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Wells, ) Catalogue. Press of The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, Hartford, Conn. PREFACE. This Historical Catalogue of the Members of the First Church of Christ in Hartford, maybe regarded as the concluding portion of the attempt of this Church fitly to commemorate the events of its origin and subsequent history. Two previous portions of this endeavor are already in possession of its members, and to some extent, of the public, in the form of memorial volumes. The first of these volumes, entitled Commemorative Exercises of the First Church of ChrUt in Hartford, at its Two Hundred and Fiftieth Annifcersary, October 11 and 12, 1883, gives, as its title indicates, the proceedings at the celebration of the quarter-millennial anni- versary of the earliest definitely ascertainable date in this Church's history. The second of these volumes, a History of the First Church m Hartford by its Pastor, published in May. 1884, gathers up in fuller detail the incidents of the founding of the Church, the biogra- phies of its Pastors, and the events of its long and diversified experience. To these two volumes it has now been deemed best to add a third, giving, as far as can well be done from extant documents, a list of its members; to which are appended also certain cata- logues of baptisms, marriages, and deaths, which are of interest to° enquirers into the history of families connected with the earlier life of this Church. But this endeavor to present a roll of this Church's Member- ship is inevitably fated to only partial success because of the great and melancholy imperfection of its Records. Few New England churches of kindred distinction and antiquity have so poor documentary monuments as this one. The entire body of IV FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. church-memorials, commonly preserved by a church as its "Records," from its organization to the year 1685, have disap- peared. No contemporary document in present possession of the Church gives a single name or fact of its life previous to the date above written. From 1685, at the accession to pastoral service of Rev. Timo- thy Woodbridge, its sixth minister, to the death of Rev. Edward Dorr in 1772, a record is preserved of such ministerial actions as the reception of members to the Church, the baptism of children, and a few marriages, and entries of death or burial. Occasion- ally a Church action like the choice of a Deacon or the discipline of a member is also recorded. But from the death of Mr. Dorr in 1772, down through the entire ministry of Dr. Nathan Strong to the accession of Rev. Joel Hawes in 1818, occurs another blank; with the important exception that the names of members living in 1807, at the time of the first occupation of the new "Brick Meeting-House," and those added thereafter in Dr. Strong's ministry, have with more or less accuracy been pre- served, though not in a contemporaneous register. Of this en- tire period, from 1772 to 1818, not a Church document remains. The parallel records of the Society alone survive to give occasional intimations of what the Church was or did. From the ordination of Rev. Joel Hawes to the present time, the records of the First Church in Hartford have been preserved with the degree of care- fulness ordinary, perhaps in our churches, among which entire accuracy is, certainly, seldom, if ever to be found. In this state of affairs an effort to give anything like a complete list of this Church's members is seen at once to be impossible. Any attempt to indicate who were members previous to 1685, or between 1772 and 1807, has to be based on documents of a collat- eral, and in some instances of a merely secular, character. But so often are the Pastor and the oflScers of this Church appealed to for information concerning persons presumed to have been mem- bers of the Church; and so dilapidated and worn is the solitary little volume which covers the period from 1685 to 1772, that it has seemed wise for the Church to put into type all it could tell, on adequate documentary grounds, of its own membership. In doing this it has appeared best to confine this record to such PREFACE. V lists of names as for one reason or another had been authenti- cally preserved, if not always by the Church itself, yet in connec- tion with the planting of the Colony and the life of the Church. A considerable number of names of persons known to have been members at different periods in the recordless period, could indeed be gathered by the antiquarian investigator from family genealogies and the archives of other churches. Such for example are undoubtedly Susanna , wife of Mr. Hooker, the first Pastor; and Agnes , wife of Governor John Webster; and Susanna , wife of Treasurer Whiting; and Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Teacher Stone, dismissed to this Church from Boston, July 25, 1641; and Rev. Samuel Stone, jr., son of Teacher Stone, by a former wife; and Mrs. George Fenwick, popularly known as " Lady Fenwick " of Saybrook, uniting with this Church as the nearest place of communion, and others of either sex, both of the first generation and of their posterity. But the gathering together of any considerable number of names by this kind of antiquarian enquiry not only involves so much labor, but must result after all in so imperfect success, that the adoption of the course taken in these pages appeared the only reasonably practicable one. Much effort has been made to justify the statements concerning the death or removal of members, especially of the present century. Respecting these the record even in later days was found to be very imperfect. In the endeavor to make it as accurate as possible, family histories have been interrogated, monumental inscriptions inspected, and very many letters writ- ten and received. But after all efforts there are doubtless not omissions only, but mistakes. These will be easiest forgiven by those who know most of the difficulty of any undertaking like the present, and who will consider the special difficulties of memorials so imperfect as those here dealt with. In spite of whatever attempt, it must remain true of the mem- bership of the Hartford First Church, as Sir Thomas Browne said of the race generally, that many "must be content to be as though they had not been; to be found in the register of God, not in the record of man." VI FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. With these explanations this little volume is commended to the present membership of the Church and to their successors, as affording the best attainable knowledge of that cloud of wit- nesses, who, having been numbered of this earthly fellowship, do now rest from their labors. G. L. W. July, 1885. CONTENTS. Preface, . . . . Historical Notes, ..... Notes on the Articles of Faith and Church Covenant, Articles of Faith, ..... Covenant, ...... Covenant and Full Communion Membership, Pastors and Teachers, .... Ruling Elder, ...... Deacons, ...... Prudential Committee, .... Original and Early Members, Members who went to Hadley, Members separated to the Second Church, . Members owning the Covenant, Members admitted to Full Communion, Members at the Completion of the Brick Meeting-House, Later Members, ..... Appendix A, Births and Baptisms — From the Hartford Town Records, From the First Church Records, Appendix B, Marriages — From the Hartford Town Records, From the First Church Records, Appendix C, Deaths — From the Hartford Town Records, From the First Church Records, 111 ix xii xvi xviii xix 3 5 6 8 10 15 17 19 38 53 59 155 165 234 239 256 260 HISTOEICAL NOTES. This Church was originally gathered in Newtown (now Cam- bridge), Mass. The earliest ascertainable date in its corporate history is that of the induction into office of its first Pastor and Teacher, Rev. Thomas Hooker and Rev. Samuel Stone, Oct. 11, 1633. There is a considerable probability, however, that the gathering of the Church after the Congregational way had occurred several months and perhaps nearly a year previous. The Church was to a large extent composed of persons who had known one another and Mr. Hooker while he was occupying the position of Puritan Lecturer at St. Mary's Church, Chelmsford, England; with others from Braintree and places in the same County of Essex. Arriving in this country at different periods in 1631 and 1632, they established themselves at Newtown, and requested Mr. Hooker to come over into New England and take charge of them. This he did, accompanied by a number of personal associates; and on arriving at Boston, September 4, 1633, immediately joined his waiting people at Newtown, where, as he met them, he said : "Now I live if ye stand fast in the Lord." This Church had thus in its gathering, after the Congregational order in America, something more than a moral continuity of being, derived from the previous religious association of its mem- bers under the same pastoral care in England. Mr. Hooker, the Pastor, was born at Marfield, in Leicester County, it is believed on July 7, 1586. He was a graduate of Emmanual College, Cambridge, and awhile rector of Esher, in Surrey; but in 1629 was preaching in the Parish Church at Chelms- ford, where he was silenced for non-conformity and obliged to fly to Holland. X FIRST CHUECH IN HARTFORD. Mr. Stone was born at Hertford, in Hertfordshire, in July, 1602. He was educated at Emmanual College, and was occupy- ing a Puritan Lectureship at Towcester* when he was invited to join Mr. Hooker in the New England enterprise. It is believed that Mr. William Goodwin was ordained Ruling Elder of the Church at the time of its organization, and that then, or in immediate proximity of time, Mr. Andrew Warner and others, whose names are uncertain, were chosen Deacons. On the 31st of May, 1636, the Church, with its Pastor and Teacher, set out on its removal to Hartford, arriving at this place sometime in the second week in June. Here the Church was permanently planted, and here the ordinances of the Gospel have been regularly administered from that time to the present. This Church was at first the one religious center for the entire district of territory now included in the city and town- ship of Hartford and the townships of East Hartford and West Hartford. In 1659-60, and as the result of protracted internal dissensions which enlisted from time to time the attention and intervention of almost all the churches of New England, and which mainly concerned the course of conduct of the Teacher, Mr. Stone, in infringing, as it was thought, on the rights of the brotherhood, a considerable secession from the Church took place ; the departing members removing to Hadley, Mass., and founding the church in that place. At a little later period, February 22, 1670 (O. S. February 12, 1669), Mr. Whiting, the then senior minister of the Church, with- drew from it, accompanied by thirty-one members, and organized the Second Church in this city. The dissension which occa- sioned this rupture was concerning the question of Half-way Covenant Baptism and the authority of Synods. The Church in East Hartford was set off from this Church and received a separate organization in May, 1702; and that in West Hartford in February, 1713. On the 23d of September, 1824, ninety-seven members received dismission from this Church, and were, with others, organized as the North Church. On the 10th of January, 1832, eighteen members of this Church, HISTORICAL NOTES. XI having received dismission, were organized, with others, as the Free Church, now the Fourth Church. On the 14th of October, 1852, thirty-six members of this Church, and shortly afterwards eleven more, were dismissed to unite with others in forming the Pearl Street Church. On the 5th of March, 1865, forty members of this Church, and subsequently eleven more, were dismissed to unite with others in forming the Asylum Hill Church. The first church edifice occupied by this Church for more than temporary uses was probably begun in 1638, and may not have been finished till 1641. It stood on the spot known as Meeting- House- Yard, not far from the present United States Court House and Post Office. This first edifice was succeeded by another, dedicated December 30, 1739, in the days of Rev. Daniel Wads- worth. It stood on the site of the present First Church building, though with its side upon the street. The present edifice was dedicated December 3, 1808, in the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Strong. This Church was at its institution, and is now, Congregational in its government. It acknowledges the obligations and respon- sibilities of the Communion of Churches, and is in special fellowship with the Congregational Churches of New England, commonly known as "Orthodox." Xll FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFOBD. NOTES ON THE ARTICLES OF FAITH AND CHURCH COVENANT. It is more than doubtful whether this Church at its organiza- tion had any formal written Creed. Such Articles of Faith were rare in New England history at that period, though not absolutely unknown. It is probable that in accordance with general usage there was no other Confession of Faith than that involved in some accepted Church Covenant. Nor is there any evidence of the subsequent adoption for its own use of any Articles of Faith in distinction from some brief expressions of belief in the various forms of Covenant employed, till nearly the end of the first quar- ter of this century. The unfortunate disappearance of all Church records for the first fifty-two years of its history makes it impossible to say pos- itively what was the precise formula of the Covenant which was originally adopted or in use during that period. But there is a very considerable probability that it was the document adopted by the seceders from this Church in 1670, at their organ- ization of the Second Church in Hartford, as a result of the bap- tismal and synodical controversy, in the days of Rev. Messrs. Whiting and Haynes. Those seceding members declare in their statement of princi- ples on their organization as a new church, their intention of reverting to the Congregational way " formerly settled, professed, and practiced under the guidance of the first leaders of this Church of Hartford. " This, in their view, required a restate- ment of Congregational principles. But there is no evidence that they supposed it involved the framing of a new covenant. On the contrary, if the covenant of the founders of that Church to whose first ways they professed their intention to adhere were ARTICLES OF FAITH AND CHURCH COVENANT. Xlll still known, as it is impossible to doubt, the most natural thing would be to hold to it. The suggestion therefore seems a more than likely one that the first Covenant of the old Church may be preserved thus to us through the new. It is therefore here given — under the limits of certitude thus indicated — as the first Covenant formula appertaining to this Church's history : "Since it hath pleased God, in his infinite mercy, to manifest himself willing to take unworthy sinners near unto himself, even into covenant relation to and interest in him, to become a God to them and avouch them to be his people, and accordingly to command and encourage them to give up themselves and their children also unto him : We do therefore this day, in the pres- ence of God, his holy angels, and this assembly, avouch the Lord Jehovah, the true and living God, even God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to be our God, and give up our- selves and ours also unto him, to be his subjects and servants, promising through grace and strength in Christ (without whom we can do nothing), to walk in professed subjection to him as our only Lord and Lawgiver, yielding universal obedience to his blessed will, according to what discoveries he hath made or here- after shall make, of the same to us ; in special, that we will seek him in all his holy ordinances according to the rules of the gospel, submitting to his government in this particular Church, and walk- ing together therein with all brotherly love and mutual watchful- ness, to the building up of one another in faith and love unto his praise ; all which we promise to perform, the Lord helping us through his grace in Jesus Christ." The next formula of a Covenant nature and one which appears on this Church's records, was designed distinctly for the admission of Half-way Covenant * members, and was drawn by the hand of Rev. Timothy Woodbridge, its sixth minister. The Half-way Covenant system had been in operation in this Church for many years previously, and had been administered by Mr. Woodbridge from the commencement of his ministry in 1685. What distinction in Covenant formula he had been accustomed to make between the two classes of members admitted to the Church by him it is impossible to say. But in 1696, eleven years * See for explanation of the Half-way Covenant system and its origin the brief essay on ''Covenant and Full-Communion Membership," on page xix of this volame. 2 XIV FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. after his ordination, and on the occasion of the admission within a few weeks of one hundred and ninety-four members to the Half-way Covenant membership, Mr. Woodbridge apparently felt called on to write a covenant formula to which he required assent, and inscribed on the record-book kept by him. That Covenant is as follows : " We do solemnly in y^ presence of God and this Congregation avouch God in Jesus Christ to be our God one God in three per- sons y« Father y^ Son & y^ Holy Ghost & y' we are by nature child"^ of wrath & y' our hope of Mercy with God is only thro' y*^ righteousnesse of Jesus Christ apprehended by faith & we do freely give up ourselves to y** Lord to walke in communion with him in y« ordinances appointed in his holy word & to yield obedi- ence to all his comands & submit to his governm' & wheras to y« great dishon"" of God, Scandall of Religion & hazard of y'' damnation of Souls, y Sins of drunkenness & fornication are Prevailing amongst us we do Solemly engage before God this day thro his grace faithfully and conscientiously to strive against those Evills and y temptations that May lead thereto." What variation from this formula Mr. Woodbridge employed in the reception of full-communion members cannot be affirmed. On the accession of Mr. Wadsworth to the pastorate in 1732, he wrote in the same volume which Mr. Woodbridge had begun, two slightly different formulas, designating one of them as "the Covenant which I Take the assent of persons unto that are ad- mitted to Communion," and the other for those ''Owning the Covenant." The Half-way Covenant formula is as follows : " You do solemnly in the presence of God and before this Con- gregation avouch god in Christ, to be your god, one god in 3 persons, father, son and holy ghost and professing that you believe the Holy Scriptures to be y** Word of god you promise thro y® assistance of divine grace to make them the rule of your life, and acknowledging yourself by nature a Child of wrath, your hope of mercy with god is only thro y righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith, you do also give up yourself (and yours) to the Lord, promising to Submitt unto the rule and gov- ernment of Christ in his Church." The only variation for this formula in the case of full-commun- ion members was the insertion into it of the promise " carefully to observe and attend upon y Ordinances and Institutions of the gospel." These formulas continued in use through the pastorate ARTICLES OF FAITH AND CHURCH COVENANT. XV of Rev. Edward Dorr, and probably well on into Dr. Nathan Strong's. At a late period of Dr. Strong's pastorate, however, and prob- ably after the revival influences in the last part of the eighteenth and the beginning of the present century had diminished, and perhaps in this Church terminated, the Half-way Covenant prac- tice, a formula was employed in the admission of members which reads thus: "A Confession of Faith and Church Covenant received in the First Church of Christ in Hartford : " You do now solemnly, in the presence of God and these wit- nesses, receive God in Christ to be your God, one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. You believe the Scriptures to be the Word of God, and promise, by Divine grace, to make them the rule of your life and conversation. You own yourself to be by nature the child of wrath, and declare that your only hope of mercy is through the merits and mercy of Jesus Christ, whom you publicly profess to take for your Lord and Saviour, your Prophet, Priest, and King; and you now give yourself up to Him to be ruled, governed, and eternally saved. You promise by Divine grace regularly to attend on all the ordinances of the Gospel (as God may give you light and opportunity), and to submit to the rule and government of Christ in this Church." Up to this period it seems to be probable that the symbols for covenanting in the Church were not (unless the first one of all be an exception) formally adopted by the Church, but were written and modified by successive pastors according to the necessities of the time or their own judgments. The absence of all tokens of Church action, and the phraseology especially of Mr. Wadsworth in writing his new formula on his accession to the pastorate would seem to make this view of the case about inevitable. Soon after the induction into office of Rev. Joel Hawes, he stigmatized the above formula in use in Dr. Strong's day as a "Covenant and Confession of Faith contained in just ten Armin- ian lines." And in 1822, under his leadership, the Church voted to adopt a body of Articles of Faith, and a Covenant, which, with some small verbal alterations, have continued in use ever since. XVI FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. ARTICLES OF FAITH. AETICLE I. We, as a Church, believe that Jehovah, the true and eternal God, who made, supports, and governs the world, is perfect in natural and moral excellence, and that he exists in three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who possess the same nature, and are equal in every divine perfection. ARTICLE II. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were written by holy men, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and are the infallible rule of doctrine and duty. ARTICLE III. We believe that God has made all things for himself ; that known unto Him are all His works from the beginning, and that He governs all things according to the counsel of His own will. ARTICLE rv. We believe that in consequence of the apostasy of Adam, sin and misery have been introduced into the world, and that all men, unless renewed by the Holy Spirit, are destitute of holiness, and under the curse of the divine law. ARTICLE V. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ assumed the nature of man, and by His mediation and death on the cross, made atone- ment for the sins of the world. ARTICLE VI. We believe that men may accept of the offers of salvation freely made to them in the Gospel ; but that no one will do this except he be drawn by the Father. ARTICLES OF FAITH. XVll ARTICLE VII. We believe that those who are finally saved will owe their salvation to the mere sovereign mercy of God in Christ Jesus, through repentance and faith in Him, and not to any works of righteousness which they have done. ARTICLE VIII. We believe that a conscientious discharge of the various duties which we owe to God, to our fellow-men, and to ourselves, as enjoined in the Gospel, is not only constantly binding on every Christian, but affords to himself and to the world the only decisive evidence of his interest in the Redeemer. ARTICLE IX, We believe that any number of Christians, duly organized, constitute a church of Christ, the special ordinances of which are Baptism and the Lord's Supper. ARTICLE X. We believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust ; that all men must hereafter appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, to receive a just and final retribution, according to the deeds done in the body; and that the wicked will be sent away into everlasting punishment, and the righteous received into life eternal. XVni FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. COVENANT. In the presence of God and this assembly you do now seriously, deliberately, and forever give up yourselves, in faith and love and holy obedience, to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost ; accepting the Lord Jehovah to be your God ; Jesus Christ to be your Prophet, Priest, and King ; and the Holy Ghost to be be your Sanctifier, Comforter, and Guide, Although humb'v acknowledging your weakness and guilt, and your liability to error and sin, still you do sincerely desire, and by the aids of divine grace do promise, to receive in love the pure doctrines of the Gospel, to walk in the statutes and ordinances of the Lord, blameless, and to do honor to your high and holy vocation bj'- a life of piety towards God and benevolence towards your fellow- men. In humble reliance on the grace of God, you thus promise and engage. In consequence of these your professions and promises, we do cordially receive you as members of this Church ; we welcome you to fellowship and communion with us in the blessings of the Gospel, and engage on our part, according t the opportunity and ability given us, to treat you with Christian affection, to watch over you with tenderness, and to offer ^r prayers to the great Head of the Church, that you may be enabled to fulfill the solemn covenant which you have now made. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon yoi\ and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. And now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the throne of His glory with exceeding great joy,— to the only wise God, our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. COVENANT AND FULL-COMMUNION MEMBERSHIP. XIX COVENANT AND FULL-COMMUNION MEMBERSHIP. The division of church-members on the records of this Church, as of old New England churches generally, into two classes — Covenant and Full-Communion members, makes an explanation of the now obsolete distinction desirable to modern readers. The original view of church-membership held by the New England fathers involved the possession of experimental piety in each member. As John Cotton said : "Wee receive none as Members into the Church but such as may be Concieved to be recieved of God into Fellowship with Christ the head of the Church." At the same time, however, the founders of these churches held to the extension of the Abrahamic Covenant to the Christian Church, and to a qualified church-membership made by Infant Baptism. This membership was not, indeed, complete, and could not "orderly" be "continued and confirmed" without some personal act of faith in after years. But many of these children having such inchoate membership grew up to manhood and womanhood without that further expe- rience deemed requisite to complete and justify their full recog- nition as in '■' Fellowship with Christ." They did not come to the Lord's Supper, and had only the visible connection with the Church which their infantile baptism gave them. When, therefore, such persons married and had children, and desired them to be baptized, what was to be done? Was their connection with the Church by infant baptism substantial enough in itself, and in lack of supposed fitness for the communion table, to justify the baptism of their children? To consider this question a Ministerial Assembly of Massachu- setts and Connecticut pastors met in Boston in June, 1657, and arrived at the conclusion : XX FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. "It is the duty of those children [who confederate in their parents] when grown up to years of discretion though not yet fit for the LoTcVs Supper, to own the Covenant they made with their parents by entering thereinto in their own persons. And in case they understand the Grounds of Religion and are not scandalous, and solemnly own the Covenant in their own persons, wherein they give up both themselves and children to the Lord, and desire baptism for them, we (with due reverence for any godly learned that may dissent) see not sufficient cause to deny baptism to their children." This opinion of the Ministerial Assembly was shortly after ratified by the Synod of Massachusetts churches met in Boston in 1662. Its language on this point is as follows : "Church-members who were admitted in minority, understand- ing the doctrine of faith, and publickly professing their assent thereto : not scandalous in life, and solemnly owning the Cove- nant before the Church, wherein they give up themselves and children to the Lord, and subject themselves to the government of Christ in the Church, their children are to be baptized." Thus ratified by ministerial and synodical authority the prac- tice spread and shortly became almost universal, of the adoption by the churches of two forms of Covenant — one admitting mem- bers to Full-Communion privileges, the other to the privilege of Baptism for their children, but not to the Lord's Supper. The Church became thus a practically divided body: a part being regarded as experimental Christians and communing at the Lord's table ; the rest, Half-way Covenant members, making no profession of experimental grace, but so far possessing a churchly character as to transmit the right of baptism to their offspring. CATALOGUE EXPLANATIONS. I Signifies that the person was received by letter from another Church. A name in a parenthesis ( ) following the name of a female, is, or was, the Christian name of the husband. The letter w, pre- ceding the husband's name, is to be read widow. The names of females who were married during their connection with this church as members are followed by their husbands' names in parenthesis. Names of such as have been ordained to the work of the ministry are printed in small capitals. In the column of dates of dismissal (page 53 if.), an (*) indicates that the person was regularly dismissed but that there is no record of the date. A (f) shows that the person was dropped by vote of the Church. An (*) in the column of dates of deaths shows that the person died in the membership of this Church but that the date was not recorded and could not at this time be ascertained. PASTORS AND TEACHERS. The distinction between the Pastor and the Teacher in early New England Churches is defined in a letter of several of their ministers in August, 1639, in answer to inquiries of ministers in England, as follows : "Pastor and Teacher have various duties in common. Both preach by way of doctrine and application, and administer the seals. Still there is a difference between them. The Teacher 'is principally to attend upon points of knowledge and doctrine, though not without application,' and therefore his work is thus expressed, ' let him attend on teach- ing ; ' but the pastor's principal duty is to preach on ' points of practice, though not without doctrine,' and hence his work is 'to attend on exhortation." It is impossible to say how fully the idea of such distinction in ministerial function and title was maintained in this Church after the choice of its first ministers, Hooker and Stone. And after the withdrawal of Mr. Whiting at the formation of the Second Church, leaving Mr. Haynes in sole charge of this Church, there is not even an apparent continuance of the idea. Rev. Thomas Hooker was ordained Pastor October 11, 1633, and died July 7, 1647, in the 61st year of his age, having served the Church thirteen years and nine months. Rev. Samuel Stone was ordained Teacher Oct. 11, 1633, and died July 20, 1663, in his 61st year, having served the Church twenty-nine years and nine months, of which thirteen years and nine months were in connection with Mr. Hooker ; thirteen years he had sole charge of the Church, and about three years in con- nection with his associate and successor, Rev. John Whiting. 4 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Rev. John Whiting was ordained colleague with Mr. Stone early in 1660, and served the Church ten years, till February 22, 1670, when he became Pastor of the Second Church in Hartford. Of the ten years of Mr. Whiting's service about three were in connection with Rev. Mr. Stone ; three years he was sole Pastor, and four years were in connection with his associate and succes- sor, Rev. Mr. Haynes. He died November, 1689, aged 50 years. Rev. Joseph Haynes was ordained colleague with Mr. Whit- ing some time in 1664, and died May 24, 1679, aged 38 years. He served the Church fifteen years, four years in connection with Mr. Whiting, and eleven as sole pastor. Rev. Isaac Foster was ordained Pastor early in 1680, and died August 20, 1682, aged about 30 years, having served the Church two years and some months. Rev. Timothy Woodbridge, after having ministered to the congregation more than two years, was ordained Pastor Novem- ber, 1685, and died April 30, 1732, aged 79 years, having sus- tained the pastoral relation forty-six years and six months, and ministered to the Church nearly forty-nine years. Rev. Daniel Wadsworth was ordained Pastor September 28, 1732, and died November 12, 1747, in the 43d year of his age, having served the Church fifteen years and two months. Rev. Edward Dorr was ordained Pastor April 27, 1748, and died October 20, 1772, in his 50th year, having served the Church twenty -four years and five months. Rev. Nathan Strong was ordained Pastor January 5, 1774, and died December 25, 1816, in the 69th year of his age, having served the Church forty-two years and eleven months. Rev. Joel Hawes was ordained Pastor March 4, 1818 ; resigned the Pastoral care May 5, 1864 ; and died June 4, 1867, in the 78th year of his age, having sustained pastoral relations to the Church forty-nine years and three months ; of which period he was sole Pastor forty-four years and seven months, senior Pastor one year and six months, and Pastoi' emeritus three years. PASTORS AND TEACHERS. 5 Rev. Wolcott Calkins was ordained colleague Pastor with Dr. Hawes October 23, 1862, and dismissed July 6, 1864, having served the Church as associate Pastor one year and nine months. Rev. George H. Gould was installed Pastor December 14, 1864, and dismissed October 11, 1870, having served the Church five years and ten months. Rev, Elias H. Richardson was installed Pastor April 24, 1872, and dismissed January 1, 1879, having served the Church six years and eight months. Rev. George Leon Walker was installed Pastor February 27, 1879. RULING ELDER. The office of Ruling Elder in the early New England Churches is thus defined by John Cotton : " The office of the Ruling Elder is to assist the Pastors and Teachers in diligent attendance to all other acts of rule besides exhortation and doctrine, as becomes good stewards of the household of God." It is not known whether this Church had more than one Ruling Elder. William Goodwin was chosen and ordained, it is supposed, on or previous to October 11, 1633, and removed from Hartford in 1660, and died in March, 1673. FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. DEACONS. DIED. NAMES. CHOSEN. AGED. Andrew Warner, Oct., 1633. *1660. Edward Stebbins, ^ Aug., 1668. Joseph Mygat, 1680. 84 Richard Butler, Aug., 1684. Paul Peck, April, 1691. Dec, 1695. 87 Joseph Easton, April, 1691. Jan., 1712. Joseph Olmsted, April, 1691. Nov., 1726. John Sheldon, 1712. Feb., 1734. John Shepherd, 1712. March, , 1736. Thomas Richards, 1712. April, 1749. 83 Nathaniel Goodwin, March , 1734. March , 1747. 79 John Edwards, March , 1734. May, 1769. 78 Joseph Talcott, Dec, 1748. Nov., 1780. 79 Ozias Goodwin, Jan., 1756. Jan., 1776. 87 Daniel Goodwin, 1769. Jan., 1772. 67 Benjamin Payne, Jan., 1782. 54 John Shepard, April, 1789. 80 Solomon Smith, April, 1786. 52 Caleb Bull, Feb., 1797. 51 Ezra Corning, July, 1816. 79 Isaac Bull, 1789. Nov., 1824. 84 Joseph Steward, 1797. April, 1822. 69 Aaron Chapin, Oct., 1813. Dec, 1838. 85 Aaron Colton, Oct., 1813. June, 1840. 81 Josiah Beckwith, Oct., 1813. Jan. , 1827. 64 Russell Bunce, Nov., 1821. April, 1846. 69 William W. Ellsworth , Nov., 1821. Jan., 1868. 79 William W. Turner, Sept., 1828. Res i. Oct., 1852. Thomas S. Williams, Oct., 1836. Dec, 1861. 84 ♦Removed to HacUey, Mass., with Elder Goodwin, in 1660, where he died, 1684. DEACONS. 7 NAMES. CHOSEN. DIED. AGED. Thomas Smith, March , 1838. Res. Oct., 1852. Melvin Copeland, Sept., 1840. Res. 1844. John Beach, Aug., 1844. Res. Oct., 1852. Lewis Weld, Nov., 1846. Dec, 1853. 57 Samuel S. Ward, Nov., 1852. Dec, 1879. 78 Bryan E. Hooker, Nov., 1852. Res. March, 1874. Loyal Wilcox, Jan., 1854. Res. Jan., 1861. George W. Corning, Jan., 1854. Samuel M. Capron, Feb., 1861. Left by Letter July, 1866. Collins Stone, Dec, 1863. Dec, 1870. 58 Daniel W. Brigham, Dec, 1863. Left by Letter June, 1870. Rowland Swift, May, 1867. Res. Feb., 1874. Homer Blanchard, Nov., 1869. Lucius Barbour, Nov., 1869. Feb., 1873. 67 William S. Hurd, Marchj , 1874. July, 1876. 67 William W. House, March, 1874. Term exp'd 1878. Henry P. Stearns, March, 1874. Term exp'd 1879. William H. Miller, March, , 1874. Term exp'd 1880. John Allen, March, , 1878. Term exp'd 1884. William W. House, Jan., 1879. Term exp'd 1882. Daniel R. Howe, Feb., 1880. Term exp'd 1881. Henry P. Stearns, Feb., 1880. Term exp'd 1883. Rowland Swift, Feb., 1881. Henry E. Taintor, Feb., 1882. Term exp'd 1885. William W. House, Feb., 1883. Samuel M. Hotchkiss, Feb., 1884. Henry P. Stearns, Feb., 1885. FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. Committee Constituted by Vote op the Church Sept. 7, 1821. NAMES. chosen. LEFT OFFICE. Russell Bunce, Sept., 1821. Chosen Deacon 1821 William W. Ellsworth, Sept., 1821. Chosen Deacon 1821 Normand Smith, Sept., 1821. 1823 Caleb Goodwin, Sept., 1821. 1828 James R. Woodbridge, Sept., 1821. 1823 Henry Hudson, Sept., 1821. 1841 William Watson, Jan., 1824. Nov., 1836 Peter Thacher, Jan., 1824. 1845 Eli Gilman, Jan., 1824. 1842 Roderick Terry, Jan., 1824. 1832 Robert Anderson, Jan., 1824. 1883 Melvin Copeland, Jan., 1832. 1835 James R. Woodbridge, Jan., 1832. 1837 Lewis Weld, Feb., 1835. 1838 Edward Goodwin, Jan., 1837. 1883 Thomas Smith, Jan., 1837. Chosen Deacon 1838 Barzillai Hudson, March , 1838. 1871 Whiting H. Hollister, March , 1838. 1843 John Beach, Jan., 1842. Chosen Deacon 1844 Calvin Day, Jan., 1843. 1884 Bela Turner, Jan., 1844. 1845 Henry A. Perkins, Jan., 1845. 1866 James M. Bunce, Jan., 1846. 1852 John 0. Pitkin, Jan., 1846. 1851 Collins Stone, Jan., 1851. 1852 Charles A. Goodrich, Jan., 1853. 1858 William W. House, Jan., 1853. Chosen Deacon 1874 Loyal Wilcox, Jan. , 1853. Chosen Deacon 1854 Leonard Church, Jan., 1859. 1872 PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. NAMES. Lucius Barbour, Alfred R. Skinner, William S. Hurd, James P. Foster, George Roberts, William M. Hudson, Jolin Allen, Samuel M. Hotchkiss, Melancthon Storrs, Francis B. Cooley, Daniel H. Wells, George R. Shepherd, John C. Parsons, Solon P. Davis, CHOSEN. Feb., 1866. Feb., 1870. Feb., 1872. Feb., 1873. Feb., 1875. Feb., 1875. Feb., 1876. March, 1879. March, 1879. Feb., 1880. Feb., 1884. Feb., 1884. Feb., 1885. Feb., 1885. LEFT OFFICE. Chosen Deacon 1869 1879 Chosen Deacon 1874 1876 1878 Chosen Deacon 1878 Chosen Deacon 1884 1885 10 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. OKIGINAL AND EARLY MEMBEKS. 1633-1639. [It is impossible to certify that all the persons named in the following list of Original Proprietors, Holders by Courtesie, and Settlers in Hartford, copied from a Town Record made in 1639, were members of the Church. But in the entire perishing of the Church Records for this period it is so impossible to deter- mine who of them were not members — while the presumption respecting for the greater number of them is so strong that they were members — that it is deemed best to give their names in full, and without any attempt at distinguishing those among them as to whose membership there can be no doubt. The dates of the deaths of the persons named in this list, and the other facts men- tioned respecting them, have been gained from many sources, and perhaps may not be free from errors. This table well illustrates the mobile quality of all early settlements in a new country, and suggests that many new comers must have speedily followed the first founders to keep good their places.] Died. Mr. John Haines, Mr. George Willis, Mr. Edward Hopkins, Mr. Thomas Wells, Mr. John Webster, Mr. Thomas Hooker, Mr. Samuel Stone, Mr. Wm. Goodwine, Mr. Wm. Whittinge, Mr. Matthew Allyn, Mr. John Tallcott, James Olmsted, William Westwood, William Pantrey. Andrew Warner, John Steele, Nathaniel Warde, March 1, 1654. March 9, 1645. March, 1657. Jan. 14, 1660. April 6, 1661. Moved to Hadley. July 7, 1647. July 20, 1663. March 11, 1673. Moved to Hadley. July, 1647. 1671. Moved to Windsor. 1659-60. 1640. April 9, 1669. Moved to Hadley. 1684. Moved to Hadley. 1664. Moved to Farmington. May, 1664. Moved to Hadley. ORIGINAL AND EARLY MEMBERS. 11 Died. John White, Dec, 1683. Moved to Hadley. William Wadsworth, 1675-6. Thomas Hosmore, April 12, 1687. Thomas Scott, Nov. 6, 1643. William Lewis, 1683. Moved to Hadley. William Spencer, 1640. William Andrewes, uncertain. Steven Heart, 1683. Moved to Farmington. John Crow, Jan. 16, 1686. Moved to Hadley. John Moodey, 1655 (?) Thomas Standley, 1663. Moved to Hadley. Timothy Standley, Oct., 1648. Edward Stebbing, 1663. Andrew Bacon, Oct. 4, 1669. Moved to Hadley. John Barnard, ^lay 23, 1664. Moved to Hadley. Gregory Wilterton, July, 1674. Samuel Wakeman, 1641. William Gibbons. John Pratt, July 15, 1655. Richard Goodman, April 1, 1676. Moved to Hadley. Nathaniel Elly, Dec. 25, 1675. Moved to Norwalk. William Ruscoe. James Ensigne, 1670. John Hopkins, 1654. George Steele, 1665. Steven Post, Aug. 16, 1659. Moved to Saybrook. Thomas Jiidd, Nov. 12, 1688. Moved to Farmington, Thomas Birchwood, 1684. Moved to Saybrook, John Clarke, Nov. 22, 1712. Moved to Farmington, Matthew Marvell, 1687. Moved to Norwalk. William Butler, 1648. Thomas Lord. John Skinner. John Marsh, 1688. Moved to Hadley. Richard Lord, May 17, 1662. Richard Webb, July, 1655. John Maynard. William Kellsey, Moved to Killingwortk 12 FIEST CHUECH IN HARTFORD. Died. Jeremy Adams, Aug. 11, 1683. Eobert Daye, 1648. Thomas Spencer, Sept. 11, 1687. Nathaniel Richards, Richard Lyman, 1640. Joseph Mygatt, Dec. 7, 1680. William Blumfield, Richard Butler, Aug. 6, 1684. George Grave, Dec. 3, 1692. Arthur Smith, 1654. William Hill, July, 1688. Thomas Olcok, 1654-5. James Coale, 1652. John Arnold, 1664. Thomas Bull, 1684. George Stocking, May, 1683. William Heyden, Sept. 27, 1669. Nicholas Clarke, July 2, 1680. Thomas Stanton, 1678. Thomas Hales, Zachary Field, June 28, 1666. Thomas Roote, July 17, 1694. William Parker, Dec. 21, 1686. Seth Grant, 1647. William Pratt, Samuel Hales, Richard Olmsted, 1686. John Baysey, 1671. Joseph Easton. Thomas Selden, 1655. Francis Andrewes, 1662-3. Richard Church, Dec. 16, 1667. William Hide, 1681. Richard Wrisley, 1648. William Holton, Aug. 12, 1691. Robert Bartlett, March 14, 1676. Edward Elmer, 1676. Jonathan Ince, 1666. Moved to Norwalk. Moved to New London. Moved to Middletown. Moved to Hadley. Moved to Windsor. Moved to Stonington. Moved to Norwalk. Moved to Northa'pton. Moved to Northa'pton. Moved to Saybrook. Moved to Saybrook. Moved to Norwalk. Moved to Norwalk. Moved to Fairfield. Moved to Hadley. Moved to Saybrook. Moved to Northa'pton. Moved to Northa'pton. Moved to Northa'pton. ORIGINAL AND EARLY MEMBERS. 13 Died. John Cullick, Jan. 23, 1663. Moved to Boston. John Brunson, 1680. Moved to Farmington. John Warner, 1679. Moved to Farmington. William Cornwell, Feb. 21, 1678. Moved to Middletown. Thomas Woodford, March 6, 1667. Moved to Northa'pton. John Bidden, 1687. Ralph Keylor, 1672. Moved to Norwalk. Thomas Lord, Jr. , 1661. Moved to Wethersfield. John Hollaway, Oct. 18, 1684. Nathaniel Kellog, Moved to Farmington. Thomas Barnes, Moved to Farmington. Richard Seymour, Nov. 25, 1655. Moved to Farmington. John Purcasse, 1645. William Phillips, 1653. Nicholas Disbroe, 1683. Benjamin Burre, March 31, 1681. Hosea Goodwin, April, 1683. Robert Wade, Moved to Saybrook. John Olmsteed, Moved to Saybrook. Benjamin Munn, Nov., 1675. Moved to Springfield. Daniel Garwood, 1687 (?) John Hall, :May 26, 1673. Moved to Middletown. John Morrice, 1669. Nathaniel Barding, 1674. John Ginnings, Moved to Southa'pton. Paul Pecke, Dec, 1695. George Hubbard, 1685. Moved to Middletown. Thomas Blisse. Thomas Blisse, Jr., April 15, 1688. Moved to Saybrook. Edward Lay, Moved to Saybrook. Thomas Gridley, Moved to Farmington. John Sables, Moved to Wethersfield. John Pierce. Giles Smith, 1669. Moved to Fairfield. Richard Watts, 1657 (?) William Westley. Thomas Richards. Henry Walkley. 