Please [\dle this volume with care. Jniversity of Connecticut Libraries, Storrs hbl, stx HS 537.C8A18 Records of 'reemasonj in the stat 3 %153 DQ473EDfi "^ en o 00 > 00 % Or A ha ^^ricr€ STATE OF COMECTICUT, \YITn A BRIEF ACCOUNT OP ITS ORIGIN IN NEW ENGLAND, AND THE ENTIRE PEOCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE, Firft Organization, A. L. 5789. COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES, BY E. a. STOKER, GRAND SECRETARY. |[£to Jal)^n : PUBLISHED BY E. G. STOKER, 97 CHAPEL STREET. HENRY B. STORER, PRINTER. 1859. X, TO THE MEMBERS Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Mafons in the State of Connefticut, %\)t MoTli tmlmu^i m Hit folljjtoiwg |aps IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, WITH FRATERNAL REGARD, BY THE GRAND SECRETARY. COMMENDATORY. CONSENT OF THE GRAND LODGE. Annual Communication, May 13, A. L. 5858. On motion of R. W. Bro. F. P. COE— Resolved, That Bro. E. G, Storer, the present Grand Secretary, have permission to publish, on his own account, such of the early records of the Grand Lodge, and other documents connected therewith, as he may desire. APPROBATION OP GRAND OFFICERS. The undersigned, Grand Oflicers of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, do most heartily approve of the proposal of Bro. Storer, the R. W. Grand Secretary, to publish the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, and other interesting papers connected with the History of Freemasonry from its ear- liest existence in this State to the present time ; and we earnestly recommend the enterprise to the patronage and support of the Lodges and members of the fraternity throughout the jurisdiction. GEORGE F. DASKAM, Grand Master. JOHN C. BLACKMAN, Deputy G. Master. HOWARD B. ENSIGN, Senior G. Warden. FREDERICK P. COE, Junior G. Warden. DAVID E. BOSTWICK, Senior G. Deacon. WILLIAM B. CASEY, Junior G. Deacon. CONCURRENCE OF PAST GRAND MASTERS. We cordially concur with the Officers of the Grand Lodge in their approbation and recommendation of R. W. Bro. Storer's proposed publication, believing it ■will be a work of much interest to the Craft in general, and to the Fraternity in this State in particular. LEONARD HENDEE, Past Grand Master. DYER T. BRAINERD, ANER BRADLEY, HENRY PECK, HORACE GOODWIN, AVERY C. BABCOCK, WILLIAM E. SANFORD, do. DAVID CLARK, THEODORE SPENCER, do. WILLIAM L. BREWER, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ORIGIN OF MASONRY IN NEW ENGLAND. In order to (liow the paternity of fome of the firft Mafonic Lodges eftabliflied in Connedicut, and in other States, we Ihall make a few fliort extrafts from the " Proceedings in Mafonry, from its Firft Origin in New England," which we find in a volume belonging to our Grand Lodge Library, entitled " The Conftitutions of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Mafons, containing their Hiftory, Charges, Addreffes, &c., collected and digefted from their Old Records, Faithful Traditions, and Lodge Books, for the ufe of Masons ; to which is added a Hiftory of the Grand Lodges in the Commonwealth of Maffachu- setts," &c. From 1733 to 1755, two Grand Lodges exifted in Maffachufetts, one derived from England, the other from Scotland. This ancient book was compiled and arranged, after the union of thefe two Grand Lodges, by a Committee appointed for that purpofe, of which Doct. John Warren was the Chairman. It was publiflied, under the fanction of the Grand Mafter and Grand Wardens, in the year 1 792, by Brother Isaiah Thomas, of Worcefter. It has ever been looked upon as a truthful exponent of the principles, defigns and teachings of our venerable Order, as well as a faithful record of its early hiftory in England, Scotland, Ireland and America. This volume was dedicated to our " Illuftrious Brother George Washington, the Friend of Masonry, of his Country, and of Man." The brief extrads which we take, allude chiefly to the granting of charters for Connefticut ; although it cannot be coniidered as a digreffion from our fubject, or as entirely foreign to our original purpofe, to notice the introduction of Mafonry in other parts of our country. 6 EARLY RECORD OF MASONRY. [1733. EXTRACTS FROM THE HISTORY OF ST, JOHN'S GRAND LODGE, BOSTON. As descending from the Grand Master of England. In consequence of an application from several brethren, re- siding in New England, Free and Accepted Masons, to the Kt. Worshipful Anthony, Lord Viscount Montague, Grand Master of Masons in England, in the year 1733, he was pleased to con- stitute and appoint the Et. Worshipful Henry Price, Provincial Grand Master of New England, aforesaid. Upon the receipt of this commission, the brethren assembled July 30, and the said charter of constitution being read, and the Et. Worshipful Grand Master duly invested and congratu- lated, a Grand Lodge was formed, and the officers chosen and installed. A petition was then presented by several brethren residing in Boston, praying to be constituted into a regular Lodge ; and it was voted that the same be granted. This Lodge was styled " The First Lodge in Boston," or " St. John's Lodge." Thus was Masonry founded in North America. A petition being presented from Benjamin Franklin and sev- eral brethren residing in Philadelphia, June 24, 1734, for a constitution for holding a Lodge there ; the Et. Worshipful Grand Master, having this year received orders from the Grand Lodge in England to establish Masonry in all North America, was pleased to grant the prayer of the petitioners, and to send them a deputation, appointing the Et. Worshipful Benjamin Franklin their first Master ; which was the beginning of Ma- sonry in the State of Pennsylvania. A petition from the brethren residing in Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, for the erection of a Lodge there, was also granted, denominated " The Holy Lodge of St. John's ;" which was the beginning of Masonry in New Hampshire. The Et. Worshipful Thomas Oxnard having received a depu- tation March 6, 1744, from the Et. Honorable and Most Wor- shipful John Lord Ward, Baron of Birmingham, in the county 1749.] EARLY RECORD OF MASONRY. 7 of Warwick, &c., G-rand Master of Masons in England, appoint- ing him Provincial Grand Master of New England ; which be- ing commnnicated, he was properly acknowledged, invested, in- stalled and congratulated. The petition of a number of brethren, December 27, 1749, resident in Newport, Khode Island, praying for the incorpora- tion of a regular Lodge there, being read, it was voted, that a charter be granted them ; being the first regular Lodge estab- lished in Khode Island. The petition of several brethren at New Haven, in Connecti- cut, for the erection of a Lodge there was granted, denominated '' Hiram Lodge ;" which was the first Lodge established in Connecticut. This was August 12th, 1750. At the same communication a petition was received and the charter granted for a Lodge in Annapolis, Maryland ; by which which Masonry was established in that State. January 12, 1753, the petition of several brethren residing at New London, in the colony of Connecticut, for dispensation to erect a Lodge there, was granted. In compliance with the petition of several brethren, February 4, 1754, resident in Middletown, in Connecticut, a charter con- stituting a regular Lodge there was granted. June 26, 1754. By reason of the death of the Eight Wor- shipful Grrand Master Thomas Oxnard, at 11 o'clock this mor- ning, whose loss was sincerely lamented by all who had the pleasure and the honor of his acquaintance, and more especially by the Society over which he had for eleven years presided with dignity, the Grand Lodge voted to attend his funeral in mourn- ing, with the honors of Masonry, and to invite the several Lodges in Boston to assist on the mournful occasion. August 21, 1755, the Right Worshipful Jeremy Gridley, who had been appointed Provincial Grand Master of North America, in place of R. W. Grand Master Thomas Oxnard, deceased, was installed in King Solomon's Chair, properly congratulated and saluted. The Rt. Worshipful Grand Master, by his charter of deputa- tion, dated May 13, 1756, authorized the Rt. W. Richard Grid- 8 EARLY RECORD OF MASONRY. [1757. ley, Esq., to congregate all Free and Accepted Masons engaged in the present expedition against Crown Point, and form them into one or more Lodges as he should think fit, and to appoint Wardens and all other necessary officers to a regular Lodge ap- pertaining. A Lodge was incorporated at Providence, in Rhode Island, January 18, 1757, in compliance with the petition of several brethren residing there. A deputation was granted to the Rt. Worshipful Edward Huntingford, November 13, 1758, to hold a Lodge in his Majes- ty's '28th Regiment, stationed at Louisburgh. The Rt. Worshipful Abraham Savage was authorized, April 13, to congregate all Free and Accepted Masons in the expe- dition intended against Canada, at Lake George or elsewhere, into one or more Lodges as he shall think fit, and appoint proper officers, &c. June 24, a deputation was granted to Col, Joseph IngersoU, to hold a Lodge at Crown Point. At the usual Grand Lodge of quarterly communication, &c., January 24, 1766, the Rt. Worshipful Grand Master appointed the Rt, Worshi23ful John Rowe, his Dei3uty. At a special meeting of the Grand Lodge, September 11, 1767, the Deputy Grand Master having informed the brethren that it had pleased the Supreme Architect to remove by death the Rt. Worshipful Jeremy Gridley, Provincial Grand Master of Masons in North America, the Lodge voted, that in testimony of grate- ful and affectionate regard to his memory, the honors of Mason- ry be observed at his interment. At a sj)ecial meeting, October 2, voted, that the Grand Sec- retary write to the Rt. Worshipful Henry Price, Past Grand Master, requesting him in the name of the Lodge, to resume the chair as Grand Master, in room of the late Rt. Worshipful Grand Master, deceased, until another Grand Master be consti- tuted ; and on the 23d inst. he signified his compliance with their desire, and was with the usual ceremonies invested and re- placed in King Solomon's Chair. A dispensation was made out for the Rt. Worshipful Thomas 1768.] EARLY RECORD OF MASONRY, 9 Cooper, Master of Pitt County Lodge, in Nortli Carolina, con- stituting him Deputy Grand Master of tliat Province. And he was commissioned with power to congregate all the brethren then residing, or should afterwards reside in said Province, into one or more Lodges as he should think fit, and in such jilace or places within the same as should most redound to the general benefit of Masonry. January 22, 1768. At this usual season for choosing Grand Officers, the Kt. Worshipful John Eowe was duly and consti- tutionally chosen and saluted as Grand Master elect ; he then continued the several officers in their respective appointments. A committee was then chosen to write to the Kt. Honorable and Et. Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in England, in behalf of this Lodge, to request of him a deputation for a Pro- vincial Grand Master, to continue three years in office, according to a former vote of limitation passed by this Lodge ; with this reservation, that notwithstanding, should the Lodge see fit to continue the same Grand Master longer in the chair, and signify the same accordingly, the said deputation should remain in full force the continued term ; and that he should remain in the possession of all the authorities and privileges of his first ap- pointment from the expiration of the three years, or continuance, to the installment of another. And the Most Worshipful Grand Master elect having been nominated, was recommended to the Rt, Honorable and Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in England for his sanction and commission. At a sj)ecial meeting, November 23, 1768, appointed for the purpose of installing the new Grand Master, a very large num- ber of brethren being assembled in Concert Hall, the commission from his Grace Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, Marquis and Earl of Worcester, &c., &c.. Grand Master of Masons in Eng- land, constituting and ajjpointing the Rt. Worshipful John Rowe Provincial Grand Master for all North America, where no other Grand Master is appointed, being read, he was install- ed and proclaimed, saluted and congratulated accordingly. Af- ter this, the brethren walked in procession to Trinity Church, where the Rev. Mr, Walter read prayers, and the Rev, Bro, Ed- 2 10 EARLY RECORD OF MASONRY. [1769. ward Bass, of Newburyport, preached an excellent sermon. When divine service was over they returned to the hall in Ma- sonic order, and concluded the celebration of the day in harmony, love and joy. At a Grand Lodge of quarterly communication, &c., April 28, 1769, a petition was presented by Several brethren, resident in Wallingford, in Connecticut, praying for the establishment of a Lodge there ; whereupon, voted, that the prayer of the pe- tition be granted and that a charter be granted accordingly. A charter for establishing a Lodge in Guilford, in the colony of Connecticut, was granted July 10, 1771, to several brethren residing there, petitioning for this privilege. February 25, 1774, a noble and generous plan of more diffu- sive benevolence, and particularly of liberal relief to indigent brethren or their widows and orphans, was proposed by the Kt. Worshipful Grand Master and cheerfully adopted by the Lodge. A committee was chosen to make some alterations and amend- ments in the scheme ; and printed copies of the articles, with circular- letters strongly recommending the plan and intimating its necessity, and warmly soliciting their encouragement and subscri23tion, were sent to all the Lodges under the jurisdiction. [April 19th, 1775, hoftilities commenced between Great Britain and America, from which period a chafm is made in this hiftory. War, with its attendant diftraftions, inter- fered with the peaceful plans of this philanthropic Inftitu- tion ; Bofton became a garrifon, and was abandoned by many of its former inhabitants ; the regular meetings of the Grand Lodge were fufpended, and the brethren held no affembly until after the conclulion of the conteft and the eftablifhment of peace.] 1752,] EARLY RECORD OF MASONRY. 11 EXTRACTS FROM THE HISTORY OF 'mSSACHUSETTS GRAND LODGE/' As descending froyn the Grand Master of Scotland. In the year 1751, a number of brethren who had traveled, and many of whom were initiated into the mysteries of the Craft in ancient Lodges abroad, became emulous to cultivate the royal art in the western world. For this laudable purpose they petitioned the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a charter of erection ; and the prayer thereof being granted, they received a dispensation, dated November 30, 1752, from Sholto Charles Douglas, Lord Arberdour, then Grand Master, constituting them a regular Lodge, imder the title of " St. Andrew's, No. 82," to be holden at Boston, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, The establishment of this Lodge was discouraged and opposed by St. John's Grand Lodge, who imagined their jurisdiction in- fringed by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, They, therefore, re- fused any communications or visits from such members of St. Andrew's Lodge as had not formerly sat in their Lodges, and this difficulty did not entirely subside for several years. The prosperous state of St, Andrew's Lodge soon led to great exertions for the establishment of an ancient Grand Lodge in the Province ; and this was effected by the assistance of three traveling Lodges, which were holden in the British Army, then stationed at Boston. December 27, 1769. — On this festival, which was celebrated in due form, a commission from the Kt, Honorable and Most Wor- shipful George, Earle of Dalhousie, Grand Master of Masons in Scotland, bearing date the 30th day of May, 1769, appointing Joseph Warren to be Grand Master of Masons in Boston, New England, and within one hundred miles of the same, was read : whereuj)on the brethren proceeded, according to ancient usage, to install the Kt. WorshiiDful Grand Master Warren ; who af- terwards appointed and invested the other Grand Officers. 12 EAELY EECORD OF MASONRY. [1775- April 19, 1775. — On this memorable era hostilities commenced between Great Britain and America ; immediately upon which the town of Boston became a gamson, and was abandoned by many of its inhabitants, so that the regular meetings of the Grand Lodge were suspended. June 17. — By the contest of this eventful day on the cele- brated heights of Charlestown, the Grand Lodge sustained a heavy loss, in the death of Grand Master Warren, who w\as slain contending for the liberties of his country. Soon after the evacuation of Boston by the British army, and previous to any regular communication, the brethren, influenced by a pious regard to the memory of the late Grand Master, were induced to search for his body, which had been rudely and in- discriminately buried on the field of slaughter. They accord- ingly repaired to the place, and by direction of a person who was on the ground about the time of his burial, a spot was found where the earth had been recently turned up. Upon re- moving the turf and opening the grave, which was on the brow of a hill and adjacent to a small cluster of sprigs, the remains were discovered in a mangled condition, but were easily ascer- tained by an artificial tooth ; and being decently raised, were conveyed on the 8th of April, 1776, to the State House in this metropolis ; from whence, by a large and respectable number of brethren, with the late Grand Officers, attending in a regular procession, they were carried to the Stone Chapel, where an animated eulogium was delivered by Bro. Perez Morton, at their request. The body was then conveyed to the silent vault and there sacredly deposited, "without a sculptured stone to mark the spot ; but as the whole earth is the sepulchre of illustrious men, his fame, his glorious actions, are engraved on the tablet of universal remembrance, and will survive marble monuments or local inscriptions." October 6, 1779, a petition of a number of brethren, officers in the American army, praying that this Grand Lodge would grant them a charter to hold a traveling Lodge, was read, and Gen. John Patterson, Col. Benjamin Tupper and Maj. William Hull, being nominated as Master and Wardens, voted, that a 1781.] EARLY EECORD OF MASONRY, 13 dispensation be granted tliem under the title of " Washington Lodge," to make Masons, pass Fellow Crafts and raise Masters, in any of the United States where there is no Grand Lodge ; but in any State where a Grand Master presides they must ap- ply for his sanction. It was then determined that all charters granted without the limits of this State shall be understood to remain in force until a Grand Lodge is formed in the government where such Lodges are held, or during the pleasure of this Grand Lodge. On a petition of a number of brethren, January 12, 1781, at Colchester, in the State of Connecticut, for a charter to erect a Lodge in said town, voted, that the prayer be granted. On the petition of several brethren in Litchfield, in Connecti- cut, May 27, 1781, requesting a charter of erection, voted, that the prayer be granted. On a petition of several brethren, January 3, 1783, for hold- ing a Lodge at Derby, in Connecticut, voted, that a charter be granted under the title of "King Hiram Lodge." Jan. 19, 1785, a petition was received and a charter granted, for a Lodge in Manchester, Vermont. A petition was also presented June 24, 1785, from several brethren, requesting the establishment of a Lodge at Norwich, in Connecticut, whereupon, voted, that a charter be granted under the title of " Columbia Lodge." On the petition of a number of brethren for a charter to hold a Lodge in Farmington, in Connecticut, September 18, 1787, voted, that a commission be issued under the name of " Fred- erick Lodge." December 5, 1791, a committee was appointed to confer with the officers of St. John's Grand Lodge, upon the subject of a complete Masonic union throughout this Commonwealth, and to report at the next quarterly communication. March 5, 1792, a Constitution and By-Laws for associating the two Grand Lodges, as agreed to by the St. John's Grand Lodge, was read and deliberately considered, and the question for a concurrence being taken, it was unanimously agreed to, and the union of the two Grand Lodges was accordingly effected. 14 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 1776.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE, CONNECTICUT LINE. The operations of this Lodge, during the War of the American Revolution, form a moil: important hnk in the chain of Mafonic Hiftory in this country ; inafmuch as it embraced, in its memberiliip and among its initiates, gentle- men attached to the Army, coming from various States of the Union, who, " When the storm of war was done," were feparated by the return of peace, and permitted to repair to their refpective homes ; not, as we are bound to believe, to forget or mifapply the numerous impreffive leflbns taught in the Lodge, but to cultivate and extend the philanthropic principles of " Friendfliip, Morality and Brotherly Love," by fraternal intercourfe and correfpond- ence, refulting finally in the eftablifliment of Lodges in almoft every part of the country. A prominent object in publifiiing thefe proceedings in detail, is to fliow the charader of the Mafonic Inftitution in its infancy in this State and in this country, by fliowing who were its members, who vifited its affemblies, and who performed its myftic ceremonies and obferved its myftic rites. For this purpofe we copy, almoft entire, the original Minute-Book of the American Union Lodge, giving the names of all who were received in it, whether by initiation, admiffion, or vifitation, as it moved with the Army, as a pillar of " light," in parts of Connedicut, New York and New Jerfey. During the fufpenfion of the meetings of the Grand Lodge at Bofton, in 1776, the following Difpenfation was iffued by the Grand Mafter : 1776.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 15 JOHN ROWE, Grand Master, To Joel Clark, Esq. — Greeting. By virtue of authority invefted in me, I hereby, repofing fpecial truft and confidence in your knowledge and Ik ill of the Ancient Craft, do appoint and conftitute you, the faid Joel Clark, Efquire, Mafter of the AMERICAN UNION LODGE, now erected in Roxbury, or wherever your Body lliall remove on the Continent of America, provided it is where no Grand Mafter is appointed. You are to promote in your Lodge the utmoft Harmony and Brotherly Love, and to keep up to the Conftitutions, for the reputation of the Craft, In your makings you are to be very cautious of the Moral Character of such perfons, and alfo of vifitors, and fuch as defire to become Members of your Lodge, (fuch as were not made in it.) You are to tranfmit to the Grand Lodge a fair account of the choice of your officers, as well prefent as future. Any matters com- ing before your Lodge that cannot be adjuited, you are to appeal to and lay the fame before the Grand Lodge for a decifion. You are, as often as the Grand Lodge meets, to attend with your two Wardens ; of the time and place the Grand Lodge lliall meet, you will have previous notice. In order to fupport the Grand Lodge, your Lodge is to pay into the hands of the Grand Secretary, each Quarterly Night, the fum of 1 2 lliillings lawful money ; all of which you will pay due regard to. This Commiffion to remain in full force and virtue until recalled by me or my fucceffor in office. Given under my hand, and the hands of the Grand Wardens, (the feal of the Grand Lodge firft af- [l. s.] fixed,) this the 15th day of Feb'y, Anno Mundi 5776, of Salvation 1776. Richard Gridley, D. G. M. William Burbeck, S. G. W. J. G. W. Per order of the G. Mafter. Recorded, Wm. Hoskins, G. Sec'y. 16 AMERICAN UNION LODGE, 1776.] The following names appear on the Minute-Book, as the " Original Members of American Union Lodge, at the firft eftablilliment, April, 1776." CoL Joel Clark, Master Mason. Col. Samuel Holden Parsons, Fellow Craft. Col, John Parke, do. Capt. Ezekiel Scott, do. Thomas Chace, Esq., do. =- Whittlesey, do. Ens. Jonathan Heart, do. Cotton, do. Capt. Joseph Hoit, do. Col. Samuel Wyllys, Entered Apprentice. Capt. William Coit, do. Admitted to Memberfliip fince April i^, 1776. Capt. Elihu Marshall, "j Capt Jonathan Brown, Udmitted members 15th February, 1779. Col. Isaac Sherman, •" Capt. William Redfield, J Lieut. Oliver Lawrence — Admitted 17th February, 1779. Col. Eben Gray, ) Maj. Willis Clift, V Admitted 7th May, 1779. Lieut. Prentice Hosmor, ) Dr. Timothy Hosmer, "] Lieut. John Hobart, j. j^^^^-^^^^ members August, 1779. Capt. Josiah Lacey, == ' Capt. Elijah Chapman, J John Pierce, D. P. Gov. — Admitted member 16th September, 1779. Made Malons previous to the New Regulations. Lieut. Samuel Buxton, ^ Col. Gamaliel Bradford, > Massachusetts Line, made 7th August, 1779. Dr. Elisha Skinner, ) Lieut. Cornelius Russell, ~] Lieut. Samuel H. Barker, nr •, . t mv. i-rrn Lieut. John Sherman, ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^th, 1779. Lieut. Giles Curtis, J Dr. Jonathan Graham, ] Lieut. Peleg Heath, Capt. Henry Ten Eyck, < ^ , Ananst 2fith 1779 Mr. Asa Worthington, f ^^^^^ August ^bth, i/Td. Capt. Stephen Betts, Col. John Brooks, Dr. Samuel Linsley — Made August 29th, 1779. Lieut. John Bush, "] Lieut. Edward Spear, ht j ca ^ -u i ^^i i T-^rx Lieut. Moses Cleavland, [ ^^^^« September 16th, 1779. Lieut. Edward Palmer, J Col. Francis Johnson, ) ,, j rv x u ii^t. -.— Tr^ Maj. David Smith, \ ^^^^« ^^^o^^'' ^^^^'^' 79- OP AMERICAN UNION LODGE. Article 1. That the members of this Lodge shall consist of forty-five and no more, unless it shall hereafter appear necessary for the benefit of Masonry, in which case it shall be determined by a majority of the members present — the Master having a casting vote in this and all other matters that concern the true interest of this Lodge, except in cases hereafter mentioned. Art. 2. That this Lodge shall be held from time to time at such place as by adjournment it shall be ordered, of which the members are desired to take par- ticular notice and attend punctually. Art. 3. In order to preserve the credit of the craft and the harmony of Ma- sonry in general, no candidate shall be made in this Lodge unless his character is well avouched by one or more of the brothers present. Every brother propos- ing a candidate shall stand up and address the Master, and at the same time shall deposit four dollars as advance towards his making, into the hands of the Secre* tary, and if he is accepted shall be in part of his making ; if he is not accepted it shall be returned, and if he is accepted and does not attend it shall be forfeited for the use of the Lodge, casualties excepted. Art. 4. No candidate shall be made on the Lodge night he is proposed, unless it shall appear that he is under such circumstances that he cannot with conven- ience attend the next Lodge night, in which case it shall be submitted to the Lodge. But this rule may be dispensed at discretion of the Lodge. Art. 5. Every candidate proposed shall stand on the minutes until the next Entered Apprentice Lodge night after he is proposed, and then shall be balloted for ; if one negative only shall appear then he shall have the benefit of a second ballot, and if one negative shall still appear he shall have the benefit of a third ballot, and if a negative still appear, the candidate shall then be dismissed and his money refunded : provided, this by-law does not annul the provision made in the immediate foregoing article. Art. 6. Every brother made in this Lodge shall pay ten dollars for his making, of which the deposit money shall be considered as part. Art. 7. A Lodge of emergency may be called for making, passing or raising a brother, they paying the expense of the evening. Art. 8. Every brother made in this Lodge and shall sign the By-Laws, shall commence member thereof, and shall be considered as such until he signifies his intentions to the contrary to the Master and Wardens of the Lodge. Art. 9. Every member shall pay into the hands of the Secretary one shilling, equal to one-sixth of a dollar, for every night's attendance, to be paid quarterly. Art. 10. Every brother visiting this Lodge shall pay one shilling each night he visits, except the first night, when he shall be excused. 3 18 BY-LAWS OF Art. 11. Any visiting brother who shall desire to become a member of this Lodge, being properly recommended, shall have the benefit of a ballot, (the same as a candidate.) and if accepted shall pay nine shilling.?. Art. 12. No person who may have clandestinely obtained any part or parts of the secrets of Masonry shall be siiffered to visit this Lodge until he has made due submission and gone through the necessary forms, in which case he shall pay for making, at the discretion of the Lodge, not exceeding the usual fees. Art. 13. No person made a Mason in a traveling Lodge, being an inhabitant of any metropolis or city where there is a regular Lodge established, shall be ad- mitted as a member or visitor in this Lodge until he has complied with the re- strictions in the immediate foregoing article. Art. 14. Whenever the Master shall strike upon the table the members shall repair to their places and keep a profound silence. No brother is to interrupt the business or harmony of the Lodge, under penalty of receiving a severe repre- raand from the Master for the first ottence, and if he shall remain contumaciously obstinate shall be expelled the Lodge. • Art. 15. When a brother has any thing to propose he shall stand up and ad- dress the Master, and no brother shall interrupt another while speaking, under penalty of a rebuke from the Master. Art. 16. The By-Laws shall be read every Lodge night by the Secretary, to which every member is to give due attention. Art. 17. That every member of the Lodge shall endeavor to keep in mind what passes in Lodge, that when the Master shall examine them on the mysteries of the craft he may not be under necessity of answering for them. Art. 18. That the oflicers of this Lodge shall be chosen on the first Lodge night preceding the Festival of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, and oftener in case of vacancies by death or any other casualties, at the discre- tion of the Lodge. Art. 19. The Secretary shall keep true and fair accounts of all the transactions of the Lodge, and shall pay all moneys collected into the hands of the Treasurer. Art. 20. The Treasurer shall keep fair and true accounts of all moneys re- ceived and paid, and shall exhibit the same when called upon by the Master and Wardens for that purpose ; and when a new Treasurer is chosen the late Treas- \irer shall pay such balance as shall appear to remain in his hands to the new Treasurer. Art. 21. No brother shall leave the Lodge Room until he obtains permission from the Master for that purpose. Art. 22. The outside Tyler shall be allowed one shilling and six pence for each night's attendance, also three shillings more for each new made, passed or raised brother, which shall be paid them exclusive of the premiums paid to the Lodge ; the inside Tyler shall be excused from paying quarterages. Art. 23. Any brother who shall disclose the secret transactions of this Lodge or who shall be privy to the same done by any other brother, and does not in- form the Lodge at the next meeting thereof, shall be expelled the Lodge, never to be re-admitted. Art. 24. Any brother who shall remain in the Lodge Room after the Lodge is closed, and shall be guilty of or accessory to any conduct by which the craft AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 19 shall be subjected to aspersions or the censure of the world, of which the Lodge shall be judge, shall for the first offeiH-e be severely repreraap'led by the Master the first time he appears at Lodge ; for the second offense he shall be expelled the Lodge. Art. 25. Any brother who shall refuse to pay obedience to the foregoing regu- lations, or shall dispute the payment ^^f any fiie laid thereby, or adjudged to be inflicted by a majority of the Lodge, shall be expelled the Lodge. Art. 26. That every brother (being a member of this Lodge) who shall be passed a Fellow Craft, shall pay twelve shillings, and fifteen for being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason ; and that any brother (not a member) shall, for being passed, pay twenty-four shillings, and thirty-six for being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Art. 27. No visiting brother shall be allowed to speak in matters of debate, unless he be desired by the Master to give his opinion. Art. 28. Whereas, many matters may come before this Lodge not particularly provided for in the foregoing By-Laws, the same shall be submitted to the deter- mination of the Lodge by a majority of votes ; the Lodge shall reserve to them- selves to alter, amend, diminish or augment the aforesaid By-Laws, as shall ap- pear necessary by the majority of the members in Lodge assembled. And whereas, from the present depreciation of our money, it will be impossible to maintain the dignity of the Lodge by the premiums arising from the By-Laws, it is ordered by a unanimous vote of this Lodge that the fees for a new made brother be thirty dollars ; passing a brother (being a member) six dollars ; and raising, seven dollars and one-half; and all other perquisites, so far as relates to the gentlemen of the army, be raised three fold to what is prescribed in the By- Laws ; and in all other cases, that the fees and perquisites be at the discretion of the majority of the members in Lodge assembled, except the fees of the outside Tyler, which for making, passing and raising shall be six fold, to be paid agree- ably to the 22d Article of the By-Laws. Signed by Jonathan Heart, Elihu Marshall, William Redfield, Oliver Lawrence, Hezekiah Holdridge, William Richards, Jonathan Brown, Eben Gray, Willis Clift, Prentice Hosmer, David F. Sill, Simeon Belding, Thomas Grosvenor, Henry Champion, Robert Warner, John R. Watrous, Richard Sill, Albergence Waldo, William Little, Elias Stilwill, Jabez Clark, David Judson, William Judd, Samuel Richards, William Higgins, John Simpson, Reuben Pride, Timothy Hosmer, John Hobart, Jabez Parsons, Josiah Lacey, Elijah Chapman, Noah Coleman, Qamaliel Bradford, John Brooks, Samuel Finley, Timothy Whiting, Rufus Putnam, Samuel Craig, W. Wilson, Asa Worthington, S. H. Barker, John Sherman, John Hughes, Elisha Skinner, Jonathan G. Graham, Giles Curtiss, Stephen Betts, Henry TenEyck, Peleg Heath, Thomas Byles. 20 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [Feb. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, viz. ) Reading, February yth, 1779. ) On the application of a number of gentlemen, brethren of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, to the members of American Union Lodge, held by authority, under the Right Worfliipful John Rowe, Efq., Grand Mafter of all Mafons in North America, where no Special Grand Mafter is appointed, requefting that the faid American Union Lodge may be convened, for the purpose of re-eftablilliing the Ancient Craft in the same. Agree- able to which a fummons was iffued, deiiring the members of the American Union Lodge to meet at Widow Sanford's, near Reading Old Meeting Houfe, on Monday, the 15th of inft. February, at 4 o'clock. Past M., and an invitation fent to the others, the brethren of the Ancient and Honor- able Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, to attend at 5 o'clock, Past M. JONATHAN HEART, Secretary American Union Lodge. Feb. 10th, Anno Mundi 5779, ) Salutis, 1779. ) Eeading, viz. Mrs. Sanford's, Feb. 15th, 1779. Agreeable to summons, the members of the Ancient American Union Lodge assembled. Brother Jonathan Heart in the chair. Present — Joseph Hoit, Sen. Warden ; William Judd, member ; Charles Peck, Tyler. Visitors — Brs. Elihu Marshall, John Brown, Isaac Sherman, William Kedfield, Coleman. Lodge opened, when Brs. Elihu Marshall, John Brown Isaac Sherman, and William Redfield were separately proposed to become members of this Lodge, balloted for and accepted. Then proceeded to elect a Master to fill the chair in room of the Worshipful Joel Clark, Esq., deceased, when the Hon. 1779.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 21 Samuel Holden Parsons was unanimously elected. Then pro- ceeded to elect a Secretary, when William Judd was elected. As the Worshipful Master elect was absent and not likely to return soon or attend, the brethren unanimously agreed to dis- pense with the regulation of the Master's being present at the election of the other officers, and therefore proceeded to the choice of a Senior Warden, when Bro. Heart was elected, who having taken the chair, proceeded to the choice of the other officers, and duly elected Bro. Marshall, Junior Warden, Bro. Sherman, Treasurer, and Charles Peck, Tyler. The newly elected officers, (the Worshipful excepted, who was absent,) having with the usual ceremonies taken their seats, proceeded to the consideration of the By-Laws, and unanimously agreed that the same continue in full force, with this proviso : That the fees for admission of candidates be thirty dollars, passing six dollars, and raising seven and one-half dollars, and all other perquisites, &c., so far as relates to the gentlemen of the armj', be raised three fold, and in all other cases the fees and perquisites be at the discretion of the majority of the brethren mem- bers in Lodge assembled ; that the Tyler's fees for new admitted brethren, pass- ing and raising be three dollars, exclusive of all other fees. Lieut. Col. Thomas Grosvenor and Capt. Henry Champion, of the Third Connecticut Battalion, and Simeon Belding, Di- vision Quarter Master, were proposed to be made Entered Ap- prentices by Bro. Heart. Lodge closed until I7th February, 5 o'clock, P. M. Beading, viz. Mrs. Sanford's, Feb. 17th, 1779. Lodge opened at 5 o'clock, P. M. Present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Marshall, S. W. ; Redfield, J. W. ; Sherman, Treasurer ; Judd, Secretary ; Brown and Richards, members ; Chas. Peck, Tyler ; Coleman and Lawrence, visitors. Bro. Lawrence was proposed to become a member of this Lodge, balloted for and accepted. Simeon Belding, Thomas Grosvenor, and Henry Champion, proposed the last Lodge night, were separately balloted for to be made Entered Apprentices, accepted and made. 22 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [Feb. Capt. Eobert Warner and Dr. John R. Watrous, Surgeon of tlie Third Connecticut Battalion, pro230sed to be made Entered Apprentices by Bro. Heart ; and Lieut. John Mix, of the Sec- ond Connecticut Battalion, proposed by Bro. Sherman. Brother Belding, having been made in a clandestine Lodge, one-half of the deposit and fees remitted. Reading, viz. Mrs. Sanford's, Feb. 24th, 1779. Entered Apprentice Lodge. Present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Marshall, S. W, ; Lawrence, J. W. ; Sherman, Treasurer ; Judd, Secretary ; Richards, Grosvenor and Champion, mem- bers ; Charles Peck, Tyler. Lodge opened. Robert Warner, John Mix and John R. Watrous, who were proposed last Lodge night, to be made En- tered Apprentices, were separately balloted for, accepted and made Entered Apprentices. The Lodge then proceeded to the consideration of the By- Laws, and agreed tliat Brs. Marshall and Heart be appointed to take the same into consideration, correct and amend the same, and make report at the next Entered Apprentice Lodge. Lieut. Richard Sill, of the Eighth Connecticut Battalion, was proposed to be made a Mason by Bro. Judd ; Capt. Edward Archibald, of the Artillery Train, by Bro. Brown ; Dr. Albi- gence Waldo, by Bro. Richards ; Mr. William Little, State Commissary, by Bro. Redfield. Reading, viz. Mrs. Sanford's, March 10th, 1779. Entered Apprentice Lodge, opened. The minutes of last Lodge read. Proceeded to business, when the Committee ap- pointed to correct and amend the By-Laws reported them in twenty-eight Articles, which being separately read, the Lodge unanimously agreed and voted that they take place in all cases whatsoever, any By-Laws heretofore enacted notwithstanding. The Lodge then proceeded to particular business, when Richard Sill, Albigence Waldo, and William Little, who were proposed last Entered Apprentice Lodge to be made Masons were sepa- rately balloted for, accepted and made Entered Apprentices. 1779.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 23 Lieut. Samuel Eicliards, of the Third Connecticut Battalion was proposed to be made a Mason by Bro. Champion ; Capt. Stilwill, of the same Battalion, by Bro. Grosvenor ; Lieut. Cor- nelius Eussell, of the Fifth Connecticut Battalion, by Bro. Redfield. Reading, viz. Mrs. Sanford's, March 17th, 1779. Entered Apprentice Lodge, 4 o'clock, P. M. Present — Brs, Heart, W. M. ; Marshall, S. W. ; Redfield, J. W. ; Belding, Treasurer ; Grosvenor, Secretary ; members — Brown, Lawrence, Champion, Warner, Watrous, Mix, Sill, Waldo, Little ; Peck, Tyler ; visitors — Hunting, Clift, Woodward, Coleman. Lodge opened, proceeded to business, when Capt. Edward Archibald, of the Train of Artillery, Lieut, Samuel Richards, of the Third Connecticut Battalion, Capt. Elias Stilwill, of the same, and Lieut. Cornelius Russell, of the Fifth Connecticut Battalion, who were heretofore proposed to be made Masons, were separately balloted for and accepted. Capt. Edward Ar- chibald and Capt. Elias Stilwell were made Entered Appren- tices. Entered Apprentice Lodge closed for a short space and Mas- ters Lodge opened. Capt. Archibald having appeared at Lodge in a situation un- becoming the character of a Mason, the Lodge unanimously re- solved and desired that Bro. Brown inform him that he is not to attend this Lodge, and that he is to be considered and treat- ed in the same manner as though never made a Mason. Masters Lodge closed. Entered Apprentice Lodge opened. Brs. Belding, Sill and Little, appointed to prepare a feast on Wednesday, the 7th of April next. March 22d, 4 o'clock, P. M. Lodge opened, proceeded to business, when Brs. Sill, Waldo and Little were proposed to be passed to Fellow Crafts, separ- ately balloted for and accepted, and passed Fellow Crafts. Mr. Jabez Clark, State Commissary, was proposed to be made a Mason in this Lodge, by Bro. Redfield ; Lieut. Judson of the 24 AMERICAN UNION LODGE, [March, Eighth Connecticut Battalion, proposed by Bro. Lawrence ; Lieut, Jabez Parsons, of the Second Connecticut Battalion, proposed by Bro. Eedfield. Some j)articular business requiring it, voted, that an Entered Apprentice Lodge be held on Thursday, the 25th of inst. March, at 2 o'clock, P. M. ; that Brs. Beldiug, Sill and Little prepare a dinner, and invite the brethren of the Ancient Society, who are not members of this Lodge, to dine with us ; that Bro. Eedfield wait on the Hon. Bro. Putnam with the desire of the Lodge to attend ; that Mrs. Sanford, her daughter and niece, Mrs. Mar- shall and Heart be also invited to dine with us on Thursday. Lodge closed without day, March 25th, 1779. At a Lodge of Emergency, present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Marshall, S. W. ; Eedfield, J. W. ; Belding, Treasurer ; Cham- pion, Secretary ; Whitney, Tyler. Members — Warner, Wat- rous, Waldo, Little, Sill. Visitor — Bro. Coleman. Lodge opened, proceeded to business. Mr. Jabez Clark, State Commissary, Lieut. Judson, of the Third Connecticut Battalion, and Lieut. Jabez Parsons, of the Second Connecticut Battalion, heretofore proposed to be made Masons, were separately balloted for and accepted, and duly made Entered Apprentices. Lodge closed for a space. Procession began at half past four o'clock in the following order : 1. Bro. Whitney to clear the way. 2. The Wardens, with their wands. 3. The youngest brother, with the bag. 4. Brethren by Juniority. 5. The Worshipful Master, with the Treasurer on his right hand, supporting the sword of justice, and the Secretary on his left hand, supporting the bible, square and compasses. 6. Music, playing the "Entered Apprentice March." Proceeded to Esq. Hawley's, where Br. Little delivered a few sentiments on Friendship, — the Eev. Dr, Evans and a number of gentlemen and ladies being present. After dinner the fol- 1779.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 25 lowing songs and toasts were given, interspersed with music, for the entertainment of the company : Songs. Toasts. Music, Hail America. General AVashinston. Grand March, Montgomery. { IlttToZrWoo"™' \ "-^ "-"■ ti v 1 T I T 4. i Relief of the Widows and ) n^ t^„ t!„ French ladies' Lament. < Ornhans \ ^'^^^^^y ^'S- Mason's Daughter. Ladies of America. Mason's Daughter. On, on my dear Brethren. Union, Harmonj' & Peace. Huntsmen. Social Enjoyment. My Dog and Gun. Contentment. The festivities of the occasion were conchided with a speech by Br. Waldo. At half past 7 o'clock the procession began in returning to the Lodge room, in reverse order from the afternoon procession. Music playing " The Mason's Daughter." The Lodge being opened, the W. Master returned his thanks to the officers and brethren for their faithful attendance in labor, and in transacting the business of the day with the greatest de- corum and harmony. Voted, That the Lodge have a grateful sense of the honor paid them by the Eev. Br. Evans, and other gentlemen and ladies in attending the exercises of the day. Voted, That the thanks of the Lodge be presented to Brs. Little and Waldo for the honor conferred on the Lodge by their addresses. Lodge closed in good time, without date. March 31st, 1779, 4 o'clock, P. M. Lodge opened and proceeded to business, when Brs. Warner, Mix and Watrous were separately balloted for and each raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Brs. Waldo, Sill and Little, were proposed to be raised at the next Masters Lodge. Voted, That Brs. Little, Belding and Sill, as heretofore voted, proceed in preparing a feast on Wednesday, the 7th of April ; that Bro. Kedfield wait on Bro. Putnam and his two Aids-de- Camp with the desire of this Body that they dine with us ; that Bro. Heart wait on the Rev. Dr. Evans with the desire of 4 26 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [April^ tlie Lodge that lie dine with us, and also that he favor the assembly with a discourse on such subject as he shall think proper. Also voted, that the Kev. Mr. Bartlett, his wife, Mrs. Sanford, her daughter and niece, Esq. Hawley, his wife and daughter, the widow Faircliild, widow Sanford, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Heart, Miss Curtis and Col. Meigs be invited to dine with us ; that Bro. Belding present them with notice in the name of the Lodge. Voted, That dinner be served at 2 o'clock. April 7th, 1779, 10 o'clock, A. M. Masters Lodge, per adjournment. Present — Hon. Bro. Par- sons, W. M. ; Heart, S. W. ; Marshall, J. W. ; Belding, Tr. ; Grosvenor, Sec'iy ; Whitney, Tyler. Members — Bros. Hoit, Eedfield, Lawrence, Champion, Mix, Watrous. Visitors — Brs. Henry Dearborn, Hosmer, Munson. Lodge opened, when Brs. Waldo, Sill and Little, heretofore proposed, were sej)arately balloted for, accepted, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Capt. Eben Perkins, by vote, was admitted to sit in this Lodge. April 7th, 1779, 10 o'clock, A. M. Entered Apprentice Lodge, per adjournment. Present — The Hon. Bro. Parsons, W. M. ; Heart, S. W. ; Marshall, J. W. ; Belding, Treas. ; Grosvenor, Sec'ry ; Whitney and Peck, Ty- lers. Members — Bros. Hoit, Kedfield, Lawrence, Champion, Mix, Watrous, Waldo, Little, Sill, Judson, Clark. Visitors — Bros. Dearborn, Hosmer, Monson, Fogg. Entered Apprentice Lodge opened, when Lieut. Samuel Eich- ards, Paymaster to the Third Connecticut Battalion, having been proposed, balloted for and accepted to be made a Mason, was made an Entered Apprentice. It having been voted to dine at three o'clock, at half past one the procession began, as follows : 1. Br. Whitney, Outside Tyler. 2. The Wardens, with White Rods. 3. The Youngest Brother, with the Bag. 4. The Brethren, by Juniority, . 5. The W. Master, with his Rod ; the Treasurer on his ris-ht 1779.] AMEKICAN UNION LODGE. 27 hand, supporting the Sword of Justice ; the Secretary on his left, supporting the Bible, Square and Compasses. 6. Bro. Peck, the Inside Tyler. Music advanced, playing the "Entered Apprentice March." The W. Master and Brethren having seated themselves, to- gether with a number of respectable inhabitants, gentlemen and ladies, the Eev. Doct. Evans delivered a discourse suitable to the occasion. After dinner the W. Master called on Bro. Monson and others for songs and sentiments, when the company were favored with the following, each song and toast being enlivened with appro- priate music : Song by Br. Munson — Watery Gods. Toast — Health of Congress. Music — Grena- dier's March. Song by Br. Munson — Elegy on General Wolfe. Toast — Warren, Montgomery and Wooster. Music — Dead March. Mason's Song, by Br. Redfield. Toast — The Good and Just. Music — Prince Eugene. Song by Br. Munson — Colin and Phoebe. Toast — The Ladies of America. Mu- sic — Country Jig. Song on Masonry, by Br. Marshall. Toast — Arts and Sciences. Music — Splen- dor of the Morning. Song by Brs. Munson and Marshall — The Tempest. With Jack, the Seaman, to conclude. At six o'clock the procession returned to the Lodge room, and the Lodge being oj)en, it was Voted, That the thanks of this Lodge be presented in writing to the Rev. Doct. Evans, for his polite address and sentiments delivered this day, and that Bro. Waldo wait on him with the same ; also, that Bro. Waldo present our thanks to the Rev, Mr. Bartlet, and to the other gentlemen and ladies who favored the Lodge with their company at dinner. Voted, That Brs. Whitney and Peck act as inside and out- side Tylers, and share equally the profits of tyling this Lodge, Ensign Wm. Higgins, Qr. Master to the Third Connecticut Battalion, and Doct. John Simpson, Surgeon to the Fifth Bat- talion, were proposed by Brs. Watrous and Redfield to be made Masons. April 15, 1779, 6 o'clock, P. M. Entered Apprentice's Lodge of Emergency — present, all the officers and several members and visitors. 28 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [April, Bro. Sill proposed the Kev, Doct. T 1 Evans to be made a Mason ; and, as lie was under the necessity of soon departing from this place, and his character was so universally well known by all the brethren, he was balloted for and accepted, and it was voted, that an emergent meeting be held to-morrow evening for the purpose of making him. Ensign Wm. Higgins and Doct. John Simpson, heretofore proposed, were separately balloted for, accepted, and made En- tered Apprentices, Voted, That the thanks of the Lodge be transmitted to Bro. Elihu Marshall, for his particular attention to the Lodge while serving them as Senior Warden. Voted, That the members of this Lodge, who were present at the feast on Wednesday the 7th inst., pay a club of five dollars, and that Bro. Belden's bill be paid for the two feasts, viz : For Thursday, March 25th, £45 3 For Wednesday, April 7th, 81 14 11 Bro. Sill's bill for Apl. 7th, 19 14 Bro. Little's bill Mar. 25th, Ill " " " Apl. 7th, 4 16 £152 16 2 Voted, That Bro. Belding have an order on Bro. Judd for the balance in his hands. Closed without timie. April 16th, 1779, 5 o'clock, P. M. Entered Apprentice's Lodge of Emergency. Present — Bro. Heart, as W. M. ; other officers and members. Rev. Doct. T. Evans, who was proposed last night, and balloted for and ac- cepted, was received and made an Entered Apprentice. Lieuts, John Sherman and Reuben Pride Avere proposed to be made Masons, by Brs. Grosvenor and Richards. Closed without date. April 21, 1779, at 3 o'clock, P. M,, the Rev, Bro. Evans was passed a Fellow Craft, and the same evening he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, as was also Brs. Richards and Stilwill, after having been separately balloted for and ac- cepted. 1779.] AMEKICAN UNION LODGE. 29 Beading, viz. Mrs. Sanford's, April 28, 1779. Entered Apprentice Lodge opened by adjournment ; present, Br. Heart as W. M. ; other officers, members and visitors. Lieut. Eeuben Pride, heretofore proposed, was balloted for, accepted, and made an Entered Apprentice. May 3d. — Brs. Elijah Humphrey, Wm. Higgins, and John Simpson, having been balloted for and accepted, were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. May 5th. — Brs. Wm. Judd, Jabez Clark, and Samuel Kich- ards, heretofore made Fellow Crafts, were proposed, separately balloted for and accepted, and severally raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. May 7th. — Bro. Eeuben Pride, having been heretofore pro- posed to become a Fellow Craft, was balloted for, accepted and passed. Brs. Elijah Humphrey, David Judson, William Hig- gins, and Reuben Pride, heretofore proposed for raising, were separately balloted for and accepted, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Bro. Andrew Fitch, a Captain in the Fourth Connecticut Battalion, having been made an Entered Apprentice in a regu- lar Lodge at New Haven, at a distance from that part of the Army wdiere the American Union Lodge was held, and at a place where his character was well known, he being there on command, was proposed to be made a Fellow Craft in this Lodge ; and having been balloted for and accepted, he was ac- cordingly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. At an Emergent Masters' Lodge, held on the same evening, Bro. Andrew Fitch was proposed to be raised ; and, having been balloted for and accepted, he was accordingly raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Closed without date. [The operations of the Army now requiring the Con- necticut Line to remove their quarters, the subfequent meet- ings of this Lodge were held in the States of New York and New Jerfey.] so AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [June, STATE OF NEW YOKK. Nelson's Point, June 24th, 1779. Festival of St. John the Baptist. The American Union Lodge held by authority under the Most WorshipfulJohn Kowe, Esq., Grand Master of all Masons in North America, where no Special Grand Master is appointed, confirmed by the Most Worshipful Peter Middleton, M. D., Provincial Deputy Grand Master for the Province of New York, by the name of Military Union Lodge. 8 o'clock, A. M. Ofiacers present— Brs. Parsons, W. M. ; Heart, S. W. ; Redfield, J. W. ; Champion, Treasurer ; Gros- venor. Secretary ; Whitney, Tyler. Members present — Brs. Little, Grey, Clark, Pride, Watrous, Stilwill, Higgins, Warner, Wyllys, Clift, Fitch, Brown, Holdridge, Lawrence, Richards, Humj)hreys, Judd, Sill, Judson. Visitors — Brs. Munson, Per- kins, Coleman, Hubbard, Woodward. Lodge opened and proceeded to the business of the day, viz : to elect officers for the half year ensuing, agreeable to Constitu- tion, when the following brethren were unanimously chosen, viz : Jonathan Heart, W. Master ; Samuel H. Parsons, S. Warden ; Samuel Wyllys, Jun. Warden ; Simeon B elding, Treasurer ; Thomas Grosvenor, Secretary ; William Redfield and William Little, Stewards ; Daniel Whitney, Tyler. The officers elect having taken their seats and finished the partial business of the day. Lodge was closed till 10 o'clock, A. M., then to meet on West Point, in order to celebrate the Fes- tival of St. John. The brethren then proceeded to West Point, where being joined by a number of brothers from the Brigades on West Point and Constitution Island, the whole proceeded from General Pat- terson's Quarters to the Red House in the following order : 1. Bro. Whitney, to clear the way. 2. The Band of Music with drums and fifes. 3. The Wardens. 4. The youngest brother, with the bag. 5. Brethren by juniority. 1779.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 31 6. The Rev, Drs. Smith, Avery and Hitchcock. 7. The Master of the Lodge, with the Treasurer on his right, supporting the sword of justice, and the Secretary on his left, supporting the bible, square and compasses. 8. Bro, Binns to close, with Brs. Lorrain and Disborough on the flanks opposite the center. Being arrived at the Red House, Lodge was opened in ample form. Officers present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Parsons, S. War- den ; Wyllys, J. Warden ; Champion, Treasurer ; Grosvenor, Secretary ; Redfield and White, Stewards ; Whitney, Binns, Lorrain and Disborough, Tylers. Members present — Brs. Hull, Holdridge, Richards, Humphreys, Brown, Law- rence, Gray, Clift, Sill, Warner, Judson, Judd, Clark, Pride, Stilwill, Watrous, Higgins, Fitch. Visitors, Masters — 'Brs. Nixon, Greaton, Loring, Smith, Williams, Watson, Cumpton, Tisdale, Davis, Burnham, Mainard, Smith, Meecham, Whitwell, Shays, Rouse, Blake, Everet, Holland, A. Holden, J. Holden, Chambers, Frost, Pike, Holbrook, Patterson, Tupper, Patten, Murply, Clark, Moore. Winches, Porter, Page, Greenleaf, Jones, Francis, Lunt, Goodrich, Burly, Foot, Hitchcock, Welch, Clough, Dolleyon, Stewart, King, Williams, Davidson, Storer, Lacey, Woodward. Visitors, Fellow Crafts — Brs. Nixon, Flowers, Snow, Annend, Thompson, Jen- nison, Barnes, Francis, Hart. Visitors, Apprentices — Brs. Fernald, Wingater, Bailey, Bannister. Bradford, Morton, Forcy, Alden, Hastings, Mellens, Thomas, Farley, Haskell, Dixen, Ferrol, Tucker. After the usual ceremonies, the Lodge retired to a bower in front of the house, where being joined by his Excellency General WASHINGTON and family, an address was delivered to the brethren and a number of gentlemen collected on the occasion, by the Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, followed by an address to the breth- ren in particular, by Bro. Hull. After dinner the following toasts were drank, and closed with music, also the songs annex- ed to them, viz : Toasts — Congress ; Friendly Powers of Europe ; Warren, Montgomery and Wooster ; Females of America ; Arts and Sciences. Music — Grenadier's March ; Prince Eugene's March ; Dead Marcli ; Rural Fe- licity ; Country Jig. Songs — Elegy on Gen. Wolfe, by Bro. Munson, ; The Mason's Daughter, by Bro. Page ; The Virtuous Science, by Bro. Warner. A number of other toasts and songs were given by different brethren. 32 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [Jlltyj His Excellency Bro. WASHINGTON, having returned to the barge attended by the Wardens and Secretary of the Lodge, amidst a crowd of brethren, the music playing "God save America/' and embarked, his departure was announced by three cheers from the shore, answered by three from the barge, the music beating the " Grenadier's March." The brethren then returned to Gen. Patterson's Quarters, in the reversed order of that in which the first procession was made, when the Master with his Wardens and Secretary closed the Lodge. "Cr. by club of 107 brethren, £409 12 Expenses of the day, 393 9 Allowance to the brethren on West Point for mistakes in change, &c 3 5 £396 14 Eobinson House, July 26, 1799. Lodge opened at 3 o'clock, P. M. Bro. Simpson was ballot- ed for and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Col. Kufus Putnam, of the Massachusetts Line, Col. Wm. Williams and Maj. Thomas Byles, of the Third Pennsylvania Regiment, Lieut. Peleg Heath, of the Third Connecticut Regi- ment, and Mr. Timothy Whiting, Quarter Master at the Gar- rison of Fort Arnold, were severally proposed to be made Ma- sons, and on being subsequently balloted for and accepted, they were made Entered Apprentices. Aug. 2d. — Capt. Samuel Craig, Capt. William Wilson and Lieut. John Hughs, all of the Pennsylvania Line, were pro- posed by Bro. Moore ; Capt. Samuel Barker and Lieut. Giles Curtis, by Bro. Gray ; Dr. Jona. Graham, of the 7th Connecti- cut Regiment, by Bro. Hart ; Lieut. James Buxton, of the 11th Massachusetts Regiment, by Bro. Page ; Capt. Henry TenEyck and Ens. Robert Allen, of the 2d Connecticut Regiment, by Bro. Sherman. Brs. Eedfield and Little were appointed a committee to inspect and adjust the accounts of the Lodge. Lodge closed till called by the Master. 1779.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 33 Kobinson's, Aug. 7, 1779. Special Entered Apprentice Lodge, opened at 3 o'clock, P. M. Capt. Samuel Craig, Capt. Wm. Wilson, Lieut. John Hughs, and Lieut. James Buxton, heretofore proposed, were balloted for and accepted. Also, Col. Gamaliel Bradford, Doct. Elisha Skinner, and Doct. Samuel Tinley, of the Massachusetts Line, though not heretofore proposed, being highly recommended by those well acquainted with them, were balloted for and accepted. Craig, Wilson, Hughs, Buxton, Skinner and Bradford, were made Entered Apprentices. Keceipts of the evening, viz : Six makings, £32 8 Three deposits, 10 16 Overplus in change, 3 14 6 £46 18 6 Aug. 20. — ^Lieuts. Sherman, Barker, Curtis and Russell, and Dr. John Grraham, were balloted for, accepted, and made En- tered Apprentices. Brs. Smith, Hosmer, John Hubbard, and Lacey, were proposed for membership and admitted. Brs. Par- sons, Boyles, Whiting, Williams, Craig, Wilson and Hughs, were proposed to be made Fellow Crafts, and on being balloted for and accepted, they were accordingly passed, Capt. McClayton, Lieuts, Bush, Harmon, Spear and McMur- ray, of the Pennsylvania Line, were proposed by Bro, Moore to be made Masons. Mr. Asa Worthington was also jDroposed by Bro. Little. Aug, 26. — Brs. Skinner and Putnam, who were made in this Lodge, and Brs. Fernol and Sewell, who were made Entered Apprentices in a different Lodge, being well recommended, were proposed, balloted for, accepted, and passed Fellow Crafts. Aug. 28. — Dr. Finley, of the Massachusetts Line, and Dr. Graham, of the Connecticut Line, heretofore balloted for and accepted, were made Entered Apprentices. Capt. Henrj' TenEyck, Lieut. Peleg Heath, Mr. Asa Wor- thington and Capt. Stephen Betts, all of the Connecticut Line, 5 34 AMEKICAN UNION LODGE. [Sept. and Col. John Brooks, of the Massachnsetts Line, heretofore proposed, but not entered, were separately balloted for, accepted, and made Entered Apprentices. Lieuts. Moses Cleaveland, Edward Palmer, Sylvanus Perry. and Elijah Kansom, were proposed to be made Masons, Receipts of the Evening, viz : . Seven makings, £37 16 Two deposits, for Betts and Brooks, 7 4 Four deposits, for other candidates, 14 S A present from Bro. Worthington, 15 Do. from Bro. Brooks, in change, 12 6 T) ler's fees for seven made Masons, 6 6 From Brs. Skinner and Putnam, 116 Overplus in making change, 1 4 £84 6 6 Paid the Tyler, 5 8 Balance to Treasurer, . .£78 18 6 Closed till called by the W. Master. Robinson House, (N. Y.) Sept. 7th, 1779. Lodge opened at 3 o'clock, P. M. Brs. Boyles, Williams, Whiting and Wilson, were proposed, balloted for, accepted, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Bro. Elijah Chapman, made at Fairfield, was proposed to be- come a member of this Lodge, and accepted. Voted, That the thanks of the Lodge be presented to the Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, for the polite address delivered by him to this body, on the 24th of June last, and that Bro. Grosvenor acquaint him with the reason why they have been so long omit- ted ; also, that our thanks be presented to Bro. Hull, for his address at the same time. Sept. 9. — Brs. Putnam, Craig and Hughs, were severally ac- cepted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Resolved, That the moneys remaining in the Treasury of this Lodge on the 1st day of November next, shall be invested in Tickets of the Third Class of the United States Lottery, the 1779.] AMEllICAN UNION LODGE. 35 avails of which shall remain in the treasury, to be appropriated to the relief of the poor of the Fraternity, or as the brethren shall agree. Sept. 16. — Special Masters' Lodge, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Brs. Skinner, Fernol and Sewell, heretofore proposed to be raised, were balloted for, accepted, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Two o'clock, P. M., Apprentices' Lodge opened, John Bush and Edward Spear, of the 6th and 7th Pennsylvania Kegiments, and Moses Cleaveland and Edward Palmer, of the 1st and 2d Connecticut Eegiments, heretofore proposed, were severally bal- loted for, accepted, and made Entered Apprentices. Major David Smith, of the 8th Connecticut Eegiment, and Dr. Jedediah Ainsworth, Surgeon's Mate to the same, were pro- posed by Bro. Sill ; Col. Francis Johnson, of the 5th Pennsyl- vania Eegiment, was proposed by Bro. Moore ; Capt Elisha Ely, of the 6th Connecticut Eegiment, was proposed by Bro. Hosmer ; Lieut. Levi Dodge, of the 5th Massachusetts Eegi- ment, was proposed by Bro. Skinner ; Capt. Edward Eells, of the 3d Connecticut Eegiment, was proposed by Bro. Judd ; and Capt. Isaac Stutson, of Col. Putnam's Corps of Light Infantry, was proposed by Bro. Champion, — all to be made Masons. Bro. Pierce, Dep. P. M. General, was proposed for member- ship, duly recommended, balloted for and admitted. Sept. 25. — Lodge held, by particular application, at Moore's Quarters, on West Point. W. Master in the chair, and a large number of visiting brethren j)resent. No particular business being proposed, a lecture was given by the W. Master. Tyler's fees 4s. 6d. Expense paid by the brethren. Oct. 11. — Entered Apprentice Lodge opened at 2 o'clock, at Eobinson's House. Colonel Francis Johnson and Major David Smith were balloted for, accepted and made Entered Appren- tices. Capt. McClayton, and Lieuts. Harmon, and McMurray, heretofore proposed, were withdrawn from the minutes by Bro. Moore. Dr. Ainsworth was balloted for, and his deposit order- ed to be refunded Lodjre closed without date. 36 AMERICAN UNION LODGE, [DeC, [In confequence of the movements of the Army, the operations of the Lodge were neceffarily fufpended for a fliort time, and no further bufinefs appears on the Minute- Book, until the Army had gone into Winter Quarters in New Jersey.] Morristown, (N. J.) Dec. 15, 1779. At an Entered Api^rentices' meeting, held at Colonel Gray's Quarters, for the election of officers for the American Union Lodge, for the ensuing half year, present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Wyllys, S. W. ; Grosvenor, J. W. ; Eichards, Tr. ; Watrous, Sec. ; Smith, Judd, Curtis, Stilwill, Warner, members. Lodge opened and proceeded upon the business of the day, when the following brethren were unanimously chosen to serve in their respective offices for the next half year ensuing : Jonathan Heart, Worshipful Master ; Eichard Sill, Senior Warden ; Eobert Warner, Junior Warden ; William Eichards, Treasurer ; John B. Watrous, Secretary ; Thoms Grosvenor, Senior Deacon ; Henry Champion, Junior Deacon ; Lorain and Binns, Tylers. Voted, That Bro. Heart be a committee from the different Lines in the Army at Morristown, to take into consideration some matters respecting the good of Masonry. Lodge closed until called by order of the W. Master. Morristown, Dec. 27, 1779. An Entered Apprentices' Lodge was held this day, for the Celebration of the Festival of St. John the Evangelist. Officers present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Sill, S. W. ; Warner, J. W. ; Eichards, Treas. ; Watrous, Sec'y ; Grosvenor, S. D. ; Little, J. D. ; Lorain and Binns, Tylers. Members present — Brs. Stilwill, Higgins, Worthington, Curtis, Barker, Gray, Sherman, Craig, Wilson, Bush, Judd, Heath, S. Richards, S. Wyllys, Parsons, Huntington, Smith, Judson, Clark, Hosmer, J. Wyllys, Fitch, Pierce, Sargent, Graham, Fitch, Whiting, 1779.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 37 Visitors present — Brs. WASHINGTON, Gibbs, Kinnej-, Van Renssalaer, Jack- son, Bruff, Coleman, Craig, Baldwin, Durfee, Shaw, Hunter, Lawrence, Church, Gist, Butler, Campbell, Maclure, Savage, Schuyler, Lewis, Livingston, TenEyck, Sherburn, McCarter, Conine, Somers, Bevins, Bleaker, Maxwell, Dayton, Camp- field, Arnold, Armstrong, Mentzer, Stagg, Smith, Sanford, Williams, Rogers, Hughes, Brewin, Woodward, Brooks, Thompson, Hervey, Machin, Piatt, Gray, VanZandt, Edwards, Fox, Erskine, Guion, Spear, Ellsworth, Hunt, Reacum, Con- ner, White, Proctor, Wetmore, Hamilton, Hanmer, Walden, Hubbard, Grunman, Peckham. The Lodge was opened, and after the usual ceremonies had been performed, the brethren formed a procession in the follow- ing order : 1. Bro. Binns, to clear the way. 2. The Band of Music. 3. Bro. Loraine, with a Drawn Sword. 4. The Deacons, with their Kods. 5. The Brethren, by Juniority. 6. The Passed Masters. 7. The Secretary and Treasurer. 8. The Wardens, with their Wands. 9. The Worshipful Master. The brethren then proceeded to the Meeting-House, where a very polite discourse, adapted to the occasion, was delivered by the Kev. Doct. Baldwin, of the Connecticut Line. After ser- vice the brethren returned by the same order to the Lodge room, where a collation was served, &c. &c. ; which being over, the following business was transacted : Voted unanimously, That the thanks of the Lodge be pre- sented to the Kev. Dr. Baldwin, for the polite address delivered by him this day in public. Voted unanimously, That the Secretary wait on the Kev. Dr. Baldwin, with a copy of the minutes, and a request that he will favor the Lodge with a copy of the address, and permission to have it published. A petition was read, representing the present state of Free- Masomy to the several Deputy Grand Masters in the United States of America, desiring them to adopt some measures for appointing a Grand Master over said States, of which the fol- lowing is a copy : 38 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [Jan. To the Most Worshipful, the present Provincial Grand Masters in each of the respective United States of America: The petitioners, Ancient, Free and Accei)ted Masons in the several Lines of the Army of these United States, assembled on the Festival of St. John the Evange- list at Morristown, Dec. 27th, 1779, to you, as the patrons and safeguard of the Craft in America, beg leave to prefer their humble address. With sincere regret we contemplate the misfortunes of War which have un- happily separated us from the Grand Lodge in Europe, and deprived us from the benefits arising therefrom, so essentially necessary for the well-being of Masonry, and which has in many instances been subversive of the very institution of the Order. At the same time we lament that political disputes and national quarrels should influence the exercise of charity and benevolence, and their several vir- tues, so necessary for our present and future happiness. Yet, considering the present situation of our Lodges, and Masonry in general, the necessity for the honor of the Craft, and the importance of enjoying the benefits of so valuable an institution, that some exertions are made for checking the present irregularities, restoring peace and harmony to the Lodges, for opening a way to the enjoyment of the fruits of benevolence, charity and brotherly love, and for the re-establish- ment of the Order on the ancient respectable foundation ; which we conceive can never be done more effectually than by the appointment of a Grand Master in and over the United States o-f America. AVe therefore most earnestly request that the present Provincial Grand Master, in the respective said United States would take some measures for the appoint- ment of a Grand Master in and over the said Thirteen United States of America, either by nominating a person proper for that office, whose abilities and rank in life shall answer the importance of that conspicuous and elevated station, and transmitting such nomination to our Mother Lodge in Britain, that the appoint- ment may be made, or in such other manner as shall to them appear most eligi- ble. And we further beg leave to express our wishes, that the several Provincial Grand Masters in these States would, in the intermediate time, enter into unani- mous and vigorous measures for checking the growing irregularities in the So- ciety, cementing the diflTerent branches, erasing the distinction between ancient and modern in these States, that the Craft may be established in unanimity, the established principles of its institutions more universally extended, and that our conduct may not only be the admiration of men in this world, but receive the final applause of the Grand Architect of the universe in the other, where there is nothing but light and love. Voted, That the foregoing petition be circulated through the different Lines in the Army. Voted, That a committee be appointed from the different Lodges in the Army, from each Line, and from the Staff of the Army to convene on the first Monday of February next, at Morristown, to take the foregoing petition into considera- tion. Voted, That when the dividend of the expense of this day shall be paid, each brother will put into the hands of the Treasurer or Secretary what he shall see fit, for the use of the poor of this town. Voted, That the money so collected be transmitted to Bro. Kinney, to appro- 1780.] AMEEICAN UNION LODGE. 39 priate to the necessities, first of the widows and orphans of Masons, next to sol- diers' wives and children in distressed circumstances, if any shall remain he will apply it to those poor persons in this town whom he shall judge stand most in need thereof. Lodge closed till called together by the Master's order. Pkitton's, near Morristown, Jan. 31, 1780, Entered Apprentice Lodge, 5 o'clock, P. M. Present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Sill, S. W. ; Warner, J. W. ; Richards, Treas- urer ; Grosvenor, Secretary ; Barker, Tyler. Members — Brs. Hosmer, Judson, Clark, Chapman, Palmer. Visitor — Br. Cole- man. Lodge opened, when the petition was read and proposed to the consideration of the Lodge, agreeable to a resolve passed in Lodge on the 27th of December last, and the matters thereof unanimously approved. Bro. Heart was appointed a represen- tative of this Lodge and the Connecticut Line, to meet a com- mittee from the several Lodges in the Army at Morristown on Monday next, the 7th of February, for the purpose of adopting some measures for executing the design and purpose of the petition. Dr. Ainsworth, of the Eighth Connecticut Regiment, hereto- fore proposed, balloted for and refused, is proposed again by Bro. Sill ; Bro. Noah Coleman, proposed to become a member and accepted. One made member. Expenses paid. Lodge closed without date. At a Convention Lodge from the different Lines of the Army and departments, held in due form, under the authority of the American Union Lodge, at Morristown, the 6th day of March, in the year of Salvation 1780. Officers present— Bro. Heart, W. M. ; Little, S. W. ; Clark, J. W. ; Williams, Treasurer ; Pierce, Secretary ; Coleman, S. D. ; Boyles, J. D. Brothers present — Procter, Lawrence, Kinney, Anderson, Sanford, Church, Gray, Wilson, Craig, Eogers, Hanmer, Thayer, Hugoe, Skillington, Pratt, Little, Magee, Bleacher, Sythe, Post, Grigg, Vernon, Bowers, Tudor, Carter, Lewis, Guion, Conolly, Pettin, Ray, Graham, Hamilton, BrufF, Davidson, Cunningham, Beaty, Piat, Campbel, Hervey, Muso. 40 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [March, Lodge opened, the Secretary by order read the proceedings of a committee appointed by this Lodge at the Anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, held at Morristown, the 27th of De- cember, 1779, of which the following is a copy : At a Committee of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, met this 7th day of the second month in the year of Salvation 1780, according to the recommendation of a Convention Lodge, held at the Celebration of St. John the Evangelist : Present — Bro. John Pierce, M. M., delegated to represent the Masons in the Military Line of the State of Massachusets Bay and Washington Lodge, No. 10 ; Bro. Jonathan Heart, M. M., delegated to represent the Masons in the Military Line of the State of Connecticut and American Union Lodge ; Bro. Charles Gra- ham, F. C, delegated to represent the Masons in the Military Line of the State of New York ; Bro. John Sanford, M. M., delegated to represent the Masons in the Military Line of the State of New Jersey ; Bro. George Tudor, M. M., dele- gated to represent the Masons in the Military Line of the State of Pennsylvania ; Bro. Otho Holland Williams, M. M., delegated to represent the Masons in the Military Line of the State of Delaware ; Bro. Mordica Gist, P. W. M., delegated to represent the Masons in the Military Line of the State of Maryland ; Bro. Prentice Brown, M. M., delegated to represent St. John's Regimental Lodge; Bro. John Lawrence, P. W. M., delegated to represent the brothers in the Staif of the American Army ; Bro. Thomas Machin, M. M., delegated to represent the Masons in the Corps of Artillery. The brothers present proceeded to elect a President and Secretary, whereupon Bro. Mordica Gist was unanimously chosen President, and Bro. Otho Holland Williams unanimously chosen Secretary of this Committee. The Committee proceeded to take into consideration an address to be preferred to the Right Worshipful Grand Masters in the respective United States, where- upon Bro. Williams presented the following address : TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL The Grand Masters of the several Lodges in the respective United States of America. UNION. FORCE. LOVE. The subscribers, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Convention, to you, as the patrons and protectors of the Craft upon the Continent, prefer their humble address. Unhappily the distinctions of interest, the political views and national disputes subsisting between Great Britain and these United States have involved us, not only in the general calamities that disturb the tranquility which used to prevail in this once happy country, but in a peculiar manner affects our Society, by sep- arating us from the Grand Mother Lodge in Europe, by disturbing our connection with each other, impeding the progress and preventing the perfection of Masonry in America. We deplore the miseries of our country-men, and particularly lament the dis- tresses which many of our poor brethren must suffer, as well from the want of 1780.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 41 temporal relief as for want of a sourag of Ugld to govern their pursuits and illu- minate the path of happiness. And we ardently desire to restore, if possible, that fountain of charity, from which to the unspeakable benefit of mankind flows benevolence and love. Considering with anxiety these disputes, and the many irregularities and improprieties committed by weak or wicked brethren, which too manifestly show the present dissipated and almost abandoned condition of our Lodges in general, as well as the relaxation of virtue amongst individuals. We think it our duty, Right Worshipful Brothers and Seniors in the Craft, to solicit your immediate interposition to save us from the impending dangers of schisms and apostacy. To obtain security from those fatal evils, with affectionate humility, we beg leave to recommend the adopting and pursuing the most neces- sary measures for establishing one Grand Lodge in America, to preside over and govern all other Lodges of whatsoever degree or denomination, licensed or to be licensed, upon the Continent ; that the ancient principles and discipline of Ma- sonry being restored, we may mutually and universally enjoy the advantages arising from frequent communion and social intercourse. To accomplish this beneficial and essential work, permit us to propose that you the Right Worshipful Grand Masters, or a majority of your number, may nominate as Most Worshipful Grand Master of said Lodge, a brother whose merit and capacity may be adequate to a station so important and elevated, and transmitting the name and nomina- tion of such brother, together with the name of the Lodge to be established, to our Grand Mother Lodge in Europe for approbation and confirmation, and that you may adopt and execute any other ways or means most eligible for preventing impositions, correcting abuses, and for establishing the general principles of Ma- sonry ; that the influence of the same in propagating morality and virtue may be far extended, and that the lives and conversation of all true Free and Accepted Masons may not only be the admiration of men on earth, but may receive the final approbation of the Grand Architect of the Universe, in the world wherein the elect enjoy eternal light and love. Signed in Convention in Morristown, Morris County, this seventh day of the second month in the year of our Saviour 1780, Anno Mundi 5780. Which being read, was unanimously agreed to sign, and ordered to be forwarded with an extra copy of their proceedings, signed by the President and Secretary, to the respec- tive Provincial Grand Masters. And the Committee adjourned without day. After which, the question was proposed, whether the foregoing proceedings meet with the approbation of this Lodge ? And after debate, it was unanimously resolved in the affirmative. An Entered Apprentice Lecture was given by the Master to the brethren present. Agreed to hold a Masters' Lodge the 27th inst., at this place, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Voted, That the sum of eight dollars shall be paid by each brother to defray the expenses of this evening, if any part of which shall remain, voted, that the same be delivered to Bro. 6 42 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [July, Kinney, to be appropriated in the same manner as that which was put into his hands on the meeting of St. John's Day. Lodge closed in due time. Morristown, (N. J.) March 27, 1780. At a Masters' Lodge, held at the Assembly Koom, by the special order of the W. M. ; Brs. Worthington and Barker, being Fellow Crafts, petitioned to be raised to the sublime de- gree of a Master Mason, and being examined in open Lodge, by the W, Master, and having given satisfactory evidence of their proficiency, they were raised accordingly. Lodge closed without day. [The movements of the Army again impeded the ope- rations of the Craft, and at the next entry on the Minute- Book we find the Lodge at work, in mid-fummer, on the banks of the Hudson.] At an Entered Apprentice's Lodge, held at Kobinson's House, (N. Y.) July 20th, 1780, present— Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Beld- ing, S. W. ; Judson, J. W. ; Kichards, Treas. ; Judd, Secr'y ; Coleman, S. D. ; Simpson, J. D. ; Whitney, Tyler — members, Wright, Chapman, Barker, Curtis, Hobart — visitors, Tripp, Hart. On the evening next before the Festival of St. John the Bap- tist, the situation of the Army being such that it was impossi- ble to convene the Lodge for the choice of officers, and this be- ing the first convenient opportunity since, the Lodge now pro- ceeded to that business, and elected the following brethren, to serve the current half year : Jonathan Heart, Worshipful Master ; Richard Sill, Senior Warden ; William Little, Junior Warden ; Simeon Belding, Treasurer ; John Simpson, Secretary ; Thomas Grosvenor, Senior Deacon ; Noah Coleman, Junior Deacon. 1782.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 43 Bro. Grosvenor, with the W. Master and the late and pres- ent Treasurers, were chosen a committee to examine and adjust the accounts of the Lodge, and make report. Closed until called by the W. Master's direction. • Eobinson's, July 25, 1780. At a Fellow Crafts' Lodge, held by order of the W. Master, present, the officers and sundry brethren — Brs. Russel, Curtis and Smith, now Entered Apprentices, proposed to be made Fel- low Crafts, balloted for, accepted and passed. Bro. John Hart, jjroposed for membership and vouched for by Bro. Belding, was balloted for and admitted. July 29.' — At a Masters' Lodge, held at the Robinson House, by order of the W. Master — Brs. Parsons, Russel, Curtis and Smith, having been separately balloted for and accepted, were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Bro. Pomeroy, now a Fellow Craft, was proposed by the W. Master for raising, and was balloted for and accepted. A vote was passed that Bro. Pomeroy be raised when a convenient opportunity will permit. Doct. Skinner of the 8th, and Doct. Mather of the 7th Connecticut Regiment, were proposed by Bro. Coleman to be made Masons, and ordei-ed to stand on the minutes. Closed until called by order of the W. M. [The Minute-Book furnifhes no further workings of the Lodge, until the Spring of 1782 ; we therefore conclude that the Army muft have been occupied in fuch a manner, during the intervening time, that the Craft had no oppor- tunities to affemble.] American Union Lodge, March 25, 1782. At an Entered Apprentices' Lodge, held by order of the W. Master, at the " Connecticut Huts," present — Brs. Jona Heart, W. M. ; Richards, S. W. ; Judson, J. W. ; Simpson, Secr'y ; members — Sherman, Huntington, Gray, Smith, Pride, Higgins, Watrous, Chapman, Curtis, Stilwill, Grosvenor, Russell ; visit- ors — Hodo;e, Gorham. 44 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [May, The movements of the Army having rendered it inconvenient to choose officers at the usual time, the Lodge proceeded this evening to the election of officers by ballot, when the following brethren were chosen : Jonathan Heart, Worshipful Master ; Kobert Warner, Senior Warden ; David Judson, Junior Warden ; William Richards, Treasurer ; Eben Gray, Senior Deacon ; John Smith, Junior Deacon. A revisal of the by-laws was proposed for next Lodge night. Closed until April 1st, then to meet at this place. April 1st.— Lodge opened ; by-laws read and amended ; ad- journed to Thursday, the 4th inst. April 4. — Lodge opened by adjournment at the Connecticut Huts. Lieut. Eobert Allyn, of the 5th C onnecticut Regiment, having been proposed in the year 1779, was balloted for, ac- cepted, and made an Entered Apprentice. April 18. — Doct. Elisha Skinner, who had stood on the min- utes, was balloted for and accepted, and made an Entered Ap- prentice. Lieuts. Tiffany and Aveiy of the 5th, and Loomis of the 7th Connecticut Regiment, were proposed for making, and ordered to stand on the minutes. April 25. — At a Fellow Crafts' Lodge, held at the Connecti- cut Huts, Brs. Robert Allyn and Elisha Skinner, agreeable to their own request, were balloted for and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft in due form. May 2. — Lieuts. Isaiah Tiffany, Simeon Avery, and Libbeus Loomis, heretofore proposed, were separately balloted for, ac- cepted, and made Entered Apprentices. May 9. — At an Entered Apprentice's Lodge, held at the Con- necticut Huts, Lieuts. Charles Fanning of the 1st, and Joshua Whitney of the 5th Connecticut Regiment, were proposed to be made Masons, and ordered to stand on the minutes. 1782.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 45 May 16. — Brs. Loomis and Avery were balloted for, accepted and made Fellow Crafts. May 23. — Doct. Jedediah. Ensworth, of tlie 5tli Connecticut Eegiment, some time since proposed in this Lodge, but for par- ticular reasons was objected against, the objecting brother hav- ing since given his approbation for his being initiated, he was again proposed, balloted for, accepted and made an Entered Ap- prentice. Capt. David Strong, of the 2d Connecticut Eegi- ment, was proposed to be made a Mason by Bro. Chapman. May 30. — Brs. Tiffany and Ensworth, made in this Lodge, and Bro. Hodge, made at Litchfield, Connecticut, were pro- posed balloted for, and made Fellow Crafts. June 5 — At a Masters' Lodge held at the Assembly Eoom in the Connecticut Line, Brs. Skinner, Loomis, Avery, Tiffany, Ensworth and Hodge, now Fellow Crafts, proposed to be made Masters in this Lodge, balloted for, accepted and raised. Proposed, that at the next Lodge night the Lodge should choose officers to serve the ensuing half year, agreeable to the Constitution. June 20 — At an Entered Apprentice Lodge held at the Con- necticut Huts by order of the Master, present — Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Warner, S. W. ; Judson, J. W. ; Eichards, Treasurer ; Simpson, Secretary. Members — Brs. Clift, Avery, Loomis, Ensworth, Skinner, Curtis, Barker, TijSfany, Eussell, Chapman. Lodge opened. It being the usual time to choose officers to serve in Lodge for the ensuing half year, the Lodge j)roceeded to the election of officers to serve the term above mentioned : Bro. Heart was chosen Master ; Bro. Warner, Sen. Warden ; Bro. Judson, Jun. Warden ; Eichards, Treasurer ; Simpson, Secretary ; Watrous, S. D. ; Higgins, J. D. Ordered, that the Treasurer and Secretary settle the accounts of the last quarter as soon as convenient after the Festival of St. John. Voted, That this Lodge meet and celebrate the Festival of St. John the Baptist, in conjunction with Washington Lodge, No. 10, at West Point, on Monday next. 46 AMEKicAN UNION LODGE. [June, June 24th, 1782. At an Entered Apprentice Lodge held by adjournment at the Assembly Room of the Connecticut Line^ for the celebration of the Festival of St, John the Baptist — present, as officers, — Bro. Heart, W. M. ; Warner, S. W. ; Judson, J. W. ; Eich- ards, Treasurer ; Simjison, Secretary ; Watrous, S. D. ; Hig- gins, J. D. ; Hodge, Tyler. Members — Munson, Avery, Chap- man, Russel, Loomis, Skinner, Ensworth, Tiifany, Hosmer, Curtis. Visitors — DeForest, Foot, Glenny, Seymour, Peck- ham, Hubbard, Greenman. The Lodge was opened and jjroceeded to West Point, where they joined Washington Lodge, and commenced the procession from Gen. Patterson's house to the Collonade, each Lodge sepa- rate, where a dinner was provided, and an oration delivered by Bro. John Brooks, of the Massachusetts Line. After dinner, the Lodges having drank a number of toasts, the procession returned to Gen. Patterson's ; the American Union Lodge then proceeded to the ball-room in the Connecti- cut Line, and closed in good time, to stand closed until Thurs- day, the 27th inst. June 27. — Lodge was opened and the following vote passed : That Washington Lodge be requested to acquaint Worshipful Bro. Brooks, that this body wish him to accept our veiy partic- lar thanks for the polite and truly Masonic address with which he was pleased to honor the brethren, at the late festival of St. John the Bastist. Closed until Thusday the 4th of July, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at the Assembly Room. [Bulinefs of the Officers of the Line prevented the ap- pointed meeting of the Craft: on the 4th of July ; and at the two following meetings, to wit, on the 18th and 25th of July, the attendance appears to have been fo fmall that no buliness was tranfaded except " lecturing on the two firft fteps in Mafonry." Nothing further appears on the Minute- Book, until the 2d of Odober.] 1783.] AMERICAN UNION LODGE. 47 Verplank's Point, Oct. 2, 1782. At a Lodge of Master Masons, held at the Block-House on this point, — present, Bro. Heart, W. M., &c. Bro. Kohert Al- lyn, Fellow Craft, was proposed to be made a Master, and on being balloted for and accepted, he was duly raised to that sub- lime degree. The Lodge was then closed, to await the call of the W. Master. West Point, March 8, 1783. At an Entered Apprentices' Lodge, held this day, by order of the W. Master, the following brethren only were present, viz : Officers— Heart, W. M. ; Kichards, S. W. ; Chapman, J. W. ; Wright, Treas. ; John Hart, Secr'y. Members — Wyllys, Hop- kins, Betts, Selden, Tiifany. The Lodge, taking into consideration the small number of Brethren present, voted, that the present officers serve until the first of May next. The W. Master and S. Warden were appointed a committee to attend the Massachusetts and New York Lodges, on the subject of an irregular or clandestine Lodge, said to be held in the New Jersey Line, by one Sergeant McMuUen, and report to this Lodge. Closed till Wednesday next. April 3.— At a Fellow Crafts' Lodge, held at Maj. Wright's Quarters, at West Point, — present, Bro. Heart, W. M., &c.— ^ Bro. Hopkins, an Entered Apprentice, was proposed, balloted for, and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. April 8. — The Lodge convened and was opened, but the at- tendance was so small no business was offered. Closed until the 23d inst. West Point, April 23, 1783, At a Lodge held this day, at Mr. Foot's on West Point — present, Brs. Heart, W. M. ; Judson, S. W. ; J. Hart, J. W. ; Tiffany, Treas. ; Russel, Secr'y ; Higgins, S. D. ; Loomis, J. D. ; Hobart, Tyler. Members and Visitors — Brs. Selden, Rose, Glenny, Leacroft, Guyon, Woodward, Miller, Steele, 48 AMERICAN UNION LODGE. [1783. The Lodge was opened, and Bro. Rose, an Entered Appren- tice, was proposed, balloted for, accepted, and passed to the de- dree of Fellow Craft. Lodge closed, to stand closed until the W. Master should call them together. [We have no record of any further meetings of this Lodge. The Revolutionary War being now brought to a happy termination, and the Army difbanded, the Craft, of courfe, were difperfed to their feveral homes, to enjoy the bleffings of "the peace their valor won," and to cultivate the moral and focial virtues, by the eftabliQiment of Ma- fonic Lodges in the various fedions of the country where they were feverally located.] A BRIEF NOTICE OF SOME OF THE LODGES IN CONNECTICUT, In existence before the Grand Lodge. The Lodges wliicli fonned the first Masonic Convention in Connecticut, whose delegates took the first prelimenary step to- wards establishing the Grand Lodge, were the following, viz : — Hiram, at New Haven ; St. John's, Middletown ; St. John's, Fairfield ; St. John's, Hartford ; St. John's, Norwalk ; King Solomon's, Woodbury ; St. John's, Stratford ; Compass, Wal- lingford ; Union, Danbury ; Wooster, Colchester ; St. Paul's, Litchfield ; King Hiram, Derby. Some of these Lodges have kept their records in a good state of preservation, from their first organization, which enables us to give the following brief sketch of their early history. From others we have found no records earlier than the formation of the Grand Lodge, and all the knowledge we have of their previous existence is derived from the fact that* they were represented in the Convention of Delegates at the time the Constitution was adopted. Further notices will be found in the Appendix. HIRAM LODGE, NEW HAVEN, The first chartered Lodge in Connecticut, was instituted in the year, 1750, by a Warrant from " St. John's Grand Lodge of Boston, as descending from the Grand Lodge of England," — which Warrant was granted upon the application of Captain (afterwards General) David Wooster, and other brethren, then residing in said New Haven. The Warrant was issued by R. W. Thomas Oxnard, Provincial Grand Master, and bears the signa- tures of Hugh McDaniel, D. G. M. ; Benj. Hallowell, S. G. W. ; John Box, J. G. W ; attested by Chas. Pelham, Grand Secreta- ry ; dated at Boston, Nov.l2th, 1750. In a few weeks after the date of this Warrant, to wit, on the 27th of December, the Lodge was in operation, as we find by the following record^ copied from the original minute-book : 7 50 EAKLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1750. At a Lodge of Free- Mason's, held at Jehiel Tuttle's in New Haven, at the Fes- tival of Saint John the Evangelist, A. L. 5750, the following brethren were pres- ent, viz : — David Wooster, W. M. ; Samuel Mansfield, S. W. ; John Elliot, J. W. ; Nathan Whiting, Elihu Lyman, Archibald McNeil, Jehiel Tuttle, Joseph Goldth- waite, John Harpin, Eleazer Fitch, Benjamin Appleton, Israel Abbot. Each brother paid 30 shillings ; Benedict Westcut paid 100 shillings advance money ; Lodge received of Bro. Lyman 2 doz. gloves, at ,£10 12s 6d^£21 5s. ; received of Bro. B. Westcut, in full for admittance, £9. The above is a copy of the record of the first Lodge meeting ever held, by authority of a charter or warrant, in Connecticut. From this simple beginning, " Hiram Lodge" has continued its regular communications, until its initiates have become an ex- ceeding great multitude, " which no man can number." The Lodge continued its regular communications through the War of the Kevolution, and through all adverse " excitements." At the organization of the Grand Lodge, in 1789, the first Grand Master and the first Grand Secretary were taken from Hiram Lodge, and she has ever since been honored with her full share of the Grand Officers. Upon the numbering of the subordinate Lodges, which took place in 1796, this Lodge, in consequence of the early date of its charter, took rank as "num- ber one," and has since attained the distinctive and familiar ap- pellation of " Old Hiram." One thing can be said of Hiram Lodge, No. 1, which cannot be said of any other Lodge in the State, — that in no instance, since the formation of the Grand Lodge, has she failed of being represented and making returns at the Grand Communications of that body. Another thing is also true, — that in no instance has her own regular communications been omitted. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, MIDDLETOWN, Was constituted under a charter from R. W. Thomas Oxnard, Esq., Provincial Grand Master at Boston, bearing date, or rather granted, the 14th day of February, 1754. The petitioners, to whom the charter was granted, were Richard Alsop, Jedediah Stow, Ichabod Camp, Thomas Tyler, Israel Abbott, Jno. Eason, Samuel Bement ; and they nominated Jehosaphat Starr for their first Master, who was appointed, with Thomas Tyler for 1754.] EAKLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 51 Senior Warden, and Kichard Alsop for Junior Warden. Bro. Icliabod Camp was the first Treasurer, and Bro. John Eason the first Secretary. Besides the above named petitioners and officers, the first members were Philip Mortimer, George Phil- lips, Thomas Edwards, George Lasor, Elijah Davis and Samuel Griffin. Their first meeting was held at Capt. Michael Burn- ham's tavern, Feb. 26, 1754, when Br. Starr read his " deputa- tion" from the R. W. Provincial Grand Master, and the afore- mentioned officers " were accepted in the usual manner." The following are a few brief extracts from the original by-laws : Art. 1. It is ordered, that this Lodge meet every Wednesday evening, till the members are all good workmen. Art. 2d obliged them to close the Lodge at 9 o'clock, or sooner ; and no bro- ther was allowed to insist upon or force a brother to stay longer. Art. 3. Any brother guilty of profanity, during Lodge hours, was fined 1 shil- ling, lawful money, to be deposited in the fund for the relief of poor brethren. Art. 4. The earnest vioney for a candidate was £1, to be returned if his peti- tion was rejected, and on admission £1 more, and a pair of gloves to each mem- ber present at his admission. Art. 8. Every member and visiting brother shall pay 1 shilling each night he is at Lodge. Art. 10 provides for keeping the Festivals of St, John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, according to ancient usage. Art. 13. The Treasurer shaU account to the Lodge every 6 months, and the surplus in his hands shall be put in the chest, to raise a fund for the relief of poor brethren. Art 14. If any brother should be so void of shame as to disguise himself with liquor, or shall come disguised to the Lodge, he shall pay a fine of 2 shillings, and be dismissed for the night ; and the next Lodge night that he comes he shall be severely reprimanded, and dealt by according to the manner of Masons. Art. 15. Whoever promotes feuds or animosities among the brethren, or en- deavors to disturb the tranquility of the Lodge, shall likewise be dealt by as seemeth meet unto the Master and his men. Art. 16. As Masonry ought never to be neglected, and as true cement is neces- sary for keeping the Lodge in a firm state, so if any member be in town and ab- sent himself of a Lodge night, he shall be charged his club, unless he give a sat- isfactory reason for his absence. The Lodge kept along with its regular business, through the Revolutionary War, and during the " troublous times" of later years, without surrendering its charter. At the formation of the Grand Lodge it received a new charter, and took rank as " number two" on the roll of Lodges in this jurisdiction. 52 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1762. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, FAIRFIELD. This Lodge was instituted in 1762, under a Warrant from R. W. G-eorge Harrison, Provincial Grand Master of New York, by which " our worshipful and well-beloved Brother Eleazer Hubbell, was nonainated, constitued and appointed to be Mas- ter of the Saint John's Lodge, in" the County of Fairfield, and in the Colony of Connecticut," The members of this Lodge, in the year 1763, were Eleazur Hubbell, Isaac Youngs, Wool- cott Chauncey, Benjamin Wyncoop, David Wheeler, Ebenezer Bartram, Jr., Joseph Silliman, Joseph Knapp, N. Smith Odell, Abel Gold, Samuel Hull, Jr., Daniel Brown, Timothy Northam, Seth Sherwood, Henry Ketch, Seth Warner, John Whiteon, Aaron Hubbell, John Gregg. Upon the organization of the Grand Lodge, a new charter was taken out by this Lodge, locating it at Newfield, and giving it rank as " number three" in the list of subordinates. From and after the October session of 1801, St. John's, No. 3, was located at Bridgeport, or, at least, their returns to the Grand Lodge were dated at that place, until the May session of 1809, when by vote of the Grand Lodge it was " ordered, that Saint John's Lodge, No. 3, be holden in future within one mile of the court-house in the town of Fairfield." This arrangement was continued until the annual communication of 1821, since which time, without any action of the Grand Lodge, the permanent location has been at Bridgeport ; and in 1826 a new Lodge was instituted in Fairfield. St. John's, No. 3, has generally been among the most active and flourishing Lodges in this jurisdiction ; but in the excite- ment which prevailed for a few years after 1826, she bowed be- fore the storm, only to rise when it had passed, and to stand asrain, more erect and firm than ever, ST. JOHN'S LODGE, HARTFORD, Was constituted in the year 1763, by a " Deputation" from R, W. Jeremy Gridley, Esq., of Boston, " Provincial Grand Master of Masons in North America." The following are the names of the brethren who signed " the letter craving a depu- 1763.] EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 53 tation for this Lodge" : — John Townley, Wm. Jepson, Samuel Olcott, G-eorge Caldwell, Abraham Beach, Thomas Hopkins, Jonathan Wadsworth, John Ellery, James Church, Samuel Flagg, Eleazer Pomeroy, Thomas Payson. The Lodge was organized immediately upon the receipt of the dispensation, and the subjoined extract is copied from the earliest record to be found : At a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, held at Hezekiah Colyei's, the 19th January, 5763, Kt. W. John Townley read his Deputation from Jeremy Gridley, Esq., Grand Master of America, appointing him Deputy Grand Master of this Lodge ; and after the usual ceremonies he nominated aloud, Bro. William Jepson for his Senior Warden, Bro. Samuel Olcott for his Junior Warden, Bro. George Caldwell for his Treasurer, Bro. Abraham Beacli for his Secretary ; whom the Lodge accepted of, according to the usual manner. The following is a copy of a letter addressed by order of the Lodge to the Provincial Grand Master, soon after their organi- zation : Hartford, July 27, 1763. Right Worshipful : I am directed by the Master, Wardens and Members of the newly constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Hartford, to render you and the other officers of the Grand Lodge in Boston, our sincere acknowledge- ments for the Constitution you have been pleased, on our request, to grant to this Lodge ; and to assure you we shall ever make it our constant endeavor, as we trust it will be our highest pleasure, to square our actions agreeably to the rules of our honorable profession ; thereby rendering ourselves worthy the favor you have been pleased to bestow upon us ; and in some measure answering the ex- pectations you might reasonably conceive from a Lodge, the pillars whereof are Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. We beg leave further, to observe, that by virtue of your deputation, appointing R. W. John Townley Deputy Grand Master of this Lodge, he congregated the brethren together and formed them into a regular Lodge, on the 19th day of Jan- uary, 5763, and appointed two Wardens and other officers necessary for the due regulation of the same, who served the Lodge in their respective places till the last Aniversary Festival of St. John the Baptist, at which time the members elected their officers at their Lodge Room, at the sign of the Black Horse, in this town, according to the following list of members of the Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Hartford : R. W. WILLIAM JEPSON, Deputy Grand Master. W. SAMUEL OLCOTT, Senior Warden. W. JAMES CHURCH, Junior Warden. Br. ABRAHAM BEACH, Secretary. Br. WILLIAM ELLERY, Treasurer. Br. JOHN BUNCE, Tyler. 54 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1765- John Townley, of E artford, Israel Knapp, of Hartford, George Caldwell, do. James Tiley, do. Thomas Hopkins, do. Alexander Chalker, do. Jon'th Wadsworth, do. Samuel Wyllys, do. John Ellery, do. Andrew Thompson, do. Samuel Flagg, do. John Bigelow, do. Eleazer Pomeroy, do. ' John Wynne, Lieut. 46th Reg. Thomas Payson, of Boston, All of whom greet you thrice heartily, and in their name and behalf I beg leave to subscribe myself, Right Worshipful, your affectionate brother and very humble servant, ABRAHAM BEACH, Secretary. To the R. W. Jeremiah Gridley, Esq.,' Provincial Grand Master of Masons in ! North America. This Lodge received a charter from the Grand Lodge of Con- necticut, at the May session, 1795, with the name and rank of " St. John's Lodge, No. 4," Bro. Ephraim Root being at that time the W. Master. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, NOEWALK. The original charter of this Lodge was obtained from the Provincial Grand Lodge in New York, and bears the signature of R. W. George Harrison, Grand Master, dated May 23, 1765, appointing Bro. Benjamin Isaacs, Master, Stephen St. John, Senior Warden, and Jehial Ketcham, Junior Warden, of said Lodge, " to be held at Norwalk only, and that until such time as a Grand Master shall be appointed for the Colony of Con- necticut." We have the records of this Lodge as early as Sep- tember 8, 1779, from which time to the present they have been kept in regular order. The first choice of officers on record took place February 17th, 1780, when the following brethren were elected : — Stephen St. John, W. M. ; Ebenezer Whitney, S. W. ; Matthew Reed, J. W. ; Timothy Whitney, Treas. ; Hezekiah Belden, Sec'y. At this meeting a committee was appointed to prepare a code of by-laws for the government of the Lodge ; and the following regulation was adopted : Voted and agreed, that when any one shall be initiated into this Lodge, he shall pay to the funds of the same, Two Hundred Continental Dollars, and Ten Dollars to the Tyler ; and also that the Tyler shall receive Ten Dollars per night during the pleasure of the Lodge. [1766. EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 55 This fee to the Tyler was somewhat reduced in after years, as appears by the following, under date of Jan, 26, 1792 : At this Lodge, John St. John was voted and agreed with to tyle, during the pleasure of the Lodge, at Two Shillings per night when the Lodge is sitting, and when he attends and the Lodge does not convene, he shall receive One Shilling. The true work of Masonry shows itself in such a transaction as the following : June \st. — This Lodge taking into consideration the captivity of Bro. Ebenezer Whitney, have thereupon voted out of its funds, Four Hundred Dollars, to be used for his release, in case it be needed. At the Convention preliminary to forming the Grand Lodge, which was held at New Haven, in 1783, this Lodge was repre- sented by Bro. David Lambert ; but at the subsequent Con- vention, when the Constitution was adopted and signed, the name of a delegate from this Lodge does not appear on the minutes. It is presumed they came early into the Grand Lodge, as they appear, in 1796, on the roll of subordinates, as "St. John's, No. 6," and have been very generally represented at the Grand Communications. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, STRATFOED. The original charter of this Lodge was received from R, W. George Harrison, Provincial Grand Master for the Colony of New York, dated the 22d of April, 1766, and Bro. Joseph Clark was appointed first Master. Their first meeting was held the 12th of May following, when W. Bro. Clark presided, assisted by Brs. James Dunn, John Harpen and Lemuel Brooks, and the following brethren were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, viz : — Henry Van Dycke, Ephraim Peet, Abijah Beach and William Mcintosh. On the 15th of May, the following subordinate officers were elected : — Henry Van Dycke, S. W. ; Ephraim Peet, J. W. ; Abijah Beach, Treas. ; James Dunn, Secr'y. Four candidates were proposed at this meeting, viz : — George Benjamin, Abraham Tomlinson, Elijah Wilcox, John R. Marshall. By-Laws were adopted by the Lodge and signed by the members on the 4th of September, from which the fol- lowing extracts are made : 56 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1768. Lodge to be holden the 2d and 4th Thursdaj- of each month ; Lodge hours to be between 6 and 9 from Michaelmas to Lady- Day, and between 7 and 10 from Lady-Day to Michaelmas. The Master and other officers to be elected annually on the Lodge night suc- ceeding the Feast of St. John the Evangelist, as follows : — " Every member shall give in a sealed ticket, with the name of the person he chooseth, (but no tickets to be given for absent brethren,) which tickets shall not be opened till all are given in ; and the Secretary shall open every one, and note the names inserted, and whom the majority shall fall to, he shall be Master ; but if an equality hap- pen on two or more of the majority, the oldest Master shall take the chair for the ensuing year." Every newly initiated brother shall pay £3 to the box, and 3s. to the Tyler. If any brother shall swear in Lodge hours, he shall pay 2 shillings lawful money, and for obscene language 1 shilling. No talking to be allowed during ceremony, uuder penalty of 1 shilling. Any member refusing to obey the Master's gavel, shall immediately pay 2 shillings, and on refusal shall be expelled the Lodge that night. All fines and forfeitures shall be applied to no other use than charity. In case of a negative ballot, no question shall be asked except by the Master, and that only whether there has been any mistake ; and no brother shall reveal his ballot to another. If difficulties or disputes arise between brethren, they shall be dismissed the Lodge until reconciled. No visiting brother shall be pres- ent when the Lodge is engaged in settling disputes or in the discipline of mem- bers. No brother or brothers shall presume to stay in the Lodge room, after the Lodge hours are over, on any account whatever. The following extracts are copied from the records : Oct. 16. 1766. — The Lodge being open in due form and order, did unanimously agree and consent, that Bro. Abijah Beach should see and take care that proper candlesticks be provided for the Lodge ; and for our deficiency we had a lecture from our Worshipful Master. April 30, 1767. — Saint John's day drawing nigh, it was proposed in what dwell- ing it would be most suitable to be kept ; when it was ordered to be held at Mr. John Benjamin's, inn-holder in Stratford. June 11, 1767. — Voted, That the whole Lodge appear at the Lodge room, at 10 of the clock, forenoon, on the 2-ith, to celebrate the Festival of St. John. Jan. 21, 1768. — The Lodge being opened and clothed with all their honors, the R. W. Master gave an Entered Apprentice's Lecture ; after which he proposed that a collection be made by the members present, for Sister Mcintosh, which was unanimously consented to, and a collection of £1 8s. 7d. taken up ; when Br. David Osborn was appointed to wait on her with it as readily as may be, which was done. March 7, 1768. — The Lodge proceeded to ballot for J P , which was carried in the negative, 3 against 5 ; they afterwards proceeded to ballot for the same, when there was 2 against 6 ; and then the Lodge was closed. A charter from the Grand Lodge in 1792, gave them the de- signation of " St. John's, No. 8." CONVENTION OF DELEGATES FROM THE MASONIC LODG^ES IIST CONNECTICUT, April 29, A. L. 5783. b In pursuance of a recommendation of a committee of thirteen Lodges of the State of Connecticut, holden at New Haven in said State, on the 18th of March, 1783, delegates from the several Lodges met at the house of Brother Brown, on the last Tuesday of April, 1783, viz : New Haven — Brs. John Lothrop, James Lockwood, Elias Shipman, Pierpoint Edwards. Middletown — Brs. Comfort Sage, John Cotton. Fairfield — Brs. Jonathan Buckley, Elijah Abel. Hartford — Brs. William Adams, William Nichols, Oliver Lewis. Norwalk — Br. David Lambert. Woodbury — Br. Josej^h Perry. Stratford — Brs. Peter Nichols, Philip Nichols. Wallingford — Br. Tyrhand Kirtland. Danbury— Br. Sallu Pell. Colchester — Brs. Asa Worthington, Elijah Bingham. Litchfield — Br. Julius Doming. Derby^ — Br. Charles Whittlesey. Brother Comfort Sage was chosen moderator, and Pierpoint Edwards clerk of said convention. The credentials of the respective delegates and the charters and By-Laws of the several Lodges being read, the convention proceeded to business. Voted, That Brs. Sallu Pell, Oliver Lewis, Asa Worthington, and Jonathan Buckley be a Conunittee to form By-Laws relative to the sums to be paid for the admitting, passing and raising 58 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^-pril, brethren ; the ceremonies to be observed at the admission of visit- ing brethren, vrho have none to vouch for them ; the time that persons shall stand proposed before admission, and such other matters of general concern, as in their opinion, may, without trenching upon the By-Laws of particular Lodges, be objects of general regulation. The Committee appointed, reported as follows : The subscribers, a Committee appointed by the General Convention, assembled at New Haven, on the 29th day of April, 1783, to form certain By-Laws, to be adopted by all the Lodges in this State, REPOIIT : First. That every person who is admitted to the degree of Entered Apprentice in Masonry, shall pay to the Treasurer of the Lodge £4 lawful money, inclusive of the sum paid by the brother who proposed him, and exclusive of the Tyler's fees ; for being passed to a Fellow Craft, shall pay 12 shillings ; and for being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, shall pay 18 shillings, and shall be free from all expense except his club. Second. That every person proposed for initiation, shall stand proposed one month, and longer if desired by any of the brethren, unless in cases of emergency. Third. That the strictest attention be paid to the admission of visiting breth- ren, and that no one, unless he be vouched for by some brother present, shall be admitted to sit in any Lodge until he shall have taken the usual accustomed as- surances, that he was regularly initiated, passed and raised, in a just and regularly constituted Lodge, that he is not under any censure and knows no just impedi- ment why he should not be admitted to the privileges of a visiting brother. Submitted to consideration by your Committee. SALLU PELL, JAMES LOCKWOOD, OLIVER LEWIS, ASA WORTHINGTON, JONATHAN BUCKLEY. The above report was read and unanimously accepted by the delegates from the twelve Lodges assembled, and copies thereof ordered to be taken and recorded by the Secretaries of each Lodge. Voted, That a person be appointed to visit each of the Lodges in this State, in order that there may be uniformity in the mode of working among the brethren ; and that Bro. Jonathan Heart be appointed for that purpose, and he is accordingly requested to take upon himself the execution of said office. 1783.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 59 Voted, That Bro. Heart's exjDenses and a compensation for his services be paid him by the respective Lodges. Voted, That a Committee of four, viz : one in each of the counties of Hartford, New Haven, Litchfield and Faii-field, be appointed for the purposes pointed out in the third article of the resolves of the last General Convention. Voted, That the said Committee be chosen annually, and continue in office until another be appointed. The ballots being taken, Bro. Pierpoint Edwards was chosen one of the Committee, for New Haven County ; Bro. Samuel Holden Parsons, for Hartford County ; Bro. Jonathan Buckley, for Fairfield County ; and Bro. Hezekiah Thompson, for Litch- field County. Voted, That the next General Convention be holden on the last Tuesday in September next, at Middletown, precisely at 10 o'clock A. M. Voted, That each Lodge shall transmit thirteen copies of all returns that they shall make to the said Committee of four. Voted, That an oration be delivered at Middletown, at the next General Convention, and that Bro. Oliver Lewis be ap- pointed to deliver said oration. Voted, That it shall be the duty of the Committee of four to attend the half yearly convention, and to report their pro- ceedings to said convention. The convention was adjourned. COMFOKT SAGE, Moderator. PIERPOINT EDWAEDS, Clerk. 60 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICTT. [^^J, CONVENTION OF DELEGhATES. May 14, A. L. 5789. At a convention of delegates from the several Lodges in the State of Connecticut, convened at Hartford on the 14th day of May, 1789, to consider the state of the several Lodges, advise upon the question of establishing a Grand Lodge in this State, and the appointment of the necessary officers. Bro. WILLIAM JUDD, Preside7it. Bro. EPHRAIM KIRBY, Secretanj. Voted, That Brs. Pierpoint Edwards, William Judd, Asher Miller, and Ephraim Kirhy, be a Committee to prepare a sys- tematic plan for forming a Grand Lodge in this State, and that they lay the same before a convention of delegates from the several Lodges, to be convened at the Lodge Room in New Haven, on the 8th day of July next, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Voted, That the Secretary of this convention, be empowered and requested to notify the several Lodges in this State to con- vene for the purpose ; also, with full powers to act uj)on such subjects as shall be found most conducive to the good of Ma- sonry. The convention was then adjourned. A true cojjy from the minutes, Attest, EPHRAIM KIRBY, Secretary. 1789.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 61 ORGANIZATION OP THE GRAND LODGE. July 8, A. L. 5789. At a convention of the Lodges of the State of Connecticut, holclen at. New Haven, in said State, on the 8th day of July, 1789, the following Constitution, Regulations and Ordinances were adopted for the government of the Grand Lodge : COIVSTITUTION. We, the members of the several Lodges in the State of Connecticut, to establish order and uniformity, to promote love and charity among Masons, and render more general and extensive the principles of benevolence and philanthropy, do ordain and establish this Constitution, for a Grand Lodge in this State. That the Grand Lodge shall consist of a Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior and Grand Junior Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, two Grand Deacons, and the Masters and Wardens, for the time being, of the several Lodges in this State, and the Past Grand Oflficers of the Grand Lodge ; and the said enumerated officers shall be the only members and voters of the Grand Lodge. The Master and Wardens of any Lodge, who cannot personally attend the Grand Lodge, shall have the privilege of constituting a proxy ; which proxy shall have the same number of votes as his constituent, and such proxy shall be a Master Mason. A Grand Lodge shall be holden twice every year, viz : on Wednesday next be- fore the second Thursday in October, at New Haven, and on Wednesday next be- fore the second Thursday in May, at Hartford, until the Grand Lodge shall order otherwise, and shall have given four months notice of such alteration to all the Lodges in this State. But the Grand Master, for the time being, may at anytime call a special Grand Lodge, to meet at such place as he may think proper. The officers of the grand Lodge shall be chosen annually, at the Grand Lodge holden on Wednesday next before the second Thursday in May, by the members of the Grand Lodge present, by ballot ; a majority of the votes present shall be necessary to constitute a choice ; proxies present to be accounted members. In case of the death, resignation or absence of the acting Grand Master, the next officer in rank of the Grand Lodge shall act in his place and stead, until the next annual election, and shall possess all the powers and authorities of the Grand Master ; and in case any other office shall become vacant by death, resig- nation or otherwise, the Grand Master, for the time being, shall fill such vacancy by his nomination. 62 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [J^^^J? The Grand Lodge shall have power by patent under their seal and sign manual of the Grand Master, for the time being, attested bj^ their Secretary, to constitute new Lodges ; to establish a uniform mode of working in all the Lodges in this State, and to superintend and regulate the general police of Masonry, according to the ancient usages and customs of Masons ; carefully regarding the old land- marks, which are on no account to be removed or defaced. The Grand Lodge shall have power to make such By-Laws for their own gov- ernment as they shall think proper. The Grand Lodge ujjon granting a charter to a newly constituted Lodge, may demand such reasonable fees, as they shall establish by their By-Laws, All the Lodges in this State shall, before the annual meeting in May next, de- posit with the Grand Lodge their present charter, and shall receive from the Grand Lodge new charters, which shall be numbered according to the senority of the dates of their former charters. The new charters shall be granted to the present Lodges without any expense — excepting the expense of engrossing, when that shall be done by the Grand Lodge. Done in a convention of the Lodges of the State of Connecticut, holden at New Haven, in said State, on the 8th day of July, Anno Lucis 5789. WILLIAM JUDD, Chairman and Delegate from Frederick Lodge in Farmington. Hiram Lodge, New Haven, PIERPOINT EDWARDS, JONAS PRENTICE, ELIAS SHIPMAN, ELIJAH AUSTIN, IRUSSEL CLARK, rASHER MILLER, St. John's Lodge, Middletown, ^^ggfE^L^^^^FF, (.WILLIAM W. PARSONS. e, T 1 7 T 1 -u ■ a ^A ^ ELIJAH ABEL, St, John's Lodge, Fairfield, j p^^jgL YOUNG. St, John's Lodge, Hartford,— SAMUEL WYLLYS, King Solomon's Lodge, Woodbury,— NATHAN PRESTON. St. John's Lodge, Stratford,— JOSEPH L. WOOSTER. Lodge in Wallingford,— TYRHAND KIRTLAND. Lodge in Danbury,— JOSHUA KING. ,^ . T 1 nit,. i ASA WORTHINGTON, Wooster Lodge, Colchester, J ELIJAH BINGHAM, St, Paul's Lodge, Litchfield,— EPHRAIM KIRBY. Frederick Lodge, Farmington, — JOHN MIX. Montgomery Lodge, Salisbury, — SAMUEL LEE. Attest, EPHRAIM KIRBY, Secretary. Resolved, That the officers of the Grand Lodge for the year ensuing be now chosen. The votes being taken, by ballot, the following Grand Offi- cers were duly elected : 1789.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 63 Brother Pierpoint Edwards, Grand Master, " William Judd, Deputy Grand Master. " Ealph Pomeroy, Senior Grand Warden. " Samuel Wyllys, Junior Grand Warden. " George Phillips, Grand Treasurer. " Elias Shipman, Grand Secretary. " Elijah Abel, Senior Grand Deacon. " AsHER Miller, Junior Grand Deacon. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. Attest, ELIAS SHIPMAN, Grand Secretary. In Grand Lodge, Oct. 14, A. L. 5789. ORDIlSrAISrCES, LODG-E OF COlSriSrECTICUT. 1st. The Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut shall consist of the Grand Officers for the time being, and the Past Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge. But no person shall be a member of this Grand Lodge any longer than he resides within the jurisdiction of the same. 2d. It shall be the duty of the Master and Wardens of the several Lodges in this State, to give their jjunctual attendance at the meetings of the Grand Lodge, either by themselves or proxies ; which proxy shall be a Master Mason, and the certificate cf his appointment, countersigned by the Secretary of the Lodge to which he belongs. 3d. A majority of the members present shall determine every question, and the brother in the chair shall have the casting vote. If any one Lodge request the vote to be taken by ballot, it shall be so taken. No vote shall be reconsidered by a smaller number of Lodges than were present when such vote passed. 4th. The Grand Officers shall be chosen annually, at the meeting of the Grand Lodge, on Wednesday preceding the second Thursday in May. at Hartford — until the Grand Lodge shall order otherwise. A majority of votes shall be necessary to constitute a choice. 5th. The Grand Master (if he judges it necessary) shall appoint Grand Stew- ards, Grand Marshal, Grand Sword Bearei-, Grand Pursuivant, and Grand Tyler; but no brother shall be appointed to either of the above mentioned offices unless he is a Master Mason and a member of the Grand Lodge. 6th. The jewels to be worn by the Grand Officers shall be gilt with gold, pen- dant to a collar of white ribbon. The officers and members of the Grand Lodge shall wear white aprons trimmed with white — which kind of aprons may also be worn by Past Grand Officers. The members from private Lodges shall wear their respective jewels. No member shall appear in Grand Lodge without the jewel of his office. J 7th. Every question moved and seconded shall be put by the chair, and no new matter shall be brought forward until that on hand shall be first decided upon. No brother shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless with leave of the chair, or to explain himself. The chair shall determine all questions of order. 8th. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to make regular entries of all monevs which shall from time to time become due to the Grand Lodge. 68 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. 9th. The Grand Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due to the Grand Lodge, and keep regular accounts of all moneys by him received, and at the close of every year a committee shall be appointed to examine and settle his accounts, who shall report at the next biennial communication. And the Grand Treasurer shall pay out the moneys by him received, to the order of the Grand Lodge, or in their recess to the order of the Grand Master. 10th. No new charter shall be granted but upon the petition of at least five known and approved Master Masons, nor shall a new warrant be granted to any number of Masons residing within less than ten miles of the usual place of meet- ing of any regularly established Lodge, unless by special dispensation of the Grand Lodge ; and the petition shall contain the causes which render it expedient that such charter should be granted, with the nomination of the Master and War- dens ; and the petition shall be approved by some regularly constituted Lodge, in the vicinity of the petitioners. Every Lodge shall pay for a charter, before de- livery, the sum of £4 ; and to the Grand Secretary, for parchment, engrossing, registering and fixing the seal, the sum of £1 : 10s. 11th. The Grand Secretary may appoint his deputy, subject to the approbation of the Grand Lodge ; he shall have the care of the archives ; he shall keep fair records of all the transactions of the Grand Lodge. 12th. All appeals from the decision of any private Lodge shall be made in writing and left with the Grand Secretary. And the appellant shall give the other party one month notice thereof. All appeals, letters, &c., shall be read in Grand Lodge, but first handed to the chair. 13tli. Whenever the Grand Master or oflBcer presiding rises from his chair, all debate shall cease, and there shall be a strict silence. Every member excluded the Grand Communication shall also be excluded every Lodge imder this juris- diction, until restored by the Grand Lodge ; of this, the Grand Secretary shall notify every Lodge. 14th. Upon the demise of any Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the last Secretary and Treasurer of said Lodge shall, within six months afterwards, surrender to the Grand Secretary, the books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of said Lodge. Whereas, it has been found that the meeting of the Grand Lodge the day previous to the session of the General Assembly, is attended with many and great inconveniences, therefore^ Resolved, That the Grand Communications in future be holden on Wednesday next following the second Thursday in May, at Hartford ; and on Wednesday next following the second Thursday in October, at New Haven, at 5 o'clock P. M., on each of said days. Ordered, That the Grand Treasurer be directed to exhibit his accounts of all moneys by him received and paid out for the benefit of the Lodge, to the next Grand Communication ; and that the several Lodges at the same time bring in all their 1793.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 69 vouchers for what they have paid into the stock of the Grand Lodge, that it may then appear who are indebted, and what sums are due from those Lodges which are yet in arrears, A true extract, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. In Grand Lodge, October 17, A. L. 5792. (Seventeen Lodges represented.) On motion, and seconded, Ordered, that the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge be printed at the expense of the Lodge, and that the Grand Secretary transcribe and prepare them for the press, together with such of the Ordinances and Resolutions which have been adopted, as he shall think exj>e- dient and necessary to be communicated ; and that he transmit copies thereof to the several Lodges in this State as soon as may be. Ordered, That the following form of Certificate be adopted, and used by members of this Grand Lodge, as occasion may require. Form of Certificate for the Appointment of Proxy. To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : BE IT KNOWN, That I, A. B. (Master, S. or J. Warden, as the case may be) of Lodge, in , have and by these presents do constitute T. D., a brother Master Mason and mem- ber of said Lodge, my proxy, at the Grand Lodge, to be holden at -, on the "Wednesday next after the second Thursday of ; A. D. 179 In testimony whereof, I have committed to him my jewel of office, and subscribed my name this day of , A. L. 579 (Signed.) A true extract from the minutes. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 70 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [DeC. Extract from the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, held in October, A. L. 5793. Resolved, That it is the indispensable duty of every Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, to attend each half- yearly communication, either by one or more of their officers, or proxies by them appointed ; and that every Lodge which shall neglect so to attend, shall incur the penalty of eight dollars for each neglect, to be paid into the Grand Treasury : — Provided, that no reason satisfactory to the Grand Lodge, at their next communication, shall be given for their non-attendance. A true extract, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. Special CommTiiiication. At a special Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons holden at the house of Bro. Samuel Bellamy, on Tuesday, Dec. 30th, A. L. 5794, OFFICERS PRESENT '. M. W. WILLIAM JUDD, Grand Master. PETEK JOHNSON, Grand Sen. Warden, p. t. T YRHAND KIRTLAND, Grand Jun. Warden, p. t. ELIHU SANFORD. Grand Treasurer, p. t. DAYID DAGGETT, Grand Secretary, p. t. EDWARD BLAKESLEE, Grand Sen. Deacon. REUBEN IVES, Grand Jun. Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT : Samuel Bellamj^, Hezekiah Hotchkiss, Simeon Goodyear, George Bristol, Henry J. Coolidge, Walter Munson, Amasa Bradley, Ambrose Ward, Jr. Abraham Ives, Job Mimson, Joseph Peck, Joel Blakeslee, Ezra Kimberly, Samuel Covert, Benoni Hotchkiss, William Worthington, Nathaniel Hubbard, Walter Brown, William Munson, Cheney Higby, Nathaniel Storer, Benjamin Granniss, Peter Woodward, Jesse Beach, William Trowbridge, Robert Brown, Francis French, John Mix, Jr. Amos Doolittle, Edmond Smith, 1794.