium to give the toxoid. Salk-type poliomyelitis toxoid is produced by this method. 60 Tetanus antiserum is produced from the blood of a horse that has been infected with . the tetanus organism. While the horse itself remains healthy and active, tetanus antibodies are produced in its bloodstream. Human blood plasma contains a series of protein fractions that have commercial medicinal use. Included in these protein fractions are antihemophilic globuhn (to arrest severe hemorrhaging), gamma-globulins (for prevention of hepatitis, measles, chicken pox, and tetanus), thrombin (for blood coagulation), and albumin (for treating shock). The two major classes of biologicals produced in the United States today are virus vaccines from chicken egg embryos and human blood fractions. A typical process for human blood fraction production is described below. Whole blood is received from donors (or obtained from placentas following childbirth) and the cells are removed (by centrifugation) to yield plasma. The sterile plasma may be used as is, or processed further to produce blood protein fractions. These protein fractions are precipitated from the plasma at -5°C by adding ethanol containing sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer in steps to increase the ethanol concentration and lower the pH. The number of steps and pH at each stage are dependent on the “method” of fractionation used and the protein fractions desired. The final step of Method 6 (outlined in Figure is precipitation of albumin at pH 5.2 and _40% ethanol. Following this final precipitation, there is generally less than 2% of the original plasma protein left in solution. The cells from the whole blood can be removed and discarded; they are removed for recovery of erythrocytes (red cells) for therapeutic treatment or, as in more recent practice, returned to the donor. The production of commercial quantities of plasma protein fractions does not require very large equipment. A typical fractionation facility may handle a batch size of 500 liters of plasma (from over 1500 donors) with a maximum in-process volume of 2000 liters. From 1943-1963, an average of 50,000 liters per year of plasma were fractionated. After the final precipitation, the diluted plasma contains about 40% ethanol by volume, less than 1% salts (sodium acetate, chloride, phosphate, carbonate) and about 0.03% protein. This would generate a total waste stream of about 240,000 liters (60,000 gal.) per year of watery waste containing 40% ethanol. This waste can be (1) diluted and treated biologically, (2) the ethanol can be recovered and the residual liquor treated biologically, or (3) concentrated and incinerated. About 12 kg of diatomaceous earth per 500 liters of plasma are also used in this process as filter aid. If placentas are used, when discarded, they are incinerated. The other unwanted solids or solutions are usually discharged to the sanitary sewer and are handled by the liquid waste treatment system. 61 1 ethanol temp. protein pH Supernatant | ethanol 25% J temp. —5°C protein 3.0% pH 6.9 8% —3°c 5.1% 7.2 PLASMA 7 Precipitate | Fibrinogen (for treatment of hemophilia) Supernatant I|+lll ethanol 18% l o temp. —-5 C protein 1.6% pH 5.1 7 Precipitate ll+lll Immune Globulins (for prevention of hepatitis, measles) Supernatant iV—1 ethanol 40% 1 temp. —5°C protein 1.0% pH 5.8 1 Precipitate IV—1 Oz—Globulin Supernatant lV—4 ethanol 40% temp. —5°C protein 0.8% pH 4.8 1 Precipitate IV—4 01— and B—Globulins Supernatant V Aqueous Ethanol Waste l 7 Precipitate V 10% 1 Albumin l Supernatant ethanol 40% ; temp. —5°C protein 2.5% pH 5.2 L l Supernatant l Aqueous Ethanol Waste ethanol temp. —3°C (for treatment of protein 3% traumatic shock) pH 4.5 Impurities 7 Albumin Source: A. Standen, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. (See Bibliography) FIGURE DIAGRAMMATICREPRESENTATION 0F METHOD 6 BLOOD FRACTIONATION 62 Pharmaceutical Preparations (SIC 2834) Pharmaceuticals are prepared in dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, liquids, or ointments from the bulk pharmaceuticals and biologicals of SIC codes 2833 and 2831 and from other purchased raw materials. The methods used to manufacture these dose forms of pharmaceuticals are described below: 0 Tablets — The flowsheet for production of coated and uncoated tablets is shown in Figure The active ingredient, filler, and binder are weighed, blended, and granulated. Additional binder, or filler, is added, if required, and the tablets are produced in a tablet press machine. Some tablets are coated by tumbling with a coating material and drying. The filler, (usually starch, sugar, etc.) is required to dilute the active medicinal to the proper concentration, and binder (such as corn syrup or starch) is necessary to bind the tablet particles together. A lubricant, such as magnesium stearate, may be added for proper tablet machine operation. The dust generated during the mixing and tabletting operation is collected and is usually recycled directly in the same batch. Broken tablets are generally collected and recycled to the granulation operation in a subsequent lot. After the tablets have been coated and dried, they are bottled and packaged. A small amount of breakage does occur during this operation, and this does generate some nonhazardous solid waste. 0 Capsules — Empty hard gelatine capsules are produced by machines that dip rows of rounded metal dowels into a molten gelatine solution and then strip the capsules from the dowels after the capsules have cooled and solidified. Imperfect empty capsules are remelted and reused, if possible, or sold for glue manufacture. Most pharmaceutical companies purchase empty capsules from a few specialist producers. Capsule filling and packaging operations are shown in Figure The active ingredient and any filler are mixed and sometimes granulated before being poured into the empty gelatine capsules by machine. The filled capsules are then bottled and packaged. As in the case of tablet production, some dust is generated. This is recycled and small amounts disposed of. Some glass and packaging waste from broken bottles and cartons results from this operation. 0 Liquid Preparations — The first step in liquid preparation is weighing the ingredients and then dissolving“ them in water. Injectable solutions are packaged in bottles and heat- or bulk-sterilized by sterile filtration and then poured into sterile bottles. Oral liquid preparations are bottled directly without subsequent sterilization. There are small amounts of liquid wastes generated in this process that go to the sewer. Solid wastes are non— hazardous and consist of broken bottles and some packaging waste. 63 179 Dust to Broken Tablets 0 Indicates Start of Alternate Process. Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc. FIGURE PHARMACEUTICAL TABLET PRODUCTION Recycle or to Recycle Waste or Waste Raw Materials Raw Materials GBlemllen-g, Tablet F ‘I‘ Receiving —~—> Storage ranu ating, Compression —.—>‘ 0' "‘9 and Drying Blending Slugging —__>. Granulating Pan Coating Tablet Bottle . and Polishing ————>. Counter __>.. Labeling ——_>. Packing ( Finished . . Broken Glass Goods ——>— Shipping to Waste Storage Foiling Dust to Recycle or Waste Raw Materials Raw Materials Receiving —"—>‘ Storage Blending Capsule Filling Capsule Printing Granulating y and Drying 4 0\ Ln Capsule Bottle _ Counter —_"'>' Labeling ——-> PaCk'"9 Finished Broken Glass Goods ———->- Shipping to Waste Storage . Indicates Start of Alternate Process. Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc. FIGURE PHARMACEUTICAL CAPSULE PRODUCTION O Ointments and Salves — Ointment production is outlined in Figure 3.2.1 .3C. The active ingredients (zinc oxide, antibiotic, cortisone, or other) are mixed and then blended with thickening agents such as petroleum jelly or lanolin. The ointment or salve is then injected into tubes or jars and packaged. FDA regulations require that all formulations be tested to assure that they contain the proper concentration of active ingredient, and that all active ingredient have been accounted for. For this reason, and because of the value of the product, a concerted effort is made by the pharmaceutical companies to convert as much active ingredient into final product as possible. This requires as much reprocessing of product as possible and the complete “running out” of active ingredient during production of the pharmaceutical preparations. Some formulated material is sent to the sewer in cleanup operations, but typically only a few kilograms per day of material may be disposed of as solid waste from a large formulation and packaging operation. The largest source of waste material that has to be handled at any given time is from recalled lots of pharmaceuticals. The recall may be due to company action in discontinuing a product, or due to some product deficiency, such as a loss of potency. In the latter case, the FDA may enter the picture and require a recall of the questionable lot. Products may also be recalled due to mislabeling or product mixups. Some of the recalls are readily correctable and the product can then be reshipped. In other cases it is necessary to destroy the entire lot. The waste generated in these operations is about 85% broken glass and waste packaging materials and only about 15% product waste. The product waste, in turn, is estimated to contain only about 20% active ingredient on the average. We estimate that the US. pharmaceutical industry disposes of approximately 10,000 metric tons of returned goods annually, primarily consisting of packaging materials and dilute active ingredient. There are also