)NN 22 .242 43 n o > s^s CONNECTICUT Agricultural Experiment Station NEW HAVEN, CONN. BULLETIN 242 NOVEMBER, 1922 BEING A Report on Commercial Insecticides and Fungicides 1922 I. The Examination of Some Materials Sold as Insecticides and Fungicides. By E. M. Bailey and R. E. Andrew. II. Recent Developments in the Use of Insecticides. By W. E. Britton. CONTENTS Page Materials Examined 147 Methods of Analysis 148 Paris Green 149 Lead Arsenate 150 Materials other than Paris Green and Lead Arsenate : Calcium and Copper-Calcium Arsenates 152 Bordeaux Mixtures, etc 153 Nicotine Products and Tobacco 154 Hellebore 156 Miscellaneous Materials 156 Discussion of Uses, etc 163 The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF November, 1922. BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, Everett J. Lake, ex-officio, President. James H. Webb, Vice-President Hamden George A. Hopson, Secretary Mount Carmel E. H. Jenkins, Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Charles R. Treat ' Orange Elijah Rogers Southington Edward C. Schneider Middletown Administration. STAFF. E. H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Director and Treasurer. W. L. Slate, Jr., B.Sc, Vice-Director. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Librarian. Miss J. V. Berger, Stenographer and Bookkeeper. William Veitch, In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry. Analytical Laboratory. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. R. E. Andrew, M.A. C. E. Shepard Owen L. Nolan Harry J. Fisher, A.B. Frank Sheldon, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Mrs. B. P. Storrs, Clerk. Biochemical Laboratory. Botany. Entomology. Forestry. Plant Breeding. In charge of the Tobacco Station. -. Assistant Chemists. T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemist in Charge. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. G. E. Graham, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Secretary. W. E. Britton, Ph.D., Entomologist; State Entomologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr., M. P. Zappe, B.S., ^Assistant Philip Garman, Ph.D., J Entomologists John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gypsy Moth Work. Samuel T. Sealy, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Control. Miss Gladys M. Finley, Stenographer. Walter O. Filley, Forester. A. E. Moss, M.F., Assistant. H. W. Hicock, M.F., Assistant. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Stenographer. Donald F. Jones, S.D., Plant Breeder. P. C. Mangelsdorf, B.S., Assistant. G. H. Chapman, Ph.D., Windsor, I. The Examination of Some Materials Sold as Insecticides and Fungicides. By E. M. Bailey and R. E. Andrew. No laws have been enacted in this State to control the manu- facture, sale or distribution of insecticides and fungicides. An Act concerning the testing and labeling of disinfectants was passed by the legislature in 19 17, and it. is probable that such materials can be controlled also by the provisions of our food and drug law under the definition of the term "drug"; but the law cannot be interpreted to include insecticides and fungicides. The terms of the Federal Insecticide Act of 1910 amply provide for the control in interstate commerce of materials to be used for insecti- cidal or fungicidal purposes, but do not operate for the control of such materials as are now, or may be, made and sold within this state. The general and increasing use of spraying materials for the control of insect pests and fungus diseases makes the question of the composition of such materials of interest and importance. A bulletin 1 on this subject was issued by this Station in 1907, but no systematic survey has been made since that time. Occasional samples of substances used for spraying or dusting purposes have been examined for individuals interested, but these have been pub- lished in regular reports from this laboratory, together with other miscellaneous materials. Such scattering analyses, so far as they are of interest, have been collected and are presented here in addi- tion to the results of new analyses. MATERIALS EXAMINED. A classification of the materials examined is as follows : Samples Collected in 1922. Paris Green 8 Lead Arsenate 16 Calcium Arsenate 1 Copper-Calcium Arsenate 2 Bordeaux Mixture 3 Bordeaux Mixture — Paris Green 2 Bordeaux Mixture — Lead Arsenate 3 Bordeaux Mixture — Zinc Arsenate >. 