14 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Died. Thomas Upson, July 19, 1665. Widdowe Beets. Thomas Bunce, 1683. William Watts, Bartholomew Greene. John Stone, Samuel Greenhill, (Died early). Clement Chapling, Dorothy Chester, Thomas Beale. Thomas Fisher. Samuel Whitehead, 1690. John Friend, 1656. Abram Pratt. Thomas Goodfellow, Nov. 25, 1685. Thomas Munson, 1685. Thomas Hongerforth, 1663. Reynold Marvin, 1662. Moved to England. Moved to Guilford. Moved to Wethersfield. Moved to Wethersfield. Moved to New Haven. Moved to Boston. Moved to Wethersfield. Moved to New Haven. Moved to New London. Moved to Farmington. MEMBERS WHO WENT TO HADLEY. 15 MEMBERS WHO WENT TO HADLEY. 1659-1660. [During tlie later years of the Reverend Teacher Stone, after the death of the first Pastor, Mr. Hooker, an unhappy and pro- tracted quarrel arose in the Church, which resulted in the depar- ture of a considerable number of its members to Hadley. An agreement to go was signed "at Goodman Ward's house in Hartford, April 18, 1659." This list contains many names which appear on the last above given L, but there are some new ones and some of a second generation.] Died. John Webster, April 5, 1661. William Goodwin, March 11, 1673. John Crow, Jan. 16, 1686. Nathaniel Ward, May, 1664. John White, Dec, 1683. John Barnard, May 23, 1664. Andrew Bacon, Oct. 4, 1669. William Lewis, 1683. William Westwood, April 9, 1669. Richard Goodman, April 1, 1676. William Partrigg, June 27, 1668. Thomas Standley, 1663. Richard Church, Dec. 16, 1667. Francis Barnard, Feb. 3, 1698. John Marsh, 1688. Nathaniel Standley, Nov. 4, 1712. Returned to Hartford. Samuel Church, April 13, 1684. William Markum, 1689. Samuel Moody, 1689. Zechariah Field, June 28, 1666. Andrew Warner, 1684. Daniel Warner, April 30, 1692. 16 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. [The following named persons also signed the Agreement to remove to Hadley, but either did not go, or remained there but a short time, and mostly returned.] Died. Gregory Wilerton, July, 1674. John Arnold, 1664. Ozias Goodwin, April, 1683. James Ensign, 1670. Robert Webster, 1677. George Steele, 1665. William Lewis jr., 1690. Benjamin Harbert, after 1685. John Catling. Mr. Samuel Hooker, Nov. 6, 1697. Moved to Farmington. Edward Benton. Moved to Guilford. MEMBEKS SEPARATED TO THE SECOND CHURCH. 17 MEMBERS SEPARATED TO THE SECOND CHURCH, FEB. 22, 1670. [The separation of members forming- the Second Church was preluded by a long controversy led on the two sides by Rev. John Whiting and Rev. Joseph Hayues, the Associated Ministers of the Church, upon the Subject of Baptismal Qualifications and Synodical Authority. The difference in this Church was only a part of the generaragitation in New England on these subjects, following the approval of what came to be called Half-way- Covenant Church membership by the Ministerial Assembly of 1657 and the Synod of 1662. The two pastors of the Church differed on the subject, Rev. Mr. Haynes, the younger minister, approving the "larger baptism" and synodical authority; Rev. Mr. Whiting disapproving the latter, and at the outf^et of the con- troversy the former also. His Church, however, on its formation immediately began the half-way covenant practice.] Susannah Arnold, (w . John.) Andrew Benton, I ^^^^- to Haddam. Hannah Benton, \ John Bidall, I 1687. Sarah Bidall. \ Thomas Bull, 1684. Thomas Bunce, Sen., \ 1683. Sarah Bunce. John Cole, \ 1685. Anne Cole. James Ensing, \ 1671. Sarah Ensing. George Graw, Sen., \ Sept., 1673. Sarah Graw. Benj. Harbert, I before 1685. Christian Harbert, S died before her husband. Joseph Nash, I 1678. Margaret Nash, survived her husband. 18 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. James Richards, July 11, 1680. Samford. Frances Stebbing, (w. Edward.) 1673. James Steele. Steele. George Stocking, ) May, 1683. Agnes Stocking. ) Margaret Watson, (w. John.) 1683. Thomas Watts, ) 1683. Elizabeth Watts, ] Feb. 25, 1685. Robert Webster, 1677. Whapples. Rev. John Whiting, ) Sept. 8, 1689. Sibbilla Whiting, \ before 1673. COVENANT MEMBERS. 19 LIST OF PERSONS OWNING THE COVENANT. An account of persons coming into y'' Church since my ordi- nation, which was Nov. 18, 1685. [T. Woodbridge.J 1685. Nov. 23. Benjamin Grimes. Roger Pitkin. Dec. 6. Texell Ains worth. Ainsworth (Texell). Samuel Burr. 13. John TuUor. 27. Tho:Long. Long(Tho:). 16|f. Jan. 31. Joseph Strickland. 1686. May 16. John Hopkins. June 13. Edward Elmer. Aug. 15. Tullor(Joh:). Oct. 17. Thomas Bishop. 19. Samuell Gilbert. 26. John Burnham. (?) 3. Samuel Burnham. 13. Sarah Bishop. 1687. 22. John Williams. [Jul]y 24. John Prat, Jun'. [Au]g. 21. Stephen Hopkins. [Sep]t. 4. William Pitkin. 27. Daniell Clarke, upon a letter from y* Church in Windsor. [16f| .] Mar. 4. John Mitchell. 1688. April 1. Robt: Sandford. June 3. Joseph Grihmes. 20 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1688. July 22. Jonathan Hills. 29. Abigail King. Aug. 5. Barnard (w. Charles). [16|f.]Mar. 4. Mary Sedgwick (Samuel). Susanna Smith. [16ft.] Feb. 2. Jonathan Loomis. 1690. Mar. John Baker. April 5. Lewis (James), of Farminglon. William Man. 16ff. Feb. James Ensigne. Nathanell Goodwine. Mary Smith. 1691. [Ap]r[il] 26. John Steel. [Jul]y Obadiah Wood. 5. Daugliter to Capt. Fitch. Stoughton (John) of Windsor. 1692. April 10. Thomas Morgan. James Wright, of WetTwrsJield. May. John Elmer. Elmer (John). Aug. 14. Tho:01mstead. Oct. 23. John Grihmes. 30. Tho:Butlar. [1693.] Mar. 28. Susanna Scot. April 16. Sarah Burr (Tho:). 23. Ruth Killum. May 7. Tho:01cot, Jun^ June 11. Lydia More (Philip). 25. Sarah Scot. Aug. 20. Daniel Prat. 27. Hannah Webster. Sept. 3. Thomas Ensigne. Mar. 12. Joseph Keeney. Richard Smead. (?) Dec. 3. John Burr. 24. Rachel Grant. 1694. Mar. 18. M' Rich: Lord. April 6. Alderman (William). Covenant members. 21 1694. July 1. Sarah Johnson, of WeatJiersfield. Mary Phelps, of Windsor. 15. Josiah Dibble. 29. Dickinson (John). Sept. 2. Williams (James). 23. Ebenezer Gilbert. Kov. 4. Dorothy Sparks (John). Dec 30. William Kelsey. [16M. ,] Feb. 3. John Skinner. 10. Gabriel Williams. 1695. June 9. Thomas Gains. Gains (Thomas). 23. Elishebah Brace. Elizabeth Brace. Henry Brace. John Brace. (?) Phebe Brace. Stephen Brace. Susanna Hart. July 7. Mary Case. Aug. 4. Obadiah Spencer, Jun''. Thomas Scot. Aug. 11. Joseph Easton, Jun^ Sept. 15. Thomas Spencer. Dec. 8. John Forbs. William, ) ^ ^. Daniel], [^'^^^«^^- [16M. ] Jan. 5. Thomas Olcot. 19. Margarett Butlar. 1696. Mar. 29. Ruth Grant. THE COVENANT PUBLICKLY OWNED. We do solemnly, in y^ presence of god & this congregation, avouch god in Jesus christ to be our God, one God in three per- sons, y« Father, y« Son, & y® holy Ghost, and y* we are by nature childr'> of wrath, & y* our hope of mercy with God is only thro y« righteousnesse of Jesus christ apprehended by faith, & we do freely give up ourselves to y Lord to walke in 22 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. communion with him in y" ordinances appointed in his holy word, & to yeeld obedience to all his Comand*' & to submit to his governm*, & whereas to y'' great dishon*" of God, scandall of Religion, & hazard of y^ damnation of many souls y sins of drunkennesse and fornication are Prevailing amongst us, we do solemnly engage before God, this day, thro his grace, faithfully & consciensciously to strive against those evills & y" temptations that may lead thereunto. These names following were subscribed to this covenant by the consent of y" severall persons, & y® covenant publickly owned by them, Feb. 23, 16f|: Hezekiah Willis. Joseph Hopkins. Sam'i Peck. Nicholas Olmstead. Will™ Davenport. Jonathan Easton. John Stedman. Josiah Smith. Sam" Shepherd. James Easton. Baisy Baker. Jonathan Bigloe. Richard Skinner. Sam" Richards. Joseph Kemp. Jonathan Bur. John Bigloe. Mary Kemp. Anne Ffoster. Ruth Prat. Martha Peck. Hannah Long. Hannah Graves. Sarah Nicholls. Rebekah Bigloe. Lydia Richards. Susanna Grihmea. Cyprian Nicholls, Jun'' John Peck. Jonathan Butlar. Will"^ Baker. Joseph Skinner. John Catline. Benjamin Catline. Jonathan Prat. Tho: Clark. Nath" Arnold. Sam" Catline. Thomas Skinner. Nath" Skinner. John Kemp. Sam" Wheeler. Isaack Cakebread. Elizabeth Davenport. Mary Hopkins. Susanna Prat. Elizab: Easton. Violet Stedman. Mary Nicholls. Sarah Skinner. Sarah Bigloe, Elizab: Richards. Esther Richards. Covenant members. 23 Sarah Atkins. Elizab'*^ Marshall. Jerusha Long. Hannah Kelly. Mary Waters. Hannah Richards. Hannah Waters. Mary Andrewes. Mary Mason. Hannah Robinson. Hannah Mason. Mary Bigloe. Sarah Waters. Sarah Kemp. Sarah Loomys. Sarah Bur. These names following were subscribed by consent of y" severall persons who publickly owned y« covenant, March 8, 16f f : Edward Cadwell. John Goodwine. Richard Goodman. George Grave. Matthew Cadwell. Jacob Demming. Sam'i Spencer. Nathanell Andrewes. Joseph Day. Dan" Clarke. Charles Sexton. Tho: Andrewes. Thomas Day. Tho: Catline. Joseph Olcot. George Olcott. John Clarke. Samuel Woodroof, Daniell Dyx. John Butlar. Susana Prat. Abigail Lothrop. Anne Edwards. Sarah Knight. Elizab: Spencer. Sarah Sandford. Hannah Collier. Sam" Spencer. Sam" Butlar. John Olcott. Martin More. John Day. Abel Collier. Ebenezer Spencer. John Spencer. George Smith. George Sexton. John Collier. John Kelsey. Sam" Cadwell. Timothy Hide. Sam" Goodwine. Desborough Spencer. Joseph Collier. Abraham Warner. John Robinson. Sarah Goodwine. Elizabeth Deming. Sarah Collier. Hannah Spenser. Sarah Long. Abigail Andrewes. Hannah Spenser. u FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Mary Gilbert. Rose Higgins. Elizabeth Collier. Mabell Edwards. Abigail Collier. Sarab Einsworth. Abigail Pantry. Mary Day. Mary Douglasse. Hannah Kelsey. Elizabeth Gilbert. Martha Cooke. Helena Talcot. Sarah Robinson. Mary Clarke. These names following were persons who publickly owned John Pitkin. Thomas Kilburn. David Fforbs. James Olmstead. Richard Gilman. Henry Arnold. John Hills. Obadiah Wood. Robert Harris. Nathanell Downe. Elizabeth Pitkin. Abigail Benjamin, Mary Fforbs. Sarah Gilman. Deborah Spenser. Rachell Spenser. Sarah Collier. Mary Spenser. Sarah Burr. Mehetabell Reeve. Hannah Cadwell. Mehetabell Cadwell. Hannah Pantry. Ruth Spenser. Elizabeth Olcott. Abigail Pantry. Elizabeth Allen. Mabell Hains. Mary Robinson. Elizabeth Clarke. subscribed by consent of y severall j^ covenant, March 15, 16f|: Benjamin Hills. William Dixe. Joseph Olmstead. Richard Case. William Buckline. Ebenezer Hills. Jonathan Williams. John Case. Thomas Burr. Elizabeth Buckline. Phillis Hills. Mary Gilman. Sarah Treat. These names following were subscribed by consent of y* severall persons who publickly owned y covenant, March 23, Solomon Gilman. Jabes Colt. COVENANT MEMBERS. 25 Jeremiah Dickens. Samuell Elmer. John Hocom. Bridget Ffitch. Lydia Colt. Mary Dickens. Anna Gains. Mary Morton. Anna Morton. Sarah Gains. These likewise owned y covenant, April 5, 1696. Mary Arnold. Hannah Keeney. Thomas Parsons. -Paul Peck. Hannah Miles. Elizabeth Lewis. John Olcot. Joseph Pratt. Thomas Waters. Peter Blin. Thomas North, of Farmington. Nicholas Evans, of Windsor. Hannah Evans. Nathanell Pitkin. Ephraim Turner. John Kilburn, of Podunk. Roger Brunson, of Farmington. Willson (w. Nathanell). Cornelius Merry. Samuel Brownson, of Farmington. James Fforbs. Jonathan Ashly. John Millington. Abigail Winchell. Ozias Pitkin. Ebenezer Barns, of Farmington. Timothy Olcot. May 3. 17. Aug. 2. 23. Dec. 13. 16ff. Feb. 28. Mar. 7. 14. 1697. April 4. June 27. 1699. Sept. 17. 1700. Dec. 15. 170i. Feb. 16. 1702. Mar. 28. 1703. May 10. Sept. 12. 170f. Feb. 13. Mar. 12. 19. 1704. April 6. Aug. 20. 26 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1705. July 7. William Harris. May 18. Tamar, negro maid. 170f. Feb. 17. Caleb Stanley. Mar. 10. Edward Dod. 1707. April 27. Lydia Peck. May 4. Mathias Treat. June 15. Martha Wilkingson. 1708. June 13. Hannison (James). July 18. Solomon Andrewes. 1709. May 15. John Shepherd, Junior. July 10. Joseph Simons. Oct. 30. Gershom Sexton. 170^. Jan. 22. William Goring, of Windso7\ 1710. Mar. 26. David Ensigne, Jun^ June 4. Stephen Taylour. July 9. Joseph Ashley. 16. Jonathan Arnold. Sept. 17. William Kelsey. 24. Jonathan Taylour. Oct. 8. Samuell Wells. 29. Thomas Bunce. 17if. Feb. 25. John Grosse. 1711. Aug. 26. Hannah Arnold. Nov. 25. Hannah Lewis. 11\^. Jan. 27. Samuell Sedgwick. 1712. April 6. Rachel Marshfield. June 1. Hannah Philly. 15. John Hossington. Elizabeth Hossington (John) 1714. Mar. 14. Sarah Messenger (Return). May 9. Homer Howard. 1717. April 28. Joseph Ffarnsworth. 1718. Mar. 30. Christian Williamson. 17^. Jan. 11. Joseph King. 1719. Sept. 27. Daniel Ffoot. Nov. 2. Esther Adams. 17|f. Jan. 31. Jonah Grosse. 1721. April 2. Lemuel Demming. COVENANT MEMBERS. 27 17|-|. Jan. 13. Susanna Messenger. 37. Joseph, Indian. Feb. 9. Samuell Pond. 1724. Aug. 17. Dod (Edward). Dec. 17. Susana Demming. 1725. Oct. 10. Richard Lord. Dec. 26. Charles Burnham. 17ff. Feb. 19. John Smith. 1727. Dec. 10. Elisabeth Lord. 1728. Aug. 4. Samuel Edwards. 17|f. Feb. 23. Michael Burnham. 1729. Aug. 17. Joanna Porter. 1730. Aug. 30. Timothy Stanley. Mary Stanley (Timothy). Sept. 20. Joseph Gilbert, Jun^ Hannah Gilbert (Joseph, Jun^) Oct. 15. Eunice Day. 1731. May 9. Caleb Spencer. Sarah Spencer (Cp^eb). July 18. Patience Marshall (Samuell). Aug. 22. Nehemiah Cad well. Oct. 31. Daniel Brace. Frances Brace (Daniel). Dec. 26. Hephsibah Collier. These persons following owned the covenant, Feb. 3, 17f| : Joseph Clark. Abel Collier. Daniel Butler. Daniel Burr. Richard Goodman. Daniel Good wine. Nathanell Spencer. Joseph Talcot. Jonathan Olcot. Moses Cooke. Samuel Butlar. Thomas Andrewes. Zechariah Sandford. Thomas Olcot. John Cadwell. John Day. Joseph Day. Timothy Phelps. Jonathan Spencer. 28 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. These foUowiDg owned the covenant, March 28, 1725: John Talcot. Timothy Goodman. Joseph Olcot. Daniel Spenser. Timothy Andrewes. Elijah Andrewes. William Andrewes. Timothy Skinner. Eliezer Goodwine. Daniel Clark. William Goodwine. These following owned the covenant, Dec. 7, 1729. Joseph Skinner. John Carter. Joshua Carter. Gideon Carter. Jonathan Skinner. John Catlin. Benjamin Richards. John Shepherd. John Shepherd, Jun^ Jonathan Fforbs. Benaiah Hocom. James Shepherd. Sam" Catlin. Daniel Butler. Jonathan Butler. Joseph Richards. Isaack Hopkins. Moses Ensigne. Cyprian Nichols. James Nichols. William Nichols. Dositheus Homfryes. Barzillai Clark. Benjamin Gilbert. These following owned the covenant, January 4, 17|^ : George Wyllys. Epaphras Lord. Ichabod Lord. John Dod. Jonathan Brace. Thomas Catlin. Gideon Henderson. Feb. 15, 17f^. Ebenezer Richards. These following owned the covenS August 2, 1730 : Rebeccah Prat. Abigail Talcot. Eunice Talcot. Esther Phelps. Anna Cooke. Abigail Phelps. Hannah Nicholson. Abigail Goodwine. Hannah Kelsey. Sarah Barnard. Amy Prat. Sarah Grihmes. Sarah Spenser, Sen^ Susanna Goodwine. COVENANT MEMBERS. 29 Amy Gilbert. Mary Gilbert. Love Andrewes. Johanna Goodwine. Ruth Goodwine. Sarah Wadsworth. Hannah Spenser. Alice Goodwine. Mary Skinner. These following owned the covn*. September 27, 1730: Debrah Andrewes. Mary Meakins. Mary Butler. Sarah Butler. Elizabeth Collier. Abigail Sheldon. Dorcas Spenser. Isabel Spenser. Violet Butler. Joanna Wadsworth. Eunice Collier. These following owned the covn*, April 11, 1731 : Elizabeth Wyllys. Hellena Nichols. Mary Richards. Hannah Baker. Mary Ensigne. Agnes Nichols. Sybil Shepherd. Mary Brace. Mary Nichols. Anna Ensigne. Elisabeth Brace. Ruth Carter. Elisabeth Skinner. Hannah Goodwine. Susannah Bunce. An account of persons owning the covenant since my ordination, which was September 38, 1732 : [d. w.] COVENANT. You do solemnly, in the presence of god and before this Con- gregation, avouch god in Christ to be your god, one god in 3 persons, Father, Son, and holy ghost, and professing that you believe the Sacred Scriptures to be y^ word of god, you promise thro y^ assistance of Divine grace to make them the rule of your life, and acknowledging yourself by nature a Child of wrath, your hope of mercy with god is only thro y righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith, you do also give up yourself (and yours) to the Lord promising to submitt unto the rule and government of Christ in y^ Church. 30 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1732. Oct. 15. Freeman Gross. Dec. 10. Elisabeth Alcot (Thomas). 1733. April 8. Elisha Brace. 1735. May 4. Jerusha Bunce. Aug. 31. Moses Butler. Matthew Talcot. Rhoda West. Oct. 20. Thomas Brooks. Stephen Skinner. mi Jan. 18. W. Normand Morison. Feb. 22. Abigail Brace. 1736. April 4. ilf". Helena Talcot. if*. Jerusha Tolcot. June 13. Dorothy Skinner. Hannah Skinner. July 18. Daniel Collier. Oct. 3. Seth Youngs. 17|f. Jan. 23. William Minthorn. Feb. 13. Betty Tony. Mar. 13. Aaron Cad well. 20. Sarah Catlin. Ruth Eason. 1737. April 24. Rachel Cadwell. May 8. Abraham Cadwell. Sarah Cadwell (Abraham). July 3. Rebecca Shepherd (John). Rebecca Skinner. l^H- Jan. 8. Mary Farnsworth, Jun'. Rachel Goodwin. Sarah Spencer, Jun'. Feb. 12. Benjamin Dod. 19. Mary Butler. Sarah Butler. Sarah Hopkins. Mar. 19. Nathaniel Eggleston. 1738. Apri; 116. Mary Blin. Mary Butler. COVENANT MEMBEKS. 31 Nov. 12. Dorcas Brace. Rebecca Brace. 26. Abigail Ashley. mi Mar. 4. Hannah Youngs (Seth). Oct. 17. Thomas Welles, Jun"". 17H- Mar. 2. if. Samuel Talcott. Feb. 24. Sarah Nickols. 1740. June 15. Mercy Gilbert. Aug. 10. Edward Cadwell, Jun^ 17M. Mar. 22. Abigail Graham. 1741. April 12. Abigail Benton. Susanna Gross. April 26. Thankful Easton. Amy Richards. May 3. Nathaniel Brace. Susannah Butler. Abigail Farnsworth. June 28. Isaac Graham. Sarah Richards. Aug. 9. Sarah Jones. Sept. 20. Mary Pratt. im- Jan. 17. James Logren. 1742. Oct. 10. George Alcot. 1743. Mar. 27. Stephen Turner. Rachel Turner (Stephen). 1744. Mar. 25. Priscilla, negro. Sept. 9. Hezekiah Marsh. im- Jan. 6. Elijah Cadwell. 20. Thomas Burr, Jun^ Feb. 24. Moses Burr. Elisabeth Burr (Moses). 1745. April . 7. John Spencer, Jun'. 14. Edward Dod. Oct. 20. Moses Burnham. Dec. 22. Joseph Wadsworth, Jun'\ Elisabeth Wadsworth (Joseph, Jun.). 32 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. An account of persons admitted to own the coven* pr. E. D. pastor ch^ in Hartford. 1748. May 8. Elisha Biggelow. Caleb Bull. Martha Bull (Caleb). Sam^i Wadsworth. Stephen Shepard. Susanna Shepard (Stephen). Nath" Spencer. 17f|. Jan. 22. Sam'i Day. Ebenezar Barnard. 1749. Aug. 27. M"". John Lawrence. Dan^^ Biggelow. 1750. April 22. Moses Dickenson. Elizabeth Dickenson (Moses). John McKnight. Hannah Day (Sam"). Elisha Wadsworth. Elihu Wadsworth. 1751. April 7. Ozias Goodwin, Jun^ Mary Goodwin (Ozias, JunO- Zechariah Pratt. 21. Sam" Sheppard. Hannah Sheppard (Sam"). June 16. Abigail Pratt (Zechariah). Aug. 11. Dan" Marsh, Jun^ Ann Marsh (Dan", Jun'). Oct. 13. George Smith. Jn° Wells. 17fi. Jan. 19. Elisabeth Ashly (Ezekiel). 1752. July 26. Will"' Wadsworth. Jn^' Watson, Jun'. Aug. 16. Sam" Barnard. 30. Sam" Goodwin. Leodaima Goodwin (Sam"). Hannah Watson (Jn'^, Jun^. Oct. 29. David Bull. May 8. Aug. 7. Oct. 2. Nov. 20. Nov. 27. Jan. 22. Mar. 5. Aug. 27. Sept. 8. April 22. 29. Aug. 26. Sept. 23. April 7. COVENANT MEMBERS. 33 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. Nov. 5. Nath'i Pease, Jim\ Sophia Pease (Nath'>, Jun'). Dec. 10. Hezekiah Wadsworth. Mar. 25. Nehemiah Cad well. Hannah Cadwell (Nehemiah). Sept. 2. Elisha Graham. Isaac Graham. Ruth Weed (Sam'i). Oct. 7. Tim° Dodd. Nov. 25. Elisha Butler. Dec. 9. Sam" Drake. Martha Drake (Sam^i). Mar. 31. Jn" Pantry Goodwin. May 5. Uriah Burkett. Lois Burkett (Uriah). Oct. 20. Elijah Spencer. Mar. 30. Abijah Clark. Dec. 14. Rich^ Edwards. Dec. 28. Charles Kelsey, Jun^ Sarah Kelsey (Charles, Jun^. Jan. 25. Jared Bunce. Mary Bunce (Jared). Feb. 29. Mary Caldwell (Jn^^). April 25. Jn" Pantry Jones. May 2. Charles Caldwell. Sept. 12. James Caldwell. Nov. 21. Will'" Goodwin, Jun^ Margarett Goodwin (Will"\ Ji Jan. 2. Jn'^ Burkitt. Sarah Burkitt (Jn"). Jan. 16. Ashbell Cadwell. Mar. 27. Tho^ Ensign. May 8. Will'" Cadwell, Jun>. Oct. 9. Josiah Frances. Abigail Frances (Josiah). Jan. 15. Experience Ensign (Tho^. 22. Ithamar Andross. Hannah Andross (Ithamar). 34 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Feb. 19. Uriah Sheppard. Hannah Sheppard (Uriah). Mar. 12. Silas Andross. Sarah Andross (Silas). May 7. Kich** Skinner. Camelia Skinner (Rich^). Edward White. Isaac Bunce. Bunce (Isaac). Hannah White (Edward). Sylva, negro sermmt to Edw^ Dorr. Robart Sanford. Huldah Sanford (Robart). 1759. Feb. 4. Dan" Grimes. Benj'" Hopkins. Ben jam'' Pain. Ann Olcott (Jon'^). Joseph Olcott, Jun^ Elisabeth Olcott (Joseph, Jun"^). Moses Kellog. Jerusha Kellog (Moses). Anna Pierce (Pelatiah). James Curry. George Lord. Sarah Lord (George). 1760. June 39. Sam" Olcott. Mary Burk. Betty, negro servant to Dan" Edwards, Esq^ 1761. Feb. 22. Tho« Sloan. Susannah Sloan (Tho"). Lydia Center (w. ) Jn^' Cook, Jun'. Moses Ensign. Thankfull Cook (Jn^ Jun^. 1762. April 11. Teter, negro servant to EdW^ Dorr. Salle, negro servant to Capt. Jn" Keith. Jon^^ Goodwin. 1763. Jan. 23. Will"' Knox. Jennett Knox (Will'")- o u-iy J.V. 30. Aug. 27. Nov. 19. Dec. 31. Feb. 4. Mar. 4. April 8. Aug. 19. Sept. 30. Oct. 7. Nov. 18. 25. June 29. Oct. 19. 26. Feb. 22. May 24. Oct. 11. 25. Nov. 15. April 11. 25. July 25. Jan. 23. COVENANT MEMBERS. 35 1764. Feb. 5. Grove Collyer. Hepsibah Collyer (Grove). 19. Moses Hopkins. Elisabeth Hopkins (Moses). Mar. 25. Moses Slieppard. Ruth Sheppard (Moses). April 1. Sam'i Marsh. Catherine Marsh (Sam^'). May 13. Ezra Corning. Corning (Ezra). Eli Sheppard. July 29. Jonathan Wadsworth. Wadsworth (Jonathan). Tim" Bunco. Bunce (Tim^). Oct. 28. Sarah Mattocks (Sam^O- Nov. 4. Allen McLean. 1765. Feb. 24. Simeon Grimes. April 14. Abigail Grimes (Simeon). Ezra Hide. May 5. Jn<* Dodd. Sarah Dodd (Jn«). July 14. Simon Clark. Sarah Clark (Simon). Nov. 10. Caleb Church. Ruth Church (Caleb). 1766. May 18. Jesse Marsh. Marsh (Jesse). Aug. 31. Noah Washburn. Bathsheba Washburn (Noah). Sept. 8. Will'" Gove. 1767. April 5. Hope Burlison. June 7. Danii Cotton. Aug. 16. Eldad Sheppard. Rebeccah Sheppard (Eldad). 30. Elisabeth Cotton (Dan^O. Dan" Olcott. Eunice Olcott (Danii). 36 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1768. 1769. 1770. Aug. 30. Ashbell Spencer. Mehitabel Spencer (Ashbell). Sept. 20. Tim*» Slieppard (JunO- Anna Slieppard (Tim^ Jun^. 27. Sarah Jefferies (Jn°). Jan. 31. Elisabeth Giddings (w. ). May 1. Christian Akins (Joseph). Aug. 14. Hagar, negro servant to Jn" H. Lord. Oct. 23. Dan" Spencer, Jun^ Sarah Spencer (Dan", Jun--). Nov. 13. Tho^ Sandford, Jun^ Susannah Sandford (Tho* JunO- Dec. 11. Sam" Talcott, Jun^ Abigail Talcott (Sam", Jun^. Feb. 12. William Pratt. Rachell Pratt (William). Rachell Turner (Pelatiah). Feb. 26. William Watson. Deborah Watson (William). Mar. 12. Abi Stevens (Henry). June 25. Mary Bigelow (Benj"^). Aug. 6. Joseph Pratt. Pratt (Joseph). Sept. 3. Joseph Wadsworth, Jun^ Jerusha Wadsworth (Joseph, JunO. Dec. 24. Caleb Bull, Jun^ Rebeckah Bull (Caleb, Jun--). Dec. 31. Hez'i Turner. Turner (Hez'O- Jan. 14. Julius Jones. Jones (Julius). Feb. 18. John Chenevard. Mar. 11. Nath" Goodwin, Jun^ Anna Goodwin (Nath", Jun""). April 15. James Thomson. Mary Thomson (James). June 17. Eliakim Pish. Fish (Eliakim). COVENANT MEMBERS. 37 Sept. 30. Joel Byington. Christian Byington (Joel). Oct. 20. George Olcott, Jun^ Olcott (George, Jun'). John Gooden. Gooden (John). 1771. Jan. 13. Benj-^^ Morison. Margaret Morison (Benj™). 27, Obadiah Spencer, Jun». Spencer (Obadiah, Jun'). Mar. 10. Mary M<=Lean (Allen). April 7. Dan'i Talcott. Talcott (Danii). May 5. Jn° M'^Lean. Sarah M-^Lean (Jn^). Sept. 28. Zq& Sanford. Anna Sanford (Zec^.) 38 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. LIST OF PERSONS ADMITTED TO FULL COMMUNION. Names of persons received into full communion [by t. woodbridge.] Died. Jan. 17. Mabell Butler (Daniell). 1686. May 2. Richard Risly. Risly (Richard). Arnold (Henry). Kilburn (Thomas). John Shepherd, Jun^, 1736. Hannah Shepherd (John, Jr). June 6. John Hopkins, dis. July 24, 1692. ? 29. Long (Thomas). ? 5. Tho : Cadwell. Joseph Olmstead, Nov., 1726. 16ff . Mar. 20. Elizabeth Good wine (Nathanell). Rebecca Messenger (Nathan). 1687. ? 8. Mary Ffitch (Joseph). ? 4. John Mason. 1698. Ruth Welles (Sam'O, May 2, 1744. Daniell Butlar, Mar. 28. 1692. M\ John Hains, Nov. 27, 1713. Tho: Chadwell, Sen^, Oct. 9, 1694. Mercy Burr (Sam")- Mary Bigloe (Jonathan), ' Mar. 5, 1697. Joseph Clark, ? Feb. 8, 1698. Nathanell Goodwine, Sen'., 1714. Sarah Sanford (Zachary). John Emerson. Helen Nichols (Cyprian), May 12, 1702. Bridget Booth. 1688. May 6. July 29. Sept. 2. 16. Oct. 30. [?] 10. m [?] 17. [?] in 18. 1690. Aug. 17. MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO FULL COMMUNION. 39 Died. 16f^. Feb. Mary Burnham (Sam'), Williams (William). April 19, 1728. 1691. [Ma]y 3. Elmer (Edw:). Lois Goodwine (Natb:), .June 15, 1697. 16fi. Mar. 3. Gilman (Richard), Elizabeth Olmstead (Joseph). Sarah Phelps (Timothy), Hannah Spencer (Jarad), April 28, 1729. ? Feb. 18, 1758. Oct. 22, 1692. 1692. May Mary Burnham (John), Elizabeth Cadwell (Edw :). Hannah Cadwell (Tho : JunO- May 1721. June 26. Abigail Cadwell (Caleb Leete). Sarah Hopkins (Stephen), May 11, 1693. Hannah Sanford. Sanf ord (Robt :) Stedman(Robt:). July 3. Sarah Knight (George). Aug. 14. Tho : Atkins, Elisabeth Collier (w. Joseph), Dickens (Jeremiah). Roger Pitkin, Hannah Pitkin (Roger), William Pitkin, Elizabeth Pitkin (William), Oct. 23, 1694. 1695-6. Nov. 24, 1748. Nov. 1, 1703. April 5, 1723. Feb. 12, 1751. Oct. 30. Sarah Burnham (Richard). Joel Marshall. Dec. 18. Will"' Long. 1693. Mar. 28. Marshall (Joel). June 11. Ghrimes(Benj:), ? 1697. Oct. 1. Stephen Hopkins, Mary Olcot (Tho: SenO, Oct. 1702. May 3, 1721. 16M- Feb. 25. John Baker, Sen^ 1694. Oct. 28. Hannah Willet. Dec. 30. Daniel Prat. Susanna Scot (Thos. Shepherd] 1. 16ff- Feb. 10. Joseph Butler, Mar. 20, 1712. 24. Richard Edwards, April 20, 1718. 40 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Died. 16f|. Feb. 24. Mary Edwards (Richard), Jonath: Hills. Dorothy Hills (Jonath:). April 19, 1723. 1695. June 23. 30. Brace (w. Stephen). Mary Williams (Jonah). July 7. William Parsons. Hannah ? Parsons (William). Aug. 11. John Biglo, Timothy Cowles. Hannah Cowles (Timothy), Hannah Humphery. 1721. Aug. 30, 1736. Sept. 22. Arnold (w. ). Joshua Carter. Nathanell Goodwin. Mar. 12, 1746. * Goodwin (Nathanell). Sam" Sedgewick, Mar. 24, 1735. Nov. 10. Thomas Richards, Mary Richards (Thomas). Joseph Easton, Easton (Joseph). Sarah Shirley. ?Dec., 1714. Jan., 1712. 16t|. Jan. 12. Sam" Burr, Hannah Webster (Robert). ? Mar. 4, 1698. Mar. 1. Sam" Andrewes, Susanna Baker. Esther Butlar (Joseph). James Ensigne. Lydia Ensigne (James). Tho: Ensigne, Hannah Ensigne (Tho :). 1712. Aug. 27, 1752. Mar. 1. Ben jam: Ghrimes, Goodwine (William). Mary Hains (John), Long (William). 1725. Aug. 19, 1726. * This may be an error. See, in this list, Mar. 20, 1686-87, and May 3, 1697, Nathaniel Goodwin, Jun'., m. (2) Sarah Easton, Sept. 14, 1699, who d. Jan. 2, 1740. MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO FULL COMMUNION. 41 Died. 16M. Mar. 1. Hannah Mason (John). George Northaway. Sarah Norton. Mabell Russell (John Hubbard) Abigail Sandford. Mary Sedgewick (Samuell), Sept. 4, 1743. Tho : Shepherd. 1696. April 12. Nathanell Arnold. Thomas Butlar, Aug. 23, 1725. Abigail Butlar (Thomas), Sept. 5, 1750. Martha Clark (Daniell), Oct. 13, 1719. John Day, Nov. 4, 1752. Grace Day (John), May 12, 1714. Joseph Hopkins, 1712. Mitchell (w. ). Esther Prat, Oct. 7, 1702. Rachell Skinner (John), Aug. 17, 1748. Mary Spenser. ilf". Joseph Talcot, Oct., 1741. April 19. Sarah Olcot (Thomas), July 24, 1756. M^. Dudley Woodbridge, 1710. May 31. Susanna Grihmes. Pantry (John). Sarah Terry, t Williams (Gabriell). July 14. Elmer (Edward). Thomas Olmstead, 1741. John Parsons. John Williams. Sarah Williams (John). William Williams. Nov. 6. Phillis Hills (John Parsons), Jan. 9, 17|i. 16|f- Jan. 10. Joseph Pratt. 1697. April 18. Jonathan Biglo, July 29, 1749. April 18. Samwell Butlar. Keeney (Joseph). May, M"". Benj : Ruggles, Sept. 5, 1708. Mercy Ruggles (Benj :), June 28, 1707. 42 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1697. June 6. Aug. 22. Nov. 21. Samwell Richards. Mary Richards (Samuell). Nathanell Andrewes. Abigail Benjamin. Spencer (Tho:). 16f|. Mar. 20. Hannah Graves (John). 1698. April 24. Ebenzer Hopkins. Sam" Spenser. 1716. Sarah Spenser (Sam^'), April 24, 1706. June 12. Sarah Wheeler (Sami'), Oct., 1710. Aug. 7. Timothy Phelps, 1719. leu. Feb. 5. Anne Ffoster (Rev. Thos. Gabriell Williams. Buckingham), 1765. 1699. May 28. Nov. 12. Abraham Warner. Obadiah Wood. John Read. im- Feb. 11. Sam^i Parsons, Aug. 11, 1708. 1700. Mar. 31. Sarah Gilman. Anne Spencer. July 21. Talcot (Joseph), Mar. 24, 1704. Sept. 15. Esther Pitkin (Nathanel). Anne Richardson (w. Jonathan), May, 1764. 1701. June 8. Elizabeth Lewes. 1703. May 10. David Ensigne. Sept. 20. John Pitkin, 1706. Nov. 21. Margaret Butlar. 1705. July 7. Sept. 30. Dec. Timothy Olcot, Susanna Butlar. David Arnold. April 5, 1754. M"". John Pantry, April 4, 1736. mi Feb. 3. Elizabeth Galpin. 1706. July 20. Hannah Spenser. 17§f. Feb. 23. Anne Clark. George Sexton. 1707. April 27. Sarah Bracy. Rachel Cooke. Sarah Marshall. MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO FULL COMMUNION. 43 Died. 1707. June 29. Elisabeth Catlin (Sam' 0- Elisabeth Marshall. John Millington, Mar. 26, 1720. Aug. 17. Sarah Spenser (John). Nov. 2. Phebe Booth, Dec. 25, 1756. William Gaylour. John Rew. Dec. 21. Anne Sandford (Joseph Bunce), Oct. 18, 1710. 17^. Feb. 8. Charles Bulkline. Butlar (John). Gerard Spenser. 1708. June 6. Mary Rue (John). Elizabeth Spenser (Sam"). Aug. 2. Sarah Sexton (George). Sept. 19. Thomas Olcot. Nov. 14. Edward Cadwell, Jun% Sept. 3, 1751. Deborah Cadwell (Edward, Jun'), May 1, 1772. 17^f. Feb. 28. Aaron Clark. 1709. May 1. John Skinner, Oct. 27, 1743. Joseph Skinner, Feb. 7, 17||. Elisabeth Skinner (Joseph), Dec. 18, 1765. 1710. Aug. 20. Jonathan Easton. John Peck. Oct. 22. Stephen Hopkins, Jan. 4, 1769. 17if. Jan. 28. Timothy Woodbridge, 1742. Mar. 4. Joseph Wadsworth, Jun% Mar. 25, 1758. 1711. April 29, Anne Butlar. Ebenezer Gilbert. 17^^. Jan. 27. Nathanel Curtisse. Daniel Messinger. Robert Royse, Jun^ Feb. 3. Henry Brace, ? 1751. Ann Brace (Henry). John Brace. Brace (John). Feb. 3. Stephen Brace, Mar. 28, 1755. William Cadwell, Dec. 27, 1723. 44 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Died. 17H- Feb. 8. Ruth Cadwell (William), Nov. 21, 1714. David Ensigne. Hannah Hopkins (Joseph). Samuel Peck. 1712. April 6. Hannah Arnold (Jonathan), Sept. 18, 1714. Elisabeth Easton (Jonathan). Mehitabel Goodwine (Joseph Goodridge). Samuel Peck. Abigail Peck (Sam'O- June 1. Jonathan Arnold, May 19, 1719. Hannah Buckline (Charles). Maynard Day, May 10, 1759. Esther Gilbert (Ebenezer). Mary Grosse (John). Agnes Humphries (Nathaniel). Mary Nicholls (Cyprian, JunO, Feb. 16, 1756. Paul Peck. Loah Peck (Paul). Susannah Prat (John). Hannah Prat (Isaac Porter). Abigail Spenser (Desborough), Feb. 17, 1725. CapP'. Caleb Williamson, Dec. 24, 1738. July 20. Love Andrewes (Thos:), Oct. 13, 1718. Elisabeth Collier (John). Hannah Ensigne (David, Jun'), May 10, 1764. Martha Hubbard (Samuel). Ruth Sedgewick (Samuel, Jun'). Gershom Sexton. Samuel Shepherd, June, 1750. Bethiah Shepherd (Samuel). Elisabeth Taylour (Jonathan), Sept. 15, 1750. Hepsibah Wadsworth (Jonathan), 1724. Sept. 21. Nov. 27. Joanna Wadsworth (Joseph), Feb. 7, 1762. John Andrewes. Lydia Richards. Richard Burnham, Feb., 1754. Mary Williamson (Caleb), Dec. 16, 1737. April 5. June 7. Mar. 28. Aug. 29. Sept. 5. Dec. 5. MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO FULL COMMUNION. 45 Died. 17f|. Feb. 22. Elisabeth Ashley. Elisabeth Graham. Hezekiah Willis, Dec. 24, 1741. 1713. April 5. Elisabeth Arnold. Mary Carter (Joshua), Sept. 25, 1752- Lydia Messenger (Daniel). 1714. Mar. 28. Hannah Butlar (w. Sam"), Dec. 26, 1760. Rebeckah Kemp (John). Mary Turner (Ephraim), Mar. 24, 1728. John Porter. Joseph Root. Mary Woodbridge (William Pitkin), Feb. 17, 1766. 1715. April 10. Sarah Marshfield (Isaac Butler). Mary Olcot (w. John). Hannah Bidwell. Mary Marshal. Elizabeth (?) Wadsworth (Thomas). Day (Mainard), Mary Bur chard. 1717. April 28. Edward Cadwell, Sen'. Abigail Carter (Jacob Benton). Rachel Marshfield. 1718. Aug. 3. Christian Williamson (John Edwards), Jan. 18, 1769. Oct. 5. Benjamin Catline, 1767. Margaret Catline (Benjamin), 1786. 1730. Nov. 20. Mabel Clark. Lois Goodwine (Josiah Hart). i{f«. Sarah Hayns, Nov. 21, 1724. 1721. April 30. William Baker, April 12, 1762. Baker (William). Cadwell (w. ). Thomas Ensigne, Jun^ Aug. 27, 1752. June 1. Thomas Richards, April 9, 1759. Abigail Richards (Thomas). Mercy Williamson. Aug. 6. Mary Wadsworth. July JL 1. 24. Sept. 25. 1716. July 15. Nov. 18. 46 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Died. 17fi. Feb. 4. Mabel Phelps. Mary Wells. 1722. June 3. Mary Butler (Jonathan), May 13, 1766. Thomas Hopkins, June 17, 1764. July 22. Joseph Cooke, Nov. 1, 1747. Sarah Meakins. Dec. 16. Hannah Beckus. 1723. June 16. John Collier. Aug. 2, 1730. 17|f . Mar. 1. Isaac Butlar. Elisha Lord, April 15, 1725. 1724. May 3. Cadwell (w. ). Sarah Ghrimes (w. Benj.). Oct. Anne Hopkins (Jonathan). Prat (John). Dec. 5. Gapt. Cyprian Nicols, Jan. 2, 1756. Samuel Pond. 17||. Jan. 31. Lieut. Cyprian Nichols, 1745. Sarah Bunce (w. Jonathan), Jan. 26, 1761. Mar. 7. M^. Isaac Bur, 17f^ 1725. April 18. Mary Clark. Mary Hopkins (Thomas), Mar. 7, 1758. June 27. Jedediah Richards. Oct. 14. Cook (John). 17|f . Jan. 2. Demming (w. ). 9. Hannah Loomys. 1726. April 17. Abigail Butler. 1727. June 18. Obadiah Spencer (SenO, Aug. 22, 1741. 17||. Mar. 17. Mary Saltonstall (Rosewell). 1728. June 2. Martha Goodwine (Ozias), Joseph Talcot, Anna Williamson (Ebenezcr), July 21. Mary Farnsworth (Joseph), John Skinner, Jun"", Mary Skinner (John, Jun'), 17|f . Mar. 3. Anna Spencer (Obadiah), 1729. Sept. 28. John Turner. Abigail Turner (John). Feb. 9, 1777. Nov., 1780. Aug. 8, 1750. Oct. 1, 1741. Aug. 14, 1773. Aug. 14, 1771. Aug. 29, 1765. MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO FULL COMMUNION. 47 Died. 17ff . Feb. 14. Ebenezer Williamson, April 4, 1757. 1731. April 4. Hannah Ensigne (Thomas, Jun""), ? May 11, 1764. Dec. 13. Rachel Knowles, Dec. 30, 1739. An account of persons received into full communion with the church, [by daniel wadsworth]. The covenant which I Take the assent of persons unto, that are admitted to communion : You do solemnly, in y'=' presence of god and before this Con- gregation, avouch god in Christ to be your god, one god in three persons, father. Son, and holy ghost, and professing that you believe the Sacred Scriptures to be y« word of god, you promise thro y* assistance of divine grace to make y°^ y^ rule of your life, and acknowledging yourself by nature a Child of wrath, your hope of mercy with god only thro the righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith, you do give up your Self (and yours) unto y^ lord, promising carefully to observe and attend upon y^' ordinances and Institutions of the gospel and to Submitt to the government of Christ in the Church. 17ft- Jan. 28. i!f^ John Edwards, May 16, 1769. Jerusha Edwards (Sam"), July 81, 1799. Charles Kelsey, ? May 15, 1773. Obadiah Spenser, Jun"", Aug. 23, 1741. 1733. April 8. Elisabeth Butler. Mary Butler. Sami' Catline, Dec. 1, 1760. Eunice Day. Abigail Phelps (Timothy), Sept. 3, 1760. Timothy Phelps. John Pratt, Jun^ Ann Spencer. Isabell Spencer. 29. Joseph Collier. Sept. 25, 1735. Elisabeth Day. May 6. Sarah Ashley. 48 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Died. 1733. June 24. Mehitabel Henderson (James). Dorcas Hoskins. Aug. 26. Jonathan Butler, Jan. 15, 1755. Hannah Nicholson. Oct. 14. Deborah Butler, July 16, 1761. 1734. May Lydia Dod. Sept. 1. Abigail Wadsworth (Dan"), June 24, 1773. 29. Mary Stanley (Timothy). 17||. Jan. 26. Hannah Caldwell (Neill McLean), April 22, 1755. 1735. April 6. Moses Cadwell. June 8. Lois Burnham (Michal), Mar. 5, 1749. Penlope Cadwell (Moses). 1736. April 4. Elisabeth Skinner. Feb. 26, 1752. Mary Wadsworth (James Nichols), July 26, 1783. Gideon Carter. Elisabeth Knowles, by letter from the Second Church of Christ, in Eastham. Abigail Brace. Thomas Burr, Sen% Nov. 7, 1761. Sarah Mygat. John Pratt. Thomas Brooks. Jerusha Talcot (Daniel Lothrop). Hannah Catlin. Dorcas Dod (John). Abigail Goodwin (Samuel), Sept. 16, 1748. Rebecba Skinner (Joseph Mason). Helena Talcot. Sarah Hopkins (James Shepherd), Jan. 14, 1762. Mary Anne Lawrence. James Shepherd. July 16. Daniel Catlin. John Shepherd. Aug. 13. Abijah Catlin. Hannah Goodwin (Eleazer). May 2. June 6. 20. 17M. Feb. 13. 1737. April 10. Aug. 28. Oct. 30. Dec. 18. i^H. Jan. 8. 22. Mar. 5. 1738. April 2. June 4. MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO FULL COMMUNION. 49 Died. 1738. Aug. 13. Elisha Pratt. Sarah Pratt (Elisha). Sept. 3, Hannah Cook {Lieu''^^ Aaron). Oct. 15. John Spencer, Sens ? July 7, 1750. 17ff. Jan. 31. Barzillai Clark. Deborah Cooke (James Bicknell). 1739. Oct. 7. Abigail Wadsworth (w. Jonathan), ? June 20, 1773. 17ff . Jan. 14. Daniel Badger, j by letter from y Tabitha Badger (Daniel). ( church in Coventry. 1740. June 8. Sarah Andrews. 17ff Mar. 1. Hepsibah Collier (Hezekiah), Nov. 22, 1770. Rebecca Shepherd. Seth Youngs. Samuel Flagg, by letter from Mr. Checkley's church, Boston, April 30, 1757. 1741. April 5. Samuel Andrews. Mary Butler (Rich. Edwards), Sept. 20, 1795. Richard Goodman, Nov. 21, 1763. Dositheus Humphry s. May 21, 1763. Hannah Shepherd (John Burkett). Sarah Shepherd. Dorothy Skinner (Geo. Olcott), June 27, 1762. Hannah Skinner (Sam' Barnard). May 3. Ozias Goodwin, Jan. 26, 1776. Stephen Hopkins. Anne Humphreys (Isaac Barnard). June 7. Martha Bidwell, May 19, 1790. Mary Butler (Joseph Day). Edward Cadwell, Jun', ? Dec. 31, 1762. Ruth Cadwell, ? Sept. 12, 1754. Susannah Gross (Jonah), Nov. 23, 1762. Patience Marshal. John Skinner, Aug. 14, 1772. Amy Richards. Jemima Brace (William). Hannah Butler (Daniel), ? Dec. 26, 1760. Rachel Shepherd (Joseph, Jun'). July 6. Aug. 2. Sept. 6. Nov. 1. 1741. Dec. 6. ^m- Feb. 7. Mar. 7. 1742. May 2. l^fl- Jan. 2. Feb. 6. 1743. Oct. 2. 30. 1744. Sept. 2. 1745. Dec. 1. 50 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Died. Timothy Phelps, Jun''. Mary Nickols (William), Oct. 14, 1771. Joseph Shepherd, Jun'. Abigail Ashley. Jerusha Andrews. Sarah Spenser (Caleb), Sept. 27, 1764. John Butler, Sens Sept. 6, 1701. Jane Spenser (Daniel). Agnes Nickols (Cyprian, Jun^, Dec. 29, 1793. Ruth Clark (Isaac). Isaac Clark. Abigail Wells (Thomas), by letter from the first church at Northampton. 1746. Nov. 23. Mary Skinner. Elijah Mason, \ Elizabeth Shepherd, ) admitted by Rev. Mr. Whitman, to full communion with the Ch*', during the vacancy in the first Church. An account of persons received to communion [by EDWARD dorr]. 1748. June 5. Hagar, maid servant to Jf*". Haynes Lord, by letter from y" church at Groton. 1749. June 3. John Pratt, by letter from y^ church at Windsor. Sarah Burr (Tho^, Sept. 5, 1750. Ca2:)P' Danii Goodwin, Jan. 6, 1772. David Sheppard, May 27, 1773. Tho« Andross, Sept. 12, 1754. Abigail Tallcott. Dan" Butler, Aug. 17, 1767. Andrew Mumford, by letter from Rev. Mr. Morehead, of Boston. Lois Andross. Henry Chapin, by letter from y'' First church in Sprinkfield. Nov. 3. Mary Mumford (Andrew), by letter from the Rev' J. Morehead of Boston. Nov. 5. Dec. 3. 1750. May 6. Sept. 23. Nov. 4. Dec. 30. 1751. Mar. 31 April 28. July 7. MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO FULL COMMUNION. 51 Died. 1751. Dec. 1. Sarah Birdwell, by letter from the Rev^ Mr. Whittlesey of Milford. 1753. Sept. 17. Margarett Lawrence (John), April 19, 1775. 1754. Nov. 3. Gap''' Jn" Talcott, June 4, 1771. 1755. Mar. 2. Martha Bull, April 22, 1786. July 13. Elisabeth Wadsworth, Nov. 15, 1810. Dec. 14. Alice Cadwell (William Cadwell, Jr). 1756. Nov. 28. Hannah Watson (Jn^, Jun'), Oct. 19, 1799. 1757. Jan. 16. M". Jn« Beveridge, 1 by letter from Rev'^ Mr. Beveridge (Jn^), 1 Robert and their daugh- j aven, ^ Bell, Strath- 5C0tland. ter Catharine, j Aug. 7. Catherine Brace (w. ), by Revi Mr. Steel of Tolland. letter from the 1758. Jan. 22. Mary Olcott (Ebenezer Selden) D"-. Solomon Smith, April 21, 1786. April 2. Esther Talcott, alias Russell. Aug. 6. Mary Langrell (w. Thos.), Dec. 16, 1766. Dec. 10. Hannah Bigelow (Tim'')- Aug. 18, 1764. 1759. Mar. 4. Sarah Goodman (Richard). Sept. 2. Susannah Morison (w. Roderick), ? Jan. 31, 1763. Anna Smith (Solomon), July 14, 1784. Oct. 7. Eunice Ashley. 1760. April 6. Anna Gooden (Jn^ Pantry). Dec. 25. Caleb Bull, Feb. 14, 1789. 1761. June 7. Col". Samii Talcott. July 26. Sarah Andross (Silas), April 3, 1766. Sept. 6. Sarah Olcott (w. Jonathan), April 13, 1776. Nov. 8. Elisabeth Gurney. 1762. July 4. Eunice Wadsworth (w. ), July 23, 1825. Aug. 29. Will'" Wadsworth, Mary Wadsworth (Wiil"0, May 29, 1771. April, 1811. 1763. Aug. 7. ilf »■ . Jedidiah Strong. Jerusha Talcott. Sept. 4. Hannah Tiley (Snm"). Oct. 2. Catherine Curry (w. James). 52 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Died. 1764. Sept. 2. Sam" Mattocks. Obedience Sheppard (James). Nov. 25. Phebe Tiley (James), by letter from the church at Southampton, L. I., Oct. 27, 1782. 1766. Jan. 6. M^'. Sarah Edwards. Dec. 28. Lucy Gove (W""). 1767. Jan. 4. Catherine Marsh (Sam"), July 30, 1797. July 5. Rachel Lord (Jn^ Haynes), Feb. 15, 1803. Sept. 13. Elisabeth Byanton (Jacob), by letter from the First church at Farmington. 1768. Mar. 6. Sarah Butler (w. Daniel). Hannah Pease (Levi). April 3. Ezra Corning, July 16, 1816. Mary Corning (Ezra), July 26, 1773. 1769. Mar. 5. Sarah Hide (Ezra), Sept. 22, 1799. Stephen Turner, July 13, 1777. Rachel Turner (Stephen), July 24, 1776. Dec. 24. if "■ . Jesse Root, by letter from the First church at Coventry, Mar. 29, 1822. 1771. Jan. 20. Sarah Burnham (w. Elisha), Aug. 21, 1770. Mar. 3. Hugh Ledlie, by letter from the First church at Windham, July 1, 1798. MEMBERS AT COMPLETION OF BRICK MEETING-HOUSE. 53 NAMES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST IN HAKTPORD, AT THE COMPLETION OF THE BRICK MEETING-HOUSE, DECEMBER, 1807. Naomi Abby (Beriali), Allen (w. ), Sarah Ames, Abigail Anderson (James), Sophia Bacon (Leonard), Beckwith (w. Elisha), Josiah Beckwith, Lucy Beckwith (Josiah), Betsey Blinn, Isaac Bliss, Wealthy Bliss (Isaac), Lois Bliss, Oliver Boardman, Sarah Boardman (Oliver), Thomas D. Boardman, Sarah Boardman (Ephraim Isham), Abigail Boardman (w. Charles), Jonathan Brace, Anna Brace (Jonathan), Hepsibah Brewer, Isaac Bull, Mary Bull (Isaac), Hepsibah Bull, Thomas Bull, Lucinda Bull (Thomas), Dismissed. Sept., 1824. Sept., 1824, Sept., 1824, Sept., 1824. Sept., 1824. Died. Feb. 26, 1864. Jan., 1827. Dec, 1818. June 19, 1845. Sept., 1832. Aug., 1824. July 27, 1826. Dec. 26, 1827. Aug. 3, 1818. Aug. 26, 1837. Dec. 4, 1837. Nov., 1824. Dec, 1825. Mar., 1830. Oct. 9, 1843. 54 FIRST CHURCH IX HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Sarah Burnham ( ), Sept., 1810. Hezekiah Burr, Mar., 1831. Jennet Burr (Hezekiah), Oct., 1832. Rebecca Burr (w. Samuel), Sept., 1824, Oct. 7, 1831. Samuel Burr, Feb., 1825. Abigail Caldwell (James), Feb. 26. 1812. Samuel C. Camp^ * Camp (S. C), * George Catlin, * Catlin (George), * Aaron Chapin, Dec. 25, 1838. Mary Chapin (Aaron), Feb. 1829. Laertes Chapin, Sept., 1824. Esther M. Chester (Thomas), June 22, 1844. Hannah Chester (w. Leonard), May, 1835. Hannah D. Chester, * Asher Church, Feb. 19, 1817. Ruth Church (w. Caleb), * Susannah Church, * William Church, f. Jan., 1824. Church (George), * ? 1809. Elisabeth T. Colt (w. Harris), Sept. 3, 1824. Aaron Colton, June 4, 1840. Elisabeth Colton (Aaron), Nov. 16, 1831. Cook (w. ) * Oliver D. Cooke, April, 1833. Sophia Cooke (0. D.), Mar., 1833. William Cooley, * Lucinda Cooley (William), Oct., 1833. Asa Corning, Dec, 1815. Daniel Corning, Sept., 1827. Sarah Corning (E. P.), Mar. 2, 1818. Ezra Corning, July, 1816. Hannah Corning (Ezra), Dec, 1825. Jerusha Danforth (Edward), Sept., 1824. Lucy Danforth (w. Jonathan), Sept., 1824. David L. Dodge, * MEMBERS AT COMPLETION OP BRICK MEETING-HOUSE. 