■ H 1 , i% » m> ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES hi m u Compiled by WILLIS ARNOLD BOUGHTON 1 1 ■ I ♦ ■ ** • ■ ■ I K, I ^1 I ^H I I BOOK 929.2.B662 c. 1 BOUGHTON # ARNOLD REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 3 T1S3 DD21133fl 1 '?' ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Descendants of Edward Arnold, born perhaps in 1730-40 Comfort Redway, born in 1760 William Earle, born about 1760 and Other Genealogical Tables Compiled by WILLIS ARNOLD BOUGHTON Fort Lauderdale, Florida 1948 Copyright 1948 Willis A. Boughton Lithoprinted in U.S. A. EDWARDS BROTHERS, INC. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 1948 CONTENTS Pages Introduction 1 Arnold Ancestry 3 Table 1. Edward Arnold and Descendants. Summary 5 Table 2. Edward Arnold I and Descendants 7 Table 3« Edward Arnold II and Descendants 16 Table h. Christopher Arnold and Descendants 18 - Table 5* Joseph Arnold II and Descendants 22 S. Table 6. Elizabeth Arnold I and Descendants 25 Table 7» Joseph H. Barbour and Descendants , . 28 .Arable 8. Julius Ebenezer Barbour and Descendants 30 Table 9. William. Arnold III and Descendants 33 Table 10. Samuel Arnold and Descendants 35 Table 11. Alva Arnold and Descendants 38 Table 12. Benjamin Barber, and Descendants kl Table 13. Julius Boughton and Descendants kk Table 14. Peter Brazie and Descendants k-6 . Table 15. Cornelius Whitney and Descendants 51 J -Table 16. Gamaliel Arnold and Descendants 54 , Table 17. Jacob Arnold and Descendants 55 Table 18. James Redway I. Line of Descendants 57 Table 19. Comfort Redway and Descendants 60 Table 20. Preserved Redway II and Descendants 63 Table 21. William Earle Ancestry 67 -■■. Table 22. William Earle and Descendants 70 Table 23. Henry P. Darby and Descendants 73 Known Direct Ancestors of Martha Elizabeth Arnold 77 Index of Names 85 INTRODUCTION The Arnold family in America is a large one. Thus far, however, no general or even partially complete genealogical record of the various lines has been published. The tables included here refer chiefly to only one line, that of Edward Arnold who was born perhaps in l"J^O-kO,a. descendant of the Ehode Island family. His immediate ancestry is uncertain. The Redway family, on the other hand, is a small one, and the clan now seems to be dimishing rapidly in numbers. The direct ancestral line, however, is clearly traced back to James Redway I who reached Rehoboth, Massachusetts, in 1637, and there founded the American family. Joseph Arnold I, son of Edward Arnold I, married as his second wife Betsy Earl, daughter of William Earl. But here again it has been impossible thus far to determine with complete certainty the further ancestral line, in spite of the most exhaustive search. Mrs. Charles W. Egan, working professionally, believes it to be probable that William Earle was born in 1759-60, and not in 1763, as his gravestone indicates. If this is true then his ancestry is clear as a member of the Secausus Earles. Thus far, however, no public records have been found of most of the contemporary members of William Earl's family, as found in the family records. The massive genealogy "Ralph Earle and his Des- cendants," compiled by Pliny Earle, lists several persons named William Earle, but none can be positively identified with William Earl, nor can the names of any others of his family be found. Similarly, the ancestry of Charity Barrett, William Earl's wife, is undeter- mined. Family records clearly state that she was born in Peru, Vermont and after her marriage lived with William Earl in Kinderhook (Chatham) ,N.Y. but their names do not appear in the available public records of these places. A few miscellaneous tables referring to other lines than those closely related to Edward Arnold, Comfort Redway and William Earle, have been included, as well as some collateral lines, chiefly because they have not previously been published. It is unfortunate that the work on most of these tables was not seriously prosecuted until after the deaths of all members of the families closely rela- ted to the compiler. The information gathered has therefore been obtained by examining all the available written records of the family, and by correspond- ence with more distant relatives and others over a period of many months, as well as occasional recourse to the services of professional genealogists. I am especially indebted to Mrs. J. B. Painter for a vast amount of material about the Arno Id, Darby, Brazie, and some other lines gathered from her voluminous records; to Mrs. E.B.Kresge,a professional who has collected much material 2 INTRODUCTION about the Michigan Arnold families; to Mr. Albert S. Redway for the lists of the descendants of Preserved Redway and other information about the Redway family; to Miss Helen M. Olmsted for a great part of the data about the des- cendants of Henry P. Darby; to Mra Alberta M. Trethewey,a professional, for a considerable amount of highly fruitful research into various ancestral lines; to Mrs. Charles W. Egan for her painstaking and exhaustive work on the ances- try of William Earl; and to many others who, although only distantly related, furnished much information willingly and to the best of their knowledge. Every effort has been made to avoid errors, but it is not to be expected that none exists, for reports from various sources may at best sometimes be contradictory and are often uncertain. The information tabulated represents the best judgment of the compiler; but if mistakes are found, or additions and corrections indicated, information about them will be gladly received. The matter of the best method for tabulating the various lines of des- cent was carefully considered. The method finally adopted is believed to be clear and comprehensive, although it does not follow the orthodox pattern. In brief, the ancestral line and name of the original stated ancestor heads the first section of each table. Children are identified by large Arabic numerals; grandchildren by small Roman numerals; and so on through capital letters, small letters, arabic numerals, and combinations of the latter two. Children of any descendant are tabulated in a subordinate position. When there has been more than one marriage the order of marriages is shown by a Roman numeral in parentheses; and the name of each child is usually preceded by the same numeral in parentheses as that of the respective mother. A brief examination of the tables will, it is believed, make the plan quite clear. This edition is limited to only enough copies to permit distribution to the various contributors and a number of libraries and genealogical societies. No copies are for public sale by either the compiler or the publisher. W.A.B. Fort Lauderdale, Florida ARNOLD ANCESTRY The following is Horatio G. Somerby's genealogy of the Arnold family from Ynir,king of Guentland,in the twelfth century: YNIR 1 -- -METRIC 2 - --YNIR VICHAW 3 ---CARADOE 4 ---DYIi , IWALL 5 ---SYSTYL S ---ARTHUR 7 --- iMEIRIC 8 ---GWILLIM 9 ---ARNH0LT 1O ---ABNH0LT :L1 ---R0GER 12 ARN0LD (first of the line to adopt this surname) ---THOMAS 13 ARNOLD- --RICHARD 14 ARNOLD- --RICHARD 15 ARNOLD, Lord of Bagbere---THOMAS 16 ARNOLD, who m. Alice Gully- --WILLIAM 17 and THOMAS 17 ARNOLD, who settled in Rhode Island. Apparently some objection has "been raised to this ancestry for William and Thomas Arnold. According to the "Magna Charta Line," William 1 was the son of Nicholas 16 Arnold, whose ancestry was Richard 15 John 1 (d. 15^5) Thomas 13 Roger 12 , as above, and these back to the "Third Earl of Norfolk, a Magna Charta Surety." Nicholas 16 m. (1) Alice Gully, and (2) Grace . William was the son of the first marriage, and Thomas was the son of the second. A line of descent from Alfred the Great, b.8U9 A.D.,has been traced as follows: ALFRED-- -EDWARD- --EDGIVA(m. King Charles III of France) ---LOUIS IV of France-- -CHARLES- --WIGERIUS---BALDRICK TEUTONICUS-- -NICHOLAS de BASCHA- VTLLE de CHASE- --WILLIAM de MARTEL,Earl of Warren- --WILLIAM, First Earl of Surrey- --WILLIAM, Second Earl of Surrey- --Lady GUNDREDA de WARREN- --WALDERAN, Fourth Earl of Warwick- --Lady ALICE de NEWBURGH- - - Lady ISABEL de MANDUIT--- WILLIAM VI, Baron of Beauchamp(d. 1298 A.D.)---Lady SARAH de BEAUCHAMP---Lady WILLIAM TALBOT- --SARAH de TUBERVT LIE- --GILBERT de GAMAGE---Sir THOMAS GAMAGE JOAN GAMAGE who m. Roger ARNOLD, great- greatgrandfather of William and Thomas Arnold. Another Thomas Arnold appears to have been in America in l64^,a cousin of Richard Arnold, a goldsmith of London, and not closely related to Thomas, son of Thomas or Nicholas. Some investigators consider him to have been the Thomas Arnold of Rhode Island, instead of the half-brother of William. A pamphlet "The Genealogy of the Family of Arnold in Europe and America, " by John Ward Dean, Henry T. Drown and Edwin Hubbard gives the following inform- ation about William and Thomas Arnold, hereafter called William 1 and Thomas . WILLIAM 1 ARNOLD. B. June 2k, 1557, son of Thomas 16 or Nicholas 16 Arnold and (1) Alice GULLY. M. Christian PEAK, who was bap. Feb. 15,1585, daughter of Thomas PEAK. Alice Gully was bap. Sept. 29, 1553, daughter of John GULLY, and was bur. Apr. 25,1596. Thomas 16 and his family sailed from Dartmouth, Eng. May 1,1635, and landed in New England on June 2h of that year. His son Wil- liam 1 went to Providence on Apr. 20,1636, where he became associated with Roger Williams; and on Nov. 19,1651, he went to Newport. Benedict Arnold I, his son, was b. Dec. 3, or 21, 1615, became Governor of the Colony, succeeding h ARNOLD ANCESTRY Roger Williams, and d. in 1678. Benedict II, son of Benedict I, had Benedict III whose son, Benedict IV, was the General in the American Revolutionary Army who later turned Royalist. THOMAS 1 ARNOLD. Probably a half brother of William, above. Bap. Apr. 18,1599. M.(l) in England; (2) about l6k0 to Phebe PARKHURST, daughter of George PARKHURST of Watertown,Mass . Thomas Arnold settled in Watertown as early as l6U0,and was in Providence before 1658. D. Mar. 2k,l&Jk-5. Thomas 2 ARNOLD, b. May 3,1625, was his son. TABLE 1 EDWARD ARNOLD I AND DESCENDANTS Summary of First Three Generations Edward Arnold I William I i . Hannah A. Electa B. Harry- C. Amanda D. William E. Timothy- F. Maria G. Rhoda H. Lydia I. Hiram J. Cyrenus K. Thomas L. L. Welburn ii. Edward II A. Horace B. George C. Rebecca D. E. Edward F. ii. Christopher A. Robert B. Phebe C. Edward F. D. Lydia J. E. Christopher C F. Amelia R. G. Esther R. H. Irene R. I. Hannah V. J. Isaac H. iv. Abram A. Odell B. Mary U. C. Alonzo E. v. Eunice vi. Mahala vii. Cyrenus A. Lydia B. William C . Lexas D. Perry E. Betty F. Amanda G. Frederick H. Marinda I. Franklin J. Maria viii. Alan3on A. Kent ix. Anis X. Harry xi. Rhoda II. Seymour I i. Seymour II A. Dennis B. Jesse-Jessie C. Phoebe D. Ruth E. Elizabeth II F . Samantha III. Joseph I i. Horace A. Mortimer B. Noble C to P ii. Edward III iii. Joseph II ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES A. Lucy M. B. Sidney 0. C. Anna H. D. Elizabeth A. E. James W. F. Lydia L. G. Mary H. Harriet E. I and J iv. Ezra v. Seymour III A. Joseph III B. James II C. Charlotte E. D. Seymour IV E. Edward D. F. William U. G. Alvin S. H. I. Lydia J. Robert J. vi. Hannah II A. Sally A. B. Elizabeth III vii. Elizabeth I A. Joseph H. B. Josephine B. C. Mary E. D. Julius E. Julia P. F. Loren A. viii. Francis? ix. Charles x. William III A. Mary E. B. Edwin E. C. Ellen E. D. Emma L. E and F. xi. John M. A. Charles W. B. Martha E. C. Sella E. D. John F. E. Clara P. IV. John I i . Samue 1 A. Volney ii. Alva A. Ellen B. Esther Ann C. Hiram P. D. Orrin E. Charles M. F. Eugene I G. Frank H. John W. I. Myrtle J. Naomi K. Edward IV. L. Dennis iii. John II iv. William II A. Harriet v. Free love vi. Susan I vii. Rebecca viii. Susan II ix. Eliza x. Anniel xi. Esther xii. Annis xiii. Rachel xiv. Thomas ? V. Peleg VI. A daughter ? TABLE 2 EDWARD ARNOLD I AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I was a descendant of the Bhode Island family of that name. He was born, probably in 1730-^0, in Connecticut or Rhode Island, and is stated to have married Freelove PELHAM,but this has not been established. Ac- cording to family tradition he moved from Connecticut to the vicinity of Poughkeepsie,N.Y. , where he was known as "The Honorable Edward Arnold," but thus far an exhaustive research of the records in many localities in the east- ern part of New York State has failed to disclose any mention of his name, and no family or public record of his death has yet been found, although a stone marked Freelove Arnold is in the Quaker Hill Cemetery, at Pawling, N.Y. The immediate ancestry of Edward Arnold is not known, but family records repeat the statement that he came of the line of the Rhode Island Arnolds, William and Thomas, but not of the line of Benedict Arnold. The families of descendants of William and Thomas are for the most part well established, so that if the immediate ancestry of Edward Arnold is learned, his complete lin- eage can be easily determined. It is possible that he may have lived and died in some small village, now almost forgotten, and been buried in the ceme- tery lot on his own or a neighbor's farm. His stone, if he had one, may well have been neglected and covered over, or even used in the foundation of some later homestead. The honors he may have accumulated during his life could hardly be of great moment, or record of them would have been carefully pre- served. It is possible that after spending some years in a small or isolated community in Eastern New York State, and on the departure of his sons into new territory to establish their own lives, Edward Arnold returned to his New England home to die. If, as is stated, he did indeed marry Freelove Pelham, it is difficult to understand how his connection with so important a family could have been forgotten. The family record states positively that he was not of the line of Bene- dict Arnold. This may have been only wishful thinking, but no such Edward Arnold has been found in that line either. Indeed, it is possible that he may have been a derelict, or some nameless but sturdy product of New England con- nections, who -broke away from the conditions of his early life to seek a for- tune and family in new lands to the west, and to aid that determination took for his own an honorable new name and, if the records of his sons are to be believed, added honor to it. Whatever his ancestry may have been, he did indeed found a new virile line. His descendants were a prolific clan,and they, too, were filled with the 8 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES pioneering spirit that drove three, perhaps four, of Edward's five sons, to seek new fortunes in Michigan, then an untouched land with vast forests and a rich soil and a slowly growing population of prophetic ambitions. EDWARD ARNOLD I 9 EDWARD ARNOLD I. I. WILLIAM ARNOLD I. B. in 1758 in Dutchess Co., N.Y. Lived first in Monroe Co., N.Y. M. Rachel WILLIS, and moved to Shelby Twp., Macomb Co., Mich., in 182U. D. in l842,or Mar. 5,l81+9,aged 83y.,8m. He served in in the Albany Co., Militia. Apparently he m. (2) Susanna ,for her stone states that she was the wife of William Arnold, and d. July 3,l8U0, aged 78y. The order of the "births of Abram,Eunice,Mahala,Alanson,Annis and Har- riet is uncertain. i. HANNAH ARNOLD I. B. in Aug.,1786. M. Jan. 15,l808,to Jeremiah LOCKWOOD, perhaps in Greene Co., N.Y. In 1822 they came to Wash- ington, Macomb Co., Mich. D. Mar. 8,1835, aged l+8y.,7m. He was b. about Jan. 21,1785, perhaps in Greene Co.,N.Y.,son of Timothy II and Esther (TOWNSEND-MEAD) LOCKWOOD, and d. Dec. 10,1856, at Washington, Mich. He served in the War of l8l2. After Hannah's death he m.(2) Oct. 7,1837 Mrs. Jane LITTLEWOOD-TWEDDELL, or TWEDDLE, who d. June 16,1867, leaving two children: Thomas L. Lockwood,b. Jan. 1,1839, and d. Aug. 20,1842; and Welburn Lockwood,b. May 4,l8Ul, and d. Jan. 16,1863, at Jackson, Term. , having served in the Civil War. Timothy Lockwood I was b. in 1763 in Dutchess Co.,N.Y.,and d. in Mar., 1812, or Mar.l2,l8l3,in Cayuga Co., N.Y. Esther Townsend was b. about 1761; m. (1) Jan. 13 or lh,Yj8k to Jeremiah MEAD; and (3) Levi MILLER (b. about 1753 and d. May 9, 1827); and d. Apr. 20,l8U8. A. ELECTA LOCKWOOD. B. Oct. 8,l808. M. Feb. 15,l828,to Daniel B. NICHOLS. D. Sept. 12,l8U2. B. HARRY LOCKWOOD. B. Oct. 8,l8l0,and d. Oct. 12,l8l2. C. AMANDA LOCKWOOD. B. Feb. 6,1813. M. Nov. ll,l833,to Zimri CUR- TIS. Lived near Addison, Mich. He was b. in l809,and d. Oct 31, 187^. D. WILLIAM L. LOCKWOOD. B. Nov. 29,l8l4. M. Mary WINSLOW. Lived near Saginaw, Mich. E. TIMOTHY LOCKWOOD (probable). B. Nov. 19,loJ-7. F. MARIA LOCKWOOD. B. Sept. 11,1820. M. Calvin PARKER. Lived near Avon Twp . , Mich . G. RHODA LOCKWOOD. B. Jan. 15,1823. M. Chester ANDREWS. Lived in Shelby, Mich. H. LYDIA J. LOCKWOOD. B. Feb. 27,l827,and d. Apr. 15,l8M+. I. HIRAM LOCKWOOD. B. July 13,l829,and d. in 1865. J. CYRENUS A. LOCKWOOD. B. Aug. 27,l832. D. Oct. 22,l851 at Mackinaw, Mich. A daughter of one of the above was Hannah L. Adams; in the early 1900' s she wrote of twenty grandchildren of Hannah and Jeremiah Lockwood then living. 10 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES ii. RHODA ARNOLD. B. in 179^. M. George WILSON, as second wife. D. in 1867. He was t>. in 1788,came to Michigan in l823,m. (1) Eunice Arnold, "below, and d. in l873« iii. EDWARD ARNOLD II. Twin of Christopher, "below. B. perhaps I788-9O, in Monroe Co.,N.Y.,or in Mass. M. perhaps (l) Patty ; (2) Mrs. Martha WOODMAN, (who may have been identical with Patty ) in Monroe Co. In 1823 he moved to Macomb Co., Mich. D. in l865,aged 76y. She was b. about 1793, and d. Mar. 19,1856, aged 63y. For their descendants see Table 3^Fdward Arnold II. iv. CHRISTOPHER C. (?) ARNOLD. Twin of Edward Arnold II, above. B. perhaps 1788-90,in Monroe Co., N.Y.,or in Mass. M. Amelia, or Permilia, . D. Apr. JO, ldkj>, at Washington, Mich. , aged " 1 +5y- " This age at death is probably wrong, as Robert, his oldest child was b. in l8li+,when Christopher would have been only 16 years of age. Amelia d. Nov. 13,181+6, in Washington Twp. For their descendants see Table k, Christopher Arnold. v. ABRAM ARNOLD. Twin of Eunice, below. M. Emma Jane . Estate pro- bated Jan. 13,l87U, at Mt. Clemens, Mich. She was b. in l840,and m.(2) Sept.20,l873,to Hiram RICHARDSON, who was b. in 1837. A. ODEL(L) ARNOLD. B. in l859,at Mason, Iowa. M. June 3,1878, to Maggie FRIES, of Ray, Mich. She was b. in i860, at Clinton, Mich. a. WALTER ARNOLD. B. Nov. I,l879,at Ray. If this is Walter B. Arnold, he m. Dorothy PRESC0TT,and had: 1. WALTER DUANE ARNOLD. B. June 10,1926, at Holly, Mich. 2. DONALD LEE ARNOLD. B. Nov. 20,1931, at Holly, and d. there Oct. 17,1932. b. LULU (LEULLE) J. ARNOLD. B. Feb. 20,l88l,in Macomb Co., Mich. M. Mar. lU,1900,to Wilbur C. JONES, at Brown City, Mich. He was b. in l879,at Meade, Mich. , son of Frank and Mary A. (HART) JONES. B. MARY U.(W.) ARNOLD. B. in l86l. C. AL0NZ0 E. ARNOLD. B. in 1863. vi. EUNICE ARNOLD. Twin of Abram,above. M. George WILSON. D. in child- birth. He m. (2) Rhoda Arnold, above . vii. MAHALA (MAHEELA) ARNOLD. M. — WITHEY, per haps related to George Wilson, above. viii. CYRENUS ARNOLD- B. about June 13, 1800, perhaps in Monroe Co.,N.Y. M. before 1826 t.o Delilah ---. D. June 15,1867, aged 67y.,2d. She was b. about Feb. ,l803,and d. Aug. 19,1851, aged i+8y.,6m. A. LYDIA ARNOLD. M. Aug. 10,l851,to Henry DARLING. He was b. Oct. 29, 1826, son of Sylvester and Amy (LNMAN) DARLING,who m. July k, EDWARD ARNOLD I 11 181^. Sylvester Darling served in the War of l8l2. Amy Inman was b. May 26,1797, in Greene Co.,N.Y. B. WILLIAM ARNOLD. B. about Aug. 15,1825, and d. Feb. 26,1827. C. LEXAS ARNOLD. B. about Apr. 2k, and d. May U,l830. D. PERRY ARNOLD. B. in l831,in Macomb Co., Mich. M. in 1858 to Lucy WENTWORTH,of Oakland Co., Mich. They had a son and daughter. E. BETTY ARNOLD. B. about Jan. 5, and d. May 5,l83 1 +- F. AMANDA ARNOLD. B. about Feb. 20,l835,and d. Aug. 20,1836. G. FREDERICK ARNOLD. H. MARINDA ARNOLD. M. --- COO? I. FRANKLIN (FRANK) ARNOLD. B. in l8U6 at Shelby, Mich. M. Dec. 12, 1871, to Celia WENTWORTH of Dryden, Lapeer Co., Mich. She was b. in l8U8,in Oakland Co., Mich. J. MARIA ARNOLD. ix. ALANSON ( AELDSON,AELANSON,ALASON, ALEXANDER) ARNOLD. B. after 1800 in N.Y. State. M.(l)perhaps --- WILSON; (1 or 2) Jan. 19,l 82 8; to Weltha (Wealthy, Wei thy) NICHOLS, in Macomb Co., Mich.; (3 or 2) after I85I to Asenath (VALENTINE) CHAPEL. Weltha Nichols was the daughter of John Franklin and Louise (TERRILL) NICHOLS, and d. between 1851 and 1855. John F. Nichols was son of Elisha and Mary (BOLTON) NICHOLS. Asenath Valentine was b. in 1815 in N.J.,m.(l) Calvin CHAPEL; and d. Mar. 20,l873,aged 57y.,7m. ,6d. Calvin Chapel was b. about Aug., 1804, and d. Nov. 3,1852, aged l+7y. ,2m. ,17d. (3)A. KENT ARNOLD. B. Feb. 27,1856, and living in Feb. 27,187^, perhaps in Taylor Co., Iowa. x. ANIS (ANNIS,ANNA) ARNOLD. Perhaps a twin. D. young; or may have m. Nathan INMAN. xi. HARRY ARNOLD. A twin. Perhaps d. young. II. (EDWARD) SEYMOUR ARNOLD I. B. in 1759- Lived in Lexington,N.Y. D. young. He served in the American Revolution, in the Seventh Regiment, Dutchess Co., N.Y. His widow m. Deacon WHITCOMB,of Lexington. i. SEYMOUR ARNOLD II. Perhaps m. Julia Ann . A. DENNIS E. ARNOLD. B. in 1835. Perhaps m. Isabel(la) McWITHEY? D. Feb. I,l86l, aged 27y. ,km. ,12d. Or he may have been son of Alice ARNOLD,b. in Y(9k, d. Apr. 21,1865. a. Perhaps ALICE JANE ARNOLD. B. after 1853. B. JESSE ARNOLD. M. --- McWITHEY. C. PHOEBE ARNOID. M. --- FULLER. D. RUTH ARNOLD. E. ELIZABETH ARNOLD III. M. --- HILL. F. SAMANTHA ARNOLD. M.(l) --- WIER;(2) -—JOHNSON. G. Perhaps LEONARD F. ARNOLD. B. in July,l831,and d. Sept. lU,l866. 12 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Seymour Arnold I is stated to have had grandsons named Ephraim, Goodrich and Calvin C. III. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. B. in 1766-7. M.(l) Elizabeth FINCH; (2) in l8l6, Betsy (Elizabeth) EARL (EARLE). D. Dec. 21,l825,at Acra,N.Y. He was a member of the Assembly in l8l2,a Baptist minister and elder, and lived in Dutchess Co., N.Y. Elizabeth Finch was b. Feb. 7,Yj6k, probably in Greenville (?), Greene Co.,N.Y.,and d. Aug. 17,l8l5,aged 51y. ,6m. ,10d. Betsy Earle was b. Sept. 2, 1792, or Nov. 2,1787, in Dutchess Co., N.Y., daughter of William and Charity (BARRETT) EARLE; m.(2)Aug. 27,1850 Joseph VOORHEES ( VOORHIES,VOOBRIES,VOORHEIS) ; and d. May ^,1876, aged 8U y.,or 88y. ,6m.,2d. Bur. in Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Oakland Co., Mich. See also Table 22, William Earle III. (l)i. HORACE ARNOLD. Lived in Otsego Co.,N.Y.,and had sixteen children including : A. MORTIMER ARNOLD. B. NOBLE ARNOLD. (l)ii. EDWARD ARNOLD III. Unm. D. in 182*4-, in early life, in Greene Co., N.Y. A physician. (l)iii. JOSEPH ARNOLD II. M. Louisa H. WHITE. He went to Michigan in 1837 and was once a member of the State legislature. D. between Sept. l6,l862 and Feb. 25,1863. For their descendants see Table 5, Joseph Arnold II. (l)iv. EZRA ARNOLD. B. about 178O. D. in 1825 in Greene Co. , N.Y. , aged about k'jy. (l)v. SEYMOUR ARNOLD III. B. about 0ct.,l80lw In 1825 he went to Addison, Mich., and bought land there in 1835. M. Apr. 18,1830, to Lydia TOWNSEND. D. June 9,1 8 ^2. She was b. about Feb. 23,l809, perhaps daughter of Elisha(b.l766) or Zebulon (b.1775) TOWNSEND; m.(2)Aug. 18, 1866, Stephen LOCKW00D; and d. July 20,l879- The following list of children of Seymour and Lydia Arnold is un- certain, and the order of their births is not known. The starred names are those of his heir3 in 1862. A. JOSEPH ARNOLD III. B. JAMES ARNOLD II. Or Edward, a physician, perhaps identical with ii, above. C. CHARLOTTE E. ARNOLD. B. about Jan. 18,1830, and d. July 29,1833. *D. SEYMOUR CHARLES ARNOLD (or CHARLES S.,but see ix, below) M. Elizabeth . *E. EDWARD DELOSS (or DELOSS EDWARD) ARNOLD. B. about 1838. D. Sept. 20, 1862, aged 2Uy. *F. WILLIAM URIAH ARNOLD. *G. ALVIN SETH ARNOLD EDWARD ARNOLD I 13 H. --- ARNOLD. I. LYDIA ARNOLD. B. about Mar. 3,l81^,and d. Feb. l,l8U5. J. ROBERT T. ARNOLD. B. about Jan. 28, and d. Mar. 3,l846. (l)vi. HANNAH ARNOLD II. M. — COOK. Lived near Rochester, N.Y. Prob- ably do before l825,as her father's will mentions her two daugh- ters but not Hannah. A. SALLY ANN COOK. B. ELIZABETH COOK. NOTE: The order of the births of the children of Joseph Arnold I and Elizabeth Finch is not known. (2)vii. ELIZABETH ARNOLD I. B. Oct. 28,l8l7,at Acra,N.Y. M. Jan. k, or lU,l8U2 to Loren BARBER in Oakland Co., Mich. D. Oct. 23,1888, at Minneapolis, Minn., and bur. in Mt. Vernon, Mich. He was b. in 1820, at Sweden( ?), Monroe Co.,N.Y.,son of Henry Edward and Betsie (GLASPIE) BARBER, and d. May 22, 185^, at Mt. Vernon. For their descendants see Table 6, Elizabeth Arnold I. ( 2) viii. FRANCES ARNOLD. D. in infancy. (2)ix. CHARLES S(FYMOUR?) ARNOLD. B. about 1820. Unm. D. Oct. 9,l842, at Addison, Mich. , aged 22y. Bur. in Mt Vernon. (2)x. WILLIAM ARNOLD III. B. May 5,l822,at Acra,N.Y. Went to Michigan in 1837. M. June 28,l848 to Laura Ann EVARTS( EVERTS) , in Michigan. D. June 2U,l882 at Detroit, and bur. at Lapeer, Mich. She was b. May 10, 1825, daughter of Luther and Betsy (LAW-WHITNEY) EVARTS, and d. May 1 or 2,l88l,at Lapeer. For their descendants see Table 9, William Arnold III. See also Table 15, Cornelius Whitney. (2)xi. JOHN (MOTTE) ARNOLD. B. Oct. 15,l82U,at Acra,N.Y. Named John Arnold, but in early maturity he adopted Motte as his middle name and used it thereafter. Went to Michigan in 1839* M. Mar. 26, 1851 to Hannah Elizabeth REDWAY,at Pontiac,Mich. D. Dec. 5,l88U, at Detroit. She was b. July 27,1830, at Ray, Mich. , daughter of Carpus and Sally (PERSONS) REDWAY,and d. Jan. 1,1903, at Bay View, Mich. See also Table 19, Comfort Redway. A. CHARLES WILLIAMS ARNOLD. B. Nov. 16,1856, at St. Clair, Mich. M. Oct. 3,1871+, to Josephine Marguerite B0LI0, probably at Detroit. D. Oct. 15, 1925, at Tacoma,Wash. She was b. July 25,1853 at Detroit, daughter of Gideon Hudon(dit) and Margaret Justine (St. AMOUR) BEAULLEU,and d. July 6,7 or 15, 1915, in California. She wrote under the pen name of Alice EATON. Gideon Hudon(dit) Beaulieu was b. in Nov. ,1813, below Quebec, Can., son of Germain Hudon (dit) and Angelica (LEVEQUE) BEAULIEU, Ik ARNOLD, REDW AY AND EAELE FAMILIES and was "bur. Apr. 23,187^. Margaret J. St. Amour waa b. May 21, l8l8, at Detroit, daughter of Jean Baptiste Louis and Josette (LeDUC) St. AMOUR, and d. Nov. 9,1905- a. ALICE H. ARNOLD. B. July 20,1875. Unm. D. May 18,191*5, at Los Angeles . b. GRACE ELIZABETH ARNOLD. B. July 3,1877, and d. in 1886. c. KARL (CARL) ARNOLD. B. in Mar. 18M* . Disappeared in 1922. B. MARTHA ELIZABETH ARNOLD. B. Feb. 18,1857, at Corunna,Mich. M. July 8,l88U,to Willis B0UGHT0N,at Ann Arbor, Mich. D. May 18, 1928, at Brooklyn, N.Y. He was b. Apr. 17,1851+, at Victor, N.Y., son of Myron and Jane Malura (FARNAM) BOUGHTON, and d. June 16, 191*2, at Brooklyn. a. WILLIS ARNOLD BOUGHTON. B. May 30,1885, at Ann Arbor, Mich. Unm. b. PAUL NINDE BOUGHTON. B. June 17,1896, at Athens, Ohio. Unm. C. SELLA EVANGELINE ARNOLD. B. Jan. 15,l86U,at Detroit,Mich. M. May 114,1935, to Pierce HOLT, at Chelsea, Mich. D. June 5,1938, at Chelsea. D. JOHN FISKE ARNOLD. B. Oct. 21,l867,at Wyandotte, Mich. M. June Ik, 1905, to Harriet KNIGHT, at Laurium,Mich. D. July 3, 1907 at Laurium. No children. E. (Adopted) CLARA PEARL ARNOLD. B. Clara MURRAY, probably in Aug. ,1873, at Detroit. M.