1 Nicotine Products and Tobacco 14 Hellebore 5 Miscellaneous 25 ^onn. Agr. Sta., Bull. 157, Sept., 1907. I48 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. Cited from Earlier Reports of This Station, But Subsequent to 1907. Paris Green, Lead Arsenate and Miscellaneous Total from all sources IS 95 Of samples secured this year, 49 were collected by our Station agent, Mr. Churchill, and the remainder were submitted by pur- chasers or others interested. A considerable number have been referred to us by the department of entomology of this Station. METHODS OF ANALYSIS. The methods used for the analysis of these preparations are those authorized by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists unless otherwise stated. RESULTS OF EXAMINATION. For the sake of uniformity where like materials are tabulated together, dissimilar chemical terms used in statements of guaranty Table I. Analyses of Station No. \ Date. 18445 1922 18091 1922 18458 1922 18099 1922 l8lOO 1922 18443 1922 18090 1922 18455 1922 17320 1921 i93 J 9 1921 Brand, Manufacturer or Distributor. Sampled by Station Agent: James A. Blanchard Co., New York. Lion Brand Bob-White Chemical Corp., New York. Bob- White Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc., New York. Devoe. The Glidden Co., Cleveland. Glidden Morris Herrmann & Co., Chicago. Hi-Grade.... Interstate Chem. Co., Jersey City. Hillside Leggett & Brother, New York. Anchor Brand.. . The Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland Sampled by Purchaser: Leggett's Raynold's PARIS GREEN. 149 have been reduced to a common basis. Where products are treat- ed individually the composition found by analysis has been stated in terms conforming to those used in the guaranties. PARIS GREEN. Chemically, Paris green is the aceto-arsenite of copper, and, under the provisions of the Federal Insecticide Act and the laws of many states where .numerical standards for insecticides are fixed, this product is deemed to be adulterated : first, if it does not contain at least fifty per cent of arsenious oxide ; second, if it contains arsenic in water-soluble forms equivalent to more than three and one-half per cent of arsenious oxide; third, if any sub- stance has been mixed and packed with it so as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength. From the tabulated analyses given in Table I it is evident that the guaranties conform to the federal numerical standards and are met with a liberal margin of safety in all cases. The ratio of copper oxide to arsenious oxide in pure copper aceto-arsenite is 1 : 1.87. For the products examined this year this ratio is closely approximated except in samples 18445 and 18091, where it is about 1 : 2 ; in the two samples examined in 1921 the ratio of' 1 :2 is considerably exceeded. Paris Green. Arsenious Oxide, As 2 3 . Copper Dxide, CuO. Total. Water-soluble. Station No. Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed Found. not less than. Found. not more than. Found. not less than. % % % % % % 57-92 50.00 I.98 3-5o 28.85 18445 5940 50.00 2.57 3-5o 29.65 1 809 1 55-94 5O.00 I.98 3-50 29-65 .... 18458 55-69 50.00 1-58 3-50 29-45 .... 18099 56.18 50.0O 1. 19 3-5o 29-45 .... l8l00 55-69 50.00 I.98 3-50 30.25 .... 18443 54-95 50.0O 2-37 3-50 28.85 29.00 18090 55-69 50.00 2-57 3-50 29.65 .... 18455 56.00 • . 26.80 17320 56.50 .... 26.60 .... I93I9 150 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. ARSENATE OF LEAD. Chemically, commercial arsenate of lead consists of products derived from arsenic acid by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms by lead. The Federal Insecticide Act deems arsenate of lead to be adulterated: first, if it contains more than fifty per cent of water; second, if it contains total arsenic equivalent to less than twelve and one-half per cent of arsenic oxide (AS2O5) ; third, if it contains arsenic in water-soluble forms equivalent to more than seventy-five one-hundredths per cent of arsenic oxide (AS2O5) ; fourth, if any substances have been mixed and packed with it so as to reduce, lower, or injuriously affect its quality or strength; provided, howeifer, that extra water may be added to lead arsenate (as described in this paragraph), if the resulting Table II. Analyses of ■i Station No. Date. 18452 1922 18451 1922 18456 1922 18454 1922 18088 1922 18094 1922 I8I02 1922 18459 1922 1844I I922 18105 1922 18106 1922 18449 1922 18089 1922 l8lIO 1922 18447 1922 20920 1 1908-9 20564 1 1908-9 22163 1 1908-9 22382 1 1908-9 2270I 1 1908-9 1913 19373 1922 Brand, Manufacturer or Distributor. Sampled by Station Agent: Acme White Lead & Color Works, Detroit. Acme. Bowker Insecticide Co., Boston. Bowker's Corona Chemical Co., Milwaukee. Corona Dry .... Detroit White Lead Works, Detroit. Rogers. Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc., New York. Devoe... General Chemical Co., New York. Orchard The Glidden Co., Cleveland. Glidden The Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland. Paste Interstate Chemical Co., Jersey City. Key-Dry Leggett & Brother, New York Leggett & Brother, New York Merrimac Chemical Co., Boston. Swift's Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Naco Powers-Weightman-Rosengarten Co., Philadelphia. The Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland Sampled by Purchaser: Disparene Grasselli Chemical Co Grasselli Chemical Co Thomsen Chemical Co Thomsen Chemical Co Merrimac Chemical Co., Boston. Swift's Brand and Mfr. not known. Sent by Count}' Agent, Middletown 1 Conn. Exp. Sta. Report 1911, p. 218. 2 Conn. Exp. Sta. Report 1913, p. 305. ARSENATE OF LEAD. 151 mixture is labeled lead arsenate and water, the percentage of extra water being plainly and correctly stated on the label. Most of the samples examined this year were in powder form. From the analyses given in Table II it appears that all samples meet the requirements of their guaranties with respect to the active ingredient. One sample contains a slight excess of water. The method of stating guaranties is not uniform as regards the chemical terms used. The arsenic content is sometimes stated in terms of the metal and in other cases in terms of the oxide; and it is not always clear which form is indicated in stating the limit of water-soluble arsenic. Uniform practice in this respect would enable purchasers to compare statements of composition more readily and save the analyst some uncertainty. Arsenate of Lead. Water. Arsenic Oxide, As 2 5 . Lead Oxide, PbO. Total. Water-soluble. Station No. Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed Found. not more Found. not less Found. not more Found. not less than. than. than. than. % % % % % % % % .... .... 33-12 30.0O 0.14 1. 00 63.65 .... 18452 .... .... 30.59 30.00 O.38 O.77 66.31 .... 18451 .... .... 32.20 30.00 0.18 O.77 64.25 18456 .... .... 3I-5I 30.00 0.18 I. OO 63.23 18454 .... .... 32.66 31.00 0-97 I. OO 63.65 63.OO 18088 .... .... 31-74 30.00 0.l8 1.50 65.07 .... 18094 .... .... 31-97 31.00 0.44 O.77 6346 .... I8I02 43-73 50.OO 17.80 15.00 O.29 0-50 36.47 .... 18459 .... .... 31-74 30.00 0.28 0.75 61.86 .... 18441 44-23 50.00 18.03 14.00 O.I I 0-75 36.43 30.00 18105 .... .... 32.66 30.00 0.28 1. 00 64.50 6l.OO 18106 50.43 5O.00 14.61 12.50 0.26 0.75 3348 31-50 18449 .... .... 30.59 30.00 1. 10 i-53 65.50 62.0O 18089 .... .... 32.78 30.00 0.77 2.30 64.59 .... l8lI0 .... .... 31.06 30.00 0.28 1. 00 63.95 .... 18447 36.61 18.80 42.05 20g20 40.70 15-24 . . . .... 20564 45-57 15-38 . . . . . . 37-25 22163 51-73 [3.81 . . . 32.04 22382 45.76 16.10 . . . . . . 35-71 22701 42.20 17.67 37-8i .... 32.18 64-45 19373 152 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES OTHER THAN PARIS GREEN AND LEAD ARSENATE. The federal Act holds an insecticide or fungicide other than Paris green and lead arsenate to be adulterated : first, if its strength or purity falls below the professed standard or quality under which it is sold; second, if any substance has been substi- tuted wholly or in part for the article ; third, if any valuable con- stituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted; fourth, if it is intended for use on vegetation and shall contain any substance or substances which, although preventing, destroy- ing, repelling, or mitigating insects shall be injurious to such vegetation when used. The Act further requires such of these preparations as contain' arsenic to declare on the label in terms of metallic arsenic the total amount thereof and the amount in water-soluble forms ; it also requires to be stated the name and amount of each and every inert ingredient or, in lieu of this, the name and amount of each active ingredient, together with the total percentage of inert in- gredients. Under the laws of some states an insecticide or fun- gicide, other than Paris green or lead arsenate, is misbranded if it does not declare the name and percentage of each and every active ingredient. Calcium Arsenate. 18101. The Glidden Co., Cleveland, O. This sample was found by analysis to be arsenate of lead in- stead of arsenate of calcium, evidently a mistake in labeling or packing. Copper-Calcium Arsenate. 