55 DismisBed. Died. Sarah C. Dodge (D. L.), * Roswell Doolittle, * Elisabeth Eggleston (w. Elihu), May, 1838. Elisabeth Eggleston, * Eli Ely, t Bathsheba Ely (Eli), Sept., 1833. Catherine Fish (Miller). Peter W. Gallaudet, Jane H. Gallaudet (P. W.), * Steward S. Gladding, * Sarah Goodman (Richard), Nov., 1839. Caleb Goodwin, Sept., 1834, May 34, 1830. Harriet Goodwin (Caleb), Sept., 1824. Martha Goodwin, Dec, 1837. X Ann Goodwin (w. Nathaniel), Feb. 4, 1833. Abigail B. Goodwin (w. Samuel), * Oct. 31, 1834. Abigail 0. Goodwin (Samuel, Jr.), *" April 10, 1845. * Martha Goodwin (w. Timothy), ■X- Mary Hamilton (w. ), Feb.. 1826. Hannah Hills (w.* Elijah), April, 1836. Ann Hosmer (James), Feb. 34, 1834. Henry Hudson, July 13, 1843. t Maria T. Hudson (Henry), Oct. 31, 1854. Sarah Jeffries (w. John), Nov., 1809. Rhoda Jepson (James), Sept., 1833. Jones (Amasa), * Rhoda Jones (w. Daniel), Nov. 36, 1847. Julius Jones, Oct., 1833. Elizabeth Jones (Julius), June, 1833. Elizabeth Judd, Aug. 37, 1843. Olive Judd, * Rebecca Keeney (Joseph), Mar. 13, 1848. Cecilia Lawrence, July 15, 1879. Nancy Lawrence, * Hannah Leflangwell (w. John), 1813. Lois Leflangwell (John), July, 1818. * Bethiah Goodwin (w. Timothy), d. Dec. 27, 1809. These are probably the same person. 56 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Amasa Loomis, * Feb., 1824. Frederick Lord, Nov. 13, 1843. Mary Lord (Frederick), Aug., 1827. Mary Lord, * Martha Lynde (Joseph), Aug. 22, 1813. * Catherine Marsh (Samuel), * Catherine Merrill (w. Hezekiah), Feb., 1849. Sarah Moore (Daniel), Dec. 25, 1868. Elizabeth Morgan (Dwell), May 9, 1888. William Moseley, June, 1824. Laura Moseley (William), Jan. 23, 1814. Dorothy T. Norton (Romanta), * Mary Oakes (Frederick), May 5, 1866. Eunice Olcott (Daniel), April 11, 1810. Harris Olcott, f Dec, 1820. Lucy Olcott (Jonathan), July, 1828. Jan. 19, 1849. Eliza Olcott (Joseph), Dec, 1815. Rachel Olcott, Oct., 1823, Sarah Olcott (w. John), June, 1815. Ruth Patten (w. William), Dec, 1831. Mary Patten, April 19, 1850. Ruth Patten, Mar. 1, 1850. Sarah Patten, Dec. 8, 1843. Enoch Perkins, Aug., 1828. Anna Perkins (Enoch), Oct. 14, 1852. Catherine Peterson, * Anson G. Phelps, * Olivia E. Phelps (A. G.), * Mary Porter (John), Aug. 19, 1844. Harry Pratt, * Susan L. Pratt (Harry), * Lucia Pratt, Jan. 15, 1816. f Abner Reed, * * See Jan. 4, 1767. t According to the church records, Abner Reed and his wife removed to East Windsor, but the date of their uniting themselves with the Congregational church of that place, as appears by its record, is Sept., 1798. MEMBERS AT COMPLETION OF BRICK MEETING-HOUSE. 57 Dismissed. Died. Elizabeth Reed (Abner), 4 r John Ripley, June, 1823. Miriam Roberts (Aaron), Oct. 14, 1846. Esther Russell (w. Barzillai), Oct. 15, 1843. Sally Russell (Ebenezer), f Jan. , 1824. Lucy San ford (Thomas), 1847. Jacob Sargeant, April 12, 1843. Olive Sargeant (Jacob), April, 1831. Rebecca Sayer (w. ), Dec. 29, 1815. Jared Scarborough, Nov. 25, 1816. Margaret Scarborough (Jared), Mar. 23, 1808. Catherine Sejnnour (Charles), Feb. 19, 1848. Abigail Sheldon (James), Sept., 1824, Oct. 18, 1838. Anna Shepard (Richard), Aug. 10, 1840. Catherine Skinner (William), Feb. 1, 1836. Ichabod L. Skinner, * Hannah Skinner (I. L.), ■31 - X Mary Sloan, Oct., 1825. Normand Smith, Sept., 1824. Abigail Spencer (Ashbel), Sept., 1824, Dec. 18, 1836. Elizabeth Spencer (Ashbel Jr.), * James Spencer, Jan. 1. 1811. Nabby Spencer (Theodore), Oct. 23, 1849. Mary Spencer (John), Sept., 1824. Mary Spencer (John), Oct. 6, 1849. Stanton ( ), * Simeon Stedman, it Joseph Steward, April, 1822. Sarah Steward (Joseph), Feb., 1833. Nathan Strong, Jr., Aug. 2, 1837. Esther Talcott (w. Joseph), Aug. 17, 1819. David Taylor, fMar , 1829. Solomon Taylor, Nov. 8, 1813. Catherine Terry (Nathaniel), Oct. 20, 1841. Seth Terry, Sept., 1824. Peter Thacher, July 27, 1849 John Trumbull, 6 ■> (■ May, 1831. 58 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Sarah Trumbull (John), * Rebecca W. Turner (w. Samuel), Mar. 20, 1809. Hannah Turner, Aug., 1830. Anna Wadsworth (w. James), Mar., 1823. t Faith Wadsworth (Daniel), Oct. 19, 1846. Lucy "Wadsworth (w. Henry), * Wadsworth (Thomas), * Eli Warner, Jan., 1813. David Watkinson, Dec. 15, 1857. Olivia Watkinson (David), April 13, 1849. William Watson, Nov. 14, 1836. Mary Watson (William), Jan., 1870. Amelia Weeks (James), Mar. 5, 1840. Thomas Welles, * Rachel Welles (Thomas), Aug. 1, 1856. Ann Wells (J. H.), Mar., 1836. Elizabeth Wells, * Lucy Wells (w. James), * Sarah Wickham (w. William), Feb. 21, 1849. Abigail Williams (Ezekiel), 1837. Williams (Richard), * Note. The names indicated in this list by a (t), it will be noticed, appear later as having joined the church. May it not be that the above list includedlboth those, then living, that had owned the covenant as well as those that had been received to full communion, and that some of the former class were after- words admitted to full membership? J LATER MEMBERS. 59 NAMES OF PERSONS ADDED TO THE FIRST CHURCH SINCE 1807. April, 1808. Dismissed. Died. John Caldwell, May 26, 1838. John H. Lord, * May, 1834. June, 1808. Barton (William), * Jerusha Boardman, Sept., 1824. Mary BoUes (Benjamin), Mar. 14, 1845. Sally Boyd (w. William), Sept., 1855. Marcus Bull, * Ursula Bull, * Allen Burr, Feb., 1825. Joseph Burr, Jr., * Rebecca S. Burr (Ephraim Robins, Jr. ), May 26, 1818. Anna Butler, May 24, 1844. Betsey Clapp, Nov. 29, 1859. Ann Clapp, June, 1848. Horace Colton, * Laura Colton (Laertes Chapin), Sept., 1824. Mary Davis (w. Robert), Sept., 1824, April 3, 1836. Luther Freeman, * Mary Gannett (J. M.), April 13, 1825. Abigail Goodman, July 19, 1863. Sarah Goodman (Richard), * Jeremiah Graves, Sept., 1824. Ann Hosmer, Sept., 1824. Charles B. King, * Elisha Knox, t Jan., 1824. Samuel Lockwood, * 60 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Lois Montague, * Sally Patten, * Ann Phelps, * Betsey Pratt, Mar. 27, 1827. Elizabeth Rogers (Joseph), Oct. 27, 1856. Martha Rogers, Nov., 1838. Sarah Sennett, * Betsey Shepard, Dec. 20, 1845. Lory Smith, , July, 1823. Margaret Strong (w. ), Mar. 1825. Roderick Terry, July, 1833, 1849. Harriet Terry (Roderick), July, 1833, Feb. 7, 1841. August, 1808. Alfred Bliss, * Mary Bliss (Alfred), Nov., 1823. Sherman Boardman, Sept., 1824. Henrietta Boardman (Sherman), Sept., 1824. Melinda Bronson, * Asa Butler, * Harvey Chapin, * Samuel Driggs, Oct. 20, 1814. Rebecca Fish, * Ann Goodwin (Allen), Dec. 30, 1826. Hannah Hart (Caleb Church), Sept., 1824. David Knox, * Edward Perkins, * Walter Phelps, * Charles L. Porter, Sept., 1824. Abigail Porter (David), Mar., 1833. Mary Sloane, Oct., 1825. Sloane (w. Thomas), * Anna Smith (Samuel), fl830. Roxana Spencer, ^ Eunice Stone, * Laura Warner, * Clarissa Williams, * LATER MEMBERS. 61 October, 1808. Dismissed. Died. George Bacon, * John Beach, Sept., 1824. Clarissa Bronson, ■Sf- Julianna Bronson (Simeon), Dec. 8, 1844. Archibald Bulkley, * Elisha P. Corning, Sept., 1824. Henry Corning, Jan., 1832. James Lathrop, May, 1813. Parthenia Lathrop (James), May 8, 1813. Ann Perkins, Jan. 17, 1868. George Putnam, May, 1827. Nancy Putnam (George), May, 1827. Thomas W. Putnam, t Jan. 6, 1831, Hannah Turner, * Henry Whitman, * Mary Ann Williams, Sept., 1824. December , 1808. Mary Averill (Eliphalet), Aug. 12, 1819. Mary Caldwell, July 29, 1821. Elizabeth Colt (Marcus Bull), Sept. 22, 1812. Mary Goodwin, Aug., 1830. King (Henry), * Frederick Munson, * Mary Olney, * Caroline P. Potter, ■x- Stephen Spencer, Sept., 1824. John H. Stow, * Fanny Waters. * Mehitabel Wads worth (w. Jeremiah), Mar. 26, 1817. John Zebine, * ApHl, 1809. Charles Benjamin, * Fanny Brace (Roswell Bulkley), Nov., 1826. Lucy M. Brace (T. K.), Mar., 1837. Lucy Calkins, * 62 FII^feT CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Electa Kimberly, July 27, 1860. Elizabeth Story, * August, 1809. Abigail Caldwell (George), Sept. 8, 1823. Sarah Patten (Nathaniel), Nov. 10, 1846. October, 1809. Alicia Lawrence (William), Sept. 3, 1845. December, 1809. Sidney Merrill, f Aug., 1830. February, 1810. Susannah Chapin (Laertes), Sept. 9, 1811. Harriet Collier (William), Dec. 14, 1849. Elizabeth Wadsworth, Nov. 15, 1810. Eunice Wadsworth, July 23, 1825. Aiwil, 1810. Elisha Brewster, * Malinda Cook (William Hills), * August, 1810. Jonathan W. Edwards, Sept., 1824, April, 1831. Elizabeth Edwards (J. W.), Sept., 1824. William Hills, * July, 1811. James Killam, * June, 1812. Lewis Edwards, * Eliphalet Terry, Sept., 1824, 1849. Lydia C. Terry (Eliphalet), Sept., 1824, Sept. 22, 1831. October, 1812. Thomas H. Gallaudet, Sept. 10, 1851. Mary Hamilton (w. John), Mary May (w. Ralph), Strong (w. ), Mary White (George), Sidney Woodford, Sept., 1824. * * LATER MEMBERS. 63 April, 1813. Dismissed. Died. Frederick Marsh, Sept., 1824. June, 1813. William Ely, Sept., 1834, Feb., 1847. Clarissa Ely (William), Sept., 1824. July, 1813. Seth Richards, * October, 1813. Leonard R. ariswold. * David L. Isham, May, 1828. Elijah Loomis, * Sally Sheldon, * Fanny Smith (Lory), Nov. 27, 1851. Deodat Taylor, * Polly Wadsworth, * Decemhei , 1813. Betsey Anderson, Sept., 1824, Sept. 4, 1833. Jennet Atwater, * Fanny Boardman, Sept., 1824. Martha D. Boardman, Sept., 1824. Mary F. Boardman, May, 1823 Sarah Boyd, Sept., 1832, July 9, 1848. Jeremiah C. Cleveland, * Nathan Colton, Sept. 10, 1874 Nancy Corning, * Jerusha Danforth, * Mary T. Danforth (John Beach), Sept., 1824, June 22, 1827 Maria Danforth (Nath'l Spencer), Sept., 1824, Sept. 18, 1827. Eliza Ely, July, 1828 William Hickok, * Harriet Hall (Charles Hosmer), Sept., 1824. Mary Hurlbut, * John Lord, Jr., July, 1827, May, 1834 Daniel McColley, * McColley (Dani( ^1), * Henry Morse, * 64 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Jeremiah B. Olcott, * Daniel Pratt, * Thomas G. Reynolds, * Aveline Sedgwick, * Cath. Sheldon (Ludovicus Stowell), Sept., 1824, June 3, 1873. John Shepard, * Nancy Shepard, * Richard Shepard, Sept., 1824. Abby P. Skinner, Feb. 8, 1884. Catherine Skinner, Feb. 9, 1881. Nancy Skinner (George Bacon), * Martha Spencer, Mar. 25, 1854. Stephen Stocking, * Frances Strong (Nathan), * Elizabeth Wadsworth, * Lydia W. Wadsworth (John Russell), * Oct. 22, 1872. Abraham A. Waterhouse, * Harriet Whiting (Rev. Wm. Ely), Feb. 25, 1821. February, 1814. James Anderson, Sept., 1824, Sept. 26, 1836. Sarah Alderman, * Abby Beach, Jan. 15, 1856. Elizabeth Boardman (Thomas), Sept., 1824. Daniel Danforth, Nov. 6, 1820. Caroline Danforth (N. Smith, Jr.), Jan. 10, 1832. Lucy Danforth (Benj. Crampton), Sept., 1824. Mary E. Ely, * Mary Ann Graves (Jeremiah), Sept., 1824. Henry Jones, •x- Solomon B. Judd, * Maria Kappel, June 16, 1849. John Kelsey, 1 1836. Mary Ann Lee, * Lydia Clapp Lee (Horatio Fitch), Dec. 11, 1877. Samuel McClellan, •X- James Moore, * Catherine Nichols, Dec. 3, 1831, LATER MEMBERS. 65 Dismissed. Died. Harriet Skinner, Dec. 3, 1867. Sarah Skinner (Charles Williams), * Jabez H. Starks, * Sarah Wadsworth (Nathan), June, 1830. Aioril, 1814. Roger W. Ames, * Richard Bigelow, Dec. 9, 1844. Elizabeth Butler, May 5, 1863. Ann Corning (Shubael), Feb. 17, 1845. William Hitchcock, * Hitchcock (William), * Anna Olcott, * Lynde Olmsted, Jan. 10, 1832. Oct., 1870. Solomon Pratt, ■^ Lucy Ripley, * Normand Smith, Jr., Jan. 10, 1832. Oct. 25, 1833. Thomas Smith, * Augustus Thacher, July 21, 1839. John M. Trumbull, * Mary Whiting (D. W. Hopkins), Sept., 1824. 1846. June, 1814. George B. Bliss, Sept. 26, 1874. Timothy Boardman, •56- Feb., 1825. Ela Burnap, * Harriet Butler, Sept. 10, 1864. Alfred Chester, * Benjamin Crampton, 1819. Amelia Danforth (Orrin Webster), Sept., 1824. Eli Gilman, May 10, 1842. Amelia Goodman (Lynde Olmsted), Jan. 10, 1832. Dec, 18G6. Abby Hall, * Emeline Hall, * Hannah Hall (John), June 3, 1817. Henry Phippeny, * Amelia Porter (C. L.), Sept., 1824. Robert Silcox, * 66 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Acksa Skinner (w. Elisha), Oct., 1836. Nathaniel Spencer, Jan., 1823. George Terry, Jr. , f Jan., 1824. Lee M. Waters, * Samuel Whiting, * James R. Woodbridge, Sept., 1824. Mary Woodbridge (J. R.), Sept., 1824. August, 1814. Rebecca Bull (Dwight Lyman), 1821. Jennet Calder (w. John), April 19, 1827. Rebecca Colt, Sept. 12, 1814. Mary Fish, * Sophia Winship (w. Daniel), Oct. 5, 1820. September, 1814. Eliakim Hitchcock, * Jedida Hitchcock (Eliakim), * Spencer Whiting, May, 1823. Sarah Whiting (Spencer), April 15, 1859. October, 1814. Barzillai Hudson, Jr., Mar. 28, 1871. December, 1814. Mary Ann Brown (Rev. Horace Hooker), May 3, 1838. Wealthy Ann Brown, * Rachel Caldwell (John), July 22, 1850. Elizabeth Grew, Sept. 13, 1822. Frederick A. Morgan, * John H. Wells, * February, 1815. Ebenezer W. Bull, Sept., 1824. Dec. 27, 1845. Elizabeth Goodwin (Roswell Doolittle), Nov., 1826. Maria Goodwin (George, Jr.), * Andrew Kingsbury, Oct. 6, 1837. Mary Kingsbury (Andrew), April 4, 1848. Betsey Kingsbury (Norm'd Smith), Sept., 1824. Feb. 2, 1826. LATER MEMBERS. . 67 Dismissed. Died. Harriet Kingsbury (Russel Talcott), Oct. 23, 1831. Emily May, * Emily Perkins (R. S. Baldwin), * Daniel Wadsworth, July 28, 1848. Faith Wadsworth (Daniel), Oct. 19, 1846. Eliza Woodbridge (Barzillai Hudson, Jr.), Jan. 11, 1881. Mary Woodbridge (Ward), Nov. 3, 1823. March, 1815. Martha Bull (James), Aug., 1834. Asher Clapp, * Charles Goodwin, Sept., 1824. Isaac W. Jones, * Martha Olcott, Aug. 28, 1815. Henry W. Woodbridge, . * June, 1815. Walter Colton, Jr., * Harriet Knox (Elisha), June, 1825. Susan Knox, * July, 1815. Sophia N. Holbrook, * Abigail Hosmer (Charles), Jan. 11, 1816. Roxalinda Lyman (Ezekiel Woodford), Dec. 20, , 1856. Brister Marsh, Dec, 1854. December, 1815. George Goodwin, Jr., * Horace Hooker, Dec. 17, 1864. Rebecca Root (Jesse), * Mary Welles (Wm. Johnson), * April, 1816. Eliphalet Averill, Mar. 8, 1842. Daniel P. Hopkins, Sept., 1824, June 25, 1834. Maria T. Hudson (Henry), Oct. 21, 1854. Abner Newton, Jr., - 68 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. August, 1816. Lucy T. Dwight (Daniel Crowell), Oct. 25, 1875. Levinda Williams, * October, 1816. Hannah Ellery (w. William), Jan. 14, 1838. Horace Pitkin, * Becember, 1816. Elizabeth Buck (Daniel), July 5, 1853. Huldah Ellsworth (John), May 11, 1849. William W. Ellsworth, Jan. 15, 1868. Emily Ellsworth (W. W.), Aug. 23, 1861. Elizabeth Harris (Joseph), Sept., 1824. Mary Lawrence, Dec. 13, 1835. [The following names appear in the Manual for 1822 as members of the First Church March, 1818, but without date of admission.] Mary Bennett (John), Oct. 6, 1835. Lydia Bulkley (Daniel), * Elizabeth Bull (Lorenzo), Oct. 29, 1826. Fanny Bulkley (Russell), Elizabeth Bliss, Backus W. Birge, Lucretia Colt (Elisha), Oct. 30, 1820. Sheldon W. Candee, Feb. 8, 1821. Elizabeth Doolittle (Roswell), * Lewis Edwards, * Benjamin L. Hamlin, * ? 1856. Abby Hamlin (B. L.), * Harriet Marsh (Frederick), Sept.,' 1824. Abner M. Newton, * Mary W. Porter, Feb. 17, 1838. , Sarah Pledger (Jacob), Oct. 20, 1830. Theodore Pease, * Sarah Pease (Theodore), * George Risley, Lemira Roberts, * LATER MEMBERS. 69 Dismissed. Died. Sarah Stedman (Simeon), * Edward Watkinson, Feb. 17, 1841. Lavinia Watkinson (Edward), June 10, 1859. Maria Watkinson (Robert), * April, 1818. Jonathan H. Sparhawk, * Clarissa Sparhawk (J. H.), * Lyman Strong, * Clarissa Strong (Lyman), * June, 1818. Olmsted Bulkley, Dec, 1823. December, 1818, Sophia Fowler (T. H. Gallaudet), May 13, 1877. Eunice Gleason (w. Chauncey), * Flavel Goldthwaite, Sept., 1824. ^ Eliza Goodrich (Elizur, Jr.), * Nancy Lawrence, * April, 1819. James Anderson, Jr., * Charles S. Benjamin, * Feb. 16, 1870. Elizabeth Best, * Harriet Buckley (Joshua), * Z Patience Langdon (Reuben), Sept., 1824. Z Hetty Smith (W. D.), * Susannah Stone (W. L.), * June, 1819. Daniel Copeland, Sept., 1824. Desire Copeland (Daniel), Sept., 1824. Melvin Copeland, Sept., 1824. Anson Gleason, * Leonard Kennedy, Jr., * Algernon S. Kennedy, June 26, 1841, Anson Shepard, * August, 1819. Louisa Hawes (Rev. Joel), June 11, 1867. 70 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismifised. Died. October, 1819. Jerusha Barber, * Christoplier Colt, * Sarah Colt (Christopher), June 16, 1821. Julia Hurlbut, Mar., 1837. Jerusha K. Smith (Elisha), May 27, 1846. February, 1820. Lyman Coleman, * Z Henry L. Ellsworth, * Z Nancy Ellsworth (H. L.), * ; Thomas C. Perkins, Mar. 20, 1849. Matthew Plumsted, * George C. Skinner, * April, 1820. I Christopher R. Comstock, Sept., 1824. Z Harriet Comstock (C. R.), May 29, 1821. June, 1820. Z Nancy Best, Mar., 1824. Z Laura Clark (Ezra), Dec. 20, 1849. I Amos M. Collins, Sept., 1824. ZMary Collins (A. M.), Sept., 1824. Rhoda Freeman, * Helen Talcott, Aug. 31, 1856. I Lewis Weld, * August, 1820. I Harriet Beckwith (Josiah), Dec, 1823. Fanny Belden, ■JS- Anna Bunce, July, 1827, July 30, 1839. ZLucy Burr (Hezekiah), Jan., 1867. Louisa A. Chester, April 12, 1876. Anna Goodwin (w. Nathaniel), Feb. 4, 1823. Roxana Hunt, Feb., 1849. Reuben Tinker, * ZLucy Whiting (Charles), May 1, 1845. LATER MEMBERS. 71 Dismissed. Diec I. October, 1820. I Oliver Treat, 1833. morothy Treat (Oliver), 1833. December , 1820. Z Sally S. Corning (E. P.), Sept. 24, 1822. Elizabeth Dwier (w. Henry), Sept., 1824. Eliza Dwier (B. B. Barber), Sept., 1824. Clarissa Green, (w. ) * Julia Lombard (S. G. Chaffee), Dec, 1863. I Louisa Perkins, * Z Dorcas Post (w. Samuel), * John W. Salter, * Mary Spencer (D. W. Clark), May 18, 1850. Ann Terry (Seth), Sept., 1824. Oct. 22, 1835. April, '. 1821. Thomas Day, Sept., 1824. Sarah C. Day (Thomas), Sept., 1824. Sarah Oilman (Eli), Nov. 4, 1831. Betsey Oilman, * Lucy Howell (Theophilus), Dec. 16, 1845. I Marcellus Landres, April, 1824. I Maritte Landres (Marcellus), * Samuel Lawrence, July 20, 1825. Catherine C. Marsh (Oeo. Smith) 1, Sept., 1824. 1849. Henry Pease, Sept., 1824. I Mary Risley (George), Feb., 1827. Joseph Rogers, Dec. 3, 1825. Joseph K. Scarborough, Jan., 1823. Harvey Seymour, Sept., 1824. I Mabel Stanley, May 6, 1848. Maria Stocking, Jan., 1828. Nathan Wadsworth, May 28, 1831. June, 1821. Philura Alden (Horatio), f Oct., 1845. Mary Barnard (w. William), Jan. 1, 1850. Linus B. Barnes, * 72 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Ann Belden, * Frances Ann Brace, Sept. 9, 1838. Peter A. Briusmade, * James M. Bunce, Oct. 14, 1852. July 25. 1859. John L. Bunce, * Lucinda Bunce (H. L. Porler), July 23, 1874. I Russel Bunce, * Susan Bunce, * Eunice Caldwell, Aug. 13, 1850. Samuel G. Chaffee, July 20, 1864. Caroline Chester, * Mary Clapp, 1859. Daniel M. Cooley, Sept., 1834. Jan. 18, 1831. Lovina Cooley (D. M.), Sept., 1824. Clarissa Corning, Feb., 1830. Elizabeth Cotton (w. Allen), Jan. 11, 1847. Maria Crowfoot (Thomas Miller), Jan. 24, 1876. Adaline E. Dana, * Sarah Dwight, * Harriet Ely, Dec. 1, 1881. Jane Ely. Esther Filley, * Mary Ann Filley, Dec, 1861. Mary Fisher (Julius Catlin). Mary Ann Goodman (Alfred Holt), * Dec. 20, 1855. Elizur Goodrich, Jr., * Lucretia Ann Goodwin, Jan. 29, 1844. Edward Harris, * Lucy Hayes (Horace), * Julia Hayes, •X- Betsey Hender, Aug. 19, 1873. Mary Ann Holland, •X- Asa Hopkins, * Hannah Hopkins (w. Daniel), * James Hopkins, * Charles Hosmer, Sept., 1824. Mary Humphries, t July, 1841. k LATER MEMBERS. 73 Dismissed. Died Adrian Janes, Sept., 1824. Hiram Judson, * Huldah Knox (Russel Bunco), * Jacob E. Latimer, * Sarah Lawrence, Dec. 11, 1866. John Lee, Sept., 1831. Esther Lee (John), Dec, 1838. Nathaniel Lombard, * Julia Ann McKee, * William May, * William H. Morgan, July 2, 1839. Margaret J. Morgan (W. H.), Aug. 20, 1856. Caroline Morgan, * 1849. Oliver Pelton, Sept., 1824. Delia Phelps (Samuel), Jan., 1828. Cornelia Porter, •5e Maria Pratt, . * Mary Rathbone (Saley J.), Sept. 19, 1829. Lucretia Ritchie, * Sophia Root (w. Jonathan), Feb., 1825, Dec. 31, 1835. Sophia Root, Feb.. 1825. Adeline Root (Adrian Janes), Sept., 1824. Louisa Sanford, 1847. Oliver Sargeant, * Ann Shepard, * John Smith, t Aug., 1830. Ransom Smith, * Walter D. Smith, * Theodore Spencer, June 29, 1845 Eliza Spencer, Aug. 8, 1853. Sarah M. Steward, * Daniel St. John, Sept., 1824, Sept., 1846 Rhoda St. John (Daniel), Sept., 1824, June 9, 1839 Louisa Stocking, * Lucy Ann Thacher, Aug. 14, 1838 Fanny Tisdale (James). Samuel Trumbull, * 74 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. DismiBsed. Die( 1. Elizabeth Trumbull (Samuel), ■X- Nathaniel Webb, t Sarah Weeks, Dec, 1848. Chauncey Wells, May, 1828. George Whiting, Oct 3, 1833. Sarah Whiting, Mar. 29, 1873. William Whiting, * August, 1821. Nancy Abbey (W. L. Wright), Oct. 22, 1855. Jane Anderson, * Henry Benton, Aug. 28, 1866. Isaac Bullard, ■5{- Jemima Buckley (Olmsted), * David Carew, * Mary E. Comstock (J. L.), Sept.. 1824. April 10, 1884. Isaac M. Danforth, * Polly A. Freeman, * Adeline G. Goodrich (S. G.), June 24, 1822. George 0. Goodwin, t 1829. Jerusha K. Hall (William Hudson), Dec. 8, 1851. John H. Holt, * Laura Kingsbury, June 17, 1861. I Harvey Marshall, 1828. I Anna Marshall (Harvey), 1828. Joseph G. Norton, Sept., 1824. ZLucretia Norton (J. G.), Sept., 1824. Elisha Peck, Sept., 1824. Susan Risley (C. H. Northam), * Nov. 27, 1883. Harriet Rogers, Sept., 1824. Julia Seymour. Elisabeth Spencer, * Mary Spencer, ■X- Maria S. Tinker (w. Samuel), Nov., 1827, June 25, 1831. Abigail Washburn, Jan. 10, 1832. Catherine Watrous (Jas. Marshall) 1, Mar. 28, 1870. William W. Wilcox, ■x- Ezekiel Williams, 1837. i LATER MEMBERS. 7£ Dismissed. Died. Phinehas Williams, Sept., 1824. Alfred Wright, * Phinehas B. Whitmore, * October, 1821. Gardner Childs, * Samuel W. Collins, * Emeline Dwier, Sept., 1824, May 7, 1835. Benjamin W. Greene, t 1867, Oct. 1, 1867. I Phcfibe Haynes, * Walter Hart, * Eliza Hills, * Henry Hills, * Antoine Joseph, fNov., 1834. Wyllys King, Jan. 10, 1882. Norman Olmsted, * Elizabeth Pease (Augustus), Sept., 1824. Lucretia Skinner, * Ann Jane Steward, * February, 1822. Z Benjamin Barton, * Fanny Bliss, April 24, 1870. Clarissa Brown (Francis Parsons), Mar. 16, 1866. Richard Goodman, July 20, 1845. Sally Morrison, * I Mary Terry, Nov. ,1833. Nancy Thacher, Aug. 8, 1871. I Sophronia Willard (Asaph), Mar. 5, 1865, April 1, 1870. April, 1822. mobert Anderson, Jan. 10, 1832, Jan. 27, 1839. I Ann Anderson (Robert), Jan. 10, 1832, April 6, 1836. Chauncey R. Johnson, f 1829. Peter McDonald, * Thomas Miller, May 28, 1871. Mary Taylor, * August, 1822. Jonathan Tarbox, * Mar. 8, 1864, William W. Turner, Oct. 14, 1852. 76 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD, Dismissed. Died. April, 1823. Sophia Geer (Howard), Sept., 1824. January, 1824. Lois Strong, * Louisa Comstock (C. R.), Sept., 1824. April, 1824. Milton Bartlett, Sept., 1835. Ellen D. Stedman, fJuly, 1841. Betsey Winship (Thomas), Nov., 1830. June, 1824. Jennett Burr, * Stephen Dodge, Sept., 1824, Feb. 5, 1827. Clarissa Dodge (Stephen), Sept., 1824. I Elizabeth Drake (Silas), * Elizabeth Tibball, * Joseph Trumbull, Aug. 5, 1861. Thomas Winship. Nov., 1830. October, 1824. Margaret Best (A. R. Skinner), Mar. 21, 1872. Charlotte Edwards ( ), May 4, 1851. ZHarveyP. Peet, 1831. Z Margaret M. Peet (H. P.), 1831. . Febiniary, 1825. Martha Bigelow (Richard), Dec. 9, 1844. Julia S. Bartlett (Milton), Sept., 1835, April 26, 1837. Mary Taylor (Deodat), * April, 1825. Sarah Ann Allen, 1827. Maria Barber, * June, 1825. Elizabeth Taylor (Samu#l Root), Nov. 28, 1846. Eliza Trumbull (Joseph), Aug. 7, 1861. LATER MEMBERS. 77 December, 1825. Dismissed. Died. ^Melvin Copeland, June 19, 1846. Naomi Rockwell, Feb., 1839. Abba Whittlesey (Samuel), * February, 1826. Delia Bacon, * Mary Ann Bull (John Olmsted), Dec. 17, 1850. Sarah Ann Colt, Mar., 1829. Elizabeth Colton, Mar. 21, 1875. Stella Law (Jonathan), Dec. 13, 1841. Hannah Lyman, June, 1835. Georgiana Maj'-, * Charlotte Olmsted (John), Feb., 1826. Elizabeth Thacher. * Emeline Thacher, Jan. 21, April, 1826. 1853, April 3, 1860. Catherine Beecher, Harriet Beecher, Mary Beecher (T. C. Perkins), George Miller, Z James R. Woodbridge, ZMary Woodbridge (J. R.), Mar. 20, 1849. Aug. 19, 1844. Aug. 19, 1844. June, 1826. Martha Bull, Harriet Lee, Sophia Lee, Lydia Ann Lee ( Jan. 10. 1832. Jan. 10, 1832. August, 1826. Martha Dudley, Maria L. Turner (W. W.), Oct. 14, 1852. October, 1826. Ursula Corning, Gurdon Fox, Sophia Fox (Gurdon), Esther Gray, Sept. 12, 1852. Feb. 28, 1878. May 25, 1865. 78 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. DismisBed. Died. Stephen P. Kendall, June 18, 1874. Emily Rockwell, * Maria Rockwell, April 24, 1848 December, 1826. Sarah Beach (Miles), Dec. 19, 1840. Lydia Bulkley (Daniel), Dec. 1, 1848. Lucretia Kendall (S. P.), Aug. 26, 1875. Nancy Marshall (Thomas), * Charlotte Perkins, Feb. 6, 1877. ^JohnO. Pitkin, * Anna Thacher (Peter), June 13, 1850. Fehi mary, 1827. Tryphena Bibbins. Jan. 15, 1861. Feb ruary, 1827. Tryphena Bibbins. Jan. 15, 1861. Clarissa Bigelow, * Sarah Ann Bliss, * Mary H. Boardman, * Margaret C. Brown, May 12, 1860. Mary W. Bull (I. D.), Mar. 25, 1854. Albert W. Butler, May, 1838, Mar. 5, 1858. Julius Catlin. Mary Jane Chester (Rev. S . Hovey), * Elizabeth H. Chester (J. M. Bunce), Oct. 14, 1852, Mar. 6, 1861. Stillman S. Clapp, * Mary Clark, Dec, 1859. Lucy B. Ely, * Richard Green, •x- Eliza Grew, * Eliza Ann Loomis, Jan. 10, 1882. James Marshall, June 1, 1844. Ann Moseley, * Elizabeth H. Norton, * Mary Ann Oakes, ^ Alicia Sheldon (Charles), Nov. 27, 1866. Mary W. Smith, * Aphia Thacher, Oct. 25, 1858. Jemima Waterman. Clarissa B. Wildraan (S. B. ). Aug. 17, 1857. LATER MEMBERS. 79 April, 1827. Dismiseed. Died. Tamison Blood, * Charlotte Lee, * Frances Lee, * Sarah Maria Lee, * Submit Faith Lyman (Gains), May, 1839, April 27, 1846, Cornelia Lynde (Silas Churchill), * Martha Lynde, * Charles Mosley, * Julia Pratt, * Mary Pratt, * Susan Streeter, Jujie, 1827. Adeline Lovitt (J. L.), Dec. 16, 1860. Joseph M. Merrow, * Mary Merrow (J. M.), ^ Lucy Merrow, * August, 1827. Julia Grew, * Hannah Long, * Maria Loomis (S. L.), * Mary Morgan (Rev. J. A. Smith), * Betsey Risley, * October, 1827. Beulah Kent (Cato), December, 1827. Oct. 19, 1857. Z Whiting H. Hollister, Dec. 9, 1844, Nov. 14, 1883. I Horace B. Washburn, * February, 1828. Catherine Coggswell, * Elizabeth Coggswell, * Mary A. Coggswell, * Elihu Faxon, June 30, 1847. Elizabeth Faxon (Elihu), Dec. 21. 1854. Susan Goodwin (Edward), June, 1828. Mary Loomis. Gains Lyman, Sept., 1838, Jan. 4, 1845. 80 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. April, 1828. Dismissed. Died. Susan Boyd, Jan. 10, 1832, April, 1841. Cynthia Corning (Asa), Nov., 1835. Clarissa Freeman, * Fanny Marsh, * Mehitable Putnam (T. W.), Sept. 4, 1880. June, 1828. Ruth Lord ( ), April, 1833. Charles Miller, * Wealthy Webster ( ), * Sarah T. Wright (Isaac), Aug. 14, 1873. October, 1828. Elijah P. Barrows, Jr., 1830. February, 1829. Harriet Abbey, * Laura F. Butler (A. W.), May, 1838, May 3, 1880. Emily Warner, Nov., 1832. Louisa Weldon ( ), * April, 1829. William Hudson, Sept. 6, 1873. James W. Judd, Jan. 10, 1832. Eliza Ann King (Wyllys), Jan. 10, 1832. Sarah Miller (Charles), * Selden W. Skinner, * August, 1829. Anna Baker, * Elizabeth Budington, ■jfr Z William Carter, * Richard D. Cornwell, * I John C. Furber, * Eliza Galpin, * Stephen Goodyear, Feb., , 1831. Tibyl Hill. •X- William P. Hitchcock, ^ Z Charles L. Porter, April 21, 1852. LATER MEMBERS. Z Amelia Porter (C. L.), Ezekiel H. Wilcox, Dismissed. April 21, 1852. Jan. 10, 1832. Died. October, 1829. Luther Bartlett, Valentine Best, Mary Bliss, Jane Bulkley, Caroline Bull, Dorinda Carney, Lucinda Copeland (Melviu), John W. Crane, Deodatus Button, Jr. , Laura Ellsworth, Daniel M. Evans, Catherine Gallaudet, Sarah Galpin, Jonah Gleason, Ruth Goodwin (Richard), Eunice N. Green (B. W.), Nicholas Harris, Abel Isham, Rebecca King (Henry), Elizabeth M. Lathrop, Jan. 10, 1832. 1 1842. Dec. 1. 1848. June 24, 1846. July 9, 1853. * Feb., 1835. Aug., 1833. Dec. 10, 1831. July, 1835. Nov. 5, 1865. Oct. 14, 1852. Anna Miller (William Hudson), April 23, 1844 Elizabeth B. Olney ( ), Benjamin B. Parsons, * Henry Pitkin, 1 1842, Sept. 18, 1846 Elizabeth Putnam, June 14, 1853 James Reynolds, July, 1832. Helen Rockwell (Rev. J. A. Hazen), Sept. 13, 1841 Julia L. Stebbins, April, 1836 Frances Ann Strong, * Levi Worden, * December, 1829. Z David E. Bartlett, ■5f Ann Barton, •3f 82 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. i Lucy Ann Benton (Henry). 9 Arabella Buckingham, * Horatio Fitch, Mar. 12, 1861. Lydia Gillett, * Henrietta Holland (Salem Holman), * Nancy Holland (George Rhodes), * J Chester Judson, Nov., 1832. 1 Jarvis G. Kellogg, July 23, 1873. Lavinia Post (Ezra Strong), Mar., 1831. February, 1830. Mary S. Allen ( ), * Susan B. Brigham (Josiah Kittridge), * Elizabeth B. Corning (Henry), Jan. 10, 1832. Theodosia Dunham ( ), * Mary B. Lyman (W. S. Hunn), Aug., 1833. Tapping Reeve, * April, 1830. Olive Brace (w. Thomas), July 22, 1830. Jerusha Dunham (Elisha), Mar. 10, 1844. Z Sarah A. Hollister (W. H.), Dec. 9, 1844. June, 1830. John Hall, July 11, 1830. August, 1830. I Hannah Butler (John, 2d), * Z Asa Child, * Z Alice H. Child, * Hannah S.Holton (Chester Judson), Nov., 1832. David B. Moseley, Oct. 14, 1852. Eliza C. Poole, * Mehitable Wells, * October, 1830. Z Frances Best (Valentine), f 1842. February, 1831. Lucy G. Barnard, * Mary Bartlett (Luther), July, 1832. i LATER MEMBERS. 83 Dismiseed. Died. ^Ezekiel Huntley, Aug. 13, 1839. ^ Sophia W. Huntley (Ezekiel), Aug. 28, 1833. Hannah Prior (George), * Louisa Root. Susan Skinner (S. W.), * I Ursula Skinner (w. Newton), * I Lewis Weld, Dec. 30, 1853. ZMary A. Weld (Lewis), Nov. 12, 1867. A'pril, 1831. Fanny Corning (Charles Bull), Jan., 1839. I David S. Dodge, April 11, 1850. Z Caroline Dodge (D. S.), April 11, 1850. Z Alexander Edgar, * Alfred Gill, July, 1867. Lucretia Johnson, * Ann Mather, July 30, 1854. Mary Pease, * ZMary Welles (G. W. Corning), Sept. 28, 1840. June, 1831. Jane Abbey (W. W. Roberts), Mar., 1842. Horatio Alden, Mar. 5, 1858. I Cyrus M. Bartlett, Aug. 22, 1835. Z Betsey Bartlett (C. M.), * Sept. 10, 1806. Elizabeth C. Bull (Rev. B. F. Northrop), Aug. 12, 1845. Mary Caldwell ( ), April, 1838. Roxana Clark, * Almira Collins, * Aurelia Collins, * Betsey Crosby, * Maria B. Ely, Sept., 1834. William B. Ely, July, 1865. Alexander Finnicane, * Edward Goodwin, Oct. 25, 1883. Z Eliza A. Goodwin (Edward). Laura S. Hamersley (W. J.), April 15, 1851. 84 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Elizabeth Jerod, * Richard S. Kissam, * Julia M. Kissam (R. S.), * Catherine Mclntyre, 1848. I Lavinia Morgan, . * Charles Sheldon, April 13, 1855. Lucy Ann Sloane, * I Elizabeth Stedman, * Caroline A. Sweet (Norman Boardman), Oct. 15, 1842. Z Clarissa Symmons, Jul}^ 2, 1841. Harriet Watkinson (Rev. H.Hooker), May 7, 1871. Mar. 6, 1884. I Amelia Webb, Dec. , 1859. ^ Eliza Webb, May, 1858. Z Frances C. Webb, Aug. 3, 1844. I Polly Rathbone, * August, 1831. Elizabeth Abbey (W. W. House). Nancy M. Cone, * William Hoyt, * Richard W. Kirkham, * Mary Lyman, * Sarah Morgan (Joseph), * Nov. 24, 1855. Sarah Strong, * Mary White, Nov., 1851. October, 1831. Alpheus Barber, * Z Edward P. Bartlett, Aug. 4, 1849. ZMelinda M. Bartlett (E. P.), April 5, 1855. William H. Goodwin, * Z Samuel Hamilton, May 10, 1881. I Harmony Hamilton (Samuel). Owen Streeter, * Z Louisa E. D. Treat ( ), * December, 1831. Candace Augustus (Asher), Jan. 8, 1871. Leonard Bacon, Nov. 26, 1839. LATER MEMBERS. 85 Dismissed. Died. Emma Buuce, * Mary Bunco, * Mary A. Coggswell (M. F.), Aug. 14, 1849. Alfred E. Ely, Oct. 14, 1853. Frederick A. Hale, Sept. 13, 1850. Julia Hale (F. A.), July 9, 1871. Z Fanny Loomis (w. Eldad), * Feb. 19, 1882. Z Betsey Preston, * Lucy Ratlibun, * Electa Symonds (G. T. Landcroft), June 15, 1849. February, 1832. Sarah Cooke (O. D., Jr.), * Dec. 25, 1883. moxanaHunt. Feb. 7, 1849. Lydia Ann Lee, * Z Sarah E. Perkins (H. A.). ^ Caroline M. Washburn (H. B.), * Harriet Wells, * Feb. 5, 1843. April, 1832. Lucy E. Brace (E. A. Peck), Jan ., 1840. Clarissa Brace, * I Sophia Bulkley, Dec . 1, 1848. Elizabeth Caldwell, * Z Hannah Catlin (w. Grove), April 9, 1834. ^ Flora Catlin, Nov. 6, 1878. ZOctavia Clapp (J. C. Burdick), t 1845. Julius L. Clark, * I Sarah Colton (Nathan). I Phoebe Douglass, Sept. 19, 1844. Ann Fisher, * I Margaret Hudson, ■3f- ^Abby Montague, July 8, 1884. Mary Moultrie, f 1842. I Sophia Tudor, * Susan Thomas, t William S. Williams, * 86 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. June, 1832. Dismissed. Died. Elizabeth Butler (William), Oct. 30, 1869. ^Mari'a H. Dutton (w. M. R.), * Harriet Seymour (Rev. G. J. Tillotson), Aug. 29, 1844. Z John Warburton, Nov. 21, 1861. ZMary Ann Warburton (John), Sept. 24, 1868. August, 1832. I William C. Andrews, ■* I George W. Corning. Harriet Crane, ZAbby C. Deming, iElizur Goodrich, Jr., Z Eliza Goodrich (Elizur, Jr.), ; Ellen P. Goodrich, * Adeline May, * I Salmon Phelps, * I Ann Phelps (Salmon), f July, 1842. I Jerusha Watson, October, 1832. Cynthia E. Bartlett, * I Dolly Brainard, Hannah Clapp, * I Catherine Coe (Asher), * Elizabeth Colt, * Matilda Davis, Catherine Freebody, Ruth Miller, * I Lydia H. Peasley, * Edwin G. Ripley, John Simpson, I Rebecca Temple ( ), I Harriet B. Williams (w. I Cornelia J. Williams, Charlotte D. Young (Gideon), May 19, 1858. Mar. 5, 1865. June 11, 1846. Nov. 3, 1868. Feb. 17, 1868. July 27, 1865. Aug., 1862. Dec. 28, 1846. April 5, 1845. Aug. 26, 1862. Jan., 1854. LATER MEMBERS. 87 December, 1833. Dismissed. Diet 1. I Rebecca Clapp (w, ), Aug., 1834. ^ Eunice Clapp (L. B. Page), Sept., 1865. I Christopher Colt, April 5, 1850. I Olivia Colt (Christopher), July 25, 1866. I Jane Gill (w. Samuel), Sept. 26, 1859. /Ellen J. Gill (Collins Stone), Oct. 4, 1852. I J. Luzerne Ray, Mar., 1841, 1854. Z Ursula Skinner (w. Newton), * February, 1833. /Ann Buck, April 18, 1859. nVilliam T. Hooker, , 1849. I Esther McKinney (w. ), Feb. 10, 1839. /Clarissa Treat (Rev. S. B. Mosley), Oct., 1851. Henry J. Van Lennep, * /Charles H. Weld, fjuly, 1841. April, 1833. /Hannah Kennedy (A. S.), Jan., 1854. / Rhoda Smith ( ), * June, 1833. /William A. Bartlett, , * Belden (Thomas), * Shear jashub Bourne, Nov. 15, 1866. Mar. 25, 1869. Ardelia Bourne (Shear jashub), Nov. 15, 1866. Jan. 15, 1871. Mary Butler, * Nelsoh H. Chamberlin, f 1846. Sarah Coe, * Mary Fox, May 4, 1835. Fanny Hawes, * Mary E. Hawes (H. J. Van Lennep), Sept. 27, 1844. Sarah Ann Hayes (H. E. Thomas), f 1867. /Louisa B. Hills (w. Henry), Dec. 16, 1847. Marcia Ann Hills, Nov. , 1842, Edward Mix, * / Roderick Nevers. 88 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. I Henry Newell, * I Eunice Peck, * ^Lucy Sanford (w. Thomas), Dec. 16, 1847. Mary K. Talcott, April 28. 1838. Lucy E. Wildman (Adorno Peck), * Charlotte Willard, Mar. 5, 1865. Mary Woodbridge (Rev. Nichols), Dec. 6, 1847. August, 1833. Z Elizabeth Clark, July 2, 1841. Rachel Newbury ( ), * ? Betsey A. Thomas, June 30, 1846. October, 1833. I Maria Kellogg, * Z George Rhoads, f 1840. ^ Jerusha Treat, Aug. 26, 1856. February, 1834. I Sophia M. Bingham, Feb. 15, 1843. I Normand Boardman, Sept. 30, 1846. Z Irene Huntington (Samuel), Feb., 1866. I Sarah Watson, * April, 1834. Hepzibah Chenevard, Dec. 5, 1864. John Colton, July 18, 1841. Mary Ann Filley, * Susan V. Filley, * Elizabeth Goodwin (Horace W.), * Thomas Hender, Mar. 16, 1858. Mary Kelsey (w. John), * Mary Kelsey, * I Joel King, June, 1835. I Chloe King (Joel), Aug. 18, 1839. Eliza V. King. Dwell Morgan, Dec. 28, 1838. William A. Moseley, Feb. 15, 1843. Paulina Marsene, Jan. 5, 1842. LATER MEMBERS. 89 Dismissed. Died. Eliza Tarbox (Jonathan), July 20, 1861. Catherine E, Terry (Rev. Leonard Bacon), Sept. 23, 1847. July 30, 1882. Frances Ellen Terry (George Brinley), * Elizabeth Wales (Horace Wells). June, 1834. Maria Bates, * John Bennett, * Elizabeth K. Bennett, May 12, 1873. Frances M. Bennett, * Martha Bennett, July 31, 1837. Lydia Bibbins (w. Elijah), Feb. 1, 1874. Miriam Colton, Oct., 1864. Elizabeth Cooke (W. G. Johnson). Edmund Cowles, * Daniel Crowell, July 18, 1867. Jerusha Elton (w. Calvin), Aug. 18, 1849. Ichabod Goodrich, * ^ William Kellogg, * ^ Margaret Kellogg (William), * Sarah M. Moody, * Naomi A. Olmsted, Jan. 24, 1849. Haynes L. Porter, Feb. 10, 1873. Sally Prescott, * Rowland A. Robbins, Oct. 24, 1844. John B. Russell, Oct. 21, 1847. Charles Seymour, Jr. Mary G. Skinner, * Calvin Spencer, Feb. 15, 1866. ^ Elizabeth Strong ( ), * Eliza Tarbox, * Z Eliza Thacher (Augustus), Oct. 13, 1845. Sarah Ann Terry, * Selah Treat, April 22, 1861. Anna Treat (Selah), Mar. 18, 1854. Eliza Ward, * John D. Warren, * 8 90 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Elizabeth T. Webb, Jane H. Webb, Maria Wheeler, I Rebecca Bates (- Betsey Craig, Dismissed. * Died. August, 1834. Moses), July 18, 1841. Z William R. Cone. Z Rebecca D. Cone (W. R.). Sarah Hilliard, I Adrian Janes, t 1843. I Adeline Janes (Adrian), Mar. 12, 1848. Lemuel King, * I Chandler Ludlow, * Rosetta Morrison, Mar. 7, 1843. Russell G. Talcott, Oct. 14, 1852, Mar. 3, 1863. George Thacher, Dec. 27, 1878. Thomas S. Williams, Dec. 15, 1861. Delia Williams (T. S.), June 25, 1840. Frank Williams, * Emeline Worthington, October, 1834. I Sarah S. Albro, Dec. 20, 1848. I Jonathan Brace, Jr. , * Oct., 1877. William Jagger, * Eliza Jagger (William), April, 1839. Harriet A. Porter (Nathan Burr), Aug. 24, 1843. Lemuel Wales. December, 1834. Delia Burr, Nov., 1838. Laura Cadwell, Mar. 6, 1846. Charlotte Chamberlain, * ^Harriet Elliot (Lewis), Dec. 14, 1849. Edward Gardner, * Henry P. Seymour, t 1849. I Collins Stone, Oct. 4, 1852. f LATER MEMBERS. 91 February, 1835. Dismissed. Died. ^ Clarissa E. Collins (D. C), * ZMary Furbur (John C), * Z James H. Holcomb, Jan. 18, 1853. ^ Laura Torrey (J. N.), June 13, 1841. I Orpha Watson, f 1842. I Mary Winchell (Volney), July, 1839. June, 1835. Chauncey Churchill, June 23, 1868. Z Abigail S. Churchill (Chauncey). Z Edward W. Coleman, Oct. 30, 1844. ? Ursula Fielding (w. A. S.), June 5, 1846, May 21, 1847. ZMehitable Gilman (Eli), June 21, 186G, Jan. 3, 1878. Esther Hiscock ( ), * ^FrederickE. Mather, * ^Mary Scarborough, Oct. 31, 1884. I Anson Shepherd, * Z Eunice Shepherd (Anson), * Elizabeth "Watson, * August, 1835. I William C. Andrus, * i Lucia Ann Andrus (W. C), * Luther Brown, * I Hezekiah King, * ZWealthy Ann King (Hezekiah), * Betsey Lane (Henry), May, 1849. Abby Perry ( ), * I Luther Terry, * October, 1835. Z Truman B. House, May, 1842. I Sarah Ann House (T. B.), May, 1842, July 5, 1861. ZTimothy H. Knox, * ZNathan P. Seymour, * Z James Spenser, f 1840. ? Sheldon P. Thacher, Oct. 14, 1852, Sept. 20, 1876. ZBela Turner, May 4, 1846. 92 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. December, 1835. Dismissed. Died. 2JuliaBelden( ), June, 1836. Z William C. Elliott, Nov., 1839. I Elizabeth B. Goodwin ZWilliam H.Miller. Z Erasmus D. Park, * ZHuldah Taylor, Feb. 1, 1843. February 1836. I Julia B. Burbank (David), Dec. 17, 1874. Anna W. Terry (Henry W.), Jan. 5, 1872. April, 1836. Emily Ellsworth, * Robert G. H. Huntington, May, 1838. ZLeetania Huntington (R. G. H.), May, 1838. I William Phillips, * ZCyrene Phillips (William), * June, 1836. Martha Buat (Joseph), July 14, 1868. Hra Webster, Feb. 4, 1859. Z Ann L. Webster (Ira), Jan. 6, 1862. ZEmeline Webster, July, 1867. Z Martha Webster (H. L. Miller), June 30, 1881. August, 1836. ZLydia W. Fessenden (Edson), Dec. 7, 1869. I Ruth S. Knox, * I Henry E. Thomas, * I Horace Wells, Jan. 22, 1848. October, 1836. mussel Bunce, April 20, 1846. ZHuldah Bunce (Russel), Oct. 21, 1865. ZEmma L. Bunce. Z Eliza Murphy, * I Emily Talcott (Ansel), March, 1867. LATER MEMBERS. 93 December, 1836. Dismissed. Died /^ Jared A. Ayres, * ZHenriettaBissell ( ), * Z Harriet Goodwin (w. Caleb), Aug. 18, 1849. Z Clarissa C. Mix (J. G.). ? Emily Williams (w. S. W.), Sept. 19, 1850. ? Emily Williams, Nov. 5, 1865. ? Elizabeth Williams, May 13, 1848. Z Mary Williams. February, 1837. I Riifus Colton, May 9, 1851. I Lucretia Colton (Ruf us), May 9, 1851. ^ Belinda Elliott, * maryE. Gill (Alfred), July, 1867. Sarah Kelsey, April 2, 1844. Sarah R. Lane, Dec. 24, 1841. I Abijah P. Marvin, * Z Betsey Mason, * ZMary Ann Russell, May 25, 1854. I Sarah Tibbals, * Sarah E. Rockwell, * Z Hannah Warner, * April, 1837. ^Mary Corning (w. Andrew), July 24, 1845. I Silas Folsom, July 7, 1851. ZMary H. Folsom (Silas), July 7, 1851. Z Dinah Freeman, t 1867. Z Frances Howe (E. G.), Jan. 1, 1854 Julia Lyman, ^ I Thomas Smith, Oct. 14, 1852, April 4, 1882. ZMary Ann Smith (Thos.), Oct. 14, 1852, June 1, 1882 Catherine Stoddard, 9 * Eliza G. Yery, * Z Ezra White, Jr., April 1, 1846. ^ Nancy Ann White (Ezra), April 1, 1846. 94 FIEST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. June, 1837. DismisBed. Died, Amanda McNeil, * Lucy Roberts (Levi Williams), 9 * Z Julia Terry (Henry), * I Mary Warburton (John), June 4, 1844. Lucy D. Webster, Sept. 2, 1840. Z William P. Withey, t ZMary Witliey(W. P.), Nov. 22, 1847. August, 1887. 2 Esther M. Beecher, June 1, 1846. Z George Collins, * I Susan Russell (J. B.), Oct. 21, 1847. DeceiThber , 1837. I Mary Ann Bishop, * I Edward Brace, April 25, 1842, ZMary Brace (Edward), April 25, 1842. I Clarinda Bradley (Daniel), Sept. 22, 1847. I Caroline Bull, * Martha Carpenter, ? * I Caroline Harris (Walter), Oct. 14, 1852. I Caroline Reynolds (Valentine), t 1851. February, 1838. Jane Marion Dunwoody, * Milo Doty, May, 1841. ? Caroline Hooker (W. T.), 1849. ZlraHubbell, Mar. 18, 1850. Z Irene Hubbell (Ira), Mar. 18, 1850. ZLucretia Latimer, ■X- Elizabeth C. Lord, Jan. 6, 1849. I Mary F. Mather (Roland), Oct. 14, 1852, Oct. 17, 1873. Z Betsey Rathbun (Elias), April 13, 1863. I Timothy Reed, * Chester Walworth, * April, '. 1838. Maria Beebe, April 30, 1838. I Roswell Brown, April 18, 1877. LATER MEMBERS. 95 Dismissed. Died. Z Amelia W. Brown (Roswell). Margaret Chenevard, Dec. 5, 1864. I Catherine W. Doty (Mile), May, 1841. Charles Faxon, % I Nicholas Harris, Dec. 12, 1879. Elizabeth D. Howell, April 15, 1848. Charlotte Pierce (Volney), Oct. 16, 1855. Z Flora Post, * Alicia Sheldon. ZMaryS. Smith (D. H.), t 1851. Eunice Starr (John), Dec. 25, 1844. Mary Talcott, March, 1867. I Amos Whitemore, * I Clarissa Whitemore (Amos), * June, 1838. Philura D. Alden, Feb. 22, 1840. Hubbel Alvord, * Leonard H. Bacon. Vespucius A. Bayley, Jan. 1, 1843. Harriet C. Beckwith, * ZMaryBeebe( ), ? * Samuel B. Bowden, f 1843. Eliza Bowden (S. B.), * Joseph Buat, * Laura Buell (Robert). Samuel Carman, June 20, 1844. Elizabeth Carman (Samuel), June 20, 1844. Albert C. Catlin, Dec. 15, 1843. Andrew B. Cobb, * Lydia M. Cobb, * Samuel Coit, June 17, 1844. Harriet A. Collier, Dec. 14, 1849. I Minerva Collins (Arlow), Dec. 13, 1880. Harriet Cook, * Calvin Day, June 10, 1884. Catherine S. Day (Calvin), Mar. 3, 1884. Oliver Ellsworth, f 1878, Nov. 10, 1878. 96 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died Harriet Elton (0. H. Stevens), Feb. 2, 1854. John Fox, * I Nancy Fox (John), * Thomas Gallaudet, Sept., 1843. Sophia Gallaudet (J. C. Hunter), Jan. 21, 1865. I Frederick L. Gleason, Feb., 1867, Jan. 26, 1884. Sophia M. Goodridge, 1844. Elizabeth W. Goodwin Aug. 18, 1844. George R. Goodwin, t July, 1842. Susanna Goodwin (David), July 28, 1855. Henry Hooker, April 16, 1847 Charles H. Horton, 1842. Sarah Ann Hughes, •» Sarah B. Johnson (Nathan). Eliza Johnson, Mar. 22, 1853. Maria Kirby, Mar. 2, 1848. Elisha Knox, Dec, 1857 George T. Landcraft, June 15, 1849. Henry Lane, Nov. 19, 1863 Sally Lane, Dec, 1861. Fidelia Lee, * Elizabeth McKinney, Aug. 31, 1846. Sarah Montague, * John Moody, t 1840. Nancy Olcott, Feb. 21, 1868 Appleton R. Park, * Edward W. Parsons, ■ Oct. 14, 1852. Henry A. Perkins, June 29, 1875 Delia M. Putnam ( Bliss), Dec. 22, 1854. William W. Reed, ■se- Anna Scranton, * Mary Seymour (R. G. Talcott), Oct. 14, 1852, April 18, 1883 Elizabeth A. Street (C. A. Prindle), May, 1843. Douglas K. Turner, * Frances Eliza Turner, May 4, 1846. Mary B. Turner, May 4, 1846. Horace D. Wade, * Joseph Wales, April 28, 1846 LATER MEMBERS. 