(l) --- MARKS; (2) Fred BARTON; (3) — CLAYTON. D. Sept. 1, 1911*, at New York, N.Y. No children. Her stage name was Ruth DeSHON. IV. JOHN ARNOLD. B. Aug. 15,1772. He was in Macomb Co., Mich., in l825,and lived near Utica. D. Sept. I,l81*l*,at Shelby, Mich, "aged 78y." i. SAMUEL (SYLVANUS?) ARNOLD. He may have been the Samuel Arnold who lived in Monroe Co.,N.Y.,m. Catherine N. MILLER and d. before I8U3. She was b. Dec. 9,l8l2,at Otis, Mass. , daughter of O.MILLER; m.(2) Oct. 31,181*3, to Oran FREEMAN, of Ray, Mich.; d. Apr. 29,1896. For their descendants see Table 10, Samuel Arnold. ii. ALVA(H) ARNOLD. B. June 29,l80l*,in N.Y. State. M. June 3,l830 to Louisa( Laura? ) RUBY. D. Jan 7,1883, near Disco, Shelby Twp. Mich., aged 79y. She was b. June 27,l8ll*,in N.Y. State, daughter of Manley RUBY, and d. July ll* or 18,1891*, at Shelby Twp., Mich. , aged 79y. For their descendants see Table 11, Alva Arnold. iii. JOHN ARNOLD II. He may have m. Martha SHADBOLT and had: A. THOMAS ARNOLD. M. Daphne --- (RIGGS). iv. WILLIAM ARNOLD II. M. July 5,1831 to Mary E.? SQUIER3( SQUEERS) . D. in 1862. EDWARD ARNOLD I 15 A. HARRIET ARNOLD. B. in 1835. D. Feb. Il,l852,aged l6y. ,5m. ,25d. B. Perhaps WILLIAM ARNOLD. B. in 1835 or Sept. 28,1836. M. Dec.30, 1872 to Mary E. Ross, perhaps his second wife, D. Jan. 7,1895. He served in the Civil War. a. MAGGIE ARNOLD v. FREELOVE ARNOLD. Perhaps bur. in Quaker Hill Cemetery, Pawling, N.Y. vi. SUSAN ARNOLD I. D. young, vii. REBECCA ARNOLD. M. Jan. 21,1830 to Luman SQUIERS,in Macomb Co. viii. SUSAN (SUSANNA) ARNOLD II. May have m. Aug. 4,l831,to Philo GOFF (GOPP,GOPT),and d. Sept. 11,1879, at Shelby, Mich. ,aged 66y. ix. ELIZA ARNOLD. x. ANNIEL ARNOLD, xi. ESTHER ARNOLD, xii. ANIS(ANNIS) ARNOLD. Perhaps m. in Macomb Co. , Mich. , and perished with her husband in the Mountain Meadow Massacre, xiii. RACHEL ARNOLD. M. Apr. 10,l831,to Charles TUBBS. xiv. Perhaps THOMAS ARNOLD. V. PELEG ARNOLD. Believed to have been a merchant in N.Y.; may have lived in Albany Co., N.Y. Served in the American Revolution, in the Sixth and Seventh Regiments, Dutchess Co., N.Y. VI. ARNOLD. A daughter who lived in Conn. TABLE 3 EDWARD ARNOLD II AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. I. WILLIAM ARNOLD I. EDWARD ARNOLD II. A twin of Christopher ( iv) . B. perhaps in 1789- 90 in Monroe Co.,N.Y.,or in Mass. M. perhaps (1) to Patty ; (2) Mrs Martha WOODMAN in Monroe Co., who may have been Patty. In 1823 he moved to Macomb Co., Mich. D. in l865,aged 76y. Mrs. Wood- man was b. about 1793, and d. Mar. 19,1856, aged 63y. A. HORACE ARNOLD. He was in Oakland or Macomb Co., Mich, in l836,and in Decatur, Mich, in l8&2. M. Evelina . a. EDWARD ARNOLD IV. He was in Decatur in 1869. B. GEORGE ARNOLD. B. about l820,and d. June 29,1833, aged 13y. C. REBECCA ARNOLD. B-. about l827,and d. Jan. 26,l8W-,aged 17y. D. (ARNOLD). Perhaps a son of Mrs. Woodward by her earlier marriage. E. EDWARD FRANKLIN ARNOLD. B. Mar. 20 or 30,1830 at Washington, Mich. M. (1) 0ct.,l8U8,to Sarah A. Pardee; (2) Sept. 22,l87^, to Mrs Sarah A. (SMITH) STARKWEATHER. D. Sept. 22,l891,at Romeo, Mich. Sarah A. Pardee was b. April 18,1831 in N.Y. State, daughter of Alva 6 and Catherine PARDEE, and d. Sept. 20,1873. Sarah A. Smith was b. Oct. 9,l835>at Hope, N. J., daughter of Elisha and Sarah SMITH,and d. Feb. 26,1912, in Macomb Co., Mich.; by her first husband, George STARKWEATHER (m. May 1,1855), she had Almeda S. STARKWEATHER, b.. Apr. 13,1856, who m. F. A. MAHER? a. AMANDA M. ARNOLD. B. Sept. 2,l81+9. M. George R. DIBBLE. 1. SARAH DIBBLE. B. Mar. 17,1873, at Osborne, Kan. 2. --- DIBBLE. B. Mar.20,1875, in Macomb Co., Mich. b. HANNAH(ANNA) L. ARNOLD. B. Apr. 15,1852. M. William J. COURT. D. Mar. 8,: 1. MALCOLM COURT. c. MARTHA A. ARNOLD. B. Nov. 25,1855. M. Nov. 15,1876, to Wil- liam Henry FOWLER (F0WLES),at Washington, Mich. He was b. in 1852 at Marine City, Mich. d. GEORGE F. ARNOLD. B. Dec. 23,1859, and d. Jan. 9, i860. 16 EDWARD ARNOLD II 17 e. EVALINE(EVA) M. ARNOLD. B. May 10,l86l. M. Dec. 25,1878, to Wilbur H. HOVEY. He was b. in 1858 at Warsaw, N. Y. , son of Henry and Lydia (MAHER) HOVEY. Henry Hovey was b. in 18OI4- at Warsaw, son of Simeon HOVEY, and m. in l838,and d. in 1892. f. EDWARD D. ARNOLD. B. Feb. 17,18614- at Romeo, Mich. M. May 5, 1886, to Harriet (Battle) M. DUDLEY, at Utica,Mich. D. in Apr., 1936, and bur. in the Prestonville Cemetery. She was b. May 30, 1868, at Washington, Mich. , daughter of Oliver C. and Mary Ann (ANDERSON) DUDLEY, who were m. May 1,1853, in Macomb Co. 1. ARNOLD. B. Sept., 1889, at Romeo, and d. young. 2. ROY E. ARNOLD. B. Dec. lU,l891,at Washington,Macomb Co. 3. MARION L. ARNOLD. B. Feb. 6,1896, at Washington. M. --- PARKER. g. EVERETT R. ARNOLD. B. Aug. 28,1869. M. May 3,l 8 93,to Nellie (Mary) Ellen BENTLEY,at Romeo. D. Feb. 23,1920. She was b. June 30, 1873, at Romeo, daughter of Oliver G. and Sarah Jane (BADGER) BENTLEY and d. May 15,19*4-5 at Romeo. Oliver G. Bentley was b. June 6,l81+5,in England, and d. Feb. 28,191^ at Romeo. Sarah J. Badger was b. Mar. 23,1852, and d. May k, 1932, at Romeo. 1. HARRY B. ARNOLD. B. Jan. 8,l89U,and d. Jan. 13,1895, at Romeo. 2. EVERETT STANLEY ARNOLD. B. Mar. 20,1898 at Romeo. 3. FRANKLIN OLIVER ARNOLD. B. Dec. 28,1903, at Romeo or Mt. Clemens, Mich. He was son of Evart and Mary Ellen Arnold who were perhaps not the same as Everett and Nellie B. Arnold, above. h. SARAH E.(A) ARNOLD. B. Aug. U,l873,at Washington, Mich. M. Feb. 16,1897, to Will C. PRESTON, at Fenton,Mich. He was b. early in l873,at Shelby, Mich. , son of Julius W. and Cornelia M. (VAN HOM?) PRESTON. Julius W. Preston was b. in 18U5 and d. in 19^2. Cornelia M. Van Horn was b. in l8U6,and d. in 192U. (2)i. FRANKLIN (FRANK) BEECHER ARNOLD. B. Jan. 25,1876, at Romeo. M. Sept. 5, 1900, to Fannie (Frances) ROWLEY. D. Dec. 19^, at Romeo. She was b. in 1877, daughter of Sanford A. and Mary C. (WELTS) ROWLEY. Sanford A. Rowley, was b. in l8Vf and d. in 1879. Mary a Welts was b. in 1855 and d. in 19*4-1. 1. RUSSELL V. ARNOLD. B. Dec. 25,1901+ at Washington,Mich. M. Jan. 21,1928 to Lola B. BALDEN at Almont,Mich. She was b. in 1909, at Capac, Mich. , daughter of Alven and Louise (SCHOMEMAN) BALDEN, and d. Jan. 25, 19*+7. la. MARY LOUISE ARNOLD. B. June 10, 1932, at Romeo, lb. LINDA SUE ARNOLD. B. Aug. 20,1914-2, at Romeo. TABLE k CHRISTOPHER ARNOLD AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. I. WILLIAM ARNOLD I. CBRISTOPBER (C?) ARNOLD. Twin of Edward II. B. 1788-90,in Monroe Co.,N.Y.,or in Mass. M. Amelia (Permilia) . D. Apr. 30,l81O, "aged U5y. " (This age at death is probably wrong, as Robert, his, oldest child, was b. in l8l^,when Christopher would have been only 16 y. old.) He bought land in Michigan in 1823. She d. Nov. 13,l846,in Washington Twp. A. ROBERT ARNOLD. B. Sept. 9,l8ll+,near Rochester, N.Y. M. Mar. 12, I858, to Amy STITT,at Washington, Mich. D. Sept. 2, 185^, probably in Addison, Mich. She was b. June U,l8l7 in N.Y. State, daughter of Andrew and Rhoda A. STITT,and d. Feb. 26,1897, at Addison. a. GEORGE F. ARNOLD. B. Sept. 22,1839. D. Apr. 11,1912. He may have m. July 1^,1853, Mary Ann SMITH in Avon Twp., Oakland Co., Mich. b. MARGARET A. ARNOLD. B. May 20,l84l. M. Jacob SCHULTZ of Oakland Co., Mich. D. Oct. 2U,l862. c. MARTHA A. ARNOLD. B. Nov. 25,181+2. M. Apr. 9,l86l+,to Hiram THOMPSON, of Shiawassee Co., or Oakland Co., Mich. D. May 12, 187U. d. JEROME F. ARNOLD I. B. Aug. 10,l8Ul*,at Addison,Mich. M. Sept. 2, 1868 to Margaret Ann SNYDER, in Addison Twp. D. July 3, 1912, in Addison Twp. She was b. in I85I, daughter of Jacob and Mary Elizabeth (DODDER) SNYDER, and d. Apr. 15, 1923, in Addison Twp. Jacob Snyder was b. Sept. l8,l820,in Warren Co., N. J., and d. May 30,1900. Mary E. Dodder was b. Jan. 17, 1828, in Sussex Co., N. J. , daughter of Peter DODDER, and d. Aug. 2,1896. 1. Perhaps NORA ARNOLD. B. June 28,1870. M.(l) Nov. 17,l886, to John BUCK; (2) Charles GAILBRAITH. 2. BRUCE ARNOLD. B. Dec. 3,1872. M. Jan. 10,l895,to Ida J. DERNBERGER. D. Sept. 21,1935, at Oxford, Mich. She was b. in 1875, daughter of Simon P. and Louisa (LONG) DERNBERGER. Simon P. Dernberger was b. in 18UO and d. in 1906. Louisa 18 CHRISTOPHER ARNOLD 19 Long was b. in 1839 and d. in 1927. 2a. GERLS B. ARNOLD. B. Aug. 20, 1904, in Addison Twp.,Mich. 3. EDA ARNOLD. M. Dec. 11,1902, to Guy CASCADDEN in Oakland Co., Mich. 4. JEROME F. ARNOLD II. B. Sept. 23,1887, at Addison. M. Nov. 29,2917, to Leah L. DERNBERGER,at Leonard, Mich. She was b. in 1889 at Addison, daughter of Homer J. and Mazy (Mary) E. (SWAIN) DERNBERGER. 4a. ZOA JANET ARNOLD. B. Feb. 21, or July 21,1919, in Addison Twp. 4b. MADELINE JEAN ARNOLD. B. Feb. 11,1925, in Addison Twp. 5. MARY E. ARNOLD. B. Jan. 15,1894, in Addison Twp., Mich. e. THOMAS B. ARNOLD. B. Oct. 30,l846. D. Nov. 12,1891. f. LEWIS P. ARNOLD. B. Jan. 8,l849. D. Jan. 1,1875. g. ROSANNA ARNOLD. B. Mar. 10,l851. M. Sept. 16,1874, to Austin F. ALLEN, of Addison, Lapeer Co., Mich., at Romeo. He was b. in 1849, in N.J. h. ROBERT M. ARNOLD. B. July 3,1853. M. Nov. 6,1878, to Emma A. COLLINS, at Addison. D. June l6,l888,at Addison. She was b. in 1852 at Oakland, Mich. B. PHEBE ARNOLD. M. Sept. 11,1837 to Ebenezer M. PHELPS, of Wash- ing ton, Mich. C. EDWARD F. ARNOLD. B. about Feb. 12,l821. M. Hannah CARLETON. D. Oct. 2, 1865, in Oxford Twp., Oakland Co., Mich., or in Addison. She was b. Aug. 21, 1824, perhaps in Monroe Co., N. Y. , daughter of Richard II and Lucinda (WHITNEY) CARLETON, and d. Mar. 9,1907, aged 82y.,6m. ,7d. Richard Carle ton II was b. Dec. 25,17814 or 1785 in Orange Co.,Vt.,son of Richard I and Ruth (BAKER) CARLETON, and d. in 1862. Lucinda Whitney was b. in 1786 or 1789 in Orange Co.,Vt.,and d. in 1866. Richard Carleton I was b. in Conn, served for five years in the American Revolution and d. in 1824, in Brookfield,Vt. Ruth Baker was from Tolland,Mass . ( ? ) and d. in 1837. a. ELIZA ARNOLD. B. in 1848 or l849. M. Apr. 2,1867 to Daniel M. ALTHOUSE II, in Oakland Co., Mich. D. Apr. 19,1917 in Oxford Twp. He was b. about Mar. I,l840, perhaps the son of Daniel I and Eliza C. ALTHOUSE, and d. Dec. 13, 1892 . Daniel Althouse I was b. Aug. 7,l808,in Canada, son of Charles and Mary ALTHOUSE, and d. Apr. 22,1897 at Oxford, Mich. Eliza C. Althouse was b. about July 7,l8l5,and d. Jan. 1,1894. All are bur. in Lakeville Cemetery, in a single lot. 20 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 1. AUBRY ALTHOUSE. la. AMI AliTHOUSE, living in 1913. b. LUCINDA ARNOLD. B. in 1851. M. Sept. l,l868,to Edgar Ward PORTER. D. June 5, 1933 at Leonard, Mich. , aged 8ly. ,11m. ,25d. He was b. in 0ct.,l846 in Norwalk, Ohio, son of James and Lois (BATWICK) PORTER of New York, and d. Feb. 8,1937, at Leonard, aged 90y.,*4m. Their children may have been: 1. WALTER A. PORTER. B. in; I87O. D. in 1913. 2. BESSIE PORTER. B. in 1877. M. — TAYLOR. D. c. AMI ARNOLD. B. Sept. 2,1853. M. (1) Jan. 1,1872 to Maria J. (or Jane M. ) ALTHOUSE,at Oxford, Mich. : (2) Oct. 13,l880,to Martha Ann STITT. D. July 26,1917, in Addison Twp. Maria J. Althouse was b. about Dec. 8,1856 in Canada, and d. Feb. 2, 1880, aged 23y.,lm.,25d. Martha A. Stitt was b. Nov. 23, i860, daughter of David and Martha (WILLIAMSON) STITT (both of whom were b. in Ireland and came to America in i860), and d. Jan. 18,1943. Davit Stitt d. Oct. 30,1897; and Martha W. Stitt d. April 2,1910. 1. ADA V.(A?) ARNOLD. B. July ll,l883,at Addison. M. Nov. 27, 1901, to Arthur DeMAIN. la. RUSSELL AMI DeMAIN. D- about 1918. lb. MARTHA M. DeMAIN. M. Ora Leon ARNOLD I. lb-1. KEITH FRANK ARNOLD. B. June 28, 1932, at Rochester, Mich. lb-2. JAMES ARTHUR ARNOLD. B. Mar. 6,1936, at Rochester. lb-3. ORA LEON ARNOLD II. B. Feb. 3, 1937, at Rochester. Vo-h. ANN ARNOLD. B. Dec. l8,1939,at Rochester. lb-5. ALICE MARGARETA ARNOLD. D. Nov. 2, 19M+, at Pontiac,Mich. 2. IDA V. ARNOLD. B. Feb. 18,1855, at Addison. M. Nov. 29, 1905, to James BROOKS. 3. JOSSMAN A. ARNOLD. B. about 189O. M. Oct. 23, 1912, to Grace MILLER, in Addison Twp. She was b. about 1890, daugh- ter of George and Mary S. (GREEN) MILLER. He may have been named after Esidor Jossman,a banker of Oakland Co. 3a. ELIZABETH M. ARNOLD. B. Dec. 7, 1913, in Addison Twp., Mich. d. JOHN E. ARNOLD. B. about 1862. M. Apr. 20,1887 to Lulu STRUBLE,at Addison. D. Apr. 30,1936, at Orion,0akland Co., Mich. She was b. about l868,and d. in 1939- D. LYDIA JANE ARNOLD. M. Raymond WOODMAN. CHRISTOPHER ARNOLD 21 E. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ARNOLD. D. aged 7m. In 18U8 a Christopher C. Arnold (unidentified) conveyed land in Macomb Co. F. AMELIA ROSINA ARNOLD. M. between Dec. 7,l 81< -7 and Mar. lk,l&53, to -— HARRIS? (HAYEIES?). G. ESTHER ROSANNA ARNOLD. B. before 1833. H. IRENE ROSETTA ARNOLD. B. before 1833. M. Apr. 29,l8^9,to Lenison SCRAMBLING. He was b. in 1827. I. HANNAH YIOLETTA (VILETTA) ARNOLD. B. before 1839. M. Oct. 2, I853, to James RAIMENT. J. ISAAC H. ARNOLD. B. before 1839. The last two were minors over Ik y. of age on Mar. 1^,1853. TABLE 5 JOSEPH ARNOLD II AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. III. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. (l)iii. JOSEPH ARNOLD II. M. Louisa H. WHITE. He went to Michigan in 1837 a 11 ^- wa s once a member of the State Legislature. D. be- tween Sept. 16,1862 and Feb. 25,1863. A. Dr. LUCY MARILLA ARNOLD. B. in 1827 in Durham,Greene Co.,N.Y. Unm. D. July 10,1900; bur. in Lakeville Cemetery, near Oxford, Mich. She was the first woman physician in Detroit. B. SIDNEY ORLANDO ARNOLD. B. Dec. 3,1 82 9- M. Apr. 21,1858, to Elizabeth STANT0N,of Lansing, at Romeo, Mich. D. Jan. 1^,1859, at Nebraska City,Nebr. C. ANNA H.(N.?) ARNOLD. B. in 1832. M. Mar. 25,1856, to William CASE I, and lived at Holly, Mi ch. ; may have m.(2) --- MARTIN. D. in 1917. William Case was b. in 1825 in N.J.,son of John and Agnes CASE, and d. July 11,1893 at Holly. a. WILLIAM CASE II. D. Jan. 8,1899. 1. GEORGE CASE. b. JAMES CASE. Other children may have included: c. LIZZIE M. CASE. B. about Feb. 6,1859, and d. June 30, i860. d. GABBIE (GABRIEL?) A. CASE. B. about Dec. 15,l862,and d. June 15,l86U. e. LUCY M. CASE. B. about Dec. 9,1870, and d. Mar. 11,1873. D. ELIZABETH A. ARNOLD. B. about Nov. 1,1835. M. as second wife to George T. SCHOOLEY I, and lived at Holly,Mich. D. Aug. 21, 1882. He was b. about July l,l822,m.(3) Eliza (b. about 1862), and d. Aug. l8 or 19,1911. He served in the Civil War. a. LILLIE. E. SCHOOLEY. B. in 1862. M. --- VAN STEENBURG. b. ETTA SCHOOLEY. B. in 1872? Perhaps a twin of Guy, below. M. --- BUCKLEY. c. GUY G. SCHOOLEY. B. in 1872? Perhaps a twin of Etta above. d. EARL G. SCHOOLEY. B. in 1878? e. GEORGE T. SCHOOLEY II. B. in 189U. Probably a son of Eliza Schooley. 22 JOSEPH ARNOLD II 23 E. JAMES W. ARNOLD. M. Sept. 9,l873(?),to Mary A. LEWIS, of Ad- dison. Bur. at Oxford, Mich. a. LEWIS M. ARNOLD. B. July 7,1876, or in 1877. M. Grace L. . D. about Mar. 10,1933, in St. Peterst>urg,Fla. Bur. in Ever- green Cemetery, Detroit. b. WILLIE GUY ARNOLD. B. about Feb. ^,or 10,l88l,and d. Feb. 18, or 2k, 1883, at Oxford. c. EARL ARNOLD. B. Jan. 17,1885, and d. Feb. 10,l888,at Oxford. F. LYDIA LOUISE (LOUISA) ARNOLD. M. John CONNELL. G. MARY (MATIE) ARNOLD. B. in 18U3. M.(l) Palmer James MOSS, at Almont,Mich.(d. about 1888); (2) Fred DINGMAN. D. Feb. 9,1909, at Colon, Mich. No children by the second marriage. a. MINNIE E. MOSS. B. Feb. l8,l867,at Almont. M.Feb. 28,l888, to Aura C. ESTES,at Sturgis,Mich. D. Mar. 28,1914-0. He was b. Nov. 17, 1863, son of William Barton and Patience (KINNE) ESTES,and d. Mar. 9,19U6. 1. MARY PATIENCE ESTES. B. Dec. 27,l888. M. Dec. l6,1906, to Frank R. DAMON. He was b. Mar. 5,1887. la. RALPH CLINTON DAMON. B. July lU,1907. M. Oct. 6, 1928, to Gloria C. GOUGH. She was b. Aug. 25,1908,at Staten Island, N.Y. la- 1. RICHARD FRANK DAMON. B. July lU,1932 at Battle Creek, Michigan la- 2. JAMES RALPH DAMON. B. Oct. 31,1936, at Battle Creek. lb. JACK ESTES DAMON. B. June 29,19l6,at Colon, Mich. M. Feb. 6, 1937, to Katherine SPROWL. She was b. Oct. 22, 1915 at Colon. lb-1. HARRIET ANN DAMON. B. May 3, 19^2, at Battle Creek. lc. JEAN ELIZABETH DAMON. B. July 29,19l8,at Colon. M. Sept. 3,1938, to Paul M. SCHODER. He was b. Jan. 3, 1918, at Battle Creek. lc-1. KAREN JEAN SCHODER. B. Jan. 20,19^+, at Battle Creek. 2. MARIE HELENE ESTES. B. Nov. 25,l893,and d. July 7,189^. 3. AURA MOSS ESTES. B. Nov. 24,l896,at Colon. M. Oct. 1, 192U, to Celia YEATTER. She was b. Apr. 15,1901, at Colon. 3a. JOHN AURA ESTES. B. July 20,1927. 3b. RICHARD DEAN ESTES. B. May 9,1932. 2k ARNOLD,REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 1*. DONALD LAVERNE ESTES. B. July 2,1907, at Colon. M. Aug. 15, 1938, to May TURBET,at Cedar Rapids, Mich. She was b. Jan. 20, 1908, in Iowa. k&. (Adopted) MARJORIE JEAN (ESTES), a daughter of May Turbet by an earlier marriage. B. Dec. 30,1929, in Iowa. Ub. PATRICIA ANNE ESTES. B. Apr. 13,19^4, at Cedar Rapids, la. H. HARRIET E. ARNOLD. B. in l8^8,and d. June 7,1855, aged 6y.,8m., 20d. I, J. Two children who d. in infancy, one probably a son, and the other perhaps Harriet, above. TABLE 6 ELIZABETH ARNOLD I AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. III. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. (2)vii. ELIZABETH ARNOLD I. B. Oct. 28, 1817, at Acra,N.Y. M. Jan A, 18^2, to Loren BARBER in Oakland Co., Mich. D. Oct. 23,l888 at Minneapolis, Minn. , and bur. at Mt. Vernon, Mich. He was b. in 1820 at Sweden, Monroe Co.,N.Y.,son of Henry Edward and Betsy (GLASPLE) BARBER, and d. May 22, 185k, at Mt. Vernon, Mich. Henry E. Barber was b. June 22,1798 at Stephentown,N.Y. j m. Sept. 23, 1819, at Marcellus,N.Y.; and d. in 1886-7 at the age of 88y. His father, Benjamin BARBER (b. 1776) served in the War of 1812. Betsy Glaspie was daughter of David GILLASPIE (served in the American Revolution) who lived and d. in Marcellus,N.Y. and Abigail MAPES (daughter of Henry and Anna MAPES). Henry and Betsy Barber went to Ellsworth, Kan. in l878,and are bur. there. See Table 12, Benjamin Barber. A. JOSEPH HENRY BARBOUR. First to use this spelling of the name. Twin of Josephine, below. B. June 2U,l81+3,at Mt. Vernon, Mich. M. (1) Sept. l6,l866 to Francena (Fannie) Sophia FERNALD,at Lebanon,Maine; (2) Jan. 1,1869 to Mary Adelaide McCLELLAN,of Lisbon, Maine; (3) to Emma Dale BRADSBY of Decatur, 111. , at Los Ange les, Calif . D. Jan. l6, 19l6, at Los Angeles. He served in the Civil War. Francena S. Fernald was b. May 6,l8U3,at Lebanon, Maine, daughter of Joseph and Polly (NICHOLS) FERNALD of Lebanon ( m. June lU,l832,at Lebanon); d. Sept. 3,1867 at Romeo, Mich., and bur. at Lebanon. Mary A. McClellan was b. in 1814-7. She and Joseph went to San Jose, Calif, in 1871, where she d. Apr. 2,l88U. Emma D. Bradsby d. in 1930, probably in Calif. For their descendants see Table 7, Joseph Henry Barbour. B. JOSEPHINE BETSY BARBOUR. Twin of Joseph, above. B. June 2k,lQk3,at Mt. Vernon,Mich. M. Sept. 12,l872,to Fleming Hewitt REVELL II, at Romeo,Mich. D. Apr. 13,192U,at River- dale-on-Hudson,N.Y. He was b. Dec. ll,l8U9,at Chicago, 111., son of Fleming Hewitt I and Emma (MANNING) REVELL, and d. Oct. 10, 1931, at Yonkers,N.Y. He and Josephine are bur. 25 26 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EAELE FAMILIES in Woodlawn Cemetery,N.Y. Fleming H. Eevell I was "b. Dec. 5,l8l2 in London, Eng. ,m. about l8U0 in England, and d. June U,l866,at Chicago. Emma Manning was t>. in England, and d. Sept. 16,1896, at Evans ton, 111. Fleming I and Emma Eevell are bur. in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chicago. a. A son who d. in infancy. b. A son who d. in infancy in l875- c. (Adopted) ELIZABETH BESSIE EEVELL. B. Oct. 10,1875, in Chicago. d. FLEMING HEWITT EEVELL III. B. Nov. 27,l882 at Chicago. M. Aug. 15,1911 to Marion COENELL of Hingham,Mass . She d. Sept. l,19l+l+,in New York,N.Y. 1. MUELEL EEVELL. B. Oct. 25,1912 at New York. M. July 5,195^ to Charles Emerson MARSHALL. D. Apr. 29,191+1+ at Los Angeles. No children. C. MARY ELEANOE BAEBOUE. B. Dec. 26,l81+5,at Mt. Vernon, Mich. Unm. D. July 50,1920, at Minneapolis, Minn. A national W.C.T.U. lecturer. D. (Dr.) JULIUS EBENEZEE BARBOUR. Twin of Julia,below. B. Oct. 26,181+9 at Mt. Vernon, Mich. M. Jan. 1,1879 to Emma RHTNEHART (RINEHART) ,near Union,Mich. D. Feb. 12,1908, at Bristol, Ind. She was b. at Union, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (HUNT) RHINEHART,and d. Nov. 2,1958, at Bristol. For their descendants see Table 8, Julius Ebenezer Barbour. E. JULIA PAULINE BARBOUR. Twin of Julius, above . B. Oct. 26,181+9, at Mt. Vernon, Mich. M. June 29,1871 to Henry Winfield BRAZIE,at Romeo, Mich. D. July 25,1918, at Minneapolis, Minn. He was b. Nov. 12,181+5 in Ohio, son of Nathan D. and Delight (KNAPP) BRAZIE,and d. July 2,1927, at Minneapolis. For their descendants see Table Ik. Peter Brazie. F. LOREN ARNOLD BAEBOUE. B. Jan. 50,185!+, at Mt. Vernon, Mich. M. Apr. 25,l882 to Anna Sara(h) THOMPSON, at Min- neapolis. D. in Jan., 1902 at Minneapolis. She was b. May 51,l860 at Moreau, Saratoga Co. ,N.Y. , daughter of Asa Fitch and Sarah (CHAPMAN) THOMPSON, and d. Feb. 7 or 1+, 19^, at Winnepeg,Can. ; bur. in Minneapolis. Asa Thompson was b. Dec. 22,l8l5,at Moreau, and m. Dec. 26,1855 at Northumberland, N. Y. , where Sarah Chapman was b. Jan. 28, 185^. a. HELEN THOMPSON BAEBOUE. B. Feb. 17,l881+,at Ipswich, S.D. M. Aug. 12,1915, to Hector Cameron NICH0LLS,at St. ELIZABETH ARNOLD I 27 Paul, Minn. He was the son of Harry and Florence (CAMERON) NICHOLLS. Harry Nicholls was b. Aug. 12, 1852, at Lakefield, Ontario, Can. and m. Not. 10,1877, at London, Can. Florence Cameron was b. Sept. 20,1858, at Waupaca, Wise. 1. HELEN JANE NICHOLLS. B. Dec. 24,19lU,at Duluth,Minn. M. Nov. 28,19U2, to William Henry BYRN I, at Cam- bridge, Md. He was t>. Apr. 7,1915, at Cambridge, son of Samuel Lambert and Olive Riggs (ROBSON) BYRN. Samuel Byrn was b. Mar. 2U,l865,at Cambridge, and m. Nov. 1,1909, at Cleveland, Ohio. Olive R. Robson was b. Dec. 20,l875,at Somerville,Mass. la. WILLIAM HENRY BYRN II. B. Oct. 21,19H,at Cambridge, Md. lb. MARGARET ANNE BYRN. B. Oct. 8, 19^6, at Baltimore, Md. TABLE 7 JOSEPH H. BARBOUR AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. III. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. vii. ELIZABETH ARNOLD I. A. JOSEPH HENRY BARBOUR. The first to use this spelling of the name. Twin of Josephine P. Barbour. B. June 2U,l843,at Mt. Vernon, Mich. M.(l) Sept. l6,l866,to Francena (Fannie) Sophia FERNALD, at Lebanon, Maine; (2) Jan. 1,1869, to Mary Adelaide Mc- CLELLAN,of Lisbon, Maine ; (3) Emma Dale BRADSBY of Decatur, 111. at Los Ange les, Calif . D. Jan. l6,19l6,at Los Angeles. He served in the Civil War. Francena S. Fernald was b. May 6,1814-3 at Lebanon, Maine, daughter of Joseph and Polly (NICHOLS) FERNALD of Lebanon (m. June Ik, 1832, at Lebanon); and d. Sept. 3,1867 at Romeo, Mich. , and was bur. at Lebanon. Mary A. McClellan was b. in I8V7; she and Joseph went to San Jose, Calif, in 1871, where she d. Apr. 2,l88U. Emma D. Bradsby d. in 1930. (1) a. FANNIE FERNALD BARBOUR. B. June 27,1867, at Romeo, Mich. M. June 12,1895, to Jonathan Ellsworth PAINTER, at Minneapolis, Minn. He was b. Nov. 29,l862 on the Robinson Grove Farm, Licking Co., Ohio, son of William and Julina Latta (R0BLNS0N- SCOTT-AGNEW) PAINTER, and d. Jan. 6,1932 at Minneapolis. William Painter was b. Oct. 12,l827,at Uniontown,0. ;m. Oct. 26 ,1852, in Licking Co.; and d. Feb. 12,1908, in Licking Co. Julina L. Robinson d. Nov. l8,1915> i n Licking Co. 1. FLEMING WINFLELD PAINTER. B. Aug. 17 and d. Aug. 20,l897 at Minneapolis. 2. FERNALD ELLSWORTH PAINTER. B. Mar. 15,1899, at Minneapolis. M. Dec. 20, 192^, to Julia Wilson PREWITT,at Minneapolis. She was b. June 15,1907, at St. Lou is, Mo. daughter of Arthur Lansing and Julia (WILSON) PREWITT,of Menominee, Wise. 2a. LOUIS REVELL PAINTER. B. Apr. 12,1927, at Minneapolis. 3. WILLIAM HENRY PAINTER. B. Oct. 22,1906,at Minneapolis. M. July 27, 1935, to May Edith OHRBECK,at Minneapolis. She was b. May 22,1910 at Minneapolis, daughter of Joab and Minnie (ERICKSON) OHRBECK. Job Ohrbeck was b. Nov. 9,l866 at Smaland, Sweden. Minnie Erickson came from Spring Lake, Minn. 28 JOSEPH HENRY BARBOUR 29 3a. DOROTHY ANNE PAINTER. B. Nov. 13,1936, at Short Hills, N.J. (2)b. MONTIE S. BARBOUR. B. Sept. 17,1869, at York,Maine. She d. June 23, 1882, at San Jose, Calif. (2)c. JOSEPHINE ADELAIDE BARBOUR. B. July 27,1873, at San Jose, Calif. D. July l8,l888,at San Jose. (2)d. FREDERICK SAWTELL BARBOUR. B. Aug. 17,1875, at San Jose. M. Aug. 1U, 1902, to Blanche BUSSEY. D. Apr. 11,1921, at San Diego, Calif. He served in the Spanish-American War. No children. (2)e. FRANK EDWARD BARBOUR. B. Apr. 17,1877, at San Jose. M. Jan. 10, 1903, to Marian BIRD, of Banning, Calif . D. Oct. l*,19l|-l,at Banning. He served in the Spanish-American War. She d. Oct. 2,194U, at San Francisco. 