hbl.brtl BF1301.F27| I Voices from many hill tops echoes 3 T153 DD75Efi3fl S handle this volume with care. The University of Connecticut Libraries, Storrs 'Jo fin U . /is. ilgrimage is euded." — " I was only conscious that I loved you." — Tin; omlialmed form. — The monument and burial. — The painting of Brier Hill. — Your soul said nay. — We sought a honie in the .second sphere of Jupiter. — The brother became a noted astroiu>- mer. — Home again. — Wliat more need we? — Again we stand in CONTENTS. XV PACK. the 'rcinjtle of Love. — Iiicaniation leaves no dcM nn]^aiil — Step by ste[). uj) jnogression's hcML^Iits, tlie only way home. — Tlie noon marks of time. — Societies formed in the spheres 68 CHAPTER IX. Eon and Eon:i incarnate in Arabia. — Time in your land is counted. — We said good-bye to Brier Hill — Threads of individu- alized existences woven in the mystic loom of time. — The lull of progression had ended. — Individualized existences number no more, no less. — Seldom that duals incarnate at the same time. — Spirit must, through matter, war and overcome. — Each child born to-day is not a new soul, simply one that has returned to earth.— You, too, fell asleep and awoke in a reign of tyranny. — Man comes and goes until he can claim his heirship. — Idol wor- ship. — A light bestowed by the guardians 80 CHAPTER X. Fidl bloom of womanhood. — A woman with a woman's heart. — There rode to my father's door a young man. — Eoiia sold. — My father led me to the young- man. — I was gayly attiied. — Eona's new home. — " Eon, do you shudder that Eonii thus thought woman's rights? " 87 CHAPTER XI. The secret order. The circle.— A voice, from the unseen said, " Peace be w-ith you." — Spirit power and clairvoyance. — A vision. — Un- winged angels. — ^laterialized forms in the past ages. — Manifesta- tion of spirit power. — The border of India 94 CHAPTER XII. The cave home. — The man who bought Eona. — A harmoniously united family. — Husbands, wives, and children. — Our three sons are num- bered with the wise men of the East. — The true cause of botli incarnating at the same time. — The light bearers of the untolil ages. — Seers. — School of chemistry established in a city in India. 101 CHAPTER XIII. Time marked on the dial more than one hundred. — Seed sown for ages yet unborn. — The pilgrimage ended. — Eoiui passes to the higher life. — Eona's request of Gabriel. — Eona sleeps and wakes. — The spirit father and mother take Eona to the cave. — I whispered, '• Eon." — " Eon and Eona are coming." — " Sad-hearted Eon, how he missed the old Arabian woman." — Eon at last Xvi CONTEXTS. PAGE. rested by the side of the form I liad worn. — Eon wakes in soul hmd— Kond leadhig Eon over the beautiful hills.— Eon looking for the old Arabian woman. — "What does it mean ? " — "I shall find Jier here." — " See our home, P2on, on Brier Hill." — Spirit is bound and governed by matter. — Home in fourth sphere at Brier Hill. — Again in the Temple of Love. — There was no soil to make the seed germinate. — Masses who know nothing of a dual nature. . 108 CHAPTER XIV. School of thought in second sphere. — Order of the stars. — INIighty rocks. — Divinity seekers. — Heaven of the first sphere. — The pri.son house of criminals. — Buying and selling in second sphere. — Messenger Svvedenborg. — The battle ground of earth-bound spirits. — Their caps in the air. — The world's w'ork-house. — Not iu condition of endless punisliment.— Third .•sphere 120 CHAPTER XV. A call from the fiftli sphere. — Eon and Eond among the names cho.sen. — Journey to tlie Temple of Wisdom in fifth sphere. — The city of light V2l CHAPTER XVI. Home in the fifth sphere. — We learned to foiin tanc^ible material by will power 139 CHAPTER XVII. Tlie inagnetic navigator. — For ages he had navigated the tides. — Em- bryotic worlds on the magnetic tides. — We emliarkedin the l)ird- shaped boat 117 CHAPTER XVIII. Journey to the new world. — Love children of Deity. — Cherubs. — Pearl, the .soul mate of our guide. — The new world on wliich mortal iiad never tro 1 — \V(; nanuMl thein l)alms — Tlie planet we ealle ful- fillment of deific law. — Two beautiful forms. — The fulfillment of evolved l;nv. — .\bove tluMii hovered two deific babes at- tracted to th.iii.— Deity's children awake.— The beautiful ani- mal held the vine— The planet Ilarnony.—'' Be patient. Eon." — Th ' food uf tlie i:ilKibitai:ts UV-] CONTENTS. CHAPTER XX. ■AdK. " I was once your spirit mother." — Wisdom and Pearl. You be- longed not to Adaniic creation. — The soul mate of Pearl mate- rialized; also Eomi. — We were on the grand highway f)f pro- gression. — Death of a world and birth of a spirit orb 17;i CHAPTER XXI. Eon incarnates on planet Ilarmona. — Dear home. — Peace flowed in tliis home of yom- incarnation. — Ilarmona om; of the Pklens of tlie universe 180 CHAPTER XXII. The child of the planet Harmona. — The children of our Father prized by their bank stock. — On the garden hills of Harmona. — I whis- pered to your soul the old-time name, Eon. — You rested on a wel- come seat. — One common brotherhood. — Mind and matter meet. — Walk hand in hand. — You asked if she might return to your home for a time. — You desired to hear the voice of your mother bless the sister of your heart 193 CHAPTER XXIII. This ciiild of wisdom had incarnated on Harmona from the planet Saturn,, and, like yourself, had a mission to fulfill — The two home sisters. — One part of God's children live in luxury. — The mother of this incarnation on Harmona passes to the higher life. — The two extremes of all positive principles. — Full-orbed angel. — The sister of my soul found the sunset valley. — Mistletoe. — Yet teaching, your voice ceased. — Our mission on planet Har- mona fully ended. — We turn our faces towards home. — One boat passed us and we recognized Zair of the long ago. — The Emerald Hills. — We stood on the radiant shores of the fifth sphere. . . 20o CHAPTER XXIV. Peception in the fifth sphere. — The wisdom fathers and mothers. — In their midst stood Pearl and Wisdom. — The Temple of Love. — They make a grand rally on earth. — A religious war. — Were the inhabitants of the long ago to incarnate, the lost arts would no longer be the lost. — Passed to th3 sixth sphere. — The ages fiitted by one by one 213 CHAPTER XXV. On the sixth sphere. — Everywhere was enthroned a beauty. — Descrip- tion of the sixth .sphere. — Oiu- home 231 CONTEXTS. CHAPTER XXVI. Mistletoe in full materialized form. — Then came my soul mate Eona.— We embarked in our tiny boat " Silver Shell" on the tides.— The re- sort of dual souls.— We anchored the " Silver Shell " near thejvave- washed strand.— Our path of many-colored moss. — The isles of the blessed 2^57 CHAPTER XXVII. The grand assemldase of the worlds. — Brotherhood of the universe on higher spirit realms of Saturn 248 CHAPTER XXVIII. On the material plane of Saturn. — Sleeping apartments. — Their dwell- ings. — Flowers. — Absence of annoying insects. — Purity of the atmosphere. — The seasons. — Its soil. — " Patience, Eon." . . . 254 CHAPTER XXIX. Saturn's creative mythology. — Ideal story of the building of the planet. — Truths should be tiie study. — Impossible to govern the tides of existence. — Spirits taking notes. — Those -who ex- celled in mechanism. — Poor, blind lumianity, I would hold before them 259 CHAPTER XXX. In search of Saturn's strange people. — We passed into this wondrous temple. — They greeted us as brothers. — We approached it and ad- dressed it. — On we went. — Pleasant had been our tarrying among these mountain dwellers of Saturn. — Brave in heart were they. — Homeward bound was the song that trembled on our lips. — Wisdom guided. — Reaching the ether sea we cast anchor. — The twin isles. — Thus were we both separated and united 2(!5 CHAPTER XXXI. Iloinoward bound — At home in sixth sphere. — Wo followed lh(> holy dwellers. — Our home was on the bank of llu' Lake of the Morn- ing. — Hymns of thanksgiving. — The Nazarenc "27 > CHAPTER XXXII. The council meet. — There fell over us a holy awe. — They had power to lead. — The sad strains of the harps. — We sought again our home by the Lake of tht^ Morning — Our heart breathed :i ]ir:iyer lliat thev niiuht be bk'ssod.— (ione earlh\vai\l.— In tiu- restimr CONTENTS. XIX PAGE. sphere ^Ye tarried. — They harangued the people. — We stooil face to face with all the bitterness. — We were working for a pur- pose. — In tliis home were many children, as there were several avenues for such.^The dwelling place was a tent, or several tents, and several wives in the circle of the several buildings. — An altar on which sacrifice offerings were made. — According to the records he was a godly man 282 CHAPTER XXXIII. It was well that yon, Eon, was given the duty. — I knew before T fell asleep. — You tarried in the tent with the dark-faced mother.— You gazed into the dark eyes of childhood. — A tiny maiden with dusky cheeks who had taken the place of Eona. — The spirit father and mother remained with you. — There came to another of my father's tents another little one who tvas a girl. — My father was a prophet. — I often watched his eyes. — My mother went to the land of immortals — Jealousy on the part of Zara's mother. — My mother was buried. — I heard a voice. — Words fell from my lips. — No one need undertake to prove that matter gives birth to mind or that mind gives birth to matter. — I believe them both to have ever existed 290 CHAPTER XXXIV. My father's handmaid had two sons. — The elder looked not upon me with pleasure. — This half-brother. — My father called for. — He bidding Zara and I not to wander from the tent also bade the elder son to care for the children. — The elder son told us he had found a tree of choice fruit in the forest not far away, and led us into the forest. — Hand in hand we followed him. — Our bi-otlier left us. — We wandered on and on. — The shadows tarried not. — The forest. — Darkness fell over us. — The breath of rare blooms. —Sleep closed the lids. — The lost children. — The lion. — The watchers. — There was a contest. — The lion came to our side. — There fell on our ears a voice. — Zara laid her hand on his head. — I saw by his side the flutter of a white robe and a hand of silvery radiance. — He crouched at our feet. — We placed ourselves on his back. — He landed us on the farther side of the stream. — We con- tinued our journey. — Coming towards us were two sti-angers. , 302 CHAPTER Xy"V. Eona's triumph — Out of the forest. — Tn the presence of the king's daughter. — Zara and Eona members of the king's household. — I go to the king. — Eona prophecies 322 XX CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVI. PAGE. " Eon, does your heart whisper the name? " — The kingbade me stand by him. — Eonii betrotlied to the king's son. — The messenger. — The assassin slain. — The marriage feast. — The king di-uuk. — .\. voice spoke. — The elder brother in disguise 3 19 CHAPTER XXXVII. Leaving the king's palace. — The guard overtakes us. — Traveling as a wandering tribe. — The king had been gathered unto his f atliers. — The elder son reigning. — His features were only part visible. — He disclosed to us his name. — With the addition of Azier we con- tinued our journey. — Fortune-tellers. — I lieard a voice — They took our horses 3.30 CHAPTER XXXVIII. I saw the approaching warriors. — I awaited the coming warriors. — " Listen, oh king, to the daughter of El Haban, the prophet." — " She is a witch." — " I will command the guard to slay thee." — " The woman that rides with thee seeks thy destruction." — We had no forebodings. — The moodiness of the king had jiassed away. — The walled city captured. — Eona and Zara meet their father. — Eond and Zara arrayed in silk and fine linen. — ]\Iariiage of Eona and Zara 373 CHAPTER XXXIX. Journeying towards the king's country. — The king builds a temple to the God of El Haban, the prophet. — A son is born unto Eona — Journey to the land of our future liome. — While tlius we dwelt another son was born to n)e. — .\zier chosen as lawgiver. — Sparks ofdeific light. . 386 CHAPTER XL. lUiilding of the temple. — The temple finished. — The two lions — They set out in a great company to visit us. — The Tower of Friend- ship. — Journey to the city of the king. — A tower to be built for the king's body. — The king gathered to his fathers. — Eond's daughter betrothed to the king's son. — El Haban gone tothe(iod of his fathers.— El llaban's b.xly .side by ^id(" x\illi the king.— Seance for Eond 3!l(i CHAPTER XLI. The king cometh to claim his betrothed. — Preparing the marriage feast. — All the people bi(hlen to the feast.— He who .sought our CONTENTS. XXI I'AGK. loved child was at the door. — T'lc arch of roses and the twelve maidens. — The garden. — The la.st day of the marriage feast. — The marriage service. — I wandered alone to the deserted garden. — I reached the bridal arbor. — A hand rested on my head. — I was conscious of the presence of one, and the one w'ord, " Eona," fell on the air. — Like a bird of song she passed from our liome. — A great crowd cometh to meet the king. Zair's child. — Zara greets her father in words of tender love. We recorded our names 407 CHAPTER XLII. Death of Eleon. — A nation of great power made war on the king. — They left the land. — Eicon's form placed in the tower. — 'I'he wor- ship of all gods forbidden by lav/ except the Spirit of good. — The prophecy. — " The land will be swallowed np by many waters." — These words have been fulfilled. — The land we then inhabited was known as Atlantis and lies beneath, the waves. — The death of Zara. — Death of Azier. — The youngest son elected to the position vacated by Azier 423 CHAPTER XLIII. Eond goes home to a higher sphere. — Eleon and Eond journey to tlis spheres. — Meeting Zara. — They reach Brier Hill i-3 CHAPTER XLIV. Eona at Brier Hill. — Meets her father. — Journey to higher heavens. — At Rose Garden. — Journey to higher spheres. — For one moment I held my breath — My heart told itself in one great cry of " Eon." — In the sixth sphere. — Eonti's reception 4-)") CHAPTER XLV. Reception at Crescent Cottage — Eona at Crescent. — A spirit orb to be born. — First sphere the prison-house of the undevelojied. — Eon and Eona in the Temple of Love 411: CHAPTER XLV.I. Laboring in the land we had just left — Prophecy fulfilled. — Atlantis swallowed up 4')2- CHAPTER XLVII. AVe welcomed the radiant stranger. — We embarked in the " Silver Sliell." — The ]\Iay jMountains. — In the shining path.— The City of the Morning surprised 4.36 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XLVIII. •AGK. The i-)eople of the Virgin Constellation. — The city of temples. — The City of Love. — The Virgin Constellation 401 CHAPTER XLIX. Tlie messengers leave the City of Love. — Tiieir mission to eartli. . . 4f)8 CHAPTER L. Eon and Eonsi besought Viy Wisdom and Pearl to visit Saturn. — They leave the May ISIountains. — Journey over the magnetic tides. — "Wisdom and Pearl welcomed to the higher heaven of Saturn. — "Wisdom and Pearl are led to their own places in the sacred circle of wisdom spiiits. — The home of "Wisdoni and Pearl in the City of Love 477 CHAPTER LI. Journey to the Planet of Peace. — The iuliabitants. — Their homes and customs . 48.") CHAPTER LII. On the magnetic tide in search of new planets. — The planet of a com- mon brotherhood. — The Industrial Temple. — 'J'he Hall of Sci- ence. — The Astronomical Ilall 493 CHAPTER LIII.. The homes of the inhabitaiits. — A materializing seance. — Eona's at- tempt. — The planet of advanced thought. — The power of spirit over matter. — Their worship. — Marriage oO-'J CHAPTER LIV. Tlie moss-covered planet of advanced thought — The last seance. — J^ikenesses of the band. — Outward l\ound. — P]on and Eond on the magnetic tides. — On Saturn. — On the magnetic tides in search of new wonders. — A planet found. — Tlie inhabitants small beings. — Strange customs. — ^VLany of these little people have incarnated on our earth. — AVe leave the planet — The dual bridal party. — Through the realms of the unseen 5l;{ CHAPTER LV. Again with Pearl and Wisdom on the shining tides. — Homeward bound. — Home again at the Crescent. — .\11 things remained as we left them. — A call from the Temple of Wisdom. — Tlie work- ers assend)le 525 CONTENTS. XXIU CHAPTER LVI. PAGE. Tlie workers with the soul mates embark on a floating island for the new world. — Description of tlie island — The isle of beauty. — The home island finds its abiding place. — The workers visit the child-world 531 CHAPTER LVII. The planet Pearl. — Constellation of brothers and sisters. — The plan- et's first robes. — Growth of the spirit realm — An island of light. Saidie and her soul mate. — Saidie's bower. — The Sea of Silence. 5'>8 CHAPTER LVIII. Eon and Eona with those who are to return to their own spirit realms. — A fleet of white-sailed boats floated from the shore. — Saidie sends a soul telegram to the Temple of Wisdom. — In the Temple of Wisdom in the sixth sphere. — Delegation of spirits fi'om planet Harmona. — Going home to Crescent Cottage. — At Crescent Cottage found friends from the planet of advanced thought. — Pure spirits. — Little children. — Messengers 548 CHAPTER LIX. Deific children. — Had mind and matter not wedded. — Journey to the Temple of AVisdom in the seventh sphere. — Saidie meets and blesses us. — Home again. — Wisdom fathers and mothers. . . 558 CHAPTER LX. The wisdom mother visits us at the Crescent. — Eon and Eona go earth- ■ward. — Cottage in third sphere. — Wandering on earth-land. — In the Temple of Wisdom in third sphere. — In the Temple of Wis- dom in the sixth sphere. — Before the altar of consecration. — All sought their homes. — Saidie comes to our home at the Crescent. The sun angel order to be formed in earth life 5(55 CHAPTER LXI. The mates' homes in third sphere. — Eond occupies the old-time home. — The mates meet in the temple in third sphere. — In the missionary field in second sphere. — The second sphere not power to sustain an endless existence. — Unconscious incarnation. — Se- cret societies in second sphere 575 CHAPTER LXII. " I will weave for you a crown." — The grand reunion of the messen- gers of the 19th century.— The Memorial Hall.— The New Jeru- V CONTENTS. PAGE saleni.of the soul mates. — The summons to appear at the temple. — The departure. — At the. temple. — The mates' departm-e for the sixth sphere. — I stood alone iu tlie Home Cresccnit 581 CHAPTER LXIII. The leaven of eartli-land. — The skull-decorated hall. — The heathen. — The centers of light. — Woman queen of the realm. — The power . of the world. — Society of women in second sphere. — Silent help- ers. — Prayer. — Closet of prayer. — Holy deeds — There came to me a messenger. — The trail of the pale face. — I stood by the ob- ject of my search 587 CHAPTER LXIV. People of the second sphere. — All grades of intellect. — Indian maid- ens and stalwart braves. — Ancient Indians. — A noble band in seventh sphere — Rivers of Water. — Robed in scarlet. — The In- dians as a race. — Happy hunting grounds. — Spirit orb — Wise and tender of heart. — VVorshipers of the (Jreat Spirit. — Their history in the better land. — They offered only kindness. — The record of the white man — Fire-water and lies. — The border land. — The great council 599 CHAPTER LXV. The shadow of the order. — The positive force. — " You are as the north star." — The magnet Temple of Wisdom in fourth sphere. — Plans for materialization of forms — " Go up liigher," — I bless the silvery hair. — Thought waves. — Border hills of the sixth sphere. — Saidie. — Matehood — In the Valley of Palms. — Wise spirits. — Saidie — Wi.sdoni messengers 612 CHAPTER LXVI. Our love too great to lead our loved ones. — They are called captains. — A great banquet. — They object to being led. — Slavery. — " I stood by your side." — Undeveloped conditions. — Land ho ! — Loyal sons and daughters. — Lond-voiced superannuated clergy. — Tlie a]> pearance of the second sphere. — Workers recalled from the iifth sphere. — Positive raps greeted the ear. — \ delegation taken to planet of advanced thought. — Materialized forms. — The greatest license to wrong. — Twin sparks. — Soul mates. — The wedding bells. — Only messengers are conscious of soul mates. — Duals. . . 018 CONTENTS. CHAPTER LXVII. Uniting of the soui mates. — Mouiituins reared by ignorance. — Ripples from the pebbles of truth. — Joini tlie Baptist. — Two birds with the same stone. — The scarecrow to be put down. — Opened the door of their souls. — Saidie's special field. — Orientals' order of the high heavens. — Materialization. — A fact loud-voiced. — Rare pebbles of beauty and wisdom. — Journey to the trysting place of the immortals — At last I stood before you and side by side with the Eon of my soul. — Parthig the curtains. — The earth tem- ple of light. — We shall w^ork side by side. — Zuleme's returned warrior 637 CHAPTER I. EoNA greets her soul-mate with a twofold blessing, the import of which he will understand, as the pictures drawn by Eona's words unfold, one by one, with all the fullness possible, in consideration that earth and earthly surround- ings enforce with a power positive on spirit and inortal; and these enforced conditions make the margin whereon those not approaching, nor entering into the fullness that is theirs to receive, within the bounds of materializations, make their unintelligent and unintelligible criticisms, which are as the idle wind, only as they scatter the blinding dust of earth in eyes not yet strong and keen enough to peer be- yond the fog of false conceptions which of necessity have been the stepping-stones to the fullness of truth, which is the redeeming power of the ages, and has yet to roll from the sepulcher of ignorance the stone placed and held there by principalities and priestly power. PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS. Eona will gather from the past gems of actual knowledge with which to bless the present life of Eon; knowing it is that for which he hungers. In an age that reaches farther back than Eona can mention with mathematical exactness, Eon and Eona dwelt together as individualized souls, clothed with materiality such as the earth could then fur- nish. Our home was in the land where the blue skies whis- pered ever of summer. AVe lived on fruits that grew for the inhabitants of eartli, and roots that were found in abundance. Our home was the broad, green earth, our cottage roof the palm tree's kindly shade, our drink the crystal drops that refreshed and left the brain cool, our cups were shells, our knives the bones of animals made shapely by various devices, our table a friendly stone, our boats limbs of trees bound together with withy branches. 2 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, Thus we lived and worshiped the spirit of nature, and were conscious of higher beings with superior intelligence, that at times came to us with instructions. They gave to us a lan- guage that then seemed full of meaning, and they uttered many prophecies concerning the future ages, that to our undeveloped spirit vision seemed too far off for us to form any conception; prophecies that lighted up the future with civilization that was to follow until the earth was covered with cities, the meaning of which we were then scarcely able to understand; at length we were taught to make for ourselves a tent, which was made from the bark of trees and built around a flat stone, which we used as a table. It held only the rude implements that we found necessary to our simple mode of living. From this tent we often wan- dered, visiting other inhabitants who dwelt in the same land, that in our ignorance was to us the whole wide world, and each time in returning, our most humble home grew dearer, until we came to look upon it as an Eden of peace. Thus time went by uncounted, until one evening as the sun passed from sight, a strange rumbling that we had never before heard, greeted our ears; the earth moved, the trees bowed low, the winding stream in sight of our tent disap- peared, and Eon and Eona, all unconscious of what was occurring, suddenly became inhabitants of a land when^ materialized forms such as we had known and possessed were not worn; this was surprising to us, when we came to comprehend the fact, which was not until it was explained by the inhabitants of this new world. Here we tarried long, the years remaining uncounted. Here we learned the power of impressing other brains, and became in a measure messengers to different races that we learned then inhab- ited different portions of the earth. This, in fact, formed to us the first grand epoch in existence and experience as indi- vidualized dual souls that had reached a point in progres- sion where actual ideas were grasped and retained as real soul possessions, from which we could date our rapid acquirement of knowledge and medial unfoldmcnt. Not that we had not previously existed, but, at the time of which T write, our front brain had developed, tlirougli the marriage IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 1} of mind and matter, wliere I might call intellectuality set its first grand landmark. In this land to which we had without warning and all unconsciously gone, we learned much and studied faithfully to understand, for it was im- pressed on our brains that we were to be especially en- dowed for what we then knew not. We learned to con- struct from wood and stone, and were made to understand the fact that gold and silver existed in the earth's formation, and w^ere taught how to seek it, and for what purpose to use it. We were also taught to form implements of labor and warfare, as both in those days were necessary. Our language was increased in power and significance, and we were taught to form characters that would express ideas, yet we gave no thought to the meaning of this progression, knowing not that we were rapidly approaching another chapter where all our acquired powers would be brought into use. CHAPTER II. EoNA comes with greetings that quicken the fires on the inner altar. All these years or ages of which I now write, we were dwellers of the spirit sphere that makes a home for the children of the earth plane, when their spiritual nature has not yet developed to that point where they reach out beyond the earth bounds; nevertheless we felt almost as gods through the knowledge that had been added to our hitherto meager store; our feet had rested on the rock, our spiritual natures had been quickened, and henceforth our pathway lay towards the mountain peaks of wisdom that were towering in tlie misty distance. In this sphere of which I write, we lived much as we did before our forms were taken from us, and we were scarcely conscious of any change, so real to us were our bodies, only as we moved and mingled unnoticed among the dwellers of earth, and we even then were frequently observed by them, though if we chose we were fully able to make ourselves invisible. At stated intervals, beings of such wondrous beauty that 4 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, we were almost struck dumb came to us, giving us infor- mation concerning another sphere beyond tiie earth belt in which we had found a home; and we were bidden to think of it and to prepare oui^selves for a journey to that sphere, which we were assured we were sometime to visit, as a pref- ace to a great change, the import and design of which we could not understand, neither did we care to fold our tent and cease to abide in the land wherein we had found home, peace, and plenty; all this was because we were uncon- scious of the expansive power that was the indisputable birthright of the immortal to which we then gave but little heed. These beings of whom I write sought to instruct us concerning the fixed laws of attraction and gravitation that overcome forces, that we might gain the ascendanc}', mak- ing them subservient to our will preparatory to the journey which, they continued to impress upon us, would be another great epoch in our life as souls whose necessity and power it was to mark at stated intervals their names on the towers of time, before they could join the grand anthem with those who through progression and unfoldment have become a law unto all matter. At last the messengers came to us, saying the time had come for us to follow them, and with a feeling that the earth was again to swallow us we attempted to obey, but our feet were chained and we could in no way free ourselves, which was in part due to the dread and fear as to what was to be the final result, and, half unconscious, we were bidden to place our hands in the hands of the messengers, whose clothing as compared to ours was like the first rays of the morning sun. Obeying, we were conscious of slowly rising from the earth belt, yet with a frightened feeling as though some power unseen waited to crush us out of existence; as we passed beyond the power of this belt to attract so powerfully we grew calmer and more trustful, being constantly assured by the kindly looks of the mes- sengers, who spoke no words. Our feet at last rested on what to us seemed as land, over which we walked as easily as though we were inhabitants of earth. In the distance we saw hills or mountains towards which lh> IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. O messengers pointed, and towards which we walked. We were awed by the grandeur and beauty that everywhere greeted us, and in its perfectness seemed to have always existed, and so imperfect and undeveloped were our con- ceptions of this rhythmic harmony that in itself constitutes the music of the spheres that we would have turned our steps earthward and fled as from the face of Deity; but we were in another world, and knew not the earthward path. In our overpowering emotions we clung still closer together, feeling the cord of love that bound us grow brighter and stronger as though we were alone in the boundless universe. The messengers seeing us thus overpowered, for the first time spoke, and their words fell on our ears like the softest,, sweetest music. We approached what we in our limited experience called a tent: we could not discern of what it was constructed, and only saw that it was overgrown with a fine-leafed vine, and bore fruit in the form of small, red berries. Here the messengers bade us rest. We entered and were sur- prised to hear a blending of sounds that were repeated again and again in echoes until the whole completed the raresc music of which we had ever conceived; yet no- where could w^e discern the harpers if perhaps there were. In th's vine-grown lodge were beds of sweet-scented moss on which we cast ourselves, overcome by the rapidly chang- ing scenes through which we had passed, and feeling our souls sink to almost nothingness in viewing the wondrous and inexpressible beauty that everywhere surrounded us. and so powerless were we to comprehend it that we longed for an unconsciousness that could know no waking. For hours uncounted we thus rested, and when we again opened oih- eyes on this new world of unthought-of, un- dreamed-of beauty, we felt that we were not the same be- ings who longing for an unconscious existence, as matter devoid of mind, buried our faces in the sweet-scented moss beds. What the change was we were unable to under- stand, yet each looking into the eyes of the other, saw there a new-born beauty, peace, and love, a new-born conscious- ness and purpose, a something redeemed from the bondage G EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, of an earthly law; and we were ready to turn our eyes to- wards the mountains that still towered in the distance. Side by side, and hand in hand, we again followed the messengers, the path at each step growing more beautiful, being overgrown with bursting buds and full-grown blos- soms over which we almost feared to tread lest we should crush them, but we noticed they only gave out their rare perfume as our feet pressed them, and again lifted their bright faces to others who might follow. As we neared the base of the mountain we for the first time became conscious that our clothing, with which we had robed ourselves as we left the earth sphere, had become entirely changed. How or when we knew not; but it was radiant like the clothing of our companions, and when they saw our look of astonish- ment they smiled. The smile was the soul's language, and we intuitively understood what words were not needed to explain. At the base of the mountain we again rested; not this time the rest of unconsciousness, but with our eager eyes feasting on the beauties of this sunlit land. Fruits of which the world was ignorant were brought to us, and for the first time since the beginning of our journey we re- freshed ourselves. Again, with feelings that we had through our added bap- tismal power grown to broader conceptions and deeper capa- bilities, we waited for the appearance of our guides, whose voices would be the signal for our ascent up the winding path that v/ould lead us whither we knew not. for we could form no conception of what lay beyond the mountain's top, and we presumed not to ask questions of our guides, for whom we now waited in vain, for nowhere could we behold them. With a great fear in our hearts that told itself not in words, we looked into each other's eyes for hope and con- solation. At last, standing with hands clasped, with a feel- ing that nothing should separate us. we were conscious of music somewhere, such as only angels could create or com- ])rehend, and lifting our eyes, in which hope had grown dim, we saw near the top of the mountain what seemed to be a soft white cloud, tinted with amber and rose. From the cloud we heard voices mingling with the music and seem- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 7 ing- a part of it, that cried in unison, *' Come up higher, come up higher." We were conscious that this was meant for us by the longing response it awoke in our souls to be one of the multitude we felt must be congregated beyond the tinted cloud. Accordingly, with hands still clasped, we began the ascent of the beautiful mountain we afterward learned was called the Mountain of Peace, because all who climb it take unto themselves an added peace, which proves in the future of every soul an impenetrable armor. The path we followed led us under arch after arch, whose down-sweeping vines of tender green touched us lovingly, caressingly, as though consciously welcoming us to this new world of unfading beauty; springs gushed from the mountain-side, every crys- tal drop making music as it fell in the heart of upturned flowers, or washed again and again the many tinted shells that here and there added to the beauty that at every step was deepened and intensified. Here and there fountains played in the soft light that fell as though blessing every animate and inanimate object with its benediction of love and peace, while blending with the visible and invisible came the softest, sweetest music, which rested on our sus- ceptible souls as the tender echoes of angel thoughts floating earthward to awaken pure desires and motives in the hearts of earth's children. Oh! Eon, as I retrace the past through the winding laby- rinths of time, over the bridges of incarnations, away back to when we stood hand in hand on the Mountain of Peace, gazing afar off with eager eyes and longing hearts, I can feel your warm breath on my cheek and the • same tender clasp of your hand as then, until I feel that I must awaken in your heart full memory of what followed, the one grand hour of consecration that breathes in my soul this moment the same holy fire kindled so long ago; but this I cannot yet do, and will gladly take up once more the thread dropped for a moment beneath the waves of tenderness that come sweeping over me from those far-off shores, where stand the landmarks we planted, and which together w^e will sometime revisit. With a feeling of holy peace and perfect trust we con- 8 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, tinued our journey; the air became laden with a rare fra- grance that in itself was food and refreshed us at every step. As we neared the top of the mountain the path took a sud- den turn that brought us face to face with beings whose clothing looked as though it were made from woven sun- light, while their brows were banded with rainbows in which were set groups of stars. This was so far beyond our grandest conceptions that we cast ourselves at their feet as though they were gods. We were bidden to arise, which we did with a feeling that we could never look upon their radiant beauty; standing before them, hand in hand, as we had come^to feel was to u« a necessity, we felt falling over us a soft spray that made melody in the air as it fell, yet it left on our clothes no vestige of dampness. This con- tinued for some time, when we raised our downcast eyes and beheld our own garments shining and beautiful. We then became less overcome, and each rejoiced at the new and wondrous beauty that shone over and became a part of the other. Then there came to us two beings of ethereal beauty, bearing crown-like wreaths^ which they placed on our heads, and as a grander gush of music breathed on the spice-laden air, we were led by them, while the others fol- lowed two by two, over a wondrous bridge, formed of shells and beautiful gems, with beams that appeared like gold. 'Neath arch after arch we passed until we stood spell-bound before a temple called the Temple of Love. Here again tliere fell over us a gentle mist, filling the air around us with an aroma so exquisite we felt that an embodied Deity must ap- pear, but instead we were led into this temple, in the center of which was an altar. The nnisic that here fell on our ears awakened in our hearts a tenderness we knew not wns there, and a new love that will stand the test of the untold cycles was then fully born. We were led to the altar, when one wliom we at first thought was God approached us, and, while wave after wave of music rose and fell on the per- fumed air, united our hands, while again the gentle spray fell on us, and over us bent the tinted star-gemmed arch which is tlie marriage ring of the soul, while the voice of IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 9 an angel said: "Twin souls of the eternities. Eon and Eona, whose birthplace is recorded in Deity, and whose birth- right the untold eternities wait to lay at your feet, from this hour you are messengers of light to earth's children; at stated times you must go earthward, and at stated times return, bringing to the altars of your souls your own golden sheaves." Our hearts were now fully awakened, and we felt the holy benedictions of Deity fall upon our wedded souls; felt the mighty upspringing of thought and purpose that waited to weave its ultimates in the earth's untold histories. Gazing into each other's eyes we knew this was our first marriage ceremony; knew it would hold unbroken through the ebb and flow of the tides of time that must bear us here and there; knew we would again and again before this same altar stand face to face, and reutter our marriage vows, each time bringing an added wealth of love and experience as the well-earned trophies of our earth pilgrimage. With all this knowledge quickened within us, our wedded souls found expression of deepest joy, and we lifted our voices in songs of sacred peace. CHAPTER III. Here in this sphere we tarried, the dove of perfect peace brooding over our wedded souls; tarried until our natures broadened and deepened through constant contact with the active, developing powers which in this home of the soul surrounded us; tarried until seed sown by angel hands in our hearts bore leaf and bud, until we longed to put our hands to the work, yearning for the discipline that would make us a law unto all matter, since through matter alone could we ever reach the longed-for goal. Though peering blindly through the far-off mists of time, with its untold possibilities, we turned our steps to the Temple of Wisdom, 'neath whose sunlit dome the councils met to concentrate positive force; met to weave mesh after mesh in the varied net- work of possibilities and certainties that were to become 10 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, the rendecl possessions of earth and earth's children in the hidden to be ; met to note the silent workings and con- suinniations of law, that to them was as clear as the cloudless morning dawn on the mountain tops, and resulted ever in untold good to dwellers of earth, as well as to spirits who found their homes and employment in earth belt. In the Temple of Wisdom we found we were expected and preparations had been made for our reception. ' Our place was assigned us, and with hearts hungering after knowledge which is the fadeless wealth of the soul, we became recep- tive to principles that form the base of all unfoldments. We labf)red in the chemical laboratory until we could form solid substances from invisible gases and again resolve them and mix them with the boundless elements, whicJi in one sense means creating a world, and in understanding the same. Thus we comprehended what it was to be master of creative force ; and to the understanding of every fact comes a positive application of the same, which to us was full of meaning, and we understood, without a doubt, we were to verify in actual experience the.knowledge that was ours, before the seal of the angel could be placed thereon. We had been instructed, while yet dwellers in the Temple of Love, as to the positive necessity of repeated in- carnations as the only avenue through which could come the needed unfoldment to round out the soul, until it shone within the radius of its own light, a full-orbed angel. Ac- cepting this principle, as we did, to be a fact, we yet shrunk from its application, and it was long before we felt that we could become subject to this existing law, and not until we with repeated force realized ourselves as fixtures, and as such incapable of reaching out farther to grasp the unfad- ing wealth of the unseen, did we fully waken to the truth. But when fully aroused we took up the work that lay before us, the work that must be consummated before we could place one more star in the crown of our soul's possibilities. On the altar of love, which is selfish until it deify itself, we made our first sacrifice and began another chapter in the records of time that holds the unseen volumes of every individual- ized soul, and will sometime rc^tnrn the same to (>acli owner IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERESi 11 with his own finger-marks on each page, with his own notes on the margin. It was now decided that unto you fell the act of incarnation, and unto me the position of silent yet active sentinel, whose duty was to weave the shining threads of harmony that your soul through them might vibrate to the same strains of celestial melody that wakened in my being its highest and purest conceptions. Preparations for this new chapter were soon under consid- eration, and well I remember the sad, httlf wistful look, in your earnest eyes, as you wiped from mine the tears tliat hung an uncertain misty veil, through which I smiled my full approval of all that was to foUow,^ though I felt as if I were standing by the new-mado grave of the one I most loved and hatl longest trusted. I knew how much I would yearn for one glimpse of you as you then were, through the open door that would swing on its hinges many and many a year before through it you would return to me with one more radiant star to place in my crown. Two celestial beings had taken upon themselves the duty of finding for your incarnation the place and surroundings most desirable, and they called themselves for the time your spirit father and mother, and as such showed me their tenderest sym- pathy and strong assurance. At last, all points being fully tested, we with the spirit father and mother turned our faces earthward, passing on our way many familiar places, yet looking not back to the domes and spires of the land wherein we had dwelt so long, the land 'neath whose fadeless sky stood the Temple of Love, at whose altar a breath Deific had breathed into our souls a conscious oneness that was there recorded, and towards which the finger of time would ever point; this one part was the sunlight of our souls that shed its silvery light over all future possibilities. It was to us the milky way set with groups of stars, over which the God of our souls had written hope and love. As we neared the earth we saw and felt the wonderful change that was in the earth's covering. Fields of waving grass met our gaze where we expected trees, and homes, such as were not known to us, were here and there visible. 