S. R. S. LiBRAKt. RESERVE. .ERR CONNECTICUT To 1^^ Agricultural Experiment Station NEW HAVEN, CONN. BULLETIN 185, JANUARY, 1915. TESTS OF SOY BEANS, 1914. CONTENTS. Page Uses of Soy Beans 3 Tests made in 1914 .... 4 Yield of Fresh Forage .... 5 Dry Matter 8 " Food Ingredients . . 9 Period of Growth 11 The Seed 11 Pagre The Seed Yield 13 Feeding Value 13 Resistance to Frost and Time of Planting 15 When to Plant 15 How to Plant 16 Varieties to Plant, 16 Tlie Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens of Con- necticut who apply for them, and to others so far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OKKICERS AND STAFF. BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, Marcus H. Holcomb, e.v-officio, Preside tit. Prof. H. W. Conn, Vice President Middletown George A. Hopson, Secretary Walling ford E. H. Jenkins, Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Wilson H. Lee Orange Frank H. Stadtmueller Elmwood James H. Webb • • Hamden Administration. E. H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Director and Treasurer. Miss V. E. Cole, Librarian and Stenographer. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Stenographer. William Veitch, 7n charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry. Analytical Laboratory. John Phillips Street, M. S., Chemist in Charge. E. Monroe Bailey, Ph.D., C. B. Morison, B.S., C. E. Shepard, G. L. Davis, Assistants. Hugo Lange, Laboratory Helper. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Miss E. B. Whittlesey, Stenographer. Proteid Research. T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. Miss E. L. Ferry, M.S., Assistant. Botany. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Assistant Botanist. Miss E. B. Whittlesey, Herbarium Assistant. G. E. Graham, General Assistant. Entomology. W. E. Britton, Fh.'D.. Entomologist ; State Entomologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr., First Assistant. Q. S. LowRY, B.Sc, I. W. Davis, B.Sc., M. P. Zappe, B.S. Assistants. Miss F. M. Valentine, Stenographer. Forestry. Walter O. Filley, Forester; also State Forester and State Forest Fire Warden. A. E. Moss, M. F., Assistant Station Forester. Miss E. L. Avery, Stenographer. Plant Breeding. Plant Breeder. C. D. HuBBELL, Assistant. Vegetable Growing. Howard F. Huber, B.S. FIELD TESTS OF SOY BEANS, 1914.^ Bulletin 179 of this Station, issued in October, 1913, discuss- ed briefly the nature and possible uses in this State of the Soy Bean. Some hints as to planting were given, as well as data regarding the composition both of the forage and the ripe beans. THE USES OF THE CROP. The uses of the crop may here be briefly restated. It is a valuable catch crop. If winter grain, fall or spring sown clover, or grass seed fails, soy beans drilled solid like grain or in rows from 24 to 30 inches apart, just after corn planting, will yield a soiling crop rich in protein and serving the same purpose as alfalfa or clover. By growing both early and late maturing varieties, perhaps also by successive plant- ings of a single variety, the crop may be used for feed from late July till heavy frost. It is an excellent nitrogen-gatkering green manure crop in orchards. Drilled the first of June and cultivated twice it makes a rank growth and can be turned under in time for sowing a winter cover crop. This year the mature crops of different varieties carried from 100 to 183 pounds of nitrogen per acre. AVhat part of this nitrogen came from the air it is of course impossible to determine. The average crop of soy beans in 1914 furnished about 4500 pounds of dry organic matter and 135 pounds of nitrogen. This is about as much organic matter as is carried in seven tons of New York stable manure and as much nitrogen as in nine and a half tons. As a seed crop it is sometimes profitable, depending on the state of the market. *The field work connected with these tests was planned and carried out by Mr. H. K. Hayes and his assistant, Mr. Hubbell. The chemical analyses were made under the direction of the chief chemist, Mr. J. P. Street. The results have been prepared for publication by the director. 