1. EMILY BARBOUR. B. Nov. 25,1903. M. June,19l+3 to Lt. Raymond L. CARLTON, of St. Paul, Minn. , at Aberdeen Post,Md. 2. FRANCIS BIRD BARBOUR. B. Feb. 22,1905. M. July 2,1933. to Mildred Mae EASTHAGEN,at Hollywood, Calif . She is the daughter of Mrs. Florence B. EASTHAGEN. 3. JOSEPH E. BARBOUR. B. Aug. 26,1910, at San Diego, Calif . M. Sept. 30, 1933, to Wilma ELDRED,at Los Angeles. She is the daughter of William ELDRED,of Los Angeles. 3a. PATRICIA LYNN BARBOUR. B. in July, 1937, at Los Angeles, (3)f. KATHERINE BARBOUR. B. Aug. 31,1892. M. Dec, 1917 to James LEAVY,at Los Angeles. D. about 1935. They have two children. (3)g. CONWAY BERRY BARBOUR. B. Sept. 16,1896, at San Diego, Calif. M. Oct. 21, 1922, to Mrs. Vera Ruth POST, at San Francisco. TABLE 8 JULIUS EBENEZER BARBOUR AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. III. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. vii. ELIZABETH ARNOLD. D. (Dr.) JULIUS EBENEZER BARBOUR. Twin of Julia Pauline Barbour. B. Oct. 26,l81*-9,at Romeo or Mt. Vernon,Mich. M. Jan. I,l879, to Emma RHLNEHART (RINEHART) ,near Union, Mich. D. Feb. 12, 1908, at Bristol, Ind. She was b. at Union, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (HUNT) RHINEHART,and d. Nov. 2,1938, at Bristol. a. (Dr.) HARRY ARNOLD BARBOUR. B. Oct. 11, 1879, at Bristol, Ind. M.(l) Apr. h, 190^, to Olive KOONS of Ft. Wayne, Ind. (she d. Apr. 15,1908, at Bristol); (2) Oct. 7,1908,to Hartie Elizabeth EEXON of Bristol. Hartie E. Hixon was b. July 21, I885, at Mo ttvi lie, Mi ch. , daughter of Jerry and Minna Jane (RALFSNIDER) HIXON. Jerry Hixon was b. Mar. 8,1855 in Summit Co., Ohio. Minna J. Eaif snider was b. Nov. 26,1859 in York Twp., Elkhart Co., Ind. (1)1. JULIUS ERWTN BARBOUR. B. Oct. 13, 1906, at Wyandotte, Mich. M. June l6,193^,to Gaila WILEY, at Alma, Mich. 1. (Adopted) JUDITH ANN BARBOUR. B. June 11,19^. (2)2. (Dr.) FLEMING ARNOLD BARBOUR. B. July 28,1909, at Elkhart, Ind. M. June 21,1936, to Marion Elizabeth PATCH, at Jackson,Mich. 2a. DAVID FLEMING BARBOUR. B. Nov. 13, 19^0, at Ann Arbor, Mich. 2b. ELIZABETH ANNE BARBOUR. B. Mar. l6, 19^3, at Ann Arbor. 2c. PHILIP ARNOLD BARBOUR. B. May lU, 19*4-6, at San Diego, Calif . (2)3. HARTIE ELIZABETH BARBOUR. B. Sept. 19, 1917, at Saginaw, Mich. M. July 11,19^2, to Don J. MAR VDESLEY, at May- ville,Mich. 3a. THOMAS DON MARVDESLEY. B. Dec. k, 19^5, at Saginaw, Mich. (2)1+. CHARLES BARBOUR. B. Jan. 29,1917, at Beaverton,Mich., and d. there in infancy. 30 JULIUS EBENEZER BARBOUR 31 b. MABEL ELIZABETH BARBOUR. B. Apr. Il,l882,at Bristol, Ind. M. Dec. ll+,1905,to Alanson Parker HOLLY, of Lockport,N.Y. He was the son of William and Eva (COOPER) HOLLY, of Wood- land, Mich. , and d. Aug. 21, 19I+I, at Ramona, Calif . 1. ELIZABETH BARBOUR HOLLY. B. Sept. 19,1906, at Bristol, Ind. M. May 25,1929, to Walter E. WALPOLE,at Webster Groves, Mo. He was b. Aug. 16,1905, at Chicago, 111. , son of English parents who were m. in Chicago. la. HOLLY ELIZABETH WALPOLE. B. June 10,1930. lb. ALICE WALPOLE. B. Nov. 1+,1931. lc. PERRY LYNN WALPOLE. B. Apr. 8,1937. Id. ROBERT HADLEY WALPOLE. B. Apr. ll+,19l+0. le. FORREST WALPOLE. B. May 25,191+1. 2. ALANSON PARKER HOLLY II. B, Feb. 13,1908, at Lafayette, Ind. M. July 21,1936, to Mary Kay KEARNEY, at Ramona, Calif. She was b. Apr. 28,19l8,at Ramona. 2a. MARKAY HOLLY. B. Sept. lU, 191+2, at Ramona. 2b. LANCEY LYNN HOLLY. B. Mar. 29,191+5, at Ramona. 3- MARY BERNICE HOLLY. B. July 6,1911, at Bristol, Ind. M. June 18, 1938, to Carol Frederick HIGGINS,at San Diego, Calif. He was b. in Oct. 1907,at San Francisco, of an English father; his mother came from Pennsylvania. 1+. HELEN LOUISE HOLLY. B. July 22,19ll+,at Lafayette, Ind. M. May 28,1937, to Donald McGregory BROWN, at Ramona, Calif . He was b. Nov. 28,1911, at Ramona. 1+a. ALLEN CHARLES BROWN. B. Apr. 29,19^3- 1+b. DONALD GREGORY BROWN. B. Feb. 19,191+5. 5. FORREST MERTON HOLLY I. B. Aug. 5,1918, at Lafayette, Ind. M. Sept. 6,191+1+, to Jean TREADWAY. She was b. May 28,1918, at Bristol, Conn. 5a. FORREST MERTON HOLLY II. B. Apr. 1,191+6, at La Jolla, Calif. 6. ALICE JANETTE HOLLY. B. June 21, 1921, at Laf aye tte , Ind . M. Apr. 28,191+2 to (Lt.) Walker MATLACK,at Ramona, Calif . He was b. Oct. l6,1919,at Chicago, 111. 6a. ELIZABETH JANETTE MATLACK. B. Sept. 2l+,19l+5,at Ramona. c. WILLIAM RHLNEHART BARBOUR I. B. Aug. 17,l881+,at Bristol, Ind. M. Sept. 9,19l6,to Mary McKELVEY,of New York City. She was b. May 20, 1889, daughter of Mrs. Mary (MATTOCKS) McKELVEY. 32 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 1. MARY CLARK BARBOUR. B. Dec. 1,1917, at Spuyten Duyvil,N.Y. M. Sept. 6, 19^1, to Hall STEWART, at New York City. He was h. Oct. ^,19l6, at Mt. Vernon, N.Y., son of Thomas and Martha (HALL) STEWART. la. WILLIAM HALL STEWART. B. Jan. 19,19*0, at Manchester, Conn, lb. THOMAS BARBOUR STEWART. B. Oct. 20,19^5, at Hartford, Conn. 2. WILLIAM RHTNEHART BARBOUR II. B. Mar. 1,1922, at New York City. 3. HUGH REVELL BARBOUR. B. Nov. 7, 1929, at New York City. TABLE 9 WILLIAM ARNOLD m AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. III. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. WILLIAM ARNOLD III. B. May 5,l822 at Acra,N.Y. Went to Michigan in I837. M. June 28,l848,to Laura Ann EVARTS,in Michigan. D. June 2^,l882,in Detroit, Mich. She was b. May 10, 1825, daughter of Luther and Betsy ( LAW- WHITNEY) EVARTS,and d. May 1 or 2,l88l, at Lapeer, Mich. See Table 15, Cornelius Whitney. A. MARY ELIZA ARNOLD. B. Sept. 5,1855, at Lapeer. M. Sept. 5, 1882, to Elmer H0USER,at Detroit. D. Jan. 18,1935, at Detroit. He was b. Feb. 21,l8l+9,at Genoa, N. Y. , son of Jacob and Martha (BRAISTED) H0USER,and d. Aug. 29, 1934, at Detroit. Jacob Houser's family originally came from Stroudsburg,Pa. ,and des- cended from three brothers, Charles, Jacob and Ulrich,who came from Germany to Pennsylvania in 1755* Jacob Houser d. in 1895, and Martha B. Houser d. in l895>*>o th at Detroit. a. MORRIS ELMER HOUSER. B. Dec. 21,l887,at Detroit. M. July . 28,1920, to Gladys Vivia HAMMOND, at Detroit. She was b. July 29, 1896, at Dundalk:,0nt. , daughter of David and Jessie (TUCKER) HAMMOND. David R. Hammond was b. in Bruce Co., 0nt.,son of James and Barbara (RITCHIE) HAMMOND (she was b. in Aberdeen, Scotland) , and d. in 1915> a "t Detroit. Jessie Tucker was b. at Owen Sound, in Canada, daughter of John and Harriet (VESEY) TUCKER, and d. in 1932, at Evans ton, 111 . 1. MORRIS YORKE HOUSER. B. May l6,1921,at Grand Rap ids, Mich. M. June 6,191+2, to Margery June BRAND, at Des Plaines,Ill. She was b. June 29, 1922, at Des Plaines, daughter of John Louis and Marie Louise (C00MBES) BRAND. John L. Brand was b. Dec. 23,1895, at Niles Center, 111. , and m. Nov. 29, 1916. Marie L. Coombes was b. Sept. 17,1896, at Riverton, N.J. Their other children are Flore nee, Rosemarie, and James. la. LAUREL YORKE HOUSER. B. June 1*+, 19^6, at Chicago, 111. 2. DAVID ELMER HOUSER. B. June 2,1923, at Grand Rapids, Mich. 33 3^ ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 3. VIVIAN SHIRLEY HOUSER . B. Jan. 12,1926, at St. Petersburg, Fla. M. Aug.. 8,19^5, to Robert Thomas KELLY, at Chicago. He was b. June 9, 192^+, at Des Plaines,son of Frank: J. and Florence (GELLING) KELLY. Frank J. Kelly was b. in Chicago, of Irish origin. Florence Gelling was b. in Chicago; her parents were from the Isle of Man. 3a. DAVID SCOTT KELLY. B. July k, 19U6, at Chicag6. k. LESLIE THOMAS HOUSER. B. Feb. 9,1928, at Des Plaines. b. WILLIAM ARNOLD HOUSER. B. Dec. 9,1890, at Detroit. M. Sept. 1,1921, to Hazel COERPER,at Indianapolis,Ind. D. May ^,19^3 at Detroit. She was b. Nov. 8,1892, at Indianapolis, daugh- ter of Henry Jobst and Ida (FREY) COERPEE. Henry J. Coerper was b. May 23,l86l,at Hartford, Wise. Ida Frey was b. Feb. 9, I869, at Milwaukee, Wise. 1. MARY MARGERY HOUSER. B. July 29,1923, at Detroit,Mich. 2. EDWIN ARNOLD HOUSER. B. Jan. 25,1928, at Detroit. B. (Dr.) EDWIN EARL ARNOLD. B. July 29,1853. Unm. D. June 3, 1885. Bur. in Lapeer, Mich. C. ELLEN (ELLA) ESTELLE ARNOLD. B. June 23,1857, at Lapeer. M. in June, 1882, to Morris E. THOMAS, of Cadillac, Mich. D. July 21,1927 at Cadillac. No children. D. EMMA LUCY ARNOLD. B. July 3,1 8 59- M. in l879,to Henry IVORY, of the Five Lakes Region. D. June 15,l882. Bur. in Lapeer. No children. E,F. Two children who d. in infancy. TABLE 10 SAMUEL ARNOLD AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. IV. JOHN ARNOLD I. i. SAMUEL ARNOLD. While this ancestry is not fully established for the Samuel Arnold and Descendants listed "below, it appears to be probable. The only other Samuel Arnold known to have lived in Michigan was of a later period and born in England. This Samuel Arnold lived first in Monroe Co.,N.Y.,not far from where other descendants of Edward Arnold are known to have lived. He m. (1) in 1829 Catherine N. MILLER; divorced about l8U0; m. (2) . It appears that he, his father (John Arnold) , Catherine and the son Volney went to Michigan between 1825 and 1832 and settled in Ray Twp. Catherine N. Miller, was b. Dec. 9,l8l2 at Otis, Mass., daughter of 0. MILLER, and m. (2) Oct. 31,l8U3, Oran FREEMAN; she d. Apr. 29,1896. A. VOLNEY N. ARNOLD. B. Aug. 22,l831 in N.Y. State. M. Sept. 29, 1857 to Marian T. RHODES, at Ray. D. Mar. 11,1879 in Ray Twp., Macomb Co. , Mich. , aged l4-7y.,7m. She was b. about Oct. 30,1839, in Michigan, daughter of Herman RHODES, and d. Mar. 26,1917, aged 77y.,5m.,27d. a. EVA ARNOLD. B. July 21,1858, at Ray, Mich. M. Apr. 3, 1880 to Robert PLATT,at Romeo, Mich. D. Dec. 25,19lU,at Ray. He was b. in l858,in England. No children. b. ORAN F. ARNOLD. B. Jan. 19, i860. M. Jan. 15,1895, to Emma C. VILLEROT (VILLR0),at Mt. Clemens, Mich. D. July 8,19Ul in Harrison Twp,Mich. She was b. in 1873, daughter of John B. and Josephine (SHEUREAUX) VILLEROT. 1. HORACE ARNOLD. B. Jan. 30,1896. M. Dec. 22,1926, to Eleanor OLDSWAGER,at Flint, Mich. She was b. in 190*4-, daugh- ter of Jonn and Etta (VAN DUSEN) OLDSWAGER. la. FRANCES ARNOLD. B. Sept. 29,1927, at Flint. lb. VIRGINIA ANNE ARNOLD. B. Aug. 30,1930, in Harrison Twp. lc. JOHN WILLIAM ARNOLD. B. Sept. 5,1933, in Harrison Twp. Id. WILLIAM HORACE ARNOLD. B. Oct. 25, 1936, in Harrison Twp. 35 36 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 2. LEANDEE ARNOLD. B. Feb. 7,1899, near Mt. Clemens, Mich. M.(l) Feb. 5,1921 to Maude B. HARP (HAYS, HOOP?) in Oakland Co.,Mich.;(2) before 1938, to Winola Jane SPANN,who was b. in Dalton, England, or in Georgia. (l)2a. HORACE LEANDER ARNOLD. B. June 1,1922, at Pontiac, Mich. (l)2b. KENNETH GRAN ARNOLD. B. Feb. 25,1927, at Pontiac. (2)2c. JAMES SPANN ARNOLD. B. Jan. 10,1938, at Pontiac. (2)2d. EMMA JANE ARNOLD. B. Apr. 19, 1940. 3. FERDINAND ARNOLD, B. Oct. l4,1901,in Harrison Twp. M. in Sept., 1930, to Helen TROST at Mt. Clemens. 3a. MARY ANN KATHERINE ARNOLD. B. Nov. 3,1931, in Harrison Twp. 3b. DUANE WILLIAM ARNOLD. B. Aug. 13, 1935, at New Baltimore, Mich. 3c. BRUCE WESTON ARNOLD. B. Oct. l6,1937,in Harrison Twp. 3d. GERALD ORAN ARNOLD. B. Jan. 19,1959, in Harrison Twp. 5e. SHARON SUE ARNOLD. B. Mar. 18,1944. k. EUNICE ARNOLD. B. May 50,1904, in Harrison Twp. M. May 5, 1926, to Paul Hermann V0IAND,at New Haven, Mich. He was b. in 1898, in Germany, son of Hermann and Martha (WEISE) VOLAND. 4a. ROSELYN EVELYN VOLAND. B. Feb. 8,1928. 5. IRIS ARNOLD. B. Feb. 10,1907, in Mich. M. to Kirt Hugo VOLAND, brother of Paul Voland above, at New Haven,Mich. He was b. about 1899 in Germany. 5a. KIRT VOLAND II. B. Oct. 50,1927, 5b. ROBERT VOLAND . B. Oct. 16,1929. 5c. ALLEN VOLAND. B. in Aug., 1950. 6. ROSE MARIE ARNOLD. B. Sept. 25,1908,in Harrison Twp. M. James BATTISHALL. 6a. BETTIE BATTISHALL. B. Oct. 25,1951. c. PERDITTA FRANCES ARNOLD. B. Nov. 19,l862,at Ray. M. Nov. 6, 1880 to Jay LTVERMORE,at Ray Center. D. Jan. 22,194l. He was b. Mar. 20,l860,in Michigan, son of Elias and Elizabeth LIVER- MORE. 1. JESSIE ELITHA LTVERMORE: B. Aug.22,l882,at Ray,m. Sept. 21, 1903, to Conrad GOHS. la. ELITHA GENEVIEVE GOHS. B. Oct. 26,1904. M. Sept .8, 1927 to Walter JACOBS. la-1. DALE W. JACOBS. B. Nov. 18,1951. SAMUEL ARNOLD 37 la-2. WILLIAM (BILLY) JACOBS. B. Dec. 25,1940. lb. WILOLINE ISABELLE GOBS. B. Sept. 16,1906. M. Aug. 22,1930 to Nathan MARK. Ib-1. GLORIA V. MARK, b. Sept. 28,1932. lb-2. MAXINE E. MARK, "b . Nov. 20,1934. lb-3. SEYMORE K. MARK, b. Jan. 1,1936. lb-4. JOSEPH W. MARK, b. Mar. 20,1938. lc. LELAND ORSON GOHS. B. June 21,1909. M. Oct. 1,1932 to Gladys HALL. lc-1. DELORIA MAY GOHS. B. Oct. 25,1934. lc-2. GERRY LEE GOHS. B. Nov. 10,1940. Id. GERALDINE LEA GOHS. B. July 22,19l6. M. Dec. 5, 1936 to Robert V. WEBBER. ld-1. VAN ALLEN WEBBER. B. Nov. 5, 1941. ld-2. PAUL RICHARD WEBBER . B. Nov. 20,1947. 2. MARIAN ELIZABETH LIYERMORE. B. Aug. 30,1885, near Mayville Mich. M. 3. ELLAS VOLNEY LTVERMORE. B. Aug. 23,1887, near Mayville. M. 4. CLARENCE LTVERMORE. B. Aug. 10,l889,near Mayville. M. 5. ROY LIVERMORE. B. Jan. 26,1895, near Mayville. M. d. ALICE MAY ARNOLD. B. May 30,l866,at Ray. M. July l4,l888 to Abner Pratt MILLER, at Oxford,Mich. He was b. Dec. 16,1857 at Mt. Clemens, Mich., son of Norton and Frances (LEWIS) MILLER, and d. May 1,1938, at Mt. Clemens. 1. PANSY MILLER. B. June 5 and d. Nov. 7,1889, at Lapeer,Mich. 2. ARTHUR R. MILLER. B. Jan. 9,1896, at Washing ton, Mich. M. June 5, 1930, to Annie E. OTERALL,at Prescott,Ariz. She is the daughter of John OVERALL. 2a. FRANCES ANNE MILLER. B. Feb. 13, 1934, at Prescott. e. MAHLON ARNOLD. B. Aug. 2,l868,at Ray. M. Oct. 13,l888,to Zilphia COOLEY. D. Feb. 1,1931. She survived him. No children. f . ARTHUR ARNOLD. B. June 29,1875, at Ray. Unm. D. June 5,191k, at Mt. Clemens. B. ELIZA ARNOLD. C. JEFFERSON ARNOLD. He m. and had two daughters. TABLE 11 ALVA ARNOLD AND DESCENDANTS EDWARD ARNOLD I. IV. JOHN ARNOLD I. ii. ALVA(H) ARNOLD. B. June 29,l80l+,in N.Y. State. M. June 3,l830 to Louisa (Laura)RUBY. D. Jan. 9,l882,near Disco, Mich. , aged 79y. She was b. June 27,l8ll4-,in N.Y. State, daughter of Manley RUBY, and d. July Ik or 18,1891+, at Shelby Mich., aged 79y. A. ELLEN ARNOLD. B. in 1832. M.(l) Dec. 20,l850 to Joel H. LEWIS; (2) Jan. 1,1897, to Andrew Jackson SMITH of Utica,at Disco; (3) Sept.. 19, 1905, to William L. CUNDY. D. in 1922. Joel H. Lewis was b. Dec. 20,l824,and d. Oct. 25,1893. A. J. Smith was b. Dec. I,l828,in N.Y. State, son of Humphrey and Alvira (MORRIS) SMITH,and d. Jan. 13,1905. He m.(l) Arilla --- and had Orville SMITH,who was b. Apr. 20,l853; m. Katherine J and d. Aug. ,31,1918; Katherine was b. Jan. Il,l859,and d. Oct. 1,1923. After Arilla's death A.J.Smith m.(2) Esther Arnold, below; and after her death he m. (3) Ellen Arnold. > W.L.Cundy was b. in l833,son of Abraham and Rhoda (JACKSON) CUNDY. a. ALICE ESTELLA (or M. ) LEWIS. B. July 12,1853. D. Apr. 2, 1877. b. HIRAM CHARLES LEWIS. c. P. LEWIS. B. Mar. 2,1857, and d. Dec. I,l888. d. NORA LEWIS? B. in 1859 and d. in 1939- A granddaughter of Ellen Arnold may have been Ethel 0.(C?) LEWIS, b. Nov. 26 and d. Dec. 7,l888. B. ESTHER ANN ARNOLD. B. Nov. 3,183!+, at Utica,Mich. M. Andrew Jackson SMITH as second wife (see Ellen Arnold, above ). D. Mar. 8, 1895, at Utica. a. LOA SMITH. B. at Utica. Unm. D. at Utica. b. ALVA (ALVAY,NAY?) SMITH. B. in 1857, Twin of Alma, be low. M. Margretta ---. D. in 1925. She was b. in 1869 and d. in 19MD. 1. CRAIG SMITH. 38 ALVA ABNOLD 39 c. ALMA MAY (RAE?) SMITH. B. in 1857, twin of Alva,above. M. — - BURGESS. 1. — BURGESS. A son. d. EDWARD EUGENE SMITH. B. in 1863. Lived at Shelby. D. in 19U0. e. FLORENCE NAOMI SMITH. B. Jan. 13,1868., at Utica,Mich. M. Aug. 8, 1886, to William Lawrence DRLNKWATER. He was b. Aug. 27, 1862, at Alloa, Ontario , Canada, son of James and Susan DRINKWATER. 1. ELSIE MARLE DRINKWATER. B. Feb. 11,1890. M. 2. ETHEL MAY DRINKWATER. B. Mar. 10,l892. M. 3. EDITH MILDRED DRINKWATER. B. Aug. 25,1894, M. h. WILLIAM JAMES DRINKWATER. B. Sept. 10,1896. M. 5. EDWARD ANDREW DRINKWATER. B. Aug. 19,1899. M. 6. GEORGE SMITH DRINKWATER. B. Oct. 30,1901. M. 7. ORvTLLE ALFRED DRINKWATER. B. Feb. 11,1903. M. 8. CLARA LOUISE DRINKWATER. B. July 26,1905. M. No children. 9. NAOMI JANETTE DRINKWATER. B. Sept. 1,1908. M. f. FRANCES (FRANCIS, FRANK) AUVRA SMITH. B. Jan. 19,1876. M. (1) before 1901*, to Walter G. McVITTIE; (2) after 19l6,to --- EDGERTON. D. Dec. 17,1935. W.G.McVittie was b. Jan. 29, I876, and d. Dec. 13,1916. 1. MARY B. McVITTIE. B. July 2k and d. Aug. 12,1904. 2. KENNETH 0. McVITTIE. B. June 10 and d. Sept. 23,1906. 3. A. ARNOLD McVITTIE. B. Jan. 22 and d. Aug. 14,1909. k. DONALD A. McVITTIE. B. Nov. l6 and d. Nov. 18,1915. 5. HAROLD McVITTIE. g. LELA (LEELA) SMITH. B. in April, 1875. M.(l) Chester DRINK- WATER; (2) — SHERWOOD. Lived at Shelby, Mich. (1)1. SIDNEY L. DRINKWATER. (1)2. ESTHER BARKLAY DRINKWATER. (2)3. GWENDOLYN SHERWOOD. C. HIRAM P. ARNOLD. B. Nov. 8,l8^2. D. May 30,l862. D. ORRIN (0RIN,0RAN,0REN,0RRAN) S. ARNOLD. B. -Dec. 20,l8Vf,in Mich. M. (Mary) Elizabeth COWELL (b. in N.J.). D. Mar. 6,1901, at Utica, Mich. He served in the Civil War. She may have been the Mary E. listed below as first wife of (G.)Frank Arnold. a. MYRTA ALICE ARNOLD. B. Apr. 9,1 8 T3 at Belden,Mich. b. FRANK ERNEST ARNOLD. B. Mar. 5,1875, at Rochester or Shelby, Mich., or at Detroit. M.(l) Mar. 5,1895, to Emma D. GRIFFITH at Disco,Mich.;(2)Apr. 25,1906,to Alice (Allie) STOUT, at Roch- ester. Emma D. Griffith was b. in 1888 or 1886, daughter of kO ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Philip and Julia F. (TIMOTHY") GRIFFITH. Alice Stout was b. in 1883 in Detroit, daughter of Thomas and Nellie (McLEARY) STOUT. (1)1. EBER HAROLD ARNOLD. B. July 31,1896 at Avon,Mich. M. Nov. h, 1916, to Eva (Ava) E. AMMERMAN,at Pontiac,Mich. She was b. about 1891 in Oregon, daughter of Frank and Maude (RODENHURST) AMMERMAN. la. ELIZABETH JANE ARNOLD. B. July lU,19l8,at Pontiac. (2)2. ARDISS ARNOLD. B. June 2,1907, at Rochester. (2)3. EDGAR CLAYTON ARNOLD. B. May 3, 1915, at Rochester Vil- lage. E. CHARLES M. ARNOLD. B. about l8^9,at Shelby, Mich. M.(l) Nov. 2k, 187O, to Elvira M. VANHUSON,of Avon,Mich. ;(2) Dec. 11,1878, to Ellen CALLAHAN, of Rochester, Mich. D. Dec. 22,l895. Elvira M. Vanhuson was b. in May,l853,and d. Nov. 30,1877. Ellen Callahan was b. in 185O in Ottawa, Canada, and d. in 191^. (2)a. LOUIS B. ARNOLD. B. Aug. 16,1879. D. in 1915* F. EUGENE F. ARNOLD. B. Nov. 20,l850. D. Mar. 30,1852. G. FRANK ARNOLD. B. about Aug. 20,1853. M. (1) Mary E. D. July 5,1922 at Pontiac, aged 63y. ,11m. ,15d. She was b. Aug. 28, 1853, and d. Aug. 22,1912. He m.(2) Nora — ,(d. in 1939- )• (?)a. LILE(LYLE?) ARNOLD. B. May l8,l892 at Pontiac. D. in 19^3. (?)b. WARD ARNOLD. H. Perhaps JOHN W. ARNOLD. B. about 1853. He was in Lexington, Mich., and later in Milwaukee, Wise. , in 189I+ and 1907. D. in 19l6. I. MYRTLE (MYRTA) M. ARNOLD. B. Apr. 2l+,l857,at Shelby, Mich. M. Aug. ll+,l876,to Jason MATTESON (MADISON) of Rochester at Disco. D. Apr. 26,1887. He was b. in 1855. J. NAOMI ARNOLD. M. — LIVERMORE. K. EDWARD ARNOLD IV. Not heard from after 1865. L. DENNIS ARNOLD. Not heard from after 1865. TABLE 12 BENJAMIN BARBER AND DESCENDANTS From information supplied "by Mrs. J. E. Painter BENJAMIN BARBER. B. Apr. 9,1776,at Exeter, E.I. M. Oct. 1^,1797 to Hannah MORSE. D. July ll,l827,at Sweden,N.Y. She was b. Jan. 7, 1777, at Staf- ford, Conn. , daughter of James and Hannah (LEE) MORSE, and d. in l875,at Champaign, 111. The Morse ancestry leads back to Samuel Morse who settled in Massachusetts in 1637. Benjamin Barber served in the War of l8l2. i. HENRY EDWARD BARBER. B. June 22,1798, at Stephentown,N.Y. M. Sept. 23,l8l9,to Betsy GLASPIE. D. in l886-7,atEllsworth,Kan. She was b. in l803-U,in Orange Co. ,N.Y. , daughter of David and Abigail (MAPES) GILLASPIE (m. Jan. 18,1781), and d. in 1875-6, at Ellsworth, Kan. David Gillaspie served in the American Revolution. Abigail Mapes was the daughter of Henry and Anna MAPES, of Orange Co.,N.Y. A. LOREN BARBER. B. in l820,at Sweden,N.Y. M. Jan. l+,l81*-2,to Eliza- beth ARNOLD, in Michigan. D. May 22,1851+, in Oakland Co., Mich. , and bur. in Mt. Vernon Cemetery. She was b. Oct. 28,l8l7,at Acra,N.Y., daughter of Joseph and Betsy (EARL) ARNOLD,and d. Oct. 23,l888,at Minneapolis, Minn. ; bur. in Mt. Vernon Cemetery. For their descendants see Table 6,Elizabeth Arnold. B. BENJAMIN J. BARBER. B. May 20,l828. M. Eliza HILL,his cousin. D. Feb. 7, 1907, and bur. at Ellsworth, Kan. She was b. May 5,1830, daugh- ter of Ebenezer and Hannah (BARBER) HILL, and d. July 1^,1902; bur. at Ellsworth. a. ANGELINE M. BARBER. B. July k, l850,and d. Aug. 8,l868. b. MARTENIA E. BARBER. B. Aug. 21,l852,and d. Dec. 28,1928. c. HENRY J. BARBER. B. Sept. 18,18514-. Living in 1930. He was blind. d. BYRON BARBER. B. Nov. 11,1857. e. SARAH D. BARBER. B. July 9, i860. f . BENJAMIN F. BARBER. B. June 21,l869,and d. Nov. 29,1 8 92. g. MINNIE M. BARBER. B. Jan. 2,l870,and d. in 190k. h. RHUBEN 0. BARBER. B. Apr. 2, and d. July 26,1872. C. Rev. HENRY BARBER. B. Nov. 2U,l829. M. in l86l,to Ada KIMBALL. D. at Upper Alton, 111. D. POLLY (MARY) BARBER. M. Newland JONES. D. at Oxford, Mich. He d. at Rochester, Mich. But see vi, below. 1+1 k2 ARNOLD, EEDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES a. HOWARD JONES. b. HORACE GREELEY JONES. c. ADELAIDE JONES. M. Fred FRENCH. 1. MINNIE (NANNIE) FRENCH. Lived at Clyde,Kan. E. JAMES BARBER. M. Abigail HINMAN,his cousin. Bur. in St. Louis, Mo. a. BELLE BARBEE. b. CARRIE BARBER. c. A son who d. F. EDWARD BARBER. D. in 1900,and bur. in the Soldiers Home Cemetery at Grand Rapids, Mich. G. ADONIRAM JUDSON BARBEE. B. in 1837 in Mich. M.(l) Emily FEOST,who d. in 1872 at Deerfield,Mich. ;(2) Olive KITTLE; (3) in l884,Mrs. Anna RUMLEY (no children). D. after 1905; bur. at Saginaw,Mich. (2) a. CLARENCE BARBER. (2)b. EOBERT BARBEE. Lived at Fenton,Mich. 1. OLIVEE BARBEE. ii. HARRIET BARBER. B. Jan. 30,l800,at Stephentown,N.Y. M. Feb. 25,1830 to Calvin BATEMAN. D. Oct. 11,1853. He was b. in l801,son of Zadock BATEMAN,and d. May 1,1852, in Oakland Co., Mich, iii. ALMIRA BARBER. B. Nov. 21,l802,at Stephentown,N.Y. M. Jan.22,l8l9,to Moses DALEY II, at Marcellus,N.Y. D. July 10, 1871*-, at San Bernardino, Calif. He was b. Apr. l6,179^,at Walkill,N.Y. ,son of John (l)and Amy (MAPES) DALEY (m. about 1780),and d. Dec. 9,1^65, at San Bernardino. John Daley I was son of Moses Daley I. Amy Mapes was b. May 15,1753* daughter of Henry and Anna MAPES, a twin sister of Abigail MAPES who m. David GILLASPLE, above (see i., Henry E. Barber). A. JOHN DALEY II. B. in l8l8. B. HANNAH MARIA DALEY. B. 1820. C. STEPHEN DALEY. B. in 1821. D. AMY ANN DALEY. B. in 1823. E. EDWAED BARBER DALEY. B. in 1825. F. MOSES J. DALEY. B. in 1827. G. PHINEAS DALEY. B. in 1829. H. MAEY MATILDA DALEY. B. in I83I. I. ALMIEA DALEY. B. in 1833. J. ABIGAIL DALEY. B. in 1837. K. SAMANTHA ANN DALEY. B. in 1843. iv. HANNAH MARIA BARBEE. B. Feb. 12,l80U,at Marcellus,N.Y. M. Jan. 8,1828 to Ebenezer HILL. D. in 1875. He was b. Feb. 25,l809,in Eensselaer Co.,N.Y.,son of Aaron and Pamela (WINSTON) HILL,and d. in l890,in Indiana. BENJAMIN BARBER 43 A. ELIZA HILL. B. May 5, 183O. M. Benjamin J. BARBER, her cousin. D. July 14,1902. B. ANDREW J. HILL. B. in N.Y. State. C. PHOEBE HILL. B. in N.Y. State. D. BENJAMIN B. HILL. B. in N.Y. State. E. MARY MALISSE HILL. B. in 1838 in N.Y. State. D. in 1899. F. MELVIN E. HILL. B. in N.Y. State. G. JOSEPH D. HILL. B. in Oakland Co., Mich. H. JOHN C. HILL. B. in Oakland Co. I. SARAH J. HILL. B. in Oakland Co. J. JULIA HILL. B. in Oakland Co. v. AZARIAH BARBER. B. Apr.l,l806,at Marcellus,N.Y. M. Feb. 17,1830 to Eliza P. SHELDON. Lived in Michigan. vi. POLLY(MARY) BARBER. B. Feb. 28,l808,at Marcellus and d. there Mar. 28, l825« Compare i-C, above. vii. BENJAMIN M. BARBER. B. June 17,l8l2,at Marcellus. M. Apr. 16,1834, to Louisa CRANSON,in Mich. D. May. 4, 18 39, and bur, in Mt. Vernon Cemetery. She was b. Apr. l6,l8l3,at Phelps, N.Y. A. NEWTON RASSELLUS BARBER. B. July 13,1 8 35- viii. EDWARD BARBER. B. July 12, and d. Sept. 3,l8l6,at Marcellus. And perhaps also ix. BENJAMIN B. M.G.BARBER. B. June 17,l8ll,at Marcellus. TABLE 13 JULIUS BOUGHTON AND DESCENDANTS From information supplied "by Mrs. J. E. Painter i. JULIUS BOUGHTON. B. Dec. 31,l8lU. M. Cornelia BRAZES. D. Aug. 13,1869. He may have been the son of Jesse BOUGHTON, "b. in I78O at Summit, N.Y., and Abigail VAN VALKENBERG. Cornelia Brazie was b. Feb. 12, 1815, daughter of Peter and Ann (NOONAN) BRAZIE, and d. in 1903,aged 88y. See Table Ik, Peter Brazie. A. NATHAN BOUGHTON. N. Harriet DECKER. a. JENNIE BOUGHTON. M. John VAN PATTEN, of Schenectady,N.Y. b. LUELLA BOUGHTON. c. VEDA BOUGHTON. M. Frank OWEN, of Amsterdam, N.Y. B. GEORGE BOUGHTON. M. Hannah VAN BUREN,of Charlotte ville . C. TINA BOUGHTON. M. Wesley DECKER, of Amsterdam,N.Y. a. INEZ DECKER. b. LIZZIE DECKER. c. LENA DECKER. d. MAGGIE DECKER. e. BERTHA DECKER. f. MINNIE DECKER. D. MARY BOUGHTON. M. John MUDGE,of Char lotte ville . a. OWEN MUDGE. M. Harriet PARMATIER,of Stiveson( ?) ,N.Y. b. DORA MUDGE. c. ? CLARA MUDGE. B. Sept. If,l8kk 9 D. aged 2m., 2d. d. ? EZRA MUDGE. B. Feb. 2,1885. D. aged 13y. E. JULIETTE BOUGHTON. M. David BROWN, of Richmondsville,N.Y. a. ADDIE (ADDA) BROWN. M. Clarence MOST. b. ELLA BROWN. M. --- COOK. 1. MARGARET COOK. c. GROVER BROWN. F. EMMA BOUGHTON. M. George ODELL,of Summit, N.Y. a. MATTIE ODELL. b. GERTRUDE ODELL. c. LEON ODELL. kk JULIUS BOUGHTON 1+5 G. SAKAH BOUGHTON. M. Orville WESTELL,of Amsterdam. H. IDA BOUGHTON. M. Michael HETHAMAN,of Amsterdam a. MAY HETHAMAN. I. DELIGHT BOUGHTON. M. Peter CHICKERAN, of Little Falls, N.Y. a. EDITH CHICKERAN. b. FRANK CHICKERAN. c. LETTA CHICKERAN. d. GEORGE CHICKERAN. e. HAROLD CHICKERAN. J. EDNA BOUGHTON. M. Alfred RYDER, of Charlotteville . a. MYRON RYDER. b. STEWARD RYDER. c. EARL RYDER. d. MAYNARD RYDER. e. WARD RYDER. f . LAURA RYDER. TABLE Ik PETER BRAZIE AND DESCENDANTS From information supplied by Mrs. J. E. Painter and Edward E. Large PETER BRAZIE I, was the son of Henry Brazie and Catherine (Katie) VAN BUREAN, and grandson of Cornelia VAN BUREAU. B. Jan. 19,1782. M. Ann(a) NOONAN. D. July 24,l87U. Ann Noonan was b. Apr. 2^,1792, daughter of Derby and Bershaba (HOLDEN) NOONAN. D. Dec. 30, I87I+ . Derby Noonan was from Johns- town, N.Y. , and Bershaba Holden came from Vermont. Other children of Derby and Bershaba Noonan were John Nathan, Cornelius and Razel,all of whom m. Noonans, Katie (m. Bedell) , Abigail (m. Peter Van Allen) , Rachel (m. Henry Averill), Polly (m. James Averill) , Eunice (m. Samuel Leonard). i. NATHAN D. BRAZIE. B. Dec. 10,l809,at Summit N.Y. M. Nov. 2l<-,l830,to Delight KNAPP,at Summit. D. Feb. Il,l897,at Lapeer, Mich. She was b. Aug. 27, 1813, at Summit, daughter of Moses (II) and Laura (ELIOTT) KNAPP, and d. May 18,1889, at Flint,Mich. Moses Knapp II was the son of Moses(I) and Charlotte (COBB) KNAPP, and d. at the age of 96y. Laura Eliott was b. about 1792, third daughter of Henry and Zeriah (HALL) ELIOTT, m. in l8l0,and d. Nov. 23,1875. Henry Eliott d. at the age of 90y« He was a ship owner in New London, Conn., and with two others harrassed British shipping, and later was com- missioned a Captain of Infantry and fought the Indians. He received 5000 acres in Huron Co., Ohio, but did not occupy them. A. ELIOTT H. BRAZIE. B. Dec. 2U,l831,at Summit, N.Y. Unm. D. Apr. 6, 18U8, at Bloomfield,Ohio. B. JULIA BRAZIE. B. Jan. Il,l833,at Bloomfield,and d. there Jan 11, 1831+ or 18UU. C. LOMIRA E. BRAZIE. B. June 12,l835,at Bloomfield. M. Dec. 23,1855, to William Wirt WILSON, at Lapeer, Mich. D. Mar. 21,1896, at Lapeer. He d. at 88y. a. CLARKE WELLS WILSON. B. Dec. 5,1856, at Arcadia, Mich. M.