12 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, We wondered happily at the change the counted centuries had wrought, and were delighted with the ocean view, and gazed on the great blue undulations that looked as though the hand of Deity was rocking it to sleep, while the rocks and cliffs echoed and reechoed its cradle lullaby. As we at last touched the earth we found we were near one of the many homes that had attracted us at a distance by their restful look. Nearing the one pointed out to us by our angel companions we approached it, taking in at every step the pleasant surroundings. The house seemed constructed of rough stones made compact with some kind of cement in a way I did not comprehend. At one end a heavy flowering vine clambered, nearly covering it, and reached out its green arms over the low door- way, dropping down clusters of blossoms, and in that way reminding me of the vine- grown lodge wherein we rested on our way to the city of light, and I wondered much if such similarities in earth-life could not occur. Entering the pleasant, humble home, over which shone the noon-time sun, we saw, sittihg before a small, square table whereon no cloth was spread, a man and woman eat- ing from dishes of wood and with wooden spoons, milk in which bread or something resembling it and of a dark color was broken. The surface of the earth had so changed since the time of which I write, that it is difficult to locate the country wherein this house was found, still, if I were to point out the idealized place, I should say it was in the northern part of Scotland. It was summer-time, and sum- mer also in the hearts of the occupants of this little home ; this, the harmony, betokened a harmony that was the out- growth of pure, patient, trusting hearts, looking forward in holy peace to still brigliter days. Here we found our field of labor; here the angel compan- ions who had brought us hither left you to fall asleej) and awaken again with baby eyes, gazing timidly on the green earth you would learn to love; left me to watch while you thus slumbered and woke, though I each day returned for a little time to the Temple of Wisdom, You slept, but oh. how I missed you! but, witli inspiration from my home ce- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 13 lestial, I spanned by the eye of faith the great chasm time and the needed circumstances of time were building; spanned it with the bridges over which I knew you would sometime walk with me to the holy Temple of Love, where my hands would bind your brow with the well-earned laurels gathered in earth-life to be worn in angel land. Thus the days and weeks told themselves again and again, until the early spring, with breathings half tender, half cruel, came as the harbinger of bird and bloom, and marked on the shores of time the hour and place where one more wave from the sea of life reached the rugged shores of earth. The low sob of a little child was heard in the humble home, waking in the mother's heart a depth of love never before known, and touching the father's inmost soul as with refining fire from off the altar. "My wee bonnie bairn," the father said, as he smoothed the soft, silken hair and held in his the tiny, dimpled hands, while I w^atched the bright- eyed little being with a feeling of awe and wonder, never for one moment losing sight of the far-off future where would fade the last sunset of earth to light the eternal hills bordering the land celestial, where with hands clasped we would again stand face to face. I felt almost impatient to loop back the curtain of time, but no, 'twould fold itself when the drama was ended, and I patiently took up the mis- sion that was mine, and only mine, the mission of unselfish love. One by one the shining sands w^ere mingled in the hour- glass of time, until the full born summer spoke itself in the peace-giving skies of blue, and the harmonies of nature breathed the buds on hill and plain to perfect bloom. Then came the time when the father and mother of the form you then inhabited, according to the customs of the age and creed, held one solemn week of prayer and fasting, that ended in a consecration of their bright-eyed bairn; the cere- monies taking place in the presence of the few with whom they held rare communications, on account of the great dis- tance from them, and the limited facilities of getting to them. On foot came the queerly dressed few, bringing with them gifts of the most beautiful skins from animals 14 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, that then found their homes in the forest world. When all was ready, a man liolding the position similar to that of priest at the present day, took from the mother's arms the little one whose wide open eyes showed the wonder therein hid, and walking side by side with the father and mother, and followed by the strange looking few, sought a spring of ever running water; and after a season of singing, that like all else at that time partook of the primitive, followed by solemnly spoken words from the seeming priest, you were held under the jet of water that sprang from the rock, before joining the Avarbling brook. This was supposed to be all powerful in washing from your heart all disposition to wander from the path wherein your father and mother were then w^alking. This completed, all returned to the lit- tle home, and seating you on a higli cushion made from piling up the soft furs that had been brought you as conse- crating gifts, crowned you with green leaves; then forming a circle marched around you, each one pressing into your baby hands a string of wooden beads colored from the red juice of berries. Thus ended the ceremonies, which were followed by a rare feast, consisting of wild meat cooked out of doors by holding bits of the raw substance on sharj) sticks over a fire, the dark looking food before alluded to as something approaching bread, and coarse fruits that earth does not now produce. Among the little crowd I moved, feeling like a spirit dis- inherited and cast out to wander on the earth shores among barbarians until some angel could and would plead for my return. It may seem strange that proceedings so simple as those mentioned could cast over me the slightest mist; but I had not 3'et learned what incarnation meant, and had I held the power at that moment to have recalled the wave of time that bore me to sii^ch strange shores sur- rounded by such uncouth proceedings, I would with one wave of my hand have beckoned it back: but no, I was neither at the top of the ladder, nor at the bottom, neither could nor would I leave you to complete your journey un- attended by my presence, and to rrty soul there was born this truth, that through vour incarnation and the incidents r IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 15 that as a natural consequence followed it until the spirit again freed itself, I was, to become the recipient of your earth lessons, wisdom, hatred, genius, aye, in all the possi- hilities of your soul I was, and would continue to be through endless ages, the partner to whom fell my equal share. This was the first lesson your incarnation taught me, and through all the days that have dawned and nights that have dimmed since then, it has been a landmark towards which my longing heart has turned for reuttered assurance, that to the foot-sore pilgrim up the heights of time comes like the low amen to angels' prayers. Since then I have learned that matter has, and holds as its own legitimate right, power to govern and make positive impressions on whatever it holds in its embrace; and through those impressions the spirit held by it must build its own bridges, pave its own highway, back again through matter to the home positive of the soul, before it is superior to matter; and not until it is superior to matter has it earned its heirship to a position of godlike power in the sun center. It can and does exist there prior to its baptism in matter, because of its purity and immortality, but as a wis- dom father or mother of the innumerable worlds that find their centers in unlimited space, it has no conception, can have none, until it lowers its position as babe deific and weds itself to matter, and through matter again fights its own way back to the very tops of the eternal hills, where the love of the Infinite greets it in every breath that blows, in every bud that blooms. It is then it has fully deified itself and becomes the masterful power that can watch the birth of new worlds and attend in their unfoldment. All this is true of every soul that, with its mate, has been cast from the central sun. And this is why incarnation like a' loving, coaxing mother holds her hands forth, showing therein the radiant possibilities that diamond-like flash back the hidden rays of truth; and had it not been for in- carnation, the ever-existing saviour of mankind, all spirits would to-day be as babes and still inhabitants of the central spheres, with their possibilities yet undeveloped. But it was not the special province of Deity to establish a nursery ]G EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EOX AND EOXA, and forever watch over tender babes, finding supreme con- tent in their glorified smiies. There were innumerable worlds to be born and inhabited, and matter, which is the dual mate of Deity, had its own rights, could and did make its own demands. Thus every new world that has been born in space, and unfolded until it could make and hold an atmosphere that could support life, has attracted to it these tender immortals, folding them closely in its em- brace; hushed them to sleep on its bosom, and then wakened them and thus started them on their long journey over hill, valley, and plain, with their faces ever turned towards their Father's house. No matter how far at times they may seem in the false judgments of the world to stray, the voice of the Father calls them, and through the winding paths that \ie before them, over which they must pass, they are ever hastening homeward, where for every soul ciwaits the crown their brows could never wear, could they not prove their undoubted right to every star therein set, by the vic- tories won through wedding with matter. My digressive steps I retrace and once more take up the single cord on which is strung, one after another, the points historical towards which for years you have turned your longing eyes, in each glance asking in the soul's language for a solution of the past that to you is hidden, because of the different houses in which the soul has dwelt; some facing to the north, some to the south, some to the east, and some to the west, the deeds of which are recorded in the lands of souls, with exact date and references, to which is attached t]\e seal of the great architect law. Through the ever busy loom of time the passing years were woven, each bearing a color of its own, subdued or radiant, made by the power of circumstances, whose well-known prov- ince it is to tint and retouch until there is a harmonious blending of the whole: here a thread of sober gray, run- ning parallel with a thread of crimson, the blending add- ing beauty to each that otherwise could not have existed. With the added years come their demands, burthens, re- sponsibilities, while there was developed in your nature a willingness and power to meet and bear them. — ever IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 17 thoughtful, ever wondering what the world of matter held beyond the reach of human ken, why man existed, and how God sustained a positive relation to all things visi- ble and invisible. TJirough all your questions that were in themselves positive proofs that you had lived elsewhere, I tried to breathe into your wondering soul a sweet remem- brance of the peaceful past, and only as the hours of ap- proaching sleep were blended with the hours of conscious- ness, waking the twilight of memory, did I succeed, and then only for a moment, for as the spires of the sunlit shone through the mists of earth, you either wakened sud- denly, wondering at what you called strange dreams, or, wandering still farther in dreamland, met me with out- stretched hands, and followed me back to the shores of the soul's sweet home, drinking in thoughts progressive that made you seem in your earth home a strange child; or on whom your earth parents thought had fallen an especial light from Deity, until they ceased to chastise, fearing oth- erwise they might provoke to anger the God in whom with holy reverence they trusted. Thus you grew to the undisputed rights of manhood; while I, through the positive oneness that is the birthright of each mate, learned, through your incarnation, the same lessons; that is, the results of law forced themselves on you unasked, unsought. In your earth discipline I fully partici- pated, sowing and reaping from the same field the harvests of joy or sorrow, else I could not keep pace with you in your experience lessons in matter. From the depth of each at- tribute up through matter to the highest round of the same, must and did I walk by your side, until I, too, at times almost forgot the life to which I then belonged, in the atmosphere of earth; nevertheless I made frequent returns to the peaceful abode that so long had been our home, and in thus doing kept ever in the soul's light-house the lamp filled and burning, knowing sometime the fogs of life would thicken and enshroud you, and on the rock-bound shores of time your life-boat might lie wrecked unless the lamp of untiring love sent ever over the waters its assuring gleams. 18 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, As your perceptive powers unfolded and quickened, j'ou were drawn closely to nature, until in your intimac}^ with hill and vale you became naturally en rapport with the heal- ing power of the vegetable world, and with this knowledge came as its companion the power of application which made you seem in the eyes of your family an oracle of wisdom. Many and many a time in that long, long ago when in ex- periences through matter we were both as little children, have I walked by your side, over hills, through forests and valleys, the blue sky above, the green earth beneath, and the breath of the Infinite speaking blessings to the animate and inanimate world; and often when through weariness you have thrown yourself to rest on the warm earth, have I touched the half-closed lids, thus opening, through the power of harmony that existed between you and nature, a world that you defined as the realm of faiicy and that you imag- ined was peopled by objects and beings of your own creation — a world bordering, in peace and beauty, the fair land of dreams, while in fact it was but a subdued glimpse of the path that led up and away, the path over which years be- fore in your earthward journey your spirit feet had passed, consequently the nearest to you and the first to be seen when the shadows of time waved back, letting in the peace- giving visions of the home from which for a time and purpose you had wandered. It was in one of these long rambles and communings with nature that the twilight fell before you were aware of its rapid approach. The night held no moon, and, through your anxiety to reach a well-known path that you could follow at any hour, you lost your hold of harmony and I could have no power over you to impress you, consequently could do nothing but follow your wandering steps that each moment led you farther and farther from home, farther and farther into the heart of the great forest. I walked closely by your side like a dim shadow, holding myself in harmony with myself and with the elements, that I might disarm of their ferocity the beasts of prey that under cover of dark- ness make their devastating rounds, as you went through the darkness for hours, till at last, through the night and IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 19 the depths of the forest, shone one little ray like the gleam of an infant star. Hastening towards it you at last approached what might be called a small hut, and craved admittance, which was granted without questionings and without delay. The one room of which the dwelling consisted was high enough to admit of your standing erect. The walls were hung with beautiful skins, so that no portion of them was visible. Near the one opening in the side of the hut, serving for a window, stood what was intended for and used as a table; several stools also served as furniture. Here dwelt an old man, whose long white hair and beard gave evidence of not having been cut in many years, as they fell in wavy white- ness, making a strong contrast with the keen looking, al- most black eyes peering from beneath projecting brows. What clothing he wore was made entirely from skins; on his feet were sandals, and his only ornament, a heavy ring, in which were set some precious stones. His only com- panion was a fair-browed maiden, with long black hair and tender eyes. Her clothing, like the vestments of the an- cient - looking being with whom she dwelt, was also of skins, brightened here and there with the gay plumage that at some time had been owned by swift-winged birds. The long beak of a bird also held back her hair, and with it were fastened several plumy feathers. With the swift, wild movements of an Indian maiden, she turned, taking from the walls several of the softest skins, and, placing them smoothly on the ground, beckoned you to rest, which, after the long ramble reaching far into the night, was to your wearied form exceedingly welcome, and you were soon forgetful of the night and its wanderings — forgetful of the little hut and its strange occupants, in the peace and rest-giving sleep that followed unbroken until the sun tinted sky and cloud-land, but pressed not into the heart of the forest. After partaking of the continued hospitality of your strangely found friends, you learned somewhat of their history. The white-haired man. in some country he did not name, had been a dweller in a Holy Temple, standing 20 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, before the people as an emblem of purity; but there had committed a great wrong, the import of which you did not learn, as minute explanations were avoided. In this un- named country there was no law for the execution of one who had held the position that he had both honored and dishon- ored; accordingly there was held a private council, which ended in deciding that he must, unbeknown to all others, leave his holy order, his home, his country, his all, which he did in disguise under cover of night, taking with him the sweet maiden, who was then but a little child, left in his care by a dear friend, whose death left the little child without parental care, her mother having previously departed to the land of souls. The mother at one time, when quite young, had been betrothed to the white-haired hermit, but as time passed she met and loved more deeply the one whom she married, which turned the life-bark of the betrothed, and, feeling the beauty and joy flown from life, as fades at times the fairest of newborn morns, he turned his thoughts within and found there the God of his own soul, and determined ever after to keep on that altar the sacrifice of self. Thus was a part of his life mapped out to you; here a country of peace, there a winding river of sorrow, in which at last was found a whirlpool, which resulted as before expressed in a midnight escape from his own country. Remembering his promise made to the child's father, as his eyes caught a glimpse of the spires of his father land, he took with him the little one, who had been his only companion during the years of his isolation. The ship that bore him from the land of his birth left him on strange, wild shores, where he built or constructed tlie rude abode in which he then dwelt: and as every even-tide wove its net-work of shadows, he lighted a rude lamp and placed it where star-like it gleamed, one ray of hope in the gathering darkness. Circumstances are born in and people the world of cause and effect; they are the legitimate results of individualized existencies; the oars that row life-boats here and there: the mile-posts of time, whereon are marked success or failure; links in the cliain that unites the two forevers, the forever IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 21 of the past and the forever of the future; bridges that span deepest gulfs and broadest rivers, thereby leading to coun- tries the particulars of which the soul has never learned, because the geography of soul land leaves them unmen- tioned, as travelers to that country see so differently, each bringing back so different a report that no distinct reliable map can be laid out. Yet the countries exist, and the bridges leading thereto are constructed to meet the needs (not of nature's desires) of each. It was over one of these bridges of circumstance that Eon of the second incarnation wandered on that far-off moon- less night, till through the darkness peered the one welcome ray that led to shelter and protection. Aye, more than that, lighted the lamps that hung in the valleys of the future, of which your eyes then caught no glimpse. Back and forth over this new-found bridge your feet thereafter often passed; beyond it there lay to you a new country that it was pleasant to explore, and it was also well to know the manner and customs of the inhabitants. Consequently the woodland twilight often found you beneath the shelter of the hermit, whose solitude was brightened and cheered by your occasional presence, until he came to welcome you as a much loved son, over whose pathway was falling the light of the future. In the dark eye of the maiden shone the light of peace that borders the land known among the in- habitants of earth as the realms of love, because love is printed in great letters over the arch that leads thereto. The country beyond most earth travelers speak of as hav- ing many winding paths, some leading up steep and rocky hills, others through dark valleys, watered by rapidly run- ning streams that bear on their hastening waves anger and dissension, though there are many very pleasant, sunny paths and peaceful abodes that are landmarks, speaking to the heart of v/isdom in prophetic words of the distant future of this planet. As the hermit became more interested in you he took upon himself the pleasant task of instructing you in the particular geography of the country from which he was exiled; also the situation of the land and water lead- ing from the home of his choice to the home of his neces- 22 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, sities. And to make his lessons more impressive, he pre- pared the inner bark of large trees by bleaching and drying it in the sun, then softening it with pure animal oil. Then on this he drew with a pointed stick, partly charred by fire, a map of the country reaching from the home of his exile to the home and land of his past prosperity. On this map all points of interest were marked and named, and he dwelt on them until you and the maiden of this forest home be- came entirely familiar with them, and often planned how, if it were necessary, you might find your way over land and water to this to you unknown country, over which you had already built many day-dreams, until you longed for a breath of the air that fanned its green shores. After every point on the map was thus fully memorized, the hermit drew still another, which was the map of the, city wherein was the Holy Temple in which he had dwelt and labored.. This city was enclosed by massive walls, and had but one double gate leading thereto, that in times of peace was opened just at sunrise and closed just at sunset, while those within or without the gates at the hour of their closing found it necessary to remain where they were, as the law of the council strictly forbade any digression from this edict on penalty of death to the keepers of the gate. This was done to annihilate all possi- bilities of sent runners of hostile countries from seeking under cover of night for weak points in the construction of the wall, where attacks could be made and bombardments carried on until the city was overthrown and passed into the hands of the enemies, whose highest ambition in that era was to conquer and possess through conquering, and they recognized no right but the right of might, which ac- counts largely for the development of muscular power at that date of the world's history. The hermit related to you that at one time in the remote history of this city the keep- ers of the gate were bribed with gold, precious stones, and promises of small provinces over which to rule, and for this they opened the gate at night time, and before the fact was known many armed warriors were admitted and posted at different points within the city; but a holy priest, to hold IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 23 deeper communion with the God he worshiped, had strolled out at the hour of midnight, and while breathing his vows to the far-off stars met one of the stationed warriors, and was slain by him, but not before he had given an alarm that was soon re-echoed until it reached the ears of the warriors whose duty it was to guard the city and all it held of human life and homes. It being a time of peace, the sentinels on the walls had slept, to waken to sounds of strife, for there followed a hand-to-hand conflict in which brave warriors with sword or spear fought side by side with husbands and brothers, till the streets of the city were red with the blood of the slain, and the battle ceased not until the last intruder was killed and his body thrown over the great wall to the army without, who continued to besiege the city for days, until their supplies were exhausted, when they again marched to their own country, carrying with them the tempted keepers, who dared not remain within the walls, having forfeited all claim,s to everything but death. In this city, of which the hermit was giving you such ex- tensive instruction, he informed you was the rightful home of the maiden over wliom he had watched with the love and tenderness of a father for many years, and he brought forth an old parchment, which he read and interpreted to you, remarking as he folded the time-worn scroll and laid it away, that if the maiden in person should now present it to the council she would receive again her home and all that was rightfully hers; then added in an undertone, " But my feet can never again press the green shores of the land I love." One day after the maps were fully mastered and laid away, your strange friend proposed the building of a boat, to which you consented, feeling some way adapted to the work as though you had done something of the kind be- fore, yet you remembered not the instructions in wood and stone received in the earth sphere before you were taken on the journey to another country, from whence you had returned to earth to use the powers there gained; yet you. saw in your mental sky the way and the means. Accord- ingly long saplings were felled, the longest being used for 24 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, the bottom of the boat, bent at both ends until the form of a boat was secured; others were added, and were withed to- gether with bark, from which the woody part was removed. To do this successfully it was found necessary for the her- mit and maiden to make for themselves another home, which was done, erecting a counterpart of their fur-lined abode near the ocean, where its ceaseless roar sounded ever in their ears. Thither you also journeyed with the approval of the parents, who listened to your words with a feeling- that all would be well. Here after the primitive boat was completed you still tarried, and often alone or with the dark-eyed maiden proved your power to manage and propel this not swift-winged boat, and in that way you soon ac- quainted yourself with the coast for miles and miles, often being absent for many days together. One evening as the sun touched forest and ocean with lovelit tints that deepened as they faded, the hermit called to his side as he reclined on a pile of soft skins yourself and the maiden, and, brushing from his eyes a mist that tender memories of the far-away past had hung there, spoke as one almost in a dream. "Children," he said, "I am going to the home of my fathers, the home of the soul. I have already heard a voice of love calling me from over the waters that wash the peaceful shore where my exile will end, and before I go I ask of you that the only earthly de- sire of my heart may be gratified. Stand before me, and if your own hearts respond to my uttered words repeat them after me." He then pronounced a simple yet holy marriage service, at the same time taking from his finger the ring he had worn for years, he placed it first .on your hand, then on the hand of the maiden, where he left it. as you twain finished repeating the devoutly-worded service. Then as you knelt before him he blessed you from the fullness of his heart, and the Eona who now gathers these memories as a tribute from the misty past breathed over both her prayers of love, and in the sacred amen that fell from her spirit lips the guardian of the maiden joined, while her mother, who so long had dwelt in a lovelit home, laid on her brow a band of pure white blossoms just bursting IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 25 to full bloom. Thus ended a marriage in the distant past. It was not a marriage of souls, but of forms wherein souls dwelt; a marriage for a purpose; that was to be a stepping- stone to something better and that formed one more link in the chain of circumstances that spans and bridges all the gulfs and streams in human existencies, and these links must of necessity exist, else the chain would be incomplete and come far short of uniting the forevers. CHAPTER IV. After this most unconventional and unceremonious con- summation of marriage relations in primitive conditions, you tarried in the hut of the hermit, making it your constant home. The swiftly passing months left in their flight changes that were the unthought-of circumstances that were still to weave threads into the web of your united lives. The dark eyes of the hermit took into their depths a strange luster, as though the light from the land of souls was shining over the one sacred altar, whereon for long years he had in solitude and with an ever hungering heart sacrificed to the Deity of his own soul. At last, one evening, as the breath of the wild flowers of spring freshened the woodland air, he lifted his thin hands heavenward with a cry of joy that must have found response in some waiting heart, and with the fading sunset he was gone, while you were both conscious of an angelic presence that filled the one little room with a softened, te;ider light, such as one might well expect would break on the peace-giving shores of the isles of the blest. The sweet, trustful maiden Zair, who was now your life companion, grieved deeply over the departure of her pro- tector, for he had been to her all the light, love, and joy her simple life had known, until you. guided by the unseen power of circumstances, rapped at the door of her heart and were bidden to enter, and as you twain stood side by side, and hand in hand, by the lone and lowly grave of the her- 26 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRIT3 EON AND EONA, rait, you too shed tears of sympathy, and mentally promised your better self to write with tender and 'loyal hand on every leaf in her life-book, the angel -coined word, love. . Together you strewed over the worn casket from which tlie spirit had flown, sweetest blossoms of spring-time, then tenderly folded over him rich furs, and finally the warm earth, fresh with tender green and bursting buds. At the head of this humble grave you placed a roughly hewn cross of wood, that many years after marked to bird, beast, and solitary traveler his quiet resting place. As spring advanced till it felt the flush and bloom of coming summer, you both felt an indefinable longing weav- ing itself into your thoughts and hopes for another home, where the outreaching and broadening possibilities of your souls might find room for their hitherto pent-up expressions. Remembering the time-worn parchment so long in posses- sion of the hermit, and the instructions he had so zealously striven to impart, you decided and planned a speedy depart- ure fromi this life of isolation; although it was the best you had ever known, you felt there somewhere existed actual idealized possibilities, the echoes of which had made strange music in your soul. Gathering together the articles you deemed of greatest use or importance, they were placed in the nameless boat which you had constructed, being shielded by a bower of bark and leaves deftly woven by the hands of Zair. This was also large enough to form a protection to the brave- hearted pair, who little feared the powers, visible or in- visible, by which they were surrounded. For food you depended on roots, with which you were acquainted and of which you had gathered sufficient to serve for several days. You also expected to be able to provide yourselves with wild game and berries, which you could do by landing. To people that were unaccustomed to the luxuries that flooded and crowned the civilization of later periods, this was sufficient. You had learned to be content with feasting or fasting, and either condition failed to be a disturbing principle, and you would have had no idea what disposition to make of the overflowing larders of the present day. IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES, 27 The morning of your departure your parents, who had been informed of your plans, came to say farewell and wish you God-speed, and as your unwieldy boat left the wild shores where many hours of peace had woven themselves like sweet strains of music into your life, they bowed them- selves to the ground and walked away. This was the last time in earth-life you ever met the honest Scotch father and mother who greeted so tenderly the advent of their " wee bairn " into this life. At last you were afloat on the untried waves, that some- times rushed you on as though in haste to bear you to your final abiding place, and sometimes, as though weary with their own fretfulness, quietly miiTored the queer boat and still queerer occupants and left you to idly float, dream- ing dreams of peace and building castles whose domes and spires reached beyond the cloud-land. Passing over the incidents of this lengthy voyage, during which you ever drifted as near to the shore as was safe, I bring you to the land of your longings, the walled city of which only ancient history breathes faintest tidings, show- ing the inhabitants rebellious and warlike to all other powers who sought in any way to encroach even in trivial mat- ters. It was early morning, and with but few faint streaks of light in the far-reaching blue, making the strange land seem still more strange and wild, until you involuntarily clasped each other's hands to fully assure yourselves you were not wandering in dreamland and about to waken in the fur-lined hut that was to cast never again around you twain its shadows of home love and protection, the knowl- edge of which wakened in your hearts a yearning akin to the grieved sob of a child who touches with dimpled hand the cold cheek of its dead mother. So the morning light crept into the sky, defining the hitherto vague lines. There now and then passed before you strange looking and strangely dressed people, appearing like stragglers who in life had no object except to wander and beg. Occasionally they stopped and turned their staring eyes full upon you, as though wondering who and what you were, for, remem- ber, you were as strangely arrayed as were those curious 28 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA. ones who seemed puzzled at your presence. At length a wild clamor of bells and horns that startled you both to trembling, told to all who dwelt within the sound thereof that another day had dawned and the gates of the city were open. Being instructed by the now immortal hermit that no stranger was ever allowed to pass the gates at any hour of the day without first paying a tribute, you had thought- fully prepared yourself for this emergency by bringing with you rich furs in the place of gold or silver, neither of which had been obtainable by you. With these you presented Yourselves before the keepers of the giates, Zair explaining your mutual object, as her dialect had ever "been the dialect of thiajand. The keepers gladly took the 'Offered tribute, and bade you enter the city, which you did, taking with you still other furs with '#liw<;h to win favor with the Coun- cil, as it was here you had worfe^^jj^giccomplish before you could pVssQ^Zixir the faithful in he^ rightful possessions and give to yourseir the basis of a f utui-e pros'perity that dimly shone in this new morn <3^.j,QAj»^H'fe. Were it not that there is but one path wherein each pair of feet can and must tread, there would be strange and 'Sbrupt scenes in which many would be crowded into by- paths or niches to await the iiiftowing of a chance wave to float t'hejxi out and on. But as it is, the many separate paths go winding onward and oriward^'-and the feet belonging to them tread patiently or impatientl^^'to the end, held there through the action of an unseen law, governed with exact- ness by an unseen power. Thus you and your ever ready and always loving helper Zair walked, because it was for you to walk this strange path w^ith its many curves, and felt your hearts overflowing with the courage that wins through alt difficulties, and with a feeling that you were treading on your own soil, you twain turned your steps to- wards the council chaml)er of this ancient city. You were closely watched by the stationed guards and followed by many more curious than wise, for your dress and appear- ance were so in keeping with the many wild fabrications told of other lands that many looked upon you with fear, lest by the performance of some strange feat you might inimedi- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 29 ately annihilate them all and the city become the city of the dead. At the outer door of the council chamber you were met by guards, who turned their spears full upon you until your flesh was pierced. Not comprehending this kind of treatment, and knowing nothing of obedience at the sword's point in the wild, free life you had always led, you felt yourself on the point of protecting your own honor as a man, when a dweller of the city approached the guards, who again presented their spears. Immediatel}^ the man uncovered his head, dropped on one knee and touched his lips to the glistening spears, then passed on. Instantly you both saw the difficulty and the way out of it, and on bended knee with lips pressed- to the cruel spear, you congratulated yourselves on the interposing incident that had undoubtedly saved your name and left you free to pursue not your fates, but the grand result of causes that link after link spread the ages apart, the farther link radiant with the light of the sun, however. With rapid steps you followed the stranger, who unconsciously acted as guide, not knowing what other barriers might stand in the way of your progress and final success; but it was for you to win, and at each curve in the path over which hung the mists of doubt and uncertainty, a kindly incident, through animate or inanimate object, turned the tide and the mists arose. Passing this outer door, you ascended a long flight .of stone steps with heads uncovered and bowed, with your hands on your hearts, and approached the inner door. This too was guarded, and, watching the stranger, you placed your hands on the pre- sented spears and passed the inner door, which proves the last barrier between you and the point you