19136. Copper-Calcium Arsenate dust, 13-8-79. Dosch Chemical Co., Louisville, Ky. Stock of the department of ento- mology of this Station. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % % Copper, metallic 5-20 4.40 (not less than) Arsenic oxide, total 1.39 3-00 (not less than) Arsenic, metallic, water-soluble ... 0.50 (not more than) 19428. Niagara Potato Dust Mixture. Labeled as contain- ing monohydrated copper sulphate, 19.5 per cent; tricalcium ar- senate, 17.5 per cent, and inert ingredients, 63 per cent. BORDEAUX MIXTURE LEAD ARSENATE. 153 Analysis Copper, metallic Arsenic, metallic Arsenic, water soluble, metallic Found. Guaranteed. % % 7-97 6.95 5-28 6.25 0.50 Bordeaux Mixtures. 18104. Anchor Brand. Leggett and Brother, New York. 18108. The Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, O. 18448. Sterlingworth. Sterling Chemical Co., Cambridge, Mass. Table III. Analyses of Bordeaux Mixture's. Condition. Water. Copper, Metallic. Station No. Found. Guaranteed not less than. 18104 18108 18448 Paste Dry Dry % 58.03 % 4-79 ■ 14.78 II.96 % 4-50 13.00 10.00 Bordeaux Mixture — Paris Green. 18107. Leggett and Brother, New York. 18093. Naco. Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Table IV. Analyses of Bordeaux — Paris Green. Copper Oxide, CuO. Arsenioii9 Oxide, AS2O3. Found. Guaranteed not less than. Total. Water-soluble. Station No. Found. Guaranteed not less than. Found. Guaranteed not more than. 18107 18093 % 17-37 16.23 % I7-50 18.OO % 17.69 17.32 % 16.50 17.OO % 2.72 O.82 % 2.64 1 2.0O 1 Calculated from amount guaranteed as metallic arsenic. Bordeaux Mixture — Lead Arsenate. 18111 and 18442. Key Brand Bordo-Lcad. Interstate Chemical Co., Jersey City, N. J. 18096. Gliddcn Bordo- Arsenate. The Glidden Co., Cleve- land, O. 154 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. Table V. Analyses of Bordeaux — Lead Arsenate. Condi- tion. Water. Arsenic Oxide, As 2 5 . Copper Oxide, CuO. Total. Water-soluble. Lead Oxide, PbO. Station No. Found. Guaranteed not less than. Found. Guaranteed not more than. 18111 18442 18096 Paste Paste Dry % 60.85 60.83 % 6.65 7.82 17-54 % 445 1 7.67 1 15-50 % O.60 O.09 0.20 % 0.77 1 0.77 1 O.5O 1 % 7-57 3-74 11.66 % 1376 31-71 1 Calculated from amount guaranteed as metallic arsenic. Bordeaux Mixture — Zinc Arsenite. 19729. Zinc Bordeaux, Orchard Brand, General Chemical Co., New York. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % Arsenic, total, metallic 10.22 water-soluble, metallic . . . 0.25 Copper, metallic 16.07 Zinc, metallic I4-4 1 1 Guaranteed zinc arsenite 30.00. % 10.16 (not less than) 100 (not more than) 15.70 (not less than) i3.3i 1 (not less than) Nicotine Products and Tobacco. 19748. Black Leaf 40. Tobacco By-Products and Chemical Corporation, Inc., Louisville, Ky. Sampled by Station agent. Nicotine found 40 per cent ; guaranteed 40 per cent. 19370. Black Leaf 40. Sample submitted by department of entomology of this Station. Nicotine found 40.70 per cent ; guaranteed 40 per cent. 19608. Jebl. Made by J. H. Rice, Ashtabula, O. This is an emulsion guaranteed to contain nicotine 0.80 per cent and inert ingredients 99.20 per cent. Partial analysis showed the following composition : Water and volatile at ioo° C 79-29% Solids 20.71 Ash 7-85 Nicotine (as alkaloid) 1.08 19152. Garden Dust. Dosch Chemical Co., Louisville, Ky. The sample was submitted by the Station department of entomol- ogy. It is a mixture of lead arsenate, sulphur and nicotine, but NICOTINE PRODUCTS AND TOBACCO. 1 55 was examined only for nicotine. Nicotine found 2.24 per cent ; guaranteed 2.00 per cent. 19427. Niagara Nicotine Contact Mixture. Niagara Sprayer Co., Middleport, N. Y. Sampled by the Station agent. Nicotine found, 2.38 per cent ; guaranteed, 2.20 per cent. 19658. Tobacco Dust. Hall Tobacco Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. The sample was submitted by E. M. Ives, Meriden. Sixty per cent passed a 200 mesh sieve. Nicotine content found, 1.30 per cent. 19742. Tobacco Dust. Sample submitted to the Station en- tomologist by Lewis Cheeseman, Hatfield, Mass. The sample was examined as follows : Total ash 39.60% Ash insoluble in dil. acid (sand, etc.) 15-30 ' Nitrogen 1.99 Nicotine (as alkaloid) 1.72 19099 and 19100. Tobacco Dust. Submitted by Prof. G. H. Lamson, Storrs. The samples contained 1.09 and 0.50 per cent of nicotine respectively. . 