(l)June ll,l88H,to Ida E. MEADE; (2 or 3) Miriam SKIDMORE (divorced); (3 or 2) . D. about I9U2 at Mineral Wells, Texas. (1)1. HATTLE BELLE WILSON. B. Mar. 15,1885, at Little Rock, Ark. D. June 25,1903, in Calif. (1)2. JEROME MEADE WILSON. B. Jan 10 or 20,l887,at Little Rock. D. Sept. U,l887 at Pine Bluff. Ark. k6 PETER BRAZIE kj b. WILLIAM WIRT WILSON, II. B. July ll,l869,at Lapeer. M. Gertrude ATWOOD. D. Jan. 1,1938 at Boston, Mass. 1. ETHEL ATWOOD WILSON. B. Apr. 22,l891 or Nov. 22,l893,at Phila- delphia. M.(l) William McKIM (divorced); (2) GALBRAITH (divorced); (3) . No children. D. EDGAR 0. BRAZIE. B. Aug. 2U,l837,at Mesopotamia, Ohio. M. Dec. 13, i860 to Cynthia MIDDAUGH,at Burlington,Mich. D. Mar. 26,l862,at Washington D. C.,a Civil War casualty. She m.(2) Bell and had two children. E. NATHAN E. BRAZIE. B. Apr. 2^,l839 at Bloomfield,Ohio. D. Mar. l8, l81j-5>at Mesopotamia. F. HARRIET (HATTIE) ANN BRAZIE. B. Mar. 29,l81+l,at Bloomfield. M. Aug. 2k, 1862, to William Ball LARGE II, at ALmont,Mich. D. Apr. 9, I87O, at Lapeer, Mich. He was the son of William Ball I and Lydia (BENHAM) LARGE, and d. July 21 ; or 2^,1871+ at Ashtabula, Ohio. His sister Frances m. Nathan W. Brazie, below. a. EDGAR EUGENE LARGE. B. July 16,1863, at Ashtabula. M. May 10 1888, to Emily Moina WILSON, at Ashtabula. She was b. June 21, l868, daughter of Andrew and Sarah WILSON, and d. Dec. 9,193U or 1939, at Ashtabula. 1. FLORENCE ETHEL LARGE. B. Oct. 21,l889,at Ashtabula. M. Apr. 26,1913 to Tom Booth KNOX, at Ashtabula. la. SALLY LOU KNOX. B.Jan 1^ or 2^,191^, at Ashtabula. M. Sept. 6, 1936, to Arnold L. MELIN,at Ashtabula. 2. ISABEL NORENE LARGE. B. June 21,1896, at Ashtabula. M.(l) Feb., 1923 to Clark D. WHIPPLE (divorced); (2) May 25 or 26, 1937 to Jolin LOCKE, who d. July 9,1937. 3. MIRIAM ADAIR LARGE. B. Oct. U,1902 (or l892),at Ashtabula. M. June 2U, 1925, to Raymond A. CONNER. 3a. RAYMOND ROBERT CONNER. B. Apr. 18,1927. G. (Dr.) HENRY WINFIELD BRAZIE. B. Nov. 12, 18^3, at Mesopotamia. M. June 29, 1871, to Julia Pauline BARBOUR, at Romeo, Mich. D. July 2, 1927, at Minneapolis, Minn. She was b. Oct. 26,18*48, at Romeo or Mt. Vernon,Mich. , daughter of Loren and Elizabeth (ARNOLD) BARBOUR., and d. July 23, 1918, at Minneapolis. See Table 6, Elizabeth Arnold. He served in the Civil War, and later in the Secret Service in Wash- ington. He "captured William Payne who attacked Seward, and was a guard of Payne and Dr. Mudd on the trip to the Dry Tortugas. a. (Adopted) FLORENCE ELIZABETH (ELLIS) BRAZIE. B. Feb. 16,1885, at Minneapolis. M. Dr. M.H.W. BOOKMAN. D. Feb. 2, 1920, at Minneapolis, Minn. They had four children. 48 ARNOLD,REDWAY AMD EARLE FAMILIES H. EMILY C. BRAZIE. B. Feb. 6,l847,at Bloomfield,and d. there Feb. 9. I. EMELIUS H. BRAZIE. Twin of Emily. B. Feb. 6,l847,at Bloomfield, and d. there that day. J. NATHAN WALLACE BRAZIE. Twin of Delight A. Brazie, below. B. Aug. l6, 1848, at Ashtabula. M. Mar. 24,l875 to Emma Frances LARGE. D. Apr. 21, 1908, at Ashtabula. She was b. Nov. 2,1850, at Ashtabula, daughter of William Ball and Lydia (BENBAM) LARGE, and sister of Wil- liam B. Large II who m. Harriet A. Brazie, above; d. Apr. 23,1950 at Nespelem,Wash. a. ALFRED WALLACE BEAZIE I. B. Dec. 50,l875,at Ashtabula. M. May 21,1895 to Jennie H0TCHKISS,at Ashtabula. D. Apr. 1,1928. She was b. Feb. 21,1876 at Geneva, Ohio, daughter of Charles and Lucia H0TCHKISS,and d. at Ashtabula. 1. FLORENCE ARLENE BRAZIE. B. Nov. 18,1896, at Ashtabula. M. W.H.PARKER of Ashtabula at Mt. Pleasant, Mich. He was b. May 15, 1894, at Ashtabula, and d. Oct. 8, 1941 at Cleveland, Ohio. They had two children both of whom died. 2. ELSIE LEONE BRAZIE. B. Aug. 24,l898,at Ashtabula. M. July 22, 1928, to David E. R0NN0VILLE. He was b. July 22,1898 near Lansing, Mich. 3. ALFRED WALLACE BRAZIE II. B. Oct. 8,1907, at Ashtabula. M. Lucille des 0RM0,at Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 5a. WALLACE EUGENE BRAZIE. B. Oct. 4,1952. 5b. ALFRED WAYNE BRAZIE. B. July 16,1955. b. HARRIET (HATTIE) ADELLE BRAZIE. B. Nov. 5,1875, at Ashtabula. M. Nov. 26, 1915, to Herman BENEKA,at Shawnee, Wis. D. Nov. 8,1952. He d. Sept. 26,1957, in Calif. No children. c. WILLIAM NATHAN BRAZIE. B. Dec. 21,l88l,at Ashtabula. M. Apr. 21, 1906, Bertha SC0VTLLE,at Ashtabula. D. Oct. 25,1951, at Nespelem, Wash. 1. EDWARD (EDGAR) NATHAN BRAZIE. B. Jan. l8,1907,at Ashtabula, and d. there Aug. 17,1908. 2. ETHELEEN FRANCES BRAZIE. B. Jan. 2,1910, at Ashtabula. D. K. DELIGHT ALICE BRAZIE. Twin of Nathan Wallace Brazie, above. B. Aug. 16, 1848, at Ashtabula. M. (l)Dec. 12,1871, to Dr. Alfred GRAHAM at Lapeer, Mich, (divorced); (2) A. F. CLARK, at Vineland, N.J. (d.)i (3) in 1917,William A. WOODRUFF, at Mineral Wells, Tex. (he d. at Mineral Wells). D. Dec. 5, 1955, at Mineral Wells. (l)a. ETHEL ROSE GRAHAM. B. Oct. 18,1878, at Flint, Mich. D. Mar. 14 or 15, 1887, at Philadelphia,Pa. PETER BRAZIE ^9 L. THERON R. BRAZES. B. Jan. 9,1853, at Ashtabula, and d. there Feb. k, 1854. M. CATHERINE (KITTY) A. (H.) BRAZIE. B. Feb. l6,l857,at Ashtabula. M. June 25, I876, to Abram PATRICK, at Flushing,N.Y. D. July 15,l877,at Flint. a. CATHERINE (KITTY) GENEVIEVE PATRICK. B. June 17,1877, at Flint, and d. there Sept. 9>°f that year. ii. JOHN HENRY BRAZIE. B. in l8l2,at Schoharie, N.Y. M. Katie MOOT. Went to Lapeer, Mich, with Hattie and Peter, his children, in 1864, and was living in 1904. A. HARRY BRAZIE. B. CONROD BRAZIE. C. ELENOR BRAZIE. D. JANE BRAZIE. E. MARY ANN BRAZIE. F. SARAH BRAZIE. G. JOHN BRAZIE Jr. H. HATTIE BRAZIE. B. in I856. I. PETEE BRAZIE. B. in I858. iii. CORNELIA BRAZIE. B. Feb. 12,l8l5. M. Julius BOUGHTON. D. in 1903, aged 88y. He was b. Dec. 3 1, l8l4, perhaps the son of Jesse and Abigail (VAN VALKENBERG) BOUGHTON, and d. Aug. 13,1869. See Table 13, Julius Boughton. Jesse Boughton was b. in 1780,at Summit, N.Y. iv. SATINA BRAZIE. B. Nov. 4,l8l7. M. Frederick SNOOK. D. Oct. 3,1898. He was b. about Jan. 30,l8l0,and d. Nov. 18,1877. A. LOVTLA SNOOK. B. in 1842. M. — - FOX. D. Sept. 11,1871. a. JARY FOX. 1. JOHN J. FOX. M. Jane RYDER. v. RACHEL BRAZIE. M. Rev. J. B. VAN HOUSEN. vi. HARRIET ANN BRAZIE. M. Dr. Lemuel VAN HOUSEN. A. --- VAN HOUSEN. M. James MILLER. B. J. Van HOUSEN. M. Jennie GRANT. a. CARRIE VAN HOUSEN. b. EMMA VAN HOUSEN. c. MARY VAN HOUSEN. d. CHARLES VAN HOUSEN. e. FRANK COWLES VAN HOUSEN. f. EDWARD T. VAN HOUSEN. g. VIOLET VAN HOUSEN. h. LEROY VAN HOUSEN. i. LAMONT VAN HOUSEN. 50 ARNOLD, BEDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES vii. PETER BRAZIE II. M. Sarah MAHAN. viii. SAMANTHA BRAZIE. M. Clarence KENGSLEY. A. EDWIN J. KENGSLEY. M. Emma BURROUGHS. B. CASSIUS KENGSLEY. M. Clara BANNA , at Char lottevi lie. He may have been a son of Edwin, above. TABLE 15 CORNELIUS WHITNEY AND DESCENDANTS From information supplied in part by Morris E. Houser and Mrs. John A. Starr JOHN WHITNEY. B. 1589 in England. Came in 1635 to Watertown,Mass. JOSHUA WHITNEY. B. July 15,1635, at Watertown. Served in King Philip's War. CORNELIUS WHITNEY I. Served in Queen Ann's War. MATHIAS WHITNEY. B. May 26,1720. CORNELIUS WHITNEY II. B. July 5,17^9, at Killingsly,N.Y. (or Killingly,Conn. ?) M. (1) --- GROVES; (2) Elizabeth MAY. D. Mar. 2k, 1833, at Mexico, N.Y. He served in the American Revolution. i. EDWIN JAMES WHITNEY. B. Aug. 27, 1779, at Killingsly,( or Killingly?). M. Betsy LAW. D. May 26,l8l7,at Pavilion, N.Y. She was the daughter of John LAW, and d. after 1863. After the death of James Whitney she m.(2) Luther EVARTS at Mexico, N.Y. Their children included: 1. Hiram Evarts. Moved to Michigan in 1840. la. Loran Evarts. Uncle of Rebecca Whitney. 2. LAURA ANN EVARTS. B. May 10,l825. M. July 3,l 8l + 8 or 18*4-7, to William ARNOLD III, in Michigan. D. May l,or 2, l88l, or June 2l<-,l882,at Lapeer, Mich. For their descendants see Table 9, William Arnold III. 3. Charles B. Evarts. h. Ellen Evarts. M. Spencer Franklin,Bradford,Pa. 5. Loren Evarts. M. Harriet Crocker, at Pavilion, N.Y. 6. and 7. Two others. John Law served in the American Revolution. A. FIDELIA WHITNEY. B. Sept. 6,l801 at Granville, N.Y. B. ALVTN WHITNEY. B. in 1803. M. Betsy COOK. D. Feb. 5,1 88 3« They had eleven children including: a. GROVE D. WHITNEY. B. May 8,l8U2,at Pavilion, N.Y. M. Dec. 23, I867, to Rebecca Brown WHITNEY, his cousin, in Mich. D. Oct. 9, 1937, at Pavilion. She was b. Oct. 11, l8U 3, daughter of Luther Day and Aroline (PERRIN) WHITNEY, and d. June 9,1911 at Royal Oak, Mich. He served in the Civil War. 1. MARY ELIZA WHITNEY. M. William MALETTE. D. in 1929* la. EFFIE ELVIRA MALETTE. M. Leland PERCY, at Rochester, N.Y. 51 52 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EAR IE FAMILIES la-1. DONALD PERCY. B. Apr. 1,1919. la-2. HAR LAND PERCY. B. Aug. 26,1921. la- 3. LELAND PERCY. B. Aug. 20, 1921+ . la-U. --- PERCY. lb. JESSIE REBECCA MALETTE. M. Harry McALISTER I, at Syracuse, N.Y. lb-1. HARRY McALISTER II. lb- 2. JACK McALISTER. lb- 3. PATRICIA McALISTER. lb-l+. WILLIAM McALISTER. lc. RUTH LUTINE MALETTE. 2. GEORGE CEPHAS WHITNEY. M. Metta McNAUGHTON. D. Nov., 1937 . No children. 3. EFFTE AROLINE WHITNEY. B. Jan. l+,l875,and d. Aug. 18,1878. k. LUTINE DAY WHITNEY. B. Sept. 21,1877. M.(l) Peter McARTHUR; (2) Fred CHILSON. No children. 5. BESSIE AROLINE WHITNEY. M.(l) William FRANKLIN: (2) John A. STARR. The latter d. July 12,191+0, at Royal Oak, Mich. He was a second cousin of Rebecca B. Whitney. 5a. THOMAS IRWIN STARR. B. Aug. 26,1901+. M. Ellen MILLSPAUGH, of Oxford, Mich. 5a- 1. RICHARD IRWIN STARR. B. July J+,193 1 *-. 5a-2. MARY ELLEN STARR. B. May 7,191+0. 5b. BRUCE WILLIAM STARR. B. Apr. 1,1910. M. Florence PALMER. 5b- 1. IRWIN PALMER STARR. 5c. CATHERINE BERTHA STARR. B. Feb. 26,1909. M. Paul PHILIP. 5c-l. JANET STARR PHILIP. B. May 28,1938. 5c-2'. KAREN ANN PHILIP. B. June l8, 191+1. b. EDWIN J. WHITNEY. D. about 1905. He had several children. C. CHAUNCEY WHITNEY. B. 1805 at Granville. D. FILINDA (PHILINDA) WHITNEY. B. at Granville. M .Joel B. GOSS I. Lived at Vernon, Mich. a. JOEL B. GOSS II. M. Amy FEE. 1. JOEL B. GOSS III. 2. ARNOLD W. GOSS. 3- WESLEY GOSS. 1+. ANN GOSS. 5. STELLA GOSS. CORNELIUS WHITNEY 53 E. Dr. LUTHER DAY WHITNEY. B. Mar. 13,l8lO,at Granville. M.(l) Jan., I835, to Aroline PERRIN,at Troy, Mich. ;(2)Mar. 28,l8i+7,to Elvira DAY, at Lakeville,Mich. D. Dec. (or Sept.) 11,1876, at Grand Blanc, Mich. Aroline Perrin was the daughter of Calvin PERRIN of Troy, and d. in Dec. Idkk. (l)a. Capt. GEORGE CEPHAS WHITNEY. B. Dec. 29,1837. Unm? D. Apr. 1,1865, at the Battle of Five Forks. (1)1). ELIZA AROLINE WHITNEY. B. Sept.l,l8Ul,at Granville. M.(l) Willard ARMS(ARIUS); (2) M. A. HANCE. D. in 1912. (l)c. REBECCA BROWN WHITNEY. B. Oct. 11,18^3. M. in 1867 to Grove D. WHITNEY, her cousin. D. June 9, 1911, at Royal Oak,Mich. He was the son of Alvin WHITNEY, above. See Alvin Whitney for their descendants. (2)d. JULIA WHITNEY. B. in l8^7,and d. in 1883. F. Dr. JAMES PUFFER WHITNEY. B. at Mexico, N.Y. Lived in Romeo,Mich. TABLE 16 GAMALIEL ARNOLD AND DESCENDANTS Summary From information supplied "by Mrs. Ella (Arnold) Snowden. GAMALIEL ARNOLD. B. July 20, 1797, at Dumards( ?) ,Vt. M. Esther RICHMOND. She was t>. Sept. 28, 1795, at New Brain tree, Mass. A. GEORGE WHELER ARNOLD I. B. Sept. 7,l8l9,at Orange, Mass. M. Jan. 11, l81+2,to Samantha Jane MASON, both being of Stockbridge,Masa. D. Oct. 8, 1901. She was b. July 21,l821,at Steventown,Mass.( ?) ,and d. Oct. 19, 1902. a. GEORGE WHELER ARNOLD II. b. WILLARD ARNOLD. c. EDWARD ARNOLD. d. ARNOLD, a boy. e. ARNOLD, a girl. f. JENNETTE ARNOLD. B. Feb. 21,l8^6,at Sheboygan, Wise. g. MARTHA ARNOLD. B. June 17,l8^9,at Wauwatosa,Wisc . h. MARIETTA ARNOLD. B. Aug. 31,1851. i. LAURA JANE ARNOLD. B. Apr. 15,l853,at Linden,Wisc. J. MILO SYLVESTER ARNOLD. B. Sept. 29,185!* at Farmington,Wisc. k. EMMA JANE ARNOLD. B. Sept. 25,1858, at Linden, Wise. 1. ALICE ARNOLD. B. June 15,l86l,at Fond du Lac, Wise. A twin. m. ELLA ARNOLD. B. June 15,l86l,at Fond du Lac, Wise. A twin. M. SNOWDEN. Lived at Chelsea, Mich. B. ELIJAH ARNOLD. B. Apr. 5,l821,at Orange, Mass. C. WILLARD ARNOLD. B. Oct. 8,l822,at Marlboro, Vt. D. CATHERINE ARNOLD. B. Mar. 15,l82l+,at Marlboro. E. SILVIA ARNOLD. B. July 25,l825,at Marlboro. F. EZRA ARNOLD. B. Mar. 7,l826,at Marlboro. G. IRA ARNOLD. B. Apr. 27,l829,at Lenox,N.Y. H. LAURA ARNOLD. B. Jan. 27,l831,at Lenox. I. OSCAR ARNOLD. B. Feb. 10, and d. in July,l833,at Lenox. J. CLARK ARNOLD. B. Oct. 5,1835, at Lenox. K. ELLIOTT ARNOLD. B. Feb. 23,1839. 5^ TABLE 17 JACOB ARNOLD AND DESCENDANTS Summary From information supplied by Mrs. John Gilchrist THOMAS ARNOLD. B. Apr. 18,1599 in England. Settled in Watertown,Mass. ,in l6h0. M.(2) Phebe PARKHURST, daughter of John Parkhurst,and later moved to Rhode Island. D. Mar. 2U,l67l»-5. RICHARD ARNOLD I. B. Mar. 22,l6^2. M. Larch ANGEL and had four children. RICHARD ARNOLD II. M. Mary WOODWARD and had eight children. D. June, 17^5. JOSEPH ARNOLD. M. Patience WILKINGTON and had nine children. i. JACOB ARNOLD. B. July 7,1732. M. Susanna BALLOW. He came from Smithf ield,near Woonsocket,R.I. , to Quaker Hill, near Pawling, N.Y. A. AHAB ARNOLD. B. SILAS ARNOLD. M. Freelove KLPP and had eight children. C. WILLIAM ARNOLD. D. JESSE ARNOLD. E.. DAVID ARNOLD. M. Mary COLLINS and had ten children. a. Dr. BENJAMIN ARNOLD. M. Emma SLOCUM. 1. ALEX ARNOLD. 2. JOHN ARNOLD. 3. WILLIAM JOHN ARNOLD. k. GEORGE ARNOLD. 4a. EDWARD ARNOLD. 5. EMMA ARNOLD. 6. MELVINA ARNOLD. 7. LEVI ARNOLD. M. Lydia HARRIS. Had Thomas R. ARNOLD. 8. THOMAS J. ARNOLD. M. Cornelia DODGE and had three children. 8a. CAROLINE ARNOLD. M. John GILCHRIST. The order of birth of children of Benjamin Arnold is not available, F. JOSEPH ARNOLD. M. --- CAREY. G. JACOB ARNOLD. H. ESICK ARNOLD. I. CALEB ARNOLD. M. Mrs. CUSHING. 55 56 ARNOLD,REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES J. EUBY ARNOLD. M. — BOWMAN. K. RHOLEY ARNOLD. L. SYLVIA ARNOLD. M. (1) — MORGAN; (2) James AKIN. M. SUSAN ARNOLD. M. Thomas HOWARD. The 1790 Census states that Jacoh Arnold then had eleven children. TABLE 18 JAMES REDWAY I. LINE OF DESCENDANTS From Information supplied in large part "by Albert S. Eedway. R. is Rehoboth JAMES REDWAY I. Was in Dublin, Ireland, in 1637 and came to Hingham,Mass., late in that year. M. in l6Ul. D. about June, l68U at R. (or bur. Oct. 28, 1676 at R.). He was one of the first settlers at Rehoboth (Seekonk). JAMES REDWAY I. i. SARAH H. REDWAY. B. probably about l6U2 at R. M. Samuel CARPENTER. D. in 1676. * ii. JOHN REDWAY I. B. Dec. 10,l61*U at R. M. Dec 27,1677 to Mary(Ide) FULLER. D. Mar 26,1718 at R. iii. MARY REDWAY I. B. May 27,l6U6 at R. M. Abiah CARPENTER, iv. MARTHA REDWAY I. B. Mar. 15,l6U8 at R. Preserved ABELL. Bur. Mar. 1,1685-6 at R. v. JAMES REDWAY II. B. Mar. 16,1650 at R. Unm. Bur. Oct. 28,1676. He served under Major William Bradford in the NARRAGANSETT Swamp Fight, Dec. 19,1675. vi. IYDIA REDWAY. B. May 30,1655 at R. M. John TITUS Jr. Bur. Nov. 25, I676 at R. vii. REBECCA REDWAY. B. Feb., 165U at R. M. John CARPENTER. JOHN REDWAY I. * i. JAMES REDWAY III. B. Jan 10,1678 (6?) at R. M. Aug. 18,1719 to Joanna HOLBROOK. D. about 176O at R. He was called "Captain." ii. JOHN REDWAY II. B. Sept. 10,l682 at R. D. June 18,1708 at R. iii. PRESERVED REDWAY I. B. Jan 12,l68k at R. M. Esther ORMSBEE. D. Feb.,172U-5 at R. iv. MARTHA REDWAY II. B. July 26,1687, at R. M. William HAMMOND. JAMES REDWAY III. i. MARY REDWAY II. B. Mar. 30,1720 at R. D. June 10,1722 at R. ii. ELIZABETH REDWAY. B. Sept. 2U,1721 at R. M. Thaddeus WILMARTH. iii. MARY REDWAY III. B. Feb. 6,YJ2?>-k at R. M. Philip WHITTAKER. iv. JOANNA REDWAY. B. Feb. 15,1728 at R. M. Joshua SMITH. *v. JAMES REDWAY IV. B. Sept. 26,1728 at R. M. Sept. 22,YjhQ Mehi table BLISS. D. after 1772 (1776?) vi. SAMUEL REDWAY I. B. Sept. 1,1731 at R. D. young, vii. TIMOTHY REDWAY. B. Oct. 8,1733 at R. M. Mary WILMARTH. Bur. at Putney, Vt. viii. JOHN REDWAY III. B. Aug. 13,1736. 57 58 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES ix. SAMUEL REDWAY II. B. Mar. 11,1737-8 at E. M. Abie FULLER (FOLLETT) Bur. in Montgomery Co., New York. JAMES REDWAY IV. i. MOLLY REDWAY. B. Aug. 7,1750 at R. M.(2) — - BROWN. D. Jan. 1,1833. ii. MEHITABLE REDWAY. B. June 1,1752 at R. M. ( 1) Aug. 2l+,1782 to Daniel JONES of Somers. M. (2) POTTER. D. July 22,1836. iii. JAMES REDWAY V. B. Aug. 6,175*+ at R. M. Althea (Ellithea) HICKS. D. Jan. 10,l8l7. Their children were probably born in Killingly, Conn. A. JAMES REDWAY VI. B. Jan. 10,1780. B. JOHN REDWAY IV. B. Nov. 2U,178l. C. ANNA REDWAY II. B. Sept. 10,1783. D. BENJAMIN REDWAY. B. July ^,1785. E. THOMAS REDWAY B. Dec. 10,1791. iv. JOEL REDWAY I. B. June lU,1757 at R. M. Lucinda — - (d. about 18U2) . D. July 1,1837 at Hinsdale. He was on of the earliest settlers of Oakland Co. , Mich. , but all the children except Anna were probably born at Lane sboro, Mass. They lived in Fabius Co., A. ANNA REDWAY I. B. Sept. k, 1781 in Stafford, Conn. M. Bailey CURTIS. B. MATILDA REDWAY B. April 22,1785. M. ---MASON C. HANNAH REDWAY. B. Apr. 12,1787. M. Nov. 7,1805 to Peter PERRY Jr. of known ancestry. D. MAHALETH (MAHALA) REDWAY. B. Apr. 21,1791. M. D. before 1837. E. ELECTA REDWAY. B. May 8,1793- F. JOEL REDWAY II. B, May 13, 1796, perhaps at Cheshire, Mass. Later in Michigan. Was at Pittsfield,Mass. in l8ll. G. NELSON H. REDWAY (Uncertain) H. VALENTINE P. REDWAY. B. 1823 in Mass. (Uncertain) I. FLORA C. REDWAY. B. 1827 in Vermont. (Uncertain) J. MARY E. REDWAY. B. 1831 in Vermont. (Uncertain) The last four may have been descendants of Joel REDWAY II. * v. COMFORT REDWAY. B. July ll+,1760 at R. M. Feb. 16,1783 Roxana EATON, probably in Stafford, Conn. D. July 20,1837 at Lorraine, Mich. She was born Sept. 19,1763 at Stafford, Conn. D. Dec. 19,1839, aged 76y. lm. at Armada, Mich. Probably bur. in Adams Co., N.Y. See Table 15, Descendants of Comfort Redway. vi. PRESERVED REDWAY II. B. July lU,176U at R. M. Azuba JONES. D. Apr. 25,1837 at Ellisburgh, Jefferson Co., N.Y. and bur. in Adams Co., N.Y. For their descendants see Table 20, PRESERVED REDWAY II. JAMES EEDWAY 59 Unidentified. Joel EEDWAY. B. 1795 in Cheshire, Mass. D. June 18,1856 at Centerville,St. Joseph Co., Mich., aged 6l y. He may have "been F., above. Perry EEDWAY, perhaps a son of Joel II, lived in Eay,Mich. TABLE 19 COMFORT REDWAY AND DESCENDANTS COMFORT REDWAY. Son of James Redway IV and Mehitable Bliss. B. July Ik, 1760 at Rehoboth,Mass. M. Feb. 16,1783, to Roxana (Rocksanna) EATON, probably in Stafford, Conn. D. July 20,1837, at Lorraine, N.Y. She was b. Sept. 19,1763 at Staff ord, daughter of Aaron and Lydia (BARBER) EATON, and d. Dec. 19, 1839, at Ray or Armada, Mi ch. , aged 76y.,lm. Comfort Redway served in the American Revolution. He was a private in Capt. Wills Cliffs Company, 3rd Connecticut Regiment, commanded by Col. Samuel Wyllis; he enlisted May 1^,1777, and was discharged in I78O. Be also served in the 11th Connecticut Regiment in 178O-81. I. CARPUS REDWAY. B. Dec. 9, 1791, or 1793, at Lane sb or o, Mass. Lived in Jefferson Co.,N.Y.,and later in Macomb Co., Mich. M.(l) Jan. 7,l821,to Sally (Sallie) PERSONS, at Henderson, N. Y. ; (2) Mar. 12,l840,to Sibyl (Sibbel) (MILLER) BURLINGHAM, at Washington ,Mich. ; (3) Feb. 27,1&70, to Chloe T. (ROBLEE) WAIT. D. Aug. 27,1873, or fflk^t Ray or Armada Mich., aged 82y. ,8m. ,l8d. Sally Persons was b. Nov. 17,179^, at Bennington, Vt. , daughter of Edward PERSONS (whose children included Martha, Sally, Ira, Leonard, Ann, Edward, and Austin who had Elizabeth), and d. Dec. 19,1838, at Ray. Sibyl Miller wae.b. June 12,1792 or May 12,1793,at Granville, N.Y., and d. in 1858. She and Carpus separated four years after marriage. She m.(l) Mar. 13,1813, to Sardis BURLINGHAM (b. June 22,1789,and d. Aug. 8,1829). Chloe T. Roblee was b. Sept. 3,l802,at Granville. After the death of Carpus she m. Barbour. i. JESSE WILLIAMS REDWAY. B. July 7,l822,at Bender son, N.Y. D. June 23,l81»-8,at sea. Unm. ii. MARTBA JANE REDWAY. B. about Feb.,l828,at Ray,Mich.,and d. there June 2U,l830. iii. BANNAH ELIZABETB REDWAY. B. July 27,1830, at Ray. M. Mar. 26,1851, to John Motte ARNOLD, at Pontiac,Mich. D. Jan. 1,1903, at Bay View, Mich. Be was b. Oct. 15,l82l+,at Acra,N.Y. ,son of Joseph and Betsy (EARL) ARNOLD, and d. Dec. 5,l884,at Detroit, Mich. For their des- cendants see Table 2, Edward Arnold. II. MEHITABLE REDWAY. Bap. May 31,1789, at Pittsfield (Mass.?). M. Austin LOVELAND at Adams, N.Y. D. after l837,in Jefferson Co., N.Y. 60 COMFORT REDWAY 6l III. SALINDA (SALENDA,CELINDA) REDWAY. Bap. May 31,1789, at Pittsfield. D. after l837« She m. and had at least one child. IV. SABRLNA (SEBRINA) REDWAY. B. about Jan. 16,1787. M. Amasa CLOSSON I. D. Feh. 23, 183O, at Armada, Mi ch. , aged kjy. ,1m. ,7d. i. AMASA (AMOS) M. CLOSSON II. B. June 29,l8l8,in N.Y. State. M.(l?) Elizabeth ; (2?) Jane JEFFORDS; (3) Hannah LEFFINGWELL (no chil- dren). D. perhaps in l897« (1)A. SEYMOUR CLOSSON. M.(l) -;(2) Ella — . (l)a. KATE CLOSSON. (l)b. HOMER CLOSSON. (l)c. WALTER CLOSSON. (2)d,e,f... Several children. (2)B. ROME LIA EMMA CLOSSON. B. Oct. l6, 18^9, at Windsor, Mich. , daughter of Jane Jeffords. M. in Nov., 187^, to Lucian Brainerd GIIMORE,at Jackson,Mich. D. Mar. 3,19l8. He was b. May l6,l840, at Providence, R. I., son of George N. and Sarah- Ann (MOORE) GILMORE, and d. June 17,1913, at Detroit. a. SARAH CLOSSON GILMORE. B. July 8 and d. Aug. 2,l88l,at Detroit. b. RUSSELL NELSON GILMORE. B. Sept. 21,l882,and d. Nov. 17, I883, at Detroit. c. MARIAN ELIZABETH GILMORE. B. probably at Detroit. M. Aug. 2, 1905, to James L. MAYBERRY,at Detroit. He was b. Mar. Il+,l875, at Oregon, Del., son of Lemuel L. and Mary (LIGHT) MAYBERRY, and d. Nov. 17, 19^1, at Evans ton, 111. d. BRAINERD LINCOLN GILMORE. B. Dec. 2,l886,at Detroit. M. Apr. 12,1917, to Agnes LIDDEL (LIDDLE),at Detroit. D. Apr. h, 1927. 1. ROBERT BRAINERD GILMORE. B. Feb. 17, 1921, probably at De- troit. (2)C. EDGAR DWIGHT CLOSSON. B. Oct. 30,1851. M. Margaret ARCHER. D. Aug. 2,1915. a. EDITH CLOSSON. D. in infancy. b. BLANCH CLOSSON c. CARL A. CLOSSON. d. MARY CLOSSON. e. RUTH CLOSSON. B. in 18H5. M. Apr. 8,1865, to Frederick STANDISH,both being of Blackman. f . ESTHER M. CLOSSON. g. DWIGHT E. CLOSSON. D. h. MARGARET JANE CLOSSON. 62 ARNOLD,REDWAY AND EAELE FAMILIES (_2)D. CHARLES CLOSSON. M. and had children. (2)E. LYDIA J. CLOSSOW. B. Mar. 12,1831, or in lQ6k. M. John C. MILLER and had two children. (2)F. DANIEL D. CLOSSON. B. June 29,l868, in Rives Twp., Jackson Co., Mich. D. ii. AARON E. GLOSSON. D. before 185I+. iii. SARAH (SALLY) CLOSSON. M. --- RICE. iv. MYRON D. CLOSSON. B. Apr. 17,1828, in Jefferson Co.,N.Y. Went to Michigan at Ik years of age, and to Almont in 1852. M. Mar. 11, I856, to Matilda LAWRENCE. D. after 1882. She was the daugh- ter of Elbert (Ebert) W. and Eliza (WAGONER or WANOVER) LAWRENCE. E. W. Lawrence was b. Jan. 9, 1799, in Greene Co.,N.Y. Eliza Wagon- er was "b. in N.Y. State. A. MARIAN CLOSSON. M. and had a daughter. B. CARRIE CLOSSON. M. No children. C. NELSON E. CLOSSON. B. Sept. 10, i860, at Almont. M. and had a daughter. v. LYDIA J. CLOSSON. B. Mar. 12,l831,in Jefferson Co., N.Y. M. June 8, 1853, as second wife to John C. MILLER. He was b. Sept. 8,l8l4, at Hunter, Greene Co.,N.Y.,son of William and Margaret (BRUNDRIDGE) MILLER; m.(l) Nov. 10,1838 Sarah M. CUSICK,of Attica, Lapeer Co., Mich., and had four children. William Miller was b. Aug. lU,1763,at Portsmouth, Eng. ; came to America in 1782; m. Aug. 20,1786; and d. Mar. 25,1859, in Mich. Margaret Brundridge was b. Dec. 29, 1770, in Nova Scotia, and d. there June 1,1851. Sarah M. Cusick was b. June 22,l8l7,and d. Mar. 18,1853. A. TRUMAN B. MILLER. B. Aug. 25,1856. D. Mar. 11, 187U. B. SARAH M. MILLER. B. Oct. 21,1858. M. May 21,l879 to John H. DODDS of Lapeer, Mich. C. MARTHA J. MILLER. B. Dec. 2^,l862,and d. Mar. YJ,l86k. D. DAVID P. MILLER. B. Nov. 13,1871. vi. One other child. V. --- REDWAY. A daughter. D. Before 1837. VI. REDWAY. An unnamed son who d. in infancy. VII. AARON REDWAY. D. before l837,or 185I+. Doubtful. TABLE 20 PRESERVED REDWAY II AND DESCENDANTS From information supplied chiefly by Albert S. Redway PRESERVED REDWAY II. B. July 14, 1764, at Rehoboth,Mass. M. June 29,1789 to Azuba(h) JONES, of Somer8,Conn. D. Apr. 25,1837, at Ellisburgh,N.Y. She was b. Nov. 1,1770> at Somers,and d. Jan. I,l853« Both are bur. at Adams, N.Y. He served in the American Revolution, first in the Massachusetts 19th Regi- ment, 4 th Company, then in New York, and again in Connecticut in 1780,and in Captain Robert Warner's Company, Feb. ,1781 to Dec. 31,1783. He was one of General Washington's bodyguard. i. CHAUNCEY HAMILTON REDWAY. B. Nov. 5,1789, at Somers. M. Lodema COOPER. D. Nov. 22,1854. She was b. Nov. 6,1793 and d. May 24,1858. Both are bur. at Adams. A. HAMILTON G. REDWAY. M. Loretta TAFT. a. REGINALD CHAUNCEY REDWAY. M. Carrie BRIGHAM. 