97 Dismissed. Died. Maria Watkinson(E. W. Nichols), April 17, 1850. Feb. 5, 1885. ? Henry A. Wells, * Maria K. Whiting (C. E. Latimer), Feb. 18, 1849. John B. Wright, * August, 1838. Mary A. Bidwell, * I Emily Douglas ( ), * Ellen E. Ervin, Feb. 15, 1843. Jane A. Holland, July 10, 1846. James Miller, f 1846. I Lucy Miller (James), July 29, 1881. Elisabeth S. Morgan (W. B. Ely), July, 1865. Ann Amelia Putnam, 1847. Jane H. Redfield, * Charies H. Sheldon, Nov. 24, 1873. George M. Welch, April 20, 1848. November, 1838. Isabella H. Beecher, * Jeremy W. Bliss, Mar. 3, 1870. ZRosetta B. Bliss (J. W.), Mar. 3, 1870. menry B. Camp, April 12, 1848. I Cornelia L. Camp (H. B.), April 12, 1848, Mar. 24, 1875. I Hannah Clapp, * Lydia Goodridge (S. W.), June 9, 1843. I Nathan Johnson, Oct. 12, 1852. George W. Moseley, April 10, 1843. ZMary W. Moseley (D. B.), Oct. 14, 1852. Maria Porter, June 12, 1880. I Roswell C. Smith, April 21, 1875. ZLois Smith (R. C), April 21, 1878. Amariah Storrs, July 28, 1848. Lemira Storrs (Amariah), July 28, 1848. ?Apphia Thacher, Oct. 25, 1858. Z Frederick Tyler, Aug. 3, 1880. ? Sophia Tyler (Frederick), June 19, 1861. 98 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. January, 1839. Dismissed. Died. Sophronia Bushnell, Nov. 21, 1865. Abby M. Clark, Dec. 20, 1849, Jan. 13, 1871. ZRobert Calhoun, Nov., 1851. ZMary Calhoun (Robert), Nov., 1851. I Charles Curtis, * I Curtis (Charles), * Elizabeth Ellsworth (Waldo Hutchins), Feb. 5, 1855. ? Eliza Martin, Aug. 14, 1845. I John D. Post, * ^Loraine Post (J. D.), * I Henry J. Van Lennep, * March, 1839. Z John O. David, * July, 1839. Abigail A. Brooks, * Rebecca L. Bull, * ZMary A. Eaton (Almanzor), July 24, 1880. Z Theodore L. Wright, Sept. 4, 1846. /J Catherine B. Wright (T. L.), Sept. 4, 1846. SepUrriber, 1839. Emily Ayrault (James), * I Vernon Cuyler, June 5, 1844. I Caroline Cuyler (Vernon), June 5, 1844. Z Nathan Ritter, Feb. 14, 1853. ^ Elizabeth M. Ritter (Nathan), Feb. 14, 1853. I Gideon G. Webster, Jan. 19, 1844. January, 1840. Z Elizabeth Cune (C. H.), Sept. 23, 1844, May 4, 1885. Z Sidney Gill, * Z Harriet A. Johnson, f July, 1841. Susan E. Lee, * I Sophia Sweetland, 1877. LATEE MEMBERS. 99 May, 1840. Dismissed. Died. Charles Butler, Mar. 13, 1847. Esther Cayton, * Z Julia C. Fisher (Francis Richmond), Oct. 12, 1848. George Goodwin, May 13, 1844. ^Francis Richmond, Oct. 12, 1848. ? Elvira Roberts (George), Mar. 14, 1843. I Sally White (Geo. R.), April 20, 1871. I Maria Williams, ?. * July, 1840. I Henry Affleck, * Z Elizabeth Affleck (Henry), Sept. 8, 1843. Caroline M. Parsons (E. W.), April 20, 1882. Stephen A. Peck, * I George F. Tyler, ■X- November, 1840. Clarissa Brooks (S. S. Cowles), * Susan Corbin, I John Danforth, June 1, 1846. I Mary E. Danforth (John), June 1, 1846. January, 1841. I Mary A. Marcy (Randolph), ■3fr I Alfred R. Skinner, I George Starkweather, Sept. 16, 1874. Mary Starkweather (George), Sept. 16, 1874. James Wallace, Mar. 26, 1845. June 10, 1879. March, 1841. Nancy Allen (Joshua), April 3, 1861. Z Abigail Clarke, Mar., 1843. Sarah J. Marshall (G.W. Haden), July, 1867. Mary Midgley (w. William). ^ Elizabeth Skinner (w. Lucius), f 1844. Mary A. Watson, May 31, 1847. Asaph Willard, Mar. 5, 1865. William Woodbridge, June 11, 1847. 100 FIRST CHUECH IN HARTFORD. May, 1841. Dismissed. Died. I Bezaleel Adams, Oct. 16, 1853. I Ann Adams (Bezaleel), May 13, 1874. William H. Allyn, Mar. 15, 1858, Aug. 28, 1883. Maria L. Allyn, Mar. 15, 1858. John B. Alvord, May 11, 1846. ZMary B. Bancroft (Samuel), t 1845. George H. Bartholomew, Mar. 30, 1848. James H. Bartlett, * I John Beach, Dec. 12, 1852, Aug. 21, 1880. I Jenisha Beach (John), Dec. 12, 1852, Aug. 14, 1859. I Mary C. Beach (E. T. Goodrich), Dec. 5, 1851. I Sarah E. Beach (— Knapp), May 20, 1850. B. Hillyer Bigelow, Dec. 9, 1844. Robert Bonner, Mar. 25, 1851. Shearjashub Bourne, Jr., Jan. 13, 1846. Daniel Bradley, Sept. 22, 1847. Susan Buck, June 8, 1854. Robert Buel, June 16, 1882. Lucinda B. Bulkley, 1848. Jared C. Burdick, Nov. 14, 1857. John Burt, Jan. 7, 1870. Joseph Church, Feb. 14, 1876. Frances E. Churchill, Dec. 6, 1847. Charles Clark, Jan. 31, 1846. Harriet R. Clark, Dec. 20, 1849, April 26, 1877. Sidney L. Clark, t Henry R. Coit, April 16, 1852. William U. Colt, Sept. 28, 1848. Helen C. Edson, t 1867. Harriet Ellsworth (Rev. R. S. Cook), Feb. 24, 1848. Calvin W. Elton, * Jane H. Gallaudet, Oct. 23, 1853. Jane E. Gilman (J. B.), * Laura Ann Goodrich (— Parker), April 15, 1850. Susan E. Greenleaf, June 28, 1848. William A. Grover, Sept. 20, 1844. 4'V,-# LATER MEMBERS. 101 Dismissed, Died. Julius D. Hayden, Dec. 8, 1846. Norman Hollister, May 28, 1853. William W. House. Hannah Hudson, July 2, 1843. Emily M. Johnson (J. H.Holcomb), Jan. 18, 1853. Harriet Johnson, May 20, 1850. Sarah B. Johnson. Chester Kelsey, Feb. 19, 1853. William H. Kelsey, Oct. 14, 1852. Anna King, * Emily P. Kummell, 1842. George P. Lines, Mar. 9, 1846. Catherine McKeen (w. Joseph), Aug. 29, 1846. Anna M. Miller (John Hamilton), f 1851. Henry L. Miller, Dec. 30, 1861. Joseph Morgan, July 23, 1847. Augusta P. Orcutt, Oct. 14, 1852. Julia A. Parker (James). I Martha Patterson (James), June 18, 1847. Mary Pearce, ? * John Pitkin, 1842. MaryE. Porter (Rev. T. S.Childs), Aug. 6, 1855. Hiram G. Prior, Mar. 23, 1868. Elizabeth J. Putnam, Sept. 22, 1856. Elias Rathbun, June 14, 1867. Emily A.Rathbun (W. H. Kelsey), Oct. 14, 1852. Valentine Reynolds, Oct. 30, 1845. Frances T. Richmond, Mar. 5, 1865. Martha E. Richmond, Mar. 5, 1865. Phineas S. Riley, Oct. 14, 1852. Emily Scranton (George Goyt), Feb. 12, 1869. Elizabeth B. Sheldon. Sarah Sheldon(Rev. P.C. Hastings), Aug. 28, 1857. I Phoebe AV. Shepard (Francis), Jan. 29, 1863. Margaret Simpson (John), Mar. 5, 1865. Jan. 28, 1871. Caroline C. Smith (Oliver Ellsworth), July 31, 1866. David H. Smith, f 1851. 102 FIKST CHUECH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Frances A. Smith, Aug. 27, 1845. Horatio L. Smith, Feb. 11, 1864. Sarah C. Smith. Emily Talcott (G.H.Bartholomew), Mar. 30, 1848. Josiah H. Temple, * Henry Thacher, May 22, 1850. Edward R. Thompson, Aug. 30, 1844. James Tisdale, June 7, 1860. Lydia Torrey, Aug. 11, 1871. Charles P. Turner, May, 1843. Cornelia D. Turner, May 4, 1846. Elizabeth C. Turner (L. H. Bacon). Susan W. Turner, Feb. 6, 1845. Mary C. Warburton (Charles Russ), f 1851. Anna O. Watkinson (Lucius Abbott). Emma Watkinson (Rev. E. E. Rankin), Nov. 9, 1847. Margaret L. Watkinson (Daniel Brooks), June 7, 1847. Harriet Webb (Nathaniel), Sept. 19, 1866. Harriet S. Webb (G. W. Corning), Nov. 17, 1879. Margaret A. Webb, Mar. 31, 1859. Noah Wheaton, Sept. 30, 1862. Gurdon S. Whiting. Horace Wilcox, April 24, 1851. Harris B. Wildman, April 16, 1851. Abby Willard (AV. K. Roberts), Dec. 6, 1847. John Willard, Jan. 13, 1846. Mary L. AVithey, * Martha A. AVithey, * Dorothy D. Woodworth, * Caroline Wright, ? * July, 1841. Eliza Church (Joseph), July 17, 1883. Rhoda L. Fuller, ? * Anson Holbrook, June 16, 1843. Sarah Keeney, * LATER MEMBERS. 103 Dismissed. Died, i Melissa S. Nevers (Roderick). Emily SejTnour. ]\rary B. Turner (Bela), May 4, 1846. ^Lois A. Wilcox (Horace), April 16, 1851. I Emily R. Wolcott (J. L.), Mar. 5, 1845. Septemher, 1841. Z Margaret Bonner ( ), Sept. 30, 1844. Z Nancy Hinsdale, Jan. 19, 1842. I Delphia C. Harris (Nicholas), Dec. 4, 1879. Noverriber, 1841. I Henry French, Mar. 5, 1865. ^Elizur T. Goodrich, Feb. 4, 1868. I Eliza H. Powers (Rev. Grant), April 6, 1843. I Caleb Pratt, Sept. 22, 1847, Sept. 23, 1847. I Sarah Pratt (Caleb), Sept. 22, 1847. Mary A. Robbins (R. A.), Oct. 24, 1844. Z Phoebe C. White (w. Seymour), May 18. 1855. January, 1842. Z Maria Olmsted, Nov. 26, 1851. I Mary Sheldon, April 5, 1866. ; Amelia B. Wheaton (Noah), Sept. 30, 1862. July, 1842. I Asenath Andrews (w. Ephraim), Oct. 4, 1859. ^ Elizabeth Drake (Silas), July 15, 1847. ^ Nancy S. Elmore (H. B.), Oct., 1844. Z Joseph H. Ely, Dec, 1842. I Creusa Fay (w. J. G.), June 20, 1843. Volney Pierce, Oct. 16, 1855. September, 1842. Z John O. Pitkin, April 6, 1851. ZLucy M. Pitkin (J. O.), April 6, 1851. Novernber, 1842. ^ Enoch C. Stanton, Aug., 1844. ZLucy J. Stanton (E. C), Aug., 1844. 104 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. January, 1843. Dismissed. Died . Asenath P. Averill (H. P.), April 12, 1845. Z Elizabeth K. Carpenter, * ?Maiy E. Coit (Samuel), June 17, 1844. Z James Cruickshauks, Mar. 24, 1845. I Mary Cruiekshanks (James), Mar. 24, 1845. Lewis Elliot, Dec. 14, 1849. Pinckney W. Ellsworth. I Ann Monds (Joseph), Sept. 25, 1846 I Maria C. Monds, Oct. 21, 1845 Z Thomas S. Norton, Feb. 17, 1846. Z Julia A. C. Norton (T. S.), Feb. 17, 1846. I Charles 0. Reynolds, Aug. 20, 1845. James Richardson, Aug. 20, 1845. Ann Richardson (James), Aug. 20, 1845. Z Elizabeth Thacher, Dec. 17, 1850, Sept. 30, 1857 Z Martha M. Williams (T. S.), April 22, 1867 May, 1843. Horace B. Ames, ? * Ann B. Ayrault (J. A.), Aug. 1, 1855. Eunice Averill (w. Eliphalet), Jan. 19, 1845 Edward D. Beach, April 11, 1845. ? Moses Church, July 7, 1848. Nancy Clifford, * Charles Collins, 1851. Samuel M. Eldridge, Aug. 28, 1848. I Mary A. French ( ), 1848. Walter Merton Judd, t 1870. Eliza T. Latham, * Ann Rose Terry, May 27, 1852. David B. Watkinson, Jan. 19, 1844. Daniel Webster, Dec. 13, 1844. Laura Wheeler, Nov. 20, 1845. Ann Eliza Woodruff, Oct. 14, 1844. July, 1843. Lafayette Clapp, Oct. 13, 1845. Sarah C. Cune, Sept. 6, 1844. LATER MEMBERS. 105 Dismissed. Died . Catherine F. Gallaudet, Jan. 21, 1853, Sept., 1853. Maria L. Lindsley, Aug. 18, 1846. Lydia Reed (AY. W.). * Jane M. Simmons, t 1851. September 1843. I Mary Ann Bonner (Andrew), July 13, 1846. I Mary A. Boardman, April 18, 1872. I Mary A. Bishop, June 19, 1846. Martha P. Clark, Dec. 20, 1849. ? Edward 0. Goodwin, Oct. 14, 1848. Z Robert Jardine, Mar. 31, 1847. I Janette Jardine (Robert), Mar. 31, 1847. I Ezekiel Williams, Oct. 18, 1843. I Abby Williams (Ezekiel), Feb. 25, 1860. January, 1844. I Lucius D. Olmsted, Aug. 29, 1848. I Caroline E. Spencer (Calvin), Aug. 8, 1848. March, 1844. I Cynthia E. Bronson (Thomas), June 26, 1852. ZRebeccaCoit(w. Elisha), July 14, 1853. Margaret C. Goodwin (John E.), 1850 Henry A. Grant, Dec. 14, 1849, Nov. 30, 1884. Laura A. Grant (H. A.), Dec. 14, 1849. ZJohnM. Call, * May, 1844. ZJohn W. Skinner, Nov. 6, 1846. Mary Ann Waite, Mar. 22, 1845. September 1844. Z Abraham Baldwin, Nov. 12, 1853. I Abby Deming (w. David), Mar. 31, 1854 I Lucy D. Lester, Sept. 20, 1848. I Grace A. Potter, Mar. 8, 1848. I William S. Thompson, Mar. 31, 1853. I E. Pomeroy Walker, Mar. 4, 1849 106 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. November, 1844. Dismissed. Died. 2 Eunice Chapman, Nov. 10, 1846. Oril Elizabeth Fay (Dexter), Aug. 20, 1848. I Elizabeth Finnicane (Alexander), Oct. 14, 1873. January, 1845. I John S. Butler, f 1880. Z Cordelia Butler (J. S.), f 1880. Eliza D. Goodell, Feb. 15, 1848. Isabella Knox (Wm. Hebrew), * I Mary Knox (James Hebrew), April 24, 1846. ^ Margaret Knox, Aug. 15, 1852. Z Lavinia Morgan, Nov. 27, 1861. I Thankful Rider (w. ), May 8, 1846. Z Phoebe Stone, - May, 1845. I William Bell, ? * ZMary A. Dunbar (J. McMillen), Nov. 3, 1851. Lucius H. Lane, May 15, 1848. I Owen P. Olmsted, ^ Frances B. Olmsted (O. P.), Z William E. Sugden. ^ Jane F. A. Watkinson (E. B.), July, I Ellen Conklin (George), I Charles Goodwin, ? Eliza C. Goodwin (Charles), I Nancy S. Mills (w. Rogers), 1 Lorenzo Bull, 2 Ann H. Bull (Lorenzo), ^ Kitty B. H. Bull (J. Monds), ^ Mary Bull (w. ), I James B. Hosmer, I Chauncey Ives, Mar. 4, 1853. Mar. 4, 1853. Aug. 18, 1874. L845. Dec. 31, 1873. Jan. 15, 1861, Dec. 24, 1877. Feb. 11, 1858. Jan. 18, 1853. •, 1845. Jan., 1849. Oct. 14, 1852, Mar. 4, 1857 May 4, 1852. Dec. 12, 1848. Oct. 14, 1852. Sept. 21, 1855 LATER MEMBERS. lOY I Amanda Ives (Chauiicey), I Sabrina R. Ives. Dismissed. Sept. 21, 1855. Sept. 21, 1855. Died. November, 1845. I Ann Affleck (Henry), Sarah F. Dodge, I James Hunter, ^ Jane Hunter (James), ZLavrson C. Ives, Z Marietta T. Ives (L. C. I Sophia L. Ives, I Thomas Forsyth, Fidelia S. Pettibone, ? David B. Watkinson, Mar. 19, 1862. April 11, 1850. Oct. 14. 1852, Oct. 14, 1852. January, 1846. April 1, 1846. May 4, 1848. March, 1846. I Nancy W. Bliss (w. Charles), I Hannah Hubbard (w. Asa), Z Elizabeth W. Merrow, f ? Hannah Mitchell, Z Harriet Mitchell, 1851. May, 1846. Julia M. Ellsworth (?. W.). Z Bryan E. Hooker. Z Maria W. Hooker (B. E.), Sophia Kendall ( — Rowe,) Mary G. Thacher (S. P.), Nov. 4, 1851. Oct. 14, 1852. Mar. 1, 1848. April 1, 1860. July 1, 1867. May 26, 1846. May 14, 1846. Feb. 5, 1871. Feb. 2, 1854. Dec. 24, 1866. July 9, 1878. Feb. 2, 1860. May 16, 1883. July, 1846. George P. Bissell, Dec. 11, 1850. I Mary Elizabeth Clark (— Nichols), Dec. 17, 1855. Emily B. Perkins, Mar. 20, 1849. I Laura Wheeler (Geo. Woodworth). Septerriber, 1846. ? Maria Jewell (J. E. Coleman), Mar. 5, 1865. 108 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. NoTiember, 1846. Dismissed, Died. I Harriet Atkins, May 4, 1848. mary M. Miller (W. H.). Z Mary Richards, ? * ?Mary Sweetland (w. Aaron), Dec. 18, 1850 ?S. S. Ward, Dec. 18, 1879 mary J. Ward (S. S.), Nov. 21, 1860 melen M. Wheaton, Aug. 2, 1852. January, 1847. I Alvan W. Bidwell, Jan. 1, 1864. ZFannyBidwell(A. W.), Jan. 1, 1864. ZIsAAC Bird, Nov., 1869. I Anne P. Bird (Isaac), Nov., 1869. ^ Emily A. Bird (Rev. H. J. Van Lennep), Jan. 15, 1880. * I Lovina Knox (Elisha). ^ Jane Palmer ( Thompson), June 24, 1860. Z Faith Porter (w. ), Feb., 1852. March, 1847. Parnel Fowler, Mar. 3, 1864. I Royal T. KoUock, 9 * Z Margaret McMullen, Nov. 3, 1851. ^ Charles C. Soper, 1875. ? Eunice Soper (G. C), 1875. May, 1847. Jonathan B. Bunce, Oct. 14, 1852. Joseph J. Davis, Aug. 16, 1847. I Nancy Dillingham, Mar. 5, 1865, May 27, 1874. ^Ann Gaylord, * Anna Hosmer, Oct. 29, 1852. Elizabeth Mount, May 1, 1854. I Precendia Snow ( ), Feb. 15, 1848. July, 1847. Charles P. Bissell, Dec. 4, 1849. William T. Churchill. LATER MEMBERS. 109 September, 1847. Dismissed. Died. Martha C. Bliss, Sept. 28, 1848. Sarah M. Wright, July 20, 1854. Novemher, 1847. aohn L. Boswell, Oct. 14, 1852, July 31, 1854. Z Sarah M. Boswell (J. L.), Oct. 14, 1852, May 4, 1857. I William B. Capron, Oct. 6, 1876. ? Elizabeth W. McCorkle, Oct. 14, 1852. January, 1848. Z Emily T. Baldwin (Hev. A. C), Dec, 1857. Z Julia M. Bissell (C. P.), Dec. 4, 1849. Henry I. Bliss, May 15, 1850. I Samuel Waldo Hart, July 1, 1851. I Anne Kincaid, Nov. 3, 1851. May, 1848. Sarah Hopkins (w. Elisha), July, 1854. I Austin Kilbourn, Mar. 20, 1872. Nancy Knox, May 20, 1859. Phoebe W. Porter, 1860. Charles Seymour, Jan. 21, 1852. Mary A. Wiliard (Henry French), Mar. 5, 1865. Henry I. Wright, July 28, 1871. July, 1848. George S. Beach, Oct. 14, 1852. Mary Bourn (J. F. Joy). Jan. 15, 1861. Hannah M. Catlin (B. K. Phelps), Feb. 8, 1858. Charlotte E. Church, Jan. 15, 1867. Abby S. Clark (J. M. B. McNary), * Alice C. Gallaudet (Rev. H. C. Trumbull), Oct. 27, 1870. Susan L.Goodwin (H. K.W.Welch), Nov. 11, 1858. J. Erskine Hawes, July 8, 1860. Ellen M. Ives, April 21, 1853. Janette P. Kendall (W. K. Mayo). 110 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Mary H. Parsons (Watson Webb), f 1880. Ellen Perkins, Oct. 3, 1873. Lucy E. Pitkin, April 6, 1851. Sarah Elisa Pynchon, Oct. 23, 1848. FrancesD.Webb(Rev. F.B. Hall), April 3, 1861. Mason C. Weld, Oct. 23, 1851. Mary S. Wildman, (Henry Thach- er), May 30, 1853. 1848. Sarah E. Colton (Geo. Kellogg), April 14, 1855. Caroline M. Dodge, April 11, 1850. Frances W.Green, (M.Bennett, Jr.), 1875. Harriet N. Green (R. E. Day), Mar. 17, 1864. Polly Kollock (R. T.), May 24, 1854. November, 1848. I Samuel Coit, July 9, 1853. ZMary E. Coit (Samuel), July 9, 1853. Z Catherine Sellew (J. H.). January, 1849. Z John Cameron, April 8, 1856. Elizabeth Cameron (John), April 8, 1856. Melvin B. Copeland, Oct. 14, 1852. Harriet Dodge, April 11. 1850. I Roswell P. Doolittle, April 20, 1850. William L. Galla'jdet, Jan. 21, 1853. Alice H. Goodwin, Jan. 15, 1861. Ellen Knox (W. H. Williams), * July 20, 1879. Jane Knox, Aug. 1, 1852. Margaret Mallory, ? * Z Frances Strong (w Nathan), July 7, 1849. I Frances A. Strong, April 8, 1855. Z Frederick K. Walker, March 15, 1853. Z Loyal Vfilcox, Feb. 12, 1879. ZAlmira Wilcox (Loyal). LATER MEMBERS. Ill March, " 1849. Dismissed. Died. I Joseph S. Huntington, t I Henry Z. Pratt, Aug. 15, 1863. ^LucyE. Pratt (H. Z.), Feb. 1, 1866. Frances S. Preston, Dec. 4, 1849. I Jane Steen (w. William] , May 25, 1864. I Charlotte Steen, Jan. 6, 1878. I Margaret Steen, May 27, 1880. I Carnes Steen. I William J. Steen. I Ann Jane Steen, Mar. 12, 1854. Z Martha Steen (John Henry), Jan. 15, 1873. I Abigail Steen (John McClintock). May, 1849. Joshua Allen, April 3, 1861. Mary T. Condit, Mar. 20 1851. William M. Hudson. Rebecca Kincaid, Nov. 3, 1851. ? Sarah F. Smith (J. G.), Dec. 1, 1854. July, 1849. James Judd, Nov. 16 , 1854 I Samuel T. Millard. I Harvey Seymour, April 25, 1881. I Rebecca H. Seymour (Harvey), May 5, 1861. Ann Matilda Simpson, Mar. 6. 1862. William Watkinson, Oct. 29, 1852 September, 1849. I Abigail Gillett (w. Rev. Nathan), Aug. 16, 1865. I Caroline Gillett (Ralph) . Z Amanda G. Mead (Powers R.), Oct. 24, 1852. I Elizabeth Trumbull (w. Samuel), Dec. 5, 1863 Novemher, 1849. ? Edward H. Foote, Sept. 11 , 1853 Mary Olmsted, June 6, 1851. George T. Wright, Oct. 20, 1852. 112 FIKST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. January, 1850. Dismissed. Died. Mary E. Bird, Nov., 1869. I Julia H. Hender (Thomas), July 29, 1868. ZMarinusLord, Mar. 5, 1865. May 7, 1873. ^ Sophia B. Lord (Marinus), Mar. 5, 1865, May 5, 1875. I Ann Eliza Parsons, Dec. 23, 1853. Z Eliza Wadsworth (Tertius), June 28, 1885. I Sarah Webb (Philip D.), Nov. 18, 1857. Varnum B. Wright, April 9, 1850. March, 1850. I Lucy Butler, Nov. 2, 1864. I Nancy Butler, May 5, 1868. Mary Goldthwaite, June 16, 1857. I Alfred H. Porter, Mar. 30, 1850. I Sarah Rossborough (Wm. McCor- kle), April 7, 1859. I Joseph Wales, Mar. 24, 1853. May, 1850. Isabella Balmer (w. Alexander), * ZMary A. Riley (P. S.), Oct. 14, 1853. Mly, 1850. I Sybil R. Andrews, Nov. 33, 1859. I Ann Edwards, June 6, 1851. Isabella McMullen, Nov. 3. 1851. I Eliza Steen (w. Andrew), June 30, 1884. Z William W. Ys^heaton, Mar. 26, 1855. January, 1851. Margaret Dunbar, Nov. 3, 1851. I Susan C. P. Lane (Henry), April 30, 1883. John McClintock, Jan. 11, 1864. I Annette Powell, Jan. 4, 1859. Normand Smith, Oct. 14, 1852. I Mary E. Tenney (Rev. Cyrus Hamlin), * I Sarah E. A. Turner, Mar. 2, 1853. i LATER MEMBERS. 113 May, 1851. Z Sarah M. Fish (Alfred M.). I Sarah A. Holbrook, Mary J. Humphries, I Anthony Joseph, Mary Ellen Marcy, Mary A. Mallory (w. David), Margaret Skehan, Eliza J. Watson, Dismissed, April 1, 1866. t 1867. Feb. 16, 1861. Sept. 21, 1855. ? * Dec. 22, 1859. July, 1851. Feb. 24, 1853. Feb. 24, 1853. May 10, 1853. I Josiah Bloss, I Mary Bloss (Josiah), ZRhoda Callow (w. ), Z Charles A. Goodrich, Z Sarah Goodrich (Rev. C. A.), I Catherine C. Goodrich (T. R. Dutton). Catherine P. Hopkins, I Elizabeth Olmsted (w. Joel), I Caroline Miller, Thomas Miller, Jr., September, 1851. Nov. 16, 1854. December, 1851. Died. Dec. 20, 1868. June 4, 1862. Dec. 12, 1882. Dec. 22, 1852. May 21, 1859. Feb. 17, 1852. Z Julia A. Allis (T. C), George Churchill, Z Salmon Crossett, ?Mary E. Goodell, Z Susan A. Judd (W. M.), ZDorotha Palmer, Z Francis Richmond, I Julia C. Richmond (Francis), I Susan Ward (Aaron), I Sarah Young, April 6, 1854. Mar. 16, 1853, Dec, 1861. Mar. 5, 1865, Dec. 25, 1883. May 5, 1859. t 1880. April 30, 1855. April 25, 1860. April 25, 1880. Jan. 15, 1856. April 18, 1855. 114 FIKST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. February, 1853. Dismissed. Died. Z Elizabeth L. Andrews, Jan. 25, 1883. Julia B. Burbank, Feb. 18, 1859. Z Moses Church, Mar. 3, 1853. April, 1852. Jane E. Best (Richard Bartlett), April 17, 1862. F. Julius Busch, 1859. Charles E. Fox, Nov. 16, 1858. Alfred W. Gleason, Dec. 2, 1853. Samuel G. Goodrich, Jan. 30, 1853. Elizabeth Knox (Edward Young), April 3, 1861. Matilda Knox, * Rebecca Knox, Mar. 26, 1856. Adeline Miller (w. T. J.), f 1880. Mary Miller, July, 1875. Fanny P. Talcott (E. H. Fenn), Dec. 18, 1852. Anna Webster, Sept. 27, 1852. June, 1852. Maria B. Allyn, Mar. 15, 1858. ■ James G. Barnett, f 1870, July 25, 1885. Ellen E. Barnett (J. G.), Mar. 6, 1884. James Bird, Nov., 1869. Martha J. Bird, Nov., 1869. John W. Bliss, April 19, 1880. Anna W. Butler (C. A. Goodrich), June, 1865. Elizabeth M. Church. I Hannah Corning (w. George), April 9, 1855. Julia S. Day (G. P. Bissell). Kate P. Day (J. C. Jackson), Mar. 8, 1866. Frances E. Elton (C. W.), * John L. Fitch. Ellen S. Fox, Sept. 17, 1866. Edward M. Gallaudet, Aug. 22, 1858. Ralph Gillett. Charlotte Goldthwaite, April 18, 1872. LATER MEMBERS. 115 Jane Goldthwaite, Isabella H. Goodell, J, Augusta Goodrich, Edward Goodwin, Jr., Sheldon Goodwin, Henry R. Gridley, I Horatio Gridley, I Mary W. Gridley (Horatio), James W. Hale. William Hamilton, Clarinda A. Holbrook, Ellen F. Hooker. Anna J. Hudson (P. W. Russell), Celestia A. Ives, Philo C. Ives, Theodore A. Ives, Walter D. Ives, William W. Jones, Mary J. Mabin, Catherine B. Pitkin (Walter), Julius G. Rathbun, Z Elizabeth R. Rexford (w. S. R.). Anna Rotherdale, Frances Scarborough. Mary J. Seymour. Charles G. Southmayd, Henry Clay Trumbull, Helen H. Turner, Caroline B. Tyler, Charlotte Tyler, Z Archibald Welch, I Cynthia H. Welch (Archibald), I Clarissa A. Welch, Esther A. Wheaton, WiUiam B. Willard, Dismissed. April 18, 1872. May 5, 1859. Jan. 18, 1854. Oct. 2, 1879. Aug. 24, 1863. t 1878. Died Nov., 1864. June 8, 1865. Feb. 11, 1863. t 1867. Sept. 21, 1855. t 1853. July 19, 1856. Oct. 14, 1852. Oct. 17, 1857. Jan. 11, 1853. Mar. 10, 1859. t 1880. Oct. 27, 1870. Oct. 14, 1852. May 16, 1859. July 23, 1853. Mar. 16, 1853, May 6, 1853. Mar. 16, 1853, Sept. 28, 1859. Mar. 16, 1853. Jan. 3, 1862. Mar. 5, 1865. I Mary Jane Goodrich ( August, 1852. ), June 13, 1856. 116 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Octoher, 1852. Dismissed. Died. Theresa Benjamin, Mar., 1867. ZSoplironia Cooley (w. Noah), Mar. 22, 1884. Fanny A. Harris, Oct. 14, 1852. Amoret A. Phelps (w. John). Mary J. Phelps, Dec. 8, 1862. ZMary P. Watkinsou, Oct. 12, 1859. Deceynher, 1852. Mary Allen, April 3, 1861. Z John Andrew, Oct. 16, 1862. Christina Andrew (John), Oct. 16, 1862. I Thomas W. T. Curtis, Feb. 23, 1869. Jane Melissa Fessenden (E. M. Gallaudet), Aug. 22, 1858. I Prudence Hanmer, Dec. 29, 1866. ZArethusaE. Salisbury, Sept. 23, 1854. June, 1853. I George P. Bissell. Z Fanny Noyes (w. Rev. John), Aug. 13, 1867. ^Gurdon Trumbull, Oct. 27, 1870, Oct. 8, 1875. I Sally Ann Trumbull (Gurdon), Oct. 27, 18T0. I Sarah Anna Trumbull (Edward Slosson), April 27, 1871. October, 1853. I Samuel M. Capron, July 12, 1866, Jan. 4, 1874. I Abraham Johnson, ? * I Mary J. Miller (William Francis), f 1867. Z Amanda Parmelee ( ), July 6, 1859. December, 1853. I Ann Maria Crocker, July 8, 1859. Laura Harris, Oct., 1862. I Mary Pease, June 22, 1864. Charles E. Perkins, Mar. 12, 1869. LATER MEMBERS. 117 February, 1854. Dismissed. Died. I T. K. Brace, June 14, 1860. ^ Emily Brace (T. K.), Aug. 24, 1863. Anson Colton, Aug. 5, 1873. I Harriet Johnson. A'^nil, 1854. ^JohnC. Bull, Mar. 5, 1865. Margaret C. Greenlaw, Mar. 5, 1865. I Susan Howland, Mar. , 1870. Hannah Kirby, ? * Z Rebecca B. Southmayd, Aug. 20, 1860. I Samuel B. Tuttle, * * I David Y/esson, April 9, 1858. I Alice Wesson (David), April 9, 1858. December, 1854. Z Harriet A. Bronson (Rev. P. V. Finck), t 1867. I John D. Bullard. ? Eliza Goodell (James Bird), Nov., 1869. ZMary E. Goodrich (E. T.), April, 1868. Agnes E. Goodwin (C. B. Richards), Jan. 18, 1866. I Andrew G. Hammond, Mar. 5, 1865, Aug. 25, 1867. ?Mary S. Hammond (A. G.), Mar. 5, 1865, April 10, 1882. February, 1855. I Richard S. Storrs, Aug. 30, 1884. April, 1855. Catherine Burbank, Dec. 17, 1874. Edward H. Perkins, April 25, 1876. Sarah Frances Tyler (H. F. "Williams), Jan. 12, 1859. June, 1855. /Eunice M. Capron (S. M.), July 12, 1866. ^ Rebecca P. Keep (Rev. J. R.), Mar. 5, 1865. 118 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. I Mary J. Bobbins. ^ Anson Sliepberd, Dec. 23, 1862. I Eunice C. Shepberd (Anson), Dec. 23, 1862. Z Julia M. Woodruff (w. L. H.), (S. S. Ward), Arigust, 1855. ZElias Gill, I Jane W. Gill (Elias), October^ * 1855. ; Mason C. Weld, December Mar., 1865. 1855. ^ Catherine Dowling, John Henry, Charles M. Hills, Edward C. Way, February t 1878. May 2, 1872. Nov. 19, 1859 1856. Sept. 26, 1875. ^Nathan S. Chapin, ^ Julia M. Chapin (N. S.), Laura Johnson. ^ Maria Knox (Samuel), I J. Henry Stephens, N. Elizabeth Sugden (W. E.), I Charles E. Trumbull, Mar., 1865. Mar., 1865. May 20, 1859. ? * May 26, Mar. 17, 1866. 1856. April, 1856. Jemima L. Affleck Hollister), (Chauncey May 18, 1859. I Homer Blanchard. I Harriet Blanchard (Homer). Joseph L. Blanchard. Sarah L. Blanchard (P. W. Lippitt), Feb. 27, 1873. I Eglantine Chenevard, ? * I Sarah Martinson (George), Aug. 28, 1857. ^Lucy A. Perkins (C. E.), Mar. 12, 1869. James A. Wilcox, f 1878. i I LATER MEMBERS. 119 June, 1856. Dismissed. Died. ? Caroline H. Curtis (T. W. T.), Sept. 3, 1859. Z Martha Gleason (F. L.), Feb., 1867. George C. Perkins, June 5, 1858. Barbara Rutherford, t 1880. Sarah Jane Smith, May 27, 1861. Mary A. Starkweather, Sept., 1865. Walter Stillman, t 1878. Augnd , 1856. ^ Nancy S. Bacon (w. George), Aug. 19, 1868. I Margaret A. Bacon, Jan. 8, 1874. ^xlnna T. Bacon (S. H. Coxe), Mar., 1870. October, 1856. William R. Laurence, Oct. 9, 1856. IM. Maria Prior (H. G.). ZDelotia Trowbridge ( ), ? * Charles T. Wells. December, 1856. Anna A. Allen (J. P. Harbison), Jan. 8, 1861. Tasa A. S. Wardwell, Nov. 29, 1864. February, 1857. ^ J. Cleveland Cady, Mar. 16, 1862. April, 1857. I Leonard Church, Nov. 4, 1877. I Lucy S. Church (Leonard). Z Maria H. Button (w. M. R.), Feb., 1867. Z Thomas R. Button, July 15, 1866. I Mary R. Hudson (L. B. Ingolsby), Feb. 21, 1870. ^JamesH. Hurlbut, f 1878. Samuel L. Talcott, Nov. 16, 1858. ^ John K. Williams Aug2ist, 1857. Ellen B. Miller. Z Martha J. Mix (J. H. Cone), May 3, 1869. I Sarah F. Smith (J. G.). 120 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. October, 1857. Dismissed. Died. ; Susan Millard (S. T.). Ann A. Gridley (H. R.). Herman S. Ollendorff, Mar., 1859. December, 1857. • ^Lois Sargeant (L. P.), July 6, 1868, April 5, 1885. I Seth Talcott, 1875. Maria C. Talcott (Seth), Mar. 24, 1862. April, 1858. I Mary B. Brace (T. K.) Mar. 21, 1884. Susan B. Clarke, Nov. 26, 1858. I Alexander E. Fitch, Jan. 19, 1859. ZEmma E. Fitch (A. E.), April 16, 1861. Emma J. Fitch, April 16, 1861. Elizabeths. House (G. A. Sumner),Feb. 2, 1872. Anna L. B. Richmond, Mar. 5, 1865. Charlotte A. Sanford (Frederick Rockwood), Feb., 1867. Caroline R. Shultas (Jacob Knous), * Julia T. Strong (C. C), Mar. 5, 1865. Alice C. Weld, Dec. 14, 1871. Mary E. Weld, Nov., 1873. June, 1858. Alice C. Ashbey, f 1867. Ruth Best, Oct. 19, 1871. Margaret C. Best (W. H. Hills), Sept. 4, 1879. Allyn Bourne, Feb., 1867. Mary O. Braddock (T. J.), April, 1862. John W. Cooke. Samuel W. Dobie, June 14, 1860. Sarah Emmons, Oct. 6, 1858. Mary A. Fitch (J. W. Cooke). Georgiana L. French, Mar. 5, 1865. Frederick W. Gill, Sept. 19, 1862. Julia M. Gill, July, 1867. LATER MEMBERS. 121 Dismissed. ^H. Cornelia Gillelt (w. A. J.), 1877. Lucy E. Gillette (J. B. Russell, Jr.). Died. Helen Graves, Frederick E. Goodrich, I Julia House (William), I Nancy House, Isabella C. Jones, I Abby Martinson ( ), Elizabeth S. Parsons (J. W. Newton), William H. B. Pratt, Z Nancy D. Eauney, Sarah W. Starkweather, Charles C. Strong, Z Elizabeth Tracy (J. A.), Harriet C. Trumbull (Austin Stickney), George H. Whiting, Sarah Wilder ( ), Mary L. Wilcox, May 26, 1862. Oct., 1864. Nov. 16, 1859. May, 1865. Feb. 1, 1870. t 1880. Feb. 19. 1862. Jan. 18, 1866. Mar. 5, 1865. Dec. 12, 1861. t 1880. April 3, 1861. June, 1865. August, 1858. Caroline Bird, Roswell W. Brown, Julia W. Brown (C. A. Jewell). Francina P. Burt (John), Sarah Butler, Sarah V. Churchill, Sophia T. Cowen, Maria M. Dobie (Rev. W. A. Thompson), Hannah Maria Fish. Julia C. Fish, 31aria Hurlbut, Hannah Maria Seymour, Clarissa Maria Spencer (Calvin), Gurdon Trumbull, Jr., 10 June, 1869. May 3, 1869. 1875. 1877. Dec. 18, 1873. July, 1875. Dec. 13, 1859. Aug. 11, 1866. Mar. 13, 1868. April 25, 1872. Oct. 8, 1860. Jan., 1870. Oct. 27, 1870. Mar. 9, 1872. Aug. 24, 1800. 122 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. October, 1858. Dismissed. Died. Mary Jane Osborne (C. C), Feb. 1, 1883. December, 1858. James T. Goodrich, f 1878. Edwin S. House. February, 1859. I Julia T. Ellsworth (P. W). William Yf. House, Jr., Feb. 20, 1860. I Fanny H. Noyes (Ebenezer), Feb. 21, 1870. Z Anna S. Noyes (Henry Lowry), Aug. 1, 1861. ? Fanny H. Noyes (R. W. Brown), May 3, 1869. I Charles Whittlesey, Oct. 29, 1874. I Helen M. Whittlesey (Charles), Oct. 29, 1874. June, 1859. I Daniel W. Brigham, June 2, 1870. Z Abby E. Brigham (D. W.), June 2, 1870. I Harriet Brownell, April 7, 1878. ? Julia P. Bull (J. C), Mar. 5, 1865. I Emeline Cady (Seymour). I George Talcott, May 29, 1871. I Julia Waltz (Jacob). August, 1859. I Simeon L. Loomis, Aug. 24, 1863. ^ Cornelia E. Loomis (S. L.), Dec. 1, 1885. Mary A. Stillman (Walter), f 1878. October, 1859. I Robert H. Rancor. ZEphraim P. Robbins, April 16, 1861. I Sarah L. Robbins (E. P.), April 16, 1861. ? Margaret Stewart (J. M.). I Margaret Stewart (N. B. Hall). ; Caroline C. Sumner (H. F.), April 27, 1876, Feb. 28, 1883. February, 1860. ? Nathaniel H. Loomis, Dec. 1, 1865. LATER MEMBEES. 123 AT>ril, 1860. Dismissed. Died. « Eliza H. Bryant (S. P.), ? * Susan B. Clark ( ), April 30, 1862. June, 1860. I David E. Bartlett, Mar. 5, 1865. ^ Fanny Bartlett (D. E.), Mar. 5, 1865. Ellen Clawson (James). I Aaron B. Mead, April 15, 1864. Z Lyman Stockbridge, Aug. 2, 1861. I Abigail A. Stockbridge (Lyman), June 9, 1877. Jemima Wheaton (Walter), ? * Avgust, 1860. Charles T. Ames, June, 1869. I Jennette Goodrich (James), July 12, 1880 Peter Schier, t 1880. Herman E. Schnable, t 1867. George Smart, June 26, 1868. ^Armand M. Whiting, Feb. 6, 1871. October, 1860. I Lydia Catlin (Charles), t 1867. ? Maria B. Howe (E. G.). Anna J. Marcy (F. A.). December, 1860. I Amanda M. Whitney (George). Ajyril, 1861. John Allen. Olary Allen (John). I George M. Coit, 1875. I Benjamin Hubbell, Dec. 19, 1861. I George Metcalf, May 19, 1864. ^ Alice 3Ietcalf (George), Mar. 5, 1865. I Henry P. Stearns. I Annie E. Stearns (H. P.). 124 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. June, ; 1861. DismiRRed. Died. William Hungerford, Jan. 15, 1873. Edward L. Judson, Aug. 1, 1863. Robert P. Keep, Mar. 5, 1865. I Mary Woodward ( ), Dec, 1869. August, 1861. Caroline E. Day. October, 1861. Charles Catlin, t 1866. February, 1862. ^ Jane Hills (F. W.), Dec. 22, 1870. Virginia Hubbard (T. W. T. Curtis), Feb. 23, 1 869. April, 1862. Lutber P. Sargeant, Jan. 26, 1866. I Mary Tipping ( ), * June, 1862. ^Minot S. Crosby, April 7, 1871. Z Margaret L. Crosby (M. S.), April 7, 1871. I Harriet Lowry ( ), Mar. 8, 1866. ZMary Ann Ripley, Aug. 13, 1880. August, 1862. I Sarah M. Holman (Justin). Alice Miller, Mar., 1867. Z Electa A. Talcott (G. S.), April 14, 1864. October, 1862. Laura W. Talcott (George), April 30, 1863. ZWoLCOTT Calkins, Sept. 22, 1864. I Charlotte W. Calkins (Wolcott), Sept. 22, 1864. December, 1862. Z Martha H. W. Hooker (B. E.). January, 1868. Walter Mitchell, Jan. 19, 1863. LATER MEMBERS. 125 April, Edward P. Bullard, IJared A. Ayres, Z Sarah C. Ayres (J. A.), nVilliam O. Ayres, I Frances L. Ayres, I Mary B. Ayres, I Ann Ayres, ^ John P. Brace. Frank H. Butler, I John Hale, I Lydia S. Hale (John), Ellen Louisa Hills, Elizabeth Porter Keep, William Andrews Keep, Mary Keep, I John Yf. Skinner, niaryE. Skinner (J. ^Y.), I Henrietta Sooter. Charles Theodore Weitzel, Louis Eugene Weitzel, 1863. Dismiseed. Nov. 7, 1868. Mar. 5, 1865. Mar. 5, 1865. Mar. 5, 1865. Mar. 5, 1865. Mar. 5, 1865. Mar. 5, 1865. Oct. 26, 1863. Oct. 23, 1863. Mar. 4, 1870. Mar. 4, 1870. Dec. 22, 1870. Mar. 5, 1865. Mar. 5, 1865, Mar. 5, 1865, July 12, 1866. July 12, 1866. Dec. 1, 1865. May, 1867. Died. June, 1863. Oct. 15, 1863. July, 1865. July, 1865. Feb., 1868. Aug. 30, 1867. Feb. 14. 1874. I Julia M. Barber, Gertrude M. Ely, Kate L. Ely, Z Joseph D. Hull, Z Charlotte Hull (Rev. J. D.), ZHervert B. Langdon. I William K. Mayo. Caroline S. Parsons, June 11, 1871. I George Smead. I Martha W. Smead (George). I George E. Taintor. August, 1863. i John E. Chapin, April 14, 1864. Anne C. Christie (F. E. Curtis). Mar. 7, 1866. 126 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Sarah Cutler ( Bowers). I James H. Holcomb. Z Emily M. Holcomb (J. H.). ZJoHN R. Keep, James H. Roberts, Timothy A. Russell. Mercy Stearns Russell (T. A ? Frances Ryder, Dismissed. Died. Mar, Mar 5, 1865, 5, 1865. Nov. 25, 1868. I Julia B. Burbank, George Hartman, Octoher, 1863. Dec. 17, 1874. Feb. 5. 1874. December, 1868. I James Fuller, I Elthede G. Fuller (James). Edward A. Gladwin, April 27, 1876. Z Collins Stone, I Ellen J. Stone (Rev. Collins), May 18, 1871. I Kate Stone (Job Williams), June 12, 1870. I Louisa Stone, May 18, 1871. ? George F. Stone, May 18, 1871. I Phoebe Stone, May 18, 1871. FehriLary, 1864. Mar. 5, 1865. Mar. 5, 1865. June, 1884. May 11, 1875. Dec. 23, 1870. U. Mervin Allen, Z Harriets. Allen (J. M.), I Victor Alvergnat, Z Julia R. Alvergnat (Victor), April 1, 1880. Marietta S. Fletcher, Oct., 1865. Ottilie Jacobi, Sept. 14, 1868. George Laubin, * Maria Katherine Laubin (George), - Leonore Lilian Parsons, Mar., 1868. I Allen A. Ruggles, f 1878. I Eliza J. Watson, Mar. 5, 1865. I Phoebe C. Wliite (w. Seymour), Mar. 5, 1865. May 31, 18< LATER MEMBERS. 127 AiJril, 1864. Dismis.-'ed. Died Edward M. Burchard, Mar. 8, 1866. Frederick G. Gleason, Feb., 1867. I Joseph B. Pierce. Aug. 17, 1871. I Sopliia Pierce (J. B.), Aug. 17, 1871. ^George C. Perkins, Sept. 24, 1875. Charles T. Welles. June, 1864. Mary E. Brewer, Feb. 15, 1865. Mary A. Brigham, June 2, 1870. Anna E. Brigham, June 2, 1870. Alice L. Greene (W. H. Wyatt), Oct. 17, 1871. Lucius H. Nichols, May, 1865. Mary A. Warner, Oct., 1864. February , 1865. I Francis 0. Allen, Feb. 1867. Isabella C. Allen (F. 0.) Feb. 1867. ^ Emily A. Coit (G. M.), 1875. ZEllery Hills, Jan. 9, 1870. Z Nancy H. Hills (Ellery). I Mary Anna P. Hopkins, Oct., 1867. I Mary Woods (Leonard), Mar. 27, 1866 Ajyvil, 1865. Sarah Brow^n, June 12, 1870. Z Alice M. Bullard(E. P.) Nov. 7, 1868. Julia B. Cone, 1866. Kate Curtis (Rev. L. W. Hicks), Sept. 24, 1874. Arthur L. Goodrich. I Ellen M. Gould (Rev. G H.), Dec. 10, 1874. I Mrs. Fanny P. Hazen, Mar. 3, 1870. Loren Hollenbeck, 1865. Kate H. Miller. Albert H. Olmsted, Mar. 8, 1866. Edward H. Pierce, Mar. , 1868. George E. Pierce, Dec. 15, 1881. 128 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Arthur H. Post, Mar., 1867. ZJabezPrest, Feb. 34, 1881. Alice J. Starkweather. John W. Starkweather. Charles E. Thompson, Nov. 4, 1873. Lavinia Tremaine (W. H.), Mar. 14, 1872. Mary L. B. Tremaine, Mar. 14, 1872. John L. White, Mar. 22, 1883. June, 1865. Edward W. Baker, Jan. 21, 1867. William Henry Buell, Dec. 20, 1877. I Sarah Ann Collum (George). Frank W. Crocker, Feb. 27, 1873. Z Anna B. Douglas (w. E. A.), June 26, 1875. Z Alfred E. Ely. Ella A. Fuller. Mary Hooker, May 7, 1871. Thomas Hooker, Oct., 1867. Mary Hopkins, Oct., 1867. Charlotte M. Prior. ZDavid A. Rood, t 1866. Z Maria Rood (D. A.), June 21, 1883. Z Edward C. Stone, Aug. 5, 1869. I Stephen Terry, 1878. ' Charlotte I. Talcott (Frank Bulkeley), July 15, 1872. August, 1865. I Lucius Barbour, Feb. 10, 1873. I Harriet L. Barbour (Lucius). I Lucius A. Barbour. ZEliS. Hoadley, Oct. 16, , 1866. ZTirzah S. Hoadley (E. S.), Oct. 16, 1866. Z Pliny Jewell, Aug. 28, 1869. Z Emily Jewell (Pliny). Z Charlotte A. Jewell. Z Charles A. Jev/ell. mo wland Swift. I Sarah^B. Swift (Rowland). LATER MEMBERS. 129 October', 1865. Dismissed, Died I Mary Bigelow. I Sarah A. Bigelow, April 15, 1880. Philo Preston Bennett, 1876. ZFlavelK Bliss, May 5, 1866. Z Esther Henry, May 6, 1880. ZJaneR. Kline (L. H.), Dec. 15, 1870. Mary Elizabeth Kline, Dec. 15, 1870. Alfred James Riley, December, 1865. John F. Burt, 1875. Henry Roberts. Jenette C. Seymour (C . B.), Dec. 2, 1870. Z Eliza Whelan ( Gorton). AlwildaH. Whiting (L. B. Evarts^ February., ), Feb. , 1866. 8, 1871. IS. Emily Brace (A. A. Pattou). Z Sarah E. Brace (Rev. Jonathan), July 30, 1866. Edsen Fessenden. ^ Elijah Harman, * Louise F. Johnson, Nov. 15, 1866. I Louise Kleinecke, ? ■ 5fr Z Eliza Steen, Oct,, 187t I Juliette Woover, Mar. 1, 1869. April, 1866. ? Clarissa A. Cooley (F. B.), ZZeruiah Eager, f 1878. ZAzel W. Hazen, Mar. 5, 1869. Ju?ie, 1866. Francis A. Buell, 1867. Emily S. Davis (G. E. Taintor). ^ Charles W. Eldredge, Jan. 10, 1883. Z Hannah M, Eldredge (C.W.). Mary B. Ely (A. E.). 130 FIRST CHUKCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. James H. Cloiigb, June 2, 1868. Adaline M. Hubbard (F. M.), f l-'^Sl. Jane R. Keeney (Albert), Nov. 8, 1880. Z Frederick Knapp. ZMary E. Knapp (Frederick). Harvey B. King, April 15, 1870. I Salmon Phelps, June 4, 1874. ZSarali S. Phelps (Salmon), 1878. Addie W. Stevens (William Ray), Jan. 29, 1871. Sarah A. Talcott (Seth), 1875. Henry C. Taylor, June 15, 1882. Sophia A. Tibbs ( McQuillen), f 1878. Henry E. Williams. August, 1866. ^Anna M. Brown (F. S.). I Alfred Carleton, Aug. 18, 1868. I Susan G. Carleton (Alfred), Aug. 18, 1868. Z William R. Ladd, April 20, 1876. October, 1866. Harry E. Blakeslee, June 9. 1873, June 15, 1876. Z Helen E. Blakeslee (H. E.), June 9, 1873. ? James H. Brewster. OlaryA. Clark, t 1878. Motham Goodnow, Feb., 1877. Z Henrietta M. Goodnow (Jotham), Dec. 28, 1871. Kate C. Goodnow, t 1878. Robert A. Griffing. Charles T. Knight, Aug. 24, 1871. Robert N. Smith, t 1878. 2 Martha D. Stebbins (Lucius). December, , 1866. ^ Julia A. Bullard, April 20, 1871. I John B. Clapp, May 6, 1880. William W. Cone, Mar., 1867. William Webster Ellsworth, Nov. 20, 1879. LATER MEMBERS. 131 Dismissed. Died. ^FrederickE. Goodrich, f 1878. Thomas J. Gill. I Lucy M. Harmon (Elijah), June 1, 1871. ^ Frederick M. Hubbard, f 1881. I Caroline C. Hungerford (Anson). Newman Hungerford. ^ Charles A. Powers, July 25, 1871. I Robert G. Vermilye, July 4, 1875. 1 Elizabeth M. Vermilye. 2 Mary M. Vermilye. ? Margaret L. Vermilye. Aug. 31, 1874. February, 1867. Henrietta H. Cone (A. C. Corson), f 1880. I Susan B. Curtis (J. S.), May 29, 1884. ^EleanorF.Hutchins (W.William), Feb., 1868. Chester M. Loomis. Sarah H. Loomis (A. H. Pitkin). Albert S. Rix, f 1880. ZMary G. Terry (Stephen), Aug. 29, 1867. ? Job Williams, June 12, 1870. A'pril, 18G7. Z Mary Brinley, Aug., 1872. Mary W. Curtis, Feb, 23, 1869. Mary B. Goodrich, . Dec. 3, 1868. ? Edwin S. Gould. Z James B. Hosmer, Sept. 25, 1878. ? Henry A. Keep, Dec. 29, 1867. ? Laura S. Keep (H. A.), May 29, 1874. Annie D. Loomis (E.B. Parmalee), Dec. 22, 1881. I Julia S. Nevers (George). I George Roberts, Mar. 25, 1878. I Elvira Roberts (George). ZMary A. Roberts (E. H. Perkins). Jane L. Roberts (G. D. Holton), April 1, 1880. Lucius S. Skinner, Feb., 1868. Margaret E. Sullivan (J. P.), f 1880. Caroline Wideman (Thomas), May, 1876. 132 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. June, 1867. DismisBed. Died. I Horace S. Fuller. Mary ElizalDetli Grout, Dec. 10, 1874. Ida k. Hale, Mar. 4, 1870. mobert H. Kellogg, Dec. 6, 1869. Z Carrie M. Lincoln, Mar., 1870. Joseph R. Pease, Nov. 28, 1873. Mary A. Pease (J. R). Margaret A¥. Sommerman ( Barnes), Oct. 29, 1874. Emma E, Warner (Mather Pinney). October, 1867. ^Elizabeth Corey, Feb. 5, 1871. iLucretia L. Hayden (w. S. S.), May, 1874. I Harris H. Hayden, May, 1864. ^CharlotteE. Hayden, May, 1874. Z Sarah E. Welch (A. H.), Feb. 18, 1870. December, 1867. Edward LeRoy Button, f 1878. ^ Allen S. Hale. June 12, 1870. Mary A. Henry (R. J. Steen). i! William H. Hills, Dec. 29, 1870. Z Lewis Hoy t, Feb., 1870. ? Lucius H. Nichols, Dec. 21, 1882. Z Nancy A. Prest (Jabez), Feb. 24, 1881. Z Charlotte S. Talcott (w. Seth), Jan. 4, 1875. ZMary Jj. Tambling (Hawley Kel- logg), Nov. 8, 1883. February, 1868. Z Abbey E. Henry, May 6, 1880. Daniel R. Howe. I Henry E. Taintor. Z John M. Talcott. Dec. 8, 1869. LATER MEMBERS. 133 April, 1868. Dismissed. Died. ^Mary A. Bartlett (H. H.), June 15, 1871. aane S. Buell ( ). Z Edward L. Cooke, Aug. 17, 1871. ZElla E. Cooke (E. L.), Aug. 17, 1871. James W. Eldredge, April 33, 1880. I Ellen A. Eldredge (J. W.), Feb. 26, 1873. June, 1868. I George Atkins, April, 1870. I Cora A. Atkins (George), April, 1870. ZAbijahCatlin, Jr. ; Lewis S. Crittenden. Z Martha II. Crittenden (L. S.). Nancy Elizabeth Hall, Jan. 11, 1883. I Caroline E. Lambe (w. ), Mar. 2, 1872. IMary F. Lambe. William J. McConville. I Albert H. Olmsted, 1877. I Samuel Woodruff, Mar. 21, 1882. I Lucie E. Woodruff (Samuel). October, 1868. Mary L. Bartlett, June 15, 1871. I Charlotte Edwards, Feb., 1878. ^ Georgia E. King (H. B.), April 15, 1870. Elizabeth Miller (A. R. Lyons). December , 1868. I Abel S. Clark, Dec, 1869. Alfred L. Seymour, Jan. 20, 1871. Augustin E. Seymour, July 3, 1869. Nellie C. Spencer (C. E. Gross), Jan., 1870. I William Thompson. I Eliza W. a'hompson (Rev. William), Jan. 29, 1879. t Mary B. Thompson (Rev. A. W. Hazen), Oct. 25, 1869. ^ Louis Wakelee, Oct. 24, 1878. 134 FIRST CHUEcn rx haetford. February, 1869. Dismissed. Died. I William H. Babb, April 7, 1871. Denny Carleton. Fanny C. Blannotte, f 1878. ^ Julia A. Dow (w. L. K.). I Sarah A. Goodman, Aug. 13, 1884. Isabel A. Hills, Dec. 22, 1870 ^Ashbel C. Hotclildss. ZLeontine A. Hotchkiss (A. C), Mar. 9, 1874. ^William L. Hardy, Oct. 2, 1879. ^BelaH. Kellogg. I Lewis E. Stanton. I Julia Terry (w. Henry), 1881. June, 1869. ^Mary E. Bigelow (C. E.). ZSarahL. Campbell, 1877. Z George H. Filley, June 29, 1871. Emily W. Goodrich (F. Bolles, Jr.). Georgiana Goodrich. Helen S. Goodrich (C. N.). I Samuel B. Hart, f 1880. J. Coolidge Hills. I Ebenezer K, Hunt. ZMary A. Hunt (E. K.). Nathaniel H. Morgan, July 12, 1881. ^ Harriet E. Morgan (N. H.). I Mary H. Morgan (S. B. St. John). ^Ernma G. Whitman (H. A.). December, 1869. I James P. Foster, May 14, 1878. ^ Fanny M. Foster (J. P.). I Susie B. Langdon (H. B.), Sept. 18, 1874. Catherine Henry (H. D. Gough), June 30, 1881. Martha F. Henry (N. F. Peck), f 1878. I Adelaide Loomis. ^Augusta M. Manning. LATER MEMBERS. 135 February, 1870. Dismissed. Died. I James Carleton Avery, Oct. 29, 1874. ^ Fanny Bidwell (w. A. W.), Mar. 13, 1885. Henry S. House. Anson Hungerford, Mar. 17, 1871. Clarence C. Hungerford. Z William S. Hurd, July 28, 1876. Z Nancy H. Hurd (W. S.). I Eleanor S. Hurd CGeo. 1 alcott), (Henry Hillyer), April 7, 1881. MuliaS. Miller (J. C). ZJane G. Taintor (H. E.). Avril, 1870. Frank W. Allen, April 1, 1880. Z Jane C. Andrews (W. O.). Betsey Bushnell ( ) f 1880. Anna Jane Hills, Dec. 22, 1870. Armand E. Holcomb, * Maria Jeanneret, Nov. 8, 1883. I William C. Pettibone, July 5, 1879. Z Augusta E. Pettibone (W. C), Nov. 29, 1872. ZEmma S. Pettibone (J. B. Van Zandt). I Mary C. Pettibone (James Camp- bell), Aug. 5, 1875. Charles C. Sackett, Mar. 30, 1882. Cornelia E, Skinner (Sylvester). I Abby Allen Thompson (C. E.}, Dec. 14, 1873. June, 1870. Vv^illiam 0. Andrews, July 1, 1881. Z Nancy Burnham (George). I Julia Burnham. Emma P. Foster. Ellen M. Osborn. Feb. 2, 1873. 136 FIRST CHURCH IX HARTFORD. December, 1870. Dismissed, Died. James Robert Dwyer, f 1878. I Roswell Fowler, Aug. 17, 1871. George Hays. Jennie E. H. Lankton, " Z Frederick T. Perkins, June, 1872. ? Eliza O. Perkins (Rev. F. T.), June, 1873. Z Frederick L. Perkins, Feb. 27, 1873. June, 1871, Albert H. Pitkin. August, 1871. Z Margaret Faircliild ( ), April 18, 1872. Z Ralph H. Foster, April 7, 1877. Z Caroline Foster (R. H.), May 15, 1884. I Amelia W. McKinney (C. P. Hall), April 18, 1872. Z Elizabeth M. Northrop (E. G.). February, 1872. ZJohn D. Parker. June, 1872. ZBurr R. Abbe, i Julia A. Abbe(B. R.). Elisabeth Abbe. Helen S. Foster. ZEmma C. Goodrich (A. L.). DELIAS H. Richardson, Jan. 23, 1879. Z Jane Richardson (Rev. E. H.), Jan. 23, 1879. Z Leonard B. Spencer, June 27, 1878. I Sarah R. Spencer (L. B.), June 27, 1878. August, 1872. ZTheodoreC. Clark, 1876. Z Grace A. Clark (T. C), 1876. I William N. Meserve, June 12, 1873. IKhhy A. H. Meserve (W. N.), June 12, 1873. LATER MEMBERS. 137 December, 1872. Dismissed. Died. I Hattie M. Fowler ( ), 1877. Z Ellen S. House (E. S.). February, 1873. Z Increase B. Clapp, Dec. 14, 1876. Z Fannie S. Clapp (I. B.), Dec. 14, 1876. George Whiting Clapp, Dec. 14, 1876. I Catherine L. Tyler (w. H. S.). I Kate G. Tyler. I James Williams, * April, 1873. / Sophia A. Bennett, 1877. I Joseph C. Bodwell, July, 1876. I Catherine Bodwell (Rev. J. C), 1878. I Catherine S. Bodwell, 1878. I Charlotte E. Bodwell, 1878. Z Herbert J. S. Bodwell. 1878. Walter H. BuUard. Annie S. Clapp, Dec. 14, 1876. I Emily Chapman (E. C. Stone). James M. Foster. Francis B. Hale. Harry S. Knapp. Cornwall T. Millard. I Susan B. Salisbury. I Sarah B. Sprague, jSTov. 