19188. Low Grade Leaf Tobacco. Supplied by L. B. Hass Co., Hartford. Partial analysis showed the following composition : Moisture 5.63% Ash, crude 20.13 Nitrogen, in nitrates 1.17 in ammonia 0.77 in nicotine 0.55 in other organic matter 1.89 Ether extract 3-98 Nicotine 3-!0 Analysis of the crude ash showed the following composition : Sand, silica, etc : 22.67% Iron and aluminum (Fe 2 3 and A1 2 3 ) 1.86 Manganese (Mn 3 4 ) 0.62 Magnesium (MgO) 4-69 Calcium (Ca6) 20.74 Potassium (K 2 0) 22.44 Sodium (Na a O) 0.80 Sulphuric acid (S0 3 ) •' 6.09 Chlorine (CI) 0.71 Phosphoric acid (P 2 O s ) 3-62 Carbonic acid (C0 2 ) ._ 14-50 Undetermined including moisture 1.26 Deduct oxygen=chlorine 0.16 Total 100.00 I56 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. ClCARETTES. In connection with a study of methods for the determination of nicotine in tobacco and other products a number of brands of cigarettes were examined. Table VI. Analyses of Cigarettes. Station No. Brand. Loss at 100 °C. Ash. Nitrogen. Nicotine. % % % % 19298 Lucky Strike 7-63 16.54 2.23 I.83 19311 Melachrino 7-34 17-74 2.58 1-43 19316 Camel 7.98 IS-30 2.24 1.80 I93I7 Fatima 8.25 13-63 I.99 1.72 19318 Murad 7-33 17.14 2.72 1.46 Hellebore. 19730. White Hellebore Root. J. L. Hopkins & Co., New York. 19736. Key Brand Hellebore. Interstate Chemical Co., Jer- sey City, N. J. 18109. Anchor Brand Hellebore. Leggett & Brother, New York. 18098. Hellebore Root. S. B. Penick & Co., New York. 19731. Hellebore Root Powder. S. B. Penick & Co., New York. Table VII. Analyses of Hellebore. Ash. Total alkaloids. Total nitrogen. Station No. Insol. Guaranteed Total. in acid. Found. not less than. % % % % % 19730 H.83 6.97 I.07 0.79 I.2I 19736 IO.56 5-03 1-43 0.25 I.29 18109 7-50 3-23 1.26 0.20 i-59 18OQ8 9-25 5-40 1.27 I.I4 I973I 4.46 1.05 2.70 I. OO 1.48 The method used for the determination of alkaloids of Vera- trum (hellebore), was as described by Viehoover and Clevenger 1 . Miscellaneous Insecticides and Fungicides. The following spray materials were made by the Niagara Spray- er Co., Middleport, N. Y. and were sampled by the Station agent from the stock of H. D. Peters, Highwood. J Jour. Am. Phar. Assoc, -11, 3, 169, March 1922. MISCELLANEOUS INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. 1 57 19425. Niagara Potato Dust Mixture, without poison. La- beled monohydrated copper sulphate, 19.5 ; inert ingredients, 80.5. Analysis : •Found. Guaranteed. Copper, metallic 7.56% 6.50% 19426. Niagara "All in One." Labeled sulphur, 19; nicotine, 1.1; lead arsenate, 9.5; Bordeaux, 19; inert ingredients, 51.4. Analysis-: Found. Guaranteed. % % Copper, metallic 6.30 4.00 Arsenic, metallic .'. 1.82 1.80 Arsenic, water-soluble ... 0.50 Nicotine 1..11 1.10 19429. Niagara 80-10-10 Mixture. Labeled sulphur, 78; lead arsenate, 9.8; inert ingredients, 12.2. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % % Arsenic, metallic 2.26 1.95 Arsenic, water-soluble ... 0.50 19430. Niagara 85-15 Dusting Mixture. Labeled sulphu/ 83; lead arsenate, 14.70; inert ingredients, 2.30. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % % Arsenic, metallic 3.02 2.92 Arsenic, water-soluble ... 0.50 Other miscellaneous materials sampled by the Station agent are as follows : 18453. Pyrox. Bowker Insecticide Co., Boston. 18446. Naco Kalibor. Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. 18086. Hexpo. H. J. Smith & Co., Utica, N. Y. 19739. Key-Cide. Interstate Chemical Co., Jersey City. 158 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. W < t— i PS w en o 13 <5 ►J J w u t/5 fa o en en < > w 1-1 M «2 O J3 a 3 o IS c oj co 1) J3 +-» -*-> 3 C/5 CO Cfl u a; CO « — ' 3 -u O ° 3 O CO c o U o 3 O « ■4-1 t/3 ^ mm n KNfO odd , > t^ !>> rt i" t< i< FmPQO covo vd tJ> ui t1-oo ro "*■ ■* O *> 00 00 00 en MISCELLANEOUS INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. 1 59 18450. Slug Shot. Hammond's Slug Shot Works, Beacon, N. Y. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % % Sulphur ... 6.00 Arsenic, metallic 0.89 0.79 Water-soluble arsenic, metallic 0.12 trace Copper, metallic 1.01 0.91 1 Nicotine '. . 0.04 trace Carbolic acid, crude present 0.40 18087. Bug Death. Danforth Chemical Co., Leominster, Mass. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % % Zinc oxide 54-15 47.00 Lead oxide « 14.1 1 5.00 18092. Sterlingzvorth Cut Worm Killer. Sterling Chemical Co., Cambridge, Mass. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. Arsenious oxide 1.99 1.00 (not less than) Water-soluble arsenic, metal 1.40 0.07 (not more than) The arsenic in this sample is largely in water-soluble form. 18444. He-Bo. Sterling Chemical Co., Cambridge, Mass. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % % ■ Barium carbonate 34-41 36.00 Arsenic, metallic 1.35 2.00 Arsenic, water-soluble, metal 0.12 0.30 . 18103.' Mag-O-Tite. Randall-McLaughlin, Seattle, Wash. Analysis : Found. Guaranteed. % % ■ Arsenic, metallic ... 0.06 Arsenic, water-soluble, metal 0.06 0.002 Napthalene 6.35 4.39 Napthalene was determined by extracting the material with ether, dissolving the ether extract in boiling 95 per cent alcohol and precipitating the napthalene by means of a saturated solu- 1 Calculated from copper-sulphate and copper arsenite guaranteed. l6o CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. tion of picric acid. The naphthalene picrate was dried at 50° C. and weighed 1 . 18457. .Sulfocide. B. G. Pratt Co., New York. This is a liquid fungicide guaranteed to contain 30 per cent of sulphur combined as sodium polysulphide and sodium thiosulphate. Analysis showed the following distribution of sulphur 2 : Sulphur, total 29.25% as thiosulphate ' 1.84 as sulphate 0.10 as sulphide, by diff 27.31 The following miscellaneous materials were submitted from various sources : 19173. Nickel Carbonate. Submitted by the Station ento- mologist. It was found to contain 44.64 per cent of nickel, which is equiva- lent to 90.28 per cent of nickel carbonate. The material contained also a trace of sulphates. Nickel was determined by the dimethyl- glyoxime method 3 . 172 57. Borecide. Mason Drug and Chemical Co., Hancock, Md. According to descriptive literature concerning this insecticide, the vapors which it gives off are toxic to borers and other tree pests. Partial analysis was made as follows : Ash 58.14% Loss on ignition 41.86 Insoluble in boiling water 65.35 M. P. of sublimate 3i.o°C. The material has the odor of naphthalene and the sublimate combined with picric acid. The melting point, however, was not correct for naphthalene, but approximated that of the methyl de- rivative. 19732. M editings P. T. B. Mechling Bros. Mfg. Co, Cam- den, N. J. This is a preparation of paradichlorobenzine, the vapors of which are destructive to peach tree borers and other tree pests. The melting point of the compound was observed to be 56°C. 19683 and 19684. Fish Oil Soap. Made by the General Chemical Co, New York, and submitted by the Station ento- mologist. Differentiated by the sodum cobaltinitrite and potas- 1 Allen Comm. Org. Analysis, 3, p. 243 et seq. Mulliken. Identification of Pure Organic Compounds, 1, p. 201. 2 Analysis by H. J. Fisher. 3 Griffin, Technical Methods of Analysis, p. 121. MISCELLANEOUS INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. l6l sium pyroantimonate tests, 19683 was indicated to be a soda soap, while 19684 was indicated to be largely a potash soap. 18898. A paste made by the Garden Chemical Co., New York, and examined for the Station entomologist. It appeared to be composed largely of an emulsion of soap and pyridine. Dusting Powder, made by the Niagara Sprayer Co., Middle- port, N. Y., was submitted by E. M. Ives, Meriden. By the U. S. P. assay it contained 99.09 per cent of sulphur; 98.2 per cent of the powder passed a 200 mesh sieve. 19404. Bordeaux mixture, thought to have decomposed or to have been mixed with other material. The sample, which was a black powder, contained 24.02 per cent of calcium oxide and 21.23 per cent of copper, largely in the form of cupric oxide. 19339. Bees and 19340, Soil, submitted by O. N. White- head, Wallingford. The bees were thought to have been killed by arsenical spray on blossoms of peach trees. No conspicuous amounts of arsenic were found in either the bees or the soil. 18095. Kayso. California Central Creameries, San Fran- cisco. A prepared casein spreader to be used with spraying mix- tures. The material contained 25.26 per cent of casein (calculated from nitrogen by the factor 6.38), and 73.78 per cent of ash, which consisted chiefly of calcium. 19492. Ace-Hy.- General Chemical Co., New York. The active ingredient is not stated, but the inert ingredient is stated to be water, of which there is not more than 40 per cent. The pre- paration is an emulsion in which a cyanide, equivalent to 2.29 grams CN per 100 cc. is the chief active ingredient detected. The ash, 3.58 per cent, consisted chiefly of iron and copper oxides. Water and volatile matter (at 100° C.), made up 77.3 per cent of the material. Salairacine. Made by J. D. McGregor, Stamford. A sample, 17745, submitted by a purchaser in 192 1, and one, 19740, supplied by the Station entomologist, have been exam- ined as follows : 17745 19740 % % Moisture 0.90 .... Insoluble in dilute acid 0.56 .... Nitrogen (in nitrates) none 1.95 Lead oxide (PbO) 24.21 .... Arsenic oxide (As,0 3 ) H-73 10.54 Oxides of iron and aluminum (Fe 2 O s and ALO : ,) . . 