occasional batches of material that must be rejected due to cross-contamination, decomposition, and so forth, that must be disposed of. Certain of the active ingredients and some formulations in bulk form may be hazardous enough to warrant special disposal. We estimate that approximately 500 metric tons per year fall into this hazardous category for disposal from plants in SIC 2834. In addition, we estimated that 75,000 metric tons of general rubbish are produced by the packaging and shipping sections of the industry. These rubbish wastes consist mostly of glass, paper, wood, rubber, aluminum and the like. We estimate that only a small fraction of 1 per- cent of this material consists of active ingredient. The material is disposed of in regular municipal landfills, together with cafeteria wastes, office wastes, and so forth. For purposes of this study we do not consider that this waste should be categorized as a “process waste.” U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry Process Wastes and Projections to 1977 and 1983 Annual Waste of Pharmaceutical Industry Tables and B present our estimates of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes generated by the pharmaceutical industry in 1973 and their distribution in the EPA regions. The quantities of each type of waste for the various products were 66 L9 Raw Materials Receiving —_'>' Finished Goods Storage Raw MateriaIs Storage Blending or Homogenizing Tube or Jar Filler L 4 ——> Shipping Damaged Tubes or Jars to Waste . Indicates Start of Alternate Process. Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc. FIGURE—C PHARMACEUTICAL OINTMENT PRODUCTION Labeling Packing TABLE 3.2.1 .4.1.A 1973I PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY WASTE GENERATION ESTIMATE FOR Metric Tons Waste (1973) 89 Non-Hazardous Hazardous Industry Segment Dry Basis Wet Basis Dry Basis Wet Basis ' R&D Solvent 66 liters/researcher — — 1,500 1,500 Animals (Incinerated) — — — ~ Heavy Metals (Contract Disposal) — ‘ <1 <1 Total for R&D — — 1,500 1.500 SIC Code 2833: Production at Active Ingredients Organic Medicinal Chemicals (34,000 Metric Tons/Yr) Tons/Ton Product ‘. Biological Sludge (trom Wastewater Treatment) 14 47,600 476,000 High Inert Content Waste — NonAHaZardous (Filter aid, activated carbon) 0.1 3,400 6,800 High Inert Content Waste — Hazardous (Contaminated filter aid, activated carbon) 0.05 1,700 3,400 Organic Chemical Residue (Tars, muds, still bottoms) 0.4 13,600 13,600 Halogenated Solvent 0.1 3,400 3.400 Non-Halogenated Solvent 0.7 23,800 23,800 Heavy Metal Wastes Zinc 0.070 2,200 2.2“) Arsenic 0.015 450 450 Chromium 0.001 20 20 Copper (0.001 4 4 Mercury (0.001 1 ‘| Total for Organic Medicinal Chemicals 51 ,000 482,800 45,175 46,875 Rounded to 51 .000 480,000 45,000 47,000 Inorgnic Medicinal Chemicals Heavy Metals (i.e., selenium) 200 200 Total (or Inorganic Medicinal Chemicals 200 200 Antibiotics (by Fermentation, 10,000 Metric Tons/Vr) Mvcelium (plus filter aid and sawdust) 7.5 tons (drv wt)/ton antibiotic 75,000 300,000 — — Biological Sludge (from wastewater treatment) 3.5 tons/ton antibiotic 35,000 350,000 — — Waste Solvent Concentrate 1.2 tons/ton antibiotic — — 12,000 12,000 Total for Fermentation (Antibiotics) 110,000 650,000 12,000 12,000 Botanicals (Plant Alkaloids, 2,000 Metric Tom/Yr Plant Material) Wet Plant Material 1 ton (dry basis) per ton plant material 2,000 4,000 - — Aqueous Solvent Concentrate 0.36 ton/ton plant material — — 720 850 Halogenated Solvent 0.03 ton/ton plant material — — 60 60 Non-Halogenated Solvent 0.06 ton/ton plant material — - 120 120 Total for Plant Alkaloids (Botanical) 2,000 4,000 900 1,030 69 TABLE 3.2.1 .4.1 .A (Continued) Metric Tons Waste (1973) Non-Hazardous Hazardous Industry Segment Dry Basis Wet Basis Dry Basis Wot Buis' Botanicals (Plant Steroids, 150 Metric Tons/VI Stigmastarol) Fused Plant Steroid Ingots 5 tons/ton stigmasterol 750 750 - — Total for Plant Stermds 750 750 — —. Modicinals from Animal Glands (8000 Metric Tons Clams/Yr) Tons/Ton Animal Glands Extracted Animal Tissue 0.940 7,500 7.500 — — Fats or Oils 0.044 350 350 - — Filter Cake (contains prxipitated protein) 0.031 250 500 — — Aqueous Solvent Concentrate 0.100 — — 800 1 .600 Total lor Medicinals lrorn Animal Glands 8,100 8.350 300 1,600 Total for Production 01 Active lngredients (SIC Code 2833) 172,000 \ 1,143,000 59,000 62,000 SIC Code 2831: Biological Products Aqueous Ethanol Waste lrorn Blood Fractionation 5 liters/liter plasma — — 250 600 Antiviral Vaccine — — 300 300 Other Biologicals (Toxoids, serum) — - 200 200 Total for Biological Products SIC Code 2831 - - 750 1,1(1) SIC Code 2834: 'r‘r—r ‘ ' 17‘: i (For ' 'r‘ ' and Returns) Total Returned Goods (Primarily packaging material and dilute active ingredient) 10,000 10,000 — -— Contaminated or Decomposed Active Ingredient — — 500 500 Total for Pharmaceutical Preparations 10,000 10.000 500 500 Totals for all lndustrv Segments 181 .850 1,153,000 61,650 65,100 Rounded to: 182,000 1 ,153.000 62,000 65,000 'Wet weight estimates are given for all wastes. The two wastes that typically have the highest moisture content are biological sludge and mvcelium from lermentations. Where the wet waste estimates are the same as on the dry basis, the waste is usually disposed of with only a minor amount at moisture. However, disposal practices vary lrom plant to plant, depending on the form in which the waste is produced. fSource: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 0L Industryfigmmt R&D Synthetic Organic Medicinal: Fermentation IAntibiotisl Botanicals Fused Plant Steroids Animal Source W5 Formulation, Packaging. Returned Goods Heavy Metal Wastes from Orpnic and lnorgar-‘c WM Prochction TABLE DISTRIBUTION OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY WASTE GENERATION (1973)? Waste Type Solvent Biological Sludge Inert Wastes Contain. lnerts Halogenated Solvents Non-Halogenated Sovent Org-tic Residues Mycelia (Dry Basis) Biological Sludge Waste Solvent Carmen. Plant Material Aqueous Solvent Halogenated Solvent Non-Halopnated Solvent Animal Tissue Fats or Oils Filter Cake Aqueous Solvent Waste Solvent Other Returned Goods Active Ingredient La’nd: Non-Hug = Nonllazardotas Metric TonsWaste Mom I a II a..." lll Reg-o" IV Reg‘on v Rajon VI Region VII fiejon VIII Rfl‘ IX Total Nonflu. “a Marlin. H“ Non-Hal Hal. Non-flu. Haz. Non-Mu. Ila: Non-Hal. Hal. Non-Hal. Hal. Non-Hal. "ll. Non-flu. Non—Nu. H: _ 73° _ _ — - — 420 — 60 - 60 — — — ran — LSOD 28,600 A — 4,800 - 4,800 — 7.100 — 400 — 700 — — — L200 — 41m _ 2,000 — 300 -— 300 — 500 — 50 — 100 — — - 150 — 3.400 — — 1,000 — ‘50 — 150 — 200 — _ _ too — — — roo — 1,700 - 2,000 ill) — 300 — 500 — 50 — 1w — - — 150 - 3,400 — 14,3)0 — 2,4“) 2.4!!) — 3,600 _ 150 _ 350 _ _ _ an _ 233w — 8.2m — LIN — IAN — 2,1“) _ 50 ._ 150 _ _ - m _ 13.6“) 34,000 — 7.9m — — — 13.000 — _ _ 1,000 _ _ _ 2,500 _ 75 M _ 15,0“) — 3.500 - — — 14,000 — _ _ 7m _ _ _ 1_7m _ 3m _ — 5,000 — l.200 - — — 4.800 _ _ _ 200 _ .. _ mo _ ‘2!!!) 1,2!” — zoo — 200 — 300 —- _ _ __ _ _ _ 1m _ 2m _ - 420 — III) — 50 — 1w _ _ _ - .. _ _ 5o _ 72° — 30 — 10 — 5 — 10 _ _ _ - - _ _ 5 _ m — 60 - 20 - I0 — 20 _ _ - _ _ _ _ 10 _ 12° ———————————————————————————————— DistributionNotDam-mined——————————————————-———»———————— 750 - 4,400 — 740 — 740 - 1,200 — _ _ 2m _ _ _ 220 _ 7 m - 200 — 5 - 35 — 50 - — — 15 — — — 15 - £0 — 140 — II) — 30 — 40 — — - 5 — — — 5 — 250 _ - 500 - w — 00 - I20 — — _ m _ _ _ 7o _ m — 25 — 25 - 2s — so - — — 50 — — — 65 - 250 — 50 — so — 50 - 120 - — - too — — — 130 - 500 4,400 — LII!) 1.000 — 1.800 — 300 — 500 — — — 9w —— 10M — — 220 — 60 — 50 - 90 — 15 - 25 — — — 40 - son ———————————————————————————————— DistributionNotDetermimd———————-——————~———-—-———————— 2.9“) r Totalsfor All lnt‘hstry 52mm; 18150 61,860 Handed to: 132m 82.!!!) Mu. = Hazardous 'm mm: o. Lam, Inn, «tin-mes extrapolated to an annual (1973) basis from data gathered at the plants visited using the following three methods: 1. Production of a given pharmaceutical product at the plants visited compared to total industry production in the United States; 2. Value of production of a pharmaceutical product at the plants visited as a percentage of annual total value of that product in the United States; and 3. Generation of a given waste as related to total value of production or number of production employees. We estimated the total annual quantity of solvent waste originating from R&D Operations on the basis of quantities generated per researcher at the facilities we visited. Since test animals are routinely incinerated on-site and the amount of heavy metal waste is very small and disposed of by waste disposal contractors, we did not include figures for these wastes in this table. The production of organic medicinal chemicals creates waste solvents, chemical tars and residues, wet filter aid or carbon, some heavy metal waste, and biological sludge from on-site or off-site biological treatment of water-soluble organic compounds, such as acetic acid or alcohol. The wet filter aid or carbon may be non-hazardous or may contain contaminating materials such as solvent, corrosives or heavy metals that render it hazardous. (The heavy metal contents of the heavy metal wastes listed in Table were presented earlier in Table Many pharmaceutical companies also produce crude antibiotics and growth stimulants such as arsanilic acid for the animal feed industry, but these products are not listed as part of SIC code 2833. Several companies are also producers of some heavy chemical fermentation products, such as citric and itaconic acid, but these again are not part of SIC code 