then had in your heart to gain. There were several applicants in before you. and sitting down on a bench near the entrance, which you rightly con- jectured was to accommodate the waiting crowd, you had hours before you in which to gaze in wonder and amaze- ment on your present surroundings. They were strange and new. and contrasted so strangely with the woodland quiet, where the low whispering of the winds to the toss- 30 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, ing leaves was the only voice you heard for many days together, that you wondered if you had not lost your mind and were not dwelling in a world of imagination. The architecture of this chamber was to you a realization of your most complete i'deals. In the center of this spacious room was a structure resembling a throne, on which sat, under a gayly colored canopy, the iting of the Council. Perhaps king is not just the word I should use. It seems difficult to explain some points or ideas, and the words that stand for ideas are sometimes so poorly related that the thought to be conveyed is lost in the weak words that ex- press it. Coming to earth, spirits are obliged to accommo- date themselves to the language that here exists, or what- ever else they need to use, for if they should use their more advanced modes of expression the world would be ignorant of their meaning. Hoping to be understood, I resume. The personage of whom I spoke as occupying the elevated position was clothed in crimson with trimmings of gold. Around this throne, and taking in much room, extended a high balustrade, at one side of which was a gate that was kept closed and fastened, only as some one was passing in or out. The hours crept away until the sun looked towards the west, before the crier of the Council informed you that your application would be considered. It was with a feel- ing of mingled fear and awe that you and Zair passed tlirough the gate and heard it close and fasten after you. After a short silence, during which you knew not what to do, a voice from the throne called out : "Who are these new-comers that they bend not the knee and offer not tribute within the privacy of the council chamber?" You were then ordered to kneel at the throne and leave your tribute, which you did, and instead of six pieces of gold you placed at tlie feet of the throne-occupant the rich and beautiful furs you had brought with you from yo.ur forest home, where you had bent the knee only to nature and the Deity that breathed through every animate and inanimate object. Tills done you placed on the table (around which wore seated the wise ones of the Council) tlio tinio-W(u-n and time- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 31 yellowed parchment. This was passed from one to another, with an exchange of keen glances that showed an awak- ened interest that boded good to you twain. It was then passed up to the occupant of the throne, who, reading it, immediately commanded you to be seated, when he de- scended from his exalted seat and bade the crier to bring forward the book of the priests wherein was recorded the names of all the priests that had dwelt in the Holy Temple during many past ages. Taking the book in his own hands he rapidly turned the leaves until he at last read aloud the name of Alzore, Priest of the Holy Temple. Reading on still further his brow clouded, and with the one word, dis- graced, he closed the book of priests and called for the book of yearly tributes, wherein was recorded the names of all who paid annual tribute to the Council. Here he read the name of Haloth, and quickly closing the book of tributes he approached, and laying his hand on the bowed head of Zair. who trembled, partly through fear and partly through the feeling of awe and wonder that filled her whole soul, the King speaking, said in kindest tones: "Maiden, fear not. Your father and I were as the fondest brothers, and I wept sorely when coming from battle with hostile powers I found he was dead. Once when we we're lads we were taken cap- tives and lived in tents on the great plains that lie to the East, and it was for us a happy day when the enemy were surprised and we were recaptured to be borne still farther away; but the young love scenes that change and the battle drum ceases to be music to their ears. Maiden, fear not. for your possessions shall be restored to you and the one who as companion you have brought with you, and until then you shall both be my chosen guests, with servants to do your bidding.'' Thus it came about that you were at once lifted from the humble position which you had always occupied and became the chosen guests in the Empire of the King of the Council, where you and Zair were clothed in the richest vestments, and there were held great feasts in which wine was drank from vessels of gold, while you entertained and pleased them by telling of the strange life you had hitherto 32 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, led. You also gave them information concerning the land from whence you had come and of the manner in which you had lived. Thus the threads were being woven that brought out the incidents that were ever open doors through which you passed, seeing not the power that guided and lighted the way. In due time, and when weary with the great feasts that had been prepared, you were fully established in the early home of Zair, who, after conforming to the modes of dress that prevailed in this ancient city, came to be called very beautiful, and many hearts warmed towards her because of the great goodness that filled her soul, ever making around her an atmosphere of restfulness and peace. Here were born to you five sons and three daughters, all of whom did honor to the hearts that loved and the home that sheltered them. Here I partially left you for a time, returning to you only at stated intervals, as I had before returned to spirit land for a recuperation of wisdom and strength. It was always at the twilight hour I came, and at each return I breathed into your soul high spiritual aspirations, and im- pressed you with a strong love for the beautiful in nature and art. This was to be my loving return to you as com- pensation for the earth lessons I had needed, and had thus far received through your incarnation. Thus you under- stood we both reaped a twofold harvest from the separate fields of life, the here and the hereafter, the power of which we both feel even at the present, showing that good attained is never lost sight of by spirit or mortal. At last through the many glimpses I had brought you from the life beyond, and left on your brain as beautiful pictures, you conceived the idea of becoming a gilder, which idea at last took form through the assistance brought you from beyond, and so completely did you master your, art that you became a gilder of temples, and your fame remained not at home, but so spread abroad that you were sought by messengers from other countries, whither at times you went, for like all incarnated beings you loved and aspired to the topmost waves, and felt the glory thereof necessary to your happi- ness. IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 3:3 It was during one of these absences from the land of your choice that a beautiful maiden, the daughter of an ex- alted officer, became enamored with you, and showed you all manner of kind attention until she at last begged you to forsake home and family and be unto her a husband, at the same time making you many offers of power and position, to all of which her father expressed his approval and desire; and when you refused to listen to her winsome words, and told her you must return to your own land and kindred, she became greatly disturbed and expressed much anger, as did also her father. At last, finding themselves powerless to influence you, they, under pretense of theft, had you arrested and cast into prison. Here the maiden after a time again visited you, still placing before you the temptation of power and position, all of which was in the hands of her father to cause to be consummated, but you remained stead- fast in your loyalty to your country and the ties that bound you. Consequently you were left in prison, where, hunger- ing for sight of home and family, you remained until the death of the revengeful officer, when you w^ere allowed to return in peace. You had long been mourned as dead, and many a stern-faced warrior had sought the love of the beau- tiful Zair, but her sad eyes always filled with tears, and the warriors, though they loved the wild scenes of battle, had hearts that could be touched to tenderness by woman's de- votion. Thus she remained ever true to the one with whom she had dared the perils of land and sea. Your home-coming was the occasion of great feasting and rejoicing, and many there were who participated therein. After this you went no more to distant lands for glory, but dwelt among those you loved, though you at one time acted as guide to an invading army sent from the city wherein you dwelt in quest of power, as was the custom in those days. You led them to the city where you were impris- oned, and they brought away with them much wealth in precious stones, vessels of gold, and cloth of beautiful text- ure, which they learned afterwards to make. A great reward was offered to any one who could devise a method of producing it, which, after many trials and failures, was done. 3 34 EXPERIEXCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, Of the five sons here born to you two became warriors, one a gilder, one a worker in wood and stone, in whicli he (lid greatly excel, while the youngest, not inheriting as strong a physical as the others, turned his attention to the learning of the day, and finally became a public instructor. In those days idlers were not as prevalent as now, except among the wandering tribes who dwelt in tents and at times infested cities, performing all manner of tricks for gold, silver, or copper, until driven out by the officers whose duty it was to look after the interests of the city. Unto Zair, who comes with me, I leave the communica- tion, as she recalls the long ago, with all its minute notes. EONA. High and holy is the mission of the long departed, who seek to bring from the dim ages page after page of the past, that the denizens of earth imagine never existed, knowing not that they have left their foot-prints all along the corri- dors of time. I tremble through the power and presence of many thoughts that foam like a mighty torrent through the unclosed avenues of the many past. My husband of the long ago, I breathe over you blessings in memory of the years in which we dwelt together in the city of Sere; here through the guiding power from the other life we laid the grand foundation for progression; our children grew around us, partaking of the influx from the spirit world, until our home was a heaven of peace, compared with the homes in that barbarous age, where disobedience to law meant death. At length the twilight of life towards which we were both looking came, and you went no more among the dwellers of the city, but tarried in your own home, nourished almost entirely by the fruits of the land. The last leaf in your life- book was turned, unthought of to us both. It was evening and misty twilight; we were sitting to- gether on an upper balcony facing the west. You seemed in musing mood, when, turning suddenly, you bade me listen to, the strange, sweet music that seemed floating in waves from some place above. At last I too caught the strain, and listened until I became so entranced that T spoke not until IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 35 it ceased, when, laying my hand on yours tliat moved not, I found the spirit I so loved had gone to join the harpers. Then I wept the saddest tears of my life. There was noth- ing here to hope for, and I only longed to follow you to the land whither you had gone. The body that was dear be- cause of the spirit that had inhabited it was embalmed, and for fourteen days the Holy Priests burnt over it incense for the dead, at the end of which time it was conveyed to the sepulcher. Thus, dear friend of the present and the long ago, I bring fromx my own life-book the closing scene of that in- carnation, with many pleasant remembrances of that home life. Zair. Such. Eon, was the closing scene of your earth life, re- membered and told by the sweet spirit Zair, who through incarnations stands far up the ladder of progression, a lead- ing spirit. I was conscious that the time for your departure from earth had come, and I came witlj others with music to woo you with forgetfulness when the hold the spirit had on the warm form had loosened, and you fell at my feet like a tired child, that from roaming the green meadows of May in search of sweet scented blossoms comes home in the misty twilight for rest and love, and they were both waiting for you to crown the closing scene of your pilgrimage. Still sleeping, you were borne from earth, to which long years before you had come that the book of your life might lack no volumes. Up through the earth belt to the very sphere in which our marriage was solemnized, you were carried to my own lovelit home. Here you were placed on a low cot to sleep until the pjes, tired with the strange scenes of earth life, opened refreshed and gladdened. I busied myself about the dear little home to which my discharged warrior had at last come, now and then softly touching the closed lids, and with lips that had waited long to greet you. At length, taking in ni}^ hands a stringed instrument, I sat by you, softly touching the chords, until the little room was filled with the love echoes of my own soul that longed for a response. Long I thus watched and waited until at last your eyes unclosed and looked straight into mine for the 36 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, first time since the law of nature rocked you to sleep in the cradle of incarnation. Springing suddenly from the cot, you spoke as one be- wildered, saying, "Oh, Eona, such a strange, wild dream I have had; there is so much of it. I feel as though it had lasted for years, and it was not in this land nor this beautiful home, but far away in some strange country." Seeing you powerless to connect the past with the present, without speaking I took your hand and again began the journey earthward, and not until I led you into the very presence of Zair did you recall all, when suddenly through the knowledge thus gained there were born in you a nobler look and more perfect form than you ever before, had attained to. Then your whole being was conscious of the Eona who had been the star that led you through the wilderness; when, after smoothing the pathway for the patient and pure-hearted Zair until she was willing to bide her time, knowing the harpers would sometime come for her, we once more sought our own lovelit cott*age 'neatli the blue of summer-land skies, where we were to reap in abundance from the fields immortal the harvest that awaited our compensation for your baptism in matter, and m}^ watchfulness and full par- ticipation in whatever brought to your soul joy or sorrow, or whatever came, the overcoming being the golden grain to be garnered in the soul's store-house. Now spiritual bap- tisms were to be ours, through which the law of progression breathed ever a benediction of peace that lifts the soul above all save the magnetic relations we each, as individualized souls, sustain to matter. These were to lead us further and still further into the realms, the wonderfully beautiful, bathing and rebathing our souls in fountains of endless wisdom and love, thus leading us steadily towards the home from whence as babes we were tempted, or drawn earth- ward through the positive power of unconscious matter over conscious spirit. This power is, and ever has been, the Christ of progres- sion, and has, like a beacon light, gone in advance, showing where lay the avenues of unfoldments, only through which the spirit becomes masterful and Godlike, and at last IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 37 reaches its Fathers house, rounded to completeness in all the soul's possibilities. Our bridal morning came again, not that in the actual sense we were remarried, but, seeking again the Temple of Love, where, after so many years of pil- grimage over the hills and through the vales of earth life, we uttered once more the same sacred vows our spirit lips had so long before whispered in the presence of the pure in heart. Perhaps it was more truly consecration day, for we were to offer on the altar of the temple the ripened sheaves brought from earth's shores, and consecrate the power thus gained to greater efforts and more rapid strides, for in the mysterious unknown that lover-like beckoned unceasingly to us, showing where far into the mists wound the pathway that led to spiritual heights, there was a place waiting for us as well as all other dual mates of all constellations. The air of that heaven echoed and re-echoed with the music from unseen harps, every note of which met a response in our hearts, and breathed to us a welcome born from the fullness of peace and love. The sunlight of perfect peace rested on leaf, bud, and blossom, and bending bough and broad expanse of tender green, on love-singing brooks and skies of fadeless blue, and breathed a benediction of love that held no amen on spirits Eon and Eona. as with hands clasped they stood before the altar made sacred by long-ago vows that there were made and registered. The voice of one radiant as the morning said: "Eon and Eona, the un- wearied brooks wind ever vale ward, not so with 3^ou; the birds with songful hearts sweep through the summer air on tireless wings, not so with you; the mighty oaks grow sky- ward, reaching their strong arms far up to gather the dews of heaven, 'tis so with you; the stars shine undimmed in the beautiful beyond, so must you. With wreaths of im- mortelles I crown you while the deific principle, love, en- circles you with a halo of beauty. Go ye forth; there are other fields wherein the buds are unfolding to perfect bloom, where bridal morns and the memory thereof are for a time laid away. Labor there till the full harvest is gathered, and in the twilight come home again with your sheaves." We comprehended the meaning of it all, yet knew time uncounted 38 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, by years would elapse before the call to incarnate would again sound in our ears and call one or the other to a f orget- fulness of home and love, as it then existed, and until then we could together breathe the same air of the heaven in which we dwelt, drink deep draughts of peace and love. Our home at this time was near the entrance to a grove of spice and balm, through which wound paths innumerable leading to the many vine-grown lodges that were the happy homes of those who in earth life had from choice been stu- dents of nature, and lived apart from the world's din. In this grove fountains played, birds sang, and flowers akin to those I had seen in earth life bloomed in great perfection, and there were ever the softest notes of music trembling on the air, as though there somewhere existed greater happi- ness than words could be made to express. In this home I was surprised to see how little the inhabitants realized they were not in a world of solid rocks and hills, and they looked upon the denizens of earth as people in bondage serving their allotted years before they were liberated. They wel- comed all who came to them with the great-heartedness that characterizes all who dwell in this third sphere in which the hills of earth find no counterpart. It was in this sphere we had dwelt before your return to incarnate in your Scottish home, and to it we now returned, and felt in our deepest souls a great heart- welcome from all animate and inanimate objects. Here in this grove,' called by the inhabitants the Grove of Peace, we learned much that was to benefit us liere, and be a power to take us still farther on. There were times in which the inhabitants assembled to receive spirits from the sphere beyond, before which they talked of the magnetic wave that was to be in one sense a building power, bringing a new power of thought and comprehension, for remember. Eon, we had not reached our Father's home, where all wisdom was to be ours. We were in the right path, though we had come but a little way, and we knew that sometime the sunlight of the beautiful land would shine on our home-turned faces. When the positiveness of the attractive power of matter over spirit should be broken IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. o9 or change hands, then we shoukl have the power to attract or repel, and it would be earned through the mighty con- flict that would take ages to consummate. This we were taught, but understood no more than the little children of to-day understand the mysteries of earth existence, as they question of the future, standing at the foot of the hill in the morning of life. These spirits of whom I spoke as coming from the next higher sphere were instructors, and in the harmony that existed they were able to give us demonstrated facts of the manner in which the several belts or spheres wfere formed, and how they depended on each other for forma- tion, existence, and position in space. They told us also of the magnetic waves that, starting from the sun center, sweep downward, touching all shores, blessing each sphere with increased spiritual knowledge, which is the mighty key that opens the door of science and art, and awakens in each heart a greater incentive to purity. These mag- netic waves sweep not alone through the spheres of spirit land, but touch, as with the breath of angels, the shores of earth life with a resurrecting power, not a resurrection of the dead, cast-off bodies, but of thoughts and principles to which the immortal is an undisputed heir. Here in this home we tarried long and were happy. Here we received and welcomed those who had been dear to your heart in earth life, the loving Zair and the children that were born to you twain, and that were in part mine, inas- much as I had baptized their conception with my own love. Here they found their separate homes and here parental ownership ceased, not that we ceased to love them, but, like birds in the sturdy swaying branches that become fully winged, they had learned to fly, and henceforth must make their own nests until a call from the realms of matter should bid them become tiny birds again, thus winging their way back and forth each time nearer home. Zair dwelt in a vine-hung lodge in the Grove of Peace, for she loved the breath of the forest and the sweet whisperings of nature. Of her you will hear more in future chapters. 40 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, CHAPTER V. Life lessons to all are of necessity numerous, and when they have become the undisputed possessions of the soul they are not to be laid away and held aloof as private prop- erty, to be admired and counted over at stated times, then again put aside and made secure with lock and key; they are to be soul lamps to the weary world, that must shine acjown the earthward paths, lighting with steady gleam the countless throngs that are peering through the midnight of isms for the right path, the better way home. There can exist no special or general good without a spiritual radiation therefrom, which is, in itself, a still greater good, and is the harvest that will be reaped as the sickle of human will again cuts its way through the ripening fields of progressive thought. There can be no high and holy thought born in the brain of man but what proves in itself a stepping-stone to something still better. Thus may thought ever pave the way upwards; thus it was with us twin souls of the past, present, and future. We had become recipient^, through incarnations, of a certain amount of knowledge and power; we had become the possessors of thoughts that lead us upward. 'Tis true we had earned it all, had paid to the taxmaster of nature every penny we were obligated to pay, still we were not to hold this acquired good as ours, sacred from the invasions of the hungry-hearted; consequently it fell to us to become messengers to the inhabitants of homes in the sphere De- low us that was teeming with life closely allied to that found on the earth plane. There were tlie bickerings of tradesmen, the sanctimonious scowl of befogged priests who worshiped graven images, there were beauty, malice, hatred, revenge, and almost all at that time that made u]) earth life. This was for a time our field of labor, and al- most daily we turned our steps to this countiy, carrying with us the light and love of our heaven into the ver}^ hells that there existed. In these prisons we preached the gospel of manv resurrections, and led from darkness and deurada- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 41 tion, through the power of pitying love, many an earth- bound soul, who was only too glad to break the shackles of a low existence and sing tlie songs of peace in a better countr}'. Many, 'tis true, cursed us, because of their one- ness with impurity. For such we had only pitying words, and left them till the mountains and rocks of self-abhor- rence should roll to the door of their dens and make them doubly imprisoned. At each assembly of those who de- sired spiritual unfoldment and wlio held their gatherings in Peace Grove, we were always present to gather the crumbs that fell like heavenly manna from the land of light and love beyond us. There were stated times when, from the crowd assem- bled, members were selected to go with those who came to us as ministers to the sphere above, and the chosen ones were always those who had attained the greatest medial unfoldment. The time for making such selections had come again, and among the chosen ones were Eon and Eona. The time for our departure was appointed. We were all to go in company, and many were the won- derings and suppositions as to what we should meet in the way, and in what manner we should be received. The days intervening before our departure were to us filled with tender memories of the past and present. The home- nest that had become so dear to us through pleasant as- sociations now seemed almost sacred, and we felt that every room breathed on us the tender blessings of a parent's heart. Much we wondered who would occu^jy the peaceful abode after our departure, for such homes seldom stand long empty. There are others ever coming from the country below that find the sweetest peace in the pleasant homes of this sphere, and for some one we twined even the tender run- ning vines over doorways and around the balcony, we ar- ranged the furniture, and made the little nest as attractive, restful, and home-like as it was in our power to do. Over the main door w^e twined letters of tender green and lilies of the valley with the sweet words, welcome home, and around them twined the running vine that adorned the bal- cony. We left open the doors and windows for the birds 43 EXPERIEXCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EOXA, to fly in and out, thus keeping house until the new owners should arrive. We even arranged the little table for a pleas- ant repast, placing on it the finest fruits of our land, and bouquets of beautiful flowers. On a table of inlaid work in the dainty parlor we left a card on wiiich was inscribed, " The kindest wishes of Eon and Eona, who have dwelt here in love's harmony for many, many years." The curtains we looped back with sprays of drooping flowers. Thus the little abode was in readiness for other home-coming occu- pants. The days of our home-tarrying were ended, and with those who were to go to a higher life we gathered in the grand pavilion in Peace Grove, where we were to wait the messengers who came with harps, and what you in earth-life call ambulances, lest some there might be who could not overcome the power of attraction that held them in this sphere; for remember this spliere was born from the one below it, consequently retained in a refined condition all the good of the lower, also all the refined attractive power. Being borne from one sphere to another is, in the truest sense, a resurrection. At the sound of music from the harp- ers and the upward lifting of the hands of the messengers, we were instructed to use our overcoming will power and to keep near them, which we did. But few were faint- hearted, and but few looked longingly back to the homes and friends they were leaving. Sweeter and sweeter grew the music, until we both felt that alone we had power to carry us to our journey's end. After moving up in a direct line for a little time we felt all power that attracted us to the sphere we had left loosening, while under us swept a strong magnetic wave that seemed to come in mighty un- dulations, bearing us on and still on through what seemed a misty twilight, without moon or star, and gave to us a sense of coldness. This soon gave way to a new warming, and the magnetic current grew so steady and so strong we felt that we were walking. This current emitted a beauti- ful tinted glow, until we no longer wondered that tidings had gone earthward of golden streets. Looking up we saw in the distance that which gleamed like burnished silver in IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 43 this new and wondrous morning. Oh. Eon, how our hearts rejoiced I how our souls took in a new baptism of love, until we felt with redoubled power the eternal oneness that ex- isted for us, that must ever exist, it mattered not where our paths might lead I it mattered not how many times we found it necessary to leave this heaven of peace and love and seek the shores of earth, we were one and would ever be one. In the exhilarating power of this heavenward journey, we rejoiced in tho fact that it was our privilege to war again and again with matter, till, conquering at last, we lay our well-worn armor by in the land where peace flows like a mighty river. There was no weariness in this journey, no need of rests by the way, and as we neared the city whose glittering spires and domes reached skyward, the breath of opening flowers came to us on every breeze, and the air vibrated with unseen melody until it almost seemed that the dewy-eyed flowers in blooming sung their own cradle lullabies, so filled with love was the morning air of this new land. Approacliing the city, our path led under arch after arch of the most exquisite flowers, mingled with a June-time green. Here for the first time we caught the sound of voices, and the sunny air bore on its waves songs of wel- come, which the messengers explained by telling us they were the chosen welcome band sent to meet the new dele- gation and welcome . them to the strangers' heaven, where we were to tarry for a season of rest, during which time we would become imbued with the magnetic life of this land, which we were in the future to call by the tender name of home; after which we were to find our separate homes and our special missions. As the last arch was passed, in addi- tion to the sweet songs of welcome. there suddenly shone upon us the great magnetic light of the city. Some were over- come, while others were subdued. There was no sun to be seen, but the light seemed to penetrate into our very souls, until it seemed to us that whatever was there of untold thoughts could be plainly read. This light, we were after- wards told, was in part a radiation from the sphere above. 44 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, The home to which we were conclacted was but a short dis- tance beyond the last arch. Here, feeling somewhat over- came by the great change, we tarried and were tenderly cared for. and here in this land, as an unbroken family, we sung the dear home songs of the country we had left. This beautiful city to which we had been guided and in which we were received with many words and tokens of welcome, was then called the City of the Harpers. Both cities and homes in our land, at times and for a purpose, lose the names by which they have been known and other names are assigned them that are expressive of their progres- sion and facilities, but not so with the spheres. Here, in the home to which as strangers we had come, we dwelt as one family, and without dissensions, which are earth-born and cling to earth and the spheres that are dependent on it for existence and support. As time passed we became accus- tomed to the change of homes and surroundings, to the cus- toms of the inhabitants, and were thereby in a condition to operate and take up the labor that would naturally come to us. There is a natural demand in each heart for home, which is, in itself, a center to which is attracted whatever the attractive central power holds, even in embryotic state, be it good or what the world calls evil. To those who were unable to make their own choice, homes were assigned; others chose for themselves, through the known demands of their nature. Some there are who have not the power to know their own positive needs, and therefore are depend- ent on the judgment of others. Others feel in their souls the God-given power to make their own decisions. Such souls form centers, and pave the way, through their power to discern, for myriads of others who hold not in their grasp a divine positiveness, which is the golden link between right and might. We found our home half-way up Brier Hill, named thus from the fragrant brier hedge that extended its entire length, filling the eternal summer air around with an untold sweet- ness, as though the life-giving breath of spring were breath- ing psalms of peace to the whole wide world. Around the entire ydwelling, which was not large, extended two bal- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 45 conies, an upper and a lower one. Both were twined until almost hidden by a vine of spring-time green, which half of the year (as you measure time) bore long sprays of white, wax-like blossoms; the other half, sprays of blue, brighter than the blue of summer-time skies. This home of peace and love faced the city below, which iriade, beneath the light that ever rested on it like the benedictions of Deity, one of the most exquisite pictures my eyes ever feasted on, and brought to my soul sweet peace, as though the love of angels was whispered in rhythmic measures. The broad avenues were bordered by tall trees with downward bending branches, and again rebordered by a flowering mass, the blos- soms being in the form of stars. Here and there were fount- ains that ever played, around which little children gathered to watch the twinkle of the shining sands, as the silver-like spray fell witli a touch as light as an infant's breath. The end of each of these perfect avenues was marked by an arch of flowers, from the very center of which hung a harp, through which the low wind of an endless summer breathed the sweetest harmony, that could but awaken in the hearts of the inhabitants responses of love which bore the fruit of kind deeds that fell earthward as fall the dews of twilight. The dwellings on each avenue were nearly of a size and height, which in itself added to the harmony that every- where existed. In this city was a Temple of Art, through which we often wandered hours together, feeling too deeply tlie wonderful beauty by which we were surrounded to utter the words that were ever on our lips. From this temple students in love with the world of beauty often returned earthward to carry thither their knowledge as a blessing to the inhabit- ants of earth, and finding some receptive brain would breathe on it the fires from off the altar of their own souls, until it kindled to a steady flame, when the world was startled from its day-dreams by the power of a great painter or sculptor. In this attempt to bring earthward the superior development of spirit life, spirits are almost always disap- pointed to a certain extent, because they find it impossible to bring to the cruder brain of man a sufficient power 46 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, through which they can give full expression to the beautiful that sits enthroned in their souls; yet through all discour- agements Ibey are ever faithful, and follow closely and with determination through every avenue that is open to them, else earth's children would be left far back in the rayless midnight of ignorance, and with all the power that the spirit world can bring, they catch no gleam of the wondrous morn that might dawn to their souls, a morn such as yet they have never dreamed could break, even when they turn their priest-guided thoughts towards what the world calls the New Jerusalern. Little the world knows of the unceasing efforts of the higher spirit world to break down the barriers that civiliza- tion and poorly-named Christianity have builded. Little they realize how wave after wave of spiritual power and spiritualized magnetic force has been sent earthward, to rebound again on the shores immortal, bearing on its inflow- ing tide disappointment to the hosts who stand on the watch- towers and note each upward mark that progression makes in the rocky natures of mankind. In this Temple of Art of which I have spoken, you caught the fires of inspiration, and for the first time in this strange and upward journey through matter you put on canvas scenes of beauty that were in harmony with your highest development. This was born in your soul, the art that in your present incarnation the spirit world has made use of to carry conviction of greater light and truth to the very hearts and homes of many an unbeliever. Plere it was that you painted for me our home on Brier Hill, which I will show you at your next home-coming. The work was every way worthy of com- mendation, and for a time was assigned a niche in the Tem- ple of Art, where it was well spoken of by the teachers. It liangs now in my home beneath a vine-twined archway, and I often gaze at it as a precious souvenir presented me by the Eon of my soul in the long, long ago. In this home on Brier Hill we lived and loved, twin souls of the past, present, and future. Here we built castles that lifted high their domes among the far-away mists of future possibilities. Here, too, was breathed into our souls from IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 4« the fountain of deific inspiration an intense longing to be- come the possessors of knowledge of the countless worlds that were swinging in space under the same blue arch, and held in perfect poise by the same laws that both governed and sustained ours. For each demand of the soul, not the house man lives in, there is grand and fall supply that meets the steadfast toiler, not that comes to idle souls, but is the compensation for earnest efforts. Thus to us came the knowledge for which we longed. In this fourth sphere was a Temple of Wisdom, as will be found in all spheres. Here all were at liberty to come and search for the knowledge for which their souls made positive demands, and tliis 'demand is always the result of an incarnation, so each incan:mion and each call to the soul from the heart of the Infinite forms one more arch, beneath which all must pass before they are crowned with the green laurels of their native land. CHAPTER VI. In this Temple of Wisdom, guided by teachers whose souls, through unfoldments, had grasped and held the knowledge of worlds beyond, and whose hands had faith- fully traced charts of the stars, moon, and sun-crowned heavens, we grappled with these mighty truths that were verified beyond questioning, by and through the exactness of mathematical science, such as yet spirits of the higher spheres have alone been able to grasp. Not that we then mastered them all, far from it; we only stood at the foot of the rainbow that spans the mighty universe of matter and law. Its unfading tints baptized and rebaptized our souls until we labored with fullness of purpose; labored to win. because we labored as one, and in unity there is strength and power. We learned to trace constellation after constel- lation, naming each star therein. In our studies we ever seemed most attracted to the planet Jupiter, and made of it a special study, noting even the belts born from it and making the spirit homes of those who, through their mar- 48 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, riage with matter, had become unto them heirs immortal. After a lapse of time that in your world would be counted as many, many years, and which to us was a long summer of blooms and fruitage, during which we never ceased to think and talk of the planet of our attraction, the wisdom fathers and mothers, who had in this sphere powerful repre- sentatives, decided that a certain number who, through hungering after knowledge made frequent visits to the Temple of Wisdom, should, if they possessed the courage requisite, undertake a journey to this planet under the direct guidance of spirits who had many times(for the purpose of giving tessons to others) journeyed thither. A^ong the few who presented their names for this pur- pose were Eon and Eona, who' in this manner whereto gather to themselves knowledge that could be utilized in other in- carnations, for no matter with what tender, loving, hopeful liearts we together climbed Brier Hill, there were otlier hills in the earth life yet to be climbed, and our vine-twined house there was after all but a long summer-time rest on the way home. It is ever within the power of the wisdom fathers and nioiliers of inhabited planets to council together when necessity mukos such demands to lay plans for the improvement of the inhabitants of the world they watch and guide, and not only the worlds but the spirit zones born therefrom^ 'Consequently to accelerate our success, leading- spirits from the planet Jupiter were counciled with, and arrangements made for a delegation from that planet to meet the voyageis from our shores, and assist in the suc- cessful accpjuplishment of the proposed project. Under the inspiration of tlie revolatiohs that were to. follow, our souls were thrilled and quickened' to the very center, and we looked earnestly in each other's eyes to read there the power needed for the undertaking, and saw nothing lacking. To and from each sphere ever wind beautiful