4 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 185. .Is a silage crop it has been used successfully. i>uUing into the silo one load of soys to two or three of corn. It should not be silaged by itself nor can it be profital)ly j:)!anted with corn in hills or drills. For hay, varieties with tender stems must be i^rown. It will probably be rather difficult to cure in our climate and may be rather coarse for dairy food, but is about equal, so far as chemical analysis indicates, to alfalfa hay. Several stations make \ery fa\orable reports of the feeding value of soy bean forage and soy bean pasture (for hogs ) and of the value of soy bean seed as a concentrate in comparison with cotton seed meal and linseed meal. Cow peas have about the same season of growth as soy- beans and are more used in the Southern States as a green manure or for feeding. Soy beans, however, seem better suited to Connecticut conditions for the following reasons : They are more resistant to drought and heat and also to frosts than are cow peas, hence better suited to our light, sandy soils. Where both crops do well, tests in Indiana and Ten- nessee indicate that in the yield of green forage there is no great difference, though the soys yield much more seed. The soy is upright in habit, the cow pea recumbent and hence hardei to cut and handle. The seed of the soy is a much more concen- trated feed than that of the cow pea. The seed of the former ripens at one time while that of the cow pea does not and is harder to thresh. TESTS MADE IN 1914. During the past season further tests of this crop have been made which are here briefly summarized. Their chief object was to observe the characters of several \arieties and their periods of growth, in order if possible to suggest to those inter- ested a number of varieties which could be planted at the same time but which would mature in succession and pro\ ide a con- tinuous supply of green feed rich in protein from lale |ul\- dr early August until frost. Nineteen varieties ha\e been thus tested. USES OF THE CROP. b The land, which had been set with apple trees forty feet apart each way and now in their fourth year, was dressed as usual in the spring with 150 pounds each of nitrate of soda and muriate of potash and 300 pounds each of tankage and acid phosphate and was inoculated by sowing on it, with a fertilizer distributor, soil from a field where soy beans had been grown for two years. The field was cultivated till May 28th, when the soy beans were drilled in rows two hundred feet long and 30 inches apart, the single plants standing about 3 inches apart in the row. Three rows of each variety were planted in this way. These crops were cultivated twice but not after July 1st. Sufficient rain fell in the spring and early summer to give the crops a favorable start and they did not sufifer visibly from lack of water at any time, although in September the drought was so severe as to noticeably affect the growth of ensilage corn. The Yield of Fresh Forage. Table I gives the data regarding the crops cut for green forage. The sources of the seed planted are as follows : Nos. 1 and 2, selections from Professor Klinck, Macdonald College, Quebec. Quebec 537 looks like an early maturing strain of Ito San. No. 3 from the Massachusetts Station, believed by Professor Brooks to be the same as Ito San. - No. 9 from the Ohio Station, came originally from Profes- sor Brooks of the Massachusetts Station. No. 6 grown by us last year from seed sent by L. P. Nemzek, Gibbsboro, N. J., who reported that it ^^as imported from Manchuria in 1911 and grown in Kentucky in 1912. No. 4 from Mr. Nemzek. No. 5, 7, 8, 14, 17 from the New Jersey Station. No. 12, 13, 15, 18, 19 from the Delaware Station. Each variety was cut when the pods were well formed and the lower leaves were beginning to yellow. Soon after this yellowing begins leaves will fall rapidly and the value of the crop as forage declines at the same rate. CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 1X5. TABLE I. ANALYSES OF SOY BEAN FORAGE VARIETY. Data Regarding Growth. Percentage Composition as Harvested. No. 