0.50 .... Calcium (CaO) 25.64 17.67 Magnesium (MgCO 17-33 ■Carbon dioxide (CCO, by difference 19-13 • ■ ■ • l62 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. The analysis made in 192 1 indicated that the material was com- posed essentially of lead arsenate and dolomitic lime. The sam- ple analyzed in 1922 showed a considerable amount of nitrogen in nitrates, indicating a change in the formula. Advertising litera- ture submitted with the first sample states: "Salairacine de- stroys the insects in the soil and gives new life to young and old trees. It has been used with great success on trees which were absolutely riddled with borers." It is directed to loosen the soil two inches deep around trees and dust salairacine into the soil; or sprinkle on the surface of turf and water thoroughly. There is nothing shown by our analyses to indicate any insecti- cidal value in this product not supplied by lead arsenate as well; or any fertilizing value not equally well supplied by nitrate of soda and lime. The following were submitted by the Station entomologist dur- ing 192 1 and are cited from Bulletin 233 of this laboratory, p. 109 : 16420. "Sulco-V. B." Contained 3.97 per cent of phenol. 16740. Niagara Contact Special Dusting Mixture was found to contain 1.62 per cent nicotine. Four nicotine mixtures were found to contain 0.29, 0.30, 0.84 and 0.71 per cent of nicotine. 16946. Formaldehyde solution submitted by the Station bot- anist, was found to contain 33.7 per cent of formaldehyde by weight. II. Recent Developments in the Use of Insecticides. By W. E. Britton, Entomologist. In connection with the analyses reported in the preceding pages, it might be well to call attention to some tendencies of the present day in the use of insecticides and fungicides. In 1907, when Bul- letin 157 was published, no arsenical poisons were used except paste lead arsenate and Paris green. At the present time to kill chewing insects, most Connecticut orchardists and vegetable grow- ers prefer and use lead arsenate in its dry or powdered form, which is easier to handle and seems to be just as effective. As an insecticide, Paris green has largely been replaced by lead arsen- ate. Moreover, several other poisons are now on the market, such as calcium arsenate, copper-calcium arsenate, and zinc arsenite which are sometimes, though probably not extensively, used. In 1907, nicotine sulphate preparations were little used, whereas now they have come into almost universal use to kill sucking in- sects. Casein spreaders were then unknown and are now coming into rather general use. Dusting in orchards is a recent practice in Connecticut, which will probably not wholly supplant spray- ing; and there are many proprietary insecticides and fungicides now on the market, and many possible and advantageous combina- tions of standard materials, unheard of fifteen years ago. Like- wise in those days the lime-sulphur mixture was used only as a dormant spray to kill San Jose scale, but now this mixture dilut- ed as a summer spray' is the most common fungicide used on the foliage in Connecticut apple orchards. Arsenical Poisons. Arsenical insecticides are commonly employed as stomach poi- sons to kill chewing insects, such as grasshoppers, caterpillars and leaf-beetles. The poison is placed upon the food plant, and must be swallowed by the insect in order to be effective as an insecti- cide. Lead arsenate is by far the most common one now in use, is generally non-injurious to the plant, and may be applied as a dust or in liquid form at the rate of one ounce of paste or one- half ounce of the powder in a gallon of water. This is nearly equivalent to three pounds of the paste or one and one-half pounds of the powder in a barrel holding fifty gallons. Paris green contains a sufficient amount of water-soluble ar- senic to be generally unsafe for vegetation except in the presence of lime. Lime should also be added to a mixture of calcium arsen- ate when used on most kinds of foliage, but both Paris green and 164 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 242. calcium arsenate