streams, whose magnetic ripples bear the willing traveler that touches their tides to and fro. in safety that finds no counterpart on the shores of earth. So' out from each separate sphere branch mighty tributaries, navigable at all seasons; these meet and unite with others, making a complete net-work of tides IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 49 through the entire universe that to the eye of thoughtless man holds but supreme nothingness. Through these tides all planets can be reached, although it is not so easy to reach planets that have not developed animal life in some form, because through the lack of unf oldments of such planets the magnetic tides are not so harmonious in their flow, not so steady and reliable. At all points where tributaries meet and join, the current is more rapid, and at such points guides whose knowledge is power that cannot be overcome are very essential to those who have had no experience in these magnetic tides of the universe. If I were to breathe to the poor misguided travelers through the almost ray less twi- light of false teachings the wonders and beauties of these ever-flowing, ever-winding tides, both surging and peaceful, that touch the shores of the unknown worlds beyond, th^y would fold their hands in holy horror, and call these divine truths the fabrications of a misguided brain. All this is wrong, and the inhabitants of earth should not live in igno- rance of such positive truths; and to correct this the central effort of the present day and hour, in the higher courts, is to send earthward a quickening power, such as the world as 5''et has never been conscious of. Tlierefore is it of the greatest necessity that all who are spiritually minded and spiritually unfolded should be united in their efforts to re- ceive this angel-sent power, which to reach the masses of -earth idlers must and will radiate from the receptive souls to the fog-bound mariners, who cast anchor in porjfe where the waters run low and thus hold them in bondage. If the hearts to whom this power is sent, which cannot be recalled, fail in receiving and consecrating it to the highest and holiest purposes, it will of necessity be utilized by the churches, and the result will be a repetition of what has oyccurred again and again, simply what the church has been pleased to name a revival of their religion, with which the world has been fully supplied, until within their 03vn ranks it is far below the price the martyred ones were obliged to pay for it. These facts, standing as they do before the spirit world, make the reason why in many hearts have been felt the desire and necessity to organize. These are prophetic 50 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, words, and before the twelvemonth is twice told will be proven true. Eon, encourage all as brothers and sisters to be firm and steadfast in their actual knowledge. Talk it to the laboring many; write it to the believing many, as the words of Eona, who with a mighty host ever watches from the Deity-builded towers of time the battle between darkness and light, and with them waits with anxious heart to join the grand an- them of universal freedom from the bondage of ignorance. Digressions are always allowable, if not pardonable, where harmoniously vibrating chords are not sundered. So. tak- ing up again the main thread I was casting back and forth through the brain loom of an incarnated spirit, I resume my narrative of actual occurrences experienced by Eon and Eona farther back than I care to measure by your years. The company prepared for this strange journey, exclusive of the guides, numbered six. Of the guides there were four, who were to be met at a point designated by the same num- ber of guides from the planet we were to visit; we made no farewell preparations in our home, for we were to return again at no far-off time; we said no good-byes to the crowd who gathered from the Temple of Art and Wisdom to wish us well, and watched us as we floated away from the loved and peaceful shores. I said floated, which was true in every sense, as we had embarked in a white-winged boat, con- structed especially to glide over the magnetic waves, the propelling power being centered entirely in the wings that branched from either side. In the central line of one was folded a responsive positive force; in the other a resi^onsive negative force. Thiis our magnetic equilibrium was ever sustained, and we were enabled to glide over the shining tides as easih^ as glide the swift- winged birds through the summer skies. No mortal calculating through earth-born conclusions can conceive of the rapidity and buoyancy with which these magnetic tides bear whatever is entrusted to their trustful and certain flow, twofold and unvarying twofold, because of a meeting, but not mingling, of an outflowing and inflow- ing tide, that makes navigation through the spheres a sue- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 51 cess and what you call collisions an impossibility. As the winged and magnetic-empowered boat sped from home scenes, we stood hand in hand, almost breathless, with a feeling not of fear, but something akin to awe. On and on we flew, and the wondrous expanse that spread out before us cannot be told in words so powerless to express as are the words in your earth home. Here a tributary from some unknown and unseen source came rushing in with waves like liquid silver; there a glittering fall, over which we sped with an untold ease and safety. At our left (and which the guides passed slowly to give us a full view of the inexpressi- ble grandeur) was a mighty cataract, over which hung a seven-hued arch that repeated itself again and again in the golden-hued glory that radiated above and around it. The fall of that mighty stream wakened music so filled with rhythmical harmony that we felt the heart of Deity must thrill its very center. Over this cataract an arched bridge had been built, or, as it seemed to us, woven of fine-spun gold that caught and held in every thread the concentrated light from the unseen sun that flooded all the world we were then conscious of with glory. I linger over the well-remem- bered scenes of this journey with a pleasure that deepens as I backward glance to recall them, feeling that through their soul-impressing grandeur we gained a power over self that as spirits separated from the form we never lost. I linger over the remembrance of this journey because of the soul- felt beauty and grandeur of the mighty tides w^ith their falls, their cataracts, and island homes 'neath rainbow arches of peace, where twin souls at times sought abiding places to drink deeper draughts of harmony from the great Soul of the universe. At the point previously designated we were met by the four guides, who were to accompany us the remainder of the journey. They were tall and of almost godlike proportions, and as a mother, earth's home-angel, takes her little brood under her tender care, so these guides took us, leaving those who had thus far journeyed with us to return. We re- m.ained in the same boat in which we had embarked, feeling for it an impressible attraction, as it seemed to us the only 52 , EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, link between the strange scenes by which we were then sur- rounded and the home we had left. As we came in contact with and were encompassed by the atmosphere that sur- rounded the spirit zones, we passed under arch after arch of rainbow tints, which the guides informed us were the result of atmospheric conditions that were caused by the unfold- ment of the planet. So wonderful was it all we feared to move, lest the entire beauty we were conscious of should fade away, and we would find it but the phantom of a dream-land journey. As we neared the zone from which the guides had been sent, we found our coming was known to many, and we were received by music and waving of banners. By the side of the spirits who guided us thereand those who received us, we seemed small and unimportant, yet the seeming inferiority was by them unnoticed. All the inhabitants of the zone we were allowed to enter, as far as our observation assured, were lovers of and revelers in the most gorgeous colors, and dwelt much in widespread tents of what seemed the richest silks, bordered here and there with golden fringe. Their clothing also partook of the same rich colors and fabrics. This we afterwards learned sym- bolized the earnestness and ardor of their natures, and, in fact, an equal and harmonious development of their entire beings, which was also shown in their finely-poised heads and princely bearing. Their waists were banded with golden belts, set with gems of untold value, while on their heads was worn something of crown-like appearance. For our restful reception had been prepared a gorgeous tent, in which we all found an abiding place, the many rooms of which were separated by draperies of heavy silk. Here for a time we rested and refreshed ourselves, preparatory' to a journey to the earth plane of this planet, regarding wliich we had learned to feel the deepest interest, and towards which our hearts thrilled with an almost filial love, until we longed to touch with our wondering feet the material sands whereon trod the embodied souls belonging thereto. Not long were we kept in waiting, and great indeed was our joy when it was made known to us that we would journey land- ward. Our trip was not a long or intricate one. as we found IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 53 we were only in the second sphere of the spirit land of Jupiter. Being- somewhat accustomed and adapted to jour- neys of this kind throug'h our passing from one sphere of spirit life to another and by the power thereb}^ gained, we felt no dread nor misgivings as to the successful ending of the same. Spirits who have not outlived through repeated in- carnations the necessity of earth lessons find it much easier to navigate earthward than heavenward, because the posi- tive law of attraction, that is an earth power, when em- bodied in swinging worlds meets in such spirits an echoing response, while spirits who have ceased to incarnate through a fulfillment of their soul needs find it far more difficult to reach earth than the higher spheres, because the law of attraction becomes to them a resistive force to be over- come, consequently it is sailing against the tide. Making use of the inflowing magnetic tide, we were soon near the habitations of man. The surface of the planet looked as though an eternal summer reigned, to such perfec- tion had developed all that belonged to the vegetable world. Birds with long-flowing plumage waked music akin to the music of the summer-land of our own much-loved planet. In some places we noticed clifi" after cliff of rocks as white and pure-seeming as the high-piled snow of earth, yet glit- tering as though diamond studded. From niches or seams that at some time during their formation were made by eruptions, flowed jets of clear water that ended in brooks, whose ceaseless flow was a lullaby of peace. We touched the warm sands near what we were pleased to call the City of Palms, and we named it thus because beneath the quiet shade of trees, much resembling the palms of our earth, was reared a city, and so quiet, so peaceful, it seemed, so lovely were the homes, and the grounds surrounding them, that we at once felt that this people were a people of deep and earnest thought, from which were drawn conclusions marked with perfect justice. Through this city wound a rapid and somewhat broad stream, which at several places in its windings and curves was bridged. At each end of the bridges were placed perfectly carved statues of men who in the past history of the planet held positions of power and 54 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, trust. These statues were each mounted on what seemed a broad base of gold. We entered an imposing building, whose open doors seemed to bid us welcome. This seemed to have been con- structed of the whitest marble; a statue crowned the dome, and gave us to feel the importance of the object of the in- terior. We found this building, or, as we designated it, temple, devoted entirely to the science of mathematics, and our thoughts turned involuntarily to the Temple of Art and Science in the fourth sphere, and for a moment we felt almost at home and ready to gather up the crowning sheaves of knowledge. In this temple devoted to mathematical science men and women studied together, and we noticed a harmonious and equal development of both, which showed, without furtiier reasoning and conclusions therefrom, that the planet had laid off its baptismal robes and entered into a condition of sacred motherhood, from which came the noble sons and daughters, who seemed born to royalty. The clothing of both sexes was of the same gorgeous ap- pearance as that of our spirit guides. The high walls were also draped with the same material, but of many colors. The complexion of the inhabitants was akin to what is called in your home olive, with red cheeks and lips, and almost all we saw had high foreheads, indicative of mental power, that could fearlessly grasp the undisputed facts of science, and grasping hold them as their own. In this city we also noticed the children bore evidence indisputable of great unfoldment, that to the mental capacity of earth's little ones would seem but Greek. We entered uninvited and unseen many homes, and found them peace-giving and restful; found them unusually devotional in their matters, and highly receptive to universal inspiration. Passing one home that to us. more than all others, seemed lovely and attractive, we stopped, fettered by a something that spoke to the depths of our nature. Perhaps it was the flowering vine that climbed in graceful bends and arches over the doorway that attracted us, or perhaps it was the inner harmony whose outflowing waves reached us, I can- not tell. I only know I felt that to enter that home would IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 55 be to enter a paradise of peace and purity, and so we found it, peace-giving- and restful, till in the souFs sacred cham- bers seemed echoing psalms benedictory, A little child on the floor was playing with flowers, tossing them here and there, and at times unconsciously crowning himself with the falling scented blossoms. Birds fl,ew in and out as though at home in the branches of their own nest-tree. At the farther end of the long room which we so uncere- moniously entered was an alcove, 'neath which a fountain played unceasingly, and with the spray therefrom sprinkled the many-colored flowers that bloomed in marble vases near the flowered, carved rim of the fountain, and rested in the hearts of opening buds whose fragrant breath seemed to have floated from the far-away grounds of spice and balm that grew in the spirit realms of our own planet. On either side of this fountain was poised the highly-finished statue of a beautiful woman, with head slightly bent as if inhaling the perfume of flowers placed therein. The central power of this home was love, and the inexpressible harmony that resulted therefrom was like the whispering of a summer- time brook that unconsciously breathes its love-songs to every passing breeze. In the atmosphere of this home our souls were quickened in perceptive power in all heaven-born attributes, until we felt it would be no punishment but joy untold to remain occupants of this earth-heaven many long years, and when we turned away from this peace-crowned home it was with the feeling that we must and should some- time in the unknown future visit it again. From the beautiful City of Palms we returned to the second spirit zone from whence we had come, that we might be more familiar with its inhabitants and their homes. Here we sailed on the lakes whose silvery flow was ever music, with countless strains. We walked on the shell- strewn shores, watching the waves in their landward flow. Here, too, we were conveyed through peaceful vales and over mountain peaks in chariots with noiseless wheels, or sped on the wings of our will wherever we felt it a joy to go. Here we were told that in the elements that went to make up the pi met there existed a vast amount of gold. 5G EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, iron, and amethyst, which, however strange it may sound when told, had much to do in the harmonious development of the inhabitants, giving them almost perfect foi-rns, and clear receptive, as well as perceptive, brains that are espe- cially adapted to mathematical calculations. The climate, we were informed, was uniformly enjoyable, with a j-early exception; the clear light of their midday far exceeds the midday light of our earth. We felt an unfeigned sadness when the time for our return approached, but we had bathed our souls in the peace-giving fountains of Jupiter, and must bid it adieu to turn our faces towards our own home, whei'ein we had ever found protection and love. With raiany kind words from the generous-hearted dwellers, we again em- barked in our white-winged boat, and sped away beneath the many tinted arches that so puzzled and attracted us on our journey thither. Over the homeward moving magnetic wave bird-like we flew, drinking again deep draughts from the limitless world of beauty, by which we were at every step surrounded. The home guides met us where in our outward journey they left us, and as the others turned to wave their good-byes, one unclasped from his waist his jeweled girdle and reclasped on yours. This in our home on Brier Hill you presented me, and in my spirit-land home I have since kept and worn in memory of the journey we then took, which proved the stepping-stone to greater possi- bilities, and made plain the powerful attraction we felt to the visited planet, wherein is a silent principle running like a single thread through the actual existence of all. Through whatever mortal is attracted to must come a lesson, be it sad or joyous, and the fact of the attraction is proof that the lesson is needful, and will in time place itself in the attraction's stead. Again we were home, again the breath of our summer land, laden with the sweet and welcome fragrance from the brier hedge touches our cheeks with tender caresses, and again we sought with redoubled energy the Temple of Wis- dom with a longing desire to labor and win, yet not long was it for us to tarry there, for a voice that reaches the soul's great deep called again and again, " Come up higher." ■ IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHEJIES. 57 We recognized the voice and the full significance thereof. The tidal wave of our souls' progression had reached its highest mark, until another incarnation widened and deep- ened the soul's powers; not that we had gathered to our souls all the wisdom that could give us power in this fourth sphere, but we realized the fact that we had gained all we could keep, until the souls' chalice had been deepened, and we could not afford to be idlers by the wayside when the Father was waiting for us at home. We looked long and earnestly in each other's eyes, and, looking, saw again the mighty bridge spanning the noiv and the then, over which either your feet or mine must wander, leaving behind all the attained joy and the memory thereof. But the call of the soul is the voice of the Infinite, and must be obeyed; the bridge must be crossed, and this time it was Eona who would go, and Eon, the bridegroom of my soul, would lead me to this altar from which in years to come I would return fresh from my baptism, with the soul's possibilities unfolded to grasp what there seems hidden. We had at this time developed to the point where it was possible for us to choose for ourselves the home where Ave would incarnate, and choosing thus would naturally feel more attraction to it. Instantly my mind turned, with a thrill that vibrated through my entire being, to the peace-crowned home on the planet Jupiter, and immediately we began making preparations. We counseled with spirits from the Temple of Wisdom, who ever v/illingly responded to the call of those who seek advancement; and we found those who were ready to become spirit father and mother, and were self-delegated to look over the proposed ground while we waited, sad yet hopeful, knowing all this must be before greater results could be attained, and during this time of waiting we neither visited nor entertained, for every hour was sacred to our own souls. With my own hands I arranged all things within the sweet home, saying, "Let them remain thus until I return, and we will again dwell as twin souls at Brier Hill." 58 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, CHAPTER YIL With the breath of love's sweet- summer on my cheek I was to close the pleasant volmne I was reading, aye, close all doors leading to that beautiful summer life, so closely that your last tender good-bye could never more sound in my ears, nor waken in my heart pleasant memories of what had been. I was to leave Brier Hill with all its sacred memories, while you were to remain in possession of the little home, coming and going as necessity demanded, the guiding and guardian spirit of my life, or incarnation, keeping ever the love-light burning until my return, which a prophetic wave breaking in ripples at my feet whispered would be before my feet had wearied in the pathway of life, before the hand of time had touched with glittering frost- flakes the shining bands of hair, youth's gift to fair maidens. Already the proposed ground had been surveyed, and the needed arrangements made. Already through the valley of my soul sounded the clarion-like notes of the bugle of time, summoning^iine as a warrior to the battle-field of life. On the upper vine-twined balcony I breathed to you a tear- crowned good-bye and left you there, I being accompanied by the spirit father and mother, leaving you to come after, lest with your presence I should never fall asleep, for I knew my eyes would ever be turned towards yours; knew my hands would ever be stretched out for you to grasp, and you with tlie ever ready response in your own nature w^ould hold me unintentionally from the patli wherein I must walk. Again over the same magnetic tides as before I glided, and again was received kindly in the second sphere, from whence, after tarrying for a little time, I was led to the earth home of the planet Jupiter that once before so power- fully attracted me, and now Avaited to give me an habita- tion. Here the same bright-eyed boy, larger grown, watched with sparkling eyes the fountain's play. Here dwelt the same sweet-faced woman and mother, in the depths of whose eyes the fountains of love were ever expressed. We IN EARTIf LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 59 approached her, I standing at her left side, the spirit father and mother occupying a position at her right side, and directly back of her the father and mother placed their hands tenderly on her head, as though in a blessing of consecra- tion. Soon the eyes slowly closed and the hands seemed to involuntarily fold themselves, as if in waiting, while she drank into her soul the baptism of love brought her, and through the harmony of that baptism, wherein the tender mother in the nature of the woman w^as deepened and quickened, I fell asleep, while the spray from the baptismal waves wakened a soul melody like the song of a shell, which was the cradle lullaby of my incarnation. As the last waves of consciousness receded from the shores of memory, it bore on its surface the one word. Eon, and surely, sitting on the vine-hung balcony in your own home land where I left you, you must have heard the call, for it thrilled the depths of the loving woman's nature until, without being conscious of it, your name trembled on her lips, startling her, and bringing her back from the condition of semi-consciousness into which for a purpose she had been led. Here my own notes for a time are necessarily suspended, and I quote from you as you rehearsed to me years after in our spirit home the occurrences, or a part of them, that went to make up my life on the planet of my adoption. On the return of the father and mother, you sought the home where I slumbered, and remained a constant harmo- nizer, blessing the home and heart of the mother. You even so inspired her with a love of the beautiful in nature that she put on canvas her soul's conceptions, while you guided her hand when it was about to falter or fail; and you so im- pressed her brain with our home on Brier Hill that during a season of inspiration she gave it expression, wondering much how a glimpse so unlike the homes of her planet ever shone through her soul-windows. Days, weeks, and months passed, till at last there came a time when in the mother's arms nestled a little child, using your exact words, a sweet- faced girl. You told me in our spirit home how, when this same little girl looked up from her resting place in the m.other's arms and smiled in your very eyes, your heart sank 60 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRIT.3 EON AND EONA, within you, and you said to yourself, " Where is the Eona of my soul? Surely this little one with loving eyes is not the bride of tny being, it is not the Eona I have always known and ever loved." Then for a time you felt that some terrible calamity had befallen you, in which you had been robbed of the Eona of your existence, and that never again would you clasp her hand, never again look into her eyes. In this grief, that amounted almost to despair, you returned to the spirit father and mother, and they explained to you what you already knew as a fact, yet had never before seen verified in your soul-mate. In their explanation there was a comfort that brought resignation, and if the velvety hands of the little one did not return, Eona-like, the grasp of yours, you knew the quick response would sometime come, though your heart, nl^li-like, many times grew impatient with de- lay, and wondered that tlie little one grew not more rapidly. My first remembrances in this incarnation date back to where the hands on the dial plate of time point to the figure fehree, making ipie, as you count time, three years old, though st-ill farther back I am conscious, of a low, sweet melod^y thajfe formnl the very undertone of my existence, and wove into my being- threads of harmony that vibrated to tender words; and with this rhythmic echo is connected a face that always S9eai3 1 tj ms the face of an angel, round which in my childish Ifeaii't nud eyes seemed to fall waves of silken beauty.' This face I "afterward learned to know as the face of my-mother, wliile with this was ever the shadow of somethnj^ I could not grasp. Other eyes through hers seemed looking into iiiiite, waking within me a heart hunger that I could not ex|'ri.-ss, and often what seemed like the figure of a strong man seemed to rise near me, and my soul .felt the smile that was ever on his lips. Among other first recollecticms that took positive form in mv then child-brain was the consciousness of a father and a NoTK. — Soon after this chapter (7) was given, Eona in materialized form, staniliiig by my side, laugliingly said, " Kon, you were disappointed when you looked into the brignt eyes of the little rosj'-cheeked girl on the planet Juinter." I replied, " Yes, for I did pot see Eond in the little one's eyes." '* But, Eon, Eona was there." IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 61 brother. From the father I was involuntarily repelled, not that he lacked in tenderness to me, or love for my mother; the chain of harmony whose magnetic li^iks waken sweet thoughts in kindred souls extended not between us. I grew restless when he laid my childish head on his shoulder, and tenderly smoothed the shining hair. With my noble brother there was ever the most perfect harmony, the most com- plete understanding; it was his ever willing hands that guided with tenderest care my uncertain steps, and placed in my hands the freshest, fairest blossoms, or wound them into wreaths and crowned me queen of the home realm, which to me meant but mother and brother. On his knee I have sat for hours, v/ith my little head on his shoulder, his dark wavy locks resting lovingly on my brighter ones. At such times I always felt that a presence with great power for good was very near us, and that nothing of an evil nature could come that his power could not avert. I re- member once telling my brother I had come to him from a great distance, that I was a beautiful lady before I came to him, like our sweet mother. I seemed half dreaming when I told it. but there was such an attraction to the idea that I insisted that it was so, and that besfutiful spirits brought me to him on a soft wdiite cloud. Thus it was that througli the harmony between us I caught at the substance, the very essence of facts as they existed before my incarnating. The years of that incarnation, counted by me as so many jewels in the God-given casket of my soul, glided by as sweetly as glides in rhythmic measure the sacred songs of love. I grew in stature and intellect" to meet the approval of those who knew and loved me best. I won and wore my own laurels, consequently their luster never dimmed, but, as I afterward learned, shed a halo of light around one who » watched and waited, drinking in with me the knowledge that was power. And now as I look back over the histories of my incarnations there is no other that gives back to me such pleasant memories as does the one of which I now write. It was what I most needed, an open doorway, the passing of which was required to round into harmonious unf oldings the attributes of my being. It was a mighty rock, 62 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, standing on which I could with one bound scale a tower- ing wall, from which the unseen forces of the universe could bear to my soul on their inflowing waves truths that before I knew not were born into the world of cause and effect. My special attraction to studies led me to mathematics and music. The former was to my soul like a master archi- tect, deepening and broadening the capabilities of my entire being, laying for my feet a platform of possibilities, upon which was yet to be reared corresponding towers of strength and wisdom. The latter was the summer-time breezes wafting through the love-lit vales of my soul, breathing there psalm after psalm in prophetic notes ; and as I applied the science I loved, and studied to understand, to the measure- ment of distances in the starlit realms, I fancied each shin- ing world I gazed on moved in such complete harmony with all others that a grand Te Deum echoed and re-echoed in the depths beyond, until falling in musical waves on some heaven-born shore, called into birth through the power of music words meet to express the hitherto untold harmony. My brother, whom I deeply loved, and I were ever together ill pastime and studjesv It was our delight to sail on the stream that wound in peaceful wave-washing murmurs through the city we once named the City of Palms, and which now, in speaking of it, I like best to call it, because of the pleasant memories then associated with it. Together we rode our own steeds side by side through the quiet vales, whose blessing was sp^oken in the sweet breath of scented blooms, or climbed far up over towering cliff to gaze on the picture of winding streams and peaceful homes. Together we traced the constellated heavens, calculating througli the science to which we were devoted the actual distance be- tween star and star. In a little grove not far from our home there had been erected for us a study of exquisite beauty, over the entire frame-work of which we had twined a flowering vine that liid all save the beauty that existed, while so close to it that its song wound its way through all our thoughts babbled an ever-running stream, whispering in spray language the IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 63 songs of love. Here alone with nature and ourselves we studied, delving deeper and deeper for the diamonds of actual knowledge, for such alone did we seek to bind on our brows, for such alone could send out gleams to light the valleys of the future. Here at one time, while absorbed in minute calculations, a voice that seemed to fill the entire study w^hispered, " Eona," which in that incarnation was not the name I bore, it being as nearly as I can express it in the language you now use, Aleith. We both heard it, and were conscious of what seemed a thin white cloud in the little room, which passing, left in the air a breath of spices. We felt that it betokened the presence of an immortal visitant, and kept to ourselves the fact, hoping to hear again the w^hispered word, the echo of which wakened a voice in my own soul, not my voice, but a voice I felt I had some- where and at sometime known and loved, and I could not rid myself of the conviction that there was a connection be- tween it and the shadow that in childhood seemed ever within my j-each, yet touching me not. Although we waited, hoping, we heard the voice no more; but once, a long time after the occurrence I have just mentioned, I was coming home alone from the rustic study in the evening hours, when the starry worlds beamed brightest — in fact, I was almost star-worshiping, when suddenly there stood in the path directly before me the figure of a man, clothed in robes of dazzling white. He smiled, and instantly I felt assured, for the love-light that shone from the eyes awoke in my soul a half-remembrance of something or some one I had known that had at some time and place been all mine. Raising his hand and pointing skyward, he whispered in words that thrilled my whole being, " Eona, in one of those far-off planets you and I once lived and loved as one." Then as the last w^ord died away he faded from my sight, while I w^aited and wished for him again that I might question him whereof he spoke, for my soul told me his words were true; but he came not again then, though all the pleasant way home I felt that a being invisible to mortal eyes walked by my side, while a w^arm breath at times touched my cheek, to which my soul responded, and again I recalled the queer half- 64 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, dream of my childhood that I told my brother as I sat on his knee in the gathering twilight. I have as yet told you nothing of our customs or manner of living, which I will now do, yet not extensively, as there is no demand for it. I shall speak only of my own home, and from the little I relate you can draw many conclusions, as it may awake in your own being a dream-laden memory of that long ago, wherein you faithfully followed the Eona of your soul. The home in which I lived was built of what you would call white marble, there being two divisions, one upper and a lower one, wherein the rooms were large and airy. From the lower to the upper division extended a winding stairway, on one side of which and at regular in- tervals niches were formed in the white marble, in which were placed statues. Some were of men, some of women, while others were of animals, all exquisitely carved and polished. In the hands or around the neck or brow of the male and female statues were always to be found flowers and beautiful green leaves, and as the night-time came these niches were lighted separately, giving the stairway an appearance both picturesque and magnificent that words fail to express. Each step was a pleasant surprise, an exquisite pleasure. All the windows in the dwelling were broad and high, each one being arched at the top, while in the center of the arch flowers were carved. The floors were also of white marble, the steady monotony of it being broken and subdued by what you would call inlaid work, there being a blending in soft and deepened tints, until in some rooms flowers seemed waiting to breathe their sweetness when pressed beneath the feet. In other rooms were animals, some asleep on beds of green moss and weeds, and some awake and seeming'ready to spring unawares on the passer- by. On these floors carpets were unknown, which added to the healthfulness of the rooms, as poisonous gases mixed with dust were not retained in web and woof. Here and and there were beautiful rugs, large, of rich material, and richly embroidered. These, with a pillow^ of the same, formed the resting places of the household. They were portable, consequently rould be arranged to suit the sleeper. IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 65 and often they were placed in the little projections that were built out from the body of the dwelling in the form of al- coves. These were always draped with soft-tinted silk, with a silken curtain falling over the large windows that com- prised nearly the whole front of the projection, from which could be had a light subdued or intense, and here in these little sun nooks the stimulating power of the sun's rays were enjoyed and understood by the clear-headed inhabitants of the planet Jupiter. During part of the year we occupied what you call the roof for sleeping apartments. This was of the same white marble, and made fiat, with a balustrade around the entire edge. Here we spread our rugs, making them as exclusive as we chose by silken screens. Here I watched the shining worlds beyond as they kept guard through the silent hours, many times wondering on what planet dwelt the one whose smile I never forgot, for it shone through the open window of my soul, unfolding there the tender forget-me-not. In our home we were not destitute of furniture, there being much of beauty, convenience, and elegance combined. We used no single cliairs, but beautiful carved seats, with rest- ful backs, that invited two to rest therein. These were made of wood that was of a fine firm grain, while the color was a rich crimson, not made thus by an artist's hand, but the production of nature. The effect was beautiful when you take into consideration the snowy white floor with the relief of inlaid work, and brilliant rugs in the center of the large room used mostly for repasts, with pleasant visits, or reading. Here often was a full-sized statue of a man, hold- ing in his right hand a pitcher of gold, which was immedi- ately filled with sparkling water upon touching an almost unnoticeable spring in the wrist of the hand that held the pitcher. Our meals were taken with great regularity, and consisted of preparations from grains, fruits, and vegetable productions, while meats were either considered not eatable or were entirely unthought of. Nuts were used in abun- dance, and grew to considerable size. Our clothing was made from fabrics you call silk, like unto the draperies of manv rooms, though perhaps it was not an exact counter- 5 Q(5 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, part of the silk of your planet, but I know of no other name by which I can call it and make it understandable to you. The coverings of the tables were also of the same material. All the rooms being large, they were furnished with screens of beautiful designs, some like unto large birds, with wide- spread wings, carrying in their beaks baskets of flowers: others through artistic painting on silk like unto our open door leading to a separate room, and so real would they seem that those unaccustomed to their use would, without noticing their mistake, attempt to pass through them. In the home life of nearly all there comes a season of change, when the old landmarks are removed or left by those whose feet of necessity wander elsewhere. Thus there seemed coming to the harmony of this dear home life a change, which was to take from it the sister and child. My father in this incarnation, though ever kind and loving in his nature, held, in his spirit of pride some points necessary to his highest idea of honor through position ; and through these ideas, true to himself but false to me, he chose to see his only daughter united to the one upon whom he looked as in every way worthy of her. I quietly protested against the change that was to take me from the liberty in which I had so long dwelt and which I so'-much loved, which was to separate me from the sweet mother, in whose shining hair the silvery threads from Time's loom were already being- woven ; from the almost worshiped brother, whose every aspiration met in my soul a ready response. The one to whom my father sought to unite me was the possessor of almost untold wealth, of princely bearing and kind heart, and my own soul told me that he loved me with a tender, unselfish love, but from the sacred altar of my own being there was no response to meet the deep tidal wave of liis own soul; I held no crown of love to lay at his feet, only the simple yet sacred wreath of friendship to bind on his brow. Yet to please and satisfy the pride of my father I was to be sacrificed. I had fought the fierce battle with my own soul, and had brought myself to feel that all would be well ; in fact there seemed to radiate around me an unseen halo of which my soul was conscious, and in this halo a voice IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 67 seemed ever whispering to my heart, " All is well." It was the custom at that time for the inhabitants of our country at the marriage of a daughter to invite as guests to their home six young maidens as companions to the intended bride ; these came a week previous to the ceremony, and during that time, as the custom demanded, wove wreath after wreatli of sweet-scented blossoms and many-leaved vines. The blossoms were not full blown, but so nearly that they remained cup-shaped. With these long festoons, they bound the head, winding them around neck and waist, twining the arms, until, in fact, the whole person seemed a monumental expression of fragrant blooms ; whenever a blossom showed signs of fading it was removed and a fresh one took its place. This being the custom, it was not to be laid aside as obsolete in my father s home, as he prided him- self on being able to do all for his daughter that the most capricious custom could demand; consequently six maidens, fair as the morning that dawned in tinted glory in this land of my incarnation, were brought me for my companions, and right royally did they come and twine me. Never a bud was