1. CHAUNCEY REDWAY. M. 2. LESLIE REDWAY. M. 3. JAMES W. REDWAY. M. 4. REGINA REDWAY. M. 5. JOHN REDWAY. M. 6. REGINALD C. REDWAY. M. B. AMY LORETTA REDWAY. M. William R. SMITH. D. July 6,1851, at Adams. ii. POLLY REDWAY. B. Apr. 4,1791, at Galway,N.Y. D. June 8,1803. iii. AZUBA(H) REDWAY. B. Aug. 25, 1792, at Galway. M. Dr. P. DWIGHT. D. Apr. 16, 1871, or Jan. 1,1874. iv. ABEL REDWAY I. B. Dec. 3, 1794, at Galway. D. May 23,1803. v. DANIEL J. REDWAY. B. Sept. 10,1796, at Galway. He was blind, left his home and was not heard from thereafter, vi. ALBERT GALLATIN REDWAY. B. Feb. 1,1799, at Galway. M. Ann Maria SESSIONS. D. Feb. 15,1780. The Sessions family in America is a prominent one. The ancestry of Ann M. Sessions 6 is John B. SESSIONS 5 ; John 4 ; Samuel 3 ; Samuel 2 , b. in 1680 ; and Alexander 1 , 1669, of Andover,Mass. A. HARVEY WATTS REDWAY. B. in I83O. Unm. D. Oct. 1,1854, aged 24y. 63 6k ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES B. JOHN SESSIONS KEDWAY I. B. May 15,1833, at Adams. M. June ^,1856 to Susan Maria FOX. D. Mar. 1,1904, at Adams. She was b. Sept. l6, 183O, daughter of Calvin (son ef Elijah, of Vermont) and Amney (KELLOGG) FOX. a. ELIA M. KEDWAY. B. Oct. 3,1856, and d. Aug. 8,1893. Unm. b. EMMA J. KEDWAY. B. Oct. 3,1858. Unm. D. May 13,1926. c. EDWARD W. KEDWAY. B. Aug. 23,l860,and d. Aug. 11,1863. d. SUSIE C. KEDWAY. B. Oct. 10,l862,and d. Aug. 28,1867. e. ALBERT P. KEDWAY. B. Nov. 17,l864,and d. Sept. 3,1867. f. JOHN SESSIONS KEDWAY II. B. Aug. Il4-,l867,at Adams. M. Jan. 11, 1900, to Maude May LYMAN, of Adams. D. Oct. l^ , 19V7 , at Adams. She was b. Sept. 29,l883,at Lorraine, N.Y. , daughter of Caleb B. LYMAN. 1. ALBERT WATTS KEDWAY I. B. Jan. 17,1906, at Adams. M. Aug. 16, 1930, to M. Idell GODDARD,of Hartford, Conn. la. NANCY GODDARD KEDWAY. B. Oct. 22,1931. lb. ALBERT WATTS REDWAY II. B. Mar. 6,1936. 2. JOHN SESSIONS REDWAY III. B. Oct. 2,1907, at Adams. M. Nov. 17, 1933, to Arlene CURTIS, of Adams. 2a. DANA CURTIS KEDWAY. B. Feb. 29,19^0- 2b. JOHN SESSIONS REDWAY IV. B. May 11,19^5. 3. ESTHER REDWAY. B. Dec. 1,1910, at Adams. M. Feb. 21, 1933, to Austin D. BOND. g. DANIEL REDWAY. B. Apr. 8 and d. Aug. 12,1870. h. ALICE RUTH REDWAY. B. Jan. 3,1872. M. Seward WICKS. D. Apr. 20,1939. No children. C. ALBERT PRESERVED REDWAY. B. Sept. 2,1837, at Adams. M. Frances Amelia WRIGHT, at Adams. D. Sept. 5,l882,at Ilion,N.Y. She was b. Mar. 23, 1839, daughter of William and Experience B. WRIGHT, and d. Jan. 30,1905 at Adams. William Wright was b. Feb. 15,l8l5,and d. Apr. 23,l88U. Experience B. Wright was b. Sept. 8,l8l5,and d. Apr. 13,1892. a. WILLIAM W. KEDWAY. B. May l8, i860, at Adams. D. Jan. 5A 86 3- b. BELLA FRANCES REDWAY. B. Aug. 19,l862,at Adams. M. Lt. Charles H. OSGOOD. D. Apr. 18,1939. He was b. Mar. 8,1857, and d. in May, 1886. c. CHARLES BARDWELL REDWAY. B. July 21,l865,at Adams. M. Apr. 25, I889, to Lucy Sykes HAKES. 1. FRANCES ELIZABETH REDWAY. B. July 8,1891, at II ion, N.Y. 2. KATHRYN BELLA REDWAY. B. Jan. 28,1896, at Ilion. M. Oct. l6, 1920, to Charles Denison BROWN, at Lowe 11, Mass. He was b. at Salem, Mass. PRESERVED REDWAY II 65 3. ALBERT SESSIONS REDWAY I. B. Oct. 22,1898, at Pittsfield,Mass. M. Oct. 23,1926, to Dorothy BRYANT, at Ansonia,Conn. She was b. Sept. 21, 1899, at Ansonia. 3a. NANCY ELIZABETH REDWAY. B. Nov. 26,1927, at Ansonia. 3h. ALBERT SESSIONS REDWAY II. B. Sept. 26,1929, at New Haven, Conn. d. RICHARD BRAYTON REDWAY. B. Aug. 16,1873, at Ilion,N.Y. M. Oct. 12, 1899, to Mabel Winifred SKINNER, of Ilion. D. Apr. 20,1925, at Ilion. She was b. Dec. 1,1873, at Ilion, daughter of Samuel Works and Lydia Bradley (PELTON) SKINNER. 1. MARION WINIFRED REDWAY. B. Aug. 15, 1900, at Ilion. M. Oct. 23, 1931, to John George LUTZ. He was b. Nov. 3, or 13,1900, at Brooklyn, N.Y., son of Charles B. and Katherine (ALBRECHT) LUTZ. la. RICHARD REDWAY LUTZ. B. Apr. 26,193^+, in New York,N.Y. lb. CHARLES ALBRECHT LUTZ. B. Nov. 30,1936,at Albany,N.Y. 2. BRAYTON SKINNER REDWAY. B. May 28, 1902, at Ilion. M. Feb. 21,1930, to Kathleen Mabel STAFFORD. She was b. June 8,1902, at New York, daughter of Reuben and Martha (NEWTON) STAFFORD. 2a. KATHLEEN NEWTON REDWAY. B. June 3, 1932, at New York. 3. RICHARD SESSIONS REDWAY. B. June 23,1905, at Ilion. M. June 6,1932, to Catherine WAIMSLEY,at Chicago. She was b. June 30, 1905, at Blue Is land, 111., daughter of Charles Thomas and Sarah Edith (WEBER) WALMSLEY. No children. e. EDWARD REDWAY. D. in infancy. f . ALBERT REDWAY. D. in infancy. g. ROBERT G. REDWAY. D. in infancy. D. EDWARD PAYSON REDWAY. Unm. D. in 1886 at Ilion. E. ANGELINA RHUMNIA REDWAY. D. in infancy. F. (Adopted) ALICE CORNELIA REDWAY. M. W. A. W00DW0RTH. vii. DAVID JAMES REDWAY. B. Apr. 30,l802,at Galway,N.Y. M. Hannah DOANE. D. July 31,1876. Bur. at Adams. She was b. Nov. 28,l800,and d. Sept. 2iv,l876, at Adams. A. CAROLINE REDWAY. B. Dec. 8,l828,at Adams. M. Grove PENNY. D. Dec. 16,1860. No children. B. HARVEY P. REDWAY. B. June 2,l829,and d. July 5,l830. C. DAVID L. REDWAY. B. Oct. 9,1830, and d. Aug. 2"J,l8h6. D. ADELINE REDWAY. M. after i860 to Grove PENNY. No children. E. ANGELINA REDWAY. M. (1) — BIGGS; (2) Rev. A.L. SMALLEY. F. CHARLES C.(G.?) REDWAY. B. July 8,1832. Unm. D. Jan. 16,1858, at Adams. 66 ARNOLD, EEDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES • G. ALBERT JAMES REDWAY I. M. --- MITCHELL. D. in 1903. a. ALBERT JAMES REDWAY II. M. Lulu Meade HIPP. 1. Dr. LAURANCE DAVID REDWAY. B. in Cincinnati, Ohio. M. Vir- ginia Ward LARKIN,of Ossining,N.Y. la. GEORGE FREDERICK REDWAY . lt>. ELIZABETH MAUDE REDWAY. M. Richard H. KANDT. 2. EMMET MITCHELL REDWAY. D. aged 8y. 3. ALBERT JAMES REDWAY III. M. Edith PARKER of Newark, N.J. 3a. DORA REDWAY. M. Elliott PIERCE. 3b. ALBERT JAMES REDWAY IV. 3c. EDITH REDWAY. 3d. WILLIAM REDWAY. A twin. 3e. LAWRENCE REDWAY. A twin. H. MARY REDWAY. M. H.S.GRISWOLD. ( Chatf ield,Minn. ) viii. ABEL REDWAY II. B. Feb. 8,l805,at Ellisburgh, N.Y. M. Sally Charlotte GRENELL. D. May 25,l882,at Adams. She was b. May 19,l8l0,and d. Feb. 20,1877. A. HARVEY P. REDWAY. B. in Oct.,1831. M. Mary Ann GIBBS. D. Jan. 21, 1865. They had three children. B. AUREN GRENELL REDWAY. B. at Ellisburgh. M. D. in Boise, Idaho. a. W.H. REDWAY. M.and had three daughters. b. — REDWAY. A son. c. REDWAY. A daughter. C. DWIGHT REDWAY. Unm. D. at Utica,N.Y. D. LUCINDA REDWAY. M. Orra Jerome ROUNDS. D. at Manchester,Eng. E. GEORGE HORATIO REDWAY. M. Katherine WHITNEY. D. at Albany,N.Y. They had one son. F. MARIA REDWAY. M. Leman A. BALDWIN. D. at Sandy Creek,N.Y. They had two sons. ix. HARVEY NATHAN REDWAY. B. Feb. 25 or 26,l8o8,at Ellisburgh. M. El- mina (Elmira) P. PARTRIDGE. D. Nov. 9,1 88 5« A. HENRY REDWAY. Unm. D. B. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS REDWAY. M. Margaret H. ROSS. D. a. JOSEPHINE REDWAY. M. Henry V. BUSH. They have a son. x. MARY MARIA REDWAY. B. Apr. 10,l8l2,at Ellisburgh. Unm. D. Jan. 6, 1857. Unidentified: Amy L. REDWAY, wife of William R. SMITH. D. July 26,1851, or 1831. TABLE 21 WILLIAM EARLE ANCESTRY Family tradition does not carry the ancestry of William Earl, father of Betsy Earl, "beyond his own father who was also called William Earl. He is stated to have lived near Chatham,N.Y. , married near there, and he and his wife Charity Barrett were hurled near Durham, N.Y., where his stone gives his death date as l844,"aged 8l years", making his "birth year 1763. On the same stone Charity's death date is 185J+, "aged 80 years", thus making her birth date I77U. Careful and prolonged search of public records of many places in East- ern New York State has thus far utterly failed to locate either William, b. 1763, or Charity, and nothing more is known about them except that Betsy their daughter is stated to have been of low Butch descent, and was called both an Earl and a Lord, though no explanation of the latter reference has been made. The problem of the ancestry of William Earl was then entrusted to Mrs. Charles W. Egan,a skilled and careful genealogist. After as complete a study as seems humanly possible of the records of the Earle family in East- ern New York, Mrs. Egan became convinced that William Earl who according to his stone was born in 17^3 was in fact William Earle, the third in line of that name, and born in 1759 or 1760,and a descendant of Edward Earle, founder of the Secausus branch of the family. Her reasons for this are (l) no Wil- liam Earl b. 1763 can be found in any public or church records; (2) no Chari- ty Barrett is located in the records; indicating that she must have come into the family from some other community; (3) William Earle b. 176O obviously left his community early in life, for no further trace of him or his des- cendants can be found. This conclusion is substantiated in part by written statements from two separate family sources that at death William Earl was 83 or 84 years old (instead of 8l as indicated by the stone) and Charity was 87,86, or 84 years old, instead of 80. These statements throw a double doubt on the accuracy of the record on the stone, which is quite possibly in error, since it may have been set up some time after the actual deaths, and the inscription made up from hearsay, rather than written records. It seems that, lacking any further evidence to the contrary, the Edward Earle ancestry may be accepted, in spite of the fact that the complete iden- tity of William b. 1763 according to the stone with William III of the Edward Earle line is not definitely proved by written contemporary records. 67 68 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Mrs. Egan's authorities are Hazard's Collections, Vols. I and II; Records of the Eeformed Church of Bergen, N. J., and History of Hudson and Bergen Counties, Hazard, Vol. II; Bergen Church Records; Reformed Church Records, Tappen and Hackensack Reformed Church Records; and others. In the following table Mrs. Egan's facts are supplemented by data from the History and Genealogy of the Earles of Secausus,by J. N. Earle (referred to below as "-S.") . JOHN EARLE. B. about I56O in England. Came to Virginia about 16U9 (-S.) and in 1652 received a grant of 1600 (1700,-S.) acres of land in Mary- land. D. in 1660. EDWARD EARLE I. B. 1627 (May 25,1628, -S.) in England. M. Joanna --- (Han- nah Baylis( ?) ,-S. ) . Came to New Jersey in l676,and bought the Island of Secausus (-S.). D. in 1711 (about Dec. 10, -S.)in New Jersey (aged 8h j., -S.). S. does not include an Edward among the children of John Earle , above . Hannah Baylis(?) was perhaps b. about l6U0,of English descent, and probably d. about 1729 . EDWARD EARLE II. Only child of Edward Earle I. (-S.). B. about 1658 (1665-8, -S. in Maryland. M. Feb. 13 (-S.),l688 to Elsje (Alice) Vreeland,at Bergen,N.J. D. between May 28 and Aug. 27,1713 at Secausus (-S.). She was bap. Nov. 12,l671 (-S. ), daughter of Enoch Michaelson and (l) Dircksje Frederica (Meyers)Vreeland,who were m. June 3 or 20,1670 (all -S.). Enoch M. Vreeland was bap. Oct. 26,l6i+9,son of Michael Janson and Fytie Sophia (Hartman) Vreeland, was a member of the General Assembly of the Province in l675,and d. probably Aug. 17,1719* Michael J. Vreeland was b. in l6l0 in Holland, arrived in Manhattan on Aug. 4,1638, and d. in 1663 at Communipaw,N. J. Fytie S. Hartman was at Communipaw in 1679 and d. Sept. 21,1697. (A11--S.) WILLIAM EARLE I. Fifth son of Edward Earle II. B. in 1703 (bap. Oct. 13, 1700 at Hackensack, -S.) . M. (l) June 14,1723 to Mary (Maria, Marye) Frans ( Franz, French ) . He was the keeper of the Three Pigeons Tavern at New Durham, N.J. Mary Frans was probably the sister of Elizabeth who m. Edward III, brother of William I. WILLIAM EARLE II. B. 1730 (bap. May 7 or 1,1737, -S.).M. 1759 (1756, -S.) to Mitje Bos. D. 1827 She was the daughter of Hendrick Jansz and Maria Bos. WILLIAM EARLE III. B. I76O (May 7,1759,-S.). Believed to be identical with William Earl who m. Charity Barrett and had Betsy and Submit Earl. As compared with this line the family records show the father of William Earl who m. Charity Barrett to have been named William also, but his grand- father's name is not known. Many names of relatives appear in the family notes which can not be definitely associated with any of the Secausus line. WILIiAM EARLE 69 But data about the relatives of William II and William III above in the Secauaus book are extremely meager, and it appears entirely possible that, as Mrs. Egan believes, either William III left his community, and even William II may also have done so, to build his family elsewhere, or that some of the relatives listed in the family records are only relatives by courtesy, for it has so often happened that friends of the same name may be called "uncle", "aunt", or "cousin. " Until these names are found in public records their exact relation to William Earl and his descendants as indicated in the family records, must, however, be accepted as authentic. TABLE 22 WILLIAM EARLE AND DESCENDANTS From Family Records - EARLE. No information. I. CLEMENT EARLE. He was one of three "brothers who came to Bangall, Dutchess Co.,N.Y.,in about 1735. i. SAMUEL EARLE. B. Dec. 18,1758, in Dutchess Co.,N.Y. In Cairo in about 1795. M. 1794 to Catherine HOLLENBECK. D. Dec. 29,1858, aged 100y.,lld. She was b. Oct. 15,1761+? and d. Nov. 29,1856. A. MICHAEL EARLE. B. 1795- B. RUFUS EARLE. B. 1797. Unm. C. SOLOMON EARLE. B. 1802. M. She d. in 1883. D. JOHN EARLE. B. 1803. M. Harriet HABBICE,in Freehold, N.J. They had six children, including a. JOSEPH EARLE. M. Mary MAHAN. E. PETER EARLE. B. 1808. F. ORRIN EARLE. B. l8l2. G. JAMES EARLE. B. l8lk. H. One other child. Grandchildren of Samuel and Catherine include a. LOUISA EARLE. M. James Leroy JACOBS, of Cairo. b. ELIZABETH EARLE. M. William WICKS, or WEEKS. c. CATHERINE EARLE. The record includes an unidentified James Earle,b. Apr. 1,1778, and d. Dec. 17,1860. II. WILLIAM EARLE (II?). He and his sons William and Moses served in the American Revolution, at one time in the same Company. i. MOSES EARLE. B. 176O. Lived in Kinderhook ( Chatham), N.Y. , and moved to Durham in 183O. D. l842,and bur. in Hervey St., Durham. His name may have been a corruption of Mores, or Morris, as several Morris Earles are known, in public Records, but no Moses. (Mrs. Egan) . He served in the American Revolution in 1775-6 in Captain Gershom Truesdell's Company, and later in Captain Van Alstyne's New York Regiment, together with his father William,and his brother William. 70 WILLIAM EARLE 71 ii. DAVID EARLE. iii. DANIEL EARLE. Unm. Lived near Cornelaville (Cornwallville) , Greene Co., N.Y. A. NELL EARLE. B. BETH EARLE. iv. WILLIAM EARL III. B. 1763, if record on grave stone is considered correct. See discussion in Table 21. M. Charity BARRETT. D. Mar. 4,l844,at Hudson,N.Y. He lived in or near Chatham, N.Y. She was b. in 1768 or 1774, and d. July 7,1854, aged 80 or 84, or 86 y. Both are bur. on Hervey St., Durham, N.Y. Her ancestry is stated to include a Lord. A. BETSY EARL. B. Sept. 2,1792. M. l8l6 as second wife to Joseph ARNOLD. D. May 2,1876. They lived in Acra,N.Y. See Table 2. Edward ARNOLD. B. SUBMIT (MITTY) EARL. B. Jan. 2,1796. M. Col. Henry P. DARBY. D. Mar. 23,1878. He was b. Dec. 21, 1792, and d. Dec. 25,l844. For their descendants see Table 23, Henry P. Darby. C. LYDIA EARL. M. Morgan ADAMS. a. REUBEN ADAMS. b. ALMERA ADAMS. c. AURELIA ADAMS. d. ADELINE ADAMS. M. George H. LAMERAUX (b. 1833) . D. in 1879. D. MOSES B. EARL. B. in 1806. M. 1833-4 to Mrs. Gertrude (Gitty) (BUM") ROCKWELL. B. about 1895. She was b. in l8l4 and d. in I872. a. ABIGAIL J. EARL. B. in 1835? Probably a daughter of Mrs. Rockwell. b. ELIAS BARRETT EARLE. B. Apr. 11,1838. M. Aug. 19 or 27, 1862, to Julia A. TYLER. D. in 1904 in Chicago. She was b. Apr. 2, 1839, and d. Aug. 19,1878. 1. HELEN P. EARL. B. Sept. 30,1864. M. Oct. 7,1 8 91 to Dr. Frank R. HOWDLE. He was b. Mar. l4,l867,and d. Mar. 31, 1933 at Long Beach, Calif. la. HARMON BARRETT HOWDLE. B. Feb. 20,l894. M. Aug. 4, 1919 to Lola B. THOMPSON, at Pensacola,Fla. She was b. Dec. 10, 1898, at West Randolph, N.Y. la-1. FRANCES LOUISE HOWDLE. B. in Aug., 1921. lb-2. HELEN HOWDLE. B. Mar. 11,1927. lb. MARJORJJE M. HOWDLE. B. Aug. 23,1896. M. Mar. 21,1921, to Carl S. MARTIN in Idaho. He was b. Aug. 13,1883, at Salisbury, Vt. 72 ARNOLD,REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 2. MARCUS R. EARL. B. Jan. 19,1 86 7' 3. LAZELLE EASTON EARL. B. May l8,l67U. D. May 16,1915. c. ELLA J. EARL. D« about 1900. E. WILLIAM EARL IV. F. DANIEL EARL. Unm. G. DAVID EARL. TABLE 23 HENRY P. DARBY AND DESCENDANTS From information supplied "by Mrs. J. E. Painter and Miss Helen M. Olmsted WILLIAM EARL III. ii. SUBMIT (MITTY) EARL. B. Jan. 25, 1796, perhaps at Chatham,N.Y. M. Col. Henry P. DARBY. D. Mar. 23,1878. He was b. Dec. 21,1792, son of Sam- uel and Anna (HIKE) DARBY, and d. Dec. 25,l8^1u Samuel Darby was b. in 1757, son of Ephraim and Rachel (PETTIT) DARBY and d. in 1839. Ephraim Darby was b. in I73I+ and d. in 1795. A. EDWIN EARLE DARBY. B. Jan. 4,l820. D. May 26,189!*-. B. SAMUEL N. DARBY. B. Apr. 17, or Dec. l8,l821. D. Apr. 19,1896. C. MARY E. DARBY. B. Dec. 21 or 2l+,l824. D. Mar. 20,l893. D. ANNA M. DARBY. B. Mar. 2. ,1827. D. Apr. 15,1852. E. CATHERINE LOUISE DARBY. B. Feb. 23,l829,at Acra,N.Y. M.(l) as sec- ond wife to Nathaniel MONROE; (2) Aug. 9,1856, to Charles Curtis OLMSTED. D. Apr. 26,1919, at Surry,N.H. Nathaniel Monroe by his first wife, Charlotte PITCHER, had several children, of whom the youngest, Mary C. MONROE, was b. May 22,l8^9,at Acra,N.Y.,and remained with her stepmother when her father d. about a year after his marriage to Catherine L. Darby. She m. July 2, I873 William Wallace WILCOX, of Surry, and d. in 19I+O. W.W.Wilcox d. in 1892. Charles C. Olmsted was b. Feb. 8,1830, son of Oliver and Elizabeth (OWEN) OLMSTED, of Whitestone( ?) , N.Y., and d. Sept. 7,1900. He had a sister Julia who m. H0RT0N; they had Anna who m. GREENMAN and had Grace (m. Fred E. VASSPERE at Ossining,N.Y. ), Fred, Curtis and Clarence (d.19^5). a. (Judge) WILLARD HENRY OLMSTED. B. Apr. 10,1858, in Salisbury Twp.,Conn. M. Sept. 22,l893,to Jennie ENCELL,at Syracuse, N.Y. D. Jan. k, 1921, at New York,N.Y. She was b. Oct. 27, i860, at Mentor, 0., daughter of Rev. John and Jennie (GARDINER) ENCELL,and d. Mar. 22,1930. 1. HELEN MAY OLMSTED. B. Aug. l6,l8°4,at Syracuse, N.Y. Unm. 2. WILLARD ENCELL OLMSTED. B. Mar. 20,l899,at New York,and d. there July 3,1902. 3. CHARLES JOHN OLMSTED. B. May 5,1901, at New York,and d. there July 2,1902. 73 7k ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Id. FRANK OLIVER OLMSTED. B. Oct. 26,1859. D. Sept. 25,l862. c. BARRIET ESTELLE OLMSTED. B. Sept. 22,l863. D. about 1926 at Staten Island, N.Y. d. ADELAIDE AUGUSTA OLMSTED. B. Aug. 1^,1865. M. Oct. 2l*,l894,to Charles Wallace PERKINS, of Surry, N.H. D. May 2^,191+5, at New York. He was b. July 12,l863,and d. Sept. 19,1908. 1. CLARENCE EDGAR PERKINS. B. July 31,1895. 2. MADELYN ESTELLE PERKINS. B. June 2^,1897. F. WILLIAM HENRY DARBY. B. Apr. 17,1831. D. July 25,1900. G. HARRIET EARLE DARBY. B. May 16,1833. M. John CHADDERDON,of Acra, N.Y. D. June lN-,1930. He was b. in l8l^,and d. Mar. 21,190l*. a. JOSEPH HENRY CHADDERDON. B. Jan. 1^,1855. b. GEORGE W. CHADDERDON. B. May 23,1857. c. CHARLES NELSON CHADDERDON. B. July 9,1 8 59- D. Apr. 13,1925. d. ELMER E. CHADDERDON. B. Aug. lU,l86l. e. MILES ARTHUR CHADDERDON. B. Nov. 10,1863. D. f. JOHN HEBER CHADDERDON. B. Feb. 3,l864? g. CLARA ANNA CHADDERDON. B. Aug. 12,1873. D. Feb. 15,1933. One of the above m. an Arnold. H. MILES E. DARBY. B. July 8,1835. D. in Oct.,1912. I. J0HNM.(E.?) DARBY. B. May 17,1837. M. twice. D. Jan. 13,1919. Children by his first wife: a. SAMUEL DARBY. b. HENRY DARBY. c. CLARENCE DARBY. d. ROSE DARBY. e. DARBY, a daughter. J. GEORGE W. DARBY. B. May 1^,1839. M.(l) Melissa HORTON; (2) Ida MOYER of Pennsylvania. D. Mar. 29, 1921, at Daytona Beach, Fla. Melissa Horton was b. Nov. 28,1839, and d. Oct. 20,1889. Ida Moyer d. in Feb., 19^5 in Florida. Descendants of George and Melissa Darby: a. DELBERT H. DARBY. B. Feb. 7,l862. M.(l) Ella CONNELLY; (2) Es- telle( Stella) FIELD. Ella Connelly was b. Nov. 2,1865. Estelle Field was b. July 30,l86U. (1)1. DELLA H. DARBY. B. Mar. 1,1887. (2)2. DARWIN LYNN DARBY. B. Jan. 10,1906. He had two children. b. SAMUEL DAVID DARBY. B. Aug. 31,1863. M. D. in Dec, 19^5 • 1. MYRON DARBY. B. about 1889. M. twice. la. MARY DARBY. M. Mar. 8,19^7 to Norman ANDERSON, at Bronx- ville,N.Y. ' lb. DARBY, a son. HENRY P. DARBY 75 2. RUTH DARBY. B. about 1893. M. and had two children. c. CLARISSA M. DARBY. B. Apr. 2,1865. M. Walter L. HOFFMAN. D. Apr. 22,1918. 1. MELISSA HOFFMAN. B. in 1889. M. Mark HARRISON I. la. MARK HARRISON II. lb. JANE HARRISON. lc. MARGARET HARRISON. M. Myron BURGARD. 2. MILLIE HOFFMAN. B. in I89O. M. Leo R. EICK. 2a. MARJORIE ANN EICK. B. about 1924. 2b. JAMES EICK. B. about 1929 . 3. ELDA HOFFMAN. k. CARTER HOFFMAN. M. Rena SPORLAND. 4a. ELIZABETH HOFFMAN. M. William McLAUGHLIN. 4a- 1. PHILIP BARRY McLAUGHLIN. 4a- 2. LAWRENCE McLAUGHLIN. 4b. WALTER HOFFMAN. 4c. PHILIP HOFFMAN. M. Phyllis WILCOX. 4c-l. CHERYL CAY HOFFMAN. 4c-2. PHYLLIS DENE HOFFMAN. 5. GREYDON HOFFMAN. M. Mabel BRELSFORD. 5a. JEAN HOFFMAN. M. Richard HELSEL. 5a- 1. RICHARD ALLAN HELSEL. 5b. ROBERT HOFFMAN. 5c BARBARA HOFFMAN. 5d. WILLIAM HOFFMAN. 6. SUMNER HOFFMAN. M. Sarah EGELAND. d. GEORGE EDGAR DARBY. B. in October, 1866, at Darbytown,Pa. M. Isa- belle MONRO. D. Nov. 19, 1934, at Daytona Beach, Fla. She was b. Aug. 15, I876, at White Hall, Pa. , and d. Aug. 19, 1943, at Daytona Beach. 1. HELEN E. DARBY. B. Feb. 27,1905, at Blossburg,Pa. M. Areal SAGE. la. ROBERT SAGE, lb. DARBY SAGE. 2. MELISSA C. DARBY. B. Apr. 7,1906. M. Paul LEHMAN. 2a. MELISSA LOU LEHMAN. 2b. BARBARA MUNRO LEHMAN. 76 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 2c. MARGAEET S. LEHMAN. 2d. PAULA LEHMAN. 3. ISABELLE GRACE DARBY. B. Oct. 31,1908. M. Dr. P.P.CHAMBERS (a.). 3a. JAMES C. CHAMBERS. B. about 19M. k. E. MUNRO DARBY. B. Mar. 28,1913. M. Anne EBERT. ka. JOAN DARBY. e. FRED S. DARBY. B. Apr. 15,1868. M. 1. JEAN DARBY. f. NETTIE T. DARBY. B. Apr. 20,l870. D. Mar. 3,1 8 9^. g. JOHN H. DARBY. B. Sept. 29,l872. D. Feb. 3,l 8 9 1 u h. CORA SUBMIT (MITTY) DARBY. B. Apr. 29,1875. M. Dr. B.E. GAMBLE. 1. DARBY GAMBLE. M.Cecelia T. la. THOMAS BLAKE GAMBLE. i. FLORENCE E. DARBY. B. Sept. l8,l880. M. Lynn G. SOPER. He d. in 19U6. 1. PATRICIA SOPER. M. Robert GRIME. la. ROBERT CHARLES GRIME, lb. MARY LYNN GRIME. 2. PHYLLIS SOPER. K. ADELINE A. DARBY. B. Oct. 31,l8Ul. M. twice, once to --- LAWRENCE, and had children. D. in Mar.,1928. KNOWN DIRECT ANCESTORS OF MARTHA ELIZABETH ARNOLD A. Alphabetical List with Vital Data ALLGAR, BRIDGET. Daughter of William Allgar. Bap. Mar. 11,1562. M. Robert White. Mary White was their daughter. ALLGAR, WILLIAM. Bridget Allgar was his daughter. ARNOLD, EDWARD. Descendant of the Rhode Island family. B. probably in 1730-40, in Connecticut or Rhode Island. M. Freelove Pelham. Joseph Arnold was their son. According to family tradition he moved from Rhode Island or Connecticut to the vicinity of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., where he was known as the "Honor- able" Edward Arnold, but search of the records of Poughkeepsie and neighboring towns has thus far not disclosed any mention of his name. He and his family may have lived in or near Pawling. He was probably a descendant of one of the two Arnold brothers who came early to Rhode Island, but not of the line of Benedict Arnold, the Royalist. ARNOLD, JOHN MOTTE. Son of Joseph Arnold by his second wife Betsy Earl. B. Oct. 15, 182U, at Acra, N.Y. He was baptized John Arnold and chose his middle name in early life. M. May 25, 185I to Hannah Elizabeth Redway at Pontiac, Mich. D. Dec. 5, l88h, at Detroit, Mich. Martha E. Arnold was their daughter. ARNOLD, JOSEPH. Son of Edward Arnold and Freelove Pelham. B. I776 or 1777 in Eastern N.Y. State. M. (1) Elizabeth Finch (d. l8l5) ; (2) l8l8 or l8lU (aged 1+9 or 1+5 y.) to Betsy Earl (aged 24 or 22 y.). D. Dec. 21, 1825 at Acra, N.Y. John M. Arnold was his youngest child. He was a Baptist minister and elder and lived in Dutchess Co., N.Y. ARNOLD, MARTHA ELIZABETH. Daughter of John M. Arnold and Hannah Elizabeth Redway. B. Feb. l8, 1857 at Corunna, Mich. M .July 8, 188U to Willis Boughton, at Ann Arbor, Mich, D. May 18, 1928, at Brooklyn, N. Y. BARBER, JOSEPH I. Son of Samuel Barber and Ruth Drake. B. l68l. M. May 6, I7O7-8 to Mary Loomis. Lived at Windsor, Conn. Joseph Barber II was their son. BARBER, JOSEPH II. Son of Joseph Barber I and Mary Loomis. B. Jan. 28, 1708-9. M. June 18, 1728 to Elizabeth Cook. Lydia Barber was their daughter. 