2833. Inorganic, medicinal, chemical, active-ingredient production usually generates non- hazardous aqueous waste salt solution and little or no solid hazardous waste. In addition, a large portion of the active ingredients for manufacture of inorganic medicinals is purchased from the heavy chemicals industry. Fermentation is used for the production of most crude antibiotics, for chemical conversion of some steroids, and for the production of some industrial heavy chemicals. The fermentation, product recovery, and purification processes result in considerable quantities of non-hazardous wastes, such as mycelia and spent nutrient broth. The main hazardous waste generated is a solvent concentrate. This waste contains organics from recovery of solvent used in the product recovery and purification sections of the process. The weight of dry mycelia waste per ton of product is considerably higher for other antibiotics than it is for penicillin, since it is necessary to use a significant amount of filter aid to remove the mycelia from the broth and the yields of some of the other antibiotics per ton of mycelia is 71 . lower. Some State regulations also require a minimum solids content of the mycelia waste for landfill disposal, so an additional filter such as sawdust must be added to increase the solids content. The extraction of botanicals, such as roots and leaves, and animal organs, such as pancreas glands or lung tissue for alkaloid, steroid, and hormone products, respectively, is usually accomplished using acidic aqueous alcohol and often requires a second halogenated solvent in the purification process. These solvents are recovered for reuse, thus generating a waste solvent concentrate. The wet botanicals are disposed of by landfill,but the animal organ by-products (extracted glands and fats) are sold when possible. The quantities of returned goods and active ingredients disposed of were projected as being proportional to the total value of production. The major wastes generated in the production of biologicals include aqueous alcohol ‘ and dissolved salts from human blood plasma fractions and formaldehyde-egg waste from antiviral production. There is a limited amount of production of other biologicals, such as horse serum products and toxoids, but the total production of biologicals is quite small compared to the production of other pharmaceuticals. Heavy metal wastes occur mostly in the production of organic medicinal chemicals. In some cases, such as the selenium waste, the waste stream is unique to one process and one manufacturer. In other cases, there are several producers that have a similar waste heavy metal (mercurials), and yet other heavy metal wastes, such as zinc compounds, are found throughout the industry. This factor was taken into consideration in estimating the annual generation of each of these heavy metal wastes. In Table we have apportioned the waste generation figures for the whole United States, as listed in Table, among the various EPA regions. Our estimates of waste generation distribution are based on production figures for antibiotics, synthetic organic medicinals, and biologicals of the pharmaceutical companies in these regions. Waste generation from R&D facilities was estimated from PMA data showing locations of R&D personnel. Location of , major formulation and packaging facilities was used to estimate distribution of returned goods. Regions I and II were combined in Table to avoid disclosure of confidential information on production or waste stream data on plants in Region I which has only one large plant in SIC 2833. Waste generation on a state-by-state basis is presented in Table Regional and national totals are also given. State totals for heavy metals are not estimated because of the difficulty in estimating the specialized use of these materials in individual plants. State estimates for mycelium waste generation have also been omitted, because only 16 major fermentation installations produce antibiotics in the continental United States. Seven states have only one. plant each, one state has two, one state has. three, and only one state has four major plants. Again, state-by-state figures on mycelium production would divulge confiden- tial information on several companies. Many states have so few people employed in the pharmaceutical industry that the waste is considered insignificant, and blanks therefore appear in the table. The reason for the spotty distribution is apparent when one considers that SIC code 2833 (which contributes almost all the hazardous and nonhazardous waste from the industry) contains only 54 installations that have more than 20 employees each. 72 .fitsszImnixErn. 25:8»... ...~u..£ua....2a 8.3. .25.... .2 8.3 .2... 35.9.. . £9»; .9: IN... x .3 to. £5.25 .3. u n x :5 >5 .n a!!! £59.. 7.5.33 323.2... 8.3.8. .u «mun 83.96.. 352.. 2...»: is I x >_ . . . . 30:98.. I I o. .2. n. 3.82. .335 ad... 82:9... . .352 x I I I I I I I I I I I I I x. 8a.: I :3 S. can 8mg 8.: I 3 8. :9 a8; can _._> I I I I I I I I I I I I I _.> can." I 8m 8. m: 8t. um... I ma 8. SN emu 8. .> Su I Se 8 I 8. ma... I m. I S B. o: > 89.9. I 8Q. 3m 8m . 8..." oz."— I 8 8... 83 8»... can >_ on... I 8.... PM as — 83. 8.. q I 8 B. St. Sea o8 :. 8:6. 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I 585.: 393 Pi I 2.8 fibuE .55.». may 2. >xhw3oz_ ._m nmh<¢wzw0 w._.m<.s no zo_._.Dm_m._.m.o nwk$> 3 oo— SSSUOE mp cm 32822 mm om >S> mp cop 8225.2 mr om >5> M? on >S> vm o9 >S> *9 on: >E> em cop an: to com: 9555 «36.583 amongficuuxw 252.584 E 9:5 $3035 SnEsz uuSEEu 3mm; *0 E85“. .mmSESmw :2... .233 .O Sct< “Em 95223:. 62:0th .m:o_S__8mE coStSEk: EQEEE mug—or: >_co SQEE £54 god 859$ ESE >>ESI mmv SEES EwEoQ :2: :91 . ”E59; 2929. SEE a a 9 33; ESE >23: a US :05 .8250 «BEE op mchuficoo =om 0 com; 332%: EBEmzo 2.590 DEN $395 ESE >23: mum; 3mm; €3.50 :2: :2: uzcvcfl thom 0 can; 832%: EoEwco 2590 05d 8395 ESE >28: mum; .8qu5 23:8 t2: :9: umzzucm. E 3:95 32:39.. S Emoaflu SEEEQ o ooodo msouENEI ESE—3:8 8mm; .6 3:692 SESEESE ucm ESEU o ooodo 32:35: 3:25:55 3:23 3:38 o 8058 38232.85 2.822 ”Emacs SS3 *0 coagumm o 8on 32:32.. 38mm? *0 53895.5 0 13> Sn A.25... 33; ESE: .25 33533 mo 2;... HESS: 333 «o EsoE< +mZO..—.33... 0. 53.9 .30: 8:338 Iocxm m.wu> .00 _Z:_u_u>ZH mHOx>0m >20 _.>ZU_u:._. OI>30mm+ 80.000 I 000.000 I m n00.000 I $11.88: 305239. .0. o / m. m a 8980 I e I V m I m n .m. / m 8.80 u I mus: 3232.39 00.000 l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ 300 M000 Samzmano.‘ 03mg? Eu}... .mzm 00333020: 08» .3082 3mm +0056! >335. O. ESE. :8: 2:358? 8000 Imcmm whim mmme>r .20Cw._fi_>_. mOCU <<>m._.m _ZO_Zm3>4_OZ | O>_u>n_a.< m>zmmm >20 .Z335. 0. r33. .39. 82338. mac—"am 0.9.0 0m2m3>r 20:04:39.: 0050 <<>m._.m _ZO_me>._._OZ Ovmx>fizm 0036*... $0 TAB LE 5.3C CAPiTAL INVESTMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE INCINERATIONf Capacity Annual Capacity (single-shift operation) Type Capital Cost Incinerator Freight Installation+ (includes foundations, electrical, plumbing, oil storage) Total Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) Engineering @ 10% of FCl Contractor's Fee @ 7% of FCl Contingency @ 15% FCl Total *410 metric tons H820 metric tons "*1700 metric tons 600 lb/hr 450 tons* Batch $25,000 2,000 5,000 32,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 $42,000 1200 lb/hr 2500 lb/hr 900 tonsH 1875 tons*** Batch Semi-Automatic $45,000 $1 00,000 3,000 5,000 8,000 1 5,000 56,000 120,000 5,000 1 2,000 3,000 8,000 8,000 1 8,000 $72,000 $158,000 +Installation costs for an incinerator within an operating plant are lower than those for for an incinerator located in areas where these facilities are not already available. TSource: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 140 15, we studied the various plants for which production figures were available and found that for operations of approximately the same complexity the production per production worker stays relatively constant also. Ratios varied from 8000 pounds per year per production worker* to 30,000 to 40,000 pounds per year per production worker for large-scale operations making relatively simple products such as aspirin. The costs of treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes from organic medicinal chemical active ingredient production for, a typical plant of 300 production workers are presented in Tables,—B,—C, and -D. There are smaller operations in the industry ranging down to almost 100 production workers. Few facilities can operate with fewer than this number. Some of the larger operations employ close to 1000 production workers. The problems and the associated costs per amount of waste are generally of the same magnitude as the typical plant. Inorganic Medicinal Chemicals No individual costs have been developed for the treatment and disposal of inorganic medicinal chemical wastes. We found only one hazardous waste in our survey. We have included its treatment and disposal cost in the overall number for the organic medicinal chemical hazardous waste treatment and disposal cost. We have estimated that the treatment and disposal cost for this waste is approximately $50 per metric ton. 5.4. 2.3 Fermentation Products As we have indicated in Tables and -B, although the plant size varies, both the large and small plants incur the same average treatment and disposal cost of 14¢/kg of product and $120/metric ton of waste to dispose of a material which is a waste solvent concentrate containing about 50% solids. 5. 4. 2. 