allowed to fade and wither lest some fond- hope of my heart would be missed from the chain of joyous years sym- bolized by the fragrant wreaths. During this week there was feasting, with music and danc- ing,* the latter occurring at twilight, the party consisting of six young men, besides the one to whom I was to be united; custom demanded that the parties to be united should refrain from dancing until after the ceremony, and custom was im- plicitly obeyed. One evening during the week of flowers and festivities, as the twilight deepened, I felt in the depths of my soul a call to the sacredness of solitude, and stole alone and unobserved to a shaded nook on the balcony, where climbing, drooping vines, through which the twilight breezes creeping gently as the breathings of a little child made queer shadows on the polished marble, among which I too seemed shadow-like. Sitting thus a soft light fell around me. and again the breath of spices filled the air, and before I could command my thoughts, to draw conclusions as to the strangeness of the occurrence, the whispered word 68 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, *• Eona *' seemed to fall from the very heavens. The flitting breezes caught and whispei-ed it again and again, every leaf of tender green that made beautiful the drooping vines seemed chanting it to the twilight world. I turned my eyes sky- ward and throughout sky-land and star-land my soul heard only •' Eona, Eona." I felt myself leaving myself, as I then expressed it, until the door of physical consciousness was closed and I seemed to stand far up above the world in which I dwelt; above me spanned an arch of flowers, whose very perfume seemed to awaken music like the chiming of far-off bells. Around me wete visible soft, white clouds, like the pillars of an ethereal temple, tinted as though the sunset still lingered on some island of peace which this land wherein I stood bordered. Wondering much into what niche of beauty in the universe of Deity I had been trans- ported, and for what purpose, I sang in low tones a song of love, for there was no fear in my soul ; which proves the power of beauty over the passions. Suddenly there stood before me the same being in robes of white who stood in my path the starlit night of which I have spoken. In his hand he held a goblet which seemed formed from the fragment of a cloud, this he placed to my lips, saying, "'Tis the wine of the feast, drink I" I drank, when sud- denly a wave of light touched my soul, unlocking for a moment the door of the inner chamber, and I knew that he who spoke to me was mine, but who, where, and how I knew not. Another breath and I was under the swaying vines, but the baptism I had received brought a peace that broke in wave after wave, the spray of which fell deep in the soul's chalice. CHAPTER VIII. Marriage morns are supposed ever to dawn in halos of peace and beauty; for thus read the rhythmical echoes from the souls of poets, too sweet an undertone for life's sad realities. My marriage morn came. The outer world of hills and vales, of lake and sky therein mirrored, was filled IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 09 with all the beauty and gladness that might crown with blessings of peace a newborn world ; while the inner world, the world of my own soul, was bathed in halos of peace, that made the very air I breathed sacred. Yet in the soul's inner chamber hung no picture of the one who chose me as his own ; but one other picture there was, of one whose eyes smiled ever in mine, awaking responsive echoes that seemed to me then to have been the music of my soul through all time. My brother (that for many mornings, since which so many ages have passed leaving footprints all the way) brought me as his own gift a beautiful white steed. As I think of it now (with what I knew of it then), it seems to have been as white as the snows of earth, not that it was, I only see it so through the tinted clouds of love that lie between the now and the then. Around his neck was wound and fastened a scarf of heavy silk — the color of your June skies, dotted here and there with stars of silver. With this gift he claimed the privilege of riding once more with me his own sister, as for years we had been wont to ride, the hoofs of our steeds touching alike the moss of the valley and the rock of the cliff. The six maidens, my sweet companions of the week, were to accompany us, with them were to ride the six male attendants, who with them had danced, sung, and feasted through the fast flitting twilights of the festive week. My brother's right hand held the rein as I mounted, he caress- ing with the other the long white mane of the noble animal. The one who had come to take me from my happy home, to gladden with my presence his, led the happy party whither he would. Though all was gayety, all was beauti- ful, I seemed as one between sleeping and waking, in fact, was hardly conscious of the ground over which we went. I lived in the form, and yet seemed separate from and above it. On we went as though fleeing from the hours that were following us with the swift and sure wings of time, on through winding paths, over singing brooks and beds of blooms, till at last, passing under trees whose drooping branches seemed bending earthward under the weight of the white blossoms in long, feather-like sprays, my betrothed 70 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, bade the party wait, while he broke from the bending trees cluster after cluster of the white blossoms, and riding up to me, said proudly, as he bound the white sprays around my head, " Queen of my heart, queen of my life! I crown thee queen of the day." The steed on which I sat seemed suddenly terrified, trembling in every limb. With one wild bound, as if to escape coming danger, he cast me from him and fled away. When the affrighted company gathered around me, wondering why I did not rise, they found to their inexpressible terror that I had indeed risen, but in doing so had left to the tender care of the flower and grass grown earth the form I had worn, crowned and wreathed with blossoms that loving hands prompted by loving hearts ha,d gathered. I lost but a moment's con- sciousness, and indeed should not have emptied the casket of its jewel so readily had it not been partially separated by standing under the flower-gemmed arch in some far- away mystic realm, by the side of a being I in some way knew was all mine. Since then I had seemed so drawn from the form, that many times I felt that I was floating in the air. As the dear ones gathered around me, I said to them again and again (and for a time I supposed they heard me), " I am not injured, not even frightened." But they seemed not to understand me, not to notice me, and lifted a form in their arms that I immediately knew was mine. Then for the first time it came home to my very soul that I was no longer one of the visible crowd, no longer the fair- faced bride of the coming hour, only an invisible being, whom flitting close to them they saw not, for even at that age matter blinded the souls of earth dwellers and but few (in comparison with the multitudes who deemed in their ignorance that they had all knowledge) saw the spirits who walked in their midst. The stern science of mathematics was at that time the leading principle of the inhabitants of the planet, and through its demands great sacrifice had been made of the spirituality that nature bequeathed as a legacy to the dwellers of all worlds in limitless space; yet who shall say this was in any way wrong when weighed in the balance IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 71 of future necessities towards which the finger of time pointed? Every desert has its rocks, in the shadow of which some fragrant blossom lifts its head. Existence means far more than the few years of earth pilgrimage; far more than one incarnation. What then if for a purpose, which if not fulfilled leaves existence in some points incomplete, an attribute of the soul be left in the distance, as one in the blindness of ignorance might say, sacrificed to the compre- hension of science? Who can tell to what heights that same attribute can and will be lifted, until it becomes the morning star of the soul, through the power of the compre- hended science? Man is mighty when gazed on through all the splendor of the soul's attributes, but sinks to a pigmy when seen through but one. Beneath all the arches that time and nature have planted in the pathway of human progress must man pass, and from each must he gather some fruits as proof of his pilgrimage, as of necessity he returns. Nature is arbitrary and stands at the door of every soul, an inexorable task-master. Bring hither your tithes and offerings, oh ye sons and daughters of men, and then pass on, weaving new laurels to bind on worthy brows. I digress at times from the simple thread of incidents, but digressions are necessary, and form little balconies whereon the relator of incidents stops for deeper breaths, regaling in the heaven-born and earth-received breezes of cause and effect, which fan too often unnoticed the cheek of all dwellers of the universe. My first feelings on find- ing myself no longer a being visible to those I had so learned to love, was one of deepest grief. I thought of the fearful ending to the days of feasting and dancing; of the inexpressible terror it would bring to my mother, upon whom I looked as being little less than a saint; of the cruel blow to the one whom I had promised to wed, whom, though I loved him not as I counted love, I looked upon as a dear friend, one to whose heart and life I had promised my own soul that I would share all shadows, and be myself content with the sunlight of friendship; of the brother to whom I had ever clung, and who now alone could smooth 72 expj:riences of spirits ejn and eona, the pathway of father and mother, whose faces were even then turned towards the sunset liills of life. My heart ^rew wild as I saw I had no power to assure them that I was not dead and forgetful of all, hut living and loving still. In their despair they felt not the hands I laid beseech- ingly on them, heard not the words I shouted in their ears. Only my brother among them all was in any way calm, though his face was as white as the face of the form that lay before them. As I still strove in my agony to make them see and hear me, I for the first moment became conscious of the same white-robed, kind-eyed one, who, beneath the arch of burst- ing blooms, bade me drink the wine of the feast. Reach- ing out his hand, he took mine and my very soul grew calm. "The pilgrimage is ended," he said, "and we will soon go home, though first we must pour balm on these hearts that thus sorrow." It was then for the first time that I noticed accompanying this being who spoke peace to the wild waves of grief that beat against the soul doors, two others, who I afterward learned were the spirit father and mother of my incarnation. My brother with steady hands cut from the bending trees long, bloom-laden branches, and, binding them together with smaller ones, made thereby a cot of white flowers whereon they placed the bridal form, now so lifeless, so expressionless. This the six young men bore. The grief stricken proces- sion was headed by my brother, and the one who so loved me that he would that day have made me his bride. Fol- lowing those who in silence bore the cot of flowers, were the six fair maidens, leading each a riderless horse. As they moved away the soul's peacemaker of tlie hour, still holding my hand, said, "We will follow them," which we did, my heart the while striving to unravel the mysterious relation existing bet wen us; for as yet, Eon, my soul had not recalled the past. I was only conscious that for some reason, I loved you; that in some way which I couUl not fathom, I was a part of your very existence, you a part of mine; but who you were, whence you came, or whither you would go, all was mystery. I knew, as if by intuition, that IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 73 wherever you went there too I should go; that as an un- clothed spirit I should never be separated from you. On we went, following with peaceful hearts the sad ones that pre- ceded us, until nearing the home of my past happy years, you said, " We will not enter yet," and turned into the quiet path that led us to the little study, where once your spirit lips whispered the one word, Eona, which I then understood not, and in the quiet peace of your presence I noticed not the flight of time, felt not that the future was full of demands that must reach the soul, waking it to fulfill- ment, until laying 3'our hand on mine, you said, '■ We will go now to your home for a while." I thought then but few hours had passed since the shadow of what the world calls death had fallen across the path of those I loved. As we entered the home where hearts refused to be com- forted, the breath of spices filled the air, and I found all the funeral ceremonies, such as were preparatory to the final episode, had during the days that I thought to be hours been consummated; and there, in all the pomp that wealth can bestow, lay the embalmed form with its wrappings of costly silks, waiting the action of those wlio were to bear it to its last resting place. I stood by the lifeless form, smoothed with tender hand the brow of my mother where the silvery threads rapidly gathered, kissed the cheek of my brother, and whispered to the heart that had chosen me words of peace and comfort that methought met in his soul a responsive echo.; for there came into his eyes a soft- ened light, such as shines in the souls of those who through many sorrows, through many battles, seem reborn through overcoming with the likeness of a god. As I looked from one face to another, my heart blessed you, that you had thus saved me from witnessing the first deep sorrow of my loved ones. As the form was at last borne away, it was followed by the six maidens who had come to me with joyous hearts, and the six young men, their attendants at the fes- tive ceremonies. As they passed out they chanted a low, sad, and solemn service for the dead, which would have wakened the grief of my heart, had you not been ever by my side. In the hands of each was carried a lighted lamp 74 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, of silver, which in burning emitted a vapor in which the breath of spices was again manifest. We followed the strange procession; for I felt an indescribable longing to look upon the form that had been mine, in its final abode. The procession stopped in front of a tall monument of what I shall call marble, as that comes nearest to express- ing it. On the base it was broad, occupying on the ground space sufficient to have formed an immense room, and it did form what might be called a room, as a door opening at the base showed. All passed in, their lights at first making the place look wild. We followed and saw the form, sacred still to those dear ones, placed on the marble receiver for the dead. Above it was an arch of the same. Thus ended the funeral rites with one exception, the lighted lamps were placed around the form on the receiver, and as the sad procession passed out, each one of the attendants at the festivities approached the form, and left on its quiet breast a single full blown flower. This tower- like monument extended in height many feet, as you meas- ure distances, the upper extreme being pointed. The whole external surface was carved in figures of birds, flowers, and animals, giving it an appearance that might seem to par- take of barbaric ages, yet such at that time on the planet Jupiter was the taste of those whose position signified power. We returned once more to the home from whence so much sunlight had fled, when to quicken memory you led me to the scene my mother, through your inspiration, had been led to paint of our home on Brier Hill, in the fourth sphere of the earth's spirit world. I had seen it for years, yet had never for a moment caught the spirit of it; but standing there with you, gazing at it silently, the spirit essence of the beauty and actual truth it held covered the real picture, until I felt wafting through all the vales and corridors of the past faint breezes from the isles of memory, bringing to my hungering soul one landmark after another, in such rapid succession that it seemed to me an avalanche was ablaut to sweep me from existence, when suddenly there dawned on and through all my quickened senses the memory of another blessed morning of the soul, a morning that gave IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHER3S. 75 way to twilight. As my feet sought the rugged paths of incarnation, the twilight had given way to night, wherein was but one star, and that star the Eon of my soul. But few times had it shone above the horizon of my actual consciousness. Yet every ray therefrom had reached my soul and lingered in peace, like- rhythmic echoes of angel land. Again dawned the glad morning, another marriage morn of my soul, when reunited to you in the land of souls, life would mean far more than the idle day-dreams of incarnation. Thus I felt, realizing not at the time the deepened pow- ers of our united being througli an obedience to the voice of the law of our own souls that bade us pass under the arch, gathering therefrom its choice fruits. We had indeed passed under it, and bore still on our garments the bene- dictory dews that had there fallen, while to our souls had we gathered from its choicest offerings, that all who seek to win can obtain. Thus with garlands freshly gathered and freshly twined I longed for the home I had left, and my whole soul breathed to yours the silent appeal for the home of the long ago ; for I longed to take up the chain of my spiritual existence in the land where I left it, and looking over one link after another, see them brightened by the power which is the legacy of the knowledge that we had gained in the pilgrimage we had willingly entered upon. I say we, because you had ever followed me, the seeming shadow of my own soul. What I had suffered you had suffered, what had brought peace to my heart brought peace to yours, thus dimly conscious to me had you held your own place by the loom of time, throwing ever into my hand the burnished shuttle on which the soul's necessities wound its varied threads. And now I longed to chant the sweet song of peace and love in my own home, but your soul said nay — let us first comfort the hearts that ache, the tender, loving hearts which in my newly opened volume I had for the time forgotten. My heart accepted the proposal will- ingly and fully, and to do so, we sought a home in the second sphere of the planet Jupiter we had both loved before my baptism in matter. Here in a silken, tent-like 70 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EON A, house such as I told you in a previous chapter the inhabit- ants occupied, we tarried until we had tided over the life- boats of the father and mother of my incarnation. There, too, we learned. much and were able to carry glad tidings to the hearts I had left in sorrow. The brother of my incar- nation, whom I then loved, and have ever cherished, became the recipient of great spiritual knowledge, and to him I was in time able to show myself, which was a boon of peace to his soul. He in time became a noted astronomer, in which pursuit I was able to lead him, solving the enigmas of that inefficient mechanism left to the astronomer's gaze like a • night without a star. Peaceful in sound are the brook songs of our native land, peaceful the love-ladsn breezes that coms from groves of spices and balm, touching cheeks and brow with soft caress, waking music olden and tender, at the chime of which the soul pays willing homage. Thus, Eon, we felt when the sight of home greeted our eyes, casting its shadow towards us, as if anxious to clasp us close within its walls. And after the long years of our pilgrimage, the very air seemed to welcome us, the breath of blooms whispered of hoijne and peace, and long we felt it would be sweet to rest, sweet to have the soul's summer span ages untold, ere another twilight wove its weird shadows through the unseen vales of the yet to be, wherein our feet as yet had wandered not, wherein as yet we had placed no landmark, speaking in silent language of battles won and laurels worn. I look back now and smile at the satisfaction with which we looked over our past with its many windings, its wander- ings to and fro, avoiding the faintest glimpse toward the future, in whose vales, and on whose mountain peaks gleamed the lamp of destiny, that in tim3 to come must cast over us the halo of its steady light. It was enough then to feel that we were home, enough to live in each other's presence; what more needed we of heaven. We felt with what we had gained from wisdom's store-house, we could forever be content, and never again feel the hunger- ings and thirstings after knowledge that in other days wakened in our souls the mighty call that led us earth- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 77 ward. Little man knows what absolute demands the soul has power to make, or how, when once made, the cry will come ever from the great deep, for the full supply that alone can feed the immortal. But fresh from the home of incar- nation, we were at peace with all soul demands, and the waters of life seemed ever slaking our thirst. Our home was yet at Brier Hill, ever fragrant with the breath from the blooming hedge; below us lay the same beautiful homes, played the same fountains, though many dwellers whom we had known there, we were told, had gone earthward, or to some otjier planet, to return at some indefinite time, bringing with them, as we had done, their sheaves. Thus like the ebb and flow of the great ocean is life; touching first the shores immutable, then beating against the rocky shores of earth, gaining power from each, taking power to each. Again in the Temple of Love we stood before the holy altar and replighted once more the sacred vows of the long ago ; again the tinted arch shone over us with un- dimmed halo. The voice of one high and holy fell on our ears like the music of many waterfalls. ' 'Eon and Eona, long- ages since chosen as messengers of light, well, aye thrice well, have ye thus far done in the harvest fields wherein ye have gleaned ; rest ye now in the summer-time valley, for afar off are other fields that the mighty mountain peaks of time hide not from my sight — thither lies a path towards which you will be willing to turn in time to come, in quest of power that shall open to you the doors to higher worlds, the air of which is ever like tlie sweet intonations of many harps. Till then, peace be with you." And "Peace be with you," whispered every passing breeze. "Peace be with you," seemed to come from every hill-top and valley, from every opening bud we pressed beneath our feet; while from the great deep of our souls songs of peace and love floated like the tell-tale breath from the bloom-laden valley of balm. As we passed once more from this sacred temple, with the waves of music from the harpers falling on our ears, aye, into our very souls, we felt that we had all of li^aven we could ask or desire, and shrank from the very thought of 78 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, anything beyond, either on earth or in heaven, as one might shrink from the bitter blasts of a wild tempest, which shows that progression must have its seasons of repose; and these are the soul's sweetest music, harmonizing the entire being and fitting it for mightier battles, for greater victories. And in these lulls lies, after all, the greatest power. For it is here that Compensation — the world's great prince— finds time to settle the books of life, or, we in spirit land would say, incarnation, leaving no debt unpaid through the failure of the bank of circumstances, which ill our land takes the place of the gold that glitters, and is never at discount. Thus, Eon, in this peace from which we wished not to wake to the consciousness of a gathering twilight, you will perceive we were enjoying one of the earth's forevers, which the children of earth always think when it comes to them is as endless as time itself — yet these sweet forevers by the wayside of life's homeward paths are very apt to close abruptly as one would close a finished volume with a half sigh that it ended so s^on, yet with no inclination to reopen or read ; the sweetness and romance are all gone. One may idle a few moments over the pictures, if it be illustrated, but that is all. In this sweet summer-time of peace and rest that had come to us, or to which we had come, we were not idlers, but sought wisdom, though perhaps not instantly. Children do not often gather flowers with great perseverance when the summer sun shines and the days are long, though they may twine now and then a wreath, bind now and then a brow. I said before that we craved nothing beyond the wisdom, peace, and love that reigned in this fourth sphere, and sought no paths leading therefrom. By our experiences gained through matter we had grown large in our s^-mpa- thies with the dwellers of earth. We looked upon them as mariners on an uncertain tide, without chart or compass, and we longed to carry to them the wisdom of the land wherein we dwelt ; which could not be done, and in one sense can never be done, because the dwellers of earth must through experience have their souls prepared, througli un- f oldment, or the light brought will be to them darkness, and IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. /J the greater tlie light, the deeper the soul's midnight. Step by step up the mountains of progression is the only way home, and the light from one mountain peak will cast a halo to those nearest it, lessening the shades of the valleys between. In the ebb and flow of the tides of progression, there have ever been times when earth's dwellers could accept the presence and power of immortals — this the land- marks of the past prove, and at such times some master- hand has carved in unmistakable characters the point gained ere the wave receded, and it is only at such times that spirits can influence the affairs of men and nations, which shows the disadvantage under which the denizens of the spheres labor. As I said, we longed to make better the conditions, of earth children, and this anxiety throughout the sphere we then occupied was general, which, although we then under- stood not, was in actual response to the rising tide of pro- gression of the earth dwellers, and I have since learned that before each rise of this tide, the inhabitants of the spheres felt the noon mark of time falling across the dial of their souls, when from hill-top and valley resounded the bugles, that called to action. Thus the bugles sounded their notes near and far, and we immediately formed societies, each society consisting of a certain number, and each dele- gated to watch some point of earth, whereon the banner of light and truth might be planted, where seed might be sown in the souls of men to bear fruit that should feed the immortal, until another wave should rise. There was in the sphere in which we dwelt, as in all others, a temple wherein met, at certain times, all these societies. Here tidings were brought of whatever point had been gained. Here, too, plans were laid, to be carried out on earth. Each society had its badge, yet each was harmonized, not gov- erned by the same regulations. Thus we labored, some- times with discouragement, and sometimes with renewed hope, thinking surely the morning was dawning. The children of earth were often frightened through the power we gained, and often through the inharmony of their war- like natures, we were beaten back to our citadel to recon- 80 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EON A, struct our plans, and again march earthward. These same struggles and warfares are undoubtedly but repetitions of the past struggles in the early ages of all planets where man has found a home. Our knowledge of chemistry, at this early period of the development of both earth and man, was of the greatest service to us. and so perfectly is this taught in the fourth sphere, that those who turn their at- tention to it can simplify the elements surrounding man and produce startling results with no injury to the physical but often with great good to it. CHAPTER IX. Peacefully, oh so peacefully, passed those years of labor which love lightened and brightened, crowning every effort made to bless earth children and the dwellers of the lowe^ spheres with results that gladdened and cast a steady light over future efforts. Aye, peacefully glided the onward flow of time's waves, as glides between banks, green, grass-grown and high, some idly singing stream, winding its way on- ward and still onward, till all undreamed of it reaches the ocean, and finds itself no longer the summer-time idler among banks of bloom and nodding aspen, but a part of the great restless ocean itself, whose stern and solemn roar, that seems growling defiance to the universe, ends in lullaby whispers in the hearts of the ocean shells, to which alone it tells its cruel secrets as though they were the father con- fessors of the mysteries it holds from the eye of man. Thus glided the lovelit stream on which we were floating. Thus was passing our summer-time, our souls' sweet for- ever, to which we had clung as clings a child to its mother. But all children weary of sweets— weary of the garden wherein grow the choicest blooms, and with swiftly flying feet seek the bare sands of the river's banks, and with more joy than they gathered the sweetest-scented blooms, toss over its surface the hard pebbles, laughing loud and clear, as the wave, bounding shoreward and receding, leaves on their IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 81 feet its own shining drops. Our summer-time was passing; we felt within our souls the dry and crisped stubble, from which the juices and tender green had gone, and there came to us a longing to face a keener blast than ever blew in this land of summer sunsets. We felt our energies relaxed, felt that the toning power of incarnation could alone meet the demand of the soul that we felt ever growing louder and more imperative. Like the little ones of earth, we longed to stand on the bare sands of life's river, and, gather- ing therefrom pebbles, cast them afar off o'er its waters, and watch the shoreward ripple they made. Nothing now could hold us ; like the war-horse we scented afar off the battle raging, and longed to join the conflict. If you ask me how long this peace-giving summer of fadeless beauty lasted, I can say for ages, for remember with us in that home a year was but as a day; we counted not time, because it was all ours, and counted or uncounted, it remained ours the same. There was no specified amount of progression to be obtained in any given time ; yet souls whose God-given attributes are not all unfolded, until they become full-orbed angels, have some hour wherein the attractive power of matter reaches the great deeps, like the earnest call of a lov- ing mother, and the soul responds, "I come." Thus we felt through all our unfolding power the mighty soul-reaching call and we wafted earthward responsive echoes, " We come, we come." Have I told you all, do you ask, of our stay in this sphere ? No, I could not, for time here in your land, you remember, is counted and belongs to others, not to Eona, though she gives to you accurately the heads of the soul's progression, during that early period; the many pleasant memories of it will come back to you here, or hereafter, in waves of joyful wonderment and surprise. Though I would gladly weave in the many colored threads if thereby good could be brought to the world, and if the counted time of your land held years enough in which to accomplish the work, which it does not. When our souls became fully alive to the at- tractive power of matter, and felt the earnest longings to respond, we for the first time realized that the thought of 6 82 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, the ^rthward journey brought to us no sadness, cast no shadow on the soul's dial, there was only the earnest long- ing to go, which in a measure puzzled us ; but there are reasons, defined or otherwise, for all emotions, which if tlie present, tyrant like, withholds, the not far-off future, with a ke}' that defies all locks, discloses. As we had decided to return in response to the call that came louder and louder on each breeze that wafted from earth shores, followed by echoes wherein we heard the clamor from the battle-fields, we made rapid preparations. We consulted the wisdom teachers of the temple wherein we had continued to labor for mental improvement, and found to our astonishment that they understood it all, liad known through all this peace-giving season, — this ended forever, this now finished volume, — where and when we w^ere with quickened energies and our thus far soul-de- veloped powers ; and what awoke within our beings a new joy was the assurance that we were not to be sepa- rated, but hand in hand, side by side, we were to stand on the shores of earth, though for what purpose, to what end, we then knew not. The spirit fathers and mothers, with one who should hold position of priest, were to be the guardian powers of our incarnation. We said good-bye to Brier Hill, as though it were a thing of the long ago, query- ing not whether we would ever peer through the twilight shadows of time to see it again : whether the scent of brier blooms would ever again fall on our senses, like the benedictory amens of exalted saints. There was no room in our waiting souls for a single regret, the bugles were sounding on the then unseen shores of earth, and we were impatient to be gone. Thus silently are the circumstantial threads of individual existences woven. Some power, some principle unseen to man. is ever paving the way to greater possibilities, through this ever busy mystic loom, 'Tis the hand of the Infinite, leading homeward through the numberless winding paths his children. Long ages ago there dwelt a nation in that region of country on the earth plane tliat you call Arabia, This people was ruled by a treacherous king. I know not whether IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 83 your histories of that far-off time make mention of it, perhaps no parchments were saved and handed down to later generations, but that matters not. In that nation we were to incarnate, you in one province (by which I mean a division made by an ocean, or great body of water,) and I in another. Do you shrink. Eon, from the thought of having been at one time an Arab? Remember they are a fallen nation now; their glory has departed, like a faded sunset, bearing only somber clouds where are seen no softened tints of rose and amber. The nation of which I write was powerful and possessed great wealth; they were also a people given to pride, yet not the excesses that mark the path of man at the present period. They were war- like, and woe unto the man who unfortunately made an enemy; the very dust of the earth seemed thirsting for his blood, and sooner or later quenched its thirst therewith. Do you wonder that such a point as this was chosen for us? that we did not shrink from it all with the breath of an end- less summer still on our cheeks ; with all the lighted vales through which we had wended our way shedding their everj^ halo around us: with the music of the harpers still sound- ing in our ears? No, 'twas joy to face the wild waves of earth life. The lull of progression had ended, and we felt within us a power born therefrom that we dreamed might move nations. It was strength and joy combined to know that we were both to touch the shores of earth at the same time, and were assured by the guardians that we through their guidance should be brought together when man's time had counted a certain number of years. In our coming earthward to- gether we read the mystery till then unsoWed of our will- ingness to incarnate. It is true that it is seldom that duals incarnate at the same time, yet such incarnations do occur, but always for a purpose or object that could not be attained if one came alone, there being times when the whole incarnated power is needed to attain a desired and observed point, which when gained marks a grand epoch in the soul's progression. Here, Eon, in this since desolated country, you again with 84 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EOX AND EONA, a mighty purpose breatliing through your entire being watched by the cradle of my incarnation, as it was considered wise and best that I shoukl open my eyes, through matter, on the first page of the new vokime before you should close yours, putting away with firm resolve the glories wherein we had long dwelt. So I slept, and awoke to look into dusky eyes, to feel the tender touch of a dark cheek against mine, to love as love the little ones of earth, to look in wonder on what seems to children an entire world, to grow day by day in accordance with the law that governed the very atoms of my physical being. Here lies a point that observers seemingly overlook, that is, the atomic harmony of the form wherein spirits incarnate; if this harmony does not exist, the spirit seems to digress into by-ways of a thorny nature, which I do not say is wrong, for in such seeming digression does the trying test .come. And these points spirit through matter must war against and overcome, else it is not master of the battle-field, and, if not master, were it to reach the highest heavens would be earth-bound in as far as it had not overcome, and would from the necessity of its own nature find it impossible not to respond to the attractive powers of matter Avhen the mother called ; the father's house could not hold it. This being true, it is wise to look with pity on those who seem far from the right path ; from the lips of angels falls no censure, they look beyond the battle-field, and see where the white banner of peace waves in the breeze of the heaven that is to come to the victor. Through just such digressive paths have all the dwellers of earth, and I might say the universe, wended their way to their spotless robes and victors' crowns. Through just such paths must tread all who follow. — and here comes another point that needs sim- plifying. The individualized existences of the universe number no more, and no less, than they have ever num- bered. Each child born to-day into the earth life is not the advent of a new souj. fresh from the hand and heart of the Infinite, simply the return of one who from the fields of the forever has heard the call of mother nature, and responds to the imperative demand, and comes again in obedience to IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 85 tlie voice that reached it in the land of souls. And tins im- mortal will find, somewhere, work left undone, some baby fought battle, toward which the mother's heart will lead it, and such souls inhabit forms wdierein exists increased atomic harmony ; they will feel creeping through the lattice a light like the light of dream-land, and by the light they will become conscious in a dreamy way that they have before mounted a war-horse on that same battle-field. I find it impossible not to lay aside at times the chain of incidents, and clear the way, cutting down the under- brush of long held false ideas, and paving the way with solid facts quarried fresh from the heart of the Infinite. These highways of progressive thought are needful to the army of thinkers whose mighty tread is s.hakingthe under- ground, rooms of Catholicism, and unpillars every other ism of time and bigotry. Man exists to-day, and has ever existed, and will ever exist, and will ever and anon touch the shores of earth, gathering from the sand-strewn shores of life's river the shells that to him seem fairest, selecting from the thorny way blossoms that to him seem most fragrant, then again returning to the land of souls. Thus in response to the ticking of the clock of time, he comes and goes, until he can claim his heirship to the courts celestial, where is ended the battle, when matter is con- quered and he stands a full-orbed angel, with the powers that have governed him subservient to his master spirit. But few months after my incarnation, according to the measurement of man's time, you too fell asleep, and awoke in a reign of tyranny, a dweller in a land of wars, selfish- ness, idolatry, and treachery, and yet a land of wealth, a land wherein might stood in the place of right. I stand at the open door of this volume, and, glancing over its pages, wiiereon the characters symbolize the conditions that ex- isted, I shrink from copying them, shrink from weav- ing in these coarser threads. It was our battle ground : and the twilight of our life found us yet with sword in hand. If I leave out a portion of this incarnation, remem- ber it will be because I think it best. I grew to womanhood with a strange devotion in my nature to an undefined Deitv, 86 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, and, strange as it may sound to you, worshiped an idol, and yet not in the spirit that generally prompted worship of that kind. Idols at that time were supposed to possess actual power over health, life, and all material objects. This I did not accept, though I dared not confess it, for each man and woman held to the idea that their idols had power to anni- hilate any one who disbelieved in them. So silenth' I bowed to the god of my own soul, merely symbolizing the power that I alone accepted by the idol before which I prostrated myself. My idol was a dove, with white wings spread. This was mounted on what I would now call an altar ; before it were hung silken curtains, richly embroidered with gold around this dove. Whenever trouble or danger seemed imminent, I lighted seven long perfumed candles, and so long as these burnt, I refrained from force. This dove oc- cupied a niche sacred to itself, the entrance to which was defined by a massive arch set with precious stones, at each side of which burnt day and night tapers, set in sockets of gold, that formed a part of the arms that projected