77 78 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EAKLE FAMILIES BARBER, LYDIA. Daughter of Joseph Barter II and Elizabeth Cook. B. 1736- 1758. M. Oct. 21, 1762 to Aaron Eaton at Stafford, Conn. D. July 30, 1790, at Stafford. Roxana Eaton was their daughter. BARBER, SAMUEL. Son of Thomas Barber and Jane or Joan . B. Oct. 1, l6k8. M. Ruth Drake. Joseph Barber I was their son. BARBER, THOMAS. B. about l6lk in England. Came to New England in I635. M. Oct. 7 , l6M3, to Jane (Joan) , perhaps a daughter of a Dutch settler (or the first white woman to land in Connecticut). D. Sept. 11, 1662, at Windsor, Conn. Samuel Barber was their son. BARRETT, CHARITY. Parentage unknown. B. 1767 (or 177*0 at Chatham, N.Y. M. William Earl III. D. July 7, I85U, aged 87 y. (or 80 y.). Bur. at Durham, N. Y. Betsy Earl was their daughter. BAYLIS, HANNAH. B. perhaps about l6i+0, of English descent. M. Edward Earle I. D. perhaps about 17?9« Edward Earle II was their son. BLISS, JONATHAN I. Son of Thomas Bliss I of Belstone, England. B. 1575-80 at Belstone. M. Margaret . D. 1635-6. Thomas Bliss II was their son. There has been some confusion between Thomas II and Thomas I. BLISS, JONATHAN II, Sgt. Sixth child of Thomas Bliss II and widow Ide. B. Apr. 2, 1626 at Belstone, England. M. 16*48 to Miriam (Marion) Harmon at Rehoboth, Mass. D. about 1687. Samuel Bliss was their son. He immigrated about l6Vf-8 and was admitted to the Plymouth Colony in 1655* BLISS, MARTHA. Daughter of Thomas Bliss II and Dorothy Wheatley. M. Ni- cholas Ide II. Mary Ide was their daughter. BLISS, MEHITABLE. First child of Nathaniel Bliss and Mehitable Whi taker. B. June 9, 1725 at Rehoboth. M. Sept. 22, YJkQ to James Redway III at Rehoboth. Comfort Redway was their son. BLISS, NATHANIEL, Capt. Son of Samuel Bliss and Mary Kendrick. B. Aug. 2b, 1702 at Rehoboth. M. Dec. 2k, YJ2k to Mehitable Whi taker at Rehoboth. D. after 1796. Mehitable Bliss was their daughter. BLISS, SAMUEL. Ninth child of Jonathan Bliss II and Miriam Harmon. B.June 2k, 1660 at Rehoboth. M. April 15, 168I+-5 to Mary Kendrick, at Rehoboth. D. Aug. 28, 1720. He lived at Braintree, Mass., then Hartford, Conn. Nathaniel Bliss was their son. BLISS, THOMAS I. Of Belstone, England. Jonathan Bliss I was his son. BLISS, THOMAS II. First child of Jonathan Bliss I. B. 1585-6 at Daventry, Belstone, England. M.(l) l6ll»- to Dorothy Wheatley (d. before l6k6 at Rehoboth); (2) after l6k6 to widow Ide (Hyde) in New England. D. June 16*4-9 or Feb. 165O at Rehoboth. Martha Bliss was the daughter of Thomas II and Dorothy Wheatley. Jonathan Bliss II was the son of Thomas II and Widow (Ide) Bliss. Thomas came to Boston after l636,and lived in DIRECT ANCESTORS 79 Braintree, Mass.; Hartford, Conn.; Weymouth, Mass., and finally helped to found Rehoboth in 16^3. BOS, HENDRICK JANSZ VAN DEN. Of Leyden, Holland. M. Maria Booas? Mitje Bos was their daughter. BOS, MITJE. Daughter of Hendrick Jansz and Maria Van den Bos, of Leyden, Holland. M. 1759 or 1756 to William Earle II. William Earle III was their son. BOWEN, RICHARD. Ruth Bowen was probably his daughter. BOWEN, RUTH. Probably the daughter of Richard Bowen. M. Apr. 26, 16V7 to George Kendrick. Bur. Oct. 31, 1688. Mary Kendrick was their daughter. COOK, ELIZABETH. Daughter of Nathaniel Cook II and Lydia ---, B. Oct. 3, 1707, at Windsor, Conn. M. June l8, 1728, to Joseph Barber II. Lydia Barber was their daughter. COOK, NATHANIEL I. B. probably in England. M. June 29, 16^9 to Lydia Vore. Lived at Windsor, Conn. D. May 19, 1688. Nathaniel Cook II was their son. COOK, NATHANIEL II. Son of Nathaniel Cook I and Lydia Vore. Bap. May l6, 1658. M. Lydia --- (d. after 172*0 . Lived at Windsor, Conn. D. Feb. 28, 1721+. Elizabeth Cook was their daughter. DRAKE, JOHN I. Descended from an illustrious family traced far back in English history. B. about 1590 at Wiscomb, County Essex, England. Came to Boston about 1639. M. Elizabeth Rogers. D. Aug. 17, 1659. John Drake II was their son. DRAKE, JOHN II. Son of John Drake I and Elizabeth Rogers. B. about 1635 in England. M. Hannah Moore. Ruth Drake was their daughter. DRAKE, RUTH. Daughter of John Drake II and Hannah Moore. B. Dec. 6, 1657. M. Samuel Barber. Joseph Barber I was their son. EARL, BETSY. Daughter of William Earl III and Charity Barrett. B. Sept. 2, 1792 in Dutchess Co., N. Y. M. (l) l8l6 (aged 2h y.) or l8ll+ (aged 22 y. ) to Joseph Arnold; (2) Joseph Voohries. D. May k, 1876, near Pontiac, Mich, (aged 83 y. , 6mo., 2da.). Buried at Acra, N. Y. John M. Arnold was their son. EARLE, EDWARD I. Probably a son of John Earle. B. in 1627 or May 25, 1628, in England. M. Joanna , or Hannah Baylis? Came to America in 1676, and bought the island of Secausus. D. in 1711. Edward Earle II was their son. EARLE, EDWARD II. Only child of Edward Earle I and Hannah Baylis (?) B. about 1658 or 1655, in Maryland. M. Feb. 13, 1688 to Elsje (Alice) Vreeland of Communipaw, at Bergen, N. J. D. between May 28 and Aug. 21, 1713, at Secausus. William Earle I was their son. 80 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES EARLE, JOHN. B. about I56O or 1601 in England. He came to Virginia in l6k9 and in 1652 received a grant of 1600 or 1700 acres of land in Maryland. D. in Westmoreland Co., Maryland, in 1680. Edward Earle I is stated to have been his son. EARLE, WILLIAM I. Fifth son of Edward Earle II and Elsje Vreeland. B. in 1703, or bap. Oct. 13, 1700 at Hackensack. M. (1) June l^, 1723 to Mary Frans (French ) . William Earle II was their son. EARLE, WILLIAM II. Son of William Earle I and Mary Frans. B. in 1730. Bap. May 1, or 7, 1737* M. 1759 or I756 to Mitje Bos. Lived at Kinderhook. D. in 1827. William Earle III was their son. EARLE, WILLIAM III. Son of William Earle II and Mitje Bos. B. I76O, or May 17, 1759* Believed to be identical with William Earle who M. Charity Barrett. If so d. Mar. h, 18^4-4, aged 8k y. Betsy Earl was their daugh- ter. EATON, AARON. Son of Samuel Eaton and Jemina . B. Mar. l8, 1737 at Tol- land, Conn. M. Oct. 21, 1762 to Lydia Barber at Stafford, Conn. D. Mar. 25, I815 at Stafford. Roxana Eaton was their daughter. EATON, JONAS. Son of William Eaton and Martha Jenkins. B. in England. M. Grace . Lived in Reading, Mass. D. Feb. 25, 1673. Jonathan Eaton was their son. EATON, JONATHAN. Son of Jonas Eaton and Grace -— . B. 1655. M. (l) 1683 to Elizabeth Burnap (d. 1688) ; (2) after 1688 to Mary ---. D. 17^3 at Tolland, Conn. Samuel Eaton was his son by Mary . EATON, ROXANA (ROCKSANNA). Daughter of Aaron Eaton and Lydia Barber. B. Sept. 19, 1763 at Stafford, Conn. M. Feb. l6, 1783 to Comfort Eedway, probably at Stafford. D. Dec. 19, 1839 at Ray, Mich. Carpus Redway was their son. EATON, SAMUEL. Son of Jonathan Eaton and Mary . B. 1702. M. Jemima . Lived at Tolland, Conn. Aaron Eaton was their son. EATON, WILLIAM. B. about l60>+. Lived in Staple, County Kent, England. M. Martha Jenkins. Sailed for America before June 9, 1637 with his wife and three children on the Hercules and Sandwich. Lived at Watertown and Reading, Mass. D. May 13 (?), 1658, at Beading, aged ^>k y. Jonas Eaton was their son. FRANS, ENOCH. Mary Frans was his daughter. FRANS, (FRANZ, FRENCH) MARY (MARIA, MARYE) . Daughter of Enoch Frans. M. June Ik, 1723 to William Earle I. William Earle II was their son. FRENCH. See Frans. FULLER, 'MARY IDE- . See IDE, MARY DIRECT ANCESTORS 8l GODFREY, ALICE. Daughter of Richard Godfrey and Jane . M. Peter Holbrook. Joanna Ho lb rook was their daughter. GODFREY, RICHARD. M. Jane -— . Alice Godfrey was their daughter. GREVENRAET, ANDRLES. Tryntje Grevenraet was his daughter. GREVENRAET, TRYNTJE. Daughter of Andries Grevenraet. M. Jan Dirckszen Meyers. Dircksje Frederica Meyers was their daughter. HARMON, MIRIAM (MARION) B. in England. M. l6k8 to Jonathan Bliss II, at Rehoboth. D. May 21, 1706, at Rehoboth. Samuel Bliss was their son. Nathaniel Harmon of Braintree, her brother, m. Mary Bliss, a sister of Jonathan Bliss II. HARTMAN, FYTLE SOPHIA. M. before 1663 to Michael Janson Vreeland. She was at Communipaw in 1679 and d. Sept. 21, l697« Enoch Michaelson Vreeland was their son. HOLBROOK, JOANNA. Daughter of Peter Holbrook and Alice Godfrey. B. Mar. 7, 1686-7 at Mendon, Vt. M. Aug. 10 or l8, 1719 to James Redway II at Rehoboth. D. Feb. 15, 17U2-3 at Rehoboth. James Redway III was their son. HOLBROOK, PETER. Son of Thomas Holbrook II and Joanna Kingman. B. in Aug., 1655 in England. M. Alice Godfrey. Lived in Weymouth, Mass. D. May 3, 1712 at Mendon, Vt. Joanna Holbrook was their daughter. HOLBROOK, THOMAS I. B. about 1593 in England. M. Sept. 12, l6l6 to Joan Thayer. They lived in Weymouth and Rehoboth, Mass. D. 1673 or 1677. Thomas Holbrook II was their son. HOLBROOK, THOMAS II. Son of Thomas Holbrook I and Joan Thayer. B. about 1624? in England. M. Joanna Kingman. D. July 22, 1697 at Braintree, Mass. Peter Holbrook was their son. IDE, MARY. Daughter of Nicholas Ide II and Martha Bliss. B. Dec. l6, 16K9 at Rehoboth. M. (l) Capt. Samuel Fuller (he died Aug. 15, 1676); ('2) Dec. 27, 1677 to John Redway at Rehoboth. D. Mar. 25, 1718 at Rehoboth. James Redway II was their son. See also Thomas Bliss II. IDE, NICHOLAS I. B., M. and D. before 1636 in England. Nicholas Ide II was his son. After l6k6 his widow m. Thomas Bliss II as his second wife : see widow Ide. IDE (HYDE), NICHOLAS II. Son of Nicholas Ide I. B. in England. M. Martha Bliss. Mary Ide was their daughter. In 1636 he came to New England with his widowed mother, and was in Rehoboth in that year. IDE, widow of Nicholas Ide I. Nicholas Ide II was their son. After l6h6 she m. (2) Thomas Bliss II as a second wife. As Widow Ide she came with her son Nicholas II from England in 1636 and was in Rehoboth in 16I+3. KNIT/ 82 ARNOLD,REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES JENKINS, MARTHA. B. in England. M. William Eaton and sailed for America before June 9, l637« D * Nov. Ik, 1680 at Reading, Mass. Jonas Eaton was their son. KENDRICK, GEORGE. M. (l) Apr. 26, l6kj to Ruth Bowen. Lived in Rehoboth. Mary Kendrick was their daughter. He came from England in 1635 with the Rev. R. Mather. KENDRICK, MARY. Daughter of George Kendrick and Ruth Bowen. B. June l6, 1659. M. Apr. 15, 1684-5 to Samuel Bliss at Rehoboth. D. Feb. 8, I7O5 at Rehoboth. Nathaniel Bliss was their son. KINGMAN, JOANNA. Daughter of Henry Kingman and Jane . M. Thomas Holbrook II. Peter Holbrook was their son. KINGMAN, HENRY. M. Jane . Joanna Kingman was their daughter. LOOMIS, JOSEPH. B. about 159O in County Essex, England. M. l6lk to Mary White. Nathaniel Loomis was their son. LOOMIS, MARY. Daughter of Nathaniel Loomis and Elizabeth Moore. B. Jan. 5, 1-679 or 1682. M. May 6, 17O7-8 to Joseph Barber I. Joseph Barber II was their son. LOOMIS, NATHANIEL. Son of Joseph Loomis and Mary White. M. Nov. 2k, 165k to Elizabeth Moore. Mary Loomis was their daughter. MEYERS, DIRCKSJE (FREDERICA). Daughter of Jan Dirckszen Meyers and Tryntje Grevenraet. Came from Amsterdam, Holland. M. June 3 or 20, 1670 to Enoch Michaelson Vreeland. D. Oct. 13, 1700. Elsje Vreeland was their daughter. MEYERS, JAN DIRCKSZEN. M. Tryntje Grevenraet. Dircksje Frederica Meyers was their daughter. MOORE, ELIZABETH. Daughter of John Moore and Abigail J4. Nov. 2k, I65I+ to Nathaniel Loomis. Mary Loomis was their daughter. MOORE, HANNAH. Daughter of Thomas Moore. M. John Drake II. Ruth Drake was their daughter. MOORE, JOHN. Son of Thomas Moore. M. June, 1639 to Abigail D. Sept. 18, 1677^ in Windsor, Conn. Elizabeth Moore was their daughter. MOORE, THOMAS. Came from Southwold Parish, County Essex, England, to Salem, Mass. and later removed to Windsor, Conn. John Moore was his son. Hannah Moore was his daughter. PELHAM, FREELOvE. She may have been the daughter of Edward Pelham, son of Herbert Pelham of Cambridge, Rhode Island, a founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and Freelove Arnold, daughter of Governor Benedict Arnold, son of William Arnold. Probably m. Edward Arnold. If so, Joseph Arnold was their son. DIRECT ANCESTORS 83 PERSONS, EDWARD. Sally Persons was his daughter. PERSONS, SALLY. Daughter of Edward Persons. B. Nov. 17, 179^ at Bennington, Vt. M. Jan. 7, 1821 to Carpus Redway at Henderson, N.Y. D. Dec. 19, I838 at Ray, Mich. Hannah E. Redway was their daughter. REDWAY, CARPUS. Son of Comfort Redway and Roxana Eaton. B. Dec. 9, 1791 at Lanesboro, Mass. M. (1) Jan. 7 > 1821 to Sally Persons at Henderson, N. Y. D. Aug. 27, 1873 at Ray or Armaria, Mich. Hannah E. Redway was their daughter. REDWAY, COMFORT. Fifth child of James Redway IV and Mehi table Bliss. B. July Ik, I76O at Rehohoth, Mass. M. Feb. l6, 1783 to Roxana Eaton probably at Stafford, Conn. D. July 20, 1837 at Lorraine, N. Y. Carpus Redway was their son. Comfort Redway was a private in the Third Regiment, Connecticut Line, under Major Clift in the American Revolutionary Army. He enlisted on May Ik, 1777 and was discharged on May 29, 178°« He also served in the 11th Regiment of the State of Conn, in 178O-81. REDWAY, HANNAH ELIZABETH. Daughter of Carpus Redway and Sally Persons. B. July 27, 183O at Ray, Mich. M. May 26, 1851 to John M. Arnold at Pontiac, Mich. D. Jan. 1, 1903 at Bay View, Mich. Martha E. Arnold was their daughter. REDWAY, JAMES I (RUDWAY, REDDAWAY, REDEWAY, READWAY, REDWAIE, REDWEY, etc.) He was in Dublin, Ireland in 1637, where he was appointed servant to William Bladen, and at Hingham, Mass., late in that year. In 16^-6 he was in Rehoboth. M. l6kl. Buried Oct. 28, 1676 or Mar. 31, 168^? at Eehoboth. According to another report he made his will July 26, 1677, and it was proved June k, l68k. John Redway was his son. He was one of the first settlers of Rehoboth ( Seekonk) in 16U3. REDWAY, CAPT. JAMES III. First child of John Redway and Mary Ide-Fuller. B. Jan. 10, 1678-9, at Rehoboth. M. (1) Aug. 10 or 18, 1719 to Joanna Holbrook -at Rehoboth. D. 1760 at Rehoboth. He served in the Nar- ragansett expedition. James Redway IV was their son. REDWAY, JAMES IV. Fifth child of James Redway III and Joanna Holbrook. B. Sept. 26, 1728 at Rehoboth. M. Sept. 22, YJk6 to Mehitable Bliss at Rehoboth. D. after 1772. Comfort Redway was their fifth child. REDWAY, JOHN. Second child of James Redway I. B. Dec. 10, l6kk at Rehoboth. M. Dec. 27, 1677 to Mary Ide-Fuller at Rehoboth. Bur. Mar. 26, 17l8, at Rehoboth. James Redway III was their son. ROGERS, ELIZABETH. B. in I58I in England. M. John Drake I. D. Oct. 7, l68l, aged 100 y. John Drake II was their son. SIMMONS (SYM0NDS), ELIZABETH. Daughter of William Symonds. B. about 1635. M. Mar. 1655-6 to Abraham Whi taker. D. Nov. 5, 1665, perhaps at Haverhill, Mass. John Whi taker was their son. 8k ARNOLD, EEDWAY AND EAELE FAMILIES SYMONDS, WILLIAM. Came from England in 1635. M. Elizabeth . Lived in Ipswich and Haverhill, .Mass. Elizabeth Simmons was their daughter. THAYER, JOAN. M. Sept. 12, l6l6 to Thomas Holbrook I. Thomas Holbrook II was their son. VORE, LYDIA. Daughter of Eichard Vore and Ann . M. June 29, 16U9, to Nathaniel Cook I. D. June l8, 1698-9. Nathaniel Cook II was their son. VORE, RICHARD. M. Ann (d, Dec. 7, 1683 at Windsor, Conn.). D. Aug. 29, 1683 at Windsor. Lydia Vore was their daughter. VREELAND, ELSJE (ALICE). Daughter of Enoch Michaelson Vreeland and (l) Dircksje Frederica Meyers. Bap. Nov. 12, 1671. M. Feb. 13, 1688 to Edward Earle II at Bergen, N. J. William Earle I was their son. VREEIAND(T), ENOCH MICHAELSON. Son of Michael Janson Vreeland and Fytie Sophia Hartman. Bap. Oct. 26, l6k9. M. (l) June 3 or 20, 167O to Dircksje Frederica Meyers. D. probably Aug. 17, 1719. Enoch Vreeland was their daughter. He was a member of the General Assembly of the provinces in 1675. VREELAND, Jan. Michael Janson Vreeland was his son. VREELAND, MICHAEL JANSON. Son of Jan Vreeland. B. in l6l0 in Holland. Arrived in Manhatten on Aug. k, 1638. M. Fytie Sophia Hartman. D. in 1663 at Communipaw, N. J. Enoch Michaelson Vreeland was their son. WHEATLEY, D0EOTHY. M. in l6lU to Thomas Bliss II as first wife. D. before l6k6. Martha Bliss was their daughter. WHITAKER, ABRAHAM (WHTTTIKER, WHITTAKEE, etc.) of Hardwick. M. Mar. 1655-6 to Elizabeth Simmons. Lived at Haverhill, Mass. D. May 5> 1701* John Whitaker was their son. WHITAKER, JOHN. Son of Abraham Whitaker and Elizabeth Simmons. B. Aug. 27, 1679. M. Mehitable . Lived at Haverhill, Mass. Mehi table Whitaker was their daughter. WHITAKER, MEHITABLE. Daughter of John Whitaker and Mehitable . B. May 21, 1701. M. Dec. 2k, Y\2k to Nathaniel Bliss at Eehoboth. D. Feb. 21, 1767 at Eehoboth. Mehitable Bliss was their daughter. WHITE, MARY. Daughter of Eobert White and Bridget Allgar. Bap. Aug. 2k, 1590» M. in l6l^ to Joseph Loomis. Nathaniel Loomis was their son. WHITE, EOBEBT. B.in Shalford Parish, England. M. Bridget Allgar. D. Nov. 25, 1658. Mary White was their daughter. B. By Generations Ancestral Generation. Names 1 . ( Parents ) John M. Arnold and Hannah E. Redway. 2 . ( Grandparents ) .Joseph Arnold I and Betsy Earl. Carpus Redway and Sally Persons. 3. Edward Arnold I and Free love Pelham. William Earle III and Charity Barrett. Comfort Eedway and Roxana Eaton. Edward Persons and . k. William Earle II and Mitje Bos. James Redway IV and Mehitable Bliss. Aaron Eaton and Iydia Barber. 5. William Earle I and Mary Frans. Hendrick J. v.d.Bos and Maria Booas? James Redway III and Joanna Ho lb rook. Nathaniel Bliss and Mehitable Whi takers Samuel Eaton and Je mima — . Joseph Barber II and Elizabeth Cook. 6. Edward Earle II and Elsje Vreeland. Enoch Frans and . John Redway and Mary Ide -Fuller. Peter Holbrook and Mice Godfrey. Samuel Bliss and Mary Kendrick. John Whitaker and Mehitable . Jonathan Eaton and Mary . Joseph Barber I and Mary Loomis. Nathaniel Cook II and Lydia . 7. Edward Earle I and Hannah Baylis. Enoch M. Vreeland and Dircksje F. Meyers. James Redway I and . Nicholas Ide II and Martha Bliss. 85 86 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Thomas Ho lb rook II and Joanna Kingman. Richard Godfrey and Jane . Jonathan Bliss II and Miriam Harmon. George Kendrick and Ruth Bowen. Abraham Whi taker and Elizabeth Simmons. Jonas Eaton and Grace . Samuel Barber and Ruth Drake. Nathaniel Loomis and Elizabeth Moore. Nathaniel Cook I and Lydia Vore. 8. Probably John Earle and . Michael J. Vreeland and Fytie S. Hartman. Jan D. Meyers and Tryntje Grevenraet. Nicholas Ide I and . Thomas Bliss II and ( l) Dorothy Wheatley;(2) Widow Ide. Thomas Ho lb rook I and Joan Thayer. Henry Kingman and Jane . Probably Richard Bowen and . William Symonds and — . William Eaton and Martha Jenkins. Thomas Barber and Jane, or Joan, . John Drake II and Hannah Moore. Joseph Loomis and Mary White. John Moore and Abigail . Richard Vore and Ann . 9. Jan Vreeland and . Andries Grevenraet and . Jonathan Bliss I and Margaret . John Drake I and Elizabeth Rogers. Robert White and Bridget Allgar. Thomas Moore and . 10. Thomas Bliss I and . William Allgar and . Drake. Ancestry known. INDEX OF NAMES Abe 11, Preserved. 57 Arnold, Anna L. 16 Adams, Adeline 71 Anniel 15 Almira 77 Anis,Annis 11,15 Aurelia 71 Ardiss ko Hannah L. 9 Arthur 37 Morgan 71 Asenath (Valentine-Chapel) 11 Reuben 71 Benjamin 55 Agnew,Julina 28 Betty 11 Akin, James 56 Bruce 18 Albrecht , Katherine 65 Bruce. Weston 36 Allen, Austin F. 19 Caleb 55 Allgar, Bridget 77 Calvin C. 11 William 77 Carl Ik Althouse,Ami 20 Caroline 55 Aubrey 20 Catherine 5^ Charles 19 Charles M. ko Daniel I 19 Charles S(eymour) 13 Daniel M. 19 Charles Seymour 12 Eliza C. 19 Charles Williams 13 Jane M. 20 Charlotte E. 12 Maria J. 20 Christopher and Desc. 18 Mary 19 Christopher C . 10,18,21 Ammerman,Eva (Ava) E. UO Christopher Columbus 21 Frank ko Clara Pearl 11* Anders on, Mary Ann 17 Clark 5U Norman 7^ Cyrenus 10 Andrews , Chester 9 David 55 Angel, Larch 55 Delilah ( ) 10 Ar c he r , Mar gare t 6l Deloss Edward 12 Arius,Willard 53 Dennis ko Arms ,Wi liar d 53 Dennis E. 11 Arnold,Abram 10 Donald Lee 10 Ada V. (A.) 20 Duane William 36 Ahab 55 Earl 23 Alanson 11 Eber Harold ko Alex 55 Eda 19 Alexander 11 Edgar Clayton 1*0 Alice 11, 5^ Edward 5^,55 Alice H. Ik Edward I 77 Alice Jane 11 Edward I and Desc. 9 Alice Mar gare ta 20 Edward II 10 Alice May 37 Edward II and Desc. 16 Alonzo E. 10 Edward III 12 Alva and .Desc . 38 Edward IV l6,U0 Alva Ik Edward D. 17 Alvin Seth 12 Edward Deloss 12 Amanda 11 Edward F. 19 Amanda M. 16 Edward Franklin 16 Amelia ( ) 10,18 Edward Seymour 11 Amelia Rosina 21 Edwin Earl > Ami 20 Elijah 51* Ann 20 Eliza 15,19,37 Anna 11 Elizabeth I 13,M,V7 Anna H. (N.?) 22 Elizabeth I and Desc. 25 87 88 ARNOLD, KEDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Arnold, Elizabeth III 11 Arnold, Ira 51+ Elizabeth (— -) 12 Irene Rosetta 21 Elizabeth A. 22 Iris 36 Elizabeth Jane i+o Isaac H. 21 Elizabeth M. 20 Jacob I and Desc. 55 Ella 34,5^ Jacob II 55 Ellen 38 James II 12 Ellen Es telle 3^ James Arthur 20 Elliott ^ James Spann 36 Emma 55 James W. 23 Emma Jane 36,51+ Jefferson 37 Tftnma Jane ( ) 10 Jennet te 5^ "Fftrmift Lucy 3h Jerome F. I 18 Ephraim 11 Jerome F. II 19 Esick 55 Jesse . 11,55 Esther 15 John 55 Esther Ann 38 John I 11+ Esther Rosanna 21 John II 11+ Eugene F. 1+0 John E. 20 Eunice 10,36 John Fiske 11+ Eva 35 John Motte 13,60,77 Evaline,Eva M. 17 John W. 1+0 Evelina ( ) 16 John William 35 Evart 17 Joseph 55 Everett R. 17 Joseph I 12,1+1,71,77 Everett Stanley 17 Joseph II 12 Ezra 12,51+ Joseph II and Desc. 22 Ferdinand 36 Joseph III 12 Frances 13,35 Jossman A. 20 Frank i+o Julia Ann ( ) 11 Frank Beecher 17 Karl 11+ Frank Earnest 39 Keith Frank 20 Franklin (Frank) 11 Kenneth Oran 36 Franklin Beecher 17 Kent 11 Franklin Oliver 17 Laura 5^ Frederick 11 Laura Jane 51+ Free love 15 Leander 36 Gamaliel and Desc . 5^ Leonard F. 11 George 16,55 Leulie J. 10 George F. 16,18 Levi 55 George Wheler I 3h Lewis M. 23 George Wheler II 51+ Lewis P. 19 Gerald Oran 36 Lexas 11 Gerls B. 19 Lile 1+0 Goodrich 11 Linda Sue 17 Grace Elizabeth 11+ Louis B. 1+0 Grace L. ( ) 23 Lucinda 20 Hannah I 9 Lucy Marilla 22 Hannah II 13 Lulu J. 10 Hannah L. 16 Lydia 10,13 Hannah Violetta (Viletta)21 Lydia Jane 20 Harriet 15 Lydia Louise 23 Harriet E. 21+ Iyle 1+0 Harry 11 Madeline Jean 19 Harry B. 17 Maggie 15 Hiram P. 39 Mahala 10 Horace 12,16,35 Mahlon 37 Horace Leander 36 Margaret A. 18 Ida V. 20 Maria 11 INDEX OF NAMES 89 Arnold , Mar ie tta 54 Arnold, Sella Evangeline 14 Marinda 11 Seymour I 11 Marion L. 17 Seymour II 11 Martha 5 U Seymour III 12 Martha A. 16,18 Seymour Charles 12 Martha Elizabeth 14,77 Share n Sue 36 Mary (Matie) 23 Sidney Orlando 22 Mary Ann Katherine 36 Silas 55 Mary E. 19 Silvia 5^,56 Mary E. ( ) 1+0 Susan 56 Mary Eliza 33 Susan I 15 Mary Ellen 17 Susan II 15 Mary Louise 17 Susanna 15 Mary U. (W.) 10 Susanna ( ) 9 Mel vina 55 Sylvanus ? Ik Milo Sylvester 5^ Thomas 14,15,55 Mortimer 12 Thomas B. 19 Myrta Alice 39 Thomas J. 55 Myrtle (Myrta) M. 40 Thomas R. 55 Naomi 4o Virginia Anne 35 Noble 12 Voiney N. 35 Nora 18 Walter B. 10 Nora ( ) 4o Walter Duane 10 Ode 11 10 Ward 40 Or a Leon I 20 Willard 54 Ora Leon II 20 William 15,55 Oran, See Orrin William I 9 Oran F. 35 William II 11, 14 Oren, See Orrin William III 13,51 Orran, See Orrin William III and Desc. 33 Orrin 39 William Horace 35 Oscar 5^ William John 55 Patty, 10, 16 William Uriah 12 Peleg 15 Willie Guy 23 Perditta Frances 36 Zoa Janet 19 Permilia 18 Atwood, Gertrude 47 Permilia ( ) 10 Aver ill, Henry 46 Perry 11 James 46 Phebe 19 Phoebe 11 Badger, Sarah Jane 17 Eachel 15 Baker, Ruth 19 Rebecca 15,16 Balden, Alven 17 Rhoda 10 Lola B.' 17 Rholey 56 Baldwin, Leman A. 66 Richard I 55 Ballow, Susanna 55 Richard II 55 Barber, See also Barbour Robert 18 Adoniram Judson 42 Robert M. 19 Almira 42 Robert T. 13 Angeline M. 41 Rosanna 19 Azariah 43 Rose Marie 36 Belle 42 Roy E. 17 Benjamin 25 Ruby 56 Benjamin and Desc. 41 Russell V. 17 Benjamin B.M.G. 43 Ruth 11 Benjamin F. 41 Samantha 11 Benjamin J. 41,43 Samuel 14 Benjamin M. 43 Samuel and Desc . 35 Byron 41 Sarah E. (A.) 17 Carrie 42 90 ARN0LD,REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES *ber, Clarence 42 Edward 42,43 Hannah 41 Hannah Maria 42 Harriet k2 Henry- 4l Henry Edward 13,25,41 Henry J. in JameB k2 Joseph I 11 Joseph II 11 Loren 13,25,41,47 Lydia 60,78 Martenia E. 4l Mary 4l,43 Minnie M. kl Newton Basse llus 43 Oliver k2 Polly 41,43 Rhuben 0. 4l Robert 42 Samuel 78 Sarah D. 41 Thomas 78 Barbour. See also Barber Barbour , Charle s 30 Chloe T. Roblee - Wait- Re dway 60 Conway Berry 29 David Fleming 30 Elizabeth Anne 30 Emily 29 Fannie Fernald 28 Fleming Arnold 30 Francis Bird 29 Frank Edward 29 Frederick Sawtell 29 Harry Arnold 30 Hartie Elizabeth 30 Helen Thompson 26 Hugh Re veil 32 Joseph E. 29 Joseph Henry 25 Joseph Henry and Desc. 28 Josephine Adelaide 29 Josephine Betsy 25 Julia Pauline 26,47 Judith Ann 36 Julius Ebenezer 26 Julius Ebenezer and Desc . 30 Julius Erwin 30 Loren Arnold 26 Mabel Elizabeth 31 Mary Clark 32 Mary Eleanor 26 Montie S. 29 Katherine 29 Patricia Lynn 29 Barbour, Philip Arnold 30 William Rhinehart I 31 William Rhinehart II 32 Barrett, Charity 12 ,67,71,78 Barton, Fred 14 Bateman, Calvin 42 Zadock 42 Battishall,Bettie 36 James 36 Batwick, Louis 20 Bayli s s , Hannah 68,78 Beaulieu, Germain Hudon (di- b) 13 Gideon Hudon (dit) 13 Bedell, Katie (Noonan) 46 Be 11, Cynthia (Middaugh-Brazie) 47 Beneka, Herman 48 Benham, Lydia 47,48 Bentley, Nellie (Mary)Ellen 17 Oliver G. 17 Biggs, Angelina (Redway) 65 Bird, Marian 29 Bliss, Jonathan I 78 Jonathan II 78 Martha 78 Mehi table 57,60,78 Nathaniel 78 Samuel 78 Thomas I 78 Thomas II 78 Bockman, M.H.W. 47 Bolio, Josephine Marguerite 13 Bolton, Mary 11 Bond, Austin D. 64 Bos,Hendrick Jansz van den 68,79 Maria 68 Mitje 68,79 Boughton, Delight 45 Edna 45 T^TTTTIA 44 George U4 Ida ^ Jennie kk Jesse kk,k9 Juliette 44 Julius 49 Julius and Desc . 