may be used in combination with Bordeaux mixture on potatoes without fear of injury. Several times in our Station tests calcium arsenate has injured apple foliage even where lime was added. Zinc arsenite was used as a poison on ten rows of potatoes at the Station Farm at Mount Carmel in 1914, in comparison with lead arsenate. Both killed the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, and there was no injury to the foliage. Magnesium and barium arsenates have not been used in Station tests. Hellebore. Hellebore is the powdered rootstock of an herbaceous plant, Veratrum. It acts as a stomach poison and has slight value as a repellant. Its virtue depends upon a volatile alkaloid ; hence only fresh material should be used. The larvae of the sawflies, like the currant worm, are particularly susceptible to death from eat- ing it. It may be applied dry and undiluted or mixed with water at the rate of one ounce in two gallons. &*- Nicotine Preparations. Though nicotine is a stomach poison if taken in sufficient amounts, it is chiefly employed to kill sucking insects by contact. It is often used in the form of tobacco dust, finely ground, but as tobaccos vary widely in their nicotine content and few manufac- turers have attempted to place a uniform product on the market, nicotine is generally purchased as a liquid in the form of nicotine sulphate containing 40 per cent nicotine. There are several commercial preparations on the market sold under trade names, "Black Leaf 40" being one of those best known in Connecticut. When diluted at the rate of one teaspoonful per gallon, or one- half pint per barrel, and applied as a spray, it will kill most soft- bodied aphids, but this quantity may need to be doubled to kill some other sucking insects. Even in stronger applications it does not injure most kinds of foliage. When used alone it is more effective if cpmmon laundry soap, one-half ounce per gallon, or two pounds per barrel, is dissolved and added, but this is un- necessary when used with calcium caseinate or with lime-sulphur. Combinations of Insecticides and Fungicides. Though each different material may be recommended and used to control some particular pest, the grower cannot conveniently make a separate application for this purpose, and has practiced applying them in combination to control those chewing and suck- ing insects and fungi which may simultaneously attack his crops. For instance, he can combine lead arsenate, nicotine solution and COMBINATION OF INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. 165. Bordeaux mixture to form the best general application for pota- toes. Calcium arsenate may be substituted for lead arsenate at a saving in cost, but by such a combination thoroughly applied, the grower may effect a reasonable degree of control over the Colo- rado beetle, aphids, leafhoppers, and the blight. Bordeaux mix- ture is still the most effective fungicide on the potato. In Connecticut apple orchards, Bordeaux mixture is not em- ployed to the same extent as was the case a few years ago on ac- count of its effect in russeting the fruit. Liquid lime-sulphur (diluted 1 to 40) is now generally used in its place on the foliage. Some trouble results from an indiscriminate mixing of lime-sul- phur with lead arsenate and nicotine, but this may be avoided in large measure by mixing in the proper order and by the use of a calcium caseinate spreader. The best results are obtained when these materials are placed in the spray tank in the following order : t. Clean water. Nicotine sulphate. Calcium caseinate (if used). Lead arsenate. Lime-sulphur. There is usually some discoloration when lime-sulphur and lead arsenate are put together, and this sometimes approaches a brown color due to lead sulphide being formed. If the nicotine is then thrown into this mixture it will often be precipitated in masses of brown sludge, which will clog the pump and coat the tank. When mixed in the order shown above, particularly with the calcium caseinate spreader, little or no discoloration follows, and a clear yellow mixture results. The spreader is also of material assist- ance in coating the whole surface with a thin film of the spray mixture; otherwise, it is apt to collect in drops. The spreader, therefore, insures better protection to the foliage, makes the mix- ture go further, and prevents chemical changes from occurring when the different ingredients are mixed together. University of Connecticut Libraries 39153029222124