from either side for that purpose. The curtains were never parted except as I entered. I look back upon this one point with no shrinking, for through the power. I thus gained and held, I was saved many trials and much sorrow. Here in my worshipful hours and moods the spirit father and mother were able to come very near to me, and thus my spiritual nature received an impetus it never before had attained. Of this I became more conscious after the earth journey was ended. My mother was ignorant and superstitious, and thus held tenaciously to the temple-taught vagaries of the much- wor- shiped idols. In her honesty to such she often threatened me with pilgrimages to strange lands. At such times I would retire to the altar whereon the dove of peace pre- sided, and, prostrating myself, would appeal to the god the dove symbolized, when there would come to my soul an assurance that was. both peace-giving and power-growing. At such times there would often fall over me a light, wliich I afterwards knew to have been bestowed by my guardians, and was a power my mother could not overcome, and which IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 87 she feared ; for she often saw the halo of it still falling around me, when she would refrain from farther persecu- tions. My father worshiped at the shrine of my mothers idol. He was a clear-headed man for that age, and dealt largely in gems and precious stones of all kinds. I. am un- able to bring power sufficient to the brain I use to reproduce in shadowy form the home I then occupied, and to give it a full description. The reason I cannot do this is the lack of harmony between the brain and the barbarous age from which I am gleaning, and I wonder not at it, for I, too, shrink from treading among its long-ago shadows. The little I can make plain I will. The rooms were low, but large, the floors were of colored woods, with here and there rugs, all the wood within was dark, but beautiful to look upon. There were what you now call mantels, richly inlaid with gold. Here were placed pitchers of gold, the rooms were always fragrant with the breath of spices, and flowers were made to grow in large pots, especially a fragrant lily, which was considered almost sacred. CHAPTER X. Time, the master weaver of human destinies, moved with firm hand the morning-time years of my life, and strange do these years look to me now as I turn a backward glance 'neath the several arches, that, bud, blossom, and fruit crowned, span the pathway of my past. Immortals expressing themselves through matter flit not moth-like forever in the light. It is meet that they should drink deep draughts from all fountains that cast their spray on the homeward path, else they will forever remain dwarfed souls, with no far-reaching sympathies that are the ladders let down by angel love from angel life. It is well that man has not the power to mark his own future in all things ; that being the case, the path would be crowded with idlers, seeking only the realization of childish day-dreams. In my father's house were many servants ; these were not from our own nation, 88 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EOX AND EONA, but were captives of war from nations against whom they went to battle, it being- thought v.n unpardonable disgrace for one of our own nation to serve. Food was served to the family, not on tables, as is your custom, but on silver or other trays, which they held in their laps, they at the time occu- pying" a seat, for which in your language I can find no name, but will describe as best I can. It resembled a large cushion, as you would say, but of a material similar to what you call plush. These were richly embroidered with gold. Those belonging to the heads of the family were very large, and exquisitely wrought. Seated on these around the room, they partook of their refreshments, a servant meanwhile standing directly in front of them, to bear away the uneaten fragments, and bring whatever was demanded ; which at the close of each meal was invariably wine, of their own make. This was drunk by all members of the family, and many, more credulous than devout, placed this wine in chalices of gold on their altars to ap- pease the supposed wrath of their idols, and always on taking a journey they in this way besought their silent deities to insure them a safe return. They who served were remunerated only by food, clothing, and protection, while those of their own nation who were taken captive and re- duced to servitude were never spoken of, and would not have been taken back had it been in their power to make such solicitations. There are a few points in domestic life which I care not to touch. You know it is well when one is gathering flowers, to gather those that are fairest, especially if the field from which one gathers be not pleasant with produc- tions that please the eye, and appeal in sweetness to the senses. Even history may well shrink from ringing tones barbaric on ears unaccustomed to such sounds. Yet I will give to you enough to stimulate memory to the acceptance of all you will care to recall. You know there are some scenes one does not care to remember, though it may be pleasant to recall the lessons thereby learned. At tlie time of which I am now to make mention, I was in the full bloom of womanhood. It matters not whether I was cornel v to IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 89 look upon or unpleasant to the eye. I was a woman with a woman's heart, and knew some one would come to woo me, or else there would rest upon me a lasting stigma, and I would no longer be looked upon kindly by my own kindred : which was in accordance with the customs that held the reins over woman at that time. My heart beat wildly when one sunset time there rode to my father s door a man pleasant to look upon, leading by his side a riderless steed, large and powerful. Over his body was spread a cover- ing of crimson of some heavy, rich material, beautifully wrought with gold. The rider dismounted not at my father's request, and I watched with anxious heart, peer- ing through the heavy vines, fearing lest he would turn away. He took from a small, yet exquisitely v/rought, casket of gold, beautiful jewels, and rare stones, that I could see sparkle as the rays of the setting sun fell over them, seem- ing to turn them to waves of liquid light. At length after much consultation my father took the casket, and the rider dismounted. I knew what this signified, and immediately flew to the white-winged dove, where I lighted the perfumed candles, and prepared for a fast, while I lifted my soul to its own deity in chants of thanksgiving. I left not the sacred niche till the morning daM^ned, and when the family gathered for the first meal of the day (which was not until the sun cast a shadow half-way between the sun's rising and the noon-time), my father led me to the young man, who the evening before had made with him a bargain for me, the significance of which I will explain. At tliat time and in that nation the wooer, when in quest of a bride, sought not the hand of a maiden through the attractable power of beauty, or of love, and often never saw her until all points had been settled with the father, and often he became ac- quainted with the existence of the one he sought through tidings carried him by some one who conjectured that she would make for him a thrifty wife ; when having made his own conclusions, he saddled his own horse, and decked an- other for the wife he would carry to his own land. Then taking with him the wealth he had laid aside for that pur- pose, he rode away, leading the richly dressed horse, the 90 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, trappings of which showed the position of the woo3r, and went far towards securing him a bride. With the riches he carried with him, were the gems or gokl with which he pur- chased of the father a daughter of his own househokl ; the mother had no voice in tlie disposition made, nor had the daughter. She was sold and borne away, while the father counted his wealth contentedly, thinking not of her who had gone, but waiting yet impatiently for other wooers to claim the remaining daughters of his household. Thus you see, woman at that age had no power, no rights. In the sons alone was the father and his house honored. While the daughter became the burthen bearer of men, who looked upon her as you would now look upon a slave, yet women sought matrimony, or rather desired it, there being in it some fetters broken ; besides what love their souls were susceptible of had a little more chance of expressing itself, though the vine was slender and the oak grew but stern and rugged branches. In the manner I have de- scribed I was sold, my father placing in the hand of the dark-eyed, dark-browed man my own. This constituted the entire marriage ceremony, and I thought it was well, and before the sun touched the noon-mark I was gayly and richly dressed for the journey. My father, in honor of the one who bore me away, commanded many servants to ac- company us with discordant sounding instruments from which they deemed they brought music that would charm from the bridal pair the imagined wrath of the many gods of hostile nations. I took not with me my idol, my white- winged dove, as it was my duty to worship at the shrine of him who with jewels and precious stones purchased my very thoughts, hopes, and fears. He could command and I must obey : henceforth I was to bow to his god, and this I thought was well. At length, after journeying many days by land and by water, we reached the land and home I was in tlie future to look upon as mine. Men-servants and maid-servants, in holiday attire, assisted us to alight, which was to me an evidence of the wealth, position, and power of my lord. Tlic home we entered was built, like all others at that time, IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. iJl low and large on the ground, with balconies facing north, south, east, and west; without, trees, bloom and fruit laden, cast their cooling shadows near and far ; while beneath ' them here and there were seats of stone, artistically carved and brightened by gay-colored mats or rugs. Within all was elegance and luxury, silken curtains draped the low, broad windows, richly colored and woven rugs were placed here and there on floors that seemed constructed from all the beautiful stones the earth afforded ; the seats, taking the place of chairs at the present time, were like those in my father's home, cushion-shaped and richly carved. Art, at the time of which I write, had planted its banner high in the soul's chamber of ideality. All paid willing homage to the beautiful, and this very principle was a point gained that marks an epoch in the progression of man, an open door leading out from the vales barbaric. Though it has taken manj^, many ages for man to gain the foothold he rightfully claims to-day, the nights leading thereto seem longer than the days, and the stars in the inexpressible darkness, but few and dim. I look not back to this incar- nation with feelings of tenderness, but with the ever present knowledge that it was a necessity. Soon after my reception into this home that I was to occupy, which was far less slave-like than I had ever dreamed woman's position could be, instead of there being several wives, I found none but myself, which startled me, as it was the custom of the lords at that age to call around them in their homes the fair ones whose beauty attracted them, and the -one who supported the largest number of wives was considered as the most wealthy. Thus time passed with us, I constantly expecting arrivals of female beauty that came not, yet not daring to question the one who had given for me his casket of jewels, the price my father set on his own child. I could not believe I could shine in his soul's casket, the only jewel there. In time there came to our home a daughter, with a lovelit tenderness in her eyes, that thrilled my very soul, and made me feel more than aught else had done, the slavish bondage in which woman was held ; made me recoil in horror and indignation 92 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, at the customs of the people of the land of luxury and wealth. This deep feeling- 1 seemed to breathe with every breath and caress of love into the heart of the little one, whose eyes looked into mine with a wistfulness that made me feel that in her nature were hidden wells filled with a power unutterable, that were to some day be like a newly opened volume, wherein might be read what then was un- lawful for woman to think. With the birth of this little one, whose existence was to our souls a lamp of inspira- tion, there came a more perfect understanding between my purchaser and myself. He had never been exacting, never masterful in his deportment, and through kindness had wakened in my heart a love so deep, so sacred, that I could have consigned to annihilation any one who should step be- tween us. This feeling hourly stood sentinel at the inner door of my woman's soul, for I hourly expected some beau- tiful face to take from me the position I then occupied ; and when one day I was summoned to the presence of the one I loved I was struck dumb with joy to hear from lips I had never dared dispute, the sacred avoAval that while I stood by his side, no other wife should be called beneath his roof. I fell at his feet as though he were a god, for such I almost deemed him. in my devotion. I brought our little one and laid her at his feet, and shuddered as her dimpled hands were stretched out to him, at the dark thoughts that had budded into stern, pitiless resolves in my heart, wherein dwelt a fount of exhaustless love for the little one dependent ujjon me. I had sworn to myself, ere woman's glory set its radiant seal upon her brow, to place to the lips I kissed in deepest love, the draught that would unfetter the soul and place it beyond the glittering and bejeweled price of its would-be purchaser. Eon, do you shudder that Eona ever thus thought and felt, ever thus swore death to the one she loved ? Ah, but have I not told you I have pressed my lips to all life's cups, wherein the dregs of anger, jealousy, hatred, and all the passions lay smouldering, to spring up a scorching flame in the partaking soul ? Aye, all this is true, and the result is, o'er each battle fought, I have waved the banner of victory, until the passions l)orn of earth hav- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES.' 03 ing dealt thus strangely with the soul, lie beneath my feet, powerless to breathe ever again their crude maginetic waves in vibrations over the soul's responsive chambers. From the hour in which I received the informq,tion that so lightened my whole life and being as with a nopn-day sun, I felt that I had a husband; felt no longer the silave fetters binding my very thoughts, and here 1 may say was sown some of the first seeds from which has sprung the principle of the present, — known under the head of woman's! rights. A small beginning, some may say; yet for that day and age of tyranny over woman, wonderful beyond all previous con- ceptions: and, too, a principle once evolved through the needs of the soul finds never a grave; it is a power positive of earth and air, and moves in undulations far and near, touching here a brain and there a brain, and each brain thus awakened gives ungrudgingly its tithes and offerings, thus swelling its power, until it acquires and holds a posi- tion unquestioned by the law-givers of the land. Thus it was in that land and home barbaric, a few threads in the warp of this then unwoven principle were laid. Those threads were never lost, though perhaps by the many un- seen, for the fogs on life's shores are dense. Since then other threads from time to time have been added, until the present shows a principle that is rapidly unfolding to a power that when once established must call for a sacrifice of many of the weaknesses of society, much of its trash and folly, and herald in the morn of reason and common sense, twin brothers of honest thoaght. that lets the soul out be- neath the arches of Infinitude, where bud, bloom, and fruit await the half-starved multitudes with conceptions weak- ened by the unnourishing food from pulpit worshipers, who have put out no receptive efforts. In addition to the information my husband gave me and of which I have spoken this was added. He acknowledged to me his total disbelief in idols, and as I had ever done worshiped through them the god of his soul, to whom he gave neither form nor place. Here was another bond be- tween us, here the birthplace of another principle, that be- coming a power must go rushing like a torrent, resting 94 EXPBSRIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, never until its waters mingle with the mighty tides of the hereafter. This principle was then but a single drop in the world-wide' desert, and what prophetic eye could then scan the horizon of the far-off ages, and paint them from the wondrous and varied picture that but waited the passing ages to become the world's realities? Time did pass, the drop took unto itself through its own powers of attraction other drops, until in time a tiny brook sang a low song; so low at first that priestly ears heard not its babble, and when at last heard it was past arresting, for it watered many lailds, and still flows on. It is true many other streams, such as life could then alone produce, flowed into it and muddied its waters, but the present day shows the brook grown to a mighty tide washing all lands, and clear- ing from its own waters whatever is foreign to them. CHAPTER XL A PKINCIPLE finding its way to .hearts that have already been opened by the mysterious key of soul receptiveness, soon become?^ a power, with an increased radiation and ac- tive undulations; and brains thus pregnant with angel-sent truths fill their own immediate centers of homes with sym- bols that are the actual soul expressions and are under- standable by souls that bear within the holy of holies suf- ficient light whereby they may be explained. Thus it was that our home became a center, and it was not long before the attractive force therein drew to this center a few kindred souls, awakened in a measure to the truths ex- pressed by the symbols that were cast from our united brains and in one sense were children of our household. I am not mythical in thus describing the birth and center of power with the symbolic expressions cast from brains on the surrounding elements. These are facts, not mere sup- positions, and any one gifted with sufficient clairvoyant power can, thronyli Ihe expression of symbols, decipher the attributes of indi\^idualized existences; ave, can even read IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERE:-''. 05 the hidden motives of the heart. This power of clear see- ing is steadily on the gain, which is accounted for by the progressive steps marked in nature's calendar of epochs. As I mentioned before, our home became a center whose attractive force a^dded new links in the then n.o.t far-reach- ing chain. Through this attraction we established, with the few kindred souls thereby drawn to us, an order, as you would term it. This was entirely secret, as all orders must in a sense be, or the attractive power is weakened by bring- ing into the ranks many whose hearts have never hungered for aught but the commonest things of life, and whose only stimulating motive is an idle curiosity, which, becoming gratified and the soul left untouched, ends in tale-bearing, that has not the merit of truthful representations or sensi- ble connections. There were in our order three merchants, wdio dealt re- spectively in silks, jewels, and precious stones. They, hav- ing become convinced of the righteousness of holding as theirs but one wife, had put from them all save the one to whom they were first plighted. These with the one wife each retained added to our household constituted at that time as our order the first faint gleam of a morning that still lingers afar off, over which cloud after cloud must pass, hiding for a time the faint glimmerings that spoke to our souls in voices prophetic of a wonderful yet to be. At the meetings of our little band, which were frequent and occurred at stated times, we intuitively sat with closed eyes and communed as we thought with our own souls, though in truth we felt the breathings of superior and as yet unseen beings, who came to us on the current of harmony thus formed. Then we each gave utterance to the thoughts that filled our souls, and by so doing, gained at each meet- ing a power which we then but little dreamed could exist. At these meetings the doors yvere always closed and secured, and to avoid the suspicion of passers-i)y no lights were placed in the room, though the lights the house- hold gods demanded through the custom of bigoted igno- rance were kept burning to keep unawakened the suspicions of the men and maid servants, for suspicions aroused in the 96 EXPERIENCES OP SPIRITS EON AND EONA, minds of unthinking ignorance create a blind power that might overturn thrones r.nd behead sovereigns. As we thus at one time sat in our closed and darkened room, there suddenly fell around us a light of such ineffable brilliancy that we were struck dumb with fear, for with our limited experience and comprehension, this was the first emotion we Avere capable of experiencing. While we yet held our breaths in our agony of uncertainty, a voice, whose intonations held volumes of inexpressible peace, fell on our ears, with more than the tenderness of a father's blessing, saying, "Peace be with you I cast off all the im- purities of your lives, and the unseen world shall be opened to your gaze." The light then faded until we sat again in the darkness that for the time seemed to stagger us and take from us our very breath, so dense had it grown, and when lights were brought, whitened faces attested without Avords that the great deeps of each soul had been reached. We looked in each others eyes and read there an unyield- ing purpose to turn not back to heathenish idols, for a voiqe from the unseen unknown had called us v/ith its subtle power and we must follow. It mattered not over what ob- stacles we passed if the end be gained, and with firmer re- solves than ever before felt, we clasped hands and thus took, as we did at the close of each meeting, an oath of secrecy and loyalty to the order and its individual members, calling on the god of our own souls to witness the truth and puritj' of our motives, and asking death and annihilation if we failed in any point. Oh! those days when the sun of civilization shone not through the spiritually illumined brain were days of bitter- ness and woe to many. Policy was ever uppermost, and in fact proved the flag-staff that bore on the deceptive tyran- nical breeze the motives of each hoping.fearing heart. A man or woman weighed in the balance and found wanting in devotion to the gods, which was proven by the appeasing incense that was, according to the law, to be daily burned, was destroyed by ways and means that would chill the heart of the strongest, at the present time. It thus behooved us to live in the real and seeming, for we were unconsciously IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. \)7 sowing seeds that must go on producing and reproducing until a power iconoclastic was born that would react from age to age, tearing down the false and making thereby a birthplace for the true. Therefore we burned the neces- sary incense, and for a time it was a blinding power to the eyes of our immediate world; but it is the nature of light to shine, and in doing so it is often the cause of strange shadows, which depend on the way it shines, also on the objects over which it casts its rays. All this is a natural result that cannot be avoided, therefore must be met. Our light at last shone, partly through the circumstance of put- ting away of wives, which made a hideous shadow for the eyes of those whose highest aim seemed to be a multiplicity of companions who in the strictest sense were but the slaves of their law-made master, whose whims and caprices were responded to by the women he fed and clothed as suited his tastes and passions. Partly, too, our light was made to shine, through the friendly greeting of the members of our infant order; these greetings seeming to partake so much of the brotherly love that is noticeable where there is unity of feeling and purpose, and is always significant of a laid plan into which curious and suspicious eyes think it their highest province to peer. The few rays of light that thus strayed from our center brought to us a slight addition in numbers, there being two others who felt there was with us a some- thing their souls craved. These two were tested in all ways, before being admitted, each male member (there being then but four) making himself a spy upon their actions. When the time came for their acceptance they willingly took upon themselves the oath, which was simply loyalty to the order, which was a principle, and to its niembers. The penalty for a failure was death, to which rash lips whispered a stern and meaning Amen, that boded ill to the one wlio should in any way forfeit his or her claim to the sacred bonds which united them as one family, each seeking and dispensing all light and knowledge received for a mutual benefit. Time passed its busy fingers of circumstance, weaving chaplets for brows that must wear them regardless of the 7 98 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, actual thorns that lay hidden under the hope blooms that each heart involuntarily gathers from the world unseen, and through which the soul gains strength to meet the rallied forces of an opposing principle. With the few whose purposes were as firm and unyielding as the everlasting hills, whose holy aspirations were as high as the dome of their own souls' cathedral, we watched and waited, yet dreaded the unfoldments we were promised and which we felt sure were to follow the promise unsought, as bloom follows bud, and it did come. A power strange to us then, and wliicli we never had dreamed existed in the seen or un- seen, fell upon us. Through this power, to which we then gave no name, we saw the then present age fade away, other scenes, other nations, with other gods, take the place they occupied. These too in turn faded, and passed from earth, and still others followed. Thus they seemed to come and go: nation after nation passing ere tlie stern night of barbarism yielded to the subdued light of our early morn, and through all this night we saw the one silvery thread running like a mythical river, sometimes broadening, and sometimes almost fading from sight; but at last gathering to itself the power each age had bequeathed it as a legacy from hearts that could suffer till the night of so-called death hid them from the unsealed eyes of man. It became the one stream that bore otl its placid surface the love-laden boats of man's purest hopes, highest aspirations, and most certain possibilities. A portion of this long-ago vision has been fulfilled, and a portion still awaits the steady march of time, which means in the strictest sense a harmonious un- foldment of mankind. In our frequent seclupion meetings we were at last brought face to face with beings from the other world. This at first chilled our very hearts' blood, because it was too unex- pected, though in time we learned to look for these un- winged messengers as a child learns to turn its innocent eyes to the light that shines brightest. A copy of all that was seen, heard, and expressed at our gatherings was se- cretly kept, and these parchments were handed down for ages to those who in time took the places of those who were IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 99 called up higher. These copies were by members of the same order destroyed ages after, which was done as a pro- tection to those who believed; otherwise they would have perished at the hands of idol worshipers. There came a time after our order had become firmly es- tablished on a foundation of actual knowledge, that there came to us one whose bearing was noble, who, as far as mortal eyes could discern, was the embodiment of as much perfection as the earth at that age could bestow on man; yet around this unknown there was a mysterious something that spoke to our souls in a warning voice. He was con- scious that we held a power through knowledge he had not attained to. and humbly solicited the privilege of becoming a member of our order. He was bidden to wait until the sun had risen and set seven times, before he could receive the decision of the few true and tried hearts who were turn- ing leaf by leaf the unwritten pages of the unseen through the power now termed clairvoyance. During these days, that he knew not to be days of trial, his steps were followed by each male member of our band in perfect disguise. At the end of that time as nothing wrong was found in him he was accepted by us, and without a dissenting word took the oath of loyalty, and as we in unison uttered the ominous Amen, the room trembled as though shaken by a terrific earthquake, and with it fell on our hearts a dread, as though the shadow of an unending death was hovering over us. Nothing further followed, the evening ending in silence. We parted, speaking no word of our suspicions, if we har- bored them, against this accepted stranger, though I read in stern-looking eyes words I forbear to rewrite. The pages of that barbaric age are wofully blotted and the mar- gins thereof are crowded with notes that breathe not of peace and love. We had at this time a few laws, or as you would say by-laws, that governed our actions and deport- ment to each member. Among them, and standing first, was one that read something like this: " No member shall on any account say aught disrespectful or suspicious of another member, on pain of penalty." This was binding; we had received into our ranks one towards whom each 100 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, soul at that moment turned with accusations of unjust mo- tives, yet no lips condemned, and as far as he could per- ceive all was well, but he never came again; it was rumored afterwards that he was found dead, though no one seemed to know or care how or when it occurred, and no questions were ever asked. From this time we felt that we were sus- pected, and when not long after two applicants came to us in seeming innocence, we knew we were watched, and knew too that sudden disaster would overtake us, unless we planned to thwart it. Accordingly a special meeting was called, and it was de- cided to leave the land wh'erein we dwelt and seek another land, and other homes. To do this successfully the greatest secrecy was needful; besides, to escape detection, we were obliged to take upon ourselves the clothing and semblance of vagabonds. We gathered together all of our wealth in gems and precious stones that we could carry, and on pre- tense of a day's journey left our luxurious homes where abundance had always crowned us; but we took with us what we more deeply prized, our religious freedom, which we could enjoy even if we were driven to the wilderness. Once away from our homes, we clothed ourselves in pre- viously prepared rags, and continued our journey, wander- ing upon the face of the earth. Our band, which composed the entire order, was too small to excite suspicions; thus on foot we roamed wherever we chose, subsisting on nature's productions, wliich were abundant and failed us not. We at last heard of a country afar off where the inhabitants were not obliged under penalty of death to worship idols of man's construction, burning incense thereto, and thus filling with gold the coffers of a king whose right was might, for at tliis time the incense moneys went to increase the wealth, and power of a tyrant. Days counted weeks and weeks counted months, as you tell time, and yet we wandered, hoping sometime to reach the land we sought. At last we came to the border of India, or what you term India at the present time. This was the land of which we had been told, the land we sought, but our sweet dreams of homes, like unto the ones we had left afar, were doomed to fade. IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES, 101 Yet we murmured not, knowing that time here would end the strife, and we were ready at any time to lay down the armor we were wearing, for the peaceful homes we knew awaited us. In this land that we had sought, a fearful war was raging, brought about by enemies, whose love for dev- astating the fair lands of peace and plenty was the actuat- ing principle; accordingly we were obliged to tarry in the borders of the country, making our homes wherever we found safety, wandering to and fro, yet never losing sight of the great principle, the following of which had driven us from our homes. CHAPTER XII. While yet as a band we were wandering, with a feeling that the desolations of the earth were our only birthright through the power of circumstance that made us so unlike the many, we through a seemingly mere accident, and with no special purpose in view, followed a strange, wild path that seemed to beckon us on through its very wildness, until it at last brought us to a half-hidden opening, which upon investigation proved to be the mouth of a cave. Af- ter some consultation, lights were secured, and, by remov- ing the low brush and some fallen limbs that the trees over- head in their tossing and bending to the stern winds had deposited there, we entered, and found ourselves in an apartment the size of which surprised us, and, upon fur- ther investigation, other and smaller rooms were found opening from this main room. It seemed to us that the loving hands of the unseen had for a purpose guided us hither, and with one accord we accepted it with grateful hearts as our future home, made doubly dear and doubly sacred by the shadows through which for a principle we had patiently wandered. It soon assumed a homelike ap- pearance through our united efforts, and joyously did we labor, for the love of home lightened every passing hour. I have not mentioned that the man to whom I was sold 103 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, was the Eon of my past, present, and future, as there lias seemed no fitting- place to make mention of the fact; all this you undoubtedly know, drawing your conclusions partly from preceding chapters, and partly from the half-awak- ened memory, that in the present catches at times stray gleams from the past, almost hidden by the towering hills of time, in the shadows of which many facts to man are but faint possibilities. Bat this you remember was in strict ac- cordance with the promises made us before this incarnation by the spirit father and mother, who watched us fall asleep. At the time of which I now write, I knew not that my com- panion was my own soul's mate, with whom I had roamed the ever fair fields of the sweet forever; yet this was true, and the purposes of our lives lay before us. Thus explaining, I will return to the hidden retreat Ave had blessed with the name of home, which at that time signi- fied to us heaven. We built no altar to the unknown god of our own souls. We were a harmoniously united family of husbands, wives, and children, and the home rights of each were acknowledged and respected; which in itself strength- ened the cords of fraternal feeling by which we were bound. To the heart of my husband and myself whispered the ten- der voices of three other little ones, the blest children of our wanderings; and our hearts were strengthened to stern endeavor as the dimpled hands sought with pure caress our sun-browned cheeks. These three were sons, and as years passed by leaving them at the gate of manhood, they were numbered among the wise men of the East; and with a feeling of tender pride, I add that they did much to increase the knowledge and power to which we had attained before we knocked at the gate of the cities unseen, and traced no longer the shores of time. Here in our secluded retreat we succeeded, through the help and guidance of immortals, in establishing an unending power; in lighting an unfailing lamp, whose steady gleam has shone adown the ages tlien afar off, and with the power that has at times been added thereto has lighted the pathway for countless millions, the tramp of whose feet then echoed not in the valleys of time. It is true the light was at times wavering and un- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. lOo steady, thereby making uncertain shadows, for remember, Eon, the wildly furious winds of our opposing power, that held almost unlimited sway at the time of which I write, seemed at times ready to extinguish it forever, and would have done so, had it not been because it was a power posi- tive, — consequently in the strongest and best sense an in- heritor of immortality, and which being immortal could in no way be overcome or annihilated. Eon, I see in your heart many questions; they flit to and fro ill the soul's chambers like dim, hungry-eyed specters, and with these questions, and surrounding them, is a con- stant wonderment why souls who had reached to great heights in intellectual achievements, as I had done on the planet Jupiter, and in which you as my guardian spirit had fully participated, should, as far as could be seen ex- teriorly, sink far down into the low valleys of existence, and become so benighted or befogged through the grossness of matter. I will answer in a limited manner, and you will understand much. Who would or could imagine a ship- builder (having the knowledge of his trade perfected) being so short-sighted as to send oceanward to a burning, sinking, or befogged boat, a frail skiff that the angry winds and wild waves might swallow up at one sweep, thinking thereby to save crew and cargo? You see the idea, and understand the influence. These have guiding forces to earth and its chil- dren ; have ever been spirits whose mission it is to bear earth- ward light from soul's summer-land, wiiere life in the act- ual exists; and the higher the achievements to which they attain in the spirit spheres of their own planet or elsewhere, the greater will be their positive power on earth, the more powerful will they be to oppose and overcome undeveloped conditions, and plant firmly with a might and right the im- movable landmarks of progress, towards which the home- w^ard-bound pilgrim may ever turn for the assurance that he is on the true path to his father's house. These strong- spirits who take upon themselves incarnations in gross mat- ter that they may be the world's light-bearers, lose none of the glory that was theirs in the land of souls; it is simply laid aside for the time to await the fulfillment of their mis- 104 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, sion; and with the laying of it aside, the memory thereof, too, is left in the land from which they have departed; which fact proves to the spirit one of the greatest blessings of incarnation, for who, dwelling in beauty that has never been and never can be told in words, where the soul forever drinks from the well-springs of peace, love, and wisdom, could be even comparatively happy in taking the memor}^ of such surroundings with them into the dull, sorrowful valley of earth existence? No, it is a blessing to forget, else in pining for home with all its joys the good for which they come would be left undone, and their own labors re- ceive no compensation. It is true while here they express not all their unfolded attributes, because matter, through which they make themselves known, will not allow it. Neither must they of necessity retrace their paths in the land of souls. Law on each side the mystic river is in its nature binding and inexorable, holding good in matter as in spirit; consequently a spirit not superior to it is made pris- oner and can walk or work in no other paths than the law that governs will allow. Thus it was with Eona. She la- bored faithfully in the grooves in which her waking found her. Thus it was with the husband into whose eyes she then dreamed not she had ever looked until her father placed her hand in the hand of her purchaser as his personal property to do with as he deemed best, while the seller, seated on his luxurious rug, counted the sparkling jewels for which she was sold. The avenues of the incarnation, of which I now speak, were too befogged by the grossness of matter to allow me to turn backward my glances, thus gathering from the past the heart approval to facts as they had previously existed. The mists of the valley in which I walked shut out the light and peace that ever rested like a benediction on the hills and the vales of the forever and ever. My work lay before me like the result of the commonest circumstances, and as such I did it, knowing not, seeing not, through tlie closed and barred windows of the soul, that it had been previously l)repared for me, and I for the work. I took up the burthens that lav before me, knowing not what the end would be, IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 105 except a quiet, unmarked grave for the body, and, as I then supposed, an untried existence in the land of the hereafter. Never before had I been so shut out from my fatherland. I caught no sounds of its murmuring brooks, felt on my dark cheek no breezes from the far-off liills that border the lands of the blest, felt in my soul no responsive echoes that told, in the language of parables, tales of another land. All was night except the existence I then vitalized. It is true we received what to us was the depth of wisdom, from the unseen world, though the information received spanned no bridges that could lead us back to the peaceful home we had left, told us not that we had dwelt together in cottage vine-clad on hill-sides that were ever green; all this was hidden, and it was well, for the knowledge imparted to us was what that age, for purposes the then far-off future would in time evolve, most needed. Thus, Eon, you will readily see that our incarnation in that age barbaric had a positive object, which was the form- ing of an avenue through which came the engrafting of a principle that soon assumed the shape of a power, though