4 Bo tanicals We have identified three hazardous wastes from the production of botanicals, specifi- cally alkaloids. These materials are an aqueous solvent with 50% solids, a halogenated waste solvent, and a non-halogenated waste solvent. Each of these waste streams was disposed of by incineration. Although there are onsite facilities for incineration of these wastes, as our example we have chosen a typical plant which is using incineration by contractor offsite. The average treatment and disposal costs of these wastes range from $68/metric ton of waste for the non—halogenated waste solvent to $144/metric ton of waste for the aqueous solvent to a high of $180/metric ton of waste for the halogenated waste solvent. Tables—A, -B, and -C describe the costs associated with a typical botanical production operation. * For operations making widely diverse products in batch operations where many products were made only once per year with the production lasting anywhere from one day to three months. 141 Drugs from Animal Sources For our typical plant we have chosen a plant with 20 employees manufacturing insulin. The hazardous waste stream from this production facility is an aqueous alcohol with organic solids. It is typically 25% alcohol, 25% solids, and 50% water. This waste is disposed of by incineration by a contractor offsite. The costs average $50/kg of product or $142/metric ton of waste. Table describes the costs associated with a typical operation in which drugs are produced from animal sources. 5. 4. 2. 6 Biologicals Producing plasma protein fractions represents a typical production scenario for a biological products plant. We have based our estimates of disposal costs on such a plant. The representative production capacity for this plant is a SOC-liter batch of input plasma. The associated hazardous waste load from this batch is about 2500 liters of aqueous alcohol. This corresponds to a hazardous waste load per unit of production of 5 liters of waste per liter of plasma. This results in an average treatment and disposal cost of 40¢/liter of input plasma. Table describes the costs associated with a typical biological operation. 5.4.3 Formulation and Packaging (SIC 2834) Finished pharmaceutical preparations are made in the formulation and packaging operation. The hazardous waste stream from this operation consists of a portion of the returned goods and reject materials. A typical plant would have 200 production employees and would operate 250 days per year. Because of the variety of products, it is difficult to assign a representative plant capacity to these operations. We have therefore described the plant capacity both in terms of the value of shipments and the value added in that processing operation. The representative plant we have chosen has $1 1,000,000 value added and a $14,000,000 value of the shipments. The average product value added annually per employee is $55,000; the average value of shipment annually per employee is $70,000. The hazardous waste load from this facility annually is about 18 metric tons of returned goods and reject material. Under Level I technology, which is described as crushing this material onsite and having a contractor handle the landfill and the sanitary landfill offsite, the cost amounts to about $28 per metric ton of waste. Incineration of this waste by a contractor offsite raises the average treatment and disposal cost to $67 per metric ton of waste. Table 5.4.3 describes the waste volume and treatment costs of a typical formulation and packaging operation. 142 TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; ORGANIC MEDICINAL CHEMICALS WASTE STREAM — NON-HALOGENATED WASTE SO LVENTT Plant description: plant with 300 employees Representative production schedule, days/year: 250 Representative plant capacity: million kg/year: 1.0 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 22 Process hazardous waste load in million kg/year: Waste solvent, non-halogenated; 0.7 Waste solvent, halogenated; 0.1 Potentially hazardous high inert content wastes; 0.05 Heavy metal waste — Organic chemical residues 0.4 Hazardous waste load (Non-halogenated waste solvent) million/kg year: 0.7 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: kg/kg 0.7 Levels of Treatment Cost — ($I Level I Level II Level III Transportation 1,000 as Level I as Level I Contract disposal charges 46,400 Total Annual Costs 47,400 Average Treatment/ Disposal Cost per Unit of Production, $/kg $0.047 per metric ton of waste $68 Level I — Incineration by contractor off-site Level II — as Level I Level III —— as Level I tSource: Arthur D. Little, |nc., estimates. 143 TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION: ORGANIC MEDICINAL CHEMICALS WASTE STREAM — HALOGENATED WASTE SOLVENT? PIant=descriptionz plant with 300 employees Representative production schedule, days per year 250 Representative plant capacity: million kg/year: 1.0 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 22 Process hazardous waste load in million kg/year: Waste solvent, non-halogenated; ' 0.7 Waste solvent, halogenated; 0.1 Potentially hazardous high inert content wastes; 0.05 Heavy metal waste — Organic chemical residues 0.4 Hazardous waste load (halogenated waste solvent) million kg/year: 0.1 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: kg/kg 0.1 Level of Treatment Cost — ($) Level I Level II Level III Transportation 160 as Level I as Level I Contract disposal charges 18,280 Total Annual Costs 18,440 Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production, $0.018/k9 per metric ton of waste $184 Level I — Incineration by contractor off-site Level II — as Level I; with energy and resource recovery at contractor’s site Level III - as Level II 1' Source: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 144 TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION, ORGANIC MEDICINAL CHEMICALS WASTE STREAM: POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS HIGH IN ERT CONTENT WASTES Plant description: plant with 300 employees Representative production schedule, days per year 250 Representative plant capacity: million kg/year: 1.0 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 22 Process hazardous waste load: million kg/year: Waste solvent, non-halogenated; 0.7 Waste solvent, halogenated; 0.1 Potentially hazardous high inert content wastes; 0.05 Heavy metal waste -— Organic chemical residues 0.4 Hazardous waste load (potentially hazardous high inert content wastes), million kg/year: 0.05 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: kg/kg 0.05 Levels of Treatment Cost— ($) Level 1 Level II Level III Transportation Cost 163 163 as Level II Contractor Incineration Charge 730 730 Contractor Landfill Charge ' 198 198 Neutralization Cost —— 730 Contractor Secured Landfill Charge 438 438 Total Annual Costs 1,529 2,259 Average treatment/disposal cost ‘ per umt of production 1000 kg 1000 kg per metric ton of waste $26 $43 Level I — Incineration by contractor off-site for solvent containing waste; disposal by contractor in secure chemical landfill for waste containing corrosives or trace amounts of heavy metal.‘ Level II —- Incineration by contractor off-site for solvent containing waste; treatment (neutrali- zation) by contractor prior to disposal by contractor in secure chemical landfill for waste containing corrosives or trace amounts of heavy metal. Level III — as Level II *If this plant were to landfill the solvent containing waste (as described in Table 4.5.3—A) and ‘ landfill the waste containing corrosives or trace amounts of heavy metal, then the associated costs for treatment and disposal would be $0.77 per 1000 kg product ($13 per metric ton of waste). tSource: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. -145 I TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; ORGANIC MEDICINAL CHEMICALS WASTE STREAM -— ORGANIC CHEMICAL RESIDUES... Plant description: plant with 300 employees Representative production schedule, days/year: 250 Representative plant capacity: million kg/year: 1.0 Average product value per unit of production: $/kg 22 Process hazardous waste load in million kg/year: Waste solvent, non-halogenated; 0.7 Waste solvent, halogenated; 0.1 Potentially hazardous high inert content wastes; 0.05 Heavy metal waste - Organic chemical residues 0.4 Hazardous waste load (organic chemical residues) million kg/year: 0.4 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: kg/kg 0.4 Levels of Treatment Cost - ($I Level I Level II Level III Transportation . 600 as Level l as Level I Contract disposal charges 39,400 Total Annual Costs 40,000 Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production $0.04/kg per metric ton of waste $100 Level | — Incineration by contractor off-site” Level II — as‘Level | . Level III - as Level I *If this plant were to landfill these wastes as described in Table 4. 5. 2, the associated costs for treatment and disposal would be $0. 0034 per kg product ($8. 50 per metric ton of waste) Larger facilities, such as the one described on this page, do not landfill these residues. TSource: Arthur D. Little, |nc., estimates. 146 TABLE ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; FERMENTATION PRODUCTS; PENICILLIN WASTE STREAM— WASTE SOLVENT CONCENTRATE (50% SOLIDS”. Plant description: small plant (with solvent extraction) Representative production schedule, days per year: 350 Representative plant: 200,000-gallon fermentor capacity. Product, million kg/year: 0.95 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 22 Hazardous waste load (waste solvent concentrate, 50% solids), million kg/year: 1.14 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: kg/kg 1.20 Levels of Treatment Cost - ($l Level I Level II Level III Transportation 1,730 as Level I as Level I Contract disposal charges 133,000 Total Annual Costs 134,730 Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production $0.14/kg per metric ton of waste $120 Level I - Incineration by contractor off-site Level II -— as Level | Level III — as Level I 1Source: Arthur D. Little, |nc., estimates. 