'Height 1 of Plants. ! Inches. Days to Blossom. Days to Maturity. Water. Ash. Protein. 1 Fiber. Nitrogen- free Extract. Fat. 1 Quebec, No. 92 25 52 104 78.3 2.0 4.1 4.9 8.8 1.9 2 Quebec, No. 537 30 57 110 72.5 2.4 5.1 7.0 11.1 1.9 3 Medium Yellow 42 62 116 73.9 2.6 5.0 6.5 10.3 1.7 4 Ito San .... 40 62 116 70.3 2 6 5.0 7.8 12.3 2.0 5 Ito San .... 40 62 116 72.7 2.3 5.0 7.5 10.5 2.0 6 Kentucky . . . 45 66 118 71.9 2.4 5.0 7.0 11.9 1.8 7 Manhattan . . 42 62 118 70.4 2.5 5.5 7.5 12.0 2.1 8 Ebony . . . . 44 66 118 69.8 2.6 5.6 8.4 11.9 1.7 9 Medium Green 43 67 120 59.7 3.3 6.9 12.0 15.5 2.6 10 Mongol* . . . 48 74 124 69.3 2.6 3.3 11.2 12.4 1 2 11 Mikado* . . . 42 74 124 76.8 1.9 2.7 7.3 10.1 1.2 12 Peking . . . . 40 84 124 65.5 3.0 5.2 11.9 13.2 1.2 13 O'Kute . . . . 40 68 124 76.0 2.0 4.5 7.2 8.9 1.4 14 Wilson . . . . 50 66 124 61.9 3.2 7.1 12.0 14.0 l.s 15 Arlington . . . 50 78 124 68.1 2.4 3.9 11.4 12.9 1.3 16 17 Hollybrook* . . Swan - . . . . 48 46 82 78 130 130 71.9 75.8 2.8 2.1 3.7 4.4 8.6 7.4 12.3 9.3 0.7 1.0 18 Morse 52 75 130 73.7 2.7 5.0 7.4 10.1 1.1 19 Cloud 52 86 135 64.9 3.3 4.9 12.3 8.6 13.7 U.9 Averages . . 70.7 2.6 4.8 11.7 1.6 *Yield reduced by unfavorable position in the field, excluded from average. SOY BEAN FORAGE. GROWN AT MT. CARMEL FIELD, 1914. Percentage Composition, Water-free. Yield in Pounds Per Acre. Ash. Protein. Fiber. Nitrogen- free Extract. Fat, Total. Dry Matter. Protein, Fiber. Nitrogen- free Extract. Fat. Nitro- gen. 9.1 19.0 22.9 40.2 8.8 15,106 3,277 624 749 1,317 287 100 8.6 18.7 25.6 40.1 7.0 17,980 4,936 923 1,265 1,986 345 148 10.0 19.0 24.9 39.8 6.3 21,100 5,511 1,049 1,369 2,194 348 168 8.8 16.8 26.2 41.4 6.8 15,655 4,643 778 1,218 1,922 315 125 8.4 18.2 27.6 38.6 7.2 13,200 3,602 657 994 1,389 259 105 8.6 17.7 25.1 42.1 6.5 17,624 4,947 876 1,243 2,087 319 140 8.4 18.6 25.5 40.4 7.1 21,240 6,287 1,166 1,606 2,536 448 186 8.6 18,7 27.7 39.4 5.6 19,428 5,865 1,094 1,624 2,308 332 175 8.2 17.0 29.7 38.6 6.5 12,938 5,208 886 1,550 2,007 340 142 8.5 10.8 36.6 40.3 3.8 11,395 3,498 377 1,280 1,410 134 8.2 11.8 31.4 43.6 5.0 5,389 1,247 148 392 544 62 8.8 15.1 34.5 38.1 3.5 15,271 5,277 797 1,820 2,008 183 128 8.2 18.6 30.2 37.0 6.0 15,996 3,845 717 1,160 1,422 230 115 8.3 18.5 31.4 37.1 4.7 14,793 5,639 1,044 1,769 2,095 265 167 7.4 12.1 35.8 40.6 4.1 19,063 6,077 738 2,175 2,465 250 118 10.0 13.3 30.5 43.6 2.6 14,241 4,000 531 1,222 1,742 104 8.7 18.0 30.8 38.3 4.2 19,306 4,668 842 1,440 1,784 195 135 10.1 18.8 28.0 39.0 4.1 16,291 4,283 806 1,197 1,670 178 129 9.3 13.9 35.1 39.2 2.5 16,187 5,672 787 1,991 2,224 142 126 8.8 16.4 29.3 40.0 5.5 16,949 4,984 860 1,488 1,963 277 139 8 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 185. The acre yields are calculated frcjm the weif^ht of crop on an accurately measured portion of a row. usually about 100 feet. This equals 1/174 of an acre. It is Ijut a small fraction of an acre, and the rows were not duplicated. The yields given in the table, therefore, may not represent ver}^ closely the relative productiveness of the several varieties. Reference to the table which gives the acre yields, with the analyses from which they are calculated, shows that the yields of fresh forage ranged from 6j^ to lOj/2 tons per acre and averaged about 8y^ tons. In the same year the fresh forage from seven differ- ent varieties of ensilage corn raised at Granby on the farm of M. C. Hayes, planted May 28th and cut September 7th. ranged from 17.9 to 26.4 tons, averaging 21j/4 tons, per acre and at Mt. Carmel from 17.3 to 24.6 tons, averaging 19'/^ tons per acre. The Yield of Dry Matter. The soy beans yielded from 1.6 to 3.1 tons per acre of dry matter, the average being 2^^ tons, while the corn at Granby yielded from 3.9 to 5.0 tons, averaging 4.3 tons, and at I\It. Carmel, from 3.4 to 6.7 tons, averaging 5 tons per acre. These figures indicate that ensilage corn may be expected roughly speaking to yield two and a half times as