12, 1879. Henry S, Stearns. Annie E. Stickles ( Boughton), April 1, 1880. Howard R. Swift, Jan. 27, 1881. ^AddieC. White (W. H.). June, 1873. Emily M. Brace. Z Ellen S. Brown (A. P.). Orlanda Bullard (J. D.). I S. Clarence Hastings, 1878. 11 138 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died . John Hilton, Jr. Jennie C. Huntley, April 1, 1880. Lizzie M. Knapp. ZMaryE. Perkins (E. H.). John Senk, t 1881. Charlotte E. Smith (E H. Oilman), Jan. 15, 1885. William M. Smith. I Melancthon Storrs. I Jane D. Storrs (Melancthon). Mary B. Swift. October, 1873. Charles C. Cowles, t 1880. I Charles E. Dean, April 1, 1880. Z Henry E. Dean, June, 1876. Louise B. Hunt (J. B Dimmick), April 20, 1882. Lillie C. Keep (J. B. Cone). Anna R. Kellogg, Jan. 18, 1877 William D. Kellogg, Sept. 11, 1880. Emma C. Noble, Nov. 17, 1876. U. C. Phelps, t ZLoisB. Ranney(W. E.). James E. Rawlins, December, June 1, 1882. 1873. ZMaryK. Abell (E.). Ann Booth ( ), Dec. 16, 1879. I Edwin C. Clapp, * I Martha J. Hammond February, 1874. Edward W. Bliss, 1877. Sarah H. Conklin. ZWillard Eddy, July 17, 1885. Eliza F. Mix. Zephaniah Preston, t 1880. A2)ril, 1874. Julia W. Brace. ZAdaE. Eldredge(J. W.), Feb . 5, 1879. LATER MEMBERS. 139 Dismiseed. Died. I Ellen S. French (J. C. Clark), April 1, 1880. Charles D. Keep. June, 1874. ^Willard A. Allen, April 14. 1881. Benjamin G. Hopkins. I George W. Moseley. ZMary J. Moseley (G. W.). Oscar P. Schlemmer. Lena A. Schlemmer, Jan. 24, 1884. August, 1874. I Emma L. Loomis (G. B. Stark- weather), Dec. 15, 1881. February, 1875. ^ NaHAB AD AbD ALIEN, 1877. Harriet D. Barbour (R. S. Barnes), Nov. 10, 1881. Z Charles P. Croft. 13. Lillie Clark (R. H. Coleman), May 10, 1880. Mary I. Eggleston (A. F.). Ida M. Hamilton (Geo. Roberts). Angelina M. Hopkins (B. G.). Rosella A. Hopkins. Paulina S. Northrop. Arthur N. Seymour, Feb. 16, 1882. June, 1875. ; Emily Goyt (George), Feb. 24, 1883. Z Ellen Goyt, 1877. Herbert W. Thompson. October, 1875. I J, Ellsworth Cushman, April 19, 1883. .Jane Hastings Pitkin (A. P.), Feb. 2, 1876. I William T. Price. John Clark Taylor. 140 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. December, 1875. Dismissed. ZMellville M. Tracy, Dec. 18, 1879. I Henry King, February, 1876. 2 Miranda A. Browning (J. G.). Clara M. Coyle. Caroline Kraft (Frederick Kowolsky). Flora Lindsay ( ), 1877. John Munroe, 1877. Phoebe Munroe (John), 1877. S. Isabel Moseley. Ella L. Smead. Abby C. Starkweather (J. W.)- I Luman Warner, May 1, 1884. I Phoebe Warner (Luman), May : 1, 1884. Charlotte E. White (F. N. Sharp). Died. Mar. 4, 1884. April, 1876. Arthur Hammond Abell. Charles Osgood Abell. Rhoda A. Barlow (J. W.). ZRoswell W. Brown, Nov. 26, 1883. Z Fanny H. Brown (R. W.). I Emily J. Colston (Theodore). I Manning S. Douglass, 1877. Addison W. Goodale. melen J. Goodale (A. W.). Hattie E. Goodale (Arthur Abernethy). Amelia Hansell. I Samuel M. Hotchkiss. I Emma J. Hotchkiss (S. M.). Chauncey F. Houston, June 18, 1884. ; Mary A. Hunter (J. S.), ZAnn E. Stratton (Benjamin Par- sons), Mar. 6, 1884. June, 1876. ZMaryS. Taylor (J. C). LATER MEMBERS. 141 October, 1876. DiemisBed. Died. ZTalitha L. Cushman (J. E.), April 19, 1883. ^Cbauncey Rhodes. I Juliette T. Rhodes (Chauncey). December, 1876. Z James Boyd. I Agnes Boyd (James). Z Annie M. Dart (W. T.). I William Davis. Z Margaret A. Davis (William). ^ Sarah J. King (W. T. Price). I John S. Welles. I Maria H. Welles (J. S.). February, 1877. Clarence Irving Andrews, June 18, 1885. Caroline Day Bissell. I Emily C. Curtis (Rev. Lucius). Mary Dwight Ely. Z Alice V. Gill(T. J.). Martha J. Harrison (R. J. McNickle), Nov. 30, 1882. Frances Bryan Hudson. Z Josephine M. Owen (E. E.). I Charles S. Saunders. Katherine Sedgwick Whiting (C. E. Bacon). April, 1877. Frank E. Curtis. I Solon P. Davis. Charles V. Gardiner. I John Henry. Z Edward Hale, Feb. 17, 1879. Frederick H. Keep. Howard H. Keep. I Robert Kane. I Sarah Kane (Robert). 142 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. James P. Leonard. Eliza D. Pellett (A. D.). Howard S. Pitkin. Chauncey E. Rhodes. Arthur E. Richardson, Jan. 23, 1879. George Roberts, Jr. Delia Williams (H. E.). June, 1877. Merton A. Bennett, Mar. 30, 1884. I Robert Henderson. I Grace Henderson (Robert). Jennie Morgan. Charlotte Swensson, Oct. 21, 1880. Carrie F. Williams (A. J.), April 6, 1882. October, 1877. I Harriet E. Barbour (L. A.). I Robert Gray. Z Jessie Gray (Robert). December, 1877. Alexander Boylen. Z Edward F. Harrison. Lester S. Hubbard. Z Margaret Hughes, Nov. 20, 1879. February, 1878. ZMary E. Boyd (Thomas). Louisa Boylen (Alexander). ZMary F. Kallock (w. G. W.), April 19, 1883. April, 1878. Thomas Abbe. Joshua W. Allen. Mary Seymour Andruss. James W. Barlow. Charles H. Bell. I M I LATER MEMBERS. 143 DismiBsed. Died. Fannie O. Brace. Mary B. Brace (Atwood Collins). Abiel Brown, Jr. Abram P. Brown. Fannie W. Brown. Frank Bulkley. Emily M. Bullard. I Margaret Carleton (Denney). Ann Carroll (Charles). Annie M. Carroll, Dec. 25, 1882. Samuel J. Carroll. Elma A. Clark (w. H. P.), Dec. 21, 1882. James Clawson, April 27, 1881. Emma Clawson. Francis B. Cooley. Francis R. Cooley. Sarah P. Cooley. Nelson B. Crowell. Ann Sage Deming (H. A.). I George E. Gay lord. Z Sarah L. Gaylord (G. E.). Albert Brown Gillett. Leontine M. Gillett (A. B.). George Gilmore. Henry E. Hastings. Samuel Stone Hotchkiss. Mary E. Hotchkiss. Lincoln D. Hubbard, Charles F. Hurd. Emerette A. Hurd (C. F.). Helen Louise Kilbourn (E. B.). Charles E. Kilbourn. Mary Clissold Knapp. Barbara Kunkell. Charles B. Leonard. Clara M. Loomis (C. M.). ZMary McKee (Wm. Simpkins), July 17, 1885. ZJaneH. Moore (W. W.). 144 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Edwin H. Moore. Carrie E. Moseley. Josephine M. Nichols (L. H.). Dec. 21, 1882. James H. Norton, May 6, 1880. George S. Pearl. Annie H. Pearl (G. S.). Hannah E. Pierson (w. William). Alonzo D. Pellett. ^ Daniel Phillips. ZMary M. Phillips (Daniel). Ella J. Phillips, May 19, 1881. William Taft Pitkin. ^Lois M. Richardson (L. E.). Loraine S. Richardson. Lillie A. Richardson. I Matthew B. Riddle. ZAnna W. Riddle (Rev. M. B.). Charles H. Saunders, Mar. 27, 1879. Plelen A. Saunders (C. H.), Mar. 27, 1879. Z Ellen M. Skinner (w. Lewis). Henry James Stewart. Jennie A. Stewart. Jennie Gertrude Storrs. William M. Storrs. Mary A. Taylor (w. S. B.). Mary A. Taylor. John H. Wentworth, July 10, 1884. Fannie J. Wentworth (J. H.), July 10, 1884. Mary E. Wiggin (G. W.). Annie H. Wilkinson (L.). Mattie E. Wilkinson. Frank D. Woodruff. June, 1878. Mary F. Andrews (O. P. Schlemmer). John Angus, Jan. 31, 1884. Z Annie E. Angus (John), Jan. 31, 1884. Philip J. Bardons. LATER MEMBERS. 145 Diemissed. Died. ^AdaE. Graves (w. S. D.). Adam Hartman. Carrie G. Marcy. I Robert Masterton, Feb. 8, 1883. ^ Elizabeth Masterton (Robert). John Devotion Ross. Sarah B. Seymour (G. L.). Rebecca Smith (w. H. L.). October, 1878. Clara G. Gustafsou, Nov. 3, 1881. ? James Harrison. Mary Williams Hooker (J. G. Woodward), Oct. 4, 1882 Charlotte Hultman (T. G. Hasler), April 14, 1881. Z Edward H. Jones, April 9, 1882. Z Julia A. Jones (E. H.), April 9, 1882. Johanna C. Sondburg. December, 1878. ; Charles S. Hartwell, Sept. 30, 1880. Api% 1879. I John G. Baird. Z Eliza Hall Baird (Rev. J. G.). Z Julius S. Gilman, Mar. 13, 1885. ZMary W. Gilman (J. S.), Mar. 12, 1885. June, 1879. ZMary Sauter (John Halle), Mar. 6, 1884. Z Maria D. Thompson (w. Rev. W. A.), Mar. 6, 1884. I George Leon Walker. Z Amelia R. Walker (Rev. G. L.). I Williston Walker. Z Richard E. Wilcox, Jan. 30, 1881. October, 1879. George H. Bruiggaman. Julia Bruiggaman (G. H.). 146 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. Albert Miller Fish, Dec. 15, 1882. ^ Emily R Harris (F. K). Z Jennie A. House (H. S.). Charles Henry Pettibone, Sept. 28, 1882. I George R. Shepherd. melenF. Shepherd (G. R.). December, 1879. I Lydia Abbe. I Julia A. Graves. Fanny J. Hale (H. M. Clough). I Chester D. Haktranft. Z Annie Frances Hartranft (Rev. C. D.). ZMary G. Holden. ZJaneR. Kline (w. L. H.). I Margaret C. McClellan (w. Samuel). I James M. Wheeler. Z Carrie A. Wheeler (J. M.). Stella J. Wheeler. February, 1880. I Arthur Abernethy. I Kate Ashton. I Sylvester Hine. ZAnna G. Hine (Rev. Sylvester). Z Clara S. Hine (C. R. Skinner). June 4, 1885. April, 1880. Z Elizabeth W. Daggett (Rev. O. E.), Oct. 5, 1882. Z Susan Elizabeth Daggett, Oct. 5, 1882. ZMary Daggett, Oct. 5, 1882. Z James U. Taintor. Z Isabel Spencer Taintor (J. U.). June, 1880. ZMary E. Brewster (J. H.). I Asenath P. Averill (w. Henry). I Mary J. Hampshire (Parker). LATER MEMBERS. 147 Diemissed. Died. Z Henrietta C. Howe (D. R.). Z Helen M. Pease. October, 1880. Elizabetli Linton. Sarah M. Linton. December, 1880. ZMary H. Adams. Albert C. Dean. I Christian H. Eckhardt. Z Amelia E. Eckhardt (C. H.). ^Harriet Goodwin (w. Caleb), Aug. 6, 1881. Z Elizabeth W. Goodwin. February, 1881. ^Alpheus C. Hodges, Nov. 3, 1881. Z Frank E. Jenkins, Oct. 20, 1881. I Charles O. Johnson. Z Louisa V. Langdon (H. B.). Z Louis B. Warner. A-pril, 1881. I William S. Karr. ZLucasta N. Karr (Rev. W. S.). I Mary F. Karr. I Genevieve B. Karr. ZLewellyn Pratt, April 16, 1885. I Sarah P. Pratt (Rev. Lewellyn). April 16, 1885. ZMary C. Stone (w. E. C). June, 1881. Mary B. Bodenstein ( ). Mary Amelia Bodenstein (C. E. Hosmer). Z Charles E. Davis. Emily Field Dickenson. Henrietta B. Edwards (Alonzo). Sarah J. Edwards. I Sidney M. Gladwin. I Ernest C. Richardson. 148 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dismissed. Died. ZKateL. Smith (w. I. D.). ^Leonore M. Sullivan. Almira O. Wheeler (w. Strickland). Mary Wilhelmy. December, 1881. ZElenore P. Berg (w. Rev. J. F.), July 16, 1883. adaT. Berg. I Kate DeWitt Berg, Mar. 37. 1884. Z Edwin C. Bissell, Oct. 17, 1884. Emily P. Bissell (Rev. E. C), Oct. 17, 1884. Harriet Greene Day. Z Arthur L. Gillette, June 20, 1884. Henry B. Hartranft. Z Henry H. Kelsey, Oct. 5, 1883. Z Janet Lennox (w. John). Z James C. Miller. Z Charles H. Morse, July 10, 1884. Edward W. Newell. John C. Parsons. Francis Parsons. Mary M. Riddle. I Isaac P. Whiting. Z Avaline S. Whiting (I. P). April, 1883. I Carrie E. Roberts (Henry). June, 1883. Z Pleasant Hunter, Jr., April 19, 1883. I Alexander M. Currie, April 20, 1883. ZMary Currie (A. M.). I Margaret Wilson. August, 1883. I Charles R. Skinner, June 4, 1885. October, 1883. Z Julia E. Birkenmayer (w. P. S.). I Nellie J. Birkenmayer. LATER MEMBERS. 149 Dismissed. Died. ^JoHN R. Herrick. Z Harriet B. Herrick (Rev. J. R.). I John W. Herrick. I Mary B. Herrick. Leonard Edmund Richardson. I Daniel H. Wells. ^ Martha Ann Wells (D. H.). Deceinher, 1882. Josephine Flossman, Mar. 27, 1884. Z Harriet R. Learned (w. W. E.). ^ Ellen A. Wooding (D. W.). February, 1883. I James W. Eldredge. Clara E. Wells. Maud E. Wells. April, 1883. I William J. Betts. ? Anna P. Betts (W. J.). Lucy Mather Brace. Clara May Cooley. Jeanette C. Hunt. Milton Frank Pellett. June, 1883. Z Carrie P. Keep (H. H.). December, 1883. I Alice S. Churchill (W. T.). ^Mary S. Kelsey. I William S. Kelsey, Feb. 19, 1885. ^Wilder Smith. I Charlotte M. Smith (Rev. Wilder). I Edith W. Smith. Z Alice W. Smith. 150 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. February, 1884. Dismissed. Died. Julia Maria Birkenmayer. Fanny Foster Brown. Cliarles Parsons Cooley. Helen Gertrude Karr. Sarah Frances Karr. I Altha M. Marsli (w. Albert), May 8, 1885. I Theodore B. Marsh. Jane Welles Stone. April, 1884. Burr Reeve Abbe, Jr. Harry Allen Grant Abbe. Walter Spencer Brown. Louli May Clark. I Lucius Curtis. Z Mary Hall. Edward Williams Hooker. Frank Ira Langdon. Elizabeth Masterton. I George P. Mayhew. Edward Everett Moseley. I Mattie A. Newton ( ). Amelia Seinsoth. Z Elizabeth Root (w. Samuel). I Laura A. Seymour (w. Walter). June, 1884. Anna Clarissa Day. Ella Maria Day, Nov. 15, 1884. Bertha Helen Klinger. Julia Anna Pease. Mary Elizabeth Pease. Dec. 9, 1884. George Herbert Smead. Josephine Maria Stebbins. Lucy Strong Taintor. Lucy Dutton Woodruff. LATER MEMBERS. 151 August, 1884. Dismissed. Died. ZElmaA. Clark (w. H. P.). December, 1884. Wolcott Webster Ellsworth. Clara Maria Klinger. Cosie Merriman Lamb. Hattie Hosmer Nevers. Jessie lone Nevers. I Edwin B. Smead. ^Roseloma W. Smead (E. B.). ^Arthur N. Seymour. February, 1885. I Albert H. Pomeroy. ^Enima J. Pomeroy (A. H.). April, 1885. Alice Margaret Allen. Alma A. Booth. Selma A. Booth. ? Frederick W. Cornish. Addie A, Dart. John Delehanty. I Samuel B. Donchian. Ernest Bradford Ellsworth. Matilda J. Engstrom. Eva C. Erickson. I Curtis Judson. I Amanda E. Judson (Curtis). Addie P. KUnger. William H. Pease. Fanner Richter. Forrest Shepherd. Charles Storier Stearns. Harlan H. Taintor. Rebecca M. Wilson. APPENDICES 12 APPENDIX A. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. LIST OF BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS, Taken from Hartford Town Records. 1645. Mary Smith, dau. of Arter Smith ; born Feb. — . John Pratt, son of William Pratt ; born Feb. 23. Abigail Kelsea, dau. William Kelsea; born April 19. Daniel Steel, son John Steel ; born April 29. Mary Lawes, dau. William Lawes Jr. ; born May 6. Elizabeth Wadsworth, dau. Wm. Wadsworth; born May 17. Sara Gibbenes, dau. William Gibenes; born Aug. 17. Loues Standla, dau. Timothy Standla; born Aug. 23. Elizabeth Baysa, dau. John Baysa ; bapt. Aug. 23. John Blomfield, son Wm. Blomfield; bapt. Aug. 23. Thomas Sillden, son Thomas Sillden; bapt. Aug. 30. Mary Burr, dau. Thomas Burr; born Sept. 17. Bunce[?] Joseph Whighting, son Wm. Whighting; born Oct. 2. Samiwell Patrek, son Wm. Patreck; born Oct. 15. Jacob Whight, son of John Whight; born Oct. 18. Samewell Andrews, son Wm. Andrews; born Oct. 20. Samiwell Addams, son Jerrymy Adams ; bapt. Nov. 23. Elizabeth AUcock, dau. Thomas Allcock; bapt. Dec. 7. Isack Brunson, son John Brounson ; bapt. Dec. 7. Daniel Hubberd, son George Hubbard ; bapt, Dec. 7. John Peck, son Paul Peck ; born Dec. 22. 1646. Hanna Kicharell, dau. Samiwell Kecherell; born Jan. 4. Thomas Burr, son Benjamin Burr; born Jan. 26. Elizabeth Samford, dau. Robbard Samford; born Feb. 19. 156 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Debory Barttlett, dau. Roberd Bartlett; bapt. Mar. 18. Mabell Haynes, dau. John Haynes, Esq. ; born Mar. 19. John Roott, son Thomas Roote ; born June 10. John Whittmore, son Thomas Whitmore ; bapt. Sept. 6. Elizabeth Kerbe, dau. John Kh'bee; born Sept. 8. John Andrewes, son Frances Andrewes ; bapt. Sept. 27. Joseph Stone, son Mr. Samiwell Stone ; bapt. Oct. 18. Samiwell Newten, son Mr. Roger Nuten ; bapt. Oct. 20. Samiwell Wadsworth, son Wm. Wadsworth; bapt. Oct. 20. Samwell Wrislea, son Richard Wrislea; bapt. Nov. 1. Samiwell Holten, son Wm. Holten; bapt. Nov. 1. John Felowes, son Richard Felowes; bapt. Nov. 1. Thomas Merrells, son Thomas Meeriells; bapt. Nov. 1. Mary Olmsted, dau. Nickolas Olmsted; born Nov. 20. Mary Steell, dau. John Steell Jr. ; born Nov. 20. Mary Cattelling; bapt. Nov. 29. Philip Lawes, son Will Lawes, Jr. ; bapt. Dec. 13. Phaebe Disborow, dau. Nickolas Disborow ; bapt. Dec. 20. 1647. Beeretris Tomsun, dau. Thomas Tomsun; bapt. Jan. 17. Joseph Marsh, son John Marsh ; bapt. Jan. 24. Daniell Garrod, son Daniell Garrod; bapt. Jan. 24. Ruth Judg, dau. Thomas Judg; ) bapt. Feb. 7. Sarah Coll, dau. John Coll; ) bapt. Feb. 7. (both from Farmington.) Sarah Crow, dau. John Crow; born March 1. Joseph Stanten, son Thomas Stanten; bai^t. Mar. 21. Samiwell Ellmer, son Ed word Ellmer; bapt. Mar. 21. Mary Graves, dau. Isaack Graves ; born July 5. Sara Hubberd, dau. AVm. Hubberd; born July 10. Samewell Bloumfield, son Wm. Blomfield; born July 12. John Stanla, son John Standla; born Nov. 3 or 4. Steven Kellsa, son Wm. Kelisa ; bapt. Nov. 7. Samewell Grilda, son Thomas Grilda; born Nov. 25. Abriham Brunson, ; bapt. Nov. 28. Sara Whitmore, dau. John Whitmore; born Dec. 16. i BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 157 1648. Thomas Andrewes, son Frances Andrewes; bapt. Jan. 3. John Gillbertt, son John Gillbart; born Jan. 16. Ledea Stone, dau. Mr. Samiwell Stone; born Jan. 23. Mara Webb, dau. John Webb; born Feb. 5. Samiwell Marveu, son Mathew Marven ; bapt. Feb. 6. Izack Standla, son Timothy Standla; born Mar. 10. Samiwell Rusco, son Will Rusco ; born Mar. 13. Rebecka Olmsted; born Mar. 13. Ezeckell Samford, son Robbard Samford; born Mar. 13. Elizabeth Spenser, dau. Thomas Spenser; bapt. Mar. 26. Mary Sellden, dau. Thomas Sellden; bapt. Mar. 26. Jonathan Gilbert, son Jonathan Gilbert; born May 11. Samiwell Lawes, son Will Lawes; born Aug. 8. Richard Risla, son Richard Risla; bapt. Aug. 21. Sara Willcock, dau. John Willcock, Jr. ; born Oct. 3. Hanah Prat, dau. John Prat; born Nov. 25. Sara Barnard, dau. Bartellmaw Barnard; born Dec. 3. 1649. Abigail Disborow, dau. Nickolas Disborow, born Feb. 1. Johanna Smith, dau. Gylles Smith; bapt. Mar. 25. Jonathan Bull, son Thomas Bull ; bapt. Mar. 25. Stone, son of Mr. Samiwell Stone ; bapt. Apr. 29. John Cullerk, son Mr. John Cullerk; born May 4. Mary Catling, dau. Thomas Cattelling; bapt. May 7. Anna Crow, dau. John Crow ; born July 13. Joseph Marsh, son of John Marsh; bapt. July 15. Elizabeth Ellmer, dau. Edward Ellmer; bapt. July 15. Ledea Ensign, dau. James Ensign; bapt. Aug. 19. Philip Judd, son Thomas Judd; bapt. Sept. 2. Sara Wodf ord, dau. Thomas Wodford ; bapt. Sept. 2. Mary Gillberd, dau. Jonathan Gilberd ; bapt. Dec. 17. John Olmsted, son Richard Olmsted; bapt. Dec. 30. Rachell Marven, dau. Mathew Marven ; bapt. Dec. 30. John Stelle, son 1650. John Allcock, son Thomas Allcock; bapt. Feb. 3. John Olmsted, son Nickolas Olmsted; bapt. Feb. 3. 158 FIEST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Esther Selden, dau. Thomas Selden ; bapt. Mar. 3. Sary Wadsworth, dau. Wm. Wadsworth; bapt. Mar. 17. Anna Hulberd, dau. Wm. Hullberd; bapt. Mar. 17. John Pantree, son John Pantree; bapt. Mar. 17. Joseph Hilles, son Wm. Hilles ; bapt. Mar. 17. Elizabeth Seger, dau. Richard Seger ; born June — . Daniell Kelsa, son Wm. Kelsa; born July — . <* Thomas Grilda, son Thomas Grilda; born first week Aug. Isaack Graves, son Isaack Graves; born Aug. 22. Abbigall Stone, dau. Mr. Samiwell Stone; born Sept. 9. John Eusell, son of Mr. John Rusell; bapt. Sept. 23. John Wincock, son John Willcock Jr.; born Oct. 29. Gorg Hubberd, son Gorg Hubberd; bapt. Dec. 15. 1651. Thomas Healls, son Thomas Healles; bapt. Jan. 19. Mary Felowes, dau. Richard Felowes; bapt. Feb. 9. Daved Bull, son Thomas Bull; bapt. Feb. 9. Rebecka Keeler, dau. Ralph Keeler; bapt. Feb. 9. John Stedman, son John Stedman; born April 5. Arther Smith, son Arther Smith; bapt. April 20. Sary Whightmore, dau. Thomas Whightmore ; bapt. Apr. 20. Sarah Gilbert, dau. Jonathan Gilbert; born July 25. Joseph Selden, son Thomas Selden ; bapt. Nov. 2. 1652. Rebeckah Graves, dau. Isaac Graves; born July 8. Elizabeth Cullerk, dau. Captaine John Cullerk, born July 15. 1653. John Gilbert, son John Gilbert ; born Feb. 19. Hannah Spenser, dau. Thomas Spenser; born April 15. Dorothy Lord, dau. Mr. Thomas Lord; born Aug. 17. Mary Stedman, dau. John Stedman ; born Sept. 24. 1654. Anna Allyu, dau. John Allyn; born Aug. 18. Lydia Gilbert, dau. Jonathan Gilbert; born Oct. 3. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 159 Hannah Stockin, dau. Samuel Stockin ; born Oct. 30. (Middle Towne). Judith Ambeck, dau. Mr. Johannes Ambeeck, born Dec. 5. 1655. Marah Spencer, dau. Thomas Spencer; born May 18. Sarriel Graves, son Isaak Graves; born Oct. 1. Thomas Stedman, son John Stedman; born Oct. 9. 1656. Elizabeth Gilbert, dau. John Gilbert; born Feb. 12. Joseph Grannis, son Edward Grannis; born Mar. 31. Samuel Stockin, son Samuel Stockin ; born Oct. 29. (Middle Towne). 1657. Joseph Smith, son Joseph Smith ; born Mar. — . Mary Allyn, dau. John Allyn; born April 3. 1658. Robart Stedman, son John Stedman; born Feb. 1. Martha Spencer, dau. Thomas Spenser; born Mar. 19. Samuel Smith, son Joseph Smith ; born May — . Thomas Gilberd, son John Gilberd ; born Sept. 4. Samuel Willard, son Mr. Joslah Willard; born Sept. 19. 1659. Ephriam Smith, son Joseph Smith ; born Sept. 8. 1660. Mary Cadwell, dau. Thomas Cadwell ; born Jan. 8. Samuel Stedman, son John Stedman; born Feb. 27. Josiah Willard, son Mr. Josiah Willard; born Mar. 13. Margrett Allyn, dau. John Allyn; born July 29. Edward Cadwell, son Thomas Cadwell; born Nov. 1. 1661. Lidiah Smith, dau. Joseph Smith ; born April — . John Prat, son John Pratt; born May 17. Thomas Cadwell, son Thomas Cadwell; born Dec. 5. 160 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1662. Simon Smith, son Joseph Smith ; born Aug. 3. 1663. Amy Gilbert, dau. John Gilbert; born April 30. 1664. Nath'l Stn.ndly, son Nathaniel Standly; born June 5. William Cadwell, son Thomas Cadwell; born July 14. Sarah Merrills, dau. John Merrills; born Sept. 19. Elizabeth Prat, dau. John Prat ; born Oct. 7. Nathaniel Smith, son Joseph Smith; born Oct. — . David Ensigne, son David Ensigne ; born Nov. 16. Mary Skiner, dau. John Skiner; born Dec. 1. 1665. Rebecca Allyn, dau. John Allyn ; born March 3. Nath'l Goodwin, son Nath'l Goodwin; born July — . Elizabeth Stedman, dau. Sarg't John Stedman ; born Nov. 9. 1666. Lidiah Smith, dau. Joseph Smith; born Feb. 14. Joseph Gilbert, son John Gilbert ; born April 3. John Seamer, son John Seamer; born June 13. Jane Ensign son[?], David Ensigne; born July 8. Mary Catling, dau. John Cattling; born July 10. Hanna Standly, dau. Caleb Standly; Oct. 13. 1667. Nath'l Merrills, son John Merrills; born Jan. 15. John Skiner, son John Skiner; born March 1. Susanah Smith, dau. Joseph Smith; born June — . Martha Allyn, dau. John Allyn ; born July 37. 1668. Thomas Huxly, son Thomas Huxly; born April 7. Sarah Goodwin, dau. Nath'l Goodwin; born April—. Sarah Prat, dau. John Prat ; born June 30. Mathew Cadwell, son Thomas Cadwell; born Oct. 5. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 161 Mary Smith, dau. Joseph Smith ; born Nov. — . Thomas Ensigne, son David Ensigne; born Dec. 7. 1669. Thomas Seamor, son John Seamor; born March 12. John Merrills, son John Merrills ; born April 7. Sarah Standly, dau. Nath'l Standly; born Aug. 24. Joseph Skiner, son John Skiner ; born Aug. 26. Elizabeth Standly, dau. Caleb Standly; born Oct. 24. Elizabeth Allyn, dau. John Allyn; born Dec. 1. 1670. Richard Lord, son Richard Lord; born Feb. 1. William Long, son Thomas Long; born Feb. 4. Martha Smith, dau. Joseph Smith ; born March — . Mary Marshall, dau. Thomas Marshall; born May 10. Sarah Easton, dau. John Easton; born July 18. Thomas Richards, son James Richards; born Sept. 16. Mary Seamor, dau. John Seamor; born Nov. — . Abigail Cadwell, dau. Thomas Cadwell ; born Nov. 26. Abram Merrills, son John Merrills; born Dec. 21. 1671. Benjamin Smith, son Joseph Smith; born July 2. 1672. Sarah Ensigne, dau. David Ensigne; born Jan. 22. Joseph Standly, son Nath'l Standly; born Feb. 20. John Marshall, son Thomas Marshall; born Feb. 24. Joseph Prat, son John Prat ; born March 6. Andrew Beltsher, son Mr. Andrew Belcher; born March 12. Hezekiah Wyllys, son Sam'l Wyllys, Esq^ ; April 3. Nath. Skiner, son John Skiner; born April 5. John Goodwin, son Nath'l Goodwin ; bapt. May 19. Sarah Bull, dau. Joseph Bull; born July 11. Samuel Catling, son John Cattling; born Nov. 4. Elizabeth Smith, dau. Joseph Smith; born Nov. — . Hannah Camp, dau. John Camp; born Nov. 24. Elizabeth Cadwell, dau. Thomas Cadwell; born Dec. 1. 162 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1673. Daniel Merrills, son John Merrills; born June 15. Ebenezer Way, son Eliezer Way ; born Nov. 24. 1674. William Marshall, son Thomas Marshall; born April 21, Sarah Smith, dan. Joseph Smith; born April—. Martha Bartlett, dau. Jehoiada Barttlett; born July 28. Caleb Standly, son Caleb Standly; born Sept. 6. Hannah Standly, dau. Nath'l Standly; born Sept. 30. 1675. Rich'd Skiner, son John Skiner; born Jan. 16. Margaret Seamor, dau. John Seamor; born Jan. 17. Abell Merrills, son John Merrills; born Jan. 25. (75?) Mary Ensigne, dau. David Ensigne ; born Jan. 26. Samuel Cadwell, son Thomas Cadwell; April 30. Walterton Merrills, son John Merrills; born June 28. 1676. John Campe, son John Camp ; born Feb. 18. John Cattling, son John Cattling; born April 27. Thomas Marshall, son Thomas Marshall ; born Oct. 3. 1677. Richard Seamor, son John Seamor; born Feb. 11. Susannah Merrills, dau. John Merrills; born May 20. Edward Smith, son Joseph Smith; born June 19. Hana Cadwell, dau. Thomas Cadwell; born Aug. 22. Anna Whitting, dau. Joseph Whitting; born Aug. 28. Mary Standly, dau. Nath'l Standly; born Oct. 8. Sarah Skiner, dau. John Skiner; born Nov. 4. Ruth Pratt, dau. John Prat; born Dec. 21. 1678. Joseph Long, son Thomas Long; born Jan. 22. Sarah Camp, dau. John Camp ; born Feb. 17. I BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 163 Thomas Cattling, son John Cattling; born Aug. 27. Elizabeth Marshall, dau. Thomas Marshall ; born Oct. 23. Joseph Mygatt, son Joseph Mygatt ; born Oct. 27. 1679. Abigail Pantry, dau. Mr. John Pantry; born Jan. 11. Mehitabel Cadwell, dau. Thomas Cadwell; born Jan. 13. John Biddoll, son John Biddoll; born Sept. 1. John Whittiug, son Joseph Whitting; born Nov. 13. Mercy Smith, dau. Joseph Smith; born Nov. 16. 1680. John Camp, son John Camp, born Jan. 30. Hanna Biddoll, dau. John Biddoll; born Aug. 31. Susanah Prat, dau. John Pratt; born Oct. 2. Susannah Mygatt, dau. Joseph Mygatt; born Oct. 5. 1681. Sarah Marshall, dau. Thomas Marshall ; born March 27. Sarah Biddoll, dau. John Biddoll ; born Aug. 19. Sarah Sandford, dau. Sarg't Zacharijah Sandford; born Nov. 15. Edward Cadwell, son Edward Cadwell ; born Nov. 24. 1682. Isack Merrills, son John Merrills; born March 11. Jonathan Webster, son Jona. Webster; born March 18. Susanah Whiting, dau. Joseph Whiting; born June 18. Mary Camp, dau. John Camp; born June 30. Sam'l Goodwin, son Nath'l Goodwin; born Aug. 22. Nath'l Cole, son Nath'l Cole ; born Nov. 6. Mary Mygatt, dau. Joseph Mygatt ; born Dec. 4. Thomas Biddoll, son John Biddoll; born Dec. 27. 1683. Will. Whiting, son Joseph Whiting; born March 14. John Pratt, son John Pratt ; born Oct. 6. 164 FIEST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1684. Sarah Smith, dan. Arthur Smith ; born April 14. William Cadwell, son Edward Cadwell; born Aug. 24. Jacob Mygatt, son Joseph Mygatt ; born Dec. 9. 1685. Ben jamen Marshall, son Thomas Marshall ; born Feb. 22. Jonath. Biddoll, son John Biddoll; born March 5. Susanah Bull, dau. Capt. Jonath. Bull; born Dec. 26. I LIST OF BAPTISMS, TAKEN FROM THE RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHURCH. An account of children baptised since my ordination whicli was Nov. 18: 1685.— [T.W.] 1685. Nov" : 22 : 29: Decern. 6: 13: 27 16f|. Jan: 31 Feb: 14 28 March : 7 21 1686. Apri: 4 Benjamin, son to Benjamin Grimes. Hannah, daughter to Roger Pitkin. Thomas, son to Philip Lewis. Hannah, daughter to Jn" Catline. William, son to Stephen Kelsey. _ John & Joseph, sons to Edw: Granis. Anne, daughter to Tho: Butler. Hannah, daughter to Nath: Goodwin. Baizy, son to Samuell Burr. Jonathan, son to John Colt. Timothy, son to Joseph Eason, Sarah, daughter to Thos. Clarck. Sarah, daughter to Texell Ainswor[th]. Mabell, daughter to Rich: Edward[s]. Mary, daughter to N"» Goodwin Jun : Sarah, daughter to John Tullor. Samuell, son to Thomas Long. Elizabeth, daughter to Joseph [? Shepard]. William, son to Paul Peck, Jun : Hezekiah, son to Maj^ John Tal [cott]. Sarah, daughter to Thomas Burnham Jun''. John, son to William Morton. Nehemiah, son to Joseph Olmsted. Rebecca, daughter to Nathan Me[ssenger]. Joseph, son to Robert Stedman. 166 FIKST CHURCH IN HARTFOED. May: Nov: Dec: 23 June: 6 13 July: 18 August: 1 15 Sep': 5 12 19 26 Octob: 3 10 17 24 31 14 28: 5 19 26 Jan: 2: 16: Zachary, son to Zachary [?]. Rebecca, daughter to Thomas Andrews, Mid- dle[ton]. Allen, son to M"^ W°^ Southmaid— Middletown. Aaron, son to M"" Aaron Cooke. Rebekah, daughter to Thomas Wadsworth. John, son to John Hopkins. Thomas, son to John Browne of Middletown. Elizabeth, daughter to W"" Spencer of [?]. Ruth, daughter to Ruth Back of Wallingford. Hezekiah, son to Edw : Elmer. Jonathan, son to Thomas Long. Mary, daughter to Thomas Kil [bourn]. John, son to Goodwife Tullor. James, son to John Kemp. Abigail Strowbridge. Sarah, daughter to John Day. Margaret, daughter to Alexander Dougl [as]. Nathanell, son to Sam" Gaines. Timothy, son to Timothy Woodbridge. Elizabeth, daughter to Joseph P [?]. Mary, daughter to Edward Burleson of S[ay]- brook : also Return, mistaken for Edward by y mother: son to Edw : Burleson, also Esther: daughter to Tho: Bishop. Henry, son to Samuell Gains. John, son to Jared Spencer. Jacob, son to Joseph Maygot. Sam", son to Sam" Andrews. Abigail King. Elizabeth, daughter to Daniell Butler. Mary, daughter to Joel Marshall. Jonathan, son to Samuell Gilbert. Thomas, son to John Burnham. Hannah, daughter to Samuell Burnham. Josiah, son to Thomas Atkins. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 167 I Jan: 30 Feb: 13 20 March: 13 1687 Apr: 17 May: 1 8 23: June 19 July 24 31 Aug: 7 14 21 Sept: 4 Nov: 6 13 20. Dec^ 4 11 16f| Jan: 8 29 Feb: 12 19 26 Anna, daughter to John Shepherd. Sarah Bishop & her daughter Amy. Tixhall, son to Tixhall ^insworth. Jonathan, son to Joseph Wadsworth. Samull, son to Jonathan Bigelow. Anne, daughter to George Knight. George, son to Benjamin Grimes. Jonathan, son to Samuell Elmer. Katherine, daughter to Sarah Wheeler. to Richard Risley. to John Williams. to William Morton. John, son to John Williams. Samuell, son to Timothy Thrall, ) of N [?] Abigail, daughter to Timothy Thrall, ) for [?] John, son to John Pratt Jun^ Joseph, son to Thomas Burre. Joseph, son to William Burnham. to Joseph Collier. Mary, daughter to Josiah Marshfield. Sarah, daughter to Stephen Hopkins, Caleb, son to Robert Pitkin. William, son to John TuUor. Elizabeth, daughter to Will. Pitkin. Margaret, daughter to Obadiah Wood. Aaron, son to Daniell Clarke. Agnes, daughter to Samuell Spencer. Thankfull, daughter to Joseph Easton [?]. Elizabeth, daughter to Edward Cadwell. Nathan, son to Philip Lewis. Thomas, son to The : Wadsworth. Samuell, son to Sam^^ Gilbert. Thomas, son to M^" Charls Dickinson. Sarah & Eliz"^ daughters to Jon^ Spencer. Samuell, son to Samuell Burr. Samuell, son to Jonath : Ashly. 168 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. March : 4 : Elizabeth, daughter to John Mitchell. Joseph, son to John Mason. 11 : son to Nathan Messenger. 1688. Apr: 1. Thomas, son to Rob^ Sandford. 15: Jonathan, son to Will: Bukkland. Elizabeth, daughter to Joel Marshall. 23 : Mercy, daughter to Richard Burnham. June 3: Ruth, daughter to Paul Peck Jun'. Naomi, daughter to Thomas Burnham. Mary, daughter to Joseph Grihmes. daughter to Edward Grannis. July 22 John Hunter. daughter to Jonathan Hills, daughter to John Kellsy. 29: son to Richard Stedman, grandaughter to M^' Hills. Abigail, daughter to Abigail King alias [?]. [? Aug.] 5: John, son to y^' widdow Barnard. Lydia, daughter to y'' same. Rebeccah, daughter to Joseph Olmstead. Mercy, y wife of Samuell Burre. Sarah, daughter of M"" Thompson of Simsbury. Consider, daughter to John Hopkins. David, son to David Ensigne. son to John Burnham. James, son to M*^ John Dauy. William, son to William Man. to James Lewis of Farmingtown. to William Morton. to Arthur Smith. to Samuel Wells. to Henry Arnold. to Edward Cadwell. 13 : daughter to Edward Allen. 20: Sybil, daughter to Jonath: Bull to Nathanell Crow. Aug: 26: Sept: 2: 30: Oct: 10: 17: 1690. Apr: 5: BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 169 Apr: May 18 25 July Aug. 24 Nov: 1691. July Octob-^ Decemb"^ 16|i. Jan: Feb: 7 March 13: 20: 27: 1692. April 3: 10: 17. 24 13 to Dorothy Forbs — Robert, to Nathan Messenger. Mary, daughter to Rich'^ Burnham. Joseph, son to Joseph Striklaud. Hester, daughter to Edward Elmer. Hannah, daughter to Tho. Wadsworth. Sam^^ son to Sam^i Sedgwick. Abigail, daughter to Jonathan Bigelow. Mary, daughter to Sam" Bur. daughter to Joseph Olmstead. Mary, daughter to Andrew Benton. Joseph, son to Jn" Stoughton of Windsor. Hannah, daughter to John Graves. to y® widdow Harris. to Nath : Goodwine, Senior. to Joseph Barnard. Thomas, son to Tho : Wells. James, son to Joh: Bidwell. daughter to David Berlar [? Butlar.]. daughter to James Steel. Thomas, son to Tixhall Einsworth. Rebecca, daughter to William Goodwine. Rebecca, daughter to Edw : Elmer. Mary, daughter to Sam" Burnham. daughter to Crow. Hezekiah, son to Nath. Goodwine. son of William Goodwine. Abel & Rachel, children of Tho : Hancocks. daughter to Will"^ Pitkin. Abigail, daughter to Philip Lewis. Mary, daughter to Joseph Strikland. Ruth, daughter to Joseph Peck. Thomas, son to Tho : Morgan. John, son to Sam" Gilbert. William, son to John Day. Ruth, daughter to Jonath : Bull. 170 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. April May June July Aug: Octob'- Nov: Dec: Jan: Feb: March : 19; 26: 7: 14: 21 16: 23 30. 13 27: 25 12 Mary, daughter to Robert Sandford. the children of John Elmer all except y^ eldest. Anne and Mary, daughters to Capt : Stanley. Mary, daughter to Timothy Woodbridge. Charles, son to Stephen Kelsey. Jonathan, son to Tho : Burr. Thankf ull, daughter to Jonath : Hills. Charles, son to Will" Whiting. Richard, son to Rich : Burnham. William, son to William Williams. Elizabeth, daughter to Joh : Baker. Mary & Elizabeth, daughters to Samvell Olmstead. Thomas, son to Tho : Olmstead. Lydia, daughter to James Ensigne. Dorothy, daughter to Daniel Bidwell. Mary, daughter to Timothy Phelps. Abigail, daughter to Zech: Sandford. John, son to John Grihmes. Abraham, son to Sam' Kelluck. daughter to Tho : Loveman. John, son to Tho : Hills. Abigail, daughter to Tho : Butlar. William, son to Tho : Wadsworth. Mary, daughter to Andrew Roby. John, son to Benj : Adams. Sarah, daughter to Joh : Watson. Rebecca, daughter to M"" Pantry. sons to Tho : Hancock. John, William, Stephen, son to Jonathan Webster. Rachel, daughter to Roger Pitkin. Jonathan, son to Richard Edwards. Anna, daughter to John Williams. James, son to John Bunce. Benjamin, son to Benj. Grihmes. Joseph, son to Andrew Benton. Elizabeth, daughter to Lamorck Flowers. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 171 1693. March : 26 Apr: May June July 16: 23: 11 25 30 Aug: 6 20 27 3 Sept: 13 Octob' 1 22 Nov: 5 12 19 Dec: 3 Susanna Scot. Elizabeth & Susanna, daughters of Arthur Hen- bury. Daniel, son to Jonath: Biglow. Nathanel, son to Daniel Clark. Joseph, son to Tho : Waples. Sarah, wife to Tho : Bur. Sam" Woodroof of Farmingtowne. Ruth Killum. Mary, daughter to Richard Risly. Jonathan, son to Jonath : Loomys. Abigail, daughter to Tho: Olcot, Jun^ Martha, daughter to Aaron Cooke. Naomi, daughter to Tho : Kilburn. Lydia, wife to Philip More, & her two sons, Philip & John. Jonathan, son to Sam" Cole. Sarah Scot, It: [?] Prudence Scot. Lydia, daughter to John Graves. John, son to John Steel. John, son to Samuell Wheeler. daughter to John Burnham. Sarah & Lydia, daughters to Lydia, wife to Philip More. Eunice, daughter to Jonas Williams. Rebekah, daughter to Joseph Olmstead. Elizabeth, daughter to Daniel Pratt. Hannah Webster. Thomas, son to Thomas Ensigne. Jonathan, son to James Steel. Daniell, son to John Webster. Abihel, daughter to Sam" Steel. Zebulon, son to Joseph Maygat. Daniel, son to Joseph Garret. Joseph, son to Joseph Kelsey. Ebenezer, son to Ebenezer Hopkins. Jonathan, Deborah, children of John Mason [?]. 172 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 16|f. Jan: 23 Feb: 11 25 March. 11 18 25 1694. May 20 July 1 Dec: 3: daughter to John Wilson, daughter to Tho : Butlar. John, son to John Bur. 24 Rachel Grant. John, son to Joseph Whiting. Daniel, son to Tho : Hancocks. 31 Samuell, son to Sam'^ Wells. Sarah, y^ daughter of Joseph Bernard. Sam^^, son to Samuell Burnham. Benedicta, daughter to Nath : Goodwine. John, son to Richard Edwards. Caleb, son to Sam" Benton. Abigail, daughter to M"" Richard Lord. Abigail, daughter to Tho : Burnham. daughter to Kath : Crow. Mary, wife to Ephm. Phelps of Winsor. Sarah Johnson of Wethersfield. Abigail, daughter to Jonath: Bull. Ephraim, son to Ephraim Phelps of Winsor. 15 of Josiah Dibble. 29 Elizabeth, daughter to Andrew Robee. 2 James, son to James Williams. Thomas, son to Addams. Joseph, son to M'' John Hains. Martha, daughter to Richard Bernham. Noah, son to John Sparks. Sarah, daughter to Joshua Carter. Anne, daughter to Tho: Burr. Hannah, daughter to John Prat. Esther, daughter to Ebenezer Gilbert, daughter to Tho : Olcot. Abigail, daughter to Will: Kelsey. Mary Lewis of Windsor. Stephen, son to Tho : Olmstead. 13 Joseph, son to Timothy Cowles. Sept: 23: Octob: 28; Novemb : 4 18 Dec: 23 30 16ff. Jan: 6 I BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 173 Feb: March July Aug: Sept; 10 17 24 3 10 1695. March 31 April 12 June 2 9 23 30: 11 18: 8: 15 Rachell, daughter to John Skinner. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Loomys. Josiah Clarke. Eunice, daughter to Joseph Butlar. Hanah, daughter to Gabriell Williams. John, son to Tho : Ensigne. Abigail, daughter to Capt. Stanley. John, son to John Graves. Ebenizer, son to Samuell Sedgwick. Samii, son to Benj : Grihmes. Samuell, son to Jonathan Bigloe. Hannah, daughter to Richard Risly. Hannah, daughter to William Goodwine. Isaac, son to John Williams. Thomas, son to Rob* Sandford. Stephen Brace. John Brace. Henry Brace. Elishebah Brace. Phebe Brace. Elizabeth Brace. Susanna Hart. Moses, son to John Camp. Ephraim, son to Phebe Brace. Anne Brace. Hannah, daughter to Daniell Pratt. Thomas, son to Thomas Gains. Priscilla, daughter to Lydia More. Mary, wife of William Parsons of Simsbury, & his son William. Thomas Scot. Obadiah, son to Obadiah Spencer Jun"". Timothy, son to Joseph Easton Jun^ Mary, daughter to Jonas Williams. Ruth, daughter to Timothy Woodbridge. Daniel, son to William Williams. Thomas, son to Tho: Spencer. Sarah, daughter to John Burnham. 174 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Octob : 6 : daughter to Thomas Butler. 13: Isaac, son to Sam^i Wheeler. Nov : 10 : Abraham, son to Daniell Clarke. Isaac, son to Nathanell Goodwine. Dec: 8 John, son to John Forbs. John, son to John Burr. Mabell, daughter to Roger Pitkin. William & Daniell, Indians. 29 : Jonathan, son to Thomas Hancocks. 16ff. Jan : 5 Jonathan, son to Tho : Olcot. Hannah, daughter to Rich : Edwards. Feb : 2 Lois, daughter to Margaret Butlar. Hannah, daughter to Josiah Dibble. March: 1: Hannah, wife to John Mason. Baisy, son to Sam" Burr. 8 Martin More. Mary, daughter to Daniell Clarke. Keziah, daughter to Mary Case. 15 Lydia, daughter to Sam^i Richards. 22 Jonathan, son to James Ensigne. 29 : Ruth Grant. Sarah, daughter to Tho: Kilburn. Jacob, son to Jacob Deming. Dorothy, daughter to Jonathan Hills. Esther, daughter to John Sparks. 5 Thomas Parsons. 3 Ruth, daughter to Joseph Peck. 17: Elizabeth, daughter to Hannah Miles. Mary, daughter to Mary Elmer. John & Joseph, sons to Ruth Grant. 24 Rebeckah, daughter to John Shepherd. Sarah, daughter to Thomas Morgan. 31 Joseph, son to M'" William Pitkin. June 7 Esther, daughter to Gabriell Williams. 14: Sarah, daughter to Thomas Richards. 28 Jonathan, son to Ebenezer Hopkins. 1696. March : Apr: May BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 175 July Aug: 5: 2 Sept: 23 6 Octob : 4 11: 18 Nov; 1697. Apr: May June 22 Dec: 13 27 16M. Jan: 3 31 Feb: 28 Marcli 7 28 18 25 27 Kuth, daughter to Capt : Stanley. Elizabeth Lewes. Lydia, daughter to John Mason. Thomas, son to Thomas Perkins of Enfield. Samvell, son to John Olcot. Susanna, daughter to John Graves. Josiah, son to Tho : Burnham. Mabell, daughter to Timothy Phelps. John, son to Sam'^ Spencer. Jonathan, son to Joseph Clark. Zibah, son to James Williams. Violet, daughter to Will : Goodwine. Abigail, daughter to John Kemp. daughter to Tho : Olcot. daughter to Will"^ Kelsey. Joseph, son to Joseph Prat. John, son to Aaron Cooke. Sarah, daughter to Thomas Olmstead. John, son to Timothy Woodbridge. Mehitabel, daughter to Tho: Waters [?]. daughter to John Burnham. Jonathan, son to Tho : Gains. to Roger Pitkin. Hannah, daughter to Peter Blin [? Bliss.]. Esther, daughter to Rich : Burnham. Nicholas Evans, of Windsor. James, son to Tho : Cad well. Thomas, son to Thomas Shepherd. Martha, daughter to Joel Marshial. Noah, son to Daniel Clarke. daughter to Joshua Carter. Samuell, son to John Williams. Amy, daughter to Joseph Gilbert. Mathew, son to Mathew Cadwell. Mary, daughter to John Baker. Isaac, son to Thomas Burr. Hannah Evans. 176 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. July Aug: 4 15 29 Sept: Oct. 12 17 31 Novemb :21 Dec: 5 16f|. Feb: March : 5 12 1698. 19 March : 27 Apr: 17 May: 1 15 Aug: 7 Sept: 25 16ff. Jan: 22; 29 Feb: John, son to John Skinner. John, son to Edward Cad well. to The: Olcot. Sarah, daughter to M"^ John Hains. Mary, daughter to John Graves. Joseph, son to Joseph Easton. Nath", son to Tixhall Einsworth. Joseph, son to Joseph Skinner. Jonathan, son to Jonath : Richardson. Martha & Susanna, daughters to Josiah Dibble. Mabell, daughter to Tho : Hancocks. Hannah, daughter to Tho: Ensigne. Nathanell, son to Baysy Baker. Mehitabell, daughter to Sam" Spencer. Mary, daughter to John Fforbs. Ebenezer, son to James Ensigne. Sarah, daughter to M"- W™ : Pitkin. Gabriel, son to Gabriel Williams. Timothy, son to Jacob Deming. Hannah, daughter to John Goodwin. Lydia, daughter to John Day. Amy, daughter to Thomas Butlar. Martha, daughter to John Sparks. Ebenezer, son to Tho : Richards. Samvell, son to Samvell Bur. Hannah, daughter to Nathan Messenger. Hannah, daughter to Richard Miles. Joseph, son to Tho : Waters. Mary, daughter to John Olcot. Sarah, daughter to John Graves. Ruth, daughter to Will'" Kelsey. Jacob, son to John Williams. Joseph, son to Daniell Clark. Joseph, son to Tho: Clark. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Hills. Prudence, daughter to W" Buckline. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 177 Feb: 12: William, son to Sam^' Spenser. March: 19 John, son to Joseph Talcot. 26 Deborah, daughter to Nathanell Andrewes. I Apr : 9 : Baisy, son to Baisy Baker. Rebeckah, daughter to Tho : Olmstead. 23 Cullick, son to Tho: Olcot. Abigail, daughter to Obadiah Wood. Mary, daughter to Tho Olcot. 30 Abigail, daughter to Mathew Cadwill. May 14 Jabez, son to John Burnham. Zecchariah, son to Robert Sandford. 21 Stephen, son to Stephen Hart of Farminton. Joseph, son to widow Holtum [?]. June Joseph, son to John Day. Thomas, son to Tho Day. 18 Sarah, daughter to James Williams, 25 William, son to William Long. Ebenezer, son to Ebenezer Hopkins. July 9: William, son to William Goodwine. 16 : James, Zecchary Sandford's boy. 23: Bethia, daughter to Jos: Butlar. 30 Abraham, son to Nath : Goodwine. Aug: 6 Abigail, daughter to John Kemp. Charles, son to Rich'^ Burnham. 13 Stephen, son to Joseph Skinner. 20 Mary, daughter to John Day. to Sami' Gilbert. 27 Rebeckah, daughter to Daniel Prat. Stephen, sou to John Burr. Nathanell, son to Nathan^ Pitkin. Thomas, son to Ebenezer Gilbert. Elisabeth, daughter to Tim^ Phelps. Mary, daughter to Tho: Spencer. Isaac, son to John Parsons. Azariah, son to Joseph Prat. Ruth, daughter to Joshua Carter. Sarah, daughter to Thomas Waters. Sept: 17 Octb. 1: 29: Nov: 12 19 Dec: 10: 31 lis FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. If^. Jan: 14 21 Feb: 11: 25: March 3 10 24 1700. March: 31 Apr: 7 14 28 May 12 26: June 2 16: 23 30 July 21: Aug: 4 11 Sept: 8 Octob : 6 13 27 Novemb : 4 Decemb : 1 Elizabeth, daughter to Cyprian Nicholls. Ruth, daughter to Gabriell Williams. Abigail, daughter to Jacob Deming. Daniel, son to John Skinner. Damaris, daughter to John Goodwins. Elisha, son to Benj : Graham. Abigail, daughter to Timothy Cowles. Mary, daughter to Joseph Hopkins. Elizabeth, daughter to Tixhall Einsworth. Hannah, daughter to Edw: Elmer. Ruth, daughter to M"^ John Reed. Hannah, daughter to Tho: Cadwell, Deborah, daughter to Sam^' Spenser. Dauiel, son to Tho: Burr, Baisy, son to Baisy Baker. Abigail, daughter to Joseph Gilbert. Sarah, daughter to Joseph Eston. Samuel, son to James Williams. Mindwell, adopted daughter to Jacob Gibbs of Windsor. Thomas, son to M> Will"" Pitkin. Amos, son to widdow Richardson. Hannah, daughter to Sam'' Richards. Ffrancis, son to Lamorock Flowers. Sarah, daughter to Joseph Benton. Jedediah, son to Thomas Richards. Eunice, daughter to Sarah Robinson. Mary, daughter to Thomas Perkins, Abel, son to Joseph Collier. Timothy, son to Jonah Williams. Moses, son to Aaron Cook. Daniell, son to Tho : Butlar. Jonathan, son to John Williams. Damaris, daughter to Tho : Olmstead. Deborah, daughter to John Williams. Prudence, daughter to Abraham Merrills. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS, 179 I mi Jan: 19 26 Feb: 2 16 23 1701. March 9 23 30 Apr: 13 June 8 1703. Feb 14 21 March 1703. May- June July Sept: 21 10 30 20 18 25 12 Timothy, son to Nath : Gooclwine. Jerusha, daughter to Ebenezer Spenser. Mary, daughter to Sam^' Wheeler. Hannah, daughter to Thomas Day. Samuell, son to John Kilburn. Joseph, son to M"" Joseph Talcot. Timothy, son to Nath : Andrews. Esther, daughter to Nath: Pitkin. Mabel, daughter to Capt. Pitkin. Stephen, son to Sam^^ Sedgwick. Daniell, son to Richard Edwards. John, son to John Day, Jun'". Samuell, son to Joseph Eston. Joseph, son to John Day, Jun'". Stephen, son to Stephen Brace. Abigail, daughter to Sam'* Sedgwick. Roger, son to Roger Brunson of Farmington. Josiah, son to Tho: Olcot. Mary, daughter to Rich*^: Goodman. Abigail, daughter to Tho: Crow. Abigail, daughter to Thankfull, daughter to Nathanell Goodwine. Mary, daughter to widow Wilson. Mary, daughter to Mary Douglas. Abigail, daughter to Eben : Spenser. Cornelius, son to Cornelius Merry. Mary, daughter to Rich : Goodman. Mary, daughter to Will"' Long. Abiel, son to Good wife Harrison's daughter at Farmington. Rebekah, daughter to W"' Harris. Moses, son to Thomas Cadwell. Joseph, son to Lydia Abdas wife [?]. Lydia, daughter to Sam'' Brownson of Farming- ton. 180 FIKST (JHURCH IN HARTFORD. Sept: Samuell, son to John Fforbs. James, son to James Fforba. 27. James, son to Joseph Gilbert. Rebekah, daughter to Giles Southmaid. Anne, daughter to Tho: Rowly. John, son to Samuel Catline. Lois, daughter to Jonah Williams. Roger, son to Roger Pitkin. Mabell, daughter to Jonath: Bigloe, Jun^ Mary, daughter to John Haynes. Hannah, daughter to Tho : Morgan. Eliezar, son to Nath : Goodwine. Abigail, daughter to John Stedman. Daniel, son to Thomas Shepherd. Hanah, daughter to Tho : Olmstead. Mary, daughter to Ebenez : Hopkins. Prudence, daughter to William Bukline. Susanna, daughter to Timothy Woodbridge. Esther, daughter to John Prat. Nathanell, son to Nathanell Arnold. Sarah, daughter to Jonathan Ashly. Caleb, son to Thomas Burr. Sarah, daughter to John Millington. Abigail Winchell. Jonathan, son to Obadiah Spenser. Daniel, son to Thomas Ensigne. Thomas, son to John Clark. George, son to Ozias Pitkin. Moses, son to Samuell Peck. daughter to Tim : Cowles. Mary, daughter to John Skinner. Sarah, daughter to George Sexton. Abigail, daughter to Samuell Burchard. Gideon, son to Joseph Butlar. Zephauiah, son to [ ] huffe of Farmington. July 9 son to Cornelius Merry. Octob : 24 31 Noveml ): 7 21 28 Decemb : 5 19 170f. Jan. 23 30 Feb: 6 13 20 March 12 19 26 1704. Ap': 6 23 May 19 28 June 4 11 25 25 4 i BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 181 Aug: 13 30 Sept : 3 10 17 Octob: 8 15 23 39 Novemb : 4 Decemb; 31 170|. Jan 21 28 Feb: 27 March : 11 18 1705. April: 1 22 May 20 37 June 3 10 34 July 1 Susanna, daughter to William Goodwine. Ebenezer & Thomas, sons to Ebenezer Barns of Farmington. Timothy, son to Timothy Olcot. John, son to Thomas Day. Dorothy, daughter to Thomas Waters. Benjamin, son to John Spencer. Rachel, daughter to Sam^' Gilbert. Nathanell, son to Nathanell Andrews. Daniel, son to Tho: Butlar. Ruth, daughter to Benj : Gayler. Esther, daughter to Timothy Phelps. Richard, son to Richard Goodman. Mary, daughter to Ephraim Turner. Daniell, son to Nathanell Goodwine. Hannah, daughter to Deborah Spenser. Ruth, daughter to Hezekiah Willis. James, son to James Forbes. Elisha, son to Joseph Eston. Benjamin, son to Joseph Gilbert. Sam": son to Josias Marshfield. Elijah, son to Thomas Andrewes. Dorcas, daughter to Joseph Hopkins. Thomas, son to Andrew Warner. Anne, daughter to Ebenezer Spenser. Hannah, daughter to Baisey Baker. daughter to Stephen Kelsye's daughter. Joseph, son to Joseph Olmstead. Michael, son to Richard Burnham. Ashbel, son to Timothy Woodbridge. Samuel, son to Samuel Butlar. Dorothy, daughter to Nathaniel Pitkin. Phillis, daughter to John Parsons. Margaret, daughter to Obadiah Wood. Mary, daughter to Samuel Sedgewick. Mary, daughter to Thomas Richards. Thomas, son to Thomas Olcot. Sept: 23 Octob: 7 21 Nov: 18 Dec. 2 182 FIRST CRURCH IN HARTFORD. July 7 Mary, daughter to Roger Brunson of Farmington. John, son to M"" John Haynes. Mary, daughter to William Harris. 15 Christopher, son to Thomas Crow. Aug: 19 George, son to Ozias Pitkin. Mary, daughter to Solomon Oilman. 26 Anne, daughter to William Davenport. Mary, daughter to John Williams. Joshua, son to Joshua Carter. Zebulon, sou to Thomas Shepherd. Dehorah, daughter to Edward Cadwell. Tamar, negro maid servant to T. Yv^oodbridge. Lydia, daughter to Jonas Y/illiams. 9 Katherine ) (j^ughters to Samuell Wheeler. Elisabeth ) "= 30 Joseph, son to Richard Case. Elizabeth, daughter to John Clarke. Johanna, daughter to Nathanell Goodwine. James, son to Samuell Richards . Timothy, son to Caleb Stanley, Sarah, daughter to Nath : Arnold. John, son of John Stedman. Joanna, daughter to M' Edward Dod. Elizabeth, daughter to John Adams. Jerusha, daughter to Thomas Olmstead. Daniel, son to M' John Hubbard, Samuel, son to Cyprian Niciiols. Abigail, daughter to George Sexton. Silas, son to Tho : Spencer. daughter to John Burr. daughter to Will'" Buckline. Daniel, son to Obadiah Spenser. Mary, daughter to Aaron Cooke. Sarah, daughter to Cornelius Merry. John, son to William Pitkin. Elizabeth, daughter to Hezekiah Willis. 28 John, son to Sam" Burchard, nof. Jan: 6 20: Feb: 3 17 March : 3 10 1706. March 31 April 7 14 May 12 June 9 July 7 14 21 » Aug: Sept: 11 18 1 22 28 Octob 20 Novemb : 3 9 Decemb: 8 15 170f. Jan: 5 12 19 26 Feb: 9 March 16. 23. 1707. March 30 Apr: May 13 27 4 18 25 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. William, son to Stephen Brace. John, son to John Goodwine. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Ashly. Stephen, son to Ebenezer Hopkins. Barzillai, son to Josiah Clark. Rachell, daughter to Thomas Morgan. Timothy, son to Richard Goodman. Zebulon, son to John Spenser. Violet, daughter to Thomas Butlar. Damaris, daughter to Desborough Spenser. Richard, son to Richard Gilman. Dauiell, son to Mathew Cadwell. Sarah, daughter to David Forbes. to Gabriell Williams. to John Parsons. William, son to Nathanell Andrewes. Rebeckah, daughter to Joseph Butlar. Anne, daughter to James Ensigne. Eunice, daughter to John Burre. Timothy, son to Nathanell Goodwine. Timothy, son to Baysy Baker. Elisabeth, daughter to Paul Peck. Mary, daughter to Nicholas Olmstead. Rebekah, daughter to Tho : Shepherd. Joseph, son to Thomas Olcot. Martha, daughter to John Millington. Abigail Thompson. Hezekiah, son to Joseph Collier. Isaac, son to Samuell Peck. Abigail, daughter to M'" Joseph Talcot. to Andrew Warner. to James Fforbs. Sarah Bracy. Marah, daughter to Lydia Peck. Henry, son to Mathias Treat. Rachel, daughter to Thomas Andrews. Caleb, son to Caleb Stanly. 183 184 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. June 1 John, son to Edward Dod. Daniel, son to Daniel Clarke. 8 Hannah, daughter to Nath: Pitkin. 15 Martha I^Iilligton. Abigail, daughter to James Williams. Moses, son to Ebenezer Gilbert. William, son to Sam" Sedgwick. Ebenezer, son to William Long. Hannah, daughter to John Skinner. Ebenezer, son to Ebenezer Spenser. Abigail, daughter to John Clark. Samuel, son to Thomas Waters. Eunice, daughter to Thomas Crow. Jerusha, daughter to Edward Cadwell. Sarah, daughter to George Olcot. Abigail, daughter to Nathanell Hooker. Ruth, daugliter to Joseph Hopkins. Knight, son to George Sexton. Benjamin, son to Tho: Richards. Abigail, daughter to Sam" Spenser. Anne, daughter to Henry Brace. William, son to William Harris. Violet, daughter to John Stedman, Sarah, daughter to Thomas Burre. Ruth, daughter to Nathanell Goodwine. Daniell, son to Stephen Bracy. Jemima, daughter to Joseph Benton. John, son to Cornelius Merry. Charles, son to Disborough Spencer. Dorcas, daughter to John Spencer. Susanna, daughter to Nathanell Arnold. Elizabeth, daughter to James Hannison. Mary, daughter to Samuell Butlar. 27 Gideon, son to Joshua Carter. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Butlar. July 18 Mary, daughter to Solomon Andrewes. 22 29 July 6 13 20 27 Aug: 10 Sept: 28 Octob: 5 Novemb : 9 16 23 Dec: 4 170|. Jan: 25 Feb: 15 March 7 1708 March 28 Apr: 11 18 May 2 23 June 13 » 1 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 185 Aug: 8 John, son to John Adams, 15 William, son to Samuell Spenser. Dinah, daughter to Stephen Andrewes. Sept : 3 Elizabeth, daughter to Jonathan Ashley. Nov: 14 John, son to John Peck. , 28 Isaac, son to Eben'' Hopkins. Dec: 5 Elizabeth, daughter to Sam" Sedgewick. Love, daughter to Thomas Andrewes. Rebeckah, daughter to Jonath: Bigloe. 19 Ebenezer, son to Baysy Baker. Lydia, daughter to Edward Dod. Abigail, daughter to Samuell Goodwine. 36 Daniel, son to Samuell Richards. Mary, daughter to Samuell Cadwell. Eunice, daughter to M'' Joseph Talcot. James, son to Cyprian Nichols. Hannah, daughter to Jared Spencer, Jun"". Christian, daughter to Samuell Burchard, 38 Jacob, son to Edward Cadwell, Jun"". Thankfull, daughter to Nathanell Goodwine. March 6 Elizabeth, daughter to Josiah Marshfield. 20 Anna, daughter to Aaron Cooke. 170f. Jan: 2 30 Feb: 3 1709. 27 Apr: 3 17 May 1 15 July 10 31 Aug: 7 14 Sept: 4 25 Oct: 30 Samuell, son to Samuell Catline. Mary, daughter to John Bracy. Benjamin, son to Thomas Waters. Caleb, son to Obadiah Spenser. John, son to John Shepherd, Jun^ Abigail, daughter to Joseph Simons. Elizabeth, daughter to John Clarke. Jemima, daughter to Simon Smith. Elisabeth, daughter to Stephen Brace. Sarah, an apprentice to M'' Elisabeth Allen of Windsor : she publickly engaging to bring her up in the christian faith. Eunice, daughter to John Collier. Daniel, son to Daniel Bull. Daniel, son to Nathanell Marsh. 14 186 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. October 30 Novemb :27 Decemb : 4 11 17ft. Jan: 8 22 Feb: 12 March 5 19 1710. March 26 Apr: 2 9 16 23 May 21 17it. Jun: 4 July 25 9 16 Aug: 30 20 Sept: 10 Jonathan, son to Jonathan Bunce. George, son to George Olcot. Thomas, son to Paul Peck. Amos, son to Gershom Sexton. Jonathan, son to Ebenezer Gilbert. George & Jonathan, sons to George Wright. William, son to William Gaylord. Jonathan, son to Caleb Stanley. Hannah, daughter to Samuell Butlar. Phebe, daughter to Henry Bracy. William Goring of Windsor. Elisabeth, daughter to Jonathan Butlar. Hezekiah, son to Ebenezer Spencer. Hannah, daughter to Jonathan Eston. Isabel, daughter to John Spenser. Thankfull, daughter to Baysy Baker, daughter to Joseph Collier. Abigail, daughter to David Ensigne, Jun^ Mary, daughter to Daniell Merril. Aaron, son to Thomas Cadwell. Sylvanus, son to Josiah Clarke. Abijah, son to Samuel Peck. Joseph, son to Thomas Richards. Daniell, son to Matthew Cadwell. Alice, daughter to Nathanell Goodwine. Moses, son to Stephen Taylour. Ruth, daughter to George Hubbard. Sarah, daughter to Ebenezer Hopkins. Marah, daughter to Joseph Ashley. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Arnold. Rachel, daughter to Cornelius Merry. Isaack, son to Daniel Clarke. John, son to John Dicks, his daughter put out to Thomas Morgan, he publickly engaging to bring it up in y Christian faith. Abigail, daughter to Capt : Shelden. lit I BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 187 Sept : 10 Lucy, daughter to Sarauell Spenser. Elisabeth, daughter to Richard Case. 17 Anne, daughter to Thomas Hosmer. Esther, daughter to William Kelsey. 24 Jonathan, son to Jonathan Taylour. Mary, daughter to M' Edward Dod. Mary, daughter to John Watson. Octob : 1 Isaac, son to Nicholas Olmstead. 8 George, son to Capt : Willis. Nathanel, son to Nathanell Hooker. John, son to Samuell Wells. Charles, son to Stephen Andrewes. 15 Samuel, son to Samuell Goodwine. Elisabeth, daughter to John Adams. Susanna, daughter to Thomas Bunce. Samuell, son to Samuell Cadwell. Thankfull, daughter to Samuel Sedgewick. Mehetabel, daughter to James Hannison. Joseph, son to Joseph Hopkins. Samuell, son to Samuel Cole. Elisabeth, daughter to John Grosse. Joseph, son to Joseph Simons. Susanna, daughter to John Marsh. Joseph, son to Stephen Brace. Joanna, daughter to Joseph Wadsworth. Sarah, daughter to Nathanell Goodwine. Nehemiah, son to Edward Cadwell. Rachel, daughter to John Butlar. Elisabeth, daughter to Mary , formerly Duglas. Jonathan, son to Joseph Skinner. Daniel, son to James Williams. Thomas, son to Thomas Butlar. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Easton. John, son to John Millington, Abigail, daughter to 26 Hannah Arnold. 29 Nov: 5 17H. Jan: 14 Feb: 11 25 March 4 11 18 1711. Apr: 8 29 May 13 June 10 July 8 22 Aug 19 188 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Octob 28 Nov: 4 11 25 Dec: 23 17H. Jan 27 Feb: 3 10 17 [?] March 2 16 1712. March 30 Apr: 27 June 8 July Aug: 15 20 27 10 17 William, son to Caleb Stanley. Sarah, daughter to John Clarke. Irene, daughter to Jonathan Bigloe. Daniell, son to William Parsons. Hannah Lewes. Eliazer, son to Josiah Clarke. Rachel, daughter to Samuel Wells. Ruth, daughter to Samuel Sedgwick, Jun"" . Mary, daughter to James Ensigne. daughter to David Ensigne. Asahel, son to Thomas Crow. John, son to John Camp. Ebenezer, son to Ebenezer Gilbert. Abraham, son to John Peck. Abigail, daughter to John Pantry, Jun^ William Blanchard. William, son to William Kelsey. Elisabeth Blanchard. Abigail, daughter to Matthew Cadwell. Elisabeth, wife to John Hossington. Sarah, daughter to John Hossington, Jeremiah, son to Baysy Baker. Elisabeth Harris. Sarah, daughter to Jonathan Ashly. Mary, daughter to Joseph Symons. Bethiah, daughter to Cornelius Merry. Margery, negro. Ebenezer [ son & daughter to John Burre. Thankfull ) ^ Mary, daughter to M' Edward Dod. John Waubin, my Indian servant. I publickly engaged that I would take care he should be brought up in the Christian Religion. T: Woodbridge. Anne, daughter to Jonathan Bunce. Mary, daughter to Jonathan Grosse. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 189 Aug: 24 Sept: 21 Octob : 21 Novemb 2 Sept: 19 Decemb 14 Jan: 21 11 18 Feb: 15 March 15 1713. March 22: Apr: May 19: 3 17 June 21 28 Auff: 30 30 Octob : 4 Dec: 20 im- Jany 3 10 31 Feb: 28 March 7 Thomas, son to / Thomas Burr. Anne, daughter to ) Josiah, son to Nathanell Arnold. Hephsibah, daughter to Jonath : Wadsworth. Mary, daughter to George Wright. Nathanell, son to Stephen Brace. Samuell, son to Samuel Wells. Patience, daughter to John Adams, to Sam: Catline. Mary, daughter to Joseph Gilbert. Ruth, daughter to William Cadwell. Samuel, son to Thomas Andrewes. Mercy, daughter to Samuel Sedgwick. Mehetabel, daughter to Hezekiah Willis. Henry, son to Henry Brace. Abigail, daughter to Joseph Collier. Nathanell, son to George Sexton, to John Brace, daughter to N : Goodwine. Esther, daughter to Samuel Richards. Asahel, son to Desborough Spenser. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Skinner. Sarah, daughter to John Spenser. Parmenas, son to Thomas King. Elisabeth, daughter to Samuel Cadwell. Gideon, son to James Henderson. Mary, daughter to Cyprian Nichols. Deborah, daughter to Tho' Shepherd. Zeruiah, daughter to David Ensigne. Hannah, daughter to Sam'^ Spenser. Mary & Jerusha, daughters to Samwell Sedgwick. Joseph, son to Joseph Simons. Mary, daughter to Jonathan Ashley. Elias, son to Mathew Cadwell. to James Ensigne. 190 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1714. May June 27 July 11 18 Aug: 15 22 29 Sept: 12 19 Octob: 3 Novemb :28 Decemb : 5 i^H- Jan: 30 Feb: 6 13 1715. April 10 May 8 July Sept: Octob 2 James, son to Samuel Shepherd. 9 John, son to Homer Howard. Anne, daughter to Jonathan Bunce. 16 John, son to John Hossington. Mary, daughter to Return Messenger. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Biglow. Hannah, daughter to Jonathan Wadsworth. Sarah, daughter to Stephen Bracy. Edward, son to Edward Dod. daughter to Ebenezer Spenser. Elisabeth, daughter to Jonathan Easton. Samuel, son to Hezekiah Willis. Mary, daughter to Nathanel Jones. Anne, daughter to John Porter. Joseph, son to Joseph Shepherd. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Hinkly. Ruth, daughter to William Cadwell. Susanna, daughter to John Prat. Thomas, son to Samuel Wells, Moses, son to Thomas Bur, Jun''. Deborah, daughter to Edward Cadwell. Abigail, daughter to Thomas King. Elisha, son to John Bracy. Jonathan, son to Benjamin Catline. Abijah, son to Sam'^ Catline. Andrew ) ^ y negros Robert f "^ 22 Sarah, daughter to Samvel Barnard. Rachel, daughter to Desbrough Spenser. 3 Nathanel, son to Thomas Day. 24 John, son to John Spencer. 4 Elisheba, daughter to Mary Brace. 9 Mary, daughter to Joseph Mason. Joseph, a child offered to baptism by Homer How- ard, he publickly engaging to bring it up in the Christian faith. Joseph, son to Joseph Baker. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 191 nil- Jan: 22 March 11 1716. Apr: 22 June 10 17 July 1 8 Aug: 12 Sept: 9 Octob : 28 Novemb : 4 25 Decemb 9 17H. Jan: 3 13 20 Feb: 10 17 March 17 24 1717. 31 Apr: 14 May 21 28 12 19 26 Rachel, daughter to Nathanel Goodwine. Stephen, son to Joseph Skinner. Elisabeth, daughter to Jared Spencer. Rachel, daughter to Cyprian Nichols. Jerusha, daughter to Thomas Andrewes. Richard, son to Elisabeth Blanchard. Aaron, son to Aaron Cooke, Jun^ William, son to Homer Howard. Pantry, son to Nathanel Jones. Samuel, son to Stephen Brace. Elisha & Elisabeth, son and daughter to Thomas Butlar. Samuel, son to Jonathan Wadsworth. Rachel, daughter to John Clark. Aaron, son to Daniel Clark. Zebulon, son to Thomas King. daughter to Benjamin Catline. William, son to Benony Browne. Elisabeth, daughter to M"^ Edward Dod. Abraham, son to Edward Cadwell, Jun^ Rachel, daughter to Sam'^ Wells. Nathanel, son to George Sexton. Ozias, son to John Prat Jun^ Abigail, daughter to Joh : Porter. Ruth, daughter to Jonathan Easton. Mary, daughter to Samuel Catline. Timothy, son to Joseph Shepherd. Diego : Isabella & Cesar, negroes. T. Woodbridge engaging for Cesar that he should be trained up in y Christian faith. Polixena, daughter to Jonathan Arnold. Joseph, son to Joseph Ffarnsworth. Samuel, son to Samuel Spenser. Jerusha, daughter to M"^ Joseph Talcot. Thankfull, daughter to John Collier. 192 FIRST CHURCH TN HARTFORD. June 23 July 14 Aug: 18 Sept: 29 Aug: Nov: 6 3 mi Jan: 5 Feb: 16 March 9 1718. 16 March 80 April : May 20 4 June Sept: Decern : 171s Jan: Jan Feb: March 11 8 22 14 14 28 Theodore, son to Timothy Woodbridge. Mary, daughter to Joseph Baker. Samuel, son to Samuel Barnard. John, son to Joseph Mason. Elisabeth Vibert, servant to Aaron Cooke, who publickly engaged to bring her up in the Chris- tian faith. Joseph, son to Samuel Cadwell. Amy, daughter to Desborough Spenser. Dorcas, daughter to John Bracy. Mary, daughter to Daniel Messenger. Joseph, son to Joseph Wadsworth. Rachel, daughter to Jonathan Ashley. Abigail, daughter to Thomas Hopkins. Christian Williamson. William, son to William Day. Dorothy, daughter to Joseph Skinner. Mary, daughter to Jonathan Butlar. James, son to James Henderson. Ziba, negro servant to Major Talcot, he publickly engaging for his Instruction in y*^ Christian faith. Abigail, daughter to Thomas Richards, Jun^ Sarah, daughter to Cyprian Nichols. Sarah, daughter to Benoni Browne. Sarah, daughter to Benjamin Catline. Abigail, daughter to Stephen Brace. Daniell, son to Jonathan Easton. Thomas, son to Thomas Wells. Sarah & } daughters to John Elisabeth ) Hossenton. John & Jerusha, son & daughter to John Clarke. 11 Abigail, daughter to Joseph King. ' 25 Hannah, daughter to Aaron Cooke, Jun'" 1 Pelatiah, son to Jonathan Arnold. 8 John, son to deacon Shelden. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 193 1719. Apr May July July 12 Octob : 4 before Octob: 11 Novemb : 1 5 Elisabeth, daughter to Henry Brace. 12 Abigail, daughter to Jonathan Wadsworth. 19 Dolphin, son to Thomas King. 26 William, son to William Cadwell. 3 Luther, son to Joseph Shepherd. 5 Elisha, son to Samuel Wells. Mary, daughter to Joseph Farnsworth. Elizabeth, daughter to Nathanel Goodwine. John Pantry, son to Hezekiah Goodwine. Thomas, son to Thomas Burr. Anne, daughter to Edward Dod. Samuell, son to Daniell Ffoot. Sarah, daughter to Thomas Hopkins. Sarah, daughter to William Blancher. Jan: Feb: 24 31 7 Thomas, son to Thomas Cadwell, Jun'' Timothy, son to Samuel Barnard. John, son to John Porter. Samuel, son to Jonah Grosse. Benjamin, son to Stephen Brace. Hannah, daughter to Joseph Skinner. March: 13 Helena, daughter to Maj'^ Talcot. Samuel, son to William Day. Jedediah, son to Desborough Spencer. Hannah, daughter to Cyprian Nichols. Timothy, son to William Webster. Anne, daughter to Joseph Ashley. Mary, daughter to John Butler. Eunice, daughter to Jonathan Ashley. Mary, daughter to John Collier. Abraham, son to Benj : Catline. Daniel, son to Joseph Wadsworth. Elisha, son to Benj'' Burre. Sarah, daughter to Jonathan Butler. 9 Sarah, daughter to George Sexton. 23 Bethiah, daughter to Samuell Shepherd. 1720. Apr: 17 May 8 29 June 5 26 July 3 24 Aug: 14 Octob : 194 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Octob: 23 Novemb : 6 20. 27 Decemb : 25 17H. Feb: 12 19 1721. April 2 July 23 Aug: 6 Sept: Octob; 20 17 24 27 15 Decemb: 3. Mary, daughter to John Clark. Lydia, daughter to Andrew & Tamar, negroes. Thomas, son to Jonathan Eston. Marah, daughter to Grihmes, deceased. Sarah, daughter to Jonathan Mason. Benoni, son to Benony Brown. Abigail, daughter to William Peck. Rachel, daughter to Daniel Messenger. Lemuel Demming. Anne, daughter to Nathanel Jones. William, son to Joseph Baker. William, son to William Blancher. Mary, daughter to John Edwards. Elisabeth, daughter to John Prat. Rebeckah, daughter to Jonathan Wadsworth. Elisha, son to Ichabod Wadsworth. John, son to Jonathan Butler. Rebeckah, daughter to John Bracy. Elisabeth, daughter to Benony Brown. Elijah, son to William Cadwell. David, son to Joseph Shepherd. Feb: March 1722. April : May June 4 Benjamin, son to M' John Dod. Abigail, daughter to Thomas Richards. 11 Jerusha, daughter to Joseph Farnsworth. 18 Joel, son to Benjamin Catline. 4 Elijah, son to Jonathan Mason. 11 Mary, daughter to Rachel Phipeny. 1 : Rebeckah, daughter to Thomas Burr, 22 Martha, daughter to James Henderson. 20 Rebeckah, daughter to Sam'^ Barnard. 27 Elisabeth, daughter to Aaron Cooke. 6 Stephen, son to Thomas Hopkins. 17 Rebeckah, daughter to Joseph Skinner. 24 Susanna, daughter to Jonah Grosse. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 195 nT' July 15 22 29 Aug: 19 Sept: 2 Octob : 28 Nov: 11 17||. Jan: 20 27 1723. March 24 April 7 May 12 June 16 23 July 7 Aug: 4 Nov; 24 Decemb : : 8 mi Jan: 19 Feb: 9 16 March 1 8 22 1724. May 10 17 June 14 21 Sarah, daughter to William Peck. Thankful, daughter to Cyprian Nichols. Sarah, daughter to Thomas King. Daniel, son to Thomas Wells. Elisabeth, daughter to Samuell Wells. Daniel, son to Andrew, negro. Ruth, daughter to Obadiah Spencer, Jun\ Jerusha, daughter to Joseph Ashley. Esther, daughter to Math : Cadwell. Joseph, Indian. Thomas, negro : I engaging for him [t. w. William, son to Joseph Wadsworth. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Hopkins. Elisabeth, daughter to William Day. Sarah, daughter to Tho : Andre wes. Rebeckah, daughter to Jonathan Butler. Jerusha, daughter to Edw : Cadwell. Melissa, [?] daughter to Aaron Cooke. Jerusha, daughter to John Porter. Elisabeth, daughter to William Blancher. Benjamin, son to Benjamine Catline. Josiah, son to Joseph Shepherd. Samuel Pond, Zebulon, son to Samuel Chapel. Elisha, son to Ichabod Wadsworth. Richard, son to Benjamin Burre. Rebeckah, daughter to Will"' Cadwell. Nathanel Bearden, son to Gerard Spencer. Nicholas, son to John Clark. Susanna, daughter to John Butler. Helena, daughter to Jonathan Wadsworth. Elisabeth, daughter to John Cooke. Jedediah, son to Thomas King. Ozias, son to Ozias Goodwine. 1 196 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. July 19 Martha, daughter to Mathew Cadwell. 26 Ebenezer, son to Samuel Catlin. Anne, daughter to Obadiah Spencer, Jun'. Aug : 23 John & Blackleach, sons to Thomas Wells. Lucretia, daughter to Jonas Grosse. Joseph, son to John Bracy. Jemima, daughter to Joseph Clarke. 10 Thomas, son to Thomas Hopkins. Silas, son to Thomas Andrewes. Isabella, daughter to Andrew, negro. 17 Timothy, son to Edward Dod. Sarah, daughter to Samuel Wells. John, son to Thomas Richards. Abigail, daughter to Joseph Ffarnsworth. Mabel, daughter to William Prat. Hannah, daughter to Samuel Shepherd. John Haynes, son to Elisha Lord. John, son to John Prat, Jun^ Olivia, daughter to Isaac Butler. Lemuel, son to Lemuel Demming. Hezekiah, son to Ichabod Wadsworth. Sarah, daughter to Jonathan Mason. Zadok, son to Thomas King. Amy, daughter to Jedediah Richards. Aug: 8 Timothy, son to Timothy Phelps. Jerusha, daughter to Jonathan Hopkins. Elisabeth, daughter to William Cadwell. Elisabeth, daughter to Richard Lord. Mary, daughter to Joseph Beckus. Rachel, daughter to Thomas Andrewes. Mary, daughter to John Cooke. Jemima, daughter to William Blancher. Mary, daughter to Charles Burnham. Jan : 9 Ebenezer, son to Samuel Barnard. Aug: 20 Octob: 18 25 Novemb 22 Decemb 17 17|f. Feb: 21 March 7 1725. March 28 Aprill: 11 May 9 June 27 Sept: 12 Octob : 10 31 Novemb Decemb : 5 26 17||. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 197 I 1726. April 3 July 10 31 Aug: 7 Sept: 11 18 25 Octob: 9 23 30 Novemb 27 Decemb : 4 18 17|f. Jan: 1 Feb: 5 19 25 March 5 1727. March 26 Apr: 2 May 28 June 4 July 9 23 Sept: 2 23 Octob : 22 Novemb : 5 1727 Jan: John, son to John Skinner. Sarah, daughter to Jedediah Richards. Obadiah, son to Obadiah Spencer, Jun". Mary, daughter to Benjamin Burre. Sarah, daughter to Samuel Shepherd. Rebekah, daughter to Jonathan Wadsworth. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Shepherd. Anna, daughter to Edward Cadwell. Christian, daughter to John Edwards. Lydia, daughter to Chapel. Samuel, son to Thomas Richards. Daniell, son to Timothy Phelps. Elihu, son to Ichabod Wadsworth. Joseph, son to Joseph Clark. Anne, daughter to Aaron Cooke. Moses, son to Thomas Hopkins. Samuel Stone, son to Isaac Butler. George, son to John Smith. Zechariah, son to William Prat. Abigail, daughter to John Talcot. Mehitabel, daughter to Will"^ Bushnell. Silas, son to Thomas Andrewes. Joseph & Mary, son & daughter to William Blancher. James, son to John Caldwell. Jacob, son to Benjamin Catlin. Mary, daughter to Obadiah Spenser, Jun' . Rebeckah, daughter to Jonah Grosse. Abigail, daughter to Nathanell Jones. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Ffarnsworth. Timothy, son to Thomas King. Marah, daughter to John White. Jedadiah, son to Jedadiah Richards. Ithamar. son to John Andrewes. 198 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Jan: 28 Feb: 11 March 24 1728. Apr: 21 May 5 June 26 2 30 Aug: 11 25 Sept: 22 Octob: 6 Nov: 10 29 Decemb 22 17||. Jan: 5 12 26 Feb: 2 9 23 1729. March 9 April 13 20 May 4 11 25 June 15 Mary, daughter to Thomas Wells. Susannah, daughter to Will"' Cad well. Mary, daughter to John Skinner. Hannah, daughter to Joseph Beckus. Mary, daughter to Roswell Saltonstall. Mary, daughter to Jonath : Wads worth. Lois, daughter to Thomas Andrewes. Ebenezer, son to Ebenez: Hopkins. Samuel, son to Samuel Shepherd. Mary, daughter to Miriam Bull, Richard Sallis & his wife publickly engaging tcj bring it up in the Christian faith. James, son to Joseph Easton, Jun'. Benjamin, son to Benjamin Burre. Mary, daughter to Abr"' Warner. Mary, daughter to Joseph Talcot. Anne, daughter to Jonathan Ashley. Thomas, son to Joseph Wadsworth. Hannah, daughter to John Prat. Samuel, son to Jonathan Olcot. Mary, daughter to John Smith. Webster, son to Joseph Waters. Thomas, son to John Day. Daniel, son to John Turner, Jun'. John, son to John Caldwell. John, son to Timothy Phelps. Sarah, daughter to Rich'^ Bushnell. Sarah, daughter to John Edwards. Lois, daughter to Michael Burnham. Hannah, daughter to Sam^^ Chappel. Hannah, daughter to Elisha Prat. Elijah, son to Obadiah Spencer. Titus, son to Thomas King. Olive, daughter to Isaac Butler. Hannah, daugh'' to Will'" Prat. Ozias, son to Ozias Goodwine. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 199 I July 20 27 Nov: 9 23 Decern : 14 i^M- Jan. 11 Feb: 15 March 8 1730. April 5 12 26 May 3 June 29 Amos, son to Benj : Catline. Abigail, daughter to John Cooke. Aaron, son to Thomas Hopkins. George, son to Jonathan Butler. Benjamin, son to Benjamin Burr. Sophia, daughter to Samuel Graham. Loranzer, son to Jonas Grosse. Mary, daughter to Tho : Sandf ord. Mary, daughter to Jonathan Hopkins. Deliverance, daughter to John Skinner. John, son to Thomas Wells. William, son to John Caldwell. Sarah, daughter to Henry Nicholson. William, son to Aaron Cooke. Thomas a molatto, belong to Joseph Cooke who with his wife in publick promised to take care that it should be educated in the christian faith. Jonah, son to Jonathan Wadsworth. Sarah, daughter to Timo : Phelps. Stephen, son to Samuell Shepherd. Hannah, daughter to Charles Kelsey. Charles, son to Charles Burnham. John Pantry, son to Nathanel Jones. Susanna, daughter to Joseph Tallcot. Jonathan, son to Jonathan Olcot. Timothy, son to Timothy Stanley. Deacon Sheldon ottered three negroe children born in his house to Baptisme & in publick engaged to take the care they should be brought up in the christian faith. They were named George : Cutty : & Susanna. Sept : 20 Theodore, son to Joseph Gilbert. Octob : 29 William, son to John Smith. Novcmb: 1 Mary, daughter to William Bushnel. 22 Samuel, son to John Turner. Decemb : 27 Robert, son to Thomas Sandford. Jacob, son to Deborah Andrewes. Aug: 10 24 31 2 9 23 200 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Jan : 3 Sarah, daughter to Roswall Saltonstall. Feb : 14 Sarah, daughter to John Prat. Sarah, daughter to John Day. 28 Deliverance, daughter to John Skinner. Elisabeth, daughter to Michael Burnham. Mary, daughter to Elisha Prat. Eli, son to Joseph Shepherd. Jereusha, daughter to John Edwards. Lydia, daughter to Joseph Gilbert. John, son to John Cooke. Rachel, daughter to Benjamin Gilbert. Dorothy, daughter to Jonathan Butlar. Esther, daughter to William Prat. Mary, daughter to Samuel Chappel. Timothy, son to Benjamin Burr. Joseph, son to Joseph Beckus. Nehemiah, son to Nehemiah Cadwell. Mary, daughter to James Church. Elisabeth, daughter to Elisabeth Halladay. Joel, son to Samuell Marshall. Ffrances, wife to Daniel Brace. Jonathan, son to Eliezer Goodwine. Daniel, son to Daniel Brace. Elisha, son to Thomas Hopkins. Josiah, son to Isaac Butler. Ruth, daughter to William Cadwell. Rebekah, daughter to Isaac Shelden, Abigail, daughter to Timothy Stanley. 26 George, son to Ben j : Catline. Nathanel, son to Ozias Goodwine. Sarah, daughter to Jonathan Barret. Hezekiah, son to Hezekiah Collier. 2 Ezra, son to William Andrewes. 9 Lois, daughter to Charles Kelsey. 23 Anne, daughter to Daniel Seymer. March 14 1731. May 16 30 June 20 27 July 4 18 25 Aug: 8 15 22 Sept: 12. 26 Octob : 10 [?] Octob: 17 Nov: 14 Decemb 5 12 m Jan: BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 201 Children baptised by M' Whitman. Feb : 27 George & Charles, sons to M'' John Caldwell. Daniel, son to Daniel Marsh. Austin, son to Zebulon Mygat. Hannah, daughter to Thomas Sandford. Tabithah, daughter to Tillotson. Lydia, daughter to Jonathan Wadsworth. Children baptised by my son. March 19 Susanah, daughter to John Whiting. Sam^i, son to Sam^^ Graham. Melatiah, daughter to Eben'' Steel. 1733. Octob'^ 1 15 22 Nov: 5 12 Decemb'' 24 17ff. January 28 Feb: 25 March 4: 18 An account of Baptisms [d. w.]. Jerusha, y*^ daughter of M"^ Sam^' Edwards. Abigail, y^ daughter of Timothy Biggelow, & Samuel, the son of John Knowles, & Ebenezer, y^ son of Ebenezer Webster, were baptised at the same time, & also Naomi, the daughter of Margaret, an Indian woman. Benjamin, the son of Samuel Waters. William, y<* son of Sam^' Shepherd. Freeman, y' son of Freeman Gross. Uriah, y*" son of Jonathan Hopkins. Obadiah, the son of Obadiah Spencer. Abraham, the son of Joseph Waters. Heber, a servant of Capt. Joseph Cook, was bap- tized Cook, and his wife publickly engaging to bring it up in y« Christian faith. Amos, the son of Jacob Benton. Moses, y son of Moses Ensign. Samuel, y son of Joseph Farnsworth. Elisabeth, y<^ daughter of William Bushnell. Joel, the son of Samuel Marshal. Ann, the daughter of Daniel Bracy. Joseph, y son of Joseph Alcot. 15 I 202 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1733. April 8 April 15 May 27 June 24 July 1 Aug^t 5 19 Septemb 2 9 Novemb'' 11 18 17||. January 20 February 3 March : 10 17 1734. May 12 19 June 30 July 7 Augt 18 Octob^ 6 Decemb"^ 10 17M- February 3 23 March 23 Mary, y*^ daughter of Jonathan Alcot. Huldah, y* daughter of Caleb Spencer. Amy, y daughter of Thomas Sanford. Ambrose, y® son of Henry Nicholson. Jedidiah, y« son of John Turner, Jun''. Esther, daughter of M"" Joseph Talcot, Jun^ James, the son of Michal Burnham. John, the son of M"" John Michael Chenevard. Mary, the daughter of Samuel Flagg. Mary, the daughter of Timothy Stanly. Eunice, y® daughter of John Day. William, y® son of William Goodwin. Mehetabel, y« daughter of Eleazar Goodwin, Charles, y" son of Charles Kelsey. Rachel, y^ daughter of Cyprian Nichols, Jun^ Alice, y« daughter of Nehemiah Cad well. John, the son of M' John Edwards. Hannah, y* daughter of Obadiah Spencer, Jun'". Isaac, y son of John Pratt, Jun*". Jonathan, y® son of Ozias Goodwin. Moses, the son of Moses Ensign. Benjamin, the son of Thomas Hopkins. Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Sandford. Mary, the daughter of M"" John Caldwell. Isaac, the son of Thomas Andrus, Jun''. Joseph, the son of Benjamin Dyar. Ebenezer, the son of William Cadwell. Hannah, the daughter of Barzillai Clark. William, the son of Jonathan Hopkins. Abigail, y'' daughter of Daniel Wadsworth. Abigail, the daughter of Benjamin Richards. Marianne, y« daughter of M' John Michael Chene- vard. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 203 1735. March 30 April 27 May 4 11 18 25 June 2 15 July 27 Aug* 17 31 Septemb'^ 28 Octob'- 5 Novemb"" 2 23 l^lf- January 18 February 15 March 21 ;. 1736. [ April 4 ^ 18 i| May 2 B June 13 1 20 ■ July 11 H August 1 15 John, y** son of Moses Cadwell. Caleb, y« son of Caleb Spencer. Heury, y*^ son of Henry Nicholson. Anne, y'' daughter of Dositheus Humphrey. David, the son of John Turner, Jun"". Susanna and Abigail, daughters of William Bush- nell. Sarah, the daughter of Samuel Graham. James, y son of Joseph Farnsworth. Martha, the daughter of Moses Cook. Mary, y^ daughter of Timothy Stanly. Mary Bibird. John, the son of Jonathan Olcot. Elisabeth, y daughter of Ebenezer Benton. Ezra, y® son of Elisha Pratt. Joseph, the son of Joseph Gilbert, Jun'". Anne, the daughter of Timothy Biggelow. Margaret, the daughter of M»" John Cook. Abigail, daughter of M' Joseph Talcot, Jun»". Daniel, j'' son of Jonathan Eason. Allan, son of M"" Normand Morison. Mary, y® daughter of John Day. Huldah, y<* daughter of Daniel Brace. Samuel, y® son of Samuel Flagg. Thankful, y*^ daughter of William Goodwin. Elisha, y" son of Thomas Andrews, Jun^ Thomas, y son of Thomas Sandford. Daniel, y- son of Daniel Butler. Ashbel, ye son of Nehemiah Cadwell. Thomas, the son of Thomas Alcot. Michal, the son of Michal Burnham. Sarah, the daughter of Moses Ensign. Ephraim, the son of John Skinner, Jun^ Jonathan, y^ son of Benjamin Richards. Sarah, the daughter of Daniel Collier. 204 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Septemb'" 5 13 19 25 Octob-^ 3 24 Novemb» 7 Decemb*^ 5 Eunice, the daughter of Daniel Wadsworth. William, the son of William Andrews. Asahel, the son of Charles Burnham. Zebulon, the son of Zebulon Seamour. William, the son of William Pratt. Eunice, the daughter of Joseph Alcot. Benjamin, the son of Seth Youngs. Dinah, a Servant Negro Child belonging to M" Abigail Woodbridge was baptized, s*^ Abigail Woodbridge Ingaging to bring her up in the Christian faith, Lois, the daughter of Moses Cadwell. Josiah, the son of Barzillai Clark. February 13 Betty Tony. 1737. May 8 Abigail, the daughter of Obadiah Spencer, Jun^ Deliverance, y® daughter of Abraham Cadwell. Toney, y'' son of Betty Toney. 29 Zechariah, the son of Thomas Sandford. August 28 Abigail, the daughter of Thomas Hopkins. SeptemV 11 Ruth, daughter of Cornelius Knowles. Hannah, daughter of John Cook. 18 Sarah, daughter of Timothy Stanly. 25 Hannah, daughter of Henry Nicholson. October 2 Allen, the son of M^ Neil McLean. 9: Rachel, the daughter of John Skinner, Jun''. 30 Elias, the son of Joseph Gilbert, Jun'". Novemb'" 12 Sarah, y" daughter of Jonathan Alcot; the child, being sick and supposed to be in danger of death, was baptized in s'^ Alcot's house. 13 Joseph, the son of M'" Joseph Talcott, Jun»". Sarah, the daughter of Samuel Marshal. 20 John, the son of Samuel Graham. 27 Ashbel, y son of Caleb Spencer. Dositheus, the son of Dositheus Humphrey. Martha, y<* daughter of Timothy Biggelow. Ruth, y« daughter of Daniel Butler. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 205 nil- January 1 15 29 1738. March 36 April 33 May 7 21 June 35 August 6 Septemb 17 Octob' 32 29 Novemb' 5 12 Decemb^ 17 31 mi January 7 Feb'-y 4 18 March 4 1739. April 1 April S May 20 July 1 Elisabeth, y« daughter of Benjamin Swett. Margaret, y« daughter of John Wobbin. Ashbel, the son of Elisha Pratt. John, the son of John Shepherd. Marion, y" daughter of M^' Normand Morison. Abigail, y'' daughter of M"" Samuel Flagg. Ashbel, the son of Michael Burnham. Katharine, y^ daughter of Aaron Cadwell. Thankful, y*^ daughter of Daniel Collier. Elisabeth, the daughter of Daniel Wadsworth. Hannah, y*^ daughter of Nehemiah Cadwell. Amos, ye son of Samuel Shepherd. Ezekiel, y^ son of Thomas Sandford. Hannah, the daughter of Abijah Catlin. Jemima, y« daughter of Benjamin Richards. John Jones, a lad living in y® house of John Skinner, was baptized, and said Skinner pub- lickly Ingaged to bring him up in y^ christian religion. Sarah, y" daughter of Jonathan Alcot. Ann, ye daughter of Daniel Brace. Mehetable, y® daughter of Mehetable Marvin of Weathersfleld. James, y" son of Ozias Pitkin, Esq : Joseph, ye son of Seth Youngs. Samuel, y^ son of Capt. George Wyllys. Rosewell, y^ son of Daniel Steel. Aaron, the son of John Shepherd. John, ye son of Cornelius Knowles. Mary, ye daughter of John Knowles. Mary, ye daughter of Ichabod Wadsworth. Sarah, the daughter of Barzillai Clark. Elijah, the son of Thomas Andrus, Jun^ William, ye son of M' Benjamin Swett. 206 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. July 22 Jacob, a servant boy, born in the House of M'^ Abigail Woodbridge, she Ingaging for his chris- tian education. John, y'' son of William Goodwin. Timothy, y son of Thomas Welles, Jun^ Susanna, y*' daughter of Daniel Collier. Lakelane, y son M'' Niel Maclean. Caleb, y son of M-" Timothy Stanly. Susanna, y*^ daughter of William Pratt. Hannah, y*' daughter of Daniel Butler. Joseph, y*^ son of Dositheus Humphrys. Susannah, y^ daughter of M" William Keith. Mary, y^ daughter of John Turner, Jun^ Rachel, y daughter of William Nickols. Ephraim, y^ son of John Skinner, Jun^ Samuel, y son of M"" Samuel Talcott. Joseph, y^ son of Samuel Flagg. Sarah, daughter of Sarah JSTickols. Benjamin, y son of Benjam" Richards. Sarah, y daughter of John Bidwell. Samuel, y« son of Moses Ensign. Moses, the sou of John Cook. Elisha, the son of Michal Burnham. 29 Richard, a servant boy belonging to Capt : Cyprian Nickols, s*^ Capt Nickols Ingaging to bring him up in y« Christian religion. July 6 Simeon, the son of Samuel Graham. Susannah, the daughter of Mercy Gilbert. 20 Jennet, y^ daughter of M"" Normand Morison was baptized by his brother, 27 Stephen, the son of Daniel Brace. August 3 Rebecca, y^ daughter of Elisha Pratt was baptized by M-^ Whitman. 17 Ruth y« daughter of Edward Cad well, Jun'. 24 son of Caleb Spencer. Sept : 21 Jerusha, y daughter of Daniel Spencer. Aug«t 26 Octob'- 7 28 Novemb' 4 Decemb' 9 23 ^m- January 6 13 20 Feb'y 17 24 March 2 9 23: 1740. March 30 April 6 June 8 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 207 Octob"- 12 Nov. 30 17^. Feb. 23 March 8 1741. May 3 10 June 14 31 38 Aug^t 9 Octob'^ 11 18 Decemb'' 6 13 20 17^. Jan^'y 3 Feb. 14 21 28 March 7 1742. March 28 April 4 35 Thomas, y^ son of Samuel Waters. Eldad, ye son of John Shepherd. Anne, the daughter of Jedadiah Richards. Elisabeth, y^ daughter of M"" Samuel Talcot. Elisha, the son of Barzillai Clark. Joseph, ye son of Joseph Shepherd, J*". Daniel, y^ son of Jonathan Alcot. Nathaniel, the son of Nathaniel Brace. At the same time, also York and Lydia, Negro chil- dren, ye servants of Governour Talcot, he pub- lickly Ingaging to bring them up in y^ christian Religion. Daniel, y® son of Daniel Badger, Jun"". Daniel, y^ son of Daniel "Wadsworth. Candace, a Negro Servant child, born in y® house of M" Abigail Woodbridge, She Ingaging to bring it up in y^ christian Religion. Sarah Jones. William, y^ son of William Nichols. George, y^ son of Timothy Stanly. Lucy, y^ daughter of James Shepherd. Allan, ye son of M'' Neil McLean. James, the son of M'' James Bicknel. George, ye son of Cyprian Nichols, Jun^ John, ye son of Joseph Alcot. Sarah, ye daughter of Abraham Cadwell. Hannah, ye daughter of Samuel Flagg. Deborah, ye daughter of Nehemiah Cadwell. Joseph, ye son of Thomas Croswell. Nathaniel, ye son of Dositheus Humphrys. Elisabeth, ye daughter of Nehemiah Smith. Mary, y* daughter of Capt : George Wyllys. Marianne, ye daughter of M'" William Keith. John, ye son of M"" Timothy Biggelow. Abigail, ye daughter of John Turner. 208 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. June 6 13 20 July 25 August 15 22 October 10 24 17|f. Marcli 6 13 20 1743. April 10 17 24 May 1 15 29 June 12 July 17 31 August 7 14 September 4 18 25 November 13 27 Decemb'^ 11 18 17ff January 15 22 Joseph, y^ son of William Pratt. Jonathan, y<^ son of Benjamin Richards. John, y« son of John Birdwell. Dorothy, y^ daughter of Daniel Goodwin. Elijah, y son of Samuel Andrews. Moses, y« son of Joseph Shepherd. Elisabeth, y^ daughter of John Skinner, Jun^ Lois, y« daughter of Michal Burnham. George, y^ son of George Alcot. Frances, y^ daughter of Daniel Brace. Hannah, y^ daughter of Samuel Graham. Mary, y^ daughter of Daniel Badger, Jun'. Sarah, y* daughter of Caleb Spencer. Jerusha, y*^ daughter of M' James Bicknel. Mary, y^ daughter of William Nickols. Elisabeth, j^ daughter of Thomas Loring. James, the son of William Tiley. Levi, the son of Elisha Pratt. Susanna, y^ daughter of Stephen Turner. Anne, y® daughter of Daniel Butler. Hannah, y^ daughter of Thomas Welles, Jun*^ Thomas, the son of Thomas Andrus, Jun^ Jeremiah, y son of Daniel Wadsworth. Oliva, y daughter of Moses Cadwell. Jerusha, y daughter of Daniel Skinner. Christian, y* daughter of Abraham Cadwell. Samuel, y« son of Barzillai Clark. Aaron, the son of John Cook. John, the son of Thomas Croswell. Susanna, y*' daughter of Samuel Flagg. Nathaniel, y son of Daniel Goodwin. James, y*' son of Samuel xlndrus. Susanna, y^ daughter of Nehemiah Cadwell. William, y sou of M'' Samuel Talcott. Levi, y= son of James Shepard. Sarah, y daughter of John Lord. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 209 January 29 March 11 1744. March 25 April 29 May 27 July 8 29 August 12 26 Septemb' ■ 9 16 23 Octob' 14 17|f. January 6 20 March 24 1745. April 7 24 21 May 5 19 26 June 80 July 7 14 28 August 11 18 John, y son of M*" Neil McLean. Obadiah, y son of Daniel Spencer. Nathaniel, y son of Joseph Alcot. Ruth, the daughter of Jedadiah Richards. Rachel, y^ daughter of Joseph Shepard, Jun'\ Priscilla, a negro woman. Elisabeth, y« daughter of Dositheus Humphrys. Hannah, y daughter of Jonathan Olcot. Isaac and Isaiah, y*' sons of Moses Ensign. Eunice, y daughter of John Shepard. William, the son of Capt: George Wyllys. Rachel, y"^ daughter of Stephen Turner. Jerusha, y" daughter of Hezekiah Marsh. Isaac, y" son of Isaac Clark. Daniel, y*^ son of Capt. John Talcot. Josiah, the son of Daniel Brace. Elijah, the son of Elijah Cadwell. Samuel, y® son of Thomas Burr, Jun'. William, the son of William Minthorn. Abigail, y^ daughter of William Nickols. John, the son of Edward Dod. Elisabeth, y*^ daughter of John Spencer, Jun'. Ruth, y« daughter of Edward Cadwell, Jun'". Elisabeth, y*^ daughter of Moses Burr, James, the son of Timothy Biggelow. Mabel, y'' daughter of Abraham Cadwell. Timothy, the son of Caleb Spencer. Timothy, the son of Barzillai Clark. Moses, y^ son of Moses Burr. Rebecca, y daughter of Samuel Andrews. Lois, y*^ daughter of Moses Cadwell. Nathaniel, y son of John Skinner. Daniel, y^ son of Daniel Goodwin. Ruth, y daughter of Isaac Clark, Daniel, y son of Daniel Skinner. 