147 TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; FERMENTATION PRODUCTS; PENICILLIN WASTE STREAM - WASTE SOLVENT CONCENTRATE (50% SO LIDSIT Plant description: large plant (with solvent extraction) Representative production schedule, days per year: 350 Representative plant: 600,000-gallon fermentor capacity Product, million kg/year: Average product value per unit of production, $/kg Hazardous waste load (waste solvent concentrate, 50% solids), million kg/year: Hazardous waste load per unit of production: kg/kg Cost — ($I Transportation Contract disposal charges Total Annual Costs Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production per metric ton of waste Level I — Incineration by contractor off~site Level II - as Level I Level III — as Level I TSource: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 148 Level I 5,280 406,000 41 1,280 $0.14/kg $120 2.9 22 3.48 1.20 Levels of Treatment Level II Level III as Level l as Level | TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; BOTANICALS; ALKALOIDS WASTE STREAM — AQUEOUS SOLVENT WITH SOLIDS (30% SOLVENT, 20% WATER, 50% SOLIDsl'r Plant description: typical size industrial plant with 20 employees Representative production schedule, days per year: 250 Representative plant capacity, kg/year: 680 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 11,000 Process hazardous waste load in thousand rn3 /year: Aqueous solvent with 50% solids 0.09 Halogenated waste solvent ems Non-halogenated waste solvent 0.020 Hazardous waste load (aqueous solvent with solids 30% solv‘ent, 20% water, 50% solids) thousand m3/year: 0.09 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: m3 /kg 0.13 Levels of Treatment Cost — ($) Level I Level II Level III Transportation 160 as Level I as Level I Contract disposal charges 12,500 Total Annual Costs 12,760 Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production $18.8/kg per metric ton of waste $144 Level | —— Incineration by contractor off-site Level II — as Level I Level Ill —- as Level I tsource: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 149 TABLE 5.4.24-3 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; BOTANICALS; ALKALOIDS WASTE STREAM - HALOGENATED WASTE SOLVENT? ~ Plant description: typical size industrial plant with 20 employees Representative production schedule, days per year: 250 Representative plant capacity: kg/year: 680 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 11,000 Process hazardous waste load in thousand m3/year: Aqueous solvent with 50% solids 0.09 Halogenated waste solvent 0.005 Non-halogenated waste solvent 0.020 Hazardous waste load (halogenated waste solvent, thousand m3/year): 0.005 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: ma/kg 0.007 Levels of Treatment Cost - ($I Level I Level II Level III as Level I as Level | Transportation 20 Contract disposal charges 1,000 Total Annual Costs 1,020 Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production $1.5/kg per metric ton of waste $180 Level I — Incineration by contractor off-site Level II — as Levell Level III — as Level I fSource: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 150 TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; BOTANICALS; ALKALOIDS WASTE STREAM — NON-HALOGENATED WASTE SOLVENTI Plant description: typical size industrial plant with 20 employees Representative production schedule, days per year: 250 Representative plant capacity, kg/year: 680 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 11,000 Process hazardous waste load in thousand rn3 /year: Aqueous solvent with 50% solids 0.09 Halogenated waste solvent 0.005 Non-halogenated waste solvent 0,020 Hazardous waste load (non-halogenated waste solvent, thousand m3 /year): 0.020 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: ma/kg 0.03 Cost - ($I Transportation Contract disposal charges Total Annual Costs Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production per metric ton of waste Level I — Incineration by contractor offsite Level II — as Level I Level III — as Level I ISource: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 151 Levels of Treatment Level I Level II Level III 80 as Level I as Level I 1,040 1,120 $1.60/kg $68 TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; DRUGS FROM ANIMAL SOURCES; INSULIN WASTE STREAM — AQUEOUS ALCOHOL WITH ORGANIC SOLIDS (25% ALCOHOL, 25% SOLIDS, 50% WATER).r Plant description: typical size industrial plant with 20 employees Representative production schedule, days per year: 250 Representative plant capacity, kg/year: 284 Average product value per unit of production, $/kg 11,000 Hazardous waste load (aqueous alcohol with organic solids, 25% alcohol, 25% solids, 50% water), thousand m3/year: 0.10 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: m3/kg 0.35 Levels of Treatment Cost — ($I Level | Level II Level III Transportation 400 as Level I as Level I Contract disposal charges 13,900 Total Annual Costs 14,300 Average treatment/disposal cost per unit of production $50/kg per metric ton of waste $142 Level | — Incineration by contractor off-site Level II — as Level I Level III —— as Level I 1lsource: Arthur D. Little, |nc., estimates. 152 TABLE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: ACTIVE INGREDIENT PRODUCTION; BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS; PLASMA PROTEIN FRACTIONS WASTE STREAM — AQUEOUS SOLVENT? Plant description: typical size industrial plant Representative production schedule, days/year 250 Representative production capacity: 500liter batch of input plasma Average product value per unit of production, $/kg N.A.* Hazardous waste load (aqueous alcohol, liters/batch) 2,500 Hazardous waste load per unit of production: liters/liter of plasma 5 Levels of Treatment Cost — ($I Level I Level II Level III Contract disposal charges per batch 200 as Level l as Level I Average treatment/disposal cost $0.40/liter of per liter of plasma input plasma Level | — Incineration by contractor off-site Level II — as Level I Level III — as Level I *N.A. = not available 1'80”“: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 153 TABLE 5.4.3 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL COSTS: FORMULATION AND PACKAGING (FINISHED PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS) WASTE STREAM — RETURNED GOODS AND REJECT MATERIAL? Plant description: plant with 200 employees Representative production schedule, days/year: 250 Representative plant capacity: $11 million value added $14 million value of shipments Average product value added per employee, $/year $55,000 Average value of shipments per employee, $/year $70,000 Hazardous waste load, returned goods and reject material, metric tons/year 18 kg/year/employee 90 Levels of Treatment Cost — ($l Level I Level II Level III Crushing 100 — as Level II Transportation 200 200 Landfill Charge 200 — Incineration Charge — 1,000 Total Annual Costs 500 1,200 Average treatment/disposal cost per metric ton of waste $27.80 $66.70 per pound of waste $0.013 $0.03 Level | — crush on-site and landfill in sanitary landfill off-site by contractor Level II — Incineration by contractor off-site Level III —— as Level H 1.Source: Arthur D. Little, lnc., estimates. 154 Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 APPENDIX A* DESCRIPTION OF HAZARD GRADES HAZARD CATEGORY I — FIRE Insignificant Hazard: Includes chemicals that are essentially noncombustible. Slightly Hazardous: Includes chemicals having a closed-cup flash point above 140°F (60°C). Hazardous: Includes combustible chemicals having a closed-cup flash point below 140°F (60°C) and above 100°F (37.8°C). Highly Hazardous: Includes flammable liquids having a closed-cup flash point below 100°F (37.8°C) and a boiling point under standard conditions above 100°F (37.8°C). Extremely Hazardous: Includes volatile liquids or liquefied gaseous materials having a flash point below 100°F (37.8°C) and a boiling point below 100°F (37.8°C). *National Academy of Sciences Hazard Classification Scheme. 155 Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 HAZARD CATEGORY II — LIQUID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES Insignificant Hazard: Liquids in this category are all those not described below. Slightly Hazardous: Liquids that are corrosive to the eyes according to the definition in 16 CFR 1500.3(c) (3) and the test procedure in 16 CFR 1500.42 Moderately Hazardous: Liquids in this category are: a. Liquids that are corrosive according to the test procedure described in 46 CFR 146.23-1. b. Materials that are transported as liquids at 140°F (60°) or above. 0. Liquefied gases that are capable of causing freeze burns. Highly Hazardous: Liquids in this category have an LD50* of more than 20 mg/kg of body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours or less with the bare skin of rabbits, according to the test procedure described in 21 CFR Section 191.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Extremely Hazardous: Liquids in this category have an LD50* of 20 mg/kg or less or body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours or less with the bare skin of rabbits, according to the test procedure described in 21 CFR Section 191.