much fresh forage and twice as much dry matter per acre as soy bean forage. A brief notice of the yields of corn planted in another part of the State (Granby) may be of interest here and will be more fully discussed in a future ])ublication. In 1*'13 Mr. Hayes gave the land a fair dressing of yard manure and grew a fine crop of ensilage corn. In 1^'14 the field receixed 1.000 pounds of a commercial corn manure before i>lanting the varieties named below. Three rows each of se\en varieties were planted May 28 side l)y side, the rows three feet apart and carefully thinned to an e\en stand oi two jilants every 18 inches. The whole field was cultivated alike. On Sepuni- ber 8th the crop was harvested. .Ml Aarieties were in the milk stage except I'unk's .^iher King, which was scarce!}" as SOY BEAN FORAGE. V far advanced, and Eureka in which the ears had formed but had not yet developed kernels. From the center row the crop was cut from exactly 100 feet, carefully weighed and analyzed. In this region frost is looked for by the second week in September. The varieties, with the acre yields in tons of fresh forage and of dry matter were as follows: — (The average yield of each ingredient is sriven in Table II. Gelston's Ensilage 22.85 5.03 Howe's Conn. Dent 20.33 4.58 Brewer's Dent x King Phillip 20.73 4.47 Brewer's Dent 20.32 4.20 Eureka 26.40 3.99 Funk's Silver King 22.60 3.94 Funk's Ninety Day 17.90 3.94 The seed of these varieties was from the following sources : Gelston's Ensilage from William I. Gelston, East Haddam; Howes' Conn. Dent from C. L. Howes, Stamford ; Brewer's Dent X King Phillip, a first generation cross made at this station; Brewer's Dent from N. Howard Brewer, Hock- anum; Eureka from Ross Bros., Worcester, Mass.; Funk's Silver King and Ninety Day from Funk Seed Co., Blooming- ton, 111. The Yield of Food Ingredients. In the following table are given the average number of pounds per acre of food ingredients from sixteen varieties of soy beans, from the seven varieties of ensilage corn grown by Mr. Hayes, at Granby, and from a year's yield, three cuttings, of alfalfa, grown by Mr. C. M. Jarvis, of Berlin, which was weighed and analyzed by the Station from a measured acre of land. 10 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 185. Pi < \0 CO lO l>~ t^ i^ uo vD 0^ C7\ (M i-H O vO rO C~J P O vo O 0^ On Q W <; !2: t/} Ph O u o Q w >^ a o < > o 2^ 0) On fO t^ 1-1 rO to (M CVl ^ '"3 fo o 52 "^ f~- j-i rO VO ■* ^ t^ O r}- 00 "^ CTn CM j-> ^ W Eh 4) ^ ;^ Oh fe :?; £ CS S B 5 soy beans, period of growth. 11 Period of Growth. Table I gives the number of days which elapsed between planting and appearance of the first blossoms, as well as the number of days from planting to the time when the leaves began to yellow and the seeds were nearly full grown but still soft. Probably at this latter time the yield per acre is great- est, though the per cent, of protein would be somewhat greater a little earlier. Under our conditions the crop is in good shape to feed green from the time of blossom on to full maturity. Quebec 92 plant- ed May 28th could be used for soiling from the last week of July, that being the very earliest variety to mature (among the tested varieties) and it would quickly lose its leaves, and pro- portionally its feeding value, after the first week in September. Quebec 537 is very little later. Next come Medium Yellow, Ito San, Manhattan, Ebony, O'Kute, Wilson, and Medium Green, which could be fed from about the first of August to the middle of September. In the next group are Morse, Swan, Arlington, Mikado and Mongol ready to feed by August 15th and lasting, weather permitting, till October 1. Lastly come the late varieties — • Hollybrook, Peking and Cloud. Hollybrook has matured and ripened its seed perfectly for the last two years, in which killing frost was late in coming. In this State it probably cannot be depended on for seed every year, but is an excellent variety for soiling. It will be noticed that Hollybrook, Mongol and Mikado gave but a very small yield, being grown on a poorer soil and more shaded. The Soy Bean Seed. Of the three rows of each variety, the middle row was care- fully thinned as soon as the seedlings appeared, so that the plants stood about three inches apart in the row. From a carefully measured portion of this row the mature vines were pulled, separately stacked and later threshed in a Koger thresher and the seed weighed. The general habit of the different varieties may be described as follows : 12 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 185. u < s- < Z o OS o Q U U 1/3 2 < U OQ >- O en u. O Q CO O Ou o u .5?MJ COrOVOVO CCOlO.