210 FIKST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. James, the son of M'' Samuel Talcot. Jonathan, the son of M"" Sam^' Flag. Martha, y daughter of John Spencer, Jun^ Timothy, y« son of Timothy Shepard. Thankfull, y*' daughter of Daniel Butler. Nathaniel, the son of Moses Burnham. Benjamin, y^ son of Samuel Graham. Ruth, y« daughter of Daniel Spencer. Neil, y^ son of Doctor McLean. Timothy, y^ son of Joseph Wadsworth, Jun^ Daniel, the son of M' Daniel Edwards. Elisabeth, y*' daughter of John Sheldon. Thomas and Joseph, sons of Joseph Wadsworth Jun^ Elisha, y son of Elisha Pratt. James, y*' son of James Shepard. Abigail, y^ daughter of Stephen Turner. Sarah, y** daughter of William Tyley. Rebecca, y** daughter of Elijah Cadwell. Ruth, y« daughter of Daniel Wadsworth. Huldah, y^ daughter of John Shepard. Elisabeth, y^ daughter of Colonel Samuel Talcot. James, y*' son of Dositheus Humphrys. Huldah, y*' daughter of Daniel Brace. Abigail, y^ daughter of Joseph Shepard, Jun^ An account of persons baptised p"^ me, Edw* Dorr, pastor of y^ first Ch^^ in Hartford. Violet, the daughter of Elijah Cadwell. James, son to Elisha Biggelow. Naomi, daughter to Moses Burnham. Joseph, son to Joseph Shepard, Jun^ Caleb & Sam", the sons of Caleb Bull. Jon'*, the son of Jon^' Noble. Will'", the son of John Watson. Will'", the son of Caleb Bull. Septemb'^ 1 8 15 Octob'- 13 20 Decemb'^ 1 17||. Feb. 9 March 23 1746. March 30 April 27 May 25 June 1 22 July 6 Aug«t 10 Octob'- 5 19 26 Decemb' 7 An account 1748. May 1 8 July 10 17 August 7 21 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 211 Septemb' 25 Octob'- 2 23 Novemb' ■ 27 Decemb'' 4 18 25 im- Jan. 8 22 Feb. 26 1749. March 19 April 3 May 7 14 21 June 3 18 July 16 30 August 6 13 20 27 Septem'^'- 3 Octob'^ 1 Nov 12 Dec 10 Katharine, the daughter of D' Neil McLean. Gordon & George, the sons of Sam'^ Wadsworth. Lucy, the daughter of Augustus Stanly. Nath'\ ye son of Nath" Spencer. Dorothy, the daughter of Tim<' Shepard. Elisha, ye son of M'" Ilaynes Lord. Ebenezar, y*" son of Ebenezer Burlison. Rhoda, ye daughter of Stephen Shepard. John, ye son of John Larcum. Sam'i, the son of Sam*' Day. Sarah, ye daughter of Dositheus Humpreys. Mary, the daughter of John Skinner, Jun^ Ann, the daughter of Aaron Barber of Windsor. James, son of John Sheldon. George, son of Isaac Clark. Ann, daughter to Tho*^ Burr, Jun'. Will'", son to Elisha Bigelow. Sarah, daughter to Dan" Skinner. Sam", son of Moses Benton. Cyprian, son to Cap* Will™ Nickols, was baptiz*^ by M'" Whitman. Mary, daughter to Stephen Turner. Mary, daughter to John Spencer, Jun^ Jerusha, daughter to John Shepard. James, y son of ColP Sam" Tallcott. Tim*^, son to Caleb Spencer. John, son to M' John Lawrence. Edward, son to Edward Dodd. Theodore, son to Edw^ Cadwell, Jun'". Daniel, son to Dan" Biggelow. Abigail, daughter to Tho' Andross, Jun^ Martha, daughter to Caleb Bull, Jun'". John, ye son of Robert Nevins. Tim", the son of Moses Burr. John, ye son of Hez Marsh. Theodore, the son of Thomas Hopkins, Jun'". L 212 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Dec. 31 Abi, daughter to Levi Jones. Mary, daughter to Elijah Cadwell. Feb. 11 Will"*, son to Jonath" Noble. 18 Dorothy, daughter to Benjamin Allen of Winsor. Moses, son to Moses Burnham. 25 Jerusha, daughter to Sam'^ Andross. 1750. April 1 Joshua, son to Joshua Carter. " 8 Hannah, daughter to Sam'i Wadsworth. 15 Mary, daughter to M"" Haynes Lord. 22 Mary, the daughter of John McKnight. 29 Christ", daughter to Alexand'' Robinson, was bap- tiz^i upon his wife's account. She being recom- mend'' by M'" Morehead of Boston. May 6 Elizabeth & Mary, the daughters of Moses Dickinson, were baptiz'^ by M"" Whitman. 13 Susannah, daughter to Cap'" George Wyllys. July 1 Being occasionally att Lyme I baptiz"^ Hellena, daughter to Matthew Dorr, & Irena, daughter to Matthew Ransom. 8 John, son to John Benton. Alpheus, son to Joseph Moss, was baptiz"* by M"" Whitman. 15 Elijah, son to Dan" Brace. Aug. 14 Mary, daughter to Rich^ Edwards, was baptiz^^ privately in his own house, it being very weak & low & suppos'i to be near its end; the child was baptiz-^ on its mother's ac^ She being in full commun" & he haveiug never own"^ the cov^ 20 Hezekiah, son to Cap*" Daniel Goodwin. 28 Elisha, the son of Elisha Wadsworth, was baptized privately in his own house, the child being sick and not able to be brot out in publick. Sep" 21 Will'", son to Rich'' Goodman, was baptiz^i privately in his own house, the child being sick & not able to be bro't out in publick. Sep" 23 30 Novb>- 25 Dec^'- 2 17M. Feb. 17 24 March 3 17 24 1751. April 7 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS, 213 Cloe, daughter to Elihu Wadsworth. James, son to Caleb Bull. Abigail, daughter to Daniel Biggelow. Abigail, daughter to Hezekiah Marsh. Mary, daughter to John Lawrence. Mary, daughter to Ebenez'" Catlin. 23 Elisha, son to Elisha Biggelow. George, son to Joseph Sheppard, Jun^ Abigail, daughter to Dositheus Humphrey. Stephen, son to Stephen Turner. Elisha, son to Tim*^ Sheppard. Elizabeth, daughter to Jn° Skinner, Jun'. Thankfull, daughter to Ebenezar Barnard. Asher, son to James Sheppard. Abigail, daughter to Will'" Nichols. Mary, daughter to Jn*^ Larcum. May 12 Theodore, son to Dan'^ Skinner. Tim°, son to Zachariah Pratt. June 30 Abigail, daughter to Jn" Sheldon. Mary, daughter to Ozias Goodwin, Jun'". Hannah, daughter to Sam^^ Shepard. Ann, daughter to Tho® Andross, Jun'". Jn°, son to Jn« Spencer. Ambrose, son to Joseph Wadsworth, Jun''. Abigail, daughter to Dan'^ Butler. Martha, daughter to George Smith. Susannah, daughter to Dan'^ Marsh, Jun"". 20 James, son to Caleb Bull, Jun'. 27 Being occasionally att Farmington I baptiz^ Am- brose, son to David Andross. Nov**'" 3 Will'", son to Joseph Olcott. 10 Phineas, son to Jon*^ Noble, was baptiz<* p'' M'' Williams. 17 Dan", son to Moses Butler. Jn°, son to Jn° Wells. Mary, daughter to Robert Nevins. 24 Jn", son to Jn*' McK[n]ight. July 21 Aug 25 Octob-- 13 214 Dec'^"" 15 22 29 17^. Jan 5 Feb 16 23 March 8 1752. March 29 April 12 May- June 26 10 17 24 14 28 July 26 Aug 16 30 Sep'^' 17 24 Octo'"- 1 15 29 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. George, son to Tho^ Burr, Jun'. Mary, daughter to Henry Chapin. Hannah, daughter to Sam^' Day. Will"', son to Jn" Lawrence. Elisabeth, daughter to Stephen Skinner. Huldah, daughter of Abraham Cadwell. Joseph, son to Joseph Seymor. Abigail, daughter to Jn" Birdwell. Elizabeth, daughter to the Kev* M' Whitman. James, son to Ezekiel Ashley. Jn«, son to Cap*" Jn° Knowls. Eli, son to Sam" Wadsworth. Roderick, son to Roder'^ Morison. Russel, son to Elisha Pratt. Abigail, daughter to Tim-^ Phelps. Huldah, daughter to Tho=^ Hopkins, J^ Hezekiah, son to Jn" Watson. Phineas, son to Phineas Cole. Charles & Charity, son & daughter to Ebenezar Burlison. Rich*^, son to Jn° Haynes Lord, Gideon, son to Joshua Carter, Susanna, daughter to Rhoderick Morison, were baptiz"^ p^" M"- Whitman. James, son to Elisha Wadsworth. Will"", son to Will" Wadsworth. Submit, daughter to Daniel Brace. Hannah, daughter to Sam" Barnard. Roderick, son to Moses Burnham. Sarah, daughter to Moses Bur. Isaac, son to Stephen Turner, was baptiz^ p"" M"^ Lockwood. Rebeckah, daughter to Edward Dodd. Sam", son to Sam" Goodwin. Moses, son to Moses Dickinson. Lovina, daughter to David Bull. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 215 Nov^'- 5 19 Dec'^'^ 3 17 1753. Jan. 7 31 28 Feb 11 March 11 18 22 May 6 June 17 22 Aug 5 26 Sep^'- 2 23 30 Octob'^ 7 14 21 Nov^>- 4 11 Dec''' 9 30 Nath'i Pease, Jun"" & Huldah, his daughter. Lucy, daughter to Dan" Biggelow. Mary, daughter to Coll" Sam" Talcott. Cyprian, son to Elisha Biggelow, Hezekiah, son to Hezekiah Wadsworth. Margaret, daughter to John Lawrence. Rosewell, son to Ozias Goodwin, Jun^ Ann, daughter to Jn<> Larcum. Frederick, son to Caleb Bull. Elizabeth, daughter to Stephen Skinner. Benjamin, son to Sam" Flagg. Sam", son to Sam" Day. Nehemiah, son to Nehemiah Cadwell. Rebeccah, daughter to Jn° Sheppard. Wealthy, daughter to James Sheppard. George & Charles, sons to Jn" Cowdrey. Huldah, daughter to Rich'^ Goodman. Nathan, son to Sam" Wadsworth. Elijah, son to Ebenez'' Catlin. Prudence, daughter to Edw^ Cadwell. Isaac & Elisha Graham. Cyprian, son to Ebenezer Barnard. Sarah, daughter to Sam" Weed. Reuben, son to Joseph Wadsworth, Jun^ Elisha, son to Cap*" Dan" Skinner. Jn°, son to Hezekiah Marsh. Elizabeth, daughter to Abraham Tuckerman. Jn" & James, sons to Zechariah Pratt. Tim°, son to Tim" Dodd. Jerusha, daughter to Elihu Wadsworth. Sarah, daughter to Moses Butler. Elizabeth, daughter to Jn« Wells. Benjamin, son to Jn'' Spencer, Joseph, son to Jn« Sheldon. Maria, daughter to David Bull. Dolly, daughter to Phineas Cole. Hannah, daughter to Jn° Watson, Jun'. 216 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Jan. 20 Feb. 24 March 24 April May 14 28 5 19 26 June 23 July 7 14 28 Aug 11 18 Sep'"- 8 15 Octob' 6 13 17 Nov'- 10 17 24 Dec'" 22 29 1755 Jan 19 Feb 2 Mary, daughter to Tho' Burr, Jun"'. Caty, daughter to Will'" Nichols. Richard, son to Tim° Phelps. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Sheppard, Jun^ Calvin, son to Aaron Bull. Elisha, son to Zebulon Maggot. Eunice, daughter to Tho^ Noble. Ann, daughter to John Pantry Goodwin. Sam", son to Sam" Sheppard. Jn", son to Jn« Birdwell. Simeon, son to Joseph Bunce. Mary, daughter to Dan" Seymor, Jun^ Milleseen, daughter of Hez Wadsworth. Charles, son to Tho^ Hopkins, Jun"". Tho% son to Uriah Burkett. Hannah, daughter to Dositheus Humphreys. Jn*^ Haynes, son to Jn° Haynes Lord. Fany, daughter to Ezekiel Ashly. Ebenez'', son to Sam" Drake. Ju*^ Palsgrave, son to Coll" George Wyllys. Catharine, daughter to Henry Chapin. James, son to Dan" Butler. Hezek", son to Moses Burr. Esther, daughter to Caleb Bull, was baptiz^^ p"" Mr Whitman. Normand, son to Elisha Biggelow. Ashbel, son to Tim" Sheppard. Marion, daughter to Robert Nevins. Elijah, son to Elijah Spencer. Jn", son to Joshua Carter. Jonathan Beldin, son to Ebenezar Balch. Nancey, daughter to Daniel Biggelow. James, son to Sam" Goodwin. Huldah, daughter to Jn^ Skinner, Jun^ Ozias, son to Ozias Goodwin, Jun'. Stephen, son to Stephen Skinner. Ashbell, son to Zechariah Seymour. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 217 Feb 2 9 23 March 2 30 May 18 July 13 20 Aug 10 24 Sep'^'- 21 Octob' 5 18 Nov*"- 2 Dec*' 1756. Jan. Feb 23 30 7 14 21 11 16 21 29 16 Mary, daughter to Rich'* Goodman. Hezekiah, son to Moses Burnham. Jno, son to Stephen Turner. Hezekiah, son to Ebenez'' Burlison. Huldah, daughter to Jn" Watson. Maryann, the daughter of Jn'^ Lawrence. Lucy, daughter to Tho* Andross. Lucy, daughter to Abijah Clark. Hannah, daughter to Jn'^' Pantry Gooden. Abigail, daughter to Jn'' Larkum. Lydia, daughter to Edw* Dod. Christian, daughter to Hez*' Marsh. Ruth, daughter to Edw* Cadwell. Jemima, daughter to Moses Dickinson. Wil^\ son to Tim° Dod. Mary, daughter to Jn« Wells. George, son to Sam** Wadsworth, Rhoda, daughter to David Bull, Ruth, daughter to Hez Wadsworth, were baptiz*! pr ]yji Whitman. Elisabeth, daughter to Cap*'' Jon*^ Easton. Epaphras, son to Joseph Wadsworth, Jun'. George, son to Caleb Bull. Jerusha, daughter to Sam** Weed. Eunice, daughter to Elisabeth Hill. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Sheppard, Jun^ Rich'^ son to Rich** Edwards, Desire, daughter to Daniel Brace. Elisabeth, daughter to Jn° Watson, Jun''. Anna, daughter to W'" Nichols, was baptiz^ pri- vately in his own house, the Child being sick. Sam**, son to John Sheldon, was baptiz<* in his own house, the Child being sick. Lewis, son to Ebenez'^ Catlin. Levi, son to Charles Kelsey, Jun''. Abigail, daughter to Dan*' Skinner . Jn", son to Jn" Caldwell. 218 Feb. 29 March 21 April 11 25 May 2 9 June July 13 20 18 Aug 15 22 Sep*>^ 5 12 19 26 Octob-^ 3 17 Nov**' 28 Dec^-^ 5 12 19 1757. Jan 2 16 30 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. James, son to Phineas Cole. Huldah, daughter to Jared Bunce. Roger, son to Will"^ Wadsworth. Jerusha, daughter to Col" Sam" Talcott. George, son to Zech" Pratt. Hannah, daughter to Charles Caldwell. Tho% son to Jn*' M<=Knight was baptiz^ by M-" Whitman. Jn° & Joseph infant children, sons to Jn° Jones, were baptiz^' privately, y*' Children being sick. Anna, daughter to Tho« Hopkins, Jun'. Tim", son to Ebenez"" Barnard. Dorcas, daughter to Jn" Spencer. Dan", son to Jn" Lord. Susannah, daughter to Nath" Kilburn. Martha, daughter to Sam" Drake. Mary, daughter to Uriah Burkett. Tho% son to Tho^ Burr, Jun^ Sarah, daughter to Tim" Phelps, Jun^ Roderick, son to Elisha Bigelow. Willi's son to James Caldwell. Rich'^ son to Tim" Sheppard. Miriam, daughter to Nath" Pease. Tho% son to Elijah Spencer. Martha Smith, daughter to Robart Nevins. Sarah, daughter to Stephen Turner. Isaah, son to Sam" Sheppard. Joseph, son to Moses Burr. George, son to Coll" George Wyllys. Normand, son to George Sloan. Allan, son to Will"' Gooden, Jun^ George, son to Sam" Goodwin. Roderick, son to Jn" Lawrence. James, son to Jn° Haynes Lord. Hezekiah, son to Rich'^ Goodman. Betty, daughter to Ezekiell Ashly. Sarah, daughter to Jn" Burkett. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 219 Feb: 13 27 March 6 13 20 27 April 3 May 1 22 28 June July Aug^* Sep^-- 11 Octob'- 9 23 Novbr 6 13 Dec^^ 4 1758. Jan 8 Rachell, daughter to Dan'^ Biggelow. David, son to Dan'' Brace, Jun'. Hezekiah, son to John Pantry Gooden. Ruth, daughter to Caleb Bull. Iccabod, son to Ashbell Cadwell. Mary, daughter to Joshua Carter. Job, son to Ozias Goodwin, Jun'. Thos son to Tho^ Ensign. Sam", son to Jn^' Sheldon. Elihu, son to Elihu Wadsworth. Lovina, daughter to Benj"' Biggelow. Sam", son to Sam" Wadsworth, was baptiz*^ pri- vately being sick. Epaphras, son to James Shepard, was baptiz"^ p"^ M"^ Whitman. Rachell, daughter to Will" Cadwell, Jun^. James, son to Capf^ Will'^^ Nicholls, was baptiz'^ p'' M'- Ells. Being occasionally att Winsor I baptized Isaac, son to Theophilus Cook, Jun', Being occasionally att the West Division I baptiz^ Dorothy, daughter to John Beldiri. Jn'\ son to Rich'' Edwards. Sam", son to Sam" Barnard. Jared, son to Jared Bunce. Henrj'- Marshfield & Margaret, children of Henry Chapin. Huldah, daughter to Charles Kelsey, Jun'". Jn*^', son to Jn'' Watson. Tim*^, son to Dan" Brace. Tho% son to Jn" Wells. Abigail, daughter to Elisha Burnham. Tho% son to Jn" Larkum. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Wadsworth, Jun'. Joseph, son to Sam" Day. James, son to James Caldwell. 22 Abigail, daughter to Josiah Frances. 19 10 30 28 I Jan 22 29 Feb 19 26 Marcli 12 19 April 2 May 7 28 June 4 11 18 25 July Aug«* Sep^' Octob^ Nov^^ 3 10 24 15 29 5 19 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Nathan, son to Mary Olcott. Jon**^, son to Steplien Skinner. Nath'^ son to Uriah Sheppard. Justus, son to Ithamar Andross. Huldah, daughter to Jn<^ Burkitt. George, son to Tim° Dodd. Rebecca, daughter to Nath'^ Kilburn. Patty, daughter to Sam^^ Drake. Hezekiah, son to Caleb Bull. Edw'\ son to Cap*" Jn"^ Lawrence. Pathena, daughter to Jn° Birdwell. Sam^^, son to Jn" Caldwell. Sam", son to Elisha Biggelow. Anna, daughter to Phineas Cole. Being occasionally at Scantick I baptiz^ Ashbell, son to Ashbell Anderson. Edward, son to Edward White. Jn°, son to Jn° Walker. Jn° Walker's Child at his desire & with consent of y^ Ch^ was baptizt^ according to y*^ usage of y^ Ch** of Scotland. Anne, daughter to Ebenez*' Catlin. Abigail, daughter to Zach'^ Prat. Abigail, daughter to Ozias Goodwin, Jun^ Being occasionally at Glassenbury I baptiz*i Sam", son to Sam" Stratton on his wife's ace*. Huldah, daughter to Moses Butler. Isaac, son to Isaac Bunce. Marian, daughter to Elijah Spencer. Elisha, son to Elisha Wells. Huldah, Cyrus, & Tim°, children of Sylas Andross Will™, son to Cap'" Dan" Skinner. Tim'\ son to Tim"* Phelps. Ashbell, son to Edw* Dodd. Sarah, daughter to Tho' Andross. Anna, daughter to David Bull. Sylva, Negro Serv* woman to Edw' Dorr; allso Lysander her son ; s*^ Dorr publickly engaging to educate him in the Christian faith. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 221 Dec^'' 24 Hez^, son to Hez^ Wadsworth was baptiz*^ p'' M"" Hooker. 31 Mary, daughter to Jon*^*" Easton. Mary Langrell, daughter to Tim'^ Bigelow. 1759. Jan'^y 14 Theodore, son to Jn° Spencer. Jerusha, daughter to Jn^ Pantry Jones Jan. 38 Sophia, daughter to Benj™ Bigelow Feb. 4 Danii Grimes. 11 Rhoda, daughter to Tim'' Sheppard 18 Jerusha, daughter to Tho^ Burr, Jun Feb. 22 Hannah, daughter to Sam" Sheppard, being sick was baptiz'i in his own house. 25 Patty, daughter to Ezekiel Ashly. March 11 Nath^^ son to Uriah Sheppard 18 Moses, son to William Gooden, Jun"". April 1 Jn'' Pantry, son to Jn" Pantrey Gooden. 8 Robart, son to Robart Nevins. Mary, daughter to Charles Caldwell. Catharine, daughter to Benj'" Pane. 15 Frederic, son to Jn" Haynes Lord. 29 Fally, daughter to Benj'" Hopkins. May 6 Experience, daughter to Tho^ Ensign. Nancy, daughter to Dan'' Brace, Jun^ 20 Jared, son to Jared Bunce. Mary, daughter to Joseph Sheppard, Jun^ 27 Norman, son to Elisha Bigelow. Abigail, daughter to Sam'' Goodwin. Sarah, daughter to Charles Kelsey, Jun^ Mehitabell, daughter to Moses Dickinson. Jn°, son to Jn° Skin"", Jun^ Mary Ann, daughter to Cap*'^ Jn° Lawrence. William, son to Uriah Burkett. W"\ son to Jn^ Cowdrey. Ruth, daughter to Silas Andross. Ruth, daughter to Moses Burr. Hezekiah and Jon''^, sons to Jontii Olcott. Jared, son to Joseph Olcott, Jun^ June 24 July 15 22 Aur* 5 12 Sep""- 23 30 222 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. OctoV 7 Sam^', son to Pelatiah Pierce. Mary, daughter to Richard Edwards. 14 Grove, son to Moses Kellogg. Sarah, daughter to Jn" Wells. Jn°, son to James Currie. Anne, daughter to Solomon Smith. George, son to George Lord. Cloe, daughter to James Sheppard. Moses, son to Moses Ensign. 30 Sarah, daughter to Richard Goodman. Esther, daughter to Elihu Wadsworth. Nov^>- 18 25 Dec"^ 2 15 1760. Jan. Feb. March May June 8 29 July 13 27 Aug^t 10 31 Sep^- 28 Octob^ 12 27 George, son to Jn-^' Larkum. 3 Elizabeth, daughter to Jn^ "Watson. 24 Abigail, daughter to Tim " Dodd. Hannah, daughter to Edw^^ White. 2 Hannah, daughter to William Nichols. Martha, daughter to Caleb Bull. 23 Dan'\ son to James Caldwell. 4 Israeli, son to Hez*' Wadsworth. Elizabeth, daughter to Stephen Turner. 30 Jn^, son of Ruth Adams, was baptiz^ privately, the Child being sick, & its mother recommended by the Rev^' M'. Brown of Killingly. Sale, daughter to Sam'^ Drake. Sarah, daughter to Sam" Olcott. Dan", son to Ebenezar Barnard. Mary, daughter to Will'" Cad well, Jun"". David, son to Sam" Weed. Nath", son to Sam" Sheppard. Abigail, daughter to Jon"^ Olcott. London, Dick, Jethro, and Mima, Negro Child°, the former belonging to Cap*"^ Dan" Goodwin, & the three others to Dan" Edwards, Esq^ were baptiz'^ their masters publickly engaging to bring them up in the knowledge of the Chris- tian religion. 19 Thomas, son to Mary Bark, was baptiz*^ pri- vately, the child being sick. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 223 Octob^ 26 Nov^"- 2 9 10 23 Dec^"^ 14 28 1761. Jan^y 5 Feb. 22 March 15 22 29 June 7 14 Jennett, daughter to John Walker. Betty, Negro woman Serv* to Dan^' Edwards, Esq"". Timothy, son to Rich'^ Skinner. Sarah, daughter to Cap*" Dan^' Skinner. Esther, daughter to Joseph Church. Elisabeth, daughter to Tho' Ensign, was baptiz* privately, the child being sick. David, son to Joseph Hosmer. Hannah, daughter to Tim° Biggelow. Mary, daughter to Phineas Cole. James, son to Jn^ Barnard, Jun'. Dan^', son to Ozias Goodwin, Jun^ Mariana, daughter to Benj™ Payne. Tryphena, daughter to Isaac Pitkin. Mary, daughter to Cap'" Dan" Butler. Miriam, daughter to Jn" Pantry Jones. Huldah, daughter to Charles Kelsey, Jun^ Being occasionally at East Hartford, I baptiz'^ David, son to Nath" Pitkin & daughter to Eleaz' Cowles. Richard, son to Rich"^ Goodman. Samuel, son to Elisha Bigelow. Catherine, daughter to Moses Butler. daughter to Elijah Spencer. Elisabeth, daughter to Tho^ Sloan. Eunice, daughter of Tho* Burr, Jun'. James, son to Dan^' Brace, Jun^ Jennett, daughter to James Currie. Elizur, son to Joshua Carter. Uriah, son to Tim'^ Sheppard. Keziah, son to Jn° Pantry Gooden. Anna, daughter to Tim° Phelps, Jun'. Jerusha, daughter to Moses Kellog. Susanna, daughter to Jn^ Skinner, Jun"", was bap- tiz'' privately, the child being sick. Anna, daughter to Hez. Marsh. Lydia, daughter to Edw'^ Dodd. 224 June 14 21 July 5 Nov^ Dec^"^ 12 Aug. 2 9 16 Sep^-- 15 29 Octob'^ 4 11 18 1 22 29 23 27 1762. Jan'-y 10 Feby 21 March 28 April 4 11 25 May 16 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Maryann, daughter to Elisha Burnham. Jn" & Luther, sons to y*^ widow Lydia Center. Dan" Edwards, son to George Lord. Peter, Csesar, & Boston, Negro Children, Servants to Cap*" James Nichols, he publickly engaging to bring them up in the Christ" religion. Anna, daughter to Pelatiah Pierce, was baptiz'' privately, j" child being dangerously Sick. William, son to Jn" Haynes Lord. David, son to Sam" Goodwin. William, son to Dan" Sheldon. Ann, daughter to Jon**^ Taylor, was baptiz^^ pri- vately, the child being sick. Rebeccah, daughter to Jn" Spencer. Dan", son to Docf Solomon Smith. Peggy, daughter to Cap*" Jn° Lawrence. James, son to John Cook, Jun^ David, son to David Sheppard. Abigail, daughter to John Wells. Gurdon, son to James Caldwell, was baptiz'^ pri- vately, the Child being sick. Anna, daughter to Robart Nevins. Susannah, daughter to Thorn" Sloan. Anna, daughter to Moses Ensign, was baptiz'^ p"^ W Will"-. Sammuell & James, infant Child", Sons of Sam*^^' Olcott, being Supposed not like to live. Roswell, son to Tho' Andross. Phineas, son to Silas Andross. Edward, son to Edw^ White. Michall, son to Uriah Burkett. Grove, son to Moses Dickinson. Rebeccah, daughter to Benj"' Payne. Dan", son to Hez'^ Wads worth. Peter, Negro serv* to Edward Dorr. Salle, Negro serv* to Cap*" Jn° Keith. Roderick, son to Jn^ Larcum. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 225 July Aug"' Octob'^ Nov'"' May 23 Isaac, son to Jn** Watson. Elisabeth, daughter to Tim" Dodd. June 20 Tom, Negro serv' to Cap*° James Nichols, he pub- lickly engaging to give y Child a Christian edu- cation. 27 Being occasionally at Winsor, I baptiz'' Rachell, daughter to Jon"^ Grant, & Mary, daughter to Simeon Belknap. 18 David, son to Elihu Wadsworth. 25 Eunice, daughter to Jon*^ Goodwin. 1 Catherine, daughter to James Currie. 3 Margarett, daughter to Jn'' Walker, was baptiz'' pr jyi. Whitman. 17 Dan'i, son to Dan'' Wadsworth deceased. Charles, son to Jn" Skinner, Jun'. 31 Mary, daughter to Abijah Clark. 14 Nathaniel, son to Jn° Pantry Jones. Jared, son to Richard Skinner. 21 Epaphras, son to Elijah Spencer. Jerusha, daughter to Will'" Cadwell, Jun^ Dan", son to Tim° Phelps, Jun^ Lewis, son to Ebenez^' Catlin. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Olcott, Jun^ Edward, son to Elisha Bigelow. Elijah, son to John Pantry Gooden. Sam", son to Pelatiah Pierce. Hezekiah, son to Hez'' Marsh. Normand, son to Moses Butler. Michall, son to Caleb Bull. James, son to Will"' Knox. Anna, daughter to James Caldwell. 13 Anna, daughter to Jon'^^ Olcott. 20 Mary, daughter to Thomas Hopkins, Jun". Debe, daughter to Moses Kellog. 27 Samuel, son to Cap'" Jn° Lawrence. April 3 Elisabeth, daughter to Charles Caldwell. 10 Catharine, daughter to Benj" Hopkins. Dec*^' 26 1763. Jan-^y 9 16 30 Feby 6 27 March 6 226 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. May 22 June 5 19 Aug^* 7 21 28 Sep^'- 11 17 25 Octob' 16 Nov^'- 13 20 1764. Jan'^y 15 28 Feb>-y March April May 27 11 25 1 22 18 James, son to Sam'^ Howard. William, son to Cap**^ Dan^^ Butler. Solomon, son to Doct'' Solomon Smith. James, son to Charles Kelsey, Jun''. Sammuel, son to Robart Sloan. Charles, son to Timothy Sheppard. Charles, son to Ebenez'' Barnard. Walter, son to Sam" Tiley. Stephen Lang worthy, Apprentice to Cap*° Dan" Bull; being dangerously sick, was baptiz*^ pri- vately, after having declar'* his faith in Christ & belief of the principall Doctrines of the Gos- pell, he promising at the same time if providenee ever gave him opportunity, publickly to recog- nize his baptismall obligations. Jn^', son to Jn° Burkett. James, son to Phineas Cole, Hannah, daughter to Tho' Ensign. Ezekiell, son to Hez** Wadsworth. Esther, daughter to Tho^ Sloan. Hellena, daughter to Jn° Haynes Lord. Polly, daughter to Benj" Biggelow. Moses, son to Moses Sheppard, was baptiz'^ pri- vately, the child being sick. Dan^, son to Isaac Meeks. Grove & Hepsibah Collyer. Huldah, daughter to Jn^ Wells. Mary, daughter to Tim° Dodd, being sick, was baptiz'^ at his own house. Levi, son to Elisha Seymore, being sick, was bap- tiz'> privately. Maryann, daughter to Cap*" Jn" Lawrence. Sam", son to Robart Nevins. Benj"\ son to Moses Hopkins. Theodore, son to Sam" Goodwin. John & Will'", sons to John Cook, Juu". Mary Ann, daughter to Eli Sheppard. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 227 May 25 July 29 Aug«* 7 19 Sep*"- Octob-^ Dec'"" 1765. Jan'^y Feb March April June 16 2 18 25 2 23 20 27 10 24 3 17 31 21 28 5 9 16 Caty, daughter to Sam^' Marsh. Henry, son to Jonathan Wadsworth. Mary, daughter to Ezra Corning. Samuell, son to Sam'^ Olcott. Mary, daughter to Tho* Hopkins. Lydia, negro serv* to Capt'' James Nicholls, he publickly engaging to give her a Christian edu- cation. William, son to W'" Knox. Mary, daughter to Uriah Burkett. Nath'i Stanly, son to Rich^ Skinner. Allan, son to Ebenez'' Adams. Anna, daughter to Jn° Jones. Catherine, daughter to Allen McLean. Abigail, daughter to Docf Solomon Smith. Rebeckah, daughter to Jn° Larkum. Sammul, son to Sam" Mattocks. Henry, son to Capt" Dan" Butler. Irena, daughter to Joseph Olcott, Jun''. Lucia, daughter to Ozias Goodwin, Jun^ Abigail, daughter to Elijah Spencer. Clarissa, daughter to Sam" Tiley. Jennet, daughter to James Caldwell. Sarah, daughter to Charles Kelsey, Jun^ Abigail, daughter to Simeon Grimes. Elisabeth, daughter to Benj'" Payne. Man waring, son to Moses Sheppard. Susa, daughter to Tim'* Bunce. Mary, daughter to Edw^ Dodd. Henry, son to Charles Caldwell. Ruth, daughter to Moses Butler. Cloe, daughter to John Watson. Abigail, daughter to Jon*'' Wadsworth. Sarah, daughter to Ezra Hide. Hannah, daughter to Elisha Bigelow. Thomas, son to Caleb Bull. Tho*, son to Tho' Ensign. June 30 July 14 Sep^"- 1 228 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Theodore, son to Jon**^ Olcott. Moses, son to Moses Kellog. Samuell, son to Jn" Spencer. Jennett, daughter to Ebenez'' Catlin. Hezekiah Tiffany, son to Ebenez^ Adams Thom% son to Tho* Sloan. John, son to Jn" Dodd. George, son to Simon Clark Jerusha, daughter to Tim° Phelps Rebekah, daughter to Pelatiah Pierce Mary, daughter to Robart Sloan. Jonathan, son to Hez** Wadsworth James, son to Caleb Church. Sarah, daughter to Silas Andross. Huldah, daughter to Ezra Corning Jn°, son to Jn° Skinner, Jun' Mary, daughter to Jn'^ Sheldon. Elisabeth, daughter to Jn° Haynes Lord. William, son to Jn" Wells. Jennett, daughter to Phinehas Cole. Anna, daughter to Jn° Burkett. Rhoderick, son to Samuel Olcott. Tabitha, daughter to Will'" Hall 11 Jennett, daughter to Tho^ Hopkins Elisabeth, daughter to Solomon Smith Sam", son to Sam'^ Marsh. Elisabeth, the wife of Valentine Vaug^" was bap- tiz** privately, being sick & in danger of death. Joseph, son to Caleb Bull. Sarah, daughter to Cap* Dan" Butler Clarissa, daughter to Dan" Olcott. Rosanna Montgomery, daughter to W"' Knox. Rosewell, son to Jesse Marsh. Ashbel, son to Moses Hopkins. James & WiH"\. sons to Will"^ Gove, were bap- tiz'i privately, they being sick. 28 Russel, son to Samuel Goodwin. Noah, son to Noah Washburn. 22 29 Octob^ 6 Nov^>- 10 Dec^^ 1 29 1766. Jan^y 26 Feb^y 16 23 April 27 May 4 18 June 7 8 July 19 Aug 14 7? Sep'' 21 25 BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 229 Octob"^ Nov'"- Dec'^'^ 1767. Jan Feb 19 30 11 18 March 32 29 April 12 May 24 June 11 14 26 28 July 5 19 26 Aug'*' 2 16 23 Sep^r 6 13 20 27 Edward, son to Elisha Bigelow. Mille, daughter to Richard Skinner. Rachel, daughter to Charles Kelsey, Jun'. Samuel, son to Sam" Tiley. Margaret, daughter to Capt° Jn*^ Lawrence, was baptiz*^ privately. Caty, the daughter of Joseph Olcott, Jun^ Theodore, son to Tim« Bunce. Sarah, daughter to Sam" Mattocks. Sarah, daughter to Benjamin Payne. George, son to Simeon Graham. John Buckingham, son to Elisha Hopkins. Abigail, daughter to Jn° Pantry Gooden. Moses, son to Moses Burr. Daniel, son to Hope Burlison. Ruth, daughter to Moses Ensign. Being occasionally at Hartland, I baptiz^ Lydia, daughter to Tho' Gideons, & Rachel, daughter to Will"^ Porter. Mary, daughter to Jn" Watson. Mime, Negro serv* to Capt" James Nichols being sick, was baptiz^^ privately. Joseph, son to John Burkett. Dan" son to Dan" Cotton. Elisabeth, daughter to Jn" Cook. Sarah, daughter to Jon"i Wadsworth. Rebeckah, daughter to Moses Butler. Dorothy, daughter to Eli Sheppard. Ruth, daughter to Charles Caldwell. Hannah, daughter to Neh'^ Cadwell. Mehitabel, Michal, & Stephen, children of Ashbel Spencer. George, son to Jn° Spencer. Calvin & Patty, the children of Dan" Olcott. Elisabeth, the daughter of Jacob Byanton. Theodore, son to James Sheppard. James, son to Caleb Church. Oliver, son to Eldad Sheppard. 230 Oct 25 Nov'" 1 15 Dec'- 6 14 1768. Jan'-y 3 Feb'-v 7 21 March 27 April 10 17 May 1 15 22 29 June 5 19 July 8 10 17 Aug^' 7, 14 20 Octob' 2 FIRST CHUECH IN HARTFORD. Jn°, son to Phineas Cole. Hannah, daughter to Elijah Spencer. Mary, daughter to Sam^' Olcott. Jerusha, daughter to Jon**^ Goodwin. Allis, daughter to W-" Hall. Susannah, daughter to Thorn* Sloan. Huldah, daughter to Timo Sheppard, Jun'. Josiah, son to Moses Sheppard. Daniel, sou to Ezra Corning. Levi, son to the Widow Elisabeth Giddings. Jerusha, daughter to Jesse Marsh. Edward, son to Pelatiah Pierce. Huldah, daughter to Ashbel Spencer. Daniel, son to ChpV^ Dan" Butler, late of Hart- ford, deceas*^. Levi, son to Levi Pease. Elisha, son to Silas Andross. Ezra, son to Ezra Hide. Mary, daughter to Joseph Akins. Abigail, daughter to John Haynes Lord. Will"\ son to W"^ Gove. Horace & Asher, sons of Ozias Goodwin, Jun'. David, son to M' Jesse Roots. Sylvester, son to Sam^' Tiley. Marion, daughter to Robart Sloan, Catherine, daughter to Sam" Marsh. Hannah, daughter to Jn" Burkit, was baptiz'J privately. James, son to Docf Solomon Smith. James, son to Allan M'^Lean. James, son to Moses Kellog. Dinah «& Salle, Negro Child-^"^, serv*^ to Jn° H. Lord, were babtiz*^, he publickly engaging to give them a Christ° education. Henry, son to Jn^ Dodd, was baptiz'' privately, Hepsibah, daughter to Caleb Bull. Esther, daughter to Tim" Phelps, Jun^ BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 231 \ Octb' 23 30 Nov^"- 13 Dec'' 18 25 1769. Jan'-5- 13 Feb'-y March 12 5 12 19 May June 21 12 18 27 July 2 Aug«t Octob^ 6 27 29 Ruth, daughter to Ebenez"^ Adams. Jn'\ son to Phineas Cole. Rachel, daughter to Jon*'' Olcott. Sarah, daughter to Dan" Spencer, Jun^ Eleaz', son to Noah Washburn. Abigail, daughter to Sammul Talcott, Jun'. Lucinda, daughter to Richard Skinner. Thomas, son to Thomas Sanford, Jun'. James, son to Daniel Cotton. Mary, daughter to Jn° Pantry Goodwin. Rebeccah, daughter to Samuel Mattocks. Pelatiah, son to Pelatiah Turner, was privately baptiz"^ on its mother's ac', the child being dan- gerously sick & the mother engaging before witnesses to own the Cov' and qualify herself as soon as may be to bring her Children to publick baptism. Benjamin, son to W'" Pratt. William, son to Benjam" Payne. Sammuel, son to Jon**^ Wadsworth. Anna, daughter to Caleb Church. William, son to Will'" Watson. Simeon, son to Simeon Graham. Seth, son to Abi Stevens. Mary, daughter to Samuel Goodwin. Roderick, son to Mary, the wife of Benj'^ Bigelow, was baptiz*^ privately, the child being sick. Sarah, daughter to Thomas Hopkins. Rusha, daughter to Capt^ Sam^' Olcott. Hudah, daughter to Jacob Byington. Dan", son to Dan" Olcott, was baptiz^ privately, being sick. William, son to William Hall, was baptiz^ priv- ately. Susannah, daughter to Joseph Pratt. Joseph, son to Pelatiah Turner. Joseph, son to Joseph Wadswqrth, Jun^ 232 Octob'- 29 Dec^'^ a 10 17 24 31 1770. Jan'v 14 Feb March April May- July Sept'" Octo'' Nov'" 21 4 11 18 11 15 15 1 9 23 13 20 4 18 FIRST CHUECH IN HARTFORD. Rhoda, daughter to Nathaniel Skinner. Thomas, son to Tho'' Newhall. James, son to Elijah Spencer. Michal, son to Tim° Bunce. Sarah Lord, daughter to Charles Caldwell. George, son to Tho^ Sloan. Stephen, son to Hez^' Turner. Caleb, son to Ashbell Spencer. Frederick, son to Elisha Hopkins. Patty & Nabby, daughters to Julius Jones. Anna, daughter to John Wells. Horace, son to Tim° Sheppard, Jun'. Hannah, daughter to Sam'^ Tiley. Caleb, son to Caleb Bull, Jun'. James & Jerusha, children of John Watson. John, son to John Chenevard. Rhoda, daughter to Eldad Sheppard. Salle, daughter to Nath" Goodwin, Jun'. Ezra, son to Ezra Corning. Menzies, son to James Thomson. Julius, son to Julius Jones. Ezekiel, son to Tho' Sanford, Jun% was baptiz'i privately. George, son to Jared Bunce, was baptiz*^ privately. William, son to Sam'^ Marsh. Betsey, daughter to Ozias Goodwin, Jun'". Thom% son to Tho^ Convers. Elisabeth, daughter to Moses Butler. Elisabeth, daughter to Dan'^ Cotton. George, son to William Knox. Solomon, son to Moses Ensign. George, son to George Olcott, Jun'. Mary, daughter to Samuel Mattocks. Christian, daughter to Joseph Akins. Rachel, daughter to Petatiah Turner. Elizabeth, daughter to Sam^' Talcott, Jun^ James, son to Mary Thomson. BIRTHS AND BAPTISMS. 233 Dec'^' 3 Patty, daughter to John Gooden. 23 Nabby, daughter to Joel Byington. 30 George, son to Pelatiah Pierce. 1771. Jan'v 13 William, son to Benj"' Morison. Caleb, son to Caleb Turner, Jun\ 20 Mary, daughter to Nath" Skinner. Feb''>' 3 Benj'", son to Benj'" Payne, Escf . 10 Ruth, daughter to Caleb Church. 17 Charles, son to Jon^'^ Wadsworth. March 9 Gad, Negro serv* to Sam^' Mattocks, was baptiz^ privately, 10 Samuel, son to Cap*"^ Hugh Ladely. Anna, daughter to Obadiah Spencer, Jun' . 17 Helena, daughter to Allan M'^Lean. April 7 Danii, son to Dan^i Talcott. 28 Jesse, son to Moses Kellog. May 3 Tho% son to Isaac Oakes. 23 Anna, daughter to Nath" Goodwin. June 2 Esther, daughter to Joseph Pratt. Jared, son to Moses Sheppard. 8 Rebeckah, daughter to Charles Kelsey, Jun"". 27 George, son to Jared Bunce, was baptiz^^ privately. Aug 18 Eunice, daughter to Dan" Spencer. Jerusha, daughter to Joseph Wadsworth, Jun^ 17 APPENDIX B. MARRIAGES. That portion of the following record of Marriages, which ex- tends from 1644 to 1698, is copied from the Town Records of Hartford. In the recoil of the Colonists of New England from the Churchly authority of their European homes, the ceremony of marriage was regarded " as a civill thing, and no wher found in y*' gospell to be layd on j" ministers as a parte of their office." Marriages were sanctioned by civil magistrates and be- came events of town record. In 1694, however, the General Court of Connecticut passed a rather grudging law * ' for the sattisf ac- tion of such as are conscienciously desirous to be marryed by the ministers," empowering ministers to perform the rite. It has been thought best in this Catalogue to transcribe from the Town archives the marriages there recorded — as being presumably in large measure those of persons connected directly or indirectly with the Church — from the point where the Town Record begins, down to that at which that of the Pastor of this Church com- mences. It will be observed that the Act of ministerial empower- ment for this purpose did not apparently at once incline the min- isters to undertake the office, or the parties to a marriage to solicit them thereto; the Act having been ratified Oct. 11, 1694, and Mr. Woodbridge's first entry of a marriage performed by him being June 16, 1698. LIST OF MARRIAGES Taken from the Hartford Town Records. 1644. July 2 William Wadsworth maried Eliseabeth Stone. Aug. 15 Frances Barnard maryed Hanna Merreil. 22 Beniamin Harbor maryed Cristian Nethercooll. ? William Smeth maryed Eliz Sept. 29 Thomas Gridla maryed Mary Semmor. MAKRIAGES. 235 Nov. 7 Thomas Forde maryed Ann Scott, widow. Robert Porter maryed Mary Scott. Thomas Porter maryed Sarai Hartt, William Partredg maryed Mary Smith. Thomas Wattes married Elizabeth Steel. Thomas Demen maryed Mary Shaff. Thomas Spencer marryed Sary Bardding. Capt. Harding maryed M''^ Easter Willyess. M"". John Penching maryed M''" Anne Willyess. Nathaniell Resco marryed Johanna Corlet. Izack More maryed Ruth Standla. Thomas Whittmore marryed Sara Halles. John Standla marryed Sary Scott. John Steel maryed Mary Warner. Jonathan Gillbertt maryed Mara Whight. Thomas Tomsunn maryed Anne Welles. John Willcock maried Sara Wadsworth. Nickolas Pammor maryed Jane Purkes. maryed Hanny Stebbing. Joseph Parsons maryed Mary Bles. Henery Coll maryed Sary Rusco. Moses Ventres maryed Grace Thomas Upsunn mareyed Ellisibeth Fuller. John Gillberd maryed Amy Lord. Heew Welles marryed Mary Rusco. Bartellmaw Barnard maryed Sarah Burchard. Williams Williams maryed Janne Westavhor. Nathaniell Browne maryed Ellner Wates. Josia Jinnings maryed Mary Williams. Walter Gayler maryed Mary Stebbing. John Lord maryed Adrean Bayc [?Baysey]. Capt. Cullerk maryed M>^ Elizabeth Feaneck [?Fenwick]. Sept. 28 Hinery Hay ward maryed Sara Stone. 20 Dec. 12 1645. May 1 July 24 Sept. 11 Oct. 17 Nov. 6 11 Dec. 5 11 15 16H- Jan. 22 29 1646. Apr. 14 Sept. 17 Oct. 29 Nov. 26 Dec. 10 1647. Jan. 14 23 May 6 Aug. 19 Oct. 25 Nov. 25 Dec. 23 1648. Apr. 29 May 15 20 236 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Oct. 4 William Goodredg maryed Sara Marven. 11 Richard Bushnell mared Mary Marven. 1649. June 28 M"^ John Russell maryed Mary Tallcott. [?] John Warner maryed Ann Norten. - Jan. 18 John Willcock maryed Retorn Stoughen. ■•■"si- Jan. 2 Antony Dorchester maryed Martha Kicherell. John Rusco maryed Rebecka Beebee. [?] M'' Samuel Fitch maryed M" Mary Whiting. Apr. 2 Georg Graves, son of Georg Graves, maryed Eliz- abeth Ventres. 1652. May 27 Samuel Stockin, sonn of George Stockin, married Bethiah Hopkins, daughter of John Hopkins. Oct. 5 James Wakely of Hartford, married Alice Boosey. Feb. 10 John Savage of Hartford, married Elizabeth Dubbin. 1654. June 23 M' Thomas Welles, sonn of M' Thomas Welles, Magistrate of Wethersfield, married M""^ Hannah Pantree of Hartford, Widdowe. May 3 Edward Granniss of Hartford, married Elizabeth Andre wes of Ffarmington, y*^' daughter of Will"' Andrewes of Hartford. 1656. Apr. 20 Joseph Smith of Hartford, married Lydia Huit, daughter of M' Ephraim Huit of Winsor. Jan. 15 Cristover Crow of Hartford, maryed Mary Burr, daughter of Benjamin Burr of Hartford. 1657. Oct. 27 John Church, sonn of Richard Church of Hart- ford, married Sarah Beckly, daughter of Rich- ard Beckly of New Haven. 1659. June 2 Nath" Standly married Sarah Boosey. XUUCI. Oct. 22 1665. July 27 Dec. 12 1670. July 1 1676. Nov. 1677. Nov. 15 1678. Nov. 7 1681. May 11 1684. Sept. 4 16ff. Feb. 12 1685. Oct. 2 23 16|f. March 19 1686. May 13 Oct. Nov. 17 1687. Sept. 23 MARRIAGES. 237 David Ensigne, son of James Ensigne, maryed Mahatebell Gunn, daughter of Thomas Gunn. John Catlin, son of Thomas Catlin, married Mary Marshall. Samuel Dow maryed Mary Grave, daughter of George Grave, Sen'. M'. Andrew Belcher marry ed M'\ Sarah Gilbert, daughter of M"" Jonath : Gilbert of Hartford. Nathan^i Cole married Lidiah Davis. Joseph Mygatt married Sarrah Webster. John Biddoll, Jun', marryed Sarah Welles, daugh- ter of M^ Thomas Welles of Hartford, deceased. Jon'^ Webster married Dorcas Hopkins. Ichabod Welles married Sarah Way. Benjamin Graham married Abigail Humphrey. Sam^ Gilbert married Mary Rogers, daughter of Sam'i Rogers of New London. Nath^' Cole married Mary Benton. 19 Jonathan Bull married Sarrah Whitting. 13 Caleb Stanley married Hannah Spencer, daughter of Sam" Spencer of Hartford. W"' Whitting married Mary Allyn, daughter of Col. Jn« Allyn. Steven Hopkins, son of Steven Hopkins, married Sarah Jud, daughter of Thomas Jud of Water- bury. Thomas Cadwell married Hannah Butlar. 238 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD, 1690. March 1691. May June Aug. 1692. Jan. 1693. June Oct. 1694. Sept. Oct. 1695. March 1696. Jan. March 1697. Feb. Apr. June 1698. Sept. Nov. 20 James Ensign married Lydia Baker. 21 Joshua Carter married Mary Skinner. 25 Thomas Olmstead mamed Hannah Mix. 6 Tho: Butler married Abigail Shepard. 14 Richard Lord married Abigail Warren. Daniel Clark, son of Tho: Clark, married Mary Burr. 4 John Spencer married Sarah Smith, daughter of Joseph Smith. 29 John Merrills, Jun-" married Sarrah Marsh. 18 George Wright married Mary Harrisson. 14 Jacob Demmon married Eliz*^ Edwards. 1 Joseph Skinner married Dorothy Hosmer. 21 John Day married Grace Spencer. 25 Timothy Cadwell maried Abigail Beckley, daugh- ter of John Beckley. 10 Joseph Benton married Sarah Waters. 1 Baysey Baker married Hannah Willet. 14 Sam^' Richards married Hannah Henbury. 21 Tho: Day married Hannah Wilson, daughter of John Wilson. 20 Benjamin Graham married Sarah Webster. LIST OF MAEKIAGES. TAKEN FROM THE RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHURCH. 1698. June 16 Sept: 8: Novemb 29- 1699. April 27 May 23 Sept: 14: Novemb 14: 29: Decemb ■ 14 nu- Jan: 11: Feb: 20: 1700. Apr: 25: Novemb' 28 Decemb: 16: 1701. March : 6: 27: June 12: 1703. May 20 October 14 1704. July 5 27 Nathanell Andrewes married Mary Mason. John Shepherd, Sen« : married Martha Henbury. Daniel Brainard married Hannah Sexton. Joseph Hopkins man-ied Hannah Peck. John Ackly married Rebeccah Spencer. Capt : Caleb Stanley married Lydia Wilson. Nathanell Goodwine married Sarah Eston. William Clark married Mary Day. Thomas Buckingham married Anne Ffoster. John Hoskins married Ruth Peck. Jonathan Bigloe married Mabell Edwards. John Williams married Mary Bigloe. Edw^ : Schovell married Hannah Benton. John North married Mary Seymore. William Webster married Sarah Nichols. Jonathan Bunce married Sarah Sandford. Samuell Peck married Abigail Collier. Desborough Spenser married Abigail Elmer. John Hubbard married Mabell Russell. Jonathan Ashly married Elizabeth Olcot. John Spencer married Sarah Smith. Edward Neal of Westfield, married Margaret Higginson of Farmington. Benjamin Smith of Glassenbury, married Hannah Lane. 240 October 4 Decemb: 21: 170|. Jan: 25 1705. May 24: Octob: 4 8 Decern^ : 6: 170f. Feb: 21 1706. May 23 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Stephen Taylour of Hadly, married Esther Rich- ards. Alexander Allen married Elisabeth Allyn. Thomas Hill married Anne Spenser. 24 : Cyprian Nichols married Mary Spencer. Samuel Loveman married Lydia Barnard. Joseph Cooke married Rachell Spencer. Jabez Whitlesey married Lydia Way. John Bracy married Mary Webster. Isaac Merrills married Sarah Cooke. 170^ Ff eb or March Timothy Root of Farmington, married Margaret Seamer. 1707. June 24: Daniell Hooker married Sarah Stanley. Aug : 28 : Thomas Ward of Middletown, married Rebeckah Burnham. Sept : 18 : Jonathan Butler married Mary Easton. 20: Joshua Robins of Wethersfleld, married Sarah Bid well. Samuell Woodbridge married Mabell Hubbard. John Marsh married Susannah Butlar. John Rue married Mary Hills. Joseph Bunce married Anne Sandford. Winterton Merrills married Hannah Waters. Gershom Sexton married Abigail King. Joseph Symons married Aliigail Spenser. 16: Thomas Steel married Susannah Webster. 18: Thomas Buck married Sarah Judde. 26: Jonathan Easton married Elisabeth Cadwell. Samuell Wells married Rachell Cadwell. Decemb : 9: 170|. Jan: 1: 27: 1708. Apr: 27; 170|. Jan: 20 March 3 1709. May 16 MARRIAGES. 241 June 2 Novemb 3 4 24 Jan: 11 March 23 1710. May 1711. May 1712. 