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations. *LDso : that dose likely to kill one-half of a group of animals within 14 days. 156 HAZARD CATEGORY III — INHALATION OF VAPORS (Occasional Short-Term) Grade 0 Insignificant Hazard: Liquids in this category are all those not described below. Grade 1 Slightly Hazardous: Liquids in this category cause dizziness and unsteadiness in 30 minutes or less upon exposure to an atmosphere saturated with vapor at 122°F (50°C)."‘ Grade 2 Moderately Hazardous: Liquids in this category have an LC50** in air of more than 200 ppm, but not more than 2000 ppm by volume of vapor; or more than 2 mg/l, but not more than 20 mg/l of mist when administered by continuous inhalation for one hour or less to both male and female albino rats (young adults), provided the Coast Guard finds that such concentration is likely to be encountered by man under any reasonably foreseeable condi- tion of transportation.* Liquids in this category may produce sufficient imitation of the eyes or respiratory tract to cause temporary incapacitation. This includes lachryma- tors and those corrosive liquids as defined above in Hazard CategoryI that have a vapor pressure at 122°F (50°C) or 10 mm Hg or more.* Grade 3 Highly Hazardous: Liquids in this category have an LC50** in air of more than 50 ppm but not more than 200 ppm by volume of vapor, or more than 0.50 mg/l, but not more than 2 mg/l, of mist when administered by con- tinuous inhalation for one hour or less to both male and female albino rats (young adults), provided the Coast Guard finds that such concentration is ' likely to be encountered by man under any reasonably foreseeable condi- tion of transportation.* Grade 4 Extremely Hazardous: Liquids in this category have an LC50** in air of 50 ppm by volume or less of vapor, or 0.5 mg/l or less of mist when admin- istered by continuous inhalation for one hour or less to both male and female albino rats (young adults), provided the Coast Guard finds that such concentration is, likely to be encountered by man under any reasonably foreseeable condition of transportation. *During transportation emergencies involving liquids (ruptures, spills, etc.) the degree of personnel hazard is increased by rapid evaporation. If the ratio of the evaporation rate for the test material to that of n-butyl acetate at 122°F (50°C) under the same test conditions is 0.8 or less, the test material should be given the next higher rating with a notation to this effect. An appropriate test procedure has been described. MLC”: that concentration which, over a given period of time, is likely to kill one-half the test animal species. 157 Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 HAZARD CATEGORY IV — GAS INHALATION Grade 0 is not applicable since no gas has an insignificant hazard. Slightly Hazardous: Gases in this category are all those not described below, since the release of a gas into a confined space may displace sufficient oxygen to create a significant hazard to life. Moderately Hazardous: Gases in this category have an LCS o * in air of more than 200 ppm, but not more than 2000 ppm, by volume of gas when admin- istered by continuous inhalation for one hour or less to both male and fe- male albino rats (young adults). Gases in this category may product suffi- cient irritation of the eyes or respiratory tract to cause temporary incapacita- tion. This includes lachrymators. Highly Hazardous: Gases in this category have an LC50* of more than 50 ppm, but not more than 200 ppm as described in Grade 3 of Hazard Category III. Extremely Hazardous: Gases in this category have an LCS 0* of 50 ppm or less as described in Grade 4 of Hazard Category III. ‘ HAZARD CATEGORY V** — HAZARD RATING FOR PREPARED 1 INHALATION OF GASES AND VAPORS Insignificant Hazard: Materials in this category are all those not described below and having standards established by the US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as in 29 CFR Sub- part G, Section 1910.93, of 1000 ppm or more. Slightly Hazardous: Materials in this category have standards established by OSHA of 100 ppm or more, but less than 1000 ppm. Moderately Hazardous: Materials in this category have standards established by OSHA of 10 ppm or more, but less than 100 ppm. Highly Hazardous: Materials in this category have standards established by OSHA of 1 ppm or more, but less than 10 ppm. Extremely Hazardous: Materials in this category have Occupational Safety and Health Standards established by OSHA of less than 1 ppm. *LCso: that concentration which, over a given period of time, is likely to kill one-half the test animal species. "OSHA standards are applicable to a normal working situation, i.e., 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. i 158 Grade AWN—'0 Grade AWNI—d Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 HAZARD CATEGORY VI — WATER POLLUTION RATING — HUMAN TOXICITY Description LDs o Insignificant Hazard Above 5000 mg/kg Slightly Hazardous 500-5000 mg/kg Moderately Hazardous 50-5 00 mg/ kg Highly Hazardous 5—50 mg/kg Extremely Hazardous Below 5 mg/kg HAZARD CATEGORY VII — AQUATIC TOXICITY RATING Description TLm Concentration Insignificant Hazard >1000 mg/l Practically Nontoxic 100-1000 mg/l Slightly Toxic 10-100 mg/l Moderately Toxic 1-10 mg/l Highly Toxic <1 mg/l HAZARD CATEGORY VIII — WATER REACTION RATING Insignificant Hazard: No known hazardous reaction with water. Slightly Hazardous: Chemical or physical reaction with water may occur. Unlikely to be hazardous under conditions of water transportation. Examples are chlorine, bromine, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, propionic anhydride, stabilized benzoyl chloride, and acetic anhydride. Hazardous Reaction: Examples are anhydrous ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, and hydrogen chloride. Highly Hazardous (Vigorous Reaction): Examples are oleum, 72%—98% sul- furic acid, ethyl trichlorosilane, and chloroacetyl chloride. Extremely Hazardous (Violent Reaction): Likely if mixed with water. Examples are sulfur trioxide, chlorosulfonic acid, aluminum triethyl, unstab- ilized benzoyl chloride, methyl trichlorosilane, and acetyl chloride. 159 Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 HAZARD CATEGORY IX — SELF-REACTION RATING Insignificant Hazard: No appreciable self-reaction. Slightly Hazardous: Chemicals known to undergo polymerization or other self-reaction under certain conditions. Due to low reactivity or low heat evolution, they are unlikely to lead to a hazardous situation in bulk water transportation. Hazardous: Chemicals that may undergo polymerization or other self- reaction if contaminated-by an initiator for such process. The results may be hazardous. They are not considered to require a stabilizer or inhibitor for safe shipment under normal conditions. Highly Hazardous: Chemicals that may underto a hazardous self-reaction and are considered to require special handling, such as incorporation of a sta- bilizer or polymerization inhibitor to ensure safety in bulk water transporta- tion. Extremely Hazardous: Chemicals that can undergo self-oxidation, and/or polymerization, possibly causing explosions or detonations. 160 APPENDIX B PROPERTIES OF HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS EXPLANATION OF SPECIAL TERMS Several of the terms used in the following tables may not be clear to the average reader. Therefore, we have prepared short explanations that will be useful in interpreting the data. 0 Physical Form — The statement indicates whether the chemical is a solid, liquid, or gas after it has reached equilibrium with its surroundings at “ordinary” conditions of temperature and pressure (15°C and 1 atmo- sphere). 0 Specific Gravity — The Specific gravity of a chemical is the ratio of the weight of the solid or liquid to the weight of an equal volume of water at 4°C (or at some other specified temperature). 0 Flash Point ~ The flash point is defined as the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance will ignite in air when exposed to a flame. Depending on the test method used, the values given are either Tag closed cup (C.C.) (ASTM D56) or Cleveland open cup (O.C.) (ASTM D93). The values give an indication of the relative flammability of the chemical. In general, the open-cup value is about 10° to 15°F higher than the closed-cup value. 0 Boiling Point at 1 Atmosphere — This value is the temperature of a liquid when its vapor pressure is 1 atmosphere. For example, when water is heated to 100°C (212°F), its vapor pressure rises to 1 atmosphere and the liquid boils. O Melting Point— The melting point is the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid. 0 Chemical Composition — This has been limited to a commonly used one-line formula. 0 Molecular Weight— The value. given is the weight of a molecule of the chemical relative to a value of 12 for one atom of carbon. 0 Heat of Combustion — The value is the amount of heat liberated when the specified weight is burned in oxygen at 25°C. The products of combustion, including water, are assumed to remain as gases; the value given is usually 161 referred to as the “lower heat value.” The negative sign before the value indicates that heat is given off when the chemical burns. Units are calories per gram. 0 Solubility — The value represents the grams of a chemical that will dissolve in 100 grams of pure water. Solubility usually increases when the tempera- ture increases. The following terms are used when numerical data are either unavailable or not applicable: “Miscible” means that the chemical mixes with water in all proportions. “Insoluble” usually means that 1 gram of the chemical does not dissolve entirely in 100 grams of water. 