44 Luella 44 Mary 44 Myron 14 Nathan 44 Paul Ninde 14 Sarah 45 Tina 44 Veda 44 Willis 14 Willis A. 14 Bowen, Richard 79 Ruth 79 Bowman, Ruby (Arnold) 56 INDEX OF NAMES 91 Brad8by,Emma Dale 25.28 Brais ted ,Mar tha 33 Brand, Florence 33 James 33 John Louis 33 Margery June 33 Eosemarie 33 Brazie, Alfred Wallace I 1*8 Alfred Wallace II 1*8 Alfred Wayne l«8 Catherine A. (H. ) ^9 Conrod 49 Cornelia kk,k9 Delight Alice 1*8 Edgar Nathan ka Edgar 0. M Edward Nathan k& Elenor k9 Eliott H. 1*6 Elsie Leone k8 Emelius H. kQ Emily C. kQ Etheleen Frances 1*8 Florence Arlene 1*8 Florence Elizabeth V7 Harriet Adelle kQ Harriet Ann 1*7,49 Harry ^9 Hattie 1*9 Henry 1*6 Henry Winf ield 26,1*7 Jane k9 John Henry I 49 John Henry II k9 Julia 1*6 Kittie A. k9 Lomira E. 1*6 Mary Ann k9 Nathan D. 26,1*6 Nathan E. kl Nathan Wallace 1*8 Peter I 1*1*, 1*6, 1*9 Peter II 50 Peter and Desc. kS Eachel k9 Samantha 50 Sarah k9 Satina h9 Theron H, k9 Wallace Eugene 1*8 William Nathan 1*8 Brelsford, Mabel 75 Brigham, Carrie 63 Brooks, James 20 Brown, Addie kk Allen Charles 31 Charles Denis on 6k David 1*1* Donald Gregory 31 Brown, Donald McGregory Ella Grover Molly (Eedway) Brundridge , Margaret Bryant , Dor o thy Buck, John Buckley, Etta (Schooley) Bunt , Gertrude Bur gard , Myron Burgess, Alma May (Smith) Burlingham,Sardis Sibyl (Miller) Burroughs , Emma Bush, Henry V. Bus sey , Blanche Byrn, Margaret Anne Samuel Lambert William Henry I William Henry II Callahan, Ellen Cameron, Florence Carey, m. Joseph Arnold Carle ton, Hannah Ei chard I Ei chard II Carlton, Eaymond L. C ar pent er , Ab iah John Samuel Cascadden, Guy Case, Agnes Gabby A. Gabriel(?) George James John Lizzie M. Lucy M. William I William II Chadderdon, Charles Nelson Clara Anna Elmer E. George W. John John Heber Joseph Henry Miles Arthur Chambers, James C P.P. Chapel, Aseneth (Valentine) Calvin Chapman,Ettie, Sarah Ch ickeran, Edith Frank George Harold 31 1*1* 1*1* 58 62 65 18 22 71 75 39 60 60 50 66 29 27 27 27 27 1*0 27 55 19 19 19 29 57 57 57 19 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 71* 71* 71* 74 7 1* 71* 71* 7 1* 76 76 11 11 11 26 k74 Samuel David 74 Samuel N. 73 William Henry 74 Darling, Henry 10 Sylvester 10 Day, Elvira 53 Decker, Bertha kk Harriet kk Inez kk Lena kk Lizzie kk Maggie kk Minnie kk Wesley kk DeMain, Arthur 20 Martha M. 20 Russell Ami 20 Dernberger, Homer J. 19 Ida J. 18 Leah L. 19 Simon P. 18 DeShon,Ruth 14 Dibble, George R. 16 Sarah 16 Dingman, Fred 23 Doane, Hannah 65 Dodder, Mary Elizabeth 18 Peter 18 Dodds,John H. 62 Dodge, Cornelia 55 Drake, John I 79 John II 79 Ruth 79 Drinkwater, Chester 39 Clara Louise 39 Edith Mildred 39 Edward Andrew 39 Elsie Marie 39 Esther Barklay 39 Ethel May 39 George Smith 39 James 39 Naomi Janette 39 Orville Alfred 39 Sidney L. 39 Susan (--) 39 William James 39 William Lawrence 39 Dudley, Harriet M. 17 Dwight, Oliver C. 17 Dwight,P. 63 Earl. See also Earle Abigail J. 71 Betsy 12 ,41,67 -68,71,79 Daniel 72 David 72 Ella J. 72 Helen P. 71 Lazelle Easton 72 Lydia 77 Marcus R. 72 Mitty 71,73 Moses B. 71 Submit (Mitty) 68,71,73 William III 12,70,71 William III and Desc. 70 William IV 72 Earle, Beth 71 Betsy, See Earl, Betsy Catherine 70 Clement 70 Daniel 71 David 71 Edward 67 Edward I 68,79 Edward II 68,79 Edward III 68 Elias Barrett 71 Elizabeth 70 James 70 J.N. (Author) 68 John .68,70,80 Joseph 70 Louisa 70 Michael 70 Moses 70 Nell 71 Orrin 70 Peter 70 Rufus 70 Samuel 70 Solomon 70 William I 68,80 William II 68,70,80 William III 67,68,80 Easthagen, Florence B. 29 Mildred Mae 29 Eaton, Aaron 60,80 Alice 13 Jonas 80 Jonathan 80 Roxana (Rocksanna) 58,60,80 Samuel 80 William 80 Ebert,Anne 76 Ege land, Sarah 75 Egert on, Frances (Smith) 39 Eick, James 75 9 l+ ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Eick,Leo R. 75 Frost, Emily- 1+2 Marjorie Ann 75 Fuller, Abie 58 Eldred, William 29 Mary Ide 57,80 Wilma 29 Phebe (Arnold) 11 El iott, Laura 1+6 Henry- k6 Gai lbrai th , Char le s 18 Ellis, Florence Elizabeth k-j Ethel A. (Wilson) 1+7 Encell, Jennie 73 Gamble, B.E. 76 John 73 Cecelia T. ( ) 76 Ericks on, Minnie 28 Darby 76 Es tea, Aura C. 23 Thomas Blake 76 Aura Moss 23 Gardiner, Jennie 73 Donald Laverne 2k Gelling, Florence 3k John Aura 23 Gibbs,Mary Ann 66 Marie Helene 23 Gilchrist, John 55 Marjorie Jean Turbet 2k Gillas pie, David 25,l+l, 1 +2 Mary Patience 23 Gilmore,Brainerd Lincoln 61 Patricia Anne 2k George N. 61 Richard Dean 23 Lucian Brainerd 61 William Barton 23 Marian Elizabeth 61 Evarts , Charles B. 51 Robert Brainerd 61 Ellen 51 Russell Nelson 61 Hiram 51 Sarah Closson 61 Laura Ann 13 ,33 ,51 Glas pie, Betsy 13,25,1+1 Loran 51 Goddard,Idell 6k Loren 51 Godfrey, Alice 81 Luther 13 ,33 ,51 Richard 81 Everts. See also Evarts Goff,Philo Gohs, Conrad 15 36 Farnam,Jane Malura Ik Deloria May 37 Fee, Amy 52 Elitha Genevieve 36 Fernald,Francena (Fannie ) Gerald ine Lea 37 Sophia 25 ,28 Gerry Lee 37 Joseph 25 ,28 Leland Orson 37 Field, Ea telle (Stella) 7^ Wiloline Isabelle 37 Stella Tl+ Gopp, Gopt. See Goff Finch, Elizabeth 12 Goss, Arnold W. 52 Follett,Abie 58 Ann 52 Fowler, William Henry 16 Joel B. I 52 Fowles,see Fowler II 52 Fox, Calvin 6k III 52 Elijah 6k Stella 52 Jary k9 Wesley 52 John J. k9 Gough, Gloria C. 23 Lovilla (Snook) k9 Graham, Alfred 1+8 Susan Maria 6k Ethel Rose 1+8 Franklin, S pencer 51 Grant, Jennie ^9 William 52 Green, Mary S. 20 Frans, Elizabeth 68 Greenman, Anna (Horton) 73 Enoch 80 Clarence 73 Mary ( Maria, Mary e) 68 ,80 Curtis 73 Franz, See Frans Fred 73 Freeman, Oran 11+ ,35 Grace 73 French, See also Frans • Grenell, Sally Charlotte 66 French, Fred U2 Gravenr ae t , Andr i e s 81 Minnie 1+2 Tryntje 81 Nannie 1+2 Griffith, Emma D. 39 Frey,Ida 3k Philip i+o Fries, Maggie 10 Grime, Mary Lynn 76 INDEX OF NAMES 95 Grime, Robert 76 Hoffman, Greydon 75 Robert Charles 76 Jean 75 Griswold,H.S. 66 Melissa 75 Groves (M. Cornelius Millie 75 Whitney II) 51 Philip 75 Phyllis Dene 75 Habb ice , Harriet 70 Robert 75 Hakes, Lucy Sykes 6k Sumner 75 Hall, Gladys 57 Walter 75 Martha 52 Walter L. 75 Zeriah k6 William 75 Hammond, David R. 55 Holbrook, Joanna 57,81 Gladys Vivia 55 Peter 81 James 55 Thomas I 81 William 57 Thomas II 81 Hance,M. A. 55 Holden,Bersheba k6 Hanna, Clara 50 Hollenbeck, Catherine 70 Harmon, Miriam (Marion) 81 Holly, Alans on Parker I 51 Harp, Maude B. 56 Alans on Porker II 51 Harris, (Hayries ) Amelia R Alice Janette 51 (Arnold) 21 Elizabeth Barbour 51 Harris,Lydia 55 Forrest Merton I 51 Harrison, Jane 75 Forrest Merton II 51 Margaret 75 Helen Louise 51 Mark I 75 Lancey Lynn 51 Mark II 75 Markay 51 Hart, Mary A. 10 Mary Bernice 51 Hartman,Fytie Sophia 68,81 William 51 Hayries, See Harris Holt, Pierce Ik Hays, See also Harp Hoop. See Harp He lsel, Richard 75 Horton,Anna 75 Richard Allan 75 Jul ia( 01ms tead) 75 Hethaman,May 45 Melissa 74 Michael ^5 Hotchkiss , Charles kQ Hicks, Althea or Ellithea 58 Jennie k& Higgins, Carol Frederick 51 Lucia k& Hi 11, Aaron k2 Houser, Charles 55 Andrew J. 45 David Elmer 55 Benjamin B. 45 Edwin Arnold 54 Ebenezer kl,k2 Elmer 55 Eliza 41,45 Jacob 55 Elizabeth (Arnold) 11 Laurel Yorke 55 John C. 45 Leslie Thomas 54 Joseph D. 45 Mary Margery 54 Julia 45 Morris Elmer 55 Mary Malisse 45 Morris Yorke 55 Melvin E. 45 Ulrich 55 Phoebe 45 Vivian Shirley 54 Sarah J. 45 William Arnold 54 Hine,Anna 75 Hovey, Henry 17 Hinman , Ab igai 1 te Simeon 17 Hipp, Lulu Meade 66 Wilbur H. 17 Hixon,Hartie Elizabeth 50 Howard , Thomas 56 Jerry 50 Howdle, France b Louise 71 Hoffman, Barbara 75 Frank R. 71 Carter 75 Harmon Barrett 71 Cheryl Cay 75 Helen 71 Elda 75 Marjorie M. 71 Elizabeth 75 Hunt, Elizabeth 26,50 96 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Hyde, see Ide. Large, Isabel Norene kl Ide,Mary 81 Miriam Adair kl Nicholas I 81 William Ball I kl,k8 Nicholas II 81 William Ball II kl Widow 81 Larkin, Virginia Ward 66 Inman,Amy 10 Latta,Julina 28 Nathan 11 Law, Bet sy 13,33,51 Ivory, Henry 5^ John 51 Lawrence, Adeline A. (Darby) 76 Jackson,Rhoda 38 Elbert (Ebert) W. 62 Jacobs, Dale W. 36 Matilda 62 James Leroy 70 Leavy, James 29 Walter 36 Leduc,Josette Ik William (Billy) 37 Lee, Hannah 41 Jeffords, Jane 61 Lef f ingwell, Hannah 61 Jenk ins , Martha 82 Lehman, Barbara Munro 75 Johns on, Samantha ( Arno Id Margaret S. 76 Wier) 11 Melisa Lou 75 Jones , Ad elaide kQ Paul 75 Azuba (h) 58,63 Paula 76 Daniel 58 Leonard , Samuel k6 Frank 10 Le ve que , Ange li c a 13 Horace Greeley k2 Lewis, Alice Estella 38 Howard k2 Alice M. 38 New land kl Ethel 0. (C?) 38 Wilbur C. 10 Frances 37 Jossman,Esidore 20 Hiram Charles 38 Joel H. 38 Kandt, Richard H. 66 Mary A. 23 Kearney, Mary Kay 31 Nora 38 38 Kellogg,Amney 6k P. Kelly, David Scott 3k Liddell (Liddle), Agnes 61 Frank J. 3k Light, Mary 6l Robert Thomas 3k Littlewood,Jane 9 Kendr i c k, George 82 Livermore , Clarence 37 Mary 82 Ellas 36 Kimball, Ada kl Elias Volney 37 Kingman, Henry 82 Jay 36 Joanna 82 Jessie Elitha 36 Kings ley , Cas s ius 50 Marian Elizabeth 37 Clarence 50 Naomi (Arnold) ko Edwin J. 50 Roy 37 Kinne, Patience 23 Locke, Jolin kl Kipp,Freelove 55 Lockwood, Amanda 9 Kittle, Olive 1*2 Cyrenus A. 9 Knapp, Delight 26, k6 Electa 9 Moses I k6 Harry 9 Moses II k6 Hiram 9 Knight , Harriet Ik Jeremiah 9 Knox, Sally Lou kl Lydia J 9 Tom Booth kl Maria 9 Koons , Olive 30 Rhoda 9 Stephen 12 Lamer aux, George H. 71 Thomas L. 9 Large, Edgar Eugene kl Timothy 9 Emma Frances k8 Timothy I 9 Florence Ethel kl Timothy II 9 We lb urn 9 William L. 9 INDEX OF NAMES 97 Long, Louisa 18 McLaughlin, William 75 Loomis, Joseph 82 McLeary, Nellie 40 Mary 82 McNuughton,Metta 52 Nathaniel 82 Mc Vi tt ie , A . Arnold 39 Loveland, Austin 60 Donald A. 39 Lutz, Charles ATbrecht 65 Harold 39 Charles B. 65 Kenneth 0. 39 John George 65 Mary B. 39 Richard Redway 65 Walter G. 39 Lyman, Caleb B. 64 McWithey, Isabella 11 Maude May 6k Jessie (Arnold) 11 Mead, Esther (Towns end) 9 Madia on, Jason ko Jeremiah 9 Man an, Mary 70 Meade, Ida E. 46 Sarah 50 Melin, Arnold L. 47 Maher,F.A.? 16 Meyers, Dircksje Frederica 68,82 Lydia 17 Jan Dirckszen 82 Malette,Effie Elvira 51 Middaugh , Cynthia 47 Jessie Rebecca 52 Miller, Abner Pratt 37 Ruth Lutine 52 Arthur R. 37 William 51 Catherine N. 14,35 Manning, Emma 25 David P. 62 Mapes, Abigail 25, 1+1,42 Frances Anne 37 Amy 42 George 20 Anna 25, 41,42 Grace 20 Henry 25, 41,42 James 49 Mark, Gloria V. 37 John C. 62 Joseph W. 37 Levi 9 Maxine E. 37 Martha J. 62 Nathan 37 Norton 37 Seymore K. 37 0. IK 3? Marks, Clara (Arnold) 14 Pansy ' 37 Marshall, Charles Emerson 26 Sarah M. 62 Martin, Anna H. (Arnold - Sibyl 60 Case) 22 Truman B. 62 Carl S. 71 William 62 Marvel es ley, Don J. 30 Mills paugh , Ellen 52 Thomas Don 30 Mitchell --- (M.Albert J. Mas on, Matilda Redway 58 Redway I. ) 66 Samantha Jane 54 Monro, I sab e lie 75 Matlack, Elizabeth Janette » 31 Monroe, Mary C. 73 Walker 31 Nathaniel 73 Mat teson, Jason 40 Moore, Elizabeth 82 Mattocks, Mary 31 Hannah 82 May, Elizabeth 51 John 82 Mayberry, James L. 61 Sarah Ann 61 Lemuel L. 61 Thomas 82 McAlister, Harry I 52 Most, Clara 44 Harry II 52 Moot, Katie 49 Jack 52 Morgan, Sylvia (Arnold) 56 Patricia 52 Morris,Alvira 38 William 52 Morse, Hannah 41 Mc Arthur, Peter 52 James 41 McClellan,Mary Adelaide 25,28 Samuel 41 McKelvey,Mary 31 Moss, Minnie E. 23 Mrs. Mary (Mattocks) 31 Palmer James 23 McKim,William 47 Moyer, Ida 74 McLaughlin, Lawrence 75 Mudge, Clara 44 Philip Barry 75 Dora 44 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Mud ge, Ezra kk Palmer, Florence 52 John kk Pardee, Alva 16 Owen kk Catherine 16 Murray, Clara Ik Sarah A. 16 Parker, Calvin 9 Newton, Martha 65 Edith 66 Nicholls, Harry 27 Marion L. (Arnold) 17 Hector Cameron 26 W.H. k8 Helen Jane 27 Parkhurst, John 55 Nichols, Daniel B. 9 Phebe 55 Elisha 11 Parmatier, Harriet kk John Franklin 11 Partridge, El imina (Elmira) P . 66 Mary Bolton 11 Patch, Marion Elizabeth 30 Polly 25,28 Patrick, Abram h9 Wealtha (Wealthy - Catherine Genevieve h9 Welthy ) 11 Kitty h9 Noonan, Ab igai 1 k6 Payne, William hi Ann kk,k6 Pelham, Freelove 82 Cornelius k6 Pelton,Lydia Bradley 65 Derby k6 Penny, Grove 65 Eunice k6 Percy, Donald 52 John Nathan h6 Harland 52 Polly k6 Leland I 51 Rachel k6 Leland II 52 Razel k6 Perkins, Charles Wallace 7k Clarence Edgar 7h Ode 11, Gertrude kk Madelyn Estelle 7k George kk Perrin,Aroline 51,55 Leon kk Calvin 55 Mattie kk Perry, Peter, Jr. 58 Ohrbeck,May Edith 28 Per sons, Ann 60 Joab 28 Austin 60 Oldswager , Eleanor 55 Edward 60,85 John 55 Elizabeth 60 Olmsted, Adelaide Augusta 7^ Ira 60 Charles Curtis 75 Leonard 60 Charles John 75 Martha 60 Frank Oliver 7k Sally 13. 60,85 Harriet Es telle lh Pettit, Rachel 73 Helen May 75 Phelps,Ebenezer M. 19 Julia 75 Philip, Janet Starr 52 Oliver 75 Karen Ann 52 Willard Encell 75 Paul 52 Willard Henry 75 Pierce, Elliott 66 Ormo, Lucille des k8 Pitcher, Charlotte 75 Ormsbee , Esther 57 Piatt, Robert 55 Osgood, Charles H. 6k Porter, Bessie 20 Overall, Annie E. 57 Edgar Ward 20 John 57 James 20 Owen, Elizabeth 73 Walter A. 20 Frank kk Post, Vera Ruth, Mrs. 29 Potter,Mehitable(Redway) 58 Painter, Dorothy Anne 29 Pres cott , Dorothy 10 Fernald Ellsworth 28 Preston, Julius W. 17 Fleming Winfield 28 Will C 17 Jonathan Ellsworth 28 Prewitt, Arthur Lansing 28 Louis Revell 28 Julia Wilson 28 William 28 William Henry 28 Raif snider, Minna Jane 50 INDEX OF NAMES 99 Rayment, James 21 Redway, Emmet Mitchell 66 Red-way, also Rudway, Esther 6k Redeway , Readway , Flora C. 58 Redwaie,Redwey,etc . Frances Elizabeth 6k Red way, Aaron 62 George Frederick 66 Abel I 63 George Horatio 66 Abel II 66 Hamilton G. 63 Adeline 65 Hannah 58 Albert 65 Hannah Elizabeth 13,60,8 Albert Gallatin 63 Harvey Nathan 66 Albert James I 66 Harvey P. 65 ,66 Albert James II 66 Harvey Watts 63 Albert James III 66 Henry 66 Albert James IY 66 James I and. Desc. 57 Albert P. 6k James 1 57 ,83 Albert Preserved 6k James II 57 Albert Sessions I 65 James III 57,8 Albert Sessions II 65 James IV 57,60 ,83 Albert Watts I 6k James V 58 Albert Watts II 6k James VI 58 Alice Cornelia(adopted ) 65 James W. 63 Alice Ruth 6k Jesse Williams 60 Amy L. 66 Joanna 57 Amy Loretta 63 Joel 59 Angelina 65 Joel I 58 Angelina Rhumnia 65 Joel II 58 Anna I 58 John 63 Anna II 58 John I 57 ,83 Auren Grenell 66 John II 57 Azuba(h) 63 John III 57 Bella Frances 6k John IV 58 Benjamin 58 John Sessions I 6k Br ay ton Skinner 65 John Sessions II 6k Caroline 65 John Sessions III 6k Carpus 13 ,60,83 John Sessions IV 6k Cebrina 61 Josephine 66 Celinda 61 Kathleen Newton 65 Charles Bardwell 6k Kathryn Bella 6k Charles C. (G. ) 65 Laurence David 66 Chauncey 63 Lawrence 66 Chauncey Hamilton 63 Leslie 63 Comfort 58,83 Lucinda 66 Comfort and Desc. 60 Lucinda ( ) 58 Dana Curtis 6k Lydia 57 Daniel 6k Mahala,Mahaleth 58 Daniel J. 63 Maria 66 David James 65 Marion Winifred 65 David L. 65 Martha I 57 Dora 66 Martha II 57 Dwight 66 Martha Jane 60 ' Edith 66 Mary 66 Edward 65 Mary I 57 Edward Pays on 65 Mary II 57 Edward W. 6k Mary III 57 Electa 58 Mary E. 58 Elizabeth 57 Mary Maria 66 Elizabeth Maude 66 Matilda 58 Ella M. 6k Mehi table 58 ,60 Emma J. 6k Molly 58 100 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Redway, Nancy Elizabeth 65 Ryder, Alfred 45 Nancy Goddard 6k Earl 45 Nelson H. 58 Jane 1+9 Perry 59 Laura 45 Polly 63 Maynard 1*5 Preserved I 57 Myron 45 Preserved II 58 Steward ^5 Preserved II and Desc • 63 Ward 45 Rebecca 57 Regina 63 Sage, Areal 75 Reginald C. 63 Darby 75 Reginald Chauncey 63 Robert 75 Richard Brayton 65 Schoder, Karen Jean 23 Richard Sessions 65 Paul M. 23 Robert G. 65 S ch omeman , Loui s e 17 Sabrina 61 Schooley,Earl G. 22 Salenda, Salinda 61 Eliza(---) 22 Samuel I 57 Etta 22 Samuel II 58 George T. I 22 Samuel Augustus 66 George T. II 22 Sarah H. 57 Guy G. 22 Sebrina 61 Lillie E. 22 Susie C. 6k Schultz, Jacob 18 Thomas 58 Scot t -A gnew, Julina 28 Timothy 57 Scoville, Bertha 1+8 Valentine P. 58 Scrambling, Lenison 21 W.H. 66 Sessions, Alexander I 63 William 66 Ann Maria 63 William W. 6k John 63 Revell, Elizabeth Bessie 26 John B. 63 Fleming Hewitt I 25 Samuel I 63 Fleming Hewitt II 25 Samuel II 63 Fleming Hewitt III 26 She Id on, Eliza P. 43 Muriel 26 Sherwood , Gwend olyn 39 Rhinehart , Emma 26,30 Lela (Smith) 39 Samuel 26,30 Sheureaux, Josephine 35 Rhodes, Herman 35 Simmons (Symonds ), Elizabeth 83 Marian T. 35 Skidmore , Miriam k6 Rice, Sarah (Sally) (Closson) 62 Skinner, Mabel Winifred 65 Richards on, Hiram 10 Samuel Works 65 Richmond, Esther 5 4 Slocum,Emma 55 Rinehart,see Rhinehart Smalley,A.L. 65 Ritchie, Barbara 33 Smith, Alma May 39 Robinson, Julina Latta 28 Alva,Alvay 38 Roblee,Chloe T. 60 Andrew Jackson 38 Robson, Olive RiggB 27 Arilla 38 Rockwell, Gertrude (Bunt) 71 Craig 38 Rod enhurst, Maude U0 Edward Eugene 39 Rogers, Elizabeth 83 Elisha 16 Ronnovi lie, David E. k8 Florence Naomi 39 Ross, Margaret H. 66 Frances Alvira 39 Mary E. 15 Francis. See Frances Rounds, Orra Jerome 66 Frank. See Frances Rowley, Frances (Fannie) 17 Humphrey 38 Sanford A. 17 Joshua 57 Ruby, Laura 14,38 Katherine ( ) 38 Louisa 14,38 Lela 39 Manley 14,38 Loa 38 Rumley , Mr s . Anna 1+2 Margretta ( ) 38 INDEX OF NAMES 101 Smith, Mary Ann 18 Orville 38 Sarah 16 Sarah A. 16 William R. 63,66 Snook, Frederick h9 Lovila k9 Snowden,Ella (Arnold) 5k Snyder, Jacob 18 Margaret Ann 18 Soper,Iynn G. 76 Patricia 76 Phyllis 76 Spann,Winola Jane 36 Sporland,Rena 75 Sprowl , Kather ine 23 Squeers, see Sq.uiers Squiers,Luman 15 Mary E. Ik Stafford, Kathleen Mabel 65 Reuben 65 St. Amour, Jean Baptiste Louie Ik Margaret Justine 13 Stand ish, Frederick 61 Stanton, El izabeth 22 Starkweather,Almeda S. 16 George 16 Sarah A. (Smith) 16 Starr, Bruce William 52 Catherine Bertha 52 Irwin Palmer 52 John A. 52 Mary Ellen 52 Richard. Irwin 52 Thomas Irwin 52 Stewart, Hall 32 Thomas 32 Thomas Barbour 32 William Hall 32 Stitt,Amy 18 Andrew 18 David 20 Martha Ann 20 Rhoda A. 18 Stout, Alice (Allie) 39 Thomas ko Struble,Lulu 20 Swain,Mary (Mazy) E. 19 Symonds , William Qk See also Simmons Taft,Loretta 63 Taylor, Bessie (Porter) 20 Terr ill, Louise 11 Thayer, Joan 8^ Thomas, Morris E. 3k Thompson, Anna Sarah 26 Asa Fitch 26 Thompson, Hiram 18 Lola B. 71 Timothy, Julia F. ko Titus, John Jr. 57 Towns end , El i sha 12 Esther 9 Lydia 12 Zebulon 12 Treadway,Jean 31 Trost, Helen 36 Tubbs, Charles 15 Tucker, Jessie 33 John 33 Turbet,Marjorie Jean 2k May 2k Tweddle,Mr8. Jane (Littlewood) 9 See Tweddell Tyler, Julia A. 71 Valentine , Asenath 11 Van Allen, Peter k6 Van Burean, Catherine kS Cornelia kS Katie kS Van Buren, Hannah kk Van Dusen,Etta 35 Van Horn, Cornelia M. 17 Van Housen, Carrie 49 Charles ^9 Edward T. k9 Emma k9 Frank Cowles k9 J. k9 J.B. k9 Lamont k9 Lemuel k9 Leroy k9 Mary k9 Violet k9 Vanhus on, Elvira M. ko Van Patten, John kk Van Steenburg,Lillie E. (Schooley) 22 Van Valkenberg, Abigail kk,k9 Vasspere,Fred E. 73 Vesey, Harriet 33 Villro, see Villerot Villerot,Emma C. 35 John B. 35 Vo land, Allen 36 Hermann 36 Kirt Hugo 36 Kirt II 36 Paul Hermann 36 Robert 36 Roselyn Evelyn 36 Voorhies, Joseph 12 Voorheie, Voohries, Voorhees see Voorheis Vore, Lydia 8k 102 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Vore,Ri chard 84 Whitney, James Puffer 55 Vreeland, Alice 68 ,84 John 51 Elsje 68,84 Joshua 51 Enoch Michaelson 68 ,84 Julia 55 Jan 84 Katherine 66 Michael Jansen 68 ,84 Luc inda Luther Day 19 51,55 Wagoner, Eliza 62 Lutine Day 52 Wait,Chloe T. (Eohlee) 60 Mary Eliza 51 Walms ley , Catherine 65 Matthias 51 Charles Thomas 65 Philinda 52 Wal pole, Alice 51 Rebecca Brown 51,55 Forrest 51 Whittaker, Philip 57 Holly Elizabeth 51 See also Whitaker Perry Lynn 51 Wicks, Seward Robert Hadley 51 William 64 Walter E. 51 Wier,Samantha (Arnold) TO Wan over, Eliza 62 Wilcox, Phyllis 75 Weber, Sarah Edith 65 William Wallace 75 Webber, Paul Richard 57 Wiley, Gai la 50 Robert V. 57 Williams on, Martha 20 Van Allen 57 Wilkington, Patience 55 Weeks, William 70 Willis, Rachel 9 We ise, Martha 56 Wi lmarth ,Mary 57 Welts, Mary C. 17 Thaddeus 57 Wentworth,Celia 11 Wilson, Andrew 47 Lucy 11 Clarke Wells 46 Westell, Orvi lie 45 Emily Moina 47 Wheat ley , Dorothy 84 Ethel Atwood 47 Whipple, Clark D. 47 George 10 Wh i taker , Abraham 84 Hattie Belle 46 John 84 Jerome Meade 46 Mehi table 84 Julia 28 Whitcomb, Deacon 11 Sarah 47 White, Louisa H. 12 ,22 William Wirt I 46 Mary 84 William Wirt II 47 Robert 84 Wins low, Mary 9 Whitney,Alvin 51 ,55 Winston, Pamela 42 Bessie Aroline 52 Withey,Mahala (Arnold) 10 Betsy (Law) 15 ,55 Woodman, Mrs . Martha 10,16 Chauncey 52 Raymond 20 Cornelius and Desc. 51 Woodruff , William A. 48 Cornelius I 51 Woodward ,Mary 55 Cornelius II 15 ,51 Woodworth,W. A. 65 Edwin J. 52 Wright, Experience B. 64 Edwin James 51 Frances Amelia 64 Sffie Aroline 52 William 64 Eliza Aroline 55 Fidelia 51 Yeatter, Celia 25 Filinda 52 George Cephas 52 ,55 Grove D. 51 ,55 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Additions and Corrections Page 1. Third line from bottom, read Mrs. J. E. Painter. 9. WILLIAM ARNOLD I. D. Mar. 25, 1849. Line 4: Albany County Militia. HANNAH ARNOLD I. Line 8: June 6. ELECTA LOCKWOOD. B. Oct. 6. HIRAM LOCKWOOD. D. in 1866. 10. ABRAM ARNOLD. Line 2: Ray or Mt. Clemens. ODELL ARNOLD. M. June 3, 1877 . WALTER ARNOLD. Walter Bush Arnold who m. Dorothy B. Pres - cott July 14, 1924 was the son of Noble C. and Lena (Bush) Arnold, and not of Odell Arnold. 11. AMANDA ARNOLD. B. about Feb. 20, 1834. ALANSON ARNOLD. D. May 15, I876 at Avon, Mich. Asenath Valentine m. Calvin Chapel in l8M or 1838. DENNIS E. ARNOLD. M. Isabella Hagerty of Oakland Co. May 11, I859. She was b. about 1836. 12. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. Line 10: read 83y. , 6m., 2d. Joseph Voorheis (the usual spelling) d. Dec. 9, I865. His heirs are given as Betsey, widow; Andrew D., a son; Harrison, son; Robert D. , son; Sarah Hathaway, daughter; Agnes Calkins, daughter; Hannah Waters, daughter; Charlotte (?) Kittredge, daughter; John D. , son; Isaac, son; Barnum, son; children of a deceased daughter Phebe, including Charles Wing, Harvey Wing, and Helen?; and Cleantha Smith, perhaps a daughter of a deceased daughter Mary Fuller. NOBLE ARNOLD. May have m. Lena Bush Mar. 14, 1900. SEYMOUR ARNOLD III. D. June 19 . CHARLOTTE E. ARNOLD. Omit birth data. WILLIAM URIAH ARNOLD. Perhaps b. about 1843 at Lakeville, Mich. M. Feb. 18, I87I to Adelaide A. Jones at Chesaning, Mich. She was b. about 1854 at Linden, Mich. 13. ELIZABETH ARNOLD I. M. Jan. 4, 1842. WILLIAM ARNOLD III. Laura A. Evarts d. at Detroit. 14. KARL ARNOLD. B. in Mar. 1884. 15. WILLIAM ARNOLD. B. at Shelby, Mich. Mary E. Ross was b. in I85O. MAGGIE ARNOLD. M. Howard Burgess. 16. D. ARNOLD. Read Mrs. Woodman. 17. FRANKLIN OLIVER ARNOLD. Or Franklyn. SARAH E. ARNOLD. The parentage of Will C. Preston has not been established. FRANKLIN BEECHER ARNOLD. Or Beecher F. D. Dec. 5, 1944. 2 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Page RUSSELL V. ARNOLD. B. at Romeo. Lola d. Jan. 5, 1947. 18. GEORGE F. ARNOLD. M. July 4, 1853- NORA ARNOLD. M. (2) Charles Galbraith. John Buck was b. about 1855 in Ohio 19. EDA ARNOLD. B. about 1882. Guy Cascadden was b. about 1878 in Lapeer Co., Mich, son of Arch and Sarah (Hosner) Cascadden. 20. AMI ARNOLD. Line 8: read 10, 1943- David Stitt. ADA V. ARNOLD. Arthur DeMain was b. about I878 at Mahojack (?), son of Loutts and Margaret (Saunders) DeMain. MARTHA A. DeMAIN. Her middle name was Mae. She was b. about 1912 at Rochester, Mich. M. June 25, 1931 to Ora Leon Arnold I at Rochester. He was b. about 1908 at Snover, Mich., son of Frank T. and Lenora (Mott) Arnold. ALICE MARGARETA ARNOLD. B. and d. Nov. 2. IDA V. ARNOLD. B. Feb. 18, I885. 22. ANNA N. ARNOLD. The correct name. WILLIAM CASE II. Parentage not established. The known children of William and Anna N. Case and c,d and e. LILLIE E. SCH00LEY. She had a son, and a daughter Ethel who m. Miller and had Clayton U. Miller. ETTA SCH00LEY. She had two daughters, Beatrice and . 23. JAMES W. ARNOLD. His first child was Arthur J. Arnold, b. about Nov. 4, 1873, and d. Apr. 10 or 16, 1874. MARY ARNOLD. Palmer was sometimes referred to as Peter. MINNIE E. MOSS. M. Mar. 28. JEAN ELIZABETH DAMON. A second child, lc-2, John Maurice Schoder, was b. Dec. 2, 1947 at Battle Creek. AURA MOSS ESTES. M. Celia K. Yeatter at Grand Junction, Colo. JOHN AURA ESTES. B. July 20, 1926 at Sturgis, Mich. RICHARD DEAN ESTES. B. at San Rafael, Calif. 24. DONALD LAVERNE ESTES. M. at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 25. ELIZABETH ARNOLD I. Loren Barber d. elsewhere than at Minneapolis . 26. LOREN ARNOLD BARBOUR. Line 6: read Winnipeg. 27. HELEN JANE NICHOLLS . Add lc, Elizabeth Nicholls Byrn, b. Nov. 11, I947 at Cambridge. 29. FREDERIC SAWTELL BARBOUR. Blanche Bussey d. in 1947. KATHERINE BARBOUR. D. at Los Angeles. 30. JULIUS EBENEZER BARBOUR. He served in the Civil War. 31. MABEL ELIZABETH BARBOUR. Alans on P. Holly was b. Aug. 14, 1879 at Woodland, Mich. 33. WILLIAM ARNOLD III. m. July 28. Laura A. Evarts d. at Detroit. MORRIS YORKE HOUSER. M. Marjorie June Brand. 34. VIVIAN SHIRLEY HOUSER. Robert T. Kelly was b. Aug. 8, 1924. WILLIAM ARNOLD HOUSER. M. Hazel May Coerper. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 3 Page ELLEN ES TELLE ARNOLD. D. July 21, I928. 35. SAMUEL ARNOLD. Line 8: insert: He d. before 1943 in Mich. Line 11: read Ozni Miller. HORACE ARNOLD. Line 3: read John. 36. IRIS ARNOLD. M. May 3, I927. PERDITTA FRANCES ARNOLD. M. Jay P. Livermore. ELITHA GENEVIEVE GOBS. The correct spelling is Geneveva. 37. MARIAN ELIZABETH LIVERMORE. D. Feb. 8, I907. ARTHUR R. MILLER. Middle initial P. 38. ALICE ESTELLA ARNOLD. Omit "or M. " NAOMI JANET DRINKWATER. The first name is Naoma. 39- FRANCES ALVIRA SMITH. Note spelling of middle name. HIRAM P. ARNOLD. D. at the Battle of Fair Oaks. ORRIN S. ARNOLD. B. Nov. 14, 1847- 40. EBER HAROLD ARNOLD. Eva E. Ammerman was b. about 1898. ARDISS ARNOLD. Middle initial is B. Perhaps m. July 25, 1925 to Joseph A. CARSON. FRANK ARNOLD. D. aged 68y. CHARLES M. ARNOLD. James G. ARNOLD, b. Dec. 22, I879, is stated to have been a son of Charles and Elvie Arnold. 41. LOREN BARBER. D. elsewhere than at Minneapolis. 46. Subtitle. Read: Edgar E. Large. PETER BRAZIE I. Ann Noonan was b. Apr. 22, 1792. NATHAN D. BRAZIE. D. Feb. 11, I895. ELIOTT H. BRAZIE. D. Apr. 16, 1848. JULIA BRAZIE. B. and d. June 11, 1834 at Bloomfleld. CLARK WELLS WILSON. Divorced from Ida E. Meade; m. (2) Nov. 6, I889 to Maggie H. GEROULD at McGregor, Tex. j divorced; m. (3) Miriam Skidmore; divorced. D. May 12, 1943. 47. WILLIAM WIRT WILSON II. M. (l) Gertrude Atwood in Phila- delphia (divorced); (2) --; (3) . He had two daughters . ETHEL ATWOOD WILSON. Probably m. only twice. HARRIET ANN BRAZIE. William B. Large II d. July 21, 1874. EDGAR EUGENE LARGE. His wife d. Dec. 9, 1939. SALLY LOU KNOX. B. Jan 24, 1914. ISABEL NORENE LARGE. M. (2) John C. LOCH, who d. July 10, 1940. MIRIAM ADAIR LARGE. B. Oct 4, 1902. HENRY WINFIELD BRAZIE. Julia P. Barbour was b. at Mt. Vernon. 48. ALFRED WALLACE BRAZIE I. Jennie (Hotchkiss ) Brazie is liv- ing (1948) FLORENCE ARLENE BRAZIE. M. (2) HOWLETT. ELSIE LEONE BRAZIE. M. David E. ROUNDSVILLE. ALFRED WALLACE BRAZIE II. B. Oct. 8, 1906. 49. CATHERINE A. BRAZIE. B. Feb. 16, I85I. JOHN BRAZIE Jr. Middle initial is J. ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES 50. CASSIUS KINGSLEY. Read: Charlotteville, N. Y. 51. LAURA ANN EVARTS . M. July 28, 1848. D. at Detroit. CHARLES B. EVARTS. D. Mar. 31, 1889. 