31 May 21 27 Novemb 6 Decemb' :11 March: 25 19 1713. May 21 September22 1714. April May June 1 6 24 July 8: 20 Aug: 12 27 Decemb : 2 16 Jan: 23: 27 1715. May 5: bept: 29 Thomas Bunce married Elisabeth Easton. Jonathan Taylour married Elisabeth Richards, John Bigloe married Sarah Bigloe. Zechariah Seamer married Hannah Olmsted. John Bigloe married Abigail Richards. Thomas Bidwell married Prudence Scott. Jacob Merrills married Abigail Webster. Aaron Clarke married Susanna Wade. Charles Buckline married Hannah Shepherd. Stephen Trowbridge married Thankfull Easton. Thomas King married Sarah Mygatt. John Easton married Sarah Butler. John Webster married Abiel Steel. John Shepherd married Mary Bigloe. Joseph Bigloe married Sarah Spenser. Homer Howard married Mary Sloman. Caleb Bull married Elisabeth Bunce. Benjamin Catline married Margaret Kellog. Hezekiah Porter married Esther Smith. David Bidwell married Mehetabel Webster. Thomas Warren married Susanna Thornton. Samuel Barnard married Sarah Williamson. John White married Sarah Carter. Joseph Ashly married Mary Goodwine. Nathanell Andrewes married Susanna Ellis. Joseph Goodridge married Mehetabel Goodwine. Cyprian Watson married Elisabeth Steel. Richard Burnham married Abigail Easton. Jonathan Steel married Dorothy Mj^gatt. Aaron Cooke married Hannah Wadsworth. 242 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Octob'- 20 1716. May 3 4 July 4 18 Novemb 20 Decemb"^ 20 17if. Jan: 20 25 Feb: 28 1717. April 18 May 2 June 6 July 18 Sept: 12 ^m- March 13 20 1718. April 3 Octob : 13 Novemb :19 Decemb : 11 1719. Decemb : 29 1721. May 10 18 Aug: 31 Decemb 15 17M. Jan. 18 Joseph Root married Hannah Kellog. John Gridly married Dorothy Benton. Samuel Stanton married Mabel Treat. Daniel Dickinson married Mary Williamson. John Pierson married Ruth Woodbridge. Samuel Reynolds of Preston married Susanna Turner. James Ensigne married Abigail Seamer. Charles Whiting married Elisabeth Bradford. William Roberts married Deborah Spenser. Isaac Sheldon married Elisabeth Pratt. William Day married Elisabeth Andrewes. Joseph King married Mary Jesse. Stephen Webster married Mary Burnham. Thomas Richards married Abigail Turner. John Andrewes married Lydia Ensigne. Jacob Goodridge married Benedicta Goodwine. Jonah Grosse married Susanna Howard. John Flowers, Esq., married Elisabeth Baker. Joseph Holtam married Abigail Hastings. Robert Webster married Lois Stanley. Samuel Wheeler married Hannah Arnold. Daniell Ffoot married Mary Collier. Joseph Benton married Sarah Pynchon. James Cornish married Amy Butlar. Caleb Leet married Abigail Cadwell. Andrew, negro, married Tamar, negro. Mathew Cadwell married Esther Burnham. Ebenezer Williamson married Anne Cadwell. Obadiah Spenser married Anne Burr. MARRIAGES. 243 1722. Aug: 16 23 Octob: 4 Decemb 13 1723. May 2 Novemb :19 17||. Jan: 16 Feb: 20 1724. May 7 July 6 Decemb 24 31 1725. May 13 27: June 20: July 29: Novemb : 4 : December 2 16 23 mi Jan: 30 13 1726. May 19 Aug; 26 November24 Decemb 7 Peter Brown married Rachel Scott. Jonathan Hopkins married Anne Colt. Eliphalet Steel married Katharine Marshfield. Bevel Waters married Sarah Mygat. Elisha Lord married Mary Haynes. Thomas Richards of Waterbury, married Susanna Reynolds, widow, daughter to John Turner. Stephen Rily married Abigail Homes, both of Wethersfield. Joseph Pitkin married Mary Lord. William Pitkin married Mary Woodbridge. Jacob Benton married Abigail Carter. John Skinner married Mary Turner. Richard Lord married Ruth Wyllys. Samuel Catline married Sarah Webster. Jonathan Seymer married Mary Bull. Daniel Steel married Mary Hopkins. Nathaniel White married Sarah Hindsdale. Thomas Andrewes of Waterbury, married Mary Turner. Benjamin Brewer married Phillis Parsons. Thomas Lee married Elisabeth Hubbard. Jonathan Wads worth married Abigail Camp. Nathanell Seymer married Mary Seymer. John Talcot married Abigail Theobalds. Joseph Tillotson married Hannah Grihms. Ebenezer Wells married Rachel Skinner. Thomas Barns married Hannah Day. John Turner married Abigail Richards. Thomas Ensigne married Hannah Hopkins. William Peck married Lois AVebster. Elisha Prat married Sarah Burnham. 244 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 17|f. Jan: 12 March 13 1727. April 6 27 June 13 Octob: 11 1728. April 4 May 23 30 Aug: 7 Octob : 31 1729. Sept: 25 NovemberlS HM- March 5 1730. May 14 Octob : 8 29 November 12 19 December24 1731. April 26 June 4 July 8 Sept: 14 17|i. Jan: 3: Isaac Porter married Hannah Prat. John Hunter of Southold, married Mary Davis of Hartford. Rosewell Saltonstall married Mary Lord. Joseph Talcot married Esther Prat. Thomas Burket married Elisabeth Gilbert. John Day married Eunice Turner. Jacob Benton married Elisabeth Hindsdale. Samuel Weston married Anna Thornton. John Stannard married Eunice Crow. Richard Treat married Susanna Woodbridge. John Curtis of Wethersfield, married Elisabeth Lord. Cyprian Webster married Elisabeth Seymer. Timothy Stanley married Mary Mygat. Thomas Seymer married Hephsibah Merrills. Benjamin Gilbert married Elisabeth Marshfleld. Caleb Spencer married Sarah Hopkins. Hezekiah Lane married Rebekah Kelsey. Samuel Marshal married Patience Adams. Jacob Mygatt married Elisabeth Butlar. Stebbin Wilson married Violet Taylour. Daniel Rust married Anna White. Samuell Halladay of Suffield, married Elisabeth Brace of Hartford. Jacob Hindsdale married Hannah Seymer. William Andrewes married Sarah White. Moses Ensigne married Love Andrewes. MARRTAGES. 24i 1733. Novemb"^ 8 Decemb : 17ff- January 3 1735. April May 7 Decemb*^ 23: 1736. May 19 21 Decemberl2 January 5 1737. May 25 Jan'->- 12 March 14 23 24 An Account of Marriages [t. w.]. William Marsh of Litchfield, & Susannah Webster of Hartford, were joined in marriage by Daniel Wadsworth, Min^'. Moses Webster & Mary Brace, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage by Dan' Wadsworth, minister. Barzillai Clark and Sarah Butler were joined in marriage. Joseph Phelps of Simsbury, and Hannah Clark of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Timothy Goodman and Joanna Wadsworth were joined in marriage. Isaac Marsh of Litchfield, and Susanna Pratt of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Ebenezer Burleson of Sufiield, and Sarah Brace of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Daniel Collier & Thankfull Marsh were joined in marriage. James Macleroy and Helena Nichols were joined in marriage. M"" Neill Maclean and M'" joined in marriage. Hannah Caldwell were Daniel Smith of Haddam, and Lydia Youngs, then living in Hartford, were joined in marriage. James Nichols and Mary AVadsworth, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Moses Seymor and Rachel Goodwin were joined in marriage. Nathaniel Eggleston and Abigail Goodwin were joined in marriage. Joseph Day and Deborah Andrews were joined in marriage. 246 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1738. Marcli 30 April 6 Novemb 16 February 5 January 22 1739. May 3 Novemb"^ 22 Decemb'^ 6. 1740. May 21 June 5 26 Novemb"" 5 17H. February 26 March 4 1741. May 28 July 13 Joseph Skinner, Jun"^ and Mary Hinsdell were joined in marriage. Samuel Palmer of Windsor, and Ruth Pratt of Hartford, were joined in marriage. M' William Keith of Hartford, and M""^ Marianne Lawrence of Hartford, were joined in marriage. William Nickols and Mary Farnsworth both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Capt. Josiah Hart of Farmington, and Lois Good- win of Hartford, were joined in marriage. M-" Samuel Talcott & M'^ Mehetable Wyllys, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. James Shepherd and Sarah Hopkins were joined in marriage. Edward Cadwell, Jun' and Ruth Eason, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Caleb Ely of Springfield, and Mary Edwards of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Gideon Merrels and Mary Biggelow, both of Hart- ford, were joined in marriage. Moses Griswold of Windsor, and Mary Nickols of Hartford, were joined in marriage. James Bicknel of Ashford, and Deborah Cook of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Richard Seymore and Elisabeth Wadsworth, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Pantry Jones and Jerusha Cadwell, both of Hart- ford, were joined in marriage. George Alcot & Dorothy Skinner, both of Hart- ford, were joined in marriage. John Tyley and Martha Burnham, both of Hart- ford, were joined in marriage. MARRIAGES. 247 Octob^ 28 29 mi January 27 1742. June 10 Septemb'' 29 mi January 27 1743. Decemb' 1 15 17ii. January 19 March 15 1744. April 25 Decemb'^ 14 Jan'y 16 1745. April 25 1746, April 28 M' Allan M<=Lean and M"^^ Susanna Beauchamp, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Joseph Farnsworth of Wethersfield, and Mary Blin of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Jacob Kellogg and Abigail Wadsworth, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Levi Jones and Elisabeth Cook, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. M-- Job Marsh of Hadley, and M--^ Rebecca Pratt of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Isaac Clark and Ruth Spencer, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Hezekiah Marsh and Christian Edwards, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Elijah Cadwell & Rebecca Burr, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Return Strong of Windsor, and Sarah Nichols of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Edward Dod and Rebecca Barnard, both of Hart- ford, were joined in marriage. Daniel Eggleston of Windsor, and Mary Ashley of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Docf Daniel Lothrop of Norwich, and M''^ Jeru- sha Talcott of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Roderick Morison and Susannah Gross, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Eleazar Peck of Southington, and Sarah King of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Hezekiah Merrells and Sarah Butler were joined in marriage. 248 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. June 18 John Larkham and Sarah Jones were joined in marriage; — both of Hartford. 26 Moses Dickinson and Elisabeth Pratt, both of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Novemb'' 25 M"" Hezekiah Ripley of Windham, and M-"* Mary Skinner of Hartford, were joined in marriage. Jan. An ac' of marriages p» Edw'^ Dorr, pastor of the 1"* Ch^ of Christ in Hartford. 1748. Septem'"" 25 Stephen Shepard & Susannah Blanchard, both of Hartford, were joyned in marriage. 26 M'" John Lawrence and M""" Marg' Chenevard, both of Hartford, were joyn'^ in marriage. Novemb'' 6 M'" Dan" Goodwin & M'- Abigail Biggelow were joyn'^ in marriage. 10 Medad Webster and Elizabeth Holtom were joyn'^ in marriage. 17 Jacob Seymor & Abigail Ghraham were joyn'i in marriage. 21 John Skinner & Mary Whiting were married. 12 Sylvanus & Rachel Andross were married. 19 Sam" Day & Hannah Ashly were married. 31 Tim" Loomiss & Sarah Tallcott of Winsor, were married. Tho' Hooker and Hannah Wells were married. Elihu Wadsworth and Elizabeth Crane were married. Joshua Carter & Mary Catlin were married. George Smith & Ann Cook were married. Elisha Wadsworth & Ann Cadwell were married. Moses White of Middletown, & Huldah Knowles of Hartford, were joyn*^ in marriage. Rich'^ Goodman & Sarah Wadsworth were married. James Steel & Mary Skinner were married. Dan" Sheldon & Lucretia Gross were married. 1749. March 13 16 June 1 July 17 30 Octob' 12 Novb' 5 Decb-^ 7 31 MARRIAGES. 249 Feb March 1750. Sepb"- Nov*"" 17ff. Jan. 1751. May- June July 10 12 32 25 Oct^'^ 31 Nov^>- 5 7 21 Dec""^ 19 17M- Jan. 14 Feb. 1752. March April 21 Rich'* Edwards & Mary Butler were married. 22 John Anderson of Winsor, & Mary Spencer of Hartford, were married. 15 Henry Chapin of Wathersfield, & Mary Butler of Hartford, were married. 15 Pomp & Susannah, Negro Serv*^ to Cap*-^ Will"* Nicholls, were married att the desire of y^ master. 23 Zachariah Pratt & Abigail Cook were married. 27 The Rev* Jont*» Marsh of New Hartford, and M" Marianne Keith of Hartford, were married. 13 Ezekiel Ashly & Elizabeth Farnsworth were married. Dan'* Marsh & Anna Morison were married. Will" Wadsworth & Mary Cook were married. Jn° Wells & Elizabeth Bushnel were married. Tim^ Phelps & Abigail Edwards were married. Nath** Pease & Sophia Nicholls were married. Cap*° Jn° Keith & M" Marianne Lawrence were married. Nath** Church & Sarah Collyer were married. Sam** Barnard & Hannah Skinner were married. Ebenez'' Williamson & Rachell Cadwell were married. 14 Tim° Moses of Symsbury, & Sarah Graham of Hartford, were married. 13 Tho^ Elmer of Winsor, & Elisabeth Beauchamp of Hartford, were married. Jn^ Watson, Jun"" & Hannah Pratt were married. 26 Jared Seymor & Deliverance Skinner were married. 16 Nehemiah Cadwell & Hannah Clark were married. 18 250 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. May 4 Dec^^ 14 31 1753. Feb 26 June 3 Dec^'^ 9 23 1754. Jan. 15 May 9 June 4 July 8 Aug 7 Octob"- 17 23 1755. March 17 April 15 Octob-- 16 Noyb'- 23 Dec^^-^ 18 1756. Jan. 25 Feb^ 19 April 8 Aui Phineas Cole & Ann Mumf ord were married. Sam'' Drake & Martha Pratt were married. Nath" Kilburn & Abigail Jones were married. Jon*'' Olcott, Jun"" & Ann Biggelow were married. Jn'' Pantry Gooden & Ann Spencer were married. Benjamin Simons & Elizabeth Sheppard, both of Hartford, were married. Uriah Burkitt & Lois Kelsey were married. Elijah & Mary Spencer, both of Hartford, were married. Ezra Andross & Anna Bushnell were married. Joseph Mason of Litchfield, & Rebecca Skinner of Hartford, were married. Jno Thomas & Mary Watrus were married. The Hon'^'** Jon^i^ Huntington, Esq'', of Windham, & M""" Sarah Norton of Kensington, were married. Josiah Sheppard & Mehitabel Bushnell were married. M-- Jn« Bissel of Coventry, & M--^ Abigail Wells of Hartford, were married. Joseph Kelley & Griswold Ashley of Norwich, were married. Dan" Brace, Jun"" & Sarah Burlison were married. Joseph Sheldon & Sarah Collyer were married. James Caldwell & Abigail Biggelow were married. Joseph Church & Mary Talcott were married. Will'" Cadwell, Jun' & Alice Cadwell, Jun'' were married. Sam" WiH"^« & Penelope Cadwell were married. Benj"* Walker of Ashford, & Mary Jones of Hartford, were married. Will"" Goodwin, Jun"^ & Margaret Cook were married. MARRIAGES. 251 Oct''' 14 ^OyhT 28 1757. ^larch 6 31 May 12 June 9 30 Aug^t 7 12 31 Spb'- 22 Decb-^ 6 18 1758. Feb 19 March 15 26 April 26 May 12 Sepi^'- 1^ Dec'"^ 14 31 1759. May 23 June 28 Octo'"- 10 Nov^"- 18 Dec*"- 2 27 Jon'h Beldin & Elisabeth Bidwell of East Hartford, were married. Pelatiah Pierce & Ann Cadwell were married. Tim'' Goodwin & Bethyah Stiles were married. Ithamar Andross & Hannah Cadwell were married. D' Kiel M<=Lean and M'^ Hannah Knowles were married. Ashbell Steel & Rachell Skinner were married. Rich^ Skinner & Camelia Stanly were married. Barnabas Chadwick & Abigail Bunce were married, Josiah Frances & Abigail Spencer were married. Uriah Sheppard and Hannah Butler were married. Edward White & Hannah Peltreau of Southhamp- ton, were married. Kobart Sloan & Sarah Olcott were married. Tim° Bigelow & Hannah Hide were married. Robert Sanford & Huldah Spencer were married. The Rev"^' Noadiah Russell of Killingly, & M^^ Esther Talcott of Hartford, were married. James Mooker & Sabra Center were married. Capt° Benj'" Kent of Suffield, & the widow Love Ensign of Hartford, were married. Benjn^ Pain & Rebecca Knowles were married. James Currie & Catharine Beverridge were married. George Lord & Sarah Edwards were married. Moses Kellog & Jerusha Spencer were married. Jn'' Olcott & Sarah Church were married. Caleb & Hannah Spencer were married. Dan'^ Butler & Sarah Bull were married. Sam" Olcott & Mary Chenevard were married. Will"" Jepson & Susanna Collyer were married. Isaac Barnard & Anna Humphreys were married. 252 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. X 4 VV. Jan'-y 20 May 22 Aug^t 11 Nov'»- 27 Dec'"^ 25 1761. Jan'-y 22 Feb'-y 18 19 June 21 July 12 Sept"'- 13 Octob^ 18 23 Nov'"- 26 Decern"'- 1762. Jan'-y 13 17 March. 28 April July Novb^ 1 30 1 14 1763. Feb'-y March 13 14 Uriah Seymore of New Hartford, & Mary Hop- kins of Hartford, were married. Sam" Flagg & Martha Bigelow were married. Joseph Phelps, Jun"^ of Hebron, & Susannah Mori- son of Hartford, were married. Jn° Ellery & Eunice Hooker were married. George Kellog & Sarah Clark were married. Jn° Cook & Thankful! Gooden were married. Rich"^ Seymore & Mary Skinner were married. Dan" Bigelow & Elisabeth Butler were married. David Bull & Lois Porter were married. Ashbell Spencer & Mabell Church were married. Tho^ Hopkins, Jun"- & Allice Howard were mar- ried. Robart Burns of New Hempsted, in New York Province, & Mary Nevins were married. Alexander Chalker of Eastbury, and Mary Knowles were married. William Ellery and Susannah Keith, were mar- ried. Jonathan Goodwin & Eunice Olcott were married. James Church and Thankfull Collyer were mar- ried. Thomas Collyer & Ruth Felt were married. Samuel Marsh & Catherine Chenevard were mar- ried. William Knox of Albany, & Jennett Morison of Hartford, were married. Elisha Andross & Deborah Cadwell were married. Solomon Ensign & Irena Allis were married. Robart Sanford & Lydia Steel were married. Docf- Jon"^ Havens of Long Island, & Abigail Tiley of Hartford, were married. Jn^ Burkett & Hannah Sheppard were married. Sam" Mattocks & Sarah Bird well were married. MARRIAGES. 253 April 7 May 1 29 July 17 Aug^t 19 Sepi"- 15 25 1764. Feb>-y 9 I March June Octob-- Dec**' 1765. June July Octob-- Nov'"- Dec"' 28 13 21 13 20 23 9 4 14 28 4 12 Moses Hopkins & Elisabeth Deming were*married. Thomas Gross and Huldah Seymore were married. Tim° Bunce & Rachell Turner were married. Jonathan Wadsworth & Abigail Flagg were mar- ried. Will"" Smith & Mary Sloan were married. Joseph Day & Mary Butler were married. Eli Sheppard & Doritha Butler were married. James Sheppard of Hartford, & Obedience Trum- ble of Suffield, were married. David Perkins of Enfield, & Rebeccah Wadsworth of Hartford, were married. Elea77 Pumroy & Mary Wyllys were baptiz"^ [? married]. Doct»' Nehemiah Clark & Hannah Bird were mar- ried. Nathan Higley of Winsor, & Anna Barrett of Hartford, were married. William Gardiner & Eunice Belding were mar- ried. Tim° Church & Susannah Tiley were married. Will™ Pratt & Rachell Holden were married. Caleb Church & Ruth Butler were married. William Gove & Lucy Sheppard were married, William Adams & Huldah Sheppard were mar- ried. John Marshall & Ruth Burlison were married. Jasper Giddings of Windham, and Elisabeth Skin- ner of Hartford, were married. Noah Washburn & Bathsheba Saxton were mar- ried. Isaac Oakes & Rebeckah Birdwell were married. Timothy Sheppard, Jun"" & Anna Slate were mar- ried. Zebulun Spencer & Mary Watson were married. 254 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1766. March 6 July 2 Aur^ 21 Octob'- 28 Nov^' 20 1767. Febry 15 22 March 15 18 May 10 June 28 1768. June 9 AugBt 11 Sep^"^ 15 18 22 Octob^ Dec^"^ 1769. Jany Feby May 25 29 29 12 Benjamin Townshend & Hannah Pratt were mar- ried. Daniel Cotton & Elisabeth Smith were married. Joseph Wilson & Violet Wilson were married. John Jefferies of Rinebeck, in the Colony of New York, & Sarah Nichols of Hartford, were mar- ried. Cyprian Powell & Mary Clap were married. Daniel Spencer, Jun" & Sarah Lord were married. William Adams & Sarah Tiley were married. Samuel Olcott & Mary Caldwell were married. Icabod Hills & Sarah Burr were married. Silas Andross & Esther Strickland were married. Eldad Sheppard & Rebeccah Seymore were mar- ried. Moses Hopkins & Mary Seymore were married. Caleb Bull, Jun"^ & Rebeccah Butler were married . Joseph Pratt & Susannah Cadwell were married. Benj'» Bigelow & Mary Collyer were married, Joseph Wadsworth, Jun"" & Jerusha Marsh were married. Recompense Sherrill of East Hampton, on Long Island, & Naomi Burnham of Hartford, were married. Tho^ Sanford, Jun' & Susannah Palmer were mar- ried. Robart Brethwait and Ruth Collyer were married. Ebenez'- Seldon of Springfield, & Mary Olcott of Hartford, were married. John Chenevard & Hepzibah Collyer, Jun"" were married. George Caldwell of Salsbury. & Abigail Talcott of Hartford, were married. Amos Sheppard of New Haven, and Thankful Cadwell of Hartford, were married. MARRIAGES. 255 May 18 25 July 16 Octob^ 26 Novi"- 29 Decern^'' 14 1770. Jan'-y 25 Feb. 4 Jan'^y 31 1771. Feby 10 May 9 June 30 Benj"" Morisson & Margaret Morisson were mar- ried. William Pease of Blanford, & Violet Cadwell of Hartford, were married. George Olcott, Jun"" and Lydia Barnard were mar- ried. Charles Millar & Violet Brace were married. Tim" Goodman & Elizabeth Wadsworth were married, John Gooden & Martha Spencer were married. Joel Byington & Christian Butler were married. Cap* Hugh Ledlie of Norwich, & M''^ Mary Kev- ins of Hartford, were married. M"" Ralph Pomroy & M*^" Eunice Gardiner were married. Dan^i Skinner, Jun"" & Ruth Spencer were married. Neh^ Cadwell, Jun-" & Esther Judd were married. Jn*' Bigelow & Hannah Wadsworth were married. APPENDIX O. DEATHS. The earlier portion of the following record of Deaths is copied from a Town register. This register is unaccountably incomplete and irregular in its entries. It contains only an insignificant fraction of the deaths which must have occurred in the period between its earliest and latest record, and seems to have been a purely voluntary and almost accidental undertaking on the part of the individuals making the entries. The names are few, and it has been deemed best to publish all of them, as they belong, with a single exception, to a period antecedent to that at which the Pastoral record of such events was begun by Rev. Mr. Dorr. 1644. March 1653. May 1683. Jany 1696. Nov. 1697. June 1700. May 1703. March May LIST OF DEATHS. From the Hartford Town Records. 9 George Wyllys, Esq', late of Fenny Compton, in Old England. Abigail Andrewes, daughter of Will"' Andrewes. 25 Lidiah Davis Cole, wife of Nathan" [Cole]. 11 Col. John Allyn. 27 Abigail Humphrey Graham, wife of Benjamin Graham, 16 Lidiah, wife of John Baker. Dorothy Skinner. 12 Helena, wife of Cyprian Niccols. DEATHS. 257 Aug. 17 Maj. Jonath. Bull. Oct. 7 Ester Pratt. Nov. 20 John Townsend, apprentice to Sam^' Catling. 1703. Sept. 22 Thomas Thornton. 1704. Mar. 24 The wife of M'^ Joseph Talcott. June John Skinner, son of Joseph Skinner. 1705. Nov. 15 M'^ Sarah Haynes. 1706. April 24 Sarah Spencer, wife of Sam'^ Spencer. Sept. 27 Mary, the wife of Thomas King. 1707. Feby 2 Matthew Webster, son of Robert Webster. Dec. 25 Mary Smith, wife of Phillip Smith, in the d7^^ year of her age. 1708. April 7 Stebbin Wilson. 1709. [?] April 20 Nath" Cole. May 30 Fanny Compton. Oct. 23 Hannah Skinner. 1710. May 28 Timothy Hide. June 10 Eliz* Easton, wife of John Easton. Wats Hubbard. 14 M"" Rich'i Lord's negro man Jo. 23 Mary Ashley, wife of Joseph Ashley. July 19 Ruth Seamo'', wife of Thomas Seamor. October 11 Sarah Wheeler, wife of Sam^^ Wheeler. 18 Ann Bunce. 26 Mrs. Eliz*^ Wadsworth, wife of Capt. Jas. Wads- worth. Nov. 28 Ann Wheelar. Dec. 14 James Camp. 17 Sam" Camp, 258 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 1711. Jany March Dec. 1712. Jany Feby July Nov. 1714. Sept. 1716. June Sept. Nov. 1719. Nov. 1720. July 1721. Feby 1723. Dec. 1724. August Nov. Dec. 1726. Feby May 1728. March 9 Jonath. Bigelow. 18 George Olcott. 14 John Camp, Sr. 29 Hepzibath Ladd. 26 Thomas King. 2 The wife of Thomas King. 9 Phillis Parsons, the wife of John Parsons. 15 Abigail Elmor. 13 Esther Gilbert. 18 John Merrills, Sr. 25 Abram Waters, son of Thomas Waters. 5 M^ John Haynes. 18 Hannah, wife of Jonathan Arnold. 19 Lamorock Flowers. 14 Joseph Haynes. 2 John Easton. 4 Hannah, wife of David Ensign. 2 Thankful Sedgwick. 27 Daniel Webster, son of Daniel Webster. 27 Nath. Cadwell. 24 Thomas Judd. 9 M". Sarah Haynes. 14 Mary, the wjfe of Col. W"^ Whiting. 5 Samuel Bushnell. 12 Tho. : Burnham, Jr. 24 Mary Turner. DEATHS. 259 1732. Nov 1734. July 1735. March Sept. 1740. August 1741. Dec. 1758. June 5 John Moodey, aged 72 years. 6 Thankfull, wife of Thos. Bull. 24 Capt. Sam^' Sedgwick. 24 Caleb Merrills. 30 Capt. Thomas Seymour. 24 Hezekiah Wyllys, Esq. 24 Mr. David Bidwell. LIST OF DEATHS, TAKEN FROM THE RECORDS OF THE FIRST CHURCH. An Ac* of the deaths of persons belonging to the first Ch^ & Society in Hartford, begun this 22'^ of Feb : 1749-50. p'^ E. Dorr. Feb 23 An infant Child, son to Joseph Sheppard, Jun"", departed y^ life in a few moments after its birth. 1750. March 24 Elizabeth, y« wife of Joseph Sheppard, died. April 4 John West departed y^ life. 21 Abigail, the daughter of Dan'' Skinner, died. May 7 Jon'^^ Ashley died. June Sam^i Sheppard died. July 8 John Spencer died. 21 Sarah, daughter to Dan^' Skinner, died. 24 Justis Dickinson died. Aug 5 Abigail, daughter to Will'" Nickols, died. 8 Anna, the wife of Ebenezar Yv illiamson, died. Elizabeth Wyllys departed this life. 14 Mary, an infant child, daughter to Rich*^ Edwards, died. 19 Rebecca, daughter to Will'" Cadwell, died. 21 Andrew, son to Andrew Monford, died. 25 M-- Tho« Wells died. Sep^"" 5 The widdow Abigail Butler died. Sarah, the wife of Tho^ Burr, depart** y* life. 11 John Barnard died. 15 Elizabeth, j^ wife of Dan" Miles, died. Elizabeth, y« wife of Jonath" Taylor, depart^^ y^ life. 16 Sam, Negro Serv* to Cap'" John Keith, died. DEATHS. 261 Sepi»- Octob^ Nov*"- Dec' mi Jan 1751. March. May June July Aug Sep'^-- 25 12 16 2 6 8 18 20 27 The Widdow Lyddia Dodd died. Will"\ son to Rich'i Goodman, deparV^ y' life. Mary, daughter to Sam'i Flagg, died. Sarah Burr died. Dan", son to y^ late Rev^ M'' Dan'^ Wadssworth, died. An infant Child, daughter to Dan" Wadsworth, was Still-born. Anna, wife to Tho' Andross, died. Catherine, daughter to y widdow Rachel Cad- well, died. Abigail, daughter to Capt" John Talcott, died. The Wido Hannah Collyer died. Ruth, daughter to the late Rev'» Dan^' Wadsworth, died. Octob- Nov^-- 9 Normand, son to Rhoderick Morrison, died. 20 Susannah, daughter to Rhoderick Morisson, died. 28 An infant Child, daughter to Cap*"^ Jn^ Knowls, was Still-born. 19 Peter, negro Serv* to Robert Kevins, died. 26 Moses Ensign died. 14 Elijah Cadwell died. 23 Nehemiah Cadwell died. 7 James, son to Caleb Bull, died. 29 Abigail, the wife of Daniel Wadsworth, died. 10 Hezekeah, son to Cap''^ Dan" Gooden, died. 2 Will'", son to Coll" Sam" Talcott, died. 3 Edwd Cadwell died. 4 Mary, daughter to Elijah Cadwell, late of Hart- ford, deceased, died. 5 Hannah, wife to Charles Kelsey, died. 9 James, son to Coll" Sam" Talcott, died. [?] Dan", son to Rhoderick Morisson, died. 2 James M'^Leroy died. 31 Christian Farnsworth died. 26 Jno, son to Jn" M'^Knight, died. 262 Dec*"- 1751 Feb 1752. April May July Aug Sep'''- Octo^r Nov'"- Dec'" 1753. Jan Jan Feb April May June July Aug Sepi"- FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. 9 Jon'i> Taylor died. Priscilla, negro Servant to y«" Wido Cook, died. 26 Elisabeth, daughter to Stephen Skiner, died. 29 Christian Mix died. Octob^ 14 24 1 14 27 25 22 12 26 23 10 19 8 14 28 10 30 23 14 7 8 18 20 26 26 died. Will' Abigail, daughter to Cap*'' Will"" Nichols, James, son to Ezekiel Ashley, died. Sarah, Negro Serv* Child, belonging to Cap* Nichols, died. An infant Child, daughter to Jn" Watson, Jun', died. Tho'^ Ensign died. The Widow Mary Carter died. Charles, son to Ebenezar Burlison, died. Abigail, daughter to Sam'^ Farnsworth, died. Jn°, son to Cap*" Jn^ Knowles, died. The Wido Mary Sheppard died, aged 90 years and upwards. An infant negro Child, Serv* to Cap*" Dan^i Good- win, died. Will™ Pratt died. An infant Child, daughter to Will"" Nichols, died. Robert, son to Jn^ M'^Knight, died. Sarah Marshall died. Jn° Simons, son to the wife of Sam'i Weed, died. The Widow Hannah Pratt died. Jon"' Olcott died. An infant Child, son to Sam^' Drake, died. Margaret, infant daughter to Jn° Lawrence, Charles, son to Jn'^ Cowdrey, died. George, son to Jn" Cowdrey, died. Lovina, daughter to David Bull, died. Levi, son to Elisha Pratt, died. An infant Child, son to Jn** Skinner, Jun', soon after its birth. Catherine, daughter to D"^ Niel McLean, died. died. died DEATHS. 263 Nov^^'- 22 30 Dec*"- 12 13 1754. Jan 1 5 13 16 March 29 May 6 June 13 Sep*^^ 12 21 Dec^"^ 15 30 1755. Jan 2 12 15 18 Feb 4 13 21 March 28 April 6 22 May 14 22 July 15 Nov*"- 9 Deb*"- 11 26 George, son to Sam" Wadsworth, died. Joseph Hartoppey, a Stranger, died att the house of Caleb Bull Cap'" Jn° Knowles died. An infant Child, son to Elisha Butler, died. M'"^ Abigail Woodbridge died. Sam" Gross died. Susannah, daughter to Roderick Morison, died. Mary, daughter to Lemuel Marsh, late of Hart- ford, deceas^, died att Sam" Farnsworths. Charles, son to Jn" Cowdrey, died. Joseph Ashly died. Anna, daughter to Cap*" Hez Collyer, died. James Ensign died, aged 88 years. Tho^ Andross died. Ruth, daughter of Edw^ Cadwell, died. The Wido Susannah Andross died, aged 83, Benj"^ Richards died. Elisabeth, daughter to Joseph Sheppard,Jun% died. Nath" Skinner died. D'^ Roderick Morison died. Jon*^ Butler died, aged 77 years. York, negro Serv' to Cap*" Jn° Talcott, died. Charity, daughter to Ebenez'' Burlison, died. An infant Child, son to Jn° Thomas, died. Jn^, an infant Child, son to Stephen Turner, died. The aged Stephen Brace died. Lucy, infant daughter to Abijah Clark, died. M-^^ Hannah M<=Lean died. An infant Child, daughter to Elisha Butler, died. An infant Child, daughter to Nath" Pease, died. Wido Hannah Olcott died, aged 93 years, Elisabeth the daughter of Coll" Sam" Talcott. died, Deborah, wife to Joseph Day, died. Esther, daughter to the Wido Amy Pratt, died. 264 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Cap'° Cyprian Nichols died, aged 84 years. Martha, daughter to George Smith, died. Hannah Sheppard died. Sam'^ infant son to Jn° Sheldon, died. An infant Child, son to James Sheppard, died. The Wido Mary Nichols died, setatis 75. Hez^, son to Hez^ Wadsworth, died. George Masters died. James, infant son to Dan'^ Brace, Jun"", died. Jerusha, daughter to Sam>' Weed, died. Dego, Negro Serv^ to Jn° Haynes Lord, died. An infant Child of Aaron Hopkins, died. Joseph, infant Child of Jn° Jones, died. The Aged Wido Elizabeth Gilbert died. Jonas, son to Benj"" Biggelow, died. Lovina, daughter to Benj'^ Biggelow, died. Timo, sQi^ to Danii Brace, died. Aaron Hopkins died. Marian, infant daught"^ to Cap*'' Jn^ Lawrence, died. Tim^ Andross died. Huldah, infant daughter to Jared Bunce, died. Elisabeth, infant daughter to Jn" Watson, Jun"", died. Dec*"^ 25 Phebee Booth died, aged 73. 28 Jn° Watson died. Dan", infant son to Jn° Lord, died. Hez^, infant son to Ebenez"^ Burlison, died. Rachell, infant daughter to Dan" Biggelow, died. The aged M"" Fuller died in prison. He belonged to Colchester. M"" Ebenez'' Williamson died. Job, infant child of Ozias Goodwin, Jun*", died. M"- Sam" Flagg died. Sam", infant son to Sam" Wadsworth, died. An infant son to Jn" Skinner, Jun"", died soon after its birth. 1756. Jan 2 4 17 23 Feb 15 16 18 May 9 13 20 June 9 July 1 5 15 30 Aug 3 Sep^^ '7 15 Octob'- 2 8 10 21 j 1757. Jan 21 25 Feb 6 11 April 4 6 30 IVIay 28 79 DEATHS. 265 June 10 15 July 31 Sept 6 8 Octob'^ 19 Nov'^r 13 19 1758. Jan: 14 Feb 18 March 13 25 May 4 June 8 July 10 [?] Sepb-^ 18 Octob' 2 8 9 10 16 23 Novb>- 3 4 6 11 1759. Jan 24 Martha, infant daughter to Sam" Drake, died. D"- Tho'' Langrell of Hartford, and Will™ Harpy of Harvard in the Massachusetts Bay, were both drown** in passing the ferry att Hartford. Jn'^ Brooker of Saybrook, died suddenly in a fitt. W'" Smith of Haddam, died here, aged 80. Gideon Merrills died. Lewis, son to Ebenez' Catlin, died. Abigail, wife to Dan'- Biggelow, died. Lucretia, daughter to Jn^ Tiley, died. Joseph Morris of Coventry, died. The Wido Sarah Phelps died, aged 96 years. An infant Child, son to Moses Dickinson, died soon after its birth. Joseph Wadsworth, Jun^ died. The Aged Wido Elizabeth Sheldon died — M 89. Dorcas Brownson died. Stephen Skinner died. An infant Child, daughter to Jn'^ Skin% Jun' , died soon after its birth. Tho% son to Tho^ Ensign, died. Lydia Thomas died. Jn<> Butler, Jun^ died. Will" Day, Jun^ died in the army. Jared, son to Jared Bunce, died. An infant child, son to James Mookler, still-born. Nath", son to Uriah Sheppard, died. Normand, son to Elisha Bigelow, died. Sam", son to Elisha Bigelow, died. Sarah, daughter to Liev* Richard Goodman, died. The widow Mary Richards died, aged 90 years. Cap*'' Jn° Caldwell, died. Hezek'', son to Richard Goodman, died. Mary, daughter to Liev* Richard Goodman, died. Huldah, daughter to Liev* Rich** Goodman, Hannah, daughter to Sam'*" Sheppard, died. died. 19 266 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Feb 22 Hannah, infant daughter to Sam'' Sheppard, died. 23 Edward, infant son to Cap^"^ Jn'^ Lawrence, died. 27 An infant child, daughter to Robart Sanford, still- born. March 7 Mary, the wife of Tho' Hopkins, died. 13 Huldah, wife to Robart Sandford, died. Martha, daughter to Caleb Bull, died. 14 George, son to Caleb Bull, died. 16 An infant child, son to Tho' Hopkins, Jun', still- born. An infant son to Hezekiah Marsh, still-born. 27 Epaphras, infant son to James Sheppard, died. Ame, wife to Tho^ Hopkins, Jun% died. The aged Wido Rachell Cook died. Elisabeth, infant daughter to y<= widow Elisabeth Wadsworth, died. Maynard Day died. George, son to Col" George Wyllys, died. Anna daughter to Jon*^ Olcott, died. Nath" Kilburn died in the West Indies, and like- wise George Collyer. Uriah Sheppard died. Tho% son to Tho*' Burr, Jun', died. Jn<>, infant son to Jn° Skinner, Jun"", died. Huldah, daughter to Charles Kelsey, Jun', died. Jn", son to Rich** Edwards, died. ThankfuU, daughter to Dan" Butler, died. Isaac, son to Isaac Bunce, died. Anna, daughter to Dan" Butler, died. Sam", son to Jn<» Sheldon, died. Lydia, daughter to Edw^ Dod, died. Lysander, infant negro Child serv* to E. Dorr, died. Edward, infant son of Edw'' White, died. Mille, infant daughter to Levi Jones, died. Jn'^ Sperry, a Soldier belonging to New Haven, died. Elijah Cadwell died. Hez^, son to Jn" Pantry Gooden, died. April 1 19 May July 10 1 12 15 22 Aug. 1 22 26 29 81 Sepb^ 9 13 20 22 Nov'''- 15 Dec'" 5 1760. Jan 6 23 DEATHS. 267 20 May 21 28 July 5 8 11 Aug-^ 8 Sep^'- 4 7 Feb""^ 3 Sarah, daughter to Liev* Rich'^ Goodman, died. 23 Quill tiis, a Negro man serv' to Sam" Drake, died. 28 An infant child of John Lords, died soon after its birth. April 2 Rachell, infant daughter to Jn'' Thomas, died be- fore baptism. An infant Child, son to Isaac Bunce, still-born. Abigail Gilbert died. Hagar, maid serv*^ to Jn» Haynes Lord, died. An infant Child, son to Jn° Sheldon, still-born. The aged Wido Sarah Ollcott died. Mary, daughter to Uriah Burkett, died. Mary Ann, daughter to Cap*" Jn'' Lawrence, died. Abigail, wife to Capt" Tim'' Phelps, died. Martha, infant daughter to Caleb Bull, died. Dinah, negro serv* to D"" Will" Jepson, died. 27 Rec^ advice of the death of Cap*^ Ezekiell Ashley, in y*^ West Indies. Nov^'' 9 The aged Wido Sarah Brace died. Abigail, daughter to Jacob Seymor, died before baptism. 10 Elisabeth, daughter to Tho'^ Ensign, died. 16 Richard Shaw died. 29 Joseph Buckingham, Esq% died. 1 The aged Liev* Sam^^ Catlin died. 12 Will'" Powell died. 21 An infant Child, son to Joseph Rogers, died. 26 The Aged Wido Hannah Butler died. 4 An infant Child, daughter to Sam" Day, died be- fore baptism. The aged Jn° Nichols died. 5 Allan Morison died. 23 Tony, negro Serv* to D'" Normand Morison, died. 26 The Aged Wido Sarah Bunce died. 30 Mary, wife to David Bull, died. Sarah G rover died. March 8 Dositheus Humphreys, Jun^ died. Dec^ 1761. Jan>' 268 FIRST GHURCH IN HARTFORD. April — May 2 28 June 8 10 26 July 16 29 Aug«* 28 Sepb-- 6 15 16 30 Octob-^ 26 31 Nov^^ 7 Decern''^ 23 31 1762. Jani^y 13 16 21 30 Feb 7 11 25 March 4 D"^ Normand Morison died. Col*' Nathan Payson died. Sarah, the wife of Jn'' Burket, died. Susannah, daughter to Stephen Turner, died, to James Sheppard, died. Tho% sou to Mary Burk, died. Dan^i, Negro Serv^ to Jn° Hajmes Lord, died. Susannah, infant daughter to Jn" Skinner, Jun% died. Sara'\ infant son to Pelatiah Pierce, died. Walter, son to Sam" Tiley, died. Deborah Butler died. Anna, infant daughter to Pelatiah Pierce, died. Stephen, son to Stephen Turner, died. An infant Child, son to Jared Bunce, still-born. The aged M'" Jn" Butler died. Jn"' Hosmer died. Abigail Waples died. Ann, infant daughter to Jon^^ Taylor, died. Rich*^, son to Tim" Phelps, Jun*", died. An infant Negro Child, Serv* to W"' Tiley, died not baptized. Gurdon, infant son to James Caldwell, died. The aged M'^ Thomas Burr died. Samuell & James, infant Children, sons to Sam'^ Olcott, died. Peggy, infant daughter to Capt" Jn*^ Lawrence, died. Sarah, the wife of James Sheppard, died. David, infant son of David Sheppard, died. Elisha Johnson, of Colchester, died in prison. Joseph Sheppard died, aetat 70. Rev'i Evander Morison died. Joanna, the wife of M"^ Joseph Wadsworth, died. Helena, the wife of Thomas Long, died. Daniel Wadsworth died. An infant Child, son to David Bull, died. DEATHS. 269 March 25 April 4 13 16 June 27 July 29 Aug^t 7 Sep^^ 11 14 Octo'^'^ 4 9 13 31 Nov'^"- 23 Dec^^ 3 31 1763. Jany 30 Feb>' 12 March 2 10 April 6 May 17 21 June 12 22 25 An infant Negro Child, Serv' to Edward White, was still-born. Phyllys, Negro Serv' to Edward White. Will™ Baker died, aetat 84. Jn° Carter died, felo de se. Dorothy, wife to George Olcott, died. Eunice, daughter to Tho^ Burr, died. An infant Child, daughter to Mary Burk, died. James, son to Phineas Cole, died. Dan'^ Edwards, son to George Lord, died. Marion, wife to Jn*' Walker, died. Amy, wife to Thomas Sanford, died. The Aged M''^ Elisabeth Wyllys died. An infant Child, daughter to Margarett Kelly, died. Charles, infant son to Jn° Skinner, Jun"", died. The Wido Susanna Gross died. Mary, infant daughter to Abijah Clark, died. The following persons belonging to this Society died in the army in the Summer past, viz : Ebenez*^ Holmes, Ebenez'' Burlison, Edward Cad well, Dan^i Brace, Jun', Brace, Tim^ Bigelow, att Fort Stanwix. The Widow Anna Morrison died. The Widow Anna Hide died. An infant Child, son to Sam^^ Olcott, still-born. An infant Child, son to Sam" Marsh, still-born. x\n infant Child, son to Rachell Turner, still-born. Mary, the wife of Jared Bunce, died. Dositheus Humphreys died. Rachell, the wife of Benjamin Hopkins, died. An infant Child, son to George Lord, died. James Currie died. Mary, infant daughter to Thom* Hopkins, Jun', died. 270 FIKST CHURCH IN HARTFORD, Aug^t 5 Sepb>^ 25 Octo^' 7 18 22 NOVbr 7 21 Dec""- 9 15 23 1764. Jan'-y 8 28 Feb^y 17 29 Marcli 4 5 10 23 April 9 17 May 6 10 14 June 5 10 15 17 July 21 Ang«^ 1 10 18 Sepi" 16 Thom« Collyer died . An infant Child, son to Jn° Skinner, Jun% died soon after its birth. Dan", son to Ebenez'' Barnard, died. Jerusha, daughter to Moses Kellog, died. Sarah, daughter to Charles Kelsey, died. The Aged Sam'' Burr died. Liev^ Rich'^' Goodman died. Mary, daughter to Jon"' Easton, died. Cap*" Hezekiah Collyer died. The Aged Hannah Burr died. Mary, the wife of James Sutor, died. Moses, son to Moses Shepard, died. An infant Child, daughter to Silas Andross, still- born. Mary, infant daughter to Tim*' Dodd, died. Abigail, wife to Tim'' Dodd, died. Benj°^ Hopkins died. Sarah, the wife of John Joy, died. Catherine, infant daughter to Ben]'"" Hopkins, died. A Negro Infant female Child, Serv* to Docf^ Jepson, died. Edward, infant son to Elisha Bigelow, died. Will, Negro Serv* to Charles Cadwell, died. Wido Hannah Ensign died. Jn", infant Child to Jn" Cook, Jun'', died. Robart Nevins died. An infant Child, son to Jn° Walker, died not bap- tized. Deborah, wife to Elisha Andross, died. M} Tho*^ Hopkins died. A Negro female Child, Serv' to Cap*"^ Keith, died. Susannah, daughter to Thom" Sloan, died. 3Iary, infant daughter to Ezra Corning, died. The Widow Hannah Bigelow died. An infant Child, daughter to Jn" Skinner, Jun% died. DEATHS. 271 Sept''^ 27 OcW 11 1765. Jan'-y 21 Feb 19 20 June 2 July 27 Aug^t 29 Sep'''- 6 Octob»- 14 19 30 Dec'" 1 18 23 1766. Jan'-y 30 1766. March 30 April 3 [?] 25 May 28 12 23 June The Aged widow Sarah Spencer died. Sarah, the wife of George Lord, died. An infant Child, daughter to Elihu Wadsworth, Still-born. Prime, Negro, died. Mary Burr died. Lorenzo Gross died. Charles, infant son of Ebenez'" Barnard, died. Sarah, daughter to Sam" Day, died. Sam", infant son to the Widow Mary Nevins, died. Anna, the wife of Obadiah Spencer, died. Daniell Edwards, Esq'', died at New Haven. Jacob Cadwell died. George Lord died. An infant Child, son to James Tiley, still-born. Jn°, infant son to Jn** Skinner, Jun', died. The Aged Widow Elisabeth Skinner died. Ezekiel, son to Hezekiah Wadsworth, died. M'-^ Hannah M-^Lean, the wife of Docf Neil M^^Lean, died. Sarah, the wife of Simon Clark, died. Sarah, the wife of Silas Andross, died. Sarah, infant daughter to Silas Andross, died, Sarah, daughter to Dositheus Humphries, deceas'^, died. Hez*" Wadsworth died. Mary, wife to Sam" Olcott, died. Mary, wife to Alexand' Chalker, died. M'^ Mary Butler died. Amy Gilbert died. Levi Jones, John Knowles, & Richard Lord were killed by the blowing up of the School- house. M"' Will'" Gardiner died of the wounds receiv*^ by the blowing up of the School-house. Elisabeth, the wife of Valentine Vaughn, died. 272 June FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. July Sep'^'- Octob' July 10 11 27 3 16 24 1 19 13 19 Debbr 16 1767. Jan--" 16 24 29 March 14 16 May 4 June 14 29 25 Aug^i 15 17 29 Octob' 2 Nov'"- 2 Ruth Howard died. Richard, son to Elisha Burnham, died of the wound rec^ by the blowing up of y« School- house. Phillys, negro Serv' to Cap*'' Jn*^ Lawrence, died. Ebenez"" Catlin died. Die, Negro Serv' to Will'" Gooden, died. Martha, the wife of Jn° Walker, died. Rebeccah, the wife of Isaac Oakes, died. Clarissa, daughter to Dan^' Olcott, died. Sarah, daughter to Cap*" Dan'^ Butler, died. Sarah, daughter to Ezra Hide, died. William, son to W" Gove, died. James, son to W'" Gove, died. A Negro boy, Serv' to Cap*"! W"' Nichols, died. The Widow Elisabeth Eggleston died. The Widow Mary Langrell died at New Haven. Capt" Jn'' Cook died, aged 70 years. The widow Ruth Spencer died, aged 98 years. Tabitha, infant daughter to W'" Hall, died. Ashbel, son to Moses Hopkins, died. William, son to Moses Dickinson, killed by the discharge of a gun. Pomp, Negro Serv' to M''^ Hepzibah Collyer, died. Sarah, daughter to Jn° Larcum, kilF by lighten- ing while attending Divine worship. An infant Child, son to Will"" Adams, died Soon after its birth. Mime, Negro Serv* Child to Capt" James Nichols, died. Elisabeth, the wife of Moses Hopkins, died. Sam", son to Robart Sloan, drowned. James, the son of Caleb Church, died. Capt" Dan" Butler died. A Negro Male Child, Serv' to Doct' Jepson, died. John Buckingham, son to Elisha Hopkins, died. An infant Child, son to Tho« Green, died, still- born. DEATHS. 273 Nov^"- 6 This day heard of the death of Capt° Will'" Nich- olls, in Septemb'' last — he died at sea. John, infant son to Pliineas Cole, died. Anna, the wife of Isaac Bunce, died. Hezekiah Collyer died. Rebeccah, the daughter of Sylvanus Andross, died. Catherine, the daughter of Sam'^ Marsh, died. Hannah, infant daughter to Jn° Burket, died. Grove Collyer died. The aged IVr Hez'^ Gooden died. The Widow Rebeckah Marsh died. Henry, son to Jn° Dod, died. The Aged Will-" Day died. The Aged M" Dorothy Woodbridge died. Pelatiah, infant son to Pelatiah Turner, died. The Aged M" Christian Edwards, wife to Deacon Jn° Edwards, died. Lemuel, son to Sylvanus Andross, died. M" Sarah Flagg died. An infant Child, daughter to James Thomson, died. Deac" Jn° Edwards died. Joseph, infant son to Jn" Burkett, died. Samuel Williams, a stranger, accidentally drowned. Daniel, infant son to Dan'' Olcott, died. Rhoderick, son to Benj'" Bigelow, died. An infant Child, son to Charles Kelsey, Jun"", died. An infant Negro Child, Serv* to Sam'' Olcott, died. Joseph Olcott died. Rich'' Edwards died. Ezekiel, son to Thomas Sanford, died. George, son to Jared Bunce, died. An infant Child of Tho^ Ensign, died. Christian, wife to Hez** Marsh, died. Peter, Negro, died. Susannah, wife to Tim° Church, died. 20 Dec'''- 7 25 1768. March 2 April 20 May 9 June 3 July 20 Sepi^"- 5 27 Aug^t 22 Nov^-- 25 1769. Jan^y 4 13 18 Feb'-y 5 March 22 May 1 16 June 15 21 29 July 23 Aug't 22 Dec^'- 28 1770. Jan'^y 6 May 6 7 14 16 June 16 Sep^>- 274 FIRST CHURCH IN HARTFORD. Octob'- Nov**'- 4 11 20 24 Dec*"- 25 1771. Jan'-y 3 10 March 9 14 17 April 11 May 3 23 29 June 4 Anna Eccleston died. Marion Nevins died. Mary Fielding died. M"^^ Hebsibah Collyer died. James, son to Mary Tliomson, died. Robart, son to Robart Bethweight, died. Ezra, son to Ezra Hide, died. Anna, daughter to Tho' Hopkins, died. Gad, Negro Serv* to Sam'^ Mattocks, died. An infant Child, daughter to Jn'' Skinner, Heard of the death of Sam^i Drake, at Sea. Lucy Lord died, Tho% infant son to Isaac Oakes, died. Anna, daughter to Nath^^ Goodwin, died. Will"^ Wadsworth died. Capt° Jn" Talcott died. died. University of Connecticut Libraries 'c>&