0 TL m (Aquatic Toxicity) — TLm (Median Tolerance Limit) means that ap— proximately 50% of the fish will die under the conditions of concentration and time given. The form of data presentation used by the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Oil and Hazardous Material-Technical Assistance Data System (OHM-TADS)” is used here. Reading from left to right and separated by slashes (/) are the following data: Concentration in parts per million by weight (or milligrams per liter) at which the chemical was tested; Time of exposure in hours; Name of the aquatic species studied (only data on fish are given here); 0 TLV (Threshold Limit Value) — The threshold limit value is usually ex- pressed in units of parts per million (ppm) — i.e., the parts of vapor (gas) per million parts of contaminated air by volume at 25°C (77°F) and atmospheric pressure. For a chemical that forms a fine mist or dust, the concentration is given in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3 ). The TLV is defined as the concentration of the substance in air that can be breathed for five consecu- tive eight-hour workdays (40-hour work week) by most people without adverse effect.* As some people become ill after exposure to concentrations lower than the TLV, this value cannot be used to define exactly what is a “safe” or “dangerous” concentration. 0 L050 (Oral Toxicity) - The term LD50 signifies that about 50% of the animals given the specified dose by mouth will die. All LD5 0 values listed are for rats. *American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, “Threshold Limit Values for Substance in Workroom Air, Adopted by ACGIH for 1972." 162 TABLE B-1 PROPERTIES OF ACETONE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CH3COCH3 Specific gravity: 0.791 Molecular Weight: 58.08 Flash Point: 4°F 0.0., 0°F c.c. Heat of Combustion: -6808 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 56.1°C Solubility: Complete Melting point: -94.7°C Odor: Sweetish % Cl: Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 13,000 ppm/48 hr/mosquito fish TLV: 1000 ppm LD5 03 > 5000 mg/kg TABLE B-2 PROPERTIES OF ACETONITRILE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CH3CN Specific gravity: 0.787 Molecular Weight: 41.05 Flash Point: 42°F O.C. Heat of Combustion: ~7420 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 81.6°C Solubility: 'Miscible Melting point: 45.7°C Odor: Sweet, ethereal 96 Cl: Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 1150 ppm/24 hr/fathead minnow TLV: 40 ppm LD5 oi 500-5000 mg/kg 163 TABLE B-3 PROPERTIES OF AMYL ACETATE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Specific gravity: 0.876 Flash Point: (n-) 91°F, C.C., (iso-) 69°F C.C. Boiling point at 1 atm: 146°C Melting point: <-100°C % Cl: Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: TLV: 100 ppm TABLE 84 Chemical composition: CH3COOC5 H, 1 Molecular Weight: 130.19 Heat of Combustion: -7423 cal/g Solubility: Insoluble Odor: Banana-l ike PROPERTIES OF BENZENE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Specific gravity: 0.879 Flash Point: 12°F C.C. Boiling point at 1 atm: 801°C Melting point: 55°C % CL: Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 20 ppm/24 hr/sunfish TLV: 25 ppm LD5 0: >5000 mg/kg 164 Chemical composition: C6 H5 Molecular Weight: 78.11 Heat of Combustion: -9698 cal/g Solubility: Insoluble Odor: Aromatic TABLE B-5 PROPERTIES OF CH LOROFORM Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CHC|3 Specific gravity: 1.49 Molecular Weight: 119.39 Flash Point: - Heat of Combustion: —— Boiling point at 1 atm: 612°C Solubility: Insoluble Melting point: -63.5°C Odor: Ethereal % Cl: 89.09 Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: — TLV: 25 ppm LD50: >5000 mg/kg TABLE B-6 PROPERTIES OF CHROMIC ANHYDRIDE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Solid Chemical composition: Cr03 Specific gravity: 2.70 Molecular Weight: 100.01 Flash Point: — Heat of Combustion: —— Boiling point at 1 atm: Solubility: Very soluble Melting point: - Odor: — %Cl‘: Reactivity: Reacts with organic materials rapidly; may cause ignition Biological Properties - Toxicity: TLm: 52 ppm/96 hr/goldfish TLV: — LD5 01 50-500 mg/kg 165 TABLE B-7 PROPERTIES OF COPPER SULFATE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Solid Chemical composition: C‘uSO4 .5H30 Specific gravity: 2.29 ' Molecular Weight: 249.7 Flash Point: — Heat of Combustion: '— Boiling point at 1 atm: Solubility: Soluble Melting point: — Odor: — % Cl: Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 3.8 ppm/24 hr/rainbow trout TLV: — LDso: 50-500 mg/kg 7 TABLE B-8 PROPERTIES OF ETHANOL Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CgHsoH Specific gravity: 0.790 Molecular Weight: 46.07 Flash Point: 55°F C.C., 64°F 0.C. Heat of Combustion: ~6425 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 78.3°C Solubility: Miscible Melting point: -114°C Odor: Like whiskey %C|: — Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 250 ppm/6 hr/goldfish TLV: 1000 ppm LDs o: >5000 mg/kg 166 TABLE B-9 PROPERTIES OF ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CICH2CH2C| Specific gravity: 1.253 Molecular Weight: 98.96 Flash Point: 60°F O.C., 55°F C.C. Heat of Combustion: 1900 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 835°C Solubility: Insoluble Melting point: -35.7°C Odor: Ethereal % Cl: 71.66 Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 150 ppm/ */pin perch TLV: 50 ppm LDso: 500-5000 mg/kg *Time of exposure unknown. TABLE B-10 PROPERTIES OF ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOMETHYL ETHER Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CH3OCH2CH2 OH Specific gravity: 0.966 Molecular Weight: 76.10 Flash Point: 120°F O.C., 107°F C.C. Heat of Combustion: 5,500 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 124.5°C Solubility: Miscible Melting point: -85.1°C Odor: Mild ethereal % Cl: — Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: — TLV: 25 ppm 167 TABLE 3-" PROPERTIES OF HEPTANE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CH3(CH2)5CH3 Specificgravity: 0.6838 Molecular Weight: 100.21 Flash Point: 250° F C.C. Heat of Combustion: -10,650 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 98.4°C Solubility: Insoluble Melting point: -90.6°C Odor: Gasoline % Cl: - Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 4924/24 hr/mosquito fish TLV: 500 ppm LDso: >15000 mg/kg TABLE B-12 PROPERTIES OF ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL Physical 8t Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CH3CH(OH)CH3 Specificzgravity: 0.785 Molecular Weight: 60.10 Flash Point: 65°F O.C., 54°F C.C. Heat of Combustion: -7,201 calls Boiling point at 1 atm: 823°C Solubility: Soluble Melting point: -88.5°C Odor: Like ethyl alcohol % CI: — Biological Properties TLm: 900-1000 ppm/24 hr/chab TLV: 400 ppm LDso: >5000 mg/kg 168 TABLE 343 PROPERTIES OF MERCURY Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Specific gravity: 13.55 Flash Point: — Boiling point at 1 atm: 357°C Melting point: -38.9°C % Cl: — Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 0.29 ppm/48 hr/marine fish TLV: 0.05 ng/m3 LDso: — Chemical composition: Hg Molecular Weight: — Heat of Combustion: — Solubility: Insoluble Odor: — TABLE B~14 PROPERTIES OF METHANOL Physieel & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Specific graVity: 0.792 Flash Point: 59°F c.c., 61°F o.c. Boiling point at 1 atm: 645°C Melting point: -97.8°C % CI: —- Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 250/4 hr/goldfish TLV: 200 ppm LDso >5999 mg/kg Chemical composition: CH3 UH Molecular Weight: 32.04 Heat of Combustion: -4677 cal/g Solubility: Miscible Odor: Faintly sweet 169 TABLE B-15 PROPERTIES OF METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Specific gravity: 0.802 Flash Point: 73°F C.C., 75°F O.C. Boiling point at 1 atm: 116.2°C Melting point: -84°C % Cl: — Biologiml Properties Toxicity: TLm: >1000 ppm TLV: 100 ppm LD5 0: 500-5000 mg/kg Chemical composition: (CH3)2CHCH2 COCH3 Molecular Weight: 100.16 Heat of Combustion: -5800 cal/g Solubility: 2% Odor: Pleasant ketonic TABLE 3-16 PROPERTIES OF METHYLENE CHLORIDE Physical & Chemical Properties: Physical form: Liquid Specific gravity: 1.322 Flash Point: — Boiling point at 1 atm: 393°C Melting point: -96.7°C % Cl: 83.49 Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: — TLV: 500 ppm LDso: 500-5000 mg/kg Chemical composition: CH2C|2 Molecular Weight: 84.93 Heat of Combustion: —— Solubility: Insoluble Odor: Aromatic 170 TABLE B-17 PROPERTIES OF NAPHTHA (STODDARD SOLVENT) Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: (mixture) Specific gravity: 0.78 Molecular Weight: — Flash Point: 110°F c.c. Heat of Combustion: -10,100 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 160-199°C Solubility: Insoluble Melting point: — Odor: Like kerosene % Cl: -— Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: — TLV: 200 ppm TABLE B-18 PROPERTIES OF n-BUTANOL Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CH3(CH2)2 CHOH Specific gravity: 0.810 Molecular Weight: 74.12 Flash Point: 84°F C.C.,l97°F C.C. Heat of CombustiOn: -7906 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 117.7°C Solubility: Slightly soluble Melting point: -89.3°C Odor: Alcohol-like % CI: - Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 1000 ppm/29 hr/goldfish TLV: 100 ppm 171 TABLE 8-19 PROPERTIES OF n-BUTYL ACETATE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: CH3COO(CH2)3CH3 Specific gravity: 0.875 Molecular Weight: 116.16 Flash Point: 99°F o.c., 75°F c.c. Heat of Combustion: -7294 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 126°C Solubility: insoluble Melting point: -73.5°C Odor: Fruity in low concentrations % Cl: — Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: — TLV: 150200 ppm LD50: >5ooo mg/kg TAB LE B-20 PROPERTIES OF o-XYLENE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: o-C6H4(CH3)2 Specific gravity: 0.880 Molecular Weight: 106.16 Flash Point: 63°F o.c., 75°F 0.0. Heat of Combustion: -9754.7 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 144.4°C Solubility: Insoluble Melting point: -25.2°C Odor: Benzene-like % Cl: -— Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: — TLV: 100 ppm LDso: 50-500 mg/kg 172 TABLE B-21 PROPERTIES OF TOLUENE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Liquid Chemical composition: C6H5CH3 Specific gravity: 0.867 ‘Molecular Weight: 92.14 Flash Point: 40°F c.c., 55°F 00. Heat of Combustion: -9686 cal/g Boiling point at 1 atm: 110.6°C Solubility: Insoluble Melting point: -95.o°c Odor: Aromatic % Cl: — Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 1180 ppm/96 hr/sun fish TLV: 100 ppm TABLE B-22 PROPERTIES OF ZINC CHLORIDE Physical & Chemical Properties Physical form: Solid Chemical composition: ZnC12 Specific gravity: 2.91 Molecular Weight: 136.28 Flash Point: — Heat of Combustion: - Boiling point at 1 atm: — Solubility: Soluble Melting point: 283°C Odor: — % Cl: 52.03 Biological Properties Toxicity: TLm: 7.2 ppm/96 hr/bluegill TLV: 1 mg/m3 (dust) LD50: 50-500 mg/kg 173 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Activated Sludge Treatment — A wastewater treatment process in which biological orga- nisms convert soluble and insoluble pollutants to biological mass (activated sludge) which is then usually removed from the treated wastewater by settling. Active Ingredient —— The chemical constituent in a medicinal which is responsible for its activity. ‘ Analgesics — Pain-relieving medicinals. Ataraxics — Tranquilizers Alkaloids —— Basic (alkaline) nitrogenous botanical products which produce a marked physio- logical action when administered to animals (or humans). Ampoule — A small, sealed-glass container for one dose of a sterile medicine to be injected hypodermically. Antibiotic — A substance produced by a living organism which has the power to inhibit multiplication of , or to destroy, other organisms, especially bacteria. Biological Products — In the pharmaceutical industry, medicinal products derived from animals or humans, such as vaccines, toxoids, antisera and human blood frac- tions. Blood Fractionation — The separation of human blood into its various protein fractions. BOD — Biochemical Oxygen Demand— A measure of the amount of oxygen required (and, therefore, the concentration of the pollutants present) in the destruction of pollu- tant(s) by microorganisms (i.e., activated sludge). Botanicals — Drugs made from a part of a plant, such as roots, bark, or leaves. Capsules — A gelatinous shell used to contain medicinal chemicals; a dosage form for admin- istering medicine. Chemical Residues — Waste materials, such as still bottoms and chemical process “muds” or waste slurries. Control Technology — Method for treatment or disposal for wastes such as neutralization, landfill, and incineration. Diatomaceous Earth — A fine material of uniform particle size used to aid in filtration. 175 Ethical Products — Pharmaceuticals promoted by advertising to the medical, dental, and veterinary professions. Fermentation — Decomposition or conversion of complex substances to other substances by enzymes produced by microorganisms. Fermentor Broth — A slurry of microorganisms in water containing nutrients (carbohydrates, nitrogen) necessary for the microorganism’s growth. Filter Cakes — Wet solids generated by the filtration of solids from a liquid. This filter cake may be a pure material (product) or a waste material containing additional fine solids (i.e., diatomaceous earth) that has been added to‘ aid in the filtration. Halogenated Solvent — An organic liquid chemical containing an attached halogen (chlorine, fluorine, etc.) used for dissolving other substances. Hazardous High-Inert Content Wastes - Those high inert content wastes which contain corrosives, trace amounts of heavy metals, or flammable solvents. ‘ Hazardous Wastes — No final judgments are intended by such a classification. Additional information will be required before a definition of hazardous waste can be made. Heavy Metals — Originally defined as a group of metals including lead, zinc, arsenic, mer- cury, selenium, cadmium, and copper which have an atomic weight greater than iron. In more recent usage, the toxic metals, chromium and vanadium, are also considered to be “heavy (toxic) metals.” High-Inert Content Wastes - Waste materials such as filter cakes which contain large amounts of diatomaceous earth, filter aid or activated carbon used to remove color or trace impurities. Hormone — Any of a number of substances formed in the body which activate specifically receptive organs when transported to them by the body fluids. IMCO System — Intergovernmental MaritimeConsultative Organization hazardous material determination system. Incineration - Burning under controlled combustion conditions. Injectables — Medicinals prepared in a sterile (buffered) form suitable for administration by injection. ISO-Electric Precipitation ,‘ Adjustment of the pH (hydrogen ion concentration) of a solu- tion to cause precipitation of a substance from the solution. 176 Land-Destined Process Wastes — Solids, slurries and liquids currently or previously disposed on land. The term is used to distinguish these wastes from water or air effluents. Land Disposal — Placing waste materials into the land in a specific manner as a method of treatment, storage, or disposal. LD50 ~—- A dosage level that is lethal to 50% of the test animals to which it is administered. Medicinal Chemicals — Chemicals which have therapeutic value. Mycelia — A mass of filaments which constitutes the vegetative body of fungi. In the indus- try, the term is commonly used to designate the mixture of cells, filter aid, undigested grain solids, etc., that is filtered off and discarded from all types of fermentations. Pharmaceutical — A medicinal chemical which has been processed into a stable useful dosage form. Plasma — The fluid part of the lymph and of the blood, as distinguished from the co»- puscles. PMA — Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, which represents 110 pharmaceutical manufacturing firms which, in turn, account for approximately 95 percent of the ethical pharmaceuticals sold in the United States. Priority I — Hazardous Waste — Includes all “elementary” toxic materials, viz., materials which are potentially harmful, regardless of their state of chemical combination. This also includes materials which owe their hazardous properties to their molecular arrangement — and which fall in hazard grades 3 or 4 in Table 3.1 .2A. Priority II — Hazardous Waste — These wastes owe their hazardous properties to their molecular arrangement and fall in hazard grades 1 or 2 in Table 3.1.2A. Proprietary Products — Pharmaceuticals promoted by advertising directly to the consumer. Sanitary Landfill — A sanitary landfill is a land disposal site employing an engineered method of disposing of solid wastes on land in a manner that minimizes environmental hazards by spreading the wastes in thin layers, compacting the solid wastes to the smallest practical volume, and applying cover material at the end of each operating day. Secure Chemical Landfill — A landfill that is lined and limited to chemical wastes. Serum — Blood serum containing agents of immunity, taken from an animal made immune to a specific disease by inoculation; it is used as an antitoxin. 177 SIC Codes — Standard Industrial Classification. Numbers used by the US. Department of Commerce to denote segments of industry. Steroid — Any one of a large group of multicyclic ring chemical substances related to various alcohols occurring naturally in plants and animals. Still Bottom — The residue remaining after distillation of a material. Varies from a watery slurry to a thick tar which may turn hard when cool. Tablet — A small, disc-like mass of compressed medicinal powder used as a dosage form for administering medicine. Technology Level I — A waste treatment or disposal method that is the broad average of technologies which are currently used in typical facilities. Technology Level II — A waste treatment or disposal method which is the best technology from an environmental and health standpoint that is currently used in at least one pharmaceutical facility. Technology Level III — A waste treatment or disposal method that provides adequate health and environmental protection. TLm — Median Tolerance Limit — This measure of aquatic toxicity means that approxi- mately 50 percent of the fish will die under the conditions of concentration and time given. Toxoid — Toxin treated to destroy its toxicity, but still capable of inducing antibody forma- tion. Vaccine - A preparation of dead or modified live virus or bacteria introduced into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease by causing the formation of antibodies. Virus — Any of a group of ultramicroscopic or submicroscopic infective agents that cause various diseases; viruses are capable of multiplying in connection with living cells. Wastewater — Process water contaminated to such an extent it is not reusable in the process without repurification. Also please note terms appearing in Appendix B. 1101318 SW-508 178 fi U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1976 623—300/498 anti-k. . u.c. BERKELEY LIBRARIES V a . ‘ a. y i g . ‘ 1,? y ‘ xx /4/’ 7' / ,—/ A //~ m U. s. ENvmomvaNTAL PROTECTION AGENCY // v ,/ / /_/