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 71 Daniel Barnes, David Badger, Reuben Rice, Jonathan Hall, Lazaras Tolles, Jared Tolles, Reuben Bronsou, Elizur Andrews, Thomas Atwater, Elnathan Beach, Leverett Kimberly, Luman Frisbie, Levi Parker, Christian Hausser, Azariah Albro, Hanover Barney, Samuel Pardee, Josiah Root, Martin Cook, Giles Brocket, Leonard Bradley, Nash Hotchkiss, Samuel Cook, Hezekiah Hooker, Nathaniel Cook, Moses Moss, Heman Atwater, Seldeu Spencer, Levi Tuttle, Hezekiah Sperry, Nathaniel Tuttle, Abram Doolittle, Lyman Ives, Jesse Atwater, Stephen Williams, Amzi Stanley, Joel Root, John Beers, Davenport Williams, Stephen Smith, Nathaniel Johnson, John Plymart. The M. W. Grand Master, the Lodge being opened, proceeded to the installation of Day S23ring Lodge, in Hamden. The charter being read by the Secretary, Bro. Samuel Bellamy was regularly constituted, ordained and installed Worshijaful Master of Day Spring Lodge ; Bro. George A. Bristol, Senior Warden ; Bro. Amasa Bradley, Junior Warden ; Bro. Ezra Kimberly, Secretary ; and Bro, Job Munson, Treasurer. The accustomed charges were given, and the solemn duties of the various officers strictly enjoined by the M. W. Grand Master in the chair. The Grand Lodge, having performed the business for which it was called togther, was closed in form. Attest, DAVID DAGGETT, G. Secretary, pro tern. 72 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, held at the Lodge Room in the City of New Ha- ven, on the 14th day of October, A. D. 1795, and of Ma- fonry 5795, OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. WILLIAM JUDD, Grand Master. SAMUEL WYLLYS, Deputy Grand Master. EPHRAIM KIRBY, Grand Sen. Warden. MOSES CLEVELAND, Grand Jun. Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Grand Sen. Deacon. DAVID DAGGETT, Grand Jun. Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT : Stephen T. Hosmer, M., St. John's, Middletown. William S. Betts, proxy M., St. John's, Norwalk. Benjamin Stiles, Jr., S. W., King Solomon's Woodbury. Sylvester Gilbert, proxy S. W., Wooster, Colchester. Christopher Johnson, proxy S. W., St. Paul's, Litchfield. Daniel Holbrook, proxy M., King Hiram's, Derby. Samuel Lee, proxy M., and Jonathan Burral, proxy J. W., Montgomery, Salisbury. Luke Wadsworth, proxy M., and Ezekiel Scott, proxy S. W., Frederick, Farmington. Hezekiah Hotchkiss, S. W., and William Munson, J. W., Hiram, New Haven. John Thompson, M., St. John's, Stratford. Tyrhand Kirtland, M., Compass, Wallingford. Moses Cleveland, M., Moriah, Windham. Charles Merriman, M., and Aner Bradley, S. W., Federal, Watertown. Ebenezer Beach, proxy M., Washington, Huntington. Elisha Bostwick, J. W., St. Peter's, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Roger Peck, proxy S. W., and Abner Bradley, J. W., Hart's, Woodbridge. 1795.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 73 Samuel Mott, proxy M., St. James'^ Preston. Sylvester Grilbert, proxy M., Uriel, Tolland. Jonathan 0. Mosely, M., Columbia, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, J. W., and David Whittlesey, proxy S. W., Eising Sun, Washington. Keuben Champion, M., and Shubael G-riswold, proxy J. W., Morning Star, East Windsor. Samuel Bellamy, M., Dayspring, Hamden. John Talmage, S. W., Meridian Sun, Warren. Asa Spaulding, M., Somerset, Norwich, Elias Perkins, J. W. and proxy M. and S. W., Union New London. Twenty-five Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry, when the following preamble and resolutions were con- sidered and adopted : Whereas, It has been represented to this Grand Lodge, that in some few instances, persons have applied for, and have been initiated members of Lodges, remote from other Lodges in whose vicinity they dwell ; and whereas, from such a practice conse- quences dangerous and disreputable to the Craft may arise, by means of admitting members on a slight or partial acquaintance, whose characters will not bear the test of close scrutiny — which practice to prevent. Resolved, That if a candidate for initiation sliall make application to be ad- mitted into any Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, when his usual place of residence is nearer to another Lodge than that to which he shall so apply, his name, if the Lodge direct, may be entered on the books ; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of said Lodge to communicate information in writing, with- out delay, of such application, to the Secretary of the other Lodge, and request of him to know whether there is any objection from that Lodge to the admission of the applicant. And if it shall be determined in open stated Lodge, that there are any real objections to his person or character, which determination shall be had by ballot, in the same way as for the initiation of a candidate ; then it shall be the indispensable duty of the Secretary of the Lodge last mentioned, forthwith to transmit a copy of the proceedings of said Lodge on this subject, to the Secre- tary of the Lodge to whom application was first made — and the applicant shall not be admitted. And no candidate, under the circumstances above mentioned, 10 74 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, shall be initiated within the term of three mouths from and after the time he was first proposed. This will not be considered as effecting any person living within the limits of a town where there is a regularly established Lodge, though he may be nearer to a Lodge in another town, — anything to the contrary notwith- standing. Resolved, That whenever a candidate for initiation is proposed to any Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and not accepted, it shall be the duty of the Secretary, as soon as may be, to communicate information thereof to the Grand Secretary, to be by him transmitted to the several Lodges in this State. Provided, nevertheless, that no communication is to be made of any who should be rejected merely on account of non age. Resolved, That in future no charter shall be granted for the formation of a new Lodge, until the Master elect has been examined wfth regard to his knowledge in the Masonic Art, by the Grand Lodge, or a committee by them appointed and approved. And that the Senior and Junior Wardens shall in like manner be ex- amined by the officers of some neighboring Lodge, and be by them recommended to the Grand Lodge, if well qualified. A petition from sundry brethren residing in the town of Har- winton and its vicinity, praying for a charter to establish a new Lodge, was presented and read. Sundry remarks having been made thereon, the further consideration was postponed until the next Grand Communication ; and Brs. Kirby and Mix were appointed a committee to examine the proposed Master, and report. Resolved, That our Most Worshipful Grand Master be requested to make a visit, either by himself or by some suitable person or persons, which he shall appoint for that purpose, to the several Lodges in this State, acknowledging the jurisdic- tion of this Grand Lodge, for the purpose of establishing a uniformity in working, and that the expense thereof be defrayed from the funds of this Lodge. Resolved, That the Grand Lodge will proceed to give numbers to the several Lodges holding charters under them, at the next communication. Ordered, That the Secretary, at the close of every Grand Lodge, shall collect and arrange their proceedings, cause them to be printed, and transmitted to the several Lodges in this State and elsewhere, as the Most Worshipful Grand Master shall direct. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1796.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 75 MAY SESSION, 1796. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 18th of May, A. D. 1796, and of Mafonry, 5796, OFFICERS PRESENT : R. W. SAMUEL WYLLYS, Deputy Grand Master. ELIPHALET BULKLEY, Grand Sen. Warden, p. t. EPHRAIM ROOT, Grand Jun. Warden, p. t. EBENEZER HUNTINGTON, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Grand Sen. Deacon. DAVID DAGGETT, Grand Jun. Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT. Seth Overton, proxy M., Thomas Leverett, S. W., and Sam- uel Canfield, J. W., St. John's, Middletown. Ephraim Root, M., and Timothy Burr, S. W., St. John's, Hartford. Elkanah Mead, S. W., and proxy M., Union, Greenwich. Taylor Sherman, proxy M., St. John's, Norwalk. David Talman, proxy M. King Solomon's, Woodbury. Ashhel Baldwin, proxy M., St. John's, Stratford. John Allyn, M., and Aaron Smith, proxy J. W., St. Paul's, Litchfield. Daniel Holbrook, proxy M. and S. W., King Hiram's, Derby. Adonijah Strong, proxy M., and Jonathan Burral, proxy S. W., Montgomery, Salisbury. Coral Case, proxy M., and Solomon Cowles, S. W., Frederick, Farmington. Samuel Woodruff, M., and Samuel Hall, proxy, S. W., Compass Wallingford. Lemuel Grosvenor, proxy M., Moriali, Windham. Seldon Spencer, proxy M., and Noah Hotchkiss, S. W., Tem- ple, Cheshire. 76 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Aner Bradley, M., Eleazer Judd, S. W., Federal, Watertown. David Baldwin, proxy M. Hiram, Newtown. Henry Curtis, S. W., Washington, Huntington, Stej)lien Cole, M., Berlin, Berlin. Philo Buggies, proxy S. W., St. Peter's, New Milford. Roger Peck, proxy M., Hart's, Woodbridge. Luther Spaulding, M., St. James', Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., Uriel, Tolland. Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Columbia, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, S. W., and David Whittlesey, proxy J. W., Rising Sun, Washington. Reuben Champion, M., Wait Goodrich, proxy S. W., and Griles Loomis, J. W., Morning Star, East Windsor. Reuben Humphrey, M., George Humphrey, S. W., and Aza- riah Wilcox, proxy J. W., Tillage, West Simsbury. Elias Perkins, M., and i)roxy J, W., Union, New London. Daniel Hill, proxy S, W., Meridian Sun, Warren. Elizur Andrews, proxy M., Friendship, Southington. Asa Spaulding, M., Bbenezer Huntington, S. W., and Sam- uel Huntington, proxy J. W., Somerset, Norwich. Samuel Bellamy M., Dayspring Hamden. John T. Peters, proxy S. W., Wooster, Colchester, David Daggett, M., Hiram, New Haven. Thirty-two Lodges represented. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M, W. WILLIAM JUDD, Grand Master. SAMUEL WYLLYS, Deputy Grand Master. EPHRAIM KIRBY, Grand Sen. Warden. ELIPHALET BULKLEY, Grand Jun. Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Grand Sen. Deacon. DAVID DAGGETT, Grand Jun. Deacon, 1796.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 77 The officers present were severally congratulated upon their respective appointments, by the R. W. Deputy Grand Master, agreeably to ancient usages. The Lodge resumed the consideration of the petition presented in October last, by the brethren residing in Harwinton, &c. The committee then appointed to examine the Master elect, reported that they had performed the service, and found him to be well qualified. "Whereupon, Resolved, That a charter of dispensation be granted to the petitioners, forming them into a regular Lodge, to be holden in the town of Harwinton aforesaid ; and that our Worshipful Brother Christopher Johnson, be first Master ; also, the offi- cers named in the petition, be confirmed in their respective oflaces. The Lodge to be named " Aurora." A petition was presented from several brethren residing in the town of Granby and its vicinity, praying for the establishment of a Lodge in said Granby, in the society of Turkey Hills, by the title of " St. Mark's." Whereupon, Resolved, That a charter be issued accordingly, and that our Worshipful Bro. Andrew Hillyer, be first Master, and the other officers confirmed in their re- spective appointments agreeably to the prayer of said petition. On the petition of sundry brethren residing in the towns of Canaan, Norfolk, Colebrook, and Winchester, to erect a Lodge in said Norfolk — Resolved, That the prayer be granted, and that a commission be issued under the designation of the " Western Star ;" our Worshipful Bro. Giles Pettibone, Jr., to be first Master, and the other officers as named in said petition. A communication from the Grand Lodge in Massachusetts was presented and read. Sundry remarks having been made thereon, the further consideration thereof was postponed until the next Grand Lodge. A petition and statement of sundry matters of grievance and complaint from Bro. Angus Nicholson, of New Milford, against Brs. Nicholas S. Masters and David Beers, of said New Milford, was presented and read. Whereupon, Resolved, As the opinion of this Grand Lodge, that recourse ought to be first had to the Lodge or Lodges to which the parties respectively belong, before ap- plication can be regularly made to the Grand Lodge. 78 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Resolved, That in future no Entered Apprentice shall be passed to the degree of Fellow Craft, or a Fellow Craft raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, in a different Lodge from that wherein he was initiated, or within whose limits he actually resides, without a concurrence of the Lodge in which he was so in- itiated, first had and obtained ; which concurrence shall be signified by ballot, in the same way as for the admission of a candidate. Resolved, That the Masters of the several Lodges acknowledging the jurisdic- tion of this Grand Lodge, be directed personally to attend the officers of the Grand Lodge at their Lodge Room, in the city of New Haven, on the day after the communication in October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on business of impor- tance. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to annex numbers to the sev- eral Lodges holding jurisdiction under this Grand Lodge, agreeably to the dates of their respective charters, and transmit them with the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. List of Lodges in the State of Connecticut, with the numbers to them respectively belonging, agreeably to the dates of their charters : No. 20 BERLtx— Berlin, 21 St. Peter's — New Milford, 22 Hart's — Woodbridge, 23 St. James' — Preston, 24 Uriel— Tolland, 25 Columbia — Stepney, 26 Columbia — East Haddam. 27 Rising Sux — Washington, 28 Morning Star — East Windsor, 29 Village — West Simsbury, 30 Day Spring — Hamden, 31 Union — -New London, 82 Meridian Sun — Warren, 33 Friendship — Southington, 34 Somerset — Norwich, 35 Aurora — 'Harwinton, 36 St. Mark's— Turkey Hills, 37 Western Star — Norfolk. No. 1 Hiram — ^New Haven, 2 St. John's — Middletown, 3 St, John's — Fairfield, 4 St. John's — Hartford, 6 Union — ^Greenwich, 6 St. John's — Norwalk, 7 King Solomon's — Woodbury, 8 St. John's — Stratford, 9 Compass — Wallingford, 10 WoosTER — Colchester, 11 St. Paul's — Litchfield, 12 King Hiram — Derby, 13 Montgomery — Salisbury, 14 Frederick — Farmington, 15 Moriah — Windham County, 16 Temple — Cheshire, 17 Federal — Watertown, 18 Hiram — Newtown, 19 Washington — Huntington, In addition to the foregoing there is a Lodge in Danbury, formed before the Grand Lodge was constituted, that has neither applied for nor received a charter under this jurisdiction. A true extract from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1796.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 79 OCTOBER SESSION, 1796. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Affem- bly Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 19th day of Odober, A. D. 1796, and of Mafonry, 5796 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. William Judd, Grand Master. K. W. Samuel Wyllys, Deputy Grand Master. W. Ephraim Kirby, Senior Grand Warden. W. AsHBEL Baldwin, Junior Grand Warden, p. t Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. Samuel Bellamy, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. David Daggett, Junior Grand Deacon. members present : Hezekiali Hotchkiss, S. W., Will'm Munson, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Stephen T. Hosmer, M., Samuel Canfield, J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Wm. Heron, proxy M., Nathan Wheeler, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Samuel Jarvis, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Phineas Miller, M., Matthew Mead, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Benjamin Stiles, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodhury. Matthias Nichol, M,, Ashbel Baldwin, proxy S. W., Benja- min Hall, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. John Allyn, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Daniel Holbrook, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Samuel Lee, M., Jonathan Bun-al, proxy J. W., Montgome- ry, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, S. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Jedediah Johnson, proxy J. W., Moriah, No. 15, Windham. 80 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Selden Spencer, proxy M., Noah Hotchkiss, S. W., Jonathan Hall, J. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Charles Merriman, M. ; Saml. Martin, S. W., Gideon Hoad- ley, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, proxy M., Eeuhen H. Booth, proxy J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Stephen Babbit, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Stephen Cole, M., Berlin, No. 20, Berlin. Philo Buggies, J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Thomas Eiggs, J. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, M., Ebenezer Morgan, J .W., St, James', No, 23, Preston. Samuel Whittelsey, M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Wait Goodrich, proxy M., Elijah Boardman, proxy S. W., Jedediah Mills, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Gibbons Jewett, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, EastHaddam. David Whittelsey, proxy M., Daniel N. Brinsmade, S. W., Eising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Eeuben Champion, M., Dimon Colton, proxy S, W., Shubsel Griswold, J. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. John Bestor, proxy M., George Humphrey, S. W., Asher Humphrey, proxy J. W., Village, No, 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy, M., Josiah Eoot, S, W., Job Munson, proxy J, W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Elias Perkins, M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Tallmadge, M., Lysander Curtis, S. W., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardee, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Asa Spalding, proxy M., John Tyler, proxy J. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Christopher Johnson, M., Joel Bradley, S. W., Aurora, No, 35, Harwinton. Andrew Hillyer, M., Joseph Jewett, proxy J. W., St. Mark's, No. 36, Turkey Hills. Giles Pettibone, Jr., M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk, Thirty-four Lodges represented. 1796.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 81 IN AMPLE FOEM. The Grand Lodge was opened in tlie third degree of Masonry, when the consideration of the communication from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, presented last May, was resumed, and after a lengthy and critical discussion, a committee was chosen, consisting of the M. W. Grand Master, Brs. Kirby and Mix, to report the draught of sundry resolutions thereon, together with a suitable letter to accompany the same, in answer. A j)etition from sundry brethren residing in Weston, in the county of. Faii-field, and towns adjacent, praying to be fonned into a new Lodge, was presented and read ; whereupon, it was voted, that the consideration of said petition be postponed till the meeting of the Grand Lodge in May next, and that Broth- ers Ephraim Kirby and Ashbel Baldwin be a committee to ex- imine the Master elect, and report at that time. Resolved, That the several Lodges in this State be directed to make returns to the Grand Lodge, at their communication in IMay next, of the names of the mem- bers composing their respective Lodges ; also, a semi-annual return of those who shall be admitted into each and every Lodge from and after that time, togetlier with a list of all rejections, suspensions and expulsions that may occur ; and on failure thereof, they shall pay a penalty of five dollars to the funds of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge was closed, and adjourned till to-morrow at 5 o'clock, P. M. Thurfday, Oct. 20th, 1796. The Grand Lodge convened again, at 5 o'clock, agreeable to adjournment. Present, as above. The committee appointed yesterday, on the subject of the communication from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, re- ported the following draught of a letter, together with the reso- lutions subjoined. Grand Lodge of Connecticut to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Worshipful Brethren : — The fraternal communication with which 3-ou were pleased to honor us, in January last, has been received. We feel strongly im- pressed with the sentiment, that philanthropy and the love of the Craft is the basis of our Order, and that everything which promotes harmony, good fellow- ship, and social intercourse, oiight to be specially regarded by the Grand Lodges of the United States. 11 82 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct We accept your Book of Constitutions, with much gratitude, and humbly re- ciprocate your supplication, that the Author of Light may shed on you, and on the whole of our Order, his most benign influence. The Grand Lodge of Connecticut have taken into consideration the subject matter of your communication, and have passed the resolutions hereimto an- nexed : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will not grant charters of erection or dispen- sation to any number of Masons residing out of this State, in any other State where there is a Grand Lodge already established, except it shall be shown to this Lodge by the petitioners that the Grand Lodge in the State where they re- side acquiesce therein. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge will not hold communication or correspond- ence with any Mason or Masons, citizens of any of the United States, Lodge;Or Lodges, who hold authority under, and acknowledge the supremacy of any for- eign Grand Lodge, or who do not by their representatives, communicate and pay their dues to the Grand Lodge of the State where they are constituted or where thej' reside. It was voted, tliat the preceding report of the committee be accepted, and confirmed as the act of the Grand Lodge, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to transmit an authenti- cated copy thereof to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Whereas, it has been found, from observation, that different Lodges have adopted some different modes of working, and as greater uniformity in that respect is an object highly to be de- sired ; therefore, be it resolved, that the M. W. Grand Master, the E. W. Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, together with Brs. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Keuben Champion, Ashbel Bald- win, Samuel Bellamy, Moses Cleveland and Consider Sterry, be and they are hereby appointed a committee on the above sub- ject, to convene at the Lodge Eoom in the city of Hartford, on the third Tuesday of Februaiy next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to confer on said business ; and the Masters of the several Lodges are hereby enjoined to attend personally, with the officeis of the Grand Lodge, at the same place, on the day of the Grand Com- munication in May next, at 8 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of receiving instruction in the work. The following resolution was adopted, as an addition to the permanent regulations of the Grand Lodge : Resolved, That when any Lodge shall have incurred a penalty, by the breach of any By-Law or Ordinance of the Grand Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Grand 1796.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 83 Secretary to inform the Master that such penalty is incurred ; and in case said penalty be not paid to the Secretary before the next Grand Communication, it shall then be his duty to report such negligent Lodge to the Grand Lodge. Ordered, That the numbers of the several Lodges, as pub- lished and transmitted by the G-rand Secretary, agreeable to the order of the Grand Lodge, shall be the only numbers by which they are to be known and designated ; and that each Lodge is hereby directed to insert in their charter the number to them respectively belonging. Whereas the duties devolving on the Grand Secretary are many and various, in the performance of which considerable time must necessarily be expended ; therefore, be it resolved, that the Grand Secretary receive from the treasury of the Grand Lodge, twenty-five dollars per annum, as a compensation for his services, to commence on the 1st of October, A. D. 1795, and that he be reimbursed all his actual expenses in behalf of the Grand Lodge, as he shall from time to time present his bills. A true extract from the minutes. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 84 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICNT. [May, MAY SESSION, 1797. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, held at the Lodge Ropm in the City of Hartford, on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1797, and of Mafonry 5797, OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. WILLIAM JUDD, Grand Master. SAMUEL WYLLYS, Deputy Grand Master. EPHRAIM KIRBY, Grand Sen. Warden. ELIPHALET BULKLEY, Grand Jun. Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Grand Sen. Deacon. DAVID DAGGETT, Grand Jun. Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT I Peter Johnson, M., Nathaniel Hubbard, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Stephen T. Hosmer, M., Samuel Canfield, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Josiah Lacey, M., St. John's, No. 3, Newfield. Timothy Burr, M., EHsha Babcock, S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Jabez Fitch, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. John Canon, proxy S. W., Matthew Marvin, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbuiy. Ashbel Baldwin, M., Benjamin Hall, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Samuel Woodruff, M., Asahel Benham, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Eliphalet Bulkley, M., Samuel A. Peters, proxy S. W., John R. Watrous, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Jesse Beach, proxy M., Sheldon Curtis, proxy J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 1797.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 85 Samuel Lee, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. John Hart, M., Luke Wads worth, proxy S. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Daniel Putnam, proxy S. W., Jedediah Johnson, proxy J. W., Moriah, No. 15, Windham County. David Badger, M., Levi Douglass, J. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Aner Bradley, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Henry Curtis, M., Le Grand M. Lewis, proxy S. W., Wash- ington, No. 19, Huntington. James Percival, Jr., M., Elnathan Smith, S. W., John War- ner, J. W., Berlin, No. 20, Berlin. Philo Ruggles, J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Jared Byington, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Joshua Downer, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., John Ripley, proxy S. W., John Babcock, J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Jedediah Mills, S. W., Wait Goodrich, proxy J. W., Colum- bia, No. 25, Stepney. Samuel P. Lord, Jr., S. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. David Bissell, proxy M., Giles Loomis, S. W., Shubael Gris- wold, J. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, M., Solomon Everest, S. W., Azariah Wilcox, J. W., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Elias Perkins, M., Lyman Law, proxy J. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Joseph Peters, J. W. and proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardee, M., Joel Root, J. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Ebenezer Huntington, M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Christopher Johnson, M., Joel Bradley, S. W., Frederick Phelps, J. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. 86 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Andrew Hillyer, M., Appleton Bobbins, S. W., Isaac Owen, J. W., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Giles Pettibone, Jr., M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Thirty-six Lodges represented. IN AMPLE. FORM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respective- ly, viz : M. W. William Judd, Grand Master. R. W. Samuel Wyllys, Deputy Grand Master. W. Ephraim Kirby, Senior Grand Warden. W. Eliphalet Bulkley, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. Samuel Bellamy, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. David Daggett, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers were congratulated upon their respective appoint- ments, and invested with the jewels of their different offices by the M. W. Grand Master, agreeably to ancient usages. A petition was presented from sundry brethren residing in the town of Guilford, stating that a short time previous to the late revolution they had procured from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts a charter, incorporating them into a regular Lodge, with all the powers, privileges and immunities thereunto belonging ; that in the year A. D. 1776, from the general ca- lamities of the war and their exposed situation to the ravages of the enemy, they became so dispersed that they have not since that time ever congregated or holden a Lodge under authority or by virtue of said charter ; also joraying that this Grand Lodge would be pleased to recognize their said charter, and grant them a new one in the same way and manner as to other regularly es- tablished Lodges within their jurisdiction : whereupon resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to issue a new charter 1797.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 87 agreeably to the prayer of said petition, free from any expense except his fee of office ; that the Lodge take the number next in succession on the list of the Grand Lodge, and that it be known and designated by the name of " St. Alban's." The consideration of the petition from the brethren at Weston, &c., presented last Grand Communication, was again resumed ; the committee appointed at that time to examine the Master elect, reported that they had attended to his examination and found him well qualified. A similar report was also made by the ofiicers of St John's Lodge, Ko. 3, Newfield, in favor of the proposed Wardens : whereupon resolved, That a charter of dis- pensation be granted to the jietitioners, forming them into a regular Lodge, to be holden in the town of Weston aforesaid ; and that our Worshipful Brother, William Heron, be first Mas- ter, and the other officers confirmed in their respective appoint- ments, agreeably to the j)rayer of said petition, the Lodge to be known by the name of " Ark." A petition from sundry brethren residing in Brookfield, pray- ing to be formed into a new Lodge, was presented and read ; sundry observations having been made thereon, the further con- sideration was postponed until the Grand Communication in October next. A petition from the brethren residing in Salem, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge there, was presented and read, and after a lengthy discussion was negatived. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master be requested to appoint a Chaplain for this Grand Lodge. Resolved, Tliat a committee be appointed to take into consideration the general state of Masonry within this jurisdiction, and report make to the next Grand communication, what ought, in their opinion, to be further done for the health and prosperity of the various Masonic Arts ; and that our M. W. Grand Master, Brs. Hosmer, Kirby, Bulkley and Mix compose this committee. Resolved, as the desire of this Grand Lodge, That a sermon be preached in the' brick meeting house in New Haven, on the day of the Grand Communication irf October next, 10 o'clock forenoon, by the Grand Chaplain ; the attendance of the members is expected and others of the fraternity are invited. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Kev. Bro. Ashbel Bald- win Grand Chaplain. 88 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The Grand Secretary reported that St. John's Lodge, No. 4, Hartford ; Compass, No. 9, Wallingford ; and Wooster, No. 10, Colchester, had respectively incurred a penalty by their non- attendance at the Grand Communication in October last ; and having heard the reasons oifered in excuse, by the representatives of those Lodges respectively — resolved, That the penalty of St. John's and Compass Lodges shall not be remitted, but that the penalty on Wooster Lodge shall be remitted, they having shown to the satisfaction of this Grand Lodge that it did not haj^pen through their negligence or inattention. R. W. Deputy Grand Master and Secretary were appointed a committee to adjust the accounts of Grand Treasurer. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1797.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 89 OCTOBER SESSION, 1797. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Affem- bly Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 18th day of Odober, A. D. 1797, and of Mafonry, 5797 : OFFICERS present: M. W. WILLIAM JUDD, Grand Master. K. W. SAMUEL WYLLYS, Deputy Grand Master. EPHRAIM KIRBY, Senior Grand Warden. ELIPHALET BULKLEY, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. Si^ MUEL BELLAMY, Senior Grand Deacon. DAVID DAGGETT, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. ASHBEL BALDWIN, Grand Chaplain. Bro. MOSES CLEVELAND, Grand Marshal. Bro. DANIEL HOLBROOK, Grand Sword Bearer. MEMBERS PRESENT : Peter Johnson, M., William Munson, S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Philips, proxy S. W., Wm. B. Hall, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Josiah Lacy, M., Wm. Peet, S. W., Charles Nichol, J. W., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Taylor Sherman, M., Matthew Marvin, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., Garwood H. Cunningham, S. W., Ben- jamin Stiles, J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. John Benjamin, S. W., Asa Curtis, J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Samuel Woodruff, M., Tyrhand Kirtland, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Eliphalet Bulkley, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. 12 90 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Aaron Smith, proxy M., Heber Stone, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litclifield. Francis French, proxy M., Jesse Beach, S. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Elisha Sterling, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. John Hart, M., Solomon Cowles, S. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Moses Cleveland, M., Simon Davis, proxy J. W., Moriah, No. 15, Windham County. David Badger, M., Seldon Spencer, S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Chauncey Prindle, proxy M., Stephen Porter, proxy S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Solomon Glover, S. W., Moses Shepard, J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Henry Curtiss, M., John Wilcoxson, proxy S. W., Lockwood DeForest, proxy J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. James Percival, Jr., M., Elnathan Smith, Jr., S. W., Har- mony, No. 20, Berlin. Elisha Bostwick, proxy M., Philo Kuggles, J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Jarad Byington, M., Thaddeus Goodsell, S. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Elisha Swan, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittelsey, M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. JohnNott, M., Jed'h Mills, S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Columbia, No. 26, EastHaddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., William Cogswell, proxy S. W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Elihu Tudor, proxy M., Shubael Griswold, proxy J. W., Mor- ning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, M., Noah A. Phelps, proxy S. W., Vil- lage, No. 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy, M., Job L. Munson, proxy S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Talmadge Fairchild, proxy M., Piatt Starr, J W., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. 1797.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 91 Samuel Pardee, M., Heman Atwater, S.«W., Joel Eoot, J. W., Frienclsliip, No. 33, Soiithington. John Tyler, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. James Brace, proxy M., Stephen Graves, proxy S. W., Fred- erick Phelps, J. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Andrew Hillyer, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Samuel Hurlbut, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk, Isaac Chalker, M., Jedediah Lathrop, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Wm. Heron, M., Burr Gilbert, proxy S. W., Benjamin Hall, J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Thirty-six Lodges represented, IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry ; when, agreeable to the resolution adopted at the Grand Communication in May last, a procession was formed, from the Lodge Room to the brick meeting-house, where a well adapted discourse was delivered, before a very crowded audience, by our Rev. Brother Ashbel Baldwin, Grand Chaplain. After the jjublic services at the meeting-house, the procession returned to the Lodge Room, when the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be given to Rev. Bro. Baldwin, for his most excellent discourse, delivered this day in the brick meeting-house, before the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut, assembled at their semi-annual communication ; and that the Right Worshipful Brothers Ephraim Kirby, Eliphalet Bulkley and Henry Champion, be a committee to wait on Bro. Baldwin, and request a copy for publication, and al- so to present him with the sum of fifteen dollars, as a gratuity from the Grand Lodge. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication, to take into consideration the general state of Masonry within this jurisdiction, made their report, and after a lengthy and critical discussion, the following regulations were adopted : Resolved, That, hereafter no member of any Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, who has not received the sublime degree of Master Mason, shall be permitted to propose any candidate for admission into Masonry, and that none be admitted but bv unanimous ballot. 92 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Resolved, That eacli Lodge under this jurisdiction shall hereafter pay into the funds of the Grand Lodge, the sum of one dollar upon each initiation into such Lodge ; and that at every half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge, each particular Lodge shall make accurate returns of all initiations since the last pre- ceding communication, and pay all sums due thereon. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary, under the direction of the Grand Master, cause the Constitution, By-Laws, Ordinances, Resolutions and other Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, to be printed in one pamphlet, at the expense of the Grand Lodge, and distributed to the several Lodges in this State, and elsewhere, as the M. W. Grand Master shall direct. Resolved, That no brother shall be admitted into the Grand Lodge, but such as are members thereof, except a brother who is a petitioner, or a witness in some case, or invited in by the Grand Master or presiding officer. Resolved, That every petition presented to this Grand Lodge to obtain a char- ter for a new Lodge, shall be read and continued to the next semi-annual com- munication, for the purpose of examining the officers elect, and to obtain the best information respecting the character and local situation of the petitioners. The Grand Secretary was directed, by vote of the Grand Lodge, to procure a copper-plate G. Lodge certificate to be en- graved, in the English and French languages, showing that the bearer is a member of a regular Lodge under the jurisdic- tion of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, which certificate shall bear the seal of the Grand Lodge, attested by the Grand Sec- retary ; and any brother in good standing, whose name has been returned to the Grand Secretary as a regular member of any Lodge subordinate to this Grand Lodge, shall be entitled to a copy of such certificate, upon paying the sum of one dollar. Union Lodge, in Danbury, having formally acknowledged the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and presented a written re- quest for a new charter, it was voted, that the Grand Secretary by directed to issue a charter, agreeable to their request, free of any expense, except the customary fee of office, and that said Union Lodge take the number next in succession on the list of the Grand Lodge. The consideration of the petidon presented at the last Grand Communication, from sundry brethren residing in the town of Brookfield and vicinity, praying for the erection of a new Lodge in said town, was resumed ; and after a full and fair discussion of the merits of the case, it was resolved, that a charter should 1797.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 93 be granted to tlie petitioners, forming tliem into a just and reg- ular Lodge, to be holden in said Brookfield, by the name of " Federal," and that our Worshipful Brother Eli Perry be the first Master, and the other officers named in said petition be confirmed in their several appointments. A charter was also granted to several brethren residing in the town of Waterbury, forming them into a regular Lodge, to be denominated " Harmony," agreeable to the prayer of their petition ; and our Worshipful Brother Jarad Byington was ac- cordingly appointed the first Master, and the other nominations for officers, in said petition, were confirmed in their resj)ective offices. It was likewise voted, that a charter for a new Lodge in the town of Killingworth, be granted, agreeable to the petition of brethren residing in that vicinity ; that our Worshipful Broth- er Noah Lester be the first Master of said new Lodge, and that the other officers nominated in the petition be confirmed ; the Lodge to bo designated by the name of " Trinity." The officers of each of the above newly established Lodges were duly examined by a competent committee, and found to be well qualified, before the charters were granted, in conformi- ty to the regulations heretofore adopted by the Grand Lodge for that purpose. The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge communi- cations which he had received from the Grand Lodges of New Hampshire, Khode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. St. Paul's Lodge, No. 11, at Litchfield, having been reported delinquent, in not being represented at the last Grand Commu- nication, the present members from that Lodge requested that no penalty should be inflicted on them until the next meeting of the Grand Lodge, at which time they expected to show suf- ficient excuse for their non-attendance ; which request was com- plied with. The Master of Compass Lodge, No. 9, Wallingford, moved to be indulged with a further hearing respecting the penalty in- flicted on that Lodge at the last communication ; but the time 94 GRAND LODGE OF COXNECTICUT. [Oct. being far spent, it was ordered, tliat no proceedings be had in the case, until the Grand Communication in May next, when they may be permitted to offer such reasons in excuse as they may think proper. The committee who were appointed to wait on the Rev. Bro. Baldwin, and request a copy of his discourse delivered before the Grand Lodge, this morning, for publication, reported that the Grand Chaplain had complied with the request, and sub- mitted the following in reply : To the Most Worshipful William Judd, Esq., Grand Master, and the other Offi- cers and Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Ma- sons of Connecticut — The discourse delivered this day, at their request, in the brick meeting-house, is humbly inscribed, and the coj^y submitted to their disposal, by their affectionate and faithful brother, AsHBEL Baldwin. New Haven, October 18, A. L. 5797. A motion was made and carried unanimously, that the Grand Secretary have Bro. Baldwin's discourse printed, at the expense of the Grand Lodge, and distributed among the members of the several Lodges. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grayid Secretary. 1797.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 95 A DISCOURSE DELIVERED ON THE 18tH OF OCTOBER, 1797, BEFORE THE Moft Worfhipful Grand Lodge of the State of Connedicut, BY THE REV. ASHBEL BALDWIN, GRAND CHAPLAIN. St. Matthew, Chap. V, verse 16 : — Let your Light so shine hefore Men, that they may see your good works, a?id glorify your Father who is in Heaven. "God is light, in Him is no darkness at all; the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not!"' When He spoke the omnipotent word — " let there be light " — immediately there was light ; at His command the light tri- umphed over darkness, order took place of confusion, and furnished with every thing that can accommodate man, and shew forth the eternal power and Godhead of the Sovereign Architect of the Universe ; the various Lodges of the solar sys- tem arose at His command, and though composed of perishing matter and erected on a temporary level, yet the workmanship has ennobled the materials, the hand of the Almighty has bestowed upon the whole, order, heauiy and strength, and given us in things visible, a glorious specimen of the celestial architecture. Wherefore good and holy men in every age have taken particular delight in setting forth the praises of God in his works of creation. And what more sub- lime subject can engage the mind of man 1 What is more capable of raising the most exalted and noble ideas of the Supreme Architect of the Universe 1 Can any person be unmoved with gratitude and veneration, who views that profusion of wisdom and goodness which the works of God every where display. Behold the sun, that marvelous instrument of the Most High, that resplendent image of his Maker's glory, like a bridegroom going out of his chamber, or as a giant re- joicing to run his course — and to give joyous light and genial warmth to all kin- dreds, people and languages that dwell under the whole heaven. Behold the moon walking in silvery majesty, offering to guide the nightly traveler by her vicarious light. Behold, likewise, yonder orbs rolling concentric through the vast expanse of heaven, the seats of millions of intelligent beings, of whom it may be, multitudes are employed, as we this moment are, in admiring the works of God. Turning our eyes upon the Lodge prepared for man, behold the lovely variety of hill and dale, of land and water, of nodding forests, and of waving fields of plenty. Whilst these scenes are made to pass before us, can we be silent, can we forebear exclaiming with the Psalmist, " Lord, how manifold are thy works, in wisdom hast thou made them all." We are struck with astonishment and delight at beholding superior abilities, and the elegance of taste displayed in any of the works of human art ; but what 96 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. are all the works of man, in their most highly finished and perfect state, when compared to the works of God, the Great Architect, " who built all things V Well, then, might Moses, that great builder of the Jewish state, exult and call upon them to take part with him in his holy raptures, saying " ascribe the great- ness unto our God ; He is a rock, his work is perfect, and all his ways are judg- ment." And David thus triumphantly sings, "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handy works." Solomon the Grand Master of Architecture, who carried this noble art to greater perfection than any of his predecessors, when he had finished that superb and magnificent building, the Temple, in dedicating it to Jehovah, meekly inquires " will God indeed dwell in houses made with hands 1 Behold heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee, much less this house which I have builded!" Plainly intimating that the architecture of the heavens exceeded the Temple he had built, as much as that exceeded the meanest cottage ; " and yet the heavens are but a part of His ways, and how small a portion of them do we behold." Thus the contemplation of God, as the Supreme Architect, raises in the mind at once, the most exalted ideas of His power, wisdom and goodness ; and at the same time has a powerful tendency to excite in us (from a sense of gratitude) the strongest desire of imitating this Supreme Being in those moral perfections, which so greatly endear Him to us. God is said to be light, in Him is no darkness at all ; this plainly means that He is possessed of every grace and virtue in the highest perfection ; whereas, we His creatures are surrounded by ignorance, beclouded with darkness, and instead of using the proper means to obtain light and knowledge, we too generally suffer prejudice or self-will to darken the moral powers which have any light in them. Thus says our Saviour, " If the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness." The whole of what is denoted light in us may be comprehended in a few words, viz: " love to God and love to our fellow-men." The man then, who brings this light into action, worships God sincerely and devoutly. He rejoices at beholding the virtues of good men, and laments the vices of the bad ; he is a father to the fatherless and a friend to the orphan and the widow. " He is free without dis- tinction, and generous without pride ; affable without design, and and condescend- ing without aSectation ; easy of access, and ready to communicate ;" merciful in his temper, and unbiased in his favors ; open in his heart, and liberal with his hands. His mind is not sullied with self-love, nor his projects cramped by a con- tracted spirit ; the law of God is the rule of his conscience, and the service of his country, the glory of his life ; his greatest care is to avoid oflence, and his pi'iu- cipal want is an object for his charity ; he husbands his time in such a manner as to appropriate a due proportion of it to the service of his God, to the service of himself, and to the service of his fellow-man. He endeavors to live by rule, to square his actions, and keep within the compass of propriety, rectitude and truth ; in a word, he casteth away everything unworthy the man and unworthy the Christian, so that he may become a fit material for that spiritual temple which is to be erected without hands, eternal in the heavens. Thus we learn that love to God and our neighbor is the light by which we are to shine, and become resplendent in good works before God and man, — for h 1797.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 97 thus says our text, " Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." That is " by loving the Lord our God with all the heart, soul, mind and strength." Let this light also shine before men, by loving our neighbors as we ought, by being constant and sincere in our friendship, faithful to our promises and engagements, and merciful and charitable to all in distress. The sincerity of our love to God is evident when we keep his commandments ; and we are informed in the sacred scriptures, that love is the fulfilling of the law — " he that loveth another has fulfiled the law." When love is affectionately warm and its flame truly bright, it will naturally shine before men by every kind office and duty in our power. It will not vary with every wind nor be obscured by every cloud, but it will shine forth with a generous, pure and heavenly flame, constant and unchangeable as the eternal source of goodness from whence it flows. Well, then, might the Psalmist say, " How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." To carry the social principles into complete effect, to promote knowledge and useful arts, to harmonize the jarring aSections, and to cultivate all the precepts of religion, (comprised in a supreme love to God and subordinate love to our neighbors,) is the professed design of the fraternity here assembled. Let every one, then, who has the honor to be a member thereof, cause his light so to shine before men, that glory may redound to God in the highest, peace be promoted on earth, and good will stream forth from every heart to its brother. But here it may be asked, if we are to let our light shine before men, may we ever do any good deeds in secret 1 I answer, though on all proper occasions we are to let our good actions appear before men, as an honor to our craft and as an example to the world ; yet we are by no means to get upon the house-top and sound a trumpet at every charitable deed that we do, nor go out into the streets to pro- claim the secrets of our Order. It may be asked, if any society conceal their rules and regulations from the world, is it not contrary to scripture ? and must not the things thus kept secret be either monstrously wicked or very trifling 7 Neither conclusion would be candid or rational. That this society has secret regulations, no Mason will deny ; but I trust that it will be acknowledged by all that the private regulations of any society may be such as not to be prejudicial to those who are without, yet particularly beneficial to its own members. Strata- gems have been often used to discover the Masonic secrets, but in vain ; when men ask aright they will always find, but until they give the true knock the door will not be opened. Let no one object to us on account of our secret regulations, when he recollects that Solomon and the other master builders of the Temple confined the secrets of their art to their own order, and that neither the hewers of stone nor the bearers of burthens were permitted to associate with the over- seers of the work. Let no one object to us on account of our secret rules, when he recollects likewise, that our blessed Lord himself selected three particular friends from the Apostles and revealed to them certain things which he charged them to tell no man of, not even the other deciples, until the Son of Man should be risen from the dead. I trust every wise and candid person will be cautious of censuring any institution, merely because he is not acquainted with all its private regulations. No society on earth would choose to have everything relative to 13 98 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. their establishment, regulations and practice, made public to all the world. An idle curiosity might indeed thereby be gratified, or materials might be obtained for the hand of malice wherewith to be employed, but this would be neither profiting the world at large nor bringing good to any person in particular. In- stead of humoring this spirit of idle curiosity, or mischief-working malice, how happy would it be for the world, if " every man minded his own business," and for all fraternities or societies of men, if there were no talebearers, who, for the pleasure of hearing themselves, or for still more pernicious views, expose and blab out such things as ought to continue under the veil of secresy, such things as are proper for those to know who come of the knowledge of them " honestly and lawfully." Speaking or even thinking evil of things one is ignorant of, is as evident a mark of both a foolish and narrow soul, as the attempt to answer a question before it is put. It is also a sure mark of an uncharitable temper ; for while charity thinketh no evil, uncharitableness is full of suspicions and jealousies — blasts and discredits the most evident good — and though she cannot but behold good fruit upon the tree, yet suspects the sap which nourishes the tree of a poisonous na- ture. Uncharitableness never fails to strengthen rumors and spread unfavorable surmises, places things and characters in the most unfavorable light, and gives an unfriendly turn to the most innocent and unsuspicious appearances. She is prejudiced in her opinions, biased in her judgment, partial in her reports and rash in her censures. But again, it is said we have vicious and immoral members ; I am ready to acknowledge that in many instances there has been too much occasion for this objection ; but the same may be made with equal propriety against the most per- fect society on earth, for many immoral persons are professors of Christianity. If among the disciples of our blessed Lord, who were under his immediate gov- ernment, and conversant in person with him, one of them was a devil ; how is it reasonable to suppose that any human society can be guarded in such a manner as to prevent the admission of unworthy members 1 We ought, in all cases to make a proper distinction between principles and the conduct of persons profess- ing those principles, and to remember that all are very apt to fall short of their professions. Those who object to us on account of unworthiness, I presume, do not know that all disorder, profaneness and immoral actions are strictly forbid- den by the very fundamental rules of Masonry, and that any member of our so- ciety, who makes a practice of violating the moral obligations of religion, is a character as really inconsistent as a profligate professor of Christianity ; there- fore, let it be remembered, that a bad man never was, nor never can be a true genuine Mason, let his external profession and his knowledge of unwritten things be what they will. One thing here I may venture to mention, Avithout the impu- tation of vanity or the design of sounding the trumpet of Masonic applause, and that is, whilst other societies have frequently been convulsed by intestine com- motions, or well nigh torn in pieces by the horrors of war or the jealousies of state faction, the Masonic Fraternity has from its first commencement continued the same, unmoveable, firm on its basis, and abounding in works of charity. Having taken a general view of the doctrine contained in our text, I will now beg leave to address myself to you, Most Worshipful Master, and the brethren of 1797.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 99 the Grand Lodge of this State. First, let our thanks for the indulgence of this house wherein we are assembled, publicly to avow the Masonic character, be pre- sented to those to whom they are due ; as also our grateful acknowledgements for the attendance of so many respectable friends and fellow-citizens, who have been pleased to honor us with their presence. May we at all times so demean ourselves as to merit the continuance of their respect and esteem. On this happy and auspicious day, with propriety may we felicitate one an- other, brethren — thus making our first public appearance in the high and sub- lime title and privilege of the Grand Lodge of this State ; and invoke the Sove- reign Architect of the Universe to visit us with his love and favor, and to build us up unto everlasting glory and bliss. Let us be studious to imitate those who have been the lights of the world in their several generations, always bearing in remembrance the most excellent virtues of the beloved disciple, and the zeal and constancy of the Baptist. Love to God and love to men is the light by which they and all the other saints of the Most High shone during their day of work and labor ; and love to God and love to men is the united light by which we are to shine here in grace, if ever we expect to shine hereafter in glory. These two principles are likewise the powerfully supporting pillars of our Order. Need I remind you, brethren, that nature teaches us as men, to be kindly affectioned one towards another ; and that revelation makes brotherly love to be the very- characteristic of a Christian 1 Need I remind you, that as Masons, you profess yourselves the sons of mercy, and that therefore your benevolence should not be narrow and partial, but free and imconfined, spreading every way like the arch of heaven and the light of day 1 Of these things, I trust ye stand not in need of being reminded, and as ye abound in the knowledge of them, so let your know- ledge abound more and more in charity and good works ; let this knowledge never puff up any of you with pride, but rather be made a means of strengthening the ties of friendship and brotherly love, and of expanding our hearts with gratitude to God for his goodness to us in continuing with us his tender mercies and loving kindness, and vouchsafing to us successive opportunities of meeting together to brighten the chain of friendship, and trim our lamps of love. Masonry, my brethren, is frequently vilified by those who are in darkness, and it is sometimes in perils among false brethren ; but great is the truth, and it will prevail. Truth, like the source from which it proceeds, is immutable, the same yesterday, to-day and forever. Be careful then, that as ye profess to obey the truth, ye preserve it inviolable in a holy conscience, a conscience void of offence, both towards God and towards men. The eye of God and man are continually upon you ; guard therefore your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life and death ; set also a watch before the door of your lips, that ye offend not with your tongue ; for as that Most Worshipful Grand Master Solo- mon taught, he that guardeth his mouth guardeth his life. I am not afraid nor ashamed to say, that it becomes us, brethren, to magnify by word and render honorable by deed, the ancient craft and mysteries ; that like Aaron in his pon- tificals of glory and beauty, it may appear amiable in the eyes of all men as having charity for its principal characteristic. " For this end, says a worthy brother,* uniform obedience to the precepts of faith, hope and charity is indis- * Rev. Wm. Smith, D. D., Chaplain to the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. 100 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. pensably necessary. Whensoever a Mason has denied any of these, he has denied the Masonic as well as the Christian faith. He hath given the lie to his profes- sion, as a man, as a Christian, and as a Mason, he hath chosen to walk in dark- ness, to abandon his profession of trust in God, and to cast behind him his de- sires of walking in the light." But I hope better things of every one of my brethren, and things which accompany salvation. " So long as we sojourn in this world," says the same brother, " it becotaes us rightly to divide our time, so that every portion of it may know its proper employment. He who is not provi- dent of his time, will at last be found to have been faithless to his employer. Prudence in the proper discharge of our time will teach us the necessity of being careful in the choice of our company ; every man is known by the company he keeps, and the world seldom fails to coin and give him just such a superscription and value as he shall pass current for." For this cause, and for one of an infi- nitely higher magnitude, I hope that ye esteem it your bounden duty to demean yourselves so as that ye may appear standard in the Eye of Him who alone holds the balance of equity, and who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. We are continually under the All-seeing Eye, in the presence and under the power of the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Architect of the Universe, who is now the witness of all our actions and will finally be our impartial judge. With regard to God, we are continually in his presence, supported by his power, and preserved by his providence ; with regard to ourselves, at different times, and in different places, we may be said (humanly speaking) to be more or less immediately in his presence. Whenever we intentionally present ourselves be- fore God with propriety, then does the voice of revelation and of reason call upon us " to put off our shoes from off the feet, for the place whereon we stand is holy ground.'" Whenever a true and well enlightened Mason hears this command, the precepts of humility, obedience, and self-abasement before God, with the long train of reciprocal human duties flock to his remembrance and claim his attention. Suffer me then, brethren, to exhort you to watch faithfully over the holy pave- ment of your Lodges, lest the eye of idle curiosity at any time break through to gaze ; suflTer not the feet of the deceiver, nor of the adulterer, nor of the perjured, nor of the injurious slanderer, nor of the fraudulent circumventor, nor of the un- charitable censurer, to pollute any of your hallowed floors ; suffer not the breath of the liar, nor of the swearer, nor of the blasphemer, nor of the daring scoffer at divine things, to contaminate the air that fills your consecrated Lodges, lest the pure spirit of unity and love be compelled to forsake you, and the foul demon of discord and variance intrude in his room. " Nothing contributes more," says the same worthy Brother Smith, " to bring stains and blemishes upon Masonry, than such characters that creep into a Lodge by the sneaking contrivances of fraud, or are let in through the lattice by the perverted hand of friendship. No engine should ever be employed to gain ad- mission into our Lodges for unworthy candidates, let them knock ever so long and loud. I say, no key should ever be employed to turn the wards of those otherwise impenetrable recesses of secrecy, viHue and science, but only the tongue of good report, a fair and general good name, a being well spoken of by those who are without as well as those who are within. Even characters which are not directly worthy of crimination, but only blotted by the inky hand of sus- 1797.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 101 picion, ought never to be permitted to take part in the Masonic ministrations. That a man be worthy of entering the sacred inclosure, and of being numbered with the sons of emblematical science, it is necessary that he be like the wife of Caesar, not only free from crimes, but free from suspicion. Again, let no one use the power which he has, of preventing those from with- out becoming members of this society, merely from difierence of opinion and sen- timents, private pique or prejudice, or indeed from any principle but that of un- worthiness. Let no one be debarred the privileges of this society who ask aright ; if he be worthy and tvell qualified, if he is duly and truly prepared, let him be received. But again, let us remember, my brethren, that the great object of this institu- tion is charity. Oh, that some permanent measures could be adopted by the Grand Lodge to establish a fund which should at all times be open to supply the wants of the poor and distressed. It becomes not me to dictate to the Grand Lodge, who have it in their power to establish a fund for this benevolent purpose ; your wisdom will suggest the ways and means. With the utmost humility, I have, as your Chaplain, taken the liberty to suggest the hint ; may the God of benevolence, the Father of mercies incline you to take it into serious considera- tion, and may that wisdom which is from above direct you to the most effectual method of establishing and endowing such a permanent charity. To this end, the Masonic society was formed, that happiness might be difiused equally among all its members. " For though it deprives no man of the honors due to his char- acter, yet it reduces all men to a pleasing and rational equality, it commands us to be industrious in acquiring, temperate in using, and charitable in distribut- ing the good things of this life. Oh charity, fair daughter of heaven, and bright image of God ! at thine altar let others offer the fruit of their lips, but with lib- eral hand we will scatter thy blessings among the sons of want." If these things, brethren, are attended to, as their importance deserves, God will assuredly bless every true and faithful brother ; He will bless his basket and store, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Every Lodge will be a faint resemblance of heaven, where unity, harmony and love reign triumphant. Every meeting will lead another step towards perfection, by brightening afresh the chain of brotherhood, and by extending the radius of the heart to comprehend by a larger sweep so many more of the sons and daughters of affliction. If, brethren, we attend closely to the Masonic principles, apd permit them to have a due influence on our lives and conversations, mankind will respect and regard us ; they will be ashamed to speak or think disrespectfully of us, or the ancient craft ; God will look upon us with the eye of complacency and love, and when the Lodge of this temporal life shall be closed, we shall rest in peace. I trust our Most Worshipful Grand Master, who has the honor at present of presiding in Solomon's chair, will not refuse our congratulations at this our first public appearance. May you, respected and beloved brother, at all times use the power with which you are invested, for the good of the craft ; guided by a mild disposition, aided by worthy officers, who will not remove the ancient land- marks, and attended to by faithful workmen who need not be ashamed, I trust you will be able to convince the inhabitants of this State, that many and great advantages are derived to civil society from the Masonic institution ; and that in 102 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. future, neither the snarling critic nor the envious censurer, who would wish to rise into popular esteem upon the destruction of his neighbor's reputation, will be able to condemn us. May the brethren whom you are to guide, govern and di- rect, be persevering in all useful labor; may they at all times live within the compass of propriety, and act by the square of rectitude. May each one of us be diligent in that which is good and praiseworthy, that he may be able to assist the needy ; for remember, that no institution can be pleasing to God which is not useful to men. Thus thinking and thus acting, " we shall find out the secret which is preserved in the hearts of the faithful ; we shall understand the sign which the children of God always discover ; and we shall gain the pass-ivord which shall open the door of the Celestial Lodge," where Ave shall be permitted to join hand in hand with the whole brotherhood of men and angels. It is not probable, my brethren, that all of us present shall live to see the re- turns of another semi-annual meeting. One of our number who attended with us at the last, is separated from us ; the high Priest of Solomon's Chapter, (Rev. Ed. Blackesley,) is no more ; some of us have lately been called on to follow him to the silent dwellings of the tomb, drop a friendly tear over his grave, and deposit the sprig of Cassia with the remains of our departed brother. May we not, on this occasion, be allowed to iise the exclamation of Thomas, " My Lord and my God." May it be our study at all times to approve ourselves to our consciences and our God, to learn the divine art of living well, of building on Christ, the chief corner-stone ; that so, when the Great Architect shall see fit to call us away from our present labors to the more exalted employments of the heavenly state, we may be able to receive the summons with peace and joy. We shall then dwell in a Lodge of bliss, where there will be no need of the sun, or moon, or lesser lights to shine upon it, for the glory of God shall enlighten it. There faith shall be turned into vision, hope swallowed in fruition, but charity shall still abide, be exercised, exalted and transported in seeing and enjoying God. There Christian- ity shall be fully disclosed, morality meet with its promised reward, and brotherly love remain triumphant. "Oh, glorious day," said Cicero, the Roman orator, " when I shall be gathered to the company and society of those dear souls, and shall enjoy the friendship of my Cato and others, who have gone before me !" If a Pagan could thus say, how much more should we Christians say, oh thrice blessed and glorious day, when we shall behold our Lord Christ, join the happy assembly above, and all together join in singing praises and hallelujahs to him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lamb forever. " Oh most blessed God, who has prepared for them that love Thee, such things as pass man's understanding ; pour into our hearts such love towards Thee," that we, repenting of our sins, forsaking the paths of folly and wickedness, and seriously endeavoring to keep thy holy com- mandments, may at last obtain thy precious promises, which exceed all that we can desire ; and at thy second advent to judge the world be found acceptable in thy sight, and hear that sentence of approbation pronounced upon us, " Well done good and faithful servants, enter ye into the joy of your Lord." Grant this, oh most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. — Amen. 1798.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 103 MAY SESSION, 1798. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 16th day of May, A. D. 1798, and of Mafonry, 5798, OFFICEllS PKESENT : M. W. WILLIAM JUDD, Grand Master. SAMUEL WYLLYS, Deputy Grand Master. EPHKAIM KIKBY, Grand Sen. Warden. ELIPHALET BULKLEY, Grand Jun. Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Grand Sen. Deacon. DAVID DAGGETT, Grand Jun. Deacon. MEMBEKS PRESENT : Hezekiah Hotchkiss, proxy M,, William Munson, S. W., Hi- ram, No. 1, New Haven. Stephen T. Hosmer, M., Samuel Canfield, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Josiah Lacy, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Newfield. EphraimRoot, M., Jesse Root, Jr., J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Shadrach Mead, jDroxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. David Judah, proxy M., Matthew Marvin, proxy S. W., St, John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, proxy M., Nathan Preston, proxy J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Ephraim Beardsley, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Jesse Atwater, M., Samuel Woodruif, proxy S. W., Com- pass No. 9, Wallingford. Samuel A. Peters, proxy S. W., Adonijah F. Bradford, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. 104 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICTT. [May, David Parmelee, proxy S. W., Aaron Smith, proxy J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Jesse Beach, proxy M., Shelden Curtis, S. W., Francis French, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Joseph Canfield, Jr., proxy M., .Montgomery, No. 13, Salis- bury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Lemuel Grosvenor, S. W., Asa Bacon, proxy J. W., Moriah, No. 15, Windham County. Selden Spencer, M., Jonathan Hall, J. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Asher Blakesley, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. LeGrand M. Lewis, M., David Allen, J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. James Percival, Jr., M., Elnathan Smith, Jr., S. W., Har- mony, No. 20, Berlin. Philo Buggies, S. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Ebenezer Morgan, proxy M., Coddington Billings, proxy S. W., Joshua Downer, J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Jedediah Mills, M., Elijah Boardman^ proxy J. W., Colum- bia, No. 25, Stepney. Andrew Champion, proxy S. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Eeuben Champion, M., Edward Tudor, J. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy M., Ezra Bradley, proxy J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Elias Perkins, M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardee, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Benjamin Snow, M., Ebenezer Huntington, proxy S. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. 1798.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 105 Christopher Johnson, M., Joel Bradley, S. W., Frederick Phelps, J, W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Appleton Robbins, M., St. Marks, No. 36, Turkey Hills. Jeremiah W. Phelps, S. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. George Cleveland, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Burr Gilbert, proxy M., Benjamin Hall, J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Nathan Douglass, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Benjamin Bostwick, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Jarad Byington, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Noah Lester, M., Joseph Wilcox, proxy J. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killing-worth. Forty-two Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. Ebenezer Huntington, Senior Grand Warden. W. Samuel Bellamy, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. Ephraim Root, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. Jesse Beach, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers were congratulated upon their respective appoint- ments, and invested with the jewels of their different offices by the M. W. Grand Master, agreeably to ancient usages. A petition was presented from the brethren of Ark Lodge, No. 39, stating that it was their unanimous wish, for a number of reasons therein mentioned, that their Lodge might be holden one half of the time in Reading ; it being now restricted, by their warrant of constitition, or charter, to the town of Wes- 14 106 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ton : whereupon it was resolved, that the brethren of said Ark Lodge be authorized and permitted to hold Lodge one half of the time in the town of Beading, agreeably to the prayer of said petition ; anything in their charter to the contrary not- withstanding. The following resolution was adopted, as one of the perma- nent regulations : Resolved, That whenever this Grand Lodge shall grant a charter to any num- ber of Masons not residing in this State, and who are not under the jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge already established, in such case the petitioners shall pay, for the use of the Grand Lodge, the sum of thirty dollars, over and above the usual fees for granting charters to form new Lodges in this State, which shall be con- sidered in full for all quarterages or other pecuniary demands. A petition was presented from Hiram Lodge, No. 1, Kew Haven, stating, that from their local situation, and the general calamities of the war in Europe, they have many and frequent applications for relief, from distressed brethren, both of their own Lodge and others, and that their funds were almost ex- hausted by charitable donations, praying for some relief, &c. : whereupon Bros. Ebenezer Huntington and Samuel Bellamy were appointed a committee to investigate the facts set forth in said petition, and report to the Grrand Lodge at its next com- munication, together with their opinion as to what is most ex- pedient to be done thereon. A petition was presented from sundry brethren residing in Surrinam, stating that they were not within the jurisdiction of any Grand Lodge now established, and praying for a charter to hold a Lodge in that place. A variety of remarks having been made on the subject, the further consideration was postponed to the next Grand Communication. Sundry petitions for the formation of new Lodges were pre- sented, viz : one from brethren residing in Winchester and its vicinity, one from Lyme, one from Lebanon, and one from Suf- field ; all of which having been read, were laid over to the next Grand Communication. The penalties heretofore incurred by Compass Lodge, No. 9, St. Paul's, No. 11, and Union, No. 31, in consequence of non- 1798.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 107 attendance at the Grand Lodge, were remitted ; the re23resenta- tives of the said Lodges having severally shown that their non- attendance did not happen through their negligence or inatten- tion. The Grand Secretary reported that St. John's Lodge, No. 4, Hartford, and Union, No. 5, Greenwich, were not represented at the Grand Communication in October last, and that they did not at that time make returns, agreeably to the ordinances of the Grand Lodge. The representatives of those Lodges being present, did not give satisfactory reasons for such neglect, and it was therefore ordered, that a penalty of thirteen dollars be inflicted on each of said Lodges, in conformity with the regula- tions, viz : eight dollars each for non-attendance, and five dol- lars each for not making returns. The M. W. Grand Master appointed the Eight Eev. and W. Bishop Jarvis, Grand Chaplain. A true extract from the minutes. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 108 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICNT. [Oct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1798. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Affem- bly Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 17th day of Odober, A. D. 1798, and of Mafonry, 5798 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. EBENEZER HUNTINGTON, Senior G. Warden. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SOLOMON COWLES, Sen. Grand Deacon, p. t. EBENEZER BEACH, Jun. Grand Deacon. Rev. ASHBEL BALDWIN, Grand Chaplain, p. t. WILLIAM JUDD, Past Grand Master. MEMBERS PRESENT : Hezekiah Hotchkiss, M., William Munson, S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Canfield, M., William B. Hall, S. W., L. B. DeBel- leriue, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Thaddeus Benedict, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Newfield. Samuel Wyllys, proxy M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Elkanah Mead, proxy M., Noyes Mather, J. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. James Hurlbut, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nath'l Perry, proxy J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. Matthias Nichols, M., Ephraim Beardsley, proxy S. W., John Thompson, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Jesse Atwater, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John. T. Peters, proxy M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. 1798.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 109 Ephraim Kirby, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Sheldon Curtis, S. W., Francis French, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Solomon Cowles, M., Luke Wadsworth, J. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Evan Malbone, proxy M., John McAllan, proxy S. W., Mo- riah. No. 15, Windham County. Elnathan Beach, proxy M., Jonathan Hall, proxy S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Asher Blakesley, M., Samuel W. Southmayd, proxy S. W., Stephen Porter, J. W,, Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Moses Shepherd, J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Ebenezer Beach, proxy M., Washington, No, 19, Huntington. Philo Buggies, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hezekiah Sperry, J. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Ebenezer Morgan, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Sylvester Gilbert, proxy S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Jedediah Mills, M., John Hale, S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stej)ney. Samuel P. Lord, S. W., Columbia, No. 26,East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Eising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Shubasl Griswold, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Israel Jones, proxy M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Josiah Root, S. W., Ezra Kimberly, J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Elias Perkins, M., Union, No. 31, New London. Judah Eldred, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No, 32, Warren. Samuel Pardee, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington, John Tyler, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Joel Bradley, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Chauncey Pettibone, J. W., St, Mark's, No. 36, Granby, Giles Pettibone, Jr., M., Ovid Burrall, S. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. no GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Jaracl Lewis, M., Thomas Powers, proxy, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Stephen Jackson, proxy M., Andrew L. Hill, S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Ebenezer Nichols, S. W., Union,. No. 40, Danbury. Rufus Sherman, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Jarad Byington, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Noah Lester, M., Trinity, No. 43, KilHngworth. Forty-one Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge Avas opened in the third degree of Masonry, when the committee appointed at the Grand Communication in May last, to investigate the facts set forth in a petition from Hiram Lodge, No. 1, reported, that in their opinion it would be inexpedient for the Grand Lodge to do anything thereon ; which report was accepted. The Grand Lodge resumed the consideration of the several petitions presented at the last Grand Communication, praying for charters to establish new Lodges. The petition from brethren residing in Surrinam, was dis- missed, and the petitioners allowed to withdraw. The petition for a Lodge in Lyme was again postponed, and Brs. Elias Perkins, Eliphalet Bulkley and John R. Watrous were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report to the Grand Lodge. The question on granting the prayer of the petition from Winchester was negatived. The petition from brethren in SulHeld and vicinity was post- poned for further consideration, and Brs. Ephraim Root and Reuben Champion were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, as to his qualifications, and report to the Grand Lodge. The petition from the brethren in Lebanon and vicinity, was granted, and a charter directed to be issued, incorporating them into a regular Lodge, with the powers, privil^es and immuni- 1798.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. Ill ties thereunto belonging. Our Worsliipful Bro. Daniel Tilden was appointed first Master, and tlie other officers named in the petition were confirmed in their respective appointments. The Lodge to he known and designated hv the name of "^Eastern Star/' and to he held in the town of Lebanon during the pleas- ure of the Grand Lodge. A petition was presented from brethren residing in the town of Glastenbury, praying to be formed into a new Lodge, which, after having been read, was postponed, agreeably to the regula- tion of the Grand Lodge, and Brs. Samuel Canfield and Jede- diah Mills were appointed to examine the Master elect, and re- port at the next Grand Communication. The W. Master of St. John's Lodge, No. 2, in Middletown, stated to the Grand Lodge, that a person named Joash Hall, Jun., who pretended to have some Masonic information, had endeavored to introduce himself into that Lodge as a visitor ; but upon strict inquiry and examination, it appeared that he was an artful impostor. Whereupon, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge particularly recommends and enjoins it upon the several Lodges within this jurisdiction, to be very cautious in admitting vis- itors, until they have the fullest assurance that such visitors are true and genuine brethren. Uriel Lodge, No. 24, was excused from the penalty incurred, last year, by non-attendance at the Grand Communication ; the representatives of that Lodge having given full satisfaction that it did not happen through the negligence or inattention of said Lodge. Application having been made by several Lodges for copies of the Constitutions, By-Laws and Ordinances of the Grand Lodge, and the Grand Secretary being unable to supply the demand, the following resolution was proposed and unanimous- ly adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to procure the printing of the Constitution, By-Laws, Ordinances and other transactions of the Grand Lodge, and that he deliver six copies thereof to each Lodge, through their representa- tives, at the next Grand Communication. 112 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. The G-rand Secretary was also directed, by vote of tlie G-rand Lodge, to have m readiness, at the Grand Communication in May next, ten blank certificates for each Lodge, to be printed on parchment, to be given out in such way and manner as shall be hereafter prescribed. Brs. Ephraim Root and Solomon Cowles were appointed a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Treasurer, and report to the Grand Lodge at their next communication, A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1799.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 113 MAY SESSION, 1799. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 15th day of May, A. D. 1799, and of Mafonry 5799 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEK, Grand Master. K. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. EBENEZEE HUNTINGTON, Senior G. Warden. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Junior Grand Warden. HENEY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. EPHRAIM ROOT, Senior Grand Deacon. JOHN RIPLEY, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Peter Johnson, M., William Munson, S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Canfield, M., Wm. B. Hall, S. W., Francis Sage, J.W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Joseph Backus, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Newfield. Ephraim Root, M., Jesse Root, S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford, Elkanah Mead, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Joshua King, jDroxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Garwood H, Cunningham, proxy M., Nathaniel Periy, S. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodhury. Roswell Judson, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Jesse Atwater, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, proxy M., Daniel Worthington, S. W., Adonijah F. Bradford, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Col- chester. 15 114 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^Jt Epliraim Kirby, M., Moses Seymour, proxy S. W., Aaron Smith, J. W., St. Paurs, No. 11, Litchfield. Shelden Cm-tis, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Elisha Sterhng, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbuiy, Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick,. No. 14, Farmington. John Parish, proxy M., John McLellen, proxy S, W., Mo- riah. No. 15, Windham County. Levi Douglass, S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Stephen S. Porter, proxy M., Samuel W. Southmayd, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Henry Curtiss, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. James Percival, Jr., M., Elnathan Smithy Jr., S. W., Har- mony, No. 20, Berlin. Elisha Bostwick, proxy M., Philo Buggies, J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Allen Campbell, proxy S. W., Avery Downer, proxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittelsey, M., Gurdon Thompson, proxy J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Asaph Coleman, S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Rocky Hill, Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Andrew Champion, proxy S. W., Columbia, No. 26, EastHaddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., William Cogswell, proxy S. W., Eising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Reuben Champion, M., Charles Jenks, S. W., Josiah Bissell, J. W., Morning Star^ No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Josiah Root, S. W,, John Hubbard, proxy J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, S. W., Union, No. 31, New London, Judah Eldred, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Benjamin Galpin, M., Seth Clark, J. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. John Tyler, proxy M., John Turner, proxy S. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Joel Bradley, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. 1799.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 115 Appleton Kobbins, M., Chauncey Pettibone, S. W., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Ebenezer Holt, proxy M., Setli Wetmore, J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Oliver Bray, J. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Stephen Jackson, proxy M., Benjamin Hall, J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Elislia Whittelsey, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Nathaniel Euggles, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Jarad Byington, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Noah Lester, M., Nathan Wilcox, S.W., Trinity, No. 43, Kil- lingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Joseph Metcalf, S. W., John Newcomb, proxy J. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Forty- two Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respective- ly, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmek, Grand Master. K. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. Ebenezer Huntington, Senior Grand Warden. Samuel Bellamy, Junior Grand Warden. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Ephraim Root, Senior Grand Deacon. Jesse Beach, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers were severally congratulated upon their appoint- ments, and regularly inducted into office by the Most Worship- ful Grand Master, agreeable to ancient usages. The committee appointed at the Grand Communication in October last, to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer, reported, that they had attended to 116 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, the business of their appointment, and found a balance due to the Grand Secretary from the Grand Lodge, of seventy-six dol- lars and sixty-two cents ; which rej)ort was accepted. The Grand Lodge resumed the consideration of the several petitions for new Lodges, which were postponed at the last com- munication. The petition from Sufi&eld was negatived ; and those from Lyme and Glastenbury were severally postponed to the Grand Communication in October next. A petition was presented from sundry brethren residing in the parish of Kipton, in the town of Huntington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in said Eipton ; which, hav- ing been read, was laid over, agreeably to the regulations, and Brs. Shelden Curtis and Daniel Holbrook appointed a commit- tee to examine the Master elect. It having been represented by Uriel Lodge, No. 24, that from experience they found it inconvenient to hold their stated communications on the third Wednesday in each month, which was the time particularly designated by their charter ; for sun- dry reasons now offered, it was voted, that said Lodge be au- thorized to hold their stated meetings on the second Wednes- day in each month, anything in their charter to the contrary notwithstanding. In compliance with a vote of the Grand Lodge at the semi- annual communication in October last, the Grand Secretary presented the blank certificates then ordered : whereupon, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be and he is hereby directed to deliver to the Masters or senior officers present from the several Lodges, the Certificates which he has provided, — a due proportion to each Lodge, — taking their receipts for the same, to be accounted for at the next Grand Communication ; and the Masters are hereby empowered to cause the blanks in said Certificates to be filled up, according to the instructions which will be given by the Grand Secretary when he delivers them. The appeal of Jesse B. Goodsell, from his expulsion by Fed- eral Lodge, No 17, was presented, and Brs. Elihu Sanford, Ja- rad Byington and Samuel Bellamy were appointed a committee to inquire into the facts respecting said expulsion, and report to the next Grand Communication. 1799.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 117 The Grand Secretaiy reported that Montgomery Lodge, No. 13, Salisbury, and Harmony Lodge, No. 20, Berlin, were not represented at the last Grand Communication ; and that St. Paul's Lodge, No. 11, Litchfield, and Somerset Lodge, No. 34, Norwich, made no returns at that time. The Grand Lodge having heard the reasons that were seve- rally offered by those Lodges for their respective omissions, it was resolved, that a penalty of eight dollars be inflicted on Montgomery Lodge, for their non-attendance, and that the pen- alties on the other Lodges be remitted, their representatives having made it appear that those delinquencies were not occa- sioned by negligence or inattention. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course, A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 118 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1799. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Soci&ty of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Affembly Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 16th day of October, A. D. 1799, and of Mafonry 5799: OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. EPHRAIM KIRBY, Deputy Grand Master, p. t. W. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Sen. Grand Warden, p. t. W. DAVID BALDWIN, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. EPHRAIM ROOT, Sen. Grand Deacon. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Jun. Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT I WiUiam Munson, M., Amos Gillet, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Canfield, M., William B. Hall, S. W., WiUiam Star, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. William Peet, M., Robert Linus, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 3, Newfield. Ephraim Root, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. William Knapp, proxy M., Elkanah Mead, proxy S. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Joshua King, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. William Moseley, M., Nathaniel Perry, proxy S. W., An- thony Burrit, proxy J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. John Thompson, proxy M., Robert Fairchild, proxy S. W., Matthias Nichol, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Jarad Lewis, J. W., Compass No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, proxy M., John T. Peters, J. W., Woos- ter. No. 10, Colchester. 1799.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 119 EiDhraim Kirby, M., John Welch, proxy S. W., Aaron Smith, J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Shelden Curtis, M., Daniel Holbrook, S. W., Francis French, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Joseph Canfiekl, Jr., proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salis- bury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Famiington. William Dixon, proxy M., Moriali, No. 15, Windham Co. Selden Spencer, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Charles Merriman, M., Samuel W. Southmayd, S. W., Ste- phen L. Porter proxy J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Samuel C. Blackman, J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Samuel M. Munson, proxy M., Richard Atwell, proxy S. W., Amos B, Fairman, proxy J. W., Washington, No. 19, Hunting- ton. Elnathan Smith, Jr., S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Joseph Buggies, M., Reuben Brownson, S. W., Philo Bug- gies, proxy J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Thaddeus Thompson, proxy M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Moses Robins, proxy S. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., John Ripley, proxy S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Jedediah Mills, M., John Hall^ proxy S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Rocky Hill. Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Richard Pitkin, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Wind- sor. George Humphrey, M., Noah A. Phelps, proxy S. W., Israel Jones, proxy J. W., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy M., Hezekiah Bracket, J. W., Dayspring,- No. 30, Hamden. Elias Perkins, M., Lyman Law, S. W-, Union, No. 31, New London. Talmadge Fairchild, S. W., Meridian Stiii, No. 32, Warren. 120 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Heman Atwater, proxy M., Stephen Johnson, proxy S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Asa Spaulding, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. David Marks, S. W., James Brace, proxy J. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Chaimcey Pettibone, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Turkey Hills. Samuel Hurlbut, proxy M., Irsael Holt, proxy S. W., Seth Wetmore, J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Hezekiah Alvord, S. W., Jeremiah Hoadley, proxy J. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Stephen Jackson, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Elisha Whittlesey, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Colby Chamberlain, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Jarad Byington, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbuiy. Nathan Wilcox, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Ebenezer Bushnell, proxy J. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Leb- anon. Forty-four Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FOEM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, when the consideration of the several petitions, which were pending before the last Grand Lodge, was again resumed. That from the brethren at Lyme, &c., and that from the brethren in the parish of Kipton, town of Huntington, were again continued ; that from the brethren in Glastenbury was negatived. A petition from sundry brethren residing in and near the town of Winchester, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, to be holden in said town, was presented, read and continued agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge ; Brs. Ephraim Kirby and Giles Pettibone, Jr., were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect and report. The committee appointed in May last, on the appeal of Jesse B. Goodsell, of Federal Lodge, No. 17, reported, that from a variety of circumstances they had not been able to attend to the business of their said appointment ; whereupon resolved, that 1799.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 121 said appeal be continued to the G-rand Communication in May next, and tliat Brs. Garwood H. Cunningham, Ephraim Kirby and Jarad Byington, be now appointed a committee to meet on the second Tuesday of Januaiy next, one o'clock, P. M., at Br. Beecher's Lodge Room in Salem, to hear the 23arties in said aji- peal, and report make of the facts to the next Grand Lodge, to- gether with their opinion thereon. Provided also, that if only two of the committee should meet, and be agreed on a report, they are hereby authorized to make the same. The Grand Lodge having fully heard and considered an ap- peal of Frederick Phelps from a sentence of expulsion rendered against him by the officers of Aurora Lodge, No. 35, do thereon adjudge, order and decree, that the said sentence be considered as void and of no effect, and that the said Phelps be restored to all the j)rivileges and rights of a Mason and member of said Lodge. Resolved, That iu future, all persons attending the Grand Lodge as members thereof, shall leave their names with the Grand Secretary, at the Lodge Room, at least two hours before the time on which the Lodge assembles ; those who appear as proxies shall, at the same time, lodge the certificates of their appointment. Brs. Solomon Cowles and Ephraim Root were appointed a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary, and report. The Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Chxmd Secretary. 16 122 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, MAY SESSION, 1800. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1800, and of Mafonry, 5800, OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEK, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Senior G. Warden, p. t. ELIPHALET BULKLEY, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. MOSES CLEVELAND, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Sen. Grand Deacon, p. t. CHARLES JENKS, Jun. Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Peter Johnson, proxy M., Thomas Painter, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Canfield, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Joseph Backus, S. W., St. John's, No. 3, Newfield. Ephraim Root, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. William Knapp, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Stamford, William M. Betts, proxy M., Taylor Sherman, J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Anthony Burritt, proxy M., Nath'l Perry, S., W., King Solo- mon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Roswell Judson, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Tyrhand Kirtland, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Eliphalet Bulkley, M., John T. Peters, J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. John Welch, J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, S. W., King Hiram,No. 12, Derby. 1800.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 123 Samuel Lee, proxy M., Jeremiali Dorsey, J. W., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Luke Wadsworth, J. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Moses Cleveland, M., Lemuel Ingalls, proxy S. W., Moriah, No, 15, Windham County. Stephen Jarvis, proxy M., Levi Douglass S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel W. Southmayd, M., Eleazer Judd, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Asa Chapman, M., David Baldwin, proxy J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Ebenezer Beach, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. James Percival, M., Elnathan Smith, S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Elisha Bostwick, proxy M., Abner Gunn, proxy S. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Thaddeus Thompson, proxy M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Joshua Downer, S. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Asaph Coleman, M., Henry Deming, proxy S. W., John Francis, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., William Cogswell, S. W., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Israel Jones, proxy M., Noah A. Phelps, J. W., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy, M,, Josiah Boot, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M., John 0. Miner, proxy S. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Talmadge Fairchild, S. W., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardee, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Asa Spaulding, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. James Brace, proxy M., David Marks, J. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. 124 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Appleton Robbins, M., Isaac Owen, S. W., St. Mark's, No. 36, Grranby. Eleazer Holt, proxy M., Arab Phelps, proxy S. W., Samuel Hurlbut, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Oliver Bray, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Nathan Wheeler, M., Seth S. Smith, proxy S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. James Clark, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. EH Perry, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Benjamin Upson, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Nathan Wilcox, proxy S. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Timothy Laraby, proxy S. W., David W. Young, proxy J. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Forty-four Lodges represented, IN AMPLE FOEM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were de- clared to be duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. Ebenezer Huntington, Senior Grand Warden. W. Samuel Bellamy, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer, Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. David Baldvi^in, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. Samuel Whittlesey, Junior Grand Deacon. The consideration of the petitions which were continued at the communication in October last, was again resumed. That from the brethren in the parish of Ripton, in the town of Hun- tington, and that from the brethren in the town of Winchester, were again continued ; and that from the brethren in Lyme was granted — a charter to issue, incorporating them into a regular Lodge, to be holden in said town of Lyme, with the usual pow- 1800.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 125 ers, privileges and immunities thereunto belonging — our Wor- shipful Brother, Nathaniel Matson, apj)ointecl first Master, and the other officers named in their said petition confirmed in their respective appointments. The Lodge to be known and desig- nated by the name of " Pythagoras." A petition was presented from Moriah Lodge, No. 15, in the county of Windham, stating that the tract of country, which was comprised within the limits of their Lodge, is so extensive as to render it highly inconvenient for individuals, as well as in- jurious to the general interest of Masonry, praying that a new Lodge may be formed and organized, to remedy the inconven- iencies which they suggest ; which aj)plication was made by the unanimous consent and approbation of said Moriah Lodge, as appears by documents accompanying their said petition : where- upon resolved, that the said petition be continued to the Grand Communication in October next ; and that Brs. Cleveland, Judd and Luther Payne, be appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report at that time. The committee appointed on the appeal of Jesse B. Goodsel, of Federal Lodge, No. 17, re|3orted that they had attended to the duties of their appointment, at the time and place directed ; that no evidence was exhibited by either of the parties to said appeal, except what is annexed to their report ; being a con- fession from the said Goodsel, wherein he acknowledges in the most unequivocal manner, that the Lodge in all their proceed- ings, relative to the sentence of expulsion pronounced against him, had treated him with strict justice, and with the highest candor, fairness and delicacy. For all his ofiences, he, in a very pathetic manner, asks forgiveness of the Lodge, and that they would be pleased to extend the hand of restoration to him, should his future conduct merit it. A vote of said Federal Lodge was also annexed to said report, from which it appears they manifest a willingness to restore the said Goodsel again, provided his conduct be "regular and jDroper" until May 1st, 1801. The above report was accepted and the appeal dismissed, and the following resolution adopted : 126 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Resolved, That the Secretary be directed not to publish the expulsion of Jesse B. Goodsel, until after the Grand Communication in May. 1801, agreeably to the wishes of the Lodge from which he was expelled, made known by their vote above alluded to. An application was made by Eastern Star Lodge, No. 44, for permission to hold their Lodge alternately in the towns of Leb- anon and Windham ; they being now by charter restricted to the town of Lebanon. After sundry remarks — resolved, that the further consideration of the subject be postponed to the Grand Communication in October next. A complaint was exhibited by the Master of Hart's Lodge, No. 22, in Woodbridge, against King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, in Derby, for initiating one or more of the inhabitants of said town of Woodbridge, without the knowledge, privity or consent of said Hart's Lodge, being a violation of an ordinance of the Grand Lodge. The representative from King Hiram Lodge stated that there had been no previous notice given to them of this complaint, and that he was totally unprepared to make any defence : whereupon resolved, that the Grand Secretary transmit an attested copy of said complaint to the Master of said King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, and issue a regular summons, directing said Lodge to appear before the Grand Lodge to be holden at New Haven, on Wednesday next following the second Thursday in October next, then and there to be heard as touching the premises. Brs. Ephraim Root and Solomon Cowles were appointed a committee to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary and report. The Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Lodge in course, A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1800.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 127 OCTOBER SESSION, 1800. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Affem- bly Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 15th day of Odober, A. D. 1800, and of Mafonry, 5800 : OFFICEllS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEE, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. EBENEZER HUNTINGTON, Sen. Grand Warden. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. DAVID BALDWIN, Senior Grand Deacon. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Junior Grand Deacon, DANIEL HOLBROOK, Grand Sword Bearer. WILLIAM JUDD, Past Grand Master. MEMBERS PRESENT ! William Munson, M., Amos Doolittle, S. W., Naphtali Dag- gett, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Canfield, M., WilHam B. Hall, S. W., Alexander Collins, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Lazarus Beach, S. W., St. John's, No. 3, Newfield. Ephraim Root, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. William Knapp, jDroxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich, William M. Betts, proxy S. W., Taylor Sherman, J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. John Clark, proxy M., Nathaniel Perry, S. W., John Trow- bridge, proxy J. W,, King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairchild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Daniel Worthington, M., Asa Bigelow, S. W., Adonijah F. Bradford, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Isaac Baldwin, M., Aaron Smith, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. 128 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Josiali Dudley, proxy M., Francis French, S. W., King Hi- ram, No. 12, Derby. Jeremiah Dorsey, J. W., Montgomeiy, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Asa Bacon, Jr., proxy J. W., Moriah, No. 15, Windham Co. "Whiting Stanley, proxy S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel W. Southmayd, M., George D. Kasson, S. W., Elea- zer Judd, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Elihu Buggies, S. W., Samuel C. Black- man, J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown, Henry Curtis, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. EUsha Bostwick, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, NewMilford. Thomas Goodsell, M., Elihu Sanford, proxy S. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Wm. Belcher, Jr., proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., John Kipley, proxy S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Hezekiah Wetmore, S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Kocky Hill. Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Luther Loomis, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Wind- sor. Israel Jones, proxy S. W., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy, M,, Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M., Union, No. 31, New London. Josiah Finney, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardee, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Asa Spaulding, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Joel Bradley, M., Stephen Graves, J. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Chauncey Pettibone, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Turkey Hills. Jedediah Lathrop, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, M., Nathan Wheeler, proxy S. W., Stephen Jackson, proxy J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. George C. Smith, M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield 1800.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 129 James Scovil, proxy J. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Nathan Wilcox, J. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Salmon Champion, proxy S. W., Mason Tilden, J. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Forty-one Lodges rejiresented. IN AMPLE FOEM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry ; when the consideration of the petitions that were con- tinued at the last Grand Communication, was resumed. The petition for a charter for a Lodge in the parish of Eipton was negatived ; as was also the petition from brethren in Win- chester. The petition from Moriah and Eastern Star Lodges were fur- ther continued, and Brs. Henry Champion, Asa Spalding, and Ebenezer Huntington, were appointed a committee to examine into the facts stated in said petitions, and report their opinion with regard to the propriety and expediency of granting the prayer of both or either of them. A petition was presented from sundry brethren residing in Stonington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town ; which was read, and some remarks made on the subject, when it was laid over, under the rule, and Brs. Elias Perkins, Lyman Law and Eobert Allyn were appointed a com- mittee to examine the Master elect and report. A petition was also presented from several brethren in the town of Oxford, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town ; which, having been read, with the documents accompanying it, was continued to the next communication, agreeably to the regulations of the Grand Lodge, and Brs. Na- than Preston, King W. Lampson and Francis French were ap- poined a committee to examine the Master elect and report. The Grand Secretary reported that he had transmitted to King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, a copy of the complaint which was exhibited against them by Hart's Lodge, No. 22, and had also issued a summons directing King Hiram Lodge to appear and 17 130 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. make answer to said complaint, agreeably to the order of tlie Grand Lodge. The representatives of King Hiram Lodge, being present in Grand Lodge, plead not guilty ; and after a lengthy hearing and critical discussion of the subject, it was decided that King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, had not violated a by-law or ordinance of the Grand Lodge, as alleged in the complaint made against them by Hart's Lodge, No. 22. A complaint was exhibited by the proxy for the Master of "Washington Lodge, No. 19, Huntington, against St. John's, No. 8, Stratford, for initiating sundry persons belonging to the town of Huntington, without the knowledge or approbation of said Washington Lodge ; being, as they consider, a violation of an ordinance of the Grand Lodge. The comj)laint having been read, the representatives of said St. John's Lodge stated that no notice had been given to their Lodge of this complaint, and they were unprepared to make defence. Whereupon, the Grand Secretary was instructed to transmit an attested copy of said complaint to the Master of St. John's Lodge, No. 8, and to summon said Lodge to appear at the next Grand Communication and answer to the same. A communication was presented and read, from the M. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, on the subject of the establish- ment of a Supreme Grand Lodge ; when, after a full and able discussion, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge considers the reasons offered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, as contained in their conimtinication to ns, against the formation of a Superintending Grand Lodge of the United States, agreeably to the proposition made by the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, to be amply con- clusive ; and that the Grand Lodge of Connecticut most fully accords in senti- ment on this subject with their brethren of Pennsylvania. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1801.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 131 MAY SESSION, 1801. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednelday, the 2oth day of May, A. D. 1801, and of Mafonry58oi : OFFICERS present: M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. EBENEZER HUNTINGTON, Sen. Grand Warden. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Junior Grand Warden. HENEY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Sen. Grand Deacon, p. t. FEANCIS FEENCH, Jun. Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Peter Johnson, proxy M., Naplitali Daggett, S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. William B. Hall, M., Alexander Collins, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Lazarus Beach, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Joseph Utley, S. W., Jesse Eoot, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. William Knapp, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. WilHam M. Betts, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, proxy M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. John Thompson, S. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. John Nott, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Roger Bulkley, proxy M., Asa Bigelow, S. W., John R. Watrous, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 132 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J, Elijah Stanton, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, proxy S. W., Ezekiel Scott, proxy J. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Moses Cleveland, M., Moriah, No. 15, Windham County. Levi Douglass, M., Stephen Jaryis, J. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Gideon Eichards, proxy M., Eleazer Judd, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Asa Chapman, proxy M., John Sanford, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Samuel M. Munson, M., Abel French, S. W., Henry Curtiss, proxy J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Seth Deming, S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Elisha Bostwick, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Nathaniel F. Dixon, proxy M., Consider Sterry, proxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittelsey, M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Benjamin D. Galpin, M., Hezekiah Whitmore, S. W., John Francis, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. William Cogswell, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Ebenezer F. Bissell, J. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, M., John Bestor, J. W., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Samuel Bellamy, M., Josiah Root, S. W., Ezra Bradley, proxy J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M., Eliphalet Bulkley, proxy S. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Piatt Starr, proxy M,, Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Heman Atwater, M., Ambrose Hitchcock, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Diah Manning, proxy M., Daniel Sterling, proxy S. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Elijah Gaylord, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. 1801.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 133 Isaac Owen, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Samuel Hurlbut, proxy M., Horace Higley, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jedediah Latlirop, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, M., Nathan Wheeler, proxy S. W., Seth S. Smith, J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Elisha Whittelsey, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Elisha Sturdevant, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Benjamin Upson, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Nathan Wilcox, J. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Oliver Bray, S. W., David M. Jewett, J. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Forty-five Lodges represented, IN AMPLE FORM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. Ebenezer Huntington, Senior Grand Warden. Samuel Bellamy, Junior Grand Warden. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. John Mix, Grand Secretary. V David Baldvs^in, Senior Grand Deacon. Samuel Whittlesey, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers were congratulated upon their respective appoint- ments, and invested with the jewels of their different offices by the M. W. Grand Master, agreeably to ancient usages. The committee appointed at the Grand Communication in October last, on the petitions of Moriah and Eastern Star Lodges, made the following report, viz : 134 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, To the M, W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The subscribers, appointed by the Grand Lodge in October last, a committee on the petition of Moriah Lodge, praying a division of said Lodge, as per memo- rial on file ; and also a committee on the petition of Eastern Star Lodge, praying for leave to extend said Lodge to the town of Windham, and to hold the same alternately at Lebanon and Windham, as per memorial on file ; having had the before mentioned petitions under consideration, beg leave to report, that we gave notice to the Masters and Wardens of Moriah and Eastern Star Lodges to meet your committee at Windham, on the 18th inst., with such other brethren as might feel interested in said petitions ; at which time and place, the Masters of said Lodges, with about thirty brethren appeared, and were fully heard on said pe- titions. And your committee are of opinion, that it will be expedient to make a division of Moriah Lodge, viz : that it be confined in its sittings to the first Eccle- siastical Society in Canterbury ; that a new Lodge be formed in the town of Pom- fret, and its sittings be confined to the first Ecclesiastical society in said Pomfret. That the sittings of said Eastern Star Lodge be confined to the first Ecclesiastical Society in Lebanon and Windham, holding the same alternately in those two places. All of which is submitted by HENRY CHAMPION, ASA SPAULDING, \ Committee. EBENEZER HUNTINGTON, Hartford, March 28, 1801. J Whereupon it was resolved, tliat the preceding report of the committee be accepted ; that a charter be granted to form a new Lodge to be holden in the first Ecclesiastical Society in the town of Pomfret, that it be known and designated by the name of " Putnam Lodge," No. 46 ; that our Worshipful Bro. Lemuel Grosvenor, be named in said charter as first Master, that our beloved brethren Evan Malbone be first Senior and Thomas Hubbard first Junior Warden, of said Lodge, agreeably to the request of the applicants. That Moriah Lodge be holden in the first Ecclesiastical Society of the town of Canterbury only, and that Eastern Star Lodge be holden alternately in the first Ec- clesiastical Societies of the towns of Lebanon and Windham. The petition which was presented by the brethren from Ston- ington, and the petition which was presented by the brethren from Oxford, at the last Grand Communication, praying for the establishment of new Lodges in those towns respectively, were read, and after having been severally discussed, were both nega- tived. The Grand Secretary reported that be had issued a summona 1801.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 135 requiring St. John's Lodge, No. 8, to appear before the Grand Lodge at this time, to make answer to the complaint exhibited against them by Washington Lodge, No. 19. Those Lodges being both present by their representatives, mutually agreed and requested that said complaint be again continued ; where- upon it was resolved, that the parties appear before the Grand Lodge at their communication in October next, fully prepared to be heard on the subject, unless a previous accommodation should be made by and between themselves. King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, holden in Derby, represented that St. John's Lodge, No. 8, holden in Stratford, had initiated a member who lived within the limits of said Hiram Lodge, and who had been by them previously rejected, and that these facts were known to St John's Lodge at the time of his initiation ; whereupon resolved, that no further proceedings be had on the subject at this time, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to issue a summons requiring the said Lodge, No. 8, to appear before this Grand Lodge at their communication in October next, to make answer to the allegations against them, contained in said representation ; and that said Lodge, No. 12, be also directed to produce the proof they have in support of the facts contained in their said statement, at the same time. A petition was presented from Columbia Lodge, No. 25, praying that the Lodge might either be removed from the par- ish of Stepney, where it is now holden, into the first society in Wethersfield, or that a new Lodge be organized in said first society. A remonstrance against the removal of said Lodge was at the same time also presented ; after both had been read, and a lengthy discussion of the subject, it was resolved, that Brs. William Judd, Solomon Cowles and Sylvester Wells be appointed to examine into the local situation and circumstances both of the petitioners and remonstrants, and make report of the facts that appear, with their opinion thereon, to the next Grand Communication ; first giving such reasonable notice to those concerned, of the time and place where they will attend on said business, as they may deem necessary. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : 136 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Resolved, That no person or persons shall be entered as repfesenting a Lodge, unless pursuant to the resolution of Grand Lodge, passed in October, A. D. 1799, until such person or persons shall have paid to the Grand Secretary twenty-five cents as a compensation to him for his extra trouble in this respect ; and that the returns from the respective Lodges be delivered to the Grand Secretary, at the time that the names of its officers or their proxies are entered. The G-rand Secretary reported that Western Star Lodge, No. 37, and Union Lodge, No. 40, were not represented at the last Grand Communication, and that there were no returns from Union Lodge, No. 31, and Eastern Star Lodge, No. 44. The reasons for these omissions having been severally heard, the penalties were all remitted except that on Eastern Star Lodge, which was also remitted, provided that their returns are made previous to the next Grand Communication. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1801.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 137 OCTOBER SESSION, 1801. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Aifembly Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 15th day of Odober, A. D. 1801, and of Mafonry 5801 : OFFICERS present: M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Sen. Grand Warden, p. t. DANIEL WORTHINGTON, Jun. G. Warden, p.. t. DANIEL HOLBROOK, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. DAVID BALDWIN, Senior Grand Deacon. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Junior Grand Deacon. WILLIAM JUDD, Past Grand Master. MEMBERS present: Amos Doolittle, M., Samuel Sackett, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. William B. Hall, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Josiah Lacey, M., Joseph Backus, S. W., Philo Lyon, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. William Knapp, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. William M. Betts, proxy M., Phineas Miller, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., Benjamin Seward, J. W., King Solo- mon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Matthias Nicholl, M., John Thompson, J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. John Nott, M., Moses S. Beach, proxy S. W., Compass, No. 9, WaUingford. Daniel Worthington, M., Roger Bulkley, proxy J. W,, Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. 18 138 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Francis French, M., Abijah Wilcoxen, S. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Samuel Lee, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. William Dixon, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Windham Co. Lemuel BuUard, proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel W. Southmayd, ^Droxy M., Eleazer Judd, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, M., Samuel C. Blackman, J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Le Grand M. Lewis, proxy M., Abel French, S. W., Samuel M. Munson, proxy J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Philo Kuggles, M., Joseph Buggies, proxy J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, proxy M., Allyn Campbell, proxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Jonathan Wells, proxy M., James L. Belden, proxy J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stei^ney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Kising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Luther Loomis, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Wind- sor. George Humphrey, M., Johji Bestor, J. W., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Josiah Boot, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M., John 0. Miner, proxy J. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Josiah Finney, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No, 32, Warren. Ambrose Hitchcock, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southingtou. Asa Spaulding, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Joel Bradley, M., Stephen Graves, J. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Hezekiah Holcomb, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. 1,801.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 139 Samuel Hiirlbut, proxy M,, Arah Phelps, proxy S. W., Ben- jamin Welch, J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Thomas Powers, proxy M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Nathan Wheeler, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Eli Mygatt, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. George C. Smith, M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Benjamin Upson, M., Haraiony, No. 42, Waterbury. Joseph Wilcox, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. David M. Jewett, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. John McClellan, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Forty-four Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry. Upon the representation of Washington Lodge, No. 19, com- plaining of a breach of By-Law of Grand Lodge, by St. John's Lodge, No. 8, (which complaint was continued from the Grand Communication in May last, and the said parties ordered to ap- pear at this time,) in admitting persons into said last mention- ed Lodge, who lived in the town in which Washington Lodge is established, without complying with the requirements of said By-Law ; the facts being proved, and it appearing that St. John's Lodge have gone into said practice from a misconstruc- tion of said By-Law : Resolved, That St. John's Lodge in said procedure, have erred and departed from said By-Law, and it is recommended and enjoined on said Lodge to desist and abstain from such practices in future. The Grand Secretary reported that he had issued a summons requu'ing St. John's Lodge, No. 8, to appear and make answer to the complaint exhibited against them by King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, to the Grand Lodge, holden at Hartford, in May last, agreeably to the directions to him then given. The Master of said Lodge No. 8, said that no such summons had been received by him, and that he was unprepared for defence. After some few remarks on the subject, it was resolved, that said complaint be continued to the next semi-annual Grand Communication^ 140 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. and the parties ordered to appear at that time fully prepared in the premises. The committee appointed on the petition and remonstrance of the brethren composing Columbia Lodge, No, 25, made their report, which is as follows, viz : Your committee appointed at the Grand Communication at Hartford, in May last, to take into consideration the petition of a number of the brethren of Colum- bia Lodge, No. 25, praying that the place for holding said Lodge might be changed from the parish of Stepney, in the town of Wethersfield, to the first society in said town, or that a new Lodge might be constituted in said first society ; together with the remonstrance of a number of the brethren of said Lodge against such removal, &c., as said petition and remonstrance on file may appear, and to report the facts together with our opinion thereon. After giving due notice to the said petitions, said Columbia Lodge, and all the brethren in interest, we met them at the Lodge room in the parish of Stepney aforesaid, on the 14th day of September instant, and then and there heard the parties for and against the prayer of said petition ; and after due examination do find that said Columbia Lodge consists of one hundred and twenty-six members, viz : twenty-seven living in said Step- ney ; thirty-two in the town of Glastenbury, (twenty of whom live south of an east and west line drawn through said town of Glastenbury, and upon an average about two miles from said Lodge room ; the other twelve upon an average about five miles from said Lodge room,) that five of said members reside in the town of East Hartford ; four in the parish of Newington, in said Wethersfield ; six in the west parish of Hartford ; and forty-two in the said first society in Wethersfield. We further find that many members of the Lodge are violently opposed to a re- moval as prayed for, and none appeared opposed to the establishment of a new Lodge in said first society. Upon the facts thus found, your committee beg leave to submit the following opinion, viz : that a new Lodge be established in said first Society of Wethersfield, the south line thereof to be an east and west line drawn across GofF's Bridge in said Wethersfield, and an east and west line drawn through the center of said Glastenbury ; saving to all the present members of said Columbia Lodge, living north of said lines, to elect which Lodge they will belong to, by personally en- tering their names with the Secretary of one of said Lodges. All of which is humbly submitted by your friends and brethren, WILLIAM JUDD, ) SYLVESTER WELLS, V Committee. SOLOMON COWLES, } After considerable discussion, the Grand Lodge was satisfied that the said report, so far as it relates to the local situation and feelings of many of the brethren composing that Lodge, was made with the highest judgment, accuracy and precision ; therefore was accepted, but that part which relates to the forma- tion of a new Lodge, was rejected. 1801.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 141 Western Star Lodge, No. 37, introduced a memorial, in which it was stated that many of the brethren of that Lodge lived in sundry different towns, and places remote from the regularly established Lodge room, which rendered it highly inconvenient and expensive for them to pay such attention to the duties of Masonry as is required by the orders and regulations of the in- stitution : to remedy which, they prayed for permission to hold said Lodge alternately in the towns of Winchester, Colebrook and Canaan, as well as in Norfolk, where it was first established and now holden. After this petition had been read and some remarks made thereon, it was postponed to the next Grand C ommunication. Whereas, sundry instances have lately occured where Lodges have initiated candidates who lived within the limits of other Lodges, contrary to and in direct violation of a By-Law of Grand Lodge, in such case specially provided, which practice to prevent in future — Resolved, That if any Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall initiate any person contrary to the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge, such Lodge shall forfeit and pay to the Grand Lodge twenty dollars ; and also pay to the Lodge within which limits such person may live, the amount of the initiating, passing and raising fee, as a penalty for such their doings. Brs. Ephraim Koot, Solomon Cowles and Ezekiel P. Belden, or any two of them, were appointed a committee to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary and report. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 142 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, MAY SESSION, 1802. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 19th day of May, A. D. 1802, and of Mafonry, 5802 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEK, Grand Master. K. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Senior G. Warden, p. t. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Jun. G. Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SOLOMON COWLES, Sen. Grand Deacon, p. t. ASAPH COLEMAN, Jun. Grand Deacon, p. t. MOSES CLEVELAND, Grand Sword Bearer. WILLIAM JUDD, Past Grand Master. MEMBERS PRESENT ! Amos Doolittle, M., Amos Bradley, proxy J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. James Beardsley, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Joseph Utley, S. W., John Ripley, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Jabez Fitch, proxy M., Elkanah Mead, proxy S. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. William M. Betts, proxy M., Phineas Miller, proxy, S. W., Taylor Sherman, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., Wm. Hawley, S. W., Elihu Canfield, proxy J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairchild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, S. W., EH Brocket, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallinffford. 1802.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 143 Adonijah F. Bradford, proxy M., John S. Peters, S, W., Sam- uel A. Peters, J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. David Parmelee, proxy M., John Welch, proxy J. W., St, Paul's, No, 11, Litchfield. Francis French, M., King Hiram,No. 12, Derby, Jeremiah Dorsey, proxy M., Montgomery, No, 13, Salisbury, Solomon Cowles, proxy S, W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. John Parish, proxy M,, Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Whiting Stanley, proxy M., Amos Atwater, proxy S, W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Eleazer Judd, S, W,, Leveret Judd, J. W., Federal, No, 17, Watertown, Elijah Curtis, proxy M., Washington, No, 19, Huntington, John Warner, M,, Seth Deming, S. W., Sylvester, Wells, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Philo Buggies, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Samuel Whittlesey, M., Elijah Chapman, S. W., John T. Peters, proxy J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. John Francis, M., Asaph Coleman, S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Samuel P. Lord, M., Jonathan 0. Moseley, proxy S. W., Columbia, No, 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M,, Eising Sun, No, 27, Wash- ington. Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. John Bestor, J, W., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury, Samuel Bellamy, M,, Dayspring, No, 30, Hamden, Lyman Law, M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren, Samuel Pardee, M,, Heman Atwater, proxy S. W., Friendship, No, 33, Southington, Benjamin Snow, M,, Jonathan Lester, proxy J, W,, Somer- set, No, 34, Norwich. Lewis Catlin, proxy M., Uriah Hopkins, proxy S. W., Au- rora, No, 35, Harwinton. Appleton Bobbins, M., St. Marlvs, No. 36, Granby. 144 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J) Jeremiah W. Phelj^s, M., Seth Wetmore, S. W., Arali Phelps, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. George Cleveland, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Seth S. Smith, S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Elisha Whittlesey, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Richard Oshorn, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Wm. Leavenworth, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Joseph Wilcox, M., Nathan Wilcox, J. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Timothy Laraby, proxy M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon, David F. Sill, proxy S. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Lemuel Grosvenor, M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret, Forty-four Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were de- clared to be duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. Samuel Bellamy, Senior Grand Warden. W. Samuel Whittlesey, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. David Baldwin, Senior Grand Deacon. W. Taylor Sherman, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers were severally congratulated upon their appoint- ments, and regularly inducted into office, by the M. W. Grand Master, agreeably to ancient usages. The complaint made by King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, against St. John's, No. 8, which was continued from the Grand Com- munication in October last, was again read ; whereupon, after 1802.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 145 some discussion, it was resolved, tliat Brs. Samuel Bellamy, Nathan Preston and Eliliu Sanford be a committee to take into consideration the subject matter of said complaint, and make a full investigation of everything relative to the controversy sub- sisting between those two Lodges, and report the facts, with their opinion thereon, to the next Grand Communication ; first giving those Lodges due and seasonable notice of the time and place at which they will attend to the business of their said appointment. The petition from Western Star Lodge, No. 37, praying for permission to hold their meetings in sundry different towns, was again read ; when, on motion of the representatives of that Lodge, it was continued to the next Grrand Semi- Annual Com- munication. A petition from sundry brethren residing in the town of Eox- bury, praying for a charter to enable them to form a new Lodge there, was presented, and after being read, continued to the next Grand Communication, agreeably to the rule ; and Brs. Nathan Preston and William Hawley were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report at that time. A petition was presented from some of the fraternity in the town of Norwich, praying to be recognized as a just and regu- lar Lodge, and to be received under the patronage and jurisdic- tion of this Grand Lodge, in consequence of a charter granted to them by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, in the year 1785, by the name of " Columbia" To this, objections were made, to the effect, that for a num- ber of years previous to the formation of Somerset Lodge, now holden in said town of Norwich, the members of the fraternity composing said Columbia Lodge, had neglected their meetings, and had become totally inoperative ; that by this neglect, they had voluntarily given up all right, power and authority derived to them by virtue of said charter ; and so considering it, the greatest part of those who were originally members of said Co- lumbia Lodge, joined with others in the application to this Grand Lodge for the formation of Somerset Lodge. After a lengthy discussion of the subject, the petition was 19 146 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, withdrawn, on motion of tlie agent, and by permission of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary reported that St. John's Lodge, No. 4, Hartford, and St. Paul's Lodge, No. 11, Litchfield, had each incurred a penalty of eight dollars for non-attendance at the Grand Communication in October last. The representatives of those Lodges severally moved that the infliction of said penalty might be postponed until the next semi-annual communication, when they exj)ect to be able to satisfy the Grand Lodge that this did not happen through carelessness or negligence. The further consideration was a(3cordingly jjostponed. The Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Gh-and Secretary. 1802.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 147 OCTOBER SESSION, 1802. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Malons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednelday, the 20th day of October, A. D. 1802, and of Mafonry, 5802 : OFFICERS present: M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. DAVID BALDWIN, S. G. D., and S. G. W., p. t. DANIEL HOLBROOK, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. TAYLOR SHERMAN, Jun. Grand Deacon. WILLIAM JUDD, Past Grand Master. MEMBERS PRESENT : Amos Doolittle, M., Naphtali Daggett, S. W., Sam'l Sackett, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. WilHam B. Hall, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. William DeEorest, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Noyes Mather, proxy M., Jabez Fitch, proxy S. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. William M. Betts, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., Wilham Hawley, S. W., King Solo- mon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Matthias Nichol, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. John Nott, M., Eli Brocket, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wall- ingford. Daniel Worthington, M., Adonijah F. Bradford, S. W., John R. Watrous, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Ephraim Kirby, M., Moses Seymour, J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. 148 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, [Oct. Francis French, M., James Smith, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Asa Bacon, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury, David Badger, M., Lemuel Bull-ard, proxy S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Eleazer Judd, S. W., Samuel W. Southmayd, proxy J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. David Baldwin, j^roxy M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. John Wilcoxen, M., Abel French, proxy S. W., Ezra Lewis, proxy J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Benjamin Piatt, M., Joseph Buggies, J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge, Avery Downer, M., Joseph Chapman, proxy S. W., Allyn Campbell, proxy J, W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. John T, Peters, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. John Francis, M., Benjamin D. Gralpin, proxy J, W., Colum- bia, No. 25, Stepney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy J W., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. John Bestor, J. W., Village, No, 29, West Simsbury. Job Munson, proxy M., Joseph Scranton, proxy J. W., Day- spring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M., John 0. Miner, proxy S. W., Union, No. 31, New London. John Peters, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren, Samuel Pardy, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. William W. Haughton, proxy M,, Somerset, No. 34, Nor- wich. Alexander V. Griswold, proxy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwin- ton. Hezekiah Holcomb, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. 1802.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 149 Benjamin Welch, J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jere Hoadley, proxy M., Charles Falkner, proxy S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Seth S. Smith, M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Ebenezer Nichols, S. W., Union, No. 40, Danbury. George C, Smith, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. William Leavenworth, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Noah Lester, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No, 44, Lebanon. Moses Warren, proxy S. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Forty-four Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry ; when Bro. Sanford, one of the committee to whom was referred the complaint of King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, against St. John's Lodge, No. 8, stated that in consequence of the ill health of one of the committee, they had not been able to attend to the duties of their appointment, and were not prej^ared to make re- port. The parties were willing to have it brought before Grand Lodge at this time. The complaint was read, — the allegations were, that St. John's Lodge, No. 8, had contravened an ordin- ance of Grand Lodge, by admitting a person to be made a Ma- son whose jjlace of residence was in the town of Derby, in the vicinity of King Hiram Lodge, who had been rejected by said King Hiram Lodge, and which was known to said St. John's Lodge previous to his admission. The facts in the information and complaint were proved, except that it doth not appear that the rejection of said person by King Hiram Lodge was known to St. John's Lodge. Whereupon resolved, that the conduct of St. John's Lodge in the matter aforesaid, is highly improper and unwarrantable, and that said Lodge be admonished to ab- stain from like proceedings in future. The petition from Western Star Lodge, No. 37, requesting permission to hold said Lodge in sundry different towns, con- tinued from the last Grand Communication, was withdrawn. The consideration of the petition from the brethren in Box- 150 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. bury, praying for the formation of a new Lodge in tliat town, continued from last Grand Communication, was resumed. The petitioners presented a certificate from the committee appointed to examine the Master elect, by which it appears they have per- formed the services to them assigned', and find liim well qualified. After sundry remarks for and against the grant of said petition it was again continued. The penalties which were incurred by St. John's Lodge, No. 4, Hartford, and St. Paul's Lodge, No, 11, Litchfield, for non- attendance, as reported by the Grand Secretary at the last com- munication, were remitted. The Grand Secretary reported that Hiram Lodge, No. 18, Newtown, and St. James' Lodge, No. 23, Preston, had incurred penalties for non-attendance at the last communication ; their reasons for this omission having been severally offered, the pen- alties were remitted. A petition from sundry brethren residing in the towns of Leb- anon, Hebron, Coventry and Bolton, praying for the establish- ment of a new Lodge in said Hebron, was presented and read ; and after some remarks it was continued to the next semi-annual communication, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge, and Brs. Henry Champion and John E. Watrous appointed a committee to examine the Master elect and report. A petition from sundry members of Columbia Lodge, No. 25, praying for the removal of that Lodge from the parish of Step- ney, where it is established by charter, to the first society in Wethersfield, was presented ; a remonstrance from about an equal number of brethren belonging to said Lodge, against the removal thereof, was also presented. After a lengthy hearing of the parties in interest and some discussion, the subject was continued to the next Grand Communication. The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That Brs. Grand Treasurer and Secretary be authorized and directed to make such contract with Bro. Amos Doolittle for the use of his Lodge room, to accommodate Grand Lodge when in the city of New Haven, as they may judge most expedient. An address from Pier E. Brandin to the Grand Lodge was 1802.] GRAXD LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 151 received ; he informs that Temple Lodge, No. 16, Cheshire, pays no attention to a complaint which he exhibited against sundry of their members for personal abuse offered to himself, he being a Mason. No order taken thereon. The Grand Secretary presented a communication from the Eight Worshipful Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, containing a list of the officers of that Grand Lodge, their proceedings, &c., accompanied with a solicitation for some pecuniary aid from this Grand Lodge, and the subordinate Lodges within its juris- diction, to assist them in erecting a building proper for a Lodge room, in the town of Halifax, Avithin the said province of Nova Scotia, for the accommodation of said Grand Lodge. After sundry remarks had been made on the subject, on motion Resolved, That the Grand Secratary be directed to inform our Right Worship- ful brethren of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, that we receive the connuunica- tion with which tliey liave been pleased to honor us, with the highest gratitude and respect; and that nothing within the power of this Grand Lodge shall be wanting to keep up that friendly and fraternal intercourse with them, which is so essentially necessary to the dignity, happiness and prosperity of the craft ; that we also deeply regret that the funds of this Grand Lodge are so trifling we cannot afford them any pecuniary aid therefrom. That the funds of most of the private Lodges in this State are so far absorbed by contributions for the relief of indigent brethren, that this Grand Lodge have not as yet thought it expedient to call on them for assistance to enable us to construct a Lodge room for our own accommodation. That we consider the prospect of procuring the aid solicited, (though the object is highly laudable.) to be very inconsiderable ; nevertheless, the several Lodges within this jurisdiction shall be made acquainted with this application, and have the necessary direction where to transmit any donations they may think proper to make. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 152 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The persons whose names are placed in two columns following compose two spurious Lodges : the first in the citj' of Middletown, the second in the city of New London ; probably since this information was obtained their numbers have increased. Joash Hall. Jun., an arch deceiver, is the principal promoter of this business ; his name has been announced to you heretofore as the founder of a Lodge of this kind in Wallingford. I have it in charge from our Most Worshipful Grand Master, to recommend the most pointed care and attention in the admission of visitors into your Lodge, who are not personally known ; and that you would strongly inculcate upon all the brethren, more especially the young and inex- perienced, the necessity of being very cautious and circumspect in their inter- course with all who appear under the character of Masons, that no knowledge or advantage may be gained by artful designing impostors. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. Josiah Powers, John Bohannen, Edward Shepard, William Gilbert, Arba Bradley, Daniel Judd, Robert Johnson, Timothy Cornwall, Michael Malony, William Paddock, Kirtland Fields, Alexander Henry, Thaddeus Manning, Joash Hall, Jun., Jonathan Sizer, Joseph Annable, William Williams, Samuel Sizer, William Gale, William Bentley, George Culver, David Rogers, Timothy Sizer, Ebenezer Colefax, John Lewis, John Annable, Christopher Manwaring. 1803.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 153 MAY SESSION, i8o3. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the i8th day of May, A. D. i8o3, and of Mafonry 5803 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Senior G. Warden. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Jun. G. Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. DANIEL WORTHINGTON, Senior G. Deacon, p. t. JOSIAH ROOT, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT ! Hezekiali Hotclikiss, proxy M,, Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. William B. Hall, M., Alexander Collins, S. W., William C. Hall, J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Joseph Backus, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Jabez Fitch, proxy M., Elisha Belcher, proxy S. W., John W. Holly, proxy J. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Samuel Burrall, proxy M., Matthew Marvin, proxy S. W., Wilham M. Betts, J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., Ahijah S. Hatch, proxy J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairchild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Daniel Worthington, M., Thomas Bradford, proxy S. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. 20 154 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, John Welch, proxy M., Aaron Smith, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Josiah Dudley, M., James Smith, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Adonijah Strong, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Ezekiel Scott, proxy S. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Jedediah Johnson, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Stephen Jarvis, M., Lemuel Bullard, J. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel W. Southmayd, proxy M., Asher Blakesley, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Samuel C. Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Elijah Curtis, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Sylvester Wells, S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Philo Buggies, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Abner Bradley, proxy S. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Joseph Chapman, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., Tubal Case, S. W., Edmund Free- man, J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. John Francis, M., Asaph Coleman, S. W., Wm. Bradford, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Samuel P. Loid, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Levi Collins, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. John Bestor, M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Josiah Root, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Ambrose Hitchcock, M., Dan Frisbie, J; W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. John Tyler, proxy M., Benjamin Ames, proxy S. W., Thomas Hubbard, J. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Elijah G-aylord, M., Cyprian Webster, Jr., proxy S. W., Tim- othy Clark, proxy J. W,, Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. 1803.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 155 Joseph Cornish, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Jedediah Lathrop, M., George Cleveland, proxy S. W,, St, Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. William Cook, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Daniel Wheeler, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Lemuel Porter, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Joseph Wilcox, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. David Sill, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. John McClellan, proxy M., Lemuel Ingalls, proxy S. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Forty-five Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree, and pro- proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master, R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. Samuel Bellamy, Senior Grand Warden. Samuel Whittlesey, Junior Grand Warden. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. John Mix, Grand Secretary. David Baldwin, Senior Grand Deacon. Taylor Sherman, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers were severally congratulated upon their appoint- ments, and regularly inducted into office, by the M. W. Grand Master, agreeably to ancient usages. The business which was unfinished at the last Grand Com- munication, was by the M. W. Grand Maser ordered to be brought forward. 156 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The petition from brethren in Koxbury, j^raying for a charter for a new Lodge in that town, was introduced, and there being no appearance on the j^art of the petitioners, the petition was dismissed. The petition from the brethren in the towns of Lebanon, He- bron, Coventry and Bolton, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, to be located in Hebron, was negatived. The consideration of the petition from sundiy brethren, mem- bers of Columbia Lodge, No. 25, praying for j^ermission to re- move from the j)arish of Stepney to the first society in Weth- ersfield, was again resumed ; and after a lengthy hearing, both of the petitioners and remonstrants, and a minute discussion, the application was rejected. The Grand Treasurer and Secretary reported that agreeably to the directions given them by the Grand Lodge, at their last communication, they had contracted with Bro. Amos Doolittle, for the use of his hall, to accommodate the Grand Lodge when its meetings are held in the city of New Haven, on the terms and conditions following, to wit : — The Grand Lodge to loan to Bro. Doolittle one hundred dollars from its funds, the inte- rest of which is to be considered as full compensation for the use of said room ; the principal to be remanded whenever the Grand Lodge shall direct ; Bro. Doolittle also reserving the right to refund the principal whenever he may desire ; and in either case the contract is to terminate. Which report was ac- cepted and approved. The Grand Secretary reported, that Montgomery Lodge, No. 13, and Putnam Lodge, No. 46, had each incurred a penalty of eight dollars, for non-attendance at the last Grand Communica- tion. The reasons for these delinquencies having been severally heard, the penalties were remitted. It was stated to the Grand Lodge, that in several instances, persons belonging in this State had gone into New York, and there been initiated into Masonry ; whereupon, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adoj)ted : Whereas, it lias been represented to this Grand Lodge, by several Lodges be- longing to its jurisdiction, that instances have occurred where persons have gone 1803.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 157 from the limits of tliose Lodges, into tlie city and other parts of the State of New York, and there been initiated into the Masonic Society ; and in some instances, it is presumed, persons have tlius been initiated wlio could not have gained ad- mission had their characters been more fully known. Therefore, Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be and is hereby directed to acquaint the Grand Lodge of the State of New York with this practice, and request them to take measures to prevent it. Resolved, That no Lodge within this jurisdiction shall initiate a person not an inhabitant of this State, nor one who has not resided at least twelve months in the vicinity of the Lodge in which he is proposed for initiation, and his character thoroughly known. A coj^y of a vote passed by a number of Masons residing in the town of Iforwich, styling themselves '' Columbia Lodge," was presented and read ; the object of which was to procure an acknowledgment of their legality as a Lodge, and as such to be received under the patronage and jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge. A committee was appointed to make a critical examination of this subject, who reported the following facts : — That in the year 1785, a Lodge was formed in the town of Norwich, under authority of the Glrand Lodge of Massachusetts, by the name of " Columbia" ; that the members thereof held regular meet- ings, and performed the various duties required of them by the general regulations of Masonry, for about one'year after its or- ganization ; that from and after that time, they wholly neg- lected the performance of all duties in the corporate capacity of a Lodge ; and that the greatest part, if not all, of the original members, with others, became petitioners to this Grand Lodge, for the charter for Somerset Lodge in said town of Norwich, which was about ten years after the charter was granted to said Columbia Lodge by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. From the facts thus reported, the Grand Lodge arrived at the following conclusions : — That by long neglect, said Colum- bia Lodge had forfeited and voluntarily relinquished all rights, powers and privileges vested in them by their charter from Mas- sachusetts ; that at the formation of Somerset Lodge, said Co- lumbia Lodge was, to all intents and purposes, defunct, and its charter null and void ; and that it cannot be, and ought not ever to be resuscitated. 158 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The previous question was then put, viz : whether anything should he done on the aforesaid application of brethren claim- ing to he " Columbia Lodge," — and it was decided in the neg- ative. The following resolution, with the preamble, was offered, and after a spirited discussion, adopted : Whereas, a number of Masons in the town of Norwich, contrary to the estab- lished regulations of Masonry in this State, have withdrawn themselves from the regular Lodge in said town, and under pretence of authority derived from an ob- solete charter, have formed themselves into a Lodge, without the sanction or con- sent of this Grand Lodge.; and whereas, said Masons presume to initiate, pass and raise credulous candidates, to the great injury of the regularly constituted Lodge in said Norwich, to the scandal of Masonry, and in defiance of this Grand Lodge ; therefore, Resolved, That the several Lodges within this jurisdiction withhold all corres- pondence or connection with said pretended Lodge in the town of Norwich, called " Columbia," and that all persons who have been or hereafter may be initiated, passed or raised in said Lodge, be refused admittance into any regular Lodge in this State. The Grand Secretary presented sundry communications which he had received from various Grand Lodges in the United States, in some of which, particularly those from North and South Carolina, propositions were made for a Masonic Convention, to be held at the City of Washington, for the purpose of forming a Supreme National Grand Lodge. After the subject had re- ceived a full discussion, it was, on motion. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, such a measure will not conduce to the interest of the Masonic institution, and that a concurrence therein is deemed inexpedient. Resolved, also, That the Grand Secretary be directed to inform the several Grand Lodges in the United States of this result. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1803.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 159 OCTOBER SESSION, 1803. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Aflembly Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 19th day of October, A. D. 1803, and of Mafonry 5803: OFFICERS PRESENT : K. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Sen. Grand Warden. JOHN E. WATROUS, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. SETH S. SMITH, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. AMOS DOOLITTLE, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Peter Johnson, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. William B. Hall, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Ephraim Root, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Elkanah Mead, S. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Samuel Burrall, proxy S. W., William M. Betts, J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., Abijah S. Hatch, proxy S. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairchild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Moses Beach, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, M., John S. Peters, J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Josiah Dudley, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Jedediah Johnson, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Stephen Jarvis, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Eleazer Judd, M., Gideon Richards, proxy S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. 160 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Samuel C. Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. John Wilcoxen, M., Abel French, J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Philo Euggles, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Moses Bobbins, proxy M., Thomas B. Gray, jiroxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Heman Storrs, proxy J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, proxy S. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. George Humphrey, proxy M., Village, No. 29, West Sims- bury. Josiah Boot, M., Hezekiah Bracket, S. W., John Hubbard, proxy J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Abishai Woodward, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, M., Josiah Finney, S. W., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Stephen Johnson, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Elijah Gaylord, M., Cyprian Webster, proxy J. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Hezekiah Holcomb, proxy M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Arab Phelps, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremy Hoadley, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Seth S. Smith, proxy S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Eli Perry, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Lemuel Porter, M., Frederick Hotchkiss, S. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Nathan Wilcox, S. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Nathaniel Matson, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Thirty-nine Lodges represented. 1803,] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 161 IN AMPLE FOEM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, when a petition was presented from sundry brethren residing in the County of Trumbull, and State of Ohio, representing that the fraternity were numerous in that quarter ; that there was no Grand Lodge in that State ; that they had principally emi- grated from the State of Connecticut, and that there was no Grand Lodge to whom they could, with so much propriety, ap- ply as to this, under whose fostering hand, much the greatest part of them had derived their existence as Masons — praying for the formation of a new Lodge in the town of Warren, County of Trumbull, aforesaid. The petition was referred to a special committee, who, after taking the subject matter of the same into careful consideration, reported in favor of the petition and recommended the adoption of a resolution that it was expedient to grant the prayer thereof. After sundry remarks had been made thereon, the report was accepted, and it was ordered, that a charter be granted, and that our Worshipful Brother Tyrhand Kirtland be first Master, and the other officers confirmed in their respective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of said petitioners ; the Lodge to be known and designated by the name of " Erie," No. 47 ; and the authority given to them by virtue of this charter to continue and be in force for one year from and after the time when there shall be a Grand Lodge regularly constituted within and for the State of Ohio. Another petition was also presented from sundry brethren who had formed a settlement on the river Sciota, in said State of Ohio, praying for the formation of a new Lodge there ; which petition was granted, and a charter to issue, with the same powers and limited to the same duration as that in the county of Trumbull ; our Worshipful and Keverend Brother James Kilbourn to be first Master, and the other officers confirmed in their respective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of said petitioners ; the Lodge to be holden in the town of Wor thing- ton, and to be known and designated by the name of " New England," No, 48. 21 162 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. The Grand Secretary reported that Western Star Lodge, No. 37, had incurred a penalty of eight dollars for non-attendance at the last Grand Communication ; the reasons in excuse having been heard, the penalty was remitted. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1804.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 163 MAY SESSION, 1804. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 16th day of May, A. D. 1804, and of Mafonry, 5804: OFFICERS PRESENT : K. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Senior Grand Warden. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN EIPLEY, 2d, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. ELIHU SANFORD, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Peter Johnson, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Benjamin Hall, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Joseph Utley, S. W., John Ripley, 2d, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. John Stevens, M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Phineas Miller, proxy M., Jabez Gregory, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Robert Pairchild, J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Moses L. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford, John R. Watrous, M., John S. Peters, J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Abijah Wilcoxen, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Elisha Sterling, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. 164 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Samuel W. Southmayd, proxy M., Federal, No. 17, Water- town. Josiah Fairchild, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Elijah Curtis, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Harmony, No., 20, Berlin. Joseph Euggles, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, proxy M., St, James', No. 23, Preston. Samuel Whittlesey, M., Edmund Freeman, J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam, Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy S W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. John Ingraham, proxy M., Josiah Bissell, S. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Riverius Bidwell, proxy M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. John Hubbard, J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M., Abishai Woodward, proxy J. W., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, M,, Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Stephen Johnson, S. W., Dan Frisbie, J. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Benjamin Ames, proxy J. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich, Timothy Clark, Jr., proxy M., Aurora, No, 35, Harwinton. Samuel Hurlbut, proxy M., Benjamin Welch, S, W., Elea- zer Holt, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremy Hoadley, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No, 39, Weston, Epaphras W. Bull, J. W,, Union, No. 40, Danbury. George C, Smith, M,, Federal, No, 41, Brookfield. Lemuel Harrison, proxy M., Timothy Gibbards, proxy J.W,, Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury, Joseph Wilcox, 2d, M,, Nathan Wilcox, S, W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth, Daniel Tilden, M,, Eastern Star, No, 44, Lebanon, 1804,] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 165 Ebenezer Brockway, Jr., J. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy M., George Learned, proxy S. W., John Fox, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Forty-two Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were de- clared to be duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. Samuel Bellamy, Senior Grand Warden. W. Samuel Whittlesey, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. David Baldwin, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. John Ripley, 2d, Junior Grand Deacon. The Grand Secretary reported that St. John's Lodge, No. 3, St. Paul's, No. 11, Montgomery, No. 13, Morning Star, No. 28, Somerset, No. 34, Union, No. 40, and Putnam, No. 46, had each incurred a penalty of eight dollars, for non-attendance at the last Grand Communication ; and that Union Lodge, No. 40, had incurred a further penalty of five dollars, for not send- ing their returns at that time. The reasons for these delin- quencies having been severally ofiered, the penalties were all remitted, except that of eight dollars on Putnam Lodge, No. 46, for non-attendance, and that of five dollars on Union Lodge, No. 40, for neglecting to make returns, both of which were inflicted. A petition from sundry brethren residing in the town of Ox- ford, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge there, was presented, and after having been read, was continued to the 166 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, next Grand Communication. Brs. Elihu Sanford and Francis French were appointed a committee to examine the W. Master elect, and report. A similar petition was presented from brethren in Eoxburj^, for a Lodge in that town, which was also laid over ; and Brs. Nathan Preston and Nathaniel Perry appointed to examine the W. Master. The appeal of Br. Henry Beardsley, from the action of Ark Lodge, No. 39, pronouncing against him a sentence of expul- sion, was received and read ; whereupon, a committee was ap- pointed, consisting of Brs. Josiah Lacey, John Thompson and Samuel C. Blackman, with full power to make a thorough in- vestigation of every matter alluded to in said appeal, and the complaint exhibited against said appellant ; said committee to report at the next Grand Communication. Brs. David Daggett, Samuel Bellamy and Naphtali Daggett were appoined a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A trae copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1804.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 167 OCTOBER SESSION, 1804. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 18th day of Odober, A. D. 1804, and of Mafonry, 5804 : OFFICERS PRESENT '. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Sen. Grand Warden. NATHAN WHEELER, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. MOSES CLEVELAND, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. DAVID BALDWIN, Senior Grand Deacon. TAYLOR SHERMAN, Junior Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT : Naphtali Daggett, M., Robert Brown, Jr., S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M,, St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Josiah Lacey, M., Benjamin Hall, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. John Caldwell, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Taylor Sherman, proxy M., Jabez Gregory, proxy S. W., William M. Betts, J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, proxy M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. John Thompson, M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Moses L. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, WaUingford. Thomas Bradford, proxy M., Adonijah F. Bradford, J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Abijah Wilcoxen, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Isaac Pardy, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. 168 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Moses Cleveland, proxy M., Moriali, No. 15, Canterbury. John Plymart, J. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Charles Merriman, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Samuel C. Blackman, M., Wheeler Fairchild, J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Eli Smith, S. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Benjamin Clapp, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Avery Downer, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Jonathan 0. Moseley, proxy S. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Ebenezer S. Bissell, proxy S. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Riverius Bidwell, proxy M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Jesse Tuttle, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M,, Union, No. 31, New London. Ambrose Hitchcock, M., Stephen Johnson, S. W., Friend- ship, No. 33, Southington. Timothy Clark, Jr., proxy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joseph Cornish, M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Eleazer Holt, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Nathan Wheeler, M., Lemuel Sanford, proxy S. W., Seth S. Smith, proxy J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Gilead Ambler, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. George C. Smith, M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Lemuel Porter, M., Frederick Hotchkiss, S. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Joseph Wilcox, M., Nathan Wilcox, S. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. David M. Jewett, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. George Learned, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Forty-two Lodges represented. 1804.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 169 IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the consideration of the business which was laid over at the last G-rand Communication. The petition from brethren in Oxford, praying for the estab- lishment of a new Lodge in that town, was taken uj), when the committee appointed to examine the Master elect reported that they had performed the duties of that appointment, and found him well qualified. Whereupon, it was ordered, that a charter be granted to the petitioners, authorizing them to form and hold a regular Lodge in said town of Oxford, to be known and designated by the name of "Morning Star" ; in which charter our Worshipful Brother Abel Wheeler is to be named as the first Master, and the other ofiicers confirmed in their respective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of the petitioners for the said charter. The petition of brethren in Roxbury, praying for the estab- lishment of a new Lodge in that town, was taken up and read, and the report of the committee appointed to examine the W. Master elect not being satisfactory, the question on granting a charter was decided in the negative. The committee to whom was referred, at the Grand Commu- nication in May last, the appeal of Henry Beardsley, from the sentence of expulsion pronounced against him by Ark Lodge, No. 39, located in the town of Weston, made their report, in writing. The report having been read, a lengthy discussion ensued, which resulted in a resolution rejecting the report and ordering a new committee to be appointed. Whereupon, Brs. Eli Mygatt, of Danbury, Asa Chapman, of Fairfield, and Wil- liam M. Betts, of Norwalk, were appointed a committee, with instructions to meet at Weston, or such other convenient place as may be agreed upon by the parties interested, and there to take into consideration, and critically and carefully to investi- gate, the subject of the said appeal of Henry Beardsley from the sentence of expulsion pronounced against him by said Ark Lodge, on the complaint of Bro. James Rowell, at the expense 22 170 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. of said appellant ; said committee to report at the next Grand Communication. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication, to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, reported that they had attended to the duty assigned them, and found due to the Grand Lodge from the Treasurer, one hundred and one dollars and seventy-four cents, and from the Secretary, two hundred and nineteen dollars and thirty-eight cents ; which report was accepted and approved, A petition was presented from members of Harmony Lodge, No. 42, asking permission to hold their communications alter- nately in the parish of Salem and in the First Society of the town of Waterbury. Whereupon, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That Harmony Lodge, No. 42, established and holden in the parish of Salem, town of Waterbury, be permitted to hold their meetings one year ia said parish of Salem, and one year in the First Society in said Waterbury, alter- natelj^, agreeably to the wishes of the brethren composing said Lodge, commu- nicated to the Grand Lodge by their petition on file ; anything in their charter to the contrary notwithstanding. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Gra7id Secretary. 1805.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 171 MAY SESSION, 1805. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 15th day of May, A. D. 1805, and of Mafonry 5805 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEK, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Sen. Grand Warden. SAMUEL WHITTLESEY, Jun. Grand Warden. MOSES CLEVELAND, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. DAVID BALDWIN, Sen. Grand Deacon. JOHN RIPLEY, 2d, Jun. Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT : Samuel Bellamy, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, M., John Ripley, 2d, S. W., St, John's, No. 4, Hartford, James Stevens, M,, Union, No, 5, Greenwich, Jabez Gregory, proxy M,, St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairchild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Adonijah F. Bradford, S. W., Roger Bulkley, proxy J, W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Francis French, M,, James Smith, S. W., Abraham Smith, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Jeremiah Dauchy, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Luke Wadsworth, proxy M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Stedman Adams, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbuiy. 172 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, [May, John Plymart^ proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel Church, M., Micah Blakesley, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. John Wilcoxen, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Luther Beckley, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Benjamin Piatt, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Tubal Case, S. W., Edmund Freeman, J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Epaphro' Champion, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N, Brinsmade, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Riverius Bidwell, M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. John Hubbard, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Thomas H. Rawson, M., Union, No. 31, New London. Nathaniel Berry, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Ithuel Clark, proxy S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southingtou. Benjamin Snow, M., Somerset, No, 34, Norwich. Stephen Graves, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. James Hyllyer, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Jeremiah W. Phelps, M., Benjamin Welch, S. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. George Cleveland, proxy M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford, Seth S. Smith, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Epaphras W. Bull, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Lemuel Porter, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Noah Lester, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Calvin Selden, M., Nathaniel Matson, proxy S. W., Pytha- goras, No. 45, Lyme. George Lamed, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Abel Wheeler, M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Forty-two Lodges represented. 1805.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 173 IN AMPLE FORM. The Grrancl Lodge was opened iu the Third Degree, and pro- proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master. E. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. Samuel Bellamy, Senior Grand Warden. Samuel Whittlesey, Junior Grand Warden, Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer, John Mix, Grand Secretary. David Baldwin, Senior Grand Deacon. John Ripley, 2d, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers were severally congratulated upon their apjDoint- ments, and regularly inducted into office, by the M. W. Grand Master, agreeably to ancient usages. The committee which was appointed at the Grand Commu- nication in October last, on the appeal of Henry Beardsley, made their report, which was accepted ; and the sentence of expulsion pronounced against him by Ark Lodge, No. 39, of which he was a member, for having criminal intercourse with the daugh- ter of a brother, was fully ratified and confiraied. On application of Trinity Lodge, No. 43, for permission to hold that Lodge a part of the time in the town of Saybrook, it was resolved, that they be permitted, authorized and directed to hold said Lodge in the first society in said Saybrook, in the months of March, Aj)ril, May, and June, each year, during the pleasure of this Grand Lodge. The application made by Uriel Lodge, No. 24, for permission to hold said Lodge in sundry different towns adjoining, or near to that in which it is established by charter, was negatived, A petition from sundry brethren residing in the towns of He- bron, Bolton, Coventry and Columbia, praying for the estab- 174 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, lisliment of a new Lodge, was presented, read, and continued, agreeably to tlie regulations of G-rand Lodge ; and Brs. Samuel Whittlesey and Roger Bulkley appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1805.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 175 OCTOBER SESSION, 1805. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 16th day of Odober, A. D. 1805, and of Mafonry, 5805 : OFFICERS present: M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Senior Grand Warden. EPHRAIM ROOT, Junior Grand AVarden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. DAVID BALDWIN, Senior Grand Deacon. FRANCIS FRENCH, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT '. Samuel Bellamy, M., Samuel Sackett, J, W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Enoch Foot, M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jonathan Knight, M., Josiah Thatcher, Jr., S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairchild, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, M., Roger Bulkley, S. W., Asa Bigalow, J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, M., James Smith, S. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. 176 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Eiifus Adams, proxy M., Moriali, No. 15, Canterbury. John Plyraart, S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel C. Blackman, M., David Baldwin, S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Elijah Curtis, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Isaac T. Hough, proxy S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Eli Todd, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Joshua Downer, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Tubal Case, proxy M., Koger Waldo, S. W., Joseph Crocker, J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Marvin Dayton, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Epaphro' Champion, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy J. W., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Shubael Griswold, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Riverius Bidwell, M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Jesse Tuttle, M., Samuel B. Kingsley, J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Ebenezer Perkins, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Ambrose Hitchcock, M., Stephen Johnson, S. W., Friend- ship, No. 33, Southington. Benjamin Snow, M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Chauncey Pettibone, proxy M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, S. W., Samuel Blakesley, J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. William Beard, proxy J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Epaphras W. Bull, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. George C. Smith, M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Frederick Hotchkiss, S. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbuiy. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Ebenezer Brockway, Jr., S. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Thirty-nine Lodges represented. 1805.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 177 IN AMPLE FOKM. The G-rand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, when the consideration of the petition from sundry brethren re- siding in the towns of Hebron, &c., praying for the establish- ment of a new Lodge, which petition was presented to this Grand Lodge in May last, was resumed. The committee ap- pointed to examine the Master elect, reported that they had made the examination as directed, and found him well qualified. After some discussion, the consideration of the petition was again postponed to the Grand Communication in May next. The Grand Secretary reported sundry Lodges that were not represented, and did not make returns to the last Grand Com- munication. The reasons for those omissions having been sev- erally heard from the representatives of the delinquent Lodges, the penalties were all remitted, excepting one of five dollars on Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 32, and one of the same sum on Federal Lodge, No. 41, which were both inflicted for their neg- lecting to make returns. A petition from sundry brethren residing in the towns of New Hartford and Barkhamsted, praying for the establishment of a Lodge in said New Hartford, was presented, read, and continued to the next semi-annual communication, agreeably to the regu- lations of Grand Lodge, and Brs. George Humphrey and Jere- miah W. Phelps appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report. A petition was presented from sundry brethren residing in the towns of Franklin, Bozrah and Lisbon, j^raying for the estab- lishment of a Lodge in said town of Franklin ; which having been read, was continued agreeably to regulations of Grand Lodge, and Brs. Moses Cleveland and Luther Payne appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report. A petition from Uriel Lodge, No. 24, praying for liberty to remove said Lodge from Tolland, the place where it is now hol- den and established, to the North society in Mansfield, for the better accommodation of the brethren composing the same, was presented and read. After a full discussion of the subject, it 23 178 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. was resolved, tliat said Uriel Lodge liave liberty, and liberty and authority are hereby granted, to remove and hold said Lodge in said North society of Mansfield, during the pleasure of this Grand Lodge ; provided the place of holding the same shall not be within the distance of ten miles of any other regu- lar constituted Lodge ; anything in their charter to the contrary notwithstanding. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Ch-and Secretary. 1806.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 179 MAY SESSION, 1806. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1806, and of Mafonry, 5806: OFFICERS present: M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SAMUEL BELLAMY, Senior Grand Warden. JOHN R. WATROUS, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. ELIHU SANFORD, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. TIMOTHY BURR, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MOSES CLEVELAND, Grand Marshal. MEMBERS PRESENT : Samuel Bellamy, M., Hezekiah Hotchkiss, proxy S. W., Hi- ram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Gershom Burr, J. W., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, M., Timothy Burr, S. W., James Ward, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Simeon H. Miner, J. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jabez Gregory, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairchild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Augustus Cook, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford, John R. Watrous, M., Roger Bulkley, S. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Sheldon Gracey, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 180 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^^y, Isaac Pardy, proxy M,, Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Eufus Adams, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Lemuel Bullard, S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel W. Southmayd, proxy M., Federal, No. 17, Water- town. Samuel C. Blackman, S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Eli L. Hawley, S. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Benjamin Piatt, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Tubal Case, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Marvin Dayton, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Eising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Josiah Bissell, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Kiverius Bidwell, M., Village, No. 29, West Simsbury. Jesse Tuttle, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. William P. Cleveland, proxy M., Union No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Stephen Johnson, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Stephen Graves, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Appleton Robins, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Jeremiah W. Phelps, jjroxy M., Samuel Blakesley, S. W,, Horace Higley, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Epaphras W. Bull, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. William Meeker, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Frederick Hotchkiss, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Joseph Wilcox, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Zenas House, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. David M. Jewett, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Levi Candee, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford Forty-four Lodges represented. i 1806.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 181 IN AMPLE FOEM. The Grand Lodge was opened in tlie third degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were de- clared to be duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmek, Grand Master. K. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. Samuel Bellamy, Senior Grand Warden. W. John R. Watrous, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. Elihu Sanford, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. Timothy Burr, Junior Grand Deacon. The business which was unfinished at the last Grand Com- munication, was by the M. W. Grand Master ordered to be brought forward. The petition from sundry brethren residing in the towns of Hebron, &c., praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, and which was continued from the last Grand Communication, was introduced, and after a lengthy and critical discussion of the subject matter thereof, it was withdrawn by the petitioners. The consideration of the petition from the brethren in New Hartford, &c., which was presented to Grand Lodge at their communication in October last, praying to be formed into a new Lodge, was resumed ; but in consequence of some informality in the proceedings of the petitioners, was, on their motion con- tinued to the next Grand Communication. The Grand Secretary reported that St. John's Lodge, No. 2y Middletown ; Federal, No. 17, Watertown ; Meridian Sun, No, 32, Warren ; Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton ; Trinity, No, 43,, Killingworth ; Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret ; and Morning Star^ No. 47, Oxford, were not represented at the last Grand Com- munication. The reasons for those omissions having been heard from the representatives of those Lodges respectively, the pen- alties were all remitted. 182 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, A petition from sundry brethren residing in Branford, pray- ing that a new Lodge may be established in that town, was presented, read and continued agreeably to regulations of Grand Lodge. Brs. Hezekiah Hotchkiss and Jeremiah Parmelee were appointed a committeee to examine the Master elect, and re- port. A petition from the brethren in Kent, praying for the estab- lishment of a new Lodge in that town, was also presented, read and continued. Brs. John Talmadge and Lysander Curtis wero appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report. W. Brs. D. Daggett and S. Bellamy were appointed a com- mittee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary, and report. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1806.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 183 OCTOBER SESSION, 1806. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 15th day of Oftober, A. D. 1806, and of Mafonry, 5806 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. SOLOMON COWLES, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. CHARLES JENKS, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN WALES, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. GEORGE HUMPHREY, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t, MEMBERS PRESENT : Hezekiah Hotchkiss, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Lambert Lockwood, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport, John Wales, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Elkanah Mead, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jabez Gregory, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. John Thompson, M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Chauncey Cook, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Roger Bulkley, proxy S. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Midian Griswold, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Sheldon Curtis, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Samuel Lee, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. John Plymart, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Eleazer Judd, M., Garret Smith, proxy S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. 184 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Samuel C. Blackman, M., Cyras Prindle, proxy S. W., Jona- than Prindle, j^roxy J. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Elisha Hawley, M., William Clark, proxy S. W., Washing- ton, No. 19, Huntington. John Warner, M., Harmony, No. .20, Berlin. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Allen Campbell, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Koger Waldo, M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Marvin Dayton, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Samuel Gr. Huntington, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Charles Jenks, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, proxy M., Village, No. 29, Canton. Jesse Tuttle, M., John Hubbard, S. W., Ezra Bradley proxy J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Stephen Johnson, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Cushing Eells, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Stephen Graves, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Luther Holcomb, proxy M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, M., Frederick Plumb, proxy S. W., Jere- miah W. Phelps, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Nathan Wheeler, proxy M., Andrew L. Hill, proxy S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Colby Chamberlain, M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Frederick Hotchkiss, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Joseph Wilcox, proxy J. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Zabdiel Hyde, proxy M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Nathaniel Matson, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Levi Candee, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Forty-four Lodges represented. 1806.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. ,185 IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry, when the M. W. Grrand Master ordered that the business which was not finished at the last Communication should be introduced. The petition from the brethren in New Hartford, &c., with the documents accompanying it was read, and after a lengthy discussion, negatived. The petition from the brethren in Branford was read, discuss- ed and negatived. The petition from the brethren in Kent, &c., was read ; the committee appointed at the last Grand Communication to ex- amine the Master elect, reported that they had made the exam- ination and found him well qualified ; whereupon, it was resol- ved, that the prayer of said petition be granted, and that a charter be issued forming the petitioners into a just and regular Lodge, by the name of " St. Luke," No. 48, to be holden in the town of Kent, and that our brother John Eaymond be first Master, and the Wardens confirmed in their respective appoint- ments, agreeably to the prayer of the petitioners. The Grand Secretary reported that St, Paul's Lodge, No, 11, Columbia Lodge, No, 26, and Somerset Lodge, No, 34, were not represented at the last Grand Communication, The rea- sons for the apparent neglect having been severally stated by the representatives of those Lodges, the penalties were all re- mitted. The Grand Secretary also reported that Union Lodge, No. 40, did not make returns to the last Grand Communication. No reasons being offerred for this omission, a penalty of five dollars was inflicted on said Union Lodge. The committee appointed to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary made their report, which report was accepted and approved, A petition from Ark Lodge, No. 39, stating a number of in- conveniences which they experienced by being obliged to hold that Lodge alternately in the towns of Weston and Redding, 24 186 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. was presented and read ; after hearing and attending to the re- marks and exhibits of the petitioners, it was resolved, that said Ark Lodge be holden in either or both of said towns of Weston and Bedding, as the brethren composing the same shall direct. On the appeal of Vine Utley from the decision of Western Star Lodge, No 37, pronouncing against him a sentence of ex- pulsion, Brs. John Mix, Henry Champion and John Wales, were appointed a committee to hear the parties in said appeal, and investigate the subject in such way and manner as to them shall appear just and proper, and report to the Grand Lodge a statement of the facts, with their opinion thereon, at some fu- ture communication ; first giving said parties due and reason- able notice of the time and place where they will attend to the business of their said appointment. The copy of a vote of Washington Lodge, No. 19, holden in the town of Huntington, was presented and read ; by which a certain Abraham Dunning, who now resides in the vicinity of that Lodge, was unanimously excluded and prohibited from visiting the same, in consequence of the vileness of his charac- ter ; and that neither they as a Lodge nor individuals would hereafter consider or treat him in any respect as a Mason. Which vote was accompanied with a statement that this Dun- ning had made application to that Lodge for initiation and was rejected ; that he then applied to a Lodge in New Lebanon, or some other part of the State of New York, where his character was only superficially known, and admitted ; and that from the general baseness of his character they consider him highly dis- graceful to the Masonic fraternity. Whereuj^on, resolved, that the Grand Secretary be directed to make this communication to the several Lodges in this State, that they may consider and treat him as expelled from the Masonic Society. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. I 1807.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 187 MAY SESSION, 1807. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 20th day of May, A. D. 1807, and of Mafonry 5807 : OFFICERS PRESENT : E. W. DAVID DAGGETT, D. G. M. and G. Master, p. t. EALPH POMEROY, Deputy Grand Master, p. t. JOHN R. WATPvOUS, J. G. W. and S. G. W. p. t. SOLOMON COWLES, Jim. Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. TIMOTHY BURR, J. G. D. and S. G. D. p. t. JOHN HUBBARD, Jun. Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Hezekiali Hotchkiss, M,, Lal^n Smith, j)roxy S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Benjamin W. Woolsey, M., Matthew Talcott, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, M., Timothy Burr, S. W., James AVard,- J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. William Knapp, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jabez Gregory, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbitry. Robert Fairchild, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Chauncey Cook, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, j)roxy M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield, Josiah Dudley, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. 188 GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Luther Payne, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Eleazer Judd, M., Abel B. Bronson, IS. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Samuel C. Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Sam'l Wheeler, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Simon Waterman, M., Luther Beckley, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Beebe Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. John D. Wooster, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Hezekiah Goddard, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Artemas Gurley, J. W., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25j Stepney. Samuel Gr. Huntington, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Charles Jenks, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Wind- sor. Riverius Bidwell, M., Village, No. 29, Canton, John Hubbard, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Samuel Green, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardy, M., Dan Frisbie, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Gushing Eells, M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Elijah Gaylord, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joel Holcomb, 2d, S. W., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Rositer Parmelee, proxy M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. William Cook, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Asahel Dunning proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, M., James D. Wooster, proxy J. W., Har- mony, No. 42, Waterbury. Austin Olcott, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Zabdiel Hyde, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Nathaniel Matson, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme, / 1807.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 189 Thomas Hubbard, M., David Keyes, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Abel Wheeler, M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. John Raymond, M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Forty-six Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree, and pro- proceeded to the clioice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. John R. Watrous, Senior Grand Warden. Solomon Cowles, Junior Grand Waiden. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Timothy Burr, Senior Grand Deacon. John Hubbard, Junior Grand Deacon. Which officers were presented with the jewels to them re- spectively belonging, together with a Lecture and Charge well adapted to each, by the R. W. presiding Grand Master. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication on the appeal of Vine Utley, from the decision of Western Star Lodge, No. 37, pronouncing against him a sentence of expulsion, reported the facts that appeared to them on a full investigation, together with their opinion thereon, agreeably to the powers and directions given by their appointment, the parties in said appeal having been before the committee with their evidence and ex- hibits ; which opinion is, that said Lodge was not warranted to expel said Utley therefrom ; although it apj)eared to said com- mittee that his conduct had been improper and reprehensible '. which report was accepted and approved. Whereupon, resolved and ordered, that the said Bro. Vine Utley be restored to his former standing as a Mason. 190 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, A petition from sundry brethren in Hebron and some of the adjacent towns, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, was presented and read. On a suggestion that a similar petition from the same quarter had been recently negatived by the Grand Lodge, the previous question was -moved, whether anything should be done thereon, and resolved in the negative. A j)etition for the establishment of a new Lodge in Chatham was presented, read and continued to the next Grand Commu- nication, and Brs. Henry Champion and Alexander Collins were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report. A petition from Village Lodge,. No. 29, praying for liberty to remove said Lodge from Canton, the place where it is now hold- en and established, to l^ew Hartford, was presented and read. After a full discussion of the subject it was resolved, that said Village Lodge be removed to the northerly part of the town of New Hartford, provided it be not within the distance of ten miles of any other regularly constituted Lodge, there to be hold- en during the j)leasure of Grand Lodge ; anything in their char- ter to the contrary notwithstanding. Ajiplication was made for relief in behalf of a worthy aged brother, a Past Grand Officer and member of this Grand Lodge, who by various misfortunes is reduced to indigence and want. After a few remarks on the subject of this application, it was ordered, that the sum of thirty dollars be j)aid to this our brother, from the funds of Grand Lodge, as a charitable dona- tion. The Grand Secretary reported that sundry Lodges were not represented at the last Grand Communication. After the rea- sons for those omissions had been severally stated by the delin- quent Lodges, the penalties w^ere all remitted, excepting one of eight dollars on Union Lodge, No. 40, for non-attendcnce in October last, which was inflicted. On motion, a committee was appointed, consisting of Brs. Stephen T. Hosmer, M. W. Grand Master, Sylvester Gilbert and Aaron Smith, to take into consideration the propriety and expediency of permitting an Entered Apprentice and Fellow 1807.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 191 Craft, or either of them, to ballot for the admission of a candi- date to the first or second degrees in Masonry, and report their opinion, together with what has been the ancient usages and customs of Masons in that respect, so far as it can be ascer- tained. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 192 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1807. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 14th day of Odober, A. D. 1807, and of Mafonry, 5807 : OFFICERS PRESENT : R. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Grand Master p. t. SOLOMON COWLES, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. TIMOHY BURR, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN HUBBARD, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. ELIHU SANFORD, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Hezekiali Hotchkiss, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Matthew Talcott, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, M., Timothy Burr, S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Stephen Lockwood, proxy M., Josiah Thatcher, S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, j^roxy J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. WiUiam Walker, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Chauncey Cook, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Roger Bulkley, proxy S. W., John S. Peters, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, proxy M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Sheldon Curtis, M., King Hiram, No.l2, Derby. Samuel Lee, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. 1807.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 193 Luther Payn, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Lemuel Bullard, proxy M., Isaac Hotchkiss, J. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Eleazer Judd, M., Abel B. Brownson, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Samuel C. Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Abel French, J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. John D. Wooster, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Roger Waldo, M., Heman Storrs, proxy S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Isaac Chapman, M., Noah Bulkley, J. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Shubael Griswold, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, proxy M,, Village, No. 29, New Hartford. John Hubbard M., Samuel N. Kingsley, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Josiah Finney, proxy M,, Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardy, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Cushing Eells, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. James Brace, proxy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Andrew Hillyer, proxy M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. William Spencer, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Lemuel Sanford, M., Seth S. Smith, proxy J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Eli Mygatt, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. George C. Smith, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, M., William Comes, J. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Joseph Wilcox, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Zabdiel Hyde, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Calvin Seldon, proxy S. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. 25 194 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy M., Isaac Davis, proxy S. W., Andrew F. Judson, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret, Abel Wheeler, M., Levi Candee, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. ErastuB Chamberlain, proxy M. St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Forty-five Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, when the presiding Grand Master directed the Grand Secretary to introduce the business that was not finished at the last com- munication. The petition from the brethren in Chatham, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, was brought forward. After having been read, and some discussion of the subject, it was withdrawn by the petitioners. The committee that was appointed at the last Grand Com- munication to take into consideration the propriety and expedi- ency of permitting Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts, or either of them, to ballot for the admission of a candidate to the first or second degrees in Masonry, and report their opinion thereon, together with what has been the ancient usages and customs of Masons in that respect, reported, that after having duly considered the subject to them referred, they were of opinion that Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts ought to be per- mitted to ballot for the admission of a candidate to the first de- gree in Masonry, and that this has been the ancient practice of Masons so far as they had been able to ascertain it, and that it was proper and expedient to continue the same practice. Which report was accepted and approved. Upon the remonstrance and appeal of William Beard, a Mas- ter Mason, and member of Ark Lodge, No. 39, complaining of two sentences pronounced against him by said Lodge, viz : one suspension, the other exj)ulsion ; resolved, that Brs. Asa Chap- man, John S. Cannon, and Taylor Sherman be, and they are hereby appointed a committee, at the expense of the appellant, 1807.] CxRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 195 to hear the parties in said appeals, and make a thorough inves- tigation of all the matters and things relative thereto, and re- port to us at our Grand Communication in May next, together with their opinion thereon ; first giving seasonable notice of the time and place where they will attend to the business of their said appointment. The Grrand Secretary reported that Montgomery Lodge, No. 13, Salisbury, and Temple Lodge, No. 16, Cheshire, were not represented at the last Grand Communication. The reasons for their omissions having been severally stated, the penalties were both remitted. A petition from sundry brethren in Eidgefield, j)raying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, was presented, read and continued, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge. Brs. Lemuel Sanford and Seth S. Smith were appointed a com- mittee to examine the Master elect, and report. Communications from the Grand Lodges of Virginia and Pennsylvania, relative to constituting a Grand Lodge over the United States, and recommending a convention of deputies from the several Grand Lodges, being under consideration, the fol- lowing resolutions were offered, and after due discussion were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we entirely concur in the opinion expressed by the Grand Lodges above mentioned, as to the difficulty, expense and inexpedienc}' of estab- lishing a National Grand Lodge, if such measures were justifiable on Masonic principles, of which we cannot but entertain great doubts. Resolved, That the proposed triennial convention from the respective Grand Lodges in the United States, at Washington or Philadelphia, is, in our opinion, inexpedient, and for the following reasons, viz : the benefits derivable from the measure beyond those arising from our present fraternal intercourse cannot be of high importance ; our mode of working is sufficiently uniform to answer every valuable purpose ; our union, resulting from the general principles of our institu- tion, is great ; and, as we trust, a regular and permanent intercourse is already established between us. The expense in attending the proposed convention con- stitutes a serious objection to the measure, and would absorb funds that may be productive of the most beneficial effects. The good intentions of our brethren in the communications made to us, we duly appreciate. We remain, however, en- tirely satisfied that the regulation of the particular Lodges in the States respect- ively by the Grand Lodges, with the intercourse that subsists between them by mutual communications on subjects of general interest, constitute all the benefits which our situation as Masons renders expedient and practicable. 196 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Ordered, that the Grand Secretary be directed to communi- cate the above resolutions to the Grand Lodges in the United States. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Ch-and Secr-etary. 1808.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 197 MAY SESSION, 1808. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 18th day of May, A. D. 1808, and of Mafonry, 5808: OFFICERS present: R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. JOHN R. WATROUS, Senior Grand Warden. SOLOMON COWLES, Junior Grand Warden. SYLVESTER GILBERT, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. TIMOTHY BURR, Senior Grand Deacon. JOHN HUBBARD, Junior Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT .* Hezekiah Hotchkiss, proxy M., Laban Smith, S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Matthew Talcott, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. James Ward, M., John Wales, S. W., Eliphalet Terry, Jr., J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, Jr., proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Benjamin Styles, proxy M., Truman Hinman, proxy S. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Samuel W. Johnson, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Samuel Cook, proxy M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Joel Worthington, proxy M., Asa Bigalow, proxy S. W., John S. Peters, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Sheldon Gracey, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Elisha Sterling, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. 198 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^Jj Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Luther Payn, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Samuel Hull, proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Charles Merrirnan, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Samuel C. Blackman, proxy M,, Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Eoswell Beardsley, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Hunt- ington. Phineas Johnson, M., Luther Beckley, S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. John D. Wooster, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Thornas Baxter, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Jeduthun Cobb, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Josiali Barber, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Warren R. Fowler, proxy S. W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Israel Jones, proxy M., Asa Cowles, S. W,, Village, No. 29, New Hartford. John Hubbard, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden, James Baxter, M., Union No, 31, New London. Ira Millard, J. W., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren, Samuel Pardy, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Consider Sterry, M., David Tracey, S. W,, Samuel Bailey, J. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Norman Prindle, J. W., Aurora, No, 35, Harwinton. Appleton Robins, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, M., Michael F. Mills, proxy J. W., West- ern Star, No. 37, Norfolk. William Spencer, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Lemuel Sanford, M., Andrew L. Hill, proxy S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston, Epaphras W. Bull, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Lemuel Peck, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brooklield. Nimrod Hull, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Calvin Seldon, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. 1808.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 199 Thomas Hubbard, M., Thomas Morse, proxy S. W., Joseph Palmer, Jr., proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Abel Wheeler, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Forty-four Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were de- clared to be duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmee, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. John R. Watrous, Senior Grand Warden. W. Solomon Cowles, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br. Timothy Burr, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. John Hubbard, Junior Grand Deacon. Who were presented with the Jewels of their respective offices, together with a Lecture and Charge well adapted to each, by the Right Worshipful presiding Grand Master. The consideration of the petition irom sundry brethren in Ridgetield, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, con- tinued from the last Grand Communication, was again resumed. The committee at that time appointed to examine the Master elect, reported, that they had attended to the subject of their said appointment, and found him well qualified ; but no recom- mendation or approbation of any neighboring Lodge accompany- ing said petition, or being at -ihis time presented, it was contin- ued to the next Grand Communication. The committee appointed by this Grand Lodge on the appeal of William Beard, a Master Mason, and member of Ark Lodge, No. 39, reported that tliey had attended to the business assign- ed to them by their said appointment, by giving the parties in 200 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^^y, said appeal a full hearing, with their evidences, exhibits and remarks ; and that after mature consideration they were of opinion that the said William Beard ought to sign the confes- sion which had been presented to him by said Lodge for that purpose ; (which confession is annexed to said report,) and on condition that he shall do that, he again be restored to regular standing in said Lodge. Whereupon, resolved by this Grand Lodge, that the report of the committee be accepted, and that said Beard make the satisfaction required of him by said Lodge, by signing the confession or acknowledgement alluded to in said report, on or before the 1st day of October next ; to be by said Lodge kept on file ; and in case of neglect or refusal, that his sentence of expulsion be fully ratified and confirmed. The Grand Secretary reported that some few Lodges were not represented at the last Grand Communication. The reasons having been severally stated for their omissions, by the delin- quent Lodges, the j^enalties Avere all remitted. A petition from Putnam Lodge, No. 46, praying for liberty to hold said Lodge alternately in the towns of Pomfret and Woodstock, was presented and read, and after full discussion, negatived, A petition from the brethren residing in Bristol and Burl-' ington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in said town of Bristol, was presented, read and continued, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge. Brs. Solomon Cowles and John Mix were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1780.] EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 201 SKETCHES OP THE EARLY LODGES. {Continued from page 56.) UNION LODGE, DANBURY. The original charter of this Lodge was dated at Boston, March 23d, 1780. It has the signatures of R. W. John Rowe, G. M. ; Richard Gridley, D. G. M. ; John Cutler, S. G. W. ; Job Prince, J. G. W. ; Nathaniel Barber, Jun'r, G. Secretary. The applicants for this Charter were recommended to the offi- cers of the Provincial Grand Lodge by letters from the Lodges at Fairfield and Norwalk, and from Bro. Jonathan Heart, Master of " American Union Lodge, attached to the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army," which was at that time encamped at Morristown, The following is a copy of Bro. Heart's letter : Camp Morristown, January 5th, 1780. Joseph Webb, Esq., — On application from a number of gentlemen belonging to the town of Danbury, in the State of Connecticut, requesting a recommenda- tion from the American Union Lodge in their behalf, to the M. W. Grand Master for their obtaining a dispensation to hold a regular Lodge in said town, I have taken the freedom to address j^ou on the subject. The American Union Lodge is a traveling Lodge, confined to the army and un- connected with the State ; many of its members, entirely unacquainted with the gentlemen, and therefore entirely unqualified to determine the proprietj' of having a Lodge so established. The gentlemen requesting the benefits of a regular Lodge are generally inhabitants ; there are a number of Lodges in the State who are acquainted with the gentlemen, and^much better able to judge of the necessity and propriety of having a Lodge in the town. The recommendation of those Lodges I am satisfied is sufficient Avithout ours, and the recommendation of a traveling Lodge will, I presume, be insufficient to procure a dispensation for the inhabitants of a State to hold a Lodge in a town adjacent to which there are reg- ular Lodges, without their approbation. I can, however, assure you that I am acquainted with many of the gentlemen, know them to be Ancient Free and Ac- cepted Masons, men of respectable character, well skilled in the Craft, and think that I may answer for them, that they will support the honor of the Craft and conduct the Lodge with harmony and decorum, becoming the dignity of the most ancient and honorable institution. In the enjoyment of which, shall be happy to give every necessary assistance to establish them, so far as shall be juged for the advancement of the Craft. I am, dear sir, with esteem, your most obedient and humble servant, JONATHAN HART, Master American Union Lodge. 26 202 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1780. Accomjianying this letter of recommendation was the follow- ing petition : State of Connecticut, Danbury, January 5th, 1780. To Joseph Webb, Esq., Boston. Sir, — From a consciousness of integrity in our own hearts, a well founded confidence in each other, and a reliance on thart candor which has ever done honor to the Craft ; though personally unknown, we presume to address you with the unreservedness of brethren on the following subject : Chance, the fortune of war, or the tutelar duty of Masons has thrown together in this place a number of brethren, who, though members of different Lodges, feel themselves equally animated by a desire to improve their own minds, to edify each other, and to pursue the grand work of their institution. Their wish is by an attention to the precepts and examples they have received, and a sedu- lous application to duty, to erect a fabric glorious in itself and pleasing to every beholder ; that their minds may be improved in charity, benevolence and honor towards mankind in general, and that those of the same family and the same profession may receive benefits therefrom. Not only are we desirous for ourselves, but many brethren of the army lying near this place, and frequently passing through might receive benefit from it. The distance from this to any place where a regular Lodge is held is so great that necessary business often prevents our attending ; finding the inconveniency of going so far, the brethren here have made a practice of convening together, after duly examining each other, for the purpose of informing and improving their minds, of calling forth those sparks which lie concealed in their once un- enlightened minds, and bringing them forth in sociality and love. At these meetings the want of a regular Lodge has been felt and lamented, till at length, a determination was formed to represent our situation and pray that a constitu- tion may be given us. We now, therefore, sir, ask your attention on the occasion. From your known candor, we doubt not that you will consider it tenderly, and if from the inclosed recommendations we are found worthy, and there is no impropriety in the insti- tution, we beg a deputation or constitution may be granted us, whereby a just and regular Lodge may be established and held in this place by the name of the Union Lodge, or with any other name or title you may please to think proper. And by the unanimous choice of us, we recommend our worthy Brother Sallu Pell, whose knowledge and experience in Masonry, as well as his conduct and behavior in all other matters, to be mentioned in the deputation or constitution as our first Master, in whom we can and do repose our confidence for good regu- larity. We are sir, your affectionate brethren and humble servants, William Joyce, William B. Alger, Joseph Willsea, James Clark, Christopher Duyckenck, Thaddeus Benedict, Lamberton Lockwood, John Berrien, Francis Wainwright. Christopher A. Babcock, James Scougall, The petition was afterwards transferred to the K. W. John Kowe, he being at that time "Grand Master for North America/' by whom the charter was granted. ( [1781. EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 203 The first officers of Union Lodge were Sallu Pell, W. M, ; William Joyce, S. W. ; James Clark, J. W. ; Christopher A. Babcock, Treas. ; Lamberton Lockwood, Secr'y. The following are extracts from the record of the first two meetings : After consultation, it was unanimously agreed, that the day of instalment of the new Worshii)ful Master should be on the 19th instant, at 9 oclock, forenoon ; that the officers of Fairfield, Norwalk and Woodbury Lodges be invited to join us on said day ; that an invitation be given to our Rev. Bro. Evans, who is now Chaplain for Gen. Poor's Regiment, to preach a sermon on said day; that a suit- able entertainment be provided and a procession formed on said day ; that a num- ber of the most respectable inhabitants of Danbury be invited to dine with the Masons on said day ; that Brs. Babcock and Lockwood see that all the necessary preparations be made for the entertainment on said day. At a special Lodge of Free Masons, held at the house of Mrs. Mary White, in Danbury, April 1.3th, 5780, the officers and members were all present. The Lodge being met together at this time was entirely on a request of Doct. Josiah Bart- lett, whose inclination to be a Free Mason was so great that he was determined if possible to be initiated so as to join the Lodge on the day appointed for the instalment of the Worshipful Master. Therefore, this Lodge taking the matter into serious consideration, and being well acquainted with the merits of the can- didate, proceeded to ballot for the said Doct. Josiah Bartlett, when he was found worthy of acceptance, and admitted to the First degree in Masonry, At the preliminary Convention of 1783, this Lodge was rep- resented by Bro. Sallu Pell, and at the formation of the Grand Lodge, in 1789, by Bro. Joshua King. It was represented also at the Grand Communication, in May, 1791 ; but it appears by the record that it did not formally acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, and receive a charter as one of her subordinates, until the October session, 1797, when it was registered as " Union Lodge, No. 40," and few Lodges in the State have since been more prompt and faithful in their returns and representations. ST. PAUL'S LODGE, LITCHFILD. The first charter of this Lodge was obtained from the K. W. Joseph Webb, Esq., "Grand Master of Masons in America," then residing at Boston, and bears date June 1, 1781. It was granted on the petition of the following brethren, viz : — Kev. James Nichols, John Watkins, Thomas Phillips, Eaton Jones, Benjamin Hanks, John Collins, Noah Blakesley, William Dur- 204 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1781. kee, Daniel Starr, John Colvill, Jonathan Kettle, Josiah Nor- ton, and Adino Hale, all of Litchfield, It bears the signatures of Samuel BaiTett, D. G. M. ; Paul Eevere, S. G. W. ; Ed- ward Proctor, J. Gr. W. ; Thomas Urann, G. D. ; Winthrop Gray, P. M. ; John Symmes and Nathaniel Fellows, G. Stew- ards ; Ben. Coolidge, D. G. Sec'y. On the margin are the fol- lowing endorsements : — " Joseph Webb, G. M. Eeceived Two Guineas for this Charter — John Lowell, G. Treasurer. Eec'd ^ Guinea for recording this Charter — Wm. Hoskins, G. Secre- tary. Eec'd Six Dollars for engrossing — Jas, Carter, G. C." The first meeting of the Lodge, under this charter, was held June 13, 1781, when Bro. Ashbel Baldwin presided as Master, and the following subordinate officers were chosen : — Benjamin Hanks, S. W. ; Eaton Jones, J. W. ; John Collins, Treasurer ; Jonathan Kettle, Secretary. Bro. Ephraim Kirby was soon after elected to succeed Bro. Kettle as Secretary. At the Masonic Convention, April, 1783, Bro. Julius Deming was the delegate from St. Paul's, and at the Convention of 1789, when the Constitution was adopted and signed, Bro. Ephraim Kirby was the delegate, and was many years a prominent mem- ber of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge, at their session in October, 1790, having directed the Grand Secretary to issue new charters to all such Lodges in this State as produced regular Warrants from proper authority, the Lodge at Litchfield availed itself of this regula- tion, and received a charter, by which they were designated as " St. Paul's Lodge, No. 11." This charter bears date Oct. 15, 1790, and is signed by Pierpont Edwards, G. Master, and Elias Shipman, G. Secretary. After the formation of the Grand Lodge, this Lodge, was generally punctual in making returns, until about the year 1831, when " the love of many waxed cold," and St. Paul's, among others, faltered for a short time, " until the tyranny was over- past." when she wheeled again into the ranks, and her course has since been onward. 1783.] EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 205 MONTGOMERY LODGE, SALISBURY. This Lodge was instituted by virtue of a charter or warrant granted by Most Worshipful Joseph Webb, " Grand Master of Ancient Masons for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in America," dated at Boston, March 5th, 1783, and bearing the signatures of Paul Revere, S. G. W. ; Edward Proctor, J. G. W. ; Thomas Urann, S. G. D. ; John Symmes, J. G. D. ; John Low- ell, G. Treas. ; Benj. Coolidge, G. Secr'y. ; Nathan Fellows and James Avery, G. Stewards. The petitioners, to whom the charter was granted, were Brs. Hezekiah Fitch, Jacob Bogardus, James Fanning, Gideon Post, Wm. Elliot, John Pennoyer, Wm. Whiting, Wm. Wheeler, Stephen Keyes, Elijah Bennett, and Luther Stoddard. This Lodge was represented in the Convention which framed and adopted the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, and at the May session, 1792, was registered as " number thir- teen" on the list of subordinates. Its standing in connection with the Grand Lodge was kept good until the year 1830, after which time it made no returns. The charter was revoked at the annual communication in 1839. FREDERICK LODGE, FARMINGTON. Several brethren in Farmington having presented a petition to the " Massachusetts Grand Lodge," at Boston, for the erec- tion of a Masonic Lodge in that town, on the 18th of Sep- tember, 1787, " a commission" was issued, under the name of " Frederick Lodge." The following is a coj)y of the record of the first meeting of this Lodge : Farmington, Oct. 26, 1787. — Frederick Lodge, No. 26, met, and the following brethren were present, — William Judd, Timothy Hosmer, Ezekiel Scott, Reuben Humphrey, George Humphrey, John Mix, Samuel Richards, Jr., Asher Humph, rey, John Hart. Proceeded to the choice of officers, and when the balloting was closed the following brethren were declared elected, viz : WILLIAM JUDD, W. Master ; TIMOTHY HOSMER, S. Warden ; REUBEN HUMPHREY, J. Warden ; JOHN MIX, Treasurer; SAMUEL RICHARDS, Jr., Secretary ; JNO. HEART, S. Deacon ; GEO. HUMPHREY. J. Deacon. 206 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1783. An Entered Apprentice Lodge opened. Gideon Cowles, of Farmington, pro- posed for initiation by Br. Hosmer ; by the unanimous consent of the Lodge, he was balloted for, accepted, and initiated ; his initiation fee remitted to him, on condition of his serving as Tyler. The Lodge being thus organized and officered, proceeded with business, the first of which was to adopt a code of by-laws. From these we give a few extracts. Sec. 2. Lodge to be opened at 4 o'clock P. M. in the winter, and at 5 o'clock in the summer, and is always to be closed by 9 o'clock in the evening, or sooner if the Master pleases ; and no brother shall associate himself in any company for the purposes of diversion or amusement, after that time, in the Lodge house, or any other place in this town, on Lodge nights. 3. If any brother should be so imprudent as to commit any irregularities during Lodge hours, he shall be punished as the Master, with the consent of the breth- ren, shall direct 6. Each candidate shall pay £3 for initiation, 12 shillings for the second de- gree, and 18 shillings for the third degree. 7. When a special Lodge is called for the admission of a candidate to either of the degrees, he shall pay £1 extra, or be at the night's expense, if not exceed- ing 20 shillings. 8. Whereas, by the new regulations of the Grand Lodge in England, liberty is granted to particular Lodges to admit a candidate, when they judge proper, when there is no more than three votes against him ; but, the better to preserve har- mony, this Lodge declines that privilege, and no candidate shall be admitted un- less the vote shall be unanimous. 10. Each member shall pay one shilling quarterly, to be deposited in the charity fund. 11. Though for certain reasons it is provided in the book of constitutions that the feasts of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist may be omitted, yet as those reasons no way affect this Lodge, the said festivals shall be regu- larly kept and observed by this Lodge, agreeable to ancient usages. 13. The members of this Lodge shall be very cautious of their behaviour, both within Lodge and without, that no unjust reflections may be thrown on the Ma- sonic art. 15. As Masonry ought never to be neglected, and as true cement is necessary for continuing the Lodge in a Arm state, so if any member shall be in town, and absent himself on a Lodge night, he shall pay a fine of one shilling, unless he gives a satisfactory reason for his absence. This last clause would seem to conflict with the charge given in our Lodges at the present day, in which a newly made bro- ther is told that " it is not meant that Masonry should interfere with his necessary vocations, for these are on no account to be neglected." 1789.] EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 207 Among the early members of Frederick Lodge, we find the names of several brethren who had been conspicuous in working wdth the American Union Lodge, attached to the Connecticut Line of the Revolutionary Army, viz : M. W. William Judd, Doct. Timothy Hosmer, Capt. Reuben Humphrey, Lieut. John Mix, Lieut. Peleg Heath, Doct. John Hart, and others. Bro. Wm. Judd was the first Master, and at the Convention which formed the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut and at which the Constitution was adopted, he was one of the dele- gates from Frederick Lodge, and was chairman of the Conven- tion. At the first election of Grand Officers, July 8, 1789, Bro, Judd was chosen Deputy Grand Master, in which office he con- tinued until May, 1791, when he was elected Grand Master, in place of Bro. Pierpont Edwards, declined. He was annually re- elected, until the Grand Communication, May 16, 1798, when he declined, and was succeeded by Chief Justice Hosmer, of Middletown. On the occasion of Bro. Judd's retiring from the chair of Frederick Lodge, (which took place on his election in the Grand Lodge,) the following proceedings were had : The Master, Wardens and Brethren of Frederick Lodge, impressed with a lively sense of the eminent services performed for this Lodge by our late Master, Bro. Wm. Judd, at the time of its institution, and ever since, request him to ac- cept our most sincere thanks therefor. While they congratulate him on his ap- pointment in the Grand Lodge of this State, they felicitate themselves in the wish and expectation of the continuance of his patronage, the importance of which they feel a due sense of. Voted, That the Secretary be directed to present a copy of the foregoing to Bro. Judd. On receiving a charter from the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, Frederick Lodge was designated as " number fourteen" on the list of subordinates. She performed her duty faithfully many years, and was seldom or never reported delinquent to the Grand Lodge, until the year 1850, when she ceased operations and surrendered her charter and efiects to the Grand Lodge. Bro. John Mix, of this Lodge, was elected Grand Secretary, at the May session of the Grand Lodge, 1791, which office he held, faithfully jjerforming its duties, until May, 1820. 208 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1781. UNION LODGE, STAMFOKD. On the 18th of November, 1764, a Warrant was issued by R. W. G-eorge Harrison, Provincial Grand Master at New York, authorizing Bro. Sylvanus Waterbury to hold a Lodge at Stam- ford, Horseneck, and j^arts adjacent, and appointing the said Waterbury, Master of said Lodge. Of the early workings of this Lodge we have no record ; but we iind that in May, 1791, it was represented in the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, and subsequently received a charter, by which is was designated as " Union Lods-e, No. 5." The communications were held in Greenwich, as appears by their returns, until the year 1821, since which time it has been located at Stamford, and a new Lodge has been erected at Greenwich. WOOSTEE LODGE, COLCHESTER. On searching for the origin of this Lodge, we only ascertain that an application was made in 1781, by Brs. Asa Bigelow, Eliphalet Bulkley, Henry Champion, John Watrous, and oth- ers, to the " Massachusetts Grand Lodge," for a charter to erect a Lodge in Colchester, which was granted ; that at the Con- vention which formed the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, this Lodge was represented by Brs. Asa Worthington and Elijah Bingham ; and that by the charter received from the new Grand Lodge, they were designated as " Wooster, No, 10." [We leave the further Sketches of the Early Lodges for our next number, and proceed with the continuation of the Journal of the Grand Lodge.] 1808.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 209 OCTOBER SESSION, 1808. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 19th day of Odober, A. D. 1808, and of Mafonry, 5808 : OFFICERS present: R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. JOHN R. WATROUS, Senior Grand Warden. AARON SMITH, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. SYLVESTER GILBERT, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN HUBBARD, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. CHARLES MERRIMAN, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT ,* Laban Smith, S. W., Andrew Kidston, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Joseph Backus, M., Josiah Lacey, proxy S. W., Matthew Talcott, proxy J. W., St. John's, No, 3, Bridgeport. Ephraim Root, proxy M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Josiah Thatcher, M., Jahez Gregory, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodhuiy. Samuel W. Johnson, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Augustus Cook, M., Chauncey Cook, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, M., John S. Peters, proxy S. W., Cyrus M. Bartlet, J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Sheldon Curtis, M., Abijah Wilcoxen, S. W., Robert Gates, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 27 210 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Peter FarDum, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Ezekiel Cowles, proxy M., Frederick, No. 14, Farraingtoii. Luther Payn, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. . Levi Douglass, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Charles Merriman, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Amos B. Fairman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Elisha Hawley, M., Eli L. Hawley, S. W., Abel French, proxy J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. William Riley, proxy M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. John D. Wooster, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, M., Amos Chapman, proxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Roger Waldo, M., Jeduthan Cobb, proxy S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. James McLean, proxy M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Erastus Wattles, proxy J. W., Columbia, No.26, East Had- dam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy S. W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Israel Jones, proxy M., Asa Cowles, S. W., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. John Hubbard M., Elam Bradley, J. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. John 0. Miner, proxy J. W., Union, No. 31, New London. . James Beardsley, S. W,, Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardy, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Peter Lanman, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Philip Gaylord, M., Aurora, No. o5, Harwinton. Hezekiah Holcomb, proxy M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. . Pelatiah Leet, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Nathan Wheeler, proxy M., Lemuel Sanford, proxy S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Nathaniel Bishop, M., William F. Brown, S. W., Union, No. 40, Danbury. 1808.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 211 George C. Smith, M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, M., William Comes, S. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Elijah Griffis, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth, Daniel Tilden, M., Elisha Abby, proxy S. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. David M. Jewett, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Christopher Bently, proxy M., John McClalen, proxy S. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Abel Wheeler, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Philo Mills, S. W., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Forty-seven Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FOEM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Mason- ry, when the Ptight Worshipful presiding Grand Master directed that the business before the Grand Lodge should be introduced. The petition from the brethren in Eidgefield, continued from the last Grand Communication, with the documents accom- panying it, were read. After a lengthy discussion of the subject, it was ordered, that a charter be granted to said petitioners, forming them into a just and regular Lodge, in said town of Eidgefield, by the name of Jerusalem Lodge, No. 49 ; and that our worthy Bro. Daniel Jones be first Master, and the Wardens confirmed in their respective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of the petitioners. The petition from the brethren in Bristol and Burlington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in said town of Bristol, was negatived. The penalty incurred by St. Luke's Lodge, No. 48, for non- attendance at the last Grand Communication was remitted. On the representation of a committee of St. John's Lodge, No. 3, and on the counter representation of Brothers Gershom Burr and others, members of said Lodge ; Brothers Ashbel Baldwin, William M. Betts, and Samuel C. Blackman were appointed a committee to examine into the facts therein stated, 212 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. and report the same with their opinion thereon, at the next semi-annual Grand Communication ; provided that no expense shall be incurred thereby to this Grand Lodge, but the expense of said committee shall be borne by said St. John's Lodge. Brothers Ephraim Koot and James Ward were appointed a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treas- urer and Secretary, and report. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1809.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 213 MAY SESSION, 1809. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 17th day of May, A. D. 1809, and of Mafonry, 5809: OFFICERS PRESENT ! M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEK, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. W. JOHN K. WAT ROUS, Senior Grand Warden. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN HUBBARD, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Laban Smith, M., John H. Lynde, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander CoUins, M., Chauncey Whittlesey, Jr., proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Josejih Backus, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport. James Ward, M., Eliphalet Terry, Jr., S. W., Samuel Tu- dor, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jacob Osborn, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Samuel W. Johnson, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Augustus Cook, M., William Olds, proxy S. W., ConiiDass, No. g^Walhngford. John R. Watrous, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. 214 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, Francis French, M., Jesse Beach, proxy S. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Amos Hunt, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Andrew Judson, proxy M., Artemas Baker, proxy S. W., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Levi Douglass, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. David Thompson, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Samuel C. Blackman, proxy M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Stephen Babbit, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Hunting- ton. Simon "Waterman, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. John B. Wooster, M., Chauncey Johnson, J. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Ebenezer Gore, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Lemuel Crosman, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Benj. Hurd, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Kising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Riverius Bidwell, proxy M., Asa Cowles, S. W., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. John Hubbard, M., Jesse Tuttle, proxy S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Wm. P. Cleveland, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. James Beardsley, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardy, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Ulyses Seldon, proxy M., Consider Sterry, proxy S. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Philip Gaylord, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joseph Jewett, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Nathaniel Stevens, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Pelatiah Leet, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. George C. Smith, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. 1809.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 215 Frederick Hotchkiss, proxy M,, Harmony, No. 42, Water- bury. George W. Jewett, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Lebanon. Lord S. Jewett, J. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. George Lamed, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Porafret, Josiah Candee, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxfoi-d. Philo Mills, M., St. Luke, No. 48, Kent. Jacob Dauchy, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield, Forty-eight Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Officers for the yeai' ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were de-* clared to be duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. John R. Watrous, Senior Grand Warden, W. Solomon Cowles, Junior Grand Warden, Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer, Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. Br, John Hubbard, Senior Grand Deacon, Br. James Ward, Junior Grand Deacon, Who were presented with the Jewels of their respective offices, together with a Lecture and Charge well adapted to each, by the Right Worshipful presiding Grand Master, The Grand Secretary reported that St. John's Lodge, No. 2, Middletown, was not represented at the last Grand Communi- cation. The reason for this omission having been stated by the Master of said Lodge, the penalty was remitted. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication on the representation of St. John's Lodge, No. 3, and on the representation of Brs. Gershom Burr and others, members of 216 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^Y) said Lodge, now residing in the town of Fairfield, made their report, which was accepted. The consideration of the representations or petitions, which were the subject of the foregoing reference and report, was re- sumed ; and after a lengthy debate and discussion it was order- ed, that St. John's Lodge, No. 3, be holden in future within one mile of the court-house in the town of Fairfield ; and the petition from said Lodge, No. 3, praying that the same may be permanently established at the borough of Bridgeport, was negatived. A petition from sundry brethren residing in Andover, Coven- try, Columbia, and Bolton, in the counties of Windham and Tolland, praying for the formation of a new Lodge in said An- dover, was presented, read and continued, agreeably to the reg- ulations of Grand Lodge. Brs. Consider Sterry and Luther Payne, were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect and report. A petition from the brethren residing in the towns of Bristol and Burlington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in said Bristol, was presented, read and continued. Brs. Solo- mon Cowles and Simon Waterman, were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect and report. St. Mark's Lodge, No. 36, Granby, presented their petition, stating that by charter they were restricted to hold said Lodge in the parish of Turkey Hills, in said town ; praying for per- mission to hold the same in any part of said town of Granby ; whereupon, resolved, that said Lodge may be holden in any part of the town of Granby aforesaid, provided, the members thereof shall agree on some jiermanent place for that purpose. On application of Trinity Lodge, No. 43, by petition presented to this Grand Lodge, it was resolved, that said Lodge may in future be holden one-third part of the time in the town of Kil- lingworth, and two-thirds part of the time in the town of Say- brook, at the j)laces in said towns where it is now holden, dur- ing the pleasure of Grand Lodge. Resolved, that the permanent place of holding Eastern Star Lodge, No. 44, shall in future be within the first Ecclesiastical 1809.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 217 society in the town of Windham, agreeably to the prayer of a petition presented by the agent of said Lodge, and now before this Grand Lodge ; anything in their charter, or subsequent or- dinance variant, or to the contraiy notwithstanding. A proposition in writing, without signature, said to come from Union Lodge, No. 31, New London, for dividing the Lodges within this jurisdiction into Masonic districts, and to appoint inspectors for the purpose of visiting the several Lodges and introducing uniformity in the mode of working, together with sundry other things therein particularly mentioned, was introduced and read. After some discussion the question was put, whether at this time it would be expedient or necessary to do anything on the subject, and resolved in the negative. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary made their report, which was accepted. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 28 218 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1809. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Conned icut, holden at the Lodge Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 18th day of Odober, A. D. 1809, and of Mafonry 5809 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. K. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Senior Grand Warden. W. AARON SMITH, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN HUBBARD, Senior Grand Deacon. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT Z Laban Smith, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Alexander Collins, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Benjamin M. Woolsey, M., John S. Cannon, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Ward, M., John M. Gannett, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, S. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jacob Osborn, proxy M., WiUiam M. Betts, S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. William Moseley, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. John Thompson, S. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Augustus Cook, M., James Carrington, proxy J. W., Com- pass, No. 9, Wallingford. John S. Peters, proxy M., Guy Bigalow, S. W., Asa Newton, Jun., J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., Roger Cook, proxy S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. 1809.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 219 Francis French, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Samuel Lee, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Ezekiel Cowles, proxy M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. John Parish, proxy J. W., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Whiting Stanley, proxy M., Temjile, No. 16, Cheshire. David Thomson, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Eli L. Hawley, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Simon Waterman, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Beebe Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. John D. Wooster, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Thomas B. Gray, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Roger Waldo, M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Chevers Brainard, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Warren R. Fowler, proxy S. W., Joseph Whittlesey, proxy J. W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Shubael Griswold, proxy S. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Eli Wilden, proxy M., Asa Cowles, J. W., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. John Hubbard, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden, Robert Allyn, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Piatt Starr, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardy, M., Martin Cook, J. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Philip Gaylord, proxy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joseph Cornish, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, proxy M., Nattianiel Stevens, proxy S. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. William Spencer, proxy S. W., St, Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Eli Perry, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Giles Bracket, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Nathaniel Matson, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, LymOk Thomas Hubbard, M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. 220 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. William Morris, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. John Smith, S. W., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Jesse S. Bradley, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield. Forty-four Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Mason- ry, when the business that was not finished at the last Grand Communication was introduced. The petition from the brethren at Andover, &c., praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, was again continued ; the committee which had been appointed to examine the Master elect, not having reported. The petition from the brethren in Bristol and Burlington, praying for a new Lodge in said Bristol, and which was con- tinued from the last Grand Communication, being now under consideration ; the committee appointed to examine the Master elect reported that they had made the examination, and found him well qualified. After a lengthy discussion, said petition was negatived. The Grand Secretary reported that Union Lodge, No. 40, Danbury, was neither represented or made returns at the last Grand Communication ; and no reasons at this time being offer- ed for these omissions, it was ordered, that the penalties be in- flicted, viz : eight dollars for the former, and five for the latter, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge. Resolved, that Brs. Asa Chapman, Francis French and Aaron Smith, be and they are hereby appointed a committee to exam- ine into the subject matter of the memorial of Lambert Lock- wood and Benjamin F. Woolsey, first giving notice of the time and place of their meeting to St. John's Lodge, No. 3, at Fair- field ; and after hearing the parties on the subject, to make re- port to the Grand Lodge at their next communication. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy £i*om the minutes, JOHN MIX, GraTid Secretary. 1810.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 221 MAY SESSION, 1810. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 16th day of May, A. D. 1810, and of Mafonry 5810 : OFFICERS PRESENT. M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Senior Grand Warden. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN HUBBARD, Senior Grand Deacon. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT. Laban Smith, M., Henry W. Edwards, proxy J, W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Levi H. Clark, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Daniel Sterling, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Ward, M., Eliphalet Terry, Jr., S. W., Samuel Tu- dor, Jr. J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, S. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. William M. Betts, M., Jacob Osborn, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Benjamin Stiles, proxy M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. Robert Fairchild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Chauncey Cook, M., Moses S. Beach, proxy J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John S. Peters, proxy M., Asa Bigalow, proxy S. W., Elijah Butts, proxy J. W., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. 222 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. l^^J} Aaron Smith, M., Moses Seymour, proxy J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, M., James Smith, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Peter Farnham, M., Montgomery,- No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Eufus Adams, proxy M., Rufus Johnson, proxy S. W., Mo- riah. No. 15, Canterbury. Whiting Stanley, proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Gideon Richards, M., Nathan Burton, S. W., Aner Bradley, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. John Sanford, proxy M., Samuel C. Blackman, S. W,, Hi- ram, No. 18, Newtown. Roswell Beardsley, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Hunt- ington. Luther Beckley, S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. James Cook, J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston, Roger Waldo, M., Uriel, No. 24, Tolland. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Linus Parmelee, Jr., J. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Warren R. Fowler, J. W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washing- ton. Paul Pomeroy, S. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Wind- sor. George Humphrey, proxy M., Village, No. 29, New Hart- ford. John Hubbard, proxy M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Paul F. Niles, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. James Beardsley, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. George Mitchel, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Consider Sterry, M., Diah Manning, proxy S. W., Samuel Bailey, J. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Timothy Clark, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joseph Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Grauby. 1810.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 223 Thomas Powers, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Daniel Wheeler, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Elias Ford, proxy M., Henry A. Heyleger, S. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Nathaniel Matson, M., William H. Johnson, proxy S. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy S. W., John M'Clelan, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. William Morris, M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. John Smith, M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Forty-five Lodges represented, IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree, and pro- proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master. E. W. David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master. W. John R, Watrous, Senior Grand Warden, W. Solomon Cowles, Junior Grand Warden. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. John Mix, Grand Secretary. John Hubbard, Senior Grand Deacon. James Ward, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers elect were severally presented with the jewels of their respective offices, together with a lecture and charge well adapted to each, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. The following resolution, having been introduced and dis- cussed, was adopted as a permanent resolution of the Grand Lodge : 224 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Resolved, That in future the Grand Master, or officer presiding at the annual Grand Communication in May, shall have power and authority to appoint the Senior and Junior Grand Deacons ; any regulation of this Grand Lodge variant, or to the contrary notwithstanding. The petition from the brethren in Andover, &c., continued from the last Grand Communication, with the documents ac- companying it, were read, and after a full discussion of the sub- ject it was ordered, that a charter be granted to said petitioners, forming them into a just and regular Lodge, to be holden in said Andover, by the name of Warren Lodge, No. 50, and that our worthy Brother Simon House, be first Master, and the Wardens confirmed in their respective appointments agreeably to the prayer of the petitioners. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication, on the subject of the existing difierences between the brethren of St. John's Lodge, No. 3, respecting the place of holding the same, made the following report, viz : That having duly notified all concerned, we met at the house of Bro. Gregory, in Bridgeport, on the business of our appointment, when and where the parties appeared, and were fully heard ; and after a close and careful attention to the evidence and exhibits of the parties, and the arguments thereon, we find that so early as the 12th of February, A. L. 5762, a charter was granted by the then Provincial Grand Master of the State of New York, to Bro. Eleazer Hubbell and others, to hold a Lodge for the county of Fairfield ; that by virtue of said charter the first Lodge was holden in the limits of the town of Stratford, and afterwards said Lodge was holden at different places in the limits of the town of Fairfield, sometimes near the court house, in said Fairfield, and sometimes near the meet- ing house, in the parish of Stratfield ; but for many years the brethren had been scattered and little labor done. When in the year A. L. 5789, the few remaining brethren of said Lodge voted to celebrate the Festival of St. John the Baptist, at the house of Bro. Daniel Young, of Newfield, now Bridgeport, in the town of Stratford, at which place said Lodge was held under said charter, without any other vote of said Lodge, until the year A. L. 5792, when the brethren of said Lodge proposed to unite under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of this State, and their charter was registered accordingly in the office of the Secretary of the Grand Lodge of this State. Your committee further find that said St. John's Lodge soon after received and now hold a charter under this Grand Lodge, dated October 18th, A. L. 5792, by which they were and are authorized to hold their Lodges at Fairfield, or at Newfield, (now Bridgeport,) the words " or at New- field," being interlined in said charter: that the copy of said charter, in the office of the Grand Secretary does not contain the words " or at Newfield." Your com- mittee also find that said charter, last mentioned, was directed to " Bro. Josiah 1810.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 225 Lacey, the present Master, Wardens, and brethren of said Lodge," but that the registered copy appeared to be directed to , the present Master, Wardens and brethren of said Lodge, constituting them a Lodge, &c. Also, that said charter describes said Lodge by the name of St. John's Lodge, in Fairfield, No. 3 ; whereas the registered copy of said charter describes it by the name of St. John's Lodge, in Fairfield, No. ; your committee find that the charter which tlie brethren of said Lodge now hold, is in every respect conformable to the grant of this Grand Lodge, and consistent with the prayer of the brethren at the time they surrendered their charter, and united themselves under the ju- risdiction of the Grand Lodge. That there has been no alteration in the same since they received it from the Grand Lodge ; that the several interlineations were made by the person who engrossed said charter, in pursuance of the grant, and by direction of the Grand Lodge ; that there is a numerous and respectable body of brethren who have labored under said charter ; that in the opinion of your committee, it is for the interest of the craft that the said charter be confirmed to the brethren of said Lodge, and that the registered copy thereof be so altered to comport with said charter. This report, after a lengthy discussion of the subject, was ac- cepted, ratified and confirmed ; and the Grand Secretary di- rected to make such alterations in the registered copy of said charter as are recommended in and by said report. The petition from the brethren in Bridgeport, praying this Grand Lodge to establish that as the place where St. John's Lodge, No 3, shall be permanently holden, was negatived. A petition from a number of brethren residing in Chatham, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, was presented, read and continued, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge, and Brs. John R. Watrous and Asaph Coleman were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report at the next Grand Communication. A like petition was also presented from the brethren residing in Saybrook ; which having been read, was continued, and Brs. Nathaniel Matson and Watrous Beckwith were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report at the next Grand Communication. Whereas, it appears from the communication of the Grand Secretary, that Union Lodge, No. 40, Danbury, has not made •any returns to this Grand Lodge, nor been represented in the same for two communications, and have incurred penalties which have been inflicted, and are not paid : whereupon, it is resolved 29 226 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, and ordered, that the Grand Secretary cause the said Union Lodge, No. 40, to be summoned to appear before this Grand Lodge at the semi-annual communication in October next, to show reasons, if any they have, why their charter should not be vacated. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1810.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 227 OCTOBER SESSION, 1810. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 17th day of Odober, A. D. 1810, and of Mafonry, 5810 : OFFICERS PRESENT .* M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. DAVID DAGGETT, Deputy Grand Master. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Senior Grand Warden. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN HUBBARD, Senior Grand Deacon, ELIHU SANFORD, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Laban Smith, M., Andrew Kidston, S. W., John H. Lynde, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Levi H. Clark, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Benjamin M.' Woolsey, M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Stevens, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. William M. Betts, M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Matthias Nichol, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Moses Seymour, proxy M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, M., Abraham Smith, S. W., James Smith, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Peter Farnum, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Solomon Cowles, proxy M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Rufus Adams, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. John Granniss, proxy M., Temple, No, 16, Cheshire. Gideon Richards, M., Anson Tuttle, proxy S. W., Aner Bradley, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. 228 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Timothy Sliepard, M., Samuel C. Blackman, S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Elihu L. Hawley, M., Gideon Beardsley, proxy S. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Keuben Warner, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Eli Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Reuben Marcy, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. S. Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington- Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Riverius Bidwell, proxy M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Jesse Tuttle, M., Daysjjring, No. 30, Haraden. Paul F. Niles, proxy M., Thomas Cort, Jr., proxy S. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Daniel Smith, J. W., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cook, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Wm. W. Haughton, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Timothy Clark, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Ferdinand Clemens, S. W., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Nath'l Stephens, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Thomas Powers, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Heman Burch, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury, George W. Jewett, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Nathaniel Matson, proxy M., Erastus Selden, proxy S. W., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Isaac Davis, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. William Morris, M., David McEwin, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Hopson Pratt, proxy M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Daniel Jones, M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield. Simon House, M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Forty-five Lodges represented. 1810.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 229 IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Mason- ry ; when the petition from sundry brethren residing in Chatham, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, and which was continued from the last Grand Communication, was read. After sundry remarks had been made thereon, it was again continued. A petition from the brethren in Saybrook, for the same ob- ject was again read and continued. The Grand Secretary reported, that in obedience to the order of Grand Lodge at their communication in May last, he had issued a summons directing Union Lodge, No. 40, holden in the town of Danbury, to apj^ear before this Grand Lodge, and shew reasons, if any they have, why their charter should not be vacated ; which said summons he had enclosed, addressed to the Master of said Lodge, and forwarded by mail. In discuss- ing the subject, a doubt arose whether the said summons had not miscarried, and never come to the hands of the Master of said Lodge, as they do not appear at this time. Whereupon, resolved, that no further proceedings be now had on the subject, and that the Grand Secretary be ordered to issue another sum- mons to said Lodge, directing them to appear before this Grand Lodge at their communication in May next, for the reasons mentioned in the ordinance of May last ; and have it forwarded in such manner as to ascertain with certainty whether it comes to the hands of the Master, or either Warden of said Lodge, The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretari^, 230 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, U^^Jy MAY SESSION, 1811. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 15th day of May, A. D. 1811, and of Mafonry, 5811 : OFFICERS present: W. JOHN K. WATEOUS, Grand Master, p. t. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. AARON SMITH, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. ELISHA BABCOCK, Grand Treasurer, p. t. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretaiy. JOHN HUBBARD, Senior Grand Deacon. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT I Amos Doolittle, proxy M., John H. Lynde, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Joshua Stow, J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Joseph Backus, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Elisha Babcock, S. W., George Goodwin, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, Jr., proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jabez Gregory, proxy M,, St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Benjamin Stiles, proxy M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. Daniel Judson, Jr., proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Chauncey Cook, M., Amos Dutton, proxy S. W., Moses Beach, proxy J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. David Deming, proxy M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Abel Merrellj J. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. 1811.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 231 Kichard Burlingham, proxy M,, Andrew T. Judson, S. W., Moriali, No. 15, Canterbury. Charles Shelton, M,, Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Nathan Burton, M., Samuel W. Southmayd, proxy S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Timothy Shepard M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Eben Beardsley, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., Levi Hubbell, proxy S. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford,iDroxy M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Nathaniel Kimball, proxy M., St, James', No. 23, Preston, John French, proxy M,, Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield, Asaph Coleman, M,, Asa Coleman, proxy S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Sylvester Chapman, proxy M., Linus Parmelee, Jr., J. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. James Logan, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Charles Jenks, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor, Arnold P, Humphrey, M., George Humphrey, proxy S, W., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. John Hubbard, proxy M., Dayspring, No, 30, Hamden. Paul F. Niles, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Josiah Finney, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. George Mitchel, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, S, W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Timothy Clark, M,, Aurora, No, 35, Harwinton, Joseph Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Joseph Battell, M., Benjamin Welch, proxy S. W,, Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk, Thomas Powers, M., St, Alban's, No, 38, Guilford, Lazarus Hull, S, W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. John F, Patch, J, W,, Union, No, 40, Danbury, Heman Burch, proxy M,, Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Austin Olcott, M,, Trinity, No, 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. 232 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Calvin Seldon, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy S. W., Isaac Davis, J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Timothy Candee, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Philo Mills, proxy M., St. Luke, No. 48, Kent. Joshua King, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Kidgefield* Simon House, M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Forty-nine Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, when a communication was received from our Right Worship- ful Brother David Daggett, Deputy Grand Master, expressing a wish that he might not be considered a candidate for appoint- ment to any office in the Grand Lodge at this time. The Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. John R. Watrous, Deputy Grand Master. W. Solomon Cowles, Senior Grand Warden. W. Aaron Smith, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the presiding Grand Master, viz : Br. John Hubbard, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. James Ward, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers elect were severally presented with the jewels of their respective offices, together with a lecture and charge well adapted to each, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. 1811.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 233 The petition of the brethren in Saybrook, praying for the es- tablishment of a new Lodge in that town, continued from the last Grand Communication, was withdrawn. The petition from the brethren in Chatham, continued from the last Grand Communication, with the documents accompany- ing it, were read. After a lengthy and full discussion of the subject it was ordered, that a charter be granted to said petition- ers, forming them into a just and regular Lodge, to be holden at the Jiouse named by them, in the parish of East Hampton, town of Chatham aforesaid ; to be known and designated by the name of "Warren Lodge, No. 51," and that our worthy Bro. David Clark be first Master, and the Wardens confirmed in their respective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of said petitioners. The Grand Secretary reported, that in obedience to the order of Grand Lodge, he had summoned Union Lodge, No. 40, Dan- bury, to appear at this time. The Lodge aj^peared by their agent, John H. Patch, J. W., who assigned many reasons for the various apparent delinquencies of which that Lodge stands accused. After some remarks on the subject, it was resolved, that all the penalties which have been inflicted on said Lodge be and the same are hereby remitted, that they still retain their charter, and be considered by this Grand Lodge in as good standing as other subordinate Lodges within this jurisdiction ; on condition that the returns are now made from said Lodge, the tax on initiations paid, and the expense of summoning sat- isfied. With all which requirements, the agent of said Lodge fully complied. A petition from the brethren residing in Saybrook, praying for a new Lodge, was introduced, read and continued, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge ; Brs. Nathaniel Matson and Calvin Seldon were appointed a committee to examine the Mas- ter elect, and report. King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, Derby, made complaint against Hart's Lodge, No. 22, Woodbridge, for initiating, passing and raising sundry persons living within the limits of said town of Derby, without the knowledge and approbation of said Lodge 30 234 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, No. 12 ; being, as is claimed, a violation of an ordinance of Grand Lodge ; this complaint was continued to the next Grand Communication. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication, to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, made their report, which was accepted and approved. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1811.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 235 OCTOBER SESSION, 1811. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 16th day of Odober, A. D. one thoufand eight hundred and eleven, and of Mafonry five thoufand eight hundred and eleven : OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Deputy Grand Master. W. AARON SMITH, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. W. ELISHA BABCOCK, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JAMES WARD, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. CALYIN SELDON, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : Laban Smith, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Joshua Stow, J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. James Beardsley, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Elisha Babcock, S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Henry Hoyt, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Jabez Gregory, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Daniel Judson, Jun., M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, proxy M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. David Deming, proxy M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Robert Gates, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Charles Shelton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Nathan Burton, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. 236 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Uct. Timothy Shepard, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Gideon Beardsley, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Walter D. Smith, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Beebe Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Chester Jones, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Sylvester Chaj^man, M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N, Brinsmade, proxy S. W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Shubael Griswold, proxy S. W., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George Humphrey, proxy M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Jesse Tuttle, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Josiah Finney, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. George Mitchell, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Wm. W, Haughton, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Elijah Gaylord, proxy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Appleton RobbinS;, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Benjamin Welch, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, M., St, Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Fred. A. Whiting, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Lemuel Harrison, M., Eliakim Welton, S. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. George W. Jewett, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Calvin Seldon, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. David McEwin, M., David Finch, S. W., Chauncey Hatch, J. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Hopson Pratt, S. W., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Joshua King, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield. John T. Peters, M., Daniel Loomis, J. W., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Hezekiah Goodrich, proxy M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. Forty-six Lodges represented. 1811. J GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 237 IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Mason- ry, when the business that was not finished at the last Grand Communication was introduced. The consideration of tlie jietition from the brethren in Say- brook, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, which was continued from the last Grand Communica- tion, was resumed. The committee appointed to examine the Master elect, reported that they had made the examination as directed, and found him well qualified. After a full discussion of the subject, it was ordered, that a charter be granted to the petitioners, in the usual form, constituting them into a regular Lodge, to be holden within one mile of the Episcopal Church in the second society of said Saybrook, to be known by the name of Mount Olive Lodge, No. 52 ; and that our worshipful and well beloved brother, George W. Jewett, be the first Mas- ter, and the the Wardens confirmed in their respective appoint- ments, agreeably to the prayer of the said petitioners. It is also ordered, that the parish of Westbrook, in the said town of Saybrook, shall be considered and remain within the limits of Trinity Lodge, No. 43, notwithstanding the above grant for a Lodge in Saybrook. The complaint made by King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, Derby, against Hart's Lodge, No. 22, Woodbridge, for " initiating, passing and raising sundry persons living within the limits of said town of Derby, without the knowledge and approbation of said King Hiram Lodge," which was continued from the last Grand Communication, was withdrawn by the complainants, by permission of the Grand Lodge. On the remonstrance and appeal of of Bro. Benjamin Can- dee, a member of Morning Star Lodge, No. 47, holden in the town of Oxford, from the decision of said Lodge, pronouncing against him a sentence of expulsion, it was ordered, that said remonstrance be referred to an impartial and disinterested com- mittee for examination. Whereupon, Brs. Samuel C. Black- man, Sheldon Curtis, and John H. Lynde, were apj^ointed on said committee, with instructions to meet at said Oxford, and 238 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. there make a thorough investigation of the subject, and report the facts, with their opinion thereon, at the next Grand Com- munication. A petition from brethren residing in North Stonington, pray- ing for the establishment of a new Lodge in said town, was in- troduced, read and continued, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge ; and Brs. Avery Downer and Ebenezer Geer ap- pointed a committee to examine the Master elect. Brs. Ephraim Koot, Elisha Babcock, and James Ward, were appointed a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, and report at the next Grand Communication. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1812.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 239 MAY SESSION, 1812. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 20th day of May, A. D. 1812, and of Mafonry 5812 : OFFICERS PRESENT. M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEK, Grand Master. R. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Deputy Grand Master. SOLOMON COWLES, Senior Grand Warden. AARON SMITH, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JAMES WARD, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. DAVID PORTER, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT. John H. Lynde, M., Laban Smith, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Elles, M., Levi H. Clark, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Daniel Sterling, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Daved Porter, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Henry Hoyt, Jr., proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Thomas Reed, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Richard Smith, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Daniel Judson, Jr., proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Moses S. Beach, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Guy Bigalow, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Peter Farnham, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. 240 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Andrew T. Judson, M., Eichard Burlingham, proxy J. W., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Thomas Kensett, proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Nathan Burton, M., Oliver Todd, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown, Timothy Shepard, proxy M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Stephen Babbit, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Eichard Wilcox, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Bebee Hyne, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Ebenezer Geere, M,, St. James', No. 23, Preston, Eoger Waldo, M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Sylvester Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. John N. Gunn, proxy S. W., Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy J. W., Eising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Charles Jenks, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Wind- sor. Arnold P. Humphrey, M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Elam Bradley, proxy S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Ebenezer Perkins, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. John Talmadge, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. George Mitchel, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, S. W., Joseph Kinney, proxy J. W., Somer- set, No. 34, Norwich. Eoger Searle, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joseph Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Nathaniel Stevens, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. William Cook, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Smith Wheeler, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. 1812.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 241 Daniel Tilden, M., John Fitch, J. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Erastus Selden, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Thomas Hubbard, proxy M., Lemuel Ingalls, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. William Morris, M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Joshua King, proxy M., Jerusaelm, No. 49, Ridgefield. John T. Peters, proxy M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. David Clark, M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. George W. Jewet, M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Fifty-one Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree, and pro- ceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. John R. Watrous, Deputy Grand Master. W. Solomon Cowles, Senior Grand Warden. W. Aaron Smith, Junior Grand Warden. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. John Mix, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : John Hubbard, Senior Grand Deacon, James Ward, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers elect were severally presented with the Jewels of their respective offices, together with a Lecture and Charge well adapted to each, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. 31 242 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, The committee appointed at the last Glrand Communication, and to whom was referred the appeal of Benjamin Candee from the decision of Morning Star Lodge, pronouncing against him a sentence of expulsion, reported, that neither party had called on them to perform the duties assigned jthem by their said appoint- ment ; and after having heard the reasons for this omission, it was resolved, that the same committee, viz : Brs. Samuel C, Blackman, Sheldon Curtis, and John H. Lynde, be re-appoint- ed for the purposes, and with the same powers and directions as contained in their said former appointment, and with this ad- dition, viz : that they also determine whether the Lodge or the appellant shall defray the expense of their said meeting, or in what proportion it shall be divided between them, and report to the next Grand Communication, The consideration of the petition from the brethren in North Stonington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, continued from the last Grand Communication, was resumed. The committee appointed to examine the Master elect reported, that they had made the examination as directed, and found him well qualified. After a full discussion of the subject, it was ordered, that a charter be granted to said petit- ioners in the usual manner, forming them into a regular Lodge, to be holden at the village of Milltown, in said North Stoning- ton, to be known and designated by the name of Widow's Son Lodge, No. 53, and that our Worshipful Bro. Coddington Billings be first Master, and the Wardens confirmed in their respective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of said pe- titioners. The committee which was appointed at the last Grand Com- munication, to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary made their report, which was accej^ted and approved. The Grand Secretary reported sundry delinquencies, by which penalties had been incurred. After having heard the various reasons for these omissions, the penalties were all, severally, re- piitted. A petition from the brethren in Sterling, &c., praying for the 1812.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 243 establishment of a new Lodge, was presented, read and continued, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge. Brs. Luther Payne and Andrew T. Judson were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report. On the memorial and representation of Warren Lodge, No. 51, stating the many and great inconveniences they experience by being restricted to hold said Lodge at the place named in their charter, praying for liberty to remove the same to another place. Whereupon, resolved, that said Warren Lodge, No. 51, shall in future be holden at Middle Haddam, agreeably to the prayer of said petitioners, during the pleasure of this Grand Lodge, anything in their said charter to the contrary notwith- standing. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 244 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1812. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 14th day of Odober, A. D. 1812, and of Mafonry, 5812 : OFFICERS present: M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEE, Grand Master. E. W. JOHN E. WATEOUS, Deputy Grand Master. W. AAEON SMITH, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. W. JOHN H. LYNDE, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENEY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN HUBBAED, Senior Grand Deacon. JAMES WAED, Junior Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT : John H. Lynde, M., Ebenezer H. Collins, S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Levi H. Clark, S. W., Joshua Stow, J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. John S. Canon, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. John M. Gannet, proxy S. W., Eoswell Bartholomew, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Simeon H. Miner, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Thomas Eeed, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Eichard Smith, M., Nathaniel Tuttle, S. W., King Solo- mon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Matthias Nichol, M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John Isham, Jr., proxy M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Eobert Gates, M., Abijah Wilcoxen, S. W., Samuel Bradley, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 1812.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 245 John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farniington. Eiifus Adams, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury, Thomas Kensett, proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Oliver Todd, S. W., Anson Tuttle, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Daniel Blackman, M., Oliver C. Hurd, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Grideon Beardsley, M,, Washington, No. 19, Huntington, Joseph Galpin, Jr., S. W,, Harmony, No. 20, Berlin, Keuben Warner, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, M., St. James', No. 23, Preston, Ebenezer Porter, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Sylvester Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam, Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Joseph Whittlesey, S. W., Eising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Shubael Griswold, proxy M., Morning Star, No, 28, East Windsor. Thomas Lee, proxy M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Eos well Lee, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Elijah Baily, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London, Josiah Finney, S. W., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Heman Atwater, proxy S. W., Friendship, No. 33, South- ington, Theodore Barrell, proxy M,, Samuel Bailey, S, W,, Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Timothy Clark, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joseph Cornish, proxy M., St. Marks, No, 36, Granby, Eleazer Holt^ proxy M,, Western Star, No, 37, Norfolk, Jedediah Lathrop, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston, Oliver Shepard, S. W., Union, No. 40, Danbury, Andrew Adams, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth, Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Erastus Selden, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. 246 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Lemuel Ingalls, proxy M., Thomas Hubbard, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Isaac M. Wales, S. W., Timothy Candee, J. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Heman Chamberlain, proxy M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Daniel Bouton, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Kidgefield. Aaron D. Tarbox, proxy M., "Warren, No. 50, Andover. Samuel K. Dickinson, proxy M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. G-eorge W. Jewett M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Forty-nine Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grrand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, when a motion was made, in behalf of Benjamin Candee, that he have permission to withdraw his appeal taken from the de- cision of Morning Star Lodge, No. 47, pronouncing against him a sentence of expulsion. Whereupon it was resolved, that said Candee have liberty to withdraw his said appeal, and that the committee appointed on that subject at the last Grand Communication, be dismismissed from any further attention to the same. The consideration of the petition from the brethren residing in Sterling and vicinity, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, which was continued from the last Grand Communica- tion, was resumed ; when the committee appointed to examine the Master elect, reported that in consequence of his absence they had not been able to perform that service. Whereupon it was resolved, that said petition be continued to the next Grand Communication, and that the same committee, to wit. Brothers Luther Payne and Andrew T. Judson, make the examination and report at that time. A petition from sundry brethren residing in Milford, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, was pre- sented, read, and continued, agreably to the regulations of the Grand Lodge. Brs. Laban Smith and Francis French were ap- 1812.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 247 pointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report at the next G-rand Communication. Several Lodges were reported by the Grand Secretary as hav- ing been delinquent in not sending returns and representatives to the Grand Lodge at the last Grand Communication. The present representatives of those Lodges being prepared to offer satisfactory reasons for the several delinquencies, the penalties were remitted. Brs. James Ward and Elisha Babcock were appointed a com- mittee to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Sec- retary for the current year, and report at the next Grand Com- munication. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary, 248 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, MAY SESSION, 1813. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 19th day of May, A. D. 1813, and of Mafonry, 5813: OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Deputy Grand Master. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Senior Grand Warden. W. AARON SMITH, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JAMES WARD, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. JOHN H. LYNDE, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : John H. Lynde, M., Laban Smith, proxy S. W., Lucius At- water, proxy J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Levi H. Clark, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Joseph Backus, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. David Porter, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Simeon H. Miner, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Thomas Reed, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. John P. Andrews, proxy M., Charles B. Phelps, proxy S. W., Nathaniel Bacon, 2d, J. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. Ashbel Baldwin, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Augustus Cook, M., Moses S. Beach, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford, Guy Bigalow, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, proxy M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. 1813.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 249 Francis French, proxy M., John Beers, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Peter Farnham, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Andrew T. Judson, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Oliver Todd, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Timothy Shepard, proxy M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Nehemiah Gray, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, proxy M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Keuben Warner, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Ebenezer Greere, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Sylvester Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Moses Allyn, Jr., M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. George McNary, M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Ebenezer Perkins, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Salmon Weston, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. George Mitchel, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, S. W., Consider Sterry, proxy J. W., Somer- set, No. 34, Norwich. Roger Searle, M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Appleton Robbins, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Earl P. Pease, M., Eleazer Holt, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. William Spencer, J. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Lemuel Sanford, proxy S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Oliver Shepard, S. W., Union, No. 40, Danbury, John B. Sanford, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. David Clark, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Thomas Hubbard, proxy M., Lemuel Ingalls, proxy S. W., Joseph Scarborough, 2d, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pom- fret. 32 250 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, [^^^y, David McEwin, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Hopson Pratt, M., St. Luke, No. 48, Kent. Nathaniel Olmsted, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield. Simon House, M., Sylvester Carver, S. W., Eleazer Sweat- land, proxy J. W., Warren, No. 50^ Andover. Samuel R. Dickinson, S. W., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. George W. Jewett, M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Forty-seven Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was oj^ened in the third degree of Masonry, and proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year en- suing ; the ballots being taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen Titus Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. John R. Watrous, Deputy Grand Master. W. Solomon Cowles, Senior Grand Warden. W. Aaron Smith, Junior Grand Warden. Br. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. Br. John Mix, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : Br. James Ward, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. John H. Lynde, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers elect were severally presented with the jewels of their respective offices, together with a lecture and charge well adapted to each, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. The Grand Secretary reported sundry delinquencies, by which penalties had been incurred. After having heard the various reasons for these omissions, the penalties were all, severally, re- mitted. The consideration of the petition from the brethren in Sterl- ing, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, 1813.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 251 continued from the last Grrand Communication, was resumed, and after a lengthy discussion, was negatived. The petition from the brethren in Milford, praying that a Lodge might be established in that town, was negatived. The petition of Benjamin Candee, late a member of Morning Star Lodge, No. 47, Oxford, dated May 14th, 1813, praying that a committee be appointed to examine into the proceedings of said Lodge, in expelling him therefrom, and complaining of the injustice and irregularity by which said sentence of expul- sion had been obtained, was introduced and read. By adverting to the records of Grand Lodge it appears that at the Grand Communication in October, 1811, the said Candee entered his appeal from the decision of said Lodge, when a committee was appointed with full power to hear, examine, and report at the then next Grand Communication ; at which, time, viz : May, 1812, the committee reported, that neither the Lodge nor the appellant had called on them to attend to the business of their appointment ; the committee was then re-appointed, with the same powers as at first, together with this addition, viz : that they also determine whether the Lodge or the appellant shall defray the expense of their said meeting, or in what proportion it shall be divided between them, and report to the next Grand Communication. At the next Communication, viz : October, 1812, a motion was made in behalf of said Candee, for liberty to withdraw his said appeal, which was granted, and the com- mittee appointed thereon dismissed from any further attention to this business. With this full view of the subject, it was resolved, that no order be taken on the application of Benjamin Candee, now under consideration, and that the sentence of ex- pulsion pronounced against him by Morning Star Lodge, No. 47, be approved, ratified and confirmed. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 252 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. . [Uct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1813. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 20th day of October, A. D. 1813, and of Mafonry 5813 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. JOHN R. WATROUS, Deputy Grand Master. W. AARON SMITH, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. W. LEVI F. CLARK, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN H. LYNDE, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. EBENEZER PERKINS, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT : John H. Lynde, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Levi H. Clark, M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Daniel Sterling, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Faii-field. John M. Gannett, proxy M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, Jr., proxy S. W., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Moses W. Reed, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Tuttle, M., William A. Bronson, S. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury, Matthias Nichol, M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Solomon R. Hall, M., Augustus Cook, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Daniel Watrous, proxy M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Samuel Buel, proxy M., Lucius Smith, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Ahijah Wilcoxen, S. W., John Beers, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Martin Strong, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. 1813.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 253 John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Rufiis Adams, proxy M., Dyer Ames, proxy S. W., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Anson Tuttle, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Timothy Shepard, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Gideon Beardsley, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Levi Hubbell, S.- W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Isaac Chatfield, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Ebenezer Morgan, proxy M., Avery Downer, proxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Edmund Freeman, M., Uriel No. 24, Mansfield. Sylvester Pulsiver, proxy M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Sylvester Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, M., Warren R. Fowler, proxy J. W., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Jesse Tuttle, proxy S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Ebenezer Perkins, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Piatt Starr, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Heman Atwater, proxy S. W., Friendship, No. 33, South- ington. Dudley Tracey, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Cyprain Webster, proxy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton, Joshua R. Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Eleazer Holt, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jedediah Lathrop, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Lemuel Sanford, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. William Cook, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury, Charles Jones, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Daniel Tilden, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Nathaniel Matson, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Thomas Dow, proxy S. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Chauncey Hatch, M., David McEwin, S. W., Timothy Can- dee, J. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Hopson Pratt, M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. 254 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Lewis Olmstead, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Eidgefield. John T. Peters, proxy M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. David Clmrcliill, proxy M., Warren, No. 51, Chatliam. George W. Jewett, M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Forty-eiglit Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FOKM. The Grrand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Mason- ry ; when a petition from sundry brethren of Union Lodge, No. 31, New London, praying some relief for our Bro. Ebenezer Perkins, a member of said Lodge, in consequence of his many and great misfortunes, was introduced and read. After sundry remarks on the subject, it was ordered, that the Grand Treas- urer pay to Bro. Perkins from the funds of Grand Lodge, sev- enty-five dollars, as a charitable donation in his afilicted circum- stances. Whereas, it is represented to this Grand Lodge, that our trusty and well beloved brother, John Glaus, who for many years has been Tyler of this Lodge, is now very sick and in an indigent situation ; therefore, for the purpose of manifesting the approbation of the brethren and the full confidence of this Lodge in his zeal and fidelity as a brother and as Tyler of this Grand Lodge — resolved, that the Grand Treasurer be directed to j)re- sent him with the sum of ten dollars, as a token of friendship and brotherly love. Resolved, That in future all persons attending the Grand Lodge as members thereof, shall leave their names with the Grand Secretary at the Lodge Room be- tween the hours of two and five oclock P. M., on each semi-annual communication, and that those that appear as proxies shall lodge their certificates of their ap- pointment with the Grand Secretary within the same period. And it is further resolved, that the returns of the respective Lodges to be made pursuant to the By-Laws of Grand Lodge, shall be exhibited to the Grand Secretary within the hours aforesaid ; and if they or either of them as aforesaid, shall neglect so to do, each person so neglecting shall pay a fine of fifty cents to the Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was then closed, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1814.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 255 MAY SESSION, 1814. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, held at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 18th day of May, A. D. 1814, and of Mafonry 5814 : OFFICERS PRESENT. M. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Grand Master, p. t. . K. W. AARON SMITH, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. R. W. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN H. LYNDE, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. FRANCIS FRENCH, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS PRESENT. John H. Lynde, M., Andrew Kidston, proxy S. W., Laban Smith, proxy J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. William C. Hall, M., Asahel Loomis, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Matthew Talcott, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Faii-field. James Ward, M., James Babcock, S. W., John M. Gannett, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Moses W. Reed, proxy M, St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Richard Smith, M., Charles B. Phelps, J. W., King Solo- mon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Ransom Beach, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Moses S. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Asa Bigalow, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester, Lucius Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. John Elmore, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury, 256 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, George Cowles, proxy M., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, proxy S. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Andrew T. Judson, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Stephen Jarvis, S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Anson Tuttle, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Elisha Mills, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Kichard Wilcox, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Eeuben Warner, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Elihu Sanford, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Isaac Avery, M., St. James', No. 23, Preston, Edmund Freeman, M., Don F. Brigham, S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Asaph Coleman, M., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Sylvester Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. John N. Gunn, proxy S. W., Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy J. W., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Moses Allen, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Thomas C. Brinsmade, M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Elam Bradley, proxy S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Elijah Butts, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Asahel Wedge, Jr., S. W. Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cook, M., Seth Clark, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Consider Sterry, proxy M., Roger Smith, proxy S. W., Som- erset, No. 34, Norwich. Roger Searle, M., Uriah Hopkins, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joseph Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Earl P. Pease, M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Andrew L. Hill, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Andrew Beers, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Smith Wheeler, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, proxy M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. 1814.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 257 Gurdon Tracy, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Erastiis Selden, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Darius Mathewson, proxy M., John McLellan, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Timothy Candee, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Hopson Pratt, proxy M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Daniel Jones, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield. Sylvester Carver, M., Aaron Tarbox, S. W., Asahel Clark, J. W., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Stephen Griffith, proxy S. W., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. George W. Jewett, M., Timothy Starkey, Jr., J. W., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Fifty-one Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree, and pro- ceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing. A communication was received from R, W. John R. Watrous, Deputy Grand Master, declining further appointment to any office in the Grand Lodge ; which having been presented and read, the ballots were taken, and the brethren hereafter named declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master. R. W. Solomon Cowles, Deputy Grand Master. W. Aaron Smith, Senior Grand Waiden, W. James Ward, Junior Grand Warden. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. John Mix, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : — John H. Lynde, Senior Grand Deacon ; Levi H. Clark, Junior Grand Deacon. The officers elect were severally jDresented with the Jewels of their respective offices, together with a Lecture and Charge well adapted to each, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. 33 258 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, A petition from the brethren residing in Sharon, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in said town, together with a remonstrance against the grant of said petition, were introduced and read. After some few remarks, the petition was continued to the next Grand Communication, agreeably with the regulations of Grand Lodge, and Brs. Aaron Smith and Philo Mills were aj^pointed to examine the Master elect and report. A petition from Putnam Lodge, No. 46, praying for liberty to hold their communications alternately in the towns of Pom- fret and Woodstock, was introduced and read. After a lengthy discussion the petition was negatived. A j)etition from the brethren in East Hartford, praying for a new Lodge in that town, was introduced, read and continued, and Brs. James Ward and Sylvester Carver appointed a com- mittee to examine the Master elect and report. A petition from several brethren residing in Milford, pray- ing for the establishment of a new Lodge in said town, was in- troduced, read and continued, agreeably to the regulations of Grand Lodge ; and Brs. Laban Smith and Hezekiah Hotchkiss appointed a committee to examine the Master elect. The following resolution was introduced, duly discussed, and adopted : Resolved, That so mucli of the Ordinance of this Grand Lodge as provides that upon an application for tlie establishment of a new Lodge, a committee shall be appointed to examine the Master elect, and that such application must be con- tinued, of course, to the next Grand Communication, be and the same is hereby repealed. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Ch-and Secretary. 1814.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 259 OCTOBER SESSION, 1814. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 19th day of Odober, A. D. 1814, and of Mafonry, 5814 : OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMER, Grand Master. R. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Deputy Grand Master. W. JAMES WARD, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. W. JOHN H. LYNDE, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. LEVI H. CLARK, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. EBENEZER H. COLLINS, Juu. Grand Deacon, p. t. MEMBERS present: John H. Lynde, M., Ebenezer H. CoUins, S. W., Edward Grannis, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Asahel Loomis, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Josiah Prindle, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Ward, M., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, Jr., M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. David Boalt, S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Tuttle, M., Charles B. Phelps, J. W., King Solo- mon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Matthias Nichol, M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Moses S. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Daniel Watrous, proxy M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Roger Cooke, M., Lucius Smith, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Robert Gates, M., John Beers, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 260 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Elisha Sterling, M,, Montgomery, No. 13, Salisburj'. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. William E. Sillery, proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Eleazer Jucld, proxy M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Wheeler Fairchild, proxy M., Daniel Blackman, S. W., Hi- ram, No. 18, Newtown. Gideon Beardsley, M., Elisha Mills, Jr., J. W., Washington, No. 19, Hmitington. Luther Beckley, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Jehiel Williams, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Isaac Chatfield, M., Chester Jones, J. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Ebenezer Geere, M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Moses Baker, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Asaph Coleman, M., Ezra Dayton, S. W., Columbia, No. 25, Stepney. Timothy Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M., Eising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Shubael Griswold, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Jesse Tuttle, M., Elias Hotchkiss, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Coddington Billings, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Daniel Smith, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cooke, M., Samuel Pardy, proxy S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Joel Bradley, proxy M., Ephraim Webster, proxy S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Orrin Lee, proxy M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Eleazer Holt, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Abraham T. Chittenden, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Calvin Wheeler, M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Gilead Ambler, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. William Meeker, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. 1814.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 261 Frederick Hotclikiss, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Henry Webb, proxy M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Ebenezer Brockway, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Kensallaer Childs, M., Thomas Dow, proxy S. W., Thomas Hubbard, proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Levi Candee, M., Timothy Candee, proxy S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Jesse St. John, proxy M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Jeremiah Mead, M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield. Asahel Clark, Jr., proxy M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. David Clark, proxy M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. Samuel E. S. Mather, proxy M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Say- brook. Fifty Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry. The consideration of the petition from the brethren in the town of Sharon, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, which was presented at the last Grand Communication, was resumed, and on motion continued to the Grand Communi- cation to be holden at Hartford, in May next ; the same com- mittee, viz : Brs. Aaron Smith and Philo Mills were re-appointed to examine the Master elect, and report. The petition from the brethren in East Hartford, praying that a new Lodge may be established in that town, which was con- tinued from the last Grand Communication, having been intro- duced, was read, together with the documents accompanying it^ and after discussion negatived. The petition from the brethren in Milford, praying for a new Lodge to be established there, and which was continued from the last Grand Communication, was again read, discussed and negatived. A petition from sundry brethren residing in New Preston, praying for the establishment of a new liodge, was introduced 262 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. and read. After some few remarks, and on motion, it was con- tinued to the next Grand Communication. A petition from Columbia Lodge, No. 25, now holden in Stepney, praying for liberty to remove said Lodge from thence, and to hold the same in the first society in Glastonbury, was in- troduced and read. After sundry remarks on the subject, it was resolved, that the prayer of said petition be and the same is hereby granted, and that they be authorized and permitted to hold said Lodge in the first society in Glastonbury, agreeably to the prayer of said petition, during the j^leasure of Grand Lodge. A complaint was exhibited by the Master of Putnam Lodge, No. 46, against Somerset Lodge, No. 34, for initiating a mem- ber living and belonging within the limits of said Putnam Lodge, without having any communication with said last men- tioned Lodge on the subject of his said initiation, being contrary to the regulations of Grand Lodge. WhereujDon, it was resolved and ordered, that said complaint be continued to the next Grand Communication, and that the Secretary be directed to summon said Somerset Lodge to appear at thai? time, to make answer thereto. On the application of Bro. John Beers, a member of King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, Derby — ordered, that the Grand Treas- urer pay to him the sum of fifty dollars from the funds of this Lodge, as a charitable donation to relieve him in his present indigent and distressed situation. The Grand Lodge was then closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1815.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 263 MAY SESSION, 1815. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 17th day of May, A. D. 1815, and of Mafonry, 5815: OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. STEPHEN T. HOSMEE, Grand Master. K. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Deputy Grand Master. W. AARON SMITH, Senior Grand Warden. W. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN H. LYNDE, Senior Grand Deacon. LEVI H. CLARK, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. ROGER SEARLE, Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT : John H. Lynde, M., Laban Smith, proxy S. W., Lewis Al- brecht, proxy J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Levi H. Clark, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Joseph Backus, proxy M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Babcock, M., Isaac Perkins, S. W., Talcott Wolcott, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Curtis Hinman, S. W,, King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Mathew Talcott, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford, Asa Bigalow, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Lucius Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Francis French, M., John Beers, S. W,, Joseph Sage, J. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 264 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [M^y, Elisha Sterling, proxy M., John Elmore, proxy S. W., Mont- gomery, No. 13, Salisbury. John Mix, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmirgton. Luther Payne, proxy M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. William R. Sillery, proxy M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Oliver Todd, M., Sedley Woodward, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Roswell Beardsley, proxy M., Washington, No. 19, Hunting- ton. Luther Beckley, M., Richard Wilcox, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Elisha Bostwick, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. John D. Wooster, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Nathaniel Kimball, proxy M., William Belcher, proxy S. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Edmund Freeman, M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Ezra Dayton, M., Jehiel Hale, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury. Samuel Leavitt, proxy M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Arnold P. Humphrey, M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Return E. Jones, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Coddington Billings, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London, Silas Beckley, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cook, M., Nathaniel J. Root, proxy S. W., Friend- ship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Roger Searle, proxy M., Abraham Pettibone, Jr., S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joshua R. Jewett, M., Abner Case, J. W., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Earl P. Pease, M., Nathaniel Stevens, proxy J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Charles Winton, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Gilead Ambler, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Noah A. Lacey, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Gurdon Tracey, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham, 1815.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 265 Calvin Sheldon, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Kensellaer Chilcls, M., Thomas Dow, J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Timothy Candee, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Jesse St. John, proxy M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Jeremiah Mead, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Kidgefield. Leonard Hendee, M., Frederick Kose, S. W., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Jesse Hurd, Jun., proxy M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. Samuel Ingham, proxy M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Forty-six Lodges represented. m AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Mason- ry, and proceeded to the choice of G-rand Officers for the year ensuing ; when ballots were taken, and the brethren hereinafter named declared duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, viz : M. W. Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master. E. W. Solomon Cowles, Deputy Grand Master. " Aaron Smith, Senior Grand Warden. " James Ward, Junior Grand Warden. " Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. " John Mix, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : W. John H. Lynde, Senior Grand Deacon. " Levi H. Clarke, Junior Grand Deacon. Eev. Roger Searle, Grand Chaplain. The Grand Officers were severally presented with their jewels, together with a lecture and charge well adapted to each, by the M. W. Grand Master. 34 266 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The petition from the brethren in Sharon, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, continued from the last Grand Communication, was introduced, and the considera- tion thereof resumed. The committee appointed to examine the Master elect, reported, that they made the examination as directed, and found him well qualified. After a full discussion, and the hearing of a remonstrance, the petition was granted, and a charter ordered to be issued, by the name of " Hamilton Lodge, No. 54" — Bro. Daniel Parker to be first Master, and the Wardens appointed as per petition. The petition from the brethren in New Preston, for a Lodge to be established in that town, which was continued from the last Grand Communication, was again read, and after discus- sion, negatived. The following resolution was presented, discussed, and unani- mously adopted : Resolved, That the attention of the several Lodges in this jurisdiction should be directed to the conduct and walk of their members ; that they be required, in the spirit of brothely love, to discipline any disorderly and unworthy members, and as far as practicable to keep them within the ancient landmarks of the Or- der ; that in the view of this Grand Lodge, it is of the first importance that the Lodges be particularly cautious in the admission of new members. On the complaint of Putnam Lodge, No. 46, against Somer- set, No. 34, for violation of an ordinance of Grand Lodge, laid over from the last Grand Communication, after hearing the evi- dence of both parties, it was found that said Somerset Lodge had initiated a candidate who resided within the limits of said Putnam Lodge ; whereupon, it was resolved, that Somerset Lodge, No. 34, be fined twenty-five dollars, to be paid into the funds of the Grand Lodge within thirty days, and on failure thereof, that the charter of said Lodge, and all power and au- thority under the same, be suspended during the pleasure of the Grand Lodge. A complaint was exhibited by Bro. Earl P. Pease, Master of Western Star Lodge, No. 37, against Montgomery, No. 13, for initiating members contrary to the laws of the Grand Lodge ; which complaint was continued to the next Grand Communica- 1815.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 267 tion, and the Grand Secretary ordered to summon Montgomery Lodge to appear and answer thereto. The Grand Secretary reported that Moriah Lodge, No. 15, and Village, No. 29, had incurred penalties by not being repre- sented at the last Grand Communication. The excuses for the delinquencies being stated by the members from those Lodges, the penalties were remitted. After solemn prayer, the Grand Lodge was closed, and ad- journed to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 268 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct, OCTOBER SESSION, 1815, At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 18th day of Odober, A. D. 1815, and of Mafonry 5815 : OFFICERS PRESENT : B. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Deputy Grand Master. W. AARON SMITH, Senior Grand Warden. W. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN H. LYNDE, Senior Grand Deacon. JAMES BABCOCK, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t, Bev. BOGEB SEARLE, Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT : John H. Lynde, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven, Richard Hyde, M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Babcock, M., Sheldon W. Candee, J, W., St, John's, No. 4, Hartford. Simeon H. Miner., proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Matthew Marvin, J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Charles B. Phelps, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Ashbel Baldwin, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Moses S. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford, Lucius Smith, M.., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Abijah Wilcoxen, S. W., John Beers, J, W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Samuel Church, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Lemuel Whitman, M., George Norton, J. W,, Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Andrew Harris, M., Moriah, No, 15, Canterbury. 1815.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 269 . Charles Shelton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Aner Bradlej^, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Daniel Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Abiel K. Botsford, M., Gideon Beardsley, J. W., Washing- ton, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin, Daniel Pickel, S. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Stephen Wooding, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Erastus Smith, M., St. James, No. 23, Preston, Edmund Freeman, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Ezra Dayton, M., Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury. William Palmer, proxy J. W., Columbia, No. 26, EastHad-- dam. Daniel B. Brinsmade, M., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Arnold P. Humphrey, M,, Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Jesse Tuttle, M., Jacob Whiting, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Coddington Billings, M, Union, No. 31, New London. Judah Eldred, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cook, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Newcomb Kinney, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Wm. C. Abernathy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joel Holcomb, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Nathaniel Stevens, M., Alban Rose, S. W., George B. Holt, J, W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. . Jedediah Lathrop, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Isaac Cooley, M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. James Bebee, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Noah Lacey, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Wm. Comes, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Ebenezer Brockway, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Simeon Davis, M., Isaac Davis, S. W., Thomas Dow, J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. David McEwen, M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Elijah Stewart, S. W., Jeremiah Reed, J. W., St. Luke's, No. 48. Kent. 270 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Lewis Olmsted, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Ridgefield. John S. Peters, proxy M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Ira Lee, proxy S. W., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. Oliver Kellogg, proxy M., Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon. Forty-eight Lodges" represented. IN DUE AND AMPLE FORM. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree, with an impressive prayer by the Grand Chaplain. The Grand Secretary reported, that in obedience to the vote of last Grand Communication, Montgomery Lodge, No. 13, had been summoned, and was now present to answer to the complaint of Western Star, No. 37, charging said Lodge with initiating members in violation of an ordinance of the Grand Lodge. After some discussion, (both parties having been heard,) it was ordered that the subject be further postponed to the next Grand Communication. The Grand Secretary reported sundry delinquencies at the last Grand Communication. After hearing the excuses offered, the penalties were all remitted, except those on Morning Star Lodge, No. 28, which were inflicted, to wit, eight dollars for non-attendance, and five dollars for not making returns. The Grand Treasurer reported, that he had raceived the fine of twenty-five dollars, \^hich was inflicted on Somerset Lodge, No. 34, at the last Grand Communication, for initiating a can- didate who resided within the limits of another Lodge. A petition was received from Bro. John Grifiin, of Morning Star Lodge, No. 47, Oxford, stating that he is more than 90 years of age, very poor, and has no relatives to whom he can look for aid or support, praying for charitable relief from this Grand Lodge. The statement being fully corroborated by sev- eral members, who knew the petitioner to be a worthy brother, the sum of fifty dollars was voted for his relief. A petition from the brethren in Meriden, for the establish- ment of a Lodge in that town, was introduced and read. After a full discussion, the petition was negatived. 1815.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 271 The following resolution was introduced, and after brief dis- cussion, unanimously adopted : Resolved, That there be paid to the Secretary of this Grand Lodge, from the funds thereof, the sum of fifty dollars annually, commencing on the first day of May last, for performing the ordinary duties incident to that office ; and that the present Grand Secretary shall receive, over and above his former salary of twen- ty-five dollars per annum, the sum of fifty dollars, as a compensation' for his past services. Brs. James Ward and Sheldon W. Candee were appointed a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Grand Treasurer, and report at the next Grand Com- munication. After solemn prayer by our Worshipful and Rev. G. Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 272 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, MAY SESSION, 1816. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 15th day of May, A. D. 1816, and of Mafonry, 5816: OFFICERS present: K. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Deputy Grand Master. B. W. AAEON SMITH, Senior Grand Warden. R. W. JAMES WARD, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JOHN H. LYNDE, Senior Grand Deacon. LEVI H. CLARK, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. Br. ROGER SEARLE, Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT : Ralph I. IngersoU, M., Laban Smith, proxy S. W., John Hunt, proxy J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New HaVen. Levi H. Clark, proxy M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Matthew Talcott, M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Babcock, M., Sheldon W. Candee, S. W., Thomas K. Brace, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, proxy M,, Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Benjamin Isaacs, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk, Joel Jones, J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Moses S. Beach, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Aaron Smith, J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Wm. M. Burwell, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Sahsbury, Lemuel Whitman, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Rufus Adams, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Charles Shelton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. 1816.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 273 Ledley Woodward, M., Calvin Butler, proxy S. W., Federal, No, 17, Watertown, Marcus Botsfordj proxy M., Josiah Fairchild, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Menzies Raynor, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Seelye Eichmond, proxy M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Archibald A. Perkins, S. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, proxy M., Nathaniel Kimball, proxy S. W., William Williams, proxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Ezra Dayton, M., Henry Jones, J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Glastonbury. Josiah Barber, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel N. Brinsmade, proxy M,, Rising Sun, No. 27, Wash- ington. Daniel Hayden, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Amos Beecher, proxy M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Amasa Bradley, proxy M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Charles Starr, S. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Salmon Weston, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cook, M., Seth Clark, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, J.W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Norman Prindle, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joel Holcomb, proxy M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. George B. Holt, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Isaac Beach, proxy M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Eli Terry, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Noah A. Lacey, M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Andrew Adams, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Gurdon Tracy, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Ebenezer Brockway, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Ingoldsby W. Crawford, M., William Bowen, proxy S. W., Simon Davis, Jr., proxy J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Jared Hawley, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. 35 274 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Clark Beardsley, proxy M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Joshua King, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Kidgefield. Sylvester Carver, M., Grideon Hollister, J. W., Warren, No. 50, And over. David Stocking, M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. George W. Jewett, S. W., Mount Olive, No. 52, Sayhrook. Oliver Kellogg, proxy S. W., Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon. Fifty Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FOEM. After a solemn and well adapted prayer by our reverend Bro. the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, when a communication was received from the Most Worshipful Stephen T. Hosmer, Grand Master, de- clining any further appointment to office in this Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots having been taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, viz : M. W. Solomon Cowles, Grand Master. R. W. Aaeon Smith, Deputy Grand Master. W. James Ward, Senior Grand Waiden. W. John H. Lynde, Junior Grand Warden. W. Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. W. John Mix, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : W. Levi H. Clark, Senior Grand Deacon. W. James Babcock, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. Roger Searle, Grand Chaplain, The officers elect were severally presented with the Jewels of their respective offices, together with a Lecture and Charge well adapted to each, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. 1816.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 275 The complaint of Western Star Lodge, No. 37, against Mont- gomery Lodge, No. 13, for initiating members contrary to a By-Law of Grand Lodge, and which was continued from the last Grand Communication, was now introduced and read. After sundry remarks on the subject, on motion, it was again contin- ued to the next Grand Communication, and the parties directed then to appear prepared for final trial and decision. The Grand Secretary reported that sundry penalties had been incurred by different Lodges for non-attendance at the last Grand Communication, and for not making returns. The reasons for those omissions having been severally stated, the penalties were all remitted. The Master of Morning Star Lodge, No. 38, moved to be heard respecting the penalties that were inflicted on that Lodge at the Communication in October last, which motion was grant- ed, and after a full hearing and many remarks on the subject by sundry members, these penalties were both remitted. The committee appointed to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary made their report, which was accepted, and approved. A communication was received from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, notifying the Craft in this State of the existence of a clandestine Lodge in that jurisdiction, calling themselves by the name of " Philadelphia Lodge, No. 2." A petition from brethren residing in Plymouth, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, was presented and read, and postponed to the next Grand Communication. A petition from brethren residing in Torrington and vicinity, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, was introduced and read, together with sundry documents ac- companying it ; it was continued to the next Grand Commu- nication, and Brs. Elisha Sterling and Aaron Smith appointed to examine the Master elect and rej)ort. After solemn prayer, the Grand Lodge was closed, and ad- journed to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary, 276 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1816. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 16th day of October, A. D. 1816, and of Malbnry, 5816 : OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Grand Master. R. W. JAMES WARD, Senior Grand Warden. W. JOHN H. LYNDE, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. JAMES BABCOCK, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. RALPH I. INGERSOLL, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. Rev. ROGER SEARLE, Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT : Ralph I. Ingersoll, M., Ebenezer H. Collins, S. W., Nath'l Bacon, 2d, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Asahel Loomis, S. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Enoch Foot, M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. James Bahcock, M., Sheldon W. Candee, S. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Matthew Marvin, M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. AVm. T. Shelton, M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Moses S. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. John R. Watrous, proxy M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Elijah Adams, M., St. Paul's, No. ll,Litchtield. Francis French, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Elisha Sterling, M,, Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. John MLx, M,, Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. 1816.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 277 Kufus Adams, M., Moriali, No. 15, Canterbury. Charles Shelton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Calvin Butler, M., Samuel Hickox, S. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Daniel Blackman, M., Adoniram Fairchild, S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Menzies Eaynor, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Hannony, No. 20, Berlin. Jehiel Williams, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Archibald A. Perkins, S. W., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Ebenezer Avery, M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Don F. Brigham, M., Keuben Marcy, S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield, Jonathan Wells, M., Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury. Timothy Chapman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Curtis Titus, M., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Shubael Griswold, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Amos Beecher, M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Jesse Tuttle, M., Jacob Whiting, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Daniel Smith, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cooke, M., Samuel Pardy, proxy S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington, Elisha Tracy, M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Uriah Hopkins, proxy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joab Griffin, proxy M., St. Marks, No. 36, Granby. Nathaniel Stevens, M., George B. Holt, S. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Joseph Griffin, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Hezekiah Reed, M., Peter C. Oakley, S. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. John S. Blackman, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. William Meeker, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Elias Ford, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. 278 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Jonathan Wolcott, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Ebenezer Brockway, M., Pythafijoras, No. 45, Lyme. Ingoldsby W. Crawford, M., Judah Lyon, S. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Levi Candee, M., Timothy Candee, proxy S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Wm. Hawley, M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Eidgefield. John Payne, proxy M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. David Stocking, M., Jeremiah Taylor, J. W., W^arren, No. 51, Chatham. Wm. Williams, M., Widow's Son, No. 53, North Stonington. Forty-nine Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FOKM. After very solemn and impressive prayer by the Grand Chap- lain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry. The complaint of Western Star Lodge, No. 37, againt Mont- gomery Lodge, No. 13, which was continued from the Grand Communication in May last, was introduced and read, the par- ties being present. After a partial investigation, it was moved, seconded, and resolved, that sale complaint be referred to three brethren, as a special committee, to be appointed by the M. W. Grand Master, with full power to hear and make a thorough investigation of the subject matter of said complaint.; with like power to call on those Lodges, or either of them, for cojiies of record, or any other document in their possession ; and to call on any Mason or Masons, member or members of those Lodges, or either of them, or of any other regularly constituted Lodge, by whom information may be had relative to this subject ; first giving those Lodges seasonable notice of the time when and the place where they will attend to the business of this their ap- pointment ; and also furnish each of said Lodges with a copy of this ordinance ; and make report of the facts that may ap- pear on such investigation, with their opinion thereon, to the next Grand Communication, 1816.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 279 It was further ordered and resolved, that the committee ap- pointed for the purpose above mentioned, also be instructed to make report to the Grand Lodge, which of those Lodges ought, in their opinion, to defray the expense of this reference, or what proportion each ought to pay. The M. W. Grand Master was pleased to appoint Brs. Cal- vin Butler, Roger Cook, and Elijah Adams, a special commit- tee for the purposes mentioned in the foregoing proceedings. A petition from sundry brethren in Plymouth, for a Lodge in that town, which was continued from the last Grand Commu- nication, was again introduced and read ; and after a brief dis- cussion, it was, on motion of the agent for the petitioners, again continued. The petition of brethren in Torrington, for a new Lodge in that town, which was also laid over at the last Grand Commu- nication, was again introduced and read, together with sundry documents accompanying the same. After much discussion, it was moved, seconded, and carried, that said petition be again continued to the next Grand Communication, and that Broth- ers Eiisha Sterling and Calvin Butler be a committee to exam- ine the Master elect, and report. The Grand Secretary reported that penalties had been incur- red by several Lodges, for non-attendance at the last Grand Communication, and for not making returns. The reasons for these omissions having been satisfactorily stated by the several representatives of the delinquent Lodges present at this time, the penalties were remitted, with the exception of King Solo- mon's Lodge, No. 7, Woodbury, which not being rej^resented at this communication, and no reasons having been assigned for their former delinquency, the penalties were inflicted, to wit — eight dollars for non-attendance, and five dollars for making no returns. The following resolution was introduced, duly discussed, and adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary, under the order and direction of the Grand Master, be directed to compile all the ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge, now in force, and procure them to be printed ; and that he 280 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. transmit six copies thereof to each Lodge within this jurisdiction, retaining a sufficient number for the use of the Grand Lodge and the Grand Officers ; and that the expense of said compilation and printing shall be paid from the funds of the Grand Lodge. A communication was received from our aged brother John Griffin, a member of Morning Star "Lodge, No. 47, Oxford, ex- pressing, in a most feeling manner, his grateful thanks for the charitable donation made to him, in his time of need, by this Grand Lodge, at the communication in October last ; which was read, and ordered to be kept on file. After solemn prayer by our Kev. Brother the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was closed and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Ch-and Secretary. 1817.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 281 MAY SESSION, 1817. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room. in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1817, and of Mafonry, 5817 : OFFICERS present: M. W. SOLOMON COWLES, Grand Master. K. W. JAMES WARD, Senior Grand Warden. JOHN H. LYNDE, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. LEVI H. CLARK, Senior Grand Deacon. JAMES BABCOCK, Junior Grand Deacon. MEMBERS PRESENT : Ralph I. Ingersoll, M., Laban Smith, proxy S. W., Andrew Kidston, j)roxy J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Levi H. Clark, proxy M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. David Minott, M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Sheldon W, Candee, M., Thomas K. Brace, S. W., James M. Goodwin, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Simeon H. Minor, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich, Daniel Church, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Charles B. Phelps, M., Curtis Hinman, S. W., King Solo- mon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Joel Jones, J. W., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Moses S. Beach, J. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. David Deming, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester, Roger Cook, proxy M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. John L. Tomlinson, M., Alby Perry, S. W., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 36 282 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Samuel Church, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Lemuel Whitman, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Luther Payne, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury, Charles Shelton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Aner Bradley, M., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Daniel Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Abiel K. Botsford, M., Gideon Beardsley, J. W., Washing- ton, No. 19, Huntington. Richard Wilcox, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Daniel Pickel, S. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Archibald A. Perkins, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Erastus Smith, M., St. James, No. 23, Preston. Don F. Brigham, M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Ezra Dayton, M., Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury. Henry Whitman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel B. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Daniel Hayden, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Arnold P. Humphrey, M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Jesse Tuttle, M., Jacob Whiting, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Coddington Billings, M, Union, No. 31, New London. Judah Eldred, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Samuel Pardee, M., Heman Atwater, J. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, J. W., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Wm. C. Abernathy M., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joel Holcomb, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Nathaniel Stevens, M., Alban Rose, S. W., George B. Holt, J. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Ozias Whedon, J. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Isaac Cooley, M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Samuel T. Barnum, M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Noah Lacey, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Horace Porter, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbuiy. Amaziah Bray M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Gurdon Tracy, M., John Fitch, S. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. 1817. J GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 283 Ebenezer Brockway, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Thomas Hubbard, M., Thomas Dow, J. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. John P. Andrews, proxy M., Jared Hawley, proxy J. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Philo Mills, proxy J. W., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Wm. Hawley, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Eidgefield, Sylvester Carver, M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Benjamin Hurd, proxy J. W., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. Erastus Williams, M., Widow's Son, No. 53, North Stonington. Oliver Kellogg, proxy M., Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon. Fifty-one Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FOKM. The G-rand Lodge was ojDened in the third degree of Masonry. A communication was received from R. W. Aaron Smith, our Deputy Grand Master, stating that he had removed to the city of New York, and could not therefore be considered as a candi- date for any office in the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots having been taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, and installed accordingly, viz : M. W. Solomon Cowles, Grand Master. B. W. James Ward, Deputy Grand Master. " John H. Lynde, Senior Grand Warden. " Levi H. Clarke, Junior Grand Warden, " Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. " John Mix, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : Bro. James Babcock, Senior Grand Deacon. " Ralph I. Ingersoll, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. Roger Searle, Grand Chaplain. 284 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, The petition from the brethren in Plymouth, jDraying for the establishment of a Lodge in that town, which was continued from the last Grrand Communication, was introduced and read, and after discussion, negatived. The petition of sundry brethren residing in the town of Tor- rington and its vicinity, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, which was continued from the last Grand Communication, was called uj3 and read. After a lengthy dis- cussion, said petition was granted, and the Grand Secretary di- rected to issue a charter in the usual form, empowering them to hold a Lodge at the house of Bro. Stephen Fyler, in said town of Torrington, to be designated by the name of " Seneca Lodge, No. 55 ;" that our Worshipful Bro. Truman S. Wetmore be first Master, Bro. Kussel C. Abernethy the first Senior Warden, and Bro. John McAlpin the first Junior Warden, agreeable to the prayer X)f said petition. The Grand Secretary reported King Solomon's Lodge, No. 7, Mount Olive, No. 52, and Hamilton, No. 54, as delinquent at the last Grand Communication, for non-attendance and not making returns. The reasons for those omissions were stated, in behalf of King Solomon's and Hamilton Lodges, and the penalties remitted. Mount Olive Lodge being unrepresented at this time, and no excuse offered for their delinquency, the pen- alties prescribed by the by-laws were inflicted, to wit, eight dollars for non-attendance, and five dollars for not making re- turns. The petition of Village Lodge, No. 29, New Hartford, pray- ing for permission to hold that Lodge alternately in the towns of Canton and Barkhamsted, after having been read, was nega- tived. The committee to whom was referred the complaint of West- ern Star Lodge, No. 37, against Montgomery Lodge, No. 13, for initiating candidates contrary to the ordinances and by-laws of the Grand Lodge, reported, that the parties had been before them, and were fully heard on the subject of said complaint ; that on a full investigation, it appeared to the committee that said Montgomerv Lodge had received two candidates who lived 1817.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 285 within the limits of said Western Star Lodge, which is a viola- tion of the by-laws of the Grand Lodge ; and that it further appeared to them that this happened through a misapprehen- sion of the force and meaning of the law and not with any in- tention to violate it. Whereupon, they reported that Mont- gomery Lodge ought to pay the expense of this reference, and the complaint be dismissed ; which report was accepted and approved. After solemn prayer, the Grand Lodge was closed, and ad- journed to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary, 286 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. OCTOBER SESSION, 1817. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 15th day of Odober, A. D. 1817, and of Mafonry 5817 : OFFICERS PRESENT : R. W. JAMES WARD, Deputy Grand Master. JOHN H. LYNDE, Senior Grand Warden. JAMES BABCOCK, Junior Grand Warden. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. RALPH I. INGERSOLL, Senior Grand Deacon. DANIEL B. BRINSMADE, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. MENZIES RAYNER, Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT : Ralph I. IngersoU, M., Nathaniel Bacon, 2d, S. W., John Hunt, 2d, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Joshua Stow, proxy M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Enoch Foote, M., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Horatio G. Hale, proxy M., Noah A. Phelps, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Simeon H. Miner, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Wm. J. Street, J. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norw^alk. Charles B. Phelps, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Ashhel Baldwin, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Moses S. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Asa Bigelow, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Lucius Smith, M., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. John L. Tomlinson, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Samuel Church, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. 1817.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 287 Lemuel Whitman, M., George Norton, J, W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Andrew Harris, M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Charles Shelton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel Hickox, M., John D. Wooster, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Daniel Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Eli L. Hawley, M., Gideon Beardsley, J. W., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Moses D. Seymour, S. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Ezra Noble, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Keuben Judd, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. James Cook, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Henry Dayton, proxy J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury. Curtis Hickox, proxy M., Eising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Norman Bidwell, M., Village, No. 29, Canton. Jesse Tuttle, M., Jacob Whiting, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. James Mitchell, proxy M., Union, No. 31, New London. Asahel Widge, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. John E. Benjamin, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Elisha Tracy, proxy M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. William C. Abernathy, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Earl P. Pease, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jedediah Lathrop, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Aaron Seeley, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Noah Lacey, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Amaziah Bray, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. John Baldwin, proxy M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham, Erastus Selden, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Ingoldsby W. Crawford, M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Samuel Wire, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Philo Mills, M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Lewis Olmsted, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Kidgefield. Simon House, M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Warren, No. 50, Andover. 288 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Benjamin Hurd, proxy M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham. Noah Walker, proxy M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Erastus Williams, M., George Hubbard, J. W., Widow's Son, No. 53, North Stonington. Daniel Parker, M., Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon. Israel Coe, proxy M., Seneca, No. 55, Torrington. Forty-nine Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. After very solemn and impressive prayer by the Grand Chap- lain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry. The Grand Secretary reported that Rising Sun Lodge, No. 27, and St. Mark's, No. 36, were not represented at the last Grand Communication. The reasons given in behalf of Rising Sun Lodge were satisfactory, and the penalty was remitted. St. Marks Lodge, No. 36, not being represented at this time, the penalty was inflicted. A former penalty imposed on Mount Olive Lodge, No. 52, for non-attendance, was, after good and sufficient reasons had been given, remitted. Brs. Ephraim Root, Elislia Babcock, and James Ward, were appointed a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, and report at the next Grand C ommunication. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge Avas closed, after a solemn and impressive prayer, and adjourned to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1818.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 289 MAY SESSION, 1818. At an Annual Communication of the Moll Worlliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1818, and of Mafonry 5818 : R. W. JAMES WARD, Deputy Grand Master. " JAMES BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. " RALPH I. INGERSOLL, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. " HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. " JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. GUY BIGELOW, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. THOMAS K. BRACE, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. Rev. MENZIES RAYNER Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT *. Ralph I. Ingersoll, M., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Joel Jones, proxy M., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. Thomas K. Brace, M., James M. Goodwin, S. W., Charles Babcock, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Simeon H. Miner, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Wm. J. Street, M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Charles B. Phelps, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Robert Fairclild, proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Moses S. Beach, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford. Asa Bigelow, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Lucius Smith, M., James Winship, J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Sheldon Curtis, M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. Samuel Church, M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Lemuel Whitman, M., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. 36 290 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Daniel Frost, Jr., M., Vine Kobinson, proxy S. W., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Charles Slielton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Samuel Hickox, M., John D. Wooster, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Marcus Botsford, M., Josiah Fairchild, S. W., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Menzies Kayner, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Ezra Noble, M., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Archibald A. Perkins, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Avery Downer, proxy M., William Williams, proxy J. W., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Don F. Brigham, M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Ezra Dayton, M., Columbia, No. 25, Glastonbury. Henry Whitman, proxy M., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Daniel B. Brinsmade, M., Rising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Daniel Hayden, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Norman Bidwell, M., Village, No. 29, Canton. Jesse Tuttle, M., Jacob Whiting, S. W., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. George H. Richards, M., Union, No. 31, New London. Salmon Weston, M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. Martin Cook, M., Seth Clark, S. W., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. Samuel Bailey, S. W., Newcomb Kinney, J. W^., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. William C. Abernathy, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joshua R. Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. George B. Holt, M., Wm. Battell, S. W., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Wm. Spencer, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Isaac Cooley, M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Zalmon Wildman, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Noah Lacey, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Silas Judd, M., Timothy Gibbud, proxy S. W., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. 1818.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 291 Austin Olcott, M., David Wright, J. W., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Gurclon Tracy, M., John Fitch, S. W., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Ebenezer Brockway, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Walter Janes, M., John Fox, proxy S. W., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Samuel Wire, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Eussel Millard, M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Simon House, M., Gideon HoUister, S. W., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Benjamin Hurd, proxy M., Warren, No. 51, Chatham, Wm, Lynde, proxy M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Coddington BiUings, M., George Hubbard, J. W., Widow's Son, No. 53, North Stonington. Ansel Sterlign, M., Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon. John Wetmore, proxy M., Aason Smith, S. W,, Seneca, No. 55, Torrington. Fifty- three Lodges represented. IN DUE FOKM. After very solemn and impressive prayer by the Grand Chap- lain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry. A communication was received from our M, W, Grand Mas- ter, Solomon Cowles, declining any further appointment to of- fice in the Grand Lodge. The communication from the Grand Master also announced, in very feeling and pathetic terms, the death of our beloved brother, R. W. John Hart Lynde, of New Haven, Senior Grand Warden of this Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Oflficers for the ensuing year ; when ballots were collected, and the following brethren declared to be duly elected to the offices affixed to their names, viz : 292 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, M. W. Oliver Wolcott, Grand Master. R. W. James Ward, Deputy Grand Master. " James Babcock, Senior Grand Warden. " Ralph I. Ingersoll, Junior Grand Warden, " Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. " John Mix, Grand Secretary. A respectable delegation was appointed to wait upon His Excellency Governor Wolcott, Grand Master elect, inform him of his election, and request his attendance at the Lodge Room. After a short absence, the delegation returned, accompanied by Bro. Wolcott, who, after a few appropriate remarks, accepted the office, and was inducted into the chair by the R. W. Depu- ty Grand Master, with a short address, attended by suitable Masonic ceremonies. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : Br. Guy Bigelow, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. Thomas K. Brace, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. Menzies Rayner, Grand Chaplain. The death of our R. W. Senior Grand Warden, having been announced by our Past Grand Master, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge is deeply sensible of the great loss which the Order has sustained by the death of our distinguished brother, John H. Lynda, late Senior Grand Warden, who has been taken from us in the bloom of life and ill the midst of his usefulness, and whose exalted merit and Masonic and social virtues endeared him to all his brethren, and rendered him eminently an orna- ment to Society. The regular business of the Grand Lodge was then ordered to be brought forward ; when the Grand Secretary reported that sundry Lodges had incurred penalties, in consequence of their non-attendance and not making returns at the last Grand Com- munication. After the reasons had been stated for those delin- quencies, the penalties were all remitted. A petition from the brethren residing in Bristol and vicinity, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town, was 1818.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 293 presented and read ; and after some discussion, it was granted, but no charter to issue until after the Grand Communication in October next. Brs. John Mix and Lemuel Whitman were appointed a committee to examine the Master elect, and report at that time. A petition from brethren residing in and near the Borough of Stonington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge at that place, was introduced ; but no documents accompany- ing the petition, it was continued to the next Grand Commu- nication. Upon the petition of Federal Lodge, No. 17, Watertown, for liberty to alternate the place of holding the same, it was voted, that said Lodge in future be held two years in Watertown, and one year in Plymouth, and so on successively, during the pleas- ure of the Grand Lodge. A memorial from Harmony Lodge, No. 42, was read, setting forth the inconvenience they experienced in holding their meet- ings alternately at Waterbury and Salem, as provided by their charter ; stating also that they had agreed upon a committee, consisting of the Masters of several adjacent Lodges, to view the situation of those two localities, and decide at which one said Lodge should be permanently established. Whereupon, it was resolved, that the Grand Lodge will hear the report of said committee at the next Grand Communication, and then deter- mine what location Harmony Lodge may adopt. On the subject of uniformity in work and lectm^es, the follow- ing preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, a correct and uniform mode of working and lecturing is of vital im- portance to the interests of Masonry ; and, whereas, a great want of uniformity exists in the several Lodges in this State : Resolved, That Bro. Jeremy L. Cross be and he is hereby authorized, as Grand Lecturer, to visit the several Lodges in this jurisdiction, and instruct them in the correct mode of working and lecturing ; and that each subordinate Lodge be re- quired to pay into the Treasury of the Grand Lodge the sum of ten dollars, at or before the next Grand Communication, for the purpose of defraying the expense of such visitation. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Master of each Lodge to give the Grand Lecturer a certificate of the number of days spent with them in lecturing, and such smn, not exceeding four dollars per day, as each Lodge may pay said 294 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J, Grand Lecturer, taking his receipt therefor, shall be considered as part of said sum of ten dollars. Resolved, That each Lodge shall pay Bro. Cross' expenses, when actuallj^ em- ployed by such Lodge in giving lectures and instructions ; and no Lodge shall be bound to pay said sum of ten dollars, unless they first have had the benefit of said lectures at least two and a half days. Resolved, That it be recommended to the" several Lodges in this State, not to employ any person to lecture with them, but such as shall be approved and ap- pointed by this Grand Lodge. On the written representation of the officers and members of Jerusalem Lodge, No. 49, Eidgefield, stating that Bro. Daniel Bouton, a worthy member of said Lodge, from his advanced age, misfortunes, and bodily infirmities, had become incapable of supporting himself, and that they, as a Lodge and as indi- viduals, had conttfbuted largely to his relief, it was ordered, that twenty-five dollars of the funds of the Grand Lodge be placed in the hands of Bro. James Stevens, to be used at his discretion, for the relief of Bro. Bouton. Brs. Champion, Mix and Whitman were appointed a com- mittee to ascertain what sum ought to be paid by the G-rand Lodge, for the use of the Lodge Koom in Hartford, and report at the next Grand Communication. After solemn prayer, the Grand Lodge was closed, and ad- journed to Grand Lodge in course, A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 1818.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 295 OCTOBER SESSION, 1818. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 14th day of Odober, A. D. 1818, and of Mafonry 5818 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Grand Master. R. W. JAMES WARD, Deputy Grand Master. RALPH I. INGERSOLL, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. THOMAS K. BRACE, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretaiy. ENOCH FOOT, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. LEMUEL WHITMAN, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. Bev. MENZIES RAYNER, Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT : Ralph I. IngersoU, M., James Carrington, S. W., John Hunt, 2d, J. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Enoch Foot, proxy M., Moses K. Bottsford, S. W., St. John's, No. 3, Fairfield. Thomas K. Brace, M., Horatio G. Hale, proxy S. W., Chas. Babcock, J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. James Stevens, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Benjamin Isaacs, proxy M., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathaniel Perry, M., King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury. Ashbel Baldwin proxy M., St. John's, No. 8, Stratford. Amos Dutton, M., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford, Samuel A. Peters, M., Wooster, No. 10, Colchester. Phineas Lord, proxy M., Timothy CoUins, S. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. Sheldon Curtis, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 296 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. Lemuel Whitman, M., George Norton, J. W., Frederick, No. 14, Farmington. Andrew Harris, M., Moriali, No. 15, Canterbury. Charles Shelton, M., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Isaac B. Castle, jDroxy M., Fedei-al, No. 17, Watertown. Menzies Eayner, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Kichard Wilcox, M., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Gerardus Booth, M., Ezra Noble, S. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Archibald A. Perkins, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. Erastus Smith, M., St. James, No. 23, Preston. Eliphalet Young, proxy S. W., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. Henry Dayton, proxy J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury. Jesse Bigelow, proxy J. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Had- dam. Warren E, Fowler, proxy M., Eising Sun, No. 27, AVashing- ton. Henry Kilbourn, proxy M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Norman Bidwell, M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Jacob Whiting, M., Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Lyman Law, M, Thomas H. Gushing, S. W., John Smith, J. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Martin Cook, M., Friendship, No. 33, Southington. James Cushman M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Wm. C. Abernathy M., Eoswell Alford, S. W., Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton. Joshua E. Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Nathaniel Stevens, M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Amos Seward, M., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Nathan J. Bennett, M., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Wm. Cook, proxy M., Union, No. 40, Danbury. Noah Lacey, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Silas Judd, M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Joshua Smith, proxy M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham. Peter Comstock, proxy M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. 1818.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 297 Abel Wheeler, proxy M., Samuel Wire, J. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Abel Beacb, proxy M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Joshua King, proxy M., Jerusalem, No. 49, Kidgefield. Simon House, proxy M., Warren, No. 50, Andover. William Lynde, M., Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook. Amos Williams, proxy M., Daniel Packer, proxy S. W., George Hubbard, proxy J. W., Widow's Son, No. 53, North Stonington. Oliver Kellogg, proxy M., Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon. Adna Beach, Jr., proxy M., Seneca, No. 55, Torrington. Forty-nine Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FOKM. After veiy solemn and impressive prayer by the Grand Chap- lain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry. The business before the Grand Lodge was ordered to be brought forward. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication to examine the Master elect of a new Lodge that was then granted to be established in the town of Bristol, reported that they had made the examination, and found him to be well quahfied ; whereupon, ordered, that a charter be issued to those petitioners, forming them into a just and regular Lodge, to be holden in said town of Bristol, that our Worshipful Bro. George Mitchel be first Master, and the Wardens confirmed in their re- spective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of said petition- ers — the Lodge to be known and designated by the name of "Franklin Lodge, No. 56." The j)etition from the brethren residing in the borough of Stonington, which was presented at the Grand Communication in May last, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in that borough, and continued to this time, was again introduced and read. After some discussion, and on motion, it was again continued. On the petition and representation of Harmony Lodge, No. 38 298 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Oct. 42, Waterbury, presented at the Grand Communication in May last, stating the many and great inconveniences they experience in alternating the place of holding said Lodge ; and further stating that they had agreed on a committee composed of the Masters of several adjacent Lodges, to view their local situation, and report to the Grand Lodge, at what place, in their opinion, said Lodge ought to be permanently established ; the report of which committee was introduced, read, accepted and approved. Whereupon, it was resolved, that Harmony liodge, No. 42, be held in future at or near the center of the parish of Salem, in said town of Waterbury, during the pleasure of the Grand Lodge ; anything variant or to the contrary in their charter notwithstanding. The Grand Secretary reported that sundry penalties had been incurred by different Lodges, for non-attendance at the last Grand Communication, and for not making returns. The rea- sons for those omissions having been severally stated, the pen- alties were all remitted. Sundry communications were introduced by the M. W. Grand Master, which he had received, on the subject of raising funds from the several Lodges in this and other States, for the pur- pose of aiding the Foreign Bible Society in the translation and distribution of the Holy Scriptures in heathen countries — all of which were read. Several brethren made remarks thereon, who strongly felt the importance and utility of such a measure, but considered the plan, in all its parts and bearings, not sufficiently matured to go into operation at this time ; whereupon, on mo- tion, further consideration was postponed. Application was made by St. Mark's Lodge, No. 36, for per- mission to hold said Lodge either in the town of Granby, or in the town of Simsbury, as said Lodge shall by their vote direct ; which application was negatived. The petition of Bro. Samuel Bailey, a member of Somerset Lodge, No. 34, Norwich, was introduced and read, in which it is stated that he has two daughters, born deaf and dumb, who are now at the Asylum in Hartford ; that his pecuniary means are small, but by the assistance of friends and his own exertions I [1818. GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 299 he liad been enabled to keep and support them at that school of instruction for about one j^ear ; that his funds are now nearly- exhausted ; that he wishes and is advised by friends to continue them there longer if possible, but his means are wholly inade- quate ; whereupon, he j)rays Grand Lodge to extend to him the charitable hand of assistance. After very few remarks, it was ordered, that one hundred dollars be paid from the funds of this Lodge to Bro. Bailey, to be used for the purpose mentioned in his said petition. The Grand Lodge granted, on the petition of John C. Fair- child, an aged and indigent brother, member of St. John's Lodge, No. 8, Stratford, the sum of twenty dollars, to be placed in the hands of Eev. Bro. Ashbel Baldwin, and at his discretion ex- pended for the petitioner's benefit. After solemn prayer, the Grand Lodge was closed, and ad- journed to Grand Lodge in course. A true copy from the minutes, JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. 300 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, MAY SESSION, 1819. At a half-yearly communication of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 19th day of May, A. D. 1819, and of Mafonry, 5819: OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Grand Master. R. W. JAMES WARD, Deputy Grand Master. JAMES BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden. RALPH I. INGERSOLL, Junior Grand Warden, HENRY CHAMPION, Grand Treasurer. JOHN MIX, Grand Secretary. THOMAS K. BRACE, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. JAMES M. GOODWIN, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. Rev.Br.MENZIES RAYNER, Grand Chaplain. MEMBERS PRESENT .* James Carrington, M., Laban Smith, proxy S. W., Hiram, No. 1, New Haven. Samuel Cooper, M., Epaphras Clark, proxy S. W., Horace Clark, proxy J. W., St. John's, No. 2, Middletown. James M. Goodwin, M., Nathan Morgan, S. W., Elizur Goodrich, Jr., J. W., St. John's, No. 4, Hartford. Isaac Lockwood, proxy M., Union, No. 5, Greenwich. Benjamin Isaacs, proxy S. W., St. John's, No. 6, Norwalk. Nathan Preston, proxy S. W., King Solomon's, No. 7, Wood- bury. Caleb Cook, S. W., Compass, No. 9, Wallingford, Newall Tainter, S. W., David F. Wilds, proxy J. W., Woos- ter, No. 10, Colchester. Phineas Lord, proxy J. W., St. Paul's, No. 11, Litchfield. James Smith, proxy M., King Hiram, No. 12, Derby. 1819.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 301 Wm. M. Burwell, proxy M., Montgomery, No. 13, Salisbury. Lemuel Whitman, M., Frederick, No. 14, FaiTaington. Daniel Frost, Jr., M., Moriah, No. 15, Canterbury. Charles Shelton, M., Stephen Jarvis, S. W., Temple, No. 16, Cheshire. Kansom Blakesley, J. W., Federal, No. 17, Watertown. Daniel Blackman, M., Hiram, No. 18, Newtown. Eli L. Hawley, M., Washington, No. 19, Huntington. Luther Beckley, M., Eeuben North, S. W., Chauncey Ship- man, J. W., Harmony, No. 20, Berlin. Eli Todd, proxy M., Philo S. Hicox, proxy S. W., William Prime, proxy J. W., St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford. Eeuben Judd, M., Hart's, No. 22, Woodbridge. James Cook, proxy M., St. James', No. 23, Preston. Edmund Freeman, proxy M., Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield. George Merrick, proxy M., Oliver Brainard, proxy S. W., Henry Dayton, proxy J. W., Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury. William Cook, M., Chevers Brainard, proxy J. W., Columbia, No. 26, East Haddam. Samuel Leavit, proxy M., Kising Sun, No. 27, Washington. Daniel Hayden, M., Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor. Jared Mills, proxy M., Village, No. 29, New Hartford. Jacob Whiting, M., Day spring. No. 30, Hamden. LjTiian Law, M., Thomas H. Cushing, S. W., George H. Eichards, proxy J. W., Union, No. 31, New London. Judah Eldred, proxy M., Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren. James Cushman, M., Somerset, No. 34, Norwich. Joshua E. Jewett, M., St. Mark's, No. 36, Granby. Nathaniel Stevens, proxy M., Western Star, No. 37, Norfolk. Jeremiah Parmelee, S. W., St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford. Hezekiah Eeed, proxy S. W., Billy Comstock, Jr., J. W., Ark, No. 39, Weston. Zalmon Wildman, proxy S. W., Union, No. 40, Danbury. William Meeker, proxy M., Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. Lemuel Harrison, proxy M., Harmony, No. 42, Waterbury. Amaziah Bray, M., Trinity, No. 43, Killingworth. Gurdon Tracy, M., Eastern Star, No. 44, Windham, 302 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Samuel B. Mather, M., Pythagoras, No. 45, Lyme. Ingoldsby W. Crawford, M., Putnam, No. 46, Pomfret. Abel Wheeler, S. W., Morning Star, No. 47, Oxford. Philo Mills, M., St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent. Samuel Simons, M., Jasper Fitch, S. W., Aaron D. Tarbox, proxy J. W., Warren, No. 50, Andover. Benjamin Hurd, M., Ebenezer Force, J. W., Warren No. 51, Chatham. Samuel F. Denison, M., Amos Williams, S. W., Geo. Hub- bard, J. W., Widow's Son, No. 63, North Stonington. Oliver Kellogg, M,, Ansel Sterling, proxy S. W., Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon. Luman Wakefield, M., Seneca, No. 55, Torrington. Philip Gaylord, M., Franklin, No. 56, Bristol. Fifty Lodges represented. IN AMPLE FORM. The G-rand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree, with an impressive prayer by the Grand Chaplain. Right Worshipful Bro, James Ward, Deputy Grand Master, manifested a desire not to be considered as a candidate for ap- pointment to any office in this Grand Lodge, at the same time expressed the high sense of gratitude with which he was im- pressed by the confidence Grand Lodge had placed in him, and for the several offices to which he had been appointed'therein. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the ensuing year, when ballots were collected, and the brethren hereafter named declared duly elected to the seve- ral offices affixed to ther names, viz : M. W. Oliver Wolcott, Grand Master. R. W. Lyman Law, Deputy Grand Master. " Thomas H. Cushing, Senior Grand Warden. " Ralph I. Ingersoll, Junior Grand Warden. " Henry Champion, Grand Treasurer. " John Mix, Grand Secretary. 1819.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 303 The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : Br. Guy Bigelow, Senior Grand Deacon. Br. Thomas K. Brace, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. Menzies Rayner^ Grand Chaplain. The petition of the brethren residing in and near the borough of Stonington, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge at that place, which was continued from the last Grand Commu- nication, was introduced and read, with the documents accom- panying it. After sundry remarks, it was ordered, that a char- ter be granted, forming those petitioners into a just and regular Lodge, to be holden within the said borough, and that our Worshipful Bro. William Robinson be first Master, and the Wardens confirmed in their respective appointments, agreeably to the prayer of said petitioners ; the Lodge to be known and designated by the name of "Asylum Lodge, No. 57." The Grand Secretary reported that sundry penalties had been incurred by omissions at the last Grand Communication. The reasons for those omissions having been severally stated, the penalties were all remitted. A petition from Village Lodge, No. 29, praying for permis- sion to move the same from the town of New Hartford, where it is now established, into the town of Canton, was presented and read. After some discussion, and on motion, resolved, that the petition be granted, and that said Lodge in future be holden at the village of Canton, during the pleasure of Grand Lodge. A petition was presented from the brethren in Suflfield, pray- ing for the establishment of a new Lodge in that town ; after having been read, and on motion, it was continued to the next Grand Communication. A petition for the establishment of a new Lodge in the town of Barkhamsted, signed by the brethren residing in that and sundry adjacent towns, was presented and read, and on motion, continued to the next Grand Communication. The committee appointed at the Grand Communication in May last, to ascertain what ought to be paid by Grand Lodge 304 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, for the use of Masonic Hall in the city of Hartford, reported, that in their opinion, twenty-five dollars for each time Grand Lodge assembled there, would be ample compensation to the proprietors, and recommended the payment of that sum accord- ingly ; which report was accejjted and approved, and the Grand Treasurer directed to pay the Treasurer of St. John's Lodge, No. 4, Hartford, the sum of twenty-five dollars from the funds of this Grand Lodge for each time their Communications shall be holden at said hall, until Grand Lodge shall otherwise direct. On the subject of changing the regular communications of the Grand Lodge from semi-annual to annual, the following resolu- tions were adopted : Resolved, That in future there shall be but one communication of this Grand Lodge in a year, viz : on the second Wednesday in Ma}', annually, alternately at the cities of Hartford and New Haven, at which time the officers of Grand Lodge shall be chosen ; and that the next annual communication be holden at the city of New Haven, on the second Wednesday in May, A. L. 5820, anything contained in the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge to the contrary notwith- standing. Provided, however, that nothing is to be understood hereby which takes away the power from the Grand Master, or officer executing his duties, of calling a special Grand Lodge, at any time and place, whenever he may consider it necessary an, however, a written statement rela- tive to said dispute ; and said arbitrators then proceeded, in the absence of said agent, to examine said accounts and make up their award as aforesaid ; and neither said Lodge, nor their agent ever saw said accounts of said Close, and never had any opportunity to examine or object to the same, until said award was presented to said Lodge as above stated. The committee deem it improper for them to express any opinion upon the mer- its of this pecuniary controversy, it being a subject not submitted to their consid- sideration, and therefore not within their province to decide. But Mobile they forbear to say whether the arbitrators did or did not find the true balance due from said Close to said Lodge, it may be propar to state, that in their judgment, the said Lodge had a right to be heard by their agent before the arbitrators upon the matters submitted ; and that as their agent was prevented from being so heard, the award made under such circumstances was of no validity, and there- fore that the Lodge were justifiable in refusing to accept it. It would seem that in thus proceeding to make up their award upon an exparte hearing, the arbitrators must have considered themselves rather as an ordinary committee to settle the accounts between the Lodge and their Treasurer, than as arbitrators mutually chosen to decide a controversy between the parties ; but to the committee there appears to be a wide difference between the two cases. They also find, that independently of the controversy in question, the character of said Clore stands fair and unimpeached, both as a man and as a Mason. Upon the whole the committee are of opinion : 1st, that said vote of expulsion against Bro. Henry Close, ought to be revoked by the Grand Lodge. 2d, That in order to restore harmony among the brethren of Union Lodge, at Stamford, it is necessary that the controversy regarding the amount of the funds of said Lodge In the hands of said Close, be speedily settled. They therefore propose, and re- commend for adoption by this Grand Lodge the three resolutions or votes annex- ed to this report. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT FAIRCHILD,) BENJAMLN ISAACS, V Committee. REUBEN BOOTH. ) Fairfield, April 20, 1824. The foregoing report was accepted by the Grand Lodge, but the resolutions accompanying the same were not agreed to. Whereupon, it was ordered, that the report be recommitted to the same committee, with instructions to inquire into the pecuniary difficulties between said Henry Close and said Union Lodge, and report the result of their inquiries at the next an- nual communication. 1824.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 357 On the petition of members of Seneca Lodge, No. 55, pray- ing for an amendment of their charter, it was ordered, that an alteration be made in said charter, by the Grand Secretary, by erasing the words, "at the house of Bro. Stephen Fyler." The petition of brethren in Fairfield and vicinity, praying for the establishment of a Lodge in the village of Saugatuck, by the name of " Temple, No. 65," was taken up, considered, and granted. A report from the auditing committee was presented, read and accepted^ as follows : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut. The subscriber, one of a committee of three, appointed to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, reports, that in the absence of two of this committee, to wit, Brs. Henry W. Edwards and Hector Humphrey, he has attended to the duties assigned to said Committee, and finds that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge and received by the Grand Secretary, have been accounted for by him, and paid over to the Grand Treasurer ; and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance in cash of nine hundred and four dollars and twenty-eight cents, and eight shares in Hartford Bank. All of which is respectfully submitted, WILLIAM W. BOARDMAN, Committee. The report of the committee appointed to revise the Consti- tution and By-Laws, which was laid over from the last Grand Communication, and ordered to be printed and distributed to the several Lodges, was called up, and after some discussion, as to the propriety and expediency of dividing the State into Ma- sonic Districts, so much of the Constitution as relates to that Bubject was stricken out and rejected. The report, thus amend- ed, was again postponed, and ordered to be again submitted to the subordinate Lodges. Kev. Bro. Menzies Kayner presented the vote of Washington Lodge, No. 19, appointing himself and Bro. Lemuel Sherman a committee to procure an alteration of the charter of said Lodge, 80 as to embrace the towns of Huntington and Monroe ; where- upon, it was ordered, that said Lodge have liberty to alter their charter, by erasing the town of Huntington and substituting the town of Monroe. The widow of our late Bro. Amaziah Bray, being represented 358 GRAITD LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J, as in a very destitute situation, it was resolved, that the sum of fifty dollars be appropriated to her relief from the funds of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary reported, that no returns were received at the last Grand Communication from Trinty Lodge, No. 43, Warren, No. 51, and Mount 01ive,'No. 52. Excuses from No. 51 and No. 52, were offered, and they were both excused from penalty. Brs. James Carrington, William W. Boardraan, and Nahum Flagg, were appointed a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, and report at the next Grand Communication. The business of the session being finished, solemn prayer was offered by the Rev. Grand Chaplain, and the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. 1824.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 359 RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven — James Carrington, W. M., Charles A. Ingersoll, S. W., James C. Parker, J. W. Initiated — Harvey Treat, Willard Lyon, William Love, Jr., Francis Kellet, Isaac Tuttle, James Eaton, Anson T. Colt, Daniel Tuttle, Lee Dunning. Admii- ted — Joseph Wilson, Leonard Curtis, Asa Buddington, Chauncey Cook. Expell- ed — Samuel M. Thomas, Cliarles B. Lines, Philip Salisbury, Thomas Dougal, Geo. Sharpe, Joshua R. Gore, George Stafford. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Samuel Cooper, W. M., Horace Clark, S. W., Samuel Spaulding, J. W. Initiated — Dana Reed, Giles Brainard, Jr., Merori Hayden, Andrew W. Hen- shaw, David Spencer, Jr., William Cory, Caleb Miller, Jr., Samuel D. Sizer, Nel- son Thayer, Horace Wright, Hezekiah L. Hosmer, Ansel Harris, Richard Fenner, Augustus P. Jones, Henry Johnson. Admitted — Rev. James A. Boswell, Solo- mon Jones. Suspended — Chauncey C. Beebe. Expelled — Charles Barber. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Samuel Stratton, W. M., C. Foote, S. W., A. Wallace, J. W. Initiated — Sara'l Hodges, Lewis C. Segee, EliphaletW. Bradley, HanfordLyon, Joseph C. Nichols, Alexander Mather. Admitted — Daniel B. Oviatt. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— George Putnam, W. M., Denison Morgan, S. W., Daniel P. Hopkins, J. W. Initiated — Charles Y. Hempstead, John Stanwood. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— Peter Brown, W. M., William Wilmot, S. W., Sands Adams, J. W. Initiated — Joseph H. Leeds, Joshua B. Ferris, Truman Downs, Hardy Louns- bury, Hiram Lounsburj'^, Rufus Jones. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Stephen Smith, W. M., Henry Selleck, S. W,, Philo Price, J. W. Initiated — Elisha L. Silliman, John A. McLean, Horatio Ward, David B. Thorp, Asa E. Smith, Eli Reed, Charles Hunter, David Low, John Stewart, John Evers- ley, Jr., Edwin Benedict, Asahel Dunning, Charles Arnold, Isaac M. Sturges, George G. Bishop. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Matthias Nicoll, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S, W., Benjamin Fairchild, J. W. Initiated — three. 360 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, COMPASS, No. 9, Wallingford— Lyman Parker, W. M., Elisha M. Pomeroy, S. W., Caleb Cook, J. W. Initiated — Norman Munson. WOOSTER, No. 10, Colcliester— Amherst D. Scovill, W. M., Frederick Morgan, S. W., Samuel H. Fox, J. W. Initiated — Star Easton, William Latham, .Albert Cone, Pomeroy Hall, John F. Chester, John Chapman, Philip Smith, Russell Chapman, Marvin W. Hutchins, E. W. Brownell, Eli Gates, Enos Gates, George N. Bigalow, Robert S. Blish, Shubael Brown. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Phineas Lord, W. M., Phineas B. Taylor, S. W., Frederick Buel, J. W. Initiated — Leman Westover, John M'Colley, Beach Spencer, Samuel G. Bray- man, William Pardee, Eleazer G. Doolittle. Admitted — Benjamin Kilbourn. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— Jeremiah French, W. M., Henry Downs, S. W., George Blakeman, J. W. Initiated — James Mix, Daniel P. Merriam. MONTGOMERY, No. 13, Salisbury— John Barney, W. M., Luther Ticknor, S. W., Hiel Rowly, J. W. Itiitiated — John Brinsmade, Jr., Harvey Brendy, Edward I. Fish, Lyman F. Loveland, Abijah C. Peet, Uriah Beach, Horace K. Hubbard, Lewis L. Reed, Chester Granger, Daniel S. Clapp, Jabez Jacqua. Admitted — Hiram Reynolds, Isaac Hollister, Calvin Chapman. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— John Mix, W. M., Allen Woodruff, S. W., Joel Steel, J. W. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— Uriel Fuller, W. M., David C. Bolles, S. W., Nelson Palmer, J. W. Initiated — Harris Arnold, Nathaniel Briggs, Cyrus Peckham. TEMPLE, No. 16, Cheshire— Charles A. Stanley, W. M., Elnathan Beach, S. W., Lucius Chittenden, J. W. Initiated — Cyrus Bradley. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown — John Buckingham, W. M., Alanson Warren, S. W., Silas Hoadley, J. W. Initiated — Virtue Clark. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Squire Dibble, W. M., McPherson Sherman, S. W., Philo Baldwin, J. W. Initiated — Henry Judson, Ezra Bray, John Wallis, Rev. Bennett Glover, Thos. Blackraan, Rufus Skidmore, Theodore B. Botsford, Elam Wheeler, John Nash, Marcus B. Summers, William Hays. WASHINGTON, No. 19, Monroe— Lemuel Sherman, W. M., David Hawley, S. W., Alonzo Sherwood, J. W. Initiatedr—RdLTTY Burton, Wheeler Cable, George Peck, Ezra Kirtland, Lucius C. Hyde, William Booth, Elihu Hubbell, Abel Wakely, Christopher N. Shelton, Henry S. Hubbell. 1824.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 361 HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Oirin Beckley, W. M., Moses D. Seymour, S. W., Abijah Flagg, J. W. Initiated — Philip Lee, Ira E. Smith, Samuel Recor, Adna G. Andrus. ST. PETER'S, No. 21, New Milford— Clark Hiue, W. M., Edward Hunt, S. W., Charles A. Randall J. W. Initiated — Oliver W. Pickett. HART^S, No. 22, Woodbridge— A. A. Perkins, W. M., Hezekiah Thomas, Jr., S. W., Isaac Warren, J. W. Initiated — Oliver H. Stoddard. Suspended — Nathaniel Richardson, Thomas S. Bevens. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Erastus Williams, W. M., Mason White, S. W., Thomas Prentice, Jr., J. W. Initiated — Amos Morgan, George Sidleman, Thomas M. SafFord, Matthew G. Wibber, John C. Tibbetts, Lucius Tyler, Russel Hebard, Bonaparte Campbell, Henry C. Ames, Peter F. Bradford. Expelled — Elisha Tucker. URIEL, No. 24, Mansfield— John Fitch, W. M., Elisha Brigham, S. W., Jasper Gilbert, J. W. Initiated — Alfred Hartshorn, Asa Lyon, Harding Herrick, Amasa B. Cone. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Henry Dayton, W. M., George Merrick, S. W., George Ball, J. W. Initiated — Imley Covell, Hiram Watkins, Alviu Hunt, George M. Carr. COLUMBIA, No. 26, East Haddam— William Cook, W. M., Elijah Ackley, Jr., S. W., Nehemiah Dickinson, J. W. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— Daniel B. Brinsmade, W. M., Stiles Titus, S. W., Daniel A. Ryan, J. W. Initiated — .Johnson C. Hatch, Lewis Hickox. Admitted — Frederick J. Fenn. Suspended — Alva S. Warner. MORNING STAR, No. 28, East Windsor— Jabez Collins, W. M., William Par- sons, S. W., Elisha M. Jencks, J. W. Initiated — Harvey Terry, Jonathan Button, Jr., Seth King, Harmon Terry, Roswell Terry, 2d, Ebenezer Metcalf. Admitted — Henry Kingsbury, Samuel Knight. VILLAGE, No. 29, Canton— Decius Humphreys, W. M., Orrin B. Freeman, S. W., Ansel Humphrey, Jr., J. W. Initiated — Elias Woodford, Orrin Humphreys, Riverious Douglass, John Merrit. DAYSPRING, No. 30, Hamden— Jacob Whiting, W. M., Joseph C. Burk, S. W., Lewis Goodyear, J. W. Initiated — Allen Tirrell, Joel Munson, Leverett Hotchkiss. UNION, No. 31, New London— John French, W. M., Charles Butler, S. W., Ephraim H. Babcock, J. W. Initiated — John Danforth, Isaac Shepard, William H. Clark, James Lamphier, William Leeds. Expelled — Joseph Bolles. 46 362 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, MERIDIAN SUN, No. 32, Warren— Sherman Hartwell, W. M., Adoniram Car- ter, S. W., Robert Hoyt, J. W. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Martin Cook, W. M., Seth Clark, S. W., Roswell Cook. J. W. SOMERSET, No. 34, Norwich— William P. Eaton, W. M., Thomas Hutchins, S. W., Frederick Prentice, J. AV. Initiated — John Yale, Chester Tilden, Alpheus Kingsley, Jr. Expelled — Wm. Gordon. AURORA, No. 35, Harwinton— Guy R. Sanford, W. M., Willard Hitchcock, S. W., William S. Goodsell, J. W. ST. MARK'S, No. 3G, Granby— James 0. Pond, W. M., Joseph Smith, S. W., John T. Rockwell, J. W. Initiated — Allen Reed, Josiah Searles, Burr. WESTERN STAR, No. 37, Norfolk— Jeremiah W. Phelps, W. M., Benjamin Welch, S. W., Earl Pease, J. W. Initiated — Hiram Moses, John Elmore, Jr., Josiah Brinsmade, Benjamin Welch, Jr., John A. Shepherd, Augustus Smith, Watson Northrop, Stephen Holt, 2d, Obadiah Pease, Aaron Hosmer, Andrew 11. Smith, John T. Warner, Eiizur Dowd, Rev. Stephen Peet, James R. Lewis, Horatio N. Witherell, Benjamin C. Cross, Abraham C. Hewitt. Admitted — William Burt, Julius Beach. ST. ALBAN'S, No. 38, Guilford— Merrit Foot, W. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W., Tabour Smith, J. W. Initiated — Joel Potter. Expelled — Simeon Leete. ARK, No. 39, Weston— Edward Couch, W. M., Ira Baldwin, S. W., Sturges Johnson, J. W. Initiated — B. A. Darling, Rev. L. B. Hull, Alfred Rockwell, Jonathan Crofutt, E. H. Fenner. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Reuben Booth, W. M., Ira B. Wildman, S. W., Lewis Taylor, J. W. Initiated — Matthew R. Gilbert, Thomas M. Gregory, Hubbel Wildnien, Andrew S. Wells, Ira Barnum, Jr., George W. Clark, Henry Patch. Admitted — Philo Lyon. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Andrew Adams, W. M., Elias Ford, S. W., Harvey Judd, J. W. Initiated — Lemuel Smith, Harvey Scott, William Bunnell. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Thomas Clark W. M., William Webb, S. W., Vine Hovey, J. W. Initiated— George Payne, Henry B. Williams, George W. Wolcott, Asahel Rockwell, Marvin W. Minard, Daniel Gager, Benjamin Hill, John M. Woodworth, Simeon Peckham, Lucius Abbe, Zina G. Payne. Suspended — Andrew Baker, Chauncey G. Abbott, Samuel Dorrance. Expelled — Gurdon Hebbard. 1824.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 363 PUTNAM, No. 4G, Pomfret— Asa May, W. M., Andrew A. Williams, S. W., Ezra Cliilcl, J. W. Initiated — George Seagraves, Jacob Green, Gnj' Gleason, Benjamin E. Bowen, Samuel Fenner. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Chauncey M. Hatch, W. M., David M. Clark, S. W., Treat Bradley, J. W. Initiated Sylvester, B. Lindley, Thomas Dutton, Harvey Bunnell, Daniel Smith, Josepli Lounsbury, Noah Stone. Admitted — Shelden Bristol. Suspended — Cyrus Perry. Hezekiah C. Peck. ST. LUKE'S, No. 48, Kent— Wells Beardsley, W. M., Luther Skiff, S. W., Elijah Barton, J. W. Initiated — Welcome Geer, Walter Randall. Admitted — Hubbell Miller, JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— Philip Bradley, AV. M., Czar Jones, S. W., Stephen Ohnstead, J. W. Initiated — David Keeler, Thomas Hollingshead. Gamaliel Smith. Admitted — Hezekiah Scott. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— Chauncey Burgess, W. M., Edwin M. Hollister, S. W., Cyrus Mann, J. W. Initiated — Orriu Hunt. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Samuel Simons, W. M., Ira Lee, S. W., Nathaniel C. Smith, J. W. Initiated — Braddock Strong, Nelson C. Daniels, Nathaniel C. Smith, Hiram Barton, William R. Smith, Hiram Markham. MOUNT OLIVE, No. 52, Saybrook— William Lynde, W. M., Pliny Hamant, S. AV., Levi Dickinson, J. AV. Initiated — Samuel AV. Pratt, Jr., Ulysses AV. Mather, Daniel D. Perkins, Titus C. Pratt, Henry G. Kirtland. Admitted — ^Horace Stillman. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Ahsel Coats, AV. M., Thomas P. AVattles, S. AV., John D. Gallup, J. AV. Initiated — Edward York, Joel Pitcher, Pitts D. Frink. Admitted — Thomas P. Chapman, Rev. Levi AValker. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington — Aaron Smith, AV. M., Luman Hinman, S. W., Georixe W. Bull, J. W. Initiated — Uri Taylor, Ethel North, James P. Collins, Roswell Birge, James H. Seymour. Nathan AV. Hammond. Admitted — Henry AVhitman, Edward Pier- pout, George W. Bull, Robert Martin. ASA'LUM, No. 57, Stonington Borough — Francis Amy, AV. M., Elisha Faxon, Jr., S. AV., AV. Hyde, J. AV. Initiated— io\\\\ Burrows, Jr., Dudley Stark, Joseph Cottrell, Benjamin Ellison, Elani Eldridge, Eldridge Dewolfe, Henry .A.shby, Nathan Eidiidge, Samuel Welch, William Kemp, Richard Beuuet, Lyman Dudley. 364 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsterl— Drayton Jones, W. M., JabinFord, S. W., Amos Beeclier. Jr., J. W. Initiated — Lester Humphrey, Hector Taylor, Thaddeus A. Carter, David Lane, Roger S. Hungerford, Horace Wilder, Ahira Case, Humplirey Phelps, Linus Gid- dings, Duncan Wilson. Admitted — Lyman Merrell. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Andrew Denison, W. M., Barlow Rose, S. W., Curtis Rose, J. W. Initiated — Albert Kent, John Cross. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— William Field, W. M., Richard Stroud, S. W., Charles S. Thompson, J. W. Initiated— Isaac McNarry, Alden L. Skinner, Elias L. Rockwell, Thomas Pat- terson, John Perrin, H. A. Hamilton, Rev. Martin Tupper, Rev. Ebenezer Thrasher, Jr. Admitted — Alba Burnham, Rufus G. Avery. Suspended— J osei)h Smith, 2d. Expelled — Jeduthan Parkess. OLIVE BRANCH, No. 61, Goshen— John H. Collins, W. M., Myron Harrison, S. W., Seth Thompson, J. W. Initiated — Amasa N. Chapin, Wm. Parmile, Joshua G. Driscoll, Jason Cross. Admitted — Isaac H. Sterling. ORIENT, No. 62, East Hartford— Martin Stanley, W. M., Henry Phelps, S. W., Ozias Roberts. J. W. Initiated — Lewis Mills, Ebenezer G. Marble, Russell Wyles, Erastus Vorra, Whiting Risley, Solomon W. Olcott. ADELPHI, No. 63, New Haven— William H. Jones, W. M., William W. Board- man, S. W., Nahum Flagg, J. W. Initiated — Alfred King, John Nichols, AVilliam Chapman, Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Augustus R. Street, Dennis Kimberly, George Spaulding, Linus Child, Ebenezer Hancock, Rt. Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, Edward Kenne, James B. Hoods. Admitted — Alvin Wilcox, John Boyd, Marcus Escopiniche, Edward Leffingwell, Thomas W. Thomas, John W. Marshall, John Perow. ST. ANDREW'S, No. 64, Winsted— Josiah Smith, W. M., Hosea Hinsdale, S. W., Luman AVaketiekl, J. W. Initiated — Elisha A. Morgan, David Munson, Jr., John Ellsworth, Jr., Thomas E. Ellsworth, Daniel G. Humphrey, Jr., Benjamin Twiss, George H. Clark, Wm. Lees, Uri Bailey, Benjamin Dealing, George W. Austin, William S. Boyd, Royal Syraons, Nathan Champion. Elisha Avery. Suspended — Dudley Sullivan. 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 365 ANNUAL SESSION, 1825. At an Annual Communication of the Moll Worlliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the nth day of May, A. D. 1825, and of Mafonry 5825 : OFFICERS PRESENT. M. W. RALPH I. ]NGERSOLL, Grand Master. R. W. ELIZUR GOODRICH, Jr., Deputy Grand Master. " DANIEL B. BRINSMADE, Senior Grand Warden. " JAMES CARRINGTON, Junior Grand Warden. '^ LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. JAMES M. GOODWIN, Senior Grand Deacon. REUBEN BOOTH, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. Rev. MENZIES RAYNER, Grand Chaplain. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Charles A. Ingersoll, Thomas G. Woodward, David Kimherly. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Hezekiah L. Hosmer. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Samuel Simons. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Samuel G. Goodrich, Daniel P. Hopkins, Nathan Colton. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Simeon H. Miner. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Benjamin Isaacs, Thomas Reed, Samuel Raymond. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodhury — Charles B. Phelps. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford— Rev. Ashhel Baldwin, Wm. Shel- ton, Robert Fairchild. No. 9, Compass, Wallingford — Elisha M. Pomeroy, Frederick Lewis, Medad C. Munson. 366 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, No. 10, Wooster, Colcliestcr — Amherst D. Scovill, Samuel H. Fox. No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield— David Marsh, Frederick Buel. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby— Henry Downs, James Smith. No. 13, Montgomery, Salisbury — John Barney, Luther Ticknor, Samuel Church. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — John Mix. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Bela Spalding, David C. BoUes. No. 16, Temple, Cheshire — Charles A. Stanley. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Alanson Warren. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Wheeler Fairchild. No. 19, Washington, Huntington — Cyrus H. Beardsley. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Ira E. Smith, Abijah Flagg. No. 21, St. Peter's, New Milford— Briggs Ingersoll. No. 22, Hart's, Woodbridge — Archibald A. Perkins. No. 23, St. James', Preston — Erastus Williams. No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield — Daniel Burnham, Hiram Rider. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — Ruel Richardson. No. 26, Columbia, East Haddam — Anson C. Palmer. No. 27, Rising Sun, Washington — Warren R. Fowler, Freder- ick J. Fenn. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Jabez Collins. No. 29, Villao-e, Canton — Orrin B. Freeman. No. 30, Dayspring, Hamden — Jacob Whiting, Joseph C. Burke. No. 31, Union, New London — Frederick Lee, Nathaniel S. Per- kins. No. 32, Meridian Sun, Warren — Manly Peters. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Alpheus S. Brocket, Orrin Pearl. No. 34, Somerset, Norwich — Wm. P. Eaton, David Tracy, Asa Child. No. c5, Aurora, Harwinton — Uriah Hopkins, Joel G. Candee. No. 36, St. ]\Iark's, Granby— Daniel B. Holcomb, Pliram R. Pettibone, Joseph F. Jewett. No. 37, Western Star, Norfolk — Joseph Battell, James Shep- herd. No. 38, St. Alban's, Guilford— Merit Foot, Calvin Frisbie. 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 367 No. 39, Ark, Weston — John B. Merrit, Stiirges Fanton. No. 40, Union, Danbuiy — Reuben Booth, No. 41, Federal, Brookfiekl — Wm. Meeker. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Andrew Adams, Israel Coe. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — William Webb, Chauncey F. Cleaveland. No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Thomas Hubbard, Samuel Dresser, Ebenezer Stoddard. , Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire. , St Luke's, Kent— John H. Swift. , Jerusalem, Ridgefield — Wm. Crocker. , Warren, Andover — Leonard Hendee, Sherman McLean, Samuel 0. Hollister, , Warren, Chatham — Frederick Morgan, Ira Lee. , Mount Olive, Saybrook — Pliny Hammant. , Widow's Son, North Stonington — Coddington Billings, , Hamilton, Sharon — Ansel Sterling. , Seneca, Torrington — Grcorge W. Bull, William North, Russel C. Abernathy. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Cornelius B. Andrews, Leicester C. Carrington, Isaac Merriam. No, 57, Asylum, Stonington — G-eorge Hubbard, No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Amos Beecher, Drayton Jones, Ezekiel Alderman. No. 59, Apollo, Sufifield — Wm. C. Gay, Asahel Hatheway, Jr., Luther Loomis. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford— Wm. Field, Richard Stroud, Jere- miah Parish. No. 61, Olive Branch, Goshen — Truman Star, Peter Bierce, No, 63, Adelphi, New Haven — William H, Jones, William W. Boardman. No, 64, St, Andrew's, Winsted — Luman Wakefield, James M, Boyd, Wm. S. Holabird. No. 65, Temple, Saugatuck — Lewis N. Nash. No, 47 No, 48 No, 49 No, 50 No, 51 No. 52 No. 53 No, 54 No, 55 368 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, IN DUE AND AMPLE FORM. After prayer by tlie Grand Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, by the M. W. Grand Master. The M. W. Ralph I. Ingerspll signified his wish to retire from the duties of the chair, and not be considered a candidate for office at this time. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots having been taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, and installed accordingly, viz : M. W. Elizur Goodrich, Jr., Grand Master. R. W. Daniel B. Brinsmade, Deputy Grand Master. " James Carrington, Senior Grand Warden. " James M. Goodwin, Junior Grand Warden. " Lab AN Smith, Grand Treasurer. " William H. Jones, Grand Secretary. " Amherst D. Scovill, Senior Grand Deacon. " William C. Gay, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. Charles A. Boardman, Grand Chaplain. Br. Darius Higgins, Grand Tyler. The report of the committee appointed to revise the Consti- tution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, which was laid over at the last Grand Communication, was called up for final ac- tion. After due discussion, the report was accepted, and the Constitution and By-Laws submitted by the committee, and amended at the last annual communication, were adopted by a unanimous vote of the Grand Lodge, and ordered to be printed, together with the old constitution and original signatures. The Grand Lodge was then called off from labor to refresh- ment, to be called on again at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 360 Thursday Morning, May 12. At 9 o'clock the M. W. Grand Master took the chair, when the Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor, and pro- ceeded with business. A petition was received from a competent number of breth- ren residing in Branford, praying for a new Lodge to be located in that town ; which petition was granted, and a charter or- dered ; the Lodge to be called " Widow's Son, No. QQ." A petition was received from the brethren in New Canaan, praying for a Lodge in that town, which was granted, under the name of " Harmony Lodge, No. 67/' and a charter ordered ac- cordingly. A petition from bi-ethren in the town of Groton, asking for a Lodge to be established in that town, was presented, and the prayer of the petition granted ; said Lodge to have a charter, and to be called " Charity, No. 68." A charter was also granted to sundry petitioners in the towns of Somers, Ellington and Vernon, for a Lodge to be located in Ellington, to be called " Fayette Lodge, No. 69." A petition was received from brethren in the town of Wind- sor, praying for a charter for a Lodge to be located in that town. The petition was granted, on condition that said Lodge be held in the First Society of said town ; said Lodge to be designated by the name of " Washington, No. 70." Petitions for new Lodges in the towns of Greenwich, Griswold and Jewett City, were laid before the Grand Lodge, and after some debate, were severally laid over to the next Grand Annual Communication. A memorial from Bro. Elisha Tucker, concerning St. James' Lodge, No. 23, Preston, was read and referred to a committee of three, to wit, Brs. John R. Watrous, Thomas Hubbard and Andrew Harris, with instructions to investigate the facts set forth in said memorial, and report at the next Grand Commu- nication. The committee to whom was referred the pecuniary difficulty between Union Lodge, No. 5, and Bro. Henry Close, late Treas- 47 370 GRAND LODGE OP^ CONNECTICUT. [May, urer of the same, submitted the following report, which was ac- cepted and approved, and the resolution accompanying the same adopted : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The Committee appointed at the last annual commmiication, to investigate the pecuniary controversy then existing between Union Lodge, No. 5. at Stamford, and Henry Close, would respectfully report, that the committee met at Stamford on the 30th of March, by appointment of the parties, who submitted said case to the committee as arbitrators, binding themselves respectively, by notes, to abide the award. After a full hearing of the parties, on the 30th and 31st days of the said March, the arbitrators adjourned, by mutual consent, from said Stamford to Fairfield, where, on the 20tb instant, they published tlieir award to the parties, (who attended by their agents, S. H. Minor and Charles Hawley, Esq'rs,) and delivered to said Miner, as agent for said Lodge, the notes executed by said Close and Peter Brown, (the latter in behalf of said Lodge,) to abide said award, leav- ing due on the note so executed by said Close, one hundred and fifty dollars, in- cluding the expenses of said arbitration ; which was, in the opinion of the com- mittee, and so agreed to be by the parties, a final settlement of the controversy in question. The committee therefore recommend the adoption of the subjoined resolution, believing that it will not only be right and just, but equally agreeable and satis- factorv to the parties concerned. ROBERT FAIRCHILD,) BENJAMIN ISAACS, \ Committee. REUBEN BOOTH. ) Fairfield, April 20, A. L. 5825. Besolved, That the vote of Union Lodge, No. 5, expelling Henry Close therefrom, he revoked, and is hereby forever can- celled, and that said Henry Close be received and restored to his former standing in said Lodge as a Master Mason. The following communication, which was received by the M, W. Grand Master, previous to the appointment of Grand Chaplain, w^as read, and ordered to be spread upon the minutes of the Grand Lodge : To the M. W. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The subscriber begs leave respectfully to state, that for a number of j'ears he has had the honor to be appointed Chaplain to the Grand Lodge, in which capa- city he has with much satisfaction to himself attended every communication since his first designation to that office. On the present occasion, he requests that in the appointment of Chaplain he may not be considered a candidate. He begs the M. W. Grand Master to assure the Grand Lodge of his grateful sensibility to their indulgence and brotherly kindness, and of his sincere and constant wishes for their individual happiness, and the prosperity of the Fraternity in this State and throughout the world. MENZIES RAYNER. 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 371 A report from tlie auditing cominittee was presented, read and accepted, as follows : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Coimecticiit. The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, beg leave to report, that all moneys due the Grand Lodge and received by the Grand Sec- retary during the past year, have by him been paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, a balance due to the Grand Lodge, of one thousand and sixty-three dollars and twenty-two cents, in cash, and eight shares in the Hartford Bank. All of which is respectfully submitted, WILLIAM W. BOARDMAN, ) NAHUM FLAGG, } Committee. JAMES CARRINGTON, ) New Haven, May 9, 1825. The Grand Secretary made report of sundry Lodges having failed to comply with the regulations of the Grand Lodge, by neglecting to make returns and by not being represented at the last Grand Communication. Good and satisfactory reasons for these omissions of duty having been assigned, the penalties in each case were remitted, except in the case of Trinity Lodge, No. 43, Killingworth. That Lodge not having been represent- ed for several years, it was voted, that the charter of Trinity Lodge, No. 63, be revoked. The following resolution was offered and adopted by a unani- mous vote : Resolved, That the thanks of the Grand Lodge be given to M. W. Past Grand Master Ralph I. Ingersoll, for the able, impartial and Masonic manner, in which he has presided over this body as Grand Master. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Charles A. Inger- soll, James Carrington, and Andrew Kidston, to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, and report at the next Grand Communication. The business of the session being finished, solemn prayer was offered by the Kev. Grand Chaplain, and the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. 372 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. CONSTITUTION Of the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut^ Adopted, May 11, A. L. 5825. Article 1. The Grand Lodge shall consist of a Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Warden, Grand Junior Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Grand Senior Deacon, Grand Junior Deacon, Grand Marshal, Grand Chaplain, Grand Sentinel and Grand Tyler. All Past Grand Officers while remain- ing within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, all Masters and Wardens of subor- dinate Lodges within the same jurisdiction, for the time being, shall, with the above enumerated Officers of this Grand Lodge, be the only members thereof. Art. 2. The Masters and Wardens of subordinate Lodges shall have the privi- lege of constituting proxies, in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Grand Lodge, to attend the communications thereof ; at which said proxies shall have the same powers and privileges as their constituents. Art. 3. The Grand Lodge shall be holden once in every year, viz ; on the Wed- nesday succeeding the second Thursday in May, alternately, first at New Haven, and then at Hartford, at 2 o'clock afternoon on said day ; but the Grand Mas- ter for the time being, maj' at any time call a special Grand Lodge, to meet at such time and place as he maj^ think proper. Art. 4. The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall be chosen by ballot, at each Grand Annual Communication, a majority of votes constituting a choice, except the Grand Senior and GraTid Junior Deacons, Grand Marshal, Grand Chaplain, Grand Sentinel and Grand Tyler, who shall be appointed by the Grand Master. Art. 5. In case of the death, resignation or absence of the acting Grand Mas- ter, the next Officer in rank, of the Grand Lodge, shall act in his place and stead, until the next annual election, and possess all the powers and authority of Grand Master. And in case any other office shall become vacant by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Grand Master for the time being, shall fill such vacancy by his nomination. Art. 6. The Grand Lodge shall liave power by patent, under their seal and sign manual of the Grand Master for the time being, attested by their Secretarj', to constitute new Lodges, to establish an uniform mode of working in all the Lodges in this State, and to superintend and regulate the general police of Ma- sonry, according to the ancient usages and customs of Masons; carefully regard- ing the old landmarks, which are on no account to be removed or defaced. Art. 7. The Grand Lodge shall have power to make such By Laws for their own government as they shall think proper. Art. 8. The Grand Lodge upon granting a charter to a newly constituted Lodge may demand such reasonable fees as thev shall establish bv their Bv Laws. 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 373 BY-LAWS Of the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, Adopted, May 11, A. L. 5825. 1. It shall be the duty of the Masters and Wardens of the several Lodges in this State, to give their punctual attendance at the communications of the Grand Lodge, either by themselves or proxies — which proxies shall be Master Masons of the same Lodges as their constituents, and the certificate of their appointment, countersigned by the Secretaries of their respective Lodges. 2. A majority of the members present, shall determine every question ; and the presiding officer shall have the casting vote. And any motion to vote by bal- lot on any question, being supported by one-fourth part of the members present, the question shall be taken. No vote shall be reconsidered by a smaller number of Lodges than were present when such vote passed. 3. Every question moved and seconded, shall be put by the chair ; and no new matter shall be brought forward until that on hand shall be first decided upon. No Brother shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless with leave of the Grand Master, or to explain himself. The Grand Master shall determine all questions of order. 4. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to receive all monies which shall from time to time become due to the Grand Lodge, make regular entries of the same, and pay them over to the Grand Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor j also to take charge of the archives, and keep fair records of all the transactions of the Grand Lodge ; he shall also at the close of each Grand Communication, collect and arrange their proceedings, cause them to be printed, and transmitted to the several Lodges in this State and elsewhere, as the Most Worshipful Grand Master shall direct. 5. It shall be the duty of the Grand Treasurer to receive from the Grand Sec- retary, all monies due the Grand Lodge, and keep regular accounts of the same ; and previous to the close of every yearly communication, a committee shall be appointed to examine and settle his accounts, who shall report at the next annual Communication : And the Grand Treasurer shall pay out the monies by him re- ceived, to the order of the Grand Lodge, or in their recess, to the order of the Grand Master. G. No new Charter shall be granted, but upon the petition of at least five known and approved Master Masons ; nor shall a new warrant be granted to any number of Masons residing within less than ten miles of the usual place of meet- ing of any regularly established Lodge, unless by special dispensation of the Grand Lodge ; and the petition shall contain the causes which render it expedient that such Charter should be granted, with the nomination of the Master ajid Wardens ; the petition being approved by some regularly constituted Lodge in the vicinity of the petitioners. Every Lodge shall pay for a Charter before de- livery, the sum of fifteen dollars ; and to the Grand Secretary for registering and affixing the seal, the sum of five dollars. 374 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J, 7. All appeals from the decision of any private Lodge shall be made in writing and left with the Grand Secretary ; and the appellant shall give the other party one month notice thereof. All appeals, letters, &c., shall be read in Grand Lodge, but first handed to the chair. 8. Any member excluded the Grand Conmiunioation, shall be excluded every Lodge under its jurisdiction, until restored by the Grand Lodge ; of this, the Grand Secretary shall notify every Lodge. ' 9. Upon the demise of any Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the last Secretary and Treasurer of said Lodge shall, within six months after- wards, surrender to the Grand Secretary the books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of such Lodge. 10. Each Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall demand and re- ceive into the treasury of the same, for entering, passing and raising each brother, not less than the following sums, viz : entering each Apprentice, ten dollars; passing each Apprentice to the degree of Fellow Craft, two dollars ; raising each Fellow Craft to the sublime degree of Master Mason, three dollars. 11. Each subordinate Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary, at the an- nual communication of the Grand Lodge, regular returns of their newly admitted members, that such members may be added to the rolls of their respective Lodges, and also a return of the officers chosen, together with all rejections, suspensions, and expulsions ; which returns shall be kept on file in the office of the Grand Secretary ; and any Lodge neglecting to make such returns, shall forfeit and pay into the funds of the Grand Lodge, the sum of five dollars for each neglect ; and if there has been no one initiated, passed, raised, expelled, suspended or rejected, these facts are also to be returned or certified. 12. It shall be the duty of every Lodge within this jiirisdiction to attend each yearly communication, either by one or more of their officers, or proxies by them appointed ; and every Lodge which shall neglect so to attend, shall incur the penalty of eight dollars, for each neglect, to be paid into the stock of the Grand Lodge ; provided, that no reason, satisfactory to the Grand Lodge at their next communication, shall be given for their non-attendance. 13. When any Lodge shall have incurred a penalty by the breach of any By- Law or Ordinance of the Grand Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to inform the Master of said Lodge that such penalty is incurred, and in case the same be not paid to the Grand Secretary before the next Grand Communication, it shall then be his duty to report such negligent Lodge to the Grand Lodge. 14. No candidate shall be initiated, no Entered Apprentice passed to the de- gree of Fellow Craft, or Fellow Craft raised to the sublime degree of Master Ma- son, in a different Lodge from that within whose limits he actually resides, with- out a concurrence of the Lodge within whose limits he so resides, or in which he was so initiated or jjassed, first had and obtained ; M'hich concurrence shall be signified by ballot, in the same way as for the admission of a candidate ; and every Lodge violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay to the Grand Lodge, the sum of twenty dollars for every such oflence, and to the Lodge against whicli the offence is committed, the amount of fees received for so initiating, passing or raising, as a penalty for their doings. 15. No member of any Lodge within this jurisdiction who hath not received 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 375 the sublime degree of Master Mason, shall i)roi)ose to such Lodge any candidate for admission into Masonry ; and that none be admitted but by unanimous ballot. 16. Every Lodge within this jurisdiction shall hereafter pay into the funds of the Grand Lodge, one dollar ujjon each initiation into such Lodge. 17. No brother shall be admitted into the Grand Lodge, except he be a mem- ber thereof, or a brother who is a petitioner, or a witness in some cause, or in- vited in by the Grand Master or presiding officer. 18. All persons attending Grand Lodge as members thereof, shall leave their names with the Grand Secretary at the Lodge Pioom between the hours of nine and twelve A. M., on the day of each annual communication ; and those Mho ap- pear as proxies shall Lodge the certificate of their appointment with the Grand Secretary, within the same period. The annual returns from the respective Lodges to be made pursuant to the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, shall be exhib- ited to the Grand Secretary, and the dues paid, within the hours aforesaid. 19. The Secretary of this Grand Lodge shall receive annually, from the funds thereof, the sum of fifty dollars, as a compensation for his services in discharging the ordinary duties of that office. 376 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Charles A. lugersoll, W. M., James C. Parker, S. W., Daniel Collins, J. W. Initiated — Sparrow Warren, Henry Ward, Elisha W. Jones, Jr., Aaron Miller, Erastus B. Bills, Loyal Scranton, John M. Warland, Norris E. Candee, Joseph Fairchild, Grove Smith, James F. Henry, Earl Stevens, Stephen T. Northam, John Durrie, James Bull, Horace Beers, Benjamin W. Blakewell, Joseph Wright, Stiles Stevens, Charles Love, Daniel Burritt, Timothy P. Beers, David Finch, Julius Q. Carlisle. Admitted — Joel Potter, John Brush. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Horace Clark, W. M., Samuel Spaulding, S. W., Samuel Babcock, J. W. Initiated — Josiah A. Flagg, Alanson Works, William P. Spencer, Rev. Alpheus Hayden, Walter Lewis, George Harris, Jr., Lyman Phelps, Charles B. Darrow, William Perkins. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Samuel Stratton, W. M., Charles Foote, S. W., Abijah Wallace, J. W. Initiated — Rev. Asa Bronson, Barnard Prindle, Daniel Ufford, Jr., Hosea Ed- wards, Abel Gould, Ebenezer A. Parrott, Bennett F. Northrop, John W. Bulkley, Enos Bussey. Admitted — Samuel Simons, David B. Nichols, William L. Peet, William French, George L. Hart. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Samuel G. Goodrich, W. M., Daniel P. Hopkins, S. W., Nathan Colton, J. W. Initiated — Francis Griswold, Benjamin H. Norton, Benoni W. Barber, John Sill, Hezekiah Huntington, Jr., Waterman Roberts, Alfred Copeland, Charles Weeks. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— Sands Adams, W. M., William Wilmot, S. W., Erastus H. Weed, J. W. Initiated — William Joray, Noah Knapp, William H. Weed, Charles T. Leeds, John Leeds, Jr., Daniel G. Scott, Roswell Hoyt, Frank Perret, Samuel Keeler, James Searles, Bartow F. White, Ebenezer Weed, Ebenezer Morehouse, Ammon Baruum, James S. Davenport, John S. Winthrop, Charles Downs, Daniel Whelp- ley, William Banks, Robert Fairchild, Peter Van Zant. Restored — Henry Close. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Stephen Smith, W. M., Henry Selleck, S. W., Philo Price, J. W. Initiated — Leander Slauson, Charles F. Raymond, Rufus Richards, Henry W. Smith, Walter Whiting, James B. Eells, Joseph E. Corker, Horace Cooke, Caleb S. Benedict, Hugh McLean, John F. Raymond, John J. Brown, John H, Moore. Admitted — Noah S. Bailey. I 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 377 KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Chaunccy B. Foot, W. i\L, Benjamin Doolittle, S. W., Charles Ransom, J. W. Initiated — Edward Hinman, John Summers, Abram S. Smith, Biro Doolittle, Albert Guthrie, Salmon Bishop, Daniel Osborn. Suspended — Austin Lum. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Matthias Nicoll, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S. W., Benjamin Fairchild, J. W. Initiated — George Crofut, Noah Parsons. WOOSTER, No. 10, Colchester— Amherst D. Scovill, W. M., Samuel H. Fox, S. W. Initiated — Charles F. Day, Rev. Isaac B. Barber, Rev. William Jarvis, Elias Harvey, Jr.-, Richard Watrous, Roderick Chamberlain, Israel Wells. Admitted — Leonard Pierce. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Phineas B. Taylor, W. M., Frederick Buel, S. W., Samuel P. Bolles, J. W. Initiated — Orris Phelps, John Peters, Chauncey McCall, Lewis K. Churchill. Admitted — Frederick A. King, Elisha Hempstead. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— Henry Downs, W. M., George Blakeman, S. W., Lyman Smith, Jr., J. W. Initiated — Harlow P. Sage. MONTGOMERY, No. 1-3, Salisbury— Luther Ticknor, W. M., Hiel Rowly, S. W., Abijah C. Peet, J. W. Initiated — Frederick Plum, Adonirara Everest, Samuel D. Groat, John D. Ros- siter. Admitted — Rev. Stephen Beach. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Henry Cowles, W. M., Joseph Whiting, S. W., Joel Steel, J. W. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— David C. Bolles, W. M., Henry Clark, S. W., John C. Eldridge, J. W. Initiated — Frederick P. Coe, Timothy H. Morse, Harvey Parkhurst, James H. Hutchins. Admitted — Charles Church. TEMPLE, No. 16, Cheshire— Charles A. Stanley, W. M., Elnathan Beach, S. W., David V. Seeley, J. W. Initiated — George W. Hicks, David Scranton. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Alanson Warren, W. M., Silas Hoadley, S. W., Ephraim Downs, J. W. Initiated — Ezra Fields, Truman Loveland. Admitted — Thomas Riggs. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Daniel Blackman, W. M., McPherson Sherman, S. W., Wheeler Fairchild, J. W. Initiated — Hawley Judd, Horace M. Shepherd, Eli Higgins, Theophilus Nich- ols, Henry Dutton, Wheeler Shepherd, Jotham B. Hawley, Silas W. Sherman. Admitted — David H. Belden, Andrew S. Wells. WASHINGTON, No. 19, Monroe— Cyrus H.Beardsley, W. M., Andrew Shelton, S. W., Levi Brown, J. W. Initiated — Charles B. Clark, John Curtis, Ephraim Lane, Andrew Clark. 48 378 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Ira E. Smith, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. W., Oliver Hart, J. W. ST. PETER'S, No. 21, New Milford— Edward Hunt, W. M., Charles A.Randall, S. W., Oliver W. Pickett, J. W. Initiated — Franklin Stedman, Stephen Miles. HART'S, No. 22, Woodbridge— A. A. Perkins, W. M., Hezekiah Thomas, Jr., S. W., Isaac Warren, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Joshua Barstow, W. M., Mason White, S. W., Charles Prentice, J. W. URIEL, No. 24, Mansfield— Jasper Gilbert, W. M., Charles Brigham, S. W., Alfred Whaley, J. W. Initiated — Stephen Morey, Joseph Burnham, Rev. Ella Dunham, Edward Mar- cy, John Warren, Jr., Zenas Leonard, Henry Packer. Admitted — Ichabod Bulk- ley, Benjamin G. Evans. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Henry Dayton, W. M., George Merrick, S. W., Ruel Richardson, J. W. Initiated — Walter Robinson, Truman Martin, Patrick Preston. Rhodolphus Potter, William Bliss, James W. White, Israel F. Hale. COLUMBIA, No. 26, East Haddam— David B. Ventres, W. M., Ebenezer Cook, S. W., Roswell Brainard, J. W. Initiated — Theodore H. Arnold, Erasmus Gladding, Edward R. Clark, George C. Arnold, Edward S. Blakeslee, Marshall Greene, Bliss T. Brainard, Simeon Scranton, Ansel Warner, David Phelps. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— Daniel A. Ryan, W. M., John Goodyear, S. W., Avery Allen, J. W. Initiated — Henry H. Fowler, Daniel B. Calhoun, William D. Hartwell, David C. Whittlesey, Henry Odell, John Bolles. Expelled — Alva S. Warner. MORNING STAR, No. 28, Warehouse Point^William Parsons, W. M., Solo- mon Terry, Jr., S. W., Harvey Terry, J. W. Initiated — Walter Sanderson, Col. John Watson, Winslow Paraeter, Calvin Gaines, Jonathan Clark, Calvin Chapman, Levi Lord, Isaiah Allen, Jr., Jeremg Bliss, Rev. Jeremiah F. Bridges, Jonatlian Pease, Jr., Asahel Hubbard, Asa Wil- ley, Jabez King, Jr., Horace Holkins, Eliphalet Smith. Admitted — Horace Hervey. VILLAGE, No. 29, Canton— Orrin B. Freeman, W. M., Ansel Humphreys, S. W., Luther Higley, J. W. Initiated — Solomon E. More, Dayton Spencer, Solomon Horsford, Jarvis Coxe, Ranslear Barnes, David Foster. Admitted — Julius Spring. DAYSPRING, No. 30, Ilamden— Jacob Whiting, W. M., Lewis Goodyear, S. W., Allen Tirrel, J. W. Admitted — Theron Hart. 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 379 UNION, No. 31, New London— D. T. Brainard, W. M., Charles Bntler, S. W. Initiated — Charles Bolles, Nathaniel Holt, Euclid Elliot, James Loomis, Wm. Belcher, Levi Case, Francis Smith, Wm. W. Hubbard, John Farrell, William F. Brainard, Humphrey Baker, Wm. Wileman. Admitted — Lodowick Fosdick. MERIDIAN SUN, No. 32, Warren— Salmon AVeston, W. M., Adoniram Carter, 5. W., Jonathan Wright, J. W. Initiated — John M. Curtiss, Benoni P. Beardsley, Ames Starr. Julius W. Bee- man, Joseph H. Bennett, Daniel B. Everett, Isaac Hinman, David Mallory, Daniel W. Stone. Admitted — Jonathan Wright, Dennis Hawes, Ebenezer S. Peters, Norman Peters, John T. Peters. Suspended — Barny Abbott. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Seth Clark, W. M., Orrin Pearl, S. W., Alpheus S. Brockett, J. W. Initiated — Alvin E. Bevins, William Barnes, Elizur H. Clark. SOMERSET, No. 34, Norwich— Asa Child, AY. M., Jacob Rowe, S. W., Sam'l Mory, J. W. Initiated — Horatio N. Tracey, Rev. S. B. Paddock, Beriah H. Smith, William 6. Johnson, Stephen L. Hommedieu, Rev. Asahel Steele, George L. Nottage, Cal- vin Burden, Thomas Rogers, John AV. Spaulding. Admitted — Dixwell Lathrop, Daniel Williams. Restored — AA'^illiam Gordon. Suspended — David Tracey, Jr. AURORA, No. 35, Harwinton— Guy R. Sanford, W. M., Willard Hitchcock, S. W., William S. Goodsell, J. AV. ST. MARK'S, No. 36, Granby— Daniel B. Holcomb, AA^. M., Hiram R. Pettibone, S. W., Samuel Weed, J. AV. Initiated — Horace Harvey, Amos Hatheway, Anson Bates, Luke C. Prouty. Admitted — George Norton. Expelled — William H. Huggins. WESTERN STAR, No. 37, Norfolk— Augustus P. Pease, AV. M., Bailey Birge, S. AV., Jedediah Phelps, J. W. Initiated — George Cave, Hiram Baldwin. Admitted — Harvey Bunell. ST. ALBAN'S, No. 38, Guilford— Merrit Foot, AV. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W., George C. Bradley, J. W. Initiated — Samuel P. Russell, James W. Frisbie, Judah Frisbie. ARK, No. 39, AVeston— Lemuel B. Hull, AV. M., John B. Merritt, S. W., Jona- than Crofutt, J. W. Initiated — Joseph Darling, Aaron Hawley, Nash Couch, Eli Mallory, Andrew Comstock, David Patchin, Samuel Brown, Wakeman Smith, David Sanford, Au- gustus Sanford, Alfred Gregory. Bradley Gould, Rev. Nathaniel Freeman. Ad- mitted — Stejjhen Wheeler, James Denison. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Ira B. Wildman, W. M., David Dobbs, S. W., Martin Mead, J. AV. Initiated — Hiram Cole, Nathaniel H. AVildraan, Starr Ferry, Comfort Whitlock, Alva Taylor. Admitted — George Seeley. FEDERAL, No. 41, Brookfield— Henry Euggles, W. M.. Daniel Holly, E, W., Zalmon Goodsel, J. W. 380 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Andrew Adams, W. M., Harvey Judd, S. W., Selden Lewis, J. W. Initiated— Ovange M. Stevens, Leonard Piatt, Linus Stevens, Marshall Hoadley. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— "William Webb, W. M., Vine Hovey, S. W., Chauncey F. Cleaveland, J. W. Initiated— 3 o\m Armstrong, Martin Safford, Guilford D. Young. Suspended— Thomas S. Smith. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret— Andrew A. AVilliams, W. M., Ezra Child, S. W., John Fowler, 2d, J. W. Initiated— lch?iho(\. Bulkley, SamuelJohnson, Nathan Austin, Daniel P. Tyler, Joseph P. Barrett, Elias M. Skinner, Thomas S. Aldrich, Salmon Champion, Ru- fus L. Matthewson, Peter Chandler, Elisha Perkins, Asa Witter. Admitted — Silas Jones, Lewis T. Simons. Expelled — Benjamin Dexter. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— David- M. Clark, W. M., Cyrus Bradley, S. AV., Henry C. Atwood, J. W. Initiated — Garry Riggs, John L. Fairchild, Roswell Cable, Ezi'a L. Bassett, Bennett Perry, 2d, Joseph D. Wooster, Daniel Lum, Giles Lindlej'. Admitted — Enos Wooster. Expelled — Benjamin S. Hurd, Divine Chatfield. ST. LUKE'S, No. 48, Kent— Luther Skiff, W. M., Elijah Barton, S. W., Ezra Skiif, J. W. Initiated — Austin Thompson. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— William Crocker, W. M., Czar Jones, S. W., David Keeler, J. W. Initiated — Samuel Church, Erastus S. Bouton, Nathan H. Rice. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— Cyrus Mann, W. M., Sherman McLean, S. W., Samuel 0. HoUister, J. W. Initiated — William Phillips, John Townsend, William B. Tabor, Horatio Dow, Hezekiah King, Ransford Button, Augustus K. White, Alonzo AV. Birge. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Frederick Morgan, W. M., Ira Lee, S. W., Wm. R. Smith, J. W. Initiated — Oliver Clark, William A. Brown. MOUNT OLIVE, No. 52, Saybrook— Pliny Hamant, W. M., Prentice Pendle- ton, S. AV., S. AV. Pratt, J. AV. Initiated — Simeon Brooks, Elkanah Corbit, Samuel Ely, Elihu Pratt, AVarren White. AVIDOAV'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— AA^illiam S. Frink, AV. M., John D. Gallup, S. AV., Roswell R. Avery, J. AV. Initiated — Rev. G. B. Perry, Jonathan E. Culver, Giles AVheeler. HAMILTON, No. 54, Sharon— Abiel K. Botsford, AV. M., Charles Y. Clark, S. W., Albert F. Roberts, J. W. Initiated — Gabriel Fecto, AVilliam H. Fuller, Edward Gernon, Samuel J. Prin- dle, Augustine P. Smith, Selden Noj-es, Frederick A. King, Kingman Briggs, Charles E. Berry, John Dean, Roswell Clark, Christopher N. Ducher, Hiram Cur- (tis, Elias K. Chamberlain. AdimMed — Abiel K. Botsford. 1825.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 381 SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— George W. Bull, W. M., William North, S. W., George Bissell, J. W. Initiated — William Phippeny, John Grant, William Russell, Jeremiah Page, Ephraim W. Wolcott. Admitted— Zoalma, Burton, Stephen R. Fielding, Benjamin Dealing. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— Cornelius B. Andrews, W. M., Irenus Atkins, S. W., I. B. Hart, J. W. Initiated— ^o\oi\\on Parker, L. A. Cook, Elizur Piatt, Morris Cook, Benjamin Terril. Admitted — Orrin Jerome, Daniel Mills, Jonathan B. Hart. Expelled — William Johnson. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington Borough— Samuel F. Denison, W. M., William Hyde, S. W., Ephraim Williams, J. W. Initiated— So\m H. Sawyer, Hubbard H. Burrows, Hiram Clift, Caleb Burrows, Stephen Burrows, Austin Packer, James A. Sawyer, Gilbert Wheeler, Simeon Palmer, Zeba D. Palmer, Thomas P. Stanton. Admitted — Justin Dennison, Rev. Gideon B. Perry, Alfred A. Avery, John Sabins, William Storer, Jr. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Amos Beecher, W. M., Amos Beecher. Jr., S. W., Ezekiel Alderman, J. W. Initiated— Key. Salmon Geddings, Harvey Taintor, Willis Wright, Ezekiel W, Wright. Admitted — Anson Wlieeler. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Andrew Denison, W. M., Barlow Rose, S. W., Curtis Rose, J. W. Initiated — William C. Gay, Luther Loomis, Hezekiah Spencer, Wm. H. Owen, Elisha S. Taylor, Horace Warner, Gamaliel Granger, Isaac Remington, Jr., Parkes Loomis, Samuel Hanchet, Allen Loomis, Moses S. Austin. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— William Field, W. M., Richard Stroud, S. W., Charles S. Thomson, J. W. Initiated — Rev. Thomas G. Farnsworth, Alva Francis, Lyman Spelman, Frank- lin Orcutt, Rev. Joseph Knight, Charles Cheney, Joseph Foskit, Oliver Grant, Novatus Chapman, George A. Howard, Elijah Fairman, Sylvester Glazier, Cyrus Ferry. Admitted — John Streeter, Jeremiah Parish, John Warren, Harry Cogs- well. Expelled — Josejjh Smith, 2d. OLIVE BRANCH, No. 61, Goshen— John H. Collins, W. M., Myron Harrison, S. W., Chauncey Hurlbut, J. W. Initiated — John H. North, Anson Rogers, Nelson Brewster, Samuel W. Gold, Moses Wadhams. Admitted — Uriali Turner. ORIENT, No. 62, East Hartford— Martin Stanley, W.M., Allen Stewart, S. W., Joseph Noyes, J. W. Initiated— yfarren Thompson, Joel Gurley, Cyrus Goodell, Sterry Bennett, Oliver D. Boyd, George Carriel. ADELPHI, No. 63, New Haven— AVilliam H. Jones, W. M., William W. Board- man, S. W., Augustus R. Street, J. W. Initiated — Avery C. Babcock, Sherlock J. Andrews, Charles C. Lathrop, Joel G. Candee, Wm. P. Skinner, Sherman Converse, Simeon C. Steele, Admitted — Aaron C. White. 382 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, ST. ANDREW'S, No. 64, Winsted— Luman AVakeBeld, W. M., James M. Boyd, S. W., Wheelock Thayer, J. W. Initiated — Leonard Bissell, John Breck, Solomon C. Smith, Jonathan Deming, Jr., George Goodrich, Warham L. Fitch, Lorrain Rood, John Newell. TEMPLE, No. 61, Saugatuck— Samuel Jackson, W. M., Talcott Banks, S. W., Henry Sherwood, J. W. Initiated — John Barker, Frederick A. Sanford, Charles Jessup, John M. Hart, Barnard Osborn, William H. Jessup, John Clapp, Daniel Burr, David Coley, Burr Meeker, Zalmon Adams, Davis Taylor, Thomas B. Trowbridge. Admitted — Joshua Adams, Jr. 1826.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 383 ANNUAL SESSION, 1826. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Mafonic Rooms, in the Tontine Building, in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1826, A. L. 5826: OFFICERS PRESENT, E. W. DANIEL B. BRINSMADE, Deputy Grand Master. " JAMES CARRINGTON, Senior Grand Warden. " JAMES M. GOODWIN, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. AMHERST D. SCOVILL, Senior Grand Deacon. WILLIAM G. GAY, Junior Grand Deacon. DARIUS HIGGINS, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Charles A. Ingersoll, William H. Ellis, Nahum Hayward. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Horace Clark, Charles Dyer. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Sam'l Simons, Richard V. Dey. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Jeremy Hoadley. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Charles Hawley. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Henry Selleck, Philo Price, Ed- win Hoyt. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — Charles B. Phelps. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Robert Fairchild. No. 9, Compass, Wallingford — Randal Cook, Frederick Lewis, No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Amherst D. Scovill, Samuel H. Fox. No, 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield — George Dewey. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Henry Downs. 384 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Bela Spalding, David C. Bolles. No. 16, Temple, Cheshire — Charles Shelton. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Stephen Seymour. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Henry Dutton, Theophilus Nichols. No. 19, Washington, Huntington — Cyrus H. Beardsley. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Ira E. Smith, Luther Beckley. No. 21, St. Peter's, New Milford— Eli Mygatt. No. 22, Hart's, Woodbridge — Archibald A. Perkins, Hezekiah Thomas, Jr. No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield — Daniel Burnham, Hiram Eider. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — Wm. Webb. No. 26, Columbia, East Haddam — David B. Ventres. No. 27, Kising Sun, Washington — Warren E. Fowler, Freder- ick J. Fenn. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Thomas H. Bond. No, 29, Village, Canton — Ansel Humphreys. No. 30, Dayspring, Hamden — Jacob Whiting, No. 31, Union, New London — Frederick Lee, Dyer T. Brainard. No. 32, Meridian Sun, Warren — Manly Peters. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Julius Bristol. No. 34, Somerset, Norwich — Asa Child, Asa Eoath, No. 35, Aurora, Harwinton — Willard Hitchcock, Joel G.Candee. No. 36, St. Mark's, Granby— Frederick W. Jewett. No. 37, Western Star, Norfolk— Joseph Battell. No. 38, St. Alban's, Guilford — Jedediah Lathrop. No. 39, Ark, Weston — Lemuel B. Hull, Ira Baldwin. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Ira E. Wildman, Frederick S. Wild- man, Oliver Shepherd. No. 41, Federal, Brookfield — Daniel Holley. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Horace Porter. No. 44, Eastern Star^ Windham — Vine Hovey. No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Samuel Dresser, Abraham W, Paine. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire, Cyrus Humphrey. No. 48, St. Luke's, Kent— Philo Mills. No. 49, Jerusalem, Eidgefield — Jeremiah Mead. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Leonard Hendee, Jabez L. White. 1826.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 385 No. 51 No. 52 No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 56 No. 57 No. 58 No. 59 No. 60 No. 61 No. 62 No. 63 No. 64, No. 65, No. 66 No. 67. No. 68 No. 69 No. 70 Warren, Chatham — Ralph Smith. Mount Olive, Saybrook — Timothy Starkey, Samuel Ing- ham. Widow's Son, North Stonington — Coddington Billings, Thomas T. Wells. Hamilton, Sharon — Ansel Sterling. Seneca, Torrington — William North, Stephen K. Field- ing. Franklin, Bristol — Cornelius B. Andrews. Asylum, Stonington — George Hubbard, Wm. Storer, Jr. Northern Star, Barkhamsted — AmosBeecher, Jr., Jesse Ives. Apollo, Suffield— Wm. C. Gay. Wolcott, Stafford — Rodolphus Woodworth. Olive Branch, Goshen — Truman Star, Peter Bierce. Orient, East Hartford— Timothy Hall, Chas. H. 01m- stead. Adelphi, New Haven — William H. Jones, Augustus R. Street, Dennis Kimberly. St. Andrew's, Winsted — Luman Wakefield, John Boyd. Temple, Saugatuck — Joshua Adams. Widow's Son, Branford — James W. Frisbie, Calvin Frisbie. Harmony, New Canaan — Samuel Raymond. Charity, Groton — Roswell Allen, Erastus T. Smith. Fayette, Ellington — Asa Willey. Washington, Windsor — James 0. Pond. IN DUE AND AMPLE FORM. After a solemn address to the Throne of Grace, by the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, by the R. W. Deputy Grand Master. The following letter from the M. W. Grand Master, was pre- sented and read : To the 31. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : Brethren, — Having concluded to remov3 into the State of New York in the course of the summer, I would decline being a candidate for any office in the 49 386 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Grand Lodge at the approaching election. In taking leave of my worthy and much respected brethren, I beg them to accept my sincere thanks, for the many distinguished honors which they have heretofore conferred on me. However we may be separated, I shall always cherish a grateful recollection of their friend- ship, and their general and individual prosperity will ever be an object of my ar- dent wishes and fervent prayers. ELTZUR GOODRICH, Jun., Grand Master. Hartford, April 26, 1826. E. W. James Carrington, Senior Grand Warden, rose in liis place, and after expressing his thanks to the brethren of the Grand Lodge for their honorable notice of him heretofore, de- clined being a candidate for any office at this time. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the breth- ren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, and were installed ac- cordingly, viz : M. W. Daniel B. Brinsmade, Grand Master. E. W. James M. Goodwin, Deputy Grand Master. " Amherst D. Scovill, Senior Grand Warden. ." William C. Gat, Junior Grand Warden. " Laban Smith, Grand Treasurer. " William H. Jones, Grand Secretary. The M. W. Grand Master elect then made the following ap- pointments, viz : W. Bro. Charles A. Ingersoll, Senior Grand Deacon. " Asa Child, Junior Grand Deacon. Eev. Charles A. Boardman, Grand Chaplain. Brs. Elisha Hamngton and Anson Colton, G. Stewards. Bro. Azor Hatch, Grand Tyler. A petition was received from brethren in Greenwich, praying for the establishment of a Lodge in that town, which was read, and after some debate, continued to the next Grand Communi- cation. A petition was received and read, praying for the establish- ment of a Lodge in the village of Jewett City. After due de- 1826.] GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 387 liberation, it was decided not to grant the prayer of this peti- tion. A petition was received from several brethren in Salem, for a Lodge in that town, which was granted, by the name of " Sa- lem Lodge, No. 71." A petition from brethren in the town of Fairfield, praying for the establishment of a Lodge in that town, was received, considered and granted ; the Lodge to be known by the name of " La Fayette, No. 72." A petition was received from brethren in Manchester, praying for the establishment of a Lodge in that town. After some discussion, a charter was granted, the Lodge to be called "Man- chester, No. 73," the limits to extend no further north in Ver- non than a line running due east from the north-east corner of Manchester to Coventry town line. A charter was also granted for a Lodge to be located in the town of Cornwall, to be called " Blazing Star, No. 74," agree- able to the prayer of a petition from the brethren residing at that place. The Grrand Secretary presented a communication from St. John's Lodge, No. 8, Stratford, to the Grand Lodge, in the fol- lowing words, viz : At a special meeting of St. John's Lodge, No. 8, regularly convened at the Lodge Room in Stratford, Sept. 19th, 1825— Whereas, Matthias Nicoll, John Thompson, Daniel Judson, and Samuel William Johnson, did, on the 6th day of inst. September, make out to the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, a quit-claim deed in and to a certain piece of land, together with the building thereon standing, in the town of Stratford in trust, for the sole use and benefit of the members of St. John's Lodge, No. 8, and their successors forever : Voted, That the Grand Lodge be requested to accept said trust, for the uses and purposes mentioned in said deed ; and that the Worshipful Master be requested to forward to the Secretary of the Grand Lodge a copy of said vote, together with the deed, to be laid before tlie Grand Lodge at their next annual communi- cation. A true copy of record. Test, ROBERT W. WALKER, Secretary. Stratford, Sept. 19, 1825. Whereupon, it was resolved, that the Grand Lodge accept of said trust, for the uses and purposes mentioned in said deed. 388 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in tlie hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand four hundred and twenty-nine dollars and ninety cents, in cash, and eight shares in the Hart- ford Bank. All of which is respectfullj" submitted, ANDREW KIDSTON, JAMES CARRINGTON, J- Committee. CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, New Haven, May 10, 1826. i A petition was received from several brethren residing in the town of Colebrook, praying that the limits of St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 64, may be extended over said town ; which was granted. Upon the application of members of Asylum Lodge, No. 57, for permission to hold their communications alternately at the Borough of Stonington and at Mystic, it was voted that per- mission be granted. On motion, it was voted, that St. James' Lodge, No. 23, of Preston, be authorized to hold all or a part of their communi- cations at Jewett City, as may be regulated by a legal vote of said Lodge. A petition was received from Morning Star Lodge, No. 28. located at East Windsor, praying the Grand Lodge to establish a line of jurisdiction between that Lodge and Fayette Lodge, No. 69, Ellington. Whereupon, it was voted, that K. W. Brs. James M, Groodwin and William C. Gay be a committee to settle and establish the boundary limits of said Morning Star Lodge, until the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge, and then make report of their doings. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment until half past 7 o'clock to-morrow morning. I 1826.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 389 Thursday Morning, May 11. At half past 7 o'clock, the M. W. Grand Master resumed his seat in the East, when the Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor, and proceeded to business. A petition from sundry members of King Hiram Lodge, No. 12, Derby, was presented and read, praying for the removal of said Lodge to the village of Humphreysville, or for the grant of a charter for a new Lodge to be located at said Humphreysville. The prayer was not granted. On motion, it was voted, that E. W. Brs. James M. Good- win, William H. Jones, and William C. Gay, be a committee to procure a new set of jewels, collars and sashes for the officers of the Grand Lodge, and that a sum not exceeding two hun- dred dollars be appropriated for that purpose. Pecuniary relief was asked in behalf of Bro. James Beebe, a worthy and distressed member of Union Lodge, No. 40, Dan- bury ; whereupon, it was voted, that the Treasurer of the Grand Lodge be directed to pay into the hands of Bro. Oliver Shep- herd, the sum of forty dollars, to be expended by him for the relief and support of said Bro. Beebe. A petition from members of St. Mark's Lodge, No. 36, ask- ing to have said Lodge removed from the town of Granby to the north part of Simsbury, was presented and read, and some discussion had thereon. Whereupon, it was voted, that said petition be continued to the next Grand Communication, and that a committee be appointed to settle the line of jurisdiction between said Lodge and Village Lodge, No. 29, Canton ; and that St. Mark's Lodge have permission to hold their communi- cations at anyplace which they may choose within their own jurisdiction, and that said committee perform that duty at the expense of St. Mark's Lodge. Brs. James M. Goodwin, Wm. C. Gay, and James 0. Pond, were appointed on the aforesaid committee. The Grand Lodge having at this communication removed from their old quarters into the new Lodge Koom in the Ton- tine Building, the following resolutions were adopted : 390 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, Resolved, That the Grand Lodge hereby relinquish all claim which they may have to tlie room heretofore occupied and used by them, in the house of Br. Amos Doolittle, in the city of New Haven ; and that the Grand Treasurer be directed to cancel and give up to Bro. Doolittle the lease of the same, now held by the Grand Lodge. Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the sum of twenty-five dollars for the use of the Masonic Hall in the Tontine Building, in New Haven, whenever the same is occupied for the communications of this Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary laid before tlie Grand Lodge communi- cations from the Grand Lodges of New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, &c., relative to the erection of a Monument, by the Masonic Fraternity of the United States, to the memory of our illustrious Brother George Washington, and the creation of a fund for that purpose, by appropriations from the different Grand Lodges. The communications having been read and discussed, the following resolutions were proposed and adopted : Resohed, That the sum of five hundred dollars be appropriated by this Grand Lodge to the erection of a Monument to the memory of our Illustrious Brother, General GEORGE WASHINGTON, whenever similar appropriations, amounting to ten thousand dollars, shall have been made by the other Grand Lodges of the United States. Resolved, That the Grand Master be authorized to appoint three Trustees from this Grand Lodge, to meet with such Trustees as may be appointed by the other Grand Lodges in the United States, at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on the third Wednesday of February, 1827, then and there to form themselves into an Association by the name of " The Trustees of the Masonic Fund for erecting a Monument over the remains of Washington, at Mount Ver- non." And the said Trustees shall be authorized to make such arrangements as they shall deem expedient for erecting said Monument ; and they shall report their plan and proceedings to the different Grand Lodges respectively appointing them ; and if a majority of such Grand Lodges shall approve their plan, said Trustees are authorized and empowered to erect the same. On motion of K. W. Bro. Scovill, it was ordered, that the Grand Treasurer be authorized and directed to invest, in some of the incorporated banks in this State, a sum not exceeding twelve hundred dollars, in addition to the amount already in- vested. On motion of Bro. Asa Child, the following resolutions wei-e adopted : 1826.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 391 Resolved, That the sixth article of tlie By-Laws of this Grand Lodge be altered by erasing the word " fifteen," and inserting in lieu thereof " fifty" — so that it shall read, " Every Lodge shall pay for a charter before delivery, the sum of fifty dollars, and to the Grand Secretary, for registering, five dollars." Resolved, That the subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction may initiate, pass and raise, settled or regularly licensed clergymen, without taking the regu- lar fees established by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary reported, that Orient Lodge^ No. 62, at East Hartford, was not represented at the last Grand Commu- nication ; and satisfactory reasons being offered for the delin- quency, the penalty incurred was remitted. Pythagoras Lodge, No. 45, at Lyme, was also reported by the Grand Secretary, as having made no returns, and as not be- ing represented, at the last Grand Communication ; and it ap- pearing that said Lodge had been in like manner delinquent for several years, and had also neglected to pay the penalty in- flicted, it was voted, that the 9th article of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge be enforced against Pythagoras Lodge, No. 45, and that Bro. Frederick Lee be appointed a committee to call on the last Secretary and Treasurer of said Lodge, and also on the last Secretary and Treasurer of Trinity Lodge, No. 43, at Killingworth, and demand the surrender of the books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of said Lodges. The committee on the appeal of Bro. Elisha Tucker, made the following report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut. We, the subscribers, appointed by the Grand Lodge at their session in May, A. L., 5825, a committee to hear the facts and report on the same, on the petition of Bro. Elisha Tucker, foi'merly a member of St. James' Lodge, Preston, — the said Tucker praying the Grand Lodge that a sentence of expulsion passed upon him by said St. James' Lodge, may be revoked. The committee after giving due notice to said St. James' Lodge, and also to said Tucker, met at the house of Elkauah Eaton, in Plainfield, June 20, A. L. 6825. Bro. John R. Watrous was chosen chairman, and Thomas Hubbard clerk. St. James' Lodge did not appear. Bro. Elisha Tucker appeared personally and by counsel. The committtee heard the petitioner by his counsel and examined the documents. It appeared to the committee that a verbal accusation was made to said St. James' Lodge by Bro. Adam Chapman, of said Lodge. Upon which, a committee on said complaint was appointed by said Lodge, consisting of said Bro. Adam Chapman and two other brethren of said Lodge. 392 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, It does not appear that said Bro. Elislia Tucker was ever notified of the ap- pointment of said committee, nor of their report to said Lodge, nor of his sen- tence of expulsion, until he appeared at said Lodge for the purpose of assisting at a celebration of the festival of St. John the Baptist, some months afterwards, when he was informed of the fact, and accordingly withdrew. Without expressing any opinion of the guilt or criminality of said Bro. Elisha Tucker, we object to the proceedings connected with his expulsion, for the fol- lowing reasons : 1st. The accusation was not made in writing. 2d. The accuser was appointed on the committee. 3d. There is no evidence that said Bro. Elisha Tucker ever had any information of the appointment of said committee, of the time and place of their meeting; or of the time of their report to said Lodge, nor of the sentence of expulsion passed by said Lodge, until four months after the whole had been accomplished. We would therefore recommend that the sentence of expulsion passed on said Bro. Tucker be revoked, and that he be admitted to his former good standing in said Lodge. JOHN R. WATROUS, THOMAS HUBBARD, ^ Committee. ANDREW HARRIS, ■'■! Whereuj)oii, it was voted, that the above report be accepted, and that the sentence of expulsion passed against Bro. Elisha Tucker, by St. James' Lodge, be annulled, and that he be re- stored to his former good standing in said Lodge. The M. W, Grand Master appointed Brs. Charles A. Inger- soll, James Carrington, and Andrew Kidston, to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, and report at the next Grand Communication. The business of the session being finished, solemn prayer was offered by the Eev, Grand Chaplain, and the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, WILLIAM H. JONES, Ch-and Secretary. 1826.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 393 RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Charles A. lugersoll, W. M., Daniel Collins, S. W., Nahiun Hayward, J. W. Initiated — Henrj^ Miller, Kneeland Townsend, Jr., Stephen Daggett, Charles E. Candee, Moses Couch, Henry H. Monson, Leonard Smith, Philander B. Hine, Anson G. Bodwell, Peter L. Armstrong, Alva Granniss, Joseph Yeomans. Ad- mitted — Eliphalet G. Storer, David Moulthrop, Josiah Brinsmade. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Horace Clark, W. M., Samuel Babcock, S. W., Hezekiah L. Hosmer, J. W. Initiated — Rev. Birdseye G. Noble, Richard Macey, James H. Williams, Ed- •ward S. Cone, Frederick A. Bevins, John C. Palmer, Charles Tucker, Hiram P. Woodworth, Elisha Dunbar, Truman B. Ransom, Peter Cook, Rev. Walter Colton. Admitted — Pierre Thomas, John R. Dodge. Expelled — Chaimcey Beebe. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Samuel Stratton, W. M., Chas. Foote, S. W., LeAvis C. Segee, .J. W. Initiated — Sylvester May, Sherlock Monson, Samuel B. Ferguson, Edwin Bxir- low, Hiram Middlebrooks, Increase Allen, Lewis Fitch, L. N. Deforest, H. Davis, Levi Turney, B. F. Nichols, Rev. Richard V. Dey. Admitted — fifteen. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— James Ward, W. M., Thomas K. Brace, S. W., Charles Shelden, J. W. Initiated — Joseph W. Dimmock, Theodore Spencer, Orrin Webster, Hermon Chapin, Asa Fox, Otis Newell, William J. Atkins, Aaron Goodman, Samuel Clark, Martin Pease, Allen Goodwin, Nathan B. Morse, Gideon Wells, John M. Danforth, Orlando Clark. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— John W. Leeds, W. M., William Wilmot, S. W., Isaac Quintard, J. W. Initiated — John Griffith, Charles Downs, Edwin Lee, Jacob White, John J. Tracey. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Henry Selleck, W. M., Philo Price, S. W., Edwin Hoyt, J. W. Initiated — Henry C. Lobdell, Nehemiah Sherwood, Richard Pike, Noah S. Day, William Lockwood, George B. Benjamin, Ward Chichester, James W. Hyatt, Hi- ram Hurlbut, Charles JellifF. Abraham Meillard, Samuel Comstock, Lewis Ray- mond, 2d, Robert Eells, Granby Jennings, Rev. William Wilcox. 50 394 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Nehemiah C. Sanford, W. M., Phineas S. Bradley, S. W., Charles S. Ransom, J. W. Initiated— Ch&rles Peck, Samuel Steel, Andrew Root, Charles Johnson, Rod- erick C. Steele. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Matthias Nicoll, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S. W., Preston B. Warner, J. W. Initiated — John Goulding, James Wheeler, Jr., George Washington Drake, Charles Gay. COMPASS, No. 9, Wallingford— Constant Kirtland, W. M., Frederick Lewis, S. W., Lyman Cannon, J. W. Initiated — John J. Atwell, Horace Hall, 2d, John R. Phiney. WOOSTER, No. 10, Colchester— Samuel H. Fox, W. M., John L. Watrous, S. W., Joseph D. Packwood, J. W. Initiated — Joshua B. Wheeler, Rev. Ralph S. Crampton, Thomas Kingsley, Charles D. Bigelow, Rev. Nathaniel Miner. Expelled — Alanson B. Stannard. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Phineas B. Taylor, W. M., Frederick Buel, S. W., Heaian W. Childs, J. W. Initiated — Phineas B. Cook, George Marsh. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— Henry Downs, W. M., George Blakeman, S. W., Lewis Remer, Jr., J. W. MONTGOMERY, NO. 13, Salisbury— No returns. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman, W. M., Henry Cowles, S. W., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, J. W. Initiated — Giles Stillman. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— David C. Bolles, W. M., Henry Clark, S. W., John C. Eldridge, J. W. Initiated — Augustus Cadey, Charles Eldridge, Silas Sisson, Chester Shephard, Jesse Haiks. Leonard L. Morse. Admitted — James A. Stetson. TEMPLE, No. 16, Cheshire— Charles Shelton, W. M., Elnathan Beach, S.W., Charles A. Stanley, J. W. Initiated — Benjamin R. Hall. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown — Alanson Warren, W. M., Samuel Doqlittle, S. W., Stephen Seymour, J. W. Initiated — Horace Foot. Admitted — Samuel Doolittle. Suspended — Hector Smith. Expelled — Landon Loveland, Tola Webster. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown — McPherson Sherman, W. M., Henry Dutton, S. W., Theophilus Nichols, J. W. Initiated — Alexander Hall, Timothy H. Cauldwell, Lucius Clark, Russell D. Smith, John Tillou, Moses Marine, Samuel B. Peck, John P. Burritt, Boyle Fair- child. Admitted — Andrew S. Welles, Charles Hotchkiss. Suspended — Marcus B. Somers. 1826,] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 395 WASHINGTON, No. 19, Monroe— C3n-us H. Beardsley, W. M., Andrew Shelton, S. W., Levi Brown, J. W. Initiated — Horace Shelton, Anson Beardslee, Ezra Hall, Lynson Bostwick Jo- seph T. Wilcox, Burr Hall. HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Ira E. Smith, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. W., Norman Woodruff, J. W. Initiated — Daniel Richards, Lawrence Richards, Wyllys Winchell, Linus Gil- bert. ST. PETER'S, No. 21, New Milford- Oliver W. Pickett, S. W., Ezra Noble, J. W. HART^S, No. 22, Woodbridge— Hezekiah Thomas, Jr., W. M., A. A. Perkins, S. W., Isaac Warren, J. W. Initiated — Joseph T. Clark, Alvan Sperry, Adoniram Peck, Jesse L. Hinman. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Mason White, W. M., Charles Prentice, S. W., John C. Tibbitts, J. AV. Initiated — Neheraiab Clark, Moses Branch, Cornelius Foster. Expelled — Bo- naparte Campbell, Asher Bennett, Charles Smith. Restored — Elisha Tucker. URIEL, No. 24, Mansfield— Jasper Gilbert, W. M., Charles Brigham, S. W., Ichabod Bulkley, J. W. Initiated — Charles Arnold, John C. Dunham, John N. Grain, Samuel Leach, Elisha Atwood, William Billings, Stafford Smith. William Brown. Admitted — Thomas Clark, Shubael Diraock, Jeremiah Clark, COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Henry Dayton, W. M., R. G. Isham, S. W., Ruel Richardson, J. W. Initiated — Ashbel Alger, Jr., James Russell, Rev. Charles Remington, David Taylor, Admitted. — R. G. Isham, Howell W. Brown. Philip Smith. COLUMBIA, No. 26, East Haddam— David B. Ventres, W. M., Ebenezer Cook, S. W., Roswell Brainard, J. W. Initiated — Ansel Warner, David P. Phelps, John Porter, Braddock Strong, Nathan E. Shailer, Cyprian S. Brainard, Richard W. Green, Lester Pascho, Elisha Martin. Suspended — Julius Chapman. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— Daniel A. Ryan, W. M., John Goodyear, S. W., Marvin Wheaton, J. W. Initiated— \Nm. Odell, Marshall F. Whitney, Judson Cables. MORNING STAR, Jfo. 28, Warehouse Point— William Parsons, W. M., Solo- mon Terry, Jr., S. W., Horace Metcalf, J. W. Initiated — Thomas H. Bond, Asa Welton. Admitted — Daniel Bartlett, Jr. Expelled — James L. Raynolds. VILLAGE, No. 29, Canton— Ansel Humphreys, W. M., Luther Higley, S, W,, Sherman Osborn, J. W. Initiated — Milton Humphreys, Jonas Dyer, Daniel H, Morgan. 396 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, DAYSPRING, No. 30, Haiiiden— Jacob Whiting, W.M., Chauncey B. Foote, S. W., Allen Tirrel, J. W. Initiated— Clmndler Sanderson. Admitted— Clmxmcey B. Foote, Leverett Hitchcock. UNION, No. 31, New London— Dj'er T. Brainard, W. M., Ephraim H. Babcock, S. W., Thaddeus Brooks, Jr., J. W. Initiated— ^m. Wileman, Humphrey Baker, Wm. Tate, Jr., John B. B. Lord, John Howard, Jr., Benjamin F. Stoddard, Josiah Chester, Asa Wightman, Nathan Stark, Wra. H. Gardner, Joseph Chadwick, Jr., John Curliss, Alexander McSta- ples, Edward Stanton, Christopher Bill, Rev. Thomas W. Coit, David Beebe, Robert Crannell. Admitted — Elisha A. Baker, Alpheus S. Colton. Expelled— Robert G. Dawson, Joseph B. Manning. MERIDIAN SUN, No. 32, Warren— Lysander Curtis, W. M., Jonathan Wright, S. W., Julius W. Benedict, J. W. Initiated — Truman Seeley, Cyrus Strong, Benjamin Green, Moses Sackett, Abraham B. Everett, Edmund Saunders, Abner Everett. Jr., John Stone, Rev. Charles Everett. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Seth Clark, W. M., Julius Bristol, S. W., Alpheus S. Brockett, J. W. Initiated — Wm. Hitchcock. SOMERSET, No. 34, Norwich— Asa Child, W. M., A. H. Washburn, S. W., Wm, Hines, J. W. Initiated— George Miner, Jr., Wm. F. Tracy, Henry Tisdale, Edward M. Jenks, Curtis Ladd, Pardon Sessions, Alexander Ross, John Fuller, John Prior, James L. Thompson, Shubael Gallup, Richard Jillson, Charles Perkins, Asa Roath, James Breed, John Prentice. Admitted — Henry Paine, Erastus Smith, John S. Williams. Restored — Perry M. Herskill. AURORA, No. 35, Harwinton— Willard Hitchcock, W. M., William S. Goodsell, S. W., Phineas W. Noble, J. W. Initiated— George S. Jones, Eli B. Candee. Expelled— Za^chaxxzh Marks. ST. MARK'S, No. 36, Granby— Daniel B. Holcomb, W. M., George Norton, S. W., Frederick W. Jewett, J. W. Initiated— lAi-ma Moses, Hezekiah Eno, Thomas Belden, Jr., Selden Haines, Guy R. Phelps. WESTERN STAR, No. 37, Norfolk— Augustus P. Pease, W. M., John Dewitt, S. AV., Jedediah Phelps, J. W. Admitted — John Dewitt. ST. ALBAN'S, No. 38, Guilford— Jedediah Lathrop, W. M., Amos Seward, S. W., George C. Bradley, J. W. ARK, No. 39, Weston— Lemuel B. Hull, W. M., John B. Merritt, S. W., Jere- miah Banks, J. .W. Initiated — Lewis G. Loomis, James Lewis, James Baldwin, Medad Bradley. Admitted — Edward E. Phelps. Restored — Lemuel Lyon. 1826.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 397 UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Ira B. Wildraan, W. M., Starr Ferry, S. W., Martin Mead, J. W. Initiated — Zalmou W. Sherman, William H. Banks, Daniel S. Beattice, John Hayes, Anson Cornwall, William Scofield, George Hoyt, Abrani Stow, Bradley Adams, Simeon M. Steward, Wm. Patch, Jr., Frederick S. Wildraan, John H. Whiting, David B. Sturges, Ambrose B. Turner, Morris Downs, Thomas T. Whit- ing. Expelled — Augustus Wilcox, David Foot, Jr., David Hoyt. FEDERAL, No. 41, Brookfield— Daniel Holly, AV. M.. Czar Nearing, S. W., Joel C. Sherman, J. W. Initiated — Wm. Bradshaw, Wm. Morehouse, Wm. Corning. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Moses Hall, W. M., Elihu Hitchcock, S. W., Daniel Hayden, J. W. Initiated — Leverett Turrill, Lucius Judd, Anson Sperry, George Warner. TRINITY, No. 45, Killingworth— Charter revoked. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— William Webb, W. M., Vine Hovey, S. W., William Wattles, J. W. Initiated — John D. Waldo, Chas. B. Waldo, Ogden Kingsley, Sylvester Knight, Jr., Denison AVattles, Jr., Gurdon Bailej', Joseph Young, William Congdon. Ad- mitted — Rev. Chester Selden. Restored — Andrew Baker. PYTHAGORAS, No. 45, Lyme— Charter revoked. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pom fret— Andrew A. Williams, W. M., Ezra Child, S. W., John Fowler, 2d, J. W. Initiated — Cyprian Chandler, Joseph D. Keith, John W. Welles, Chester In- galls, Albert G. Fountain, Samuel Underwood, David Gleason, William Davis, Pliny Clark, Samuel Chandler, Elijah Adams. Expelled — Benjamin Dexter. Suspended — Alvin Child. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Cyrus Humphrey, W. M., Jesse Joy, S. W., Nathan Stone, J. W. Initiated— ^KVaacn. B. Fairchild, Alfred Hardier, Nathan Wilcoxon. Admit- ted — Merrit Bradley. ST. LUKE'S, No. 48, Kent— Hiram Converse, W. M., Elijah Parston, S. W., Ezra Skiff, J. W. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— William Crocker, W. M., Czar Jones, S. W., Thomas Hollingshead, J. W. Initiated — Lockwood K. Osborn, Reuben French, Wm. Beers, Joel T. Benedict, Rev. Origen P. Holcomb, Roswell Canfield, Jesse Covert, Rufus H. Pickett, Be- najah T. Betts, Hiram Jones, James Jones, Lewis B. Titus, Jonathan Field. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— Cyrus Mann, W. M., Sherman McLean, S. W., Frederick A. Strong, J. W. Initiated — Jabez L. White, Jr., Edward G. Ufford, Nathan Burnap, Jireh Kel- logg, Charles A. Scovell, George Steele, Ezekiel H. Brown, Edmund R. Way, William D. Townsend. 398 GBAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Bliss Welch, W. M., Warren Gates, S. W., Wm. R. Smith, J. W. Initiated — Robert U. Richmond, Diodate B. West. MOUNT OLIVE, No. 52, Saybrook— Timothy Starkey, W. M., Pliny Hamant, S. W., Ulysses Marther, J. W. Initiated — Timothy Stannard, Oliver C. Palmer, Mason Holmes. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Thomas T. Wells, W. M., Joseph Frink, S. W., Luke Wheeler, J. W. Initiated— John T. Wheeler, Joshua Wheeler, Jr., William B. Denison. Ex- pelled — Clark D. Thompson. HAMILTON, No. 54, Sharon— Charles V. Clark, W. M., Albert F. Roberts, S. W., Samuel G. Prindle, J. W. Initiated — Wm. W. Gould, Ralph Deming, Elizur Wilson, Richard Clark, Amos Hitchcock, John Wardwell. Admitted— Wm. P. Cutler, Charles Lincoln. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— William North, W. M., Wm. E. Russell, S. W., Stephen K. Fielding, J. W. Initiated — Norman Coe, Abijah Munn, John Hungerford, 2d, Enoch Sperry, Rev. Thomas Sparks, Nathaniel Smith, Thomas Moses, George D. Wadhams, Elijah T. Cummings, Samuel Burr, Philip Leddy. Admitted — Levi Rogers, La- ban N. Oliver. FRANKLIN, No. 5G, Bristol— Cornelius B. Andrews, W. M., Irenus Atkins, S. W., Josiah Reed, J. W. Initiated — Cyrus P. Smith, Theophilus Smith, Samuel B. Smith, Ezekiel Car- rington, Lewis W. Pond, Hubbell Pierce, Eli Fancher. Julius R. Pond, Daniel Tuttle, Hiram Gilbert, Linus Preston, Isaac Murry, Romanta E. Plum. Newell Byington. Admitted — Charles Sage. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington Borough— Wm. Hyfle, W. M., Wm. Storer, Jr., S. W., Wm. S. Williams, J. W. Initiated — Richard F. Loper, Joseph Packer, George Eldridge, Jr., Smith Bloomfield, George Park, John Packer, Jr., George W. Holdredge, Henry Lamb, Eldredge Spicer, David Burrows, Edward Fitch, Nathaniel B. Palmer, William A. Fanning, Seth Burrows, Benjamin G. Frj', Thomas Williams, Shubael Brown. Charles P. Williams, David Stanton, Stanton F. Burdick, Hampton Stuart, Joshua Pendleton, Joseph Alexander, George E. Palmer. Admitted — Edward Fanning. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Amos Beecher, Jr., W. M., Ezekiel Alderman, S. W., Daniel Sandford, J. W. Initiated — Jeffery Roby, Timothy Ensign. Daniel Bliss, Sylvester Case, Phineas Stratton, Almon Case, Chauncey Griswold, John Merrell, Jr. Expelled — John Church. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Asahel Hatheway, W. M., Julius Harmon, S. W., Wm. C. Gay, J. W. 1826.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 399 Initiated — Chauncey Pomeroy, Alfred Spencer, Comfort Lane, Harvey Hathe- way. Admitted — Gurdon C. Gould. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Joseph Sibley, W. M., Isaac McNary, S. W., Solomon L. Griggs, J. W. Initiated — Lemuel Stedman, Rev. Isaiah P. Fuller, Chauncey Davis, Loren P. Waldo, Thomas Pinks, R. G. Huntington, Jarvis Crandall, Harvey Adams, Wm. Adams, James L. Lyon, Gurdon Abbot, Aaron Johnson. OLIVE BRANCH, No. 61, Goshen— John H. Collins, W. M., Uriah Turner, S. W., Samuel W. Gold, J. W. Initiated — •Bennet Roberts, Obadiah Bierce, Benj. Doolittle, Cyrus Crandall. ORIENT, No. 62, East Hartford— Ozias Roberts, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., Horace Riley, J. W. Initiated — ^AVm. T. Smith, Howell W. Brown, Rev. Josiah Loomis, Thomas H. Harding, Peter Rogers. ADELPHI, No. 63, New Haven— William H. Jones, W. M., Augustus R. Street, S. W., Dennis Kimberly, J. W. Initiated — Seymour A. Hatch, S. W. Knevals, Daniel P. Clark, Mark Pratt, John Beach. 2d, David L. Seymour, Isaac W. Beers. ST. ANDREW'S, No. 64, Winsted— Josiah Smith, W. M., John Boyd, S. W., Andrew Dimock, J. W. Initiated — Cyrus W. Bidwell, Hillimau Fyler, Horace Rawley, William G. Hanaford. TEMPLE, No. 65, Saugatuck— Samuel Jackson, W. M., George L. Cable, S. W., Wm. Burwell, J. W. Initiated — Willett Hanford, Nathan C. Meeker, Russell Clark, Rev. W. H. Dike- man, David M. Marvin, Nathan T. Hanford, James Brown, Eliphalet T. Smith, Dimon Fanton. Suspended — Barnard Osborn. WIDOW'S SON, No. 66, Branford- Merrit Foot, W. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W., Orrin D. Squire, J. W. Initiated — Willoughby L. Lay, Asahel Curtis, Hobert Robinson, John Staples. HARMONY, No. 67, New Canaan— Samuel Carter, Jr., W. M., Eliphalet Weeds, S. W., Rufus Richards, J. W. Initiated — Bradley Keeler, David St. John, Knight Benjamin Hoyt, Jesse Smith, Seth Deforest, Benjamin Pinney, Andrew Crawford, Lewis Richards, Chas. Gilbert, Stephen Seward, Luzern Gilbert, Wm. Fitch, Carey Weed, George Ayres, Darius Rusco, Lyman Seely. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Erastus Williams, W. M., Roswell Allyn, S. W., Erastus T. Smith, J. W. Initiated — Thomas W. Gay, Wm. A. Walker, Isaac Spicer, Ezekiel Bailey, James Gere, Sidney Stoddard, Isaac Gallup, Tracey Gates, John Lee, John A. Miner, Jr., Avery Bill, Christopher Newton, Cyrus Newton, John Wilcox. Ad- mitted — Benjamin F. Stoddard, Austin M. Lester, Rufus Fanning, Ebenezer P. Miner. 400 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, FAYETTE, No. 69, Ellington— Wra. A. Hamilton, W. M., L. P. Tinker, S. W., Ebenezer Smith, J. W. Initiated— John H. Helton, John T. Olcott, Levi Collins, Robert Goudy, Jr., Henry Billings. WASHINGTON, No. 70, Windsor— James 0. Pond, W. M., William Alford, S. W., John Sargeant, J. W. Initiated— \Nm. S. Pitkins, Edwin Chapman, Hiram Bulkland, Anson B. Hay- den, Milton Phelps, Samuel S. Stebbins, Walter Pease, Jr., James Loomis. Notice to Lodges. Any Lodges in this State, owning real estate, may, under the Act of the Legis- lature Incorporating the Grand Lodge, convey such real estate, in trust, to the Grand Lodge, by a common quit-claim deed ; the conveyance being made by a third person, acting for such subordinate Lodge. WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. New Haven, May 15, 1826. 1769.] EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 4.01 SKETCHES OP THE EARLY LODGES. {Continued from page 208.) COMPASS LODGE, WALLINGFORD. A charter was obtained from R. W. John Rowe, Provincial Grand Master at Boston, dated April 28, 1769, authorizing the erection of a Lodge at Wallingford ; hut as no records have been found j)rior to their connection with the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, nothing more can be stated, than that Bro. Tyr- hand Kirtland was their rej^resentative in the Convention that framed the Constitution, and that on receiving a new charter under the Constitution, the Lodge was designated as " Compass, No. 9." Their regular meetings and returns to Grand Lodge were kept up for many years, and, although against severe dif- ficulties, they managed to stem the tide of persecution, which rose high and lashed its furious waves around the base of our altars for a short time ; but as soon as the storm ceased. Com- pass Lodge went into " dignified retirement," and remained in a torpid state for several years, when she again arose and put on her " beautiful garments," and has since been found among the faithful. KING HIRAM LODGE, DERBY. On the 3d of January, 1783, a charter was granted by the " Massachusetts Grand Lodge," for holding a Lodge in Derby, under the above title ; and in April, the same year, Bro. Chas. Whittlesey represented said Lodge in the preliminary Conven- tion at New Haven, when the first steps were taken towards the formation of a Grand Lodge in this State. We have none of the early records of this Lodge, and do not know that it was represented in the Convention which framed the Constitution ; but at the semi-annual session of the Grand Lodge in May, 1791, we find it on the list of Lodges represented, and on the numbering of the subordinates it received a new charter, with the name of " King Hiram, No. 12." 51 402 EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. [1765. KING SOLOMON'S LODGE, WOODBURY. Of this Lodge we have no early record to show the date of its charter, or who were its founders and first members. In the pre- liminary Convention of 1783, its delegate was Brother Joseph Perry ; and at the Convention of July 1789, by which the Con- stitution of the Grand Lodge was framed, Bro. Nathan Preston was the delegate. Upon the issue of new charters and numbers to the subordinates. King Solomon's Lodge was designated as " number seven," and has ever been " faithful to the Constitu- tion." FIRST LODGE IN WATERBURY. As early as the year 1765, a Masonic Lodge was in operation in the ancient town of Waterbury ; and although we have no records or documentary evidence to show from what authority the charter was derived, still the traditionary proof which has come down to us, is sufficient to establish the fact. There are old Masons now living, who remember having heard their fathers or grandfathers tell what theh^ forefathers had done in the old time before them, in the Lodge at Waterbury. The minutes of this old Lodge are not known to be in existence, but the original copy of the by-laws, written in a beautiful round hand, and in good state of preservation, is now in the possession of Harmony Lodge, No. 42. As these by-laws contain much of the spirit of " Ancient Craft Masonry," we co]3y the heading, with several entire sections, believing that they will compare favorably with many more modern codes of Masonic Law. BY-LA WS, made, enacted and approved, for the due regulating the First Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Waterhury in Connecticut, and hy a miani- mous vote of the Eight Worshipful Master, Wardens and Members of said Lodge, assembled in due form, the 2oth of December, 5765, ordered to be re- corded. 1. As order and decency are beauties in Masonrj^, and unless upheld, a disso- lution of the true cement and Harmony of this Lodge must ensue : — Therefore, at the third stroke of the Master's hammer, (always to be repeated by the Senior Warden,) or whenever the Master shall call to order, there shall be a general and profound silence observed, and all the brethren attend to business. Every broth- er shall keep in his seat, and not move from place to place, nor leave the room during business, or before the Lodge is closed, without liberty had of the Master. 1765.] EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 403 No private committees or whisperings shall be held, no disputes about religion or politics, no cursings, swearings, or getting drunk in Lodge hours. Any brother offending in any of the above, shall be fined, by a ballot of the majority of mem- bers present, not exceeding three shillings, and be excluded the Lodge till he owns his fault. 2. Every brother that speaks during business, shall rise, addressing himself to the chair, nor shall any person presume to interrupt him, unless the Master, find- ing him wandering from the point, shall think fit to reduce him to order. 3. Whoever shall, during Lodge hours, be so rude as to hiss at a brother, or at what he says or has said, shall be forthwith solemnly excluded the Lodge till he has publicly owned his fault. 4. If any member should come to Lodge in an undue or indecent dress, he is to be fined one shilling, and excluded the Lodge for that night, which is to be left to the discretion of the Master and his men. 5. The Lodge shall be held on the first Tuesday of every month throughout the year, and at such other times as the majority of the brethren present, with the consent of the Master, shall from time agree ; and be opened at five of the clock, from Sept'r to March, inclusive, and at six of the clock the residue of the year, and be closed always by nine of the clock, or sooner if the Master pleases, unless on account of makings or raisings, or some other special emergency. The Master shall have liberty to call a special Lodge when occasion requires ; and no brother shall urge or insist on any others tarrying after Lodge is closed. [The next five sections relate to the manner of proposing and balloting for can- didates, amount of fees, &c.] 11. There shall be provided at the expense of the Lodge, every time they meet, a supper for all the brethren present, (which shall be attended by or before eight o'clock,) and every member who lives within fifteen miles shall pay, quarterly, at the rate of two shillings for every Lodge night. ****** 12. Every visiting brother shall be made welcome to this Lodge the first time he visits, but shall for future visits pay two shillings each time he attends. 13. When a special Lodge is called for the admission of a candidate to the 1st 2d or 3d degrees of Masonry, he shall pay twelve shillings extraordinary to the Treasurer, and be at the whole night's expense. 14. The members of this Lodge shall be very cautious of their behaviour, both in Lodge and without, that no unjust reflections may be cast on the royal art. Whoever occasions or promotes feuds or animosities among the brethren, or endeavors to disturb the tranquility of the Lodge, shall be dealt by as seemeth meet to the Master and his men, either by fine or exclusion from the privileges of the Lodge. The by-laws extend to twenty-one sections, to whicli is ap- pended the following obligation or acknowledgment, with the signatures of the members : We, the subscrbers, having read and considered the above and foregoing By- Laws of the Right Worshipful Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, held at the house of Capt. George Nichols, in Waterbury, in Connecticut, do hereby acknowl- 404 EARLY LODGE IN CONNECTICUT. [1765. edge ourselves members of said Lodge, and respectively agree to and approve of all the above and foregoing By-laws, and do hereby bind ourselves, respectively, to observe, stand by and be subject to them, in the strictest manner. Witness our hands, in the Lodge aforesaid, duly formed, this 25th day of De- cember, 1765, and of Masonry 5765. JOHN HOTCHKISS, . .JOSEPH PERRY, JOEL CLARK, JOHN WEBSTER, JAMES RAYNOLDS, AMOS HITCHCOCK, ISAAC JONES, JESSE LEAVENWORTH, ELDAD LEWIS, ROBERT KINKEAD, AMOS BULL, ALLEN SAGE, JOHN LOTHROP, HEZEKIAH THOMPSON. How Ions: this Lodo;e continued is not known. That some of its members were conspicuous Masons several years subsequent to the date of the above articles, is evident ; particularly Col. Joel Clark, of the Continental Army, whose name appears, in 1776, as the first Master of the Amet^iccm Union Lodge. At the formation of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, in 1789, no mention is made of a Lodge in Waterbury ; and in 1797, the brethren in that town received a charter, by which they were designated as " Harmony Lodge, No. 42," with Bro. Jared By- ington for their first Master. NEW LONDON. Tradition informs us that a Masonic Lodge existed in New London County, many years previous to the commencement of the Kevolutionary War, working sometimes at New London, and sometimes at Colchester ; but we find no recorded proof of the existence of such Lodge, except the following, in the His- tory of St John's Grand Lodge at Boston, under date of Janu- ary 12, 1753 : — " The petition of several brethren residing at New London, in the Colony of Connecticut, for dispensation to erect a Lodge there, was granted." The names of the petition- ers, or of the members of this early Lodge, are nowhere to be found ; and we learn nothing further of Masonry in New Lon- don, until the October Session of the Grand Lodge, in 1795, when we find the name of Bro. Elias Perkins, as member, from Union Lodge, New London. When, or by whom, the char- ter was granted, does not appear ; but at the numbering of the 1771.] EARLY LODGES IN CONNECTICUT. 405 Lodges in this State, in 1796, the Lodge at New London was enrolled as " Union, No. 31," and it has ever since been one of the most flourishing Lodges in this jurisdiction. LODGE IN GUILFORD. On the 10th of July, 1771, a Warrant was issued by R. W. John Rowe, Esq., Provincial Grand Master at Boston, to Bros, Timothy Ward, Bilious Ward, David Landon, Timothy Lud- ington, Eber Waterhouse, Asher Fairchild, Benjamin Stone, Giles Trubee and Wm. Johnson, of Guilford, in the County of New Haven, Colony of Connecticut, forming them into a regu- lar Lodge, to be held in said Guilford, and appointing Brother Bilious Ward to be their first Worshipful Master. The follow- ing record of the first meeting held under this warrant is taken from the original minute-book. Guilford, Sept. 19, 5771.— At a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, held at the house of Brother Asher Fairchild, present, Brs. Bilious Ward, Timo. Luding- ton, Asher Fairchild, Wm. Johnson, Joseph Bradley, Francis Brown, Timo. Ward and Amos Bull. The commission, appointing our Right Worshipful Bro. Bilious Ward to be the first Master of this Lodge, was read, and he accordingly took the chair, with the usual solemnities, and calling forth Bro. Timo. Ludington, ap- pointed him Senior Warden, and Bro. Asher Fairchild, he appointed him Junior Warden ; after which the Lodge was opened in due form. Mr. Thomas Powers, Mr. Eli Foot, and Doct. Isaac Chalker, were this evening proposed, balloted for, and made Entered Apprentices. Bro. Eli Foot was then appointed Secretary, and Bro. Isaac Chalker Treasurer to the Lodge. The Lodge continued to work under their dispensation, until the year 1776, when, in consequence of the war, and the ex- posed situation of the town of Guilford to the ravages of the enemy, the brethren became so dispersed that no further meet- ings were attempted to be held until after the Grand Lodge was formed. In 1797, the brethren then residing in Guilford pe- titioned the Grand Lodge for a charter, which was granted, and they took the name of " St. Alban's Lodge, No. 38." COLUMBIA LODGE, NORWICH. In the History of The Massachusetts Grand Lodge, we find that on the 24th of June, 1785, a petition was received from several brethren, praying for the establishment of a Lodge at 406 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [1785. Norwich, Connecticut, and that a charter was granted, under the title of " Columbia Lodge." How long this Lodge was continued, is not known ; but it must have ceased its opera- tions before the Grand Lodge of Connecticut was formed, for we find no allusion made to such, a Lodge, in the transactions of that body, until May, 1802, when " a petition was presented from some of the fraternity in Norwich, praying to be recog- nized as a regular Lodge, and to be received under the juris- diction of this Grand Lodge, in consequence of a charter ob- tained from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, in the year 1785, by the name of Columbia." Serious objections were urged against this petition, in consequence of said Columbia Lodge having for many years lain dormant, and another Lodge being now in active operation in Norwich, under a charter from the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. The petition was withdrawn, before action was had upon it, and most of the brethren who had been members of said Columbia Lodge, united harmoni- ously with '•' Somerset Lodge, No. 34." [We have now briefly noticed all the Lodges known to have exifted in Connedicut previous to the formation of the Grand Lodge, and fliall devote the remainder of this volume to the proceedings of that body.] 1827.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 407 ANNUAL SESSION, 1827. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 9th day of May, A. D. 1827, A. L. 5827 : OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. DANIEL B. BEINSMADE, Grand Master. K. W. JAMES M. GOODWIN, Deputy Grand Master. AMHEKST D. SCOVILL, Senior Grand Warden. WILLIAM G. GAY, Junior Grand Warden. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Senior Grand Deacon. ASA CHILD, Junior Grand Deacon. ELISHA HARRINGTON, ) ^ . ^. , ANSON COLTON, \ ^^^^^ Stewards. AZOR HATCH, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Charles A. Ingersoll, William H. Ellis, Thomas G. Woodward. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown— Edward S. Cone, Wm. Wood- ward, Charles Dyer. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Samuel Simons. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Isaac Perkins, Nathan Colton, Horace Goodwin, 2d. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Charles Hawley. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Henry Selleck, Benj. Isaacs. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — Charles Ransom, Samuel Steele. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — John Goulding. No. 9, Compass, Wallingford — Randal Cook, Frederick Lewis. 408 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — John R. Watroiis, Joseph D. Packwood. No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield — Samuel Pi. Childs. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — George Blakeman. No. 13, Montgomery, Salisbury — Luther Ticknor. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — ^Lemuel Whitman. No. 16, Temple, Cheshire — Charles Shelton. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Prosper A. Foot. No. 19, Washington, Huntington — Cyrus H. Beardsley. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Ira E. Smith, Luther Beckley. No. 21, St. Peter's, New Milford— Jehiel Williams. No. 22, Hart's, Woodbridge — Jehiel Castle. No. 23, St. James', Preston — George Giddings, Charles Pren- tice. No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield— Ichabod Bulkley. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — Henry Dayton. No. 26, Columbia, East Haddam — Joseph Brainard. No. 27, Rising Sun, Washington — John Goodyear. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — William Parsons, Jabez Collins. No. 29, Village, Canton — Ansel Humphreys. No. 30, Dayspring, Hamden — Oreb Turner, Leveret Hitchcock. No. 31, Union, New London — Frederick Lee, Dyer T. Brainard. No. 32, Meridian Sun, Warren — Salmon Weston. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Seth Clark, Julius Bristol, Martin Cook. No. 34, Somerset, Norwich — Linus Child. No. 35, Aurora, Harwinton — Willard Hitchcock, Joel G.Candee, Phineas W. Noble. No. 36, St. Mark's, Granby— Frederick W. Jewett, Daniel B. Holcomb. No. 37, Western Star, Norfolk — Jedediah Phelps, Amos Petti- bone, Joseph Riggs. No. 38, St. Alban's, Guilford — Jededi-ah Lathrop. No. 39, Ark, Weston — Stephen Wheeler. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Thomas M. Gregory. No. 41, Federal, Brookfield — John B. Sanford. 1827.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 409 No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Horace Porter, No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Wm. Wattles. No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — John Fowler, Thomas Hubbard. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire. No. 48, St. Luke's, Kent— Nathaniel P. Perrj-. No. 49, Jerusalem, Ridgefield — David Keeler. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Sherman McLean. No. 51; Warren, Chatham — Nathaniel Markham, Jr., Nelson C. Daniels, Hiram Markham. No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington— Thomas T. Welles^ Wm. Williams. No. 54, Hamilton, Sharon — Albert F. Roberts. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Wm. North, Stephen K. Fielding, Russel C. Abernethy. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol^Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — Grurdon Hubbard. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Jabin Ford. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield — Wm. C. Gay, Charles Shepard, Geo, A. Owen. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford — Benning Mann, Thomas Pinks. No. 62, Orient, East Hartford — Ozias Roberts. No. 63, Adelphi, New Haven — Augustus R. Street. No. 64, St. Andrew's, Winsted — Luman Wakefield. No. 66, Widow's Son, Branford — Calvin Frisbie. No. 67, Harmony, New Canaan — Samuel Raymond. No. 69, Fayette, Ellington — Horatio A. Hamilton. No. 70, Washington, Windsor — Anson Bates, Charles Wood- ward. No. 71, Salem, Salem — Shubael Parks, John S. Ransom. No. 72, LaFayette, Fairfield — Obadiah Beardsley. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — John Mather, William T. Smith. No. 74, Blazing Star, Cornwall — Peter Bierce, 52 410 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, IN DUE AND AMPLE FORM. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, by the M. W. Grand Master. The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand five hundred and twenty-two dollars and fourteen cents, in cash, and eight shares in the Hart- ford Bank. All of which is respectfully submitted, ANDREW KIDSTON, ) JAMES CARRINGTON, } Committee. CHAS. A. INGERSOLL,) New Haven, May 1, 1827. The Grand Secretary reported that no returns were received at the last Grand Communication, from Montgomery Lodge, No. 13, and St. James', No. 23, and that said Lodges were un- represented at that time. Satisfactory excuses being offered by the members from those Lodges, the penalties were remitted. Arunah Case, expelled from Northern Star Lodge, No. 58, appealed from the sentence of expulsion, requesting that a committee be appointed to inquire into the justice of that sen- tence, and report thereon at the present session of the Grand Lodge. Upon the representation of the Secretary of said Lodge, the appeal was dismissed. The committee to whom was referred the petition of mem- bers of St. Mark's Lodge, No. 36, presented at the last Grand Communication, submitted the following report, which was ap- proved and accepted : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut: The undersigned, a committee appointed to settle the line of jurisdiction be- tween Village Lodge, No. 29, and St. Mark's Lodge, No. 36, do report, that they met the representatives of said Lodges at the house of Br. J. 0. Phelps, in Sims- bury, July 29th, 1826, and having heard the statements and arguments in behalf of each Lodge, are of opinion that the convenience of the brethren and the inte- 1827.