still in its infantile wrappings. It was for this we left the sweet fields of the forever, in response to a voice that called us from afar off; called us until through all our beings we felt the magnetic thrill of an unyielding purpose, and we sent back the answer, " We come, we come." It is true we seemed through obedience or response to this call to sink back again to a condition almost as primitive as the one occupied at the time when memory placed its first land- marks, crude and ill-favored, and back of which there was no retreating; but it mattered not, so long as the end was gained. Truly the ship-builder saw in the distance his befogged ship, and sent ocean ward some of his best, most reliable, and most enduring life-boats, that could outweather the gales, and ride safely on the highest wave and tide, to aid to secure moorings the great boat, with its untold freight of humanity. And was it not well that we were sent? Surely we lost nothing. Our May day would wait for us; besides the fields of the eternal never become seared and yellow, like the deserted harvest-fields of earth life, but lOG EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, bud, bloom, and fruit are always there, and hands that have for long years lifted the heavy burthens of our earth existence, forget not how to gather them when once freed from the fetters that bind. We can readily trace in the engrafted principles the true cause of our united efforts, the true cause of both incarnating at one time. Seeds, from the growth of which ages then unborn were to reap a golden harvest, were to be sown; consequently the posi- tive and negative must work in the same field, or the work would be but half accomplished, and our both being drawn earthward at the same time was- one great reason of our feeling in our souls no breathings from the past. Neither the positive nor the negative was there to transmit in direct lines to the earth-bound pilgrim; consequently the mists in the valley never lifted; yet there was a pathway out, although we saw it not. In the secluded retreat to which I have referred, we continued to hold our meetings, our order taking in no new members. An unseen and unthought-of attractive power had drawn to its center the few souls that, in that coun- try, at that age, were the light-bearers of the ages then un- told. These, like us, had been incarnated for the work they were doing. I can look back now from where I stand and see how perfectly each soul of us fitted into the great wheel of progress that moved slowly yet surely to the consum- mation of man's greatest good, the full realization of wliich has not yet appeared, and for which we still, as spirits and mortals, labor unceasingly, — we bringing our forces earth- ward, and mortals, consciously or unconsciously, utilizing the same, which the world reads in the book of facts ever opened by angel hands, where they note the manifestations, unexplainable except through natural laws, and for which in times past many true men and women were driven by death-dealing bigots across the mystic river, carrying with them the condemnatory papers of their persecutors, who had unconsciously written them and signed their names there- to, through the power of conscious wrong the same, at the time, bare evidence to. Thus Compensation stands at each turn in the road, dealing with unwearying hands merits or IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 107 demerits, as the demand may be. In our established sea- sons of communion we continued to gain knowledge, that was to us a power, our oar with which we rovved the life- boats far out at sea, making points invisible to the mass of benighted wanderers, points that were actual landmarks, actual light-houses whose steady gleam the experienced eye could readily detect. We mingled not with the world in its pursuits, its pleasures, and pastimes; though we at times fre- quented cities for a purpose, when it behooved us to aston- ish with the power we possessed even the wise, who came to look upon us as being possessed of an almost supernat- ural power. When it seemed wise and best, we spoke with warning voice, foretold important occurrences with an un- failing accuracy that startled, while it carried conviction, and as the result of which we were called seers. We w^ere left undisturbed to follow our inclinations. None ever followed us to our retreat; in fact it is very probable they had not the courage had they possessed the desire, for, though endowed with courage in wars, in the face of what seemed to them to partake too forcibly of another life, they were the kings of cowards, which rendered our personal safety a settled conclusion. We in time became chemists, partly through the teachings of the messengers who came to us, and partly through our intuitive power, which, although we then comprehended it not, had its birth in the land of souls, the real birthplace of all principles, all powers, and from whence they are borne to the receptive brains of the children of earth. Such brains are centers, or, in one sense, suns; they receive, and they radiate, and the mighty truths of the universe are borne through the valleys of time, up the steep hills of progression, by these same bur- then brains, while the ignorant crowds hurl after them their anathemas, that are in truth but simple air echoes, by which ignorance advertises itself to the world. After our knowledge in chemistry became founded securely on what basis the age could afford as a tribute to knowledge, we established a school of chemistry in one of the cities of In- dia (now extinct). Our appliances were somewhat simple, yet the results attained were startling to those who gave 108 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, their time and attention; and the number was small, be- cause so few had the courage to witness or take part in the experiments. CHAPTER XIII. Eon, have I not unraveled the web of the Arabian in- carnation sufficiently to prove to you, if you could need proof from the hand of Eona, the necessities of the step recorded at last, with the many whys and wherefores that would naturally cast shadows athwart the doorways of the soul? Taking it for granted that you are satisfied, with a few closing notes of explanation, I will gladly roll the stone to the mouth of this not pleasant sepulcher, from whence I have bidden actual facts to come forth in their grave clothes. We continued to live as we were li\"ing. continued to labor as we were laboring, until, on the dial of material existence, time had left more than one hundred marks wherein was told, with the coming of spring, the long wearisome strug- gles with the powers of earth and air. w^herein were breath- ings of hopes fulfilled, or buried under the flowerlessturf of disappointment, until, with work all done, it was not un- pleasant to feel that our faces turned towards the setting sun, that fell with a softened halo in the valley whither our paths were leading. We cared little if those paths were rougii; we were not there to gather flowers, but to sow seeds that would spring up and in ages yet unborn give bloom and fruit to the gleaner. It was during that season of the twelvemonth wiierein the sun shines hottest that my feet wearied and finally in the valley rested. That poor Arabian form, how worn and wearied it had grown Avith long marches and many battle-fields I I think of it now with a feeling akin to pity, and kindly ask of Gabriel when he dons his fresh linen, preparatory to the sounding of the final trump, to leave one blast unblown, and let the poor form rest, with its face still turned towards the setting sun. It would not be missed in the ir^otley, jostling crowd of IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 109 resurrected forms; besides I might not be pleased to have it claim me as its rightful landlord, and surely I do not pro- pose to play the captain over the several forms that have kindly served my several incarnations, — it would be a hideous company to marshal over the starlit floor of the beyond. From nature's great wardrobe they were taken, to serve a purpose then apparent, and were of necessity hung on the last peg at the doorway as I passed out, and after- ward utilized for younger members of our Father's family. How long, oh how long, before there will be an evolution of ideas that can keep pace with the evolution of matter, and man come to realize that it is through matter he must ascend the ladder of progression, before he can catch even far-off glimpses of his real life, of his real home, from whence Mother Nature in need of workers calls him, and as he gathers the thistles from the blooming hedge with the winds of fate, she then lulls him to sleep on her bosom. Oh, stern, exacting mother, many voices are silent in the Father's house because of tliy loud calls that must be obeyed, yet most just thou art, and none can say aught dis- paraging thy purposes and fulfillments, and the faithful child takes home when the long day is ended compensation meet for his services. As I have mentioned, I rested at last in the valley, and sweet and dreamless was the sleep that followed. How long I slept I know not, but I seemed roused by the sounds of musical waterfalls forming a rhythmical undertone to the voices of happy children. I noticed not on my sudden waking where I was, but rose hastily and went in search of the happy sounds, that seemed to sweep over some chord of the soul's harp that had not quite lost its vibratory power. I pushed back what at that moment seemed to me the closed door of a tent, and, as I lifted it still farther, I saw that the door was formed entirely by long, swaying vines, fresh with newly opened blossoms, and as I peered out there came to my soul a subdued feeling of peace with a half realization of something familiar in the surroundings, as though at some time I had traveled either the same ror.d or one akin to it. Before the door played several children, no EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, robed in material such as immortals alone wear. I passed my hands quickly over my eyes with the feeling that I must be dreaming and could not wake. Then for the first time I noticed that my clothing, too, was of the same beautiful material, noticed that my hands had lost their angularity induced by toil, and were both white and shapely. I passed them slowly over my hair, which hung to my waist, and that was dark, glossy, and wavy. At this moment the little ones caught sight of the anxious face that peered out from the hanging vines and came towards me with happy smiles. This was more than I could bear without explanation, for I thought of myself as being but an old, time-worn Arabian, against whom certain powers had arrayed themselves, I accordingly called with a loud voice to the husband whose presence had ever been the power through which my cour- age had asserted itself. I waited and listened a moment for his familiar step, when the tender vines were lifted and there passed to the interior of the tent two beings of such wondrous beauty that I fell on my face before them asking only for my husband, the companion of my pilgrimage. They bade me follow them, and I had no power to do other- wise. Passing from the vine-hung lodge, they tenderly took my hands and bore me down, down, until the mists of earth- life touched me with their chilling breath, and I shivered like one grown cold. Presently we stood before the open- ing to the cavern; when, waiting a moment to gather the needed power, we passed in, and then memory, faithful in all points, began unraveling the mysteries that in a little time seemed to have grown into mountains impassable. I saw then the husband, to whom I had clung through all the changes of a strange existence, felt that in my transition he had grown inexpressibly dear, and as memory went on gathering up its tithes from the fields of the past and laying them at the very door of my soul. I took in more and more, until at last the chain was complete, when the white- robed messengers said, " We will go now, as there is work yet to be done." Then I knew they were the spirit father and mother who had watched over our incarnation in this barbaric land, who had led us in our wanderings to and fro. IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. Ill laying plans for our fulfillment that were to be the world's inheritances. Before leaving you, I drew to myself power sufficient to touch you, at the same time, by a great will- power, whispering to your ear, "Eon." You started and wondered much as to the import of the one word, knowing not that it was the name you left in your other, your better life. I left you then for a little time, left you to gather from the fields of the eternal proofs of all th-at memory had vouchsafed to bring in testimony of the land and the life from whence we had strayed. It would be pleasant, I felt, to note again the old land- marks, to rest in the shade of trees that had in the long ago seemed so lover-like, and in doing so overcome the Arabian feeling that clung to me yet. I longed to press with feet no more weary, all the paths over which I had passed with the Eon of my soul; but Brier Hill and the dear home, or the dear home there awaiting us, I could never visit until we could hand in hand climb the sacred paths together. I knew the dear cottage waited for us, knew the doors and windows were open, and the fragrant breath of brier blooms whispered to the waiting rooms, " Eon and Eona are coming." But not alone, no never alone could I wander through the pleasant rooms; yet all the rest of the way I wandered over, thinking how sweet it would be to walk with you over those same paths, calling your attention to this or that as we passed; thinking how I should enjoy 3^our brightened look as memory recalled it all. Oh, Eon, never was bridegroom more longed for than then, never did heart call more loudly for its own than did the heart of Eona at that time. All the regained beauties and pleasures of that home of the soul were but half noticed, half enjoyed, be- cause the eyes of Eon gazed not on them with me, but were peering yet through the shades of Arabian twilights for a glimpse of my spirit robes. Sad-hearted Eon, how he missed the old Arabian woman whose place in the coming twilight was always by his side! How he listened for her step that he knew then would be light as the fluttering of a bird's wing! After I had visited hills, and vales, and wind- ing streams, till all the old landmarks had come to seem to 112 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EON A, me like old-time friends, I had nothing to do but to wait for the coming of the bridegroom, whose eyes, wherein I read a love untold, were often turned skyward, as if in search of the hills and spires of his native land. I well remember, tlirough the countless ages that have passed, how I watched with joyous heart the paling of the cheeks that told of the tinted blooms that were all gathered to shores immortal; how I smiled as I saw the once firm step falter, and the hands fold wearily, as though there were no more burthens to carry over rough places and up steep hills; and when there dawned the final morn, in which you bowed your head on your hands without one murmur and lifted it not again, then was added one more hallelujah to the charioteers of the Infinite, that methinks must echo still in some emerald isle of the ether seas. Your form at last rested by the side of the one I had worn, in my pilgrimage, and like mine it was threadbare, showing where the wheels of time had rubbed against it, defacing its comeliness. The look in your eyes, as you opened them on the new morn of the soul, was the look of a startled child, who. after playing long hours in the daisied meadows, falls asleep by the singing brook near which it strayed, and w^akes with the brook's songs in his ears instead of the familiar music of the mother's voice. You had slept, after the long years of wandering in the thorny fields of earth existence, and the brook songs of your fatherland sounded again on your ears, and you understood not tlie sound thereof. You seemed to lose consciousness for but a few moments and soon stood looking on the old form with a look of wonder- ment bordering on confusion. At last, as though to make sure of something, you hardly knew what, j'ou touched with your shapely hands the bowed head of the form from whence you had fled like a passing breath of summer, and then you realized the full fact that you were no longer a dweller in the caves of earth, but a dweller on shores im- mortal, liberated at last from the chains that bound, the links thereof being iron welded in the furnace of circum- stances wherein seemed blended no pity. Eona stood near you, and gently touching you caused you to turn towards IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 113 her your eyes. You seemed startled, but there was no look that said, "Soul of my soul, we meet again." As one stranger may guide another through the winding streets of a strange city, so I kindly offered to guide you wherever you most might desire to go. I was not disappointed that you did not recognize me. nor grieved, for I knew that in time memory, true in all things when unfettered, would on rapid wing sweep through the beautiful fields wherein we had strayed and gather therefrom all the missing links, and when the chain was complete I knew the first link would begin with your soul and the last one end with mine, when recognition would be complete. Taking your hand without a word I led you away. As we began ascending you intuitively used your will-power to keep pace with me; this was no difficult thing for you to do, for your will had of necessity been in the ascendency for long years. With it as a propelling power you had climbed many hills of earthly opposition, and led upward with you the companion of your joys and sorrows. Now I was lead- ing you over the beautiful hills that bordered the land of souls. We passed many on our journey, and I noticed the wistful glances you ever turned as though in quest of some one. I understood it all, knew well that you were peering into the faces of the passers-by in quest of an old Arabian woman to whom your heart clung with a tender memor}' and for whom it hungered even then. Oh, Eon, how I longed to comfort you. longed to tell you who I was; but no. it would have served but to confuse you and hinder instead of helping you back to a memory of those days and other scenes. At length you asked me if this was spirit land, as though half doubting, so strange did everything seem to you. I told you it was, and asked you if it pleased you to become an inhabitant of so beautiful a country. You said you were pleased, yet felt like a stranger and illy fitted for a land so beantiful, where all whom you met were fair as though in life's morning. I noticed that you still walked in a feeble manner and with bowed form; not from necessity but from the force of habit that had come to you in your last days as 11-4 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EON A, an Arab. I could but smile to see it, for your face was the same dear face of the long, long ago. This you knew not, and seemed not to notice the beauty of your clothing, there was so much else to attract your attention. At length there came over your face a look of disappointment, and you re- marked that somewhere in this land you had a friend who had gone hither in advance of you; a wife, you farther ex- plained, and you much feared you would never find her more, and if you did not you must return once more to earth, as perhaps she was there yet waiting for you, and had not known when you passed out. We were passing a fountain round which little children were playing, and I led 3'ou towards it, bidding you bathe your head with its cooling drops, and, as you leaned over the marble-like basin, you caught a sudden glimpse of the face there reflected, and looking again turned towards me saying in a startled man- ner, "What does it mean? I see not the face that for long- years has greeted my eyes, but one fair like the faces of all the inhabitants I have met." Then I explained to you that you had left behind you the form you had worn, and the one you were then occupying was the new one from the hand of the Infinite, or rather from one of the attributes of the Infinite, which was by law in all its exactness. Then for the first time you noticed your clothing. Your form was no longer bent and feeble, but stood erect in all the perfectness of manhood. Suddenly, as though stimu- lated by a new idea, you remarked, " AVill my wife, too. be young and fair as I am?" I answered that she would. Then you said, " Let us hasten back, for I may have passed her in the crowds we met." I found it difficult to detain you long enough to explain all you were in a condition to accept. I told you that was impossible, for I knew your wife, and would in time take you to her, that we had some distance yet to go, and you were in need of rest. As our path was the one frequented mostly by those com- ing from the earth, it was provided with restful nooks, homes of beauty, that while they furnished a place of rest also drew the mind from earth tnid what there most at- tracted it. Seeing a bower formed entirely from the run- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 115 ning vine, I led you to it and bade you rest, while I would sit outside. You slept at last, and it was what you most needed. Hours passed, in which I had time to think over the past, so strange and wild at times, and yet again so peaceful. At length you awoke and came forth refreshed, but yet you knew me not. So dark had been the long- night of our incarnation that as yet the sun of memory pierced not into the soul's chamber, revealing therein the true pictures. You seemed impatient to be gone, and again, a stranger, I led you along the homeward path, wondering when memory would note its first landmarks. Coming to the third sphere, I led the way to the little cottage we had called home when we dwelt in this belt. You sat on the porch, still vine-hung, and, looking afar off, seemed half dreaming, when at last you said, " I feel the peaceful breathings of home brooding over my spirit as though I had been here before, and the cottage seems to claim me as its own child, come home after a wearisome pilgrimage." I answered nothing, for I knew memory was busy gather- ing from the harvest fields of the true life her golden grain. We journey again, you seeming almost loath to leave the little nest wherein such welcome dwelt. As we passed one object after another I noticed that you seemed more and more interested; seemed like one just wakened from along sleep, wherein the dreams had been so real that they cast their dull shadows into the waking hours, making all objects par- take of an air of half certainty and half uncertainty. We reached the fourth sphere, and there was something in the light that pervaded it that seemed to have power to roll away many clouds that were sailing athwart your sky, and you said, half to yourself and half to me, " I shall find her here, I shall find her here." " Yes," I said in a low voice, " you will find her here." We passed through the streets of the beautiful beyond, where lay the home in which we had dwelt. We neared Brier Hill and began the ascent; you with your head bent as if in deep thought; I with all my soul calling to yours for recognition. Stopping a moment, I gathered some fragrant blooms from the well remembered hedge, which until now I had not approached. 116 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, I handed them to you to attract your attention for a moment, which done, I said suddenly, calling you by your own name, "See, Eon, our home on Brier Hilll" This proved the key to the inner chamber; the door opened, the light of memory flooded the whole sanctuary, and, being completely overcome, you sank on the tender moss. As a tired child weeps on the peaceful bosom of its mother,you wept, kissing again and again the flower-dotted moss. Looking into my eyes you read there the name of the poor old Arabian woman, whose fate was through the promise at incarnation so linked with yours, and through the promise of the Infinite would ever be thus linked, it mattered not where the fields of the future lay. Again, hand in hand, with hearts too full to break the sacred spell that bound us, we passed on to the dear home that awaited us, as it had done before, on our home-coming from Jupiter. Every bird that sang seemed warbling a song for our ears; every breeze that blew whispered for us tales of love; every flower that bloomed seemed offering to us its sweetest fragrance. Heaven grant all souls as sweet a home-coming is the prayer of Eon a. I have been thus explicit as to your home-coming that I might thereby show how, through incarnation, memory lays aside its happy visions of the past, and deals only with the material objects by which it is surrounded; it would be a difficult matter, aye, an utter impossibility, for a brain to be developed through any condition the earth at its present unfoldment could offer, that could recall and retain all the by-gones of the spirit, and at the same time deal actively with the present. Spirit expresses itself through matter, is governed or bound by it, and sees, feels, and hears through the material avenues offered; and the readiness with which it recalls the past, when it returns to its home after an earthly pilgrimage, depends entirely on the density of the elements by which it has been surrounded during incarna- tion. This will explain why you, fresh from your Arabian incarnation, came as through the shadows of strange dreams, and continued to feel like a man grown old and feeble, while at your former waking you realized that you IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 117 were in your true home though haunted by an unpleasant dream, the memory of which disturbed you — until you came to know that what you called a dream had' been an earth existence. The picture our home presented as we entered it will never be forgotten by Eona. From the center of the ceiling in each room was suspended a harp, through which the brier-scented breezes of an unending summer swept, touch- ing the chords, until the vibrations mingled in harmonious murmurs, making a melody that seemed to have been born in the higher spheres. The walls were festooned with freshly gathered flowers, fastened at regular intervals by bouquets, the center flower of which was in each a beautiful white lily, from the heart of which fell a silver- like spray. In one room a small fountain played, casting its spray into a basin that seemed formed of green leaves and sweet-scented blooms, so perfectly had a vine of tinted leaves been twined around its base. Around this fountain flitted birds of gay plumage, lighting now and then among the flowers, and adding other strains to the music of the harps. In an alcove formed of vines and blooms was a table spread for a repast, the food consisting entirely of rare fruits, and a nectar made from fruit such as the earth has never produced was placed in exquisitely formed gob- lets. All these preparations had been made by loving hands, prompted by the unselfish impulses that character- ize true unfoldment. A heart whose only light is reflected from the gold of earth lacks sun, moon, and stars, and in the life to come will peer long among the shadows of a dim twilight. All about us were beauty, peace, and love, and our souls bathed in the atmosphere of this eternal summer and were refreshed. Then again, with clasped hands, we entered the Temple of Love. Never before had so deep a feeling of sacredness breathed itself into our hearts, as with bowed heads we approached the inner arch of the temple. The united voices of singers fell on our ears: "Blessed, thrice blessed, are they who labor and bring hither golden sheaves." Then as we stood before the well remembered altar, the voices of the singers ceased, and there fell over lis EXPERIEXCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA. US the misty veil of the temple, the veil , of the bride, the veil of the bridegroom, in the form of a silvery spray. This symbolized consecration. The voice of the holy one who presided over the temple then addressed us, saying, " Twin souls of the spheres, the fields of the eternal are fair, and the blooms thereof fade not. Gather them and bind your brows therewith in the peaceful vales, forgetting for a time that thorns still grow on the shores of the life from whence you come?^!i||tfLkdeep draughts from the fountain of wis- dom, for the FatlieWii^Jivet great need of his messengers, and as such you were cli5!?^i«4..ages ago, smd^vev you has ever shoiXiLthe sacred light of tM^spheres. Rest 'Yf* now, and when tlrl^Fiitlier sh^l say v^to you through thip voice of 3-our own soWi^' Chilck^eijiiffiake the lamps and gd earth- ward, and light tlmha^h the perilous vli^vs my waiidering children,' tarry not, ji^^H^nto those who obeg^great compen- sation in time come|ji. Gfft'STe now, for the fii^<(4^f the sum- mer-land c all y ou Ip their feast of flo.ii44yi^u*?..*3!!!&t?n as we passed out, "tlie V(yH*e^ (^'f^ie^s'ingers again fell on our ears, and as we^in-ied yet on the steps of the temple, every breath of air '^^ined to undulate wfr!esra^»4j^ared now^B^. to turn our faces toward'^ie fideT^s summer' that brea|yied--jp6«ii^..pver hill and vak% By\va}^ol^explanation, I -v^l say ^at not all who mee^ks dunl souls visit the Temple'|&f.,^ve. This is done only l^i^iose who are, and have been through ages, messengers t(^(|gy,i^fi:oHi the land of souls, for you under- stand, Eon, that all ages have been blest with men and women whose development showed them far in advance of the age in which they lived. These liave always been scoffed at by the ignorant, which was the best they knew to do, yet they have always left a beacon on the hills of time that sent valewards its light, which in time the stoffers were obliged to accept and walk by as the only way out of diffi- culties. The lamps these messengers bear aloft were kept IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 110 filled from the shores immortal, and no cyclone of so-called religious ideas can extinguish them. Your heart questions many things, all of which can be answered in but few words. You think it strange that the dual principle was not years ago taught, thereby doing away with the dark- ness that reigned. Many others question in the same man- ner, and in reply I will say that if Vou have sent you from a foreign country a rare flower-seed, you immediately study the nature of the same, and draw therefrom conclusions as to the soil needed to cause it to germinate and grow in ful- fillment of its own powers. If the proper soil cannot be obtained, and you are foolish enough to consign it to the improper conditions that poor soil can and must of neces- sity furnish, the result will be simply this, your labor will be lost and the seed sacrificed, for if it springs up it will be but a weak, sickly blade of green, which instead of com- manding respect would be scoffed at, and finally cast out altogether as unworthy of a moment's care or thought. Til us it would have been if ages or even a very few years ago the principles of the X)resent had been taught. There was no soil or quickening power in the souls of mankind to make the sacred seed germinate, and spirits from the higher life, who watch the future possibilities of this planet, cared not to waste time in planting seed to see.it prove a perfect fail- ure. Now I rejoice to herald forth the truth, that the soil is ready, and here and there the seeds are being sown and watered by the dews of heaven, and the years coming will prove to you the wondrous power of angel workers in this vineyard of bigotry. Priestly dogmas must and will die, for the truth is growing, and will attract to itself all the nourishing elements of earth and air, and the result will be an overthrow of the false and a triumph of the true; all this will be done through the exactness of law that fulfills all things, and through the developments of earth, man. 120 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EON A, CHAPTER XIV. In continuation of the same subject, I will add, that many messengers bearing their soul lamps through the valleys and up the steep hill-sides, making thereby the way clear wherein others may walk, are sometimes almost as incapa- ble of following the true path as are those who walk in darkness. This may seem strange, yet they fulfill their mission to the world, and the world is the better for it. All this is no positive fault of theirs, and the actual cause of it may be traced back to their antenatal existence, when through the laws of nature the house they were to dwell in for a season was being built, and if in its construction some upper rooms were left incomplete, who would be to blame, the builder or the occupant? Let common sense answer. It would be a difficult matter also, when the dwell- ing was completed, and the rightful owner had taken pos- session, to put in a principal beam, had it been left out by the one whose business it was to furnish the same. There are two sides to all questions, and he who draws conclusions for a final judgment by looking at one side alone does his own soul as well as others injustice. " Nearer, my God, to thee,'' as sung in seance and prayer-rooms, is of itself a rip- pling rill from the rivers of the inspiration, and as such is sweet to the ears of mortal and immortal; but whoever seeks to live near the Infinite must forget not the mantle of charity worn by thos3 who approach thereto, and if on in- vestigation the mantle is found to have fallen off, let the oc- casional wearer thereof be sure he is far, very far, from the Father whose love is measured by justice, and whose justice is the result of that love which gives birth to per- fect law. Again I return to the spheres. Love is not always idle, especially the love that has been developed through the in- cidents that come to united souls, who labor here and, rest there ; who battle on earth, and wear the victor's crown in the land of souls. Such love, when the first May day of peace is ended, seeks avenues through whit-li it may IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 121 become a positive power for good; it develops through its own far-reaching attributes a throne whereon it sits, and from which it exerts a divine power over the realms wherein dwell those whose hearts are in need of the peace such love brings. Thus had our love grown strong through the united perils of the journeys hitherto taken, and established in our home and hearts a kingdom of its own. The messen- ger spirit within us had become so positive a principle that we felt not at rest unless fulfilling in some measure the mis- sion we felt was ours to fill, that of lighting the lamps in the valleys of mists, that exist in some spheres of the spirit land as well as on the earth plane. Accordingly we estab- lished a school of thought in the third and second spheres. We were not alone in our efi:"ort; other messengers united with us and we labored with light hearts, for we felt that thereby more light would be made to shine, so that it would fall even in the valley of mists, on the earth's shores. A temple was erected in each of these spheres wherein we were to labor; from the dome of each floated a flag of pale blue whereon were stars of silver. This school came in time to be known as the order of the stars, and the badge each member wore, and by which he was recognized, was a simple knot of blue. In this school it was the privilege of the individual members to bring at each regular meeting questions to be explained, that they had not the means of verifying beyond a doubt, and doubts to them were the spring-time swallows that .built their nests high in the eaves and chimneys, and were so difficult to get at that they were never quite sure if they were swallows. If the questions propounded called for answers in advance of the knowledge we possessed, they were without delay sent to the higher spheres, by messengers whose duty it ever is to go to and fro on such errands, and whose compensation for such serv- ices is the wisdom gained thereby. The questions were laid before the teachers of philosophy, and received imme- diate attention, in the form of written replies, which were sent us, whereby you will understand we too were the gain- ers in wisdom as well as the questioners. The school or or- der attracted great attention, and was the means of open- 123 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, ing the door to many who sought a higher life wherein to pursue the study of the sciences and arts, for many there were in the spheres referred to who possessed great power mentally, yet through lack of spirituality were in bondage, and found themselves unable to accomplish all they had anticipated and desired. Art and science are heaven born, and they who arrive at a great comprehension thereof must have in the inner chamber of their souls a fountain of peace from which the spray falls in rhythmic tones, thereby har- monizing the coarser sands of life. In these spheres there were also many who in earth life had stood before the people and taught them in the name of Jehovah. Many were honest while some were not, but they were in the wrong path, not entirely because they had im- bibed erroneous ideas, but because they stubbornly adhered thereto, and this adherence piled in the way of their pro- gression mighty rocks that no hand but theirs could ever remove. This class, all reformers among the spirit spheres find the most difficult to approach; like clams, on feeling the house wherein they live touched, they immediately close the only entrance, and thus maintain their clamship for ages. This is the result of the dignity they feel is theirs through the fact of their having disseminated ideas theolog- ical, whether false or otherwise. They have in earth life made a great amount of noise over humanity, commanding in tones full of force, that their congregations pay special attention to this one point, and become as little children, at the same time taking no part of it to their own souls. This class form what are called by many in spirit life divinity seekers, and they are always expecting some divine move- ment that will set them right in some undefined way. and in some undefined place that they are pleased to designate as heaven. This class are not only idlers, feeling that tlieir labors ended with tlieir earth existence, but are supremely selfish, and would, if they could, api)ropriate to themselves all the good of the land wherein they dwell. Believing no word of the tidings brought of spheres beyond the one in which they tarry, they are ever waiting for the hour when they .shall sit at the right hand of God and judge the na- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 123 tions of the earth. They dwell in commodious tents, min- gling not with other inhabitants, and at times actually en- deavor to resurrect a form of revival, such as they were wont to participate in while on earth; and they also find great consolation in visiting like scenes on earth, returning more puffed up with self and selfish assurances. I would have no one to understand that all who preach the gospel of the present day are like unto the description I have here given, though many are, while others there are whose hearts have been touched with the refining fire, who talk not isms, but teach in the spirit of truth and purity, being blinded only by early teaching. Such are true souls, who seek ever the right path, soon see where they make mistakes, and put not far from them the proffered light that is ever waiting for those who will accept. In connection with the temples referred to, wherein our order met, there was soon found great need of a laboratory, as many of the questions brought us could be answered and verified but by chemical analysis, which carried undisputed proof to minds so strongly material that otherwise they could not have accepted the answers given. This class of questioners we found to have been while on earth unbe- lievers in aught save what their eyes saw and their senses were obliged through seeing to accept. They were good thinkers and good reasoners from the premises they occu- pied, but when shown how far from right those premises were, they were like a boat at sea with no chart cfr com- pass. Many of this class were taken for a short visit to the sphere above, which was the only way of assuring them of the truthfulness of our utterances. Not that they en- tirely doubted us, but they had it not in their power to be- lieve what their eyes had not seen, and we censured them not, but made all needful conditions for them as their hon- esty demanded. In the second sphere there is nearly al- ways an unpleasant wind blowing, which at times seems almost scorching, withering the flowers and drying up the grass, as is often the case wdien tlie summer-time of the earth becomes excessive. This wind brings to the ears of the inhabitants discordant sounds, as though somewhere 124 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, storms accompanied by thunder raged and filled the ele- ments with coarse mutterings. The direct cause of this heat- laden wind and seeming thunder is traced to the dissensions of the spirits of the first sphere, whose homes know not the first wave of harmony. This sphere might well be called the prison of spirits in whose hearts reign only the vilest passions. Those whose dwellings are now situated near where the two spheres join, and who reside there from choice, are conscious, when they choose to be, of what passes in the sphere of dissensions, and those who dwell thus near are among that class whose greatest pleasure is in knowhig the ins and outs, the whys and wherefors, that should mostly concern others whom they are pleased to call their neighbors. This is their heaven, and the discordant noises are the music thereof. This class we attempted not to reach with our heaven-born philosophy, for their souls as yet re- spond not to the- thought waves of truth that undulate through all spheres, and blessed be they whose hearts can feel the