52. IRWIN PALMER STARR. B. Feb. 19, 1940. JOEL B. GOSS II. Middle name Byington. B. Oct. 23, 1843 at Owasso, Mich. M. Aug. 23, I869 to Mary Jane Fee at Portsmouth, Mich. D. Mar. 7, 1931 at Flint, Mich. Their descendants are (summary): George Wesley, b. 1870, M. and had a daughter Ivah; Nellie May, d. In infancy; Amy Whitney, b. in 1873, m. (l ) W. A. Sperl, and had William; Arnold Harris, b. in 1875> m - a nd had Donald, Dorothy and Warren; Stella E. , b. in I877, m. Albert J. Foster and had Bernice and Paul; Ivy May, b. in l88l, m. Henry W. Thomas and had Rosa, Harold, Hazel, Ivan, Evelyn and J.B. ; Joel B. Ill, b. in I885, m. and had John (m. and had John and Richard), and Mary (m. Edwin J. Rowden and had Barbara and Edwin J. II). 53. JAMES P. WHITNEY. B. Sept. 15, 1815 at Granville, N.Y. M. Aug. 27, 1837 to Nerissa CRITTENDEN at Romeo, Mich. D. Nov. 25, 1880. She was b. in 1818. They had four chil- dren. 56. SYLVIA ARNOLD. Read Silvia. 57. MARTHA REDWAY. M. Preserved Abell. LYDIA REDWAY. B. May 30, 1652. MARY REDWAY. D. Oct. 18, 1747 at R. JOANNA REDWAY. B. Feb. 15, 1725. 58. MOLLY REDWAY. D. Jan J, 1833- MEHITABLE REDWAY. D. July 22, I829. JOEL REDWAY I. Line 2: read, He was one of . . . Line 4: Fabius Co. , Mich. JOEL REDWAY II. M. Laura --- (d. in 1842). He d. June 18, I856 at Centerville, Mich. FLORA C. REDWAY. B. in N.Y. State. Bottom of page. Perhaps vii. PERRY REDWAY. 60. COMFORT REDWAY. Roxana Eaton D. Oct. 19, 1839- CARPUS REDWAY. Line 6: aged 8ly., etc. MARY JANE REDWAY. D. at Ray. 61. AMASA M. CLOSSON II. Hannah M. Leffingwell. B. in Conn. She apparently had two children, Lydia J. and Daniel D. SEYMOUR CLOSSON. Kate, Walter and Homer all d. MARIAN ELIZABETH GILMORE. James L. Mayberry was b. May 4, 1875 at Oregon, 111. BRAINERD LINCOLN GILMORE. D. at Detroit. RUTH CLOSSON. Perhaps b. in 1845- Frederick Standish was b. in 1843- Data are questioned. 62. CHARLES CLOSSON. D. LYDIA J. CLOSSON. Daughter of Hannah M. Leffingwell. B. in 1864. D. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Page DANIEL D. CLOSSON. Son of Hannah M. Leffingwell. MYRON D. CLOSSON. Line 4: read, Eliza (Van WANONER). E. W. Lawrence m. Jan. 17, 1826. MARIAN CLOSSON. Both she and her daughter have d. CARRIE CLOSSON. D. MYRON D. CLOSSON. Had another daughter. 63. ALBERT GALLATIN REDWAY. D. Feb. 15, 1870. 64. FRANCES ELIZABETH REDWAY. B. July 9, I89I. KATHRYN BELLA REDWAY. M. Charles Dennis on Brown. 66. ALBERT JAMES REDWAY II. M. Lulu Maude Hipp. LAWRENCE REDWAY. The spelling is Laurence. 68. JOHN EARLE. B. about I56O or 1601. D. in 1660 or 1680. 70. SOLOMON EARLE. He d. in 188J. MOSES EARLE. B. in I76O or I76I in Dutchess Co., N.Y. 71. WILLIAM EARL III. Charity Barrett was b. in I768 in Chatham, N.Y. BETSY EARL. B. in Dutchess Co., N.Y. D. near Pontiac, Mich. SUBMIT EARL. Also called Mitta. B. Jan 25, I796. MOSES B. EARL. B. in N.Y. State. D. about I895. ABIGAIL J. EARL B. in N.Y. State. ELIAS BARRETT EARLE. B. in N.Y. State. 73. CATHERINE LOUISE DARBY. D. Apr. 6, 1919 . Charles C. Olmsted's sister Julia never m., but another sister m. Horton. Grace m. Fred E. Vassiere. Anna was probab- ly an Olmsted, not a Horton; her sisters were Maria, m. Lord; Libbie, m. Jones; and Isabel, m. Edmonds ? . WILLARD HENRY OLMSTED. B. in I865. 74. ADELAID AUGUSTA OLMSTED. Middle initial may have been E. WILLIAM HENRY DARBY. D. July 23, 1900. HARRIET EARLE DARBY. Middle name was Elizabeth. Edith Chadderdon, a granddaughter, was the descendant who m. an Arnold. MILES E. DARBY. Middle Initial was H. DARWIN LYNN DARBY. M. Jan 10, 1906. 76. NETTIE T. DARBY. B. Apr. 28, I87O. 77. ARNOLD, JOSEPH. B. 1766. M. (2) 1815-16. 78. BLISS, SAMUEL. D. Aug. 28, 1728. 79. EARL, BETSY. Lived in Green Co. M. (2) in I85O. 80. EARLE, JOHN I. B. in 1601.. EATON, JONAS. Grace d. after 1680. EATON, ROXANA. D. Oct. 19, 1839- EATON, WILLIAM. D. May 13, 1673- 81. GODFREY, ALICE. D. Apr. 29, 1705 at Mendon, Mass. H0LBR00K, JOANNA. M. James Redway III. D. at Mendon, Mass. James Redway IV was her son. H0LDBR00K, PETER. B. In Aug. or Sept. 6, I655. D. at Mendon, Mass. ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Page 83. SIMMONS, ELIZABETH. D. Nov. 84. VREELAND, ENOCH MICHAELSON. WHEATLEY, DOROTHY. D. at R. WHITAKER, MEHITABLE. D. Feb. 5, 1685. Elsie Vreeland was his daughter. 21, 1761 NEW NAMES Arnold, Arthur J. 23 Beecher F. 17 Frank T. 20 James G. 40 Noble C. 10 Buckley, Beatrice 22 Burgess, Howard 15 Bush, Lena 10 Walter 10 Byrn, Elizabeth Nicholls 27 Carson, Joseph A. 40 Cascadden, Arch 19 Crittenden, Nerissa 53 DeMain, Loutts 20 Edmonds, Isabel ( ) 73 Foster, Stella (Goss) 52 Galbraith, Charles 18 Gerould, Maggie H. 46 Goss, James B. II, Descendants 52 Hagerty, Isabella 11 Hosner, Sarah 19 Jones, Adelaid A. 12 Libbie ( --- ) 73 Lord, Maria ( ) 73 Miller, Clayton U. 22 Mott, Lenora 20 Roundsville, David E. 48 Saunders, Margaret 20 Schoder, John Maurice 23 Van Steenburg, Ethel 22 Van Wanoner, Eliza 62 Vassiere, Fred E. 73 Voorheis, Joseph, heirs 12 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Series II For use with and insertion in the book: Arnoldy^Redway and Earle Families, compiled by Willis A. Boughton. 1948, Page k. THOMAS ARNOLD I. Came to America in the ship Plain Joan in May, 1635. George PARKHURST m. Susannah . Eleazer (2) was another son of Thomas (l), and was ancestor of the line: JOSEPH (3), BENJAMIN (k) , LEVI (5) (he came to Poughkeepsie and m. Lydia HARRIS; per- haps closely related to Edward ARNOLD I), DAVID (6), NATHAN (7), CHARLES (8), FREDERICK S. (9) who was father of CAROLINE, ROBERT, HENRY and KIP. 9. WILLIAM ARNOLD I. He and his son CYRENUS are bur. in a cemetery on the Shelby road, north of Utica, Mich. 11. SEYMOUR ARNOLD II. Lived in Mentz, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ALANSON ARNOLD. Weltha Nichols was b. July 21, I806. Elisha Nichols was b. Jan. 10, 1773, and d. Jan. 29, 1847. Mary Bolton was b. Sept. 8, 1776; m. (l) Rowsel HYDE and had one child; d. Aug. 10, 1851 . They came from Middlebury, N. Y. and settled in Shelby Twp. ALICE JANE ARNOLD. Estate probated Feb. 15, 1867. 12. JOSEPH ARNOLD I. Joseph Voorhees' name is spelled V00RHEIS on the marriage certificate and Voorhees on the monument. SEYMOUR ARNOLD III. Elisha Townsend should be ELIHU. Other related TOWNSEND names are ZEBULON, b. about 1775; URIAH; PETER, b. about 1805; TIMOTHY, b. about 1809; ROBERT, b. about 177^. JOSEPH ARNOLD. Licensed to preach in 1795 in Putnam Co., N. Y. A Joseph Arnold made his will in 1812 in Dutchess Co.; a resident of Washington, N. Y. and probably a Quaker . EDWARD DELOSS ARNOLD. M. as DeLOS ARNOLD to Mary Jane WALTON of Avon, Mich; recorded Apr. Ik, I858. Ik. WILLIAM ARNOLD II. Other daughters in addition to HARRIET M. may have been: ESTHER JANE ARNOLD, m. Horatio McLALLEN; HELEN MELVINA ARNOLD, m. A.C.P. McLALLEN; MAHALA ARNOLD, m. Hiram SQUIER. ALVA ARNOLD. His gravestone in the Utica Cemetery states that he d. Jan. 9, 1882. SAMUEL ARNOLD. 0. Miller was Ozni Miller. THOMAS ARNOLD. D. in 1891. 15- HARRIET ARNOLD. Harriet M. ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Page WILLIAM ARNOLD. Mary Elizabeth ROSS of Avon was b. about 1850, daughter of Thomas ROSS. 16. EDWARD FRANKLIN ARNOLD. Sarah A. Pardee was b. in 1830, not 1831. 17. EVERETT R. ARNOLD. M. Nellie BENTLY . 23. JAMES W. ARNOLD. Divorced. There were three children. 38. ELLEN ARNOLD. A. J. Smith m. (l) Arilla (Rilla ) LEWIS, and had a child who d. in infancy. Ellen Arnold m. (2) in 1887, not 1897. ALVA SMITH. Alva A. Smith. B. Feb. 12, l86l at Utica, Mich. M. Alma A. TAPPEN. D. Oct. 12, 1939 at Mitchell, Nebr. She was b. Sept. 27, 1872 at Fairbury, Nebr., daughter of Bradford C. and Louisee (SMITH) TAPPEN. Bradford C. Tappen was b. Feb. 18, 1835 in Onondaga Co., N. Y.j m. Mar. 4, 1855, and d. Feb. 21, 1926 at Mitchell Louisee Smith was b. Oct. 5, 1839 in St. Clair Co., Mich., and d. Oct. 8, 1912 at Broken Bow, Nebr. The mention of marriage to Margretta In the book is evidently an error. 1. LLOYD SMITH. B. Mar. 1, 1893 and d. in Apr. of that year at Mitchell. 2. OMER KERN SMITH. B. Dec. 9, 1894 at Mitchell. M. in 1911 to Eva ADNEY at Mitchell. She was b. at Mitchell, daughter of Christy and Agnes ADNEY. 2a. CHRISTY A. SMITH. 2b. DORIS LEWIS SMITH. 2c. IRIS SNYDER SMITH. 2d. JEANNE SMITH. 3. EUNICE M. SMITH. B. Jan. 31, 1897 at Mitchell. M. in 1918 to Claude E. GODBEY at Mitchell. D. June 11, 1944 at Tigard, Ore. He was the son of John and Effie GODBEY. 3a. ALVA A. GODBEY. M. and divorced. 3b. VIVIAN C. GODBEY. M. 3c. ALMA JAINE GODBEY. M. GOBBELL. 3d. VAUGHAN B. GODBEY. M. 4. EMMETT B. SMITH B. Oct. 17, 1900 at Mitchell. M. in 1921 to Mabel ALLEY, at Noti, Ore. D. July 18, 1947 at Wenachee, Wash. 5. CRAIG BERNARD SMITH. B. Mar. 30, 1913 at Mitchell. M. Jan. 30, 1938 to Martha Anne URBANEK. Divorced in 1940. She was b. in 1920 at Seward, Nebr., daughter of Edward and Daisy URBANEK. No children. 39- ALMA MAY SMITH. M. Joseph A. Burgess. 1. EDWARD BURGESS. 2. WILBUR BURGESS. D. 3. EVA BURGESS. D. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Page 4. DONALD BURGESS. EDWARD EUGENE SMITH. M. 1. EUGENE SMITH. 2. SMITH. FLORENCE NAOMI SMITH. Of the children Edward lives in Detroit ; William, George and Orville went West. • William L. Drinkwater is a cousin of Chester Drinkwater who m. Lela Smith. 40. LILE ARNOLD. Daughter of Frank and Nora Arnold. 41. POLLY (MARY) BARBER. Not to be confused with Polly Barber on p . 4j. 42. ALMIRA BARBER. Evidently divorced from Moses Daley II, for he m. (2) Aug. 19, 1855 to Almeda WILSON (b. Apr. 19, l8j8 at Tinney Grove, Mo., daughter of Lewis D. WILSON), and had (A) James Lewis DALEY, b. Dec. 19, 1856; m. (1) Jan. 15, 1877 to Louisa Jane WARD, and (2) Nov. 15, 188 to Mary Elizabeth CHATTERTON; d. Apr. 11, 1932; (B) George David DALEY, b. Jan. 20, i860; m. Nov. 23, 1882 to Andrea Christina OLSEN; d. Jan. 12, 1923 . JOHN DALEY II. B. Aug. 18, l8l8. M. (l) Jan. 24, 1831 (?) to Eliza FISHER; (2) Emma DIBBLE. D. in 1863 . HANNAH MARIA DALEY. B. Apr. 16, 1820. M. Feb. 25, 1840 to James VICKERS. D. Feb. 2, 1843. STEPHEN DALEY. B. Aug. 22, 1821 . M. Jan. 8, 1840 to Favoretta Clark FLORENCE at Huron, 0. D. Aug. 15, 1847 . AMY ANN DALEY. B. July 26, 1823- M. Nov. 2, l84l to Jacob EMBLER. D. June 17, 1843 . EDWARD BARBER DALEY. B. Mar. 31, 1825. M. July 26, 1846 to Nancy Ann HUNT. D. Jan. 22, 1896. MOSES J. DALEY. B. Feb. 17, 1827- M. Margaret HENRIE. D. Dec. 28, 1881. PHINEAS DALEY. B. Apr. 3, 1829. M. Adeline GROVER . D. in Jan., 1900. MARY MATILDA DALEY. B. Apr. 16, 1831 . M. May 5, 1848 to Sidney Benajah KENT. D. July 4, 1887. ALMIRA DALEY. B. June 6, 1833, and d. July 7, 1836. ABIGAIL DALEY. B. Nov. 17, 1837, and d. in infancy. SAMANTHA ANN DALEY. B. May 7, 1843. M. John BRACKENBURY. D. 43. POLLY (MARY) BARBER. Not to be confused with Polly Barber on p . 4l . 51. MATHIAS WHITNEY. M. Alice . Estate distributed Feb. 4, 1777. CORNELIUS WHITNEY II. B. at Killingly, Conn. M. (l) Sarah GRAVES . 51-2. ALVIN WHITNEY. More complete Information about his descendants follows: 10 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Page 51-2 a. JULIA WHITNEY. B. Dec. 25, 1827 at LeRoy, N. Y., D. Sept. 10, 1849. b. HOMER WHITNEY. B. Nov. 25, 1829 at Pavilion, N. Y. D. Mar. 12, 1831 at Pavilion. c. DELIA B. WHITNEY. B. Nov. 20, 1831 at Pavilion. M. (l) Mar. 5, 1851 to Enoch HEATH; (2) in 1890 to George SWAN. D. Nov. 5, 1905. 1. FREDERICK HEATH. 2. EDWIN HEATH. 3. DORA HEATH. B. Sept. 25, 1869. M. Sheridan HUBBARD. D. in 1935- Their children were ENA, PEARL, HENRY, EDWIN, STEWART and CZERNEY HUBBARD. d. ALMIRA WHITNEY. B. Jan. 12, 1834 at Pavilion. M. (l) June 1, 1852 to Nelson BENEDICT; (2) Edgar HAMLIN. D. June 7, 1907. 1. FRANK BENEDICT. e. EFFIE E. WHITNEY. B. Aug. 21, 1838 at Pavilion. M. May 27, 1855 to William GRAVES. D. May 23, 1858. f. MARY K. WHITNEY. B. Mar. 29, 1840. M. Feb. 21, 1865 to George DAUCHY. D. Nov. 23, 1910. 1. GROVE DAUCHY. B. Mar. 16, 1866. M. Lydia COLBY. D. Jan. 2, 1932. 2. NELLIE DAUCHY. B. Nov. 20, 1871 . g. GROVE D. WHITNEY. For his vital data and information about his descendants see page 51. h. AMELIA WHITNEY. B. June 1, 1845. M. Jan. 20, 1867 to Andrew MARSH. D. Jan. 20, 1894. 1. FRED MARSH. B. in 1869. M. His children in- cluded MILDRED, DORIS and RONALD MARSH. 2. CHARLES MARSH. B. in 1872, and d. in I892. i. EDWIN J. WHITNEY. B. Mar. 10, 1847 . M. June 27, 1871 to Myra BENTLEY. 1. WILLIAM WHITNEY. B. in 1872. M. Lillian CHAPMAN. D. in Sept., 1948. Their children were WALLACE and JOSEPHINE WHITNEY. 2. AMELIA WHITNEY. B. in 1875. M. Dr. William BARTLETT. Their children were CHARLES and MYRA BARTLETT . 3- EDWIN WHITNEY. B. in 1877. M. (l) Foss LAMPRELL (d. ); (2) Jean B0LINIUS. 4. ALVIN WHITNEY II. B. in 1879- M. Nina , and had RAE, JOHN, MYRA and JEAN WHITNEY. 5. YALE WHITNEY. B. In l88l. 6. CASS WARD WHITNEY. B. in 1890. j. R0SENA WHITNEY. B. Aug. 14, 1849, and d. Aug. 2, 1851. k. CARRIE FRANCES WHITNEY. B. Dec. 31, 1851 • M. Apr. 20, 1880 to Orville HUTCHINSON. D. Nov. 26, 1911. 1. FRANK B. HUTCHINSON. B. May 12, 1882 at Pavilion. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 11 Page M. Amanda LONG, and had LILLIAN and FREDERICK HUTCHINSON. 2. LEWIS HUTCHINSON. B. in Dec, 1883. M. Lulu HAMMOND. D. in July, 1942. They had HILDA and ALVIN HUTCHINSON. 3. ALMIRA BELLE HUTCHINSON. B. July 25, 1890. M. Thomas O'CALLAGHAN. 4. EARL HUTCHINSON. D. in infancy. 52. JOEL B. GOSS II. More complete data follow: JOEL BYINGTON GOSS II. B. Oct. 23, 1843 at Owasso, Mich. M. Aug. 23, 1869 to Mary Jane FEE at Portsmouth, Mich. D. Mar. 7, 1931 at Flint, Mich. She was b. Apr. 16, 1849 at Esquising, Ont . , Can., and d. Sept. 29, 1934 at Flint. 1. GEORGE WESLEY GOSS. B. Aug. 31, 1870 at Flushing, Mich. M. (1) Aug. 23, 1893 to Rosa GREENALCH at Flint; (2) Nov. 29, 1905 to Ida SCRIBNER at Bancroft, Mich. D. Nov. 4, 1946 at Inglewood, Calif. Rosa G. Goss d. Sept. 21, 1904 at Bancroft. la. IVA JENESS GOSS. B. Dec. 20, 1901 at Fowler- ville, Mich. M. Roy HAVERSTICK. They have a daughter. 2. NELLIE MAY GOSS. B. Apr. 18, and d. Apr. 23, 1872-3 at Nuller (Miller?) Settlement, Mich. 3. AMY WHITNEY GOSS. B. Mar. 15, 1873 at Swartz Creek, Mich. M. (1) Oct. 11, 1904 to William A. SPERL I at Bancroft (he d. at Flint); (2) Eric W. TIPLADY at Flint. 3a. WILLIAM ARNOLD SPERL II. B. June 7, 1906 at Bay City, Mich. 4. ARNOLD HARRIS GOSS. B. July 2, 1875 at Laingsburg, Mich. M. Apr. 19, 1904 to Gertrude E. MERCER at W. Bay City. D. Oct. 21, 1938 at Ann Arbor, Mich. She was b. at W. Bay City. 4a. DONALD M. GOSS. B. Oct. 21, 1905 at W. Bay City. D. Feb. 6, 1942. 4b. DOROTHY ALLEN GOSS. B. Oct. 22, 1907 at Flint. 4c. WARREN LUTHER GOSS. B. Apr. 16, 1914. M. 5. STELLA E. GOSS. B. Mar. 18, 1877 at Mt . Morris, Mich. M. June 19, 1901 to Albert J. FOSTER at Oak Grove, Mich. He d. in 1946 at Gaines, Mich. 5a. BERNICE MAY FOSTER. B. Aug. 4, 1902 at Ortonville, Mich. M. Edward TREMBLEY. 5b. PAUL GOSS FOSTER. B. June 19, 1907 at Bay City. D. July 4, 1921 at Bay View, Mich. 6. IVY MAY GOSS. B. Feb. 21, l88l at Swartz Creek, Mich. M. Feb. 14, 1904 -to Henry W. THOMAS at Bancroft. 12 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Page 6a. ROSA MAY THOMAS. B. Dec. 2, 1904 at Bancroft. M. Fred CURTIS. 6b. HAROLD GOSS THOMAS. B. Oct. 23, 1905 at Hartney, Manitoba, Can. D. May 25, 1926. 6c. HAZEL ELIZA THOMAS. B. Jan. 12, 1907 at Hartney. 6d. IVAN WATSON THOMAS. B. July 28, 1909 at Hartney. 6e. EVELYN HENRIETTA THOMAS. B. Sept. 10, 1912 at Hartney. M. E. ARRELL. 6f. J. B. THOMAS. B. Jan 28, 191? at Hartney. M. 7- JOEL B. GOSS III. B. Aug. 7, 1885 at Grand Blanc, Mich. M. Sept. 9, 1916 to Hazel G. REED at Detroit, Mich. 7a. JOHN REED GOSS. B. May 21, 1918 at Detroit. M. Frances LYNN of Detroit. 7a- 1. JOHN DAVID GOSS. B. Dec. 27, 1942 at Detroit. 7a-2. RICHARD LYNN GOSS. B. Feb. 17, 1947 at Detroit . 7b. MARY CATHERINE GOSS. B. May 7, 1922 at Waxahachie, Tex. M. Edwin J. ROWDEN I of Detroit. 7b- 1. BARBARA JEAN ROWDEN. B. Sept. 5, 1946 at Detroit. 7b- 2. EDWIN JOHN ROWDEN II. B. Sept. 9, 1948. 58. VALENTINE P. REDWAY. He and his brother Nelson H. Redway bought land in Oakland Co., Mich., in 1838. JOEL REDWAY. His wife Laura d. about 1842. 60. CARPUS REDWAY. B. in 1791, not 1793. 66. ALBERT JAMES REDWAY IV. M. Dec. 19, 1948 to Tilda deKAUFFMAN at Washington, D. C, daughter of Henry deKAUFFMAN of Denmark. A&C 1. WALTER ARNOLD m. Dorothy E. PRESCOTT . A&C 3- ALICE ESTELLA ARNOLD should read ALICE ESTELLA LEWIS. NAOMI JANET DRINKWATER appears on p. 39, not 38. NOTES: JAMES EARL. M. (l) Lydle STARR who d. Mar. 5, 1808; (2) Polly BUTLER who was b. about 1789, and d. May 9, l8ll. WILBER EARL. B. about 1751- M. Phebe . D. Feb. 20, 1846. BETSY EARL. (Not to be confused with Betsy Earl on p. 71) B. about 1778, and d. Mar. 25, 1812. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 15 NOTES CONT. TROWBRIDGE, SIBLEY, WILKINS, MOSS relationships Charles C. TROWBRIDGE m. a daughter of Judge Solomon SIBLEY, j great-grandson, Ross WILKINS, m. a daughter of Dr. Sanford A. MOSS of Lynn, Mass. A great-granddaughter m. Gen. William (BILLY) MITCHELL. John (l) SIBLEY'S father was a tenant in the manor of Bradpole, Dorset- shire, England. He appears to have come to America as an indentured servant of Governor SALTONSTALL in 1629. CHARLES REDWAY. An early settler in Ray Twp . , Macomb Co., Mich. INDEX OF NAMES Including all names in both series of Additions and Corrections Abell, Preserved, k Adney, Christy, 8 Eva, 8 Alley, Mabel, 8 Ammerman, Eva E., 3 Arnold, A"bram, 1 Ada V., 2 Alanaon, 1,7 Alice Estella, 3,11 Alice Jane, 7 Alice Margareta, 2 Alva, 7,8 Amanda , 1 Ami, 2 Anna N., 2 Ardiss B., 3 Arthur J . , 2 Beecher F. , 1 Benjamin (4) , 7 Caroline, 7 Charles and Elvie, 3 Charles (8), 7 Charles M. , 3 Charlotte E., 1 Cyrenus , 7 David (6), 7 De Los, 7 Dennis E. , 1 Eher Harold, 3 Eda, 2 Edward I, 7 Edward Deloss, 7 Edward Franklin, 8 Eleazer(2), 7 Elizabeth I, 1,2 Ellen, 8 Ellen Estelle, 3 Esther Jane, 7 Arnold, Everett R., E Frank, 3 Frank and Nora, 9 Franklin (Beecher) , Franklin Oliver, 1 Franklyn , 1 Frank T., 2 Frederick S.(9), 7 George F., 2 Hannah , 1 Harriet M. , 7 Helen Melvina, 7 Henry, 7 Hiram P. , Horace, 3 Ida V., 2 Iris, 3 James G., James W. , Joseph, 5,7 Joseph (3), 7 Joseph I. , 1,7 Karl, 1 Kip, 7 Levi (?), 7 Lile, 9 Maggie, 1 Mahala, 7 Mary, 2 Nathan(7), 7 Noble, 1 Noble C, 1 Nora, 2 Odell, 1 Ora Leon I, 2 Orrin S., 3 Perditta Frances, 3 Bobert, 7 3 3 2,8 14 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Arnold, Rusael V., 2 Samuel, 3,7 Sarah E., 1 Seymour II, 7 Seymour III, 1,7 Silvia, k Sylvia, k Thomas, 7 Thomas' I, 7 Walter, 1,11 Walter Bush, 1 William, 1,8 William I, 1,7 William II, 7 William III, 1,2 William Uriah, 1 Arrell, E., 11 Attwood, Gertrude, 3 Balden, Lola B., 2 Barber, Almira, 9 Lor en, 2,3 Polly(Mary), 9 Barbour, Frederick Sawtell, 2 Julia P., 3 Julius Ebenezer, 2 Katherine, 2 Lor en Arnold, 2 Mabel Elizabeth, 2 Barrett, Charity, 5 Bartlett, Charles, 10 Myra , 10 William, 10 Benedict, Frank, 10 Nelson, 10 Bent ley, Myra, 10 Nellie, 8 Bliss, Samuel, 5 Bolinius, Jean, 10 Bolton, Mary, 7 Brackenbury, John, 9 Brand, Marjorie June, 2 Brazie, Alfred Wallace I, 3 Alfred Wallace II, 3 Catherine A . , 3 Elliott H., 3 Elsie Leone, 3 Florence Arlene, 3 Harriet Ann, 3 Henry Winfield, 3 Jennie (Hotchkiss), 3 John J. , Jr. , 3 Julia, 3 Nathan D . , 3 Peter I., 3 Brown, Charles Dennison, 5 Buck, John, 2 Burgess, Donald, 9 Edward, 8 Burgess, Eva, 8 Howard , 1 Joseph A. , 8 Wilbur, 8 Bush, Lena, 1 Bussey, Blanche, 2 Butler, Polly, 11 Byrn, Elizabeth Nicholls, 2 Calkins, Agnes, 1 Carson, Joseph A., 3 Cascadden, Arch, 2 Guy, 2 Case, William, II, 2 Chadderdon, Edith, 5 Chapel, Calvin, 1 Chapman, Lillian, 10 Chatterton, Mary Elizabeth, 9 Closson, Amasa II, h Carrie, 5 Charles, h Daniel D. , h,5 Homer , k Kate, h Lydia J. , k Marian, 5 Myron D . , 5 Ruth, k Seymour, k Walter, h Coerper, Hazel May, 2 Colby, Lydia, 10 Crittenden, Nerissa, h Curtis, Fred, 12 Daley, Abigail, 9 Almira, 9 Amy Ann, 9 Edward Barber, 9 George David, 9 Hannah Maria, 9 James Lewis, 9 John II, 9 Mary Matilda, 9 Moses II, 9 Moses J. , 9 Phineas, 9 Samantha Ann, 9 Stephen, 9 Damon, Jean Elizabeth, 2 Darby, Catherine Louise, 5 Darwin lynn, 5 Harriet Earle, 5 Harriet Elizabeth, 5 Miles H., 5 Nettie T., 5 William Henry, 5 Dauchy, George, 10 Grove, 10 INDEX OF NAMES 15 Dauchy, Nellie, 10 de Kauffman, Henry, 11 Tilda, 11 De Main, Arthur, 2 Loutts, 2 Martha A., 2 Martha Mae, 2 Dibble, Emma, 9 Drinkwater, Cheater, 9 George, 9 Naomi Janet, 3>H Orville, 9 William, 9 William L., 9 Earl, Abigail J., 5 Betsy, 5,11 James, 11 Mitta, 5 Moses B. , 5 Submit, 5 Wilber, 11 William III, 5 Ear le, Ellas Barrett, 5 John, 5 John I, 5 Moses, 5 Earle, Solomon, ') Eaton, Jonas, 5 Roxana , k , 5 William, 5 Edmonds, Isabel ( ), 5 Embler, Jacob, 9 Estes, Aura Moss, 2 Donald Laverne, 2 John Aura, 2 Richard Dean, 2 Evarts, Charles B., h Laura A. , 1,2 Laura Ann, k Fee, Mary Jane, ^,11 Fisher, Eliza, 9 Florence, Favoretta Clark, 9 Foster, Albert J., ^,11 Bernice, h Bernice May, 11 Paul, k Paul Goss, 11 Fuller, Mary, 1 Galbraith, Charles, 2 Gerould, Maggie H. , 3 Gilmore, Brainerd Lincoln, k Marian Elizabeth, h Gobbell, Alma (Godbey) , 8 Godbey, Alma Jaine, 8 Alva A., 8 Claude E., 8 Godbey, John, 8 Vaughan B . , 8 Vivian C, 8 Godfrey, Alice, 5 Gohs, Elitha Genevieve, 3 Elitha Geneveva, 3 Goss, Amy Whitney, U,ll Arnold Harris, k,ll Donald, k Donald M. , 11 Dorothy, k Dorothy Allen, 11 George Wesley, ^,11 Ivah, h Iva Jeness, 11 Ivy May, ^,11 Joel Byington, II, i+,11 Joel B. Ill, k,ll John, h John David, 11 John Reed, 11 Mary h Mary Catherine, 11 Nellie May, ^,11 Richard, h Richard Lynn, 11 Stella, 11 Stella E., k,ll Warren, k Warren Luther, 11 Graves, Sarah, 9 William, 10 Greenalch, Rosa, 11 Grover, Adeline, 9 Bagerty, Isabella, 1 Hamlin, Edgar, 10 Hammond Lulu, 11 Harris, Lydia, 7 Hathaway, Sarah, 1 Haverstick, Roy, 11 Heath, Dora, 10 Edwin, 10 Enoch, 10 Frederick, 10 Henrie, Margaret, 9 Hipp, Lulu Maude, 5 Holbrook, Joanna, 5 Peter, 5 Holly, Alanson P., 2 Hosner, Sarah, 2 Houser, Morris Yorke, 2 Vivian Shirley, 2 William Arnold, 2 Horton, (Olmsted), 5 Hotchkiss, Jennie, 3 Howlett, Florence A. (Brazie), 3 Hubbard, Czerney, 10 Edwin, 10 16 ARNOLD, REDWAY AND EARLE FAMILIES Hubbard, Ena, 10 Henry, 10 Pearl, 10 Sheridan, 10 Stewart, 10 Hunt, Nancy Ann, 9 Hutchinson, Almira Belle, 11 Alvin, 11 Earl, 11 Frank B . , 10 Frederick, 11 Hilda, 11 Lewis, 11 Lillian, 11 Orville, 10 Hyde, Rowsel, 7 Jones, Adelaide A., 1 Libbie (- — ), 5 de Kauffman, Henry, 11 Tilda, 11 Kelly, Eobert T., 2 Kent, Sidney Benajah, 9 Kingsley, Cassius, k Kittredge, Charlotte, 1 Knox, Sally Lou, 3 Lamprell, Foss, 10 Large, Edgar Eugene, 3 Isabel Norene, 3 Miriam Adair, 3 William B. II, 3 Lawrence, E. W., 5 Leffingwell, Hannah M. , 4,5 Lewis, Alice Estella, 11 Arilla, 8 Rilla, 8 Livermore , Jay P . , 3 Marian Elizabeth, 3 Loch, John C. , 3 Lockwood, Electa, 1 Hiram, 1 Long, Amanda, 11 Lord , Maria ( ) , 5 Lynn, Frances, 11 Marsh, Andrew, 10 Charles, 10 Doris, 10 Fred, 10 Mildred, 10 Ronald, 10 Mayberry, James L., 4 McLallen, A.C.P., 7 Horatio, 7 Meade, Ida E. , 3 Mercer, Gertrude E., 11 Miller, Arthur P., 3 Ethel (---), 2 Miller, Clayton U., 2 Ozni, 3,7 Mitchell, William (Billy), 12 Moss, Minnie E. , 2 Palmer James, 2 Peter James, 2 Sanford A., 12 Mott, Lenora, 2 Nichols, Elisha, 7 Weltha, 7 Nicholls, Helen Jane, 2 Noonan, Ann, 3 O'Callaghan, Thomas, 11 Olmsted, Adelaid Augusta, 5 Charles C, 5 Grace, 5 Julia, 5 Willard Henry, 5 Olsen, Andrea Christina, 9 Pardee , Sarah A . , 8 Parkhurst, George, 7 Prescott, Dorothy B., 1 Dorothy E . , Preston, Will C, 1 Redway, Albert Gallatin,' 5 Albert James II, 5 Albert James IV, 11 Carpus , 4,11 Charles, 12 Comfort, 4 Flora C, 4 Frances Elizabeth, 5 James III, 5 James IV, 5 Joanna, 4 Joel, 11 Joel I, 4 Joel II, 4 Kathryn Bella, 5 Laurenc e , Lawrenc e , 5 Lydia, h Martha, h Molly, h Mary, h Mary Jane, h Mehi table, k Nelson H. , 12 Perry, h Valentine P. , 11 Reed, Hazel G., 11 Ross, Mary E., 1 Mary Elizabeth, 8 Thomas , 8 Rounds vi lie, David E., 3 Rowden, Barbara Jean, 4,11 INDEX OF NAMES 17 Rowden, Edwin J. I, 4,11 Edwin J. II, 4,11 Saltonstall, Governor, 12 Saunders , Margaret , 2 Scribner, Ida, 11 Schoder, John Maurice, 2 Schooley, Etta, 2 Lillie E., 2 Sibley, John (l) , 12 Solomon, 12 Simmons, Elizabeth, 6 Skidmore, Miriam, 3 Smith, A. J., 8 Alma May, 8 Alva A., 8 Christy A., 8 Cleantha , 1 Craig Bernard, 8 Doris Lewis, 8 Edward Eugene, 9 Emmett R., 8 Eugene , 9 Eunice M., 8 Florence Naomi, 9 Frances Alvira, 3 Iris Snyder, 8 Jeanne, 8 Lela, 9 Lloyd, 8 Louisee, 8 Omer Kern, 8 Squier, Hiram, 7 Sperl, W. A., 4, William, 4 William Arnold I, 11 William Arnold II, 11 Standish, Frederick, 4 Starr, Irwin Palmer, 4 Lydle, 11 Stitt, David, 2 Swan, George, 10 Tappen, Alma A., 8 Bradford C . , 8 Thomas, Evelyn Henrietta, 4,11 Harold Goss, 4,11 Hazel Eliza, 4,11 Henry W . , 4,11 Ivan Watson, 4,11 J.B., 4 Rosa May, 11 Tiplady, Eric W., 11 Townsend, Elihu, 7 Elisha, 7 Peter, 7 Robert, 7 Timothy, 7 Uriah, 7 Zebulon, 7 Trembley, Edward, 11 Trowbridge, Charles C, 12 Urbanek, Edward, 8 Martha Anne, 8 Valentine, Asenath, 1 Van Wanoner, Eliza, 5 Vassiere, Fred E., 5 Vickers, James, 9 Voorheis, Andrew D., 1 Barnum, 1 Betsy, 1 Harrison, 1 Isaac , 1 John D . , 1 Joseph, 1,7 Phebe, 1 Robert D., 1 Vreeland, Elsie, 6 Enoch Michaelson, 6 Walton, Mary Jane, 7 Ward, Louisa Jane, 9 Waters, Hannah, 1 Wheat ley, Dorothy, 6 Whitaker, Mehitable, 6 Whitney, ALmira, 10 Alvin, 9 Alvin II, 10 Amelia, 10 Carrie Frances, 10 Cass Ward, 10 Cornelius II, 9 Delia B., 10 Edwin, 10 Edwin J., 10 Effie E., 10 Grove D., 10 Homer, 10 James P., 4 Jean, 10 John, 10 Josephine, 10 Julia, 10 Mathias , 9 Mary K. , 10 Myra, 10 Rae, 10 Rosena, 10 Wallace, 10 William, 10 Yale, 10 Wilkins, Ross, 12 Wilson, Almeda, 9 Clark Wells, 3 Ethel Atwood, 3 Lewis D., 9 William Wirt II, 3 Wing, Charles, 1 Harvey, 1 Helen, 1 Phebe (Voorheis), 1 Woodman, Mrs., 1 Yeatter, Celia K., 2 mm :r,™ Hm ■ ■I ■ ■ phi ■ ■ ■ iii i I I .oh-RcN & i ■ I lam "i- V.'Vv ■ ■ ■ ■ vi'-'V M 1HV ■ I ■■■ ''."w. 1 ^HHHI SHra ■