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 411 rest of both Lodges would be best promoted by the establishment of the follow- ing boundary line, viz . — On the north, the division line between the towns of Granby and Canton ; the squadron line (so called) running eastery and westerly, and dividing the town of Simsbury into two nearly equal parts, and a continua- tion of that line to the town of Windsor ; and in compliance with the vote of the Grand Lodge, we do establish said line as the boundary between those Lodges. J. M. GOODWIN,! WM. C. GAY, } Committee. J. 0. POND, ) Bro. Frederick Lee, appointed at the last Grand Communi- cation to demand and receive the charter and effects of Trinity Lodge, No. 43, Killingwortli, and Pythagoras Lodge, No. 45, Lyme, reported, verbally, that he had been unable fully to ac- complish the object of his appointment ; whereupon, his said appointment was continued until the next annual communica- tion of the Grand Lodge. The committee to whom was referred, at the last Grand Com- munication, the petition of Morning Star Lodge, No. 28, made the following report, which was approved and accepted. To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, who were on a committee appointed to establish a line of de- markation between Morning Star Lodge, No. 28, and Fayette Lodge, No. 69, do report, that they met for that purpose at the house of E. Bissell in East Windsor, on the 15th of July, 1852, having previously notified both Lodges. Morning Star Lodge appeared, but Fayette Lodge was not represented. The committee, after hearing the statement of said Morning Star Lodge, and making due inquiry, are of the opinion that the line between the counties of Hartford and Tolland should form the boundary line between said Lodges ; and we recommend that such line be permanently established. Which is respectfully submitted, J. M. GOODWIN, > r, WM. C. GAY, \ C^'^'»^^H^e- The petition of sundry Masons of the town of Greenwich, praying for a Lodge in that town, which had been continued from the Grand Communication of May, 1825, was introduced, and after mature deliberation it was decided to be inexpedient to grant the same. On motion, it was voted, that all petitions for new Lodges be continued to the next annual communication of the Grand Lodse, and that all remonstrances against such petitions be also con- tinued, and a committee appointed on each, to inquire into the facts, and report thereon at the next communication. 412 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, A petition was received from brethren in Jewett City, for a Lodge in that village, which was referred to a committee, con- sisting of Brs. John R. Watrous, Samuel F. Denison and Ly- man Law, to report at the next Grand Communication on the exj)ediency of granting said petition. A petition for a new Lodge in the town of Woodstock was received and referred to a committee consisting of Brs. Lyman Law, Coddington Billings, and Thomas T. Wells, to report at the next Grand Communication. A petition from brethren in Plymouth, for a new Lodge in that town, was received and continued to the next Grand Com- munication. A petition was received from Western Star Lodge, No. 37, Norfolk, praying for the restoration of the town of Colebrook to the limits of said Lodge, which was referred to a committee, consisting of Brs. Timothy Collins, J. W. Phelps, and EHsha Smith, to report at the next Grand Communication. A complaint was received from St. Alban's Lodge, No. 38, Guilford, against Widow's Son Lodge, No, 66, Branford, for initiating a candidate residing within the limits of said St. Al- ban's Lodge, which was referred to a committee consisting of Brs. Frederick Lee, Wm. H. Ellis, and Wm. H. Jones, to re- port at the next Grand Communication. On motion, it was voted that the Grand Treasurer invest the sum of twelve hundred dollars of the funds of the Grand Lodge in a loan or loans, to be secured by bond and mortgage. Brs. Andrew Kidston, Charles A. Ingersoll, and James Car- rington, were appointed a committee to audit the accounts of the Grapd Treasurer and Secretary for the current year, and re- port at the next Grand Communication. The business of the session being finished, solemn prayer was offered by the Rev. Grand Chaplain, and the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. 1827.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 413 RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Charles A. Ingersoll, W. M., Thomas G.Wood- ward, S. W., Anson T. Colt, J. W. Initiated — Chancellor Kingsbury, Amos Shep- ard, John E. Beecher, Frederick Hunt, Jun'r., James H. Hickox, Jabez B. Bull, John H. Phoebus, Horace A. Augur, Phineas Stevens, George Lewis, Eli Farren John W. Downs, Israel Isbel, Joseph Nichols. Admitted — George R. Payne, Robert McNutt. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Samuel Babcock, W. M., Wm. Woodward, S. W., Wm. Merriam, J. W. Initiated — Amariah Cornwell, Daniel D. Fuller, Seabury McCumber, Selah Ray, Alexander W. Hall. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Charles Foote, W. M., Hiram Middlebrook, S. W., Barak J. Nichols, J. W. Initiated — Elam Hawley, Jesse Mallet, Rev. Na- thaniel Ruggles, Rev, William H. Lewis. Suspended — Hiram W. Adams, Harry Lewis. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Isaac Perkin, W. M., Nathan Colton, S. W., Horace Goodwin, 2d, J. W. Initiated — Charles Goodspeed, Ralph H. Wolcott, Daniel Burgess, Austin Seymour, Wm. Eaton, Charles Taylor. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— John W. Leeds, W. M., William Wilmot, S. W., Isaac Quintard, Jr., J. W. Initiated — Hugh McRay, Samuel Jessup, Wm. H. Holly, Seth P. Quintard, Charles D. Hoyt, James R. Hoyt, Charles Hendrick, Nathaniel T. Palmer, George Wingard, David Holly, Jr. Admitted — Alfred A. Holly. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Henry Selleck, W. M., Philo Price, S. W., Edwin Hoyt. J. W. Initiated — Ezra C. Ketchum, Eleazer Frary, Warren Wilkinson, John P. White, William Beardsley, Thomas C. Hanford, George Smith, Thomas Merrils. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Samuel Steele, W. M., Charles Ransom, S. W., Richard C. Steele, J. W. Initiated — Nathan Preston, Orville C. Morse, George DeForest, Seth Crosby. Thomas D. Mallary, Thomas Buxton, Wm. Shel- ton, Martin Moody, Selleck G. Galpin. Suspended — Reuben Fairchild. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Samuel Benjamin, W. M., Benjamin Fairchild, S. W., John Goulding, J. W. Initiated — Bennett Crofut, Robert C. Benjamin, Philip Burritt. COMPASS, No. 9, Wallingford— Frederick Lewis, W. M., James Keeler, S. W., Medad W. Munson, J. W. Initiated — Uriah C. Foot, Edwin R. Yale, Chester B. Goodrich, Ira Couch, Ira Twiss, WOOSTER, No. 10, Colchester— Samuel H. Fox, W. M., John L. Watrous, S. W., Joseph D. Packwood, J. W. Initiated — Nathan Tyler, James Birchnm, 414 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Plnneas B. Taylor, W. M., Frederick Buel, S. W., Heman W. ChiJds, J. W. Initiated — Enos XL Barnes, Ebenezer Jessup, Henry A. Mitchell, Joshua Garritt, Epaphras AV. Bull, Eliliu Harrison, Abner Northrop, Pomeroy E. Thomas, David C. Lord. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— George Blakeman, W. M., Lyman Osborn, S. W., Ebenezer Fisher, J. W. Initiated — Preston Curtis, Marcus Bassett. Admitted — Titus C. Pratt, Wm. Lum, Abijah Wallace. MONTGOMERY, No. 13, Salisbur}-— Abijah C. Peet, W. M,, Noah S. Martin, S. W., Joshua W. Stanton, J. W. Initiated— \N o\coit Turner, Charles B. Flint, John Heustis, Charles C. Lee, Augustus L. Jewell, John Williams, Daniel Dutch- er, Horatio G. Vandeusen, Leonard Smith, Ebenezer S. Forest, Jewell W. Abbot, Rev. Edward Hollister. Wm. W. Peet, George W. Dutcher, Samuel C. Scoville, John M. Smith, Hermon Selleck, Moore Langdon, Joel Hull, Caleb Ticknor, Na- thaniel W. Bosworlh, Henry S. Norton, Philander Wheeler, Curtis R. Cable, John L. Hosford, Ira Ingrahara. Admitted — Seth Harris. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Lemuel Whitman, W. M., Henry Cowles, S. W., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, J. W. Initiated — Jacob Brace. MORIAH,No. 15, Canterbury— Henry Clark, W. M., John C. Eldridge, S. W., Solomon Payne, J. W. Initiated — Jared Wilson, Ezra L. Hutchins, Jeremiah Williams, Roswel Davison, Oliver Watkins. TEMPLE, No. 16, Che-shire-Charles Shelton, W. M., Elnathan Beach, S.W., George AV. Hicks, J. W. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Aner Bradley, W. M., Silas Hoadley, S. W., Charles S. Seymour, J. W. Initiated — David Hinman, Mark I. Bronson. Ad- rmtted — Milan Gaylord. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Henry Dutton, W. M., Theophilus Nichols, S. W,, Prosper A. Foot, J.AV. Initiated — Chauucey B. Peck. Admitted— y^ a.'kema.n B. Smith. WASHINGTON, No. 19, Monroe— Agur Lewis, M., Lucius Curtis, S. W., Cyrus Wheeler, J. W. Initiated — Nelson Sherman, George Cable, Edwin B. Babbitt, HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Chauncey Shipman, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. W., Richard AVilcox, J. W. Initiated — Darius Roberts, Henry Beckwith. ST. PETER'S, No. 21, NewMilford— Jehiel Williams, W. M., Oliver W. Pickett, S. W., Franklin Stedman, J. AV. Initiated — Grant Northrop. HART'S, No. 22, Woodbridge— Hezekiah Thomas, Jr., AV. M., A. A. Perkins, S. W., Reuben Judd, J. W. Suspended — Stephen Wooding, Allen Thomas. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Joshua Barstow, W. M., Charles Prentice, S. W., David Baldwin, J. W. Initiated — Amos Chesbrough, Isaac H. Cook, Samuel Button, Nathan Brown. URIEL, No. 24, Mansfield— Ichabod Bulkley, AV. M., Charles Brigham, S. W., Harvey Clark, J. W. Initiated — Aristarchus Blish, Nelson Felch. Admitted — Moses B. Aldrich. 1827.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 415 COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbnry— Ruel Richardson, W. M., Imlay Covell, S.W., Chester Ackley, J. W. Initiated — Anson Wetherell, Chas. P. Harrington. COLUMBIA, No. 26, East Haddam— James Gladwin, W. M., Elijah Ackley, Jr., S. W., Nehemiah Dickinson, J. W. Initiated — Horace Robertson, C. D. Wright, Erastus Downing, Moses B. Wright, Ichabod Champion, Joseph Goodspeed. Ad- mitted — Jeremiah Hutchins. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— John Goodyear, W. M., Marvin Wheaton, S. W., Wm. Moody, J. W. Initiated — Daniel Burnham. Alfred Burnham, Daniel Peet, Daniel D. Ciimmings, Charles W. Baldwin. MORNING STAR, No. 28, Warehouse Point— William Parsons, W. M., Solo- mon Terry, Jr., S. W., Horace Metcalf, J. W. Initiated — Daniel T. Olmsted, Ed- ward Button, Orrin P. Wilson. VILLAGE, No. 29, Canton— Ansel Humphreys, W. M., Luther Higley, S. W., Sherman Osborn, J. W. Initiated — Herman Hamblin, John W. Harger, Nathan Moses, Thomas Dyer, Wm. H. Butler, Levi Button, John R. Harris, Parson Pren- tice, Ashbel Moses, Philip Chapin, AVm. Winship, Benj. Gilmore, Stiles A. Brad- ley, Truman Humphreys. Admitted — Virgil Pettibone, Richard Bacon, Hermon Chapin, Duncan Wilson, Jacob Bruce. DAY-SPRING, No. 30, Hamden— Chauncey B. Foot, W. JI.. Lewis Goodyear, S. W., Leverett Hitchcock, J. W. Initiated — David Sanderson, Jonathan Kil- bourn, Jr. UNION, No. 31, New London— Ephraim H. Babcock, W. M., Ebenezer Way, S. W., Daniel B. Hempsted, J. W. Initiated — Ebenezer H. Watrous, Burritt Thom- son, Russel Hobron, Charles Philips, John H. Wheeler. MERIDIAN SUN, No. 32, Warren— Julius W. Benedict, W. M., Abner Everett, S. W., John M. Curtis, J. W. Initiated — Stephen H. Strong. Suspended— E6.- mund Saunders. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Seth Clark, W. M., Julius Bristol, S. W., Alpheus S. Brockett. J. W. Initiated — William A. Mitchell, Dana J. Upson, Joel Neal, Marshal Upson. Suspended — Orrin Pearl. SOMERSET, No. 34, Norwich— Asa Child, W. M., Wm. Hines, S. W., Daniel Palmer, J. W. Initiated — David Prentice, Gurdon Minard, Robert Johnson, Cran- dal Sester, Thomas Sutton, Daniel Lathrop, Otis Wiswell, Joseph B. Park, Zeba- diah D. Butts, Isaac Trebj', James R. Stetson. Admitted — J. E. Culver, Jere- miah Green. Suspended — Perry M. Haskall. AURORA, No. 35, Harwinton— Willard Hitchcock, W. M., Joel G. Candee. S.W., Phineas W. Noble, J. W. Initiated — Norman Pettibone, Wm. Eaton. ST. MARK'S, No. 36, Granby— Daniel B. Holcomb, W. M., Frederick W. Jew- ett, S. W., Harry Holcomb, J. W. Initiated — Israel Goddard, James Massuere, Lasedale Abels, Grove C. Holcomb, Ralsa Mitchelson, Moses Ensign, Jr., Joel Eno, Wm. Adams, Allen Bodwell. WESTERN STAR, No. 37, Norfolk— Jedediah Phelps, W. M., Benjamin Welch, 416 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Jr., S. W., Stephen Holt, J. W. Iiiitiated— Isaac Hanchet, Hawley Oakley, Wm. P. Judd, James Hotchkiss, Halsey Stevens. Admitted — Daniel Phelps. ST. ALBAN'S, No. 38, Guilford— Jedediah Lathrop, W. M., Amos Seward, S. W., George C. Bradley, J. W. Initiated — Samuel L. Blatchley, Jonathan Lead- um, Roswel Blake, Edward Loper. ARK, No. 39, Weston— Lemuel B. Hull,-W. M., John B. Merritt, S. W., Jere- miah Banks, J. W. Initiated— A.he\ Burr, Charles Thorp, Daniel Hawley. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Ira R. Wildman, W. M., Starr Ferry, S. W., Henry Patch, J. W. Initiated— T)amB\ Stone, Charles Benedict, Calvin Jenkins, Ran- som Brothwell, Ira W, Bronson. Expelled — Noah Barnum. FEDERAL, No. 41, Brookfield — Benjamin Lake, W. M., Joel C. Sherman ,S. W., Ira Keeler, J. W. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Moses Hall, W. M., Elihu Hitchcock, S. W., Daniel Hayden, J. W. Initiated— AXmon Clark, Hiram Upson, Merrit Welton. Admitted — Uriah Gray, Willard Brooks. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— William Webb, W. M., Vine Hovey, S. W., William Wattles, J. W. Initiated — Elias Rathbone, Darius Kingsley, Samuel Savil, Seth Jilson, Nelson Wilkinson, Alvin Alexander, Ebenezer Ball, Frederick Campbell, Eliphalet Welch, Elisha Tracy, John Martin, Otis Slade, Wm. E. Por- ter, Maurice Baker, Erastus Newall, Jr., David Avery, Darwin B. Mason, Marvin Richardson, Alden Richardson. Admitted — Wm. Jilson, Chester F. Butts, Geo, Byrne, Henry Hall, Wm. Norton. Expelled — Albert A. Badger. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pom fret— Andrew A. Williams, W. M., Ezra Child, S. W., John Fowler, 2d, J. W. Initiated — James Bugbee, George Waters, John Leav- ens, George Warren, Charles Trowbridge, Jonathan Beck, James Briggs, Wm. H. Weaver, Thomas I. Browning, Elisha Knight, Danforth Child, James D. Tourtel- lotte, Giddiugs W. Keyes, John B. Darling, Charles Chandler, Samuel Bowen. Admitted — Branford Sparrow. Suspended- — Evan Gleason. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Jesse Joy, W. M., Noah Stone, S. W., Thos. A. Stone, J. W. Initiated — John Storrs, Raymond French, Charles Bradley, Samuel Lake, Rev. Thomas Riggs, Isaac Rowe, Harry Wooster, Gypsom Lum, Philo Holbrook. ST. LUKE'S, No. 48, Kent— Elijah Barton, W. M., Ezra Skiff, S. W., Wm. Geer, J. W. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— David Keeler, W. M., Erastus S. Bouton, S. W., Gamaliel Smith, J. W. Initiated— Kev . James A. Balterson, Philip E. Smith, Sherwood Mead. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— Sherman McLean, W. M., Frederick A. Strong, S. W., Augustus R. White, J. W. Initiated — Augustus Clark, John H. Buel, Jacob 0. Loomis, Selah Perkins, Benjamin C. House, John B. Hosmer, Charles P. Hollister, Austin Dunham, George W. Fuller. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Warren Gates, W, M,, Nathaniel C. Smith, S. W., Hiram Markham, J. W. Initiated — Randal Hurd, Wm. A. Clark. 1827.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 417 WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Thomas T. Wells, W. M., Ansel Coats, S. W., John D. Gallup, J. W. Initiated — John H. Browning, Joseph Stan- ton, Wm. Potter, Nathan S. Pendleton, Asahel M. Lamphear, Luther W. Lyon, Elisha Park, Sands G. Cole, Isaac P. Langworthy. Admitted — Ezra Stillman, Phileman Baldwin. Expelled — Daniel Carr. HAMILTON, No. 54, Sharon— Albert F. Roberts, W. M., Frederick A. King, S. W., Leonard Smith, J. W. Initiated— Wm. P. Clark, Albert Rowley. Ad- mitted — Leonard Smith. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— Wm. North, W. M., Stephen K. Fielding, S. W., Luman Hinman, J. W. Initiated — Edward R. Warner. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— Irenus Atkins, W. M., Cyrus P. Smith, S. W., Luman Preston, J. W. Expelled — Augustus Hart. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington Borough— Wm. Hyde, W. M., Wm. Storer, Jr., S. W., Zebulon D. Palmer, J. W. Initiated — Wm. H. Woodbridge, John Breed, Henrj' Smith, Horatio N. Fish, Benjamin Sawyer, Amos Tift, George Wolf, Wra. Sawyer, Jesse Beebe. Admitted — Benjamin F. Wheeler. Suspended — Nehemiah M. Gallup. NORTHERN. STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Jabin Ford, W. M., Daniel Sanford, S. W., Daniel S. Bird, J. W. Initiated — Chester Dowd, Willard Case, Ichabod Hurlbut, Orville Jones, Sanford Allen, George Taylor, Loren Loomis, Luther Loomis. Admitted — Romanta 0. Plumb. Expelled — Arunah Case. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Wm. C. Gay, W. M., Israel Harmon, S. W., Gur- don C. Gould, J. W. Initiated — John P. Ingraham. Admitted — Elam Fuller, George Bradley. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Joseph Sibley, W. M., Isaac McNary, S. W., Thomas Pinks, J. W. Initiated — James Holt, Wm. Gladding, John S. Adams, Wm. Stroud, Samuel Childs, Aholiab Johnson, Rufus G. Pinney, Henry C. Baker, Lyman S. Kibbe, Carlos Chapman, Elihu Marvin, David Johnson, Abijah Ladd, Jacob Gerould, Justin Lathrop, Ebenezer Whitney, Moses Clement, Lewis Par- kiss, John Pinks, Moses B. Harvey. Admitted— GXarendiOn Wheelock. OLIVE BRANCH, No. 61, Goshen—Samuel W. Gold, W. M., Wm. Brown, S, W., Nelson Brewster, J. W. Initiated— D&mQl Story, Asaph Wright, John Sco- ville. ORIENT, No. 62, East Hartford— Ozias Roberts, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., Horace Riley, J. W. Initiated^-Loxmg 0. Reynolds, Ira Bemont, Orson Spen- cer. Admitted- — Nathaniel Wales. ADELPHI, No. 63, New Haven— Augustus R. Street, W. M., Dennis Kimberly, S. W., Henry Peck, J. W. Initiated— AWmg Brown, John Beach, Robert A. Fitzgerald, Jairus G. Lines, David H. Carr, Stephen W. Meech, David H. Brewer, Jesse Peck, Richard M. Treadway. Admitted— Maxiin Tupper. ST. ANDREW'S, No. 64, Winsted— John Boyd, W. M., Josiah Smith, S. W,, Andrew Dimock, J. W. /razViaiaZ- Thomas F. Whiting, Sylvanus Twist, George 53 418 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Dudley, George Farrington, Norman Spencer. Admitted — Perrj-green White, James Flynn, Daniel Mills, Rufus Savory, Robert Martin. TEMPLE, No. 65, Saugatuck— Samuel Jackson, W. M., Wm. Burwell, S. AV., Wakeman H. Dikeman, J. W. Initiated — David Piatt, Squire Adams, Warren Nichols, Jonathan Prescott, Wm. Smith. WIDOW'S SON, No. 66, Branford— Merrit Foot, W. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W., Orrin D. Squire, J. W. Initiated — Joseph H. Hill, Eliakim Linsley. HARMONY, No. 67, New Canaan— Samuel Carter, Jr., W. M., Eliphalet Weeds, S. W., Rufus Richards, J. W. Initiated — Jesse Richards, Stephen Seely, Gusta- vus A. Belcher, Holly Seely. FAYETTE, No. 69, Ellington— Horatio A. Hamilton, W. M., Ebenezer Smith, S. W., Asa Willey, J. W. Initiated — Cyril Pearl, John Belcher, Theodore D- Billings, Rufus Billings, Charles G. Lord, Joseph C. Dow, Jenison F. Glazier, Warren Skinner. Admitted — John Streeter, Loren P. Waldo. WASHINGTON, No. 70, Windsor— Anson Bates, W. M., Charles Woodward, S. W., Jasper Morgan, J. W. Initiated — Charles Woodward, Wm. S. Pierson, Jas. A. Drake, Horace H. Sill, Timothy Wells. Admitted — Samuel 0. Hollister. SALEM, No. 71, Salem— Shubael Parks, W. M., Joseph C. Beckworth, S. W., Roswel Morgan, J. W. Initiated — Timothy Morgan, Prentice S. Stoddard, Wm. Few, Amasa Ransom, Royal W. Tyler, Henry Nichols, Sidney Morgan, Timothy W. Pellet, Matthias W. Baker, John L. Latimer, Nicholas Latimer, Roderick G. Gardner, John Way, Rev. Tubal Wakefield, Marvin Holmes, David Holmes. Ad- mitted — Alonzo Rockwell. LAFAYETTE, No. 72, Fairfield— John G. Allen, W. M., Stephen Beers, S. W., John W. Bulkley, J. W. Initiated — Andrew H. Colesworthy, Ezra Curtis, Wm. Bartram, Henry Husted, Agur T. Shute. Bradley Dimon, Sturges Morehouse, David B. Perry, John Hine, Thomas C. Clayton, Stephen Hobart, Chas. W. Thorp, George Bartram, Daniel Golden, Edwin Sherwood, Daniel Wilson, Wm. Callow, Charles Penfield, Noah T. Pike, Ephraim Golden, Morris Alford, Munson Gray. Admitted — Burr H. Betts, Wm. H. Nichols, Moses Nichols, Edwin Wheeler, John Christie, James A. Bailey, Suspended — Paul K. ShetSeld. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— Armin Bolles, W. M., John Mather, S. W., Wm. T. Smith, J. W. Initiated— Amos H. Boyd, Samuel Gould, Harry 01- cott, Ralph Cheney, Halsey Spencer, Turner Adams. BLAZING STAR, No. 74, Cornwall— Uriah Turner, M., Myron Harrison, S. W., Anson Rogers, J. W. Initiated — Chandler Harrison, Edward R. White, John Pierce, Wm. S. Stevens, Heman B. Sterling, Wm. Blynn. Admitted — Benjamin Catlin, Ezekiel Birdseye. 1828.J GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 419 ANNUAL SESSION, 1828. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, held at the Mafonic Hall, in the Tontine Buildings, in the City of New Haven, on the 14th and 15th days of May, A. L. 5828 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. DANIEL B. BEINSMADE, Grand Master. B. W. JAMES M. GOODWIN, Deputy Grand Master. AMHERST D. SCOVILL, Senior Grand Warden. WILLIAM G. GAY, Junior Grand Warden. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. CHAELES A. INGERSOLL, Senior Grand Deacon. ASA CHILD, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. BENJAMIN M. HILL, Grand Chaplain, p. t. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, / ^ . ^. . PHILIP SAUNDERS; \ ^^^^^ Stewards. DARIUS HIGGINS, Grand Tyler. KEPKESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Charles A. IngersoU, Thomas G. Woodward, Eliphalet G. Storer. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Horace Clark. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Samuel Simons, D. B. Nichols. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Isaac Perkins, Benj. H. Norton. No. 5, Union, Stamford — John W. Leeds, Wilham H. Holly, Charles Hawley. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk— Philo Price, Edwin Hoyt, Asa E. Smith. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodhury — Roderick C. Steele, Nehe- miah C. Sanford, Samuel Steele. 420 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 8, St. Jolin's, Stratford — Kobert Fairchild, William S. Shelton. No. 9, ComiDass, Wallingford — John Andrews. No, 10, Wooster, Colchester — John K. Watrous, Amherst D. Scovill, No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield— Phineas B. Taylor. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Titus C. Pratt, Ebenezer Fisher, Wm. Lum. No. 13, Montgomery, Salisbury — John Barney, C. R. Cable. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — John Mix. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Benjamin E. Palmer. No. 17, Federal, Watertown^ — Silas Hoadley. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Henry Dutton, Theophilus Nichols. No. 19, Washington, Monroe — Charles B. Clark. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Chauncey Shipman, Abijah Flagg. No. 21, St. Peter's, New Milford— Clark Hine. No. 22, Hart's, Woodbridge — Hezekiah Thomas. No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield— John Fitch. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — Jonathan Welles. No. 27, Rising Sun, Washington — Wm. Moody, Wm. Odell, Johnson C. Hatch. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Epaphras L. Phelps. No. 29, Village, Canton — Ansel Humphreys. No. 30, Dayspring, Hamden — Chauncey B. Foote, Lewis Good- year. No. 31, Union, New London — Thomas S. Perkins. No. 32, Meridian Sun, Warren — Benjamin Green. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Martin Cook. No. 34, Somerset, Norwich — Asa Child. No. 35, Aurora, Harwinton — Joel G. Candee. No. 36, St. Mark's, Simsbury — Harry Holcomb. No. 37, Western Star, Norfolk — Joseph Battell. No. 38, St. Alban's, Guilford — Amos Seward. No. 39, Ark, Weston— John B. Merrit. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Oliver Shepard, George Clapp. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Anson Sperry. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Thos. Gray, Eliphalet Brown. 1828.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 421 No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Ingoldsby W. Crawford, Asa May. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire, John M. Hart. No. 48, St. Luke's, Kent— Abel Beach. No. 49, Jerusalem, Eidgefield — Hezekiah Scott. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Leonard Hendee, Elisha Perkins. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Gruy CoojDer, No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington — Thomas T. Welles, Wm. Williams. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Stephen K. Fielding, William E. Russell, Russel C. Abernethy. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Cornelius B. Andrews. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Jabin Ford, Lyman Hart, Amos Beecher. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield — William C. Gay, Andrew Dennison, Charles Shepard. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford— Benning Mann. No. 61, Olive Branch, Goshen — John H. Collins. No. 62, Orient, East Hartford— Charles H. Olmsted. No. 63, Adelphi, New Haven — Augustus R. Street, Henry Peck, Avery C. Babcock. No. 67, Hannony, New Canaan — Samuel Raymond. No. 68, Charity, Groton — Erastus T. Smith. No. 69, Fayette, Ellington — Asa Willey. No. 70, Washington, Windsor — Charles Shepherd. No. 71, Salem, Salem— Matthias W. Baker, Gilbert A. Smith, Jonathan Hillard. No. 72, LaFayette, Fairfield— John G. Allen, Obadiah Beards- ley, Bradley Dimon. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — John Mather. No. 74, Blazing Star. Cornwall — Uriah Turner, Peter Bierce. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. 422 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, After prayer by the Rev. Bro. Benjamin M. Hill, the Grand Lodge was oj^ened in due form by the M. W. G. Master. The M. W. G. Master having stated that the first business in order would be the election of officers for the ensuing year, re- quested the brethren to accept his grateful acknowledgements for the high honors conferred on him by the Grand Lodge the two preceding years, in their selection of him to fill the office of Grand Master ; but declined being considered, on account of his many avocations, a candidate for the office at the present time. A ballot was then taken for Grand Master, when M. W. Ly- man Law, Past Grand Master, was declared duly elected to that office. R. W. John S. Peters was elected Deputy Grand Master. The Grand Master elect not being present, Brs. Erastus T. Smith and Thomas T. Welles were appointed a committee to wait on him, inform him of his election, and request his accept- ance and attendance at Grand Lodge. R. W. James M. Goodwin, D. G. M., declined the votes of the brethren for any office in the Grand Lodge. The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand six hundred and thirty-one dollars and nine cents, in cash, and eight shares in the Hartford Bank. All of which is respectfully submitted, ANDREW KIDSTON, ) JAMES CARRINGTON, } Committee. CHAS. A. INGERSOLL,) New Haven, May 12, 1828. The committee appointed to wait on M. W. Br. Lyman Law, Grand Master elect, to inform him of his appointment and re- quest his attendance, having returned, made report, that Bro. Law declined accepting the office, declaring that he entertained the most grateful feelings towards the members of the Grand Lodge, for the distinguished honor conferred upon him, but that 1828.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 423 the multiplicity of his affairs would render it altogether incon- venient for him to attend to its duties. The R. W. Deputy G. Master elect, Bro. John S. Peters, also declined accepting that office. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication on the petition of Elisha Lester and others, made their report in the words following, viz : To the M. W. Orand Lodge of Connecticut : The subscribers, being appointed by the Grand Lodge at their communication held at Hartford, the 9th day of May, 5827, a committee to take into considera- tion the propriety of granting the prayer of the petition of Elisha Lester and others, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge in the Tillage of Jewett City, in the town of Griswold^^as per petition dated February 7, 1827, take leave to report : That in pursuance of our appointment, we duly notified the parties concerned, to meet us at Johnson's Hotel, in said village, on the 15th of November, 1827, when and where they met us accordingly, and were fully heard, with the evi- dences, arguments and exhibits ; and having maturely considered the same, we are of opinion, that from the flourishing state of the village, and the number of brethren residing therein, its distance from the various Lodges in the vicinity, and that there is a pretty large section of country east and north-east on which there is at present no Lodges, it would be convenient, and for the extention and interest of Masonry, to erect a new Lodge in said village. Whereupon, we report and recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. All which is respectfully submitted, JOHN R. WATROUS, ) S. F. DENISON, } Committee. LYMAN LAW, } On motion, the report was approved and accepted, and the 23rayer of the petition granted. A resolution respecting the establishment of new Lodges was then called up and passed, as follows : Resolved, That it is inexpedient to grant any new Lodges at the present time, and that all applications for new Lodges now pending before this Grand Lodge, be indefinitely postponed. The Grand Lodge adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M. 424 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, 7 o'clock, P. 31. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment, and proceeded to the election of officers, when the following were elected, viz : M. W. James M. Goodwin, Grand Master, E. W. Amherst D. Scovill,- Deputy Grand Master. William C. Gay, Senior Grand Warden. Charles A. Ingersoll, Junior Grand Warden. Laban Smith, Grand Treasurer. William H. Jones, Grand Secretary. The M. W. G. Master made the following appointments, viz : Asa Child, Senior Grand Deacon. Samuel Simonds, Junior Grand Deacon. Kev, Benjamin M. Sill, Grand Chaplain. Gilbert A. Smith, Grand Marshal. Elisha Harrington, 7 ^ . r.^ i Anson Colton, ' | Grand Stewards. John Corse, Grand Tyler. The Grand Officers were then installed in due form. The Grand Lodge then adjourned to 7 o'clock, A. M., of the next day. May 15, 7 o'cloch, A. if. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment, and proceeded to the dispatch of business. The resolution passed yesterday for the indefinite postpone- ment of all applications for new Lodges, was reconsidered and rescinded. The report of the committee on the petition of Andrew Brown and others, praying for the establishment of a new Lodge, to be located in West Woodstock, was presented and taken into con- sideration, and in lieu of granting the prayer of the petition, as therein recommended, the following vote was passed, viz : That the members of Putnam Lodge, at any regular meeting, have permission to remove said Lodge to some place in the south 1828.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 425 society of Woodstock, notice thereof being previously given to the members of said Lodge. The petition of Bro. Orrin Pearl, a member of Friendship Lodge, No. 33, in the natm'e of an appeal from a sentence of suspension, together with a remonstrance from Bro. Seth Clark and other members of said Lodge, were continued to the next communication of the Grand Lodge, The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be presented to M. W. Bro- Daniel B. Brinsmade,. for the ability and impartiality with which he has dis- charged the duties of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for two years past. A petition was presented from the members of Federal Lodge, No. 17, Watertown, praying permission to alternate the settings of said Lodge at Plymouth and Watertown : whereupon, Voted, That the members of said Lodge have permission to remove the. same to the town of Plymouth for the term of two years from the 27th day of December next, and then hold the communications of said Lodge for the next two years at Water- town, and so alternately. Voted, That the brethren of the town of Plymouth, who pre- sented their jDetition at the last communication of the Grand Lodge, for the establishment of a new Lodge, to be located in that town, have leave to withdraw their petition. Voted, That no person living and residing within the juris- diction of any Lodge in this State, who shall be made a Mason in any other Lodge without such jurisdiction, without the con- sent of such Lodge where he may live or reside, shall be received as a member or be permitted to sit in the Lodge where he so lives or resides, without paying to such Lodge the full amount of fees, according to the degrees which he may claim to have received ; but such Lodge may, if they think proper, dispense with such fees. Bro. Frederick Lee, who was appointed a committee in May, A. L. 5826, to call on the last Secretary of Pythagoras Lodge, at Lyme, and also of Trinity Lodge, at Killingworth, to receive the charters, funds, jewels, books and furniture of those Lodges, made report, that he had fulfilled the duties of his appointment 54 426 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [M^y, as far as lie had been able, tbat he could obtain nothing from the last Secretaries of those Lodges but their charters, which he held subject to the order of the Grand Lodge. His report was accepted and those charters ordered to be de- posited with the Grand Secretary. The committee appointed on the petition of Western Star Lodge, No. 37, Norfolk, praying for the restoration of the town of Colebrook to the jurisdiction of said Western Star Lodge, which petition was presented to the Grand Lodge in May, A. L. 5827, and continued to the present Grand Communication, made their report in the words following, viz : To the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The committee appointed by the Grand Lodge in May, A. L. 5827, to consider the petition of the brethren of Western Star Lodge, and to report thereon to the Grand Lodge at their next Grand Communication, report, that having previously notified the Lodges concerned, of the time and place of meeting, met in Norfolk, on Tuesday, February 26, 5828, and after duly considering the facts presented them, are of opinion that Western Star Lodge is, by the previous understanding of the Lodges, and the principles regulating the establishing of new Lodges, justly entitled to the town of Colebrook as a part of their limits ; but considering the greater accommodation of the brethren and the good of Masonry, they deem it expedient that that portion of Colebrook, including the inhabitants of Still River Turnpike, and which lies east of the said roads, remain attached to the limits of St. Andrew's Lodge ; they would therefore recommend that all that part of Cole- brook west of the above mentioned limits be restored to the limits of Western Star Lodge. Respectfully submitted, TIMOTHY COLLINS. ) JEREMIAH W. PHELPS, \ Committee. ELISHA SMITH, ) Norfolk, Feb. 26, 1828. The report was approved and accepted, and a vote of Grand Lodge passed, that the jurisdiction of Western Star Lodge, No. 37, and St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 64, be established as recom- mended in the report. The committee to whom was referred the complaint of St. Alban's Lodge, No. 38, against Widow's Son Lodge, No. QQ, for having initiated a person residing within the limitts of said St. Alban's Lodge, submitted the following report : That they have attended to the duty assigned them, and find that said Widow's Son Lodge initiated one Joseph H. Hill, by occupation a mariner, whose place of 1828.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 427 residence is within the limits of said St. Alban's Lodge ; although said Hills claims to be a transient person, and without any permanent residence, and that said Widow's Son Lodge had no knowledge at the time of initiation of said Hill, that he was a resident within the limits of St. Alban's Lodge, but supposed him, as he alleged himself, to be a transient person. Your committee are of opinion, that if said Widow's Son Lodge has violated the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge by initiating said Joseph H. Hills, they have done it inadvertently and unintentionally, and would recommend that the penal- ties incurred by Widow's Son Lodge be remitted. FREDERICK LEE, ) WILLIAM H. ELLIS, } Committee. WILLIAM H. JONES, ) The report was approved and accepted, and the penalties incurred by Widow's Son Lodge remitted, as therein recom- mended Brs. Charles A. Ingersoll, and William H. Ellis, were ap- pointed a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Treas- urer and Secretary for the current year, and report at the next Grand Communication. The business of the session being finished, solemn prayer was offered by the Eev. Grand Chaplain, and the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. 428 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES, HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Charles A. Ingersoll, AV. M., Thomas G. Wood- ward, S. W., Eliphalet G. Storer, J. W. Initiated — Josiah Wilson. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Samuel Babcock, W. M., Thomas Green- field, S. W., Charles B. Darrow, J. W. Initiated — Lot D. Vansands, Wm. J. Gil- "bert, Benjamin Savage. Admitted — Abial A. Loomis. Expelled — Daniel D. Ful- ler, John L. Lewis. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Samuel Simons, W. M., Lewis C. Segee, S. W., Thomas Hutchins. J. W. Initiated — David L. Mills, Jesse Mallet. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Isaac Perkins, W. M., Hezekiah Davis, S. W., Denison Morgan, J. W. Initiated — Charles F. Hopkins. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— John W. Leeds, W. M., AVilliam Wilmot, S. W., Al- fred A. Holly, J. W. Initiated — Ebenezer H. Watson, Abraham H. Close, Frank- lin A. Miller, Henry Scofield, Andrew Mead. Joseph W. Weeks. Admitted — Rev. Ambrose S. Todd, Smith Scott. Expelled — Isaac Bishop. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Philo Price, W. M., Edwin Hoyt, S. W., Asa E. Smith, J. W. Initiated — Amos Gregory, Wm. B. Betts, Epenetus S. Ketchum, Henry Hubbard. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodburj^- R. C. Steele, W. M., Charles Ransom, S. W., Nathan Preston, J. W. Initiated — Minor Hazen, George Leech, Martin Jackson, Smith Gunn, Gad Hitchcok. Admitted — Garry Riggs, George Finch. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Samuel Benjamin, W. M., Benjamin Fairchild, S. W., Bennett Crofut, J. W. /jiT^iaied— Edward H. Cairns. COMPASS, No. 9, Wallingford— John Barker, AV. M., James Keeler, S. W., Me- dad W. Munson, J. W. WOOSTER, No. 10, Colchester— Joseph D. Packwood, W. M., Marvin W. Hutch- his, S. W. ; Joshua B. Wheeler, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Frederick Buel, W. M., Heman W. Childs, S. W., Samuel R. Childs, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— Titus C. Pratt, W. M., Ebenezer Fisher, S. W., Wm. Lum, J. W. MONTGOMERY, No. 13, Salisbury— Luther Ticknor, W. M., Joshua W. Stan- ton, S. W., Daniel S. Clapp, J. W. Initiated — Schuyler Pratt, Moses A. Lee, Chester Averill, George Pratt, Moses Wells. Expelled — Richard Hollister, John H. Wheeler, Wm. Williams. 1828.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 429 FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmingtoii— Lemuel Wliitnian, W. M., Henry Cowles, S. W., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, J. W. Suspended — George Treadwell, Edwin Wads- wortli. MORIAH,No. 15, Canterbury— Henry Clark, W. M., John C. Eldridge, S. W., Joseph Hutchins, J. W. Initiated — Marvin Robinson. TEMPLE, No. 16, Cheshire— Charles Shelton, W. M., Elnathan Beach, S. W., George W. Hicks, J. W. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Silas Hoadley, W. M., James H. Hitchcock, S. W., Mark J. Bronson, J. W. Initiated — Benhara Beecher, Shandy Spencer. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Henry Dutton, W. M., Theophilus Nichols, S. W., Alexander Hall, J. W. Initiated — Cyrus D. Fairchild. WASHINGTON, No. 19, Monroe— Charles B. Clark, W. M., Wm. Watkins, S. W., Ephraim Lane, J. W. Initiated — Wakeman Turney, Abijah Crofut, Morti- mer N. Shelton. HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Chauncey Shipman, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. W., Richard Wilcox, J. W. ST. PETER'S, No. 21, NewMilford— Jehiel Williams, W. M., Oliver W. Pickett, S. W., Franklin Stedraan, J. W. Initiated — Benjamin E. Bostwick. HART'S, No. 22, Woodbridge— Jehiel Castle, W. M., Archibald A. Perkins, S. W., Hezekiah Thomas, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— David Baldwin, W. M., Isaac H. Cook, S. W., Adin Cook, J. W. Expelled — Erastus Brewster, URIEL, No. 24, Mansfield— Ichabod Bulkley, W. M., Harvey Clark, S. W., Shubajl Dimock, J. W. Initiated — Sullivan Harkness, Uriah Brigham, Benja- min Payne, John T. Gilbert, Nelson W. Slade. Admitted — Jonathan West. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Imlay Covell, W. M., Chester Ackley, S. W., Charles Remington, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 26, East Haddam— James Gladwin, W. M., Matthew G. War- ner, S. W., Isaac Ackley, J. W. Initiated — Richard W. Green, Moses B. Wright, Robert B. Button. Admitted — Matthew G. Warner. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— Wm. Moody, W. M., David W. Norton, S. W., Daniel Burnham. J. W. Initiated — Charles B. Norton, Sheldon Logan. MORNING STAR, No. 28, Warehouse Point^Solomon Terry, W. M., Harmon Terry, S. W., Joel Booth, J. W. VILLAGE, No. 29, Canton— Ansel Humphreys, W. M., Hermon Chapin, S. W., Frederick Humphreys, J. W. Initiated — Hiram Barber, Coral Humphreys, 2d, Henry Ely, Henry D. Bolles, Edward Phelps, Freeman Graham, Roswel Reed, Drayton Humphreys. Admitted — Sylvester Seymour, Alfred Copeland, Myroa H. Morgan. DAY-SPRING, No. 30, Hamden— Chauncey B. Foot, W. M.. Lewis Goodyear, 430 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^Jy S. W., Oreb Turner, J. AV. Initiated — Merit W. Riggs. Suspended — Elam Brad- ley. Expelled — Obed Blakesley, Ransom Benham. UNION, No. 31, New London— Dyer T. Brainard, W. M., Joshua Hamilton, S.W., Daniel B. Hempsted, J. W. Initiated — Erastus Fisk, Amos Starks, Franklin Smith, Anson Smith, Wm. B. Lane, Solomon Morgan. MERIDIAN SUN, No. 82, Warren— Julius W. Bement, W. M., John M. Curtis, S. W., Daniel B. Everett, J. W. Initiated — Merit Wickwire. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Martin Cook, W. M., Isaac Shepherd, S. W., Samuel Hitchcock, J. W. Initiated — Lauren Tharp. Admitted — Medad Alcox. SOMERSET, No. 34, Norwich— Asa Child, W. M., Guy Davenport, S, W., Asa Roath, J. W. AURORA, No. 85, Harwinton-^oel G. Candee, W. M., Jacob 0. Catlin, S. W., Wm. S. Goodwin, J. W. Initiated — Miles Hill. ST. MARK'S, No. 36, Granby— Charles Holcomb, W. M., Samuel D. Sizer, S. W., Moses Ensign, J. W. Initiated — Lorenzo R. Dean, Robert Hoskins, Chester Sedgewick, Elisha Booth, Reuben Corset, Chauncey Root, Philo Pinney, David Lamberton, Jeremiah Lewis. WESTERN STAR, No. 37, Norfolk— Jedediah Phelps, W. M., Benjamin Welch, S. W., Elizur Dowd, J. W. ST. ALBAN'S, No, 38, Guilford— Amos Seward, W. M., Wm. E. Lathrop, S. W., Taber Smith, J. W. Initiated — Asher F. Scranton. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Ira R. Wildman, W. M., Henry Patch, S. W., Wm. Patch J. W. Initiated — James Perkins, Stephen A. Hurlbut, Alfred Benedict, Sylvester Stevens. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Anson Sperry, W. M., Daniel Hayden, S, W., Reuben L. Judd, J. W. Initiated — Daniel Porter, Joseph Burton, Joel Hinman, Admitted — James M. L. Scoville, Reuben L. Judd, Jacob Talmadge. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Vine Hovey, W. M., Thomas Gray, S. W., Eliphalet Brown, J. W, Initiated — Wm. C. Boon, Jefferson Campbell, Appleton Dorrance, Erastus Kennedy, John Carver. Admitted — Josiah Warner, Warren Robinson, Charles G. Avery, Moses Hopkins. Suspended — Eliphalet Ripley. Ex- pelled — Socrates Balcom, Christopher S. Avery. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret^Ezra Child, W. M., John Fowler, 2d, S. W., Ru- fus S. Matthewson, J. W. Initiated — James Darling, Nathaniel H. Parkhurst, Stephen Carpenter. Expelled — Herbert A. Reed. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Jesse Joy, W. M., Noah Stone, S. W., John M. Hart, J. W. Initiated — Charles Morgan. Admitted — John M. Hart. Sus- pended — Harvey Osborn. Expelled — Ira H. Smith. ST. LUKE'S, No. 48, Kent— Ezra Skiff, W. M., Welcome Gear, S. W., Heze- kiah Chittenden, J. W. 1 1828.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 431 JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— Erastus S. Bouton, W. M., Gamaliel Smith, S. W., Wra. Lee, J. W. Initiated — Knapp Osborn, Daniel Avery, Samuel S. 01m- stead. "WARREN, No. 50, Andover—Frederick A. Strong, W. M., Alonzo Birge, S. W., John H. Buel, J. W. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Warren Gates, W. M., Nathaniel C. Smith, S. W., Hiram Markham, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Ansel Coats, W. M., John D. Gal- lup, S. W., Roswel R. Avery, J. W. Initiated — Lucius H. Tracy, Henry C. Brown. SENECA, No. 56, Torrington— Stephen K. Fielding, W. M., Luman Hinman, S. W., Henry Whitman, J. W. Initiated — Heman L. Cummings. Suspended — • Edward R. Warner. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— Cornelius B. Andrews, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W., Daniel B. Hinman, J. W. Initiated — David B. Johnson. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington— William Storer, Jr., W. M., Wm. S. Williams, S. W., Thomas Ash, J. W. Initiated — Samuel P. Robinson. Admitted — Alex- ander Patterson. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted- Jabin Ford, W. M., Daniel Sanford, S. W., Amos Beecher, J. W. Initiated — Watrous F. Menter, Hiram Wescott. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Wm. C. Gay, W. M., Israel Harmon, S. W., Gur- don C. Gould, J. W. Initiated — George Sheldon. WOLCOTT, No. 60, StaflFord— Joseph Sibley, W. M., Thomas Pinks, S. W., James Holt, J. W. Initiated — Samuel C. Lyon, Merrick Munger, Austin Alden, Jedediah Healey, Horace Orcutt, Jarvis G. Farrar, Francis Ainsworth. Admit- ted — Jared B. Benton. OLIVE BRANCH, No 61, Goshen— Moses Wadhams, W. M., Wm. Brown, S. W., Nelson Brewster, J. W. ORIENT, No. 62, East Hartford— Charles H. Olmsted, W. M., Horace Riley, S. W., Ralph Pitkin, J. W. ADELPHI, No. 63, New Haven— Augustus R. Street, W. M., Henry Peck, S. W., Avery C. Babcock, J. W. Initiated — James W. Goodrich, Julius Smith, Robert J. Fisher, Peter S. Segretani. Admitted — Cyprian Wilcox. ST. ANDREW'S, No. 64, Winsted— John Boyd, W. M., Stephen Rowley, S. W., Wm. S. Boyd, J. W. Initiated — Rabsamon Bellamy, Ralph Case, Wm. F. Whi- ting, John P. Oviat. Admitted — Elijah J. Cummins, Thomas F. Bradshaw, Wm. Swift, Daniel D'Wolf. WIDOW'S SON, No. 66, Branford— Samuel P. Russell, W. M., Merrit Foot, S. W., Loring D. Hosley, J. W. HARMONY, No. 67, New Canaan— Eliphalet Weed, W. M., David S. Knight, S. W., Caleb S. Benedict, J. W. Initiated— D&y'\di T. Fuller, Heckford Ferris. 432 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, CHARITY, No, 68, Groton— Roswel Allyn, W. M., Erastus T. Smith, S. W., Guy C. Stoddard, J. W. Initiated — Prentice Williams, Phineas Holdridge, 2d. Admitted — George Sidleman, Joseph Chapman, Gilbert Williams, John Arnold. FAYETTE, No. 69, Ellington— Ebeaezer Smith, W. M., Horatio Dow, S. W., Chester Chapman, J. W. Initiated — Lewis Blood, Otis Martin, Wm. Scott, Sam- uel Goucher. WASHINGTON, No. 70, Windsor— Anson Bates, W. M., Charles Woodward, S. W., Jasper Morgan, J. W. SALEM, No. 71, Salem— Roswel Morgan, W. M., Wm. Lewis, S. W., William Buck, J. W. LAFAYETTE, No. 72, Fairfield- John G. Allen, W. M., Stephen Beers, S. W,, John W. Bulkley, J. W. Initiated — Jerome Beers, Joseph Bulkley, Joseph Jen- nings, Wm. McDougal, Calvin Seeley, Absalom Rodbird, Ephraim Burr. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., George Carriel, S. W., Josiah Smith, J. W. Initiated — Henry Marble, Joseph T. Holmes, Justin T. Millard, Wm. M. Roberts, Ezra Bennett, Rev. Nathaniel P. Metcalf. Admitted — Joseph Noyes. Expelled — Erastus Vorra. BLAZING STAR, No. 74, Cornwall— Uriah Turner, W. M., Myron Harrison, S. W., Anson Rogers, J. W. Initiated- — Harmon J. Hotchkiss, Henry Cross, William Bates. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Nathan Johnson, W. M., Lucius Ty- ler, S. W., John C. Tibbitts, J. W. 1829.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 433 ANNUAL SESSION, 1829. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 13th day of May, A. D. 1829, A. L. 5829 : OFFICERS present: M. W. JAMES M. GOODWIN, Grand Master. K. W. AMHERST D. SCOVILL, Deputy Grand Master. " WILLIAM GAY, Senior Grand Warden. " CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. " ASA CHILD, Senior Grand Deacon. " SAMUEL SIMONS, Junior Grand Deacon. '' ELISHA HARRINGTON, Grand Steward. " ANSON COLTON, do. « JOHN CORSE, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — James C. Parker, Wm. H, Ellis, Thomas G. Woodward. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Charles B. Darrow, No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Samuel Simons. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Isaac Perkins, Henry Kilhoura. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Simeon H. Miner, Charles Hawley. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Philo Price, Henry Selleck. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodhury — Charles B. Phelps. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford— Rohert Fairchild. No. 9, Compass, Wallingford — John Barker. No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Marvin W. Hutchins, Samuel A. Peters. No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield— Samuel R. Childs. 55 434 GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Josiah Nettleton. No. 13, Montgomery, Salisbury — Stephen Beach, Luther Tick- nor. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 16, Temple, Cheshire — Charles Shelton. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Mark I. Bronson. No. 19, Washington, Monroe — Agur Lewis. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Luther Beckley, Abijah Flagg, No. 22, Hart's, Woodbridge — Archibald A. Perkins. No. 23, St. James, Preston — Erastus Smith. No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield— Ichabod Bulkley. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — Ezra Dayton. No. 27, Eising Sun, Washington — Kemus M. Fowler. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Solomon Terry. No. 29, Village, Canton — Ansel Humphreys. No. 30, Dayspring, Hamden — Leverett Hitchcock. No. 31, Union, New London— Thomas S. Perkins. No. 32, Meridian Sun, Warren — Julius W. Bement. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Martin Cook, Isaac Shep- herd, Samuel Hitchcock. No. 34, Somerset, Norwich — Asa Child. No. 35, Aurora, Harwinton — Joel G. Candee. No. 36, St. Mark's, Granby— Daniel B. Holcomb. No. 37, Western Star, Norfolk — Amos Pettibone. No. 38, St. Alban's, Guilford — Amos Seward. No. 39, Ark, Weston— John B. Merritt. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Starr Ferry. No. 41, Federal, Brookfield — Stephen Gregory. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Daniel Hayden. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Thomas Gray. No, 46, Putnam, Pomfret — John Fowler, Thomas Hubbard. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Meigs. No. 48, St. Luke's, Kent— Nathaniel P. Perry. No. 49, Jerusalem, Kidgefield — David Keeler. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Alonzo W. Birge, Leonard Hendee, Charles P. Hollister. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Nathaniel Markham. 1829.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 435 No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington — John D. Gallup. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Wra. E. Eussel. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Jabin Ford, Lyman W. Hart. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield— Wm. C. Gay. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford — Benning Mann. No. 61, Olive Branch, Goshen — Samuel W. Gold. No. 62, Orient, East Hartford — Chas. H. Ohnstead, Ealph Pit- kin, Levi Wells. No. 63, Adelphi, New Haven — Justin Redfield, Henry Peck, Avery C. Babcock. No. 66, Widow's Son, Branford — Samuel P. Russel. No. 68, Charity, Groton — Joseph Tuttle. No. 69, Fayette, Ellington— Asa Willey. No. 70, Washington, Windsoi- — Allyn M. Mather. No. 71, Salem, Salem — Gilbert A. Smith, Eoswell Morgan. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — Joseph Noyes, JosiahLoomis. No. 74, Blazing Star, Cornwall — Peter Bierce. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — John C. Tibbitts. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, by the M. W. Grand Master. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots having been taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, and installed accordingly, viz : M. W. James M. Goodv^in, Grand Master. R. W. Amhekst D. Scovill, Deputy Grand Master. William C. Gay, Senior Grand Warden. Chakles a. Ingeesoll, Junior Grand Warden. Laban Smith, Grand Treasurer. William H. Jones, Grand Secretary. The M. W. G. Master announced the following appointments, viz : 436 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [M^y, Eev. Benjamin M. Hill, Grand Chaplain. Asa Child, Senior Grand Deacon. Samuel Simonds, Junior Grand Deacon. Gilbert A. Smith, Grand Marshal. Philip Saunders, ) ^..^^^^^^ Stewards. Eichard Dodd, j Darius Higgins, Grand Tyler. The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand four hundred and ninety dollars and thirty-eight cents, in cash, and eight shares in the Hai't- ford Bank ; making the total funds of the Grand Lodge, $2290.38. All which is respectfully submitted, CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, > n^^^^ee WM. H. ELLIS, 5 ^ommtrree. New Haven, May 9, 1829. The committee to whom was referred the appeal of Bro. Or- rin Pearl, of Southington, from the sentence of suspension pro- nounced against him by Friendship Lodge, No. 33, together with the remonstrance of Bro. Seth Clark and others, made a verbal report, that the difficulty with Bro. Pearl and certain members of said Lodge had been settled between themselves, and he restored to his former good standing in the Lodge. On motion, it was voted, that the report be accepted, the commit- tee discharged, and the ajjpeal dismissed. Upon the application of Compass Lodge, No. 9, for a loan from the funds of the Grand Lodge, it was voted that the Grand Treasurer be authorized and directed to loan to said Lodge the sum of two hundred dollars, upon mortgage of their hall in the town of Wallingford, provided the same be kept insured to the amount of double the sum loaned. A petition was received from Warren Lodge, No. 50, Ando- ver, praying the Grand Lodge, for various reasons set forth in said petition, to allow them the privilege of holding their com- 1829.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 437 munications, a part of the time, in the village of Hebron, at a distance of about six miles from the present established loca- tion of said Lodge, and about an equal distance from Wooster Lodge, No. 10, Colchester. After some discussion as to the propriety of the measure, and a suitable explanation from the Worshipful Master and several other members of said Warren Lodge, it was voted that the prayer of said petition be granted, on condition that the limits of said Warren Lodge shall not thereby be extended. On motion, leave was granted to Bro. Ingoldsby W, Craw- ford to withdraw the petition of Andrew Brown and others for a new Lodge in Woodstock. The Grand Secretary submitted a report, showing a large and increasing delinquency in the returns from subordinate Lodges, on account of the prevailing excitement and j)anic which was now existing on the subject of Masonry, and suggesting the propriety of withholding from publication the present meagre returns. Whereupon, it was voted, that the Grand Secretary, in publishing the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, be instruct- ed to omit the returns from subordinate Lodges, until other- wise ordered by the Grand Lodge. Bros. Wm. H. Ellis and Charles A. IngersoU were appointed a committee to audit and settle the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Treasurer for the current year. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. 438 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ANNUAL SESSION, 1830. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, held at the Mafonic Hall, in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 12th day of May, A. L. 5830 : OFFICERS present: M. W.JAMES M. GOODWIN, Grand Master. K. W. AMHERST D. SCOVILL, Deputy Grand Master. WILLIAM G. GAY, Senior Grand Warden. CHAELES A. INGERSOLL, Junior Grand Warden. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. Rev. BENJAMIN M. HILL, Grand Chaplain. ASA CHILD, Senior Grand Deacon. GILBERT A. SMITH, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. PHILIP SAUNDERS, / n ^ q. a RICHARD DODD, \ ^^^^^ Stewards. DARIUS HIGGINS, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Wm. H. Ellis, E. G. Storer, Joel Potter. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Ahiel A. Loomis. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Alfred Copeland. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Simeon H. Minor. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Edwin Hoyt, Asa E. Smith. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — Nehemiah C. Sanford. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Samuel Benjamin. No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Avery Morgan. No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield— Phineas B. Taylor. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — William Lum, Ebenezer Fisher, John C. Humphreys. 1830.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 439 No. 13, Montgomery, Salisbury — Abijali C. Peet. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — George Norton. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Thomas Huntington. No. 16, Temple, Cheshire — Charles Shelton. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Silas Hoadley. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Adoniram Fairchild. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Luther Beckley. No. 23, St. James', Preston — Avery Downer. No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield— Don F. Brigham. No. 27, Bising Sun, Washington — Daniel B. Brinsmade. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Epaphras L. Phelps. No. 29, Village, Canton — Hermon Chapin, Luther Higley. No. 30, Dayspring, Hamden — Leverett Hitchcock. No. 31, Union, New London — Henry Douglass. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Isaac Shepard. No. 35, Aurora, Harwinton — Joel G. Candee. No. 36, St. Mark's, Simsbury — Joshua R. Jewett. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Reuben Booth. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — John Baldwin. No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Ingoldsby W. Crawford, Thomas Hubbard. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire. No. 48, St. Luke's, Kent— Nathaniel P. Perry. No. 49, Jerusalem, Ridgefield — David Keeler. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Chauncey Burgess. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — Ephraim Williams. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Jabin Ford, Sanford Al- len, George Merrill. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield — William C. Gay, Luther Loomis. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford — Benning Mann. No. 63, Adelphi, New Haven — Henry Peck, Justin Redfield, Avery C. Babcock. No. 66, Widow' Son, Branford — Samuel P. Russell. No. 67, Harmony, New Canaan — Samuel Raymond. No. 68, Charity, Groton— Guy C. Stoddard. No. 69, Fayette, Ellington — Jabez Collins. 440 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 71, Salem, Salem — Pomeroy Hall, John S. Kansom. No. 72, LaFayette, Fairfield— Jolm Gr. Allen. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — Jabez L. White. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. After very solemn and impressive prayer by the Grand Chap- lain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry by the M. W. Grand Master. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the breth- ren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, and were installed ac- cordingly, viz : M. W. James M. Goodwin, Grand Master. E. W. Amherst D. Scovill, Deputy Grand Master. " William C. Gay, Senior Grand Warden. " Charles A. Ingersoll, Junior Grand Warden. " Laban Smith, Grand Treasurer. " William H. Jones, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : W. Bro. Asa Child, Senior Grand Deacon. " Samuel Simons, Junior Grand Deacon. " Gilbert A. Smith, Grand Marshal. Kev. Bro. Charles A. Boardman, Grand Chaplain. " Alfred Copeland, Grand Steward. " David Humphrey, do, " John Corse, Grand Tyler. The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge several letters, communications, and printed documents, which he had received, during the past year, from various Grand Lodges and other sources, relating to the interests of Masonry. On motion, it was voted, that a committee be appointed to examine the foreign correspondence received by the Grand Sec- rectary, and report to the Grand Lodge what action, if any, 1830.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 441 may be proper thereon. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Asa Child and Wm. H. Ellis on said committee. The Grand Secretary submitted a report on the delinquent Lodges, giving a list of such subordinate Lodges as had in- curred the penalties prescribed by the by-laws, by not being represented at the last Grand Communication, and also of those which made no returns at the same time. Most of said delinquent Lodges being also unrepresented at the present Grand Communication, and of course no reasons of- fered for their delinquency, it was ordered, by vote of the Grand Lodge, that the subject of inflicting penalties upon delinquent Lodges, be postponed to the next Grand Communication, and that the Grand Secretary be instructed to correspond with the subordinate Lodges, and urge upon them the duty of comply- ing with the regulations of the Grand Lodge, notwithstanding the adverse circumstances in which many of them may in the present emergency be placed. The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretarj^, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand four hundred and seventy- four dollars and eighty-seven cents, in cash, and eight shares in the Hartford Bank ; making the total funds of the Grand Lodge, $2274.87. CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, ) „ WM. H. ELLIS, \ (^o^^^ti^e- On motion, it was voted, that the Grand Treasurer be em- powered and directed to sell and transfer eight shares of stock in the Hartford Bank, and to invest the avails thereof in loans secured by mortgage of real estate. W. Br. Child, from the committee appointed to examine the communications and documents laid before the Grand Lodge by the Grand Secretaiy, presented the following report, which was approved and accepted, and the resolutions appended unani- mously adopted : 56 442 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut: The committee to whom was referred tlie correspondence of the Grand Lodge, which has come into the hands of tlie Grand Secretary for the past year, would most respectfully beg leave to report, that we have attended to the duty which was assigned to us, and have found the documents submitted to our examination to consist of the proceedings of several of our sister Grand Lodges, at their regu- lar annual communications, and communications from others relating to the un- holy and intolerant warfare now raging against our peaceful and harmless insti- tion in some parts of our country. Many of these documents contain matters of deep interest to every true mason, and your committee would particularly advert to the " Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of Vermont, on the subject of the Anti-Masonic Excitement." This " appeal" was presented at a public convention held in Middlebury, in April of last year, and was prepared by a committee ap- pointed previously for that purpose, consisting of some of the purest patriots, some of the most enlightened statesmen, and some of the most exemplary Chris- tians, of which New England can boast. It is written with a beauty of style and a strength of argument which must commend it to the candid consideration of every mind not warped or blinded by bigotry and superstition. Your committee would respectfully recommend to this Grand Lodge the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Connecticut cordially tenders to their be- loved brethren in the State of Vermont their fellowship and sympathy in the af- flictions they are destined to endure while passing through the fiery furnace of persecution ; and while we are conscious that " we contend only for the princi- ples which Franklin approved, which Warren taught, and which Washington loved," we are determined to remain firm, confiding in God and the rectitude of our intentions, for consolation under the trials to which we may be exposed. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be requested to make such returns to the several Grand Lodges who have favored us with their correspondence, as the na- ture of their communications and the courtesy of this Grand Lodge may require. ASA CHILD, ) „ .„ WM. H. ELLIS, \ Committee. Brs. Charles A. Ingersoll, and William H. Ellis, were ap- pointed a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Treas- urer and Secretary for the current year, and report at the next Grand Communication. The business of the session being finished, solemn prayer was offered by the Kev. Grand Chaplain, and the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary, 1831.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 443 MAY SESSION, 1831. At an Annual Communication of the Moil Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 1 ith day of May, A. D. i83i, A. L. 5831 : OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. JAMES M. GOODWIN, Grand Master. R. W. AMHERST D. SCOVILL, Deputy Grand Master. WILLIAM C. GAY, Senior Grand Warden. CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Junior Grand Warden. LAB AN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. JUSTIN REDFIELD, Grand Secretary. ASA CHILD, Senior Grand Deacon. ELISHA HARRINGTON, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. JOHN CORSE, Grand Tyler. There being a quorum of subordinate Lodges represented,* the Grand Lodge was opened in the third degree of Masonry, in due form, by the M. W. Grand Master, when the brethren pro- ceeded to the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year. The following Grand Officers declined being candidates for re- election, or for any office in the Grand Lodge, at the present session, viz : — M. W. James M. Goodwin, G. M. ; R. W. Am- herst D. Scovill, D. G. M. ; R. W. William C. Gay, S. G. W. ; R. W. Charles A. Ingersoll, J. G. W. ; R. W. Wm. H. Jones, G. S. ; W. Asa Child, S. G. D. * In consequence of the " Anti-Masonic excitement," which had been raised in a neighboring State, the influence of which was felt, in a greater or less degree, in many parts of this jurisdiction at the time of the present communication, the Grand Lodge was so thinly attended that no roll of representatives was recorded. The same cause probably induced most of the Grand Officers to dcxjline further appointment. 444 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The ballots were then received and counted, and the follow- brethren declared duly elected to the several offices affixed to their respective names, and were subsequently installed in due form, viz: M. W. THOMAS HUBBARD, Grand Master. E. W. CODDINGTON BILLINGS, Deputy Grand Master. RUSSEL C. ABERNETHY, Senior Grand Warden. LEONARD HENDEE, Junior Grand Warden. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. JUSTIN REDFIELD, Grand Secretary. The M. W. Grand Master elect then made the following ap- pointments, viz : W. Bro. Samuel Simons, Senior Grand Deacon. " Joel G. Candee, Junior Grand Deacon. " Gilbert A. Smith, Grand Marshal. Rev. Bro. William A. Curtis, Grand Chaplain. Philip Saunders, J WiLLARD Lyon, Grand Tyler. T t:t r Grand Stewards. Joseph Fairchilld, On motion, it was voted, that the thanks of the Grand Lodge be tendered to M. W. James M. Goodwin, and the other retiring Grand officers, for the dignity, ability and impartiality with which they have uniformly discharged their various duties. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Lodge, reported a balance of $1519.10 in the Treasurer's hands, and $700 loaned on mortgage. Report accepted. Bros. Wm. H. Ellis and Charles A. Ingersoll were appointed a committee to audit and settle the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Treasurer for the current year. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, JUSTIN REDFIELD, Grand Secretary. 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 445 ANNUAL SESSION, 1832. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connefticut, held at the Mafonic Hall, in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 9th day of May, A. L. 5832 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. THOMAS HUBBARD, Grand Master. R. W. JOHN MIX, Deputy Grand Master, p. t. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. JUSTIN REDFIELD, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary, p. t. ANER BRADLEY, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. ALEXANDER HALL, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. PHILIP SAUNDERS, Grand Steward. JOSEPH FAIRCHILD, do. WILLARD LYON, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Wm. H. Ellis, E. G. Storer, Joel Potter. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2d. No. 5, Union, Stamford — James S. Davenport. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — James Stevens. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — Nathan Preston, N. C. Sanford. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Samuel Benjamin. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Josiah Nettleton, James Green, John L. Daniels. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Rufus Adams. No. 16, Temple, Cheshire — Charles Shelton. 446 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 28 30 31 33 35 40 41 42 44 47 48 49 50 53 55 56 58 60 63 66 68 71 72 73 74 75 Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley, Isaac B. Castle. Hiram, Newtown — Alexander Hall, David H. Belden. Washington, Monroe — Cyrus H. Beardsley. Harmony, Berlin — Ira E. Smith. Hart's, Woodbridge — Archibald A. Perkins. St. James', Preston — Avery Downer. Uriel, Mansfield — Orrin Holt. Colmnbia, Glastenbnry — Chs. Eemington, Ezra Dayton. Morning Star, East Windsor — Loren P. Waldo. Daysjjring, Hamden — Leverett Hitchcock. Union, New London — Thomas S. Perkins, Lyman Law. Friendship, Southington — Wm. Barnes, C. B. Andrews. Aurora, Harwinton — Joel G. Candee. Union, Danbury — Sturges Selleck. Federal, Brookfield — Ira Keeler. Harmony, Waterbury — Harvey Judd. Eastern Star, Windham — Luther Kipley. Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire, Henry C. At- wood, Garry Riggs. St, Luke's, Kent — Garrett Winegar. Jerusalem, Ridgefield — Walter Dauchy. Warren, Andover — Jabez L. White. Widow's Son, North Stonington — Thomas P. Wattles. Seneca, Torrington — James Green. Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Jabin Ford, Merlin Mer- rils, Orville Howd. Wolcott, Stalford — Rufus G. Pinney. Adelphi, New Haven — Henry Peck, Justin Redfield, Avery C. Babcock. Widow' Son, Branford — Merrit Foot, Calvin Frisbie. Charity, Groton — Mason Manning. Salem, Salem — Amherst D. Scovill. LaFayette, Fairfield — John G. Allen. Manchester, Manchester — John Mather. Blazing Star, Cornwall — Benjamin Catlin. Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 447 The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry by the M, W. Grand Master. On motion, it was voted, that the election of Grand Officers shall be held at 7 o'clock this evening. The M. W. Grand Master addressed the Grand Lodge at considerable length, on the present state of the Masonic Insti- tution, and on the duty of Lodges and of individual Masons, under the unreasonable and fanatical excitement which now ex- ists in relation to the Order. On motion, it was voted, that the subject matter of the M. W. Grand Master's address be referred to a select committee, to be chosen by nomination, to take into consideration the expediency of a public declaration of the principles of Masonry, and make a report at the present communication. The following brethren were then nominated and appointed to compose the aforesaid committee, viz : — M. W. Thos. Hub- bard, G. M., Lyman Law, P. G. M., Asa Child, Rufus Adams, and Ingoldsby W. Crawford. The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge several communications and pamphlets, which he had received from other Grand Lodges during the past year ; which were refeiTed to the last named committee. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : To the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, appointed a committee to examine and adjust tlie accounts of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer for the past year, having attended to that duty, do find that all moneys received by the Grand Secretary and due the Grand Lodge, have been paid over to the Grand Treasurer ; and they also find in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a cash balance of fourteen hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty-one cents, and seven hundred dollars loaned on mortgage ; making the total funds of the Grand Lodge two thousand one hundred and sixty- eight dollars and twenty-one cents. Which is respectfully submitted, WILLIAM H. ELLIS, ) ^ .^ CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, ] ^omminee. New Haven, May 9, 1832. On motion, it was voted, that the Grand Lodge do now ad- journ to 7 o'clock this evening. 448 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^'^J, Maij 9, 7 o'clock, P. M. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment, and proceeded to the dispatch of business, — the first in order being the choice of Grand Officers. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots being taken, the breth- ren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, and were installed ac- cordingly, viz : M. W. THOMAS HUBBARD, Grand Master. R. W. CODDINGTON BILLINGS, Deputy Grand Master. " RUSSEL C. ABERNETHY, Senior Grand Warden. LEONARD HENDEE, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " WILLIAM H. JONES, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then made by the M. W. Grand Master, viz : W. Br. Samuel Simons, Senior Grand Deacon. " Joel G. Candee, Junior Grand Deacon. " Gilbert A. Smith, Grand Marshal. Rev. Br. Benjamin M. Hill, Grand Chaplain. " Alfred Copeland, Grand Steward. " David Humphrey, do. " John Corse, Grand Tyler. The committee to whom was referred the communications and documents received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, from other Grand Lodges, reported that they had exam- ined the same, with as much care as the time allowed them would permit, and although said papers were full of Masonic interest, they found nothing which required the special action of this Grand Lodge, except the communications from Massachu- setts and Rhode Island, on the subject of the present " anti- masonic excitement," to which communications the committee recommended the attention of the Grand Lodge. The commu- 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 449 nications having been read and considered, they were approved by the unanimous vote of the Grand Lodge. The same committee, to whom was referred the subject of a public declaration of the principles of Masonry, made a report, recommending to the Grrand Lodge to adopt the substance of a declaration recently published by our brethren in the State of Massachusetts ; which report was accepted, and the aforesaid declaration, together with a preamble reported by the commit- tee, was read and adopted. On motion of Bro. Eufus Adams, seconded by Bro. Lyman Law, the following resolution was passed : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to procure the printing of a suitable number of copies of the preamble and declaration just adopted by the Grand Lodge, and that he send a copy thereof to the Master of each Lodge in this State, with a request that the same may be presented to every Mason within their respective limits for signature, and returned to the Grand Secretary as soon as may be ; and the Grand Secretary is hereby directed to embody the same, with the signatures attached, and cause the whole to be annexed to and printed with the proceedings of the present communication of the Grand Lodge, and distrib- uted to the several Lodges in this State, to the members of this Grand Lodge, and to the several Grand Lodges in the United States. The Grand Secretary reported a long list of delinquent Lodges, whereupon it was voted, that the consideration of the report on delinquencies be postponed till the next annual communication, and that it be recommended to the several Lodges to be punc- tual in making returns and sending representatives at that com- munication. Brs. Charles A. Ingersoll and Wm. H. Ellis were appointed a committee to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Treasurer for the current year. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. 57 450 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, DECLARATION OF FREEMASONS OF THE STATE OF COlSriSrECTIOUT. Adopted May 9, A. L. 5832. Whereas, cliarges have been made against the Institution of Freemasonry, accusing the whole Fraternity with having adopted and cherished principles dangerous to the community and repugnant to morality and religion ; and from the silence of the members of our Institution concerning these accusations, many persons have supposed or may suppose that we admit the truth of these charges, or that we cannot conscientiously deny them : We, the officers and members of the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, and of the subordinate Lodges under its jurisdiction, have come to the conclusion that justice to our- selves and a decent regard for the opinions of our fellow-citi- zens, demand from us a public avowal of the principles of the Order, and of the nature and tendency of the Institution. A declaration on this subject, dated December 31st, 1831, having been made and published by our brethren of the Masonic Fra- ternity in the State of Massachusetts, to which we fully assent, as it is strictly true in all respects, we have adopted the same, and now beg leave to present it to the public* *This " Declaration" was published, not only in the Masonic proceedings, but also in the public newspapers of the day, and was thus spread broad-cast over the State ; and it evidently had a tendency to allay in a great measure the anti- masonic feeling which existed in this jurisdiction, and which was beginning to produce the unprofitable fruit of discord. 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 451 Whereas, it has been frequently asserted and published to the world, that in the several degrees of FREEMASONRY, as they are conferred in the United States, the candidate, on his initiation and subsequent advancement, binds himself by oath, to sustain his Masonic brethren in acts which are at variance with the fundamental principles of morality, and incompatible with his duty as a good and faithful citizen. In justice, there- fore, to themselves, and with a view to establish truth and ex- pose IMPOSITION, the undersigned, members of the Masonic Fraternity, and many of us the recipients of every degree of Freemasonry known and acknowledged in this country, do most SOLEMNLY DENY the cxisteuce of any such obligation in the MA- SONIC INSTITUTION, as far as our knowledge respectfuUy extends. And we do also solemnly aver, that no person is ad- mitted to the Institution, without first being made acquainted with the nature of the obligations which he will be required to incur and assume. Freemasonry secures its members in the freedom of thought and of speech, and permits each and every one to act according to the dictates of his own conscience in matters of religion, and of his personal preferences in matters of politics. It neither knows, nor does it assume to inflict upon its erring members, however wide may be their aberations from duty, any penalties or punishments other than Admonition, Suspension, and Ux- pulsion. The obligations of the Institution require of its members a strict obedience to the laws of God and man. So far from be- ing bound by any engagements inconsistent with the happiness and prosperity of the nation, every citizen, who becomes a Ma- son, is doubly bound to be true to his Grod, his country, and his fellow-men. In the language of the " Ancient Constitutions" of the Order, which are printed and open for public inspection, and which are used as text-books in all our Lodges, he is " re- quired to keep and obey the moral law, to be a quiet and peace- able citizen, true to his government and just to his country." 452 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Masonry disdains the making of proselytes. Slie opens the portals of her asylum to those only who seek admission, with the recommendation of a character unspotted by immorality and vice. She simply requires of the candidate his assent to one great fundamental rehgious truth, — the existence and Pkovidence of god, and a practical acknowledgment of those infallible doctrines for the government of life, which are written by the finger of God on the heart of man. Entertaining such sentiments, as Masons, as Citizens, as Christians, and as moral men, and deeply impressed with the conviction that the Masonic Institution has been, and may con- tinue to be, productive of great good to their fellow-men ; and having " received the laws of the Society, and its accumulated funds, in sacred trust for charitable purposes," the undersigned can neither renounce nor abandon it. We most cordially unite with our brethren of Massachusetts, in the declaration and hope, that, " should the people of this country become so infatuated as to deprive Masons of their civil rio-hts. in violation of the written constitutions and the whole- some spirit of just laws and free government, a vast majority of the Fraternity will still remain firm, confiding in God and the rectitude of their intentions for consolation under the trials to which they may be exposed." NEW HAVEN". Thomas Hubbard, R. I. Ingersoll, Laban Smith, William H. Ellis, Henry Peck,, E. G. Storer, Justin Redfield, Joel Potter, A. C. Babcock, Richard Dodd, Joseph Barber, AVilliam Storer, Jr., James F. Babcock, Marcus Bassett, Cyprain Wilcox, Josiah Brinsmade, Joel Ives, Ambrose Ward, David H. Carr, Hanover Barney, William Leffingvvell, Elnathan Atwater, John S. Mitchell, Timothy P. Beers, Anthony P. Sanford, James Hunt, Isaac Mix, G. Harrison. Uri Ames, Alexander Coburn, Alvan Wilcox, Daniel Collins, Thomas Hunt, Roswell Trowbridge, Eli Beecher, Charles J. Allen, Willis F. Colt, Samuel Rowland, Jr., Uriah C. Foot, Joseph Sanger, William Love, Jr., Marshall Flagg, Ailing Brown, Ezekiel Hotchkiss, James Wildes, Isaac Trowbridge, Asa Budington, Joseph N. Clark, Richard Atwater, James C. Parker, Joseph Fairchild, 1832.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 453 David Daggett, William H. Jones, Charles A. Ingersoll, Augustus R. Street, T. G. Woodward, William W. Boardman, Dennis Kimberly, Nahum Flagg, Auson T. Colt, Nahum Hayward, Henry Lines, John Durrie, J. L. Cross, E. Seeley, Samuel Chatterton, Constantine McMahon, Philip Saunders, Samuel W. Chilson, Nathan Thomas, William Mansfield, Henry Ward, George Bradley, Charles Nichols, L. G. Cannon, B. H. Thompson, John Hunt, Benjamin Beecher, Newel Johnson, J. C. Humphreys, John L. Daniels, James S. Green, William Lewis, J. M. G. Carey, Ebenezer Fisher, John S. Moshier, Josiah .Myrick, Josiah Nettleton, Henry Leforge, David Sanford, Hiram Upson, Jason Bassett, Daniel Hitchcock, Ephraim Peck, Anthony H. Stoddard, Frederick Bradley, Samuel B. Hine, Lewis Fitch, Henry Beecher, William H. Chidsey, William Myers, John E. Beecher, Daniel P. Clark, E. P. Ward, Theophilus Fisk, James Eaton, Ambrose Stevens, Robert Brown, Richard M. Clark, Erastus Osborn, William Moseley, Eli Mix, Daniel P. Augur, Thomas P. Stoughton, E. B. Bishop, E. Day, R. M. Treadway, Henry Eld, Sherman W. Knevals, Henry Gruenert, Obadiah Pease, Joseph Yemmans, Julius Smith, Johnson Ford, DERBY. Samuel French, Elias Tibbals, William Glenney, Noah Kelsey, Samuel Daniels, ' Samuel W. Dickinson, William H. Fowler, ■ Andrew French, Jeremiah French, Nehemiah Bristol, Isaac Dickinson, Leman Chatfield, Bennet Lum, Nathan B. Church, Levi Hull, James Smith, Russel Hitchcock, Robert Gates, Sheldon Canfield, John P. Carrington, James H. Hickox, Chancellor Kingsbury, Henry K. Holland, Ralph Warren, John G. Munn, John Heminway, Samuel Bradley, Alva Granniss, John W. Downs, Eli Farren, Isaac Tuttle, Stiles Stevens, J. M. Warland, Riley Nott, Abijah H. Woodruff, Willard Lyon, John Beach, E. E. Lewis, Judah Frisbie, Tyler Heminway, Harvey Heminway, Horace A. Augur, N. E. Candee, James W. Goodrich, J. H. Phoebus, Charles E. Candee. Abijah Wilcoxen, Abram Smith, Edmund Leavenworth, George Blakeman, Stephen Jewett, Orville C. Morse, Henry Wooster, Gipson Lum, C. D. Frisbie, John Martin, Rivinton Martin, David M. Nettleton, Oliver H. Stoddard, Joseph Conner, Moody M. Brown, J. H. Deforest, Chester Jones, Isaac White. 454 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Henry C. Atwood, Seth Crosby, Thomas Buxton, Henry Buxton, Garry Riggs, Henry A. McGary, Lyman Riggs, Gad Hitchcock, Smith Clark, John Smith, Sidney R. Wildman, Charles Ransom, Chauncey Haines, Daniel Hyatt, Samuel Riggs, Chauncey M. Hatch, John M. Hart, OXFORD. David M. Clark, Samuel Wire, Minot Barnes, Edward Booty, Levi Candee, Thomas A. Dutton, Samuel Meigs, James W. Hurd, Daniel Smith, Joseph Clark, Charles Morgan, Smith Green, Sheldon Beebe, George Gunn, Jacob Rockwell, Thomas M. Hedden, David Candee, David McEwen, Noah Stone, Nathan B. Fairchild, Isaiah Candee, Willis Smith, Harry Osborn, Ethel Blackman, John Storrs, Roswell Cable, Nathan J. Wilcoxon, William Morris, Jesse Joy, Alfred Harger, Philo Wooster, Ashbel Baldwin, George B. Piatt. Leverett Hitchcock, Jared Bassett, Leverett Hotchkiss, Joel Munson, Jesse Tuttle, Hezekiah Brockett, HAMDEN. Elam Warner, Lewis Goodyear, James Wiles, Eli Hull, p. B. Foote, Jacob Whiting, Elisha Lester, Hiram Sanderson, Edward Nichols, Joseph Smith, Samuel Ailing. Harvey Judd, Jacob Talmage, Samuel Forest, Daniel Forbes, George Warner, Lemuel 0. Smith, Keeler L. Judd, Lemuel Harrison, Daniel Hayden, Ehas Clarke, Anson Sperry, Selden Lewis, Horace Porter, Meritt Wilson, J. Burton, J. Hinman, Moses Hall, WATERBURY. J. M. L. Scovill, Elias Brown, Ashley Scott, Isaac Brown, Giles Brocket, James Brown, William H. Hine, Merit Gilbert, William Bunnell, Baldwin Beecher, Austin A. Knox, Ansel Spencer, Shandy Spencer, Elihu Spencer, William P. Beardsley, Daniel Beecher, Joel Smith, Eliel Mann, Elias Ford, Truman Adams, Elihu Hitchcock, John D. Meers, Marshall Hoadley, Gideon M. Hotchkiss, Amasa Goodyear, Lyman Gilbert, Augustus Beebe, John Noble, John Cook, John Bouton, Samuel Hill, Thomas Riges, Barzillai Scovel. 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 455 Merils Ward, Alanson Work, Joseph C. Burke, William Corey, Selah Ray, L. C. Bradley, Joseph Lewis, Charles B. Darrow, Charles Tucker, Thaddeus Nichols, Augustus Cook, Eli Wilcox, Jepthah Lewis, Ozem Johnson, Seelif Ray, Dennis Try on, Stephen Rainey, Ira Lee, Stephen Griffith, Joseph Dart, Titus Whitmore, Randall Hurd, Oliver Brainard, Levi Bunce, Ralph Smith, Thomas Fessenden, Benjamin Sherman, Edmund Bolles, Jesse Hurd, Eben Smith, Guy Cooper, Nathaniel Doane, William Cook, Eben Cook, Asahel Bonfoey, Willard Gladding, Moses B. Wright Truman Collins, Ethan A. Willey, Jeremiah Smith, Jr., Philo Fuller, D. D. Whitmore, MIDDLETOWN. Joshua Stow, Horace Clarke, Dana Read, Epaphras Clark, Rufus Bailey, Wm. Dunham, Jr., Wm. Woodward, David F. Johnson, Wm. F. Gilbert, Oreb Turner, David Sanderson, Lot D. Vansands, Abiel A. Loomis, Charles Dyer, N. A. Phelps, P. E. Hubbard, CHATHAM. Samuel Brown, David Clark, Nathaniel C. Smith, Nelson C. Daniels, Amasa Daniels, Jr., Asahel Pelton, Anson Strong, Abel Lewis, Jonathan Bowers, Elisha Brown, Benjamin Hurd, Jr., Sparrow Smith, Nathaniel G. Cone, Newburg Darling, EAST HADDAM. Giles Brainard, Braddock Strong, Simeon Hubbard, Simeon Scranton, Joseph Brainard, Russel Shaler, Roswell Davison, Charles D. Wright, James C. Hyde, Lester Pasco, Thomas Greenfield. Jr., Elias W. Newton, Asa Richardson, Caleb Miller, Jr., Isaac Newell, Joseph Beaumont, Reuben Chaffee, Thomas Brown, Samuel D. Sizer, Elisha Reese, Elijah Ackley, Augustus P. Jones, Fairchild Camp, John C. Palmer, James H. Williams, Benjamin Savage. Alexander Arthur, David Stocking, Sylvester Stocking, Zebulon Penfield, Marshal Pelton, Luther Wilcox, Hiram Markham, Elizur Goodrich, Wm. A. Brown, Joel Bradford, Edward Lewis, Daniel Russel, Nathaniel Markham, David Bosworth. Josiah A. Flagg, Jona. Usher, David Bonfoey, Joseph Goodspeed, Samuel Barry, Nathan Ackley, Wm. B. Boyd, John Beckwith, Phineas Gates, Roswell Brainard, 456 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Oliver Green, Timothy Green, Richard Green, Wm. Palmer, Jeremiah Hutchins, Darius Gates, Jeremiah Shaler, Noah Bucklej', Ezekiel S. Clark, Darius Dickinson, Noah Clark, George Mitchell, Luman Preston, Asa Bartholomew, Constant L. Tuttle, Renselaer Upson, Gordon Clark, Harvey AVright, Ezekiel Carrington, R. 0. Plumb, Thomas Mitchell, Jabin Ford, Merlin Merril, Orvill Howd, Lester Loomis, Edwin Sturges, Hira Case, Chauncey Munson, Joel Allen, Amos Beecher, Amos Beecher, Jr., Arunah Case, George Merrill, Henry Allen, Rollin L. Beecher, Daniel Richardson, Jesse Ives, Watrous F. Menter, Lora Alford, Freeman Graham, Wilson B. Spring, Samuel Hotchkiss, Sylvanus Moore, Oliver Atwood, Bartlet Shepard, Chevous Brainard, Aaron C. Palmer, Jonah Gates, Peter G. Clark, Bazaliel Shayler; Erastus Downing, Ansel Warner, Jonathan Arnold, Stephen Dickinson, BRISTOL. George Welch, Alonzo Thompson, Philip Gayton, Evits Hungerford, Daniel Hill, Henry A. Mitchell, Ephraim Downs, John Smith, Solomon Griggs, Seth Horton, BARKHAMSTED. Wm. Loomis, Sanford Allen, Elavil B. Graham, Judah Roberts, Bela Squire, Luke Hayden, Orvill Jones, John Merrill, John Merrill, Jr., Samuel Merrill, Anson Case, Jehiel Case, Daniel Bliss, Lewis Bliss, Loring Loomis, Ezekiel W. Wright, Wyllys Wright, Chauncey Griswold, Henry Bolles, Hermon Chapin, Joseph E. Buel, Henry Seymour, Epaphroditus Champion, Erastus Scovill, Reuben Chapman, Orrin Chapman, Isaac Ackley, James Gladwin, Jr., Gideon S. Andrews, David B. Venters, David Shailor, George Kelsey, George Burr, John Peck, Isaac Atwater, Elias Perkins, Hermon Warner, Benjamin Terril, Linus Preston, S. C. Hinman, Wyllys Roberts, Lamarcus A. Cook, Phineas Hitchcock. Samuel Gates, Henry Gates, Josiah G. Banning, Wm. Selby, Jr., Daniel Sanford, Hiram Sanford, Strong Sanford, Almon Case, Eli Wilden, Calvin Wilden, Nathaniel Howarth, Cyrus Miller, Lyman Hart, Tertius Wadsworth, Alanson Spencer, Daniel S. Bird, Wm. F. Tudor, Thomas Dyer, Duncan Wilson, Willis Case, Wm. Deming, John Woodruff. 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 457 Horatio A. Hamilton, Jabez Collins, Wm. Parsons, Joel Booth, Gilbert Allen, Harman Terrj', Nathan Pease, Henry Kingsbury, Solomon Terry, Jr., Jeremiah F. Brids[es, Rowland Laughlin, George Randall, Barnabas Peck, Samuel Hitchcock, John E. Jones, Cornelius B. Andrews, Martin Cook, Robert Cook, William Barnes, Moses W. Beckley, Henry Dayton, Oliver Brainard, Ezra Dayton, Ashbel Alger, Daniel Andrews, Marvin Dayton, Howel W. Brown, Marvin Dayton, Jr., Alonzo Rockwell, David Robinson, Diodate Woodbridge, Jabez L. White, John Mather, Hezekiah Goddard, D. S. Brainard, Joshua Hamilton, S. K. Smith, Robert Holt, F, Swift, EAST WINDSOR. Harvey Terry, Calvin Chapman, Edward Button, Hiram S. Belcher, Charles Jenks, Moses Allen, John Watson, Levi Lord, Phineas Parsons, Horace Holkins, Horace Harvey, Adam Miner, Jr., Jabez King, Jr., SOUTHINGTON. Wm. Wightman, Lauren Sharp, Jonathan F. Norton, Asahel Newell, Julius Bristol, James F. G. Andrews, Oliver Andrews, GLASTENBURY. Stephen Shipman, Chester Ackley, John Marsh, Charles Remington, Dudley Watrous, Wm. H. Turner, Solomon Fox, John Willie, Sylvester Pubisher, George Hunt, MANCHESTER. Dudley Woodbridge, Jabez L. White, Jr., Chester Strickland, NEW LONDON. Wm. Brewer, Amos Starks, Lewis Allen, Isaac Treby, Alpheus S. Cotton, Wm. Gray, 58 Horace Barber, Joseph Olmsted, John Abbee, James Harpor, Levi Palmer, Epaphras L. Phelps, Elisha M. Jencks, George Allen, Jr., Heber Pease, Joseph Davis, Sylvester Glazier, Ashna Pasco, Jonathan Button, Jr. Isaac Shepard, Alvin E. Bevins, Roswell Cooke, Joel Judd, Hervey Beckwith, Jr., Moses Pond. George Merrick, Sampson Horton, Israel Hollister, Ebenezer Goodale, Jason Boardman, Wm. Webb, W. J. Covell, James McLean, Roger Hall. Ralph Cheeney, Henry Marble, Wm. Cooley. Robert Comstock, Wm. S. Norton, Elisha Douglas, Mark Edgar, Daniel B. Hempstead, Euclid Elliott, 458 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Samuel Green, Lyman Law, Coddington Billings, John French, Ingoldsby W. Crawford, Elijah Ames, B. C. Baxter, Charles Butler, J. H. Goddard, C. M. Grove, Erastns Williams, Joseph Tuttle, Avery Bill, Christopher Newton, Stephen Billings, A. Walker, Isaac Spicer, Jr., Wm. M. Williams, George H. Harkness, Erastus O'Brien, Gurden Bill, Elisha Brewster, Jonathan Stoddard, Roswell Allen, James Gere, William Tew, Pomeroy Hall, John S. Ransom, Elias Harvey, Seth E. Lathrop, Eli Gates, Timothy Morgan, Levi Harvey, David Holmes, Marvin Holmes, Daniel Jones, Wm. Culver, Ebenezer H. Watrous, Nathaniel S. Perkins, James Rogers, Chester Tilden, H. Douglas, Ebenezer Griffing, Wm. H. Clark, Eph. Chesbrough, H. Burbeck, GROTOW. David B. Beebe, Latliam Gray, George Giddings, Rufus Chapman, Thomas W. Guy, Prentice Williams, Daniel Stoddard, Wm. Williams, John Lee, Cyrus Newton, Stephen Morgan, Ebenezer P. Miner, Sidney Stoddard, Guy C, Stoddard, SALEM. Joseph Hillard, Samuel Holmes, James McCrackan, Jonathan Hillard, Matthias W. Baker, Joseph C. Beckwith, David Patten, Japheth Chapel, John Way, Sidney Morgan, John L. Latimer, E. B. Prince, Nathaniel Richards, John Cady. John P. Price, John B. Mayer, Alexander Stewart, Horatio N. Fisk, Seth Lathrop, Seth E. Lathrop. Robert Stoddard, Rufus Ailing, Richard Barnet, Joseph Chapman, J. W. Brewster, John W. Miner, Elisha Satterlee, George A. Syddleman, Elisha W. Miner, Wm. Pollard, Luke Wheeler, George A. Sydleman, Jr., Wm. Kimball, Mason Manning. Israel N. Jones, Wm. Buck, Thomas Kingsley, George G. Latimer, Nicholas Latimer, J. W. Pellet, Shubael Park, Gilbert A Smith, Roswell Morgan, Jonathan Dodge. NORTH STONINGTON. Thomas P. Wattles, Pitts D. Frink, George W. Bentley, Roswell R. Avery, John Brown, Joshua Wheeler, Stephen Colegrove, Jonathan Knapp, Joel Pilchard, Giles Wheeler, Isaac P. Langworthy, Charles G. Avery, Henry C. Brown, Nathaniel M. Crary, Jabez Gallup, 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 459 Thomas P. Chapman, Wm. Frink, John T. Wheeler, Joshua Barstow, Charles Prentice, Isaac H. Cook, Henry Brown, James Cook, Asa Prentjce, Jr., Asa A. Swan, H. R. Park, Elisha Branch, J. C. Baker, H. R. Patridge, Nathan Johnson, Lucius Tyler, Nathaniel Day, Ebenezer Nichols, Wm. Patch, Miles Hoyt, Reuben Booth, John S. Blackman, Aaron Seeley, Hiram Wildman, David Foot, Edward S. Brockett, Joel Taylor, Thomas P. White, Samuel C. Dibble, Samuel Scribner, Fairchild Ambler, Hubbell Wildman, Benjamin Ambler, John Foot, Wm. Patch, Jr., Daniel Porter, Stephen A. Hurlbut, Nathan A. Price, Samuel Stfebbica, Isaac Williams, George AVheeler, Russell Wheeler, PRESTON. Thomas M. Safford, Adin Cook, Averj' Downer, David Baldwin, Ebenezer Avery, Nathan Cook, Isaac Avery, JEWETT CITY. Thomas Stewart, A. B. Cheesborough, Oliver Goodell, Nathan Brown, Simon Lathrop, Samuel C. Collyer, Wm. Withey, DANBURY. Frederick S. Wildman, John C. Blackman, Thomas M. Gregory, Wm. T. Scofield, Charles L. White, Philo B. White, Albert Seger, Joseph Scribner, Seymour Husted, Starr Ferry, Oliver Shepard, George Seeley, Samuel Banks, Abram Stow, Andrew Andrews, J. R. A¥ildman, Wm. Peck, David Knapp, John Sturges, Alva Taylor, Lewis Taylor, Ira Williams, Wm. B. Denison, Joseph Frink, Riall Mann. Edward Coats, Jr., Robert S. Avery, Thomas Prentice, John Sheffield, Daniel Baldwin, Samuel H. Prentice. Charles R. Spencer, Benjamin Gaskill, Samuel Cole, John C. Tibbetts, Oliver Coit, Tyler Brown, J. K. Stitson. Wm. H. Banks, Sturges Selleck, Gersham Nichols, Alfred Benedict, Samuel T. Barnum, Giliad Ambler, Joseph Hitchcock, Wm. A. Cromwell, Ezra P. Bennett, George Clapp, Eleazer Taylor, Daniel S. Beatty, Charles Dart, Joseph Taylor, Nathan B. Crofut, Eli Ferry, Samuel Allen, EHud Taylor, Nathaniel H. Wildman, George W. Pires, Ransom Brotbwell, David Itobbs. 460 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Wra. H. Holly, Roswell Hoyt, Isaac Quintard, Jr., Charles D. Hoyt, James S. Davenport, Alfred A. Holly, Daniel G. Scott, John S. Winthrop, David Holly, Jr., S. H. Minor, Peter Knapp, John W. Leeds, Isaac Lockwood, David Keeler, Jeremiah Mead, Gamaliel Smith, Daniel Smith, Stephen Olmsted, Walter Dauch}', Alva .Jones, Philip Bradley, Sherwood Mead, Nathan Olmsted, Isaac Olmsted, David Marsh, Frederick Buel, Lyman Wooster, Heman AV. Childs, Charles L. Webb, Roger Cook, Samuel Buel, Aaron Smith, Aner Bradley, Eleazer Judd, Micah Blakeslee, Randal Warner, Samuel Hickox, Samuel H. Judd, Lucius B. Bradley, James Bishop, Hector Smith, Ebeue2er Prencb, STAMFORD. Benjamin Page, Smith Scott, John Brown, Andrew Mead, James Stevens, Abraham Davenport, David Waterbury. J. B. Waterbury, Ebenezer Mead, Frederick Lockwood, Oliver Lockwood, John S. Hennessey, RIDGEFIELD. Daniel Jones, Henry Olmsted, Wm. Beers, Jared N. St. John, David Dunning, Abijah Ressique, David Banks, Jacob Dauchy, Erastus S. Bouton, Russel Jones, Abraham Whitlock, LITCHFIELD. Phineas Lord, Phineas Taylor, George Dewey, James Winship, Samuel Buel, 2d, Samuel P. Bolles, Joseph Adams, Joshua Garritt, WATERTOWN. John D. Wooster, John Buckingham, Eleazer Green, Nathan Hawley, Samuel Bloss, Samuel Church, Nathan Burton, Jr., Rollin Church, Stephen Scott, Ambrose S. Todd, Stephen Warring, Nathaniel D. Haight, James R. Hoyt, Joseph H. Leeds, Wm. Leeds, Abraham H. Close, Wm. S. Wood, Morehouse Adams, David Holly, John W. Holly, Ezra Knapp. Hezekiah Scott, Czar Jones, Chauncey Olmsted, John Barlow, Arba Whitlock, James Flynn, Charles Dimbry, Jesse Covert, Epenetus Howe, Noah St. John. Reuben Merriman, George H. Palmer, Samuel Seymour, John Bissell, John Riley, Stephen Deming, Henry Adams. Myron Gaylord, Leverett Judd, Alanson Warren, Silas Hoadley, Mark I. Bronson, Nathan Nettleton, James Garnsej', Friend Garnsey, Austin Sperry. 1832.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 461 Nathan Preston, J. P. Marshall, Benjamin Doolittle, James Moody, N. C. Sanford, Charles B. Phelps, Philo DeForest, Russel Daley, A. S. Eastman, Everett Booth, Abraham Somers, Wra. Hickok, Charles C. Hinman, Truman Wheeler, Samuel Steele, Thaddeus D. Mallary, Hubbel Miller, Jason Cross, Esek Carter, Enoch Lewis, Stiles Peck, Carrington Todd, Edward Pierpont, Wm. E. Russel, Samuel Bradley, James H. Seymour, Wm. Phippeny, George D. Wadhams, Selah Frogt, Moses B. Harvey, Wm. Adams, Elijah Fairman, Nathan Washburn, Amos Harvey, Joshua Howe, Stephen Smith, Thomas Pinks, Lemuel Stedman, Harvey Adams, Rufus G. Pinney, Arba Hyde, WOODBURY. Phineas S. Bradley, Stiles Nettleton, George W. Jones, Joseph Calhoun, E. Hinman, Albert Guthrie, Aaron Hickok, John Wheeler, Doty Munn, John Manvel, James Manvel, John Marvin, Benjamin Stiles, Treat Camp, Zalmon Bishop, Thomas S. Shelton, CORNWALL. John Pierce. Myron Harrison, Anson Rogers, Edward B. White, Benjamin Catlin, Peter Bierce, TORRINGTOW. Prescott Pond, Cyrus Palmer, Harvey Palmer, James Green, Hugh Kearney, Jeremiah Page, Robert Palmer, STAFFORD. Nathan Rockwell, Jacob Gerould, Wm. Gladding, Jr., Alva Francis, Jasper Hyde, Rodolphus Woodworth, John Y. Adams, Samuel C. Lyon, Jr., Jasiel P. Fuller, Joseph C. Dow, David Carpenter, Cyrus Fenye, Aaron Tuttle, Chauncey Hedge, Lewis Fairchild, Amasa Lathrop, Josiah R. Eastman, Royal R. Hinman, Charles Peck, Daniel Tuttle, Asahel Bronson, Elisha N. Hawley, Samuel Fenn, Harvey Morris, Andrew Root, Bethel S. Castle, Washington H. Atwood, Luther Bishop. Chester Markham, Wm. S. Bates, Abraham C. Palmer, Wm. Blinn, Henry Bierce, Obadiah Bierce. James Palmer, Thomas Moses, Nathan W. Hammond, Uri Taylor, Bassett Dunbar, Abijah Mann, Elihu Bradley. Benjamin Salisbury, Luther Eaton, S. L. Griggs, Jeremiah Parish, Moses B. Aldrich, Carlos Chapman, Aaron Parkes, Isaiah Call, Samuel Childs, Henry C. Baker, Wm. Stroud, Preston Poud, 462 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Lincoln Bardwell, Richard Stroud, Stuart Beebe, Heronis Scripter, Wm. Field, Merrit Foot, Calvin Frisbie, Orrin D. Squire, Ebenezer Linsley, Asa Norton, Uriel Fuller, Rufus Adams, James B. Whitcomb, Nathan Williams, Paddock Richmond, Richard Fenner, Jedediah Johnson, Andrew T. Judson, Wm. Tyler, Vine Robinson, Gurdon Robinson, Eleazer Mather, James A. Stetson, Augustus Cady, Ammi Bolles, James Stevens, John Parish, Samuel Scarborough, Elijah Baldwin, Seabury Macumber, Chester Lyon, Andrew Harris, Joseph Foskit, Lewis Parkes, Horace Orcutt, Cordial Newcomb, Loren P. Waldo, BRATTPORD. Edmund Palmer, Loring D. Hosley, Darius Nichols, Willoughby L. Lay, Hobart Rolinson, CANTERBURY. Daniel Kies, Paschal Tyler, Gardner Main, Daniel P. Tyler, Wm. Putnam, Bela P. Spalding, John Witter, Joseph P. Barrett, Giles R. Eldridge, Benjamin C. Palmer, Ebenezer Spalding, Nathan Witter, Jr. George Middletou, Henry Sabin, Dyer Ames, Edward Clark, Robert Kinne, Harvey Packhurst, Albe Hyde, Wm. Levally, Rufus Waldo, Walter Peck, John J. Moulton, Alden Skinner, Oliver Hyde, Isaac McNary, James Holt, Jr. Ruel Chidsey, Asahel Curtis, Wm. Tyler, John Staples, Lyman Frisbie. Ephraim Medbury, Jared Wilson, Mowry Burgess, John Dunlap, Charles Dunlap, Gilbert Potter, Ephraim Pike, John Prior, Alexander Ross, Silas Sisson, Edward Medbury, Philip Potter, Jesse Ensworth, Luther Ensworth, Roswel Ensworth, Martin Felch, Squire Cady, Douglas Parker, Hubbard Adams, Jesse Herden, James Cady, Joseph Hutcbins. 1833.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 463 ANNUAL SESSION, 1833. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the Sdi day of May, A. D. 1833, A. L. 5833 : OFFICERS PRESENT : K. W. CODDINGTON BILLINGS, Deputy Grand Master. " INGOLDSBY W. CRAWFORD, Sen. G. Warden, p. t. " LEONARD HENDEE, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. " HEZEKIAH DAVIS, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. " WILLIAM H. HALL, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. " LODOVICUS STOWELL, Grand Steward. " V/ILLARD LYON, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven— Charles A. Ingersoll, E. G. Storer, Wm. H. Ellis. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Alanson Work, J. Kilborn, Jr. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Hezekiah Davis. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Wm. H. Holly. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Benjamin Isaacs. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — N. C. Sanford. No. 9, Compass, Wallingford — E. M. Pomeroy, L. Carrington, No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Amherst D. Scovill. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Josiah Nettleton. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Chester Lyon. No. 16, Temple, Cheshire — Joel Moss. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Thomas Blackman. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin— Abijah Flagg, Richard Wilcox. 464 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 22, Hart's, Woodbridge — David Beecher. No. 23, St. James, Preston — Avery Downer. No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield — Icliabod Bulkley. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Solomon Terry. No. 31, Union, New London — Coddington Billings. No. 33, Friendship, Southingtou — Samuel Hitchcock, No. 36, St. Mark's, Granby— Justus D. Wilson, No. 40, Union, Danbury — John C. Blackman. No, 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Daniel Porter. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Nathan Ripley. No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Luther Crawford. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Daniel Smith. No. 48, St. Luke's, Kent— Philo Mills. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Eansford Button, B. Hutchinson. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Nathaniel C. Smith. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — James Green. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Amos Beecher, Merlin Merrill, Orvill Howd. No, 60, WolCott, Stafford— Wm. Field. No. 63, Adelj)hi, New Haven— Eben P. Ward. No. 72, LaFayette, Fairfield — Daniel Coley. No. 74, Blazing Star, Cornwall — Benjamin Catlin. The Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Ma- sonry by the R. W. Deputy Grand Master. On motion, it was voted, that the election of Grand Officers shall be held at 7 o'clock this evening. The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, a!id received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars and seventy-two cents, in cash, and seven hundred dollars loaned on mortgage ; making the total funds of the Grand Lodge, $2125.72. CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, > r^^-^^, WM. H. ELUS, \ Committee. 1833.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 465 A communication was read from a committee of the Grand Lodge of Khode Island, which was referred to Brs. Wm, H. Ellis, Asa Child, and A. D. Scovill, to report this evening. The G-rand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge several communications and pamphlets, which he had received from other Grand Lodges during the past year ; which were referred to the last named committee. Bro. John Mix presented a petition asking pecuniary relief in behalf of Bro. George Norton, a member of Frederick Lodge, No. 14, Farmington ; which was referred to a committee, con- sisting of Brs. Whitman, Preston and Davis. The Grand Lodge adjourned to 7 o'clock this evening. May 8, 7 o'clock, P. M. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment, and proceeded to choice of Grand Officers ; the ballots being taken, the breth- ren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, and were installed ac- cordingly, viz : M. W. THOMAS HUBBARD, Grand Master. R. W. LEONARD HENDEE, Deputy Grand Master. " WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Senior Grand Warden. " DYER T. BRAINARD, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. The following appointments were then announced from the Chair, viz : W. Br. William H. Holly, Senior Grand Deacon. " Joel G. Candee, Junior Grand Deacon. " Gilbert A. Smith, Grand Marshal. Rev. Bro. William A. Curtis, Grand Chaplain. '•' Marcus Bassett, 1 r^ , ^^ j " Eben p. Ward, \ ^^'^^^ Stewards. " John P. Carrington, Grand Tyler. 59 466 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The committee to whom was referred the communications from other Grand Lodges, reported that they had examined the same, and fonnd nothing requiring special notice, except the communication from the Grand Lodge of Hhode Island, which the committee would recommend that the Grand Lodge should do nothing with at the present session. Eeport accepted, and committee discharged. Bro. Whitman, from the committee to whom was referred the petition asking for pecuniary aid in behalf of Bro. George Nor- ton, of Farmington, reported that they had examined into the facts set forth in said petition, and that Bro. Korton was in a situation requiring the chaiitable assistance of his brethren, of which he was every way worthy ; the committee therefore re- commend a donation of forty dolLirs from the funds of the Grand Lodge. The report was accepted, and a vote passed di- recting tlie Grand Treasurer to place the above sum in the care of Br. John Mix, to be used for the benefit of Bro. Norton. The Grand Secretary's report of delinquent Lodges was then taken up for consideration, and after some discussion, it was voted, that in consequence of the j^eculiar circumstances under wdiich many of the Lodges in this jurisdiction have been labor- ing for the last two or three years, all fines and penalties now due for delinquencies be remitted. Bros. Wm. H. Ellis and Charles A. Ingersoll were appointed a committee to audit and settle the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Treasurer for the current year. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. 1833.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 467 RETURNS FROM SUBORDIMTE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Charles A. Ingersoll, W. M., Thomas G.Wood- ward, S. W., Anson T. Colt, J. W. Initiated— Edwin J. Peck, Garry Smith, Ca- leb A. Smith, George Love, Charles B. Shepherd. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Alanson Work, W. M., Joseph C. Burke, S. W., Wm. Merriman, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., Hezekiah Davis, S. W., Benoni A. Shepherd, J. AV. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— Roswel Hoyt, W. M., Isaac Quintard, S. W., James S. Davenport, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. C, Norwalk— James Stevens, W. M., Henry W. Smith, S. W., Joseph E. Corker, J. W. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Nathan Preston, W. M., James Man- ville, S. AV., AVashington H. Atwood, J. AV. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Benjamin Fairchild, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S. AV., Elijah Marshal, J. AV. COMPASS, No. 9, Wallingford— Elisha JI. Pomeroy, AV. M., Medad AV. Mun- son, S. AV., Friend Cook, J. AV. Initiated — Charles D. Yale. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— AVm. Lum, AV. M., John L. Daniels, S. AV., Eb- enezer Fisher, J. W. Initiated — Charles D. Frisbie, Oliver H. Stoddard, David M. Nettleton. Expelled — George D. Hine. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington — Lemuel AVhitman, AV. M., Henry Cowles, S. AV., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, J. AV. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— George Middleton, W. M., Chester Lyon, S. AV., James B. AVhitcomb, J. W. FEDERAL, No. 17, AVatertown — Aner Bradley, W. M., Alanson AVarren, S. AV., Austin Sperry, J. AV. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Alexander Hall, AV. M., Theophilus Nichols, S. W., Thomas Blackman, J. AV. HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Luther Beckley, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. AV., Richard AVilcox, J. AV. HARTS, No. 22, Bethany— Hezekiah Thomas, W. M., Isaac Hitchcock, S. AV., Daniel ToUes, J. AV. Initiated— Cyvewn^ Candee, Charles Perkins, Edson Sperry. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Joshua Barstow, AV. M., Charles Preston, S. W., Isaac H. Cook, J. AV. MORNING STAR, No. 28, Warehouse Point^-Jabez Collins, W. M., Wm. Par- sons, S. W., Solomon Terry, J. AV. 468 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, UNION, No. 31, New London— Jolin French, W. M., Ephraim Babcock, S. W., Joshua Hamilton, J. W. Initiated — Eleazar Smith, Jonathan Sizer, Wm. Flam- ming. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Samuel Hitchcock, W. M., Cornelius B. Andrews, S. W., Wm. Barnes, J. W. ST. MARK'S, No. 36, Granby— Josliua R. Jewett, W. M., Moses Ensign, S. W., T. S. Hawkins, J. W. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— John C. Blackman, W. M., William Patch, S. W., John Foot, J. W. Initiated — James W. Porter, John S. Morris. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Haivey Judd, W. M., Daniel Hayden, S. W., Moses Hall, J. W. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Wm. Webb, W. M., Caleb Howard, S. W., Luther Ripley, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret— Samuel Underwood, W. M., Luther Rawson, S. W., Henry Wells, J. W. Expelled — Samuel White, David Holmes, Nathaniel Parkhurst, Calvin Leffingwell. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Henry C. Atwood, W. M., Charles Ransom, S. W., John M. Hart, J. W. Initiated — Joseph Conner, Moody M. Brown, John Hunt, Andrew Ripley, Orrin Sherwood. ST. LUKE'S, No. 48, Kent— Ezra Skiff, W. M., Welcome Geer, S. W., Eber S. Peters, J. W. WARREN, No. 50, Andover — Ransford Button, AV. M., Benjamin Hutchinson, S. W., Nathan Burnap, J. W. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Ira Lee, W. M., Nathaniel C. Smith, S. W., David Hull, J. W. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington — Edward Pierpout, W. M., George D. Wadhams, S. W., James Green, J. W. Expelled — Rev. Joshua Williams. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W., Asa Bartholomew, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Amos Beecher, W. M., Merlin Mer- rill, S. W., Orville Howd, J. W. Suspended — James H. Cook. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Thomas Phiks, W. M., Wm. Adams, S. W., Elijah Fairman, J. W. ADELPHI, No. 63, New Haven — Justin Redfield, W. M., Dennis Kimberly, S. W., Cyprian Wilcox, J. W. Initiated — James F. Babcock, Edgar Riker, Noble Towner, Joel Ives. BLAZING STAR, No. 74, Cornwall — Myron Harrison, W. M., Anson Rogers, S. W., Edward R. White, J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Elisha Branch, W. M., John C. Bo- hen, S. W., Samuel Cole, J. W. 1834.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 469 ANNUAL SESSION, 1834. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, held at the Malbnic Hall, in the City of New Haven, on Wednelday, the 14th day of May, A. L. 5834 : OFFICERS present: R. W. LEONARD HENDEE, Deputy Grand Master. " WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Senior Grand Warden. " JUSTIN REDFIELD, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. Rev.. WILLIAM A. CURTIS, Grand Chaplain. WILLIAM H. HOLLY, Senior Grand Deacon. HENRY PECK, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. MARCUS BASSETT, Grand Steward. JOHN P. CARRINGTON, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Henry C. Flagg, Eliphalet G. Sto- rer, Anson T. Colt. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Charles Dyer. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — George Putnam. No. 6, St. John's, Nox'walk — Benjamin Isaacs. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford' — Samuel Benjamin. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Hiram Upson, Josiah Nettleton, John L. Daniels. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Leiuuel Whitman. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Chester Lyon. No. 17, Federal, Watertown^ — Aner Bradley. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Luther Beckley. No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Hezekiah Thomas. No. 23, St. James', Preston — Joshua Barstow, John C. Tibbits. No. 27, Rising Sun, Washington — Remus M. Fowler. 470 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 31, Union, New London — Dyer T. Brainard, Joshua Ham- ilton. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Samuel Hitchcock. No. 36, St. Mark's, Granby — David Latham. No. 37, Western Star, Norfolk — James Shepherd. No. 40, Union, Danbury — John C. Blackman. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Harvey Judd, Fred'k A. Ellis. No. 44,- Eastern Star, Windham — Justin Swift, Thomas Gray. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford— John M. Hart, H. C. Atwood. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Ransford Button. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Amos Beecher. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford— Wm. Field, Loren P. Waldo. No. 63, Adelphi, New Haven — Justin Redfiekl, Cyprian Wil- cox, Henry Peck No. 68, Charity, Groton — Stephen Billings. No. 72, LaFayette, Fairfield — George Peck. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Lodge was opened in the Third Degree of Masonry, by the R. W. Deputy Grand Master. On motion, it was voted, that at 7 o'clock this evening the Grand Lodge will go into an election for the choice of officers for the ensuing year. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : To the Grand Ledge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, appointed a committee to examine and adjust the accounts of the Grand Secretarj^ and Treasurer for the past j'ear, having attended to that duty, do find that all moneys received by the Grand Secretary and due the Grand Lodge, have been paid over to the Grand Treasurer; and they also find in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a cash balance of thirteen hundred and ninety-two dollars and eighty-three cents, and seven hundred dollars loaned on mortgage ; making the total funds of the Grand Lodge two thousand and ninety-two dollars and eighty-three cents. Which is respectfully submitted, WILLIAM H. ELLIS, ) CommUiee CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, J ^<5'"'»«^«- 1834.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 471 The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge several comnnmicatious which he had received during the past year from other Grand Lodges, which were referred to a committee, consisting of R. W. Brs. Wm. H. Ellis, David Kimberly, and Henry C. Flagg, to examine their contents and report thereon this evening. Bro. Justin Redfield presented the petition of members of Adelphi Lodge, No. 63, requesting leave, for reasons therein contained, to surrender their charter to the Grand Lodge. The petition was referred to a committee, consisting of Brs. Henry Peck, Henry C. Atwood, and Josiah Nettleton, to inquire into the facts and report this evening. A petition was presented by Bro. John C. Tibbits, from the members of Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 75, praying the Grand Lodge to refund to said Mount Vernon Lodge, the sum of thir- ty-five dollars, which had been paid for their charter over and above what other Lodges had paid, as the fee for charters was raised from fifteen to fifty dollars, at the time their charter was applied for, and no other Lodge had paid over fifteen dollars for a charter. After some discussion, the decision of the question on granting the petition was postponed till evening. On motion, it was voted, that the Grand Lodge do now ad- journ till 7 o'clock this evening. May Uth, 7 o'clock, P. M. The Grand Lodge assembled, jnirsuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the R. W. Deputy Grand Master. A communication was presented, and read from the M. W. Grand Master, Bro. Thomas Hubbard, expressing his grateful acknowledgments for the honor repeatedly conferred on him by the Grand Lodge, and declining to be a candidate for further election to office. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots having been taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be dulv elected 472 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, and installed accordingly, viz : M. W. LEONARD HENDEE, Grand Master. E. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Deputy Grand Master. DYER T. BRAINARD, -Senior Grand Warden. ANER BRADLEY, Junior Grand Warden. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. The M. W. Grand Master elect then made the following ap- pointments, viz : Bro. William H. Holly, Senior Grand Deacon. Henry Peck, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. Ashbel Baldwin, Grand Chaplain. ASAHEL Saunders, / ^^^^^ g^^^^^^^^_ Nathan Colton, ^ John Corse, Grand Tyler. The committee to whom was referred the communications re- ceived by the Grand Secretary from other Grand Lodges, re- ported that they had examined the same, and found nothing which required the special action of this Grand Lodge. The committee were gratified, however, to be able to state, that the several Grand Lodges with whom we communicate are pursu- ing " the even tenor of their way," and the committee recom- mend a continuance of fraternal correspondence. Which report was adopted. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Adelphi Lodge, No. 63, praying for leave to surrender their charter, re- ported that they had made inquiry with regard to the facts set forth in said petition, and found them correct, and would recom- mend that the petition be granted. The report was accepted, and the following resolution adopted : Resolved, That Adelphi Lodge, No. 63, located at New Haven, have leave to re- turn their charter to the Grand Secretary, who is hereby authorized to receive the same, and hold it subject to the order of the Grand Lodge. Bro. Lemuel Whitman, of Frederick Lodge, No. 14, Farm- ington, communicated to the Grand Lodge the sad intelligence, 1834.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 473 that since our last Grand Communication our venerable brother John Mix, Past Grand Secretary, had departed this life, and that there remained in his hands, unexpended, a part of the do- nation made by the Grand Lodge for the relief of Bro. George Norton, who had also since died, leaving a family in destitute circumstances. Whereupon, on motion, it was voted, that Br. Lemuel Whitman be appointed the agent of this Grand Lodge, to settle with the executors of our deceased Bro. John Mix, to receive the balance of said donation left in his hands, and pay the same over to the surviving family of our late Bro. George Norton. The petition of Bro. John C. Tibbits, and other members of Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 75, asking the Grand Lodge to re- fund the amount paid by them over and above what had been paid by other Lodges for a charter, was again taken up and the consideration resumed. After a brief discussion, the question was taken on granting the prayer of the petition, and decided in the affirmative. Whereupon, on motion, it was voted, that the Grand Treasurer be directed to pay to said Mount Vernon Lodge the sum of thirty-five dollars. R. W. Bro. Ellis submitted the following resolution, and it was unanimously adopted : Resolved. That the thanks of the Grand Lodge be tendered to the M. W, Past Grand Master Thomas Hubbard, for the able and faithful discharge of the duties of Grand Master for three years last past. Brs. Charles A. Ingersoll, and William H. Ellis, were ap- pointed a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Treas- urer and Secretary for the current year, and report at the next Grand Communication. The business of the session being finished, solemn prayer was offered by the Rev. Grand Chaplain, and the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. A true copy from the minutes, DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. . 60 474 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y. RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Hemy C. Flagg, W. M., EliphaletG. Storer, S.W,, Anson T. Colt, J. W. Initiated — Treat Botsford. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Lot D. Vansands, W. M., Horace Clark, g. W., Lysander Wells, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., Hezekiah Davis, S. W., Benoni A. Shepherd, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Henry W. Smith, W. M., Joseph E. Corker, S. W., Wm. B. Betts, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Benjamin Faircbild, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S. W., Ellhu Marshal, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 42, Derby— Hiram Upson, W. M., John L. Daniels, S. W., Ebenezer Fisher, J. W. Initiated — James Dudley, George S. Jackson, Henry Patterson, Wm. Spencer, Uriah Wakeman, Isaac Botsford. Expelled — George S. Jackson. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Lemuel Whitman, W. M., Henry Cowles, S. W., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, J. W. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterburj-— Chester Lyon, W. M., J. B. Whitcomb, S. W., Joseph Hutchins, J. W. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Aner Bradley, W. M., Austin Sperry, S. W., Mark I. Bronson, J. W. HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Luther Beckley, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. W., Richard Wilcox, J. W. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Hezekiah Thomas, W. M., Isaac Hitchcock, S. W., Daniel Tolles, J. W. RISING SUN, No. 47, Washington— Wm. Moody, W. M., Daniel Norton, S. W., Alfred Burnham, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Joshua Hamilton, W. M., Elisba Douglass, S.W.^ Eleazar Smith, J. W. Initiated — John Darrow. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Samuel Hitchcock, W. M., Cornelius B. Andrews, S. W., Wm. Barnes, J. W. ST. MARK'S, No. 36, Granby— Joshua R. Jewett, W. M., Harry Holcomb, S, W., Thomas Spring, J. W. Initiated — Pliny Moses. UNION, No. 40. Danbury— John C. Blackman, W. M., Matthew K. Gilbert, S. W., Wm. Patch, J. W. 1834.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. • 475 HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Harvey Judd, W.M., Isaac S. Johnson, S.W., John D. Meers, J. W. Initiated — Wm. M. Pemberton, Henry Hine, Lawrence S. Spencer, Frederick A. Ellis, Orrin Hotchkiss, Leonard L. Dougal, Henry W. Spencer, Albert Wooster. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Wm. Webb, W. M., Caleb Howard, S. W., Luther Ripley, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— John M. Hart, W. M., Gad Hitchcock, S.W., Wm. Hinman, J. W. Initiated — Charles Betts, James Berry, Alvah B. Lock- wood. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— Ransford Button, W. M., Bezaleel Hutchinson, S. W., George Perkins, J. W. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W., Aaron Bartholomew, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Amos Beecher, W. M., Merlin Mer- rill, S. W., Orvill Howd, J. W. WOLCOTT, No. 60, StaflFord— Wm. Field, W. M., Elijah Fairman, S. W., Wm. Gladding. J. W. Initiated — Lawrence Crawford. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Stephen Billings, W. M., James Geer, S. W., Cyrus Newton, J. W. LAFAYETTE, No. 72, Fairfield— Sturges Thorp, W. M., Bradley Dimon, S.W., Daniel B. Perry, J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W, M., John C. Tib- bitts, S. W., Samuel Cole, J. W. 476 . GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ANNUAL SESSION, 1835. At an Annual Communication of the Moil Worfhipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 13th day of May, A. D. 1885, A. L. 5835 : OFFICERS PRESENT '. M. W. LEONARD HENDEE, Grand Master. E. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Deputy Grand Master. " DYER T. BRAINARD, Senior Grand Warden. " ANER BRADLEY, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. *' WILLIAM H. HOLLY, Senior Grand Deacon. " HENRY PECK, Junior Grand Deacon. " ASAHEL SAUNDERS, Grand Steward. " A. COLTON, Grand Tyler, p. t. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven— E. G. Storer, Anson T. Colt, T. G. Woodward. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown— Samuel C. Burke. No. 4, St, John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2d, Hezekiah Davis, Benoni A. Shepherd. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Wm. H. Holly. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Stephen Smith. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — Hervey Morris. No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Avery Morgan, J. B. Wheeler. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Chester Lyon. No, 17, Federal, Watertown — Horace Foot. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Thomas Blackman, Chas. Sherman. No, 20, Harmony, Berlin — Abijah Flagg, No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Hezekiah Thomas. 1835.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, 477 No. 27, Rising Sun, Washington — Stiles Titus, Frederick J. Fenn. No. 31, Union, New London — Coddington Billings. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Ralph Pearl. No. 36, St. Mark's, Granby — Thomas Spring. No. 39, Ark, Weston— A. Stow. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Frederick A. Ellis. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Simon House. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Nelson C, Daniels. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkharasted — Anson Wheeler. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford— Richard Stroud. No. 68, Charity, Groton — Stephen Billings. No. 72, LaFayette, Fairfield— Charles W. Thorp. The Grand Lodge was opened in due and ample form by the M. W. Grand Master. On motion, it was voted, that the election of Grand Officers shall be held at 7 o'clock this evenins. M. W. Bro. Hendee communicated to the Grand Lodge a re- quest that the brethren would not consider him a candidate for re-election to the office of Grand Master. The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars and twelve cents. THOMAS HUBBARD, > ^ WM. H. ELLIS, 5 Committee. On motion of R. W. Br. J. G. Warden, the report was ap- proved and accepted. The Grand Secretary submitted to the Grand Lodge several communications received during the past year from other Grand 478 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, Lodges, but nothing therein appeared requiring special notice. Whereupon, on motion it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to continue the correspondence with other Grand Lodges, by communicating to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. Bro. Henry Peck submitted the following resolution : Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the expediency of in- vesting a portion of the funds of the Grand Lodge in the stock of the Union School House, in New Haven ; and that said Committee be requested to report to the Grand Lodge this evening. The resolution was adopted, and Brs. Peck, Goodwin and House, were appointed on said Committee. The Grand Lodge then adjourned to 7 o'clock in the evening. Wednesday Evening, May 13. Pursuant to adjournment, the Grand Lodge convened at 7 o'clock, and proceeded to the choice of officers for the ensuing year. Ballots being taken and counted, the following brethren were declared to be duly elected to the offices affixed to their names : M. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Grand Master. K. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Deputy Grand Master. " ANER BRADLEY, Senior Grand Warden. " HENRY PECK, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " DAVID KIMBERLY, Grand Secretary. The newly elected officers were then installed and invested by M. W. Bro. Hendee, and severally took their stations. The following resolution was submitted by R. W. Bro. Aner Bradley, and passed by a unanimous vote : Resolved, That the thanks of the Grand Lodge be presented to M. W. Bro. P. G. M. Leonard Hendee, for the able and faithful manner in which he has dis- charged the duties of Grand Master the past year. 1835.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 479 The Grand Master announced the following appointments ; Br. William H. Holly, Senior Grand Deacon. " Horace Goodwin, 2d, Jenior Grand Deacon. " Rev. Ashbel Baldwin, Grand Chaplain. ;; P^^^IJ Saunders, I ^^^^^ stewards. " Asa Budington, ) " Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. The Committee to whom was referred the subject of purchas- ing stock in the Union School House Company, submitted a report in the following words, viz : To the 31. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut: The Committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of investing a portion of the funds of the Grand Lodge in the stock of the Union School House, at New Haven, beg leave to report, that they have availed themselves of such evidence as they have been able to procure, and find that the Union School House, at New Haven is an incorporated company, and as such have issued stock to the number of one hundred shares, the par value of which is over eighteen dollars per share ; that the property of said company consists of a lot of land and a building, situated in a central part of the city of New Haven ; that the lower part of said house is occupied for a school, and the upper part as a Lodge Room ; that of these one hundred shares, sixty-six are now the property of the several Orders of Masonry in New Haven, and the remaining thirty-four shares belong to sundry individuals, and that these thirty- four shares can probably be purchased for a sura not exceed- ing sixteen dollars per share. The building is now occupied at a rent of ninety- five dollars per annum, and there is no probability that the property will ever be less valuable than it is at the present time. Your Committee would therefore re- commend to the Grand Lodge the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That Bro. . be a Committee to purchase for this Grand Lodge, thirty-four shares in the Union School House, at New Haven, at a price not exceeding sixteen dollars per share ; and he is authorized to draw on the Grand Treasurer for the payment of the same. HENRY PECK, ) HORACE GOODWIN, V Committee. SIMON HOUSE, ) After a lengthy discussion the report was accepted, and the resolution proposed by the Committee adopted. Bro. Hezekiah Thomas presented to the Grand Lodge a me- morial from sundry brethren, members of Hart's Lodge, No. 22, Bethany, praying that Bro. Philander B. Hine, who was some years since expelled from Hiram Lodge, No. 1, be restored to his Masonic privileges. 480 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, After the reading of said memorial, E, W, Bro. Heniy Peck submitted the following resolution, which was passed unani- mously : Resolved, That the vote of expulsion passed by Hiram Lodge, No. 1, against Bro. Philander B. Hine, is hereby revoked and rescinded, and declared to be null and void; and Bro. Hine is hereby restored to all the privileges and immunities to which he was entitled as a Mason before said vote of expulsion was passed. A memorial was presented from Salem Lodge, No. 71, Salem, praying for leave to surrender their charter to the Grand Lodge. On motion the prayer of the petition was granted, and the charter received accordingly. The Grand Secretary reported to the Grand Lodge a list of subordinate Lodges who were delinquent in returns and repre- sentation at the last annual communication. Bro. E. G. Storer submitted the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously : Resoked, That the Grand Secretary be directed to notify the several Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, who have neglected to make returns agreeably to the By-Laws, that they show cause, at the next annual communica- tion, why their charters should not be revoked. On motion of Bro. Wm. H. Holly, the resolution authorizing the purchase of stock of Union School House was reconsidered. A resolution was then introduced by Bro. Frederick J. Fenn, for the appointment of a Committee to inquire into the expe- diency of the Grand Lodge purchasing said stock, and make re- port at the next annual communication. The resolution was adopted, and the M, W. Grand Master appointed Brs. F. J. Fenn, Thomas G. Woodward and Thomas Hubbard, said Committee. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Thomas Hubbard and Henry Peck, a Committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Lodge for the current year. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. DAVID KIMBEKLY, Grand Secretary. 1835.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 481 RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Eliphalet G. Slorer, W. M., Auson T. Colt, S. W., Marcus Bassett, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— James C. Burke, W. M., Caleb Miller, S. W., Lot D. Yansands, J. W. Initiated — Dudley Bailey. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., Hezekiah Davi.s, S. W., Benoni A. Shepherd, J. W. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— Roswel Hoyt, W. M., Isaac Quintard, S. W., Daniel G. Scott, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Henry W. Smith, W. M., Joseph Corker, S. W., Wm. Betts, J. W. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Wra. Atwood, W. M., James Manville, S. W., Seleck Galpin, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— John L. Daniels, W. M., James S. Green, S. AV., John M. G. Corey, J. W. Initiated — Lorenzo D. Kinney. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Lemuel Whitman, W. M., Henry Cowles, S. W., MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— Chester Lyon, W. M., James B. Whitcomb, S. W., Wm. Putnam, J. AV. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Mark J. Bronson, W. M., Austin Sperry, S. W., Horace Foot, J. AV. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Alexander Hall, AV. M., Thomas Blackman, S. AV., Charles Sherman, J. AV, HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Luther Beckley, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. W., Richard Wilcox, J. AV. HART^S, No. 22, Bethanj'— Hezekiah Thomas, AV. M., Isaac Hitchcock, S. AV., Daniel Tolles, J. AV. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— AVm. Moody, AV. M., Frederick J. Fenn, S. AV., Alfred Burnham, J. AV. UNION, No. 31, New London— Joshua Hamilton, AV. M., Elisha Douglass, S. W., Eleazar Smith, J. W. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Isaac Shepherd, W. M., Ralph Pearl, S. W., Samuel Hitchcock, J. AV. ST. MARK'S, No. 36, Qranby— Joshua R. Jewett, W. M., Harry Holcomb, S. W., Thomas Spring, J. AV. 61 482 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J? HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— John D. Meers, W. M., Isaac S. Johnson, S. W., Henry Hine, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Joho M. Hart, W. M., Moody Brown, S. W., John C. Lusk, J. W. Initiated — Rev. Albert Case. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Jasper Fitch, J. W. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Nelson C. Daniels, W. M., Nathaniel C. Smith, S. W., Hiram Barton, J. W. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— Philip Gaylord, W. M., Lmnan Preston, S. W., Aaron Bartholomew, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Anson Wheeler, W. M., Hira Case, S. W., Chauncey Munson, J. W. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Wm. Field, W. M., Elijah Fairman, S. W., Wm. Gladding, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Stephen Billings, W. M., Roswell Allen, S. W., Tracy Gates, J. W. LAFAYETTE, No. 72, Fairfield— Sturges Thorp, W. M., Bradley Dimon, S. W., David B. Perry, J. W. 1836.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 483 ANNUAL SESSION, 1836. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Mafonic Hall, in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the nth day of May, A. L. 5836 : OFFICERS PRESENT. M. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Grand Master. K. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Deputy Grand Master. ANER BRADLEY, Senior Grand Warden. HENRY PECK, Junior Grand Warden. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary, p. t. WILLIAM H. HOLLY, Senior Grand Deacon. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. ASHBEL BALDWIN, Grand Chaplain. PHILIP SAUNDERS, ASA BUDINGTON, ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. Grand Stewards. PAST GRAND OFFICERS. M. W. Thomas Hubbard, Past Grand Master. R. W. William H. Jones, Past Grand Secretary, REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Anson T, Colt, Nahum Flagg, Avery C. Babcock. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — J. Kilbourn, Jr., Joseph White. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Thomas Hutchins, Wm. Lum. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2d. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Wm. H. Holly. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — James Stevens. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Samuel Benjamin. 484 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 11 12 14 17 18 19 22 25 26 27 29 30 31 33 37 40 42 46 47 50 55 57 58 60 62 65 69 73 74 75 St. Paul's, Litchfield — Phineas Lord. King Hiram, Derby — John L. Daniels, Josiah Nettle- ton, Oliver H. Stoddard. Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley. Hiram, Newtown — Alexander Hall. Washington, Monroe — Lucius Curtis. Hart's, Bethany — Hezekiah Thomas. Cokmibia, Glastenbury — Henry Dayton. Columbia, East Haddam — Wm. Cook. Rising Sun, Washington — Frederick J. Fenn. Village, Canton — Hira Case. Dayspring, Hamden — Leverett Hitchcock, Julius S. Tolles. Union, New London — Dyer T. Brainard. Friendship, Southington — John E. Jones. Western Star, Norfolk — Benjamin Welch, Jr. Union, Danbury — Nathaniel H. Wildman, Charles Peck. Harmony, Waterbury — Frederick A. Ellis. Putnam, Pomfret — Icabod Corbin. Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire. Warren, Andover — Austin Tuttle. Seneca, Torrington — Edward Pierpont. Asylum, Stonington — Wm. Hyde. Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Anson Wheeler, Chaun- cey Munson. Wolcott, Stafford— Wm. Field, Loren P. Waldo. Orient, East Hartford — Ozias Roberts. Temple, Westport — George L. Cable. Fayette, Ellington — Asa Willey, Horatio Dow. Manchester, Manchester — John Mather. Blazing Star, Cornwall — Peter Bierce. Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. 1836.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 485 At 2 o'clock p. M., (the hour designated by the Grand Con- stitution,) the M. W. Grrand Master took his seat in the East, and a quorum being present, the Grand Lodge was opened in ample form, with solemn prayer by the R. W. and Eev. Grand Chaplain. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : To the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, appointed a committee to examine and adjust the accounts of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer for the past j'ear, having attended to that duty, do find that all moneys received by the Grand Secretary and due the Grand Lodge, have been paid over to the Grand Treasurer ; and they also find in the hands of the Grand Treasurer the sum of two thousand one hundred and sixty- three dollars and twelve cents. All which is respectfully submitted, THOMAS HUBBARD, ) ^ HENRY PECK, ] CommMee. The committee appointed at the last Grand Communication, to inquire into the expediency of investing a portion of the funds of the Grand Lodge in stock of the Union School Com- pany, at New Haven, made the following report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : We, the committee appointed to examinine and report whether it is expedient for the Grand Lodge to purchase a certain number of shares in a lot nnd build- ing, witli the apurtenances. occupied by various Masonic Orders, in Orange street, in the city of New Haven, respectfully beg leave to report — That said building and lot is owned by an incorporated company styled " The Pioprietors of the Union School," — that the Capital Stock of said Corporation is divided into One Hundred Shares, of which the Masonic Orders in New Haven own sixty-seven, and the remaining thirty-three shares are owned by individuals— that the lower part of said building (which is of two stories) is rented for a school, and the up- per part for a Lodge room. We find that eighteen, a majority of the shares not owned by the Masonic Orders, can be purchased for sixteen dollars per share, and in all probability the remaining shares can be purchased at the same price. If so, the rents paid for that part occcpied by the school, together with that paid by the Masonic bodies in New Haven, with a reasonable allowance for the occu- pancy of the hall by the Grand Lodge, will probably amount to about six per cent, of the price to be paid for the shares. Your committe are of opinion, that as the Grand Lodge is possessed of some funds, and that in all probability (notwithstanding present opposition and perse, cation) they will have occasion to continue their meetings for years and ages to 486 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, come, it is desirable thej' should have a place to assemble, especially as one can be secured at so reasonable a rate. We would therefore respectfully recommend the adoption of the subjoined resolution : Resolved, That a committee be appointed to purchase the outstanding thirty- three shares of stock in the Union School Company at New Haven, on the best possible terms, and cause the same to be conveyed to the Grand Lodge in due and legal form ; and that said committee be authorized to draw orders on the Grand Treasurer for the suras by them expended for such purpose, and report their do- ings at the next conmiunication of the Grand Lodge. All which is respectfully submitted, FREDERICK J. FENN, THOMAS HUBBARD, )■ Committee. T. G. WOODWARD, 'ENN, ) RD, V >, s Which report was accepted and the resolution adopted ; and Brs. Wm, H. Ellis, Wm. H. Jones and Henry Peck were ap- pointed a comraitte under the resolution. A communication was received from Bro. David Kimberly, apologizing for not being able to attend to his duties as Grand Secretary, and declining further election. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Officers for the year ensuing ; the ballots having been taken, the brethren hereafter named were declared to be duly elected to the several offices as affixed to their names, respectively, and installed accordingly, viz : M. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Grand Master. R. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Deputy Grand Master. " ANER BRADLEY, Senior Grand Warden. " HENRY PECK, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The M. W. G. Master made the following appointments : W. Br. William H. Holly, Senior Grand Deacon. " Horace Goodwin, 2d, Junior Grand Deacon. " Gilbert A. Smith, Grand Marshal. Rev. Bro. Henry Stanwood, Grand Chaplain. '• AsAHEL Saunders, ) ^ ■■ ci^. a " Elisha Harrington, | ^^^^^ ^*^^^^^^- " LoDOVicus Stowell, Grand Tyler, 1836.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 487 The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge several communications and pamphlets, which he had received from other Grand Lodges during the past year ; which were referred to a committee consisting of Brs. Wm. H. Jones, Aner Bradley, and Wm. H. Holly. A petition was presented in behalf of Bro. John Hotchkiss, of Hart's Lodge, No. 22, Woodbridge, setting forth that he was " grievously tormented," having partially lost his eye-sight, and being destitute of property, he was under the necessity of asking for charitable assistance from his brethren. The peti- tion was referred to a committee consisting of Brs. Henry Peck^ John E. Jones, and Hezekiah Thomas. On motion, it was voted, that the Grand Lodge do now ad- journ to 7 o'clock this evening. Mai/ nth, 7 o'clock, P. M. The Grand Lodge assembled, pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the M. W. Grand Master. A memorial was presented from the W. Master of Fayette Lodge, No. 69, setting forth the pecuniary embarrassments and difficulties of said Lodge, and praying the Grand Lodge to af- ford them relief. After some discussion, it was voted^ that it is inexpedient for the Grand Lodge to commence the business of paying the debts of the subordinate Lodges, as the amount of their funds would not warrant them in so doing ; and that the memorialists have leave to withdraw. A communication was received from Orient Lodge, No. 62, East Hartford, asking leave to surrender their charter and re- cords to the Grand Lodge ; which, on motion of Bro, Ozias Koberts, were accepted, and ordered to be placed in the archives of the Grand Lodge. Bro. F. J. Fenn offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That on or before the first day of May next, and annually thereafter it shall be the duty of the several subordinate Lodges to furnish the Grand Sec- retary with a written statement of their receipts and expenditures for the cur- 488 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, rent year, together with the amount of funds on hand, and the value of the prop- erty belonghig to the Lodges respectively ; and it shall be his duty to report the same to the Grand Lodge at its next annual session thereafter. The Grand Secretary's report on delinquent Lodges was pre- sented and read, when, on motion of P. G. M. Hubbard, it was voted, that the consideration thereof be postj)oned till the next annual communication, and that the Gi-and Secretary be direct- ed, in the mean time, to notify all delinquent Lodges of the necessity of making regular returns and sending representatives to the Grand Lodge, or of surrendering their charters and other effects, agreeably to the constitution and by-laws. Brs. Roger Cook, Phiueas Lord, and George W. Noble, were appointed a committee to inquire into the situation of Aurora Lodge, No. 35, at Harwinton, with a view of ascertaining the correctness of a report that their funds have been improperly disposed of, and said Lodge illegally dissolved ; the committee to report at the next annual communication. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Br. John Hotchkiss, asking for pecuniary relief, reported that they had found the facts set forth in said petition to be correct, and re- commending a donation of ten dollars to the petitioner. The report was accepted and the donation granted. The committee to whom Avas referred the communications re- ceived from other Grand Lodges, submitted the following report, which was adopted : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, a committee appointed to examine the Foreign Correspond- ence of the Grand Lodge for the past year, respectfully report, that they have examined the several documents handed them by the Grand Secretary, and find nothing in them that demands the action of this Grand Lodge ; they therefore propose the annexed resolution : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to continue the correspond- ence with our sister Grand Lodges, by communicating to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. All of which is re.spectfuUy submitted, WM. H. .TONES, ) ANER BRADLEY, \ Committee. WM. H. HOLLY, \ Bro. F. J. Fenn offered for consideration the following reso- lution : 1836.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 489 Resolved, That at everj^ annual communication of this Grand Lodge, hereafter, immediately after the opening of the same, the Grand Secretary shall call the roll of subordinate Lodges, in aljjhabetical order, and any Lodge neglecting to appear or to answer at such call, by its legal representative, shall forfeit and pay to the funds of the Grand Lodge, the sum of dollars. On motion, voted, that the consideration of the above reso- lution be postponed to the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge. ■••' The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Thomas Hubbard and Henr}^ Peck, a Committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Lodge for the current year. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. E. G. STOKER, Grand Secretary. RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. I, New Haven— Anson T. Colt, AV. M., Nahum Flagg, S. W., Jus- tin Redfield, J. W. Initiated — Ebenezer Allen, James A. Gorham, John West- cott, Jr., George W. Fletcher. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Jonathan Kilbourn, Jr., W. M., Merrils Ward, S. W., Joseph White, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Richard Hyde, W. M., Thos. Hutchins, S.W., Wm. Lum, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., Elisha Harrington, S. W., Benoni A. Shepherd, J. W. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— Roswel Hoyt, W. M., James F. Henry, S. W., Isaac Quintard, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Henry W. Smith, W. M., James Stevens, S. W., Wm. B. Betts, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford- John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S.W., Benjamin Fairchild, J. W. COMPASS, No. 9, Wallingford— Elisha M. Pomeroy, W. M., Medad W. Mun- son, S. W., Friend Cook, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Roger Cook, W. M., Samuel Buel, 2d, S. W., Phineas Lord, .J. W. * The resolution never was called up or acted upon. 62 490 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, KING HIRAM, No. 12, Darby— John L. Daniels, W. M., J. L. D. Leaiy, S. W., L. D. Henry, J. W. FREDERICK No. 14, Farmington— LemuelWhitman, W. M., Henry Cowles, S. W., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, J. W. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Austin Sperry, W. M., Horace Foote, S. W., Samuel Doolittle, J. W. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown — Alexander Hall, W. M., Thomas Blackman, S. W., Daniel Blackman, J. W, WASHINGTON, No. 19, Monroe-Lucius Curtis, W.M., John Yale, S. W., George L. Sherman, J. W. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Hezekiah Thomas, W. M., Archibald A. Perkins, S. W., Daniel Tolles, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Henry Dayton, W. M., Chester Ackley, S. W., Oliver Brainard, J. W. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— Wm. Moody, W. M., J. H. St. John, S. W., Stiles Titus, J. W. VILLAGE, No. 29, Canton— Ansel Humphrey, W. M., Luther Higby, S. W., Sherman O.sborn, J. W. DAYSPRING, No. 30, Hamden— Laveret Hitchcock, W. M., Charles B. Foot, S.W., Julius S. Tolles, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Joshua Hamilton, W. M., Elisha Douglass, S.W., Eleazar Smith, J. W. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, S )uthington— Ralph Pearl, W. M., Samuel Hitchcock, S. W., John E. Jones, J. W. UNION, No. 40, Danhnry— Wm. Patch, Jr., W. M., John Foot, S. W., Clark Smith, J. W. Initiated— George Wells, Wm. A. StUrr, Joseph B. Foot, Erastus Price, Morris King, Joim Ferguson, Rev. Fordyce Hitchcock. HARMONY, No. 42, Naugatuck— Henry Hine, W. M., John D. Mears, S. W., Frederick A. Eilis, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret— Luther Ravvson, W. M., Henry Wells, S. W., Mowry Amsbury, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 47, O.xford— John M. Hart, W. M., Moody M. Brown, S. AY., Josei)h Conner, J. W. Initiated — Lenian Osborn. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Amherst Scovill, J. W. WIDOWS SON, No. 5.3, North Stonington— Joshua Wheeler, W. M., Pitts D, Frink, S. W., John Brown, J. W. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— Edward Pierpont, W. M., George D. Wadhams, S. W., James Green, J. W. ISSG.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 491 ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington— William Hyde, W. M., Thomas M. Brown, S. W., Francis Amy, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No 58, Barkhamsted— Anson AVheeler, W. M., Hira Case, S. W., Chauncey Munson, J. W. ■WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Moses B. Harvey, W. M., Wm. A. Adams, S. W., Alva Francis. J. W. TEMPLE, No. 05, Westport— Wm. Burwell, W. M., David M. Marvin, S. W., John Baker, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Christopher Newton, W. M., Erastus Williams, S. W., Roswel Allyn, J. W. FAYETTE, No. 63, Ellington— Ebenezer Smith, W. M., Horatio Dow, S. W., AsaWilley.J. W. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W.. George Carrie', J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., Samuel Cole, S. W., Nathan Johnson, J. W. 492 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ANNUAL SESSION, 1837. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1837, A. L. 5837 : OFFICERS PRESENT I M. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Grand Master. K. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden, p. t. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. " LUTHER RAWSON, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. " MARCUS BASSETT, Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. " ASAHEL SAUNDERS, Grand Steward. " LODOVICUS STOWELL, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Thomas G. Woodward, Marcus Bassett, Samuel Bishop. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Asa Richardson. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2cl, George Put- nam, Benoni A. Shepherd. No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Newhall Tainter, Joshua B. ' Wheeler. No. 11, St Paul's, Litchfield — Phineas Lord. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Silas Hoadley. No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Archihald A. Perkins. No. 23, St. James', Preston — Avery Downer, David Baldwin, No. 24, Uriel, Mansfield — Don F. Brigham. 1837.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 493 No. 25, Columbia, Glastonbury — Ezra Dayton. No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Calvin Chapman. No. 29, Village, Canton — Hermon Chapin. No. 31, Union, New London — Dyer T. Brainard. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — Samuel Hitchcock. No. 34, Somerset, Norwich — Asa Child. No. 39, Ark, Weston— David Patchin. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Frederick S. Wildman. No. 41, Federal, Brookfield — Joel C. Sherman. No. 42, Harmony, Naugatuck — Frederick A. Ellis. No. 46, Putnam, Woodstock — Luther Kawson, Aaron Corbin, Mowry Amsbury. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Chauncey M. Hatch. No. 49, Jerusalem, Ridgefield — Czar Jones. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Simon House, Ransford Button. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Nelson C. Daniels. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Edward Pierpont, James Green. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — Wm. Hyde, Benjamin Pomeroy. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford— Moses B. Harvey, Wm. Adams. No. 65, Temple, Westport — Lewis Raymond. No. 67, Harmony, New Canaan — Samuel Raymond. No. 68, Charity, Groton — John 0. Miner. No. 69, Fayette, Ellington— Asa Willey. No. 72, LaFayette, Fairfield — George Peck. At 2 o'clock P. M., (the hour appointed by the Grand Con- stitution,) the M. W. Grand Master took the chair, and the Grand Lodge was opened in due and ample form. The auditing committee submitted the following report, and it was approved and accepted : The subscribers, appointed at the last animal communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand seven hundred and forty-five dollars and forty-two cents ; and that there has been conveyed to said Grand Lodge twenty-five shares of stock in the Union School House, at New 494 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Haven, which cost sixteen dollars per share, amounting to four hundred dollars, making the total amount of the funds of the Grand Lodge two thousand one hun- dred fortj--fivo dollars and forty-two cents. All of which is respectfully submitted. THOMAS HUBBARD, ) ^ HENRY PECK, ] Committee. The committee appointed at the last communication of the Grand Lodge to purchase Union School House Stock made a report in the following words, viz : To the 31. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut: The undersigned, a committee appointed by the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, at the annual conmiunication thereof in May last, to jiurchase shares in the stock of the Union School House at New Haven, beg leave to make report, that they liave purchased twenty-five shares of the same at si.xteen dollars per share, making the expenditure therefor four hundred dollars, for wliich sum they have drawn upon the Treasurer of the Grand Lodce. There are now outstanding eight shares of said stock, not belonging to the Grand Lodge, or to either of the Masonic Orders in New Haven, which eight shares the committee think they may yet obtain. WILLIAM H. JONES,) HENRY PECK, V Committee. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, ) New Haven, May 8, 1837. On motion of W. Bro. Crawford, voted, that the report be approved and accepted. Bro. Child submitted the following resolution,^ which was adopted : Resolved, That the committee appointed last year to purchase shares in Union School House, be authorized to purchase the remaining eight shares, or any part thereof, if they shall think proper, in behalf of the Grand Lodge, and draw on the Grand Treasurer for the expense of the same. The committee appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge to investigate the affairs and situation of Aurora Lodge, No. 35, made a report in the following words : The subscribers having been appointed a committee by the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, at their annual communication in New Haven, in May, 1836, to investigate the doings of x\urora Lodge, No. 35, located in Harwinton, beg leave to report, that on the 3d day of March, 1837, we repaired to the Lodge Room of said Aurora Lodge, at the house of Bro. Wm. 0. Abernethy, in said Harwinton, and by him were shown the books and proceedings of said Lodge, in which we find the following record, viz : 1837.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 495 " At a meeting of Aurora Lodcre, No. 35, held at Harwington, Jan. 15, 1833, voted tliat we divide five liundred dollars of the fund.s of said Lod£te equally among the members residing within its limits. The W. Master then distributed ac(;ord- ing to the above vote. Voted, that we appropriate ten dollars for the relief of the widow of our late Bro. A. Andrews. June 27, 1838 — At an annual meeting of Aurora Lodge, voted, that Joel G. Candee be W. Master ; Jacob 0. Catlin, S. Warden ; Wm. S. Goodsell, J. Warden ; Wm. C. Abernethy, Treasurer; Oliver Pettibone, Secretary. Voted, that Joel G. Candee, Jacob 0. Cat'in, and Wm. S. Goodsell be a committee to investisiate the accounts of the former Treasurer, and pay over into the hands of Wm. C. Aber- nethy, Treasurer, the funds of said Lodge, and settle all Lodge accounts." The Lodge after dividing the above five hundred dollars, voted, that forty dol- lars be distributed to two other brethren. The balance of the funds of said Lodge, after dividing as above, came into the hands of Joel G. Candee, one of the Inves- tigating Committee, being one hundred and eighty-four dollars and nii.ety-one cents, and said Candee left said town, and has not paid the same over to the Treasurer. All which is respectfully submitted, ROGER COOK, ) PHINEAS LORD,} Committee. G. W. NOBLE, ) Litchfield, April 27, 1837. On motion, voted, that the report be accepted. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Offi- cers for the ensuing year ; Brs. Crawford and Lord being ap- pointed tellers. Ballots being taken, sorted and counted, the following brethren were duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, to wit : M. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Grand Master. K. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Deputy Grand Master. " ANER BRADLEY, Senior Grand Warden. " HENRY PECK, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The M. W. Grand Master elect then made the following ap- pointments, viz : Bro. William H. Holly, Senior Grand Deacon. Horace Goodwin, 2d, Junior Grand Deacon, Rev. Daniel Burhans, Grand Chaplain. Asa Budington, Samuel Bishop, Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. ^' > Grand Stewards, 496 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The M. W. Grand Master laid before the Grand Lodge a communication from Hiram Lodge, No. 1, in the following words, viz : At a regular communication of Hiram Lodge, No. 1, held at Masonic Hall, in New Haven, April 6, o8;j7, on motion of W. Bro. Henry C. Flagg, it was unani- mously Resolved, That in the opinion of this Lodge, it is i)roper and expedient to have a general celebration of the Festival of St John the Baptist, in June next. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Lodge, the celebration should be got up by the Grand Lodge, at such place as they may order. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the several Lodges in this State, and to the Grand Lodge. Extracted from the minutes, F. CROSWELL, Secretary. On motion, voted, that the communication from Hiram Lodge, No. 1, be referred to a committee of three members of this Grand Lodge, to report this evening, and that said committee be ap- pointed by the chair. Brs. Crawford, G. Peck, and Lord, were appointed on said committee. The Grand Secretary submitted several letters and commu- nications received during the year past from other Grand Lodges, which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Correspon- dence, consisting of Brs. Raymond, House, and Goodwin. The Grand Secretary reported that no returns or representa- tations were received at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, from thirty-one of the subordinate Lodges. Bro. Marcus Bassett introduced the following resolution : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to make immediate inquiry, by correspondence or otherwise, into the situation of such Lodges under the juris- diction of this Grand Lodge, as have made no returns for several years past, agreeably to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and that he be directed to take measures to obtain the charters, furniture and funds of said Lodges, and report his doings under this resolution to the next annual communi- cation of this Grand Lodge. The resolution was referred to a committee of five members, consisting of Brs. Henry Peck, Buddington, Bassett, Corbin, and Goodwin. Bro. William Hyde, W. M. of Asylum Lodge, No. 57, Ston- ington, presented the memorial of that Lodge, setting forth that 1837.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 497 tliey had unfortunately suffered the loss of their furniture, charter, &c., by fire, in a conflagration with which their village had been visited during the past year, and praying the Grand Lodsre to g-rant them a new charter. Bro. Asa Child moved that the prayer of petition be granted, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to furnish Asylum Lodge with a new charter at the expense of the Grand Lodge. The motion was carried unanimously. The Grand Lodge then adjourned to 7 o'clock in the evening. Wednesday Evening, May 10. At 7 o'clock the Grand Lodge was called to order by the R. W. Deputy Grand Master, and resumed labor. The committee on the communication from Hiram Lodge, No. 1, made a report in the following words, viz : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut: The committee to wliom was referred the consideration of the resolutions of Hiram Lodge, No. 1, respecting a general celebration of the next anniversary of the Festival of St. John the Baptist, have considered the same, and respectfully report, that in the opinion of the committee, it is inexpedient for the Grand Lodge to make any order in relation to the subject. In behalf of the committee, I. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman. Hartford, May 10, A. L. 5837; On motion, voted that the report be approved and accepted. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence made a report in the following words : The committee appointed to examine the Foreign Correspondence of the Grand Lodge for the past year, report, that they have examined the several documents handed them by the Grand Secretary, and finding nothing in them commanding the particular attention of the Grand Lodge, they recommend the subjoined reso- lution : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to acknowledge the courtesy of the several Grand Lodges who have favored us with their correspondence, and reciprocate the same by communicating to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. S. RAYMOND, ) S. HOUSE, V Committee, H. GOODWIN, 2d, ) New Hav«), May 10, 1837. 63 498 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, On motion, voted, that the report be accepted and the reso- tion adopted. The Grand Lodge proceeded to consider the subject of delin- quent Lodges, when satisfactory apologies and excuses were made in the behalf of the following Lodges, and the penalty in their respective cases were remitted, to wit : Wooster, No. 10, Uriel, No. 24, Morning Star, No. 18, Aurora, No. 35, St. Al- ban's, No. 38, Ark, No. 39, Federal, No. 41, Jerusalem, No. 49, Franklin, No. 51, Harmony, No. 56, Lafayette, No. 72. The committee to whom was referred the resolution of Bro. Bassett, relative to revoking the charters of such Lodges as had ceased to make returns to the Grrand Lodge, made a report re- commending the adoption of the resolution. After considerable interesting discussion, the resolution was amended on motion of Bro. Lord, by the substitution of the following : Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master be authorized and requested to appoint such committee as he shall think proper, to visit such Lodges under the jurisdic- tion of this Grand Lodge, as have made no returns for the last two or more years, with a view to ascertain their respective situations, and that said committees be instructed to assist such Lodges as may require it, in resuming their labors ; and to receive the charters, furniture, funds, «fcc., of such as may be disposed to sur- render them, and make report to the Grand Lodge at their next annual communi- cation. The amendment was accepted and the resolution adopted : The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Henry Peck and Frederick Croswell, a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Lodge for the current year. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. Attest, E. G. STORER, Gh-and Secretary. 1837.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 499 RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Anson T. Colt, W. M., Marcus Bassett, S. W., Josiah Brinsmade, J. W. Initiated — Knight Reed, Samuel Brown, Anthony de Fontaine, Alexander Storer, Jacob Straut, Wm. S. Taylor, Anon Bradley, Temple B. Mix, F. Croswell, Henry T. Huggins, G. S. Gilbert, Appolonaire Husson, John A. Myers, Wm. A. Bristol, Edward A. Mitchell, Loyal Dudley, Samuel Bishop, Allan N. Smith, Wm. F. Tolles, George Beckwith, James H. Llewellin, Thomas Atwater. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Caleb Miller, Jr., W. M., Wm. Corey, S. W., Asa Richardson, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., George Putnam, S. W., Benoni A. Shepherd, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— James Stevens, W. M., William B. Betts, S. W., A. E. Smith, J. W. Initiated — Lewis Goodsell. KING SOLOxMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Benjamin Doolittle, W. M., W. H. At- wood, S. W., John M. Saflford, J. W. Initiated— Wm. Curtis. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S. W., Benjamin Fairchild, J. W. WOOSTER, No. 10, Colchester— N. Tainter, W. M., A. Morgan, S. W., A. B. Pierce, J, W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Samuel Buel, 2d, W. M., George Dewey, S, W., Charles Jones, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— John L. Daniels, W. M., James S. Green, S. W., .James Donnelly, J. W. Initiated — Crounage Lounsbury, Noyes Prince, Lewis Spencer, J. B. Spencer, Wm. G. Smith, Alva Davis, John W. French, George T, Sharpe. Expelled — Noyes Prince. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Lemuel Whitman, W. M., H. Cowles, S. W., FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Austin Sperry, W. M., Silas Hoadley, S. W., Samuel Hickcox, J. W. HART^S, No. 22, Bethany— A. A. Perkins, W. M., Hezekiah Thomas, S. W., Major Lounsbury, J. W. URIEL, No. 24, Mansfield— Don F. Brigham, W. M., Uriah Brigham, S. W., Artemas Fletcher, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 28, East Windsor— Solomon Terry, Jr., W. M., Calvin Chapman, S. W., Levi Lord, J. W. VILLAGE. No. 29, Canton— Ansel Humphreys, W. M., Luther Higby, S. W., Sherman Osborn, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Nathaniel S. Perkins, W. M., Elisha Douglass, S. W., JohD N. Wheeler, J. W. 500 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Ralph Pearl, W. M., John E. Jones, S. W., Samuel Hitchcock, J. W. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— John Foot, W. M., E. S. Boughton, S. W., Clark Smith, J. W. Initiated — Wm. Simons, Daniel S. Brown, Nathan C. Goodsel, Jo- seph L. Wheeler. FEDERAL, No. 41, Brookfleld— Joel O. Sherman, W. M., Hiram Lake, S. W. Ira Keeler, J. W. Initiated — Edwin A. Lacey. HARMONY, No. 42, Naugatuck— Henry W. Spencer, W. M., F. A. Ellis, S. W., Leonard L. Dougal, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 46, "Woodstock— Luther Rawson, W. M., Henry Wells, S. W., Mowry Amsbury, J. W. Initiated — John T. Wait. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— David M. Clark, W. M., Charles Ransom, S. W., John M. Hart, J. W. Initiated — Ransom Tomlinson, David J. McEwin, Mark Wooster. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— Philip Bradley, W. M., Walter Dauchy, S. W., Hezekiah Scott, J. W. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Amherst Scovill, J. W. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Nelson C. Daniels, W. M., Nathaniel C. Smith, S, W., Hiram Barton, J. W. Initiated — Charles Foot. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— Edward Pierpoint, W. M., George D. Wadhams, S. W., James Green, J. W. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W., Asa Bartholomew, J. W. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington— Wm. Hyde, W. M., Francis Amy, S. W., Thos. M. Brown, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkharasted— Hira Case, W. M., Chauncey Mun- son, S. W., Owen Case, J. W. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Moses B. Harvey, W. M., William Adams, S. W., Wm. Gladding, J. W. Initiated — Sanford Squire, Lorenzo G. Winter, Clark B. Hawes. TEMPLE, No. 65, Westport— Wm. Burwell, W. M., D. M. Merwin, S. W., John Baker, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Erastus Williams, W. M., Roswell Allen, S. W., John Lee, Jr., J. W. LAFAYETTE, No. 72, Fairfield— Sturges Thorp, W. M., Bradley Dimon, S. W., David B. Perry, J. W. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., George Carriel, J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., Nathan John- son, S. W., Elisha Branch, J. W. 1838.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 501 ANNUAL SESSION, 1838. At an Annual Communication of the Mod: Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, held at the Mafonic Hall, in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 9th day of May, A. L. 5838 : OFFICEES PRESENT : M. W. THOMAS HUBBARD, Grand Master, p. t. R. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Deputy Grand Master. " ANER BRADLEY, Senior Grand Warden. " HENRY PECK, Junior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary Bro. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Senior Grand Deacon, p. t. " WILLIAM STORER, Jr., Junior Grand Deacon, p. t. " ASA BUDINGTON, ^ n ^ q. a " SAMUEL BISHOP, \ ^'^""^ Stewards. " ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Justin Redfield, Wm. Storer, Jr., Frederick Croswell. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Wm. Lum, Joseph G. Nichols. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2d, Solomon Porter, Edward Benjamin. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — James Stevens. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — Benjamin Doolittle, Mitch- ell S. Mitchell. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Samuel Benjamin. No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Newhall Taintor, Jos. Wheeler. No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield — Samuel Buel, 2d, Phineas Lord. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Hiram Upson. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley. 502 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Alexander Hall. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Abijah Flagg. No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Hezekiah Thomas. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — Henry Dayton. No. 26, Columbia, East Haddam-^Nehemiah Dickinson. No. 31, Union, New London — Dyer T. Brainard, Thomas S. Perkins. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Wm. Patch, Jr. No. 41, Federal, Brookfield — Henry Buggies. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Wm. H. Hine. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — John M. Hart, Samuel Wire. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Timothy Dimock. No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington — John D. Gallup. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — Samuel F. Denison. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Anson Wheeler, Chaun- cey Munson. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield — Luther Loomis, John P. Ingraham. No. 66, Widow' Son, Branford — Merrit Foot, Calvin Frisbie. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — Isaac Perkins. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. At 2 o'clock P. M., (the hour designated by the Grand Con- stitution,) the M. W. P. Grand Master Hubbard took the chair, and a quorum being present, the Grand Lodge was opened in due form, and with solemn prayer. The Grand Secretary read a communication from the M. W. Grand Master, Bro. Wm. H. Ellis, apologizing for non-attend- ance at the present communication of the Grand Lodge, in con- sequence of necessary absence from the State, and expressing a wish not to be considered a candidate for re-election ; also, in- forming the Grand Lodge that he had, during the past year, in obedience to a resolution passed at the last annual communi- cation, appointed Brs. Horace Goodwin, 2d, E. G. Storer, Ste- phen Deming, Phineas Lord, and Lucius Tyler, a committee to visit and correspond with the several delinquent Lodges in this State, with a view of ascertaining their situation and prospects, 1838,] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 503 and had requested said committee to report their doings to the Grand Lodge at this communication. The communication from the Grand Master was accepted and ordered to be placed on file. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : To the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, appointed a committee to examine and adjust the accounts of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer for the past year, having attended to that duty, do find that all moneys received by the Grand Secretary and due the Grand Lodge, have been paid over to the Grand Treasurer ; and they also find in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, in cash, one thousand seven hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty-five cents, and twenty-six shares of Union School stock, valued at $16 a share, amounting to $416 dollars; making the total amount of funds of the Grand Lodge, $2,134,55. All which is respectfully submitted, HENRY PECK, > ^ .„ FRED'K CROSWELL, \ ^'^'>^^^««' The following reports were received from the several members of the committee appointed by the Grand Master to visit and correspond with delinquent Lodges : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, a committee, under a resolve of the Grand Lodge, passed at their last session, to visit certain delinquent Lodges, begs leave to report, that he has attended to the duty assigned him, as far as practicable, and is happy to say, that Eastern Star Lodge, No. 44, Windham, is in a comparatively flourishing con- dition, have regular quarterly meetings, and appear zealously interested for the welfare of Masonry. Said Lodge forwarded returns last year, but owing to some unforeseen contingency, they were not received by the Grand Secretary. Their returns for the present year are forwarded by your committee, Moriah Lodge, No. 15, Canterbury, after a temporary suspension, has again commenced holding regular meetings, and the members have pledged their word to your committee, that their returns for the present year shall be forwarded to the Grand Lodge in due time. St. James' Lodge, No. 23, Preston, have had meetings and reorganized, after a suspension of two or three years. They seem unwilling to surrender their char- ter, and have strong hopes that they shall yet see better days. Their returns are also forwarded by your committee. Your committee would respectfully recommend that the penalties which the above Lodges have incurred be remitted. Somerset Lodge, No. 34, Norwich, your committee found it impossible to get 504 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^j) together. They have had to encounter strong opposition from anti-masonry, and although tlieir prospect of recommencing operations is not very flattering, yet individual members express an unwillingness to give up their charter; and your committee would recommend that notice be given said Lodge to show cause, at the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge, why their charter should not be revoked. All which is respectfully submitted, LUCIUS TYLER, Committee. To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut: We, the undersigned, a committee appointed by the Grand Master, to visit or correspond with the Lodges in Litchfield County which have made no returns for the last two years, and to assist them in resuming labor, or to receive their char- ters, furniture, funds, &c., — beg leave to report, — that soon after receiving our said appointment, which was dated Jan. 1, 1838, your committee conversed with brethren of the several Lodges referred to, who gave your committee to under- stand that they would attend to the business of reorganizing and making returns, or surrender their charters, and would communicate with your committee in time to report at this session of the Grand Lodge ; but your committee have the un- pleasant duty of stating, that in no instance have such reports been made to your committee, and they are of the opinion that the great excitement in the State has been the cause of the failure, and not any want of respect for the or- ders or officers of the Grand Lodge; and your committee would respectfully sug- gest, that further time be allowed them to discharge their duties to themselves and to the Grand Lodge. Which is respectfully submitted by STEPHEN DEMING, PHINEAS LORD, ' (^'^'^^**^^- To the M. W, Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The undersigned, appointed by the M. W. Grand Master, a committee to visit certain delinquent Lodges in the County of Hartford, begs leave to report, that Harmony Lodge, No. 20, Berlin, Columbia, No. 25, Glastenbury, Washington, No. 70, Windsor, Apollo, No. 59, Suffield, and St. Mark's, No. 36, Simsbury, hereto- fore delinquent, have all elected officers for the present year, and promised to make returns and be represented in the Grand Lodge, at the approaching annual communication. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d. Hartford, May 1st, 5838. To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The undersigned, appointed a committee to visit and communicate with delin- quent Lodges in the Counties of New Haven, Fairfield and Middlesex, would re- port as follows : — That he has attended to the duty assigned him, as far as prac- ticable, and has the satisfaction to state, that most of the Lodges with which he has communicated are anxious to resume labor, and several have already reorgan- ized, and will appear at the present communication by representation, and make regular returns. But in some cases, where there is no hope of revival, the char- ters have been taken up ; and the undersigned would respectfully recommend that the charters of the following Lodges be revoked, viz : Compass, No. 9, Wal- 1838.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 505 lingford, Temple, No. 16, Cheshire, St. Albans, No. 38, Guilford, Mount Olive, No. 52, Saybrook, Harmony, No. 67, Canaan. Your committee would also recommend that one year from this time be allowed the following Lodges to show cause why their charters should not be revoked : — ■ Union, No. 5, Stamford, Washington, No. 19, Monroe, and Dayspring, No. 30, Hamden. Your committee would further recommend that the following Lodges, which have heretofore been delinquent, but have now made regular returns, be exempt from all former ])enalties, viz : — St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport, Hiram, No. 18, Newtown, Columbia, No. 26, Haddani, Widow's Son, No. 66, Branford. The charters of Compass Lodge, No. 9, and Temple Lodge, No. 16, have been surrendered, and are now in the possession of the Grand Secretary. Respectfully submitted, E. G. STORER. On motion of Bro. Wm. Storer, Jr., it was voted, that the several reports of the committee a23pointed to visit and corres- pond with delinquent Lodges be accepted, and referred to a spe- cial committee, to report what Lodges should be required to surrender their charters, and to recommend such other action as they may deem expedient. It was ordered, that said committee consist of five members ; whereupon, the following brethren were nominated and appointed : — A. C. Babcock, Asa Buding- ton, Marcus Bassett, H. Goodwin, 2d, Wra. Storer, Jr. A petition was presented by Bro. William Patch, in behalf of Bro. Czar Taylor, a member of Union Lodge, No. 40, Dan- bury, praying for pecuniary assistance, he being represented as in distressed circumstances. The petition was referred to a committee, consisting of Brs. Wm. Patch, Phineas Lord, and John M. Hart. The Grand Secretary submitted various communications and documents, which had been received during the past year from Grand Lodges in the United States, the British Provinces, and Europe ; all of which were referred to a Committee on Foreign Correspondence, consisting of Brs. Lucius Tyler, H. Goodwin, 2d, and Frederick Croswell. On motion, it was voted, that the Grand Lodge will go into an election for the choice of officers, at 7 o'clock this evening ; and that we now adjourn to that hour. 64 506 GBAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, May dth, 7 o'clock, P. M. The Grand Lodge assembled, pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the M. W. P. Grand Master. Tellers were appointed, and the Grand Lodge proceeded to the choice of officers for the ensuing year. The ballots were then received and counted, and the follow- brethren declared duly elected to the several offices affixed to their respective names, and were subsequently installed in due form, viz: M. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Grand Master. E. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Warden, " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. '' ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The M. W. G. Master made the following appointments : W. Br. AvEKY C. Babcock, Senior Grand Deacon. '' Mitchell S. Mitchell, Junior Grand Deacon, Rev. Br. Daniel Burhans, Grand Chaplain. N, j Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. ;; ASAHEL Saunders, c. (^r^nd Stewards. " William D. Eaton, The Committee on Foreign Correspondence made the follow- ing report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Cojinecticut: The committee to whom was referred the Foreign Correspondence of the Grand Lodge for the past year, beg leave to report, that they have examined the several documents handed to them, and find nothing in them commanding the particular attention of this Grand Lodge, excepting the annexed communications from the Grand Lodge of the State of New York : " GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ) Grand Secretary's Office, Sept. 18, 1837. ] " Brethren, — You will please take notice, and communicate to the Masonic Fraternity as extensively as possible, that the Grand Lodge of the State of New York hasexpelled, for unmasonic conduct, William F. Piatt, Past Master of La Fayette Lodge, No. 373 ; Henry C. Atwood, Master of York Lodge, No. 867 ; John Bennett, Master of Benevolent Lodge, No. 142; AVilliam Cnscaden, Past Master of the same; Orlando Warren, Master of Silentia Lodge, No. 360; Henry Wea- ver, Senior Warden of the same ; Samuel Jones, Senior Warden of LaFayette ISSS.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 507 Lodge, No. 373. That the warrant of York Lodge, No. 367, has been declared forfeited, void, and of no further effect, and the oflScers and members expelled, for creating a confusion and disturbance in the fraternitj', subversive of the prin- ciples of the Order, and injurious to its prosperity and character, by a violation of duty to the Grand Lodge. "I have further to give notice, that the aforesaid expelled Masons have banded together, and being countenanced and aided by certain other persons, have ex- pressed their determination to form themselves and their associates into a Grand Lodge. From the stations which several of them have held, they have the war- rants of the Lodges in their possession, which they refuse to surrender. They retain their stations, and refuse to submit to the authority of the Grand Lodge, excluding by their presence those meml)ers of said Lodges who will not violate their duty and their conscience by sitting with expelled Masons, and others who will not countenance them in their willful and unlawful proceedings. " This, therefore, is to warn all faithful brethren, especially the officers and members of other Grand Lodges, and sojtjurners from abroad, that they may not be misled, or innocently countenance ' innovations in the body of Masonry,' nor the ' removal of the ancient landmarks.' " I am fraternally yours, JAMES HERRING, G. Secretary:' " jVezt' To7-k, December 7, 1837. " I have been directed by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York to inform the Lodges under its jurisdiction, and all the Grand Lodges, and to warn them against imposition, that there is a clandestine Lodge established in this city, de- nominated '■'■ St. John's Grand Lodge" composed of expelled Masons and their associates. In addition to this, the fraternity are cautioned against holding any intercourse with the following clandestine Lodges : — Benevolent, No. 142, the old warrant of which has been annulled by the Grand Lodge, it being retained and used by expelled Masons ; Silentia Lodge, No. 360, the same ; York Lodge, No. 367, the same ; Munn Longe, reported to be held somewhere in the city of New York: Fidelity Lodge, the same; Mount Liban Lodge, held at Port-au-Prince, Hayti'. JAMES HERRING. Grand Secretary." Your committee would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of the State of New York should be sttstained by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, and that no communication should be held with the expelled or clandestine Masons, or with their miscalled " Saint JohrVs Grand Lodge." Resolved, That our Grand Secretary be directed to reciprocate the courtesy of the several Grand Lodges that have favored us with their correspondence, by transmitting to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge, All of which is fraternally submitted, LUCIUS TYLER, H. GOODWIN, 2d, \ Committee. F. CROSWELL, 2d, ^ On motion, it was voted, that the report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence be approved and accepted, the ac- companying resolutions adopted, and the report published in full, with the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, The committee to whom was referred the several reports of the brethren appointed by the M, W, Grand Master, to visit or correspond with delinquent Lodges, reported as follows : 508 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, The Committee on Delinquent Lodges have attended to the duties assigned to them, and do find that the following Lodges, according to the by-laws of the Grand Lodge, have forfeited their charters ; and your committee, in ])ursuance of the duties of their appointment, feel bound to recommend that said Lodges be required to surrender their charters forthwith, viz; — Montgomery, No. 13, Salis- bury; St. Peter's, No. 21, New Milford ; Meridian Sun, No. 32, Warren ; Somer- set, No. 34, Norwich ; St. Mark's, No. 36, Simsbury ; Western Star, No. 37, Nor- folk ; St. Alban's, No. 38, Guilford ; St. Luke's, No. 48, Kent ; Mount Olive, No. 52, Essex; Hamilton, No. 54, Sharon; Olive Branch, No. 61, Goshen ; St. An- drews, No. 64, Winsted; Washington, No. 70, Windsor; Blazing Star, No. 74, Cornwall. And your committee would recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved, That the charters of the above named Lodges be and they are hereby revoked, and declared to be null and void, they having failed for several years to comply with the by-laws of the Grand Lodge. Resolved, That the Grand Master is hereby empowered to grant dispensations, until the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge, to any of the above named Lodges, if in his opinion the interests of Masonry require it. Resolved, That those Lodges which have heretofore been delinquent, and have made regular returns at this Grand Communication, be excused from the pay- ment of all former penalties for delinquency. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. C. BABCOCK, ] ASA BUDINGTON, MARCUS BASSET, [Committee. H. GOODWIN, 2d, WM. STOKER, Jr. On motion, the report was accepted, and the resolutions sev- erally adopted. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Bro. Czar Taylor of Danbury, reported a resolution granting him a donation of twenty-five dollars, which was passed. Bro. Storer offered the following resolution, and it was unan- imously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of the Grand Lodge be tendered to M. W. William H. Ellis, for the faithful manner in which he has discharged the duties of Grand Master for three years past. W, Brs. Henry Peck and Frederick Croswell were appointed a committee to audit and settle the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Treasurer for the current year. The Grand Lodge was then closed in due and ample form. E. G. STOKER, Grand Secretary. 1838.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 509 RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Justin Redfield, W. M., Wm. Storer, Jr., S. W., Henry T. Hug^ins, J. W^ Initiated — Edward E. Huggins, James E. Uhlhorn, Wm. E. Sanford, Elijah Gilbert, Jr., Lewis Rowe, Horace F. Mallary, Leonard Chamberlin, George E. Blakeslee, Warren Potter. Burr Nash. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Wm. Lum, W. M., Joseph C. Nichols, S. W., Elias Hodge, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., George Putnam, S. W., Benoni A. Shepherd, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— James Stevens, W. M., William B. Betts, S. W., Asa E. Smith, J. W. Expelled — Wm. Lockwood, Samuel W. Knapp. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Benjamin Doolittle, AV. M., Washing- ton H. Atwood, S. W., James Manvel, J. W. Initiated — Wm. H. Hunter, Chas. S. Peck, Harry Candee, David Hotchkiss, Charles H. Webb, Benjamin N. Shel- ton, Mitchell S. Mitchell, Edwin Hull, Edgar Bottsford, Elmore Judson, James M. Grannis, Lucius Ives, Henry A. Hull, Chauncey Mettleton. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S.W., Benjamin Fairchild, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Samuel Buel, 2d, W. M., George Dewey, S. W., Charles Jones, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derbj-— Hiram Upson, W. M., John L. Daniels, S. W., Oliver H. Stoddard, J. W. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Austin Sperry, W. M., Horace Foote, S. W., Abraham B. Everitt, J. W. Initiated — Anthony G. Davis, Lewis Andi'ews. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Alexander Hall, W. M., Thomas Blackman, S. W., Charles Sherman, J. W. HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Luther Beckley, W. M., Abijah Flagg, S. W., Richard Wilcox, J. W. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Hezekiah Thomas, W. M., Archibald A. Perkins, S. W., Alvan Sperry, J. W. ST. JAMES,' No. 23, Preston— Adin Cook, W. M., Ebenezer Avery, S. W., Da- vid Baldwin, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Henry Dayton, W. M., Chester Ackley, S. W., Henry W. Brown, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 26, Haddam— Wm. Cook, W. M., Nehemiah Dickinson, S W Ebenezer Cook, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Nathaniel S. Perkins, W. M., Elisha Douglass, S.W., John H. Wheeler, J. W. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Erastus S, Bouton, W. M., Wm. H. Banks, S. W., Stephen A. Hurlbut, J. W. 510 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^7? FEDERAL, No. 41, Erookfleld— Henry Ruggles, W. M., Hiram Lake, S. W., Ira Keeler, J. W. Initiated — Augustus Dow, Mntthias P. Stevens. HARMONY, No. 42, Naugatuck— John D. Mears, W. M., Frederick A. Ellis, S. W., Laurence S. Spencer, J. W. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Wm. Webb, W. M., Caleb Howard, S. W., Luther Ripley, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret— Luther Rawson, W. M., Mowry Amsbury, S. W., Samuel Underwood, J. W, Initiated — Leonard W. Bowen. James B. Bowen, Jo- seph Starkweather, George Adams. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— David M. Clark, W. M., Joseph Conner, S. W., Sidney R. Wildman, J. W. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Amherst Scovill, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Joshua Wheeler, W. M., Pitts D, Frink, S. W., John Brown, J. W. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W.. Asa Bartholomew, J. W. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington— William Hyde, W. M., Thomas M. Brown S. W., Francis Amy, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Hira Case, W. M., Chauncey Mun- son, S. W., Orvill Jones, J. W. Initiated — Cornwall Doolittle, Nathaniel Healy, Sun. Suspended — Arunah Case. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Julius Harmon, W. M., David Hastings, S. W., Chauncey Pomeroy, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 66, Bran ford— Merit Foot, W. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W., Loring D. Hosley, J. W. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., George Carrie^ J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., Samuel Cole, S. W., Nathan Johnson, J. W. 1838.] GRAND LODGE OB^ CONNECTICUT, 511 imxml of fast ^ranb Paster %\mu fttfebarij. At a special communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecti- cut, convened at the Masonic Hall in the city of New Haven, on Thursday the 21st day of June, A. L. 5838— OFFICERS PRESENT : E. W. HENRY PECK, Grand Master, p. t. ANTHONY P. SANFORD, Deputy G. M. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Sen. G. Warden. HENRY C. FLAGG, Jun. G. Warden, p. t. LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. ELIPHALET G. STORER, G. Secretary. AVERY C. BABCOCK, Sen. G. Deacon. MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Jun. G. Deacon. HENRY LINES, Grand Chaplain, p. t. ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. A quorum of Lodges being represented, the Grand Lodge was opened in due form, and with solemn prayer by the Grand Chaplain. The Grand Secretary read a letter from M. W. Dyer T. Brai- nard. Grand Master, (who was absent by reason of ill health,) announcing that the Grand Lodge had been convened, by his order, in consequence of the lamented death of our revered and much respected Past Grand Master THOMAS HUBBARD, who was called from earthly labor to heavenly refreshment, on Monday morning, the 18 th instant. On motion, it was voted, that a committee of three be ap- pointed by the chair, to prepare suitable resolutions for the consideration of the Grand Lodge. R. W. Brs. Charles A. Ingersoll, Wm. H. Jones, and Justin 512 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Kedfield, were appointed on said committee, who after retiring for a short time, reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we have heard with deep regret of the death of our late Past Grand Master, THOMAS HUBBARD ; that we deeply sympathise with the fam- ily and friends of the deceased, in the loss which they have sustained ; that the removal of our late brother has deprived society at large of a most useful and worthy member, and the Masonic Fraternity of one of its most valued orna- ments. Resolved, That as a token of our respect for the memory of one who was so much endeared to us, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for the term of thirty days. Resolved, That the Grand Master and Grand Secretary be a committee to fur- nish the family of our deceased brother with a copy of these resolutions ; and that the same be also entered at large on the records, with the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. After prayer by the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge was closed in due form, and the brethren proceeded to Trinity Church, where the funeral services were performed. A true copy from the minutes, E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. 1839.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 513 ANNUAL SESSION, 1839. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 8th day of May, A. D. 1839, A. L. 5839 : OFFICERS present: M. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Grand Master. R. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " LUCIUS TYLER, Junior Grand Warden, p. t. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary, Bro. AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Deacon. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Junior Grand Deacon. " ASAHEL SAUNDERS, " WILLIAM D. EATON, " ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. Grand Stewards, KEPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — William H. Ellis, Samuel Bishop,. Elnatlian Atwater. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Samuel Simons. No. 4, St, John's, Hartford — Benoni A. Shepherd. No. 5, Union, Stamford — Uriah Turner. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodhury— Mitchell S. Mitchell. No. 11, St Paul's, Litchfield— Samuel Buel. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Elijah Baldwin. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Daniel Blackman, Charles Sherman. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Ahijah Flagg, Justus Bulkley, No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Archibald A. Perkins. No. 29, Village, Canton — Dwight Humj)hreys. No. 31, Union, New London — Thomas S. Perkins, 65 514 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^aj, No. 39, Ark, Weston — David Patchin. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Nathaniel H. Wildman. No. 41, Federal, Brooklield — Ira Keeler. No. 46, Putnam, Woodstock — Ebenezer Kelly, Aaron Corbin, Luther Rawson. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Levi Candee, Samuel Wire. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Israel E. Hutchinson. No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington — John Brown. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Edward Pierpont. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — Wm. Hyde. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Rollin L. Beecher, Mer- lin Merrill. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford — Wm. Adams, Elijah Fairman. No. 66, Widow's Son, Branford — Wm. Tyler. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. At 2 o'clock P. M., (the hour appointed by the Grand Con- stitution,) the M. W. Grand Master took the chair, and the Grand Lodge was opened in due and ample form. The auditing committee presented their annual report on the state of the funds of the Grand Lodge, which was read as fol- lows : To the 31. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The subscribers, appointed at tlie last animal communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during tlie past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand six hundred and five dollars and eighteen cents in cash ; and that there has been conveyed to the Grand Lodge, the year past, one share of stock in the Union School House, making twenty-seven shares now owned by the Grand Lodge, at sixteen dollars per share, amounting to four hundred and thirty-two dollars. Total amount, two thousand thirty-seven dollars and eighteen cents, viz : — Cash on hand, $1605.18 27 shares stock, 432.00 All which is respectfully submitted, $2037.18 f?ROSwlLL:|^°~«- New Haven, May 6, A. L. 5839. 1839.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 515 On motion of the R. W. J. G. Warden, voted, that the re- port of the auditing committee be ap}3roved and accepted. A memorial from Union Lodge, No. 31, was presented and read, as follows : To the Right Worshipfu! Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, to be convened at Hartford, on the second Wednesday of May, 1830 : This memorial of Union Lodge, No. 31, at New London, in said State, respect- fully showeth : That on the last anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, the time when, by their charter, they should have chosen the officers of said Lodge, they neglected so to do ; and that some time in the months of March and April last past, they were called to labor, and ])roceeded to initiate, pass and raise six wor- thy and well qualified individuals, the officers last chosen acting in their several capacities, and where there were vacancies they were temporarily filled in the usual manner. Now the prayer of your petitioners is, that you excuse their neg- ligence, approve of their work, confirm their doings, and authorize them to choose their officers on the anniversary of St. John the Baptist, who shall hold their offices until such time as is directed in their charter. And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. Nathaniel S. Perkins, W, M. ')tt . y , „ T^ o w f Union Lodge, Elisita Douglass, S. W. r N SI John H. Wheeler, J. W. " ' ' f Union . i No. Dated at New London, this 1st day of May, A. D. 1839, A. L. 5839. On motion of R. W. S. G. Warden, it was resolved, that the doings and proceedings of Union Lodge, No. 31, as set forth in their memorial, be approved and confirmed by this Grand Lodge, and that the prayer of their petition be granted ; and they are hereby empowered to elect their officers, on the next anniversary of St. John the Baptist, to hold until the time sj^ecified in their charter for holding their annual election. Bro. M. S. Mitchell introduced a resolution for the appoint- ment of a Grand Lecturer and a Grand Visiting Committee, the consideration of which was postponed until the evening session. The Grand Secretary submitted to the Grand Lodge the va- rious communications which he had received during the past year. Whereupon, Resolved, That the correspondence and communications from the several Grand Lodges in the United States, received by the Grand Secretary, be referred to a committee of three, to examine and report thereon this evening. Resolved, That the papers received by the Grand Secretary, purporting to be from "St. John's Grand Lodge, New York," be returned to the persou or persona 516 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, from whom llie same were received, with a copy of the vote of this Grand Lodge, passed May 9, 1838, in relation to said miscalled Grand Lodge. E. W. Brs. Ellis, Bradley, and Storer, were appointed a com- mittee under the first resolution. On motion, voted, that the Grand Lodge do now proceed to the choice of Grand Officers for the ensuing year. Brs. Ellis, Hyde, and Simons, were appointed to. receive, sort and count the votes, when ballots were taken, and the fol- lowing; brethren were declared to be unanimouslv re-elected to the several offices affixed to their names : M.W.DYER T. BRAINARD, Grand Master. R. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY" PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " LABAN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was then called from labor to refreshment, and adjourned to 7 o'clock in the evening. Wednesday Evening, May 8, A. L. 5839. The Grand Lodge convened pursuant to adjournment, and was called from refreshment to labor, the M, W. Grand Master in the chair, and the officers and members present as in the afternoon. The Grand Master announced the following appointments : Bro. Avery C. Babcock, Senior Grand Deacon. " Mitchell S. Mitchell, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. " Stephen Jewett, Grand Chaplain. " Asa Budington, } ,-i , q, -, ,, . o ^ Grand Stewards. " Alexander Storer, ) " Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. The committee to whom was referred the correspondence of the Grand Lodge, respectfully report, that they have examined communications from the Grand Lodges of Maine, New Hamp- shire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vir- 1839.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 517 ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, Indiana, Alabama, and Flori- da ; also, from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, and the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland. From the tenor of these communications, your committee take nuich pleasure in being enabled to congratulate the fraternity on the bright ])rospects of. Freemasonry throughout our country, and are gratified to find that the institution generally sustains its character for firmness, truth, and brotherly love. Although malice has persecuted us, and envy traduced our good name, truth has prevailed, and the award of public justice is in our favor. In regard to the communication from the G. Lodge of South Carolina, your committee submit the following resolution : Resolved, That while this Grand Lodge deeply deplores the calamitj' which has befallen our brethren of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, in the destruction of their Hall by fire, we regret that the exhausted state of our funds deprives us of the jjleasure of contributing to their relief. In regard to the special communication from the G. Lodge of Virginia, giving notice of the expulsion of Thomas Daley, your committee recommend that the same be communicated to all the subordinate Lodges in this State, agreeably to the re- quest therein contained. In regard to the letter from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, respecting the recognition of the French and Scottish rites, and the establishment of resident representa- tives, your committee recommend that the subject be referred to the four first officers of this Grand Lodge, for such action or correspondence as they may deem proper. Your committee would also recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to acknowledge the courtesy of the several Grand Lodges who have favored us with their correspondence, and reciprocate the same by communicating to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. Respectfully submitted, in behalf of the committee. WM. H. ELLIS, Chairman. The report was accepted, and the several resolutions recom- mended by the committee were unanimously adopted by the Grand Lodge. At the last communication, one year was allowed the follow- ing delinquent Lodges, to show cause, why their charters should 518 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^Jj not be revoked and annulled, viz : Union, No. 5, Washington, No. 19, Dayspring, No. 30. The Grand Secretary reported that each of these Lodges had been duly notified of the doings of the Grand Lodge, and that Union Lodge, No. 5, was now repre- sented, and had made regular returns at the present communi- cation ; that nothing had been heard from Washington Lodge, No. 19 ; and that the charter of Dayspring Lodge, No. 30, had been surrendered, with a request that it be received by the Grand Lodge. Bro. U. Turner, from Union Lodge, No. 5, Stamford, having made a satisfactory excuse in behalf of said Lodge, it was voted, that the penalty heretofore incurred by Union Lodge, No. 5, for delinquency be, and the same hereby is remitted. On motion of Bro. H. Peck, it was voted, that the charter of Washington Lodge, No. 19, at Monroe, be and the same hereby is revoked and annulled. On motion of Bro. A. C. Babcock, it was voted, that this Grand Lodge accept the charter, books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of Dayspring Lodge, No. 30, and that the juris- diction of Hiram Lodge, No. 1, be extended over the limits of said Dayspring Lodge, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to notify the last Master and Secretary of said Lodge of this vote. The Grand Secretary reported that several of the charters which were revoked at the last annual communication had not been surrendered, although the last Master of every such Lodge had been notified of the same. Whereupon, on motion of W, Bro. Hyde, it was voted, that all Lodges whose charters have been annulled, be required to deliver up the same, together with their books, papers, jewels, funds, and furniture, to the Grand Secretary, agreeably to the By-Laws ; and that the Grand Sec- retary be, and he hereby is directed and empowered to demand and receive the same, either in person or by proxy, and deposit them with the archives of the Grand Lodge. On motion of Bro. A. C. Babcock, it was voted, that the M. W. Grand Master be and he hereby is authorized and empow- ered to grant dispensation until the next annual communication, 1839.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 519 to any Lodge whose charter has heen annulled, upon application of the last Master and Wardens thereof, if in his opinion the interests of Masonry require it. The Grand Secretary reported the following Lodges as delin- quent at the last and present communication of the Grand Lodge, viz : St. John's No. 2, Uriel 24, Rising Sun 27, Morn- ing Star 28, Friendship 33, Aurora 35, Eastern Star 44, Jeru- salem 49, Warren 51, Temple 65, Charity 68, Fayette 69, La- Fayette 72. On motion of R. W. Bro. Henry Peck, it was voted, that no- tice be given by the Grand Secretary to such subordinate Lodges as have neglected to send representatives and make returns to the Grand Lodge, agreeably to the By-Laws, for the last two or more years, that unless they show satisfactory cause for such neglect, at the next annual communication, the question will then be taken on revoking and annulling their charters. On motion of Bro. M. S. Mitchell, the Grand Lodge took up the resolution for the appointment of Grand Lecturer, &c. After some discussion, the question was taken on adopting the resolu- tion, and decided in the negative. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Henry Peck and Frederick Croswell, a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Lodge for the current year. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. Attest, E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. 520 . GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May^ RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. ], New Haven— Marcus Bdssett, W. M., Wm. Storer, Jr., S. W., Henry T. Huggiiis, J. W. Initiated — James Reed, John Magee, George Slmm- waj', Frederick P. Gorham, Frederick Daggett. Admitted — Elisha L. Silliman, Newel Johnson, Joseph Wilcoxen. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., George Putnam, S. AV., Benoni A. Shepherd, J. W. UNION, No. 5, Stamford— Alfred A. Holly, W. M., John W. Leeds, S. W., Isaac Quintard, Jr., J. W. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Charles H. AVebb, AV. M., Mitchell S. Mitchell, S. AV., Charles S. Peck, J. AV. Initiated— ¥Ya.nk\m R. Tower, Elizur Barnes, Samuel A. AA'^adsworth. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, AV. M., Samuel Benjamin, S. AV., Benjamin Fairchild, J. AA^ ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Samuel Buel, 2d, AV. M., George Dewey, S, AV., Charles Jones, J. AV. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— Hiram Upson, AV. M., John L. Daniels, S. AV., Oliver H. Stoddard, J. AV. Initiated — David Thornton. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Lemuel VV^hitman, AV. M., H. Cowles, S. AV. FEDERAL, No. 17, AVatertown— Aner Bradley, AV. M., Silas Hoadley, S. AV., Cyrus B. Mauvill, J. AV. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Alexander Hall, AV. M., Thomas Blackman, S. AV., Charles Sherman, J. AV. HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Luther Beckley, AV. M., Abijah Flagg, S. AV., Justus Bulkley, J. AV. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— A. A. Perkins, AV. M., Hezekiah Thomas, S. AV., Cyrenus Candee, J. AV. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Avery Downer, AV. M., David Baldwin, S. AV., James Cook, J. AV. VILLAGE, No. 29, Canton— Ansel Humphreys, AV. M., Luther Higby, S. AV., Sherman Osborn, J. AV. UNION, No. 31, New London — Nathaniel S. Perkins, AV. M., Elisha Douglass, S. AV., John H. AVheeler, J. AV. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— AVm. Patch, AV. M., AVm. H. Banks, S. AV., Matthew K. Gilbert, J. AV. Initiated — AVarren AVood, Rufus S. Dibble. Expelled — AVilliam Simmons. 1839.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 521 FEDERAL, No. 41, Brookfielrl— Henry Ruggles, W. M., Hiram Lake, S. W., Ira Keeler, J. W. Initiated — Edwin A. Lacey. PUTNAM, No. 46, Woodstock— Mowry Amsbury, W. M., Samuel Underwood, S. W., Luther Rawson, J. W. jMORNING star. No. 47, Oxford— Wm. Hinman, W. M., David McEwen, S. W., Sidney R. Wildman, J. W. Initiated — Eri Riggs. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Amherst Scoviil, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Joshua Wheeler, Jr., W. M., Pitts D. Frink, S. W., John Brown J. AV. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington — Edward Pierpoint, W. M., James Green, S. W., Prescott Pond, J. W. Initiated — Wm. French, Harry Scovill. FRANKLIN, No. 50, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W., Asa Bartholomew, J. W. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington— Wm. Hyde, W. M., Francis Amy, S. W., Thos. M. Brown, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Amos Beecher, Jr., W. M., Merlin Merrill, S. AV., Loring Loomis, J. W. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Moses B. Harvey, W. M., Isaac McNary, S. W., Wm. N. Clark, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 66, Branford— Merrit Foot, W. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W,, Loren D. Hosley, J. W. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S, W., George Carriel, J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., John C. Tibbitts, S. W., Samuel Cole, J, W. 66 522 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ANNUAL SESSION, 1840. At an Annual Communication of the Mofl: Worfhipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connedicut, held at the Mafonic Hall, in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 1 3th day of May, A. L. 5840 : OFFICERS PRESENT ; M. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Grand Master. R. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Warden. " FREDERICK CROSWELL, Grand Treasurer, p. t, " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. Bro. AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Deacon. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Junior Grand Deacon. Rev. ASHBEL BALDWIN, Grand Chaplain, p. t. 1?^ JUDINGTON, I ^^^^^ g^^^^^^^^ " ALEX'R STORER, " ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. PAST GRAND OFFICERS. M. W. William H. Ellis, Past Grand Master. R. W. Asa Child, Past Junior Grand Warden. R. W. William H. Jones, Past Grand Secretary. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Marcus Bassett, Frederick Cros- well, Wm. E. Sanford. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Samuel Cooper, Wm. Wood- ward. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Wm. Lum, Elias Hodge, David L. Mills. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2d, Benoni A. Shepherd; Cyrus GoodeU. 1840.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 523 No. 5, Union, Stamford — Wm. H. Holly. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — James Stevens. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury — Charles B. Phelps, Mitch- ell S. Mitchell. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Samuel Benjamin. No. 10, Wooster, Colchester — Newhall Taintor, Jos. Wheeler. No. 11, St, Paul's, Litchfield — Samuel Buel, 2d, Phineas Lord. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — John L. Daniels, John S. Mosier. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Abijah Flagg. No. 22, Hart's, Bethany— Anthony H. Stoddard. No. 23, St. James, Preston — Avery Downer. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — Wm. R. Smith. No. 26, Columbia, Haddam — Wm. Cook. No. 31, Union, New London — Dyer T. Brainard, George C. Wilson. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Wm. H. Banks. No. 41, Federal, Brookfield — Henry Ruggles. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Joshua Guilford. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Joel W. White, No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — David McEwen, Samuel Wire. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Wm. A. Smith, Braddock Strong, No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington — Gurdon Trumbull No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Edward Pierpont. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — Samuel F. Denison. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Merlin Merrills, Orville Dowxl. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford— Ariel Ladd. No, 68, Charity, Groton — Tracy Gates. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. At 2 o'clock P. M., (the hour designated by the Grand Con- stitution,) the M. W. Grand Master took his seat in the East, and a quorum being present, the Grand Lodge was opened in due and ample form. 524 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^y, The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : To the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned, appointed a committee to examine and adjust the accounts of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer for the past year, having attended to that duty, do find that all moneys received by the Grand Secretary and due the Grand Lodge, have been paid over to the Grand Treasurer ; and they also find in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, in cash, one thousand five hundred and seventy- three dollars and sixty-five cents, and twenty-seven shares of Union School stock, at $16 a share, amounting to $432 dollars; making the total amount of funds of the Grand Lodge, $2,105.68. All which is respectfully submitted, HENRY PECK, ) ^ •„ FRED'K CROSWELL, ] ^o'»^'"^^««- The Grand Secretary submitted the various communications he had received during the past year from other Grand Lodges, which were referred to a Committee on Foreign Corrtspondence, composed of Brs. Wm. H. Ellis, Wm. H. Jones, and Marcus Bassett. W. Bro. Charles B. Phelps presented a memorial from King Solomon's Lodge, No. 7, praying the Grand Lodge to purchase stock in their new Masonic Hall, in the town of Woodbury, or to loan said Lodge a sum of money, payment to be secured by mortgage on said building and lot. On motion, the memo- rial was referred to a special committee, composed of Brs. A. Bradley, H. Goodwin, and H. T. Huggins. E. W. Bro. Wm. H. Jones moved the appointment of a com- mittee of three, to consider and report to the Grand Lodge on the expediency of a public celebration of the approaching Fes- tival of St. John the Baptist. The motion was carried, and Brs. Geo. C. Wilson, B. A, Shepherd, and C. B. Phelps, were aj^pointed on said committee. The Grand Secretary presented several letters and papers re- lating to delinquent and demised Lodges, which were ordered to be referred to a special committee, consisting of three mem- bers. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. F. Crosvvell, S, Wire, and Wm. E. Sanford, on said committee. 1840.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 525 The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the choice of Grand Offi- cers for the ensuing year ; Brs. Croswell and Tyler being ap- pointed tellers. Ballots were taken, sorted and counted, and the following brethren duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names, to wit : M. W. DYER T. BRATNARD, Grand Master. R. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Warden. " LAB AN SMITH, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, and adjourned to 7 o'clock. Wedjiesday Evening, May 13. At 7 o'clock the Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the M. W. Grand Master, who announced the fol- lowing appointments, viz : W. Br. AvEEY C. Babcock, Senior Grand Deacon. " Mitchell S. Mitchell, Junior Grand Deacon. " George C. Wilson, Grand Marshal. '• AsAHEL Saunders, ) ^ n Oi. j " William D. Eaton, | ^''^""^ Stewards. " Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence made the follow ing report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Co7inecticut: The committee to whom was referred the Foreign Correspondence of the Grand Lodge for the past year, beg leave to report, that they have examined, as fully as their limited time would ])ermit, communications from the Grand Lodges of Maine, New Hampshire, Afassachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, In- diana, Alabama, Missouri, and Florida, in the United States, also of our sister Republic, Texas, and the Grand Lodge of Ireland. From the tenor of these com- muoicatioas your committee are happy to learu tbat the progress of Freemasoary 526 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, is onward ; that in those sections recently excited by prejudice against our order, the public sentiment has in a great measure become trancj^i;!! ; that the dema- gogue spirit, which for a time threatened to overthrow one of the most valuable and pacific institutions of human origin, is receiving, as it ought, the reprobation of the good and virtuous of all parties and denominations ; and we feel confident, that before many years shall have rolled around, the standard of Freemasonry will be raised as high as in her brightest days. Your committee with pleasure congratulate this Grand Lodge, and the Frater- nity generally, on the establishment, during the past year, of a Gi-and Lodge in Texas, and on the flourishing condition of Freemasonry in our sister Republic; and we trust that the day is not far distant, when the benign influence of our Order, which teaches " friendship, morality, and brotherly love," will be felt from East to West, and between North and South, throughout the whole American continent. Your committee notice in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Alabama, a resolution requesting all Grand Lodges in correspondence with that Grand Lodge " to elect one delegate to meet in general convention, at the city of Washington, on the first Monday of March, 1842, for the purpose of determining upon a uni- form mode of work throughout all the Lodges in the United States, and to make other lawful regulations for the interest and security of the Craft." Your com- mitte'e consider this an important subject, and worthy of the consideration of this Grand Lodge ; we therefore respectfully recommend the adoption of the fol- lowing reslutions : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge coincide with the Grand Lodge of Alabama in the opinion that it is of the utmost importance to the Craft that a uniformity of work and a uniform system of regulations should pervade all the Lodges in the Union, and that we will unite with the fraternity generally in any suitable measures to accomplish the object. Resolved, That our Grand Secretary be directed to reciprocate the courtesy of the several Grand Lodges that have favored us with their correspondence, by transmitting to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. All of which is fraternally submitted, WM. H. ELLIS, WM. H. JONES, \ Committee. MARCUS BASSET, J On motion, voted, that the report be approved and accepted, and the resolutions adopted. K. W. Bro. Bradley, from the committee to whom was refer- red the memorial of King Solomon's Lodge, No. 7, reported in favor of loaning said Lodge two hundred dollars of the surplus fundri of the Grand Lodge, to be secured by a mortgage on the land and building belonging to said Lodge. On the question of accepting the report, a lengthy discussion arose, which resulted in the withdrawal of the memorial, and the indefinite postponement of the subject. 1840.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 527 W. Bro. Wilson, from the committee appointed to consider the expediency of a public celebration of the Festival of St. John the Baptist, rej)orted, that in the ojjinion of the commit- tee, such a celebration would promote the best interests of the Institution. The adoption of this report being opposed by several members, it was, on motion of W. Bro. Phelps, indefinitely postponed. W. Bro. Croswell, from the Committee on Delinquent Lodges, submitted the following report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The undersigned committee, to whom was referred the subject of delinquent Lodges, respectfully report, that the charters of the following Lodges have been revoked by the Grand Lodge, but have not been surrendered, viz : — Montgomery No. 13, Somerset 34, St. Mark's 36, Western Star 37, St. Luke's 48, Mount Olive 52, Olive Branch 61, St. Andrews 64, Harmony 67, Washington 70, and Blazing Star 74. Your committee would recommend that the Grand Secretary be authorized and empowered to require said Lodges to deliver up to him their charters, books, pa- pers, jewels, funds and furniture, agreeable to the by-laws of the Grand Lodge ; and that those members of said Lodges who refuse to comply with their obliga- tions in this particular, be dealt with according to the laws and usages of the fra- ternity. They would further recommend that those Lodges which have neglect- ed to make returns for more than two years past, and have been notified by the Grand Secretary, agreeable to the resolution of last year, have their charters re- voked forthwith. All which is respectfully submitted, F. CROSWELL, ) SAMUEL WIRE, } Committee: WM. E. SANFORD, S On motion it was voted, that the report be adopted, and that the charters of the following Lodges be and are hereby revoked and declared null and void, viz : — Uriel, No. 24, Mansfield ; Morning Star, No. 28, East Windsor ; Friendship, No. 33, Southington ; Aurora, No. 35, Harwinton ; Jerusalem, No. 49, Kidgefield ; Temple, No. Q5, Westport ; Fayette, No. 69, El- lington ; — said Lodges having failed to comply with the regu- lations of the Grand Lodge for several years jDast, The Grand Secretary reported that St. John's Lodge, No. 2, Eastern Star 44, Warren 51, and Charity 68, heretofore report- ed as delinquent, made full returns and had paid up their dues 528 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^Ji to the Grand Lodge at the present communication ; whereupon it was voted, that said Lodges be exempt from the payment of former penalties. On motion, it was voted, that Rising Sun Lodge, No. 37, and LaFayette, No. 72, be allowed one year longer to make their returns and settle their arrearages to the Grand Lodge. On motion of W. Bro. Croswell, the Grand Secretary was directed to notify all Lodges that have made no returns for the last two years, that their charters will be revoked at the next session of the Grand Lodge, if they do not make returns at that time. M. W. Bro. Ellis submitted the following resolution, and it was adopted : Resolved, That the first four Grand Officers, or either of them, be and are em- powered and authorized, to visit any subordinate Lodge, upon the application of three or more members of the same, for the purpose of instruction or discijjline, or the correction of any errors or irregularities that may exist ; provided, that no expense for the same shall accrue to the Grand Lodge. And it shall be the duty of said Grand Officers to report their doings under tliis resolution, to the Grand Lodge, at the next annual communication. The Grand Secretary reported shat since the last annual com- munication he had received the charter and effects of Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 32, Warren, Avith a request that the few re- maining members of said Lodge may be annexed to Rising Sun Lodge, No. 27, at Washington ; also, that the charter and ef- fects of St. Alban's Lodge, No, 38, Guilford, had been surren- dered. Whereupon, it was resolved, that the members of the late Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 32, be placed under the juris- diction of Rising Sun Lodge, No. 27. On motion of Bro. Wm. Cook, it was voted, that the juris- diction of Columbia Lodge, No. 26, be extended over the town of Chester, until otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge. W. Brs. Henry Peck and Frederick Croswell were appointed a committee to audit and settle the accounts of the Grand Sec- retary and Treasurer for the current year. The Grand Lodge was then closed in due and ample form. E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary, 1840.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 529 BETURNS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven — Marcus Bassett, W. M., Frederick Croswell, S.W., Wm. E. Sanford, J. W. Initiated — Matthias R. Tufts, Joel Grant, Orange S. Merwin, Joseph G. Anthony, George Sanford, Wm. H. Canfield. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Caleb Miller, Jr., W. M., Wm. Corey, S. W., Asa Richardson, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Wm. Lum, W. M., Elias Hodge, S. W., David L. Mills, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., Benoni A. Shep- herd, S. W., Joseph C. Burke, J. W. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Mitchell S. Mitchell, W. M., Charles S. Peck, S. W., Edwin Hull, J. W. Initiated— Charles B. Hickok, Horace Oat- man. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S.W., Benjamin Fairchild, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Samuel Buel, 2d, W. M., George Dewey, S. W., Samuel P. Bolles, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— John L. Daniels, W. M., Hiram Upson, S. W., John W. French, J. W. Initiated ~3oseiih Hawkins, Jeremiah Hotchkiss, Wm. S. Johnson. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Lemuel Whitman, W. M., Henry Cowles, S. W., Giles Stillman, J, W. FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Aner Bradley, W. M., Silas Hoadley, S. W., Cyrus B. Manvel, J. W, HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Abijah Flagg, W. M., Justus Bulkley, S, W., Francis Hart, J. W. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Archibald A. Perkins, W. M., Hezekiah Thomas, S. W., Anthony H. Stoddard, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Avery Downer, W. M., David Baldwin, S. W., James Cook, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glasteubury- Henry Dayton, W. M., Howel W. Brown, S. W., George Merrick, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Dj^er T. Brainard, W. M., Elisha Douglass, S, W., George C. Wilson, J. W. Initiated — George W. Hamley, George G. Benja- min, Jesse G. Miner, Robert Tate, John L. Harris. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Wm. H. Banks, W. M., Matthew K. Gilbert, S. W., Wm. T. Scofield, J. W. Initiated— B.e\. Zenas Cook. FEDERAL, No. 41, Brookfield— Henry Ruggles, W. M,, Hiram Lake, S. W., Ira Keeler, J. W. 67 630 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, HARMONY, No. 42, Naugatuck— Joshua Guilford, W. M., Daniel Hayden, S. W., Wm. M. Pembertou, J. W. Initiated — George Floyd, Henry Chatfield. EASTERN STAR, No.44, Windliam— Caleb Howard, W. M., Gurdon Hebbard, S. W.. Fanning Tracy, J. W. Initiated — Joel W. White, Horatio Webb, Isaac L. Palmer, Wm. H. Snow. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret— Mowry Ariisbury, W. M., Samuel Underwood, S. W., Luther Rawson, J. W. Initiated — Ebenezer Darling, Earned Haskell. MORNING STAR, No. 47, O.xford— John M. Hart, W. M., David J. McEwen, S. W., Charles Ransom, J. W. Initiated — John B. Judson. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Alonzo W. Birge, J. W. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Nelson C. Daniels, W. M., Hiram Barton, S. W., Braddock Strong, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Joseph Frink, W. M., Pitts D. Frink, S. W., Thomas P. Wattles, J. W. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— Edward Pierpont, W. M., James Green, S. W., Prescott Pond, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Amos Beecher, Jr., W. M., Merlin Merrill. S. W., Loring Loomis, J. W. Initiated — Miles J. Hawley. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Staflbrd— Isaac McNary, W. M., William N. Clark, S. W., John Streeter, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Erastus Williams, W. M., Roswel Allyn, S. W., Stephen Billings, J. W. Initiated — Eldridge D. Wolf, Benjamin Sawyer, John S. Burrows, Austin Packer, George Eldridge. Jr., Charles Wolf, Charles Eldridge, Caleb Burrows, George Wolf, Eldridge Spicer, Thomas Williams, Jr., Richard Burnet, Hubbard H. Burrows. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., G.^orge Carrie', J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., Samuel Cole, S. W., Nathan Johnson, J. W. 1841.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 531 ANNUAL SESSION, 1841. At an Annual Communication of the Moil Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 12th day of May, A. D. 1841, A. L. 5841 : OFFICERS PRESENT ! M. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Grand Master. R. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEEC HER, Grand Treasurer. " ELIPHALET G. STORE R, Grand Secretary. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Sen. G. Deacon. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Jun. G. Deacon. " GEORGE C. WILSON, Grand Marshal. " WILLIAM C. EATON, Grand Steward. " ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Avery C. Babcock, William E. Sanford. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — D. V. Seeley. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2d, Benoni A. Shepherd, J. C. Burke. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Asa E. Smith. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury— M. S. Mitchell. No. 14, Frederick, Earraington — Lemuel Whitman. No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley. No. 20, Harmony, Berlin — Abijah Flagg. No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Archibald A. Perkins. No. 23j St. James', Preston — Avery Downer. 532 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Solomon Terry, William Hunt. No. 31, Union, New London — D. T. Brainard, Elisha Douglass, George C. Wilson. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Reuben Booth. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Joshua Guilford, William M. Pemberton. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Gurdon Hebbard. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Gideon Hollister. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Nelson C. Daniels. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Uri Taylor. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol- — Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — William Hyde. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Merlin Merrill, Orville Howd. No. 60, Wolcott, Staiford — Samuel Carpenter, Stephen Smith. No. 60, Charity, Groton — Erastus Williams. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — John Mather. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. At 2 o'clock P. M. the M. W. Grand Master took the chair, and the Grand Lodge was opened in solemn and ample form. The Auditing Committee presented the following rej)ort, which was read, approved and accepted : The committee appointed at the last session of the Grand Lodge, to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer, for the year ending May, A. L. 5841, report, that since the last annual communication, our late worthy and respected Grand Treasurer, Bro. Laban Smith, has been called to render his account to the Grand Master of the Universe, and that Bro. Benjamin Beecher has been appointed by the M. W. Grand Master to succeed him. They find that all the moneys received by the Grand Secretary have been paid over to tlie Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of Bro. Benjamin Beecher the sum of one thousand five hun- dred and thirty-five dollars and twenty-three cents ($1535.23) in cash ; which, to- gether with twenty-seven shares of Union School House Stock, at sixteen dollars a share, amounting to four hundred and thirty-two dollars, makes the total amount of the funds of the Grand Lodge one thousand nine hundred and sixty- seven dollars, twenty-three cents, ($1967.23.) All which is respectfully submitted, HENRY PECK, ) ^ ... F. CROSWELL, J ^°^"'^^^^^^- New Haven, May 8, A. L. 5641. 1841.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 533 The K. W. Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge the various communications which had been received during the past year, which were ordered to be referred to a Committee of Correspondence, and Brs. ElHs and Sanford were appointed on said Committee. W, Bro. Guilford presented a petition from Harmony Lodge, No. 42, requesting the Grand Lodge to establish said Harmony Lodge permanently in the first society of Waterbury, which was referred to a committee of two, and W. Brs. Babcock and Doug- lass were appointed on said committee. A petition was presented from the late Master, Wardens and Brethren of Jerusalem Lodge, No. 49, for a restoration of their charter, which was referred to the committee on the petition of Harmony Lodge, No. 42. A letter of invitation from brethren in Portsmouth, N. H., to attend a celebration of the Festival of St. John the Baptist, was read and referred to the Committee on Correspondence. Bro. Wilson submitted the following resolution : Resolved, That a select committee of three be appointed to report respecting the expediency and propriety of a general celebration on the part of this Grand Lodge on the 24th of June next. The resolution was adopted, and E. W. Brs. Peck, Goodwin, and Downer appointed on the committee. K. W. Bro. Ellis submitted the following resolutions, which were adoj)ted : Resolved, That the Grand Lodge deplore the loss by death of our late worthy and respected Brother Laban Smith, for many years Grand Treasurer of this Grand Lodge ; and that his long and faithful services, his fervency and zeal in the promotion of the principles of our Order, can not but be remembered and revered by the faithful of the fraternity, who knew his worth as a man and a Mason. Resolved, That as a token of our respect for the memory of our departed Brother, the members of this Grand Lodge will wear the usual badge of mourn- ing for thirty days. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be requested to furnish the family of the deceased with a copy of these resolutions, and that the same be entered on the records and published with the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year, Brs. Beecher and Sanford having 534 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, "been appointed tellers, when ballots were taken, and the follow- ing brethren declared to be duly elected to the offices affixed to their names, viz : M. W. DYER T. BRAINARD, Grand Master. R. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was then called from labor to refreshment, and adjourned to 7 o'clock in the evening. Wednesday Evening, May 12, A. L. 5839. The Grand Lodge convened pursuant to adjournment, and was called from refreshment to labor. The M, W. Grand Mas- ter announced the following appointments : Bro. Avery C. Babcock, Senior Grand Deacon. " Mitchell S. Mitchell, Junior Grand Deacon. " Wm. E. Sanford, Grand Marshal. ;; George Shumway, I ^^^^^ stewards. " Henry S. Wadsworth, ^ " Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. The Committee on Correspondence made the following report, which was approved and accepted : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The committee to whom was referred the correspondence of the Grand Lodsfe, respectfully ask leave to report, that in discharge of the duty assigned them, they have examined, as carefully as time would permit, communications from the Grand Lodges of ISIaine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Oiiio, Indiana, Alabama, Mis- sissippi, Missouri, Florida, and Texas, which consists chietiy of reports of the condition and proceedings of the said Grand Lodges, all of which indicate a period of unusual Masonic active prosperity, usefulness and respectability, and conduce to the gratifying belief that our Order is rapidly approximating to its ancient elevation, and that its good influence will be more and more felt and ackoow- ledged throughout the wx»rld. 1841.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 535 Your committee beg leave to submit the following resolution ; Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to acknowledge the courtesy of the several Grand Lodges who have favored us with their correspondence, and reciprocate the same by communicating to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Hartford, May 12, A. L. 5841. WILLIAM E. SAIN FORD, 5 C'^mmzWee. The report was accepted, and the resolution adopted. The committee on petitions and memorials, made the follow- ing report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut: The committee to whom was referred the petition of Harmony Lodge, No. 42, having attended to the duties of their appointment, beg leave to offer the follow- ing resolution : Resolved, That Harmony Lodge, No. 42, have liberty to permanently locate their Lodge, in any part of the town of Waterbury, by a major vote, provided tliat notice of the same be given at two successive regular meetings of said Lodge pre- vious to the final vote. Respectfully submitted, A. C. BABCOCK, > ^ ... ELISHA DOUGLASS, 5 ^o'^'^'^"^^- Hartford, May 12, A. L. 5841. The report was accepted, and the resolution proposed by the committee was adopted. The same committee reported on the petition of the late Mas- ter, Wardens and Brethren of Jerusalem Lodge, No. 49, that in their opinion, the prayer of said petitioners ought to be granted. Which report was accepted, and the following reso- lution adopted : Resolved, That the charter of the late Jerusalem Lodge, No. 49, in Ridgefield, which was revoked by this Grand Lodge at their ann\ial communication in May last, be restored, and the powers granted by said charter be renewed and invested in the brethren who have petitioned for the same ; the last officers of said Lodge to convene the members within six months from the closing of the present com- munication of this Grand Lodge, for the purpose of reorganizing said Lodge, and proceeding with business in due form. The committee to whom was referred the resolution of Bro. Wilson, on the "expediency and propriety of a general celebra- tion on the part of this Grand Lodge, on the 24th of June next," reported, that in their opinion, a celebration by the Grand Lodge 536 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J} would be inexpedient ; which report, after some discussion, was accepted on the motion of W. Bro. Hyde. Bro. M. S. Mitchell submitted the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer be instructed to loan to King Solomon's Lodge, No. 7, Woodbury, the sum of two hundred dollars of the funds of the Grand Lodge, at six per cent, interest, provided a note for the same be executed and endorsed to the acceptance of the Grand Treasurer. The legality and responsibility of such a note being questioned by several brethren, the above resolution was reconsidered, on motion of K. W. Bro. Ellis, and after considerable discussion it was rejected. On motion of R. W. Bro. Peck, the following preamble and resolution was adopted : Whereas, The loaning of the funds of the Grand Lodge to any of the subordin- ate Lodges will, in the course of events, be liable to create difficulties among the brethren and destroy the harmony which ought to exist in the Lodges ; therefore Resolved, As a standing rule, that this Grand Lodge will entertain no proposi- tion from any subordinate Lodge to loan such Lodge any of the funds of this Grand Lodge. R. W. Bro. Goodwin submitted the following : Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer be directed to invest the money in his hand belonging to the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, in bank stock. On motion of R. W. Bro, Storer, the consideration of this resolution was postponed to the next annual communication. On motion of W. Bro. Downer, it was voted, that the juris- diction of St. James' Lodge, No. 23, be so extended as to in- clude the city of Norwich, with liberty to hold their communi- cations in the town of Preston or Norwich, as may be deemed expedient by two-thirds of the members, with the consent of the Master for the time being. On motion of Bro. Hebbard, it was voted, that the jurisdiction of Eastern Star Lodge, No. 44, be extended over the town of Franklin, formerly belonging to the late Som'erset Lodge, No. 34, of Norwich. On motion of R. W. Bro. Ellis, 1841.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 537 Resolved, That the first four officers of the Grand Lodge be a Standing Com- mittee, and that all or either of them be authorized and empowered, in person or by i)roxy, to visit any of the subordinate Lodges, for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are conducting in accordance with their charters, and with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge ; to determine their territorial limits and jurisdiction ; to correct errors, and give instruction in the mode and manner of work ; to order a choice of officers in any Lodge where no choice has been made for the term of one year or more, and to report their doings annually to the Grand Lodge. W. Bro. Solomon Terry, of the late Morning Star Lodge, No. 28, at East Windsor, the charter of which had been revoked at the last communication of the Grand Lodge, appeared, and asked leave to make a statement in behalf of said Lodge. Leave being granted, Bro. Terry stated, that in consequence of some mistake, the communication of the Grand Secretary of last year had not been received by the Master of said Morning Star Lodge, of course they were ignorant of the fact that their charter had been revoked : the Lodge had therefore been at work during the past year, had elected their officers, and initiated, passed and raised three worthy candidates ; and he now appeared to rej) re- sent said Lodge in the Grand Lodge, make returns and ^?ij the customary dues ; and in behalf of said Lodge, he would respect- fully ask for a restoration of their charter and that tlieir doings for the past year may be legalized by the Grand Lodge. On motion of E. W. Grand Secretary, the following resolu- tion was then adopted : Resolved, That the charter of Morning Star Lodge. No. 28, be restored, and -the powers granted by the same be invested in the present officers and members ; that their proceedings during the past year be ratified and acknowledged as le- gal ; that their present returns and dues be received ; and that Brs. Terry and Huntington be entitled to seats in the Grand Lodge as the representatives of said Morning Star Lodge. Bro. Joseph F. Jewett, of the late St. Mark's Lodge, No. 36, at Simsbury, after leave obtained, made a statement relative to said Lodge, and asked permission to have their charter restored, as there was now a fair prospect that the business might be re- vived in said Lodge to the advantage of Masonry. On motion of R. W. Bro. Peck, it was voted, that the charter of St. Mark's Lodge, No. 36, be restored to the late members 68 538 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, thereof, upon their paying ten dollars into the funds of the Grand Lodge. The K. W. Grand Secretary reported that the following Lodges had made no returns to the Grand Lodge for the last two years, nor were they represented at the present communication, viz : Wooster, No. 10 ; Moriah, No. 15 ; Eising Sun, No. 27 ; Ark, No. 39 ; LaFayette, No. 72 ; and that notice had been given to the last Masters of said Lodges that their charters would be re- voked unless cause was shown to the contrary at the present communication. The following resolution was then adopted : Resolved, That the charters of the following subordinate Lodges, (they having neglected for several years to comply with the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge,) be, and they herebj' are revoked and declared to be null and void, viz : Wooster, No. 10; Rising Sun, No. 27 ; Ark, No. 39; LaFayette, No. 72. The Grand Secretary reported the following Lodges delinquent at the last and present communications, viz : Union, No. 5 ; Columbia, No. 26 ; Village, No. 29 ; Apollo, No. 59 ; Widow's Son, No. QQ. On motion of Bro. Hebbard, it was voted, that one year from this time be allowed to Moriah Lodge, No. 15, Canterbury, to make their returns and settle their arrearages to the Grand Lodge. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to notify those Lodges who have made no returns for two years past, that unless they show cause at the next annual communication why they have neglected to comply with the regulations of the Grand Lodge, the question will then be taken on revoking their charters. Resolved, That the four first officers of this Grand Lodge be, and they are here- by authorized and empowered to grant dispensations for a limited time to any of the annulled Lodges which may request it, if in their opinion the interests of Ma- sonry will be thereby promoted ; provided, that a Lodge so petitioning shall first pay into the funds of the Grand Lodge the sum of ten dollars. The Grand Secretary read a communication from the R. W. James Herring, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, containing a prospectus of a work which he contemplates publishing, entitled " The Portrait Gallery of Eminent American Freemasons, and History of the Masonic In- 1841.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 539 stitution in the United States," together with an address to the Fraternity, p-nd a resolution of the Grand Lodge of New York in relation thereto. Whereupon, on motion of Bro. Sanford, it was voted, that this Grand Lodge concur with the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of New York, in recommending the proposed work of our R, W. Bro. Herring to the patronage of the Fra- ternity. On motion of R. W. Bro. Ellis, voted, that the apjiointment of a delegate from this Grand Lodge to the General Masonic Convention, to be held in the city of Washington, on the first Monday of March, 1842, be referred to the Grand Officers elect. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Henry Peck and Frederick Croswell, a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer for the current year. No further business appearing the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— A. C. Babcock, W. M., AVm. E. Sanford, S. W.j George Shumway, J. W. Initiated — J. F. Liniberger, George Juxon Huggins, Wm. M. Pixley, Julius Tyler, Charles Brown, George P. Stillman, Charles O'Neil, Henry S. Wadsworth, Alpheus B. Clark. Admitted — Wm. W. Wellman, Charles Ruckoldt. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Wm. Lum, W. M., Elias Hodge, S. W., David L. Mills, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., Benoni A. Shep- herd, S. W., .loseph C. Burke, J. W. Initiated — James B. Gilman, William M. Durand, Samuel Bronson, Sylvanus G. Shaw, Henry Perkins, Benjamin F. Folger, Wm. P. Witbey, James Better, Stillman Niles. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— James Stevens, W. M., Asa E. Smith, S. W., Henry W. Smith, J. W. Initiated — Samuel R. Bunting. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Bethel S. Castle, W. M., W. H. Atwood, S. W., Lucius Ives, J. AV. Initiated — Samuel Thompson, Willis Judd, Albert Thompson, Oscar B. Leavenworth, Frederick D. Brush. Admitted — Eri Riggs, Garry Riggs. 540 GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S.W., Benjamin Ufford, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Samuel Buel, 2d, W. M., George Dewey, S. W., Samuel P. Belles, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— John L, Daniels, W. M., Oliver H. Stoddard, S. W., Jeremiah Hotchkiss, J. W. Liitiated — Charles C. Beers. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Lemuel Whitman, W. M., H. Cowles, S, W, FEDERAL, No. 17, Watertown— Aner Bradley, W. M., Silas Hoadley, S. W,, Austin Sperry, J. W. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Alexander Hall, W. M., Charles Sherman, S. W., ThomasDutton, J. W. HARMONY, No. 20, Berlin— Abijah Flagg, W. M., Justus Bulkley, S. W., Francis Hart. J. W. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— A. A. Perkins, W. M., Hezekiah Thomas, S. W., Anthony H. Stoddard, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Avery Downer, W. M., David Baldwin, S. W., James Cook, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 25, South Glastenburj^— Henry Dayton, W. M., H. W. Brown, S. W., George Merrick, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 28, East Windsor— Solomon Terry, Jr., W. M., Harmon Terry, S. W., Levi Lord, J. W. Initiated — Chester A. Lord, Ira MoiBt, Ransom Sperry. UNION, No. 31, New London— Dyer T. Brainard, W. M., Elisha Douglas, S. W., George C. Wilson, J. W. Initiated — Reuben Kelly, Edwin Ames, Robert K. Waller, Ephraim H. Douglass, Alfred W. Bush, Wm. Varley, Charles French, Leonard Smith, Lorenzo Baker, William Sisson. Suspended — Edward B. H. Prince, Jonathan Sizer. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Wm. H. Banks, W. M., Sylvester Stevens, S. W., Stephen A. Hurlbut, J. AV. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Joshua Guilford, W. M., Wm. M. Pemberton, S. W., Edward Sandland, J. W. Initiated — Edward Sandland, Alfred C. Sperry, Thomas Jones, Robert Johnson, John Cook, Gabriel Post, James Boyer. Sus- pended — Reuben L. Judd. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Gurdon Hebbard, W. M., Caleb Hay- ward, S. W., David L. Fuller, J. W. Admitted — Joseph W, Lyon. PUTNAM, No. 46, Woodstock — Samuel Underwood, W. M., Luther Rawson, S. W., Jabez Amsbury, J. W. Initiated — W. Bowen. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister. S. W., Eansford Button, J. W. 1841.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 541 WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Nelson C. Daniels, W. M., Ilirani Barton, S. W., Braddock Strong, J. W. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— Edward rierpoint, W. M., James Green, S. W., Prescott Pond, J. W. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luraan Preston, S. W., Asa Bartholomew, J. W. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington— Wm. Hyde, W. M., Francis Amy, S. ^Y., Thos. M. Brown, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Merlin Merrill, W. M., George Merrill, S. W., Orvill Jones, J. W. Initiated — Hiram Chamberlain, Elisha G. Johnson. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford- Isaac McNary, W. M., Wm. N. Clark, S. W., John Streeter, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Erastus Williams, W. M., Roswell Allen, S. W., Stephen Billings, J. W. Initiated — Charles H. Mallory, Waterman Clift, Ste- phen Haley Jr. Admitted — David Kellogg, John Park, Seth Barrows, Nathan Eldredge. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., George Carriel, J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., Nathan Johnson. S. W., Samuel Cole, J. W. 542 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ANNUAL SESSION, 1842. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worihipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connecticut, holden at the Mafonic Hall, in the city of New Haven, on Wednefday, the nth day of May, A. L. 5842 : OFFICERS PRESENT : R. W. ANER BRADLEY, Deputy Grand Master. " HENRY PECK, Senior Grand Warden. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEE CHER, Grand Treasurer. " ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary, Bro. AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Deacon. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Junior Grand Deacon. " WILLIAM E. SANFORD, Grand Marshal. " GEORGE SHUMWAY, " HENRY S. WADSWORTH, ^ " ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. Grand Stewards. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — William H. Jones, Theodore W. Werner, Frederick Croswell. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown— Noah A. Phelps, Merrils Ward. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Wm. Lum, David L. Mills. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Horace Goodwin, 2d, Benoni A. Shepherd, Joseph C. Burke. No. 6, St. St. John's, Norwalk— Asa E. Smith. No. 7, King Solomon's, Woodbury— Mitchell S. Mitchell, Phin- eas S. Bradley. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Samuel Benjamin. No. 11, St Paul's, Litchfield — George Dewey. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — J ohnL. Daniels, JosiahNettleton. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Henry Cowles, Giles Stillman. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Cheater Lyon, 1842.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 543 No. 17, Federal, Watertown — Aner Bradley, Samuel H. Jiuld. No. 18, Hiram, Newtown — Alexander Hall. No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Cyrenus Candee. No. 23, St. James', Preston — Avery Downer. No. 25, Colmnbia, Glastenbury — Henry Dayton. No. 33, Friendship, Southington — John E. Jones. No, 40, Union, Danbury — Wm. Peck. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Wm. M. Pemberton, Henry Hine. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Horatio Webb, Caleb Hay- ward, Daniel L. Fuller, No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — Samuel Wire, No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Braddock Strong. No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington — Benjamin Pomeroy. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Edward Pierpont. No, 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No, 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Anson Wheeler, Wilson B, Spring, Nathaniel Haley. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield— Wm. Tuttle. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford — Amos Harvey, Rufus Gr. Pinney, No. 68, Charity, Groton — Guy C. Stoddard. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — Cyrus Goodell. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. At 2 o'clock P. M., (the hour appointed by the Grand Con- stitution,) the M. W. Deputy Grand Master took the chair, and the Grand Lodge was opened in due form. The following letter from the M. W. Grand Master to the Grand Secretary, was presented and read, and ordered to be spread upon the minutes ; New Lo>'don, May 2, 1842. R. W. Bro. E. G. STOKER :— As I shall probably not be present at the annual communication of the Grand Lodge next week, at New Haven, I would thank you to inform the brethren that I respectfully decline being considered as a can- didate for the office of Grand Master, at the next election ; that I retire from the office grateful for the honors they have from time to time conferred on me, and entertaining for them sentiments of high respect and esteem. Yours, in friendship and brotherly love, D. T. BRAIN ARD, Grand Master, 544 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The Grand Secretary reportedj that in obedience to a resohi- tion passed at the annnal communication in May last, the offi- cers of the Grand Lodge met at the Tontine in New Haven, on the 20th of January, and elected our worthy brother the Hon. William W. Boardman, delegate to represent this Grand Lodge in " the General Masonic Convention to be held in the City of Washington, on the first Monday in March, 1842 ;" that the appointment was accepted by Bro. Boardman, who was then at Washington, as a member of Congress from this State, and he attended said Convention, and had reported to the Grand Sec- retary the journal of its proceedings. On motion of Bro. Peck, it was voted, that the thanks of the Grand Lodge be tendered to Bro. Boardman, and that the pro- ceedings of the Washington Masonic Convention be referred to a special committee. The auditing committee presented their annual rejjort on the state of the funds of the Grand Lodge, which was read as fol- lows : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been by him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand live hundred and twenty-four dollars and twenty-three cents in cash ; which, with twenty-seven shares of stock in the Union School House, at sixteen dollars per share, makes the total fund of the Grand Lodge amount to $1956.23. All which is respectfully submitted, HENRY PECK, ) ^ ... F. CROSWELL, ] ^°'^^^^^^^- The Grand Secretary reported a list of delinquent Lodges, which had been summoned to show cause at the present com- munication why the penalties prescribed by the by-laws should not be enforced against them ; also, a list of Lodges whose charters had been forfeited and revoked, but had not been sur- surrendered. On motion, it was voted, that the report on delinquencies be ]'eferred to a special committee, to be appointed by the Grand Master. 1842.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICtTT. 545 Bro. John E. Jones, of the late Friendship Lodge, No. 33, Southington, presented a petition from the brethren residing in that town, praying the Grand Lodge for a restoration of their charter. On motion, it was voted, that the petition he referred to the committee to he appointed on delinquent Lodges and annulled charters. The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge the com- munications received from other Grand Lodges during the past year. On motion, it was voted, that said communications be referred to the Committee on Foreign Con*espondence, and that such committee be appointed by the Chair. R. W. Bro. Goodwin reported, that agreeable to a resolution of the Grand Lodge he had visited Apollo Lodge, No. 59, Suf- field, assisted them in reorganizing and electing officers, and in- stalling the same ; and that said Lodge had resumed labor with a flattering prospect of success, and had made returns and was represented at this Grand Communication, praying to be ex- cused for former delinquencies. On motion, it was voted, that the report be referred to the Committee on Delinquent Lodges. The R. W. Deputy Grand Master appointed the following Committees : On Foreign Correspondence — Brs. B. A. Shepherd, Wm. E, Sanford, and Wm. H. Jones. On Delinquencies and Annulled Charters — Brs. H. Goodwin, 2d, A. C. Babcock, and Wm. M. Pemberton. On the Proceedings of the Masonic Convention at Washing- ton — Brs. F. Croswell, S. H. Judd, and Asa E. Smith. On Unfinished Business — Brs. E. G. Storer, H. Peck, and L. Tyler. On motion, voted, that the Grand Lodge do now proceed to the choice of Grand Officers for the ensuing year. Brs. A. Budington and H. Hine were appointed to receive, sort and count the votes, when ballots were taken, and the fol- lowing brethren were declared to be unanimously elected to the several offices affixed to their names : 69 546 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, M. W. ANER BRADLEY, Grand Master. R. W. HENRY PECK, Deputy Grand Master. " HORACE G00DWIN,"'2d, Senior Grand Warden. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. On motion of R. W. Bro. Peck, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be and are hereby presented, to M. W. Dyer T. Brainard, P. G. M., for the able and satisfactory manner in which he has discharged the duties of Grand Master for three years past, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to coijamunicate the same. On motion of R. W. Bro. Storer, a committee was appointed, consisting of Brs. Pemberton and Hine, to wait upon M. W. Past Grand Master Wm. H. Ellis, and request him to attend Grand Lodge at 7 o'clock this evening, and install the newly elected Grand Officers. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, and adjourned to 7 o'clock. Wednesday Evening, May 11. At 7 o'clock the Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. The committee appointed to wait upon Past Grand Master Ellis, reported that they had attended to that duty, and that Bro. Ellis was in waiting, ready to install the officers of the Grand Lodge. Whereupon the Grand Lodge went into Grand Committee, for the purpose of attending the ceremony of in- stallation, M. W. Past Grand Master William H. Ellis in the chair, when the several Grand Officers, elected in the afternoon, were duly installed. After the ceremony of installation, the Grand Committee was dissolved, and the Grand Lodge resumed labor ; when Bro. Ellis reported that he had installed the elected officers of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, agreeable to the Ancient Consti- tutions and usages of the Fraternitv. 1S42.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 547 The M. W. Grrancl Master then announced the following ap- pointments : W. Br. Mitchell S. Mitchell, Senior Grand Deacon. " William E. Sanford, Junior Grand Deacon. " Benoni a. Shepherd, Grand Marshal. Rev. Br. John Moore, Grand Chaplain. " George Shumway, Grand Sentinel. '•' Wm. M. PeMBERTON, ) ri ■ J Oi. i . " William D. Eaton, P^^^^ ^*^™^^- " Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. The appointed officers were then severally invested with their jewels and badges of office, by the M. W. Grand Master, The Committee on Foreign Correspondence made the follow ing report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut: The committee to whom was referred the Foreign Correspondence of the Grand Lodge for the past year, beg leave to report, that they have examined, as fully as their limited time would permit, communications from the Grand Lodges of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, In- diana, Alabama, Missouri, Florida, Arkansas, Michigan and Texas, consisting chiefly of reports of the proceedings and condition of said Grand Lodges, and indicating a very great degree of Masonic activity, usefulness and respectability. Your committee find that several of the Grand Lodges with whom we correspond have acted upon the subject submitted to their consideration, in the year 1839, by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, namely, the propriety of transacting the ordi- nary business of the subordinate Lodges, (except conferring the third degree,) when opened in the degree of Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft. As the pre- amble and resolutions of the Grand Lodge of Missouri have hitherto escaped the attention of this Grand Lodge, your committee would hope that the subject may have such reference as will insure it the most serious and attentive consideration of this Grand Lodge. Ycur committee observe that nearly all the Grand Lodges demand a small an- nual fee from each individual member of their subordinates, and we would com- mend the subject to the attention of this Grand Lodge. Your committee would also recommend that the following resolution should be adopted : Resolved, That our Grand Secretary be directed to reciprocate the courtesy of the several Grand Lodges that have favored us with their correspondence, by transmitting to them the proceedings of this Grand Lodge. All of which is fraternally submitted, WM. E. SANFORD, ) ^ B. A. SHEPHERD, 5 <^^'i»"««^- 548 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^7, On motion, it was voted, that the rej)ort and resolution be adopted. The Committee on Delinquent Lodges and Annulled Charters submitted the following report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut': The committee appointed to consider the subject of delinquent and annulled Lodges, forfeited charters, &c., to whom was referred the petition of members of the late Friendship Lodge, No. 33, at Southington, have attended to the duties as- signed them, and ascertained the following facts : — That said Friendship Lodge, from its first organization, had been faithful to the Grand Lodge, never failing to make returns and send representatives to the annual communications, until the year 1838, when, in consequence of the general apathy which prevailed, said Lodge, for the first time, neglected to representor report themselves to the Grand Lodge, which neglect was repeated in the year 1839 ; that for the delinquency of these two years, the Grand Lodge, at the annual communication in 1810, revoked the charter of said Lodge, with several others in the same condition ; that since that time the members of said Lodge have aroused from their lethargy, the spirit of Masonry has revived among them, and they are anxious to resume their labors. In view of these facts, the committee recommend that the charter of said Friendship Lodge be restored. Your committee would further report, that they find several of the Lodges on the list reported by the Grand Secretary as delinquent at the last annual commu- nication, to be represented at this time, and would recommend that the repre- sentatives present be allowed to show cause, if any they have, why the penalties of the by-laws should not be enforced against said Lodges. Your committee beg leave further to report, that several of the charters hereto- fore revoked by the Grand Lodge, have not been surrendered to the Grand Secre- tary, but are retained, together with the books, jewels, and other effects of the annulled Lodges, in the possession of individuals. This state of things ought not in any case to be allowed. It is in direct violation of the laws and regula- tions of the Grand Lodge, and repugnant to the spirit and genius of the Masonic Institution, inasmuch as it might become a prolific source of illegitimate or clan- destine Masonry. The Grand Lodge, by virtue of an act of incorporation, it is believed, possesses adequate powers to enforce its own regulations ; and when it is considered that these wholesome regulations were originally framed by the subordinate Lodges themselves, through the agency of their authorized repre- sentatives, and subsequently ratified and assented to by the individual members of the same Lodges, it is not to be supposed that any reasonable objections can be urged against a strict enforcement of the by-laws and regulations requiring all demised or annulled Lodges to surrender their effects to the Grand Lodge. Your committee deem it not improper here to introduce an extract from the by-laws of the Grand Lodge : Art. 9. Upon the demise of any Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the last Secretary and Treasurer of said Lodge shall, within six months afterwards, surrender to the Grand Secretary the books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture of such Lodge. 1842.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 549 For the purpose of having the above article of the by-laws expressly understood and strictly enforced, the Grand Lodge, at the annual communication, May 8th, A. L. 5839, passed the following resolution : Resolved, That all Lodges whose charters have been or hereafter may be an- nulled or revoked, be required to deliver the same, together with their books, papers, jewels, funds and furniture, to the Grand Secretary, agreeable to the by- laws ; and the Grand Secretary is hereby directed and empowered to demand and receive the same, either in person or by proxy, and deposit them with the ar- chives of the Grand Lodge. Your committee do not deem it necessary for the Grand Lodge to take any other action on the subject than to enforce a strict compliance with the existing laws and regulations. All which is respectfully submitted, H. GOODWIN, 2d, ) W. M. PEMBERTON, \ CommiUee. A. C. BABCOCK, 3 On motion, in was voted, that the report be approved and accepted. The list of delinquent Lodges was then read by the Grand Secretary, when the following were excused, in consequence of satisfactory reasons being given by their representatives, for their non-attendance at the last annual communication, viz : — St. John's No. 2, St. John's No. 8, St. Paul's No. 11, King Hi- ram No. 12, Moriah No. 15, Hiram No. 18, Columbia No. 15, Morning Star No. 47, Widow's Son No. 53, Apollo No. 59. No representatives being j)resent from Federal Lodge, No. 41, and Putnam No. 46, and no excuse being offered for their for- mer delinquency, it was, on motion, voted, that the penalty of the by-laws be demanded of said delinquents, and that one year from this time be allowed them to settle the same. With regard to those delinquent Lodges which have made no returns for three or more years, and have oifered no reasons for such neglect, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the charters of Union Lodge, No. 5, Columbia Lodge, No. 26, and Widow's Son Lodge, No. 66, be and they are hereby revoked, and declared null and and void, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to demand and re- ceive their effects. The following resolution, which was recommended in the re- port of the Committee on Delinquent Lodges, was unanimously adopted : 550 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Resolved, That the charter of Friendsliip Lodge, No. 33, be restored to the brethren in Southington, and that Bro. John E. Jones be allowed to take his seat in this Grand Lodge as the representative of said Lodge. The committee to whom was referred the proceedings of the Masonic Convention held at Washington, in March last, re- ported the following resolution, which was read and laid on the table : Resolved, That the Grand Master of this Grand Lodge, in compliance with the recommendation of said Convention, be authorized to appoint a Grand Lecturer, to meet the other Grand Lecturers that may be appointed, at Baltimore, on the second Monday in Maj', 1843. Bro. Sanford oifered the following resolutions : Resolved, That liereafter each subordinate Lodge shall be required to pay into the funds of the Grand Lodge the sum of twelve and a half cents, as an annual fee, for each member belonging to such Lodge, in regular standing, and to pre- sent a list of all its members, at each annual meeting of this Grand Lodge. Resolved, That each delegate to this Grand Lodge shall be entitled to receive cents for each mile that he is obliged to travel to attend the annual communications of the Grand Lodge : provided, that the delegates from any Lodge shall not be entitled to a greater sum than is jjaid for the annual fees of the mem- bers of such Lodge. After some discussion, the above resolutions were laid on the table. R. W. Bro. Peck submitted the following resolution : Resolved, That a committee of three members of this Grand Lodge be appoint- ed, who may, at their discretion, direct the Grand Treasurer to subscribe an amount not exceeding four hundred and fifty dollars, of the funds in his hands, to the stock in Union School; and the Grand Treasurer is hereby directed to subscribe such an amount to the said stock, as the aforesaid committee shall di- rect ; and the Grand Treasurer for the time being is hereby authorized and di- rected to attend all the meetings of said corporation, and to vote upon all stock standing in the name of the Grand Lodge. The resolution was discussed at considerable length, and on the question of its passage it was adopted by the following vote : affirmative 23, negative 5. Brs. William H. Ellis, William H. Jones, and Henry Peck, were nominated and appointed to compose the above mentioned committee. 1842.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUf , 551 On motion of M. W. Bro. Ellis, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the several Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge be requested to furnish the Grand Secretary with a copy of their by-laws, rules and regulations, at or previous to the next Grand Comiuunication, in order that it may b^ known whether the same are in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. The Committee on Unfinished Business reported the follow- ing resolution, as having been laid on the table at the last an- nual communication : Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer be directed to invest the money in his hand, belonging to the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, in bank stock. After some discussion the further consideration of this reso- lution was postponed to the next annual communication. The same committee reported that no action had been taken upon the proposition to adopt the representative system, which had been submitted to this Grand Lodge by the E. W. Grand Lodge of the State of New York, May, A. L. 5839 ; and as the committee deemed this subject to be one of vast importance to the craft, they would recommend that some definite action be had on the same at this communication. Whereupon, on mo- tion of R. W. Bro. Jones, it was Resolved, That the subject of interchanging representatives M'ith other Grand Lodges, be referred to the elected officers of this Grand Lodge, with power to act in the premises as they shall deem the honor and interest of this Grand Lodge and the welfare of the craft in general may require ; and that the R. W. Grand Secretary communicate the same to the Grand Lodge of New York, at or previous to their annual communication in June next. On motion of Bro. Croswell, the resolution authorizing the Grand Master to appoint a Grand Lecturer was taken up and considered, and the question of its passage was decided in the negative. The Grand Secretary read a communication from the W. Master of Jerusalem Lodge, No. 49, requesting the Grand Lodge to accept a deed in trust of certain real estate in the town of Kidgefield, belonging to said Jerusalem Lodge. Whereupon it 552 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, was ordered, that the Grrand Secretary be authorized to accept such deed of trust in the name of the Grand Lodge. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Henry Peck and Frederick Croswell, a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Lodge for the current year,- No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. Attest, E. G. STOKER, Gh'a7id Secretary. RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Avery C. Babcock, W. M., Wm. E. Saiiford, S. W., George Shnmway, J. W. Initiated — Charles L. Uhlhorn, Leonard Bostwick, George D. L. Dalryraple, Henry Austin, Elizur Hubbell, Wm. Jumper, Nathaniel Booth, .John C. Hayden, Theodore W. Werner, Amos Bostwick, James Fyfe. Admitted — Obadiah Pease, Wm. Jennings, Noah Chandler, James Wiuship. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Caleb Miller, Jr., W. M., Wm. Corey, S. W., Epaphroditus Clark, J. W, ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeport— Wm. Lum, W. M., Elias Hodge, S. W., David L. Mills, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Horace Goodwin, 2d, W. M., Benoni A. Shep- herd, S. W., Joseph C. Burke, J. W. Initiated — Gurdon Robbins, Jr., John Ward, Jonathan Watson, David Clark, Wm. B. Ely, John H. Preston, Henry H. Wild- man, Samuel Tripp. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Asa E. Smith, W. M., Henry W. Smith, S. W., Robert Ells, J. W. KING SOLOMON'S, No. 7, Woodbury— Charles B. Phelps, W. M., Mitchell S. Mitchell, S. W., Charles H. Webb, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S.W., Benjamin Uiford, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Samuel Buel, 2d, W. M., George Dewey, S. W., Samuel P. Bolles, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— John L. Daniels, W. M., Oliver H. Stoddard, S. W., Hiram Upson, J. W. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Henry Cowles, W. M., Giles Stillman, S. W., George Cowles, J, W. 1842.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 553 MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— Chester Lj-on, W. M., Dyer Ames, S. W., Jo- seph Hutchins, J. AV. HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Alexander Hall, W. M., Charles Sherman, S. W., Thomas Dutton, J. AV. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Cyrenus Candee, W. M., Edson Sperry, S. W., Charles Perkins, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Avery Downer, W. M., David Baldwin, S. W., James Cook, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Henry Dayton, W. M., George Merrick, S. W., Oliver Brainard, J. W. Initiated — Wm. Rodman. UNION, No. 31, New London— Elisha Douglass, AV. M., Joshim Hamilton, S. W., A. AVhite Bush, J. AV. Initiated — Caleb S. Holt, Jeremiah Potts, Richard Miller. FRIENDSHIP, No. 33, Southington— Ralph Pearl, AV. M., .John E. Jones, S. AV., Samuel Hitchcock, J. AV. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Ira AVildman, AV. M., AVm. H. Banks, S. AV., John Ferguson, J. AV. HARMONY, No. 42, AVaterbury— AVm. M. Pemberton, AV. M., Henry Chatflekl, S. AV., Henry Hine, J. AV. Initiated — Henry Jones, Philip A. Cowles. Admit- ted — Charles S. Seymour, Leonard Baldwin, Samuel H. Judd. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, V7indham— Gurdon Hebbard, AV. M., Caleb Hay- ward, S. AV., David L. Fuller, J. AV. PUTNAM, No. 46, AVoodstock— Samuel Underwood, AV. M., Luther Rawson, S. V^., Jabez Amsbury, J. AV. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Garry Riggs, AV. M., Charles Ransom, S. AV., Samuel Wire, J. W. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— Hezekiah Scott, AV. M., Erastus S. Bouton, S. AV., Sherwood Mead, J. AV. AVARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, AV. M., Gideon Hollister, S. AV.. Ransford Button, J. AV. AVARREN, No. 5*1, Chatham— Nelson C. Daniels, AV. M., Hiram Barton, S. AV., Braddock Strong, J. AV. AVIDOAVS SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Thomas T. AVells, AV. M., Joseph Frink, S. AV., John Brown, J. AV. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington — Edward Pierpoint, AV. M., James Green, S. AV., Prescott Pond, J. W. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, AV. M., Luman Preston, S. AV,, Evits Hungerford, J. AV. 70 554 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Anson "Wheeler, W. M., Wilson B. Spring, S. W., Nathaniel Healy, J. W. Initiated — Edmund B. Squire, Merwin Woodworth, Wm. H. Reynolds. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Julius Harmon, W. M., "Wm. Tuttle, S. "W., Curtis Rose, J. "W. "WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Moses B. flarvey, "W. M., "Wm. N. Clark, S. "W., John Streeter, J. "W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— John S. Burrows, "W. M., Roswell Allen, S. "W., Eldredge Splcer, J. "W. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, "W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. "VV., George Carriel, J. "W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, "W. M., Nathan Johnson, S. "W., Ezra Stillman, J. "W, 1843.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 555 SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, 1843. At a Special Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut, held by order of the M. W. Grand Master, at Masonic Hall, in the city of New Haven, Wednesday evening, April 19th, A. D. 1843, A. L. 5843 : OFFICEES PRESENT : M. W. ANER BRADLEY, Grand Master. E. W. HENRY PECK, Deputy Grand Master. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Senior Grand Warden. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Junior Grand Warden. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. Bro. WM. E. SANFORD, Junior Grand Deacon. " GEORGE SHUMWAY, Grand Sentinel. " ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. MEMBERS PRESENT I Brs. Wm. H. Ellis, Anson T. Colt, Marcus Bassett, Nahum Hayward, Nahum Flagg, R. S. Hinman. The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form. Brs. Ellis, Babcock and Storer were aj^pointed a Committee on Credentials, who subsequently reported that the following- brethren were entitled to vote on this occasion, viz : Aner Brad- ley, Henry Peck, Horace Goodwin, 2d, Avery C. Babcock, Wm. H, Ellis, E. G. Storer, William E. Sanford, George Shumway, Anson T. Colt, Marcus Bassett, Isaac Tuttle ; which rej)ort was approved and accepted. W. Bro. Sanford submitted the following resolutions : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approve the resolution of the Convention held at Washiiinfton, touching the Convention of Grand Lecturers to be held in Balti- more on the second Mondaj' in May, 18i3. Resolved, That Bro. , be authorized to proceed to Baltimore fov the purpose of representing this Grand Lodge in said Convention : provided, that by such appointment no expense shall accrue to this Grand Lodge. 556 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, After some discussion, the above resolutions were rejected, — yeas 4, nays 5. On motion, voted, that a Committee on Foreign Correspon- dence be appointed at this time to examine such communications as may have come to hand previous to the next annual commu- nication of the Grand Lodge, and make report at that time. Brs. Ellis, Storer and Babcock were appointed. On motion of M. W. Bro. Ellis, voted, that the proceedings of this special communication be published with the j)roceedings of the next Grand Annual Communication, The Grand Lodge was then closed. E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. 1843.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 557 ANNUAL SESSION, 1843. At an Annual Communication of the Mort Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connefticut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1843, A. L. 5843 : OFFICERS PRESENT ! R. W. HENRY PECK, Deputy Grand Master. " HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Senior Grand Warden. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER, Grand Treasurer. " ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary. Bro. MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Sen. Grand Deacon. " WM. E. SANFORD, Jun. Grand Deacon. " BENONI A. SHEPHERD, Grand Marshal. " WILLIAM PEMBERTON, l^ . ^. , « WILLIAM C. EATON, | ^^^^^ Stewards. " JOHN BELCHER, Grand Tyler. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — William E. Sanford, Wm. Storer, Robinson S. Hinman. No. 2, St. John's, Middletown — Jonathan Kilbourn, Jr. No. 4, St, John's, Hartford — Benoni A, Shepherd, Theodore Spencer, Allen Goodwin. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — James Stevens. No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield— Phineas B. Taylor. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Samuel French. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Henry Cowles. No. 22, Hart's, Bethany — Cyrenus Candee. No. 23, St. James', Preston — Avery Downer. No. 25, Columbia, Glastenbury — William J. Covell, Nelson C. Daniels. 558 GEAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, No. 28, Morning Star, East Windsor — Solomon Terry. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Oliver Shepherd. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Joshua Gruilford, William M. Pemberton. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Gurdon Hebbard. No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Samuel Turner, Ebenezer Porter, No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — David McEwen. No. 50, Warren, Andover — Grideon Hollister. No. 51, Warren, Chatham — Nelson 0. Daniels. No. 53, Widow's Son, North Stonington — Thomas P. Wattles. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Luman Preston. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — William Hyde. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Anson Wheeler, W. B, Spring. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield— Wm. Tattle, John P. Ingraham. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford— Wm. N. Clark. No. 68, Charity, Groton— Roswell Allen. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — Cyrus Goodell. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. The Grand Lodge was opened in form, at 2 o'clock P. M., the R. W. Deputy Grand Master in the chair. Brs. R. S. Hinman, B. A. Shepherd, and Wm. Storer, were appointed a Committee on Credentials. The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge the fol- lowing communication from the M. W. Grand Master, which was read and laid on the table : To the 31. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : BRETHREJf : — Be pleased to accept my most grateful acknowlecloements for the repeated honors conferred upon rae by this Most AVorshipful Grand Lodge. Having for a number of years been associated with the Honorable Fraternity, and with a band of brethren, my immediate predecessors in office, that have made themselves conspicuous in maintaining, defending and preserving the "ancient constitutions " of our Order, in days less cheering than the present; and having the fullest confidence in those with whom I leave our most noble Order, that, " as they have received the laws of the Society and its accumulated funds in sacred trust, they will never renounce nor abandon them," but will transmit to posterity, unimpaired, the noble Institution committed to their charge, I most respectful'y decline being considered a candidate for the office of Grand Master, at the annual Grand Communication. 1843.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, > 559 I take this opportunity to inform the Grand Lodge that the system of exchang- ing representatives is rapidly extending witli the Grand Lodges, and that since our last annual communication I have appointed the R. W. James H. Rogers, of New York, to be our representative near the Grand Lodge of that State, and the R. W. and Rev. Albert Case, of Charleston, to be our representative near the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. Ci'edentials and commissions, in dne form, were early forwarded to these respected brethren, and each was furnished with the re- galia of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, and I have the satisfaction to state that both have been cordially received and welcomed by the respective Grand Lodges to which they were accredited. I am also hapj^y to be informed that two distinguished brethren have received commissions as representatives of the above mentioned Grand Lodges near our Grand Lodge, and will doubtless be received by you at the approaching communication. Permit me in this place to commend to your notice the subject of furnishing our foreign representatives with appro- priate jewels, for which no provision has heretofore been made. I would also respestfully suggest the propriety of raising a Committee to. extend the jurisdiction of the subordinate Lodges, as there are a great number who have resigned their charters, and others that have been annulled, that the brethren may all be included within limits that shall best serve the interests of Masonry. Respectfully and fraternally yours, ANER BRADLEY, Or and Blaster . Watertown, April 24, 1843. The minutes of tlie special communication of tlie Grand Lodge, held at New Haven, April 19, A. L. 5843, were read and approved. The Committee on Credentials reported the names of repre- sentatives of twenty-seven Lodges, entitled to seats in the Grand Lodge, with a list of officers and permanent members who were present ; which rej)ort was accepted, and the said brethren took their seats as members of the Grand Lodge. The Auditing Committee presented the following report, which was read, approved and accepted : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The subscribers, appointed at the last annual communication of the Grand Lodge, a committee to examine and settle the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, beg leave to report, that all the moneys due the Grand Lodge, and received by the Grand Secretary, during the past year, have been bj^ him paid over to the Grand Treasurer, and that there is now in the hands of the Grand Treasurer a balance due the Grand Lodge, of one thousand three hundred and thirty dollars and five cents in cash ; which, together with twenty-seven shares of the old stock of the Union School Company, at fifteen dollars per share, amoimt- ing to four hundred and five dollars, and thirty shares of the new stock of said Union School Company, on which the first and second installments have been 560 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, paid, viz : six dollars a share, amounting to one hundred and eighty dollars, which makes the whole amount of the funds of the Grand Lodge one thousand nine hundred and fifteen dollars and five cents. $1915.05. All which is respectfully submitted, HENRY PECK. New Haven, May 8, A. L. 1843. F. CROSWELL; S Committee. The following committees were appointed by the R. W. Deputy Grand Master : On the communication from the M. W. Q-rand Master, BrSo Ellis, Pemberton and Spring. On Delinquent Lodges, Brs. Tyler, Storer and Wildman, On By-Laws, Brs. Crawford, Ellis and Jones. On Foreign Correspondence for the ensuing year, Brs. Hin- man, Babcock and Storer. On Unfinished Business, Brs. Jones, Hyde and Spencer. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence, appointed at the last communication of the Grand Lodge, made the following report, which was read and accepted and ordered to be pub- lished : To the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The Committee on Foreign Correspondence and communications received by the Grand Lodge during the past year, have had before them communications and printed journals of the proceedings of the following Grand Lodges, viz: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania; Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, Ten- nessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkan- sas, Florida, the Republic of Texas, and the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The Committee have given these communications and documents all the atten- tion and examination their limited time would permit, and from the information contained and derived from them, they are happy to report, that Free Masonry, our time-honored and valued Institution, is apparently prosperous and flourishing throughout our widely extended Republic, and elsewhere as far as heard from. In addition to the several communications above named, the Committee have had before them three copies of a public newspaper published at Mount Clemens, Macomb County, Michigan, which have been received by our Grand Secretary the past year, and containing what purports to be the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Michigan ; from which they learn that the convention of delegates from the several Grand Lodges which met at Washington City, on the 2d day of March, 1842, declined to recognize said Grand Lodge of Michigan, as in their opinion it had not been legally instituted. Several of the Grand Lodges in communication with this Grand Lodge have come to the same result, and your committee are 1843.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 56l restrained to adopt the same opinion. The Committee, however, would not cen- sure the Masonic Fraternity of Michigan for their incorrect proceedings in the formation and organization of their Grand Lodge, believing their intentions were good, and their errors not designed. They therefore advise that this Grand Lodge, in the true spirit of friendship and brotherly love, recommend to the subordinate Lodges and brethren of Michigan, so to review and reorganize their Grand Lodge, that the right hand of fellowship can be extended to them by their sister Grand Lodges, and by every individual member of the fraternity throughout the world. The committee, from the hasty and cursory glance they have had of the doings of the several Grand Lodges, find very much to approve, and which is worthy of commendation and praise ; and while they do not desire in the least to interfere with the opinions or action of others,' they are reluctantly compelled to say, that they find a disposition prevailing in some instances, which is but tvAy common and general at the present day, in many other, than our own beloved institution of Free Masonry, a disposition and a desire to regulate and govern to much. One Grand Lodge has seventy-seven articles of constitutional rules, and twenty-three rules of order, for the government of subordinate Lodges and their Grand Lodge, Another has twenty-four articles of constitution and fifty-nine standing resolves for government; many of which, in both instances, extend to minute details, which, in the opinion of your Committee, are but of small benefit to the craft, or for the good of IMasonry in general. Your Committee are decidedly of opinion, that a few plain general common-sense regulations for the government of Grand Lodges, leaving to subordinate Lodges the power and right to regulate and govern themselves according to time and circumstances, strictly complying with all the ancient usages, customs and landmarks of the Order, will best tend to promote the interest of Free Masonry, and be most conducive to friendship, morality and brotherly love. The Committee observe that several of our sister Grand Lodges have recom- mended and adopted a system of appointing Grand Lecturers, for the avowed pur- pose of bringing about a uniform system of work throughout the United States. While we admit that good may result from the information to be derived and communicated by Grand Lecturers, we have serious fears that the institution will in the end suffer, in consequence of the acts and doings of appointed and paid Grand Lecturers. •' A burnt child dreads the fire," is an old and valued adage, and when we recollect that paid and appointed Grand Lecturers first published and circulated Masonic charts, monitors, and other works, which subsequently proved to be injurious to our Order— that several paid Grand Lecturers became renouncing Masons, and among the first and foremost to slander and abuse many of the faithful and beloved members and pillars of the craft, who in the dark days of anti-masonic adversity adhered to their obligations and their Masonic faith — ought we not to fear that like causes may again produce like effects 1 and that paid Grand Lecturers may be hereafter what paid Grand Lecturers hereto- fore i)roved themselves to bel Your Committee sincerely believe that the prin- cii)les, usages and customs, and the work in the several degrees of ancient craft Masonry, can be most safely and beneficially communicated (without fee or re- ward) by instructive tongues to attentive ears, and thus lodged in faithful breasts, in like manner be handed down to the latest Masonic posterity. 71 562 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Your Committee are gratified to find that the representative system, which was approved by this Grand Lodge in 1841, has been adopted and carried out by sev- eral Grand Lodges in the United States, and do not doubt, that in due time will become general. They cannot but believe that the most beneficial results will be derived therefrom — that an interchange of opinions, and a more extended know- ledge of each other's interests, will tend to strengthen the bonds of union between those whose only competition should be " who can best work, and best agree." Your Committee would recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge reciprocate the courtesy of the Grand Lodges in communication with this Grand Lodge, and that the Grand Secretary, as soon as convenient, transmit one copy of the proceedings of this Grand Lodge at its present communication, to each foreign Grand Lodge of which he may have the address, ahd to each Grand Lodge in the United States; also, one copy to the publisher of the Mount Clement Patriot, at Mount Clement, Michigan. All which is respectfully submitted, WM. H. ELLIS, ) A. C. BABCOCK. V Com??ji«ee. E. G. STOKER, S The Grand Marshal having announced that the representa- tives of the Grand Lodges of New York and South Carohna were in waiting, it was ordered, that they be forthwith intro- duced. The K. W. Senior Grand Warden then introduced to the Grand Lodge, the E. W. WilHani H. Jones, as the representa- tive of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. Bro. Jones appeared in the rich costume of his constituents, presented his credentials, and addressed the Grand Lodge as follows : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of New York, desirous of cultivating a friendly intercourse with this Grand Lodge, by means of the representative system, a system prevailing with the Grand Lodges throughout the Union, has seen fit to commission me as their representative near the Grand Lodge of the State of Con- necticut. Although highly flattered by this distinguished preference, still I cannot but entertain the wish that it had been conferred upon some brother more worthy of it, and more able to discharge the duties of such an appointment to his own sat- isfaction and that of the distinguished body of Masons from which it has em- anated. In return, however, for this high proof of confidence and regard from such a source, I could not but feel willing to do such justice to the appointment as my poor abilities may enable me. In all matters of interest to the fraternity in general, or our brethren of New York in particular, and confided to my care and attention before this Grand Lodge 1843.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 563 by the V,. W. Grand Lodge of the State of New York, my best endeavors shall not be wanting that they be so arranged as may comport with justice, and aid in supporting the principles of our ancient and noble Institution. The E. W. William H. Ellis was then introdiicecl as the rep- resentative of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, and on de- livering his credentials addressed the Grand Lodge as follows : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : I appear before you clad in the regalia of the Grand Lodge of the State of South Carolina, and hold in my hand a commission constituting me their representative to tliis Grand Lodge. This Grand Lodge having adopted the repre<;entative system, and having its representative at the Grand Lodge I now appear to represent, and having also in- terchanged representatives with other Grand Lodges, I need not on this occasion advert to the subject, or speak of the benefits expected to be derived from the representative system. I assure you R. W. Master and brethren, that I feel proud of the honor con- ferrred upon me by the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, in selecting me to ap- pear before you tliis day as their representative, . and it shall be my purpose and steady aim to take care that their confidence reposed in me shall not be misplaced, and most happy shall I be if I can represent them to their satisfaction. Had I been left to make choice, which of the Grand Lodges of the several States or Territories of this Republic I should have the satisfaction of represent- ing this day in the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, I could not have selected one that I should have preferred before this that I now represent. Ever since I was old enough to know and understand the principles of Free Masonry, and before I was brought to liglit as a Mason, I had heard of the deeds of charity and pure benificence of our enlightened brethren of South Carolina ; and I believe I can say with truth, that there is not a town or village in our own State, where there resided an intelligent Mason, that has not seen, felt or heard something of Free Masonry there. It is well known that many of the great men of South Carolina, (and it is a State that, in proportion to her population, from the days of the American Revolution to tliis time, has had her full quota of great men.) "have not been ashamed to hear themselves named " as members of our Masonic brotharhood, to partake of our Masonic rites, and conform to the ceremonies of our Order. Su'.'h an influence had the Masonic Institution upon the intelligent poi)ulation of that noble State, that when that child of hell and demon of discord, denomi- nated anti-masonry, stalked through the land parading the ghost of Morgan, backed by the fanfaronade of Elder Barnard, Avery Allen, and others, that not a proselyte could be made in the Palm?tto State, nor an avowed anti-mason num- bered among the high-minded and chivalrous sons of South Carolina. The poli- ticians of tliat State scorned to descend so low as to be called political anti-masons, well knowing that an appeal to the people to elevate them to places of honor and trust, under that name, would but sink them " beneath the lowest deep " of shame and infamy. The clergy of that State, too — to their everlasting praise be it said — ■ 564 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, ^\"hen they looked upon the characters and the high moral standing of the mem- bers of our Order among them, would not believe that there was so much sin and wickedness in Masonic Lodges, as many of their misguided and infatuated breth- ren in our own New England and her sister States represented. Again I say, R. W. Master and brethren, I feel proud to be the representative of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina on this occasion ; and if it shall be in my power to effect anything, either as an individual or their representative, which shall tend to spread more extensively the cement of brotherly love, and unite more closely the bonds of affection between these branches of our glorious Ma- sonic vine, my highest hopes and wishes will be gratified. The R. W. Grrancl Representatives of New York and South Carolina were then received with fraternal fellowship, in the name and behalf of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut, by R. W. Henry Peck, Deputy Grand Master, who addressed them as follows : R. W. Bro. JoxES, Representative of the Grand Lodge of New York, and R. W. Bro. Ellis, Representative of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina : — In behalf of the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, here assembled, I bid you a hearty fraternal welcome. As the representative system, proposed and adopted by sev- eral of our sister Grand Lodges, is to us comparatively new, it can hardly be ex- pected, perhaps, that we should be so fully prepared to appreciate the benefit to be derived from it, as those who have more thoroughly investigated it. As I am at present advised, however, I apprehend the design of the system to be, that each Grand Lodge in the United States may be, so far as practicable, represented by a duly authorized agent, at each and every session of every other Grand Lodge, for the purpose of an interchange of sentiment, and to preserve the ancient land- marks and usages of the Fraternity through every section of our widely extend- ed and happy country. It is not difficult to conceive, that if this system is prop- erly carried out, many and great advantages may accrue to the Craft. And al- low me, brethren to congratulate the Grand Lodges of New York and South Caro- lina on the very happy, and I may say fortunate selection they made of their rep- resentatives. For more than a quarter of a century have you both been engaged in the cause of Freemasonry ; and more than one brother now within the sound of my voice will remember that when the storm of anti-masonry burst upon us, and threatened seriously to impair if not entirely to demolish the beautiful struc- ture which has stood the buffetings of so many ages, you were both ])rompt at your posts, ready and willing to make any sacrifice for the honor and dignity of the Craft ; and I doubt not that with such able rei)resentatives,all the advantages may be realized which have been anticipated by the Grand Lodges you have the honor to represent ; to whom you will please to communicate the best wishes of this Grand Lodge for their prosperity and usefulness. The Grand Representatives were then conducted to the East and seated on the ric-ht of the Chair. 1843.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 565 W. Br. H. Cowles, of Farmington made a statement relating to the affairs of Frederick Lodge, No. 14, and moved that a committee of investigation be appointed. The motion was adopted, and Brs. R. S. Hinman and H. Cowles were appointed on said committee. Br. Wm. Moody, of Washington, on motion and leave, made a statement in regard to the late Rising Sun Lodge, No. 27, which was referred to the Standing Committee on Delinquent Lodges. • Br. Calvin Frisbie. of Branford, on motion and leave, made a statement in regard to the late Widow's Son Lodge, No. 66, which was referred to the last named committee. Br. W. H. Ellis moved that the letter from the M. W. Grand Master, which was read and laid upon the table at the opening of the Grand Lodge, be referred to a committee, to consider and report what disposition should be made of the recommendations therein contained. The motion was adopted, and Brs. Ellis and Storer were appointed on said committee. On motion, it was voted, that the Grand Lodge do now pro- ceed to the choice of officers for the ensuing year. Tellers were accordingly appointed, when ballots were taken, and the follow- ing brethren declared to be duly elected to the oflSces affixed to their names, viz : M. W. HENRY PECK, Grand Master. R. W. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Deputy Grand Master. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was then called from labor to refreshment, and adjourned to 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. 566 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, Thursday Morning, May 11. The Grand Lodge convened pursuant to adjournment, and was called from refreshment to labor. The Grand Officers elected yesterday were then installed in due form, by M. W. Wm. H. Ellis, Past Grand Master ; after which, the M. W. Grand Master announced the following ap- 23ointments : Bro. Benoni A. Shepherd, Senior Grand Deacon. " Wm. E. Saxford, Junior Grand Deacon. " Frederick Croswell, Grand Marshal. " Wm. Storer, ) n 1 c?i 1 ., T -TV ^ Grand Stewards. " Lee Dunning, ) " Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. R. W. Bro. Ellis, from the committee to whom was referred the communication from the M. W. Grand Master, reported the following resolution : Resolved, Tliat in conformity to the suggestion contained in the communication from tlie M. W. Grand Master, a committee be appointed, consisling of one mem- ber from eacli county, whose duty it sliall be to revise and establish the bounda- ries of jurisdiction of the several subordinate Lodges, and report their doings to the Grand Lodge at the next annual communication. The resolution was adopted, and the following brethren ap- pointed on the committee : — For Hartford County, Benoni A. Shepherd ; for New Haven County, E. G. Storer ; for Fairfield County, James Stevens ; for Litchfield County, Wilson B. Spring ; f )r New London County, Lucius Tyler ; for Middlesex County, Jonathan Kilbourn, Jr. ; for Windham County, Gur- don Hebbard ; for Tolland County, Ingoldsby W. Crawford. The Committee on Delinquent Lodges reported the following resolutions, which were adopted : Resoh-ed, That the charter of Rising Sun Lodge, No. 27, be and is hereby re- stored to the brethren in Washington, and that Bro. Wm. Moody be authorized to take his scat as the representative of said Lodge. Resolved, Tliat the charter of Widow's Son Lodge, No. 66, is hereby restored to the brethren in Branford, and Bro. Calvin Frisbie authorized to take his seat as the representative of said Lodge. 1843,] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 567 Bro. Crawford, from the Committee on By-Laws, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : The committee appointed to examine the by-laws of subordinate Lodges, beg leave to report, that the only by-laws which have been laid before them are those of Hiram Lodge, No. 1, Hart's No. 22, Harmony No. 42, and Eastern Star No. 44. These have been carefully examined by your conmiittee, and found correct, no- thing appearing in them which requires any action of the Grand Lodge. INGOLDSBY W. CRAWFORD, Chairman. Bro. Hinman, from the committee to whom was referred the statement of Bro. H. Cowles relative to Frederick Lodge, No. 14, submitted the following report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The committee appointed to investigate the affairs of Frederick Lodge, No. 14, located at Farraington, respectfully report the following facts : — That said Lodge has made regular returns and been represented in Grand Lodge up to the present time; that it has had its regular officers until recently, but that now there are only two active Masons belonging to the same, and that it is seven or eight years since said Lodge has done any work; that in 1835 and 18;>G, one hundred and seventy dollars of funds belonging to said Lodge went into the hands of our late Bro. Lemuel Whitman, then Waster of said Lodge, and one hundred and sixty dollars into hands of Bro. Giles Stillman, Secretary, and that their receipts were given for the same; that in 1842 Bro. AVhitman died, leaving a family, and i)rop- erty worth from two to three thousand dollars. It is recommended, thei-efore, that a committee be appointed to inquire what legal measures can be taken to re- cover said money, with authoritj', if found expedient, to institute proceedings for collecting the same. Respectfully submitted, R. S. HINMAN, I f, ... HENRY COWLES, ] ^°""""^^^- On motion, it was voted, that the report be accepted, and that a committee be appointed by the Grand Master, to act in. conformity with the recommendation therein. Brs. H. Good- win, 2d, E. G. Storer, and H. Cowles were appointed on said committee. R. W. Bro. Jones offered the following resolution, and it was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be and are hereby presented to M. W. Aner Bradley, P. G. M., for the able and satisfactory manner in which he has discharged the duties of Grand Master for the year past, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to communicate the same. The Committee on Delinquent Lodges reported the following resolutions, which were adopted : 568 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^Jj Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to notify Federal Lodge, No. 41, Brookfleld, that unless satisfactory reasons for their delinquency be given, at the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge, the question will be taken on revoking their charter. Resolved That all Lodges delinquent at the last and present communications, and have given no satisfactory reasons for the same, be fined, agreeable to the by-laws, and that the Grand Secretary give them notice thereof. The following resolution for amending the by-laws of the Grand Lodge, was introduced and discussed at some length, and postponed for further consideration to the next annual commu- nication : Resolved, That the first section of the I)y-la\vs of this Grand Lodge be amended, to read as follows: — " It shall be the duty of the Master and Wardens of each Lodge in this State to give their punctual attendance at the communications of the Grand Lodge, either themselves or by proxy ; which proxies must be Master Masons, in good standing, and members of the same Lodges with their constitu- ents ; and the certificate of their appointment as proxy must be signed by the Master or Warden in whose place they are appointed to act." The Grand Secretary reported that the charter and records of Federal Lodge, No. 17, Watertown, had been surrendered into his hands, subject to the order of the Grand Lodge. , Bro, Hinman moved that the charter of Federal Lodge, No. 17, be received and deposited in the archives of the Grand Lodge, and that a committee be appointed to inquire into the situation of the funds and other effects of said Federal Lodge^ and report to the Grand Lodge at the next annual communica- tion, and that the books of said Lodge be referred to such com- mittee. The motion was adopted, and Brs Wm. H. Ellis, Wm. E. Sanford, and E. G. Storer, were appointed by the Grand Master, on said committee. E. W. Bro. Ellis offered the following resolution, and it was adopted : Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master and R. W. Deputy Grand Master be au- thorized to procure suitable collars and jewels, at the expense of the Grand Lodge, to present to our representatives in other Grand Lodges. R. W. Bro. Jones, Representative of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, presented the substance of a communica- tion from his constituents, calling the attention of this Grand 1843.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 569 Lodge to several subjects of general importance to the Crafty particularly to tlie adoption of a uniform mode of certifying to tlie good standing of brethren visiting Lodges in other jurisdic- tions, — the practice of conferring the three degrees at the same meeting, without dispensation, — and the recognition of Masons of the French and Scottish rites. Bro. Jones moved that the document from New York be re- ferred to a committee, with instructions to report to the Grand Lodge at the next annual communication. The motion was adopted, and Brs. Wm. Moody, K. S. Hinman, and H. Good- win, 2d, were appointed on said committee. On motion of K. W. Bro. Ellis, the Grand Secretary was requested to make out a list of all Past Grand Officers who are entitled, by the constitution and by-laws, to permanent membership in the Grand Lodge, and present the same at the next annual communication. W. Bro. Spring submitted the following resolution, and it was adopted : Resolved, That whenever one or more of the subordinate Lodges under the ju- risdiction of this Grand Lodge, shall agree, separately or jointly, to celebrate the anniversary of our eminent patrons, St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelistj they shall, one month previously, notify the Grand Secretary, whose duty it shall be to give immediate notice thereof to all the officers of the Grand Lodge, and to the Secretaries of the subordinate Lodges, v^ith invitations to the Fraternity generally to attend such celebration. W. Bro. Moody offered the following preamble and resolu- tions, which elicited a lengthy discussion, and were finally, by a close vote, adopted : Whereas, the R. W. Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York has notified this Grand Lodge that a regulation has been adoped by said New York Grand Lodge, requiring every member of the Fraternity visiting a Lodge in that jurisdiction, to produce a certificate of membership, signed by the Secretary of the Grand Lodge under whose jurisdiction he belongs : — There- fore — Resolved, That while this Grand Lodge does not recognize the expediency of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York or any other Grand Lodge so far de- parting from the ancient usages of the Order, as to require a. certificate of mem- bership from visiting brethren, still, as the Grand Lodge of New York has made such a regulation, it may be important to our members, traveling or sojourning in that State, that this Grand Lodge should issue such certificate. 72 570 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, [May, Resolved, That our Grand Secretary be and is hereby authorized and directed to give certificates to members in good standing in subordinate Lodges in this ju- risdiction who may require it, under his signature and with the seal of the Grand Lodge ; and that fifty cents for each such certificate shall be paid into the funds of the Grand Lodge. W. Bro. Tyler, offered the following resolution, and it was adopted : Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master be and is hereby authorized and em- powered, upon the written application of seven or more brethren in good stand- ing, who were members of any Lodge which may have forfeited and given up its charter to the Grand Lodge, to grant letters of dispensation, under seal of the Grand Lodge, empowering such brethren to resume labor, and to continue imtil the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge : Provided, that for every dispensation ten dollars shall be paid into the hands of the Grand Secretary be- fore the same is delivered. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. K. S. Hinman and Frederick Croswell, a committee to audit the accounts of the Grand Lodge for the current year. No further business appearing, the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. E. G. STORER, Ch^and Secretary. RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven— Wm. E. Sanford, W. M., George Shumway, S. W., Lee Dunning, J. W. Initiated — George Augur, John F. Storer, Caleb Feuner, Joseph Stevens, Robinson S. Hinman, Charles Lines, Henry Warriner, Nathan Gilbert. ST. JOHN'S, No. 2, Middletown— Caleb Miller, Jr., W. M., Wm. Corey, S. W., Epaphroditus Clark, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Benoni A. Shepherd, W. M., Theodore Spencer, Jr., S. W., Allyn Goodwin, J. W. Initiated — Mason Smith, Elizur Skinner. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Asa E. Smith, W. M., Henry W. Smith, S. W., Robert Ells, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S.W., Benjamin Uiford, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Samuel Buel, 2d, W. M., Samuel P. Bolles, S. W., Charles Jones, J. W. 1843.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 671 KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— John L. Daniels, W. M., Oliver H. Stoddard, S. W., John M. G. Corey, J. W. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farraington— Henry Cowles, W. M., Giles Stillman, S. W., George Cowles, J, W. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— Chester Lyon, W. M., Dyer Ames, S. W., Lu- ther Ensworth, J. W, HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Cyrenus Candee, W. M., Edson Sperry, S. W., Charles Perkins, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Avery Downer, W. M., David Baldwin, S. W., James Cook, J. W. COLUMBIA, No. 25, Glastenbury— Wm. J. Covell, W. M., Nelson C. Daniels, S., W., Erastus Buck, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 28, East Windsor— Solomon Terry, W. M., Levi Lord, S. W., Chester Lord, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Elisha Douglass, W. M., Samuel Barry, S.W., A. W. Bush, J. W. Iniiiaied— Paul Murphy, Sylvanus H. Gibson, Albert Miller, Rev. George Thompson, Thomas M. Bailey, James M. Green, Samuel Vorrey, Abraham Gordon, Timothy Shepherd, Thomas M. Lyon, George W. Rogers, Still- man H. Fickett. Restored ~E. B. H. Prince, Wm. H. Clark. UNION, No. 40, Daubury— Nathaniel H. Wildman, W. M., Wm. H. Banks, S.W., John Ferguson, J. W. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Joshua Guilford, W. M., Henry Chatfield. S. W., Henry Jones, J. W. Initiated — E. J. Barnard, Wm. Cowel, Wm. B. Dunbar. Suspended — Daniel Porter, Harvey Judd. > EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Gurdon Hebbard, W. M., David L. Ful- ler, S. W., Joseph W. Lyon, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret — Luther Rawson, W. M., Samuel Underwood, S. W., Stiles Rawson, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— John M. Hart, W. M., Moody M. Brown, S. W., David J. McEwen, J. W. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— Hezekiah Scott, W. M., Erastus S. Bouton, S. W., Sherwood Mead, J. W. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Ransford Button, J. W. WARREN, No. 51, Chatham— Nelson C. Daniels, W. M., Hiram Barton, S. W., Braddock Strong, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Joseph Frink, W. M., John Brown, S. W., Pitts D. Frink, J. W. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington — Edward Pierpoint, W. M., James Green, S. W., Prescott Pond, J. W. 572 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^J, FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W., Evits Hungerford, J. W. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stonington— Win. Hyde, "W. M., Francis Amy, S. W., Thos. M. Brown, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkbamsted— Anson Wheeler, W. M., Wilson B. Spring, S. W., Nathaniel Healy, J. W. Initiated — Henry H. Bartlett. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Julius Harmon, W. M., Wm. Tuttle, S. W., Curtis Rose, J. W. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Moses B. Harvey, W. M., Wm. N. Clark, S. W., Wm. Adams, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— John S. Burrows, W. M., Eldredge Spicer, S. W., George Eldredge, J. W. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., George Carriel, J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., Nathan Johnson, B. W., Ezra Stillman, J. W. 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 573 ANNUAL SESSION, 1844. At an Annual Communication of the Moft Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons for the State of Connefticut, held at the Mafonic Hall, in the City of New Haven, on Wednefday, the 8th day of May, A. L. 5844 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. HENKY PECK, Grand Master. E. W. AVEEY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER, Grand Treasurer. " ELIPHALET G. STOKER, Grand Secretary. Bro. BENONI A. SHEPHERD, Sen. Grand Deacon. " WM. E. SANFORD, Jun. Grand Deacon. " GEORGE SHUMWAY, Grand Marshal. " FREDERICK CROSWELL, Grand Sentinel. " WILLIAM STORER, > ^ ,0, , " LEE DUNNING, \ ^^^^^ Stewards. " ISAAC TUTTLE, Grand Tyler. " WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Rep. for South CaroHna. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Marcus Bassett, Thomas G. Wood- ward, Lee Dunning. No. 3, St. John's, Bridgeport — Wm. Lum. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Benoni A. Shepherd, Theodore Spencer, George Giddings. No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk — Stephen Smith. No. 8, St. John's, Stratford — Samuel Benjamin. No. 11, St. Paul's, Litchfield— David Marsh. No. 12, King Hiram, Derhy — John S. Moshier. No. 14, Frederick, Farmington — Henry Cowles, Giles Stillman. No. 15, Moriah, Canterbury — Mowry Burgess^ 574 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J) No, 18, Hiram, Newtown — Alexander Hall, Charles Sherman, No, 22, Hart's, Bethany — Cyreniis Candee. No. 27, Rising Sun, Washington — Wm. Moody. No, 40, Union, Danbury — Frederick S, Wildman. No, 42, Harmony, Waterhury — Frederick A, Ellis, No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Luther Rawson, I. W, Crawford. No. 47, Morning Star, Oxford — G-arry Riggs. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Edward Pierpont. No. 56, Franklin, Bristol — Asa Bartholomew, No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — William Hyde, No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Wilson B. Spring, Anson Wheeler. No. 66, Widow's Son, Branford — James W. Frisbie, Calvin Frisbie. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — Cyrus Groodell. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett Citj' — Lucius Tyler. At 2 o'clock P. M., the Grand Ofiicers took their seats, and the Grrand Lodge was opened in due and ample form ; when the M. W, Grand Master delivered the following ADDRESS : Brethren of the Gi'and Lodge of Connecticut : Through the goodness of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, we are per- mitted to assemble once more, under circumstances well calculated to fill our hearts with gratitude to the Giver of all good. I am not aware that anything has occurred since our last annual communication to disturb the peace and harmony of our revered institution ; but, on the contrary, from the east, the west, the north and the south, the tidings are such as are calculated to cheer the hearts of all who love and cherish our time-honored association. On referring to the proceed- ings of the Grand Lodges in communication with this Grand Lodge, I find the practice to be nearly or quite universal, for the presiding officer on the opening of the Grand Lodge at its annual session, to direct the attention of the brethren to such subjects as in his view should come before them. And I trust that it will not be considered irrelevant at this time, if I take the liberty to mention two or three topics, which I think may very properly be considered suitable subjects for your deliberations. During the storm produced by the anti-masonic excitement, the principal source of revenue to the Grand Lodge, viz : the initiatory fees, were so far cut off', as to cause serious apprehensions in the minds of our friends, that we should in a short space of time be left without resources. But I am happy to be able to say, that through the judicious management of our Grand Treasurer, and the revival of 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 575 Masonry, our funds have suffered no material diminution for one or two years past ; and the prospect is that with a due regard to economy, we may safely cal- culate that our receipts will at least be equal to our expenditures. The hall in which we are now assembled, which has been erected, in part, by the subscrip- tions to its stock by this Grand Lodge, and in part by the subscriptions of the brethren of the fraternity, is now nearly completed ; and it affords me much pleasure to be able to say, that every portion of it is under such a rent as will guarantee a sure return to the stockholders. It would, I think, be desirable that a similar hall should be erected in our sister city of Hartford, for the convenience of the fraternity, and more especially of the Grand Lodge. And I would respect- fully suggest that a committee be appointed, with authority to subscribe for this Grand Lodge an equal amount of the funds that are invested in this hall, when- ever our brethren in Hartford will undertake the erection of a suitable edifice for the purposes of a Masonic Hall, such committee being satisfied that such invest- ment will be safe and profitable. The representative system recently adopted, appears to be fast gaining favor with the Grand Lodges in the United States, and since our last communication, application has been made by the Grand Lodge of Georgia, for an exchange of representatives with this Grand Lodge, and our worthy brother R. W. Augustus Alden, has been appointed and duly commissioned as our representative near the Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia ; and it remains for this Grand Lodge to re- ciprocate their kind offices, by nominating from among our number a suitable brother to represent them in this body. At our last annual communication a committee was appointed, to whom was entrusted the care of examining the correspondence from abroad, which commit- tee were to act during the recess of the Grand Lodge, and to report at our present session. The committee, in consequence of the lamented death of their chair- man, (our late esteemed brother R. S. Hinman,) are not prepared, I understand, to make so full a report as was expected. The most important subject which they will lay before you, I understand to be the situation of the Grand Lodge in Michigan, and I most ea.rnestly hope that you will be disposed to take such ac- tion upon it as the exigencies of the case may seem to require. It is unnecessary for me to go into the details of this affair, as the documents in the hands of your committte will show the subject in its proper light. It will be recollected, that while this Grand Lodge was in session, one year since, a convention was being held in Baltimore, composed of delegates from such of the Grand Lodges in the United States as were disposed to unite for that pur- pose. The ostensible object of that convention, as I understand it, was to pro- mote a uniform system of work, through the instrumentality of Grand Lecturers. To that convention this Grand Lodge was invited to send their delegate. An ex- tra session was called to consider the subject, and after mature deliberation it was resolved, that it would be inexpedient to send a delegate, and that it was also inexpedient to lend the sanction of this Grand Lodge to the appointment of Grand Lecturers, believing that the ancient landmarks, if duly observed, were sufHclent for all practical purposes. From the published report of the proceedings of that convention, it does not appear to have been characterized by that harmony which is so necessary to the perpetuity of our ancient Institution, and I have so far seen no reason to regret the decision of this Grand Lodge in relation to it. 576 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^7? Since our last communication, some of our brethren have expressed an opinion that a change in our system of benevolent operations would tend very essentially to give increased usefulness and harmony to our society, and that its benefits would be more extensively felt by the introduction in our Lodges of some of the principles which govern more modern associations ; and with a view to give the subject a fair trial, one, if not more, of the Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, have adopted the system of increasing the quarterly dues of the members, thereby creating a fund, from which all sick or disabled members may draw a weekly stipend, or in case of the decease of a member, his widow and children may be entitled to its benefits, as a matter of right, instead of being compelled to make application for it in the humiliating position of a suppliant. Should the Grand Lodge coincide in the opinion that great benefits will pi'obably follow the introduction of this system, and that it will be of essential service to the cause of Free Masonry, they will doubtless be disposed to encourage its ex- tension throughout the State, by recommending its adoption in the subordinate Lodges, or by taking such other action upon it as they shall deem expedient. Among the philanthropic movements of the present daj'^, one of the most prom- inent is the cause of temperance, which the excellent tenets of our Institution have always placed in the front rank of the cardinal virtues. Perhaps no one cause has operated with more power to injure our Institution in the opinion of the world, than the charge which its enemies have repeatedly brought against it, that our Lodge rooms have been the scenes of bacchanalian revels ; and that instead of becoming a better citizen or a more valuable member of community by becom- ing a Mason, there has been great danger that the frequent attendance at our Lodges was calculated to engender habits which were entirely at variance with our principles. This has been charged upon us ; and while we unequivocally deny the truth of this charge, as being entirely without foundation, I will submit to your consideration, brethren, whether it would not be well to silence our cal- umniators, by the enactment of a by-law prohibiting the use of any beverage in the Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, which may be calculated, either in name or in fact, to bring discredit on our professions. Repeated complaints have from time to time been made of the infraction of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge by some of our brethren, whose characters for in- telligence, and whose standing in society, would justify the opinion that they were perfectly conscious that they were guilty of violating the most solemn obli- gations that can possibly bind man to man. I allude to the conduct of the mem- bers of those Lodges, who, being about to relinquish their charters, or were under the apprehension that they were about to be revoked, have divided the funds of such Lodges among themselves, when they could not have been ignorant that they were bound by the most sacred obligations to appropriate such funds in the manner provided by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge ; which By-Laws declare, that upon the demise of a subordinate Lodge, its funds and effects shall become the property of the Grand Lodge. I am not aware that any legal enactments exist by which these brethren can be compelled to restore these ill-gotten gains, but I will submit it to you, brethren, whether the honor and dignity of the Grand Lodge does not require that all such offences should be diligently inquired after, and the offenders expelled for unmasonic conduct. 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 577 There are some other topics in the hands of the appropriate committees, which the Grand Lodge will be called upon to consider ; and I trust that all our delib- erations at this time will be characterized by that spirit of harmony, mutual for- bearance, and concession, which has hitherto marked our proceedings. HENRY PECK, Grand blaster. On motion of R. W. Bro. Mitchell, the address of the M. W. Grand Master was referred to a committee consisting of Brs. Crawford and Shepherd. On motion of R. W. Bro. Storer, it was voted, that all Master Masons in regular standing, who may request it, be allowed to sit in this Grand Lodge, during the present communication, as visitors. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : The updersigued, surviving member of the committee appointed at the last session of the Grand Lodge, to audit and adjust the accounts of the Grand Treas- urer for the year ending May, A. L. 5844, reports, having attended to that duty, do find that all moneys received by the Grand Secretary and due the Grand Lodge, have been paid over to the Grand Treasurer ; and there is now in the hands of the R. W. Benjamin Beeclier the sum of ten hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-nine cents in cash, which with fifty-seven shares of Union School stock, at fifteen dollars a share, amounting to eight hundred and fifty-five dollars, make the total amount of funds of the Grand Lodge eighteen hundred and seventy dollars and seventy-nine cents. ($1,870.79.) All of which is respectfully submitted, FREDERICK CROSWELL, Committee. New Haven, May 8, A. L. 5844. R. W. Bro. Ellis, from the committee appointed at the last annual communication, on the affairs of the late Federal Lodge, No. 17, at Watertown, submitted the following report : To the 31. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The committee appointed to inquire into the situation of the funds, &c., of the late Federal Lodge, No. 17, and to whom was referred the books of said Lodge, respectfully report, that they have given the subject sufficient attention to as- certain from the records that previous to the dissolution of said Federal Lodge, and the return of its charter, &c. to the Grand Lodge, a sum of money amounting to ninety-eight dollars and forty cents was divided and distributed among the members of said Federal Lodge, apparently with reference to the object of disso- lution, and to prevent the payment of said sum over to this Grand Lodge, as was their obligation. Thev also find, from the records aforesaid, that subsequent to 73 578 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, the vote dissolving said Federal Lodge, a vote, making a further dividend of sixty cents each to twenty-eight members of said Lodge, amounting to sixteen dollars and eighty cents, was passed and recorded. The committee were not instructed to recommend any action for this Grand Lodge in relation to the individuals who were recently members of the said dissol- ved Federal Lodge ; yet the}' do not hesitate, to give it as their opinion, that the course adopted by them was not in accordance Mith their duty as Masons, and their obligations to the Grand Lodge, but is highly censurable, if not crhninal. All which is respectfully submitted, WM. H. ELLIS, WM. E. SANFORD, ^ Committee. E. G. STORER. •\ The above report was approved and accepted, but it was after- wards recommitted with instructions to the committee to bring in a resolution for the action of the Grand Lodge in relation to the proceedings of Federal Lodge, No. 17, and Aurora, No. 35. Bro. Storer was excused from serving further on said committee, on account of his duties as Grand Secretary, and Bro. Crawford was ajDpointed in his place. The committee subsequently re- ported the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to notify the last officers of Federal Lodge, No. 17, and Aurora Lodge, No. 35, that unless the funds divided among the brethren of said Lodges, just before and since their dissolution, be paid over to the Grand Lodge previous to the next annual communication, (as of right they should have been,) this Grand Lodge will expel and exclude from the j)rivileges and benefits of Masonry, all such brethren as are known to have taken part in such division and distribution of said funds. K. W. Bro. Babcock, from the Committee on Foreign Cor- respondence, submitted the following report, prefacing it with the remark, that owing to the lamented death of the brother appointed as chairman of the committee, the report is necessa- rily brief, and does not embrace the many interesting and im- portant topics which have, during the past year, been put into the hands of the committee, and which would, under other cir- cumstances, have been laid before the Grand Lodge in this re- port : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut: The committee appointed at the last annual communication, to report upon the foreign correspondence of the Grand Lodge, have examined communications from several of the Grand Lodges of the United States, and are of opinion that most of 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 579 them require no action from this Grand Lodge ; but your committee are happy to state that the several Lodges under their jurisdiction are in a most prosperous condition, and that tlie craft in general are in better circumstances than they have been for years before. Your committee would again call your attention to the subject of the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan, which was under consideration at the last com- munication of this Grand Lodge. They have obtained further evidence, from a committee appointed by that body, from which it appears that that Grand Lodge suspended labor in the year 1829, in consequence of the auti-masonic excitement at that time in that Territory ; and in the year 1840, the Masons generally of Michigan assembled in mass, and recommended a reorganization of the Grand Lodge, which was deemed by this and other Grand Lodges to be illegal, (sz(j?j5os- ing that to he all the action taken by the brethren in that State to reorganize.) But since our last communication we have ascertained, by the committee appoint- ed by the Grand Lodge of Ohio, that the several officers of the Lodges under the jurisdiction of the former Grand Lodge, some of which have never suspended labor, have met in convention and reorganized their Grand Lodge ; and it appears to your committee that it was the only way they could organize, under the cir- cumstances. Your committee would therefore recommend that the Grand Lodge of Connecticut recognize the present Grand Lodge of Michigan as a regular con- stituted Grand Lodge, and as such extend to theni the right hand of fellowship. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. C. BABCOCK, Committee. R. W. Bro. Storer, from the same committee, dissented from the above report, and on his motion it was laid on the table. W. Bro. Spring, from the committee appointed at the last annual communication to revise the boundaries of jurisdiction between subordinate Lodges, reported the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the JMasonic jurisdiction of each subordinate Lodge in this State shall extend, in every direction, to half the distance from its usual place of meet- ing to the usual places of meeting of the adjoining Lodges ; Avith such modifica- tions, from time to time, as may be established by mutual agreement of the Lodges interested, or prescribed by future regulations of the Grand Lodge. On motion of R. W. Bro. Ellis, it was resolved, that the Grand Lodge will now proceed to the election of officers. The M. W. Grand Master a2)pointed W. Brs, Cowles and Wildman tellers. Ballots were then collected, and the following brethren duly- elected officers of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut for the year ensuinjx : 580 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May M. W. HENRY PECK, Grand Master. E. W. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Deputy Grand Master. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER,- Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The installation of Grand Officers then took place, after which, the M. W. Grand Master announced the following appointments : Bro. Benoni A. Shepherd, Senior Grand Deacon, " Wm. E. Sanford, Junior Grand Deacon. " George Shumway, Grand Marshal. " Frederick Croswell, Grand Sentinel. Rev. " John Moore, Grand Chaplain. " Cyrus Goodell, ? ^ -, q, ■, ,, -rr T\/r ^ Grand stewards. " Henry Moore, ) " Elizur Skinner, Grand Tyler. A petition was received from the W. Master of St. John's Lodge, No. 8, Stratford, asking pecuniary aid in behalf of Bro. Benjamin Fairchild, a member of said Lodge, which was refer- red to the Committee on Charity and Grievances, consisting of Brs. Wildman, Ellis, and Goodell. The petition of Erastus Vorra, an expelled Mason, praying for restoration, with the recommendation of the W. Master of Manchester Lodge, No. 73, was read and referred to the last mentioned committee. The Grand Secretary reported that no returns were received at the last annual communication from the following subordinate Lodges, viz : St. John's, No. 3, Bridgeport ; King Solomon's, No. 7, Woodbury ; Hiram, No. 18, Newtown ; Harmony, No. 20, Berlin ; Friendship, No. 33, Southington ; Federal, No. 41, Brookfield. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Wm. Storer, Gid- dings, and Wildman, a Committee on Delinquent Lodges ; to whom was referred the report of the Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, and adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF (JONiS'ECTICUT. 581 Wednesday Evening, May 8, A. L. 5844. The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor at 7 o'clock, when the M. W. Grand Master took the chair, and pro- ceeded with business. W. Bro. Crawford, from the Committee on the Grand Mas- ter's Address, submitted the following report, and it was ac- cepted : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The committee to whom was referred the address of the M. W. Grand Master, respectfully report, that for want of time, they have not been able to consider the various subjects embraced in the address, with all the deliberation which is demanded by their importance ; they therefore recommend that the address be printed with the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, and submitted to the mature reflection and future action of the Fraternity. I. W. CRAWFORD, ) ^ B. A. SHEPHERD, J <^°^m^iiee. Bro. F. Wildman, from the Committee on Grievances sub- mitted the following report : To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut : The committee to whom was referred the application of Bro. Benjamin Fair- child, of St. John's Lodge, No. 8, for pecuniary relief, respectfully report, that in their opinion, from an investigation of the facts presented to them in regard to the situation and circumstances of Bro. Fairchild, it is inexpedient and im- proper for the Grand Lodge to grant the relief solicited in his behalf. In regard to the petition of Erastus Vorra, which was also referred to your committee, we would report, that said Vorra was formerly expelled from Man- chester Lodge, No. 73, and that there now appears to be a willingness among the members of said Lodge to restore him to membership, although no action has been taken by the Lodge. Your committee would therefore recommend to the Grand Lodge the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That Erastus Vorra, who has heretofore been expelled from Manches- ter Lodge, No. 73, be restored to the rights and privileges of Masonry, upon the unanimous assent of said Lodge being given thereto, and that notice of tlie ac- tion of said Lodge be transmitted to the Grand Secretary within sixty days from this date. All of which is respectfully submitted, F. WILDMAN, ) WM. H. ELLIS, [ Committee. CYRUS GOODELL, S On motion, it was voted that the report be accepted, and the resolution adopted. 582 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, The R. W. Grand Secretary submitted a list of Past Grand Officers, entitled to permanent membersliip in tlie Grand Lodge, prepared in obedience to a resolution adopted at the last annual communication, which was, on motion of R. W. Bro. Ellis, or- dered to be placed on file, for future reference. Bro. Wm. Storer, from the Committee on Delinquent Lodges, submitted the following report : To the 31. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut: The committee to whom was referred the Grand Secretary's report of delin- quent Lodges, having had the subject under consideration, would respectfully re- port, that on examining the proceedings of the Grand Lodge for several years past, they find that King Solomon's Lodge, No. 7, made regular returns and was duly represented, previous to 1843 ; that Friendship Lodge, No. 33, made no re- turns since 1837, and its charter was revoked in 1810, but never surrendered, and in 1842 said charter was revived, upon the petition of the former Master of said Lodge, but no returns have since been made ; that Harmony Lodge, No. 20, has made no returns since 1841 ; that Federal Lodge, No. 41, has failed to take any notice of the resolutions passed at the last annual communication ; and that the aforesaid Lodges have all been duly notified of their delinquency. Your com- mittee would therefore recommend the passage of the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to notify the officers of King Solomon's Lodge No. 7, Harmony No. 20, and Friendship No. 33, that unless they make satisfaction for their delinquency at or before the next annual communica- tion of the Grand Lodge, the question will at that time be taken on revoking their charters. Resolved, That Federal Lodge, No. 41, at Brookfield, having for several years failed to make returns to the Grand Lodge, and no reasons having been given for said delinquency, their charter is hereby revoked and annulled, and the Grand Secretary instructed to demand and receive the same, together with the books and all other effects of said Lodge. Your committee notice that St. John's Lodge No. 3, and Hiram No. 18, are at the present communication represented, and would therefore recommend that the representatives of said Lodges be allowed to explain the causes of their for- mer delinquency. All of which is respectfully submitted, WM. STORER. ) GEO. GIDDINGS, \ Committee. F. WILDMAN, S On motion, the report was approved and accepted, and the resolutions adopted. W. Bro. Lum, of St. John's Lodge, No. 3, and Bro. A. Hall, of Hiram Lodge, No. 18, severally offered reasons satisfactory to the Grand Lodge for the delinquency of their respective 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 583 Lodges, when it was, on motion, voted, that the penalties be remitted. Bro. W. B. Spring offered the following resolution, and it was adopted : Resolved, Tliat the Grand Secretary be and is hereby directed and empowered to demand and receive, either in person or by proxy, in the name of the Grand Lodge, from any person or persons who may have possession of the same, the charter, books, papers, jewels, furniture and funds, of any Lodge whose charter has been or may hereafter be revoked by this Grand Lodge. W. Bro. Wildman, of Union Lodge. No. 40, Danbury, pre- sented the petition of Ira Hodges and Augustus Wilcox, who had been expelled from said Lodge in 1823-4, praying for restora- tion to the rights and privileges of Masonry. Bro. Wildman remarked that the petitioners had been expelled for intemperance, but had since become the subjects of the temperance reforma- tion which pervaded the country, and were now ranked with the most industrious and respectable members of the commu- nity in which they reside. A certified copy of the proceedings of said Union Lodge was also presented and read, by which it appeared that said petitioners were unanimously recommended to the Grand Lodge. Whereupon the following resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the Grand Lodge : Resolved, That Brs. Ira Hodges and Augustus Wilcox be and are hereby re- stored to all their rights and i)rivileges as Masons, and to their former standing as members of Union Lodge, No. 40. Bro, Wm. E. Sanford offered the following resolutions, which were adopted : Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine the correspondence of the Grand Lodge, and report at the next annual communication, and that the docu- ments now on hand from foreign Grand Lodges, and such as the Grand Secretary may receive from time to time, during the coming year, be handed to such com- mittee for examination. Resolved, That in case of a vacancy occurring in the members of any commit- tee raised to report at the next session, the M. W. Grand Master may fill such vacancy at his discretion. On motion, the resolution for amending the first section of the by-laws, which was continued from the last annual commu- nication, was taken up and adopted, — said section to read as follows : 584 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^Y, Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the Master and Wardens of each Lodge in this State to give their punctual attendance at the communications of the Grand Lodge, either themselves or by their proxies ; which proxies must be Master Masons, in good standing, and members of the same Lodge with their constituents, and must present a certificate of their appointment, signed officially by the Master or Warden appointing them. R. W. Bro. Babcock, of the Committee on Foreign CoiTes- pondence, reported the following resolution : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge recognize the present Grand Lodge of Michi- gan, as a regularly constituted Grand Lodge, and as such we extend to her the right hand of fellowship. After much discussion, the question was taken on adopting this resolution, and decided in the negative — yeas 11, nays 12. E. W. Bro. Storer offered the following preamble and reso- lutions, and they were adopted : Whereas, the General Grand Chapter and the General Grand Encampment of the United States are to hold their next trienniel convocation in the city of New Haven, on the second Tuesday of October next : Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, for the purpose of welcoming Vi'ithin their jurisdiction the highest Masonic Bodies in the country, will hold a special communication in the city of New Plaven, on Wednesday following the second Tuesday of September, 1844, and that the several Lodges in this State, and the fraternity in general, be invited to attend at that time. Resolved, That Brs. Wm. H. Ellis, Benj. Beecher, Wm. H. Jones, Henry Peck, M. S. Mitchell, Wm. E. Sanford, and A. C. Babcock, be a committee to extend the invitations of this Grand Lodge, and to make all necessary arrangements for the occasion. The M. W. Grand Master appointed the following Standing Committees, to act during the recess, and make their reports at the next annual communication : On Foreign Correspondence — Brs. Wm. H. Ellis, A. C. Bab- cock, and Wm. Storer. To Audit Bills and Accounts — Brs. F. Croswell and T. G. Woodward. No further business appearing the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 585 RETURNS FROM SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven — Marcus Bassett, W. M., George Sliumway, S. W., Lee Dunning, J. W. Initiated — Chauncey Johnson, Dennis Carrington, Elbert J. Munsell, Edwin E. Bray, Lyman Treadway. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3, Bridgeporl>— John C. Blackman, W. M., Wm. Lum, S. W., David L. Mills, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Benoni A. Shepherd, W. M., Theodore Spencer, Jr., S. W., Allyn Goodwin, J. W. Initiated — Henry Moore, A. H. Mills, Nathan C. Geer, Elihu Geer, L. E. Hale, C. S. Martin. ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Henry W. Smith, W. M., Robert Ells, S. W., Joseph E. Corker, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— John Goulding, W. M., Samuel Benjamin, S.W., Benjamin Fairchild, J. W. ST. PAUL'S, No. 11, Litchfield— Stephen Deming, W. M., Phineas Taylor, S. W., Samuel G. Braman, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— Ebenezer Fisher, W. M., Oliver H. Stoddard, S. W., John M. G. Corey, J. W. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Henry Cowles, W. M., Giles Stillman, S. W., George Cowles, J, W. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— Chester Lyon, W. M., Dyer Ames, S. W., Lu- ther Ensworth, J. W, HIRAM, No. 18, Newtown— Alexander Hall, W. M., Charles Sherman, S. W., Thomas Dutton, J. W. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Cyrenus Candee, W. M., Edson Sperry, S. W., Charles Perkins, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Avery Downer, W. M., David Baldwin, S. TV., James Cook, J. W. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— Wm. Moody, W. M., Stiles Titus, S. W., Daniel Burnham, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 28, East Windsor— Levi Lord, W. M., Harmon Terry, S. W., Asaph King, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Elisha Douglass, W. M., Samuel Barry, S. W., Cyril C. Hughes, J. W. Initiated — Edward Badet, Wm. Bailey, Thomas W. Hewlings, George W. Town, Royal J. Kimball, Benjamin F. BoUes, Lorenzo D. Gallup, Elijah P. Powers, Wm. Rogers, Jr., Perry Douglass, Joseph I. Lawrence, Edward Frink, Phineas 0. Wilson, Christopher B. Chapel, Edward Chapel, Thos. R. Bloomfield. 74 586 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, - UNION, No. 40, Danbury — Nathaniel H. Wildman, W. M., John Ferguson, S, W., Joseph B. Foot, J. W. Initiated — Zoraster Barnum. Restored — Ira Hodges, Augustus Wilcox. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Wm. M. Pemberton, W. M., Isaac Castle, S. W., John Cook, J. W. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Gufdon Hebbard, W. M., David L. Ful- ler, S. W., Joseph W. Lyon, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret— Luther Rawson, W. M., Samuel Underwood, S. W., Jabez Amsbury, J. W. Initiated — Wm. S. Davy, Stephen H. Estabrook. MORNING STAR, No. 47, Oxford— Charles Ransom, W. M., David J. McEwen, S. W., Nathaniel AValker, J. W. Initiated — Patrick Murry. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefield— Hezekiah Scott, W. M., Erastus S. Bouton, S. AV., Sherwood Mead, J. W. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Gideon Hollister, S. W., Ransford Button, J. W. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— Edward Pierpoint, W. M., James Green, S. W., Prescott Pond, J. W. FRANKLIN, No. 56, Bristol— George Mitchell, W. M., Luman Preston, S. W,, Evits Hungerford, J. W. ASYLUM, No. 57, Stoniugton— Wm. Hyde, W. M., Francis Amy, S. W., Thos, M. Brown, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Wilson B. Spring, W. M., Nathan'l Healy, S. W., Hira Case, J. W. APOLLO, No. 59, Suffield— Wm. Tuttle, S. W.. Curtis Rose, J. W. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Moses B. Harvey, W. M., John Streeter, S. W., Alva Francis, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 66, Branford— James W. Frisbie, W. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W., Loring D. Hosley, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Richard Burnet, W. M., John S. Burrows, S. W., H. H. Burrows, J. W. Initiated — Edmund W. Eells, Rufus L. Fanning, Elijah B. Morgan, Joseph Breighton, Wm. G. Batty, John E. Williams, Ira R. Clift. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., Joseph Noyes, S. W., George Carriel, J. W. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75. Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M,, Nathan Johnson, S. W., Samuel Cole, J. W. 1844.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 587 SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, 1844. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Con- necticut held a special communication in the City of New Ha- ven, on Wednesday, the 11th day of September, A. L. 5844, (in conformity with a resolution passed at the last annual com- munication,) for the purpose of welcoming the General Grand Chapter and General Grand Encampment of the United States, which were then in session. The following Grand Officers were present : M. W. HENEY PECK, Grand Master. K. W. HOKACE GOODWIN, 2d, Deputy Grand Master. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden. " MITCHELL S. MITCHELL, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER, Grand Treasurer. " ELIPHALET G. STOKER, Grand Secretary. Eev. Bro. JOHN MOORE, Grand Chaplain. W. Bro. BENONI A. SHEPHERD, Senior Grand Deacon. " WILLIAM E. SANFORD, Junior Grand Deacon. " GEORGE SHUMWAY, Grand Marshal. " FREDERICK CROSWELL, Grand Sentinel. " CYRUS GOODELL. HENRY MOORE S ^^^^^ Stewards. ELIZUR SKINNER, Grand Tyler. E. W. WILLIAM H. JONES, Representative of the Grand Lodge of New York. E. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Eepresentative of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. Eepresentatives were also present from the following Lodges : Hiram, No. 1 — New Haven, Putnam, No. 46 — Pomfret, St. John's, No. 3 — Bridgeport, Morning Star, No. 47 — Oxford, St. John's, No. 4— Hartford, Franklin, No. 56— Bristol, St. John's, No. 6 — Norwalk, Asylum, No. 57 — Stonington, King Hiram, No. 12 — Derby, Northern Star, No. 58— Barkhamsted, Hart's, No. 22— Bethany, Widow's Son, No. 66, Branford, Union, No. 31 — New London, Charity, No. 68 — Groton, Union, No. 40 — Danbury, Manchester, No. 73 — Manchester, Harmony, No. 42 — Waterbury, Mount Vernon, No. 75 — Jewel City. 588 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [Sept. The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form, at 11 o'clock^ A. M., in tlie large Hall of the Temple, the use of the Grand Lodge Room having been tendered to the General Grand En- campment and General Grand Chapter. The R. W. Grand Secretary, in .behalf of the Committee of Arrangements, reported — That invitations bad been sent to tbe principal officers of tbe adjacent Grand Lodges, to unite in the festivities of this occasion, and favorable responses had been received from the following, viz : — Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Ohio ; and the committee were happy to announce that many distinguished breth- ren from each of the States named were now with us. The committee had held correspondence with the General Grand Bodies now in session, and they had ac- cepted an invitation to unite with the Grand Lodge, and the invited guests from other Grand Lodges, in a public procession and dinner at the Tontine Hotel, to take place at 2 o'clock this day. The report was approved and accepted, and a committee ap- pointed, consisting of Sir Eights F. Croswell, N. Hayward, and C. Ruckoldt, to inform the General Grand Bodies that the Grand Lodge would be happy to receive them in the Hall at their earliest convenience. The committee retired, and imme- diately returned, accompanied by the officers and members of the General Grand Encampment and General Grand Chapter, who were introduced to the Grand Lodge in due form ; after which the following ceremonies took place : 1. Prayer, by the Rev. Bro. John Moore, Grand Chaplain. 2. Address of Wel- come, in behalf of the Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter, and Grand Encampment of Connecticut, by Hon. Henry C. Flagg, K. T. 3. Response, in behalf of both of the General Grand Bodies, by Rev. Sir Paul Dean, Gen. Grand Prelate. 4. Ode on Masonry, by Bro. John H. Phoebus, of Hiram Lodge, New Haven. 5. Bene- diction, by the Rev. Grand Chaplain. 6. Procession formed, and proceeded to the Tontine, where about two hundred Brethren, Companions, and Sir Knights, partook of an elegant entertainment, provided by Bro. AUis. 7. Procession re- turned to the Hall in the Temple, where addresses made were responded to by several distinguished visitors, particularly Bro. Bradford of Pennsylvania, and Bro. Case of South Carolina. The General Grand Bodies having retired, the Grand Lodge was closed in ample form. E. G. STOKER, Grand Secretary. 1845.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 589 ANNUAL SESSION, 1845. At an Annual Communication of the Moil Worfliipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Mafons, for the State of Connedicut, holden at the Lodge Room in the City of Hartford, on Wednefday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1845, A- L. 5845 : OFFICERS PRESENT : M. W. HENRY PECK, Grand Master. R. W. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Deputy Grand Master. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden. " BENONI A. SHEPHERD, Jun. Grand Warden, p. t. " THEODORE SPENCER, Grand Treasurer, p. t. " ELIPHALET G. STORER, Grand Secretary. Bro. WM. E. SANFORD, Sen. Grand Deacon, p. t. " ELISHA DOUGLASS, Jun. Grand Deacon, p. t. " GEORGE SHUMWAY, Grand Marshal. " FREDERICK CROSWELL, Grand Sentinel. Rev. JOHN MOORE, Grand Chaplain. Bro. CYRUS GOODELL, ) n a ^. a " HENRY MOORE, ' | Grand Stewards. " ELIZUR SKINNER, Grand Tyler. PAST GRAND OFFICERS PRESENT I R. W. WILLIAM H. ELLIS, Past Grand Master. " LEONARD HENDEE, " " JAMES WARD, Past Junior Grand Warden. The Representatives of the Grand Lodges of New York and South Carolina. REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES. No. 1, Hiram, New Haven — Frederick Croswell. No. 4, St. John's, Hartford — Theodore Spencer, Jun., Allyn Goodwin, David Clark. 590 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^^y, No. 6, St. John's, Norwalk— Henry W. Smith. No. 12, King Hiram, Derby — Ebenezer Fisher. No. 14 No. 15 No. 22 No. 23 No. 27 No. 28 No. 31 Frederick, Farmington — Henry Cowles, Giles Stillman. Moriah, Canterbury — Joseph Hutchins, Hart's, Bethany — Cyrenus Candee. St. James', Preston — Avery Downer. Kising Sun, Washington — Remus M. Fowler. Morning Star, East Windsor — Levi Lord, Union, New London — Elisha Douglass, Ebenezer H. Watrous. No. 40, Union, Danbury — Reuben Booth. No. 42, Harmony, Waterbury — Wm. M. Pemberton. No. 44, Eastern Star, Windham — Gurdon Hebbard, Joseph W. Lyon. No. 46, Putnam, Pomfret — Jabez Amsbury. No. 49, Jerusalem, Ridgefield — Hezekiah Scott. No. 50, Warren, Andover — George Perkins, Ransford Button. No. 55, Seneca, Torrington — Edward Pierpont. No. 57, Asylum, Stonington — William Hyde. No. 58, Northern Star, Barkhamsted — Wilson B. Spring, Hira Case. No. 59, Apollo, Suffield— Wm. Tuttle. No. 60, Wolcott, Stafford — Sanford Squire. No. 66, Widow's Son, Branford — James W. Frisbie. No. 68, Charity, Groton — John A. Lathrop, William H. Copp. No. 73, Manchester, Manchester — John Mather, P. C. Reming- ton, Henry Marble. No. 75, Mount Vernon, Jewett City — Lucius Tyler. At 2 o'clock P. M., (the hour designated by the Grand Con- stitution,) the M. W. Grand Master took his seat in the East, and a quorum being present, the Grand Lodge was opened in due and ample form. On motion of R. W. Bro. Shepherd, it was voted, that all Master Masons in regular standing, who may request it, be al- lowed to sit in this Grand Lodge, during the present communi- cation, as visitors. 1845.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 591 The M. W. Grand Master then delivered the following ADDRESS : Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut : Time, whose resistless course is ever onward, has brought around another of those anniversary seasons, when it becomes our duty, as well as our privilege, to meet together to consult upon the best means of promoting the interests of an institution which has, from time immemorial, been deemed of sufficient import- ance to engage the attention and command the energies of many of the most wise, benevolent and philanthropic men, that the world has ever known. And it becomes us, brethren, with devout gratitude, to acknowledge the good- ness of that Being whose All-Seeing Eye is ever upon us, in permitting us to meet on this occasion, with no other than feelings so entirely in accordance with the most excellent tenets of our institution — Friendship and Brotherly Love. From the reports of the proceedings of the Grand Lodges in correspondence with us, that have come under my notice, I am led to infer, that while we have little to fear, we have much reason to hope, that at no distant period the Masonic institution is destined to take that high rank among the benevolent institutions of the age, by which it was characterized in its most palmy days. I shall not, however, occupy your time by a mention of these facts in detail, as the committee to whom the correspondence was referred have had the documents under con- sideration, and will communicate to the Grand Lodge the result of their labors. At our last annual communication, I took occasion to call the attention of the Grand Lodge to a few of those topics which it appeared to me were of sufficient importance to engage the attention and merit the deliberations of the Grand Lodge ; but the very limited time which, by common consent, or common usage, appears to be appropriated to the business of the Grand Lodge, renders it next to impossible to bestow that attention to it which its importance would, in many cases, seem to require ; and I am not aware that any action was taken upon any of them. But I indulge the hope, that at our present session some of them, at least, may be properly disposed of; inasmuch as the committee to whom they were referred at our last communication, in their report, recommended that they be " submitted to the mature reflection and future action of the fraternitJ^" That section, especially, recommending the appointment of a suitable brother to represent the Grand Lodge of Georgia in this Grand Lodge, I think merits the prompt action of the Grand Lodge ; otherwise, the inference might be drawn, that their kind intentions in appointing a representative to this Grand Lodge, were not met in the proper spirit. I would beg leave also to call your attention once more to the benefit system, as it is (not inappropriately) called. It appears to me to be entitled at least to so much of the attention of the Grand Lodge, as the appointment of a committee to make the necessary inquires to enable them to show to the Grand Lodge its object, and the manner in which it is conducted, and report whether or not it is entitled to any consideration. Foi-, if as contended in those Lodges where it is maintained, it is calculated to be of essential service to the cause of Masonry, it should surely receive the sanction of the Grand Lodge, so that its benefits may be extended throughout our jurisdiction. If, on the other hand, it should be 592 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May, found that it might be productive of evil, and that danger would arise that it might be the means of introducing discord and disunion into the Lodges the seal of our disapprobation should be promptly placed upon it. Another subject was introduced in that communication, which it appears to me cannot be longer overlooked, without compromiting the honor and dignity of the Grand Lodge. I allude to the embezzlement of the funds of the Grand Lodge, by those who, in many instances, still retain their standing as good and true Masons. It appears to me, that it is time that it should be clearly understood, ■whether the obligations which bind us together ai'e or are not a dead letter. On examining the records of the last communication, I perceive that the char- ter of but one Lodge was revoked ; and I am not without hopes that the time is not distant when we shall have no more occasion to proceed to that extremity ; but that our brethren will find that the interest in Masonry which was formerly felt, may in a good degree be revived, and that the revocation of a charter will hereafter be of a rare occurrence. In closing this communication, brethren, I should do violence to my feelings, were I to omit to express to you the grateful sense I entertain for the kindness you have manifested towards me, since, by your suffrages, you have done me the honor to call me to preside over your deliberations. And I indulge the hope, that at the close of our present session we shall find that while our feelings have been enlivened and cheered, we shall have accomplished something for the bene- fit of Free Masonry in general. HENRY PECK, Grand Master. On motion of W. Bro. Sanford, it was voted, that the address of the M, W. Grand Master be laid on the table until after the appointment of the usual standing committees. Brs. Ellis and Spencer were appointed a Committee on De- linquent Lodges. Brs. Babcock, Shumway, and Candee, were appointed a Com- mittee on By-Laws. Brs. Goodwin, Croswell, and Clark, were appointed a Com- mittee on the Representative System. The petition of sundry brethren in Norwich, praying for the restoration of the charter of the late Somerset Lodge, No. 34, was read and referred to the Committee on Delinquent Lodges. The committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, submitted the following report, and it was accepted : The undersigned committee, appointed at the last session of the Most Wor- shipful Grand Lodge, to audit and adjust the accounts of the R. W. Grand Treas- urer for the year ending May, A. L. 5844, report, having attended to that duty, do find that all moneys received by the Grand Secretary and due the Grand Lodge, 1845.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 593 have been paid over to the Grand Treasurer; and there is now in the hands of the R. W. Benjamin Beecher tlie sum of eight hundred and ninety-eight dollars and eighty-nine cents in cash, which with fifty-seven shares of Union School stock, at fifteen dollars a share, amounting to eight hundred and fifty-five dollars, make the total amount of funds of the Grand Lodge seventeen hundred and fifty-three dollars and eighty-nine cents. ($1,753.89.) All of which is respectfully submitted, FREDERICK CROSWELL, Chairman. On motion of the R. W. Senior Grand Warden, the Grand Master's Address was taken up and referred to committees, as follows : So much as relates to the appointmentment of a bro- ther to represent the Grand Lodge of Georgia, was referred to the Committee on the Representative System ; so much as re- lates to the Beneficiaiy System, was referred to the Committee on By-Laws ; so much as relates to Embezzlement, was referred to the Committee on Delinquent Lodges. The Grand Secretary presented a list of subordinate Lodges who had incurred penalties for non-compliance with the By- Laws, which was referred to the Committee on Delinquent Lodges. R. W. Br. Ellis, from the Committee on Foreign CoiTespon- dence, submitted the following report : To the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut : The committee appointed at the last annual communication, "to examine the correspondence with this Grand Lodge then on hand, and such other documents as might be received during the coming year," respectfully report — That they have examined the documents with as much care and attention as time and cir- cumstances would permit. The correspondence is very interesting and voluminous, containing minute pro- ceedings and journals of the several Grand Lodges of the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Tennes- see, Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas, and the Territories of Iowa, Wisconsin and Florida, and the Republic of Texas, with several other important communi- cations received from various sources by the Grand Secretary. Your committee report with pleasure, that they find from the documents and correspondence, that in all parts of our country the progress of our Order is onward, that Masonry is again assuming that position which must tend to pro- mote her respectability in all communities, and usefulness to all the members of the fraternity ; and that the day is not distant, if it has not now arrived, when we can say to our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers, we have lived down yuur envv, overcome your hatred, and fear not your malice. 75 594 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [^^Jy Among the documents before the committee, is a circular from the Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi, containing a series of resolutions recommend- ing the appointment of a delegate to visit the different countries in Europe, for the purpose of examining the mode and manner of Masonic work in foreign countries, and to publish a treatise, on his return, for the benefit of the fraternity, to harmonize and furnish some plaa of union whereby the work in this and other countries may be the same; and they recommend Brother John Delafield, Jr., of Memphis, Tennessee, as every way qualified to perform the duties ; and propose to bear their equal i)roportion of the expense of his tour to Europe, with the other Grand Lodges who may concur with them in the appointment. Your com- mittee recommend to the Grand Lodge the consideration of this subject at the present communication. Your committee are happy to find that the Grand Lodge of Mississippi agree with tliis Grand Lodge, that the requiring Grand Lodge certificates of visiting Brethren from other States, is an innovation upon the ancient landmarks of the Order ; and that, at a recent communication, they adopted a resolution, in which they say, they do not recognize the expediency of adopting the system of Grand Lodge certificates. Your committee are gratified to find, from information they deem entitled to credit, that the long agitated question of the regular organization of the Grand Lodge of Michigan, has at last been properly disposed of. The Masonic Regis- ter, a periodical Masonic publication by Br. L. G. Hoffinan, of Albany, N. Y., some weeks since stated that a constitution had been regularly adopted, the first six Grand Oflicers elected, which were soon to be installed at Detroit, and that fra- ternal harmony was once more restored in Michigan. We had hoped to receive information of the fact from an official source, in time to lay before the Grand Lodge at its present communication, so that we might, by resolution or other- wise, extend to the Grand Lodge of Michigan, and the members of the fraternity in that young and rising State, the right hand of fellowship. Your committee are pleased to learn, from the documents before them, that an increased interest is manifested in the cause of Masonry, and cannot, in justice to their feelings, close this report, without expressing their sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the prosperity of the craft throughout our whole land, and would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge reciprocate the courtesy of the several Grand Lodo^es from whom communications have been received, and that the Grand Sec- retary transmit a copy of the proceedings of this Grand Communication to each Grand Lodge in correspondence, and solicit a continuation of friendly intercourse and courtesy. All which is respectfully submitted. WM. H. ELLIS, ) A. C. BABCOCK. } Committee. WM. STOKER, ) The above report was approved and accepted, and the resolu- tion adopted. On motion of R. W. Bro. Ellis, it was resolved, that the Grand Lodge will now proceed to the election of ofl&cers. The 1845.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 595 M. W. Grand Master appointed W. Brs. Eaton and Spring tellers. Ballots were then collected, and the following brethren duly elected officers of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut for the year ensuing : M. W. HENRY PECK, Grand Master. R. W. HORACE GOODWIN, 2d, Deputy Grand Master. " AVERY C. BABCOCK, Senior Grand Warden. " BENONI A. SHEPHERD, Junior Grand Warden. " BENJAMIN BEECHER, Grand Treasurer. " E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. The installation of Grand Officers then took place, after which, the M. W. Grand Master announced the following appointments : Bro. Wm. E. Sanford, Senior Grand Deacon. Elisha Douglass, Junior Grand Deacon. George Shumway, Grand Marshal. Frederick Croswell, Grand Sentinel. Rev. " John Moore, Grand Chaplain. William Storer, j ^^^^^ g^^^^^^ Lee Dunning, ) Isaac Tuttle, Grand Tyler. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, and adjourned to 7 o'clock P. M. Wednesday Evening, May 14. At 7 o'clock the Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the M. W. Grand Master. R. W. Bro. Ellis, from the Committee on Delinquent Lodges, reported that the late members of Federal Lodge, No. 17, had taken no notice of the action of the Grand Lodge last year, re- garding their distribution of the funds of said Federal Lodge ; also, that the several delinquent Lodges, which were ordered to show cause, at this communication, why their charters should not be revoked, had failed to do so ; whereupon he offered the following resolutions, and they were adopted : 596 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT, [May, Resolved, That the Grand Secretarj- be directed to summon all the brethren of the late Federal Lodge, No. 17, included in the resolution of the last Grand Com- munication, to appear before the Grand Lodge to be holden at New Haven on the second Wednesday of May, 1846, and show cause, if any they have, why they should not be expelled from all the privileges of Masonry. Resolved, That the charters of King Solomon's Lodge No. 7, Harmony No. 20, and Friendship No. 33, be and the same are hereby revoked and declared null and void. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary notify St. John's Lodge No. 2, Columbia No. 25, and Warren No. 51, who have failed to make returns for the last two or more years, that unless they make satisfaction for their delinquency, at or before the next session of the Grand Lodge, their charters will be revoked. The committee to whom was referred the petition of breth- ren in Norwich, praying for the resuscitation of Somerset Lodge, No. 34, reported the following resolution, which was passed : Resolved, That Somerset Lodge, No. 34, be resuscited, and allowed to resume work under their former charter, upon the payment of ten dollars to the funds of the Grand Lodge ; its jurisdiction to include the town of Norwich, bounded east- erly by the town of Preston, and in all other directions one half the distance to other Lodges from its own usual place of meeting. E. W. Bro. Babcock, from the Committee on By-Laws, to whom was referred that portion of the Grand Master's address relating to the " beneficiary system," reported, that the com- mittee had attended to the duty assigned them, and ascertained the following facts : That several Lodges in other States have adopted that system, and that Hiram Lodge, No. 1, under this jurisdiction, being satisfied of the good effects of the plan, had so amended their by-laws as to adopt the benefit system, and that the advantages they expected from it had been fully realized ; which plan is this — to appropriate five dollars of the fees paid by each candidate, for a charity fund, and ten dollars for the benefit fund, and a tax of four dollars per annum on each of the benefit members, from which any member entitled to benefits could draw four dollars per week when sick or disabled from business. Any member of the Lodge who was initiated before the adoption of the present by-laws, can become a member of the benefit association, by paying five dollars, and complying with other provisions of the by-laws ; and nothing appears in this plan of operations to conflict with the by-laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge, or the general usages of Masonry. Which report was approved and accepted, and the following resolution adopted : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge approve of the benefit system adopted by Hiram Lodge, No. 1, and would recommend it to such subordinate Lodges under 1845.] GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 597 the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, as are willing and think it expedient to adopt it. W. Bro. Croswell, from the Committee on the Representa- tive System, made the following report : The committee to whom was referred so much of the address of the M. W. Grand Master as refers to the appointment of a representative near the Grand Lodge of Georgia, respectfully report, That we fully appreciate and acknowledge the honor conferred upon this Grand Lodge, by the appointment of R. W. Augus- tus Alden as our representative near the Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia ; and in order to reciprocate their kind offices, we recommend the nomination of a suitable brother from among our number, to represent them in this Grand Lodge. On motion, the report was approved and accepted, and R. W. James Ward, Past Deputy Grand Master, was nominated, by the unanimous vote of the Grand Lodge, as a suitable person to be recommended to the Grand Lodge of Georgia as their representative in this Grand Lodge. The following letter of invitation from a committee of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, and a committee of King Solo- mon's Lodge in Charlestown, was presented and read by the Grand Secretary : To the Grand Lodge of Connecticut : King Solomon's Lodge, in Charlestown, Mass., having placed within the Bunker Hill Monument, a Model of the old Monument erected by them in 1794, to the memory of Gen, Joseph Warrex and his associates, and having invited the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to dedicate the same on the 24th June next, pro- pose also to hold a general Masonic celebration on that anniversary. The under- signed, being the Committee of Arrangements on the part of King Solomon's Lodge, and a Commitee on the part of the Grand Lodge, appointed to act in con- cert with them, would respectfully request your body to join in this celebration, and the several Lodges under your jurisdiction. CJiarlestown, April 24, 1845.' On motion, duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That this Grand Lodge accept with pleasure the kind invitation of our brethren of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, and of King Solomon's Lodge in Boston, to attend their interesting celebration at Bunker Hill, on the next anniversary of St. John the Baptist ; and that it be recommended to the Lodges and fraternity generally under this jurisdiction to attend the same. The Grand Secretary laid before the Grand Lodge a beautiful copy of "Lectures and Addresses by R. W. Joseph R, Chand- 598 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. U^^J} ler, p. G-. M.," which had been received as a present from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, through their Grand Secretary. Whereupon, on motion of R. W. Bro. Ellis, the following reso- lution was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be communicated, through the Grand Secretary, to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, for the elegant copy of the valuable Lectures of the M. W. P. G. M. Joseph R. Chandler, which has been received by order of that Grand body ; and that the volume be preserved in the Library of this Grand Lodge, for the use of its members. Bro. Shumway, from the Committee on By-Laws, submitted the following resolution, and it was adopted : Resojved, That the Grand Secretary be directed to append to the printed pro- ceedings of the present communication, the constitution and by-laws of this Grand Lodge, that the same may be distributed among the members, and to the subordinate Lodges ; and that it shall be the duty of the Master of every Lodge to cause said constitution and by-laws to be read at every raising of a Master Mason in his Lodge, and also at the annual meeting for the choice of officers. The M. W. Grand Master appointed Brs. Frederick Croswell and Elijah Gilbert, Jr., a committee to audit the accounts, and Brs. Wm. H. Ellis, A. C. Babcock, and Wm. Storer, a com- mittee to examine the correspondence of the Grand Lodge for the comining year, and report at the next annual communi- cation. No further business appearing the Grand Lodge was closed in due and ample form. E. G. STORER, Grand Secretary. RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. HIRAM, No. 1, New Haven — Marcus Bassett, W. M., Frederick Croswell, S. W., Charles Brown, J.'W. Initiated— ^Ticdb Heller, Stephen M. Wier, J. F. Houdayer, L. F. Morel, A. Frankau, Sterling Warrener, Lucius G. Peck, George Hotchkiss, Henry L. Cannon, Moses Dickinson, Hosea N. Newton, Wm. H. Prin- dle, Charles H. Skiff, Richard Burns. Admitted — Christopher Sweetman, Levi Baldwin. ST. JOHN'S, No. 3. Bridgeport— Wm. Luni, W. M., John C. Blackman, S. W., David L. Mills, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 4, Hartford— Theodore Spencer, W. M., Allyn Goodwin, S. W., David Clark, J. W. Initiated — E. E. Marcey, N. E. Ventres, Geo. Church, Jr. 1845.] GKAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. 599 ST. JOHN'S, No. 6, Norwalk— Henry W. Smith, W. M., Robert Ells, S, W., J. E. Corker, J. W. ST. JOHN'S, No. 8, Stratford— Benjamin Fairchild, W. M., John Goulding, S. W., Samuel Benjamin, J. W. KING HIRAM, No. 12, Derby— John L. Daniels, W. M., Ebenezer Fisher, S. W., Alva Davis, J. W. FREDERICK, No. 14, Farmington— Henry Cowles, W. M., Giles Stilman, S. W., George Cowles, J. W. MORIAH, No. 15, Canterbury— Armin Bolles, W. M., Luther Ensworth, S. W., Martin Felch, J. W. HART'S, No. 22, Bethany— Cyrenus Candee, W. M., Burton Sperry, S. W., Eliakim Smith, J. W. ST. JAMES', No. 23, Preston— Avery Downer, W. M., David Baldwin, S. W., James Cook, J. W. RISING SUN, No. 27, Washington— Wm. Moody, W. M., Stiles Titus, S. W., Daniel Burnhara, J. W. MORNING STAR, No. 28, East Windsor— Levi Lord, W. M., Asaph King, S, W.. Harmon Terry, J. W. UNION, No. 31, New London— Samuel Barry, W. M., Richard H. Miller, S. W., Ebenezer H. Watrous, J. W. Initiated — Barzillai Bills, Nathan S. Chipman, Franklin Hunter, Dennis Cahill, Alexander A. Hart, Lyman Lamb, Edward Low, Charles C. Young, John Hayes, John E. Case, Samuel D. Barnes, John L. Ward, Joseph M. Ward, Leverett Lax, Cornelius S. Ennes, Charles Smith. UNION, No. 40, Danbury— Nathaniel H. Wildman, W. M., John Ferguson, S. W., Stephen A. Hurlbut, J. W. HARMONY, No. 42, Waterbury— Wm. M. Pemberton, W. M., I. B. Castle, S. W., John Cook, J. W. Initiated — Alonzo Thompson, J. P. Jefferry, John Ship- ley, John Inchlif. Admitted — James M. Granniss, Silas Hoadley, Charles Dean. EASTERN STAR, No. 44, Windham— Gurdon Hebbard, W. M., David L. Ful- ler, S. W., Joseph W. Lyon, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 46, Pomfret— Samuel Underwood, W. M., Jabez Amsbury, S. W., Luther Rawson, J. W. Initiated — Otis Slater. JERUSALEM, No. 49, Ridgefleld— Hezekiah Scott, W. M., Erastus S. Bouton, S. W., Sherwood Mead, J. W. WARREN, No. 50, Andover— George Perkins, W. M., Ransford Button, S. W., Bezaleel Hutchinson, J. W. WIDOW'S SON, No. 53, North Stonington— Wm. Frink, W. M., John Brown, S. W., Joseph Frink, J. W. SENECA, No. 55, Torrington— Edward Pierpont, W. M., James Green, S. W., Prescott Pond, J. W. ASYLUM No. 57, Stonington— Wm. Hyde, W. M., Francis Amy, S. W., Thos. M. Brown, J. W. NORTHERN STAR, No. 58, Barkhamsted— Wilson B. Spring, W. M., Nahtaniel Healy, S. W., Hira Case, J. W, 600 GRAND LODGE OF CONNECTICUT. [May. WOLCOTT, No. 60, Stafford— Moses B. Harvey, W. M., William N. Clark, S. W., John Streeter, J. AV. WIDOW'S SON, No. 65, Branford— James W. Frisbie, W. M., Calvin Frisbie, S. W., Loring D. Hosley, J. W. CHARITY, No. 68, Groton— Erastns Williams, W. M., John S. Burrows, S. W., Thomas Williams, J. W. Initiated — Wm. H, Eldridge, Amasa Rockwell, John A. Lathrop, John A. Wellen, Wm. H. Copp, Charles R. Corning, Lorenzo D. Arm- strong, James S. Hoyt, Nathan R. Bennett, Luke W. Avery. Admitted — George G. King. MANCHESTER, No. 73, Manchester— John Mather, W. M., P. C. Remington, S. W., Henry Marble, J. W. Initiated— 3. Cotton Mather. MOUNT VERNON, No. 75, Jewett City— Lucius Tyler, W. M., Samuel Cole, S. W., Natlian Johnson, J. W. CORRECTION. — On the first page of this work, in the article on the " Origin of Masonry in New England," an error occurs, which has been kindly pointed out by an esteemed brother, but which has probably escaped the notice of most of the readers of the volume. It is there stated that " from 1733 to 1755, two Grand Lodges existed in Massachusetts." This is mistake; for the subsequent narrative shows that the first Grand Lodge was established in 1733, the second in 1769, and that the two were united, and formed one Grand Lodge, on the 5th of March, 1792. k r