hungerings and tliirstings that tell of a soul ready to leave the valley for the mountain side. There comes to all who labor earnestly for the advance- ment of true principles, a forgetfulness of self, which is one of the highest links binding the soul, thus grown godlike, to Deity, and every movement put forth, without self creep- ing in, is one more gem to shine starlike in the crown im- mortal, when the ages to be have taken the place of the present. Thus, Eon, with self cast out. and the hope of bringing the dawn of peace through knowledge to others enshrined in its stead, we labored, not as spirits to whom all knowledge had been given, but in earnest humility did we carry the bread of life to the dwellers of the spheres below us, — the same spheres wherein w^e had previously dwelt, and through which by learning the needed lessons we passed to the home that there made our heaven. Thus, you under- stand, we had been just as far down in the scale of exist- ence as were those to whom we then, as an honest return for what we had received from the hands of otiiei-s. gladly administered; no one has aught wherewith to boast over another, as all must travel the same road, though some trav- IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 125 eling more rapidly than others reach their Fathers house earlier in the day, leaving those who take many rests by the way to catch glimpses through the uncertain twilight of the hills, peace-crowned and fair, that betoken an ap- proach to their fatherland. I have given you but a poor idea of the successive spheres as 1 find them and the people who find abiding places therein. The first sphere as you leave the earth is the actual prison- house of criminals, many of whom laws, man made and man sanctioned, force thither, with revenge burning deeper and deeper in their hearts, thus making the fires of Hell that blind instead of lighting the way out. This sphere must of necessity remain what it is at the present, until the earth from which it is born becomes the home of people who have become a law unto themselves, and have cast out from their midst the dismal dens of felons, when it will take the ap- pearance of a waiting-room. It should be understood that each sphere directly drawing its forces from the earth, thus being dependent on it. also returns to the same its annual tithes, and if these returns take the form of pestilence or disasters in any form it is, in the truest sense, but reaping what has been sown. There is a mighty truth underlying this that would be as Greek to the multitudes, yet it is a positive fact, positive beyond discussion, that the dissensions of earth cast off from the brains of its inhabitants are born into this first sphere, thus deepening the dissensions and wild ravings of the terribly vile, and are again returned, poisoning the earth elements or atmosphere, until the re- sult is the wild winds and storms that here and there vent their fury. The second sphere is where we have ejected a temple for our order, and is inhabited principally by those whose earthly desires are still in the ascendency, thus crowd- ing out spiritual growth, or using the whole ground so that other seeds find no room to sprout. Most of the inhabitants of this sphere reached not old age during their earth pil- grimage but journeyed thither while yet the hopes of life were unrealized, or as they are apt to term it, misunder- standing the proper word, unfulfilled, knowing not that realization belongs to the body, and fulfillment to the soul. 126 EXPERIENCED OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, It is from this sphere that the messenger Swedenborg drew most of his knowledge of spirit life, which he gave to the \vorld as a beacon light. Here he found them carrying out tlie pursuits of life, with all the energy and satisfaction of an earth existence, endeavoring to accomplish the unfin- ished labor that was before them wiien they were obliged unwillingly to push out from the shores of earth. Hence they were sowing and reaping, buying and selling, to their hearts' content, thinking it not so bad a place after all, nor so sorry a thing to leave the earthly homes to which they clung, where were so many joys unrealized, so many ever unsatisfied. Here was still time, place, and opportunity for all they most desired, while they were so closely allied to earth that they scarcely missed, tlirough their con- stant communion with it, anything they considered of vital importance to them. In fact, to one not spiritually devel- oped, this* second sphere has nothing more objectionable than is to be found on earth ; it might very properly be called probationary ground, though I should call it tlie bat- tle ground of disembodied earth-bound spirits; and as such it is of the greatest importance, for somewhere man must develop a spiritual nature, and if he fails to do this on earth, he finds here ample time and opportunity, regardless of the denunciatory pulpit exhortations to the contrary, though here as on earth, be it remembered, effect follows cause, and is intensified in the same proportion that matter is laid aside. So there is no escape for the wrong-doer or willful idler. This sphere seems developed almost entirely to meet a de- mand made by earth because of its lack of unfoldment, through wiiicli cause it is not always able to hold on the shores of material existence those to whom it extends pro- tection, and they pass on before the fulfillment of certain powers which, whereto their souls born as their rightful pos- sessions, prove the means by which their journey home- ward is accelerated. In this sphere the politician's voice is still heard, and in fact so much like earth are all the surroundings one hardly misses any of the specialties that go to make up life in an earthly home. Here, too, are to be found those who on IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 127 earth have hekl high social positions, in church and State, although their monuments may say to the passer-by, these same men have gone home to Christ, and no one would dare to question the assertion the marble is obliged to make. Of course it does the world no special injury to believe the tell- tale monument; besides it has a pleasant sound to ears ac- customed to listening to such ideas, and all know the mar- ble is not to be held responsible for misunderstanding. Yet, if the mists of the valley could be lifted from the eyes of those who thus believe, they would for once be astonished, and perhaps a little chagrined, to find these same members of society, over whose last resting places the bestirring world spreads a halo of sacredness, bustling through the crowded thoroughfares of earth in quest of some information regard- ing crops and prices, or mingling in the political contests of the day, endeavoring to turn the scale by their efforts, and if the battle closes with the cry of victory on their side, hurrahing with their caps in the air as zealously as tholigh they were of the earth, not just outside. There is still an- other reason why this sphere is of importance to the earth. Homes governing matter demand and exact a certain amount of obedience from each of their subjects. This in many cases cannot be rendered unless the pilgrim to whom the earth furnishes a covering tarries within certain limits for the space of many years, that counted bring old age, for the majority do not, and perhaps cannot, at the present develop- ment of the earth, unfold their spiritual life without thus tarrying, and the earth allovvs none of her applicants for materiality to pass beyond her boufids, which take in the second sphere, until they have received an impetus spirit- ually that will prove a passport to the sphere beyond. The inhabitants of this sphere are often of great assistance to the dwellers of earth by laboring zealously for those they still love, often by their clearer vision leading them out of trouble that threatens. They also labor to overthrow erro- neous laws and customs when once convinced of their ex- istence, and endeavor to build in their stead platforms of honest principles, that shall prove a saving power to the earth-dwellers, in whom they still feel the greatest interest. 128 EXPERIENX'ZS 07 SPirJTS EON AND EONA, In this sphere are also found lovers of pleasure, many of whom had not time, money, nor opportunity to eat. drink. and be marry to their hearts' content; had not time to fill nor opportunity to quaff the supposed sparkling draughts of Imppiness; consequently, when upon entering this new worM they find they are not in a condition of endless pun:"shment. they take up the thread of life where they left it, and con- tinue their search for pleasure. They usually find it, and drink deeply of what to them at the time seems the soul's nectar; drink until the waters become bitter, when they would gladly lay it aside, but this they cannot do, and are obliged to drink the very dregs through the power of cir- cumstances they have caused to be born, and which as an army of captors they are obliged to battle with until they through their own efforts wear triumphant the victor's crown. Eon, have I wearied you by this explicit descrip- tion? If so, be patient, as I felt it best thus to do. for the rea- son that so poor an idea seems to exist in the minds of be- lievers of the spheres I have spoken of, and these ideas re- tained result in confusion when one seeks to talk under- standingly. Then let all honor that is due it be given to this second sphere, for it is in one sense the world's work- house, where- life's proof-sheets may be read with results beneficial, where conclusions may be drawn that will prove stepping-stones to higher results. The third sphere, of which I will now speak in connection with the first and second, has also great need of a simple and plain presentation to the world, a presentation that will completely do away %^ith the mists of suppositions and probabilities through which even crowds of believers have been compelled to look for glimpses of the beyond that bear a semblance to rationalism. Tidings from this country have been too indefinite, partly because of failure in earth language to express ideas correctly, and partly because of the inability of mortals to understand. The latter hin- drance is fast passing away, and the former even shows signs of improvement. The air of this sphere, ever balm and bloom scented, breathes to tlie earth-worn pilgrim wlio I'.as come up through great tribulations benedictions of IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. I'^O peace; while tlie deep feeling- of rest and home comprise all the heaven their souls can crave until grown, through this ]-est and peace, to a spiritual understanding and demand of something better and purer. Still it must not be understood that purity is not a characteristic of this sphere, as it surely is; yet there are degrees of purity, as well as degrees of heat and cold, and one is as perceptible as the other. In this sphere we found many little children, who, from causes hidden from the world but well known to some hearts, are obliged to seek prematurely a home and a love that crowns it; all this being denied them on earth, the justice of which is not for me to decide. There are many arguments on both sides and my expressed opinions would in no wise stay the un- conscious tide of emigration to this peaceful country, a fit place for innocents against whom is raised a warning cry as they approach earth's shores in response to a call from Mother Nature, who speaks to be obeyed. I have but this one anchor to cast into these deep waters, which is this: Compensation fails not in its dealings with prince or serf. Here too in this beautiful land are found many who during their earthly pilgrimages, through an incorrect understand- ing of nature's laws, were for many years invalids and felt but seldom the direct rays of the sun on their forms, know- ing not that thereby they lost vital povrer. These wearied early of earth and earthly pleasures, and in consequence of this turned their better thoughts towards the needs of the spirit, some throug-h one avenue and some through another, yet all honestly, and honesty in this direction is the pilot in whose hand is the guiding star of each soul. In this third sphere wall be found religious worshipers from all classes; yet so peaceful in ail its appointments is this land that no dissensions creating inharmonious ripples occur. The true bread of life is here found in the Temples of Wisdom, and all must sooner or later eat thereof, but no one is driven or urged. Thus to all through growth comes the desire for the sacred truth, and when in this manner accepted, there is never any going back after the false and untrue, as is the case after the sensational seasons, called revivals, are ended. In one case there is the solid rock to 9 130 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EON A, build on, in the other the uncertain sand. If tlie safely landed invalids just referred to have for years suffered through the invasions of disease that has barred from them the outer world of light and vital power, they are taken to a hospital, the doors of which are always open to such, where all is kindness, peace, and harmony. There they soon recover full power, and seek such homes and employment as possess for them the most attraction through their adaptation, which is in all cases the deciding power. There may seem something strange or even ludicrous to many in the idea of hospitals and hospital-treated in the land of immortals, where people have been taught to believe was a folding of hands and a rest on whatever seat might be offered. Yet it is actually necessary as well as consistent in all its bearings. Let it be first understood that from the soul cells of the material body are developed the sublimated ethers that go to make up and in one sense sustain the soul, the spirit's body, or, in other words, the refined matter through which spirit separated from the gross material ex- presses itself. Now if the physical is impoverished by a dis- ease that being protracted weakens the fine tissues, the soul's cells suffer a corresponding weakness and can in no way furnish the sustenance necessary; this being the case, the body of the spirit shows a like exhaustion that the home rest and harmony of hospital life in this sphere rapidly restores. The inhabitants here are from all classes and ages; some found these peace shores in life's early morn, before the in- harmonies of life's unavoidable circumstances had woven themselves into the mystic web of existence; others at maturity, and others still at old age. All inherit from the Infinite eternal youth, so the marks of age reach no defined lines past maturity, which is perfection when applied to forms. The inhabitants that comprise society in this sphere are thoughtful as well as studious. Through the many avenues here offered, the intellect receives extensive cultivation. In this sphere are towns and cities with parks, drives, and groves, with winding rivers bearing many a pleasure party, who usually combine mental improvement IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 131 with the pleasure gained, which' increases both. Here are societies for the relief of the suffering ones of earth; bands of spirits established for the special purpose of waiting on those who lay aside the mortal robes and seek the land of souls. Between this sphere and the second there is a marked difference. In the second sphere is to be heard the bustle, turmoil, and jostling incident to life on the earth. All the rivers are busy receiving or sending tidings, while the heroes of new inventions that they are endeavoring to give to earth, and thus as they suppose immortalize their names in this sphere, are blowing their own trumpets for the ears of the multitudes, some of whom listen, Avhile others intent on their own specialties pass on. In the third sphere" a Sabbath-like peace seems wafted on every breeze; the very brooks babble their songs to the green banks, soft and low as the lullaby of a loving mother. This is truly the sphere of rest, wherein all powers are recuperated. CHAPTER XV. Unto all who labor unselfishly there comes sooner or later a sure and satisfactory reward, that fills the soul's deep chalice to the brim, and this compensation is in itself the key by which are unlocked doors leading to apartments more roomy and possessing better appointments. This com- pensatory key unsuspectedly to us had turned noiselessly in its lock, while a door had as noiselessly opened, and from unseen apartments we heard voices, hopeful and tender. Ipalling us, the import of which was to come up higher. In the sacred Temple of Wisdom, where we had never ceased to labor, and from whence to other spheres we had borne the results of our earnest endeavors, were many Avho had become masterful thus far, and with us were still labor- ing with untiring zeal, that seeks not selfish ends, bearing here and there all the truths that beings to whom we car- ried them could accept or receive proof of that would be abiding. To this temple, from whence we had drank un- 132 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, stintingly, came at stated periods wise men and women of tlie fifth sphere, bringing with them an influx of spiritual wisdom and power. At these visits the temple of the fourth sphere was brought en rcqypoi't with the corresponding- temple of the flfth sphere, and to express in earth language, which is all too weak and powerless, was recharged with powerful magnetic waves from this temple. This occur- rence is one that is looked for by the teachers and seekers for wisdom of the fourth sphere, and great preparations are made for the same, as it is no yearly occurrence, but one that takes place at the close of periods that in earth's cal- culations would cover many years. At these seasons selec- tions are made by the wisdom fathers and mothers from the wisdom-seekers, appointing such as are deemed prepared foi- the change to be in waiting and return with them to the fifth sphere. The intelligence proved of a startling char- acter to us, when we were informed that among the names of the chosen ones stood those of Eon and Eona as worthy messengers. We had often thought and talked of this, to us, unexplored country, and expressed desires to journey thither, though our desires, I think, partook more of the passive than the active form; for now, when we fully un- derstood that we were among the chosen, we involuntarily shrunk from leaving the dear home where we had so long tarried, going from its sacred bounds earthward on a pil- grimage that lasted for years, then at the close of the earth volume, returning to find every bloom on Brier Hill fresh with tlie incense of welcome, every breath love-laden. The very moss on the hillside seemed to rebuke us for entertain- ing thouglits of wandering away, with no more peaceful home-comings after earth twilights, as the rightful possess^ ors. Indeed, so tender did our hearts become, so restful, and peaceful, so soul-satisfying did our home and all its surroundings seem in the shadow of the long good-bye that hung cloud-like over it. that we were about to request a removal of our names from the list of those who had been decided worthy to go up higher, when as we stood on the upper balcony that was vine-hung and almost vine-hid, looking at the peaceful city below us. watching the quiet IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. loo flow of the water, dotted here and there with sails that wound among banks of tender green like a thread of silver, we were suddenly recalled from* these regrets, caused by tender memories, by seeing a cl6ud, soft and fleecy, through which seemed darting silvery light. We looked to see from whence it came, and what it might portend, when we be- came conscious of the presence of a female whose beauty far exceeded the beauty of the inhabitants of the fourth sphere. On her head was a crown, not of gold, but of golden glory, in each point of which shone a single star. She said: '"I have come from the council chamber of the fifth sphere and bear for you from them this message: ' The time has come when fulfillment has set its seal on your brows, and for such as you the shores of the fifth sphere, hath need; unto such as you welcome is extended from the age wherein you placed your first landmark where the wash of the waters from time's river could not deface it. You have been messengers, sometimes to the spheres below, and sometimes to the shores of earth, and such must continue to be, until from the highest tower of the Infinite is heard the grand marriage chime of dual souls. Thrice blessed are you, inasmuch as you belong to the chosen ones who bear to and fro the white banners of truth, for unto you is given the key of greater knowledge.' The united voice of the council says, ' Come up higher.' Will you obey? " Not long had this fair one to wait our decision, for while she yet spoke our hearts had decided, and with hands clasped we replied as though but one voice answered, '• We will go." Then as suddenly as she came did this fair messenger depart; but the cloud seemed to have become absorbed by our clothing, for it had taken on the sheen of silver, like unto the robes the messenger wore. As we looked into each other's eyes, there ran through our entire beings a thrill born from the decision of the sacred mo- ment, and we were prepared to go thence; though regrets might spring up in our pathway, we would never during a moment's hesitation allow them to open to full blooms and thus retard our progress, on the fulfillment of which depended our future wisdom. 134 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, It took US not long- to conclude our preparations, as in the land of souls there is no moving of household goods, no disposing of real estate at the highest price. Neither are there elaborate wardrobes to be carefully put away in immense trunks and shipped by land or tide, to distant places. Each country furnishes its own houses and lands, and the soul's robes are ever fresh and sparkling with the diamond dust of the Infinite, that is if the soul has won it. Whatever is won is worn, and the robes of immortals tell of the soul's wealth, as the houses, lands, and costly wrappings indicate the purses of earth dwellers. They wlio are rich on earth shores are often destitute in the better land, for gold is at discount among the heaven-born; besides there are in the summer lands no banks that deal in the world's trash, termed thus because earth dwellers make of it hedge-rows that bear but sharp thorns that keep out the great good that only awaits their bidding. Many men and women in whose purses the gold of earth glitters while they turn deaf ears to the known wants of earth's less favored children, will find on their entrance to the other life their destitution appalling, and they will seek in their shame to hide themselves from the eyes of the passers-by. Such have to learn the lesson that they have impoverished their own souls through their intense greed for gold that in turn curses them with a curse that they have to outlive and outwork, before they can be anything but paupers, on the borders of the beautiful land that seems to know them not. Eon, give thanks that such is not your destiny; your robes of white await you; be patient, for Eona treads the valley with you and to- gether we will hail the glad morn as it dawns on the beau- tiful hills beyond. Hours towards which eyes are turned with earnest long- ings or silent dread come at last, and after them follow in unbroken line the circumstances over which they preside, and towards which they point a finger prophetic, the im- port of which dawns on their souls' consciousness, when other hours unburthened with expectations have unsum- nionod glided in. So to us came the liour towards which we IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 135 had for but a little time been looking, with emotions wherein lights and shadows played a hide-and-seek accompaniment to the breathing of hope that remained in the ascendency. We well knew that the path which lay before us was the better one; knew that where it would lead there would daw^n and ever shine a greater light, a greater glory. Yet it was hard to sever the magnetic link that bound us to our para- dise of peace on Brier Hill; and brighter glowed the link as the hour approached that must sunder it. Dear was the home nest, the rooms of which were ever fragrant with the breath of scented blooms, and in our hearts dwelt regrets that over the same paths of tinted, budding moss, must wander other feet, other hands pass caressingly over the ever-present offering of blooms that crowned the hedge, from which was wafted the breath of springs and summers untold. As we passed from room to room, we felt that never again could home be so dear, so peaceful; but all that it then was, all that it had been to us, was to be left, and the hours for preparation had sped away, leaving in the corridors of our souls the echoes of good-bye and good- bye. We made no different arrangements in the rooms for others, but left every room as we had been wont to keep it. thinking it would be sweet to thus preserve the memory of these unchanged. As we passed out beneath the swaying, drooping vines, they seemed to sweep low down, touching our cheeks and brows as if in benedictory kisses, while at our feet fell a shower of blooms, as a tribute of love. At the temple, to which we immediately repaired, all was in readiness, and we, with the travelers to a better land, waited. The air of the temple was spice-laden, every breath of which, as it was inhaled, gave to us a feeling that we were growing lighter; indeed we felt that we could soar forever and know no weariness. We were led at last by the wise men and women with whom we were to journey to the highest portion of the build- ing, whereon rested the glittering dome. Here we were all seated, while all was quiet save the low singing of the wisdom fathers and mothers, whose strangely sweet into- nations filled our souls with harmony. Thus sitting, and 13G EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, waiting for whatever might follow, we discerned in the distance, and floating towards us, a cloud, wherein was blended the softest tints, as though the center held the positive principle of all colors, from which radiated all the soft, glowing tints that attracted our attention. All observed this, and all save the fathers and mothers wondered what the import might be; they gazed upon its approach with ex- pressions of perfect peace, that assured and reassured us. On it came, seeming to us larger as it approached, and as it drew still nearer, we detected waves of melody that rose and fell as the tints in the cloud lighted and faded. It was soon directly over us, when the music became more distinct. Yet the singers ceased not, but joined hands and signaled all others to do likewise. The signal was obeyed, and we again became conscious of the odor of spices, and again felt our- selves ready to soar through the realms of infinitude. We dared no longer look up in quest of the strange cloud, for we felt that undefinable awe that announces the coming of something unrealized, something that must touch the very soul, and had it not been for the presence of the peaceful singers, who, as the moments passed, seemed to grow more radiant, we should have fled from the place overcome by fear born of dread. As it was, we clung the more closely together, and waited, which was all there was to do. There seemed suddenly to fall into our hearts the dews of heaven, for a peace born from the depths of infinitude came to us, and we both saw and felt that we too had grown radiant. At last, as our souls thrilled with a harmony heaven-born, the sacred cloud settled slowly over us, growing to our gaze less and less dense, as looking towards the center we saw, to our joy and surprise, that what we had supposed to be but a cloud was a beautiful island, enveloped by a tinted cloud, that had floated down to us from the ether seas. Standing on a mound of green that seemed gemmed with stars, was the radiant being through whose will power it was moved. Over her head shone a single star, the radi- ance of which had tinted the cloud that we so anxiously watched until it parted and took us into the holy of holies. In the center of this island rose what, for want of a more IX EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 13? expressive word, I must call an edifice. It seemed formed of tinted clouds that through the law of love had bent them- selves into symmetrical arches. The island in itself was a bed of many-colored and many-formed blooms, mingled with running vines of tender green, far exceeding in their perfection of loveliness all that our eyes had ever before rested on, and in comparison with which Brier Hill sank out of sight. There seemed occurring on this island a con- stant change in its appearance, which was caused by buds slowly unfolding to full bloom, and in doing so they emit- ted a silvery light, that seemed like a new-born glory, un- til in the heart of each full bloom we felt sounded the sweet echo of a seraph song. So wrapped were we in what our eyes saw that we forgot all else, and noticed not, until one of the wise men bade us look back, that we had been borne up and away on this lovelit isle. Then, as we all turned our eyes in the direction indicated, we found to our surprise that we were already far above and beyond the temple, the seats we had occupied invisible from the distance that lay between us, and the temple looking like a low dwelling. I remember even now. Eon, the ineffable peace I saw in your eyes as you waved a good-bye to the past that had been so much loved, and wherein many pleasant paths had wound in the beauty that was spread before us. There was no longing to return to the bursting blooms or singing brooks of the fourth sphere; we were outward and upward bound on waves of peace that left pleasant echoes on the soul's shores. We felt, as the soft breezes of this beautiful island swept over us, that we could ask no more of heaven tiian this gem of the ether seas held; that we could ask no more than to dwell in the midst of its bloom and beauty till the shores of the forever were lost to our view. This feeling was not born of weakness or a desire to idle on any shores, however fair, but the beauty that here greeted us at every turn so far exceeded all beauty of the past that it charmed and in charming bound us. We were soon far away from the sight and sound of the home over which we had breathed prayers like the last blessings of love, and which might change to songs of wel- 138 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA, come to other hearts on whose altar burned the messenger lamps. As we moved onward the light that fell around us was momentarily intensified, and at last, passing under a mighty arch, beneath which for a moment the island rested, as though held by an attractive power that was positive in its demands, it swayed and trembled as with a magnetic thrill, which was perceptible to all. Here the light fell around us like a halo of glory, and the unspoken joy of our hearts met it in responsive waves, while at the same mo- ment a burst of music, such as we had never dreamed dwelt in the center of infinite harmony, fell on our ears, reached our souls and wakened therein a harmony that told itself in songs of gladness, that fell from our lips as a tribute to the spirit of all good. We were nearing the fifth sphere, from whence waves of harmony floated outward like the breath- ings of Deity. Already we breathed the air thereof, laden with the odor of spices and balms. Already the spires and domes from the city of light touched with the sheen of silver the fleecy clouds that floated above them. Already in our united hearts brooded the white- winged dove of peace, while we felt the welcome wafted to us on every breeze, and the tender home feeling creeping into our hearts as an abiding guest. The cloud-wrapped isle floated on, the mu- sic filled with soft undulations every breeze that passed us, and we wondered that we had never caught tlie echoes there- of, in our other home. We passed over the city until we came directly over the Temple of Wisdom, from which radiated a light so intense that seen elsewhere it would have terrified us. but not here. We were in the realms of peace, and tlie great light thereof but served to increase the peace that was enshrouded in our souls. The island rested for a moment over the temple, then gradually descended, and when it again lifted and floated away, we stood on the height of the temple, from whence we for the first time saw the city of light, bordered on one side by the emerald hills, and on the other by the river of palms. IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 130 CHAPTER XVI. After the unexpected occurrences through which we had passed, and in which we felt that all our dreams of the beautiful had been more than realized, we could look down on the radiant city with feelings both restful and peace giv- ing; we could accept here homes, and rejoice in the fadeless glory that was above and about us, feeling in no wise as strangers in a strange land, but as children for whom the bells of welcome rang. After resting for a time to take in the beautiful picture that lay before us, we were led down to the interior of the temple and into the audience room, the floor, walls, and ceilings of which emitted a light that our souls felt must have been born from the spirit of love that pervaded all the beautiful land that had claimed us as children. In this room we were greeted by songs of glad- ness that touched responsive chords in our souls, the echoes of which were deep hallelujahs. Our clothing had lost none of its glory, that through the silvery cloud had been added to it on the upper balcony of our home of the past, that now in the glory of the present seemed hidden by the hills of the far away. From the audience room we were taken to the bower of consecration, which was a large room with high arched ceilings, from the center of which fell what resembled flakes of silvery light, as though here light was born and transmitted to all the outer world; yet this light was taken up by the air, in breathing which we felt each moment the waves of consecration sweeping through the open doors of the soul, and we felt that to labor in this land of love would be the greatest boon our hearts could crave. In connection with the falling light, there were waves of music that rose and fell, in harmony with which our thoughts reached out towards the Infinite, until we felt that the music we heard must be the far-reaching echoes of the harpers in our Father's house. Waiting thus, with the light falling around us, and the music echoing and re-echoing in the arch above us, there came to us a wisdom father and mother, bearing in their hands chalices. They placed their hands, letting the UO EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EONA. drops of liquid light that fell therefrom rest on our bowed heads, saying in unison, because they were dual soul mes- sengers, " Beloved, on your long and sometimes perilous journey home you have at last passed the grand arch of the fifth sphere. You have felt its magnetic thrill quickening your entire beings, whereby you have become possessed of soul powers hitherto to you unknown, the perfect unfold- ment of which the harmony of the fifth sphere waits to fulfill. Before you lies all of purity and beauty that your hearts can crave. Therefore gather abundantly from the fields that lie before you. They are bloom-laden and peace- crowned, and possess the power to fit you for the labor of love that still lies before you, and towards which the finger of time points as yet afar-off, and at present casts no shadow on the dial, thus showing a long summer of beauty and of bloom as compensation for the thorns the past has held. Yet forget not that you are still messengers, and must still bear 3'our lamps earthward to light home the chil- dren of the Infinite. Go hence with our blessings, the mes- sengers wait to guide you home." Then, as we passed out, the air seemed filled with unspoken hallelujahs, the unsung- melody of which m}^ heart still treasures as among the sweet- est memories, the date of which is now in the by-gone. Before us waited a group of little children, whose fleecy robes bore the same sheen of silver that we had observed elsewhere; these, we were told, were the sweet guides whose mission it was to lead us to our home, going before us all the way. singing tender home songs. Each child bore in its hands a harp of silver. Sometimes their fingers touched the strings, and sometimes tlie song-filled air swept the chords, making music such as words, partaking too much of materiality, fail at the outset to express. Let me say here that language has yet in earth to experience great unfold- ment, the extent of which it is impossible for you to esti- mate, and it would be folly for me to attempt it, as it is not wise to ask believers even to accept ideas that seem drawn from the world of fancy instead of fact. Besides, Eon, you with me will watch the fulfillment of this in the better land, the true life, and perhaps take som(> ])art in its IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. 141 advancement, as a labor of love bequeathed to the land that at different times gave to us forms through which we un- folded the good to which we now have attained. Our fairy- like guides led us on over beds of moss wherein were myriads of buds that seemed to wait our coming, for as we passed over them they opened to perfect bloom and breathed on the air their sweetest welcome. As we still journeyed feel- ing no weariness (which is earth born), we passed through groves of spice, the winding paths of which led to bowers of beauty, to silver lakes where fountains cast their spray on bud and bloom, near which children played and sung, their happy voices mingling with the notes of birds that lighted on their shoulders as though drawn thither by the law of love that was told on every breeze that blew. So much of beauty our eyes saw, so much of harmony our souls drank in, that we almost shrunk from having our first walk home in this new land of peace close. Yet when we reached the foot of a hill the heights of which were crowned with groves of spice, we felt that here beauty had perfected and crowned herself and would forever hold sway. Half way up this hill, which was a continuation of the emerald hills that bordered one side of the city, the slope of which was so gradual as to be almost unobserved, stood the home that awaited us. Its situation reminded us again and again of the home we left on Brier Hill, and we felt that some kind hearts in this beautiful land knew the struggle in our souls before we could break the golden chain that bound us to what we then most loved. Instead of a brier hedge, extending the entire length of this hill on each side of the broad band of tinted moss that formed the homeward path from the foot of the hill, we saw, not a rose hedge, but mounds and bowers of roses, that were of all sizes and colors; indeed, the path itself was bordered on either side by a running rose, the blooms of which rested lovingly on the beautifully tinted moss. At the foot of the hill we rested, not overcome by weariness, but our hearts were so filled with the beauty of the wondrous picture that reached out before us as far as our eyes, long accustomed 142 EXPERIENCES OF SPIRITS EON AND EOXA, to spirit land, could see, that we felt it almost sacrilege to tread on the tender moss, or to enter the sweet rest that awaited us. As we passed up the hill we noted more dis- tinctly the home, the open doors of which showed that we were expected. It looked in color something like the sunset clouds of your earth. There were visible the tints of amber and rose; through all its whiteness, not a dull, positive color, but a color that each moment emitted a light that seemed to change in intensity, sometimes almost fading, then again having the appearance of being refilled with tints direct from the sun's rays. Here were balconies extending around it, and over the balconies were arches of the same material as the main part. Around this lovelit home that was to be ours was a hedge of roses: these were wliite and the most delicate shades of pink. Within this hedge, which was low, the grounds reached far to the north, south, east, and west; in the center a fountain played; the misty spray, giving birth to a rainbow that faded not, fell in a basin formed entirely of shells, and the tinted hearts, catching the sounds of the falling spray, wove them into songs of home and love. The outer position of the shells that formed the basin had the look of burnished silver and emitted a soft light and cast a halo on the moss and blooms that grew near it. Reaching these inner grounds we stood by the fountain and took in all the beauty that lay below and around us. and our eyes would have wept tears of joy had this been a land from the elements of which tears could have been pro- duced, but it was not, and instead of tears our lips gave birth to songs we had never before sung; but new harmony was born in our hearts, consequently new songs fell from our lips. To this beautiful home we then gave the name of Rose Garden, for such it was, and the love of roses has never since ceased to dwell in your heart as well as mine, and it is the sweet memory of this home, wafted into this incarnation, that causes you to make bloom around you in great profusion children of the rose family. As we yet stood by this fountain the little harpers flew like so many IN EARTH LIFE AND SPIRIT SPHERES. ] 43 birds from bush to bower, gathering here a bud and there a bloom, until returning they crowned us as princes over this realm of beauty, then waving tlieir hands towards us they joyfully departed, touching with fairy fingers the harp- strings, the music of which reached our ears long after they were far down the hill. Long we stood there, watching the children as they passed from our sight, listening to the sweet sounds that filled the air and seemed the breathings