-l^>^'^^r!O^OC^^lMv£)t^vO Yield, Bushels Per Acre at 12% Moisture, t^r^ON(MooONt^cNioco'OLoo'oo^^5r • P u w U w H O a H H -' 'S 3 3 4> O 4) ni o 4i: ra .Q ^ be C o .H T3 i2 •- rt ^ .-^ - a Ch <:/:,-*, u p^. ''. o — . 1-1 o ^ o o SOY BEAN SEED. 13 Erect; Quebec No. 92, Peking, Medium Green, O'Kute, Mikado, Mongol, HoUybrook. Nearly or fairly erect; Quebec No. 537, Medium Yellow, Ito San, Wilson, Arlington, Swan, Morse. Erect hut falls easily ; Manhattan, Ebony. Tzvining habit, thin stems ; Cloud. The color of seeds may be described as follows : — ■ Yellow, uncolored eye; Quebec No. 537, Medium Yellow, Ito San, Manhattan. Yellow, brown or black eye ; Quebec No. 92, Swan, Mikado, HoUybrook. Greenish yellow; O'Kute. Dark Green, black eye; Medium Green. Olive green; Mongol. Light yellow; Morse. Black; Ebony, Peking, Wilson, Ar- lington, Cloud. Regarding color of blossoms ; Hiollybrook and Morse were white, Kentucky, Peking Arlington and Swan were purple white and all other varieties named in the table were purple. The results of the seed examination appear in Table III. The weights of 100 dried seeds of each variety give an idea of their relative size. The table also shows the composition of the dry matter of the seed and the calculated yield in bushels (60 pounds) of seed containing 12 per cent, of mois- ture. Yield of Seed. The last column but one of the table gives the calculated yield per acre in bushels. The yields of five varieties were very low because they were imperfectly threshed. Ebony, Peking, AVilson and Arlington, as the last column shows, are small seeded and would not be grown for the feeding value of the seed. The yield of Medium Green is somewhat un- certain. Excluding these 9 varieties, the average yield of the 9 varieties which had seed of medium to large size is 28.1 bushels. The Feeding Value of the Seed. Table III gives the average composition of the dry matter of the seed. Table IV gives the average composition and digestible matter of soy beans, cotton seed meal and new process linseed meal, as determined by analyses made at this Station and calculated to a uniform content of 10 per cent, of moisture. 14 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 185. % < w pq > o CO h o < 2; i-i a ^ W l-H a J M w < o hJ Q p I? ^ -< Q ^ W o CO H M O o H H O o U u m . g "5 o CO 2 o o Lo v: i-c (Nj ^O >£> CM cvj R Q H O O vO 5 -a o lo X CO ■* ^^ -i- ^ < .Q E ^ lO O) .-I vT) r""; r- 1 OJ X' ^ fl) ^ t-c "^ I/l — c "-■ X. '^ Cu SOY BEANS, TIME OF PLANTING. 15 The table shows that soy beans contain about the same a- mount of digestible feed as cotton seed meal, with the excep- tion of five per cent, more of digestible oil. Soy beans are as concentrated a feed stuff as we have, prob- ably about as valuable for feed as cotton seed meal. A good crop of soy beans, 30 bushels to the acre, would yield as much con- centrated feed as 1800 lbs. of cotton seed meal, costing some- where about $29.70 at present prices. At present soy bean seed sells for about $1.50 per bushel, which would bring $45.00 for the 30 bushels of seed. Resistance to Frost and Time of Planting. Last year the HoUybrook variety stood in the field until near the end of November and there were hard frosts before its seed got hard, yet it ripened perfectly and the seed was used for planting this year. This year the same variety was frosted in September so that the upper leaves of the plants were killed but the crop matured perfectly. In the Country Gentleman of August 2, 1913, a correspon- dent reports volunteer seedlings of the Wilson variety from seed of a previous crop which had lain in the ground all winter and was not injured by spring frosts. The same correspondent also reports April plantings which were struck by an unusually hard frost May 11, which killed the leaves, but within a week new leaves started and made a good growth which was cut for hay in September. He claims that soy beans can be planted at any time from the middle of April — oat planting time — to July 1. There is no great difference in time of maturing between early and late plantings, but the former give the larger yields. When to Plant. Not later than July 1st and probably at corn planting time. In view of our experience with the HoUybrook variety and the statements of others regarding the hardiness of soy beans, we plan to try seedings of Hbllybrook every two weeks through May and June, but cannot recommend planting earlier than corn. 16 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 185. Hdw T(j Plant. The best distance of planlin<^- will depend of course on the variety, the character of soil, etc. The best A'ields reported recently in tests made in different parts of Ohio were from seed drilled 21 to 28 inches apart, using three to four pecks to the acre. The Indiana Station found that rows 24 to 28 inches apart gave better results than wider planting. The average of nine years' tests showed the highest yield of seed and tlie most hay where the beans were drilled solid, using 60 lbs. of seed to the acre. For this method the ordinar}^ grain drill is used, set for 1^ — 2 bushels of oats. This will require 1 — 1^/2 bushels of soy beans of the usual size. In drilling in rows, set the drill for 2-2^ bushels of oats per acre, which will take about 25 — 30 lbs. of soy beans of the ordinary size. Varieties to Plant. A single year's test is of course quite inadequate to deter- mine which varieties are the most promising or profitable. After our two years' observation of the growth and frost- resistance of Hollybrook variety, we believe it is quite safe to recommend it to any one who wishes to try growing soy beans for either soiling, hay, or green manure. In a favorable sea- son it will certainly ripen seed also in the southern part of the State. Until we have tested further we should recommend planting not earlier than corn, nor later than June 15th. We wish to have this variety tested in different parts of this State with reference to its yield of green forage or hay, time of maturity and, if possible, its value as feed, and shall be glad to supply seed enough for a half acre or more to a limited number of persons who will test it carefully and report results fully. To sum up a single year's obser\ations of the nineteen varie- ties tested, all of which were planted on the 28th and 29th of May, in each of the following lists the \arieties arc named in order of their yield of forage, the highest yield ct)ming first. The earliest varieties- — Manhattan, Medium Yellow, Que- bec and Ito .^an bloomed in from 55 to 60 davs and could be VARIETIES OF SOY BEAXS. 17 cut for soiling. Their a\erage yield when the foliage was mature was 2.35 tons of dry matter. The next group of varieties, blossoming between 62 and 75 days, was Ebony, Wilson. Medium Green, Kentucky and O'Kute. These when mature had an average yield of 2.48 tons dry matter. The later varieties, blossoming between 7S and 86 days — Arlington, Cloud and Swan — yielded an average of 2.83 tons. The Hollybrook, as we have noted, was planted in an unfa- vorable place and its yield cannot be directly compared with that of the others. We are satisfied, however, that under uniform conditions it yields at least as much as most of the varieties tested. A prominent dairyman of this State, who planted the Holly- brook variety in 1914 as a summer soiling crop, reports that while he has no data as to yield, etc.. the feed was relished by his dairy herd and was very satisfactory in its effect on the milk yield. University of Connecticut Libraries 39153029221829